The Structure of the Text of the E' of Amoe W.B. Har- *- -*u ■^V BSI5 Z 1904 I MAR 17 I960 V ^ The Decennial Publications THE STEUCTURE OF THE TEXT OF THE BOOK OF AMOS WILLIAM KM! 'UBLU x HONS Unhersit' 4 J ? '--^ "*-"*"o J • 7 Tj/" PRINCETON, N. J. ff. Diirision -l-< — ' ■' Stttiov I [* NOV THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO -^/C4L SE rol'NDIO BT J01I.1 D lOCIirtLLIK The Decennial Publications • THE STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT OF THE BOOK OF AMOS BY WILLIAM RAIXKV HARPEB PROFESSOR AND IIF.AI' UK Till DEPARTMENT IT Till. M MI 111 l.ANOLAOKS \Mi 1.1 II K \ II l:l - PRINTF.P FROM VOLIMF. V CHICAGO thk r\iVKi:snv OP chicaoo PBBBG 1904 Copyright 1904 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRKFATOKY NOTE A\ effort lias been made in the paper that follows to present the text of Amos with Bpecial reference to i 1 i its strophie structure; i 2 i the separation <>f later addi- tions; (8) such modifications of the text as a conservative criticism would approve. The justification of the modifications here presented and of the divisions sugg is furnished in the author's Amos and Hosea ("Internationa] Critical Commentary," 1904 |, where will !»■ found also a presentation of the views of others upon the logical or Btrophic structure. The general scheme of Amos, as given here, was first presented in The Biblical World, Vol. XI 1 i L898), pp. 86 S9, 179 182, 251 25fl 138. In those cases of verbal modification which are supported by other students of the text the principal authorities have been cited. Tin- translation is intended to follow closely the Hebrew idiom, and. inasmuch as it was important to have it correspond line for line, the idiom is sometimes, perhaps, more Hebraic than Engl i ah. The original text of the prophecy is printed in large type, explanatory glosses and other later additions being iii small type on the margin. The place of the gloss in the Massoretic text is indicated by a star (*), except (o) where the gloss is an entire clause, or verse, and therefore receives a verse number as in the main text, and (6) within later additions where the glosses are inclosed in parentheses. Square brackets are employed to indicate words or phrases supposed to have been lost from the Massoretic text. The following abbreviations are employed: ^RiT The Massoretic text <8 = The Septuagint version. 17 = The Vulgate, (g = The Targum. §> The Peahitto. THE STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT OF THE ROOK OF AMOS William Raiset Harper SI. THE SUPERSCRIPTION. 1:1 rnmrx* cnw ■nm ics nprna (trnpn "m bjnifby nm ■^an Tmvfm mr? ibis n r rp nyam ■onb dtob banc 1 :rr-in §2. THE TEXT, OR MOTTO, OF THE BOOK, 1 niaim) mot prra hit •b-p -r- Diwnwi :b-c-;r, rx~ ra^n j.i. APPROACHING JUDGMENTS I' PON THE SURROUNDING NATIONS. 1:3 2:5 A. Jl'DQMENT UPON SYRIA. 1:8-5 JTBT ^K US 1:1 ' ptDQl 7W| n./. '• >.- IS S- Hr3 S /»' /i _> i _ iu own " :—-"z HOST* litem poon ma tnawi fttTffiaa awT "r r om i 1 'i' mm — dk< *-"p c-s-cr lbai i ii in 130 THE STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT OF THE BOOK OF A.Mos William Rainey Harper g 1. THE SUPERSCRIPTION, 1:1 Tha word- "f Amos (who had beet> unong tha ihaphwda I of Trktwi which f ermine I-ruel in the du> - of I'zzinh. kin* "f Judab, and in tin- dajl "f J.-r>»- bonm. KM Of .Jon-h, king of I-r;o-l. two y»'ur- before ili" Mrthqaake, §2. TIIK TEXT, oK MOTTO, OF THE BOOK, 1:2 i And ha \ Bhwvfa r.-;ir- from Zion. And Bitten hi- roiofl from'-in. And 1 1 » « * paatana of th'' shepherds rnourn. Ami the top of Carmel wither-. g& APPROACHING JUDGMENTS UPON THE SURROUNDING NATIONS. 1:8 2:5 A. JUDGMENT UPON SYRIA. I:S-S i i:.i Thus has Yahweb snid: For three transgressions of Damascus, V.a. for four, I will not revoke it; Because they have threshed with threshing instru- ments of iron (iilead. II i And I will send it tire in the house <>f Hazael, And it -hall devour the palaces of Ben-hadad : 5 And 1 will break the Imrs of Damascus. in And 1 will cut off the inhabitant from the valley of Aven, And the scepter-holder from Beth-Eden; And the |>eople of Aram shall go into captivity to Kir.* * Ha- Yahwrh said 131 The Structure of the Text of the Book of Amos H. JUDGMENT UPON PHIIJSTIV. 1:6-8 mrr -ux re « — ... MMP _...-..._-.. ■By»K xb -rz-s-*;;- mabir mba tjrnbarrbj !DT»b TWlb i iiy nu' iT D vm wibtfi ' ;pnran« nbawi rnparbj t T tam m «* a : mm vw nrx « « mm tcs ro » i ia*»BW xb rwrmrtsn nr'-r mba Droorrbv mnxb :dtw mna niDT xbi "TYBTirn rx T.nbn 10 n ns mmatra* ntosn mm nrx ro ui tmu tce r,cbc~br -:a-rx xb r,72-x"';yi vnx anna lEnn-by cniann rnoi) -tx -rb ; -i— cms mi imaan) r."r: ex -rnbr- u a :nnxa rrcisns nbrxi ■pbprow tav "patm trawbB mwr tori »<* C. JUIXiMENT UPON TYRE, 1:9,10 D. .JUDGMENT UPON EDOM, 1:11,12 i f&€ jH U HUi «» »boTo a. }'. OuunB (on P Hxbm bi IttUtekrjft ftr m<—nw>n/ttin>« naotapte, v.ii, lOH: V i fiRW.r/. Wki.i.m u «i:v lilTIII Dllivt.ll. F.LIIOBBT, \I.1V pp. 11-11). Inot and ii'UKa, ifloi), Oiirt (JCmandatto Ufl \V i l 1. 