>*? FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY I ■y .»■ • \', :-: ^. ^^ V/U—*^ "*-*> y^ r^ "N ► ^^> ■n A . APR 1811336 PARAPHRv^E U P O N T H E VShLUSoi DAVID, By GEO%_GE SANDYS. Set to New Tunes for Private DEVOTION: And a Thorough-Bafe, for Voice, or J»Jirtime?ft, By HENIiY LAWES, Gentleman of His Majeftiesr Ghappel Royal. And in this Edition carefully Revifed and CorreiSed from many Errors which pafled in former Impreffions 5 By John Tlayford. -^ LONDON: Printed by W.Godbid^ for ^bel Roper y at the 5/^^ againft Sn.Dunfi.ws Church in Fleet-firect, i6y6. P tlin. Wnrtd ^ II I ■ I r ~ t . nj <^ <*» *^ *4'> «^ ife «•!;■» *^ «^ itSfeL *§♦ Xfe> X!^ To the KING. OMr graver Mufefrom her long Dream I avpakes , Peneian Groves^ ^^<^Cirrha*s C/t^'« forsakes: Infpir'd mth Zed, {he climhs tU Ethereal hiSs of Solyma, rvhere bleeding Balm dijiills ; where Trees of Life unfading Touth ajfure^ K^nd Living Waters all Difeafes cure : where the Svoeet Singer, in cceleflial Laies > Sung to hisfolemn Harp Jehovah's Praife, From that fain Temple, on her wings fhe bears Thofe Heavenly Raptures toyour facred Ears : Not that her bare and humble Feet afpire To mount the Threjhold of th' harmonious Quire; But that at once fhe might Oblations bring To God ; and Tribute to a god-like King, f^ndfince no narrovp Ferfe fuch Myfteries , t)cep Senfe, and high exprefjions could comprise ; Her labouring Wings a larger compafs fie -i And Poefe refolves tvith Poefe : Lejlfbe, who in the Orient clearly rofe , should in your wejlern World obfburely chfe. k -j> To ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/euponpsOOsand «A* «xfe» ^Jp» To the QVEEN. OY0U3 Who like a fruitful Vine ^ To this our Royal Cedar joync: Since it were impious to divide , In fueh a Prefentj Hearts fo ty'd 5 UrantA your chafte Ears invites To thefc her more fublime Delights. Then^ with your zealous Lover, daign To enter Davids numerous Fane, Pure thoughts his Sacrifices are • SAbxan Incenfe, fervent Prayer - This holy Fire fell from the Skies 5 The holy Water from his eyes* O fiiould You with your Voice infufe Perfedion, and create a Mufe ! Though mean our Verfe^ fuch Excellence At once would ravifli Soul and Senfe : Delight in Heavenly Dwellers move 5 Andj fince they cannot en vy^ Love : When they from this our Earthly Sphear Their own CoeleftialMufickhear, To (Ju. «4f> «tff» f4f» **i^ *^'* *^ ♦tJ^ '^ X^^i .^l^ C^'^ X!^ .5*92. To my Noble Friend , Mr. GEORGE SANDYS, Upon his Excellent Paraphrafe on the P S A L M S* HAdl'fto B.lpt\l:cs Icfij but were of Thofe , who Pratfe in Ve^p^what they Defpife in Profei Had I this Vice from Canity or Toath ; Tetfach a SiibjeJ would have taught me Trnth : Hence it were BanijFdy where of Flattery There is nor Vfe, nor Pojftbility. Elfe thoH hadftcaufe to fear , leflfome might Raifk ^Argument againsi thee from my Praife, I therefore know-, Thoti canft expeUfrom me But what I give ^ HiflorickJ^oetrie. Friendjhipfor more coidd not a Pardon win 5, JsIorthinkJNt4,mhersmak^aLienoSin. And need I fay more than my Thoughts indite , Nothing were e after ^ than not to write, which now. were hard ; for wherefoe^re I Raife Aiy thoHghts^ thy fever al Pains extort tny Praife* Firfl^ that which doth the Pyramids difplay : His Tra-* And in a workjmuch lafiinger than they y vels,wher» And more a wonder yfcorns at large to Jhow 9 j" ^^ [f " What were Indijferentif True or No : mioro{ Or from its lofty Flight;, fioop to declare the Pyra- What All men might have known, had all been There* raids. But by thy learned Indnflry and Art , To Thofe ^ whomever, from their Studies part ^ A 4 Both Doth each Lands j LawSy Belief, Beginning JIjovp ; Which of the Natives hut the Cwriom l^ow : Teaching the frailty of all Humane things ; How foon great Kingdoms fall ^ muchfooner Kings : Prepares our Souls, that Chance cannot direci A Machin at us, more thm we expech Athens. We know, That Town is hut with Fijhers Fraught , Where Thefeus Governed, and where Plato Taught : Greece. That Spring of Knowledge^ to which Italy Ows all her Arts, and her Civility , In Vioe and Barha:'ifmfuplnely rowls ; Their Fortunes not morejiavijh than their Souls, Eallern Thofe Churches ^which from the fir ji Heretickf wan Churches, j^n ^^^j^^j^ f^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ i^^ji.j ^^^ ^^^ . - Iff whom thofe Notes^fo mpt^h requlredy be *, Of Do- Agreement^ Miracles, Antiquitie : ctrine. Which can a Never -hrohe Succejfion^ow Of Per- From the Apofiles dmvn ; (Here hrag£d of fo :) foils. So hefl confute Her mofl Immodefi claim , •As Anti- Who fear ce a Fart, yet to he All doth aim ; Lie now difirefi, between two Enemy- Towers , Whom the Weft damns, aad whom the Eafi devours. What State than Theirs can more Vnhappy he , Threatnedwith Helly andfure of Poverty. Thefmall Beglnnhig of the Turkiih Kings , Andthelr large Growth, jljew us that different Things May meet In One Third -^ whatmofi Difagree , May have fome Likenefs : For in this we fee , A Muflard-feed m.iy he refemhled well To the Two Kmgdoms^ both of Heaven and Hell. Their Strength, andw^nts this workhath both unwound -, Tiirkj. To teach how thefe ^' increafe, and that confound : Relates their Tenets *, fcorning to dijpute With JErrors yW^ich to tell, is to confute : Shcc^i Shevps how even there y where Chrifi voHchfafd to Teach J Their Dervkes dare an Imjojior Preach, Pricfls; for whllff with jrivate Quarrels we "Decaid^ We way for phenty and Their Religion made : And can hit Wijhes now to Heaven prefer , May they gain Chrtfiy or We his Sepulchre. Next Ovid calls me ; whwh though I admire , ^^I'^^^h*' For Ecfualling the Authors quiokliing Fire ^ f^^ ^ -' AndhiSfurePhrafe: yet More '^ remembringit Was by a Mindfo m^tch difiroLied Writ : Bus^nefs and War^ III Mtdwives to produce The Happy Ojf-fpring of fofweet a Mufe : Whilfi every unknown Face did Danger Threat ; For evrry Native there was twice a Gete, i More\ whrn (retftrrn'd) thy Workreview^dy exposed Com. What Pith before the hiding Barhjnclos^d : racntar. And with it that EJfay , which lets usfee . ^^^g. Aco,' What by the Foot, what Hercules would be, * '• All fitly offer'' d to his Princely Hands ; By whofe Proteclion Learning chiefly fl a/ids : Whofe Virtue move more Pens , thanhis Power Swords ; And Theme to thofsyand Edge to thefe affords. Who could not be difplcas^d that his great Fame , ^^"cgy^ So pure a Mufeyfo loudly jhouldproclaime : ^^^^' With his Queens praife in the fame Model caff \ Which Jhall not lefs, than all their Annals y lafl, Tety though we wonder at thy Charming Voice ; PerfeElionflill wai wanting in thy Choice : And of a Souly^whichfo mnch Power poffefi , That Choice is hardly Goody which is not Befi, But though thy Mufe were Ethnically Chaff , When nwfl F^ult could be found ; yet now Thouhafi Diverted Diverted to a Pnrer Path thy Quid • jind chan£d Parnailus Momt to Sions-Hllh So thu blefl David mi^ht Jmofi Defire 'To hear his Harp thns Eccho^d by thy Lyre. Such Eloquence^ th-it though it were abused , Conld not but he (though not Allowed) excHs^d. JoyrHd to a Work^fo choice, that though Ill-done , So Pious an Attempt Praise could not \hm, Hoivfirangely doth it darl^fi Texts difclofe , In f^erfes of fuchjlveetnefs ; that even Thofe , From whom the unknown Tongue conceals the Senfe j^ Even in the Sound, mtfl findan Eloquence, Eor though the m:fi bemtching Mujickcould Move Men, no more than Rocks ; thy Language would. Tooje who make wit their Curfe, who fpend their Brain, Tiocir Time, and Art, in loofer Ferfe, to gain Damnation, and a Mt fire fs\ till they fee flonvConfi^ntthat is,h winc.njiantjhee I My from this great Example learn, to f way The Parts th"* are Bkfi-with,fime more Biejfed way. Fate cmagainfl Thee but two Foes advance j Sharp'fighted Envy, and Blind Ignorance : Thefyfi (by Nature like ajh tdow, near To all great Acis) I rather Hue than Fear : Fo"^ them, (fmce whatsoever mofi they Raife • In Private, That they mofi in Throngs Difpraife ; Ao TBjt 01- And kjo v f^he III they AEh Condemned within) ttt 51^75/, ly^j enviesT^ee, may no man envy Him, The lafi IFear not much, but Pity more : For though thry cannot the leaf} Fault explore ; Tet, if they mi'^ht the high Tribunal Clime , To Them thy Excellence would be thy Crime : ForE iquence with things Prophane they joyn \ Nor count it fit to Mix with what^s Divine j Like X% Art and Paintings laidnpon a Face , Of it f elf fm&t ^ vphich wore Deform than Grace, Tety as the Ghnrch with Ornaments is Fraught , Why may not That he too, which There is Tanght f And^nre that Vefftl of Eletliony Paul , Who Judais'd with Jews, who All to All : Soy to Gainfomty would he (at leafl) Content , Some for the Curious fljodd be Eloquent : For fince the Way to Heaven is Rugged^ who Would have the Way to that Way hefo too ? Pr thinks it fit y wejhould not Leave obtain , To learn wtth Tleafure, what we Ati with Pain ? Since then Some fiofy unlefs their Path be Even , Nor will be led by Solcefijmes to Heaven ; And (through a Habit Jcarce to be control d) Refufe a Cordialy when not brought in Gold^ Much like to them to that Difeafe Inur*d , Tarantula Which can be no way y but by Muftck^cur*d^ J Joy in Hope y that no fmall Piety Will in their Colder Hearts be Warmed by Thee. For as none could more Harmony difpenfi ; So neither could thy flowing Eloquence So well in any Taskjbe us^dy as this : To Sound His Praifes forth y whofe Gift it is, ' Cui non certaverit ulla ^. Aut tantum fluere,aut totidem durare per annos. Gmj^. u FALKLAND. An An D E to my worthy Kinfinan , Mr. GEO(^GE SANDYS, upon his excellent Paraphrafeon the PSALMS* O Breath again ! th^t holy Lay Didconvay, Unto ray foul fo fwcet a Fire l 7 Idefire, That all my Senfcs charm'd to Ear 5 Should fix there. O might this facred Anthem laft I 'Till Time's paft: Until we warble forth a higher I In the Quire Of Angels, till the Sphcars keep time I To your Rime. i^mfhion did a City raife , 1 By his Layes : The Stones did dance into a Wall y At his call. But your divinely-tuned Air Doth repair E v'n Man himfelf, whofe ftony Heart , By this Art, Rebuildethof its own accord , To the Lord , A Temple breathing holy Songs , In ftrange Tongues, you Rthoth Davids Lyre, and Notes ^ To our Throats. Sec, thegreen Willow now not wears ^ Of their Tears, frhe fadly filent Trophy es, we From the Tree , Jake down the Hebrevp Harps, and reaeh ^ In our fpeech , Whatever we do hate, what fear , What love dear. Now in faint Accents praifing God , For his Rod: Since that his punifliing a Child ^ Muftbeftil'd ABleflingi But our thankful Layes DohisPraifc Sound in the loudeft Key, when e'rc He draws near In Mercy, not affrighting Power 5 In that Hour , New Life approacheth : Then our Joy Doth employ Each Faculty, and Tune each Air To a Prayer. But by and by our Sins do caufe A fad Paufe. Our Hands lift-up, and caft-down Eyes , Our faint Cryes, Do Do in their fadly-pleafing Tones Speak our Mones, Inftead of Harps we ftrike our Breafts : AUtheRefts Attend his Mufick, are a Tear , '^^ Which Sighs bear 5 In their fofc Language, up on high > TotheSkie- Whence God, delighted with our Grief 3 Sendb Relief. Thus unto You we owe the Joys , The Sweet Noile Of our ravifh'd Souls 5 wx borrow Henee our Sorrow 5 Repentant Sorrow, which doth glad ^ Not make fad. We weep in your LineSj we rejoyce In your Voyce : Whofe pleafing Language fans the Eire Of Defire, Which flames in Zeal, and calmly fafliiofls All our Paffions. Which you fo fweetly have expreft 5 '^ Some have guelt, We Hallelu-jahs ihall rehearfe , In your Verfc. Then be lecure, your well-tun'd Breath Shall now ouc-Iive the Date of Death 5 And And when Fate pleafes, you ihall have Still-Mufick in the filent Grave : You from Above fliall hear each day One Dirge difpatch'd unto your Clay , Thefe your own Anthems fhall become lYour lafting Epicedium. T)udly Viggesi To the Reader. THe Paraphrafe upon the Pfalms , thon^h here rmh^d according to the Chronology , was firfl Wirk and TMi^ed , and therefore , thefe Verfes do in time precede thofe that are fixt in the Front of the Volnme. *4» «^ «^ *>|r* '"^ «^ PARAPHRASE Upon the FIRST BOOK OF THE Psalms of DAVID, T TSALM I. Hat Man is truly bicft, who never drays i By falfe advice, nor walks in Sinners ways; iHiiiiiiliilliilEii Nor fits inferted with their icornful pride, _. . . _. ^.^ ^ l^arapl^jafe upon f^ CantHSi Who God contemn, and Pi-^^e-'ty deride. ||i||||j|||i||||||i||g But wholly fixeth his fincere delight On heav'nly Laws •, thofe ftudies day and night. He fhall be like a Tree that fpreads his Root By living Streams, producing timely Fruit : riis Leaf (hall never fall : the Lord fhall blefi All his indeavours with defir'd fuccefs. Men loft in Sin , unlike rewards fhall find , Difperft like Chaff, before the furious Wind : Their guilt fhall not that horrid day indure , Nor they approach th' AfTemblies of the Pure : For God approves thofe ways the Righteous tread 5 But Sinful Paths to fure Deflru£lion lead. FSALM IL |— I i$==:z$r:5:i:Sr:5z5:£:l:i:g:2;z: ^ -*• Gw are the Gentiles all on fire ! Why M^. iiiiiiiiiggiiiiiii rage they with vain menacings •, Earths haughty^i Potentates tlje ^raimss of DAViD, Potentates and Kings, 'Gainft God againft his Chrift confpire : Break wc, fay they, their fervile" ^ bands, And caft their cords from our free hands. But God from his Coeleftial Throne ?- .'Shall laugh , and tlieir attempts; deride y Then high incenft , thus check their pride ^ (His Wrath in their confufion fhown ) Loe^ I my King have Cro\Tn'd , and will Inthrone on Sions facred Hill. That great Decree I {hall declare : For thus I heard Jehovah fay j Thou art my Son begot this clay : Requeft, and I will grant thy Prayer ^ Subje^l all Nations to thy Throne ^ And make the Sea-bound Earth thine own, B n %m ^ i^atap^jare upon Thou (halt an Iron Scepter fway , Like earthen Veflels , break their Bones. Be wife, O you who fit on Thrones ^ And Judges grave advice obey t With joyful Fear,OTerve the Lord y With trembling Joy embrace his Word. In due of Homage kifs the Son , Left He his wrathful looks difplay •, And fo you perifh in the way j His anger newly but begun : Then blefled only are the Juft , Who on th' Anointed fix their truft. I TSALM in. Camns j*»^ •*> Y God, how are my foes increaft ! B4^. S||||||(||||||||||| iiliiiliiiiliiiiiii What multitudes againft me rife ! Who fay, give we his Soul no reft^ Whom God forfakes , illiilllllllllllll and tt|c jafaimg of DAVID. — '' g and Men defpife. But thou art my Support, my Tower , My Safety ^ ray choice Ornament. Before thy Throne my Prayers I pow'r , Heard from thy Sions high afcent. No fears affright my foft repofe ^ ' Thou my Night-watch, my Guard by Day Not Miriads of Armed Foes , Nor Treafons fecret hands difmay. Arife , O vindicate my Caufe ! My Foes, whom wicked Hate provoke , Thou, Lord, haft fmit their cankred Jaws , And all their Teeth afunder broke. Thou, Lord, the only Hope of thofe , Who thee with Holy Zeal adore *, Whofe all-protecling Arms inclofe Their Safety , who thy Aid implore. TSALM IV. Cantus, •^ Hou Guardian of my Truth and "^^ iliiiiiiiiii Hou Guardian of my Truth and me , B 3 " Thrt ,1 ^avapl)?are upon P^iiiiiiiiiiiiliiip That from thefe ftraits had fet me free , I iiEEEiiitfeliiiilrli^ O hear my Pray'r ! Be I Thy Care^ \ rsiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii e iiiiiiiiiiiii For Mercy lives in Thee. iiiiiiiiiii^ You Sons of Men , how long will yov? Eclipfe my Glory, and purfue LovM Vanities-, Delight in Lies, To Man , to God untrue ? f5.now, Qod my innocence hath bleft , And will with foveraignty invell : His gentle Ear Prepared to hear ^y^ never vain requeft. Sin t^epfaims! of david. Sin not, but fear ^ furceafe, and try Your Hearts, as on your Beds you lie ; Pure gifts prelent With pure intent , And place your hopes on high. But Earthly Minds falfe Wealth admire , And toil with uncontrol'd defire. With clear afped Thy Beams refleiH: , And Heavenly Thoughts infpire. O let my Joy, exempt from Fears , Their Joys tranfcend, when Autumn bears His pleafant Wines On duftred Vines , . And Grain-replenifh'd Ears, Now (hall the peaceful hand of Sleep In heavenly Dew my fenfes fteep •, Whom thy large wings , O King of Kings , In {hades of Safety keep. TSALM V. •*• O hear me, Lord, be thou inclin'd •, CantHS: B4. My 8 U ^ntap^tnli upon My thoughts O ponder in thy mind: And li:$E":iE':l:|:|E:lE:|E|:!H$::i:iE= iilliiiiiiiliiiiiiji let my cryes acceptance find. Thou hear'ft my iiHiiiiiiillfli^i iE|EiiE|E?|iPPE:iE|":p|E|EE Morning Sacrifice : To thee, before the liiiiiilNisiiliii Day-Star Rife , My Pray'rs afcend , with ftedfaft eyes. ^ g ^^^^^ ^ Thou t^j&falmjai ot DAviD, Thou lov'ft no vice ^ none dwells with thee ^ Nor glorious Fools thy Beauty tpc •, AllSin-defiPddeteftedbe Ly ars fhall fink beneath thy hate ^ Who thirft for Blood, and weave deceit ^ Thy Rage (hall fwiftly ruinate. I to thy Temple will repair , Since Infinite thy Mercies are *, And thee adore with Fear and Prayer. My God, conduft me by thy Grace •, For many have my Soul in chafe. Set thy ftrait Paths before my Face. Falfc are their Tongues, their Hearts are hollow , Like gaping fepulchres they Iwallow •, Fawn, and betray even thofe they follow. With Vengeance girt theie Rebels round ^ In their own ccuniels them confound *, Since their TranfgrelTions thus abound. Joy they vath an exalted Voice, That triift in thee , who guard'ft thy Choice : Let thofe who love thy Name rejoyce. Thy BlefTmgs fhall in (how'rs defcend -, Thy favour as a fhield defend All thofe, who righteouihefs intend. L TSALM VI. Ord , thy deferved Wrath aflwage •, As the id. Nor punifh in thy burning Ire ^ Let Mercy mitigate thv Rage , Before my fainting Life expire, O CAHtHi, BaJfHi. 7 q 31 #awp^?af€ upoti Oheal! my Bones with anguifli ake ; My penfive Heart with forrow worn. How long wilt thou my foul forfake ! O pity, and at length return ! O let thy Mercies comfort me , And thy a{Bi£led Servant fave ! Who will in death remember thee ? Or praife thee in the filent Grave ? Vext by infulting enemies , My Groans difturb the peaceful Night ^ My Bed wafli'd with my ftrearaing Eyes : Through Grief grown old, and dim of fight. All you of wicked life depart ; The Lord my God hath heard my cry " He will recure my wounded Heart , And turn my Tears to tides of Joy. Who hate me, let difhonour wound , Let fear their guilty fouls affright *, With fliame their haughty looks confound , And let them vanifhfrommy fight. TSALM VIL ^^-^ Thou that art my Confidence , ^ (£ ' — ' 'jx " '"t. ~~ I "4'Tr.'~' 'v — ' r'~"ri'.ri'i^r'tr ^ And t^c #falm$oE DAVID. II And ftrong Defeiice •, From thofe who my fad ^lUihiiiiHiil Q iiliipiiiiiiiiiiil fall intend , Great God, defend : Left Lion- ^ jj.^^_.. . .5^^.*. -^x.^ like, if none controul , They tear my perfe- cuted SouL iiiiilii Jf I am guilty •, if there be Deceit in me^ If III I ever to my Friend Did but intend ; Or rather have not fuccourM thofc Who were my undefei^ved fo?s i Let 12 31 l^atap^jare upon Let them my ftained Soul purfue , With hate fubdue ^ Let their proud feet in Triumph tread Upon my head: My life out of her manfion thruft , And lay my Honour in the dull. Againft my dreadful Enemies , Great God, arife. Jtift Judge, thy deeping Wrath awake , And Vengeance take : Then all fhall Thee adore alone. O King of Kings, afcend thy Throne ! f»n 1, Judge thou my Foes ^ as I am free , So judge thou me : Declare thou my integrity *, For triou doft try The Heart and Reins •, The Juft defend ^ The Malice of the Wicked end. God is my Shield *, he help imparts To fmcere hearts *, The Good Prote<^s, but menaceth The Bad with Death-, Nor will, unlefs they change, relent : He whets his Sword, his Bow is bent. Dire Inftruments prepared hath Of deadly Wrath: And will at thofe, who perfecute , fwift Arrows (hoot : Who wicked thoughts conceiv'd ^ now great With Mifchief, travel j hatch Deceit. Who t^e ^lAim Of D A V I D, 13 Who digg'd a pit, firft fell therein , Caught by his Sin*, On his own head his outrage fhall Like ruins fall. But I, O thou eternal King , Will of thy Truth and Juftice fing. PSALM VIII. Liiiiiiiiiiiiilii''""' Ord, how lUuftrious is thy Name ! liiiiilliiiiiipii "f-- iiiiiiiiililiiii ' WhofePow'r both Heav'n and Earth proclame! Thy Glory thou haft fet on high , Above the _ _ . .S. "" Marble-arched Sky. ibe~ 14 3 )^atap]^?are upon The wonders of thy Power thou haft In Mouths of Babes and Sucklings plac'd : trhat fo thou might'ft thy Foes confound , And who in malice moft abound. When I pure Heav'n, thy Fabrick, fee ^ The Moon and Stars difpos'd by thee i O what is Man^ or his frail Race , That thou fhouldft fuch a Shadow grace ! Next to thy Angels moft renown'd ^ With Majefty and Glory crown'd : The King of all thy Creatures made 9 That all beneath his feet hath laid : All that on Dales or Mountains feed , That fhady Woods or Deferts breed ,- What in the Airy Region glide , Or through the rowling Ocean flide. Lord, how illuftrious is thy Name ! Whofe Pow'r both Heav'n and Earth prodamc. Cafttffs, Sajp^. PSALM IX. T^iiiiiiiilliElEiiii "^ Hee will I praife with Heart and Voice j Thy wondrous Works aloud refound : In" thee 9' t\)Z #faltW8f of DAVID. 15 thee, O Lord, will I rejoyce ^ Thy Name with Zealous Praifes Crown'd, iiiiiiiiiii My Foes fell by inglorious flight , Before thy terrible Afpe£l : Thy powerful Hands fupport my Right 9 Thou Judgement juftly doft dire«^. The Proud are fain , the Heathen fly y Oblivion fhall their names Intomb : Deftruftion, O thou Enemy, Hath now recievM a final Doom. Thou Towns and Cities haft deftroyM '^ Their memory with them decayes : But God for ever fhall abide , And high his Throne of Juftice rftifc, A righteous Scepter fhall extend ^ And Judgement diftribute to all : He will opprefTed Souls defend , •That in the time of Trouble call. Yv no i6 31 i&arap]^?afe upon Who know thy Name in thee willtruft •, Thou never wilt forfake thine Own. Praife Sions King, O praife the Juft , And make his noble Actions known. Blood fcapes not his revenging Hand ^ He vindicates the Poor mans Caufc, Lord, my infulting Foes withiland , And araw me from Deaths greedy Jaws y That I may in the Royal Gsite Of Sions Daughter, raife my Voice 5 Thy ample Praifes celebrate , And in thy faving health rejoice. They (fain into the Pit they made ) Are caught in Nets themfelves prepar^. The Lord his Judgements hath difplayM : The Wicked in their works infnar'd : The Wicked down to Hell (hall fink , And all that do the Lord difdain. But God will on the Needy think y , Nor {hall the Poor expe»fl in vain. Lord, let not Man prevail', arife; Th' Infulting Heathen judge: O then Let trembling Fear their heart furpri2^e y , That they may know they are but Men, rSAtM t^e idfalmis ot david. 