• :*YtV«t f iV 'A**' ■ ■ : ! ■ 1 SI 1 V B 1 HJ i * » #* t' 1* *'-1 k* k* ■ 'VVVV .♦.*.♦■»; .' .' . ■ ■ ■ jn Bin ■ -V i\ *?&?& t & LIBRAEY OF THE Theo logical Seminar y, PRINCETON, N. J. Case, Shelf. ♦* Book, -&S\SZ£ .KZ74 v/.a NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. MESSRS. CLARK have much pleasure in forwarding to their Subscribers the First Issue for 1874 — Keil on Jeremiah, Vol. II. Christlieb on Modern Doubt and Christian Belief. They are especially glad to introduce the latter work to the British public, as being, by general consent in Germany, the most remarkable work on Apologetics of recent times ; and they have no doubt it will take the same position in this country, and be of great service in the defence of truth. In addition to the volumes of the Keil and Delitzsch Series, of which only the Salomonic Writings and Ezekiel remain to be published, Messrs. Clark have in preparation a Transla- tion of Professor Oehler's Biblical Theology of the Old Testament ; and they have also pleasure in intimating that Dr. Luthardt is preparing a New Edition of his Commentary on St. John's Gospel, which, with the sanction of the Author, will appear in the Foreign Theological Library. They beg anew to thank the Subscribers for their continued support, and to respectfully request a continuance of it. May they ask a remittance of the Subscription for 1874 — 21s. Edinburgh, March 1874. CLARK'S FOREIGN THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY. FOURTH SERIES. VOL. XLI. SctI on tfje 33iop!)fctc5 of Sn-nmali antf HUmcntattoniS. VOL. IL EDINBURGH: T. & T. CLARK, 38, GEORGE STREET. MDCCCLXXIV. PRINTED BY MURRAY AND GIEB, T. & T. CLARK, EDINBURGH. LONDON, .... HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. DUBLIN, .... JOHN ROBERTSON AND CO. NEW YORK, . . . SCRIBNER, WELFORD, AND ARMSTRONG. BIBLICAL COMMENTARY ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. BY C. F. KEIL, DJD, and F. DELITZSCH, D.D., PROFESSORS OF THEOLOGY. THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH, 7 C. F. KEIL, D.D. VOL. II. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY JAMES KENNEDY, B.D. EDINBURGH: T. & T. CLARK, 38, GEORGE STREET. MDCCCLXXIV. CONTENTS. THE PEOPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. II. Special Predictions (continued) — Chap, xxi.-xxxiii. *ace B. The Announcement of Deliverance for all Israel. — Chap, xxx.- xxxiii., ....... 1 Chap, xxx., xxxi. — Israel's Deliverance and Glorious Condition in the Future, ....... 2 Chap, xxxii. — The Purchase of a Field as a Symbol of the Restoration of Judah after the Exile, . . . .47 Chap, xxxiii. — Renewed Promise of the Restoration and Glorious Condition of the People of God, . . .60 III. The Labour and Suffering of the Prophet before and after the Conquest and Destruction of Jerusalem. — Chap. xxxiv.-xlv., ....... 78 A. Prophecies delivered under Zedekiah, and Events of Je- hoiakim's Time — Chap, xxxiv.-xxxvi. Chap, xxxiv. — Concerning Zedekiah and the Emancipation of the Men- and Maid-servants, . . . . .70 Chap. xxxv. — The Example of the Rechabites, . . .88 Chap, xxxvi. — Jeremiah's Discourses are written down, and read in the Temple, . . . . . .93 B. Experiences and Utterances of Jeremiah during the Siege and Capture of Jerusalem. — Chap, xxxvii.-xxxix. Chap, xxxvii. — Declaration regarding the Issue of the Siege ; Imprisonment of Jeremiah and Conversation with the King, . 104 Chap, xxxviii. — Jeremiah in the Miry Pit. Last Interview with the King, . . . . . .108 Chap, xxxix. — Capture of Jerusalem ; Fate of Zedekiah and Jeremiah. Consolatory Message to Ebedmelech, . . 110 C. Jeremiah's Predictions and Experiences after the Destruction of Jerusalem. — Chap, xl.— xlv. Chap, xl., xli. — Liberation of Jeremiah. Murder of Gedaliah by Lhmael, and its Results, ..... 125 Vlll CONTENTS. Chap, xlii.— The Word of God concerning the Flight to Egypt, Chap, xliii. — The Flight to Egypt: the Conquest of Egypt predicted, Chap. xliv. — Warning against Idolatry, and Intimation of its Punishment, ..... Chap. xlv. — A Promise addressed to Baruch, IV. Prophecies directed against Foreign Nations. — Chap XLVI.-LI., ..... Chap. xlvi. — On Egypt, .... Chap, xlvii. — Concerning the Philistines, . Chap, xlviii. — Concerning Moab, . Chap, xlix.— Concerning Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar Hazci -a, . Chap. 1., .—Against Babylon, Appendix — Chap. lii. — Historical Account of the Capture and Destruction of Jerusalem, the Fate of Zedekiah and the People, and the Liberation of Jehoiachin from Imprisonment, PAGS 139 146 155 170 173 177 197 204 235 262 322 THE LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAH. INTRODUCTION. § 1. The Name, Contents, and Arrangement of the Book, . $ 2. The Author, Time of Composition, and Position in the Canon, 335 339 EXPOSITION. Chap. i. —Sorrow and Wailing over the Fall of Jerusalem and Judah, Chap. ii. — Lamentation over the Judgment of Destruction that has come on Zion and the Desolation of Judah, . Chap. iii. — The Suffering and the Consolation of the Gospel, Chap, iv.— Submission under the Judgment of God, and Hope, Chap, v.— A Prayer to the Lord by the Church, languishing in Misery,- for the Restoration of her former State of Grace, 355 379 400 429 445 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. B. THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF DELIVERANCE FOE ALL ISRAEL. — CHAP. XXX.-XXXIII. |N view of the impending fall of the kingdom of Judah, Jeremiah seeks to present the godly with a strong anchor of hope in the realization of God's gracious promises, which were to be fulfilled after the appointed season of punishment had passed. For this purpose, after predicting the ills of exile times, the prophet gives a comprehensive statement concerning the deliverance which the Lord will vouchsafe to His people in the future, and gathers together the repeated briefer promises regarding the restoration and glorious condition of Israel and Judah, so as to give a full description of the deliverance intended for all the covenant people under the sceptre of the future David. This detailed announcement of the deliverance consists of a pretty- long prophetic address (which Hengstenberg very properly designates "the triumphal hymn of Israel's salvation," chap, xxx. and xxxi.), and two pieces confirmatory of this address, viz. : (1) one recording a symbolical act performed by the prophet at God's command, — the sale of a piece of hereditary property in land during the last siege of Jerusalem, shortly before the breaking up of the kingdom, which commenced with the taking of the city, — together with a message from God explaining this act, chap, xxxii. ; and (2) another passage giving, in prophetic language, a renewed promise that Jerusalem and Judah would be restored with the blissful arrangements connected with the Davidic monarchy and the Levitical priesthood, chap, xxxiii. According to the headings given in xxxii. 1 and xxxiii. 1, these two latter pieces belong to the tenth year of Zedekiah's reign ; VOL. II. A 2 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the address contained in chap. xxx. and xxxi., on the other hand, belongs to a somewhat earlier period, and was not uttered publicly before the people, but simply composed in writing, and meant to be preserved for future use. As regards the exact time of its composition, the views of modern expositors are very dissimilar. While Hengstenberg, with many others, places it in the same period with the allied chapters xxxii. and xxxiii., viz. in the time when Jerusalem was being besieged, immediately before the capture and destruction .of the city, Nagelsbach reckons this address among the oldest portions of the whole book, and assigns its composition to the times of King Josiah, to which iii. 11-25 belongs. But the arguments adduced in support of this view are quite insufficient to establish it. It does not by any means follow from the substantial agreement of the address with that in chap, iii., so far as it exists, that they were both composed at the same time ; and if (as Nagelsbach thinks) the fact that there is no mention made of the Chaldeans were taken as a criterion of composition before the fourth year of Jehoiakim, then, too, would the address in chap, xxxiii. be put down as having been composed before that year, but in glaring contradiction to the inscription given xxxiii. 1. And as little reason is there for inferring, with Hengstenberg, from xxx. 5-7, that the final catastrophe of Jeremiah's time is repre- sented as still imminent ; for these verses do not refer at all to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans. That learned writer is, however, quite correct in his remark, that the prophet takes his stand-point within the period of . the catastrophe, as if it had already begun, but that this time is an ideal present, so that we must not allow ourselves to be deceived as to the time of composition by the circumstance that, generally, Judah no less than Israel appears to be already in a state of exile, far from the land of the Lord. The time of composition cannot be made out with perfect certainty. Yet there is nothing against the assumption that it is the tenth year of Zedekiah. Chap. xxx. and xxxi. IsraeVs Deliverance and Glorious Condition in the Future. A great day of judgment, before which all the world trembles, will bring to Israel deliverance from the yoke imposed on them. CHAP. XXX -XXXI. O The Lord will bring them out of the land of their captivity (xxx. 4-11). He will bind up and heal the wounds which He inflicted on them because of their sins ; will render to those who oppressed and chastised them according to their deeds (vers. 12-17) ; will again build up His kingdom, and render His people glorious, both in temporal and spiritual respects (vers. 18-22). The wrath of the Lord will be poured forth upon all evil-doers like a tempest, till He has performed the thoughts of His heart at the end of the days (vers. 23, 24). At that time the Lord will become the God of all the families of Israel, and show them favour as His own people (xxxi. 1-6) ; He will also gather the remnant of Israel out of the land of the north, lead them back into their inheritance, and make them glad and prosperous through His blessing (vers. 7-14) ; the sorrow of Ephraim will He change to joy, and He will perform a new thing in the land (vers. 15-22). In like manner will He restore Judah, and make want to cease (vers. 23-26). Israel and Judah shall be raised to new life (vers. 27-30), and a new covenant will be made with them', for the Lord will write His law in their heart and forgive their sins (vers. 31-34). Israel shall for ever remain the people of God, and Jerusalem be built anew to the honour of the Lord, and, as a holy city, shall no more be laid waste for ever (vers. 35-40). This address forms a united whole which divides into two halves. In chap, xxx. 4-22 it is the deliverance of Israel in general that is set forth ; while in the passage from chap. xxx. 23 on to the end of chap. xxxi. it is deliverance, more especially in reference to Israel and Judah, that is portrayed. As there is no doubt about its unity, so neither is there any well-founded doubt regarding its genuineness and integrity. Hence the assertion of Hitzig, that, as a whole, it exhibits such a want of connection, such constant alternation of view-point, so many repetitions, and such irregularity in the structure of the verses, that there seems good ground for suspecting interpolation, — such an assertion only shows the inability of the expositor to put himself into the course of thought in the prophetic word, to grasp its contents properly, and to give a fair and unprejudiced estimate of the whole. Hitzig would reject xxxi. 38-40, and Nagelsbach xxx. 20-24, as later additions, but in neither case 4 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. is this admissible; and Kueper (Jeremias, p. 170 sqq.) and Graf, in his Commentary, have already so well shown with what little reason Movers and Hitzig have supposed they had discovered so many "interpolations," that, in our exposition, we merely intend to take up in detail some of the chief passages. Chap. xxx. 1-3. Introduction, and statement of the subject. — Ver. 1. " The word which came to Jeremiah from Jahveh, saying : Ver. 2. Thus hath Jahveh the God of Israel said : Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book ; Ver. 3. For, behold, days come, saith Jahveh, when I shall turn the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith Jahveh, and I shall bring them back to the land which I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it." Ver. 1 contains the heading not merely of vers. 2 and 3, as Hitzig erroneously maintains, but of the whole prophecy, in chap. xxx. and xxxi. Vers. 2 and 3 form the introduction. Jeremiah is to write the following word of God in a book, because it refers to times still future, — regards the deliverance of Israel and Judah from exile, which will not take place till afterwards. In assigning the reason for the command to write down the word of God that had been received, there is at the same time given the subject of the prophecy which follows. From this it is further evident that the expression " all the words which I have spoken to thee " cannot, like xxxvi. 2, be referred, with J. D. Michaelis, to the whole of the prophecies which Jeremiah had up till that time received; it merely refers to the following prophecy of deliverance. The perfect "WlTn is thus not a preterite, but only expresses that the ad- dress of God to the prophet precedes the writing down of the words he received. As to the expression Tf&f 2W, see on xxix. 14. Vers. 4-11. The judgment on the nations for the deliverance of Israel. — Ver. 4. " And these are the words which Jahveh spake concerning Israel and Judah : Ver. 5. For thus saith Jahveh : We have heard a cry of terror, fear, and no peace. Ver. 6. Ask now, and see whether a male bears a child % Why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman CHAP. XXJ. 4-11. 5 in childbirth, and every face turned to paleness? Ver. 7. Alas ! for that day is great, with none like it, and it is a time of distress for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it. Ver. 8. And it shall come to pass on that day, saith Jahveh of hosts, that I will break his yoke from upon thy neck, and I will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more put servitude on him ; Ver. 9. But they shall serve Jahveh their God, and David their king, whom I shall raise up to them. Ver. 10. But fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith Jahveh, neither be con- founded, Israel ; for, behold, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be at rest, and be secure, and there shall be none making him afraid. Ver. 11. For I am with thee, saith Jahveh, to save thee ; for I will make an end of all the nations whither I have scattered thee, yet of thee will I not make an end, but I will chastise thee properly and will not let thee go quite unpunished." With ver. 4 is introduced the description of Israel's restora- tion announced in ver. 3. This introduction is not absolutely necessary, but neither is it for that reason spurious and to be expunged, as Hitzig seeks to do ; it rather corresponds to the breadth of Jeremiah's representation. The "'S in ver. 5 is ex- plicative : " Thus, namely, hath Jahveh spoken." With the lively dramatic power of a poet, the prophet at once transports the hearers or readers of his prophecy, in thought, into the great day to come, which is to bring deliverance to all Israel. As a day of judgment, it brings terror and anguish on all those who live to see it. rvrin bip, " A voice (sound) of trembling (or terror) we hear," viz. the people, of whom the prophet is one. *ins does not depend on ^yoc', but forms with b&v pro an independent clause : " There is fear and not peace" (or safety). Ver. 6. What is the cause of this great horror, which makes all men, from convulsive pains, hold their hands on their loins, so as to support their bowels, in which they feel the pangs, and which makes every countenance pale ? In ver. 7 the cause of this horror is declared. It is the great day of judgment that is coming. "That (not this) day" points to the future, and thus, even apart from other reasons, excludes the supposi- tion that it is the day of the destruction of Jerusalem that is 6 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. meant. The words " that day is great" refer to Joel ii. 1 1, and " there is none like it" is an imitation of Joel ii. 2 ; in the latter passage the prophet makes use of a judgment which he had seen passed on Judah, — its devastation by locusts, — and for the first time presents, as the main element in his prophecy, the idea of the great day of judgment to come on all nations, and by which the Lord will perfect His kingdom on this earth. This day is for Jacob also, i.e. for all Israel, a time of distress ; for the judgment falls not merely on the heathen nations, but also on the godless members of the covenant people, that they may be destroyed from among the congregation of the Lord. The judgment is therefore for Israel as well as for other nations a critical juncture, from which the Israel of God, the com- munity of the faithful, will be delivered. This deliverance is described more in detail in ver. 8 ff. The Lord will break the yoke imposed on Israel, free His people from all bondage to strangers, i.e. the heathen, so that they may serve only Him, the Lord, and David, His king, whom He will raise up. The suffix in W is referred by several expositors (Hitzig, Nagels- bach) to the king of Babylon, "as having been most clearly before the minds of Jeremiah and his contemporaries;" in support of this view we are pointed to Isa. x. 27, as a passage which may have been before the eyes of Jeremiah. But neither this parallel passage nor T}^ (with the suffix of the second person), which immediately follows, sufficiently justifies this view. For, in the second half also of the verse, the second person is interchanged with the third, and Trrtnpto, which is parallel with i;>JJ, requires us to refer the suffix in the latter word to Jacob, so that " his yoke" means " the yoke laid on him," as in 1 Kings xii. 4, Isa. ix. 3. It is also to be borne in mind that, throughout the whole prophecy, neither Babylon nor the king of Babylon is once mentioned ; and that the judgment described in these verses cannot possibly be restricted to the downfall of the Babylonian monarchy, but is the judg- ment that is to fall upon all nations (ver. 11). And although this judgment begins with the fall of the Babylonian supre- macy, it will bring deliverance to the people of God, not merely from the yoke of Babylon, but from every yoke which strangers have laid or will lay on them. — Ver. 9. Then Israel CHAP. XXX. 12-17. 7 will no longer serve strangers, i.e. foreign rulers who are heathens, but their God Jahveh, and David the king who will be raised up to them, i.e. the Messiah, the righteous sprout that Jahveh will raise up to David ; cf. xxiii. 5. The designation of this sprout as " David their king," i.e. the king of the Israelites, points us back to Hos. iii. 5. — Ver. 10 f. Israel the servant of Jahveh, i.e. the true Israel, faithful and devoted to God, need thus fear nothing, since their God will deliver them from the land of their captivity, and stand by them as their deliverer, so that they shall be able to dwell in peace and un- disturbed security in their own land. For Jahveh will make a complete end of all the nations among whom Israel has been scattered ; Israel, on the other hand, He shall certainly chastise, but BBEtei? (according to what is right, in due measure), that they may be made better by their punishment. As to the ex- pression BMfe^ "I?*, see on x. 24 ; for r6a TO i6 } see on iv. 27 and v. IS' (*ink for IRK, v. 18) ; and lastly, on 1|S« l6 rijM, cf. Ex. xxxiv. 47, Num. xiv. 18, Nah. i. 3. — Vers. 10 and 11 are repeated in xlvi. 27, 28, though with some slight changes. 1 Vers. 12-17. Because Israel has been severely chastised for his sins, the Lord will noiv punish his enemies, and heal Israel. — Ver. 12. " For thus saith Jahveh : It is ill with thy bruise, thy wound is painful. Ver. 13. There is none to judge thy cause ; for a sore, healing-plaster there is none for thee. Ver. 14. All thy lovers have forgotten thee, thee they seek not; for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, the chastisement of a cruel one, because of the multitude of thine iniquity, [because] thy sins were numerous. Ver. 15. Why 1 The general strain of these verses is the same as that of the second portion of Isaiah ; hence Hitzig, following Movers, views them as an inter- polation made by the reviser. But this view is most incorrect, as Graf has already pointed out. The only expression which, besides the repetition made in xlvi. 27, occurs nowhere else in Jeremiah, but frequently in the second Isaiah, is, " my servant Jacob ;" cf. Isa. xliv. 1, 2, xlv. 4, xlviii. 20 and xli. 8, xliv. 21, xlix. 3. All the rest is not characteristic of Isaiah. " Thus, ' Fear not, I am with thee,' is certainly found in Isa. xliii. 5, but also in Gen. xxvi. 24 ; ' Fear not, neither be afraid,' is found in a like con- nection in Isa. li. 7, but also in Jer. xxiii. 24, Deut. i. 21, xxxi. 8, Josh, viii. 1; cf. Isa. xliv. 2, Jer. i. 8, 17, Josh. i. 9. aipJP occurs also in vers. 7, 10, 25, Lam. ii. 3. For ?|JWiD, cf. xiv.. 8; for prPD, cf. xxiii. 23, xxxi. 3, 8 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. criest thou over thy bruise, — [because] thy wound is bad ? Because of the multitude of thine iniquity, [because] thy sins were numerous, have I done these things to thee. Ver. 16. Therefore all those who devour thee shall be devoured ; and all thine oppressors, they shall all go into captivity ; and they who spoiled thee shall become a spoil, and those that plundered thee I will give up for plunder. Ver. 17. For I will put a plaster on thee, and will heal thee of thy wounds, saith Jahveh ; for they call thee an outcast, [and say], Zion is she [whom] none seeketh after." This strophe is only a fuller expression of the idea set forth in ver. 11, that the Lord certainly chastises Israel, but will not make an end of him. The chastisement has commenced. From the wounds and blows which Israel has received, he lies motionless and helpless, getting neither sympathy nor aid from his lovers. The feminine suffix and the mention of lovers show that the address turns to the daughter of Zion. On the ex- pression TO&k «fc?, " it is ill with thy bruise," cf. xv. 18. H3JD rprti, " bad, incurable is the stroke which thou hast re- ceived," as in x. 19, xiv. 17. p P, "to execute justice;" cf. v. 28, xxii. 16. Hitzig well explains the meaning : a thy claims against thy heathen oppressors." "tilDp, although con- nected by the accents with what precedes, does not agree well with ^^ pj ; for "MO has not the meaning which has been attributed to it, of a u bandage," but, as derived from the verb "viT, "to press a wound," signifies the wound that has been pressed together ; see on Hos. v. 13. Neither does the figure of the wound agree with the expression, " there is none to judge li. 50. In the second part of Isaiah, pNK> occurs as seldom as TlfTD fNI ; on the other hand, cf. Jer. xlviii. 11, vii. 33.' The expressions found in ver. 11 are as rare in the second part of Isaiah as they are frequent in Jeremiah. Thus, ' For I am with thee to save thee' is found in xv. 20, xlii. 11 ; 'to make a full end ' occurs also in iv. 27, v. 10, 18 ; ' I shall certainly not let thee go unpunished,' which, like Nah. i. 3, seems to have been taken from Ex. xxxiv. 7 or Num. xiv. 18, is not found at all in the second part of Isaiah ; pan, which is found in ix. 15, xiii. 24, xviii. 17, xxiii. 1 f., appears only in Isa. xli. 16 ; and while t35ti'E& "ID 11 is used in the same meaning in x. 24, "iD> occurs nowhere in the second part of Isaiah, and tSStJ'a!' is found in Isa. xli. 1, liv. 17, lix. 11, in quite a different connection and meaning." (Graf.) CHAP. XXX. 12-17. 9 thy cause," so that we might, with Umbreit, render the passage, "No one gives thee thy due, in pressing thy wounds;" while, as Graf says, " niN3"i dissociated from "llTO? forms a useless synonym with '"V^," and in xlvi. 11, where the thought is re- peated, it is separated from the latter word. Accordingly, with Hitzisj and Graf, we connect niSD") "lilD? into one clause : " for the wound, there is no healing (or medicine) — no plaster," npyri is what is laid upon the wound, a plaster. " All thy lovers," i.e. the nations which were once allied with thee (cf. xxii. 20 and 22), do not trouble themselves about thee, because I have smitten thee so heavily on account of the multitude of thy transgressions ; cf . v. 6, xiii. 22. wsy still depends on the preposition ?y, which continues its force, but as a conjunction. The idea that the Israelites have richly deserved their sufferings is still more plainly presented in ver. 15 : " Why criest thou, because thou hast brought this suffering on thee through thy sins'?" B'WNt also depends on ?V y which continues to exert its power in the sentence as a conjunction. — Ver. 16 f. Therefore (i.e. because Israel, although punished for his sins, is destitute of help) will the Lord take pity on him. He will recompense to his oppressors and spoilers according to their deeds, and will heal his wounds. The enemies of Zion will now meet the fate which they have prepared for Zion. Those who, like rapacious animals, w r ould devour Israel (see on ii. 3), shall be devoured, and all his oppressors shall go into captivity ; cf. xxii. 22. The Kethib 'JnpxbJ is the Aramaic form of the participle from DNB> for DD'^; the Qeri substitutes the Hebrew form ^Db>, after 1. 11, Isa. xvii. 14. nanx rpy, to put on a bandage, lay on a plaster. n ?^. signifies, primarily, not a bandage, but, like the Arabic i£jj\ (according to Fleischer in Delitzsch on Isa. lviii. 8), the new skin which forms over a wound as it heals, and (as is shown by the expression of Isaiah, riDVri"T]ri3"is) proves the healing of the wound. Against the direct transference of the meaning of the word in Arabic to the Hebrew n ?")N, with- out taking into consideration the passage in Isaiah just referred to, there is the objection that the word is always used in con- nection with n^y ? "to be put on" (cf. viii. 22, 2 Chron. xxiv. 13, Neh. iv. 1), or nbyn, " to put on" (here and in xxxiii. 6), 10 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. which is not the proper verb to be used in speaking of the formation of a new skin over a wound after suppuration has ceased. Hence the word in Hebrew seems to have received the derived sense of "a healing-plaster;" this is confirmed by the employment of the word n^yn, " plaster," in ver. 13 and xlvi. 11. — The second '3, ver. 17, is subordinate to the clause which precedes. " Because they called thee one rejected," i.e. because the enemies of Zion spoke of her contemptuously, as a city that has been forsaken of God, the Lord will heal her wounds. Vers. 18-22. Further explanation of the deliverance promised to Zio7i.—Ver. 18. " Thus saith Jahveh : Behold, I will turn the captivity of the tents of Jacob, and will take pity on his dwellings ; and the city shall be built again upon its own hill, and the palace shall be inhabited after its own fashion. Ver. 19. And there shall come forth from them praise and the voice of those who laugh ; and I will multiply them, so that they shall not be few, and I will honour them, so that they shall not be mean. Ver. 20. And his sons shall be as in former times, and his congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress him. Ver. 21. And his leader shall spring from himself, and his ruler shall proceed from his midst ; and I will bring him near, so that he shall approach to me ; for who is he that became surety for his life in drawing near to me ? saith Jahveh. Ver. 22. And ye shall become my people, and I will be your God." The dwellings of Israel that have been laid waste, and the cities that have been destroyed, shall be restored and inhabited as formerly, so that songs of praise and tones of joy shall re- sound from them (ver. 18 f.). "The captivity of the tents of Jacob" means the miserable condition of the dwellings of Jacob, i.e. of all Israel; for "to turn the captivity" has every- where a figurative sense, and signifies the turning of adversity and misery into prosperity and comfort; see on xxix. 14. Hitzig is quite wrong in his rendering : " I bring back the captives of the tents of Jacob, i.e. those who have been carried away out of the tents." That " tents " does not stand for those who dwell in tents, but is a poetic expression for " habitations," is perfectly clear from the parallel " his dwellings." To " take CHAP. XXX. 18-22. 11 pity on the dwellings" means to "restore the dwellings that have been destroyed" (ef. ix. 18). The anarthrous TP must not be restricted to the capital, but means every city that has been destroyed ; here, the capital naturally claims the first con- sideration. "Upon its hills" is equivalent to saying on its former site, cf. Josh. xi. 13 ; it does not mean " on the mound made by its ruins," in support of which Nagelsbach erroneously adduces Deut. xiii. 17. tfB"iK in like mariner stands, in the most general way, for every palace. iB3B>"»"7P does not mean " on the proper place," i.e. on an open, elevated spot on the hill (Hitzig), neither does it mean " on its right position " (Ewald) ; both of these renderings are against the usage of the words : but it signifies " according to its right" (cf. Deut. xvii. 11), i.e. in accordance with what a palace requires, after its own fashion. 3^, to be inhabited, as in xvii. 6, etc. " Out of them " refers to the cities and palaces. Thence proceeds, resounds praise or thanksgiving for the divine grace sho-vvn them (cf. xxxiii. 11), and the voice, i.e. the tones or sounds, of those who laugh (cf. xv. 17), i.e. of the people living in the cities and palaces, rejoicing over their good fortune. " I will increase them, so that they shall not become fewer," cf . xxix. 6 ; " I will bring them to honour (cf. Isa. viii. 23), so that they shall not be lightly esteemed." — In ver. 20 f. the singular suf- fixes refer to Jacob as a nation (ver. 18). " His sons" are the members of the nation; they become as they were previously, in former times, — sicut olim sub Davide et Salomone, florentissimo rerum statu. " The congregation will be established before me," i.e. under my survey (p3H as in Ps. cii. 29), i.e. they shall no more be shaken or moved from their position. — Ver. 21. The expression " his prince will be out of him" is explained by the parallel clause, " his ruler will proceed from him." The mean- ing is, that the people will no longer be ruled or subdued by foreign masters, but be ruled by glorious princes, i.e. leaders endowed with princely glory, and these out of the midst of themselves. Herein is contained the truth, that the sovereignty of Israel, as restored, culminates in the kingdom of the Messiah. Yet the words employed are so general that we cannot restrict VVnK and i^O to the person of the Messiah. The idea is to be taken in a more general way : As Israel was ruled by princes 12 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. of the house of David, whom God had chosen, so will it again in the future have its own rulers, whom God will raise out of their midst and exalt gloriously. This is clear from the further statement, " I will cause him to approach, and he shall come near unto me." To affirm that these words do not refer to the ruler, but to the people, is a mistake that could he made only by those expositors who view the " ruler " as being none else than the Messiah. Yet the LXX. and the Chaldee para- phrase understood the words as referring to the people ; and in support of this view, it may be asserted that, in the Messianic period, Israel is to become a holy people (iii. 17), and attain its destiny of being a nation of priests (Ex. xix. 6), in reference to which it is called ta'li? Dy, Ps. cxlviii. 14. But the context evidently requires us to refer the words to the king, with re- gard to whom one here looks for a further statement. The verb 3"nj?n is the regular expression employed in reference to the approach on the part of the priests to Jahveh, cf. Num. xvi. 5 ; and c'33 in Ex. xxiv. 2 denotes the approach of Moses to Jahveh on Mount Sinai. The two verbs thus signify a bringing near and a coming near, which, under the old covenant, was the prerogative of those persons who were consecrated by the Lord to be servants in His sanctuary, but was denied the common people. As to the kings of Israel, in regard to this matter, the ordinance proclaimed concerning Joshua held good in reference to them also : " he shall stand before Eleazar, who shall inquire for him in a matter of Urim before Jahveh" (Num. xxvii. 21). Even a David could not approach into the immediate presence of the Lord to ask His will. This prerogative of the priests the Lord will, in the future, vouchsafe also to the princes of Israel, i.e. He will then put them in such a relation to Himself as no one may now presume to occupy, except at the risk of his life. This is shown by the succeeding sentence, which assigns the reason : " For who is there that stands surety for his heart, i.e. with his heart answers for the consequences of approaching me?" aj? and not E'M is named, as the seat of physical life, in so far as the heart is the place where the soul is alone with itself, and becomes conscious of all it does and suffers as its own (Oehler in Delitzsch's Psychology, p. 296 of Clark's Transla- tion). The meaning is, that nobody will stake his spiritual- CHAP. XXX. 23, 24. 13 moral life on any attempt to draw near to God, because a sinful man is destroyed before the holiness of the Divine Being. Whoever approaches into the presence of Jahveh must die ; Num. viii. 19 ; Ex. xix. 21, xxxiv. 3, etc. — Ver. 22. Then Israel shall really become the people of the Lord, and the Lord shall be their God; thus the end of their divine calling shall be attained, and the salvation of Israel shall be complete ; see on vii. 23. Vers. 23, 24. The wicked shall be destroyed by the fire of God's anger. — Ver. 23. " Behold, a whirlwind of Jahveh, — wrath goeth forth, — a sweeping whirlwind ; it shall hurl down on the head of the wicked. Ver. 24. The heat of Jahveh's anger shall not return till He hath done and till He hath established the purpose of His heart ; in the end of the days ye shall con- sider it." These two verses have been already met with in chap, xxiii. 19 and 20, with a few variations. Instead of p?innn we have here TD^?; and nttP-S|K is here strengthened by prefixing Ji"in ; on the other hand, nya, which is added in the preceding passage to intensify Uiiann, is here omitted. The first of these changes is more of a formal than a real kind ; for by the substitution of "niarjo for ^nrio, the play in the latter word on ^n* is merely disturbed, not " destroyed," since n and h are kindred sounds. Tpann has been variously rendered. The meaning of " abiding," which is founded on 1 Kings xvii. 20, is here un- suitable. Equally inappropriate is the meaning of " crowding together," or assembling in troops, which we find in Hos. vii. 14. It is more correct to derive it from "na, either in the sense of sweeping away or that of blustering, which are meanings derived from the fundamental one of producing harsh sounds in the throat, and transferred to the rushing sound made by the storm as it carries everything along with it. The second and third changes affect the sense. For, by the addition of pn to P)^, the idea of a judgment in wrath is intensified ; and by dropping rW3j less is made of the acuteness of perception. Both of these variations correspond to differences in the context of both passages. In chap, xxiii., where the words are applied to the false prophets, it was important to place emphasis on the statement that these men would, by experience, come to a 14 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. full knowledge of the reality of that judgment they denied ; in this chapter, on the other hand, the idea of judgment in wrath must be expressly set aside. There is thus no good ground for considering these verses a later interpolation into the text, as Movers, Hitzig, and Nagelsbach think. Hitzig rejects these verses as spurious on the false ground that the judgment threatened in this chapter refers merely to the fall of the king- dom of Babylon, which Jeremiah could not have been able to know beforehand ; Nagelsbach rejects them on the ground of other erroneous assumptions. 1 — The only doubtful point regard- ing these verses is, whether they are to be connected, as Hengsten- berg thinks, with what precedes, or with what follows, as Ewald supposes. In the former case, to the promise for the true Israel would be added a threat against those who only seemed to be Israel, — like the declaration in Isaiah, " There is no peace to the wicked :" this addition would thus be made, lest those for whom the promise was not intended should unwarrantably apply it to themselves. But, however well-founded the thought is, that every increasing manifestation of grace is invariably accom- panied by an increased manifestation of righteousness, and though all the prophets clearly testify that the godless members of the covenant people have no share in the promised salvation, but instead are liable to judgment ; yet there has not been such preparation made for the introduction of this thought as that we might be able at once to join these two verses to what pre- cedes. The exclamation " Behold !" with which the words are introduced, rather form a sign that a new addition is to be made to the prophecy. We therefore view the threat in this verse as a resumption of the threat of judgment made in ver. 5 ff., to 1 First, he holds the groundless opinion that this propbecy originated in the time of Josiah, and therefore could not have borrowed verses from the address given in chap, xxiii., which belongs to the time of Jehoiakim ; secondly, with as little ground he affirms that these verses do not corre- spond with the character of the chapter, and seem like a jarring discord in the midst of the announcement of deliverance it contains ; finally, he asks whence could come " the wicked" mentioned, in the times described by the prophet, — as if he thought that when the captivity of tbe people was turned, all godless ones would suddenly disappear. — The doubts as to the genuineness of ver. 22 are based by Nagelsbach merely on the fact that the same idea is repeated in xxxi. 1. CHAP. XXXI. 1-G. 15 which is attached, in xxxi. 1, the further development of the announcement of deliverance ; but we refer the threat made in the verse not merely to the heathen as such, but to all " wicked ones," in such a way that it at the same time applies to the godless members of the covenant people, and signifies their exclusion from salvation. Chap. xxxi. The salvation for all the families of Israel. — Ewald has well stated the connection of this chapter with the conclusion of the preceding, as follows : " In order that the old form of blessing, found in the books of Moses, and here given in ver. 22, may be fulfilled, the whirlwind of Jahveh, which must carry away all the unrighteous, will at last dis- charge itself, as has been already threatened, xxiii. 19 ; this must take place in order that there may be a fulfilment of that hope to all the tribes of Israel (both kingdoms)." Ver. 1 announces deliverance for all the families of Israel, but after- wards it is promised to both divisions of the people sepa- rately, — first, in vers. 2-22, to the ten tribes, who have been exiles the longest ; and then, in a more brief statement, vers. 23-26, to the kingdom of Judah : to this, again, there is ap- pended, vers. 27-40, a further description of the nature of the deliverance in store for the two houses of Israel. Vers. 1-6. The deliverance for all Israel, and the readmission of the ten tribes. — Ver. 1. "At that time, saith Jahveh, will I be a God to all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people. Ver. 2. Thus saith Jahveh : A people escaped from the sword found grace in the wilderness. Let me go to give him rest, even Israel. Ver. 3. From afar hath Jahveh ap- peared unto me, and with everlasting love have I loved thee ; therefore have I continued my favour towards thee. Ver. 4. Once more will I build thee up, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel ; once more shalt thou adorn [thyself] with thy tabrets, and go forth in the dance of those that make merry. Ver. 5. Once more shalt thou plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria ; planters will plant them, and apply them to common use. Ver. 6. For there is a day [when] watchmen will cry on Mount Ephraim : Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion, to Jahveh our God I " 16 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. The expression " At that time" refers to xxx. 24, " in the end of the days," which means the Messianic future. The announcement of deliverance itself is continued by resumption of the promise made in xxx. 22 ; the transposition of the two portions of the promise is to be remarked. Here, " I will be a God to them " stands first, because the restoration and perfec- tion of Israel have their only foundation in the love of God and in the faithfulness with which He keeps His covenant, and it is only through this gracious act that Israel again becomes the people of God. " All the families of Israel" are the families of the whole twelve tribes, — of the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah, separated since the death of Solomon. After this announcement of deliverance for the whole of Israel, the address turns first to Israel of the ten tribes, and continues to treat longest of them, " because, judging from appearances, they seem irrecoverably lost — for ever rejected by the Lord " (Hengstenberg). Ver. 2a is variously explained. Ewald, fol- lowing Raschi and others, refers the words 'Ui |n KVft to the leading of Israel out of Egypt : once on a time, in the Arabian desert, the people that had just barely escaped the sword of the Egyptians nevertheless found grace, when Jahveh, as it were, went to make a quiet dwelling-place for them. The love which He displayed towards them at that time He has since continued, and thus He will now once more bring back His people out of the midst of strangers. This view of the passage is supported by the use of the perfects in vers. 2 and 3, in contrast, with the imperfect, " again will I build thee," ver. 4, and the employ- ment of the expression " in the desert ;" cf. ii. 2, Hos. xiii. 4, 5. But " the people of those who have escaped the sword" is an expression that cannot be reconciled with it. Easchi, indeed, understands this as referring to the sword of the Egyp- tians and Amalekites ; but the thought that Israel, led out of Egypt through the Arabian desert, was a people that had sur- vived or escaped the sword, is one met with nowhere else in the Old Testament, and is quite inapplicable to the condition of the people of Israel when they were led out of Egypt. Although Pharaoh wished to exterminate the people of Israel through hard servile labour, and through such measures as the order to kill all male children when they were born, yet he did not make CHAP. XXXI. 1-6. 17 an exhibition of his wrath against Israel by the sword, neither did he show his anger thus at the Red Sea, where he sought to bring Israel back to Egypt by force. There God shielded His people from the attack of Pharaoh, as He did in the battle against the Amalekites, so that Israel was led through the desert as a whole people, not as a remnant. The designation, " a people escaped from the sw r ord," unconditionally requires us to refer the words to the deliverance of the Israelites from exile ; these were only a remnant of what they had formerly been, since the greater portion of them perished, partly at the downfall of the kingdom, and partly in exile, by the sword of the enemy. Hence the perfects in vers. 2 and 3 are prophetic, and used of the divine counsel, which precedes its execution in time. By using the expression " in the desert," Jeremiah makes an allu- sion to Israel's being led through the Arabian desert. The restoration of Israel to Canaan, from their exile among the nations, is viewed under the figure of their exodus from Egypt into the land promised to their fathers, as in Hos. ii. 16 f. ; and the exodus from the place of banishment is, at the same time, represented as having already occurred, so that Israel is again on the march to his native land, and is being safely conducted through the desert by his God. There is as little ground for thinking that there is reference here "made to the desert lying between Assyria or Babylon and Palestine, as there is for Hitzig's referring 3"in *TnE> to the sword of the Medes and Persians. — The inf. abs. "^vri is used instead of the first person of the imperative (cf. 1 Kings xxii. 30), to express a summons addressed by God to Himself : " I will go." [See Gesenius, § 131, 4, b, 7.] The suffix in Wpn points out the object (Israel) by anticipation : " to bring him to rest." W"i in the Hiphil usually means to be at rest, to rest (Deut. xxviii. 65) ; here, to give rest, bring to rest. — Ver. 3. The people already see in spirit how the Lord is accomplishing His purpose, ver. 2b. " From afar (the prophet speaks in the name of the people, of which he views himself as one) hath Jahveh appeared unto me." So long as Israel languished in exile, the Lord had with- drawn from him, kept Himself far off. Now the prophet sees Him appearing again. " From afar," i.e. from Zion, where the Lord is viewed as enthroned, the God of His people (Ps. xiv. 7), VOL. II. B 18 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. sitting there to lead them back into their land. But the Lord at once assures the people, who have been waiting for Him, of His everlasting love. Because He loves His people with ever- lasting love, therefore has He kept them by His grace, so that they we're not destroyed. ^O, to draw, keep, restrain ; hence "Ipn ^E'Dj prolongare gratiam, Ps. xxxvi. 11, cix. 12, but con- strued with P of a person ; here, with a double accusative, to restrain any one, to preserve him constantly by grace. — Ver. 4. Israel is now to be built up again, i.e. to be raised to a permanent condition of ever-increasing prosperity; cf. xii. 16. The addi- tional clause, " and thou shalt be built," confirms this promise. The " virgin of Israel" is the congregation of Israel: cf. xiv. 17. A new and joyful phase in the life of the people is to begin : such is the meaning of the words, " with tabrets shalt thou adorn thyself, and thou shalt go forth in the dance of those who make merry." In this manner were the popular feasts celebrated in Israel ; cf. Judg. xi. 34, Ps. lxviii. 26. — Ver. 5. " The mountains of Samaria," i.e. of the kingdom of Ephraim (1 Kings xiii. 22 ; 2 Kings xvii. 24), shall again be planted with vineyards, and the planters, too, shall enjoy the fruits in peace, — not plant for strangers, so that enemies shall destroy the fruits ; cf. Isa. lxii. 8 f., lxv. 21 f. The words "planters plant and profane" (i.e. those who plant the vine- yards are also to enjoy the fruit of them) are to be explained by the law in Lev. xix. 23 f., according to which the fruits of newly planted fruit trees, and according to Judg. ix. 27, vines also, were not to be eaten during the first three years ; those of the fourth year were to be presented as a thank-offering to the Lord ; and only those of the fifth year were to be applied to common use. This application to one's own use is expressed in Deut. xx. 6 by ??n, properly, to make common. — Ver. 6 is attached to the foregoing by "'S, which introduces the reason of what has been stated. The connection is as follows : This pros- perous condition of Ephraim is to be a permanent one ; for the sin of Jeroboam, the seduction of the ten tribes from the sanc- tuary of the Lord, shall not continue, but Ephraim shall once more, in the future, betake himself to Zion, to the Lord his God. " There is a day," i.e. there comes a day, a time, when watchmen call. Cnyb here denotes the watchmen who were posted CHAP. XXXI. 7-14. 19 on the mountains, that they might observe and give notice of the first appearance of the crescent of the moon after new- moon, so that the festival of the new-moon and the feasts con- nected with it might be fixed ; cf. Keil's Bill. Avchaol. ii. § 74, Anm. 9 Tsee also the articles Mond and Neumond in Herzoo-'s ' . . . Real-Encykl. vols. ix. and x. ; New-moon in Smith's Bible Dic- tionary^ vol. ii.]. "W, to go up to Jerusalem, which was pre- eminent among the cities of the land as to spiritual matters. Vers. 7-14. The restoration of Israel. — Ver. 7. "For thus saith J ah veh : Shout for joy over Jacob, and cry out over the head of the nations ! Make known, praise, and say, O Jahveh, save Thy people, the remnant of Israel ! Ver. 8. Behold, I will bring them out of the land of the north, and will gather them from the sides of the earth. Among them are the blind and lame, the woman with child and she that hath born, together ; a great company shall they return hither. Ver. 9. With weep- ing shall they come, and with supplications will I lead them : I will bring them to streams of water, by a straight way in which they shall not stumble ; for I have become a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first-born. Ver. 10. Hear the word of Jahveh, ye nations, and declare among the islands far off, and say : He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd his flock. Ver. 11. For Jahveh hath re- deemed Israel and ransomed him out of the hand of one stronger than he. Ver. 12. And they shall come and sing with joy on the height of Zion, and come like a flood to the goodness of Jahveh, because of corn, and new wine, and fresh oil, and the young of the flock and the herd ; and their soul shall be like a well-watered garden, neither shall they pine away any more. Ver. 13. Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, and young men and old men together; and I will turn their mourning to joy, and will comfort them, and will cause them to rejoice after their sorrow. Ver. 14. And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fat, and my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith Jahveh." In order to set forth the greatness of the salvation which the Lord will prepare for Israel, so long outcast, Israel is commanded to make loud jubilation, and exhorted to approach the Lord with entreaties for the fulfilment of His purpose of grace. The 20 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. statement regarding this salvation is introduced by V3, " for," since the description, given in this strophe, of Israel's being led back and re-established, furnishes the actual proof that the nation shall be built up again. The summons to rejoice comes from Jahveh (since, by His gracious dealings, He gives the people material for praise), and is addressed to the members of the nation. These are to rejoice over Jacob, i.e. over the glorious destiny before the people. D^n ^in VTV2 is translated by Hitzig : " shout at the head of the nations," i.e. making a beginning among them all; but this is incorrect and against the context. The thought that many other enslaved nations besides Israel will rejoice over the fall of their oppressors, has not the least foundation in this passage. The summons to the nations, which follows in ver. 10, is simply a command to make known God's purpose regarding the deliverance of Israel. Of course, K< ; N">3, taken literally and by itself, may be rendered "at the head" (1 Kings xxi. 12 ; Amos vi. 7, etc.) ; but in this place, the expression of which it forms the first word is the object of vnXj which is construed with 3, " to rejoice over some- thing," Isa. xxiv. 4. " The head of the nations" signifies " the first of the nations" (ttfon IWiO, Amos vi. 1), i.e. the most exalted among the nations. Such is the designation given to Israel, because God has chosen them before all the nations of the earth to be His peculiar people (Deut. vii. 6 ; 2 Sam. vii. 23 f.), made them the highest over (?$ |i\j>J>, Deut. xxvi. 19) all nations. This high honour of Israel, which seemed to have been taken from him by his being delivered over to the power of heathen nations, is now to appear again, wn ^Ofn, "make to be heard, sing praise," are to be combined into one thought, " sing praise loudly" (so that people may hear it). The words of praise, " Save Thy people, O Jahveh," form rather the expression of a wish than of a request, just as in many psalm?, e.g. Ps. xx. 10, xxviii. 9, especially cxviii. 25 in N3 JW'in, with which Jesus was greeted on His entry into Jerusalem, Matt. xxi. 9 (Graf). — To the rejoicing and praise the Lord replies with the promise that He will lead back His people out of the most distant countries of the north,— every one, even the feeble and frail, who ordinarily would not have strength for so long a journey. " Hither," i.e. to Palestine, where Jeremiah CHAP. XXXI. 7-14. 21 wrote the promise ; cf. iii. 18, xvi. 15. — " With weeping," i.e. with tears of joy, and with contrition of heart over favour so undeserved, they come, and God leads them with weeping, " amidst earnest prayers to the God they have found again, as a lost son returns to the arms of his father" (Umbreit). Hitzig and Graf would connect D^^nnii with what precedes, and com- bine " I will lead them, I will bring them ;" by this arrange- ment, it is said, the careful guidance of God, in leaving nothing behind, is properly set forth. But the symmetry of the verse is thereby destroyed ; and the reason assigned for this construc- tion (which is opposed by the accents), viz. that E^nri does not mean miseratio, dementia, will not stand the test. As in Isa. lv. 12 it is the being brought nnob'Il that is the chief point, so here, it is the bringing ta^wqna, amidst weeping, i.e. fervent prayer. At the same time, the Lord will care like a father for their refreshment and nurture ; He will lead them to brooks of water, so that they shall not suffer thirst in the desert (Isa. xlviii. 21), and guide them by a straight (i.e. level) road, so that they shall not fall. For He shows Himself again to Israel as a father, one who cares for them like a father (cf. iii. 19, Deut. xxxii. 6, Isa. Ixiii. 16), and treats Ephraim as His first-born. " The first-born of Jahveh," in Ex. iv. 22, means the people of Israel as compared with the other nations of the earth. This designation is here transferred to Ephraim as the head and representative of the ten tribes ; but it is not likely that there is in this any allusion to the preference which Jacob dis- played for the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlix. 22 ff. compared witli ver. 4 (Venema, J. D. Michaelis, Nagelsbach),— the advantage they obtained consisting in this, that Ephraim and Manasseh were placed on an equal footing with Jacob's sons as regards inheri- tance in the land of Canaan ; in other words, they were elevated to the dignity of being founders of tribes. There is no trace in this prophecy of any preference given to Ephraim before Judah, or of the ten tribes before the two tribes of the king- dom of Judah. That the deliverance of Ephraim (Israel) from exile is mentioned before that of Judah, and is further more minutely described, is simply due to the fact, already mentioned, that the ten tribes, who had long languished in exile, had the least hope, according to man's estimation, of deliverance. The 22 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. designation of Ephraim as the first-born of Jaliveh simply shows that, in the deliverance of the people, Ephraim is in no respect to be behind Judah, — that they are to receive their full share in the Messianic salvation of the whole people ; in other words, that the love which the Lord once displayed towards Israel, when He delivered them out of the power of Pharaoh, is also to be, in the future, displayed towards the ten tribes, who were looked on as lost. The nature of fatherhood and sonship, as set forth in the Old Testament, does not contain the element of the Spirit's testimony to our spirit, but only the idea of paternal care and love, founded on the choosing of Israel out of all the nations to be the peculiar people of God ; see on Ex. iv. 22 and Isa. lxiii. 16, Ixiv. 7. I|> p3 is substantially the same as "^ J3 and &yt[0 T&J in ver. 20.— Ver. 10 f . The most remote of the heathen, too, are to be told that Jahveh will free His people from their hands, gather them again, and highly favour them, lest they should imagine that the God of Israel has not the power to save His people, and that they may learn to fear Him as the Almighty God, who has given His people into their power, not from any inability to defend them, but merely for the purpose of chastising them for their sins. D^K are the islands in, and countries lying along the coast of, the Mediter- ranean Sea ; in the language of prophecy, the word is used as a designation of the distant countries of the west ; cf. Ps. lxxii. 10, Isa. xli. 1, 5, xlii. 12, etc. On ver. 10Z>, cf. xxiii. 3, Ex. xxxiv. 12 ff., Isa. xl. 11. " Stronger than he," as in Ps. xxxv. 10 ; the expression is here used of the heathen master of the world. — Vers. 12-14. Thus led by the Lord through the wilderness (ver. 9), the redeemed shall come rejoicing to the sacred height of Zion (see on xvii. 12), and thence go in streams, i.e. scatter themselves over the country like a stream, for the goodness of the Lord, i.e. for the good things which He deals out to them in their native land. " To the goodness of Jahveh" is explained by " because of corn," etc. (/V for P^), cf. Hos. iii. 5. As to the good things of the country, cf. Deut. viii. 8. Their soul will be like a well-watered garden, an emblem of the fulness and freshness of living power ; cf. Isa. lviii. 11. — Ver. 13. Then shall young men and old live in unclouded joy, and forget all their former sorrow. " In the dance " refers CHAP. XXXI. 15-22. 23 merely to the virgins : to " young men and old together," only the notion of joy is to be repeated from the context. — Ver. 14. The priests and the people will refresh themselves with the fat, i.e. the fat pieces of the thank-offerings, because numerous offerings will be presented to the Lord in consequence of the blessing received from Him. Vers. 15-22. Changing of sorrow into joy, because Ephraim will turn to the Lord, and the Lord ivill lead him back. — Ver. 15. " Thus saith Jahveh : A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation, bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children ; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are not. Ver. 16. Thus saith Jahveh : Restrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears ; for there is a reward for thy work, saith Jahveh, and they shall return from the land of the enemy. Ver. 17. And there is hope for thy latter end, saith Jahveh, that children shall return to thy border. Ver. 18. I have cer- tainly heard Ephraim complaining, Thou hast chastised me and I was chastised, like a calf not tamed. Turn me that I may turn, for Thou, O Jahveh, art my God. Ver. 19. For, after I return I repent, and after I have been taught I smite upon [my] thigh ; I am ashamed, yea, and confounded, because I bear the reproach of my youth. Ver. 20. Is Ephraim a son dear to me, or a child of delight, that, as often as I speak against him, I do yet certainly remember him ? Therefore my bowels move for him; I shall surely pity him, saith Jahveh- Ver. 21. Set thee up way-marks, put up posts for thyself ; set thine heart to the highway, the road [by which] thou earnest : return, O virgin of Israel, return to these cities of thine. Ver. 22. How long wilt thou wander about, O backsliding daughter? For Jahveh hath created a new [thing] in the earth : a woman shall encompass a man." In this strophe the promise is further confirmed by carrying out the thought, that Israel's release from his captivity shall certainly take place, however little prospect there is of it at present. For Israel will come to an acknowledgment of his sins, and the Lord will then once more show him His love. The hopeless condition of Israel is dramatically set forth in ver. 15 f. : Rachel, the mother of Joseph, and thus the ances- tress of Ephraim, the chief tribe of the Israelites who had 24 THE PEOPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. revolted from the royal house of David,- weeps bitterly over the loss of her children, the ten tribes who have been carried away into exile ; and the Lord addresses consolation to her, with the promise that they shall return out of the land of the enemy. " A voice is heard" ($%&*, participle, to show duration). The " voice" is more fully treated of in the second part of the verse : loud lamentation and bitter weeping. There is a difficulty con- nected with n»"i3. The LXX. took it to be the name of the t t ; city Ramah, now called er-Rdm, in the tribe of Benjamin, five English miles north from Jerusalem, on the borders of the king- doms of Judah and Israel (1 Kings xv. 17), although this city is elsewhere written with the article (jWSV?), not on ty m tne n ^ s " torical notices found in xl. 1, Josh, xviii. 25, Judg. iv. 5, etc., but also in prophetical addresses, as in Hos. vi, 8, Isa. x. 29. In this passage it cannot be a mere appellative (" on a height"), as in 1 Sam. xxii. 6, Ezek. xvi. 24 ; nor can we think of Ramah in Naphtali (Josh. xix. 36, also •""?")?), for this latter city never figures in history like the Ramah of Samuel, not far from Gibeah ; see on Josh, xviii. 25 and 1 Sam. i. 1, But why is the lamentation of Rachel heard at Ramah ? Most expositors reply, because the tomb of Rachel was in the vicinity of Ramah ; in support of this they cite 1 Sam. x. 2. Nagelsbach, who is one of these, still maintains this view with the utmost confi- dence. But this assumption is opposed to Gen. xxxv. 16 and 19, where it is stated that Rachel died and w T as buried on the way to Bethlehem, and not far from the town (see on Genesis, I.e.), which is about five miles south from Jerusalem, and thus far from Ramah. Nor is any support for this view to be got from 1 Sam. x. 2, except by making the groundless assumption, that Saul, while seeking for the asses of his father, came to Samuel in his native town ; whereas, in the account given in that chapter, he is merely said to have sought for Samuel in a certain town, of which nothing more is stated, and to have inquired at him ; see on 1 Sam. x. 2. We must therefore reject, as arbitrary and groundless, all attempts to fix the locality of Rachel's sepulchre in the neighbourhood of Ramah (Nagels- bach) ; in the same way we must treat the assertion of Thenius, Knobel, Graf, etc., that the Ephratah of Gen. xxxv. 16, 19, is the same as the Ephron of 2 Chron. xiii. 19, which was situated CHAP. XXXI. 15-?2. 25 near Bethel ; so, too, must we deal with the statements, that Ephratah, i.e. Bethlehem, is to be expunged from the text of Gen. xxxv. 9 and 48 as a false gloss, and that the tradition, attested in Matt. ii. 18, as to the situation of Rachel's sepulchre in the vicinity of Bethlehem, is incorrect. Nor does the passage of Jeremiah now before us imply that Rachel's sepulchre was near Ramah. Rachel does not weep at Ramah over her lost children, either because she had been buried there, or because it was in Ramah of Benjamin that the exiles were assembled, according to Jer. xl. 1 (Hitzig, and also Delitzsch on Gen. xxxv. 20). For it was the Jews who were to be carried away captive that were gathered together at Ramah, whereas it was over Israelites or Ephraimites that had been carried into exile that Rachel weeps. The lamentation of Rachel is heard at Ramah, as the most loftily situated border-town of the two kingdoms, whence the wailing that had arisen sounded far and near, and could be heard in Judah. Nor does she weep because she has learned something in her tomb of the carrying away of the people, but as their common mother, as the beloved spouse of Jacob, who in her married life so earnestly desired children. Just as the people are often included under the notion of the " daughter of Zion," as their ideal representative, so the great ancestress of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh is here named as the representative of the maternal love shown by Israel in the pain felt when the people are lost. The sing. WIPN , 3 signifies, " for not one of them is left." — This verse is quoted by Matthew (ii. 18), after relating the story of the murder of the children at Bethlehem, with the introductory formula, tot€ i-jrXrjpooOi] to p7]$ev Sia 'Iepe/jbiov : from this the older theologians (cf. Calovii Bill, illuslr. ad Jer. I.e.) conclude that Jeremiah directly prophesied that massacre of the children committed by Herod. But this inference cannot be allowed ; it will not fit in with the context of the prophecy. The expression iTrX-tjpcoOrj, used by Matthew, only shows that the prophecy of Jeremiah received a new fulfilment through that act of Herod. Of course, we must not reduce the typical reference of the prophecy to that event at Bethlehem simply to this, that the wailing of the mothers of Bethlehem over their murdered children was as great as the lamentation made when the people were carried into exile. 26 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Typology rather assumes a causal connection between the two events. The destruction of the people of Israel by the Assyrians and Chaldeans is a type of the massacre of the infants at Beth- lehem, in so far as the sin which brought the children of Israel into exile laid a foundation for the fact that Herod the Idumean became king over the Jews, and wished to destroy the true King and Saviour of Israel that he micjlit strengthen his own do- minion. Cf. Fr. Kleinschmidt, die typolog. Citate der vier Evangelien, 1861, S. 10 ff. ; [Fairbairn's Typology, fifth edition, vol. i. pp. 452-3.] The Lord will put an end to this wailing. " Cease thy weeping," He cries to the sorrowing ones, " for there is a reward for thy labour" (almost identical with 2 Chron. xv. 7). npya is the maternal labour of birth and rearing of children. The reward consists in this, that the children shall return out of the land of the enemy into their own land. Ver. 17 states the same thing in parallel clauses, to confirm the promise. On the expression " hope for thy latter end," cf. xxix. 11. D^a with- out the article, as in Hos. xi. 10, etc. ; cf. Ewald, § 277, b. This hope is grounded on the circumstance that Israel will become aware, through suffering, that he is punished for his sins, and, repenting of these sins, will beseech his God for favour. The Lord already perceives this repentant spirit and acknow- ledgment of sin. ID^XJ does not mean " I had myself chas- tised," or "I learned chastisement" (Hitzig), but "I was chastised," like an untamed calf, i.e. one not trained to bear the yoke and to endure labour. On this figure, cf. Hos. x. 11. The recognition of suffering as chastisement by God excites a desire after amelioration and amendment. But since man cannot accomplish these through his own powers, Israel prays, " Lead me back," sc. from my evil way, i.e. turn me. He finds him- self constrained to this request, because he feels regret for his apostasy from God. ^W "nnK in this connection can only mean, " after I turned," sc. from Thee, O Lord my God ; on this meaning of 3}{J>, cf. viii. 4. JH5 1 ?, to be brought to under- standing through punishment, i.e. to become wise. To smite the thighs is a token of terror and horror; cf. Ezek. xxi. 17. On *FK&33 DJ] VlBfc cf. Isa. xlv. 16. " The shame of my youth" is that which I brought on myself in my youth through the CHAP. XXXI. 15-22. 