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Abraham Brownson, Rev. Parker Ajdams, Anson J. Spfrry, CONNECTICUT. Rev. Bela Hubbard, D. D. Rev. John Kewly, M. D. Rev. AsHBEL Baldwin^ Rev. Henry VVhitlock, BuRRAGE Beach, Gen. Matthias Nicoll, Col. William Moseley. NEW-YORK; Rev. John H. Hobart, D. D. Rev. Isaac Wilkins, Rev. Elias Cooper, Hon. RuFUs King, Hon. Philip S. Van Rensellear^ Dr. John Onderdonk. NEW-JERSEY. Rev. Charles H. Wharton, D. D. Rev. John Croes, Rev. John C. Rudd, Joshua M. Wallace, Peter Kean, Edward Carpenter, John Dennis. PENNSYLVANIA; Rev. Joseph Pilmore, D. D. Rev. Levi Bull, Hon. James Milnor, P. F. Glentworth, M. D. Thomas M'Euen, Ephraim Clark. ( 5 ) MARYLAND. Rev. Joseph G. I. Bend, D. D. Rev. George Dashiel, Rev. James Kemp, D. D. Rev. Henry Lyon Davis, George Robertson, Edward De Courcy, Joseph Cqtma?s\ JOURNAL HOUSE OF CLERICAL JIXD LArDETlTIElS. T, New-Haven^ May 21, 1811. HIS being the clay appointed for the meeting of the Ge= r.eral Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, several Clerical and Lay De= putites attended at ten o'clock A. M. in Trinity Church; and a quorum of the House being present, the Rev. Dr. Wharton was requested to take the chair, and the Rev. Dr. Ho!)art to act as Secretary pro tempore. The House then proceeded to read the testimonials of the Clerical and Lay Deputies ; which were severally ap= proved, and the following gendemen took their seats in the House. From NeW'Hampshire—ihe Hon. James Sheafe. From 31assachmetts — the Rev. James Bowers, and the Rev. William Montague. From K h ode- Island— ihe Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, the Rev. Nathan B. Crook.er, Benjamin Gardiner, and John Russel. Fro7n Vermo7it — the Rev. Abraham Brownson — he having previously presented a certificate that the State of Vermont had acceded to the Constitution of this Church. From C^mnecticiit — the Rev. Bela Hubbard, D. D. the Rev. John Kewly, M. D. Rev. Ashbel Baldwin, Burrage Beach, Cien. Matthias Nicoll, and Col. William Moseley. From Ncrv-Tork—iht Rev. John H. Hobart, D. D. Hon. Rufus King, and the Hon. Philip S. Van. Rensellear. From New-Jerseij — the Rev. Charles H. Wharton, D. D. the Rev. John Croes, the Rev. John C. Rudd, Joshua M, Wallace, and Peter Kcan. ( 7 ) From Pennsyhanki — the Rev. Joseph Pihriore, D. D. the Rev. Levi Bull, the Hon. James Milnor, P. F. Gkntworth, M. D. Thomas M'Euen, and Ephraim Clark. From 31aryland-^i\\ft Rev. Joseph G. I. Bend, D. D. the Rev. George Dashiel, the Rev. James Kemp, D. D. the Rev. Henry Lvon Davis, George Robertson, Edward De Courcy, and Joseph Cotman. The House proceeded to the election of a President and Secretary, when it appeared that the Rev. Isaac Wilkins was chosen President, and the Rev. Ashbel Baldwin Se- cretary. A message was sent to the House of Bishops, informing them that this House was organized and ready to proceed to business. The House of Bishops returned for answer, that they also were organized, and ready to proceed to business. The House took into consideration the rules of order, and adopted the following. 1. The business of every day shall be introduced with the morning service of the Church. a 2. When the President takes the chair, no member shall continue standing, or shall afterwards stand up, unless to address the chair. 3. No member shall absent himself from the service oi the House, unless he have leave, or be unable to attend. 4. When any member is about to speak in debate, or de- liver any matter tp the House, he shall, with due respect, ad- dress himself to the President, coiifming himself strictly to the point in debate. 5. No member shall speak more than twice in the same debate, without leave of the House. 6. A question being once determined, shall stand as the judgment of the House, and shall not be sgain drawn into debate during the same session, unless with the consent of two-thirds of the House. 7. While the President is putting any question, the mem- bers shall continue in their seats, and shall not hold any pri- vate discourse. 8. Every member who shall be in the House when any question is put, shall, on a division, I)e counted, unless he be personally interested in the decision. 9. No motion shall be c nsidercd as before the House, unless it be seconded, and, when required, reduced to writing, 10. When any question is before the House, it shall be ( 8 ) deteraiiucci. uii before any thing new is introduced, except the question of adjournment. 11. The question on a motion for adjournment shall be taken before any other, and without debate. l'^. When the House is about to rise, every member shall keep his seat until the President shall leave his chair. On motion, Resolved, That the Clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church, who may be in the city of New-Haven, and who are not members of this House, shall be admitted to the sittings of the same. This House resolved, that in consequence of the absence of the Right Rev. Bishop Clagget, who had been appointed to open this Convention with a sermon, the House of Bi- shops be requested to appoint one of their number to per- form that duty ; and tlje Rev. Dr. Kemp was appointed to communicate this request to the House of Bishops. The Rev. Dr. Kemp returned with a message from the House of Bishoj:>s, that the Right Rev. Bishop White in- tends to open the Convention, with a discourse, to-morrow, at the hour which has been appointed for divine service. On motion. Resolved, that the hour of meeting each day shall be at nine o'clock A. M. This House adjourned, to meet at the court-house to- morrow. V/ednesdaij, 3Iay 22, 1811. The House met. The Rev. Parker Adams, a Clerical Deputy, and Anson |, Sperry, a Lay Deputy from the State of Vermont ; the ktv. John S. I. Gardiner, and the Rev. James Morss, Cle- rical Deputies, and Shubael Bell, a Lay Deputy, from Mas- sachusetts ; the Rev. Isaac Wilkins and the Rev. Elias Cooper, Clerical Deputies, and Dr. John Onderdonk, a Lay Deputv, from New- York; the Rev. Salmon Wheaton, a Clerical Deputy from Rhode-Island ; and the Rev. Henry Whitlock, a Clerical Deputy from Connecticut, appeared and took their seats. The House attended divine service in Trinity Church. The Rev. Isaac Wilkias performed divine service, and the Right Rev. Bishop White preached a sermon adapted to the occasion of the meeting of the Convention. Alter divine service the House met. On motion, Resolved unanimously, That the thanks of ( 9 ) the Convention be returned to the Right Rev. Bishop White, for his sermon preached before the Convention this morning, and that he be requested to furnish a copy for pubhcation. The House of Bishops concurred in this resolution, and informed this House that the Right Rev. Bishop White would furnish a copy of his sermon for the purpose afore- said. On motion, by the Hon. Rufus King, Resolved, That the following extract from the Journals of a Special Convention, held in Trinity Church, New- York, May 15, A. D. 1811, be entered on the Journals of