17 PSALM X. Ithdrawnot, O my God, my guide : Igiiliiiiigiiliili In time of Trouble doft thou hide thy cheerful iiiiiillti^iiii^ii face ? Who want thy Grace , The poor pur- fue with cruel pride : O be they by their iiiiliiiiiii;iiilrllii iiiiiiiiiiiiilll own rn-vcn-tions o-ver-thrown. The i3 3 paraplj^afe npm f The wicked boaft of their fuccefs^ The covetous profanely blefs , By Thee, O Lord , So much abhorred. Their pride will notthy pow'r confefsj Nor have thy favour fought , Or had of thee a thought. They in oppreflion take delight :, Thy Judgements far above their fight : Their enemies Scoff and defpife : Who fay in heart, No oppofite Can us remove, nor (hall Our greatnefs ever fall. Their mouths detefted curfesfiU fraud, mifchief •, ever prone to ill : In fecret they Lurk to betray ^ the Innocent in corners kill : His eyes with fierce intent Upon the poor are bent. ?ar$ 2. He like a Lion in his den , Awaits to catch opprefled men. Who unaware Light in his fnare. His couched limbs contrails, that then With all his ftrength he may Rufti on his wretched prey. His heart hath faid, God hath forgot $ He hides his facej he minds it not. Arife c^ ti)e jafaimgog david. 19 Arife, O Lord , Draw thy juft fword , Nor out of thy remembrance blot The poor and defolate : O fhield them from his hate! Why (hoiild the wicked Goddefpife,' And fay he looks with carelefs eyes ? Their well feen fpight Thou (halt requite, "the poor, O Lord, on Thee relies ^ Thou help'ft the Fatherlefs , Whom cruel men opprefs. Afunder break the arras of thofe , Who ill afFe£t, and good oppofe : Their crimes explore , Untill no more Lurk in their bofoms to difclofc. Eternal King, thy Hand Hath chac'd them from thy Land. Lord, thou haft heard thy Servants prayer v Thou wilt their humble hearts prepare : Thy gracious Ear Inclined to hear. The Fatherlefs, and worn with care Judge thou-, that Mortals may No more with outrage fway. c% Psalm 20 n i&atapi^iaf e upon ' TSALM XL Asthe^xh Tk /FY God, on Thee my hopes relie : |%/| Why fay they to my troubled Soul ^T X Arile, up to your Mountain flie *, Flie, quickly, like a chaced Fowl ? For loe, the Wicked bend their bows , Their arrows fit with fecret Art v That clofely they may (hoot at thofe , Who are upright and pure in heart. If their foundation be deftroy'd , What can the Righteous build upon? - God in his Temple doth abide; Heav'n is the Great Jehovah's Throne. His Eyes behold, his Eyc-!ids try The Sons of Men •, allows the beft : But fuch as joy in cruelty The Lord doth from his Soul deteft. Snares, horrid Tempeft, Brimftone, Fire , (Their portion) on their heads (hall light : Th' intirely Juft afFefts th' Intire •, For ever precious in his fight. CantHi. FSALM XI L **• A EIpLord, for Godly men decay, "^'' iiiiiiFii^ii From t^c ^afaimst of david, 31 iHlipliiiiSli • From Mortals Faith, enforced , flies : And with their fins Companions, they. Talk of af- fefted Vanities : Their flattering Tongues a- iiliiiiliiiiiliriii bound with Lies *, Their double Hearts bent ^X^-,. J..xj^ . to betray. ^"^>-— "t:5"'4f ,..«•— r, — ^ I.— «^ IP—* «— *— - C 3 God 22 S patapi^?afe uppn God (hall thofe flattering Lips confound , And Tongues which fwell with proud Difdain : Whofe boaftings arrogantly found ^ Our Tongues the conquefl fliafl obtain -, They are oiar own, who Ihall reftrain ? Or to our Wills prefcribe a bound ? i^ut forth' Oppreflion of the Poor , \ And Wretches fighs which pierce the Skies 5, Who pity at his Throne implore , • The Lord hath faid, I will arile , jf^nd from their Foes, who them defpife , Deliver all that me adore. Gods Word is pure •, as pure as Gold In melting Furnace feven times try'd : His Arms for ever (hall infold All thofe , who in his truth abide- The wicked range on ev'ry fide , When vitious men the Scepter hold. Cantm PSALM XIH. Ow long ! Lord, let me not for e-ver Bajfm. liiiiSEiiilEpii-illii iiiiiiiiililiiiiiii be forgot ! How long, my God, wilt thou Con- tftei&fafmjiof david. 25 Contraft thy clouded brow! How long in iIiiiliiiiii|iiiiiilE Hiiiiiiiiiii^ mind perplext Shall I be daily vext. How long fliall he controul , Who perfecutes my foul ! Confider, hear my cries ^ Illuminate mine eyes *, Left with exhaufted breath I ev€r fleep in Death *, Left my infultingFoe Boaft in my overthrow ^ And thofe who would deftroy j In my fubverfion joy. But I, Thou ever Juft , Will in thy Mercy truft j And in thy faving Grace My conftant Comfort place : My Songs (hall fing thy Praife , That haft prolong'd my Dfiyes- C 4 VSALM 24 M ^nmWte upon "antfu. ^ajfpu. T PSALM XIV He fool hath faid in his falfe hearty iili^iiiii^i^illife God cares not what to Man fucceeds. Abomi- iiiiiiiiiiiliilifgil nable are their deeds \ All 111 afFefts from t-'mt^m m%m ■ — Ji»»»^»»<»«»i Good depart. @, •akaMHtaMBor'toBM^ > ■!!» Jehovah Maps rebellious Race Beheld from his celeftial Throne \ To fee if there were any one That upderftood, or foi^ghj: his Face. All tljeiSfalmstof david. a; All from forfaken Truth are flown -, Corrupt in Body, fuch in Soul , Defil'd within , ^without as foul •, None Good indeavours, no, not One. Are all, that work Iniquity , By Ignorance fo blindly led ? My People they devour like Bread ^ Nor call on him who fits on highe • Their Confciences with terrour quake-. Since God doth with the Juft abide : For Poor mens Counfels they deride , Who him for their Proteftion take. O that unto thy Ifrael Salvation might from Sion Spring ! When God (hall us from Bondage bring , No joy (hall Jacobs joy excel. FSALM XV. Wiii^iiiliiPii Ho (hall in thy Tent a-bide? S|E|;i|E|E5:ji|E:|=:Ei|:S On thy Holy Hill refide ? He that's Juft and Innocent^ :Z3 Ca^tm,, Bafm. r - -. - |1 76 ill #arap]^?are upon Innocent^ Tells the truth of his intent-, | iiiliiiiiiiiiilii Slanders none with venomb'J Tongue •, Fears to do his Neighbour wrong j Fofters not bafe Infamies j Vice beholds with fcornful Eyes *, Honours thole who fear the Lord j \ Keeps, though to his lofs, his Word ^ ' Takes no Bribes for wicked ends , Nor to life his Money lends : Who by thefe dire^lions guide Their pure fteps, (hall never Aide. PSALM XVI. 4s the 21 T^ Referve me, my undoubted Aid : 1^ To whom, thou, O my Soul, haft faid, Jl Thou art my God 7 no good in me, Nor Merit can extend to Thee ^ But to thy blefled Saints that dwell On Earth, whofe Graces moft excell : Thofe Ravifh me with pure Delight. Their forrows (hall be infinite , Who other Gods with Gifts adore : Their bloody OfF'rings I abhor •, Nor lliall their Names my Lips profane^ But God my Lot will ftill maintain : He ^-.^ — — He is my Portion, he beftows The Cup that with his Bounty flows. I have a pleafant Seat obtain'd , A fair and large PolTeffion gain'd. The Lord will I for ever praife , * Whofe Counfels have inform'd my Wayes : And my inflamed Zeal excite To ferve him in the filent Night. He is my Obje^l^ by his Hand Confirm'd, immoveable I iland. Joy hath my Heart and Tongue pofleft : My Flefh in conftant Hope (hall reft. Thou wilt not leave my Soul alone In Hell ^ nor let thy Holy One Corruption fee : But that High -way To Everlafting Life difphiy. Thy Prefence yields intire delight : At thy Right hand Joys infinite. TSALM XVIL LOrd, grantmy juft Requeft •, O hear my ciy , As the^i. And Pray'us that Iips,untoucht with guile un- My Caufe before thy High Tribunal try , (fold ! And let thine Eyes my Righteoufneis behold. Thou prov'ftmy Heart even in the Nights recefs, LikeMettaltry'ft me, yet no Drofs haft found : I am refolv'd, my Tongue (ball not tranfgrefs *, Put on thy Word will all my Anions ground. So fhall I frbm the Paths of Tyrants fly : ' O, left I flip,dire6l my Steps by Thine ! I Thee invoke ;, for Thou wilt hear my Cry : Thine Ear to my afliided Voice incline. O. :S 3 f^araptufc ufsa lTsmi§nm^ksk¥cK as k i Toil ; E^rth vick frnii^ Eves ; ^5T pgiLfg SryzL froG the D citiuia feie : TtjXi rgn^yji^ch £rc ihy fiia^i jM h of tkewtKJd, '.' '- - t-_ L ': -^-^z tbeir PortiaB hzfc F£"i- Tresfiare, to their Race Aad nfii^ ir " . ~ i..^e9 jov rccciic ISALM XVHL M Mti T< rrrSsfev,, >l tht i^talm^ of DAVID. 19 i5S:::c.-- D-:" : — • tr/ ..:e .:.:.- Hz:: T:.' _' E: T- .A.._ ^ A 3 . . HeD.:--':'i:e: T-::.;-;::.-; :::: \V:.r-:i ::: A: :---.- :cv E-. e- :: :" r-s JO 3(1 |darap^?are upon Tart $ . The Lord according to my innocence , And Juftice,did his faving gracedifpeitce. The narrow Path by him prefer ib'd , I took ; Nor like the wicked, my Great God forfook. For all his Judgements wete before mine eyes | I with his ftatutes daily did advife , And ever walk'd before him, void of guile : No a£l or purpofe did my foul defile. For this he recompencM my righteoufnefs And crown'd my innocence with fair fuccels. The merciful fliall flourifh in thy Grace •, Thy Righteoufnefs the Righteous (hall embrace t Thou to the Pure thy Purity wilt fhow ^ And the perverfe fh all thy averfenefs know. For thou wilt thy afflifted People fave •, The proud caft down, down to the greedy grave. Thou Lord wilt make my taper to fhine bright , And clear my darknefs with celeftial Light. Through Thee I have againft an Hoft prevaiPd J And by thy aid , a lofty Bulwark fcai'd. ^art 4. Gods Path is perfeft, all his Words are juft j A Shield to thofe that in his promife truit. What God is their in Heav'n or Earth but ours ! What Rock but He, againft affailing Powers ! He breath'd new ftrength and courage in the day Of. Battel, and fecurely cleerM my way. He makes my feet outftrip the nimble Hind , Up to the Mountains, where I fafety find. 'Tis he that teachethmy weak hands to fight : A Bow of fteel is broken by their might. Thou didft thy ample Shield before me fet ^ Thy Arm upheld, thy Favour made me great. The pafTage of my fteps on ev'ry fide , Thou haft hlarged^ left my feet fliOuId (lide; , -^ L t!)e 0falms! Of david. 31 i followed, overtook •, nor made retreat , Untill vidoriou? in my Foes defeat *, So charg'd with wounds, that they no longer ftood •, But at my feet lay bathed in their blood. S Thou arm'ft me with prevailing Fortitude, And all that rofe againft me haft fubdu'd : Then ftubborn necks lubje^led to my Will , That I their blood, who hate my Soul, might fpilL They cryM aloud •, but found no fuccour near : To thee, Jehovah ^ but thou wouldft not hear. I pounded them like duft,whichWhirle. winds raife: Fsn j, Trod under-foot as dirt in beaten way eg. From Popular Fury thou haft fet me free *, Among the Heathen haft exalted me *, Whom unknown Nations ferve : as Ibon obey As hear of me ^ and yield unto my fway. The Stranger-born, befet with horrour,fled j And in their clofe Retreats betray their dread, praife the living Lord, the Rock whereon 1 build *, the God of my Salvation ! Tis he who rights my wrongs ^ the People bends To my Subjeftion ^ from my Foe defends. Thou ra ifeft me above their proud controul ^ And from the violent Man haft freed my Soul. The Heathen fhall admire my Thankfulnefs : My Songs fhall thy immortal Praife exprefs, A great and manifold Deliverance God gives his King : his mercy doth advance In his Anointed •, and will (how'r his Grace Eternally on Vavid and his Race. TSALM 3% t l^avsp^^afe npon G PSALM XIX. AS ,i. ik A^ ^t ^'""^ ^'^ ^f Heav'ns proclamc i ^ ,Tne Firmament, his mighty Frame. ■■ Day unto Day, and Night to Night The wonders of his Works recite. To thefe nor fpeech nor words belong , Yet underftood without a Tongue. The Globe of Earth they compafs round ; . Through all the world diiperfe their found There is the Suns Pavillion fet *, Who from his Rofie Cabinet , . Like a frefti Bride-groom fhe^ys his face ; And as a Giant, runs his race* , He rifeth in the dawning Eaft , And glides obliquely to the Weft : The World with his bright Rayes repleat ^ All Creatures cherifh'd by his heat. Gods Laws are perfeft, and reftore The Soul to life, even dead before. His Teftimonies, firmly true , With Wifdom fimple men indue. tm 1 . The Lords Commandments are upright ^ And Fcaft the Soul with fweet delight. His Precepts are all Puritie , Such as illuminate the Eye , The fear of God, foiPd with no ftain , ShiJl everlaftingly remain. Jehovah's Judgements arc Divine *, With Judgement he doth Juftice joine : Which men (hould more than Gold defirc , • Then heaps of Gold refin'd by Fire : More fweet than Honey of the Hive , Or Cels where Bees their Treafure {live. t\)t jafatmg of d a v i d> 33 Thy Servant is inform'd from thence : They, their Oblerversrecompence. Who knows what his Offences be ? From fecret fins O cleanie thou me ! And frompreiumptuous Crimes reftrain *, Nor let them in thy Servant reign :; So fhall I live in Innocence, Not ipotted with that great Offence. My Fortrefs, my Deliverer '^ O let the Prayers my Lips prefer , And Thoughts which from my Heart arifc , Be acceptable in thine Eyes. ...PSJLM XX. THe Lord in thy Adverfity ^' *** ?• Regard thy cry *, Great yacoh God with Safety arm f And{hieid from harm: Help from his San^fluary fend , And out of Sion thee deifend. Thy Odors, which pure flames confume , Be his Perfume : May he accept thy Sacrifice , Fir'd from the Skies. For ever thy indeavours blefs ^ And crown thy Counfelswithfuccefe. We will of thy Deliverance fing , Triumphant King : Our Enfigns in that pray'd-forDay With Joy difplay, Even in the Name of God, O ftill May he thy juft Defires fulfil ! t D Now 34 3i |&awp^?afe upon Now know I his Anointed He Will hear, and free ; With faving Hand and Mighty Power , From his high Tower. Thefe truft in Horfe ^ in Chariots thofe *, Our truft we in our God repofc. Their wounded limbs with anguifli bend , To Death deicend : But we in fervour of the fight Have ftood upright. O fave us, Lord •, thy Suppliants hear : And in our aid , Great King, appear. TSALM XXI. Ai thus, TT ^^ ' ^" ^^y Salvation , I In the Strength which thou haft fliown , m A Greatly fliall the King rejoyce. How will Joy exalt his Voice ! Thou haft granted his requeft ^ Of his Hearts defire pofTeft ; Bleft with Bleflings manifold % Crown'd with fparkling Gems and Gold. Praid-for Life thou granted haft ^ Length of Days which never wafte ^ By thy Safe .guard glorious made •, With high Majefty array'd : Of refiftlefs PowV pofleft •, By thy favours ever bleft. Lo! his Joys are infinite ^ Joy refleded from thy fight : For the King in God did truft. Through the Mercy of the Juft > t^e jafalllMt of DAVID. 3S_ He {hall ever fixed ftand. For thy Hand, thy own right Hand , Shall thy Enemies deftroy , Who would in thy ruin joy. When thy Anger fliall awake , Them a flaming Furnace make. God fhall 1 wallow in his Ire , And devour thera all with fire. From the Earth deftroy their Fruit •, Never let theirSeed take root. Mifchievous was their intent *, All their Thoughts againft me bent ^ Thoughts, which nothing could perform. Let thy Arrows, like a Storm , Put them to inglorious flight *, On their daunted faces light. Lord, aloft thy Triumphs raile , While we fmg thy Power and Praife. TSALM XXIL *-^ •* Y God 1 why haft thou forfook ! BaJfM. Why, O fo far, withdrawn thine Aid! D 2 Kor 36 SB idatap]^)!a(e upon Nor when I roared, pity took ! My God, by r^isiiliiiiiiiii day to Thee I pray'd, And when Nights g!=jE:|:Ei=:|Ej::*:|E5ES|:Er!|:p Curtains were difplay'd : Yet would'ft not ! iHiiiiilllglliii iiPliiiiii?^!! Tbou vouchfafe a look. Yet thou art Holy j thron'd on high ^ The Ifraelkes thy Praife refound. Our Fat hers d id on thee rely e •, Their Faith with wreaths of Conqueft crowned : They fought, and thy Deliverance found f, They trufted, and thy Truth did trie. But t^ej&faimg of david. 37 But I, a worm, no man, am made The (corn of men •, defpis'd by all : Who (hake their Heads, niake mouths, upbraid. Let God, fay they, redeem from thrall , On whom thy Hopes fo vainly call : Now let him his Beloved aid. Thou drew'ft me from the Womb', by Thee Confirmed at my Mothers breaft : When born, Thou took'ft the charge of me ; Even from my Birth, my God profeft. O fuccour me with fear diftreft ! Thou canft alone thy Servant free. Incenfed Bulls about me flare •, ^m i. Strong Bulls of Baflian girt me round i Who their inflamed mouths prepare , Like ravenous Lions, to confound. I'mfpilt like water on the ground j And all my Bones disjointed are. My Heart like Wax within me thaws j My vigour as a Pot -(heard dry'd : My thirfty Tongue cleaves to my jaws j In dull of Death thou do'ft me hide : Dogscompafs me onev'ry fide *, And multitudes; who hate thy Laws. My Hands and Feet transfixed are •, Bones, to be told, with anguifli wafte : This feen with joy, my robes they {hare *, Lots on my feamlels garment caft. My Strength , to my redemption hafte ! Nor O. be deaf to my fad prayer ! R 3 Let 38 ^ )datap^jiar^ upon Let not the Sword thy Servant wound •, My Dearling from the Dogprote^ : From Lions that in rage abound ^ From Unicorns guard thy Eleft. I then my Brethren will direft ^ Among the Saints thy Praife relbund. Part 5. O praife him you who fear the Lord •, You Sons of J'acohy God adore : Let Ifraels Seed his praiie record j For from their crys who help implore , His Face he hides not, nor the Poor In their AffliO;ion hath abhorr'd. I in the great Aflembly fhall Declare his Works, which words exceed ; And pay my Vows before them all. The Meek abundantly {hall feed ^ The Faithful praiie their Help at need , Nor by the ftroke of Death fhall fall. All who behold the Suns Up-rife , Shall God profels , and ferve alone : And all the Heathen Families Shall caft themfelves before his Throne •, Becaufe the Kingdom is his own : For over all his Empire lies. Who in profperity abound , Nor undeferved Honours gain ^ Who poorly creep upon the ground , And fcarcc their needy lives fuftain ^ Shall eat, and to his eafie reign Submit, with joys eternal crown'd. Their t^e i&faimjBiof da via 39 Their fanftifi'd Pofteritie Shall ever celebrate his Name *, Adopted Sons of the moft High : They (hall his Righteoulheisproclame , And Works of cverlafting fame , To their believing Progeny. TSALM XXIII. T He Lord my Shepherd, me his Sheep Jsth ?. Will from coniuming Famine keep. He fofters me in fragrant Meads , By foftly-fliding waters ieads^ My Soul refrefh'd with pleafant juice : And left they fhould his Name traduce, Then w^hen I wander in the Maze Oi tempting fin , informs my ways. No terrour can my courage quail , Though (haded in Deaths gloomy vail ^ By thy Proteftion fortifi'd : Thy Staff my Stay, thy Rod my Guide. My Table thou haft furnifhed •, Powr'd pretious Odors on my head : My Mazer flows with pleaiant Wine, While all my Foes with envy pine. Thy Mercy and Beneficence Shall ever joyn in my Defence *, Who in thy Houfc will iacrifice , Till aged Time clofe up mine eyes. D 4 FSALM 40 1 f^aropi^jare upon T PSALM XXIV. As the 8, f ■ I ^ He round and many-peopled Earth , What from her womb extraft their birth , And whom her foodfxil breaft fuftains , Are his, who high in glory raigns. The Land in moving Seas hath placM , By ever-toiling Floods imbrac'd. Who (hall upon his Mountain reft ? Who in his Sandua ry feaft ? Even he, whofe hands are innocent^ His heart unfoilM with foul intent , Whom fwoln Ambition, Avarice , Nor tempting Pleafures can intice : Who only their infefruitful Land pofTefs. After a while th^ Unjuft: fhall ceafe to be *, Pan 2 . Thou (halt his place confider, but not fee. The Meek in heart fhall reap the Lands increafe , And folace in the multitude of Peace. Againft the Godly wicked Men confpire , Gnafh their malicious Teeth, and foam with ire ^ But God fhall hugh at their impiety ^ Becaufe he knows their Day of Doom is nigh. They draw their bloody Sw'ords,their Bows are bent: To kill the Necdv, Pour, and Innocent. But ^4 ^ i&ar8p^?afe apon But their proud hearts (hall perifh by the ftroke Of their own Steel, their Bow's afunder broke.' That little which the Righteous hath, excells Th' abundant wealth, wherein the Wicked Iwells. For God the arms of violent Men will break : Butftiield the Righteous, and iupport the Weak. His eyes behold the fuff'rings of the Poor : Their firm pofleflioiis ever (hall ejidure. They in the time of danger fhall not dread ^ But (hall in Famin's rage be fiU'd with Bread. When vitious meii (hall fpeedily decay : And thofe who (light Jehovah, melt away As fat of Lambs,whichfacred Fires confume'. And forthwith vanifti like the rifing fume. ^art 3. The Wicked borrow, never to rcftore: The Juft are gracious and relieve the Poor. Whom God (hall blefs, they (hall the Land enjoy : WhomGod {hallcurfe,them vengeance (hall deftroy The fteps of Righteous men the Lord direfts *, For He, even He, their ordred paths afFe^. Although they fall *, yet fall to rife again : For his H is Care and power fill Hand fuftain. I have been young, am old y yet never faw The Juft abandon'd ^ nor thole, who draw From him their birth, with beggery oppreft. He lends in mercy, and his Seed are bleft. Do good, ftiun evil, and remain unmov'd ^ For Righteous Souls are of the Lord belov'd : His undeferted Saints prote£ling ftill *, Their Plants up-rooting, who tranfgrefs his Will. Juft men inherit fhall the promised Land *, And dwell therein, while Moylntains ftedfaft ftand. Th< t!)e jaralmsf of david The Righteous Soul of lacred Judgement fi3eaks , ^^^^ 4. ^ And from his Lips a fpring of Wifdom breaks. Gods Law is in his Heart *, his Light, his Guide j Nor fhall his Feet in flippery places Aide. Men feek his blood ^ but God defends : nor (hall He by the lentence of the Wicked fall. Wait on the Lord, nor his ftraight paths tranfgrefs 5 And evermore this pregnant Soil poflefs. But thofe who in iniquity delight , Shall be cut off, and perifh in thy fight. The Wicked I have feen in wealth to flow , Exceed in power, and like a Laurel grow : Yet vanifh hence, as he had never been ; I fought him, but he was not to be feen. Obferve the perfe.fl, and the pure of hearty They d ie in peace, and happily depart. But the Ungodly are at once cut down , And perifh without pity, or renown. The Lord is the fal vation of the Juft ^ - Their ftrength in trouble, fince in him they truft : Will thofe aflift, who on his^aid depend *, Deliver, and from impious Foes defend. PSALM XXXVIIL "1^ '▼OT in thy wrath againft me rife *, As the 4. j^^l Nor in thy fury, Lord,chaftife : J^ ^ Thy Arrows wound , Nail to the Ground , Thy hand upon me lie?. No Limb from pain and anguifh free ^ Becaufe I have inrenfed thee : Nor reft can take, My bones fo ake *, Such fin abound? in me. F Like 66 % |Siai;ap^?a(e upon ^ Like Billows they my head tranfcend ^ Benearh their heavy load I bend : My Ulcers fwell, ^ Corrupt, andimcU ^ Of FoUytheladend. Perplext in mind I pine away , And mourning wafte the tedious day, My Flefh no more Then all one Sore ^ All parts at once decay. Much broken *, all my ftrength o're-thrown^ Through anguifh of my Soul I groan. Lord, thou doft fee My thoughts and me ^ My Sighs to thee are known. My fad Heart pants, my nerves relent , My Sight grows dim*, and to augment Mymiferies, All my Allies And Friends themfelvesabfent. fm % . Who feek my life, their Snares extend ^ Their wickea thoughts on Mifchief bend : Calumniate , And lye in wait To bring me to my end. But I as deaf to them appear , i\s mute, as if I tonguelefs were : My paflion rul'd , Like one that could At all not fpeak nor hear^ Pecaufc t^e jafalmig ot david. ej Becaule ray hopes on thee relye : My God, I laid, O hear my cry ^ Left they ftiould boaft , Who hate me moft , And in my ruin joy. For O ! I droop, with ftruggling fpent : My thoughts are on my forrows bent. My fins excels I will confefs ^ In (how^rs^of tears repent. My foes are full of ftrength and pride *, Who caufelcfs hate, are multiply'd : Who good with ill .Rejpay, would kill, Becaufe I juft abide. Depart not,Lord *, O pitty take 1 Nor me in my extreames forfake ! Salvation Is thine alone ^ Haft to my fuccour make. P 5 ^X^ XXXIX. Til^iiiiiiiilii •^ Said , I will my wayes obferve, Left iaiE|ii;i=pl=ii|ig '''"■ : fi:r::i3 Cantm. 