*'CT> THE ECLECTIC SABBATH SCHOOL HYMN BOOK. COMPILED BY AN OLD S. S. SUPEKINTENDENT, ASSISTED BY A Number of S» S» Teachers and others* F-46.IR >■■ wxz? ORE: TON KURTZ, st Pratt Street. <,*^ »&tj^>- FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY DMsioti Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Calvin College http://archive.org/details/eclecticsabbathsOOwiso THE /J JAN 10 1935 ECLECTIC SABBATH- SCHOOL HYMN-BOOK. COMPILED BY AN OLD S. S. SUPERINTENDENT, ASSISTED BY A NUMBER OF S. S. TEACHERS-^sD OTHERS. r l^efo Litton, gUbistti anti €axxzdtis. BALTIMORE: T.NEWTON KURTZ, 151 West Pratt Street. 1870. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in tl e year 1368, by T.NEWTON KUKTZ, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United Btates for the District of Maryland. STEREOTYPED BY MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN, PHILADELPHIA. SHERMAN & CO., PRINTERS. PREFACE. What ! another Suxday-School Hymk Book ! many will doubtless exclaim. Yes; but we claim for this one certain peculiarities and advantages possessed. by no other, which, we think, will be obvious to all who will give it a careful examina- tion. It is an acknowledged fact, that in most of the Sunday-school music-books published, there are found hymns and tunes of doubtful propriety for the use of Sabbath-schools, while others are .absolutely worthless. It has been our aim to carefully cull the choicest hymns and tunes scat- tered among the most popular Sunday-school music-books, — such as have become general favor- ites, — and embody them in this little volume. Heretofore, in order to use these favorite hymns and tunes, it has been necessary that the whole school be supplied with several different sets of Sunday-school music-books, involving no little expense and considerable annoyance; it is just here that the peculiar advantages of this collection are manifest: only this one book will be required. Comparatively few Sunday-school scholars under- stand or are able to read music at sight: they learn the tunes, for the most part, by air: it is 3 4 PREFACE. only necessary, therefore, that the Chorister or Leader be supplied with a single copy of each of the ?/^.s/c-books containing these hymns; the scholars will follow the Leader, and readily catch the tune after two or three rehearsals. Thus every school can enjoy a much wider range of music, and at much less expense. On the score of economy alone, therefore, regardless of its intrinsic merits, this Sunday-School Hymn-Book should recom- mend itself to the favorable consideration of all interested in the Sunday-School cause. The selections have been made mainly from the Sunday-School Bell, Nos. 1 and 2; the Golden Chain, Shower, Censer, and Harp ; the Sunday- School ITosanna, Diadem, Casket, Oriola, Happy Voices, Pilgrims' Songs, Glad Tidings, Fresh Laurels, etc. Above each Hymn will be found the name of the Books or Tune, and the page on which the music can be found. The L. M., C. M., S. M., &c. hymns have appropriate tunes designated ; but others can be substituted to suit the taste of the Leader or choice of the School. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. G. Chain 4, G, Tidings 123, Happy Voices 97, Oriolal44. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL, 1. The Sunday-school, that blessed place ! Oh, I would rather stay Within its walls, a child of grace, Than spend my hours in play. The Sunday-school, the Sunday-school, Oh, 'tis the place I love, For there I learn the golden rule Which leads to joys above. 2. 'Tis there I learn that Jesus died For sinners such as I ; Oh, what has all the world beside, That I should prize so high ? The Sunday-school, &c. 3. Then let our grateful tribute rise, And songs of praise be given, To Him who dwells above the skies, For such a blessing given. The Sunday-school, &c. 4. And welcome, then, the Sunday-schcol ! We'll read, and sing, and pray, That we may keep the golden rule, And never from it stray. The Sunday-school, &c. 5 6 DAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. ~ G. Chain 5. S. S. Ilosjinna 6G. & SUNDAY-SCHOOL RECRUITING SONG. ' 1. To our dear Sabbath-seliool there ought many to come, Who spend Sunday wandering or trifling at home ; I'll try to bring one, or I'll try to bring tv:o, Yes, all that I can I'm determined to do. God meant all the people who live in this place To hear of his goodness and join in his praise; So I'll try to bring one, or I'll try to bring two, Yes, all that I can I'm determined to do. 2. Let me think : are there none of the dear ones at home, The large or the little, who never have come ? Oh, I'll beg, and I'll coax, try for one, try for two, Yes, all that I can I'm determined to do. My cousins and playmates, who live in this street, I'll ask them to come, the next time that we meet ; Who knows but among them I'll get one or two? For all that I can I'm determined to do. 3. Out there in the lot that I pass every day, How many spend Sunday in frolic or play ! If I could but get one of those boys, now, or two, To come here next Sabbath, what good it might do! Perhaps up to heaven some day I may go ; What glory and blessedness then I shall know! But I want in that glory that many may share, That one, two, yes, all I can take, may be there. ^ S. S.Bell, No. 1—31. O COME TO THE SABBATH-SCHOOL. 1. Come to the Sabbath-school, all children come; Cheerful its pious rule, pleasant as home; Leave rude and naughty plays, love and keep the holy days, Come, learn to pray and praise in Sabbath-school. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 7 2. Come, where our teachers meet, faithful and true ; Come, learn the lessons sweet, ready for you ; Coined school will not be long ; come, join our happy throng ; Come, sing our pretty song in Sabbath-school. 3. Oh, there's a school on high, where angels praise; Joy beams in every eye, sweet strains they raise ; There seraph children sing anthems to our glorious King, And crowns to Jesus bring, — blest Sabbath-school. Diadem 12, or Oriola 65. 8s, 7s, Double. DSAS, SABBATH-SCHOOL, 1. Yes, dear Sabbath-school, I love thee : Here I meet with friends most dear ; None to scorn or feel above me, None to dread with slavish fear ; And the teachers, And the teachers, Kindly all my lessons hear ; And the teachers, And the teachers, Kindly all my lessons hear. 2. Here I learn of richer treasures Than the mines of earth afford ; Earthly friends and* earthly pleasures Shall not keep me from the Lord : Precious lessons Here are spoken from his word. 3. Yet my heart is fill'cl with wonder : Parents, teachers, can you tell Why neglected many wander, When so near the school they dwell ? Oh, invite them : They will love the school so well. b SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 4. I will go # and tell those children There is room for them and me ; And to school will straightway bring them, If persuaded they will be: I am thankful That my friends invited me. w S. S. Bell, No. 1—17, Oriola 62, or C. Tidings 46. O HAPPY GREETING TO ALL. 1. Come, children, and join in our festival song, And hail the sweet joys which this day brings along," We'll join our glad voices in one hymn of praise To God, who has kept us and lengthen' d our days. Chorus. — Happy greeting to all ! * Happy greeting to all ! Happy greeting, happy greeting, Happy greeting to all ! 2. Our Father in heaven, we lift up to thee Our voice of thanksgiving, our glad jubilee; Oh, bless us, and guide us, dear Saviour, we pray, That from thy blest precepts we never may stray. Chorus. — Happy greeting, &c. 3. And if, ere this glad year has drawn to a close, Some loved one among us in death shall repose, Grant, Lord, that the spirit in heaven may dwell, In the bosom of Jesus, where all shall be well. Chorus. — Happy greeting, &c. L Kind teachers, we children would thank you this day That faithfully, kindly, you've taught us the way How we may escape from the world's sinful charms, And find a safe refuge in the Saviour's loved arms. Chorus. — Happy greeting, &c. 5. Dear pastor, we ask thee, as lambs of thy fold, To teach us that wisdom more precious than gold ; SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Our footsteps to guide in the pathway of truth, To " love our Creator in the days of our youth." Chokus. — Happy greeting, &c. 6 S. S. Bell, No. 1— G6, Oriola 20. 8s, 7s, Double. SAB, SCHOOLS MUST HAVE THEIR CONCERT. 1. Sabbath-schools must have their concert When the appointed time comes round ; Surely 'tis a precious meeting, For the children there are found. 'Tis not safe to pass it over For the rain or for the snow ; Children love their own dear meeting : Parents, why not let them go ? 2. There they sing of Him who never Thrust aside their precious claims, But took children to his bosom, As a shepherd doth his lambs. Some there were who tried to keep them Waiting till some other day; Yet the Lord, their zeal rebuking, Told them of a better way. 3. There their hearts go up to heaven, On»the fragrant breath of prayer ; Who shall say it is too early For the children to be there? Jesus says, Why should they. linger (Speaking from his throne above) Till they are a little older, Since they're old enough to love? 4. Oh, then, let them have their conceit, Be the weather foul or fair ; So that when the Saviour calls them, They may answer, " Here we are." Tell them they can't come too early To their Friend who reigns above ; 10 8 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. For ere they can lisp his praises, They are old enough to love. S. S. Bell, No. 1—28. 75 and S, WHERE DO CHILDREN LOVE TO GO? 1. Where do children love to go When the wintry breezes blow ? What is it attracts them so? 'Tis the Sunday-school. 2. "When the spring re-decks the trees, And a warmth comes with the breeze, Children can thank God for these, In the Sunday-school. 3. Where do children love to be When the summer birds we see W T arbling praise on every tree ? In the Sunday-school. 4. When the autumn blasts so chill Every flower of earth must kill, Where do children gather still? In the Sunday-school. 5.^ Where are they so kindly taught Who should rule in every thought, What the blood of Christ has bought ? In the Sunday-school. G. May we love this holy day, Love to sing, and read, and pray, — Find salvation's narrow way, — * In the Sunday-school. G. Shower 103. SWEET REST IN HEAVEN. 1. Come, schoolmates, don't grow weary, But let us journey on ; SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 11 Tlie moments will not tarry, This life will soon be gone. Chorus. — There is sweet rest in heaven, There is sweet rest in heaven, There is sweet rest, there is sweet rest, There is sweet rest in heaven. 2. We've listed for the army, We've listed for the war ; We'll fight until we conquer, By faith and humble prayer. Cho. — There is sweet rest, &c. 3. Our Captain's gone before us, He bids us all to come ; High up in endless glory He's fitted up our home. Cho. — There is sweet rest, &c. 4. And Jesus will be with us E'en to our journey's end, In every sore affliction His " present help" to lend. Cho. — There is sweet rest, &c. 5. Then glory be to Jesus, Who bought us with his blood, And glory be to Jesus, Who gives us every good. Cho. — There is sweet rest, &c. Q G. Chain 51, S. S. Bell, No. 1— 50. ** THE MOBBING BELLS. Ss <£■ 7s. 1. Hark ! the morning bells are ringing! Children, haste without delay ; Prayers of thousands now are winging Up to heav'n their silent way. Cho. — Come, children, come ! the bells are ringing, To the school with haste repair; 12 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Let us all unite in singing, All unite in solemn prayer. 2. 'Tis an hour of happy meeting, Children meet for praise and prayer; But the hour is short and fleeting, Let us then be- early there. Cho. — Come, children, come ! &c. 3. Do not keep our teachers waiting, While you tarry by the way, Kor disturb the school reciting: 'Tis the holy Sabbath-day. Cho. — Come, children, come! &c. 4. Children, haste ! the bells are ringing, 10 And the morning's bright and fair p Thousands now unite in singing, Thousands, too, in solemn prayer. Cho. — Come, children, come! &c. Happy Voices 29. FORBID THEM NOT. '• v 1. V> t hex many to the Saviour's feet Their little children brought, And from the source of blessedness A Saviour's blessing sought ; To some who with mistaken zeal The near approach forbade, "Let little children come to me," The blessed Saviour said. 2. "Forbid them not, nor harshly chide Their wish to see my f; For little children such as these My Father's kingdom grace." Then, gathered in his loving arms And folded to his br< He pour'd a blessing all divine On every little guest. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 13 3. Dear children, Jesus is the same, Though now enthroned above ; He waits to bless you, as of old, AYith his forgiving love. He marks with joy each faint attempt Hirs favor to obtain, And those who early seek his face Shall never seek in vain. 4. But sin prevents, and Satan strives To keep you from his arms ; And to allure the soul away, The world displays its charms. But look to Jesus, for "his power Your foes can ne'er withstand ; Let him but say, " Forbid them not," They'll fly at his command. ^ _g Happy Toices 30. 