Price $30.00 per hundred. By Mail, 35 Cents each, F 4611^1 1 to! ^PL/bliikdbyS.W. S T R AU B THE AMERICAN NORMAL MUSICAL INSTITUTE Music Te; — - — - to Teach. REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. ITS intry. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF The Fc taught: PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Theory, Mi re, Harmony ani Etc. ORATORIOS and other works of the great Masters (Vocal and Instrumental) are faithfully studied and performed. Many of the most successful teachers in all parts of the country have received their qualifications in this school. ITS ANNUAL SESSION is held in mid-summer. For Circulars giving dates, place, and full particulars, address S. W. STRAXJB, Principal, Chicago. , SC Sectloa Y >a TEMPERANCE BATTLE SONGS FOR Choirs, Glee Clubs, Etc. By far the best collection of Sacred and Secular Choruses, Quartets, Trios, Duets, Solos, for All Temperance Meetings. Send 50c for sample copy. BATTLE S02TGS S. W. STRAUB, Publisher, Cliicaso. FOR CHORAL SOCIETIES, ADVANCED CLASSES, HIGH SCHOOLS, ETC. The grandest selection of masterpieces of Choral Music from the best writers is con- tained in Straub's Chorus Book. It is filled with music from HANDEL, HAYDN, RUBINSTEIN, M>J >' D E L S S OHN, SCHUBERT, SCHUMANN, ROSSINI, BEIXJM, And many other renowned authors, also many gems from leading American writers. No other boot contains so many pieces that are practicable tor American singers. DO NOT FAIL TO EXAMINE IT. The Cheapest as well as the Best 1 144 pages. Pricf . $S.OO per doz. Send 50 eta / Living Fount A NEW AND CHOICE COLLECTION OF ALSO, Excellent Pieces for PraisQ and Prayer Meetings and the Home. COMPOSED, SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY // S. W. STRAUS. CHICAGO: PUBLISHED BY S. \Y. STRAUB Copyright, 1884, by S. W. Stkaub. PREFACE In the preparation of Living Fountain, not only has a high standard of words and music been constantly kept in view, hut the capabilities of the average school has also been duly considered. Words that must be analyzedbefore their meaning becomes apparent, are not adapted to Sunday School use, be their sentiment never so excellent, when under- stood. Music that is so difficult in melody or intricate in harmony that it requires special musical culture to appreciate it, is not adapted to Sunday School purposes, however good it may be from an artistic standpoint alone. It has been the desire of the compiler, of Living Fountain, to use such words as are powerful in clearness and simplicity; and such tunes as will be easily learned and liked by the masses, yet, musicianly in the true sense. To accomplish this, the most successful hymn writers and music composers were requested to assist, and make their best contributions. That they have done their work well, we believe the following pages will fully attest. Thanks are hereby tendered to all who have assisted us in this matter. That all may understand the new "time signatures" which are rapidly coming into use, the following explanation may suffice : §_2 2-6 3 X 3 3 3 9 4 r 4 4_.:L2 That Living Fountain may prove to be a "Fountain" of "Living" songs for Sunday Schools, is the earnest desire of the AUTHOR. Copyright Notice. — Nearly all the words and music in Living Fountain are the property of Mr. S. W, Stkaub, and cannot be printed in any form or for any purpose without permission from him. Music Typographers and Electrotypers, R. R. Meredith & Sons, 133 & 135 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. iff ff ff ff f f f4lf . The Living Fountain. " I will give unto him that is athirst of the Fountain of the water of life freely." Rev. xxi. 6. Maria Straub. W. F. Werschkul. —A- Not too slow. — ! 1 — *r ~& •mr • ^ 7J!-t- = &■£—£- -N-R « *.* $ It ^5 \- — — 0-1 m 1. There's a fountain, they say, Flow-ing for me, With the wa - ters of life, Bounteous and free. 2. There is life for the soul, Sent from a - bove; For the heart tnere is joy, Com-fort and love. 3. Oh, the wa-tera of life, Je- sus can give; I will take of the fount Free - ly, and live. «— *— t-^-P-i-r* «-,-£- — #^-«-^#— m L—l jfL i L rr&3=£ -p— r — *—0 — » — » — # — ^-gn— r— r 1— -i # — i— ^— I — ^ — #-M*-P# — # — m^X-G-^-^-m — # — #- H--E u i » l> rir r nr ir r-E -»• Chorus, faster .foV. I 1 j i a t \ s > vr-g—+z±L Q #- t— r — i, i ^ c#— g' £t /TN ::n: 9 To that foun-tain I'll go, Glad - ly and free ; There is life in the Living Fountain for me! - m ^ % *- *- ** I U It, - .*. ^ ^. i /-s ^-^— «4t«- r ^-J?«--^- r i — r? , » i ■ A^C Eli I ntH 1 ' U ! rrlj^r M' riir rip I I M. Light from the Heights Beyond. -j iv-v-a— *~ 9 -#■ * + 1. Pass -ing thro' the low-] y val 2. There 'is safe-ty in the val 3. Pass-ins: thro" death's dread-ed val *—* — i — - tse* EZ h h h h h ley, Pil - grim ne'er 'de - sponcl; ley, Walk -ing in the light; ley, Dirnm'd your earth-ly sight; S. W. Straub. See, see the gold-en Je - sus is the light from atet ■v-v-v- Cheer up, see the heights of I. h h ^ h h ^^Er==E==^t-£=z:t=rz]i?±ir|E— .^ ^ ■4- Chorus. Fastei f -LfiHr — J 1 — | — | — -i — H — | — i — f— 1 gleam - ing, From the heights heav - en, Beam -ing thro' glo - ry, Melt - ing in I be the to yond. night, light. Light is gleam -ing, bright -ly gleam-ing, Light is gleam-ing, etc. Light is gleam-ing, etc. f ? ! f f f »SEE^ I j — . -# # * — r p & * . Chns-tian, fear not.light is beam - ing, From the heights be - yond. ste From the heights be - yond Chris-tian, fear not, jfiL f! fl light is beam-mg, fl fl f' -0- e;e=e=;:EEeeeee From the heights be - yond f f f f JL ^a. i *s=£ He has Overcome. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John xvi Words and melody by Maria Straub 9 -*■ -r •+• ■#•■*• -J- ■#■ 9 -0- 1. On-ward Chris-tian, ev - er on - ward, Be your ban - ner brig-lit un - fiirl'd ; 2. Striv-ing for theheav'n-ly king-dom, What a no- ble. glo - rious cause! 3. On-ward, ev-'ry day re-new-ing*, All your faith-ful-ness to hnn; h * ! h fc ! I h fe h . is: ^z^z=pfcqfi^=ptzpbrifi*r^r---^-r^ :¥=£:£=£=£=£ .?-.: gfczt ■©■■ ''Be encour-ag'd," says your With the King- of heav en Sure ly you will win life's. ! : h ^ 4 /t\ 33 =2 Chorus. Faster. Cap - tain, "I have o - ver-come lead - ing, Who could ev - er tire bat - tie, Van - quish ev - 'ry slav the world." or pause? sin. ish He He He ■v-v- has o has o ■*H 1 L-J ! J— *. 1 1 i—2. — l-i-J S-l-J ^— j •-/ ^-/ 5—1 » ver-come, he ver-come, etc. etc. 9 /TS ; #. LZTI. —I- -r«— *- r v— y- * •I — 1- u.&. has o - ver-come, h J&=&* has o - ver-come, At A 1 •b»-l F-* — St u n- He has o - ver-come the world ; Trust in Je i^iiiiigiiilirli] /7S — 1 rS — Krn — « ^J:J =1 /7\ sus, you willcon-quer, He has h N :i:g ver-come the world. •TBI- c Sabbath School Bells, Maria Straub. Cheerfully. ■ — I- t-r :J5.iS:q== Habold B. Adams. J is , p — * — !- 1 . Hark ! hark the Sabbath school bells ! 2. Sound, sound the Sabbath school bells 3. Ring, ring- ye Sabbath school bells 1 ^ Far and near their mu-sic swells. From the hill-side and the plain, ! Till the sound the wand'rer tells, Till he comes to learn the way, ! Till the good all e - vil quells, Ring to bring the chil-drenin, -—u -w— # 1 — | — r #- s 0—*- r — 0—0 — »- r 9 — 0— 9- •-- r 0— 0— 1 1 — r *- # 0-± — , ■v-p-v- c«=j= HV 1 1 — -i — al — » — ' — List-en to their glad re-frain; Ev - 'ry where where Christ is known, Ech - o gives an answ'ring tone, Where his feet no more may stray; With the voice of bells u-nite, Voice of lov'd ones to in-vite, From the dang'rous ways of sin; Glad-ly ring till peace and love, Reign as in the world a - bove, ——u — 0—0 — 0— — 0—0- i __£ £— 0. — -P-&0 9— 0-\ - r g — J— — 0- r 0—0—0-^- 2 f— *-f — f- L * — f— I- L | b— I \T XJ -— S - J - ' ' V A &-f-— fed=£« V -J— &-, c -i—^ -#— « Chorus. yr xt i Rather fast. *»--*z:;=*±gzgi:B;— Ring, bells ring, tillchil-dren all, Glad - ly hear and heed the call. Ring, bells ring, till chil-dren all Chil-dronyoungandold to come, Where of Je - sus they may learn. Ring, bells ring. etc. Till ad learn the gold -en rule, Tell the time for Sab-bath school. Ring, bells ring, etc. — -44 *— #— | 1 —0-' 0—0—0 0—0—0^-0 e*; -#-- Sabbath School Bells— Concluded. ■J— J IfeSEE* LH= iz^azz: J— I— I if=fc ^ J^ >_ > ^ N frTJ jT .' « g - Heed the call, shall heed the call, Ring, bells ring a wel-come call, Ring, sweet bells, ring on, ring on. M. JL | + "Si M. jB. JL > **, u 0—0—0-# m - T 0—*—0. 0—0—0— -— H— •— Gh rh---! U i 9 # -g— i-i O Blessed Redeemer. M. A. Not too slow. 3=» rj-44 0—0—0 An\ by S. W. 8, ^ZEZrzrt* -r- 0— ^4~H-^H __--- 'ipi^ 1. O bless-edRe-deemer.Oncethouwerfca child; Andnngelswatch'd o'erthee,Someekandsomild. 2. Tn ho-ly de - vo-tion, I'll sing to thy praise; At morning and ev'ningGlad songs I will raise. 3. For- ev-er and ev - er Thou still art the same; Thy love is unchanging, And precious thy name. I ill II -M- •£. JL _M- • I JL _*, i g^fZEEEEJBEEE ij L: £EKE| T pgPiiii ^sre :3^±W= Cres. i - - 1 r O bless-ed Re-deem-er, I hear thy sweet call, — #- •J7 T 1 g~ tf — i -#-r- Iee^eSe I •-• — -o — • • • " \ ro hon-or and love thee, Thou Sav - ior of all. 11 i!s^ L C L" ' ' LI J ~"| q" ^..fl L*e._JJ 8 Eliza M. Sherman. The Palace of the King. W. F. Werschkul. * -fr rrr 1. There's a cit - y o - ver yon-der, Just a -cross the shin-ing sea, And some-times sweet an-gel 2. In the bright and gold -en cit - y, Build-ed by a Fa-ther's hand, Streams of life are ev - er 3. There are gold -en harps that wait us, When the bur-den is laid down, And thecross exchanged for- trSi?*=cp=:t=:f:iz»xs=C=»'iI*-[ t ■f—r t=:':;=»= E ^c = f;Wz:t7?=^=E^ : = :z ^ : -S :r F tl =t=f=:»=q £ £ /S--P3 voic - es, Seem to float a-cross to me, flow - ing, Pure and sweet thro 1 all the land, ev - er, For the gio - ry of the crown, m t— |— r^ -m -i 1^— v — £-- 0— illlli Till I al - most hear the ech - o, Of the And the peace which he hath spo-ken, Shall for- When we too, can sing his prais - es, Till the 0^0- c: trps=:p: -b A -0--i i U — -v— \-j i— , tr ^LRJ & r ^ 1 3-^ r -^ song the an-gels sing, In the ma-ny, ma-nyman-sions, Of the Pal - ace ev - er rest there -in, Bring-ing joy, and love, andglad-ness, To the Pal - ace heav'n-lyarch-es ring, Glo-ry to the Lord for - ev - er, In the Pal - ace V I of the King, of the King, of the King. IS -y~ ^ g-tt ~ ffZTiZGSZZlft The Palace of the Kina: — Concluded. 9 Chorus. Soft - ly n ft comes the low sweet chant - ing, i — — i N i N O'er the ■"w"*M Pv I ^ 1 1 i • • o • # — m — frv\ • I *i m * m • % • m m m ■i \ \y - \ \ m ■ i i i • .0 m m * # Soft - ly, soft - ly comes the low ML . JL • JL . JL . ^. JL .*. sweet chant - ing, JBL ML ML AAA f\«fffl i * • .0 • • # • ^ . •"l-ft^l- f . i lj i j !j ! " t • >/ n f •* i ' 1 " "- 1 1 v \ y y | A 1 O'er the gold-en gates, .*. MLj£. JLJL . 9 > -f-M £=»=££: =t= golden gates of day, .ft. j#-J2. JL^L • :jzpr3ip.— piper d« yic: Tis the an - gel voic-es, JL ML l n g"» God shall wipe -m—m—m— V ^ I an - gelvoic - es sing-ing, 0—0 \> I God shall wipe all tears a - way, shall wipe ail tears a- way ^_5=s:=:-s:is~«::s~5^:«zzm — I ^ i u y i .#_# \£tti 1 ^— L y—l-m—m-m- m-m- T -** 10 Come, Wanderer Come. Alexcenaii Thomas. Solo. - 9 - Chorus. W. A. Ogden. Solo. ^=^- S=H -Jt£3t± 1. The Sav-iornowis call-ingthee, Come wan-der-er come; 2. hear it when the clay is gone, Come wan-der-er come; 3. The world hath not a rest -ing place, Come wan-der-er come; _|_-__f — f- In lov - ing tones so ten-der-ly, hear it in the morning's dawn, seek to -day for sav-ing grace, r * ! * • • r Chorus, Duet. — , — i — i 1- -#— p— #— tp- as -*-*-*• J 0— , *es £ •tf- •#• n0- wan-der-er wan-der-er wan-der-er ■#■ . • come, come, come. I rjnziizjtfc l: r hear him patient-ly plead-ing, Lov-ing-ly in-ter - ced cease thy sorrow and sigh -ing, Cease thy mourning and cry ■ come to-day with thy sor - row, Do not wait lor the mor A—t ^—t — 4 t _l ing. ing. ■ row- ■I* V * V J ^F-* :3p*E I — I- C horns. | 1 Wan-der-er come, wan-der-er come, Come and I'll give thee rest, Come and I'll give thee rest. ■0- ■&. 4- &. . +. <0. +. +.. *. &. -&. -*. .&. .*.' *- +. -o- ^ J-*-- I • • l/ I •••TV • • • • • ~* ' Violet King. Sweet Galilee. And Jesus went about all Galilee"'— JIattiv: 23. 11 S. W. S. SBS ~u 0-0 TCtM — t~i~M u 1 — *d — h b ( £ dzz» *• ~ n — i — ' — :~ # ~* — 1. O Gal - i-lee,sweetGal- i-lee, How oft we fond -lyd ream ot thee; The bar-ren plains a-bout thy 2. Now broken walls in ru - in lie, Be-neaththe dim-ly glow-ing-sky, That once re-sound-ed with the 3. Gal - l-lee, thou sleep-ingsea,Thy name shall ev-er hon-or'dbe, Around our iieans shall e'en en- h •— #— -HP — £-* — #- -y- q=t SJ-J-J- >S_JS_^JUi I Chorus* i^r -0- •&■ • * -0- -0- -*- • * -o~ \ 9 i i shore, Were trod by Him whom we a - dore . Gal fame. And glo-ry of the Sav-ior's name Gal twine, A mem- 'ry of thy waves di- vine. Gal i-lee, sweet Gal i-lee, etc. i-lee, etc. i-lee, The ^vtJH+ — & &-rO—*&— &— 9— 9— en 1"* — r 9-*-9-9 — 9— r #-*-#-• — *-riT*-* — •" A-H-^J -Nh 1 — * 1 2_ ^"-^-T-tf-*— •— a — 2 -0- *-g- ■& . -&-■+- -0- ~ •&■ sa - credshcre, E'en these shall ev - ercher-ishecl be, Till time andsea-sons all are o'er. e - ii ii 12 Rev. S. M. Newman. ■-N tv— IV Follow Bravely! s. w. s f V 1. Lord, we en - ter for the con - flict, And 2. Some uii--nute par -tic - i - pa - tion, In 3. We es - teem the hon - or great - est, Of ^l=iaE zx j i^ J— F— h - t=tzzt=t _tf_JL_ff. -L- our spir - its wait on thee; thine earth - ly word we crave, the souls who, ful - ly clad, .-© =c * — 2— «- :p_L_*_Lje_ i_ — p_p r Lead us where - so - e'er thou wish Till our eyes be -hold thy glo In the ar - mor thou sup - pli -#- -#• -#-•-#- ■*- • -0- •&• +- Ct est, In the hard ry, In the life est, Have the dark est fight be - yond po - si ■ to be, the grave , tions had, -&. =*= Put thy Com - fort-er with -in us, That we may be strong to win; Dwell thou in us lest we fal - ter, May the great -ness of the task, Help us then to fol - low brave - ly, In the path-way they have trod; ^Fp ziz'azdcszzzzzizzi *=?»=d==i=3 Follow Bravely !— Concluded, N \— N -* h$&k$= r fcr Sencl On Loy -A R T the 1 us whith - er we may aid thee, In the o - ver -throw of sin. ly serve to lead us hum - bly, Rich - er stores of grace to ask. al, too, as they were ev - er, To the might - y Son of God. -0- ■+-•-+■-+■•■+■•&■ +■ 13 m\ Chorus. Help us then 9§fe* BE I I _* r -(-■ they have trod, I ' I — r— c — t- 1 — r— r — Loy - al, too, as they were ev - er, *— « II II .0 1 1 — : — c — * # To :=t=t h- ■r~ L»; 4— \ — U- the might - y -y — I h- Son of God. I -f—f—rr 1 — h=pl 14 Come Unto Me. "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 1 ' Matt. xi. 28. Eliza M. Sherman. S. W. Bather fast. Stkaub. 1. While bloom life's sweet-est ros - es, 2. Now ere thy ros - es with - er, 3. Be - fore the al-mond bios - soms, And hope seems o - ver all, And noon - tide shad-ows fall, Up - on thy head shall fall, Be - fore thy short life Re - mem-ber thy Cre- Bend low be - fore thy /I =w$ [X=t-t=?: m — » — # — »- tr-T— r-r fl 1 ^ 1 ^ -9 -#■ £L A. JL ■9 -9— £=T— -9 9 — 9 i r- f t— i — ft I ^^ VrlOi'US. blower. fo r*--- g| — q — n — 5-*— *— J-*-3z±--i *] *— -r- ^-S-JzS— 5^-*^2 ~ = clos a Sav t" es, Oh! hear the Sav - ior's call tor, And list - en to the call, ior, And crown him Lord of all, i . h n -0- r 9-- — 9 » *" Come un - to me, come un - to me. 9%S I Come un - to me he's call - ing-, Come un - to me he's call - ing, My child come un - to me. <© 9 \-9-t-\ 1 1 0—r I 9 — 9t9 t-0—0 — 0- .#_*_ tf _ — »--tzz^th — r~ # — P#— » — — 9— -© U 1 ' , 1 , 1 r h !: F=P= Thy Will Be Done. Duet. f— 5- >-* -3-t— *— m 1 =^ J ^ 15 Arr. by S. W. S. -( (\— _p— J 1— —I i— P — N- 1. Thy way, not mine, Lord, How- ev - er dark it be! Lead me bythineown 2. The king - dom that I seek Is thine: so let the way That leads to it be 3. Choose thou for me my friends, My sick - ness, or my health; Choose, thou my cares for hand; Choose out the path for thine, Else I must sure - ly me, My pov - er - ty or l_^_r|_ # ,_ # C| r__t:p — | jzn me, I dare not choose my stray. Take thou my cup, and wealth, Not mine, not mine the lot: it choice, I With In i dz=^=^ * gdr* ££*3 A— N- Jz^ -(5L. •» |E|E|EEEsEfc / 1/ • • would not if I might; Choose thou for me my God, So shall 1 walk a - right. joy or sor-row fill, As best to thee may seem; Choose thou my good and ill. things or great or small — Be thou my Guide, my Strength, My Wis-dom, and my AIL Chorus Not mine the choice, Tn things or great or small, Be Thou my Guide, my Strength my All! ^ #— *- —r-QL- s p=p= -© — »- 1 — t tr*EEcjh=£ -©- 9 1 -!*-—#- E ■©■- HI 10 Maria Straub. In His Lore Abide. " If yc keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love. -\- r -A — k — \— J. M. Stillman. John sv. 10. * — # — 5 — -4v — pv— *— :i=:iz::xz -0 — a — 9 zjri 1 — * ■ — #-F 1 — ^ — -I — ^ — — • — i *-#- ■0 neigh - bor, And love our God su - preme. oth - er, And love for God su - preme, neigh -bor, And love our God su - preme, — a This is the Sav - ior's 'Twill free the heart from 'Tis peace and heav - en 9iEfcfc: . ia— *— P- ^-P-fr-T I — U will; His com- sin, And give here, When all - -* A * * i_ -i 1 1 r*» j-l i ' , A - IS" ?z^zt: a: ^~#i mand-mentsweTl ful-fill, joy and peace v.ith-in, lov-ing and sin - cere, 4-R -*— # — •- ■■« — l WeTl kind-ly To free-ly For man we *—& — 0—0- ** 9g0 i- +-- 0— 0— *-■& ±m II aid our neigh-bor, And love our God su-preme. love each oth-er, And love our God su-preme. live and la - bor, And hon - or God su-preme. 18 fc^, The Beautiful Unknown Shore. i \ ft S. W. Sthaub. #-4— f — « — p — ^~- J -^ — FJ — j— ^— ^— F #--v— g— #—p— h 1. The un-known shore, the un-known shore, I see it m my dreams, And in my 2. The yel-low flood comes shimm'rmg down, Palm trees arebath'din light; Out from a- 3. I see no spec - ter on the shore; The liv - ing Christ is there, He beck-ons aama n V-V- —W—W-W t=fcz=tz=^= :p_j^_|: . # - J _ # _jt_i:-_^r — e_p_*. I ^ ^ p wak - ingbliss-ful hours, So beau - ti - ful it seems; I fain would launch my earth -ly mong the branch-es flit, Strange birds with plum-age bright; Bird notes are heard 'mid rust -ling me with o - pen hands; He lis - tens to my pray 'r: soul go forth with-out a #-4— «— *— »— # — ft- mm bark, Up - on the o leaves; Harp tones are float fear, To find the un I * l tant un-known shore, So —Efcztz '— *— €— pen sea, To reach that dis ing o'er; Ser-aph-ic songs by ser-aphs sung, Ech- known shore, And all thy dread and all thy doubts, Leave •Zr • -#• ^ r U J - . m «. * m - ~ m m .. J J zzfczfe y— /- P— P- -P— P- V— /■ ■ p * p p p , .p-a- — ft-J- h H b H L V— i^-i/ p The Beautiful Unknown Shore— Concluded. 19 Chorus. ; r\ ra - di-antto me. on that fair shore, thee for-ev-er - more. dream, dream, dream. of thee, Thou beau - ti-ful, un - known of thee, etc. of thee, etc. I dream of thee, I dream of thee, Thou beau - ti-ful, beau-ti-ful, shore, I dream of thee, Thou beau - ti - ful, un - know g— c- ^I ^Vt DTP — £> Ht— r_-J— r r un-known shore, I dream of thee, I dream of thee, Thou beau - ti - ful, un - known shore. I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes. « IB % ■ 1. 1 will lift up mine eyes unto the hill 8, from whence comethmyhelp. Myhelpcometh from the Lord, which made heav'n aiid earth. 2. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved :he that keepeth thee will not si umber Rehold.he that keepeth 1 srael.shal 1 not slumber nor sleep. 3. The Lord is thykeeper; the Lordis thy shadeuponthy right hand. The sun shall notemitethee by day, northe moon bynight. ( The Lord shall preserve thy going ") 4. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul. { out and thy coming in, from this v A - - men. time forth, and even forevermore. J m$E^-: -75» — ^fla-^ m ~ac. 20 Do What You Can. £_&_£_*L_N =|t :^=^=^=^ -h — h— *r chil-dren to do, — \ — IS- — K — \ — I J — £ — p — P 1. Don't think there is noth-ing For chil-dren to do, Be -cause they can't work like a 2. You think if great rich- es You had in com-mand, Your zeal should no wea - ri-ness 3. It was not the ofTr-ing Of pomp and of power, It was not the gold -en be ■ man; know; quest — — 0—0 — f-f p — i 1 ! s — t — a — y— I?— b> — f^==f— The har-vest is great, And the lab'rers are few; Then children, do all that you can. You'dscat-ter your wealth With a Hb-er-al hand, And sue -cor the chil-dren of woe. Ah, no! 'twas a mite From the handof the poor That Je-sus ap-plaud-ed and blest. mESE -v—v—y—v—v—v— .0 0. i=b: :r—t: -0 — — 0—0 tr-p-\rT .0 0— V Chorus. N > i>M^-N a ir±=±ztz±ztz: .# a e « p « . ft h V -N—fr— JS -# -*■ — i -0—^—0—9 g--P H 1 '-—^— j—0— Do all that you can all that you can, Oh ^—v — y — \-0—0—0—0 — - — ^ — L ^~b — b — I b" * — #. y — ^— r" g chil-dren do all that you can; h h h h h h 9-V- 9=9- i_»Zi=»: Bo What YOU Can— Concluded. 21 ■$=i- S S K tr ■9 — 9- '9 9' -F-— ! - 5 fN — N — i H— -H 1 1 9 9 — m-m—*— 9 — 9 — .JL~~ 9 9 *~ A- ~ 9 — 9— 0—0—0 — s=fl The har-vest is great and the lab'rers are few, Then chil-dren do all that you 5?iig 1 , 1 v— v v -v—v—v— -• 'EtEfeBEFEEFEEEEEEErEF?5iE?EH I 1 ' 1 1 fee 5= £= 5j 1 ^ ■ — ^ 1 1 p » f -» p| F^y f -- f f * HT 1 -H ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥ God of the Weary. S. W. Straub. 1. The 2. The 3. We lit - tie birds or - phan pats sleep that we all seek their nest; The a - way his fears; The may wake re-new'd, To ba - by sleeps troub-led hopes serve Tbee as on moth-er's breast; Thou for hap-pier years; Thou Thy chil-dren should, With f — F — E P— £ r-r - r*i V— - Ft— E3 T-V-T— V ~N~fV— . :£=*- •r^:S-Sz+*-5--??^:3 E3 giv-estall Thy chil-dren restj dri-est all the mourner's tears, love, and zeal, and grat - i - hide i=i!J P^ :^=*-S=*=s-bJ = s; /-/-r-r- God God God £=# of the wea-ry. Thou giv-est all Thy chil- dren rest, of the wea- ry, Thou dri-cst all the mourn-er's tears of the wea - ry, With love and zeal, and grat - i - tude & «._ # _ # _-r_-T _ # _, T f\ rSr—n -! — r~*~f~ =j±r^trM rr i il P L U W r fFfP T1 II V V V 22 Singing Glory A. B. W. A. B. WOOLYERTON i*£#=£= ■+— w 1. On this 2. Je - sus 3. Oh, how ■f — m h p i ly Pv — r -P N \ w- -■ '$— t-w ho - ly Sab - bath day, As we is our heav'n - ly King; 'Tis of hap - py we will be, When our ft — * — * — ^ £ _[_ I I _g z •— «- meet him bless to we ed v— r p — ; sing 1 and sweet - ly King we — *- *- pray, sing; see, -#- t 1 Let our voic - es blend in sweet For to hirn all praise on earth As he comes to take us home £ @ &_ L b^ — ■ — ! — h 1 * 1 v ~- ■p — # — » — f-* — • — • — » — •■ -C K h- L. K k r- H- • • • • • • -a— -*— y— W H3 re - frain, be - longs, a - bove, Giv - ing hon - or to our King; We will ev - er serve him here, Then we'll sing a sweet - er song, -*— i E M Vrlr t=t=±zzt=t p^=^=i *— J- fc^S=i «- As we round his ban - ner cling, Sing - ing glo - ry, He shall ev - er reign With a heart all light with cheer, Ev - er swell - ing forth our hal - low'd songs. 'Mid the ho - ly an - gel throng, As we gath - er round his throne of love. m Choni9. Sing- - ing glo -t — 1 m^==4 Singing Glory!— Concluded. 23 ry. -4- sing- - ing N S- -0— .0 0.. t Sing - ing glo - ry, -0 9 9- -0 9 0- -I 1 \— i glo 4- ■Ti -G- t|: :*=S _# » a * s e_ U U U V sing - ing glo - ry, Sing - ing .0 0.. - 9 — 3 i/ j? f $ j? ?— glo - ry, He shall ev - er * *- P- *— —P- reign ig^=»E5HB -0—m — I L— L £= -g L I v-p-^ Giv-ing hon - or to his name, As we .0. 0- 0- t— t=t=r.=f=J=J: - * r-- tr— 3=s=* -* 1- » — # — 9 9 ~fv round his ban - ner cling, Sing - ing glo ry, He shall 9i^=?=te-*=ii=t=zt=t:=b— 8=^=: *»=£=: / — *- m A er |_ i*- j r H H 24 See Them Now Marching. Words and Melody by Mrs. Pikebe Spurlock. Harmonized by Rob't K. Moore. u *— SJ |N ' — * H-^-'t ~i~* J *- ,Hr# *'^ •-•-• *-*-?- •H- ■J^-N 1— »• 1. Glad mil-lions of chil-drenare gath'r-ingto-day, In the east, in the west, ontheprai-riesfara- way; 2. A - way o'er the prai-ries wide roll- in ur we see, With thewav-ingof grass, like the bo-somofthe sea, 3. Like stars of the rnorn-ing that her-ald the light, Ere the sun cometh forthinthe strength of his might, ?^7iHt-g— * — • — 9^-9-9— 9-*-9~ r 9— 9- r -=-9— 9^9 g^ fefa== H^EEE^£Ea £__p_F-tF— f— '-■ s_?_s_Li " p -fc-*4 "9" • On mis-sions of mer-cy they march thro 1 the land, The pride of ourna-tion, the Sabbathschool band. Lit-tle fair - y-like forms glid-mg on o'er the way, Tohailwith glad greetings the Sabbath school day. With songs and with ban-ners they march on their way,Pro-claim-ing the com-ing mil-len - ni - al day. ■«-#-#- 9—9—9-9 — 9-*-9 i -W-9—9—9- .9. -F — I ■— #--*-— * v \> V i/ marching, marching, Oh, see them now marching, march-ing, march -in g, With songs, on the way, on the way, on the way i _r i h ^ ■9-9- ■9—9—9' (P 9 »_■ — •15-*— F marchmg,m.archim .« # _i_^ t=J— t *i — i? ? V, A. .ff. 8±fc _•_«_£-__ filS-P P_JL_P_P „ See Them Now Marching— Concluded. .