68 3S. ^arap^^are upon |l||il|;5:||||=|EE|EJiiE|E| I {houldfwerve : With Bit and Reins my ipEliiiiiiiiiiliii Tongue keep in, Too prone to Sin. Nor iiiiiiiilllliiliiliii iiiSiiiiiiiISi to their Calumnic reply, Who glory in Im- r:ISx2S*^~:i:J-5::S:9:=:r*::Siz:*.72 ^^ ^J^ fl._ pi — e — ty. I, like a Statue, filent flood , Dumb even to good : My Sorrows boyling in my breaft Exil'dmyreft: But when my Heart incenft witb wrong Grew hot, I gave my Grief a tongue. Of tljepfalmsiof david. 6^ Of thofe few days I have to fpend , And my laft End , Jnform me, Lord *, that I may fp My Frailty know. My time is made fhort as a Span \ As nothing is the Age of man. Man nothing is but Vanitie , Though thron'd on high *, Walks like afhadow, and in vain Turmoils with pain : He heaps up wealth with wretched care y Yet knows not who (hall prove his Heir. Lord! whatexpefti? thou the Scope Of ail my Hope : Him from his loath'd TranfgreflTions free , Who trufts in Thee : Nor O fubje^l me to the Rule , And proud derifion of a Fool ! ' With filcnce, fince thy Will was fuch , I fufFered much : O now forbear ! left inftant Death Force my faint breath. When thou doft with thy Rod chaftife Oifending man, his courage dies. His Beauty wafted, like a cloth Gnawn by the Moth : Himfelf a fliort-Iiv'd vanitie , And born to dye. Lord, to my Prayers incline thine Ear 5 And thy aftliaed Ser\;imt hear. F 5 Nor 7Q ^ i&atap!)?afe Upon Nor thele fait rivers of mine Eyes , My God, defpife : A Stranger, as my Fathers were , I fojourn here. let me gather ftrength, before 1 pafs away, and be no more. FSALM XL. Asth2: Y^Or God I patiently did look ^ He to my crys inclin'd his Ear : And when invironcd with fear , From that Abyfs of horror took : Drew from the Mud, and on a Rock Eftablifti'd, to indure the (hock. F Then did intomy mouth convey Songs of hisPraife, un-fung before. Many fhall fee, with fear adore \ And triifting in th' Almighty, fay : Who on the Lord depend, are bleft , Who Liers, and the Proud deteft. Many, and full of wonder, are The Works, O Lord, which Thou haft wrought : What Thou to raife our joyes haft thought,^ O who in order can declare ! 'Twere loft endeavour to exprefs Their number, that are numberlefs. Thou Gifts, nor Offerings doft defire \ But pierced haft thy Servants ear : To Thee Oblations are not dear , Nor Sacrifice confum'd with fire. Then t^e iBfalmsfoE david. 71 Then faid I , Lo, I come : thus it Is of me in Thy Volume writ. Thy Laws are written in my Heart : My Joy Thy Pleafure to fulfil. I in the great AlTembly ftill Thy Righteoufnefs to all impart . My lips are unreftrain'd by me , Which, Lord, is only known to Thee. Thy Juftice I have not conceaPd Within the clofure of my breaft : But Thy Fidelity profeft ^ And faving health at large revealed : Amidft the Congregation Thy conftant Truth and Mercy Qiown. Withdraw not, Lord, thy long'd for Aid ^ BArt With Truth and Mercy ftitl inclofe : For O ! innumerable woes On every fide my Soul invade : So changed with Iniquities , That they ev'n blind my fearful eyes. In number they my hairs exceed *, My fainting heart pants in my breaft : Be pleas'd to fuccour the Diftreft ^ And Lord deliver me with fpeed. Let fhame at once confound them all , That feek my Soul, and plot my fall. Be they repulft with Infamy , Who perfecute with deadly hate : Defervedly left defolate , Who Ha, Ha ! in derifion cry. F 4 Le: 72 M i&atap^?afc upon Let all who feek thy Help, re Joyce , And praife Thee with a cheerful Voice. Let them, who thy Salvation love , Still fay. The Lord be magnifi'd ! Though I be poor, andcaft afide ^ Yet he regards me from above. My Safety, my Deliverer , No longer thy relief defer* FSALM XLL Jis thef. If Y yHo duly (hall the Poor regard , Hath his Reward : The Lord in time of Trouble, (hall Prevent his fall : He ftiall among the Living reft , And with the Earths increafe be bleft. Lord, render him not up to thofe , Who are his Foes : When he in f6rrow languifheth , Near unto Deaths Let him by Thee be comforted , And in his Sicknefs make his bed. I faid, O Lord, thy Mercy (how , And Health beftow : For O I my Soul the lothfome ftains Of Sin retains. My Foes have faid, When (hall he die , And yet out-live his Memory ? If t^e i&falm!B( of david. 73 If any vifit, they devife DeceitftilLies: Their hollow Hearts with Mifchief load , Divulg'd abroad : Who hate me, whiiper, and contrive , How they may fwallow me alive. Behold, fay they, this Puniihment promHeav'n is fent : He fromthe bed whereon he lies , Shall never rile. Yea, even my Friend, my Confident , My Gueft, his heel againft me bent. But, Lord, thy Mercy I implore -, My Health reftore : raife me ! that forthwith I may Their Hate repay. In this thy Love thou doft exprefs , That none triumph in my diftrels. For thou art of my Innocence The ftrong Defence. 1 fhall, inlightned by the Grace , Behold thy Face. Jehovah, IfraelsGod,be bleft •, While Day and Night the World inveft. Amen J Atnen, 74 A PARAPHRASE Upon the Second BOOK OF THE Psalms of DAVID. PSALM XLII. As the -^i^, Tf Ord! as the Hart, imboft with heat. Braies after the cool Rivulet : L So fighs my Soul for thee. My Soul thirfts for the living God : When (hall I enter his Abode , And there his Beauty fee ! Tears are my Food both Night and Day •, While, Where's thy God •, they daily fay. My Soul in plaints I (hed *, When I remember, hovsr in throngs We filFd thy Houfe withPraiie and Songs , How I their Dances led. My Soul, why art thou fo depreft ! Why O thus troubled in my breaft ! With t^e i&falmjEf of david. 75 With Gfief fo overthrown ! ^1 With conftant Hope on God await : \ yet his Name (hall celebrate , For Mercy timely (hown. fi My fainting Heart within me pants : My God^ confider my Complaints *, My Songs (hall praife thee ftill : Even from the Vale where Jordan flows \ Where Hermon his high Fore head (hows , ' From Mitfars humble Hill. Deeps untoDeepsinraged call, part 2, When thy dark Spouts of waters fall , And dreadful Tempeft raves : For all thy Floods upon me burft , And billows after billows thruft To fwallow in their Graves. But yet by Day the Lord will charge His ready Mercy to inlarge My Soul, furpris'd with cares : He gives my Songs their Argument ^ God of my life, I will prefent By night to thee my prayers. And fay •, My God, my Rock, O why Am I forgot, and mourning die , By Foesreduc'dto Duft ! Their words like weapons pierce my bones ^ While ftill they Eccho to my Groans , Where is the Lord thy Truft ? My Soul, why art thou fo depreft ! O why fo troubled in my breaft ! Sunk 76 3l^arap^;are upon Sunk uaderneath thy Load ! With conftant Hope on God await : For I his Name fliall celebrate •, My Saviour^and niy God. PSALM XLIII. Anhei^, "l^ ^Y God, thy Servant vindicate: O plead my Caufe againft their hate , Who feek my utter fpoil ! Deliver from the Mercilefs , Who with bold Injuries opprefs , And profper in their guile. M For of my Strength thou art the Lord, Why like to one by thee abhorr'd Doft thou my Soul expofe ! Why wander I in black araid ! My body worn, my mind difmaid ! Purfu'd by cruel Foes ! Thy Favour and thy X^uth extend ^ Let them into my Soul delcend , Conduced by their light-, Conduced to thy holy Hill , And Houfe bleft with thy Prefence ftill ', There to in joy thy fight. Then will I to thy Altar bring An acceptable offering , That doft fuch Joys afford : There on a tuneful Inftrument , With Songs that joyn in fweet confent , Thy facred praife record. ' M^ t^ l&faimss of DAVID. 77^ My Soul, why art thou lb depreft ! Why O thus troubled in my breaft ! Sunk underneath thy load 1 With conftant hope on God await \ For I his Name fhall celebrate , My Saviour and my God. L TSALM XLIV. Ord ! we have heard our Fathers tell js tht j, The Wonders wrought by thee of old. To them by their great Grandfires told ^ How by thy Hand the Heathen fell ; Of fruitfiill Canaan difpofleft , ■ And ^^e/ planted in their room^ They perifh'd by a fearful Doom , While ours in growth and ftrength increaft. Not their own Swords that pleafant Land Did conquer, and their Foesejcc^:^ Nor did their arms their lives protecl: : It was thy Arm and powerful Hand *, It was the Splendor of thy Face", And by thy Favour they o're-came. My King, my God, O'flill the fame ! Salvation fend to Jacobs Race. For by thy Aid our Enemies Lay bleeding on the ft ained ground ; And in thy Name we did confound Who ever durft again 1 us rife. Our 7^ 311 ^avapl);are upon Our Sword's unable to defend •, We will not truft in our weak Bows. Thou, Lord, haft fav'd us from our Foes , And brought them to afhameful end. Bm 1. por this with praifcs we adore , And ever celebrate thy Name : But now Thoii cafts us off to (hame , Nor lead'ft our Armies as before. Our faces from our Foes reverft ^ A Spoil to fuch as hunt for blood : Thou giv'ft us up as Sheep for food , Among th' uncircumcis'd difperft. Fornoughtthou doft thy People fell y Nor art inriched by their price *, Our Neighbours in our fall rejoice ^ A Scorn to all that near us dwell. A By-word to the Heathen grown , Who fhake their heads in our difgrace : My fhame is ftill before my face •, My Eyes to Earth with blufhes thrown. . Sprung from the bold blafphemers taunts , And proud Avengers threatning look : Yet, Lord, we have not thee forlook , Nor falfify'd thy Covenants. Tm 5. Our hearts have not their Faith diflblvM-, Our Steps the Path prefcribed keep ; Though Thou haft crufht us in the Deep , And with the fhadesof Death involv'd. fc t^e lafalmsf of david. 7^ For fliould we from the Lord depart , Or to ftrange Gods our hearts uprear •, O would not this to him appear , Who knows the Secrets of our Heart ? Yet for thy fake are daily {lain ^ For flaughter mark'd like butcher'd Sheep. Awake, O Lord, why doft thou flecp ? Rife, nor for ever Us difdain. Q to thy Own at length return ! Why doft Thou hide thy chearfulfacc ? With-d rawing thy accuftom'd Grace From fuch as in Affli;^ Needle wrought : While Virgins on her Train attend , V^hofe Faith and Friendfhip know no end: Whom tlje idfalmj! of david. 8i Whom they with joy Hiall lead along -^ Eterniz'd in a Nuptial Song : And with renewed Applaufes bring Unto the Palace of the King. Thou in thy Royal Fathers place , O^ Sons (halt fee a numerous Race ', Who overall the Earth fhall fway , While the cleer Sun dire£ls the Day. My Song {hall celebrate thy Name , And to the World divulge thy Fame. ^:r=^ FSALM XLVL niiiiilii^ifiii^-"- ^^ Od is our Refuge, our ftrong TowV 7 — >— ^frp '" fAm'-m^^v^l^-'^ »wa^ui««i»« » « ^ ' W »<»— «itV^*J»*tT'»a llillllillllliillill Securing by his Mighty Pow'r, When Dangers threaten to devour. Thus Arm'd, no 82 3i l^atap^^afe upon fears fhall chill our blood •, Though Earth no iiliiii^iilPl^il S^iiilililii^^iiii longet ftedfaft ftood, And (hook her Hills iiiiiiHillli into the flood. ggfiiiipi Although the troubled Ocean rife In foaming billows to the Skies ^ And Mountains ihake with horrid noife. Clear ftreams purl from a Cryftal Spring , Which Gladnefs to Gods City bring , The Manfionof th' eternal King. He in her Centre takes his place : What Foe can her fair Towers deface , Frote(^ed by his early Grace ? .• Tumultuar' t^ei^falmsi of david. 83 rumultuary Nations rofe , \.nd armed Troops our walls inclofe ^ . Jut his fear'd Voice unnervM our Foes» rhe Lord of Hofts is on our fide ^ rhe God by Jacolf magnifi'd •, )ur Strength, on whom we have reJi'd . I!ome, fee the wonders he hath wrought , A^ho hath to defolation brought rhofe Kingdoms, which our ruin fought. it makes dcftruftive War furceafe ^ fhe Earth, deflowr'd of her Increafe , leftores with univerlal Peace. le breaks their Bows, unarms their Quivers ^ rhe bloody Speer in pieces (hivers, rheir Chariots to the Flame delivers. 'orbear, and know, that I the Lord A^ill by all Nations be ador'd ^ 'rais'd with unanimous accord. rhe Lord of Hofts is on our fide ^ rhe God by Jacob magnifi'd ^ )ur Strength;, on whom we have reli'd. G 2 TSALM 84 n )dBrap})2are upon PSALM XLVII. Camus. • ^ ' ^ Et all in fweet accord Clap Hands, 5#^. |||Ei||||||||p|i||||| their Voices raife, In Honour of the Lord j iiiippig^iiiiii iiiiiiiaigi^ig And loudly fing his praife : Who from a- bove. Dire Lightning flings : The King of |||:|:=i|:=:|=:|p: :$i~:i:=:4:t:t fs\ kings. Of all thaC move. Whole t!)e i&faimg?of david> 85^ Whole Nations of our Foes Beneath our Feet hath thrown : A fair Pofleffion chofe , For us that are his Own : Thedignitie Of Ifrad-^ Belov'd fo well BythemoflHigh, In Triumph God afcends , With Trumpet {hrill, and Shalmes , Praife him, who his defends ^ O praife our King with Pfalms ! ForGodisKing Of all the Earth 7 With facred Mirth HisPraifesfing. God o're the Heathen i^igos ; Sits on his Holy Throne : All whom the Earth fuftains , Shall worfliip him alone. His Shield extends in their Defence*, His Excellence All height tranfcends. TSAI,M XLVIII. THe Lord is moft Ma jefticall •, j^ ^^^ ^ Moft highly to be prais'd by all , Within the Cit\' of our God / And Manfion bled by his abode. Fair SionhsLth a pleafant Site *, 0/ Earth the Beauty and Delight: G 3 Upon 86 ai i^atap^jtsrc npon •'■■.• ~ ' >■ ~ i Upon the North-fide bordering , The City of the Mighty King. God dwells within her lofty Towers ^ SecurM from all aflailing Powers. Confpiring Kings her ruin fought ^ Who armed Troops before her brought. Part %: At once they faw, admir'd, and fled j Their hearts furpriz'd with fudden Dread. Such fear, fuch pangs poffeft our foes , As w^omen fufFer in their Thro\^ s. At thy command black Bums rores , And fpreads his wracks on TharflmihorQs. We, what we heard our Fathers tell , Have feen, who in this City dwell ^ The City of our God, which Hee Shall ever from deftruftion free. Thy Favours, Lord, with Thankfulnefs We in thy Temple ftill profefs. As is thy Name, thou God of Might , So are tny Praifes infinite ^ And ftretch to Earths remoteft Bound : Thy Hand for Juftice far renown'd. O Sio^y Judah's Diadem , You Daughters of Jerujalem^ Unite your Joys, and glory in His Judgement, which your eyes have feen. Go walk the Round of 5/^;/^ tell Her Towers ^ obferve her Bulwarks well : On her fair Buildings cafl thine eye*, Declare it to Pofteritie. For God will ftill our God remain , And us unto our Laft fuftain. TSALM t^e ^Sfaims of david. 87 FSALM XLIX. ^hi^i-{- . - .. ALL you who dwell upon tHe foodful £arth •/' Asthe i\ Both-Rich and Poor '^ of bafe and noble birth.^ Attend : my Tongue deep wifdomfliall impart v ' : And knowledge from the fountain of my heart. I unto light dark Parables will bring , And to my folemn Harp i^nigmaes fmg. In Mifery and Age why fhould I fear , When Sin purfues my fteps, and Death draws near ? O you, who Riches as your God adore , And glory in your fcarce poffeffed Store : Who can redeem his Brother for one Day , Or to the Lord his high-prais'd Ranfome pay ? . (For O, not all the Gold, which Streams conceal ," Or Hills inclofe, can banifh'd Life repeal , ) That he might live unto Eternitie , Nor in the Earths corrupting Entrails lye. They fee the Wife, and Fools, to Death defcend , While others their congefted treafures fpend : Yet hoping to perpetuate their fame , .;-^- Proud Structures raife, and call themby their name. ; ButManinhonourisaVanitie, pm i. That fleets away •, and as a Beail: muft die. In this vain courfe, they circularly move , And their Pofterity their words approve. Death (hall as Sheep devour them in the Duft ^ Till that great Day fubje£l them to the Juft. Their Strength and Beauty ihall to nothing waft : All naked, from their fumptuous Houfes caft. But God (hall from the greedy Sepulchre My Soul redeem, and to his Joys prefer. G 4 Defpair, sa n i^arap^^afe mm Defpa ir not, when a man grows Op iilent , And that the Glories of his Hotie augment : For with his thread of Life his Riche? end ^ Nor (hall his Honours with his Soul dciccrid. Though here he live in Juxury and eait ., And thofe are prais'd^ who their own . -cv^iuspleafe^ Yet as his Fathers, he fhall fet in Night \ ■ ■ . Nor ever rife to fee the cheerful Light- Man high in honour, whofe ignoble breaft No knowledge holds^ {hall perifh like a beaft. T PSALM L. A^ ihi I : f I ^ He God of gods, Jehovah, fhall convent All from the Orient to the Suns defcent. From Sions Towers (of Beauty the Divine And full Perfeaion) (hall his Glory fhine. Nor filent comes : devouring flames before. And; round about him horrid Tem.pefts rore. The righteous Judge^ to judge his People, Ihall High Heav'n and confcious Earth towitnefscalL Aflemble all my Saints, who with one mind My Tcftaments with Sacrifice have (ign'd. Thenthund'ring Skie Ihall make his Juftice known *, When he our God afccnds his Judgements Throne.' My People, hea-r •, Thy God, O Jfr.rel I Will thee convince, and thy TranfgreHions tell. I blame not thy unfrequcnt Sacrifice, ... . Nor fumes, which rarely from my Altars rife : I from thy Stall will take no well-fed Steer, Nor from thy Folds a Male-goat of that year : For all are Mine,, that Woods or Dcferts breed ,! And Herds which on a thouiand fountains feed : ■ J ^t ^mmn of D A V I D. 89 I know all Fowl, which Hill or Valleys yield , And number all the Cattel of the Field. Will I, if hungry, unto Thee conaplain , Pan i,' When all is Mine whkhSea and Land contain ? Will I eat flefli of Bulls ? or canft thou think , That I the blood of fliaggy Goats will drink ? A thankful heart upon my Altar lay ^ And righteous Vows to high Jehovah pay. , Then call on me in trouble ^ I will raile Thy Soul from Death,and thou my Name (hail praife. But O thou Hypocrite! Dar'ft thou explain My Law ^ My .Covenantswith thy lips prophane ? That Icorn'ft inftruaion *, doft my Word defpife *, Confent'ft with Theeves, and haft adulterous eyes ? Deceit, and (lander tip thy impious tongue : Thy brother woundft with Infamy and Wrong. Thus didft thou*, thisdidlwithfilencefee. So as thou thought'ft, that! was like to thee. But I will thy Hypocrifie uncafe *, And lay thy ugly crimes before thy face. Confider this^ O you, who God negle^ : Left I deftroy you, when none can prote£l. Who praife for Inccnfe offer , honour Me *, And upright Souls (hall my Salvation fee. L TSALM LL Ord, to a fmner Mercy (how : As tU ^, Which fmce in Thee fo infinite^ Let all thy ftreams of Mercy fiow , And purifie me in thy fight. 90 SB i&arap^?afe upon O wafh thou my polluted Soul ! O clenfe me from my bloody Deed ! That to my felf appears fo foul ^ And now in true Contrition bleed. My fins, unmaskM, before Thee lye ^ Who have deferv'd thy wrath alone : Which I confefs, to teftifie Thy Truth, and make thy Juftice known. In fin conceiv'd , brought forth in fin *, Sin fuck'd I from my Mothers breaft : Thou lov'ft a heart fincere within , Where Wifdom is a conftant gueft. With Hylbp purge, from blemifli clear •, O wafh, then faUing Snow more white ! Lord, let me thy remiflion hear : The Bones, which thou haft broke, unite. plot out my crimes •, O feparate My trembling Guilt far from thy view ! A clean Heart in my breaft create *, A Mind, to Thee confirm'd, renew. J^nn %, Nor caft me from thy Prefence, Lord ^ Nor O thy holy Spirit withdraw ! But thy life-quick'ning Grace afford •, Inlarge my Will t' imbrace thy Law. Then Sinners I with heav'nIyFood W^ill feed, dire£i:ed in thy Wayes : O my Redeemer, clenfe from blood The Soul, that will thy Mercy praife. Give thou my Verfe an argument •, And they thy Goodnefs fhall refound. No Sacrifice will Thee content*, Nor Altars with Oblations crown'dc Elfe, I would Hecatombs impart ; True forrow is thy Sacrifice. t^e pfaimjBf oE david. 91 A broken and a contrite Heart , : My God, Thou never wilt defpife. -^ ( » Thy Sion with accuftom'd Grace i i ' II J i ml (Left my foul crimes her (hame procure ) In thy protecting Arms imbrace ^ AnAhitJerHfdemimmviYt, Then we, with due Solemnity , To Thee our grateful Vows wil! pay •, And Bulls, which never Yoke did try , ^ Upon thy flaming Altar lay. > FSALM h\h ^"^^ Thou in Mifchief great , As the m ■ Why boafts thou in deceit ?' . ^_^ Gods greater Mercy will Protedl his Servants flill. Thy Tongue w ith fraud abounds , And like a Raibr wounds *, . All evil doilafre(5l-, All that is good negleft. Lies are thy low delight ^ To Virtue oppofite : Thy words with treachery The innocent deftroy. God ihall repay thy hate , Thy Stru^lures ruinate ^ And make thee curfe thy birth : Then tear thee from the Earth. The Juft thy fall fhall fee, Fear Him, and laugh at thee. Lo he, who God forfook , Nor for his refuge took %, Self- 9^ a )^arap^;are upon Self-ftrength'ning with excefs Of Wealth, and Wickednefs. But I fhall planted be. Like a green Olive-tree , In Gods own Houfe *, and will Truft in His Mercies ftill. For this, I evermore Shall thy great Name adore : Thy Promifcs expe£^ ^ The joy of thy Ele.5J:. TSALM LIII. As thiz, Tl ' lOols, flattering their own vic^s, fay Within their hearts*, God is a Name Devis'd to make the Strong obey *, To fetter Nature *, quench her flame When all this llniverlal Frame The hands of potent Fortune fway. f; Secure and profperous in ill , The fear and thought of God exile , To follow their rebellious will •, Think nothing that delights them vile : Their Souls with wicked thoughts defile V And all their foul Defires fulfill. God from the Tow'r of Heav'n his Eyes On men, and their endeavours, threw : Not one beheld beneath the Skies , That fought him, or his Statutes knew : All Vice with winged Feet purfue ^ But none forfaken Vif tue pr ifc* O ,^^,^l^iuj,f^^a««a tljepfalltttfOf DAVID. 