this House : — " Resolved, that the Convention will now proceed to the choice of a Bishop ; to assist Bishop Moore in the duties of his Episcopal office, and to succeed him in case of survivorship. The Conven- tion then proceeded to the election; and, on counlfn^ the ballots, it appeared that the Rev. John H. Hobart, i3. D. was elected by a majority of both orders." On motion, Resolved, That this House will now proceed to sign the testimonials in favour of the Rev. John H. Ho- bart, D. D. Bishop elect for the State of New-York; which testimonials were unanimously signed by the House, agree- ably to the third canon of this Church. The Rev. Mr. Gardiner made a communication to this House, that the Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold had been canonically elected Bishop of the diocese, composed of the States of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Vermont. On motion. Resolved, That this House will now pro- ceed to sign the testimonials in favour of the Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, Bishop elect of the eastern diocese ; which tes- timonials were unanimously signed by the House, agreeably to the third canon of this Church. The House adjourned, Thursday, 3fay 23, 1811. The House met. John Dennis and Edward Carpenter, Lay Delegates from the State of New-Jersey, appeared and took their seats. On motion, Resolved, That the delegation from the Stste of New- York be requested to present the testimonials signed b\ this House in favour of the Rtv. John H. Hobart, D. D Bishop elect, to the House of Bishops. On motion, FJ.esolvcd, That the delegation from the ( 10 > States of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Vermont, be requested to present to the House of Bi- shops the testimonials signed by this House, in favour of the Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, Bishop elect. The Rev. Mr. Bartow presented a certificate of his ap- pointment to attend the Convention, signed by the wardens and vestry of the Episcopal Church in the city of Savannah, State of Georgia, which was read. Whereupon, Resolved, That the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Georgia, not being organized, and not having, in Convention, ac- ceded to the constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, the Rev. Mr. Bartow can- not be admitted a member of this House, but that he be al- lowed the privilege of an honorary seat. This day being the Festival of the Ascension, the House attended divine service in Trinity Church. The Rev. Dr. Pilmore performed service, and the ReV. Dr. Wharton delivered a sermon. After divine service the House met. The House of Bishops informed this House, that they desired an interview with the Deputies of the Churches in those States in which the Rev. Mr. Griswold has been elected to the Episcopal chair. On motion. Resolved, that the Deputies from New- Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Vermont, be requested to wait on the House of Bishops. Agreeably to the 45th canon of the Church, the journals of several State Conventions were handed into the House — the parochial reports, and Episcopal addresses inserted in those journals were read by the Secretary, and a particular inquiry was made into the State of the Church in each dio- cese. ' The Rev. Dr. Kemp, Rev. Dr. Hobart, Rev. Mr. Montague, Dr. Glentworth, and Burrage Beach, Esq. were appointed a committee to lay before this House a view of the state of the Church, agreeably to the 45th canon. The House of Bishops informed this House, that having received from them the testimonials of two Reverend Gentle- raen'elected to the Episcopacy, they lament that they cannot proceed to the consecration of those two Reverend Gentlemen during the session of this Convention, there being only two Bishops present; but they propose (God willing; to carry this design into effect in the city of New- York, as soon as possible after the rising of this Convention. A petition was presented to this House, signed by Bena- ( 11 ) jah Hawley, which was read and ordered to lie op the table. The House of Bishops informed this House, that in re- ference to the object of the appointment of a committee at the last Convention to act in the recess, for the devising mea- sures for sending a Bishop into the Western States, that whenever the said business shall be taken up by this Con- vention, the House of Bishops are in possession of some communications which they think worthy of consideration. The house adjourned. Friday^ 3Iaij 26, 1811. The House met, and morning service was performed by the Secretary, in Trinity Church. The Committee appointed at the last General Convention on the memorial from the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New-Hampshire, report- ed, That they had made no progress on the subject of their appointment. Whereupon resolved. That inasmuch as this House has received information, that the object of said Committee has been happily accomplished, said Committee is consequently discharged from any further attention to this business. The Committee appointed at the last General Convention to address the Church in certain districts, and for other pur- poses, made the following report, which was read, and sent to the House of Bishops. " The Committee appointed at the last General Conven- tion to address the Church in certain districts, and for other purposes. Report, That a quorum of the said Committee re- sident in the city of New- York, met, and appointed the Right Rev. Bishop Moore to draft and to transmit the se- veral addresses specified in the first three resolutions. This duty was discharged by him accordingly. The Committee not having any reasonable prospect of accomplishing the ob- ject contemplated in the 4th resolution, of sending a Bishop into those states or territories which have not acceded to the constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, did not proceed to elect a per- son to said office, or to take any measures in that business. " JOHN H, HOBA.RT, Secretary of the Committee." ( 12 ) A message was received from the House of Bishops, with certain documents on the subject of a western Episcopacy, which were read. On motion, Resolved, That the documents from the House of Bishops, relative to the western Episcopacy, be returned to them, with a request from this House, that they will take what order on the subject they may deem advise- able. There was laid before this House, by the House of Bi- shops, a petition, addressed to this Convention by the Rev. WiUiam Smith, D. D. of Norwalk, in the State of Con- necticut, relative to a book of music composed by him, en- titled, " The Clergyman's Choral Companion to his Prayer Book." Wherupon, Resolved, That it is inexpedient to take any order on that subject ; which resolve was sent to the House of Bishops. The House of Bishops proposed to the House of Cleri- cal and Lay Deputies the appointment of a Committee for further attention to the object of the 4th resolution (recorded page 