LEAKY, slier, Walnut \ Phila FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 5Zi70 Section [From the Aye Maria. J FOR PALM SUNDAY, BY THE LATE J. V. HUNTINGTON. Oh not like theirs who wait for light — Thy patience, Lord ! in whose clear sight. Free from the merit of hopes and fears, A day is as a thousand years. The numbered years the promise bring ; Jerusalem receives her King : Before her high o'erarching gate, Her multitudes Thy coming wait. While Thou, upon the untamed foal, Which yields to that divine control, Sheddest the mingled glory thence Of meekness and omnipotence. The shouting crowds that line thy path. Hide not from thee the coming wrath ; O'er palms and robes before Thee strewn. Thou passest to the Cross, Thy throne. And as on Carmel's sovereign height The hand-like cloud once rose in sight, So rises o'er that living Sea Vengeance not undiscerned by Thee. And we the hour are waiting yet, When thrones for judgment shall be set ; Just Lord ! although the time be long, Oh let our hearts with faith be strong. Of all that's good the fountain still, Oh blessed Lord ! is in Thy will ; Do Thou within our hearts increase The fruit of holiness and peace. Digitized by the Internet Archive ' in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/catholichymnsOOalba ■$" 4' OCT 15 1935 C a tin ' - .-. :-:\: ; :. : xi: - 5 . 1~: ; i':.-r*.T. _-.— .;-_:-. ?: -? >:'/. r: : r\m :::: ::^::s Li*. -■."..: si". .> ;'.:- — :.: .l:. S.\: ..".- —-:.:-- l.v _ .: : .:.« : U:. ;.:- r-r ".:":.:: A:":.::-?: In I::- Chri-v.:.- =r0 ■.:".:, >V - s-vii::-:i: ^ -.:: iii C:^.t:1:.: es~ : :»: ::r*. r :.t:. -in/.;' :..:- F :': : . Ti" : 1 ..- j.an ::•- jfp:r::u5. Sicut fait, sit jugiter Ist-e Confessor. 14 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Cujus ob prsestans meritum frequenter JEgrsi quae passim jacuere membra. Viribus morbi domitis, saluti Restituunter. Noster liinc illi chorus obsequentem Concinit laudem, celebresque palmas ; Ut piis ejus precibus juvemur Omue per sevuin. Sit salus illi, decus, atque, virtus, Qui super coeli solio coruscans, Totius mundi seriem gubemat Trinus et unus. For Advent. Creator Alme Siderum. Maker of Heaven ! Eternal light Of all who in thy name believe ! Jesus, Redeemer of mankind! An ear to thy poor suppliants give. When man was sunk in sin and death, Lost in the depth of Satan's snare, Love brought Thee down to cure our ills, By taking of those ills a share. Thou, for the sake of guilty men, Causing thine own pure blood to flow, Didst issue from thy Virgin shrine, And to the Cross a Victim go. So great the glory of thy might, If we but chance thy name to sound, CATHOLIC HYMNS. 15 At once all Heaven and Hell unite In bending low with awe profound, Great Judge of all ! in that last day, When friends shall fail and foes combine, Be present then with us, we pray, To guard us with thy arm divine. The Cradle of Bethlehem. sing a joyous carol Unto the holy child, And praise with gladsome voices His mother undefiled : Our infant voices greeting Shall hail our Infant King, And our sweet lady listen When infant voices sing. Who is there meekly lying In yonder stable poor ? Dear children, it is Jesus He bids you now adore, Who is there kneeling by him, In virgin beauty fair ! It is our Mother Mary : She bids you all draw near. Who is there near the cradle That guards the holy child ! It is our Father Joseph Chaste spouse of Mary mild, Dear children oh ! how joyful With them in heaven to be ! God grant that none be missing From that festivity. 16 CATHOLIC TTYMXS. Christmas Carol. The snow lay on the ground, The star shone bright, When Christ our Lord was born, On Christmas night. Chorus. — Venite adore- mus Dominum. Venite adore- mus Dominum. 'Twas Mary, daughter pure Of holy Anne, That brought into this world The God-made-man. She laid him in a stall, At Bethlehem, The ass and oxen shared The roof with them. Chorus. Saint Joseph too was by, To tend the Child, To guard Him and protect His mother mild. The angels hovered round, And sung this song, Venite adore- mus Dominum. Chorus. And then that manger poor Became a throne : For He, whom Mary bore, Was God the Son. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 1? come then, let us join The Heavenly host, To praise the Father, Son, And Holy Ghost. Chorus. Christmas Carol. What lovely Infant can this be, That in the little crib I see ? So sweetly on the straw it lies — It must have come from Paradise. Who is that Lady kneeling by, And gazing on, so tenderly ? Oh ! that is Mary ever blest, How full of joy her holy breast ! What man is that who seems to smile And look so blissful all the while ? 'Tis holy Joseph, good and true ; The Infant makes him happy too. What makes the crib so bright and clear ? What voices sing so sweetly here? Ah ! see behind the window pane, The little- angels looking in ! Who are those people kneeling down, With crooked sticks and hands so brown? The Shepherds. On the mountain top, The little angels woke them up. The ox and ass, how still and mild They stand beside the holy child. His little body underneath They warm so kindly with their breath. 18 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Hail, holy cave, though dark thou be, The world is lighted up from thee. Hail Holy Babe ! — creation stands And moves upon thy little hands. Christmas Hymn. How poor and mean this little bed, Oh which my Saviour lies, Yet did He the vast ocean spread, And paint the fair blue skies. Ah ! then how sweet shall be to me The lot my Lord did share, And dearer tar his poverty Than treasures rich and rare. How helpless seems the Infant God. How weak his little form : Yet nature trembles at his nod, He rules the wintry storm. When I am helpless, weak and low, I will not grieve nor sigh : For 1 will think my Lord was so, Though He was God most high. Oh ! let me love the path He trod And strive like Him to be, Since He, although my Lord and God Has loved to be like me. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 19 Christmas Hymn. See ! amid the winter's snow, Born for us on earth below ; See ! the tender Lamb appears, Promis'd. from eternal years. Hail ! thou ever-blessed morn ! Hail ! Redemption's happy dawn ! Sing through all Jerusalem, Sing the Babe of Bethlehem ! Lo ! within a manger lies He who built the starry skies : He who throned in height sublime Sits amid the cherubim. Hail, &c. " Say, ye holy shepherds, say, What your joyful news to-day ? Wherefore have ye left your sheep On the lonely mountain steep?" Hail, &c. " As we watched at dead of night, Lo ! we saw a wondrous light ; Angels singing, ' Peace on earth,' Told us of the Saviour's birth." Hail, &c. Sacret Infant ! all divine ! What a tender love was thine ! Thus to come from highest bliss Down to such a world as this ! Hail, &c. 20 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Christmas Hymn. Oh, come! all ye faithful! Triumphantly sing ! Come, see in the manger The Angels' dread King ! To Bethlehem hasten ! With joyful accord ; Oh, hasten! oh, hasten! To worship the Lord. True son of the Father He comes from the skies ; The womb of the Virgin He doth not despise ; To Bethlehem hasten, &c. Hark! to the Angels! All singing in Heaven, "To God in the highest All glory be given." To Bethlehem hasten, &c. To Thee, then, Jesus! This day of thy birth, Be glory and honor Through Heaven and earth ; True Godhead Incarnate! Omnipotent Word ! Oh, hasten ! oh, hasten To worship the Lord. CATHOLIC HYMNS. w 21 Infant Jesus. Sleep holy Babe Upon thy mother's breast, The Lord of earth and sea and sky, How sweet it is to see Thee lie In such a place of rest. Sleep, holy Babe, Thine angels watch around, All bending low with folded wings Before the Incarnate King of kings, In reverent awe profound. Sleep, holy Babe, Oh, snatch thy brief repose ; Too quickly will thy slumber break, And thou to lengthen'd pains awake, Which death alone shall close. Lady blest ! To thee I suppliant cry; Forgive the wrong that I have done, In causing by my sins thy Son Upon the Cross to die. Jesus Lord ! By thy sweet childhood's years, Blot out from their terrific page My sins of youth and later age, In these my contrite tears. So may I sing Immortal praise to Thee, Who, once a Babe of human birth, Now reignest Lord of Heaven and earth, Through all eternity. 22 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Holy Innocents. The little churcli with flowers is strewn, The lights are gleaming bright, For Jesus from His altar-throne His blessing gives to-night. Methinks before that altar fair A cherub band I see, And child-like voices fill the air Which sing these words to me : " We are the little ones who died For Bethlehem's Infant slain ; Cut down for cruel Herod's pride, That he in peace might reign. But now we sing, a cherub band, Before the Christ Child bright ; With palm and lily in each hand, And robes of glistening white. Then, little children, fear ye not To join our joyous strain, And sing the Lamb without a spot On Calvary's mountain slain ; For though your home is on the earth, And ours in heaven above, Yet are we one by human birth, And one in Christ's dear love. And though our eyes are ever blest His face unveil'd to see, He comes to you a hidden guest, To make you blest as we. Then, little children, fear ye not To join our joyous strain, And sing the Lamb without a spot On Calvary's mountain slain. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 23 Jesus Crucified. come and mourn with me awhile ; See, Mary calls us to her side ; come and let us mourn with her : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! r Have we no tears to shed for Him, While soldiers scoff and Jews deride ? Ah, look how patiently He hangs : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! How fast His hands and feet are nailed ; His blessed tongue with thirst is tied ; His failing eyes are blind with blood : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! His Mother can not reach his face ; She stands in helplessness beside ; Her heart is martyred with her son's : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! Seven times He spoke, seven words of love, And all three hours His silence cried For mercy on the souls of men : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! What was Thy crime, my dearest Lord ? By earth, by heaven Thou hast been tried, And guilty found of too much love : Jesus, our Love, is crucified ! 24 CATHOLIC HYMNS. The Verse Sung in the "Way of the Cross." From pain to pain, from woe to woe, With loving hearts and footsteps slow, To Calvary with Christ we go. See how His precious blood At every station pours ; Was ever grief like His ! Was ever sin like ours ! Sufferings of Jesus. Christians, who of Jesus' sorrows Come the doleful tale to hear, See what streams of blood flow for us : Blend, ah ! blend at least a tear, Lo, for sins your own devoted, Bleeds the Victim from on high ; By his sufferings animated, Live for him, and for him die. In a lonely garden praying, Conflicts rude oppress his soul : Fear and hope his soul assailing, Strive by turns his will to rule. Now doth fear command imperious ; Now strong efforts love combines : Love at length prevails victorious ; He to death himself resigns. Judas, by blind fury guided, Whilst a mean submission shows ; With perfidious kiss intended, He betrays him to his foes. CATHOLIC HYMNS. Judas like a sinner feigning His offended God t' appease, With unhallowed lips approaching, Oft betrays him with a kiss. See, now Jesus is forsaken ; Round him press a ruthless band : See, his heavenly cheeks are smitten By the merciless soldier's hand. Faithful spirits, who, with horror, View from heaven this cruel deed, Shelter him ; or, armed with fury, Wing on them his lightning speed. Now behold your Lord appearing, At a mortal judge's bar ; Hark the pontiff's voice, conspiring, Guilty the innocent declare. Impious pontiff, one day, trembling, Thou'lt be forced his power to own, When, to judge the world descending, Thundering clouds shall form his throne. Dragged to Pilate, meek and sinless, He supplies the sinner's place ; Barbarous people, do ye, shameless, Choose before him Barabbas ? Choice unworthy, sentence impious, 'Gainst the just is here decreed ; Crime in triumph borne victorious, Innocence condemned to bleed. In the midst of lawless soldiers, Jesus, stripped and silent, stands ; Armed with scourges, raging torturers In his blood imbrue their hands. Stay your blows. Ah, you're mistaken ; Sinless is the blood you shed ; Vengeance on us should have fallen ; We, the criminals, should bleed. 