11 COME TO THE SAVIOUR TO-DAY, 1. Oh, come to the Saviour, dear children, to-day, 'Tis folly to wait till you're older ; The heart is now tender, but, if you delay, 'Twill surely grow harder and bolder. Chorus. — The Saviour is calling to-day ; He waits to receive you and save ; Give heed to the warning, Ere life's sunny morning Be closed in the night of the grave. 2. You hear of the cross where Immanuel bled, And tears down your faces are stealing ; But when a few years have roil'd over your head, You'll hear of that cross without feeling. Cho. — The Saviour is calling to-day, &c. 3. How many short graves in the graveyard you see How many dear children there slumber ! 14 SUNDAY-SCHOOL ETSMNS. And few may the days of your pilgrimage be; Xo mortal can tell US their number. Clio. — The Saviour is calling to-day, &c. 4. Then fly to the Saviour, dear children, to-day, While life's feeble taper is burning; The Spirit now strives ; should ycu grieve him away In vain may you wait his returning. Clio. — The Saviour is calling to-day, &c. 12 S. S. Bell, No. 1—1, Oriola 162. OH, COME, LET US SING. 1. Oh, come, let us sing, Our youthful hearts now swelling, To God above, a God of love, — Oh, come, let us sing ! Our joyful spirits, glad and free, With high emotions rise to thee In heavenly melody, — Oh, come, let us sing! 2. The full notes prolong, Our festal celebrating, We hail the day with cheerful lay, And full notes prolong. Both cheerful youth and silvery age, And childhood pure, the gay, the sage, These thrilling scenes engage Full notes to prolong. 3. Oli, swell, swell the song, His praises oft repeating: His Son he gave our souls to save, — Oh, swell, swell the song. The humble heart's devotion bring, Whence gushing streams of love do spring, And make the welkin ring With sweet-swelling song. 4. We'll chant, chant bis praise, Our lofty strains now blending, 13 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 15 A tribute bring to Christ our King, And chant, chant his praise ! . Our Saviour Prince was crucified, "Tis finish'd!" then he meekly cried, And bow'd his head and died, — Then chant, chant his praise ! G. Chain 8. GOD SPEED THE RIGHT. 1. Now to heaven our prayer ascending, God speed the right ! In a noble cause contending, God speed the right ! Be their zeal in. heaven recorded, With success on earth rewarded. God speed the right ! God speed the right ! 2. Be that prayer again repeated, God speed the right ! Ne'er despairing, though defeated, God speed the right 1 Like the good and great in story, If they fail, they fail with glory. God speed the right ! God speed the right! 3. Patient, firm, and persevering, God speed the right ! Ne'er the event or danger fearing, God speed the right ! Pains, nor toils, nor trials heeding, And in heaven's own time succeeding, God speed the right ! God speed the right ! 4. Still their onward course pursuing, God speed the right ! Eyery foe at length subduing, God speed the riglW { Ifi SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMFS. Truth, thy cause, wl ate'er delay it, There's no power or earth can stay it. God speed the right! (lod speed the W.'dit ! 1-1 15 (l. Chain 14, S. S. Bell, No. 1—85. "WHO SHALL SING? **, ?* 1. Who shall sing, if not the children? Did not Jesus die for them? May they not, with other jewels, Sparkle in his diadem ? Why to them were voices given, Bird-like voices, sweet and clear, Why, unless the song of heaven They begin to practise h< 2. There's a choir of infant songsters, White-robed, round the Saviour's throne; Angels cease, and, waiting, listen ! ' Oh, 'tis sweeter than their own ! Faith can hear the rapturous choral, When her ear is upward turn'd ; Is not this the same, perfected, Which upon the earth they lcarn'd? 3. Jesus, when on earth sojourning, Loved them with a wondrous love; And will he, to heaven returning, Faithless to his blessing prove? Oh, they cannot sing too early ! Fathers, stand not in their way ! Birds do sing while day is breaking — Tell me, then, why should not they? S. S. Bell, No. 1—20, S. S. Ilosan. 43, Oriola 127. I'M A PILGRIM. 1. I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger; I can tarry I can tarry hut a night. SUXDAY-SCHOOIi HYMNS. 17 Do not detain me, for I am going To where the fountains are ever flowing. I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger, I can tarry, I can tarry but a night. 2. There the glory is. ever shining : I am longing, I am longing for the sight. Here in this country so dark and dreary I have been wandering, forlorn and weary. Chorus. — I'm a pilgrim, &c. 3. There's the city to which I journey My Redeemer, my Redeemer is its light ; There i3 no sorrow, nor any sighing, There is no sin there, nor any dying. Chorus. — I'm a pilgrim, &c. -| ^ G. Chain 4, Hanpy Voices 90, S. S. Hosan. 181. lO a m. 1. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. Chorus. — I do believe, I now believe That Jesus died for me, And through his blood, his precious blood, I shall front .sin be free. 2. It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. Chorus. — I do believe, &c. 3. Weak is the effort of my heart And cold my warmest thought But when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ought. Chorus. — I do believe, &c. 2 18 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 17 18 Duke Street. S. S. Ilosanna 133, Oriola 153. YOUTHFUL PIETY. L.M. 1. We are but young, yet we may sing The praises of our heavenly King ; He made the earth, the sea, the sky, And all the starry worlds on high. 2. We are but young, yet we have heard The gospel news, the heavenly word : If we despise the only way, Dreadful will be the judgment day. 3. We are but young, yet we must die ; Perhaps our latter end is nigh ; Lord, may we early seek thy grace, And find in Christ a hiding-place. 4. We are but young ; we need a guide ; Jesus, in thee we would confide ; Oh, lead us in the path of truth, Protect and bless our helpless youth. 5. We are but young, yet God has shed Unnumber'd blessings on our head ; Then let our youth and riper days Be all devoted to his praise. ■ Evan. Woodstock. C. Censer 93, S. S. Hosanna a m. 1. Now condescend, Almighty King, To bless this happy throng; And kindly listen while we sing Our grateful morning song. 2. We come to own the power divine That watches o'er our days; For this our cheerful voices join In hymns of grateful praise. 19 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 19 3. We come to learn thy holy word And ask thy tender care ; Before thy throne, Almighty Lord, We bend in humble prayer. 4. May we in safety pass this day, From sin -and danger free ; And ever walk in that sure way That leads to heaven and thee. O. Chain 16. IF I WERE A VOICE. 1. If I were a voice, a persuasive voice, That could travel the wide world through, I would fly on the wings of the morning light, And speak to the men with a gentle might, And tell them to be true, Be true, be true, And tell them to be true, &c. 2. I would fly, I would fly o'er land and sea, Where a human heart might be ; I would tell them a tale, or I'd sing a song, In praise of the right, in blame of the wrong, And tell them to be good, Be good, be good, And tell them to be good, &c. 3. If I were a voice, a consoling voice, I would fly on the wings of the air, The houses of sorrow and guilt I'd seek, And calm and truthful words I'd speak, And whisper of" sweet hope, Sweet hope, sweet hope, And whisper of sweet hope, &c. 4. If I were a voice, an immortal voice, I would fly the whole earth around ; And wherever man with error bow'd, I'd publish, in notes both long and loud, 20 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. The truth's most joyful sound, Joyful sound, joyful sound, The truth's most joyful sound, &c. 5. I would fly, I would fly on the wings of day, And point to the realms above ; I would fly, I would fly over city and town, And drop like a happy sunlight down, And whisper, God is love, God is love, God is love, And whisper, God is love. 20 G. Chain 32, Osket 99, omitting chorus. A EOME IN HEAVEN. 1. A home in heaven ! what a joyful thought, As the poor man toils in his weary lot, His heart oppress'd, and with anguish riven, From his home below to his home in heaven. Cho. — His home, his home, his happy home in heaven, His home, his home, his happy home in heaven. 2. A home in heaven ! as the sufferer lies On his bed of pain, and uplifts his eyes To that bright home, what a joy is given, With the blessed thought of his home in heaven ! Chohus. — His home, &c. 3. A home in heaven ! when our pleasures fade, And our wealth and fame in the dust are laid, And strength decays, and our health is riven, We are happy still with our home in heaven. Chorus. — Our home, &c. 4. A home in heaven ! when the faint heart bleeds, By the Spirit's stroke, for its evil deeds, Oh, then, what bliss, in that heart forgiven, Does the hope inspire of a home in heaven ! Chorus. — A home, &c. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 21 5. A home in heaven ! when our friends are fled To the cheerless gloom of the mouldering dead, We wait in hope on the promise given ; We will meet up there, in our home in heaven. Chorus. — Our home, &c. 6. Our home in heaven ! oh, the glorious home ! And the Spirit join'd with the Bride says, Come ;— Come, seek his face, and your sins forgiven, And rejoice in hope of your home in heaven. Chorus. — Your home, &c. 21 Martyrdom. S. S. Hosanna 138. THE GOSPEL INVITATION. CM. 1. The Saviour calls, — let every ear Attend the heavenly sound ; Ye doubting souls, dismiss your fear ; Hope smiles reviving round. 2. For every thirsty, longing heart, Here streams of bounty flow.; And life and health and bliss impart, To banisr. mortal wo. 3. Here springs of sacred pleasure rise, To ease your every pain ; Immortal fountain ! full supplies ! Nor shall you thirst in vain. 4. Ye sinners, come, — 'tis mercy's voice ; That gracious voice obey ; Mercy invites to heavenly joys, And can you yet delay? 5. Dear Saviour, draw reluctant hearts ; To thee let sinners fly And take the bliss thy love imparts, And drink, and never die. 22 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 22 Chain 34, Pilgrims' Songs 44. SHALL WE SING IN HEAVEN? 1. Shall we sing in heaven forever? Shall we sing? Shall we sing Shall we sing in heaven forever, In that happy land? Yes ! oh, yes ! in that land, that happy land, They that meet shall sing forever, Far beyond the rolling river, Meet to sing and love forever In that happy land. 2. Shall we know eaeh other ever In that land ? In that land ? Shall we know each other ever In that happy land ? Yes ! oh, yes ! in that land, that happy land, They that meet shall know each other, Far beyond the rolling river, &c. 3. Shall we sing with holy angels In that land ? In that land ? Shall we sing with holy angels In that liappy land ? Yes ! oh, yes ! in that land, that happy land, Saints and angels sing forever, Far beyond the rolling river, &e. 4. Shall we rest from care and sorrow In that land? In that land? Shall we rest from care and sorrow In that happy land ? Yes.! oh, yes ! in that land, that happy land, They that meet shall rest forever, Far beyond the roiling river, &c. 23 0. Chain 30, 8. S. Hosnn. 01, Happy Voices 199. REST FOR THE WEARY, In the Christian's home in ^lory There remains a land of rest ; SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 23 There my Saviour's gone before me, To fulfil my soul's request. There is rest for the weary, There is rest for you, On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming, There is rest for you. 2. He is fitting up my mansion, Which eternally shall stand ; For my stay shall not be transient In that holy, happy land. Chorus. — There is rest, &c, 3. Pain and sickness ne'er shall enter, Grief nor woe my lot shall share, But in that celestial centre I a crown of life shall wear. Chorus. — There is rest, &c. 4. Sing, oh, sing, ye heirs of glory ; Shout your triumphs as you go ; Zion's gates will open for you, You will find an entrance through. Chorus. — There is rest, &c. M Balerma, in S. S. Hosaima 130. CM. 1. Lord, I would own thy tender care, And all thy love to me ; The food I eat, the clothes I wear. Are all bestow'd by thee. 2. And thou preservest me from death And dangers every hour ; I cannot draw another breath Unless thou give the power, 24 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 3. My health and friends and parents dear To me by God are given ; I have not any blessings here But what are sent from heaven. 4. Such goodness, Lord, and constant care, A child can ne'er repay ; But may it be my daily prayer To love thee and obey. 25 (i. Chain 43. S. S. Bell, No. 1— GO, Oriola 219, S. S. Hosanna 24. WALK IN TB£ LIGHT. 