■ W+ .ate*-. * s<*m> m FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY SCC (2^warruan Uia^t DRAUGHT 67 T K3 FORM OF THl GOVERNMENT and DISCIPLINE 7 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Propofed, by the Svnod of New-York and Philadelphia, for the confidrration of the Prefbytsrics and Churches under their care. N E W.Y O R K: ftrimed by S. and J. LO UD'O N, No. c, Water-StreeU - ■/!. m,dcc*lxxxvii. I TH E Synod i d ;>hilaJeU phi**-, *// //! h;g, Md in I May, 1787, appointed the Rev. Dr. John Rod- gcn, Dr. Alexander MacWhorter, Mr. Alex- ander Milder and Mr. James Wilfoti, Mini/iers, a Committee, t* print One TJwufand £opies of the draught of the Form of Government aim Difcipline^ as now amended by the Synod, to be dijlrtbx among the PrefbyteAe* <2iht Churches under their rare. . The Committee was alfo appointed to print ; lafl -paragraph of tire ic>fi Chapter of the 11 tninfier Confejjion of Faith ; the yi paragraph of the 2yl Chapter ; and the Ul paragraph of the $\ft Chapter, as now propofed to be altered by the Synod : Further^ the Committee was appointed, to revije the Direclory for the Pub- lie worjhip of God, and to print it, when rcvif ed and amended by them, together with the draught of the form of Government and Difcipline : And the Synod agreed, that thefe he calla vifed and adopted, the Confelhon of Faith, and Directory for the Public Worfhip of God, of the Prefbyterian Church in the United States of America. The Committee, confidering tliat a power of ma- king verbal alterations, in the draught of the Form of Government and Difcipline, was committed to them by the Synod, and being fully fenfible that they are liable to make mi/lakes in this particu- lar, have thought proper to print, all the w$ which they have changed, in Italics. I N TR D U C T ION, TH E Synod of Nrw-YoRK and Phi- ladelphia, judging it expedient to afcer- tain and fix the fyftem of union, and the form of the Government ^^/Difcipline ofthePrejbyterian Church inthefe United States , under their care, have thought proper to lay down, by way of intro- duclion, a few of tks general principles ? by which they have been hitherto governed, and which are the ground work of iht following plan. This, it h hoped, will, in fome meafure, prevent thofe rafh mifconjlruflions and uncandid reflections, which ufually proceed from an imperfeft view of any fubject ; as well as make the feveral parts of the fyfiem plain, and 'the whole plan perfpi* tuous, and fully underftood. The Synod are unanimoufly of opinion ; I. That " God alone is Lord of the con- '* fcience,, and hath left it free from the doc- ** trines and commandments of men ; which are " in any thing contrary to his word, or befide " it in matters of faith or worihip :" There- fore, they confider the rights of private judge- ment, in all matters that refpeel religion, as uni- verfal and unalienable : They do not even wifh to fee any religious conftitution aided by the civil power, further than may be -neceffary for protection and fecurity, and, at the fame time, may be equal and common to all others. II. That, in perfect confiflency with the above principle oi common right, every Chriftian Church „ Church, or union and affoctattam of puii i lilfar Churches, are entitled to declare the terras of admiiuon into their communion^ and the quali- fications of their miniftcrs and members, as well as the whole fyitem of the internal government %hich Chrift hath appointed : That, in the excrcife of this ri^ht, they may, notwithftand- iug, err, in making the terms of communion tithe- too lax or too narrow : yet, even in this G*Te, they do not infringe the liberty, or to* ci each upon the rights of others, but only make an improper ufe of their own. III. That our breffed Saviour, for the cdi- fcction of the viiible Church, which is Lis bo- cry, hath appointed officers, not only to prea :h the Gofpcl and admimjler the Saoamcnts ; but a ; fo to exercrfe difcipline, for the preferyation both of truth and duty : and, that it is incum- bent upon theft officers, and upon the whole Church, in whole name they act, to cenfure, or call out, the erroneous and fcandalous ; obferv- i/.; r , in all cafes, the rules contained in the word of God. IV. That truth is in order to goodnefs ; and that no opinion can be either more pernicious cr more abfurd, than that which brings truth and falfehood upon a level, and reprefents it of no confequence what a man's fen timerts are : On the contrary, They are of opinion, that fonndnefs in the faith lays a proper founda- tion for holy practice; for, if it were other- v? fe, it would be of no importance either to d << over trut^ or to embrace it. V. That while, under the conviction of the 3 r '»ve rnrrHr, The 1 , think itneceffary to make t^L&Liil ^ruviiion, that all, who arc admitted as L V -as Teachers, be found in the faith ; They t\fo believe, that there are truths and forms, with refpect to which men of good characters and principles may differ : And, in all thefe, Thef think it the duty, both of private Chriftians and Societies, to exei cife mutual forbearance toward* each other. VI. That though the character, qualifies? t : ons, and authority of Church-officers, are laid down in the holy Scriptures, as well as the pro* per method of their inveiliture and inftitution - f yet the election of the perfens, to the exer- cife of this authority, in any particular fociety- is in that fociety. VII. That all Church power, whether exer- cifed by the body in general, or, in the way of reprefentation, by delegated authority, is only ininifterial and declarative : That is to/ay, that the Holy Scriptures are the only rule of faith and manners ; that no Church judicatory ought to pretend to make laws, to bind the confeience, in virtue of their own authority ; and that all their decifiem fnculd be founded upon the re* vcaled will of God : Now though it will eafily be admitted, that all Synods and Councils may err, through the frailty infeparable from humanity ; yet there is much greaterdanger,from the ufurp- ed claim of making laws, than from the right of judging upon laws already made, and com- mon to all who profefs the Gofpel ; although this right, as neccifity requires in the prefent ftate, be lodged with fallible men. VIII. Lajily r That, if the above Scriptural and rational principles be ftedfauMy adhered to, the vigour and ftrictnefs of their difcipline will contribute to the glory and happinefs of any Church [ VI ] Church. Since difcipline mufl be purely moral and fpiritual in its object, and not attended with any civil effects, it can derive no force what- ever, but from its' own juftice, the approba- tion of an impartial public, and the cpuntcs nance and blefling of the great Head of the Church univerfal Tbe FORM, &c. Of the Church. JESUS CHRIST, who is now' exalted, far above all principality and power, hath erect- ed, in this world, a kingdom, which is his Church. The univerfal Church confifls of all thofe perfons, in every nation, together with their children, who make profeilion of the holy re- ligion of Chrift, and fubmit to his laws. As this immenfe multitude cannot meet to- gether^ in one place, to hold communion, or : to worftiip God, it is reafonable, and warranted by Scripture example ', that they mould be di- vided into many particular Churches. A particular Church confifls of a number of profefling Chriflians, with their offspring, vo- luntarily afTociated together, for divine wor- fhip and godly living, agreeably to the holy Scriptures ; and fubmitting to a certain form of government. Of the Officer* of the Church. rxtraordi- Q ur hlefTed Lord, at firft r collected his nary of- Church,out of different nations, and for- med it into one body, by the miflioa of men endued with miraculous gifts, which have, long fince, ceafed. The ( 8 ) Ferpetut! The ordinary and perpetual Officr utaceri fa the Church, are, Bijhops or Pq/lors > the reprefentatives of thsr People, ufuaily ltiled Ruling Elders ; and Deacons. Of Bifoops or Fuji on. Namci, ace. Jh e p a Jloral office is the firft, in the Church, both/ar dignity and ufefulnefs. The per for. who fills this office, hath, in Scripture, obtained dif- ferent names expreflive of his various duties : As ifehas the overfight of theflock of Chrift, he is called Bifhop * : As He feeds them with fpi. ritual food, he is JUled Pallor : As He fcrves Chrift in his church, he is termed Miniilcr : As // is his duty to be grave, and prudent, and an example of the flock, and to govern well in the houfe and kingdom of Chrift, he is denomU nated Prefbyter or Elder : As He is the m.f- len^er of God, he is addreffed as the An^el of the Chw-ch : \s He is fent to declare the will of God to finners, and to befeech them to be reconciled to God through Chrift, he is re- p efented as Ambaffador : And, as He difpenfes the manifold <*race of God, and the ordinances inftituted by Chrift, he hfpoken of as Steward of the myfteries of God. Of Ruling Elders. tfame, &c. R u lj n g Elders are properly the repre- fentatives of the people, chofen by them, for the purpofe of exerciiing government and discipline, • As the officeand charter of the Gofpcl Mincer is particu- larly and fully defaib -J, in the holy Scriptu;c«, under the title of Bi.hop ; and as rhis term is peculiarly expreflive of ki: duty *e an Ovruccr or the fleck, i: oaght not to 6s rcjcc?:d ( 9 ) in conjunction with Paftors or Minifters-. This office has been underftood, by a great part of the Proteftant reformed Churches, to be defo- liated, in the Holy Scriptures, by the title of Governments ; and of thofe who rule well, but do not labour in word and doctrine. Of Deacons. Name, &c. Th c Scriptures clearly point out Dea* cons as diflincl: officers in the Church, whofe bufi- nefs it is, not to administer any of the ordinances of the Gofpel, but to take care of the Poor, and to diflribute among them the collections which may be raifed for their ufe. To them alfo may be properly committed the manage- ment of the temporal affairs of the Church. Of the Ordinances in a particular Church* Ordinances of TheOrdinances,efl:ablifhedby Chrift th„ church. t heHead,in aparticularChurch,^/VA) is regularly conftituted with its proper officers, are,Prayer; fmgingPraifes; reading, expounding, and preaching the Word of God ; adminiftring Baptifm and the Lord's Supper ; public folemn Failing and Thankfgiving ; Catechifmg ; making collections for thejPoor and other pious purpofes ; exercifing Difcipline > and bleffing the People, Of Church Government, and the fever al kinds of Judicatories, ju^StoTes. If is a ¥ olute b neceffary that the go- vernment of the Church be cxercrfed under fome certain and definite form : And we hold it expedient, and agreeable to fcripture and B the ( *° ) the practice of the primitive Chriflians, that the Church be governed by Congregational, Pref- byterial, and Synod ical AfTemblies. In full con- Jijlency with this belief we embrace, in the fpirit of charity, thofe Chriitians who differ from us, in opinion or in practice, on tliefe fubjects. Their Pow. Thefe AfTemblies ought not to pof- Tefs any civil jurifdicTion, nor to in- flict any civil penalties. Their power is whol- ly moral or fpiritual, and that only miniflerial and declarative; They pofTefs the right of re- quiring obedience to the laws of Chrift ; and of excluding the difobedient and diforderly from the privileges of the Church. To give efficiency, however, to this necefTary and fcrip- tural authority, they pofTefs the powers requi- fite for obtaining evidence and inflicting cen- fure : They can call before them any offender iiifl the order and government of the Church: They can require members, of their own fo- ciety, to appear and give teflimony on the caufe ; but the highefl punifhment, to which their au- thority extends, is to exclude, the contuma- cious and impenitent, from the Congregation of believers. Of the Congregational Affembly or Judicatory^ ufually Jlilcd the Church Seffton. McmbS^ The Cnurch Scflion confifts of the the church Minijler or Miniflcrs, and Elders of Scflion. a p art j cu ] ar Congregation. its pow- 5 ) M° nfUt To t f ^ 1C General CounGil fliall confift the General of an equal delegation of BiJJoops and Council. Elders, from each Prefbytery, in the following proportion : viz, each Prefbytery, confiding of not more than fix Minifters, (hall fend one Minifler and one Elder ; each Pref- bytery, confiding of more than fix Miniflers and not more than twelve, (hall fend two Miniflers and two Elders ; and in like proportion, for e- very fix Minifters, in any Prefbytery : And thefe Delegates, io appointed, fliall bear the ti- tle of COMMISSIONERS TO THE GENE- RAL COUNCIL. Quorum Any fourteen, or more, of thefe Com- thrreof. m iflioners, one half of whom fliall be Mi- nifters, being met, on the day, and at the place appointed, fliall be competent to form a General Council, and to proceed to bufinefs. Powers ^^ e Council fliall receive and hTue all of the appeals and references, which may be re- count. g U j ar ]y brought before them from the inferior Judicatories ; they fliall review the mi- nutes and proceedings ©f every Synod, to ap- prove or eenfare them ; they jha I 7 give their ad- vice and inftruc'tions, in all other cafes fubmitted to them ; and they /hall alfo conflitute the bond of union, peace, correfpondence, and mutual confidence, among all our Churches, other cow. T° tne Council alfo belongs the pow- ers of the er ofconfulting, reafoning, and judging, in controverfies refpecting doctrine and difcipline ; of reproving, warning, or bearing teftimony againft error in doctrine, or immorali- ty in practice, in any Church, Prefbytery, or Sy- nod ; of correfponding with foreign Churches ; of putting a flop to fchifmatical contentions and difputations : ( '6 ) difputations : r. recommcn and attempting reformation of manners ; and of promoting charity, truth, and holinefs, throi aii the Churches : and of erecting new Synods, when they judge it neceflary. RcV.aionof Before any overtures or regulath the power of proofed by the Council to be the Council. r n i n , p , ed as Handing rules, J/oali b on the Churches ■, it (hall be necenary to tr mit them to all the Prefbyteries, and to receive the returns of, at leaft, a majority of the P byteries, in writing, approving thereof. Of Electing and Ordaining Ruling Elders Deacons. Having defined the Officers of the Church, and the Aflemblies by which it (hall be govern- ed, it is proper here to prefcribe the modes in which ecclefiaftical Rulers (hall be ordained to their refpective offices. Mode of eiec E very Congregation mall eleft per- tin- Ruling fons, to the office of Ruling Elder, and iuers,&c. iQ fhe office of Deacon, or either of them, in the mode moil approved and in ufe in that Congregation. How to be When any perfon /ball have been e- craned, j^^ tQ ^^ fthzfc offices, and fhall have declared his willingnefs to accept thereof ) he fhall be fet apart in the following manner. Engagements After fermon, the Minifter fhall />r«?- EUers and pefe to him, in the prefence of the Con- Deacons. gregation, the following queilions : viz. I. ( *7 ) I. Do you believe the Scriptures, of the Old «i New "f eftament, to be the word of God, the only infallible rule of Faith and Pra£tice ? II. Do you fincerely receive and adopt, the ConfeiTion of Faith of this Church, as containing the Syftcm of doctrine taught in the holy Scrip- tures ? III. Do you approve of the Government and Difciplinc of the Prcibyterian Church, as exer- cifed in theft United States ? IV. Do you accept the office of Ruling El- der for Deacon as the cafe may be J in this Con- gregation, and promife faithfully to perform all the duties thereof ? To be fer. After having anfwered thefe queflions apaa by in the affirmative, he mall be fe: apart, by prayer, to the office of Elder [_or Dea- con as the cafe may be \~\and the Minifier jhail give him, and the Congregation, an exhortation jfuiied to the occajion. Of Licenfing Candidates, or Probationers, to preach the Gofpeh P iTht 'tol'* ^" ne k°ty" Scriptures require, that ceafc Pro- fome trial be previously had, of thole Wtfoners. w j 10 are t0 ^ e ordained to the tniniftry of the Gofpel, that this facred office may not be degraded, by being committed to weak and un- worthy men ; and th r it the Churches may have an opportunity of judging of the competency of the talents of thole by whom they are to be in- ftm&ed and governed. For this purpofe Pref byteries (hall licenfe Probationers, to preach the Gofpel } that, after a competent trial of their C ufihts, (. 18 ) talents, and receiving, from the Churches, a good report ; They may, in due time, ordain them to the paftoral office. It is proper and requifite, that Can- to oc produ- didatcs, applying to the Preibytery to «d by Can- fe licexifed to preach the Gofpel, pro- didJtes ap- r • 1 r V to be duce fatisfa&ory tcitimonials or their lKcnled ' good mora! character, and of their be- ing regular members of fome particular Church : And it is the duty of the Preibytery, for their further fatisfaftion with regard to the real piety of fuch Candidates, to examine them refpecYmg their experimental acquaintance with religion, and the motives which influence them to defire the facred office. And it is recommended, that the Candidate be alfo required to produce a diplo- ma, of Bachelor or Mailer of Arts, from fome College or Univerfity ; or at lead authentic tefti- monials of his having gone through a regular courfe of learning. Trnl . in Becaufe it is highly reproachful to re- order To ligion, and dangerous to the Church, to Liccnfe. j ntru fl; ^ h Iy miniftry to weak and ig- norant men, the Prcfbytcry (hall try each Can- didate, as to his knowledge of the Latin lan- guage, and of the Original languages in which the "holy Scriptures were written : They fliall examine Km, on the Arts and Sciences ; on Theology, natural and revealed ; and on Eccle- fiaftical hiftoryj And, in order to make trial of his talents to explain and vindicate, and pra&i- cally to enforce the do&rines of the Goipcl, the Preibytery fliall require of him, an Excgcfis on fome common head of divinity ) a Homily ; a Prcfbyterial excrcife : a Leaure or explica- tion of a portion of Scripture - f and a popular Sermon : C '9 ) Sermon : Or other fimilar exerciies, to be held ? at feveral fucceflive feftions, till They fhall have obtained fatisf action, as to his piety, literature,, and aptnefs to teach in the Churches. The ftudy of That the moil effectual meafures Divinity muft may De ta ken, to guard againft the continue at J . ' p &. jeaft two years admijjton of lnmmcient men into the before Hrenfe. f acred office? it is recommended, that no Candidate, except in extraordinary cafes, be' licenfed ; unlefs, after his having completed the the ufual courfe of academical ftudies, he fhall have ftudied divinity, at leaft two years, under fome approved Divine, or ProfeiTor of Theo- Engagements Before the Prefbytery proceed to required or.. r . _^ i« i i \ n t Probationers, hcenfe the Candidate, the Moderator before iicenfe. fl^i re q Urc f \{ xm tne following en- gagements : viz. I. Do you believe the Scriptures, of the Old and New Teftament, to be the word of God, the only infallible rule of Faith and Practice ? II. Do you fmcerely receive and adopt, the Confeilion of Faith of this Church, as contain- ing the fyftem of doctrine taught in the holy Scriptures ? III. Do you promife to ftudy the peace, uni- ty, and purity of the Church ? IV. Do you promife to fubmit yourfelf, in the Lord, to the government of this Prefbytery, or of any other Prefbytery in the bounds of which you may be ? Manner of The Candidate having anfwered thefe ir,s * queftions in the affirmative, and the Moderator having offered up a prayer fuitable to the occafion, He lhall addrefs himfelf to the Candidate- ^ 20 ) tidate, toth. , ; of the Lord Jefus Chnft, Dt0hl3'< : tse( ..wcdolicenfcyou, to Gofoel wherever God in his prp\ call you thereto : aad,f< blcflme of God reft upos lto » Chriit fill your heart. fta'i -of the licenfure, in form ; r rm , of At the fc - the Prefbytery of cd fofficient teflimoiiials, in favour of his having gone through a regular courie ot li- terature ; of his good mora! charafter ; at. I his being in the communion of tne < proceeded to take the ufual parts of trial for his Lcofure : And he hav 'en fetisfeftto to his accomplifliments in literature j as to his experimental acquaintance with r as to his proficiency in Divinity, and other ib> dies ; the Prefbytery did, and hereby dp prefc their approbation of al! thefe parts or . and he having adopted the Confer. -anti of this Church, and fatisfafvorily a ■ the oueftions, appointed to be pnt to Candida, be licenfed, the Prefbytery did, and hereby do hcenfe him, the laid , to preacu the Gofpcl of Chrift, as a Probationer for the m'imftry, within the bounds of this Preftj pr wherever he Avail be orderly called "When any Candidate null, l>) the 2f?fti* permiffion at bit Pufbytery. remove ,-,cm Cr . without its limits, an cxtraft ot record, accompanied with a Prei^yunal rc- itnmendati :e Clerk, (hall be his . to the i . - .