93 O deaf to good ! in knowledge blind ! By Sin through clouds of errour led ! Dull ienfualFornis, without a Mind ! Not flow, though certain, Vengeance dread ! The Righteous they devour like bread v All piety at once declin'd. Thefe, idle terrours fliall affright) Their fleepsdifturb'd by guilty fear. God (hall their Bones afunder fmite , Who impious Arras againft him bear -, Nor they their Infamy out-wear ^ Since delpifeable in hisnght. O that unto thy Ifrael ' The Day-ftar might from Sion fpring ! And all the (hades of Night expel ! When Thou (halt us from Bondage bring , How would we Lord thy Praifesfing ! No joy (hall Jacobs joy excell. L PSALM LIV. Ord, for thy Promife fake defend , -'^ ^ 4* And Thy AU-faving Shield extend : O hear my cries , Whi<:h with wet Eye« And fighs to Thee afcend ! For cruel men my life purfue ^ And who thy Statutes never knew. SupprcfsmyFoes: O fide with thole, Who to my im\ are true ! With 94 S i&atap^?afe upon With vengeance recompence their Hate , And in an inftant ruinate. Then will I bring My Offering, And thy great A£ls relate; Thy Name for ever praifed be •, Wno from thofe fnares haft fet me free t For loe, thefe eyes My Enemies DefirMfubverfion fee. FSALM LV. At th,9o TT ^^^y ^^ "^y Pj^ayers incline thine Ear ; ^sm^9. I Th'afjliaedhear: JLjNor be thou Deaf to my complaint \ For O I faint ! Regard the fighs, the groans, the cries 3, Which from my pcnfive Soul arife. Rais'd by the threatnings of my Foe , Which ftorm-like grow ", And by blood thirfty Violence ^ Truth my offence : Who flander with their wounding Tongues , And prefs me unto Death with wrongs. My heart, a ftranger unto reft , Throbs in my breaft : The terrours of approaching Death Exhauft my breath. My finews trembling Fear diffolvcs , And Horror all mv Powers involvcse O ttjci^taima! of d avid. 95 that with Dove-like wings I might Take my fwift flight , To calm Retreats of reft, where I Conceal'd might lie! Then would 1 find fome Wildernefs , Removed far from mansaccefs. Then all thefe Tempefts, which arife With hideous noife ^ And with their dreadful Tumults make My Heart to quake*, 1 would, far fwifter than the Wind , Or winged I. ightnings leave behind. Lord, fwallow thofe, who fwell with pride ^ pan z. Their Tongues divide : For Strife, and Violence, bent to kill , The City fill: Both Day and Night they walk the Round v Rape, Mifchief, Tears, within abound. Wild Outrages her ftreets profane , And boldly reign : Fraud lurking in her Palaces , Confpires with thefe. For I, had he his hate profeft , Had (hunn'd, or (hould his wrongs digeft. But thou, my Friend, even of my Heart The better Part ^ To fo intire a union grown , As if but one : Gods Houfe we daily vifited , Both Jfweetly by one Counfel led. Let 96; 31 i&atap^?8fe gpon < Let Death devour them *, let them dive ToHcllahvc. With mifchicf their proud roofs abound Their hearts unfound i But God my Soul fhall dif-enthralJ 5 For I upon his Name v^ill calK ^an ? ^y Prayers fhall with the Suns uprife , Afcend the Skies v RenewM, when he at Noon difplays His fervent Rays*, When he behind the Earth defcends,' , And Day, out-worn with labour, ends. My Cries (hall penetrate the Sphears , And pierce his Ear's. He (hall my captive Soul releale , And crown with Peace. For in the Fervor of the Fight , His Angels (hall prote^ my Right. Th' Eternal Judge, Jehovah, fhall Confound them all V Who only change from bad to worfe ,' Nor fear his Curfe. Sweet Peace he violated hath , '^ And broken his obliged Faith. His Words than Butter fmoother farr V His Thoughts of Warr : Words foftcr than the fluent Oil *, Yet bent to Spoil. But thou, my Soul, thy cares impofe On God, who will redrcfs thv \\qc<. t^e i&falm$ of D A v i D. 97 The Tuft he (hall confirm with Joy V Th'Unjuftdeftroy.. Thofe who in blood and fraud delight Shall fet in Night , Before their Noon of Life be paft. But I on God my hopes have plac'd. O VSALM Lvr. Lord, prote£l me by thy Power , ^^ »^' 4^ From fuch as would my Life devour \ Whomercilefs Strive to opprefs*. Nor grant me Truce one hour. That would devour nne every Day , And make my chafed Life their prey : yet,Lord,willI On thee relief When Dangers moftdifmay. Thy Promife I will celebrate •, In conftant hope thy Pleafure waif. With patience bear Thy Stay, nor fear Frail man, or his vain hate. My words and deeds they daily wreft , And in their thoughts my fall digeft v Unite in ill , And lurk to kill: My Feet can find no reft. H 98 % i^atap^jare upon O fhall they with impunity Efcape, and thus their fins enjoy ! Let Death thy rage Alone affwage *, Them in their guilt deftroy. My Wand'rings thou haft numbered *, Even every Tear mine Eyes have fhed Thy Vial holds : All in the Folds Of thy large Volume read. Aflur'd, that whtli on God I call , My Foes fhall by his Fury fall. His Promife I Will magnifie ^ His Truth divulge to All. To him my ready Vows will pay \ My Vows of Thanks, both night and day ; In whom I truft : Norfhallth'Unjuft My ftedfaft Hopes difmay. For he hath fnatch'd me from the Night Of Death, and kept my foot upright : Thatlmayftill ObfcrvehisVl^ill, And fee the cheerllil Light. PSALM 1 t^cjafalmsf of DAVID. 9^ O VSALM LVII. Thou, from whom all Mercy fprings , ^^ »*' 10. Compaffidnate my Sufferings J And pity me , ThattruftinTheel O fheltcr with thy fhady Wings, Until thefe florms of Woe Clear-up, or over-blow 1 Thee I invoke, O thou Moft High ^ Thou All-performer! from the Skie Thy Angels fend j Let them defend My Soul from him that would deftroy ; O fend thy Mercy down *, With Truth thy Promifc crown ! For Salvage Lions girt me round , And they whofe Malice knows no bound 5 Their cruel Words More fharp than Swords *, Their Teeth like Spears and Arrows wound. To Hcav'n thy Glory raile \ Let Earth refound thy Praile. They fubtil fnares prepared have , And bow'd my Soul even to the Grave : With wicked wit Havedigg'dapit, From which themfelves they could not fave : But juftly fell therein , Intrapt by their own Sin. H z My loo % i^atapi^jare upon My ravifh'd Heart flames with defire j I to the Mufick of my Lyre , Eternal King, Thy Praife will fmg, Awak^ my Glory ! Zeal infpire ! Awake my Harp and Lute , Nor in his Praife be mute ! To thee, before the Mbrningrife ,- My Lips their Calves (hall facrifice : Thy Mercy far The higheft Star, Thy Truth ti'anfcends the lofty Skies. To Heaven thy Glory raife •, Let Earth refound thy Praife. TSALM LVUL Aithej^a* 'j-^ErniciousCounfellors! Give you ^Sincere advice ? to Juftice true ? Or Virtue but in fliow purfue ? p Your Hearts are ftill onMifchief bent y Your Hands impure and violent v Nor favour Trinh, nor Wrong prevent. Even from the womb they blindly ftray *, Born, and per^rted in one day y Liejflander, flatter, and betray : Like Serpents, with black poyfon fwell •, And charm th' Inchanter ne're fo well , More deaf than Afps, his Charms repcL t^e l&ralmiBt ot D A v i D. igi Lord, flit their Tongues, before they fpcak -jr^^ !oJ Strike out their Teeth, which tear the WeakT; - ^ And the young Lions grinders break. As Sun-beat Snow, fo let them thaw •, And when their weak'ned Bows they draw , Let their crack'd Arrows flie like ftraw. Let them like Snails confume away ^ And as untimely Births decay , Which never faw the cheerililDay, Before their pots can feel the brier , God in the Whirl-wind of his Ire , Shall blaft alive, and burn with fire. Sin with Revenge at length (hall meet ^ The Godly fhall rejoyce to fce't \ And in their blood fhall wa{h their feet. Then erring Mortals (hall confefs , There are Rewards for Righteoufnefs , And Plagues for fach as do tranfgreis. TSALM LIX. LOrd, fave me from mine Enemies ^ 45 the J4 j From thofe, who thus againft me rife , Like an incenfed Flood : From thofe, who in Impietie Place their delight, and long to die Their hands in guiltlefs blood. H 3 Lo! loz Z l^atap^jare upon Lo! for my Soul they lie in wait: The Mighty joyn their power and hate , Without my blame or crime. Without my crime they weapons take ^ Andperfecutemyfoul. Awake My God! afTiftintime. Great God of Hofts^of Ifrael, Thefe all-oppreffing Tyrants queft j Nor be to Mercy won : At night their mifchief they begin ^ Incenft like fnarling Dogs they grin , And through the City run. Behold ! they vomit bitter w^ords ^ Between their lips they brandifli fwords; Yet fay ^ Can thefe be known ? But, Lord, thouihalt their threats deride ^ The empty terrour of their pride And Malice, vainly fhown. ^^^f *• landmyftrengthareinthyPower. In thee I trull, my Shield ! my Tower ! Thy Mercy, Lord , how great ! My Foes I'ubje^eft to my will : Subdue, and fcatter *, but not kill. Left we thy Truth forget. O be they in their Pride furpris'd ! Even for the Lies they have devis'd , Their curfes, and clofe Arts. Confume them, from the Land expel : To (hew, God reigns in Ifiael, To Earths remoteft parts. Hope- t^e lafalntfl! oC david. 103 Hopelefs let them return with Night, Like grinning Dogs bark, but not bite j About the City rome : . Pale, meager, and half famifhed*, Like vagabonds howl they for bread ^ Without or food, or home. But I, before the Day-ftar fpring , Will of thy Power and Mercy fing •, My Safety in diftrefs. Thou art my Rock, my ilrong Defence j My living Verfe thy Excellence And Bounty (hall exprefs. JPSALM LX. CAft off, and fcattered in thine Ire : Asth x\ Lord on our woes with pity look. The Lands inforc'd Foundations fhook % Whofe yawning ruptures Sighs expire. O cure the Breaches Thou haft rent , And make Her firmly permanent ! Our Souls thou haft with forrow fed *, And mad'ft us drink of deadly Wine : Yet now thy Enfigns giv'ft to Thine , Even when befet with trembling dread ^ That we thy Banner may d ifplay , Whil'ft Truth to Conqueft makes our way, O hear us, who thy Aid implore *, Lord, with thy own Right hand defend : To thy Beloved fuccour fend. God by his Sandlity thus fwore *, H 4 I 104 ^ )darap^^4a(e upon I Snccoths Valley will divide ; In Shechcms Spoils be raagnifi'cj. Mine Gilead is, Manaffeh mine ^ Evhraim my ftrength, in battel bold ^ Thou Jfidah fnalt my Scepter hold : I will triumph on TaLiftine. Bafe fervitude fhall Moab waft^ ^ O're Edom I my (hooe will caft. Who will our forward Troops dire^l , To Rabhah ftrongly fortifi'd ? Or into fandy Edojn guide ? Lord, wilt not thou, that did'ft rejeft , Nor would'ft before our Armies goe , , Now lead our Hoft againft the Foe ? O then, when Dangers moft affright , Do thou our troubled Souls iuftaih ! For loe ! the help of Man is vain. Through Thee we valiantly fhall fight : Our flying Foes thou 9cidXt tread down ^ And Thine with wreaths of Conqueft crown. M PSALM LXI. M thi 13 , "^ ^ Y God, thy Servant hear ^ O lend a willing ear ! In exile my lad heart. From Earths remoteft part , O'rewhclm'd with Miferies, To Thee for fuccour rries. To that High Rock O lead. So far abpve my head ! That wert, and art my Tower, Againft oppreffing Power. Fof tljepfaliiMfof DAVID. IQ5 Fortothyfacred Court I ever fhall rcfort ^ Secure beneath thy wings , From all their mcnacings : Even Thou my fuit haft fignM ^ A King by Thee clefign'cl , To govern ibch as will Thy Holy Law fblfill. Whom Thou long life wilt give , His Ages fhall out-live *, He Throne {hall ftand before Thy Face for evermore. Thy Mercy, Lord, extend ^ Him for thy Truth defend. Then I inchcarful Layes Will celebrate thy praife ^ And to Thee every day My Vows devoutly pay. FSALM LXII. LOrd, thou art the only Scope Js th i ^ . Of my never-fainting Hope *, My Salvation, my Defence , Refuge of my Innocence ; Thou the Rock I build upon , Not by njan to bq o're-thrown. How long will youniachinate ! Perfecu'te with cauflels hate 1 You (hail like a tott'ring wall , Like a batter'd Bulwark, fall. Allconipire tocaftme down *, From my brows to tear my Crown : Full of fraud, they blefs in fhow , When their Thoughts with curies flow. Yec Yet my Soul on God attends ^ All my Hope on him depends *, He the Rock I built upon , Not by man to be o're-thrown. He my Glory, he my Tower , Guards me by his faying Power. You, who are fincerc and juft , In the Lord for ever truft : Powr your Hearts before his Throne •, His, who can proteft alone. All that are of high Defcent, To the Poor and Indigent , Nothing are but Vanity •, Nothing but deceive and lye : Balanced, altogether they Lighter than a Vapour weigh. In Oppreflion truft thou not , Nor in Wealth by Rapine got : If thy Riches multiply , See thou prize them not too high. God fa id once -^ twice have I heard ; Pov^er is his, by Him conferr'd : His is Mercy, He rewards , And, a^ we deferve, regards. TSALM LXIIL dsthei^, ^ § "^O Thee, O God, my God, I pray, Before the dawning of the Day. My Soul and wafting fle(h , With thirfty Ardor Thee defire. In Soils fcorch'd with ^ethereal Fire , Whofe draught no fhow'rs refrelh T That t^e}&falm0rt david. 107 That in thy Sanftuary I May fee thy Power and Ma jefty , Once more with ravifh'd eyes : My lips (hall celebrate thy Praife*, Thy Goodnefs, more than length of dales , Orlifeitfelf,Iprife. ExtolPd while I have utterance : - To Thee will I my Palmes advance ^ That wilt with marrow feaft. My Verfe thy Wonders (hall recite •, Remembred in the filent Night , As on my Bed I reft. ■ . Secur'd beneath thy fhady Wing , I will in facred Raptures fmg •, And to thy Promife cleave. Thy Hand upholds*, but who with hate My Soul leek to precipitate Hells entrails Aiall receive. The raging Sword fhall (bed their blood ^ A prey for Wolves *, for Foxes, food. Yet God his King (hall blefs^ And fuch as fwear by his great Name : But thofe, whofe Tongues the Juft defame , Confufion fhall fupprcls. rSALM loS n 0atap4;are upon T TSALM LXIV. As tht I o. ^ f \ Hou great Prote^lor , hear my Cry \ Save from my dreadful Enemy : O vindicate From their clofe hate , Who for my Soul in ambufh lie. From their blind Rage prote^l j Who Truth and Thee i*eje£t. Who whet their Tongues, more fharp than Swords, Their Arrows draw, even bitter words •, To wound th' Upright , With fierce delight, When Time to their defire accords : Then on a fudden fhoot \ Nor fear divine purfuit. Confirmed in skilful Malice •, they Confpire, their Nets in fecret lay : And fay. What eye Can this defcry ? Firft counfel take *, and then betray : On mifchief fet their hearts , Pu'rfii- d by wicked Arts. But God fliall let his Arrows flie •, Wound in the twinkling of an Eye : Each deadly ftung * By his own Tongue, Shall with that fatall Poifon die. Who this behold, or hear , Shall tremble with cold fean Mfn tije jaraimjEf of david. 109 Vien (hall their Eyes with wonder raife , lehearfe his Deeds, and fing his Praife. Eternity Shall crown their Joy , ^ho walk in his prefcribed ways. He to the Pure of Heart His Glory (hall impart. PSALM LXV, Dlle Honours, Lord, on Thee attend, jjtkt 8. Where Sions facred Towers afcend : There thy devoted Ifraelit^s Shall pay their Vows, with folemn Rites, To Thee (hall all Man-kind repair : Since thou vouchfaPft to hear our Prayer. Our Sins thy Mercies expiate , When burthen'd with their loathed weight. Thrice happy he, of whom thou mak'ft Thy Choice -^ and to thy fervioe tak'ft ^ That may within thy Courts rcfide *, Therewith thy Goodnefs fatisfi'd *, And tafte of that fincere Delight , Which never cloys the Appetite. From thee, O God, our Safety fprings •, Thy Judgement threatens dreadful things. Their Hope, whom Soils remote fuftain i Whofloteupon the toiling Main. Great is thy Power : propt by thy Hand , Cloud-touching Mountains ftedtaft (land.- Thou with thy Scepter doft appeafe Theroarihgof the high-wrought Seas : And the tumultuary jarrs Of Fcopk breathing Blood andWarrs, Who MO 3 i&aYapi)?are iipoti Fart z. Who dwell upon the Earth's Confines^ They tremble at thy fearful Signs. Where firft the Sun his beam difplays *, And where he fets his golden Rayes , They triumph in the fruits of Peace *, Inriched by the Earth's increafe. He Rain upon her Bofom powVs , His fwelling Clouds abound with Show'rs And lb prepares the lufty Soil To recompence the Reapers toil. Mellows the Glebe with fatning juyce , Whole furrows hopeful blades produce : With Plenty crowns the fmiling Years , Shed from the influence of the Sphears : The Defert with fweet Claver fills •, And richly Ihades the joyful Hills. Flocks cover all the higher Plain : The rancker Vallies cloth'd with Grain. Thefe in Abundance iblacing , Without a tongue thy Prailes fmg. H TSALM LXVI. Who in pleafant Cmam dwell , Fill the Air with fhouts of Joy \ Shouts redoubled from the Skie. Sing the great Jehovah's Praile ^ Trophces to his Glory raile : Say *, How wonderful thy Deeds ! Lord, thy Power all power exceeds ! Conqueil on thy fword doth dt \ Trembling Foes through fear lubmit. Let tljt #falmiBioE DAVID. HI Let the many-peopled Earth , AH of high and humble birth , Worfliip our eternal King ^ Hymns unto his honour fing. Come, and fee what God hath wrought j Terrible to humane thought. < He the Billows did divide ^ Wall'd with waves on either fide , While we pafled fafe and dry : Then our fouls were wrap'd with joy. Endlefs his Dominion *, All beholding from his Throne. Let not thofe, who hate us moft :^ Let not the Rebellious boaft. Blefs the Lord ^ his Praife be fung , While an Ear can hear a Tongue. He our feet eftabliiheth y He our fouls redeems from Death , Lord, as filver purifiM , Thou haft with AffUaion try'd ; Thoii haftdriv'n into the net v Burthens on our (boulders fet : Trod on by their Horfes hooves ^ Theirs, whom Pity never moves. We through fire, with flames imbracM •, We through raging floods have pafs'd : Yet by thy condu<^ing hand , Brought into a wealthy Land . I will to thy Houfe repair *, Worfhip, and thy Power declare : OfPrings on thy Altar lay ^ All my vows devoutly pay , UtterM with my heart and tongue , When opprell with powerful Wrong. Fatlings Pan t] 113 n 0avap^;are uport Fatlings I will Sacrifice •, Inccnfc in perfumes (hall rife ; Bullocks, (haggy Goats and Rams OffaM up in facred flames. You, who great Jehovah fear , Come, O come, you bleft, and hear What for me the Lord hath wrought , Then,whenneerto ruin brought. Fervently to Him I cryM ^ I his Goodnefs magnitiM. If 1 Vices (houldaffea. Would not He my Prayers re jeft : But the Lord my Prayers hath heard , Which my tongue with tears preferr'd. Sourfe of Mercy, be Thou bleft , That haft granted my Requeft. l: PSALM LXVIL dsthi^y. IP Ordjfhow'ronusthyGrace, Inrichwith Gifts divine : [Let thy illuftrious Face Upon thy Servants fliine : That all below The arched Skie , May Thee, and thy Salvation know. Let all thy Praife rehearfe , With one united Voyce : Sing in melodious Verfe y Eternally rejoyce. Thy t^e jdralmsf of david. 113 Thy Power obey , Whole Juftice fhaU Difpofeof All-, All Scepters fway. Let all extol thy Worth : Then (hall the fmiling Earth Her pleafant fruits bring forth*, Nor ever mourn in Dearth. We who implore , Thy BlefTings find;. And all Mankind With fear adore. PSALM LXVIII. LEt God, the God of Battail, rife •, M the S. And fcatter his proud Enemies. O let them flee before his face , / Like fmoak, which driving tempefts chace. As Wax diiTolves with fcorching Fire ^ So perifli in his burning Ire. But If t the Jufl: with joy abound r In joyful Songs his Praife relound : Who riding on the rowling Sphears , The Name of great Jehovah bears. Before his Face your joys exprefs : A Father to the fatherlefs. He wipes the tears from Widows eyes y The fingle Plan ts in Families *, Inlarging thofe who late were bound : While Rebels ftarve onthirfty Ground. When he our numerous Army led , And march'd through Deferts, full of dread v I Heavec. 114 211 iSawfapi^tafc upoo Heaven melted, and Earths Centre fhook , With his majeftick Prefence ftrook. When Jfraels God in Clouds came down , High Sinai bow'd his trembling Crown, Pan X. He in th' approach of meager Dearth , With fhow'rsrefrefht the feinting Earth : Where his own Flock in lafety fed *, The Needy unto plenty led. By Him we conquer : Virgins fing Our Victories, and Timbrels ring. He Kings with their vaft Armies foils ; While women {hare their wealthy fpoils. You who among the Pots have Iain In Soot and Smoak, (hall (hine again \ Bright, as the filver-featherM Dove , Whofe wings with golden Splendor move. When he the Kings had overthrown , Our Land like Ihowy Salmon fhone. Gods Mountain ^^y/?