1 a M B a i s i: I H\ b p i: k H. JllMiMKNT UPON IMIIU-II \. 1:6-8 a Tims bas Fahweb said : For three transgressions of Q-aza, Via. for four, I will not revoke it; Because they carried into complete captivity, To deliver them ap to Edom. ; Anil I will send a Eire in tin- wall of (ia/.a. And it shall devout bei palaces; 8c And I will turn my band against ESkron; in >■>,'■ And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, And tin- sci'iitcr-holdcr from Askelon, *.. And the remnant of tin- Philistines shall perish.* •Tli» Lord Yahw.-li bai -aid. I 11 DGHXNT UPON TYHK. 1:9.10 /'. JllMiMKNT UPON EDOM, 1:11. r.' I I I l.ii- I, || Y.ihu..)i -aid: K..r three IrnmimiliMii • ■( Tyr... fur fi.ur, I will not revok.- it : Bi oanae thej Buried Into oomplete captivity to K* 1 ■ • T 1 1 . And f Bdom, ■> f..r I will n..t r. it ; Becnu-.- It.- pursued In- l.r,.|li.-r with the nrord, (And daaliuiad hli oom- passii.n) Ami eheriahed hi- eager perpetually, (And kept hi- aiik-.-r forever). II 13 And I will x>nd a Are in T'-man, And it -hall devour th.- palnc.-- ..f ll.-zrah. l."W The Structure of the Text of the Book of Amos B. JUDGMENT UPON AMMON. 1:13-15 i:"rx xb nsa"»"byi :nbiz"nx aim pab 13 I :ncic era nrcn* r nvr a ai na rx ttsm « n rmrfiH"* ffysm •rranba on surma mrr "vox re i ■ TBT TCE nrbc~by ■oarou xb roxwr^n mrr r B H ccx'a-by mm ■hob xb vpm srrars DOTPU crrax ":'-- -rx ( : crmnx rrrrrz ex rn'::- I D i uV bhhp mrarM nb;x- nVoa aha -bm « m sttst "-x /•'. JUDGMENT UPON MOAB, 2:1-3 mrr -ma na ■-•: > • ansa xb -n-s-'"- tarnsr-jVo mass una br zs"-","x-= roan •■'"•ib 2S"-2 -S "n~b"^* -"■'■ " nr-pn rtTS nb:x- "orno Vipa rurma roipa Mitt trail lap :rns mrarta'i mrr una O. JUDGMENT UPON JUDAH, 2:4, S 2./ 3 III »#SB T'ljjb : 'or ttboro roadiuit seo my "Ama ami II.. ...i " i /ufc-. ii.i/i.m.if ( <\>nimcnfar> I i:;i Wi i.i.i \ m Bainbi II \ kpek t. JUDGMENT I T<>\ AMMON. 1:11 Tims 1ms Ynli wdi said: For three transgressions of the children of A ion, Yea. for four, I will nol revoke it; Because they have ripped up the women with child of Gilead, That they might enlarge their border. But I will kindle a tire in the wall of Rahbah, And it shall devour her palao -. With shouting in the day of battle,* ' Wnii 11 itora to tha day ..f Uim|»'-t. HI :<-. b III And their king shall go into exile, 1 [e and his princes together; Yah weh has said. / . JUDGMENT I ro\ UOAB, Thus has Yahweh said: Por three transgressions of Moab, Yea, for four, I will not revoke it; Because they bnrned the bones of the king of Edom, In order to desecrate the dead on acconnl of violence done to Moab, But I will send a lire in Moab, And it shall devour the palaces of Ceryyoth, With shouting, with the Bound of trumpet. And I will cut off the judge from the midst of her. And all her princes 1 will slay along with him; Yahweh has said. G. JUDGMENT IPOS' JIUVIL 2:4, ", I 2:4 Thai tuu Ynliw.h said: Fur tlir.'.. traaaffnaaloaa of Jodah, ! fur four, I will not rovnki' it : Becau-.' thai Ii 1 1 •■ n.jrot.^i tli<- law nf Yaliw.-li. An. I haro iml uh~.-rv.'.l ln^ rtatataa. I thfir 11m have .■ I than t.» i>rr. Afi.r which tli.'ir father walked.) II ! lint I will send a fire in Judah, And it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem. 136 10 The Stricture of the Text of the Book op Amos £4- JUDGMENT AGAINST THE NATION [SBAEL, 2:6 LB A. THE INJUSTICE AND OPPRESSION IN ISKVEL. J:6-« ■■:s re ■-■■ « ■ > "--ix xb -~"s-br striw -zrz fra*n IMF trams -,— itr m» -pTi ':•■!•— cr-rx *;';- -r:b «. THE EFFORTS MADE HY YAHWEH TO BUILD UP [SBABL, 2:9-12 trnxo y-s - : cms trhsn -::*o *.b> ■ rM =tz~s -2t:z c:rs -b" s " :— ;s~ V"wrw rranb ■[ran cra-uo] inhna — i— ;i brar ma tbwi D"iT:b BBTi n a ffi rrx":b zr:n trptfl u« m :---"Ds: b&vw "z nKTTM ran "«. •'#' T Z-EXrn; as ubovo 6, », r. and Bacb, 'fff t:™: m abo?