„ry under whofe care Of the EUl. it ion, of B 'flops or ac When any Probationer j/W/ / preached a to the fatisfa&ion on as tnat the pco- Ipleappe-c:. ;d to receive him as the SeiHon fhajl folicit th^ couafel of Tome iuifter, ;; q/fift them in prepar- ing a Gail for him ; unlefs highly inconvenient .ccount of diftance : in which cafe they may proc ce. On a Lord's day, immediately af- , it flia.il be intima- it, that all themem^ - bers c I eeation are requeft* . .. en emuing, at the Church, or ufual fhec for holding public and there, if it be agreeable to i, to prepare a C*ii to be their Paftor. On the cay appointed, the Minifler, of whofe afTiitance has been obtained, *!ur but m" ^ la ^ P reacn a fermcn,atthe ufual fea- ters,and who fon for public worfliip ; and, after fention, He fhall announce to the Peo- thefuoportof pie, that he will immediately proceed the Church. tQ takc thc vorcs of the Eieaors of that Congregation, in the cafe of whether or not he fhall be chofen to be their Mini/ler, In this election, no perfon fhall be entitled ( M ) entitled to vote, who refufes to fubmit to the cenfures of the Church, regularly adminiitf* or who does not contribute his juft proportion, according to his own engagements, or the rules of that Church, to all its neceffary expencee. when the When the votes are taken, if it ap- Peopie are - . - ' roc unani pear that a great proportion of the mous the Mi- p eop ] e are averfe from the Candidate, certify the and cannot be induced to concur in -"'J the caliche mmgMwi/ler (hall en- of the Diika- deavour to dilfuade the C tion from profecuting it further. But if the People be nearly, cr entirely, unanimous ; or if the majority ihall infill upon their right to call a Minifler ; then in that cafe, the Miniiter, after ufing his utmoit endeavours to perfuadc the Congregation to unanimity, mail proceed to draw a call in due form, and to have it fubferi- bed by the Electors ; certifying, at the fame time, the number and circumdances of thofe who do not concur in the Call : all ivbich'pro- c; e dings fli ail ht laid before the Prefbyten ; - to- gether with the call. The form of The Call mall be in the following. - or like form : 'viz. The Congregation of . being. on fufficient grounds, well fatisfied of the minif- terial qualifications of you and having good hopes, from our pail: experi- ence of your labours, that your miniftratioBS in the Gofpel will be profitable to our fpiritual in- terefts, doearneftly call, and defire you, to un- dertake the Paftoral office in faid Congregation ; promifmgyou, in the dij of your duty, all p.oper fupport, encouragement, and obedience, in ( 2 3 ) in th*e Lord : And, that you may be free from worldly cares and avocations, we hereby pro- mife, and oblige ourfelves, to pay to you, the fum of in regular * payments, during the time of your being, and continuing, the regular Pallor of this Church. In teftimo- ny whereof, we have refpe&ively fubfcribed our names, this day of A. D. /Atejhd by A. B. Moderator of the meeting. a can may Butif any Congregation fhall choofc ia-certain ca. to fubfcribe their Caii, by their El- fflibedkyEi- ders an< ^ Deacons, or either, they fhall iers or bea- be at liberty fo to do : but it fhall, in fuch cafe, be fully certified, to the Prefbytery, by the Minifter who prefided, that they have been appointed, for this purpofe, by a public vote of the Congregation ; and that the Call has been, in all other refpe&s, prepar- ed as above directed. a caii Tbffi- when a Call fhall be prefented to ordination & any Minuter or Candidate, it mail aU Maimcnt. wa ^ s ^ e viewed as a fufficient petition from the people for his inftalment. The accep- tance of a Call, by a Minifter or Candidate, fhall always be confiderd as a requeft, on his part, to be inflalled at the fame time. And when a Can- didate fhall be ordained, in confequence of a Call from any Congregation, the Prefbytery fhall always, at the fame time, ordain and inftal him Paftor of that Congregation. The * This blank to be filleJ up with the words, quarterly, half year- ly, or yearly, as may beft fuit the Cor>giegiti«n. ( *< The Call, thus left - prci< ni ta tc tery. t, if the Prefl the C all to hi ed: And no Miniftc. ididatefli Gall, but through the hand If the Gall be to t 1 - anoth. >ytcry, i * Commiilioners, deputed from .-.i^tei- Congregation to profecute the ( (hall produce, to that Judicatory, a certificate from their own Preft atte!ted by the ? are in order. If that the Call to their Licenr. he be djfpofed to "accept it, they (hall then difnifs him fro . -jurifdi&ion, and require him to repair to Prefbytery, into the bounds of which he is ed, and there to fubmk himfeli'to the uk: preparatory to oraigatipn. Tri»i« forOr- 1 rials fot ordination, efpecially ■dmacion. ^ different Prefbytery from that in which "pc nds, on the eaf ftoutd A spoilt, in the a tfes pre 1 - . toral r« gage t!l their families of* the t video that fuch depofed, fufpended, 01 - M iy. '( 25 ) which the Candidate was licenfed, (hall confift of a careful examination, as to bis acquaintance with experimental religion ; as to his knowledge of Philofophy, Theology, Ecclefiaftical hiftory, the Greek and Hebrew languages, and fuch o- ther branches of learning as to the Prefbytery may appear requifite ; and as to bis knowledge of the Conflitution, the rules and principles of the Government and Difcipiine of the Church ; together with fuch written difcourfes, founded on the word of God, as to the Prefbytery (hall feem proper. The Prefbytery, being fully fatis- fied with his qualifications for the facred office, fiiall appoints convenient day for his ordination, which ought to be, if convenient, in that Church of which he is to be the Minifter. Prefbytery be- The day appointed for ordination led .fom^a being come, and the Prefbytery con- ihaii be vened, a member of the Prefbytery, preached, ic. p rev i ou fly appointed to that duty* fhall preach a fermon adapted to the occafion. The fame, or another member appointed to pre*, fide in this bufinefs, fhall afterwards briefly re-* cite from the pulpit, in the audience of the peo- ple, the proceedings of the Prefbytery prepara- tory to this tranfa&ion : He (hall point out the nature and importance of the Ordinance ; and endeavour to imprefs the audience with a pro« per fenfe of the folemnity of the tranfac"tion„ SSSTrf Then addreffin g himfclf to the Can- thefe'whoare didate, he (hall propofe to him the fol« ordained. i ow j n g queftions : viz. I. Do you believe the Scriptures, of the Old and New Teftament, to be the word of God, the only infallible rule of Faith and Practice ? D IL ( 26 )' adopt, the ConfeiLon o this Church, as contain- the fyftem of doctrine taught in the holy r III. Do you approve of the Government and difcipline of the Preibyttrian Church, as exer- Cned in thefe Uaitejd btates ? IV. Do you promhe fubjection to your Bre- n in the Lord ? V. Have you been induced, as far as you know your own heart, to feek the office of the holy rninidry, from love to God, and a fmccre defire to promote his glory in the Gofpel of his Son ? VI. Do you promife to be zealous and faith- in maintaining the truths of the Gofpel, and urity and peace of the Church ; whatever cuti on, or oppofuion, may ariie unto you on that account ? VII. Do you engage to be faithful and dili- gent, in the exercife of all private and perfonal duties, which become you as a Chriftian and a Minifter of the Gofpel ; as well as in all relative duties, and the public duties of your office, en- ouring to adorn the profeffion of the Gof- pel by your converfation \ and walking, with ex- emplary piety, before the flock, ever which God ihall make you Overfeer ? landidate having anfwered f thefe queftions in the affirmative, lle * the Moderator mail demand of the People : I. Do yon. the People of this Congregation, continue to profefs your readinefs to receive , whom you have called, to be your Min'ifler ? J II. *7 J. IF. Do you promife to receive the word of 1 from his mouth, with meeknefs and love g and to fubmitto him, with humility, in the due cxercife of Difcipiine ? III. Do you promife to encourage him, in his arduous labour, and to aiiifl his endeavours for your inflruelion and fpiritual edification ? IV. And do you engage to continue to him P while he is your Paftor, that competent worldly maintenance which you have promifed; and what- ever elfe you may fee needful, for the honour of religion, and his comfort among, you ? Mode of or- The People having anfwered thefe queftions, in the affirmative, by hold- ing up their right hands, the Candidate {hail kneel down, in the moil convenient part of the Church : Then the prefiding Bifhop (hall, by prayer, and with the laying on of the hands of the Prefbytery, according to the Apoflolic ex- ample, folemnly ordain him to the holy office of the uofpel miniftry. Prayer being ended, he fhall rife from his knees ; and the Minifler who prefides (hall firfl, and afterwards all the mem- bers of the Prefbytery in their order, take him by the right hand, faying, in words to this purpofe, " We give you the right hand of Fel- lowfhip, to take part of this miniftry with us. *' After which the Minifler prefiding, or fome o- ther appointed for the purpofe, fhall give a fo- lemn charge, in the name of God 3 to the new- ly ordained Bifhop, and to the people, to perfe- vere in the difcharge of their mutual duties ; and fhall then, by prayer, recommend them both to the grace of God", and his holy keeping : and finally, after finging of a pfalm, Jhall difmifs the Congregation with the ufual blefling. And the Prefbytery fhall duly record the tranfa&ion. Of ( *8 ) Of Tra»/!atiffn 9 or removing a Miritficr from one Charge to another. *"b?ma?e No Bifll0 P &a]1 bc "anflated from bythcPrcf- one Church to another, €ior {hall he byury. receive any Call for that purpofc, but by the pcrmifiion of the Prefbytery. Mode of pro. Any Church, defiring to call a fet-, cedur« in tied Minifler from his prefent charge, tr an 0ac>on 5 . &a n 9 by Commiffioners properly au- thorized, reprefent to the Prefbytery the ground on which they plead his removal. The Pref- bytery, having maturely confidered their plea, may, according as it appears more or lefs rea- fonable, either recommend to them to debft irora profecuting the Call ; or may order it to be de- fWred, to the. Minifter to whom it is directed, together with a written citation, to him and his Congregation, to. appear before the Prefbytery at their next meeting. This citation {hall, be read from the pulpit, in that Church, by a mem- ber of the Prefbytery appointed for that pur- pofe, immediately after public worfhip ; fo that., at leaft, two. fabbaths (hall intervene, betwixt the citatipn, and the meeting of the Prefbyt«ry at which, the caufe of translation is to be cenfi- dered. The Prefbytery, being met, and having heard the parties, (hall, upon the whole view of the cafe, either continue him in his former charge, or translate him, as they (hall deem to bc jmoft for the peace and edification of the^ Church; or refer the whole affair to the Synod', at their next meeting, for their advice and direction. When .( »9 ) Mode of pro. When the Congregation, calling crourc : when a faded Miniiter, is within the ' i n the Minifler / ^ ^ is rtnother mns or another Preibytery, that Con- fre(by«ry. g rc g ar j on (half obtain leave, from the Prefbytery to which they belong, to apply to the Prefoytery of which he is a member : And that Prefbytery, having cited him and his Congrega- tion as before directed, ftiall proceed to hear anil iiTue the caufe. If they agree to the tranflatioa, they (hall reieafe him from his prefent charge ; and having given him proper teftimonials, fhail require him to repair to that Prefbytery, widiin the bounds of which the Congregation calling him lies, that the proper fteps may be taken for his regular fe- dement in that Congregation : And the Prefbytery, to which the Congregation belongs, having received an authenticated cer- tificate of his reieafe, under the hand of i he Clerk of that Prefb) tcry, fiiall proceed to in- ftal him, in the Congregation, as foon as conve- nient. Provided always* that no Bifliop or Paf. tor (hall be tranflated, without his own con cut previoully obtained. indaiment When any Minifter is to be fettled in a conftitutes Congregation, the inftalment.which con- kufioa&c. ^ s in conftitutin^ a paftoral relation be- tween him and the people oF that parti- cular Church, may be performed, either by the Prefbytery, or by a Committee appointed ;for that purpofe ; as may appear moll expedient : and the following order (hall be obferyed therein. Notice of the m A day (hall be appointed for the day tiuft be inftalment, at fuch time as may appear moft convenient, and due notice there- of given to tfac Congregation. When ( 30 ) a se-mon When I f^ytery, or Coir- * i«- tee, fhall be convened and confticu- ' " c ' ted, on the day appointed, a ferx.on fliall be delivered, by fotne one of tl oers prtvi .uily appointed thereto ; immediately after which, the Bifhop, who is to prefide, fliall Hate to the Congregation die defign i meeting and briefly recite the proceedings of the Pref- bytery relative thereto. And then, addrefliag himielf to the Mmijlcr to be inftalied, (hall pro- pcfeto him the following or fimilar queflions: men* *' Are y ou noW V s in charge of this Congregation, as their ent ™ f Paftor, agreeably to your declaration Mmifter and at accepting their Call ? t?t II. Do you confeientioufly believe and declare, as far as you know your own heart, that, in taking upon you this charge, you are influenced by a lincere defire to promote the glory of God, and the good of his Church r III. Do you folemnly promife, that, by the' cjfijtance of the grace of God, you will endea- vour faithfully to difcharge all the duties of a Paftor to this Congrega; ion, and will be careful, to maintain a deportment in all refpefts becom- ing a JViinifter of the Gofpel of Chrift, agreea- bly to your Ordination engagements ? 'I o all thefe having received fatisfactory anfwers, He propofe to the People the fame, or like queflions, as thofe directed under the head of ordination ; which having been alfo fatisfac*to- rily anfwered, by holding up th (it hand, in tefiimony of affent. He fhall folemnly pro- nounce and declare the faid Minifler to be regu- larly conflicted the Paftor of that Congrega- tion. ( 3* ) ,. A charge fhall then be given to both par- ties, as directed in the affair of ordination ; and, after prayer, and finging a pfalm adapted to the transaction, the Congregation fhall be difmifTcd with the ufual benediction. oHa- ^ * s hi&hty becoming, that, after the ftaii folcmnity of the inftalment, the heads ;' of Families of that Congregation who rhcir Minif are then prefent, or at lead the Elders, and thoft appointed to take care of the temporal concerns of that Church, fhould come forward to their Paftor, and give him their right hand, in token of cordial reception and affec- tionate regard. Of refigning a Pajloral Charge, The ccngre. When any Minifter fhall labour be cited and under fuch grievances, m his Congre- gation, as that he fhall defire leave to refign his paftoral charge, the Prefbytery fhall cite the Congregation to appear, by their Com- mifficners, at their next meeting, to fliew caufe, if any they have, why the Prefbytery fhouid not accept the reilgnation. If the Congregation fail to appear, or if their reafons for retaining their Paflor be deemed by the Prefbytery infufBcient, he fhall have leave granted to refign his padoral charge ; of which due record fhall be made, and that Church fhall be held to be vacant, till fupplied again, in an orderly manner, with ano- ther Minifter ; Audi if any Congregation fhall defire to be releafed from their Paftor, a fimilar procefs, mutatis mutandis, ihall be obferved. Of ( 3* ) Of MiJJions. When vacancies become fo numerous, In any Prefbytery, that they cannot be fupplied with the frequent adminiflration of the Word and or- dinances, it (hall be proper for fuch Prefbytery, or any vacan. Congregation within their bounds, v.'ith the leave of the Prefbytery, to apply to a- ry other Prefbytery, or to any Synod, or to the < eneral Council, for fuch afiiftance as they can i ford. And, when any Prefbytery fhali fend any of their Minifters or Probationers to difhmt vacancies, the MuTionary (hall be ready to pro- duce his credentials to the Prefbytery or Pref- byteries, through the bounds of which he may pafs, or at lead to a Committee thereof, and ob- tain their approbation. And the General Coun- cil may, of their own knowledge, fend millions, to any part, to plant Churches, or to fupply va- cancies : And, for this purpofe, may diie& any Prefbytery to ordain Evangclifts, or Minifters without relation to particular Churches : Pro- vided always, that fuch miffions be made with the confent of the parties appointed ; and that the Judicatory fending them make the neceiTary proviiion for their fupport and reward m the performance of this fervice. Of Moderators. a Moderator It is equally neceiTary in the Judi- aeceifcry. cator j cs f t hc Church, as in other afemblies, that there fhould be a Moderator or Prefident ; that the bufmefs may be conducled with order and difpatch. The ( 33 ) The authori . ^he Moderator is to be confidered of the Mode- as poffefTing, by delegation from the rator. whole body, all authority neceflary for the prefervation of order 5 for convening and adjourning the Judicatory ; and directing its operations according to the rules of the Church. He is to propofe to the judicatory every fubjecT: of deliberation that comes before them. He may propofe what appears to him the mod regular and fpeedy way of bringing a- ny bufinefs to ifiiie. He (hall prevent the mem- bers from interrupting each other ; and require them, in fpeaking, always to addrefs the Chair. He (hall prevent a fpeaker from deviating from the fubject ; and from ufing perfonal reflections. He mall filence thofe who refufe to obey order, He (hall prevent members who attempt to leave the Judicatory without leave obtained from him. He fhall, at a proper feafon, when the delibera- tions are ended, put the queftion and call the votes. If the Judicatory be equally divided he fhall pofTefs the carting vote.. If he be not will- ing to decide, he mail put the queftion a fecond, time : and if the Judicatory be again equally divided, and he decline to give his vote, the queftion (hall be loft., In all queftions he (hall give a cencife and clear (late of the objecl: of the vote ; and the vote being taken, (hall then de- clare how the queftion is decided. And be (hall likewife, when properly advifed, convene the Ju- dicatory, by his circular letter, before the ordi- . nary time of meeting. The Minifter The Paftor of the Congregation Orator offhe Ml ahva y s be the Moderator of the church Sef- Church Seflion ; except when, for prudential reafons, it may appear ad~ E vifeable C 34 ) vifcable that fom ' other Minifler fliould be invi- ted to prefide : in which cafe the Pail or : with the concurrence of the Seflion, invite other Minifler as they may fee meet, belonging to the fame Prefbytery, to prefide in that affair. In this Judicatory, therefore, the Moderator is continual : bur, in the vacancy of any Church, the Moderator fliall be the Minifter fent to them by the Prefbytery ; or invited by the SciLon to prefide on a particular occasion. In Congrega- tions, where there are Collea *ucs, they mail, when prefent, alternately prefide in the Seffion. TheModera- The Moderator of the Prefbytery !her "jw'cl: fr a11 be chofcn from y ear to y^> or tyrie«, how to at every meeting of the Prefbytery, bc ch Kn - as the Prefbytery may think beft. The Moderator, of the Synod, and of the Gen- eral Council, fliall be chofen at each meeting of rhofc Judicatories : and the lad Moderator prefent fliall open the meeting with a ftrmon, and (hall hold the chair till a new Moderator be chofen. Of Privilege. It fliall be the privilege of any member of a Judicatory to fpeak, in his proper order, to any qucition, with leave from the Moderator. The Moderator (hall give leave to the perfon who firit rifes : but if two, or more members, are judged to have rifen at the fame time, the Mo- derator fliall determine which fhall fpeak firft. Any member (hall have a right to propofc any queflion, relative to the bufmefs of the Church, or to the intends of religion, and to have it put to vote j provided only, that his motion be fe- conded { 35 ) conded by another member. If any conceive his privelcges to be unjuftly controuled by the Moderator, he may appeal to the Judica- tory, v/ho lhall determine the point of privilege by a vote ; and the Moderator and member muft fubmit to the fuffrage of the Judicatory. Of Clerks. Every Judicatory (hall choofe a Clerk, to re- cord their tranfa&ions, whofe continuance {hall be during pleafure. It fhall be the duty of the Clerk, befides recording the tranfa&ions, to pre- ferve them carefully ; and to grant extracts from them, whenever properly required : and fuch extracts, under the hand of the Clerk, yfttf// be confidered as authentic vouchers, of the fa& which they declare, in any ecclefiaflical Judica- tory, and to every part of the Church. Of vacant Congregations affembling for Public Worfiip. Confidering that the number of our Congre- gations is fo greatly fuperior to the number of Minifiers who are to fupply them, and that this tiifproportion is daily increafmg, in the extend- -cd and growing fettlements on the frontiers ; and confidering the great importance of weekly affembling the people, for the public worfhip of God ; in order thereby to improve their know- ledge ; to confirm their habits of worftiip, and their defire of the public ordinances ; to aug- ment their reverence/tfr the moft high God ; and to promote the charitable aifecTions which unuc men moft firmly in fociety : It is recommended, that every vacant Congregation meet together, w ( 36 ) on the Lord's day, at one or more places, for the purpofe of prayct^Jsnging praifes, and read- ing the holy Scriptures, together with the works of fuch approved Divines, as the Prefbytery, Within whole bounds they are, may recommend, and they may be able to procure ; and that the Elders or Deacons be the perfons who (hall pre- side, and feledt the portions of Scripture, and of the other books, to be read ; and to fee that the whole be conducted in a becoming and or- derly manner. Of Commi/fioners to the General Council* mi dinners The Commiffioners to the Gene- ihaii be ap- ral Council mall always be appoint- ed, by the Prefbytery from which nifflit rrcibj- t hey come, at irs laft rlated meeting immediately preceding the meeting of the General Council \ provided, that there be a fufficient interval, between that time ?sA the meeting of the Council, for the CommiiS- oncrs to attend their duty in due feafon : other- wife, the Prefbytery may make the appointment at any flated meeting, not more than feven months preceding the meeting of the Council. And as much as pofTible to prevent all failure in the reprefentation of the Prefbyteries, ariTmg from unforefeen accidents to thofelirfl appoint- ed, it may be expedient for each Prefbytery, m the room of each Commiflioner, to appoint alfo an alternate Commiflioner, to fupply his place, in cafe of necefTary abfence. Fnrm of a Each Commiflioner, before his Commiffion. name jj^jj ^ enro lj ed ^ a mcm ber of the Council, fhall produce, from hi9 Prefbytery, 37 ) , million hand of the Moderator and Clerk, in the following or like form : viz. " The Prefhytery of being met at or. day of dorh hereby appoint Bilhop of the Congregation of |~or ruling Eider in the Congregation of as the cafe may be ;]" (to which the Prefhytery .-. if they think proper, make afubftitution in the following form, " or in cafe of his abfence, then Bifhop of the Congre- gation of [or ruling Elder in the Congregation of as the cafe may be : j") to be a Commiffioner, en behalf of this Prefhytery, to the next General Council of the Prefbyterian Church in the United States of A- merica, to meet at on the ; day of A. D. cr wherever, and "Whenever the faid Council may happen to fit ; to confult, vote, and determine, on all things that may come before that body, according to the principles and constitutions of this Church, and the Word of God. And of his diligence herein, he is to render an account at his return. Signed, by order of the Prefhytery, Moderator. Clerk/' And the Prefhytery fhall make record of the appointment. CommiiTiors Thefe commiffions fhall, if poffible s ^ered b to d th; be delivered to the Clerk of the cierk at the Council, in proper feafon, that he may f!lon ' have the rolls of the Council com- pleted before the firfl feffion, CommuTions, not produced at the opening of the Council ^ fiiall after- wards ( 33 ) wards he delivered only in the intervals 1 the fcflions. Every CommiJJioner (hall have a right to deliberate in the Council ; but none fhall be entitled to vote, until their names have been enrolled by the Clerk, and their commif- fions publicly read, and filed among ihe papers of the Council. The courrii ^ ne General Council fhall meet, fcaii me t at kail, once in every year, on the • nee a year. r r /-, c i luefday or and afterwards on their own adjournments. If there be not a iuirlcient number, for the tranfaet ofbufincfs, convened before 12 o'clock, on that day, thofe who are prefent fhall have power to adjourn, from day to day, till a fufficient num. ber lhall have met to conftitute a Council. A-.d Oiaii be ^ n tne ^ a ) r > t0 wn i c h the General ■■ wth Council {lands adjourned, and be- tween the hours of eleven and twelve, the Moderator of the lad General Council, if prefent ; or, in cafe of his abfence, the fenior Minijhr prefent, (hall open the meeting with a fermon. After fermon, the Members being in the houfe where the Council is to hold its fefiions, the fame Miritfter who preached fhall, by prayer, publicly implore the blefling and di- rection of Almighty God ; and fhall continue to prefide till a new moderator be chofen. For this purpofe he (hall call for the commifuons of thofe prefent ; w r hich being read, and the names of the Members enrolled in order, if there be a £>uorum, they (ball chufe a Moderator. Modtofdif. Each fefiion of the Council, as of fohring the all the other Judicatories of the Church, fhall be introduced and con- cluded with prayer. And the whole bufinefs of tbe ^ 39 ) the Council being finifljed^ and the vote being takcd for diTolving the prefent Council, the Moderator (hall lay from the Chair : " By vir- tue of the authority delegated to me by the Church, let this General Council be diffolved ; and I do hereby diifolve it, and require another Council, chofen in the fame manner, to meet at on the day of A. D. ." After which he fliall pray, and return thanks to God for his great mercy and goodnefs, and pronounce, on thofe prefenr, the /jpojioiic benediction. lances of In order > as far as Pebble, to pro. Senates ro cure a refpe&abte and full delegation be decayed. tQ a jj our judicatories, it is proper, that the expences of Minifters and Elders* in their attendance on thefe Judicatories, be de> frayed, by the bodies which they refpe&itejjf Farad of Procefs in the Judicatories of this Church. With regard to Scandals, or oiTences that may arife in our Churches, we agree to obferve the following rules of proceeding. I. Inafmuch as all baptized perfons are Members of the Church, they are under its care, and fubjee'r. to its government and difci- pline ; and, when they have arrived at the years of difcretion, they are bound to perform all the duties of Church-members. II. No accufation fliall be admitted, a: the fouudation of a procefs before an ecclefiaftical Judicatory, but where fuch offences are aliedg- ed, as appear, from the Word of God, to merit the public notice and ctnfuie of the Church : and, ( 4° ; and, in the accufation, the rimes, places, and <. ire urn fiances, mould be afcertained, if poilible ; that the accufed may have an opportunity to prove an alibi - } or to extenuate, or alleviate his crime. III. No complaint or information, on the fuhjecT: of perfonal and private injuries, {hall be admitted ; unlefs thofe means, of reconciliation, and of privately reclaiming the offender, have been ufed, which are required by Chrift, Mat. XVIII. 15, 16. And, in all cafes, the ecclelia- ilical Judicatories, in receiving accufations, in conducting proceiTec, cr inflicting cenfv ought to avoid, as far as pofiible, the divulging of offences, to the fcandal of the Church : be- caufe the unneceffary fpreading of fcandal har- dens and enrages the guilty, grieves the godly y and dishonours religion. And if any private Chriftian mall induilrioufly fpread the know- ledge of an offence, unlefs in profecuting it be- fore the proper Judicatories . of the Church, he fhall be liable to cenfare, as an uncandid flan* derer of his brother. IV. When complaint is made of a crime, cognizable before any Judicatory, no more (hall be done at the fifft meeting; unlefs by confent of parties, than to give the accufed a copy of each charge with the names of the witneffes to fuppoft it ; and a citation of all concerned, to appear at the next meeting of the Judicatory, to have the matter fully heard and decided. Notice dial! be given to the parties concerned, at Icafl ten days, prcvioufly to the meeting of the Judicatory. ( 41 ) V. The Judicatory, in many cafes, may find it more for edification, to fend fome Members to* converfe, in a private manner, with the accufed perfon ; and, if he confefs guilt, to endeavour to bring him to repentance ; than to proceed immediately to citation. VI. When an accufed perfon, or a witnefs, refufes to obey the citation, he mail be cited a fecond and a third time ; and if he {till continue to refufe, he mall be excluded from the com- munion of the Church, for his contumacy ; un- til he repent. VII. No crime {hall be confidered as eftablifli- ed by a fmgle witnefs. VIII. The oath, or affirmation, to be taken by a witnefs, mail be in the following, or like terms : " I folemnly promife, in the prefence of the omnifcient and heart-fearching God, that /will declare the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, according to the bed: of my knowledge, in the matter in which / am call- ed to witnefs, as / {hall anfwer it to the great Judge of quick and dead." IX. The trial mail be open, fair, and impar- tial : ' the witnefles fliall be examined in the prefence of the accufed, or at lead after he mail have received due citation to attend ; and he (hall be permitted to aflc any queflions tending to his own exculpation. X. No witnefs, afterwards to be examined, fliall be prefent, during the examination of ano- ther witnefs, on the fame caufe. XI. The teftimony, given by witnefles, muft be faithfully recorded, and read to them, for their approbation or fubfeription, f in. C 4* ) III. The judgment (hall be regularly enter- ed on the records of the Judicatory ; and the parties (hall be allowed copies of the whole pro- ceedings, if they demand them : And, in cafe of references or appeals, the Judicatory appealed from fliall fend authentic copies of the whole procefs to the higher Judicatories. XIII. The perfon found guilty (hall be ad- monifhed, or rebuked, or excluded from Church privileges, as the cafe fhall appear to deferve ; and this only till he give fatisfa&ory evidence of repentance. XIV. The fentence fhall be publifhed, only in the Church or Churches which have been of- fended : or, if it be a matter of fmall import- ance, and it fhall appear mod for edification not to publifh it, it may pafs only in the Ju- dicatory. XV. Suchgrofs offenders, as will not be re- claimed by the private or public admonitions of the Church, are to be cut off from its commu- nion, agreeably to our Lord's direction, Mat. XVIJL 17. and the Apoflolic injunction refpect- ing the incefluous perfon, / Cor. V. 1 5. But as this is the higheft cenfure of the Church, and of the mofl folemn nature, it is not to be injlided^ without the advice and confent of, at leaft, the Prefbytery under whofe care the par- ticular Church is, to which the otfender belongs ; or the advice of a higher Judicatory, as the cafe may. appear to require. XVI. All procefTes, in cafes of fcandal fhall commence, within the fpace of one year, after the crime fhall have been committed j unlefs it fliall have become recently flagrant, XVIL ( 43 ) XVII. When any Member mall remove from one Congregation to another, he mall produce proper teftimoiiials of his Church-memberfhip, before he be admitted to Church-privileges ; unlefs the Church, to which he removes, has o- ther fatisfactory means of information. Of Procefs againji a Bi/hop or Mini/ler. As the fuccefs of the Gofpel, in a great mea- fure, depends upon the credit and good report of its Minifters, each Prefbytery ought, "with the greateft attention, to watch over all their Mem- bers ; and to be careful to cenfure them, when neceflary, with impartiality ; cither for perfonal crimes, which they may commit in common with other men : or thofe that are vocational, arifing from the manner in which they may difcharge their important office. I. Procefs, againft a Gofpel Minifter, mail always be entered before the Prefbytery of which he is a member : But^ in cafe of crimes committed without the limits of that Prefbytery, evidence fliall be taken, at the inftance of the Prefbytery within which the offence has been committed ; and the whole proof, authentica- ted under the hand of the Moderator and Clerk, (hall be tranfmitted to the Judicatory be* fore which he is to be tried. II. Procefs, againft a Gofpel Minifter, fhall Hot be entered upon ; unlefs fome perfon or perfons undertake to make out the charge ; or when common fame fo loudly proclaims the fcan- dal, that the Prefbytery find it ncceifary to pro- fecute, and ftarch into the matter, for the ho- nour of religion. IIL ( 44 ) III. The fuccefs of the Gofpel greatly de- pends on the anblemified character of its Mini- ni/lers, their foundnefs in the Faith, and holy, and exemplary converfation. It is the duty of all Cbriflians to be very cautious in taking up an ill report of any man, but efpecially of a Mini- fter of the Gofpel. If, therefore, any man know a Minifter guilty of a private cenfurable fault, he fhould warn him in private ; but if he perfift in it, or it become public, he fhould apply, to fome other Bifhop of the Prefbytery, for his advice in the matter. IV. When complaint is laid before the Pref- bytery, it muft be reduced to writing, and no- thing farther be done at the firft meeting, unlefs by confent of parties, than giving the Minifter a full copy of the charges, with the names of the witneifes annexed thereto ; and citing all parties, and their witnefles, to appear and be heard at the next meeting ; which meeting fhall not be fooner than ten days after fuch citation. V. At the next meeting of the Prefbytery, the charges mud be read to him, and his an- fwers heard and recorded. If it appear neceffa- ry to proceed farther, the Prefbytery ought to labour to bring him to confeflion ; and if h« confefs, and the matter be bafe and flagitious ; fuch as drunkennefs, uncleannefs, or crimes of a higher nature ; however penitent he may ap- pear, to the fatisfa&ion of all, the Prefbytery inu ft, without delay, fufpend him from the ex- crcife of his office, or depofe him from the mi- ni dry ; and appoint him a due time to confefs publicly before the Congregation offended, and t9 profefs his repentance. VI ( 45 ) VI. The profecutor fhall be previoufly Warn- ed, that, if he fail to prove the charges, he mull himfelf be cenfured, as a flanderer of the Got- pel miniftry. VII. If a Minifler, accufed of atrocious crimes, being three times duly cited, mall refufs to attend the Prefbytery, he mud be immediate- ly fufpended : and if, after another citation, he (till refufe to attend, he ihall be depofed as con- tumacious. VIII. If the Minifler, when he appears, will not confefs, but denies the fa£h alledged againft him ; if, on hearing the witneffes, the charges appear important and well fupported, the Pref-^ bytery mud, neverthelefs, cenfure him ; and fufpend or depofe him, according to the nature of the offence. IX. Herefy and fchifm may be of fuch a na- ture as to infer depofition : but errors ought to be carefully confidered j whether they fbrike at the vitals of religion, and are induftriouily fpread ; or whether they arife from the weak- ness of the human understanding, and are not likely to do much hurt. X. A Minifter, under procefs for herefy or fchifm, fhould be treated with chriftian and bro- therly tendernefs ; frequent conferences ought to be held with him, and proper admonitions adminiftred : yet, in fome more dangerous cafes, iufpenfion becomes neceffary; but a Synod fhould be confulted in fuch cafes. XI. If the Prefbytery find, on trial, that the matter complained of amounts to no more than fuch a&s of infirmity, as may be amended and the People fatisfied, fo as little or nothing remains to hinder his ufefulnefs ; they ihall take all pru- dent meai r ufcs to remove the offence. XIL ( 4-6 XII. A Minifter, depofed for fcandalous conduct, may not be reilored, on his deeped forrow for tin, without fome time of eminent and exemplary, humble and edifying converfation, to heal the wound made by his fcandal. XIII. As foon as a Minifter is depofed, his Congregation fhall be declared vacant. CONFESSION OF FAITH. Chap. XX. IV. And becaufe the powers which God hath ordained, and