1. Pleasant is the Sabbath bell, In the light, in the light, Seeming much of joy to tell, In the light of God. But a music sweeter far, In the light, in the light, Breathes where angel spirits are, In the light of God. Chorus. — Let us walk in the light, Walk in the light, Let us. walk in the light, In the light of God. 2. Shall we ever rise to dwell, In the light, in the light, Where immortal praises swell, In the light of God? And can children ever go, In the light, in the light, Where eternal Sabbaths glow, In the light of God? Chorus. — Let us walk, &c. '3. Yes, that bliss our own may be, In the light, in the light, All the good shall Jesue see, In the light of God. 26 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 25 For the good a rest remains, In the light, in the light, Where the glorious Saviour reigns, In the light of God, Chorus. — Let us walk, &c. G. Chain 10, Fresh Laurels 97, Orioia 248, Pilgrims' Songs 3. SWEET HOUR OF PEAYEE. x - *• 1. Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father's throne Make all my wants and wishes known : In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief, And oft escaped the tempter's snare, By thy return, sweet hour of prayer. 2. Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! Thy wings shall my petition bear To Him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless ; And since he bids me seek his face, Believe his word, and trust his grace, I'll cast on him my every care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer ! 3. Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! May I thy consolation share, Till from Mount Pisgah's lofty height I view my home, and take my flight : This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise To seize the everlasting prize, And shout, while passing through the air, F irewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer 1 26 27 28 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Martyrdom, in S. S. Iiosauna 138. a M. 1. Alas] and did my Saviour bleed f And did my Sovereign die ? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? 2. Was it for crimes that I had done He groan 'd upon the tree? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3. Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When God the mighty Maker died For man the creature's sin. 4. Thus might I hide my blushing face While his dear cross appears, Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5. But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself awav : 'Tis all that I can do. S. S. Bell, No. 1-41, S. S. Hosamia 77, Happy Voices 43, Oriofa 206, (J lad Tidings 1l>4. HAPPY DAY. 1. Preserved by thine almighty power, O Lord, our Maker, Saviour, King, And brought to see this happy hour, We conic thy praises here to sing. Chorus. — Happy day, happy day I Here in thy courts we'll gladly Btay, And at thy footstool humbly pray * That thou wouldst take our sins awav. Happy day, happy da When Christ shall wash our sins awav! SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 27 2. We praise thee for thy constant care, For life preserved, for mercies given : Oh, may we still those mercies share, And taste the joys of sins forgiven! Chorus. — Happy day, &c. 3. We praise thee for the joyful news Of pardon through a Saviour's blood ; O Lord, incline our hearts to choose The way to happiness and God. ** Chorus. — Happy day, &c. 4. And when on earth our days are done, Grant, Lord, that we at length may join, Teachers and scholars, round thy throne, The song of Moses and the Lamb. Chorus. — Happy day, &c. 29 S. S. Bell, No. 1—42, Oriola 37, S. S. Hosan. 117. COME, LET US SIM OF JESUS. 1. Come, let us sing of Jesus, While hearts and accents blend, Come, let us sing of Jesus, The sinner's only Friend ; His holy soul rejoices, Amid the choirs above, To hear our youthful voices, Exulting in his love. *o 2. We love to sing of Jesus, Who wept our path along ; We love to sing of Jesus, The tempted and the strong. None who besought his healing He passed unheeded by, And still retains his feeling For us above the sky. 3. We love to sing of Jesus, Who died our souls to save ; 28 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. We love to sing of Jesus, Triumphant o'er the grave ; And in our hour of danger We'll trust his love alone, Who once slept in a manger, And now sits on the throne. ' 4. Then let us sing of Jesus, While yet on earth we stay, And hope to sing of Jesus Throughout eternal day ; For those who here confess him He will in heaven confess, And faithful hearts that bless him He will forever bless. 30 Woodland, in S. S. Hosanna 32. cm. 1. If you will turn away from sin In childhood's early day, The Lord will make you pure within, And take your guilt away. 2. He'll show you all his matchless love, He'll make you heirs of light, And give you grace, that you may prove Still faithful in his sight. 3. He'll lead you in the pleasant way Of holiness and peace, And guide you thus to endless day, Where sin and sorrow cease. 4. Oh, stay not in the road to death, But to the Saviour come I And when you lose life's fleeting breath, He'll send and take you home. 81 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 29 Yarina, in S. S. Hosanna 143. CM. 1. There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign ; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2. There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 3. Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dress' d in living green ; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan roll'd between. 4. Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. ~ ~ Tune in Oriola 100 32 L. M. 1. Behold a strang&r at the door ! He gently knocks, — has knock'd before, - Has waited long, is waiting still ; You treat no other friend so ill. 2. Oh, lovely attitude ! — he stands With melting heart and loaded hands : Oh, matchless kindness ! — and he shows This matchless kindness to his foes ! 3. But will he prove a friend indeed ? He will, — the very Friend you need : The Friend of sinners, — yes, 'tis he, With garments dyed on Calvary. 33 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 4. Rise, iouch'd with gratitude divine, Turn out his enemy and thine, — That soul-destroying monster, sin, — And let the heavenly Stranger in. 5. Admit him ere his anger burn ; His feet departed ne'er return ; Admit him, or the hour's at hand You'll at his door rejected stand. ti. Chain 40. THE EOYAL PROCLAMATION, 1. Hear the royal proclamation, The glad tidings of salvation, Publishing to every creature, To the ruin'd sons of nature, Chorus. — Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, he reigns victorious, Over heaven and earth most glorious, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns, Jesus reigns. 2. See the royal banner flying, Hear the heralds loudly crying, " Rebel sinners, royal favor Now is offer' d by the^Saviour." Cho. — Jesus reigns, &c. 3. "Here is wine, and milk, and honey; Come, and purchase without money ; Mercy flowing from a fountain, Streaming from the holy mountain." Cuo. — Jesus reigns, &c. 4. Shout, ye tongues of every nation, To the bounds of the creation ; Shout the praise of Judah's Lion, The Almighty Prince of Zion. Cuo. — Jesus reigns, &c SUNDAY-SCHOOL. HYMNS. 31 5. Shout, ye saints, make joyful mention, Christ hath purchased our redemption; Angels, shout the pleasing story Through the brighter worlds of glory. Cho. — Jesus reigns, &c. U Oriola 100. A POOR WAYFARING MAN, &c. L. M. 1. A poor wayfaring man of grief Hath often cross' d me on my way, Who sued so humbly for relief That I could never answer nay. I had not power to ask his name, Whither he went, or whence he came ; Yet there was something in his eye That won my love, I knew not why. 2. Once, when my scanty meal was spread, He enter' d ; not a word he spake, Just perishing for want of bread ; I gave him all ; he bless' d it, brake, And ate, but gave me part again. Mine was an angel's portion then ; And while I fed with eager haste, The crust was manna to my taste. 3. I spied him where a fountain burst Clear from the rock ; his strength was gone ; The heedless water mock'd his thirst ; He heard it, saw it hurrying on. I ran and raised the sufferer up ; Thrice from the stream he drain' d my cup ; Dipp'd, and return'd it running o'er ; I drank, and never thirsted more. 4. 'Twas night ; the floods were out ; it blew A wintry hurricane aloof: I heard his voice abroad, and flew To bid him welcome to my roof. 32 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. I warm'd, I clothed, I cheer' d my guest, Laid him on my own couch to rest, Then made the earth my bed, and seem'd In Eden's garden while I dream'd. 5. Then, in a moment, to my view The stranger started from disguise ; The tokens in his hands I knew ; My Saviour stood before my eyes ! He spake, and my poor name he named : "Of me thou hast not been ashamed; These deeds shall thy memorial be; Fear not ; thou didst it unto me." 35 Sicilian Hymn, in S. S. Hosanna 122. 8s, 7 s, and hs 1. Children, hear the melting story Of the Lamb that once was slain ; 'Tis the Lord of life and glory; Shall he plead with you in vain? Oh, receive him, And salvation now obtain. 2. Yield no more to sin and folly, So displeasing in his sight ; Jesus loves the pure and holy; They alone are his delight; Seek his favor, And your hearts to him unite. 3. All your sins to Him confessing Who is ready to forgive, Seek the Saviour's richest blessing, On his precious name believe ; He is waiting; Will you not his grace receive ? 36 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 33 S. S. Bell, No. 2— 4G, or S. S. Hosan. 82. BE KIND TO THE LOVED ONES, &o. 1. Be kind to thy father; for when thou wast young, Who loved thee so fondly as he ? [Ie caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, And join'd in thy innocent glee. Be kind to thy father, for now he is old, His locks intermingled with gray ; His footsteps are feeble, — once fearless and bold : Thy father is passing away. 2. Be kind to thy mother ; for, lo ! on her brow May traces of sorrow be seen ; Oh, well mayst thou cherish and comfort her now, For loving and kind she hath been. Remember thy mother ; for thee will she pray As long as God giveth her breath ; With accents of kindness, then, cheer her lone way, E'en to the dark valley of death. 3. Be kind to thy brother: his heart will have dearth If the smile of thy joy be withdrawn ; The flowers of feeling will fade at their birth, If the dew of affection be gone. Be kind to thy brother, wherever you are ; The love of a brother shall be Am ornament purer and richer by far Than pearls from the depth of the sea. 4. Be kind to thy sister : not many may know The depth of true sisterly love ; The wealth of the ocean lies fathoms below The surface that sparkles above. Be kind to thy father, once fearless and bold ; Be kind to thy mother so near ; Be kind to thy brother, nor show thy heart cold ; Be kind to thy sister so dear. 3 34 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 37 S. S. Bell, >'o. 2—152, 0. Tidings 88, or Casket 76. THERE IS A BEAUTIFUL WORLD. 1. There is a beautiful world, Where saints and angels sing; A world -where peace and pleasure reign, And heavenly praises ring. Chorus. — We'll be there, be there; Oh, yes ! we'll be there. Palms of victory, crowns of glory, We all shall wear, We shall wear glorious crowns, In that beautiful world on high. Chorus in Casket. — We'll be there, we'll be there; Palms of victory, crowns of glory, We shall wear, In that beautiful world on high. 2. There is a beautiful world, Where sorrow never comes ; A world where tears shall never fall In sighing for our home. Cho. — We'll be there, be there, &c. 3. There is a beautiful world, Unseen to mortal sight, And darkness never enters there, — That home is fair and bright. Cno. — We'll be there, be there, &c. 4. 4 There is a beautiful Avorld Of harmony and love ; Oh, may we safely enter there, And dwell with God above. Cno. — We'll be there, be there, &c. 38 C. Chain 01. ZION'S HILL, 1. W T nAT are these soul-reviving strains Which echo thus from Salem's plains ? SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 35 What anthems loud, and louder still, So sweetly sound from Zion's hill ? Chorus.— Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna To the Lamb of God ! Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna In the highest, in the highest, in the highest! 2. Lo ! 'tis an infant chorus sings Hosanna to the King of kings ; The Saviour comes ! and babes proclaim Salvation sent in Jesus' name. Cho. — Hosanna, hosanna, &c, 3. Messiah's name shall joy impart Alike to Jew and Gentile heart ; He bled for us, he bled for you, And we will sing hosanna, too. Cho. — Hosanna, hosanna &c, 4. Proclaim hosannas, loud and clear ; See David's Son and Lord appear ; All praise on earth to him be given, And glory shout through highest heaven. Cho. — Hosanna, hosanna, &c. 39 G. Chain 65, or Oriola 198, or S. S. Hosan. 