3 25 26 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Doomed to death, Dew Isaac, willing, Loaded with the fatal tree ; In his heart our sins bewailing, He ascends Mount Calvary. Lo, his hands and feet are pierced through ; On his bloody cross he lies ; Streams of vital blood flow for you ; Sinners, he's your Sacrifice. Now behold the man of sorrows, On the cross exalted high ; Suffering, bleeding, dying for us, Now behold salvation nigh ; Satan, our great foe, lies vanquished, Mary's seed has bruised his head, Our redemption is accomplished, Jesus has our ransom paid. Christians, hear his heavenly lessons ; Harken to His dying voice ; His blaspheming foes He pardons, For them He prays, and for them He dies ; Spare my murderers, gracious Goodness : Ah, they know not what they do. Thus the Christian, fraught with meekness, Should forgive and love his foe. See ! a lawless crew surrounding, And insulting, cry aloud, Let Him, from the cross descending, Prove himself the Son of God. Easily could he burst asunder, Senseless foes, your feeble bands ; But His love, than all ties stronger, For your sake enchains His hands. Ah, descend not, dearest Saviour : Leave not Thou the tree of pain ; Save mankind, heavenly Lover ; On the cross till death remain. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 27 But fulfil, Lord, Thy promise ; Draw our souls with chains of Love ; Banish sin and death far from us ; Lead us to Thy realms above. He expires in sad convulsions ; Nature, comfortless, bemoans ; Heaven, and earth, and all creation, Trembling, echo doleful groans. Will ingrate man a sight so woful View alone with tearless eye ? Grant, Jesus, I may, grateful, With Thee mourn, and with Thee die. Easter Hymn. Christ the Lord is ris'n to-day; Christians, haste your vows to pay ; Offer ye your praises meet, At the Paschal Victim's feet. For the sheep the Lamb has bled, Sinless in the sinner's stead : Christ the Lord has ris'n on high, Now lie lives no more to die. Christ, the Victim undefil'd, Man to God hath reconcil'd ; Whilst in strange and awful strife Met together Death and Life. Christians, on this happy day Haste with joy your vows to pay ; Christ the Lord is ris'n on high, Now He lives no more to die. 28 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Say, wond'ring Mary, say What thou sawest on thy way. " I beheld, where Christ had lain, Empty tomb and angels twain ; I beheld the glory bright Of the rising Lord of light : Christ my hope is ris'n again, Now He lives, and lives to reign." Christ, who once for sinners bled, Now the firstborn from the dead, ThronM in endless might and power, Lives and reigns for evermore. Hail, eternal Hope on high ! Hail, thou King of victory I Hail, thou Prince of life ador'd ! Help and save us, gracious Lord ! Easter Day. Solo. — Strike the cymbal, roll the timbrel, Let the trump of triumph sound ; Chorus.— Joyous singing, tributes bringing, Th' isles exult and seas resound. Lo ! he's risen from death's dark prison, Rays divine his eyes relume ; Judah's Lion, King of Sion, Lord o'er hell, hath fled the tomb. Alleluia, alleluia, Mortals, strike your tuneful lyres. Holy mirth the day inspires. Judah's Lion, King of Sion, Lord o'er hell hath fled the tomb. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 29 God of thunder, Lord of wonder, Vain are mortal?, vain their boasts. What are nations, what their stations ? Christ our God is Lord of hosts. What are Jewry's monarchs now ? Low before Emanuel bow. Lord eternal, God supreme, Mortals, mortals to redeem. Praise him, praise him, Exulting nations, praise him, Praise him, praise him, Exulting nations, praise. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna. Easter Day. Ye sons and daughters of the Lord ! The King of glory, King adored, This day Himself from death restored. Alleluia. All in the early morning gray Went holy women on their way, To see the tomb where Jesus lay. Alleluia. Of spices pure a precious store In their pure hands those women bore, To anoint the Sacred Body o'er. Alleluia. Then straightway one in white they see Who saith, "Ye seek the Lord ; but He Is risen, and gone to Galilee." Alleluia. 30 CATHOLIC HYMNS. This told they Peter, told they John ; Who forthwith to the tomb are gone, But Peter is by John outrun. Alleluia. That self-same night, while out of fear The doors were shut, their Lord most dear To his Apostles did appear. Alleluia. Now let us praise the Lord most high, And strive his name to magnify On this great day, through earth and sky. Alleluia. Spirit, Creator. Spirit, Creator of Mankind, Come, visit every pious mind, And sweetly let thy grace invade Our hearts, Lord, which thou hast made. Thou art the Comforter whom all, Gift of the highest God must call, The living fountain, fire and love ; The ghostly unction from above. God's sacred finger, which imparts, A sev'nfold grace to faithful hearts ; Thou art the Father, promise, whence We language have, and eloquence. Enlighten, Lord ! our souls and grant, That we thy love may never want ; Let not our virtue ever fail But strengthen what in flesh is frail. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 31 Make us the eternal truths receive, And practice all that we believe, Give us Thyself that we may see, The Father and the Son in Thee. Immortal honour, endless fame, Attend th' Almighty Father's name ; To the Son equal praises be, And holy Paraclete, to Thee. See the Paraclete Descending 1 . See the Paraclete descending, Burning with celestial fire ; Grace and truth on him attending, Men with heavenly love inspire. Let us, Alleluias singing, Offer him our grateful lays, He all heavenly graces bringing, Merits everlasting praise. Men in every danger fearing, Now the greatest dangers scorn ; Amidst tortures persevering, Show themselves in Christ new-born. Let us, Alleluias, &c. Fishermen by Thee instructed, Jesus to the world proclaim ; Infants by thy grace conducted, Rather die than slight His name. Let us, Alleluias, &c. Idols fall, the Devil ceasing, O'er the world to be adored ; Faitli and love by thee increasing, All confess Thee, sovereign Lord. Let us, Alleluias, &c. CATHOLIC HYMNS. Source of love, our hearts inflaming With true zeal and virtue pure, Grant we may in heaven reigning, Sing thy praise for evermore. Let us, Alleluias, &c. Corpus Christi. Jesus ! my Lord, my God, my all ! How can I love thee as I ought ? And how revere this wondrous gift, So far surpassing hope or thought ? Sweet Sacrament ! we thee adore ! Oh, make us love Thee more and more. Had I hut Mary's sinless heart To love Thee with, my dearest King, Oh, with what bursts of fervent praise Thy goodness, Jesus, would I sing. Sweet Sacrament, &c. Oh, see ! within a creature's hand The vast Creator deigns to be, Reposing infant-like, as though On Joseph's arm or Mary's knee. Sweet Sacrament, &c. Thy Body, Soul, and Godhead, all ! Oh, mystery of love divine ! I can not compass all I have ; For all thou hast and art are mine ! Sweet Sacrament, &c. Sound, sound his praises higher still, And come, ye angels, to our aid ; 'Tis God ! 'tis God ! the very God Whose power both man and angels made ! Sweet Sacrament, &c. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 33 Our hearts leap up ; our trembling song Grows fainter still ; we can no more. Silence ! and let us weep — and die Of very love, while we adore. Great Sacrament of love divine ! All, all we have or are, be thine ! Ave Sanctissima. Ave sanctissima, We lift our souls to thee, Ora pro nobis, Thou bright star of the sea. Guard us when sin is nigh, Snares round our path are spread, Hear the heart's lonely sigh ; Thine too hath bled. Thou that hast looked on death, Aid us when death is near ; Whisper of heaven to faith, Sweet mother, sweet mother, hear ! Ora pro nobis ! From sin our slumbers keep, Ora, mater, ora, Star of the deep. Ave purissima, List to thy children's prayer : Audi Maria, And take us to thy care. When darkness comes o'er us, Whilst here on earth we stay, Thy light shine before us, Guide of our way. 34 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Thou that hast looked on death, Aid us when death is near ; Whisper of heaven to faith, Sweet mother, sweet mother, hear. Ora pro nobis, Let angels guard our sleep, Ora, mater, ora, Star of the deep. Hail Heavenly Queen ! Hail Heavenly Queen ! hail foamy ocean's star ! O be our guide, diffuse thy beams afar, Hail mother of God ! above all Virgins blest, Hail liappy gate of heaven's eternal rest. Hail foamy ocean's star ! Hail Heav'nly Queen ! be our guide to endless joys unseen. " Hail full of grace," with Gabriel we repeat ; — Thee Queen of heav'n, from him we learn to greet ; Then give us peace, which heaven alone can give And dead thro' Eve, thro' Mary let us live. Hail foamy ocean, &c. break our chains, our captive souls release, give us liefht, and let our blindness cease, Let every ill that preys upon our hearts, Fly at thy voice, which ev'ry good imparts. Hail foamy ocean, &c. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 35 Bright Mother of Our Maker. Bright mother of our Maker, hail ! Thou Virgin ever blessed, The ocean's star by which we sail, And gain the port of rest. Whilst we this ave thus to thee, From Gabriel's mouth rehearse, Prevail that peace our lot may be, And Eva's name reverse. Release our long entangled mind, From all the snares of ill ; With heavenly light instruct the blind, And all our vows fulfil. Exert for us a mother's care, And us thy children own ; Prevail with Him to hear our prayer, Who chose to be thy Son. May Day. On this day, beautiful mother, On this day we give thee our love, Near thee Madonna, fondly we hover, Trusting thy gentle care to prove. On this day we ask to share, Dearest mother, thy sweet care Aid us, ere our feet astray, Wandering from thy guiding way. On this day, etc. 36 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Queen of angels, deign to hear — Lisping children's humble ])rayer ; Young hearts gain, Virgin pure, Sweetly to thyself allure. On this day, etc. Rose of Sharon, lovely flower, Beauteous bud of Eden's bower, Cherished Lily of the Vale, Virgin, mother, queen, we hail. On this day, etc. In vain the flowers of love we bring, In vain sweet music's notes we sing, If contrite heart and lowly prayer, Guide not our gifts to thy bright sphere. Fading, Still Fading. Fading, still fading, the last beam is shining Ave Maria ! day is declining ; Safety and innocence fly with the light, Temptation and danger walk forth in the night ; From the fall of the shade, till the matin shall chime, Shield us from danger, and save us from crime. Ave Maria, audi nos ! Ave Maria, hear when we call ! Mother of him who is Saviour of all ! Feeble and fearing, we trust in thy might; In doubting and darkness, thy love be our light : Let us sleep on thy breast while the night taper burns, And wake in thine arms when the morning returns. Ave Maria, audi nos ! CATHOLIC HYMNS. 37 The Blessed Virgin. Daily, daily, sing to Mary, Sing, my soul, her praises due ; All her feasts, her actions worship, With the heart's devotion true. Lost in wand'ring contemplation, Be Her Majesty confest : Call her Mother, call her Virgin, Happy Mother, Virgin blest. She is mighty to deliver ; Call her, trust her lovingly ; When the tempest rages round thee, She will cairn the troubled sea. Gifts of Heaven she has given, Noble lady ! to our race : She, the Queen, who decks her subjects With the light of God's own grace. Sing, my tongue, the Virgin's trophies, Who for us her Maker bore ; For the curse of old inflicted, Peace and blessing to restore. Sing in songs of praise unending, Sing the world's m vjestic Queen : Weary not, nor faint in telling, All the gifts she gives to men. All my senses, heart, affections, Strive to sound her glory forth : Spread abroad the sweet memorials Of the Virgin's priceless worth. Where the voice of music thrilling Where the tongue of eloquence, That can utter hymns beseeming All her matchless excellence ? 4 38 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Oh ! by that Almighty Maker, Whom thyself a virgin bore ; Oh ! by thy supreme Creator, Linked with thee for evermore : By the hope thy name inspires ; By our doom, reversed through thee ; Help us, Queen of Angel choirs, • Now and through eternity. The Assumption. Sing, sing, ye Angel Bands, All beautiful and bright ; For higher still, and higher, Through the vast fields of light Mary, your Queen, ascends, Like the sweet moon at night. A fairer flower than she On earth hath never been ; And, save the Throne of God, Your heavens have never seen A wonder half so bright As you ascending Queen. happy Angels ! look, How beautiful she is ! See ! Jesus bears her up, Her hand is locked in His ; who can tell the height Of that fair Mother's bliss ? And shall I lose thee then, Lose my sweet right to thee ? Ah ! no — the Angel's Queen Man's mother still will be, And thou, upon thy throne, Wilt keep thy love for me. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 39 To the Blessed Virgin. Hail Queen of Heaven, the ocean's star, Guide of the wanderer here below ! Thrown on life's surge we claim thy care, Save us from peril and from woe, Mother of Christ, Star of the sea, Pray for the wanderer, pray for me. gentle, chaste, and spotless Maid, We sinners make our prayers through thee, Remind thy Son that he has paid The price of our iniquity. Virgin most pure, Star of the sea, Pray for the sinner, pray for me. Sojourners in this vale of tears, To thee, blest Advocate we cry, Pity our sorrows, calm our fears, And soothe with hope our misery. Refuge in grief, Star of the sea, Pray for the mourner, pray for me. And while to Him who reigns above, In Godhead One, in Persons Three, The source of life, of grace, of love, Homage we pay on bended knee ; Do thou, bright Queen, Star of the sea, Pray for thy children, pray for me. St. Joseph. Hail ! holy Joseph, hail ! Husband of Mary, hail! Chaste as the lily flower In Eden's peaceful vale. 40 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Hail ! holy Joseph, hail I Father of Christ esteemed! Father be thou to those Thy Foster-Son redeem'd. Hail ! holy Joseph, hail! Prince of the House of God, May his best graces be By thy sweet hands bestow'd. Hail! holy Joseph, hail! Comrade of angels, hail ! Cheer thou the hearts that faint, And guide the steps that fail. Hail ! holy Joseph, hail ! God's choice wert thou alone ; To thee the Word made flesh Was subject as a Son. Hail ! holy Joseph, hail ! Teach us our flesh to tame, And, Mary, keep the hearts That love thy husband's name. Mother of Jesus ! bless, And bless, ye saints on high, All meek and simple souls That to Saint Joseph cry. Hymn to St. Joseph. Holy Patron ! thee saluting, Here we meet, with hearts sincere ; Blest St. Joseph, all uniting, Call on thee to hear our prayer. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 41 Happy saint ! in bliss adoring Jesus Saviour of mankind, Hear thy children thee imploring, May we thy protection find. Worldly dangers for them fearing, Youthful hearts to thee we bring; Grant, in virtue persevering, Vice may ne'er their bosom sting. Happy saint, &c. Thou, who faithfully attended Him whom heaven and earth adore ; Who with pious care defended Mary, Virgin ever pure. Happy saint, &c. May our fervent prayers ascending, * Move thee for our souls to plead ; May thy smile of peace descending, Benedictions on us shed. Happy saint, &c. Through this life. watch around us, Fill with love our every breath, And when parting fear surrounds us, Guide us through the toils of death. Happy saint, &c. Holy God. Holy God, we praise thy Name ! Lord of all, we bow before Thee ! All on earth thy sceptre claim, All in Heaven above adore Thee : Infinite thy vast domain, Everlasting is thy reign. 4 2 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Hark ! the loud celestial hymn Angel choirs above are raising! Cherubim and seraphim In unceasing chorus praising, Fill the heavens with sweet accord : Holy ! Holy ! Holy Lord ! Lo ! the Apostolic train Join, thy sacred name to hallow ! Prophets swell the loud refrain, And the white-robed Martyrs follow ; And from morn till set of sun, Through the church the song goes on. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, three we name Thee, While in essence only One Undivided God, we claim Thee : And adoring bend the knee, While we own the mystery. Thou art King of Glory, Christ ! Son of God, yet born of Mary, For us sinners sacrificed, And to death a tributary : First to break the bars of death, Thou hast open'd Heaven to Faith. From thy high celestial home, Judge of all, again returning, We believe that Thou shalt come, On the dreadful Doom's-dny morning When thy voice shall shake the earth. And the startled Dead come forth. Spare thy people, Lord ! we pray, By a thousand snares surrounded ; Keep us without sin to-day, Never let us be confounded, Lo ! I put my trust in Thee, Never, Lord, abandon me. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 43 Jerusalem, My Happy Home. Jerusalem, my happy home How do I sigh tor thee ! When shall my exile have an end, Thy joys when shall I see. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, my happy home, How do I sigh for thee ! No sun or moon in borrowed light, Revolve thine hours away, The Lamb of Calvary's mountain slain, Is thy eternal day. Jerusalem, &c., From every eye He wipes the tear All sighs and sorrows cease, No more alternate hope and fear But everlasting peace. Jerusalem, &c. The thought of Thee to us is given Our sorrows to beguile — T' anticipate the bliss of heaven In His eternal smile. Jerusalem, &c. Strike The Harp. Strike the harp in praise of God ! Wake the timbrel's louder mirth, Glorious the song must be Of the great Creator's worth. 44 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Nature in her calmness raises, Strains of gladness, peace, and love, Man re-echoes forth her praises, Glory to the God above. Strike the harp, etc. Honor Him ye host of heaven t Worship Him ye realms below ! Not with outward form alone, But with hearts that purely glow. He who rules the earth — the ocean — Keepeth silent watch o'er thee, He can tell with what devotion, Bows the heart or bends the knee. Strike the harp, etc. For Sundays. Lucis Creator Optime. blest Creator of the light ! Who dost the dawn from darkness bring ; And framing Nature's depth and height, Didst with the new-born light begin ; Who gently blending eve with morn, And morn with eve, didst call them day ;- Thick flow the flood of darkness down ; Oh, hear us as we weep and pray ! Keep thou our souls from schemes of crime ; Nor guilt remorseful let them know ; Nor, thinking but on things of time, Into eternal darkness go. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 45 Teach us to knock at Heaven's high door ; Teach us the prize of life to win; Teach us all evil to abhor, And purify ourselves within. Father of mercies ! hear our cry ; Hear us, sole-begotton Son ! Who, with the Holy Ghost most high, Reignest while endless ages run. The Souls in Purgatory. turn to Jesus, Mother, turn, And call Him by His tenderest names ; Pray for the holy souls that burn This hour amid the cleansing flames. Ah ! they have fought a gallant fight; In death's cold arms they persevered ; And after life's uncheery night The harbour of their rest is neared. In pains beyond all earthly pains, Favourites of Jesus ! there they lie, Letting the fire wear out their stains, And worshipping God's purity. Spouses of Christ they are, for He Was wedded to them by His blood ; And angels o'er their destiny In wondering adoration brood. They are the children of thy tears ; Then hasten, Mother ! to their aid ; In pity think each hour appears An age while glory is delayed. 46 CATHOLIC HYMNS. See, how they bound amid their fires. While pain and love their spirits fill; Then with self-crucified desires Utter sweet murmurs, and lie still. Ah me ! the love of Jesus yearns O'er that abyss of sacred pain, And as He looks His Bosom burns With Calvary's dear thirst again. O Mary ! let tliy Son no more His lingering Spouses thus expect ; God's children to their God restore, And to the Spirit His elect. Children of the Heavenly King*. Children of the Heavenly King, As we journey let us sing ; Sing our Saviour's worth and praise, Glorious in His works and ways. We are traveling home to God, In the way the fathers trod : They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. ye banish'd seed be glad, Christ our Advocate is made. Us to save, our flesh assumes. Brother to our souls becomes. Lord obediently we go. Gladly leaving all below; Only Thou our leader be, And we still will follow Thee. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 47 Jesus ! the Very Thought of Thee. Jesus ! the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills my hreast, But sweeter far thy face to see, And in thy presence rest. Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, Nor can the memory find, A sweeter sound than thy blest name, Saviour of mankind ! Jesus ! King most wonderful ! Thou Conqueror renown'd ! Thou Sweetness most ineffable ! In whom all joys are found ! hope of every contrite heart, joy of all the meek, To those who fall how kind Thou art. How good to those who seek ! But what to those who find ? ah ! this Nor tongue nor pen can show ; The love of Jesus what it is, None but his lov'd ones know. Jesus ! our only joy be Thou, As Thou our prize wilt be ; Jesus ! be Thou our glory now, And through eternity. 48 CATHOLIC HYMNS. May Jesus Christ Be Praised. When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries May Jesus Christ be praised. Alike at work and prayer, To Jesus I repair. May, &c. The sacred minster bell, It peals o'er hill and dell ; May, &c. Oh, hark to what it sings, As joyously it rings, May, &c. When you begin the day, On, never fail to say, May, &c. And at your work rejoice To sing with heart and voice, May, &c. Be this at meals your grace, In every time and place, May, &c. Be this, when day is past, Of all your thoughts the last, May, &c. To God the Word on high The hosts of angels cry, May, &c. Let children too upraise Their voice in hymns of praise, May, &c. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 49 Let earth's wide circle round In joyful notes resound, May, &c. Let air and sea and sky Through depth and height reply, May, &c. Before Communion. Can it be that my God Comes down from Heaven ? Makes my heart his abode, To me is given ? Yes, yes, within my breast, Soon shall my Jesus rest ; Soon shall He be my guest, Nor thence be driven. No, no my trembling heart, Leave thee ! no never! Never shall He depart, What can us sever ! No, no, I hear him say, With my belov'd I'll stay ; My love shall ne'er decay, But last for ever. Then, ! my Jesus, come, Come to this dwelling ; Make my poor heart thy home. Make thine each feeling : Still, still, my blessed God, Feed me with this sweet food, Still with Thy sacred blood, All my wounds healing. 5 50 CATHOLIC HYMNS. What save my God above, Have I in Heaven ? And what to win my love. Can here be given ? Then, then, my happy soul, Thou shalt alone control ; Thou shalt possess the whole, To thee still leaving. Before Communion. Mv God, my life, my love, To Thee, to Thee, I call : come to me from heav'n above And be my God, my all. My faith beholds Thee, Lord, Conceal'd in human food ; My senses fail ; but in thy word I trust and find my God. when wilt thou be mine, Sweet lover of my soul ? My Jesus dear — my King divine, And all my soul control. come ! and fix thy throne Within my very heart ; make it burn for thee alone, And from thence ne'er depart. Begone, ye, from my mind, Vain, childish, earthly toys ; In Jesus Christ alone I find True pleasures and true joys; CATHOLIC HYMNS. 51 After Communion. Ah ! what is this enchanting calm Which thus with peace my bosom fills, Which o'er my spirit pours a balm, And through my inmost being thrills ? Is there some Seraph hither sent, Diffusing sweetness from his wings To steep my bosom in content, Unknown, unfelt from earthly things ? No ! something purer far must dwell Within this raptured soul of mine, 'Tis more than heavenly, 'tis divine, 'Tis what no mortal tongue can tell, My God ! my Jesus ! it is Thou Art ravishing my heart with bliss. Thy presence is within me now, Ah ! could I ask a boon like this. Yes ! stooping from thy throne above Thou wilt not dwell with man apart, Thy dearest home becomes, through love The tabernacle of my heart. Commandments of God. 1. One God alone thou shalt adore And daily love Him more and more. 2. Thou shalt not hike His name in vain, Nor ought that's sacred e'er profane. 52 CATHOLIC HYMNS. CHORUS. Keep well these precepts both in heart and mind For in the law of God, thou wilt the sweetest plea- sure find. 3. No servile work on Sunday do, And keep it ever holy too. 4. Obedience to thy parents give, That thou mayest the longer live. Chorus. 5. Thy fellow man thou shalt not kill, Nor even wish to do him ill. 6. Great purity thou shalt preserve, And from innocence never swerve. Chorus. 7. Thou shalt not steal, nor knowingly Keep what belongeth not to thee. 8. Thou shalt not e'er false witness bear ; To lie or slander never dare. Chorus. 9. Thy thoughts shall always modest be ; Keep them from all uncleanness free, 10. With thy possessions be content; Thus will thou keep His commandment. Chorus. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 53 Precepts of the Church. 1. On Sunday, Holy Days likewise, Attend the holy sacrifice. 2. All fasts and days of abstinence, Keep strictly in the church's sense, Chorus. — Keep well, &c. 3. Remember at least once a year, Confess thy sins, thy conscience clear. 4. Receive communion once a year, At Easter time, with holy fear. Chorus. 5. The church commands that tithes we pay ; Her commandments let us obey. 6. Solemnize not marriage in Lent, The same precept keep iu Advent. Chorus. I am a Little Catholic. I am a little Catholic And Christian is my name, And I believe the Holy Church In every age the same. The holy ancient Roman Church, Enduring firmly still, Where Christ her king hath planted her Upon St. Peter's hill. 54 CATHOLIC HYMNS. Jerusalem she is above, Our city and our home ; But after that same pattern is The holy city Rome. Time writes no wrinkle on thy brow, For thou art ever young, Hail, Rome, eternal citadel, From whence our Faith has sprung. I Should Not Tell One Little Lie. I should not tell one little lie For all things here below, Not for the earth, the sea, the sky. Because God hates it so. I should not tell one little lie To save my friends — ah ! no, But I should rather let them die, Because God hates it so. I should not tell one little lie To free those dear ones, who In pains of purgatory sigh, Because God hates it so. I should not tell one little lie To bring from endless woe The souls condemned eternally, Because God hates it so. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 55 This Saint of God. This Saint of God, whose virtues move Ten thousand choirs to songs of love, Went up to claim his throne above, To-day — to-day. Lowly was he, chaste, prudent, mild, By touch of malice undefiled, What time life's glowing spirit smiled On his calm brow. Oft, at his suit, the limbs which lay Languid and motionless as clay, Their bonds impatient flung away, And woke to health. The choir its voices unite With such as love his deeds to cite, That he our service may requite, With worthier prayer. Now honour, might, and majesty, To Him, who from His throne on high Tracks the world's course with loving eye, The Three in One. Hymn to Apostles. Now let the earth with joy resound, And highest Heaven re-echo round ; Nor Heaven nor earth too high can raise The great Apostles' glorious praise. 56 CATHOLIC HYMNS. ye who, throned in glory dread, Shall judge the living and the dead ! Lights of the world for evermore ! To you the suppliant prayer we pour. Ye close the sacred gates on high ; At your command apart they fly : Oh ! loose us from the guilty chain We strive to break, and strive in vain. Sickness and health your voice obey ; At your command they go or stay Oh, then from sin our souls restore; Increase our virtues more and more. So when the world is at its end, And Christ to Judgment shall descend, May we be call'd those joys to see Prepared from all eternity. Praise to the Father, with the Son, And Holy Spirit, Three in one. As ever was in ages past, And shall be so while ages last. Angel Guardian. Dear Angel ! ever at my side How loving must thou be To leave thy home in heaven to guard A little child like me. Thy beautiful and shining face I see not though so near ; The sweetness of thy soft low voice I am too deaf to hear. CATHOLIC HYMNS. 57 I can not feel thee touch my hand With pressure light and mild, To check me, as my mother did When I was but a child. But I have felt Thee in ray thoughts Fighting with sin for me ; And when my heart loves God I know The sweetness is from Thee. And when, dear Spirit, I kneel down Morning and night to prayer, Something there is within my heart] Which tells me thou art there. Yes ! when I pray thou prayest too — Thy prayer is all for me ; But when I sleep, thou sleepest not, But watchest patiently. Then for thy sake, dear Angel ! now More humble will I be : But I am weak, and when I fall, weary not of me : weary not but love me still, For Mary's sake, thy Queen ; She never tired of me, though I Her worst of sons have been. Then love me, love me, Angel dear, And I will love Thee more, And help me when my soul is cast Upon the eternal shore. 58 CATHOLIC HYMNS. St. Vincent. blessed Father ! sent by God, His mercy to dispense, Thy hand is out o'er all the earth. Like God's own providence. There is no grief or care of men Thou dost not own for thine, No broken heart thou dost not fill With mercies' oil and wine. Dear Saint ! not in the wilderness Thy fragrant virtues bloom, But in the city's crowded haunts, The alley's cheerless gloom ; The Father of the childless old, The lonesome widow's stay, The gladness of the orphan groups Out in the street at play. The poor thou savest by such charms As hardest heart to move, — The rich by teaching them to do The saving works of love. Vincent ! like Mother Mary, thou Art no on one's patron saint ; Eyes to the blind, health to the sick And life to those who faint. So thou belongest unto all And all belong to thee ; And we in him thy pity praise, Most Holy Trinity. APPENDIX. Ill Litany of the B. V. Mary. Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. Christe, audi nos. Christe exaudi nos, Pater de ccelis Deus, ) M S§£ Fili Redemptor mundi Deus, Spiritus sancte Deus, Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, Sancta Maria, Sancta Dei genitrix, Sancta Virgo Virginum, Mater Christi, Mater divinae gratise, Mater purissima, Mater Castissima, Mater inviolata, Mater intemerata, Mater amabilis, Mater admirabilis, Mater Creatoris, Mater Salvatoris, Virgo prudentissima, Virgo veneranda, Virgo praedicanda, Virgo potens, Virgo clemens, Virgo fidelis, Speculum justitae, Sedes sapientiae, o o 62 APPENDIX. Causa nostrae laetitiae, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insignae devotionis, Rosa mystics, Turris Davidica, Turris eburnea, Domus aurea, Foederis area, Janua coeli, Stella matutina, Salus infirmorum, Refugium peccatorum, Consolatrix affiictorum, Auxilium Christianorum, Regina angelorum, Regina patriarchum, Regina prophetarum, Regina apostolorum, Regina martyrum, Regina Confessorum, Regina virgin urn, Regina sine labe concepta, Regina sanctorum omnium, r a Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, parce nobis, Do- mine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, exaudi nos Do- mine. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Christe audi nos. Christe exaudi nos. APPENDIX. 63 Psalm 50. MISERERE mei Deus secundum magnam misericor- diam tuam. Et secundum multitudinem miseraticmum tuarum, *dele ioiqnitatem meam. Amplius lava me ab iniquitate rnea,* et a peccato meo munda me ; Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosce-,* et pecca- tum meum contra me est semper. Tibi soli peccavi, et malum coram te feci ;* ut justifi- ceris in sermonibus tuts, et vincas cum judicaris. Ecc3 enim in iniquitatibus conceptus sum,* et in pec- catis concepit me mater mea. Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti,* incerta et occulta sapientiae tuse manifestasti mibi. Asperges me hyssopo et mundabor ; * lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor. Auditui meo dabis gaudium et lsetitiam ;* et exulta- bunt ossa humiliata. Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis. * et omnes iniqui- tates meas dele. Cor mundum crea in me, Deus , *et spiritum rectum innova in visceribus meis. Ne projicias me a facie tua : * et Spiritum Sanctum tuum ne auleras a me. Redde mihi Lnetitiam salutaris tui , *et spiritu princi- pali confirma me. Docebo iniquos vias tuas , * et impii ad te converten- tur. Libera me de sanguinibus, Deus, Deussalutis mese ; *et exultabit lingua mea justitiam tuam. 64 APPENDIX. Domine, labia mea aperies ; * et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam. Quoinam si voluisses, sacrificium dedissem utique ; holocaustis non delectaberis. Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus ; * cor contritum et hnmiliatum, Deus, non despicies. Benigne fac, Domine, in bona voluntate tua Sion, *ut sedificentur muri Jerusalem. Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justitiae, oblationes etholo- causta ; * tunc imponent super altare tuum vitulos. Benedictus. BENEDICTUS Dominus Deus Israel, * quia visitavit, et fecit redemptionem plebis suse. Et erexit cornu salutis nobis,* in domo David pueri sui. Sicut locutus est per os sanctorum,* qui a saeculo sunt, prophetarum ejus ; Salutem ex inimicis nostris;* et de manu omnium, qui oderuut nos ; Ad faciendam misericordiamcum patribus nostris ;* et memorari testamenti sui sancti. Jusjurandum, quod juravit ad Abraham patrem nos- trum,* daturum se nobis ; Ut sine timore, de manu inimicorum nostrorum liber- ate* serviamus illi. In sanctitate, ut justitia coram ipso,* omnibus diebus nostris. Et tu puer, Propheta Altissimi vocaberis : * praebis enim ante faciem Domini parare vias ejus : Ad dandam scientiam salutis plebi ejus 1* in remis- sionem pecatorum eorum ; APPENDIX. 65 Per viscera misericordiae Dei nostri : * in quibus visita- vit nos oriens ex alto. Uluminare his, qui in tenebris, et in umbra mortis se- dent ; * ad dirigendos pedes nostros in viam pacis. For Lent, Parce Domine, parce populo tuo ; Ne in seternam iras- caris nobis. Spare, spare, spare, Lord, spare, spare, spare thy people ; Be not, be not angry with us, for ever. For the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoremus in seternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum. Magnificat. MAGNIFICAT * anima mea Dominum. Et exultavit spiritus meus : * in Deo salutari meo. Quia respexit humilitatem ancillse suae ; * ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes. Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est : * et sanctum nomen ejus. Et misericordia ejus a progenie in progenies, *timenti- bus eum. Fecit potentiam in brachio suo : * dispersit superbos mente cordis sui. Deposuit potentes de sede : * et exaltavit humiles. Esurientes implevit bonis : * et divites inanes. 66 APPENDIX. Suscepit Israel puerum suum : * rccordatus misericor- diffi suae. Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros : * Abraham, et se- mini ejus in saecula. Te Denm Laudamus. Te Deum laudamus : te Dominum confitemur. Te aeternum Patrem omnis terro veneratur. Tibi omnes Angeli ; tibi coeli, et universae potestates : Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim, incessabili voceproclamant: Sanctas, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Dens Sabaoth: Pleni sunt coeli et terra, majestatis gloriae tuae. Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus. Te Prophetarum laudabilis Humerus. Te Martyrum candidatus iaudat exercitus. Te per orbem terrarum, sancta confitetur Ecclesia. Patrem immensae majestatis. Venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium. Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum. Tu Rex glorise Christe. Tu Patris sempitemus es Filius. Tu ad liberandum snscepturus hominem, non horruisti Virginia uterum. Tu devicto mortis aculeo, aperuisti credentibus regna coelorum. Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes : in gloria Patris. Judex crederis esse venturus. *Te ergo qusesumus, tuis famulis subveni : quos pre- tioso sanguine redemisti. iEterna fac cum Sanctis tuis, in gloria numerari. Salvum fac popuium tuum, Domine : et benedic hajredi- tati tua3. Et rege eos, et extolle illos, usque in aeternum. Per singulos dies, benedicimus te. * Here all kneel. APPENDIX. 61 Et laudamus nomen tuum in saeculum : et in saeculum saeculi. Dignare, Domin* 3 , dip isto : sine peccato nos custodire Miserere nostri Domine : mi>erere nostii. Fiat miserirordia tua, Domine, super nos : quemadmo- dam speravimus in te. In te Domine, speravi : non confundar in seternam. Anthems to the Blessed Virgin. I. Alma Redemptoris mater, quae pprvia coeli, Porta manes, et stella maris, succurre cadenti Snrgere qui curat, populo : tu quae genuisti, Nature mirante, tuum sanctum Genitorem. Virgo prius acposterius, Gabrielis ab ore Sumens illud ave, peccatorum miserere. II. Ave Regina coelorum ! Ave Domina angelorum ! Salve radix, salve porta, Ex qua munrio lux est orta. Gaude Virgo gloriosa, Super omnes speciosa, Vale, valde decora Et pro nobis Christum exora ! III. Rpgina Coeli, laetare ! alleluia. Quia quern mernisti portare ; alleluia. Resurrexit sicut dixit ; alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum ; alleluia. 68 APPENDIX. IV. Salve Regina ! mater misericordiae Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve ! Ad te clamamus, exules filii Evae ; Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes In hac lacrymarum valle. Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, Illos tuos misericordes oculos Ad nos converte : Et Jesum benedictum fructum ventris tui, Nobis post hoc exilium ostende. clemens ! pia ! dulcis Virgo Maria ! THE END. ALPHABETICAL INDEX Adoremus in aeternam, 65 Adeste Fideles, 4 Alma Redemptoris, 67 Ave Maris Stella, 11 Ave Regina, 67 Ave Sanctissima, 33 Ah, What is This, 51 Benedictus, 64 Bright Mother, 35 Can it be that mj God, 49 Children of the Heavenly King 46 Christians who of Jesus' Sorrows, 24 Christ the Lord is Risen, 27 Daily, Daily Sing to Mary, , 37 Dear Angel, 56-7 Exultet Orbis Gaudiis, 12 Fading, Still Fading, 36 From Pain to Pain, 24 Hail Holy Joseph, 39 Hail Heavenly Queen, 34 Hail Queen of Heaven, 39 Hail ! Glorious St. Patrick", 59 Holy God, We Praise, 41 Holy Patron, 40 How Poor and Mean, 18 Iste Confessor, 13 I am a Little Catholic, 53 The Snow lay on the Ground, 16 The Little Church with Flowers is Strewn, 22 *I0 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. I should not tell one little lie, 54 Jerusalem My Happy Home, 43 Jesus ! My Lord, 32 Jesus ! the Very Thought of Thee, 47 Litauy of the Blessed Virgin 61-2 Lucis Creator, 3 Magnificat, 65 Miserere, 63 My God, My Life, My Love, 50 Maker of Heaven, Eternal Light, 14 Now Let the Earth, 55 Redemptor, 5 O Blessed Father, 58 Come all ye Faithful, 20 O Come and Mourn, 23 O Turn to Jesus, 45 Filii, et Filise, 8 O Salutaris, , 10 O Sanctissima, 10 Sing a Joyous Carol ,. 15 On this Day, 35 Blest Creator of the Light, 44 Pange, Lingua, 8-9 Parce. Domine 65 Regina Cceli, 67 Salve Regina, 68 Stabat Mater, 6-7 See, amid the Winter Snow, 19 See the Paraclete, 31 Spirit Creator, 30 Strike the Harp, 43 Strike the Cymbal, 28 Sing, Sing ye Angel Bands, 38 Sleep, Holy Babe, 21 Te Deum, 66 This Saint of God, 54 The Commandments, 51 To Ancient Milan's City, 50 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 71 When Morning, ,. 48 What lovely infant can this be, 17 Veni Creator, 10 Vexilla Regis, » 4 Ye Sons and Daughters of the Lord, 29 ~ /r*» 7* P»n A^itc, ? dL#t C^t-Cs^ 2 r?