Music reeipOkS mm 929 WITHER^OON DUILDING PHILADEl^HIA, PA. 19107 tihvaxy of t:he theological ^tminavy PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY • I =^ I of sweet por from \ — Thy word ly stirr'd tals wide, a - bove. From To We Bless peace faith bring them - ful and our with day to char - i joys, our Thy vast day. ty. fears. grace. i =|: =1: Q; f- J: -^ =t ■^ -^ ^] Morning Almighty Father * mf Religioso 4 =1: ^5 Heinrich Schalit ^ Al - might - y As child - ren Fa - ther, guid - ed God of by Thine love, arm. Look We :2: :4: nf u -^=f4=^ J -»1 rg. -r :2r: *it ^ down in mer - cy from a - bove. And be Thy gra-cious feel our - selves se - cure from harm, And go re - joic - ing ^- ^^t^m 4=t 1 3E* p r ^ r'f •—i#- t;it — «—«--« 1 n r ^ :sf hands out on our f^ 3e£ spread In bless - ing o'er Thy way, Thy pres - ence all our child - rens head, joy and stay. :^==r s J- ^: T Wi Almighty Father Continued ^ ^- f^^^ l^SHT P 3t=i=ir 2. We thank Thee for the care which kept Our homes in 4. Then, when the even - ing comes once more, We shall i s ^ :=if: :*!^ ^ P mf (2. time p) safe - ty while we slept; And now we a-gain Thy grace im - plore, And lay us pray, that thro' the down in peace and ^^m. r ir I =^ mf (2. lime p) r miiS± ^ ^ -a-' W-^ !tz fe^ *=::♦ :^ i day Thy lov - ing sleep. For Thou wilt eye would guide our way. watch a - round us keep. ^^ =t^ • <: ipt ia*; * »^; ^ i=t=t S X==F r T^ :S=t: 1 Morning Once More, O Lord ^ Lily Weitzman f) Adagio religioso Jacob Weinberg -=}: 1=1: 1. Once more, 2. With ho • 3. Thy boun 4. Help me, O ly ty, my -25*— Lord, joy Lord, God, do I a - wak - en, my heart is bound - ing, a - gain per - mits me to trust and serve Thee, Mine eyes be I chant a - An - oth - er Nor from the *$ ^ -^—z p '&T^~J'- ^v ^f^ A^ -^-— j^ Y 3 :sl=: S r ^ mf n- ^=- -fSi- — z^- hold the loud sweet sun - rise path of glo - rious light. Once more her flight hymns of praise. Thanks be to Thee, to be - hold. Let me not pass right to stray. And when at last has dark - ness my God, my the day un ■ Thou call'st me fc^ ii I r r- :?c "/ f" ^ t ^ espress. P 1 A - gain Who hast Let me A - wake espres -2?- -s^ I bid in love not waste my soul fare - well pro - longed its hours to end to night. my days. of gold. less day. m. r p r nil dS!&± ±4: t m i i r 8 Morning Pray When the Morn Unveileth Penina Moise , mf Moderato F. Brandeis m 4— »- 1. Pray when the mom 2. Far from thy bos 3. Pray for the friend 4. A bles - sing for un veil om fling whose kind thy neigh eth, ing ness bor Her Each Ne'er Ask m ^=^= "-L_j' -^ f mf m -f — w- -t; glor - ies to thine world - ly thought im fail'd in word or thou of God a eye ; Pray when the sun pure, The praise of God deed; Pray for the foe bove ; And on thy hal - -Ught be whose lowed — ^ , ^ m ^4=^ .^-^^ :t: It :t=:: ,-^r -p- ^^^ --1=1- :=t % fail - eth, sing - ing, blind - ness la - bor i^z—t; :t=jc And stars u - surp the Mor - tal for - ev - er Hath caus'd thy heart to Shall fall His smile of -^ 1 ^ ^ ^ sky. more, bleed, love. -? i i Morning Splendor of the Morningf Sunlight Felix Adler f Moderate M. Tintner ~-=^- 1. Splen 2. Let 3.*Let 4. And iis5 dor me me when of use prompt even the the be ing morn gold in comes mg sun en hours my dut and 'twink light, ies, ling ^ Sl^ ^==^ f- f f ^ -^-^ heart to swift - ly prove my seem to -^ z^ — *- day; Flood each cran by; Freight them with mind; Grate - fvd to ask, May I look Shine As Ear - Stars m in - to they glide nest to my con J2*_ my so im duct ^^m ny a my a ' n J _m :=|: my be - ing clous freight of and teach - ers tell them ^ *~^ With new strength and Truth and love and And to all my r spir - it gay. knowl-edge high, com - rades kind, have fm - ished well my task. ■^ n * f- "Stanza 3 for children only 10 Morning May He Who Kept Us Alice Lucas P Andante J. H. Rogers ^ =^= 2. How could we else our 3. For im - to all, how 4. May He who know - eth afc s ^ J. J ^ I. May He who kept us through the hours of night heav - y bur - den bear, ev - er bright - ly rise The ever - y hu - man need. -A-1 P g^=i ^i^=^ --^ -^- M- ^ -J — 4 ^ Cause us to greet in peace the mom - ing light. While we im - Search-ings of heart, and doubt and fear and care, If un - to Sim, there comes the hour of al - tered skies. When to the And ev' - ry heart's de - sire, hear and heed. And through life's EE ^E^ 1 3 plore His mer - cy in - fin - ite To guard us through the Him we raised not hands of prayer For guid-ance day by hills they lift their long - ing eyes, And mark the wan - ing change - ful hours His child - ren lead Un - to the per - feet ^ -It. f^-JOS. day. day? day. day. 12: 1 11 Evening Again, as Eveningf's Shadow Falls S. Longfellow mf Andante relxgioso A. W. Binder ^^^ S^^ 1. A 2. May 3. O 4. Life's *E mf And And Give But r gain, Strug God, tu t as gling our mult eve • hearts Light, we ning's sha dow falls, that seek re - lease to Thee we bow! must meet a - gam, ^^: £ eve nmg strength - ened deep er m the hymn and eve nmg prayer here by hymn and prayer, calm than night can bring, spir - it's se cret cell Rise, Lay Give May m 5=t r ^j-^'-rs^ mmg down sweet hymn gling the er and ^ -t \ r I ^^=5 on the ho - ly bur - den and the songs than lips can prayer for ev er air. care. sing. dwell! ^m=^m 12 12 Evening The Day is Done Lily Weitzman P Molto moderato Boris Levenson 1. The day is 2. What though be 3. To Thee a 4. Give me the the night draws nigh, A with doubt and fear, What my soul I bare, And of faith, I pray. To wtr^ i r^t W^^^^ ^^W- -ua- myr - i - ad stars be - deck the sky; My droop - ing soul is though my days seem dark and drear; Though cold the world nor Thou a-lone can'st soothe my care; The cal - lous world may guide me on life's wear - y way; Grant me the light that ^fc ^LJi^,s«L^_. ^ ^ m T ilF -vv m poco rii. fV 111 -^ ^ Ur i^r^y X^^^ sore op - pressed, heeds my pain, pass me by, will not wane For I am I shall not But Thou, O E'en in the tired and cry to Lord, art dark - est fain would rest. Thee in vain, ev - er nigh, night of pain. 13 Alice Lucas Andante Evening Unto the Hills PSALM 121 Jacob Beimel -/ 1 ^j=^j: -■# -^ ■ — * ' — #- =S=:^ Es ^E I. Un - to the hills I 3. He is thy rock, thy ^r^=r-f lift mine eyes, Whence shield and stay, On ^ r\ u 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 y ^ 1 J I'll 1 11 ^ \ Ji d d \ i> W \ ^ m : 1 J 1 11 J d ^ • 1 fr\^ m M % «« UC ' ^ ^ \ ' 1 i\~. ) m • • HS fj* • 1 I * ^ • 1 comes my help thy right hand ^ ^ ^ 1 that a lies in shade al - God, ■way, Who The is sun J en -throned a - ne'er smit - eth ,, J J.. /•^• h m \ 1 ^ ttB T IrJ-, 0 ' t m ■ m m "' ■ '5 1 H 1 1- i S~n^ ^ ' ._ V ~ 1 ^•' 1 1 ' !, 1 1 1 1 1 w ^ f t 4*^-^ S 3<=«t iP -« »': 3^ bove the skies, Who made the heav - ens and earth to be. thee by day. The moon at night ne'er troub - les thee. m -^^ / i f k w^p=-r r -4- 1?— t*- ^ 14 Unto the Hills Continued W ^- ■■:X ^ f i^E^^ 2. He guides thy foot o'er moun - tain steeps, He 4. The Lord will guard thy soul from sin, Thy ^ -^—^ *— ^ f" ±z mf f I ^t=«c i 1^ :=1=: i sliun - bers not, thy soul He keeps, life from harm with - out, with - in, :e£ ^-^- ^ Be - hold He slum -bers Thy go - ing out and I :?c=^ ifrfr— d n-1. 1 =ftz r-t- — h- — =t= -^— rJ — ^ /T' it- — 3- not, nor sleeps, Of Is — « — - ra - — •— ■ el the guard - ian 5— u He. com - ing in. From this time forth e - ter - nal - ■ ly. f^r^^ =&^ r-| +- » — ■0-- — 1 -F- -J^ f:- F* — 1 — =C — h— J t=^J LJ — f- -r— ^^=-^ 15 14 Evening Into Thy Hands Lily Wcitzman ^ m f Andante Cecile Hartog -■^=^ m 3 =t: :K r- 1. In - to Thy hands 2. And when at last my spir - it life's bat - ties com - mend, have fought, m 3:4: -^ mf ?tt=^ i i 5 ■* -- * r As when I wake, so when I sleep - ing Down death's dark vale my path in peace I -&- lie, wend. m 4 f- -M .(2- In My m love di mor - tal m vme ash :g= 1*- ^ my es sleep Thou wilt de in mine eyes are :15^ :t= ^^ fend, naught. -^ V - I fear not My soul in -4- f* night, O God, . to Thy hands since Thou art do I com nigh, mend. 1, night O God, 2. to Thy hands i6 15 Evening Evening Prayer Author unknown — Tr. Alice Lucas }f Adagi David Nowakowsky — adapted by A. W. Binder ^^E^^^ =1: 1. Bless - ed art Thou, O 2. God of my fa - thers, 3. From thoughts of ill my 4. Bless - ed art Thou, O ^^^ ^^ Lord of all, Who may it be Thy slum - ber keep, And, Lord most high, Who m 1^^=^ '-^ EB "/ r £ ^ ^3? s 5i s 5s^^ ±*: mak - estthe bands of sleep to fall will, this night to suf - fer me lest the sleep of death I sleep, in Thy glo - rious ma - jes - ty, ^ -M m up - on mine eyes, and To lay me down in O light-en Thou mine And in Thy gra-cious * *- ^^^^^^^ :a:3t r^ «^ ^ ^ n fcrt=eE3E ^ m. fcr S t! ^£i l*=t5=^=fCt4 g ^ w slum- ber press Mine eye- lids down with heav-i - ness. peace and rise In peace, when morning gilds the skies ; eyes, for Thou, Lord, dost with light the eye en - dow. love hast giv - en Light up-on earth and light in heav'n. ^m r=^ ^^ ei^ -S-^ ^ ' 4 I ^S ^EE -»-*■- n ■^=aL ru- r- ^ 17 16 Evening When There is Peace T. A. Davis /? Tranquillo %T^ A. W. Binder ^^ — *— there all Lord, shep Fa —I hath been, a - sleep ful lie, set lands of Love! 1 1- 1. When 2. When 3- And, 4. When 5- O 13 peace, the birds may those herds in ther, Shep where are who the herd. ±b: praise fast wake sun King I And In Or Their Men i p eii^ :d: 3^ =1: r<&- flow'rs nests trem - wear ■ faU, - - are of ble, ied Thou gent count weak flocks fail ly less and are est clos num lone fold nev -s^ ing, ber, ly, ing, er, - Fa - ther on Thy watch a Look up and Then may Thy One God, a :1'5*=P ^-L^ —5 1- 1- r#- -•- -*- J- h^_ n-- 33E^ i ^ i -^^- Thee our hearts would lean, bove Thy chil - dren keep, feel Thee stand • ing by, Hand, O Lord, our hands round, with - in, a - bove. Re - pos Who slum Thee on Be hold For ev ing. ber. ly! ing! er! 3=E3 i j—j—'i I — •#" ^^ gTT^ P^ f -J- i8 17 Evening Around the Wcaty "World David Levy Andante religioso P legato N. Lindsay Norden '-^ ^ 1. A - round 2. To Thee, 3. And when. the wear O Lord, at last. y the world are fold - ed wear - y gent hours eye ly drawn we leave, lids close, Steii m^EfEE^ r=^—r^ f> ^ '^'- :=t ?^T St-. 3 The som - ber cur - tains And to Thy care our Our lat - est prayer as of ap - proach - ing night, slum - b'ring souls con - fide, now in trust shall be; Sg^ ii*=[=ti. E^ P fcr=|E -r "-y^^ — \ — 1 ft. "1 \ — 1 v / hh] 1 l> ! ' 1 ! 1 iCv^^rt hm 1 J •^ m ^ ^ 1 \s) 7 [^ • «"• ^ m 5 "" • ^_ • To Bright "In • • tran - vis - peace quil rest ions from and safe the on - ty 0 si high I m m - lent hours our dreams will lay per - suade, at - tend, me down. ^■^• u 1 • 1 ^ ^ m * P — ■^ ^^^^f^ — L '» - — m \m. ~% — H bH 1 r — '^^^t r — \ ^ r ' — — f— -W» \m ~¥ — f^ • 1 ^ 1 1 r r 1 s i fc^ ii=^ :^ -Jif — ^^^ r^r 'TU An As ^i ^t^z^t wak - 'ning hours to gel - ic vi - gils sured that Thy strong life and guard on arm still work in - vite. ev - *ry side. keep - eth me.'' -» t^g: 1 i9 18 Aspiration Early Will I Seek Thee Gustav Gottheil — Tr. fr. the Heb. of Solomon ibn Gabirol mf Andante Religiose S. Sabel q=1= 3^ '■^- i^j — \- Jt^Jtr 1. Ear - ly will I seek Thee, God, my ref - uge strong; Late pre-pare to 2. What this frail heart dream-eth And my tongue's poor speech, Can they ev - en 4: :4: '"/ 3 -^c -g- *lff :*=*i i 33 ^ ^1^ :lEt =r= I — r- :=t =l==1= ^ :^= =1= meet Thee With my even-ing song. Though un -to Thy great - ness dis - tant To Thy great-ness reach? Be - ing great in mer - cy, -H ^Ei d==i -st^s^ t^ t^-- -^r^^-^T^r -s- iiE ::e2: -* — , — ^ — %- -I — r ?^^ ^^^3 ^^ :::1: s :^ -*— ^^ 3^:^5=i^ I with trembling soar, Thou wilt not de - spise Yet my in-most think-ing Lies Thine eyes before. Prais-es which till death's hour From my soul shall rise. ^-"^gi :i^i^ I^ t -^F^ IZ^ --^ -0- -S>- '^- H IJ8EEg^£^ i^lrr^rte I.- ' i^pl 19 Aspiration O Lord, Be Near Me JO Modfrato Harry Rowe Shelley =s=s= ^ J »— r d P ^ 1. O Lord, be near me when I pray, And guide my thoughts a-right; 2. I am not wise, or brave, or strong. But grant this pray'r to me, 3. Teach me to come with ear -nest mind To wor - ship at Thy throne, 4. And e - ven if the songs I sing Be naught but sim - pie lays, m. «_! ^^ r— *— = ^ b* " 1^=t2: ttt cresc. dim. :i=ti-i ^^ 1 I call up - on Thee ev' - ry day, If I am tempt - ed to do wrong, With words and ho - ly thoughts com-bined, Still they are oflf-'rings that I bring I praise Thee ev' - ry night. That I may think of Thee. And not with words a - lone. In thanks to Thee and praise. i^i r- :t=l=: .p:7 I dmV U" 20 W. W. Hull nf Ayidanie To the God of all Creation PSALM 95 Arr. from Ludvvig van Beethoven ^-^ — \- • 1. To the God 2. In his pres ■ 3. He is King 4. He ere - a - of all ere - a - tion enee let us gath - er a - mong all na-tions, ted land and o-ceans, Let us sing with eheer-ful voice; With glad hearts and thank- ful lays, God a-bove all gods is He; He with beaut - y clothes the sod; In And In Let the Rock to God, His hand us bow '-^=^-- of our sal - va - tion Let us heart-i - ly re - joice. our heaven - ly Fa - ther Show our joy with psalms of praise are earth's foun - da-tions, The strong hills and roll - ing sea. in deep de - vo - tion. Bless our Mak-er and our God. '^' • » -h^ ^ — ^— ■■■ - f" -^ ^rr—r—§— 1 — r =F=P EEt m Aspiration 21 O Lord, Where Shall I Find Thee? Judah ben Samuel Halevi — tr. by Solomon Solis-Cohen n i* P Lento Jacob Weinberg :r=7: ^ -^E ■^ 1. ^ Lord, where shalll find Thee? Hid is Thy lof - ty place; And 2. O, how shall mor-tals praise Thee, When an-gels strive in vain-- Or 3. Who saith he hath not seen Thee. Thy heavens re-fute his word; Their %k 4^ -3^—i: i 'X=^ P -^■ ^ -<5^ <&- t;^ i;:^zT=zi=ts ?^3eE r— ^- "S: -^ £ -2?^ ^- :!s^ b^i& ^ =1: :^ =t^' 5 where shall I not find Thee. Whose glo - ry fills all space? Who build for Thee a dwell - ing. Whom worlds can-not con - tain? I hosts de-clare Thy glo - ry. Though nev - er voice be heard. That -^ Xi 1 — t It: -(22- ^ ' I I With - in man's soul al - way ; . Of Thy ere - at - ive, might, Joy - est in Thy creat-ures' praise, formed the world, a - bid ■ eth find Thee in the mar - vels Thou, tran-scend-ent, ho - ly, U g^^ w i^ -si-^ t. 1^-^ --^.. '^'- r f- - fciy=a P E O Lord, Where Shall I Find Thee Continited i ^^ I i Ref - uge to them that seek Hun, In vis-ions in Thy Tern - pie, And com - est where men are gath - ered, ■A ^ Ran - som for them that stray. In dreams that bless the night. To glor - i - fy Thy ways. ■fl =t 3^ irpiq; -5: m r ^: i is: t^ A^ 22 Lord, Do Thou Guide Me Words by Alice Lucas — 2nd st., alt. if ,Lento y=3^ ' ■ i w 5 EE James G. Heller i^ tt=at -^ -^ -25*- -S- j I. Lord, do Thou guide me 2. Pierce Thou my gloom with 3. O'er rug -ged paths be on my pil-grim way. Then shall I be at mer-cy's gol-den ray. Let not themists of Thou my staff and stay, Be-neath Thy wings from It: E *=te It: '/ ^'=^ S 3(zz-:^: -^— I— » T i^zz: :zt peace, what - e'er be - sin from Thee di - storm and tem - pest I§-T tide vide hide me; me; me: The mom Teach Thou Through life T is dark and my lips 'mid to death, through it:^ ^ ^ ^zz=tbi' ■^^-s isiqi ^ 3 $; ^ clouds hang low and doubts and fear to death to heav'n-ly gray, say. day, Lord, do Thou guide me; Lord, do Thou guide me; Lord, do Thou guide me; "S '^\ jE-^r tj^ i^i Lord, do Lord, do Lord, do , I Thou Thou Thou -&• guide, guide, guide. :E^E i 23 23 Aspiration Hymn of Glory Alice Lucas,- — Tr. fr. the Heb., Author ur known, i 3th Cent. T raditional "Omnom Kayn" f Maesi 1^^- oso H_ — ,— \ — \ ^-^ , -^ 1 ^ — ^f^ . ^T~ -« t— -? — « -^^^ i- J — 1 1. Sweet hymns and songs will I re - cite To 2. How doth my soul with - in me yearn Be - 3. And e'en while yet Thy glo - ry fires My 4. O Thou whose word IS truth al - way, Thy 5- 0 may my words of bless - ings rise To 6. My med - i - ta - tion day and night. May (my id. ^ F=d^-^=»^ b F=f~ 4t«= 1 r p4=f- r^ Ij' 1 — w — t? — --P — F ' - y ' ^/f ^.=:^^=T^^^t^ - A J— — T" -H— r=s= .... r^ ^ H-- ~S- ^ r r ^ sing of Thee, neath Thy shad - words, and hymns peo - pie see Thee, who throned it be pleas - by ow of Thy a - ant -(*- d ii b i - 8 — ay to aise ice 3ve n and re - in - this the Thy -m- — m-- — 1 night, turn, spires, day, skies, sight. 5? Of Thy Thy 0 Art For 1 . 1 — 0. — Thee, se - love be just Thou 1 — ^ who cret it Thou and art art mys is near might all -•- • -4= my - ter- my them - y. my <& ^\ ^* ! \ — k— ^r- F V -| — W- soul's de - light, ies to learn, heart de - sires, when they pray, great and wise! soul's de - light, ^^ q-!!^ Of Thy Thy O Art For 5 :5t-*- f Thee, who art se - cret mys love it is be Thou near just and might Thou art all S=J my soul's de - light. ter - ies to learn. my heart de - sires, them when they pray. - y, great and wise! my soul's de - light. ^^ :Nt-- ^ 34 24 Aspiration Gird Us, O God Wm. H. Foulkes M ff Moderato i ^ Jacob Singer :^4=^i: 1«^= i I' 1. Gird us, O God, with lium-ble might, To serve the souls who tire; 2. Guard us, O God, with conqu'ring light. To hedge a - bout our way; ms 3f=zp: ff -^ — ^ jSe^ ::4^: l^=&^ ^i— J J^J!^-H ^n ^t? — ^ -^ ^ 1 — — ^- ^ — 1 N- 1 — 1 1 1 1 — — \ ^ • r|— : ^i-' fe— * 1-^=^—1^ PJ— J— j'- i — — \ 1 1 1 — ~*» — m am M fire, day. Give us stout hearts a - Give us sure faith in .su '^' r r "T *-F- blaze with right dark-est night t -^ ^ To To -m- kin - die far its see the dawn-ing /{•vg ■ » » * r \z r ^ m ^^ • ^-1 — ^ ; i — ^- -^ k— ^ >- L r J g- -^-^ ^. ^^ -^ ' M? ^ r^l^P =1= :^v=l- ~^- ^^r =a i? I'-r ^=J: ESEE Guide us, O God, with swift-winged feet. To find the souls a - stray; Grant us, O God, Thy death-less love, To set our spir - its free; m ;;— g ^ — -+-2— ff+ :i^=t3ir: f t:: :1=q: 1^ iz:q: I ■V— ^- f-^=^-tr^#t Give us Thy pa- tience, we en - treat. To fol - low all the way. Give us Thy Spir - it from a -hove To bind our souls to Thee. t T- j3-.g^ j- F^r^^r^rr^^^f^^ 25 25 Aspiration Happy He Who "Walkcth Ever Jacob Voorsanger Allfgro moderato PSALM 1 H. Fabisch « Z^ ^ T^^- ^— *i =4: ^ ^*=i«»Tf^ ) 1 — — ^' \ 1 h- r 1. Hap- py he who walk - eth ev - er In the ways of God, our Lord; 2. He shall flour - ish like a flow - er, Plant -ed by the wa - ter - side; i Ml zzx- Q" i^=^^3^^^ i ^ Hap - py he who sin - neth nev - er 'Gainst the teach - ings of God will give him grace and pow - er. In his vir - tue to His a word; • bide. m » * f r 3 15^3^ ^- Whose de - light is Him to serve, Day by By the help of God, most tender, Shall he -=S*^ day pros and year per in by his year; ways; m ^^^ it 1^ ^- -^- ^ % m =4= --• S m- -i-^—r tCiai >-4 £3^^ -^— ♦ From His pre - cepts ne'er to swerve; Un - to peace shall he be near. Vir - tue shall be his de - fend - er, Bless- ed shall be all his days. ^^Ei :ir3£ J.- ^qES-= -t ^ 1 — ^- 26 p^ 26 i Jacob Voorsanger /' Marcato Aspiration Happy He Who Walketh Ever PSALM 1 A. W. Binder E 1. Hap - py he who walk - eth ev - er In the ways of God, our Lord; 2. He shall flour-ish like a flow-er, Plant-ed by the wa • tei side; 4=f: EE i >=r=r -1-^- / ^. ^—^ :iK=)c Hap - py he who sin - neth nev - er 'Gainst God will give him grace and pow - er, In I ~fs \ V the teach- ings of His word; his vir - tue to a - bide. =1: ^ ^— ^- -^ — m- r *~isri" ^r=p= -I — i- ^^=^ :::^ In Whose de -light is Him to serve, Day By the help of God, most ten-der. Shall by day and year by year; he pros - per in his ways; -^^-m- -^-rr r^^ ^1*- m J: M ^ ^ --J ^ s m V --^ ^=q ^ ro I i From His pre-cepts ne'er to swerve; Un ■ Vir - tue shall be his de - fen-der, Bless A N — t-H- to peace shall he be near, ed shall be all his days. w -*» — s- 33f ^^^ 3 - J 27 "'«r=? 4: 3 27 B. H. Kennedy Lento non Iroppo Aspiration How Blest the Man PSALM 1 J. Kinross ^^ :f^=l: ^=^^=^r ^^i =1: r 1. How blest the man, who fears to stray Where God - 2. As some fair tree, which has its root The flow - _ -»~ ' -»~ -^- -0~ _ '^ ! less peo - pie meet, ing wa - ters nigh, 13: -\S'- f Nor tar - ries in the sin - ner's way, Nor fills Brings forth its sea - son - a - ble fruit And leaves the scorn - er's seat: that nev - er die. ^^ ^ :t: % f \ 19-' — 1 \ % fii-T- -• ^ * «^— ?lt^ M-~d- SS ^E*3E^. But tak - ing for his sole de-light The Lord's Thus all he do - eth pros - pers well: Not so all-per - feet law, the wick - ed fare: ^m =P=!^ -^ :^_ S»- -X:- ^ 'km M 1— ^hJ^^^^ ^8-^H«= ^1 He mus - es on it day and night With love and ho - ly awe. Like chaff be - fore the driv - ing gale. They wa - ver here and there. j: ajt 1 j h ^ 28 28 Aspiration Prayer for Wisdom James Montgomery mf Maestoso C. Hugo Grimm :#: S -1^ irr I. Al -might- y God, in hum - ble prayer To Thee our souls we lift; 3. We ask not hon - ors, which the hours May bring and take a - way; S J: tE^ -^ * I g 4e^ 1M 'If Do Thou We ask 3^3 w "T^^^^- :# i^ Do Thou our wait - We ask not pleas ■ ing minds pre-pare For Thy most need-ful gift, ure, pomp or power Lest we should go a - stray. m M ^2- £EE£i; -g-4- 1 ^- our wait not pleas mg ure =t^^=r ^^^i^^^ 2. We ask, that if 4. We ask for wis P3E Thou grant - est wealth Our alms may rich - ly dom; Lord, im - part The knowl - edge how to -J- -•■- -«- -♦- ^x. f^ r ■cri^f* ^=r S s— r flow; live; M: ife=l? And that we A wise and *=*; r may, in years of health, Good works in plen - ty sow. un - der - stand-ing heart To all be - fore Thee give. ::*: r^- i^5^F; F&- i 29 Aspiration 29 O Lord, My God J. K. Gutheim — Tr. fr. The Hamburg Temple Hymnal f Andante moderato Arr. from S. Sulzer ^^^B m ^=i --s- 1. O Lord, my God, to Thee I pray For know-ledge and for light, 2. O shed Thy light in - to my soul That I may un - der - stand #=r S =F=f= i=t«: i^ £= / m \ — X :1: ty -*- i^tri: ^~ ^ That from Thy path I may not stray When dark - ness veils my sight. To reach my be - ing's hap - py goal, Di - rect - ed by Thy hand. fclc SL»* ^ t — r * ^ -i^-- :^ ^^—^ 3^r For Thee I yearn, I deep - ly long ; Be Thou my guide ere I choose wrong, Each du - ty be my soul's de-light. My cour-age true to do the right ^E 4=F i ^t=^ -t^ -s>- So that my will be firm and just, My heart up - held with con-stant trust. In weal and woe, in joy and pain. May faith and hope my heart sus - tain. 3s^ X X--=-t -(2- f^ i 30 30 Aspiration PSALM XLII "New" Version P Andante Reuben R. Rinder ^m^m^^ '^^^^ f^ jtiiS: '1^=^ Sr -^r -&- T tS: 1. As pants the hart for cool - ing streams When heat-ed in the chase, 2. For Thee, my God, the liv - ing God, My thirst-ing soul doth pine, 3. Why rest-less, why cast down, my soul. Trust God who will em - ploy 4. Why rest-less, why cast down, my soul, Hope still and thou shalt sing •G>- ■^ -^ ■&- -\^z±zz P ^^ n i ^s So longs my Oh, when shall His aid for The praise of -^ -^ r^ soul for Thee, O God, I be - hold Thy face, thee, and change these sighs Him who is thy Lord, lFtg=i: -■&- And Thy re-fresh - ing grace. Thy ma - jes - ty di - vine! To thank - ful hymns of joy. Thy health's e - ter - nal spring. —I — t^ Et :^ -^- -^ i 31 Solomon Ibn Gabirol- The Cry of Israel -Tr. bv Solomon Solis-Cohen James G. Heller 7rt J /inaanw 1 1 _w_ 1 0-, t> II Nil ! . 1 ] '' A h n l^ — N. J — "*^ M • m ^ • Cd - ^^^^m ^^- m d 1 — — (s; "si— -^ H 5— 1— ; (m)' f>-7T- \ - 1. Thoul 2. Thou i 3. My th 4. Oh, 0 i — 1_ — ^ r — • * * mow'st my tongue, O ?uid'st my steps from ought hast Thou made be my ref - uge 1 b — ; ^ b ^ L^^ S — God, old; pure, now. Fain If As Ev'n would boon whit - as -^- 1 it too est f of i—iS> — u 'ring high leece; yore. ^^ — ^HN -I k— 1=^ 1 —1 h ^ -1=: mf i ^ =P=t«s ipi ^ m A I Thou My f^ pre ask ■ wilt God, cious Thou not my gift- gav'st that Sav - the me my ior. i: songs speech, heart Thou - - Thou mak'st me sing. Spurn not my cry! Shall ne'er have peace. Tar - ry no more! I 31 Aspiration 32 O God, the Rock of Ages, Edward H. Bickersteth mf Andante (J= 50-52) PSALM 90 Joseph Achron :=1: 1^ » -^ — 1. O God, the Rock of A - ges, Who e - ver-more hast been, 2. Our years are like the sha -dows On sun - ny hills that lie, 3.0 Thou, who canst notslumb-er. Whose light grows ne - ver pale, fcS 4=z:ft=i= lf=r % ^ "1/ r^:s ^^F^ i^ I 3fc ^=^ :5=t*c -m m' What time the temp - est ra - ges, Our dwell - ing place se - rene ; Or grass - es in the mea - dows. That bloss - om but to die — Teach us a -right to num - ber Our years be - fore they fail; % EE?^=£^ ifz^fcdj 33 O God, the Rock of Ages Contmued ^^=ji^Bg^=^--^^^E^ 0. * ^ai :^=t:: Be- fore Thy first ere - a - tion, A sleep, a dream, a sto - ry On us Thy mer - cy light - en, O Lord, the same as now. By strang-ers quick - ly told, On us Thy good - ness rest, £b ^S^^u^^eK m 0 p -*— ^ i ^^ To end - less ge - ne - ra - tions The e - ver - last - ing Thou. An im - re -main -ing glo - ry Of things that soon are old. And let Thy spi - rit bright - en The hearts Thy - self hast blessed. i S i't=^=* ^ 3^=^=r^=^=r r 33 33 C. M. C. P Modfrato (J = 60-63) Aspiration I Lift Mine Eyes PSALM 121 Joseph Achron UK — K ^^^i^ :f* N 1^ ^ J ^ 1. I lift mine eyes un - to the hills, And to the bound-less sky; 2. The bum - ing rays of noon -tide stm, Shall smite me not by day; ]^=?s= w. 1t=^^^^ ?=^^ j^nzizv -■0 •—■ w w Through all life's sad and var - ied ills, Our help is from on high. And while the e - vil path I shim, God will pro - tect my way. =1- ■^ =^^ :^: • — i^t-*. r -^ 34 I Lift My Eyes Continued Thahea,.-., Kin..«hoayeshaU be, In might e - .er - n.1 reigns; 0„ ev - 'ry .ide He is my shade, And s«ll pre-serves my soul; ' — ^=!^|^:z=i*iz=:a_^lLJ^li— ^ -,^ Wp ev - 'rv hope sus-tains. When sor- row's darts en-com-pass me. He ev ry His great-ness e - ver is dis - piayed Through years that on-ward roU. 35 Aspiration 34 The Cry of Israel Solomon Solis-Cohen — Trans, fr. the Hebrew of Solomon Ibn Gabirol ff Andante maestoso r Heinrich Schalit 33E ^jlr^T^^g "r^'f m. I. Thou know-est my tongue, O God, Fain would it bring A 3. My thought. . hast Thou made pure As whit - est fleece; Thou ^ ff / ff =t: pre - cious gift . . wilt not that ^ — * — '- the songs Thou mak'st me sing! 2. Thou mine heart Shall ne'er have peace. 4. O, ^ ^=^— ^^ ^ ?F / mf >^ f^^^^^ 'f^^-t guid-est my steps from eld; be. . . my re - fuge now, ' I I ■ If boon too high E'en as of yore. r I My feij^ ?^ ■J- r "/' =i / ff 3 :=1: :^ :fc -^ i»^ ask . God, Thou gav'st me speech. Spurn not my Sa - vior. Thou - - Tar - ry my no cry! more! 1- ^ -Ws"-^ » ¥i -- I f^ ^ ^ in Thee, in Thee, in Thee. Save Thou Glad - den Fa - ther! ^^^^^ Thy ser - vant Thy ser - vant Re - deem - er! -m- m that that My -^- ^ 37 trust - eth trust - eth trust is 36 Aspiration Thy Word is to My Feet a Lamp 'New" Version vif Andante religinso PSALM 119 Pinchas Jassinowsky 11 1+ / ■^naanie reiiginso 1. Thy word is to my feet a lamp, The way of truth to show; 2. When I with griefs am so op-prest That I can bear no more, 3. O let my sac- ri - fice of praise With Thee ac-cept-ance find; 4. Thy tes-ti -mo-nies I have made My her - i - tage and choice; ^^^^ =1: '^^ 3 t^: iziU 5-T rsT"" ^^-« H— :^- :^iSi3 ^ =(... pri-:: =ln I -S=^».- P ^- m A cheer - ing light to mark the path Where - in I ought to go, Ac - cord - ing to Thy word, do Thou My faint - ing soul re-store, And in Thy right-eous judg-ments,Lord, In-struct my will - ing mind, For they, when oth - er com - forts fail, My droop - ing heart re-joice, P=p: =F ^=s=r:^. A a itz— : ''P=¥^ Tim m A cheer - ing light to mark the path Where - in I ought to go. Ac - cord - ing to Thy word, do Thou My faint - ing soul re-store. And in Thy right - eous judg-ments, Lord, In - struct my will - ing mind. For they, when oth - er com - forts fail. My droop - ing heart re-joice. dt & ^ P^^ &=| "^ i 38 :^ Aspiration 37 i Alice Lucas jO A7idantino Prayer Theme from D'Andrieux (XVII Century) S =1: n^ F=^=" 1. Lord God, whose breath the 2. Fit us for what thou 3. For - give us all our ^J 1^ =i T ^■ =1: un - i - verse con - trols Guide giv - est, Lord of all, And sins, O King of Kings, Teach -M-=r- SE ^ — J^ -.=r m > h h- ^ thou the ves - sel of my life t'wards Thee, Thou tran - qui! ha - ven what thou deem - est fit on us be-stow, On us, thy chil - dren us to do thy will — thou knowest best — And grant us, 'neath the' ^ ^^ -h= ^ ^ rz:4: -v=-- :=1: :=r ^ -t :t; --■=\' P :l^ 1 of all storm-tossed souls, Who long at rest to when to Thee we call, A - midst life's ebb and shad-ow of Thy wings In per - feet peace to ^^ S^ be. flow. rest. ::=:t :f5^ I W^^ ^ 39 38 John Quincy Adams fnf Maestoso Aspiration O Lord, Thy All Dtscerning Eyes PSALM 139 Harry Rowe Shelley ^ ^ 1. O Lord, Thy all dis-cem-ing eyes My in-most pur-pose see; 2. Be -fore, be-hind, I meet Thine eye And feel Thy might - y hand; 3. If I as-cend to heav'n on high. Or make my bed be - low, S i -0- -9r ~9- :^ E^ mf r ^^^^ S -1^*- My deeds, my words, my thoughts a - rise, A - like dis-closed to Thee. Such know-ledge is for me too high To reach or im - der-stand ; Or take the mom - ing wings and fly O'er o - cean's ebb and flow, ii^Sili^^^ %=^= i f rjf ^-^ 40 O Lord, Thy All Disccrningf Eyes Continued =t ^=^ ^ S^ i My sit - ting down, my ris-ing up, Broad noon and deep - est night; What of Thy won - ders can I know? What of Thy pur-pose see? Or seek from Thee a hid-ing - place A - mid the gloom of night- § =e f^ ^ -g^ S«3S ghr- m I ii :p^=fc ^— ^ f ^ »^ f5 ^E^ > ^ ^ atzit :^ ^i i My path, my pil - low, and my cup Are o - pen to Thy sight. Where from Thy spir - it shall I go? Where from Thy pres-ence flee? A - like to Thee are time and space The dark-ness and the light. I ■M-^ — ^— yj y -*- -^ -^ *T»- -^- ^•-^-*-' -^ ■«- -« ^ ^ 4 0~y^. 3r -I 1-^-^ i 39 Aspiration Lord, Be Thou With Us Still Isabella R. Hess ff Moderate ^&^^^ 3 ^- qv=PC James G. Heller 1. Lord, writ-ten in rocks and in wood - land, In mount-ain, and plain, and in sea, 2. And now,with a wid - er vi - sion. Made heirs of the van- ish-ed years, 3. New path-ways are o - pen be -fore us. New won-ders our eyes ev-er see. -s- -m- ~m- -m- -m- ^^■ ^ I tilA^j^JUNN^ t= Is the sto-ry of earth's long ex-is - tence. The sto - ry of man-kind and Thee! Men search out the age - old se - crets, Un-knownto the an-cient seers! Butthenew on the old is ev-er build - ed! And man must re- ly e'er on Thee! For Thine is the fin- ger that wrote it,— Thy sym - bol each val- ley and hill, And with a new rev -er-ence throb-bing. With a sense of Thy glo - ry a - thrill. Keep Thou our spir - its im- daunt - ed Keep glow-ing our faith in Thy will I r 4 -^i! \ ^«-r- i ;:M' ^=i«?* 1 I^ S ^S-^3 r ^3^ 4a Lord, Be Thou With Us Still Continued ^:^ :^i=^ iH^czs: 11 * And we are a part of the sto - ry! They know the pow'r of Thy guid - ance That the right is the law ofThyKing-dom, O Lord, may'st Thou be with us still. O Lord, may'st Thou be with us still. O Lord, may'st Thou be with us still. =^ -^ «5= I* t iFi---^^g-5^rw -^t- 9-p- -^A 3i "^ 63 ^" .-^-' 40 "New" version )0 Andante con moto As Pants the Hart PSALM 42 Alois Kaiser ^W- -^- -^- :=^ ^i 1. As pants the hart for cool - ing streams When heat - ed in the chase, 2. For Thee, my God, the liv - ing God, My thirst - ing soul doth pine, 3. Why rest - less, why cast down, my soul. Trust God who will em -ploy 4. Why rest - less, why cast down, my soul, Hope still and thou shalt sing ^ ^r J. I ^1 ^fc^fc^ 30^ r-^ t f=^Y F I :^=r^ 1 So longs my soul Oh, when shall I His aid for thee The praise of Him ^- -i^ for Thee, O God, And be - hold Thy face. Thy and change these sighs To who is... thy Lord, Thy X- Thy re - fresh-ing grace, maj - es - ty... di-vine! thank-ful hymns of joy. health's e - ter - nal spring. TT S^ ■it=Jz -1^-^ I^ tt ■tr te^^ i^ .^_.. r-<2- :t= 43 Aspiration 41 Thou Ever Present Perfect Friend Louis I. Newman f Con spirito Reuben R. Rindcr ^ S^ q^zzii 1. Thou ev - er-pre-sent Per- feet Friend, To Whom we ut - terpray'r; 2. Oiir wrongs toward self and oth - ers are Dis - loy - al - ty to Thee, 3. O Com-rade of our in - ner life, In - spired by Thee we dream :*=¥ SE3E3 S / feB^ cqe; J -<=2_ ^-- ^m ZI] if^zzat =^ Our souls with Thee in un - ion blend. Thy spir - it God, we share. And friend-ship's 0 - pen gates they bar. Till Thou hast set us free. Of peace that o - ver - com - eth strife, Of fel - low-ship su-preme. -I— r- a ^ 1^^^ !*3: t^ P £3E ijp- — W' t^ £^^qp£: »?=^ -j^ -I — gE3 44 Thoo Ever Present Perfect Friend Continued :te: -m f \ gig ^= Di - vine Corn-pan -ion, near to us, I - deal of all we are. When we with con-trite hearts re-pent. And cleanse our-selves from sin. Thou art be - gin - ing, Thou art end. The so - lace of our years, -45 ^^ P53e;^ --n-^±~-^ ^ E3 S 5^ :^ -d-^y 1 Thine aid is ev - er gen - er - ous, Thy coun - sel nev - er far. We know that Thou art made con-tent. And love has en - ter'd in. Thou ev - er - pres- ent Per - feet Friend, Who dry - est all our tears. 1^ =1==1: :ii(=i^: ^^^^^^mm ^^ m r y~'» — T' E t -^-. :(==--: 1 45 42 Aspiration Father Hear L. M. Willis Jacob Singer Adapted from folk-melody of "Ellyahu Hanavi" n it P Andante I=s p=?^^=^ -*-= — ^ — 0 s 4S i: 1. Fa - ther,hear the pray'r we of - fer! Not for ease that pray'r shall be, 2. Not for-ev - er by still wa -ters Would we i - dly qui - et stay, 3. Be our strength in hours of weak-ness, In our wand'r-ings be our guide; :^a-=F ^S^^S^^^£^^=^E^ r y S^ ^i;-f-f-J= :t2=t^ -* — ^- ^^-»- -[-- But for strength that we may ev - er Live our lives cour- age-ous-ly. Butwould smite the liv-ing foxm- tains From the rocks a - long our way. Through en-deav-or, fail -ure, dan - ger, Fa-ther, be Thou at our side. ^^^B^ ^^ [r~%~-j j^r5_^-_^ ^=*=ft^-==r t=^ :t=:t je=^ -**i*^ U.*"S J- I 46 43 Aspiration Haste not! Haste not I Do not Rest! C. C. Cox — ^Tr. fr. v. Goethe f Allegro moderaio Arr. fr. Jacques Blumenthal t 1. Haste not! haste not! do not rest! 2. Haste not! let no thought-less deed 3. Rest not! life is sweep-ing by, 4. Haste not! rest not! calm-ly wait; r\ r\ ^ 1 Bind the mot - to to thy breast; Mar for aye the spir- it's speed; Go and dare be - fore you die; Meek-ly bear the storms of fate! ^^ J 1 fc^— ^- # — ^: :^^~~k — ^-»- ^M te m^- — h / -m—^—%- :s=q: ^- Bear it with thee as a spell; Storm or sxm Pon - der well and know the right, On - ward then Some-thing might -y and sub-lime Leave be-hind Du - ty be the po - lar guide, Do the right shme, guard it well! with all thy might, to con - quer time ! what-e'er be-tide ! fc=tc S ^—)ti -t- -^m—Vr r — r £ ::1=1: 2lf '-^ -^ rsk Heed not fiow'rsthat 'roimd thee bloom. Bear it on - ward to the Haste not, years can ne'er a - tone For one reck - less ac - tion Grand it is to live for aye When these forms have passed a- Haste not! rest not! con - flictspast, God shall crown thy work at -z;* — ■ tomb. done. way. last. Ig £ -t>> — k I ^^ t± ^ U tfeS ^ :f==i=^ Heed Haste Grand Haste — m — S ^f'-^^^-gz t: :t notflow'rs that 'roimd thee not, years can ne'er a • it is to live for not!_rest not! con-fiicts ^ -^ f bloom. Bear it on - ward to the tomb, tone For one reck - less ac - tion done, aye When these forms have passed a - way. past, God shall crown thy work at last. :t=t=: I 1 — 1»- 1^ f=^=t m 47 44 Aspiration Remember Him, the Only One Emma Lazarus mf Larghftto M. Henle fc£ mm^ T 3; 1. Re - mem - ber Him, the On - ly 2. Now, ere for thee the sun has 3. Now, while thou lov - est all on 4. Re - mem - ber Him, the On - ly One, Now, lost His earth, And One, Be - '-=\' ere glo the years ry and -*- ^ I r flow by; Now, while his light; Or earth the re deem - est all will last, Be fore fore the days r- :t3 E3 r=% -% smile is joice thee thy hope has draw nigh. When thou shalt have _Q_u ^ J -I 1 — , 1 1 ^=-+ -1 — /r ik^=^* H ,1^- 1 — ^ — ^— d — ^ m — -r*— ^ € ^. * ^ '^fZf ^ V.) m • r ft* on thy lip. The light 1 with 1 - in thine eye: not with flowers, Nor with its stars the night van - ished quite. And ev' ry joy has past. joy in them. And pray - ing yearn to die. p?- *= f#~ 1 — ^ te — ^ — 1 -A-^ 1 -•- — 1 F? fl \^V-\ \ - ' -i 1 —A — -1 = — \ ' S_H 45 Aspiration O God, All Gracious 1 Penina Moise st. I, 1. i, 3. 1. 3-4, alt mf Andante Ferdinand Dunkley i ^ -&- 3 Though Con Be count - less tained in now and bless vir ev ^ ^ ^^ ings tue's er lie, mine; mine; ^ § i 3«- -gi- My And Naught m. ^ voice for else for her is one wreath life's a that sub lone will lime I en re J- lift, dure ward. s ^ te i)c ■:^, £^ -^ ^ II -i»-— -(5>^- *-&- In When We pray'r di love i ^ to a Thy ^- Thee on dems de law di g^ high, cline. vine. 49 46 Louis I. Newman mf Andante expressivo Aspiration "Oh Soul Supremel" A. W. Binder gggi 1. O Soul su-preme a - bove us, 2. We hun - ger for the meem-ing 3. For har - mo- ny and or - der, 4. O Lord of bound-less spa - ces, PS ^ — r—^ — f- O Life be-yond our life, With - in our world of pain; For per - feet law we seek; Though days be dim and drear. poco rit. ¥ r- :=1= ■:^^- st O Heart that yearns to love us, We tread our path-way glean -ing Yet hail - ing Thee as Ward - er, Thy light is on our fa - ces, ^^ -Mz --^P-- d2«: O Guard-ian in our strife. Thy spir - it's rich do -main. To whom the low - ly speak. Thy heal - ing pres-encenear. m -\ — r-r m 47 Isaac Watts / Largo O God, Our Help PSALM 90 A A J- ■poco rit. William Croft '=rd3{*Ji?J ^^^1^ ^^^t 1. O God, our help in a - ges past. Our hope for years to 2. Be - fore the hills in or - der stood, Or earth re-ceived her 3. Be - neath the shad - ow of Thy throne Thy chil-dren dwell se - 4. O God, our help in a - ges past, Our hope for years to come, frame, cure; come, ±=Zi :t:: f ^ ^EE^ i r- Our shel - ter from the storm - y blast. From ev - er - last - ing Thou art God, Suf - fi - cient is Thine arm a - lone. Be Thou our guide while trou-bles last. 1 i^-T— : And our e - ter - nal To end - less years the And our de -fence is And our e - ter - nal home, same, sure, home. m^-^^k js=fcy^=h f- til 1 so 48 Aspiration Grant Me Strength Lily VVeitzman P Andantino Jacob Weinberg :ea^: =1- =s:f :^£^^^ :^==F U- ^ 1. Grant mestrengthwhenskiesaje a - zure And theworld is fair, 2. Grant me hope whenstorm-cioudsgath-er, And tlie slcies are gray; 3- Grant mepeacewhendeath'sgrimshad-ow Looms witli-in my sight; J -I 1 EZJ^l i f- i^F" r f -^p.