27 sins I then committed. On this confession generally, cf. the similar one in iii. 21 ff. — Thereafter the Lord replies, ver. 20, with the question, whether Ephraim is so dear a son to Him that, as often as He has spoken against him, i.e. uttered hard words of condemnation, He still, or again, thinks of him. l£ DTCW, " a child of delight," whom one fondles ; cf. Isa. v. 7- The clause explanatory of the question, " for as often as," etc., is taken in different ways. 3 12PJ may signify, " to speak about one," or " to speak against one," or " to pay addresses to one," i.e. to court him : 1 Sam. xxv. 39 ; Cant. viii. 8. Hitzig applies the last meaning to the expression, and translates, " as often as I have paid my suit to him ;" according to this view, the basis of the representation of Jahveh's relation to the people is that of a husband to his wife. But this meaning of the verb does not by any means suit the present context, well established though it is by the passages that have been adduced. Ephraim is here represented as a son, not a virgin to whom Jahveh could pay suit. Hence we must take the expression in the sense of u speaking against" some one. But what Jahveh says against Ephraim is no mere threatening by words, but a repri- mand by deeds of judgment. The answer to the question is to be inferred from the context : If the Lord, whenever He is constrained to punish Ephraim, still thinks of him, then Ephraim must be a son dear to Him. But this is not because of his con- duct, as if he caused Him joy by obedience and faithful attach- ment, but in consequence of the unchangeable love of God, who cannot leave His son, however much grief he causes his Father. u Therefore," i.e. because he is a son to whom Jahveh shows the fulness of His paternal love, all His kindly feelings towards him are now excited, and He desires to show compassion on him. On *SQ *»n cf. Isa. xvi. 11 and Ixiii. 15. Under " bowels" are included especially the heart, liver, reins, the noblest organs of the soul. The expression is strongly anthropopathic, and de- notes the most heartfelt sympathy. This fellow-feeling mani- fests itself in the form of pity, and actually as deliverance from misery. The Lord desires to execute this purpose of His everlasting love. Ver. 21. Israel is required to prepare himself for return, and to go home again into his own cities. u Set thee up way- 28 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. marks." p*Sf, in 2 Kings xxiii. 17 and Ezek. xxxix. 15, " a tomb- stone," probably a stone pillar, which could also serve as a way-mark. CHIIDPi is not from yyo as in ver. 15, but from "lEfi, and has the same meaning as nnD^n, Joel iii. 3, Talm. Tsrij a pillar, Arab, ju.b', pi., cippi, signa in desertis. " Set thy heart," i.e. turn thy mind to the road, the way you have gone (on ^pn see ii. 20), not, that you may not miss it, but because it leads thee home. " Return to these cities of thine." " These" implies that the summons issues from Palestine. Moreover, the separate clauses of this verse are merely a poetic individualization of the thought that Israel is to think seriously of returning ; and, inasmuch as this return to Palestine pre- supposes return to the Lord, Israel must first turn with the heart to his God. Then, in ver. 22, follows the exhortation not to delay. The meaning of P^nr 1 ? is educed from Cant. v. 6, where P^n signifies to turn one's self round ; hence the Hithpael means to wander about here and there, uncertain what to do. This exhortation is finally enforced by the statement, " Jahveh creates a new thing on the earth" (cf. Isa. xliii. 19). This novelty is, " a woman will encompass a man." With regard to the meaning of these words, about which there is great dispute, this much is evident from the context, that they indicate a transformation of things, a new arrangement of the relations of life. This new arrangement of things which Jahveh brings about is mentioned as a motive which should rouse Ephraim ( = Israel) to return without delay to the Lord and to his cities. If we keep this in mind, we shall at once set aside as untenable such interpretations as that of Luther in his first translation of 1532-38, " those who formerly be- haved like women shall be men," which Ewald has revived in his rendering, " a woman changing into a man," or that of Schnurrer, Eosenmiiller, Gesenius, Maurer, " the woman shall protect the man," or that of Nagelsbach, tl the woman shall turn the man to herself." The above-mentioned general con- sideration, we repeat, is sufficient to set aside these explana- tions, quite apart from the fact that none of them can be lexically substantiated ; for 22iD neither means to " turn one's self, vertere" nor to " protect," nor to " cause to return" (as if CHAP. XXXI. 15-22. 29 221D were used for 3?iP). Deut. xxxii. 10 is adduced to prove the meaning of protection ; but the word there means to go about fondling and cherishing. Neither the transmutation of the female into a male, or of a weak woman into a strono- man, nor the protection of the man by a woman, nor the notion that the strong succumbs to the weak, forms an effectual motive for the summons to Israel to return ; nor can we call any of them a new creative act effected by Jahveh, or a new arrangement of things. But we must utterly reject the meaning of the words given by Castle, le Clerc, and Hitzig, who apply them to the unnatural circumstance, that a woman makes her suit to a man, even where by the woman is understood the virgin of Israel, and by the man, Jahveh. Luther gave the correct rendering in his editions of 1543 and 1545, " the woman shall encompass the man," — only, " embrace" (Ger. umfangen) might express the sense better than " encompass" (Ger. umgeben). fiaga is nomen sexus, " femella, a female ;" 133, a "man," also " proles mas- cula" not according to the sexual relation (= 13T), but with the idea of strength. Both in the choice of these words and by the omission of the article, the relation is set forth in its widest generality ; the attention is thereby steadily directed to its fundamental nature. The woman, the weak and tender being, shall lovingly embrace the man, the strong one. Heng- stenberg reverses the meaning of the words when he renders them, " the strong one shall again take the weak into his closest intercourse, under his protection, loving care." Many expositors, including Hengstenberg and Hitzig of moderns, have rightly perceived that the general idea has been set forth with special reference to the relation between the woman, Israel, and the man, Jahveh. Starting with this view, which is sug- gested by the context, the older expositors explained the words of the conception and birth of Christ by a virgin ; cf. Corn, a Lapide, Calovii Bill, ill, Cocceius, and Pfeiffer, dubia vex. p. 758 sqq. Thus, for example, the Berleburger Bibel gives the following explanation : "A woman or virgin — not a married woman — will encompass, i.e. carry and contain in her body, the man who is to be a vanquisher of all and to surpass all in strength." This explanation cannot be set aside by the simple remark, " that here there would be set forth the very feature 30 THE PROPHECIES OF JEKEJIIAH. in the birth of Christ by a virgin which is not peculiar to it as compared with others ;" for this " superficial remark" does not in the least touch the real point to be explained. But it may very properly be objected, that 3liD has not the special meaning of conceiving in a mother's womb. On this ground we can also set down as incorrect the other explanation of the words in the Berleburger Bibel, that the text rather speaks of " the woman who is the Jewish Church, and who, in the spirit of faith, is to bear Christ as the mighty God, Isa. ix. 6, in the like- ness of a man, Rev. xii. 1, 2." However, these explanations are nearer the truth than any that have been offered since. The general statement, " a woman shall encompass (the) man," i.e. lovingly embrace him, — this new relation which Jahveh will bring about in place of the old, that the man encompasses the wife, loving, providing for, protecting her, — can only be re- ferred, agreeably to the context, to change of relation between Israel and the Lord. sniD, " to encompass," is used tropically, not merely of the mode of dealing on the part of the Lord to His people, the faithful, — of the protection, the grace, and the aid which He grants to the pious ones, as in Ps. xxxii. 7, 10, Deut. xxxii. 10, — but also of the dealings of men with divine things. ^H?! 1 ? n 9^ D ^> P s - xxvi. 6, does not mean, " I will go round Thine altar," in a circle or semicircle as it were, but, " I will keep to Thine altar," instead of keeping company with the wicked ; or more correctly, " I will surround Thine altar," making it the object of my care, of all my dealings, — I will make mine own the favours shown to the faithful at Thine altar. In the verse now before us, 2?iD signifies to encompass with love and care, to surround lovingly and carefully, — the natural and fitting dealing on the part of the stronger to the weak and those who need assistance. And the new thing that God creates consists in this, that the woman, the weaker nature that needs help, will lovingly and solicitously surround the man, the stronger. Herein is expressed a new relation of Israel to the Lord, a reference to a new covenant which the Lord, ver. 31 ff., will conclude with His people, and in which He deals so condescendingly towards them that they can lovingly embrace Him. This is the substance of the Messianic meaning in the words. The conception of the Son of God in the womb of the CHAP. XXXI. 22-2G. 31 Virgin Mary is not expressed in them either directly or indi- rectly, even though we were allowed to take 3?to in the meaning of " embrace." This new creation of the Lord is intended to be, and can be, for Israel, a powerful motive to their imme- diate return to their God. Vers. 23-26. The re-establishment and blessing of Judah. — Ver. 23. " Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel : Once more shall they say this word in the land of Judah and in its cities, when I turn their captivity : ' Jahveh bless thee, O habitation of righteousness, O mountain of holiness ! ' Ver. 24. And there shall dwell in it, [in] Judah and all its cities together, husbandmen and [those who] move about with the flock. Ver. 25. For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have filled every languishing soul. Ver. 26. Because of this I awoke and looked, and my sleep was sweet unto me." The prophecy which treats of Judah alone is condensed, but states much in few words, — not merely the restitutio in statum integritatis, but also rich blessing thereafter. "May Jahveh bless thee" is a benediction, equivalent to " may you be blessed ; " cf. Ps. cxxviii. 5, cxxxiv. 3. P^V rvn does not mean "habitation of salvation," but "habitation of righteous- ness;" cf. Isa. i. 21, where it is said of Jerusalem that risht- eousness formerly dwelt in it. This state of matters is again to exist ; Jerusalem is again to become a city in which righteous- ness dwells. " The holy mountain " is Zion, including Moriah, where the Lord had set up His throne. That the designation " the holy mountain" was applied to the whole of Jerusalem cannot be made out from Ps. ii. 6, xlviii. 2 ff., Isa. xi. 9, xxvii. 13, which have been adduced to prove the assertion. The prayer for the blessing implies that Zion will again be the seat of the Divine King of His people. Ver. 24. " There dwell in it (in the land of Judah) Judah and all his towns," i.e. the population of Judah and of all its towns, as " husbandmen and (those who) pasture flocks," i.e. each one pursuing un- disturbed his own peaceful employment, agriculture and cattle- rearing, and (ver. 25) so blessed in these callings that they are kept from every need and want. n ?^ may either be viewed as the perfect, before which the relative is to be sup- plied, or an adjectival form imitated from the Aramaic parti- 32 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. ciple, masc. 3N"i. — Ver. 26. Thereupon the prophet awoke from his ecstatic sleep, and said, " My sleep was pleasant " (cf . Prov. iii. 24). Very many expositors, including Rosenmiiller, Umbreit, and Neumann among the moderns, understand the words, " therefore (or, because of this) I awoke," etc., as refer- ring to God, because in what precedes and follows Jahveh speaks, and because God is sometimes, in the Psalms, called on to awake, e.g. Ps. vii. 7, xxxv. 23, xliv. 24, etc. But it has been very properly objected to this, that the words, " my sleep was sweet" (pleasant), are inappropriate as utterances of God, inasmuch as He does not sleep ; nowhere in Scripture is sleep attributed to God, and the summons to awake merely implies the non-interference on the part of God in the affairs of His people. Moreover, we would need to refer the sleeping of God, mentioned in this verse, to His dealing towards Israel during the exile, in such a way that His conduct as a powerful judge would be compared to a sweet sleep, — which is inconceivable. As little can the verse be supposed to contain words of the people languishing in exile, as Jerome has taken them. For the people could not possibly compare the time of oppression during the exile to a pleasant sleep. There is thus nothing left for us but to take this verse, as the Targum, Raschi, Kimchi, Venema, Dahler, Hitzig, Hengstenberg, and others have done, as a remark by the prophet regarding his feelings when he re- ceived this revelation ; and we must accept something like the paraphrase of Tholuck (die Projiheten, S. 68) : " Because of such glorious promises I awoke to reflect on them, and my ecstatic sleep delighted me." This view is not rendered less tenable by the objection that Jeremiah nowhere says God had revealed Himself to him in a dream, and that, in what precedes, there is not to be found any intimation that what he sets forth appeared to him as a vision. For neither is there any intimation, throughout the whole prophecy, that he received it while in a waking- state. The command of God, given xxx. 2 at the first, to write in a book the words which Jahveh spoke to him, implies that the prophecy was not intended, in the first instance, to be publicly read before the people ; moreover, it agrees with the assumption that he received the prophecy in a dream. But against the objection that Jeremiah never states, CHAP. XXXI. 27-30. 33 in any other place, in what bodily condition he was when he received his revelations from God, and that we cannot see why he should make such an intimation here, — we may reply, with Nligelsbach, that this prophecy is the only one in the whole book which contains unmixed comfort, and that it is thus easy to explain why he could never forget that moment when, awak- ing after he had received it, he found he had experienced a sweet sleep. Still less weight is there in the objection of Graf, that one cannot comprehend why this remark stands here, be- cause the description is evidently continued in what follows, while the dream must have ended here, when the prophet awoke. For this is against the assumption that the hand of the Lord immediately touched him again, and put him back into the ecstatic state. One might rather urge the consideration that the use of the word nj^ " sleep," does not certainly prove that the prophet was in the ecstatic state, from the fact that the LXX. render nBT] , i l > in Gen. ii. 21 and xv. 2, by efco-Taais. But wherever divine revelations were made in dreams, these of course presuppose sleep ; so that the ecstatic state might also be properly called " sleep." Jeremiah adds, " And I looked," to signify that he had been thoroughly awakened, and, in com- plete self-consciousness, perceived that his sleep had been pleasant. Vers. 27-30. The renovation of Israel and Judali. — Ver. 27. " Behold, days are coming, saith Jahveh, when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with seed of men and seed of beasts. Ver. 28. And it shall be that, just as I have watched over them to pluck up and to break down, to pull down and to destroy and to hurt, so shall I watch over them to build and to plant, saith Jahveh. Ver. 29. In those days they shall no more say, ' Fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the teeth of the children become blunt ; ' Ver. 30. But each man shall die for his own iniquity : every man who eats the sour grapes, his own teeth shall become blunted." After announcement has been made, in what preceded, that both portions of the covenant people will be led back into their own land and re-established there, both are now combined, since they are again, at the restoration, to be united under one king, the sprout of David (cf. iii. 15, 18), and to both there is pro- VOL. II. C 34 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. mised great blessing, both temporal and spiritual. The house of Israel and the house of Judah, as separate nations, are re- presented as a fruitful field, which God will sow with men and cattle, i" 1 ^?, " cattle," the tame domestic animals, contribute to the prosperity of a nation. That this seed will mightily increase, is evident from the fact that God sows it, and (as is further stated in ver. 28) will watch over it as it grows. Whereas, hitherto, He has watched for the purpose of destroy- ing and annihilating the people, because of their apostasy, He •will in time to come watch for the purpose of planting and building them up. The prophet has hitherto been engaged in fulfilling, against the faithless people, the first part of the com- mission given him by the Lord when he was called to his office (i. 10) ; hereafter, he will be engaged in building up. As certainly as the first has taken place, — and of this the people have had practical experience, — so certainly shall the other now take place. — Ver. 29. The proverb, which Ezekiel also (xviii. 2 f .) mentions and contends against, cannot mean, " The fathers • have begun to eat sour grapes, but not till the teeth of their sons have become blunted by them " (Nagelsbach) ; the change of tense is against this, for, by the perfect v3X and the imper- fect rnTipn, the blunting of the children's teeth is set down as a t v : • ' o result of the fathers' eating. The proverb means, " Children atone for the misdeeds of their fathers," or " The sins of the fathers are visited on their innocent children." On this point, cf. the explanations given on Ezek. xviii. 2 ff. "Then shall they no more say" is rightly explained by Hitzig to mean, " They shall have no more occasion to say." But the meaning of the words is not yet made plain by this ; in particular, the question how we must understand ver. 30 is not settled. Graf, referring to xxiii. 7, 8, supplies nD# after EN"''?, and thus obtains the meaning, Then will they no more accuse God of unrighteousness, as in that wicked proverb, but they will per- ceive that every one has to suffer for his own guilt. Hitzig and Nagelsbach have declared against this insertion, — the former with the remark that, in xxiii. 7, 8, because both mem- bers of the sentence begin with protestations, the whole is clear, while here it is not so, — the latter resting on the fact that the dropping of the proverb from current use certainly CHAP. XXXI. 31-40. 35 implies a correct knowledge of the righteousness of God, but one which is very elementary and merely negative ; while, on the other hand, the whole connection of the passage now before us shows that it is intended to describe a period when the theo- cratic life is in a most flourishing condition. Then expositors take ver. 30 as the utterance of the prophet, and as embodying the notion that the average level of morality shall be so high at this future period, that only some sins will continue to be com- mitted, and these as isolated exceptions to the rule. Taken all in all, Israel will be a holy people, in which the general spirit pervading them will repress the evil in some individuals, that would otherwise manifest itself. But we cannot imagine how these ideas can be supposed to be contained in the words, " Every man shall die for his own sins," etc. Ver. 30 un- S questionably contains the opposite of ver. 29. The proverb j mentioned in ver. 29 involves the complaint against God, that in punishing sin He deals unjustly. According to this view, ver. 30 must contain the declaration that, in the future, the righteousness of God is to be revealed in the punishment of sins. As we have already remarked on Ezek. xviii. 3 f., the verse in question rather means, that after the re-establishment of Israel, the Lord will make known to His people His grace in so glorious a manner that the favoured ones will fully per- ceive the righteousness of His judgments. The experience of the unmerited love and compassion of the Lord softens the heart so much, that the favoured one no longer doubts the righteousness of the divine punishment. Such knowledge of true blessedness cannot be called elementary ; rather, it implies a deep experience of divine grace and a great advance in the life of faith. Nor does the verse contain a judgment expressed by the prophet in opposition to that of his contemporaries, but it simply declares that the opinion contained in that current proverb shall no longer be accepted then, but the favoured people will recognise in the death of the sinner the punish- ment due to them for their own sin. Viewed in this manner, these verses prepare the way for the following announcement concerning the nature of the new covenant. Vers. 31-40. The new covenant. — Ver. 31. " Behold, days are coming, saith Jahveh, when I will make with the house of 36 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Israel and with the house of Judah a new covenant ; Ver. 32. Not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I laid hold of their hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, which covenant of mine they broke, though I had married them to myself, saith Jahveh; Ver. 33. But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith Jahveh : I will put my law within them, and on their heart will I write it ; and I will become to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. Ver. 34. And they shall no more teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother, saying, Know ye Jahveh, for all of them shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, saith Jahveh ; for I will pardon their iniquity, and their sins will I remember no more. Ver. 35. Thus saith Jahveh, [who] gives the sun for light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and stars for light by night, who rouses the sea so that its waves roar, Jahveh of hosts is His name : Ver. 36. If these ordinances move away from before me, saith Jahveh, then also will the seed of Israel cease to be a people before me for ever. Ver. 37. Thus saith Jahveh : If the heavens above can be measured, and the foun- dations of the earth below can be searched out, then will I also reject all the seed of Israel because of all that they have done, saith Jahveh. Ver. 38. Behold, days come, saith Jahveh, when the citv shall be built for Jahveh, from the tower of Hahaneel unto the gate of the corner, Ver. 39. And the measuring-line shall once more go out straight over the hill of Gareb, and turn round towards Goah. Ver. 40. And all the valley of the corpses and of the ashes, and all the fields unto the valley of Kidron, unto the corner of the gate of the horses towards the east, [shall be] holiness to Jahveh ; it shall not be plucked up nor pulled down a^ain for ever." The re-establishment of Israel reaches its completion in the making of a new covenant, according to which the law of God is written in the hearts of the people ; thereby Israel becomes in truth the people of the Lord, and the knowledge of God founded on the experience of the forgiveness of sins is such that there is no further need of any external means like mutual teaching about God (vers. 31-34). This covenant is to endure for ever, like the unchangeable ordinances of nature (vers. CHAP. XXXI. 31-40. 37 35-37) ; and in consequence of this, Jerusalem shall be built as the holy city of God, which shall never be destroyed again (vers. 38-40). — Ver. 31. IV'ia n*)3 does not mean " to make an appointment," but " to conclude a covenant," to establish a rela- tion of mutual duties and obligations. Every covenant which God concludes with men consists, on the side of God, in assur- ance of His favours and actual bestowal of them ; these bind men to the keeping of the commands laid on them. The cove- nant which the Lord will make with all Israel in the future is called " a new covenant," as compared with that made with the fathers at Sinai, when the people were led out of Egypt ; this latter is thus implicitly called the " old covenant." The words, u on the day when I took them by the hand," etc., must not be restricted, on the one side, to the day of the exodus from Egypt, nor, on the other, to the day when the covenant was solemnly made at Sinai ; they rather refer to the whole time of the exodus, which did not reach its termination till the entrance into Canaan, though it culminated in the solemn admission of Israel, at Sinai, as the people of Jahveh ; see on vii. 22. (On the punctuation of Wl™?., cf. Ewald, § 238, d, Olshaus. Gramm. § 191,/.) "H8>R is not a conjunction, " quod, because," but a relative pronoun, and must be combined with Wlirrwt, " which my covenant," i.e. which covenant of mine. " They" stands emphatically in contrast with " though I" in the following cir- cumstantial clause, which literally means, " but I have married them to myself," or, " I was their husband." As to ^^3, see on iii. 14. Hengstenberg wrongly takes the words as a promise, " but I will marry them to myself ;" this view, however, is incompatible with the perfect, and the position of the words as a contrast with " they broke." 1 The two closely connected expressions indicate why a new covenant was necessary ; there is no formal statement, however, of the reason, which is merely given in a subordinate and appended clause. For the proper reason why a new covenant is made is not that the people have 1 In the citation of this passage in Heb. viii. 8 ff., the words are quoted according to the LXX. version, xxyu vi l u.i'hnj or *.«?, " to cut off, cut to pieces," in the sense of "ravines, hollows" (+/*), or loca abscissa, places cut off or shut out from the holy city. " Unto the brook of Kidron," into which the valley of Ben-hinnora opens towards the east, "unto the corner of the horse-gate towards the east." The horse-gate stood on the site of the modern "Dung-gate" (Bab el Moghdriebh), in the wall which ran along from the south-east end of Zion to the western border of Ophel (see on Neh. iii. 28), so that, in this verse before us, it is the south and south-eastern boundaries of the city that are given ; and only the length of the eastern side, which enclosed the temple area, on to the north-eastern corner, has been left without men- tion, because the valley of the Kidron here formed a strong boundary. The extent of the new city, as here given, does not much surpass that of old Jerusalem. Only in the west and south are tracts to be included within the city, and such tracts, too, as had formerly been excluded from the old city, as unclean places. Jeremiah accordingly announces, not merely that there will be a considerable increase in the size of Jerusalem, but that the whole city shall be holy to the Lord, the unclean places in its vicinity shall disappear, and be transformed into hallowed places of the new city. As being sacred to the Lord, the city shall no more be destroyed. From this description of Jerusalem which is to be built anew, so that the whole city, including the unclean places now outside of it, shall be holy, or a sanctuary of the Lord, it is very evident that this prophecy does not refer to the rebuilding of Jerusalem after the exile, but, under the figure of Jeru- salem, as the centre of the kingdom of God under the Old Testament, announces the erection of a more spiritual kingdom of God in the Messianic age. The earthly Jerusalem was a holy city only in so far as the sanctuary of the Lord, the temple, had been built in it. Jeremiah makes no mention of the rebuilding of the temple, although he had prophesied the destruction, not only of the city, but also of the temple. But he represents the new city as being, in its whole extent, the sanctuary of the Lord, which the temple only had been, in CHAP. XXXII. 47 ancient Jerusalem. Cf., as a substantial parallel, Zech. xiv. 10, 11. — The erection of Jerusalem into a city, within whose walls there shall be nothing unholy, implies the vanquishment of sin, from which all impurity proceeds ; it is also the ripe fruit of the forgiveness of sins, in which the new covenant, which the Lord will make with His people in the days to come, con- sists and culminates. This prophecy, then, reaches on to the time when the kingdom of God shall have been perfected : it contains, under an old Testament dress, the outlines of the image of the heavenly Jerusalem, which the seer perceives at Patmos in its full glory. This image of the new Jerusalem thus forms a very suitable conclusion to this prophecy regarding the restoration of Israel, which, although it begins with the deliverance of the covenant people from their exile, is yet thoroughly Messianic. Though clothed in an Old Testament dress, it does not implicitly declare that Israel shall be brought back to their native land during the period extending from the time of Cyrus to that of Christ ; but, taking this interval as its stand-point, it combines in one view both the deliverance from the exile and the redemption by the Messiah, and not merely announces the formation of the new covenant in its begin- nings, when the Christian Church was founded, but at the same time points to the completion of the kingdom of God under the new covenant, in order to show the whole extent of the salvation which the Lord will prepare for His people who return to Him. If these last verses have not made the im- pression on Graf's mind, that they could well have formed the original conclusion to the prophecy which precedes, the reason lies simply in the theological inability of their expositor to get to the bottom of the sacred writings. Chap, xxxii. The Purchase of a Field as a Symbol of the Restoration of Judah after the Exile. This chapter, after an introduction (vers. 1-5) which accu- rately sets forth the time and circumstances of the following event, contains, first of all (vers. 6-15), the account of the purchase of a hereditary field at Anathoth, which Jeremiah, at the divine command, executes in full legal form, together with a statement of the meaning of this purchase ; then ^vers. 48 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. 16-25) a prayer of the prophet for an explanation as to how the purchase of the field could be reconciled with the delivering up of the people and the city of Jerusalem to the Chaldeans ; together with (vers. 26-35) the Lord's reply, that He shall certainly give up Jerusalem to the Chaldeans, because Israel and Judah, by their sins and their idolatries, have roused His wrath ; but (vers. 36-44) that He shall also gather again His people out of all the lands whither they have been scat- tered, and make an everlasting covenant with them, so that they shall dwell safely and happily in the land in true fear of God. Vers. 1-5. The time and the circumstances of the following message from God. — The message came to Jeremiah in the tenth year of Zedekiah, i.e. in the eighteenth year of Nebu- chadrezzar (cf. xxv. 1 and lii. 12), when the army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem, and Jeremiah was kept in confinement in the fore-court of the royal palace. These historical data are inserted (vers. 2-5) in the form of circum- stantial clauses : '131 ?*n ftf"}, " for at that time the army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem." The siege had begun in the ninth year of Zedekiah (xxxix. 1, lii. 4), and was afterwards raised for a short time, in consequence of the ap- proach of an auxiliary corps of Egyptians ; but, as soon as these had been defeated, it was resumed (xxxvii. 5, 11). Jeremiah was then kept confined in the court of the prison of the royal palace (cf. Neh. iii. 25), "where Zedekiah, king of Judah, had imprisoned him, saying : Why dost thou prophesy, ' Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, so that he shall take it ; Ver. 4. And Zedekiah, the king of Judah, shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall assuredly be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and his mouth shall speak with his mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes ; Ver. 5. And he shall lead Zedekiah to Babylon, and there shall he be until I visit him, saith the Lord. Though ye fight with the Chaldeans, ye shall not succeed % ' " — We have already found an utterance of like import in chap, xxi., but that is not here referred to ; for it was fulfilled at the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem, and did not bring on Jeremiah the consequences mentioned here. From CHAP. XXXII. 6-15. 49 cliap. xxxvii. we learn that Jeremiah, during the siege of Jerusalem, on till the time when it was raised through the approach of the Egyptian army, had not been imprisoned, but went freely in and out among the people (xxxvii. 4 ff.). Not till during the temporary raising of the siege, when he wanted to go out of the city into the land of Benjamin, was he seized and thrown into a dungeon, on the pretence that he intended to go over to the Chaldeans. There he remained many days, till King Zedekiah ordered him to be brought, and questioned him privately as to the issue of the conflict ; when Jeremiah replied, "Thou shalt be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon." On this occasion Jeremiah complained to the king of his im- prisonment, and requested that he might not be sent back into the dungeon, where he must soon perish ; the king then ordered him (xxxvii. 11-24) to be taken into the court of the prison- house (rnifflsn iyn, xxxvii. 21), where he remained in confine- ment till the city was taken (xxxviii. 13, 28, xxxix. 14). The statement in our verses as to the cause of this imprisonment does not contradict, but agrees with the notice in chap, xxxvii., as soon as we perceive that this account contains merely a brief passing notice of the matter. The same holds true of the utterance of the prophet in vers. 3-5. Jeremiah, even at the beginning of the siege (xxi. 3ff.), had sent a message of similar import to the king, and repeated the same afterwards : xxxiv. 3-5, xxxvii. 17, xxxviii. 17-23. The words of our verses are taken from these repeated utterances; ver. 4 agrees almost verbatim with xxxiv. 3 ; and the words, " there shall he remain irix "HpS"^, till I regard him with favour," are based upon the clearer utterance as to the end of Zedekiah, xxxiv. 4, 5. — The circumstances under which Jeremiah received the following commission from the Lord are thus exactly stated, in order to show how little prospect the present of the kingdom of Judah offered for the future, which was portrayed by the purchase of the field. Not only must the kingdom of Judah inevitably succumb to the power of the Chaldeans, and its population go into exile, but even Jeremiah is imprisoned, in so hopeless a condition, that he is no longer sure of his life for a single day. Vers. 6-15. The purchase of the field. — In ver. 6, the intro- duction, which has been interrupted by long parentheses, is VOL. II. D 50 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. resumed with the words, " And Jeremiah said," etc. The word of the Lord follows, ver. 7. The Lord said to him : " Behold, Hanameel, the son of Shallum, thine uncle, cometh to thee, saying, ' Buy thee my field at Anathoth, for thou hast the redemption-right to purchase it.' " According to a mode of construction common elsewhere, TT 1 might be taken as in ap- position to -'XOJn : " Hanameel, son of Shallum, thine uncle." But vers. 8, 9, in which Jeremiah calls Hanameel ^TH?, son of my uncle, show that TP is in apposition to D?B> : " son of Shallum, [who is] thine uncle." The right of redemption consisted in this, that if any one was forced through circum- stances to sell his landed property, the nearest blood-relation had the right, or rather was obliged, to preserve the possession for the family, either through pre-emption, or redemption from the stranger who had bought it (Lev. xxv. 25). For the land which God had given to the tribes and families of Israel for a hereditary possession could not be sold, so as to pass into the hands of strangers ; and for this reason, in the year of jubilee, what had been sold since the previous jubilee reverted, without payment of any kind, to the original possessor or his heirs. (Cf. Lev. xxv. 23-28, and Keil's Bill. Archdol. ii. § 141, p. 208 ff.) — Ver. 8. What had been announced to the prophet by God took place. Hanameel came to him, and offered him his field for sale. From this Jeremiah perceived that the pro- posed sale was the word of the Lord, i.e. that the matter was appointed by the Lord. Ver. 9. Jeremiah accordingly bought the field, and weighed out to Hanameel " seven shekels and ten the silver" (SjDan is definite, as being the amount of money asked as price of purchase). But the form of expression is remarkable : " seven shekels and ten" instead of " seventeen" (f|p|n 'bjw mfa n W). The Chaldee consequently has " seven manehs and ten shekels of silver ;" and J. D. Michaelis sup- poses that the seven shekels which are first named, and are separated from the ten, were shekels of gold : " seven shekels of gold, and seven shekels of silver." But both assumptions are gratuitous, and perhaps only inferences, not merely from the unusual separation of the numerals, but likewise from the fact that seventeen silver shekels (less than two pounds sterling) was too small a price for an arable field. The sup- CHAP. XXXII. 6-15. 51 position of Hitzig has more in its favour, that the mode of expression " seven shekels and ten (shekels) of silver" was a law form. Some have sought to explain the smallness of the price on the ground that the seller was compelled to part with his property through poverty, and that the land had become depreciated in consequence of the war. Both may be true ; but, as Nagelsbach has already remarked, neither explains the smallness of the price. For instances have very properly been adduced from Roman history (Livy, xxvi. 11, and Florus, ii. 6) which show that occupation of a country by an enemy did not lessen the value of ground-property. It is rather to be taken into consideration, that in the first place we do not know the real value of arable land among the Hebrews ; and secondly, the sale of portions of land was, correctly speaking, only the sale of the harvests up till the year of jubilee, for then the property returned to the former possessor or his heirs. In the case of a sale, then, the nearer the jubilee-year, the smaller must be the price of purchase in the alienation of the land. — Ver. 10 ff. The purchase was concluded in full legal form. " I wrote it (the necessary terms) in the letter (the usual letter of purchase), and sealed it, and took witnesses, and weighed out the money on the balance" (it was then and still is the custom in the East to weigh money). Dnn means here, not to append a seal instead of subscribing the name, or for attestation (cf. 1 Kings xxi. 8, Neh. x. 2), but to seal up, make sure by sealing (Isa. xxix. 11, etc.). For, from vers. 11, 12, we perceive that two copies of the bill of purchase were prepared, one sealed up, and the other open ; so that, in case the open one were lost, or were accidentally or designedly injured or defaced, a perfect original might still exist in the sealed-up copy. Then " Jere- miah took the bill of purchase, the sealed one," — the specifica- tion and the conditions, — " and the open one." The words n JV?n D^nni are in apposition with 'W "ISDVIN. The Vulgate renders stipulationes et rata; Jerome, stipulatione rata, which he explains by stipalationibus et sponsionibus corroborata. i " 1 }Y ? ?, usually u a command, order," is probably employed here in the general sense of " specification," namely, the object and the price of purchase ; D^n, " statutes," the conditions and stipulations of sale. The apposition has the meaning, " containing the agree- 52 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. merit and the conditions." Both copies of this bill, the prophet, — before the eyes of Hanameel, his cousin Q*?t } either in the general sense of a near relation, since the relationship has been stated exactly enough already, or "1? has been inadvertently omitted), and before the eyes of, i.e. in the presence of " the witnesses, who wrote in the letter of purchase," i.e. had sub- scribed it as witnesses in attestation of the matter, and in the eyes of all the Jews who were sitting in the court of the prison, and in whose presence the transaction had been concluded, — delivered up to his attendant Baruch, son of Nerijah, the son of Mahsejah, with the words, ver. 14: " Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel : Take these letters, this sealed-up letter of purchase and this open letter, and put them into an earthen vessel, that they may remain a long time [there]. Ver. 15. For thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel : Houses, and fields, and vineyards shall still be bought in this land." — The second utterance of the Lord (ver. 15) declares the reason why the letters were to be preserved in an earthen vessel, in order to protect them from damp, decay, and destruction, namely, because one could make use of them afterwards, when sale of property would still be taking place. There is also implied the intimation, that the present desolation of the land and the transportation of its inhabitants will only last during their time ; and then the population of Judah will return, and enter again on the possession of their land. The purchase of the field on the part of Jeremiah had this meaning ; and for the sake of this meaning it was announced to him by God, and completed before witnesses, in the presence of the Jews who happened to be in the court of the prison. Vers. 16-25. The prayer of Jeremiah. —Although Jeremiah has declared, in the words of the Lord, ver. 14 f., the meaning of the purchase of the field to the witnesses who were present at the transaction, yet the intimation that houses, fields, and vineyards would once more be bought, seemed so improbable, in view of the impending capture and destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, that he betakes himself to the Lord in prayer, asking for further disclosures regarding the future of the people and the land, less for his own sake than for that of the people, who could with difficulty rise to such confidence of faith. The CHAP. XXXII. 16-25. 53 prayer runs thus, vcr. 17: "Ah, Lord Jahveh! behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by Thy great power and Thine outstretched arm ; to Thee nothing is impossible. Ver. 18. Thou showest mercy unto thousands, and repayest the iniquity of fathers into the bosom of their children after them, Thou great and mighty God, whose name is Jahveh of hosts. Ver. 19. Great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are open to all the ways of the children of men, to give unto every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his works : Ver. 20. Thou who didst signs and wonders in the land of Egypt until this day, both in Israel and among [other] men, and madest for Thyself a name, as it is this day ; Ver. 21. And didst lead Thy people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs and wonders, and with strong hand and outstretched arm, and with great terror, Ver. 22. And didst give them this land, which Thou hast sworn to their fathers to give them, a land flowing with milk and honey ; Ver. 23. And they came and took pos- session of it, but they hearkened not to Thy voice and walked not in Thy law : all that Thou commandedst them to do they did not, therefore didst Thou cause all this evil to come against them. Ver. 24. Behold, the besiegers' mounds are come to the city, to take it, and the city will be given into the hands of the Chaldeans, who fight against it, because of the sword, hunger, and pestilence ; and what Thou didst speak is come to pass, and, behold, Thou seest it. Ver. 25. Yet Thou hast said to me, O Lord Jahveh, ' Buy thee the field for money, and take witnesses,' while the city is being delivered into the hands of the Chaldeans." This prayer contains a laudation of the omnipotence of the Lord and the justice of His dealing among all men (vers. 17-19), and especially in the guidance of the people Israel (vers. 20-23), with the view of connecting with it the question, how the divine command to buy the field is to be reconciled with the decreed deliverance of the city into the power of the Chaldeans (vers. 24, 25). Ver. 17. God proclaims His omni- potence in the creation of the heaven and the earth, cf. xxvii. 5. From this it is plain that nothing is too wonderful for God, i.e. is impossible for Him, Gen. xviii. 14. As Creator and Ruler of the world, God exercises grace and justice. The words of 54 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. ver. 18 are a reminiscence and free imitation of the passages Ex. xx, 5 ff. and xxxiv. 7, where the Lord so depicts His deal- ings in the guidance of men. To " recompense iniquity into the bosom" (see Isa. Ixv. 6, cf. Ps. lxxix. 12), i.e. to pour into the bosom of the garment the reward for iniquity, so that it may be carried away and borne ; cf. Kuth iii. 15, Prov. xvii. 23. " The great and mighty God," as in Deut. x. 17. On " Jahveh of hosts is His name," cf. x. 16, xxxi. 35. tot* is to be explained thus : " O Thou great God, whose name is Jahveh of hosts."— Ver. 19. God shows His greatness and might in the wisdom with which He regards the doings of men, and in the power with which He executes His decrees, so as to recompense to every one according to his deeds. On 19a cf. Isa. xxviii. 29, Ps. lxvi. 5. " To give to every one," etc., is repeated, word for word, from xvii. 10. — Vers. 20-22. The Lord has further shown this omnipotence and righteousness in His guidance of Israel, in His leading them out of Egypt with wonders and signs ; cf. Deut. vi. 22, xxxiv. 11. " Until this day" cannot mean that the wonders continue in Egypt until this day, — still less, that their glorious remembrance continues till this day (Calvin, Rosenmuller, etc.). Just as little can we connect the words with what follows, " until this day, in Egypt and among men," as Jerome supposed ; although the idea et in Israel et in cunctis mortalibus quotidie tua signet complentur is in itself quite right. Logically considered, " until this day" belongs to the verb. '131 n»^ : , and the construction is pregnant, as in xi. 7 : " Thou hast done wonders in Egypt, and hast still been doing them until this day in Israel and among other men." " Men," in contrast to " Israel," are mankind outside of Israel, — other men, the heathen; on the expression, cf. Judg. xviii. 7, Isa. xliii. 4, Ps. Ixxiii. 5. " As at this day :" cf. xi. 5, xxv. 18. Through signs and wonders the Lord wrought, leading Israel out of Egypt, and into the land of Canaan, which had been promised to their fathers. Ver. 21 is almost exactly the same as Deut. xxvi. 8, cf. iv. 34. bina into refers to the terror spread among the neighbouring nations, Ex. xv. 14 ff., by the wonders, especially the slaying of the first-born among the Egyptians, Ex. xii. 30 f ., and the miracle at the Red Sea. On " a land flowing with milk and honey," cf. Ex. iii. 8. — Ver. 23. CHAP. XXXII. 26-44. 55 These wonders of grace which the Lord wrought for His people, Israel requited with base unthankfulness. When they had got into possession of the land, they did not listen to the voice of their God, and did the reverse of what He had com- manded. (The Kethib wnri2 might be read as a plural. But since nnin in the plural is always written elsewhere rhin (cf. Gen. xxvi. 5, Ex. xvi. 28, xviii. 20, Lev. xxvi. 46, etc.), and the omission of the * in plural suffixes is unusual (cf. xxxviii. 22), the word rather seems to have been incorrectly written for "fnina (cf. xxvi. 4, xliv. 10, 23), i.e. the 1 seems to have been misplaced. Therefore the Lord brought on them this great calamity, the Chaldean invasion (KnpH for »"ni?ri) ; cf. xiii. 22, Deut. xxxi. 29. With this thought, the prophet makes transition to the questions addressed to the Lord, into which the prayer glides. In ver. 24, the great calamity is more fully described. The ramparts of the besieging enemy have come to the city (Si3 with ace), to take it, and the city is given (rnri^ prophetic perfect) into the hands of the Chaldeans. " Because of the sword ;" i.e. the sword, famine, and pestilence (cf. xiv. 16, xxv. 16, etc.) bring them into the power of the enemy. " What Thou spakest," i.e. didst threaten through the prophets, " is come to pass ; and, behold, Thou seest it (viz. what has happened), and yet (nrixi adversative) Thou sayest to me, 'Buy the field,'" etc. The last clause, 'J ~^V\}\ is a " circumstantial" one, and is not a part of God"s address, but is added by Jeremiah in order to give greater prominence to the contrast between the actual state of matters and the divine command regarding the purchase. The prayer concludes with this, which is for men an inexplicable riddle, not (as Nagels- bach thinks) for the purpose of leaving to the reader the solu- tion of the problem, after all aids have been offered him, — for Jeremiah would not need to direct his question to God for that purpose, — but in order to ask from God an explanation regarding the future. This explanation immediately follows in the word of the Lord, which, from ver. 26 onwards, is addressed to the prophet. Vers. 26-44. The answer of the Lord. — Behold, I am Jahveh, the God of all flesh ; is there anything impossible to me? Ver. 28. Therefore, thus saith Jahveh : Behold, I give this city into 56 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the hand of the Chaldeans, and into the hand of Nebuchad- rezzar, the king of Babylon, that he may take it. Ver. 29. The Chaldeans that fight against this city shall come, and shall set fire to this city, and burn it and the houses on whose roofs you have burned incense to Baal and poured out libations to other gods, to provoke me. Ver. 30. For the children of Israel and the children of Judah have done only what is evil in mine eyes from their youth ; for the children of Israel have only provoked me with the work of their hands, saith Jahveh. Ver. 31. For this city has been to me [a burden] upon mine anger and upon my wrath from the day that it was built till this day, that I might remove it from before my face ; Ver. 32. Because of all the wickedness of the children of Israel and the children of Judah, which they have done, to provoke me, — they, their kings, their princes, their priests, and their prophets, the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Ver. 33. They turned to me the back and not the face ; and though they were constantly being taught, they would not hear so as to receive instruction. Ver. 34. And they placed their abomi- nations in the house which is called by my name, in order to defile it ; Ver. 35. And built high places to Baal in the valley of Ben-hinnom, to devote their sons and their daughters to Moloch, — which I did not command them, nor did it come into my mind that they would do such abomination, — that they might lead Judah to sin. Ver. 36. And now, therefore, thus saith Jahveh, the God of Israel, concerning this city, of which ye say, 1 It shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, through the sword, famine, and pestilence:' Ver. 37. Behold, I shall gather them out of all lands whither I have driven them in my wrath, and in mine anger, and in great rage, and shall bring them back to this place, and make them dwell safely. Ver. 38. And they shall be my people, and I will be their God. Ver. 39. And I will give them one heart and one way, to fear me always, for good to them and to their children after them. Ver. 40. And I will make with them an everlasting covenant, that I shall not turn aside from doing them good ; and I will put my fear in their heart, that they may not depart from me. Ver. 41. And I shall rejoice over them, to do them good, and shall plant them in this land, in truth, with my whole heart and CHAP. XXXII. 26-44. 57 my whole soul. Ver. 42. For thus saith Jahveh: ' Just as I have brought all this great evil on this people, so shall I bring on them all the good of which I speak regarding them.' Ver. 43. And fields shall be bought in this land, of which ye say, It is a desolation, without man or beast, and it is given into the hand of the Chaldeans. Ver. 44. They shall buy fields for money, and write it in the letter, and seal it up, and take witnesses, in the land of Benjamin, and in the places round Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, and in the cities of the hill-country, and in the cities of the plain, and in the cities of the south ; for I shall turn again their captivity, saith Jahveh." The Lord replies to the three points touched on in the prayer of the prophet. First, in ver. 27, He emphatically confirms the acknowledgment that to Him, as Creator of heaven and earth, nothing is impossible (ver. 17), and at the same time points out Himself as the God of all flesh, i.e. the God on whom depend the life and death of all men. This description of God is copied from Num. xvi. 22, xxvii. 16, where Jahveh is called "the God of the spirits of all flesh." "All flesh" is the name given to humanity, as being frail and perishing. — Then God reaffirms that Jerusalem will be given into the hand of Nebu- chadrezzar, and be burned by the Chaldeans (ver. 28 ff.), because Israel and Judah have always roused His wrath by their idolatry and rebellion against His commands (vers. 30-35). The sub- stance of these verses has been often given before. On tflWn cf. xxi. 10, xxxvii. 8 ; on 'til nBj? X ; x c f. xix. 13 with vii. 9, 18.' The mention of the children of Israel in connection with the children of Judah is not to be understood as if the destruction of Jerusalem was partly owing to the former; but it is here made, to signify that Judah can expect no better fate than the Israelites, whose kingdom has been destroyed long before, and who have for a lon£ time now been driven into exile. "HX vn C^y, « tne y were on ] v doing," i.e. doing nothing else than what is displeasing to the Lord. In ver. 306 " the children of Israel" is a designation of the whole covenant people. The whole sentence has reference to Deut. xxxi. 29. "The work of their hands" is not the idols, but signifies the whole conduct and actions of the people. Ver. 31. The difficult construction 7~njTn . . . " , ax - ?y is most easily explained from the employment 58 • THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. of 7V nvt with reference to the superincumbency of a duty or burden lying on one. " This city became to me a burden on my wrath," an object which lay upon my wrath, called it forth. No other explanation can be vindicated. The passages lii. 3 and 2 Kings xxiv. 3, 20, are of a different character, and the meaning juxta, secundum for ?y, after vi. 14 (Hitzig), is quite unsuitable. The words, " from the day when it was built," are not to be referred to the earliest founding of Jerusalem, but to that time when the Israelites first built it ; and even in refer- ence to this, they are not to be pressed, but to be viewed as a rhetorically strong expression for, " from its earliest times." Even so early as David's time, opposition against Jahveh showed itself in the conspiracy of Absalom ; and towards the end of Solomon's reign, idolatry had been introduced into Jerusalem, 1 Kines xi. 5 ff. After the words " to remove it from before my face," there follows once more, in ver. 32, the reason of the rejection ; cf. vii. 12, xi. 17, and for enumeration of the several classes of the population, ii. 26, xvii. 25. The sins are once more specified, vers. 33-35 ; in ver. 33, as a stiff-necked depar- ture from God, and in ver. 34 f. the mention of the greatest abomination of idolatry, the setting up of idols in the temple, and of the worship of Moloch. With 33a cf. ii. 27. The inf. abs. T?7! stands with special emphasis instead of the finite tense : though they were taught from early morn, yet they were inattentive still. On this point cf. ii. 13, 25, xxv. 3, 4. On "iDio nnpb cf. xvii. 23, vii. 28. Vers. 34, 35 are almost identical with vii. 30, 31. 'til rrttPJJ? does not belong to the relative clause 'til *& "rota (Nagelsbach), but is parallel to 'til ^VJ} 1 ?, con- tinuing the main clause : " that they should commit these abominations, and thereby cause Judah to sin," i.e. bring them into sin and guilt, '■tpnn with X dropped ; see xix. 15. — After setting forth the sin for which Judah had drawn on herself the judgment through the Chaldeans, the Lord proclaims, ver. 36 ff., the deliverance of the people from exile, and their restoration ; thus He answers the question which had been put to Him, ver. 25. nnjJl, "but now," marks what follows as the antithesis to what precedes. "Therefore, thus saith Jahveh," in ver. 36, corresponds to the same words in ver. 28. Because nothing is impossible to the Lord, He shall, as God of Israel, gather again CHAP. XXXII. 26-44. 59 those who have been scattered through every land, and bring them back into their own country. " To this city," — namely, of which ye speak. The suffix of K?3j30 refers to "Vyn, whose inhabitants are meant. Jerusalem, as the capital, represents the whole kingdom. "The dispersed" are thus, in general, the inhabitants of Judah. Hence, too, from the nature of the case, "this place" is the kingdom of Judah. On this point cf. Ezek. xxxvi. 11, 33, Hos. xi. 11.— Vers. 38, 39 are to be understood like xxxi. 33. They must in very deed become the people of the Lord, for God gives them one heart and one way [of life], to fear Him always, i.e. through His Spirit He renews and sanctifies them (xxxi. 33, xxiv. 7 ; Ezek. xi. 19). " One heart and one way," that they may all with one mind and in one way fear me, no longer wander through many wicked ways (xxvi. 3 ; Isa. liii. 6). n^T. is an infinitive, as often in Deut., e.g. iv. 10, from which the whole sentence has been derived, and vi. 24, to which the expression Dr6 niaS points. The everlasting covenant which the Lord wishes to conclude with them, i.e. the covenant-relationship which He desires to grant them, is, in fact, the new covenant, xxxi. 33 if*. Here, however, only the eternal duration of it is made prominent, in order to comfort the pious in the midst of their present sufferings. Consequently, only the idea of the u?W is mainly set forth : " that I shall not turn away from them, to do them good, — no more withdraw from them my gracious benefits ; " but the uninterrupted bestowal of these implies also faithfulness to the Lord on the part of the people. The Lord desires to establish His redeemed people in this condition by putting His fear in their heart, namely, through His Spirit ; see xxxi. 33, 34. ^W), " And I shall rejoice over them, by doing them good," as was formerly the case (Deut. xxviii. 63), and is again to be, in time to come. ^££3, in truth, properly, "in faithfulness." This expression is strengthened by the addition, " with my whole heart and my whole soul." — So much for the promise of restoration and renewal of the covenant people. This promise is confirmed, vers. 42-44, by the assurance that the accomplishment of deliverance shall follow as certainly as the decree of the calamity has done ; the change is similar to that in xxxi. 38. Finally, vers. 43, 44, there is the application made of this to the purchase of the 60 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. field which the prophet had been commanded to fulfil ; and the signification of this purchase is thus far determined, that after the restoration of Judah to their own land, fields shall once more be bought in full lecal form : with this, the discourse returns to its starting-point, and finishes. The article is used generically in PHftn ; hence, on the repetition of the thought, ver. 44, the plural nVljP is employed instead. The enumeration of the several regions of the kingdom, as in xvii. 26, is a rhetorical individualization for strengthening the thought. The land of Benjamin is here made prominent in relation to the. field purchased by Jeremiah at Anathoth in the land of Ben- jamin. The final sentence 'til ansta *3 also serves for further proof. The Hiphil in this expression does not mean the same as the usual M5fc: " I turn the captivity," i.e. I change the adversity into prosperity. yp\} expresses restitutio in station incolumi- tatis seu integritatis more plainly than 2W, — not merely the change of misfortune or misery; but it properly means, to lead back or restore the captivity, i.e. to remove the condition of adversity by restoration of previous prosperity. The expression is analogous to Dioip or ^1$ n ^?, to build or raise ruins, Isa. xliv. 26, lviii. 12, lxi. 4, and rriD»B> DDip, to raise up desolate places, Isa. lxi. 4, which does not mean to restore ruins or desolate places, but to build them up into inhabitable places (cf. Isa. lxi. 4), to remove ruins or desolations by the building and restoration of cities. Chap, xxxiii. Renewed Promise of the Restoration and Glorious Condition of the People of God. Ver. 1. While Jeremiah was still in confinement in the court of the prison belonging to the palace (see xxxii. 2), the word of the Lord came to him the second time. This word of God is attached by ITW to the promise of chap, xxxii. It followed, too, not long, perhaps, after the other, which it further serves to confirm. — After the command to call on Him, that He might make known to him great and hidden things (vers. 2, 3), the Lord announces that, although Jerusalem shall be destroyed by the Chaldeans, He shall yet restore it, bring back the captives of Judah and Israel, purify the city from its iniquities, and make it the glory and praise of all the people of the earth (vers. CHAP. XXXIII. 2, 3. 61 4-9), so that in it and in the whole land joy will again prevail (vers. 10-13). Then the Lord promises the restoration of the kingdom through the righteous sprout of David, — of the priest- hood, too, and sacrificial worship (vers. 14-18) ; He promises also the everlasting duration of these two ordinances of grace (vers. 19-22), because His covenant with the seed of Jacob and David shall be as enduring as the natural ordinance of day and night, and the laws of heaven and earth (vers. 23-26). — The promises thus fall into two parts. First, there is proclaimed the restoration of the people and kingdom to a new and glorious state of prosperity (vers. 4-13) ; then the re-establishment of the monarchy and the priesthood to a new and permanent con- dition (vers. 14-26). In the first part, the promise given in chap, xxxii. 36-44 is further carried out ; in the second, the future form of the kingdom is more plainly depicted. Vers. 2, 3. Introduction. — Ver. 2. "Thus saith Jahveh who makes it, Jahveh who forms it in order to establish it, Jahveh is His name: Ver. 3. Call on me and I will answer thee, and tell thee great and hidden things which thou knowest not." The reference of the suffixes in nbty, nrriX, and rn^an is evident from the contents of the propositions : the Lord does what He says, and forms what He wants to make, in order to accomplish it, i.e. He completes what He has spoken and determined on. "*•£, to frame, namely, in the mind, as if to think out, just as in xviii. 11 : the expression is parallel with '"l^'no 2C'n ; in this sense also we find Isa. xlvi. 11. Tr 1 ?) to establish, realize what has been determined on, prepare, is also found in Isa. ix. 6, xl. 20, but more frequently in Jeremiah (x. 12, li. 12, 15), and pretty often in the Old Testament generally. On the phrase "Jahveh is His name," cf. xxxi. 35. The idea contained in ver. 2 reminds us of similar expressions of Isaiah, as in xxii. 11, xxxvii. 26, xlvi. 11, etc. ; but this similarity offers no foundation for the doubts of Movers and Hitzicj regarding the genuineness of this verse. The same, holds as regards ver. 3. The first proposi- tion occurs frequently in the Psalms, e.g. iv. 4, xxviii. 1, xxx. 9, also in Jer. vii. 27, xi. 14; but fcO|5 with ?K is unusual in Isaiah. The words Wjjljfl* &6 rrt"ttf3 are certainly an imitation of DTljrT \fo\ nVlffl, Isa. xlviii. 6 ; but they are modified, in the manner peculiar to Jeremiah, by the change of ni"lX3 into nni'3. 62 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. The combination flViXIM rivl? is elsewhere used only of the strong cities of the Canaanites, Deut. i. 28, ix. 1, Josh. xiv. 12, cf. Num. xiii. 28 ; here iThSa is transferred to things which lie beyond the limits of human power to discover, and become known to men only through divine revelation. There is no good reason for Ewald's change of rwm in accordance with Isa. xlviii. 6. — On the contents of these verses Hengstenberg remarks : " It may seem strange that, though in the opening part the prophet is promised a revelation of greater, unknown things, for which he is to call on God, yet the succeeding an- nouncement contains scarcely anything remarkable or peculiar." Graf also adds the remark of Hitzig, that the command to pray, addressed to Jeremiah, cannot have the effect of keeping us from the conclusion that the verses are an addition by a later hand. Nagelsbach replies that the mode of expression presents nothing specially unlike Jeremiah, and that ^what is most cal- culated to give the impression of being unlike Jeremiah's, namely, this introduction in itself, and especially the peculiar turn of ver. 3, a Call unto me," etc., is occasioned by the prayer of the prophet, xxxii. 16-25. To this prayer the prophet had received an answer, xxxii. 