14 in the journal of the last Convention), and that the Bishops in Pennsylvania and Virginia be requested to cor- respond with each other, for the devising means v/hereby the congregations west of the Allegany mountains may be benefited by any measures to be adopted by the Committee, the appointment of which is hereby recommended. The foregoing communication was considered by this House ; whereupon. Resolved, That the Bishops in Penn- sylvania and Virginia be requested to devise mearys for sup- plying the Congregations of this Church, west of the Alle- gany mountains, with the ministrations andVorship of the same, and for the organizing the Church in the western States, — any thing in the 37th canon to the contrary notwith- standing. The f(>regoing resolves were ordered to be sent to the House u[ Bishops. The petition, signed b\ Benajah Hawley, which was yes- terdav read before the H)use, was again considered. On motion, Resolved, That it is the sense of this House, that the prayer of the petitioner cannot be granted, and that he have leave to withdraw his petition. A memorial signed by the Rev. Benjamin Benham and the Rev. Virgil H. Barber, was presented to this House, and read by the Secretary. On motion, Resolved, That it is inexpedient to take any order on the aforesaid memorial. ( 13 ) On motion. Resolved, That the presiding Bishop of the House of Bishops be respectfully requested to address a letter, in behalf of this Convention, to the venerable Society in England for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in- forming them that the Church in the State of Vermont is duly organized, and in union with the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, being placed under the juris- diction of the Bishop of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode- Island, and Vermont. That a Board of Trustees of Donations to the Church has been incorporated in the State of Massachusetts; and that, in the opinion of this Conven- tion, the Society may safely confide the care of their lands in Vermont to such attorney or attornies as may be recom- mended by the said Board of Trustees, and approved by the Ecclesiastical Convention of Vermont. The foregoing resolution was ordered to be sent to the House of Bishops. A Canon repealing the 46th Canon, for making known the constitution and canons of this Church, was proposed and adopted. The Rev. Dr. Bend was requested to carry the above canon to the House of Bishops, who returned it with their concurrence. On motion, Resolved, that the following addition to the 8th article of the constitution, proposed at the last General Convention, be agreed to. " No alteration or addition shall be made in the Book of Common Prayer, or other offices of the Church, unless the same shall be proposed in one General Convention, and by a resolve thereof made known to the Convention of every Diocese or State, and adopted at the subsequent General Convention ;" which resolution was directed to be sent to the House of Bishops. The House of Bishops informed this House, that they concur with them in the proposed addition to the 8th article of the constitution. The House of Bishops inform the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, that the presiding Bishop undertakes (God willing) to perform the service requested of him, in relation to certain lands in Vermont belonging to the venerable So- ciety in England, for the propagation of the Gospel. On motion, Resolved, that the resolution passed by the last Convention on the subject of duelling be considered as not precluding any Minister from performing the burial ser- , ( 14 ) vice, when tlie person giving or receiving a challenge has afterwards exhibited evidences of sincere repentance. The foregoing resolve was sent to the House of Bishops, and returned with their concurrence. Resolved, That when this House shall adjourn, they will adjourn to meet at 7 o'clock this evening. Leave of absence was granted to the Rev. Mr. Croes, and Anson J. Sperry, Esq. during the remainder of the session. The House adjourned. Friday, 7 o'clock P. M. The House met. On motion. Resolved, That the city of Philadelphia be the place for the meeting of ^he next General Convention, which will be held on the third Tuesday in May, 1814; which resolve was ordered to be sent to the House of Bishops. The Committee appointed to draft a report of the state of the Church, to be laid before the House of Bishops, made the following report, which was read and accepted, and di- rected to be sent to that House. " The House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, in compli- ance with the requisitions of the 45th Canon, have taken a general view of the state of the Church, and respectfully offer to the House of Bishops the result of their inquiries. Time would not admit them to enter into a minute detail of every particular; but from tlie few observations they have made, and the documents that will accompany them, they hope the House of Bishops will be able to comply with the requisition of the above mentioned Canon, in regard to a pastoral letter. New-Hampshire. t' The number of Churches in this State has not increased, but respect for, and attachment to the Church seem to be growing in several places ; and were there more Ministers there is reason to hope that it would soon be in a state of prosperity. Massachiisetis. " In some parts of this commonwealth, it is greatly to be ( 15 ) lamented, that the Churches are in a state of derangement and decay ; while in other places the congregations have in- creased. Rhode-Island. " The congregations in this State, though few, are large, and, with the exception of the Church in Narraganset, there appears to be a degree of zeal and regularity that promises the happiest effect. Vermofit. " We are highly gratified to find that the Church in this State is now organized, and that z»ralous exertions are mak- ing to promote its interest and advancement. Eastern Diocese in general. " Although in these States, now formed into a Diocese, some irregularities have taken place, and there has been a want of attention to the Canons and Rules of the Church, particularly to the canon which requires parochial reports to be made, yet the arrangements lately formed, and the exer- tions made to organize the Church, and to obtain for it an Episcopal head, yield a ground of hope that this branch of the Church of Christ will not only preserve, but even extend more and more the light of the blessed Gospel. Connecticut. " In Connecticut we have reason to believe that the Canons and rules of the Church are duly observed. Since the last General Convention betv/een four and five hundred families have been added to the Church ; the congregations are in a flourishing condition ; a number of new Churches have been built, and, with the zeal and exertions of the Clergy, we may cherish the expectation, that the power as well as the form of godliness will greatly advance, Nexv-Tork. " Here it is believed that the Church is