-- p^fp- ;;:^ % ^ "/ P assai :^:f -^» -1^—,:- I ^ 1 That the glit-ter of earth's tin-sel, May not me en Grant me hope's di-vin-est prom-ise Of e - ter - nal Grant me peace till Thou dost wake me To e - ter - nal :;:^-^ snare, That the glit-ter day. Grantme hope's di- light. Grant me peace till yoco rit. 1 ^ i ^^^m ia of earth's tin-sel May not me en - snare, vin-est prom-ise Of e - ter-nal day. Thou dost wake me To e - ter-nal light. light. i 2 :=]: I i ti£!^*ES-tei r, ^ poco rit. "•ti;^ 3 r — 1 1 ^-1^ &■ ^ SI 49 Aspiration Jacob's Ladder Stanzas l and 2, Fred, de Sola Mendcs Stanza 3, Nathan Stern |. mf Moderato Max Grauman EiE?4^'— ^-;^sa 1^ \tM- 1. To Beth- el came the pa - tri - arch, A dream to him re - veals 2. The gates of prayer were opened there, And an - gels bore the word 3. The praise which Ja - cob of - fered then, Be -came a faith and flame ±IZ. % ^ M^ i tia: ^ J — tJv-^ H^ ^^ a-F-fi -• — ^ f^ jBt r n ^ *=i= :t2=U^: The path by which man's soul di - rects To Heav-en its ap - peals. The wand'rer breathed forth from his heart, By deep e - mo - tion stirred. Which we, his heirs, still keep a - live To glo - ri - fy God s name. fe.^ -i^r-^W -9 — W ^^ ■«^' m ^^ ^i^^^j?^ m W: ^ ^^ =t=: S2 50 Aspiration O God All Gracious Penina Moise St. i, 1. i, 3, 1. 3, 4 alt. f Con moto Composer Unknown «? 3: fc -(&- f 1. O God, 2. I ask ^^^m t=tst^^ f all gra - cious ! In Thy gift Though countless bless - ings lie, but for the pre - cious ore Con - tained in Vir - tue's mine ; 3. Let wis - dom of the heart, O Lord! Be now and ev - er mine; -- -•- -•-'^J- - ^ -^- -^ -^- -f^- -P- ^ ^ ^ m^ X :r=:F Ee^ / ^ I S E^ * P T My voice for one a - lone I lift, In pray'r to Thee on high. And for her wreath that will en -dure When di - a - dems de - cline. Naught else is life's sub- lime re-ward , We love Thy Law di - vine. m^ -(2- tr—„ t^ =E i =*=f=pE ^ -^ ^ 51 W. H. Burleigh f Moderato The Sanctity of Sorrow ^ L. Spohr r -&- -^s- -G>- -&- Oh, deem not that earth's crown-ing bliss Is found in joy As blos-soms smit - ten by the rain Their sweet-est o - to the hopes by sor - row crushed A nob - ler faith a - lone, dors yield; suc-ceeds; How rich and sweet and full of strength Our hu - man spir - its are, So ^- m -^ .-^ JS.. JS^ --g- ,-r^f 's~-?=- e /' / mf iS i i m- — r For sor - row, bit - ter though it be. Hath bless-ings all As where the plough-share deep - est strikes, Rich har-vests crown And life, by tri - als fur-rowed, bears The fruit of lov - In - struct-ed in the sane - ti - ties Of suff-'ring and a .43L. j2- -^2— r-^ -(2- ■ =t=r: i j(2. .(2. ^ is: 53 mf its own. the field, — ing deeds. of prayer! -45' H ■ _, L_^ I Aspiration 52 God of Israel May also be used for Confirmation or Bar MItzwoh Harry H. Mayer A. W. Binder f Con spirt to I. God of Is-rael,keep us faith-ful to Thy ho - ly laws; We would join with 3. Let no world-ly pomp or pleas-ure lead our hearts a - stray, Kind -er make us, :^E3i i t=f^ ^. =F :i / ^m 4: t * =]: -S-. E ^^Ik^^ 3 =t -^- ^=it earn - est broth-ers In Thy cause. 2. We would strive to be a bless-ing Lord, more faith-ful, Day by day, 4. Sold-iers of the light, up-hold-ing J— I — , — \ JEEJ^ ::^ ■*— it =|: -S^^at :=!=: r «f=f=£ L^ I Vf^ou- e=:^ ■' - -9- ?^?^ ^ ^S3 -<$^ to the hu-man race, .... Thee, be-fore all men professing, God of grace. Is - ra- el's sacred cause, We would battle, God and Father, For Thy laws. i ^ P^iE^^^^^i^ r_ w S^ iS: -^l-*- *^- = 3^ -?5^ 1 •<&- 54 53 Praise Almighty God Alice Lucas, 2 1. each st. alt. f Allegro moderato L. Lewandowski ^-^ -sj- -H- =1: ^^^: ^ 1. Al-might - y God, who hear-est pray'r, Thou to whom we hum 2. O Lord, our God, be with us still As we tread life's darken-ing road; 3. Grant us Thy peace, O Lord most High, Teach us, Thou whose name we bless, bly bring i=;i -I T—\ 1 1 F b- S i^-z: The bur - den of our dai Through com-ing days of toil With right - eous-ness to sane I. — -tfS i»- • ly care. The joy of prais-e's of - fer - ing, and ill Give Thou us strength to bear our load. ■ ti - fy Our task, our joys with thank - ful-ness. ^JzWzS^t^l -^ ■J-ft ^ ^ :^ fc^ J=^ ^=^ Hear, we be-seech Thee once a -gain. When we our sup-pliant voic - es raise, Yea, and en-light - en Thou our eyes. That we, the clear - er vis - ion won. Hear us in mer - cy when we pray. And guide us, that each day may be Do Thou with faith our souls sus-tain. And gra - cious-ly ac-cept our praise. May know Thy love, as great as wise. It is that laid the bur - den on. An - o-ther step up - on the way, Lead-ing us near-er un - to Thee. @e ^ 3==Si ^=^ s *3: Ti ¥ I 55 54 Praise Praise to the Living God i Newton Mann, fr. Heb. att. to Daniel B. Judah (i3th cent.) mf Maestoso Traditional Leoni "Yigdal" ^ ^ K :s=^ EZJCZZH Praise to the liv - ing God ! AH prais Form - less, all love - ly forms De - clare His spir - it flow-eth free, High surg He know-eth ev -'ry thought, Our se - E - ter - nal life hath He Im - plant ■ ed be His name. His lov - li - ness; ■ ing where it will, crets o - pen lie, - ed in the soul; Who Ho - In End His E ^^^^SE^^M riSSiE =1: m s ■% g^-r £=^ i ^ £ fc ^ M''-N ■W ^ -t- -fK-^V ^ -♦— P- ^=t^ =t*^==^ ttc was, and is and is to be, For aye the same I ly, no ho - li-ness of earth Can His ex-press, pro-pbet's word He spake of old — He speaketh still. as be-gin-ning clear to His All - see-ing eye. love shall be our strength and stay,While a-ges roll. ^BJOliuLj The One E - ter-nal God, Ere Lo, He is Lord of all! Cre- Es - tablish'd is His law, And With perfect poise He binds, Ac- Praise to the liv-ing God! All ^- ^ £=fc=fpf=F»=« ^ ^ m wm m^m :1=^ :^=^ :it=* aught that now ap-pears : a - tion speaks His praise, changeless it shall stand, cord - ant to the deed, prais - ed be His name. The First, the Last, beyond all thought His time-less years! And ev-'ry-where, a-bove, be- low. His will o-beys. Deep writ up - on the hu-man heart, On sea, on land. To wrong the doom, to right the joy. In measured meed. Who was, and is, and is to be. For aye the same! mi^fM^Ei 55 Praise Nishmas Penina Moise P Andante con spirito Samuel Alman ^ m b^3e;e ^ m j^ :Jr- 3r-*- 5 -s)- - te. I 1-^ ti dim. The heavens with their star - ry horde, Earth's beau-ties num-ber - less. Yet man is still most wond'rous far Of all that Thou hast made. Man, man a -lone, can wor-ship Thee, And praise Thy ho - ly name. The power to will, the will for good, (Gift great - er than we know). And end- less peace Thy mer - cy gives To all that trust in Thee. And reverence in our fel-low-men Thine im - age ev - er-more. di% fefeii^^E?:^£EE^ ^ 58 57 Praise The Heavens, O God, Thy Glory Tell B. H. Kennedy f Andante maestoso PSALM 19 Lewis A*!. Isaacs :|=: «=^:i^-SS= £3 ^ 1. Theheav'ns, OGod,Thyglo-ry tell, Thy skill the star- ry firm- a-ment; 2. To all the earth their les-sons run, To ut-most shores their her-ald-cry: A 3. Pure is Thy soul -con-vert-ing word, Thy law which makes the sim-ple wise ; ■ A 1 n r-^ 1- ^^^^^ais i i^zjt ^=q= / -i. ^J-.-.^.:^^ w * :=t=t ^f- ±=t -•^i -f2r-^4— ^f-^ -t~h t-^/- :1==i: -• — ^ ^ — * — I — ^1 -^. Day im - to day re-peats the spell, And night to day is el - o-quent; tent a - midst them for the sun The hand di - vine hath set on high. Heart-sooth-ing are Thy stat-utes, Lord; Thy truth is light im - to the eyes; s^ r-0 :*=^ H t!^ ^ ^^ S m 'mm i ^==h: gi J-T- '<» • I They breathe no sound, they shape no word. The list'-ning ear no voice hath heard. As bride-groom from his cham-ber, he Comes forth in dazz -ling bril - lian-cy. Thy fear a-bides for ev - er clean, Thy judg-ments true and right are seen. Praise 58 John Milton / Lento PSALM 136 Ashkenazi Tune from Braham and Nathan's "Hebrew Melodies" ij=F=j=hM^E Praise the Lord, for He is For of gods He is the Caused all day his course to In the waste-ful wil - der His full hand sup-plies their Pi* 1. Let us with a glad-some mind 2. Let us blaze His name a - broad, 3. He the gold - en tress - ed sun, 4. He His cho - sen race did bless, 5. All things liv - ing He doth feed; ^^ -m-- -^- kind; God, run, ness, need; f= mi f 3 For His mer-cies aye en - dure, Who by all com-mand - ing might, Th' horn-ed moon to shine by night, He hath with a pit - eous eye, For His mer-cies aye en - dure. Ev - er faith -ful, Filled the world with 'Mid her spangl-ed Looked up - on our Ev - er faith - ful. :£ ^f5 3=: :t= ev - er sure, new-made light, sis - ters bright, mis - er - y. ev - er sure. £ e ip :^=^ ^■ 59 Magnify the Etefnal's Name J. Montgomery St. i, 1. i alt. PSALM 107 f Moderato -Zjr- r Arr. fr. G. F. Handel ^ ^ m ^- =f Mag - ni - fy Let His ran - In the wil - To the Lord, Them to pleas ■ th' E - ter-nal's somed flock re - der - ness a - their God, they ant lands He Come then, Is - rael, praise name, joice, stray, cry, brings. Lord, For His mer-cies Gath-ered out of In the lone - ly He in-clines a Where the wine and In His ho - ly ev - er sure, E-gypt's land, waste they roam, grac-ious ear; ol - ive grow; dwell-ing - place, From e - ter - ni - As the peo-ple Him - gry, faint-ing Sends de-liv'r-ance Where from verd-ant For the wond-er t- -* ty the same. To e - ter - ni - ty of His choice, Plucked from the de - stroy by the way. Far from ref - uge, shel from on high, Res-cues them from all hills the springs Through lux-ur - iant val - of His word And the rich - es of en - dure. - er's hand. - ter, home, their fear. leys flow. His grace. 4=: g t=± Ji f^ «-J- -J"- 60 m 60 Robert Grant M u / Allegro Praise O Worship the King PSALM 104 Franz J. Haydn zgjpaEEpz =p E3^3 lt=3::± m I 2, 3 4 5 J. O wor-ship the King, all - glo-rious a-bove! O tell of His might, O sing of His grace. The earth, with its stores of won-ders un - told, Thy boiin - ti - ful care what tongue can re - cite? Frail chil-dren of dust, and fee - ble as frail. O grate - ful - ly Whose robe is the Al - migh - ty. Thy It breathes in the In Thee do we sing His pow'r and His light. Whose can - o - py power hath foimd-ed of air, it shines in the trust, nor find Thee to fe love! space ! old; light, fail; Our Shield and His char - lots Hath 'stab-lished It streams from De - fend - er, of wrath the it fast by the hills, it Thy mer - cies how ten - der. the deep a de- how 5 A 1 H :«=5t f=i*^* s^ ii sf :t=t= ^ fct-- ^S^E: -25^- 1 1 ^ An- cient of Days, Pa - vil-ioned in splen-dor and gird - ed with praise, thim - der-clouds form. And dark is His path on the wings of the storm, change-less de - cree. And 'ro\md it hath cast, like a man-tie, the sea. scends to the plain. And sweet-ly dis - tils in the dew and the rain, firm to the end, Our Mak-er, De-fend-er, Re- deem-er and Friend! 61 Praise There Lives a God I James K. Gutheim Tr. fr. the Hamburg Temple Hymnal f Allegretto Otto Lob ■^ :qs^^ ^ tl=i :?5=;^ ^i=fr: ^m zjann 1. There lives a God! Each fi - nite crea-ture Pro-claims His rule on sea and 2. There lives a God ! Though storms are sweeping A-cross our pil-grim paths of 3. There is a God! When life is wan - ing, His love is near from dread to ^ =^=1* ?i=^ 4: / ^*=a S=it=d S: ^^ ^--^ 4^. -*- -m- -I tz: r-==l- r- £= *=^e:t=^: V— Uid- :r=te: il :qs=->-ns: :— ^v--^- 5 land ; Throughout all changing forms of na-ture Is clear - ly shown His mighty life, More bright the mom that ends the weep-ing Through nights of el - e-men - tal save ; My years are all of His or - dain-ing He on - ly tak-eth what He -n- ^^m :=U^- ^^^: m hand. In ev' - ry place is heard the call: strife. Wher-ev-er God does choose my way, gave. The grave shall not end all for me. 'The Lord of Hosts has made us all." I f ol - low Him without dis-may. Thou liv-est, God, I live in Thee. s -3: ^=F^ I # ^3£ :>^sJf f^ *=t v-t •^ iEziic r-1- m 62 62 Praise O Bless the Lord, My Soul Isaac Watts PSALM 103 f Con moto =1= Traditional "Az Yasheer" melody Arr. by A. W. Binder 4 ^ *-b S N=t m i 1. O bless the Lord, my soul! 2. O bless the Lord, my soul! 3. He will not al-ways chide; 4. He par- dons all thy sins; 5. He clothes thee with His love, 6. Then bless His ho - ly name, His grace to thee pro-claim. His mer - cies bear in mind; He will with patience wait; Pro - longs thy fee- ble breath; Up - holds thee with His truth. Whose grace has made thee whole. iB=g^g it*=i« / m £^ a f —I — I — h 1^- ^ =&it 52=^: «= -w-^- ^ And For - His He And Whose all that is with- in me join get not all His ben -e -fits: wrath is ev - er slow to rise, heals all thine in-firm - i - ties like the ea - gle He re-news lov - ing kind-ness crowns thy days : To bless His ho - ly name. The Lord to thee is kind. And read - y to a - bate. And ran-soms thee from death. The vig - or of thy youth. O bless the Lord, my soul! Praise 63 All the World Israel Zangwill Tr. Ir. the Hebrew "Vaye-esayu" f Andante Maestoso A. W. Binder V'} ^^— ^ l\r 4 J ::=i=^ 1 1. All the world shall come to serve Thee, And bless 2. They shall build for Thee their al - tars, Their i - 3. With the com - ing of Thy king- dom The hills Thy glo-rious name, dols 0 - ver-thrown, will shout with song. fca SS i 3^=^ j=Lr«-u^ / e^CTS ;^^t=i 5EE£ # rS^ *=r g ^ #=y And Thy right - eous-ness tri - xun - phant The is - lands shall ac - claim. And their grav - en gods shall shame them As they turn to Thee a - lone. And the is - lands laugh ex - ul - tant, That they to God be - long. ^ ^ •, r r p ^ "T i fclz ' . I f qt=P=:: rrr-t ■1^-r *=^: :? Wi- iJ -H Yea the peo - pies shall go seek - ing, Who They shall wor - ship Thee at sim - rise And And through all Thy con-gre - ga - tions, So knew Thee not be- fore, feel Thy kingdom's might loud Thy praise shall ring, AU the World Continued m ^^^ — I- 1^=^ m And the ends of earth shall praise Thee, And And im-part Thy un- der-stand - ing, To That the ut - most peoples, hear - ing. Shall tell Thy greatness o'er, those a-stray in night, hail Thee crown-ed Kmg. -1 ', «i-ji i r m i r 64 Earth, With All Thy Thotjsand Voices Edward Churton, abridged PSALM 66 Adapted from Lewandowski's "S'u Sh'oreem" by A. W. B. f Animato ^E :t Z^=JM1 3CSt ^^ -^^-■^-t 1. Earth, with all thy thousand voic-es Praise in songs th' e- ter - nal King; 2. Lord, from each far - peo-pled dwelling Earth shall raise the glad ac-claim; 3. Bless the Lord, who ev - er liv-eth; Sound His praise through ev'ry land, / ^m -»- -0- -9- -*-#-Ji -m- • H — i — H — *-♦ -^ 1^ W » — r^ » i ^ ^ ^^^ tJ ^ i t: Praise His name, whose praise re - joic - es Ears that hear, and tongues that sing . All shall come. Thy great-ness tell - ing. Sing Thy praise, and bless Thy name. Who our dy - ing souls re - viv - eth. By whose arm up- held we stand. ^ ^ m ^ ^ =;s^ ^ -»—e^ ^=A=A-. -__— , ^ — ^ 6S 65 Praise Praise Ye the Lord! Pcnina Moise f Allegro Lewis M. Isaacs t: ^r-h ns=^^ t*: ^2^ -=t 1 . Praise ye the Lord ! for it is good 2. Break forth, O Is-rael, in - to song, 3. Let hal - le - lu - jah loud - ly rise! His might-y acts to mag - ni Let hymns as-cend to heav-en's Let hal - le - lu -jah soft - ly - fy, vault ; fall! -4 — I r"a — I- 3ES: '^1 T X E3 / ^*1«-- i i fc=:«=f=f=E=ft 4 feig t=±i T— 1- m *t And make those mer - cies im - der - stood, His hand de-lights to mul No sweet - er task has mor - tal tongue Than its Cre - a - tor to Un - til on an - gel lips it dies, As they im - to each oth ^ ^ y=i ti ex er r^ J * =^=S s* -^ W^ r ^^- ^^^^ I ^ ^ *H — r I* # ^ ^j. ^f=F -(2- :q^ -G> ply. alt. call, Praise Praise Praise ye ye ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! -^ ^- -^ 3^ w ::& W- J^ :t==s2: 1 66 p 66 Praise God is the Giver of AH Christopher Wordsworth mf Moderato Max Grauman ^ 1. O 2. For 3. We 4. To Lord of peace - ful lose what Thee, from heaven, and earth, homes, and health on our - selves whom we all and sea, ful days, we spend, de - rive To For We Our «/ Itfizit T%~]ir -•—d- :|t:^ -^ ~*—m- w Thee all have life, I 12=^: all the as otir praise and bless- ings treas - ure gifts, o\ir glo - ry be; earth dis - plays, with - out end pow'r to give ; How shall We owe What ev O may we Thee er, we show our thank- ful Lord, to ev - er 15- ^ :2=i: ^=r ^ :1tzq: u --^ love to Thee, ness and praise, Thee we lend, with Thee live. Who Who Who Who giv giv giv giv est est est est :t^=r- all? all. all. all. 1 (m :=t; 67 -*- 0^- ^ Praise 67 Singf to the Sovereign of the Skies Hamburg Temple Hymnal, Translated by Felix Adler Tempo di marcia Boris Levenson 1524' 'if- ^^^^ :t=d=fl I 1. Sing to the Sov'reign of the skies, To His great name a - lone, 2. Praise be to Thee, who didst com-mand, Thy first-bom Is - ra - el, wmm f=rf=& f> r^p' & I T ^^J 1^ ^^ m *^^:^ -g» — ^- -F *^ Let wing- ed words of praise a -rise In ev-'ry clime, in ev - 'ry land, To the Al-might-y's throne. Thy liv-ing truths to tell. 3=*^ t^-^^^r-zr ^^-- R=t :«t:^ 7^ g= J- ■^^ ^^ ^^:^Ee :P=:e: titz: r — r ^^^^ :^=a: ^^ For He has given His law of light A rad - i - ant star to be ; O may these ev-er be our guide. And bear us safe - ly o'er ^E =1' 5^ i p --^sfj *-f ~A^ 68 Sing to the Sovereign of the Skies Continued ^jm^^=^=hm^ ^- f dim. e rii. ^E^ -^^ ^-2?- 1 To guide thine err-ing steps a - right, Make it a law for thee. Life's dark and swift-ly flow-ing tide, Un - til it flows no more. ^ 68 God James Cowden Wallace 1793 (?) -1841 mf Andante , 1^ 1 Eugen Haile m -9 — ■*- m :?E=^ f-iTCf- 1. There is an Eye that nev - er sleeps 2. There is an Arm that nev - er tires 3. That Eye un-seen o'er-watch-eth all; Be - neath the wing of night ; of mgl When hu-man strength gives way ; gives That Arm up-holds the sky ; the «k] way; m4 m ►/' !^ ^ Ei^^ ^^- ^ There is an Ear that nev - er shuts When sink the beams of light. There is a love that nev - er fails When earth - ly loves de - cay. That Ear doth hear the spar-rows call; That love is ev er nigh. ^* -Hj — I P- r mm 69 69 Praise Who is Like Thee, O Universal Lord James K. Gutheim n f Con jpirito A. W. Binder [Se;^ -K— n- V^-> — ^ — N— ^- t 1. Who is like Thee, O U- ni-ver-sal Lord, Who dare Thy praise and glory share, 2. Thy ten-der love em- brac-es all man-kind, Thy chil-dren all by Thee are blest ; ifF=1^ 1=1- E^^£ :^=^=!^^=t2: Who is in heav'n. Most High, like Thee adored, Who can on earth with Thee compare? Re - pen-tant sin-ners with Thee mercy find; Thy hand up-hold-eth the oppressed; -f- — I I :5±:it -r-A- ^^E^^^ w^rsr ^f£ ^ Srr»:i=t«: =S=F3=H= -&-=^ -! h ? ^ "£l[JE=k=k=fli^ ^ f ->-^V— ^ ^ 5^ :^5=^ — % — 1-" -fcj— I — # — -I ^-^ — Thou art the One true God a • lone. And firm- ly found -ed is Thy throne. All worlds at - test Thy pow'r sub - imie ; Thy glo - ry shines in ev - 'ry clime. fei^^^Mf 13 70 70 Praise With the Voice of Sweet Songf Harry H. Mayer u f Andante con moto Frederic H. Cowen t :=]= -^ 1. With the voice of sweet song, 2. Where the sun's rays are shed, 3. Then, to God be our song. ^ i 'I-LtTJ^ :g: In a hymn, clear and strong. Or the moon-beams are spread. In a hymn, clear and strong. :t=i :& m=p=,b: l~^ / i^ ^^=r To God let His gen - er - ous Un - ceas - ing the ren - der botm - ty bless - ings our prais pro - vid he sends s^M £ fc^ es! eth; us; -r-fZ- -1:^1- P y n z±r.^J^^ M -t^ ^ From His store of de-lights All our days, all our nights. Through the win-ter's wild wrath. Through the sum - mer's still path. In His care we a - bide. In His love we con - fide, :t==t=: :P^ ■I r-r^ n h ^ ^fef 1^ 1 s =S: How Our His rich - ly foot - steps mer - cy with se for pleas - ures cure - ly ev - er ^ f I ?"— g r r^i He gra He guid at - tends ces. eth. us. -^ 1 p. 71 p^ f=^ raise 71 The Lord — the Lord of Glory Reigns Mrs. Follen f Allegretto ppg PSALM 93 -J- S. Rappaport 4 1=^ #«= i-\f HiHi--^ 1. The Lord — the Lord of glo - ry reigns 2. Thou art from ev - er - last - ing, Lord ; 3. The might - y waves are roll - ing high, 4. But Thou, O Lord, art might - ier far, 5. He who can calm the storm - y deep In maj - es - ty ar - rayed ; For - ev - er fixed Thy throne; The floods lift up their voice ; The tem-pests bow to Thee; Will give His ser-vants peace ; ^>^rt^-^f % j: i P fe 5^ =F=f / ^ -I • d — H ^ ^ His pow'r the im - i - verse sus- tains ; By Him it first was made. ^ All sprang from Thy ere - a - tive word ; They seem to meet the bend - ing sky ; Thy voice can still their rag - ing war, His prom - is - es He'll ev - er keep; jt_ £ Thou art the Ho - ly One. The roar - ing storms re - joice. And smooth the troub-led sea. His mer - cies nev - er cease. a. i=r m p 72 O Lord, Our King B. H. Kennedy PSALM 8 f Maestoso (M. M. J= 108) , b o — 1 1 — I — I- Samuel Alman ^iH 1. O Lord our King how bright Thy fame In all the earth, how 2. Lord what is man, that in Thy mind. His works and ways re - 3. To man's do - min - ion all must yield. The sheep and ox - en W^r^. ^ ^ :fi ^S 174= f F ^ 73 O Lord, Owf King Continued T great Thy name. Thou who mem-brance find? Or what of the field, The wild hast made the hea-ven - ly height the child of man, to share, beast in the for - est lair, ^^ j^^^-f— f-T^r^f^r kit=S- ^^ ^ ?^ ^Esi^ p ^ ^tl^^tt^ a t^^g=^ The dwell -ing of Thy glo - ri - ous light! Fxill oft I muse, with Thy ten - der love, Thy guard - ian care? He stands, Thy chos - en The wild bird scud - ding through the air. The fish - es that in m J^J^ -^^J U^ -F- -*- ^ -*- -,9- -^ -J- -0 U, ^S=^ Y\r-w :r-t:*: ■^2- -f=^ ± P rail. ^FF=^ i i -4- / 3= ^ ^ ^ #r* rev - e - rent eyes, Read-ing the beau - ty of the skies, The moon and de - pu - ty To rule the creat-ures formed by Thee: Thy power be- 0 - cean glide, And myr-iad na~tions of the tide, — O Lord, oxir ^,^-^r-r^ i ^^ ^ rail ^y m ^^ m w^m ■^^ b^ ^r r stars, that ord - ered stand O - be - di - ent to Thy fram - ing hand, neath his feet has laid. What e'er on earth that power has made. King, how bright Thy fame, In all the earth, how great Thy name! J. fc$Ut:£ ^ T=t. P ^ -^ T n 73 73 Praise In God, the Holy $ Penina Moise f Larghtssimo Harry Rowe Shelley 4tt=^=- isiTia: 1. In God the ho- ly, wise and just, From child-hood's ten-der years, 2. From ev - 'ry page that time has turned, Since that bright sea-son fled, 3. Oh, should my term of life ex-ceed Frail man's al - lot - ted days, e: :q=:^ t r ^ f 3=i=^r^Trs arr^ ^ci>-S^^^— ^ it^:±m -^^r-^it-g- -^ -^ S ^S3^ ^s^ -^-fe tr- Have Some Un - I re- use - ful til the posed with per - feet trust. My chang-ing hopes and fears, les-sons have I learned, Some whole-some mor-al read, last my pray'r would plead For strength my God to praise. g i- ^ 1 H -*- -^ -•*' -0- I "^ -ffH 1 1— 1^ -ff— I 1- «^ ti^ -*- ^^^p J^SS3 P 74 74 Praise Arise to Praise the Lord James K. Gutheim, Tr. fr. Hamburg Temple Hymnal f Spirited A. W. Binder m sat ^^^^^ r- 1. A - rise to praise the Lord, 2. He is thy rock, thy shield W^^ A - wake my slum-b'ring soul. And will not fail to be; ■^ -^- -1=2- -ts^ S- ^ 7 jp^ itft -■■I — « -^ — I 1% — I — it i Strike deep the stir - ring chord, What off - 'ring canst thou yield Thy Mak - er to ex - tol. For so much love to thee? £ :i^=^ m I ? tH<=t=r=^5=^f -,25*- For He pre-served thy life If but sin - cere thy gift, When dark - ness closed a - round, It will His fa - vor find. m. -0- — I — G> -^- ^ r f tc ^ r v==^. 1 3 — H: H= 1 f ^ 'v—zi- r 'Midst dan Thy heart gers ev - er rife. He was thy re - fuge found, to Him up - lift. And be to Him re - signed. fe^ -r=h 'M-=-^ :J=,c=^ f :tz: 1 75 75 Edward Churton I / Andante Praise God of Grace PSALM 67 Eugen Haile i^ t ^tfi: S is: -^ I T* -^^ God of grace, Praise to Thee, Praise to Thee, O let Thy light Bless the faith-ful Lord; Let all-f aith - f ul Lord! Let our dim and blind -ed sight; all tongues in glad ac-cord all tongues in glad ac-cord S i^ 3 *=T ^ -g^ ^ -(&- -^ Like the day-spring on Learn the good thanks- giv Speak the good thanks- giv ■r^--^ c^ -(9- the night Bid Thy grace ... to ing word, Ev - er prais - - ing ing word, Praise Thee ev - - er shine.., Thee:., more:. m ^=2: -M^ #^ e=£ 1 ^ H ''J * S^ t W^ :^ 5 To the na - tions led a - stray Thine e - ter - nal love dis - play ; Let them, moved to glad - ness, sing, Own - ing Thee their Judge and King; So the fruit - ful earth's in-crease God shall give, the God of peace. :^— ^ f^=-^ -S-T- i ^ i F^=r~ifi^ ;q=t ff ^ n ■g ,5 -^—- — ^ "Sy be shall -€L^-, ^^ Let Thy truth di - rect their way. Till the world Right-eous truth shall bloom and spring Where Thy rule Whom the world shall nev - - er cease Hum-bly to Thine. be. dore. :P^=f. -ttziB- 1 / ^^¥^ 76 i Praise 76 The Lord of All F. De Sola Mendes. Tr. fr. the "Adon 01am," page 328. f Andanu con moto S. Sulzer i a ^ E^EgJ=^ W "--=:=^ I 1. The Lord of all, who reigned su - preme 2. When this, our world, shall be no more, 3. A - lone is He be - yond com - pare, 4. He is my God, my Sav - ior He, 5. Then in His hand my - self I lay, Ere first ere In maj - es With - out div To whom I And trust - ing m r f u£ ^ :g=:: r / ggg iSii* i u m -si- a ty i turn sleep, ^-- --i r tion's form was framed; When all was fin - ished He still shall reign, Who was, Who is, Who sion or al - ly, With - out in - i - tial in sor - row's hour — My ban - ner proud, my and wake with cheer; My soul and bod - y J: i ^ 5 m 3 ^ TTT ^3=*: by His will His will for aye In date or end, Om • ref - uge sure. Who are His care; The J- ^1 &- name Al - might - y was pro-claimed, end - less glor - y still re - main. ■ nip - o - tent He rules on high, hears and an - swers with His pow'r. Lord doth guard, I have no fear. i 3i^ :J- ■iS>- P I 77 77 B. H. Kennedy Maestoso Praise The Heavens, O God^ PSALM 19 /: Ludwig van Beethoven Arr. by A. VV. B. ^ te^ — -^- ^ 1. The heav'ns O God, Thy glo - ry tell, Thy skill the star-ry 2. Pure is Thy soul-con-vert - ing word. Thy law which makes the s^ :^ i^t i-^L^z: f f—^- $S3: *=^S: tf^. I m^^f j^ J ■ig-^tt. PfT is: -wm- ^ ^ -si— ^EEiE£ "5*- 5^ fcr is: 7-T-^ i^^g^ ::^:. K i^^ml fir - ma-ment; Day iin -to day re-peats the spell, And sim - pie wise ; Heart-soothing are Thy stat - utes. Lord ; Thy night to truth is te PIPP :i==^ 3 -z^ ^ -^^ cresc. gga iN: w. ^^^ -gp^-^^ t;^ ^s: i=S =^- i ;);> --— ^ fe^ :fe m.^jt^ft. :**i i-(5-i- day is el - o -quent; light un - to the eyes ; They breathe no sound, they shape no Thy fear a-bides for-ev - er ^^ H=fH- T^jff^j^ =^:^==: ;>pi ^ VP ^^. ±x=^ I^ :aqi^ wiwifc i2*i*1 78 il«..|ft-)»i(2fcii» ^ ^; ri I I ^1 I — r The Heavens, O God, Continued :^ :-4- :g — r. '-^- word, clean, The list - - ening ear no voice hath heard. Thy judg - ments true and right are seen. ^- SJla ■^% :^-y^ W< \=t^ :^=:: ^ / n. ^.^ They beathe no sound, they shape no word, The list-ening ear no Thy fear a - bides for - ev - er clean, Thy judgments true and 1— ^ =t fe^^ qm i^i^ s ^ r^^f;*^'^.^* 1* -<9r T^ / •s^ — g- f?^ :t=: :^= :t:: e -^5<-r-^-4| t^i^ voice hath heard, The list - ening ear no voice hath heard, right are seen. Thy judg-ments true and right are seen. 79 78 Praise Loud Let the Swellingf Anthems Rise Felix Adler, Tr. fr. Hamburg Temple Hymnal f Maestoso N. Lindsay Norden i ^^— H —0-^ --« m " ^ ' I ^ -—- 1. Loud let the swell -ing an - thems rise, Let all the na - tions sing 2. Praise ye the Lord, pro -claim His might, Who made ourfath-ers free; 3. Then let your hymns of thanks as-cend To the Al-might-y's throne, ^— j- — ^ J * — — -J-T — -m ^ — H -J' 4p=r=5 t-gf t^Jt r T- 3^^ ^ To Him who rules a - bove the skies, Un - to the Lord, our King. Who gave to us a heaven - ly light, The sim of lib - er - ty. To whom in grat - i - tude we bend, Who reigns su-preme a - lone. The sun, at His com - mand, A pros-p'rous peo - pie hails Of His great mer - cies tell. Re - newed the bar - ren ground. Its bright and gen - iai ray. Whom earth and heaven a - dore, gg .4=- ^ ^^ =^ I r F 80 Loud Let the Swelling Anthems Rise Continued -m —■•—v-^ g — tztz: fct Rich har - vest decks the land, And gold - en peace pre - vails Let hal - le - lu - jahs swell 5^ And plen - ty smiles a - round. Wide o'er the land to - day. His praise for ev - er - more. -^ 3f r^ iS -zSr^t) £ :e :=tI ^ ^ -« ^ ^ f=ri"=r i t 79 Robert Loveman f Allegro moderato Israel's Song A HYMN OF PRAISE ^^ Boris Levenson X There is a joy the heart can feel, That earth does not pos - sess. Sing, nat-ions of the globe, re-joice. For Is-rael'sGod is King: And in our heart of right-eous birth. Thy last - ing love hold sway, It com - Let man- Un - til eth from a kind rise with this night of true joy life ap-peal. To God for hap - pi - ness. ous voice. And earth his tem-ple, ring, on earth, Is changed to hea-ven's day. ^-- 3tzW: •' d. -G—r ^ x=^zi ST=5 Ir ^- -a f^ 1^7^i.4r-ttr^H^T=F^ LT' f ^ 3t23 f^ i 8i 80 Praise The Lord of All V. De Sola Mendes, Tr. fr. the "Adon 01am" f .7 dante maestoso Sephardic Melody. A. W. Binder 1. The Lord 2. When this, 3. A - lone 4. He is 5. Then in of our is my His all, world, He, God, hand who reigned shall be be - yond my Sav - my - self su - preme no more, com - pare, ior He, I lay, Ere In With To And / • F=£=q SE 5- E^ :^^=ls: =1^ =1: tion's form was framed ; When all was fin - ish'd Who tial first ere - a - maj - es - ty He still shall reign. Who was. Who is, out di - vi - - sion or al - ly. With - out in - i Whom I turn - - in sor-row's hour — My ban - ner proud, trust -ing sleep, - - and wake with cheer; My soul and bod my y A- *=2=r m >^ izitn Fed. by His will will for aye date or end, ref - uge sure - are His care ; His name Al - might - y was pro-claimed. In end - less glo - ry still re - main. Om - ni - po - tent He rules on high. Who hears and an - swers with His pow'r. The Lord doth guard, I have no fear. Praise 81 Now Bless the God of All Israel Abrahams f Moderato 1 1 Frederic 1 1 H. Co wen 1 ^^1^=^ □ ^ — \ — ^ :-M — 1 • iH * « ' J 1 - 1. Now 2. From 3. O 1 -*- bless our jrant, the first Lord, — --t — God days that of all, of life, our hearts — » Who When In -» — • peace to peace-ful joy may -m- — S — « — us has - ly we ev - er -^ — i — giv - en; rest - ed treas - ure /^}^4-l 1 — — 1 m. m. 1=2-- • — ^ L 1_- i_ — K? # ^t-^ -> pr- =^- ^c= <^ • zir— — 1» !■— — F F 1 1 -^jr- 1 1 -1 -1 ^ --r H \— 1 [■ 1 i --M^-n r— * "■»-■ w Whose light up - on us shines, And grace from high - est heav - en. With - in our mo - ther's arms, Un - troub - led, un - mo - lest - ed, That peace which Thou dost grant To men in boxm-teous meas - ure. :-^,^n-U. £=(=£=?: :S=f£ -I — r f :^= it5 He Up - on all men be - stows up. Thy mer - cy nev - er failed; firm To work for all men's peace, I f- fr J_ -g- -J-"^-^ The God of Is - rael. Thy love did bear us And, Lord, our hands con 1^1 t ._(=2_^- The won - ders of that Hand, From which all bless - ing flows. When we were weak Thy strength To make us strong a - vail'd. Our God, whose love is sure. Whose mer - cies nev - er cease. 82 Providence Lo, Oor Father's Tender Care James K. Gutheim vif Moderato James H. Rogers ^ 1 . Lo, our Fath - er's ten - der care Slum-bers not, nor sleep - eth ; 2. Lo, our Fath -er's gra-cious love Slum-bers not, nor sleep - eth; ifr r^^^ "»/ g 3=*: :^^^ =f izzi: :t;»t Gra - clous gifts His lav - ish hand Dai - ly on us heap - eth. Trust with all thy heart in Him, Who thy por - tion keep - eth; (i ^^^=^ :)»=^: / Though fierce storms, though per - ils low - er Who till now pro - tec - tion grant - ed yt ^k k tr f ^ 84 Lo, Our Father's Tender Care Continued -b \ ^ ^ ^ azizttjt Is not God our shelf - ring tow'r? Trem - ble not! And thy for - tune wise - ly plant-ed. Fear thou not I % ^ Hini m w^^ ■r^ ^t^t ^0 S P^ feS p E ^^^ ii ^ -» — ^ At His word the storm is still, Per - ils van - ish at His will; God, who life and be- ing grants, Elind-ly, too, sup-plies our wants; F?^=j^ m 3 j j j^ ^ m ^ — ^ F ^ ' -# — ^ J^ ^ fczl. i ii=l =f :i3?= =t=^ fc=l: s ^ And His love or-dains our lot, Lo, our Guard-ian slxim - bers not. Let but du - ty guide our lot Lo, our Guard-ian slum - bers not. i 7it=± w ^fc 5 S-^=l- =^ -* — i^ 1^1^ ^^^ -* — »- -(<» — ^ ~»|* -b !• )» ^ 85 83 Providence God Moves in a Mysterious Way William Covrper if ,Lento I A. W. Binder T ^^ ^' UI121 1. God moves 2. Deep in 3. Ye fear 4. Judge not 5. His pur 6. Blind un • in a mys - ter - ious way. un - fath - om - a - ble mines ful saints, fresh cour - age take, the Lord by fee - ble sense, pos - es will rip - en fast, be - lief is sure to err. His won - ders Of nev - er - The clouds ye But trust Him Un - fold - ing And scan His -O^ :-E=F^ £=Ke ^ fefcs* Jfe=ta -^ f-^ ^f A U , 1 1 '^ .. 1 \ , u ■ ?:)—• 1 =-.-1 ■ si, — - 1^ M -=^ i 1 A gf^r^ -^ to per ^-^ — g He plants * — His foot - steps form ; - - fail ■ ■ ing skiU-- He treas - ures up His so much dread - - Are big with mer - cy, for His grace; -- Be - hind a frown - ing ev - 'ry hour; - - The bud may have a work in vain; - - 1 ^ God 9 is His own m - /-^. w . >, F' 1 p ^ KL p r 1 i^A ^ \i 'r^ 1 1 f^ vm vSu i." 1 f 1 P 1 I^^Pt? 1 — \ \ 1 — 1 1 1 H J J I J :S5t S^ in the sea, bright de - signs, and shall break Prov - i - dence bit - ter taste ter - pre - ter f^ And rides And In He But And u - pon the works His bless - ings hides a sweet will Ag_Lbg, :t=: 86 sov - ereign on your smil - ing be the He will make it storm. will. head. face. flower. plain. ^^E-n 1 84 Providence Out Shepherd is the Lord Felix Adler PSALM 23 Tr. fr. the Hamburg Temple Hymnal f Moderato P. C Lutkin ^: ^^ =f ■^i=l ±=mz 1. Our Shep - herd is the Lord, 2. Through night of death and fear 3. Thus hap - py is oiu- lot And us His flock He lead - eth; We pass with - out dis - may; - - With - in this earth - ly sphere, - - £ *-J- 9=n =t==l?: =F / 5==t- :i S m *-♦ that man-kind need - eth. us on oxu- way, - - ness, far and near. - - His earth, with beau - ty stored. Yields all His light re - ful - gent shines To guard While heav - en's bless - ings smile In rich ^ m -^ -^=^ pz±zp= ^ -n I m -w ■*- it; V Is there a thirst - ing heart? His arm grants vie - to - ry, God decks our life with gifts His staff to wa - ters Dis - pen - ses joy and Of His a - bun - dant leads bliss, • grace. ^^ $ -^ 4=-, is ^^=t^ -^■-^ :p=t^ -iS'r With joy and light He feeds it. We can - not step a - miss. - ■ Com - pletes our pil - grim race. - - To soothe its ach And trust - ing in Un - til e - ter fe -I h ing smart, His help nal rest E 87 ^=F I 85 Faith, Trust and Courage Father, to Thy Dear Name J. Leonard Levy P Andante A. W. Binder ^ t^ ^m w s •- 1 . Fa - ther, to Thy dear name I lift my voice in praise, For Thou hast 2. As I may jour - ney on Life's high-way, smooth or rough, If Thou wilt ^J...u.^ J I I I J i-j==fi=j 4^i I I ^ ^ -/■ »- -f r f: e^Et -b — »- ?^ -I — I- -^\ 5=4= =4 JCi^i=*: :^=P- been my guide Through all my days. What-e'er on earth is mine Came from Thy be my help, It were e - nough. Though time may take from me Much that I *: ^ m ' F ^ jj:: ? ^ 9 ¥ i — (^ f-^ i i ^ lov - ing hand, Right - ly to use and share At Thy com-mand. now hold dear. Let it not take the hope That Thou art near. i w ~^-. — -^ ^ I ! 5= m P=J^=d: S3 :fc=?c ~» — &- r r r\r icz=pc i i 88 86 Alice mf ± Lucas Andante Faith, Trust and Courage The Lotd, My Shepherd Still Has Been PSALM 23 A. W. Binder ^ ■^- 1=q? 1 . The Lord, my Shep-herd still has been, There-fore no want I know ; 2. He makes my soul at peace to be From pain and sore dis- tress, 3. Yea, though death's dark-some vale I trod. Yet would I fear no ill, 4. Thou dost for me a ta - ble spread In pres - ence of my foes, 5. Good-ness and mer-cy stead-fast - ly Shall fol - low me al - ways. ffi ^^ mf :Bi * r » * ^S m \ * r.\ ^ ^ e -^- :^=^ :^=3e -bhr- f f^^ •F=^ 1 WE^. ^^ ^pE=i fe ^ T He lead - eth me in pas-tures green And where calm wa-ters flow. And for His name's sake guid-eth me In paths of right-eous-ness. For e - ven there Thy staff and rod Would be my com-fort still. With oil an-noint-est Thou my head, My cup it 0 - ver- flows. And in the house of God shall I Dwell to the end of days. jL. ^ m i3^: :S=pt±:^:^ E^EE^ =5qi= iB P J. -^^-£ v^^ s — s- I 89 87 Norman Macleod f Maestoso Faith, Trust and Courage Our Guiding Star PSALM 37, a F. Mendelssohn 1. Cour-age, broth-er, do not stum-ble, 2. Let the road be rough and drear-y, 3. Per - ish pol - i - cy and cun-ning! 4. Sim - pie rule and saf - est guid-ing, Though the path be dark as night; And its end far out of sight, Per - ish all that fears the light! In - ward peace and in - ward might, i ■^ rB: ?^ m^ ?=*=Ff ^ '-4^ izz^t =F / =1=^ J 4- ^ There's a star to Press on brave-ly! Wheth - er los - ing. Star up - on our guide the hum-ble, "Trust strong, or wea - ry, "Trust wheth-er winning, "Trust path a - bid - ing, "Trust God God God God and and and and I -sr do do do do the right." the right." the right." the right." 1 m -1=^ :t==t= :t=r: ^ 88 All as God Wills John Greenlcaf Whittier nf Moderato Joseph Barnby 1. All as God wills, who wise 2. E - nough, that bless-ings im - 3. That more and more a prov 4. No long - er for-ward or ly heeds To give or to with - hold, de-served Have mark'd my err -ing track; • i-dence Of love is im - der - stood, be-hind I look, in hope or fear, =^=t^. mf S -f^ -^- -9~jr — p-i — 1 — 1 — \ — h _-J K 1 — 1 -1 ^ 1 ^T 11 if^7—^ i— • 1 *• -H^^v-1- ■ — ai — ~4=5 i^=^ — \ And That, Mak But m-^ J know-eth more of where-so - e'er my - ing the springs of grate - ful take the r * • w 1^ all my needs feet have swerved time and sense good I find, —m-^ — « a — ■•0- Than Thy c Sweet God's m all my pray'rs have hast'ning turned me with e - ter - nal bless-ing, now and '. r told, sack; good; lere. ^Vr- _j__^^ — u ' r:3.^=^ ■^^^ ^' r r • ^ U — n 90 89 Faith, Trust and Courage Ah, Well It Is That God Should Read i Grace Aguilar Stanza i, lines 5 and 6, and st. 2, alt. fi Grave , Georg Neumark, har. J. S. Bach w ^ w --Q^ m a-1 F ^i TZ^Z 1. Ah, well it is that God should read, 2. Lift but to God the tear - dimmed eye 3. Come, then, and seek the Foimt of love. And none but And bend in Whose liv - ing ±± -^—l\r % -0 tf -^- :A^ P I^ -A- ^=i^^ — ,5*-=- 17 ^=> That He He will ters all may share ; The Friend who sits en-shrined God, our in - most soul, prayer the sink - ing knee, wa a - lone can see re - ceive each swell ■ * it ■ing a - bleed sigh bove M ^ &^=*=?