*, II...,«vsn. /.. ,i.. i,,,n fir umini., Nowaok, Tmkkkv i./. .in -wii «( He alttmtamtnUietu FOTMnnfta/t, Vol. n pp. • B. \,,l. W. ,., 151 . ii. A. Smith, iumI (M/rrtucAunprn X. Huck Amu4, 1W0I). Tl, w.r.l- u* bond in 8. l.ii; Willi am Rairby Habpbb 1 1 S4. JUDGMENT AGAINST THE NATION ISRAEL, 2:6 L6 .1 THE INJUSTICE \NH OI'I'IiKSSION IN ISKAI I I Tims has Yahweh saicl : For t h r< -c transgressions of [srael, Fea, for four, I will not revoke it: Because they Bell » h«- righteous for money, And the needy fur a pair of shoes. ii « Ami because garments taken in pledge they spread nut Beside every altar. And the wine of such ns have been fined they drink. In tin- houses of their jjods. in i Who crush the head of the poor,* •*> u» dut of the earth. And the waj of the humble they turn aside, And a man and his judge deal according to agreement, And so profane my holy name. B. T1IK EFFORTS HADE HV YWIWKll TO BUTLD DP QBABL, 2:9-U i .':io And yet it was I who brought you up from the land of Egypt, And led you in the wilderness fortv years, [And brought you hither] to possess the land of the Amorite. ii And it was I who destroyed from before them the Amorite, Whose height was like that of th< dars. and he was Btrong as the oaks; Bui I destroyed his fruit from above and his ro,.ts from beneath. in Ua Moreover I raised up some of your sons for prophets, and some of your youths for nazirit. -; 12 But ye made the na/.irites drink wine, and upon the prophets ye laid prohibition.* ' a*. "Te thai] not proph- ii'. Is not this indeed so. () children of [srael? It is the orade of Yahweh. 137 12 The Structure of the Text of the Book of Amos C. THE UPENDING CALAMITY. 2:18-16 "K PCPI [fib] 2:13 ~,jW\ ""7* i — S- I I -- I i- I IS. -I l bpa DTBH ~XT ii n ins "":x--Kb pim STOW crr-sb -12:1 ■nar-sb roup?! wem usa "abB"xb vb:n bpi at m tTT'naa lib y:i th.' oracle of §5. THE BOAB OF THE LION; DESTRUCTION IS COMING, .5:1-8 l s: i Hear this word which Yahweh has Bpoken against y,,,, * *0 children of Israel, Against the whole family that 1 1 >rought up from the land of Egypt . saying, ii Vmi only have I known of all the families of the earth, [But you have forsaken and rejected Yahweh. your Sod;] Therefore will 1 visit upon yon all your iniquities; s Can two walk together if they be not agreed? m 4 Does a lion mar in the foresl when there is no prey for him? Does a young lion utter his voice from his den unless he has taken something? Does a bird fall upon the ground if there is no hunter? Does a snare fly up from the ground without catching anything? 139 It The Stricture of the Text of the Book of Amos mr-sb en -rz -z'- rpn-cs a n :-•-?-&- mm tjs nn rmm» :D-s-i:r; nays* mo ~b; cs-d §6. THE DOOM OF SAMARIA, 3:9-4:3 y^si rnunirta Trrosa mwwbj lmrafi *■■ • i mnpa enprnn* *nrnr rom rarra urn -rTr-"---':r lawm mrr ex: nrr: row* trr-sbi u iDrrrvno-wa mm c - : - trmtan l N i — — w X li Hi - CN _N I U ,-" " :-t"-;-s 1T3J1 -Tr man Tflpn ypfl n" - b" r~r- Lva TPSfTl 15 iiui' - ukj * *°"-^ °' n - tbci "nDmra rnsn rows, trawn bmar-'aa lbxr -: »JBC ■'"in: as aboTo, O, 5. S>r.>.li<-xaplar, Ooet I'iHC 2^0^ : as abov. S, ud BTBH1 I, (h HIM, (TheoUviM-h ' TijiUrhri/l, VoL XIV. p, 19), «l.l l.llil M s. Si n.. h . \V I I Mill -l s .< . i; LI I / \ LU KM.NOWACK, DMVJUi NOH u K. (1. A. Smith. I k. blOBST, <)> i n i. BAVMAia LOiiu. BLBOUT, II ii.-.. h i . Oil i i.i. Makti. | /•,. u,r> • ud M umi i Kurzer ll'lifl-l'omttuntilr 140 W i i.i.i am Raisey Harper IV Cum n trumpet be Bounded in a city and the I |'li' not tremble '. ('an evil happen in a city and Yahweh imt have caused it F Hut the Lord Yahweh doea aothiiig, ■ pt he reveal his purpose to his servants the prophets. Thr linn has roared ; who is there that does not fear? Tin' Lord Yahweh has spoken; who is it that cannot prophesy? 15 I .1: in II II III 12 §6. THE DOOM OF SAMABIA, 8:9 1:8 Proclaim over the palaces in Ashdod, and over the palaces in the land of Kgypt:* Gath.r ye apon the mountain of Samaria, and see the manifold tumults therein;* And how they know not to do good, it is the oracle of Yahweh, These who treasure violence and oppression in their palaces. Therefore, thus has the Lord Yahweh said: An adversary shall snrronnd the land. And he shall strip from thee thy strength, anil thy palaces shall he plundered; And I will smite the winter house together with the summer house, And the houses of ivory shall perish, yea many houses shall cease.* Thus has Yahweh said: As the shepherd rescues. From the mouth of the lion, two legs or a pice of an ear. So the children of Israel shall be rescued, they who dwell in Samaria In the corner of a couch, in the damask of a divan. •and the opprwlum within her, "It i ~ th" oraele "f Yahweh. 141 16 The Stbuotubi of the Text of the Book of Amos nw nma una* urmasn *rt*) . . bar— rmsra b- t r ip B i :y-xb •;&:: rnnsn rwp iron fnaa ma [taw] ~wK tnra* wcetct o-bn mp--~~ smriTEOi nsran c--:-xb r— o«n Wipa ntT *:~s rir: « vi orbr c-xz tnr ran " rovrrrrroa "n-nxi tvosa orr.s woyi nrmsBt rrosrnw* t : i - ;:"-^— "-.-rbrm *n:s^r trsPBl ' v : - : t : I §7. ISRAEL'S FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND THE DIVINE JUDGMENTS, 4:4-13 WSffl bxr— -si «: 4 1 DDTDT -p-b warn rmn yona ^cpi 5 □ trawn maia unpi jmrr "-x ex: bx-r— :- DtQTW "": DOi -nr: -:x _ cyi « m OSHrbaa ="-r frpp tt mui p u 'VaQ onft xrn :rwn»o "tj cn-r-sb- 1 flS^ rttfU^^ni i M sboTK, C. 1'. «nd Hitzio. 