107. LONELY TRAVELLER. 1. I'm a lonely traveller here, Weary, oppress' d ; But my journey's end is near, Soon I shall rest. Dark and dreary is the way, Toiling I've come; Ask me not with you to stay : Yonder's my home. 2. I'm a weary traveller here, I must go on ; For my journey's end is near, I must be gone. 36 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Brighter joys than earth can give Win me away ; Pleasures that forever live : I cannot stay. 3. I'm a traveller to a land Where all is fair, 'Where is seen no hroken band : Saints all are there. Where no tear shall ever fall, No heart be sad ; Where the glory is for all, And all are glad. 4. I'm a traveller, and I go Where all is lair : Farewell all I've loved below, I must be there. Worldly honors, hopes, and gain, All 1 resign ; Welcome sorrow, grief, and pain, If heaven be in#ie. 5. I'm a traveller, call me not : Upward' s my way ; Yonder is my rest and lot : I cannot stay. Farewell earthly pleasures all, Pilgrim I roam : Hail me not ; in vain you call : Yonder's my home. 40 Ives, in S. S. Hosanna 130, or Oriola 186. 1. Little travellers Zionward, Each one entering into rest, In the kingdom of your Lord, In the mansions of the blest, There to welcome Jesus waits, (jives the crowns his followers win 41 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 37 Lift your lieads, ye golden gates, Let the little travellers in. 2. Who are those whose little feet, Pacing life's dark journey through, Now have reach' d that heavenly seat They had ever kept in view ? "I, from Greenland's frozen land;" "I, from India's sultry plain ;" "I, from Afric's barren sand ;" "I, from islands of the main." 3. "All our earthly journey past, Every tear and pain gone by, Here together met at last At the portal of the sky !" Each the welcome " Come" awaits, Conquerors over death and sin : Lift your heads, ye golden gates, Let the little travellers in. S.S. Bell, So. 1—31, S. S. Hosaima 63, Happy Ycires 1. THE HAPPY LAND. 1. There is a happy land, Far, far away ; Yv T here saints in glory stand, Bright, bright as day ; Oli, how they sweetly sing, Worthy is the Saviour King, Loud let his praises ring, Praise, praise for aye ! 2. Come to that happy land, Come, come away ; Why will ye doubting stand, Why still delay ? Oh, we shall happy be When, from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with thee, Blest, blest for aye. 38 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 3. Bright in that happy land Beams every eve ; Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. Oh, then, to glory run, Be a crown and kingdom won, And bright above the sun AVe reign for aye. 42 Lischer, II. 31., in B. S. Ilosanna 113, or Oriola 213. 1. When little Samuel woke, And heard his Maker's voice, At every word he spoke, How much did he rejoice ! Oh, blessed, happy child, to find The God of heaven so near and kind ! 2. If God would speak to me, And say he was my friend, How happy should I be ! Oh, how would I attend ! The smallest sin I then should fear, If God Almighty were so near. 3. And does he never speak ? Oh, yes ; for in his word He bids me come and seek The God whom Samuel heard: In almost every page I see, The God of Samuel calls to me. 4. And I, beneath his care, May safely rest my head ; I know that God is there, To guard my humble bed: And every sin 1 may well fear, Since God Almighty is so near. 5. Like Samuel, let me say, Whene'er I read his word, 43 U SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 39 " Speak, Lord : I would obey The voice that Samuel heard :" And when I in thy house appear, Speak, for thy servant waits to hear. Zion, in S. S. Hosaiina 127, or Fresh Laurels 11. Ss, 7s, and As. 1. Yes ! we trust the day is breaking, Joyful times are near at hand ; God — the mighty God — is speaking, By his word, in every land; When he chooses, Darkness flies a* his command. 2. Oh, 'tis pleasant, 'tis reviving To our hearts, to hear, each day, Joyful news from far arriving, How the gospel wins its way, Those enlightening Who in death and darkness lay. S. God of Jacob, high and glorious, Let thy people see thy hand ; Let the gospel be victorious Through the world, in every land ; Then shall idols Perish, Lord, at thy command. S. S. Bell, Xo. 1-32, Oriola 140, Hosan. 120, G. Ed's. 111. I WANT TO BE AN ANGEL. 1. I want to be an angel, Ami with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead, A harp within my hand : There, right before my Saviour, So glorious and so bright, I'd wake the sweetest music, And praise him day and night. 45 40 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 2. I never would be weary, Nor ever shed a tear, Nor ever know a sorrow, Nor ever feel a fear ; But, blessed, pure, and holy, Td dwell in Jesus' sight, And with ten thousand thousands Praise him both day and night. 3. I know I'm weak and sinful, But Jesus will forgive ; For many little children Have gone to heaven to live. Dear Saviour, when I languish, And lay me down to die, Oh, send a shining angel To bear me to the sky. 4. Oh, there I'll be an angel, And with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead, A harp within my hand; And there, before my Saviour, So glorious and so bright, I'll join the heavenly music. And praise him day and night. S. S. Bell, No. 1—24, §. S. Hosan. 8G, Oriola 140. KIND WORDS CAN NEVER DIE. 1. Kind words can never die: Heaven gave them birth; Wing'd with a smile, they fly Ail o'er the earth. Kind words the angels brought, Kind words our Saviour taught: — Sweet melodies of thought ! Who knows their worth? Kind words can never die, ecc. M SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 41 2. Kind deeds can never die : Though weak and small, From his bright throne on high God sees them all ; He doth reward with love All those who faithful prove ; Round them, where'er they move, Rich blessings fall. Kind deeds can never die, &c. 3. God's word can never die ; Though fallen man Oft dares its truth deny, — Dares it in vain. God's word alone is pure His promises are sure ; Trust him, and rest secure Heaven you shall gain. God's word can never die, &c. 4. Our souls can never die : God's word we trust ; He to our bodies said, " Dust unto dust." Saviour, our souls prepare Thy happy home to share ; Us to thy mansions bear When life is past. Our souls can never die, &c. Unity, in S. S. Hosanna SO, or Happy Voices 147. 1. When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er to sever? When will peace wreathe her chain Round us forever ? Our hearts will ne'er repose Safe from each blast that blows In this dark vale of woes, Never, — no, never. 42 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 2. When shall love freely flow, Pure as life's river'/ When shall sweet friendship glow Ch a n ge 1 es s fo re v er, Where joys celestial thrill, Where bliss each heart shall fill, And fears of parting chill Never, — no, never? 3. Up to that world of light Take us, dear Saviour! May we all there unite, Happy forever ! Where kindred spirits dwell, There may our music swell, And time our joys dispel Never, — no, never. 4. Soon shall we meet again, Meet ne'er to sever; Soon will peace wreathe her chain Round us forever ; Our hearts will then repose, Secure from worldly woes; Our songs of praise shall close Never, — no, never. m « Oriola 6. 4 • TRIBUTE OF PRAISE. 7s and 6s. 1. We bring no glittering treasures, No gems from earth's deep mine; We come, with simple measures, To chant thy love divine. Children, thy favors sharing, Their voice of thanks would raise; Father, accept our offering, Our song of grateful praise* 2. The dearest gift of Heaven, Love's written word of Truth, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 43 To us is early given, To guide our steps in youth : We hear the wondrous story, The tale of Calvary ; We read of homes in glory, From sin and sorrow free. 3. Redeemer, grant thy blessing: Oh, teach us how to pray, That each, thy fear possessing, May tread life's onward way : Then where the pure are dwelling We hope to meet again, And, sweeter numbers swelling, Forever praise thy name. - G. Chain 66. 4:8 THE EIVEK, OF LIFE. 1. Oh, there is a river whose fresh waters flow O'er earth's broadest surface, a cure for all wo ; Its streams are all healing, there's life in each wave. Oh, try it and prove it, 'tis mighty to save. Chorus. Jesus calls, will you come ? will you come ? will you come? will you come? Jesus calls, will you come ? will you come ? Come to Jesus, come now. Yes, come, oh, come to Jesus, come to Jesus, come now. Yes, come, oh, come to Jesus, come to Jesus, come now. 2. Oh, drink of this river, its full crystal flood Refreshes and lightens of sin's weary load ; Its ripples ne'er mix with the billows of strife; This is the " Pure River of Water of Life." Chorus. — Jesus calls, &c. 3. This beautiful river our boast well may be, 'Tis fresh, overflowing, and, better, 'tis free ! The sin-sick rejoice in this "peace-speaking" tide, This river is Jesus, the " once crucified." Chorus. — Jesus calls, &c. 44 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 49 50 S. S. Bell, No. 2—1-2. IS IT TRUE ? 7s. 1. Is it true that I must lie In the graveyard by-and-ny, And, with others gone before, Sleep till time shall be no more ? Chorus.— Is it true— oh, is it true? Is it true — oh, is it true ? 2. Is it true, as many say, Life is but a passing day, And that heaven is lost or won Ere this fleeting day lias flown ? Cho.— Is it true— oh, is it true ? &c. 3. Is it true that on the cross Jesus bled and died for us, And, while hanging on the tree, Upward sent a prayer for me ? Cho. — Is it true — oh, is it true ? &c. 4. Is it true that all death's slain Will arise and live again, And to final judgment go, Some for bliss and some for wo? Cho. — Is it true — oh, is it true ? &c. S. S. Hosanna 03, Orioln 61, Nappy V< ices 79. THE SAVIOUK CALLS. 1. To-day the Saviour calls: Ye wanderers, come! ye benighted souls, Why longer roam ? 2. To-day the Saviour calls; For refuge 11 y ; The storm of vengeance falls, Ruin is nigh. 51 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 45 3. To-day the Saviour calls Oh, listen now ! Within these sacred wails To Jesus bow. 4. The Spirit calls to-day, Yield to his power ; Oh, grieve him not away ! 'Tis mercy's hour. S. S. Hosaniia 128, H. Voices 69, Oriola 200. 8s, 7s, and Us. 1. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but thou art mighty ; Hold me with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more. 2. Open thou the crystal fountain Whence the healing waters flow ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me ail my journey through : Strong Deliverer, Be thou still my strength and shield. 3. When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid the swelling stream divide ; Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side ; Songs of praises I will ever give to thee. 52 S. S. Bell, No. 1—88, S. S. Hosanna 129. SABBATH. 1. Safely through another week God has brought us on our way; 46 SUXDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day, — Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2. While we seek supplies of grace Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciled face, Take away our sin and shame ; From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in thee. 3. As we meet, thy name to praise, Let us feel thy presence near; May thy glory meet our eyes While we in thy house appear; There afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4. May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints, Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief from all complaints; Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the Church above. 53 Oriolu 184, Censer 100, or S. S. Hosaniia 9S. WILL YOU GO? 1. Y\ t e're travelling home to heaven above: Will you go? To sing the Saviour's dying love : Will you go ? Millions have reach'd that blest abode, Anointed kings and priests to God, And millions more are on the road : Will you go ? 2. AVe're going to walk the plains of light: A V ill you go? SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 47 Far, far from death and curse and night : Will you go? The crown of life we then shall wear, The conqueror's palm we then shall bear, And all the joys of heaven we'll share: AViil you go ? 3. The way to heaven is straight and plain : AVill you go? Repent, believe, be born again ! Will you go ? The Saviour cries aloud to thee, " Take up thy cross and follow me, And thou shalt my salvation see :" Will you go ? 4. Oh, could I hear some sinner say, "I will go," Oh, could I hear him humbly pray, " Make me go," And all his old companions tell, " I will not go with you to hell ; I long with Jesus Christ to dwell : Let me go." 54 S. S. Bell, No. 2—32, H. Yoices 14, G. Tidings 120. HOSANNA TO THE LAMB, 1. Come, O my soul, in joyous lays Attempt thy great Redeemer's praise; But, oh, what tongue can speak his fame, What verse can reach the lofty theme ? Chorus. — Glory, glory, let us sing, While heaven and earth with glory ring; Hosanna ! hosanna ! Hosanna to the Lamb of God ! 