orderly and regu- lar. Congregations are every year forming, and the old ( 16 ) ones seem to maintain their usual ground. In the city of New- York, in particular, several new Churches have been built, and in the Diocese in general prosperity seems to at- tend the Church. Neiv-Jerseij* " In this State the Church appears to conduct her affairs with regularity and attention. The congregations are not numerous, but they are generally orderly and attentive. Pennsijhania. " From the documents laid before us, it appears that al- though the Bishop has called the attention of the Clergy to the requisition of the 45th Canon, still they have not pre- sented their parochial reports, and the Convention is very partially attended. Many, however, of the Clergy and Laity are zealous and attentive. In the city of Philadelphia, and in some of the neighbouring counties new congregations have been formed, and Churches built, and the affairs of the Church are managed with attention and regularity. Maryland. " The Church in Maryland is still in a deplorable condi- tion; the zeal, however, manifested in some parts of the State, yield a hope, that she will again rise, and become a distinguished part of the Church in the United States. " There being no representation from the States of Dela- ware, Virginia, and South- Carolina, and no copies of the journals ot the Conventions of those States, this House are unable to speak with certainty as to the situation of the Churches in those districts. They fear, indeed, that the Church in Virginia is, from various causes, so dt-pressed, that there is danger of her total ruin, unless great exertions, favoured by the blessing of providence, are employed to raise her. In South-Carolina, there is reason to believe, that a lively zeal for the interests of the Church prevails, which, guided by sound prinriples, has already suggested various measures, which promise great and lasting benefit. The House of Clerical and Lay Deputies beg leave to ob- serve to the House of Bishops, that while the review in which they have been engaged of the state of tlie Church,- ( ir } affords too much cause for deploring her declension in some places where she once flourished, her prosperity in other parts, and her general situation justify the most sanguine hopes of her friends. With an increasing attachment to her Apostolic ministry, and her primitive forms, they trust there is a corresponding increase of that power of godliness, which the outward order of the Church is designed to ex- cite and nourish. " They pray for the Church and for themselves, your counsel, and the blessing of Almighty God. " Signed by order of the House of Clerical and Lay De- puties. " ISAAC WILKINS, President." On motion. Resolved, That this Convention have under- stood, with satisfaction, that the Convention of the Church in Connecticut are engaged in obtaining for the Episcopal academy in that State a charter empowering the trustees to grant degrees, and this Convention do express their earnest wish for the success of this measure. This resolution was sent to the House of Bishops, and returned with their con- currence. A message was received from the House of Bishops, in- forming this House, that they concur with them in appoint- ing the city of Philadelphia for the meeting of the next Ge- neral Convention. A " Pastoral Address," prepared in pursuance of the 45th Canon, was received from the House of Bishops. On motion. Resolved, That the House of Bishops be re- quested to appoint one of their own order to preach a ser- mon at the opening of the next General Convention ; which was sent to the House of Bishops, and returned with the following message : " The House of Bishops state to the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, that they hope, under the blessing of God, for the attendance of their brother, the Right Rev. Bishop Clagget, at the next General Convention, and for his performance of the duty looked for from him, had his health permitted, at the opening of the present. But should there be a disappointment in this respect, the two Bishops now present (God willing) intend to provide b}' correspondence between themselves, or with some one of their Right Reverend Brethren, for the performance of this duty." C 18 ) Clerical and Lay Deputies prepare the journals of this Cou- vention for publication; and that the said Secretan-, with the Rev. Dr. Hobart, the Hon. Rutus King, and Dr. John On- derdonk, be a Committee to publish the same, together with the sermon preached at the opcnmg of the Convention, and the Pastoral Address of the House of Bishops. On motion, Resolved, That the thanks of this House be presented to the President and Secretary . ISAAC WILKINS, President. Attestedy ASHBEL BALDWIN, Secretary, JOLRNAL HOUSE OF BISHOPS. City of Ntno-Haroen^ Tuesday^ 3hy2\^ 181 1. J. HIS being the day appointed by the Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of Ame- rica, for the meeting of the General Convention of said Church; and agreeably to a resolve of the last General Con- vention of the Church, in the cit\- of Baltimore, the city of New-Haven being appointed the place of meeting, the Right Rev. Bishop White, of Pennsylvania, and the Right Rev. Bishop Jarvis, of Connecticut, met in Trinit\- Church, in the aforesaid cit\-. It appeared diat Bishop Clagget, who engaged to open the Convention with a sermon, had left his place of residence, on his way to this cit\-, but was obliged, by indisposition, to return. The Right Rev. Bishop Provost, and the Right Rev. Bi- shop Moore were prevented from attending by bodily disa- bility-, and the Right Rev. Bishop Madison bv engagements, which, in his estimation, did not admit of being dispensed with at this time. The House of Bishops received a communication from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, by the Rev. Dr. Bend, informing them that they were organized, and ready to proceed to business. Dr. Bend was desired to inform the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, that the House of Bishops was also ready. This House was informed by the Rev. Dr. Kemp, that it was the desire of the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, that the House of Bishops would provide one of their own order to deliver a sermon to-morrow moming at 10 o'dock c ( 20 ) They leturned for answer, that the Right Rev. Bishop White would deliver a discourse at the afore-mentioned time. Resolved, That this House attend divine service with the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies during the session. Resolved, That this House adjourn to 9 o'clock, to-mor- row morning, to meet in the State-House. Wtdnesdaij^ 9 o'clock A. 31. Met according to adjournment. Present as yesterday. This House was informed, by the Rev. Dr. Hubbard, that the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies were ready to pro- ceed to Church for divine service. This House joined the procession, and went to Trinity Church. The Rev. Mr. Wilkins read prayers, and the