142 William Bairbi II a kpeb 17 iv 1:1 Bear ye and testify against the house of Jacob,* MtiiUwoneiaoi That in the da; when I visit the transgressions of *«kweh (God of b el apon him. I will inflict punishment apon the altars of Beth-el, Ami the horns of the altar shall be cut off and fall to the ground. v I: 1 Hi-iir this word, ye kirn- of Bashan. Who [dwell] in thf mountain of Samaria, Who injure the poor, and <.'rush the needy, Who say to their husbands, brin^ that we may drink. vi I The Lord Yahweh has sworn by his holiness: Behold days are coming upon you, And ye shall lie taken with hooks, even the last of \"ii with fish-hooks, 8 Ami through breaches ve shall SO forth.* and ,eaeh *»»>«"» straight before ' & her, ye shall be east toward Harmon.* 'it lithe oracle of Yahweh. [SRAEL'S FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND THE DIVINE JUDGMENTS, II 13 I i: i li<> ye to Bethel and transgress, In Gilgal increase transgression, Ami bring every morning your sacrifices, Every third day your tithes. n .-, And burn of leavened bread a thank-offering, And proclaim tree-will offerings, make them known. For so ye love to do, < » children of Israel: It is the oracle of the Lord Yahweh. in s I also it was who gave to you Cleanness of teeth in all your cities. And lack of bread in all your places, Hut ye did not return unto me; it is the oracle of Yahweh. II ; 18 Tin: Stbuotubb of the Text of the Book of Amos onunn rrobu -rea* ■vspb ■ rcnar rnx npbn i » ■rnaiar x* -~x r.pbm W : r: - r m&P ":s ='-r c'5c DTflB ffna r-rcb nrw -py war -1 b6i •DTDMTtW D3H TCP3H ":S"C:i ?a iv nrs Ty-bcP " moa Tf) "■•l:'-s xb r~s Tybji mrriMO "~~ dtqtdtiVi s^ CT:n b;x" DBTVTi zr:xm trnrn tt B •-;■ cnzr-xbi c;icio ■•ar cr« trnsa"* p t 3 "qi err *n~br w w •nrmrn mra wti liTfiP'DM TP tffOW"»Vl * * * * * c™^ "m, i Twrtsi c-c-nx n--bx wanoa ifflt T T M B TS crrr-xb- VII D"Hn -urn n:n 13 u rm K*Q1 vnrtvo a~xb -pjei nE^y "nr raw bmar -b"~~~ x PO "b i»« vm r--r rosaxTibs pnrr «»« <\ A DIIMI. \\\iilN(IN(i rSBAEL'S DOMING DESTRUCTION, B:] 8,8,9 :bs-r- rra firp PTST "3TH lUR'lB " »« '•'ffE r"13 n n : U lbor«, H'u.miuma. NOWAOK, vv. hi-. UK) Will 11 vi -l\. tn drink uitt.-r willniilt In- •together with the oaptirftj uf yinir boi iv -. ,. I bIbo it was who withheld from you the ruin.' And I sent rain on one city, While upon another city I -'-tit ool rain;* ,<. lint w did ii/>t return onto me; ii is the oracle of Yah wet/ \ n 1 smote you with blighl and decay, I laid waste your gardens and vineyards; fig-trees and olive-trees the locusl devoured; lint ye did doI return onto me; it is th -acle ol Vahweli. vi to I -ent among yon the pestilence after the maimer of Egypl ; 1 Blew \ < m i r young men with the Bword;* And I caused the stench of your camps t<' rise in your nostrils; Bui redid aol return onto me; it Lb the oracle of Yahweh. vii n I overthrew among you * * * * * As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah; And ye were as a brand snatched from the Maze; Hut ye did not return unto me; it is tin- oracle of Vahweh. vim ita Therefore thus will I do to thee, < » Israel, 13« Yahweh. God uf hosts, is his name; I26,< Because I will do this to thee. Prepare to meet th\ God, < » Israel. in ii •/. Kor. In! ha forma the monntaini and on (In- wnnl. Ami be tetla man art nil thought : Hi- makee dawn ilurk i A lul tri'.-iil- npOO the height* of the i-arth. B8. A DIBGE ANNOUNCING ISRAEL'S COMING DESTBU< HON, 5:1-6,8,9 l Hear this word Which I take ii|> againbi you, Even a dirge, ' » house of Israel ; s.i For thus has said the Lord Yahweh: L4G 20 The Stricture of the Text of the[Book of Amos nip rcirrxb r'-z: btevtr nbirc . - N Ji t _ _. ••cz n-.rr .... »/ b->C3"i rna">5 nrr »a-c mobs -psb Tom -pcnn ''•nb-jbb cvn on "nab x-rpn • 7-xn wis 2:ect • II. ,> I'" I s rbx rwxTi ~"rn s<, m TWO Yttwn bx~,r-r--b nx^ nxsvm mrep T8wn bx-r* rrzb royn xb rz-r—xn 5 c bsrva limn bxi 5,,.^ v ixm «b b;b:.rn _U-. _-- v-v — .. Ifwb ITPr bxrrn : :xn-2; -in ■psi S ,/. e [bx-r- rra nnn] « vi vm mrr-nx "mm nb2ST *rcr- u n-23 ix rbvr-& uflar p-- ifx; n'**"' : ■» »bow, Wbixhaubmi, ". Hrmo, Oomx, Ki. :st. Loiih. and Qi VMS.. {.TktoUvitekt Bhutttn, v„l. Qbaix* <;. \. smith. Nod us, ni.m.i. M um LV1U, P. Bl). KflSI- X"C : ii- "!»'»•■. i r .. }'. S. T. iin.l V wi >' f&Z nb^b ; «s above ill man) reodioaa, and so Datmi . 1|,,iim\\\. Q. A. smiiii. N,.«\.k. BlkOBST, mini. Mi i. hi. i i., (Jii'ut. and Ki.ii.msT. IIuim, Slum. lit; Wi i. i.i AM Raisky II \ BPKB •Jl ii 2 She shall fall nut to rise again, Tin- virgin Israel ; She shall be hurled down upon her own soil, With aone to raise her up, — in at, The city thai goeth forth a thousand lla\ inu r I'ut a hundred Left ; And she thai ^>.th forth a hundred of th«' house of Israel Having but ten left. iv 4 For thus said Sahweh To the house of Israel. Seek me and live, Hut to HriTshiha ye shall not cross over. VI -i.i. i, And do not seek Bethel, And Qilgal ye shall not enter. :,.