(=! :=t^=; -^ ^ -r =5=**= 'Neath its dark veil of self - con - trol. And heed our wants what-e'er they be. Will all our sor - rows soothe and bear. Grieve not that man can In hearts that trust Him Come but to Him and nev - er know Our spir - it's He or - dains A love no He will give Us fitt - ing deep earth grace 12 est joy or woe. ly doubt e'er stains, for Him to live. m ■■•- d 11 ^ fc:tt :|= -^^ 91 f 90 Faith, Trust and Courage As God Wills Harry H. Mayer mf Moderato Boris Levenson d? «=r= -A -^ -6^ tzzt?: £ 1. In sun 2. I can 3. Could I 4. In sor shine not but row and in fa - thom clear - ly and in storm, Thy see joy, O God, de - signs, as Thou, a - like. I But And Thy ^ T- ^^ Aril -±: P ■;;,^- "¥'- :=|: :=?!: lean con - tent up - on Thine arm, wheth - er life seem good or ill, vm - der-stand, come joy or woe, will is on - ly for my good. m^ Thy lov - ing kind - ness I calm - ly rest up ■ The hid - den pur - pose My bless - ings and my -. h 1 1- r^i^: 3B?: «^=r^ J- -i^r;! i m. itJN: ±:; t^ :^ '^-- :t: » — *- ^^ ^^ :;^=3t jt^ com-forts me, on Thy love, of Thy plan, bur -dens all And guards And humb Then should Are gifts J- my soul ly strive I choose by Wis - from to Thy dom ev •• 'ry harm, do Thy will, way to go. un-der-stood. t?T*=t?^ l^ cS: ^ J- --^-■ J^ P 92 Faith, Trust and Courage 91 Maltbie D. Babcock mf And ante Rest in the Lord, My Soul PSALM 37, 7, 8 A. W. Binder :=t ;li^d: :=t ■- S~^ 93 92 Faith, Trust and Courage Resignation Abraham Ibn Ezra . — Tr. by Alice Luc as James G. I lell er *) Andante 1 1 V -1 \ \ ! ; 1 1 1 1 a . ^M~ ~"^ 'W~' — •!— — « — « —A— "■■ -C/. . 1 — at— - ,^7 4 5 ^ • I. I hope -3- for -3 — 3 — 1 the sal - va — ^ - tion — « — of -i — the L_^_^ Ll_w 1 Lord, In 2. Hence doubt ■ • ing heart! I will the Lord ex - tol With 3. All that is hid - den, shall mine eyes be - hold, And 4. Sweet is ev'n sor - row com - ing in His name, Now .VI g' r--^-' ^^ -I r r-$— — £— ^t— t r-r- rr--e—^ p;:4 1 - — ^ \-. 1 \ i r — m — w ^^ A 1 1 W 1 II' 1 — 1 ^^ -* , n 1 ^ 1.. .. ^ . . A ■ % \ \ — T 1 ! ' 1 f^ — M^ ^ «~~ ^ ' 1 J 1 — 1 1 1 \>'J ^ S 4 • /d ' i J C ' tr r^ « # m -*- • • 9 -•0- ■s)- . -9- £/ • m Him I trust, when fears my be - ing thrill, Come life, come glad - ness, for in Him is my de - sire. Who, as with the great Lord of all be known to me, Him will I will I seek its pur - pose to ex - plore, His praise wiU M • m m » u /^A. Z . " — — i_ ^ Brs'-'- ■ c r r WJ' F r' r ^ w • ^ f '« +T^ . {• 1^ • m 1 FT t* 1 r <^ ■■' 1 U» 1 1 ■ 1 [ 1 y 1 1 1 r i ^r^^ feF=^ death, ac - cord - ing to His word. He is my por - tion fat - ness, sat - is - fies my soul. That doth to heav'n as - serve. His am I as of old; I ask not to be I con - tin - ual - ly pro - claim, And bless Him ev - er - r: r- a J- still, pire. free, more. h2- -'\ I T^ 94 Faith, Trust and Courage 93 God Supreme! Penina Moise, St. i and 2; Edward N. Calisch, St. 3 and 4; Last line of each stanza alt. P Andante (J = 5 8-60) ^ Joseph Achron S3 ^ 3=^ r^ -^^ 1 . God su-preme ! to Thee we pray : Let our lips be taught to say, 2. What Thy wis-dom may die- tate, Let Thy ser - vant vin - di-cate, 3. Thou a -lone dost best de-cide What-so - e'er shall us be-tide; 4. When our sky is 0 - ver-cast, When our life - work's o'er at last, :3: 1 P 'W^ ^=t=t a^ In ^^^^ t/ Whe - ther good or ill may flow, Though it may our hopes o'er-throw, Be our stat - ion high or low. When Thou call'st for us to go, Hea - ven - ly Fa - ther 94 Faith, Trust and Courage O Sometimes Gleams John G. Whittier mf Lento A. W. Binder :s=:1^ =1: ^5==^ :tz=^ 1. O sometimes gleams up-on my sight, Through present wrong, th' eternal Right! 2. That all of good the past hath had Re-mains to make oixr own time glad, 3. Through the harsh nois-es of our day A low, sweet pre-lude finds its way; 4. Henceforth my heart shall sigh no more For old - en time and ho - lier shore ; a^E£3^ 1^=^ £ :p-r-^lg^bzig=c|===n] ^ iT— r-P^-fe ^h^j^^h^^^,^ '^ And, step by step, since time be - gan. Our com-mon dai - ly life di - vine. Thru clouds of doubt and creeds of fear God's love and bless-ing, then and there. 1 see the stead-y gain of man. And ev - 'ry land a Pal - es-tine. A light is break-ing, calm and clear. Are now and here and ev - 'ry-where. 95 God Is My Strong Salvation James Montgomery PSALM 27 f Moderate tempo, but spirited A. W. Binder ^^ ^^ -I r -jK ^ 1 . God is my strong sal - va 2. Place on the Lord re - li tion; Of whom shall I fear? ance. My soul, with cour - age wait, --1= God Is My Strong Salvation Continued ^ pi^ i In dark-ness and temp - ta - tion, My light, my help is near. His truth be thine af - fi - ance, When faint and des - o - late. m. ^ f f-^ £; d^U^r,^. . £ ^^^ ^ n-*",- -tTtl^ :X ^- ^=T=f^^ iJ Though hosts en - camp a - roimd me, Firm to the fight I stand ; His might thine heart shall strengthen, His love thy joy in-crease, -\ ^ =^=^ ^^ S W^^^i-Cr-tf-^"^-^-^* ^-^T"^^ m S^iSriJ C-J7J -*=:C=^P£^ ^^m i ^^m ^ iSjiz What ter - ror can con - foimd me With God at my right hand? Mer - cy thy days shall length - en. The Lord will give thee peace. ¥■ i — 1- l=H-- ^ — -^^L,^ ! ! , ! I- :t=izb: S^f^ r ijTl:: -* — r^ t=^ i ^ r 97 96 Faith, Trust and Courage Father, to Thee Wc Look in All Our Sorrow F. L. Hosmer mf Adagio non iroppo F. Mendelssohn *y 5 iJ=« m 1. Fa - ther, to Thee we look in all our sor-row; Thou art the 2. Naught shall af - fright us on Thy good-ness lean - ing ; Low in the 3. Pa - tient, O heart, though heav-y be thy sor-rows! Be not cast Pi 3 s ^ i I 3-^ r i-t^^ ^"M ■^- \%: »/ W^^ £ ^ ^^ f P tt s/ f> mf •i ■22L -&- «A fotm - tain whence our heal -ing flows; Dark though the night, joy heart faith sing - eth still her song; Chas - tened by pain, we down, dis - qui - et - ed in vain; Yet shalt thou praise Him, U -^=? -^ — I 1 ^— — ' found in joy a - lone; — sweet - est 0 - dors yield, — no - bier faith sue - ceeds, — For sor - row, bit - ter As where the plough has And life by tri - als -^^ i m i 5 :^ ^ #& though it be, Hath bless - ings all its own. deep - est struck. Rich har - vests crown the field, fur - rowed, bears The fruit of lov - ing deeds. i 99 Truth and Light Let There be Light Mrs. I. L. Rypins f Maestoso Jacob Singer rfe a H 1 !■ 5^ ^ 1? 1. While yet the earth mid'st cha - os whirled, 2. Forth flashed the sim's ma - jes - tic rays, 3. List for God's voice; 'twill pierce the night; And all was The orb of The light of *^ V^ m^ m f ^ i^^=^ I 9—^^ ^^^ ^=» night bom, shine. clothed day Truth in was will God's might - y voice And night. So shall thy soul, the dark - ness of name - less its dark - ness 1 ^' *?=* M J^ ^^^ f 5 r s^-^ ^- f=4: i :i si 'W- ^W ~W I ' — ^1 He said, "Let there be light." by — A star - ry host, was shorn. Be cloth'd with light di - vine. pierc - ed, ter - rors, fled, @^ %"-=ti^ d: -:^ r t 100 Truth and Light Happy He That Never Wanders Felk AdUr , tr. fr. theH imburg Temple Hymnal A. W. Binder n ^ Andante marcatissimo 1 w 1 J \ 1 r ', 1 /qU-(4 — ^ ^ — J-^- W d ' f— — r — • t:>-^ 1 — 1 — — S 1 ^ 1 — t^- -H — — P fJ ... ^ ^ 1 I. Hap - py he that nev - er wan - ders From the path of 2. In the des - ert of our wand'r -ings, O'er life's wide and 3- O E - ter - nal Fa - 1 ther, teach k. 1 us WeU Thy sa - 1 cred 1 / y , 1 "1 1 Id*' ' ' \ A \\ 1^ ' 1 J • ^ J ! J ^ «{ ^ ft\f ( / 1 1 1 •i 1 1 « ^ \ ^ l^P ' M ; J \ ^ m \ S ^ J V-^ \ r 1 0 1 * • m -- \ . / / J 1 1 1 m - -^- /l•^• 1 1 — ^ ^ ^ r 1 1 1 ^ (^^ /^^ ^ m) ^ ^ . u 1 1 1 r ; 1 y^iA, { , 0 . 1 1 1^ 1^ 1 ^ V V \ ^^p 1 1 1 ^ . L ! ! 1 ^ ,^ 1 1 1 '^ ^ r ' u truth a - stray, Whom the light of knowl - edge guid - eth track - less sand, But a sin - gle path can lead us word to know; Light up - on the soul, and qui - et ^ :1^; ^ ^5-i*^^r — r ^ -r-^ Happy He That Never Wanders Contintied i ^ 13—^ On life's dark and storm - y way. Safe - ly to the prom - ised land. On the anx - ious heart be - stow. Joy - ful - ly and But be strong, O May oxir life be ^ n'. -N-j; r=^ :=P m ^—^ iic=ir- *^ f=T r :ifc=t ^^ well he la - bors, Till his toil and cares are past, man, and doubt not; Look a - loft! the ra - diant light pure be -fore Thee, Till its race on earth is o'er; 1 ^ 1 1— lJ- ir /fr): J ■ J^ J J r:r :^ J- J- dr S^ ^^ I 1^ And the wea - ry pil - grim rest -eth In e - ter - nal bliss at Of the star of truth will guide thee In thy troub-led course a - May Thy bless- ings rest up-on us. And Thy peace for - ev - er — sr last, right, more. i :«taf: ^^^ ' * ^^M=^d=- i^r ^« ' P-f sr- 1*=^ -=F m 103 Truth and Light 101 J. Leonard Levy f Moderato Come, Ye Faithful Servants Boris Levenson Free adaptation of a Synagogue Chant i^s'l'* f< — 1 — I 1 1 1 r- — 1 — ; f'^r^ ■ ' J J 1 J .i J II ^ - '^ J J 1 .^ ^^ 1. Come, ye faith - ful 2. Sin and mis - deed 3. Earth's down-trod-den 4. Ye, who are of set - vants Of God's ho - ly cause, tri - umph, Er - ror leads a - stray; chil - dren Look for help - ing hands; Is - rael, Zi - on's cho - sen sons, - m ^^^^^ IZ^ m ^s 3 r r ^ -<$*- 1- Ye need nev - er pause. Truth is kept at bay; Scatter-ed through all lands ; To earth's moxim-ing ones. Truth False Up, Bear and Light your - hood oft is then, aid your - ing words of wea - pons, hon - ored, breth - ren, com - fort ^ fc^^n^^^"^ ^ 7:jV^r ite- -i r 1^^- ^^^'^ t=F^ ^ T /: ^^ ^1y=Jg^ ^ :sz On the side of vir - tue Be ye ev - er found, Yet, lose not your cour - age, Men and wom-en true. Let your plea be Jus - tice. Love be your de - light, Rise and speed your mes - sage To the hu - man race, "" ^ 4- m m CSl i>*- r n ■mf. tEE£ ?: t^-fi---'^ J Aj^ it^ p=6fr ^ ComCf Yc Faithful Servants Continued :fc=4 poco rit. P fcz*: It: :t: -I- Bring - ing all things e - vil God's cause still shall tri - umph, Right - eous-ness, your watch-word, So that earth may soon be Down - ward to the grotxnd. If yoiu- part ye do. Eq - ui - ty, yoiir might. Joy's a - bid - ing place. poco rit. -<=■-> — ! „— I ^- i fc* ^ 54: Ati^^j-^£L^AA^t-j fe? * ^ Z^ 3 -^ 102 Close of Service Father, Let Thy Blessing Althea A. Ogden mf Lento Russell King Miller ^ ]VT=T '^^^- !ii -f^^ — &- 1. Fa - ther, let Thy bless - ing Touch us and re - main, 2. Fa - ther, keep us lov - ing, Brave and true and free, 3. Un - to all Thy child - ren, Here and ev - 'ry - where, n4-F^ '^^\rA r tl p^ M:5^i^ -Jtrz- .^ — H mf -hH m -A- H= 1 1 1 r ra//. n t^^ —d ^ -l- -A- — • — -«r =^=-4=4 ! \ . — c* -fl W— — -0 - /il -1 « 1 m, • ^ J 1 ' \ T -•-jy- % • • -^ Guid - ing all our ac - tions Till we meet a - gain. Kind to ev - 'ry crea ■ ture — All be - ■ long to Thee. Fa - ther give the com - fort Of Thy lov - ing care. d^ _-•: "ft- h* _Jr -J- J- J — • — -fe-f^- m ^ ^ /UV 1, 1 !/!• m H? ■: • 1 \ ^-^ 11 pj«i 7 U , W p* ^ M^ iiw'v w m II ^— %h^ \ r Hi ; , j II I' 17 ' 1 I — t- 1' V- —J — 1 -J M 105 103 Close of Service When This Songf of Praise Shall Cease William Cullen Brj'ant I tnf Con moto w * d: E. J. Stark T ^ praise shall path may :q: 1. When this 2. Oh, wher t=i: song e'er of our cease, lie. Let Thy Fa - ther, m P :i=:t ^f '^ W m chil let =te dren, us rzr" Lord, not de for part get With That the we bless - ing walk be ^ ^ r^=F=t- i # ¥ r of Thy neath Thine peace, eye. And Thy love in ev - 'ry That Thy care up - holds us * ^ ^ ^ m tK :^ i -gt-^ in up heart, yet. heart, yet, r And Thy love That Thy care ev holds 'ry us 1 5»: •g . P io6 104 Close of Service Grateful Praises / Allegretto Alois Kaiser =^ M- ■^ — s?- f=i" ^feE 1. b ho - ly joy that 2. O what a heaven-ly 3. Like shad - ows, days are ^--J* — \—A- rais - es A - gain each pray-ing heart! bless - ing Moves 0 - ver us this hour! fly - ing Thou, Lord, wilt e'er en-dure ; ^^=^ f mf '^- f 4 ^- i=3 1 Give to the Lord new Oh joy, we are pos A foun - tain nev - er prais - es, ses - sing dry - ing s m Ere from this house we part; A new and ho - lier power. Is Thy word, clear and pure. >— > m 1 — 1- --f" mf mf f ^^^ r=f- :i=^ Si- r Good seeds have been O Fa - ther, make To Thee, the bount- im - plant - ed In bo -soms young and pure, us will - ing To glo - ri - fy Thy name eous don - or Of truths that nev - er end. 1 m ^m ffi ^^=r^ mf fefari^ dim. ^^ i ^=* r Let growth to them be Through deeds of truth ful Shall songs of praise and grant - ed, fill - ing hon - or, O Lord, make them ma - ture. The law Thou didst pro - claim. From pi - ous hps as - cend. -&--- I dim. ' 1 — r 107 105 Harry H. Mayer "mf Andante cantahile Sabbath Eve Sabbath Eve PJnchos Jasslnowsky Based on cantillation mode of "Sheer Hasheereem" in 7/ *> :tK= 1. Come, O ho 2. Weave your mys 3. Come, O ho ly tic ly Sab - bath eve spell a - roimd Sab - bath spir nmg, me, it, itg ^ ^ W fc=* "/ i? rl y ^ ji:^iB ^-J^^ l£ Crown my toil with Lift my soul o'er Ra - diant shine from well earn - ed rest, Bring me hal - lowed care's dark tide. Shad - ow forth the ev - 'ry eye. Give to all man - S % r r f ii J J g^ ■ru- K^^ =S^ tiT -1=3- =^i i =t: II hours of glad - ness, Day of days be - loved and blest, joy man pic - tures Where the an - gel hosts a - bide, kmd a fore - taste Of our spir - it's home on high. ^H ;^5 *— *- I 3 at Sl^^y^*^ r; -25I- ^^ J= ^ i" 108 106 Sabbath Eve Sabbath Blessing I Jessie E. Sampler mf Andante A. W. Binder i*!n ^^- ^ 1. The Sab -bath light is bum - ing bright; Our pret - tiest cloth is 2. At set of stm oiir work is done; The ha - py Sab -bath 3. O Sab - bath guest, dear Sab - bath guest, Come, share the bless- ing s; ^E3 3^~r S ' d wr ■0 "— » W ^ -^ mf ^=F=F> -^-^ ^^ -I ^m ^ 55 f P^r- lK=ir- t=^- t==X- ■--A-- clean and white, With wine and bread for Fri has be - gun ; Now bless us. Fa - ther, ev ■ with the rest. For all our house to - night day 'ry is night. one. blest. n pg^. n m- -^- 1 "^9 * ^ t— JH =1: i=: lEPEg 1 i -©'— ^ r T 109 107 Aaron Cohen f Spirttoso Sabbath Eve Descend^ O Sabbath Princess David Nowakowsky Adapted by A. W. B. fe w ^ ^-^- rS=*- 1 De - scend, de - scend, O Sab - bath Prin 2. De - scend, de - scend, O Sab - bath Prin cess, cess. She For ^^ # f" J. S3 *=it :^ m ki - nah's rays with - in thine eyes, we are wear - y here and blind, De - scend and bring Thy De - scend and Hght - en ^ -*-^- ^.^ "•^T^ ^ :*=j -x-^ ^^- -0- ^ n- tt= peace - ful tid - ings, From yon - der o - ver - arch - ing skies, all the bur- dens Ot anx - ious soul and trou - bled mind; t^ 1* ^ m ^-a-z Iztz*: -^-r-ir^ r-E i Be The E=£ Descend, O Sabbath Princess Continued :i_Ji-J-^ hold, in path of -f^ dark - ness and in sad - ness, We life is rough and thorn - y, Our ^ -^- It: -f^ ^ £: # ^ -^ — ^ t?# - wan - der here, we stray, we grope ; feet are bruised and wounded sore, V S£ De - scend and give us faith and De - scend and bring us Hea-ven's ^^^ b^. tE^^ a 9 \-^m m d -*- A- ri=^- fz^r ^1": t: glad prom %■ fee J: ness, ise * * :^ De - scend and give Thy light and hope. Of Sab - bath peace for ev - er - more. m ^ ^ £ =^ ^ &= ^ 1 108 Sabbath Eve Sabbath Hymn Alice Lucas, Tr. fr. Solomon Alkabetz f Marcato con moto David Nowakowsky Adapted by A. W. B. ^ ^^=«= s*-rj^ ■fr^ Cj^ Come forth, my friend, the bride to meet, / J. Come, O my friend, the £iv', i I J ^*:^fe;Ia:^^-l^j^ :1t=e: '^T-l-i =-^- •«•• F=^ H — > -T '(^ 7j — =^-^ 1^=^^ ^~^"Zj ^ ^-^-^— ^=^ — N— \.Mi C a ^ • J J .._ ■ ^ ^ _p ^ ^' '_ ,, J ^ '^^t^ f f r-: ^ -^ u' r F Sab - bath greet! i . "Ob - serve ye" and "re - mem - ber" still The 8. Greet we the Sab - bath at our door, Well- •> {. A - rouse thy - self, a - wake and shine. For 4 . Crown of thy bus - band, come in peace, Come, f= ^^ , w S !*^, Fi*i -^- • -•- l«- ^ '^1 Lf^^-^^g-4 :=^^=^^-^g- r^r ^ J- -7^— fcltz^-j. 1 ^ ^ ■— t w — '^ — ^ — ^■r- =tz= w m m SEJ ^^^ ^r^ Cj* Sab - bath-thus His ho - ly will God in one ut-t'rance did pro - spring of bless- ing ev - er-more. With ev - er - last - ing glad-ness lo, it comes, the light di-vine. Give forth a song, for ov - er bid - ding toil and trou - ble cease ! With joy and cheer-ful-ness a - J- m ^^#^^^-^ H -i F— * J m ^- r ^— g: 113 Sabbath Hymn Continued , 0 1 ! — 1»^ — ».-... -1 - --1 u% — ^- — —J -h— 1 — ^ — ^ — p. — -p- -^ ^* — J — fc^^ r r 1* w J ^ ^ r *^ s \s) " ^' \ r W M W r tJ claim. 1 The Lord ^ U 1^ U- t^ is One, and One His name To fraught. Of old or - dained, di - vine - ly taught, Last thee The glo - ry of the Lord shall be Re - bide 1^' A - 1 mong -mh- Thy peo - pie true and tried, Thy ■ ^h — 1 r — J — — ^ \=T-f—r — T — t— LJfL ,M? 1 — i ^d — \^ ^ 4- ^ ■' iv - U n 1 1 1^ A 1 -' . ■ 1 — I ' 1 / h A I ^ ^— 1 H J 1 if\ ^ flj 1 ' ^-- ^ •^ ^ r m 1 J 1 ' "1 \s) 3 s), Q , ! « • • J 1 fj * S 1 CJ r-r H' -W- 1*- C/-' S His re - nown and praise and fame. Come forth. my friend. the in ere - a - tion, first in tl lought ( [^ome forth. my friend. the vealed in beau -ty speed - i ly. < Dome forth, my friend, the faith - ful peo - pie- come, 0 bride! Come forth. my friend. the M-^^ ■^— 1 5 * rs ^ * ,• m ~i 1^1 F m rS" s» " ^ U ^ *1 1 ^-^b ' 1 i ■■■{-' K tt* r V 11 1 ^ r' "■ ■ ' " » ttr_ » L_ L 1 1 r ^ < r dal segno ^E^^^^=P=^^^^xn^r^^ i^-^Cf Sab - bath greet! Sab - bath greet! Sab - bath greet! Sab - bath greet! bride to meet, Come, O bride to meet. Come, O bride to meet, Come, O bride to meet, Come, O my friend, the my friend, the my friend, the my friend, the j^'itTF ^ ^ 113 Sabbath Eve 109 How Good it is to Thank the Lord PSALM 92 Florence ^\' mf Mode i^r^—^ — 'eisberg rato 1 w Henry Gideon — ^ 1 1 1 w^- f r- ^ ^ 1 — ^_^ !^_ — ^ ^r-^ ? 1. How good it is to thank the Lord, To j 2. With joy - ous psalms and with the harp. WiU 3. Like state - ly palm the right eous thrive, As 4. Still, in old age, ripe fruit they bear, Ver - fer4-J— ■ 1 -^ r -P^ « • ->=^ P ^4 1 mf M — — 1 1 Zl^Std t:^= • -M — ^» 0 1 p-^ 1 1 1 1 -/ — -\ ^ftw-> ^- 1 — — ^ — — rj — ^r~ k. — \ ^ — \ \ — q) ^1 -^^--J- - 0 ^^^ -it*— -^^^ -J J A^P bJ tJ IJ. • • ' 1 n ; *j ' i praise Thy name, 0 Thou Most High; To tell Thy kind - ness I Thy mar ■ - vels glad - ly sing; Thy works have made my ce dar fair they flour - ish free In God's own house ; His dant and fresh they still re - main To prove that God, my 1 7=^^ * — •» «» — — ^ 1 it-*- -±i-t » ^ ^ 1 ,^^u 1 _L fe): — — «- » — — » — +r— P— —to =r4 —0 — ' m -»-w-^ Hf^— 1 ,^"^H^ ^ ^ i — - 1 ' r — -1 -42= \ U 1 — 1 — 1 s 5=^ m * ''•'^ through the day, heart re - joice; courts a - lone Rock of Help, t Thy faith - ful - ness when night I tri - umph in Thy work, Their dwell - ing - place and home His right - eous - ness doth e'er 3^ -J -<9- draws nigh, my King! shall be. main - tain. ^^I '^ ^ 114 Sabbath Eve 110 Florence Weisberg f LaTgamente How Good it is to Thank the Lord PSALM 92 From Lewandowski's "L'cho Dodec" 5 i a:4: 1. How good it is to thank the Lord, 2. With joy - ous psalms and with the harp, 3. Like state - ly palm the right - eous thrive, 4. Still, in old age, ripe fruit they bear, To praise Thy WiU I Thy As ce - dar Ver - dant and -zs!- =1: ^^ ^- s r .»J— ip^^ -fr> i ' J S^ :& -^ ^ i =1= name, O Thou Most High; To mar - vels glad - ly sing; Thy fair they flour - ish free In fresh they still re - main To tell Thy kind - ness works have made my God's own house; His prove that God, my ^ i^ im v- ^- #t ^ i 1 i i¥. ^ through the day. Thy faith - ful - ness when night heart re - joice; I tri - umph in Thy work, courts a - lone Their dwell - ing - place and home Rock of Help, His right-eous - ness doth e'er draws nigh, my King! shall be. main- tain. i ^ «:s^ 5=* T P i^c^i: ^ "5 Ill Grace Gtace Aftef Meals Author Unknown — Tr. by Alice Lucas Traditional "Grace" Melody Adapted by Max Grauman £6 ^ 1. His 2. There 3- Our ^ flock fore Rock, J- our with with Shep one lov herd ac ing feeds, cord care, With We Ac - ^ £ f n h 1 1 |M^ 1 K , V \ ™ — 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 y5 (7 h» J 2^ J m • J 1 J ffh^ 1^ ^ ^ • 4^_ J 4. a ■ ! J « ' V.M; 1 1 -m 5 « ^ J •I ^ t) 9^_^C^ r -(i^ *- -*- gra cious - 1 aess di - vine, He sa - tis - fies our will His 0 ame a - dore, Pro - claim - ing ev - er - cord ing to His word, Bids all His boim - ty i^^J m m _ • •_ _ r ! /5iV h J "^^ • r '• i 1 ^ I — h— — H Wj\ \> " 1 ■■(• 1 V • 1 !• ^-^U 1, ^ . L 1 m r P t* 7 i"-^ ^ F 1 1 L' ' 1 r 1 1 1 1 ' r 1 ^ ^ ^^1 s needs more share, m. With None Then f gifts ho let of ly us bread as bless and the the -P^ -J J wine. Lord. Lord. I zi6 112 The Sabbath Lord, In This Sacred Hotir Stephen Greenleaf Bulfinch mf Andante con moto Harry Rowe Shelley U :fc=t IZZS. -^- m 1. Lord, in this sa - cred hour, With - in Thy courts we bend, And 2. Thy tem - pie is the arch Of yon un-meas-ured sky; Thy 3. Lord, may that ho - Her day Dawn on thy ser-vant's sight; And d: ^ i ^ s S 3=S: '^^ ^=^ m/ ^te F-^'-r'f^- S- r—t- -m- -m- -^ s i=t ^ ^ w i =t 11* bless Thy love, and own Thy pow'r, Our Fa - ther Sab - bath, the stu - pen-dous march Of grand e pur - er wor-ship may we pay In heav'n's im i ^t: S ^ -^= m -1 1— U=£=Et::; :?=*: ^ iz: and our Friend ! ter - ni - ty. cloud - ed light! ZM, :t: ^ i 117 113 Sabbath Sabbath Hymn David Levy f Andanit Max Grauman i^z^li: P=f :lt=S= ■^ ■ — r 1. As birds iin - to the gen - ial home - land fly, 2. Here at Thy shrine we leave all vex - ing care, 3. Bless all who spend this night in pain and woe, 4. Come, Sabbath joy, each trust - ing heart now fill, The win - ter's For - get the dis-ap- The bur - dened And bliss - ful rf* i s It and low'r-ing skies to flee. So seeks my soul Thy ment, grief and tear. And on the wings of hope - ful the faint-ing, and dis-tressed. Thy com - fort send to with - in our homes a - bide, May thank - ful praise each ^-ii m ^. ^ -li- ~ri 'p^f * *: P r-^^'i^-rr i s^ i ntt :t=: ^^-^-^ gracious presence here And finds, O God, its rest and peace in Thee. song and prayer We rise, and ris - ing feel Thy Spir-it here, darkened homes bereaved. Thy sav - ing help to those by want oppressed, grateful heart now thrill. And to God's lov-ing care their lives — con-fide. 114 Marcus Jastrow, alt. Moderato J , I The Sabbath When the Sabbath Jacob Beimel Based on a Traditional Sabbath Mode W^ -4- f ^- fe 1=K ;^- 1 "7^ r~^ 1. When the Sab-bath, peace-in - vit -ing, Fills our hearts with sa - ere d mirth, 2. Here, where wor-ship-pers as-sem-ble. Where God's spir - it 'mongst us dwells, ^ teEEt *^a 9ti*: f^ U=tit / ■^ ^ S*^^ *=w Then from hea-ven, soul -de - light-ing, Man - na rain - eth down on earth ; Where all lips, re - joic - ing, tremble. And with thanks each bo-som swells, m ^^ &:S i3fc iic .1 t- ^1^,^—^ ^ M=t 4=t s s=^ n 1-^ ^ Then to song all sor-row yield-eth, Loud to God rings up the strain, Here the dust -bom man per-ceiv - eth How to con- quer fear and woe. ^-'^^jtzz^ ^^.# n t^S s^ ^-t?->- ^^t=at ^^^ ^^siiJ^^ ^"''^1?^ i i - - - - n- |- -- n- •- --§.- Heav- en-bom de - vo - tion wield-eth O'er each soul her sway a - gain. Cho - sen when this earth he leav - eth. End - less Sab - bath bliss to know. m ^ 119 i=t: =S^f=^^^P i 115 Sabbath I Bless Thee, Father, for the Grace Grace Aguilar inf Andante A. Epstein iiE3^ ^ f' 1 1» " f'~^±P^^-j=j=J 1. I bless Thee, Fa-ther, for the grace Thou me this day hast giv - en, 2. Oh! 'tis as some re - viv - ing dew Were o'er each sor-row steal - ing, ^ ^ 3» — ^ -m- — m- 1e=|c I e^ fc*=«: f^ m/ fe.:^ Strength'ning my soul to seek Thy face And list the theme of heav - en. Fold- ing in heav - en's az-ure hue Each dark and wear - y feel - ing. I =rf fcr sli ii^ fc* f^ I bless Thee that each work-day care Thy love has lulled to rest, , Come, then, if God, 'tis Thy de - cree, My work -day thoughts feel care, Si ^^ f=^ ^m : r r_T ^ -O- ^~ s -Mz :3b: r-r( ^r^^^it Ik: ^^ ^ And ev - 'ry thought whose wing is pray'r Thine answering word hath blessed. Thy day of rest is still for me Thy pres-ence then to share. nrnF ^=f Si i s^ ^F f I20 116 Sabbath Sweet Sabbath! Bertha Helena Maurice mf Moderato Russell King Miller H ■X ^l~+-g rest, thee, King, 1. Sweet Sab - bath! day 2. The mean - est hearth 3. We wor - ship at of sa - cred joy and is new - ly swept for Thy throne, O might - y ^ £ -J. pgfri=F^ mf # 1^ =1= We haste to Fair chil - dren, Thou source from meet thee, clust ~ 'ring whom all ev - er - wel - come guest, at their mo - ther's knee, life and be - ing spring; -i-^J- if ^ixi—i^ ^^^ r rt i te: -&- ^ —si- ap com this At thine In sweet En - shrine ^ -^- proach, bine, ho :^ dull care is cast with thoughts in - tent, ly day, that it a - side, re - hearse, may be f= i -^ And, decked The Bi - The crown ^^ -&- in ble ing I smiles, we text and gift to ±=^ greet joy - aU r •* thee, heav'n - ly ous hym - nal pos - ter - i J- bride. verse. ty. 1 131 117 Isaac S. Moses P Tranquillo The Sabbath The Sabbath Bride Jacob Beimel Based on a traditional Sabbath mode ^^ t: 1. O ho - ly Sab - bath-day,draw near, Thou art the source of bliss and cheer; 2. Re - joice ye now with all your might : The Sab-bath, free-dom brings and light; 3. Now come thou bles-sed Sabbath-Bride, Our joy, our com-fort and our pride; I ^^ P^ :it=5 ^=i-- g r^ -0-^-' — H— — n$l ?3^r -# — *- -:^ ^^ I ^c^ r-» — ^ / ^k^— .^- ^ > — *:pZM: -^^a^^ The first in God's ere - a - tive thought, The fi - nal aim of all He wrought, Let songs of praise to God as - cend. And voic - es sweet in cho-rus blend. All cares and sor - rows bid thou cease, And fill our waiting hearts with peace. ^J=J=^ -J — I — A- # 1 — £;;■ :^=^=: ^^ t^*- -I \m 1 h4— -*- ^ -m- £ I ^^^ It: =1: n i 3II 35 Wel-come, wel - come, day of rest, Wel-come, wel - come, day of rest, Wel-come, wel - come, day of rest. '^^^^^^ ^ !^a: -(5>- Day of joy the Lord hath bless'd. Day of joy the Lord hath bless'd. Day of joy the Lord hath bless'd. =|: ^ f^ i i -*- 5^- -^- /> ii^^ippiJi 118 Sabbath Come, O Sabbath Day Gustav Gottheil mf Larghetto A. W. Binder =t ^ J-lT-^ 1. Come, O Sab - bath day, and bring Peace and heal - ing 2. Earth - ly long - ings bid re - tire. Quench the pas - sions' 3. Wipe from ev - 'ry cheek the tear, Ban - ish care and s^ qe ^ ;t ^=^JT »/ i :4=e -t^ JfZ- (g ffi 1^ '^ # on thy wing; And to ev - 'ry troub-led breast Speak of the di hurt - ful fire ; To the way-ward, sin op-pressed. Bring Thou Thy di si - lence fear; All things working for the best. Teach us the di i fe l^ T.^ 3^E5 -<2- -i ^ M^—r~i^ :!t=k[: h^ vine vine vine be - hest: be - hest: be - hest: :T- ■Gh- 5 Thou Shalt Thou Shalt Thou Shalt rest, rest, rest, - 1. Men, whose boast it is, that ye Come of fa- thers, brave and free, 2. Is true free-dom not to break Fet - ters for our own dear sake, 3. They are slaves, who fear to speak For the fall - en and the meek; S3=4 F^^i^ '*E£ i=p I I 1-4- — J>— -4=^- —I — 1-7 — -^ 1 — I- — I — J — «-- — ^ — -ai — «- « — * — ' = — ■• * Pt=:^- ^^Ef^^E 1 — 1^ £ I If there breathe on earth a slave, Are ye tru - ly free and brave? And with hea - then hearts for - get That we owe man-kind a debt? They are slaves, who will not choose Ha - tred, scoff -ing and a - buse, ' — ^- ^^f^^^^^t^t- m £ t^ -m. .s>. -^- -^ it =^^ -»■- — m ■ 126 Tfoe Freedom Continued / t^ h _^: r^^ -g; — i^ If you No; true Rath - er do free than not feel the chain When it works a broth - er's pain, dom is to share All the chains our broth - ers wear, in si-Ience shrink From the truth they needs must think; -m- ^-r^ S s: ^*=*^ f= rjr / ^ -*: m -P~ -^&- ^^ ^5 S 11^=^ ■^=^ -7b- :W==*: Are And They ye not base slaves in - deed. Slaves im - wor - thy to be freed? with heart and hand to be Earn - est to make oth - ers free, are slaves, who dare not be In the right with two or three. -^^ fe4 =^=^ ^^ ^ r^£^E^=&:£=£=r^ m^^^ ^ !^^^^=i I 3=t* Are ye not base slaves in - deed, And with heart and hand to be They are slaves, who dare not be Slaves un-wor - thy to be freed? Earn - est to make oth - ers free. In the right with two or three. m^^^ SS^rf i 127 122 f Andante maestoso Passover and Freedom May be used for Chanukkah 'Twas Like a Dream PSALM 126 Adapted to a traditional "Sheer Hamaalos"melody by A. VV. B. /w^ jLy^A^^^^^ s^ I. 'Twas like a dream, when by the Lord, From bond-age Zi - on was re-stored; ( fe ^^ i^ -Ht / V— J-lJ^ m=r'p=i' f=. ^ -^ ^C-^ -^ -^* Ln -! h ^ :t£=n ^ ^^ rj-r^j^ Our mouths were filled with mirth and songs To God, to whom all praise belongs. i^ -1^— *- ^ ^ ^3^ ^^ fe r B ^^^^^m js f^^ i ^ ^ 1 — r LT-J J J Jtj^j^ , II J J-^^^zteQ--^; ^z^jDt 2. The na-tions owned that God had wrought Great works, which joy to us had brought; fei^ J I F=H h-. S f— p^ -m — » — ^ 4 ■ 1- 1 — —I m m «. ^ — I— r f t=t:=t: -f^ r=tr- xa8 'Twas Like a Dream Continued ^w=^- As southern streams when filled with rain, He turned our cap - tive state a- gain. j^Jlj^ '-it *- -*- ^ -* — m. S ti^-j; i=^ J. ^^ ^gg P £ ^ I: ^ ^ J I*' [J* ^"11* IJ^^^ ^ i J I I » j-'-j- 3. Who sow in tears, with joy shall reap, Though bear-ing pre-cious seed they weep; n-- 1*^ rt I 'il=*^ :^=^ -A # -*"~n I 4=tt= ttt-c f^ ^ ^ aZ?=3t ^^iflt ^^^i While go - ing forth, yei shall they sing When, coming oack, their sheaves they bring. m fe^^ ^ ^=^5=* ^ d • f • -\—t Z^E ^*-"r^ ^ ^^=P£^ i^ p .oJi -i»-* I 129 123 Edward Churton f Allegretto Passover and Freedom May be used for Chanukkah or Purim If Our God had not Befriended PSALM 124 Jacob Weinberg ^=PE 1. If our God had not be-friend -ed, Now may grate - ful Is - rael say, 2. Then the tide of venge-ful slaugh-ters O'er us had been seen to roll, 3. Praise to God, whose mer-cy - to - ken Beam'd to still that rag-ing sea: =1^ «/ ^^ :?i=^ :^ If the Lord had not de - fend - ed When with foes And their pride, like an - gry wa - ters. Had en-gulf 'd Lo, the snare is rent and bro - ken, And our cap we stood at bay, our struggling soul, tive souls are free. / ^ ^ s ^ i Mad - ly rag Those loud wa ■ Lord of glo ■ ing, mad-ly rag - ing, Deem-ing our ters, those loud wa - ters. Proud and spurn • ry, Lord of g!o - ry, Help can come sad lives their prey : ■ ing all con - trol. a-lone from Thee. J: ^ T f r T w^ 1 rj- f- 130 Passover and Freedom 124 From Heaven's Height Harry H. Mayer Tr. fr. the Ger. of L. Philippson , / Allegro B. Jacobsohn =t s ^ ^ 1. From heav 2. From heav 3. From heav 4. To heav - en's height Soft, ver - nal breez - es blow; en's height God's man - date stem re - sotmds, en's height God's prov - i - dence shines clear; en's height Look up with faith and trust; ~A m^^ ^ m f m I 5 light might, sight might God's glo To ty Un - to Ce - les nous rant's our tial Its Au - thor's pow'r doth show, Pro - claim - ing law - ful boimds ; His pur - pos - es ap - pear; Pro - tect thee, child of dust; ^^ -"-=r a 3.^ ::* With sun - ny As long a His word di Give thanks to -<5^ hues, go, vine God 4 -<&- Trans - fig - ur - ing the earth, God hum - bled E - gypt's pride, All life ere - ates, sus - tains; For fields with ver - dure clad, ^ ^ i While spring - time woos The flow - ers back God's will, e'en so. May now not be His high de - sign The des - pot's plans His good - ness laud, And in His care I -*- -^ -<5> ^-*-':^ r-f :£ I I' '-1 ^p -g-^ -^-. t=^w. f^ f -s^ 133 127 Passover When Israel to the "Wilderness Max Meyerhardt mf Andante moderato Jacob Beimel 'f Th' E - ter The cho For still Through fire 'Till wrong nal sent to sen peo pie He grants to and flood, through shall fail and lead safe - all tears right them on, ly reached man - kind and blood, pre - vail. by day, a tined goal, — the - rious light to age grand and - tice rule the fire Prom lead faith hu - by ised them sub night. Land. on. ■ lime. heart. P i 134 Passover and Booths 128 Song: of the Dew Solomon SoHs-Cohen, Tr. fr. Solomon Ibn Gabirol P Andante moderato Pinchos Jassinowsky Based on Traditional "Tal" melody 3^^ m ^ 1. O — rain — de - part with bless-ings, de - part with bless-ings, With 2. With psahn — and song I'll praise Him; With psalm I'll praise Him; My 3. His Name, — with glo - ry cov - ers, With glo - ry cov-ers His 4. Hasten, O God, Thy prom-ise, hast- en O God, Thy prom-ise, "I IV_ J ^ S '■^ W^ 3<=lt P fce f-'-r- W p ^ :^ -f — I ha — I "i r ■ ^=Fit J: ^ -Vb4-^ ^ *=f^ ^ h h h a r^ ^_-fi-4^- s g blessings come, O dew; For Might-y to de - liv - er words shall fall as dew, My Rock, my Strong Deliv'- rer folk, as earth the dew ; A - bim-dant in de-liv'-rance will be Israel's dew," And might-y to de - liv - er. Is He that sends the dew. Is He that sends the dew. Is He that sends the dew, Let fall this day Thy dew I zj-tj^xr^ f p poco Tit. ^^ ^ r. ^ qS ■^. ^=at For might - y to My Rock, my strong A - bun - dant in And Might - y to de - liv - er Is He that sends the dew. De - liv' - rer Is He that sends the dew. de - Uv'-rance Is He that sends the dew, de - liv - er, Let fall, this day, Thy dew! 135 129 Passover or Spring Behold, it is the Springf-tidc of the Year! Alice Lucas f Allegro con brio Traditional i m ^ t=^ 1. Be - hold, it is the spring-tide of the year! 2. And in the spring, when all the earth and sky 3. For as from out the house of bond - age went 4. And still from ris - ing tm - to set - ting sun g^ i^^^ qe? o - Re - The Shall t-sr / r f f * ^^ E W^ r E^ # — , — "^ — *-^ ver and past is win - ter's gloom - y reign. The hap - py time of joice to-geth- er, still from age to age Rings out the sol - emn host of Is - rael, in their midst they bore The her - it - age of this our her - it - age and watch - word be: "The Lord our God, the '■=T- i! ^~\- f :^=: -^i-^ ^3^^-:r:f: P^EM ^ e f f ^3 I g ■G^' sing - ing-birds is near, chant of days gone by, law and free-dom, blent Lord our God is One, And clad in bud and bloom are hill and plain. Pro - claim-ing Is - rael's sa - cred her - it - age. In ho - ly u - ni - ty for - ev - er - more. His law a - lone it is that makes us free!" ^d2— J I m i i 5^ 3EE *^: ~0- -^ g^ wm m f^ f 136 Passover 130 Praise The Lord Leopold Stein. Translated bv I. S. Moses eopold , f An Traditional "Addeer Hu" dante con molo n ^ 5^ 1. Praise the Lord! one ac 2. Lo! He frees all He is here! Help is the spring joy doth Thy will guide us 3. God 4. Lo! 5. Let ■cord, Sotmd throughout ere - a - tion; sees Trust - ing in His pow - er; near In fierce storm and weath - er bring, Win - ter's frosts are end - ed; still. Let Thy love be o'er us. i ^^ A=i =1=^ ^^ -s^ M f fj^^ ;^4 f ^ r ^ V Laud and sing hon - or bring Him with - out ces - sa Doth im - part ... Be but still! Glad-ness reigns. Let Thy Ught, tion; to each heart Com - fort ev - 'ry hour; for His will Keeps us all to - geth - er; life re-mains, With sweet pleas-ure blend - ed; in oiu- night Show Thy path be - fore ... us! :^^=S: -zX. f^ =? ^-^r '-^ J-^. ^ ^^T^' — ^ i: 1 ■ 1 h. 1 1 = 1 H — \ — \ — 11 / b n 1 ^ 1 ,^ - s» 1 ] ^ ^ • J 1 J n Q.Y- w--- — w ^ — "^ — ^ — ~ —w '^ — -v T i \ • • 1^ -U And His fame 1 Threat what may. Trust in Him, God doth bear v Ours Thy love, f oud He Ser vhat rom pro-claim, is aye - a - phim His care a - bove Ev - Our Hov And And 1 ' 'ry land de - fense - er o'er His love Thy Ught 1 1 — 1 — ' and na - tion. and tow - er. us ev - er. de - fend - ed. that leads us. 1 I.I — IJ V 1 " 1 . 1 fc. I ^ II /\ r> ^ 1 ^ r m ^ ^ ^ m m A A " ((\y J _r ^' — ^ ^\ II K>\) M . m ! 1 1 9 ^ « ^ 1 II 1 ^ 1 "*" * -*- TT 9 m ^eHi? — ^ — « ^ ^f— _2 :. —5- — * s. —»— — *■ 1 -4— ^ H +1 '^y J . J ^ ^ ^^yr-f-^ — 1 — 1 1 -^ 1 — — t ^ — B -^ \ ^-^ -1 — F= — 1 — ^ r- 137 131 Passover (7th Day) Sound the Loud Timbrel Thomas Moore M Allegro guerriero e marcatissimo f ^ 1 ^^^^j=^ Jacob Weinberg ^=^ ^^^ S 1. Sound the loud tim-brel o'er Egypt's dark sea! The 2. Praise to the Conqueror, praise to the Lord, His m^^Ms^^, 'f-r / ^^ ETJ: !*ttl I ^ --:* ra=^ ^ sfz ^ y-. ^ ^^ gZIi^H*-^- y— ^ ^-z*: t^— ^ Lord hath triumphed, His peo-ple are free! Sound the loud tim-brel o'er word was our ar - row. His breath was our sword! Praise to the Con-que-ror, =»*= r 5^ i^ ^j=^ s^ j/2 -«*---i;*^|Sr =?3 illrrSg: g E^ €— *= :I5=^ •^-t-^ S-T—im- E - gypt's dark sea! The Lord hath tri-umph'd, His peo - pie are free, praise to the Lord, His word was our ar - row. His breath was our sword ! 1!S^I^ ^^^^ 5-^ r>-^ Sing, for the pride of the ty - rant is bro-ken, His char-iots, his horsemen, all Who shall re-turn to tell E - gypt the sto - ry Of those she sent forth in the •A !■■■• a I rz^ ^m^ — I « — \-0 — I -m- 9 ^=i=# '8^-tl^ ^Jrl:^'.. 1^=^ *-^# 1*5=^ splen-did and brave, How vain was their boasting, the Lord hath but spok-en. And hour of her pride? For the Lord hath looked out from His pillar of glo - ry. And t_ rsr Jr^n — iWT^;^ ni^-^-T 1=^ mp H f- M ^i=3C m ff rit. a tempo ^^=^ =PE=^ :t2=r V ^ f^ char - lots and horsemen are sunk in the wave, all her brave thousands are dashed in the tide. 5E^I Sound the loud tim-brel o'er Soimd the loud tim-brel o'er r ff 1- g j/s a tempo I f :^:i|: — I— m^~m — I «- -tJ^^: 5==^ - ^a« ^ori- -H P ^—4 ^ k » Egypt's dark sea! The Lord hath triumphed, His peo-ple are free. Egypt's dark sea! The Lord hath triumphed, His peo-ple are free. V2 t ifilldr ^ I- gan - do ff%-- ^^ i"^ ±M^ ^ I :i^=2: -^-^ =|: 139 -=^ =t 132 Composite / Con vioto Passover, Pentecost, or Booths Fling Wide the Gates PSALM 118 Melody of Y. Halevy's "Min Hamaytsar", Adapted by A. W. B. 1. Fling wide the gates of right -eousness, And en-ter in the Lord to bless; 2. The stone the build-ers cast a - way Stands the chief cornerstone to - day : 3. The Lord a-lone is God: His light Shines thro' the darkness of our night. "^^W^^W^^ 3 ^ £ t^^ £ ?B3 -F F r-^:rr i ^ i^^ 3^ This is thepor-tal of This work is from the Lord : Thou art our God; we praise the Lord ; Flock here, all ye who love His word ; to us How great it seems, how mar - vel-lous ! Thy name: Our God; we will ex - alt Thy fame. ^^^ ^ =1^ ^^^ Haste we to sing His glor - This is the day the Lord Praise ye the Lord; for good i-ous Name, From whom our strong salvation came, hath made ; Re - joice we in it and be glad, is He And lov-ing to e-ter-ni - ty. at aj -s— # ■^u^ 0 F- :t==t: ^r 5 r r ^^ r r 4 ';x^ w 140 133 Spring A Message Sweet Florence Switton mf Andante « &=^. ^^^i^- S 1. A 2. Both 3. 'Neath 4. Wher mes child balm e'er sage sweet and man y, south the de em we gaze God's breez light skies, glor fcfi: Simon Hecht ^ es bring, to hear so clear, ies shine, It The The His mf l^ , H^ - — 1^*- -X- 1 r— r*^ r-P5^ -H**+ - > -1 g ^ F=—i- — H — - # — ^^ =t^ ^ = t — ps= -i-^ =4=1= — « — 1 \r— -^ -^ 1 • ' ^—t— L-«-J- m -J-^- i^ is the soft clear voice of spring; To blades of grass and ver - nal rain - drop's pat - ter clear; The ten - der blos- soms birds the sea - son's mes- sage hear; Their songs of praise to will con - ■ trols each climb -ing vine. And with each sea - son's r — » — — • — 1 m f= -^ » 0 --M; -J, J;^ :<^k^ -i -f? — »■ — If— — 1 i^ — t— 1 =^- -^ 1 U i ^-T — -t?