36-44 ; but he is here admonished to approach the Lord more frequently with such a request. The God who has the power to execute as well as make decrees is quite prepared to give him an insight into His great thoughts regarding the future; and of this a proof is at once given. Thus, vers. 1-3 must be viewed as the connecting link between chap, xxxii. xxxiii. Yet these remarks are not sufficient to silence the objections set forth against the genuineness of vers. 2, 3 ; for the specializing title of our chapter, in ver. 1, is opposed to the close connection which Nagelsbach maintains between chap, xxxii. xxxiii. The fact that, in chap, xxxii., Jeremiah addresses the Lord in prayer for further revelation regarding the purchase of the field, as commanded, and that he receives the information he desired regarding it, gives no occasion for warning to the prophet, to betake himself more frequently to God for disclosures regarding His purposes of salvation. And Nagelsbach has quite evaded the objection that Jeremiah does not obey the injunction. Moreover, the succeed- in cr revelation made in vers. 4-26 is not of the nature of a o CHAP. XXXIII. 2, 3. 63 " proof," for it does not contain a single great leading feature in God's purposes as regards the future. — Hengstenberg also points out the difficulty, " that the Scripture everywhere refuses to recognise a dead knowledge as true knowledge, and that the hope of restoration has an obstacle in the natural man, who strives to obscure and to extinguish it ; that, consequently, the promise of restoration is always new, and the word of God always great and grand ; " but what he adduces for the solution of the difficulty contained in the command, a Call on me, and I will show thee great and unknown things," is insufficient for his purpose. The objection which expositors have taken to these verses has arisen from an improper application of them ; the words vN SOp have been understood as referring to the request that God should give some revelation regarding the future, or His purposes of deliverance, and njy as referring to the com- munication of His purposes for increasing our knowledge of them. But " to call on God " rather signifies to pray to God, i.e. to beseech Him for protection, or help, or deliverance in time of need, cf. Ps. iii. 5, xxviii. 1, xxx. 9, lv. 17, etc.; and to "answer" is the reply of God made when He actually vouchsafes the aid sought for; cf. e.g. Ps. lv. 17, "I call on God, and Jahveh answers me (saves me) ; " Ps. iv. 2, 4, xviii. 7, xxvii. 7, etc. Consequently, also, " to make known " (Tan) is no mere communication of knowledge regarding great and unknown things, no mere letting them be known, but a making known by deeds. The words nfety and IWiK "ttr, ascribed to the Lord, suggest and require that the words should be thus under- stood. With the incorrect reference of these words to knowing and making known there is connected the further error, that the command, "Call unto me," is directed to the person of the prophet, and gives an admonition for his behaviour towards God, for which the text affords no foundation whatever ; for it does not run : " Thus saith Jahveh to me " (^K), and the inser- tion of this vS is unwarranted, and inconsistent with the use of *3 which introduces the announcement. Hitzig, Graf, and others have passed by this >3 without remark; and what Nagelsbach says about it is connected with his view, already refuted, as to the essential unity of chap, xxxii. xxxiii. Lastly, Ewald has enclosed ver. 3 within parentheses, and considers that 64 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the introductory formula of ver. 2 is resumed in ver. 4 : "Yea, thus saith Jahveh." This is a conclusion hastily formed by one who is in difficulty, for ver. 3 has not the nature of a parenthesis. If we allow the arbitrary addition "to me" after the words, "Thus saith the Lord," ver. 2, and if we take the words in their simplest sense, — the invocation of the Lord as a call to God for help in need, — then vers. 2, 3 do not contain a mere prelude to the revelation which follows, but an exhortation to the people to betake themselves to the Lord their God in their calamity, when He will make known to them things unattainable by human discernment ; for (% ver. 4) He announces, in reference to the ruined houses of the city, that He will repair their injuries. Vers. 4-13. Repair of the injuries and renewal of the pros- perity of Jerusalem and Judah. — Ver. 4. " For thus saith ■ Jahveh, the God of Israel, concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah, which are broken down because of the besiegers' mounds and because of the sword, Ver. 5. While they come to fight with the Chal- deans, and to fill them with the corpses of men, whom I have slain in my wrath and in my fury, and for all whose wicked- ness I have hidden my face from this city : Ver. 6. Behold, I will apply a bandage to it and a remedy, and will heal them, and will reveal to them abundance of peace and truth. Ver. 7. And I will turn again the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel, and will build them up as at the first. Ver. 8. And I will purify them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against me, and will pardon all their iniquities, by which they have sinned and have transgressed against me. Ver. 9. And it (the city) shall become to me a name of joy, a praise, and an honour among all the people of the earth that shall hear all the good which I do them, and shall tremble and quake because of ail the good and because of all the prosperity that I show to it. Ver. 10. Thus saith Jahveh : Again shall there be heard in this place,— of which ye say, ' It is desolate, without man and without beast,' — in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, which are laid waste, without men, and without inhabitants, and without beasts, Ver. 11. The voice of gladness and the voice of joy, the voice of the bridegroom CHAP. XXXIII. 4-13. 65 and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who say, ' Praise Jahveh of hosts, for Jahveh is good, for His mercy is for ever,' who bring thank-offerings into the house of Jahveh. For I will turn again the captivity of the land, as in the beginning, saith Jahveh. Ver. 12. Thus saith Jahveh of hosts : In this place, which is laid waste, without man and beast, and in all its cities, there will yet be pasture-ground for shepherds making their flocks lie down in. Ver. 13. In the cities of the hill- country, in the cities of the plain, and in the cities of the south, in the land of Benjamin, and in the environs of Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, the flock shall yet pass under the hand of one who counts them, saith Jahveh." With ver. 4 begins the statement concerning the great and incomprehensible things which the Lord will make known to His people ; it is introduced by ''S, which marks the ground or rea- son, — so far as the mere statement of these things gives reason for the promise of them. The word of the Lord does not follow till ver. 6 and onwards. In vers. 4 and 5 are mentioned those whom the word concerns, — the houses of Jerusalem (ver. 4), and the people that defend the city (ver. 5). Corresponding to this order, there comes first the promise to the city (ver. 6), and then to the people. Along with the houses of the city are specially named also the houses of the kings of Judah ; not, perhaps, as Hitzig thinks, because these, being built of stone, afforded a more suitable material for the declared object, — for that these alone were built of stone is an unfounded supposi- tion, — but in order to show that no house or palace is spared to defend the city. " Which are broken down " refers to the houses, not only of the kings, but also of the city. They are broken, pulled down, according to Isa. xxii. 10, in order to fortify the walls of the city against the attacks of the enemy, partly to strengthen them, partly to repair the damage caused by the battering-rams directed against them. This gives the following meaning to the expression a^nrrbsi nWDrrbx : in order to work against the mounds, i.e. the earthworks erected by the enemy, and against the sword. The sword is named as being the chief weapon, instead of all the instruments of war which the enemy employs for reducing the city ; cf. Ezek. xxvi. 9. It is against the laws of grammar to understand D^n? VOL. II. E QQ THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. as referring to the destruction of the enemy by the siege material ; for, on such a supposition, "?S would require to de- signate the efficient cause, i.e. to stand for V.? 1 ? (cf. iv. 26), but neither "7K nor by can mean this. — The first half of ver. 5 is difficult, especially D^3, which the LXX. have omitted, and which Movers and Hitzig would expunge, with the absurd re- mark, that it has come here from xxxi. 38 ; this is an easy and frivolous method of setting aside difficulties. All other ancient translations have read tfKSl, and have attempted to point out how its genuineness is ascertained on critical grounds. 1 To connect CNii closely with what precedes is impossible ; and to understand it as referring to the houses, quce dirutce adhibentur ad dimicandum cum Chaldceis (C. B. Michaelis), is incompatible with the idea contained in Xi2. Still more inadmissible is the view of L. de Dieu, Venema, Schnurrer, Dahler, and Eosen- miiller : venieniibus- ad oppugnandum cum Chaldms; according to this view, D^tJGTiN must be the nominative or subject to O^a. D^Wiarrns Dnpn 1 ? can only signify, " to contend with the Chal- deans " (against them) ; cf. xxxii. 5. According to this view, only the Jews can be the subject of D'^a. " They come to make war with the Chaldeans,, and to fill them (the houses) with the dead bodies of men, whom I (the Lord) slay in my wrath." The subject is not named, since it is evident from the whole scope of the sentence what is meant. We take the verse as a predica- tion regarding the issue of the conflict, — but without a copula ; or, as a statement added parenthetically, so that the participle may be rendered, " while they come," or, " get ready, to fight." Nia, used of the approach of an enemy (cf. Dan. i. 1), is here employed with regard to the advance of the Jews to battle 1 The different attempts to solve the difficulty by conjectures are of such a nature as scarcely to deserve mention. Ewald would change 0^3 ', 2"inn into D'O'inn, " that are broken down opposite the earthworks and the cannons." But the plural of 2"in is ni2"in, Ezek. xxvi. 29, and cannot possibly mean cannons. E. Meier would read D^a l^nn, " and for the- destruction of those who are pressing in." Then D'Wa must be the enemy who are pressing in; but how does this agree with what follows, " in order to fight with the Chaldeans " ? Lastly, Nagelsbach would change TIN D'Wan into DwVl l|< "^yj to obtain the idea that the earthworks and the sword come for the purpose of contending against Jerusalem (!). CHAP. XXXIII. 4-13. 67 against the besiegers of the city. The second infinitival clause, " to fill them," represents the issue of the struggle as contem- plated by the Jews, in order to express most strongly its utter fruitlessness ; while the relative clauses, "whom I have slain," etc., bring out the reasons for the evil consequences. Sub- stantially, the statement in ver. 5 is parallel to that in ver. 4, so that we might supply the preposition ?V (pV)) : " and con- cerning those who come to fight," etc. Through the attach- ment of this second predication to the first by means of the participle, the expression has become obscured. In the last clause, ">BW is to be connected with Dnirrpy. In view of the destruction of Jerusalem now beginning, the Lord promises, ver. 6, " I will apply to it (the city) a bandage (see xxx. 17) and a remedy," i.e. a bandage which brings heal- ing, "and heal them" (the inhabitants); for, although the suffix in CTissn might be referred to the houses, yet the follow- ing clause shows that it points to the inhabitants. Hitzig takes Ti-pD in the meaning of 7?i " I roll to them like a stream," and appeals to Am. v. 24, Isa. xlviii. 18, lxvi. 12, where the fulness of prosperity is compared to a stream, and the waves of the sea : but this use of n?a is as uncertain here as in xi. 20. ' T T We keep, then, to the well-established sense of revealing, making known (cf. Ps. xcviii. 2, where it is parallel with £ v ?to)j without anv reference to the figure of sealed treasure-chambers (Deut. xxviii. 12), but with the accessory notion of the unfold- ing of the prosperity before all nations (ver. 9), as in Ps. xcviii. 2. ^"10^- * s nere t° ^ e taken as a noun, "fulness, wealth," from iny, an Aramaizing form for "itW, to be rich (Ezek. xxx v. 13). noNl Bw does not mean " prosperity and stability," but "peace and truth ; " but this is not to be toned down to " true peace," i.e. real, enduring happiness (Nagelsbach). nox is the truth of God, i.e. His faithfulness in His promises and covenants, as in Ps. lxxxv. 11, 12, where mercy and truth, righteousness and peace, are specified as the gracious benefits with which the Lord blesses His people. — Ver. 7. The attainment of this prosperity consists in the change of the wretchedness and misery of Judah and Israel (the whole covenant people) into perma- nent happiness, and their being built up, — i.e. the firm establish- ment of their civil prosperity through the secure possession 68 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. and enjoyment of the good things of the land, — as in the beginning, i.e. the time previous to the rending of the state through the falling away of the people into idolatry ; cf . Isa. i. 26, 1 Kings xiii. 6. For rratf m ytfn see xxxii. 44.— Ver. 8. This prosperity gains stability and permanence through the people's being cleansed from their sins by their being forgiven, which, according to xxxi. 34, will form the basis of the new covenant. Regarding the anomalous form ?top for "«?j Hitzig supposes that in the scriptio continua a transcriber wished to keep the two datives DrvnfolJP 7]7 separate by inserting the 1. But the form D^3, xxxi. 34, is equally irregular, except that* there the insertion of the 1 may be explained in this, or in some similar way. — Ver. 9. In consequence of the renovation of Israel externally and internally, Jerusalem will become to the Lord a name of delight, i.e. a name which affords joy, delight. DK* here signifies, not fame, but a name. But the name, as always in Scripture, is the expression of the essential nature ; the meaning therefore is, " she will develope into a city over which men will rejoice, whenever her name is men- tioned." On the following words, "for praise and for glory," i.e. for a subject of praise, etc., cf. xiii. 11. V.^"?3?, "to all," or " among all nations." How far Jerusalem becomes such is shown by the succeeding clauses : " who shall hear . . . and tremble and quake because of the good," i.e. not from fear " because they are seized with terror through these proofs of the wonderful power of God in contrast with the helplessness of their idols, and through the feeling of their miserable and desti- tute condition as contrasted with the happiness and prosperity of the people of Israel " (Graf). Against this usual view of the words, it has already been remarked in the Berleburger Bible, that it does not agree with what precedes, viz. with the state- ment that Jerusalem shall become a name of joy to all nations. Moreover, ">na and tn in the sense of fear and terror, are con- strued with "Sao or p ; here, they signify to shake and tremble for joy, like ins in Isa. lx. 5, cf. Hos. iii. 5, i.e., as it is expressed in the Berleburger Bible, " not with a slavish fear, but with the filial fear of penitents, which will also draw and drive them to the reconciled God in Christ, with holy fear and trembling." Calvin had previously recognised this Messianic CHAP. XXXIII. 14-26. 69 idea, and fitly elucidated the words thus : hcec duo inter se con- juncta, nempe pavor et tremor, qui nos humiliet coram Deo, et jiducia quce nos erigat, ut audeamus familiariter ad ipsum accedere. Drrix may be for EflK, cf. i. 16 ; but probably nb>y is construed with a double accusative, as in Isa. xlii. 16. The prosperity which the Lord designs to procure for His people is, vers. 10-13, further described in two strophes (vers. 10-11 and 12-13) ; in vers. 10, 11, the joyous life of men. In the land now laid waste, gladness and joy shall once more prevail, and God will be praised for this. The description, " it is desolate," etc., does not imply the burning of Jerusalem, lii. 12 ff., but only the desolation which began about the end of the siege. " In this place " means " in this land ; " this is apparent from the more detailed statement, u in the cities of Judali and in the streets of Jerusalem." u , The voice of glad- ness," etc., forms the subject of the verb JM?$\ On the ex- pression see vii. 34, xvi. 9, xxv. 10. There is here added : " the voice of those who say, ' Praise the Lord,' " etc. — the usual liturgic formula in thanksgiving to God ; cf. 2 Chron. v. 13, vii. 3, Ezra iii. 11, Ps. cvi. 1. TJ^lj praise and thanks in word and deed ; see xvii. 26. On n»Brn« ym see xxxii. 44. The rendering, "I shall bring back the captives of the land" (here as in ver. 7), is both grammatically indefensible, and further, unsuitable : (a) inappropriate, on account of rub>fc023, for no previous restoration of captives had taken place ; the leading of the people out of Egypt is never represented as a bringing back from captivity. And (6) it is grammatically untenable, because restoration to Canaan is expressed either by "?K N^n H^n, after Deut. xxx. 5 ; or by yv ; \}, with the mention of the place (p«n"?x) ; cf. Jer. xvi. 15, xxiv. 6, xxxii. 37, etc. — Vers. 12, 13. In the land which is now laid waste, and emptied of men and beasts, shepherds, with their flocks, shall again move about and lie down. "This place" is specified by the mention of the several parts of the land, as in xxxii. 44, xvii. 26. n .^° ^r -? at tne hands, i.e. under the guidance, of him who counts them, viz. the shepherd, who counted the sheep when he took them out to the pasture as well as when he brought them back into the fold ; cf. Virgil, Eel. iii. 34. Vers. 14-26. The re-establishment of the Davidic monarchy 70 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. and of the Levitical priesthood. — Ver. 14. " Behold, days are coming, saith Jahveh, when I will perform the good word which I have spoken to the house of Israel, and concerning the house of Judah. Ver. 15. In those days and at that time will I cause to sprout unto David a sprout of righteousness, and he shall do judgment and righteousness in the land. Ver. 16. In those days shall Judah- be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely ; and this is how she shall be called, ' Jahveh our right- eousness.' Ver. 17. For thus saith Jahveh : David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel. Ver. 18. Nor shall the Levitical priests want a man before me to offer a burnt-offering, to burn a meat-offering, or to perform sacrifice every day. Ver. 19. " And the word of Jahveh came unto Jeremiah, saying : Ver. 20. Thus saith Jahveh, If ye shall be able to break my covenant (with) the day and my covenant (with) the night, so that there shall not be day and night in their proper time, Ver. 21. Then also shall my covenant with David my servant be broken, so that he shall not have a son to reign upon his throne, and with the Levites, the priests, my ministers. Ver. 22. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites who serve me. Ver. 23. " And the word of Jahveh came to Jeremiah, saying : Ver. 24. Hast thou not seen what this people have spoken, saying, ' The two families which the Lord hath chosen, these Pie hath rejected V and my people they have despised, so that they are no longer a nation before them. Ver. 25. Thus saith Jahveh : If my covenant with day and night doth not exist, if I have not appointed the laws of heaven and earth, Ver. 26. Then also will I reject the seed of Jacob and David my servant, so as not to take any of his seed as rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will turn their captivity, and take pity on them." Vers. 14-18 contain the promise of the restoration of the monarchy and the priesthood. Vers. 19-26 further present two special messages from God, in the form of supplements, which guarantee the eternal continuance of these institutions. 1 1 The portion contained within vers. 14-26 is wanting in the LXX. ; for CHAP. XXXIII. 14-26. 71 The promise in vers. 14-18 has already been given in substance in chap, xxiii. 5, 6, and in our verses it is only formally extended, and thereby made more prominent. In ver. 14 it is designated as the establishment, i.e. the realization, of the good word which the Lord has spoken concerning Israel and Judah. " The good word" is, according to Deut. xxviii. 1-14, the blessing which the Lord has promised to His people if they obey His com- mands; cf. 1 Kings viii. 56. Here also must "the good word" be taken in the same general meaning ; for our verse forms the transition from the promise of the restoration and blessing of Israel in the future (vers. 6-13) to the special promise of the renewal and completion of the Davidic monarchy (ver. 15 ff.). In xxix. 10, on the contrary, " the good word" is specially referred, by the following infinitival clause, to the deliverance of the people from Babylon. But it is unlikely that " the good word" refers to the "sprout" of David, which is expressly promised in xxiii. 5 ff., and repeated here, ver. 15 f. ; for here a like promise to the Levites follows, while there is none in chap, xxiii., and it is here so closely linked with the promise regard- ing David, that it must be viewed as a portion of the " good word." In the change from ?N to ?V in ver. 14, we must not, with Hengstenberg, seek a real difference ; for in Jeremiah these prepositions often interchange without any difference of meaning, as in xi. 2, xviii. 11, xxiii. 35, etc. The blessing promised to the people in the " good word" culminates in the promise, ver. 15 f., that the Lord will cause a righteous sprout to spring up for David. On the meaning of this promise, see the remarks on xxiii. 5, 6. The difference made in the repeti- this reason, and chiefly because of the promise of the eternal duration, not merely of the royal house of David, but also of the Levitical priests, and their innumerable increase, J. D. Michaelis and Jahn have considered it spurious. To these must be added Movers, who takes vers. 18, 216-25 as later interpolations, and Hitzig, who treats the whole passage as a series of separate additions made in a later age. On the other side, Kucper, Wichelhaus, and Hengstenberg (Christolagy, vol. ii. pp. 459-461 of Clark's Translation) have shown the utter worthlessness of these reasons, and Graf also has defended the genuineness of the passage. So too has Ewald, who says (Propheten, ii. 2G9), " Nothing can be so preposterous and un- reasonable as to find in this passage, xxxiii. 19-26, or in chap, xxx. -xxxiii. generally, additions by a later prophet." 72 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. tion of that promise is really unimportant. n^V*? instead of Vlfopn does not change the sense. T'PV'?, to cause to sprout or grow, corresponds to the figure of the no^ under which the Messiah is represented in both passages, nj^iy nos is only a more sonorous expression for P" 1 ^ n ?¥. The words " He shall rule as king and deal wisely," which in xxiii. 5 bring into prominence the contrast between the kingdom of the Messiah and that of the godless shepherd of the people, were unnecessary for the connection of our passage. Besides, in xxiii. 6 Israel is named together with Judah, instead of which, we have here, in ver. 16, Jerusalem ; accordingly, the name " Jahveh Tsidkenu" is referred to Jerusalem, while in xxiii. 6 it is predicated of the sprout of David. The mention of Jerusalem instead of Israel is connected with the general scope of our prophecy, viz. to comfort the covenant people over the destruction of Jerusalem (ver. 4 f.). But that, through the mention simply of Judah and its capital, the ten tribes are not to be excluded from par- ticipation in the coming prosperity, may be seen even from ver. 14, where " the good word " is referred to Israel and Judah, and still more plainly from vers. 24, 26, where this promise is made sure to the whole seed of Israel. The trans- ference of the name Jahveh Tsidhenu from the sprout of David to the city of Jerusalem is connected with the fact, that the name only expresses what the Messiah will bring to the people (see xxiii. 6) ; the righteousness which He works in and on Jerusalem may, without changing the substance of the thought, be attributed to Jerusalem itself, inasmuch as Jerusalem reflects the righteousness which is bestowed on her by the Messiah. — This promise is, ver. 17, further confirmed by the renewal of that which the Lord had given King David, through Nathan the prophet, 2 Sam. vii. 12-16, and that, too, in the form in which David himself had expressed it in his address to Solo- mon, shortly before his death, 1 Kings ii. 4, and in which Solo- mon had repeated it, 1 Kings viii. 25 and ix. 5. The formula 'Wl TH3) Nv, " there never will be cut off from David one sitting," etc., has the meaning, David will never want a de- scendant to occupy his throne ; or, the posterity of David will possess the kingdom for ever. A temporary loss of the throne is not thereby excluded, but only such a permanent loss as CHAP. XXXIII. 14-26. I'd would be caused by the family of David becoming extinct, or by the kingdom in Israel either passing over to some other family, or in some way or other coming to an end ; see on 1 Kings ii. 4. — The very same promise is given to the Levitical priests, i.e. the priests of the tribe or family of Levi (Q^pn D^na as in Deut. xvii. 9, 18, xviii. 1, etc.). They shall never want one to bring and prepare an offering before the Lord. Burnt- offering, meat-offering, and sin-offering are the three species of sacrifice which were to be brought, according to the law, as in xvii. 26. By means of the apposition " the Levites," the priests are designated as the legitimate priesthood, established as such in virtue of God's choice of the tribe of Levi, in con- trast with priests such as Jeroboam appointed, out of the com- mon people, for the worship set up by him. Not only shall Israel have priests, but priests out of the tribe of Levi, which was chosen by God for the sacerdotal office, as the medium of communicating His gracious gifts. The designation of the priests as " the Levites " corresponds, accordingly, to the kings of the family of David. Such a view explains this addition to our passage, to which critics such as Hitzig have taken objec- tion. The Davidic kingdom and the Levitical priesthood were the two pillars and bases of the Old Testament theocracy, on which its existence and continuance depended. The priesthood formed the medium of approach for the people into divine favour. The kingdom assured them of the divine guidance. 1 Both of these pillars were broken with the destruction of Jeru- salem and of the temple ; the theocracy then appeared to have ceased to exist. At this time, when the kingdom, with its ordi- nances of justice and of grace, bestowed by God, was being dissolved, the Lord, in order to keep His people from despair, declares that these two institutions, in accordance with His promise, shall not fall to the ground, but shall stand for ever. By this, God's own people received a pledge for the re-estab- lishment and renovation of the kingdom of God. Such is the object of this promise. — As to the kind and mode of reinsti- 1 Continebatur autem salus populi duabus istis partibus. Nam, sine rege, erant veluti corpus truncum aut mutilum; sine sacerdote mera erat dissipatio. Nam sacerdos erat quasi medius inter Deum et populum, rex autem represen- tabat Dei personam. — Calvin. 74 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. tutlon of both of these ordinances, which were abolished when the state came to ruin, the prophecy now before us gives no explanation ; but in the emphatic confirmation of the prophecy which follows, we find brief indications which clearly show that the restoration spoken of will not be a reinstitution of the old form which is now perishing, but a renovation of it, in its essential features, to a permanent existence. The confirmations of these promises, which follow them in vers. 19-26, are each introduced by separate headings, perhaps not merely to render them more prominent, but because the Lord revealed them separately to the prophet ; but it by no means follows from this that they are later additions, without any connection. Ver. 20 f. " If ye shall break my covenant with the day, . . . then also will my covenant with David ... be broken." This if betokens the impossible; man cannot alter the arrangement in nature for the regular alternation of day and night. Di 8 n and n?^n are in apposition to W"}?, " my covenant the day — the night," for " my covenant with regard to the day and the night, which is this, that day and night shall return at their appointed times." The \ before w?? is ex- planatory. n^TTDErt* are adverbs, " day and night," for " the regular alternation of day and night." These divine arrange- ments in nature are called a covenant ; because God, after the flood, gave a pledge that they should uninterruptedly continue, in a covenant made with the human race ; cf. Gen. ix. 9 with viii. 22. As this covenant of nature cannot be broken by men, so also the covenant of grace of the Lord with David and the Levites cannot be broken, i.e. annulled. The covenant with David consisted in the promise that his kingdom should endure for ever (see ver. 17) ; that with the Levites, in the eternal possession of the right to the priesthood. The institution of the priesthood is certainly not represented in the law as a cove- nant ; it consisted merely in the choice of Aaron and his sons as priests by God, Ex. xxviii. 1. But, inasmuch as they were thereby brought into a peculiar relation to the Lord, and thus had vouchsafed to them not merely privileges and promises, but also had laid on them duties, the fulfilment of which was a condition of receiving the privileges, this relation might be called a covenant; and indeed, in Num. xxv. 11 ff., the promise CHAP. XXXIII. 14-26. 75 given to Phinehas, that he should have the priesthood as an eternal possession, is called a covenant of peace and an eternal covenant of priesthood. This promise concerned the whole priesthood in the person of Phinehas, and the Levites also, inasmuch as the Levites were given to the priests ; hence there is mention made in Mai. ii. 4, 8, of a covenant with Levi. In this prophecy, too, mention is made of the priests alone. The general idea contained in the words " the Levites," placed first, is more clearly defined by the apposition " the priests," and restricted to the priests of the tribe of Levi. — Ver. 22. In order to make still more impressive the pledge given, that the covenant with David and the Levitical priesthood can never be J. broken, the Lord adds the promise of a numerous increase of the seed of David and the Levites. "it|>« as correlative to J? stands for "Nf'83 ; for in the accusative lies the general reference to place, time, kind, and manner ; cf. E\v. § 360a, 333a. The comparison with the innumerable host of stars and the im- measurable quantity of the sand reminds us of the patriarchal promises, Gen. xv. 5, xxii. 17. In this way, the promises that apply to all Israel are specially referred to the family of David and the Levites (" the Levites," ver. 22, is abbreviated from " the Levites, the priests," ver. 21). This transference, how- ever, is not a mere hyperbole which misses the mark ; for, as Jahn observes, an immense increase of the royal and priestly families would only have been a burden on the people (Graf). The import of the words of the verse is simply that the Lord purposes to fulfil the promise of His blessing, made to the patriarchs in favour of their whole posterity, in the shape of a numerous increase ; but this promise will now be specially applied to the posterity of David and to the priests, so that there shall never be wanting descendants of David to occupy the throne, nor Levites to perform the service of the Lord. The question is not about a " change of the whole of Israel into the family of David and the tribe of Levi" (Hengstenberg) ; and if the increase of the family of David and the Levites correspond in multitude with the number of all the people of Israel, this increase cannot be a burden on the people. But the question, whether this promise is to be understood literally, of the increase of the ordinary descendants of David and the 76 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Levites, or spiritually, of their spiritual posterity, cannot be decided, as Hengstenberg and Nagelsbach think, by referring to the words of the Lord in Ex. xix. 6, that all Israel shall be a kingdom of priests, and to the prophetic passages, Isa. lxi. 6, lxvi. 23 ff., according to which the whole people shall be priests to God, while Levites also shall be taken from among the heathen. For this prophecy does not treat of the final glory of the people of God, but only of the innumerable increase of those who shall attain membership in the family of David and the Levitical priests. The question that has been raised is rather to be decided in accordance with the general promises regarding the increase of Israel ; and in conformity with these, we answer that it will not result from the countless increase of the descendants of Jacob according to the flesh, but from the incorporation, among the people of God, of the heathen who return to the God of Israel. As the God-fearing among the heathen will be raised, for their piety, to be the children of Abraham, and according to the promise, Isa. lxvi. 20 ff., even Levitical priests taken from among them, so shall the increase placed in prospect before the descendants of David and Levi be realized by the reception of the heathen into the royal and sacerdotal privileges of the people of God under the new covenant. This view of our verse is confirmed by the additional proof given of the promised restoration of Israel, vers. 23-26 ; for here there is assurance given to the seed of Jacob and David, and therefore to all Israel, that they shall be kept as the people of God. The occasion of this renewed confirmation was the allegation by the people, that the Lord had rejected the two families, i.e. Israel and Judah (cf. xxxi. 27, 31, xxxii. 20), called, Isa. viii. 14, the two houses of Israel. With such words they despised the people of the Lord, as being no longer a people before them, i.e. in their eyes, in their opinion. That those who spoke thus were Jews, who, on the fall of the king- dom of Judah, despaired of the continuance of God's election of Israel, is so very evident, that Hengstenberg may well find it difficult to understand how several modern commentators could think of heathens, — Egyptians (Schnurrer), Chaldeans (Jahn), Samaritans (Movers), or neighbours of the Jews and CHAP. XXXIII. 14-26. 77 of Ezekiel on the Chebar (Hitzig). The verdict pronounced on what these people said, " they despise, or contemn, my people," at once relieves us from any need for making such assumptions, as soon as we assign the full and proper force to the expression " my people "= the people of Jahveh. Just as in this passage, so too in xxix. 32, " this people" is interchanged with " my people " as a designation of the Jews. Moreover, as Graf correctly says, the expression " this people " nowhere occurs in the prophets of the exile as applied to the heathen ; on the contrary, it is very frequently employed by Jeremiah to designate the people of Judah in their estrangement from the Lord : iv. 10, v. 14, 23, vi. 19, vii. 33, viii. 5, ix. 14, xiii. 10, xiv. 10, xv. 1, 20, and often elsewhere. " My people," on the other hand, marks Judah and Israel as the people of God. In contrast with such contempt of the people of God, the Lord announces, " If my covenant with day and night does not stand, if I have not appointed the laws of heaven and earth, then neither shall I cast away the seed of Jacob." The i6 is repeated a second time before the verb. Others take the two antecedent clauses as one : " If I have not made my covenant with day and night, the laws of heaven and earth." This con- struction also is possible ; the sense remains unchanged. TV"}? M\ DOV is imitated from ver. 20. " The laws of heaven and earth" are the whole order of nature; cf. xxxi. 35. The establishment, institution of the order of nature, is a work of divine omnipotence. This omnipotence has founded the cove- nant of grace with Israel, and pledged its continuance, despite the present destruction of the kingdom of Judah and the tem- porary rejection of the guilty people. But this covenant of grace includes not merely the choosing of David, but also the choosing of the seed of Jacob, the people of Israel, on the ground of which David was chosen to be the ruler over Israel. Israel will therefore continue to exist, and that, too, as a nation which will have rulers out of the seed of David, the servant of the Lord. " The mention of the three patriarchs recalls to mind the whole series of the promises made to them " (Heng- stenberg). The plural vbfo does not, certainly, refer directly to the promise made regarding the sprout of David, the Mes- siah, but at the same time does not stand in contradiction with 78 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. it ; for the revival and continued existence of the Davidic rule in Israel culminates in the Messiah. On 'til 2i$K '•S cf. xxxi. 23, xxx. 3, 18, and the explanations on xxxii. 44. The Qeri l^K rests on ver. 11, but is unnecessary ; for 2W\§ makes good enough sense, and corresponds better to DVHpmi, in so far as it exactly follows the fundamental passage, Deut. xxx. 3, where Dm is joined with naehw 310. III.— THE LABOUR AND SUFFERING OF THE PROPHET BEFORE AND AFTER THE CONQUEST AND DESTRUCTION OF JE- RUSALEM.— Chap. XXXIV.-XLV. Under this title may be placed the whole of the contents of these twelve chapters, which fall into three divisions. For ch. xxxiv.-xxxvi. contain partly utterances of Jeremiah in the early part of the siege of Jerusalem under Zedekiah, partly matters of fact in Jehoiakim's time. Next, mention is made, in ch. xxxvii.-xxxix., of the toils and sufferings of the prophet during that siege, until the fall of the city ; then, in ch. xl.- xliv., is depicted his active labour among the people who had been left behind in the land by the Chaldeans, and who after- wards fled to Egypt ; finally, as an appendix to the account of his labours among the people, we find, in ch. xlv., the words of comfort addressed to Baruch by Jeremiah. The second of these divisions is marked by a historical introduction, ch. xxxvii. 1, 2, and the third by a somewhat lengthened prophetic head- ing. Only ch. xxxiv.-xxxvi., which we regard as the first division, seems to be without an external bond of unity. Graf, Ewald, Nagelsbach, and others have consequently marked them as appendices ; but in this way neither their position nor their connection is at all accounted for. The relation of ch. xxxiv. to the following is analogous to that of ch. xxi. Just as the collection of special announcements regarding judgment and deliverance, ch. xxi., was introduced by the utterances of the prophet in the beginning of the last siege of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans ; so too, in our third division, the collected evidences of the labours of Jeremiah before and after the CHAP. XXXIV. 1-7. 79 destruction of Jerusalem, are introduced, ch. xxxiv., by the utterances which predict quite definitely what shall be the issue of the siege of the city and the fate of the king and people. The first of these utterances is set in a frame of historical statements regarding the siege (vers. 1, 7) ; this setting marks it out as an introduction to the notices following. But the second utterance, vers. 8-22, refers to the fact of the manu- mission of the Hebrew men- and maid-servants during the siege, and the cancelling of that measure afterwards. The fol- lowing chaps., xxxv. xxxvi., furnish two proofs of the activity of the prophet under Jehoiakim, which, on account of their historical nature, could not be introduced till now, since they would not admit of being inserted in the collection of the par- ticular prophecies of coining judgment, ch. xxi.-xxix. A. PROPHECIES DELIVERED UNDER ZEDEKIAH, AND EVENTS OF JEHOIAKIM'S TIME. — CHAP. XXXIV.-XXXVI. Chap, xxxiv. Concerning Zedekiah and the Emancipation of the Men- and Maid-servants. This chapter contains two prophecies of the time of the siege of Jerusalem under Zedekiah, of which the first, vers. 1-7, announces to the king the fruitlessness of resistance to the power of the Chaldeans ; the second, vers. 8-22, threatens the princes and people of Judah with severe judgments for an- nulling the manumission of the Hebrew men- and maid-ser- vants. Both of these utterances belong to the first period of the siege, probably the ninth year of the reign of Zedekiah. Vers. 1-7. The message to Zedekiah is regarded by Hitzig, Ewald, Graf, Niigelsbach, etc.. as a supplement to ch. xxxii. 1 ff., and as giving, in its complete form, the prophecy to which ch. xxxii. off. was referred, as the reason of the confinement of Jeremiah in the court of the prison. Certainly it is so far true that Jeremiah, in vers. 2-5, expresses himself more fully regarding the fate of King Zedekiah at the fall of Jerusalem into the hands of the Chaldeans than in ch. xxxii. 3-5, xxi. 3 ff., and xxxvii. 17 ; but we are not warranted in drawing the inference that this message' forms a historical appendix or sup- 80 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. plement to ch. xxxii. 3 ff., and was the occasion or reason of Jeremiah's imprisonment. See, on the contrary, the remarks on xxxii. 3 ff. It is not given here as an appendix to explain the reason of the prophet's imprisonment, but as a prophecy from which we may see how King Zedekiah was forewarned, from the very beginning of the siege, of what its issue would be, that he might frame his conduct accordingly. Nor does it belong to the period when Nebuchadnezzar, after beating off the Egyptians who had come to the relief of the beleaguered city, had returned to the siege of Jerusalem, but to the earliest period of the siege, when Zedekiah might still cherish the hope of defeating and driving off the Chaldeans through the help of the Egyptians. — According to ver. 1, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah when " Nebuchadnezzar and," i.e. with, " all his host, and all the kino;doms of the land of the dominion of his hand, and all the nations, were fighting against Jerusalem and all her towns." The words are multiplied to represent the strength of the Chaldean army, so as to deepen the impression of overpowering might, against which resistance is vain. The army consists of men drawn from all the kingdoms of the terri- tory he rules, and of all nations. IT TD&DD pK means the same as tattoo pS, li. 28, the territory over which his do- minion, which includes many kingdoms, extends. The LXX. have omitted " all the nations" as superfluous. See a like conglomeration of words in a similar description, Ezek. xxvi. 7. " All her towns" are the towns of Judah which belong to Jeru- salem ; see xix. 15. According to ver. 7, the strong towns not yet taken are meant, especially those strongly fortified, Lachish and Azekali in the plain (Josh. xv. 39, 35), the former of which is shown still under the name Urn Lakhis, while the latter is to be sought for in the vicinity of Socho ; see on Josh. x. 3, 10, and 2 Chron. xi. 9.— Jeremiah is to say to the king : Ver. 2b. " Thus saith Jahveh : Behold, 1 will deliver this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, that he may burn it with fire. Ver. 3. And thou shalt not escape from his hand, but shalt certainly be seized and delivered into his hand ; and thine eyes shall see the eyes of the king of Babylon, and his mouth shall speak with thy mouth, and thou shalt go to Baby- lon. Ver. 4. But hear the word of Jahveh, O Zedekiah, king CHAP. XXXIV. 1-7. 81 of Judah. Thus saitli Jahveh concerning thee : Thou shalt not die by the sword. Ver. 5. In peace shalt thou die ; and as with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings who were before thee, so shall they make a burning for thee, and they shall wail for thee, [crying,] ' Alas, lord ! ' for I have spoken the word, saitli Jahveh." — On vers. 2, 3, cf. xxxii. 3-5. " But hear," ver. 4, introduces an exception to what has been said before ; but the meaning of vers. 4, 5 is disputed. They are usually under- stood in this way : Zedekiah shall be carried into exile to Baby- lon, but shall not be killed with the sword, or executed, but shall die a peaceful death, and be buried with royal honours. But C. B. Michaelis, Venema, Hitzig, and Graf take the words as an exception that will occur, should Zedekiah follow the advice given him to deliver himself up to the king of Babylon, instead of continuing the struggle. Then what is denounced in ver. 3 will not happen ; Zedekiah shall not be carried away to Babylon, but shall die as king in Jerusalem. This view rests on the hypothesis that the divine message has for its object to induce the king to submit and give up himself (cf. xxxviii. 17 f.). But this supposition has no foundation ; and what must be inserted, as the condition laid before Zedekiah, " if thou dost willingly submit to the king of Babylon," is quite arbitrary, and incompatible with the spirit of the words, " But hear the word of Jahveh," for in this case ver. 4 at least would require to run, " Obey the word of Jahveh" ("i?*]3 V^p fliSV), as xxxviii. 20. To take the words " "On ynv in the sense, t :// t: ~ : - : ? " Give ear to the word, obey the word of Jahveh," is not merely inadmissible grammatically, but also against the context ; for the word of Jahveh which Zedekiah is to hear, gives no directions as to how he is to act, but is simply an intimation as to what the end of his life shall be : to change or avert this does not stand in his power, so that we cannot here think of obedience or disobedience. The message in vers. 4, 5 states more in detail what that was which lay before Zedekiah : he shall fall into the hands of the king of Babylon, be carried into exile in Babylon, yet shall not die a violent death through the sword, but die peacefully, and be buried with honour, — not, like Jehoiakim, fall in battle, and be left unmourned and un- buried (xxii. 18 f.). This intimation accords with the notices VOL. II. F 82 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. given elsewhere as to the end of Zedekiah (xxxii. 5, xxxix. 5-7). Although Zedekiah died a prisoner in Babylon (lii. 11), yet his imprisonment would not necessarily be an obstacle in the way of an honourable burial after the fashion of his fathers. When Jehoiachin, after an imprisonment of thirty-seven years, was raised again to royal honours, then also might there be accorded not merely a tolerably comfortable imprisonment to Zedekiah himself, but to the Jews also, at his death, the permission to bury their king according to their national custom. Nor is any- thing to be found elsewhere contrary to this view of the words. The supposition that Zedekiah caused the prophet to be im- prisoned on account of this message to him, which Nagelsbach has laboured hard to reconcile with the common acceptation of the passage, is wholly devoid of foundation in fact, and does not suit the time into which this message falls ; for Jeremiah was not imprisoned till after the time when the Chaldeans were obliged for a season to raise the siege 5 on the approach of the Egyptians, and that, too, not at the command of the king, but by the watchman at the gate, on pretence that he was a deserter. " Thou shalt die in peace," in contrast with " thou shalt die by the sword," marks a peaceful death on a bed of sickness in contrast with execution, but not (what Graf introduces into the words) in addition, his being deposited in the sepulchre of his fathers. " With the burnings of thy fathers," etc., is to be understood, according to 2 Chron. xvi. 14, xxi. 19, of the burning of aromatic spices in honour of the dead ; for the burn- ing of corpses was not customary among the Hebrews : see on 2 Chron. xvi. 14. On " alas, lord !" see xxii. 18. This promise is strengthened by the addition, " for I have spoken the word," where the emphasis lies on the "^K : / the Lord have spoken the word, which therefore shall certainly be fulfilled. — In vers. 6, 7 it is further remarked in conclusion, that Jeremiah ad- dressed these words to the king during the siege of Jerusalem, when all the cities of Judah except Lachish and Azekah were already in the power of the Chaldeans. "1V3D "HJJ is not in apposition to JTTiiV "njJ, but belongs to FIRM : " they were left among the towns of Judah as strong cities;" i.e. of the strong cities of Judah, they alone had not yet been conquered. CHAP. XXXIV. 8-11. 83 Vers. 8-22. Threatening because of the re-enslave- ment OF THE LIBERATED HEBREW MEN- AND MAID-SERVANTS. — Vers. 8-11 describe the occasion of the word of the Lord, which follows in vers. 12-22. It came to Jeremiah u after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem, to proclaim liberty to them, that every one should send away his man-servant, or his maid-servant, being a Hebrew or Hebrewess, so that none should impose servitude on any one of them who was a Jew, his brother. Ver. 10. And all the princes and all the people who entered into the covenant obeyed, each one setting free his man-servant and his maid-servant, and not imposing servitude on them any more : they obeyed and each one set them free. Ver. 11. But they turned round after- wards, and brought back the servants and the handmaids whom they had set free, and brought them under subjection, for servants and for handmaids." The covenant which Zedekiah concluded with all the people at Jerusalem, according to what follows, consisted in a solemn vow made before the Lord in the temple, probably confirmed by sacrifices, to set free the male and female slaves of Hebrew descent, in conformity with the law, Ex. xxi. 1-4, Deut. xv. 12. The law required the gratuitous manumission of these after seven years of service. This time, indeed, is not mentioned in our verses, but it is assumed as well known through the law. But, in the general departure of the people from the Lord and His commandments, the observance of this law had probably long been intermitted, so that, in consequence of the solemn engagement to obey it once more, a great number of Hebrew male and female slaves received their freedom, inasmuch as very many had served longer than seven years ; however, we need not suppose that all bond men and women were liberated at once. The resolution, ver. 9, that every one should liberate his Hebrew man- or maid-servant, and that no one should continue to impose servitude on a Jew, his brother, i.e. compel him any longer to serve as a slave, is conditioned by the law, which is assumed as well known : this also accords with the expression E2"*ny *r>?X>, which is used in a general way of the treatment of Hebrew men- and maid-servants, Lev. xxv. 39. However, it is also possible that a liberation of all bond men and women took place without regard to the 84 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. duration of their servitude, partly for the purpose of averting, bj such obedience to the law, the calamity now threatening the city, and partly also to employ the liberated slaves in the defence of the city; for, according to ver. 21 f., the emancipation took place during the siege of Jerusalem, and after the departure of the Chaldeans the solemn promise was revoked. The expres- sion li~n #-i\) } " to proclaim liberty," is taken from Lev. xxv. 10, but it does not prove that the manumission took place on a sabbath- or a jubilee-year. Er6 refers ad sensum to those. who were bondmen and had a right to be set free. The general expression is explained by D^sn npw, and this again is more closely defined by D3"13J> H ffc6 (cf. Lev. xxv. 39). WHK nvra E*N, (that no one should labour) " through a Jew, who is his brother," i.e. a fellow-countryman ; i.e. that no one should impose servitude on a Jew, as being a compatriot. " To enter into a covenant" is to assume its obligation ; cf. 2 Chron. xv. 12, Ezek. xvi. 8. The Kethib 0145^33* receives, in the Qeri, the vowels of the Kal, since the Hiphil of this verb does not occur elsewhere, only the Kal, cf. 2 Chron. xxviii. 10 ; but the alteration is un- necessary, — the Hiphil may intensify the active meaning. Vers. 12-22. The threat of punishment. — Ver. 12. "Then came the word of Jahveh to Jeremiah from Jahveh, saying : Ver. 13. Thus saith Jahveh, the God of Israel, 'I made a covenant with your fathers in the day when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from a house of bondmen, saying, Ver. 14. At the end of seven years shall ye set free each man his brother, who is a Hebrew that sold himself to thee ; and he shall serve thee six years, then shalt thou send him away from thee free : but your fathers hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear. Ver. 15. But you had turned just now, and had done what is right in mine eyes, because each man proclaimed liberty to his neighbour, and ye had made a covenant before me in the house on which my name is called. Ver. 16. But ye turned again and profaned my name, and each one made his man-servant and his handmaid, whom he had sent away free, at their pleasure, to return, and ye brought them into subjection, to be men- and maid-servants to you. Ver. 17. Therefore, thus saith Jahveh, Ye have not hearkened unto me in proclaiming liberty each man to his brother, and each man CHAP. XXXIV. 12-22. 85 to his neighbour : behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, saith Jahveh, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to famine, and I will deliver you up for maltreatment to all the kingdoms of the earth. Ver. 18. And I shall make the men who have trans- gressed my covenant, that have not kept the words of the covenant which they concluded before me, like the calf which they cut in two, and between whose pieces they passed. Ver. 19. The princes of Judah and the princes of Jerusalem, the courtiers, and the priests, and all the people of the land, who passed through between the pieces of the calf, Ver. 20. Them will I give into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those who seek their life, so that their corpses shall be for food to the birds of heaven and to the beasts of the earth. Ver. 21. And Zedekiah, king of Judah, and his princes will I give into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those who seek their life, and into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon, that has departed from against you. Ver. 22. Behold, I will command, saith Jahveh, and will make them return to this city, and they shall fight against it, and shall take it, and shall burn it with fire ; and the cities of Judah will I make a desolation, without an inhabitant." In vers. 13-16 the Lord sets before the people and their rulers their new offence ; in vers. 17-22 He announces to them the punishment for this new deed by which the covenant is broken. In order to place the transgression in its proper light, He mentions, first of all, that, when He led Israel out of Egypt, He concluded with them a covenant to the effect that every one of them should set free his Hebrew servant at the end of seven years ; He also mentions that their fathers had transgressed this covenant (vers. 13, 14). The designation of Egypt as a house of bondmen, as in Ex. xiii. 3, 14, xx. 2, Deut. vi. 12, etc., possesses a special emphasis, and points to what is mentioned in Deut. xv. 15 as the motive for obeying the law referred to in the address. Because Israel was a servant in Enypt, and the Lord has redeemed him out of this house of bondmen, therefore must they not treat as slaves their brethren who had fallen into poverty, but set them free after six years of service. The expression u at the end (after the lapse) of seven years " is to be understood in the same way as the expression "after 86 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. eight days." As this just means "when seven days are com- pleted," so also, according to the law, Ex. xxi. 2, Deut. xv. 12, the emancipation was to follow in the seventh year, after six full years of service. " Who sold himself to thee " is an ex- pression copied from Deut. xv. 12. — From this sin of their fathers they had now for a little turned away, and, in a solemn covenant, resolved to free the bondmen, as the law decreed (ver. 15) ; but they have immediately profaned the name of the Lord again by revoking this decree, viz. by breaking the covenant made before God. 2£'?3?, " according to their pleasure," like n^SD- 5 , Deut. xxi. 14. — Ver. 17 ff. The announcement of t : - : / punishment. Because ye have not hearkened, by proclaiming, every one, liberty to his bondman (this certainly had been done, but was again undone by annulling the decree), therefore I proclaim liberty for you ; i.e. you, who have hitherto been my servants (Lev. xxv. 55), I discharge from this relation, — deliver you up to your fate as regards the sword, etc., that the sword, famine, and pestilence may have power over you. For rwb see xv. 4. — In ver. 18 the construction is disputed. Many, in- cluding Luther, take ?3yn as the second object to WlJ : " I will make the men .... the calf," i.e. like the calf. But, though ?n3 is frequently construed with a double accusative with the meaning of making some thing another thing (cf. e.g. ver. 22, Gen. xvii. 5, Ex. vii. 1), yet in such a case the predicative- object does not readily take the article. Moreover, JH3, in the sense required here, to make like = treat as, is joined with 3, as in Isa. xli. 2, Ezek. xxviii. 2, 6, Gen. xlii. 30, 1 Kings x. 27, etc. Finally, Eosenmiiller objects: continuata versu- 19 personarum descriptio et repetitio verbi '•rinJ'J ver. 20 vix per- mittuntj propositionem hoc versu absdlvi. For these reasons, L. de Dieu, Rosenmuller, Ewald, and Graf have taken ?JJ?n as being in apposition to ITHan, and the enumeration " princes of Judah," etc., ver. 19, as a continuation or exposition of CtWKn, ver. 18, and Drrix "•rin^l, ver. 20, as a resumption of the same words in ver. 18. According to this view, vers. 18-20 would form a series of appositions : " I will give the men . . . that have not kept the words of the covenant which they concluded before me .... the princes of Judah who passed between the parts of the calf, — these will I give into the hands of their enemies." CHAP. XXXIV. 12-22. 87 But, apart from the consideration that the enumeration of the covenant-breakers (viz. the princes of Judah, etc.), which is added by way of apposition in ver. 19, ought not to come in till after the apposition to JT'ian, which would be a harsh and complicated arrangement of the members of the sentence, this construction seems untenable for the following reasons : (a) "The calf that they cut," etc., which forms the explanatory apposition to " the covenant," is separated from it by the inter- vening clause, " which they made before me." And (b), even though we might modify this harshness by repeating "HinTix before sW[}, yet the mode of expression, " they have not per- formed the words of the calf which they cut in two, and between whose parts they passed," would be a very stiff and unnatural one for " they have not performed what they vowed or sware in presence of the parts of the calf which they had halved, and when they passed through between these pieces." With Maurer and Hitzig, therefore, we abide by the older view, which takes «Jjn as the second object to *»#, "keeper of the threshold," i.e. overseer of the watchmen of the temple gates, of which, accord- ing to lii. 24 and 2 Kings xxv. 18, there were three, who are 90 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. there mentioned along with the high priest and his substitute Maaseiah is probably the same whose son Zephaniah was ftp naeferi, cf. Hi. 24 vith xxxvii. 3, xxix. 25, and xxi. 1. — Ver. 5 f. There, Jeremiah caused bowls filled with wine to be set before the Rechabites, and commanded them to drink. (QT?3 are large goblets, bowls, out of which drinking-cups [niDb] were filled.) But they explained that they did not drink wine, because their father, i.e. their ancestor, Jonadab had forbidden them and their posterity to drink wine for ever, as also to build houses, to sow seed, and to plant vineyards, i.e. to settle them- selves down in permanent dwellings and to pursue agriculture. D3^> .Tn> npi, "And there shall not be to you," sc. what has just been named, i.e. ye must not possess houses, growing-crops, or vineyards (cf. ver. 9), 1 but ye are to dwell in tents all your life, that ye may live long, etc. This promise is an imitation of that found in Ex. xx. 12. — Vers. 8-10. This command of their forefather they observe in all points, and therefore dwell in tents; and only because of Nebuchadnezzar's arrival in the country have they come to Jerusalem, in order to find refuge for a time from the army of the Chaldeans and that of Aram (the Arameans). The special mention of the army of Aram in connection with that of the Chaldeans is perhaps due to the frequent predatory incursions made, at an earlier period, on Israel and Judah by the Syrians. According to 2 Kings xxiv. 2, after Jehoiakim had rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar, hostile bands of Arameans invaded Judah for the purpose of laying waste the country. Vers. 12-19. The example of the Rechabites is one for Judah. — Jeremiah is to proclaim the word of the Lord to the people of Judah, as follows : Ver. 13. " Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, 1 These injunctions, given by Jonadab to his posterity, that he might make them always lead a nomad life, are quoted by Diodorus Siculus, xix. 94, as a law among the Nabateans: No'^&.c early uvrols, piftt oirov onetpsiv, pviTi QvTsdsiv y.riozv Qvtou x.upTroK stands for nDIKrr^j; X xv. 5.— In ver. / t t -; t t t -; t - / 16, where the introductory *3, imo, indicates a culmination, the idea is once more briefly expressed. Nagelsbach incorrectly renders ^3 "because" and makes ver. 16 the protasis to ver. 17. " Such a protasis with because (quia), without any connection with what precedes, is contrary to the use of language " (Hitzig). On the threat of punishment in ver. 17, see xi. 11. — Ver. 18. The declaration concerning the Rechabites is introduced by the formula, " And to the house of the Rechabites Jeremiah said ; " thereby, too, it is shown that the statement does not form an integral portion of the preceding address, but was uttered by Jeremiah perhaps at the close of his transactions with them (ver. 11). But it is not given till now, in order to signify to the people of Judah that even fidelity to paternal commands has its own rewards, to make the threat uttered against Judah all the more impressive. On the promise ver. 19, cf. xxxiii. 18. Since ^a? *iDy denotes the standing of a servant before his master, and in vii. 10 is used of the appearance of the people before the Lord in the temple, ^D? 1DJJ seems here also to express not merely the permanence of the family, but in addition, their continuance in the service of the Lord, without, of course, involving sacerdotal service ; cf. on the other hand, xxxiii. 18, where this service is more exactly described. The acknowledg- ment of the Lord on the part of the Rechabites is a necessary result of their connection with Israel. 1 1 According to the account of the Jewish missionary Wolff, there are still some Rechabites in Asia, in Mesopotamia and Yemen, who affirm that they are descended from Hobab the brother-in-law [A.V. " father-in-law ; " but see Smith's Bible Dictionary, vol. i. Robab~\ of Moses. "Wolff points out that part of the desert of Yemen near Senaa as the special locality where these Rechabites live. Cf. Dr. Joseph Wolff, ein Wanderlelen, von Dr. Sengelmann, Hamburg 1863, S. 65 u 196. CHAP XXXVI. 