(.,• For Grilgal shall surely go into exile And Bethel shall become | Beth]-aven 6 | And now. ( > house of Israel I Seek Yahweh and live, Lest he cast tire on Joseph's house* And there be none to quench it for Bethel. •mill it .li'vnr 8/ ••• a whose nam'' i- Yahw.h. 8 a-t The Creator of the Pleinm Into morning, \n.l .lay int.. night dark- t'li.-th. itl.e Whooailatfa tha ■ ..f lli- Aii. 1 pourath th.'ni OD lit* 1 tl tl artli. . eaoaath riolem bnr-t npon tlif Ftronff, \n.l OUUeth il.-v.'i-t.iti..n t«» apoo the ft " 117 22 The Stkictlbe of the Text of the Book of Amos 8,9. TRANSGBESSOBS SHALL COME TO GRIEF, 5:7, 10 17 ttsws n»bb c-r~- »i -> i Jirran ywb npnn _.»... _...„_ . x:;c M jiojrr trrai "an b*rbj u DDwa~fr pb u Dma ma to D2 'awn xbi DrotM "ran -•--: :n:*-ns wwr. xbi UZTZZ ffon w 1 i- ii __ N_ > u B_3 u i N i it i iV_ , ...ii S3 II , is i i ii/ rv _ ■— n wob "~ 1-8 ms™ * rosax Tfts mrr p-m ait: 'OTISI r^ isrr « m _- — "",ra '"um nvr ""■ -bis :rcr trow nisax-^nbK r-sn- v.'rx- *mrr --8 ns pb i« -zee worn-baa - rrw trnn r-8- msTPbadi !TC TT' »TBD_ 58V * b_8 _ b8 "28 18"pT SttBT -.8 -p^pa -_r8 -: KJHi*' Z"C"2 : » s "hove, Oetti l : . I. \\ i i i ii \i -i \. V'/HIT *I~X I tof ahow reading KM Amimnnil Hotca, NowACf, Rlhomt, Ciiiim (/„.././..)■''■' EKoUoa, ool. p. 121. "JMC bdt 1BTO1 ■ >'• *. im.i <>..i:i. «h i- i»jH.' r Z"~X_n : «i iboTe, Wl nini.iv Non *■ k. b u-iv Noh m k. Hhaetz, Oettli. Elbobi i ii i i i i 148 William Raihbi IIarteb 28 §9. IBAN8GRi-:»"i;s shall t'o.MK t< » <.i;ilt, 5:7, n ► it i •,. 7 They who turn judgment to wormw 1. Ami rust righteousness to the ground, io Who hate him thai reproveth in the gate, Ami one who Bpeaks uprightly they abhor, — ii Therefore, because ye trample upon the meek, Ami take from him exactions of grain, ( 1 ■ • osb nr rtab* ' t T BT - PTTM D' T K fl a fl "in t-.u i \y» vkn "pon Kin 3T1 TWEri ■narnw r-x ci: — rac 19 :•!—:- ■onm Tprrbs IT toci n-z--S2 , i :ib rra-Kbi bsxi Xb tB'WWJ D5EV : U'2X :712rX X3' or;- -ncx-_ -px:\r a :ODTnxsa rm« xbi *rnr*rsb ta y nr o a i mby -b-ibrrrnx •= n Tbarman - pcp t S 'i -br; ten • . 1 IS y< '._ I \y I.A I 23 H II 2—; Esnns' .__.— .V Drwan nr o i n dtqtpi : baro-tra nw c-ri-x n:=: Teens Drttwsai :c:b Drnar-nus nr-nbx *-v=-nxi pwoii risbma c:rx -nbsm :*RW) r-xzi: -nbx STST "^x Ml /(. A WOE UPON RECKLl>s \NH INDIFFERENT SAMARIA. I 1 I frxa c":s-r- -in •: i Vp-~ vo Dnta m D-i;r; man "trapsm ■nm n:b= n» « : bs-i- fra oni "wcM nan ran ntra i=bi , n--r«- , "•513 i onx i D ' DTu n : C -~ nza *p03IVl rfeim CK/Xton cb'naij 3TOM » ■ ■ J-'jRC n^2Q ; ns above. G. S. )'. Srimiiii'v an. I Dozy i /'ic ImratUti » :n Uakfeo, p, 0), BoKmm [Journal «/ p, 1 I-. Bibtlcal Literature, Vol. MM. p. 8). ., „-.__l_.„ ^■•_, , . ,. -•JHrZ;";~ " '23 : H- hIn.w en k.i ii U nchrift n f&€ *yp^; (or abore raiding Me ^skm and Homo, Ul „f (TbsrMtmiwaii cur BiM), Oort, Wkli.haihkn, PP. HI f. ,s, N,,« v, K , OETTLI. t7 'l/. 150 -'• IBS' ^X31 ; ns above, JS; sec datti and // William Rainbi Habpbb g in. Tin: DOOM i'l' CAPTIVITY, :.:ls 6:14 i \ WOE UPOE THOSE WHO PBA1 FOB IAHWKH'8 DAY, I m-27 I I i- Alas tot those who I'm'' for tin- da\ of Viiliw.'h ;* 'What havo tc t., .1.. with , . , , , ,. , " Yuhw.h-.l..y1 It is darkness, ami not light. i» A~ when one flees bom a lion and a bear meets him, Or k r <»-s into the house, and leans \>\> hand upon the wnll, and a serpent bites him. :■» Shall iu>t Vahw.'h's day be darkness and aol Light, V.:i. deep darkness without any brightness in it? n -.'i I hat.-. I despise your feasts, And I will not smell in your fWtivnls. i For although ye offer me your burnt-offerings and meal-offerings I will not accept them.* •j:t Take away from me the aoise of thy BOngB and the melody of thy lyres;* m And lei justice roll as waters, And righteousness as an ever-flowing stream. ■j-, Was it onlj sacrifices and offerings ye broughl me in the wilderness During forty years, I > bouse of Israel; 28 Bui now ye lift up the Bhrine of your kimr. And the image* of your God which ye have made for yourselves; n And so I will cany you into exile beyond Damascus, Has said Vahwch. God of hosts is his name. Ill •Ami the peAoaofferiiuBi "f your (atlioci 1 will in, l r. - ■mid. ' 1 will not b • \,nir Lmnges, t be ttel "f K. A WOB DPON RECKLESS IHD IM'in KltKNT BAMARTA, 8:1 : i f. i Alas for those who arc careless in /ion. And reckless in the mount of Samaria. Who specify themselves the chief of the nations, And make a prey for themselves "f the house of Israel, 3 Who postpone the day of calamity, And cause the seat of violence to conic iieai'. ■ •>. r txCaluohnndaee. An. I k'«< thenee to lLinmth tin- crt'ut. tad k'<> down t.