- -1 1 ^ ^ 1 L^ =£= iH^Hj a 1 1 ^— h -K— J ^ AV 1 ^ J =1= =^= L-^-J— / 1 3— M ^ — i J ^) J ^ # — *~ —^ — "fe? ^ M ^ — 1 — — * H ■ 1 *j > 1 1 • • m slee P - ing seeds ( jod's won - drous word it on - ward speeds. gen t - ly sway, ] ^ssed by the zeph - yrs on their way. Goc I a - bove Pro - claim to all how great His love. glac I re - turn Sis mar - vel 'tis that we dis - cem. fm\' h 2 0 J T-* P-« • — m ' ff— ,-_« — « ^ 1 i«b-fc^ 1> — 1 ^ \.^ k-> d — ^ — — 1 — r t= — ^ — 0 — ; 1^ — vi -1— y^ ^1 1? — r F 141 134 Spring *'Hymn of Spring ** N. Lindsay Norden f Moderato i^ gil "»—^ F ' ^ #-♦-* 1. When warm -er suns and blu - er skies Pro - claim the op - 'ning year, 2. Earth with her thou - sand voic - es sings Her song of glad-some praise, 3. The ear- ly flowers bloom bright and fair, Fair shines the mom-ing sky; 4. Like mom at spring-time, sweet and clear. That greets our gladdened eyes, -I 1- ^ « :5i=iJ- q: ElESj^l^EaEEi :3S 4=^=£ r ^ ' r "/ p fe^ « -I V ^ i i What hap - py sounds of life a - rise. What love - ly scenes ap - pear ! And ev - 'ry blade of grass that springs, God's lov - ing law o - beys. The birds make mu - sic in the air. The brook goes sing - ing by. The spring of Heav'n's e - ter - nal year Shall bring new earth and skies. ^m^m ^i is 142 135 Israel Ten Thousand Martyrs Max Meyerhardt P Andante Jacob Weinberg ^^- ^^E^ i^^ E^ -^ z=M=.:ii P 1. Ten thou- sand mar-tyrs died for Israel's cause With for - ti-tude sub - 2. Weep not, O Is - rael, for thy martyred ones, For though no monuments 3. Their names are writ on hon-or's deathless page. And on the scroll of i p p^5 f^^ p r --5t^ ^ r 3 s -^- i lime 'mid smoke and flame ; And while the cruel foe stood mocking rise o'er their tomb, Yet fame up - on the sacred spot shall glo-ry grav - en high, And though earth's proud-est mon-u-ments de- afcri: m r 7? ■3" r mf ^^^=^ ^— r- £ i p i :t :ir— r 'roxmd, shed cay. They called on God and blessed His Her fair - est gar-lands and her Their deeds, sub - lime, will nev - er. ho fair nev ly name, est bloom, er die. Z± P3^ 1 =^ Tfcr 1 . - =F ^^ 143 i 136 Israel Hear Us^ Eternal Kingf Eve Davieson f I Andante maestoso Felice Giardini m=^. ^ 4: •^^^^ :3-- ^ -J V- r 1. Hear us, E 2. Burst Thou the 3. Let us a ter - nal King, Hear Thou the pris - on bars. Lift us to rise and shine, Till the glad ^^ r^- s^ i praise we bring, yon pure stars, com - ing time 1= ^ / ± f r An - thems and Giv - er of When na - tions song! Thou who didst part the deep, Thou wilt Thy Light! Help us to dare and do, Till we. Thy all Know Thee as One a - lone, Make Thee in t^X-t ^ r± .-^ ^ -^ 1^ ^*=^ first - bom keep, chos - en few, peace their own, Is - ra - el's arm is weak. Thy pur - pose strong. Hal - low our mis - sion true, Guar-dian of Right. Till at Thy might - y throne Pros-trate they fall. I _ ^. .^ ^ V^ m 137 Max Meyerhardt mf Moderato {J= 69-7 2) There is a Mystic Tie Joseph Achron Based in part on a Jewish Folk Melody ;^-JH^ I St ^^^^^- ■*-> 1. There is a mys - tic tie that joins The chi-ldren of the mar - tyr 2. For still in rev -'rent tones is heard The sac - red cry, always the ^ -Hi- -»■-• ^-^-m- ~m- ~9- mf r r Xizjt W^l i w 1^ ^^^ 144 There is a Mystic Tie Continued ^ H: m race, In bonds of sym - pa same, "O Is - rael, hear, our thy God and love That is One, Blest :=zps: ^ ^-1— ^ i m iN :1=F N h ^ — r^^ p«^v -* — »- S^ :i=^ ■*- E'en though to - day the This is the mys - tic time and change cannot ef be for aye His ho - ly face, name!" m ii=r t\^ -I — h- — I ^^^t— ^^ T^ ^ tl^ ^ ?: if^^ ^=2- i ^ ^5=^ *' -J- ^ " J. Jews do dwell In tie that joins The ev - 'ry clime and ev - 'ry land, child - ren of the an - cient race; CT~^^ ^^ se vi- t^- r ^- r ft«. rr £ * ^ g E ^^ Tff=f=f=^ ^^^^ S=fc ^^=i^ Yet, joined by that im-mort - al tie, A ho - ly bro-therhood they stand. This is the grand and ho - ly bond That time and change can-not ef - face. ^ ^^^^^^^^f^^Or^ -f-f*— i ¥ 138 Israel There is a Mystic Tie Max Meyerhardt mf Moderato Sephardic Tune, "Hallel" ■^^^m ■=t 1. There is a mys - tic 2. E'en though to - day the 3. For still in rev - *rent 4. This is the mys - tic tie that joins Jews do dwell tones is heard tie that joins The chil In ev The sa The chil dren 'ry cred dren ^^i^ of clime cry, of the and al the mar - tyr ev - 'ry ways the an - cient race, land, same, race; In Yet, "O This bonds joined Is - of by rael, the sym - pa that im hear, Our grand and ^ ^ %=fc: -te F^r liii ^ r=T- ^g 1 thy mor God ho and tal is ly love tie. One, bond That time and change can A ho - ly broth - er Blest be for aye His That time and change can :fP=P^ 4iP-H#- not ef - face, hood they stand, ho - ly name!" not ef - face. 7 I I i i 146 139 Israel Let Israel Trust in God Alone James K. Gutheim Tr. from the Hamburg f Con spitito , Temple Hymnal 1 Wm, Lowenberg _I_4 \ —p-. — — iF- J 1- J t:\Z^ -T — — t- 1 — m 1 ^-J H ^ — --• t) 1 1. Let 2. Let J Is - Is - 1^ rael rael N trust strive 1 -*- 1 in for 1 r God truth r a - a - -■0- lone lone, \-0- And In /-^. ,1 0 w J 1 s 0 \fi)- "4- r - t ^ \ 1 F ji r N l^^^i 1 *^ 1 4- ' 1 1 / 1 i^ n: ^^ E5^ in His pow'r con - fide, For He love to bless man - kind, And in is faith - ful to His word, the bonds of broth - er - hood m j=§^ i=*t^ ^^^^ -f2- :^'^=^ ^i=^ --^ U "^~|f If All h we m Him a na - tions soon to bide; His cotm - sels must for bind. So that they all with m tr:: ev one er stand, ac - cord. All na - tions Ac - know - ledge bow to and 0 g =1 His com - mand. bey the Lord. ^f^^~^ ^S 147 140 Penlna Moise mf Moderato Israel One God! One Lord I G. A. Rossini ^ 3 i^ ^«- i 33^ r^ ^^ *■ might - "y King! In' u - ni u - ni - verse, Through a - ges, life re - cedes, The dy - ing 1. One Godl One Lord! One 2. Thee, Sever - eign of the 3. To Thee a - lone, when w 3: i ? mf i i=^ s=^ r c^ :^ ty.... 'mid Is will Ju - dah all clunes di rael - ite still sing ; Trans verse, The pleads ; In mit - ting Jew - ish One all e'er from child is gra - cious m^- ^^ 4=i=U^^ P^ i f- sire taught God to son to praise, and Guide The truth that To lisp Thy His fleet - ing God name, spir - IS to it on - ly One! walk Thy ways, doth con - fide. M.^ t I ^^tr-.B^^- ^ 141 "Let There be Light" Isaac M. Wise f Andante J. S. Mombach ^ ^ 1^ 1. ' Let there be light", at dawn of time, The Lord of Hosts pro - claimed, 2. And since that hour the light has grown In fxill-ness more and more ; t=^ m ^ -*_J^ 148 i^=(^ f^ *'Let There be Light '^ Continwed m ^^ 'Let there be light," this call sub-lime Went forth whenHo-reb flamed, It shall in-crease till all shall own One God and Him a - dore ; ^i^ ^^^-■■ -^ — -J -i^* ^ J II .^[T^ ^ II • J-l ^ *ft arnat Then broke on Is-rael's mind a day, II - lu-mined by a heaven-ly ray, And strive to know His right- eous will And His com-mandments to ful-fill, iisa PP=f= 1,?*^ ^=*= * — *- ^ -^^^ .».. ^. ^. ^^F^rf^ r-j- :?s=:t -: »— *- Then broke on Is-rael's mind a day, II - lu-mined by a heaven-ly ray. And strive to know His right-eous will And His com-mandments to ful-fill. A — I— ^ •-*- -tt=^ M J, f^ a|=^ *=r — ' 1 =h 1^' — *- i ^ 'r P -w- r -» — « i^ > "». ^ rr t: ^ w w F ^ 149 Feast of Weeks 142 From Heaven's Heights the Thunder Peals Isaac M. Wise f Moderato Lcwandowski's Sheviios "Mee Chomocho," adapted by A. W. B. ^63 --^^ 1. From heaven's heights the thun-der peals, The trumpets sound with might; 2. The i - dolsreel, their tem-ples shake, Des - pot - ic pow'rs re - boimd; 3. Let Ju-dah'sharp in - tone His praise, Our Fa-ther's glo - ry sing; ^ie^ =^ :*jC rr f I I ^^#^ E f 1^ "^d^ ^=^ -=i_. f —\ — t- BE -?— ^ tt= ^:fe :& -i? — In storm and clouds the Lord re - veals The glo - ry of His With awe the moimtain sum-mits quake, Be - fore the aw - ful For Truth and light, for heav'nly giace, Re-vealM by God, our light. soimd. King. L f—L^-: « — S « — 1^ * — » i\r90. S£ m ^'- m '^^^ ^- -^-^ The Lord of Hosts proclaims His Word, To man He speaks, Cre- a- tion's Lord. From Horeb's height descends the Word, To man He speaks, Cre -a - tion's Lord. Ex - tol His name in one ac-cord. To man He speaks, Cre -a - tion's Lord. • -m- -0- -0-' -0- i ^^^- ^^^ — ^- m ^- iczifc -• — • — 1» — --f 3g P — i# l» -^- ^r i 150 143 Feast of Weeks From Sinafs Height a Fountain Gushes James K. Gutheim Tr. fr. Jacob Freund f Moderato vigor oso Jacob Beimel Based on the "Akdamos" cantillation mode ^^ at*- ^- m 1. From Si-nai's height a foim-tain gushes, That pours its flood in cir - cles wide; 2. On Si-nai's crest a tree is grow-ing, A lof- ty tree, with widespread arms, 3. O'er Si-nai's sum-mit flames a beacon ; Ce - les-tial splen-dor from it streams; 4. The wa-ters of this crystal foxm tain, The tree whose fruit such bliss doth yield, ^ ^ f?=ft f^m: — p- — \ — ^—0 1 h-l — \ — \ — \ I / m^^^^ T^ -r -r- -r -^ ^^^^ ^ F=^ :t=: Its crys-tal stream e'er on-ward rush-es. And fraught with blessings is its tide ; No words, how-ev - er strong and glowing, Can fit - ly paint its glorious charms ; Its brilliance time nor clouds can weaken ; Undim'd still shine the an-cient beams; The bea-con - light up -on the moimtain. Are Si-nai's law, to us revealed; ^^J^^ m :fe^ Jt ^ 5te=t: t:=t fc=t: -| — r ^^^ ^ i Who from this stream re - stores his heart. Feels thro' his veins fresh vig-or start. To all who gar - ner its increase, This tree yields hap-pi - ness and peace. The eye il - lu-mined by its light Will ev - er find the path of right. They who its pre-cepts know and guard From man have praise, from God reward. -rv^ S 3t=it 3^ ^ ^S i :**E± *-^< -^ * t^ 4= ^ t=e i 151 144 Feast of Weeks — Confirmation Lord, Into Thy Sacred Dwelling Henry Berkowitz _i f Andante cantahile Max Grauman :=r -^- * — L- m—- — -m-U-^ -J-l teE3=^: :t=z=^ r- 'it--- 1. Lord, in - to Thy sa - cred dwell-ing En - ter we this ho - ly day; 2. Lord, con - firm in us, we pray Thee, Such un - fait- 'ring faith and love; 3. Make us each a firm de - fen - der Of Thy To - rah, true and pure ; -A— A A-, :e3 ^=t i^^^s :^ ^=^ Hiz^ 4 ■te / ^^ J- t: 23 rf f=F^ 1=*: =S^ ^ 35: I r T=:^ q=^: ^r=^- -^- :i ^ 1 K While oiu* hearts with joy are swell-iag, At Thine al - tar flowers we lay. As our fa-thers show'd be-fore Thee, When a -gainst their foes they strove. That it al-ways may en - gen- der Love and hope, and faith se-cure. :J=J: '¥=^- J- 5^ M « — ^—0 — '-^^ ■#■ ::^ -25^ :t: -I — r: -»■ — I w- 1 -rr J=S=Fir^ — t- -J^~-^ 152 Lord, Into Thy Sacred DwcIIingf Continued '-^ '^ :1^=^ ^ =t -T^ To-kens of the pledge we ren - der To the laws our fa-thers heard, Wealth and life did they sur - ren - der. For the treas - tire Thou didst give ; Maywith-in us live its spir - it, Lead us on - ward in the right; -^i^ ~X^ -^m=^ fi5- i=^- Fi^i^ W^ m 0 ^- -m ^ =fe :jk -^-m — ^ — f-F- — » — h« — I*-' ^-fc -*— *- ^. -• m :S=T ^ When at Si - nai they did ten- der Fe - al - ty xin - to Thy word. O may we too, glad - ly ten - der Faith-ful ser-vice while we live. That the na-tions may re-vere it, And all wrongs be put to flight. t: '^^ i^z-iH— 1^ F =t: -* — r >— ^- -4» — * ^T It ilr: 153 145 Ida Goldstein Solenne mf Confirmation Oof Father, We Beseech Thy Grace 'i mf m-. --4- Heinrich Schalit l^jE^3^£fes^Egi^3^S^^^ 1. Our Fa- ther, we beseech Thy grace, As in Thy pres-ence 2. To - day in rev'rent awe we strew Thy al - tar with fresh 3. As blos-soms that in ston - y ways, In fra - grant clusters ^—^=\- r G>— :=3: S r 1^=^: *=t' f -t re ^_i HM :i^ * — r— ^ — » — m. 1 — ' — ^ — — 1 — , — — * — ;*-^— — * g)_ • ^ h '•' !^ -^ ^ ^ ^ >► -k^ i 1 ^ =t!* TX- ^ :t^*==^ ^-J- -^- -(S2_ :tit ►^^- rev' - rent - ly In this Thy ho - ly dwell - ing place, We off' - rings sweet; Not as of yore our fa - thers slew — Thy oft are found; So teach our lives to show Thy praise, That P Cb: -r-- 154 Our Father We Beseech Thy Grace Continued ^^ ^ ^ V i^ k ¥=^ 5 ded - i - cate our lives to Thee, crea-tures dumb, and deemed it meet we may sweet-en life's dull roimd: Not proud - ly do we seek To shed their blood in sac ■ To toil with faith through bus Thy • ri - -y :q=q: ^^ * li- a ■Uu f :Nt^ -f=2- ::^ -^ face, fice: years ; In fond hu - mil - i - ty we move We bear in - stead these flow'rs new - blown, And though dark clouds ob - scure the sun, Near - er Thy shrine and nest - le there, That with their breath our pray'rs may rise To whis - per still through blind-ing tears : To ask Thy love. Un - to Thy throne. Thy will be done! fj P =1= «^ r-^-tl f •^-p— ^:r i :ti5= ^f=^ i 155 146 Confirmation Hark, the Voice of Children S. H. Sonnenschein, St. i and 2 Louis VVolsey, St. 3 mf Con moto Harm, by Geo. H. Loud 1 m^m =B =^ 3 t=^ r 1. Hark, the voice 2. Pray'rs and songs 3. Jud - dah, we of of thy ^ chil - dren glad - ness, chil - dren -J J— Sound-ing forth with might, In this sa - cred shrine, Pray for strength and love ; St I t:=t=: 1_4 ^ h- «^ -<5> mf ^ i ^ ^- w$ § V V ^ ■tK - :^^=^ ^2==: tr i^^^: T -^=t_^ ^^s= Now to Thee our pray'rs as - cend. To our words in love at - tend. True to be, and good and kind, Pure in heart and soul and mind. I , . - -.- -F- J- ^ ^^ :t:=t 1 157 148 Confirmation Lord, What Off'rin^ Shall Wc Bring John Taylor M «i/ Andante Jacob Weinberg te :=|: 1. Lord, 2. Will 3. Teach :^: what ing us. off hands O 'ring to Thou shall lead heaven we the ly m^ 3 bring, blind. King, r^V~^ mf r is:p=3 w T ?* I *E3= e^E^ F- Hearts, the pure un Love, em - brae - ing This ac - cept - ed At Thine al - tars when we bow? Heal the woimd - ed, feed the poor; Thus to show our grate - ful mind. =t W=X- ^- -^ib— ^ -J- r EZzJ: -^- ^-- ■f- =1= lied man sprmg kind: Whence the Char - i - 'ring bring: Love i^r— w- -n 9y- iS8 kind ty, af with to Thee and fee lib all ::=t f- tions flow, 'ral store, man - kind. 3 i 149 Confirmation Pledging Oor Lives Harry H. Mayer f Maestoso A. Epstein :2: y^ t=^ ::^ -6h -m- 1. Pledg - ing our lives 2. Vow - ing to serve -m ' m ^\ Is We Is -m- ra - would ra - el's de - el's -9- ban ■ vote ban 1 - ner our - - ner -*- in - selves un - scribed whol - furl'd with God's ly to 0 - ver - laws, truth, head, Vrn^' U • '- ui I , 1 « 0 • 0 ___ P2_ <:> iP-'' 1 ^ i/io .— . ; :^ 1 L \^ ; . ; 1 ,— 1^ P- » ' m 1 1 1^ I 1^ 1 1 ' ' ^- 1 1 ■ r 1 y '(^ :=^: P=^ r we would hold, du - ty's call, we shall hope. ^ Is ra - el's ban - ner a - loft Loy - al and Val - iant - ly J ^ brave, we would heed striv - ing, in God £te ^ t=: r T 159 I 150 mf Andante Confirmation Father, See Thy Suppliant Children Mrs. S. E. Munn By permission of I. S. Moses ifeSfc^ =t5q efzit q^ 3^ ^"^ I. Fa - ther, see Thy suppliant chil-dren Trem-bling stand be- fore Thy throne, -A— !■ \m F b^ ^ har iSESEt -I 1 — ■ -q» i'*~~r — f — V-* ' 1^ m/ ^ ^=A'=f ^3^ -nt^ H?i 355 *— *j ^ -^^ r ' r To con-firm the vow of Ho - reb, 3*;S: '^I^F-^=P=£ ^g^ 'We will serve the Lord 3 Jl-.. if: it - JJj a - lone. g^ ^ ^ PP^ 5 2. Thy com-mand shall be en-grav - en On the tab -lets of our heart, --rr^' ^^-P — g=g=£ ^=t==t^=t2: d^^^i^^^ ;^s i 1^ Si !a-^- fefea ^■ m t±^ i^9 -*• > r =^-^t Till the heart in death be brok - en, Till the cord of life shall part. t^-F-i 1 \ ^— -b^-t :t2=fc ■fc^ L» I SOLO m & m:= ->^m S^ When dark tempests, low -'ring gath - er. It will be our strength and stay, ^ — I fcr=*= Father, Sec Thy Suppliant Children Continued _ ^^^^ ^ — ^ • -•*■ > — -^ — *- 3t1^ ^ It will be our guardian an-gel Up - on life's la - bo - rious way. :r=^ Hz :=t t |V:^.::rfc^ x^mt 5. r-=t 5 3 Efr =q!^ ^ ^ 3 31=?: S: * — -.Jr-* — s '.t- * ' ^ :i=3t r fc^-fi 3. As a shelt- 'ring cloud at noon -tide, As a flam-ing fire by night, :?=r £ 1 :r=r: P S ^=f^ *=^ f^ fcs ,t=?: 'T'^T^ "wfej. IS Thro' pros-per - i - ty and sor - row. It will guide our steps a - right. !-g— » ^f^ :^=:« I ■^^ ^^= P^i P — *- Till *^^ 35 ^ t we reach the land of prom - ise, When the toils of earth are past. S S± I2=t r ^ Till we sleep the sleep e - ter - nal In the realms of peace at last. f^ 4- r— 1=1- :^=iiE=fe: 1 161 151 Confirmation Father, Sec Thy Suppliant Children * Hamburg Temple Hymnal Tr. by Felix Adler mf Allegretto A. Rubin t=T- -— g — rt-^ — ^(s> — *- — 1-^. 'W^ -Az s Fa - 1 i^^ssias ^^ I. Fa - ther, see Thy sup-pli-ant chil -dren, Trembling stand be -fore Thy throne, 3. As a shelt-'ring cloud at noon-tide, As a flam - ing fire by night. -(=2- -^ U_^ i: P £=^ S#[g^&^ ^r mf d= -4-4- :i 1^ ^=;^ ^ ^ t- f- bsii: To con -firm the vow of Ho - reb, "We will serve the Lord a - lone." Thro' pros -per - i - ty and sor-row, It will guide our steps a - right. la— g- -f2. r f P -p— r- -g- JL ^ ^- i -4.-J ! , I ^^i^i^ 4=;^^ ^r^5 'i 2. Thy com-mand shall be en-grav-en 4. Till we reach the land of prom-ise. On the tab - lets of our heart, When the toils of earth are past. m j- B^3M^^ ¥ ^ :i ■'9~—t I f e t d: 1 ■M -a^-^- r Till the heart in death be brok - en, Till the cord of life shall part. Till we sleep the sleep e - ter - nal In the realms of peace at last. ^ Se & ell E€ia 162 i 152 Confirmation Father, See Thy Suppliant Children m Felix Adler 7nf Andante con espressione A. W. Binder w =t: 1. Fa - ther, see Thy sup - pliant chil - dren 2. Thy com - mand shall be en - grav - en 3. As a shelt - 'ring cloud at noon - tide, 4. Till we reach the land of prom - ise, m =|: "/ ^-e^ r £ Jim. :*: ■.^ Trem - bling stand be On the tab - lets As a flam - ing When the toils of fore Thy throne, of our heart, fire by night, earth are past, To con - firm the Till the heart in Thru pros - per - i Till we sleep the ^ «, -^- 3^3^ s ^—r mm- :k: i w vow of Ho - reb, "We will serve the Lord a - lone.' death be brok - en, Till the cord of life shall part, ty and sor - row. It will guide our steps a - right, sleep e - ter - nal In the realms of peace at last. ^03 153 Confirmation Blessed^ Blessed M. Jastrow. St. 2 composite I f) Andante 3^3 A. W. Binder m. s^ f3P 3d*: i t E^ I ^^ Bless - ed, O bless - ed Mo - ment most ho - ly, Lead - ing the ^ l» » — « 1»— "- ■ -(5 !■ Is ?^ S: -» — »: S5 i ^: I ^=i-i^< Itfr. ^Lg-t^^ =tt=^ ^F? r low ly ■&- Youth to the Lord. ¥- Sweet are the les :& ■^ S^S r , /^^ ^ :^ =^=rr t^ i ^ :4: :^;q=5: ^WW^ % =tf r^r Of this hour's sto - ry, Ne'er may its glo - ry Fade from our ^^ l^ ^^^-' JhJ II J-J-^-i^ ^ rrrrr- -fS- ^ r r r i minds. Come ye, all peo - pies, Bow down be - fore Him, -^ -^ ^ ■^ 1^=: -^-- -X=- 3^ r Him, -5^ Sing loud His praise. Hum bly a - dore ^J-^ :^ #g=t^ 164 f- f ^^ 154 Confirmation Blessed^ O Blessed M. Jastrow. St. 2, 3, Composite. mf Semplice Alois Kaiser I. Bless - ed, O bless -ed Mo - ment most ho - ly, Lead - ing the 3. Come ye, all peo - pies, Bow down be - fore Him, Humb - ly a ft^ m. ^ :j- -|S2- ^ £— ^- p :Jc=^ :Sb=^ -te-- «/ y First time Second time Fine «^ ^^ I :g=i=*; T f^ sr low - ly dore Him, ■;i--F Youth to the Lord. -(S2- Sing loud His praise. ^ "or — g= f^^-F= I tt 5 P f- :«: 2. Sweet are the les ^m ^ Of S^Ei this hour's sto -•- -*- -^- 3^ t^- ^m ft D. C. ^ii Ne'er may its ^5^^ -z^ glo - ry Fade from our minds. :£ E 165 155 Summer Summer Suns are Glowing; \Vm. Walsham How 771^ Animato A. W. Binder t=T^ d=1= 1. Sum -mer suns are glow - ing O - ver land and sea; Hap 2. God's free mer - cystream-eth O - ver all the world, And 3. Lord, up - on our blind -ness Thy pure ra-diance pour; For 4. We will nev - er doubt Thee, Tho' Thou veil Thy light; Life -py His Thy # ^a=B light is ban-ner lov - ing - dark with - ^==^ E^: ^=S to/ ^i w ^ te ^. it=? ^. =Sf fi: flow - ing, Boim - ti - ful and free, gleam -eth, Ev - 'ry- where xm-furled. kind - ness Make us love Thee more, out Thee, Death with Thee is bright. -^- ^- m icf^int Ev - 'ry-thing re - joic - es Broad and deep and glo - rious, And when clouds are drift - ing. Light of light, shine o'er us. § r t^^ Ezaf EEr m. =F=f :S=?5 ■<^—^- -jg=^i3L I In the mel- low rays; All earth's thousand voic-es Swell the psalm of praise. As the heav'n a -bove, Shines in might vie -to -rious His e - ter - nal love. Dark a-cross our sky. Then, the veil up - lift - ing, Fa - ther, be Thou nigh. On our pil-grimway; Go Thou still be - fore us To the end -less day. m^^ tSiUmzrx: ^ ^^-f^ * r — f — — '\^* — ■.) J «« Ml • mm t) LJ ' ^^ (• ■^■t^: r r ' r: j^_-f-- _ *■ -/j -^„ m m m &y^ ^— t — 1 — * * W— T- :U W 1 ■% ^-^^ — -f — F — F^ ^-v- H 1 1 — -^ W- r^_^ \ 172 p IS On Mighty Wings Continued vif X -n p-.. -^-^- ^* *=^=»=!= Pi' 1 0^—^-'- The flight of time's ca - reer. To Thee, O Lord, are known. 'Our Fa - ther, we have sinned!' A fleet - ing shad - ow If an - gels e'en, so O God, Thy par - don 5 ^ ^ is our life, 'Tis as a pas - sing dream; pure and bright, Can - not en - dure Thy test, we im - plore, Thou know - est we are frail, Its How, Re - $ -«- ■^- =t ^ ^ 1 ■■ 1 — x -^ fe J- ..W- ^^' W— 1*5? -+= 1= ^ ^^^ ^ — n^ la - bors seem but emp - ty strife. Its aims a flash, a gleam, then, can we ap - proach Thy sight, Who £ire by sin, op - pressed, fresh us from Thy mer - cy's store. Up - lift us when we fail. i i s^ W^^m ■•— r -^-^^^ — i S W -• ^ 1 1 ~ N ^-^— ••-d — •-■»■ < H r i 173 162 Day of Atonement and Penitence Despise Not, Lotd Russell King Miller Alice Lucas Tr. fr. the Hcb. of Jehudah Ha-Levi mf Moderato ^rit m^:- 3z;f=i H3= 1 \ 1. De - spise 2. A - far 3. The world 4. Bare of not, from is good Lord, my low - ly pen - i - Thee in midst of life I too much with me and its deeds, scorch'd by temp - ta - tion s Ere comes And life Pre - vents Yet to the in my Thy day, death search mer when, I e cy A-1 dead - en'd ev - 'ry sense, find when Thou art nigh. ter - nal peace to win. dares my soul as - pire; My limbs A - las! How can But where too I I fore fee know serve speech ble not my pro grown to bear my weight, how to seek Thy face, Mak - er when my heart long, since tm - to Thee, :fc=t= :=t ;^:fc=iN=— ^: ^=X^ I — ^ A bur Nor how Is 0 pas Lord, :=1^ den to sion's is to my - serve and cap - tiye, man - i - self, I wor - ship is a fest my ]our Thee, slave heart's -gj- m ney most to de hence. High. sin? sire? 163 Day of Atonement and Penitence Forgive Us Lord Florence Montefiore /. Largo Maestoso (M. M. J = 60) tH Samuel Alman Based on a traditional Yom Kippur mode ^ P -^'- ^ — I — 4 :=t 1. For - give us Lord, we turn to Thee, 2. Thou giv - est on this day of days 3. We are Thy sheep with - in Thy fold, 4. Un - to Thy sons, who pen - i - tent, Re - new our days, New birth to ev - Re - mem - ber not With con - trite hearts 5. For- give us, Lord! we would a - tone, - Save us. our 'ry our be - us! ^ i^jc i3ES ,m=M £= r ^-*-* ujUj "UJ "g / p grief is sore, Thy par - don and strick - en soul, "Re - turn to me" sin - ful past! Grant us re - mis fore Thee stand, Thou ev - er - more Lord most High! We have no help J5:^.. Thy mer - cy be, Thy man - date says, sion as of old, be - nef - i - cent, but Thee a - lone, -^ i itSc t!^^ — r — r- D. C. / I II III IV Verses V dim. Last Verse l-fci2=iz i On us, O Lord, 'And I will heal Ac - cept the off' - Thou stretch - est out And Is - rael calls — O, -7w- H* ■ for ev thee, make ring of Thy pard - er more, thee whole." our fast. - 'ning hand. hear their cry! :t: latc v-^r :*c=:- ^^^ I 17s Day of Atonement and Penitence 164 Alice Lucas mf Andante espressivo Out of the Depths, O Lord PSALM 130 A. W. Binder 3=B =s: =3 ±EE :H 1. — Out of the depths, O Lord, 2. — If Thou shouldst close - ly mark 3. My soul waits for the Lord, 4. Let Is - ra - el hope in God, ^ i m I in - com - whose ^ mf 'frrzJ' ^ EiE! m EJ=J^=? in O hear my voice this day, And Could a - ny stand, O Lord! But Un - to His peo - pie's need. More Un - end - ing and su - preme; And ^ Ei "t^i £ iF«£=q 3^ S :iv=ls=?5= i let Thine ear to me at - ten - tive be, with Thee ev- er-more for - give-ness is, than the watchmen for the mom - ing wait, He from all transgressions of the past Al - might - y, when I pray! That men may fear Thy word. Yea, more than they in - deed. Shall Is - ra - el re - deem. l^=t m rjrnn^-9r azEza ^ *— r-^i r^-^-l- d=^ ^ci$: t=i:^ S ^^ E 1^ 176 165 Day of Atonement Our Fortress Strong Mrs. Goulston mf Andante Ferdinand Dunkley -^ art Thou, O Lord, The from mom till night. We we pros - trate kneel, Lord, our tremb - ling prayer, This f- ^S Rock to which we cling; fast, we hope, we pray; to im - plore Thine aid; of - fer - ing we bring; -^ In Oh, In Oh, Thee we trust with let Thy par - don mer - cy Thou our shield us with Thy fei^. J. . -&- ^ t--^ ^ X-- T one ac - cord, give us light fate wilt seal, love. Thy care, te Our Fa - ther and On this most sol Though we have dis Our Fa - ther and our King, emn day. 0 - beyed. our King. :t: =S^ I 177 Day of Atonement 166 Gustav Gottheil mf A ndantino ^ To Thee We Give Ourselves Based on the traditional Kee hinay kachomer melody =]= 1. To Thee we give our - selves to - day; For - get - ful of the 2. Who could en - diire, shouldst Thou, O God, As we de - serve, for iEg s ^^=^^ i-* Tit— -^ ^^f r gi3 fct^ f ^^ ^ "W sS ^ t:=9f^ -^-1^ ^3=t world out - side. We tar - ry in Thy house, O God! From ev - er chide! We, there-fore, seek Thy par- don-ing grace From T I 3E=^ ^-^T r '■ BEfe t r ^^ 178 To Thee Wc Give Ourselves Continued -^-^ e - ven-tide to e - ven- tide to ^ — I- e - ven - tide. From Thine all - search - ing, e - ven - tide. O may we lay to J33t Jr^J--:^ r 4=^: UU-.-' ^ T 1 ' ' ^ right - eous eye Our deep - est heart can noth - ing hide; It heart how swift The years of life do on - ward glide ; So i ^ -J- -4- ^ ^ l=r. ^--f^ ^m i ♦ud cri - eth up to Thee for peace, From e - ven - tide to e - ven-tide. learn to live that we may see Thy light at our life's e - ven-tide. i f^ :^=±:t: 3 -0 — * "^^r- m 179 167 Day of Atonement Thy Faithful Servant, Lord, Doth Yearn Harry Rowe Shelley Addie Funk, tr. fr. the Heb. of Solomon Ibn Gabirol mf Animato f^^^^^m § g^ 1. Thy faith -ful ser-vant, Lord, doth yearn For Thy con - sol - ing grace, 2. To Thy des-pond-ent ser-vant show The path of pen-i- tence; fei 1 mf f W ■— -fe U [-2=*- "^ 5^ -^ 3= r_ r«r ^ -p-^ :iJ*: =fl: ^4 :q: =^^ ^ ^--r Spread o - ver him its heal- ing wing. His guilt do Thou ef - face. He striv - eth pain-ful - ly for words To tell, how he re - pents. 1^=^ fT0- ^-|,----^ ■M=iL f (5- • r-f ^- £ r tiftcti^: :z|r IwtZJr: 3=z_?ti=:E=j_:: 4=^PT e Were not Thy word : Turn back from sin And I will turn to Thee, Oh, let my pen - i - +ence to - day My own soul's sure-ty be ; --I— !=5 ^ 1%. .ji^% r i m T f— r ^f^E i8o :^ n'T :£- Thy Faithful Servant, Lord, Doth Yearn Continued i :i=^ ^^' j^jLJL I, like a helms-man in the storm, Would, help-less, face the sea. Con -trite I vow to serve Thee well; Be mer-ci - ful to me! I=5t ii :«=St 5l=it *^ I r £: I r u i -b — te — I \ — I — \- — I — 1 — ^^-^ — 168 Isabella R. Hess 1 JO Z,^7!io -? Yom Kippur Prayer Jacob Weinberg ft ;=t 1. Hear my pray'r, O hear my pray'r! Lead me, that I go a- right! 2. Cleanse me, and I shall be clean. Thou a - lone canst make me pure! 3. Teach me how to serve Thee best. Thus would I re - pay Thy care ! ^ =1: z^ P r ^e j=j^ r r ^ r- * 1 On - ly by Thy guid - ing flame Safe my foot-steps in life's night! Give me strength to walk life's road, On - ly thus can I en- dure! Guide me, cleanse me, stay my feet, Thou, who art the Heart of Pray'r! t- -\- -^- r I f -»-' E^ m 181 169 Day of Atonement Hymn for Atonement Day Judah ben Samuel Halevi (Yah Sh'ma Evjonecha*) — Tr. by Solomon Solis-Cohcn inf Andante Jacob Weinberg f-i^ ^ ^ m Lord, Thine hum-ble serv-ants hear, Sup- pli-ant now be-fore Thee Lord, Thy peo - pie, sore oppressed. From the depths im-plore Thee Lord, blot out our e - vil pride, All our sins be -fore Thee Lord, no sac - ri - fice we bring, Pray'rsand tears im-plore Thee Lord, Thy par -don grant to all That in truth im-plore Thee Our Our Our Our Our 1^1 i^Pf ^"f ^ «S=T-© Ssi n p I =^=1^ Fa - ther, from Thy chil-dren's plea Turn not, we im - plore Thee ! Fa - ther, let us not, this day. Cry in vain be - fore Thee. Fa - ther, for Thy mer - cy's sake, Par - don, we im - plore Thee. Fa - ther, take the gift we lay. Con -trite hearts, be - fore Thee. Fa - ther, let our even - ing pray'r Now find grace be - fore Thee. 3 --=t- I ^^ ^^ Si^£ m m 'This poem, uncertainly attributed to Halevi, is a Pizmon In the Minchah Service of Yom Kippur, Sephardic Liturgy. 182 170 Lily Weitzman mf Andante religioso -A Day of Atonement and Penitence Create in this "Weak Form of Mine PSALM 51 Arr. by Arthur Lieber 3: 1. Cre 2. Grant 3. And 4. Oh, ate me. in O this weak Lord, a fc^#=* from Thy ho op en Thou ly my form spir pres - seal -r—A of mine it pure ence. Lord, ed lips. A To Cast My ^?-4— >- "/ 1 D h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \yip\> m — 1 — 1 — 5* -^ , . ' 1 1 ,, 1 #-» ^ — « \ m — 1 ' ■^— 1 — •^ — — 1 — ^- 1 -^ jcT -^— - # m m -iS- * ' * ' — ■• — — ** — 1 — -* — r ^ true and trust - ful heart, That from Thy ho - ly dwell for aye in me, That I may seek through me not out, I pray, Re - mem - ■ ber not my droop - ing spir - its raise, And I will all my i^^. ,- . « 1 dt 5?—- 5 r 1 ^r- h^n '^^— ^ W- 1 -^ 1 — — t — — ^ 1* ■ J^l5J2 \ \ s (^-' III 1 J 1^ h. 1 1 J 1 , , 0 irrt' fe - 1 I ' 1 1 1 1 /V^y?' ^ «, ! 1 frviy 7 b^ 5 m m m m '^1 • 1 k]} ■ - _ ^-9-» S <» 2 n 2 ^_ 1 V :J --#- -w L^ -Sh ' laws. 0 Lord, I nev - er may de - part. all my life Sweet joys that come from Thee. err - ing youth. But wash my sins a way. days on earth. Thy lov - ing - kind - ness praise. . » -5» — ^ , rr^* -S-w- — i 1 1 ^-dnr -\- -^^ii !_■ m- "1» m — 0- — *- — 1 -S * /■y • i VH^— ;• — 1 -4-p^ — 1 — -1 — 1 1 — ^ -1 1 1 ■■ 1 ■ 1 1 1 183 171 Day of Atonement Why Aft Thou Cast Down? J. K. Gutheim Fr. the Hamburg Temple Hymnal P Lento con espressione A. W. Binder Based on V'al kulom melody W ^=TT i r r 1. Why art thou cast down 2. Why art thou cast down my soul, my soul, Why Why dis - qui dis - qui et - ed et - ed g g II f S i w^=^- Feel'st thou not Was thy head r^ ^■ ^^ -s)- the Fa - ther nigh, in sor - row bowed P bite: #i — —in i^~ n>-^P — , — 1 =f= ^^=^ — 4 Him whose When death — ^« — J heart ... con - snatched a fr: , — u M 1 tains us all? friend from sight? Lives Was — S *-^ no God thy heart • for with (^1 * n -J-^ e — -f- ^ ^ 1 — •'-— — » — »^- — h '^^t ]>• ■ 1 >■ 1 j^ 1 ^ m rm 0 1* p P > 1^ 1^ r T— C ^ ^ [i N '^ 0 ^^^=^^ m^t^. thee on an - guish high, rent Lov - - ing while His judg - ments fall? 'Neath the dread - - ed reap - er's blight? ^.- -i- i £^-: ^- :£: -»» — j- ^- 184 Why Aft Thou Cast Down? Continued r —0 ^ God God ' ' r Look a - bove! Have no fear! . is love ! is near! God God is Love ! is near! ^5"*^=^ ri ^ :p=^ ■^ XT ^ 5*EEiE3 Why art thou cast down, my soul, To the skies turn thine eyes ; Soul, my soul, be strong in faith. Tears take flight; for in light- M: -IVJ^ ^ -i P- tP^ & is: --=^ ^_ :=lv ^3^^ 3 •i^ ¥ Be thou not Be thou not cast cast down, my soxU ; down, my soul; Ev - 'ry tear Dwell our dead m on on S 6=p= SEE *==!= --f' /( \} —r^ **1- Is -f* ^^=r^ — -N J: 4- -f^^ %=^=^ — 'J earth that flows, God, the world's great Rul - er knows. heav - en's shore. Bless - ed, bless - ed ev - er - more. gi=e^ -r — ^ — ^ H* » ^t- -W —f +«= _* -m. 1 1 - • b=^ 185 172 Day of Atonement Lo, as the Potter Moulds His Clay Elsie Davis Tr. fr. the Heb. of R. Meir b. Baruch of Rothenburg mf Largo Traditional "Kee hinnay kachomer" 1. Lo, 2. E'en 3. Lo, 4. Lo, as as as as the pot the ma a - midst the sil ter son the ver '0- molds hews fier seven his the y times clay, stone, And glow The tried Is m^t ^ -«2(L. ^ It^^t^ -^- E=3 (1 J I I it_ t=p ^ Shap - ing and forming it from day to day. Thus in Thy hand, O one is carv'd and wrought, and shattered one, Thus in Thy hand, O smith his i -ronforg-es blow on blow. Thus in Thy hand, O in the smelter's fur-nace pur - i - fied. Thus in Thy hand, O -^^^- t^ I W=^' Lord, are we. Lord, are we. Lord, are we, Lord, are we, O Thou whose mer - cies Thou who of life and O Thou who sav - est O Thou who balm and nev - er pass a - way. death art Lord a - lone, those by care laid low. heal - ing scatterest wide. --■X i 1 ^=a^3^ -u :'± -0- 2: . :*=§*: *i==te3=|K: 186 173 Day of Atonement Dim Mine Eyes With Many Teardtops Mrs. Isaac L. Rypins mf legato Based on Sephardic "Bemotzoay" '—\r\-v A ■ 1 1 n 'Tiij rt "+ iw IS 1^ 1^ tK.ill.^ L h - ^ 1 -^s — . .^ &> 1. Dim mine 2. Strength - en 3. Gird my , L — ^ — ■• — eyes Thou limbs N m ' with mine with ^ — « — ma - eyes, trust K 1 -•- ■ ny 0 and tear Fa pa -0- • . 9- P -»- drops, ther, tience, n-^. ^•)^>^-4— J^ ♦— ^ — w — m — i . id —J— J- -J J 1 ^—^\) hi '^ * • — 1 " 1? 4 1 — ^ — 1 Ped.T. 1^^ E r^ =S Weak my With the Let my wear - y limbs with pow'r Thy truth to soul from doubts be pam, see; free; -A -^' -/ ^ J- ^ J :^ i Weak my Make me Make me soul with doubts strong, O God strong, O God -m- -0- -m- — I \ P- — and and and I ^ long Fa Fa — ©>— ings ther, ther, > — P ^- /' m w ffi i How may With a With a I firm firm r this er er life faith faith sus in in vTl. -&- I tain? Thee. Thee. 174 Day of Atonement The Lifting of Mine Hands Nina Davis Salaman FOR CHOIR Tr. fr. the Heb. of Mordccai b. Sabbattai Samuel Alman tr fs: 1. The lifting of my hands, ac - cept of me As 2. In thy great mercy, hear and understand my words, my med-i - ta - tion; 3. God whom we have not fotmd, whose might is whole, For is St -L- — i»-r» — k 1 Hr i t:=-t^: P -^l- ^^^==^1 1^5 J-fi' though it were pure eve - if I hold, Grace them Thou mad'st Thine in a - ning sac - ri - fice, in Thy sight, - - - - ges gone. And let my pray'r be O God,who from of old, Hast If man give much, or m ^ =f ntt k. ^T\ #i — ^ s — h — ^^_^ — — P* — \ Hfe— 1 ^ f^ K— H^ ^— 4 /r^ * — — M — ^ — <^~ ~N — ^4"^ — in~n H~ ^ — J — ^ — d^^- "■ K^) 3 s ^ J ^ . 3 " u^ s J 2 M Zi * ^ li' • - - in - cense of sw been a dwell-i lit - tie, 'tis a /,n4^ f — f- — f — ] eet spice, ng place, 11 one. Ac- Thei Whe coxm - ted right and 1 from mine hand. Take n he re-turns, Thou • « « S 0 ' per - feet im - to Thee. Thou the gift I bring Thee, will ac - cept his soul, f' ^ ' r T' i\ ^-L L L ^-v— ^N~ "t i — K >— > 'r r ! — -■ 1 1^1 F • 1 1 • ' > 1^ y C i u ^ L. 1 r 1^ 1^ 1^ 1^ 1* ■■ ■ And when I call Thee, hear; for day once more Sinks plead - ing here. With suppli-ca tion If but his heart be true, when he shall draw. Nigh _ -^ .(2. . .*. -J^ .^. 4=2- -z:^=i^ * 188 to the hour when when the hour with his oflf - 'ring: .«- .m- -J- I ■^^E^ The Lifting of Mine Hands Continued m ri - fice. ri - fice. ri - fice. I Is - rael brought of yore. The draws near, For this is all the law Of ev'n - ing ev'n - ing ev'n - ing sac sac sac -^- -W- » *- £ SE^e ?^ -f=f^ At Midnight, so the Sages Tell ^ i 175 A. S. Isaacs y Con spirito From G. F. Handel :=^? ^ ^m 1. At 2. Up 3. At 4. O mid - night, sprang the mid - night, bid me as •ti; so the sa ' roy - al bard, when dark doubts seize the harp J n. 7 ges tell, in - spir'd, as - sail, of faith When His And And ^ / ^=*= -^-^ :e=Sz ^ ZJ Da - vid slept pro - found, A fin - gers touch'd the chord, And anx - ious fears sxir - roimd, O sing a ho - ly strain Un • harp sus-pend - ed o'er his couch with strange gladness in his soul, soul of mine, a - mid the gloom • til each day my life and thought ^ g ^ :±t r ^i u i r 75"^-« Gave forth a tremb- In psalms he praised Give forth a joy - Re - sound in glad ■ling the ous re ■ soimd, Lord, soimd, train, Gave forth a tremb-ling sound. In psalms he praised the Lord. Give forth a joy - ous soimd. Re - soimd in glad re - frain. ^ ^ rs -t^w Jzz^ ^i^ -^-r- :^= 189 i 176 Day of Atonement God, That Doest Wondrously "AYL NORA ALEELAH"* Moses Ibn Ezra Tr. by Solomon Solis-Cohen f Moderato , Sepliardic Melody Arr. bv A. W. Binder izil: i 3 p :=1- 1. God, that do - est 2. Souls in grief be 3. Mer - cy, grace, for won - drous - ly, fore Thee pour'd, these low - bowed Ood, that do - est Ag - 0 - aize for But up - on th' op m ±11 f :t: m^ wm w t*^ won - drous - ly, deed and word ; press - or proud. ^ Par "We Judg don have ment at Thy peo - pie's sinn'd; For - give!" they for his vie - tims' . ^ e cry, cry, cry t:: f^ "/ r 3 m As the clos - ing hour draws nigh! Few As the clos - ing hour draws nigh! Heal As the clos - ing hour draws nigh! For are Is - rael's them! Let their our fa - thers' :tJf 4= t:- "Pizmon introductory to the N'eelah (concluding) Service of the Day of Atonement, Sephardic Liturgy, attributed in some rituals to Moses ibn Ezra. (S.S-C) 190 God^ Thou Doest Wondfo«sIy Continued ^^ti=^ ~st -^- sons, and weak; trust in Thee right - eous-ness, I glEE --*■ d :=1: I ^- K^ i Thee Turn Save in pen - i - tence they seek, a - side the dread de - cree; us now in our dis - tress; t:: .p*n1 :i r- ii r- m :=f P==^ f^ « *l» Z). C. 1 O, re - gard their anguished cry, Doom them not, but heed their cry. Make us glad with freedom's cry, ^ 4=1- M- As the clos - ing hour draws nigh. As the clos - ing hour draws nigh. As ' the clos - ing hour draws nigh. V- -r ^ — » =^=?