93 Chap, xxxvi. Jeremiah's Discourses are written down, and read in the Temple. In the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, bidding him commit to writing all the addresses he had previously delivered, that Judah might, if it were possible, still regard the threatenings and return (vers. 1-3). In accordance with this command, he got all the words of the Lord written down in a book by his attendant Baruch, with the further instruction that this should be read on the fast-day in the temple to the people who came out of the country into Jerusalem (vers. 4-8). When, after this, in the ninth month of the fifth year of Jehoiakim, a fast was appointed, Baruch read the prophecies to the assembled people in the chamber of Gemariah in the temple. Michaiah the son of Gemariah mentioned the matter to the princes who were assem- bled in the royal palace ; these then sent for Baruch with the roll, and made him read it to them. But they were so frightened by what was read to them that they deemed it necessary to inform the king regarding it (vers. 9-19). At their advice, the king had the roll brought and some of it read before him ; but scarcely had some few columns been read, when he cut the roll into pieces and threw them into the pan of coals burning in the room, at the same time commanding that Baruch and Jeremiah should be brought to him ; but God hid them (vers. 20-26). After this roll had been burnt, the Lord commanded the prophet to get all his words written on a new roll, and to predict an ignominious fate for King Jehoiakim ; whereupon Jeremiah once more dictated his addresses to Baruch (vers. 27-32). Since Jeremiah, according to vers. 3, 6, 7, is to get his ad- dresses written down that Baruch may be able to read them publicly on the fast-day, now at hand, because he himself was prevented from getting to the temple, the intention of the divine command was not to make the prophet put down in writing and gather together all the addresses he had hitherto given, but the writing down is merely to serve as a means of once more pre- senting to the people the whole contents of his prophecies, in order to induce them, wherever it was possible, to return to the Lord. In the fourth year of Jehoiakim, Nebuchadnezzar, after 94 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. vanquishing the Egyptians at the Euphrates, advanced against Judah, took Jerusalem, and made Jehoiakim tributary. In the same year, too, Jeremiah had delivered the prophecy regarding the giving up of Judah and all nations for seventy years into the power of the king of Babylon (chap, xxv.) ; this was before he had been bidden write down all his addresses. For, that he did not receive this command till towards the end of the fourth year, may be gathered with certainty from the fact that the public reading of the addresses, after they were written down, was to take place on the fast-day, which, according to ver. 9, was not held till the ninth month of the fifth year. The only doubtful point is, whether they were written down and read before or after the first capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchad- nezzar. Most modern commentators take the former view ; e.g. Hitzig says, briefly and decidedly, " According to ver. 29, the Chaldeans had not as yet appeared in the country." But this is not mentioned in ver. 29. The threatening in this verse, " The king of Babylon shall come and destroy this land, and exterminate men and beasts from it," does not prove that the king of Babylon had not yet come to Judah, but merely that the country had not yet been destroyed, and men and cattle exterminated from it. When Jerusalem was first taken, Nebu- chadnezzar contented himself with subjecting Jehoiakim under his supreme authority and requiring the payment of tribute, as well as carrying away some of the vessels of the temple and some hostages. The devastation of Judah and the extirpation of men and beasts did not commence till the second subjuga- tion of Jerusalem under Jehoiakim, and was completed when the city was utterly destroyed, in Zedekiah's time, on its third subjugation. The settlement of the question that has been raised depends on the determination of the object for which the special fast-day in the fifth year was appointed, whether for averting the threatened invasion by the Chaldeans, or as a memorial of the first capture of Jerusalem. This question we have already so far decided in the Commentary on Daniel, p. 66, where it is stated that the fast was held in remembrance of that day in the year when Jerusalem was taken for the first time by Nebuchadnezzar ; we have also remarked in the same place, that Jehoiakim either appointed or permitted this special CHAP. XXX VI. 95 fast u for the purpose of rousing the popular feeling against the Chaldeans, to whom they were in subjection, — to evoke in the people a religious enthusiasm in favour of resistance ; for Jehoiakim keenly felt the subjugation by the Chaldeans, and from the first thought of revolt." However, every form of resistance to the king of Babylon could only issue in the ruin of Judah. Accordingly, Jeremiah made Baruch read his prophecies publicly to the people assembled in the temple on that day, " by way of counterpoise to the king's desire ;" the prophet also bade him announce to the king that the king of Babylon would come, i.e. return, to destroy the land, and to root out of it both men and beasts. These circumstances give the first complete explanation of the terror of the princes when they listened to the reading of the book (ver. 16), as well as of the wrath of the king, exhibited by his cutting the book in pieces and throwing it into the fire : he saw that the addresses of the prophet were more calculated to damp those religious aspira- tions of the people on which he based his hopes, than to rouse the nation against continued submission to the Chaldeans. Not till now, too, when the object of the appointment of the fast- day was perceived, did the command given by God to the prophet to write down his prophecies appear in its proper light. Shortly before, and in the most earnest manner, Jeremiah had reminded the people of their opposition to the word of God preached by him for twenty-three years, and had announced to them, as a punishment, the seventy years' subjugation to the Chaldeans and the desolation of the country ; yet this an- nouncement of the fearful chastisement had made no deeper or more lasting impression on the people. Hence, so long as the threatened judgment was still in the distance, not much could be expected to result from the reading of his addresses in the temple on the fast-day, so that the command of God to do so should appear quite justified. But the matter took a con- siderably different form when Nebuchadnezzar had actually taken Jerusalem and Jehoiakim had submitted. The com- mencement of the judgments which had been threatened by God was the proper moment for laying before the hearts of the people, once more, the intense earnestness of the divine message, and for urging them to deeper penitence. Just at this point 90 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the reading of the whole contents of the prophecies delivered by Jeremiah appears like a final attempt to preserve the people, on whom judgment has fallen, from complete destruction. Vers. 2-8. The word of the Lord to Jeremiah was to this effect : " Take thee a book-roll, and write on it (H^K for nty) all the words that I have spoken unto thee concerning Israel and Judah, and concerning all the nations, from the day I spake unto thee, from the days of Josiah till this day. Ver. 3. Per- haps the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I meditate doing to them, that they may return every one from his evil way, and that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin." ty»B^ here means, to hear correctly and lay to heart ; cf. xxvi. 3. Hitzig views the command as meaning, not that Jeremiah is now for the first time to write down his addresses (which would be an impossibility for the most faithful memory), but that he is merely to write them down together in one book, out of the several scattered leaves and scraps. Graf has already refuted this view, though more fully than was necessary. It is not a copying, word for word, of every separate address that is meant, but merely a writing down of the essential contents of all his oral discourses. This is quite clear, not merely from what is stated in ver. 3 as the object of this command, but also from the character of these collected addresses, as they are preserved to us. That the expression " all the words" is not to be under- stood in the most rigid sense, follows from the very fact that, when Jeremiah anew wrote down his prophecies, ver. 32, he further added " many similar words" to what had been con- tained in the first book-roll, which was burned by Jehoiakim. But Jeremiah might perhaps be able to retain in his memory the substance of all the addresses he had delivered during the twenty-three years, since all of them treated of the same sub- jects — reproof of prevailing sins, threat of punishment, and promises. — Ver. 4. Jeremiah carries out the divine command by making Baruch write down on a book-roll all the words of the Lord, out of his mouth ('El" 1 "'ED, i.e. at the dictation of Jere- miah) ; and since he himself is prevented from getting to the house of the Lord, he bids him read the words he had written down in the ears of the people in the temple on the fast-day, at the same time expressing the hope, ver. 7 : " Perhaps their CHAP. XXXVI. 9-19. 97 supplication will fall down before the Lord, and they will return each one from his wicked way ; for great is the wrath and the anger which the Lord hath expressed concerning this people." Baruch, who is mentioned so early as xxxii. 12 ff. as the attendant of the prophet, was, according to the passage now before us, his amanuensis, and executed his commissions, "nsy ""JN, according to xxxiii. 1 and xxxix. 15, might mean, " I am in prison ;" but this does not accord with the request of the princes, ver. 19, that Jeremiah should hide himself. Moreover, "Wy does not mean a seized, captus," but " stopped, restrained, hindered ;" see on Neh. vi. 10. The cause of hindrance is not mentioned, as being away from the purpose of the narrative. " To read in the roll in the ears of the people," i.e. to read to the people out of the book. Di¥ DV3 does not mean " on any fast-day whatever," but, " on the fast-day." The article is omitted because there was no need for defining the fast-day more exactly. The special fast-day mentioned in ver. 9 is intended. 'U1 Brunn pari, " their supplication will fall down before the Lord," i.e. reach unto God, as if it were laid before His feet. ?S3 is transferred from the posture of the suppliant — his falling down before God — to his supplication. Hence, in Hiphil, to make the supplication fall down before the Lord is equivalent to laying the request at His feet; xxxviii. 26, xlii. 9, Dan. ix. 18, 20. If the supplication actually comes before God, it is also heard and finds success. This success is pointed out in til ^^l, " that they may repent." If man, in a repentant spirit, supplicates God for grace, God grants him power for conversion. But the return of the people from their wicked way is indispensable, because the wrath which God has expressed concerning it is great, i.e. because God has threatened a heavy judgment of wrath. — Ver. 8. Baruch executes his commission. Vers. 9-19. The reading of the look in the temple. — Ver. 9. In the fifth year of Jehoiakim, in the ninth month, " they proclaimed a fast before the Lord, — all the people in Jeru- salem, and all the people who had come out of the cities of Judah to Jerusalem." DiV SOj^ to call, declare, appoint a fast; cf. 1 Kings xxi. 9, 12, 2 Chron. xx. 3. From the tenor of the words, the people who lived in Jerusalem and those who had come thither out of the country might seem to have called the VOL. II. G 98 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. fast. But this is impossible ; for the people from the cities of Judah evidently came to Jerusalem only in consequence of the fast being appointed. Hence Graf is of opinion that DiS N")hJ seems here used in a general way of the keeping of such a fast. This view is not confirmed by any parallel instances. The expression is inexact, and the inexactness has arisen from the effort to attain greater conciseness of expression. The meaning is this : a fast was proclaimed, and all the people in Jerusalem and out of the cities of Judah came to worship the Lord in the temple. It remains doubtful with whom the appointment originated, — whether with the king, or with the high priest and the priesthood. The ninth month corresponds to our December, and consequently came round with the cold season ; cf. ver. 22 f . The fast-day was a special one ; for in the law only the day of atonement, in the seventh month, was prescribed as a fast-day. On the object of this measure, see supra, p. 94 f. — Ver. 10. On this day Baruch read the addresses of Jeremiah out of the book to the people who had come to the temple, in the " chamber of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, the scribe, in the upper fore- court, at the entrance of the new gate of the house of the Lord." Gemariah the son of Shaphan was one of the king's private scribes, a secretary of state. For, according to ver. 12, he belonged to the princes, and was probably a brother of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, who had already shown himself, before this, a protector of the prophet (xxvi. 24). The chamber which he had in the temple was situated in the upper fore- court, at the entrance of the new gate, whose position we cannot exactly determine (see on xxvi. 10), but which led from the outer to the inner court of the priests, which rose higher than the others. — Ver. 11. Micaiah, a son of Gemariah, was also listening to the reading ; and he it was who brought the news into the palace. He made for the room, i.e. the office, of Eli- shama, the secretary of state, where the princes, viz. Elishama, Delaiah the son of Shemaiah, Elnathan the son of Achbor (cf. xxvi. 22), Gemariah the son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah, had just met for a consultation ; and he men- tioned to them what he had heard. — Ver 14. On this informa- tion the princes sent Jehudi (perhaps one of the under-officers of the secretary of state) to Baruch, to bring him, with the book CHAP. XXXVI. 9-19. 99 from which he had read. From the designation, u Jehudi son of Nethaniah, son of Shelemiah, son of Cushi," Hitzig and Graf conclude that the first and last are not proper names, but ap- pellatives, " the Jew " and " the Cushite," and account for the use of them on the ground that, through the application of the law given in Deut. xxiii. 7, 8 to Cushites as well as Egyptians, the ancestor was a Cushite, and only his great-grandson became a Jew, or Jewish citizen, and was called " Jehudi." But this view is opposed (1) by the fact that the names of the father and the grandfather are true proper names, and these, moreover, contain the name Jah (Jahveh), — hence are genuine proper names of Israelites ; moreover, (2) even in olden times Jehudith occurs as a woman's name, Gen. xxvi. 34. According to this, Jehudi is a true proper name, and at the most, Cushi is but a surname of the great-grandfather, given him because of his descent from the Cushites. Further, the law, Deut. xxiii. 7, applies only to the posterity of the Edomites and Egyptians, that these should not be received into the congregation of the Lord till the third generation ; this ordinance was based on grounds which did not permit of its application to other nations. These might be naturalized even in the first genera- tion on undergoing circumcision, with the exception of Ca- naanites, Ammonites, and Moabites, who w r ere not to be admitted into the Israelitish community even in the tenth generation, Deut. xxiii. 3. — Ver. 15. When Baruch came, the princes, in token of friendly and respectful treatment, bade him sit down and read to them out of the book he had brought with him. Ver. 16. But when they heard all the words read, " they were . afraid one at another ; " i.e. by looks, gestures, and words, they gave mutual expression of their fear, partly because of the contents of what had been read. Although they were gene- rally acquainted with the sense and the spirit of Jeremiah's addresses, yet what had now been read made a powerful im- pression on them ; for Baruch plainly had read, both to the people in the temple and to the princes, not the whole book, but only the main portions, containing the sternest denuncia- tions of sin and the strongest threats of punishment. The statement, " he read in (out of) the book the words of Jere- miah" (ver. 10), does not mean that he read the whole book ^ 100 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. this would only have wearied the people and weakened the impression made. But they were partly also terrified, perhaps, by the boldness of a declaration which so decidedly opposed the desires and hopes of the king ; for the thought of the event mentioned xxvi. 20 ff. would at once suggest to them the danger that might arise to the lives of Jeremiah and Baruch from the despotic character of the king. They said therefore to Baruch, " We must tell the king all these things." For it was clear that the matter could not long remain concealed from the king, after the public reading in the temple. Hence they dared not, agreeably to their official relation to the king, hide from him what had taken place. — Ver. 17. Meanwhile, in order to inform themselves more exactly regarding what had hap- pened, they ask Baruch, " Tell us, how hast thou written all these words at his mouth?" Thereupon Baruch replied, " He used to call aloud these words to me," i.e. he used to dictate them to me by word of mouth, " and I wrote them in the book with ink." The imperfect expresses the repeated or continued doing of anything ; hence fcO)V here means to dictate, which requires considerable time. In the following circumstantial clause is found the participle 3rb ""JXI, while I was writing ; and so I myself was doing nothing else all the time than writing down what was dictated. Some commentators have found a stumbling-block in VSO in the question of the princes (ver. 17); the LXX. and Ewald omit this w T ord, inasmuch as Baruch does not explain till afterwards that he had written down the words from the mouth of Jeremiah. Others, like Venema, take va» as a question = VS»n. Both explanations are arbitrary and unnecessary. The princes knew quite well that the substance of the book was from the mouth of Jeremiah, i.e. contained his addresses ; but Baruch, too, might have composed the book from the oral discourses of the prophet without being com- missioned by him, without his knowledge also, and against his will. Accordingly, to attain certainty as to the share of the prophet in this matter, they ask him, and Baruch answers that Jeremiah had dictated it to him. — Ver. 19. Thereupon the princes advised Baruch to hide himself and Jeremiah ; for they know beforehand that Jehoiakim would put to death the wit- nesses of the truth. CHAP. XXXVI. 20-26. 101 Vers. 20-26. The reading of the booh before the ling. — Ver. 20. The princes betook themselves to the king Fn?n, into the inner fore-court (leaving the book-roll in the chamber of the secretary of state), and gave him an account of the matter. "W1 is the inner court of the palace, in which the royal dwelling- apartments are situated. ^^, to entrust a thing or person to any one (xl. 7), hence to deposit, preserve, Isa. x. 28. — Ver. 21. Thereupon the king makes Jehudi fetch the book, and causes it to be read before himself and the assembled princes. *l»y TJfO, to stand over, since the one who is standing before his master, while the latter is sitting, overtops him ; cf. Gen. xviii. 8. The king was sitting, as is stated in ver. 22 by way of preparation for what follows, in the winter-house, i.e. in that portion of the palace which was erected for a winter residence, in the ninth month, i.e. during the winter, and the pot of coals was burning before him. The rooms of eastern houses have no stoves, but in the middle of the floor there is a depression, in which is placed a sort of basin with burning coals, for the purpose of heating the apartment: cf. KeiPs Bibl. Archciol. ii. § 95, S. 7. For the expression nxrrnxi, " and as for the fire-pot, it was burning before him," cf. Ewald, § 277, d. — Ver. 23. Now, " when Jehudi had read three or four columns, he [the king] cut it [the book-roll] with the pen-knife and threw [the pieces] into the fire, in the pot of coals, till the whole roll was consumed on the fire in the pot of coals." nirta, properly " doors," are not leaves, but divisions of a book. The opinion of Hitzig, that leaves are to be understood, and that the Megillah, there- fore, was not a roll, properly speaking, but a book with leaves, cannot be substantiated. In the synagogues, the Jews even at the present day, according to the ancient custom, use real rolls, which are rolled up on a stick. On these the Scripture text is written, though not in lines which occupy the whole breadth of the roll ; the whole space is divided into parts. " Scribebatur" says Buxtorf in Institutione epistolari Heir. p. 4, " volumen lineis, non per longitudinem totius chartce aid per- gamenti deductis, sed in plures areas divisis, quomodo sunt latera paginarum in libris complicatis. Isto3 propterea voce metaphoricd vocantur niriTn januce vulvae, quod figuram januo? referant." The subject of ny-jiv is not Jehudi, as Hitzig thinks, but the 102 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. king, and the word does not signify " he cut it out," but " he cut it in pieces" (the suffix refers to irpJtpn). We are not, with many expositors, to view the conduct of the king in such a way as to think that, whenever Jehudi had read some portions, he cut these off and threw them into the fire, so that the book was, with these interruptions, read through to the end, and at the same time gradually destroyed. Such conduct Graf justly characterizes as trifling and silly, and not in harmony with the anger of a king having a violent disposition. But we cannot see how the imperfect jnpi (in Nagelsbach's opinion) proves that Jehudi read the whole, when the text states that only three or four columns were read. The meaning, peculiar to the im- perfect, of the continuation or repetition of an act, is fully made out by supposing that the king cut down the roll bit by bit, and threw the pieces into the fire one after the other. Neither does the expression npjsn _ ?3 Drny imply that the whole book was read ; for &prc does not denote the completion of the reading, but the completion of the burning : hence the words are to be translated, " till the whole roll had completely got upon the fire," i.e. was completely burnt ; cf. "vK En, Gen. xlvii. 18. The inf. absol. tf^ is thought to have arisen out of VVV *3, 2 Kings xx. 12, are not very strong proofs, since there, as here, no error in writing is marked. The Vulgate has itaque ingressus ; many therefore would change ^ into |3 ; but this also is quite arbi- trary. Accordingly, with Rosenmiiller, we connect ver. 16 with the following, and take ^ as a temporal particle ; in this, the most we miss is ) copulative, or W. In the preceding sentence the prison of the prophet is somewhat minutely described, in order to prepare us for the request that follows in ver. 20. Jeremiah was in a liSTVa, " house of a pit," cf. Ex. xii. 29, i.e. a subterranean prison, and in ritann. This word only occurs here : but in the kindred dialects it means vaults, stalls, 7 7 shops ; hence it possibly signifies here subterranean prison- cells, so that ntann"7NI more exactly determines what "lurrrra is. This meaning of the word is, at any rate, more certain than that given by Eb. Scheid in Rosenmuller, who renders nvjn by Jiexa, curvata ; then, supplying ligna, he thinks of the stocks to which the prisoners were fastened. — The king ques- tioned him IAS?, " in secret," namely, through fear of his ministers and court-officers, who were prejudiced against the prophet, perhaps also in the hope of receiving in a private interview a message from God of more favourable import. To the question of the king, " Is there any word from Jahveh?" Jeremiah replies in the affirmative ; but the word of God is this, " Thou shalt be given into the hand of the king of Baby- lon," just as Jeremiah had previously announced to him ; cf. xxxii. 4, xxxiv. 3. — Jeremiah took this opportunity of complain- 108 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. ing about his imprisonment, saying, ver. 18, " In what have I sinned against thee, or against thy servants, or against this people, that ye have put me in prison ? Ver. 19. And where are your prophets, who prophesied to you, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor- against this land 1 ?" Jeremiah appeals to his perfect innocence (ver. 18), and to the confirma- tion of his prediction by its event. The interview with the king took place when the Chaldeans, after driving the Egyptians out of the country, had recommenced the siege of Jerusalem, and, as is evident from ver. 21, were pressing the city very hard. The Kethib VK is to be read i'N, formed from n s x with the suffix i ; the idea of the suffix has gradually become ob- scured, so that it stands here before a noun in the plural. The Qeri requires n»K. The question, Where are your prophets? means, Let these prophets come forward and vindicate their lying prophecies. Not what these men had prophesied, but what Jeremiah had declared had come to pass ; his imprison- ment, accordingly, was unjust. — Besides thus appealing to his innocence, Jeremiah, ver. 20, entreats the king, " Let my supplication come before thee, and do not send me back into the house of Jonathan the scribe, that I may not die there." For 'fl W"?sri see on xxxvi. 7. The king granted this request. " He commanded, and they put Jeremiah into the court of the watch [of the royal palace, see on xxxii. 2], and gave him a loaf of bread daily out of the bakers' street, till all the bread in the city was consumed ;" cf. lii. 6. The king did not give him his liberty, because Jeremiah held to his views, that were so distasteful to the king (see on xxxii. 3). " So Jeremiah remained in the court of the guard." Chap, xxxviii. Jeremiah in the Miry Pit. Last Interview with the King. In this chapter two events are mentioned which took place in the last period of the siege of Jerusalem, shortly before the capture of the city by the Chaldeans. According to ver. 4, the number of fighting men had now very much decreased ; and according to ver. 19, the number of deserters to the Chaldeans had become large. Moreover, according to ver. 9, famine had already begun to prevail ; this hastened the fall of the city. CHAP. XXXVIII. 1-13. 109 Vers. 1-13. Jeremiah is cast into a miry pit, but drawn out again by Ebedmelech the Cushite. Vers. 1-6. Being confined in the court of the guard attached to the royal palace, Jeremiah had opportunities of conversing with the soldiers stationed there and the people of Judah who came thither (cf. ver. 1 with xxxii. 8, 12), and of declaring, in opposition to them, his con- viction (which he had indeed expressed from the beginning of the siege) that all resistance to the Chaldeans would be fruit- less, and only bring destruction (cf. xxi. 9 f.). On this account, the princes who were of a hostile disposition towards him were so embittered, that they resolved on his death, and obtain from the king permission to cast him into a deep pit with mire at the bottom. In ver. 1 four of these princes are named, two of whom, Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashur the son of Mal- chiah, are known, from xxxvii. 3 and xxi. 1, as confidants of the king ; the other two, Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah the son of Pashur, are not mentioned elsewhere. Gedaliah was probably a son of the Pashur who had once put Jeremiah in the stocks (xx. 1, 2). The words of the prophet, vers. 2, 3, are substantially the same as he had already uttered at the beginning of the siege, xxi. 9 (WW as in xxi. 9). Ver. 4. The princes said to the king, " Let this man, we beseech thee, be put to death [for the construction, see on xxxv. 14] ; for therefore [i.e. because no one puts him out of existence, — |3"^y as in xxix. 28] he weakens the hands of the men of war who remain in this city, and the hands of all the people, by speaking words like these to them ; for this man does not seek the wel- fare of this people, but their ill." KaniO for hanD, to cause the hands of any one to be relaxed, i.e. to make him dispirited ; cf. Ezra iv. 4, Isa. xxxv. 3. En*} with ^, as Job x. 6, Deut. xii. 30, 1 Chron. xxii. 19, etc., elsewhere with the accusatival rix ; cf. xxix. 7 et passim. On this point cf. xxix. 7. The allega- tion which the princes made against Jeremiah was possibly correct. The constancy with which Jeremiah declared that resistance was useless, since, in accordance with the divine decree, Jerusalem was to be taken and burnt by the Chaldeans, could not but make the soldiers and the people unwilling any longer to sacrifice their lives in defending the city. Neverthe- less the complaint was unjust, because Jeremiah was not ex- 110 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. pressing his own personal opinion, but was declaring the word of the Lord, and that, too, not from any want of patriotism or through personal cowardice, but in the conviction, derived from the divine revelation, that it was only by voluntary submission that the fate of the besieged could be mitigated ; hence he acted from a deep feeling of love to the people, and in order to avert complete destruction from them. The courage of the people which he sought to weaken was not a heroic courage founded on genuine trust in God, but carnal obstinacy, which could not but lead to ruin. — Ver. 5. The king said, " Behold, he is in your hand, for the king can do nothing alongside of you." This reply indicates not merely the weakness and power- lessness of the king against his princes, but also his inward aversion to the testimony of the man of God. " That he would like to save him, just as he afterwards does (ver. 10)," is not implied in what he says, with which he delivers up the prophet to the spite of his enemies. Though the princes had at once put Jeremiah to death, the king would not even have been able to reproach them. The want of courage vigorously to oppose the demand of the princes did not spring from any kindly feeling towards the prophet, but partly from moral weakness of character, partly from inward repugnance to the word of God proclaimed by Jeremiah. On the construction 23V px instead of the participle from ?13*, which does not occur, cf. Ewald, § 321, a. D3HN is certainly in form an accusative ; but it can- not be such, since "i^ follows as the accusative : it is therefore / T T « either to be pointed COTX or to be considered as standing for it, just as ^nix often occurs for ^IflX, " with," i.e. " along with you." — Ver. 6. The princes (E^) now cast Jeremiah into the pit of the king's son (3?0"J3, see on xxxvi. 26) Malchiah, which was in the court of the prison, letting him down with ropes into the pit, in which there was no water, but mud ; into this Jere- miah sank. The act is first mentioned in a general way in the words, " they cast him into the pit ;" then the mode of pro- ceeding is particularized in the words, "and they let -him down," etc. On the expression ^'370 "n^n, " the pit of Mal- chiah," cf. Ewald, § 290, d : the article stands here before the nomen regens, because the nornen rectum, from being a proper name, cannot take it ; and yet the pit must be pointed out as CHAP. XXXVIII. 1-13. Ill one well known and definite. That it was very deep, and that Jeremiah must have perished in it if he were not soon taken out again, is evident from the very fact that they were obliged to use ropes in letting him down, and still more so from the trouble caused in pulling him out (vers. 10-12). That the princes did not at once put the prophet to death with the sword was not owing to any feeling of respect for the king, because the latter had not pronounced sentence of death on him, but because they sought to put the prophet to a painful death, and yet at the same time wished to silence the voice of conscience with the excuse that they had not shed his blood. — Vers. 7-13. The deliverance of Jeremiah. Ebedmelech the Cushite, a eunuch, heard of what had happened to Jeremiah. D'np B*K signifies a eunuch : the B^X shows that DnD is here to be taken in its proper meaning, not in the metaphorical sense of an officer of the court. Since the king had many wives (ver.' 22 f.), the presence of a eunuch at the court, as overseer of the harem, cannot seem strange. The law of Moses, indeed, prohibited castration (Deut. xxiii. 2) ; but the man was a foreigner, and had been taken by the king into his service as one castrated, "ny ^TO is a proper name (otherwise it must have been written *\7®\!) ; the name is a genuine Hebrew one, and probably may have been assumed when the man entered the service of Zedekiah. — On hearing of what had occurred, the Ethiopian went to the king, who was sitting in the gate of Benjamin, on the north wall of the city, which was probably the point most threatened by the besiegers, and said to him, Ver. 9, " My lord, O king, these men have acted wickedly in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet, whom they have cast into the pit ; and he is dying of hunger on the spot, for there is no more bread in the city." ^y "IB/KTIK Win, lit. : " they have done wickedly what they have done." n»»l cannot be translated, " and he died on the spot," for Ebedmelech wishes to save him before he dies of hunger. But neither does it stand for rib , l, " so that he must die." The imperfect with Vav consecutive expresses the consequence of a preceding act, and usually stands in the nar- rative as a historic tense ; but it may also declare what neces- sarily follows or will follow from what precedes ; cf. Ewald, § 342, a. Thus nop stands here in the sense, " and so he is 112 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. dying," i.e. " he must die of hunger." VTinri, " on his spot," i.e. on the place where he is ; cf. 2 Sam. ii. 23. The reason, " for there is no longer any bread (Bn?n with the article, the necessary bread) in the city," is not to be taken in the exact sense of the words, but merely expresses the greatest deficiency in provisions. As long as Jeremiah was in the court of the prison, he received, like the officers of the court, at the king's order, his ration of bread every day (xxxvii. 21). But after he had been cast into the pit, that royal ordinance no longer applied to him, so that he was given over to the tender mercies of others, from whom, in the prevailing scarcity of bread, he had not much to hope for. — Ver. 10. Then the king com- manded the Ethiopian, " Take hence thirty men in thine hand, and bring up Jeremiah out of the pit before he dies." TV?, " in thine hand," i.e. under your direction ; cf. Num. xxxi. 49. The number thirty has been found too great ; and Ewald, Hitzig, and Graf would read HEW, because the syntax requires the singular B"K after C^a^ and because at that time, when the fighting men had already decreased in number (ver. 4), thirty men could not be sent away from a post in danger with- out difficulty. These two arguments are quite invalid. The syntax does not demand E^S ; for with the tens (20-90) the noun frequently follows in the plural as well as in the singular, if the number precede ; cf. 2 Sam. iii. 20, 2 Kings ii. 16, etc. ; see also Gesenius' Grammar, § 120, 2. The other argument is based on arbitrary hypotheses ; for the passage neither speaks of fighting men, nor states that they would be taken from a post in danger. Ebedmelech was to take thirty men, not because they would all be required for drawing out the prophet, but for making surer work in effecting the deliverance of the prophet, against all possible attempts on the part of the princes or of the populace to prevent them. — Ver. 11. Ebedmelech took the men at his hand, w r ent into the king's house under the treasury, and took thence rags of torn and of worn-out garments, and let them down on ropes to Jeremiah into the pit, and said to him, " Put, I pray thee, the rags of the torn and cast-off clothes under thine arm-pits under the ropes." Jeremiah did so, and then they drew him out of the pit by the ropes. "NfiKn nnn is a room under the treasury. $3, in ver. 12 DWpa, from rfc. CHAP. XXXVIII. 14-28. 113 to be worn away (of clothes), are rags. HSlHD (from 3HD, to drng, drao- about, tear to pieces) are torn pieces of clothing. E^/P, worn-out garments, from n?S, in Niphal, Isa. li. 6, to vanish, dissolve away. The article at niantsn is expunged from the Qeri for sake of uniformity, because it is not found with D^nta ; but it may as well be allowed to stand as be removed. rriWx D^T, properly the roots of the hands, are not the knuckles of the hand, but the shoulders of the arms. Dy^n? Anno, under the ropes ; i.e. the rags were to serve as pads to the ropes which were to be placed under the arm-pits, to prevent the ropes from cutting the flesh. When Jeremiah had been drawn out in this way from the deep pit of mire, he remained in the court of the prison. Vers. 14-28. Conversation between the king and the prophet. — Ver. 14. Kino; Zedekiah was desirous of once more hearing; a message of God from the prophet, and for this object had him brought into the third .entrance in the house of the Lord. Nothing further is known about the situation and the nature of this entrance ; possibly it led from the palace to the temple, and seems to have been an enclosed space, for the king could carry on a private conversation there with the prophet. The king said to him, " I ask you about a matter, do not conceal anything from me." He meant a message from God regarding the final issue of the siege, cf. xxxvii. 7. Jeremiah, knowing the aver- sion of the king to the truth, replies, ver. 15: "If I tell thee [sc. the word of the Lord], wilt thou not assuredly kill me? And if I were to give thee advice, thou wouldst not listen to me." Ver. 16. Then the king sware to him secretly, "As Jahveh liveth, who hath made us this soul, I shall certainly not kill thee, nor deliver thee into the hand of these men who seek thy life." "it?*? nx, as in xxvii. 8, properly means, "with regard to Him who has created us." The Qeri expunges flfc*. "These men" are the princes mentioned in ver. 1. — Ver. 17 f. After this solemn asseveration of the king, Jeremiah said to him, " Thus saith Jahveh, the God of hosts, the God of Israel : If thou wilt assuredly go out to the princes of the king of Babylon [i.e. wilt surrender thyself to them, cf. 2 Kings xviii. 31, xxiv. 12], then thy soul shall live, and this city shall not be burned with fire, and thou and thy house shall live. But if thou dost VOL. II. H 114 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. not go out to the princes of the king of Babylon, then this city will be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand." The word of God is the same that Jeremiah had already re- peatedly announced to the king, cf. xxxiv. 2-5, xxxii. 4, xxi. 4-10. The princes (chiefs, generals) of the king of Babylon are named, because they commanded the besieging army (xxxix. 3, 13) ; Nebuchadnezzar himself had his headquarters at Riblah, xxxix. 5. — Ver. 19 ff. Against the advice that he should save his life by surrendering to the Chaldeans, Zedekiah suggests the consideration, "I am afraid of the Jews, who have deserted px ?D3 as in xxxvii. 13] to the Chaldeans, lest they give me into their hands and maltreat me." 2 ^ J ?'?, illudere alicui, to abuse any one by mockery or ill-treatment ; cf . Num. xxii. 29, 1 Chron. x. 4, etc. Jeremiah replies, ver. 20 f., "They will not give thee up. Yet, pray, listen to the voice of Jahveh, in that which I say to thee, that it may be well with thee, and that thy soul may live. Ver. 21. But if thou dost refuse to go out [i.e. to surrender thyself to the Chaldeans], this is the word which the Lord hath shown me [has revealed to me] : Ver. 22. Behold, all the women that are left in the house of the king of Judah shall be brought out to the princes of the king of Babylon, and those [women] shall say, Thy friends have misled thee and have overcome thee ; thy feet are sunk in the mud, they have turned away back. Ver. 23. And all thy wives and thy children shall they bring out to the Chaldeans, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand ; for thou shalt be seized by the hand of the king of Babylon, and thou shalt burn this city with fire." — After Jeremiah had once more assured the king that he would save his life by voluntary surrender, he announces to him that, on the other alternative, instead of his becoming the sport of the deserters, the women of his harem would be insulted. The women who remain in the king's house, as distinguished from "thy wives" (ver. 23), are the women of the royal harem, the wives of former kings, who remain in the harem as the concubines of the reigning king. These are to be brought out to the generals of the Chaldean king, and to sing a satire on him, to this effect : " Thy friends have misled thee, and overpowered thee," etc. The first sentence of this CHAP. XXXVIII. 14-28. 115 song is from Obad. ver. 7, where *flH*Bfrl stands instead of "^irT'Ein. The friends (1®?® ^*?, cf. xx. 10) are his great men and his false prophets. Through their counsels, these have led him astray, and brought him into a bog, in which his feet stick fast, and then they have gone back ; i.e. instead of helping him out, they have deserted him, leaving him sticking in the bog. The expression is figurative, and the meaning of the figure is plain (y.Fl is plural). )% air. A^y., is equivalent to ni*^ a bog, Job viii. 11. Moreover, the wives and children of Zedekiah are to fall into the hands of the Chaldeans. CXVift, the participle, is used instead of the finite tense to express the notion of indefinite personality : " they bring them out." T3 Wsnn, properly, " to be seized in the hand," is a pregnant construction for, " to fall into the hand and be held fast by it." "Thou shalt burn this city," i.e. bring the blame of burning it upon thyself. Ewald, Hitzig, and Graf, following the LXX., Syr., and Chald., would change sfMMI into *nfrfi, but needlessly.— Vers. 24-27. From the king's weakness of character, and his dependence on his evil counsellors, neither could this interview have any result. Partly from want of firmness, but chiefly from fear of the reproaches of his princes, he did not venture to surrender himself and the city to the Chaldeans. Hence he did not wish that his interview with the prophet should be known, partly for the purpose of sparing himself reproaches from the princes, partly also, perhaps, not to expose the prophet to further persecutions on the part of the great men. Accordingly, he dismissed Jeremiah with this instruc- tion : " Let no man know of these words, lest thou die." But if the princes should learn that the king had been speaking with him, and asked him, " Tell us, now, what thou hast said to the king, do not hide it from us, and we will not kill thee ; and what did the king say to thee ? " then he was to say to them, " I presented my supplication before the king, that he would not send me back to the house of Jonathan, to die there." As to the house of Jonathan, see on xxxvii. 15. On Niunn T'SO 7 • t • : * ■ cf. xxxvi. 7, xxxvii. 20. — Vers. 27, 28. What the king had supposed actually occurred, and Jeremiah gave the princes, who asked about the conversation, the reply that the king had pre- pared for him. IDBB WHTP, they went away in silence from him, and left him in peace ; cf. 1 Sam. vii. 8. "OW J»f? »6 % for 116 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the matter, the real subject of the conversation did not become known. So Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison till the day of the capture of Jerusalem. — The last sentence of ver. 28 belongs to the following chapter, and forms the intro- ductory sentence of the passage whose conclusion follows in xxxix. 3. Chap, xxxix. Capture of Jerusalem ; Fate of Zedekiah and Jeremiah. Consolatory Message to Ebedmelech. In vers. 1-14 the events which took place at the taking of Jerusalem are summarily related, for the purpose of showing how the announcements of Jeremiah the prophet have been fulfilled. 1 Vers. 1-3. "And it came to pass, when Jerusalem had been taken (in the ninth year of Zedekiah the king of Judah, in 1 The greater portion of the section vers. 1-14 is set down by Movers, Hitzig, Ewald, and Graf as the interpolation of a later glosser, compiled either out of chap. Hi. 4-16, or from 2 Kings xxv. Vers. 3, 11, 12, and 14 are supposed by Hitzig to be all that are genuine, on the ground that these are the only portions containing independent statements, not derived from any other source. They treat simply of the person of the prophet, and state how, at the command of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, the captain of the body-guard, brought Jeremiah out of the court of the prison and delivered him over to the care of Gedaliah. If we gather together the verses that are left as genuine, we find, of course, that the subject treated of in them is what occurred when Jeremiah was liberated from his con- finement in the court of the prison. But neither is the difference between ver. 14 and chap. xl. 1 ff. thereby settled, nor the difficulty removed, that Nebuzaradan, the captain of the body-guard, was not present with the army when Jerusalem was taken ; according to lii. 12, it was not till a month after that event that he was sent to Jerusalem from Eiblah by the king, who was staying there. Vers. 11 and 12, too, retain the appearance of being interpolations. Ewald and Graf, accordingly, consider these two verses also as later insertions. But even this view does not settle the differences and difficulties that have been raised, but only increases them ; for it would represent Jeremiah as being set at liberty, not by Nebuzaradan, as is related xl. 1 ff., but by the Chaldean generals named in ver. 3. — When, however, we inquire into the grounds taken as the foundation of this hypothesis, the fact that the LXX. have omitted vers. 4, 10, and 13 can prove nothing, since vers. 1 and 2 are found in the LXX., although these also are supposed to be spurious. The only argument adduced for the attempted excision, viz. that vers. 1, 2, 4-10 break the connection, proves absolutely nothing in itself, but merely receives importance on the CHAP. XXXIX. 1-3. 117 the tenth month, Nebuchadrezzar and all his army had come against Jerusalem and besieged it ; in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, on the ninth of the month, was the city broken into), then came all the princes of the king of Babylon and sat down at the middle gate, — Nergal-sharezer, Samgar-nebo, Sarsechim, chief chamberlain, Nergal-sharezer, chief magician, and all the rest of the princes of the king of Babylon." These three verses, to which the last clause of chap, xxxviii. 28 belongs, form one period, broken up by a pretty long piece inserted in it, on the beginning and duration of the siege of Jerusalem ; so that, after the introductory clause 1BW3 irni (=VP1 as in xxxvii. 11), chap, xxxviii. 28, the conclu- sion does not come till the word ^2*5, ver. 3. In the parenthesis, the length of the siege, as stated, substantially agrees with lii. 4-7a and 2 Kings xxv. l-4a, only that in these passages supposition that the present section could only treat of the liberation of Jeremiah, and must contain nothing that is mentioned elsewhere regarding the taking of Jerusalem. But this supposition is quite unwarranted. That vers. 1 and 2 are inserted parenthetically cannot afford any ground of suspicion as regards their genuineness ; and that, in vers. 4-10, mention is briefly made of Zedekiah's being seized and condemned, of the destruction of Jerusalem, and the carrying away of the people, except the very meanest, — this also cannot throw suspicion on the genuineness of these verses ; for these statements obviously aim at showing how the word of the Lord, which Jeremiah had proclaimed repeatedly, and once more a short time before the storming of the city, had been fulfilled. Finally, it follows from this that these statements agree with those given in chap. lii. and in 2 Kings xxv. regarding the capture and destruction of Jerusalem ; but it does not follow that they have been derived from the latter as their source. The language in the disputed verses is peculiarly that of Jeremiah. The ex- pression rnirP 'Hh~i>3 is found in Jer. xxvii. 20 ; while in lii. 10, instead t : t of it, we find mirT 1 "nt'' - ^, and in 2 Kings xxv. the whole sentence is t ; •• t t wanting. So, also, D^DQ^'O "IS 5 !, ver. 5 and lii. 9, is an expression peculiar to Jeremiah (see on i. 16) ; in 2 Kings xxv. 6 it is changed to EQE>'o 131. t ; * v • Thus we must set down as groundless and erroneous the allegation made by Hitzig and Graf, that these verses of our chapter have been derived from 2 Kings xxv. ; for the form of the name Nebuchadnezzar (with 71) in ver. 5 instead of Nebuchadrezzar, which agrees with 2 Kings xxv., and which has been brought to bear on this question, can prove nothing, just because not only in ver. 11 but also in ver. 1 (which also is said to be taken from 2 Kings xxv.) we find Nebuchadrezzar. 118 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the time when the siege began is further determined by the mention of the day of the month, BhH? I^JD, which words are omitted here. The siege, then, lasted eighteen months, all but one day. After the besiegers had penetrated into the city through the breaches made in the wall, the princes, i.e. the chief generals, took up their position at " the gate of the midst." ttB^, " they sat down," i.e. took up a position, fixed their quarters. " The gate of the midst," which is mentioned only in this passage, is supposed, and perhaps rightly, to have been a gate in the wall which divided the city of Zion from the lower city ; from this point, the two portions of the city, the upper and the lower city, could most easily be commanded. — With regard to the names of the Babylonian princes, it is remarkable (1) that the name Nergal-sharezer occurs twice, the first time without any designation, the second time with the official title of chief magi- cian ; (2) that the name Samgar-nebo has the name of God (Nebo or Nebu) in the second half, whereas in all other compounds of this kind that are known to us, Nebu forms the first portion of the name, as in Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, Nebushasban (ver. 13), Naboned, Nabonassar, Nabopolassar, etc. ; (3) from this name, too, is omitted the title of office, while we find one with the following name. Moreover (4) in ver. 13, where the Babylonian grandees are again spoken of, instead of the four names, only three are given, but every one of them with a title of office; and only the third of these, Nergal-sharezer, the chief magician, is identical with the one who is named last in ver. 3 ; while Nebushasban is mentioned instead of the Sarsechim of ver. 3 as Dncrm, chief of the eunuchs (high chamberlain) ; and in place of Nergal-sharezer, Samgar-nebo, we find Nebuzar- adan as the commander of the body-guards (Cnao Xi). On these four grounds, Hitzig infers that ver. 3, in the passage before us, has been corrupted, and that it contained originally only the names of three persons, with their official titles. More- over, he supposes that 120D is formed from the Persian *U- and the derivation-syllable .£b, Pers.j^, and means "he who has or holds the cup," the cup-bearer ; thus corresponding to Hj?^ 11, Kab-shakeh, " chief cup-bearer," 2 Kings xviii. 17, Isa. xxxvi. 2. He also considers Events' a Hebraizing form of CHAP. XXXIX. 1-3. 119 D"np 3"l ; ii3D or nafe^ « to cut," by transposition from HVn, Arab. -2>., from which comes [ m < as >~ i "a eunuch," = '3D, plur. B^D; hence Q ,| 3D"i^ = Dnp rn, of which the former has been a marginal gloss, afterwards received into the text. This complicated combination, however, by which Hitzig certainly makes out two official titles, though he retains no more than the divine name Nebu as that of Rabsaris, is founded upon two very hazardous conjectures. Nor do these conjectures gain much support from the renewal of the attempt, made about fifty years since by the late P. von Bohlen, to explain from the Neo-Persian the names of persons and titles occurring in the Assyrian and Old-Babylonian languages, an attempt which has long since been looked upon as scientifically unwarranted. Strange as it may seem that the two persons first named are not further specified by the addition of an official title, yet the supposition that the persons named in ver. 3 are identical with those mentioned in ver. 13 is erroneous, since it stands in contradiction with Hi. 12, which even Hitzig recognises as historically reliable. Accord- ing to lii. 12, Nebuzaradan, who is the first mentioned in ver 13, was not present at the taking of Jerusalem, and did not reach the city till four weeks afterwards ; he was ordered by Nebuchadnezzar to superintend arrangements for the destruction of Jerusalem, and also to make arrangements for the transpor- tation of the captives to Babylon, and for the administration of the country now being laid waste. But in ver. 3 are named the generals who, when the city had been taken by storm, took up their position within it. — Nor do the other difficulties, mentioned above, compel us to make such harsh conjectures. If Nergal-sharezer be the name of a person, compounded of two words, the divine name, Nergal (2 Kings xvii. 30), and Sharezer, probably dominator tuebitur (see Delitzsch on Isa. xxxvii. 38), then Samgar-Nebu-Sarsechim may possibly be a proper name compounded of three words. So long as we are unable with certainty to explain the words 13DD and D H 3Cnfe> out of the Assyrian, we can form no decisive judgment regarding them. But not even does the hypothesis of Hitzig account for the occurrence twice over of the name Nergal-sharezer. The Nergal-sharezer mentioned in the first passage was, no doubt, 120 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the commander-in-chief of the besieging army; but it could hardly be maintained, with anything like convincing power, that this officer could not bear the same name as that of the chief magician. And if it be conceded that there are really errors in the strange words to3""l310p and B^p"}^, we are as yet without the necessary means of correcting them, and obtaining the proper text. In vers. 4-7 are narrated the flight of Zedekiah, his capture, and his condemnation, like what we find in Hi. 7-11 and 2 Kings xxv. 4-7. "When Zedekiah the king of Judah and all the men of war saw them (the Chaldean generals who had taken up their position at the mid-gate), they fled by night out of the city, by the way of the king's garden, by a gate between the walls, and he went out by the way to the Arabah. Ver. 5. But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after them, and over- took Zedekiah in the steppes of Jericho, and captured him, and brought him to Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, to Kiblah, in the land of Hamath ; and he pronounced judgment on him." Hitzig and Graf consider that the connection of these events, made by BN"J "^*?, is awkward, and say that the king would not have waited till the Chaldean generals took up their position at the mid-gate, nor could he see these in the night-time ; that, moreover, he would hardly have waited till the city was taken before he fled. These objections are utterly worthless. If the city of Zion, in which the royal palace stood, was separated from the lower city by a wall, then the king might still be quite at ease, with his men of war, in the upper city or city of Zion, so long as the enemy, who were pushing into the lower city from the north, remained at the separating wall, near the middle gate in it ; and only when he saw that the city of Zion, too, could no longer be held, did he need to betake himself to flight with the men of war around him. In actual fact, then, he mio-ht have been able to see the Chaldean generals with his own eyes, although we need not press QX"J so much as to extract this meaning from it. Even at this juncture, flight was still possible through the south gate, at the king's garden, between the two walls. Thenius, on 2 Kings xxv. 4, takes DTibh to mean a double wall, which at the southern end of Ophel closed up the ravine between Ophel and Zion. But a double wall must also CHAP. XXXIX. 4-7. 121 have had two gates, and Thenius, indeed, has exhibited them in his plan of Jerusalem ; but the text speaks of but one gate (W). " The two walls" are rather the walls which ran along the eastern border of Zion and the western border of Ophel. The gate between these was situated in the wall which ran across the Tyropcean valley, and united the wall of Zion and that of Ophel ; it was called the horse-gate (Neh. iii. 28), and occupied the position of the modern " dung-gate " {Bab-el MoghdribeK) ; see on Neh. iii. 27, 28. It was not the "gate of the fountain," as Thenius (Buclier der Kon. S. 456), Nagelsbach, and others imagine, founding on the supposed existence of the double wall at the south end of Ophel. Outside this gate, where the valley of the Tyropceon joined with the valley of the Kidron, lay the king's garden, in the vicinity of the pool of Siloam; see on Neh. iii. 15. The words '\X\ N>'.^ introduce further details as to the king's flight. In spite of the preceding plurals IX^'I V"]3*5, the sing. N^. is quite suitable here, since the narrator wishes to give further details with regard to the flight of the king alone, without bringing into consideration the warriors who fled along CO o with him. Nor does the folio win s, DiTnns militate against this view ; for the Chaldean warriors pursued the king and his fol- lowers, not to capture these followers, but the king. Escaped from the city, the king took the direction of the ^Xty^ the plain of the Jordan, in order to escape over Jordan to Gilead. But the pursuing enemy overtook him in the steppes of Jericho (see on Josh. iv. 13, pp. 50, 51 of Clark's Translation), and thus before he had crossed the Jordan ; they led him, bound, to Eiblah, before the king of Babylon. " Riblah in the land of Hainath " is still called Ribleh, a wretched village about 20 miles S.S.W. from Hums (Emesa) on the river el Ahsy (Orontes), in a large fertile plain in the northern portion of the Bekda, on the great caravan-track which passes from Palestine through Damascus, Emesa, and Hamath to Thapsacus and Carchemish on the Euphrates ; see Robinson's Bill. Res. iii. 545, and on 2 Kings xxiii. 33 (vol. ii. p. 160 of Clark's Translation).— On Wl tPtpBtPOj to speak judgment, pronounce sentence of punishment, see on i. 16. Nebuchadnezzar caused the sons of Zedekiah and all the princes of Judah (p^'n, nobles, lords, as in xxvii. 30) to be slain before the eyes of the Jewish king; then he put out 122 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. his eyes and bound him with brazen fetters, to carry him away to Babylon (^2? for N^np), where, according to lii. 11, he re- mained in confinement till his death. Vers. 8-10 contain a brief notice regarding the fate of the city of Jerusalem and its inhabitants, joined on to the passage pre- ceding, in order to prepare the way for a short account of the treatment which Jeremiah experienced at the same time. From the more detailed notice regarding the fate of the city, given in lii. 12 ff., 2 Kings xxv. 8 ff., we see that the destruction of the city and the carrying away of the people took place one month after their fall, and that the king of Babylon had appointed Nebuzaradan, the commander of his body-guards, to go to Jeru- salem for the purpose of carrying out these matters. In these verses of ours, also, Nebuzaradan is mentioned as the one who carried out the judgment that had been pronounced (ver. 10 ff.) ; but the fact of his being sent from Kiblah and the date of the execution of his commission are here omitted, so that it appears as if it had all occurred immediately after the capture of the city, and as if Nebuzaradan had been always on the spot. For the writer of this chapter did not need to give a historically exact account of the separate events ; it was merely necessary briefly to mention the chief points, in order to place in proper light the treatment experienced by the prophet. The Chaldeans burned the king's house (the palace) and Dyrrrva. This latter expression, taken in connection with " the king's house," signifies the rest of the city apart from the king's palace ; hence fVa is used in a collective sense. The temple is not mentioned, as being of no consequence for the immediate purpose of this short notice. — Ver. 9. " And the rest of the people that had remained in the city, and the deserters who had deserted to him, and the rest of the people that remained, Nebuzaradan, the chief of the body-guards, led captive to Babylon. Ver. 10. But of the poorest of the people, who had nothing, Nebuzaradan left some in the country, and he gave them vineyards and arable fields at the same time." Ivy after v£0 refers, ad sensum. to the king of Babylon ; his name, certainly, is not given in the immediate context, but it is readily suggested by it. In lii. 15 we find ?32 T|70~?N instead of IvV; yet we might also refer this last-named word to the following subject, Nebuzaradan, as the CHAP. XXXIX. 11-14. 123 representative of the king. D^naU'Xi, properly, chief of the slayers, i.e. of the executioners, is the chief of the king's body- guard, who occupied the first place among the royal attendants ; see on • Gen. xxxvii. 36. By the addition of the words Di'li Sinn, on that day, i.e. then, the more general account regarding Jerusalem and its inhabitants is concluded, for the purpose of attaching to it the notice regarding the fate of the prophet Jeremiah, vers. 11-14. Vers. 11-14. Nebuchadnezzar gave orders regarding Jere- miah, through Nebuzaradan, the chief of the body-guards : " Take him, and set thine eyes upon him, and do him no harm ; but, just as he telleth thee, so do with him." In obedience to this command, "Nebuzaradan, the chief of the body-guards, sent, — and Nebushasban the head chamberlain, and Nergal- sharezer the chief magician, and all (the other) chief men of the king of Babylon, — they sent and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and delivered him over to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, to take him out to the house. Thus he dwelt among the people." — On the names of the Chaldean grandees, see on ver. 3. Instead of the chief cham- berlain (DncrTi) Sarsechim, there is here named, as occupying this office, Nebushasban, who, it seems, along with Nebuzaradan, was not sent from Riblah till after the taking of Jerusalem, when Sarsechim was relieved. We cannot come to any certain conclusion regarding the relation in which the two persons or names stand to one another, since Nebushasban is only mentioned in ver. 13, just as Sarsechim is mentioned only in ver. 3. Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the man who had already on a former occasion given protection to Jeremiah (xxvi. 24), was, according to xl. 5, placed by the king of Babylon over the cities of Judah, i.e. was nominated the Chaldean governor over Judah and the Jews who were left in the land. To him, as such, Jeremiah is here (ver. 14) delivered, that he may take him into the house. IV3 is neither the temple (Hitzig) nor the palace, the king's house (Graf), but the house in which Gedaliah resided as the governor ; and we find here n^2n, not iJVa^ since the house was neither the property nor the permanent dwelling- place of Gedaliah. — According to this account, Jeremiah seems to have remained in the court of the prison till Nebuchadnezzar 124 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. came, to have been liberated by Nebuzaradan only at the com- mand of the king, and to have been sent to Gedaliah the governor. But this is contradicted by the account in xl. 1 ff., according to which, Nebuzaradan liberated the prophet in Ramah, where he had been kept, confined by manacles, among the captives of Judah that wei'e to be carried to Babylon : Nebuzaradan sent for him, and gave him his liberty. This contradiction has arisen simply from the intense brevity with which, in this verse, the fate of Jeremiah at the capture and destruction of Jerusalem is recorded; it is easy to settle the difference in this way : — When the city was taken, those inhabi- tants, especially males, who had not carried arms, were seized by the Chaldeans and carried out of the city to Ramah, where they were held prisoners till the decision of the king regarding their fate should be made known. Jeremiah shared this lot with his fellow-countrymen. When, after this, Nebuzaradan came to Jerusalem to execute the kind's commands regarding the city and its inhabitants, at the special order of his monarch, he sent for Jeremiah the prophet, taking him out from among the crowd of prisoners who had been already carried away to Ramah, loosed him from his fetters, and gave him permission to choose his place of residence. This liberation of Jeremiah from his confinement might, in a summary account, be called a sending for him out of the court of the prison, even though the prophet, at the exact moment of his liberation, was no longer in the court of the prison of the palace at Jerusalem, but had been already carried away to Ramah as a captive. Vers. 15-18. Jeremiah's message of comfort to Ebedmelech. — Ver. 15. " Now to Jeremiah there had come the word of the Lord, while he remained shut up in the court of the prison, as follows : Ver. 16. Go and speak to Ebedmelech the Cushite, saying, Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel : Behold, I will bring my words against this city for evil and not for good, and they shall take place before thee on that day. Ver. 17. But I will deliver thee on that day, saith Jahveh ; neither shalt thou be given into the hand of the men of whom thou art afraid. Ver. 18. For I will surely save thee, neither shalt thou fall by the sword, and thine own life shall be thy spoil, because thou hast trusted me, saith Jahveh." — This word of God for Ebed- CHAP. XL. 1-6. 125 melech came to the prophet, no doubt, very soon after his deliverance from the miry pit by this pious Ethiopian ; but it is not given till now, and this by way of supplement, lest its introduction previously should break the chain of events which occurred at the time of that deliverance, chap, xxxviii. 14- xxxix. 13. Hence FPn, ver. 15, is to be translated as a plu- perfect. " Go and say," etc., is not inconsistent with the fact that Jeremiah, from being in confinement, could not leave the court of the prison. For Ebedmelech could come into the prison, and then Jeremiah could go to him and declare the word of God. " Behold, I will bring my words against this city," i.e. I shall cause the evil with which I have threatened Jerusalem and its inhabitants to come, or, to be accomplished ("30 with X dropped, as in xix. 15, and ~?N for bv). T?.y? Vni, » and these words are to take place before thy face," i.e. thou shalt with thine own eyes behold their fulfilment, X'inn Di'3, i.e. at the time of their occurrence. But thou shalt be saved, not fall into the hands of the enemy and be kilted, but carry away thy body out of it all as booty ; cf. xxi. 9, xxxviii. 2. " Because thou hast trusted me ;" i.e. through the aid afforded to my prophet thou hast continued thy faith in me. c. jeremiah's predictions and experiences after the DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. — CHAP. XL.-XLV. Chap. xl. and xli. Liberation of Jeremiah. Murder of Gedaliah by Ishmael, and its results. Chap. xl. 1-6. The liberation of Jeremiah by Nebuzaradan, the chief of the body-guards. — The superscription, " The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, after that Nebuzaradan, the captain of the body-guard, had let him go from Ramah," does not seem to be appropriate ; for in what follows there is no word of God declared by Jeremiah, but first, 2-6, we are told that Jeremiah was liberated and given in charge to Gedaliah ; then is told, xl. 7-xli. 18, the story of the murder of Gedaliah the governor by Ishmael, together with its consequences ; and not till xlii. 7 ff. is there communicated a word of God, which Jeremiah uttered regarding the Jews who wished to flee to 126 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Egypt, and had besought him for some revelation from God (xlii. 1-6). The heading of our verse cannot refer to this prophecy, not merely for the reason that it is too far removed, but still more because it has a historical notice introducing it, xlii. 1-6. Our superscription rather refers to i. 1-3 ; and "HT here, as well as there, means, not a single prophecy, but a number of prophecies. Just as nirp "i:n in i. 2 forms the heading for all the prophecies uttered by Jeremiah from the thirteenth year of Josiah till the destruction of Jerusalem and the carrying away of the people in the eleventh year of Zede- kiah, so the words 'M l^'s "iTjn of this verse form the super- scription for the prophecies which Jeremiah uttered after the destruction of Jerusalem, i.e. to the section formed by chap, xl.-xlv., although chap. xliv. xlv. have headings of their own ; these, however, are subordinate to the heading of this chapter, in the same way as the titles in vii. 1, xi. 1, xiv. 1, etc. fall under the general title given in i. 2, 3. — Regarding Nebuzar- adan and the discharge of Jeremiah at Ramah (i.e. er Ram, see on xxxi. 15), cf. the explanations given on xxxix. 