-J — fvh t=tt£: ■*- # =P 'P I=t=KF =s=r 25 1 Bound for the land whore the an-gelsareharp-ing, Thecit-y „_Ji_ # --0^0 — 0-±-0l<-0 a-«— #-# — 0-r*-» ^ S— P~ I r- By per. of John Church, & Co. a-bove that is bright-er than day :p_pp :#_s_ij tz=U *"*" 'U— U-W II After a Little While S. W. Straub. P • — s: — ^~ H j J ~r* — ^ J — ? — — ' n 1. A lit-tle while, hands, Of la - bor wea-ry, The days of toil are short, Tho' dark and drear-y ; The 2. A lit-tlewhile, feet, All torn and bleed-ing; This way will bring thee home, And Christ is leading-, Soon 3. A lit-tlewhile, heart, With sor-row break-ing,Afew more hoursof night, Andthenc meswaking;And P— P— P— *- r 1 r * — | 0— P — 9-c-P— P— 0—W—i 0— r P — i H j 1 ■ »\\j I'l l— 1 If r 1 -l/T l i b u l> I'll r— H— F i P r ]■— -A-N—N- -N— N— N" Slower. bj-^-^— g-c * — *— »--«-rp— »-p — bgn^g±;— ^nbgzziJJ -p- -^.-p- • -p- . eom-ingtimeis glad and blest, With full andper- feet peaceandrest, thou shalt find cool waters, sweet. And pleasant path-ways for thy feet, Af-ter a lit-tle while last-ing corn-fort shall be giv'n, When breaks the golden day of heav'n, Af - ter Af-ter Af - ter a lit - tie while. lit i lit - tie while. •. P_.P_P_P_TP_P P p_ £ 0—0 I 1 — rb>— V- V • i/ 9 '• '• >•— g r- I 26 Mabel N. Kelley Oh! the Summit is Bright. 1. Dark 2. Chill 3. Be V is the moun ■ mg and drear of good cheer, #— * »> *_-_„k*_* l «._i 1 _ii-j_-jt Ml-^ z£$ at f-'-'r-. ^ff. *_azztfzzz:!i~fe: V— ! I £— l/- - tain - side, o'er the moun - wea and lone, tain side, ry one, :p=p: Stephen Nicholson. N-l — i- (2 -N— r 1 — N- =»*#: S And The Thy _#_ stfep mist Fa - the toil ■ - y shad ther hears some way; ows stray thee pray; j the But But the Thro 1 the sum shad dan mit is bright, With a heav'n - ly light, And the oth ows shall roll, From the doubt - ing soul, For the oth gers so wild, He will lead his child, To the dawn 9fe er* side is day. er side is day. of that bright day. 4- Chorus. V . IS — ST~1 ^== ■■^-g=i=-^zz=z Oh ! the sum mit Oh! the sum - mit is bright, the sum -mit is bright, With a heav-en-ly light, Oh! the Summit is Bright— Concluded. 27 zk — p= — »,i — ^ _:&:_&__$-*-« — ^F#-.---i7-rF J — -^ — nF — -11 •?-b — i -! — ^-—R — r ■-- ^-^F• — 2— 8-n*— *--• — H-d — '--- -i^-F-li # • ,__*_*_S-L # _ # _ # _| # ._ # _L|L— k— |— tf« — «_[ # _J_ # _«_L tf __ tf ..JJ light, Oh ! the sum-mil is bright, VTith a heav'n-ly lisrht. And the oth - er side is day. .#_#. heav - en - ly light _/_ i — *-*— i — Q — £-5+ — — »— »— r^— ll ±rtop:zj:£MCTT::x^ -^K- •*- » ' # -#-#-# — L^_J. # ±«_«_«_«_. God is Good. (Infant Class Song.) w. 8*5 a-s-a-0 3± 1. God made the beauteous world, And flow'rs of ev- ryhue; He made the twinkling stars. And lit-tle ehil-dren too. 2. He matte my lit-tle heart, And fill'd itwith de-light; He made my lit-tle feet, And said "walkin the right." 3. He watch-esme by night, That I may have no fear; And whispers to my heart, The worth I ought to 1: ar. i Chorus. » = --p-|h i 5 >— — # -Lj--J_j_ Jp ~ 7? — . #_. Yes, God is good, He is my heav'n-ly Fa-ther, He loves me too. He is my heav'n-ly Fa-ther ar-r-'r — n *- r <2 — *_«-.-.fC._*-*-,~T __IF„_^. t -j-i — *— i — Fp~ »— »— * -{-&— »— rj-t — i — h — Pg— »— #— g^j- -^— -— jj 28 Gather the Sheaves. E. R. Latta, 1 — *— — # ^- L *-#-J — #-- *-— L # — # — #— tf 0- L 0-^-0 1. Gath-er the sheaves, the pre-cious sheaves, La-bor-ers lose not one! 2. Gath -er the sheaves, the shin-in g sheaves, While it is called to - day! 3. Gath-er the sheaves, the heav'n-ly sheaves, Tho' up - on earth they be! h h h I h S. W. Straub. 0—0—0—0 — ^ : This is the Lord's own Now is the Sav-ior's Bright- ly they'll shine with .__L_4___L_JI__ s s 1 rp — p — jiZaZJ M " = =^r U P U I U I U I ^ L. EH §J___- «=?3 Chorus. N 1 _j — — ^ — — :p — _ — — jq___^_j__.::i_0_0--0-_0 — £ l> U I V _J har- vest time, Here up -on earth be - gun! har - vest time, Gath - er them while ye may light di-vine, Ev - en for you and me! Gath-er the sheaves, the gold - en sheaves! Gath-er the sheaves, etc. Gath-er the sheaves, etc. . ja_.Lj._0 0__ 0__(_ 0_JL_0__. 0_0_0_0 ^i| & _t__t=t__a=?=(c_Ji_z| = fc_= t=:J:i-i = s=t=t^E=5=E : |_EtS^:^gEE^ EJZ 0-0-0- { C^-- C0_0_0_0„^_ :_fr -^- ^-_j— 0i -0-V0T-11 ._! .-0- T -0-0— e- ■± A Tribute Bring. =1 % Chas. Edw. Pollock. .J h- 31 m d m m H i d ^ 1 J S ~ 9 ? s r-d— # — # — — #- L # — a — #— fc i — ft,, , i j j j J5j-u i T 1 1 i j j i 1 1 1 j ? J ev - 'ry hour. I feel the mag - ic of thy pow'r. Then Fa-ther, hal-low'd be thy name, In beam -ing ray, That in - to ev - 'ry heart would stray. Then Fa-ther, etc. sweet con-trol, 'Tis peace and com-fort to the soul. Then Fa-ther, etc. ^—y , , , w— —w — w w my 2jSE*EEf^EfE:*:E -*- 1 - r 0- ' i i -= 1 ev - 'ry land on earth the same ; Let ev - 'ry heart a trib-ute brin r^# P gjOfFfm *. > 0) J= -,- T -0-,-*^*^*-*—m=£0-0-0-*—t-0- g U Of prais-es to the heav'n-ly King. Ill -#-#- E=FFF -»-i* r -0-'-0-0—0 i u I 32 Shall We Meet Them at the Portals? J. E. Rankin. D. D. E. P. McMurray, Arr. by S. W. S. m 1. Will they meet 2. Hearts are bro 3. Past yon por COl- £_ us, cheer and greet us, Those we've lov'd, who've gone be - fore? ken for some to -ken That they live, and love us yet! tals, our im - mor-tals, Those who walk with Him in white, h . L« ._*_ fc - - *■ %- v—v- t=££ t~- %t~ ESE fc£ Shall we And we Do they t £-. — L -»-^~»-^r s. w. s. IS §s Tn my Fa-ther s ser - vice, Ev - er I find, Rich em-ploy and pleas-ure, For heart and mind. Tho' I can't be lead - er — March-ing a- - long; I will heed the Mas - ter, And fol - low on. Do-ingis o - bey - ing, From day to day, Chil-dren, parents, wise ones, All should o - bey. in is n rs i i i in ps ,\ is i i r -$=t=$=tt=*^ V V »T i i f> L -Uf-H w " Chorus. -*c:j ^d^r-' — r-ri — -f™*- 9~V 9 9— 9-T 9 9 — t * ' i- IV— Vr— I --) HSr-\|— I !— c= >. —I 1 1-! *-0"-0" t¥ 0- bey -ing is serv-ing: Live to -bey: Where du - ty com-mands you, Free-ly - bey. *. *. jl jl , ^ ts ^ -*-■*--*- -*■ r*i _ l iV £ 3— f--0— ~?- ._,__,. j — fcff— HH~ *>—?' r* 9 — -• — rw —\ 0-r -9—0-0- *~ '" s S -*-■& — 3) 34 Arise! For Thy Light is Come, Ma *__ "Arise, shine; for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." Isaiah lx. 1. RiA Stiiaue. S. W. Straub. Not too fast. w- jy hnmr- — r-N— »-fr~V- ^n *T ~fr~fr :£z~3rSq r d \-m—m-+-m—m--d- s^ea^asffli $—6—0 0— ft- PlfE A -rise! for thy light is come, The Fa-ther has given his Son! see ontheban-ner un- A- rise! for thy light is come, All dan-ger and ills you may shun; The shad-owsarepass-inga- A - rise! for thy light is come, O'er clark-ness, the vie - to - ry won, Re - joice in the light of the -f. JL JL J9. JL JQL JL . JL JL JL jSL JL 'Si "£. 9—9. .#jr« 9. * V , U, ! t v— ^-?-^— ?-? i — r 3— 9-\-9- — •— Fb— K— ^— b — ^— ^ — =t A-r-fv ^ Chorus. Faster. — (V r4 ^-— 2=5 -I Pt— , #-i- — # — I p furled, way, love, 'Be Be -*- hold Him, the light of the world! 1 walk in the beau - ti - ful day. stowed by Our Fa - ther a - bove. rise! a - rise! rise ! etc. rise! etc. J^r^t-i V .j*£_fc-fc-N -S — « — 4^0^-9— 1 — I — I- 3 _^__ g — 0—0—9 — m — t- g~» — r g> — w i~9—9~^—w~9 — N— \-- \— N— \-H\ ■IV^M^-A-Nr-r «— ti: 9 rise, for thy light is come, _xl ft dF_«__tf_"?L_ ■b — ^— ^— b — b S~ Shine in the beau-ty of the Son, J*L JL 1—0-0— 0—0— < r i- -I 1 1 h -9 — 9—0—9—0—&—0-\-\- v — &— &— ?— &— ?— 7 — L_ 9_ j_i_ w _ A - rise, for thy light is come JfLti 1 fZZTZ -^-V-9 — 9—9—9 — 9- I «i=j: *_•_! He Loves Me Most of All A — \ 35 W. F. Werschkul. V 1. I've ma-ny ten- der friends I know, Al -though I am so small, But 2. I've par-ents, ver-y, ver - y kind, My wants they well sup • ply, Yet 3. I love my kin-dred, love my friends, Ail heart- felt and se - rene, But s*3i:==rf=t=t ism V p 1/ i # — #— r #— #—#-#* — r *-- i 1 y hj f — # — L . tis my heav'n-ly all the com- forts for the gift of -*. .A A - g-L j r— i ?~*zz* — •ml Chorus. -J V ## 1 ^T 5 \-# m H P--& -I -|2" '- -W 1 9 • 9 J F K k~ ' H Fa-ther dear, That loves me most of all. that they give, Are gran t-ed from on high, love and friends, I " love my God su - preme. I know, I know that my Fa-ther in heav'n, I know, etc. I know, etc. +. ±. ±. f. *. *. M. f. • U V V V v—v—y ■v—v—v- *F= Loves me, loi ^g3 ^4=^ iz £|i ; A - mong my friends, my Fa-ther in heav'n loves me most of all . V- ■» — ■-» gisISi 3<> Marian Beautiful Songs. q^g=ZRZ^zJccdsl==p^z±cg= qzzq ._l — _| — \—0 — m—m- ^-#- v — i — — ^--Jr^^^j — j s. w SS Straub. 1 . Beau - ti - fill 2. Beau -ti- ful 3. Beau -ti- ful , h h few -i songs songs songs of of of truth and right, right-eous-ness, home and life, >_#_* #—«—(•- -U=4— g=E=E=:E Fill -ing the heart with Fill - ing the earth with La - bor of love, 'rnid u - p I pure bless - care /3 £e?e: de - light; ed - ness; and strife : :p=ti=r=t=J r^r-*-*-^ as±=5=t= Bear me a - long Sooth-ing to rest Giv - ing new hope 3 : 5— ,# — g — l 8 — p»~*~.»— p— p on wings of love; Waft ye my soul the wea-ry brain; Oh, sing them o'er to hearts op - press'd; Charm -ing to peace IN I h m to realms a - bove. and o'er a - gain, the troub - led breast. V-V- r :fc :p^ uChorns. =*± Beau-ti-ful songs,... 0, sing them o'er 9$=*= ipipzpipiLite: ±— tit Beau - ti-ful songs. 4LjLJt.JL * £2zt=:tzz - more; Beau-ti-ful pcpiit: :=szt *= Beau-ti-ful songs, sing them o'er Beau-ti-ful songs for - ev - er more. Beautiful Soil^S— Concluded. Kin* I Beau-ti-ful songs Zi - on sing; Beau-ti-ful scngs While We Work for Jesus. Joyfully. JS-Jl fei=S N K ft— ft— ft ft — I F\ 1 -ft 1 — -1 *— 1— ft f*-*t •5- J— 4 God our King. C. E. Leftwich D.C P 1. All a-round is bright and fair, While we work for 2. Ev - 'ry face with pleasure beams, While we work for 3. Near-er seem the realms a - bove, While we work for 4. Let us raise a grate -ful voice, While we work for # ft_£_ft.::_ft ft_« _« ft ft_ ft_ ■ i/ Je - sus. Je - sus, Je - sus, Je - sus, Joy and peace are ev - "ry where, Ev-*ry heart with rap-ture teems, Dear - er seems the Sav-ior's love, And with ear-nest heartsre-joice, _«_ft_-ft_« ft_ft^ft. M^-V A- Fine, Chorus- Faster. D. C. While we work for Je - sus. Come.O come, this cheer-ful happy day, Come,0 come to Sabbath school a-way. While we workforJe - sus. Come,0 come, etc. While we work for Je - sus. Come.O come, etc While we workforJe - sus. Come.,0 come, etc. ** m * m -ft- -ft- -ft-"-ft- -ft.-ft--ft-.ft- ■«■ -ft- -ft- -ft-'-ft- -ft--ft--ft- a y *> y • • / / / • • / • 38 Violet E. King Help One Another. Bear ye one another's burdeus. ,1 Psa. iv. 3. s. w. s. p-b-r.-f-*— m-*'i -%--•- iEBE: *+*-*" *— a — ^-*r-w-w+-Z=\ 1 m-J-m m—m 1 m—^-m m— m m — \-m-^-m — m — \-m m—m 1 -9- \ I L> I 1. This Jife is one of la - bor, And may be one of joy, If we our ev - 'ry 2. There may be more of glad - ness, If we each pass-ing day Will scat - ter seeds of 3. And when life's chain is bro - ken, And we have pass'd from sight, Then we shall be re- m+\ ^ m*\ h * + JjL: +.*.*. jLILf. ep- zr r*f~f~rf — *~* — ""He — t— t _ ct — ±r 4 B&EEj =i— frj^aOd: IN ,*** ■V— l-~ Chorus. Sd —^ v— :?-:i_*. mo - ment Just light -ly shall cm - ploy, kind -ness, Up - on life's rug - ged way. mem-bered, For hav-ingdone the right. I — ^ -m- fe& ■-4- r- — r— i — r» — * — ^ — fi B R =='-z=ErE,E Let's help one an-oth-er, Let's help one an-oth-er, No Let's help etc. Let's help etc. m * en-*--*-*- ^ ^ ^ ^ '— #— 9— 0— -0— 9 — -*-»-{— r ^_L^_^_^_>i. less is du - tv's cla lo share each oth-er's bur - den let ' t m m ±r^zt?=-=z/^ r p— i — "' SCIC?— * it be_ our aim. m 9 — m w- r » » — - — r-w 1 1 — r-w — »~bt| E. R. Latta. Floiuin% and not too fast Oh, the Love of Jesus! 39 1. Oh, the love of Je 2. Oh, the love of Je 3. Oh, the love of Je W. Wilt j a *rs - sus, What a cease-less flame !Tho' they niock (land smote him, And re-vil'd his name! - sus, In Geth-sem-a - ne, Where the cup of suf-fringr, He was caused to see, - bus, With the pierc-ed side! Je - sus my Re-dee m-er,Scourg'd and cru-ci-fi'd! R .#__*_*. "V- 7-r zb±t=t ^ ^ ;e=e : r-trr^ 1 ki rr N > t-M* For his ten-der fore -head, Thorny crown they wove; But He meek-ly bore it, In his bound -L ss love! And when cross, so heav- y, Hewasmadeto bear.Tow'rd the mountain sum-mit, To be of-fer'd there! Ne 'er did heartof moth- er, Such af- fee- tion hold! Love like that of Je -sus, Nev-er can be told! i _ _ s~ ^ ^ _ _ _ *-«** -tiers: r?zci5: t — \t -f r~ 9 f- h — r— h»— »-•" -prt— b^- i= «^« I 1 1. -VI- u l» VI Chorus. Oh,theloveof Je - sus! That He did be- stow, Ouaworldof sin-ners, Whocanev-er know! 1 £*. rr - ^ 40 E. R. Latta. The Good Shepherd's Fold. J. M. Stillman, -A — -fj-tfi 1 — K- ^ — H 1- k \-i — k V 1 ^ \ — \ — s; igzz — ,_j_cq= . 9 — # _ # _-^__q_^ # _jp_ j_^ — £— c |— -#— *— -*— #_g— 1. Oil, won - der - ful love that the Good She p-herd show' d, In dy - ing for all, to re- v 2. A beau - ti - ful fold, in a land far a - way, Is his ev - er- more, where the 3. His lambs on the earth and a- bove, know his voice! He calls them by name, and their §afc — s — e> — — & — * — » V L> \> V V 0- 0- i — t- .0 — 0- - L g g — i -v—y-v — ' r*" -ft— £ P K P-J7- — # — g — m N- - 9 — m — g — * ^ — ^ — ^ — # — ^-^ store them to God! It fill 3t "0" :d: ..J. ip — U P V V V V ^3 store them to liod! it till - eth my heart, 'tis sur - pris - ing to me. That bright an -gels stay! And lambs from be - low, He will take in his love, To spir - its re-joice! He took them and ten- der - ly bless'dthem of old, And -9 B ^=£=3= * V -0- • love such as his, and such mer - cy, could be! dwell near the throne, with the an - gels a bow! said that of such was his heav-en - ly fold! Chorus, -I -0 1 — I want to be his, And his I want to be his, etc. I want to be his, etc. «— m— « - 1 -J — #— — ' 9*fck-J?-t — ® m — — -b —I 1 1 — I H fcc -#— a :szz:S=:t ::[/_v_::^- 0. _0. 0. ft. 0_0 .0—0 The Good Shepherd's Fold— Concluded. 41 f\ L . h -v- - r\ !\ -ft ^ I s \ rO ,H ' n p * 2 s pp- J n p • / h !/ # J iP r J9i 41 tf m Tny I j i 1 p • * !• 1 3 p # o h sfold! * r i * - ~ # > i/ i glo - ry be - hold! h * £ ^ ;---. P P P -P ri., 7 i? c u u r / • - - - Oh, let me be - long • F? *- * * \, 1 W S p B # * " • 7 To the Good Shep- hercf — ^ — ^ — tn — 5 — R- i>/ k' i ^ y y y i ^ 1 i i j P ^ y y i I " \> 1 1/ 1/ 1/ r- - V V L P - ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ want to be his, And his glo - ry be -hold! Oh, let' me be - long To the Good Shepherd's fold! p m m m—0—m-H — 9—9—9 — 9-T-0— 9— 0— 0- ^W"\?-* ^-h>— ^- y — ^TP— P— P— P P- p^# s >__p^pz:r~:i3 The Lord's Prayer. *. OurFathcrwho art in heaven, hallowed be tby name; Thy kingdom come; thy will he done on earth, as i "-.Give us this day our dai ly bread; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them 3. And lead us not iuto temptation, but deli er us from evil, For thine is the po\ver,and the glory, for ever and m £ ■&~ 3£=§E t is in that trespass ever. A heaven, a-gainst ti- nmen. 1— r a._:: II The Beam of Morning. M. A S. V~ H #— #- L #x-#-S-«-- #- L #T-«-S-f— #- L *T-«-fl-J— «- L «— # s. w. s. 0-9-9 1. Soft-ly beam the rays of morn-ing, Waft-mg in the gold-en day; Wak-ing man from dreamy 2. Tis the light for a-ges shm-ing,Light-ingup the beauteous earth, Bringing joy to hearts un- 3. Bright-ly shines the radiant sun-beam. By the pow'r of God it shines, Tells us of a Father's h^r» hi fs*.* M _h . _ j >*..♦.*.*£ =— _ — ;;— »— - r W ' 9 -»-0—0- r »'-*-0-0—0 ^•._*_«t_B_i_ ■#— * -t^t — -i — i — h ±= cifc I I Chorus. Fa ster. - c -*-f--*- ?= f i :t=a slum - ber Bid-dmghim to work and pray, nu in bered,Bring-ing cheer to ev-'ry heart. good-ness; And his love ^§I^S=£ that ne'er de-clines. XX Praise the Lord for life and du Praise the Lord etc. Praise the Lord etc. I h I l\ I N I ty; Fraisehim >-L-p, jP-pg— pL :st-^t=t?: -r*—*~T-^ r 0—9-0—0-0—9- r 0- s ~9-?—? Praise the Lord for life and du - ty; each com-ing day; Praise him for the golden sunrise ; Praise him for !L-2_..y !~.y-|- bi *- t ^-r-b-fi — I — rh-b-r-h-t— b-b#^~g.ii Praise him for each coming day; Praise him ior the golden sun - rise ; Praise him for the setting ray. What Art Thou Doiusr for Jesus? 43 Tinder a picture of Christ's crucifixion, hanging in the, study of some German divine, is found this couplet.- "This I did for thee; What doe'st thou for me'f Rev. W. II . Luckenbach. E. Manfokd Clark. M— i-- — i — i 1 — I \—~-0-'-\-0-—0-0—Z — — S — 0.-0- ' ' — ' ' ' ' — 1. What art thou do-mg for Je 2. What art thou do ing for Je 3. What art thou do-ing for Je h ^h ^ hi ^-- m-P — £5-_£-* — i/- sus? If tnoncan'st give.out of love, sus? What of Him hast thou to say? sus? Whathastthou long wish'dto try? On - ly a cup of cold If a sweet word. then de- Do it, tor life is fast *- A- J2- .*...*. y — i/-/ — y — ^ — ^-< p-*-p |» j* u j^ 1 wa - ter, lay not — wan - ing, — i $-^-r--i—g-t : *-T-0—i-i— Chorus 4 ■#: N ,N fS f S , -m — 9 — 9 — 9 iq=:r=3: ■9 — a — a — 3 F =Z 4 He will re- ward thee a - bove. Let it bewhis-per'd to - day. And the dark night draw-eth nigh. I ^_ He He He gave gave gave his life to his life, etc. his life, etc. 9— r -0-0 -0-9 9—0—0 ■0 1 . d | a rp m p p ppr re - deem thee- pCZRfc-ZqtE- -\— \-n---v n !S, t — , -\— v-v- rhee to re -store to His fold: All he has done to re - claim thee, Nev-er in time can be tokh H i£ i i ; z u Passing Away' Eliza M. S HERMAN. V \ 1 ■ S W. Straub. iQij-ii-a- -a. N , 1 h h r ~ •faP ^ i j ' • • _| J I s w like to o'er 4 » * i S * the sun - beams at the ci - ty's fair the cold waves of m m ' m m -1 3v'n - por J or - ing; tals; dan ; — * a e — -J Float - ing a- Near - er my Oh! may thy m m m ^t) 1 -■ # 1. Pass ■ 2. Near 3. When m * V ■ap- ing a - er my ] I shall <9 way lome, 3ross ^*- • B^3-r^ , r -#-*- -^— ~> P l» ' 1 1 L [_ 111 J W r • » F T ™ r ,• ■* -1 | • : > t?~" " ■*" ? ]/ b r 1 ^ v b \/ 9^ way like a leaf on life's stream; home where the bright man-sions be: rod and thy staff com -fort me; — r — r t~± So pass the years with their joys and their Fly oh, so quick - ly, ye swift wing -ed Know-mg each step in the dark gloom -y 0. * * -r-*—*- * * * * *-— 9 T o — — m — -fm-^ — — — — — — sor - rows ; hours; val - ley; So pass the Bring -i n g us Brings me still days clos clos m^z w with er, er, -0- e==e their oh! my _#_ gloom and Sav - ior Sav - ior JL*. « (horn:;. Pass - ing a - J.—N— N— *. .J 1 J — «_ Passing; Away ! — Concluded. 45 i-. rn^L way, pass - ing a - way. We are -fV-,~i I ass - ing a - way, ft * # £_^ pass - ing- a - way, We are i f-f- « P— F T j i. -J — 1 0— r near - ing our heav'n-lv home, Pass - ing- pass - ing- a- y * • r * r J r ' i ^ * ? ' r i . near - nig- 2^_=3E our heav'n-ly home \S~ P\ i fS | =fc=fc Pass - ing a - way, * y — |/ ^_L. er near ^-tq=r.q: er to Je -sus we come. : : *-- N- ,____,___ v y » r pass -ing a - way; Ev - er near bss=|eh£e r -i V *> — #— I -#- — - Jt | to -0- P P P V V V I Je - sus we come. II 46 Grander than Ocean's Story. — i— ■%-A 1. Grand - er than o - cean's sto - ry, Or 2. Rich - er than all earth's treasure, And ¥=N -*_j N~P — !V 9 S. W. Straub. J &-- the songs of for - est trees, Pur - er the wealth my soul re-ceives ; Bright - er 3- 0- V .9 9 ft 9 ft— — +7 — h — T" C/to. Grand - er than - cean's sto - ry TT Is »— •— -ft— hp— 1 — p y y y • ^ r the love of Christ to me, Rich r: than than _ft. 1 & ¥ than Fine -9— 9— C *v— ft— J— *— t-J— #— ,— ■■ '9' "ft ft breath of morn-ing, Or the ev'n - ing's gen - tie breeze ; Clear - er than moun -tainech-oes roy - al jew-els Is the crown that Je - sus gives. Won - drous the con - de-scen-sion ^— P ft- -ft— ft— ft— hhr :^-fc / • • • ^ earth-]y treas-ures, And moreboun-ti - ful and free 9 1 \-9 9 9 9--— 9—9 — ft v — »— id v — v— b* — £—fr— ^— - 1 V J ^ -V> - N - N -A D C. Chorus. _| "S \ h |v* ...„ -9 9—r-9-\-9 — 9— 9, 1 — — 1 1--*- — |- — 1 1 1 — 9 — "ft 1 *—*+*—* — 9 f~ ;-E^3=l » Ring out from peaks a-bove, Rolls on the glo-rious an-them; Of God's e - ter - nal love. And grace be - yond de-gree! I would be ev - er sing-ing The love of Christ to me. I h fc h h N h I - ^ — s — v —v—\-p—v EE= t *2=fc •P-P- t=£ £liEEEH Marian. f ti2- :5 -tE*-*z:*-iiz; *f » — » — — # — g — 0+0 * Join Our Happy Throng. A ■ N ■*. * N Arr. by S. W. S. 47 v-r-*-^v.^-: -J — d— «— 1»— 3— i — i — y~ \ V \ s — ! — P ■ -! :tE*EiEE*E?E^5ZES^jEIEt?EIESEs 1. Come and join our hap- py throng-, With a heart-y, joy-ous song. While we meet to sing and Here is room for young and old, In this am -pie Christian fold; There is work e-noughto 2. Wel-come,wel-comehere to -day; Join our band, make no de - lay; Je-sus loves the read - y • 'Mong thy tel - lows be a doer, Help the need- y. struggling poor; Speak glad words of hope and SsS3 v- * \J * \t- \\ — ~ «_s Cho. Wel-come,wel-come to our band; Come and join V -\y i — V— V— us heart and hand, There is ~o " Fine, work e-nough for -A— N— *— , 1— » — m-jb-— Vm— tI~* S M 1 F 122 ! 1 3 !— 1— •— * pray, On this do, In the heart, That will (beer; Gentdy ■9 — 9- ho - ly Sab - bath day. glad-ly do his part, serv-ice of the true; [ Read - y ban* and will-in the fall-ing tear, } God will bless each lit - tie wipe /=cri. 9 9 — 9 — r 9 — 9 — 9- # m — r -^-9 — 9—9 — - — , -m-9 — 9 — r t — la — a — a 1 all; Come and h-H— a ^— 0- D. C. Chorus. fc *K££gSB V • y x j \j heart, Can much needed good im-part; Lead-ing feet from ru-in's brink, Giving souls their food and drink, deed; He will help us in our need: % He will help us In our blind-nessgive us light; Make us strong to do the right. JL JL. JL — y— y — ^ — ^—s/ — - — ' L^_V— /— ^- L * — J J 48 Beautiful Star of Bethlehem! Mattie Pearson Smith. I J. M. Stillman, by per. 1. Beau-ti-ful star of Beth-le hem, shine O-verthe hills of Pal - es - tine. 1. Beau-ti-ful star of Beth-le hem, shine O-verthe hills of 2. Beau -ti- ful star of Beh-le-hem, shine, Shedding thy beau-teous rays 3. Beau-ti-ful star of Beth-le-hem, shine In - to the hearts that faint - | N N JV-1 i # -_, *_A_/ft r ^ , \ > \, n~f ~ es - di - and 0- t: M tine, vine, pine, ^ V V " ? V u> t-f-H FF=*= \ s :q~q-«:zfc:S: tl* jtUtm —•—: — i 1 i =1 n — -#-Hy— «- L #-i- — q 1— ■•jj^S- ■*• ■#■••#• There the Child Je - sus slum-ber-eth sweet, And we would bow at his ho - ly Light the dark plac - es held in sin's thrall, Bring-ing thy peace and good will to all. Show the ChildJe - sus, hum-ble, but King, Born to com pas - sion, and com -fort v 9 X Q 0—9—9 u \> \> i i ^y — 1— J-0- '-i — I — l. ■#■■#■•• -#-.♦ feet, all. and com -fort bring. # He/rain. r -N-A- r -N — ^ — Ps JT-S4-IW-S: =t -*---A Beau - ti - ful star of Beth-le-hem, shine, O-verthe hills of Pal Beau-ti-ful star of Beth-le-hem, shine, Shedding thy beau - teous rays Beau-ti-ful star of Beth-le-hem, shine In - to the hearts that faint — #^# — *- r #- J »—p-a— i — *_^r ri—. — rLjrr s l — i 1 — I — r m ~ r "~~a r — r — t=SEE=±=l es - tine, di - vine, and pine, ± ±T: tFR L. i Beautiful Star of Bethlehem _,_,_ b—rg-. 1 \— N— k-l 1 —-^ -Concluded. 3 J ft ,-,-r-^ i!te Beau - ti-ful star Beau - ti-ful star Beau - ti-ful star y-v-p- of Beth-le - hem, shine of Beth-le - hem, shine, of Beth-le- hem, shine i. h h h - -#- i — 9 —9 — 9- r 9- -i 1 1 1 — -I fr— ^— v- O-verthe hills of Shedding- thy beau-teous In - to the hearts that hH2_-r-"H-h 9-9 — 1_. =t= v-v-v- r-t- Pal - es - tine, rays di • vine, famt and pine. + . +. . ± *- + + r: 49 £ — I i Elfr'fr- i i I Alex. Thomas. We Will Labor— (Infant Class Song.) — I \-N Arr. by S. W. S. 1. Je-sus needs the lit- tie chil-dren, He has work for each of you, In his wide and pleasant vine-yard, 2. Oh he loves the cheer-ful worker, Who can brighter make the way; Com-fort-ing the sick and lone-ly; Lit-tle acts for Je-sus 1 srlo-ry, Help to make a world of love, And to fit the lit- tie work-er, J_-i --AHV-*— » da jij 9^fe±= tf_#_ n #_#_#_tf„ f _J |_^_ tf __#_«__«_£_ •^ -#--#■ •«--»-•#- ^ V-B- , ■ 1 1 g, gp— -i *— — 9 — trr-f- t~ z£zz m ~ m ~ -9 — 9- :eee 9-9--9—9 — seeeeeee Chorus 17— 7T-N K * ,N | !E^E^Elfl 7^— JJ "»"-#■ There are lov-ing tasks to do. Light-ing up the dreary day. For a bet -ter home a-bove. We will la - bor in his vine-yard Joy- ful - ly his bid-ding do; Ful - ly trust-ing in his prom-ise, For his prom-is - es are true. lifeillllllll r^T-r -_«_,_T_ ■0—0- ■| 1 — ! P #_#_ t— r *-•— * — 9- — w~y" r"~ p ~r ~" L* * 1 I 1 -»—■ 5 -©■— ; 9 50 Rev. T. Nield Not too fast, \ i' "Lo! I Am With You Alway." Lo ! I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Matt, xxviii : 20. -r\— ~A-~ ~rV m — -I — =r=F pres - ence known. jus - tice reigned. ■ ly pre - vail. t Lo! Lo! Lo! am with am etc. am etc. you al - way, Lo ! P !\-H- IV \-A-m — E-—P-- -H fV-< \—Ym—d — •— •— hn S—.—t-hm-z — fl am with you al *-tF : way, Lo! JR. A. -&—» — -I 1 am with you JL M. JSL _u/_l i way, E V— & — I --— — ^— 1^— t" i. i. — #- the end! IS" L £M Cling to Jesus. 51 £fcSE* 3 Chas. Edw. Pollock. * rv, H ki * M -4-— 0— 9 H— T^H F=f-P — 1 i !-#-^ — sa 1. Cling- to Je - sus, wea-ry mor- tal, Tho 1 thy heart be crushed with grief; Cling to Je - sub all the 2. Cling to Je - sus, he'll be-friend thee, When all earth-ly sourc-es fail; He will guide thee, gent-ly 3. Cling to Je - sus, he hath pow- er, Peace and com-fort to im - part ; Look to him, wea-ry Q: fc !i3_g_L ±: t=t ■v- M — *- ! ^ V-{ \ EM I— F-^ 1 P 9 #- 1 ,_■ Chorus. : 5 -3r — < Pr-fc=rr- 1~^ ^H 1- — i — Vr-i i 1 s: clos - er, He a - lone can send re - lief, guide thee, Thro' the dark and gloom-y vale, mor - tal! He can ease thy troub-led heart. •fa- ding to Je - sus, thro' life's jour-ney, He's a Cling to Je - sus, etc. Cling: to Je - sus, etc. 2_5 # _._ # _t_, r— r A. eeee -<• — #- r p- s -*-*- i -#— #- .