^;7i' Mount tranfcends *, Though he his many Heads extends. Why boaft you lb, ye meaner Hills ? God with his Glory Sion fills : This his beloved Refidence *, Nor ever will depart from hence. Pan 3. His Chariots twenty thoufand were. Which Myriads of Angels bear *, He in the midft, as when he crown'd High5j^^?'s fan^ified ground. Lord, Thou thy Self haft rais'd on high ^ Thou captivat'ft Captivity. Deck'd with the trophees of his Foes, The gifts receivM on his beftows ; Reducing ti)epfaims! of i) Avid. us Reducing thofe who did rebell *, That both might in his SiondwdL prailed be the God of gods , Who his with daily bledings loads : The God of our Salvation , On whom our hopesdepend alone. The Controverfe of Life and Death Is arbitrated by his Breath. He on their heads his Foes fhall wound *, Their hairy fcalps, whofe fins abound , And in their trefpafles proceed. Thus fpake Jehovah •, Jacobs Seed 1 will from Bajhan bring again , And through the bottom of the Main : That Dogs may lap their enemies blood ^ And they wade through a crimfon Flopd. We in thy Sanftuary late , ^^^^ 4* My God, mv King, beheld thy State. The facred Singers march'd before ^ Who inftruments of Mufick bore , In order followed : Every Maid Upon her pleaflmt Timbrel plaid. His Praife in your Affemblies fing , You, who from Ifrnels Fountain ipring. Nor little Benjamw alone , But J ndah from his Mountain-throne j The far removed Zehuhtn-^ And Nafhtdi which borders on Old Jor^^^;/, where his dream dilates*, Toyn'd all their Powers and Potentates. For us his winged Souldiers fought : Lord,ftrengthen, what thy hand hath wrought. He that fupports a Diadem , To Thee, divine JcntfaUm , I 2 Shall ud 3(1 i^atap^^are upon f i I ■•' I ■ J, ' Shall in Devotion treafurc bring , To build the Temple of his King. PMrt J, Break tnroiigh their Pikes •, tlie multitude OT Bulls, with favage ftrength indu'd •, fill they with gifts fweet Peace invite : But fcatter thofe, whom Wars delight. Far off from Sun-burnt Mero'e , From falling Nilui •, from the Sea Which beats on thtzy£ayftian fhore , Shall Princes come, and here adore. You Kingdoms, through the World renownM , Sing to the Lord ^ his praife refound : He who Heavens upper Heaven bcftrides , And on her aged (boulders rides : Whofe voice the Clouds afunder rends ^ In Thunder terrible defcends. O praife his Strength *, whofe Majefty In Ifr^l (hines, his Power on high. He from hisSaniftuary throws A trembling horror on his Foes : While us his Power and Strength inveft. O Ifrael^ praife the Ever-bleft. ?SALM LXIX. ' 'ds the 21.' •Tif*' Ord, fnatch me from the raging Floud -, I Now in deep Eddies almoft drown'd : JLi'I'hat ftruggle in the yielding mud , There, where no bottom can be f«und : The rifing waves my head furround , And with their terrors chill my Blond, Tit'cl t!?e i&falmgoE DAVID, 117 Tir'dwithcomplaiaipg^ hoarfe, and fore ^ Sight fails my Iong-expe£ling Eyes : My Hairs are pQt in number more Than my uninjured Enemies. The great in wrong againft me rife j I, what I never took, reftore. My God, Thou know'll my Innocence : Let not the faithful blufti for me , Traduc'd by Hand erous Impudence : NorO! let thofe that call on Thee 5 Their fhame in my Confufion fee *, Since Thou art our profeft Defence. For Thee I fufFer Calumnies ; To Men become a general fcorn ^ Deferted by my near Allies ^ By children of my Mother born : Through zeal unto thy Honour yroxn y While thy reproach upon me lies. I faded, wept, in Sack-cloth moyrn'd ^ My anguifh in my looks expreft : Yet this to my derifion turn'd ; By Drunkards fung at every Feaft : Even Judges at my forrow jeft: *, My Innocence by flander fpurn'd. Yet fhall my Prayers and Sighs afcen^ p^^i j^; Even in an acceptable hour. Thy Mercy, gracious Lord, extend \ And fave by thy Almighty Power. Let not the fwallowing mud devour : Prcferve from fuch a fliaineful end. I 3 Deliver ii8 3i Patap^jare Upon Deliver from th* infulting Foe ; ( My ftrugling Feet from finking keep : Let not the Billows overflow , Nor Whirl-pits fuck into their Deep. O pity Thou the Eyes that weep : And thy Tranfcendent Mercy (how. Hear, and redeem without delay ^ Nor in my trouble hide thy Face : Left I become a wretched prey To fuch as have my Soul in chafe. My (hame, indignities, difgrace And all their crimes before Thee lay. Reproach my bleeding heart hath pierc'd : Was ever Sorrow half fo great ! CompalTion hath her Eyes averft •, My Grief no comfort could intreat : They gave me bitter Gall to eat ^ And Vinegar to quench my Thirft. O be their board a fnare to thofe ! Profperity it fclf a Bait ! Their Eyes in clouds of darknefs clofe •, And let them fail by their own weight : Pour on them thy Eternal hate •, With vengeance multiply their woes. Part 5. In Ruins let their Houfes lie '^ None in their filent Tents be found *, That would, whom thou haft fmit, deftroy t^ And wounded Souls with Oander wound. Let their Iniquities abound , Nor ever in thy Mercy joy. Their %u^ t^faims of DAVID. iiy Thcii names out of thy Volume blot *, Nor with the Juil inthrone their Dales. Though poor-, to miie^-y i^got ; Yet Thou (halt my dejection raife : Then will I celebrate thy Praile : My thankful Heai"J no time fhafl fpot. This will Jehovah more delight , Than Bulls prepar'd for Sacrifice : Their guilded Horns with Garlands dight. This fhall the Meek with pleafed Eye» Behold, and centuple their joys : Their Day fhall never fet in Night. • For God the Poor regards, and thofe , Who for his fake affliction try. Round Earth, deep Seas, what Seas inclofe j You Orbs, that move lb orderly *, Our great Jehovah magnify , Who crowns his Saints with fweet Repofe. For God his Sion fhall immure , And Judahh Cities build again : Where they fhall ever live fecure ^ A fair inheritance obtain : There (hall their blefTed Seed remain •, \nd fafely that rich Soil manure. I 4 TSALM I20 n l^atap^jare upon PSALM LXX. ds the ^ T T^^' ^^^^ ' ^^^"^ ^"^'^ ^^ would devour , Defend by thy almighty Power Delay not in lo fearM an Hour. Defend by thy almighty Power : Delay not info But let confufion feize on thofe , Who feek my foul *, to (hame expofc : Be fudden in their overthrows. Let thofe with infamy return •, Deje£led, and unpittyed, mourn -^ Who laughj and blaH me with their fcorn. Who love thy Name, with joy inveft : Let them' in fhades of Safety feaft *, And ever fay. The Lord be bleft. But I am. poor, and full of need : Haft, Lord *, deliver mc with fpeed ', Our Strength, our Help, from Thee proceed. PSALM LXXL Js thss^i IP To thy Wing for refuge flie j Protei^ me from foul Infauiie *, Lord, in thy Juftice fave. ^ Deliver from their treacherous Snares : O favourably hear my Prayers •, Snatch from the yawning Grave. I Be t^z l^falmst of D A V I D. 1 2 r Be thou my Fortrcfs of Defence , There let me fix my Refidence. O Thou, my Rock ! my Tower! Who haft thy Angels given in charge , That they thy Servants (hould in large From circumventing Power. Deliver from their cru^l might , Whofe wicked hands in blood delight : Left I their pray become. Thou art my hope •, even from ray Youth Have I rely'd upon thy Truth •, By Thee kept in the womb : From thence extrafted by thy Care. ; Though, as a Prodigy they ftare On me with wondring eyes *, Yet Thee, my ftrength, my Song fliall praife , A nd to the Stars thy glory raife , While Suns (hall fet and rife. O caft notoflF, when full of days *, Pan i, Forfake not, when my Strength decays : Watch'd by confpiringFoes. God hath abandon'd him, lay they *, Now let us make his life our prey : Whofhall our power oppofe ? My God, clofe to thy fcrvant ftand , And help him with a ipeedy hand : Thofe in their pride confound , Who perfecute my wretched Soul -^ Let Death their impious rage controul j And with difhonour wound. But na 31 |&arap^?afe upon But I will ever hope, and raife My Voice^o multiply thy praife *, , ThyRighteoufnefs diijplay , Thy manifold Deliveries : Which O ! no number can coraprife *, Thus fpend the harmlels Day. I in thy Strength, though old arid weak , Will walk, and of thy Juftice fpeak ^ Of thine, even thine alone. Thou haft informed me from my Youth : I, to this hour, with fmgle Truth , Thy wondrous works have fhown. Part 3 . Now in the Winter of ray years *, When Time hath fnow'd upon my hairs , Abandon not, O Lord •, Till I unto this Age proclame Thy Mighty Power *, in Songs the fame Unto the next record. Thy Counfels depth our fearch exceeds : How admirable are thy Deeds ! O who is like to Thee ! Thou haft afflictions on me Iain ., Yet fhaitthou quicken me again , And from Earths entrails free. Still thou my glory wilt increafe , And comfort with the joys of Peace. Ijinalivingverfe, Unto my warbling Harp will fing Thy praifes, O eternal King *, Thy noble Aclsrehearfe. Unto t^eiaralms! of david. 123 Unto my Voice, and Inftrument Shall my exalted Soiil conlent •, By TIfce redeem'd from Death : Thy Juftice every Day proclame : That now haft cloth'd my Foes with Shame , Difperied by thy breath. T PSALM LXXII. He King, Jehovah, with thy Juftice iliiiiliiiliiiil iiiililliiliiiiiiiii crown ;, And in a God-like reign his Son renown. Hefhallwith e-qui-ty tfcy People fway, ' ^.11'^ ~' ~Z^ And Judgemmt in the Icales of Juftice weigh. Baffin. Then 124 31 i&arapi^jafe upon Then little Hills fhall riot with incf eafc ^ And Mountains flourifh in the fruits of Peace. He (hall the Poor from Violence proteft ^ Exalt the Humble, and the Proud deje£l. They, while the reftlefs Sun direfts the Year ^ While Moons increafe and wain^thy Name (hall fear. He fhall defcend like plenty-dropping Showers , Which cloath the earth, arid fill her lap with flowers. The JuH: (hall flourifh in his happy Dayes , And Peace abound, while Stars extend their Rayes. He (hail from Sea to Sea inlarge his Reign ^ Fromfwift Enfhratesto the fartheft: Main. The wild Inhabitants, that live by prey InfcorchedDeferts, (hall his Rule obey. His Foes fhall lick the Duft, rich with their Spoils. Kings of the Ocean, and Sea-grafped Ides , Shall orient Pearl, and fparkling Stones prefent *, Gold from the Sun-burnt zyEthiofUns fent. The fwart Sah^ans and PanchaU\ Kina , Shall Caflia, Myrrhe, and facred Incenle bring. P4I J !• All Kings fhall homage to this King afford ^ All Nations (hall receive him for their Lord. He fhall th' Opprefled hear, the Poor defend *, The Needy favc, and fuch as have no friend : Redeem their Souls from Fraud, and Violence \ And fhall with Blood revenge their Bloods expenfe. For this, he long and happily fhall live : To him they fhall the Gold of Sheba give. The People for their King fhall hourly pray : His Praifes fmg, and blcfs him day by day. Rank crops of Gorn fhall on high Mountains grow, And fhakc like Cedars, when rough Tempeils blow. The Citizens (hall profper and abound •, Like blades of Grafs, which cloath the pregnant ground. His t^e pfalmst of david. 125 His Name (hall laft to all Eternitie : Even while the Sun illuminates theSkie. All Nations (hall in Him be bleft : Him all The habitable Earth Ihallblefled call. O praifedbeour God ! that King of kings. Who only canaccomplifh wondrous things! Forever celebrate his glorious Name , And fill the World v^ithhis illuftrious Fame. Amen^ Amen, Here end the Prayers of David the Son of Jefle. 126 #^ 9/% *^ *&9 WU €^ t^ *^ ••■I't ♦^•^ A PARAPHRASE Upon the Third BOOK OF r H £ Psalms of DAVID. T FSALM LXXIII. A$ the I. fTf^Hat Power of powers, who Ifrael prote£ls , The Pure of heart eternally afFcifls. Yet I began to ftagger in my Faith \ My Feet almoft had fwerved from his Path , When I the Fool beheld with envious eyes*, Saw profperous Vice to Wealth and Honour rife.. Their Thread of Life is dole and firmly ipun *, Whom feeble Age, and pale Difeafes fnun. They, while we lufFer, furfeit in content *, As if alone exempt from punifhracnt. Pride hangs like precious Chainsabout their necks^ And Violence in robes of Purple decks. Their fwoln eyes fliinewith uncontroU'd excels ; Whoraorej than what thcii: hearts ran wifli;, poffeis. Even tl)e ^falmsfoE DAviD. 127 Even glory in their foul Impiety ^ And Ipeak like Thunder from the troubled Sky, Dire Blafphemies againft high Heaven they caft ^ The fuffering Earth their Pride and Slander blaft. The Good not feldom through their Scandal ftray , And preft with Miferies, in Paflion fay ^ how can we the Lord All feeing call ! Or think he cares what unto men befall ! When lo ! the Wicked with fuccefs are crowned , And in the pleafures of this world abound. 1 to no end have purg'd my heart of ftain ^ In Innocence have cleans'd my hands in vain ^ That thus with daily puniQiments am worn , And ftill chaftifed with the rifmg Morn. If I gave words unto fuch thoughts as thefe , Fan 2, I fhould th' aflemblies of thy Saints difpleaie : For then, what were it to be juft, or good ? My Soul this fecret never underftood ^ Till I into thy San^uary came , And there beheld their Honour end in Shame. Thou haft on (lippery bights their greatnefs plac'd •, Down Head-long from their Noon of glory caft. How are they unto Defolation brought ! Confumed in the moment of a thought ! Such as a pleafant dream when Sleep forfakes Our flattered fenfe *, lb, w^hen thy Wrath awakes. Thou in thy dreadful fury (halt deftroy Their empty and Imaginary joy. Thefe former thoughts did my weak Soul moleft ^ ^ So ignorant:, fovain*, folikeabeaft. Yet I by thy Divine fupportance ftand : Thou held'ft me up by thy Almighty hand. Thou by thy counielibalt direcl mv waies j And aftei" to eternal Glor\^ raife. For 128 ^ i^arapl^jare upon For whom have I but Thee in Heaven above ? Or what on Earth can my Affections move ? My Thoughts and Flefh are frail : yet Lord, thou art My Portion, and the Vigour of my Heart. Who thee abandon, (hall to Death defcend •, And they whofe knees to curfed Idols bend. I as my duty, will to God repair *, On Him rely, and his great Afts declare. PS AIM LXXIV. /fs ihe 14. IP' Ord ^ why haft Thou abandoned ! O why for ever ! (hall thine Ire Confume , like a devouring Fire , The Sheep which in thy paftures fed ! L O think of thofe, who were thy own ^ By Thee of old from bondage brought: Th' Inheritance which thou haft bought , And Sion thy affefted Throne. Come, O come quickly, and furvey What fpoil the barbarous Foe hath made.' Lo ! all in heaps of ruins laid j Thy Temple their accurfedprey. Like Lions, with fharp Famine whet, They in thy San^uary roar \ All purple in thy Peoples gore *, And there their conquering Enfigns fet. It was efteem'd a great renown With Axtofquare the Mountain Okes: Now they demoUfh with their ftrokes, And hew the carved Fabrick down. Who tl?e ^falmgf of david. np Wholo! with all-infolding flame. The beauty of the Earth devour: Profanely proftrate on the floor That Temple facred to thy Name. ^!- Now (laid they) with a fudden hand ^ Give we a general End to all. By Fire the holy ftrudures fall , Through this depopulated Land. No Miracles amaze our Foes •, iAn %: There are no Prophets to divine , That might our miferies decline 5 None know the period of our woes* Ah ! how long fhall our Enemies Exult, and glory in oiir fhame ! How long (hall they Blafpheme thy Name I Great God, and thy flow Wrath defpife ! Thy hand out of thy Bofome draw j Nor longer thy Revenge with-hold : My God, thou waft our King : The old Amazed World thy Wonders faw. Thou fl:ruck'fl the Efythaean waves , When Seas from Seas in tumult fled •, Brak'ft the zy£gyftian Dragons head , Arid'mad'ft the joyning Floods their Graves. That great Leviathan of Nile , To Beafts and Serpents, which poflcfs The dry and foodlels Wildernels , By Thee delivered for a Spoil. K Thou I30 % {^tap\)^fe upon , Thou clav'ft the Rock, from whofe green wound The third expelling Fountain brake : Thou mad'ft the heady Streams forfake Their Chancis, and become dry ground. Tart t. The cheerful Pay,. Night cloth'd in (hade y The Moon and radientSunare Thine : Thy Bounds the fwelling Seas confine^ Summer and Winter by Thee made. .Great God of gods, forget not thofe Who Thee reproachfully defpife. Remember, Lord, the Blafphemies , Caft on thee by our frantick Foes. O! to the wicked Multitude Surrender not thy Turtle -dove : Nor from thy tender care remove The Poor, by powerful Wrong purfu'd. Thy Covenant, bound by Oath, maintain : For Darknefs over-fpreads the Face Of all the Land-, in everyplace Deftruftion, Rape, and Slaughter reign. Let not th' oppreft return with fhame ^ But crown thee with deferv'd applaufe : O patronize thy proper Caufe : Remember, Fools revile thy Name. O let their Sorrows never ceafe , Who blafl Thee with their Calumnies. The tumults of their Pride, who rife Againft Thee, every day increaib. PSALM tUe j^falmsf of D Avid. r?! PSALM LXXVv^^ THy Praifes v O eternal King,r i lO r"*\ a -^^^ 9i Our Souls in iacredVeflew^Ufing. .^ m The wonders of thy Wo^rk« declare ^.,.^,^ Thy Prelencein thy Power and Cai^ When I fhari wear the Hebrew Qt(^'^ti , • ^ '^ '^H High Juftice fhall mv Reign renown. oviriS The Land with weak'ning Difcord rent , - ^' "^H The People without Government y '' • ' • ■ ■ r •-''^ J^' H Faint and diffolve. Her Pillarsl-^I-''-:'^^ - ^' -<-i-^' Support, her Breaches fortifie J fii-J^Mv: v.- / \:{C£ Proud Man, I faid, renounce thyt^idev ' '' Thou Fool, thy Folly caft afidc. Do not fo high your Horns ere^l ^> > viiip; Nor bellow, as with yoak uncheckis?'^ *:■: s\ Preferment from the Orient , ' ■ ' » ''• • • Nor from the Even ing-Suns Defcent , Nor Defert comes : God guides our Fates 5 He raifeth, and He ruinates. ' .'■' A cup of red and mingled Wine He poureth out to me and mine : But every Rebel in the Land Shall drink the Dregs, IqueezM by his Hand. His noble kCts I will relate ^ The God of Jacob celebrate ; Supprefs the Wicked , and their w^ayes *, The Juft to Wealth and Honour raife. K 2 PSALM' 13^ 31 i^tap^^are ufion G ?5^Xi^ LXXVI. . 4i \U is. ^^ ^^ ^^ 7«^^^ is renowned v .5^/f»> with his Temple crown'd : He in facred5/o« dwells*, . lfrad\i\% wonders tells. He their flying Enfigns tears *, Shivers the ^^rM« Spears. . He their Swords, Shields, Arrows, broke •, Kill'd, fubduM, without a ftroke. Thou more excellent than they , That on Jwrm Mountains prey : Who the Great in battel foil'd •, Of their lives and honours fpoil'd. Not the Mighty could withftand , Nor fo much as find a hand. Princes, by thy only Breath , With the Vulgar, fleep in Death. Terrible unto thy Foes : O, who can thy Wrath oppofe ! When as they thy Thunder hear. Mortals ftand amaz'd, and fear : When from thy eternal Reft Thou defcend'ft, tafave th' Oppreft. Malice but it felf betrayes *, And converts into thy praife. Future rage thou (halt reftrain J Making their iftdefivours vain. Jacobs Seed, with one accord , Pay your Vows unto the Lord. Holy Levites, Offerings bring *, Of his glorious Conqucft fmg. He, who Princes overthrows , ©3 how fearful to his Foes ! TSALM T tlje i&falmjBt of D A v i D. 133 PS^LM LXXVIL O God I cry'd •, He heard my cries : ^^^«^l Again, when plung'd in miferies , Renew'd with raifed hands and eyes. My feftred wounds ran all the Night *, No comfort could my Soul invite To relifti long out-worn delight. I call'd upon the Ever-bleft : And yet my troubles ftill increaft ; Almoft to Death by forrow preft. Thoukeep'ft my galled eyes awake : Words fail my grief ^ fighs only fpake , Which from my panting bofome brake. Then did my Memory unfold The wonders, which thou wrought'ft of old , By our admiring Fathers told . The Songs, which in the Night I fung-. When deeply by affli^lion ftung : Thefe thoughts thus m.ov'd my defperatc tongue ; Wilt thou for ever, Lord, forfake ! Nor pity on th' affli^ed take ! O fhall thy mercy never wake ! Wilt thou thy promife falfifie ! Muft I in thy difpleafure die ! Shall Grace before thy Fury flie ! K I This Pxrt 2. This faid ^ I thus my Paffions checkt : His changes on jhjsir ends reflect, l To punifti and teftore th' Eleft. His great p^liyerance ffial! dwell In my Rem^rtibratice^ I wiE tell , y;_ What in our Fathers days befell. His counfels from our reach are fet ; Hid in his lacred Cabinet. What God like ours! foGood! fo Great! Who wonders can efifei^l alone •, His Peoples great Redemption ^ To Jacob\ S^td^ and Jofefh'*s known. The yielding Floods confefs thy Might *, The Deeps were troubled at thy Sight y And Seas recoil'd in their affright. The Cloiids in ftorms of rain delcend ; The Air thy hideous Fragors rend *, Thy arrows dreadful flames extend. Thy Thunders rorings rake the Skies ^ Thy fet^ Lightening fwiftly flies y Earth trembles in her agonies. Thy Ways even through the Billows lye : The Floods then left their Chanels dry ^ ^0 Mortal can thy fteps delcry, \ Like Flocks through Wildernefs of Sand , ^ Thou led'ft us to this pleafan t Land \ By Mofcs and by jhrons hand. PSALM t^e iafainijBf or DAvior tjj PSALM LXXVIIL MY People, hear my Wor^s^ i will unfold ^ /*M*- Dark Oracles, and Wonders done oi old j By our great Anceilors bom heard and known , SuccefTively unto their Children (hown j Which we will to Pofterity relate \ That People, yet unknown, may celebrate Gods Power, his Praife, and glorious A£ls : fmce Hq Will's this Tradition by Divine Decree \ Until one Day fhall give the World an end : That all their hopes might on his Help depend. Nor ever let his noble Anions fleep In dark oblivion, but his Statutes keep. Unlike their rebel Sires, a ftubborn Race ^ Who fell from God, nor fought his (lighted Grace^ • The Ephraimites^ though expert in their Bows , r Though arm'd, ignobly fled before their Foes : Who vainly brake the Cov'nant of their God j Nor in the ways of his prefcription trod , Forgot his famous Ari/ - /^oH Their tumbling waves to fwallow their proud Foes. Then brought them to his confecrated Land ^ Evento his Mountain purchas'd by his Hand, Caft out the Giant-like Inhabitants ^ And in their rooms the Tribes of Ifrael phnts. Yet they (O moft ingrateful ! ) falfifie Their vows, and (till exafperate the moft High : Who in their faithlefs Fathers traces goe ^ And ftart afide ^ like a deceitful Bow. Their Altars on the tops of Mountains blaze , While they their hands to curfed Idols raife. pMt J. Thefe objefts fuel to his wrath afford : WhofeSoul revolted 7/r^f/abhor'd. The ancient Seat of Shiloh then forfook ^ Nor longer would that hated Manfion brook. His Ark even to Captivity declin'd ^ His Strength and Glory to the Foe refign'd : And yielded up his People to the Rage Of barbarous fwords *, nor would his wrath affwage. Pevoi^ring flames their able Youth confound *, Nor are their Maids with Nuptial Garlands crown'd. Their Mitred Priefts in heat of Battel fall ;, No Widows weeping at their Funeral. Then as a Giant, folded in the Chaniis Of Wine and Sleep, ftarts up and cries, To arms : So rous'd, his Foes behind, Jehovah wounds*, And with Eternal Infamy confounds : Yet would in Jofcphs Tents no longer dwell *, , Nor Ephraim chofe, who from his Cov'nant fell : t^e i&raimsi of DAVID. 139 But jHdahh Mountain for his Seat elea:s j ^j And lacred Sion, which he moil aff^^s. There our great God his glorious Temple plac'd , Firm as the Centre, never to be ras'd. And from the bleating Flocks his Darjiddxa^^^, .. When he attended on the yeaning Ewsj '.~.-.V' i . And rais'd him to a Throne, that he might feed His people •, Ifrael\ feleded Seed. Who fed them faithfully ^ and all the Land Dire£led with a juil and equal hand. PSALM LXXIX. He Gentilej wafte thy Canaan^ Lord , As the 3^. With Fire and Sword. T JP, Thy holy Temple they prophane ;, With Slaughter ftain. Bcneatli her ruins Sdem groans \ Now nothing but a heap of Sfones. The dead no Funeral pomp attends , Nor weeping friends : Their carkafes our barbarous Foes To Beafts expole : The ravenous Wolves become their tomb Or eUe the.greedy Vultures womb. With blood of Saints, the Streams grow red , Like Water (hed : Thy People now a general Reproach to all. The Syrian^ and bale Edomite Deride, and in our woes delight. How I40 a ^arap]^?afe upon How long, Lord, (hall thy jealous ire Devour like Fire ! Thy Anger, in a dreadful (how'r Of vengeance, pow*r On thofe, who know not thy great Name : And think thy Worfliip but a (hame. Ifmt a. For they have laid our Country wafte : Our Cities ras't. Lord, O remember not the crimes Of former times! But for thy tender mercy fave Our fouls •, now humbled to the grave. Lord, for the glory of thy Name , Redeem from ihame. O purge us, and propitious be ! From thraldom free. Why fhould the Heathen thus blafpheme , And fay. Your God is but a Dream ! Againft them let thy Vengeance rife ^ Before our eyes: And for our blood, (bed by their guilt , Let theirs be fpilt. O hear the fighing Prifoners cry ! And fave, whom they havedoom'd to die. Our fpitefiil Neighbours, Lord, deride Thee, in their pride. With feven-fold vengeance recompenfc Their infolence. So we, thy flock, our God will praife \ And to the Stars thy Glory raife. PSALM t^ei^ralmsiof david. 141 FSALM LXXX. THou Shepherd of thy Ifraely jlstheil That, Flock-like, leadeft Jofephs Race : Who 'twixt the Cherubims doft dwell , O hear ! (hew thy inlightningFace, Exalt thy faving power before Manaffehy Efhraim^ Ben]amin : O from Captivity reftore ! And let thy beams upon us (hine. Great God of Battail, wilt thou ftill Be angry, and our prayers defpife ? Bread, fteep'd in tears, our ftomachs fill j We drink the rivers of our eyes. Our fcoiSng Neighbours fall at ftrife Among themfelves, to fhare our right : Great God, reftore the dead to life *, And comfort by the quick'ning light. This Vine, from z^^gyft brought, (the Foe Psn a ," Expel'd) was planted by thy hand : Thou gav'ft it room and ftrength to grow , Untill her branches fiU'd the Land. The Mountains took afhade from thefe , Which like a grove of Cedars ftood : Extending to the Tyrian Seas , And to Euphrates rowling Flood. O why haft thou her Fences ras't ? , Whilft every Stragler pulls her Fruit : The browfmg Heard her branches waftev And falvage Boars plow-up her root. Great God, return *, this trampled V!tle From Heaven behold with mild afpect : Once planted by that Hand of thine j The branches of thv own Ele«5l, Which 14^^ ^ )9atapt)tare Upon Which now cut down, wild Flames devour j Through thy fierce wrath to ruin brought ; Proteft thy People by thy Power ^ And perfeft what thy lelf hath wrought. Revived, we will thy Name adore ^ ' Nor ever from thy Pleafure fwerve. O fromCaptivity reftore , And by thy powerful grace preferve ! Pflrt a. 1 TSALM LXXXI. 