2. Enthroned amid the radiant spheres, He glory like a garment wears ; 48 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. To form a robe of light divine, Ten thousand suns around him shine. Cho. — Glory, glory, let us sing, &c, 3. Raised on devotion's lofty wing, Do thou, my soul, his glories sing ; And let his praise employ my tongue Till listening worlds shall join the song Cho. — Glory, glory, let us sing, &c. K K s « s - Hosanna 88, or Chain 114. && THE S0STG OF ANGELS. 1. There's a song the angels sing, And its notes with rapture ring, Round the throne whose radiance fills the heavens above. Shepherds heard the distant strain, Watching on Judea's plain, "Glory be to God, to men be peace and love!" Chorus. Through the earth and through the sky Let the anthem ever fly, " Peace, good will to men, and glorv be to God on high I" 2. 'Tis a song for children too ; To the Saviour 'tis their due ; Let its grateful notes ascend to him again ; Join with angels in their song, And the heavenly strain prolong, "Glory be to God, good will and peace to men !" Clio.— Through the earth, &c. 3. Soon around that throne may we With those happy angels be, Striking harps to strains that nevermore shall cease: Mingling love with loftiest praise, Still the chorus there we'll raise, " Glory be to God, to men good will and peace I" CHO. — Through the earth, eve. 56 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 49 Boylstoii, in S. S. Hosanna 114, or Bennis, in S. S. Hosanna 105. £. M. 1. How serious is the charge -? x To train the infant mind ! Tis God alone must give the heart To such a work inclined. 2. May we, in Christian bonds, . The Christian name adorn By active deeds for public good, Nor mind the sinner's scorn. 3. While wicked men unite Our youth to lead aside, 'Tis ours to show them wisdom's path, In wisdom's path to guide. 4. Dependent, Lord, on thee Our humble means to bless, We gladly join our hearts and hands And look for large success. ~ _ G. Harp 36, Casket 41. Ofl TEE LION OF JUDAH. 1. ? Twas Jesus, my Saviour, who died on the tree, To open a fountain for sinners like me ; His blood is that fountain which pardon bestows, And cleanses the foulest wherever it flows. Cho. — For the Lion of Judah shall break ev'ry chain, And give us the vict'ry again and again. 2. And when I was willing with all things to part, He gave me my bounty, his love in my heart ; So now I am join'd with the conquering band, Who are marching to glory at Jesus' command. Cho. — For the Lion of Judah, &c. 3. Though round me the storms of adversity roll, And the waves of destruction encompass my soul X 50 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. In vain this frail vessel the tempest shall toss : My hopes rest secure on the blood of the cross. Cho. — For the Lion of Judah, &c. 4. And when the last trumpet of judgment shall so and, And wake all the nations that sleep in the ground, Then, when heaven and earth shall be melting away, I'll sing of the blood of the cross in that day. Cho, — For the Lion of Judah, &c. 5. And when with the ransom'd, by Jesus my head, From fountain to fountain I then shall be led, I'll fall at his feet, and his mercy adore, And sing of the blood of the cross evermore. Cho. — For the Lion of Judah, &c. 58 G. Harp 48, or Pil. gongs 100. SHALL WE KNOW EACH OTHER, &c 1. When we hear the music ringing In the bright celestial dome, When sweet angel voices singing Gladly bid us welcome home To the land of ancient story, Where the spirit knows no care, In that land of light and glory, Shall we know each other there? Chorus. — Shall we know each other? Shall we know each other? Shall we know each other? Shall we know each other there? 2. When the holy angels meet us, As we go to join their band, Shall we know the friends that greet us In the glorious spirit-land ? Shall we see the same eves shining On us as in days of yore? Shall we feel their dear arms twining Fondly round us, .'is before? Cno. — Shall we know each other, &i< SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 51 3. Yes, my earth- worn soul rejoices, And my weary heart grows light ; For the thrilling angel voices, And the angel faces bright, That shall welcome us in heaven, Are the loved of long ago, And to them 'tis kindly given Thus their mortal friends to know. Cho. — Shall we know each other ? &c. 4. Oh, ye weary, sad, and toss'd ones. Droop not, faint not, by the way ; Ye shall join the loved and just ones In the land of perfect day ! Harp-strings touch'd by angel fingers, Murmur' d in my raptured ear, Evermore their sweet song lingers, " We shall know each other there !" Cho. — We shall know each other, &c. 59 S. S, Hosau. 33, II. Voices 182, or S. S. Bell, No. 1—88, or Casket 33. ROCS OF AGES. 1. Rock of Ages, cleft for me ! Let me hide myself in thee ; Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side that flow'd, Be of sin the perfect cure ; Save me, Lord, and make me pure. 2. Should my tears forever flow, Should my zeal no languor know, This for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and thou alone : In my hand no price I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling. 3. While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyelids close in death, 52 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold thee on thy throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee ! ^.^ Orlola282. OO OUR LOVING REDEEMER, 1. Our loving Redeemer, we trust in thy word, The word which of old call'd the children to thee; Its tones, all so tender, with joy we have heard, Forbid not the lambs who would come unto me, Forbid not the lambs who would come unto me. Chorus. We come, oh, we come ; thou wilt welcome us home The rest of our souls on thy bosom shall be ; &c. 2. We think of the Garden, — thy sweat as of gore; We think of the Cross, with its anguish untold; And light are the pleasures which charm'd us before, More precious thy smile than all silver and gold, More precious thy smile than all silver and gold. Chorus. We come, oh, we come ; thou wilt welcome us home To quiet repose in thine own happy fold ; &c. 3. Our sins, tho' as scarlet, they all shall be clean, Wash'd white in thy blood, as the beautiful snow; The robe of thy righteousness on us be seen, The joy of forgiveness our young hearts shall know. Chorus. We come, oh, we come ; thou wilt welcome us home, Our peace, like a river, unbroken shall flow ; &c. 4. When life is all over, we hope then above, Where cometh no terror, where falleth no tear, To sing in sweet numbers thy wonderful love, With all who in childhood have follow'd thee here. Chorus. We come, oh, we come ; thou wilt welcome us home, 111 the glory of heaven at last to appear; &c. 61 62 PUXDAY-SCIIOOL HYMNS. 53 Pilgrims' Songs 112, H. Yoices 216. OH, SING TO ME OF HEAVEN. 1. Oh, sing to me of heav'n When I am calFd to die, * Sing songs of holy ecstasy, To waft my soul on high. Chorus. — There'll be no sorrow there, There'll be no sorrow there, In heaven above, where all is . T ove, There'll be no sorrow there. 2. When cold and sluggish drops Roll off my marble brow, Break forth in songs of joyfulness, Let heaven begin below. Cho. — There'll be no sorrow there, &c. 3. Then to my raptured soul Let one sweet song be given, Let music cheer me last on earth And greet me first in heaven. Cho. — There'll be no sorrow there, &c. G. Harp 56, or Casket 34, or Pilgrims' Songs 30, or G. Censer 125, S. S. Hosanna 38. NEAEER, MY GOD, TO THEE. 1. Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee: E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. 2. Though like a wanderer, Daylight all gone, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone. 54 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, &c. 3. Tli ere let the way appear Steps up to heaven; All that thou sendest me In mercy given, Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, &c. 4. Then, with my waking thoughts Brig] it with thy praise, Out of my Rtony griefs Bethel I'll raise, So by ray woes to be Nearer, my God, &c. 5. Or if, on joyful wing Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, &c. Oriola 30, or S. S. Hosanna 21. MY BIBLE. 1. My Bible! His a book divine, Where heavenly truth and mercy shine, And wisdom speaks in every line, And speaks to me. 2. My Bible! in this book alone I find God's holy will made known; And here his love to man is shown,— His love to me. 3. My Bible! here with joy I trace The records of redeeming grace; Glad tidings to a sinful r. Good news to me. 68 04 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 55 4. My Bible ! here it is I read How Jesus did- for sinners bleed: Oh, this was wondrous love indeed! Christ bled for me. 5. My Bible! Oh that I may ne'er Consult it but with faith and prayer, That I may see my Saviour there, Y\ x ho died for me ! 0. Censer 97, H. Yoiees 9G, or G. Tidings 86. I NOW BELIEVE. 1. There is a fountain, fill'd with blood Drawn from Immanuei's veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Chorus. — I now believe, I do believe That Jesus died for me ; That on the cross he shed his blood, From sin to set me free. 2. The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day^ And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. Cho. — I now believe, I do believe, &c. 3. Thou dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransom'd Church of God Are saved, to sin no more. Cho. — I now believe, I do believe, &c. 4. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, [Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be, till I die. Cho. — I now believe, I do believe, &c 56 BTODAY-SCHOOI, HYMHS 5. Then, in a nobler, sweeter aaag, 1 U sing thy power to save, 05 CHO.-I now believe, I do believe, &c S. S. Hosanna 110, ff. Yoices 125, Oriola 174, or Glad Tidings 78. MISSIONARY HYMN. L ^° M T G ^? Iand ' s ic ^ mountains, wi rom 4 I "? ,as coral Rtrand; Where Afric's sunny fountains -Roll down their golden sand: *rom many an ancient river * rom many a palmy plain,'— I hey call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2. What though the spicy breeze? -Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, lnough every prospect pleases, And only man is vile*' In vain with lavish kindness The gifts f God are strewn; The heathen, m his blindness, -bows down to wood and stone. 3. Shall we whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, bhall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation! Oh, salvation! lhe joyful sound proclaim, 1 ill earth's remotest nation Has learn'd Messiah's name. 4. Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, liil, like a sea of glory, It spread from pole to pole- SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 57 Till o'er our ransom'd nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. 66 LOSING. L M. 1. Pi ace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moan Ha ,h taught these rocks their notes of wo ; Cease thy complaint, suppress thy groan, And let thy tears forget to flow : Behold, the precious balm is found To lull thy pain, to heal thy wound. 2. Come, freely come, by sin oppress'd, Unburthen here thy weighty load; Here find thy refuge and thy rest, And trust the mercy of thy God : Thy God's thy Saviour, — glorious word ! Forever love and praise the Lord. G. Harp 10, or S. S. Hosanna 52, G. Censer 63, ££— Casket 88. i HEAVENLY HOME, 1. Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! precious name to me! 1 love to think the time will come when I shall rest in thee. I've no abiding city here, I seek for one to come, And though my pilgrimage be drear, I know there's rest at home. Cho. — Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! &o. 2. Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! there no clouds arise, No tear-drops fall, no dark nights dim thy ever- smiling skies. 58 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Tins earthly home is fair and bright Yet clouds will often come • And oh, I long to see the light lhat gilds my heavenly home ! Clio.— Heavenly home! heavenly home ! Ac. 3. Heavenly home! heavenly home! ne'er shall sorrow's gloom, Nor doubts nor fears, disturb me there, for all is peace at home. ' I know I ne'er shall worthy be To dwell 'neath heaven's bright dome: But Christ, my Saviour, died for me, And now he calls me home. Cho.— Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! &c /* o G. Censer 105. 05 HE LEADETH ME BESIDE STILL WATERS. 1. "He leadeth me:" oh, blessed thought! Oh words with heavenly comfort fraught ! VVhate'er I do, where'er I be Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me Chorus -He leadeth me! he leadeth me! hy his own hand he leadeth me His faithful follower I would be *or by his hand he leadeth me. ' 2. Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom By waters still, o'er troubled sea,— ' bull tis God's hand that leadeth me Choiius.— He leadetn me ! AY-SCHOOL HYMNS. * 8. S. Hosanna 94, or Oriola 92. 