Right Rev. Bishop White delivered a sermon. After divine service they returned to the State-House. Resolved, That the Rev. Philo Shelton act as Secretary to this House. A message was received, by the Rev. Dr. Bend, from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, that they returned the thanks of that House to the Right Rev. Bishop White, for his sermon delivered this day before the Convention, and that he be requested to furnish a copy for publication. Their request was complied with. This House adjourned to 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. Thursday^ 9 o''clock A. M. Met according to adjournment. Present as yesterday. At 10 o'clock this House' joined the procession of Cle- 1 ical and Lay Deputies, and went to Trinity Church, where divine service was read by the Rev. Dr. Pilmore, and a sermon deliv-ered by the Rev. Dr. Wharton ; they then re- turned to the State-House, and resumed their business. This House received from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies the testimonials in favour of the Rev. John H. Ilobart, D. D. as Bishop elect for the diocese of New- York ; also testimonials in favour of the Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, for the Churches of Rhode-Island, Massachu- setts, New-Hampshire, and Vermont. In reference to the election of the Rev. John H. Hobar^, D. D. there was laid before this Hou^c ihf; follcv-'ing letter rrora tl-.e Right Rev. Bishop Moore. ( 21 )■ '' Nexv.T'ork, May 1^, 1811. " Brethren, " You will perceive by the proceedings of the Convention lately held in this State, that the Rev. Dr. John Henry Ho- bart has been elected Assistant Bishop in this Diocese. My design in addressing these few lines to you, is to express my heart-felt approbation of the above measure. . " Your affectionate brother, " BENJAMIN MOORE. " By his son Clement C. Moore. " To the Right Rev. the Bishops of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the United States of America, assembled in General Convention, at New-Haven, in Connecticut*" It not appearing on the fiice of the testimonials of the Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, how far the Convention of the Churches for which he was elected had given their re- spective sanctions to his election, this House sent the follow- ing message to the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies. '* The House of Clerical and Lay Deputies are informed by the House of Bishops, that they desire an interview with the Deputies of the Churches in those States in which the Rev. Alexander V. Griswold has been elected to the Epis- copal chair." In consequence of the above message, there appeared from the House of Clerical and Lav Deputies, a delegation from Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, and Vermont, which gave this House satisfaction, that the Rev. Alexander V. Gris- wold was unanimously elected by the Convention of the Church in Massachusetts, and so far as the election affected the Church in the other States, it was concurred in by their respective Conventions, and reported to their several consti- tuents, and approved of by them. With this evidence the House was satisfied. On the subject of the consecration of the Bishops elect, the House sent the following message to the House of Cle- rical and Lay Deputies. " The House of Bishops inform the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, that having received from them the testimo- aials of two Reverend Gentlemen elected to the Episcopacy, they lament that they cannot proceed to the consecration of those two Reverend Gentlemen during the session of this Convention, there being only two Bishops present ; but they propose (God willing) to carry this design into effect in the ( 22 )• city of New- York, as soon as possible after the rising of this Convention." The House of Bishops inform the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, in reference to the object of the appointment of a committee to act in the recess, for the devising of mea- sures for the sending of a Bishop into the Western States, that whenever the said business shall be taken up by this Convention, the House of Bishops are in possession of some communications which they think worthy of consideration. This House adjourned to 9 o'clock to-morrow A. M, Friday^ 10 o\lQck A, M, 'I'he House, after attending divine service in Trinity Church, met in the State-House. Present as the day before. This House received, by the Rev. Dr. Bend, a message from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies the following resolution. " Resolved, That the documents from the House of Bi- shops relative to the Western Episcopacy be returned to them, with the request of this House ^ that they will take what Older upon this subject they may deem adviseable." There was laid before this House and read, a letter ad- dressed to both Houses, by the Rev. Dr. Smith, residing in Norwalk, in this State, relative to a book of music com- posed by him, called, " The Churchman's Choral Compa- nion to his Prayer Book." Resolved, That the said letter be communicated to the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies; which was accord- ingly done by their Secretary. The following message was received, by the Rev. Mr. Davis, from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies. " There was laid before this House, by the House of Bi- shops, a petition addressed to this Convention by the Rev. William Smith, D. D. residing in Norwalk, in the State of Connecticut, relative to a book of music composed by him, entitled, * The Churchman's Choral Companion to his Prayer Book.' " Resolved, That it is inexpedient for the Convention to rake any order on the subject." Resolved, That in the above resolution this House concur. This House received from the House of Clerical and Lay .Deputies a report from the Committee appointed at the last ( 23 ) General Convention to address the Church in the western districts, and for other purposes. The following message was sent to the House of Clerical Deputies : " The House of Bishops propose to ftie House of Cleri- cal and Lay Deputies the appointment of a Committee for further attention to the object of the 4th resolution (recorded page 14 in the journal of the last Convention), and that the Bishops in Pennsylvania and in Virginia be requested to cor- respond with each other, for the devising means whereby the congregations in those States westward of the Allegany jnountains may be benefited by any measures to be adopted by the Committee, the appointing of which is hereby recom- mended." This House received, by Dr. Kemp, from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, the following resolution : " Resolved, That the Bishops in Pennsylvania and Vir- ginia be requested to devise means for supplying the congre- gations of this Church west of the Allegany mountains with the ministrations and worship of the same, and for or- ganising the Church in the Western States, any thing in the .37th Canon