#_^ i i i *- V— » ^ ^4-M-J-^-l /CN ,gV-y-y- hy"8- J J y- : 4=3 E£* t- 8 — *-i^ w -.~i- 35 Si nev - er fail-ing friend; Cling to Je - sus, he will guide thee, Safe-ly to life's jour-ney's end. — e — j — [ [■'»/". ' ' r '.I — r— F^~ H — ' — •— ^ — ' — ^ H " 5a Rather slozv. Light at Eventide. S. W. Stkaub. 9-9— * :l & = rN-N' = ] : -•— #,— S— • ■-A- thim ^ y • y y 1 O wea - it with vain re - gret-ting, For things that could not be; So 2. I heard like a voice from heav-en, The roy - al sing-er's song-, Of 3. And lo! as I read the chap-ter, So dear to the wea - ry heart, I IN fs ~ m --#--- i A _ r — " i in J ps— A— J ,X- wea - faith saw '9 ry with in e - the dark count-ing ter - nal clouds at J=H=£rf v-*t_4_ *=*= ?- p_p_«_« — fe_q V- :t=£ ^15=t o - ver, The graves in mem - o - ry I o -pen'd the Book of Com - fort, Good - ness, To tri - umph o - ver wrong. The day may be wild with tern - pest, sun - set, Like cur -tains swing a - part; It seem'd like a glimpse of heav - en, m . I * -^ -^ !+•*• #'A ^ 4. ^ # ^ ^ Y^J> *- — I— And In That Pt=t tzzjc £=£ ^ — ESP HP ^" | 1 h- V-A tf — 1 1 1 & -9 & ! — &~%-9- -v 3= -A A— — fr— fr-g— f- 9$= ■*" ■*■ y y in itspag-es read, What one of the grand old proph-ets, In time of great troub-le pa -tient trust a - bide, Re-mem-berthe sweet old prom - ise, Of light at the e - ven touched my eyes like balm,— I sat in the sun -set glo - ry, Re -peat-ing the sweet old =±=t:=:tprz=zt=tqJz:S=:p!-a=:i y • y said. ■ tide, psalm. 1 ■v- ■p— p=v: _«_*_«_* •—#—#— 9 b^-# S3 4 /• — ■ Chorus. Faster. Light at Eventide. — Concluded, PS I 53 \ 1 ! 1 i-J- 9 9 9 9 • -9-9- Tho 1 dark and gloomy the day, My heart still hears with delight,The grand old words of promise, "At ev'n-ing it shall be light." - m * m o-*~ #T# m 9 9 m-f-'P" ■?■'•*-*- * P* 1 IT* I t=t rfr~rtr y-i^-k-y- -•^-•-•-r — H r-^ y:q;i4prfe:fc^fz?-'zf&q]j There is a Place of Rest i of sa - be - yond that heav'n B=S *3 l: A- cred rest, Far, far be - yond the gloom, Breaks forth the light - ly home, Shall cheer the part h :5 !=:t -9- ~r the of ing A. B. W. skies, morn, soul, *= t 9- I ; ! __ # _^ m A- 3S 1 — fV 9 r«— -# 1 1 ^-[-^—9-9 q *-+«-^— • — » Where beau - ty smiles e - ter - nal - ly, And pleas - ure nev - er dies. Bright beam - ing from my Fa - ther's house, To cheer the soul for - lorn. And er it, mount - ing to the skies, The tides of rap - ture roll. f-p—r- v— r= £ 1 h mm 54 Mrs. C. L. Shacklock; Only Jesus, W. F. Werscitkul. P-\— N— \--K- Xf i 9—£r 9~9~9~9 •XT • ^F" *— N-sr-±r-NF-N- 1. Are you seeking for the king-dom, Where the wea-ry are at rest, In the home of life im- 2. He is ev-ernearto help you, At his feet your bur- den lay; He will bear you safe-ly 3. Are you seek-ing,vain-ly seek-ing For the gems of truth di - vine, That thro' all the sa-cred — *- u •1 _j §£ fi i 1 — 1 2-*-£ — P-i— *}— af i -*- f£ L#_J_ # / *H^— a Chorus. Faster. * * i-^-9-^-^ ^-9—%-l« ¥ I i Ik. ,- -te K N ! r ^__^-PF-N- -f-J^f-i— i— si*-.- lJ— f_J_*_ i mor - tal, In the man-sions of the blest? on -ward, For he is him- self the way vol - ume, In their light and glo-ry shine? * — --N On - ly Je - sus, on On - ly Je - sus, etc. On - ly Je - sus, etc. ly Je - sus, ._«*. -_*-*}- y. ^- A ffi ^ — 1— ^-*— ^~ 3zjz±E5-HbS: y - - * * » * • y ^ Can the soul's great need sup-ply, He is wait-ing to re-ceive you, Sin-ner, to your ref - uge fly ! "^ — S-w+r-F— y— r — ^— 1 — "— » » — •— »— »— r»— — b-i — 1 — ' — — — — v— —ti ^=t Marian. -*-'-r -& -gr -w ♦ 1. Who will take me by the hand We'll Meet Them By and By. 55 w. ±z± i — y - =£=t 1=t=t=9=& i^ tira^ ^i In that oth - er bet - ter land? 2. Who will gath-er 'round my bed, When the last fare-well is said? 3. Who will min-gle with the throng, In that land of light and song? M M I I ! ... A -*--*-*^ Will they who have gone be- Will they who on earth did Will they,dear-est of my j=p y \ l> tit*. I Pi Chorus. Faster. — P-J 1 fore, Meet roam, Bear heart, In me on the oth - er shore? me to my heav'n-ly home? those glo - ries share a - part? Yes, we'll meet them by and Yes, we'll meetthem by and Yes, we'll meet them by and by, In our by, etc. by, etc. h fci. 4^*" \ *? • *> "9 p 9 ~ 9 /Q-* J A \ & • 9_ 9 } 9 i+ * (pr « -m — e— #— [ — J i f ...J 1 pr - ■ . 1 * ■■ A 1 * i !j u P P 9 I 1 ^ ^ r , r Bv and bv. -— c — i— » JS.S J - 1T- # * They will take us by the hand wr •' mm m—s 3EE '9 — 9 9 75 I) In that oth - er bet - ter land. by and by #-J-| K— -,-M P f- P- J -©> JJ y r I 56 Glorious Morning ! (Easter Song.) M. Rather fast and joyous. w. ~y~i 2 rf*— ft - !*— 1 — -?*- 1 ... -J* -ft -N "1 ~vr "1 , v " AjfcJfcqRi J J | [N -if=\-4— i- -ii — w IS- T-*=P=4— t- -8t-» m 1. O beau-ti - ful, love - ly dawn - 2. All hail the ra - di - ant inor - 3. All scat -ter'd the night of sad - ■0- -V- -0- -0- -*--#-' ■0- •#■ -#-■#■ ing, joy - ous and hap - py morn - ing, When row, That bright-ens a world of sor - row, The ness; We'll sing of the morn with glad - ness, When -0-~ -0- ~e- -0- -#--#•* ^:,2 S -m — — o — »— _ # _«. — — -0 — _*_^_ -^ h> f • i j " ! ! i — P_r ^ s V s v 1 ^ r \s v w 1 ' V -i is - i — i 1 — i — | — i — -i-r J i—m> — 0-0-0 hg-T — IV — I— -0— first was told the sto wond'rous light un - fold first was heard the ti - 1 — ^-r- • ry, How Christ with pow'r and glo - ry, Had ris - en from - ing, His friends a - gain be - hold Him, "He'sris'n" the an - dings, The ev - er bless -ed ti - dings, "The Lord still lives * I h 1 rpfc if the gels to -J--A,- Chorus, Faster. tA pUS N -A h— I P\.~ | \-k-kt -I^ N-P-J ■fU^ -0— 0~ tomb, Had light-en'd all its gloom! say, "Be-hold where Je-sus lay!" save! He's ris - en from the grave. 1 0, beau -ti- ful dawn-ing, 0, glo-ri-ousmorn-ing,When 0, beau-ti -ful dawn-ing, etc. 0, beau-ti- ful dawn-ing, etc. £ =fEE--rFr4;^:]±: = :bF^ = Fp.ii»:irFr: = bF-i?- r ? I 7 F> T * i? • EEEEEE3 fS} -—0—0— 0—0— 9 -#- Glorious Morning— Concluded ■ N k N :=■'-■- *- e • • • y • y J. 033 S-5 57 I ^i first by the faith-ful of old, That wonderful sto-ry was told, That sto-ry, glad sto-ry was told Ta^rf^ -\nr^-TV — *- -V-V-7- 4-^ W^W=A H^SH V • • Bishop Heber. The Care of God. S. W. Sl'KAUB. ~ia+« — *--fr-\- \-+r-V-** T -A 1. There is an Eye that nev-er sleeps Be-neath the wing- of night; There is an Ear that never shuts When 2. There ia an Arm that nev-er tires When human strength gives way ; There is a Love that nev-er fails When $f f-tf- >-*- -#- • rj .0. *. .0. -#. _^« t-T— i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — -I 1 1 1 — Hx—t-i- v v * v ._k_AHy — -X — jr-i ^t - ^^- r*T 1> - Ni — i ^t — tzT— i — ^t-^-^-x~^i — -n sink the beams of light; ThatEye. . . is fixed on Ser-aph throngs, That Ear is filled with an-gel's songe. earth-ly loves de-cay; That Arm — up-holdstheworldsonhigh, That Love. thron'd beyond the sky. i ^- ttt = pT£ z y ^Ll L J I I LLtT s i: H 58 Drifting Downward with the Tide, M. Hendee. 1. Drift-ing down 2. While we thus mu ■=!—#■ — 9 — 9 — W~ life's tur -bid are pass-hag- W Brandenburg nv - er. on- ward, Glides our O'er the bark wa %-*— + 3 o'er the si - lent wa - ters, Past the har take this for our mot-to; "Peace on earth I IS m ■*- IS — Vr — *- p-i e — \-R ~ — \ — N — I * — s -I har - bors one by one, On our way we're ev-er one by one men good- will On our way we're ev - er On our rough, un - e - ven pass-ing, Joy and grief on ev - 'ry side, We at earth's vain pleas-ures grasp-ing, "Drift-ing- jour-ney, We by sin are sore - ly tried; Let us try each foe to conquer, "Drift-ing 5z5=t:: V— 5* £ V — w ieu; .uei us try etiuii iw ia S£ 1/ '• Drifting Downward with the Tide— Concluded. 59 Chorus. down down 9—9 •ward with the ward with the — # — 9 — 9 — j, — p—i — ■*-, — # .--# ^ = ^^ -| #- tide.' tide.' Drift-ing Drift-ing down down -*- -*- etc. Joy * — 5&dfci j (- ^ r ward with the tide ward with the tide, — ^ p-H — ••— V- -- ==* -#— and Drift-ing down- ward with the tide, with the tide, I===S=^=i§fc==-====j±2=l==feg Joy and grief on ev - 'ry side, ev - ry side, by sin are sore fci 3= -•»-■; tried, Drift - ing down -tr ^TS - S -J— p tried, sore - ly tried, r f > ? . ward with the tide, with the tide. I \ \ /T> 11 LJ ^ 1 1 1 Drift-ing, drift-ing, down-ward with the tide, with the tide. Be Not Afraid. Maky A. Stuaub. J* . IN I s. w. s. ward Zi - on, -V ~9~ j— : #- =&=fci -V N- iT- 1. turn to - ward Zi - on, thou lone wea - ry one; Tho' rug - ged thy path -way, thou'rt 2. Press on, wea- ry pil - grim and do not dis-may; The night will grow short -er and 3. Be stead -fast and faint not tho' foes may as - sail, Temp - ta - tions o'er-whelm thee, and -*■ -A #■ ^ • ^ _ .. ■#- f. . M. JL '7 1 -*— \-m — » — 0— » — #---#— < p — , — k, 1 ^— | 1 w— w tfcr :»zzrp~tf: Mfcfc .8__L. r 1 \r-l rW-J \~Vr-i P*— fc-J — \-i £-a — m-±-*—m p- — £-- 1 i_—-Jlgi__-, ( journ'yingtow'rdhome, The face of thy Fa-ther, ma-jes - tic, sub-lime, bright-er the day; The sun, ev - er glo-rious,will shine thro 1 thy tears, storm-clouds pre-vail, Thy Fa-ther is near thee with strong lov-ing arm, 13= *-#- -0— 9 r— 5~i 1 L- 9 — 0-m— » v—v- v—v- rzLte — fcjL-a- ^ ... # i II - lu - mines thy foot-steps with Will scat - ter the dark-nessand To shield and pro-tect thee and ^ y— Chorus. Faster. >> >>^ * -> ss it ra - diance di-vine. Be not a-fraid, be ban - ish thy fears. Be not a-fraid, etc. keep thee from harm. Be not a-fraid, etc. F — ^ — = l-»-H-» — »-■«-»-»— J- not a-fraid, The light shin-ing for S3E I I -*r — g —' -I Be Not Afraid— Concluded. > > > X k ■M l N. fel7T 3 — ^ 4 3==^ * J* # V WW. 1. Have you ev - er wronged an - oth - er, Strang - er, neigh-bor, sis - ter, broth-er, 2« Make it right by strong en - deav - or; Con-science is a migh - ty lev - er, 3. It may cost you time and mon-ey, Make your path - way seem less sun-ny, I m££& h b *5 — n b- ■H V #=*= ■&=&= g — a — * — ft-E»-^ — * — * — s fw-l* In God's sight? In God's sight ? Have you strewn their path with sad - ness, You who You will find, You will find. If you can, make res - ti - tu - tion, Nor de- Home less bright, Home less bright ; But in that you are mis - ta - ken, Man was JL JL JSL JLJLJLjL*.fLJL4LjLM.JLJL*L -£.— t — 9 9 9— :_t — 5— v— ■9 9 9 9 9~- m -- A--4V-- A— A-a- > > 9— 5— #- L -#-TT« — # — 6— 9 ' * m - > # — # — # — — 0- — 9 9 havegiv-en glad-ness?Thenas mom-ing fol-lows night, Make it right. Make its ex - e - cu-tion, Lest you, of a dif-f rent mind, Grow un - kind, Grow -er yet for - sa- ken Climbing up God's ho- ly height, Make it right, Make JL JL JL JL ^_ - - - - - ^ ^ ^ tti i L : — 1/— k— 1/— *_ 1/— £— P- V '• ? i/ -9 — 9^ -9 9~~ it right, un-kind. it right. > > II 1 W. H. W. Trusting In Thee. -I— - A-a. —2--2-^— 0—0 m w u n \ \ . m *- t u s ) \ frt - -0- m • * u 1. More of thygrace\ grant, I pray, More would I be like thee; 2. I am sur-round-ed ev - 'it hour, By sin's al-lur-ing ways, 3. Trust-in g I look to thee, Lord, My trib-ute would I bring, ^^1 -0- -0- M m _ *+ 611 W. H. .Wonder. b±£ -**-, — i — I 1 1 PI < r More of thy truth I Help me to trust thy With thee, God, be — g— — 0—0—0 — — r 0-±-0— 0^rr° — 0—0—0 — "-•-,-! %" i y-^- r 3FB ■^-- " Chorus. need to day, Stroa - ger in faith to sav - ing pow'r, Thee on - ly would I my re - ward, Thou art my Lord and be. praise. King. Trust - ing in thee, Trust - ing, etc. Trust - ing, etc. :fc= 7^—- 1 — r- r — — m a r &—o ^—^~& * — r\ h" I — I x 1 — K_l2_p — t — f tp — ^_t_r — f tsLi J-i2- I B_ts_Js_i_s_zz:J Trust i i . U V • ing, yes trust-ing in thee, •>: On - ly in thoe, t^FLi With thee, O God be h-h. ' i l C, , J J -1~T — =^9=*=* _, — i — |. dt ii my re-ward, Thou art my Lord and King. We i c — r— w w — sr cr 0—0—0—0 — (-- #- r I *— e^r~r — *—*—■—* — r^"«~T- CI EEESE^^E*£l_#E^E?£?E|Et4] >_L. 1 P tp_^_/_! 1 tpL- JJ 64 Eugene J. Hall. 4— h 9 W~W A Better Time's Coming. JiiUGENE J. J: ■n 97 m j S. W. Straub. G—6 -S— ,- *— # =W pi — I — i# — 9—9—9- -^—Jtz^z^ -0—0- =t -N-N- M-w.—tz *-* -fil- 1. The mo-mentsarefly - ing, the day-light is dy -ing, There's plen-ty your time to em - ploy, 2. Go in - to the high-ways, go in - to the by-ways, And bring the lost sheep to the fold, 3. How sweet the re-pose, by the riv - er that flows, Thro 1 the land that is love-ly and fair, ?=T7#-tt-£— • — r* — 9—9—9 — #— 9— r ^ — s — y -m-m-m~Y-f- -0—M-e — *_5_. v-V r -0—9—1-& I ^ — w — i— or r ■ V-F -I — P- N fN I '2-x 1 1 1— ^1-0 0-0—0 j !— L* SZJtZS £__»_ -I- fc=t A-Iv ■tf-r 1 Be brave in well-do - ing, your path- way pur-su - ing, Proclaim - ing theti - dings of Your la - bor of love to the Fa What joy we may see when our spir joy- Your la - bor of love to the Fa - thera-bove, Is bet - terthansil - ver or gold. fr 0—0—0- -®—& 2Sg_UU lU =fcfi its are free, From a world of con-ten - tion and care. BL JL JL fL J0--^ ^ V +- 0—0—0- -0-0- v-v- S_#_e s_»_qit: J Chorus, Toil on Toil on, toil on ere day be gone,There's work in the vine-yard to do, g— • — 9 —0 £=£ -9 — 0. ere day be gone, There's work •fv-*- 'r---t-T- FST^-'ft ^ 1" 1 * • • ®— r » 9 c r K 9 to do, When your J iTp A Better Time's Coming— Concluded. 65 la - bor is done for the cru-ci-fied Son, A, -* -#• *- ■*■ bet- ter time's com-ing for you. 3EBE # * * II Eben E. Tiexford. Not too fast. My Father's Hand. .L-i. MI3. *& An-, by S. W. S. J V .-X- — H 1 ^ # rV-rf- dt ¥ -* — i w>— 1. We are com - mg from the hill - side ; We are com - ing from the plain; We 2. Long and loud he has been call - ing, By his pow'r and ho - ly love ; We 3. We will gath - er round the al - tar, With the joy - ous hap - py throng ; And T are will we'll 1 Riffr-f-^-f- ■$-=}=}—?. v — 9- 5=£: *= Chorus. Faster. ft is i V ff I s IV ^ F\ ^ \ p p j l-T* ^S | r -f^.-j- o # • « ~«j • ir# • m c* f Kj-5 v K 1 - «J /fl ifl ■ 1 IP 1 -H r*- * 9 •^ .a- •-#■ -w- ■#•"■#■: ■#■ -f ' "i^ * i? * ing, We gath- 'ring to the tem-ple, We come in the Father's name. We are com list-en to that pleading, Coming from the courts a-bove. We are etc. praise the great Cre-a- tor, In the mel - o-dy of song. We are etc. 9 i tf_tf.i_*. T 9~~V V ■ \ - \j—d — is — I r — y — < — i — i — i — ! — * — • — v — We are coming, we are com-ing, m — m — m — -I- =t z-=F-f=J: cho - rus full and strong m=t - * 4- /TN t -h- 1/— I- r^=— 3=^: -ha— — .* We are com - ing, And we will the song pro - long. ■# • •#■ *. fL f. J*. *. f. JL» JL J. H ^=rfz* 1 — :t==t=t=f:t=t=t: fc±=t j_j 1 , ,___, 1 (. ±t= -I \J- -v — 9- We are •v-v-v v v-v-tt com-ing, we are com-ing, *=p: » — #- :t=t (2-- E -©■■ 1) II Bread of Life. B. DlCKERMAX. Rather fast. B. F. Grtffeth. 67 ±ZX=SZ fc— ^ r-#— ft-Pi — • — f t^ ■V-jN ._) ) 1 , — r ^ T J T nz •75"- -4- — * -ft— • -N-- — ft- l l -^ - - 1 1. Thanks to thee, thou boun-teous(Jiv-er, For sup-plies of neecl-ful food, Dai - ly flow - ing like a 2. Health andfriend-ship,pre-cioustreas-ure,From our Father's bounteous hand; Home and plen-tywith-out 3. But the pre-cious, price-less mes-sage,Wel-comegos-pel of thy Son, Most ni'.-nute-ly, "page and ft._s_.ft ft ft ft fSL ft ft/ -ft ft ft _k 0, • _ft___ft_,_ft ft ft , , i± i/_ji- =»=*—?- t— r f-l I 1 * 1! r $ Chorus. _RT=t -■fcfe 1 v-pvf-l-j — I :r=____|_^__n_____=:______3_± riv - er, From the fount of ev - 'ry good, meas-ure; Peace pre -vail ingthro' the land, pas-sage," Show us what thy love hath done. Bread of Bread of Bread of life life, etc life, etc ._<__: ft_ft_ oh, dai - ly give us ; 3fH r-£=r _U- U- I !~g — : ^— p-H-0 — ©- — ft — 0—Y0 — • — ft — ft- 2 t~t— lr-?— r-r-r-r __n _=J=i_____ „ f p f f l_-_-^-4 = Bread of life, fEj__S-E_ :_=_=___: /CS =:k^ tpp tp 5__^__j "Liv-ing wa-ter," gifts of love, Till at last thou shalt re-ceive us, To our bet-ter home a - bove. ■m^i^^mm^^^mm^sM ftjL.ft ft 0.. gitfcftizi^pzipiipzip— ftz^rsz:s=iz:ftz:pz -0—0—0- -T—T tf: 11 68 "I Will Come Again." Maria Straub. W. A. Ogden. — ^ v K *=;& — }- not let not let not let your heart be your heart be your heart be troub-led." Sad - den'd one be troub-led," Tho' the storm is troub-led," Je - sus loves to -f—¥- H lieve in me, rag - ing high, guide and cheer; S. -F- -V" F -* « F — P— ff E y ^ ^ — ^ — u ^_ it -m — In my Fa - trier's house a man-sion, I will go Christ your Lord can still the tem-pest, Bid the dread On - ly trust his won - drous kind-ness, He will ban £ p X-^ 1 1 pre - pare for thee." ed shad-ows fly. ish ev - 'ry fear. 3*=fe v- — *~ ::fcz: h — m'- 1/ — h *- +• ■v- lL_1 f g i \ ^ P — , — i I- !*«d — \— , — I J FV \— , — Nc ^ "Do not let your heart be troub-led," Je - sus ten - der, says to you, Should the dark - ness hide your Cap -tain, Know his love is e'er the same, "Do not let your heart be troub-led," When the earth - ly fades from view. ■I I ■ 1 , f =rt.~ -•■ 13 :p t=F E tt "I Will Come Again"— Concluded. 69 -fi-fti >* N l^-i-^ & H k r -n — * — N K-r-r -A- g* g — i— *— ■* = + ^ — a — j * i-f * — * — i-'~r~cj~~j~j — i "I will come a - gain to See up - on the bow of Je - sus then will come to com-fort," Is his prom - ise ev - er true, prom-ise, "I will come to you a - gain, take you, To that home pre - par' d for you. §Hs 1 £ i.-t-4-m Chorus. com-i will come a - gain com - fort, I will come a gain to you ; a*fcE =:p: I V — s=fc it: s =t£ will come gain to you.' *— B lit tp — urn (fczrf j. — h J : m 70 Maui a. Duet. \ \ I >, l£\ — Nn — >» — k— V — — n — I Sabbath Home. ~A— i N-HV, — r — RHS— j^a^^^aaatt^i^ ^bi^Mr qP3=*l S An. by S. W. S. to * 1. We glad -ly come to the houseof'God, Where temp-ta-tions may not come; 2. There's light and comfort and love with-in,Ev-er free - ly, kind-ly giv'n; 3. come, all come to your Father's house, Find a wel-come,wel-come home, And here we meet with the We'll grate-ful en - ter the There's joy on earth and in §2p 'rt- =4= w4- m fcd=^= Chorus. f7\ friends we love, It is o - pen door, 'Tis safe hea our Sab - bath home. ty, life and heav'n. ven when The chil - dren all come home. Faster. -*4 Si -M Sab - bath home, bright home, Sab - bath home, etc. Sab - bath home, etc. §>i|= » -<£- y ^ Sab-"bat.h boras. bless-ed Sab-bath home, We love to meet with friends so dear, At home sweet Sab-bath hoiu ■-. M. A. JL JL. 9—9 — F — 0- I PIP SabMthhcne P ' I l> I P I P I P •»— # s-r The Love of God. 71 Mrs. C. L. SlIACKLOCK. n Andante. 'God so loved the world. 1 '— John iv. 'J. Rev. J. H. Dudley. S 4-4-4 as eg 1. God so loved his err-ing chil-dren, That he sent his on - ly son; 2. We can call him Ab - ba Fa-ther; We can gath-er round his throne, 3. When the path of wrong pur - su - ing, Tenipt-ed far from him to roam, #— J— #— -#— r # — a — 9 — — — # — j— _"*"—«—©— - p ^-t^=£zzEL:izi-=£izE_zEt=t " 9 Who has wrought our Rec-on - cil'd to how ten - der- -&. kj t -4— e - 9—0—0 — , — i — i — j :p: s Chorus. 4-U-4-1 full re-demp-tion; Who our crown of life has won. themar-vel him for - ev - er, Saved by grace, and grace a - lone. the, etc. Iv hesoughtus! O how sweet our wel-comehome! the, etc. _ I l I )f his good-ness ! "f ii- —L* ill*— . n'^nr^H' *zi & ~miTz*. ~zi*n*~~'ii— # » 1 I s J l E-t 9 v-p-p— 9~0— 0~%. 0^-0—0 — • * — * 0— 9~ # 5—^.-7^ the won-der of his love! All the depth of his com-pas-skm, Ev- 'ry dawning day will prove. sig— thqt$=Mr r^ r-r—p-i— 1 1 r r U — I — a— I 1 h- ■0 0—9 — 0- L| — ^4-ztzl 1 I | z: —0—^—0-r\ 1 a— a— r#-# 72 Beyond the Flood -f-» — k — — b»- no night: Our Fa - ther know - eth what is best; Be - yond the and pain, Andwait-eth, wait -eth till pos-sess'd, Be - yond the tmerife, When home with Christ in love we rest, Be - yond the f\ -0- ^ -0- -0- -0- -•- t j- t f _ ra _ v - a| _ f ^ : -_ # - P S— t=t £- £=5 3; /Ts ■»— * flood, He keeps our rest. flood, of peace and rest, flood, for - ev - er blest. Chorus. Wj -0—0-0-0-^ -0%^ 0—0—0 *- Be - yond the bil-low - y Be - yond the, etc. Be - yond the, etc. There's rest, for the wea-ry, there's F y-ir_._c: j i+-^=Ej- j c lie r yond -1- ^-P»— 5— p— #— #- -t^-: the bil-low-y tide, Beyond the Flood— Concluded. n ft N ft ftl : V 4 * rest; And when the dark wa-ters di -I — IS--N-- ft in in n in r -^ vide, . m =ee And when iz:!=E *-*- g - g = g-*-Eii— ^dl .. Well peace-ful-ly en-terthat re>t. L> v D F C> I > u U J j l MrfFB dark wa-ters di-vide, We are but Yoilllg. (Infant Class Song.) w. — /-,-> 1. We are but young, yet 2. We are but young, we 3. We are but young, yet we may sing The prais - es of our heav'n-ly King; need a guide; Je - sus, in thee we would con - fide; God has shed Un - num -ber'd bless- ings on our head; ■0 — -i V — +~ E^BE* mm\ -\ — i* — *— -ft N V— /OS ■ — « — *— He made the earth, the lead us in the Then let our youth in m -7- sea, the sky, And all the star - ry worlds on high, path of truth, Pro - tect and help our help -less youth. rip - er days Be all de - vot - ed to his praise. * 9- 11 H=i=S=E;=?=il] VA/ 74 Goiiiff Home. 'In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." — John xiv. a. E. M. Sherman. Joyfully W. F. Wersciikul. 5US--A XT j '$- \j J i~ ft 1. Go -inghome, where Je-sus waits us, In the heav'n-lyland a - bove; Go- mg home to be en- 2. Go -ing from a land of shad-ows.In -to God's e - ter-nal day, Where the sun-Light nev-er 3. Lony- we've borne the cross so heav-y ? But we soon will lay it down, For God gives to those who .J: J..J>J\J* l^fel: &-\ — h-h — £ £ i bM?»- y — p- -h — T- *zaz:p: . — ^_/ — ^ *■ £ -r— •r •i y — j Chorus, j j :^zr>Tr^:q|^Tz^~— zi^zr^zzz j~zz p # __ -^.izzp^: n — i — t— 4 s -v-fe— i-hs- -i J — r\ — & r\--^ — £r~ U J r * * * r y ' till • i w t fold fail- love ed In the arms of his dear love, eth. And all tears are wiped a - way. him, In that land, a star -ry crown ! fN r ' * v ^ I A Go-ing home. ^ Go - ing home, we're go-in < Go - ing home, etc. Go - ing? home, etc. go- ing home, home, P Far from sin and sor-row; Go-ing home, »v _*-P— N- _E ...» Go -ing home, we're go S* y=y— £ i -9 9— s - SeI; -ji fe u Pi go- ing home ing home, wmm In the bright to-mor-row -9 ±-9-9 ^ r^-^-^^-Y-r*-- 2 --*-! — r-rr-*---ai Go - ing home, go - ing home, Year Unto Year Clara B. Heath. ■#■ * • 9 m r -#-.-#- 75 w. _JV__NlJ *L_ ~ 9~9~ 9 < »-#— # — y 1. As year un - to year is add - ed, God's prom-is-es seem more fair: The glo - ry of life e- 2. As year un - to y< ar is add - ed, God's pur-pos-es seem more plain, We fol - low a thread in 3. As year un - to year is add - ed, And twi-light of life shall fall; May we grow to be more like 0—0—0—0— .0—6.. < — — — r — rs~r s — L» s » » m f — p TJ 1 ' 1 — g^ 0—0—0- ■V-V-Tr \tl tut -# — •- A— A— fv— A- — n n- rr rv 1 r~- • — 1> — i ter fan Je nal, The rest that re - main - eth there; The peace, like a broad and deep riv - er, That cy, Then catch it and lose it a - gain; We see there far on in the fu - ture, A sus, More ten-derand true to all; More pa-tientin tri - al, more lov - ing, More • • • /^v '/ i * — 1 r-fQ- ~i f\ fs N N N N J. V — 0-9- 6-0 *- V*-% 3+9-9-9-0-0-0 ^ nev-erwillceaseto flow; The per-fect, di - vine com-plete-ness, That the fi - nite ne'er can round-ed, per-fect-ed bliss; And whatarethe way - side shad - ows, If the way but lead on to eager his truth to know, In pathways of his own choos-ing, More will-ing in faith to know, this? £"0. 0—0 0—0 0-0-1 y^r^r 0-9 L=E=EE£_E >-*-0 'ZI? :zzc: ii 76 Echoes from Judea Marian. Duet, Sop. and Alto. N--A Arr. by S. W. Straub. =S=A=! 1. Long-mg- ly 2."Fond-ly I 3. "Come, ye wea tss =t my heart oft wan would sit and lin ■ ry, heav - y lad ders To'ard Ju ger Where the en, Come to ;e=e; -1 — » — »- 5=e=e - de Sav me, tS -I- a's pin ins and hills; ior's feet did tread, I'll give you rest; To her When like In my r-U*- « *■ EEEE 1 A— A groves me, words -tf — # it =1 =»=SEi 3B =fe -A — IV r— r ,^fa V ■*- ■*- -# of palm and ol on earth he tar you shall find com -61- "i-Sr-m-^ E3=l ■*- iye, To her streams and pearl-y rills; riecl, Tho 1 no place to rest his head,' fort, And your wait - ing souls be blest; I I i- ~& si- ->-■&■ ■$ I ' » ' v Oft I pause as if to Tho' by earth-ly friends for- Hallow'd words! oh, may they * t*: x: =*=*=££* \--A--A /T\ i--h A--A — « — e *=£=F3=l S=3z To that voice so sweet and strong, Ech - oes from her sa - cred val - leys, Like the He was cheer'd by an • gel throng — Voic - es float - ing on the breez - es. Like the On the wings of time move on; Waft -ing souls from earth to heav - en, Like the :j=r -P -P -9* -t: ■J— T -# — #- 3=e; Sfi/ Echoes fl'Oin Judea— Concluded. 