13 (p. 124 of this volume). In what follows, from iflnj?3 onwards, further details are given regarding Jeremiah's liberation. " When he (Nebuzaradan) sent for him, he (Jeremiah), bound with fetters, was among all the captives of Jerusalem and Judah who were being carried away to Babylon." Those who were to be carried away had been gathered together to Ramah, which lies about five miles north from Jerusalem ; thence they were to set out for Babylon, ttgm (= D^T, Job xxxvi. 8, Isa. xlv. 14), " fetters," — here, according to ver. 4, " manacles," by which, perhaps, two or more prisoners were fastened to one another. — Vers. 2-4. When Jeremiah had been brought, the commander of the guards said to him, " The Lord thy God hath declared this evil against this place, and the Lord hath brought it on (brought it to pass), and hath done as He spake ; for ye have sinned against the Lord, and have not hearkened to His voice : thus hath this, thing happened to you." The mode of expression is that of Jeremiah ; but Nebuzaradan may have expressed the thought, that now there had been fulfilled what Jeremiah had predicted in the name of God, because the people, by their re- bellion, had broken the oath they had sworn before their God CHAP. XL. 1-G. 127 (cf. Ezek. xvii. 13 ff.), and had thereby sinned against Him. The article before W, required by the Qeri, is unnecessary ; cf. Ewald, § 293, a ; Gesenius, § 112, 2, a.—Ver. 4. Nebuzar- adan then declared him free : " And now, behold, I free thee this day from the shackles on thine hands. If it please thee to come with me to Babylon, then come, and I will set mine eye upon thee (i.e. take thee under my protection, cf. xxxix. 12). But if it please thee not to come with me to Babylon, then let it be so. See, the whole country is before thee (cf. Gen. xiii. 9, xx. 5, etc.) ; whithersoever it pleases thee, and seems right to thee to go, go." Ver. 5. And because Jeremiah had not yet returned, he said, " Go back to Gedaliah, . . . whom the king of Babylon hath set over the cities of Judah, and remain with him among the people ; or go wherever it seemeth right to thee to go." And the commander of the guard gave him what provisions he required and a present, and sent him away ; thereafter Jeremiah went to Gedaliah to Mizpah, and remained there among the people who had been left behind in the land (ver. 6). The words 3^ N? 131'jn were certainly mis- understood by the old translators, who made various conjectures as to their meaning ; even yet, Dahler, Movers, Graf, and Niigelsbach are of opinion that " it is impossible to understand" this sentence, and that the text is plainly corrupt. Luther renders : " for no one will any longer return thither." Hitzig considers this translation substantially correct, and only requir- ing to be a little more exactly rendered : ll but there, no one returns home again." Apart, however, from the consideration that on this view W^V, which stands at the head of the sentence, does not get full justice paid to it, the thought does not accord with what precedes, and the reference of the suffix to the indefinite "person" or "one" is extremely forced. According to what goes before, in which Nebuzaradan gives the prophet full liberty of choosing whether he would go with him to Baby- lon or remain in the country, in whatever part he likes, and from the following advice which he gives him, " Go, or return, to Gedaliah," the words MS* *6 W#, on account of the third person ( 3 ^), cannot certainly be an address of the chief captain to Jeremiah, and as little can they contain a remark about going to Babylon. The words are evidently, both as to 128 THE PEOPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. their form and their contents, a circumstantial clause, contain- ing a statement regarding the relation of Jeremiah to the pro- posal of the chief captain (and this is the view taken long ago by Kimchi), i.e. a parenthetical remark of the narrator, accord- ing to which Nebuzaradan demands that he shall remain with Gedaliah, in the sense, " and yet he was not going back," or, still better, on account of the imperfect 31^, " because he was still unwilling to go back," namely, to this or that place indefinitely ; then Nebuzaradan further said, " Return, then, to Gedaliah." If we supply 1»N S 1 before 'til rnitn, with which Nebuzaradan brings the matter to a close, the meaning is quite clear. It is evident from ver. 4 that Nebuzaradan stopped a little in order to let Jeremiah decide ; but since the prophet did not return, i.e. neither decided in the one way nor the other, he adds 'til i "9 ! i&>1, and thereby puts an end to the indecision, nrnx means a portion of food, or victuals ; cf. lii. 34 and Prov. xv. 17. Mizpah, where Gedaliah had taken up his position, is the Mizpah of the tribe of Benjamin, where Samuel judged the people and chose Saul to be king (1 Sam. vii. 15 ff., x. 17) ; doubtless the modern Neby Samwil, five miles north-west from Jerusalem, a short distance south-west from Ramah ; see on Josh, xviii. 26. Vers. 7-12. Return of those who had been dispersed: tliey gather round Gedaliah. — Whilst the country and its capital were being conquered, many of the men of war had dispersed here and there through the land, and fled for refuge to regions difficult of access, where they could not be reached by the Chaldeans ; others had even escaped into the territory of the Moabites, Ammonites, and Edomites. When these heard that now, after the destruction of Jerusalem and the carrying away of the captives, the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah as governor over the few people who had been left behind in. the country, they returned from their several places of refuge, and came to Mizpah to Gedaliah, who promised them protec- tion and safety, on condition that they would recognise the authority of the king of Babylon and peaceably cultivate the soil. Dv^n "HtPj " leaders of the forces, captains." i"n|>3, " in the country," as opposed to the city ; rnt?, " fields," as in xvii. 3. BrrKO^; " their men," the troops under the captains. CHAP. XL. 7-12. 129 inx TJ3BJ1 '3, " that he had committed to his oversight and care." " Men," viz. old, weak, infirm men ; " women and children," whose husbands and fathers had perished ; " and some of the poor of the country, of those who had not been carried captive to Babylon " (}p partitive), i.e. the poor and mean people whom the Chaldeans had left behind in the country (xxxix. 10). — Ver. 8 ff. These captains came to Mizpah, namely (\ explicative), Ishmael the son of Nethaniah (accord- ing to xli. 1, the grandson of Elishama, and of royal blood), Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah (cf. ver. 13 and xli. 11, 16, xlii. 1 ff. ; the name Jonathan is omitted in 2 Kinsrs xxv. 23 ; see on this passage), Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai the Netophathite (from Netophah in the vicinity of Bethlehem, 1 Chron. ii. 54, Ezra ii. 22), Jezaniah (WW ; but in 2 Kings xxv. 23 VW£) the Maachathite, from Maachah, a district in Syria near Hermon, Deut. iii. 14, Josh, xii. 5. These men, who had borne arms against the Chaldeans, were concerned for their safety when they returned into the country. Gedaliah sware to them, i.e. promised them on oath, 11 Be not afraid to serve the Chaldeans ; remain in the country and serve the king of Babylon, and it shall be well with you. And as for me, behold, I shall remain at Mizpah to stand before the Chaldeans who will come to us," i.e. as lieutenant of the king of Babylon, to represent you before the Chaldean officers and armies, to maintain your rights and interests, so that you may be able to settle down where you choose, without anxiety, and cultivate the land. " And as for yourselves, gather ye wine and fruit (Y]P, see on 2 Sam. xvi. 1) and oil, and put them in your vessels." ^px is used of the ingathering of the fruits of the ground. It was during the fifth or sixth month (2 Kings xxv. 8), the end of July or beginning of August, that grapes, figs, and olives became ripe ; and these had grown so plenti- fully in comparison with the small number of those who had returned, that they could gather sufficient for their wants. "And dwell in your cities, cities which ye seize," i.e. which you shall take possession of. Ver. 11 ff. Those Jews also who had fled, during the war, into the neighbouring countries of Moab, Amnion, Edom, etc., returned to Judah when they learned that the king of Babylon had left a remnant, and vol. ir. I 130 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. placed Gedaliah over them ; they came to Mizpah to Gedaliah, who appointed them places to dwell in, and they gathered much wine and fruit, i.e. made a rich vintage and fruit harvest. rrnxt^ jrn ? " to give a remainder," as it were to leave a re- mainder (w TTrin, xliv. 7, or 'w ttfc, Gen. xlv. 7). Vers. 13-16. Gedaliah is forewarned of Ishmael s intention to murder him. — After the return of those who had taken refuge in Moab, etc., Johanan the son of Kareah, together with the rest of the captains who were scattered here and there through the country, came to Gedaliah at Mizpah, to say to him : " Dost thou know indeed that Baalis the king of the Ammonites hath sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to take thy life % " The words " that were in the country " are neither a gloss, nor a thoughtless repetition by some scribe from ver. 7 (as Hitzig and Graf suppose), but they are repeated for the purpose of distinguishing plainly between the captains with their men from the Jews who had returned out of Moab, Ammon, and Edom. Bte3 nton, « to strike the soul, life" = to kill ; cf. Gen. xxxvii. 21, Deut. xix. 6. What induced the king of Ammon to think of assassination, — whether it was personal hostility towards Gedaliah, or the hope of destroying the only remaining support of the Jews, and thereby perhaps putting himself in. possession of the country, — cannot be determined. That he employed Ishmael for the accomplishment of his purpose, may have been owing to the fact that this man had a personal envy of Gedaliah ; for Ishmael, being sprung from the royal family (xl. 1), probably could not endure being subordinate to Geda- liah. — The plot had become known, and Gedaliah was secretly informed of it by Johanan ; but the former did not believe the rumour. Johanan then secretly offered to slay Ishmael, taking care that no one should know who did it, and urged compliance in the following terms : " Why should he slay thee, and all the Jews who have gathered themselves round thee be scattered, and the remnant of Judah perish?" Johanan thus called his attention to the evil consequences which would result to the remnant left in the land were he killed ; but Gedaliah replied, " Do not this thing, for thou speakest a lie against Ishmael." The Qeri needlessly changes b'yrr^X into ntJ>yn-?K ; cf. xxxix. 12. CHAP. XLI. 1-10. 131 Chap. xli. vers. 1-10. Murder of Gedaliah and Ms followers, as well as other Jews, by Ishmael. — Vers. 1-3. The warning of Johanan had been only too well founded. In the seventh month, — only two months, therefore, after the destruction of Jerusalem and the appointment of Gedaliah as governor, — Ishmael came with ten men to Mizpah, and was hospitably received by Gedaliah and invited to his table. Ishmael is here more exactly described as to his family descent, for the purpose of throwing a stronger light upon the exceeding cruelty of the mur- ders afterwards ascribed to him. He was the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, — perhaps the secretary of state mentioned xxxvi. 12, or more likely the son of David who bore this name, 2 Sam. v. 6, 1 Chron. iii. 8, xiv. 7 ; so that Ishmael would belong to a lateral branch of the house of David, be of royal extraction, and one of the royal lords. ^s? *3"T| cannot be joined with Ishmael as the subject, because in what follows there is no further mention made of the royal lords, but only of Ishmael and his ten men ; it belongs to what precedes, JTTO rn^isrij so that we must repeat p before *3"l. The objections of Na>elsbach to this view will not stand examination. It is not self-evident that Ishmael, because he was of royal blood, was therefore also one of the royal nobles ; for the D*31 certainly did not form a hereditarjr caste, but were perhaps a class of nobles in the service of the king, to which class the princes did not belong simply in virtue of their being princes. But the improbability that Ishmael should have been able with ten men to overpower the whole of the Jewish followers of Gedaliah, together with the Chaldean warriors, and (according to ver. 7) out of eighty men to kill some, making prisoners of the rest, is not so great as to compel us to take ^psrt *3"1 in such a meaning as to make it stand in contradiction with the statement, repeated twice over, that Ishmael, with his ten men, did all this. Eleven men who are determined to commit murder can kill a large number of persons who are not prepared against such an attempt, and may also keep a whole district in terror. 1 a And they did eat bread there together," i.e. they were invited by Gedaliah to 1 There is still less ground, with Hitzig, Graf, and Nligelsbach, for assuming that "i^sn *2H1 is a gloss that has crept into the text. The fact that D^"], which is used here, is elsewhere applied only to Chaldean nobles, 132 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. his table. While at meat, Ishmael and his ten men rose and slew Gedaliah with the sword. On account of ink rwi which comes after, Hitzig and Graf would change 13?1 into i3M, he slew him, Gedaliah ; this alteration is possibly warranted, but by no means absolutely necessary. The words '131 ink n»^, "and he killed him," contain a reflection of the narrator as to the greatness of the crime; in conformity with the facts of the case, the murder is ascribed only to the originator of the deed, since the ten men of Ishmael's retinue were simply his executioners. Besides Gedaliah, Ishmael killed " all the Jews that were with him, with Gedaliah in Mizpah, and the Chaldeans that were found there, the men of war." The very expression shows that, of the Jews, only those are meant who were present in the house with Gedaliah, and, of the Chaldean soldiers, only those warriors who had been allowed him as a guard, who for the time being were his servants, and who, though they were not, as Schmidt thinks, hausto liberalius vino inebriati, yet, as Chr. B. Michaelis remarks, were tunc temporis inermes et imparati. The Jews of post-exile times used to keep the third day of the seventh month as a fast-day, in commemoration of the murder of Gedaliah ; see on Zech. vii. 3. — Ver. 4 ff. On the next day after the murder of Gedaliah, "when no man knew it," i.e. before the deed had become known beyond Mizpah, " there came eighty men from Shechem, Shiloh, and Samaria," having all the tokens of mourning, "with their beards shaven, their clothes rent, and with cuts and scratches on their bodies (D^isorpj see on xvi. 6), and a meat-offering and frankincense in their hand, to bring them into the house of Jahveh." The order in which the towns are named is not geographical ; for Shiloh lay south from Shechem, and a little to the side from the straight road leading from Shechem to Jerusalem. Instead of w, the LXX. (Cod. Vat.) have SaXrffi ; they use the same word as the name of a place in Gen. xxxiii. 18, although the Hebrew a?W is there an adjective, meaning safe, in good condition. According to Robinson (Bill. Res. iii. 102), there is a village named Sdlim is insufficient to show this ; and even Ewald has remarked that " the last king (Zedekiah) may well be supposed to have appointed a number of grandees, after the example of the Chaldeans, and given them, too, Chaldean names." QHAP. XLI. 1-10. 133 three miles east from Nablua (Shechem) ; Hitzig and Graf, on the strength of this, prefer the reading of the LXX., to preserve the order of the names in the text. But Hitzio; has renounced this conjecture in the second edition of his Commentary, "because Salim in Hebrew would be ofi&, not D?B\" There is absolutely no foundation for the view in the LXX. and in Gen. xxxiii. 18 ; the supposition, moreover, that the three towns are given in their topographical order, and must have stood near each other, is also unfounded. Shechem may have been named first because the greater number of these men came from that city, and other men from Shiloh and Samaria accompanied them. These men were pious descendants of the Israelites who belonged to the kingdom of Israel ; they dwelt among the heathen colonists who had been settled in the country under Esarhaddon (2 Kings xvii. 24 ff.), but, from the days of Hezekiah or Josiah, had continued to serve Jahveh in Jerusalem, where they used to attend the feasts (2 Chron. xxxiv. 9, cf. xxx. 11). Nay, even after the destruction of Jerusalem, at the seasons of the sacred feasts, they were still content to bring at least unbloody offerings — meat-offerings and incense — on the still sacred spot where these things used to be offered to Jahveh ; but just be- cause this could now be done only on the ruins of what had once been the sanctuary, they appeared there with all the signs of deep sorrow for the destruction of this holy place and the cessation of sacrificial worship. In illustration of this, Grotius has adduced a passage from Papinian's instit. de rerum divis. § sacrce : u Locus in quo aedes sacrce sunt cedificatce, etiam diruto cedificio, sacer adhuc manet." — Ver. 6. Ishmael went out from Mizpah to meet these men, always weeping as he went (^p'n lti*n ^n, c f. Ges. § 131, a b ; Ew. § 280, b). If they came from Ephraim by way of Gibeon (el Jib), the road on to Jerusalem passed close by Mizpah. When Ishmael met them, he asked them to come to Gedaliah (to Mizpah). But when they had entered the city, " Ishmael slew them into the midst of the pit" (which was there), i.e. killed them and cast their corpses into the pit. Ver. 8. Only ten men out of the eighty saved their lives, and this by saying to Ishmael, " Do not kill us, for we have hidden stores in the field — wheat, and barley, and oil, and honey." D^bttO are excavations in the form of 134 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. cisterns, or subterranean storehouses in the open country, for keeping grain ; the openings or entrances to these are so con- cealed that the eye of a stranger could not perceive them. Such places are still universally employed in Palestine at the present day (Robinson's Palestine, i. pp. 324-5), and are also to be found in other southern countries, both in ancient and modern times ; see proofs of this in Rosenmiiller's Scholia ad hunc locum. It is remarked, in ver. 9, of the pit into which Ishmael threw the corpses, that it was the same that King Asa had made, i.e. had caused to be made, against, i.e. for protection against, Baasha the king of Israel. In the historical books there is no mention made of this pit in the account of the war between Asa and Baasha, 1 Kings xv. 16-22 and 2 Chron. xvi. 1-6; it is only stated in 1 Kings xv. 22 and 2 Chron. xvi. 6 that, after Baasha, who had fortified Raman, had been compelled to return to his own land because of the invasion of Benhadad the Syrian king, whom Asa had called to his aid, the king of Judah ordered all his people to carry away from Ramah the stones and timber which Baasha had employed in building, and therewith fortify Geba and Mizpah. The expression N^y? ''pQtt certainly implies that the pit had been formed as a protection against Baasha, and belonged to the fortifications raised at that time. However, li^n cannot mean the burial-place belonging to the city (Grotius), but only a cistern (cf. 2 Kings x. 14) ; and one such as could contain a considerable store of water was as necessary as a wall and a moat for the fortification of a city, so that it might be able to endure a long siege (Graf). Hitzig, on the other hand, takes "ri!i to mean a lonn; and broad ditch which cut off the approach to the city from Ephraim, or which, forming a part of the fortifications, made a break in the road to Jerusalem, though it was bridged over in times of peace, thus forming a kind of tunnel. This idea is certainly incorrect ; for, according to ver. 7, the " ditch " was inside the city (TJ>n -pro). The expression ^713 *P3 is obscure, and cannot be explained with any degree of certainty. 1*3 cannot mean " through the fault of" Gedaliah (Raschi), or "because of" Gedaliah — for his sake (Kimchi, Umbreit), or "coram" Gedaliah (Venema), but must rather be rendered " by means of, through the medium of," or " at the side of, together with." Nagelsbach has decided CHAP. XLI. 1-10. 135 for the rendering u by means of," giving as his reason the fact that Ishmael had made use of the name of Gedaliah in order to decoy these men into destruction. He had called to them, 11 Come to Gedaliah" (ver. 6); and simply on the authority of this name, they had followed him. But the employment of the name as a means of decoy can hardly be expressed by 1*3. We therefore prefer the meaning "at the hand = at the side of" (following the Syriac, L. de Dieu, Rosenmuller, Ewald), although this signification cannot be established from the passages cited by Rosenm. (1 Sam. xiv. 34, xvi. 2, Ezra vii. 23), nor can the meaning " together with " (Ewald) be shown to belong to it. On the other hand, a passage Avlrich is quite decisive for the rendering " by the hand of, beside," is Job xv. 23 : " there stands ready at his hand (*-1*3, i.e. close to him) a day of darkness." If we take this meaning for the passage now before us, then 1iT9ia 1*3 cannot be connected with nan 1B?K in accordance with the Masoretic accents, but with DJ£> ^wfi, "where Ishmael cast the bodies of the men whom he had slain, by the side of Gedaliah ; " so that it is not stated till here and now, and only in a casual manner, what had become of Gedaliah's corpse. Nothing that admits of being proved can be brought against this view. 1 The N^n which follows is a pre- dicate: "the ditch wherein .... was that which Asa the king had formed." The motive for this second series of assassinations by Ishmael is difficult to discover. The supposition that he was afraid of 1 Because the LXX. have, for fc^n 'WIvlS 1*3, Qpsxp fttyoc rovro iariv, J. D. Michaelis, Dahler, Movers, Hitzig, and Graf would change the text, and either take sin SlJ "V3 (Dahler, Movers) or fcfln bnsn 1*3 (= in) as the original reading, inasmuch as one codex of De Rossi's also has to. But apart from the improbability of pna ll3 or ?nan being incorrectly changed into tfl*7ia 1*3, we find that j^n stands provokingly in the way ; for it would be superfluous, or introduce an improper emphasis into the sentence. The LXX. have but been attempting to guess at a translation of a text they did not understand. What Hitzig further supposes has no foundation, viz. that this "ditch" is identical with that mentioned 1 Sam. xix. 22, in ob', and with to eppixp to ptiytx. of 1 Mace. vii. 19 ; for the ditch at Sechu was near Ramah, which was about four miles from Mizpah, and the large fountain 1 Mace. vii. 19 was h Bn^eO, an unknown place in the vicinity of Jerusalem. 136 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. being betrayed, and for this reason killed these strangers, not wishing to be troubled with them, is improbable, for the simple reason that these strangers did not want to go to Mizpah, but to Jerusalem. For the supposition of Thenius (on 2 Kings xxv. 23) and of Schmieder, that the people had intended going to Mizpah to a house of God that was there, is very properly rejected by Hitzig, because no mention is made in history of a place of worship at Mizpah ; and, according to the express state- ment of ver. 6 ff., Ishmael had enticed them into this city only by inviting them to come and see Gedaliah. Had Ishmael wished merely to conceal the murder of Gedaliah from these strangers, he ought to have done anything but let them into Mizpah. As little can we regard this deed (with Graf) as an act of revenge on these Israelites by Ishmael for the murder of his relations and equals in rank by Nebuchadnezzar (lii. 10), because these men, who had now for a long time been living together with heathens, were Assyrian and Chaldean subjects. For we cannot comprehend how he could look on these Israelites as friends of the Chaldeans, and vent his anger against the Chaldean rule by murdering them ; the mournful procession which they formed, and the offerings they were carrying to present, proclaimed them faithful adherents of Judah. Niigels- bach, accordingly, is of opinion that Ishmael had simply intended robbery. As it is evident that he, a rough and wild man, had assassinated the noble Gedaliah from personal jealousy, and in order to further the political interest of his Ammonite patron, he must have been seeking to put himself in the position of his victim, or to flee. " When we find, moreover, that he soon murdered a peaceable caravan of pilgrims, and preserved the lives only of a few who offered to show him hidden treasures ; when, finally, we perceive that the whole turba imbellis of Mizpah were seized and carried off into slavery, Ishmael proves himself a mere robber." But, though the fact that Ishmael spared the lives of the ten men who offered to show him hidden treasures seems to support this view, yet the supposition that nothing more than robbery was intended does not suffice to explain the double murder. The two series of assassinations plainly stand in the closest connection, and must have been executed from one and the same motive. It was at the instiga- CHAP. XLI. 1-10. 137 tion of the Ammonite king that Ishmael murdered Gedaliah ; moreover, as we learn from the report brought to Gedaliah by Johanan (xl. 15), the crime was committed in the expectation that the whole of Judah would then be dispersed, and the remnant of them perish. This murder was thus the work of the Ammonite king, who selected the royally-descended Ishmael as his instrument simply because he could conveniently, for the execution of his plans, employ the personal envy of one man against another who had been preferred by the king of Babylon. There can be no doubt that the same motive which urged him to destroy the remnant of Judah, i.e. to frustrate the attempt to gather and restore Judah, was also at work in the massacre of the pilgrims who were coming to the temple. If Ishmael, the leader of a robber-gang, had entered into the design of the Ammonite king, then everything that might serve for the preservation and consolidation of Judah must have been a source of pain to him ; and this hatred of his towards Judah, which derived its strength and support from his religious views, incited him to murder the Jewish pilgrims to the temple, although the prospect of obtaining treasures might well co- operate with this in such a way as to make him spare the ten men who pretended they had hidden stores. With this, too, we can easily connect the hypocritical dealing on the part of Ishmael, in going forth, with tears, to meet these pious pilgrims, so that he might deceive them by making such a show of grief over the calamity that had befallen Judah ; for the wicked often assume an appearance of sanctity for the more effectual accomplishment of their evil deeds. The LXX. evidently did not know what to make of this passage as it stands ; hence, in ver. 6, they have quite dropped the words " from Mizpah," and have rendered FOiW Tpn T]pri by avrol iiropevovro ical etckcuov. Hitzig and Graf accept this as indicating the original text, since Ishmael had no ostensible ground for weeping. But the reasons which are supposed to justify this conjecture are, as Nagelsbach well remarks, of such a nature that one can scarcely believe they are seriously held. — Ver. 10. After executing these murderous deeds, Ishmael led away into captivity all the people that still remained in Mizpah, the king's daughters and all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had committed to the care of 138 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Gedaliah, intending to go over with them to the Ammonites. As the object of W is very far removed through the interven- tion of a relative clause, the connection is resumed by E3£>\ " The king's daughters " are not only the daughters of Zedekiah, but female members generally of the royal house, princesses, analogous to ty?P"!?, king's son = prince, xxxvi. 26, xxxviii. 6. Vers. 11.— 18. The struggle against Ishmael; intended flight to Egypt. — Ver. 11 ff. When Johanan and the rest of the cap- tains heard of what had taken place in Mizpah, they marched out with all their men to fight Ishmael, and came on him at the great water at Gibeon, i.e. by the pool at Gibeon which is mentioned 2 Sam. ii. 13, one of the large receptacles for water which are still found there; see on 2 Sam. ii. 13. Gibeon, now called el Jib (see on Josh. ix. 3), was situated only about two miles north from Mizpah ; from which we may conclude that it was soon known what had happened, and the captains quickly assembled their men and marched after Ishmael. — Ver. 13 ff. When those who had been carried off by Ishmael saw these captains, they were glad, since they had followed their captor merely because they were forced to do so. They all turned, and went over to Johanan; but Ishmael escaped from Johanan, with eight men, — having thus lost two in the fight with Johanan, — and went to the Ammonites. — Ver. 16 ff. After the escape of Ishmael, it was to be feared that the Chaldeans would avenge the murder of the governor, and make the Jews who remained atone for the escape of the murderer by executing them or carrying them away to Babylon. Ac- cordingly, Johanan and the other captains determined to with- draw to Egypt with the men, women, and children that had been carried off by Ishmael ; these they conducted first to Bethlehem, where they encamped for the purpose of deliberating as to the rest of the journey, and taking due precautions. The account given in ver. 16 is clumsily expressed, especially the middle portion, between "whom he had brought back" and " the son of Ahikam ; " and in this part the words " from Mizpah " are particularly troublesome in breaking the connec- tion : "whom he (Johanan) had brought back from Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, from Mizpah, after he (Ishmael) had slain Gedaliah," while it is more correctly stated in the second chap. xlii. 139 relative clause, " whom he had brought back from Gibeon." Hitzig and Graf accordingly suppose that, originally, instead of DKB Vtfn *)m, there stood in the text mt5> *\m. « whom he (Ishmael) had led captive from Mizpah, after he had slain Gedaliah." Thus the whole becomes clear. Against this con- jecture there only stands the fact that the LXX. translate ou? a7riarpe-\\rev dirb ^Ia/uiajjX ; they must thus have read l^n *i£'tf riXDj and omitted merely naytsn as unsuited to the passage. However,- the error may be even older than the LXX., and 3*B>CT HNft may easily have arisen through a scribe having glanced at the words 3*B&1 1S5>K of the last clause. The words from " men " to "chamberlains" form the more exact specification of the general expression " all the remnant of the people : " " men, viz. men of war, women (including the king's daughters, ver. 10), and children and chamberlains " (D^D^D, guardians and servants of the female members of the royal family). — Ver. 17. " They marched and stopped (made a halt) at the inn of Chimham, which is near Bethlehem." flVljj, air. A.ey., considered etymo- logically, must mean diversorium, hospitium, an inn, khan, or caravanserai. Instead of the Kethib D!Ti»D, many codices read DH03 (like the Qeri) ; nor have any of the old translators read 1 or i in the word. The Qeri is evidently correct, and we are to read Dnsa, the name of a son of Barzillai the rich Gileadite, 2 Sam. xix. 38, 41, who is supposed to have built or founded this caravanserai for the convenience of travellers. The words u because of the Chaldeans" in the beginning of ver. 18 depend on " to go to Egypt " at the end of the preceding verse : " to go to Egypt for fear of the Chaldeans," on account of the murder of Gedaliah by Ishmael. Chap. xlii. The Word of God concerning the Might to Egypt. At the halting-place near Bethlehem the captains and the people whom they led deem it necessary to inquire through Jeremiah as to the will of God regarding their intention ; they betake themselves to the prophet with the request that he would address God in prayer for them regarding this matter, and they promise that they will, in any case, comply with the message that he may receive from God (vers. 1-6). "Whereupon, after ten days, the word of the Lord came to the prophet, vers. 7-22, 140 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. to the effect that, if they remained in the country, the Lord would take pity on them and protect them from the Chaldeans, and establish them ; but, should they go to Egypt, against the will of the Lord, then the evil which they feared would follow them thither, so that they would perish by the sword, hunger, and pestilence. Vers. 1-6. " And there drew near all the captains, namely, Johanan the son of Kareah, and Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people, from little to great, Ver. 2. And said to Jeremiah the prophet, Let our supplication come before thee, and pray for us to Jahveh thy God, for all this remnant (for we are left a few out of many, as thine eyes see us) ; Ver. 3. That Jahveh thy God may tell us the way in which we should go, and the thing that we should do." Of the captains, two, viz. Johanan and Jezaniah, are mentioned as the leaders of the people and the directors of the whole undertaking, who also, xliii. 1 ff., insolently accuse the prophet of falsehood, and carry out the proposed march to Egypt. Jezaniah is in xl. 8 called the Maachathite ; here he is named in connection with his father, " the son of Hoshaiah;" while in xliii. 2, in conjunc- tion with Johanan the son of Kareah, Azariah the son of Hoshaiah is mentioned, which name the LXX. also have in ver. 1 of this chapter. Hitzig, Ewald, etc., are consequently of the opinion that PMP in our verse has been written by mis- take for n)TW.. But more probable is the supposition that the error is in the rrnfJJ of xliii. 2, inasmuch as there is no reason to doubt the identity of Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah with the Jezaniah descended from Maacha (xl. 8) ; and the assumption that rW is incorrect in two passages (xlii. 1 and xl. 8) is highly improbable. They go to the prophet Jeremiah, whom they had taken with them from Mizpah, where he was living among the people, with the rest of the inhabitants of the place (xli. 16). 'nn N3"73n as in xxxvii. 20 ; see on xxxvi. 7. The request made to the prophet that he would intercede for them with the Lord, which they further urge on the ground that the number left out of the whole people is small, while there is implied in this the wish that God may not let this small rem- nant also perish ; — this request Nagelsbach considers a piece of hypocrisy, and the form of asking the prophet " a mere farce," CHAP. XLII. 1-C. 141 since it is quite plain from xliii. 1-6 that the desire to go to Egypt was already deeply rooted in their minds, and from this they would not allow themselves to be moved, even by the earnest warning of the prophet. But to hypocrites, who were playing a mere farce with the prophet, the Lord would have probably replied in a different way from what we find in vers. 8-22. As the Searcher of hearts, He certainly would have laid bare their hypocrisy. And however unequivocally the whole address implies the existence of disobedience to the voice of God, it yet contains nothing which can justify the assumption that it was only in hypocrisy that they wished to learn the will of God. We must therefore assume that their request addressed to the prophet was made in earnest, although they expected that the Lord's reply would be given in terms favourable to their intention. They wished to obtain from God information as to which way they should go, and what they should do, — not as to whether they should remain in the country or go to Egypt. " The way that we should go " is, of course, not to be understood literally, as if they merely wished to be told the road by which they would most safely reach Egypt ; neither, on the other hand, are the words to be under- stood in a merely figurative sense, of the mode of procedure they ought to pursue ; but they are to be understood of the road they ought to take in order to avoid the vengeance of the Chaldeans which they dreaded, — in the sense, whither they ought to go, in order to preserve their lives from the danger which threatened them. — Ver. 4. Jeremiah replies : " I have heard (i.e. acceded to your request) ; behold, I will pray to Jahveh your God, according to your words ; and it shall come to pass that whatever Jahveh answers you I will tell you, I will not keep anything from you." Ver. 5. They said further : " Let Jahveh be a true and faithful witness against us, if we do not just according to all the word which Jahveh thy God shall send thee (to declare) unto us. Ver. 6. Whether it be good or bad, we shall obey the voice of Jahveh our God, to whom we send thee, that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of Jahveh our God." nox *ty, Prov. xiv. 25, and JOK3, Isa. viii. 2, Ps. lxxxix. 38. Both predicates occupy emphatic positions. God is to be a faithful witness, not in regard to the 142 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAII. truth of what they say, but as regards the fulfilment of their promise, so that, if they would not obey His word, He might come forward to punish them, ffw"! is construed with a double accusative : to send away a person with something, i.e. to give him a commission. After " whether it be good or evil," there is no need for supplying " in our eyes " (W^JJa), as Hitzig and Graf allege : " whether it please us or not ; " the subject is "iznri : " we will obey the word, whether it be good or evil," i.e. whether it announce good or evil to come (cf. Eccles. xii. 14). The Kethib WK occurs only in this passage in the Old Testa- ment ; the Qeri accordingly substitutes ^mx : the former, how- ever, is taken from the vulgar tongue, and should not be altered here. V^i ^ does not mean " because we obey," but " when w r e obey." The hearing is the condition, not the cause of the prosperity. Vers. 7-22. The word of the Lord. — At the end of ten days, the reply that had been asked for came from the Lord. Hitzig and Graf think that Jeremiah had lingered ten days with the answer, in order to obtain strong and clear convic- tion, " matured through his own meditation, probably also in part confirmed by the arrival of further news." This opinion is characterized by Nagelsbach as a in harmony with modern science, but unhistorical ; " it should rather be called unscrip- tural, as resting on a denial of divine inspiration. The reason why the Lord did not make known His will to the prophet for ten days was a disciplinary one. By waiting, those who asked would get time for bethinking themselves, and for quietly considering the situation of affairs, so that they might be able, calmly and collectedly, to receive and obey the answer of God, which was far from satisfying the fears and wishes of their heart. Ver. 8. Jeremiah called the captains and all the people together, and announced to them as follows : Ver. 9. " Thus saith Jahveh, the God of Israel, to whom ye have sent me, that I might bring your supplication before Him : Ver. 10. If ye will indeed abide in this land, then will I build you up and not pull down ; and I will plant you, but not root out; for I repent of the evil that I have done to you. Ver. 11. Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, whom ye fear, be not afraid of him, saith Jahveh ; for I am with you to save you and to deliver you out CHAP. XLII. 7-22. 143 of his hand. Ver. 12. And I will get pity for you, so that he shall take pity on you, and bring you back to your land. Ver. 13. But if ye say, We will not remain in this land, so that ye will not obey the voice of Jahveh your God, Ver. 14. Saying, Nay, but we will go to the land of Egypt, that we may not see war nor hear the sound of a trumpet, and we shall not hunger after bread, and we will dwell there. — Ver. 15. Now therefore hear the word of Jahveh, ye remnant of Judah : Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel, If ye do indeed set your face to go to Egypt, and go to sojourn there, Ver. 16. Then shall the sword, of which ye are afraid, overtake you there, in the land of Egypt, and hunger, which ye dread, shall there follow hard after you, in Egypt, and there shall ye die. Ver. 17. And all the men who have set their face to go to Egypt, to sojourn there, shall die by the sword, and through hunger, and from the plague; nor shall they have any one left or escaped from the evil which I will bring on them. Ver. 18. For thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel : As mine anger and my wrath were poured out upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so shall my wrath be poured out upon you when ye go to Egypt, and ye shall become an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach, and ye shall not see this place again. — Ver. 19. Jahveh hath spoken to yon, O remnant of Judah. Go not to Egypt : ye shall know for certain that I have warned you to-day. Ver. 20. For ye err at the risk of your souls when ye sent me to Jahveh your God, saying, Pray for us to Jahveh our God, and according to all that Jahveh our God shall say to us, so tell us, and we will do it. Ver. 21. Now I have told you to-day, and ye have not obeyed the voice of Jahveh your God, nor in anything for which He hath sent me unto you. Ver. 22. Now, therefore, ye must surely know that ye shall die by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence in the place whither ye have been pleased to go to sojourn." The Lord's reply extends as far as ver. 18 ; the last four verses (19-22) form an epilogue, a further address by the prophet, in which he once more specially impresses God's resolution on the minds of the people. The answer of God consists (1) in the promise that, if they will remain in the land, the Lord is willing to build them up, and protect them from 144 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the wrath of the king of Babylon (vers. 9-12) ; and (2) the threat that, if they will go to Egypt against the advice and will of the Lord, they shall certainly perish there by the sword, famine, and pestilence (vers. 13-18). On the expression nsnn T'SH, see on xxxvi. 7. 2W (ver. 10) can only be inf. abs. of 2K^, for 3iSJ>} ; if we view it as coming from 2W, we get no suitable meaning, for the thought si revertendo illuc manseritis in hdc terra (C. B. Michaelis) could not be expressed by 13K7H 2iK\ Certainly there is no other instance of such a form as SitJ> being used for 2iC s ; in a verb like 3K>\ O T v - ft however, which drops the * in the inf. constr., a like omission in the inf. abs. is quite conceivable, while the supposition of some injury having been done to the text (Olshausen, Gram. § 89) is less probable. On the expression, " I will build you," etc., cf. xxiv. 6, xxxi. 4, xxxiii. 7. " I repent of the evil " is an anthropopathic expression for the cancelling of a penal sen- tence: cf. Joel ii. 14, etc. — In ver. 11, the repetition of the words " do not fear him " produces special emphasis. — Ver. 12. "I shall give you compassion," i.e. obtain it for you, so that the king of Babylon will show pity on you ; cf . Gen. xliii. 14, 1 Kings viii. 50. J. D. Michaelis, Hitzig, Ewald, and Graf, following the LXX., Vulgate, and Syriac, would change ^ni into Tt^in (make you dwell) ; but there is no necessity for this, since 3^"n makes good enough sense, pro- vided we refer it, not to the return of those who had been exiled to Babylon, but, as the connection requires, to the de- parture from Mizpah, after the halt near Bethlehem, in the intended flight to Egypt ; we must, besides, view this departure as a complete forsaking of their country, and the leaders in this emigration as being fugitives who had fled before the Chal- deans, and had returned only a short time before, for the purpose of settling down again in the country. — Vers. 13-18. The threatening if, in spite of warning and against God's will, they should still persist in going to Egypt. The protasis of the conditional sentence begun in ver. 13, " If ye say," etc., extends onwards through ver. 14; the apodosis is introduced co-ordinately with the commencement of ver. 15, " Now there- fore," etc. "lEftB' ?ip, " the sound of war-trumpet," as in iv. 19. On " hungering after bread," cf. Amos viii. 11. Dn?n (with CHAP. XLII. 7-22. 145 the article) is the bread necessary for life. u The remnant of Judah" is to be understood of those who still remained in the land, as is shown by ver. 2 ; see also ver. 19, xliii. 5, xliv. 12, 14. The warning given in ver. 16 contains the idea that the very evil which they feared would come on them in Judah will befall them in Egypt. There they shall perish by sword, famine, and plague, since Nebuchadnezzar will conquer Egypt ; cf. xliii. 8-13. — Ver. 17. Vn^, used instead of the impersonal rViTl, is referred to the following subject by a rather unusual kind of attraction ; cf. Ewald, § 345, b. All the men who set their faces, i.e. intend, to go to Egypt shall perish ; not a single one shall escape the evil ; for the same judgment of wrath which has befallen Jerusalem shall also come on those who flee to Egypt ; cf. vii. 20. On the expression " ye shall become a curse," etc., cf. xxiv. 9, xxv. 18, xxix. 18. Taking for granted that the leaders of the people will not obey, Jeremiah appends to the word of the Lord an earnest address, in which several points are specially insisted on, viz. that the Lord had spoken to them, that He had forbidden them to go to Egypt, and that he (the prophet), by proclaiming the word of the Lord, .had warned them (2 T^n, to testify, bear witness against a person, i.e. warn him of something, cf. xi. 7). Thus he discloses to them the dangerous mistake they are in, when they first desire some expression of the mind of the Lord regarding their intentions, and, in the hope that He will accede to their request, promise unconditional obedience to whatever He may direct, but afterwards, when they have received a mes- sage from the Lord, will not obey it, because it is contrary to what they wish. The Kethib DTiym has been incorrectly written for Drvynr^ the Hiphil from nyn, to err; here, as in Prov. x. 17, it means to make a mistake. MTito'D^ not, "you mislead your own selves" decepistis animas vestras ( Vulg.), nor " in your souls," — meaning, in your thoughts and intentions (Nagels- bach), — but " at the risk of your souls," your life; cf. xvii. 21. vj ; x SOT (ver. 21), " and that in regard to all that for which Jahveh has sent me to you," points back to their promise, ver. 5, that they would do " according to all the word." By employ- ing the perfect in vers. 20, 21, the thing is represented as quite certain, as if it had already taken place. Ver. 22 concludes VOL. II. K 146 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the warning with a renewed threat of the destruction which shall befall them for their disobedience. Chap, xliii. The Flight to Egypt : the Conquest of Egypt predicted. Vers. 1-7. TJie march of the people to Egypt. — When Jere- miah had thus ended all the words which the Lord had announced to him for the people, then came forward Azariah (probably an error for Jezaniah, see on xlii. 1) the son of Hoshaiah, Johanan the son of Kareah, and the rest of the insolent men, and said to Jeremiah, " Thou dost utter false- hood ; Jahveh our God hath not sent thee unto us, saying, Ye must not go to Egypt to sojourn there ; Ver. 3. But Baruch the son of Neriah inciteth thee against us, in order to give us into the hand of the Chaldeans, to kill us, and to take us captive to Babylon." ttTOfc is not the predicate to Dnfcwrfe, but forms a resumption of ip^l, with which it thus serves to connect its object, Jeremiah, and from which it would other- wise be pretty far removed. Azariah (or, more correctly, Jezaniah) occupies the last place in the enumeration of the captains, xl. 8, and in xlii. 1 is also named after Johanan, who is the only one specially mentioned, in what follows, as the leader on the march. From this we may safely conclude that Jezaniah was the chief speaker and the leader of the opposition against the prophet. To avoid any reference to the promise they had made to obey the will of God, they declare that Jeremiah's . prophecy is an untruth, which had been suggested to him, not by God, but by his attendant Baruch, with the view of delivering up the people to the Chaldeans. — Vers. 4-7. Thereupon Johanan and the other captains took " all the remnant of Judah, that had returned from all the nations whither they had been driven, to dwell in the land of Judah, — the men and women and children, the king's daughters, and all the souls whom Nebuzaradan, chief of the body-guard, had committed to Gedaliah . . . and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah, — and went to the land of Egypt — for they did not hearken to the voice of Jahveh — and came to Tahpanhes." In this enumeration of those who were conducted to Egypt, Hitzig, Graf, and others distinguish two classes : CHAP. XLIII. 8-13. 147 (1) the men, women, children, etc., who had been in Mizpah with Gedaliah, and had been led to Gibeon, after the murder of the latter, by Ishmael, but had afterwards been brought to Bethlehem by Johanan and the other captains (ver. 6, cf. xl. 7, xli. 10, 16); (2) those who had returned from the foreign countries whither they had fled, but who had hitherto lived in the country, scattered here and there, and who must have joined the company led by Johanan to Bethlehem during the ten days of halt at that resting-place (ver. 5, cf. xl. 11, 12). There is no foundation, however, for this distinction. Neither in the present chapter is there anything mentioned of those who had been dispersed through the land joining those who had marched to Bethlehem ; nor are the Jews who had returned from Moab, Amnion, Edom, and other countries to their own home distin- guished, in chap. xl. and xli., as a different class from those who had been with Gedaliah in Mizpah ; but on the other hand, according to xl. 12, these returned Jews also came to Gedaliah at Mizpah, and gathered grapes and fruit. Besides, in these verses the distinction can only be made after the insertion into the text of the conjunction 1 before D'nnarrnx. To " all the remnant of Judah who had returned from the nations " belong the men, women, children, etc., whom Nebuzar- adan had committed to the care of Gedaliah. The enumeration in ver. 6 gives only one specification of the " whole remnant of Judah," as in xli. 16. "And all the souls;" as if it were said, "and whoever else was still left alive;" cf. Josh. x. 28. Tahpanhes was a frontier town of Egypt on the Pelusian branch of the Nile, and named Adfyvai by the Greeks ; see on ii. 16. Here, on the borders of Egypt, a halt was made, for the purpose of coming to further resolutions regarding their residence in that country. Here, too, Jeremiah received a revelation from God regarding the fate now impending on Egypt. Vers. 8-13. Prediction regarding Egypt. — Ver. 8. "And the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying, Ver. 9. Take in thine hand large stones, and hide them in the clay in the brick-kiln, which is at the entrance to the house of Pharaoh in Taphanhes, in the eyes of the Jews ; Ver. 10. And say to them : Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel, 148 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Behold, I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar, the king of Babylon, my servant, and will place his throne over these stones which I have hidden, and he shall stretch his tapestry over them. Ver. 11. And he shall come and smite the land of Egypt, (he who is) for death, to death, — (he who is) for cap- tivity, to captivity, — (he who is) for the sword, to the sword. Ver. 12. And I will kindle fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt, and he shall burn them and carry them away ; and he shall wrap the land of Egypt round him as the shepherd wraps his cloak round him, and thence depart in peace. Ver. 13. And he shall destroy the pillars of Beth-shemesh, which is in the land of Egypt, and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire." This prophecy is introduced by a symbolical action, on which it is based. But in spite of the fact that the object of the action is stated in the address which follows, the action itself is not quite plain from the occurrence of I??!??, whose usual mean- ing, "brick-kiln" (cf. Nah. iii. 14), does not seem suitable here. Eichhorn and Hitzig think it absurd that there should be found before the door of a royal habitation a brick-kiln on which a king was to place his throne. From the Arabic .jjl*, which also signifies a rectangular figure like a tile or brick, and is used of the projecting entablature of doors, — from the employ- ment, also, in the Talmud of the word !5?Q to signify a quad- rangular tablet in the form of a tile, — Hitzig would claim for the word the meaning of a stone floor, and accordingly renders, " and insert them with mortar into the stone flooring." But the entablatures over doors, or quadrangular figures like bricks, are nothing like a stone flooring or pavement before a palace. Besides, in the way of attaching to the word the signification of a " brick-kiln," — a meaning which is well established, — or even of a brickwork, the difficulties are not so great as to compel us to accept interpretations that have no foundation. We do not need to think of a brick-kiln or brickwork as being always before the palace ; as Neumann has observed, it may have indeed been there, although only for a short time, during the erecting of some part of the palace; nor need it have been just at the palace gateway, but a considerable distance away from it, and CHAP. XLIII. 8-13. 149 on the opposite side. Alongside of it there was lying mortar, an indispensable building material. JOB, " to hide," perhaps means here not merely to embed, but to embed in such a way that the stones could not very readily be perceived. Jeremiah was to press down the big stones, not into the brick-kiln, but into the mortar which was lying at (near) the brick-kiln,— to put them, too, before the eyes of the Jews, inasmuch as the meaning of this act had a primary reference to the fate of the Jews in Egypt. The object of the action is thus stated in what follows : Jahveh shall bring the king of Babylon and set his throne on these stones, so that he shall spread out his beautiful tapestry over them, "fl"©^ (Qeri ~F)*V), an intensive form of "IBB> 3 rnaB?, « splendour, beauty," signifies a glittering ornament, — here, the decoration of the throne, the gorgeous tapestry with which the seat of the throne was covered. The stones must thus form the basis for the throne, which the king of Babylon will set up in front of the palace of the king of Egypt at Tahpanhes. But the symbolical meaning of this action is not thereby exhausted. Not merely is the laying of the stones significant, but also the place where they are laid, — at the entrance, or opposite Pharaoh's palace. This palace was built of tiles or bricks : this is indicated by the brick-kiln and the mortar. The throne of the king of Babylon, on the contrary, is set up on large stones. The materials of which the palace and the throne are formed, shadow forth the strength and stability of the kingdom. Pharaoh's dominion is like crumbling clay, the material of bricks ; the throne which Nebuchadnezzar shall set up opposite the clay-building of the Pharaohs rests on large stones, — his rule will be powerful and permanent. Ac- cording to Jeremiah's further development of the symbol in ver. 11 ff., Nebuchadnezzar will come to Egypt (the Kethib ilKa is to be read HN3, " he came down," to Egypt, Nia being con- strued with the accus.), and will smite the land together with its inhabitants, so that every man will receive his appointed lot, viz. death by pestilence, imprisonment, and the sword, i.e. death in battle. On the mode of representation here, cf. xv. 2. — Ver. 12. He shall burn the temples of the gods of Egypt, and carry away the idols. The first person Wi, f or which LXX., Syriac, and Vulgate have the third, must not be meddled with ; 150 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. it corresponds to ,| fi??K> in ver. 10. What Nebuchadnezzar does as Jahveh's servant Q^V, ver. 10) is done by God. The suffixes in &Q"JK' and S2& are assigned in such a way that the one is to be referred to the temples, the other to the idols ; see on xlviii. 7. — HBJft has been variously interpreted. HDy with the accus. Wp or nopb> means to envelope one's self with a garment, put on a garment, wrap the cloak round ; cf. 1 Sam. xxviii. 14, Ps. cix. 19, Isa. lix. 17, etc. This is the meaning of the verb here, as is shown by the clause expressing the comparison. The point of likeness is the easiness of the action. Ewald has very well explained the meaning of the whole : " As easily as any shepherd in the open field wraps himself in his cloak, so will he take the whole of Egypt in his hand, and be able to throw it round him like a light garment, that he may then, thus dressed as it were with booty, leave the land in peace, without a foe, — a complete victor." Other explanations of the word are far-fetched, and lexically untenable. — Ver. 13. In conclusion, mention is further made of the destruction of the famous temple of the Sun at Heliopolis, to show the fulfilment of the prophecy that all Egypt would fall under the power of Nebuchadnezzar. WftW rV3, " House of the Sun," is the Hebrew rendering of the Egyptain Pe-rd, i.e. House of the Sun, the sacred name of the city vulgarly called On ; see on Gen. xli. 45. It lay north-east from Cairo, near the modern village of Matarieh, and thus pretty far inland ; it was renowned for its magnificent temple, dedicated to Rd, the Sun-god. At the entrance to this building stood several larger and smaller obelisks, of which the two larger, added to the two older ones by Pheron the son of Sesostris, were about 150 feet high. One of these the Emperor Augustus caused to be brought to Rome ; the other was thrown down in the year 1160; while one of the more ancient but smaller obelisks still stands in its original position, raising its head in the midst of a beautiful garden over a mass of dense foliage. These obelisks are signified by nuJTO. The additional clause, " which is in the land of Egypt," does not belong to Beth- shemesh, as if it were appended for the purpose of distinguish- ing the city so named from Beth-shemesh in the land of Judah ; the words are rather connected with ItaSO, and correspond with D^>'p Nnptf in the parallel member of the verse. The obelisks CHAP. XLIIL 8-13. 151 of the most famous temple of the Egyptian Sun-god are well known as the most splendid representatives of the glory of the Egyptian idolatry : the destruction of these monuments indi- cates the ruin of all the sanctuaries of the ancient kingdom of the Pharaohs. The last clause is a kind of re-echo from ver. 12a ; &PJ5« is strengthened by the addition of tW3 for the pur- pose of giving a sonorous ending to the whole. — The king of Egypt is not named in the prophecy, but according to xliv. 30 it is Pharaoh-Hophra, who is to be given into the power of Nebuchadnezzar. When we inquire as to the fulfilment of this prediction, we find M. Duncker, in his Gesch. des Alterthums, i. 841, giving a reply in these words : " Nebuchadnezzar did not fulfil these expectations (of Jeremiah, chap, xliii. 8-13, xliv. 30, and of Ezekiel, chap. xxix. 32). He contented himself with having repelled the renewed attack of Egypt. The establishment of his dominion in Syria did not depend on his conquering Eoypt ; but Syria must obey him, throughout its whole extent. The capture of Jerusalem followed the siege of the island-town of Tyre (b.c. 586), the last city that had maintained its independ- ence. The army of the Chaldeans lay thirteen years before Tyre without being able to bring the king Ethbaal (Ithobal) under subjection. At last, in the year 573, a treaty was con- cluded, in which the Tyrians recognised the supremacy of the king of Babylon." That Tyre was brought into subjection is inferred by Duncker (in a note, p. 682), first, from the generally accepted statement of Berosus, that the whole of Phoenicia was subdued by Nebuchadnezzar (Josephus' Ant. x. 11. 1, and contra A p. i. 19); secondly, from Josephus' statement (contra Ap. i. 21), that the kings Merbal and Hiram had been brought by the Tyrians from Babylon ; and lastly, from the fact that, with the close of the siege, the reign of Ithobal ends and that of Baal begins. "It would thus appear that Ithobal was removed, and his family carried to Babylon." These facts, which are also acknowledged by Duncker, sufficiently show (what we have already pointed out in Ezekiel) that the siege of Tyre ended with the taking of this island-city. For, unless the besieged city had been taken by storm, or at least compelled to surrender, the king would not have let himself be dethroned 152 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. and carried to Babylon. — But whence has Duncker derived the information that Nebuchadnezzar had no concern with the subjugation of Egypt, but merely with the establishment of his authority in Syria? Although Nebuchadnezzar began the siege of the island-city of Tyre soon after the destruction of Jerusalem, and required thirteen years to reduce it, yet it does not by any means follow from this that he had only to do with the strengthening of his authority in Syria, and no connection with the subjugation of Egypt ; all that we can safely infer is, that he thought he could not attempt the conquest of Egypt with any certain prospect of success until he had subdued the whole of Syria. Besides, so long as such an one as Pharaoh- Hophra occupied the throne of Egypt, — who had not only sent an army to Zedekiah king of Judah to raise the siege of Jerusalem, but also (according to Herodotus, ii. 161, who draws from Egyptian sources) led an army to Sidon and fought a naval battle with the Tyrians ; who (as Diod. Sic. i. 68 relates, also following Egyptian tradition) set out for Cyprus with abundant war-material and a strong army and fleet, and took Sidon by storm, while the rest of the towns submitted through fear; who, moreover, had defeated the Phoenicians and Cyprians in a naval engagement, and had returned to Egypt with immense spoil ; — how could Nebuchadnezzar possibly think that his rule in Syria was firmly established? Such statements as those now referred to even Duncker does not venture to reject. We must, however, view them with a regard to the usual exaggerations by which the Egyptians were accustomed to extol the deeds of their Pharaohs ; but after making all due allowance, we are led to this, that, after the fall of Tyre, Hophra sought to prevent the island of Cyprus as well as Tyre from becoming a dependency of Nebuchadnezzar. Could Nebuchadnezzar leave unmolested such an enemy as this, who, on the first suitable opportunity, would attempt to wrest the whole of Syria from him ? So short-sighted a policy we could not attribute to such a conqueror as Nebuchadnezzar. Much more considerate is the judgment previously expressed regarding this by Vitringa, on Isa. xix. : " Etiamsi omnis historic/, hie sileret, non est probabile, Nebucadnezarem magnum dominatorem gentium, post Palcestinam et Phceniciam subactam } non tentasse CHAP. XLIII. 8-13. 153 -SEyyptum, et si tentaverit, tentasse frustra ; et qua parte A^gyp- tum occupavit, earn non vastasse et desolasse." It is also to be borne in mind that the conquest of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar, which is denied by Hitzig and Graf as well as Duncker, as it formerly was by Volney, is vouched for by the trustworthy testimony of Berosus (in Josephus, contra A p. i. 19), who says that Nebuchadnezzar took Egypt (fcparfjo-ai, AlyviTTov, '^4pa/3ta?, k.t.\.) ; the denial, too, rests on a mere inference from the account given by Herodotus from the traditions of the priests regarding the reign of Apries (Hophra). If the witness of Berosus regarding the conquest of Syria and Phoenicia be trustworthy, why should his testimony concerning Egypt be unreliable ? The account of Josephus ( Ant. x. 9. 7), that Nebuchadnezzar, in the fifth year after the capture of Jerusalem, and the twenty-third year of his reign, invaded Egypt, killed the king (Hophra), put another in his place, and led captive to Babylon the Jews that had fled to Egypt, — this account will not admit of being brought forward (as has often been attempted, and anew, of late, by Mrc. von Niebuhr, Assur und Babel, S. 215) as sufficient testimony for a successful campaign carried on by Nebuchadnezzar against Egypt during the siege of Tyre. The difficulty in the way of proving that such a campaign actually took place is not so much that the death of Hophra in battle with Nebuchadnezzar, or his execu- tion afterwards, contradicts all authenticated history, as that the particular statements of Josephus regarding this campaign, both as to the date and the carrying away to Babylon of the Jews that had fled to Egypt, are simply conclusions drawn from a combination of Jer. xliii. 8-13 and xliv. 30 with Jer. lii. 20; besides, the execution of King Hophra by Nebuchadnezzar is foretold neither by Jeremiah nor by Ezekiel. Ezekiel, in chap, xxix.-xxxii., merely predicts the decline of the Egyptian influ- ence, the breaking of the arm of Pharaoh, i.e. of his military power, and his fall into Sheol ; but he does it in so ideal a manner, that even the words of xxx. 13, u there shall be no more a prince out of the land of Egypt," — i.e. Egypt shall lose all her princes, just as her idols have been destroyed, — even these words cannot well be applied to the execution of Pharaoh-Hophra But Jeremiah, in chap, xliii. and in xlvi. 13 ff., predicts merelj 154 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the downfall of the pride and power of Pharaoh, and the con- quest, devastation, and spoiling of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar. And even in the words of xliv. 30, "I (Jahveh) will deliver Pharaoh-Hophra into the hand of his enemies, and of those who seek his life, just as I delivered Zedekiah the king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar his enemy, and of those who sought after his life," there is nothing definitely stated regarding Hophra's being executed by Nebuchadnezzar, or killed in battle with him. Such a reference cannot be made out from the words, even though we lay no emphasis on the plural "his enemies," in contrast with the expression "Nebu- chadnezzar his enemy," and, according to xlvi. 26, understand Nebuchadnezzar and his servants as being included under the " enemies ; " for certainly Zedekiah was not killed by Nebu- chadnezzar, but merely taken prisoner and carried to Babylon. Besides, there was no need of special proof that the prophecies of Jeremiah regarding Egypt declare much more important matters than merely an expedition of Chaldean soldiers to Egypt, as well as the plunder of some cities and the carrying away of the Jews who resided there ; and that, in chap, xliv., what the Jews who went to Egypt against the will of God are threatened with, is not transportation to Babylon, but destruction in Egypt by sword, hunger, and pestilence, until only a few individuals shall escape, and these shall return to Judah (xliv. 14, 27, 28). But if we compare with the prophecy of Jeremiah in chap, xliii. 