the liberty which Chrift hath purchafcd, are not intended by God to de- flroy, but mutually to uphold and preferve one another; they who, upon pretence of Chrif- tian liberty, fhall oppofe any lawful power, or the lawful exercife of it, whether it be civil or ecclefiadical, rend the ordinance of God. And for their publifhing of fuch opinions, or main- taining of fuch practices, as are contrary to the light of nature, or to the known principles of Chridianity, whether concerning faith, worfhip, or converfation ; or to the power of godlinefs ; or fuch erroneous opinions or practices, as either, in their own nature, or in the manner of pub- lifhing or maintaining them, are dedru&ive to the external peace and order which Chrid hath edablifhed in the Church ; rhey may lawfully be called to account, and proceeded againft by the cenfures of the Church. Chap. XXIIL III. Civil Magifl rates may not affume to themfelves the ad mini drat ion of the Word and Sacraments ; or the power of the keys of the kingdom of Heaven ; or, in the lead, interfere in matters of Faith. Yet, as nurfmg Fathers, it is the duty of Civil Magidrates to protect the Church of our common Lord, without giving the preference to any denomination of Chrif- tians above the red, in fuch a manner, that all ecclefiadical perfons whatever (hall enjoy the full, ( 48 ) full, free, and unqueftioned liberty of difchj ing, every part of their iacred fun&ion, without violence or danger. And, as Jefus Chrift hath appointed a regular Government and Difcipline in his Church, no Law, of any Commonwealth, fliould interfere with, let, or hinder, the due exercife thereof, among the voluntary members of any denomination of Chriftians, accor to their own profeffion and belief. It is the du- ty of Civil Magiftrates to protect the perfon and good name of all their people, in fuch an effectual manner as that no perfon be fuffered, either upon pretence of religion or of infidelity, to offer any indignity, violence, abufe, or injury to any other perfon whatsoever : and to take order, that all religious and eccleiiadical Af- femblies be held, without moleftation or dif^ turbance. Chap. XXXI. I. * For the better government and further edification of the Church, there ought to be fuch AlTemblies as are commonly called Synods or Councils : and it belongeth to the Overfeert and other Rulers of the particular Churches, by virtue of their office, and the power which Chrift hath given them for edification and not for dcftrucYion, to appoint fuch AlTemblies ; and to convene together in them, as often as they fhall judge it expedient for the good of the Church. • This u propofed to befubjiituted in 'ream tfthef*rj and .iondjcRion* of this Cbapttr. C 49 ) T H' E DIRECTORY, .FOR THE Public Worshiip of God 5 OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, IN THE United States of AMERICA ; As revifcd by the Committee of Synod appointed for that Purpofe Let all things be done decently , and in order* i Cor, XIV, 4C0 So ) O Isf T E N T S, Preface, Of the S a notification of the Lord's Day. Of the Affcmbling of the Congregation^ &c. Of the public reading of the holy Scriptures. Of the fin gin g of Pfahns. Of public Prayer before Sermon. Of the Preaching of the Wq; d. Of Prayer after Sermon. Of the Adminifl* at ion of Baptifm. Of the A dminijl ration of the Lord's Sapper. Of the Admiffion of'Perfons to Scaihg-Ordinances. Of the Mode of injlicling Church -Cenfures. if the Solemnization of Marriage. Of the Vifttation of the Sick, Of the Bu ial o the Dead. Of Fafling ; and of the Obfervatien of Bays of lhankf giving. Of the Ordination of Miniflers of the Gofpel. The Directory j or Secret and Family Worfhip. ( S' > PREFACE. THE Preibyterian Church in America, from fmall beginnings, through the great good- nefs of God, hath rifen to be a numerous and refpe&able body. It is of the lad importance, that great care be taken to prefcrve, in this ex- teniive community, not only foundnefs of doc- trine, but alfo purity of manners, and regularity of worihip. This Church firmly believes, that her doc- trines, and modes ofworfhip. are moll agreeable to the Word of God ; to the Practice of the Primitive Church in the three fird Centuries ; and to the bed reformed Churches. She thinks it the indsfpenfible duty of all her people, to ufe their, utmoft endeavours, to have regular fettled Miniders of their own perfuafion ; and dated worfhip, in their own way, every Lord's day. At the fame time, the Pr?foyterian Church maintains a high refpeft for the other Protectant Churches of this Country ; though feveral of them diifer- from her in fome forms of govern- ment and Modes ofworfhip: particularly for the regular Congregational Churches to the eadward; for the AiTociate, Low Dutch, and German, re- formed Churches ; and for the Lutheran and Epifcopal Churches. In places where there are only a few Prefby- terians, and they are not able to have worftvp ufually in their own way ; it is recommended to them, to attend with the Chridim brethren, of any of the above denominations, which may be mod convenient, rather than fpend their Sab- baths without public worfhip. But this Church Warns all her People againd illiterate, vagrant, and ( 52 ) and defigning perfbns, who, under pretence of ^ca' and (Irictnefs than orhers, only go a- bout to make a party. It is much better for them, to ft ly at home on the Lord's day with their families, than to encourage thofe men, who, by condemning regular, known and pious Church- ive too much reafon to fufpect that their uwn views are dangerous and wrong. Al hough the Prefoyterian Church believes her Government and worfhip, as well as hrr Faith, to be the pureft and bed ; yet thefe are far from being perfect. This imperfection, however, is not fo much in her conflitution, as in carrying her government, and modes of wor- fhip into effect. r J he Form of government and difcipline is intended to obviate the imperfection, in the one cafe ; and the following directory for W or (hip, in the other. One great and apparent imperfection, attend- ing the public worfhip of this Church, as well as that of other denominations (for which we have great reafon to be deeply humbled before God) is the manifeft deficiency of folemn gravity, holy' reverence, and a devotional fpirit, in the time of performing divine fervice. It is abfolutely ne- ceiTary that fomething be done to revive the fpi- rit and appearance of devotion. Where there is real devotion ; there the appearance of it will be. This, we doubt nor, is the cafe with a num- ber, through divine grace, in all our Congrega- tions. It is readily granted, that there may be the appearance, without the fpirit of devotion ; but there cannot be the fpirit, without the ap- pearance : and, did we attend more to the ap- pearance, it might have a happy tendency to a- waken and revive a devotional fpirit. Many t 53 ) Many things feem to contribute to banifh the appearance of devotion from our worfhipping Aifemblies. I. Perfons going out and in, during divine ft r- vice, is an odious practice. It is hi^h'y offcnfiyc to God, difturbs the Congregation, and man their worfhip ; and is never to be a!!< v>ed, but in cafes ofabfolatc neccfiity. '1 he Rulers 3 ) thoufand (land before thee. Thou art worthy O Lord, ro reeeive bl tiling and honor and glo- ry and power; for thou hail created all things* and for thy pleaiure, they are and were crea- ted. The earth is full of thy riches : thy kingdom ruleth over all : a iparrow falls not to the ground without our father ; and the hairs of our head are all numbered. 6 Thou made ft man at firft of the dud of the ground, and didft breathe into him the breath of life, and he became a living foul. Thou haft made, of one blood, all the nations of men, for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and haft determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation. * We adore thee, as the one, living, and true God, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghoft. We give honor to the Son as to the Father ; and to the comforter the holy Spirit* who is fent to teach us all things, and to bring all things to our remembrance* We praife thee, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, the Cre- ator, the Redeemer, and the Sanctifier. Thou haft made us, and not we ourfelves ; and therefore we are not our own but thine, thy people, and the flieep of thy pafture* In thee we live* and move, and have our being. Thou haft re- deemed us from evil. We are bought with a price. It is of thy mercy that we are not con- fumed, even becaufe thy compaffions fail not. Thou haft appointed us a high prieft, in whofe name we may come boldly to the throne of grace. We make mention of the righteouf. nefs of Chrift, and of his only. * Moft merciful God, we come unto thee, in humble dependence upon his atonement and interceflion, and confefs our fins, which - are (' k ) many and great. Againfl thee, thee only havewt TirnedjOGodjandtousbelongethfhamc and confufion of face-. Behold we are vile, what ftial) we anfwer thee? We will lay our hand upon our mouth. Thou putted no truft in thy faints ; yea the heavens are not clean in thy fight* How much more abominable and fil- thy is man, who drinketh iniquity like water? We have ruined ourfelves ; but in thee is our help. If thou Lord fhoiildft mark iniquities, Lord, who (hall ftand ? But there is for- gfaeileft with thee that thou mayeft be feared : with thee there is mercy 5 yea, with our God, there is plemteous redemption* 1 O Lord, thou madcfl man upright, but he hath fought out many inventions. Our firft parents rebelled againft thee ; and we are tranf- greffors from the womb. We are a feed of evil doers. We have dealt very treacheroufly. By one man's difobedience, many were made finners. By one man fin entered into the world, and death by fin ; and fo death paffed upon all men, for that all have finned. Behold, we are fhapen in iniquity. We are by nature children of Wrath, even as others. All fleili have corrupted their way ; we are all gone a- fide; we are altogether become filthy : there is none righteous; there is none that doth good f no not one. ' Our understandings are darkened by feafori of fin ; our wills are ftubborn and perverfe ; and our affections are alienated from thee. We arc wife to do evil, but to do good we have no knowledge* Our neck hath been an iron fmew ; and we have made our heart as the adamant. Wc have followed after vanities, • and ( 65 ) forfaken our mercies. u'c have fee our affections on things beneath ; and our hearts have departed from the living God. We are prone to evil as the fparks fly upward. Our hearts are deceitful above all things, and defperately wicked. O Lord, we lament our irregular appetites, and inordinate paifions. We bewail oar pride, cur carnality, and world- ly mindednefs. Our fins are attended with ex- ceedingly great aggravations. We have fin- ned againit the cleared: light, the tendereft love, and the mod: faithful warnings of God, of parents, of minifters, and of our own con- ferences. And now, O Lord, what (hall we fay, for we have forfaken thy commandments: we have finned, what ftiall we do unto thee, O thou prcferver of men ? c Glory, glory to thy name in the higheft, acre is any hope for the lofl and ! children of men ; that thou haft entertained parpofes of mercy towards any of the guilty race ; that the joyful found of peace and re- conciliation with God hath reached our ears. We thank thee, that thou hail fo loved the world as to give thine only begotten Son, that whofoever beiieveth in him mould not perifb, but have everlafting life. ' In the all prevailing name of Jefus of Naza- reth, a name with which thou art ever well pleafed, we prefent our prayers and fupplica- tions to thee. And now, Lord, what wait we for ? Our eyes are unto thee, and our hope is in thee, through Chrilt Jefus our Redeemer. < Deliver us from all our tranfgrefTions ; and, O '• God, be merciful to us finners. Wa(h us c thoroughly from our iniquity ', .anfe us I • from ( 66 ) from our fins : For we acknowledge our tranf- greifion » ; and our fm is ever before us. Juf- tify us freely by thy grace, through the re- demption that is in Chrift Jefus our Lord. 1 Create in us a clean heart, O God, and re- new a right fpirit within us. Work in us the work of faith with power. Difpofe us to a godly forrowforour fms, and give us repentance unto life. Shed abroad thy love in our hearts by the holy Ghoft given unto us. Teach us thy flatutes, and give us understanding that we may know thy teftl monies. May we know God and Jefus Chriil, whom to know is eter- nal life. Put thy fear, O Lord, into our hearts, that we may never depart from thy law. Hide pride from our eyes ; and cloath us with humility. Enable us to put on the ornament of a meek and quiet fpirit. O God of peace, let not anoer reft in our bofoms. Fill us with charity and brotherly love, that we may keep the unity of the fpirit in the bond of peace. May our confcienccs be always tender. May we abilain from all appearance of evil. Difpofe us to contentment with the allotments of thy pro- vidence ; and form us to fubmiffion and resig- nation to thy will. May we ever pofTefs our fouls in patience, and feel an holy indifference to all the objects of time and fenfe. O Lord, fur- nifli us with hope, which maketh not afhamed ; that living hope which is, as an anchor to the 4 foul, both fure and ftedfafL ■ Enable us, O Lord, to be ciroamfpec't in all * our converfation, watching over our thoughts, ' our lips, and our lives. May the grace of ' God teach us, that denying ungodlinefs and ■ worldly lufts, we mav live foberJy, righteouf- ( 6; ) ly and godly in this prcfent world ; looking for that bleffed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jefus Chrift, who gave himfejf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himfelf a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Lord, quicken us in the ways of right- eoufnefs. Let us ever practife the things which are honeft in the fight of all men. May we be diligent in every duty, performing it with a ready mind, and with joy and gladnefs of heart. May we have grace always to live in the exercife of devotion and piety towardsGod; of truth, charity and righteoufnefs towards men ; and to maintain chaftity, temperance and fobriety towards ourfclves. Grant that we may increafe in all godlinefs ; that wc may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift. c O Lord, who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, preferve us from temptation; fupport us under afflictions ; comfort us in for- rows ; make us ufeful in life, and prepare us for death : And when we have done ferving thee here below, admit us, we befeech thee, to that ftate of reft and perfection, which thou haft referved for thy people in the heavenly world. 1 And now, O Lord our God, we defire to lift up our hearts to thee, in a grateful ac- knowledgment of all thy mercies and benefits to us. We praifethee, as the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, full of compaftion and goodnefs to the children of men. We thank thee, that thou haft formed us reafonable crea- tures, capable of knowing, ferving, and enjoy- « ing ( 63 ) ing thee. Wc blefs thee for thy nrefcryujg care ; for our lives, our health, our food and raiment ; ibr our friends, our comforts, and all our temporal enjoyments. Above all we praife thee, O moil merciful Father, forfpiritual blef- fmgs in heavenly places in Chrift Jcfus. * We thank thee, O Lord, ior the early intima- tions of good will :o fallen man; that the feed of the woman fhouid bruife the ferpent's head. We adore thee for the wonderful and myftcrious incarnation of thine only begotten Son. Wc praife thee, rhaj when the fulnefs of time was come, thou didft fend forth thy Son made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive c the adoption of fons. We thank thee for his c gracious undertaking ; for his exemplary life ; c his foul faving doctrines ; for the (tv. c dous miracles whereby he confirmed his divine ' million ; and, in a fpecial manner, for his me- ' rkprious death and iuiferings. We blefs thee c that he was delivered for our offences, and rofe 6 again for our juftification ; that he hath af- \ cended to his father and our father, to his God c and our God ; and that he ever liverh to make y interceilion for us. c We thank thee, O Lord God of grace, for c the holy Spirit, and for his fanctifying and com- c forting influences upon the fouls of men ; for * the covenant cf grace and all the precious pro- c miles thereof ; for thy Word ; for the gofpel c miniftry, and the inftitution of all thine ordinan- c ccs ; for Sabbaths ; and for fan io this or the like effect : hou eternal God, Father, Son, and holy re adore thee as the fountain ot be- « ;,!