77 mel - o inel - o mel - o ■ dv of dy of dt of song; Ech-oes from her sa-cred val-leys, Like the mel - o - dy song; Yoic-es float - Lag on the breez-es, Like the mel - o - dy song; Waft-ing souls from earth to heav-en, Like the mel - o - dy £? r: =S=5=zp=3i _L C ^— 1—1— *5 — # -^ ot song, of song, of song. II F. R. Hayebgal Light after Darkness. E. P. MC MURRAY. — tV — N- FV-^-, 1 r sr — \| — FV i , — I HV -V— j — I 1. Light af- tenlark-ness, Gain af-ter loss, Strength af- ter suf-fring, Crown af-ter cross 2. Sheaves af-ter sow-ing, Sun af-ter rain, Sight af-ter mj's-t'ry, Peace af-ter pain, 3. Near af-ter dis-tant, Gleam af- ter Gloom, Love af-ter wait-ing, Life af-ter tomb. »Vf-r— trtr 'Ji * m j. I A J Sweet af-ter bit -ter, Song af-ter sigh, Joy af-ter sor-row, Calm af-ter blast, Af-ter long sor-row, Rap - ture of bliss! Home af- ter wand'ring, Praise af-ter cry Rest af - ter la - bor, Sweet rest at last. Right was the path-way Lead-ing to this! • - . f" «_# 78 Lead Me in the Perfect Way. M. fcf tr-N-fc ^~f-~fc s. w. s. Chorus arr, 1. Sav-ior, may thy lov- mg cave, Guide us thro' life's hopes and fears, Lead us safe - ly by each 2. Dear -est Sav - lor now draw nigh, Lay thy hand up - on each brow; Soothe a - way each troubled 3 Je - sus we would trust in thee, Aid us or we lose the way, From all e - vil keep us &—9-V-9- 1 *—#—#-*- 9- n 9- 0- s -9-^-9---9— 0-S-J--0-1 0* 0^—0—0-^-0 .s__-.__*_s_«_s_ls_? i_2_s. h \>\) v V~9' Chorus. 4* J -«— a- cq— : .^--N -*-*-. snare, sigh, free, Keep us thro 1 Let us feel Shield us thro' the ten-der years, thy pres-ence now. each com - mg day. dear Sav - ior guide us ev - er, dear Sav - ior, etc. dear Sav - ior, etc Lead us — — 0-' 9^. m . m 9 ±-9- rw — =— - w -9- s -9- r 9~~ s — 9— 9—*-rf—w-± — 9— # — I i ■J-^hM 0---0—0-0-L0 ^__0_C| g,_^_,_C*_g #_s_«_L # Dm thee may we 0* *0 , 7 m -0 -n i .n the per-fectway; From thee may we wan-der nev-er, Lead us in the per • :3: feet way. ±Je_| /V iB -V—V- ■9—9 -, (-- 9—9- V V V ^9—9 :— i/-- b ii II The Lisjht is Shining. w. 79 i jm* l ^ ~N r* •— J ; =l-4-S — I 1. The light is shin-in g on the way, That leads the trav - 'ler on; 'Tis gfrow-ing bright-er 2. Tho' mists and clouds, be - dim the sky, And dark-ness gath - era 'round; The light is gleam-ing 3. That light is wis-dom's glo - rious word. Which Je-sus did re - veal; And blest are they whose :2-tr-r _r i* j #. ■wl-w- S 8 * f\ W^ » , # , « , T? m 5 # Z\ I 1 1 1 H =5*^3 Chorus. The light J- felps shin - ing, The day by day, "While sweet from on high, And clear, ears hayeJieard.And who ' ^ * ■*• m - er grows his the way be have hearts to l I I song, yond. feel. I The light is ev The light, etc. The light, etc. er shin -; *-, ^#- ing, "I ' The nj. 1' I F F FTTi i.' 1 glo rious light, 3=q f — ^ -gH" glo-rious gos - pel light, tv a » f f ^ * ' -» =t=r ■*=*- =c3==&^* To safe-ly guide the wan-d ring steps, In - to r v. the paths of right. __ #_' t H— i i .Q E ;» r r rrj = 80 The Beautiful Home, Eliza M. Sherman. N _> 13. F. Gtuffeth. ^fe* 1 — i— — a— # — ^ — k — k — '-— -^— m — 9 P — x — b^H-1 ^^ — tf — J- 1 — | • g m — Lg_ # _J 1. There's a beau - 2. On -ly think 3. In that bean a- of ■ ti fnl home, far a - the peace, per-fect ful land of the way, And its walls are of peace, When the King- in his blest, The cross is for ■ Jas - per glo- - ry ev - er and we laid gold; see, down; -5i-#— 9- W$p£& ?—?- t: 15- ■I — v— i— — A— -?— ? y ^ But the glo - ries of that bless - ed land, In that land where all troub - le will cease, I shallknow ail the full - ness of rest, No mor - tal can ev - er un - fold : And sor - row for - ev - er will flee ! I shall wear ev-er-more a bright crown. ^ m — m .^-^ — — 9 — & — p — rm-r-'m — ■—p-riP— -'•—'» — 9-^-9— m — r #-^-# — /- _ — ^ — # — # — a— And I know that be-yond those bright walls, And a -way in that beau- ti - ful land, I know not the bless-ingsthat wait, V< rit. Ly- Ly- When 5z:=j-j=-- s -^t«-£=*: ing far o'er the dark nar-row sea, . . . ing far o'er the dark si - lent sea, . . . I lay down the bur -den of care... , —i — m— i — i~iw-*~#- i ^F : 1 A tempo. ^ ^ Hie Beautiful Home— Concluded N — S _ 81 £ js ^ # In that beau #.#^1 -*^=^— J 5 ti - ful homo of the blest, My Sav - ior is -waiting 1 for me... With a harp and a crown in his hand, My Sav - ior is wait-ing for me... But 1 know there'll be peace, per - feet peace, For my Sav - ior him - self will be there.. S — S— * — » — # — r* * * " ■ ^ • / ' Wait-ing andwatch-ing, watch-ing and wait-ing, Yes, wait-ing and watch-ing for me, forme, J?«. Pigil ■+r— ?—7—y- JzzSiiJ^pziaizi V— *—*—•■ : i/ i me, for me ^ i # J e>- il Je - sus my Sav-ior, Je - sus my Sav - ior is watch-ing, is watch-ing, for me , 82 Rev. W. WlGNALL. Not too fast, Trust with a Perfect Heart. S. W. S. Chorus arr. -e^ ! N, — !- N-H K — h-fcza 1 — i \--i N"i — 0^ — *"i Ni — i 1 — i N — <^ ! N. — !- k— i N-, 1. God of love, and pow'r un-known, To Thee niy-self and time I give; I hum - bly bow be- 2. Thy mer - cy,good-ness, and Thy love Are in Thy word and works made known. Our fears to quench.our 3. To Ihee we now com-mit^. our ways, De-vote our pow'rs of God to serve, And live to Thee thro' ■LZJ as* +-±-P— E P=k: tt S .#_#. :p=v=f „^_- te^-^^-l— ft] E±i=±EI3=fcr£: /CN Chorus. Faster. 4= « — # -*->'— ^-^-V—^l — tr- ie: fore Thy throne, And yield my-self for Thee to live. hearts to move, And help our faith Thy grace to own. all our days, Be-liev-ing in Thy gra-ciousword ■*■ ^ — — 9 0— r m ? _<* «: -t— V nite, To ^fEBES; -0- -v- t=« May Thy love and pow'r u May Thy love, etc. May Thy love, etc. I h I h 0- tzzr— t=:t: F 0— 9 ~. — ,-* — * — # # -IV I. he — ®— tf 0—0—0-0— L-J- bid all sin de _• *__|* 0. I ! • part, That we may walk with-in the light, And trust with a per- feet heart. at . m -0- -0- -0- -0- F— •— * — F—h 1 1 , — r-0 — 9—0 — 0—0- EEE5EE; 9 — 9—9 — 9- m *—*—0 m — m - T 0—'— #—,-. I Would Sillg. (Infant Class Song). Margaret E. Sangster. 83 1. Bless-ed Je - sus, I would sing Praise to thee my Sav-ior King; 2. Not in words, dear Lord, a - lone, Let me thy rich boun-tyown; 3. May my feet on er - rands go For mv Sav - ior to and fro; •M- JB. M. M. M. M. PS List - en from thy I would something 1 May my hands be mm % —t— i—i— v— v — t* — y- _» — m — r: — T-~ V—V 9— V- Chorus. Faster. f — N — PV- -b— f— V— }i — ' — r — -. — is — \ — N — Fv- r - V— ^ — I 1 throne a - bove, Take thy young dis - ci - pie's love. do for thee, Thou hast done so much for me. swift to take Low - ly burdens for thy sake. Bless-ed Je - sus, I would sing Bless-ed Je - sus, etc- Bless-ed Je - sus, etc. JSL Jt jC jBL fc _ft j jz: V V V V Praise to thee, my gracious Kin< IS IS IN IS I would love thee and o - bey: AAA I would live for thee each day. " " • • J>> I ^ ^ ^ U U U 84 Just as God Leads Me. -*-_ hJn — ^-±-a — e> — g — a- 9 — i— -j- - tf 4-^_= — » ^ 1 — 1 = — 9-^-9 — #-^-0-'-#-t — 9 — 9 — * — * — N. A. Bouse. \ — ^ — r — ^ — N h=H k 1 h V ' V T I 1. Just as God leads I am con-tent, (am con -tent,) To rest me calm-ly in his 2. Just as God leads I will re-sign, (will re- sign,) I trust to him and ev - er 3. Just as God leads me I a - bide, (I a - bide) In faith in hope, in suf - f ring 4 -' z -fr* H-t;— br-ta— f b— I b ._y._V— i/ -*j-* . h-— h *— rg ^— ^•sr- y -^- f 1 i~^zz:^=Et=:t=t=tc:t=^3 — IV - j — i — ft— P i * H-i-d— I- g- « g~ w — * — ~ m r*~~i~a' — ft~ #»"-*■! — ' — — ^9-2—9— 9-*— 9— 9 9— C 9 9—9 9— 9 9— - 1 r 5 I v i i ■ u i p hands, (in his hands;) That which he has de - creed and sent, (de-creea and sent,) I will, (ev - er will;) When reas - on' s rays de - cep-tive shine, (de-cep - tive shine,) His true, (suf- fring true;) Ev - er his strength is by my side, (is by mv side.) Can rt Jfr Jj _ iV is^Ts Chorus. --JV S-# would that he should all ful - fill? coun - sel would I yet ful - fill. aught my hold on him un - do? So as God leads me I would go, (I would go," So as God leads me, etc. So asGodleadsme, etc. — -— r— \rx— 7-r— tr* 3 * — * r=t: r :SH ■v- i -# m — a #— f" — a— Jlist as God Leads Me— Concluded. 85 would not ask a .u J jLa #_*!« |,_ — s # — * — J — L-#-ff- # — 0-*—0 — # — * — to choose my way, (to choose my way,) Con - tent with what he will be- r\ -9 — 0- 1— ■9 — # -0 — m- v-r ,• — ?_«. L I U-U # Z « t—ii-3 ife 4 4 -# — » — # — #- ■m- qznt 1^ \ /TN -*..J /J 1 « &4\ l^^j; » — *-• — 9 — m — ,— c +-±-—± TT T T t /TV mm\ stow, (he will be -stow,) As - suved he will not let me stray, (not let me stray.) 7^-r jHt # 9 # # .« • * m. VI V I I I ' I ' /TN -F * — r# w — t~zar — — 0- - L r— rr — 5— r SIB M. Happy. (Infant Class Song.) w. y ** ' 1. Happy, happy wemightbe, Ifwe would, if we would, Happy, would weonly try Tobegood, to be good. 2. Happy,happywemaybe, Ifwe will, ifwe will; Happy.ifeach promise good VVeful-fill, weful-fill. 3. Happy, happy we shall be, Whennoill, when no ill Comes of all we think or do, With good v. ill with good will. 0-0-0-00-0-0 — 0-0-0 — 0-0 ■9-9- 0-0- r G>-0-9 .0-0-0- 86 The Beautiful (*ate. Marian. S. W. Stbaub. There's a beau-ti - ful gate that o - pens wide, Its hing-es are made of gold, Close to par - a-dise fields it In thefresh-ness of love's di-vin - er mood, I wan-der'd to-ward that gate, And I saw the bright glo - ry There are groves ev-er green and crystal streams, In ra-di - ant beau-ty dressed, Where the sorrow- worn heart may #- r #- --9-9-9 - r (~ " F E=EETr F :=t=fi-t ■y-v- — b*-j Chorus, --N-H— =M=P swings a- jar, Its beau-ty can-not be told. land be-yond,The hap-py im-mor - tal state, en - ter in, And find there its long sought rest. -*- ■*- ^ _ 9—\ #— r 9 9 9 &- J — jj_|_^ — | ) ul_ # : \ # bliss - ful realm, beau-ti-ful gate, bliss -ful realm, etc. bliss - ful realm, etc. -?- Swing =z=sr-|=s=pE=p=t=:i,=p*=:!-irr =i= :] =^ — j -v— F^ — *— p — ^- F *-*- ^-" — f- - =t ~*i rr> IS? lE£i •m\ — *-» 9 &— & -9- : K--w II __+! # 9 o - pen wide for me, Its joys I fain would like to know, Its beau -ty long to see. i«igiii=-i^g =5 for me, >— -»— # — #- H feH b»- — #-i — #-£# — *-* — «-ci-r"i"ji y Shining On! Prank M. Davis. 8V i 1 ,^- tj~ n n fi? ~W -•*- •&■&- i 7 ' 1. Helpus 'mid life's wild waves to shine, Bright lighthouse lamps o'er rock and brine; To guide the wand'rers 2. Help us, on ev - 'ry dark-some way, To drive the gath'ring clouds a-way; Like sunbeams clear to 3. Help us God! each in his place; Fed by the sa-cred oil of grace, The temple lamps for- r5 0-T0 #-» — Hi: .»_«. Chorus. Bfcfc: 9-»— *-~ r o'er life's sea To a safe harbor. Lord in thee, light the road That leads to happiness and God. ev-er bright, To burn before thee day and night. J*f ? J W . 0. 1£1 Shining on the bet-ter way, Shining on, etc. Shining on, etc. an .#-#*. £- i=p=f:7:*=p:xzt=t=t i g_ • i -> r^*—*e — r Shining phinmsr on the bet-ter way, I£!2f* shin-ing on To the realms .of endless day, mm Shining on, shin-ing on, Shining on, shining on. To the realms of endless day. '88 Maria. Cantabile. K K \ ^ ^ P H P IN -N — IN The Beautiful City. F. J. Moore. & A-- r 3=£ *± *— 9 *— fr Si *^^=i 1. drink at the fount-am of truth di -vine, And in - to our hearts let the sun -light shine,TLat 2. Thebeau-ti-ful cit-y of truth andlove, De scend-ing to earth from the heav'ns a - bove, Ar- 3. Let love for the ser-vice of Christ be pure, Built on the foun-da-tions that will en - dure, For mm p p p p * „ i t MM £ S=E # F — 9 — bs *— r-" ~#- -F » S- £-Mh rtmt^ i — u^ ' u u ^ it ^i^ A- /TN 5=5 -4-3 ■«- tat -» — 0- we in the light of the Word may be - hold, The beau - ti - ful cit - y with streets of gold. ray 'din the clear shin-ing gar-ments of light, Dis - pell- ing the gloom of the dis - mal night, ev-'ry true heart for His glo - ry that beats, Shall live in the cit- y with gold - en streets. §m -F— ft JL ic* vnr\nrr-+ JBL—P- ^ ,-F— «—£—*- # 1 K- i ® H— V- ^-^ v- F— V V l Si/ Chorus The beau ti - ful F— r F e F— P ^ F— r-F— F— F — F F<*F r 9 9— HP * 0— f 1 * / ^ *> • / The bean - ti - ful, beau - ti ful, i/ V V V V beau - ti - ful cit - y, he beau - ti - ful, oeau - ti - ful. The Beautiful City— Concluded. N -^ ^- S J beau-ti-ful cit-y, The beau-ti-ful, beau-ti-ful, beau-ti-ful cit-y with gold. Give Thanks! Chorus. -IV •I give thanks unto the Lord; for he give thanks unto the God g*ive thanks unto the Lord To him who alone doeth To hira that by wisdom made To him that stretcheth out the earth a-bovi Who remembered us in our low And hath redeemed us from our en Who giveth food to give thanks unto the God gil=g-== — the es e all of waters ; • tate; ■ mies; flesh; heaven; For his mer - cy For his mer - cy For his mer - cy For his mer - cy For. his mer - cy en - dur - eth en - dur - eth en - dur - eth en - dur - eth en • dur - eth for - $v - er. for - ev - er. for - ev - er. for- ev-er. for-ev-er. ft I 90 Teach Me. M. A. Straub. 'Lord, teach us to pray." Luke xi. 1. W. Williams. P=T 0—0 — #|S 0—0 — #^« -0 — ' — i— 0- -0—0—0—0 0—0- a—0 1. Fa -ther, teach me how to pray, That I may learn the bet - ter way, That I mayhum-bly 2. Look down up -on my lit - tie heart, And help me do the bet -ter part; To shun the false and 3. Teach me to know and heed thy word, That I may walk the heav'n-ly road, That I may see thy .#_«. P~fr~M — h — i — I — i — Vf---0— 0— 0— Jj___ ... g_ :d: !=?=? #— * — — «— s-i — ( — 1^ ^j /cn Chorus. -i— n— r^r— r— - thee a-dore,And call thee Lord for - ev - er-more. Teach me, Fa-ther, teach thy child; Help love the true, And do what thou wouldst have me do. Teach me, etc, face di-vine,And feel that I am tru - ly thine. Teach me, etc # .0 «_ #__£, #— #- s HE #— » k-iz^z±!0ZiZ0:-^: -Is- h 1 Ji *— * — * — 1 E # — 0—Z—Z—0- 1 # — - L ^— * =^ -*— #— *— tf— :£=* ■«---! — 1- -1—0-0— ■Gr -p-tir *± El / I me towalkinwis-dom'swayjHelpme to learn thy pre-ciousword, And to o - bey thee day bv day. I ^1 9^ .— r -7-^- 0—0—0—0-. U— (= U- 1 j 1 L_ .*_*_£. cf=W=t -#— •- t-rt me to learn thy pre-ciouswora, An £'£* j ♦ l .«_«_«_ .(5L j* 5^- r i i & u Now as of Old. "They that seek me early shall find me." Prov viii, 17. Mrs. C. L. Shacklock. 91 w 1. Now, in life's beau-ti-ful morn - ing, Give to the Sav-ior your hearts; Rich is the wealth of his 2. An-gels rejoice, when the chil - dren Glad - ly their of-fer-ingfl bring, Yield-ing their homage to 3. Bless-ed are they of the Fa - ther, Who, in life's beau-ti-ful morn, Giving their hearts to the 9—9—0—9—9 — bt=bb±=E U U U V V V Chorus. £=v \ £i $ j J J Ipj-»F F r f HHrTH ess - ing, Sweet is the grace he im - parts. Still, as of old, to the chil - dren, bless Je Sav Sweet is the grace he im - parts sus, Shepherd and Sav - ior and Kinc ior, In - to the king- dom are bom 7 i/ 9 / '/ 9 Still, as of old, to the chil Still, etc. Still, etc. -0—0—9—9—9—9 A- A ~A--N-g-- «- ::£=£ :*-#:-#=r:< 13] Je - sus is call-ing to ■0-~0— y -0— 0—0—0— 9—m- L -m— 5 — i « H . L L ji d u l I day; *'En-ter the gates of the king- dom, I am the light and the way." l — tf— r ^ r it 1 1 ±j — I VfrfcfrfrHfc'fr»Lrrrt>K trrfrxfr M • ij ij ij u ij ij tj i / / / II ^^^ I 92 Eliza M. Sherman. --A- A-, tjtfij=±3±±^* r~£- P— — s m — hr — — * V-^-tr- Breaking Away! Arr. and partly composed by S. W. S. MV- 4S 0~ T ~0-0 *- 0-^-0-0 1 §St_fc5 1. Dear Sav-ior, the clouds are all break-in g a - way! The sun of thy love shin-eth thro'; 2. A rain - bow of hope is wide span-ning the skies; A prom - ise of God to re - ceive; 3. And now while thy sun-shine streams o- vermysoul; Oh! teach me dear Lord how to live; ^ + + + + + + ♦•♦♦■ h ^h ±bZ*+ 0z=zz\zzt—t:—czzc— rtzzztztzif h -»_j»_i_p s « t«_i_tf_tf r. : i«^-H — k — k — k — p ^-' — W-» P-i/- — 0- VT rzzti i ^m ■0 — *-— 0— »— r~A k-A +7 '- -fS-4 0-0 At -*— i — A-A « tz0-j=b #v# b:J V * V I look thro' the clouds at thy dear lov-mgface, As flow- 'rets look up thro' the dew. To make us the sons and the heirs of the Lord, Who tru - ly re-pent and be - lieve. I hear that sweet voice speaking peace to my soul, As - sur - ing me thou wilt for - give. |c™ V-H- v-v t=t: 1/ */ - p— Ft- ' 1 Chorus. :J2n_ 0_A_«_0 jjj" iia j- i — i- .1? i/ Break - ing a ■ in ^ — r — 0- T — way, break - ing a - way! _.|f_. V-*— "5— "S" — s- - r — fe g — bj — [— Break - ing a -0—0- -tai— i— way, break - ing a - wav! 1 0-^—0-0 -5 — : g-^- f_— i va/ Breaking Away !— Concluded. 93 i=?^:gzi-S=g= The j*j» i i -tf— * -— r — -*— 4/ S-v — un - shine of love, the sun - shine of love, Drives the dark clouds a - ' : - * - 1- >. • T $ m way America. EESE * -^ — a — •* tis 3 1 — K— "1 -• — < rt # P I 3 J 1 S * * — 4 2 c» • -~ • • * i -3 S ■Grf • 1 ! • a» "O • S=g: t=±= 1. My coun-try, tis of thee, Sweet land of lib - ei-ty, Of thee I sing; Land where my 2. My na-tive coun - try, thee — Land of the no - — Thy name I love; 1 love thy 3. Let mu-sic swell the breeze, Anct ring from all the trees, Sweet iree-dom's song; Let mor-tal t. Our fa -tliers' God, to thee, Au-thor of lib - er-ty, To thee we sing; Long may our *■*■ ■* ~ ?: ^ • ♦ - -»■ 1 j L| ^_f L_^p — | L, y^C — Lj_ — C — E^J_«-i — 1 1 fa - thers died, Land of the pil - grims pride ; From ev - 'ry moun-tain's side Let free-dom rocks and rills, Thy woods and tern - pled hills; My heart with rap - ture thrills Like that a- tongues a- wake; Let all that breathe par-take; Let rocks their si - lence break, The sound pro- land be bright With free-dom's ho - ly light; Pro- tect us by thy might, Great God, our 1— ring, bove. long. King. 94 Shout His Praises. Rachel E. Moore. ^3F J. M. Stillmax. -^- -N — i I- 1. Heav'n-lv Fa-ther, gra-cious giv-er, We our voic-es high would raise, In a song of true thanks- 2. Thou hast been so kind, Fa-ther! God of mer-cy, truth, and love; Thou hastkept sweet peace a- 3. All is well with such a Fa-ther! All is well with such a friend: A - ble, will-ing, long-ing, ^— — - —-0—0 0-±-0-±-f—o0-*-0-±-0 — <=^ 0—0 0-*-0.^0—0 ■^H^-y-MV- ^+5— £=5— 6-ff | | ! I j j f f frf M \> p ffrT^-rk-fr i i/ i I i y " ""* v I y I i ( v Chorus. Faster. K4-X -fl — Jj-t sp-Vi 1 1 — N— fc=r1— l— i«*i-— ,— ^ ■ giv - ing, Ad • o -ra - tion, love, and praise, mong us, Coo-inglike a hap-py dove, wish - ing, Safe to keep us to the end. Shout his prais - es, Shout his prais - es, Shout his prais - es, / all ye etc. etc. 0-S-JL I peo - pie ! •#— 0-r-m—, -.— 9-w-m — m r*'* — T-»— *— r»— -*- i -' ^=^EEt:=t:=t=^zES.-r;5=J=H=?2p=^=| :i:fz±: :p=5-c There s n< >^ -1=^^j^^_^qd=j=:iBf ~ry> y-^#-» :tb=S:z:|:i.sif:E?±?±«^S i i:=^7^.t^3:ji-*:l? ■J— N- yr *r s^ — r_ r : — ■ • ♦rS eau>e to doubt or fear; _ He is sure to keep us al- ways, Sing in voic-es loud and clear! 31 ___ 1_._, 1 i — 0-«-0-8~. # __ # # -.^ *-0 — j r# „-..p_--; 1 — 1 0*-0* H. St. Joitn. i P > M : The Christmas Bells. -fm* Ait. by S. W. S. — m— m— a — £—e — •-» j *-» j --h — - s — P-#— m — - — J ~£-H— '• --N-* 0—0-0-0- 95 ■-A-i Oh, hear the sweet bells as they ring, Be -hold in the ze-nith his star! No Ions: - er in doubt and dis - tress, IS* f3#__^_«_#__?_«_- And wel-come the glo-rious morn — The day when our Sav-ior and Itbrightens the heavens a- bove! A ndprinc-es perceive from a- Poor wayfarers stand on the shore, Now Je - sus is wait-in g to i=p: v-* P=P -W-W- c~ y-i/- P^ ,•_..# #_*_^_#_«_ r _ p ©- SEEEE ■•»— )-#— #— » i / • i i/ i/ r H9-*-r— pzpzszp^izfe: t=tf=^-t V-K- 3= Chorus. Faster. ! N N -N-n— L & J_^_L # 0—0—0 0—0-1-0.-- ir-'jr *& King, The bless- ed Mes-si- ah, was born! far, And come with their tren sures of love, bless, And lead them the dark riv - er o'er. . (SLi «__ f _*_#_«_^_*_J_ fe— T L^ te±dr±=zzzi: mn—r — ■9- 0- V Then join ev - 'ry voice in the song, The Then join ev-'ry voice, etc. Then join ev-'rv voice, etc. I h > I «■ h > I m sweet v-* i T 1" ;& - — k__jv^v_jv €—m-m—0—0 — 1 ■£ I — Pr- trb— Mr-trr^ bells of Christ-mas a- wake! Come join in the ju -bi-lant throng, The jom-ney to Beth-le-heni take. 0* ■*■ -0- -0- -0- ■*■ -0- ■&■ • i Nf\ r>. ■ P f - f P P T^- 'J fir 1"t"Prr rV^rP^ P^P^ f— P-P-H 5 **-™ 96 Maria. Morning Will Come. A ^ . w. --A- #-: — # i •-N— = *— -j — -«_ — ^^— #-r— *^J. — * — 1. Pil - grim to 2. Tho' o'er the 3. Cour - age, heav sun trav en, tho 1 drear - y your light the shad - ows may 'ler there's light on the -I 1 1 P 0- -J-, H It H hr night, God in his crowd, Light is still way, Praise Him in *^l*-± _ m — m c — • — m — al m - m — *- — §> — a 1 — :^p__3 k- — K- — N-p^^n — 9 1 N — s — - b_J_ — ,__! 1_| m m j !s=s_| \—rr-\- 1 •-«■ — *— S * ' P f good - ness a - gain will give light, beam - ing a - bove the dark cloud; dark - ness who brings you the day, Trust him for he is your "Shield and your See o'er the hill - tops the beau - ti - ful All the dread dan - gers and ills you may ^ Ep ■#— !*— > V / * — p- tzzxzztz: :^zzifezzzpi_ *-^ 9 -*' t— t tt=t 5Z=jZ .« +r Sun,' 1 dawn, shun, Sure - ly the Soon a - gain, Ev - er the morn soon morn ,»_^_ _#. — m. ^-P-j 7 -p-^— P-' 9 - r t ing, bright morn - ing will a - gain com - eth the ing, bright morn - mg will' _F * « * * -» — — p p come, morn, come. Morning Will Come— Concluded. Chorus. Morn - ins: will come, morn - ing will come, 97 fii£c morn • ins; will >. §Si Morn - inp; will come, -7- r-Zrf—t u y p i morn - ing will come, but/ i^ s come bright morn-ing will come, # Sure-ly as fad : t 2 _f_i±. * — i_a_srr__L3== j fcfe. — - i 1 — T^-M . * ■ -A— K— A J J~5TTT =i-=-=?- 2 -^*J--* '0 9 * W~» 9 • \ f\ +J morn-ing will come, bright morn-ing will come I fi a # *-k# 0— r-> £\l y—0—0—0 — — e-*0—m—0— -i — h- T-i~r-S ed the beau-ti - ful N i N is 4? Sure - lv as fad ed ' the tzt *-/ » sun. Morn-ing, fair morn --I ing, bright morning will come. V V v \ I beau-ti - ful sun, V V V \ i rrTU — r rj * Vv tj- Morn-insr, fair mom - ing, bright morn-ing will come. -*— *— «— *-*- « » # __ 1 98 § M. C. M. Devoutly. All to Christ I Bring. t± fetfe* E. Manford Clark. PV- - K i — I k- 1 > f y ~i k—\— N- v — \, — \— r- 1 — I jt-i — I n n fri — f v n r v — < r- — v — ph 1. Helpme, dear Lord, my heart to raise, And tunemy voice to high-est praise. To thee, my King, my life be- 2. ThougraciousSovereign,nowdrawnear;Thouartmyfriend\vhatneedIfear?Oh,holdme by thy ten-der 3. Be - hold ! the na-tions hear thy voice ; The dv-mg sons of men re-joice ; And streams of peace, like riv-ers .#__#_ ±zH^ $*r. .#_•_#_ zkz&^zJ*.JZMZ -fcr~1 — j — h- m—m- k k .p .-*-(*- P *-fr ^t> ' —5 ■«- -* C/tO r US, Faster. 1 l-H 1 fc-KT sEi N-t i Ik longs, And thou shalt have my sweet-est songs. In child-like trust to thee hand, And guide me thro 1 this stran-ger land. In child-like trust, etc. flow, To those who seek thy will to know In child-like trust, etc. # ±-9 r»-7- ra — *— m-r? - 2 - -r«— * I cling, And all I pf^EE&Eg E=Efc£Ei=fe=fc: *. t=xz M \> \> +-$: V > f7\ m k k k" _#_^ k k i Ik w v -0—0—m---»-\-\ k U I k" ' " 8 ]] The Grand Old Story. 99 "For we have seen his star in the East":— Matt. xi. 2. Mrs. F. B. M. Brotherson. A „-H 1 S. W. S. Chorus, Arr. nr Pf w-f* ± * j j \i— j e± i EB 1, Down thro' the van-ish'd a - ges, A - long 2 To-day we stand with shep-herds.Be-neath 3. We watch the star whose beau-ty, Doth guide I f f -9 9 9- I I 1 J :— ejg>r f If C C Cm — ? — # the shores of time; We hear Ju - de - a's skies; We hear us on - ward where With deep I I * i I 1 rf =t the "old, old from An - gel est awe and t JJ-+*. t=£i=i ■ — p »--— "»— »— * 4- Iglfli p * ., t- : m V / fe5=s te= Chorus. Faster. sto - ry,' Like some me - lo - dious chime. Then sing voic - es, Tri - umph - ant strains a - rise. Then sing won - der— We find Mes - si - ah there. Then sing , f f t i f tdh* W^=l y_*L_£ the grand old the grand old the grand old #- i — sto - ry, Of sto - ry, etc. sto - ry, etc. I.I IS 9 #- I j it*- V r-w w w w r-w w ;— 4-4 fo4^ -> - T . I u: — v dzfernz ns fs ft: _. ^j__|__j c±rrg: 999 * a w % - m m 9 — «— ■ — ^ IF — W 1 -iE=.=U our dear Sav-ior's birth -# 9—9 The light, di- vine and ho - Ly, Which cheer 'd the darken "dearth — £h 9 — 9—9 — V ■I H 1 1— -I hsi— ! fe* .Chorus. ■ 0- E P? *_»_5Q*. r ■ I U- bright-ly is beam-ing, Light from theoth-er shore. Bright-ly is beam-in g,bright-ly is beam-mg, o - ver the riv -er, Light on theoth-er side. Bright-ly is beam-ing, etc. see at the lund-ing, Light on theoth-er shore. Bright-ly is beam-ing, etc. -0-0 — 0- — -— » — 0—9-® — — r 0— ®— s -0 — F — r-si — t-i-»— »— * " * — » — r * — • * * _ *> 1 Light from the oth-er shore ; * *• $*** • -6h See in the distance, brightly is beam-ing, Light from the other shore. — &-*--&-& — 0- r gi— 0-2-0 -0—0- r e—0- f • p^- - — fiS— f— f\ -w— 0— rw-v-r-r* — 0— -p-p — 0- r o—0*-0-e—0- r e—0-f- 9 -c—1 9 " — &, . .. -jj The Sabbath Bells. 101 Sprightly S. W. Straub. ¥?—-- FV--J g j~r — i — " — d J-—3 — « i-T- *-h* J &H V P \ ■ V V 1. Hark! the Sab - bath bells are peal ing; Rap-ture o'er my soul is steal - ing; Glimp - ses 2. Lo! to ev - 'ry onethey'respeak-ing, En-t'rance to each heart en-treat- ing, With har- 3. By and by. be - yon J their ring-mg, Sol - ace to our spir - its bring-mg, May we p fc-,-1- 1 ffffl =t — j — fcs afcti ■-N3- Chorus. A— A I 1 — ^-H 1 1 ■— « h^— r— I F* 1 H 1 S3 of that home re - veal - ing, Where the ran - sonTd dwell. Sweet-ly on the mo - nious voice be - seech-ing, All to wor - ship God. Sweet-ly on the, join the rapt- 'rous sing- incr, 'Round the throne of God. Sweet-ly on etc. t 01 • / Sab-bath etc. — *■ ? MJU morn-ing,Come their notes of gen-tle warning; Look my soul to thy a-dorn-ing, For the house of God. §! F3=J=S£ 1 i > u b=t=b?i N N N NT .# «ZT». 11 ^ 1— r 9 102 'Tis the Harvest Time. Alexcenaii Thomas. W. A. Ogden. -k- J 1. 'Tis the har - vest time, 'tis the har-vest time, 2 'Tis the har-vest time, 'tis the har - vest time, 3. 