^ :t= /' 0 ^ Zjr 4. God that do - est won-drous - ly God that do - est won-drous - ly g ^ £ :t=: ^ r 3 I ^=y^ S ^==r^ 3: Par - don at Thy peo - pie's cry. As the clos - ing hour draws nigh. ^S :««= r f i IQI Day of Atonement (N^eelah) 177 On Parting John Ellerton mf Andante religioso Max Grauman Based on a traditional N'eelah melody I SJ 1. Fa - ther, a - gain to Thee our hearts 2. Grant us Thy peace up - on our home 3. Grant us Thy peace, Lord, thro' the com - 4. Grant us Thy peace through-out our earth we ward ing ly ^ ^ lift; way; night; life, 1 E r—r -w — w 1^=^ -*— -g: 'zr mf r We r -^- 4=: -^ -at- :r=^ _-^_^._. :t=tt -V — u We now be - seech Thee, grant Thy part - ing gift; With Thee be - gan, with Thee shall end the day; Turn Thou for us its dark - ness in - to light; From Our balm in sor - row, and our stay in strife; ^S 3 :*:qq -w fg- -=i— •- -^^ r ^ j^ -^-^ ^ -e ^ 192 On Parting Continued i^ -^«=»- Stand - ing be - fore Thee ere Guard Thou the lips from sin, harm and dan - ger keep Then, when Thy voice shall bid our the Thy our wor heart chil con ship cease, from shame, dren free, flict cease, -,-1^ ^ i Jl jj r -^: "n :t^ £ hS2- t f- Organ We That For Call low - ly in this dark and us, O V — ^=*^ p m i -^ i ^ ^ofo n^ i bend house light Lord, ing, wait Thy have call'd are both a to Thine e word up - like ter of Thy to nal peace, name. Thee, peace. ^ -^- '-=X r -^ poco rit. mi. f- T 193 178 Author unknown Tr. by Alice Lucas I, f Moderato ^- 1 ' Day of Atonement N*eelah Hymn Sephardic Melody Arr. bv A. W. Binder -G>- :^ 1. Lord of Hosts, whom 2. Par - don Thou our 3. O re - new our all a - dore, Grant us par - don, sins this day, When we pen - i days of old With Thy mer - cies Se Xr- t: ±1; / con moto ^ ^ At the N' - ee - lah once more. We, At the N' - ee - lah once more. Be At the N' - ee - lah once more. We the "few in our shield and be - seech Thee 194 N'celah Hymn ContintJcd Egl-JS- ^ 1 1 =1— —t- 1— 1 — -1 — 1 — ^ — ' 1 — 0L 1 1— ^— ■ num - ber" named, S strong-hold still, A by Thy name, L up - nd ord, -0- pli oxir the -m- - cat cup year ^L_ 1 - ing with of • 1 b=3- and glad - grace ■ * a - shamed, ness fill, pro - claim, 1 ^"T n s^^ ' t f^ — T — 0 — --1 » — — r— 1 V — • 1 5? #^^ —3 ^ -^'■^i rrl f =4= =t- — k u 1 — =1= - D. C. -\ ^- Seek Thy mer - cy's —# — *••— 6- — 1- plenteous store =1= At the H N' 1 1 — — ^ ' S - ee - lah — ^— ' 0 once more. When we stand Thy throne be-fore At the N' - ee - lah once more. And Thy scat-tered flock re-store At the N' - ee - lah once more. , sJi • ^ r ^ M- -s- f- Y — 1 0 — • — 1 — »— 1 ^-^F— ir- w k= ^=^=iP=^ — '0— — 1 — 0 — — 1 — - — r^ — — * — -> 0 * • 1 1 1 1 1 ^/r> ^\— — t- -t— — h- ^ 4. Lord of Hosts, whom all a - dore Grant us par - don we im - plore, -*- H«- -*■- ^ _ ^ -#--•--»- ^ -0- -*-J- ^ b — y- m * W^ -I — r ::4=^ 8 -^ *1- ^=r M^ iS r At the N' - ee - lah once more. At the N' - ee - lah once more. '^=£= It: "TT" ^- i 195 179 Day of Atonement (N^eelah) The Son Goes Down Composite I, mf Andante Josef Stark Based on the Traditional N'eelah melody 1. The stin goes down, the 2. While still in clouds the 3. And when our sun of sha - dows rise, The day of God is sun de - lays. We pray Thee, Lord of life re - treats. When eve-ning sha-dows m^ ^^ m^ f mf :33E^ ^^ =1: iS: ^ P ^ r --F near its close, The glow - ing orb now home - ward flies, earth and heav'n. That love may shed its peace - ful rays, 'round us fall, Our rest - less heart no long - er beats, g fct H J $ ^ -f= ^ — • ^ « *-m—^-0' 3 ^ r^ TT r: A gen - tie breeze fore-tells re - pose. New hope un - to oiu" souls be giv'n. And graveward sinks our earth - ly pall. Lord, crown our work, Oh, may the part -ing hour, the We shall be - hold. fa=t -^ -^- £;M^-^?=£: g :J=. m :t?— ^ =F= crown our work be -fore the night: At ev - en - tide let there be light, part - ing hour be bright : At ev - en - tide let there be light, we shall be-hold a glo - ri-ous sight: At ev - en - tide there will be light. '& -(2- i 196 180 Jessie E. Sampler f Moderato e vxgoroso Feast of Booths The Lulav Jacob Beimel Traditional Succos melody =T^ -,$• --■^- ^:^ :t=t 1. In man 2. And in 3. Who bring y a stone - bound ci - ty, those tab - er - na - cles, in want and sor - row Still roofed be - The wan - d'rer's The stran - ger's a -3&L f 3 ^ *=»; -^ -(2- / r-T w m -#f2— ^- t=: -I 1^=^ P »- iz! neath the bless - ed re fruit with skies, lief psalms, The He Shall Lord of turns our plant in =t :6S: «« ?-^ :t; £: J J-jJ^Aft^Jg. E -J r — t- -*;=» =^= -<$^ i^^atif: Pl^= :=^ gi bovmd-less pi - ty hea - vy shack-les joy to - mor - row Lets lit - tie To strings of Theii ci - trons bow - ers a fruit and and their rise, leaf, palms. 197 181 Feast of Booths and Autumn Once More the Liberal Year John G. Whittier ff Moderato James G. Heller ti4 teE3: I. Once more 3. We shut the lib' - ral year laughs out O'er our eyes, the flow'rs bloom on; We #- ?^b: =t ff te S^=fe itii u :=t ■r=. r- -i rich - er stores mur - miu", but than gems or gold; Once more, with har - vest the com ears fill; We choose the sha - dow, ^ '^^ -Q"^ J=*=J r fEE^ M ^- g^ F=^- :»-=# -t- song and shout, but the sun Is na - ture's blood - less tri - umph told. That casts it, shines be - hind us still. fe :4- i^te --X :^ ^ — V r^- ii3t=«: -A- -K :t:=t: ^^=^ 198 :ii=i ^=F= u Once More the Liberal Year Continued P5^=^ 1^-^=^ ^5 2. O 4. Now tf fa let vors ev these al 'ry year made new! O tars, wreath'd with bow'rs And :ifc ■4- =f5l!= n= -^^^^^ ^ **- * n ife^^ :P^=f= bless - ings with the sun - shine sent! The boun - ty o - ver piled with fruit, a - wake a - gain Thanks - giv - ing for the fcfc ^=4: 1^ 3: -:^- — ^ 1^ — 1^ ^^ r f^T f- M ^is=^t= fei ^1 '-\=^ runs oiu: due. The gold - en hours, The ful - ness shames our dis - con - tent, ear - ly and the lat - ter rain. # > «! «|- ^1^^ ^ I 199 182 Feast of Booths ''Succoth Hymn'* Joseph Leiser unf Moderato Pinchos Jassinowsky :^5=1?s: ^^^^ gar - nered Thee we face up ■ nev - er thank Thee, -A ^- fields and mead - ows come with hearts made turned in sim and fait - 'ring, though our yea, for throbs of cropped, And glad For rain. And arms Were love That -=l= ^^^ ^r* :«=5t ^ ^ ' I r I m ±:Ml ^ or - chards plucked of wheat that is oiu" stout re - solves to wea - ry and our glo - ri - fy each peach and pear, staff and stay ; do our task, spir - its spent; earth - bom soul Lord, what Thy hand has For oats and rye that O Lord, who gives to That brave -ly we en And link aJl puis - ing :f^=i^ 4- S=^=^ 1 IS: g J-^-^^ ^ ^=T ©= fc^ ^^^^ glV - caught each dured hearts en the his the to ^ us, glint due, toil Thee 4=- For this we bring our grate - ful prayer. Of sxm - set on a sum - mer's day. Thy bless - ings for these do we ask: And an - guish that the sea - sons sent. In one vast im - i - ver - sal whole. r rr 183 Alice Lucas, Tr. fr. Heb f Maestoso marcato Feast of Booths Thy Pfafse, O Lord 'A'ameer" N. Lindsay Norden 1. Thy praise, O Lord, will I pro-claim In hymns un -to Thy glorious name ; 2. May'st Thou in mer - cy man - i - fold, Dear xm - to Thee Thy peo- pie hold, 3. They o - ver- flow with pray'r and praise To Him who knows the fu-ture days. £ % 5.^^ H^ r f i p^ ^^^ M 1 ^ _^ 0 U^ ^ ^_I1 O Thou, Re-deem- er, Lord and King, When at Thy gate they bend the knee Have mer - cy. Thou, and hear the pray'r Re-demp - tion to Thy faith - ful bring! And wor - ship and ac-knowl-edge Thee. Of those who palms and myr-tle bear. ^3si £ t £ £ ic=fc ^- s =l==l: — I H H M # J ■L J H H- r 1' g Be - fore Thine al - tar they re - joice Do Thou their heart's de - sire ful - fill, Thee day and night, they sane - ti - fy With branch of palm and myr - tie-stem ; Re - joice with them in love this day. And in per - pet - ual song a-dore; ^ w=r :tE=tK=Nc :t=t: ^—w—^- rail. ^ To Thee they raise the pray'r-ful voice, Have mer - cy, save and pros-per them. For - give their sins and thoughts of ill. And their trans-gress-ions cast a -way. Like to the heav'n-ly host, they cry: "Bless -ed art Thou for ev - er-more." -•- - I -! J5— ^ ' -•- ^- -^ ^=f= :p:: t=X rail. fc=^ m Feast of Booths 184 Isabella R. Hess f Andante i m^ Pinchos Jassinowsky :q= l*c r 1. For the gold - en sun and the dart - ing rain — That 2. For the stin - lit days and the nights, star clear, — That 3. For bless - ings in the gen - er - ous store — That F=t: ^fc:4: ^^. **i r ^=^ r=F= :t2=t2: brought the gift of the yel - low grain, For the sing - ing winds mark the course of the chang-ing year, For the low-hung skies prove a fa - ther's kind - ness more. For all that marks ^ g S- -^ — -^- -4' itn: ^SE S 1^^ ^—t- J. J -0-' -m~ -*-• -|^ -(S>- aoa For the Golden Son Continued ir"f — fe — t^ =^ -^— --h =^ — b 1 m^ r- »" m -• — ^i-^ -^ 3tz_ -•-L — tsr =^= fj ^~ — and the of Thy crys - som - lev - tal bar ing dew gray care, That When Dear - a make rest the - ful earth spir God, 1 it -1 — ^^ ! 1 — -■if— , ^- 1- y -U J ] ' ■■ ^j- ' 1 J ^ iihW fCv ^ • m m ' s ^ 1 .d • 2 ^ VAm c^ \>) m • 5 « • ^ 1 • • . . ft -•■- • -J-. ■^ 1 -••- -0- ^ h --•- • "^- /US. L • L L- . '^ ^ — ..ifl^LA m .'] pj'l f f ,»■ r ^z^3 ^k-l -^ — — 1 — f^- 1 J 1 ■^ -t— i :S=t S^ ^ ^=^ *=t=: Dear God, we Dear God, we Dear God, we -4^-J— k d^ bloom with life a - new, fills the day, of - f er grate - ful pray'r, of - f er grate-f ul pray - er, of - f er grate-ful pray - er, of - f er grate-ful pray - er. ^^ ^ j— ^ *t V ^ ifiyw £E^ I =1^ Dear Dear Dear God, God, God, we we we of - fer grate - ful pray of - fer grate - ful pray of - fer grate - tul pray er. er. er. A I ^=q^ J ^ ^ — j- -% g — 0 — 0- :t=: m 203 185 Feast of Booths Hymn for Tabernacles Alice Flowerdew f Maestoso 0 1 -\ — -^ S. Alman j*&R-^T- -v^==^ \ -^ ' 0 — 1— =1= 1 ___,_ — 1 — w— — a- -w=A I. Fath - 3. spring's 5. ne'er -^- 1 er of sweet may • mer - cies, influ - ence, our for - \ ^— God Lord, get 1— of was - ful love, Whose Thine, The hearts O'er - gifts all sea - sons look Thy 1 \ H— -1 ^ crea - tures knew Thy boun-teous /^^t'( ; 0 ' -zJ =t »" -5^—1 — ^— 1 1 ~i ^ —J- —A Ms ) r r" i9 1— 1 ^ 1 s d 1 / 1 1 J J 1 1 1 1 1 S 0- m /•^• 1 • 0 m 0 m -A 1 m- - n ^^ -T f- — ? ^— Ti^ -t 9 — |f» — — P — - r 1- ■4i^ ^1 1 - ^-'- ■ -■ ^ ^ -3^ share, call; care; The roll Thou mad'st But what mg sea - sons as the sum - mer stm Thy lov - ing hand they move. Pro to shine, The im - parts, Ac ^ =t '^ -/- m §=j^^ ^s 204 Hymn for Tabernacles Continued J^ claim sum - cept Thy mer with cons - dews praise, tant to and care. fall. share. 2. When in the bo - som of the earth 4. Thy gifts of mer - cy from a - bove FINE m ■• m -d 3 ■«■ S: WF ^ -^ ^ -# — *- £ St *^te N — ^—¥- V— t?- =1= ^ -<9—i- The Ma sow - er hid the grain, tured the swel - ling grain; Thy good - ness marked its And now the har - vest ^- ^^: -iS—r m^ J- £^JL >Si • -^ I2*. -» ^ I — m >= T D. C. 1'S==fl ^~~r. m ^ =^ se - cret birth. And sent the ear - ly rain. The crowns Thy love. And plen - ty fills the plain. O ^^: i ^^te^i^iS 1=^ ^ -^— »- 205 186 Feast of Booths Harvest Barbara Joan Singer J, mf Moderato Jacob Singer ^- i q— ^— 1**- ■■^ m -r All through the long bright days in June, The leaves grew green and fair, mf >^ •» ^ 4, ^ES: Jtrfc=!tp~z=V3 fti !^^^ -^^=f=:, ^~ 4iz=tc: — P f-^— ^ :=t ■MUIZL-^ And waved in hot mid - sum-mer's noon, Their soft and yel - low hair. i S- J^ x^-- :q— -^ — L^l-- -ti— r- 3e=*: ::^5^ ._[_. 206 Harvest Continued -JS-r— J- •* m- '--=^ W^^-^^^ And now with Au-tumn's moon-lit eves, The har - vest - time has come. i^ m, — A ^^- tt^i: tte=^ -ly—r #^ ii t— ^f ^Ei; litzir? We pluck a - way the frost - ed leaves, And bear the treas - ure home. I" rT* *^2* :T 3t » #-*-» a % — ^- 1K^\^Z^ r -a^ ^ tL =^v=!=* rPJ^^r — ^ We pluck a - way the frost - ed leaves And bear the treas - ure home. 207 Feast of Booths 187 Alice Lucas Largo {M.M.J=60) Take Unto You Samuel Alman Based on a trad. Succos melody 1. "Take un - to you the boughs of good - ly trees, 2. Thus kept they har - vest in the years gone by, fc ^ --V nf SfeE fc :t2=:t?: ^^^^ ^» ■;■ ^E^ ^- :^^3 f=^-j ^2g: Organ or hum tEE^^i^ Branch-es of palm, and wil - lows of the brook, And blessed the Lord for all His bount-eous store, ao8 Take Unto You Continued dt n-V :]v=:^ s — V I •?±: ^crrpEi s -1^ — ^ — ^ - .T And build you booths to dwell there -in with these." And songs of praise and prayer a - rose on high, ^ d=^ r^-w- ^^ 3^5 S43 -,=?: ^^=3-^ JJi^ •^ -^ ■'■ K rfe fr - Si W=l^ IX ; r;-^-g^lg^ ^ ;fet ^i ^ So it was writ - ten To Him whose mer - cies ^ ^^— r^ ^P -^ ^Ji -■• # # in the sac - red book, are for - ev - er - more. -• d ^ I 309 188 Feast of Booths and Autumn Hymn of the Harvest John Hampden Gurney f Con fnergia C. Hugo Grimm ::1: IS: 1. Lord of the 2. When spring doth 3. But chief - ly 4. Lord of the har wake when har vest, the Thy vest, Thee we song of boun - teous all is hail, mirth. When hand Thine, The T -i — / ^1 ^ IS?: s '^ ±1 =1: ^=^ ^-- ^ Thy sum New rains dai - ly bless mer warms plen - ty scat that fall, ings do the fruit ters o'er the sxms not fail ; ful earth, the land, that shine, The When When The 3^ r 1 ?^pf ^ 1 ^ ^- ^h -W^^ =^^ r 5 ^ ^ r Hymn of the Harvest Continued i ^ ^ 3 5t *- vary - ing sea -sons have their round ; With good - ness all oiir win - ter sweeps the na - ked plain, When au - txunn yields its sounds of mu - sic fill the air, As home - ward men earth's seed once hid - den in the groimd, The skill that makes our I l¥. :=}: '^W= :=P >=« r -u ^ '^ S^^^eIE: 4—^ :*=;;: r i 'r ^ ^s^eii^ --j- years are crown'd ; Our thanks we ri - pen'd grain, We ev - er treas - tu^esbear, We, too, will fruits a - boimd. New ev - 'ry pay This ho - ly day. sing To Thee our King; raise Our hymn of praise, year Thy gifts ap - pear; Q«E^S33^^^^3§ ->-" -J. "-* r r*' TrT ^^ J^ f f-wT-r- I I r f— r ■lii 1 m O let our Through all their For we Thy New prais - es ^- hearts chang com from with praise re - - sound. es Thou dost reign, mon boim - ties share. our lips shall sound. ^ 1 1 ^1 ir=*= ±=3: *^ r ^ -^- 189 Feast of Conclusion A Week Within the Sukko Green SH'MEENEE ATSERES 65=4: Isabella R. Hess if Andantino Heinrich Schalit 3^ ^m w 1. A 2. A week with gain we in the suk - ko green lift our voice in pray'r, We've O g«if s ^ =^^k '-\^ =F=f= »/ / S ^ sung Thy bound - less praise, send Thy bless - ed rain, Now end That when ed an IS oth m j- M .-&- im the er =£ / ^1=^ r f ^ '-1^ -\ — ^- ^ I au - tumn feast, har - vest comes m i The We =fe gold may en har - vest days, re - joice a - gain! *J^ ^ ^ f 212 190 Feast of Conclusion A "Week "Within the Sukko Green Isabella R. Hess SH'MEENEE ATSERES Jacob Weinberg fnf Andantino con moto fr^V i^ :^ t=^ a^-zM. H 1. A week with -in the suk - ko green, We've sting Thy boundless praise, 2. A- gain we lift otir voice in pray'r, O send thy bless- ed rain, fi=1^ .-I- ^ ^ ijtza: ^ -I- E=a -^^ ^^-fffr^ ^ -fr-w mf ^ J" J :p=5c: S --irJf^ 1^ H«=?^ I < — i-i K 1=r tT ^ fe=F r-rr^" =t=^ / ^=^s=pf * 3C=3: Now end - ed is the aut - umn feast, The gold - en har - vest days. That when an - oth - er har - vest comes We may re-joice a- gain! ^ -^ .V / ^ ^^ f- i«3;4: f r- :^ ^. -^ :t2=t±: 3 :^^^ I I ai3 191 New Version P Lento Feast of Conclusion or for Rejoicing of the Law PSALM 119 Jacob Weinberg i _«t:t IZit ^E^ £Ei 1. Thy word is to my feet a lamp, The way of truth to show; 2. When I with griefs am so op-prest That I can bear no more, 3. O let my sac - ri - fice of praise With Thee ac - cep-tance find ; 4. Thy tes -ti-mo-nies I have made My her - it - age and choice; ife 3E^ g ms 3 lii^ lEE -i J 1 J I ^ |« A ^ I -t=-^ r >/r- tS ! ! I ^ J ^ =^^ P A cheer-ing light to mark the path Ac - cord-ing to Thy word, do Thou And in Thy right-eous judgments, Lord, For they, when oth - er com - forts fail, ^ r Where -in I ought My faint -ing soul In - struct my will - My droop- ing heart ■ -\ \ -J- to go, re - store, ing mind, re - joice, =^=1:: r 4 fc^ ^J_ Z=SL J-l J J ^ M P rit. a tempo I W=f^ A Ac- And For cheer-ing light to mark the path cord-ing to Thy word, do Thou in Thy right-eous judgments, Lord, they, when oth - er com - forts fail, fcS: ^ Where - in I ought My faint -ing soul In - struct my will - My droop - ing heart to go. re - store. ing mind. re - joice. S r -^- te T 0~HW- T r a tempo J , J- -J * — ^ — ^ z^ r 5 214 i 192 Harry H. Mayer mf Lento Thankfulness In Answer to My Prayer Jacob Singer Based on Cantillation mode of "Song of Songs" ^—^ m ' ~ *- ?^=:p!^ ^-it I 1. O God, my ev - er con-stant Friend, I owe all thanks to Thee, 2. How soon Thy ten - der voice re - spends In an-swer to — my prayers, 3. Give me to know Thy near-ness, God, Thy wis-dom and Thy might, w ~0- -m- -S- ^ g>-^ ^ "/ ^ I -^— • r-^' ±=^ fe It :e=^ rr^ #ig=fa =r=^==Tr~?=^ =}= ^ 1 „ „ h- -^ =^= -y- =fl Whose Whent The b : ^^ ^^ nev - er fail- ing rust - ing Thy pro - o\md- less meas-ure -^—. N-J 1- -*- love tect of emd care - ing love. Thy love "^Pj — ^— Are watch-ing I bring to 1 Thro' all the — L — z — h" m 0 - hee day ver me. my car and nig — k — J-v es. =11 r 1 ^ p .- ^ ^ * zitzizJy 1 — 1 — -•- r^ n ^:. ^ hi ha *■ !■ 4- r — S — 0 — 1 — — #— ^— -e^f-H ^l^n^ _| 1^_ m -W— «^d H f— ^ rr -■ P- 1 r- Pr= 33 cp ^ 1 H — tp* — ■ ^-t^-v— u w— 1 " H — 215 193 Thankfulness We Thank Thee George E. L. Cotton 1 f Con spirito Jacob Singer te 1. We thank Thee, Lord, for this 2. Thanks for the flowers that clothe 3. Yet teach us still how far te / ^ fair earth. The the ground. The more fair, More t!*: =^ l^B =F=^^ ntt 1 w 1 y +w '.' ' 1 S 1 , 1 1 ' 1 1 y\ Vt m • J 1 1 1 ^ II Va\ *! ■■• • 1 9 ' ^ ' ^ 1 \^) • • ^ ^ 1 gUtt'r trees glo - - ing sky, the that wave their rious. Fa - ther, Ik. sil - ver sea, arms a - bove, in Thy sight. For The Is all hills one their that pure beau gird deed. -ty, our one V nu : ' 1 1 Si' , ' . /T if m • ^ J 1 \ \ m \ ((\\ ^ ^\ ^ 1 VsL' 1^1 • ^ " S m « UC ' t) • ' m m 0 1 r'^^ -*- m «. . \ 14. m m /»> i" *' ' ^ ' « 2 * 1 r ■ 1 *«-■ 1 «(5^. fu 1 1 s • p L V "I '^1 1 ^-^ C I I* 1 wL L m ~ '^ 1 n ^ . -■ : [ 1 Sp W \ ,- 1 i^ ' *1 1 1 1 i :^ all their worth. Their light and glo - ry come from Thee, dwell - ings round, As Thou dost gird Thine own with love, ho - ly prayer, One heart that owns Thy spir - it's might. i =* i£ ^ — J- -^ ^ ^-- -1*. * ^ 216 194 Thankfulness O Render Thanks PSALM 106 A. W. Binder ;i^ f Andante con moto ^ =;it 1. O 2. Who 3. Hap rend can py er thanks to God a - bove, The His might - y deeds ex - press, Not are they, and on - ly they, Who ^ ^^^: -tH= T-^* / ^^ S :t: t T i ki 3^ foun - tain of e - ter - nal love, Whose mer - cy firm through on - ly vast, but nimi - ber - less? What mor - tal el - o - from Thy judg-ments nev - er stray; Who know the truth, nor ^=|=5S=t^jE^ m: r ti= f^ =t ±: a quence on m^^ ges past, Has stood, and shall for - ev - er last, can raise. His tri - bute of im - mor - tal praise? ly so. But al - ways prac - tise what they know. P^ 3-^ ax7 195 Thankfulness Wc Plough the Fields Matthias Claudius Tr. by Jane M. Campbell f Risoluto C. Hugo Grimm :4z_-azi:iaL ::i=t==t '^^ 1. We plough the fields, and 2. He on - ly is the 3. We thank Thee, then, O scat - Mak - Fath - ter er er, The good seed on the land, Of all things near and far ; For all things bright and good. ¥ ^r f r r- i^ i £: f i in 3 '^^ 5t But it is fed and wa He paints the way -side flow The seed-time and the har :=^- --=\- ter'd By God's al-might - y hand ; er. He lights the eve - ning star; vest. Our life, our health, our food ; •^ , ^ :5-*^^: i -2^ -S- ?=..^=J: -^ n ^^ jcttilC tr- ^ Ss :t He sends the snow in win - ter; The warmth to swell the grain; The winds and waves o - bey Him, By Him the birds are fed; Ac - cept the gifts we of - fer For all Thy love im - parts, ^I v— r — r ^ £=r£ u. 218 Wc Plough the Fields Continued ^ t ^ •* — w- ^- =1^4: -m iT itzrt The Much And breez more what - es, and the sun - shine, And soft re- fresh -ing rain: to us, His chil - dren, He gives our dai - ly bread. Thou most de - sir - est, Our hum -ble, thank -ful hearts. -^- -^- -4- ^ *r=i -d ^ w m ■»■ mm f ing2- ^ 5^ All good gifts a - roimd us. Are sent from Heav'n a - bove, I -^ 3EEa r=^ ^F^f^ -1=2- '1^ • -■ i qe=«: tes h22- Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, For all His love. W ^ ^ ^=fe A- t=3t lAi -4—^ -4- 1 ^—1 I -1«=F 1 219 196 Thankfulnesss O Lord! to Thee Who Dwell'st Above George Jacobs f Andante con moio Alois Kaiser ^ H -4 ^-— --1 4— f ^;^3e: 1. O Lord! 2. To Thee, 3. Then let :4=E: to Thee whose mer oxir hearts who dwell'st cies nev and lips J- *-. a - bove, er end, u - nite ^ I We Our To ^ / q=n: S ^E^ ^ ^Etg • r ' raise the sa - cred hymn of praise. For Thou 0 - ver-flow - ing thanks we pour; Whose light chant our thanks in joy - ful lays, As we ^^f^ hast blest us and truth through in grat - i - -^ J. . P^ f==F^ r -(W ^m i I f=* ^ *=^ with Thy love. And guid - ed us in earth ex - tend, Whose good - ness is for tude re - cite, O God, thy ev - er -^^ 1- , -r all our ways. ev - er - more, last - ing praise. £: P 920 197 Charity Thy Brother Theodore Chickering Williams f Allegretto James G. Heller -* ^ i^tzit^: =P^ 1 1. When thy heart, with joy 2. When the har - vest-sheaves 3. If thy soul, with power 4. Hast thou borne a se - 5. Share with him thy bread J^ o'er-flow - ing. Sings a thank - ful prayer, in - gath-ered Fill thy bams with store, up - lift - ed. Yearn for glo - rious deed, cret sor - row In thy lone - ly breast ? of bless-ing, Sor - row's bur - den share; B h K #d "fe r r. — r- t^ V^ ^ ^^. JEZJ l^=t^=S fa^ In thy joy, O let thy broth - er With To thy God and to thy broth - er Give Give thy strength to serve thy broth - er In Take to thee thy sor - rowing broth - er For When thy heart en - folds a broth - er, God thee the his a is share, more, need, guest, there. I irT~b=-"i"^=^"^^ 2aei 198 Winter 'Tis Winter Samuel Longfellow Andantinu James G. Heller ^^m b-t 1. 'Tis win - ter now; the fal - len snow Has left the 2. And though a - broad the sharp winds blow, And sliies are •n 1- T^r^ i^i ^m ^i J^ T ^ *=Fft t ^ m L^ — L*-^ 0 — *= 1^=:* 83= heav-ens all cold - ly clear; Through leaf - less boughs the sharp winds chill, and frosts are keen, Home clos - er draws her cir - cle -4= =q: -I- ^ m :*n^ :S=t r ^f:r^'-K i ^ f— n -^ i^i p £ P=^P^3^ blow. And all the earth lies dead and drear. And now, And warm - er glcws her light with -in. O yet God's God, who ^M i^AN^ m 13: ifc^ — ^ r :^i?r-5 ^ p=ife fcte s: ^- lfe:E=g ^ t4= 'Tis Winter Continued M:, -''iE^S^^B' love is not with-drawn; His life with - in the giv'st the win - ter's cold, As well as sum - mer's &4 =1= ^ ^ ^- y—^ -I — 1^~ M- -^==^ • — ^ lB==r^ s^-- M s* i ft -2?- keen air breathes, His beau - ty paints the crim - son joy - ous rays, Us warm - ly in Thy love en :^ ** ^ -rr^ ^^-^ ^^- J-^J^ :fc=r:s i ^E^ :t fcl 5 P=^ 'jezsm: =^=z dawn. And clothes the boughs with glit - ter - ing wreaths, fold, And keep us through life's win - try days. -I- Iti >M^- * =* ■^^^-- e ilS j^^ .Sir r— r -^g- 223 199 The Law This Feast of the Law Israel Zangwill Tr. fr. the Heb. f Moderato Vigoroso Jacob Beimel Based on traditional Hakofos melody ^ ^^ *:§: ^^ 1. This Feast of 2. My God I 3. My heart of the Law all your will praise in a Thy good - ness shall glad - ness dis ju - bi - lant car - ol al ^m play, lay, way. 3E — I 1 h- 3S 4- 3=f /T i fei f=pr=^ i^ -■i^ To - day all My hope in Thy prais - es your hom - a - ges ren Him nev - er sur - ren I ev - er will ren 4-J— ^ der. der, der. ^ r-'^^ -rz mm 31 ^ ^ =^=f=«t What prof - it His glo - ry While breath is, can lead one so pro - claim where His my lips all Thy pleas - ant a chos - en sons won - ders shall ^ t way, pray, say, ^ ^ ^ -fe— 4-- ^ -<&- 224 This Feast of the Law Continued What jew - els can My Rock all my Thy truth and Thy f -M :^: :t=: :E 3 =^ =^ vie with its trust shall en kind - ness so splen gen ten r^^ dor? der. der. i^^ s £ i £ P= I -J- -J: Then ex - ult Then ex - ult Then ex - ult >=^^=t ^E5 :E^ ^^t^: in the Law on its fes - ti - val day, in the Law on its fes - ti - val day, in the Law on its fes - ti - val day, =t ^ g ^m f I The The The :=]: Law Law Law j:i :^ our Light and De fend our our Light and Light and De - fend De - fend -1-^ la' =1: er. er. 1 f f^ 325 200 Abraham Ibn Ezra Tr. by Alice Lucas f Moderato Figoroso The Law Rejoicing of the Law Jacob Beimel Based on a Simchas Torah Melody 1!!a ^tz^ 1. My faith shall be my rock of might, Its law my por - tion 2. How did th' an -gel - ic host la - ment When from their midst, by 3. The peo - pie trem - bled when they saw Ap - proach-ing them the 4. Great won-ders He on Si - nai wrought. When un - to us His 5. Hear Thou Thy peo - pie's pray'r, O King, When like the heav'n-ly I m- -d — s- i»— t "-^ -^^F^iT- 1^ 3=^ W :^rtpt and my right. Its tes - ti - mo - nies God's in - tent, The ho - ly law to heav'n - ly law, Their voic - es rose in law He taught. Where - fore to praise His host they sing Thrice Ho - ly. Ho - ly - my de - light. And earth was sent. "Woe joy and awe: "Thy name I sought; But ut - ter - ing Sweet '^- ^SfeS it; -^^ 5?= ^ '^ i*GL ^ E3 r=r -^ =F3 i i^ day by day, my voice I raise In song and hymn to chant their praise, that the pure and sane - ti - fied Should now on sin - ful lips a -bide." cov - e - nant, O Lord, ful-fill, De - clare it, we will do Thy will." what am I and what my words Be - fore th' Al-might-y Lord of lords? hymns and songs of pleas - antness With joy and awe Thy name to bless. 201 Florence Montefiore The Law Come, Let us Praise ^^ C. Hugo Grimm --^- :t= Come, let Our shield At Si • And with Fear ye us it nai the the praise is, in Law, Lord, i — our God our help the days the man His name and Lord, and stay, of old date came, a - dore, Who A Midst Through O - =l=p :^4: s r^- y im - to Is - rael did ac - cord, The bea - con -light up - on oiir way, A signs and won - ders man - i - fold, God end - less a - ges still the same "The bey His word, His grace im - plore, And treas guide bade Lord ure of His to save us, all Is - ra is One and trust His mer - cy i^r? -^— *- «^=i F ^^ S ■t=\ :pe= hl PM w » ho - ly word. The treas - ure when we stray. Our shel - ter el be - hold The giv - ing One His name. And ho - ly ev - er - more, Who gave the of is of is hoi A the the the the y A Law. Law. Law. Law.' Law. @^ ^ Et; T 227 1 202 Scottish Version , vif Moderato The Law Unveil Mine Eyes PSALM 119 F. Belmont ^m -1-^.T 1. Un - veil 2. I of 3. In lov 4. Great peace mine the ing have eyes per kind they that feet ness who r of way let love Thy of my Thy law truth prayer law, .=:t: "/ bzt: :p^ ^S ::^: The My And Of • Ie^^e^fe^ s - j^. ^i :4=U=t^: lus - tiU Where ter till a - far, An eight-fold splen-dor shine a - bove thy hearth, the heart take fire. The Mac - ca - be - an spir - it leap new - bom. our five-branch'd palm? Where are the li - on war - riors of the Lord? i 5 3C=H: 1 It ~^ *" ia^g=£^=ME ^ f ^ 230 '-JT-^r-^- :^ 1 1- ill m 205 Feast of Lights Kindle the Taper Emma Lazarus f Spiritoso A. W. Binder #^ m -■^ ^- ^ ^^ :t=id 1. Klin - die the ta - per, like the steadfast star A - blaze on even-ing's 2. Clash, Is - ra - el the cymbals, touch the lyre. Blow the loud trum-pet 3. Still ours the dance, the feast the glor-ious Psalm, The mys-tic lights of ^ r U\ m I J" — ar- -<5>- -25*- fore - head o'er the earth; and harsh -tongu - ed horn, em - blem and the Word. Send thru the night its lus - ter Chant psalms of vic-t'ry till the Where is our Ju-dah? Where our m -^r-^ -^ 3 § ^ r -??!- ^ n ,_^£=^-^ J-A-g- , ^' X x^x -^-—^ -jr-ir it: y p# te TT- m -±m-^ — ^ t^ till a - - far An eight -fold splen - dor shine a-bove thy hearth, heart takes fire, The Mac-ca - be - an spir-it leaps new - bom. five - branched palm? Where are the li -on war-riors of the Lord? 331 .206 Feast of Lights Before the Menorah Elma Ehrlich Levinger vnf Spiritoso A. W. Binder ^3^5 ^e: ^ =1: -^^ 1. In the can - dies' rays I see Love - ly pic - hires 2. Sol - diers all, they smiled in pride, Glad and xin - a - ^ =1: =C t: mf r ■" T r=^< SE f= £ m r- T 1 ! :=t: beck - 'ning me ! fraid, they died. Ju - dah with his shield and sword, God of Is - rael, may I be A i =1; ^^i^m 3 f =1: r r -^^^ f— Ir -^ iic t=f^^ 332 / Before the Menorah Continued FINE mf ^ mc Pledged to bat - tie for the Lord; El sol - dier wor - thy them and Thee. ^1 ^ F«» FINE a - zer ^=31^ :^y=^i-zz^=±^; / f ig mf m 3EZT3![ -^- d It ^ r=^=rT^^i)^^^^ ? (l^i^L5~^ii * * / r— ^ — ^ » ^ -^^—^ steadfast, strong, 'Mid the mock - ing heath-en throng; Han -nah straight as i qs1=h: ^^ SEfgEg i^i^jEtEiaE*^ t=^ m d ~ar ^ ;; j3 ,.-Aipta^, , ,^lj; / ^ f ?^ F=^ D. C. Al Fine :^^==S==fs: It: can - die's flame, Sons who glor - i - fied her name. D. C. Al Fine -r ^ — J — *' — r" ^:^=ft f- r ^ '. t==± ^ isp: 233 207 M. Jastrow, G. Gotthell Ad. from the Ger. of Leopold Stein ff Maestoso Feast of Lights Rock of Ages y. i ,'^. C^ C. C. ■?. 3 ^ > Old synagogal melody Mooz Tsur :^ m 3 1*.— = ii 1. Rock of A - ges, let our song Praise Thy sav - ing pow - er; 2. Kind-ling new the ho - ly lamps, Priests approved in suf - f ering, 3. Chil-dren of the mar - tyr-race, Whether free or fet - tered, a!E3 ^ -»- T^ £ ^S -5 — * "r^ _lC :t=: r ■:^ ^ m :t= Thou, a- midst the rag -ing foes, Wast oiir shelt-'ring tow - er. Pu - ri - fied the nation's shrine, Brought to God their of - fering. Wake the ech-oes of the songs Where ye may be scat - tered. S :^: ^=fic r=^ :*=5=f -r — r — r ^^f^ 234 Rock of Agfcs Continued ^ Fu - rious, they as - sailed us, But Thine arm a - vail - ed us, And His courts sur- round - ing Hear, in joy a - bound - ing, Yours the mes - sage cheer - ing That the time is near - ing -^ — I ±=^ ^- i^^ ^^^^^^ S t=^ :t=: =P 1 And Thy word Broke their sword When our own strength failed us. Hap - py throngs. Sing - ing songs With a might - y soimd - ing. Which will see All men free, Ty - rants dis - ap - pear - ing. ffi ^^^P r ^ ¥^r^ FP=?^q t: i 235 208 F. DeSola Mendes Tr. fr. the Hebrew y Maestoso Feast of Lights Fortress-Rock, my God, my Aid I Old Synagogal Melody Mooz Tsur 'Mooz Tsur" =t^ ^^-. *-ar ^i-^:7 ^F=^ 9 ^ \ '^ I 1. — For-tress-Rock, my God, my aid! To Thee my prais-es shall as-cend; 2. My soul is wea-ried by the woe The a - ges rained up - on my head ; 3. 'Twas then Thou broughtest me at length To Zi - on's rock - y tem - pie-hill ; 4. The Syr - ian last his an - ger spent Up - on my poor de-fense-less head. Our Guar-dian in the days of yore, On Is - rael bid Thy grace descend. From ear - ly days when E-gypt's hate Sustained me on "af - fliction's bread." A - las, I was not faith - ful there. For oth - er gods I wor-shiped still! My shrine de - filed, my Law proscribed, I - dol - a - try set up in-stead. w t 3 *^f * I w ^f=¥^ ^t?-n j^ihH^=jM= II J 1 1 i The truth our people's seers have known, All men, a - wak-'ning then shall own; But from Thy great re-deem - ing Hand, The blow fell by the Red Sea's strand; The bit - ter cup an ex - ile sees, I drained im - to its low - est lees, Then brave a - rose the Mac - ca-bee Who foes beat off most glori-ous - ly, ^^3. -^^-t-i-=W m^ S 1 — r- t^^ p ^♦^ ^^ -rr- Thy Law of Love, all laws a-bove. Our time-long sor - rows full shall end. With pomp and boast, the Pharaoh's host Was hurled deep in - to 0 - cean's bed. But hope-ful dreams by Babel's streams Came true in e - diets of Thy will ! And these glad days at -test their praise Who for Thy truth so no - bly bled! f^^f=t: *Small notes omitted in first stanza. 236 209 Penina Molse f Moderato Feast of Lights Great Arbiter of Human Fate Edward Samuel 1 \ V i 2n=* ^r^—t ~iir9- r TT^ 1. Great Ar - bi - ter 2. A - mid the ru- 3. Not long to vain 4. 'Twas Thine, O ev • of hu-man fate, ins of their land; re - grets they yield, • er - last-ing King Whose glo-ry ne'er de-cays, (In Sa-lem's sad de-cline.) But for their cher-ished fane. And u - ni - ver - sal Lord! P ^ f fpj^^NM -4-. — j?q= soul of praise, for their shrine. ■ ry ob-tain. they re - cord. P=f- -^^ To Thee a Stood forth a Nerved by true Whose won-ders lone we ded - i - cate brave but scant - y band faith, they take the field, still Thy ser-vants sing. r r The song and To bat - tie And vie - to Whose mercies ^ i, ■^=^ -^-^ fE^ r^ ^ -. — I — ^ p» 1 -^ — \ — ^ =t==1: ^ m E3 :wS^ r f Thy pres-ence Ju - dah's host in-spired. On dan-ger's In bit - ter - ness of soul they wept. With- out the But whose the pow - er, whose the hand. Which thus to Oh! thus shall Mer-cy's hand de -light To cleanse the post to rush; Temple wall, tri-umph led blemished heart, r=r lifefe H ii'o-i; ^ 5^ :t -=tq ^ I ^^ =5: H: Thee the Mac - ca - bee was fired, weeds a -round its court had crept, slend - er but he - ro - ic band, kind - le vir - tue's wan - ing light. %fZ r I - dol - a - try to crush. And foes its priests en - thrall. From which blasphem - ers fled ? And truth and peace im - part. i w== :?:F=^ e tz ^r 1 337 210 Feast of Lights Where Judah's Faithful Sons arc Found Harry H. Mayer (May be used for Purim) / Maestoso (M. M. J= 104) Samuel Alman fce: =1=:t -5=fc«=r ^^^ ^1 T :=t=: 1. Where Ju-dah's faith -ful sons are found, Tho' few their num - ber be, 2. O let our hymns to heav'n a - rise. In strains of love and peace, ^S £^^ .^_: / -5=F -^-=- ^ r^ ^ ±«|; gi^ *^ :3: fcfe Though foes op-press, let songs re-sound. Our fath - ers' God, to Thee. Brave souls yield not to tears and sighs, Their songs of hope ne'er cease. , J ^ J I d — ^ — _jg.^±Jxd^^^ _• «.__ (v, . ._, 1 ^ ^^ s p "T Psfsr- i0:J r^"rf=^ 12^: 1^=:^ Hear, brothers mine, where-e'er ye dwell. This truth our pro-phets told: Our fathers' faith is liv - ing still, In spite of fire and sword. ^ 5^ ^J^. 1^=*: -hi ?'^=d= :^ *^g- P i /= -rail. ^^ g i=^ r^ ■s^ hold. ^ God will yoixr foemen's wrath dis- pel. If to your faith ye Thy songs sub-lime our* ' * "" '" "^ ' ' '" ' J: » wxaui uia-pci, xi lu jfu hearts shall thrill To hope in Is - rael's Lord. — » - — ^ -Wr S=J3i£^ra|^ 1^ ^ 238 t-^- ^ f rail. 211 Laying the Cornerstone In Mercy Lord, Incline Thine Ear Isaac M. Wise A. W. Binder M f Andante 1 ? f n N 1 , . l>j w (^ m « ' ! 1 \ 1 1 I \ ^ s s ■ « ' ] 1 1 • • 2 u^ w5 •* — ' ^ fj ft' «* » 1 1 I. In mer • cy, Lord, in - cline Thine ear To 2. Re - veal once more ce - - les - tial light O'er 3. To truth be laid this cor - ner - stone, Be 4. Pour down Thy grace in 1 sun 1 - ny rays, m Let /•"^•^ ' !• 1 ^L ,s_ 7^ /-» >« ^m N* 1 ' - '1 I ^ ^'' \ / «^ •^ ' w 1 ! 1 I Oii d ^ — -J-- — U-. r A p-J — ^ rl ^^ '7^- 1 ^— — -m —d —^ ^^ ]— — t — d — -d~t- -« ^- i(\ 1 « m •^ *"~S ^ m m •. « \>^) ^ . ^ ^ 1 Zi - on's faith - ful band; In love and grace our Zi - on's ho - ly tents. Dis - pel the clouds and reared these mas - sive walls; To Thee, Most High, and Ju - dahs tem - pie be The house of praise to u t ' -«- JtL. ^ .— -g^^ r ?^ r 344 O Thou, Whose Presence Continued h I i m 6 V ^it± *=^ ■^ 2. Thou God, 4. To us, 6. And lo, >i—^ whose liv - ing dear Lord, this Thy peo - pie. voice was heard lat - ter day, now as then. te In Send WiU g 1" .i> — ni T r . ||=g fcfc '^ f^^^H^^^^^^^^^^ psalm - ist's song and pro - phet's word, Whose ho - ly will turned out Thy light up - on our way; Lift high Thy spir - it's seek Thy Prom - ised Land a - gain, And stay not, till in ^ I^ ^^-tf^^-f^ ^t I ^P m. r ^^ ^■-Jrr^ w^^ >P=5: IP*=^ ri - fied the mar - tyr's trust, our wild - er - ness of shame, the King - dom of our God. Ei^^M* f kings to dust. And glo pil - lared fame A - bove fields tin -trod. Is built -h*- ^ il«=5! ^=fc d' r^^T-T ^m 345 217 Louis Stern f Con moto Anniversary Come let us Singf in Sweet Accord Max Grauman in with the sweet ac - har - vests lead - ers worked and cord fair, great, watched Our The Gone With ^ lS I ^ s hap - py, glad - some lays, fut - ure bright and vast to e - ter - nal rest, high, tin - self - ish aim. While mind and heart on O let us not for We name them in our Proud mon - u - ments of -^r # w '-X^- J2;=^ -zg- ^ * J: (=2- ^ ^ :t=?^ :r=-- '^ 3^ -1 mem get hearts lov 'ry's wings Re - vert to by - gone days, this truth — Are root - ed in the past. to - day And call their mem - 'ry blest. ing deeds Pro - claim their death - less fame. 3 I -«- ^ H-Ml J^ ^ 1 246 218 Austin Dobson / Largo U The Marriage AU Wise, All Great Jacob Singer w :3:e; 1. AU 2. Al 3. Through wise, might out AU ■ y their great whose an - cient plan, Or - Rul - er, in whose hand The life - long jour - ney stUl, Guide S: t "^ f U t ?tP=* ^^E -"w^^ im dained the worn - an mor - row and its Thou these two in for the man, is - sues stand, good and Ul, Look down, O What - e'er the And where - so Lord, on lot Thy e'er the mESB^WEEt £=£ f ^ t I m — 1-^ ■; ■)- -i— : 1 1- Its^nJit*— Iti these who now wiU as - sign, way ex - tend, m^ Be We Be 1 F fore can with S Thy sa but say them. Fa cred our ther. ^ al all to f tar bow. is Thine, the end. pB 247 219 The Marriage Blest is the Bond Penina Moise St. 3 1. 3 alt. James G. Heller rp-, 4 "J ^- ^ N s r 1 m^i-i— -^t- bJ M • ^- — J^ PN— "Ti 1— -f* ■ K<.\) ■* 0 '• -i P^ -Jr -5- -i^ 1^:^^'^^ r I. Blest is the bond of wed - ded love, When 2. They will sweet coun - sel in - ter - change, And 3. Blest are the vows of wed - ded life, When ^:-4-^ — ?- ^ -— r~^- ~f — m- ^-^, :t-^ F — ^-^4 t*'— — ^— — ^ — -^ — l.^- *• — P ■~^ — nf n K ^=1^ gCT^fa^ ;^=i& **t!« ?" :*=it 5=^5^^?: they who at its al - tar bow — Re - mem - ber that the God a - as each sea- son on-ward rolls, — Prove that no chance can e'er es ■ they from righteous lips pro - ceed, — When, love en - no-bling man and l^^i' m »:t :r: r=N^T3 ^ gifell --^ ^4:^—:^ , K- w ly their de m bove trange wife m^ ts^Ti rs^' Is wit - ness to their ho The feel - ing that u - nites — Time hal-lows that which God — g 4t*3#-^- T rj vow. - souls, creed. J^J- I I 348 220 The Funeral It Singfeth Low John VV. Chadwick P Molto Tranquillo C. Hugo Grimm 33 m ^^ S; — -4 1 1 1- -0- -0- -0- S- -0- -0- '^ -J- T 1. It sing - eth low in ev - 'ry heart, We hear it, each and all, 2. 'Tis hard to take the bur - den up. When these have laid it down ; 3. More home -like seems the vast imknown. Since they have en - tered there; s e^ •^ p i F 3!_=jr :^ -^ r A song of those who ans - wer not. How - ev - er we may call. They bright - ened all the joy of life. They soft - ened ev - 'ry frown ; To fol - low them were not so hard, Wher - ev - er they may fare. m f f=^r=^ r :l f -*-»: ^^J=^ ^sr-r m They throng the si-lence of the breast. We see them as of yore — But oh! 'tis good to think of them When we are troub-led sore; They can - not be where God is not; On an - y sea or shore ^ • .-■ ry — r- 1 — ^r- *s — \~ [— — ^ FT^— r 1 1 /^ — 1— — •—? «-- --J — \ A— -A— t ,^~- — - ^>— •- - — \- — 0 — ^— j 0 — -* — \ ~m S~~ — ^ J f —0 — ^-"1 - The kind, Thanks be What - e'er -•- -#- the brave to God be-tides, -#- , the that Thy -J.. -J. V ' true, the sweet, ' such have been, ' love a-bides. rhough they 'hough they Our God 1 are here are here for ev - m 0 - no no er- more, more, more. Ci^=^ m • ^ * A m • * 0 -- 1 — % — r I # ■ -* "^ 1 w , , ' 1 1^ p , f) h s r» s y L^ T 5= 1 1 III 1 s '/ b k «{ «{ • y,M \ — ' UiJ . p C( ^ " • • 4I 9 »^« . ^^^ 1 m^- y ^ • I ^^ tj 1 all ig tears tow poor man the no of ers weed - y wea - ranee sor far tossed loved -*/7 ri - ness and row a on of 1 m ■" * L^ strife, knew, flow, real, wild, passed, .«- • L' and weak - quick - bove wa - mine ness ly the ters have With And But But And Seems -ft- /«V h ^m • [ b • f \^'. 