> Oath <-f the Philistines. \r,' >,' lvlt»>r than t h ese Idiufdonuil I four bolder greater than WSJ tli.'ir IhinierT l.-.l ■^r, The Stbootubb of the Text of the Book of AMOS 4 II 111 vr mt«r» trason CRVxrv ~~ DTnci -pci'i una c-'::s- :— r"br ffilb "men TTB ._.„... -«•-■- r-rs-" .ww _ _ -• - - N 1 =-';: ts-2 ibr rms pb ■ itrrwc rmo ~ct r'si^ Tibs mrr ex: u> C. YAHWEHS OATH THAT IsinKl. SHU.' BE DESTROYED, 8:8 U 1TDB33 "-• " _ s rz-r: 6: »<. i z.-,v --x:-rx. -::x "ayna «<■-* TWWJ TOWW1 mt? TWTSI PPFV1 9 D'w'C^ ^Tlii"! P"™ "!"!*. "'■•' :-r—-nxr-22=--:x [DtTpa WpTI P""' tmoBTi mi ixr:i 10 To, orasx* inmb c - = -- v ~ zz ------ u n -rx^ —x- nran „ — -r- rron TOTa D * ''" - _ ■nan cex tobi -pas BBW3 -S~- ~r:i. na DW3 T3H* x: " Cn ; n;r ;; -p-» --r- :d"0tp 133 I3npb I3wru «i3pi tmasn i- cr'rr trwa *::- -= •• ■ ■ zrrx 'i-:- nan ffabo r-xi::;-; t6k fflPP ~x: "'• :• " ZX.—C ; m ■bore, Qtaawx, Wbluuosbi, Oobt, Giastz, \vi m h h -i v Gvra, Valko* Krrci Mm, in 1.1.. E1.I1..11-1. I.. .in: i)i i ii i . I „l. Mil.. \. smiiii. NOT U h. IMiucb. LOHK. Kl, - HI Q JM ■ .,!.. .i .-. . I. Ii. Mi. ii U i i-. Ill i/i... ill in i. in W ! I.I.I \ M K A I N i:V il \ KPER ■-'7 in • Who lie mi ivory couches, And Btretch themselves out upon their divans, And '-at lambe oul of the flock, Ami calves from the miilst of the Btall; Who twitter to the Bonnd of the harp, Like David they devise for themselves instruments of SOng. Who drink from bowls of win.-. And with the tirst of "ils they anoint themselvi B, And do nol grieve for the breach of Joseph. Therefore, now, they shall go into exile at the head of the captii And the shout of the banqueters shall cease; It is the oracle <>f Tahweh, God of hosts. ■ MHWEH'S OATH rHAT I8BAEL SHALL BE DESTBOTSS The Lord Vahwfh has Bworn by himself: 8c-* I abhor the glory of Jacob, And his palaces I hate, And I will deliver ap the city and its contents; ii/...- And one shall smite the great house into fragments, And the small house into fissures. II 12 Do horses run upon crags? Does one- plough the sea with oxen? That ye have tamed justice into poison And the fruit of righteousness into wormwood. Who rejoice is that which is not, Who say: Have we not taken for ourselves horns by our own Btrength F Yea. behold 1 am raising up against yon, ( > house of Israel, a nation ; And they shall crush you. From the entrance to Hamath I'nto the stream of the Arabah: m It is the oracle of Vahweli, (iod of hosts. in 13 II n I '.' And it aboil ooue t- if than be left ten una in one house thai thai shall ■ ii.'. in And oae*i undo. BTOO hi- huriirr. ^hall Ink.' him ap to brini; out the body from the hODOO. ftti.i Bbal] nj to t. i in win. i. in the inn.'rnio-t part- of tin- lion-.'. I- than yt anyone with th...-* And he -hall ■a] : n lad be -Lull Hnshl one m.iy not mention the name of Yah- weh.— 11 For lot Y.ihw.'h will command .... 153 28 The Structure op the Text of the Book of Amos §11. THREE VISIONS OF DESTRUCTION. 7:1 9 l i il > . .X .X i l i ." •: 1 •' ' 1 -z; w [mrr] n:m •ni nnx »pb; rem id Opbn mbj rb-rz :Tbnn "rft*Q xn Ttt_ 2 yisn z--~-nx birxb xrnbc ItlJT ""X ne«l irxi C1T27 nx-i nnx i:x :xti *,i:p"" apr c-.p— - nx7-br ST&T an; 3 irrrr ^-x rrmn xb mrr *:-x -:x-- re « n 3 i3 JJs p 1 1.1 m TfST "~X OK3 -z^ mnrrnx brxm :pbm nx nb:x- xrbin rrrr tm 1*3*1 5 !*CT fop " apr Dip' TO nxT-by 8T6T d~ e ■o-m« :nin- *non rmn xb x-n d; L*:hx] "Mm ~3 1 in i:x- :-:x rrai "*ntfin-bj rw ■*« nw -mam •« -j:x cr izr, ts ■■:s , i bx-r- tsp z-pi :ib may tip cpow xb piw roao iowi ■d-ut bx-r- -r—'-i la-ffia hot rra-bj T«3pi 86 XIII. p 18), W111 ■ u -1 ■ .-/HE tjpb : ** than, HbvmAni, \\i i i h u -i.\. q/ Biblical Literature, v,.|. ] M, ,,„,,,., 8? A. smiim. i,„,„, ud Cmn lOritiea Dmtm, Oow, and LOhb. WW*« v jht niQin ; u tbors, Oobt, Sbajrs, Nowaoi «flS€ n>~ ~{t I I'M PI I m ibor»i Tobbbi (Journal Blbobst, Loiib, Oettli. l.M \\'i i.i.i \ m K \ i s ; i:\ II \u:i:i; Sll. TIIKI'.i: VISIONS OF DKSTKl'CTION, 7:1 9 i 7: io-e Thus the Lord Sahweh Bhowed me, Ami lu! | Yahwch was forming locusts, In the beginning of the coming up of the after- growth ; •j And when they were making an end ( )f devouring the hero of the land. Then I said. <> Lord Sahweh, forgive, I pray thee, How can Jacob stand, for he is small T s Sahweh repented him concerning this, It shall not be, said Yahwch. li i Thus the Lord Yahwvh showed me, And lo! he was calling to contend, l'.\ tire, the Lord Yahwch. And it devoured the great deep, And had begun to devour the land: And I said. <> Lord Yahwch. case. I pray thee. How can Jacob stand, for he is small? 