'Tis the har-vest time, 'tis the har-vest time, ■3- e v ! — _J 1 — r* To the fields I must a- Oh! who will go a- There is work for all to- Bidn£r£±=f=±— b=b=t=E f=E=F r— i — r -p- . . n r p— _^_ — &- — i — r-P— — p— — p_ — *-p — i -#— -p— — P— — 3— t-p — -P— — p— — p— — 9.0 ±- 4- =F — p~ ^= 1 b — =F =F p &—&-I 3 3 3- way; long? day: I r call -PI ;p -=— # : i For the Mas - ter now is call - ing me, To go and work to ■ See the fields for har- vest now are white, I hear the reap - er's If you can - not be a reap - er, You can bear the sheaves a ■ h fe ! i .1 ♦ ♦ a f^ V-h 1 1 1 Fbi — m. — U — l — |_u » — m — •- — 0— — fc= = J -=fe=L_ L_| ;e=e=e; =3^ day. song way. -fBLi_- -©-*---=- y Chorus. Glean dim: wm the h 5 f \ I i Glean-ing on .3 3 ing on hill side, SE3: Glean — i ing on the plain, P &■ £f^ : * I the p 3— J iii i r r r £ 9^=t=t f4 r hill -side, hill - side, Glean-ing on I -#- -P- I" the P- £=eeee=e; sun-ny plain, _« P P. fe=a= #-=- Work Tis the Harvest Time— Concluded 'Mjii ing for the Mas - ter, -&- the gold-en grain. Work-ing, work - ing .ft ft ft ft- 1 — &J r L L E l ^—P 0—0—0- . . r for the Mas-ter, Wlongthe gold-en grain, ^«_*.. 0.^ 0—0—0 0,-3,- -!-0-*-'- 9 -0. Bl 'Mong the gold -en grain. FT 103 m -i—i—»—i--F0^0-0'-0-0 » R 0-0.1-e- . _ji Savior, I Will Trust Thee. T. M T. -A j— r-^-N- ^hrV ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ T. Martin Towne. 1. Sav-ior, I will trustthee,This shall be my song; When the days are shortest, When they're dark and long, 2. Sav-ior, I willtrusfcthee,This shall be my stay; Still-ing ail my doubting. Diiv-ing them a - way: 3. Sav-ior, 1 willtrustthee,Trusttheedayandnight;Claimtheblessedpromise,Whichshallgui(]e a- right, ft_ft_#_.ft_ ^T^_ T ^_ft^^_^_ft _ i_^ _ft^ # ____ fy I. q~~ — i — i — i — r # — 1~ dz: 3 I — •I V — 34 I Bzpzip: ?- > ■ U 1 1 =t= 11 ft^.ft^ ftijftjy. +±v ft — ft~ftj:ft — *~ -*— -ft > Nr U-^ -j ft-ft>-* rl -Nr- «&-, SJ When my friends are tru - est, Andmyheartis glad, When they're false and few-est, Andmysoulis sad. Hold-ingmesoclose-ly, To thy truth sub-lime, That my soul shall rip-en, For thebet-ter clime All things work to-geth-er, FormygoodI know, Sure-ly I may trust Him, As I on-ward go. «_ft_ft_«_ | _«.JL_*. I P I ¥ ±*s #-•-• 1. ^1 ^ r f^P'l l U4- z=b v — /-- _*A.ft. ii 104 M S Duct. Modern/ o movement. ■ -~ — K — is — tv — is — f\ — \ By and By 9 Gather Us All. W. F. Wekschkul. 1. When scat-ter'd or lone-]y we wan-der here, Good Shep-herd we love thy call,... 2. We wan-der thro' pas-turesof good and ill; Yet ev - er our hearts re - joice,.,. If 3. Dear Sav-iur, when comes ourlast e - ven- tide, Thy beau - ti - fill gates un - fold; -p V N h fe — jd 1- 1 — a 1- PVH — i^ g-:*=-J=:J-:j-:i£ft-:t:£z: :-_fe=Hv *-w-±— m ! - q=5=ra gj gath - ev us in - to the up - per fold, we thro 1 the dan - gers or dark may hear, gath - er us all with the lov'd and true, By and by gath - er us all Sweet-ly, our Lead - er's kind voice... In - to the heav - en - ly fold Chorus. Faster By and by, ■\-m-w — » j- \-m-w-\ - ~m — faH I- IS — ■r EE by and by, i #. By and by, gath - er us h h h 4 ±=3s=&=&=± By and by by and by, — I 1 — all •l ■ k y-j — J?«. 1 — \~: P— P — K gath-er us in - to the up - per fold, b-A_k_,*_A_> — i- — |i -/-b — i 1 \— j£± # — 1 — I — \ — i ly \±~ 9 ^ ' ^= s v ^ — '♦* *: * * * ♦ 1/ 1/ C ♦ all, " gath-er us^ all. K ^ ^ •4— A_J By and by, gath - er us 9 -A- jgjr-m .0 — — — # _ i-:iz::s=:>z sis Every One is Sowing. M 105 S. W. Stratte. ■ i « * J. '- j, ^- ji d m d'd. 'ddS^id' d -d-9-^ 3 -^ 3 1. Ev- 'ry oneis sow - ing, both by word and deed; All man-kind are growing 1 ei-iher wheat or weed. 2. Anxious ones are seek -ing seed ai - read-y sown: M a - ny eyes are weeping, now the crop is grown. 3. Ye that would be bring-ing sheaves of gold-en grain, Mind whaty ou are flinging, both from hand and brain. h h h M I h_ h F*=2=S=* ■v / ■ y f &E '9—9—9—*- 9—9—9—9- v v y v v £=c l-9-l-l- V V V V m Chorus, Faster -S — # 9Y^- H ! 1 9 ' 9 -\-% a 1 — T-y " ~ " 9 ^—9 1 » • # -V=£# — — \ — HB — J— Ff-^-^-F^ — w— F»— S— *— g±« — — E^ w — 9 — # _l_ # £ — >-#— 9 — 9 9 9 — * T* m As the sow-ing, shall the har - vest be, As the sow-ing, shall the har - vest be; f=r* ±=±= 33 3: H *S^ iu rr 33 As the sow-ing, shall the har - vest be, Words and deeds are grow-ing for e-ter-ni-ty. :z: -9±— I — » — r- M W * • * H 1 1 1 U* ^ t^- 106 Eliza M. Sherman. The Father's Call. -z-f-4-r -^H- J— I- W. F. Werschkul. =t 1. Hear the heav'n-ly 2. "In the book of 3. Help me bow in -&_ :=t= Fa- my hum * w zf=t=t I J — ^ ther call- ing, "Now my ten- der mer - cies prove, I will re - mem-brance, Shall their names for - ev - er be, Who have ble rev -'rence, Fa - ther, low be - fore thy throne, Con - se- & )-— -A — f •-ha :rz=a: # — * — i iNp **■ — i 1 — P— 0—0-9-- -9 i~i They who fear me, 1 ' ^ V they who love me; Saith the Lord, "they shall be I 107 in ■m — f~ -1 — 1 — ■ — 1/ — / -i — i 4=: -p-jr E=fe :g:i-»- u Praise to Tliee. Mart E. C. Wyeth. Duet. ^f-H^s-ijr> f -r ^ S. W. S. Chorus, arr. Louder and faster. — — ! Chorvs. * 1 N JS 1 . Bless-ed Fa-ther, with the morning', While the birdlings sweet-ly sing, Wake I from my hap-py slum-ber,Praise to give Thee, God, my 2. Heav'n-ly Father, lead me safe-ly, Thro 1 the bu-sy hours of day ; Keep my heed-less feet from stray-ing,Help me, lord, Thy will t'o ■ 3. Ho - ly Spir-it, when the dark-ness, Cov-ers all the earth ami sky, Let no guiit-y conscience scare me, As up -on my couch I King. Praise to thee, God my bey. Praise to thee, etc. lie. Praise to thee, etc. m& wmm 'fs'ts is ¥i > ■ft I iv v ! N S * ' SS I'll ev - er sing, For the mag-ic of thy love, Sent to me from heaT'aa- bove r> r\ rs — -,— i/-f-j k— h— k- -1 a— t- 1> ^ I — FP~F I MF o Vtolet E. King. m^-Z -^^5 .*.— * 0—0- Passing Down the Valley. tj — 4 — |_ - -0 — a I— : 5E *-* S. W. Steawb. -N— ^ 1 I am pass -ing down the val-ley, Wend-ing down life'ssha-dy side; Swift- ly 2 I am pass -ing-down the val-ley, But the way looks grand a - head, There are 3 I am pass - in g clown the val-ley, But no sor - row shall I know; For a V V \> M MP p p -*— # — * — # -#— # — • ~-*-—0 ¥ V tfcfci tf— *— ac:#— *— j±-g — l— *Hv ■T-1~J «— » fr-^-N *=* VT*r. H*JV -0—0—0—0— 0— J are the mo-mentsfly-ing, Soon will come the e -ven-tide, But the way does not seem lone beauteous flowers springing, 'Long the path in which I tread ; And me-thinks I hear sweet mu- lov - ing hand is lead-mg,On-wardtow'rd the sun -set glow: Soon the jour - ney shall be end- ly; SIC, ■ed. ;J=f- 0— — 0- V 1\> M p ^ — — L *- v — *— L_0__ — 0_0 $ # _u. * — ^ Fear I not the shades of night; For in Such as words can ne'er ex - plain, "Waft - ed For the day is fad - ing- fast, In that S. 1± 2_i2 — £ — p j» — k— J-U £— ?— £ faith I'm look -ing on -ward, To the from the choir an - gel - ic, - ver vale, sweet vale of Beu-lah, I shall S . ■•■ ■£■ V -A- * 4— — <— -P — g— v h - y — i Passing Down the Valley— Concluded. jL > _ Chorus. \ 109 -ft V— c ■ r ^ 1 1 3 ^— ft — I 1 c — N- -■ _i -ft— ft — ^ — , J — — r—U -^ trd-m- — ft J N — -k-n- V— V— *■ — 1 Tl IJ u * y v t, Ca - naan of de-light. I am pass - ing down the val - ley, Pass - ing down the val-ley, on that E - den plain. I am pass - ing, etc. dwell when life is past. I am pass - ing, etc. ft\ P^-a-Ur — 0-±-M-m — — _ r * — « — 0-1—0— p_*_ f—0 — #_i_ 0--—0—0--.-0— 0—0-±—^ z=s * 9- 9 I lia— b— hfe -H aH»— U U U~ | , 5=n — K U U— I M Soon I'll reach the t » * V *-«-y — y-v- pear - ly way, v~tv -fr- aft i , i r i IJi ! i J 3 — p~rt~ Soon I'll reach the pear- ly way, pear-ly way,Lead-mg to that home e - ter-nal J \ I I ^ ^ u^ — ir f e [^rp^g g^ » ^4_ri ft— n~~r ~ j jt m =§=£= Jig . t ^ fi ,rx — In the shin - ing to that home e - ter-nal, rva~ tf-f~ A r * '■ 9 ? ? * j land of day. j 1 1 L -_fc 1 -0— "-0—0—0 * 0— *=£gL - — * — ?-*- * i \j y v u > .f u f & f" r~"i*" In the shin-mg, in the shin-ing land of day. * . -I— 1- 11 0—0 i — 9 . ^ ' U L; , ^ 110 Lift Up the Standard -b-4- 7 1 1 h\ — i — | — I — 1 g-^-^-^-ig ■N—V- A-- A. B. WOOLVERTON, --Uj — I — 3 =t -*— i _ ■N~N A-J^ :S=5 it -#— £ ftz± _c=_* -=*g= 1 l I • '/ Float it so proud-ly out on the breez-es, Shout-ing glo - ry as we march a - long. Far o'er the hill-tops, down in the val - ley, We will make our glad-some voic - es ring. And we shall gath-er there by the nv - er, Shout-ing glo - ry with the an - gel band. ! h *■/ iztzz jy+A*- +. r $ I'M ft— r-P W ' n * fi— h t=t: E t=F f-rrrf- f=#=r^ N Chorus, l« # — e—a- 9 - w — L — ^ — # — * — = * — L€ — — & 1 Lift up the stand-ard! lift up the stand-ard! Ral- ly round the en -sign now to day; 9 9 -±- 9 - 9 9 — A *!__•-_£_£ 4 «_*_«__*__« *_ -^— p — y — $ —\ 1 — r ^ - • — ^— L b — b — b — b— — p- 1 — r LU- U j y- j y-r : r =:«=: gz=: -fcj. Lift Up the Standard — Concluded. d=:fe 111 i r • v * * * * i Float it so proud-ly out on the breez-es, Giv-ingpraisoto Je - sus all the way. §5** j i — , p r Come into My Kingdom. (Infant Class Song.) w. GH3 -: •f\-K--^ : =P -piV^Vi SEOEJE-EEfiEi 1 1*; " ^ » 1. Lit -tie feet are wand 'ring In the paths of sin; But theFa-ther, calling. Sweetly sa3 T s, "Come in. 2. Je-sus, too, is call -ing, To each lit- lie heart; "Walk in ways of good-ness. Choose the bet- ter part." 3. Here is health and beauty, Inthislandof love; Here you'll find an e - den, Liketheheav'na-oove. jL JL JL JSL JL JLM.JL.JLM> — 0- ■0—0—0—0- -r-l 0- 0—0- r 0-. ^ -~T-~~n~~n-[7^— i — r b— #— ^— j»-r ■ r r— f— *— ~— h — 1 — l»-^— g~ kr -b»~ i [f u ^ ^ u '^ ^ ^ Chorus. :|zz „._j^ -A--V WZ3E -l i 1 -^l # ^1 n -- jj-j F ■#•■#■-#- n#- * v -#■ ■#■ -*• HI 'Come in - to 1113- king-dom, Come where all is fair; Come a-way from er - ror; Come from ev-Yy JL JLL JL JL JL I snare -0—0—0—0--0 — - -&—£- " ft L L L L rp p n : L tTl » ? l rT^ y/yy ^ '/- b p 0—0—9—0- »r ~t F = E = E = E r = F == t I i l r a U W W n JJ v v v u 112 Give Me the Faith of a Child. Maui a Straub. N N N N _N_JS_A Harold B. Adams. v$2=tt=Z=2=2=l 9-\ I12_fL' — & =q=z3=3=i 0— *—=££- -0 — — -iv- n is iv ._j — i — i — 1_ 4 — « — — * — =h— *-*■ 1. Fa-tber, for-give, if thy good -ness I grieve, When I come ask-ing, but do not be-lieve; 2. When I am wea-ry, op-press'd or dis-trest, Glad-ly I think of the prom-ise of rest; 3. Fa-ther I own thee, make me thy child, Trust-ful and du - ti - ful, pure, un-de- filed; h h h h h h mm. v-^—v- o — \j • / V—V • y Ms rr— | rv rr 1 k-M— JUO-M — I 1- 3E? =«tZR=t :^=--i-z: Give me, give me the faith of a child, Sim-pie and rest- ful, en - dur-ing and mild. When I be-lieve, then my Sav - lor comes neir, Takes all my bur-dens, and gives me his cheer. Guard me and keep me, and make me to be, Worth-y thy Fa-ther-ly care o - ver me. h h h h h h h m 0- — 0—0 -i 1 h- -0 — — 0- -^ — p — y — ^ — y — «V — l/— 1/ Chorus. Give. Give me, give me the faith of child, '• 1/ Give me, give me the faith ot a child. Give Me the Faith of a Child. — Concluded A — V. 1— == fy — sr — -i ;: IS- 113 Fft r »,- ther, O give me the faith IS IN IS • T\ Fa-ther, dear Fa-ther, the faith of a child give me the faith of 9 — — — 0—9- a child. f\ /?N i: v— v— v— v- *—*— -fV-] 1 — 1— r— t=s^j-i 11 star, Beth-le-hem's beau-ti - ful men, Peace be from heav-en to him, Glo - ry be eiv - en to lis .0^0. '-0- *_#_ -0— 0- -^—0-0-0- 0-9-0 *— — | — j , 1— 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 1 r-T-^-r-H -f-f-^-t^- hF-- ~M jLjisjtl giv - en star, men. him. rrrt l . a* m 114 Mrs. C L. Shacklock. — p — r* More Like Jesus. L Eveu Christ pleased not himself.'"— Rom. xv. 3. ^? : "W— I- L > 1 1 — 4P — J — - m ~4s — M — I E*H=«£ S. W. Straub. 1. More 2. More 3. More 5#:g like Je like Je like Je I 1 would be, Clothed with sweet hu- mil - i 5- - sus - sus in the hour, When - sus seek-ing- still, But h h h h I feel to do ft V— V-V- ty; Seek-ing not the temp-tsr's pow'r ; Los-hag- all my Fa-ther's will; And, like him V— 9- i my -self tc^ that I may S3E -#— #- Chorus. please; In win, Vic home, All the ■ fry who flow - 'ry paths of ease, o'er the hosts of sin. from his guid-ance roam. More More Mere v- *Za32 1 like like like Faster. J ■JW-r Je - Je - Je - At-*.. sus, sus, sus, this shall etc. etc. be All my *=&:. ^S^F e _- 2 — P__j\ — A IN — Kj- J P — r\ — \ . P-J-2 -A N — P- — ^- II aim, my hope, my plea, Draw-in g near - er, day bv day, To the Life, the Truth, the Way. m ^^0. & K i n h h +. •f-nsf- -S- £_ 1/ Lj , j^_*_L # # Q L: +. U-U- y y_y_J_^ J I Here We Come. _ £ ^ — , -, — P\ - , . ^ \ ^ (Infant Class Song ft 1. Here we come, here we 2. Here we are, here we 3. We have come, here to y come, On are, Come learn, How this from the love - ly near and ways of Sab - bath morn; Leave our play, from a - far, With a song ill to shun; Tho'ts com-bine, m r: -» t«. g— y- i- jj^z ]tis the way, On the Sab - bath day; join the throng-, Fig-hfc - ing 'gainst the wrong; hearts en - twine, Learn- ning things di - vine; -0 e « 0— -0 0— We have all made Grate - ful prais - es 3=1 it a rule, we will sing, Je - sus says '"Come learn of me," mm^ v—t -0 0- 5 — ^ 8 cc: * — N — N — k | fr — N — I 1 — H fv — | p-N — s 1 . y — & — ^- r n -« Go-ing to the Sun-day School ; Friends so dear min-glehere, And our Sav- ior's near. Free -ly, glad- ly to our King, And the word of our Lord, Learn in sweet ac - cord. Hear the in - vi - ta-tionfree; Let us meet, glad - ly meet, Here in un - ion sweet. <^— 0-5-S-S- ' z= ¥— V— i— ¥— V— YV—V—\- Kf~ ' r II L L I F r Hr-f r^rfl 116 Maria, We May not Forget. w*=& t± Arr. by S. W. S. i r fcifccfc t=*=* ■m- ■#- 1. We may not for- get the pow'r, That has giv'n 2. We will not for- get the pow'r, Of tne Lord us to life and friends, save from sin ; That sus- Let us s»* H— 7- rj-f-t -0- m E -N-jVp-l- •N-iv jj — ] * _^ 1 — _j 1 ^_q ^ — p — h — i — ^ — r~d — ! --■h^d — J — ^H tains us ev - 'ry hour, And our dai - ly bless-ings sends. pow'r di- vine! great God a- trust him ev - 'ry hour, He will sure - ly help to win. pow'r Su-preme! the love that II=gll=giimiiiP= -m— (- :q=c: 3=E Sii — J is- — ^ — * r-l k— N-HV- Chorus, 1 _^v _£_* r~t=r~N^ — fr~i fftt « — i? P 1 — H- fcM=£ _ P -f-p- "»~ ? *-# ' bove! We own thy maj - es - ty and love. We may not for - get the love, — Ne'er for- bends, To make of foe - men ten - der friends ! We may not for - get the love,— etc. i IS IS IS -£■ -*••#• -#-r-#— 2 ~ — 0- rvT.i j — 2 ^ 1 1 — —-m-0—=—m-r*-^—9 — f — ■©>-- t ■0 « w -i y— We May not Forget— Concluded. % =S -0- 0—0—0 117 fv N fc J ■ j^^j^H-— "Tcro ^'~^ — ^rjz — li the won-d'rous love, Ne'er for -pet themight-y love, i . J\ js rs-£- i 0—0^-0 u v i 0^-0-r 0-^-0—0— #-, Of our Fa - ther dear a - bove. r: ^h- M God Has Kept Us. :fc* n ^ I I ' LT F 3 !! „ -yr^ aifcJCLk±p=ll 1 ^ ^ Arr. by S. W. S. Duet. -M- -7& -M- T>T 7t . 1. God haskeptus thro' the week, Giv - en us each bless-in g; ) rr v i . xt _ fxi . , By his love a - gain we meet, Come his love con - fess - ing! \ He has ke P* us thr0 tho week > 2. He has kept us: thro' the night, Woke us on the mor-row; ) tj ^ l f i E'er for us has brought the light, Shone a- way our sor- row. J ne nas Kept us > etc * 3. He has kept us thro' each hour,Thro' each lit - tie mo-ment; { tt q r,_ i _ t l Oh, we love the kind-ly power, Nev - er may dis-own it. \ a Septus, etc. Chorus. i — Fr fen- 1 , in1^-» J *J M . t— , >m • — *- L tf tf ^4 — J -tf - T -tf 1 L tf — tf — 6? L * * tf — tf - J -^ tf — JJ V * I I -M- •*¥ -m- PiS - ver dan-gers bore us; When a-wake or when a = sleep, He was watching o er u I -tf- I tf— tf tf i ^ m ===zE^=z=:J-::z:t=t:=t= ■G— t -©■- lin 118 Marian. Not too slow. 1 — m — L # — 9 The Voice of Love. S. W. S. Choras an-, ■-P-P-i-*— ft 9—9—9- lZZ-4 i A— *■ ^tg=* — * — p ~6>- 1. A voice comes sing-ing un - to me, Of love e - ter-nal, bound-less, free: It 2. It glows a - round the throne of God, And warms the earth by mor - tals trod; It 3. 'Tis love that drives a- way all fear; That gent-ly whis-pers, God is near, And PST - ! jg— • — r* • 9—9—9 -- — Ki — 7 *=£ -n-v ife ±£ 9—9—9-9-9 ■-&, t -A — i — fr ^ N -A — (->- -# — I — 1 — ^ ■ - £r -si-i- M -9-9^ *%%***-£. comes from realms di-vine-ly fair; It calls each soul to en-ter there, bids the blind receive their sight, It brings the morn-ing out of night. in the hour of grief andpain, It calls the dead to life a -gain. N -4 ------^ « Chorus. love of God ! love most free love of God! etc. love of God! etc. -9— IF ! The 9—9—9-9-9 m^%m& 9—9 i V • C=P =P=P &-^-*9 — r^fefd I 9--9-9— 9- i — / — i =t Sj3 _! — !S_uJZL_! — ^-^.^_-fa__ T •fc^ #—#-#-- 0— L #— #-#- 0— jr-w -m- - I hie ot im-mor -tal- i - ty; 'Tis e'ertbesarnetho' a - gesroll,lt ~i — ■-•■ *— * — JS _ ~w is the ma - gic of the sou i 1 y i 1 i u 1 i «_#: .*_*_ -i-,-\ * .9-9. 9_ 9—9— g=ai Alexcenah Thomas. i Tis a Story Full of Wonder. J. M. Stillman. 119 r sto -A --A-- A :nz:q: fi -Nr- to you to - day, Of the lit his eom-ing sang-; And thro' all a ^- 1. Tis a sto - ry full of won-der, TKat I tell to you to- day, Of the lit - tie child, the 2. On a bless - ed Christ-mas morn-mg. An- gels of his eom-ing sang; And thro' all the courts of 3. On thegroundthe hum-bleshepherds,Hadbeenwatch-ingthro'thenight; And their hearts were fill'd with #~n — n Ut *— Chorus \ f\ — ^ -ft 1 1 (Tl C 1 1 1* » 1 '~ r 2 *l 1 1 * # O ,_Lg J 9 ___9 ^ J 1 1 Sav ior. He, who in the man - ger lay. heav - en, Sweet, the an - gel cho - rus rang, won - der, As they view the glo-rious sight. An - gels in their glo - ry sing - ing,Sweet-est An - gels in their glo - ry sing - ing, etc. An - gels in their glo - ry sing -ing, etc. m* fcfct J- f «= *E| ■rV-rV #"T# ill strains oHieavVi-ly birth, Joy - ful ti - dings they are bring-ing, To all na - tions on the earth. mmwmm Eben E. Rexford. With great energy. Enlist. (Infant Class Song.) fa S. W. Stkaub. Nr-I N-fc __; N . _-! — !_._£_! _q ~ N 41 _q__pz^q=_-:| =& ^_ __* J1 -fc ^g_3_£__ ,*M > r JT -* :fc^g_r«-r4 1. Be brave, lit- tie sol-diers, to bat- tie for Right,Be -fore and be-hind you the foe is insight; 2. You need for your weap-on a heart that is pure, A will that is read-y to do and en-dure; 3. Be faith - ful, be steadfast, each one to his post, When bat-tling the e - vils in wrong's might-y host; N -_| # _ # _ # _ # # _,_ # _0- • -0-0- _ --V_ -0—0—0—0 0- ______ __ , , _ — _ — _ _ _ _ __ _____ , _ _ — _ — _ __ . p u f i m Mi u^ui " i/ ? .-t«_;:if-£3__t A~fv — i — K —i -h _=_- -3^ Be -ware of the pit-falls in path-ways un trod, Be true to your manhood, to hon - or and God. And hands that are willing right brave-ly to work, Re-solved in the bat- tie no du - ty to shirk. The en - e-my's craft-y — in league with all sin, But the ranks of true manhood the vic-t'ry will win. 9*Se r # v-_ ______ =p__t=«=*G=5=53pc_^^ =frz^:_::p-^ .1: S-*?— A-«-^~- A i-p-e =t A—A— A #^^-_? HJf >'K _ P < j n - list, en - list, en - list, En - list N_j _> _____ N N 1 N N , # tf_P * ^ |__ _ _ ^ £ r_iy_zt____:y-cr:zz:^___:^z:|/_:t =?=:____!— _EE:C_.:-__a_-1 — m — 0—a — #- L # — #— _— *-T— " is pure white; r5 = :»_.»_i_i| _i_ p_«_^ • J Et_:t^_t__31 in the ir - my whose flag i — ftftfl Enlist. — Concluded, i i hi N IS ^ 121 1 h * i y m+ tf " I I I F r n #. - S ! 11 / TtJ k •r r\ ! «f h " -A #-^ -A -# — #— # — * strike for the right. ? rftil # / , n # / [^ * En- Lyfltf J I e p : 0-0-0-0- list, en - list, en - r 4 -JU b -# 0^0^0-0 0-0-1-0- list. en - list, En- _ # j # j_ -* ~ W ~ * L # # — ^ — 9- list lit • tie sol - dier, and t m 4^4 * f • y r / r 1 -;-;. -•— w — 0— *— r &-*— ---g— 0— 0-±- m -0— 0-rf F-0—0 — , 0—9 0—0- fc~l — guards me C W r-l-fr^tJ- JU-4 -J- -I. fff :5E?z*: in the e - vil hour, That shows the way of life 1 P to me, And leads me when I can-not see. Leave All To Him, --A --f^- i-4^ ■HVr- N ^» N- 123 S. W. Stkaub. | 1. Leave all to Him, He guid-eth aTT; He hears the weak - est when they call. For none are 2. Tho" friends may turn to bit - ter foes, Leave all to Him. He ev - er knows When t' ouwou'.dst 3. Leave all to Him, thy want, thy care, That name-less grief that none may share; That dai-ly a ^ ^ ^Ff fBg ^f r rffff f^ pc^_ _i/_L«.._#_s_ l #_p: Chotms N .#--2- i — rT7 Faster. 1 >-J-k •-# gs^a might-i-er than those Who on His nn -seen arm re -pose; Leave all to Him,Leare all to Him, Leave all to lean too much on these, And seek with them , thy-self to please ; Leave all to Him, etc. sum of weary-ing toils Whichyexes and thy peace de-spoils ; Leave all to Him, etc r^TiHi-*--*-- r ± -0-0-0- s -0- r \ — r i— m —t-r* ± -*-r*-*-*-r*--**-*-*T0T^-9-w- ~i H H l/MH *t-0-0-0 m t -••-*< HiniJLeaveall to Him. And say; "Ful-fill Thy will in me, In life, in death, e - ter-nal r*z»-1t-*°-*-?-»-m - rP s -» tt t t f' t * ,V - , 0' 0-0^ -^r i— -I 124 Let Him Come In, Geo. R. Lewis. N-l- Pa-tient - ly wait-ing at your heart's door, He will bring joy to your troub-led heart; Je - sus the Sav-ioryour guest would be, m$ w v - v - ? / V '■—- *-f— Stand-eth the Sav - ior as oft He will bid sin and its fears Al-thoughthe King of the world -&• -0- ~o- -&- -*- -*- SeSISesi, be -fore, • de-part, is He; is :ptpzz=:q :fcz=P=5= ^-^-H^-* -v-*-*—%-*-*-V% $ ji-r-+3— I— «— •*— * ~ «- F8 — g~^— H /rs Ten-der - Ye who Stand-ing ly ask- are wea with-out ing to let Him in, -ry of all your sin, while the night - dews fall; v— £ ¥ ¥ ¥ Al-though your heart is so full Will you not o - pen and let Will you not wel-come the Lord I of sin. him in? of all? v -w *w gk -w -a*- ir- -v £ -. -w m r»^\ m I Chorus. i; i e=t= Let Him come in, S»EE= fc=T±= let Him come in; — n — k — * — n— a- — ^m—^nz- f — i =i=:i==:i=i=^=:S^:=l;-:?zfzz= Let Him come in to your heart and home J* 7~V i-K- #__•. '— »: I j 1 h ?~ 1 * d— Let Him Come In— Concluded. 125 -S— fa £ Let Him come in i 1= Jrrpfcz: ^r II SB= la let Him come in, Let the dear Sav - ior come in I « — *-•. p p 1 1 c — ^ V Mrs. Libbie A. Beaman. Abide In Me. -|_ H — _M W. H. Wonder. Chorus. 1. A - bide in me, I am the vine, Bear fruit that's ho-ly and di-vine 2. Come fol - low and a-bide with me, Ex - cept ye do a-bide in me, 3. If in my council ye a - bide To o - ver-come when ills be-tide, ye the branches are; sin and death can't mar. And That And to my words give heed; Good fruit ye can not yield. Your hearts shall be made strong, And van - quish ev- 'ry wrong-. I nil )A - bide } A - bide, etc. - bide, etc. — H— T-^ k \t P g'l 1~ L d_|__,J r _cn_t_r 3 A - bide in me, A- -U4 N--N And be P^ my dis - ci - pies, true, And I will a - bide with you. H iJ -| 1 * «-^H JJ bide in me, 126 u Not too slow. Leave Me Not. &&EE* S. W. S. Chorus arr. rAvt^z 1. Oh! Je-sns,leave not- me,Tho' full of sin I be, Love, love me yet! Oh! take me to thy breast. For 2. When T 'm with thee above, I'll thank thee for thy love That sends this pain; Tho' dark my way appear, And 3. Oh! guide me, Sav-ior,now! Submissive may I bow Un -to thy will; If tri-alsbemy lot, My -/ - #—*-p — p-^-p-p— i 1 — ! Uy — B-y— j ^— p'-b'-W V- -P-P- — 9^-0 — LiG — « Lfi. L_ — Ll^ — g_ l._w-U — U— J I I -p--P -PHP- P- b-^-^-y- Fn=^1 : -N^-N-i zzzrq: fcti^^tg^ r-^TN- 3 Chorus, Not too fast. 75" i :i :3rm E^ w there I'll find true rest, And with thy love pos-sest, All else for - get. washed with many a tear,The pros-pect yet will clear, When heav'n I gam home a far-off spot, There, Sav-ior,leave me not, Be near me still! ■| 1 — J 0—9—9 pP-^-P-P— P— P — j-^- r ffl I I leave me not, leave me not, etc. leave me not, etc. :t: fcs=*P= fc=t v-^- I ii i; p p ^ 2* leave me not, Be near me still I ■P— P- V P ' i r pray, Be thou my guide wher'er I go, Show me thebet-ter way. W r- i tz v-v- tzt t=t=t p— p— p — -i — i — i — L^-tH — *— The Mission of Flowers. 127 Mary Straub. Cheerfully. fs J J N J E. Manford Clark. !_ U> U* Then we'll re - joice and sing prais - es, Then we'll re - joice, etc. Then we'll re - joice, etc. N Js _N ± -I — 0- -0—0- ES rt z — zp_:£ — i- — i — i — k E=3E? 1 V Prais-es to God a -P- 0—0 S^E 1 bove, Who fills the earth with glad - ness, -h i «,H-i =j= J1 ki| | And rules in end -less love. * -P — P- + V v \t r TE = £ = E : jj ^ r r ? • 128 M. Return, Wanderer. w. r4 S = i=S=Ei— ^=$-=8=3— t- 1— j- :£ Ej=§=s=i 1. There is joy, true joy in the ten - der heart, When the wan - cTrer home re 2. There is peace, sweet peace for the troub-led breast, When the wan - d'rer home re 3. There is joy on earth, there is joy a - bove, When the wan - d'rer home re turns: turns; turns ; ^-^ — ^-^ — I ^ !/— ^- Ct= — C — C — !/ — t^-^l ! 1 1 — JL ^--— — — -._ 1 .- 1 ^ ^.^ ^__.^ |>. y_ — , 1 #--_#_ L # 1 # # ___ # _LiL # _« 1 *— L * — | — m — 9 — L -J— i ■#■ -sr* ^" • I There is joy in heav'n, Oh, the bliss - ful tho't, When the wan - d'rer home re - turns. The for - giv - ing smile brings the long-sought rest, When the wan - d'rer home re - turns. There is u - nion sweet and a Fa - ther's love, When the wan - d'rer home re - turns. 