0 » 1* ' 1 1 " \ l^^b h ^ 1 "M m 1 ^ \) \ l> Hi 1 ' L ■^ II % I ^ ^ f^FP 'I- *^ U" ^w*= f^ Him, wheth He when yet but who ■ er to I God's a or - ders light or whom my think of skies are step from all my ways, dark - ness fall, grief is known, coxmt-less years 0 - ver me, night to day. And knows His ten Leaves me Of fu And yet For all the der not ture He the SE g ■^^ t ^J?B^.:^&^S=^^. ^ ac;^ "^ % u u lim - its love is long to life in rules the new and 250 My Faith Continued P I of my days, 0 - ver all. weep a - lone, un - known spheres wide, wide sea. shrouded way And so I rest, And And it is best, And He send - eth peace. He My mur - murs cease. My I need not fear, I God will be near, God will so I rest. it is best, send - eth peace, mur - miirs cease, need not fear. be near. 222 Whose Works, O Lord, Like Thine Alice Lucas I vor Warren mf Moderato 1 1 1 1 1 Vi Q 1 1 1 1 1 ^^-v — — ?d ^ — 1 1 — -M H — ^ —4 -^ — « — ^>-4— ii — — ^ — — s — ■ (S — « ■ 1- -m — & m -7^ \ 1 rJ -m- c> m -^'- -^■ I. Whose works. 0 Lord, like Thine can be. Who ' neath Thy 2. There are the sm • • less spir - its boimd Up m the 3. Sweet peace and calm their spir - its bless, Who reach that 4. This is the rest for - ev - er sure, This IS the 5. This is the land the spir - it knows ; That ev ■ ■ er - m ^ -»■• f:> » p «. _ f3 /•v a 5 'l^-> L^ hi 1 If J- '\ • ^ r 1*^ ~ 'r^ V ■Ok) p t^ K J ^-^Vf \ 1 1 r^ ^' 1 ■ t 1 i I. 1 \ -1 1 -\ LT 1 ^ — ^^-W-- Id — I -G- throne of bond of heav - enly her - it last - ing grace, - life, - home, - age, - ly For those pure The wea - ry And nev - er Whose good - ness With milk and -J- souls from there new end - ing and whose hon - ey fc £ ?^=:fe Eft <5i--- 5 ^^ -j^ :p: -dr-' earth set free, strength have fotmd, pleas - ant - ness ■ bliss en - dure o ^ " v§r - flows - Hast made a The weak have Such is the Dn - changed from And such its -^ . -g- *- dwell - ing rest from world to age to fruit shall eSe place! strife. come. age. be. ^- i ^=t: --t: i=t: 251 223 The Funeral Friend After Friend J. Montgomery St. I, 1. S and 6 alt. P Andantino C. Hugo Grimm -J r--n r — a|- =i: d: hzczg^ ■ i* S • « kS ^ —wii friend? death, 1 There There is sure no un - ly is - ion some here bless of - ed m 1 hearts clime That Where U\' u 1 S". ^ • " 1 1 " m r ■• . 1* ! [^•, iy\j f^ L ' ' ^ ; '^ 1 ^^-Ay^y m m m m m ^ 1 _ J P'& t r I : I 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 ^ ^Ek g»g=t finds not here an end; But be not sad nor vain - ly grieve life is not a breath, Nor life's af - fee - tions, tran - sient fire, as* Friend After Friend Continued ■^ PPi^P^P^ tefet When friends from earth must take their leave. Whose sparks fly up - ward and ex - pire. i 3. There is a world a 4. Thus, star by star de ttg r=1: i i bove, Where part - ing is im - known, A long e - ter - ni clines, Till all are passed a - way. As mom - ing high and w ^ W-^ ^^^ t g=s=^ ^^-^ m -^- ty of love Be - fore God's glori-ous throne ; And faith be-holds the high - er shines To pure and per - feet day ; Nor sink those stars in ^^f^^ n H ^ -0--^ F=F^ -I ttzi \-Q 1 — ^n J— 1 1 [ w-^- * 0 • — 1 !=^ H J 1 ^.\\ \>\> ^ ^ * 9 f J • —, m «l J ill II dy - emp - 1 ing here ty night. 1 Trans But 1 m - la ■ hide ted to that hap - them-selves in heaven's pier sphere, own light. /- -J:^ i -1 t P= f- "f ^ e — \ — I — h l^ j^-- f^ f- t; souls a - far, be im-moved, charm a - way sail - eth still, A - long the psalm - ist's mu - sic deep, Now tell me The po - et's star - timed harp, to sweep. The pa - triot's Sad dreams that through the eye - lids creep ; But nev - er Tho' on its slope men sow and reap ; More soft - ly W >— r- 32_ ■^ d= I ^ i F^^^F=F=T"*f sfe^ '-^^ * i^--^- r if that a - ny is, For gift or grace sur - pass - ing this: "He voice, to teach and rouse. The mon-arch's crown, to light the brows? He dole-ful dream a - gain Shall break the hap - py slum - ber when He than the dew is shed. Or cloud is float - ed 0 - ver-head. He W^. U- 4 :a; ¥ iS: iti[5P=PB 5^ ig j~ I a 'ff'^ir^ ia giv - eth His be - lov - ed sleep? He giv - eth His be - lov - ed sleep? He giv - eth His be - lov - ed sleep. He giv - eth His be - lov - ed sleep. He giv giv giv giv ^ i '1.^ % 254 - eth - eth - eth - eth His His His His be be be be ■ lov - lov - lov - lov - ed sleep?" ed sleep, ed sleep, ed sleep. i -j^ Pr¥^^P r 225 Righteousness A Noble Life A. S. Isaacs raf Moderato C. Hugo Grimm s^ S u '-^ — ti^ 1. A no - ble life, a sim - pie faith, An o - 2. These are the firm - knit bonds of grace, Though hid 3. The cries of clash - ing creeds are heard, On ev ■ 4. A no - ble life, a sim - pie faith, An 0 - :M|«it pen heart and hand, den to the view, 'ry side they sound, pen heart and hand. ^=3: — I — \ — I- p5t-J — >- rVrr ^', j^ mf m ^ .^-j- ^4: P :^z!^ =F zt :^ t H h- ^ These are Which bind But no These are the love - ly in sac - red age is de the love - ly i-(5-=— a lit - a - nies Which all men im - der - stand, broth - er-hood All men the whole world through, gen - e - rate In which such lives are foimd. lit - a - nies Which all men tm - der - stand. i 0 m\ m. r "w V(>< T-r^T^ ^=¥ - r-r *, M -* wr ■&' :fcW3 ^t—v — I — r 1 255 226 John Haynes Holmes f Andante Peace God of the Nations Near and Fat Peter C. Lutlcin 3^: tions, still the the the 1. God 2. The 3. But 4. And 5. o of the clash of clear - er strong - er Fath - er! na arms far far from near shakes friend clasp curse and the ly ed of far, sky, speech hands war. Of Of We S f T~t — r =F / 3^ — N — -^^ — I- ^ ■v-u- Ru - ler of all King bat - ties still sci - en - tists la - bor's teem pray Thee, give ^ man - kind, with king, and seers, ing throngs re - lease. Bless Thou Thy peo - pie Wild through the fright - ed The wise de - bate of Who in a him - dred And speed, O speed the m ^ jf^- .JZ. ^ ^ m T=i^ i^ ^ # f as air states tongues bless pa -r — »' they strive of night men and re - peat ed day -tl* r-^ The The The Their Of paths blood shouts com jus * of peace y toe of pi mon creeds tice, love IS ~isr find, ring. to sins 0 - neers. and songs. and peace. ^ 227 Felix Adler f Andante Hail the Glorious Golden Qty Composer Unknown -gi' "-g -^^ ^- 7d ^ g=t^ Vr^ r T 1. Hail the glo - rious Gold-en Cit - y, 2. We are build - ers of that cit - y; 3. And the work that we have build - ed, Pic-tured by the seers of old! All our joys and all our groans Oft with bleed-ing hands and tears, mr=^^^=^^ S — 2^E t=& ^ JOl 1-^=*= 25c fEE^^ T Hail the Glorious Golden City Continued ^^S^P^ :^==^ ~e^ -zsf- i=l -25*- Ev - er -last - ing light shines o'er it, Wondrous tales of it are told: Help to rear its shin-ing ram-parts; All our lives are build-ing stones: And in er - ror and in an-guish, Will not per-ish with our years: hM^=k TTf "cr ■^r^^- (5- On - ly right- eous men and wo - men Dwell with - in its gleam-ing wall; Wheth-er hum - ble or ex - alt - ed, All are called to task di-vine; It will last and shine trans -fig - ured In the fin - al reign of Right; m ^ £ i U ^ fc r-fi"- T i A ^ g i tS -si—' t* 3=3^ 1t--^| Wrong is ban- ished from its bor-ders, Jus - tice reigns supreme o'er all, All must aid a - like to car - ry For- ward one sub-lime de - sign, It will merge in - to the splen-dors Of the Cit - y of the Light, m ^ •■-He: -^^¥-£: ^ F=rT I r -^^ fe J 3 =f==n ■^— ^^- ^=^ ~» 0- Wrong is ban -ished from its bor-ders, Jus -tice reigns su-preme o'er all. All must aid a - like to car - ry For-ward one sub-lime de - sign. It will merge in - to the splen-dors Of the Cit - y of the Light. m ^i^*: ^^^^^^^^ 1=1- E ^ £fe=£ r ^ 257 228 Sadye Sternberg f Allegro Moderato Social Progress and Dedication Thougfh Our Hearts Dwell Lovingfly Arr. from Jacques Blumenthal i t^^ m :=l=t t a 3^3 ^«^ I. Though our hearts dwell lov - ing - ly On God's wondrous care of old, To push on-ward with good cheer; Pil - lared strong with help-ful deeds, 2. We 3. Rear ^^^ are strong and we may hope a tem - pie, found - ed deep, 12-. i^-«. ^- J ^^m SE I / i 1 r -^ e ^^ And our glo - rious his - to - ry. Shall we but in mem-ories grope Broad - er views its win-dows sweep, Carved by Is - rael's fa - thers bold, When new du - ties claim our ear? Open - ed wide to pres - ent needs. 3=*: t — ^ -g- IS- ^^^^^ ^ ffi ^ ^ =* r r ^ Let not ours the er - ror be With our past to be con - tent, God's all-know - ing, pa - tient eye Sees the goal for us to win, No - bier hymns we can - not raise To our pa - tri - archs re-vered, - J -^ J fclt^: ri^ ^^^^ Izt fc ± t= T i ^ -^ "S^ ^ Though the past held vie - to - ry Lo, the fu - ture is not spent. E - ons swift are roll -ing by, Heav-en's call is heard with -in. Than to build such shrines these days, Grand-er than of old ap-peared. 12*- -^ »=iit i: A- i £ r s 243E :s= i 258 229 Wm. P. Merrill f Allegro moderato Social Progress Not Alone for Mighty Empitc W. A. Mozart a -lone for might - y em-pire, for bat - tie -ship and for- tress, the ar-mies of the faith-ful, of jus-tice, save the peo- pie Stretching far o'er land and sea, Not for conquests of the sword, Lives that passed and left no name ; From the war of race and creed, a -lone for bount-eous harvests, for con-quests of the spir-it, the glo - ry that il - lu-mines the strife of class and fac-tion— £: d J ^t Lift we up our hearts to Thee ; Give we thanks to Thee, O Lord ; Pa - triot souls of death-less fame; Make our na - tion free in-deed; £ |c=*e: ¥-^W ^ ^ Y *fi ^ :^=^!5? t ^^ :^=at: :^=^ ^i=^ Stand For For Keep ing in the liv - ing pres-ent, Mem - o - ry and hope be - tween, the her - it - age of freedom, For the al - tar, home and school, the peo-ple's proph - et - lead-ers, Loy - al to Thy liv - ing word — her faith in sim - pie manhood. Strong as when her life be - gan. ■l^-^ i: t e i^ m^ k rl P81. 3^33 S ^ — I m m- Lord, For For Till we would with deep thanksgiv- ing Praise Thee more for things un-seen. the 0 - pen door to manhood In a land the peo - pie rule. all he -roes of the spir - it, Give we thanks to Thee, O Lord. it find its full fru - i - tion In the Broth-er-hood of Man ! fe -*- -*■- ^ * -*- -*-♦ -I 1 — -^ f i 359 Social Progress 230 Onwafd Brothers, March Still Onward Havelock Ellis f Allegro moderaio con spirito Ludwig van Beethoven Theme from Ninth Symphony rt ^=± ^=Jz \ ^- 1 . On - ward broth - ers, march still on - ward, 2. Old - en sag - es saw it dim - ly, 3. Still brave deeds and kind are need - ed. Side by side and And their joy to No - ble thoughts and ^ i i rt fci -0- -»- -^- -d- -•#- -0- T=^=^=^ f ■ZJ * T-," ■ H ■■ V 1 1 \ 1 1 1 > l» J ' ! - • i« ^ 1 11 fr\V 0-. ^ ^ M » r ; r- V i r l.M> V L^ ^ 1 [ 1 1 - 1 hand mad - feel - in hand; ness wrought; ing fair; We are Liv - ing We, too. r boimd men must 1 for have be 1 mas gaze stro 's ;d ng true up and 1 king - - on suf - dom, it, fer, j. 'K ■ 1 , 1 1 . J \y ^ ^ I J •( u ^ ! f(\^ d-. ■ -± ■ J ~ m Ji^ ■n . 1 ^1 m ^ \^y n- "1 ^ 1 "^ I K J :|>« , i —. L d -J-- -J- -3- -J -J- 1 I 4 m -•d- -1^ (f^.-. r-: m « 1 —f .» 0 — — ^— — m — ^ — —f — — r — 4] vl/U ■■ • m >^ ' ~ 0 U, '^ L. II ■fc.'.p P' ,, .... J_ .l ... 1 1 1 1 r r '^ 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 260 Onward Bfothers, March Still Onward Continued ^=1= We Stand We, I are ing too, an in - creas - ing band. Tho' the way on the hills of thought. All the past have to do and dare. On - ward, broth seems has - ers, g 4: i i li "^ i^ P =^=!«- f^ ^ r ^ ^-^—r — i^- ^ oft - en doubt - ful, Hard the toil which we en - dure, done and suf - fered. All the dar - ing and the strife, march still on - ward, March still on - ward, hand in hand, lO: «=:=1==f ^ ^i^-at ^ ^ at=±t i w ^ r ^^^^ — I — Tho* at times our cour-age fal-ter, Yet the prom-ised land is sure. All has helped to mould the fu - txire, Make man mas - ter of his life. 'Till we see at last God's kingdom, 'Till we reach the Prom-ised Land. J \— =4=4: i =:t i i i=^W=±:^ :«^*|— 5- ^ ^ ^ -^ -* — 0 — *i O^ ^ f 1— r— r 261 -^=r i 231 Anne Bronte mf Largo (M. M. J =52) Social Progress Believe Not Those Samuel Alman Based on a traditional melody 1^ :1^=^ -^ Sbes --¥- *33£5 Be It To Be If lieve is la - this but not those who say, The the on - ly road, Un bor and to love, To thy con - stant aim. Thy thy God ap - prove. And fe fc±± ii: mf r^ up - ward path is smooth, - to the realms of joy; par - don and en - dure, hope, thy chief de - light; if, with - in thy breast, :^ I 1 0 h 1 k \ N h j^ 1 1 1*. > \^ 1 y 1 ^b " 1^ 1 h n r J '' ^ i/l h W m J m d m J 1 '(\Y 7 'i 1 ' 1 1 9 f! d • "^ "■ 1 \^J J ^ • - - 1 • • mm ^ 1 Be - It To Be If / S. )*» lieve is la - this but not the bor thy thy those who say, on - ly road, and to love, con -stant aim, God ap - prove. The Un - To Thy And up -ward path is to the realms of par - don and en - hope, thy chief de - if, with - in thy , « m — smooth , joy; dure, light; breast. i^)'jy\> ^^ w -%— -1- S b — -^—^ — »■- — ^S ' % w &— ■-f. — ^— Nta^bjJi— r 1 i ; II ; H* P » V J L> L^ L^ L^ ' ' 1 1 ;^=_ 1^ ^ ^ w 23:;;=:_ Un poco piu mosso i ^^^f¥r^ Lest thou shouldst stumble But he who seeks that To lift thy heart to What matter who should Thou feel the com - fort in the way. And faint — blest a - bode. Must all — God a - bove. And keep — whis-per blame, Or who — of His love, The ear be - fore the truth, his powers employ, thy conscience pure, should scorn or slight, nest of His rest. i 232 Social Progress Let There be Light William Merrell Vories f Maestoso Jacob Singer ;i?^^r=$ I. Let there be light, Lord God of Hosts! Let there be wis-dom on the earth! 3. Give us the peace of vi - sion clear To see our broth- ers, good our own, ^ -*=^ ;^E ^ :^ ^^PPE / 3— 3-3=hS==r=^^^^^-^ Let broad hu-ma - ni To joy and suff- er -• ^ g ty have birth! Let there be deeds, in -stead of boast! not a -lone: The love that cast- eth out all fear! £ ^ -#— «- ^ I 3S^ f= H# W- r g b ^ ^ i^ k^ te ^^ * s TT-TT :>& ^ t|* ^* -J. hearts in - still The calm that end - eth strain and strife ; war -fare cease. That use - ful la - bor yet may build I -_f:: -^ -J- -J: 2. With - in otir passion'd 4. Let woe and waste of te^T-^:^ & =F ? IfctE W 5 JU-^-1 «r I —M •—■ *- Make us Thy min - is - ters of life ; Purge us from lusts that curse and kill ! Its homes with love and laugh- ter fill'd! God, give Thy way-ward child-ren peace! W^ * ^i f^ t- 1- =t=!«^ fc5 =F= *=^: i a63 233 F. J. Gillman alt. mf Allegro energico Social Progress God! Send us Men Boris Levenson Less to de-fend some an - cient creed, Thy loft - y pre - cepts to trans - late, Pa-tient,cour- a - geous, strong and toie; All truth to love, all wrong to hate; Than to live out the Un - til the laws of With vi-sion clear and These are the pa - triots ^^ EF fEE^ ^ 3 poco rit. :^ -7g>-^ 1 laws of Right, Right be - come mind e - quipped, na - tions need, In ev - 'ry thought and word and deed. The laws and hab - it of the state. Thy will to learn. Thy work to do. These are the bul - warks of the state. (^^^^^m m ^ poco fit. 'f'-'- T-^r ^ -JKZZ^ M^ 264 r — gT sE 1 234 Social Progress The God that to the Fathers Minot J. Savage mf Andante con moto ^ J . . Lewis M. Isaacs n ^ 3EES _ N 1 -— pro - gress dower groan - ings sad lib - er - ty, 3=^ The Give And pres - ent bet - ter than the past, way to hope's ex - ult - ant song, love that all op - press-ion shuns: -tsr n^^ -x^^r=r^^ 1:3^ -•-(*- =F 266 'Tis not the Lar gfe, the Huge, the Vast Continued F=i= F=l= ■^- In growth of things no pro - gress lies; When, peace pre - vail - ing o - ver strife, More beau - teous lives and fair - er souls. :^: Nay, All Be - M^Z=^ =^= fcfc :t: 1 \ ^— Who pass from out their The rum - blings cruel of 'Tis these a - lone shall pro - gress is the growth of men na - tions si - lence, hate o'er - come, hold 'tis these true pro - gress are ! i s g m -\ ^=a: J^l r=f m -^ ■j-*^ i^^ :iK=: -Tzr nar - row ken mar - tial drum lift the bar To vis - ions boimd-less as the skies. And cher - ish each the oth - er's life. That keeps us from the shin - ing goals. i^znznizzj^f:: 53= S ^-^ r -^ s u i«< T^ ^ '^ i^ in V=i=fc 267 I 236 Social Progress Hymn for the Golden Agfe David Levy f Moderato J. Beimel m ^. I mEi 5F?=? fWF^^m 1. Now up - on the earth de - seen ding, Peace is like a prayer, 2. Now the clouds of war re - treat-ing, Van - ish with the years, 3. Hail the Gold - en Age ad - vanc-ing, With its vi - sion clear, 4. God, to Thee our prais-es sing-ing. We Thine aid im-plore. m JBEt iJ ^^ / ^=1 i^ psifi Truth and peace their voi - ces Swords to plow-shares men are Faith and hope each soul en • Speed the hope the years are blend-ing, Ech - o far and near, beat-ing, Hope of Is - rael's seers, tranc-ing Thru' the cer - tain year, bring-ing. Knowledge more and more. Free - dom from its chain is break-ing. Men in broth - er - hood are meet-ing, Conscience its straight path con-tend - ing, Soon may all Thy reign pro - f es-sing, Jus - tice to new life Faith and love each oth - Free-dom long its course Love and truth their hearts ^ A P^T^ £^li is wak- er greet- de - fend pos-sess mg, ing, ■ing, ■ing, -^ m. Xr- ^^^^^ i ig f=tf ^^^ I the world its and hat - red the earth the Thy ho - ly sm e'er mes - name for - sak - ing, de - feat - ing, sage send - ing - con- fess - ing, God's Big - "Lo, Thee ;tti new day ot - ry the day a - lone N is here, and fears, draws near." a - dore. ^ i_^_ W=^^ -f ■ ' 268 ^ 237 Social Progress These Things Shall be J. Addington Symonds M f Moderato Boris Levenson — ^— These things shall be! They shall be gent Na - tion with na New arts shall bloom, A lof - tier race le, brave, and strong, tion, land with land, of loft - ier mould, ^i^^^^ Than To Un - And n ^- 1 % ^ f= =PBil ife^ e'er the world hath known shall rise, spill no drop of blood, but dare armed shall live as com- rades free; might - ier mu - sic thrill the skies; With flame of free - dom All that may plant man's In ev - 'ry heart and And ev - 'ry life shall in their souls And light of lord - ship firm On eartii and brain shall throb The pulse of be a song. When all the knowl - edge in their eyes. fire and sea and air. one fra - ter - ni - ty. earth is par - a - dise. i ^ i I § r ^ i 269 238 Social Progress The Voice of God is Calling John Haynes Holmes f Moderato Boris Levenson i4z=m:. Ei4=:t=3=t -it—^-\ 1 ::1: 1 I. The voice of God is call - ing Its sum-mons un - to men; 3. I hear my peo - pie cry - ing In cot and mine and slum; 5. We heed, O Lord, Thy sum-mons ; And an - swer: "Here are we," ^^ / (•*-) m- =zf n^-^ 5 1 \^ ^^ JJ r m=^j f'-'^^ 'r S: .:;r-4~-STjr- A ^ eE ^^ ^ .-M- m t=^ -^ tt: ^^-^ =P*: As once He spake in Zi - on, So now He speaks a - gain. No field or mart is si - lent. No cit - y street is dumb. Send us up - on Thine er - rand. Let us Thy serv - ants be. ;^=*= -^ ' — rr I I ! f^i I =r — ^_^=:fee=_^ ^ kz— 1= 270 The Voice of God is Calling Continued 1 # M ^ 2. Whom shall I send to sue - cor. My peo - pie in their need? 4. I see my peo - pie fall - ing, In dark - ness and de - spair ; 6. Our strength is dust and ash - es, Our years a pass - ing hour, ^r=» =i=l (-^T^ _^— . ^ .^^ p^^ ^-(2- ^ 1^ -^- ^ t=Fq= :^ m^^^^iE^^t^ Whom shall I send to loos - en The bonds of shame and greed? Whom shall I send to shat - ter The fet - ters which they bear? But Thou canst use our weak - ness To mag - ni - fy Thy power. 9 ^J-W^^^ \ -^ w 271 239 Social Progress Think Gently of the Errmgf One P Julia Fletcher Carney f Maestoso Ellacombe m^- -^ S ^ ^ t=4: -^ — 0 — *- 1. Think gent - ly of the err - ing one And let us not for - get, 2. Speak gent - ly to the err - ing one, Thou yet may'st lead him back. «= gy=4 m tpi s / *=fc^: * Sa ?^ :t: 1^ z43 :|=t P r=i: ^^^ ^ ^ -^ — ^ — ^ How - ev - er dark - ly stained by sin, He is our broth- er yet. With ho - ly words and tones of love. From mis-ery's thorn - y track. dt w ^l!^ I 27a Think Gently of the Erring Ones Continwcd r~i^ -^^. ^ r ^^ t Heir of the same in - her - it-ance, Child of the self -same God; For - get not, Thou hast of - ten sinned, And sin - ful yet must be : »^^ ai=* 1 m'» ^-r-l 1- ^=^ m m ^ "^T=^ :^ iJl ^ (^ 3^ i^zzdj -j^^ ; -s- ^ » :«: ^ ^J^ ^a :t: rfc ^ 1 I-^ =4 J— ^-^ ^Jt He has but stumbled in the path We have in weak-ness trod. Deal gent - ly with the err - ing one As God has dealt with thee. -I 1- ^f^ ^m X f^=^=^Fr=^'r^^ r-z; -rH*— ^ F g m I r I [v f" 273 240 Blessing the Child This Child We Dedicate ^ From the German Trans, by Sam Oilman mf Andante Jacob Singer =^v=F: ^^ i—i-^ A tczx V 1. This 2. O ^^1^ chUd may we Thy ^ ded - i spir - it cate gent to Thee, ly draw O Its m 5:S^^ -f -f ^■ ^ :qv =^= ^ ^^=4= >-. God wiU =1: 1^ jt^d of grace and pu - ri - ty. Shield it from sin and ing soul to keep Thy law, May vir - tue, pi - e - =£^^^^^^^ ^ ^ :S: ^- ^m threaten-ing wrong, And let ty and truth Dawn e ^ -N LL: Thy love its life pro - long, ven with its dawn - ing youth. f ij: 1^=5^ I a74 241 Children's Hymns Morning Prayer Isabella R. Hess mf Allegretlo Pinchos Jassinowsky ^^=^ ^ T:^ -"^ -^ ^ J II ^^ ^^ -^ -^ 1-=^=^ 1. Fa - ther, as the day I greet, With a prayer the day I meet! 2. Give me grace the path to see What this day my way should be ! t ^A. — « -A (==4 1^^^ 1 ■ \ — I ~ 1 1 W l»i- mf ^ i :i=s: r^ • m d l^LZ±L =F I 1/ !. 1 ^ 1^ ^- Let me feel that Thou art near, Ea - ger be my step or slow, That my soul may know no fear! Help me in that way to go! --P**^- 3cat ^^^^m. -f—%r~'\ ^^^ — t-^ -^ m Ji ^5l=^=1=lt 275 242 Author Unknown mf Andante Children's Hymns We Thank Thee James H. Rogers 1. For moth - er - love and 2. For this new mom -ing 3. For flowers that bloom a - 4. For blue of stream and fa - ther- care, For bro - thers strong and with its light, For rest and shel - ter bout our feet. For ten - der grass, so blue of sky. For pleas - ant shade of --I V -I I -F B= wm ^EES, 3F=i=i mf -S-— ^ s f^ ^ r r t: sis - ters fair. For love at home and here each day, For of the night. For health and food, for love and friends, For fresh, so sweet. For song of bird and hum of bee. For branch -es high. For fra - grant air and cool - ing breeze. For i r=^<=^ Ha- pr;^ r slower 3 guid-ance lest we go a -stray. Fa - ther in Heav'n, we thank Thee, ev - *ry -thing Thy goodness sends. Fa - ther in Heav'n, we thank Thee, all things fair we hear or see. Fa - ther in Heav'n, we thank Thee, beau - ty of the bloom-ing trees. Fa - ther in Heav'n, we thank Thee. slower ^P^Pi fr^ T --& ^ z^. %^-t^ 3= -^ ■^ JTl^ ?76 jEZpr f"T=f 1 243 Children*s Hymns Evcningf Prayer Jessie E. Sampter P Lento espressivo A. W. Binder 1 r --■=X- E :^^ 1. Great Lord of Life who lives in me, And lives in all I know, 2. I hope to wake this com- ing mom More strong and brave and bright, ■^^ ^=r P * I -m P -*-- ^f^=H^^ r » ig.- r^=7=^ i =f With hap-py thoughts I go to sleep. And while I sleep I grow. While Thou shalt stay both night and day With all I love to - night. i — ' ^ d- ~m- ~m- ~0- -W S ^ ? :i :«— «- »n 244 Children's Hymns Child's Evening: Prayer Isidor Wise , p Andante con moto Gershon Ephros M: 3^E t 4: 1 . Through - out the night, O God a - bove Pro - 2. My life, with - in Thy lov - ing hands. With 3. Bless them that watch my wel - fare here. That =1= a i=— r ^ p ms V-^.4 ^d. J A 3^ lEeSE :^ -S^v- tect me in my sleep; — Let an - gels of Thy trust - ful - ness I place; — O guard it with Thy care for me on earth; — Bless fa - ther, b-oth - ers, fcfe^ =1: i 7^. . \ <^— :i=^ T- m^ M~ G= t:: J T =f u !-*■,- aci3^ ho - ly love A - roimd an - gel hands In Thine sis - ters, dear, Bless her me vig - il keep. — un - bound - ed grace. — that gave me birth. — ^- i s J ^ r ^ -s- — ^- 1" -^-^- -^-- m\ 278 \ 245 Children's Hymns The Stars Watch You Max Grauman mf Andante cantabile :=l^ Mz^=t= ^ 2 -^^-^ 1. When the stars at set of sim Watch you from on high 2. All you do and all you say, He can see and hear; 3. All your joys and griefs He knows, Coirnts each fall - ing tear; 4. What we do as in His sight, We can do with ease; ^^n 8 2 r 8^^ -f gES r ^ 1 a •-V i^^^^ m ^^ When the mom - ing is be - gun. Think the Lord is nigh. When you work and when you play. Think the Lord is near. When to Him you tell your woes, Think the Lord will hear. Ev - *ry task be - comes more light. When we think He sees. 4- ^ Se#^ ^ -^^^—t^ m *=«: I 279 246 f Moderato Children's Hymns The Wise May Bring Their Learning J. H. Rogers m ^~ 1. The wise may bring their learn - ing, The rich may bring their wealth, 2. We'll bring Him hearts that love Him, We'll bring Him thank - ful praise, 3. We'll bring the lit - tie du - ties, We have to do each day, --J- te / 5E m—. * W- :=;= 5:-"^: fs s ±z_ -t: nt: :£ "^ _g__. I t:t= :t: And some may bring their great - ness. And some bring strength and health : And yoimg souls meek - ly striv - ing To walk in ho - ly ways. We'll try our best to please Him At home, at school, at play. ^i=g| :tzzi.tz_ :pi^:: -k — ic t==:t^=t= -a^ a8o The Wise May Bring Their Learningf Continued ^ E *=* ^ We too would bring our treas-ures, To And these shall be the treas-ures, We And bet - ter are these treas-tires, To of - fer to our King; of - fer to our King, of - fer to our King, 1^ ^ r=3^ ^ ^ ^ V T -&-^ m. -^ — w- 1?=^ -w m m J- V'^- ^ We have no wealth or learn - ing, What shall the chil - dren bring? And these are gifts that ev - er The poor - est child may bring. Than rich - est gifts with - out them, Yet these a child may bring. /^ ^^ i [rrr 5t^^ i i m d r=^ 3 S ^ P=f I 1^1 » g 1 — \ — r f 38x 247 Children's Hymns "Who Taught the Bird A. W. Binder M mf Can labile Itiff-'^ h h ^ _. |. »- »- s 1 . IS P r /y^ffj / / # — > -h — K- — 1 — - / / r — ^- -•. .« ^-— — • J* * L^ U — ^^ — ^- — 1 — H — ' 1 . Who taught the bird to build her nest Of wool and hay and moss? 2. Who taught the bus - y bee to fly A - mong the sweet-est flowers, 3. Who taught the lit - tie ant the way Its nar-row hole to bore, 4. 'Twas God who taught them all the way, And gave their lit - tie skill; ^ -^- i^E / nif X n ^^ fi =F Who taught her how to weave it best. And lay her store of hon - ey by And thru the pleas - ant sum-mer day He teach-es chil - dren when they pray And lay the twigs a - cross? To last in win - ter's hours? To ga-ther up its store? To do His ho - ly will. I=* ^3E m A I I I- itztz* ^g i t A. .i I^K^ :=t^:f -—j—*- 3EIE ^f^ i i 282 248 Children's Hymns Lo ! the Earth Rejoices A. W. Binder f Animato #^^ 1 %i\A — 1^- "~=iw: 1%— -- >- ^ =^ IV- 1 K- s- N— —^ fj -•- — 1 — -■0- P— -■0- ~"m 0 J I. Lo! the earth re - joic - es At the dawn of day, 2. See the red sun flam - ing In the east - em skies. 3. Cool the mom - . ing breez - es, Keen and fresh they blow; 4. Hark! the birds are sing - ing; What a mer - ry throng: 5. Yes, the earth re - joic - es At ■ r" the dawn of day; — 1 4 1P4 r r - 1 -m- -t- --al- 1^ — 1 — 1— 1 0 "1*- tgt=J 1 1 r-t3 1 1 /^^. *^ >. • z \ m ^l-r- « » -t— ^^ " 0 — P- -r— -r=ktf:: ii — H- r — 1 1 ^ ^U^ -x^ ^ — i e: Chil - dren, lift your voic - es. Sing To the world pro - claim - ing It Bring - mg, as God pleas - es. Warmth, or rain, or Woods and fields are ring - ing With the joy - ftil We will raise our es, Sing to to God, and pray, is time to rise. song. God, and pray. -^^ -^- ^ n -^ i w^ 283 249 Children's Hymns Thankful Hearts mf Leggiere J. H. Rogers ^ 1 ^. 1. Lit - tie chil - dren, Lord, are we, Child - ish words our 2. Thou hast given us life and light. Hap - py days and 3. Give us then, O Lord, we pray. Yet an - oth - er 4. All those oth - er gifts of Thine Come un - asked through 5. But a thank - ful heart must we Ask in prayer, O :4: ^ i -4—J: ^ mf ^ ^ ^ -^ -ST Se^ * ^ =^ r r i w^ w prayersmust be; Yet we know that Thou wilt hear; Thou, O God, art rest at night; Svm-shine, spring, and flow - ers fair, Lov - ing friends, whose gift to- day; Give us thank- fill hearts that still Seek to do Thy love di - vine ; All the joy that child-hood knows. All the peace thru Lord, of Thee ; This, of all Thy gifts the best. Comes to hal - low 3 =5=^ -:^ --5ir-^— 5:-^ JT^g^ ^ 8 — fr ?^^ ^ n softly y 1 1 1 /vb 1 1 J %.Y—i- —J- — -^1 f ■' e) a —T^ \ 1 1 -| tr ^^ 0 -<5»- 0 -<5h •^ (Si- al - ways near. Hold - ing all Thy chil - dren dear. ten ■ ■ der care Guides and guards us ev - 'ry - where. ho - ly will. Thy com - mand ■ ■ ments to ful - fill. life that flows, Ere we ask. Thy hand be - stows. all the rest, Ev - er bless - mgi ev - er blest! fe ojily ^^ ^^ ^^^^m -- ^ ^ ^ 1 — r riP-: — r- 1 — 1 — ^ J " 1 1 1 1 11 y r» J ^ - ^ m m 1 1 ! 1 11 ir^^ ^ * m ^ 1 1 r 1 ' ^ ^ Jl \^) ^ d •*"■■■ e^ . T 1 And How Since Thy D 1 self ■ can Thou, hap - 1 - ish- I with py ■ness tune pa- king. its my tience -dom sha- lit - in • in 1 1 1 dow casts tie heart, - fi - nite, my - self 1 1 On To Dost And all my sweet - ly soothe and dare to wUl sing com- take and all •fort com- deeds. day? all. tnand. y y 1 Jill . , , 1 "1 31 X b J « ! ! 1 ~ ^ J" J 111 !■ \(\Y 4. m ^ m w \A) S " • m ^ m " ^ « m ■' ^ - «j . - - m^ ^' 2 "^1 • •f- j»- 'f ^ %- -%- -••- -■0- m m -6^- /«V « s L L L 1 1 i 1 r i i rigi'' : 1 t^-L r — — 1 P_ 1 1 1 . 1 ' — '^ — is — ta — 1_ — ^ - ■1 i'*-^^i — - : \ \ i — ^-_ — p — — ■ — w |- h- — ^ — 1 \ r 1 1 287 252 Religious School All Thingfs Bright and Beautiful Cecil Frances Alexander f Con moto Harry Rowe Shelley iii=J5 i X 1 . — All things bright and beau - ti - ful, All crea-tures great and small, 2. The pur -pie -head - ed moim - tain, The riv - er run- ning by, 3. The tall trees in the green - wood, The mead-ows where we play. I ^^ ^i'l^i: r^-^ J.lljlj J d- i t f 3" ^3^ S — All things wise and won - der - ful, The Lord God made them all. The stm - sets and the mom - ing. That bright-en up the sky. The rush - es by the wa - ter. We gath - er ev - 'ry day. liP^'- ^^TT^=m^^ n f ^ 4 i -gi- m. -p-^ r f=M^it r r f 388 All Things Bright and Beautiful Continued ^^ ■* — ^ Each lit - tie flow'r that o - pens, Each lit - tie bird that sings, The cold wind in the win - ter. The pleas -ant s\im - mer sun. He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell, EE i 3E^ ^^ ^ — I ^ 1 1 1 X-^ 1 1 1 1 — a W & f r r r i & =1: PE^ He made their glow - ing col - ors, He made their ti - ny wings. The ripe fruits in the gar - den, He made them ev - 'ry one. How great is God Al - might - y. Who hath done all things well. w r i ^ 1= — t- T T T T ^^ 289 253 Religious School Happy Who in Early Youth The Hamburg Temple Hymnal Tr. by James K. Gutheim Arr. from Louis M. Gottschalk J _ 1 1 J '^^ O .1 ' ' 1 ' 1 1 ■ I ■ ' ! / ^ •' ' ^^^_ m <=' ^ 1 ' ' I ^ ± ' I ^. • i' ^ m VJ -+ J » ,^ \ 1 ' ! %J -^ Crv -%- • * -- • -&- V' • I. Hap py who in ear - ly youth, While yet 2 Hap py who in ten - der years Leans on 3. Guide, 0 guide this hope - ful band. Fa - ther. 4. Thine, 1 0 God, these souls are Thine, Un - de - i^^$r^ ^ — *— H — ^ — ^ '^^Vil ' -^r* — 1 — ' — ' X. :-. — " ^ \ f ^ _2j ^-r^ i ^2: Thee we bring our com - mon need; The lov - ing heart, the live to - geth - er in Thy love; Guide Thou our fait - 'ring Thou our lips and make them pure; If Thou art with us, P£^ ±=^ tztH W help - ful word, The ten - der thought, the kind - ly deed, steps a - right. And lift our thought to heaven a - bove. Lord, we must Be faith - hil friends and com - rades sure. li p^ ^^•"^y- ii 391 255 The Religious School We Meet Ag&in in Gladness Anonymous Allegretto Simon Hecht =1: fe L-5= 3t=i: 1. We meet a - gain in glad - ness, And thank-ful voic - es raise; 2. We thank Him for the knowl- edge To us im - part - ed here, 3. We thank Him for otur coim - try The land our fa- thers trod; teE ^^ S ^ ^ ^- ■f-^ / £ I f=F=n=^^?^ #;j^^ ^- \- 1 — — r — p^ — ^-Ni— ! cH^ pp- — 1^ 1 rz -^ V #^^ —J- —d- # -J— --===*=H -*^ — 1 — -• — * W In J — \ \ X) • * tjW ^ To God, our 1 leav'n -ly Fa - ther, We time our grate-ful praise. For pre - cept and ex - am - pie Laid to our hearts so near. For Ub — |. - er 1 - ty 1 — of con - science, 1 K 1 And right T ^ . . to wor- ship God. 1^ , r, /TTlA^ 1- ^~A~ — ^ 1— — 1— y — J M — i -\ ^^^i-n — 1 rh^ ^ - -^ «| - *' . • ^ *TP' VM^ J J J " S u 9 * F W u J ^ • ' If -5-5- t}^ ^' JB.. -0- m J^ /i^' h 1 J - # : - ^ . ^ r — « « (^" 4 l^-i 7 k ,* ^» m m ' — , , t 'C 1 F-^ "t ^i-^K k*^ r 111 ~ ^ 1 '^ ^ f \ \ \ 1 - r F P r « F » i M " 1 I 1 Hi r r 1 1 1 1 - 9-' 292 Wc Meet Again in Gladness Continued #^»=^^ — \- 1 =1= i — =1 — Pr-^ - -f- -r~J n ^-^^-^ ■1 — « — 1 -k- -4- — ^ ^' ^ -J — >^ ^ 1 ^ His own kind hand has kept us Through all the changing years, For par - ents dear and lov - ing, Our joy and oiir de - light, O Lord our heaven -ly Fa - ther Ac - cept the praise we bring, ^ t J J .n Fj -^ m-M — y- ^ 5i -1^-:^ 4=1- jb=r-f-r » ^ k =fc i=tt f=T ^ :1=t= qsl: ^m ^ -m- n^-^- His love it is that brings us A - gain to wor-ship here. And for oiir faith- ful teach - ers. Who make our path - way bright. And tune our hearts and voi - ces Thy glo-rious name to sing. St: i ■1=4 »^^ s V f^ n ^3E .1 iH' i ' nj.j :te=H: 293 256 Adeline R. Rosewater / Marciale {J= 76-80) Religious School "The Torch of IsraeP Joseph Achron Based on a Jnuish Folk -Melody 1. We 2. Hold 3. And hear the call of high the torch your when the light of the wm f :4=E ^ 1 r :J: =T I I L :£: &: ^ z^at Is - rael's chil - dren 'Tis fa - thers left you, And life is fail - ing, Pass S 4-^ sound - ed down from age to age ; keep it bum -ing bright and clear, on the torch to oth - ers near Lift up the torch yotir 'Twill light the way that That they in turn may fa - thers left you, lies be - fore you, keep it bum - ing, :t=i: ^^^M 3e^ It is yotir pre-cious her - it - age. That you may trav - el with - out fear. The faith that they shall e'er hold dear. § f^S -m « — ar -^ — w — ^ ^^? 't^<5*- 1 :§^ m 394 W^Er The Torch of Israel Continued F=^ ^^ ^^3 Your watch - word Your prayer shall Your clos - ing long as life is nm; be from sun to sun: words ere life is done: "The "The "The ^ i^^—^n^ Lord our God, The Lord our God, The Lord our God, The Lord is Lord is Lord is One" Your watch One" Your prayer One" Your clos word shall ing i -dt=± i § Sfc ^ *»-* ^ -J. at fpp: ^ ±z ^ -^ f=>= E i long as life is nm; be from sun to stm: words ere life is done: -^— ^ :=t=r- "The Lord our God, the Lord is One. "The Lord our God, the Lord is One. "The Lord our God, the Lord is One. _^ \ r^ — r^ -^ - - r - =s=q 1 f=t ? — r — r ^fci2=^ :r^^=L:^ i 295 The Religious School 257 Opening Song Adeline R. Rosewater f Moderato James G. Heller g 3 E g JlJ^jL^Ji ^ PV-^— = Dear Fa-ther, here Thy children come Thy pre-cepts all to learn; M^=f=B"f=^ J .h h ^ — « — ^— ^IF ^ i ■j^-j=ii --^ -*-■ To Is - ra - el and the To - rah blest To - day ourthoughts we turn. ^ *5bi|: ftF±^ ^r .^ "U ^ It: fe^ ^^SE eX r :f:r: -©^ 3E3S ^ ,»-,^[-=^=^ =»=^ ■j^^nBi O give to us, we hum - bly pray An im - der - stand-ing mind, i §5=^: f g: Jt^ :d^:T s ^ y: ;^ ^""r" -.^'-■-gti. I ^ -H R#- — =-» * •■- — T — • —n^- ^ 296 Openings Songf Continued ^^^ -^ i^zat ?t^ S^ '^- -^-J. "V# 1=:1^ =» ^ That in the les - son of to - day Thy wis-dom we may find. ?^ f^^=f^r^''trY^^r I .^ g: ^^=£-tI^^F=g^l^^^^ rf=f=rp f; s: ^ 3tiZl^ 3^ May we e'er fol - low in the path Our fa - thers trod be - fore, i I ^ ^#- ^•^ ^ ^ ^^-il^^ r r—^—% ■25*- ?^ ^^ ^ *- eSi 1^ rT^~aT=^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^=^^^m IE That Is - rael's faith may nev - er die, But live for ev - er - more. I f- r r P 297 258 Nicholas Douty nf Andante con moto Religious School Duties of Today A. W. Binder, Based on a Sephardic melody 1. To - day while the sun shines Work 2. To - day scat-ter bright - ness; Wher - with a will ; ever you go, -4—. =fc bS: m "/ ^=^ --d-^ A ^^^ Hifi; I i-8=f ^. To - day all your dut — Gladness comes with the giv ies with pa - tienceful - fill, ing; Waves grow as they flow. 4*-^4 Fa=_,.a^ ± r-f i^ 3^ =at ^_^ ^ r ' r-^ fei :1!?: iM di]t To - day To - day love the good - ness That's bet is ours on - ly; Work, work ter than while you gold, may; fad: :sJ=te4 ^H"^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ :^=J.=^ 1 =^^ §T=^: 4=: 4= :y- • '-^— ^ And the truth seek whose val - ue Can nev - er be told. There will be a to - mor - row, But guard well to - day. 259 Motherhood Rejoice and Offer Thanks to God m Harry H. Mayer Andante , Jacob Singer I m -4-*r ^T^ ^=T •*-^ — m m s 1. Re-joice, and of - fer thanks to God For moth -ers whose de - vo - ted love 2. Her fond de-vo-tion to her child Stir -pas -ses all that words can tell, > . . _ - I - ^Et g :P± i^ P f ntt k 1 »- ii^ 1 1 1 n 1 ^ 1 y u . h M fc- 1 1 ^ J-.--- i --^ — r? If J i • ^ 1 J « • J -^ J H ' J IL*' 11* *^ ^ -1" 'If ^ *^ y un * 1 ' u2 n 1 . , J. ,. j-Ti- l!-^ m • m ^. 9 » J • 9 » P* WJ d d VrP' ■ »• Through all the chang-ing years has been And no re-ward she asks but this ' T-r^Hf * r^-' # a r4 1 1 r tt' "1 As faith- ful as the stars a-bove. rhat we, her chil - dren, love her well. »5^ >■ k ^ 1 — 1 1 1 — — - J L — ir^ ^— % r \ ^ H i^ i •'1 |_ -« H — k-HH r- .>U^ — it — E — T > r ^— 1 1 T- ^ t^ I :^t=i: =4=^ -| — V- ^- V V Our vir - tues are our moth-er's pride, Our wel- fare is her hope and dream ; We of - fer thanks and praise to God That He or-dained such moth-er - love m ^-^J ; j_^.i-£ t w^ ^—r=w iy~~iy h=^ m i 3t=J: -^-' 1 ^- I 1^ Her lov - ing hand still rests in oiu"s, How - ev - er great our faiilts may seem. To pour its light a-roxmd us here And lead our hearts to God a-bove. .•^-^ ^m 299 260 Motherhood Hymn to Mothers Harry H. Mayer M f Allegretto spiritoso A. W. Binder :t =1?s= m & m _j* — I. Re - joice, and of - fer thanks to God, 3. Her fond de - vo - tion to her child fe ij 5F=^ For Sur m -^ — "-^ r f m p ^s ^ ■K-K-1^ -•■ — ^ H — 5^ moth-ers whose de -vot - ed love Thro' all the chang-ing years has pass - es all that words can tell, And no re-ward she asks but ^-J^ ^=r^: ^ ^ ^ 1^:114 ■!=^=^ ^5—^ ^^ .&^ 53EE ^=c-T~r ^^ :p:=E 3 ^ ^g^^j^^^ been, As faith-ful as the stars a - bove. As faith - ful as the this That we her chil-dren love her well. We of - fer thanks and :^=£: Ei T=t=r |^E£^?E^ ^^?=qs: ^r^f* s -» — *- -^^ — r-rS' ^-^g?s i=t r 300 Hymn to Mothers Continued i^ s stars a - bove. Our vir - tues are our Moth - er's pride, Our praise to God That He or - dained such Moth - er-love To fe ^ ^^^ ^ P A m ^E^ £ s ^ mr^tr^=^ ^ 3 wel-fare is her hope and dream; Her lov - ing hand still rests in ours, poxir its light a-roimd us here And lead our hearts to God a - bove, ;%ag :^_JZj i i3^ fe ' — * 1 1 «— 1— W — ^— ■S:^i^^t=^^ SiE^ -l5>-^ f , ^^ i K 3J! fe* 1^ 2?