8-13, and in xlvi. 13-26, that of Ezekiel in chap. xxix. 17-21, which was uttered or composed in the twenty-seventh year of the captivity of Jehoiachin, i.e. in the year 573, it becomes abundantly evident that Nebuchadnezzar cannot have invaded and conquered Egypt before that year, and not till after the fall of Tyre, which immediately ensued. And that this was actually the case, is put beyond doubt by the statement of Herodotus, ii. 161 ff., regarding Apries, that he lost his throne and his life in consequence of being defeated in battle with the Cyrenians. What Herodotus assigns as the cause of the fall of Apries, is insufficient to account for the unhappy end of this king. Herodotus himself states, ii. 169, that the Egyptians were filled with the most intense hatred CHAP. XLIV. 155 against Apries ; the monuments also bear witness to this fact. This bitter feeling must have had a deeper source than merely the unsuccessful issue of a war with Cyrene; it receives its explanation only when we find that Apries, by his attempts against Nebuchadnezzar, had deserved and brought on the subjugation of Egypt by the king of Babylon ; cf. Havernick on Ezekiel, p. 500. By sending an auxiliary army to Judah, for the purpose of driving back the Chaldeans, and by forming an expedition to Cyprus and the cities of Phoenicia, which was evidently directed against the establishment of the Chaldean power in Phoenicia, Apries had so provoked the king of Babylon, that the latter, immediately after the subjugation of Tyre, entered on the campaign against Egypt, which he invaded, subdued, and spoiled, without, however, killing the king ; him he preferred allowing to rule on, but as his vassal, and under the promise that he would recognise his authority and pay tribute, just as had been done with King Jehoiakim when Jerusalem was first taken. If all this actually took place (which we may well assume), Apries might probably have begun another war against Cyrene, after the Chaldeans had departed, in the hope of pro- curing some small compensation to the Egyptians for the defeat they had suffered from the Chaldeans, by subduing that pro- vince in the west ; in this war the king might have lost his life, as Herodotus relates, through want of success in his attempt. In this way, the account of Herodotus regarding the death of Apries quite agrees with the conquest of Egypt by Nebuchad- nezzar. But that Herodotus makes no mention of the conquest of Egypt, is sufficiently accounted for when we remember that he derived his information from the stories of the priests, who carefully omitted all mention of a struggle between Egypt and the power of Chaldea, since this had ended in the humiliation of Egypt ; hence also mention was made only of the victories and mighty deeds of Necho II., while his defeat at Carchemish was passed over in silence. Chap. xliv. Warning against Idolatry, and Intimation of its Punishment. When the Jews had settled down in Egypt in different places, they betook themselves zealously to the worship of the 156 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. queen of heaven ; to this they were probably induced by the example of the heathen round about them, and by the vain expectation of thereby promoting their interests as members of the community (cf. ver. 17 ff.). Accordingly, when all the people who were living here and there through the country had assembled in Upper Egypt (ver. 15) for the celebration of a festival, the prophet seized the opportunity of setting before them, in an earnest manner, the ruinous consequences of their doings. First of all, he reminds them of the judg- ments which they and their fathers, by their continued apostasy from the Lord, and by their idolatry, had brought on Jeru- salem and Judah (vers. 2-7) ; and he warns them not to bring destruction on the remnant of Judah still left, by continuing in their idolatry (vers. 8-10). The threatening also is ex- pressed, that the Lord will destroy all those who marched to Egypt with the sword, famine, and pestilence (vers. 11-14). But the whole assembly declare to him that they will not obey his word, but persist in worshipping the queen of heaven ; alleging that their fathers prospered so long as they honoured her, and war and famine had come on them only after they ceased to do so (vers. 15-19). Jeremiah refutes this false notion (vers. 20-23), and once more solemnly announces to them the sentence of destruction by sword and famine in Egypt. As a sign that the Lord will keep His word, he finally predicts that King Hophra shall be delivered into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. Ver. 1. " The word that came to Jeremiah regarding all the Jews who were living in the land of Egypt, who dwelt in Migclol, in Tahpanhes, in Noph, and in the land of Pathros." From this heading we perceive that those who (according to chap, xliii.) had gone to Egypt, had settled there in various parts of the country, and that the following denunciations, which at the same time form his last prophecy, were uttered a long time after that which is given in xliii. 8-13 as having been delivered at Tahpanhes. The date of it cannot, indeed, be determined exactly. From the threatening that King Hophra shall be delivered over to the power of Nebuchadnezzar (vers. 24-30), only this much is clear, that Egypt was not yet occupied by the Chaldeans, which, as we have shown above CHAP. XLIV. 2-14. 157 (p. 154), did not take place before the year 572. But it by no means follows from this that Jeremiah did not utter these words of threatening till shortly before this event. He may have done so even five or ten years before, in the period between 585 and 580, as we have already observed on p. 17, vol. i. The Jews had settled down, not merely in the two northern frontier towns, Migdol (i.e. Magdolo, May&wXos, according to the Itiner. Anton., twelve Roman miles from Pelusium, Copt. Meschtol, Egypt. Maktr, the most northerly place in Egypt ; see on Ezek. xxix. 10) and Tahpanhes {i.e. Daphne, see on xliii. 7), but also in more inland places, in Noph (i.e. Memphis, see on ii. 16) and the land of Pathros (LXX. IlaOovpns, Egypt. Petores, i.e. Southland, viz. Upper Egypt, the 7"hebais of the Greeks and Romans ; see on Ezek. xxix. 14). The word of the Lord runs as follows : — Vers. 2-14. The warning and threatening. — u Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel : Ye yourselves have seen all the evil which I have brought on Jerusalem, and on all the cities of Judah ; and, behold, they are a desolation this day, and there is no inhabitant in them ; Ver. 3. Because of their wickedness which they have done, by provoking me through going to burn incense, (and) to serve other gods whom they knew not, (neither) they (nor) ye, nor your fathers. Ver. 4. And I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending (them), to say, Do not this abominable thing which I hate. Ver. 5. But they did not hear, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, by not burning incense to other gods. Ver. 6. Therefore my wrath and mine anger poured itself out, and burned up the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem ; so that they have become a desolation and a waste, as at this day. Ver. 7. Now therefore thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel: Why do ye great evil against your souls, by cutting of from yourselves man and woman, child and suckling, out of the midst of Judah, so leaving no remnant for yourselves ; Ver. 8. Through provoking me by the works of your hands, burning incense to other gods in the land of Egypt, whither ye have gone to sojourn, that ye might bring destruction on yourselves, and that ye might become a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the 1 5S THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. earth? Ver. 9. Have ye forgotten the evil deeds of your fathers, and the evil deeds of the kings of Judah, and the evil deeds of their wives, and your own evil deeds, and the evil deeds of your wives, which they committed in the land of Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem ? Ver. 10. They have not been contrite to this day, and are not afraid, nor do they walk in my law, and in my statutes, which I have set before you and before your fathers. Ver. 11. Therefore thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel : Behold, I will set my face against you for evil, and to cut off all Judah. Ver. 12. And I will take the remnant of Judah, that have set their faces to go to the land of Egypt in order to sojourn there, and they shall all be consumed; in the land of Egypt shall they fall, by sword and famine shall they be consumed ; small and great, by sword and famine shall they die, and they shall become an execration and an astonish- ment, and a curse and a reproach. Ver. 13. And I will punish those who dwell in the land of Egypt, as I punished Jerusalem, by sword, and famine, and pestilence. Ver. 14. There shall not be one escaped or left to the remnant of Judah that came to sojourn there in the land of Egypt, so as to return to the land of Judah, whither they long to return and dwell ; for they shall not return except [as] escaped ones." In order to make an impression on the people by his warn- ing against idolatry, Jeremiah begins his address with a refer- ence to the great calamity which the fathers have brought on the kingdom of Judah through their continued idolatry (vers. 2-6). " Ye have seen all the evil," etc. ; all the cities are laid waste and depopulated, because their inhabitants have roused the aneer of the Lord, and have not let themselves be diS- suaded by the admonitions of the prophets whom God has sent. "This day," i.e. now, at present. On ver. 3, cf. xi. 17, xix. 4, xxxii. 32, etc. ; and as to the meaning of ")t?i?, see on i. 16. In ver. 36 the address becomes more direct, through the change into the second person, " ye ; " the audience then present only continue these sins of their fathers. On ver. 4, cf. vii. 25, xxv. 4, etc. riwrt rnjmn nn-n, " the thing of this abomination," which is equivalent to " this abominable idol- atry." i^n serves to render the subject more prominent, as in Judg. xix. 24. On ver. 6, cf. xlii. 18, vii. 20. The wrath CHAP XLIV. 2-14. 159 of God burned in the cities, for the fire of destruction was a manifestation of the divine wrath. As to W Di>3 } see on xi. 5. In vers. 7-10 follows the application of what has been said to those present, who are asked how they come to continue in the old sins, to their own destruction, " doing evil in regard to your souls," i.e. for the injury, destruction of your souls, yourself; cf. xxvi. 19, where '3"?J7 stands for r J"?K. This is immediately afterwards more exactly specified by 'U1 1*1307, to exterminate the whole of you, without an exception. As to the enumeration " man and woman," etc., cf. 1 Sam. xv. 3, xxii. 19. The infs. *JD*$on? and iBi?? are used as gerundives : " inasmuch as (through this that) ye provoke me." For the expression "the works of your hands," see on i. 16. In ver. 8, an object must be supplied from ver. 7 for the expression D37 JVian $07 ; for, to take 03? (with Hitzig) in a reflexive sense is a very harsh construction. On 'JJ1 *Y^P? f cf. xlii. 18, xxvi. 6. The answer to the question now asked follows in vers. 9 and 10, in the form of the further question, whether they have forgotten those former sins, and that these sins have been the cause of the evil which has befallen the land. The interrogation expresses the reproach that they have been able to forget both, as is evidenced by their continuance in sin. In ver. 9, the expression " the evil deeds of his wives " (VE>3) is remarkable. Hitzig and Nagelsbach, following Kimchi, refer the suffix to the kings, since there was always but one king at a time. But this is an unnatural explanation ; the suffix refers to Judah as a nation, and is used in order to comprehend the wives of the fathers and of the kings together. It is quite arbitrary in Ewald and Graf to change VCW to VHtJ>, following the LXX. twv ap^ovTcov v/xwv ; for these translators have mutilated the text by the omission of the following M'Tisn riNI. VE>3 nijn is not merely conserved, but even required, by riw D -?"'^r l HJn. But the prophet gives special prominence to the evil deeds of the wives, since it was they who were most zealous in worshipping the queen of heaven ; cf. vers. 15 and 19. *K2fr N?, " they have not been crushed," viz. by repentance and sorrow for these sins* The transition to the third person is not merely accounted for by the fact that the subject treated of is the sins of the fathers and of the present generation, — for, 1G0 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. as is shown by the expression " till this day," the prophet has chiefly his own contemporaries in view ; but he speaks of these in the third person, to signify the indignation with which he turns away from men so difficult to reform. On the expres- sion, " they had not walked in my law," cf. xxvi. 4, ix. 12. For this the Lord will punish them severely, vers. 11-14. All those who have fled to Egypt, with the intention of remaining there, will be quite exterminated. On " Behold, I will set my face," etc., cf. xxi. 10. " For evil " is more exactly defined by " to cut off all Judah," i.e. those of Judah who are in Egypt, not those who are in Babylon. This limitation of the words " all Judah " is necessarily required by the context, and is plainly expressed in ver. 12, where "Judah" is specified as " the remnant of Judah that were determined to go to Egypt." Vinj?7 has the meaning of taking away, as in xv. 15. bb M3JTI are to be taken by themselves ; and DpVP 1*^3, as is shown by the accents, is to be attached to what follows, on which, too, the emphasis is placed ; in like manner, 'W 2Trm are to be attached to the succeeding verb. The arrangement of the words, like the accumulation of sentences all expressing the same meaning, reveals the spirit of the address in which God • vents His wrath. On "they shall become an execration," etc., see xlii. 18. In vers. 13, 14, the threatened extermination is further set forth. Those who dwell in Egypt shall be punished with sword, famine, and plague, like Jerusalem. The inhabit- ants of Egypt generally are meant ; and by the judgment which is to fall on that country, the remnant of Judah there shall be so completely destroyed, that none shall escape. The leading member of the sentence is continued by ^£'71, "and that they should return to the land of Judah, after which their soul longs, that they may live there." A reason is further assigned, and with this the address, reduced within becoming limits, concludes: "for there shall return none except (p$ ^) fugitives," i.e. except a few individual fugitives who shall come back. This last clause shows that we are not to understand the declaration " none shall escape " in the strictest meaning of the words. Those who escape and return to Judah shall be so few, in comparison with those who shall perish in Egypt, as to be quite inconsiderable. Cf. the like instance of a CHAP. XLIV. 15-19. 161 seeming contradiction in vers. 27, 28. On DBfcrJlK Mto cf. O ' T • " T ' xxii. 27. Vers. 15-19. The answer of the people to this threatening address. — Ver. 15. "Then all the men who knew that their wives burned incense to other gods, and all the women stand- ing [there], a great multitude, and all the people who dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying, Ver. 1 6. [As for] the word which thou hast spoken unto us in the name of Jahveh, we will not hearken unto thee : Ver. 17. But we will certainly perform every word that has proceeded out of our own mouth, by burning incense to the queen of heaven, and pouring out libations to her, just as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem ; and we were filled with bread, and became prosperous, and saw no evil. Ver. 18. But since we ceased to offer incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out libations to her, we have been in want of everything, and are consumed by sword and famine. Ver. 19. And when we [women] have been burning incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out libations to her, have we made cakes to her without our husbands, making an image of her, and offering libations to her ? " To the word of the prophet the men and women oppose their pretended experi- ence, that the adoration of the queen of heaven has brought them comfort and prosperity, while the neglect of this worship, on the other hand, has brought want and misfortune. No doubt they inferred this, by the argument post hoc, ergo propter hoc, from the fact that, after idolatry had been rooted out by Josiah, adversity had befallen the land of Judah ; while, up till that time, the kingdom of Judah had been independent, and, for more than a century before, had been spared the suf- fering of misfortune. Thus, through their blindness, peculiar to the natural man, they had overlooked the minor transient evils with which the Lord visits His people when they sin. Not till near the end of Josiah's reign did misfortune fall on Judah : this was when the Egyptian army, under Pharaoh-Necho, marched through Palestine ; Josiah was slain in the battle he had lost, the land was laid waste by the enemy, and its in- habitants perished by sword and famine. In ver. 15, those VOL. II. L 162 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. who are represented speaking are all the men who knew of their wives' idolatry, i.e. who permitted it, and all the women, " a great company," i.e. gathered together in great numbers, and all the rest of the people who lived in Egypt. The speci- fication " in Pathros " is not in apposition to the words " in the land of Egypt," but belongs to the verb WjM ; it tells where the gathering took place, viz. in a district of Upper Egypt. From the presence of a large number of women, we may con- clude that the assembly was a festival in honour of the queen of heaven. The former portion of ver. 16 forms an absolute clause, from "i^l 1 to \\ DK>3, " as regards the word which . . . we will not listen to thee," i.e. with regard to this word we obey thee not. The expression, " the word which has gone forth out of our mouth," points to the uttering of vows : cf. Num. xxx. 3, 13 ; Deut. xxiii. 24. 'til "\f N WtT^a means " all that we have uttered as a vow," every vow to offer incense, etc., i.e. to present meat and drink offerings to the queen of heaven, — that shall we keep, fulfil, as we and our fathers have done in the land of Judah. On this mode of worship, cf. vii. 17 f., and the remarks there made. "And we were satisfied with bread," i.e. in consequence of this worship we had amply sufficient food. D^iD, "good," well, comfortable; cf. xxii. 16. T« p, "from that time " = since, ^pn is for ^fori, from DE>n ? as in Num. xvii. 28 ; cf. Ewald, § 197, a. To this statement on the part of the men, the women further add, ver. 19, that they do not engage in this sacrificial worship or prepare the sacrificial cakes without their husbands, i.e. without their knowledge and approval. This is put forward by the women in the way of self-vindication ; for, according to the law, Num. xxx. 9 ff., the husband could annul, i.e. declare not binding, any vow which had been made by his wife without his knowledge. Although it is women who are speaking, the masc. E^tipD is used as being the gender which most commonly occurs ; it also pretty often stands for the feminine. The inf. constr. ^>]^ (with p) is here employed, in conformity with later usage, instead of the inf. abs., for the finite verb, by way of continua- tion ; cf. Ewald, § 351, c, where, however, many passages have been set down as falling under this rule that demand a different explanation. The meaning of n 2^-f is disputed ; the CHAP. XLIV. 20-23. 1G3 final n is a suffix, written with Raphe, though Mappik also occurs in some mss. The Hiphil of this verb is found else- where only in Ps. lxxviii. 40, and there in the signification of vexing, grieving, like the Piel in Isa. lxiii. 10, Ps. Ivi. 6. Ewald translates " in order to move her," i.e. make her well- disposed, — but quite arbitrarily, for to provoke is the very opposite of rendering propitious. The verb 2.W also signifies " to form, shape," Job x. 8 ; and in this sense the Hiphil is used here, " in order to put them into shape," i.e. to form the moon-goddess (queen of heaven) in or on the sacrificial cakes (Kimchi, Raschi, Dahler, Maurer, Graf, etc.). The sacrificial cakes (B^l, see on vii. 18) probably had the form of a crescent, or even of the full moon, like the aekrjvat of the Greeks, which used to be offered in Athens at the time of the full moon in the month of Munychion, to Artemis, as goddess of the moon ; cf. Hermann, gottesdienslliche Alterthilmer der Griechen, 2 Ausg. S. 146, Anm. 13, u. S. 414. Vers. 20-23. Refutation of these statements of the people. — Ver. 20. " And Jeremiah spake to all the people, to the men and women, and to all the people that had given him answer, saying, Ver. 21. Did not the incense-burning which ye per- formed in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, ye and your fathers, your kings and your princes, and the people of the land, — did not Jahveh remember them, and did it not arise in His mind ? Ver. 22. And Jahveh could no longer endure it, because of the wickedness of your deeds, because of the abominations which ye committed ; thus your land became a desolation, and a waste, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as at this day. Ver. 23. Because ye burned incense and sinned against Jahveh, and did not hearken to the voice of Jahveh, and in His law, in His statutes, and in His testimonies ye walked not ; therefore this evil hath befallen you, as at this day." Jeremiah answers them that their idol-worship, by which they have provoked the Lord their God, is the very cause of the misfortune that has befallen them, because God could no longer endure this abomination which they would not forsake. "itsipn is a noun, "the burning of incense," which includes, besides, all the other elements of idolatrous worship ; hence the word is resumed, at the close, under the plur. B^riN, " these 164 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. things." npyril is 3d pers.'sing. neut., lit. " it has come into His mind," i.e. He has carefully considered it, and that in the way of punishment, for He could no longer endure such abomina- tion. The imperf. 73V 1 is used for the historic tense (imperf. with 1 consec), because the 1 would necessarily be separated from the verb by the i& ; and it is employed instead of the perfect, which we would be inclined to expect after the pre- ceding "I3T, since that which is treated of is something that endures for a considerable time ; cf. Ewald, § 346, b. On the expression u because of the evil," etc., cf. xxi. 12, iv. 4, etc. ; on the last clause in ver. 22, cf. vers. 6 and 12. — Ver. 23 is an emphatic and brief repetition of what has already been said. nfrOi? is for n ^">i?, as in Deut. xxxi. 29 : cf. Gesenius, § 74, note 1 ; Ewald, § 194, b. Vers. 24-30. Announcement of the punishment for this idolatry. — Ver. 24. a And Jeremiah said unto all the people, and unto all the women, Hear the word of Jahveh, all of Judah that are in the land of Egypt ; Ver. 25. Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel : Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouth, and fulfilled it with your hands, saying, We will assuredly perform our vows which we have vowed, by burning incense to the queen of heaven, and by pouring out libations to her : ye will by all means perform your vows, and carry out your vows. Ver. 26. Therefore hear the word of Jahveh, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt : Behold, I have sworn by my great name, saith Jahveh, truly my name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah, saying, * As the Lord Jahveh liveth,' in all the land of Egypt. Ver. 27. Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good ; and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by famine, till they are annihilated. Ver. 28. And those who escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt to the land of Judah, a small number ; and all the remnant of Judah, that went to the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose word shall stand, mine or theirs. Ver. 29. And this shall be the sign to you, saith Jahveh, that I will punish you in this place, that ye may know that my words shall surely rise up against you for evil : Ver. 30. Thus hath Jahveh CHAP. XLIV. 24-30. 165 spoken, Behold, I will give Pharaoh-Hophra into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of those who seek his life, just as I have given Zedekiah the king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, who was his enemy, and sought his life." After refuting the false assertion of the people, Jeremiah once more announces to them, on behalf of God, in the most solemn manner, the punishment of extermination by sword and famine in Egypt ; this he does for the purpose of giving the greatest possible emphasis to his warning against persevering in idolatry. For substance, this announcement is similar to that of vers. 11-14, but the expression is stronger. Even in the summary account of their offences, ver. 25, the words are so chosen and arranged as to bring out clearly the determina- tion of the people to persevere in worshipping the queen of heaven. " As for you and your wives, ye have spoken with your mouth and fulfilled it with your hand" (on the Vav consec. attached to nyi2nn, cf. Ewald, § 344, b) 7 i.e. ye have uttered vows and then carried them out ; for ye say, We must keep the vows that we have vowed. It is to be observed that the verbs njiatn and in the concluding portion nip^ipn and rWE'lfflj are feminine, since the address chiefly applies to the wives, who clung most tenaciously to idolatry. In the clause 'M ^p^ipri D^n, " ye will make your vows and perform them," there is unmistakeable irony, in which the reference is to the wilfulness of the people in this idolatry. This ideXoOprja-Keia is shown by the inf. abs. ti^, which strengthens rrj^pn. " To establish vows," i.e. to make them, was not a thing commanded, but left to one's free deter- mination. Hence, also, no appeal to the maxim that vows which have been made or uttered must be fulfilled, can justify the making of the vows. The form nao^pn for nmpn is an O t ; ■ t t ; •• t unusual one ; and the * which the Hirik takes after it is occa- sioned by the form ^i?. 1 ?; cf. Ewald, § 196, c. — The announcement of the punishment is introduced by a solemn oath on the part of God. Jahveh swears by His great name, i.e. as the one who has shown Himself God by His mighty deeds — who has the power of keeping His word. The name is, of course, only a manifestation of His existence. DK as a particle used in swear- ing = certainly not. His name shall no more be named in the 166 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. mouth of any Jew in the land of Egypt, i.e. be used in assevera- tions, because all the Jews in Egypt shall be exterminated. On the expression, " Behold, I will watch over them," etc., cf . xxxi. 28 and xxi. 10. In ver. 28, it is more exactly stated that only a few individuals shall escape the sword and return to Judah ; thus, no one shall remain behind in Egypt. By this judgment, all the remnant of Judah that went to Egypt shall find out whose word — Jahveh's or theirs — will endure, i.e. prove true. B™ 51 ^1?® properly depends on "O^ " the word from me or from them" (the people). — Ver. 29. In confirmation of this threaten- ing, the Lord gives them another sign which, when it is fulfilled, will let them know that the destruction announced to them shall certainly befall them. The token consists in the giving up of King Hophra into the hand of his enemies. As certainly as this shall take place, so certainly shall the extermination of the Jews in Egypt ensue. The name JPSn is rendered OvdcfrpLs in Manetho, in the classical writers "'Airplr)?, Apries, who, accord- ing to Herodotus (ii. 161), reigned twenty-five years, but nineteen according to Manetho (cf. Boeckh, Manetho, etc., p. 341 ff.). His death took place in the year 570 B.C. This date is reached by a comparison of the following facts : — Cambyses conquered Egypt in the year 525 ; and in the preceding year Amasis had died, after a reign of forty- four years (Herod, iii. 10). Hence Amasis — who took Apries prisoner, and gave him up to the common people, who killed him (Herod, ii. 161-163, 169)— must have commenced his reign in the year 570. On the death of Apries, or Hophra, cf. the explanation given on p. 154 f ., where we have shown that the words, " I will give him into the hand of his enemies, and of those who seek his life," when compared with what is said of Zedekiah, li into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar his enemy," do not require us to assume that Hophra was killed by Nebuchadnezzar, and can very well be harmonized with the notice of Herodotus regarding the death of this king. Hitzig and Graf have taken objection to this sign given by Jeremiah, and regard vers. 29, 30 as a spurious vaticinium ex eventu, the work of another hand. The reasons they urge are, that it is scarcely possible Jeremiah could have lived till 570 ; that ver. 29 f. would be the only place where Jeremiah offered CHAP. XLIV. 24-30. 1 67 such a criterion ; and that, even as it is, these verses contain nothing original, but, by their stiff and lifeless parallelism, are easily seen to be an artificial conclusion. Of these three argu- ments, the last can prove nothing, since it is merely a subjective opinion on an aesthetic point. The second, again, rather declares for than against the genuineness. For " if it were not Jere- miah's usual, elsewhere, to offer some criterion, then such an interpolation would have been all the more carefully avoided " (Nagelsbach). Of course we do not find any other signs of this kind in Jeremiah ; but it does not follow from this that he could not offer such a thing in a special case. Yet the ground taken up by Nagelsbach, as sufficient to establish this position, seems quite untenable, viz. that the announcement of the fate in store for the king must have been the answer of the true God to the presumptuous boast of Apries, mentioned by Herodotus, " that even God could not dethrone him, so firmly did he think he was established : " this view of the matter seems too remote from the object of Jeremiah's address. And finally, the first- named objection receives importance only on the supposition that " an event which was intended to serve as rriX, a sirm or criterion, must be something that was to happen immediately, or within a brief appointed period of time, so that a person might be able, from the occurrence of the one, to conclude that what had been foretold about a later period would as certainly take place" (Graf). But there are no sufficient grounds for this hypothesis. If no definite time be fixed for the occurrence of this sign, then it may not appear till a considerable time afterwards, and yet be a pledge for the occurrence of what was predicted for a still later period. That Jeremiah lived till the year 570 is certainly not inconceivable, but it is not likely that he uttered the prophecy now before us at the advanced age of nearly eighty years. Now, if his address is allowed to be a real prophecy, and not a mere vaticiniitm ex eventu, as Hitzig, look- ing from his dogmatic standpoint, considers it, then it must have been uttered before the year 570 ; but whether this was two, or five, or ten years before, makes no material difference. The address itself contains nothing to justify the assumption of Graf, that it is closely connected with the prophecy in xliii. 8-13, and with the warning against the migration into Egypt, 168 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. chap. xlii. That the Jews spoken of had not been long in Egypt, cannot be inferred from vers. 8, 12, and 18 ; on the contrary, the fact that they had settled down in different parts of Egypt, and had assembled at Pathros for a festival, shows that they had been living there for a considerable time before. Nor does it follow, from the statement in ver. 14 that they longed to return to Judah, that they had gone to Egypt some months before. The desire to return into the land of their fathers remains, in a measure, in the heart of the Jew even at the present day. After all, then, no valid reason can be assigned for doubting the genuineness of these verses. On the fulfilment of these threatening Nacjelsbach remarks : " Every one must be struck on finding that, in chap, xliv., the extermination of the Jews who dwelt in Egypt is predicted ; while some centuries later, the Jews in Egypt were very numerous, and that country formed a central point for the Jewish exiles (cf. Herzog, Real-Encycl. xvii. S. 285). Alexander the Great found so many Jews in Egypt, that he peopled with Jews, in great measure, the city he had founded and called after himself (cf. Herzog, i. S. 235). How did these Jews get to Egypt? Whence the great number of Jews whom Alexander found already in Egypt ? I am inclined to think that we must consider them, for the most part, as the descendants of those who had come into the country with Jeremiah. But, according to this view of the matter, Jeremiah's prophecy has not been fulfilled." Na^elsbach therefore thinks we must assume that idolatrous worship, through time, almost entirely ceased among the exiled Jews in Egypt as it did among those in Babylon, and that the Lord then, in return, as regards the penitents, repented of the evil which He had spoken against them (xxvi. 13, 19). But this whole explanation is fundamentally wrong, since the assertion, that Alexander the Great found so many Jews in Egypt, that with them mainly he peopled the city of Alexandria which he had founded, is contrary to historic testimony. In Herzog (Real-Encycl. i. S. 235), to which Nagelsbach refers for proof on the point, nothing of the kind is to be found, but rather the opposite, viz. the following : " Soon after the founda- tion of Alexandria by Alexander the Great, this city became not merely the centre of Jewish Hellenism in Egypt, but generally CHAP. XLIV. 24-30. 169 speaking the place of union between Oriental and Occidental Jews. The external condition of the Jews of Alexandria must, on the whole, be characterized as highly prosperous. The first Jewish settlers had, indeed, been compelled by Alexander the Great to take up their residence in the city (Josephus, Antt. xv. 3. 1) ; so, too, were other Jews, by Ptolemy I. or Lagi (ibid. xii. 2. 4). But both of these monarchs granted them the same rights and privileges as the Macedonians, including Greek citizenship ; and in consequence of the extremely advantageous position of the city, it speedily increased in importance. A still larger number, therefore, soon went thither of their own accord, and adopted the Greek language." In this account, the quota- tion from Josephus, Antt. xv. 3. 1, is certainly incorrect; for neither is there in that passage any testimony borne to the measures attributed to Alexander, nor are there any other historical testimonies given from antiquity. But as little can we find any proofs that Alexander the Great found so many Jews in Egypt that he could, to a large extent, people with them the city he had founded. It is merely testified by Josephus (Antt. xi. 8. 5), and by Hecatseus in Josephus (contra Ap. i. 22 ; p. 457, ed. Haverc), that Alexander had Jewish soldiers in his army ; it is further evident, from a notice in Josephus, de bell. Jud. ii. 18. 7, contra Ap. ii. 4 (cf. Curtius Rufus, iv. 8), that the newly founded city, even under Alexan- der, immediately after it was commenced, and still more under Ptolemy Lagi (cf. Josephus, Antt. xii. 1, and Hecatasus in Jos. contra Ap. i. 22, p. 455), attracted a constantly increasing multitude of Jewish immigrants. This same Ptolemy, after having subdued Phoenicia and Ccele-Syria in the year 320, and taken Jerusalem also, it would seem, by a stratagem on a Sabbath day, transported many captives and hostages out of the whole country into Egypt ; many, too, must have been sold at that time as slaves to the inhabitants of such a wealthy country as Egypt : see a statement in the book of Aristeas, at the end of Havercamp's edition of Josephus, ii. p. 104. In the same place, and in Josephus' Antt. xii. 1, Ptolemy is said to have armed 30,000 Jewish soldiers, placed them as garrisons in the fortresses, and granted them all the rights of Macedonian citizens (laoiroXcjela). Ewald well says, History of the People 170 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. of Israel, vol. iv. of second edition, p. 254 : " When we further take into consideration, that, in addition to all other similar disasters which had previously befallen them, many Jews were removed to Egypt (especially by Ochus, after Egypt had been reconquered), we can easily explain how Ptolemy Philadelphus can be said to have liberated 100,000 Egyptian Jews. Aristeas' Book, p. 105." This much, at least, is proved by these various ' notices, — that, in order to understand how such a vast increase took place in the number of the Jews in Egypt, we do not need to regard them as the descendants of those who removed thither with Jeremiah, and so to question the fulfilment of the prophecy now before us. Jeremiah does not, of course, threaten with destruction all those Jews who live in Egypt, but only those who at that time went thither against the divine will, and there persevered in their idolatry. We do not know how great may have been the number of these immigrants, but they could hardly exceed two thousand, — perhaps, indeed, there were not so many. All these, as had been foretold them, may have perished in the conquest of Egypt by the Chaldeans, and after- wards, through the sword, famine, and pestilence ; for the myriads of Jews in Egypt at the time of Ptolemy Lagi could easily have removed thither during the period of 250 years intermediate between the immigration in Jeremiah's time and the foundation of Alexandria, partly as prisoners and slaves, partly through voluntary settlement. Chap. xlv. A Promise addressed to Baruch. Ver. 1. "The word which Jeremiah the prophet spake to Baruch the son of Neriah, when he wrote these words in a book at the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoia- kim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying, Ver. 2. Thus saith Jahveh, the God of Israel, to thee, O Baruch : Ver. 3. Thou saidst, Woe to me now ! for Jahveh hath added sorrow to my pain : I am weary with sighing, and no rest do I find. Ver. 4. Thus shalt thou say unto him, Thus saith Jahveh : Behold, what I have built I will destroy, and what I have planted I will pluck up, and that is the whole earth. Ver. 5. And thou seekest great things for thyself ; seek them not : for, CHAP. XLV. 171 behold, I will bring evil on all flesh, saith Jahveh; but I will give thy life unto thee for booty in all places whither thou shalt go." From the superscription in ver. 1, it appears that this word of God came to Baruch through Jeremiah the prophet, in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim, when Baruch was writing out, or had written out, in a book-roll the prophecies that had been uttered by Jeremiah up till that time. It is not necessarily implied in the infin. tarns that the word of God came during the transcription, while he was still engaged in writing : it may also mean, u when he was ready with the writing," had cot done with it ; and Hitzig is wrong when he rejects as " misleading " the view which Movers takes — u when he had written." The writing down of the addresses of Jere- miah in the year mentioned is related in chap, xxxvi. ; thus the substance of this chapter and that of chap, xxxvi. agree. " These words " can only be the addresses (words) of Jeremiah which Baruch was then writing down. From this, Hitzig, Graf, Niigelsbach, and others, infer that this small piece was the last in the copy of Jeremiah's prophecies originally prepared under Jehoiakim, — if not of the first one which was intended to be read in the temple, at least of the second copy which was made after the former one had been destroyed ; and that it was only after the collection had been enlarged to the extent of the collection handed down to us, that this portion was affixed as an appendix to the end of the prophecies of Jeremiah which relate to his own country. But this inference is not a valid one. u These words " are the addresses of the prophet in general, which Baruch wrote down ; and that only those which were uttered up to the fourth year of Jehoiakim are intended, is implied, not in the demonstrative " these," but in the date given afterwards, by which u these " is further specified. In ver. 1 it is merely stated that at that time the word of God, given below, came to Jeremiah, and through him to Baruch, but not that Baruch wrote down this also on that occasion, and appended it to the roll of Jeremiah's prophecies which had been prepared at his dictation. It may have been written down much later, possibly not till the whole of Jeremiah's prophecies were collected and arranged in Egypt. Moreover, the position occupied by this chapter in the collection shows 172 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. that this message of comfort to Baruch was added as an ap- pendix to those predictions of Jeremiah which concern Judah and Israel. The occasion for this message of comfort addressed to the prophet's attendant is pointed out in ver. 3, in the words which Baruch had uttered : " Woe to me ! for Jahveh adds sorrow to my pain/' Baruch felt " pain," i.e. pain of soul, at the moral corruption of the people, their impenitence and obduracy in sin and vice, just like the prophet himself, xv. 18. To this pain God adds sorrow, by threatening the judgment which shall fall on Judah for sin, and which was even then begin- ning to break over the land ; cf. viii. 18 ff. Baruch sighs over this till he is wearied, and finds no rest ; cf. Lam. v. 5. " I am weary with my sighing," is a reminiscence from Ps. vi. 7. This sorrow in addition to his pain was not caused in him for the first time by writing down the discourses of the prophet, but was rather thus freshened and increased. The answer of the Lord to this sighing is of a stern character, yet soothing for Baruch. The sentence of destruction has been determined on. What the Lord has built He will now destroy : it is not said why, since the reason was sufficiently known from the prophet's utterances. As to the expression in ver. 4, cf. i. 10, xxxi. 28. The destruction regards the whole earth, TiSl N" 1 '"? H^",) ft** " an d as regards the whole earth, it is it," namely that I destroy. On the employment of HS in intro- ducing the subject, cf. Dan. ix. 13, Hag. ii. 5, and Ewald, § 277 d. n?0"'? does not mean " tne wnole l ana 7' but "the w T hole earth : " this is indubitably evident from the parallel " upon all flesh," ver. 5, i.e. the whole of humanity, as in xxv. 31. The sentence is passed on all the earth, in accordance with the announcement made in chap. xxv. 15 ff. — Ver. 5. But when the judgment extends over the whole of humanity, an individual man cannot ask for anything great. " To seek for great things," i.e. to ask for things which in general or under certain circumstances are unattainable (cf. Ps. cxxxi. 1), is here used with reference to worldly prosperity. When the whole world is visited with judgment, an individual man must not make great demands, but be content with saving his life. This is promised to Baruch in ver. 5b, to alleviate his pain CHAP. XLVI.-LI. 173 and sorrow. " To give life to any one for booty," means to let him escape with his life; cf. xxi. 9, xxxviii. 2, xxxix. 18. In the words, "in all places whither thou shalt go," it is in- timated that he will be obliged to avoid destruction by flight, but will thereby save his life. IV. PROPHECIES DIRECTED AGAINST FOREIGN NATIONS. — CHAP. XLVI.-LI. Like Amos, Isaiah, and Ezekiel, Jeremiah has uttered pre- dictions concerning a number of heathen nations, and incor- porated them with the collection of his prophecies regarding Judah and Israel. But while in Amos the utterances regarding: six nations round about the kingdom of God, as representatives of the whole heathen world, merely pave the way for announcing judgment on Judah and Israel, and are given for the purpose of teaching the necessity for judgment on the whole world that is opposed to God, in order that the kingdom of God may be advanced ; Isaiah, on the other hand, when the power of Assyria appeared against the kingdom of God, brought for- ward the thought, in a pretty long series of oracles against the nations, chap, xiii.-xxiii., that all kingdoms and peoples, cities and men of the world that had apostatized from God, and still continued in apostasy, shall be humbled, and compelled by judgments inflicted on them to seek refuge with the God of Israel, — to submit to Him, and to offer their gifts for the establishment of His kingdom ; and he concludes this announce- ment with an apocalyptic description of the judgment on the whole earth, and the consummation of the kingdom of God in glory, chap, xxiv.-xxvii. The object aimed at by Ezekiel and Jeremiah in their oracles against the heathen nations is more specific. Ezekiel, in view of the destruction of Jerusalem and the kingdom of Judah, directs a series of oracles against seven nations ; and in these addresses he predicts the destruction of the heathen world, and the fall of all heathen powers into Shcol, in order that these may not exult over the fall of the people of God, but rather, in the judgment on Israel, recognise the omnipotence and justice of the Lord, the Judge of -all the earth. And Jeremiah, in his addresses to the nations, chap. 174 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. xlvi.-li., merely brings out more fully the execution of that sentence which he had already proclaimed (chap, xxv.) to all the peoples and kingdoms of the earth, shortly before the appear- ance of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon in the fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign. The multitude of nations and tribes, far and near, to which, in xxv. 17-26, he gives the cup of the divine wrath out of Jahveh's hand, is in chap, xlvi.— li. reduced to nine nations ; and these are named in such order, that here, as there (chap, xxv.), Egypt heads the list (chap, xlvi.), while Babylon closes it (chap. 1., li.). Of the rest of these nations, those related to Israel, viz. Moabites, Ammon- ites, and Edomites, have special prophecies addressed to them, chap, xlviii. and xlix. 1—22 ; but the others are more sum- marily addressed. Thus, in the oracle pronounced against the Philistines, the Phoenicians also (Tyre and Sidon) are threat- ened with extermination (chap, xlvii.) ; the many Arabian tribes severally named in chap. xxv. are comprehended under the general designations "Kedar" and "the kingdoms of Hazor " (xlix. 28—33) ; while the kingdoms of the north are represented by Damascus (xlix. 23-27), and the distant nations of the east (Media and Elam) by Elam, xlix. 34-39. Ewald, Hitzig, Graf, and Nagelsbacli would account for several smaller nations being taken together in one prophecy, on the ground that the prophet wished to make out the signifi- cant number seven, — just as Amos (i. 1-ii. 5) brings forward seven kingdoms before his address is directed to Israel, and as Ezekiel also has arranged his prophecies against the nations in accordance with the number seven. But though the number seven plainly appears in Amos and Ezekiel, such an assumption cannot be established in the case of Jeremiah. To make out this number, the oracles against Elam and' Babylon are viewed as later additions, on the ground that both of them are connected with the first vears of the reism of Zedekiah. But the assertion that the first seven belong to the fourth year of Jehoiakim cannot be proved. The second prophecy regarding Egypt (xlvi. 14-28), and that against the Philistines (chap, xlvii.), contain, in their headings, indications of the time of composition, which do not point to the fourth year of Jehoiakim. With this also accords the remark further brought to bear on the alleged CHAP. XLVI.-LI. 175 composition of those seven prophecies in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, — that this follows, not merely from the general agreement of their contents with chap. xlvi. as well as with chap, xxv., but also from the fact that " the same expressions which the prophet uses in chap. xxv. with reference to the judgment of all nations, are re-echoed in chap, xlvi.-xlix. 33 : e.g. cf. xxv. 31, 34, with xlvi. 10; xxv. 35 with xlvi. 5, 6; xxv. 29, 31, with xlvii. 6, 7 ; and particularly xxv. 28, 29, with xlix. 12 (Caspari on Obadiah, p. 16) : cf. also xxv. 27 with xlviii. 26 ; xxv. 30 with xlviii. 33 ; xxv. 34 with xlix. 20 ; xxv. 38 with xlix. 19 and xlvi. 16." For, of all these passages, none belongs to the second prophecy against Egypt (xlvi. 14-28), and to that against the Philistines (chap, xlvii.), except the last-quoted passage, xlvi. 16, in which the expression rui'H n"in agrees with xxv. 38, if in the latter passage we read 2^n for pin. But this expression is also repeated in the oracle against Babylon, 1. 16; so that no proof can be drawn, from a consideration of the language employed, to show that the prophecies against Egypt (xlvi. 14-28) and against the Philistines (chap, xlvii.) belong to the same time, as has been supposed. And the assertion that the prophecy against Elam forms an appendix to those which precede, could have been made only by a mind in a state of perplexity. Its position, after that against the Arabian tribes, and before that against Babylon, exactly agrees with the place occupied by Elam in xxv. 5. 1 1 From the above statement, the propriety and correctness of arrange- ment among these oracles in the Hebrew text will both be aj>parent. On the other hand, the transposition made in the Greek text of the LXX. (already- referred to hi the note on p. 33 of vol. i.) is characterized, even by Ewald and II itzig, as "arbitrary" and "in correct." Ewald remarks : "We cannot find that any other principle was acted upon in their arrangement than that the large portion about Babylon, chap. 1. if., should be made as prominent as possible; the small piece about the Elamites which precedes it, xlix. 34-39, was put the very first, probably because it was thought desirable that, seeing they were then under Persian rule, what plainly referred to Persia should be made conspicuous; the portion directed against the Babylonians was then placed immediately after that referring to Egypt; that referring to the Philistines was then put in its place, but that referring to Edom, as being longer, was inserted after it ; then the three small pieces on Amnion, Kedar, and Damascus were put together, while the large one about Moab con- cluded this much-distorted series." But the assertion of Movers and Hitzig 176 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. When we examine the contents of these nine oracles, we find that the one against Babylon differs from all the preceding in this, that it announces not merely the ruin of Babylon, but also the salvation of Israel ; but this peculiarity is the very point in which it agrees with the prophecies against Egypt, of which the second ends with a promise in Israel's favour (xlvi. 27, 28). This correspondence shows us that we cannot separate the pro- phecy regarding Babylon from the others, or even place it in contrast with them. Egypt and Babylon were, at that time, the two great powers of this world which sought to oppress and destroy the kingdom of God. The fall of one or the other of these powers was thus for Israel a pledge that they would be preserved and saved. In the remaining oracles, the reference to the theocracy is quite placed in the background. Only in that against Ammon do we meet with the complaint that it had taken possession of the cities of Israel, as if Israel had no heir (xlix. 1). In the others there is no mention made of offence against the theocracy, but only of pride, arrogance, and carnal reliance on their earthly power, for which they shall be humbled and punished. Further, it is to be observed that the oracles against Egypt, Moab, Ammon, and Elam conclude with the pro- mise of restoration at the end of the days, i.e. in the Messianic future (cf. xlvi. 26, xlviii. 47, xlix. 6 and 39). All these things plainly show that these oracles against the people merely repeat, in greater detail, the sentence already pronounced, chap, xxv., against all nations : God the Lord has appointed the king of Babylon to execute this sentence, and for this end will give him, in the immediate future, and till his appointed time shall end, supremacy over the nations ; after that, Babylon also shall — that this arrangement in the Greek text did not originate with the trans- lator, but was found in the original, and that, too (according to Movers), at the time of Alexander's campaign against Persia — rests on critical conjec- tures regarding chap. xlvi. 27, 28, which are decidedly erroneous. More- over, the insertion of these oracles into the middle of chap, xxv., between vers. 13 and 15, in the LXX. text, is due to the arbitrary conduct of the Alexandrine translator, as even Hitzig allows that whoever arranged the chapter did not find it in a fragmentary condition, but had himself dismem- bered it. Yet Hitzig is of opinion that these oracles originally belonged to somewhere about chap, xxv., — a view that rests on grounds which, in the note on p. 376 ff. of vol. i., we have already shown to be untenable. CHAP. XLVI. 1, 2. 177 succumb to the sentence of ruin passed on it ; and for Israel, with the deliverance from Babylon, there will arise a state of prosperity in which all nations will afterwards participate. In giving details with regard to these announcements of judgment, Jeremiah throughout falls back on the expressions of the older prophets, just as he does in his prophecies regarding Israel and Judah ; these expressions he reproduces in a manner suited to the circumstances of his time, and still further developes. Cf. the collection of these references in Kueper on Jeremiah, p. 79 ff. ; see further the proofs given in the following commentary on each particular case. Chap. xlvi. On Egypt. Vers. 1 and 2. Superscriptions. — Ver. 1 contains the title for the whole collection of prophecies regarding the nations (D^ian, as contrasted with Israel, mean the heathen nations), chap, xlvi.— li. As to the formula, " What came as the word of Jahveh to Jeremiah," etc., cf. the remarks on xiv. 1. — In ver. 2, the special heading of this chapter begins with the word D^XO?. C !"]VP is subordinated by b to the general title, — properly, " with regard to Egypt : " cf. nxioS, etc., xlviii. 1, xlix. 1, 7, 23, 28, also xxiii. 9. This chapter contains two prophecies regarding Egypt, vers. 2-12, and vers. 13-28. tnXB& refers to both. After this there follows an account of the occasion for the first of these two prophecies, in the words, " Concerning the army of Pharaoh-Necho, the king of Egypt, which was at the river Euphrates, near Carchemish, which Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah." 133, as in 2 Chron. xxxv. 20, or H33, as in 2 Kings xxiii. 29, in LXX. Ne-^ado', Egyptian, according to Brugsch (Hist. oTEgypte, i. p. 252), Nekdou ; in Herodotus NeKco'i, — is said by Manetho to have been the sixth king of the twenty-sixth (Saite) dynasty, the second Pharaoh of this name, the son of Psammetichus I., and grandson of Necho I. Brugsch 7 o O says he reigned from 611 to 595 B.C. See on 2 Chron. xxiii. 29. The two relative clauses are co-ordinate, i.e. i^. in each case depends on Tjn. The first clause merely states where Pharaoh's army was, the second tells what befell it at the Euphrates. It is to this that the following prophecy refers. VOL. II. M 178 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Pharaoh-Necho, soon after ascending the throne, in the last year of Josiah's reign (610 B.C.), had landed in Palestine, at the bay of Acre, with the view of subjugating Hither Asia as far as the Euphrates, and had defeated and slain King Josiah, who marched out against him. He next deposed Jehoahaz, whom the people had raised to the throne as Josiah's successor, and carried him to Egypt, after having substituted Eliakim, the elder brother of Jehoahaz, and made him his vassal-king, under the name of Jehoiakim. When he had thus laid Judah under tribute, he advanced farther into Syria, towards the Euphrates, and had reached Carchemish on that river, as is stated in this verse : there his army was defeated by Nebuchadnezzar, in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim (606 B.C.) ; see on 2 Kings xxiii. 29 f. Carchemish is KipKrjaLov, Circesium, or Cer- cusium of the classical writers, 1 Arabic tU^ai j==>, a fortified city at the junction of the Chebar with the Euphrates, built on the peninsula formed by the two rivers (Ammian. Marc, xxiii. 5, Procop. hell. Pers. ii. 5, and Marasc. under Karkesijd). All that now remains of it are ruins, called by the modern Arabs Abu Psera, and situated on the Mesopotamian side of the Euphrates, where that river is joined by the Chebar (Ausland, 1864, S. 1058). This fortress was either taken, or at least besieged, by Necho. The statement, " in the fourth year of Jehoiakim," can be referred exegetically only to the time of the defeat of the Egyptians at Carchemish, or the year of the battle, and is actually so understood by most interpreters. No one but Niebuhr (Gesch. Ass. u. Bab. S. 59, 86, 370 ff.) alters the date of the battle, which he places in the third year of Jehoiakim, partly from consideration of Dan. i. 1, partly from other chronological calculations ; he would refer the date given in our verse to the time when the following song was composed or published. But Dan. i. 1 does not necessarily require us to make any such assumption (see on that passage), and the other chronological computations are quite uncertain. Exegetically, it is as impossible to insert a period after " which Nebuchad- nezzar the king of Babylon smote " (Nieb. p. 86, note 3), as to 1 See the opinion of Rawlinson in Smith's Bible Dictionary, vol. i. p. 278. — Tb. CHAP. XLVI. 3—12. 179 connect the date " in the fourth year of Jehoiakim " with u which word came to Jeremiah " (ver. 1). The title in ver. 1 certainly does riot refer specially to the prophecy about Egypt, but to DiBiTvJJ. But if we wished to make the whole of ver. 2 dependent on 'til 131 !"Pn "IK'K, which would, at all events, be a forced, unnatural construction, then, from the combination of the title in ver. 1 with the specification of time at the end of ver. 2, it would follow that all the prophecies regarding the nations had come to Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, — which would contradict what is said in the heading to the oracle against Elam (xlix. 34), not to mention the oracle against Babylon. Moreover, there is nothing to prevent us from assuming that the first prophecy against Egypt was revealed to Jeremiah, and uttered by him, in the same fourth year of Jehoiakim in which Necho was defeated by Nebuchadnezzar. In this way, the argument brought forward by Niebuhr in support of his forced interpretation, viz. that all specifications of time in the addresses of Jeremiah refer to the period of com- position, loses all its force. In xlv. 1 also, and in li. 9, the time when the event occurred coincides with the time when the utterance regarding it was pronounced. Although we assume this to hold in the case before us, yet it by no means follows that what succeeds, in vers. 3-12, is not a prophecy, but a song or lyric celebrating so important a battle, " the picture of an event that had already occurred," as Niebuhr, Ewald, and Hitzig assume. This neither follows from the statement in the title, " which Nebuchadnezzar in the fourth year of Jehoiakim smote," nor from the contents of the succeeding address. The superscription does not naturally belong to what Jeremiah has said or uttered, but must have been prefixed, for the first time, only when the address was committed to writing and inserted in the collection, and this not till after the battle had been fought ; but it is evident that the address is to be viewed as substantially a prophecy (see vers. 6b and 10b), although Jeremiah depicts, in the most lively and dramatic way, not merely the preparation of the mighty host, ver. 3, and its formidable advance, vers. 7-9, but also its flight and annihilation, in ver. 5 and vers. 10-12. Ver. 3. " Prepare shield and target, and advance to the battle. Ver. 4. Yoke the horses [to. the chariots] ; mount the 180 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. steeds, and stand with helmets on ; polish the spears, put on the armour. Ver. 5. Why do I see? they are terrified and turned back, and their heroes are beaten, and flee in flight, and do not turn : terror is round about, saith Jahveh. Ver. 6. Let not the swift one flee, nor let the hero escape ; towards the north, by the side of the river Euphrates, they stumble and fall. Ver. 7. Who is this that cometh up like the Nile % his waters wave like the rivers. Ver. 8. Egypt cometh up like the Nile, [his] waters are moved like the rivers ; and he saith, I will go up, I will cover the earth ; I will destroy the city, and those who dwell in it. Ver. 9. Go up, ye horses ; and drive furiously, ye chariots ; and let the heroes go forth ; Cushites and Phutites, bearing the shield ; and Lydians, handling [and] bending the bow. Ver. 10. But that day [belongs] to the Lord Jahveh of hosts, a day of vengeance for avenging Himself on His enemies : and the sword shall devour and be satisfied, and shall drink its fill of their blood ; for the Lord Jahveh of hosts holdeth a slaying of sacrifices in the land of the north at the river Euphrates. Ver. 11. Go up to Gilead, and take balsam, O virgin, daughter of Egypt : in vain hast thou multi- plied medicines ; cure there is none for thee. Ver. 12. The nations have heard of thine ignominy, and thy cry hath filled the earth : for heroes stumble against heroes, both of them fall together." This address falls into two strophes, vers. 3-6 and 7-12. In both are depicted in a lively manner, first the advance of the Egyptian host to the battle, then their flight and destruction. The whole has been arranged so as to form a climax : in the first strophe, the admirable equipment of the armies, and their sudden flight and defeat, are set forth in brief sentences ; in the second, there is fully described not merely the powerful advance of the host that covers the earth, but also the judgment of inevitable destruction passed on them by God : the reason for the whole is also assigned. Ver. 3 f. In order to represent the matter in a lively way, the description begins with the call ad- dressed to the army, to make ready for the battle. " Make ready shield and target," the two main pieces of defensive armour. I JO was the small [round] shield ; nay, scutum, the large shield, covering the whole body. " Advance to the fight," i.e. go for- CHAP. XLVI. 3-12. 181 ward into the battle. Then the address turns to the several portions of the army : first to those who fight from chariots, who are to yoke the horses ; then to the horsemen, to mount the steeds. CEH3 are not horsemen, but riding-horses, as in 1 Kings v. 6, x. 26, Ezek. xxvii. 14. i"6y is construed with the accus., as in Gen. xlix. 4. The rendering given by Dahler and Umbreit, " Mount, ye horsemen," and that of Hitzig, " Advance, ye horsemen," are against the parallelism ; and the remark of the last-named writer, that " Mount the steeds " would be Cpl, does not accord with 1 Sam. xxx. 17. Next, the address is directed to the foot - soldiers, who formed the main portion of the army. These are to take up their posi- tion with helmets on, to polish the spears, i.e. to sharpen them, and to put on the pieces of armour, in order to be arrayed for battle, p"}®, to rub, polish, remove rust from the spear, and thereby sharpen it. jVHD, here and in li. 3 for tf" 1 "}^, a coat of mail, pieces of armour. — Vers. 5, 6. Thus well arrayed, the host advances to the fight ; but suddenly the seer perceives the magnificent army terror-stricken, retreating, and breaking out into a disorderly flight. The question, " Why (wherefore) do I see ? " points to the unexpected and incompre- hensible turn in the progress of events. D^rin nran is not an accus. dependent on W^? Dut an independent clause : " What do I see? They are terror-stricken" (Q^n, terrified, broken- spirited through terror). W3J, Hoph. from J*iri3 7 to be broken, here and in Job iv. 20 applied to persons. DiJD is added to the verb instead of the inf. abs., to give emphasis to the idea con- tained in the word ; cf. Ewald, § 281, a. MSB niJD ? « horror, terror around " (cf. vi. 25), is taken by Ewald as the reply of Jahveh to the question, " Wherefore is this ? On every side there is danger ; " and this is appropriately followed by the imperatives in ver. 6, " Let no one, then, attempt to flee ; not one shall escape to Egypt, but they must fall at the Euphrates." The perfects vS31 ix'3 are prophetic; the stumbling and falling are as certain as if they had already happened. The second strophe commences at ver. 7. The description begins anew, and that with a question of astonishment at the mighty host advancing like the Nile when it bursts its banks and inundates the whole country. "KP is the name of the Nile, taken from 182 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the Egyptian into the Hebrew language ; cf. Gen. xli. ff., Ex. i. 22, etc. &}!$)>), dash about (v. 22), wave backwards and for- wards : the Hithpa. is here interchanged with the Hithpo. with- out any difference of meaning. — Ver. 8 brings the answer to the question of astonishment : " Egypt approaches, its hosts cover the land like the waves of the Nile, to destroy cities and men." On the form HTHX (with k contracted from XX), cf. Ewald, § 192, d; Gesenius, § 68, Rem. 1. "VV is used in an in- definite general sense, " cities," as in viii. 16. — In ver. 9, the imperat. stands as in ver. 3 f . : " Let the formidable army approach, — cavalry, chariots, and infantry, with all their splendidly equipped auxiliaries, — nevertheless it shall perish." D^plDn VV does not here mean " Mount the steeds," which is against the parallelism, but " Get up (i.e. prance), ye horses ; " this meaning is guaranteed by the Hiphil npy», as used in Nah. iii. 3. 