9i :*zqi:=p:zi:i=3 -I- Chorus. Faster. Then re - turn, -J— Bt then re - turn, -4- Re - turn, K i- re - turn, O V 4 ._ i— #*=; : =±==1=^ re - turn, wan - d'rer home, re - turn, Thy zzcz^lz JS N. _ ~2_«. Return, Wanderer— Concluded. — * — — - ._Pv s — 0— ■0- -0- i-*— ^ s 129 in Fa - ther will meet thee, glad an - gels will greet thee, Re - turn wan - d'rer home ■0- •#-_ _ -#-_ -*--+• -0- -0- -0- -*-_ "#" I «*=£ — #^_#_t — g=^ [ - j U — fe "" fe— ^ z=t— tzzra _:»_ « — i i — 5 2 r in A B. W Singing for the Shepherd. A. B. WOOLVERTON. Duet, for girls. Not too slow, w 1. A lit - tie band, we are sing - ing to-day, For the shep- herd good and true; 2. We are his lambs, and he leads us to-day, By the wa - ters flow - ing free; 3. Our shep -herd says, we shall shine as the stars, In the fir - ma- ment of heav'n, , , K For He In pas Where we pre - serves us so lov tures green, all the day shall sing sweet - er songs ~N 3=3 $S±g — 9 % | ! 1 t~ - -e—. — m ing - ly, Keep - ing all our wants in we roam, Prais - ing him where e'er we than these, For his love so free - ly j view. be. giv'n. Chorus, _« * FF T=i .-A l — i — | — | — L | ^ iligllilllig We are sing-mg-, s weet-ly sing - ing, For the shep-herd good and true, We will praise himnight andmorn-ing, In •0-'-0- -0- -0- I I -0- -0-'-0- m m m a •&■• ev - 'ry thing we do. :JiZ5Ji_s. * \ t • u fa 1 1 I ¥—V~ hi Ik 1— PFr I i i H 130 We Haye All a Mission Here! E. R. Latta. ►■ -*- • — -1— SH 1 '— f— i — * Arr. by S. W. 3. 1. In the vine -yard of the Mas - ter, We should toil with pur - pose true; E'en the weakest, 2. God will give the rain and sun -shine, And what- ev - er strength we need; But He leav-eth 3. Oh, 'tis bless - ed seed we scat- ter! Tis more pre - cious far than gold! And when comes the l=* ^r~ »~i — ?=£=£■ =t=PP t=t :p=p: -t -# =>r czq=|=zct=rpm: -*_. P -P— f-J: -P 0- t- Chorns. \ 5d: can do some-thing, And the strong- est, much can do! to His serv - ants, All the sow - ing of the seed! heav'n-ly har - vest, It may yield a hun-dred fold! -£• -*• A -*■ £ ~i~:i~:p __:^~r« — j-zz^c --:t:=i:=--p=^=?=*=?: In the vine - yard of the Mas - ter, In the vine - yard, etc. In the\>ine - yard, etc. PS l ±=t= -ri; *- \J I II Let us will - ing - ly ap-pear, Late and ear - ly there to la - bor ! We have all a mis-sion here ! H Pi I ma**-**-*-*- t> -^ fa. A Happy Little Band. (Infant Class Song.) 131 Violet E. King. W. Williams 1. We're a band 2. Ev-er On 3. We're a band of lit - tie ward ! is the of lit - tie sol - diers; We mot - to, On sol - diers, Lit m are la - b'ring for the right; We are the ban - ner we up -hold: We are tie du - ties round us lie: One by rf £ P =*=i Chonts. *4 S S ? p ttj£*-£JL l i | j-t-1 : : »=g= g=^=3 » — • — — a \&L + x_ L_ *—% —0 *=* led by God our Sav-ior; We are trust-ing in his might. We're a hap-py lit - tie Je • sus' lit -tie workers, Win-ning oth - ers to the fold. We're a hap-py, etc. one the hours are pas s-ing, To hn- prove them we shall try. We're a hap-py, etc. pi * m U-U-f_ g -7—V- band, 3= i \ K h N ,* Try-ing to be good and true; And we'll ev-er read - y stand, To do what we can do. _#_ i r &-*~ # — . 00 0— #— r , 1 ^ — 0—0 % H- r &-±- ^^^ The Beautiful Path, ■A — - h — v. — fc— v-v-k— v B. F. GllIFFETH. ask of Gotlfortherightpatli,Tliatleadsthro'life's-beau-ti-ful dream; By faith may we ev-er look ask of God for the king's path, Where Je-sus is lead-in g the way; And hearts full of love are re- ask of God for the home path, That leads to that beau-ti-ful land: Where Je-sus and lo?'d ones are & JL JL JL -^^l^.-*l JL JBL Jp. JL JL JL JL cztzfzt 0—0—0—0- t: v-v-^t 0—0 -0—0 _*_». E ■0—0- [> [f [f \> v V ttst=fc=tt 1>>-V-V-^>-¥ *r-£=ft: up- JOIC- wait- ^ • ward, To the day star with ra - di - ant ing, For hap-py are they who o ■ ing, To wel-come us o - ver the JL A. JL J?. J. JL 3 -H-J-- -I p 3 1 J— U#- X _J -_• gleam; Fare -well ye snares that are gild - bey; He leads thro' vale and o'er moun- strand; Oh come and fol-lowthe Mas - ed, And tain, We ter, And !tt— N— N-N A \ ,N U. 1 fc _J — . — ps _^_ w _w /?\ :ffi=Epf PI >_ii_ff_s:|fe_je; paths that are seem-insr-ly fair; Fortreas-ures of earth are all fad-ing,And will not with hear-en com-pare. cling to his dearlov-ing hand; And mists on the hill-tops are part- ed, To views in the sweet promised land, valk with the heav-en-ly throng, Whose voic-es shall ev = er be lift - ed, In smg-ing the heav-en-ly song. -=— j± — I 1 1 — 0—0- -jT^j{ z 0-0-0-f-p-^- 0-*-m—o- pJElfitZbz ■0— 0— 0— I — rrl -f — -0— 0— — g -ff»— .»- ijtizte -F-ki — i — i — i — I —1—1-*- .W__S_iL j U> U U> il Chorus. . \ i •S,t« — \ — k — Prd The Beautiful Path— Concluded. ^j— ^ , n ^ >, r 133 Beau-ti-ful path, yes, beau-ti - ful path to cheer us a- Beau - ti - ful path, beau-ti - ful path, beau-ti - ful path, beau-ti-ful path, to cheer us a- A-v E-k-fc^TT^ I fcfcN h h long. theheav-en-ly way, We'll fol-low the way to the land of bright i is is is is . is n is is 0—0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0-0-r-0~-0-0-0-0 — 0-0-0-0- r 0--~0-0-0-0 0-0-0—0—0 ffrfcjO-r-^ m= — S-y-S-t q= a —m m f # — »-»- #— f- -?— i y y ^ loug,to cheer us along theheav-en-ly way, heav-eu-ly way, We'llfollowthe way, fol-low the way, To the land of bright &-•-■ 5— «-.- • • • S II J ■ «-T « 1— U— i ^ || day The land of bright daj •-#-*# / / l (^ ^ • bright beau-ti-ful day. Land ofbri.uhtdav. P|»! t— 0-i— .0-0-0-0 _#_#_.#._i ~_~_~_~_r_~_r_^ r ~_ -*— 0- 0* -0 ± l~ 0-0 ii 1/ y '• day, land of bright day, We'll fol low the way to the land of bright clay, bi*au-ti-ful day, Trust in God and Persevere. Makfoud Clark. , all things round are call-ing, . from His high throne in heav-en,Watch-es ev - I I I -f- voice,"Be strong," Tho' the wrongs of step you take; He will see each I 1 i } I m+\ \ \ A AAA AA dark-ness shroud-ed? Would st thou at thy lot re-pine? Cheer up, broth-er, earth be gall-ing, They most lose their strength ere long; Yes, my broth-er, fet-ter riv- en, Which your foes in an - ger make. Cheer up, broth-er, I > l ff _ - m m m m 3 € let thy vis - ion tho' life's troub -le, He has pow - er — F— * il^EEE M. tc: Looka-bove; see, lightis near; Soon will come the next tran-si-tion, "Trust in God and per- se-vere. Drive thee near to dark des - pair, Soon'twillvan-ish like a bub-ble,"Trustin God andper- se-vere. To dry up each bit-ter tear, And tho' fear- ful temp-estslow-er, "Trust in God and per- se-vere. — M I I T \ ~ — c i— r—H 1 111 1 — #—»-#-* ^ P? 111 R. C. Watbrton. a Slowly. One Sweet Flower, [For the funeral of a child.] 135 Mrs, 8. W. Straub. V-Vj — , -y -V-X- # '#-•" #~#" 1C 1. One sweet flow'r has droop'd and fad - ed, One sweet in - fan t voice has fled, One fair brow the grave has He he 2. She has gone toheav*nbe-fore us, But she turns and waves her hand, Point-ing to the glo-ries •• * * * * \ y y ^ * * 0^0 ■v-v-y- m i»= A-P* a: 0—0 H — I h*i * — '0 -i- 2 — P — PV =;^ A-A -0—0- 0- 0- — A -N— V- shad - ed, One dear school-mate up-ward led. But we feel o'er us, In that hap - pyspir-it land God, our Fa no tho't of sad - ness, For our ther, watch a - bove us, Keep us t V V V But we feel no tho't of sad - ness, God, our Fa-ther watch a - bove us He | friend is hap-py now; She has knelt in soul-felt glad-ness, Where the bless-ed an-gels bow. from all dan-grer free: Do thou euard and aruide and love us. Till like her we sro to thee. t=zJLI " r V-tffr WTT |. iTVET f f d d (V ^ him J=fc -#— #- *-# — i— s — ^ — w — m— r-— • — i — i — F- - £■ — :£=3=E For our friend is hap-py now, Keep us from all dan-ger free; V V V 136 Loye Ye One Another. M. W. 1. Je - bus said a new com-mand-ment, Give I un - to you, "Love, 2. What a love that comes from heav - en, Gen-tle, ten - der, meek! Je 3. Glad - ly, free - ly, trust - ful ev - er, In the way pur - sue, Lov P*^ * «-^ft x=t-t: -ft— m — ft- TT •*- f-20- love ye sus, to a ing free-ly A* ft— mli-i — € — 0. Chorus. *B nx i _*j -ft — .0 — one an-oth-er, As I have loved you." world of dan - ger, Comes the lost to seek! one an - oth - er, As the Lord loves yoiu_ -ft- — ft — "Love ye one an - oth "Love ye, etc. "Love ye, etc. er, love , „_ft * ft m ft ^ -^ — ^ » ft___« ft g— »— ft Uft- 0— 9 ---J-0—0 0-±0 — 0—0—0-\ 0— 9-0-^-^-0—0—** ye, As I have lov'd -ft- _ft_ft_ft-_ r you, One an-oth - er, one an-oth-er, As I have lov'd yon.' I*" ■*" &W* ft • J 'j. _k ft ft pzfcct -ft- t=t=t #— ft— ft r •t S i M £ t^ mzL Joyful Tidings! 137 W. A. Ogden. *— ~^5T < , i d J *£* ^@ '> I 1. Oh, j'oy - ful, joy - ful tid - ings, Be -hold the emp - ty tomb! 2. Oh, joy - ful, joy - ful tid - ings, The Lord with us a - gain, 3 Oh, joy - ful, joy - ful tid - ings, The Lord a - gain to know, *-— r-* *— *-# * , P * + t-r-* (•— I 1 * I The Sav - ior has a- Re - stor'd the glo-rious Re - joice ye re - en- fczttt -* ~- ' z>. c. Go V~& r r: -u tell them he is ris - en, The Lord a - gain is here! - - spread the joy -ful ** light - en'd,With new -born love ft_. ft ^__ * #_|C_ JFYne. Duet, -j _ 1 — — i--?- 1 -■ ( S 1 1 ]-* 1__ J . 1 *_JT # _c-_^_ # _ J_ # _ca ^_ # _ # „_L # ^_ # _» 3 scat-ter'd is the gloom! He burst the drear- y pris - on, life and lisht of men ! He rose to live for - ev - er, ris - en, And scat-ter'd is the treas - ure, The life and lisht of men ! a - gl ow! 0-^-m — t=?EE ings, Let all tid - Chorus. s :5EE: the na ..0. -\— ■v He burst the drear- y pris - on, He rose to live for - ev - er, He comes to cheer and coin - fort, iill-l-IIillJ tions hear! J>uet. J * 1 IN Jr*i T~fV 1 I s Chorus. hJ N J>. C -ij — zr\ — > ^~i ^i — i~-i— ■ — ^i — f^-H — r-\. — ■ ' — >— . — -\ — f\~j -, -.-« The Lord of life and light Triumphant from the grav To show us rnore of love 'Go tell them he is ris - en,' He rose with might-y pow - er To li«-ht us thro' the dark-ness, They say, the an-gels -vhite. To suc-corand And fit lis for to =ave ! a - bove! e^uiiiiiia He will Have Compassion 3ESEEEES j--# — — 0- m 0h0 0- m 1-0 «- -&■ S. W. S. Choras Arr Tin §§S u When the Sav-ior was dwell-in" 1 with men, He had ten - der com- pas-sion on them; "What is it you would have me to do?" Oft he asked in his sym-pa-thy true; With his lov'd ones, to shel-ter and v guide, Glad-ly still will the Sav-ior a - bide; -^0 -A—* __«_*_,__,. ^ — a _,_^ s _^_«_ r |t_p_i_ r pi_ '!|z?±*=tP=P=P~tP- I 1 * V - X=t fc-dtfr t=t *=K «: -y-r 5E3ER »--# «ff 0- *=* his kind-ness is ten -der his good-ness and love is is mine : and when troub-led -ri" * ■&■ 4 S IC -• — -«-©- and free, He will have com - pas - sion on me. the same, He will give what we ask in his name. I be, He will have com - pas - sion on me. I Chorus. Slotver, lfe^= g =Ete^gi3; — =- J H L tf *-J p -0- -#- zrtzi # -l- Ev - er his kind-ness is ten-der and free, He will have com-pas - sion, com-pas -sion on me; sgmm zjizjoz He will Have Compassion— Concluded. ,__ — J_ j — | — , -• — # yes, what corn-fort, when need-y I be ■o ^ — r •:t # -*— He will have coin-pas - sion, com-pas-sion on me. 139 m i±i^g^ -r-r iT— E-g-F-f: =ar — rlr f=f=± ^-g-glp p fh =.B U T Violet. Tenderly. IXZ Farewell! (/n memory of Mrs. Anna King.) at 3g ._- EE35 <# 1 — • j-«-a i- "3-" -3£« — 5—si — 3 S. W. Stbaub. E35 1. Fare- well, fare-well, for thou art gone, We'll see thee nev - er- more, Un - til we meet in that fair 2. Fare-well, fare- well, sweet be thy rest, Tho' grief our hearts shall fill; How blest to know that thou art 3. Fare-well, thy suff- 'rings now are past, Thy wea - ry hours of pain ; Tho' we shall weep in an-guish 4. Fare-well, — we breathe the tear- ful word, With sor- row none can tell, And bow be - fore the will of I J. ! I 1 I g|Hg 5* ~"-9rrsf~M"\^ _*i if -& — # ^ -PL- td ,-©■— 3g p>_ a — »-i q *-i7g 1e?E§3E xnxJ-J-tzi Chorus. PTTn il"izz:izz:~rTT"i lttzt" ' q — -Zj ji land, Where part-ings all are o'er, gone. Where joys e - ter - nal thrill, here, Thine is e - ter - nal gain. Hirn. Who do - eth all things well. Fare - well, fare - well, Fare Fare - well, etc. Fare - well, etc. Fare - well, etc. well, fare- well. g^Qgg£ ^-g Tj J — =—- ^_F_ = L- r^T? 5H j ]j I i — L| — *- f __LL L_LiQ_ T _J J L IZZ.J_t_ IX L^___J.^__ 140 Ira J. Bailey. When the Pearly Gates Unfold. T. Martin Towne. i i i r 1. In the val - ley, lone and wea - ry, Wait we for the com-ing day; When the clouds shall leave our 2. When the strains of an - gel - mu-sic, Like a song up - on the sea, Greet the hearts of pil-grims 3. When up - on the Throne of Glo - ry, Je - sus 1 king - ly form we see, And the rain-bow of his J 1 ,**i-=-| — k=*4-j--N-,^ — \, — | — i — ** — r- ■m—s- — I ■--+■* — m—m-j—i — \--\ — P- -h™ 1- h — k heav - ens, And the long - mg, For the pres-ence, Throws its dark - home glo - I nessflee a that is to ry o'er the Z hH-^-h^— — £t=fa 'ilizd way ; When the bo - som of our sor - row, Shall be be, When the fluttering robes of loved ones, With a lea, Where the heav - en - now'rsare bloom-ing, And the E>± fc fei •I i u-\ &■■ •»hr-^ ;a X=±z:c: •*— # 3 # r V 1 — i — r £ ?^ -y-^ i*=M -- P ^r-i^ri — 1 V^-l — i-h ' 1 1 — I — \-0A 1 \-0—0 — *-^-9-*-o— # -V3 filled star heart with joy un - told, When our hope shall be fru-i - tion, And the pearl - y gates un - fold. on ev - 'ry fold, Shine like suns, we'll bless our sor -row, When the pearl - y gatesun - fold. canne'er grow old, With our trem -Hing souls we '11 praise him, When the pearl - y gatesun - fold. I i - - -' — ^ ---!---' — i*«* I :fezz* -bf 3 v — it # — ■v— E S&3E^E£J] Nearer Jesus. 141 Mrs. C. L. SlIACKLOCK. W U*r- CT7H" i i TTG -gjLJij-^j-tJ-^ ^ ■0—0—0- 1. Let us come, re-joic-ing, sing-ing, To the house ofpraise and pray 'r; Lov-ingheartsan hon -age "2. Kear-er to the Fount of Mer-cy, Near-er to the gate ofpray'r; We shall find his grace suf- 3. If so sweet the eavth-ly meet-ing In the tem- pie that we love; Oh, how blest will be the ,.„j, , . , . . m m - m -_. ._._-_«_ SL 0j£ ■*■ ■*■ ■*■ ■*■ P ^ i a l l il lTO^ m m m. i i M i V V -<2~ X=. 1-0-0. =sa tt=r=t=t bring-ing, Know-ing God him-self is there. fi-cient; We shall find ac-cept-ance there. greet-insr, In our Fa-ther'shousea - bove. Let us draw Let us draw, etc. Let us draw, etc. our Let us draw a lit - tie near er -0— our '*»£-&- -ft— ^ ^-T E^ #. Lord to - day agrrfo ==*=t=t=t=t=: & j— ♦ Let us see with vis L-Lir r-f -v^ +*-*=! 0— # — # HI!! ion clear-er, How he guides us on the ■# — — i— 1| I I * — * — I — «- — r-^-' * — p- — J- T _:j=a=::q: — ^_:^=:p 1 — # — =qpj=| I 1 # __ *_^ # L C 1 IT j. J sing r song to touch The hearts all way - ward grown, h-#- -#■ — ! £ - — - - — * 5 t=t=i t r Of Christ who loved l iL V 'i> '> I r ^ -* • i U J i M ~4~ /te?r}2_* p« i 5= cztaJ 4 J ^ i J IjggEpE the world so much, And died to save his 3= own. r _S=fpgEE|EF£= r-©" fer II II 144 Where He Is =r Tis Heaven "1 K—f^-^-r- J. H. Kurtz. k-. — I N-h -i g=:g=^=:i-i-^Sz::jz=3z:t:gz:J I * V 1. I know not where that cit - y lifts Its jas - per walls in air, I know not where the 2. I can- not see the wav- in or hands Up -on that farth-er shore, I can-not hear the 3. Butdimni'danclblind-ed, earth -ly eyes, Wash'd clear by con -trite tears, Sometimes catch glimpses mn F — ^-h — -v r t< »— r_* EB^ES =P=fc * «_ r^t— fr q EEE^ES \ I unorus. \ i glo - ry beams, So mar - vel-ous - ly rapt-uroussong, Of dear ones gone be of the light, From the e - ter - nal fair, fore, years. ** I * — -# — i 1 — There is rap-ture of the soul, The There is rap-ture, etc. There is rap - ture, etc. ^ -*• ■* * * o •-■^-•-r-irt-^ — ^— ^ — ^-r* — *— * *- <*— m t /?N rit. # — #-^ — --R joys of sins for - giv'n— For Christ the Bless-ed reigns with-in, And where he is — 'tis heav'n. :t-;r-t-!zE eg BUTTKRWORTH Bright Prospects! S. W. Straub. 145 1. How bless-ed the lot of the Chris - tian, What - ev - er God calls him to do, 2 The trav-'ler, tho 1 troubles as - sail him, Tho' hard be the way to pur - sue 3. In youth then your Ma-ker re - mem - ber; Do all that He calls you to do, e> His Has For h j H= — -)- loss - es are gains, and be - fore com - forts that nev - er will fail on - ly the life can be bless -*■ ■*- ■*■ A- -*■ r\ N \—*- :=;- _ # . — L_ . — . — — -*- •+- -5- . him; Bright pros-pects rise ev - er in him; Bright pros-pects are ev - er in ed; That has bright-er pros-pects in 3^ : 1 vie\ lew! view! view! Chorus. Faster. I — N-: ^H-4. 3=> -•-# -SiSia 4^- A-Any A-K 1 V ^r in Bright pros-pects! bright pros-p n cts! Bright pros-peels of heav'n, Bright prospects of heav'n, The Christian has ever in view. I235 1 tz=tt ,^±^ -S-T-l f I' nil ^1 B-S-rS-f-^ -al-rp'T'p 'j* [ p m m 9 m f I JJ'JJ ■ ■ 1 — I— fcH ' L l — --p- L 7-7-7-*-7-7-^*Jff- M - M 146 E. B S. Ait. by Marian. Love, Life, and Light, 4 * E. B. Sias. 1. We 2 We 3. Je are on - ly chil - dren,Lord; Teach us then thy way; have come to learn of thee; Thou hast bid us come sus give us strength to walk, Ev - er by thy side; -H 1 L S m eft t We would glad - ly Teach us in thine In the way of m p. « *_ fr E it k « fc=i *=t -* 33 er from thee stray, all sin to shun. twt 9' f=^M o walk with thee, Nev own good way, How truth, and light, Thou our foot - steps guide. rnanu - iui mane our *_«_« — J— 4-.—* -rg-P. — J—4-4—4 t \S-t=£- Keep us from all ill Sav - ior help our lit - tie faith: Thank - ful make our lit - tie hearts, we pray, fai ^mmm tsse t=tc ■f !> , , -fy- q^Jrp^j— ^ 4_ H N_| =^F a _ g- ^ M [ J N J ft, — | if i — * ^= * I ^ — I # ^ h* • - m 'Neath thy shelf ring wing: Help us watch and pray; For thy kind-ness, Lord, For thy love, and life, and light, Prais - es we will sing. Keep us ev - er in the right; Lead us day by day. For the bless -ing of thy love, And thy ho - ly word. Chorus Let s» Love, Life and Light— Concluded. 147 ^ us V sing, praise to — * — * — *-x_ s God, Let us sing Let T ' I * E=g praise to God, us S -A- *__ _ J £ « * #— #t walk in the m a e • way, Of the m m m • m m love, the life, the light, Then may m mm m e . a *Z\» J 1 ill Q^.-4-^i i t ■ i * <[.|» |> |i-JL_|g — p_ P (• # j# • i» J - P J7 f F P > i/ ! \t ' 1 1 '• ! Let us walk in the way R 0—0 0—0-.- 0— 1 z^> I 1 H 1 , J J r be pure and bright. When we all.... are gath hi Si h — ± ± m—m m— m-± m # ' •_ • _«_j _ r er'd 1— r home . =zS=r=H=i=i====-= r— C-^; 148 Eliza M. Sherman. Prayerfully. i*»^ . Light and Loye. 4 iszuirptrbt Geo. B. Chase. ~^3 — ^ — a^i — n- ,-, A- 1. Oh, Je - sus take my heart, 2. Then shall my light shine on, 3. Shine in up - on my soul, -L-M And guard and With clear bright With light di ■ guide; Cleanse ev - 'ry guil - ty ray; And guide per-chance some vine, And con - se - crate it & ty -#- ■0- Take my heart, 0—9— Cleanse ev ._#_,[,,' 'ry i £=5 i«^i FN -»-# — i— *~v =3=3=3= ■J — 4 Chorus. HS IN I IS That ^J=1E^-3^=^=3=F3= : stain, And there a soul, To end - less Lord, Thine, whol - ly §^==jEJ^ guil - .ty stain, bide, day. th ine. ,-*-*— ft— 0--—0 — I'll trust thee Je- sus, trust thee, I'll trust thee Je - sus, etc. I'll trust thee Je - sus, etc. That 11 ±3— *=£=== I may ev ■0 9 know, 0- ' The wealth of light and love, Thou can st be 9*9 stow. The wealth 1- of JLj it • * • #^TTltf_ ippiiii^ — ' r ? t" — 1 light and love. Blessed is the Nation, Maria Straub. [For Fourth of July.] With great energy. 149 S. W. Straub. 24- — nv-P# — j 1 — -2--J S I1 — ^ 1 — — » . m \*—d F — —*-* i— •-f-jj^v—w-*-i —¥-— *t+w—»—9^ *--r--*—*- tw-- w—9—%-0 *—*—'- 1. All hail this clay's re -turn, Great day for free- dom won; We'll praise the Lord all glo-rious,Who 2 All hail this day's re -turn, Our hearts with rapture burn; With banner float-in^ o'er us, We'll 3. We hail this day's re- turn, We love our land and home; We ev^- er will re-vere thern,WJio RHtT 1 *— R— •— i=— •— t — =Z S— F^ — 5—i -^— p— P-- ^ — I ^ — I — ^ — f~ ^— I t? — s HHr-a ^ a — ^i ^ N N ^^ # — /-*- £3= i; ~i— S — -4 ^ A-,- made our arms vie - to - rious;Oh, bless-ed is the na - tion, Whose God is the Lord! joy - ful swell the cho - rus — Sing- bless- ed is the na - tion, Whose God is the Lord! fought for God and free - dom, And won for us a na - tion, Whose God is the Lord! ■#■ * - •#- IN i * 1 Jf_ # _^_^_#_p_#_ m $&*=* ^_. £z r: *— t <9 h(!9— : P Chorus. Bless - ed the > Bless-ed is the na-tion, in in ^ in na 4L tion, » — 9 — #— * — # — _ ! ; 1 ( 1 1 Bless-ed is the na-tion, Whose God : i>l* v~Trt * l * i = : =5=; ?- . 4i JKL JL X- Z- F^'i m ju a - - * (2.. -*—*/— tzzfit »-i — # — _i J Chorus. -vHV 3s3 -v—fc *■• — } j [1^ =3 — rf-r-^-r-ffl- Let us 9*fc3=* sing - ^of Je - sus 1 love, *-*- t=S=tl, t^grx: Pre - cious love, .-ft -fc BEEfe P .to us t=t Let us smg of Je - sus' love, :tt= z£ ^ J Pre - cious love so Sins: of Jesus' Loye — Concluded ■•=5+5 — S — » — #— w — #-i— i — dear: 9i = fr~* • tiff -^i How it cheers the soul times of need, And al - lays our ev - 'ry fear. I , !N l\ ^ -*• •*■ -^ j— iK tz=P=t v-v- to us so dear: iLizA M. Sherman — r i 1 • — 4 • 'j» | — I — I— £(»-*— " Close To Tliy Cross M B. F. Gmffeth. 4 -# »-#- i i i Close to thy cross I cling-, When in af - flic-tion'sfire, Still from thy throne a-bove, 1 j— ! „JLrg_* * ^ — ±± s=r3=fc: t-^j p ' fA y? * ^ Re - ceive the love I bring, Je - sus di - vine, In thy dear Still bid my faith look higher, Sor - row be - guile, While in life's Look on me in thy love, Still keep me thine, And when my At V » » ±t=t © — -r- f — 9- —Z-ZQ. & # — _<2 t*P I I ■tfur ;_ ~^T^~q — i ; i — n j \^. | ~i m — 4 rest, Close to thy lov - ing breast, Oh, list to my be-quest, And m? wait, 'Till o - pens heav-en's gate. My soul were des - o - late, With- o make arms I rest, vale I wait, 'Till o - pens heav-en's gate, My soul were des - o - late, With- out eyes grow dim, Still of thy love I'll sing, Still to thy cross I'll cling, Sav - ior n ^ - -j ,0 *-r-#- ± -9-G- ,-©> 7^—9 -r-' 9 &—y-& #- thine, smile. ■ vine. 1 & r ill 152 The Dawn has Come. J. M. Campbell. U With distinctness. -1 PV — 1 h IS 1 a -i — i- — m- Ml -J « — # " M — J- J5_. — l- 9 ' 4 d • * 9 ~9 9 W. F Werschkttl. '_::==£ 1. Lo! in the sky ap-pear-eth, The f;int- est flush of light, Which grows and glows each 2. The gates of morn swing- o - pen; New life all na - ture thrills! A flood of pur- pie 3 All earth-born clouds are scat - ter'd; Birds of the night are fled; A sea of gold - en * 9 ^ ■*■ 9 ^ ' 9 9 m 9 t * S~^m •*■**■** <--MV t- Set rrz t: mo- ment, 'Till all the earth is bright; The we a - ry lonely watch-ers, Who sigh their hours a- glo - ry, ' Is pour'd on dis-tant hills; The soul from sleep a - wak - ing,Forver - y glad-ness sun - shine O'er all theworldis spread; The droop-ing heart looks up-ward, And touch'd with heaven "s own ssffl^ m ■"■— N- N T -J- BE^feEE »— 9~— 4 5t ■ffzafc s=r Chorus. Faster 9 : way, Look forth and see earth's shad-ows, sings, And read-y, stands, to wel- corae, light, Goes forth in faith, uu - daunt-ed, Melt in -to end-less day. The toil a new day brings. To bat-tie for the right. ,9-9 P ^ The dawn has come; The The dawn has come ; etc. The dawn has come; etc. MM i-it :t: gg ^^ prfflltli The Dawn has Come— Concluded. 153 8 tj 4^uj= ^ ^ gr ii - Tf F^ Bte a i — ^— #— #- T # L, - m v— ZC # — ,— # v =* J-^ ^ ^_ ^ ^_ # -C J_ _ ^_JJ ■*• ^ ~m- ~m- -w + t ~m- — "•" sr • night is o'er; The sun has ris'n, Which sets no more. I I I fS The sun has ris'n which sets no more. I I IN f-^ — i v^ 4 4 -4- . 4 * \ I r — ^J-^r # _ # _^-| — k_lc:_p_ # ^-3J Faith 1. 'Tis by the faith of joy to come, We walk thro 1 des - erts dark as night; 2. The want of sight she well sup -plies; She makes the pear - ly gates ap - pear; 3. With joy we tread the des - ert thro', While faith in -spires a heav*n-ly ray; t i J L V # — r # — # — #- # 9 #- r-A" Till Far Tho' K rt> fct ?=l=fl we ar - rive at heav'n our home, Faith is our guide, and in - to dis - tant worlds she pries, And brings e - ter - nal li - ons roar, and tem-pests blow, And rocks and dan - gers T> 9i J= t 1 h- ^y- r: t— 1 -I— it faith our light, glo - ries near, fill the way. •*- h /IN suns 154 Tenderly. Jesus Blessing Little Children. S. W. Straub. 1. Je - suslov'd the lit - tie chil - chen, Laid His hand up - on each head, 2. Je - susbless'dthe lit - tie chil-dren With the bless - ings of His love, 3. Bless - ed Sav - ior, kind Re - deem - er, Lay Thy hand up - on my head, m .__*__# * m (• ft p _#_• — |ft — & p.: ^ m *_ — K "t? ^— ? — ^ — tr— t/— ^~ =C=:i=t=f==f=:= I fc=*==*=fc S=S 2-^JJ ^ — I -# —i 1 -# & .._*. /^ — 1-flH * •- I 53 And we whis-per soft - ly, gen - tly, Ten - der - ly the words He said: And it seems He still is say - ing-, While He rules the world a - bove: Bless me as Thou did'st the chil - dren, When those lov - ing- words were said: h fc h h ::?_:£ Tt3E$ V — 9 — t. u — c — r — z — r — t J Chorus, Faster. fc^Z^Z^ * — v w — * — ti — m w , iv -v ~*3zl- 4— ~— •-• — ~TL : ! — * — w I tap s j J — i 'Suf-fer lit - tie chil - dren to come un - to me, And for -bid them not, and for-bid them not, Bi^zzczztzzczzrzzL-zizrzzzz-ziitiZLZitiiiii^irfeizszi^zi^^ irT^r~9 ,-&r -&■■ t- 2Z*=fcfrCt= I Jesus Blessing Little Children— Concluded. Hj-££ — ^r- 1 N |S I — t- 12 — •'-T-#-h« 1 v-i ^ — k — i \— *— # r * — ' * — N v-i — ! k- — N — i c — v 155 For of such is the king-dom of heav n, For of such is the king - clom of heav'n. ^~9 — » » » 7-r j_4i_p~*.*_*. -*-*-rJ— I 1- err 1 L_ i? V • "p Father, We Thank Thee ! S. W. Stradb. 