-,. and . We praite thee, that « thou haft err;:,', a Church in tins fallen world; « that wo are called to nbers of it ; and ' that thou hale appoii. : ° « be observed therein.. « No"" O Lord, we are invited to come and < eat of Wifdom's br ttd to drink of the , hath mhrded. Cauie us fo to « foWr : t after righteoulnefs, mat we « maybe tilled. Dra .:i rim after i t i, ce . Bring us into thy chambers, that we ' may'be glad and rejoice in thee, and remem- « ber thv love mere than wine. clous Cod, we give thee glorv for ' all the purpofes of thv love ; for the million, « fafferjnes and death of Jefus Chrift, in whofc ■ name.atoncwc have accefs to the nirone of t thv grace, and hope for ev: lifer We * thank theater this holv ordinance. We de- « vourly pray for thy divin* blefhng upon us, '■ in our attendance upon this feaft or love. ' Blefs,() Lord, thefe elements of bread and * vine May we receive them as the Symbols ' of the broken body, and (lied blood, or our « Lord and Saviour jefus Chrift. May vc, by < faith, eat the ftefh, and drink the blood, of the * Son of God. O Jet this cup ot bleiong, which 1 we blefs,be to us the communion ot the blood ot « Chrift ; let this bread, which we break.be to v.i t the communion of the body of Chrift. L, . Moit (. N ) c Moft merciful Father, keep our hearts and ' minds in the whole of this dutv ; and pre- 1 ferve us from the fuggeftions of the evil one. 1 May our fouls feel the lively exercifes of every ' grace. Suit thy mercy to our various circum- * ilances. May we be joined to the Lord in a * new and everlafting covenant, and made one * fpirit with him. May thy continual grace 8 and aid further, and ailifl us, in the perform - * ance of every duty of the Chriuian life. Seal * unto us,webefeech thee, the remifnon of all our * fins, the gift of the Holy Ghoft, and the pro - * mife of eternal life. 1 Now unto him who is able to keep us ' from falling, and to prefeqt us faultlefs before * the prefencc of his glory with exceeding joy, * to the only wife God our Saviour be glory * and majeity, dominion and power, both no\* * and ever. A men/ The elements being now fet apart by pr, er, the Minifter is to take the bread, and break it, into fmall portions, in the view of the peo- ple. While he is performing this facramental action, let him make fuch obfervations, upon the body of Chrift Jcfus, which was broken for us, as to him may appear proper. Then he is to fay in exprcfiions of this fort : 1 Our Lord Jcfus Chrifl, on the fame night * in which he was betrayed, having taken bread, * and 1 ' nd broken ii, gave it to his Difci- c pies ; as I, miniitring in his name, give this 4 bread unto you ; faying, f lure the Bread is c to be diftribuied] Ta!:e, eat ; this is my Body, * which is broken for you : this do in remem- * brance of me.' After having given the Bread, he fhall take the Cup, and fay ; • After ( §3 ) * After the fame manner, our Saviour alio < Took the Cup, and, having given thanks, as c hath been done in his name, lie gave it to the * Difciples ; faying, [while the Minifler is re- * peating thefe words let him give the Cup] This * Cup is the New Teflament in my blood, which ' is flied for many, for the rcmiflion of fins : Drink ' ye all of it.' The Minifler himfelf is to communicate, at fuch time as may appear to him mod convenient. The Minifler may 5 in a few words, put the Com- municants in mind ; *. Of the grace of God, in Jefus Chrift, held forth in this facrament, and of their obligation to be the Lord's ; and may exhort them, to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith they are called j and, as they have profefledly received 4 Chrift Jefus the Lord, that they be care- ful lb to walk in him ; and to maintain good I works/ It may not be improper for the Minifler to give a word of exhortation alfo to thofe who have been only fpectators, reminding them ; ' Of their duty ; ftating their fin and danger, ' by living in difobedience to Chrift, in negle 4 ing this holy ordinance ; and calling upon them 1 to be earned in making preparation for at- * tending upon it, at the next time of its cele- t brat ion.' Then the Minifler rs to pray and give thanks to God ; 4 For his rich mercy, and invaluable good- c nefs, vouchsafed to them in that facred com- < munion ; to implore pardon for the defe&s * of the whole fervice ; and to pray for the ac- 4 ceptance of their perfons and performances ; < ton i for the gracious an of the I Wt, f to c n, as they have received Chrifl < Jefusthc Lordv fo to walk in him ; that t 1pear fo'ber ano iready^ and to have fufficiifcilt hnowkdsre to decern the Lord's 1 ey ought to be i: is their duty, aid rivilege, to come to the Lord', Supper^ 'The years of difcretion, in young Chr ; ~ ; m: 7 cannot be precifely fixed. This mull be le rudence of the Elderfhip. The Officers of the Church are the fole Judges of the qualifica- tions of thofe to be admitted to S -rdinan- ces ; and of : when it is proper to admit young Curia ians to -them. Thofe, who are to be admitted to Sealing-Or- dinances.. fliaJJ be examined, as to their know- ledge and beiief of the fol things : viz. 1 That the Scriptures, of the Old- and New c Teflamen . are the Word of God, the only in- * fallible rui- of [ pra&ice ;. that theia j contain, plainly and iuiiicientiy, every doc- 1 trine ( 86 ) ? trine needful for Salvation ; that there is g * only, living, and true, God, poffefled of every 4 perfection and excellency, the Creator, the ' Preierver, and the Governor of the umreHe ; * that there are three PerSons in the Godhead, € the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and * that thefe three are one ; that all men are in a c loft eftate, and, as Sinners, (land jnftiy condemu- c ed by the law of God, and are liable to \a% * wrath and curfe ; that Jefus Chriit, the on- c ly begotten Son of God, who is God and * man in one perlon, came into thu world, to * feek and to lave them that are loft ; that he * Suffered, and made atonement, in their room * and ftead ; that he died for their offences, and * rofe again for their juftifeatioa ; that b* rit- 4 teth at the right hand of God in heaven, ma- * king continual interceihon for them ; that the * enlightening and Sanctifying influences of the c Holy Ghoft are abfolutely neceSfary, to lead * us into the faving underftanding of the Sacred * Scriptures, to renew the heart, and to enable c a Chriftian to live Godlily in the world ; and * that watchfuinefs over the life, holy meditation, c a conscientious attendance upon public, pri- c vate, and Secret worfhip ; together with the ' fteady practice of righteoufnefs, truth, Smceri- * ty, and charity, towards men ; and of Sobriety, c chaftity, and temperance, towards ourfelves - f ' are the indifpenfible duties of every Chriftian.' When the knowledge, of thofe who are to be admitted to Sealing-ordinanccs, is judged to be Satisfactory ;; and nothing appears in their life and conversation to hinder their admiffion ; the Minifter fhiill, either in private, or in the prefcncG ( s 7 3 prefence of the Seflion, or in the prefence of the Con-gregatioa, as (hall be mod expedient, aik the profeifion of their faith, iti the following or like manner : 4 Do you belfeve Jefns Chriir. to be the Son of * God? Do you affent to the Covenant of grace, * and acknov, ledge' the obligation of your bap- ' lifmal engagement? ? Do you take God, the * Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, to be your God? * Do you renounce your former fins? And do you * promifc, through grace, to live in the diligent 4 practice of all the duties required hx the * Gofpel P It is not imp roper that this be accompanied with fuitablc exhortation and prayer. And the perfons, fo pffrfefling their Faith, are> immedi- ately thereupon, entitled to fealing-ordinariees. Unbaptized perfons are not members of the vi- able Church ; they are not Chriftians : There- fore, when they offer themfeives, they are to be eonfidered as candidates' for admiffion into the Church, and to be taught the doctrines of the Gofpel as above directed. When their knowledge {nail be deemed fatis^ factory, and nothing appears in their life againiE their admiffion, it is mod expedient, in ordinary cafes, that they fhould publicly profefs their Faith, in the prefence of the Congregation ; [in the fame, or like manner, as directed above in the admiffion of young Chriftians to Sealing-Or- dinances:] After which they ought to be immedi- ately baptized, and admitted to all the privileges ♦f the Church-. ' . •/ ( B8 ) Of the mode of inflicting Churcb-Cenfures* The power, 'which thrift hath given the Ru- lers bf his Cfiunch, is for edification, and not for deftrufri ;n. As, in the pre b'fthe Word, the v. ick:-d 'arc, minified ly, le- bod ; To, 1 ihi, the irch autl ke£ a diflin&ion be- in rhe holy and the profane. In this fhe ac~ts the part of a tender Mother^ cd her' Children only for their good : And that every one of them' may be preferred faultleis, in the day ofihe Lord Jefus. When any perfon, belonging to the Congrega- tion is reported of, as being guilty of a fcanda- lou a id cenifuftble offence ; the Church SefTiori fball confider it as their duty, tc . into the matter; to cali the perfon before them, and to deal with him, according to the rules of the Church. When any member (hall have been guilty of a fault, deferving cenfure, dicaiory ill a 1 1 proceed "with all tender; ir of- fending brother in the fpirit of meeknefs ; con- fidering themfelves, left rhey alfo be temp Cenfure oupht to be ini ith the tfeateft poflible folcmnity ; that it may be the mean imprefling the mind of the delinquent With a pro- 'per fenfc of his danger, while he (lands excluded from the privileges of the Church of the 1: God : and that, with the divine bleiling, it may 'lead him to repentance ; and earneftly to d robe reconciled to the Loi I he hath of- fended, and to his Church, which he hath, by his lin, fcandalized and grieved. When ( $9 ) i-n anv peribti fhail voluntarily confe/s hirri- felf guilty of an offence ; and thy of a imiller nature j and lie fhall appear peni .cut. Judicatory may gpve him an admonition, to bd more watchful for the future, without proceed- ing to fufpend or exclude him from privileges. When the Judicatory ha* relolvedto p tence, fufpendin g a member from Church-privi- , the Moderator lhall addrefs him, to the following or like purpofe : ' Wuereas you are guilty [by your own con- c femon, or convicted by fullicient proof as the c cafe may be] of the 1m of [here mention the c particular offence] we declare you fufpended * from the privileges of the Church ; till you give 4 f.ttisfaccory evidence of the fmcerity of your * repentance.' We now folemnly rebuke you for your fin; Confider, that this is one of thofe works of the flefh, which exclude from the kingdom cf Hea- ven. You muil have been far left of God, thus to crucify afreill the Son of God, and pur him to open ihame. Serioufly refteft, that the wrath of God is revealed, from Heaven, againit all unrighteoufnefs ; and that you {hall have hi* wrath poured out upon you to the uttermoft ; unlefs you repent. Out ofChriii, there is no fafety : for our God is a confuming fire. But, while faithfulnefs to your foul obliges us to warn you of your danger, we call upon you to repent ^ to turn unto the Lord, who will have mercy up- on you ; and to our God, who will abund. pardon. O be perfuaded to flee to the blood of fprinkling. Apply anew to Chriil Jefoj the Lord : for he is able to lave them to the utter- mod, that come unto God by him, feeing he e- irer liveth to make interceflion for them. M Ther* ( 9° ) Then let the Miniftcr pray, in the following or like manner : ' O Lord, do thou, who haft given author!- * ty to thy fervahts to bind and to looic upon 4 earth, blefs thine own ordinance. May this € perfon be recovered from the fnare of the Dc- * ftroyer. None are able to pluck the people 6 of Chrift out of his hand. Do thou, O com- c paffionate Redeemer, who didft pray for Pe- c ter, in the hour of temptation, that his Faith ' might not fail, and who didft reltore him after ■ he had fallen, grant repentance unto this Of- 6 fender. May his heart be filled with godly c forrow, which worketh repentance not to be ' repented of. O Lord, deal not with him, a'c- * cording to the demerit of his fin ; but do thou * magnify thy grace, by the forgivenefs of all his * iniquities. Blefs thy Church, O thou King of * Saints, and preferve thy fervants from fuch * heinous offences. Let the time to favour Zi- c on come, when the people fhall be fubdued * under the anointed of the Lord. Enable us, * () Lord, to watch and pray, that we enter not 1 into temptation. Let not the Adverlary tri- * umph over thy chofen. Hear us, moft gra- ' cious God, for the fake of Jefus Chrift, theon- * Jy Mediator between God and man. Amen* it is moft expedient, that all this fliould pafs only before the Judicatory. But, if any Church think it moft expedient to rebuke the Offender publicly, this folemn exclulion, from the privile- ufthe Church, may be in the prcfence of the Congregation. After a perfon has been excluded from Church privileges, it is not fit, that he be given over as loft. The Miniftcr, and Elders, and other Chrif- tiani, ( 9' ) tians, fhould take occafion ro converfe with him; as well as pray frequently in private, that it would pleafe God to give him repentance. And it may not be improper, at times, particularly on days preparatory to the difpqpfing of the lord's Supper, that the prayers of the Church be of- fered up, for thofe unhappy perfons, who by their wickednefs, have fiiut themfelves out from, this holy communion. When the Judicatory dial I be fatisfied, as to the reality of the repentance of any Offender, he mail, on his earned importunity, be admitted to profefs his repeinance ; and be reftored to the privileges of the Church. It is mod proper, that Penitents, appointed by the SeiTion to be reftored to Church -privileges, fhould be reconciled in the prefence of the Con- gregation : [yet this is not fo indifpenfible, but that a Judicatory may, on good grounds, do it by themfelves]; and it (hall be done in the follow- ing or Lke manner r The Minifter, having called the Penitent, in- the prefence of the Congregation, (hall fay : ' Do you now profefs your repentance for c your iin ; your fincere defire to be reilored to * the privileges of the Church ;. and your pur- c pofe, through the aftiftance of the grace of * God, to live as it becometh the Gofpel V Upon his anfwering in the affirmative, the Mi- nifter (hall addrefs him thus z Dear Brother, it gives us fincere pleafure to be allowed to entertain a hope, that you have feen your folly, your fin, and your danger, and have been led to flee for refuge to the only hope fet before us in the Gofpel. Permit me to re- mind you, that you have now to do with the- hear fa I 9* ) heart-fear clung God. It is eafy to impofe upon : 'hurrh ; you may deceive man, but God cannot be deceived, and may not be mod Oh ! that your heart may be right with him. If you, in this folcmn maimer, profefs repentance, while you feel no true repentance, but are (fill drawn with the Cords of iin, be afraid : for the bands of mockers (hall be made ftrong. But, Brother, we hope better things of you ; and ;s which accompany falvation, though we thus fpeak. Suiter me to remind you, that much -etionis nccclTary; and that a humble, ho- ; od is your fpecial duty. Youhave grieved the people of God, and given occaiion to •the Advcrfciry to blaipheme. Ibefeech you, endea-. vour.by your model!: unaffected piety, to edify the afcid to Hop the mouth of the other. V our late fall lias, no doubt, convinced you of the great need save of the grace and Spirit of God. lave in conflant dependance thereon : and may you be enabled, for the future, to adorn the doctrine pf God our Saviour in all things. Then let the Miniiter pray to the following purpofe : c Mofl gracious God, thou art the Father of * mercies ; thou art the God of all grace, and * of all confolation. Judgment is thy ft range * work. There is forgivencis with thee, that * thou mayeft be feared. With the Lord there c is mercy, and with him is plenteous rcdemp- ' tion. We defire, () God, to join with this 6 pcrion in confefling liis iniquity. O may his * fia be ever before him. May he be waihed in ' the fountain opened for fin. Lord thou hail ' laid, there is joy in heaven over one (inner that J repenteth, more than over ninety and nim * perfons a ( 93 ) * pcrfcms, who need no repentance. O Lord, * we befecch thee to magnify thy grace by fa* * ving this precious foul. Do thou loofe in hea- * ven, as we now, in thy name, loofe him on * earth. O Lord, hide thy face from his fins ; * and blot out all his iniquities. Create in him * a clean heart, O God ; and renew a right * fpirit within him. Reftore unto him the joy of * thy falvation ; and uphold him with thy free * Spirit. Blefs all thy Church. Keep us from * falling. Sanctify us wholly in body and fpirit ; * And may we all, atlalt, be prefented faultlefs, * before the prefence of thy glory, with exceed- * ing joy : for the fake of Jefus Chrift, for whom 4 we thank thee; and may, Bleffinp, and hencur, ( and glory, and power, be unto him that ftteth * upon *he throne, and unto the Lamb, forever * and ever. Amen.' Then the Minilter (hall fay to the Penitent : • By virtue of the authority which On lit hath * left in the Church, for its edification, I pro- ' nounce you loofed from the fentence of exclu- ' fion, and received again to all the privileges * of the Gofpel. Go and fin no more, left a * worfe thing bcfil you.' When any perfon has been, with the advice of the Prefbytery, (as directed in the Form of government &:c.) adjudged to be cut oif from the communion of the Church, it is proper that the fentence be pronounced againlt. him ; even although, as is to be expected in fiich cafes of contumacy and wickednefs, he ihould pretend to defpife the cenfures of the Church, and cither cad: off all profeffion of religion, or go ro ano- ther denomination. The deiign of excommuni- cation is, both to operate upon die Offender as the ( 94 ) the mear? s of reclaim ing him,*and alfo to purge the old leaven from the Church, that others may not be reproached for his vilenefs, or con- taminated with his example. The Minifler Shall, after the ai&vice of the Prefhytery has been obtained, at leail two Lev days before the excommunication, give the Con- gregation a fhort narrative of the feveral fl which have been taken with their fcandalotts, and obflinate brother, and inform them, that it has been found neceffary to refolve to cut him. off from their communion. On the forenoon of the Lord's day appointed for the purpofe, after all the other parts of v. Thip are over, before pronouncing the blefiing, the Minifler fhali denounce this awful fentence,, in the following or like manner : He ihall begin by fhewing the authority of the Church to call out unworthy members, from Mat. XVIII. 15, 16, 17, 18; iCor. V. .1, 2, 3, 4, 5; and Ihall briefly explain the nature, life, and coniequences ofthis tremendous cenfurc ; warning the people, to avoid all unneceilary intercourse with him who is call out, and to let him be unto them as an Heathen man and a Publican. Then he Ihall fay : (for it is not to be expect- ed the perfon will be prefent) ' Whereas A. B. hath been, by fuflicient * proof, convicted of [here infert the iiu,] and, c after much admonition and prayer, obflinately * refufcth to hear the Church, and hath manifeil- c ed no evidence of repentance : Therefore, in c the name and by the authority of the Lord Je- 8 fus Chrift, I pronounce him ihut out from the c Church of God, and delivered unto Satan, that * his fpirk may be faved in the day o( the Lord t jc: Thea ( Is ) Then the Miniftcr fhall pray, to the following purpofe : ' Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, thou art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, or to look upon fin. Evil (hall not dwell with thee, nor fools ftand in thy fight. O Lord, do thou blefs this ordinance which thou haft inftituted. As wc have, by thy appointment, ihut out this obitinate finner from the Church of the living God ; do thou bind in hea- ven, whom we now, in thy name, bind upon earth. Let not thy Church or people be con- taminated with this unworthy member, whom, as old leaven, we have now purged out. Let: not his fins prove a reproach to our molt holy profeffion. ■ But, O mod merciful God, thoit' feekefl not the deftrucHon of the finner. Take not, we befeech thee, thy holy Spirit wholly- from this unhappy Perfon. O caufe him to feel the tremendous danger of being without God, and without hope in the world. Con- vince him, by thy Spirit, of fin, of righteouf- nefs, and of judgment. O Lord, from a deep* fenfe of guilt, may he, in due time, be laid under the happy neceiiity, of feeking the peace of God and of his Church ; that fo he, who hath been bound with much grief and re- luctance, may be loofed with the joy of all Saints. And, O Lord, may thy people, warn- ed by this dreadful example, fear and do na more prefumptuouily. O Lord, hear, anfwer, and do, for the fake of Jefus Chrift : and to thy name be afcribed glory, dominion, and praife, world without end. AmenS h ( 96 ) It may perhaps happen, that fome, whora Go;l hath given up to a ("eared conlcience and to hardnefs of heart, will aitecr. to deipife this fentence, and to be highly offended with the Church. But in general excommunicated per- f jns, when they coolly reilcc~t on their fin, and re- member that this is the ordinance of Chrift, will it is hoped be wounded in their hearts and pricked in their reins. Like Cain, when God pronounced fentence upon him for the murder of his brother, they will find their punifhment greater than they are able to bear. Knowing themfelves to be an execration and a curie in the earth, they will, for the moil part, be deiirous of being delivered from this unhappy condition. As the Father ran to meet the prodigal Ion, when he was yet a great way off ; fo the Church mould cherilh every fymptom of humility and re- pentance* When the Church-Scflicn (hall have obtained fatisfaction, as to the fincerity of his penitence, and have confulted the Prefbytery, the Miniiter fhall, at lead two Lord's days before, inform the Congregation of the Heps which have been taken with