23^n I7?nrin is an imitation of Nah. ii. 5. As auxiliaries, and very braves one too (D'Hiaa)^ are mentioned " Cush," i.e. the Ethiopians ; u Phut," the Libyans ; and " Ludim," i.e. Hamitic, African Lydians, as in Ezek. xxx. 5. On the double construct in T)W\) "SVI "^sn, " holding, bending bows," cf. Ew. § 280, c. — Ver. 10. This formidable army shall perish ; for the day of the battle is the day of the Lord of hosts, on which He will take vengeance upon His enemies. Among these enemies are the Egyptians, who have grievously sinned against Israel, the people of the Lord, not merely of late, by making war upon and killing King Josiah, by carrying away Jehoahaz, and making Jehoiakim his vassal, but also from the earliest times. For this, Egypt is now to be brought low. The sword shall devour and be refreshed by drinking the blood of the Egyptians. For the Lord is preparing for a slaying of sacrifices ( n ?J) in the north, at the Euphrates. Isa. xxxiv. 6 forms the basis of these words. — Ver. 11. The blow which shall there come on the Egyptians is one from which they shall never recover, and the wound shall be one not to be healed by any balm. As to the balm of Gilead, see on viii. 22 ; on nixa"i and ibVft, see xxx. 13. " Virgin daughter of Egypt " is equivalent to virgin-like people of Egypt, i.e. not hitherto forced, but now ravished, violated, so that all nations shall hear of the dishonour done them, and their cry shall fill the whole earth, for (as at the conclusion, CHAP. XLVI. 13-28. 183 the threat is added by way of confirmation) all the heroes of Egypt stumble and fall. ">i3J2 "lis?, " hero against hero," i.e. one against another, or over the others, as usually happens in a flight where confusion reigns ; cf. Jer. xxvi. 37. Vers. 13-28. The second prophecy regarding Egypt, with a message for Israel attached to it, was uttered after the pre- ceding.- This is evident even from the superscription, ver. 13 : " The word which Jahveh spake to Jeremiah the prophet of the coming of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon to smite the land of Egypt." The formula, "The word which," etc., agrees with that in 1. 1 ; and 1?1, in contrast with • njn ? the word usually met with in headings, perhaps means that this prophecy, like that concerning Babylon, was not uttered in public by Jeremiah, but only written down. Ni37 is used in reference to the coming of Nebuchadrezzar to smite the land. Graf puts down this heading as an addition, not made till a late edition of the prophecies was brought out, and even then added through a mistake on the part of the compiler. In support of this, he urges that the announcement in vers. 14-26 does not form an independent . prophecy, but merely constitutes the second portion of the description given in vers. 3-12 of the defeat of the Egyptians. But the ground assigned for this view, viz. that if this prophecy formed a separate and distinct piece, written at another time, then Jeremiah would have pre- dicted the conquest of the other countries, Philistia, Moab, Amnion, etc., in consequence of the battle of Carchemish ; and as regards Egypt, would have contented himself with a triumphal song over its fall — which is in itself unlikely : this argument is utterly null. It has no meaning whatever ; for vers. 3-12 contain, not a triumphal song over a defeat that had already taken place, but a prophecy regarding the defeat about to take place. To this the prophet added a second pro- phecy, in which he once more announces beforehand to Egypt that it shall be conquered. In this way, more is foretold regarding Egypt than the neighbouring countries, because Egypt was of much greater consequence, in relation to the theocracy, than Philistia, Moab, etc. According to the super- scription, this second prophecy refers to the conquest of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar. According to xxxvii. 5, this did not 184 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. take place so long as Zedekiah was king; and according to xliii. 8 ff., it was foretold by Jeremiah, after the destruction of Jerusalem, when the Jews were fleeing to Egypt after the murder of Gedaliah. From this, one might conclude, with Nagelsbach, that the piece now before us is contemporaneous with xliii. 8 ff. But this inference is not a valid one. The threat uttered in xliii. 8 ff. of a conquest to befall Egypt had a special occasion of its own, and we cannot well regard it in any other light than as a repetition of the prophecy now before us, for the Jews ; for its contents seem to show that it was composed not long after that in vers. 3-12, or soon after the defeat of the Egyptians at Carchemish. This address also falls into two strophes, vers. 14-19 and vers. 20-2G, while vers. 27, 28 form an additional message for Israel. The line of thought is this : Egypt may arm herself as she chooses, but her power shall fall, and her auxiliaries shall flee (vers. 14-16). Pharaoh's fall is certain ; the enemy shall come in force, and turn all Egypt into a desert (vers. 17-19). The destroyer comes from the north, the mercenaries flee, and the enemy hews down countless hosts of men like trees in a forest (vers. 20-23J. Egypt will be given into the hand of the people out of the north ; for Jahveh will punish gods, princes, and people, and deliver up Egypt to the king of Babylon. But afterwards, Egypt will again be inhabited as it was before (vers. 24-26). On the other hand, Israel need fear nothing, for their God will lead them back out of their captivity (vers. 27, 28). Ver. 14. "Tell ye it in Egypt, and make it to be heard in Migdol, and make it be heard in Noph and Tahpanhes : say, Stand firm, and prepare thee; for the sword hath devoured around thee. Ver. 15. Why hath thy strong one been swept away? he stood not, for Jahveh pushed him down. Ver. 16. He made many stumble, yea, one fell on another; and they said, Arise, and let us return to our own people, and to the land of our birth, from before the oppressing sword. Ver. 17. They cried there, Pharaoh the king of Egypt is undone ; he hath let the appointed time pass. Ver. 18. As I live, saith the King, whose name is Jahveh of hosts, Surely as Tabor among the mountains, and as Carmel by the sea, shall he come. Ver. 19. Prepare thee things for exile, O daughter dwelling in CHAP. XLVI. 14-19. 185 Egypt : for Noph will become a desolation, and be destroyed by fire, without an inhabitant." Like the last prophecy, this one also begins with the sum- mons to arms (ver. 14), in order to prepare the way for the description given immediately afterwards of the defeat (ver. 15 ff.). The summons to make the proclamation is addressed to some persons not named, who are to announce through the country, particularly in the frontier towns and in the northern capital of Egypt, that the foe, in his devastating career, has advanced to the borders of the land. This is evident from the clause which states the reason : " The sword hath devoured what lay round thee." Regarding Migdol, i.e. Magdolos, and Tahpanhes, i.e. Daphne, the two frontier towns in the north, and Noph, i.e. Memphis, the northern capital of the kingdom, see on ii. 16 and xliv. 1. ^TJ), Ezek. xxxv. 11, are plainly nouns in the singular. And in support of the averment that, in pausal forms with Segol, the i is a mere mater lectionis, only TB3, Prov. vi. 1, can be adduced : the other instances brought forward by Hitzig fail to establish his position. For V£&, Deut. xxviii. 48, may be plural; WS Gen. xvi. 5, is far from being a case in point, for the pre- position often takes plural suffixes; and even in the case of ^TDn, Ps. xvi. 10, the * is marked in the Qeri as superfluous; most codices, too, rather give the form T^pH. But even in the verse now before us, many codices, according to Kennicott and de Rossi, read 1T?£> so that the word should perhaps be taken as a singular. The singulars, however, which occur in the following clauses do not form conclusive proofs of this, since they may be taken in a distributive sense; and more generally the address often suddenly changes from the plural to the singular. In connection with the possibility of taking T?2i? as a singular, the paraphrase of the LXX. deserves men- tion and consideration, 6 /xoct^o 1 ? 6 e/cXe/cro? aov, to which a gloss adds 6 * Aires. But we cannot agree with Kennicott, J. D. Michaelis, Ewald, Hitzig, Graf, and Nagelsbach, in holding this as certainly the correct rendering ; nor can we give to "V2X the sense of " bull," for this meaning is not made out for the singular simply because the plural is used of strong bulls : this holds especially in Jeremiah, who constantly applies the plural CHAP. XLVI. 14-19. 187 to strong steeds. Still less ground is there for appealing to the fact that Jahveh is repeatedly called b$yP I^K or T3K Sipg^j Gen. xlix. 24, Isa. i. 24, xlix. 2$, etc. ; for this epithet of Jahveh (who shows Himself in or towards Israel as the Mighty One) cannot be applied to the helpless images of Apis. In Ps. lxviii. 31, ^Tr 1 ^ means "strong ones" — bulls as emblems of kin^s. If the word be used here with such a reference, it may be singular or plural. In the former case it would mean the king ; in the latter, the king with his princes and magnates. Against the application of the word to the images of Apis, there is the fact that Apis, a symbol of Osiris, was neither the only nor the chief god of Egypt, but was worshipped nowhere except in Memphis (Herodotus, ii. 153) ; hence it was not suited to be the representative of the gods or the power of Egypt, as the context of the present passage requires. — Ver. 16. As the mighty one of Egypt does not stand, but is thrust down by God, so Jahveh makes many stumble and fall over one another, so that the strangers return to their own home in order to escape the violence of the sword. The subject of npN'l is indefinite ; the speakers, however, are not merely the hired soldiers or mercenaries (ver. 11), or the allied nations (Ezek. xxx. 5), but strangers generally, who had been living in Egypt partly for the sake of commerce, partly for other reasons (Hitzig, Graf). As to n:i s n 2717, see on xxv. 38. — In ver. 17, " they cry there " is not to be referred to those who fled to their native land ; the subject is undefined, and " there " refers to the place where one falls over the other, viz. Egypt. " There they cry, ' Pharaoh the king of Egypt is pXC>, desola- tion, destruction, ruin : ' " for this meaning, cf. xxv. 31, Ps. xl. 3; the signification "noise, bustle," is unsuitable here. 1 1 The word DC> has been read by the LXX. and the Vulgate as if it had been Dt^, ouopx, nomen ; accordingly the LXX. render, xxhioctTe to 6'uo/ax xpxu Nsx,xa, fixolhia; A!yv7nov, Ixuv 'E<;/3s< 'E^iysjS (or 'E<7/3f/s Mw^B) ; Vulgate, vocate nomen Pharaonis regis JEyypti: Tumultum adduxit tempus. This reading is preferred by J. D. Michaelis, Ewald, Hitzig, and Graf, •with this difference, that Hitzig and Graf take only jiXu' as a name. Hence Ewald translates, " They call Pharaoh's name ' Noise-which-a-wink- can-hush.'" This rendering is decidedly false, for ~lJ?io nowhere has the sense of "wink, nod," not even in Judg. xx. 38, where it means an agreement 188 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. The meaning of *WE>n l^n also is disputed ; it is quite in- admissible, however, to join the words with |iKE>, as Ewald does, for the purpose of making out a name. No suitable meaning can be extracted from them. Neither f^f nor "Wis? can be the subject of l^yn ; the translation given by Schnur- rer, " devastation that goes beyond all bounds," is still more arbitrary than that of Ewald given in the note. Since the Hiphil "^yn is never used except with a transitive meaning, the subject can be none else than Pharaoh ; and the words "Wten Tayn must be intended to give the reason for his be- •v:iv O coming a desolation : they are thus to be rendered, " he has allowed ^i»n to pass by," not "the precise place," as Rosen- miiller explains it (" he did not stop in his flight at the place where the army could be gathered again, on the return"), but " the precise time." The reference, however, is not to the suitable time for action, for self-defence and for driving off the enemy (Grotius, C. B. Michaelis, Maurer, Umbreit), be- cause the word does not mean suitable, convenient time, but appointed time. As Hitzig rightly perceived, the time meant is that within which the desolation might still be averted, and after which the judgment of God fell on him (Isa. x. 25, xxx. 18), — the time of grace which God had vouchsafed to him, so that Nebuchadnezzar did not at once, after the victory at Carchemish, invade and conquer Egypt. Pharaoh let this time pass by ; because, instead of seeing in that defeat a judgment from God, he provoked the anger of Nebuchadnezzar by his repeated attacks on the Chaldean power, and brought on the invasion of Egypt by the king of Babylon (see above, p. 155). made. For the reading QtJJ instead of Q& there are no sufficient grounds, T although such passages as xx. 3 and Isa. xxx. 7 may be adduced in support of the idea obtained by such a change in the word. The translation of the LXX. is merely a reproduction of the Hebrew words by Greek letters, and shows that the translator did not know how to interpret them. The Vul- gate rendering, tumult um adduxit tempus, is also devoid of meaning. More- over, these translators have read !|{Op as the imperative }}Op ; if we reject this reading, as all moderns do, then we may also lay no weight on Qiy instead of QjjJ. Besides, the meaning is not materially affected by this T reading, for the giving of a name to a person merely expresses what he is or will be. CHAP. XLVI. 20-26. 189 — In ver. 18 f. there is laid down a more positive foundation for the threat uttered in ver. 17. With an oath, the Lord an- nounces the coming of the destroyer into Egypt. Like Tabor, which overtops all the mountains round about, and like Carmel, which looks out over the sea as if it were a watch-tower, so will he come, viz. he from whom proceeds the devastation of Egypt, the king of Babylon. The power of Nebuchadnezzar, in respect of its overshadowing all other kings, forms the point of comparison. Tabor has the form of a truncated cone. Its height is given at 1805 feet above the level of the sea, or 1350 from the surface of the plain below ; it far surpasses in height all the hills in the vicinity, and affords a wide prospect on every side; cf. Robinson's Phys. Geogr. of Palestine, p. 26 f. Carmel stretches out in the form of a long ridge more than three miles wide, till it terminates on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, as a bold, lofty promontory, which rises in an imposing manner at least 500 feet above the sea ; cf. Robinson, p. 26 f. Then the inhabitants of Egypt will be driven into exile, rpij ^a, ** vessels of wandering ; " outfit for an exile, as in Ezek. xii. 3. " Daughter of Egypt " is not a personification of the country, whose inhabitants are the people, but of the population, which is viewed as the daughter of the country ; it stands in apposition to rDBty, like 0^0 J"fl rfona, ver. 11. For Noph, i.e. Memphis, the capital, is laid waste and burned, so as to lose its inhabit- ants. With ver. 20 begins the second strophe, in which the fate impending on Egypt is still more plainly predicted. Ver. 20. " Egypt is a very beautiful young heifer ; a gadfly from the north comes — comes. Ver. 21. Her mercenaries, too, in her midst, are like fatted calves; for they also turn their backs, they flee together: they do not stand, for the day of her destruc- tion is come on her, the time of her visitation. Ver. 22. Its sound is like [that of] the serpent [as it] goes ; for they go with an army, and come against her with axes, like hewers of trees. Ver. 23. They cut down her forest, saith Jahveh, for it is not to be searched ; for they are more numerous than locusts, and they cannot be numbered. Ver. 24. The daughter of Egypt is disgraced ; she is given into the hand of the people of the north. Ver. 25. Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel, saith, Behold, I will visit Amon of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, her gods, and 190 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. her kings ; Pharaoh, and all those who trust in him. Ver. 26. And I will give them into the hand of those who seek their life, even into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and into the hand of his servants ; but afterwards it shall be inhabited, as in the days of old, saith Jahveh." In ver. 20 the address begins afresh, in order to carry out further, under new images, the description of the desolation already threatened. Egypt is a very beautiful npjy ; this feminine is chosen with a regard to " the daughter of Egypt." n>sns» is an adjective formed from the Peal of ns), "very beautiful," not "coquetting" (Hitzig, who follows the iceicak- Xco7ria-fjb6V7} of the LXX.). A very beautiful heifer is the people when carefully and abundantly fed in their beautiful and fertile land (Hitzig). Upon this heifer there comes from the north pp. This air. Xey. is variously rendered. Y1? T means, in the Hebrew, to pinch, nip (Job xxxiii. 6), to compress together, as in winking (Ps. xxxv. 19), to bring the lips closely / / / together (Prow xvi. 30), and to nip off ; cf. ^pl to pinch, nip, cut off. Hence A. Schultens (Orig. Heb. ii. 34 sqq.), after Cocceius, and with a reference to Virgil, Georg. iii. 147, has rendered pi? by morsus vellicans oestri. Hitzig (with whom Roediger, in his additions to Gesenius' Thesaurus, agrees) takes ifiXs insectum cimici simile as his warrant for rendering it by oestrus, " the gadfly," which gives a more suitable meaning. Ewald, on the contrary, compares y\p with i^y, and translates it " whale," a huge sea-monster ; but this is quite arbitrary, for y~)p does not correspond to the Arabic ,Jjji, and the whale or shark does not afford any figure that would be suitable for the context : e.g. ver. 21, " her mercenaries also flee," shows that the subject treated of is not the devouring or destruction, but the expulsion of the Egyptians out of their land ; this is put as an addition to what is said about exile in ver. 19. Still less suitable is the general rendering excidium, destruction (Rabbins, Gesenius, Umbreit) ; and there is no lexical foundation for the Vulgate translation stimulator, nor for " taskmaster," the render- ing of J. D. Michaelis and Rosenmuller. The old translators CHAP. XLVI. 20- 26. 191 have only made guesses from the context. The figure of the gadfly corresponds to the bee in the land of Assyria, Isa. vii. 18. The repetition of N*3 gives emphasis, and points either to the certainty of the coming, or its continuance. — Ver. 21. The mercenaries, also, of the daughter of Egypt, well fed, like fatted calves, betake themselves to flight. ^"Otp are ''mer- cenaries," as distinguished from the allies mentioned in ver. 9. It was Carians and Ionians through whom Psammetichus at- tained the supremacy over all Egypt : these had settled down in (rrpa-oireha of their own, between Bubastis and Pelusium, on both banks of the eastern arm of the Nile (Herodotus, ii. 152, 154), and were very well cared for, since the king relied on them (Herod, ii. 152, 163). Hence the comparison with fatted calves, which, moreover, are co-ordinated with the subject, as is shown by the resumption of the subject in nftn D3. '3 stands in the middle of the sentence, with an asseverative meaning : " Yea, these also turn their back, they flee together, do not stand ; for the day of their destruction is come." " The day of their destruction" is used as in xviii. 17. On " the time of their visitation " (which stands in apposition to the preceding expression), cf. xi. 23, xxiii. 12 : it is not an accusative of time (Graf), for this always expresses the idea of continuance during a space of time. In vers. 22, 23, the annihilation of the power of Egypt is portrayed under another figure. A difficult expres- sion is ^ ^33 npipj " her (viz. that of the daughter of Egypt) voice is like (the voice of) the serpent (which) goes." ^ , . must be taken as part of a relative sentence, since this verb is nowhere used of a voice or sound; hence it cannot be so joined here. Ewald, following the avpitpvTcx; of the LXX., would read p~W, " hissing," instead of S|7J, and translates, "it makes a noise like the hissing serpent." He more fully defines the meaning thus : " Even though Egypt were hidden like a serpent in a thicket, 3'et it would be heard in its flight, like a nasty serpent hissing fiercely, while it hurries away from the axe of the wood- cutter." But, apart from the arbitrary change of ^ into P~)V (the former word is used in Gen. iii. 14 of the going, i.e. crawling, of a serpent). Ewald puts into the words an idea alto- gether foreign to them. The nasty, fierce hissing of the serpent that is forced to flee, is quite unsuitable ; for there is no further 192 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. mention made of the flight of the Egyptians, but Egypt is hewn down like a forest by woodcutters. Moreover, as Graf has already well remarked, Egypt is not compared to a serpent, but only its voice to the voice or hiss of a serpent. For b\p signifies, not merely the voice, but any sound, even the rustling and rattling of leaves (cf. Gen. iii. 8, Lev. xxvi. 36, 2 Sam. v. 24) ; hence it may denote the noise caused by a serpent crawling on its belly in the thicket. The comparison, as Graf has correctly observed, is like that in Isa. xxix. 4. There it is the daughter of Zion, but here it is the daughter of Egypt that lies on the ground, deeply humbled ; weeping softly and moaning, making a sound like that of a serpent in a moss among fallen leaves, fleeing before the woodcutters. 1 Thus she lies on the ground, for the enemy comes in force, with axes like woodcutters, to hew down the forest of men in Egypt. The mention of the axes is occasioned by the comparison of the foe to woodcutters ; we are not to think of battle-axes as weapons of the Massagetge, Scythians, Persians, and other nations (Herodotus, i. 215, iv. 70, vii. 64 ; Xenophon, Cyrojped. i. 2, 9). Axes here form the type of murderous weapons generally. On the comparison of a multitude of people to a forest, cf. xxi. 14, Isa. x. 18 f., 33 f. The clause "iprP N7 *3 is referred by L. de Dieu, J. D. Michaelis, Hitzig, Nagelsbach, etc., to the wood, " for it cannot be explored 1 The old translators have quite misunderstood these words, and attempted to apply them, each one according to his own fancy, to the enemy. Thus the LXX. translate : Oai/tj civtuv (D?ip) ag otpia; avpi^ouro;, on iv cL[A{jt,w (7iri2 for 7TQ) vopiVGovTut, x.t.a. Chald. : vox collisionis armorum eorum est sicut vox serpentum repentium; and similarly the Syriac. The Vulgate is: vox ejus quasi aeris (]"l!2Tti for t£TI3) sonabit, quoniam cum exercitu pro- perabunt et cum securibus venient. The translator of the Vulgate has thus read HPip, and referred the suffix to J>"ip, which he renders stimulator. Luther follows the Vulgate : "Siefaren daher, das der Harnisch brasselt, uud kommen mit Heeres Krafft." Hitzig also seeks to change the text, after the LXX., turning n^ip into D?ip, and ^rn into y\r\1- But this alteration t t • - : disturbs the order of the sentence. Not only in vers. 20 and 21, but also in vers. 23, 24, the first clause always treats of Egypt, and what befalls her is only stated in the clauses which follow : so is it in ver. 22. Thus the alteration made affords a very trivial result, viz. that the enemy advancing on Egypt march through the very sandy desert between Gaza and Egypt, and make slow progress, like serpents, because they wade through the sand ; so that they make their appearance suddenly and unexpectedly. CHAP. XLVI. 20-26. 193 i or penetrated ; " thus a road must be made in order to get through it. However, the question is not about the enemy going or marching through Egypt, but about the destruction of Egypt and her powers. Rosenmiiller and Graf, with Raschi, are more correct in referring the clause to the hostile army, u for it cannot be investigated," i.e. it is impossible to learn the num- ber of them. It is no great objection to this interpretation that the verb occurs in the singular : this must be retained as it is, since it is not the individual enemies that cannot be searched out, but it is the number of the whole army that cannot be reckoned. On the employment of IjPn in the Niphal in connec- tion with the impossibility of counting a multitude, cf. 1 Kings vii. 47, and the expression 1j?n N? in Job v. 9, ix. 10, xxxvi. 36. The clauses which follow, and conclude ver. 23, explain the thought further : is used in a neuter sense, as in xvii. 6, xxxiii. 16, etc. Since this verb also signi- fies to settle down, be encamped (Num. xxiv. 2), and to lie quiet, to rest, or keep oneself quiet, inactive (Judg. v. 17 ; Prov. vii. 11), Hitzig and Graf, with Kimchi, give the explanation: "because the power of Egypt shall be broken, it will keep quiet, and remain at home in its own country, instead of march- ing forth and fighting other nations, as it has lately begun again to do (ver. 7) after centuries of peace." But although, in support of this view, we are pointed to Ezek. xxix. 13, where the restoration of Egypt is predicted, with the further remark, " it will be an abject kingdom," yet this idea is not contained in the words of our verse. To render 1?^ by " to keep quiet, be inactive," does not suit the words " as in the days of old." In former days, Egypt was neither inactive nor remained at home in peace in its own land. From the remotest antiquity, the Pharaohs made wars, and sought to enlarge their dominions by conquest. Add to this, that we must view the concluding portion of this prophecy in a manner analogous to the closing thought of the prophecies regarding Moab (xlviii. 47), Amnion (xlix. 6), and Elam (xlix. 39), where the turning of the captivity in the last times is given in prospect to these nations, and" afterwards," in xlix. 6, alternates with " in the latter days " found in xlviii. 47 CHAP. XLVI. 27, 28. 195 and xlix. 39. From this it follows that, in the verse now before us also, it is not the future in general, but the last time, i.e. the Messianic future, that is pointed out ; hence t?E> does not express the peaceful condition of the land, but its being in- habited, in contrast with its depopulation in the immediate future, in consequence of its inhabitants being killed or carried away. On the fulfilment of this threatening, see p. 151 ff. Vers. 27, 28. A promise for Israel. — Ver. 27. " But fear not thou, O my servant Jacob, nor be dismayed : for, behold, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their cap- tivity ; and Jacob shall return, and be at rest and secure, and no one shall make him afraid. Ver. 28. Fear thou not, my servant Jacob, saith Jahveh, for I am with thee ; for I will make complete destruction of all the nations whither I have driven thee, but of thee will I not make complete destruction : yet I will correct thee in a proper manner, and I will not leave thee wholly unpunished." These verses certainly form no integral portion of the prophecy, but an epilogue ; yet they are closely connected with the preceding, and are occasioned by the declaration in ver. 26, that the Lord, when He visits Pharaoh, shall also visit all those who trust in Him. This word, which is directed to Judah, might be understood to declare that it is Judah chiefly which will share the fate of Egypt. In order to prevent such a misconception, Jeremiah adds a word for Israel, which shows how the true Israel has another destiny to hope for. Their deliverer is Jahveh, their God, who certainly punishes them for their sins, gives them up to the power of the heathen, but will also gather them again after their dispersion, and then grant them uninterrupted prosperity. This promise of salvation at the close of the announcement of judgment on Egypt is similar to the promise of salvation for Israel inserted in the threat of judgment against Babylon, 1. 4-7 and 19, 20, li. 5, 6, 10, 35, 36, 45, 46, 50; and this similarity furnishes a proof in behalf of the genuineness of the verse, which is denied by modern critics. For, although what Nagelsbach remarks is quite correct, viz. that the fall of the kingdom of Babylon, through its conquest by Cyrus, directly brought about the deliverance of Israel, while the same cannot be said regarding the conquest of Egypt, yet even Egypt had a much greater 196 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. importance, in relation to Judah, than the smaller neighbouring nations, against which the oracles in chap, xlvii.-xlix. are directed; hence there is no ground for the inference that, because there is nothing said in these three chapters of such a connection between Egypt and Israel, it did not really exist. But when Na>elsbach further asks, " How does this agree with the fact that Jeremiah, on other occasions, while in Egypt, utters only the strongest threats against the Israelites — chap, xlii.-xliv. ? " — there is the ready answer, that the expressions in chap, xlii.-xliv. do not apply to the whole covenant people, but only to the rabble of Judah that was ripe for the sentence of destruction, that had fled to Egypt against the will of God. What Hitzig and Graf have further urged in another place against the genuineness of the verses now before us, is scarcely worth mention. The assertion that the verses do not accord with the time of the foregoing prophecy, and rather presup- pose the exile, can have weight only with those who a priori deny that the prophet could make any prediction. But if Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, distinctly announces not merely the carrying away of Judah to Babylon, but also fixes the duration of the exile at seventy years, then he might well speak at the same time, or later, of the restoration of Israel from their captivity. But there are two other considerations which support the genuineness of these verses : (1) The fact that Hitzig and Graf are obliged to confess it remains a problem how they came to form a part of the oracle against Egypt. The attempt made by the former writer to solve this problem partly rests on the assumption, already refuted by Graf, that the verses were written by the second Isaiah (on this point, see our remarks at p. 7, note), and partly on a combination of results obtained by criticism, in which even their author has little confidence. But (2) we must also bear in mind the nature of the verses in ques- tion. They form a repetition of what we find in xxx. 10, 11, and a repetition, too, quite in the style of Jeremiah, who makes variations in expression. Thus here, in ver. 27, HiPP DK3 is omitted after SipJT, perhaps simply because ver. 26 concludes with nin> DK3 ; again, in ver. 20, 3tpJ£ ^V KIW^K nm is re- peated with nirp DS3 ? which is wanting in xxx. 11. On the CHAP. XLVII. 1. 197 other hand, U^'l? in xxx. 11a, and "HK in xxx. lib, have been dropped ; D^ ; TnfaPBn (xxx. 11) has been exchanged for HOP Tnrnn. Hence Hitzio; has taken the text here to be the t t ' ■ : - ■ O better and the original one ; and on this he founds the supposi- tion that the verses were first placed here in the text, and were only afterwards, and from this passage, inserted in chap. xxx. 10, 11, where, however, they stand in the best connection, and even for that reason could not be a gloss inserted there. Such are some of the contradictions in which critical scepticism involves itself. We have already given an explanation of these verses under chap. xxx. Chap, xlvii. Concerning the Philistines. Ver. 1. Title. — The word of the Lord against the Philistines came to Jeremiah u before Pharaoh smote Gaza." If we un- derstand this time-definition in such a way that a the prophecy would refer to the conquest of Gaza by Pharaoh," as Graf thinks, and as Hitzig also is inclined to suppose, then this portion of the title does not accord with the contents of the following prophecy ; for, according to ver. 2, the devastator of Philistia approaches from the north, and the desolation comes not merely on Gaza, but on all Philistia, and even Tyre and Sidon (vers. 4, 5). Hence Graf thinks that, if any one is inclined to consider the title as utterly incorrect, only two hypotheses are possible : either the author of the title overlooked the statement in ver. 2, that the hostile army was to come from the north ; in which case this conquest might have taken place at any time durins; the wearisome struffffles, fraught with such chancres of fortune, between the Chaldeans and the Egyptians for the possession of the border fortresses, during the reign of Jehoiakim (which is Ewald's opinion) : or he may possibly have noticed the statement, but found no difficulty in it ; in which case, in spite of all opposing considerations (see M. von Niebuhr, Gesch. Assyr. und Bah. p. 369), it must be assumed that the conquest was effected by the defeated army as it was returning from the Euphrates, when Necho, on his march home, reduced Gaza (Hitzig), and by taking this fortress from the enemy, barred the way to Egypt. Of these two alternatives, we can accept neither as probable. The neglect, on the part of the author of 198 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the title, to observe the statement that the enemy is to come from the north, would show too great carelessness for us to trust him. But if he did notice the remark, then it merely follows that Pharaoh must have reduced Gaza on his return, after being defeated at Carchemish. Nor is it legitimate to conclude, as Ewald does, from the statement in 2 Kings xxiv. 7 (" The king of Egypt went no more out of his land ; for the king of Babylon had taken all that had belonged to the king of Egypt, from the river of Egypt unto the river Euphrates "), that the wars between the Chaldeans and the Egyptians for the possession of the border fortresses, such as Gaza, were tedious, and attended with frequent changes of fortune. In the connec- tion in which it stands, this statement merely shows that, after Nebuchadnezzar had made Jehoiakim his vassal, the latter could not receive any help from Egypt in his rebellion, after he had ruled three years, because Pharaoh did not venture to march out of his own territory any more. But it plainly follows from this, that Pharaoh cannot have taken the fortress of Gaza while retreating before Nebuchadnezzar. For, in this case, Nebu- chadnezzar would have been obliged to drive him thence before ever he could have reduced King Jehoiakim again to subjection. The assumption is difficult to reconcile with what Berosus says regarding the campaign of Nebuchadnezzar, viz. that he con- tinued in the field till he heard of the death of his father. Add to this, that, as M. von Niebuhr very rightly says, " there is every military probability against it" (i.e. against the assump- tion that Gaza was reduced by Necho en his retreat). " If this fortress had stood out till the battle of Carchemish, then it is inconceivable that a routed eastern army should have taken the city during its retreat, even though there were, on the line of march, the strongest positions on the Orontes, in Lebanon, etc., where it might have taken its stand." Hence Niebuhr thinks it " infinitely more improbable either that Gaza was conquered before the battle of Carchemish, about the same time as Ashdod, and that Jeremiah, in chap, xlvii., predicts the approach of the army which was still engaged in the neighbourhood of Nineveh ; or that the capture of the fortress did not take place till later, when Nebuchadnezzar was again engaged in Babylon, and that the prophet announces his return, not his first approach." CHAP. XLVII. 1. 199 Rosenmiiller and Nagelsbach have declared in favour of the first of these suppositions. Both of them place the capture of Gaza in the time of Necho's march against the Assyrians under Josiah ; Rosenmiiller before the battle of Megiddo ; Nagels- bach after that encasement, because he assumes, with all modern expositors, that Necho had landed with his army at the Bay of Acre. He endeavours to support this view by the observation that Necho, before marching farther north, sought to keep the way clear for a retreat to Egypt, since he would otherwise have been lost after the battle of Carchemish, if he did not previously reduce Gaza, the key of the high road to Egypt. In this, Nagelsbach rightly assumes that the heading, " before Pharaoh smote Gaza," was not intended to show the fulfilment of the prophecy in the conquest of Gaza by Necho soon afterwards, but merely states that Jeremiah predicts to the Philistines that they will be destroyed by a foe from the north, at a time when conquest by a foe from the north was impend- ing over them. Rightly, too, does Niebuhr remark that, in support of the view that Gaza was taken after the battle at Carchemish, there is nothing more than the announcement of the attack from the north, and the arrangement of the prophecies in Jeremiah, in which that against the Philistines is placed after that about the battle at Carchemish. Hitzig and Graf lay great weight upon this order and arrangement, and thence con- clude that all the prophecies against the nations in chap, xlvi.- xlix., with the exception of that regarding Elam, were uttered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim. There are no sufficient grounds for this conclusion. The agreement between this prophecy now before us and that in chap, xlvi., as regards particular figures and expressions (Graf), is too insignificant to afford a proof that the two belong to the same time ; nor is much to be made out of the point so strongly insisted on by Hitzig, that after the Egyptians, as the chief nation, had been treated of, the author properly brings forward those who, from the situation of their country, must be visited by war immediately before it is sent on the Egyptians. The main foundation for this view is taken from the notice by Herodotus (ii. 159), that Necho, after the battle at Magdolos, took the large Syrian city KdSvris. Mag- dolos is here taken as a variation of Megiddo, and Kadytis of 200 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Gaza. But neither Hitzig nor Stark have proved the identity of Kadytis with Gaza, as we have already remarked on 2 Kings xxiii. 33 ; so that we cannot safely draw any conclusion, re- garding the time when Gaza was taken, from that statement of Herodotus. In consequence of the want of evidence from other sources, the date of this event cannot be more exactly determined. From the contents of this prophecy and its position among the oracles against the nations, we can draw no more than a very probable inference that it was not published before the fourth year of Jehoiakim, inasmuch as it is evidently but a further amplification of the sentence pronounced in that year against all the nations, and recorded in chap. xxv. Thus all conjectures as to the capture of Gaza by Necho on his march to the Euphrates, before the battle at Carchemish, become very precarious. But the assumption is utterly improbable also, that Necho at a later period, whether in his flight before the Chal- deans, or afterwards, while Nebuchadnezzar was occupied in Babylon, undertook an expedition against Philistia: such a hypothesis is irreconcilable with the statement given in 2 Kings xxiv. 7. There is thus no course left open for us, but to under- stand, by the Pharaoh of the title here, not Necho, but his successor Hophra: this has been suggested by Kaschi, who refers to Jer. xxxvii. 5, 11, and by Perizonius, in his Origg. JEgypt. p. 459, who founds on the notices of Herodotus (ii. 261) and of Diodorus Siculus, i. 68, regarding the naval battle between Apries on the one hand and the Cyprians and Phoeni- cians on the other. From these notices, it appears pretty certain that Pharaoh-Hophra sought to avenge the defeat of Necho on the Chaldeans, and to extend the power of Egypt in Asia. Hence it is also very probable that he took Gaza, with the view of getting into his hands this key of the highway to Egypt. This assumption we regard as the most probable, since nothing has been made out against it ; there are no sufficient grounds for the opinion that this prophecy belongs to the same time as that in chap. xlvi. Contents of the Prophecy. — From the north there pours forth a river, inundating fields and cities, whereupon lamenta- tion begins. Every one flees in haste before the sound of the CHAP. XLVII. 2-7. 201 hostile arm)*, for the day of desolation is come on all Philistia and Phoenicia (vers. 2-4). The cities of Philistia mourn, for the sword of the Lord is incessantly active among them (vers. 5-7). This brief prophecy thus falls into two strophes : in the first (vers. 2-4), the ruin that is breaking over Philistia is de- scribed ; in the second (vers. 5-7), its operation on the country and on the people. Ver. 2. " Thus saith Jahveh : Behold, waters shall rise up out of the north, and shall become an inundating stream, and they shall inundate the land and its fulness, cities and those who dwell in them ; and men shall cry, and all the inhabitants of the land shall howl. Ver. 3. Because of the sound of the trampling of the hoofs of his strong horses, because of the din of his chariots, the noise of his wheels, fathers do not look back to their children from weakness of hands ; Ver. 4. Because of the day that cometh to destroy all the Philistines, to cut off from Tyre and Zidon every one remaining as a helper ; for Jahveh destroyeth the Philistines, the remnant of the coast of Caphtor. Ver. 5. Baldness is come upon Gaza; Ashkelon is destroyed, the rest of their plain. How long wilt thou cut thyself ? Ver. 6. O sword of Jahveh, how long wilt thou not rest? Draw thy- self back into thy sheath ; rest, and be still. Ver. 7. How canst thou be quiet, when Jahveh hath commanded thee ? Against Ashkelon and against the sea-coast, there hath He appointed it." The address opens with a figure. The hostile army that is to devastate Philistia is represented as a stream of water, breaking; forth from the north, and swelling to an overflowing winter-torrent, that inundates the country and cities w T ith their inhabitants. The figure is often used : cf. xlvi. 7, 8, where the Egyptian host is compared to the waves of the Nile ; and Isa. viii. 7, where the Assyrian army is likened to the floods of the Euphrates. The simile is applied here in another way. The figure is taken from a strong spring of water, coming forth in streams out of the ground, in the north, and swelling to an overflowing winter-torrent, that pours out its floods over Philistia, laying it waste. " From the north " is used here as in xlvi. 20, and points back to i. 13, 14. " An inundating stream " is here employed as in Isa. xxx. 20 ; " earth and its fulness, a city and those who dwell in it," as in viii. 16. In 202 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. ver. 3 follows the application of the figure. It is a martial host that overflows the land, and with its mighty noise puts the inhabitants in such terror that they think only of a hasty flight ; even fathers do not turn back to save their children. n 9^> 7 arrr. ^ey., Syriac ^^a, incedere, gradi, hence probably the stamping of hoofs. B 1 T? J *, strong horses, as in viii. 16. in3"y, instead of the construct state, has perhaps been chosen only for the sake of introducing a variation ; cf . Ewald, § 290, a. njsrij to turn the back, as in xlvi. 5. " Slackness of hands," i.e. utter loss of courage through terror ; cf . vi. 24 (the form P"S"i only occurs here). In ver. 4 the deeper source of fear is mentioned ; " because of the day," i.e. because the day has come to destroy all the Philistines, namely, the day of the judgment determined by the Lord ; cf. xlvi. 10. " In order to destroy every remnant helping Tyre and Zidon." ")T'y THtJ> are the Philistines, who could afford help to the Phoenicians in the struggle against the Chaldean power. This implies that the Phoenicians also shall perish without any one to help them. This indirect mention of the Phoenicians appears striking, but it is to be explained partly on the ground that Jeremiah has uttered special prophecies only against the chief enemies of Judah, and partly also perhaps from the historical relations, i.e. from the fact that the Philistines might have afforded help to the Phoenicians in the struggles against the great powers of the world. Hitzig unnecessarily seeks to take fTPXp "^r as the object, and to expunge "\T}J T"}^"?3 as a gloss. The objections which he raises against the construction are groundless, as is shown by such passages as xliv. 7, Isa. xiv. 22, 1 Kings xiv. 10, etc. "The remaining helper" is the expression used, because the other nations that could help the Egyptians, viz. the Syrians and Phoenicians, had already succumbed to the Chaldean power. The destruction will be so great as this, because it is Jahveh who destroys the Philistines, the remnant of the coast of Caphtor. According to Amos ix. 7, Deut. ii. 23, the Philistines came from Caphtor ; hence "tifiED ''N THSt? can only mean "what still remains of the people of Philistia who come from the coast of Caphtor," like " the remnant of the Philistines " in Amos i. 8. Opinions are divided as to CHAP. XLVII. 2-7. 203 Caphtor. The prevailing view is that of Lakemacher, that Caphtor is the name of the island of Crete ; but for this there are no tenable grounds : see on Zeph. ii. 5 ; and Delitzsch on Genesis, S. 248, Aufl. 4. Dietrich (in Men? Arcltiv. i. S. 313 ff.) and Ebers (JEgypten u. die Backer Moses, i. S. 130 ff.) agree in thinking that Caphtor is the shore of the Delta, but they explain the name differently. Dietrich derives it from the Egyptian Kah-pet-H6r (district of Hor), which he takes to be the environs of the city of Buto, and the lake called after it (the modern Burlos), not far from the Sebennytic mouth of the Nile ; Ebers, following the tablet of Canopus, in which the Egyptian name Kfa (Kaf) is given as that of Phoenicia, derives the name from Kaf-t-ur, i.e. the great Kefa, as the ancient seat of the Phoenicians on the shore of the Delta must have been called. But both explanations are still very doubt- ful, though there is no question about the migration of the Philistines from Egypt into Canaan. — Vers. 5-7. The prophet sees, in the spirit, the threatened desolation as already come upon Philistia, and portrays it in its effects upon the people and the country. " Baldness (a sign of the deepest and most painful sorrow) has come upon Gaza ; " cf. Mic. i. 16. ^^"1? is rendered by the Vulgate conticuit. After this Graf and Niigelsbach take the meaning of being " speechless through pain and sorrow ; " cf. Lam. ii. 10. Others translate " to be destroyed." Both renderings are lexically permissible, for HOT and DOT have both meanings. In support of the first, the parallelism of the members has been adduced ; but this is not decisive, for figurative and literal representations are often interchanged. On the whole, it is impossible to reach any definite conclusion ; for both renderings give suitable ideas, and these not fundamentally different in reality the one from the other. Djjoy rVW, "the rest of their valley" (the suffix referring to Gaza and Ashkelon), is the low country round about Gaza and Ashkelon, which are specially mentioned from their being the two chief fortresses of Philistia. PPV is suit- ably applied to the low -lying belt of country, elsewhere called n^V', " the low country," as distinguished from the hill-country ; for pOV does not always denote a deep valley, but is also sometimes used, as in Josh. xvii. 16, etc., of the 204 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. plain of Jezreel, and of other plains which are far from being deeply-sunk valleys. Thus there is no valid reason for follow- ing the arbitrary translation of the LXX., real ra Kajakonra 'Evaiceifji,, and changing Di?»y into ttpjg, as Hitzig and Graf do; more especially is it utterly improbable that in the Chaldean period Anakim were still to be found in Philistia. The men- tion of them, moreover, is out of place here ; and still less can we follow Graf in his belief that the inhabitants of Gath are the " rest of the Anakim." In the last clause of ver. 5, Philistia is set forth as a woman, who tears her body (with her nails) in despair, makes incisions on her body ; cf . xvi. 6, xli. 5. The question, li How long dost thou tear thyself ? " forms a transition to the plaintive request, " Gather thyself," i.e. draw thyself back into thy scabbard. But the seer replies, " How can it rest *? for Jahveh hath given it a commission against Ashkelon and the Philistine sea-coast." For *Bfc*i, in ver. 7, we must read the 3d pers. fern. Bplfri, as the following rh shows. The form probably got into the text from an oversight, through looking at ""ttptyn in ver. 6. C*n *pn " the sea-coast," a designation of Philistia, as in Ezek. xxv. 16. The prophecy concludes without a glance at the Messianic future. The threatened destruction of the Philistines has actually begun with the conquest of Philistia by Nebuchad- nezzar, but has not yet culminated in the extermination of the people. The extermination and complete extirpation are thus not merely repeated by Ezekiel, xxv. 15 ff., but after the exile the threats are once more repeated against the Philistines by Zechariah (ix. 5) : they only reached their complete fulfilment when, as Zechariah announces, in the addition made to Isa. xiv. 30 ff., their idolatry also was removed from them, and their incorporation into the Church of God was accomplished through judgment. Cf. the remarks on Zeph. ii. 10. Chap, xlviii. Concerning Moab. The Moabites had spread themselves on the eastern side of the Dead Sea, where the Emims dwelt in former times (Deut. ii. 10). But previous to the immigration of the Israelites into Canaan, the Amorites, under King Sihon, had already taken forcible possession of the northern portion of this territory as CHAP. XLVIII. 205 far as the Arnon (Num. xxi. 13). The Israelites, on their march through the desert, were not to treat the Moabites as enemies, nor touch their territory (Deut. ii. 9 ; cf. Judg. xi. 15, 18). But when Sihon, king of the Amorites, had been slain by the Israelites, and his kingdom subdued, the Israelites took possession of the territory north of the Arnon, that had formerly belonged to the Moabites, but had been conquered by Sihon : this was given to the tribe of Reuben for an inheritance (Num. xxi. 24 ff. ; Deut. ii. 32-36 ; Josh. xiii. 15 ff.). The Moabites could not get over this loss of the northern half of their country. The victory of the Israelites over the powerful kings of the Amorites, viz. Sihon in Hesh- bon and Og of Bashan, inspired them with terror for the power of this people; so that their king Balak, while the Israelites were encamped in the steppes of Moab opposite Jericho, fetched Balaam the sorcerer from Mesopotamia, with the design of destroying Israel through the power of his anathema. And when this plan did not succeed, since Balaam was obliged, against his will, to bless Israel instead of cursing them, the Moabites sought to weaken them, and to render them powerless to do any injury, by seducing them to idolatry (cf. Num. xxii.- xxv.). Such malicious conduct was shown repeatedly afterwards. Not long after the death of Joshua, Eglon the king of Moab, aided by the Ammonites and Amalekites, crossed the Jordan and took Jericho, which he made the centre of operations for keeping the Israelites under subjection : these were thus op- pressed for eighteen years, until they succeeded in defeating the Moabites and driving them back into their own land, after Ehud had assassinated King Eglon (Judg. iii. 12 ff.). At a later period, Saul made war on them (1 Sam. xiv. 47) ; and David completely subdued them, severely chastised them, and made them tributary (2 Sam. viii. 2). But after the death of Ahab, to whom King Mesha had paid a very considerable yearly tribute (2 Kings iii. 4), they revolted from Israel (2 Kings i. 1, iii. 5). In the time of Jehoshaphat, in conjunc- tion with the Ammonites and a portion of the Edomites, they even invaded Judah, with the design of taking Jerusalem ; but they ruined themselves through mutual discords, so that Jeho- shaphat obtained a glorious victory over them (2 Chron. xx.). 206 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. It was possibly also with the view of taking revenge for this exhibition of malicious spirit that the king of Judah afterwards, in conjunction with Joram king of Israel, carried war into their country, and defeated them (2 Kings iii. 6-27). Still later, mention is made of an invasion of Israel by Moabite hosts during the reign of Joash (2 Kings xiii. 20) ; and in the time of Hezekiah, we find them once more in possession of their ancient territory to the north of the Arnon, at a time when the trans-Jordanic tribes of Israel had been carried away by the Assyrians into exile. Judging from these aphoristic notices, the Moabites, on the division of the kingdom after Solomon's death, seem to have re- mained tributary to the kingdom of the ten tribes until the death of Ahab; then they revolted, but soon afterwards were once more reduced to subjection by Joram and Jehoshaphat. Still later, they certainly made several invasions into Israel, but without permanent result ; nor was it till the carrying away of the trans-Jordanic tribes by the Assyrians that they succeeded in regaining permanent possession of the depopulated land of Reuben, their former territory. This account, however, has been modified in several important respects by the recent dis- covery of an inscription on a monument raised by King Mesh a after a victory he had gained ; this " Moabite stone " was found in the neighbourhood of the ancient Dibon. The deciphering of the long inscription of thirty-four lines on this memorial stone, so far as success has followed the attempts hitherto made, has issued in its giving important disclosures concerning the relation of Moab to Israel. 1 From these we gather that Omri, 1 On the discovery of this memorial stone, of which Count de Vogue gave the first account in a paper entitled " La stele de Mesa: Lettre a Mr. le Comte de Vogue par Ch. Clermont- Ganneau," Paris 1870, cf. the detailed notice by Petermann in the Zeitschr. der Deutsche!! Morg. Gesell. xxiv. (for 1870), S. 640 ff. The stone was broken to pieces by the Arabs ; thus, un- fortunately, the whole of the inscription has not been preserved. So much, however, of the fragments has been saved, that from these the contents of the inscription may be substantially obtained with tolerable certainty. The work of deciphering has been undertaken by Konst. Schlottmann ( Ueber die Siegessdide Mesa's, Konigs der Moabiter, Hall. Osterprogr. 1870, with these additions: " Die Inschri/t Mesa's; Transcription u. Uebersetzung revidirt" in the Zeitschr. der Morg. Gesell. xxiv. S. 253 ff. ; " Additamenta " in the same periodical, S. 415 ff., 438 ff., 645 ff. ; and "Der Moabiterkonig CHAP. XLVIII. 207 king of Israel, had taken possession of the district of Medeba, and that the Moabites were heavily oppressed by him and his successor for forty years, until King Mesha succeeded, through the help of his god Chemosh, in regaining the territory that had been seized by the Israelites. We may further with cer- tainty conclude, from various statements in this inscription, that the Moabites were by no means exterminated by the Israelites, when they took possession of the country to the north of the Arnon, which had been seized by the Amorites ; they continued to live beside and among the Israelites. Moreover, since the tribe of Reuben was chiefly engaged in the rearing of cattle, and thus appropriated the pastoral districts of the country, the Moabites were not utterly, at least not permanently subdued, but rather took every opportunity of weakening the Israelites, in order not merely to reclaim their old possessions, but also to make themselves independent of Israel. This object they seem to have actually attained, even so soon as immediately after the death of Solomon. They continued independent until the powerful Omri restored the supremacy of Israel in the territory of Reuben; and Moab continued subject for forty years, at the end of which King Mesha again succeeded in breaking the yoke of Israel after the death of Ahab. Thence- forward, Israel never again got the upper hand, though Jero- boam II. (as we are entitled to conclude from 2 Kings xiv. 25) may have disputed the supremacy with the Moabites for a time. Amos (ii. 1-3) and Isaiah (chap. xv. and xvi.) have already, Mesa nach seiner Inschrift und nach den bibl. Berichten," in the Theol. Stud, u. Kritiken, 1871, S. 587 ff.), also by Theod. Nbldeke ("Die Inschrift des R. Mesa," Kiel 1870), Ferd. Hitzig ("D/e Inschrift des Mesha;' Heidelb. 1870), Himpel (b the Tub. Theol. Quartalschr. 1870, H. 4, and in Merx' Archiv, ii. S. 96 ff.), Diestel (" Die moabit. Gedenktafel," in the Jahrb. f. dcutsche Theol. 1871 (H. 4), S. 215ff.), Rabbi Dr. Geiger (" Die Suule des Mesa," in the Zeitschr. der Morg. Ges. xxiv. S. 212 ff.), Dr. Ginsburg (" The Moabite Stone" Lond. 1870), Ganneau (in the Revue arche'ol.) ; by Derenburg and others (in German, English, and French periodicals). [In addition to the work of Dr. Ginsburg, mentioned above, the English reader may consult an able article by Professor Wright in the North British Review for October 1870 ; one by W. H. Ward in the Bibliotheca Sacra of the same date ; and another by Prof. A. B. Davidson in the British and Foreign Evangelical Review for January 1871. — Tu.] 208 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. before Jeremiah, threatened Moab with destruction, because of the acts of hostility against Israel of which they have been guilty. We have no historical notice concerning the fulfilment of these threatenings. Inasmuch as the power of the Assyrians in Eastern Asia was broken through the defeat of Sennacherib before Jerusalem, the Moabites may possibly have asserted their independence against the Assyrians. Certainly it seems to follow, from the remark in 1 Chron. v. 17 (that the families of Gad were reckoned by genealogies in the days of Jotham king of Judah), that some of the Israelites on the east of Jordan came for a time under the sway of Judah. But even though this were allowed to hold true of the tribe of Reuben also, such a mastery could not have lasted long, since even towards the end of Jotham's reign, Pekah the king of Israel joined with Hazael king of Syria in war against Judah (2 Kings xv. 37) ; and during the reign of Ahaz, Rezin invaded Gilead, and pene- trating as far as the seaport of Elath, took it from Judah (2 Kings xvi. 6). At all events, up till the time of Nebuchad- nezzar, the threats of Amos and Isaiah had attained only the feeblest beginnings of fulfilment ; and (as is abundantly evident from the prophecy in this chapter) the Moabites were then more powerful than ever they had been before, and in undis- turbed possession also of that portion of their ancient territory lying north of the Arnon, which had been taken from them by Sihon the Amorite ; and after his defeat, the victorious Israel- ites had again apportioned it to the tribe of Reuben. This prophecy of Jeremiah concerning Moab is to be ex- plained on the ground of these historical relations. The day of ruin was to begin with the appearance of the Chaldeans in Palestine ; this day had been predicted not merely by Amos and Isaiah, but even by Balaam, on the occasion of the first conflict of the Moabites with Israel. Jeremiah accordingly takes up anew the utterances of the old prophets regarding Moab which had not yet been fulfilled, but were now about to receive their accomplishment : these he reproduces in his own peculiar manner, taking as his foundation the oracular sen- tences of Isaiah concerning Moab, and combining these by means of the utterances of Amos and Balaam, not only regard- ing Moab, but also regarding the whole heathen world now ripe CHAP. XLVIII. 209 for judgment; and out of all this he frames a comprehensive announcement of the ruin to fall on this people, so haughty, and so filled with hatred against Israel. 1 The contents of this announcement are as follow : — The chief cities of Moab are perished, and with them their fame. Plans are beinjr concocted for their destruction. On all sides there is a crying over the devastation, and wailing, and flight ; Chemosh, with his priests and princes, wanders into exile, and country and city are laid waste (vers. 1-8). Let Moab escape with wings, in order to avoid the destruction; for although they have, in all time past, lived securely in their own land, they shall now be driven out of their dwellings, and come to dishonour with their god Chemosh, in spite of the bravery of their heroes (vers. 9-15). The destruction of Moab draws near, their glory perishes, the whole country and all its towns are laid waste, and the power of Moab is broken (vers. 16-25). All this befalls them for their pride and loftiness of spirit ; because of this they are punished, with the destruction of their glorious vines and their harvest ; and the whole land becomes filled with sorrow and lamentation over the desolation, and the extermination of all those who make offerings to idols (vers. 26-35). Meanwhile the prophet mourns with the hapless people, who are broken like a despised vessel (vers. 36-38). Moab becomes the laughing- stock and the horror of all around: the enemy captures all their fortresses, and none shall escape the ruin (vers. 39-44). Fire goes out from Heshbon and destroys the whole land, and the 1 This reproduction Gesenius (on Isaiah, p. 511) characterizes as " a feeble imitation, by which the text of the older author is made quite diffuse and watery, frequently mixed through in a wonderful manner, made into a kind of patchwork, and enlivened now and again by a stiff turn." Movers and Hitzig have spoken still more depreciatingly of this chapter, and excised a great number of verses, on the ground of their having been introduced later by way of touching up ; in this manner, Hitzig rejects as spurious verses which Movers recognises as exhibiting marks of Jeremiah's peculiar style, — a method of procedure which Graf has already denounced as arbi- trary criticism. We hope to show in the commentary the total want of foundation for this pseudo-critical mode of dealing ; we only make the further remark here by anticipation, that Kueper (on Jeremiah, p. 83 sqq.) has very clearly accounted for and vindicated the conduct of Jeremiah in making use of the expressions of previous prophets, while Movers and Hitzig have paid no regard to this thorough kind of work. VOL. II. O 210 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. people must go into captivity ; but at the end of the days, the Lord will turn the captivity of Moab (vers. 45-47). According to this view of the whole, this prophecy falls into seven strophes of unequal length, of which every one concludes either with "lEN nirv or '"lin" 1 DS3. The middle one, which is also the longest (vers. 26-35), forms an apparent exception, inasmuch as DN? nirv does not stand at the end, but in the middle of ver. 35 ; while in the second last strophe (vers. 39-44), the last two verses (43 and 44) end with this formula. Vers. 1-8. Calamities to come on Moab. — Ver. 1. " Thus saith Jahveh of hosts, the God of Israel, Woe to Nebo, for it is laid waste ! Kiriathaim is come to dishonour, it is taken : the fortress is come to dishonour and broken down. Ver. 2. Moab's glory is no more. In Heshbon they have devised evil against her, [saying], Come, and let us cut her off from [being] a nation : thou also, O Madmen, art brought to silence ; the sword shall go after thee. Ver. 3. A sound of crying from Horonaim, desolation and great destruction. Ver. 4. Moab is destroyed ; her little ones have caused a cry to be heard. Ver. 5. For they ascend the ascent of Luhith with weeping, — weep- ing : for on the descent of Horonaim the enemies have heard a cry of destruction. Ver. 6. Flee, save your life ! and be like one destitute in the wilderness. Ver. 7. For, because thy trust [was] in thy works, and in thy treasures, thou also shalt be taken ; and Chemosh shall go into cnptivity, his priests and his princes together. Ver. 8. The destroyer shall come to every city, and no city shall escape ; and the valley shall perish, and the plain shall be laid waste, as Jahveh hath said." With the exclamation " Woe !" Jeremiah transports the hearers of the word of God at once into the midst of the catastrophe which is to come on Moab ; this is with the view of humbling the pride of this people, and chastening them for their sins. The woe is uttered over Nebo, but holds also of the towns named afterwards. Nebo is not the mountain of that name (Deut. xxxii. 49, xxxiv. 1), but the city, which probably did not lie far from the peak in the mountain-range of Abarim, which bore the same name (Num. xxxii. 3, 38 ; Isa. xv. 2), although in the Onomasticon, s.v. Naftav, the situation of the mountain is given as being six Roman miles from Heshbon, towards the CHAP. XLVIII. 1-8. 211 west, and s.v. Naficop, that of the city, eight Roman miles south from Heshbon, for both accounts point to a situation in the south-west. The name 1x5 is still applied to some ruins; cf. Robinson's Palestine, iii. p. 170. "Kiriathaim is taken." The site of this town, mentioned as early as Gen. xiv. 5, has been fixed, since the time of Burckhardt, as that of a mass of ruins called et Teim, about five miles south of Heshbon ; but Dietrich, in Merx Archiv. i. S. 337 ff., has shown that this is incorrect. According to Eusebius, in his Onomasticon, Kiriathaim lay ten Roman miles to the west of Medeba: this suits not merely the position of et Teim, but also the ruins of Kereyat south-west from Medeba, on the ridge of Mount Attarus, a little to the south of M'kaur (Machaerus), and of Baara in the Wady Zerka Maein, where also is the plain mentioned in Gen. xiv. 5, either in the plain stretching direct east from Kereyat between Wady Zerka Maein and Wady Wal, or south-east in the beautiful plain el Kura, described by Burckhardt, p. 371 ff., between the Wal and the Mojeb. Nebo and Kiriathaim lay on the eastern border of the high range of mountains, and seem to be comprehended under 33^'Sl 1 , " the height, the high fortress," in the third clause of ver. 1, as the representatives of the moun- tain country of Moab. Various expositors, certainly, take the word as a proper name designating an elevated region ; Graf and Nagelsbach take it to be a name of Kir-Moab (Kir-heres* Kir-haresheth, vers. 31, 36), the chief fortress in the country, the modern Kerek in the southern part of Moab ; but no valid proof has been adduced. By "the height" Hitzig understands the highlands, which learn of the fall of these towns in the lowlands, and feel this disgrace that has come on Moab, but have not yet themselves been taken. But this view is unten- able, because the towns of Nebo and Kiriathaim are not situated in the level country. Again, since nt^Qfrl is common to the two clauses, the distinction between nnspJ and nnn could hardly be pressed so far as to make the latter the opposite of the former, in the sense of being still unconquered. The meaning rather is, that through Nebo's being laid waste, and the capture of Kiria- thaim, the fortress on which the Moabites trusted is no more. And to this ver. 3 appropriately adds, " the boasting of Moab 212 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. is gone," i.e. Moab has no more ground for boasting. " In Heshbon they (the enemy, or the conquerors) plot evil against Moab." Heshbon was formerly the capital of the Amorite kingdom of Sihon (Num. xxi. 26; Deut. ii. 24, etc.), and was assigned to the tribe of Reuben (Josh. xiii. 17) ; but because it lay on the boundary of the territory belonging to the tribe, it was given up to the Gadites, and set apart as a Levitical city (Josh. xxi. 37). It lay ten Roman miles east from the Jordan, opposite Jericho, almost intermediate between the Arnon and the Jabbok, and is still pointed out, though in ruins, under the old name Heshbdn {see on Num. xxxii. 