4ith 8. ^TTHO God our Strength your voices raife : ■ In facred numbers fmg his praife. The warbling Lute, Iweet Viol bring , And folemn Harp : loud Timbrels ring. The new Moon leen, fhrill Trumpets found •, Your facred Feaftswith Triumph crown'd. Thefe Rites our God eftablifhed , When Ifrael He from z/^gyp led : Their necks with Yokes of bondage wrung ^ Inured to an unknown tongue. Your burdens I have caft away , Said he, and cleans'd your hands from clay : Then fav'd, when in your fears you cry'd *, And from the thundring Cloud reply 'd. I try'd you f, heard your murmurings. At Mcrihah^s admired Springs. You Sons of Ifrael J give ear *, I vvill inftru^l you, would you bear. Beware *, no foreign gods adore ^ Nor their adulterate Powers implore. I Thee alone brought from the Land Of Bondage, with a mighty Hand. t^e iSfaimsi of david, 145 I know, and will fupply thy need ^ When naked, cloath ^ when hungry, feed. Yet w^ould not they my Counfel brook ^ But defperately their God forfook : Whom I unto their lufts refign'd , And errors of their wandring Mind. O that they had my voice obcy'd , Nor from the paths of Virtue ftraid ! Then Victory their brows had crown'd : Their flaughter'd Foes had fpread the ground Then had I made their enemy Submit, and at their mercy lye : Themfelves bleft with eternal Peace \ Inriched with the Earths increafe : With flour of Wheat, and Honey fill'd , From breaches of the Rock diftill'd. G PSALM LXXXIL Od fits upon the Throne of Kings , js tU 4, And Judges unto judgement brings : Why then {0 long Maintain you wrong , And favour Lawlefs things ? Defend the Poor, the Fatherleli*, Their crying injuries redrefs : And vindicate TheDefolate, Whom wicked men opprefs. For they of Knovv-ledge have no Light , Nor Will to know ^ but walk in Night. Earth' 144 ^ )&arap]^;are upon Earths Bafes fail t, No Laws prevail*. Scarce one in heart upright. Though Gods, and Sons of the moft High :, Yet you, like common men, (hall die *, Like Princes fall. Great God, judge all The Earth, thy Monarchy. PSALM LXXXIIL I Ord, fit not ftill, as deaf unto our cries: ^ ' * ^* X.^ For lo ! our Enemies in tumults rife. Even thofe, who thy Omnipotence deny , And hate thy Name, advance their Creftsonhigh : Dark counfels take, and fecretly contrive Their daughter, whom thy Mercy keeps alive. Come, fay they, let us with inceffant ftrokes , Hew down this Nation, like a grove of Okes , Till they no longer be*, and 7/r^e/ die Both in his Race, and ruin'd Memory. They all, in one confederacy, have made A folemn League ^ fupply'd with foreign aide Fierce IdHmaanSy who in N^omades ^Yny , And {haggy Ifmaelites^ that live by prey *, Th' inceftuousRace, that border on the Lake Of fait Affhalthis : Savage Thieves, who take Their name from fervile Hagar ^ they , -who dwell In Gebal ^ Ammonites, who Peace expell *, StQxn PaUfilnes'y mdmld Amalekifes'^ FalkTyriamj A^itr with Xorj Sons unites. Let t^ laraims! ot david. 145 Let them like y!/»^/V?« fall 5 by mutual wounds ^ P^r» Like Sifcra ^ fall like Jahin , on the bounds Of £Wor,\vhere fwift Kifin takes his birth ^ Who lay like Dung upon the fatned Earth : Like Zt^, and Ore-/? J Princes ^ made a prey For Wolves : like Zeba and proud Zalmma : Who faid, let us thefe Ifradites deftroy 5 And.all the Cities of their God enjoy, O let them, like a wheel be hurried round \ Like chafFjwhich whirlwinds ravifhfrom theground^ As Woods grown dry with age, irabracM with fire ^ Whofe flames above the finged Hills afpire : So in the Temped of thy Wrath puriue *, And with thy Storms thy trembling Foes fubdue. Ofill their hearts with gricfj their looks withftiame^ Till they invoke thy late blalphemed Name. Confound them with eternal Infamie , That they, through anguifh of their Souls, may die. That men Jehovah's Wonders may rehearfe*, The great Commander of this Univerfee PSALM LXXXIV. O How amiable are ^/J^< ^9* Thy Aboads, great God of War ! How I languiih through reftraint ! How my longing Spirits faint ! Lord, for thee I daily crie. .^ In thy abience hourly die. Sparrows there their young ones rear ^ And the Summers Harbinger Bythy Altar builds her neft, Where thev take their envvM reft ' > L O 14^ ^ i^atapl^mre upon Omy King ! Othou moft High ! Arbiter of Viftorie ! Happy men ! who Ipend their Days In thy Courts *, there fing thy Praile ! Happy ! who on Thee depend ! Thine their Way, and thou their End, Who through Baca travelling , Make that thirfty Vale a Spring ^ Or foft Show'rs from Clouds deftill j And their empty Cifterns fill : Frefli in ftrength, their courie purfue > Till they thee in Siort view. Lord of Hofts, incline thine Ear. O thou God of Jacob hear ! Thou our Rock, extend thy Grace v Look on thy Anointed'sFace. One Day in thy Courts alone. Far exceeds a Million. Let me be contemn'd and poor ^ In thy Temple keep a Door : Then with wicked men pofTefs AH that they call Happinels. O thou Shield of our Defence ! O thou Sun, whofe influence Sweetly glides into our Hearts ! Thou, who all to thine imparts! Happy ! O thrice happy he , Who alone depends on Thee ! FSJLAf t\}Z JSfalm.Jf 0£ D A V I D. ^ 147" PSALM LXXXV. AT length thou hafl thy Mercy fhown*, Asth 1; Drawn from the Babylonian yoke *, Our Sins remov'djwhiili did provoke Thy Wrath ^ even that wi^w overblown. Great God, our ruin'd State reftore *, And let thy Anger flame no more. Qiall it like a Comet reign ! Extending to the yet unborn ! Wilt thou not quicken the forlorn ^ That thine in Thee may joy again ! O (how'r thy Mercy from above ^ Preferve, and fix us in thy love ! 1 w ill the Voice of God attend , Who to his People fpeaks of PecTce. Such as in SancHrity increaie \ Nor to their Sins again defcend : Thefe foon with Freedom (hall be bled 5 That Glory may our Land invcll:. Thofe Dayes (hall confummate our Blifs : Sweet Clemency with Truth fliall meet 9 High Juftice gentle Peace lliall greet , Saluting with a holy Kifs : For Truth fhall from the Earth arife , And Righteoufneis look from the Skies* rhen ihall Jehovah diflribute His Blelfings with a liberal Hand : The rich, and ever grateful L?aid Voundantly produce her fruit. For Juftice lliall before him go , And her fair ftcps to Mortals lliow. L 2 TSALM 148 9 l^atapi^jare upon p'sJlm Lxxxvi. ^ . TL Jt^ God, thy Suppliant hear;. ^ T Jit For I am comfortlefs y And labour in diftrefs. My righteous Soul relieve , So ready to forgive. Thy Servant, Lord, defend *, Whofe hopes on Thee depend. Me from the Grave reftore , Who daily Thee implore : From wafting Sorrow free The Heart long vow'd to Thee. For thou art* God alone. To tehder pity prone , Propitious unto all , Who on thy Mercy call. O hear my fervent prayer, And take me to thy care : Then ready to be found , ' When troubles moft abound. What God, like Thee, OLord-, Of all by men ador'd ! . Or underneath the Sun , Such miracles hath done; Pan i. Zeal fhall all hearts inflame P adore andpraife thy Name. For thou art God alone •, Thy Power in Wonders fhoWn; Dire(^me in thy Way, So fliall 1 never ftray. M^ t^e |&raims( of d a v i d. 1^9 My thoughts from Tempefts clear •, United in thy Fea^. My Soul (hall celebrate Thy Praife •, thy Power relate. That haft advanced my head ., And r^iis'd me from the Dead. The Proud againft me rife , And pow'rful Enemies (AllRebellstothyWill) My guiltlefs blood would fpill, But,0 thou King of kings. From Thee fweet Mercy fprings *, Still gracious, flow to wrath j True to thy Servants Faith. Lord, for thy Mercies fake , Into thy Bofome take : Thy Hand-maids Son O favc From the devouring Grave ! Some happy Sign expofe To my afhamed Foes ^ That they thy Hate may iee To them*, thy Love tQ me. TSALM LXXXVII. THe Lord hath with his Temple crowned As the 8, Moridh^ by his Choice renown'd. Not all the Tents of Israel , Or Mountains which in height excel , He fo afFe£^s , or celebrates , As lofty Snons ftately Gates. Jerufakm^ thou Throne of K-ings , Of Theethev utter glorious things. L 3 Not 150 3 #stapl)?afe upon Not by Jideah narrow bounds Prefcrib'd *, the Land which Nik furrounds , Great Babylon^ proud PaUflwe , Rich Tyrcy which circHngSeas confine ;, And black-brow'd zy£thiopam ^ Shall yield thee Citizens and Sons. All forts of People, foreign-bred , As Natives there indenized ^ In Sion^ built by immortal Hands : Firm as the Mountain where it ftands. The Lord in his eternal Scroll , Shall thcfe, as Citizens, inroU. Their Mufick fhall the AfFedlions raife , And Songs fung in Jehovah's praile ^ Whofe Blefiings on this City fhall , Like Streams from Heavenly Fountains, fall. TSALM LXXXVin. As the 55>. "j^ /j[ Y Saviour ! both by night and day To Thee I pray. ,0 let my Cries tranfcend the Sphears , And pierce thy Ears ! Left Sorrow flop my fainting breath :, Now near the Jaws of greedy Death. M. My light cxtinguidi'dj numbered Among the Dead : Like men in battail flain -^ the womb Of Earth their Tomb: Forgotten, as if never kno^vn •, By thy tcmpeftuous Wrath o're thrown. By tlje i^falmg of DAviD. 151" By Thee lodg'd in the lower Deeps , Where Horrour keeps *, In Dungeons, where no Sun difplaies H is cheerful Raies. Crufh'd by thy Wrath *, on me thy Waves Ruih, like fomany rolling Graves. My old Familiars, now my Foes , Deride my Woes. My Houfe becomes my Goal ^ where I In Fetters lie. Blind with my tears \ with crying hoarfc *, Hands rais'd in vain •, a walking Coarfe. Wilt thou to thofe thy Wonders (how , f^rt ». Who fleep below ? The Dead from their cold Manfions raife , To fmg thy Praife ? Shall Mercy find us in the Grave ? Or wilt thou in Deftru£lion fave ? Wilt thou thy Wonders bring to light, In Deaths long Night ? Or (hall thy Juftice there be fhown , Where none are known ? I have, and dill to Thcc \\'\\\ pray ^ Before the Sun rcilore the D.iy. O, \vhy haft thou withdrawn thy Grace , And hid thy Face ', From me, who from my Infancy But daily die? Whilft I thy Terrours undergo ^ Diftraifted by thefe ftorra^ of woe, L 4 Thy XS2 31 )i^atap]()ltare Upon Thy Anger, like a Gulph, devours ' My trembling Powers : With troops of Terrours circled round j In Sorrow drown'd *, Deprived of thofe, that lov'd me moft *, To all in dark oblivion loft. TSALM LXXXIX. As the 71. X'"^^^ grateful Songs, O thou eternal King , ■ ■ Shall ever of thy boundlefs Mercies fing : ^^„^ And thy unalterable Truth rehearfe ' To after Ages, in a living verfe. For what is by thy Clemency decreed , > - Shall orderly, and faithfully fucceed : Even like thofe never reftingOrbs above , Which on firm hinges circularly move. Thus God unto hisfervant DavidHwovc^ This Covenant made : I will for evermore Thy feed eftablifh, and thy Throne fuftain ♦, Whilft Seas (hall flow, or Moons increafe,and wain. The heavenly Hierarchy thy Triith fhall praifc ^ The Saintsbelow thy glorious Wonders blaze. for who is like our God above the Clouds ! • Or who fo great, whom humane frailty fhrowds ! He to his Angels terrible appears •, And daunts the Tyrants of the Earth with fears. Great God ! how great,w^hen dreadful Armies joyn I What God fo ftrong ! what Faith fo firm as thine ! r^rt 2. Thy Bounds the Billows of the Sea redrain *, Thou caim'fl the tumults of th' incenfed Main. Proud Rahaby like a Coarfc, with blood imbruM •, Hew'n down : the ftrong with greater ftreogth ■ fubdu'd. ' •' "Thine tljeiaralmjJ of DAVID. 153 Thine are the Heavens *, thofe Lamps which guild the Skies*, ^ Round earth^broad feas^and all which they comprife. Thou mad'fl the Southern and the Northern Pole, Whereon the Orbscoeledialfwiftly rowl. Hermon invefted v^ith the Morning Raies , And Tabor with the Evenings, fing thy praife. Thy Arm excellsin Strength : thy hands luftain The World they made : And guide it with a rein. Juftice with Judgement joyn'd , thy Throne uphold : Mercy and Truth thy flicred browns infold. Thrice happy they, who, when the Tmmpet calls , Throng to thy celebrated Feftivalls ! They of thy Beauty Ihall in joy the fight. And guide their Feet by that informing light : Thy Name ihall daily in their mouths be found ^ And in thy Juftice (hall their Joys abound. Our Ornament in Peace, our Strength in Wars *, part 3 . Thy Favour fhall exalt us to the Stars. Thou, Holy One of Jfrael^ our King •, Thou, our defence *, fecure beneath thy Wing. Thus ipake Jehovah by his Prophets voice :^ Of (tx^enuous David have I m;ide my choice , (On that Heroc powr'd my S.icred Oyl) To guide my People, and prcferve from Ipoif. I will liipport him with my powerful Arm *, No Foe Ihall tribute force : nor Trealbn harm : His c^Lcmies before his Face fhall flie , And thofe, who hate his Soul, by flaughter die. Our Truth and Clemency fhall crown his Dales, And to the Firmament his Glory raife. He, ^rom the Billows of the Tyrian Main , To iwift EHfhrates{[\-A\ extenu his Reign. Who in his oft renew'd Devotions fhall , Me Father, God, and great Protedor call. My 154 ^ i&at:apl)?afe upon My Favorite he (hall be, and my Firft birth •, RaisM above all the Princes of the Earth* My Mercy him for ever (hall preferve : And from my Promife I will never fwerve. His Seed (hall alwaies reign •, his Throne (hall lafl , While days have light,and nights their (hadows caft. Part ^, If they my Judgements flight, forfake my Law , My Rites negled, and from my Rule withdraw j Then I with whips will their ofenccs I'courge , With labour, miiery , and forrows urge : Yet will not utterly my King foriake •, My Vow infringe, or alter what I fpake. I by my San«5lity to David fware , That he, and his (hould never want an Heir , To fway the Hebrew Scepter, while the Sun His ulual Race fhould through the Zodiack run ; While Men, the Moon and radiant Stars (hould fee, The faithful witne(res of my Decree. But thou art angry with thy own Ele^H: , And doft thy late affected King reje^ *, Infringe the Covenant to thy Servant fworn *, Thou from his Brows his Diadem haft torn , Caft down the Rampicr,which his ftrcngth renown'd And all his Bulwarks levelPd with the ground : Whom now his Neighbours (corn •, a common prey , And Ipoil to all that travail by the wdy. Bart 5 . Thou add eft ftrcngth and courage to his Foes , Who now rejoyce and triumph in his woes •, Rebateft his lliarp Sword, unncrv'ft his might , And mik'ft him (brink in fervour of the (ight ; His fpieador haft Eclipfcd -^ his renown in ruins buried, and his Throne caft down : His ti)e ^rai msi of dAvid. i?? His Youth coniumcd with untimely Age •, Mark'd out for fhame *, the objeft of thy Rage. How longfhall he in thy dilpleafurc nipum ! Still (hall thy Angerlikc aFurnace burn! O call to mind the fhortnefsof mydaies*, That dream of Man, which like a Flow'r decays. Who lives, that can the ftroke of Death defend ^ Or (hall not to the filcntpravc delcend ? Where is thy ancient^ we ! thy plighted froth , Confirm'd to David by a folemn Oath ! Remember the Reproaches I have born •, Thofe of the Mighty *, and their bitter fcorn ; Traduced ^ .by thy enemies abhorr'd. Yet, O my penfivc Soul, praife thou the Lord. Jlmm-i Amen* 156 A PARAPHRASE Upon the Fourth BOOK OF THE PjALMS of DAVID. FSALM XC jnhiii^, y^^^ Thou the Father of us all, # M Our refuge from th' Originall •, X^_^ That wer t our God , be fore The aery Mountains had their birth , Or Fabrickof the peopled Earthy And art for evermore. But frail man, daily dying, muft At thy Command return to Dud : OrfliouldhcAgeslaft^ Ten thoufand years arc in thy fight Bnt like a quadrant of the Night , Or as a Day that's paft. He tljCl&falmiBtOf DAVID. 1J7 He by thy Torrent fwept from hence -, An empty Dream, which mocks theScnfc , And from the Phanfic flies : Such as the beauty of the Rofe, Which in the dewy Morning blows , Then hangs the head and dies. Through daily anguiih we expire : . - Thy anger a confuming Fire , To our offences due. Our fins (although by Night copceaPd , By fhame, and fear) are all reveal'd , And naked to thy view. Thus in thy wrath our years we fjiend v And like a fad difcourfe they end , Norbuttofeventylaft: "{ Or if to eighty they arrive , We then with Age, and Sicknefs ftrivc^ Cut off with winged haft. Who knows the terror of thy wrath , Fan tl Or to thy dreadful anger hatn Proportioned his due fear ? Teach us to number our frail Daies , That we our hearts to Thee may raife , And- wifely fiA forbear. Lord, O how long ! at icngth relent ! And of our miferies repent ;, Thy Early Mercy fhe w : That we may unknown comfort tafte : For thofe long daies in forrowpaft , As long of joybeftow* The 1 58 M ^arapl)?afe upon Thew^ks of thy accuftotii'd Grace Shew to, thy Servants : on their Race Thy chearful beams reflet^: , O let on us thy Beauty fliine ! Blefs our attempts with aid divine , And by thy Hand dire^fl. PSALM ' -■ ifCL jffthe ^. T T 7 ^^ makes th' Almighty his retreat , %y\/ Shall reft beneath his (hady Wings •, V V Free from th' oppreflion of the Great , The rage of Wi^r, or wrath of Kings. Free from the cunning Fowlers train j The tainted airs infc«5\ious breath : His Truth in perils lliall fuftain , And (hield thee from the ftroke of Death, No terrors fhall thy fleeps affright ^ Nor deadly flying Arrows flay : - Nor Peftilence devour by Night, Or Slaughter mafTacre by Day. A thoufand and ten thoufand fliall Sink on thy Right hand and thy Left : Yet thou fccure lliall fee their fall •, By vengeance, of their lives bereft. Since God thou haft thy Retugc made , And do'ft to him thy Vows dirc U A. He makes the food -full Earth her fruit produce jf rO For Cattel Grafs, and Herbs for humane ule. T The fpreading Vine long purple clufters bears , Whofejuyce the hearts of penfive Mortals chears: Fat Olives fmooth our brows with iiippling Oyl, And ftrengthning Corn rewards the Reapers toil. A HisFruitaffording trees with lap abound. ;:i |'A. The Lord hath Lekmon wath Cedars crown'd : " ^H? They to the warbling Birds a (belter yield , T < Vf And wandring Storks in lofty Fir-trees build. 'I Wild Goats to craggy Cliffs for refuge Hie ^ ^ And Conies in the Rocks dark entrails lie. He guides the changing Moons alternate face : The Suns diurnal and his annual Race. 'Twas he that made the all-informing Light ^ And with dark (haclows cloaths thjc aged Night. .. / Then Beafts of prey break from pheir Mountain ■ * Caves ;> • i.> > b:{;;/r: ::-. The roaring Lion pinch'd with hunger craves Food from his hand. But when Heavens greatelt Fire Obfcurcs the Stars, they to their Dens retire. Men with the Morning rife, to labour preft ^ Toil all the Day, at Night return to reil:, N Great rjs 3 t&ai8p^?afe upon P»^t 3 • Great God ! how manifold, how infinite Are all thy Works ! with what a clear fore-fight Didft thou create and multiply their birth ! Thy riches fill the far extended Earth. Theample Sea *, inwhofeunfathomMDeep Innumerable Ibrts of Creatures creep : Bright fcaledFifhes in her Entrails glide , And high-built Ships upon her bofome ride : About whofe fides the crooked Dolphin plays , And monftrous Whales huge fpouts of water raife. All on the Land, or in the Ocean bred , On Thee depend •, in their due feafon fed. They gather what thy bounteous Hands beftow , And in the Summer of thy Favour grow. When thou contraift'ft thy clouded Brows, they mourn ^ And dying, to their former duft return. Again created by thy quickning breath , To re-fupply the Maflacres of Death. No Traft of Time his Glory (hall deftroy : He in th' Obedience of his Works fliall joy : But when their wild revolts his Wrath provoke ;. Earth trembles, and the airy Mountains fmoke- I all my life will my Creator praife •, And to his Service dedicate my Daies. May he accept the Mufick of my Voice , While I withfacred Harmony re Joyce. Hence you profane, who in your Sins delight, God fhall extirp, and caftyou from his Sight. My Souljblefs thou this all-commanding King : You Saints and Angels, Hallelujah fing. TSALM t\)t ^t^lmfS of D A V I D. 179 Psalm cv. To GodjO pay your vows •, invoke his Name, As tht 71 . And to the World his noble A^s proclamc ! O fing his praifes in immortal Verfe , And his ftupendious Miracles rehearfc ! You Saints^ rejoyce, and glory in his Grace ^ Mis power adore •, for ever feek his Face. Old Ahrahmms Seed, you Sons of the Ele^ 5 You Jfraelites *, O you, who God affed , Report the Wonders by his finger v^rought , When in your caufe th' inferiour creatures fought* Jehovah rules the many-peopled Earth ^ His judgement known to all of humane birth* He never will forget his Promife paft ^ His Covenants inviolable laft , Which he to fa ithfu I Abraham mad e before , And after to the holy Ifaao fwore : To Jacob fign'd, confirm'd to Ifrael 5 That their large OfF-fpring (hould inCanam dwell When they, but few in number, wandered III unknown Regions, and their Cartel fed : He did their lives from violence proteft , And for their lakes even mighty Princes eheckt. Touch not^ fliid he, my Anointed *, fear to wrong" Thoie facred Prophets, who to Me belong. ^A^hen raging Famine in thefe Climates reignM , Pm 2. -He broke the Staff of Bread, which \ik fuftain'd : But Jofefh fent before them 5 fold to lave His Brethren, by whofe envy ma-de a flave. There for th' Accufers guilt in prifon thrown •, With galling fetters bound, for crimes unknown ^ N 2 Tri'd i8o 31 iaai:apl)?afe up09 : * Try'd with affli»ftion, at the time decreed , At once by Pharo^tlp both advanc'd and freed. He of his Houfhold gave him the command , And made him Ruler over all his Land : . y His princes to his government Subjed^s. The prudent Youth grave Senators direds. Theil aged y^ftrol? into jE^jpf came 5 And fojourn'd in the fruitful Fields of hant. God in that Land his people multiply'd *, ft Their Focs,which now their greater ftrength en vy'd, Hate what they fear '^ he alienates their hearts , To feek their ruin by deceitful Arts. Part^, Theh^^y^^onafacredEmbaflie jij And Aaro^ fent -^ th' Ele<^ of the moft High. It There wrought his dreadful Wonders *, from the Ifle Of Sea-girt PW^% to the Falls of Nile. He bade Cimmerian darknefs dim the Day : Th' aflembled Vapours his commands obey. He their feven chanell'd Waters turn'd to Blood ^ The Fifhes ftrangled in their native Flood. Frogs from the (limy Earth in Millions fpring \ And skip about the Chambers of the King. H All parts with fwarms of noifome Flies abound : A And Lice, like quickned duft, crawl on the