the excommunicated perfon ; and that it is refolved to reftore him to Church-privileges. On the day appointed for his absolution, when all the other parts of divine fervice are over, be- fore pronouncing the bleiling in the forenoon, the Minifter (hall call upon the excommunicated per- fon, and propofe to him, in the prefence of the Congregation, the following queftions : 6 Do you, from a deep fenie of your great c wickednefs, freely confefs your fin, obltina- ■ cy and prefumption, in thus rebelling againfl J God, and in refufing to hear his Church ; * and V 97 J * and do you acknowledge that you have been; c in juftice and mercy, cut off from the commit- * nion of the Saints ? Anfwer, I do. Do you * now voluntarily profefs your iincere rcpent- ' ance, and deep contrition, for your fin and ob- 4 ftiriacy ; and do you humbly aik the forgive- * nefs of God and of his Church ? Anfwer, I i do. Do you fincerely promife, through di- * vine grace, to live in all humblenefs of mind c And circumfpection ; and to endeavour to a- * dorn the doctrine of God our Saviour, by t having your converfuion as becometh the Gof- * pel ? Anfwer I do.' t ._ Here the Mini'fter fhall give the Penitent a fuit- able exhortation ; addreffing him in the bowels of brotherly love, encouraging and comforting him. Then he fhall pronounce the fentence of abfolu- tion, in the following words i 4 Whereas you ? A. B; for your fin and obfti- 6 nacy, have been fhut out from the communion ' of the Faithful, but have now mani felted fuch c repentance as fatisfies the Church: In the name * of the Lord Jefus Chrift and by his authority^ c I declare you abfolved, from the fentence of ex- 4 communication' formerly denounced againft c you ; and I do, with pleafure, receive you in* c to the communion of the phurch, that you * may be a partaker of all the benefits of the 4 Lord Jefus to your eternal falvation.' Here the Minilter fhall pray to the following effeft : c Almighty God, and mod merciful Father $ * thou wilt not execute the fiercenefs of thine * anger, thou wilt not return to deflroy ; for thou * art God, and not man, the holy One in the * midft of us. Thy thoughts are not as our N 4 thoughts j ( 9 s )' thoughts ; therefore the fons of men are not confuted. Thou art a faithful God, keeping, mercy for thoufands, forgiving iniquity, tranf- greffion, and fins, and that will by no means clear the guilty. We humbly adore and yield thee hearty thanks, for the exceeding gr riches of thy grace in Chrrft Jefus. In him thou art reconciling the world unto thyfelf; not imputing unto them their trefpaiTcs or their fins. Encouraged by the numberlefs intima- tions of thy mercy and grace, O Lord, we prc- fent this Penitent unto thee. Againli thee, thee only, has he finned, and in thy fight done this evil. O Lord, he hath hardened himfelf againft reproof. Like profane Efau,he hath de- fpifed his birth-right. He hath counted it a fmall thing to be cut off from the Church of the living God. Wc mufl confefs before thee, O thou moll High, that he hath trodden un- der foot the fon of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was lane- tified, an unholy thing. () Lord, let him not be like Efau, who found no place for repent- ance, though he fought it carefully with tears. We befecch thee, O our God, to fill his heart, more and more, with godly forrow. May he receive, from the Prince and Saviour exalted, true repentance, and remillion of fins. May his heart be fprinkled from an evil confeience, and his body waihed with pure water. Re- ceive him, O Lord, into thy fold, as we now, in thy name, receive him again into the Church. May his foul be bound in the bundle of life. Preferve him from temptation ; and may he henceforth live in thy fear. O God, blefs all thy people. May their love be confirmed to < this t 99 ) is penitent. Let him that thinketh he fland- * eth take heed lcit he fall. Let no evil furmi- * fing, againfl their brother, find place in their * hearts : but may love, which covereth a mul- * tit ude of fins, poifefs every foul. Forgive, we * befeech thee, all our fins, and preferve us un- * to thy heavenly kingdom and glory : for the * fake of Jefus Chriit, who is our Advocate in * heaven ; and who, with the Father, and the * Holy Spirit, ever liveth and reigneth, in one c undivided Godhead. Amen.* Of the Solemnization of Marriage. Marriage is not a facrament, nor peculiar to the Church of Chrift. It is proper that every Commonwealth, for the good of fociety, make laws to regulate Marriage, which all Citizens are bound to obey. Chriftians ought to marry in the Lord ; there- fore it is fit, that their marriage be fofemhized by a lawful Minifter, that fpecial infl.ruct.ion may be given them, and fuitable prayers made, when they enter into this relation. Marriage is to be between one man and one woman only ; and they are not to be within the degrees of confanguinity or affinity prohibited by the word of God. The parties ought to be of fuch years of dis- cretion as to be capable of making their own choice ; and if they be under age, or live with their parents, the confent of the parents, or o- thers under whofe care they are, ought to be pre- viouily obtained, and well certified to the Mi- nilter, before he proceeds to folemnize the mar- riage. Parents C 100 ) Parents ought neither to compel their children to marry contrary to their own inclinations, nof deny their confent without juit and important ireafons. Marriage is of a public nature. The welfare of civil fociety, the happinefs of families, and the credit of religion are deeply intereftcd in i f . Therefore the pfrrpbfe of marriage plight to he fiifficiently ; I a proper time, previoufly to ffoe foienraization of it. It is enjoined on all Miniftert to be careful that, in this matter, they neither trap fgrefs the laws of God, nor the laws of the community : And that they may not de- stroy the peace and comfort of families, they inuit be properly certified, with refpecT: to the parties applying to them, that no juif objections lie a- gainft their marriage. Marriage mult always be performed before a com} etent number of witneiles ; and the Min- jfter is to give a certificate of the marriage, when required. When the parties prefent thcmfclvcs for marri- age, the Miniilcr is to defire, if there is any per- fon prefent who knows any lawful reafon why thefe perfons may not be joined together in thp marriage relation, t]rat they will now make it known, or ever after hold their peace. No objections being made, lie is then feveral- Jy to addrefs himfelf to the parties to be mar- ried, in the following or like words : ' You, fir, declare, in the prefence of God,, ' that\ou do not ktiQW any reafon, by precon- * tract or otherwife, why you may not lawfully I marry this woman.* Upon his declaring he docs not, the Minifter fhall addrefs himfelf to the Bride, in the fame or iimilar terms : « You ( »oi ) * You, Madam, declare, in theprefenceofCod, t that you do not know any reafon, by prec' u- f trac6 ) In one word, it is the Minifter's duty to admi- nifter to the lick perfon indruction, conviction, fupport, confolation or encouragement, as his cafe may fecra to require. At a proper time, when he is moft compofed, the Minider, if dcfired, flbaU pray with and for him, in the following or like manner. ' O thou, fovereign, great and glorious Jeho- ' yah, we bow down before thee, and acknowledge c our abfolute dependance upon thee. Thou ' haft made it our duty to pray with and for the 6 fick and the afflicted. Enable us, at this time, c to pray in faith, to confefs our fins with peni- * tentiai fentiments of heart, and to draw near < to thee, in humble dependance upon the a- * tonement of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift. c We acknowledge, that we are guilty tinners, ' finners by nature and tinners by practice. Sin is ' the procuring caufe of all the calamities which c come upon us. Sin has introduced ficknefs, c pain, mifery and death into our apoftatc world. c Affliction cometh not forth of the dull, neither * doth trouble fpring out of the ground. O 6 Lord, thou killed and thou makeit alive, thou ' wounded and thou hea.lcft, thou layed on beds c of ficknefs, and thou raifed up again. Thou ' had brought us into this world, thou eontinu- ' ed us in it, and taked us out of it according to c thy holy pleafure. We know and are aflured, ' that the God of all the earth always does that * which is right. 6 O mod merciful Father, extend compafTion c to this perfon on a bed of ficknefs, languidi- 1 ment and didrefs. Shew unto him why thou ' contended with him, and why thou afflicted c him very fore. Rebuke him not in thine an- ' ger, ( io 7 ) ger, nor chaften him in thy hot difpieafure. When thou with rebukes doft chaften man for fin, thou makcft his beauty to coniume away like a moth. Let him neither defpife the chai- ning of the Lord, nor faint when he is rebu- ked of him. Remove thy ftroke, we pray thee. O fpare a little, that he may recover (Irength, before he go hence, and be here no more. Sanctify to him this vifitation of thy provi- dence. Enable him to make a fuitable improve- ment of it, for his foul's good. Prepare him for all the events of thy will. If thou art pleaf- ed to recover him from this affliction, and to add unto his days, we pray that he may rife to health and ftrength, with a faithful remem- brance of thy correcting hand, and with full purpofes of holinefs and new obedience. When thou haft tried him, O Lord, let him come forth as gold which has been tried. Speak the word and hefhall be healed. Deal bountifully with him and he Dial! live and praife thee. But if this ficknefs be unto den and thou haft determined to fmifh his days by the prefent vifitation, O Lord, have me: upon his precious foul. Pardon all his fi . Give him clear evidences of an intereft in thy favour. May he find, by fweet experience, his foul united to Jefus by a new and liv faith. Save him from the temptations of v tan. Take away the fting of death, and raufe him to triumph over the grave ; and. when his flefh and his heart faileth, be thou the ftrength of his heart, and his portion forev r. O Lord, we wait for thy falvation. We com- mit him unto thee, praying, that if he liv-% f ^e may live to thee, and if he die, that he mWf ' ft? 1*8 ) c die to thee, that whether he liverh or i c nay be thine Hear us, O our G c fwer us, only for the fake of our divine Re- 6 deemer ; to whom, with the Father, and Spr- c rit of all grace, be given glory, and honour, c and dominion, and power, forever and ever. 6 Amen/ The Minifter fliall admonifti him to fettle his worldly affairs ; to make rcftitution or fati$fac% t-ion where he hath done any wrong ; to be re- conciled to thofe with whom lie may have hern at variance ; to forgive all men their trefp againft him, as he expects f< >rgivenefs from God ; and, if he be rich, to dilpofe of fome part of hrs worldly fubftance for charitable purpofes, or for the Church of Chrift. Laftly, the Minifter may improve the prefem occafion to exhort thofe about the fick, to conir- der their mortality ; to turn to the Lord and make their peace with him ; in health to. prepare for ficknefs, death and judgment. Of the Burial of the Dead. When any Chriftian departs this life, let the corpfe be taken care of in a decent manner, and be kept a proper and fufficient time before inter- ment. When the feafon for the funeral comes, let all who are prefent, conduct themfelves with gra- vity. We highly difapprove of the ufe of fpiri- tuous liquors at the funeral of any perfons ol our communion ; and we recommend die utter abolition of a cuftom fo oftcnfive and improper. It is decent and proper, that perfons be interred, in a manner fuitable to their rank and condition while living. Lev ( >°9 J t the CUriftian friends, who attend a' iioufe of the funeral, apply themfclves to krriuus meditation and difcourfc; and the Minifter, it ; lent, may exhort them to confide* the frailty of hfe, and the importance of being prepared for death and eternity. Then let the dead body be decently attended to the grave, and there immediately interred \\ itliout any ceremony. Of Fafhig ; and of the obfer-jation of days of Tbankjgi-ving. There is no day under the Gofpel command- ed to be kept holy, except the Lord's day, which is the chrifttan fabbath. Thole feafons, vulgarly called holidays, not being appointed in the word of God, but having been introduced in times of fuperftition, and a- bufed to much fin, are not to b^ obferved by the people of our communion. Neverthelefs to obferve days of and thankfgiving, as the extraordinary difpenfattoas of divine providence may direct, we judge both fcriptural and rational. Fads and thanksgivings may be obferved by individual Chriilians, or families, in private, by particular Congregations, by a number of Con- gregations contiguous to each other, by the Con- gregations under the care of a Prefbytery, or of a Synod, or by all the Congregations of our Church. It muft be left to the judgment and difcretion of every Chriflian and family to determine, when it is proper to obferve a private faft or thankf- giving ; and to the Church-feilion to determine ( »o ) for particular Congregations ; and to the Pref- byteries or Synods to determine for larger dif- tricls. When it is deemed expedient that a fad or thankfgiving mould be general, the call for them mult be judged of by the Synod or Gene- ral Council. And if at any time the civil power fhould think it proper to appoint a fail or thankf- giving, it is the duty of the Minilters and people of our communion, as we live under a chriftian government, to pay all due refpeel: to the fame. Public notice is to be °iven a convenient time o before the day of fafting or thankfgiving comes, that perfons may fo order their temporal affairs, that they may properly attend to the duties thereof. There mall be public worfhip upon all fuch days ; and let the prayers, pfalms, portions of fcripture to be read, and fermons, be all, in a fpecial manner adapted to theoccafion. On fad days, let the Minilter point out the authority and providences calling to the obferva- tion thereof ; and let him fpend a more than u- fual portion of time in folemn prayer, particular confeflion of fin, efpecially of the fins of the day and place, with their aggravations, which have brought down the judgments of heaven. And let the whole day be fpent in deep humiliation and mourning before God. On days of thankfgiving, he is to give the like information, respecting the authority and provi- dences which call to the obfervance of them ; and to fpend a more than ufual part of the time in the giving of thanks, agreeably to the occa- fion,and in fmging pfalms or hymns ofpraife. It is the duty of people, on thefe days, to re- joice with holy gladnefs of heart ; and to maiii- feit ( "I ) fell the liberality, which is their great duty up* on fuch occafions, by fending portions and giv- ing gifts. But let trembling be fo joined with our mirth, as that no excefs or unbecoming levi- ty be indulged. Of ihe Ordination of Minifters of the Gofpel. The Ordination of a Pcrfon, to the Work of the Gofpel Miniftry, is the fetting Him apart to this holy Office, agreeably to the Inftitution of Chrift, the great Head of the Church. This is the Bufinefs of the Prefbytery. When the Perfon to be ordained has paffed through the Trials prefcribed in the Form of Go- vernment and Difcipline", or fuch others as fhall be deemed fatisfactory ; the Prefbytery being met for his ordination, the Sermon being ended, and the Engagements, directed in the Form of Government, &c. being taken, the Perfon, who is to be ordained, fhall kneel down in the moft convenient part of the Church, and the Minifter, who has been appointed to prefide, fhall lay his Right Hand upon his Head, and then all the other Minifters of the Prefbytery prefent, fhall alfo lay their Right Hands upon his Head ; and the prefiding Minifter fhall pray in the following or like manner : i Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, We c adore Thee, as the one, living, and true God, ' the Creator and the Preferver of all things. ' We adore Thee as the God and Father of our * Lord Jefus Chrift, and in him reconciling the c world unto Thyfelf, not imputing their trefpaf- '■ fes unto them. We moft devoutly praife Thee c for the unfpeakable Gift of a Saviour, and for * the Plan of favirie Idft: Men throi Incarnation, his Atonemetit, his Refun to Glory. We praife r l I hen He afcehded up on high*, He led Captivity captive, and pave Gifts unto Men : t hat lie gave fomc, Apoftles ; and fome, 1 prices; and forhl igeHfts ; and fome, Paf- lurs and Teachers ; for the perfe&ing of the Saints, for the Work of the Mmiurv, lor the of the Body of ChrifL we thank Thee, O Lord, that Thou art railing up and. qualifying Men for thi Work, from age to are, and throughout the federal Parts of thy Church. We thank Thee, that thou halt inclined the heart of this thy Servant to devote HimfelJ to the Lord, iu the Work of the \iiniflry. We pray that Thou wouidlt graeiouily accept of the Dedi- cation which He now makes of Hirafclf to I hce, in the Gofpel of thy Son. c W^e do, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the lloiy Ghoft, ordain him Bifhop of this Church ; and fet him apart to the Office of the holy Miniflry. We mod humbly pray, that thou v.ouldell graeiouily appr and ratify in heaven, what we now do in thy name, upon earth. ' O moft merciful God, grant this thy fervant a double portion of thy Spirit. Enable him to be diligent and faithful in the difcharge of ilk great duties of his miniflry. May lie be wife in winning fouls to Chrift, Make him an c- mincnt blcfTmg to thy Church in general, and to thefe thy People, over whom thou art fet- ting him, in particular. Enable him, O Lord, to take heed unto hirrifelf, and to his doctrine, and to continue in them, that he may both favc himfelf,and them that hear him. c Gra- ( "3 ) c Gracious God, pardon all our fins, and hear ' us, for the fake of Jefos Chrifl: our Lord : * And let the Glory be to the Father, and to 1 the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for c ever. Jim en.' Prayer being ended, and the Perfon ordained having ri fen from his knees, the Minifter, who prefides, fliall give him the Bible, addreiling him in words to the following import : ' You have now received authority to preach 6 the Gcfpel, and to adminifler all the Ordinances f inftituted by Chrifl. In token whereof, take this ' holybook,which contains your commiflion; ftu- 6 dy it carefully ; and conduft yourfelf, in every \ part of your ofnce, in conformity to it. 3 Then he fhall take him by the Right Hand ; faying, in words to this purpofe ; ' We give c You the Right Hand of Fellowfhio. to take O J. ' part of this Miniftry with us." Or thus : ' In token of our acceptance of you, to take * part with us in this facred Miniftry, to which ' we have now fet you apart, we do, agreeably * to the Apojftolic example, give you the Right ' Hand of Fellowship.' Then the Minifter's who laid hands upon him, fliall, in their order, take him by the right hand. The Minifter who prefided, or fome other ap- pointed to the buiinefs. fliall then addrefs him on the Nature and Importance of the Office to which he has been fet apart : charging him, c To take heed unto himfelf, and to all ' flock, over which the Holy Ghoft hath made * him Overfeer ; to feed the Church of God, ' which he hath pnrchafed with his own blood ; f to love Chrift, and to feed his fheep : fhewing 1 him, that a Biihop muft take the overfight of P ' them. - ) at willingly ; nc f A'md ; neither as i< ritage, but as an Word, in Com tion, in Chari in Faith, in Purity : Exhorting him, i. not the Gift that is in him, but that he ite upon thefe . and give himfelf wholly to them, that into all ; that h< heed, not onto to fiimfelf, hut alfoto his Doc- trine ; and that he continue fled fail therein ; that he bear patiently all the Trials to which the faithful difcharge Juries of his office may at any time fubjeft him, in humble depcr.