to the contrary notwithstanding." The above resolution was concurred in by this House, This House received by the Rev. Dr. Hubbard, from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, the following resolve : " Resolved, That the presiding Bishop of the House of Bishops be respectfully requested to address a letter, in be- half of this Convention, to the venerable Society in England for propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, informing them that the Church in the State of Vermont is dijy organized^ and in union with the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, being placed under the jurisdic- tion of the Bishop of the Diocese of New-Hampshire, Mas- sachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Vermont. That a Board of Trustees of Donations to the Church has been incorporated in the State of Massachusetts ; and that, in the opinion of this Convention, the Society may safely confide the care of their lands in Vermont to such attorney or attornies as may be recommended by the said Board of Trustees, and ap- proved by the Ecclesiastical Convention of Vermont." The House of Bishops informed the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies that the presiding Bishop will, by the pro- vidence of Almighty God, perform the services requested ^f him, in relation to certain lands in Vermont, belonging ( 24 ) to the venerable Society of England for propagating the Gospel. This House received from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, a proposed Canon, repealing the 46th Canon for making known the constitution and Canons of the Church. The House of Bishops concur with the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies in the repealing the aforesaid Canon. The House of Bishops concur with the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies in the proposed addition to the 8th article of the constitution by them resolved, viz. " Resolved, That the following addition to the 8th article of the constitution, proposed at the last General Convention, be agreed to. " No alteration or addition shall be made in the Book of Common Prayer, or other offices of the Church, unless the same shall be proposed in one General Convention, and by a resolve thereof made known to the Convention of every Diocese or State, and adopted at the subsequent General Convention." This House received from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, a resolution on the subject of duelling, in which resolution this House concurred. This House adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock P. M. Friday^ 7 o'clock P. M. The House met according to adjournment. This House received from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, by the hand of the Rev. Dr. Bend, the following resolution : '* On motion, Resolved, That the next meeting of the General Convention be in the city of Philadelphia." In the above resolution this House concur. This House received from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, the following resolve: *"• Resolved, That this Convention have understood, with satisfaction, that the Convention of the Church in Connecti- cut are engaged in obtaining for the Episcopal academy in Cheshire, a charter, empowering the trustees to grant de- grees ; and this Convention do express their earnest wish for the success of this measure." In the al)Ove resolve this House concur. The House of Bishops, agreeably to the 45th canon, pro- viding for a review of the state of the Church, adopted a ( 25 ) Pastoral Address; which was sent to the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies. This House received, by the hands of the Rev. Dr. Hubbard^ from the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies, a resolve in the following words : " Resolved, That the House of Bishops be requested to appoint one of their own order to preach a sermon at the opening of the next General Convention." This House state to the House of Clerical and Lay De- puties, that they hope, under the blessing of God, for the at- tcncjance of their brother, the Right Rev. Bishop Clugget, at the next General Convention, and for his performance of the duty looked for from him, had his health permitted, at the opening of the present. But should there be a disap- pointment in rhis nrspcct, the two Bishops now prestnt (God willing) intend to provide, by correspondence between them- selves, or with some one of their Right Reverend Brethren, for the performance of that duty. The House adjourned. Signed by order of the House of BinJiopSy WILLIAM WHITE, Presiding Bishop. Attested, PHILO SHELTON, Secretary. CANON repealing the 4^6th Canon. The 46th Canon, providing for making known the con- stitution and Canons of the Church, is hereby repealed. Addition to the Sth Article of the Constitution. No alteration or addition shall be made in the Book of Common Prayer, or other offices of the Church, unless the same shall be proposed in one General Convention, and by a resolve thereof made known to the Convention of every Diocese or State, and adopted at the subsequent General Convention. House of Clerical and Laij Deputies. ISAAC WiLKINS, President. ASH BEL BALDWIN, Secretary. House of Bishops. WILLIAM WHITE, Presiding Bishop. PHILO SHELTON, Secretary. 4 ( 26 ) The foiiowing Clergv attended the General Convention, and were admitted to the sittings of the House of Ciericai and Lay Deputies. The Rev. Mr. Bartow, Georgia. William Gibson, Virginia. Mr. Norris, Maryland. Simon Wilmore, New- Jersey. Thomas Lyell, ) S;tmuel F. Jarvis, f New- York. Elijah G. Plumb, Benjamin Benham, Daniel Burhans, Richard Mansfield, D. D. Calvin White, Russel Wheeler, Virgil H. Barber, Truman Marsh, Chauncy Prindle, Tillotson Brunson, Joseph D. Welton, Roger Searle, Menzies Rayner, Smith Miles, John Tyler, Charles Seabury, Solomon Blakely, David Baldwin, Daniel M'Donald, Isaac Jones, Asa Eaton, Massachusetts. r» Connecticut, LIST OF THE CLERGY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Belivered in and published agremhlif to the CanonSy 1S08. EASTERN DIOCESE. Composed of the States of Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, New- Hampshire, and Vermont. The Right Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, Bishop. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. The Rev. Charles Burroughs^ Deacon, St. John's Church, Portsmouth. The Rev. John H. Fowle^ Rector of Church, Holder- nesse. The Rev. Daniel Barber, Rector of Church, Clermont. The Rev. Mr. Catlin, officiates at Plainfield. The Rev. Samuel Mead. MASSACHUSETTS. The Rev. John Sylvester L Gardiner^ Rector of Trinity Church, Boston. The Rev. Asa Eaton^ Rector of Christ Church, Boston. The Rev. Nathaniel Fisher^ Rector of St. Peter's Church, Salem. The Rev. Ja^nes Bowers^ Rector of St. Michael's Church, Marblehead. ( 28 ) The Kev. IVzlliafn Montague ^ Rector of St. Paul's Church, D«dham. The Rev. Jame^ Morse^ Rector of St. Paul's Church, New- bury port. The Rt-v. Amos Purely^ Rector of St. Luke's Church, Lanes- borough. The R-v. Gruwold, Rector of St. James's Church, Great-Barriiigton, and the Church at Lenox. St. Michael's Church, Scituate, and St. Peter's, Marshfield,. vacant. Si. Ann's Church, Gardiner, vacant. The Church at Portland vacant. The Church at Hanover vacant. RHODE-ISLAND. l"he Right Rev. Alexander V. Grisxvold^ Rector of St. Mi- chael's Church, Bristol. The Rev. Nathan B. Crocker^ Rector of St. John's Church, Providence. The Rev. Sahnon Wheaton^ Rector of Trinity Church, New- port. VERMONT. The Rev. Abraham Briinson^ Manchester and Arlington. The Rev. Parker Adams, Deacon, Vergennes, Middlebury,, and Charlotte. CONNECTICUT. The Right Rev. Abraham Jarvis, D. D. Bishop. The Rev. Tillotson Brunson, Principal of the Episcopal Academy, Cheshire. The Rev. Richard Mansfield, D. D. Rector of Christ Church, Dei-by, and the Churches of Oxford and Great-Hill. The Rev. Bela Hubbard, D. D. Rector of Trinity Church, Nev/-Haven, and Christ Church, West-Haven. The Rt:v. John Tyler, Rector of Christ Church, Norwich. The Rev. Daniel Fogg, Rector of Church, Pomfret. The Rev. Philo Shelton^ Rector of Trinity Church, Fairfield, St. John's, Stratfield, and the Church at Weston. The Rev. Ashbel Baldzvtn, Rector of Christ Church, Strat- ford, and Trinity Church, Trumbull. The Rev. Chauncy Prindle^ Rector of the Churches of Ox- ford and Salem. ( 29 } The Rev. Reuben Ives, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Che- shire, and (JKcituing in the Churches in Hambden and Walhngt'ord. The Rev. Truman Mar Ji, Rector of the Associated Churches in Litchfield. The Rev. Daniel Burhans, Rector of Trinity Church, New- town, and St. Luke's, Brookfield. The Rev. Solomon Blakesley, Rector of St. Stephen's Church, East-Haddam. The Rev. Charles Seabury, Rector of St. James's Church, New-London. The Rev. Smith Miles, Rector of the Churches of Chatham and Middle-Haddam. The Rev. Manzies Rayner, Rector of the Church, Hartford. The Rev. Calvin White, Assistant Minister of the Church in Derby. The Rev. John Kewley, M. D. Rector of Christ Church, Middletown. The Rev. Benry Whitlock, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Nor- walk, and the Church at Wilton. The Rev. Roger Searl, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Ply- mouth, and St. Matthew's, Bristol. The Rev. Virgil H. Barber, Rector of St. John's Church, Waterbury. The Rev. Russel Wheeler, Rector of Christ Church, Water- town. The Rev. Asa Cornwall, Rector of the Churches in Sims- bury and Granbv. The Rev. Elijah G. Plumb, Minister of the Churches in Reading, Danbury, and Ridgefitld. The Rev. Benjamin Benham, Rector of St. John's Church, New-Milford, and the Churches of New-Preston and Bridge water. The Rev. David Baldwin, Rector of the Churches of Gull- ford and North-Bristol. The Rev. Joseph D. Welton, officiating in the Churches of Woodbury, Roxlniry, and Bethlehem. The Rev. Sturgis Gilbert, officiating in the Churches of Kent and Sharon. The Rev. Daniel M''Donald, Deacon, an assistant instructor in the Episcopal Academv, Cheshire. The Rtv. Nathaniel Huse, Deacon, officiating at Warehouse Point. The Rev. William Smith, D. D. resident at Nonva.k. ( 30 ) NEW-YORK. The Rio-ht Rev. Samuel Provoost, D. D. ^ The Right Rev. Benjamin Moore, D. D. t Bishops. The Right Rev. John Henry Hob art, D. D. ) The Rev. Amos G. Baldwin, Rector of Trinltv Church, Utica. The Rev. Theodo^ius Bartc/w, Rector of Trinity Church, New-Rochelle. The Rev. Edm?md D^ Barry, Principal of the Protestant Episcopal Academy, New-York ; officiating at St. Mat- thew's Church, City of Jerse}^ The Rev. Abraham Beach, D. D. Assistant Rector of Tri- nity Church, New- York. The Rev. William Berrian, Deacon, residing in New-York ; oflicialing at Btlville, Ni-w- Jersey. The Rev. John Boxvden, D. D. Professor of Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy in Columbia College. I'he Rev. Nathanatl Bowen^ Rector of Grace Church, New- York. The Rev. David Butler, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Troy, and Trinity Church, Lansingburgh. The Rev. Barzillai Bulklnj^ Rector of St. George's Church, Flushing, Long-Island. The Re V. Nathan B. Burgees, Caroline Church, Brookha- ven, Long-Island. The Rev. JFilliam Clark, Deacon, Missionary. The Rev. Timothy Clowes, Deacon, St. Peter's Church, Al- bany. The Rev. Elias Cooper^ Rector of St. John's Church, Yonkers. The Rev. yoah G. Cooper, Christ Church, Hudson, Colum- bia Countv, The Rev. Adam Empic, Deacon, Hempstead, Long-Island. The Rev. Henry 1. Fe.ltus^ Rector of St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn, Long- Island. The Rev. Samuel Fidler, Deacon, Missionary. The Rev. Feltch, Churches at Bedford and North-Cas- tle, West-Chester County. Tlie Rev. William Harris^ Rector of St. Mark's Churchy New- York. The Rev. Stth Hart, Rector of St. George's Church, Hemp- stead, and Christ Church, North-Hempstead, Long-Island. The Rev. Sanmtl Haskiil, Rector of Christ Church, Rye, West-Chester County. The Rev. Thomas 7~. How, an Assistant Minister of Tri- nity Church, New-York. The Rev. Hibhard., Duanesborough. The Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis^ St. Michael's Church, Bloom- ingdale, New- York. ( 31 ) The Rev. Cave J ones ^ an Assistant Minister of Trinity Church, New-York. The Rev. Jonathan Judd^ Rector of St. John's Church, Johnstown, and St. Ann's Church, Fort Hunter, Montgo- mery County. The Rev. Thomas Lyell^ Rector of Christ Church, New- York. ' The Rev. Richard C Moore, D. D. Rector of St. Stephen's Church, New- York. The Rev. David Moore, Deacon, St. Andrew's Church, Sta- ten-Island. The Rev. Daniel Nash, Rector of St. John's Church, Ot- sego, St. Luke's Church, Richfield, Harmony Church, Butternutts, and otht r Churches in Otsego County. The Rev. Samuel Nesbit^ residing in New- York. Tht Rf V. Joseph Perry, Christ Church, Balkown. The Rev. Davenport Phelps, Missionary in the Western Part of thtr State. The Ktv. Joseph Prentice, Rector of Trinity Church, Athcjis, Greene County. The Rev. William Powell, Deacon, St. Andrew's Church, Coldenham, Orange County. ' The Rev. John Peed, Rector of Christ Church, Poughkeep- sie, Dutchess County. The Rev. Gilbert H. Sayres, Deacon, Grace Church, Ja- maica, Long- Island. The Rev. Cyrus Stebbins, Rector of St. George's Church, Schenectady. The Rev. George Strebeck, residing in New York. The Rev. John Urquhart, Peekskill and PhiUip's Town, Dutchess County. The Rev. Frederick Van Home, residing at Coldenham. The Rev. Isaac Wilkins, Rector of St. Peter's Church, West- Chester, and St. Paul's Church, East-Chester. The Rev. Seth Williston, Deacon, Zion Church, Nev/-York. The Rev. William E. Wyatt, Deacon, St. James's Church, Newtown, Long-Island. * NEW- JERSEY. The Rev. Charles H. Wharton, D. D. Rector of St. Mary's Church, Burlington. The Rev. John Croes, Rector of Christ Church, New-Bruns- wick, and St. Peter's Church, Spotswood. The Rev. Joseph Willard, Rector of Trinity Church, New- The Rev. ^ohn C Rudd, Rector of St. John's