ground.r Heftormsof killing Hail, for Showers, beftows*, IT And from the breaking clouds his lightning throws : Blafts all the Vines, and Fig-trees in the Land *, JJ The W^oods, with Tempefts torn, or naked ftand. Innumerable Locufts theie fucceed •, And Caterpillars on their leavings feed: They bite the tender Herb, the bud, and flower *, And all.the verdure of the Earth Devour. Their t!;e iSfalmgot DAviD. iSi Their Strength (the Firil-born) flew : which fill'd ) their ears With Female fcreeches, and their hearts with fears. Then He the Hebrews out of G pjkenhr ought ^ Pan 4, In able health, with Gold and Silver fraught. Th' Inhabitants, whole tears augment the Niley:^f^j At their departure Joy, and Fear exile. ' "" A Cloud to {hade them from the Surt was fpread ^ And Nightly by a flaming Pillar led. . , At their requeft he lends them fliowers of Qji.ails ^' And Bread from Heaven, like Coriander, hails. Cleaves the hardRocks, from whence a Fountain flows. And unknown Rivers to thofe Deferts fhows ; For he his £icred Promife call'd to mind , To ^^r^/:7<^m his Friend and Servant fign'd. Thus he his People brought from fervitude , Whole long-felt miferies in joy conclude. From hence the Heathcahy our Weapons chac'd , And us. his fons in their pofleflions plac'd : That from his Statutes we might never iwerve. O praife the Lord, arid hiin devoutly lerve ! PSALM CVL With grateful hearts Jehovahs praife re- ' As the 72, found:, In goodnefs great •, \vhofe Mercy hath ' no bound. What Language can exprefs his mighty deeds , Or utter his due praife, which words exceeds ! Thrice blefTed they, who his commands obfervre , Nor ever from the tracl of Judice fwerve. N 3 Great i8i M #arap^?8fe upon Gr^t God, O with benevolent afpeft (Even with the love thou bear'ft to thine EIe <^ x^ '^^ jrffl S:^ ijfe. 1** *>s^ r^ '^'» ♦^•^ ^= — A PARAPHRASE Upon the Fifth BOOK F r H :e Psalms of DAVID. PSALM CVII. EXtoll, and our good God adore, jinh^i. Whole Sea of Mercy hath no Shore. O you by Tyrants late oppreft. Now from your fervile Yokes releaft •, Praife him, who your Redemption wrought , And home from barbarous Nations brought. From where the Morn her Wings difphiys^ From where the Evening crowns the Dayes ^ Beneath the burning Zone, and near The Influence of the freezing Bear. Thev in unpeopled Deferts (Iraid ^ The Heavens their Roof, the Clouds their fhade : Their Souls w^ith third and hunger faint ^ None by, to pity their Complaint : When to the Lord their God they cry'd , His Mercy their extreams fupplrd. He its % if^wwfifiaSz upon » ' — ■ . He led them through the Wildernefs , And gave them Cities tp poflefs. O you, his Goodnefs celebrate ! His Afts to all the World relate ! For he in foodlefsDeferts fed The Hungry with coeleftial Bread. From wondring Rocks new Currents roul , To fatisfie the thirfty Soul. Bm J. Thofe Rebels, who his Counfel flight , ImprifonM in the fhades of Night*, Horrors of Guilt their Souls furprife : When humbled with their miferies , They to the Lord add reft their Prayers ; His Mercy comforts their Defpairs , From Darknefs draws, difToIves their Grieves*, And from Deaths Jaws preferves their lives. O you his Goodnefs celebrate ! His A£Vs to all the World relate ? He breaks Steel-bars, and Gates of Brafs, To force a way for His to pafs. Thofe Fools, whom pleafing Sins intice , Are punilh'd by their darling Vice. Their Souls all forts of Food diftaft : Whom Troops of pale Difeafes wafte. When they to God direft their Prayers , His Mercy comforts their Defpairs. His Word reftores them from their Graves , And from a dreadful Ruin laves. O you his Goodnefs celebrate ! His Afts to all the World relate ! Due Praifes to his Altar bring , And of your great Redemption fmg. Who t^eiafalmsi of DAVID. 187 Who fail upon the toiling Main , ^^* ^' Andtraffickinpurfuitof Gain, To fuch his Power is not unknown , Nor wonders in the Ocean (hown. At his Command black Tempefts rife ^ Then mount they to the troubled Skies, Thence fmking to the Depths below. The Ship Hulls as the Billows flow ^ And all Aboard at every feel , Like Drunkards on the Hatches reel. When they to God direft their Prayers , His Mercy comforts their Defpairs. Forthwith the bitter Storms afTwagc , And fomingSeas fupprefs their Rage : Theiiyfmging, with a profperous Gale , To their defired Harbour fail. O you his Goodnefs celebrate I His Afts to all the World relate ! His Fame in your Aflemblies raife , And in the facred Senate praife. He Rivers turns t' a Wilderneft ^ Fsn 4. Springs dry'd up by the Suns accefs. To fcourge their Sins, he makes the Soil Ungrateful to the Owners toil : Turns fand^y Deferts into Pools , And parched Earth with Fountains cools : There plants his hung ry Colonies , Where ftrongty-ienced Cities rife : The Fields their yellow Mantles wear , And fpreading Vines full dufters bear. They infinitely multiply : Their Heards of no difeafcs die. But when their Sins his Wrath incenfe , Then Famine, War, aqd Feftilcnce , Their iS8 3 )datap]^3taf0 Upon •i ' Their miferable Lives devour : Their Princes he deprives of Powder , Who in the Path-lefs Wildernefs Conceai'd themrelves from Mans accefs. The Poor he raileth from the ground j Their Families like flocks abound. The Jufl: fliall this with Joy behold •, Th' llnjuft with fear and fliame controll'd. The Wife thefe Changes will record , That they may know and ferve the Lord. FSALM CVIIL As the 1, Tk ft^ Thoughts the Lord their Obje£l make ^ Before the ruddy Morning fpring , My Glory of his Praifefhall fmg : Awake, my Lute*, my Harp, awake ^ While I to all the World rehearfe His praifes in a living Verfe. M Thy Mercy (O how great ! ) extends Above the Starry Firmament *, Still unto tender pity bent : Thy Truth the foaring clouds tranfcends. Thy Head above the Heavens ere(rt *,: Thy Glory on the Earth refle(fl. O hear us, who thy aid implore *, And with thy own Right hand defend •: To thy Beloved Succour fend. God by his Sanftity thus fwore ^ 1 5/ic:fof^j Valley will divide : \vi.SichemsS^oiis be magiiihM., Myjiajjeh y t^e pfalmst of D avid. is^ Mamffehj Gileady both are mine : Efhraim my Strength, in Battail bold. Thou Judahj (halt my Scepter hold. I will triumph o're PaUBwe. j(ri ei r( ^5 J Bafe Servitude (hall -^^^^wafte. ^ - "^f O're £^ow I my Shooe will call. 'J Whowill our forward Troops direct . yj- To /2^e? W ftrongly fortifi'd ? [j Or into Tandy £5ow guide? ~- \ /: Lord, wilt not thou, that didilreje£t, ; '] Nor wouldft before our Armies goe , / Now lead our Hoft againft the Foe ? ' 1 When Death and Horrour moft affrighp , Do thou our troubled Souls fuftain. I For 0> the help of Man is vain I ....._ ,y^ Lead-, and we valiantly fhall fight. ^Kj-rbtoiVaf Thy Feet our Foes (hall trample down^ /,,.f/^j jr' Thy Hands our Brows with Conqueft crowti. ..' - ( ) TSALM CIX. .inMul MY God, my Glory, leave not in Diftrefs^ Asth i. Nor let prevailing fraud the truth opprefc They who delight in fubtilties and wrongs, AfBid me with the poifon of their tongues. With Slander and Detraction gird me round , And would,.without a Gaul'e, my life confound, j Good turns with evil proudly recompence ^ <^ ;^,p/t^ And Love vAth Hate -, ray Merit, my.c&nce: -., - .r •• • • :-. -: And pour out rav perplexed Soul in Praver. '• ' ' Subjea ipo n i^arap^jtare upon Subjeft him to a Tyrants ftern command ^ Subverting Satan place at his Right hand t, Found guilty, when arraignM : in that fearM time ^ Let his re jcftcd Prayers augment his Crime* May he by violence untimely dye > And let another his Command fupply. Let hisdiftreffed Widow weep in vain ^ His wretched Orphans to deaf Ears complain* Let them the wandring Paths of Exile tread ^ And in unpeopled Deferts feek their bread. Let griping lliurers divide his fpoil -^ And Strangers reap the harveft of his toil. ?srt u I" '^^s long mifery may he find no Friend j None to his Race fo much as Pity lend. Let his Pofterity be overthrown •, Their Names to the fucceeding Age unknown^ Let not the Lord his Fathers Sins forget ^ His Mothers Infamy before him fet. O let them be the Objeft of his Eye, Till he out-root their hated Memory t That to the wretched would no Mercy (hoW 'i But cruelly purfuM his Overthrow. Laid Trains to kill the Broken and Contrite^ On his own head let his dire Curfes light. He hated Bleffing ; never be he bleft : Let curfmg like a Robe his Loins invcft 5 Arrf like a fatal Girdle gird him round y As he with Execrations did abound. Let them like Water in his Bowels boil ^ And cat into his Bones like burning Oyl. Thus let the Lord reward my Enemies , Who feek to blaft me with malicious lies. Buti t^eiatelmstof dayid. 191 But, Lord, in my deliverance proclame pan j: Thy Mercy, for the honour of thy Name. For I am poor, with mifery opprcft j My wounded heart bleeds in my panting breft, I like the Evening fhadow am declined , And hke the Locuft, toisM with every wind. My feeble Knees beneath their burden bend ^ My Flefli with fefting falls, my Bones afccnd. Reproacii hath feiz'd on me •, my Foes revile ; And in derifion, (hake their heads, andfmile. My God, O fnatch me from the fwallowing grave ! Thy fervantwith accuftomM Mercy favc: That they may know it was thy powerful Hand ^ And how I by divine Supportanceftand. Still may they vainly curfe whom thou doft bicfsj And pine with envy at my good fuccefs. Let them be cloth'd with fharae : O be their own Confufion on them like a Mantle thrown. But I thy praife will duly celebrate ^ And to the multitude thy Deeds relate : That haft th' affli^led Soul from forrow freed , And from their fnares who had his death decreed- PSALM CX* THe Lord unto my Lord thus fpake , dt the 3 4. Sit at my right hand, till I make A Foot-ftool of thy Foes. He will thy Rod from S/'^;; ferid , Unto whofe Power all powers (hall bend , That dare thy Rule oppoie. Thy J9Z 31 parapi^zafe upoit ' Thy People willingly fhall pay Their vowsin that triumphant Day , With their united Powers: Aray'd in Ephods -^ nor io few As are thofe Pearls of Morning-dew , Which hang on Herbs and Flowers. He fworeyw^^ never Oath did break , Of th' order of Melchifedeck^, That thou a Prieft fhould'ft raign : E^en while the Sun difperft his Light ^ While Moons (hall rule th' alternate Night, Or Stars their courfe maintain. God, in that Day at thy right hand , Their Blood, who Tyrant-hke command > Shall in his fury fpill. He, in his Juftice {hall confound HheHeathen^^nd the purple ground With heaps of flaughter fill. 701UO.I ' .0 '^ JvDt Who over manyNati6tr^ fway , And only their own Wills obey , Shall fink beneath his rage. Then fhall this all-fubduing King With Water of the Cryftal Ipring His burning thirft affwagCe TSALM ti)e i&falmst ct david. 193 FSALM CXL ■^ ' -^ Y Soul the honour of our King , ii=isiEi:liilii=iili:fe Shall in the great Affembly fmg. Great are the liiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii wonders Hehathfhown*, With joy by their His glorious deeds all praife O tranfcend j admirers known. His glorious deeds all praife ip4 ^ )^atap^?are upon tranfcend^ His equal Juflice knows no end. Left in eternal Monuments *, Whofe Mercy Death and Hell prevents : Feeds thofe who fear his Name, and will His Promife faithfully fulfill. Who planted with a powerful Hand His People in this pleafant Land. Juft Judgement executes *, direfts By facred Laws *, and Truth affefts. Thefe fretting Time (hall never waile •, But fquar'd by Juftice ever laft. His Word to us confirra'd by deed^ So often from opprefTion freed. His Name is terrible to all : His fear is the Original Of Wifdom*, and they only wife Who make his Laws their Exercife. His praife, while men have memory , And power of fpeech, {hall never dye. FSALM CXH. Hallelii-jah. 4s th in fTT^Hat man is bleft v\^ho fears the Lord , And cheerfully obeys his W^ord. His Seed (hall flourifh on the Earth -^ Their OfF-fpring happy from their birth. Hi?, T t^e lafalms! of D A v i D. 195 HisHoufe with riches ihall abound : His truth with endlefs honour crown'd* To him in darknefs light afcends : Mild, gracious, juft in all his ends. His bounty for the poor provides : Difcretion all his a^flions guides. No violence fhall caft him down*. No time deface his juft renown *-, Nor rumours [hake his confidence : The Lord his Hope, and ftrong Defence ; Confirmed in fearlefs fortitude , Till he have all his Foes fubdu'd. He the necefTitated feeds. The honour of his vertuous Deeds Shall live in facred memory ^ His Glories (hall afcend on high. Th' unjuft inrag'd their teeth fhall grinde , And languiOi with the grief of minde: Pale envy fhall their fle^l! confurae , And all their hopes convert to fame. FSALM CXIII. JHtalielH-jah, OYou, who ferve the living Lord ^ Anhm Due praifes to his Name afford : Now and for ever celebrate f. Let all his noble Acls relate. Even from the purple Morn's uprife , To where the Evening flecks the Skies. All power to his Dominion bends : H is Glorv the bright Stars tranfcends. O 2 What ip5 31 #ai:apt)jiare upon what God can be compared with ours ? Who Thron'd in Heavens fuperiour towers Submits himfelf to guide and move All that is done in Heaven above : And from that height vouchfafes to throve His eyes on us, who creep below. The poor he raifeth from the Duft : Even from the Dunghill lifts the Jufl: , Whom he to height of honour brings , And fets him in the Thrones of Kings. He frudlifies the barren Womb *, The Childlefs, Mothers now become. HallelH-]ah* W PSALM CXIV. W.f ihi III W IT T ^^" /T^^^^ l^ft ^1^' Egypian Land , Freed from a tyrannous command °^ God his own People fandifi'd , And he himfelf became their Guide. Th' amazed Seas, this feeing, fled *, And Jor^^^fhrunk into his Head : The cloiidv Mountains skipt like Rams*, The little Hills like frisking Lambs. Recoyling Seas, what caus'd your dread ? Why Jordan^ fhrunk'ft thou to the Head ? Why, Mountains, did you skip like Rams ? And why you little Hills, like Lambs ? Earth, tremble thou before his Face \ Before the God of Jacobs Race *, Who turn'd hard Rocks into a Lake *, When Springs from flinty intrails brake. PSALAf tt)e ^falms of david. 1^7 TSALM CXV. WE nothing can of merit dame : Jsthe$. Not for our fakes thy aid afford ^ But for the honour of thy Name , Thy Mercy^ and unfluling Word. Why fhould th' infulting Heathen cry ;, Where's now the God they vainly praife ? Our Lord inthron'd above the Skie , All underneath at pleafure iwaies. Their Gods but Gold and Silver be ^ Made by a frail Artificer : For they have eyes, that cannot fee *, Dumb mouths and ears, that cannot hear. Fools on their Altars incenfe throw, Who nothing fmell *, their Feet are bound , Nor have they power to move or goe : Their throats give paffage to no found. Their hands can neither give nor take *, Unapt to punifh or defend : As fenfelefs they who Idols make , Or to their carved Statues bend. Your hopes on God, O Jfraely place ^ ?an 2. He is your Help, and ftrong Defence : Be he, you Priefts of Aarons Race , The obje£l of your confidence. In him, all you that fear him, truft ^ He fhall protedlyou in diftrefs. The Lord is of his Promife juft , And vvill his faithful Servants blefs ; O 3 The ip8 at |9atap]^?are upon The Houfe of chofen Jprael^ And Aarons holy Family : The poor, and who in power excel ^ That love, and on his aid rely. Theyfhall a mighty People grow^ Their Children happy from their birth x He will increafe of gifts beftow, Whofe hands created Heaven and Earth. He in the Heaven of Heavens refides. And over all his Creatures reigns : Among the fons of men divides The Earth, and all that Earth contains. ' Who deep within the vaults of Death , No Offerings to his Altars bring : O praife his Name, while we have breath *, And loudly Halelu-jah fing. TSALM CXVL JstheA, TV /l^ Soul intirely (hall affect The Lord, whofe ears my grones refpe^ Inmifery He heard thy cry, To him thy Prayers direct- M^ Sorrows of Death my Soul affiiPd ; The greedy jaws of Hell prcvail'd : Dcpreft with grief, When all relief, And humane pity faiPd *, t^e jafalmiBt oE D A v i D. 199 I cry'd •, My God, O look dn roe ; ' T4iou ever Juft, th' affliaed free. O from the Grave Thy Servant fa ve^ For mercy lives in thee. The Innocent, and long diftreft ^ The humble mind by wrongs oppreft ^ Thy Favour ftill Freferves from iti * My Soul then take thy teil* God {laid my feet, and dry'd my tears *, Redeemed from Death, and deadly fears : That ftill I might Walk in his fight , And number many years. ThJs with a firm belief Ipray'd: pm a. Yet inextreams of trouble faid •, All on the Earth Of mortal birth , Even all of Lies are made,' Whatfhall I unto God reftore For all his Mercies? Fall before His holy Throne, And him alone With facred Rites adore. I will perform my Vows this day , Where they frequent, who God obey. Right precious is The Death of His: He fees, and will repay. O 4 Lord, 200 ^ i^arapi^^are upon Lord, I am thine, thy Hand-maids Seed j By Thee irom raging Tyrants freed. My Prayers (hall rife In Sacrifice °, My thanks thy Altar feed. I will perform my Vows this day , Wherethey frequent who God obey : Even in his Court *, Within thy Fort, Renowned 5(7/yw^. PSALM CXVIL jis the 47, "^ "Y Ou Nations of the Earth , Our great Preferver praife. All you of humane birth , To Heaven his Glory raife Whofe Mercy hath No end, nor bound : His Promife crown'd With conftant Faith. Y P PSALM cxvriL 4s the III Tf^Raifeour good God, that King of kings ^ From whom eternal Mercy fprings. Let Ifraely let Aarons Race , Let all that flourifh in his Grace , Confefs, that from the King of kings Eternity of Mercy fprings. He in my trouble heard my Prayers , And freed me from their deadly Ihares : tlje ^falctsi of DAVID. 201 He fights my Battails *, then how can I fear the Power of feeble Man ? Aflifts my Friends •, my Enemies Shall with their fiaughter feaft mine eyes. Far better to have Confidence In God, than tri^ft to mans Defence : On him much iafer to relie , Than on the ftrength of Monarchy. The Nations all at once aflail'd ^ But by his Aid my Sword prevaiPd. Their Armies had befet me round ^ I with their Bodies ftrewM the ground. Though they like Bees about me iwarra^ His holy Name and pow'rful Arm Shall foon conilime their numerous powers , As Fire the crackling Thorn devours. Mad men ! his Fall you feek in vain , p.?? 1 2, Whom great Jehovah's Hands fuftain. He is my Strength *, his Praife my Song : By him preferv'd from powerful Wrong. Our Tents with publick Joy (hall ring : The Juft of their Deliverance fing. He with his own Right hand hath fought •, His own Right hand hath Wonders wrought. I (hall not dye, but live to praiie The Lord, who hath prolong'd my Dales. He with his Scourge my Sin corrects ^ Yet from the Darts of Death proteds. You to his Service fanfflifi'd , The Temple Doors fet open wide ^ That I may enter in his Name , Andcelebrate his glorious Fame. Thofeare the Doors, at which all they Shall enter, who his Will obey, Hi^. 202 ^ ptirapl)2are upon ( His Praife with Hymns immortallize ! My Saviour, who hath heard ray Cries. P(trt s» Xhat Stone the Builders from them caft ^ Is higheft on the corner plac't. God hath reveal'd thefe Myfteries, So fall of Wonder, to our Eyes. This is his Day, a Day of Joy ^ Of everlafting Memory. Great God of gods, thy King prote ith Juftice crown'd. Fhefe are my choice : uphold with thy right Hand ; Who feed on Hope, and jov in thy Command. Prolong mv life, thati thy Praife may fmg. Lord, thy ftri-y'd Sheep back to thy Pafture bring. P rSALM 2IO ^ l^arapi^mre upon TSALM CXX. 'ds the <, T"^k Iftj^eft? ^"^ i^ ^^y "^in^^ difmayM , I When deftitute of humane aid , To Thee fuccefsfuUy I pray'd. D Lord, (hield mc from the Fraudulent •, From thofe that are on malice bent *, Who envious Calumnies invent. O thou falfe tongue, (leep'd in the gall Of Serpents ! what reward, for all Thy mifchief, fhall to thee befall ! Like Arrows fhot from Parthian ftrings ^ Fir'd Juniper, and Scorpions ftings •, Such art thou, O thou word of things ! Wo's me, that I from Jfrael Exiled, muft in Mefech dwell ^ And in the Tents of Ifmaell O how long fliall I live with thofe , Whofefavage minds fweet Peace oppofc-, Where Fury by diffwafmn grows ; TSALM CXXI. ^nUi^. f-|-^OthcHillsthineEyesereft, Help from thole alone expect. He who Heaven and Earth hath made , Shall from Sion fend thee aid, God tl)c jafalmsi of DAVID. 211 L I ■ ■ <■!■ n i l I Bl W ■ God thy ever-watchful Guide , Will not luffer thee to Aide. He, even he, who Jfrael keeps , Never Oumbers, never fleep^. He, thy Guard, wuth Wings difplay^d ^ Shall refrefh Thee in their Shade : Suns ihall not with heat infed , But their temperate beams refled : Nor unwhollom Serene (hall From the Moons moift influence fall. When thou travel'ft on the way , When at home thou fpend'ft the Day , When fweet Peace thy life delights , When imbroyl'd in bloody Fights , God (hall all thy fteps attend , Now, and evermore defend. TSALM CXXII. O Happy Summons ! to the Court Asth m And Temple of the Lord relbrt. Jcrufdemj our Feet (hall tread Within thy Walls : O thou the Head Of all the Earth and Judaioh Throne ^ Three Cities ftronglyjoyn'd m one ! The Tribes in throngs to Thee afcend ^ The Tribes which on the Lord depend i Fat Offerings to his Altar bring , And his immortal Praifes fing. There (hall he his Tribunal place ^ The Judgement-feat of Davids Race. Your joys fhall with your d^.ys rncreafe ^ Who love and pray for SalemsFcdCC, P 2 May 212 31 parapi^zafe upon May Peace within thy Walls abound ^ Thy Palaces with joy reibund : Even for my Friends and Kindreds fiike , May never War thy Bulwarks fhake : Even for the hope of Ifrael, And Houfe, where God vouchfafes todwelL PSALM CXXIII. /Is the 54, ^nr^Hou mover of the rolling Sphears, I I through the Glaffes of my Tears , JL f ^ Thee my Eyes ere£l : As Servants mark their Mafters hands As Maids their Miftreffcs commands , And liberty expe^l : So we, depreft by enemies , And growing troubles, fix our Eyes On God, who fits on High : Till he in mercy (hall defcend To give our miferies an end , And turn our tears to joy, O fave us, Lord, by all forlorn ", The fubje(fl of contempt and fcorn. Defend us from their pride , Who live in fluency and eafe *, W^ho with our woes their malice pleafe , And miferies deride. PSALM tije piaimi of david. 