- dance upon the grace and faithfulnels of his Lord, who has promifed to be with his Mini- flers even to the end of the world ; that he preach the wore;, be inftant, in feafon and out offeafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-fuffering and doctrine ; and that he rule well his own boufe ; encouraging him to hope and expert, that, when the chief Shepherd {hall appear, he (hall receive a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away.' After this, the fame Minifter, or another as may be raoft convenient, (hall addreis the Con- gregation (if the perfon has been ordained to a particular charge) on the ineilimable bleffing of a judicious and faithful adminiftration of the Word and the ordinances of the Gofpel in a da- ted way. He {hall lav before them the duties, which a People owe their Minifter, with the oh- ms to a coplcientious difcharge thereof : mg tli em ; 8 That they are bound to eileem and honour 6 him for his works fake ; to attend upon his ' miniftn ( ll S ) c miniftry with diligence and lleadinefs, and to c fludy to profit thereby ; to receive, with meek- ' nefsjhis.idmonitions and reproofs, and to fubmit 6 to the difcipline of Chri/l's hotife, aJminiftrcd * by him, in conjunction with the other officers c of the Church ; to be much in prayer to God * for him, as one who watches for their fouls, c and mult give an account of his flewardfhip ; 6 to afford, with punctuality and cheerfittireft, * the w 7 orldly fupport, which, m this folefnn * manner, they have promifed him, before God, c and the holy Angels, and his Church ; aflur- * ing them, that the great Judge of quick and * dead will, at the lafl day, acknowledge what is * done unto his fervants, as done unto himfelf : * And finally, exhorting them to fludy the things 4 that make for peace, both with their Minifler, c and among themfelves, that he and they may ' appear with joy in the great day of CKHff;' The Minifler having finifhed this addrefs,fhall pray, arid give thanks* in the following- or like manner : c Mofl merciful Father, we thank Thee for * die miniflry of reconciliation ; that Thou hafl c committed this treafure to earthen vefTels, that < the excellency of the power may be of God and * not of man. We thank Thee, that Thou hafl * provided thy Church in this place with one 6 to take the overfi^ht of them in the Lord. * We befeech Thee to qualify thy Servant, * more and more, for the. faithful, the honoura- 4 ble, and the fuccefsful difcharge of his high 4 trufl. Encourage his heart, and flrerigthen * his hands therein, from day to day. Grant 4 him, O Lord, a deep and an abiding fenfe of * his dependance upon the influences of the c Spirit ( 1*6 ) - Spirit of Chriit for the fuccefs of his labours, ' May he have many feals of his- mi n if try in this c place ; many as his crown of rejoicing in the c preience of cur Lord Jcfus Chriil at his com- ' ing. Render him, we pray Thee, happily in- * ftrumental in promoting true and undcfiled c Religion, before the Father, and the Lord 4 Jefus Chriil, throughout the Church in general, 6 as well as in this place. May this Congrega- c tion be properly fenfible of the rich blefTmg c Thou haft this day conferred upon them ; and 4 may they be enabled to receive and improve 1 it in a fuitable manner. May they grow and 4 increafe, under the miniftry of thy Servant, c with the increafe of God. May many be 4 added to them daily, of fucti as mail be Saved 4 in the day of Chriil. We pray that thy Ser- 4 vant and this People may be mutual comforts ' and bleflings to each other, for a long time to 4 come ; and may their appearance, in the day 4 of the Lord,be to their eternal joy, through Je- 4 fus Chrift, our Lord. Amen.' A Pfalm mail then be lung, and the Congre- gation difmifTed with the ufual BlefTing. The fubje&s of the Charges, to the Minifter and People, in the cafe of Ordination, will furnifh proper matter for the addrefTes of the like nature, in the cafe of the inflalment of a Minifter for- merly ordained. Every Prefbytery will be beh 1 able to judge of the age at which it is proper to ordain any per- fon to the work of the Gofpel Miniftry ; but we think that, in ordinary cafes, the Candidate fhould be, at kail, twenty-four years of age. The C "7 ) The Directory for Secret a:. Bcfides the public worfhip in Gotfgjegatiort&j it is the indifpenfoble duty of each pcrfon alone, In :, and of every family by itielf in private, to pray to and worfhip God. Secret worfhip is moil plainly enjoined by our Lord. In this duty every one, apart by himfelf, is to fpend fome time in prayer, reading the fcrip- turcs, holy meditation, and ferious ielf examina- tion. The many advantages, arifing from a con- fcicntious attendance upon thefe duties, are bell known to thofe who are found in the faithful difcharge of them. Family worfhip, which ought to be perform- ed by every family, ordinarily morning and e- vening, confifls in prayer, reading the fcripturcs, and ringing praifes. The Head of the family, who is :o lead in this ■ fervice, ought to be careful that till the members of his houfholcf duly attend, and tfrat none with- draw themfelves unneceffarily k&h any part of family worfhip ; and that all refrain from their common buiinefs, while the fcriprures are read, gravely attend to the fame, no lefs than when or praile is offered up. Let no idler, or vagrant perfon,perfcrm worfhip in families ; feeing perfons tainted with errors, or aiming at diviiions, may be ready to creep into houfes and lead captive unliable fouls. But this-ps. not to be underftood, as prohibiting the Head of a family from inviting a chrifiian friend to pray in his family who may be occafionally prefent, and whofe character, for ftedfaftnefs and piety, is efta- blilhed. Ac ( ii8 ) At family worftiip, let each family keep by themfelvcs, without iuviting perfons of other fa- milies to join with them. Let not any fociety or conference meetings, under pretence of more fpiritual advantage, ever interfere with or fet afide the due order and re- gular worfhip of families ; for the latter is a di- vine inflitution, and of much greater utility and importance. Let every Head of a family be careful to ca- techife and inftrucl: his family, at lead once every week ; and we think the molt proper time for thefe exereifes is on Sabbath evenings. And we judge it would be much more for the edification of Chriflian families, and for the advancement of true religion, for families, apart by themfelves, to fpend their Sabbath evenings in catechifing, holy conference, repetition of the fermons they heard through the day, in prayer, praife, and other religious duties, than in running about to attend fociety or other meetings, as the practice of too many is, even to the neglect, we fear, of common family duties. As many as can conceive prayer ought care- fully to improve this gift of God ; yet for the fake of the young and more bafhful Heads of families, we have fubjoined a few forms of Fa- mily Prayer, earnestly recommencing it to all fuch, not to be negligent in cultivating a fpirit of prayer, and to ufe thefe forms no longer than till they fhall have learned to exprefs the defires of their hearts to God for their families, with fome degree of propriety. ( H9 ) 4 PRATER jor aF A MILT, on the morning of the Lord's Da y. c O Thou blcffed, glorious, and highly exalted 6 Lord, our God, we defire, with all humility 4 and reverence, to bow down and offer homage 4 and worfhip to Thee, this morning of thy 4 holy day. We adore Thee as the King eter- c nal, immortal, invifible, the only wife God. 4 Thou art worthy of all honour, love, worfhip * and praiie ; from all thy intelligent creatures. 4 Angels and Arch-angels proftrate themfelves 4 before thy throne, and they ceafe not, day or 4 night, to afcribe glory, honour, dominion and 4 power, to him that fitteth on the throne, and to 4 the Lamb forever and ever. We, who are c worms of iheduif, and have our habitation in c hotifes of clay, defire to unite with this celeftiai ' company, in praifing, magnifying, and adoring f thy name. We worihip Thee, as our Creator, j Preferver, Benefactor, and Redeemer. In P Thee we live, and move, and have our being. 6 We acknowledge, before Thee, that we are ' fallen creatures, miferable finners. We have c forfaken Thee, the fountain of living waters ; c and have hewn out for ourfelves citterns, bro- 6 ken cifterns, which can hold no water. Behold c we are vile, we are altogether as an unclean c thing in thy fight. But glory to thy name in ' the higheft, that thou haft opened a door of 1 hope for finners ; that 'thou hall: revealed a 4 glorious falvation in the gofpel ; that thou hail c fet forth Chrifh Jefus, to be the propitiation ' for fin, and caufed us to hear the glad tidings ' of peace and reconciliation through faith in his : name. In his name, we come unto thee, con- ' feiling ( 120 ) fefling our fins, and making fupplication for all the mercies which we need. c O Lord, moll holy, pardon our fins ; blot out all our tranfgrefTions. Juftify us freely by thy grace, through the redemption that is in Jeius Clirill. Receive us into thy favour, which, is life, and make us the fubjech of thy tog kindnefs, which is better than life. A- dopt us into thy family, and fanclify us by the powerful influences of thy Holy Spirit. Ena- ble us to fanclify this thy Sabbath, and to keep it holy. Prepare our hearts for all the holy duties and fervices of this day. Let the day- Ipring from on high vilit us, and the Sun of Rightcouihefs fhine upon us, with healing in his win os. ' We praife thee, O God, that thou had a- dorned thy weeks with iabbaths ; that ihou hall fancliiied one day in feven, to be kept ho- ly to thyfelf ; and that thou haft brought u* to fee another of the days of the Son of man. O that we may be in the fpirit on this thy day. Let God, who, on the firfl day of the world, commanded the light to (hi - if darknefs, on this firfl day of the week, fhine in our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jefus Chriil. This is the day, which the Lord hath made, we will be glad and rejoice in it. O that we may this day experience the power of Chrifl's rcfurrcc- tion. As he was raifed from the dead by the glory of the Father, fo let us be raifed from a ftate of death in fin, to walk with him in new- nefs of life, and be prepared to fit with him in heavenly places, * Prepare ( 121 ) 1 Prepare us- O our God, for the public ordinances of thy houfe this day. May we, with our whole hearts, join in the prayers and praifesofthy church. Enable ns to hear thy word with attention, to receive it in faith and love; to lay it up in our hearts- and to pra&ife it in our lives. Give thy prefence, O Lord our God to thy miniftcring iervant, who may lead our worfhjp, and fpeak to us in thy name to-day. Give him the tongue of the learned, that he may fpeak a word in feafon to weary fouls. May thy faints be refrefhed and com- forted ; may fmners be awakened and con- verted* May this be a glorious day in thf Zion. c Accomplish, O Lord, we befeech thee, aft thy defigns of mercy. Let thy gofpcl be pro- pagated from the riling to the fetting fun. Let it run,, have free courfe and be glorified Be in all the worshipping affcmblies of thy peo- ple this dav. "Fill thy Churches with thy glo- ry. • Clothe thy Miniflers with falvation, that thy people may fliout aloud for joy. Keep our hearts, and keep our minds this day. Prr- ferve us from evil and worldly thoughts. Let no vain converfation proceed out of our lips. Save us from the temptations of Satan. Hand us in peace and fafety through all the chang- ing fcenes of ti me. Be the flay and flaff of our fouls in the folemn hour of death ; and finally bring us to glory ; only for the fake of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, who taught us, when we pray, to fay ; c Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done m earth as it is in heaven. Give us O « this this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trefpaffes as we forgive them that trefpafs againit us. And lead us not into temptation > but deliver us from evil : for thine is the king- dom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen* r PRATER for a FAMILY, on the evening of the Lord's Day. c O Thou holy, ever blefYed, and ever glori- ous Lord our God : Thou art God ovef all, and rich in mercy to all that call upon thy name. Thou art molt wife and powerful, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Thy kingdom is an cverlafting kingdom ; and thy dominion from generation to generation. This evening of thy holy day, O Lord, we prefeni ourfelves before thee, to offer up our evening facriftce of prayer and of praife. Thou halt: given us to enjoy another Sabbath. Thy days are fweet to our fouls ; thy Sabbaths are our delight. We blefs and praife, Thee, with our whole hearts, for another of thy holy days. A day fpent in thy courts, is better than a thou- fand elfewhere. How amiable are thy tn-er- nacles, O Lord of hofts ! Thou hall carried us to thy houfe of prayer ; thou haft caufed us to hear thy word, and we have had the privilege of joining in the prayers and praifes of thy people, in thy church. * Glory to God in the higheft, for all his mercies and benefits to us. How great are the privileges we enjoy, above thoufivnds of our fellow creatures, who are as good by na- ture as wc are. What multitudes arc bowing 4 down ( i*5 ) down to Hocks and ilones, are groping in more than midnight darknefs, and know not Thee, the true God.* nor Jcfus Chriit, whom thou haft lent ; while we are favoured with thy Sabbaths and thine ordinances, and enjoy the glorious light of thy gofpeh 4 O Lord, we confers we are unworthy of the lead of all thy mercies \ and that thou art diftinguiftiing us above others, is owing to thy mere, free, holy, and lbvercign pleafure. With propriety may we afcribe all to the glory of thy name, and lay? even fo. Father, for fo it feemeth good in. thy fight. We call upon our fouls, and all within us, to blefs and magnify thy name, for thy diftinguiftiing favours to us, thine undeferving creatures. We praife thee for the gift of thine only begotten Son ; for the redemption of Chrift Jefus our Lord ; for the covenant of mercy ; for the means of grace, and the hopes of eternal life, ' O thou Father of mercies, forgive what thy pure eyes have (cen amifs in us this day. For. give us, that we have not ferved thee with more love, zeal, and godly fmcerity. In all things we have finned, and come fliort of thy glory. Pardon, O Lord, our innumerable failings and imperfections. Forgive the iniquities of our moft holy things. After we have done all, we have juft reafon to acknowledge ourfelves un- profitable fervants. But thou haft declared, O God, that they who confefs and forfake their fins, fhall find mercy. Thou art faithful to forgive us our fins. We pray, moft merciful Father, that thou wouldft forgive us, and ac* cept of us in the beloved. Accept of us, and of our poor and imperfect fervices. Give 1 u« I &4 ) < D 4 grace, O God, that we may never for- c fake ■ ;\ ways, nor turn from foHowin ; af- c ter thee ; but that, with purpofe of hi f may always clrave unto the Lord. Lei us not c count our lives dear unto ourfclves fo that we c may finifh our conrfe; with comfort and joy, c ro the glory or thy .ame. « () Lord our God we pray that thou would ft « follow thy word and ordinances with a bit f- c fing wherever they have been difpenfed on this c thy holy fabbath. Bltfs all the Minifters of c thy gofrel. Make them faithful to Chriit, and c to the fouls of men. Pity the poor, the af- f flicted, forrowful and diftreffed. Enlarge the c borders of the Redeemer's kingdom. I et all c the nations flow unto ir. flatten the down fal c of the man of ltn ; and let pure and undefined c religion before God, and the Father, be revi- c ved, and made to flourifh in all places. ' Take us, O Lord, under thy protefHon c tin's night. Enable us to clofe the day with c rhec. May we lie down in peace, and our deep be fweet and refreshing to us. Bring us to the light of to-morrow ; and may our fouls rejoice and praife thee, in the out -goings of 6 the morning. Enable us to carry much of the Sabbath with us through the week. May we < fet the Lord always before us. Prepare us for * all that is before us in ti-me. Be our guide ' through life, our fupport in death, and our c everlafiing portion. Now to the king eternal, * immortal, invifible the only wife God ; to the * Father, the Son. and the Holy Ghoft, be ho- * nonr and glory, dominion and praife, through * Jcfus Chriit our Lord. Amen. 3 ( » 5 > A MORNING PRATER for a FA MIL V. 6 O thou God of all confolation i O thou ' preferver of men 1 We adore thee as the foun- fc tain of all being, perfection, and blefTed:. c We have lain down, flept, and awaked in i mercy ; for the Lord hath (attained us. Thou ■ hafl heard ov.r evening prayer, watched over 1 us in our unguarded moments; and brought us, * in circumftances of comfort; to the light of ' this morning. Day unto day uttereth fpcech, 1 and night unto night flieweth knowledge. 