6 Yahwch repented him concerning this. Neither shall this he. said* Yahwch. in -. Thus [the Lord] showed me, And lo! the Lord was stationed I '..side n* wall, with a plumb-lino in his hand. 8(. And the Lord said: Heboid lam Betting a plumb- line. In the midst of my people Israel. I will not again pass by them any more. 9 And the high-places of Isaac shall be desolate. And the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste I will rise up against the house of Jeroboam with the sword. l .1 And lol than wen full- flown tocuftfl aft'T the king's mowings. •tli.. Lord • plumb- s' a knd Sahwah mid onto ma, What .l..-t thou amoal and I laid, ■ i.lumb- liue. l.V, 30 The Stbuotube of the Text of the Book ok Amos §12. AN ACCUSATION AND A REPLY, 7:10 17 .1. THE ICCUSATION, 1:10 IS bottra --.: rpS08 nbun »>«o i -*xb bs-c— pa c:~ — bx "-■■■••■ —«*«.« _.«•_. bjnw rva —p- y-sn brn sb :-"--b:-rs b-™b —-.::• ie« ro " u ii sinois b"-^ nbr nba bvnm*\ ciarbs stxbh nan u m i nil i* \ S"--X j3n i — ~^ I™!". I :jc:n DWi nnb trerbssi xirnb nr "c*.n sb bxn-n sin "[''— "w~p"— *- ism PDbao rrol B. THE HEPLY, 7:14 17 rrsatrss ican die* "r"i u i -r:x s-i:---sbi -r:s x": - sb :c--p-r cVoi ":s "-p:: " "sun * "~x"^ ~*~" " — p** i: » iTBT "bs TOR*! * -CS — iJj ->. CN — .t i (J mn — ai r-r nwi u n bs-r-b:- s~:r-sb Tr» nns I I II > — Is I IJ (J^ ■ ■ '" rwr Tjs ~pts ibi- 3TD -t:i- --:n pb~r bz~z "jnaiHl man rnoata Tvcmrbs ~rs- ITTttrw bya -b- -b:. bs-r-i "iHc ip"Q j •■ nin.v.-. Brrao, bn ro:2 pnapb « o^y: -nam yraam iTannabnn npr fttuo mm Jaw - m • Ui i 109 y '— I -»•' I own — N ywn nronti ntr^n « na awba bzsi nbr ""^ra nrion rnwov sonsa iwa'njpwyi* rwr ^-x zx:* *Knn ffra mm » iv cvnma oatDPi -nxzm jtk era ywb tttwnm x-!nn ora* •bati "n+ia "ib-b-m nam an mm V» ex: wv * K :-b*-=~ nip- taa bzsb cr"- team »» v -:-pb Darin bsi pis cnrerba-bcp trsjm nmp wrsa bsn ttp bzsr mra a nn " Z"XCn: as above, -i \. Wowack, »JW ; Q; u ibore, Emnun, Oort. Wei.l- 1 ll l i l i, M \RTI. SAO»H», (dim. NOWAOK,—*, I.OIIK. Oiiiii, "1HC nj{3 ; »s aboro, Oort, Wri i n u -i \. Oraetz. Marti. Hi mi. Nowaox, Oh r i i.i. M miti. ■<■•■!&€ jpbtjn : a* above, (>iirt. Qumraio, el <■(. ice Wi i.i.i \ m Iv un i:\ Ih BPBB §18. A POUKTB VISION or DKSTKI < Nov WITH AN KXI'LANATOBI DIS001 |;sk. 8:1 II I 8: 1 ■.'', II I III 7 IV Tims tin- Lord Fahweb Bhowed me, Ami lo! a basket of summer fruit! ********* Ami Yahwi'li saiil to me, The end lias come onto mj people Israel, I will nut again pass them by. Hear this, oh ye that trend upon the needy, And are for making the poor of the earth to cease, saying: Winn will the new moon pass that we may sill grain, And the Sabbath thai we may offer corn? Diminishing the ephah and enlarging the shekel. And perverting balances of deceit, Vahwih hath sworn by the ry of Jacob: I will never forgel all their deeds. ( )n this aCCOUnl shall not the earth tremble, And every inhabitant in her mourn? And shall nut the whole of it rise like the Nil'-. •And sink like the Nile of Egypt? And it shall come t" pass in that day,* That 1 will cause the bud to set at noon, And I will darken the earth in the clear day. And the Binging-women of the palace Bhall wail,* It is the oracle of the Lord Yahweh: A multitude of carcasses! In every plan- thej are cast.* And I will turn your pilgrimages into mourning, And all your Bongs into dirges, And I will bring sackcloth upon all loins, And upon every head baldness, And I will make it like the mourning for an only son, And the end of it like a hitter day. la Lnd be laid, what dost thou it b.ik. i of rammer fruit. 6 Baying the i»>"r fur tilrer, And the ly f. -r a pair of sbo.'-. And thai ire may -.'II tin- r-fii f the corn. •and heave •it i- I In' uracil- nf the Yaliw-li. • in thai day. ■iiu-h: IV. i ;54 The Strictlbe of the Text of the Book of Amos trtta trur nan ua ■.— si an -nrb-rm u» vi mr xr» =s: n -. : v K « s - K bi arte arrs6 :mrr "la^i-ns rrrb-zx '-a on* ma wi >2 wtsw i uiii un f asui snssff xbi mn — aTrw wpab -:*;mn sinn era u vn 502 Sn . {•D'mnaiTi mbti rirean mam rtaova uvwean » ■p -pnbs ti rfflKi rzr -az --n tn step rr.p-sbi ibsai g 14. A FIFTH VISION OF DESTRUCTION, WITH A PASSIONATE DESCRIPTION OF THE RUIN, 9:1-86 nararbs ass Tam» tmn « < tricn mam Tinen in ■ran cba -zsrz crszi yirw z--z anrw c: nnb WRb itrbs Bib err abi bis<"xz rnrv ns « " n-pn t traa ff U BT l lbr d«i i ur nr w DTO3 b t nan ~k~z *isz"""cs"i »«.» DT-pb- BBTM DOS D^n rp-pz T5 T3W TWTWl »«.d m lorrr -rr:r;-ns msa DW3 MJBC ^"QT ; ■» abc-re, 6. S, V, K, many Hebrew codices, and Drives., Mahti lflO Wl i.i.i am Rainbi H I BPBB 35 VI ii'. And I will send a famine in the land, "" B»koWtb*d«j»ijr«< ■ ... inw. it i- tha oraola ei the Not a [amine for bread, nor a chirm tor water, UudTahwah. Hut fur bearing tin- word c.f Fahweh. i- Ami they shall wander From Bea to -■ And from tli*- north even to the rising of the sun thej shall run In ami fro, To seek the word of Yahweb, bnl they shall not find it. vil is In that dav there shall faint The fairesl maidens ami the youths.