=jt i^ m :t m -gj- :^ i How - ev - er great our faults may seem, Our faults may seem. And lead our hearts to God a - bove, To God a - bove. m na m ptT); :^f-4-j>-^f=P cat £ r S^t=f^ 301 261 The Nation UpHft the Songf of Praise F. L. Hosmer J.H. ■Rogers 11 f Maestoso k. 1 1 <^n 1 11 -— III . 1 ^ (* 1 i * ^ Jill I? \ t ' ^ • ^ 1 ^ ^ J A • ^J J J 1 1 d ^ fj * V I. Up - lift the song of praise To Him, oxix fa - thers' God! 2. Lift high the song of praise, 0 Na - tion grown in pow'rl 3. Up - lift the song of praise! His love and wis - dom own. 4. Lift high the song Ik. 1 of praise, And 1 bless 1 His ho - ly name! vn 1 '' 1 ^ 1 1 J ~{-i 1 J . J J * • " Ji| J 1 iT^ ' 8 • S m S ' ' \s) J • ) _ * ^! ^ «j 1 f r ^ -• -•- ■zi- ' / 11 1 * ■ 0 m 1 ^-'' -fL. ^ /5»^T P ■ S • ! ^ w .• ^ . (."-^•ft/ * ^ 1 w 1 ' r L-, L-, :— VS^l / 1* L^ 1 ,.. ^ r- r ^ ._. 1 ' — 1 1 ' _J — 1 — j — ^ — 1 ■ ig • ^ ^t=^ =1: -2?- Who led them o'er the Hold fast through good and Who lead - eth still in Whose care m a=fc I wa - fry ways To lands im - trod: e - vil days Thy glo - rious dower: im - seen ways, By paths un - known. a - bove the pass - ing days A - bides the ^ Ba Y i^- '■W- 302 Uplift the Songf of Praise Continued ^ — 1 \ — h S- -J : =1 1 1 ^) 1 - 1 — 1? ^ — •■ — — 1 — -gJ • ' — d-^ — « — ^ — i - sJ- ■ tJ * r m Seed of a race to be, Up - on His new - world shore, The age ■ long hope ful - fil, New-quick - ened at thy birth; His pur - po - ses of old And prom - i - ses en - dure, Our fa - thers' con ^ 1 - fi - 1 dence Thro' all 1 their K pil - grim- age; 1 lS~T~ =3^ — ^ — 4 =^ H — 1 — hW-^ t- -^ J = td=^ w==r * * — * — 1 ^ ' 1 #-- I » — -^ — i \ zi . — t I?ST-S— i— r' ^ f —f— -&- . r-^-^ -*- — t -| fff r»-| r \^=H- — »-- •— i» -■ g? • — — 1 — — i# — ^ — » — ^ — r- — 9-- ^' — 1 — tz|z= — ^ — ^ — —\ H ' M- — ^- , ^ -i h =t =t: The home of Law and Lib - er - ty Thy strength thy God, whose right - eous will And through the cir - cling years \m - fold. For ev - er - more. Rules heav'n and earth. For ev - er sure. Our dwell - ing-place and our de- fence. From age -N 1 to ^^^ age. I i 5^ ^ *- r m *=t J 303 262 The Nation O Beautiful for Spacious Skies P Katherine Lee Bates / Allegretto Samuel Augustus Ward ^^ :S=^ tS 1. O beau - ti - ful for 2. O beau - ti - f ul for 3. O beau - ti - ful for 4. O beau - ti - ful for spa-cious skies, For am - ber waves of grain, pil - grim feet, Whose stem, im-passioned stress, he -roes proved In lib - er - a - ting strife, pa - triot dream That sees be-yond the years, Pi / f^ 3^ r V t=t: For pur - pie moim-tain maj - es-ties A - bove the fruit -ed plain! A thor-ough-fare for free - dom beat A- cross the wil - der - ness ! Who more than self their coim - try loved, And mer - cy more than life ! Thine al - a - has - ter cit - ies gleam, Un-dimmed by hu - man tears I -9—*- W f £i jL- to 'm i » W- JB- F- u I r ' + ^^pfcCT^^ fe* 304 O Beautiful for Spacious Skies Continued It A - mer - i - ca! A - mer - i - ca! God shed his grace on thee, A - mer - i - ca! A - mer - i - ca! God mendthmeev- 'ry flaw, A - mer - i - cal A - mer - i - ca! May God thy gold re - fine A - mer - i - ca! A - mer - i - ca! God shed his grace on thee, i^ 3^^^* S2^ f :paj -#- -^- -^ ^ ~^- rf2- :^ And Con TiU And crown thy good with broth - er-hood From sea to shin - ing sea. -firm thy soul in self -con-trol, Thy lib - er - ty in law! all sue -cess be no - ble-ness, And ev - 'ry gain di - vine! crown thy good with broth - er-hood From sea to shin - ing sea. m ^=4r i 3EE3^ E=d= zj^g-T gj I ^ r J r i-t-i -^- 305 263 The Nation God of Our Fathers Daniel C. Roberts Allegro maestoso George W. Warren L^Z^m^ :^ -zT- -^- ' I -•- -5- 1 . God of our fa - thers. Whose al - migh - ty Trumpets, before each verse 2. Thy love di - vine hath led us in the 3. From war's a - Isirms, from dead - ly pes - ti - 4. Re - fresh Thy peo - pie on their toil - some ^ ^=£: S^ -f2- f-=l^ =F . P [y y — ^^ 1 r 1 ^ 1 ■ \ 1 1 X a — hi H — -| K- r* — ^ — J =sd- ——J j J J A\ ICU ^' J S < i ^ ' ^i 1 *l n«i "1 ", "i '1 ^v 5 • N* y^ r , r 1 s» 1 l^^'b h i '^ » ■ !• 1 t 1^ • •^ 1 ^ ^ \ ^ r 1 1 1 1 I y t =4: =iqi ^ r^-5F=F^ =t* LflgZZll I I I ± Of Be Thy Fill J shin - ing worlds in Thou our ml - er, true re - lig - ion splen - dor through guard - ian, guide in our hearts all our lives with love and grace the and in di JL-A..^ skies, stay, crease, vine, I it -^ E 1 n hi 1 1 __ > 1 1 \ / D eJ. ^ ' 1 1 , . J t^'^ — h ^" • 9 —si • « ' M — s — ^ — — 1 Our Thy Thy And »■ — 1 grate word boim - glo - ^ — r - ful oiu- teous ry, J songs law, good - laud be - Thy ness and ^. — H 1 # fore paths nour - praise _...r-- Thy throne our cho - ish us be ev - a - sen in er — 0 1 — (^ — 1 rise. way. peace. Thine. 1 1 — 1 — \ ^-^ -tm=d — » — L 1 -^-* g^ ^ptzpi: r rrrrf fTff ^^^1* ~l ^ ^"^ — s^ ^; ^ ha - no - sho - no lo - shuv 1' - e - retz a - vo m ^^ uJ- ■7^ ^ ti r- " ^^ P^^ in» 1= g^^ r*=t r D f r rr 3^ i _g__■ — ^^^- m 4- ^ Ayn kay - lo - hay - nu, Ayn ka - do - nay - nu. 3=3 4 ^ 4^-4- ^ ±=^ r ^EffE :5=;J: ^^— mf f ^=t ^-J. -^- t-^— -I \ — r- titz: ^/ -^— ^ J -^ Ayn k' - mal - kay - nu, Ayn k' mo - shee - ay - nu, / -*— -f m #-& '-^ ^=t w^w^ -^ — ^ T-^-f— r: fc:#^ r ^ 5^=F=^^F^ 334 Ayn Kay-Lo-Hay-Nu Continued mf f ^ f s_ -^—^- Mee - chay - lo - hay - nu Mee cha - do - nay - nu, ^ §=^ ^^ ;f=F=»= M mf -^ -^ r .J: / 4 ^. _ii^. J i "/ / -n^^ ^ ^ -2=*- d — 5?- Mee ch' - mal - kay - nu, Mee ch' - mo - shee - ay 1^^ -M=\- -^-^' -^^ f=t -^ ^ r^- i— *- If / m^ t-^ -«^ -<0- e- -^ .■& ?LJ L 325 -f Ayn Kay-Lo-Hay-Nu Continued / 3 :9=^ ^^^ ^^ .fc^ / ^W~^» d — 5^ No - de I'mal - kay No -de r - mo - shee - ay - nu. I^ :^=^ izz^ind: :3=:5==*i^?=^ ^3^S i= 7/1/" -iS'- -^ ^^ / -^ -*- t=t= ^E=^ ;J^ -t=*- T" "/ / :E3^3^ i=^'= fi ^ V— ^ = mf Bo - ruch E - lo - hay - nu, Bo - ruch A - do - nay - nu, zqz=iq: t^ / -^ :qir — ^ 390 Ayn Kay-Lo-Hay-Nu Continued m 5 ^m -m ^ ^^¥=-^ f-W— ^ Bo - ruch Mai - kay - nu, Bo - ruch Mo - shee - ay - nu. ^ i^^^ -j^-TrA J * ^ l#-i-5-^i=^ g^ «: U ■^\>* P » §=#=^ t:^ f^*^ /^ /^ 1^c=^ ^ -^ • ^ :r ^ ^ -^ — •- =t^=^ --m — Td- -*-- At - to hu E - lo - hay - nu, li^^ ■^ At - to hu A - do - nay - nu, S==«=?=^" ii it SEl^ 3tl=a: /^ 1 m m t^ p r f- 1* r ife fe -»— : «^ #- ^1^ / ff =*^^=F= ^^p^^^^l c=£=r=i^ — ^ At - to hu Mai - kay - nu, At - to hu Mo-shee - ay - nu. ^-^ 1 , j^^ J r^! P^ ^r^ :3i^v=4 ;i^=«= i •^ J ff -(^2- -:^_ ^— J— ^ ^Sl s ^t-* A- .^. ±=t=N: 1^^:^ :[=*: 327 276 Evening Service for the Sabbath Adon Olom Eliezer Gerovitch f Moderato feSE^^E^ ^ :=r 1. A - don 0 - .lorn a' - sher mo - lach, 2. V - a - cha - ray kich - los ha - kol, 3. V - hu e - chod v* - ayn shay - nee, 4. V - hu Ay - lee v' - chai go-a' - lee, 5. B' - yo - - do af - keed ru - chee. » _ :^ 1^ # :t=: r / S te - rem va ham - shil tsur chev kol do lo lee y yim 1' b' tseer niv - ro, loch no - ro; hach-bee - ro; ays tso - ro; 1' ays na-a'- so ays ee - shan 0 - ee ro; v' - hu ho - yo v' b' - lee ray - shees, b' v' - hu ni - see u v' - im ru - chee g' J=^ :S^ ^ "o^-A Jl ^=x ^^^^^ V^ T r 0^7 1 P^ 1 7 ^ h 1 1 s^ 1 — -j — i — ^ 1 H " ' 1 — — n-n r ^^ ^ m __ . _ . __ __ ' J - • -' II \s) z « — • -^ m m • m ' J 11 CT ^*- ^ r ^ m r ■ m -5- ^« r -J- chef - tso kol. a - zai Me - lech sh' - mo nil c - ro. hu ho - veh, v' - hu yi - h'-yeh b' - sif - 0 - ro. lee sach - lees, V' - lo ho - oz v» - ha - mi 3 - ro. mo - nos lee. m' - nos ko - see b' - yom el c - ro. vee - yo - see, A - do - noy lee v' - lo ee - ro. M J .. ^ P 1* ' 1 U\' hi 1 ' s ■■*' \\ry\ \> \ 1 .. .|. . 1^.... 1 y^-^h k L — ' 1 9 \ ^\} ■• m w M . L F 1* 1 w 1 uJ i; \ 328 277 Andante Evening Service for the Sabbath Yigdal Leoni. Arr. by A. W. Binder SOLO to/ :^ =^ Yig - dal E - lo-heem chai v' ■ Ayn lo d'-mus ha-guf v' ■ Hi - no A-don o - lom 1' Lo kom b'-yis - ro - ayl, k' Lo ya - cha-leef ho - ayl v' Go-mayl I'-eesh che-sed k • 7. Cha-yay 0- lom no - ta b' q-^ :^-* to/ -m-^LM- ^=^r yish ta - bach, ay - no giif, chol no - tsor, mo - she od lo yomeer do-so, mif - 0 - lo, so - chay - nu ; nim - tso v' - ayn ays el m'-tsee lo na - a - roch ay-lov k' du - sho yo - reh g' - du-lo - so u - mal - chu es t' mu r-zu - lo k'rish - 0 shajrm t' - hi no - vee u - ma - beet 1' - 0 - lo - meem no - sayn 1' - ro-sho ra bo - ruch a - day ad u - so so, so; no - so ; so; so; lo - so. ^ -si- m -A n :=1: -^- ■^ ^^ iK ana k^kj ' — r* =^ ^~ lUiN 1 f«— =!SX zz R=^ 1 fJ i 1 — ■*— = — J ^— 0— ^-^ • . -1*^ =^ —0 — J 1 — ^ E - chod v' - ayn yo- cheed k - yi - chu - do ne - Kad - mon 1' - Choi do - ■ vor a - sher mv - ro, ri - She - fa n' - vu - 0 - so n' - so no el To - ras e - mes no - san 1' - a - mo Ayl, al Tso - feh v' - yo - day - a s' - so - ray - nu. ma - Yish - lach 1' - kayts yo - meen, P' - dus 0 - lom kol - Cha - yay 0 - lom no - ta. b - so - chay-nu; bo - 1 1 — % ' ^ ' 1=^ — 1 ■ — -• 1 J ^% —5^ / 329 Continued ^= m lom shon an yad beet chai ruch v' - gam v' - ajm shay n' - vee r - sof ayn sof ray - shees — s* gu - lo o do - vor v'-yaysh ya - keer a - day ad, iS ^-^- V - r ■ v' ne ■ b' ■ y' shaym ach - du ray - shee sif - ar man bay kad - mo ' shu - o t'hi - lo ■ so. so. to. so; so; so. so. J. — ^- f= s 330 292 f Andante con vioto Morning Service for the Sabbath Ayn Kay-lo-hay-no Julius Freudenthal f- 3 3^ ^^^^^ I. A3m kay - lo - hay 3. No - de lay - lo - hay nu, nu. Ayn ka - do - nay - nu, No - de la - do - nay - nu, ^SJ^gE^g^E^ mf r=F =q: Ayn k'-mal- kay - nu, Ayn k'mo-shee - ay - nu; 2. Mee chay - lo - No -de 1' - mal - kay - nu, No - de I'mo-shee -ay - nu; 4- Bo-ruch E - lo - ^=^ i=M^ -(=2- ^ 42: -M — ^ t= ^^=^ ^FF^' 34S hay - nu, Mee cha - do - nay - nu, Mee ch' - mal - kay - nu, hay - nu, Bo-ruch A - do - nay - nu, Bo - ruch Mal - kay - nu. Ayn Ka-lo-hay-nti Continued S=r: ^3 rr- ^ =1: -=;^ shee Mee ch'mo Bo - ruch Mo - shee ay ay nu. 5. At nu. to hu E - lo t^=T' :=\-- i A ?r=t ^^=^ 3 ^F=^ £ :!= -M i W 4~ \- hay nu. At to hu I :^ =^ do - nay -•' K m nu, At - ^ fJ -i5>- -^ ^^^ ^ :t=d =^ I i p '9-*—'- to hu Mai kay - nu, at - to hu Mo - shee - ay - nu. 1 "^, — •»• im « ^. -^ ::^ =F V — ^ — ^=£1 346 UNION HYMNAL Part II MUSICAL SERVICES The Musical Services Are Pub- lished in a Separate Volume SERVICES FOR THE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL I Hymn Responsive Reading (from Psalms xix, viii) : The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies show forth His won- drous works. Day uttereth its speech unto day, and night unto night revealeth knowledge; There is no speech, there are no words, neither is their voice heard, Yet their line extends over all the earth and their words to the end of the world. O Lord, our God, how glorious is Thy name in all the earth. Thy majesty is rehearsed above the heavens. When I behold Thy heavens, the work of Thy hands, The moon and the stars which Thou hast estabHshed, What is man that Thou art mindful of him, And the son of man that Thou thinkest of him? Yet Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor And given him dominion over the works of Thy hands. Thou hast put all things under his feet Sheep and oxen, all of them, and also the beasts of the field, The fowl of the air, the fish of the sea. Whatever passeth through the paths of the sea. Together : O Lord our God, how glorious is Thy name in all the earth. Reader : Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor'-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'-voroch. Congregation : Praised be the Lord, to whom all praise is due forever and ever. 432 All Singing: f Andante S :?5=^ r-^ a^zz*: 1 S. Sulzer -s^ I Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lorn vo - ed. ^ m ■^ -2^^- Se -gt- T¥ ^ Reader: We praise Thee, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world. In Thy love Thou causest light to shine over the earth and its inhabitants. Each morning brings Thy great command: Let there be light. All things on earth are Thine and are created by Thy will. Without number are Thy works. In wisdom hast Thou made them all. Light and darkness, joy and sorrow come from Thee, who bringest harmony into nature and peace to the heart of man. {Congregation standing) All Reading: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: f Andante Maestoso ^ h'} J I' -P :?5=^ ^ 1 -s>- S • Sh'ma Yis -ro - ayl A - do - noy E - lo -hay - nu A - do -noy e - chod. ^■^ -^ 7 -fxsp- -r- ^-m- -^\nt ^ ^; A J J- 3 :i=^ 5" 5 i -*■ thJ- i^ ij: Reader: Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever. Bo-ruch shaym k'-vod mal-chu-so I'-o-lom vo-ed. 433 A.11 Singing: f Andante Maestoso Traditional ?^ m fe^^ i Bo - ruch shaym k' - vod mal - chu - so 1' - o - lorn vo - ed. 3E^ J H I "^"j^^^-t^gLijsL — *=J ^> I ^j s Jig: i -(5^ / ^ ^^a g 5 ^ li -J-^J- 3 ^ -25^- {Congregation seated) Responsive Reading: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy might; And these words which I command thee this day shall be upon thy heart. Eternal truth it is that Thou art God and there is none else; Wonders without number hast Thou wrought for us and hast pro- tected us to this day. O God, who art our refuge and our help, we glorify Thy name now, as did our fathers in ancient days. Who is like Thee among the mighty, O God? Who is like Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? All Singing: S. Sulzer i Mee i f=N cho cho P -i — bo ^ ay leem do - noy; i^—u=^=^m- ^m m ^■- ko - mo - cho ne -r- r — f^ — t^ dor ba ko - desh, P i -^? — 434 ^s =1= s'hil lay. los say fe I m zsr. -<=2_ ^- E: Reader : God reigneth for ever and ever. All Singing: i ^^ a :^=r ■:i-- -25^- do noy yim loch I'o lorn ed. m i -^ :^ P / Prayer : Divine Creator of heaven and earth, Thy hand has made all nature beauti- ful. On every side we see the splendor of Thy work. The earth's green cloak of grass, the sturdy trees, the warm gold of the sunlight, and the calm beauty of moon and stars, all speak to our listening hearts and teach us the story of beauty and growth. For all this wondrous beauty, we thank Thee. For all that brings us joy, we raise our voice in songs of praise. Teach us, 0 God, to obey Thy law. May we do our best with every task; may every word we speak be true, and every thought within our heart be clean and good. Because Thy world, O God, is beautiful, let our lives be noble too. Amen. Silent Devotion All Singing: ^ Moderato -A m- is: =1: =^ May the words ^ J- of ■7 :K=^ Alois Kaiser 4 i my mouth and the ^ r r r med ta - tions ^^ P =^^ 435 -i< — ■ ^m flTJ: ;j.:-3 ^ of my heart be ac - cept - a - ble in Thy sight, O Lord, -#- ^ - _ . -#- -J- -^ g^^^nrr^l F^ ■V — k- 3 I'? i g^_j — J- my Strength and my Re - deem r- , ^ 'y-- ^ f: ^^^^ -fi^ m r ■^ n Address or Scriptural Reading H3nim Benediction : Creator of heaven and earth, bless our life with the beauty of holiness. Amen. II Hymn Responsive Reading: Psalm cxxi I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, whence shall my help come? My help cometh from God who made heaven and earth. Thy footsteps will not stumble for He that guardeth thee will not slumber. He that guardeth Israel will not slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy Protector. The Lord is thy shade at thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night. The Lord shall keep thee from all harm, He shall keep thy soul. The Lord shall guard thy going out and thy coming in, now and forever. 436 Joshua i As I was with Moses so I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee; Only be strong and very courageous To observe the law which Moses My servant commanded thee. Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, That thou mayest have good success wherever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, But thou shalt meditate therein day and night, For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous And then thou shalt have good success. Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; Be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed; Together : For the Lord thy God is with thee wherever thou goest. Reader: Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor'-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'voroch. Congregation : Praised be the Lord, to whom all praise is due forever and ever. AH Singing: f Andanie S. Sulzer m ^ *i=5: i g Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lorn ed. S i ^ i: ij i: \ \ ^=i z^ -^ f -^ -J5*5«' r==- ^ SE^^S i n 3= -^—^ Reader: With great love hast Thou loved us, 0 our God. Great has been Thy kindness to our fathers. They beheved and trusted Thee; therefore didst Thou teach them the laws of life, and show them the way of wisdom. We, too, would learn to obey Thy will and to walk in Thy paths. O, make us gladly obedient to Thy commandments, and fill our hearts with love and reverence for Thee. We put our trust in Thee and joyfully raise our voices to proclaim Thy unity: 437 {Congregation standing) All Reading: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. ¥ i ri -^^^r^ Reader : Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever. Bo-ruch shaym k'vod mal-chu-so I'-o-lom vo-ed. AU Singing: Traditional J^ Andante Maestoso ?^ -^— »- 3 • d ^^^SEJl i Bo - ruch shaym k' - vod mal - chu - so 1' - o - lom vo - ed. :^=i: iS: 'T^T'^^'^r^ ■^L =t ^ I / 1^ -^"nr .-g: i ■^ li- ^^ {Congregation seated) All Reading: Thou shall love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy 438 children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the door- posts of thy house, and upon thy gates: To the end that ye may remember and do all Mv commandments, and be holy unto your God. Reader : Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thou art our Helper and Protector. As the heavens declare Thy glory, so would we praise Thy name on earth, and in the words of the prophet say: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory. All Singing: f Andante t S. Sulzer ^ Ko - dosh lio - dosli ko - dosh A - do - noy ts' - vo - s* ^ =j= ¥4 f -i^ ^ ^ r^ -?M- :3= m'lo chol ho retz k'-vo do. ^i=i T -4^ m Reader: In all places of Thy dominion, Thy name is praised and glorified. 439 All Singing: / i S. Sulzer ^-^— K m tF=^ l^ -^ -9 #L Bo - ruch k' - vod A - do noy mi - m' - ko 1 ij — y rjf ^^^ m i 3=1 s ^^^= I^ ^ 5 Reader : The Lord will reign forever, thy God, O Zion, from generation to generation. All Singing: y Moderato S. Sulzer jLi^^i J J' J' ^^ 4 F^^ ^ ^ a^ a Yim - loch A - do - noy 1' - o - lorn E - lo - ha - yich Tsee !C=* i^^ i m 4: H i -J- -j- F--^- -* — « — » — V-* / gr7T->iF F rrr-g S ^^ c ^-^ p / 9- ^^^ -ic ^ -^- yon 1' - dor vo dor ha - 1' - lu yo. 3 ^ 7 r^T ■^ -O- '^—r- -f2- Prayer : Lord of all the ages, Guardian of Israel, we pray for Thy guidance and protection. New tasks and new duties await us in the years that are to 440 come. Great is the knowledge which we must still acquire. Many are the problems we must still learn to solve. Our bodies must grow in strength, and our minds develop in wisdom, and we lift up our eyes to Thee from whom comes our help. Each day a new path extends before us. We shall not stumble, for we trust in Thee. With all our hearts we rely upon Thine aid. As difficult duties arise, give us the strength and wisdom to perform them well. When obstacles confront us, grant us the courage to surmount them^ bravely, May we grow in knowledge and in patience, in confidence and in joy, to be worthy of Thine everlasting love. O, send Thou Thy light and Thy truth to lead us in all our ways. Amen. Silent Devotion All Singing: fl Moderato Alois Kaiser :K=^ -I , ^#=*t ^ ltA-2 * a r=^TV^ M-SLj the words of my mouth and the med - i - ta - tions m i=^ ^S- ^^ V ^ j»*— , — ^ i 3Sii ^^ ^^3E m at my heart be ac - cept - a - ble in Thy sight, O Lord, -. -e- V- -^ -^ '—-r^Jc^HU^ ^m £ % ^ f=f -V — t?- rv 5 3 I T A - men. r — my Strength and my Re - deem m % i ^ a f)p Address or Scripture Reading Hymn 441 Benediction : May the Lord guard our going out and our coming in, from this day forth, even forever. Amen. Ill Hymn Responsive Reading (Psalm cxxxix) : O Lord, Thou hast searched me and known me. Thou understandest my thoughts from afar, Thou measurest my walking and my resting. Thou art acquainted with all my ways, For there is not a word on my tongue Which Thou knowest not, O Lord, altogether. Whither shall I go from Thy spirit? Whither shall I flee from Thy presence? If I ascend unto heaven. Thou art there. If I descend into the deep. Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning And dwell in the farthest seas Even there would Thy hand lead me. And if I say the darkness shall enfold me , Even the darkness is not too dark for Thee. But the night shineth as the day, The darkness gleams as the light. Together: Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if I follow a path that is wicked. And lead me in the way everlasting. Reader: Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor'-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'-voroch. Congregation : Praised be the Lord, to whom all praise is due forever and ever. 44a All Singing: f Andante ^ =1^^=^ 9 • ^^ ^ 1 S. Sulzer l^ I Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lorn ed. i s ^ =«=s : i :i; ij -*• -** i i / Se ^ 1 r^ =3^ Reader : We thank thee, O Lord, for making the light to shine over the earth and all its inhabitants. Wonderful are Thy works, O Lord. In wisdom hast Thou made them all. With great love hast Thou loved us and our fathers. As Thou didst teach them the laws of life, so teach us to love and honor Thee. We delight in Thy help, and joyfully lift up our voices to proclaim: {Congregation standing) Together : Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One, Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: y Andante Maestoso Traditional 1 ^ iprnzfs: ^ ^ •' Sh'ma Yis-ro - ayl A-do-noy E - lo -hay - nu A-do-noy e-chod. Reader : Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever. Bo-ruch shaym k'-vod mal-chu-so I'-o-lom vo-ed. 443 All Singing: f Andante Maestoso Traditional ^ ±L -2^ ■^ ^ 1^ I t7 Bo - ruch shajrm k' - vod mal H . \ — =. chu -y^r S-^V-.^^i^; ^^i=Pt so 1' - 0 - lom vo ed. ^ lit V -^ t^ -r^ I »- / r Q^ FJ-^ ^ Ih W \ I j-ni spr^ ^^^ —I « « ^ -^ I ) &:^ ^^ '^1 • {(Congregation sealed) Responsive Reading: Truth eternal and unchanging is Thy word which Thou hast spoken through Thy prophets, Thou art the hving God, Thy words bring Hfe and Hght to the soul. Thou hast been the help of our fathers in time of trouble and art our refuge in all generations, O God, who art our refuge and our hope, we glorify Thy name now, as did our fathers in ancient days: AU Singing: S. Sulzer ^ j=E^j ; r\7- -gi- Mee cho -^- mo cho bo ay leem do ..m noy; S r p ^ ^ ^m ¥^ ko mo - cho ne dor ba ^# ko - desh, i »/ 3 lay. w ^ s'hil mf los ^ say fe -*2- I 444 Reader: God reigneth forever and ever. All Singing: . f K . 3 =^=r i A - do noy yim -tS-t- loch I'o — <5^—r lorn vo ed. 1 m t ^^N— N^ -<2. -S^ {Congregation standing) / Reader : Let us adore the ever-living God, who spread out the heavens and estab- lished the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is seen throughout the world. He is our God. There is none else. We bow the head and bend the knee and praise the blessed King of kings. All Singing: mf Andante S. Sulzer i ^ ^ :?5=15r 0 0 Va - a - nach-nu ko - -» <^ r'-eem u-mish - ta - cha-veem u - mo-deem ^ -=4==;= ^ mf £4<', ; ; n A- -^ s^ ■a-0-iy sh b r> f^ ^^ I lif-nay Me - lech mal-chay ham - lo-cheem ha- ko-dosh bo-ruch hu. ^ -0- J- -^ -0 :^^ / -• * — 1 — r :£= :tr— »: MS {Congregation seated) Reader : We pray that soon the day may come, when ignorance and superstition will disappear and all the inhabitants of the earth will worship Thee alone. May the time not be distant when all people will understand that they are brethren, so that as brethren they may be united forever before Thee. Then will Thy kingdom be established on earth. Prayer : Almighty Master of the world! The Universe is Thy dwelling place. In the highest heavens and the lowest depths, in fields and forests, in cities and deserts, and in the hearts of Thy children everywhere, is Thy glory found. For the opportunities of joy and goodness with which Thou dost fill our lives, we praise Thy holy name. O help us to realize that Thou art ever near us and that we are always standing before Thee. Since Thou art Truth, may we never speak false- hood. Since Thou art Love, may we never be hateful to any of Thy chil- dren. May we open our hearts unto Thee with every word and deed, and by each unspoken thought make them temples worthy of Thy habitation. Amen. Silent Devotion All Singing: mf ^mJu=j ^ A -i5>- ms^ ^ F Address or Scriptural Reading Hymn Benediction : Lord, give strength unto Thy people. Teach all Thy children to live in friendship and peace. Amen. 446 IV Hymn Responsive Reading (Psalm xxlv) : The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; The world and they that dwell therein, For He hath founded it upon the seas And established it upon the floods. Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, Who hath not taken My name in vain, And hath not sworn deceitfully. Together : He shall receive a blessing from the Lord And righteousness from the God of salvation. Such is the generation of them that seek Thee, That seek Thy presence, O God of Jacob. Or the following Psalm (xv) : Lord, who shall live in Thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell upon Thy holy mountain? He that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness. And speaketh truth in his heart; That hath no slander upon his tongue, Nor doeth evil to his fellow-man, Nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor, He that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not; He that putteth not out his money on usury, Nor taketh a bribe against the innocent, In whose eyes vileness is despised. But he honoreth them that fear the Lord. Together : He that doeth these things shall never be moved. Reader: Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor'-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'-voroch. Congregation : Praised be the Lord, to whom all praise is due forever and ever, 447 All Singing: f AndanU S. Sulzcr =^5=^ 3C=lt l-M' . d- -^ ^m Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lorn ed. t.xuii^i i¥?n-q^ ^ ^ 3 d: I ^ ^ ^"^ Reader: We praise Thee, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world. In Thy love Thou causest light to shine over the earth and its inhabitants. Each morn- ing renews Thy great command: Let there be hght. All things on earth are Thine and are created by Thy will. Without number are Thy works. In wisdom hast Thou made them all. Light and darkness, joy and sorrow come from Thee, who bringest harmony into nature and peace to the heart of man. (Congregation standing) Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: f Andante Maestoso Traditional k2J j'J--i^J^^ • d ^ • :^==i: 1 4 ^ *i / ■^ E^ Sh'ma Yis-ro -ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay - nu A-do-noy e-chod ^ -^ IrS- 3 'i»^: A a i 7^ It -d *- Ml III Hj^^tfa -5b- -*■ Reader : Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever. 448 All Singing: f Andante Maestoso sat m ^ '-i=-^ Traditional S t=Z3t. Bo - ruch shaym k' - vod mal - chu - so 1' - o - lorn vo - ed. ;1 I r^ ^ / ^ ^ :i ft- ^ I ^ ^ Yim - loch A - do - noy 1' - o - lorn E - lo - ha - yich Tsee i iljTli U: llj^lj^j j ^ ^ / ^^^'^^'if f f gT44^-y^^fjp=p=g ^=fs ^=1= 3 rj • d -w ■j^ ^ yon 1' - dor vo - dor ha - 1' - lu yo. ^m i St 'r=f fzr^ w ^ # ^ ^ 5>-r- s ^^ p (Congregation seated) 451 Prayer : Heavenly Father, perfect in justice and holiness, Thou art the source of all goodness. It is Thy will that we strive to be holy as Thou art holy. Therefore, dost Thou require of us to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly before Thee. Our highest homage of Thee is our service to Thy children. Teach us to understand that not alone in synagog and school should we revere Thy holy name. Our daily life must make clear our reverence of Thee. May our prayers here, and the lessons we learn in Thy house, inspire us to lead worthy and holy lives. With all our strength may we strive to be worthy of Thy presence. 0 be Thou with us at all times, so that every noble thought may become a prayer, every word we utter a hymn of praise, and every worthy deed an act of homage to Thee, our Guide and Father. Amen. Silent Devotion All Singing: P Moderato i Alois Kaiser :S=^ $4=4 4—^- TTT- May the words J- of my mouth and the med i - ta - tions m ^ -g^^^ f rf ^ ■V — k- p m ^ — ^ of / my heart be ac - cept - a - ble in Thy sight, O Lord, ^^ -#•- -J- -^- ^ S^ ^m m ^ pp 7h-\ J J -U deem *■ my Strength and my Re A - ^ =& f^ PP 452 Address or Scripture Reading Hymn. Benediction : Plant virtue in every soul and may the love of Thee, hallow every home and every heart. Amen. 453 SERVICES FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN I Hymn Responsive Reading (Psalm xxiii) : The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside still waters, He restoreth my soul: He guideth me in straight paths for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me; Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Reader : Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor'-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'-voroch. Congregation : Praised be the Lord, to whom all praise is due forever and ever. All Singing: f Andante S. Sulzer si=:-iu>J^ '^ I Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lom vo - ed. -r~kii i^T^^^^^^^^^ IS3 / d=^ fe ^ i iBi -m-^w ^-^ =t -: Reader : We praise Thee, Lord our God, Ruler of the world, for sending the sun- light to shine over the earth. With great love dost Thou teach us to live a good and pure life. Help us to understand and to do what Thou dost ask of us; and fill our hearts with love for Thee. 454 Or the following version of the prayer: We praise Thee, King of all the world, Thy word in gladness all obey; The stars grow dim, the sun appears, And evening changes into day. Last night the world was tired and worn And praised Thee for the restful night ; Now birds and flowers and sons of man Rise in new strength to greet Thy light. In wisdom hast Thou made them all, The sun to shine on yonder hill, The stars to march across the sky, And us in joy to do Thy will. {All standing) Hear, O Israel : The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: f Andante Maestoso Traditional ^ i ^ *czrs: ^ -z:^ Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay - nu A-do-noy e-chod. i^\i^:^u^lf ''ij3./j;uuuii gHH- J 'P u j g ^ i -J- tJ- d: :J: d ■zr nr {All seated) Prayer (Together) We love the Lord with all our heart, with all our soul and all our might. We will never forget the words of God which we are learning here. We will think of them at home and in school; we will speak of them at work, and at play. God's love for us will fill our thought, when we lie down to restful sleep, and when we are awakened again by the light of day. 4SS Reader: As the heavens declare Thy glory, so do we praise Thy name on earth. In the words of the prophet we say: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory. All Singing: f Andante S. Sulzer ^ ir=l-*-=- * »= -iri- -*2_ ^^=1- Ko - dosh ko - dosh ko - dosh A - do - noy ts' - vo :& :^ a at -^ 3t=t ^- . ^ r ■^ -^ ^ y F- i -«i— r- -g^ m'lo chol ho retz k*-vo do. ^3 ::^ Sr r ^^ % y -^- Reader: In all places of Thy dominion, Thy name is praised and glorified. All Singing : S. Sulzer / ^^ ^^ 3 3 4^-v i^ ^ • * <^ Bo - ruch k' - vod A - do noy mi - m' - ko ^ i i : i ij: i i -S^ ^ / r^r S ^i 3 Tr~^"?^^ 456 Reader : The Lord will reign forever, thy God, 0 Zion, from generation to generation. HaUelujah! All Singing: f Moderato S. Sulzer :Ji=fE: m a ^ Yim - loch A - do - noy 1' - o - lom E - lo - ha yich Tsee S S==i^ — I 1 1 1^ ^S M V / ■* -^ -^ -^fr^' -^-^ *-?*- ^ ^m e m I -1^' ^ r~?r yon 1' - dor dor ha - 1' - lu yo. ^ 3 I A — ^ d d ^r^ m J^^ 7 -^- -^ i ^^ I ^ 'r^ Prayer (Together) : Kind Father of the world, we thank Thee every day, for all Thy goodness to Thy children. For health and home, for food and loving parents, we sing our grateful praise to Thee. Teach us to be kind to all; to do no harm to any living thing. Inspire us to do our work well and to enjoy our play. As Thou dost give us happi- ness, may we bring joy to all who love us. Amen. Hjmin Benediction : Bless us and guard us, 0 Father. Let Thy light shine upon us and be gracious unto us, and grant us peace. Amen. 4S7 II Hymn Responsive Reading (Psalm cxlv) : I will honor Thee my God, O King, I will bless Thy name forever and ever. Every day will I bless Thee And I will praise Thy name forever and ever. Men shall speak of Thy mighty acts And I will tell of Thy greatness. The Lord is good to all; His tender mercies are over all His works. The Lord upholdeth all that fall And raiseth up those who are bowed down; The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all that call upon Him in truth. Reader : Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor'-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'-voroch. All Singing: f Andante P ^^ S. Sulzer =^=^ I -* m -» r-w Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lorn vo - ed. I m m ^ m W^^ f ^ J J "2? " ^ -Wn^W -:^ ~T~^ Reader : We praise Thee, O Lord our God, Ruler of the world, earth and sky, that speak of Thy great goodness. The changing seasons, the growing trees and flowers tell us of Thee. We thank Thee for this new day which brings us joy and love, work and play. Teach us how to serve Thee every day in all that we think and do. 458 {Congregation standing) Reader: Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord, our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: f Andante Maestoso Traditional ?J ^ > ^ ^ :?si:=|5: i i^ ^ ^ * # -* — ^ Sh'ma Yis-ro -ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay - nu A-do-noy e-chod. ^f :i -J-tJ- :^ zi {Congregation seated) Prayer (Together): Praised be Thou, Lord our God, God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thou art kind to all Thy children. In love. Thou upholdest the falling, healest the sick, and givest life unto all. Reader : As the heavens declare Thy glory, so do we praise Thy name on earth. In the words of the prophet we say: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory. All Singing: f Andante S. Sulzer g ^ ^ w -r^ -f^ Ko - dosh ko - dosh ko - dosh do - noy ts' - vo 3 i ^i ?# S :atzz=ii ~^ ^ J. ' i: -m- ^ / jt. e ^^ 459 ^^g 3 i ^=: J J =1^ 22: os m'lo chol ho retz k'-vo do. ^ i i i * 2 5 rzr J. ■ -£- ^ s -^^ ■• Prayer (Together) : Mighty Creator of heaven and earth, to Thee we speak our words of praise. We thank Thee for life with its joys, for parents who protect us, for friends who play and learn with us, and those who teach us the wonders of Thy world. Help us to learn that which is beautiful and good. May every passing day deepen our mind, increase our strength, and bring us nearer in love to Thee. Amen. Hymn Benediction : Give strength, 0 Lord, to all Thy children. Grant us the blessing of peace. Amen. 460 FOR SABBATH Hymn Responsive Reading: How goodly are thy tents, 0 Jacob, thy dweUings, 0 Israel! Through Thy great mercy, O God, I come to Thy house and bow down in Thy holy temple to worship Thee. O Lord, I love the place of Thy house and the abode in which Thy glory dwelleth, I bow down and adore Thee, O God, my Maker. May my prayer be offered in an acceptable time; Mayest Thou, in the greatness of Thy mercy, answer me according to Thy faithfulness. Reader : My God, the soul which Thou hast given unto me came pure from Thee. Thou hast created it within me, that I may live and do the work that is pleasing in Thy sight. Help me, O God, to keep this soul clean and true. May no act of mine stain its purity or mar its beauty. While Thy spirit lives in me, I will worship Thee, Master of the world and Creator of all souls. Praised be Thou, O Lord, in whose hands are the souls of all the living and the spirits of all flesh. (Congregation standing) Reader: Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor'-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'-voroch. Congregation : Praised be the Lord, to whom all praise is due forever and ever. All Singing: f Andante S. Sulzer h ^ I I ^ ft ^: ^h^-^H S Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lom vo - ed. a i ^ iij^j^ ^^ ^ -^ — =^ / <^n-! fl^ 4 r^^-^ r^=^ -* w (Congregation seated) 461 Reader : We praise Thee, 0 Lord, who art the Creator and Ruler of the world. The earth is full of Thy possessions. The heavens declare Thy glory. Day by day, we behold the wonders of Thy creation. Light and darkness, sun- shine and rain, joy and sorrow, come from Thee. In wisdom and love hast Thou made them all. Thou bringest harmony into nature and peace to the heart of man. Responsive Reading: With great love hast Thou loved us, 0 our God. Our fathers believed in Thee, and Thou didst teach them the laws of life, and show them the way of wisdom. May we' ever trust in Thee, and learn to know and fulfill all the teachings of Thy word. Fill our hearts with love and reverence for Thee. Help us to love all Thy creatures, even as Thou lovest us, O Father of all men. Teach us to understand that, as Thou art One, all Thy children are one, united by a holy bond of brotherhood. {Congregation standing) Reader : Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: ^ Andante Maestoso Traditional t :]= :^=?s: i ■s*- ■^ s: i Sh'ma Yis-ro - ayl A-do-noy E - lo -hay - nu A-do-noy e-chod. ^ I^ i^^Y ^hj— j r^iJ j^ *=^^ / -^ ■! 1 — :ii±3 -«- -^^ -iS>- •^-np- -^ ^ -^ ts>- \^ -:& m- ^^ d= EE 3 ^ j ij: -J-t^J- ^ ^ Reader : Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever. Bo-ruch shaym k'-vod mal-chu-so I'o-lom vo-ed. 462 All Singing: f Andante Maestoso Traditional ^ 3 ^ Bo - ruch shaym k' - vod mal chu so 1' lom vo - ed. ii^ ^5 H: I^f!