6's and Us. 1. Come thou Almighty King, Help us thy name to sing, Help us to prai Father all-glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of Days. 2. Jesus, our Lord, arise, Scatter our enemies, Now make them fell ! Let thine almighty aid Our sure defence be made Our souls on thee be stay'd : Lord, hear our call j 3. Come, thou incarnate Word Orird on thy mighty sword ; ' Our prayer attend ! Come, and thy people bless; Come, give thy word success : Spirit of holiness, On us descend ! Q£* Happy Voices 104. W BEMEMBEK THE SABBATH-SCHOOL 1. Oh, remember the Sabbath-school W hen the summer is past And the chill winds sigh mournfully, And the snow-flakes fly fest Do not say, " It looks drearily; lis a cold wintry day;" Come with eyes sparkling merrily; Come, boys and girls, away Chorus.- Yes away to the Sabbath-school, Uie Sabbath- school, the Sabbath-school Thn n ' a r^V 1 ° ll,e Sabbath-sohool, ' lhQ biased Sabbath-school. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 73 2. When the spring buds are opening, To the school you repair ; When the summer flower's blossoming, Oh, you love to be there : Like the bright and the beautiful, Love to hon^r God's day ; Come with hearts warm and dutiful, Come, boys and girls, away. Cho.— -Yes, away to the Sabbat ^-school, &c. 3. Oh, the same friends will meet you there, And around you will cling ; And the same songs will greet you there, That you sung in the spring ; And the same truth address you there ; And if you will obey, The dear Saviour will bless you there ; Then, boys and girls, away. Cho. — Yes, away to the Sabbath-school, &c. 87 H. Voices 141, New G. Chain 115, G. Tidings 132. LOVE AT HOME. 1. There is beauty all around, When there's love at home : There is joy in every sound, When there's love at home. Peace and plenty here abide, Smiling sweet on every side, Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there's love at home. Chorus. — Love at home, love at home ; Time doth softly, sweetly glide When there's love at home. 2 In the cottage there is joy, W hen there's love at home : Hate and envy r.e'er annoy, When there's ove at home. 74 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYM3 Roses blossom 'neath our feet, All the earth's a garden sweet, Making- life a bliss complete, When there's love at home. Cho. — Love at home, love at home, &c. 3. Kindly heaven smiles above, When there's love at home ; All the earth is fill'd with love, „ When there's love at home. Sweeter sings the brooklet by, Brighter beams the azure sky, Oh, there's One who smiles on high, When there's love at home. Cho. — Love at home, love at home, &c. 4. Jesus, show thy mercy mine, Then there's love at home ; Sweetly whisper, I am thine, Then there's love at home Source of love, thy cheering light Far exceeds the sun so bright — Can dis-pel the gloom of night ; Then there's love at home. Cho. — Love at home, love at liome, Szc. 88 S. S. Cell, No. 2—182, Oriolii 52. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHEED, tU. 1. The Lord is my Shepherd, how happy am I ! How tender and watchful my wants to supply ! He daily provides me with raiment and food, Whate'er he denies me, is meant for my good. 2. The Lord is my Shepherd, then must I obey His gracious commandment, and walk in his way; His fear he will teach me, my heart he'll renew, And though I'm so sinful, my sins he'll subdue. 3. The Lord is my Shepherd, how happy am I ! I'm blest while I live, and Fm blest when I die, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 75 In death's gloomy valley no evil I'll dread, " For I will be with thee," my Shepherd has said. 4. "The Lord is my Shepherd," I'll sing with delight, Till call'd to adore him in regions of light, Then praise him, with angels, to bright harps of geld, And ever and ever his glory behold. 89 Marty n, in S. S. Hosanna 73, Oriola 26, or II. Toices 54, or Glad Tidings 102. 7 s. Double. JESUS, LOVEE, 0? MY SOUL, 1. Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the raging billows roll, While the tempest still is high ; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past : Safe into the haven guide, Oh, receive my soul at last. 2. Other refuge have I none ; Hangs my helpless soul on chee : Leave, oh, leave me not alone ! Still support and comfort me. All my trust on thee is stay'cl; All my help from thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head ' With the shadow of thy wing. 3. Thou, O Christ, art all I want ; More than all in thee I find ; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteousness False and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. 7 6 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 90 91 Shirland, in S. S. Hosanna 185, or H. Voices 117. & M. 1. I love thy kingdom, Lord, The house of thine abode, The church our blest Redeemer save i With his own precious blood. 2. I love thy church, O God ! Her walls before thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on thy hand. 3. For her my tears shall foil ; For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. 4. Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. 5. Jesus, thou friend divine, Our Saviour and our King, Thy hand from every snare and foe Shall great deliverance bring. 6. Sure as thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heaven. S. S. Hosanna 136, or H. Voices 80. a M. i. Gome, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers, Kindle a flame of sacred low In these cold hearts of ours. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 77 2. Look, how we grovel here \>elow, Fond of these trifling toys ! Our souls can neither fly nor go To reach eternal joys. 3. In vain we tune our formal songs ; In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4. Dear Lord, and shall we ever live At this poor, dying rate, — Our love so faint, so cold to thee And thine to us so grea^ ? 5. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers, Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. g^r* Pilgrims' Songs 96, New G. Cliain 76. d& THE EVEKOBEEN SHOSE. 1. We are joyously voyaging over the main, Bound for the evergreen shore, Whose inhabitants never of sickness complain, And never see death any more. Chorus. — Then let the hurricane roar, It will the sooner be o'er; We will weather the blast, And will land at last Safe on the evergreen shore. 2. We have nothing to fear from the wind and the wave, Under our Saviour's command ; And our hearts in the midst of the dangers are brave, For Jesus will bring us to land. Cho. — Then let the hurricane roar, &c. 3. Both the winds and the waves our Commander con- Nothing can baffle his skill : t [trols; 78 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYM NS. And his voice, when the thundering hurricane rolls Can make the loud tempest be still. Cho.— Then let the hurricane roar, &c. 4. In the thick niurky night, when the stars and tins Send not a glimmering ray, [moon Then the light of his countenance, brighter than noon, Will drive all our terror away. Clio.— Then let the hurricane roar, &c. 5. Let the high heaving billow and mountainous wave Fearfully overhead break ; There is One by our side that can comfort and save;— There's One who will never forsake. Clio.— Then let the hurricane roar, &c. G. Let the vessel be wreck'd on the rock, or the shoal, ^ Sink to be seen never more, He will bear none the less every passenger soul Safe, safe to the evergreen shore. Cho.— Then let the hurricane roar, &c. 93 Happy Voices 105. HOME OF THE BLEST. 1. On, when shall I dwell in a mansion all bright, And Jesus my Saviour behold, Or walk by his side like an angel of light, In a city all garnish'd with gold? Ciioktjs.— Home of the blest, home of the blest, When wilt thou ever be mine? Home of the blest, home of the blest, Soon shalt thou ever be mine. 2. No pearl from the ocean, no gold from the mine, Can pardon and purity buy; I'll trust in the blood of a Saviour divine, And I'll cling to his cross till I die. Cho.— Home tf the b\st, home of the blest, &c. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 79 3. Though light are the sorrows that burden a child. And fleeting the tempest of woe, I long for the land that was never defiled ; To the home of the blest would I go. Cho. — Home of the blest, home of the blest, &c. 4. But while I'ma stranger away from my home, I'll toil in the vineyard and pray ; I'll carry the cross while I think of the crown, And I'll watch for the break of the day. Cno. — Home of the blest, home of the blest, &c. 94 O. Shower S3, P. Songs 75, or Glad Tidings 84. 1 . Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessings Thou art scattering full and free, Showers the thirsty land refreshing, Let some droppings fall on me, — Even me, even me, Let some droppings fall on me. 2. Pass me not, O God, my Father, Sinful though my heart may be ; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let thy mercy light on me, — Even me, &c. 3. Pass me not, O gracious Saviour, Let me live and cling to thee Fain I'm longing for thy favor; Whilst thou'rt calling, call for me, — Even me, &c. 4. Pass me not, O mighty Spirit, Thou canst make the blind to see ; Witnesses of Jesus' merit, Speak the word of power to me, — Even me, &c. 05 30 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HY'JfXS. 5. Love of God, so pure and changeless; Blood of Christ, so rich and free; Grace of God, so rich and boundless, Magnify it all in me, — Even me, cv.c. 6. Pass me not, thy lost one bringing ; Bind ray heart, O Lord, to thee ; Whilst the streams of life are springing, Blessing others, oh, bless me, — Even me, &c. S. S. Hosaiina 1*22, or H. Voices G8. 8s and 7s. 1. One there is above all others Weil deserves the name of Friend ; His is love beyond a brother's, Costly, free, and knows no end. 2. Which of all our friends, to save ns, Could or would have shed his blood? But this Saviour died to have us Reconciled, in him, to God. 3. When he lived on earth aliased, Friend of sinners was his name; Now, above all glory raised, He rejoices in the same. 4. Oh for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us, Lord, at length to love ; We, alas! forget too often What a Friend we have above. 96 Happy Voices 2-20. BEAUTIFUL RIVER, 1. Shall we gather at the river Where bright angel feet have trod, With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God? SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 81 Cho. — Yes, we'll gather at the ri rer, The beautiful, the beautiful river, Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. 2. On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever, All the happy, golden day. Cho. — Yes, we'll gather at the river, &c. 3. Ere we reach the shining river, Lay we every burden down ; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and crown. Cho. — Yes, we'll gather at the river, &c. 4. At the smiling of the river, Mirror of the Saviour's face, Saints whom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. Cho. — Y r es, we'll gather at the river, &c. 5. Soon we'll reach the silver river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease ; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. Cho. — Y T es, we'll gather at the river, &c. ipv w Happy Voices 133. f) • ANGELS' WELCOME. 1. My home is in heaven, my rest is not here, Then why should I murmur when trials appear? Be hush'd, my dark spirit : the worst that can come But shortens my journey and hastens me home. Chorus. Then the angels will come, with their music will come, With music, sweet music, to welcome me home ; 6 82 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. In the bright gates of crystal the shining C;ies will nd, And sing me a welcome to their own native land. 2. It is not for me to be seeking lnv bliss And building my hopes in a region like this; I look for a city which hands have not piled, I pant for a country by sin nndeliled. Clio. — Then the angels will come, &c. 3. The thorn and the thistle around me may grow ; I would not recline upon roses below ; J ask not my portion, 1 seek not my rest, Till I find them forever on Jesus' own breast. Oho. — Then the angels will come, &c. 98 0. Chain 83, P. Songs 118, II. Voices -200, G. Tidings 121, TKE SEINING SHORE. 1. My days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as they fly, — Those hours of toil and danger. Cho— Lor, oh, we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 2. We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our heavenly home discerning; Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning. Clio.— Lor, oh, we stand on Jordan's strand, &C 3. Sbould coming days be cold and dark, We need not cease our singing ; Thai perfect rest naught can mol Where golden harps are ringing. Cno. — Lor, oh, we stand on Jordan's strand, Sec, SUNDAY-SCHCK. E HYlvINS. 83 4. Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow, Each chord on earth to sever ; Our King says, Come, and there's our home, Forever, oh, forever. Cho. — For, oh, we stand on Jordan's strand, &c. 99 G. Chain 85, H. Toices 80, New G. Chain 85. 