Church, Eli- zabeth-Town. ( 32 ) 1 he Re\ . oimon Wilmer^ Rector of Trinity Church, Swedes- borough. The Ri:v. James Chapman^ St. Peter's Church, Perth- Amboy. The Rev. Daniel Higbee, St. Andrew's Church, Mount Hol- ly, and Sr. Mary's Church, Colestown. The Rev. John Croes^ jun. Deacon ; officiating in St. Peter's Church, Freehold, Christ Church, Shrewsbury, and Christ Church, Middletown. PENNSYLVANIA. The Right Rev. William White, D. D. Bishop. The Rev. Samuel Magaw, D. D. The Rev. Johji Andrews., D. D. Provost of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. The Rev. Robert Blackwell, D. D. The Rev. Joseph Hutchins^ D. D. The Rev. James Abercrombie, D. D. Assistant Minister of Christ Church, St. Peter's and Su James's, Philadelphia. The Rev. Joseph Pihnore^ D. D. Rector of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. The Rev. IVilliam Ayres. The Rev. Slater Cl'uij^ Rector of St. James's, Perkiomen, and St. Peter's in the Valley. The Rev. Joseph Clarkson., Rector of St. James's, Lancas- ter, St. John's Church, Pequea, and Bangor Church, Car- narvon. l^htKtv. Robert Ay res. The Rev. Francis Reno., Westmoreland Count)-. The r- of Wiishington, ) Columbia. The Rev. Thomas Read, Rector of Prince \ George's, i The Rev. John Chandler, Rector of St. Pe- f Montgomery ter's, r County. The Rev. George Boiver, Rector of St. « John's, J The Rev- Qeorge Bower, Rector of St. John's, Washington County. * The Rev. Joseph G. 1. Bend, D. D. Associate Kectorof St. Paul's Parish, The Rev- Frederic Beasley, D. D. As- sociate Rector of St. Paul's Parish, The Rr V. George Ralph, A. M. resid- ing in St. Paul's Parish, Anne Arundel ^ CountVo Baltimore County. ( 34 ) The Rev. Henry Moscrop^ residing in- St. Paul's Parish, * The Rev. Georsre DaahieL Rector of f « i^- r- St. Peter's V Baltimore County, The Rev. John Coleman^ Rector of St. James's, The Rev. Geor/^e D. Handy^ Rector of St. John's, Harford County. The Rev. John Allen, Rector of St. George's, Harford County. *The Rev. Henry L- Davis, Rector of St. -\ Stephen's, t The R-v. William Duke^ residing in Elkton, ) Cecil County. The Rev. William H. Wilmer, Rector of Charlestown, Kent County. The Rev. Daniel Stephens, Rector of St. Luke's, Queea Anne's County. * The Rev. Joseph Jackson, St. Peter's, Talbot County. The Rev. James Kemp, D. D. Rector of Great-Choptank, Dorchester Countv. The Rev. William M. Stone, Rector of ^ TheXvfVam.* Laird, Rector of So-( Somerset County. merset, } The Rev. David Ball, Rector of All-Hallow's, Worcester County. This mark * denotes members of the Standing Committee. VIRGINIA. The Right Rev. James Madison, D. D. Bishop. ICT* No list of the Clergy was received from this State. SOUTH-CAROLINA. The Rev. Theodore Dehon, D. D. Rector of St. Michael's Church, Charleston. The Rev. James D. Simons, Rector of St. Philips. The Rev. Christopher Edward Gadsden, Assistant Minister of St. Philip's Church, Charleston. The Rev. William Percy, Rector of the third Episcopal Church, Charleston. The Rev. Thomas Mills, D. D. Rector of St. Andrew's Parish. Fhe Rev. Andrav Fowler. ( 35 ) I'he Rev. Snowden^ Rector of St. Stephen's Parish. The Rev. John T. Tschudy^ Rector of Claremont Parish. The Rev. Solomon HalUng; Rector of Prince George Win- yah, Georgetown. The Rev. Joh?! Barnwell Campbell^ Rector of St. Helena's Church, Beaufort. The Rev. Hugh Fraser, Rector of Prince Frederick's Pa- rish. The Rev. Joseph Warren^ Rector of the Episcopal Church on Edisto Island. Clergymen in the State not having Cures. The Rev. Thomas Gates, D. D. Rev. Milward Pogson. Rev. Paul T. Gervais. Rev. Galen Hicks. GEORGIA. The Rev. John V. Bartow^ Rector of Christ Church, Sa- vannah. ERRATUM. Page 12, line 12, for " CJergyman's" read Churchman's. On Wednesday, the 29th day of May, in Trinity Church, in the city of New- York, the Right Rev. Bishop White, of Pennsylvania, being presiding Bishop, the Right Rev. Bi- shop Provoost, of New- York, and the Right Rev. Bishop Jarvis, of Connecticut, being present, and assisting, the Rev. John Henry Hobart, D. D. of ISTew-York, and the Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, of Bristol, Rhode-Island, were consecrated Bishops : the former for the Diocese of New- York, and the latter for the Eastern Diocese, composed of the States of Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, New-Hamp- shire, and Vermont. -, The following are the certificates of consecration : Know all men by these presents, that we, William White, D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Pennsylvania, presiding Bishop, Samuel Provoost, D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the' State of New- York, and Abraham Jarvis, D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Connecticut, (, 36 ) under the protection of Almighty God, in Trinity Church, in the city of New- York, on Wednesday, the twenty-ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, did then and there rightly and canoni- cally consecrate our beloved in Christ, John Henry Hobart, D. D. an Assistant Minister of Trinity Church in the city of New- York, of whose sutficiency in good learning, sound- ness in the faith, and purity of manners we were fully as- certained, into the office of Bishop of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the State of New- York, to which he hath been elected by the Convention of said State ; to assist the Bishops of the Church in said State in the duties of the Episcopal office, and to succeed in case of survivorship. Given in the city of New- York, this twenty-ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven. WILLIAM WHITE. SAMUEL PROVOOST. ABRAHAM JARVIS. Know all men by these presents, that we, William White, D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Pennsylvania, presiding Bishop, Samuel Provoost, D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New- York, and Abraham Jarvis, D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Connecticut, under the protection of Almighty God, in Trinity Church, in the city of New-York, on Wednesday, the twenty-ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight liundrt-d and eleven, did then and there rightly and canoni- cally consecrate our beloved in Christ, Alexander Viets Gris- wold, Rector of St. Michael's Church, Rhode-Island, of whose sufficiency in good learning, soundness in the faith, and purity of manners we were fully ascertained, into the office of Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Eastern Diocese, composed of the States of Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, New-Hampshire, and Vermont, to which he hath been elected by the Convention of said States. Given in the city of New- York, this twenty-ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven. WILLIAM WHITE. SAMUEL PROVOOST. ABRAHAM JARVIS. J :^M ^:#,r:. . o*. " , k V ^ ^-^-K ' W*^-- ' #v -•'%■ ■ V " ^^.# ':f^J V t'^':-. "■•■/v ^ ^!.fii ^ »■■ feS!*-:":*;^ ^t?,^i* s: " t. .#*;^ ^,^k: ■'■m i^:.:W0<'. '-4^. v^l: 1% W^^ mt- :M^ ' ^^: . 1^ 1. r^^^-r-