* Z^ / r ii Cf f ^^ i m 1 3 M 3:3=3: g 4 ' j: J-J-^i'd: {Congregation seated) All Reading : Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart. Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the door- posts of thy house and upon thy gates: To the end that ye may remember and do all My commandments and be holy unto your God. I am the Lord your God. Reader : Who is like unto Thee among the mighty, 0 Lord? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? All Singmg: S. Sulzer ^ ^ ^^ ^3 ■^ -^ Mee cho - mo cho bo - ay - leem A - do noy; w=^- M ^ ^ p m ko mo - cho dor ba ko - desh, m ^t^ ^m ^ ^ 463 «/ =g= s'hU lay. m los say fe is: '^):. - I =^: P Reader: The Lord reigneth forever and ever All Singing: 1 ^=i-- a i ^ yim ed. do noy loch I'o lorn -<5>- • vo i -(^ % ^ -21 / Responsive Reading: We praise Thee, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thou bestowest loving-kindness upon all Thy creatures, Thou sustainest the living; Thou upholdest the falling. Thou healest the sick; Thou loosest the bound. Thou rememberest the goodness of the fathers. Thou deliverest the oppressed and the persecuted. Thou art the source of our life, and art our eternal hope. We praise Thee for the immortal life Thou hast implanted within us. {Congregation standing) Reader; From generation to generation we declare Thy greatness, and throughout all ages we proclaim Thy holiness; and in the words of the prophet we say: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory. 464 All Singing: f Andante ^ S. Sulzer Ko - dosh ko - dosh ko - dosh A - do - noy ts' - vo -I ^ ^ -^r f -0- '&- % ^ ^^ ^9^—m- ^^ r"~r^ i 1 -&- m'lo chol ho retz k'-vo do. i i =^ I P ^ r ^ J. f T r I r r I ; j I Reader : In all places of Thy dominion, Thy name is praised and glorified. All Singing: . f S. Sulzer Bo - ruch k' - vod A - do noy mi - m' - ko iUU.iii ^ I d. d mr~^^ itf /* -^- * m d ^ d - ¥■ ^ I •7S*- ^^^^ :"^^ — ^ Reader : The Lord will reign forever, thy God, O Zion, from generation to genera- tion. Hallelujah! 465 All Singing: f Moderate S. Sulzer ^ S :t5=1t -s^- ^ ^3^ Yim - loch A - do - noy 1' - o - lorn E - lo - ha - yich Tsee - ^ iijlii I J: iidj t R==« -:J: / I LJ' II Ui, "l I U ^^ ^ IE ^^ -2± ■^ 12^ yon 1' - dor dor ha - 1' - lu yo. ^ j^ r=f gzz: f^r^ f J: 4 r I Wi: g ^ ^ {Congregation seated) All Reading: Our God and God of our fathers, grant that our rest on this Sabbath be acceptable to Thee. May we, sanctified through Thy commandments, be- come sharers in the blessings of Thy word. Teach us to be satisfied with the gifts of Thy goodness and gratefully to rejoice in all Thy mercies. Purify our hearts that we may serve Thee in truth. O help us to preserve the Sabbath as Israel's heritage from generation to generation, that it may ever bring rest and joy, peace and comfort to the dwellings of our brethren, and through it, Thy name be hallowed in all the earth. Praised be Thou, O Lord, who sanctifiest the Sabbath. Reader : Look with favor, O Lord, upon Israel, Thy people, and in Thy love at all times accept our worship. Praised be Thou, O God, whom alone we serve in reverence. 466 All Reading : We gratefully acknowledge, O Lord our God, that Thou art our Creator and Preserver, the Rock of our life and the Shield of our help. We render thanks unto Thee for our lives which are in Thy hand, for our souls which are ever in Thy keeping, for Thy wondrous providence and for Thy con- tinuous goodness, which Thou bestowest upon us day by day. Truly, Thy mercies never fail and Thy loving-kindness never ceases. Therefore in Thee do we forever put our trust. Reader: Grant us peace. Thy most precious gift, 0 Thou eternal source of peace, and enable Israel to be a messenger of peace unto the peoples of the earth. Bless our country that it may ever be a stronghold of peace, and the advo- cate of peace in the council of nations. May contentment reign within its borders, health and happiness within its homes. Strengthen the inhabitants of our land. Plant virtue in every soul, and may the love of Thy name hallow every home and every heart. Praised be Thou, 0 Lord, Giver of peace. Silent Devotion : O God, keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile. Be my support when grief silences my voice, and my comfort when woe bends my spirit. Plant humihty in my soul, and strengthen my heart with per- fect faith in Thee. Help me to be strong in trial and temptation and to be meek when others wrong me, that I may readily forgive them. Guide me by the light of Thy counsel, and let me ever find rest in Thee, who art my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen. All Singing: ^ Moderaio A K \ — Alois Kaiser =S==Ps: ^ rt~*r l"^^:^^ 4=*: -^ b< f ^ May the words ^^ of & my mouth and the med i - ta - tions i^-f r I 1? — V f=-m^ \k> i n J M 3 i s of my heart be ac - cept a - ble *- J. I in Thy sight, O Lord, ^ ^ * m ^ 467 ^ m ^ my Strength and my Re deem t: ^ PP U-^-fl men. 1= i=^- _pp I READING OF SCRIPTURE Responsive Reading: Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord and who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not taken My name in vain, and hath not sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of them that seek Thee; that seek Thy presence, 0 God of Jacob. All Singing: G. Froelich Maestoso ^=^ :i^3t --^ S'u sh'o - reem 1 shay I chem A See ^ ^ m ^m -terJ J :^ u pis-chay o - lom, J. J' •&X » \>» £ v' yo - vo me - lech hak - ko - vod, hak - H*-H ±i2: ^E=ia ^ 468 SOLI -Jl ^^ ig : ko vod. Mee hu zeh me - lech, hak - ko vod; fcfczi ^ s / ALL ^ I I , , , V , ^L_A 30=* ii :fc=^ 3tz:i 1^ ^ — ^ =*=it^ — I I A - do - noy . . . ts'vo - os, . . . hu me - lech ha - ko - vod, se - lo. *=3e: ^-r^ -*^^ e^ 3c^=* jz-u tf ir i p=t^=t {Congregation standing) (The Scroll is taken from the Ark) Reader : Happy are they whc are upright in the way; who walk in the law of the Lord. Together : Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: f Allegro maestoso Alois Kaiser ■rh . ! I J ^ T »g^ ^i-4-^-4 »/, ^£^ ^^-^ res v'han - ne - tsach v'ha - hod. Kee-chol bash-sho - ma - ymi :S b ^ -^-v^ ^ f 469 u - vo - 0 - rets. L' - cho A - do A - do - noy ham m / ^ ^ fe=g= :^: lo cho J A ^ V'-ham - mis - nas - say. Cf )ii? r * #■ I * r r f -II bS I ^ L ^^ i 1' - chol 1' - rosh. J2. fc=± ^ {Congregation seated) READING FROM THE TORAH All Reading : Thou who art the source of all good gifts, bless this congregation and be with all its members, their famihes and their households; prosper them in their various callings and occupations, help them in their needs, and guide them in their difficulties. Hear Thou the prayers of all who worship here this morning, comfort the sorrowing and cheer the silent sufferers. Bless those who guide and who serve this congregation, and those who contribute to its support. Reward with the joy of goodness the charitable and the merciful who aid the poor, care for the sick, teach the ignorant, and extend a helping hand to those who have lost their way in the world. Fervently we invoke Thy blessing upon our country and our nation. Guard them, O God, from calamity and injury; suffer not their adversaries to triumph over them, and let the glories of a just, righteous and God- fearing people increase from age to age. Enlighten with Thy wisdom and sustain with Thy power those whom the people have set in authority :_ the President, his counselors, and advisors, the judges, law-givers and executives, and all those who are intrusted with our safety and with the guardianship of our rights and our liberties. May peace and good-will obtain among all the inhabitants of our land; may religion spread its blessings among us and exalt our nation in righteousness. Amen. RETURNING THE SCROLL TO THE ARK {Congregation standing) Reader : O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together. 470 All Singing; f Andante sosUnuto w ^m i / S. Sulzer Ho - do al e - rets v' - sho - mo - yim Va - yo ^S ^ rem s ;diz^#f-F— fES fcirtC ^ / ^ r $=q: -^— >i-»- J^ "/ £3 ^^fcd--l--j^gr^^ ^-^r1 -i@- I ke r r .^ ren Pam -t5- mo. T - hil - loh 1' - chol. . . cha m % i J- j- j^=fc :??: r "•/' ^^ «E *i:« T^rrr -0. -^ _^. I see - T sei dov, Li - v' - nay Yis - ro - ayl am ^ —at «- -* -5- k' - ro - JL s==t "3" vo. ^^ ^ / fc^ Ha 1' - lu - yo, ha 1' - lu :i P ?* :&= yo. I Reader : It is a tree of life to them that lay hold of it, and the supporters thereof are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. 471 All Singing: / Allegro S. Sulzer :}!s=S: -W'-m '^tt — 3C^ m Aytz cha-yeem hee la - ma-cha-zee-keem bo v' - som - che - ho v' ^f^Jp^'i^H^E^^^m fet u\ ^ f -7^ :^r i fRyi ■t? ~-W=^ ^ 1^ i l£ ^ t -m — "S^ ^^S =^-J=^ som' -che - ho m' - u - shor, d'ro - che - ho dar-chay no - am fcfcUU ^^ te-ts 3^ ■« — «^ :ir*-» ^ J^ ^ ^ I # # ,* ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ £ e *r=fc 1/ I i^ 3C^=^ gij: 6 r- f^^^ dar - chay no - am v'-chol n'-see - vo - se - ho sho - lom. /T,riTi17ij \l ^p^ ^: I r -^ g ^ i I w^ * V^ • ^=jg: ^ ^tl^=!= N' >> N- ^ i r {Congregation seated) Hymn Sermon Hymn 472 Adoration {Congregation standing) All Reading: Let us adore the ever-living God, and render praise unto Him, who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above, and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. He is our God; there is none else. We bow the head and bend the knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, praised be He. All Singing : mf Andante S. Sulzer S ^"TTt::^ ^=p: M -i^—sf- " e^ d — ^ L±^ J Va - a - nach-nu ko - r'-eem u-mish - ta - cha-veem u - mo-deem I ■=T \<' ^ ^ ^ ^ :r=:t * tt eJ f I b h ft ^ i m -^ m 3=ZJt a m lif - nay Me - lech msd-chay ham - lo-cheem ha - ko-dosh bo-ruch hu. i j^ j^ 1-| ^H-ir4 ffc g>L r r S; -I =(— r- :tK=^: i r {Congregation seated) Reader : May the time not be distant, O God, when Thy name shall be worshiped in all the earth, when unbelief shall disappear and error be no more. We fervently pray that the day may come when all men shall invoke Thy name, when corruption and evil shall give way to purity and goodness, when 473 superstition shall no longer enslave the mind, nor idolatry blind the eye, when all inhabitants of the earth shall know that to Thee alone every knee must bend, and every tongue give homage. 0 may all, created in Thine image, recognize that they are brethren, so that, one in spirit and one in fellowship, they may be forever united before Thee. Then shall Thy king- dom be established on earth and the word of Thine ancient seer be fulfilled: The Lord will reign forever and ever. All Reading: On that day the Lord shall be One and His name shall be One. Hymn Benediction 474 FOR PASSOVER Reader : God of Israel, Father of mankind, on this festival of the Passover our thoughts turn back to the days of Egypt, when Israel dwelt in bondage. The lash of the taskmaster was upon his shoulders, and the cruelty of the Pharaohs made his life bitter. But Thou didst raise up a deliverer, even Moses, who came out of his refuge in the desert, bearing Thy message: "Let my people go, that they may serve Me!" Right triumphed over might, and justice over oppression. With a strong hand and an outstretched arm didst Thou lead Thy people forth, and bear them as on eagle's wings. The rod of the oppressor Thou didst break, and the bars of iron Thou didst burst asunder. 0 Father, how great are Thy justice and mercy, unto the thousandth generation of those who love Thee and keep Thy command- ments. We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for this season of the Passover, which recalls to our minds the great deliverance Thou didst work for Israel. Slaves were our forefathers in Egypt. Cause the memory of that slavery to abide within our souls, so that we may never oppress other men, nor act with haughty pride toward the weak and defenseless. Each year may we learn to dedicate ourselves anew to the cause of human freedom. May the memory of the Passover never depart from among the people of Israel. May it ever bring us courage and faith! Amen. Reader: Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor'-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'-voroch. Congregation : Praised be the Lord, to whom all praise is due forever and ever. All Singing: S. Sulzer y Andante s :t5==J?: 1 i S d Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lorn vo - ed. m. 1 ^m h ^ \ ->~j: j:^ -^^ / ' * d' 9 A. — id ^ i ^ 47S Responsive Reading: Thou, O Lord, hast been the help of our fathers from everlasting. A Shield and a Savior hast Thou been unto them and their children throughout all generations. Thou art the first and the last, and besides Thee we have no ruler, re- deemer, nor savior. Thou didst redeem us, 0 Lord our God, from Egypt and didst deliver us from the house of bondage. Thou castest down the proud and exaltest the humble. Thou deliverest the prisoners, redeemest the meek and aidest the poor. Thou answerest Thy people Israel when they cry unto Thee in their distress. Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the mighty? Who is like Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? The Lord will reign forever and ever. (Congregation standing) Together : Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: f Andante Maestoso S. Sulzer ^ W ^ :?s=ft gE I^ ^ * I'ma Yis -ro - ayl A - do - noy E - lo -hay - nu A - do -noy Sh'ma e - chod. ^ S i / :i^ -I \- ^fe ^ ^ ^^ ? ■^ ^ ~^V^ 1^ -i^ Reader : Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever. Bo-ruch shaym k'-vod mal-chu-so I'-o-lom vo-ed. 476 All Singing: f Andante Maestoso S. Sulzer ^ :& ^ 1 1^— ^ * ^ i- Bo - ruch shaym k' - vod mal - chu - so 1' - o - lorn vo - ed. ^ ^ 4 gj «i ATW\ ^^ ^ i lQp--p- ij V -itri- / -H-^ ^ : a ,^ ^s B ^ ipt^ l^ '^^ -^— i^ cho ne - e - dor ba - ko - desh, r^f =1=^ i :f5: ^^r cj'irr^t^ E^ no - ro s'hil - los - - say fe :^=:^ Se^ee^ 3^ lay? ^ I *c g / ./: ^ ^-l--^^ 479 Reader: Mal-chus'cho ro-u vo-ne-cho: ze Ayli o-nu v'om'ru: When Thy children beheld Thy sovereign power, they exclaimed: This is my God; and they said: The Lord shall reign forever and ever. AH Singing: / Ado =1= -«- H^i n*-^ ?= noy yim - loch I'o 3= lorn -\- -r^-4 55^ :^=»: F=^ - ed. ^*=^ m f -s- 4 * i :^ r— r Reader : Praised be Thou, O Lord our God, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Thou art our Helper and Protector. As the heavens declare Thy glory, so do we praise Thy name on earth. In the words of the prophet we say: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory. All Singing: f Andante m f ^ ir)- Ko - dosh :^ ko - dosh ko - dosh iS: do - noy S. Sulzer ts' ^ vo ^ ^ 480 ^- os m'lo chol ho retz k'-vo - do. i ^ i ^ T^ ^ m ^ ^^ j^ 5E=: F-r^ i READING THE SCRIPTURE Reader: Thou hadst delivered Thy people Israel out of Egypt, O Lord. Thou didst lead them through the wilderness by the hand of Thy servant Moses. Many were their hardships, and many were their murmurings. At last, at Sinai, while the lightnings played about the summit of the mount. Thou didst reveal Thyself to them and give them Thy Law, The slavery of the people was not ended when they departed from Egypt. Not until Thy Law of justice and mercy had been implanted in their hearts did they truly become free men. We thank Thee, 0 Father, that through the ages Thou hast revealed Thyself to man, and that in every age Thou awakenest within him wisdom and understanding, and the knowledge of Thee. We thank Thee for Thy never-ending revelation of truth and goodness to our fathers and to all the races and generations of men. All Singing : Maestoso {Congregation standing) G. Froellch S m ■ m rJ m ^ S ^m ^ -^Sh- u pis-chay o J- J - - lom, v' yo - vo me - lech hak - ko - vod, hak Is r % ^^tr-y--^ =tF=^ ■^-v-^v ^ SOLI ^r^-* S ^ 1^ ' « « ^ .# ^ g^ » ^ 1^ r vod. Mee hu zeh me - lech, hak - ko vod; ^^ P n/. /ALL 1?-^ > ^ ^ m fL_A -^^1—14 itz^-zl ^'^ ^=f= ^ k- te A - do - noy . . . ts'vo - os, . . • hu me - lech ha - ko - vod, se - lo. ^ • ^ ^ iptZZE ± r ># :^ ::tz=^ ^ f^ (The Scroll is taken from the Ark) Reader : Happy are they who are upright in the way; who walk in the Law of the Lord. Together: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing : f Allegro maestoso izzzbz m ^ T^=t: ES^PPE i sl- :i^:3 ^-^rr* ^ r L' - cho A - do - noy hag'-dul - lo v'hag-'vu - ro, . . . v' - hat - tif - ^ e P^E I 482 ltd=J ^ ^^=t ^ "/, ^^ e - res v'han - ne - tsach v'ha - hod. Kee-chol bash-sho - ma - yim m ^=- 12=4: f- fe=zi: =^ S 1 :^ -^ vo rets .-/? L' - cho A - do - noy :£ ham - ^ r ^ i / S: %iq L./^-: — tl ■liS'-?- ■S ^ mam - lo - cho i 1?— h-t ■^ ^S=fra? V'-ham - mis - nas - say. . . 1' - chol 1' - rosh. ..jqr^ — s S F=F=tr=«f -©' (S"- ^ {Congregation seated) Scriptural Reading (Exodus xii, 37-42; xiii, 3-10) RETURNING THE SCROLL TO THE ARK {Congregation standing) Reader : O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. (The Scroll is replaced in the Ark) Reader : It is a tree of life to them that lay hold of it, and the supporters thereof are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. 483 All Singing: / Allegro S. Sulzer i a J-. « 0-T-^- ^m :a^=3t :|!5=S= $s^f-Ci^ Aytz cha-yeem hee la - ma-cha-zee-keem bo v' - som - che - ho v' (^ ^^^^^m a^s ^ / ^ A i-g,^iJ-/T^ J % :m=fCL Pi ^ ^ ^^ ^ ' ^ ^ * ^•^ ^ I > hn^ som' -che - ho m' - u - shor, - d'ro - che - ho dar-chay no - am m W * II* i f-n,*-^ w f=» iE I i?S ^ .m ■ 0 ^ \0 fir- ^ & zrr § E^ i^ ^ dar - chay no - am v'-chol n'-see - vo - se - ho sho - lom. i -^^^-^^-^^ ^ I ^s ^- i ^ ^ IF- «> >g: 3t=i: I ^ -^- I* k P r ^■9-;^ {Congregation seated) 484 Four Children ascend the platform and read the following: First Child: Heavenly Father, in Thy wisdom which is past our searching out, Thou didst send our fathers into the bondage of Egypt. Thou didst try their souls with hard labor and cruel servitude. In our observance of this festival of the Passover, we use the Maror, the bitter herb. It stands for the bit- terness Israel endured in Egypt. We have also the Charoseth, the mortar our ancestors used for the bricks with which in toil and pain, they reared the great structures Pharaoh forced them to build. Second Child: But Thou, 0 Father, didst hearken to the cry of Thy people. Thou didst send them Moses, the deliverer. With the courage of a prophet, he faced Pharaoh, who sat upon his throne in royal power and glory, and gave to the monarch the command of the Lord: "Let My people go, that they may serve Me!" At last the gates were opened and the slaves went forth. On the eve of their freedom, they sacrificed a lamb to Thee, the paschal lamb, in token of which we still place a lamb bone upon our Seder table. Third Child: Thus Israel went forth out of Egypt. But the way of the wilderness was long. In haste did they go forth. Still during this week do we partake of the Matzoh, the bread of affliction, the unleavened bread which our fathers baked in the sun as they marched from Egypt to the Red Sea. The un- leavened bread reminds us of the long years of their wandering and suffer- ing, and all the trials and tribulations they had to endure before they reached the Promised Land, and before freedom and security fell to their lot. Fourth Child: For all this, 0 God of Israel, we give thanks unto Thee. Thy justice is from everlasting to everlasting and fails not. Tyrants must bow before Thee, and injustice and oppression flee away. Thou rulest the world in Thy wisdom and givest unto all men their due. From of old didst Thou summon Israel, even from the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Thou didst redeem us from the yoke of Egypt, and bring us near unto Thee, to serve Thee and to carry the knowledge of Thee to all the sons and daughters of men. Therefore, O Lord, do we praise Thee and glorify Thy name! All rise and join in singing the traditional Pesach Hymn, No. 125 or 130. Sermon Hymn 48s (Congregation standing) Together: Let us adore the ever-living God, and render praise unto Him who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. He is our God; there is none else. We bow the head and bend the knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, praised be He. All Singing: mf Andante Sub a ^^ :^*cz^ 3 1^-^ Va - a - nach-nu ko - r'-eem u-mish - ta - cha-veem u - mo-deem z;rpIS^Ww^ -gr ^ ^ ^^ ?^ ^ / b i« h * '^ I lii-nay Me -lech mal-chay ham - lo-cheem ha- ko-dosh bo-nich hu. ^^.^^t^^^-f^ i Wi^^ I I ^: / -It ig:. W^ e— tl--CiJ£: ^^ ^=fi {Congregation seated) Reader : Not only our fathers didst Thou deliver from Egypt, but all of the sons of Israel unto this day as it is said: "And thou shalt tell thy son in that day, saying: it is because of that which the Lord did for me when I came forth out of Egypt." Our fathers cried unto Thee in their trouble, and Thou didst deliver them out of their distress. Thou didst rescue those that sat in darkness and the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and in fetters of iron. Thou didst save them and burst their bonds asunder. 486 Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name we give glory, for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth's sake. For Thou hast dehvered our soul from death, our eyes from tears, and our feet from stumbling. May we, whose fathers went forth from slavery to freedom, never forget this day. May its message live in our hearts, that we may carry it to all the children of men. May it herald the dawn of the day of universal liberty, when slavery and oppression shall be no more, when all men shall have gone through their wilderness and found their Sinai of truth and faith. Bestow upon us, O Lord our God, the blessing of this festival, the blessing of life, joy and peace. Sanctify us with Thy commandments, and ordain that our portion be in Thy Law. Sanctify us with Thy goodness. Let our souls rejoice in Thy salvation. And purify our hearts to serve Thee in truth. Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, the deliverer of Israel, who sendest freedom and truth unto all men. Amen. Hymn Benediction 487 1 FOR PENTECOST Together: We come into Thy presence, O God and Father, on this Thy holy festival. In the days of yore Israel brought to the sanctuary the first fruits of the fields. The rains had fallen and made the land fertile. The sun had smiled upon the soil and sent the warmth of life to seed and to root. Thy blessing had rested upon the labor of the people. In token of their gratitude they gathered the fruits that gleamed russet or golden upon the trees of the orchard, and the first jewels the soil had sent forth, to gladden their hearts and to give assurance of a year of plenty and prosperity. Yet another gathering of the first fruits did the festival of Sh'vuos come to signify — the first fruits of the Law, the covenant Israel concluded with Thee. Then was it written that Thou wouldst be his God, and he would be Thy people, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Throughout his history, Israel looked back with reverence to the time when the words of justice, righteousness and mercy first rang in his soul, and when he first set forth upon the pathway of Thy Law. Grant, O God of truth and justice, that this day may still wake its echo in our hearts. As we grow in years, may we grow in knowledge of Thee and of Thy Law. May we learn to read the book of the past and to find in it, the inspiration of wisdom and the beauty of holiness. Amen. Reader: Praise ye the Lord, to whom all praise is due. Bor-chu es A-do-noy ha-m'voroch. Congregation : Praised be the Lord to whom all praise is due forever and ever. All Singing: S. Sulzcr f Andanie fe :|5=5 ^ 1 I r-^ -5^ Bo - ruch A - do - noy ha - m' vo - roch I'o - lorn vo - ed. m '- Zr ^ X -1. ^^ ■^^- --g: • ^ -^ ^ ^M Responsive Reading : (Adapted from the Azharoth of Gabirol) : Reader: Guard thy speech, O my heart, learn humihty, fear God, and understand the justice of His words. Children : For it is He who pardons guilt, increases strength, and makes wise the simple. I shall declare Thine ordinances, which are sweet to the taste, and shall show the way to those who travel the path of life. Serve the Lord, and love Him with thy whole heart; cleave unto Him, and walk in His ways. Carry His rods in thy heart Hke a healing balm, both in thy heart and on thy lips; write them on the doorposts of thy house and on thy gates. Give honor and reverence to those who study the Law, which is the delight of the soul. Learn the Law thyself and teach it to others; honor thy parents and be merciful to the poor. On thy festivals cause the fatherless, the widow and the stranger to rejoice with thee. The commandments of the Lord give life to those that observe them; and he that teacheth others shall shine with the brightness of the sun. Those that obey them shall win a great reward, and the upright shall be crowned with the light of goodness. {Congregation standing) Congregation : Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: Traditional y Andante Maestoso ^ :^5=pE ^ ^ T" i Sh'ma Yis -ro - ayl A - do - noy E - lo -hay - nu A - do -noy e-chod. ^ 4 ^ ^ J It ^ S i ^^-^ :gd23 -■^ 1 h i I ^ 5 s=ai \^'^ ^'T- ? ^ — ^ 489 Reader : Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever. Bo-ruch shaym k'-vod mal-chu-so I'-o-lom vo-ed. All Singing : \ f Andante Maestoso Traditional ^ I^ ^^ :^ i Bo - ruch shaym k' - vod mal - chu - so 1' - o - lom vo ed. ^ ^^ -s^ % :^: ~?^ ^ S£ ^^ tSl i^ / i=i err -^ t>-*- ^ i ^ -A J M ^ ^ ^*| q=a: ^^ ^^ :^ -*- t>J- i^ :J: {Congregation seated) Responsive Reading (Psalm i) : Happy is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the wicked. Nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, And whose leaf doth not wither; and in whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper. Not so the wicked ; but they are like chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the wicked shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord regardeth the way of the righteous; but the way of the wicked shall perish. Together : Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thy heart. Thou shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house, when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy gates. To the end that ye may remember and do all My commandments and be holy unto your God. I am the Lord, your God. And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying: Speak unto all the congregation 490 of the children of Israel, and say unto them: Ye shall be holy; for I, the Lord your God, am holy. It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord doth require of thee: only to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself; I am the Lord. Reader : Who is like unto Thee, O God, among the mighty? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? All Singing : Arr. by Louis Lewandowski f Moderato -~^ ~-. "" /~~ Mee cho mo - cho bo - ay leem A - do noy, E3 m^k^^^ :#-5ir 4 ^?^-^=^^ f S P J-- U. Trr "z?— -^- ^=: ^ " P- ^- -^—m- ^— ko mo - cho ne - e - dor ba - ko - desh, :^ r '^ T Wi '^^ g g=53 h22- =r ? p mf f- 1 =^=^ i "^^^^^ no - ro s'hU los say fe lay? ^- S s -1^^ .n 3^ 3 :^ i i T ^- »/ / W £ ^ 491 Reader : Mal-chus'cho ro-'u vo-ne-cho: ze Aylee o-nu v'-om'ru: When Thy children beheld Thy sovereign power, they exclaimed: This is my God: and they said: Together : The Lord shall reign forever and ever. All Singing: / 33 i Alois Kaiser H^ -Jt—^ =£.-t: ^ Ado - noy yim - loch I'o lom vo - - ed. ^ -^=^ igzi^ ^-^^^ i ^ / ^ A P^^M*-^^> -i w :^ 9 ^' T READING OF SCRIPTURE Reader: And it shall come to pass in the end of days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established as the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many peoples shall go and say: Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel. I will put My law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people; and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying: Know the Lord; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord. {Congregation standing) 492 All Singing: Maestoso G. Froelich i TV A ] —^ ^ » g ^^ S'u sh'o - reem A. ro - ^: shay - - - J J chem -^ «- |rH->- -♦ ^ V »^ ^ i :s=f5: J J *^- ^ -« — i^ — ^-. — ^- ^: * ^- ^ -* — « « — "— <^ P u pis-chay o - lorn, v' yo - vo me - lech hak - ko - vod, hak _*__! — d — « ^ , r? — k £ > — ty- ^ ^ -fe'' — ^ SOLI i i ^ p ■«&-= — s- g hfl . 1-S -9-9- T T 3EZZg: ko vod. Mee hu zeh me - lech, hak - ko vod; ^ * ^ ^ i , / ALL I , i? N ^ I <^_J, rii. !*l_l. ^ ^-^ ^ J ^.-^ ^ -y^z: A - do - noy . . . ts'vo - os; . . . hu me - lech ha - ko - vod, se - Jo. b =: =- iiT;-' ,- 1 ■m.^M I (The Scroll is taken from the Ark) Reader : Happy are they who are upright in the way; who walk in the Law of the Lord. Together : Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. 493 All Singing: f Andante Maestoso ?f=P* i Traditional ^ JS=?^ i ^=:it Sh'ma Yis-ro - ayl A - do - noy E - lo -hay - nu A - do -noy e-^hod / ^ iM?^ ^^ w^ ¥~Y" 5 3 "Cyr^ =?=;=« ^^ i=5fc -J- -J- l>J- -J- ^ Si ^ ':i i-iJ-'idTT -2:* — I* ^-z;* — iT y Allegro maestoso Alois Kaiser -dJ fe^ i t ^ a: r-U -i-i-Ls f ^ Tl ^ H^ — ^ :^ L' - cho A - do - noy hag'-dul - lo v'hag-'vu - ro, . . . v' - hat - tif V ,1- 1^ i i i=(t >;i ^ i g: e F= ^ ^-^j ^H J "/, ^ ^ :3=l f e d m res v'han - ne - tsach v'ha - hod. Kee-chol bash-sho - ma - yim t i ^ -^ r jH— si- ^ -»l — : vo -(S>- -(22- 0 - rets. L' - cho A - do - noy -<9- hm -^ -^ -•s'- • -G- l-A fe^ i ham i ac ^ 494 ^^ / i ^ •■• — ^.'S'-r- mam - lo - cho J. A -A- at g ^y-h^ ^ :^ :$ V'-ham - mis - nas - say. . . P - chol 1' - rosh. £ fe^ f="f ^ie (Congregation seated) Scriptural Reading (Exodus 19:1-8) : RETURNING THE SCROLL (Congregation standing) Reader : 0 magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. The Scroll is replaced in the Ark Reader: It is a tree of life to them that lay hold of it, and the supporters thereof are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. All Singing: S. Sulzer f Allegro i 1S=^ -\ 1 F- a=*>. 0 p-^' K ^i-.-Kuzm W ^—<^-^-ii S ^ '■ d tf Aytz cha-yeem hee <-ir la - ma-cha-zee-keem bo v' - som - che - ho v'- /fe jTI t h^ Jji^y'iiij^^ ^^m p # -# / A iM &^ a ^E^=E ^=SSE ¥. J. tt-"-^ w J — pi — I =r' 1^ — w^ \ ** — ** — Tj" ^ * I J *^ l^ ^t "ca^ -^IrS- ^fefe -^ — It -zi w 3" 9 li -^t^J- d: ^ t Soo Reader : Praised be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever, Bo-ruch shaym k'-vod mal-chu-so I'-o-lom vo-ed. All Singing: f Andante Maestoso Traditional 6& ^+^-^=^ :^ Bo - ruch shaym k' - vod mal - chu - so 1' - o - lom vo ^ ^ ^S T^T B^^^'^^ ed. ist I / ij: -*^ ^ ^^ d: »);n gi i ^ -^ {Congregation seated) Responsive Reading (selected from I Chronicles xvi) : Reader: O give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name; make known His doings among the peoples. Congregation : Sing unto Him, sing praises unto Him; speak ye of all His marvelous works. Glory ye in His holy name; let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. Seek ye the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually. Sing unto the Lord, all the earth; proclaim His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples. Honor and majesty are before Him; strength and gladness are in His place. Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; and let them say among the nations: "The Lord reigneth." Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; let the fields exult, and all that is therein. Then shall the trees of thte wood sing for joy, before the Lord, for He is come to judge the earth. O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. 501 All Singing: i w ^ s H: ^ 3 5t ^ ^ Traditional I^ST 33 lorn chas - do. k I Ho - du la - do - noy kee - tov kee 1' ^ i: 5==*: ^ ^ ^^ S|^ S!=U: ?^ Reader : Though our mouths were filled with song as is the sea, and hymns were upon our tongues as is the number of its waves, we could not sing praises enough unto Thee, O God. Though our eyes were bright as the sun and moon, our hands outspread like the eagle's wings, and our feet swift as the deer's, we would stUl be unable to thank Thee enough, O Lord our God, for all the bounties Thou hast showered upon us and upon our fathers. Thou, 0 Lord our God, didst redeem us from Egypt, and didst release us from the house of bondage. Thy tender mercy has supported us, and Thy kind- ness has not forsaken us. Therefore every mouth shall adore Thee; every tongue shall praise Thee; and every knee shall bend before Thee. Blessed art Thou, O Lord and King, great and adored in praises, the God of thanks- giving, the Lord of wonders. Amen. Together : Who is like unto Thee, O God, among the mighty? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness, extolled in praises, working wonders? All Singing: f Moderato Arr. by Louis Lewandowski i ^^tqe i e Mee cho mo - cho bo - ay leem A - do noy, i^-^ n^U-^:,^^ f r ^^ -rrf" 502 '^m 3 mee ko mo cho ne - e - dor ba - ko • desh, *-u^-h ^^ i *\i f -&- ^ ■•■o "V^- ^ n f p i ^ mf /- I* X airr ri^ 1^ no - ro s'hil - los 0 - say .... fe lay? i f -^^^/Vj-^j ' SI "¥ w mf ^ -<©- H^-^ti g Reader: Mal-chu-s'cho ro-u vo-ne-cho : ze Ayli o-nu v'-om'ru : When Thy children beheld Thy sovereign power, they exclaimed: is my God; and they said: Together : The Lord shall reign forever and ever. / This -^—^ mm- ^-^-^ Z^=Xi Ado - noy yim - loch -^ ^=* m I'o lorn vo - - ed. f ±fn =^=^ -g- ^^^^m m 503 READING OF SCRIPTURE Reader: As Thou dost reveal Thyself in the power and beauty of the outer world, so dost Thou reveal Thyself in the world within. In the spirits of men Thou sowest Thy seeds of vision and of truth. Through generations and through centuries they sprout and grow, thrusting their way at last into the light, and bearing divine blossoms of wisdom and justice. So do we honor the Torah, the noblest flower upon the stem of Israel's past. We thank Thee for its words of inspiration and insight, for its laws of righteous- ness and goodness. {Congregation standing) All Singing: Maestoso G. Froelich ^3 -l-^ J 4^-g^ --^ m S'u sh'o - reem ro 1r-4- * shay - - - J J £ £ Jr± Ir^r^i — 4 & ^ ii=i d S . M \^J u pis-chay o - lorn, v' yo - vo me - lech hak - ko - vod, hak JLJ 0 m m (2 m m r^ ft ff m ' p r^R— ^» *- 4 '&yry-^ P E *=i? 1^ i=^ ^ f^ -^ k SOLI t t S ^ j» • at 3^ f=*=^ ^ ko vod. Mee hu zeh me - lech, hak - ko vod; :^ ^ m =? /ALL MjjJj'J-jl^lJ -^:^J Jlj i m A - do - noy . . . ts'vo - os, . . . hu me - lech ha - ko - vod, se - Jo &*^ M ^m r^ ^- fc s ^ r 504 (The Scroll is taken from the Ark) Reader : Happy are they who are upright in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Together : Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Sh'ma Yis-ro-ayl A-do-noy E-lo-hay-nu, A-do-noy e-chod. All Singing: M f Andante Maestoso Traditional rjj I'/LJ ^_^|J jJlJ J j' S'\^-\-t- Sh'ma Yis-ro - ayl A-do-noy E - lo -hay - nu A-do-noy e-chod. i WT^r'm i^""^ ^^ ^^ -»(— ^^-t^ "^^^W^ ■^ eJ. u^ iS: /■ Wr-^ -*■ * — ^ — F ' ^ I a- fy 1*- ::^ V -"S^b-5- w)?5i J J flu JIm'^ S ?5* IT -s^ W ^^ :^ :i-i^';j: a'^- f Allegro maestoso Alois Kaiser M~^-^^ 1=3^: ^ ^ i^ ^ : 'J f *=^t^ ^^ r L' - cho A-do-noy hag'-dul-lo v'hag-'vu - ro, , . . v' -hat - tif - r I L C j£ &i it 3z: £ fe± ■^ ri a^ :+- -"/, 3^ ^ T^ res v'han - ne - tsach v'ha - hod. Kee-chol bash-sho - ma - yim ^^ J^l ? ^=: T SOS s i r i i ^ ^ r o - rets. L' - cho A - do - noy -( W — I ' — l-F 1 1 F— ZI^S^ u ham - J. / ^ m. f :g=:d: (H -^ mam - lo - cho .J. A ^ V'-ham - mis - nas - say. I'-chol 1' - rosh. ^ ^ :^ {Congregation seated) Scriptural Reading (from Leviticus xxiii, 33-44) RETURNING THE SCROLL {Congregation standing) Reader : 0 magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. (The Scroll is replaced in the Ark) Reader: It is a tree of life to them that lay hold of it, and the supporters thereof are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace. All Singing: S. Sulzer f Allegro S neznit litis: ^^^ Aytz cha-yeem hee la - ma-cha-zee-keem bo v' - som - che - ho v'- i^^^pr^:. li 4j^tM^ ^4 ^- » f._ ^— rj- ¥i n^ 506 m w ^ * ^ ^^ som'-che - ho m' - u - shor, d'ro - che - ho dar-chay no - am ^ •n: ^ E ^ *=» ^if-^ ^^ J^ 1^ 1^ ^ 0 \^ ^ & 'W—^ i r ^ 5^ EE^ ^ I dar - chay no - am v'-chol n'-see - vo ho sho lom. I :^ ^^H I^ r 1^ ^ ^#=4^ ■^.^j^ ^£^ i ^tzit i E ifcac ^ £ r {Congregation seated) Four children ascend the platform, each carrying one of the emblems of Succos. First Child, carrying Lulav: This is the Lulav, a branch of the stately palm. It still sleeps enfolded, waiting for the sun of spring to wake it to life. It stands for pride in the history of Israel, in its staunch loyalty to faith in God. Second Child, carrying Hadassah : This is the Hadassah, the myrtle, that bends in beauty toward the earth. It stands for the loveliness of a good heart, for the glory of a pure spirit. Third Child, carrying Arovoh : This is the Arovoh, the willow, that droops beside the watercourses, bow- ing low as in sorrow. It stands for the myriads of the humble, who have lived and died upon earth, who have worshiped the God of Israel and obeyed His law, and whose memory is blessed. Fourth Child, carrying Esrog: This is the Esrog, the fruit of a tree with lustrous leaves. It sheds sweet perfume on all who are near. Even so does the man in whose heart God dwells, bring goodness and light to the souls of those who know him. The children bearing the four emblems march around the hall (Hakofoh) while the remainder of the children unite in singing one of the Succos Hymns, Nos. 1 80-188. 507 Sermon Hymn Reading Together : {Congregation standing) Let us adore the ever-Hving God, and render praise unto Him who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. He is our God; there is none else. We bow the head and bend the knee and magnify the King of kings, the Holy One, praised be He. All Singing: mf Andante S. Sulzer ^ n il^^ps: n*» — ^ i •S- -0- -0- -» -^ ^ ^ T^ * r'-eem u-mish - ta - cha-veem u - mo-deem Va - a - nach-nu ko ^ i=P^ -* -5- 3^ I 's^-JIm- g : — m — - *=S: ^^^ »' ^ eJ f b h h ■S N 3t=±rje; 3CZIJC m * 12: lif - nay Me - lech mal-chay ham - lo-cheem ha - ko-dosh bo-ruch hu. -