0R08S AND CEOWN. a U 1. Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free ? No : there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. 2. How happy are the saints above, Who once went sorrowing here ! But now they taste unmingled love, And joy without a tear. 3. The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free, And then go home, my crown to wear, — For there's a crown for me. -+ nfi Happy Voices 149. 101) A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 1. There's a beautiful home for thee, brother, A home, a home for thee ; In that land of bliss where pleasure is, There, brother,' s a home for thee. Cho. — A beautiful home for thee, brother, A beautiful home for thee ; In that land of bliss where pleasure is, There, brother's a home for thee. 2. There's a beautiful rest for thee, brother, A rest, a rest for thee ; In those mansions above, where all is love, There, brother, 's a rest for thee. Cho. — A beautiful rest for thee, brother, &c. 84 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 3. There's a beautiful crown for thee, brother, A crown, a crown for thee ; When the battle is done, and the victory won, Our Saviour will give it to thee. Clio. — A beautiful crown for thee, &c. 4. There's a beautiful robe for thee, brother, A robe, a robe for thee ; A robe of white, so pure and bright, A glorious robe for thee. Cho. — A beautiful robe for thee, &c. 5. Wilt seek that beautiful home, brother, That home, that home above, In that land of light, where all is bright, That land where all is love? Cho. — A beautiful home for thee, &c. .| ^,-g G. Chain 78. 101 THE BETTER LAND. 1. Boys. — Whither, pilgrims, are you going, Going each with staff in hand ? Girls. — We are going on a journey, Going at our King's command. All. — Over hills and plains and valleys, We are going to his palace, We are going to his palace, Going to the better land ; We are going to his palace, Going to the better land. 2. Boys. — Fear ye not the way so lonely, You, a little, feeble band? Girls. — No; for friends, unseen, are near us. Holy angels round us stand. All.- -Christ, our leader, walks beside us; He will guard and he will guide us, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 85 He will guard and lie will guide us, Guide us to that better land ; He will guard and he will guide us, Guide us to that better land. 3 Boys. — Tell me, pilgrims, what you hope for , In that far-off better land. Girls. — Spotless robes and crowns of glory From a Saviour's loving hand. All. — We shall drink of life's clear river, Y\ T e shall dwell with God forever, We shall dwell with God forever, In that bright, that better land. 4. Boys. — Pilgrims, may we travel with you To that bright and better land ? Girls. — Come and welcome, come and welcome, Welcome to our pilgrim band. All. — Come, oh, come, and do not leave us, Christ is waiting to receive us, Christ is waiting to receive us, In that bright, that better land. 102 6. Censer 13, Pil. Songs 90, Glad Tidings 84. SWEET LAND OF EEST, a M 1. Sweet land of rest ! for thee I sigh, "When will the moment come When I shall lay my armor by And dwell with Christ at home? Refrain. — Home, home, sweet, sweet home, And dwell with Christ at home. 2. No tranquil joys on earth I know, No peace and sheltering home ; Tins world's a wilderness of wo, This world is not my home. REF.-IIome, home, &c. 86 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 3 - To Jesus Christ I sought for rest, tie bade me erase to roam. But i\y for succor to his breast, And he'd conduct me home. Rkf.— Home, home, &c. 4. Weary of wandering round and round inis vale of sin and gloom, 1 long to leave the unhalWd ground And dwell with Christ at home. Kef.— Home, home, &c. 103 1. Casket 65. THERE, THERE IS REST. Come poor pilgrim, sad and weary, Why heaves thy breast? Roaming this wide world so dreary feigning for rest. Chorus.— Rest, rest, sweet rest, Where the wicked cease from troubling, Ana the weary are at rest. 2. There is rest for thee in glory Among the blest; Listen to the joyful story, There, there is rest. Clio.— Rest, rest, &c. 3. There are those who've gone before us, t All who are blest ; ' Singing now the happy chorus, There, there is rest. Clio.— Rest, rest, My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. 3. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song ; Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake ; Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. 92 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. U. Chain 124, Oriola 249, P. Songs 102, S. S. Hos.159. THAT BEAUTIFUL LAND. Ill 1. A beautiful land by faith I see, A land of rest, from sorrow free, The home of the ransom'd, bright, and fair, And beautiful angels, too, are there. Cho. — Will vou go, will yon go, Go to that beautiful land with me? Will you go, will von go, Go to that beautifnl land? 2. That beautiful land, the City of Light, It ne'er has known the shades of night; The glory of (xod, the light of day, Hath driven the darkness far away. Cho. — Will yon go, will you go, &c. 3. In vision I see its streets of gold, Its beautiful gates I too behold, The river of life, the crystal sea, The ambrosial fruit of life's fair tree. Cho.— Will you go, will you go, &c. 4. The heavenly throng, arrav'd in white, In rapture range the plains of light; And in one harmonious choir they praise Their glorious Saviour's matchles's grace. Cho.— Will you go, will you go, &c. (;:slvOt 104. PARTING HYMN, 112 1. Please to watch us, blessed Saviour, As we leave our Sabbath home ; Guide and keep us from all danger Till again to thee w* ?ome. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 93 Cho. — Though we very often wander In the path of vice and sin, Yet we pray that thou wouldst hear us, Cleanse and make us pure within. 2. Make each spirit meek and lowly, Make us leave the ways of strife, Lead us in the path of duty, Lead us to the better life. Cho. — Thus we'd serve thee, blessed Saviour, Till we've cross' d life's stormy sea, And, with each loved friend and teacher, All are gather' d home to thee. lie G. Ciiain 121, or S. S. Bell, No. 1—119, S. S. Hos. 121. I OUGHT TO LOVE MY MOTHER. 1. I ought to love my mother : She loved me long ago ; There is on earth no other That ever loved me so. When a weak babe, much trial I caused her, and much care ; For me no self-denial Nor labor did she spare. 2. When in my cradle lying, Or on her loving breast, She gently hush'd my crying, And rock'd her babe to rest; When any thing has ail'd me, To her I told my grief: Her fond love never fail'd me In finding some relief. 3. What sight is that which, near me, Makes home a happy place, And has such power to cheer me ? — I* is my mother's face. 94 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. What sound is that which ever Makes my young heart rejoice With tones that tire me never?— It is my mother's voice. 4. "When she is ill, to tend her My daily care shall be: Such help as I can render Will all be joy to me. Though I can ne'er repay her For all her tender care, I will honor and obey her While God our lives shall spare. "I "I 4 ' G * Chain U2 ' 8 * 8 * Hosan,,a 162 ' 0riola 24 °- 114: MARCHING ALONG. 1. The children are gath'ring from near and from far, The trumpet is sounding the call for the war, The conflict is raging, 'twill be fearful and long, We'll gird on our armor and *be marching along. Chorus. Marching along, we are marching along, Gird on the armor and be marching along, The conflict is raging, 'twill be fearfj.il and long, Then gird on the armor and be marching along. 2. The foe is before us in battle array, But let us not waver nor turn from the way : The Lord is our strength, be this ever our song, With courage and faith we are marching along. Cho. — Marching along, &c. 3. We've 'listed for life, and will camp on the field, With Christ as our Captain we never will yield ; The "sword of the Spirit," both trusty and strong, We'll hold in our hands as we're marching along. Cno. — Marching along, &c. SUXDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 95 4. Through conflicts and trials our crowns we must win, For here we contend 'gainst temptation and sin. But one thing assures us, we cannot go wrong, If trusting our Saviour, while marching along. Cho. — Marching along, &c. _^ _j ^ G. Shower 50. llO THE LAND OF BEULAH. C. U 1. My latest sun is sinking fast, My race is nearly run ; My strongest trials now are past, My triumph is begun. Refrain. O, come, angel band, come and around me stand, O, bear me away on your snowy wings, To my immortal home. O, bear me away on your snowy wings, To my immortal home. 2. I know I'm nearing the holy ranks Of friends and kindred dear, For I brush the dews on Jordan's banks, The crossing must be near. Ref. — O, come,, angel band, &c. 3. I've almost gain'd my heavenly home, My spirit loudly sings ; The holy ones, behold, they come ; I hear the noise of wings. Ref. — O, come, angel band, &c. 4. O, bear my longing heart to Him Who bled and died for me, Whose blood now. cleanses from all sin, And gives me victory. Ref. — O, come, angel band, &c. 90 SUNDAY -SCHOOL HYMNS. 116 G. Censer 123, Pil. Songs 106. WATCHMAN, TELL ME. 1. Watchman, tell me, does the morning Of fair Zion's glory dawn ? Have the signs that mark its coming Yet upon thy pathway shone ? Pilgrim, yes ! arise, look round thee, Light is breaking in the skits ; Gird thy bridal robes around thee, Morning dawns, arise, arise ! 2. Watchman, see, the light is beaming Brighter still upon the way ; Signs through all the earth are gleaming, Omens of the coming day, When the Jubal trumpet sounding Shall awake from earth and sea, And the saints of God, now sleeping, Clad in immortality. 3. Watchman, hail the light ascending Of the grand Sabbatic year ; All with voices loud proclaiming That the kingdom's very near : Pilgrim, yes ! I see, just yonder, Canaan's glorious heights arise ; Salem too appears in grandeur, Towering 'neath its sunlit skies. 4. Watchman, in the golden city, Seated on his jasper throne, Zion's King, enthroned in beauty, Reigns in peace from zone to zone ; There, on sunlit hills and mountains, Golden beams serenely glow; Purling streams and crystal fountains, On whose banks sweet How' rets blow. 117 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 97 5. Watchman, see, the land is nearing, With its vernal fruits and flowers ; On just yonder, oh, how cheering, Bloom forever Eden's bowers ! Hark ! the choral strains are ringing, Wafted on the balmy air ; See the millions, hear them singing, Soon the pilgrim will be there. S. S. Hosanna 140, G. Chain 85, Oriola 111. CM. 1. Come, humble sinner, in whose breast A thousand thoughts revolve; Come, with your guilt and fear oppress' d, And make this last resolve: 2. " Fll go to Jesus, though my sin Like mountains round me close; I know his courts, I'll enter in, Whatever may oppose. % 3. " Prostrate I'll lie before his throne, And there my guilt confess ; I'll tell him I'm a wretch undone, Without his sovereign grace. 4. "I'll to the gracious King approach, Whose sceptre pardon gives ; Perhaps he may command my touch, And then the suppliant lives. 5. " Perhaps he will admit my plea, m Perhaps will hear my prayer; But if I perish, I will pray, And perish only there. 6. "I can but perish if I go, I am resolved to try ; For if I stay away, I know I must forever die." 98 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 118 119 S. S. Hosanna 134, II. Voices 80, Oriola 111. C. M. 1. Whene'er I take my walks abroad How many poor I see ! What shall I render to my God For all his gifts to me ! 2. Not more than others I deserve, Yet God hath given me more; For I have food while others starve Or beg from door to door. 3. How many children in the street Half naked I behold, While I am clothed from head to feet, And cover' d from the cold ! 4. While some poor wanderers scarce can tell Where they may lay their head, I lmve a home wherein to dwell, And rest upon my bed. 5. While others early learn to swear, And curse, and lie, and steal, Lord, I am taught thy name to fear, And do thy holy will. 6. Are these thy favors, day by day, To me above the rest? Then let me love thee more than they, And try to serve thee best. G. Shower 10, Pilgrims' Songs 4. THE MERCY-SEAT. L. M. 1. From ev'ry stormy wind that blows, From ev'ry swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat, J Tis found beneath the Mercy-seat. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Chorus. — The Mercy-seat, the Mercy-seat, The blessed Mercy-seat, The Mercy-seat, the Mercy-seat, The blessed Mercy-seat. 2. There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads, — . A place than all b.eside more sweet : It is the blood-bought Mercy-seat. Cho. — The Mercy-seat, &c. 3. There is a scene where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend ; Though sunder' d far, by faith they meet Around one common Mercy-seat. Cho. — The Mercy-seat, &c. 4. There, there on eagle wings we soar, And sin and sense molest no more, And heaven comes down our souls to greet, And glory crowns the Mercy-seat. Cho.