1. Can a lit- tie child like me Thank the Fa-ther fit-ing-ly? ) ( Love the Lord and doyourpart; Yes, oh, yes! be good and true, Patient, kind in all you do; ) ( Learn to say with allyour heart; 2. For the fruit up - on the tree, For the birds that sing- of thee! ) j For thy pre-cious, lov-ing care, For the earth in beau-ty drest, Fa-ther, moth-er and the rest, ) \ For thy boun-ty ev-'ry-where, 3 ±AA-0*zR —m-*. .*_*. * •/ y * * s V / V / Chorus. -l — . — iv-jv, — &■ — i — i — i — s~v .2 — i 1 1 — $_ T 9 s _«_ 0—0 — 0-.-—J-0 *— 0— r^=g3[ hrr =5 Fa - ther,we thank thee, Fa - ther, we thank thee, _^_ MJ* =FRF^ L/- Fa-ther in heav-en we thank thee! ^ -*-£ SE tCJE 5CC eg r tp: 13 156 Gather in the Children. March time. k_j^- gga^ =— # rV— N 1 '.-%■ 1 (S I 1 *— 9 1 #— #- 4 . F. J. Moore. 0—a-* — #- ■<©-- #-d- 1. Come, tell us of Je - sus, that friend ev- er near, Who an- swers be-fore we can speak; Whose 2. Come, tell ofthatmer-cy that ev - er be-stows, A sweet-ness to life's bit- ter day; Come, l^ I B^ 0-9 #- £ -#- r eiSifeggig u * p^t^=Nft=^=t=j=p=K := •# — pres - ence is ev - er a -bund-ant to cheer; Who lifts up the fall -en and weak; But tell of therapt-ure the trust-ing one knows; That charms ev - 'ry sor-row a - way; Come ==ga=jsyi j^4iri-^ —IV fc— I & &e- i±==3F* -#-t-#— #—• &#-r~#- : __n4. Q^EfE=- N ==i= -*- 4? -#~-*—* if' V-* -t g- — £=4_ 5=3= e'er we be -gin the sweet sto - ry to tell, Or sing- it in joy-ous re - frain; Let's tell of that beau- ti - ful land far a- way, Whose wealth is more pre- cious than gold; There Z-VjFtr-tr^-r JU-fftL- k==EE==g= .s-i— ==- p-57 Gather in the Children— Concluded. J> N.^_ 4— A-j fe-l E— fe-r- gath - er the chil-dren from val -ley and dell, From o - ver the wood-land and plain, nev - er is night in that realm of bright day, Where glo - ries for - ev - er un - fold. 157 II 9¥f — "E^FFF r^-- *- L,SL^__J Chorus. Gath -4 _|. er, it HP- gath -fiJ" :*— *:zz«i:?:i::i!:zfc :zr=£r»=J *-+ er, Gath- er the chil-dren, Oh, gath-er them in, • -0-9-1 0— 9 Gath - er the chil- dron, Gath - er the chil-dren, Gath - er the chil - dren, Oh, gath - er them in, Gath -J-, -— er, 3E gath *— * -*— ^0— 0^- 0-0 — w x- And tell them of Je - sus, who saves them from sin J~~* , : v ~* II ^— — — t" T" j~ # — » — r # — 0-*-0-0— i — I — r # — 0—-M—0 — #---#- r » — 0-^0-^0 — 1 y y • / • i ^ K I Gath - er the children, srath - er the chil -dren,.Viid tell them of Je - sus, who saves them from sin. 158 Barton Walk in the Light. 1 — # -#- ^— # g=s -g-i s. w. s. 1 J FT atBbf 1. Walk in thelightlso shalt thou knowThat fel - low ship of love, His Spir - it on - ly 2 Walk in theliuhtJand thou shalt find Thy heart made tru-ly His, Who dwell sin cloud-less 3. Walk in the light! thy path shall be Peace-ful, se - re ne and bright; For God by grace shall *-- (•— P— 0— rf— * P— P— r*— *— *— S— rfl-£ — ~ r-«— P— *— 0— 0—0 1— r S rzz B=E t t» -r— ■Hg- 8 — f- 1> — r m— » r -»— ■ mm ==t=r±==t ESt 3— -ffl- I . ,_-=_,~^- can be - stow Who reigns in light a - bove. light en - shrin'djn whom no dark-ness is, dwell in thee, And God him - self is lig-ht. Chorus. Faster. Walk in the Light, walk in the light! and Walk in the light, etc. Walk in the light, etc. »=* ? t=P r^-i- E P-#* H9- • 3 i — f— - pV t-* t-£& i -^•- — #-h— N N N *-^z* -i — i p-TP thou shalt own Thy dark nes3 pass'd a- way, Be-cause that light hath on thee shone, In which is per-fect day. Thy dark - uesa pass'd a -way, B trfr-f-f TfT i r p->-sr t ~ r f'~~ | ' ■ r^ ~^~ l "~i p~rf ~r~r~f~ + — fl ^^5^^_^^_^_^_,_P^_^_^^ e _ e ^^^_ : ^]h1 Frances R. Havergal. Another Year. 159 W. F, Werschkul f — h-^- # --_ jr _,--j_ — j_j-j m g M. m z>-+Tl- *-dr-»~ ^ 1. An - oth-er year is dawn - ing! Dear Mas-ter let it 2. Aa - oth - er year of mer - cies, Of faith-ful-ness and 3. An - oth - er year of ser - vice, Of wit - ness for thy *= F-l P- be In work- ing or grace; An - oth - er year love; An - oth - er year I _ I II E # — ' in of of ■m wait - ing, An - oth - er year with thee ! glad - ness, And shin - ing of thy face; tram - ing, For ho- lier work a - bove; 9WrT"'F = TrT^ ==:r # An - oth - er year of lean - ing, Dp- An - oth - er year of prog - ress,An- An - oth - er year is dawn - ing! Dear .* a. I * I I I I -S2-. Ores. Dim et Bit. ^rfc-n— 3-g-j*— P 8 -*^* 1 ^-— ^-g-^^F^^^^T^ ^F^-r ^ — 11 — # _ # _.__t r — r t r r r^s w g 'i j. i y*i; " on thylov-ing breast, Of ev - er deep- ning trust-ful-ness, Of qui - et, hap - py rest, oth-er year of praise, An -oth-er year of prov - ing, Thy pres-ence "all the days." Mas-ter, let it be On earth, or else in heav - en, An - oth-er year for thee! ^m fg » T -* r » — I F — 9 1 pap -•— EEEE 160 A Love Like Thine M. S. $cM=j= 0—6—0 — #- 0— j — I u s. w. s. f~0—* :-— 5i 0— #— 1. I must not speak an e - vilword, A - bout an-oth-er who haserr'djTho 1 he should harm me, 2. How ma-ny joys the heart mightthrong, If good should o-ver-come all wrong; I love my friends, the 3. I must ful- fill the Lord's com- mand, And e'er ex-tend a help-ing hand; Must aid myneigh-bor, tnrrr - 1 U U I I ^ U> dd^fcfct Chorus, source of love, ti2=rf=3=J: / / r 'tis the same, The Bi-ble says I must re-frain. pre-ceptis, I toomustlove my en-e-mies. friend or foe, The bless-ed Bi - ble tells me so. source of love, O^v^di-vine, Giveun-to "** a ^ ^ P 7 a V V P * source of love, love di- vine, Give 0—0—0 i—P—0- ■0-0-0- v-y-y- ¥*= ^^^ 0-0-0- -v-v-v- :tej-— 1*^ 0—0—0 — I— #-k^ p p t^ •#- P* .-1 &_*-A_| p\ :tiz!t=*=xtx=:t=Ji-_ # ,—0—0—0-^-0-^-0—0 — un - to us, alove like thine; A lovetliatsliall our foes en-twine:GiveusdearFa-ther,lovelike thine. in ,\ is - ^-^ # ^ •#■ - /?s -— •- #— »—#— 0— m -0 -,-a-y-a-- a — »- r jg~*— a — #— F - r {- g— #— #- r »-f— , * — r^~ Ti Come Home Solo. Tenderly. Geo. B. Chase. 161 &H»feH 1 — Lj »^_. — m — L.0 /_ j. — i ^ — < — Far out on the mount-ains dark and dim, A - way on the hills so My spir - it was proud, my flesh was weak, And I wouldnotcome to Oh, Je - bus, I cried, I come to thee, I come with my load of Make me more worth-y thy name to bear More worth - y thy love to — •-_# fc. cold, . . . him,. . . sin, know, . . z mujr fUi m FPrff u^>: ff * m r:»<: cp Chorus. Lento. m $& jr. -0- — — ^ — i But Oh, And ■0-9- -0-0 1 isizz: -*%-*■ Si' -#■ 7*0 wau - der'd far from the mas- ter's side; I wan-der'da-way from the fold. Oh'.sw wan - der'd on with my heav-y load In the shad-ows so dark and dim. Oh!sw pu - ri - f y this my guilt-y heart, Which low at thy feet I bring. Oh!sw set thy seal on my way- ward heart; And help me in grace to grow. Oh!sw ' > [/ r h-|- i ^d +a-H-+ 1 j i ffj f rj r i j -^ ii — — ^ Uj- - ■£>' ^^ ! ^ # m # eetwas thenias-ter's eet, etc. eet, etc. eet, etc. . PS Pn fS 0—s ar-- g~g ;*•»— !l voice, Ten-der-ly call-ing to me,"Mychild,eomehome, come home to-day. My child, come home to me. 1 '' ' ' U l* W g p fr -Li — U I ft 0*0— m\ 1C2 Eben E. Rexford. --N 1- Beyond the Shadows. w. 2— EE2 =t 3 -N — r -t mm 1 . Some earth - ly friend - ships fail 2. The hope we lean on fails 3. heart, be - yond the shad us When winds of sor - row blow, As us, The hand we grasp grows cold, And ows What sun - shine crowns the hills! There, m -«#•■#•■#■ K . I m -6rS -j -N A .& i — I -r; 1 -A =^"i v r Is a m *\ — « — — I 1 k — — i — ~t 3 m~- ^-j f^ — i 2 J 2 • - > ( 9 2 • • V 5 ■ fair, dross ours JL frail bios - is in are ours soms per the treas - for - ev # " 9 9 ish Be - neath ures We tho't er, Un - touch 1 d e * * the frost of pur - by earth 9 a and est -i snow; go.d; ills;. JL • — ' 9 The .... When — Love f - rv«i f P '* p P # • ■ p i 1 i~ 1 P ij«? 9 9 O) * — p 1 , 3^ ' T I L* I L | "t u H— ■ — i -£— t— \r~ =4_ — y .J A-4 «=^=3 A- -- 1 « — -d N i^^^ — j — 9 9 — \-&- ties we count as stron - gest May first of all be in His strange, deep wis - dom, God takes what He has nev - er-more will fail us, Nor hearts with love be ■^ ^ 9 9 *" * 9 9 + -*■ ~ 9 • ~r- •, nv n givn, riv'n, -9- To ztzd N-4 *_ n — e 9 — -j bid our hearts AY re- The mute lips seem to the glad time i 1— Sri— ?- c *3» c — ?=? 1/ Beyond the Shadows— Concluded. Chorus, ■-I p— i — i ^ — i — -| — i — -. — 5T— i — N- — ^ — fv — n — p ^ — , — j — — i h — i ^— ^ — -^ — j — ^ — i — i 1 1 — i- mem - ber There's noth - ing sure whis - per, There's noth - ing sure com - ing, We find the way but but to heav'n! heav'n! heav 'n. L ^ The pleas - ures of earth may The pleas -ures, etc. The pleas - ures, etc. h h h |s h N 163 -A- J- — i — "m~ be -I -* F- ^ -= — i* — k r — t fleet I ing; Her treas - ures may -* ■* x » 9 m heav -en - ly land 'mong the fade - less, We'll galh - er th< — £ — £ — ? — 5 — p — v — 1~: and by i] 164 Eden Reader Latta. He Will Hold Us by tlie Hand 1. He will hold us by the hand, 2. He will hold us by the hand, 2. He will hold us by the hand, : Tr- h- 1— h Lest we In our Bless - ed faint be - side the way, child-hood and our age, tho't to Chris-tianshere; JL JL JL JL J£L x=x t= t W- t: W. A. Ogden. -*--*- He will guide our He will not for- If we love to -©■■ J *=* Chorus. He will hold. .-A fc way -ward steps, Lest from hirn our feet may stray sake his own, On their earth - ly pil - grim - age. do his will, He will fill our hearts with cheer. r— r— r— r He will hold. . . . us, He will hold us, by the He will hold is i -i/-V— ¥-¥- m He will hold us He A- will hand, (by the hand, ) Ev - er hold us, A *- • ■*-*- f- f. JL JL gen - tly spi!E;s==?!^ i A tf — — •-■*-#-•- t=t £-*— »—>—>— | 1 Ev - er hold us 5 hold... us, He will h h h h h * *=± gent-ly hold us, hold. He Will Hold Us by the Hand— Concluded. 165 ft, f* k fr _ X ==^: wm^^m^m^m* 3BE II He will hold us the hand, (by the hand,) He will lead us to the bet - ter land. ay=s s c r» *a • I i I I iTf : j — r~ a^ nfe ^ ^-W" f- I- I— ^~ •i — '-«-. — 1 Boldly. Breast the Wave, Christian, S. W. Stkaub. 9 -■i-N f 3-2 =t 5EEE Breast the wave, Christian, when it is strongest; Watch where the nightshade lin - gers the long - est; Stand the storm, Christian, Je - sus is o'er thee; Fear not the tern - pest, heav'n is be -fore thee; i±£££ ■w r rgv-r- -^ A 0= s 4-£- # #-5-1 On-ward and onwardstill be thy en-deav-or: There is a rest for thee, Peace-ful. for - ev - er. Go where thy du - ty calls ;fear may as - sail thee; God is thy strength and shield, He will not fail thee. : 1 1 iw cs Big- -1-4^-M- g • : » r »— rprF ^ujti *-•- -v-£ H f W R-rr : *t *— # >—# ■9- iillll 166 Shall I be There? c. o. rr £3 -0-0 F#-^_jE=5Z=J Frank M. Davts. in thebrighte 2. When those who toil - ing 3. When draw - ing near the r H— — m ter - nal world. The good pos - sess those man- sions fair, up - ward now, Shall at the heav'n - ly feast ap-pear, heav'n - ly throne, The bright an - gel - ic host ap-pear, '0 Se The To §:rq:z=FJz=::fa^ — j_z ^ 1 — C ^- c, k-| oi *—0—* 9i=?; cure at last from mar - riage sup - per join in one glad :pzT=p-?— t: j- — \r\— T= all that harms, Shall I of the Lamb, Shall I shout of praise, Shall I p=* ■9- V be there, shall I be there? be there, shall I be there? be there, shall I be there? •#• -0- • +■ S=t I L| y S^ J Chorus, -g-H-fi Yes, I'll be E — [-0 ~N— * f— f=d "Zf^= =^# * J S 1 ^ ^S v • there, yes, I'll ■A H* *• ■(* 9^M=£ ?— SE "b 7 r be there, When all God's *- J- * JL JL *- M- —t-Z-f—t-C- -•f — # — * — ^ — * — *- Yes, I'll be there, yes, I'll be there, > — — 0— H i — & — 5— ^ Shall I be There?— Concluded. there, When all God's saints 9 #- are gath - er'd home, gath-er'd home. m m m I JS A I m 7 1 ; t=j^£=fiF-f=f= £ ^— \p— $— r- Fn r~ ?— ' — *— F — p - .(2... -vc- II Yes, I'll be there, Hawes. Lord, Remember Me. S. W. Strau ~f: 1=8 J- 1. O thou, from whom all goodness flows, > soul to thee, fin all my sorrows, con- 1 n Trt , M _ OTV1 , I lift m/ J ( fliers, woes, f u ^ ora ' re " mem " Der me * 8. When with an aching, burning heart, I | Uef of thee ^ Thy pard^n.grant, new J Q Lor ^ re . mem . ber 3. When trials .ore obstruct the way, And J C£m . not gee ^ h, let my Jtrengtn be as ^ Q Lor ^ re . mem . ber me> 4. If tarthj sake, upon thy name reproach . 8hame ghall be> j Hi **%^»£* k *f \ O Lord, re - mem - ber f9- -^ r- fq_ia—«J!-i I — hr -t ^- A ^ M 168 Touch Not and Taste Not. Maui an, -9 e 1. touch not and taste 2. young men and maid r # *- :dzzz ~N w. not the bright and spark - ling cup; For ens dis - dain the char - mer's voice: Shun r — r *-*-4 > N N JS :^=i=^_- f _ !t 3| ft:M - t -^- :? . N J :m — q. JS-JM- # # *- -# # dan - ger and sor - row lurk in th 1 en-chant-ingcup; While shad - ows of death and the strong drink and ev - er make tem-per-ance your choice; 'lis wis - dom in - vites you to P r : l B-Js—>m: t=X=& v-v— -i — I— • — »- \-f. v—v-v—v- r V '/ •—•■■ £—*■'■ I- ■>t— ? — ■-W—W— N N 1 TV 1^ 1 r A-«- # ^ — — Pv — P- — i — +- — m b--\- ll blight-ing stains of sin, Drive peace from the heart and come slow - ly creep-ing in. live with her at ease, Her ways you will find all are pleas -ant - ness and peace. Touch Not and Taste Not— Concluded. 169 Chorus. h JS N IS J 1#"~ IS h i\ pn 9 1 1 Jl " ¥ \ 1 frv\ gl — 9 — v 1/ ? <3 9 9 Be - ware ! J . • 1/ be - 1 ware • • of the temp ■ ter's cun - ning ways; 4 r They i £^» (■ jl tf m a 6 P. # — J- i J_ V 1/ v y | -y t^— y | | r\ in _\_^ |S x | S N | -A S ~0\ K hi m f m _ i3 p , ' 3 ^ J ! '"■# 9 9 9 # 9 fi\\ j Lf 2 * V i V 1/ tU * # 9 • lure • to de - struc - tion, to gloom-y nights and days; 1 Then pause e'er you taste, for one C\* ' m M rf P P ^ r i r ! p ff 000 4 ff -J' P t V 1 L* b 1 b W i iii'l I r# m £ If ? 1/ u* x j V w i > p h fr / > h N — g — j — j — 5 — * -N— V g-J 9'~'i'~9— 9— J 11 drop may lead you on; May turn you from vir - hie and make you do the wrong. r* # * W Z—-+- ^! 170 Spare My Boy. Maiua Straub. From "Temperance Battle Songs." W. P. Werschkul. i iU — I 1. Thro 1 the in - fantdays I watch'dhim, Guard-ed well mydar-ling boy; Thro' the nights Isooih'dand 2. Thro 1 the child-hood years I led him, Guid-ing e'er his lit - tie feet; Who could harm him, who would 3 Pa-tient-ly I watch 'd the bud-ding Of the man - hood of my child; Can I see the no-ble $=3 _*=:* lEi»=Ei=3=3 -M—M ±=t w~p- 3=q=} m-t -& -& -&- ■0- -& •a- r Slower. i~£=fc2=fc;*=a= *EEEE^ rock'd him, On a bo dare to Taint the lips bloom-ing, Blight-ed, ru som fill'd with joy, Now, a - las, 1 may not shield him, Tho 1 by so ten - der, sweet? Must 1 yield my heart's iond treas-uie To the in'd or de-fiTd? Spare my lov'd one, spare his man-hood, Of my y--\ L-H — j—m — £\ — i — u J > r: 9— -*H ct± j Spare My Boy— Concluded. c tempo. 171 • — H- -#^ sin and death be-guiled, I can on - ly pray the spoil -er, Spare my child, spare my child! blight-ing curse of rum? Rob me of my food and shel-ter, On - ly spaie my dar- ling son! life the pride and joy; Must you, take the shin-ing gold, but Spare my lov'd one, spare my boy! 3=fe X3 "JL" > Q: J i J | 35 ^1 1 — S J-3M-& 1 1 \S i — J -)&—<-*— t = — 9 — 9 ft — • — • ZL a • J * -"-B*- t TJ ? "*3 * -I 5= P=l Chorus. With emphasis. O spare my bov ! 172 We'll Soon be Home, Ebkn T. Martin Towne. 3 m We are Does the Oh, the ■9 #- mi i journ'y-ing day by clay, way seem rough and long? hills of peace and rest, £=EE To Are On the you the I .0. hills where - on is rest; wea - ry, faint and worn? riv - er's far - ther shore, |E gjEE|Eg Ej^gg far - ther ftti=i tt=±=t=±=t *=3 ^—t-3 Lo! be-holdthem Sing of rest, and In the coun-try far a - way, in the song, of the blest, 3^fete-El=; Tn the coun-try of the blest. Half for - get the bur- dens borne. Land of God's for - ev - er - more! i i i i n. J \— 0—0 0.0 Nev - er night or Sing of joy that Near - er, near-er, u-ii — 0—0 — — — __ — — &. r — 0—0—0 4-*-*— & — -m#- ft — I — e — 4-0- m , — i— =Ft w — w tem-pest we shall day by .0 sor - row, nev ■ pass the gates, hea vVi , the faith -m — -a — : 5— & — :J-P -p=t= —*zrj2L F=\ a — 1 — h ei- and ■ful Bin; see win. i* Nev-er a - ny load to bear; That dear Christ, who lov'd us so, Soon our Fa - ther's voice will say, ■0- -0- -0- -0- ■& tz=F| — i — *=±: -o — m &- — %f .nil We'll Soon be Home— Concluded. Chorus. 173 J rW r n rJ J4 d— ri — f frr - H J J ] t ^ JJH- rj — 77 <» - p^n. gates, and let us in! lliat He died for you and me. O - pen. crates, and let them in ! - u<* Cour- age. heart! the way grows bright, Think-ing of the Cour- age. etc. Cour-age, etc. I gg i-T-T I i -rf-r i IM F— rF— w-r J N^ • M 5 : joy rw-! come, Heav'n breaks on our rap - tur'd sight, We will soon be -*— — # # s a — r # 9 ©- r #--— #— # #- l^ • *?> # # ~_ z. # m r r pi ?=i=j at home! >-&■ II The Lord is My Shepherd. -&-\s*— i ?m**d?$ Shall not want. ■< green pastures ; he leadeth - still — waters. \ He maketh me to lie down in l ne Lord is my Shepherd: I Shall not want. - green pasture ' me beside the Yea.tho" I walkthro'thev... Herestoreth my soul: he leadeth me inthe ) i lev of the shadow of death. I paths of righteonsness. for his ("name's —sake - will fear no evil : for thou - I with me; thvrodandth I thev ath.I J ou art v iy staff i com - fort me. Thou preparest a table before me inthe J - — -snce ~* - iy h they Surely goodness and mercy presence of mine enemies. thou anoint- '^ cup runneth over 1 shall follow meallthedavso'f (. ev est my head with oil; my \ ) my life, and! willdwtliih the l 1L 4. o—& £i=3 ig house of the Lord, for .(5L_fiL - g - O A - men. ©— r ^— r^ — ISiilgj For Liberty S. W. Straub. c — I ^ 1- 1. sing- ye morning* stars, re-joice!Ye 2. Free as the wild birds in the air, Free 3. land!sobeau-ti - ful and free !0 —I— ,-9— 9—9—9— r9-*—m—9 — 9- '-£- v- hills and vales, lift up yourvoice, And o'er the landfrom as thewinds, and none so fair, As this dear land we glo-riousland of lib - er-ty! Where all are princ-es, fe=g =ro p & :jz=t=P -9 9- EEEEESEE I I I -I ' I mm *£-* sea call none to sea, For lib ourown,With-out is king-, Of thee i9l£ #— p -y- t=t f9- J_J_^_, er - ty! a throne: we sins:. 42.— (2. Break forth in one glad, glad re-frain, From hill to hill, With - oat the pomp of court or king,With-out op-pres - Fath-er, di -vine, with gra-cious hand, Pour out thy bless 5: £ : trom ion's ■ings -(— h-F-^-jJ— #-l EE3£ ? # :jfcfajfcrj;=2g F-| F 1- sF-r— # - q=rq=^fc: ■« — # — o- :e if— tf =t=P=4 4 -*--& —Gr Coda* Lt 4- 4-3-4 ±^— ^ plain to plain, Pro-claim the joy -ful words a-gain, Our land is free. Our land rank-ling sting ;Thy loft-iest prais-es we would sing, Our hap - py home. Our hap ■ on our land. While Free-dom's bells from strand to strand, Shall glad-ly ring. Shall glad F^ - /CN I J I - *& P- -&■ • is free ! py home! -ly ring! ]] fcjfc ff-r— r t=t -0— #- -I h~ ®— P- :p =E — r i — — zEgnziiiz: -J9~ i Pieces for Meetings OF Prayer, Praise and Conference, Note. — Many of the pieces in this department, should occasionally be sung in the Sunday School while many pieces in other parts of this i ook can be made very effective in the above named meetings. Guardian Care. -4-J !- g§ a- L -#— #- _i_i_p. -# — f- .^ — I. HE* i— r-F «= I 1. The Lord is our Shepherd, ourGuard-ian and Guide; What ev-er wewanthe willkind-ly pro - 2. The Lord is our Shepherd; what, then, shall we fear? Shall dan-gers af-fright-en us when he is o. A - fraid of our-selves,to pur - sue the dark way, Thy rodandthy staff be our com-ioit and I -0- -> — # r #— 0—P— r 0— 0—0— r 0— 0—0— r & 0— r 0— 0~ a ~ r 0^0- ~0-r£-0— i" W j» W 1 W U !# 1 1 i—i — Vp— p 1 U r | I J — r — h i i I vide; near? .tay; A ft ■ ** __ < — # — ,— -j#- -g — 9 — H— M ; k ! \— -9—9—*- i-Fn— « — r : - 3EE =t=J=s=t34r 1 — g- L * < i I His care and pro-tpc-tion his flock will sur-round; To them will his mer-cies for -ev-er a - bound. 0, no; when he calls us we* II walk thro' the vale, The shad-ow of death, but our hearts shall not fail. "We know by thy guidance when once it is past, To life and to glo-ry it brings us at last. 0—0—0 — — 0- C^~ ^-«-0-r-0— 0— — r-0 9— r 0—0 0— 0—r-&—0— .0—0- -1 — 1 — fc tr-0- 1 ; 1 1 175 I I I lh = 176 My Beautiful Home on High, Rev. M. L. Hofford. Allegretto. J. M. Stillman. ■m— 0- "*- ■# — « #- 1. My beau- ti-ful home on high! In dreams I of -ten see; Its pear- ly gates un - fold; Its 2. My beau-ti-ful home on high! It knows no shades of night; No dark-ness ev - er conies To 3. My beau-ti-ful home on high! I long to soar a - way, And bask a - mid the light- Of -*l. _«. ^m- ^m. -a- ■ — - -A. _©- -A. A. a. -A. -bL ' -M. M. m — i — I — I — I ■y-y-y- V- - >==? i — i E — E — E — E- -a-i— a — ts — i — i — E— i — P — \~ — V- r / r p r~r u r i ~r u< -A-H — V4=4-A rf=^E^ -1—4-5- •-*- 3 *-4 5=T -i— fr man-sionswel-come me; Its loft - y halls with notes Of heav'n-ly mu-sic ring; Its jas-per walls re o -ver- whelm its light, The Sav-ior's lov-ing hand Wipes ev - 'ry weep-ing eye; The Sav-ior'slov-ing its ce-les-tial day; Up- on the heav'n-ly hills, With ran-som'd ones to rove, Im-mor-tal joys drink -A- K _■#■■#■•#-•#■-#- ""^ -#■-#.-#■-*• -#--#- ■®——0 — 9- -#— #• fchbzfczfc I H— 1 h- L H=) — h- 1 - 1 *-i -£ • trt^f-fr Chorus. S N ,N N > «— i — « — a— tt — i — ^ — (- i sound The songs the an - gels sing, voice Bids pain and sick - ness fly. in, Of won - der and of love. r=^i — ^ r 1? t* My beau - ti - ful, beau-ti - ful home on high, In My beau - ti - ful, etc. My beau - ti - ful, etc. Erf£dl -^-F»~»— »—»—»— »-FF — ^— F — ?— ? y 7 TV 9 My Beautiful Home on High — Concluded. 177 m dreams I oft - en see, . . Its pear - ly gates un-f old, oft- en see, un-fold, — c. M\ m i » . i Its man-sions wel-come me. -P—jp— #-, — •- -P u T — * 1— t # — #— » EE5EE 1 5TT— V — * rTTT l L LL E : .»_» *_ t-*-r ra =m: Charles E. Hutchins J !_ u Lord, at thy mer -cy seat, Humb-ly 1 fall; Still at thy mer- cy seat, Humb-ly I fall; Hark ! how the words of 1 >ve, Ten - der - ly fall; Plead-ing thy promise sweet,Lord, hear my call ; Plead-ing thy promise sweet, HearThou my call ; Ere in the realms a-bove, Heard is my call; 0^-0 ~>—\-&—0—i ' II i'1 &=£ ^*- -*-*-*-&- *? •a- -J— U, • 15 iPjipH Now let thy work be-gin, Oh, make me pure with-in; Cleanse me from ev- 'ry sin, Je-sus, my all Faith wings my soul to thee; This all my hope shallbe, Je - sus has died for me, Je - sus, my all. Now ev-'ry doubt has flown, Bro- ken my heartof stone, Lord, I am thine a -lone, Je - sus, my all. cw==s=e=tz a^rm ■*—* «__»- 0—0— r 0— S y-G—0—0 — . •-*- &- -y-G—0—g—x 1 - m-TS • :TTg ^rfTv b T1--C-F-4g — H 178 James G. Clark. Father, Hear Me. BE-,— i ==|=n±== 33 Arr. by S. W. S. 1. Fa - ther, bend thine ear and hear me, While I call to thee 2. Fa - ther, when my lips are plead-ing, For the wea - ry march 3. Fa -ther, let thy spir - it guide me, Thro' the dark-ness and M—m-Jt. * , — e « ■4~- ±-0-» n v- he r r: t: + -e—. t I I u r — tr~ in pray'r, Let thine an - gels to end, Home - less, lone - ly, the blast; Let thine an - gels :U4- g — FP^s -r-n 4 •ah* 3 -i — ;— — — •— -F- 1~ d— *— g— "— i— -*-j :±rq=fe=^:3=d: 3±=» *s*t=l=bta lin - ger near me, In my time of grief and care, Like the sun up - on the riv - er, torn and bleed-ing, Let me find in Thee a friend: When like leaves my hopes are fall - ing, walk be -side me, Till temp-ta-tion's pow'r is past, — Till I view the heights su - per - nal, . # _ T ___ « a _ r .___«_^ — r ,_i_,«_«_#_ r# — ft — ^ — «. '-£ 9 i :p=£ 1 — r- -— F — (9- r #- -»— h £ d =-t— — « — an — an — 1 — - i Let And Tow'r- thy love up ■ de-spairhas ing o'er life's -#- • on me shine, Till my life shall sing for-ev-er, In the bound-less deep of Thine. fill'd my breast, Let me hear thy low voice call-ing, "Come and I will give you rest.' i charming sea, Till I tread the vales e - ter-nal, Where the blest are led b is EEE :tztzt=E? v-t - :|ofte=|c=» t: t~ -4— # t±?= # its 1—1- by Thee. ■I — sp 1 I A Land of Pure Delight. 179 Air. by 8. W. S. Sg= F VH-lJ:iJ J l i-^H J 1 1 ! IrVH- I 1. There is 2. Sweet fields, 3. 0, could — MM M l u > aland of pure de-light, Where saints im-mor-tal reign; be-yond the swell-ing flood, Stand dress 'd in liv - ing green ; we make our doubts re -move, Those g-loom-y doubts that rise, .-#--#- -#- . I In So, And I fi to see nite day the Jews the Ca - ex- , old naan ttf 1 r ±. ft_^. i — *E* tr-r =EES =SE 3^3 *-*- — N -w 1 1 — a ! _fcU_J Seeez-^e: eludes the night, And pleas-ures ban - ish pain. There Ca-naan stood, While Jor- dan roll'd be-tween. But that we love With un - be-cloud-ed eyes; Could -N— • ' ev - er-last-ing spring a - bides, And tira-'rousnior-tals start and shrink, To we but climb where llos - es stood, And C e_ — — c#- T -*- -=p=-t 3p rS _ g_L p=n — J- * nev - erwith-'ringflow'rs cross this nar-row sea, view the landscape o'er, Death, like a nar-ro^ sea, di - vides This heavn^ly land from oui And lin - ger shiv-'ring on the brink, And fear to launch a - way. Not Jor-dan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. *~ii _ .r: -•-«- 3—1 1 I gr ISO PlGPOK With You Always. B. F. Griffeth. :gr=ar-*— - c ~ 3 r— t^ — I — * for I need Thee, : £ g — P g— EEzzr^zzE=:£z:J -M w — r~w — Wr 4- czs=r=i: 4 *=*£=£* - =b= ^ -XT :1=zz:— ^ fc=J=p£::fl Tho' I suf-fer, I -will heed Thoe; Al-wayswithme,H av'n-ly Friend; Ev-er."e - ven to the end." n CV — # _^,» # .^._^_r i — j — #_*__, 0—0 — 0U-0 — 0—0-s,_0 — 0. — _ n — - — # ^-JJ ^=E=EE^^=EE£EEESiESE=SZ:feEfE^^EH Petition. 181 Mozart. 1= 4 K-l — t I I I * PVH- 1 - ■ H ! 