37). At the time of Jere- miah it was taken possession of by the Ammonites (Jer. xlix. 3), consequently it was the frontier town of the Moabite territory at that time ; and being such, it is here named as the town where the enemy, coming from the north, deliberate regarding the conquest of Moab — "meditate evil," i.e. decide upon conquest and devastation. The suffix of nvV refers to Moab as a country, and hence is feminine ; cf. ver. 4. " We will destroy it (Moab) '■fa!?, so that it shall no longer be a nation." Just as in ttCJTi 133BTI2 there is a play on the words, so is there also in the expression VaMn JEHO which follows. This very circumstance forms an argument for taking Madmen as a proper name, in- stead of an appellative, as Venema and Hitzig have done, after the example of the LXX. : " Yea, thou shalt be destroyed (and made into) a dunghill." In support of this rendering they point to 2 Kings x. 27, Ezra vi. 11. But the verb EOT, in its meaning, ill accords with ft?*"!?? in the sense of a dung-heap, and in this case there would be no foundation for a play upon the words (Graf). It is no proof of the non-existence of a place called Madmen in Moab, that it is not mentioned elsewhere ; Madmena in the tribe of Benjamin (Isa. x. 31), and Madmanna in Judah (Josh. xv. 31), are also mentioned but once. These passages rather show that the name Madmen was not uncommon; and it was perhaps with reference to this name that Isaiah (xxv. 10) chose the figure of the dunghill. DOT, to be silent, means, in the Niphal, to be brought to silence, be exterminated, perish ; cf. xlix. 26, xxv. 37, viii. 14, etc. As to the form "'STO instead of Wi, c f. Ewald, § 140, b ; Gesenius, § 67, Rem. 5. The following clause refers to Madmen : " after thee shall the sword CHAP. XLVIII. 1-8. 213 go ;" cf. ix. 15. — Ver. 3. A cry is heard from Horonaim against violence and destruction. The words 7hi "UBn *w are to be taken as the cry itself; cf. iv. 20, xx. 8. The city of Horonaim, men- tioned both here and in Isa. xv. 5 in connection with Luhith, lay on a slope, it would seem, not far from Luhith. Regarding this latter place we find it remarked in the Onomasticon: est usque hodie vicus inter Areopolim et Zoaram nomine Luitha {Aoveidd). As to 'flpovaei/j,, the Onomasticon says no more than ir6\i$ Mcoa/3 iv 'Iepe/jbia (ed. Lars. p. 376). The destruction over which the outcry is made comes on Moab. By " Moab " Graf refuses to understand the country or its inhabitants, but rather the ancient capital of the country, Ar-Moab (Num. xxi. 28; Isa. xv. 1), in the valley of the Arnon, which is also simply called Ar in Num. xxi. 15, Dent. ii. 9. But, as Dietrich has already shown (S. 329 ff.), the arguments adduced in support of this view are insufficient to prove the point. 1 12f } to break, — of a nation or a city (xix. 11; Isa. xiv. 25, etc.), as it were, to ruin, — is here used of the country or kingdom. n^JWf is for nn"^ as in xiv. 3. The little ones of Moab, that raise a cry, are neither the children (Vulgate, Dahler, Maurer), nor the small towns (Hitzig), nor the people of humble condition, but cives Moabi ad station miserum dejecti (Kueper). The LXX. have rendered els Zoyopa (i.e. n ^^), which reading is preferred by J. D. Michaelis, Ewald, Umbreit, Graf, Nagelsbach, but with- out sufficient reason ; for neither the occurrence of Zoar in combination with Horonaim in ver. 34, nor the parallel passage Isa. xv. 5, will prove the point. Isa. xv. 5 is not a parallel to this verse, but to ver. 34 ; however, the train of thought is diffe- 1 The mention of Moab among names of cities in ver. 4, and in connection with Kir-heres in vers. 81 and 36, proves nothing ; for in ver. 4 Moab is not named among towns, and the expression in vers. 31 and 36 is analogous to the phrase " Judah and Jerusalem." Nor can any proof be derived from the fact that Eabbath-Moab is merely called " Moab" in the Onomasticon of Eusebius, and Mub in Abulfeda, and Kabbath-Ammon, now merely " Amman ;" because this mode of speaking will not admit of being applied for purposes of proof to matters pertaining to Old Testament times, since it oiiginated only in tbe Christian ages,— at a time, too, when Kabbath had become the capital of the country, and when Kabbath-Moab could easily be shortened by the common people into " Moab." Rabbath (of Moab), how- ever, is not mentioned at all in the Old Testament. 214 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. rent from that before us here. Besides, Jeremiah writes the name of the town "iy'S (not "Wis), cf. ver. 34, as in Isa. xv. 5, Deut. xxxiv. 3, Gen. xiii. 10 ("Wis occurs only in Gen. xix. 22, 30) ; hence it is unlikely that TIJ7X has been written by mistake for -1JW?. In ver. 5 this idea is further elucidated. The inhabitants flee, weeping as they go, towards the south, before the con- quering enemy advancing from the north, up the ascent of Luhith, and down the descent of Horonaim. The idea is taken from Isa. xv. 5, but applied by Jeremiah in his own peculiar manner; i3 n?y* is changed into *33 HPIP, and the notion of weeping is thereby intensified. We take "SB. as an adverbial accusative, but in fact it is to be rendered like the preceding , 323; and n?jr stands with an indefinite nominative: "one ascends = they ascend," not "weeping rises over weep- ing," as Hitzig, Graf, and others take it. For, in the latter case, V?13 could not be separated from *33, nor stand first; cf. the instances adduced by Graf, rutfa n:& and |W3 |W. The form riin^n for n^n^n is either an error of transcription or an optional form, and there is no ground for taking the word as appellative, as Hitzig does, " the ascent of boards, i.e. as boards tower one above another, so does weeping rise," — an unnatural figure, and one devoid of all taste. The last words of the second member of the verse present some difficulty, chiefly on account of ""]¥, which the LXX. have omitted, and which Ewald and Umbreit set down as spurious, although (as Graf rightly re- marks) they do not thereby explain how it came into the text. To suppose, with the Rabbinical writers, that the construct state ^S stands for the absolute, is not only inadmissible, as being against the principles of grammar, but also contrary to the whole scope of the passage. The context shows that the clamour cannot proceed from the enemy, but only from the fugitive Moabites. Only two explanations are possible : either *y$ must be taken in the sense of angustice, and in connec- tion with npJJS, " straits, distress of crying," a cry of distress, as De Wette does ; or, " oppressors of the cry of distress," as Nagelsbach takes it. We prefer the former, in spite of the objection of Graf, that the expression " distress of crying," for " a cry of distress," would be a strange one : for this objection CHAP. XLVIII. 1-8. 215 may be made against his own explanation, that *TC means the bursting open of the mouth in making a loud cry ; and nj?yr *Vt is a loud outcry for help. — Ver. 6. Only by a precipitate flight into the desert can the Moabites save even their lives. The summons to flee is merely a rhetorical expression for the thought that there is no safety to be had in the country. To ^"^ in ve r» 6 we must supply rrit?33 as the subject: "your souls shall be." Ewald would change 03K ; B3 mto D ?"'^- 5 Dut this proposal has against it the fact that the plural form 0^23 is found in but a single case, Ezek. xiii. 20, and nit2>D3 every- where else : besides, K>23 is often used in the singular of several persons, as in 2 Sam. xix. 6, and may further be easily taken here in a distributive sense; cf. tata &t& «^>D } li. 6. The assumption of C. B. Michaelis, Eosenmuller, Maurer, [and of the translators of our "Authorized" English Version], that n;viri is the second person, and refers to the cities, i.e. their inhabitants, is against the context. "U'VU! cannot here be the name of a town, because neither Aroer in the tribe of Reuben, which was situated on the Arnon, nor Aroer of the tribe of Gad, which was before Rabbath-Ammon, lay in the wilder- ness ; the comparison, too, of the fugitives to a city is unsuit- able. The clause reminds us of xvii. 6, and ~ii?i~iy = the ~iy~iV 7 -; t : - of that passage ; the form found here is either an error of transcription caused by thinking of Aroer, or a play upon the name of the city, for the purpose of pointing out the fate impending over it. — Ver. 7. Moab will not be saved from destruction by any trust on their works or on their treasures. The LXX., Vulgate, and Syriac render T^VO by fortresses, hence Ewald would read Tj)W? instead ; but there is no ground for the change, since the peculiar rendering alluded to has evidently originated from nJJWB having been confounded with rtjlD. Others, as Dahler, refer the word to idols ; but these are always designated as T ''fe'SJD. Graf translates " property," and points to 1 Sam. xxv. 2, Ex. xxiii. 16; but this meaning also has really nothing to support it, for nb>j?D in these pas- sages denotes only agriculture and its produce, and the com- bination of the word with nn^'ix in this passage does not require such a rendering. We abide by the common meaning of tv doings " or " works," not evil deeds specially (Hitzig), but 216 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. " all that Moab undertakes." Neither their efforts to maintain and increase their power, nor their wealth, will avail them in any way. They shall be overcome. Moab is addressed as a country or kingdom. "1??, to seize, capture ; of a land, to take, conquer. Chemosh, with his priests and princes, shall go into exile. K^l?? is perhaps a mere error of the copyist for B>iD3, Chemosh, the chief deity of the Moabites and Ammon- ites, worshipped as a king and the war-god of his people : see on Num. xxi. 29. As in the last-named passage the Moabites are called the people of Chemosh, so here, not merely the priests, but also the princes of Moab, are called his priests and his princes. The Kethib T^ is not to be changed, although Jeremiah elsewhere always uses VjlT, which is substituted in the Qeri ; cf. xlix. 3. In confirmation of this, it is added, in ver. 8, that all the cities of Moab, without exception, shall be laid waste, and the whole country, valley and plain, shall be brought to ruin. li^an "the level," is the table-land Stretch- es • " ' ' ins from the Arnon to Heshbon, and north-eastwards as far as Rabbath-Ammon, and which originally belonged to the Moabites, hence called " the fields of Moab " in Num. xxi. 40 ; but it was taken from them by the Amorites, and after the conquest of the latter was taken possession of by the Israelites (Deut. iii. 10, iv. 43 ; Josh. xiii. 9), but at that time had been taken back once more by the Moabites. p»#n is the valley of the Jordan, commonly called n ?"JJ|^, as in Josh. xiii. 27 and 19 ; here it is that portion of the valley towards the west which bounds the table-land. "1B>K can only be taken in a causal signification, " because," as in xvi. 13, or in a relative meaning, quod, or " as." Vers. 9-15. Moab is laid ivaste, and its inhabitants carried captive. — Ver. 9. " Give pinions to Moab, for he will flee and get away, and his cities shall become a waste, with no one dwelling in them. Ver. 10. Cursed is he that doeth the work of Jahveh negligently, and cursed is he that restraineth his sword from blood. Ver. 11. Moab hath been at ease from his youth, and lay still upon his lees ; he was not poured out from vessel to vessel, neither hath he gone into captivity, therefore his taste hath remained in him, and his smell hath not changed. Ver. 12. Therefore, behold, days come, saith Jahveh, when I will send CnAP. XLVIII. 9-15. 217 to him those who pour out, and they shall pour him out ; and they shall empty his vessels, and break their bottles. Ver. 13. And Moab shall be ashamed of Chemosh, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel their confidence. Ver. 14. How can ye say, We are mighty, and men of valour for the war? Ver. 15. Moab is laid waste, and people ascend into his cities, and the choice of his young men go down to the slaughter, saith the King, whose name is Jahveh of hosts." The devastation will come so suddenly, that Moab, in order to escape it, uses wings for enabling him to flee from it. The request "give" is not ironical, but a mere rhetorical employ- ment of the idea that wings would be necessary in order to escape. TV? which elsewhere means a flower, here signifies wings or waving plumes, as in the Targum on Ps. cxxxix. 9, and in the Rabbinical writings. fctfO, written with N for the sake of obtaining similarity of sound, stands for n'2ti= fVJ, to flee. — Ver. 10. The devastation is a work of the Lord, and those who execute it must carry out the divine decree, so that they may not bring the curse upon themselves. The first clause is taken quite generally : the more exact specification of the work of the Lord follows in the second clause; it is the employment of the sword against Moab. "His sword" does not mean Jahveh's, but the sword carried by the devastator. HJipi is used adverbially, but not in the sense of " deceitfully," rather " carelessly, negligently ; " cf . n«cn v\3 ) Prov. x. 4, xii. 24. In ver. 11 follows the reason why the judgment has necessarily come on Moab. Moab is compared to old wine that has lain long on its lees, and thereby preserved its flavour and smell unchanged. The taste and odour of Moab signify his disposition towards other nations, particularly towards Israel, the people of God. Good wine becomes stronger and more juicy by lying pretty long on its lees (see on Isa. xxv. 6) ; inferior wine, however, becomes thereby more harsh and thick. The figure is used here in the latter sense, after Zeph. i. 12. Moab's disposition towards Israel was harsh and bitter; the people were arrogant and proud (ver. 29 f. ; Isa. xvi. 6), and so hostile towards Israel, that they sought every opportunity of injuring them (see above, p. 205 f., and the comments on 2 Sam. viii. 2). From his youth, i.e. from the time when 218 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Moab, after subduing the Emims (Deut. ii. 10), had established himself in his own land, or had become enrolled among the nations of history, — from that time forward had he remained undisturbed in his own land, i.e. without being driven out of it, had not gone into captivity (as is shown by the figure of the wine poured from one vessel into another). In this way there is a qualification made of the general statement that he remains at rest on his. lees, and undisturbed. For Moab has often carried on wars, and even suffered many defeats, but has never yet been driven from his own land ; nor had the temporary dependence on Israel exercised any transforming influence on the ordinary life of the people, for they were simply made tributary. This quiet continuance in the country is to cease. The God of Israel " will send to them cellarmen (Germ. Schroter), who shall bring them out of the cellar" (Germ, ausschroten), as Luther translates ver. 12. " Schroter" are men who bring the wine-casks out of the cellar ; for u schroten " means to bring out heavy burdens, especially full casks on a strong kind of hand-barrow (Germ. Hebewerkzeug), like a ladder in appearance. D^if (from nyy ? to bend, incline) are those who incline a barrel or vessel for the purpose of pouring out its contents. These will not merely empty the vessels, but also break the pitchers ; i.e. not merely carry away the Moabites, but also break down their political organization, and destroy their social arrangements. Ver. 13. In this way Moab will come to dishonour through his god Chemosh, i.e. experience his powerlessness and nothing- ness, and perish with him, just as Israel (the ten tribes) came to dishonour through Bethel, i.e. through their golden calf at Bethel. As to the form Enpnp, with Segol in the pretone, cf. Ewald, § 70, a; Olshausen, Gram. S. 377. Moab will then be no longer able to boast of his valour; this is the meaning of the question in ver. 14 : on this term in the address, cf. ii. 23, viii. H. In ver. 15 it is further stated that the result will show this : " Moab is laid waste." i"6y ITHjn is variously interpreted. An explanation which has met with much acceptance, but which nevertheless is really untenable, is founded on Judg. xx. 40 (" The whole city went up towards heaven," i.e. in smoke and fire) : a As for his cities, fire or smoke ascends ;" but there is no CHAP. XLVIII. 16-25. 219 mention here either of smoke or fire. Kimchi long ago came near the truth when he sought to find the subject T|fe> in T)B> : " and the devastator comes against his cities." However, the contrast between n^y and VHJ is not fully brought out in this way : it is better to leave the subject indeterminate : " and his cities they climb " (Kueper), or: "they go up to his cities" (Bottcher, Neue JEhrenlese, ii. 163). The enemy who mounts the cities is evidently intended. To change TjjB> into Tlfe> is both unnecessary and unsuitable ; but J. D. Michaelis, Ewald, Dahler, Graf, after making the alteration, translate, a The destroyer of Moab and of his cities draws near." Hitzig justly remarks, in opposition to this conjecture : " There is nothing to justify the mere placing of the subject at the head of the sen- tence (contrast vers. 8, 18Z>)'; besides, one does not see why the cities of Moab are distinguished from Moab itself ; and cf . 20&." nuap TV, " to sink down to the slaughter," cf. I. 27 ; and on this use of TV, Isa. xxxiv. 7. The enemy ascends into the cities, the young soldiers of Moab descend to the shambles. This threaten- ing is enforced by the addition, " saith the King," etc. Jahveh is called the King, in contrast with the belief of the Moabites, that their god Chemosh was the king of his people (see on ver. 7). The true King of the Moabites also is Jahveh, the God of hosts, .i.e. the Ruler of the whole world. Vers. 16-25. MoaUs glory is departed. — Yer. 16. " The destruction of Moab is near to come, and his trouble hastens rapidly. Ver. 17. Bewail him, all [ye who are] round about him, and all who know his name ! Say, How the rod of strength is broken, the staff of majesty ! Ver. 18. Come down from [thy] glory, and sit in the drought, [thou] inhabitant, daughter of Dibon ; for the destroyer of Moab hath come up against thee, he hath destroyed thy strongholds. Ver. 19. Stand by the way, and watch, O inhabitant of Aroer ! ask him who flees, and her that has escaped ; say, What has happened ? Ver. 20. Moab is ashamed, for it is broken down : howl and cry out ; tell it in Arnon, that Moab is laid waste. Ver. 21. And judgment hath come upon the country of the plain, upon Holon, and upon Jahzah, and upon Mephaath, Ver. 22. And upon Dibon, and upon Nebo, and upon Beth-Diblathaim, Ver. 23. And upon Kirjathaim, and upon Beth-Gamul, and upon Beth-Meon, 220 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. Ver. 24. And upon Kerioth, and upon Bozrah, and upon all the cities of the land of Moab, those that are far off and those that are near. Ver. 25. The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, saith Jahveh." The downfall of Moab will soon be by »3B* is changed into »3#l NOV3 (the Kethib ^& has evidently been written by mistake for *3K^, the Qeri). NOV elsewhere means " thirst ;" but " sit down in the thirst" would be too strange an expression ; hence NOV must here have the meaning of NOV Isa. xliv. 3, " the thirstv arid land :" thus it remains a question whether we should point the word NOV, or take NOV as another form of NOV as 3?n is of 371"! Ezek. xxiii. 19. There is no sufficient reason why Hitzifj and Ewald should give the word a meaning foreign to it, from the Arabic or Syriac. Dibon lay about four miles north from the Arnon, at the foot of a mountain, in a very beautiful plain, where, under the name of Dibctn, many traces of walls, and a well by the wayside, hewn out of the rock, are still to be found (Seetzen, i. S. 409 f.). Hence it must have been well provided with water, even though we should be obliged to understand by " the water of Dimon" (Dibon), which Isaiah mentions (xv. 9), CHAP. XLV1II. 16-25. 221 the river Arnon, which is about three miles off. The command to " sit down in an arid land" thus forms a suitable figure, representing the humiliation and devastation of Dibon. That the city was fortified, is evident from the mention of the for- tifications in the last clause. J13 rOB>», as in xlvi. 19. Aroer was situated on the north bank of the Arnon (Mojeb), where its ruins still remain, under the old name Arair (Burckhardt, p. 372). It was a frontier town, between the kingdom of Sihon (afterwards the territory of the Israelites) and the pos- session of the Moabites (Deut. ii. 36, iii. 12, iv. 48 ; Josh. xii. 2, xiii. 9, 16). But after the Moabites had regained the northern portion of their original territory, it lay in the midst of the land. The fugitives here represented as passing by are endea- vouring, by crossing the Arnon, to escape from the enemy advancing from the north, and subduing the country before them. nop?p31 D3 means fugitives of every kind. The co-ordi- nation of the same word or synonymous terms in the masc. and fern, serves to generalize the idea ; see on Isa. iii. 1, and Ewald, §172, c. In nopco the tone is retracted through the influence of the distinctive accent ; the form is participial. The question, " What has happened ? " is answered in ver. 20. nrin ""S, " for ( = certainly) it is broken down." The Kethib *i?|ffi yvn must not be changed. Moab is addressed : with *"P3H is introduced the summons, addressed to individuals, to proclaim at the Arnon the calamity that has befallen the country to the north of that river. In vers. 21-24 the general idea of Moab's being laid waste is specialized by the enumera- tion of a long list of towns on which judgment has come. They are towns of "ritJtysn px, the table-land to the north of the Arnon, the names of which nearly all occur in the Pentateuch and Joshua as towns in the tribe of Reuben. But Holon is men- tioned only here. According to Eusebius, in the Onomasticon, s.v. 'leaca, Jahzah was situated between Mr)ha(Swv (Afedeba) and Arj(3ov<; (Dibon); according to Jerome, between Medeba and Debus, or Deblathai; but from Num. xxi. 23, we conclude that it lay in an easterly direction, on the border of the desert, near the commencement of the Wady Wale. Mophaath or Mephaath, where, according to the Onomasticon, a Roman garrison was placed, on account of the near proximity of the desert, is to be 222 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. sought for in the neighbourhood of Jahzah ; see on Josh. xiii. 18. As to Dibon, see on ver. 18 ; for Nebo, see on ver. 1. Beth-Diblathaim is mentioned only in this passage. It is pro- bably identical with Almon-Diblatliaim, Num. xxxiii. 46, and to be sought for somewhere north from Dibon. For Kirjathaim see ver. 1. Beth-Gamul is nowhere else mentioned ; its site, too, is unknown. Eli Smith, in Robinson's Palestine, hi. App. p. 153, is inclined to recognise it in the ruins of Um-el-Jemel, lying on the southern boundary of the Hauran, about twenty miles south-west from Bozrah ; but a consideration of the posi- tion shows that thev cannot be the same. Beth-Meon, or Baal- Meon (Num. xxxii. 38), or more fully, Beth-Baal-Meon (Josh, xiii. 17), lay about three miles south from Heshbon, where Burckhardt (p. 365) found some ruins called Mi-un, .^o** (Robinson, iii. App. p. 170, ^xcU, Ma-in); see on Num. xxxii. 38. Kerioth, vers. 24 and 41, and Amos ii. 2, is not to be identi- fied with the ruins called Kereyath or Kilreiyath, mentioned by Burckhardt (p. 367) and Seetzen (Reisen, ii. 342, iv. 384), as Ritter has assumed ; for this Kereyath is more probably Kir- jathaim (see on ver. 1). Rather, as is pretty fully proved by Dietrich (in Mevx Archiv. i. 320 ff.), it is a synonym of A r, the old capital of Moab, Num. xxii. 36 ; and the plural form is to be accounted for by supposing that Ar was made up of two or several large portions. We find two great arguments sup- porting this position : (1.) When Ar, the capital, occurs among the names of the towns of Moab, as in the list of those in Reuben, Josh. xiii. 16-21, and in the prophecy against Moab in Isaiah, chap. xv. and xvi., where so many Moabitic towns are named, we find no mention of Kerioth ; and on the other hand, where Kerioth is named as an important town in Moab, Amos ii. 2, Jer. xlviii., there is no mention of Ar. (2.) Kerioth is mentioned as an important place in the country in Amos ii, 2, where, from the whole arrangement of the prophecy, it can only be the capital of Moab ; in this present chapter also, ver. 24, Kerioth and Bozrah are introduced as two very important towns which maintained the strength of Moab ; and imme- diately afterwards it is added, " The horn of Moab is cut off," etc. Further, in ver. 41 the capture of Kerioth is put on a level CHAP. XLVIII. 26-35. -23 with the taking of the fortresses ; while it is added, that the courage of the mighty men has failed, just as in xlix. 22 the capture of Bozrah is coupled with the loss of courage on the part of Edom's heroes. Bozrah is not to be confounded with Bozrah in Edom (xlix. 13), nor with the later flourishing city of Bostra in Hauran : it is the same with Bezer (">■$), which, according to Deut. iv. 43 and Josh. xx. 8. was situated in the Mishor of the tribe of Reuben, but has not yet been dis- covered ; see on Deut. iv. 43. For the purpose of completing the enumeration, it is further added, " all the towns of the land of Moab, those which are far off (i.e. those which are situated towards the frontier) and those which are near" (i.e. the towns of the interior, as Kimchi has already explained). Thereby the horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm broken. Horn and arm are figures of power : the horn an emblem of power that boldly asserts itself, and pushes down all that opposes (cf. Ps. lxxv. 5, 11) ; the arm being rather an emblem of dominion. Vers. 26-35. MoaVs haughtiness and deplorable fall. — Ver. 26. " Make him drunk, — for he hath boasted against Jahveh, — so that Moab shall splash down into his vomit, and himself become a laughing-stock. Ver. 27. Was not Israel a laughing-stock to thee, or was he found among thieves ? for whenever thou spakest of him, thou didst shake thine head. Ver. 28. Leave the cities and dwell in the rock, ye inhabitants of Moab ; and be ye like a dove [that] builds its nest in the sides of the mouth of a pit. Ver. 29. We have heard the very arrogant pride of Moab, his haughtiness, and his arrogance, and his high-minded- ness, and his elation of mind. Ver. 30. I know, saith Jahveh, his wrath, and the untruthfulness of his words ; they have done what is untrue. Ver. 31. Therefore will I howl over Moab, and for all Moab will I cry ; they mourn for the people of Kir-heres. Ver. 32. I will weep for thee [with more] than the weeping of Jazer, O vine of Sibmah, thou whose tendrils have gone over the sea, have reached even to the sea of Jazer ; on thy fruit-harvest and thy vintage a spoiler has fallen. Ver. 33. And joy and gladness are taken from the garden, and from the land of Moab ; and I have caused wine to fail from the wine- vats : they shall not tread [with] a shout ; the shout shall be no shout. Ver. 34. From the cry of Hesh- 224 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. bon as far as Elealeh, as far as Jahaz, they utter their voice ; from Zoar as far as Horonaim and the third Eglath ; for even the waters of Nimrim shall become desolations. Ver. 35. And I will destroy from Moab, saith Jahveh, him that offers on a high place and burns incense to his gods." Through his pride, Moab has incurred the sentence of de- struction to his power. In arrogance and rage he has exalted himself over Jahveh and His people Israel ; therefore must he now be humbled, vers. 26-30. The summons to make Moab drunk is addressed to those whom God has charged with the execution of the sentence ; cf. vers. 10 and 21. These are to present to the people of Moab the cup of the divine wrath, and so to intoxicate them, that they shall fall like a drunk man into his vomit, and become a laughing-stock to others (cf. xiii. 13, xxv. 15), because they have boasted against Jahveh by driving the Israelites from their inheritance, and by deriding the people of God ; cf. Zeph. ii. 8. P?p, to strike, frequently of striking the hands together ; here it signifies to fall into his vomit, i.e. to tumble into it with a splash. No other explanation of the word can find support from the language used. Cf. Isa. xix. 14 and xxv. 10 f. In the last clause of ver. 26, the emphasis lies on Sin D3: "he also (Moab, like Israel before) shall become a laughing-stock." This statement is enforced by the question put in ver. 27, "Was not Israel a laughing-stock to thee ? " DX — DN1 shows a double question, like DN — n ; and DiO in the first clause may be further strengthened by the interrogative Pi before pnB>. as in Gen. xvii. 17. For other forms of the double question, see Ps. xciv. 9, Job xxi. 4, Jer. xxiii. 26. On Dagesh dirimens in pnfrn, cf. Ewald, § 104, l>. There is no sufficient reason for questioning the feminine form nsyip3 in the Qeri ; Israel is personified as a woman, just as Moab in ver. 20, where nnn is found. On 13 fjni*] "np, cf. xxxi. 20, where, however, 3 "B'n is used in another meaning. TI^O^ to shake oneself, is a stronger expression than B>K'"l3 Tjn, to shake the head (xviii. 16), a gesture denoting mockery and rejoicing over another's injury; cf. Ps. lxiv. 9. — Ver. 28. A transition is now made from figurative to literal language, and Moab is summoned to leave the cities and take refuge in inac- cessible rocks, because he will not be able to offer resistance to CHAP. XLVIII. 26-35. 225 the enemy ; cf. vers. 6 and 9. " Like a dove that builds its nest over deep crevices." The reference is to wild pigeons, which occur in large numbers in Palestine, and make their nests in the clefts of high rocks (Song of Sol. ii. 14) even at the present day, e.g. in the wilderness of Engedi ; cf. Robin- son's Palestine, ii. 203. nna^B n3J?3 ; lit. " on the other side of the mouth of the deep pit," or of the abyss, i.e. over the yawn- ing hollows. T3?#? is a poetic form for ""OIJ3, as in Isa. vii. 20. The humiliation of Moab finds its justification in what is brought out in ver. 29 f., his boundless pride and hatred against Israel. — Vers. 29 and 30 only more fully develope the idea contained in Isa. xvi. 6. Those who "heard" are the prophet and the people of God. There is an accumulation of words to describe the pride of Moab. Isaiah's expression also, inn^y V13 13"fc6, is here expanded into two clauses, and Jahveh is named as the subject. Not only have the people of God per- ceived the pride of Moab, but God also knows his wrath. V^a belongs to J?"^- 5 as a genitive, as in Isaiah J3"N? means " not right," contrary to actual facts, i.e. untrue. 1 — Vers. 31-33 are also an imitation of Isa. xvi. 7-10. Ver. 31 is a reproduction of Isa. xvi. 7. In ver. 7, Isaiah sets forth the lamentation of Moab over the devastation of his country and its precious fruits ; and not until ver. 9 does the prophet, in deep sympathy, mingle his tears with those of the Moabites. Jeremiah, on the other hand, with his natural softness, at once begins, in the first person, his lament over Moab. t?"^, u therefore," is not immediately connected with ver. 29 f., but with the leading idea presented in vers. 26 and 28, that Moab will fall like one intoxi- cated, and that he must flee out of his cities. If we refer it to ver. 30, there we must attach it to the thought implicitly con- 1 The Masoretic accentuation, according to which Athnach is placed under |3, exhibits another view of the words in the text : this is shown by the Chaldee paraphrase, " their nobles endure not, they have not done what is right." The Masoretes took D^3 in the sense of " staves," and took staves as a symbol of priuces, as in Hos. xi. 6. Luther, in his translation, " I know his anger well, that he cannot do so very much, and attempts to do more than he can," follows the Vulgate, Eyo scio jactantiam ejus, et quod non sit juxta earn virtus ejus, necjuxta quod poterat conata sit facere, which again seems to have followed the LXX. in taking \i*)2 for VH3- ~ : t - VOL. II. P 226 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. tained in the emphatic statement, " I (Jahveh) know his wrath," viz. " and I will punish him for it." The /who makes lament is the prophet, as in Isa. xvi. 9 and xv. 5. Schnurrer, Hitzig, and Graf, on the contrary, think that it is an indefinite third person who is introduced as representing the Moabites ; but there is no analogous case to support this assumption, since the in- stances in which third persons are introduced are of a different kind. But when Graf further asserts, against referring the /to the prophet, that, according to what precedes, especially what we find in ver. 26 ff., such an outburst of sympathy for Moab would involve a contradiction, he makes out the prophet to be a Jew thirsting for revenge, which he was not. Raschi has already well remarked, on the other hand, under Isa. xv. 5, that " the prophets of Israel differ from heathen prophets like Balaam in this, that they lay to heart the distress which they announce to the nations ; " cf . Isa. xxi. 3 f . The prophet weeps for all Moab, because the judgment is coming not merely on the northern portion (vers. 18-25), but on the whole of the country. In ver. 31£, Jeremiah has properly changed ^KW (cakes of dried grapes) into *B>JK"7K, the people of Kir-heres, because his sympathy was directed, not to dainties, but to the men in Moab ; he has also omitted " surely they are smitten," as being too strong for his sympathy, nan*, to groan, taken from the cooing of doves, perhaps after Isa. xxxviii. 14, lix. 11. The third person indicates a universal indefinite. Kir-heres, as in Isa. xvi. 11, or Kir-haresheth in Isa. xvi. 7, 2 Kings iii. 25, was the chief stronghold of Moab, probably the same as Kir- Moab, the modern Kerek, as we may certainly infer from a comparison of Isa. xvi. 7 with xv. 1 ; see on 2 Kings iii. 25, and Dietrich, S. 324.— Ver. 32. TJ£ »330, " more than the weeping of Jazer," may signify, " More than Jazer weeps do I weep over thee ; " or, " More than over Jazer do I weep over thee." However, the former interpretation is the more obvious, and is confirmed by the reading in Isa. xvi. 9. According to the Onomasticon, Jazer was fifteen Eoman miles north from Hesh- bon. Seetzen recognises it in the ruins called es Szir at the source of the Nahr Szir ; see on Num. xxi. 32. According to Jerome, on Isa. xvi. 8, Sibmah was only five hundred paces from Heshbon ; see on Num. xxxii. 38. Judging from the verse now CHAP. XLVIII. 26-35. 227 before us, and from Isa. I.e., the vines of Sibmah must have been famed for the strength and excellence of their clusters. Even now, that region produces excellent grapes in abundance. From Szalt, which lies only ten miles north from Szir, raisins and grapes are carried to Jerusalem, and these of excellent quality (Seetzen, i. S. 399 ; Burckhardt, p. 350). In what follows, " his tendrils crossed the sea," etc., the extensive cultivation of the grape is set forth under the figure of a vine whose tendrils stretch out on all sides. " They have crossed over the sea " has reference in Isaiah (xvi. 8) to the Dead Sea (DJ, as in Ps. lxviii. 23, 2 Chron. xx. 2) ; not merely, however, in the sense of the shoots reaching close to the Dead Sea, but also over it, for Engedi was famed for its vines (Cant. i. 14). Jeremiah also has reproduced the words taken from Isaiah in this sense. From the following clause, " they reached to the sea of Jazer," it does not follow that he has specified " the sea" by " Jazer." What tells rather the other way is the fact that "ny, which means to cross over, cannot possibly be used as equivalent to *W JN3, " to reach to." " They crossed over the sea " shows extension towards the west, while " they reached to the sea of Jazer " indicates extension to- wards the north. This latter statement also is an imitation of what we find in Isa. xvi. 8 ; and " Jazer " is merely further specified as " the sea of Jazer." In spite of the most diligent inquiries, Seetzen (i. S. 406) could learn nothing from the people of that region regarding an inland lake ; but in the beautiful green vale in the vicinity of Szar {i.e. Jazer) there were several ponds, which he supposes may possibly be the mare Jazer, since this valley lying among the mountains is somewhat depressed, and in ancient times was probably filled with water. The " sea " (D;) of Solomon's temple further shows that & does not necessarily denote only a large lake, but might also be applied to a large artificial basin of water. So also, at the present day, the artificial water-basins on the streets of Damascus are called baharat, " seas ; " cf . Wetzstein in Delitzsch on Isa. xvi. 8. This cultivation of the vine is at an end ; for the destroyer has fallen upon the fruit-harvest and the vintage. Jeremiah, by " the destroyer has fallen," explains the words of Isaiah (xvi. 9), " shouting has fallen."— In ver. 33, Isa. xvi. 10 is reproduced. " Joy and gladness are taken away from the gardens, and from 228 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the whole land of Moab." p£13 is not here a proper name, for Mount Carmel does not at all suit the present context ; it is an appellative, fruit-land, i.e. the fruitful wine-country near Jazer. Jeremiah adds, "and from the land (i.e. the whole land) of Moab." The pressing of the grapes comes to an end ; there is no wine in the vat ; no longer is the wine pressed with " Hedad." Tl^n is an adverbial accusative. This is further specified by the oxymoron : a " Hedad, and yet not a Hedad." This word generally signifies any loud shout, — not merely the shout of the wine-pressers as they tread the grapes (see on xxv. 30), but also a battle-cry ; cf. li. 14. Hence the meaning is, " Hedad is heard, but not a merry shout of the wine-pressers." — Ver. 34 is based on Isa. xv. 4-6. " From the cry of Heshbon is heard the echo as far as Elealeh and Jahaz," or " from Heshbon to Elealeh and Jahaz is heard a cry, and from Zoar to Horonaim." Heshbon and Elealeh are only about two miles distant from each other ; their ruins are still visible under the names of Hesbdn (Husban, see on ver. 2) and El Al (see on Num. xxxii. 37). They were both built on hills ; Elealeh in particular was situated on the summit of a hill whence the whole of the southern Belka may be seen (Burckhardt, p. 365), so that a shout thence emitted could be heard at a great distance, even as far as Jahaz, which is pretty far off to the south-west from Heshbon (see on ver. 21). The words " from Zoar to Horonaim " also depend on " they uttered their voice." Both places lay in the south of the land ; see on vers. 3 and 4. The wailing resounds not merely on the north, but also on the south of the Anion. There is much dispute as to the meaning of WW Dpjy, which is here men- tioned after Horonaim, but in Isa. xv. 5 in connection with, or after Zoar. To take the expression as an appellative, juvenca tertii anni (LXX., Vulgate, Targum, Gesenius, etc.), would perhaps be suitable, if it were an apposition to Moab, in which case we might compare with it passages like xlvi. 20, 1. 11 ; but this does not accord with its position after Horonaim and Zoar, for we have no analogy for the comparison of cities or fortresses with a juvenca tertii anni, h. e. indomita jugoque non assueta ; and it cannot even be proved that Zoar and Horonaim were fortresses of Moab. Hence we take 'tJ> npjy as the proper name of a place } " the third Eglath;" this is the view of Rosenmuller, CHAP. XLVIII. 3G-38. 229 Drechsler, and Dietrich (in M&rx* Archiv. i. S. 342 ff.). The main reason for this view is, that there would be no use for an addition being made, by way of apposition, to a place which is mentioned as the limit of the Moabites' flight, or that reached by their wailing. The parallelism of the clauses argues in favour of its being a proper name ; for, on this view of it, three towns are named in both members, the first once, as the start- ing-point of the cry of wailing, the other two as points up to which it is heard. The preposition "IV, which is omitted, may be supplied from the parallel member, as in Isa. xv. 8. Regard- ing the position of Eglath Shelishijah, it is evident from the context of both passages that we must look for it on the southern frontier of Moab. It is implied in the epithet "the third" that there were three places (villages), not far from one another, all bearing the same name. Dietrich (S. 344 f .) has adduced several analogous cases of towns in the country to the east of the Jordan, — two, and sometimes even three, towns of the same name, which are distinguished from each other by numerals. " The waters of Nimrim also shall become desola- tions," because the enemy fill up the springs with earth. Nim- rim is not the place called n^V) or FTOJ rra mentioned in Num. xxxii. 3, 36, Josh. xiii. 27, whose ruins lie on the way from Szalt to Jericho, in the Wady Shaib, on the east side of the Jordan (see on Num. xxxii. 36), for this lies much too far to the north to be the place mentioned here. The context points to a place in the south, in Moab proper, where Burckhardt (p. 355), Seetzen (Reisen, ii. S. 354), and de Saulcy (Voyage, i. 283, ii. 52) have indicated a stream fed by a spring, called Moiet Numere (i.e. brook Nimrah), in the country at the south end of the Dead Sea, and in that wady a mass of ruins called Nume"re (the Nimmery of Seetzen, iii. 18). — Ver. 35 ends the strophe of which it is a part ; here the Lord declares that He will make to cease 3X1D^ (for, or from Moab, lit. to Moab), every one who offers on a high place and burns incense to his gods. n?jJB cannot be a substantive, else the parallelism would be destroyed. Nor may we, with Hitzig, render " he who raises a high place," i.e. builds it, for n?yn is not used in this sense. Vers. 36-38. Further lamentation over the fall of Moab. — Ver. 36. " Therefore my heart sounds like pipes for Moab, and 230 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. my heart sounds like pipes for the men of Kir-heres ; therefore the savings which he has made are perished. Ver. 37. For every head is baldness, and every beard is shorn ; on all hands there are cuts, and on loins sackcloth. Ver. 38. On all the roofs of Moab, and in its streets, it is all mourning ; for I have broken Moab like a vessel, in which there is no pleasure, saith Jahveh." The prophet once more lifts up his lamentation over Moab (ver. 36 corresponds to ver. 31), and gives reason for it in the picture he draws of the deep affliction of the Moabites. Ver. 36a is an imitation of Isa. xvi. 11 ; the thought presented in ver. 366 accords with that found in Isa. xv. 7. Isaiah says, " My bowels sound (groan) like the harp," whose strings give a tremulous sound when struck with the plectrum. Instead of this, Jeremiah puts the sounding of pipes, the instruments used in dirges (Matt. ix. 23). Moab and Kir-heres are men- tioned together, as in ver. 31. ]?'?]}, in the second clause, does not stand for J3~PJ? "G, " on this account that " (Kimchi, Hitzig, Graf, etc.), but is co-ordinated with the first |3"^. The idea is not, " Therefore my heart mourns over Moab, because the savings are perished ; " but because the sentence of deso- lation has been passed on the whole of Moab, therefore the heart of the prophet makes lament, and therefore, too, all the property which Moab has acquired is lost, '"inn 1 ;, as a collective noun, is joined with the plural verb ^?*J. On the construction nb>y rnrp, cf. Gesenius, § 123, 3, Rem. 1 ; Ewald, § 332, c. The proof of this is given by the deep sorrow and wailing of the whole Moabite nation, ver. 37 f. On all sides are tokens of the deepest sadness, — heads shorn bald, beards cut off, incisions on the hands, sackcloth round the loins. — Ver. 37 is formed out of pieces taken from Isa. xv. 2, 3. nrnp is a sub- stantive, " baldness," i.e. quite bald. W"i3, decurtata, instead of niVta (in Isaiah), is weaker, but more suitable for the present con- nection. riT\$ } i.e. cuts or scratches inflicted on the body, as signs of mourning; cf. xvi. 6, xli. 5. ISpp n^3 ; "It is all wailing;" nothing is heard but wailing, for God has broken Moab in pieces like a useless vessel. On the simile employed, cf. xxii. 28. Vers. 39-44. No escape from destruction. — Ver. 39. " How it is broken ! they howl. How hath Moab turned the back, for shame ! And Moab becomes a lau£fhino;-stock and a terror CHAP. XLVIII. 39-44. 231 to all liis neighbours. Ver. 40. For thus saith Jahveh : Be- hold, he shall fly like the eagle, and spread his wings over Moab. Ver. 41. Kerioth is taken, and the strongholds are seized, and the heart of the heroes of Moab on that day become like the heart of a travailing woman. Ver. 42. And Moab is destroyed from being a people, because he hath boasted against Jahveh. Ver. 43. Fear, and a pit, and a snare, are against thee, O inhabitant of Moab, saith Jahveh. Ver. 44. He who flees from the fear shall fall into the pit, and he who goes up out of the pit shall be taken in the snare ; for I will bring against it, against Moab, the year of their recompense, saith Jahveh." The subject of nnn in ver. 39 is Moab viewed as a nation. vvn might be imperative, but in this case we would be obliged to take Bfa also as an imperative (as Hitzig and Graf do). It is simpler to take both forms as perfects : " they howl . . . Moab turns the back, is ashamed " ( = for shame). On pnts? nvi ? c f. ver. 26. i " , fit 1J ?> object of terror, as in xvii. 17. " All who are round about him," as in ver. 17. " For (ver. 40) the enemy rushes down upon Moab like an eagle, and seizes Kerioth and all his strongholds." The subject is left unnamed, as in xlvi. 18, but it is Nebuchadnezzar. The figure of the eagle, dart- ing down in flight on its prey, is founded on Deut. xxviii. 49 (on "vi* for ?y, cf. xlix. 22). Kerioth, the capital, is taken (see on ver. 24) ; so are the other strongholds or fastnesses of the country. The mere fact that rri s "]i? has the article does not justify any one in taking it as an appellative, "the cities;" this appears from a comparison of Amos ii. 2 with this verse. No plural of n^j? occurs anywhere. Then the fear of death falls on the heroes of Moab like a woman in labour. m¥D t •* : / partic. Hiphil from "H^', uterum comprimens, is found only here and in xlix. 22, where the figure is repeated. Moab is anni- hilated, so that it is no longer a nation (cf. ver. 2), because it has risen up in pride against the God of Israel ; cf. ver. 26. He who flees from one danger falls into the other. The play on the words "ins, fear, horror, nna, pit, and nQ, spring-trap, as well as the mode in which it is carried out, is taken from Isa. xxiv. 17 f., — a prophecy of the judgment on the world; see a similar idea presented in Amos v. 19, but somewhat differently expressed. The Kethib D^n, perfect Hiphil, "he flees," is less suit- 232 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. able than the Qeri D3H (after Isaiah). The last clause, " for I will bring," etc., is quite in Jeremiah's peculiar style; cf. iv. 23, xxiii. 12. nvx belongs to 3NilO~?K : the noun is anticipated by the pronoun, as frequently occurs ; cf. ix. 14, xli. 3, xliii. 11. Vers. 45-47. Conclusion. — Ver. 45. "Under the shadow of Heshbon stand fugitives, powerless ; for a fire goes out from Heshbon, and a flame from Sihon, and devours the region of Moab, and the crown of the head of the sons of tumult. Ver. 46. Woe unto thee, Moab ! the people of Chemosh are perished ! for thy sons are taken away into captivity, and thy daughters into captivity. Ver. 47. Yet will I turn the captivity of Moab at the end of the days, saith Jahveh. Thus far is the judgment of Moab." From Heshbon issued the resolution to annihilate Moab (ver. 2) ; to Heshbon the prophecy finally returns. " In the shadow of Heshbon stand fugitives, powerless" (03*?, with fft privative), where, no doubt, they were seeking refuge ; cf. Isa. xxx. 2, 3. The fugitives can only be Moabites. Here it is astonishing that they seek refuge in Heshbon, since the enemy comes from the north, and according to ver. 2, it is in Heshbon that the resolution to destroy Moab was formed ; and judging from xlix. 3, that city was then in the hands of the Ammonites. Hence Hitzig and Graf miss the connection. Hitzig thinks that the whole clause was inserted by a glosser, who imagined the town belonged to Moab, perhaps allow- ing himself to be misled in this by Num. xxi. 27, " Come to Heshbon." Graf, on the other hand, is of opinion that the fugitives are seeking the protection of the Ammonites in Heshbon, but do not find it : hence he would take the ^ which follows in the adversative sense of "however" or "rather;" but this is against the use of the word, and cannot be allowed. The tenor of the words, " Fugitives stand under the shadow of Heshbon," does not require us to assume that people had fled to Heshbon out of the whole of Moab. Let us rather think of fugitives from the environs of Heshbon, who seek refuge in this fortified town, from the enemy advancing from the north, but who find themselves disappointed in their expecta- tion, because from this city there bursts forth the fire of war which destroys Moab. The thought merely serves the purpose CHAP. XLVIII. 45-47. 233 of attaching to it the utterances which follow regarding Moab : but from vers. 43 and 44 alone, it is evident that escape will be impossible. In proof of this he mentions the flight to Heshbon, that he may have an opportunity of introducing a portion of the old triumphal songs of the Mosaic age, with which he wished to conclude his prophecy, vers. 456 and 46. The fugitives stand powerless, i.e. exhausted and unable to flee any further, while Heshbon affords them no refuge. For there bursts forth from it the fire that is to destroy the whole of Moab. The words from " for a fire," etc., on to the end of ver. 46, are a free imitation of some strophes out of an ancient song, in which poets of the Mosaic period celebrated the victory of Israel over Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had con- quered the greater portion of Moab ; but with this there is in- terwoven a passage from the utterances of Balaam the seer, regarding the fall of Moab, found in Num. xxiv. 17, viz. from 72Nrn to jiNES* \J2. These insertions are made for the purpose of showing that, through this judgment which is now coming upon Moab, not only those ancient sayings, but also the prophecy of Balaam, will find their full accomplishment. Just as in the time of Moses, so now also there again proceeds from Heshbon the fire of war which will consume Moab. The words, " for a fire has gone out from Heshbon," are a verbatim repetition of what we find in Num. xxi. 28, with the single exception that t>'N is here, as in Ps. civ. 4, construed as masculine, and thus takes N^ instead of nsv* ; but this change, of course, does not affect the meaning of the words. The next clause runs, in Numbers, I.e., Jim? rngD nsnh. but here prPD pao narfo ■ this change into pao is difficult to account for, so that J. D. Michaelis and Ewald would alter it into TV so. There is no need for refuting the assumption of Easchi and Nagelsbach, that Sihon stands for the city of Sihon ; or the fancy of Moms and Hitzig, that an old glosser imagined Sihon was a town instead of a king. When we consider that the burning of Heshbon by the Israelites, celebrated in that ancient song, was brought on by Sihon the Amorite king, since the Israelites were not to make war on Moab, and only fought against Sihon, who had made Heshbon his residence, there can be no doubt that Jeremiah purposely changed nnpD into firr-D pao, in order to show that Sihon was 234 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. the originator of the fire which consumed Heshbon. By this latter expression Jeremiah seeks to intimate that, in Nebu- chadnezzar and the Chaldean army, there will arise against the Moabites another Sihon, from whose legions will burst forth the flame that is to consume Moab. pat?, " from be- tween," is to be explained on the ground that Sihon is not viewed as a single individual, but as the leader of martial hosts. This fire will "devour the region of Moab, and the crown of the head of the sons of tumult." These words have been taken by Jeremiah from Balaam's utterance regarding Moab, Num. xxiv. 17, and embodied in his address after some transformation. What Balaam announces regarding the ruler (Star and Sceptre) that is to arise out of Israel, viz. " he shall smite the region of Moab, and dash in pieces the sons of tumult," Jeremiah has transferred to the fire: accordingly, he has changed JTO into te*n, and n^pa^a Ipigl into iisa> *pa Ipli?!. Several commentators understand HNS as sig- nifying the margin of the beard (Lev. xix. 27, xxi. 5) ; but the mention of the crown of the head in the parallel member does not require this meaning, for HS3 does not signify the corner of the beard, except when found in combination with EW or fi?T. The singeing of the margin of the beard seems, in connection with the burning of the crown, too paltry and insignificant. As in the fundamental passage ""riSS signify the sides of Moab, so here HNQ is the side of the body, and 1p"]i3 the head. PNE> "O^ homines tumvltuosi, are the Moabites with their imperious disposition; cf. ver. 29. — Ver. 46 is again derived from the ancient poem in Num. xxi., but the second half of the verse is altered. The bold figure which represents Chemosh the god of the Moabites as delivering his people up to captivity, is continued in the literal statement of the case ; Moab's sons and daughters, i.e. its population, are carried away by the enemy into captivity. — Ver. 47. This infliction of judg^ ment, however, on the Moabites, is not to prove a complete annihilation of them. At the end of the days, i.e. in the Messianic times (see on xxiii. 20), there is in store for them a turn in their fortunes, or a restoration. For rnaB> 2tf& } see on xxix. 14. Cf. the similar promise for Egypt, xlvi. 26 ; Ammon and Elam, xlix. 6 and 39. The last clause, " Thus far," etc., CHAP. XLIX. 1-0. 235 is an addition made by the editor, when this oracle was re- ceived into the collection of Jeremiah's prophecies; cf. li. 64. tDSBto means the prophecy regarding Moab with respect to its contents. As to the fulfilment of the threatened ruin, Josephus (Antt. x. 9. 7) states that Nebuchadnezzar, in the fifth year after the destruction of Jerusalem, made war on the Moabites and sub- dued them. This statement is not to be questioned, though the date given should be incorrect. We have no other sources of information regarding this people. After the return of the Israelites from Babylon, the Moabites are no longer mentioned as a people, except in Ezra ix. 1, Neh. xiii. 1, 23, where it is stated that some Israelites had married Moabitish wives ; nor is any mention made of this people in the books of the Macca- bees, which, however, relate the wars of Judas Maccabeus with the Ammonites and Edomites (1 Mace. v. 3 and 6, cf. iv. 61); neither is there any further notice taken of them in Josephus, who only now and then speaks of Moab, i.e. the country and its towns (Antt. xiii. 14. 2, 15. 4 ; Bell. Jud. iii. 3. 3, iv. 8. 2). This name seems to have been merged, after the exile, in that of the Arabians. But the disappearance of the name of this people does not exclude the probability that descendants con- tinued to exist, who, when Christianity spread in the country to the east of the Jordan, were received into the communion of the Christian church. Chap. xlix. Concerning A mmon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar and Hazor, JElam. Vers. 1-6. Concerning the children of Ammon. — The Ammonites were, not merely as regards descent, but also as to their character and their relation to Israel, the twin-people with the Moabites. From them, too, as well as from the Moabites, Sihon the king of the Ammonites had wrenched a portion of their territory, which the Israelites received for a possession after Sihon had been subdued. This territory they sought every opportunity of retaking from the Israelites, whom they as constantly endeavoured to humiliate when they could. Besides their connection with Eglon the Moabite king (Judg. iii. 13), they oppressed Israel during the period of the judges for 236 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. eighteen years, not only in Gilead, but also on this side of Jordan, since they fought against Ephraim, Benjamin, and Judah (Judg. x. 7 ff., xi. 12-32). During Samuel's time, their king Nahash besieged Jabesh-Gilead, and demanded the sur- render of the city under shameful conditions, in consequence of which they were defeated by Saul (1 Sam. ii.). During the time of David they disgracefully treated his ambassadors, who had come to comfort King Hanun over the death of his father ; they then united with the Syrians against Israel, but were defeated by Joab, and, after the taking of their capital, Kabbah, severely chastised (2 Sam. x. 1 to xi. 1, and xii. 26-31). Under the reign of Jehoshaphat, also, in company with the Moabites, they invaded Judah (2 Chron. xx.) ; and when, later, the Israelites were heavily oppressed by the Syrians under Hazael, the Ammonites practised cruelties on them in Gilead, for which the prophet Amos (i. 13-15) threatens them with devastation of their country and foreign captivity. After the death of Jeroboam n., who had restored the borders of Israel as far as the Dead Sea (2 Kings xiv. 25), the Ammonites must have made fresh attempts to enlarge their territory during the inter- regnum that had begun in the kingdom of the ten tribes ; for it is mentioned in 2 Chron. xxvi. 8 that they brought presents to King Uzziah, i.e. paid tribute, and had thus been rendered tributary to him : it is also stated in 2 Chron. xxvii. 5 that his son Jotham marched against them in order to enforce the pay- ment of the tribute. But when, soon afterwards, Tiglath-pileser the Assyrian carried away the tribes of Israel on the east of the Jordan (2 Kings xv. 29 ; 1 Chron. v. 26), the Ammonites seized possession of the depopulated country of the tribes of Gad and Reuben, while they also seized Heshbon on the border of these two tribal territories. This unjust appropriation of Israelitish territory forms the starting-point of the prophecy now before us. Ammon has taken possession of the inheritance of Gad, therefore must his cities be destroyed by war, that Israel may again obtain his own property (vers. 1, 2). Ammon will sorrow deeply, for his god will go with his princes into captivity (vers. 2-4). His trust in the wealth of his land will not help him, but his people will be frightened away through terror on every side, yet they will be restored in the future (vers. 5, 6). CHAP. XLIX. 1-6. 237 Ver. 1. u Concerning the children of Amnion, thus saith Jahveh : Hath Israel no sons, or hath he no heir ? Why doth their king inherit Gad, and his people dwell in his cities ? Ver. 2. Therefore, behold, days are coming, saith Jahveh, when I will cause to be heard against Kabbah of the children of Amnion a war-cry ; and it shall become a heap of ruins, and her daughters shall be burned with fire : and Israel shall heir those who heired him, saith Jahveh. Ver. 3. Howl, O Hesh- bon ! for Ai is laid waste. Cry ! ye daughters of Rabbah, gird yourselves with sackcloth ; lament, and run up and down among the enclosures : for their king shall go into captivity, his priests and his princes together. Ver. 4. Why dost thou glory in the valleys ? Thy valley flows away, O thou rebellious daughter, that trusted in her treasures, [saying], Who shall come to me ? Ver. 5. Behold, I will bring a fear upon thee, saith the Lord Jahveh of hosts, from all that is round thee ; and ye shall be driven each one before him, and there shall be none to gather together the fugitives. Ver. 6. But afterwards I will turn the captivity of the children of Amnion, saith Jahveh." The address begins with a question full of reproach : " Has Israel, then, no sons who could take possession of his land as their inheritance, that the king of the Ammonites has taken possession of Gad (i.e. of the hereditary portion of the tribe of Gad), and dwells in the cities of Gad?" The question pre- supposes that the Israelites had been carried away by Tiglath- pileser, but at the same time, also, that the country still belongs to the Gadites, for they certainly have sons who shall again receive the inheritance of their fathers. Since Jeremiah, as is clear from ver. 3, had Amos i. 13-15 in his mind, he evidently uses D3pO in a double sense, not merely in ver. 3, but even in ver. 1 also, with a reference to Amos i. 15, meaning the king and god of the Ammonites. As in Amos, Aquila, Symmachus, Jerome, and the Syriac, so in this passage also, the LXX., Vulgate, and Syriac have understood D2TO of the god B2?o ; with them agree Ewald, Hitzig, and Graf. But the reasons alleged for the change of BSyO into Diapp are quite as insuffi- cient here as in Amos i. 15. Just as, in the last-named passage, D3?p first of all refers to the king of the Ammonites, so is it here. It is not the god, but the king, of the Ammonites 238 THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. that has taken possession of the territory of Gad. It is not till ver. 3 that the reference to the god Milcom plainly comes out. Yer. 2. Therefore shall Rabbah, the capital of the Ammonites, hear the cry of war, and be changed into a heap of ruins. rsi {toy \J2lj " The great (city) of the sons of Ammon," is the full name of the Ammonite capital (cf. Deut. iii. 11), which is usually called, briefly, nnn (Amos i. 14 ; 2 Sam. xi. 1, etc.) ; it was afterwards called Philadelphia, probably after Ptolemy Philadelphus, in Polybius 'PafiftaTafiava, in Abulfeda Amdn, which is the name .still given to its ruins on the Nahr Amman, i.e. the Upper Jabbok ; see on Deut. iii. 11. "A cry of war," as in iv. 19 ; cf. Amos i. 14. " A hill of desolation," i.e. a heap of ruins ; cf. Josh. viii. 28, Deut. xiii. 17. " Her daughters " are the smaller cities dependent on the capital, — here, all the remaining cities of the Ammonites; cf. Num. xxi. 25, Josh. xv. 45, etc.. " Israel shall heir those who heired him," i.e. re- ceive back the property of those who have appropriated his land. — Ver. 3. The cities of the Ammonites, i.e. their inhabit- ants, shall howl and lament over this calamity. The summons given to Heshbon to howl implies that this city, formerly the residence of Sihon, was then in possession of the Ammonites. There is obscurity in the clause announcing the reason, " for ^ (LXX. Ted) is laid waste : " the word seems to be a proper noun, but there is no city of this name known in the Ammonite country, or the land east of the Jordan ; while we must not think of Ai QV?} } Josh. vii. 2 f.), which was situated on the west side of the Jordan. Venema and Ewald are inclined to take the word as an appellative, synonymous with ?n, "ruins" (which is the meaning of *$), and regard it as the subject of Rabbah, the capital, " because it has been laid in ruins." But a comparison of xlviii. 20, iv. 20, Zech. xi. 3, rather favours our taking ^V as the subject. Graf and others would therefore change ''V into iy, as (they say) the capital of the Ammonites w r as called by the Israelites. But there are no historical traces of this desig- nation of Rabbah. There remains hardly any other course open than to consider ^ as the name of an important Ammonite city. The mere fact that it is mentioned nowhere else cannot form a strong foundation for the objection against this assumption, for we do not find anywhere a list of the Ammonite cities. The CHAP. XLIX. 1-C. 239 inliabitants of the other towns are to put on signs of sorrow, and go about mourning " in the enclosures," i.e. in the open country, since the cities, being reduced to ashes, no longer afford shelter. Most expositors understand niVjf as meaning sheep-folds (Num. xxxii. 16, 24, 36) ; but there is no reason for taking this special view of the meaning of the word, according to which rrtVjS would stand for |S¥ H1T13. iTYia and T13 also mean the wall of a vineyard, or the hedges of the vineyards, and in Num. xxii. 24 specially the enclosure of the vineyards at the cross-roads in the country east of the Jordan. This is the meaning here. We must not, with Nagelsbach, think of city walls on which one could run up and down, for the purpose of taking measures for defence: the words do not signify the walls of a city. The carrying away into exile of Malcam with his priests and princes gives the reason for the sorrow. ^^P is here not the earthly king, but the god Milcom viewed as the king of the Ammonites, as is clear from the addition ^lP, and from the parallel passage in xlviii. 7. The clause is copied from Amos i. 15, but Sttin has been substituted for VJnb, in order that Q3?o may be under- stood of Milcom, the chief deity (see on 1 Kings xi. 5). — Ver. 4. Thus shall the empty boasting of the Ammonites and their trust in their riches come to nothing. " Why dost thou boast of the valleys?" i.e. of the splendid fruitful valleys and plains which, being well watered, produced large crops of corn and wheat. 1 TJi^xpy 21 is viewed by some as an antithesis [to what immediately precedes] : " thy valley flows, sc. with the blood of the slain" (Rosenmiiller and Gesenius still view it thus); or, " it flows away," i.e. thy valley (viz. its inhabitants) is scattered, dispersed. But it is quite arbitrary to supply " with blood;" and even the other explanation — which Hitzig justifies on the ground that valley or river-bottom stands for what it contains, 1 The LXX. have in this passage, as in xlvii. 5, changed poy for pjy, and translated r\ oiya.'h'hicco&i iv to