* •fortunt ii Who swear by Samaria's guilt, And sa\ : As liwth thy (iod, O Dan: Ami: A- liwth the way of Beersheba; And they shall fall and not rifle again. §14. A FIFTH VISION OF DESTRUCTION, WITH A PASSIONATE DESCRIPTION OF THE RUIN, ;• : 1 86 i l I saw the Lord standing by the altar. Ami he said: Smite the capitals, that the thresh- olds may shake, \ i a. break them off upon the head of all of them ( ?), And tie- residue of them I will slay with the sword. There shall not escape of them a fugitive, And there shall not l>e delivered of them a refugee. ii ■: If they dig through to Sheol, Thence will my hand take them; And if they climb up to heaven. Thence will I bring them down: So, l And if they conceal themselves at the top of Carmel, Thence will I search them out and take them. in Sc,d And if they hide from before mine eyes at the bottom of the sea, Theme will 1 command the serpent audit will bite them : 161 36 The Structure of the Text of the Book of Amus nr;--i :t-ts »tce« Dtro c--b" •'" "mown ■ i i— ID3 N- i - - r-xasn mni vwi ■■ vram t-si rr:r, PQ latBT '-2 nbaxn nba " , x -, = nnbyi tg ni t) is ,, 3 nrpr- ".—'-r ffnawa natin « r-i- fttrtJP -r-.-s- =-n ""as inpn T^sn ■:£"'" D30V*l sum mrv |>UB I sb " CEX 8 c spy r^-rs TUBS : rvrp-cx: mrr ex: ;s-i- ■:; „._„.. ..- s .. - r - : «- v^-^-p^ s «v n n am ' i i i robEoa "■-■ ".-x tj rwi »«.» rwisn "i bwa tins "rruwm IV §15. A LATER VOICE OF PROMISE, 9:9 L6 m*B-"»33K PBTPO 9 1 = --;rrbaa VrOTPfl maaa r*:* -rx: :ynn *ms b's^xbi -sun - ':: WW anna w r.-.r'xb cnrsn :nr-r. -;-- r ""- z'-x mm orra " " nbesi ~"~ r::"rs rrs-E rx trroi trp» "rrrc-irn :nbir wa rwaai njw fTibra; Mafaora, Ooxx, Qomraao, Obak*, lettww. pp. 6» 1 Q«o H>aj> Bum, n..»»■». Anwi Will. mi -in. I. mill. \. N'.ih M K, Ki.iiok-t. Uiinl. Smith, Nowaoz, Tobjcst, Daxrm, Oobt (SmmdatUmm), Mum. BlhOUT, 'iii ii. i. M uiti. n^ac "pPCHm. lTpJ"YPl as abov. \\ 1:1.1 11 u »i \ nf&e C*~pr* I •* nix'vi'. Hi 1 1 h \\ i.i i ii um\ Hn> 162 William Raisin H \ uii:ic i i Ami if they go about in captivity before their enemies, Thence will I command the sword and it will slay them; And I will put mine eye on them For evil and aoi for zood, iv 7 Are ye not us the Bons of the Onshitee onto me, (> Bons of fsrael? It is the oracle of Yahweh. Did I aol bring up I Marl out of the land of Egypt, And the Philistines from Caphtor, and Aram from Kir? Behold theeyes of the Lord Yahweb are apon this sinful kingdom, And I wilL destroy il from off the face of the earth. '' An. i iliwrhSaba-,. ll" touches tl arte mi. i ii malts, Ami all irbo dwall to it iiii'ilrn. An. I II r IIJ. 111., th.. Nile, all .if it. Am. I rinks lit- th.- Nil.. ,,f pi 6 Be thai builds ln~ chamber! in tl..- has Ami ha- eatabllshad hi> vmill iiihiii tl artli — He tliit i-.ill- tin- Mit. r- of tl.- And tin-in nut ui*.n the flu--, "f tl arth — Yahweh te lii- m ..■ I will ii. .1 utterly destroy the house «*f Jacob; it i- the oraele "f ^ ahweh. S If). A I.ATKIi VOICE OF IMJOMISK. '.l:'.l la Efl For behold I command. And I will shake iIm- I of brael among all the nation-. Just ii- 0116 -halo-- ■ i t la a sieve; And not i kernel -hill fall to til.- ground. in Bj th-' sword -hall die nil tin 1 .dnnen of mj !►*«•« » i « l r - . Who i\ : 1 1 uter shall not touch or befell ns. II 11 In that .lay I will rai>.> up the hut of David that Ifl fallen, And I will wall Up it- broach*-- and rai-<- up it- ruin-, V.-i I will build it as in the day- of old. L6S 38 The Structure of the Text of the Book of Amob TW ~z — pttb 12 12 In ordai thai they may "5Dn 2— IS rmwB poBttaan ili'' remnant of =".-- Bdom anil all the nations. Which are called by my =--':r "cz x-p: -rx name. :tst nc7 mm ex: It is the oracle of Yahwi h. who will do this. Ill 13 Behold the day- ;. r.- coming, it la the oracle DfQ S" , r" 1 n:n mm Of Yahw.-h, mm ran Wh.-ii the plonghmaii shall tnpa tmn c^:i overtake the n-aper. And the trader of grapes rwi two trow "jtti him who soweth - 1 : ccr nnnn "ttnam Ami the mountain'- shall iroavmnri rroaan '"■ drop swi-et wine. -:;-":':"rsT:r ( n« And all the hills -hall melt. 14 a And I will lead hack the captivity of my people Israel. IV Ub-d And they shall re- cny i:m n wi iv build waste citie- and ■otm rmna inhabit them. _ rx inn vera wan Ami they shall plant vine- DS 1 " yards and drink their ~rx ib:xi rvoa ion wine. And they shall make Har- : Dnma dens and eat their fruit, omarttrts z'rr-j:- is 1.", And 1 will plant them u|w»n 5r« -sir tow x'5T their land, And they -hall not again DTittrtS be plucked tip from their -ex zro Tttis irx land. :TH5X nw Which I have civeii th.-m. Vahweh thyQod ha- -aid. u; i Date Due ^ —T^^^m WF nr ** ! +itfft 1 ^^^^^>Al Np**«e3 1 mm . - ■***£. ^•*^^"* 1 PRINTED IN U. S. A. 1 1012 00010 7351 )■ I y. m flSK \ V