4J— ,^4- ■ ' # • * s — «< »~^ — * — **= - dBB •— • — m- 1. Fa - ther in 2. Should the dis _5_ ^ thy sa - cred dwell-ing, Now we lift the voice in pray 'r; While our anx-ious tant shad - ows rig- ing, Veil in clouds our ver - nal sky; May we, on thy x. rl — r — r - — «-5~«— J-h-h d m d d * w -mr d — ' — U ff d ~ * d d d *-— jp — H — HI* * ■ *— * — hearts are swell-ing,Lend, lend, a gra-cious ear! View us on life's troub-led wa-ters,Rude-lytoss'd by arm re -clin- ing, Feel se-cure when dan-ger's nigh; Be thy spir-it to us giv-en,Tillthe voyage of ^ *-#-^ iiii 5= ft"*? -#-# — pfe*pfc* It Ul I I tefr z=^iiz--J=i ind^' :*— d: X i i" N ^ it* ■#-*-# ev life 'ry tide; Guide us, need- y sons is past; Safe - ly to the port r i.i and daugh-ters, O'er the bil - lows far and wide, of heav-en, Bring our wea - ry souls at last. t=p: _.~iis- <-*—•-* v u u s 182 Geo. Duffield Jr. \\Earnestly Stand Up for Jesus, f- — P-f-H — n — ^— — * — 3 » 1 1 1 — j-t — N- -A 1 Arr. by S. W. S. ^ — t — v- 1 Stand up, stand up 2. Stand up, stand up 3. Stand up, stand up h h h h for Je - sus ! Ye sot - diers of the cross , for Je - sus! Stand in his strength a - lone; for Je - sus! The strife will not be long; a m - N Lift high his roy - al An arm of flesh will This day the noise of h h h h S I 1 H U— 1— / ^— ^ -1 P--1 P N~ * ban fail bat ner! you- tle, -li- lt -You The JL q=B=3 * — * — #- must not suf dare not trust next the vie 3= *--* — * — . OSS. fer your own. tor's song h — — i 1- 1 — i — m 1 — ,- c #— *»-•— ^- c h — *— ^ om vie - fry un - to vie - fry His From Put To on him ry the that gos - pel o - ver ar com ry mor, eth, * *L2 b %~ gmmwm^ And A ¥■ :£t3cdfc=m==rz — a — o — ^— h — — I — i — i — \-h« — ;d — ^— — M — I' * — #-±t-H 1 L ^ -•-#-■ — L » 1 1 J— L ^ -v A-^- -S p W—Jjk ry foe ty calls, the King IN is van-quish'd, And Christ is Lord or dan - ger — Be nev - er want ot glo - ry Shall reign e fZ2 + V • in -deed. ing there - ter - nal - lv! 9 =P=q:: i3= r- i=a The Christian's Surprise. 183 % -fl-^- W. E. HUSSELMAN. ^g^=^q-FJ=iJr:j:;:z^qzq=q=3= F J=3=j=:=niq=:^:f:a=4-jij:^:q 1. Some-times a light sur-pris - es The Chris-tian while he sings, 2. In ho - ly con-tem-pla - tion,We sweet-ly then pur - sue 3. Tho' vine or fig - tree, nei - ther,Their wont-ed fruit should bear, It is the Lord, who The theme of (iod'ssal- Tho' all the fields may Pffi^i ^n t=fc=t :t: jp. jfii : ^=t .p-±-j* — •»■ t=t a J 1 1 1 J i~ i~TX^ 3=3 ris - es With heal - ing in his wings; When com - forts are de - clin - ing, He va - tion, And find it ev - er new; Set free from pres - ent sor - row, We with - er, Nor flocks nor herds be there; Yet God the same a - bid - ing, His .fOL « ?— km * * i—rG-^—^—r-* # 1 #— ™ * «— fl_iA__l2. # — * $ m — * — m — a..-- — 9 — r — # — t — # « ~. M 1 "I = ri fl-ft grants the soul a - gain A sea-son of clear shin - ing, To cheer it af - ter rain, cheer - ful -1.- can say, Let the un-known to - mor - row Bring with it what it may. praise shall tune my voice, lor while in his con - fid - ino-, I can -not but re - joice. $A£=i-A m E3=gEEH =j f— | IF M 184 Jesus' Loye is Ever Sure. Mrs. C. L. Shacklock. --fV Chas. Edw. Pollock. -^-p-^^-w — rtf=* — * c 1. Earth-ly hopes mayfadeand die; Earth-ly i - dols crumb-led lie; But this trust will still en- 2. In my hours of lone-li - ness; In my times of deep dis -tress; Still the light of love di- 3. When I yield my mor-tal breath, To the might -y pow'r of death, May that love my soul sus- -*!.£. J2. JL JL JL . M. JL JL J3. Ji_JL $m5 ?—*—? V— ¥■■ -&• t=t-rt t ■&—£>- » — p-ri — v— v— ¥ .x. 5=2 =g # =B ■©■- £-.J Chorus. 8=3 *-N- 0—0— % 3 -<9~ dure, Je - sus' love is ev - er sure. vine, On my dark - en'd path will shine tain, Still my fears and soothe my pain. fi- IN l\ m . ■*■ +■ -0- 1 J-»— » :p=^ i=-r r » — * Je - sus loves Je - sus loves Je - sus loves me, I can me, etc. me, etc. 4 ■&T & <2.. — b 1 — y— L -p- l=H rest; Je - sus :|nzt=t±t E_q=l :t — b3 [/? 1/ --IV — IV ^-- loves me, I pl->- 0-^-0 7 am blest, This my hope and joy shall be, -N-K r 5^#— t — -b— fc— tz= v— ■ hi ©-- -&" This is heav'n e - nough for me. IN fS - - #■ ■*■ •#- « -J=P E b— b— V- m Portuguese Hymn. 185 1. Ac -quaintthee, 2. Ac - quaintthee, mor - tal, ac mor-tal, ac quaintthee with God, quamttheewith God, And joy like the sun - shine shall And he shall be with thee when r 4 v Ml . . . j t. -lit*-* — r* — *— •— r» »— »— r* - *"* - " »— r*— »-?— rf '^-r t — «-#- p2 i ll =¥ =v P I K? rr^g f H_ r ri^i;~ beam 'on thy road; And peace, like the dew -drop, shall fall on thy head, And sleep, m?e an fears are a -broad; Thy safe-guard in dan - ger that threatens thy path; Thy joy in the -?■ 333 4 A- k-Cl 3E^Ei^E^i=fctE^t-Ei an - gel, And sleep, like an an val - ley, Thy joy in the val *-N *-A, rfttq gel, And sleep, like an an - gel, shall vis - it thy bed. ley, Thy joy in the val - ley and shad- ow of death. -0- + *- i 5ffi=S ' 1 186 Standard Hymns. MARTIN. 1. Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is high; Hide me, 0, my Savior, hide Till the storm of life is past, Safe into the haven guide; receive my soul at last! 2. Other refuge have I none — Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Leave, oh! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me; All my trust on thee is stayed, All my help from thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head^ With the shadow of thy wing. 2. 1. Mary to the Savior's tomb, Hasted at the early dawn, Spice she brought, and sweet per- fume, But the Lord she loved had gone; Trembling, while a crystal flood Issued from her weeping eyes, For a while she lingering stood, Filled with sorrow and surprise. 2. But her sorrows quickly fled When she heard his welcome voice; Christ had risen from thedead; Now he bids her heart rejoice; What a change his word can make, Turning darkness into day; Ye who weep for Jesus' sake, He will wipe your tears away. AUTUMN. IWStiMllLi 1. Gently, Lord, oh, gentry lead us Through this lowly vale of tears, And, Lord, in mercy give us Thy rich grace in all our fears, Oh, refresh us, — Oh, refresh us with thy grace, 2. Though ten thonsandills beset us, From without and from within, Jesus says he'll ne'er forget us, He will save from every sin, Therefore praise him — Praise the great Redeemer's name. 3. Though distresses now attend thee, And thou treacl'st the thorny road; His right hand shall still defend thee: Soon he'll bring thee home to God! I Therefore praise him — Praise the great Redeemer's name. 4. 1. Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down ! Fix in us thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crown; Father! thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love thou art; Visit us with thy salvation., Enter every longing heart. 2. Breathe, breathe, thy loving Into every troubled breast; [spirit Let ns all in thee inherit, Let us find thy promised rest; Come almighty to deliver, Let us all thy life receive ; Graciously come down, and never, Never more thy temples leave! OKTONVILLE. V-J-A--1- N (i_ # _tf_^_ r f 5. 1. We wait in faith, in prayer we wait, Until the happy hour When God shall ope the morning gate, By his almighty power. 2. We wait in faith, and turn our face To where the daylight springs; Till he shall come earth's gloom to chase, With healing on his wings 3. And ever now, amid the gray, The east is brightening fast, And kindling to that perfect day, Which never shall be past. 4. We wait in faith , we wait in prayer, Till that blest day shall shine, When earth shall fruits of Eden bear, And all, God, be thine! 6. 1.0, could I find from day to day, A nearness to my God ! [away, Then should my hours glide sweet While leaning on his word. 2. Lord, I desire with thee to live Anew from clay to clay; In joys the world can never give, Nor ever take away. Standard Hymns 187 CORONATION, ARLINGTON. 1. All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem. And crown him Lord of all. 2. Let every kindred, every tribe On this terrestrial ball , To him all majesty ascribe. And crown him Lord of all. 3. Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at his feet may fall ! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all. 8. 1. Oh, for a thousand tongues, to sing My dear Redeemer's praise, The glories of my Lord and King. The triumphs of his grace! 2. Jesus the name that charms our fears. That bids our sorrow cease, — 'Tis music in the sinner's ears. "Tis life, and health, and peace. 3. He speaks, and, listening to his voice, New life the dead receive; pjoice. The mournful, broken hearts re- The humble poor believe. .*-• J.J2 ++. 1. Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower of the Lamb, And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name? 2. Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, [prize, Whilst others fought to win the And sailed throuq-h bloodv seas? 3. Sure I must fight, if I would reign: Increase my courage. Lord: I'll bear the toil endure the pain. Supported by thy word. 10. 1. Oh! for a faith that will not sir. ink, Though pressed by every foe, That will not tremble on the brink Of any earthly woe! 2. That will not murmur or complain Beneath the chastening rod. But. in the hour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its God; — 3. A faith that shines more bright and clear, When tempests rage without: That when in danger knows no fear In darkness feels no doubt. BA! ei:ma I S ^ | g«|S;Te$ g*fl V ' 1 '1 X== ^ X \ | 'P l:t3 I I. l.Come, holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers, Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2. Dear Lord, and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate — Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And i nine to us so great! 3. Come, holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all tin* quickening powers, Come, shed abroad a Savior's love, And that shall kindle ours. 12. 1. Oh, happy is tin- man who hears instruction's "warning voice; And who celestial wisdom makes His early, only cho ce. 2. She guides the young with inno- ln pleasure's path to tread; [cence, A crown of glory she bestows Upon the hoary head. 3 According as her labors rise. So her rewards increase; Her ways are ways of pleasantness And all her paths are p^ace. 1S8 Standard Hymns. OLD HUNDRED. 13. 1. Be thou, God, exalted high; And as thy glory fills the sky. So let it be on earth displayed, Till thou art here, as there, obeyed. 2. God, our hearts are fixed and bent, Their thankful tribute to present; And, with the heart, the voice we'll raise To thee, our God, in songs of praise. 3. Thy praises, Lord, we will resound To all the listening nations round; Thy mercy highest heaven tran- scends; [tends. Thy truth beyond the clouds ex- 14. 1. From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Thro' every land, by every tongue. 2. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord! Eternal truth attends thy word; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more 15. 1. Praise God, from whom all bless- ings flow! Praise him, all creatures here below! Praise him above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. GREENVILLE. feEEEEEEE^EEES, 16. l.Far from mortal cares retreating, Sordid hopes, and vain desires; Here our willing footsteps meeting, Every heart to heaven aspires. 2. From the fount of glory beaming, Light celestial cheers our eyes, Mercy from above proclaiming Peace and pardon from the skies. 3. Who may share this great salvation? Every pure and humble mind, Every kindred, tono-ue, and nation, From the stains of guilt refined. 4. Blessings all around bestowing, God withholds his care from none, Grace and mercy ever flowing From the fountain of his throne. 17. 1. Come, thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set thy people free, From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in thee: Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all our souls thou art; Dear desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. 2. Born thy people to deliver, Born a child and yet a king; Born to reign in us forever, Now thy precious kingdom bring: By thine own eternal spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone; By thine all sufficient merit, Raise us to thy glorious throne. NETTLETON. ._Ps 18. 1. Come,thou Fountof every blessing! Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing. Call for songs of loudest praise, [it- Praise the mount — I'm fixed upon Mount of thy redeeming love, Teach me some melodious sonnet* Sung by flaming tongues above ; 2. 0, to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be! Let thy goodness, like a fetter. Bind my wandering heart to thee? Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it; Prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, O.take and seal it, Seal it for thy courts above. 8 9. l.Come! 'tis Jesus' invitation. Now to anxious souls addressed; Why, why such hesitation? Mourners, he will give you rest. Do you fear your own unfitness, Burdened as ye are with sin? 'Tis the Holy Spirit's witness; Christ invit s you, — enter in. 2 Stay not, pondering" on your sorrow, Turn from your own self away, Do not linger till to morrow. — Come to Christ without delay. Jesus, with thy word complying. Firm our faith and hope shall be; On thy faithfulness relying, We will cast our souls on thee. Standard Hymns, 1S9 20. ROCK OF AGES. KEY OF E. 1. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee! Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and pow'r. 2. Nothing in my hand I bring; Simply to thy cross I cling; Naked, come to thee for dress; Helpless look to thee for grace; Sinful, to thy fountain fly; Wash me, Savior, or I die! 21. AUTUMN. KEY OP G. 1. In the cross of Christ I glory, _ Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime; When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me; Lo! it glows with peace and joy. 2. When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, [ing, From the cross the radiance stream- Adda new lustre to the day ; [ure, Bane and blessing, pain and pleas- By the cross are sanctified; [ure, Peace is there that knows no meas- Joys that through all time abide. 22. THE SHINING SHORE. KEY OFG. 1. My days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as they fly, Those hours of toil and danger. cnonus. For now we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over; And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 2. We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our heavenly home discerning; Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning. Clio. 23. BETHANY. P. M. KEY OF G. 1. Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee! E'en thongh it be a cross That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to thee! 2. Though like a wanderer, The sun gone down. Darkness comes over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee ! 3. There let my way appear Steps unto heaven; All that thou sendest me In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee ! 24. LABAN. S. M. KEY OF D. 1. My soul, be on thy guard; Ten thousand foes arise; The hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw thee from the skies. 2. watch, and fight, and pray; The battle ne'er give o'er; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3. Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God: He'll take thee at thy parting breath, Up to his blest abode. 25. WElB p. m. KEY OF B(2- 1. The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappears : The sons of earth are waking To penitenial tears; Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zion's war. 2. Blest river of salvation. Pursue thy onward way; Flow thou to every nation, Nor in thy richness stay; Stay not till all the lowly Triumphant reach their home; Stay not t.ll all the holy Proclaim — "The Loid has come!" 190 Standard Hymns. 26. MISSIONARY HYMN. KEY OP E. l.Hail to the Lord's Anointed, Great David's greater Son! Hail ! in the time appointed His reign on earth begun! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free, To take away transgression, And rule in equity. 2. He shall descend like showers Upon the fruitful earth, And love and joy, like flowers, Spring in his path to birth; Before him, on the mountains, Shall peace, the herald, go; And righteousness, in fountains From hill to valley flow. 27. SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER. KEY OP D. 1. Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, That calls me from a world of care, And bids me a v my Father's throne Make all my wants and wishes known; In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief, |:And oft escaped the tempter's snare, By thy return, sweet hour of pray- er. :|| 2. Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, Thy wings shall my petition bear To him whose truth and faithful- ness Engage the waiting soul to bless; And since he bids me seek his face, Believe his word, and trust his grace, || : I'll cast on him my every care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. : || 28. ANTIOCH. KEY OF F. 1. Joy to the world ! the Lord is come ! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing! 2. Joy to the earth ! the Savior reigns ! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3. No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make his blessings flow As far as sin is found. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness. And wonders of his love. 29. UENN.S. S. M. 1. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2. Before our Father's throne, We pour our ardent prayers; [one, Our fears, our hopes, our aims are Our comforts and our cares. 3. We share our mutual woes ; Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4. When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. 30. DISMISSION. 1. Lord! dismiss us with thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us all, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace; Oh! refresh us — Travelling through this wilderness, 2. Thanks we give and adoration, For thy gospel's joyful sound; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound; May thy presence With us evermore be found. INDEX Page. A better time's coming 64 Abide in me 125 After a little while 25 A happy little band 131 A land of pure delight 179 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name 187 All to Christ I bring 98 A love like thine 160 America 93 Am I a soldier of the cross 187 Another year _ 159 Arise ! for thy li ght is come 34 A tribute bring 31 Beautiful songs 36 Beautiful star of Bethlehem 48 Be not afraid 60 Bethlehem's beautiful star 113 Be thou God.... 188 Beyond the flood 72 Beyond the shadows 162 Blessed is the nation 149 Blest be the tie that binds 190 Bread of life 67 Breakingaway 92 Breast the wave, Christian 165 Bright prospects 145 By and by. gather us all 104 Cling to Jesus 51 Close to thy cross 151 Come, Holy Spirit 187 Come home 161 Come into my kingdom Ill Come thou fount. 188 Come thou long expected Jesus. 188 Come 'tis Jesus' invitation 188 Come unto me 14 Come, wanderer,come 10 Do what you can 20 Drifting downward with the tide 58 Echoes from Judea 76 Pagb. Enlist 120 Every one is sowing 105 Faith 163 Farewell 139 Far from mortal cares 188 Father, hear me 178 Father, we thank Thee 155 Follow bravely 12 For libertv 174 From all that dwell 188 Gather in the children 1 56 Gather the sheaves 28 Gently Lord, O gently lead us. . 186 Give me the faith of a child 112 Glorious morning 56 God has kept us 117 God is good 27 God of the weary 21 Going home 74 Grander than ocean's story 46 Guardian care 175 Hail to the Lord's annointed — 190 Happy 85 He has overcome 5 He loves me most of all 35 Help one another. . . 38 Here we come 115 He will have compassion 138 lie will hold us by the hand 164 In his love abide 16 In my Father's service 33 In the cross of Christ I glory. ... 189 I will come again 68 1 will lift up mine eyes 19 I would sing. 83 Jesus blessing little children.. .. 15 4 Jesus' love is ever sure 184 Jesus lover of my soul 186 Jesus, my all , 177 Join our happy throng 191 Joyful tidings 1 37 Joy to the world 190 Just as God leads me 34 Lead me all the way 29 Lead me in the perfect way 7^ Leave all to him 123 Let him come in 124 Lift up the standard 110 Light after darkness 77 Light and love 148 Light at eventide 52 Light from the heights beyond. . 4 Light from the other shore 100 Lo! I am with you always 50 Lord, dismiss us 190 Lord, remember me 167 divine, all love excelling. . 186 Love, life and light 146 Love supreme 17 Love ye one another 136 .Make" it right 62 Mary to the Savior's tomb 186 More like Jesus 114 Morning will come ■ It '- My beautiful home on high 176 My days are gliding 189 My Father's hand 65 My soul, be on thy guard 189 Nearer Jesus 141 Nearer, my God to thee 1 89 Now, as of ok l ( ,n O. blessed Redeemer 7 O, could 1 find from day to da v. 186 O, tor a faith ". . ...... 187 O, for a thousand tongues 187 O. give thanks 39 O, happy is the man l v < I >, leave me not 120 i me sweet flower 135 !i'v Jesus • 54 192 Page. the summit is bright 26 the love of Jesus 39 touch not and taste not 16S see them now marching 24 Passing away 44 Passing down the valley 108 Petition 181 Praise God from whom all 188 Praise to Thee 107 Portuguese Hymn 185 Return, wanderer 128 Rock of Ages 189 Sabbath home 70 Sabbath school bells 6 Save me, Lord 121 Savior, I will trust Thee 103 Shall I be there? 166 Shall we meet them ? 32 Shining on 87 Shout his praises • 94 Singing for the Shepherd 129 Singing glory 22 Sing of Jesus' love 150 Spare my boy 170 Stand up for Jesus ....". 182 Sweet Galilee 11 Index. Page. Sweet hour of prayer 190 Take his hand 61 Teach me 90 The beam of morning 42 The beautiful city 88 The beautiful gate 86 The beautiful home 80 The beautiful path 132 The beautiful unknown shore ... 18 The Bible 122 The care of God 57 The Christmas bells 95 The Christian's surprise 183 The dawn has come 152 The Father's call 106 The good shepherd's fold 40 The grand old story 99 The light is sliming 79 The Lord is my shepherd. ...... 173 The Lord's prayer 41 The love of God 71 The Living Fountain. 3 The morning light is breaking. . 189 The mission of flowers 127 The palace of the king 8 The Sabbath bells 101 Page. The Song of Songs 142 The voice of love 118 There is a place of rest 53 'Tis a story full of wonder 119 'Tis the harvest time 102 Trusting in Thee 63 Trust in God, and persevere 134 Trust with a perfect heart 82 Thy will be done 15 Walk in the light 158 We are but young 73 We are coming 66 We have all a mission here 130 We'll meet them by and by 55 We'll soon be home 172 We may not forget 116 We will labor 49 We wait in faith 186 What art thou doing for Jesus? 43 When the pearly gates unfold. . 140 Where He is, 'tis heaven 144 While we work for Jesus 37 With you always 180 Work to-day 30 Year unto year 75 PIECES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. SOLOS AND DUETS. A happy little band 131 By and by, gather us all . . .. 104 Come, wanderer, come 10 Echoes from J udea 76 Praise to Thee 107 Sabbath home 70 Singing for the shepherd.. 129 Spare my boy 170 Thy will be done 15 We may not forget 116 CHANTS. I will lift np mine eyes 19 Lord remember me 167 O give thanks 89 The Lord is my shepherd.. 1*3 The Lord's prayer ,. .. 41 INFANT CLASS SONGS. A happy little band 131 Come into my kingdom 111 Enlist 120 Father we thank Thee God is good Happy He loves me most of all Here we come I would sing Singing for the shepherd.. We are but young We will labor TEMPERANCE. O touch not, and taste not. Spare my boy CIIRISTMAS. Beautiful star of Bethlehem Bethlehem's beautiful star. The Christmas bells The grand old story 'Tis a story full of wonder.. EASTER. Glorious morning Joyful tidings ANNIVERSARIES. Another year 159 The mission of flowers 127 Year unto year . . 75 PATRIOTIC. America 93 Blessed is the nation 149 For liberty 174 FUNERAL. Farewell 139 One sweet flower 135 STANDARD HYMNS. All hail the power 187 Am I a soldier 187 Be thou O God 188 Blest be the tie 190 Come holy spirit .187 Come thou fount 188 Come, thou, long expected Jesus 1F8 Come His Jesus' invitation. 188 Far from mortal cares From all that dwell Gently, Lord Hail ,to th' Lord's annoint'd In the cross of Christ Jesus, lover of my soul Joy to the world Lord, dismiss us Love divine, all love Mary to the Savior's tomb. My days are gliding My soul, be on thy guard.. Nearer, my God, to thee ! . . . O, could I find O, forafaith O, for a thousand tongues. O, happy is the man Praise God from whom Rock of Ages Sweet hour of prayer The morning light. We wait in laith 188 188 186 190 189 186 190 190 186 186 189 189 189 186 187 187 187 190 1S9 186 LATEST AND GREATEST CHOIR BOOK! ANTHEM TREASURES By J. M. STELLMAN, Mus. Doc, & S. W. STRAUB It is the richest collection of Sacred Music extant. 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