5 Thou drawee over us the fliadows of the c evening; and thou caufeft the outgoings of the * morning. Thou art good to all, and thy ten* c der mercies are over all thy works. We give ; thee mod fmcere thanks for the prefervation of * the night paft, and the favours of the mornin/. * No plague has come nigh our dwelling ; we c live, are in health* and afe brought in fafcty * to the light and comforts of another day. We * thank thee, O Lord, that our fleep has not ( been death, nor our beds our graves ; but that < thou haft refreshed and ftrengthened us, and c we rejoice before thee. c Thou, O Lord, art the God of the families * of Ifrael ; thotl art the God of our family. c O caufe thy bleHing- to reft upon our houfe, c and fill our fouls with joy and gladnefs. Wc 1 acknowledge before thee, O God that we ' are guilty finners. We have finned againft * thee, as individuals ; we have finned againft c thee, as a family. Parents, and children, and 1 all of us, are finners in thy fight. We were 1 fhapen in fin, and brought forth in iniquity : 1 We are altogether as an unclean thing before < thee^ ( 1=6 ) thee. Yet, gjory to thy name in the high . notwithstanding our unvvorthinefs, thou an good, and doing us good continually. ' We praife thee for the gofpel, for Jefus Chrift, and the method of falvation through faith in him. It is an unfpeakable privilege, that we have accefs to the throne of thy grace, through the Lord Jefus, thine only begotten and eternal Son. O look in companion upon us, and, for ChriiVs fake, pardon all our of- fences. Call our iniquities into the depths of the fea, and remember our tnmfgreilions no more ; but be merciful unto us, as thou art unto thofe that love thy name. Sanftify us thoroughly by the power of thy grace ; fubdue all our luffs and corruptions, and make us holy as thou, the Lord our God, art holy. Let thy peace rule in our hearts, and thy law govern in our minds ; and let the confolations of our God he our ftrength and our fong, in the houfe of our pilgrimage. O thou Father of Mercies.. be thou the portion of our fouls ; lift upon the light of thy countenance ; put gladnefs into our hearts, more than they have, whofe corn and wine and oil are increafed. c We commit ourfelves, O Lord, to thy care and keeping this day ; watch -over us for good ^ compafs us about with thy favour as with a fhield. Prcferve us from evil ; yea, the Lord prefer ve and keep our fouls ; prcferve our go- ing out and coming in ; keep us in health and fafety ; blefs our employments ; profper us in all our lawful undertakings ; give us comfort and fuccefs in our bufmefs ; let us eat of the labour of our hands ; and may it be well with us. Prepare iu for all the events of this day ; * for ( '" ) ( fot we know not v. hat a day may bring forth. f Give us grate :o do the work of this day, ac- 1 cording as the dirties of it may require. Give : us the rule over our fpirits, and the govern- ment of our paffions. Keep us from fin ; and may we not fpeak unadvifedly with our lips. Make us confeiemious in all our dealings. Arm us agattift temptation ; uphold us in our integrity ; and may we be in thy fear all the day long. c Lord, plead thy cauie in the world ; and build up thy Church, in its beauty, glory, and purity. Blefs minifters and people, rulers and ruled. Be gracious to our relatives and friends. Dwell in the families that call upon thy name. Forgive our enemies ; and grant unto us a right and charitable frame of fpirit, towards all men, and all that is theirs. Vifit thofe that are in affliction. Heal the fick ; eafe the pained ; iuccour the tempted ; relieve the opprcfTed ; and give joy to thofe that mourn in Zion. Deal with us and our family, according to the tenor of the everlafling covenant, which is well ordered in all things and fure. This is all our falvation, and all our defire. We afk and of- fer all in the name of our once crucified, but now glorified and exalted Redeemer, in whom we deiire ever to be found, and to whom, with thee, O Father, and the co-equal Spirit of grace, be afcribed all blefling, glory, and praife, both now and forever. Amen? An EVENING PRATER for a FAMILT. * O thou bleffed, ever glorious, and eternal Jehovah ; we adore thee, as our maker, as c our ' cur prcfervcr, and as our God. Thou art the 1 benefactor of the univerfe ; thou giveft life, c and breath, and being, unto all. Thou had £ carried us through the toils and bufinefs of f another day ; thou had ftrengthened us, fed c and clothed us all our life long. Having ob- c tained help of God, we continue to this time. c We are the monuments of thy fparing mercy ; f and witneffes for thee, that thou art gracious; c Thou art God, and not man ; therefore we are c not confumed. Day unto day, and night unto 1 night, do teftify, that thou art good, and doing c good continually. None who feck, and put f their truft in thee, flvall ever be put to ilrame. < Thou makeft the outgoings of the morning, c and of the evening to rejoice over us. By thy c indulgent goodaefs, and merciful loving kind- F nefs, we are brought to the clofe of another ' day. Blcffed be the Lord, who daily loadeth c us with his benefits. We have received the c mercies of the day, though we have come far c fhort in the duties thereof* ( We thank thee, with our whole hearts, for c the favours and. bleflangs of another day, for c the comfortable ufe of thy good creatures c our bodily health, our friends and all our e enjoyments, We blcfs thee, that thou haft c fuccccded us, in the labours of our hands, < this day ; that no evil accident hath befallen c us ; that thou haft not made the w ; Vc refe 1 our habitation and a barren land ourdxwl < Wepraifc thee for our public tranquillity ; and ' that thou haft given us a good land in which 1 we dwell fafcly. Above all we blefs thee for 1 Jefus Chrifti and the glorious plan of reconci- * liation through faith in his name. Glory to ! &J 12Q ) * thy ilame, O thou eternal God, that thou had v caufed us to hear the joyful found of falva- ' tion through a Redeemer. * We confefs, O Lord, that we are fmncrs, and c that we are lefs than the lead of all thy mercies. 4 This day hath added to the fins of our lives. Alas! * we mifpend our timc,fail in our duty, follow after * vanities,and for fake our oWri mercies. We offend c with our tongues. Who can underfland his * errors ? cleanfe us from our fecret faults. We f pray thee to grant us repentance for all our * iins ; forgive us all our trefpaues ; pardon the c tranfgreiTions of the day pail. O that the * blood of Chrift may cleanfe us from all iniquity. c May we lie down this night in peace with c God ; may our fouls return unto thee, and c comfortably repofe in thee as our red. May c we live penitential, believing, humble, and x thankful lives. Accept us graciouily, and love " us freely. Make us holy for thy name's fake ; c and may we live in thy love, in rhy favour and c friendihip, all the days of our appointed time. c We commit ourfelves to thee, O Lord our- : God, and defire to dwell in the fecret place c of the Mod High, and to abide under the c fhadow of the Almighty* Let the Lord be : our habitation and our heritage forever. Make : a hedge of protection around us this night, ar >und our houfe, and all that we have, that rvi! nay befal us, that no plague may come our dwelling. May the God of Ifrael, Jicrilumbers nor fkeps,be our keeper. - f'icllj our bodies with quiet and comforta- hl - red, Lnd bring us to the light of another day, and in us for all thy will therein. And as we are brought one day nearer to our latter R * end ( ■;= ) | end, Lord, help us fo to number , to apply ol ,r hearts to true wifdotH. \ „ we put oft our clothes for r e ' be nrn dtul, thatweinuft foon put offthefc mortal bodies , and make our bed in the land of dark- . nefs O prepare us for the fieep of death. *at,wTien we come to relignthis mortal breath, f J eternal ml with God. ]; , ali t';e Jam.hcs of the eari red, blefs t ourfamdy v,ith all fplrituall in Chrifl Jehu j and grant us all thbfe temporal bid thou feeft convenient for < l!"i c T p f ' - ,,; °, Lr ' n '' l00k D P° n a '^ < of; ice. Blefs all die r/iinifters '* of thy g*ofpel ; dwell hi our land ; order the c feafons in mercy. May our rulers be a ter- 1 ror to evil doers, and a praife to them that * do well. 1 And now, O Lord, we commit ourfelves unto * thee ; we hope in thy mercy, and we traft in c thy name. Prepare us for all the difpenfations c of thy providence towards US. Preferve us * from all the dangers and fnares to which we c may be expofed. Let neither the fear of mau, x which worketh a fnare, nor cruel mockings, c nor sven the fears of fuifering death, tempt us c to make fliipwreck of 'faith and a good confei- x ence, or to be afhamed of the gofpel of Chrift. c Enable us to fight the good fight of faith, and } to finifli our courfe ; that we may receive the 1 crown of righteoufnefs, which the Lord ; ifcc c righteous Judge, fhall give unto all them that i love his appearing. And now, to the Father, 1 the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, three Perfons, 1 but one God, be afcribed all glory, honour, * and praife, forever and ever. Ametii* A MORNING PRATER for aFAMILT. ? O Lord, thou art the God of the fpirits of 1 all flefli, the Creator and Preferver of all c things. We, thine unworthy Creatures, bow 5 in thy prefnee, to offer up unto thee, in whom we live, move and have our being, our morn- ing facrifice of prayer and praife. We count it our higheft honour, that we are permitted to worlhip thee. It is our ineflimahle privilege to know the only true God ; and to have boldnefs to enter into the holiefl by the blood of Jcfus. « We ( '3<5 ) * We acknowledge, before thee, we have I * fcired ;i!l title to thy favour ; we have render* c ed ourfelves unworthy of thy regard. Thou 4 madeft man at firfl: upright, but he fougjit out c many inventions. In one man ail liaveTmncd j 1 and in the fame Adam ail die. To us bel< * eth fliame and confuiion of face. O Lord c mod holy, we are not only by nature unci< but we have broken thy commandments, and have dared to refill the ordinances of h;:n who is higher than the higheft. When the awful denunciations of thy wrath were founding in our ears, we have hardened our hearts againft ' fear. We have remained unmoved, amidil the fulled declarations of thy mercy, and the ' warmeft invitations of thy love. Juftlyraight- * eft thou have given us up, to purine our own c devices, without reftraint or poflibility of being * recovered. But, glory to thy great name, the ' thoughts of Jehovah are not as our thoughts ; * the ways of the Lord are not like the ways of c man. When we were caft out, as to the loath- ing of our own foul, without eye to pity, and without hand to help, thine own eye pitied, thine own arm brought us falvatioO. ' Ave thank thee, mod gracious God, that we are not left to fay, Will the Lord be pleafed with thousands of rams, or with ten thoufands of rivers of oil ? fhall we give our firft-born for f our tranigreffion, the fruit of our body for the s fin of our foul ? Thou, O Lord, hail ihewed c us what is Good. Thou haft fet forth thine own Son, to be the Propitiation, through faith in his blood. Glory to God in the higheft, that peace is now proclaimed on earth, and good-will is publifhcd U) the ions of men.' Now 1 there ( *37 J , no condemnation to them who arc in ' Chi , who walk not after the flefh but the Spirit. He is able to five them to < the uttermdft that come unto God by him, c feeing he ever liveth to make interceflion for 4 them. c O Lord, let none of us reject the counfel of * God againil our own fouls. Leave us not in * unbelief. Give us not up to hardnefs of heart. c We pray for the gift of thy Holy Spirit. O c may we be adorned with his fruits. Grant us * fo to feel his quickening grace, and his fyrength- * enin^ influence, that we may be enabled to 6 perfect holmef^ in the fear of the Lord ; to K work out our own falvation, with Fearand trem- * bling : for it is God who worketh in us both * to will and to do of his good \ leafure. c A • God, keen us from every tempta- c tion. O let not the allurements of the world, 1 the deceitfulnefs of riches, the cares of this * life, or the enfnaring pJeafures of fin. draw < F * our hearts from rhee. May we feel the pdw- * ers of the world to come. May we fet thee, c the Lor J, always before us ; and walk by 6 faith, not by r ^ght. 1 We befeech thee, O Lord, to blefs all our * friends and relatives, wherever they may be. * Make them partakers of thy grace, and heirs c of thy glory. Blefs our enemies. Enable us g to forgive them, and to overcome evil with c good. 6 Accept, O Lord, of our hearty thanks for c thy preserving care of us through the filent * watches of the night. We have liept, and are ' refrefhed. Thou haft raifed iw up in health, c and haft girded us with flrength for labour. S « Enable ( i3» ) Enable us, O our God, to perform the duties of* the day aright. Let us not be flothfulorneglig< nt in builnefs. Whatever our hands find to do, ■ may we do it with our might, as unto the Lord. - May we ever remember, that we are only pil- grims andflrangers ; and that every return, of night and of day, is bringing us nearer our eternal home. 1 Forgive, we befeech thee, all our fins. En- able us to clean fe ourfelves from all filthinefs, both of the flefh and fpirit, perfecting holinefs in the fear of God. Hear us, O Lord, in Hea- ven, the habitation of thy holinefs, and graci- oufly anfwer our prayers ; for the fake of Jefus Chrift, our glorious Redeemer and Advocate- Amen.* An EVENING PRATER for a FA MILT. * Our Father who art in Heaven, thou art the hearer of prayer. The gods of the nations were idols, filver and gold, the work of men's hands ; they faw not ; they heard not ; nor could they relieve their deluded worlhippers. But thou, O our God, art he who ftretched out the heavens, and who laid the foundations of the earth, and formed the fpirit of man with- in him. Thou upholdeft all things by the word of thy power. Thine eyes run to and fro, throughout the whole earth ; beholding the evil and the good ; and thine ears are ever open to the cries of thy people. We humbly prefent unto thee our evening devotion. 1 Thou, O Lord, haft preferved us this day; thou had fed us ; thou haft clothed us ; thou hall enabled us to labour j and thou haft blef- • fed C 'jy ) fed the work of our hands. It is becaufc of our rebellion again (1 God, that \ve mud eat our bread in the fweat of our brow. But we give thee mod hearty thanks, that, amidft all the toils and burdens of the day, we can refreih our fouls, by meditating on that reft which thou haft prepared for all thy people. * Enable us all, O Lord, to difcharge every duty of our ftation, in fuch a manner, that each of us may receive that moft enlivening com^ mendation, Well done, good and faithful fer- vant ; thou haft been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy Lord, It will avail us nothing to attain to riches or ta honour here, if we are ftiil the enemies of God* O give us grace to feek firft the kingdom of God, and his righteoufnefs, and all needful things (hall be added unto us, 4 O God of grace, let thy bleffing reft upon us at all times. May this houfe be a houfc for God. May we be blefTcd in him in whom all the families of the earth are blefied. Blcfs us in our baiket and in our ftore. Biefs us in our out- going, and in our incoming : but, above all, may our fouls be in health and profper. 4 May the good Lord pardon whatever we have done amifs this day. Blot out the fins of our whole lives. We confers, that in all things we offend, and come far fnort of thy glory. O Lord; we are unprofitable fervants. Know- ing that a man is not juftified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jefus Chrift, we. defire to believe in Jefus Chrift ; that we may be juftified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law. O grant us grace to 4 adorn l.i adorn the do&rine of God our Saviour in things. Eill us with thy Spirit. Enable thr ugh the Spirit, to mortify the deeds of the body, that we may live. Let the. fame mind 1 e i'n' us, which was alio in ( . ;fus ; that, learning of him, who was meek and lowly fl we may find rdt unro our fouls. Hide pride iroin our eyes. Cloche uswitih humility, * We pray- O Lprdj, that thou wouldcd keep us from all danger. Frcierve us from fear in the nijit. Let our rcf: be fweet ; and in the morning, when we awake, may we be ft ill with thee. We pray for all who are in fcknefs and difbefs. Provide for the poor and needy. Make them ftuf.ole of their i wants ; and may thev be directed to him in whom all iuliu lis. Lbfs tby church thtpuglioujt the world. Encourage, alibi, and profperall the minilters -of the cveriairing g.J- pel. Biefs our rulers, and enahie then- rule in thy fear. Grant us whatever i; fee P. to be good for us : and Jet our pray come up before thy throne, and bad u> anfwer of peace ; for the fake o\ jefus Ch: thy well beloved Sen. Anient APRATERjora FAMILY in AYl'LICT % < Almjghty and eternal God, the heaven is thy throne, and. the earth is thy footfiooi. Thoufands of angels furround thy throne ; I thoufand limes ten thoufand of thefe blee fprrits miniflcr unto ihee. The heav not clean in thy fight. Behold, God put truft in his fervants; and his angels he charged with folly. The moft exalted of th.e celeilial ' hofts C 141 ) I boils vJ.l their faces in thy prefence, and reft not, day and night, faying, Holy, holy, holy Lord v od Almighty ! Jaft and true art thou in all thy ways,, and holy in all thy works. Day unto day uttereth fpeech, and night unto night iheweth knowledge of thee. ' O Lord, although thou had not left thyfclf without a wimefs, in that thou dofl: good, and igiyeft us rain from heaven, and fruitful feafons, tilling our hearts with food and gladncfs ; yet we have forgotten thee. O Lord, we have often mifimproved the bounties of thy provi- dence, and have abided thy goodnefs, and have not remembered or acknowledged thee, the bountiful giver of all good things. - Whatfhall we fay unto thee ; O moil righteous God ? for we have forfakcn thy commandments. Juftly mayeit thou fay unto us, In the day of your profpcrity, your hearts waxed fat, and ye kicked againlt the heavens ; now in your dif- ftrefs ye come unto me. c Lord, we confefs, with fhame and confufion of face, our thoughdcilhefs, our fin, our flupi- dity, and our folly. Thou mighteft juftly hide thy face from us, and turn our prayer into fin. But, be not wroth very fore, O Lord, neither remember iniquity forever : Behold, fee, we befeech thee, we are all thy people. Our fathers trufted in thee, and were not put to fhame. Thou art ftill the fame merciful God ; forgiving iniquity, tranfgreftion and fin. Thine ear is not heavy, that thou canft not hear ; thine arm is not fhortened, that thou canfl not fave. O Lord, hide thy face from our fins j and hear us for thine own name's fake. Should- efl thou lay judgment to the line, and righte- * oufnefs ( 14~~ ) oufnefs to the plummet, none could Hand be r ore thee. But thou had given thine own Son, to be a ficriflce for fin ; and art in Ghrift recon- ciling the world unto thyfelf, not imputing their trefpkffes unto them. Encouraged by the grace and promifes of the gofpel, we have felt in our hears to pray unto thee this prayer. * O Lord, we do not, afk thofc things which the world calls good. Our heart's defire, our nioft fervent prayer unto thee is, that we maybe found in Chrilt Jtfus, not having our own right- eoufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith. O may we pafs from death unto life; and have reafon to fay, it is good for us that we have been aflMed ;'for before we were afflicted we went aftray ; but now have we learnt to keep thy holy law. ' Q Lord, we befeech thee, of thine infinite mercy, to bids, unto each of us, this afflictive difpenfation of thy providence. In this day of adverfity may we confider. Let us not defpife the chaftening of the Lord ; nor faint when we are rebuked of him. Enable us to poflefs our fouls in patience, -and to fay, whatever thou art pleafed to order in our lot, the will of the : Lord be done. 1 But, O Lord, contend not with us forever.. Remember that we are but dttft. Deliver us, we humbly intreatthee, in thy good time, and in thine own way, that we may yet praife thee in the land of the living. Grant, O grant unto us, the pardon of all our fins. May we be waffled in the fountain opened for fin and for uncleannefs. May we receive, from the Prince and Saviour exalted, true and unfeigned re- 1 pentauce ( '43 ) pentance. Beautify our fouls with thy falva- tion ; and let the confolations of thy Spirit abound in us. O teach us fo to number our days, as to apply our hearts unto wifdom. May we daily die unto fin, and live unto righ- tcoufnefs. ' O Lord God of Hods, let none of us (o far deceive our own fouls, as to put off prepa- ration for eternity to a dying hour. In this our day, enable us to attend to the things which belong to our peace, before they are forever hid from our eyes. For us to live, may it be Chrift ; for us to die, may it be gain - r that fo, when our flefli and our heart faileth, God may be the ftrength of our heart, and our portion forever. Now, O Lord, what wait we for ? Our hope is in thy word : all our defires are before thee. O Lord, hear ; O Lord, forgive ; O Lord, hearken and do : defer not, for thine own fake, O our God. We offer all our fupplications unto thee, in the name of Jefus Chrift, the High Priefi: of our profeffion, who is God over all bleffed forever* M N. *i> ^ ^) L^U. $ fa \J& P' f