213 PSALM CXXIV. • But that God fought for us, may IfraeK^^f ^ js the 72. But that God fought for us, in that fad Day , When nnen inflam'd with wrath *, againft us rofe : We had alive been fwallowed by our Foes : Then had we funk beneath the roaring Waves , And in their horrid entrails found our graves : Then had their violence, like torrents pour'd From melting Hills, our wretched lives devoured. O bleft be God ! who hath not given our blood To quench their thirft, nor made our flefh their food. Our Souls, like Birds, have fcap'd the Fowlers Net •, The fnaresarc broke, which for our lives were fet. Our only confidence is in his Name , Who made the Earth, and Heavens immortal frame. FSALM CXXV. THe\«, who the Lord their Fortrefs make , Js the ^, Shall like the Towers of Sio/7 rife -^ Which dreadful Earth-quakes never fhake , Nor raging tumults of the skies. Lo ! as the Hills of Solyma Divine Jerufdem enclofe : So fhall his Angels in the Day Of danger, Ihield them from their Foes. The Wicked fhail not long fubjecl: -^ Their holy Race-, left through defpair .'J They fhould the Laws of God neglecl: , And be as their Commanders are. P 3 Lord J 214 3r }^atap]^?are upon Lord, to the Good be good *, the Juft Prote£l : Their puni ■ hments increale , Who follow their rebellious luft : But crown thy Jfrftel with Peace. PSALM CXXVL dsiht 111 «|r -jr y*Hen God had our deliverance wrought, \/\f And Sion out of Bondage brought ^ V V Itfeem'dtousaDream*, who were DiftraiSled between Hope and Fear. Then facred Joy fill'd every Breafl: : In flowing Mirth, and Songs expreft. ^ The wondring Heathen oft would fay *, How good ! how great a God have they ! Great things for us the Lord hath wrought j Above the reach of humane thought : We therefore will his praifes fmg. The Remnant, Lord, from Bondage bring \ As Rivers through the parched Sand , Or (how'rs which fall on thirfty land. Who fow in Tears, fhall reap in Joy. • We after long Captivity , ' Unto our native Soil retire *, The fcope and crown of ourdefire. PSALM CXXyiL 4s the 7. ^ Tl Nlefs the Lord the houfe fuftain , They build in vain *, In vain they watch, unlefs the Lord The City guard. In vain you rife before the Light , And break theflumbers of thclsfight. In u T f t^c #raims! Of david. aij ' ■ 1 III I »»^^»W»i^— ^,^,Mi In vain the bread of forrow eat , Got by your fweat ^ Unlefs the Lord with good luccefs Your labours blefs : ^ - - . ^ For he all good on his beftows , And crowns their eyes withfweet repofe. Increafing fons, his Heritage , Renew their age •, The pledges of their fruitful love , Given from above : As formidable to the Foe , As Arrows from a Giants bow* He is belov'd of God, and blcft Above the reft*, Whofe Quivers with fuch Shafts abound ^\ ^ By men renown'd : Nor {hal'l his adverfary dread :, When they at the Tribunal plead. TSALM CXXVIII. HAppy he, who God obeys , JUthti^^ Nor from his dire^ion ftrayes : Thou (halt of thy labours feed -^ All (hall to thy wifh fucceed : Like a fair and fruitful Vine , By thy Houie, thy Wife (hall joyn: Sons, obedient to command , Shall about thy Table ftand *, Like green plants of Olives, fet By the moiftning rivulet, P 4 He 21 6 M patapi)?afe upon He who fears the Power above , Thus fhall profper in his love. God fhall thee from Sion blefs *, Thou {halt joy in the fucccfs Which the Lord will Salem give ^ While thou haft a day to live :. Thou (halt fee our Jjraels peace , And thy childrens large increafe. O FS^LM CX'^IX. '4s the 1 1 T ^"^^ F^ fr^"^ "^y ^^^^y youth have they Affli<^ed me, may Ifraelfny : Oft from my early youth aifeil'd ♦, As oft have their endeavours faiPd. My back with long deep furrows wound -^ As Plow-fhares ear the patient ground. The ever Juft hath broke their bands , And fav'd me from their cruel hands. Let Sio^s Foes with infamy Be clothed, and untimely dye. Be they like Corn on Houfes tops , Which Reapers fickle never crops , Nor Binder in his bofome bears : But withers ftill before it ears. NoTravailer their labours blefs , Nor fay. We wifh you good fucccfs. PSJLM tlje idfalmsfof david. 217 PSALM CXXX. Out of the horropr of the Deep , ^^<^* lo. Where fear and forrow never deep , To the my cries In fighs arife : Lord from defpair thy fervant keep : O lend a gracious ear , And my petitions hear. . For if thou fliould'fl: our fins obferve : And punifh us, as we deferve : Not one of all But then muft fall-, Since all from their obedience fwerve : Yet art not thou fevere , That we thy Name might fear. Thy Mercies our mifdeeds tranfcend : My hopes upon thy Truth depend : Difconfolate Qn tliee I waite j As weary Centinels attend The chearful Morns uprife With long-expcifling eyes. O you that are of JacQhs Race , In him your Hopes, and Comforts phKC, Hisprailesfing*, The living Spring Qf Mercy and redundant Grace : For he will Ifracl Redeem fromSin and Hell. TSALM 2i8 3K laacap^^are upon T TSALM CXXXI. /f tU^i, ^ I ^ Hon L ord my witnefs art ^ I am not proud of heart •, Nor look with lofty eyes ^ None envy, nor deipile ^ Nor to vain pomp apply My thoughts, nor fore too high : But in behaviour mild •, And as a tender child , Wean'dfrom his Mothers breaft, On thee alone I reft. Olfraely adore The Lord for evermore : Be He the only fcope Of thy unfainting hope. R PSALM CXXXII. Js the 7 2. "^^ Emember David^ Lord ^ remember Thou His Troubles-, thy Redemptions *, and the Vow He to the mighty God of facob made *, Bound by an Oath ^ and in thefe words convey'd : No Roof fhall cover mc, nor fweet repofe Refrefh my Limbs, or deep ray eye-lids dofe , Till I have found a place for his abode *, Even for the Temple of the living God. The Ark, we heard, in E^hrata long ftood *, And found it in the valley cloth'd with Wood. We will into thy Tabernacle go , And there our felves before thy Foot-ftool throw. Afcend t\)z idfaimjB! of D A V I D. 21^ Afcend to thy eternal Reft at length •, Thou, and the Ark of thy admired ftrength. O let thy Priefts becloth'd withfandity , And all thy Saints fing with triumphant joy : For Davids fake, receive into thy Grace : From thy Anointed never turn thy Face. For thus thou fwor'ft who never wilt forget ^ Thy Son fhall long pofTefs thy royal Seat: And if thy Children my commands obierve , Nor from the rules of my prefcription fwerve •, Their OfF-fpring {hall the Hehrevf^ Scepter fway , Even while the Sun illuminates the Day. For Sicn I have chofen *, Sion g reat In my affections •, my eternal Seat. I will abundantly increafe her ftore ^ And with the flow'r of Wheat fuftain her poor : Her Priefts (hall bleffings to her People bring ; Her joyful Saints in facred meafures fmg. There fhall the Horn of D^W^ frefhly fprout^ Their lamp of glory never (hall burn out : His Diadem fhall flourifh on his head : But Nets of fhame his Foes (hall over-fpread. FSALM CXXXIII. OBIeil eftate ! bled from above! ^s th 1 1 1 When Brethren joyn in mutual love. Tis like the precious Odors flicd On confecrated Akrons head : ^hich trickled from his Beard and Breail ^ Down to the borders of his Veft. Tis like the pearls of Dew that drop Dn fhrmcns ever-fragrant top : Or 220 31 )^arap]^?are upon Or which the fmiling Heavens diftill On happy Sions iacred Hill. For God hath there his f^ivours plac't , And joy, which (hall for ever lall. Y PSJLM CXXXIV. Af the 47. ^f T'OU'f who the Lord adore , And at his Altar wait *, Who keep your watch before The threfhold of his Gate ^ His praifes fing • By filent Night , Till cheerful light In th' Orientfpring. Your hands devoutly raife To his divine Recefs *, The Worlds Creator praife , And thus the People blefs j The God of Love , From Sions Towers , To you and yours Propitious prove. PSALM CXXXV. . , j^"^^ You, who Ephods wear and Inccnfc fling ^^^ ' m g^^ facred flames *, Jehovah's praifes fing. ^^_^_^ You, who his Temple guard, O celebrate His glorious Name -^ his noble A(fl:s relate. How great a joy with fuch iincere delight To crown the Day, and entertain the Night ! Foi? t^e i&falms of D A v i D. 221 For Jfrael is his choice *, and Jacobs Race His treafure, and the obje£tof his Grace. In power how infinite ! how much before Thofe mortal gods^ whom frantick men adore ! All on his Will depend *, all homage owe, In Heaven, in Earth, and in the Depths below. At his command exhaled Vapors rife , And in condenled clouds oblcure the Skies. From thence, in fhow'rs He horrid Lightning flings ^ And from their Caves the ftruglingTempefts brings. He the firft-born of Men and Cattle (lew *^ Frefh ftreams of blood the Towns and Plains imbrew* Th' Inhabitants that drink of Nilns flood , At his confounding Wonders trembling flood. Great Princes, who excelled in fortitude , Van i, And mighty Nations by h.\s power fubdu'd. Strong SihoHy whom the Amor it es obey'd •, And (IrcnuousC?^, who ^^.7;^/-?^ Scepter fway'd *, With all the Kingdoms of the Cm^anites^ Who to the Conquerours refign their rights : To whom he their difmantlcd Cities grants , And in thole fruitful fields Vvh Hebrews plants. Thy Name (hall laft unto Eternity \ And thy immortal Fame (hall never dye. Thou doft thy Servant pardon and prote<^ *, Advance the Humble, and the Proud dejeift. Thofe helplel's gods, ador'd in foreign Lands , Are Gold and Silver *, wrought by humane hand? : Blind Eyes have they, deaf Ears,-T:ill filent Tongues : Nor breath exhale from their unaiTbive Lungs. Who made, reiemblc them •, and fucli -ire thofe , Wlio in fuch fenfelefs ilocks their hopes repofe. O praife the Lord, vou who from Jpriid Ipring ^ His Praifes, O vou Sons of Jaron^ fin^' : You 222 311 ^arap})?are upon You of the Houfe of Levi praife his Name : All you who God adore, his Praife proclaime. From 5/^;^ praife the only Good and Great j Who in JerHfalem hath fixt his Seat. Camas, Bajfm, rSALM CXXXVI. -*• He Bounty of Jehovah praife : This »||:5:::|::|:|:|::Ie±::^ iiiiiiiiiliiiliiiii God of gods all Scepters fways. Thanks to the Lord of lords afford *, And his amazing Wonders blaze : For from the King of kings E-ter-nal iiiiiiiiiliiiliiiii Mercy =1 ii tDc i&falmjat of david. 223 0. mmtmmmmma Mercy fprings. Him praife, who frani'd the arched Sky *, Thof e Orbs that move lb orderly. Firm Earth above , The Floods that move Difplay'd, and rais'd the Hills on high. For from the King of kings Eternal Mercy fprings. Who Sun and Moon informed with Light , To guide the Day, and rule the Night : The fixed Stars, And Wanderers Created by divine fore-fight. For from the King of kings . Eternal Mercy fprings. The firft-born of zAlgyftians^iQyf ^ Whofe wounds the thirfty Earth irabrew : And from that Land , With powerful hand , Th* oppreffed fens of Jacob drew. For from the King of kings Eternal Mercy fprings. The parted Seas before them fled , Who in their empty chanels tread ; The 224 ^ ^wnplimit tipDti The joyning waves , 219 Caft them into the Depths below *, From thence, O Rever let them rife ! Let Death the Slanderer furprile •, And Milchief falvage Wrath o'rethrow. God to th' AflBicled aid will give *, The Poor defend from Death and Shame. The Juftfhall celebrate thy Name ^ And ever in thy Prefence live. PSALM CXLI. TO Thee I ciy *, Lord, hear my cries •, Ai the li. O come with Ipeed unto my aid \ Let my fad Prayers before Thee rife , Like Incenfe on the Altar laid , Or as when I, with hands difplaid , Prefent my Evening Sacrifice. Before my mouth a Guardian fet^ My Lips with barrs of Silence clofe. O let me not thy Laws forget *, And wickedly combine-v;ith thofe , Who Thee, and all that's good, oppofe ^ Nor of their deadly Dainties eat. But let the Juft wound and reprove ^ Such ftripes and checks, an argument Of their fmcere and prudent love ;, Like Odours of a fragrant Scent , Pour'd on my head, no breaches rent. My praya-s fhall for their fafety mave. Mongft Rocks their Chiefs in ambuQi lye , Yet have ray faff'rings underftood. Ct 3 Our zso % l^atap^jtare upon Our fevered bones are fcattered by The mouths of graves, like clefts of Wood. Lord, fave from thofe, that hunt for blood : On Thee with faith I caft mine eye. O from their Machinations free , That would my guiltlels Soul betray •, From thofe who in my wrongs agree , And for my life their engins lay. May they by their own craft decay *, But let me thy Salvation fee. TSALM CXLII. V y Pour'd out my tears. My cares and fears *, My wrongs before him laid. My fainting fpirits almoft fpent ; He knew the path in which I went. Yet in my way Their fnares they lay , With mercilefs intent. My Eyes I round about me throw , None fee, that will th' Oppreffed know ^ No refuge left :, < Of hope bereft ^ Vain pity none bcftow. Then unto God I cry'd , and faid , Thou art my Hope, and only Aid ^ The Portion 1 build upon ^ While with frail flciii ^raid. O ti^e i&falmss of david. 2^1 O Sourfe of Mercy, hear my cry , Left I with wafting forrow die : Shield from my foes , Who now inciofe ^ Since of more ftrength than L My Soul out of this Prifon bring , That I may praife thee, O my King. Who truft in thee , Shall compafs me , And of thy Bounty fmg. PSALM CXLIII. • ■*■ LOrd , to my cries afford an ear , 4s th 3 ^J Th'affliaedhear^ According to thy Equity , And Truth reply ; Nor prove fevere : for in thy fight None living (hall be found upright. The Foe my Soul befiegeth round , Strikes to the ground : In darkneis hath inveioped , Like men long dead : My mind with forrow overthrown ^ My heart within me ftupid grown. I call to mind thofe ancient Dales Fill'd with thy praife : Thy Works alone poffefs my thought , ■ With wonder wrought. To thee I ftretch my zealous Hand j Defir'dlike rain by thirfty land. 232 9 l^arapl^^are upon ?am. Approach with fpeed ^ my Spirits fail : ' Thy Face unveil ; Leaft I forthwith grow like to thofe , Whom graves inclofe. O let me of thy Mercy hear ^ Before the morning Sun appear. My God, thou art the only fcope Of all my hope : O fliew me thy prefcribed way , Leftlfhouldftray. For to thy Throne I raife mine eyes ^ My Soul, and all my faculties. Save from my Foes : to Thee loe I Forrefugeflie: Inform me, that I may fulfill Thy facred Will. My God, let thy good Spirit lead , • That in thy paths my Feet may tread. Ofor thy Honour quicken me , Whotruftinthee: Out of thefe Straights, for Juftice fake , Thy Servant take. In mercy cut thou off my Foes , Whofe hate hath multiply'd my woes. FSALM CXLIV. Asthe in ^*|—\He Lord, my Strength, be only prais'd j The Lord, who bath my courage rais'd : In doubtful Battle given me might. And skill how to direc% and fight. My T t\)zpi9img of DAVID. J33 My Fautor, Fortrefs, high-built Tower ^ My Rock, Redeemer, Shield and Power; My only Confidence *, whoftill Subjedls mv People to my will. Lord, what is Man, or his frail Race , That thou Ihould'ft fuch a vapour grace ! Man nothing is but vanity •, A fhadow fwiftly gliding by. Great God, ftoop from the bending Skies , The Mountains touch, and Clouds fhall rife ; From thence thy winged Lightning throw ; Rout and confound the flying Foe ; Stretch down thy hand, which only faves , And fnatch me from the furieus Waves. Free from rebellious Enemies , Inur'd to perjuries and lies : Their Hands defil'd with fraud and wrong. Then will I in a new-made Song , Unto the foftly-warbling firing , Of thy Illuftrious Praifes fmg. Thou Kings preferv'ft ; haft me preferv'd ; part 1. Even David ^ who thy Will obferv'd , Free from rebellious Enemies , Inur'd to perjuries and lies : Foul deeds their violent hands defile ; Hands prone to treachery and guile : That in their Youth our Sons may grow Like Lawrel Groves ^ our Daughters fhow Like polifh'd pillars deck'd with Gold ; Which high and Royal roofs uphold : Our Magazines abound with Grain , Provifion of all forts contain : Increafmg Flocks our Paftures fill , And well-fed Steers the Fallows till : That 2J4 ^ ^Mnpiitate upon That no incurfions Peace affright ^ No Armies joyn in dreadfiil fight y No daring Foe our Walls inveft , Nor fearful (hrieks difturb our reft, Bleft People ! who in this eftate In joy your felves without debate : And happy, O thrice happy they , Who for their God, the Lord obey ! TSALM CXLV. A^^em T Sti« willof thyGloryfing; ■ Thy Name extoll, my God, ray Kmg. JL No day {hall pafs without thy praife *, Prais'd while the Sun his Beams difplays. Great is the Lord, whofe praife exceeds : Infcrutable are all his Deeds. One Age (hall to another tell Thy Works, which fo in power excell. The Beauty of thy Excellence , And Oracles intrance my Senfe. Men (hall thy dreadful A^s relate % My Verfe thy Greatnefs celebrate *, To memory thy Favours bring , And of thy noble Jufticefmg. For in Thee Grace and Pity live ^ To anger flow, fwift to forgive. All on thy Goodnefs, Lord, depend : Thy Mercies all thy Works tranfccnd ; Even all thy Works fhall praife thy Name ^ Thy Saints (hall celebrate the fame : Of thy far-fpreading Empire fpeak ^ Thy Power, to which all Powers are weak : To tlje idfalmjEfof DAVID. 235 To make thy Afts to Mortals known, And glory of thy awfdl Throne. Thy Kingdom never (hall have end : part 2. Thy Rule beyond Times flight extend. The Lord (hail thole, who fall, fuftain \ And Souls dejefted raife again. All feek from Thee their livelyhood ^'', Thou in due feafon giv'ft them food : Thy liberal Hand, Men, Birds, and Beafts, Even all that live, with plenty feafts. The Lord is Jufl: in all his Waies , Who Mercy in his Works difplaies*, Is prefent by his power with all , Who on his Name fmcerely call : For he will their defires effe^ -, Regard their cries *, from Foes proted. Who love Him, Safety (hall enjoy : The Lord the Wicked will deftroy. My Tongue his Goodneis(hall proclame. Man-kind, for ever praiie his Name. FSALM CXLVI. OMy Soul, praife thou the Lord : ^.' ^^e is, Whilft thou iiv'ft, his praife record. Whilft I am, eternal King , I wiliof thypfaifesfmg, O, no hope in Princes place *, Truft in none of humane race ^ Who can give no help at all , * Nor prevent his proper fall. When 256 n ^atapi^jare upon When his parting breath expires , He again to Earth retires. Ev'n in that uncertain day AH his thoughts with him decay,. Happy he, whom God protefts ; / He, on whom his Grace reflefts. Happy he, who plants his truft On the only Good and Juft. He who Heavens blew Arch difplay'd ; He who Earths Foundation laid ; Spread the Land-imbracing Main ; Made whatever all contain : True to what his Word profeft 5 He revengeth the oppreft ; Hungry Souls with food lb ftains. And unbinds the Prifoners chains : To the blind reftores his fight ; Rears, who fall by wicked might. Righteoufnefs his Soul affedls. Friendlefs Strangers he protects ^ Widdows, and the Fatherlefs ; Thofe confounds whothefeopprefs. Zion, God, thy God fhall raign , While the Poles their Orbs fuftain. Ha/le/u-jah, PSALM CXLVII. dfs the in ']pEhovah praife with one confent. How comely ! fweet ! how excellent , To fing our great Creators praife ! Whofe hands late ruin'd Salem raife , Collefting fcattcrcd//r^c/. That they in their own Towns may dwell : He J: t^e jdfalm^ ot david. 237 He cures the forroWs of our minds ; Our wounds imbalms, and Ibftly binds. He numbers Heavens bright-lparkling Flames , And calls them by their leveral Names. Great is our God , and great in might ; His Knowledge O moft infinite ! The Humble unto Thrones ere^s ; The Infolent to Earth deje^^s. Prefent your thanks to our great King ; On folemn Harps his Praifes fmg ; Who Heaven with gloomy Vapors hides , And timely Rain for Earth provides. With grafs he clothes the pregnant Hills , And hungry beafts with Herbage fills. He feeds the Ravens croaking brood , (Left by the Old) that cry for food. He cares not for the ftrength of Horfe , part tl Nor mans ftrong limbs^ and matchlefs force : But thofe affe^ls, who in his Path Their feet dire£l with conftant Faith. OSolymn^ Jehovah pfaife ; To God thy Voice, O Sion^ raife : Who hath thy City fortify'd ; Thy ftreets with Citizens iupply'd % Firm peace in all thy borders itt , And fed thee with the flower of Wheat. He fends forth his Commands, which flie More fwift than Lightning through the Skie : The Snow-like Wool on Mountains fpreads ; And hoary Frofts like Afncs fheds ; While iblid Floods their courfe refrain , What Mortal can his cold fuftain ? At his Command, by Wind and Sun Diffoh'd th' unfetter'd River<^ run. His 23S 311 pav8p]^;a[e upon His Laws to Jacob he hath fhown •, His Judgements are to Ifraelknown. Not fo with other Nations deals , From whom his Statutes he conceals. TSALM CXLVllh 4s the 2^, ^T "TOu, who dwell above the Skies , y^ Free from humane miferies; M You whom higheft Heaven imbowers , Praile the Lord with all your powers. Angels, your clear Voices raife ^ Him you Heavenly Armies praife : Sun, and Moon with borrow'd light *, All youfparkling Eyes of Night : Waters hanging in the air *, Heaven of Heavens his Praife declare. His deferved Praife record *, His, who made you by his Word ^ Made you evermore to laft , Set your bounds not to be paft. Let the Earth his Praife refound : Monftrous Whales, and Seas profound ^ Vapors, Lightning, Hail, and Snow, StornK, which when he bids them, blow : Flowry Hills, and Mountains high j Cedars, neighbours to the Skie *, Trees that fruit in feafon yield •, All the Cattle of the Field ^ Salvage beafts *, all creeping things ; All that cut the Air with wings. You who awful Scepters Ivvay •, You inured to ohev :, Princes t^e i&faimis of david. 239 Princes, Judges of the Earthy All of high and humble birth; Youths, and Virgins, flouriihing In the beauty of your fpring : You who bow with Ages weighty You, who were but born of late : Praife his Name wnth one confent : O how great ! how excellent ! Than the Earth profounder far ; Higher than thehigheftftar. He will his to honour raife. You his Saints, reibund his Praife ; You who are of JacobsKsiCCj And united to his Grace. Hailelu'jah, rSALM CXLIX. TO the God, whom we adore, ^^^^ _ Sing a Song unfung before : His immortal Praife re^earfe , Where his Holy Saints converfe. Ifrael^ O tliou his Choice , In thy Makers Praiie rejoyce : Ziom Sons, rejoyce, and ung To the Honour of your King. In the Dance his Praife refound ; Strike the Harp, let Timbrels found, God in Goodneis infinite, In his People takes delight. God with fafety will adorn Thofe, whom men afllicl with fcorn. Let his Saints in glory joy -^ Sing as in their Beds they lye : Highly 240 ^ l^avapi^liare upon rtighly praife the living Lord *, ArraM with their two-edged Sword , All the Heathen to confound -, And the Nations bordering round ^ Binding all their Kings with cords 5 Fettring their captived Lords : That they in divine purfuit ^ May his Judgements execute ^ As 'tis writ, luch Honour ihall Unto all his Saints befall Hallek'jah, F PSALM CL. Hallelfi-jah, '/k tie 2p. "J^Raife the Lord inthron'd on high ^ ^Praife him in his Sanftity ', Praife him for his mighty Deeds; Praife him who in Power exceeds ^ Praife with Trumpets, pierce the Skies ., Praife with Harps and Pfalteries *, Praife with Timbrels, Organs, Flutes *, Praife with Violins, and Lutes ; Praife, with filver Cymbals fmg ; Praife on thofe which loudly ring. Angels, all of humane birth , Praife the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Ha/lelH'jah FIN/ S, ^ VO, "• ■ A t^. ■ ■ '' 1 '"' •i-^ C ■« -< ^ '^ 6 ^ "^ > CO >>! ' 'J~^ so VO ^r\ I—* >^ ^ ^ kT sj ^ '- H V <^ Z ~K •^v. ^ in a u ^" -^ q: ^ (O Qi 00 ^ ■H^ s '^" 2 d .0 "^ i ^-^ ■H £ '-5 ^ a w ^ ^-t i-l a; CD ^ ^ -t-j »v C c < < ^ < -^ »> Cj ^ c^ t^ t^ > CO *vD ' '"* "^ MM<>tf