-^-TL* Mercy-seat &c. 120 G. Shower 16, Pilgrims' Songs 22. 1 OUGHT TO LOVE MY SAVIOUR. 1. I ought to love my Saviour ! No earthly friend can be One-half so kind and faithful As he has been to me. Before my lips could utter His sweet and precious name, Until the present moment, His love has been the same. Refrain. — I ought to love my Saviour, My precious, precious Saviour, I ought to love my Saviour, He loves me well, I know. 100 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 2. He left his home in glory, To save my soul from death, And now in all life's dangers He still sustains my breath. I lay me down and slumber All through the hours of night, And wake again in safety To hail the morning light. Kef. — I ought to love my Saviour, &c. 3. It is but very little For him that I can do; Then let me seek to serve him My earthly journey through, And without sigh or murmur To do his holy will, And in my daily duties His wise commands fulfil. Ref. — I ought to love my Saviour, &c. 4. And when I reach the mansion He has prepared for me, 'Twill be my grateful pleasure My Saviour's face to see. And mid the angels' music, Which then will greet my ear, How eagerly I'll listen My Saviour's' voice to hear ! Ref. — I ought to love my Saviour, &c. 121 G. Shower 20. A LAND WITHOUT A STORM. 8s, 7s. 1. Boys. — Traveller, whither art thou going, Heedless of the clouds that form? Girls. — Naught to me the winds rough blowing, Mine's a land without a^torm. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 101 Chorus. — And I'm going, yes, I'm going To that land that has no stormt, And I'm going, yes, I'm going To the land that has no storms. 2. Boys. — Traveller, art thou here a stranger, Not to fear the tempest's power? Girls. — I have not a thought of danger, Tho' the sky more darkly lower. Cho. — And I'm going, yes, I'm going, &c. 3. Boys. — Traveller, now a moment linger, Soon the darkness will be o'er. Girls. — No ; I see a beckoning finger, Guiding to a far-off shore. Cho. — And I'm going, yes, I'm going, &c. 4. Boys. — Traveller, yonder narrow portal Opens to receive thy form. Girls. — Yes ; but I shall be immortal In that land without a storm. Cho. — And I'm going, yes, I'm going, &c. 122 G. Shower 24. HEAVENLY SONG. 1. There's a country, dear children, of endless de- light, Unclouded by sorrow, ne'er shaded in night, Where the spirits in glory unite in the psalm Ascribing all honor to God and the Lamb. Will you go ? will you go, To join them in praise unto God and the Lamb? Will you go ? will you go, To join them in praise unto God and the Lamb? 2. And may all the children unite with that throng? Shall they to the choir celestial belong ? 10S SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Oh, say, may our voices with seraphim chime, And join the redeenrd in that music sublime ? May we go, A.id join the redeem' d in that music sublime? 3. Yes, come with your young hearts to Jesus, and pray That earlv he'll help you to find the good way ; Oh, he'll meet you, dear ones, with his own smile of love, . . And appoint you a place in the mansions above. You may come, He'll give you a place in the mansions above. 4. Oh, heaven, with joy from this world of distress, Where sin is a burden and trials oppress — From the wilderness drear, where uncertain we roam, We look to that land where the soul has a home. We will go, Will go to that land where the soul has a home. 128 G. Shower 30, P. Songs 30. WE'RE NEASEK HOME, 1. We know not what's before us, What trials are to come ; But each day passing o'er us Brings us still nearer home. Cho. — We're nearer, nearer home, Our blessed, happy home, Where grief and sin can never come, WVre nearer, nearer home, Nearer home, nearer home, Nearer to my happy home, Nearer home, nearer home, Our blessed, happy home. 2. Tho'. dark our path and lonely, And ?buds our sky o'ercast, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 103 Let us remember only That it will soon be past. Cho. — We're nearer, nearer home, &c.' 3. Whate'er of gloom or anguish Life to our hearts may bring, In doubt we will not languish, But cheerfully we'll sing. Cho. — We're nearer, nearer home, &c. 124 Pilgrim's Songs 24, (t. Shower 82. LOOKING HOME, 1. Ah, this heart is void and chill, Mid earth's noisy throngings, For my Father's mansions still Earnestly is longing. Refkafn. — Looking home, looking home, Towards the heavenly mansions Jesus hath prepared for me In his Father's kingdom. 2. Soon the glorious day will dawn, Heavenly pleasures bringing ; 2aght will be exchanged for morn, Sighs give place to singing. Ref. — Looking home, &c. 3. Oh, to be at home again, All for which we're sighing, From all earthly want and pain To be swiftly flying. Ref. — Looking home, &c. 4. With this load of sin and care Then no longer bending, But with waiting angels there On our soul attending. Ref. — I ooking home, &c 104 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS 5. Blessed home, oh ! blessed home, All for which we're sighing, Soon onr Lord will bid ns come To onr Father's kingdom. Kef. — Looking home, &c. 125 G. Shower 3G, Oriola 134, or G. Tidings 71, without Chorus. GOOD TIDINGS. 1. Shout the tidings of salvation. To the aged and the young, Till the precious invitation Waken every heart and tongue. Cho. — Send the sound the earth around, From the rising to the setting of the sun, Till each gathering crowd Shall proclaim aloud, The glorious work is done. 2. Shout the tidings of salvation O'er the prairies of the West, Till each gath'ring congregation With the gospel sound is blest. Cho. — Send the sound the earth around, &c. 3. Shout the tidings of salvation, Mingling with the ocean's roar, Till the ships of every nation Bear the news from shore to shore. Cho. — Send the sound the earth around, &c. ■ 4. Shout the tidings of salvation O'er the islands of the sea, Till, in humble adoration, All to Christ shall bow the knee. Cho. — Send the sound the earth around, &c. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYM^S. 105 ^ ~~ G. Shower 92. Uo THE ANGELS THERE WILL TEACH US. 1. To the heavenly land, to the heavenly land, Y> 7 here the saints and the seraphs stand, We are on our way, we are on our way, A united and happy band. Chorus. — For the angels there will teach us How to sing a sweeter song ! And ho sorrow'll ever reach us, In that happy, happy throng, In the heavenly land, in the heavenly land, Where the saints and the seraphs stand. 2. Tho' we often tire, tho' we often tire, Where the pathway is steep and straight, We will still press on, we will still press on, Till we press through the Golden Gate. Cho. — For the angels there will teach us, &c. 3. But we need not fear, but we need not fear, For we've Jesus to be our guide; And with him so near, ay, with hirn so near, "Naught of evil can e'er betide. Cho. — For the angels there shall teach us, &c. 4. Will you go with us? will you go with us? Come and share this bright home above, Where the endless day, where the endless day Is illumed by our Father's love. Cho. — For the angels there shall teach us, &c. ^^>- Pilgrims' Songs 50, G. Shower 60. 1J7 THE CHRISTIAN'S DEAR HOME. 1. Speed away ! speed away ! happy soul of the blest From thy prison-house fly, like a bird to her nest ; Angel spirits are bending in love from the sky, To welcome thee home to the mansions on high, To the land where no night is, no tears, no decay! 106 Bl XDAY-SCIIOOL HYMNS. Speed away, speed away, happy soul of the blest, Speed away, speed away, to the land of thy rest. 2. Speed away! speed away! Oh, why linger below, When thy measure of glory no mortal can know, And the visions of beauty that beam on thy sight All come from the Christian's dear home of delight, Thy darkness is turn'd into infinite day! Speed away, speed away, happy soul of the blest, Speed away, speed away, to the land of thy rest. 3. Speed away! speed away! happy soul of the blest, To the land where the weary, worn pilgrim may rest, To the city celestial, that beautiful shore, Where the presence of deatli we shall fear nevermore. Up! heavenward! let nothing thy journey delay! Speed away, speed away, happy soul of the blest, Speed away, speed away, to the land of thy rest. 128 G. Shower 80, Oricla 1S7. NOW WE LIFT OUR TUNEFUL VOICES. 5, 7. 1. Now we lift our tuneful voices, In a new, melodious song; While each youthful heart rejoices To behold the gathering throng. CHORUS. — As we lift our waving banners To the breeze-s soft and mild, May the tide of glad hosannas Flow from bosoms undetiled. 2. Ye who join our celebration, Sweetest melodies employ; Bow with us in adoration, Fill'd with holy, heavenly joy. Cho. — As we lift, &c. 3. Teachers kind, whose care unceasing All must honor and approve; Thanks for labor still unceasing, Heaven reward your works of love. Clio. — As ye lift, &c. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 107 4. Thanks to God for every blessing Which his bounteous hand bestows ; All on earth that's worth possessing From that hand incessant flows. t Cho. — As we lift, &c. U C%6\ Pilgrims' Songs 80, 0. Shower 72. UH THE BRIGHT HILLS OF GLORY. 1. Oh, give me a harp on the bright hills of glory, A home when life's sorrows are o'er, Where joys that await the meek and the lowly Will more than lost Eden restore. Chokus. Where the new song of glory, Is the theme of the holy, And the ransom' d are safe evermore, Where the new song of glory, Is the theme of the holy, And the ransom' d are safe evermore. 2. Oh, there let me roam on the banks of the river, Escorted by angels along ; And with' them adore the Bounteous Giver Whose love is rehearsed by the throng. Chorus. Where the new song is given, To the loved ones in And the angels re-echo the song, [heaven, Where the new song is given, To the loved ones in And the angels re-echo the song. [heaven, 3. There sweetly we'll rest in those mansions forever, And bask in the fulness of love, Where fields are all bright with flow'rets that never Shall wither in Eden above. Chorus. There the new song of pardon, Is the theme over Jor- And each harp swells the chorus of love, [dan, There the new song of pardon, Is the theme over Jor- And each harp shells the chorus of love. [dan, 108 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYM&S. 4. Oh, who lias prepared this banquet of pleasures, In heaven' 8 sweet bower of rest, And "bids us partake of all its rich treasures, And ypits now to welcome each guest ? Chorus. It is Jesus our Saviour, And we'll praise him forever, "When we're safe in those mansions of rest, It is Jesus our Saviour, And we'll praise him forever When we're safe in those mansions of rest. 130 Oriola 12S, G. Shower 91, or Happy Voices 184, S. S. Hosanna 152. HEAVEN IS MY HOME. 1. Fm but a stranger here, Heaven is my home ; Earth is a desert drear, Heaven is my home ; Dangers and Borrows stand Round me on every hand, Heaven is my Fatherland, Heaven is my home. 2. What though the tempests rage, Heaven is my home ; Short is my pilgrimage, Heaven is my home ; And time's wild wintry blast Soon will be over past, I shall reach home at last, — Heaven is my home. 3. Therefore I murmur not ; Heaven is my home ; Whate'er my earthly lot, Heaven is my home; And I shall surely stand There at my Lord's right hand ; Heaven is my Fatherland, Heaven is my home. 131 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 109 G. Slower 74. WE HAVE COME REJOICING. 1. "We have come rejoicing on this happy day, In our Sunday-school we dearly love to stay, And with voices blending in a sacred song, We the Saviour's praise prolong. Chorus. — There we shall never grieve him more, But with the angels on that shore, Strike the harps of glory in a sweeter strain, And ever with them praise his holy name. 2. Thro' the week he's kept us, and his smiling face Still is beaming on us in this happy place; And the gracious Spirit from his holy throne Tells us of a better home. Cho. — There we shall never grieve him more, &c. 3. Jesus there is smiling, on his Father's throne, Saying, "Come in, welcome, come, for here is room In these shining mansions I have still a place, Children, hasten to my face." Cho.— There we shall never grieve him more, &c 4. "And in robes of glory, like the stars above, Shall my loved ones ever, ever with me rove, Where the waving fiow'rets of immortal bloom Shed around their sweet perfume." Cho. — There we shall never grieve him more, &c 132 G. Shower 76. JESUS IS XIBG. 1. He who once to earth came down, Toil'd and suffer'd here below, .Sits upon his heavenly throne, Wears the crown of glory now. 110 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Chorus. — While angels join to sing, And loud the sweet words ring, — Jesus is King, Jesus is King. 2. Many little ones are there, Gathered in that shining throng ; Listen ! through the Sabbath air You may hear their joyful song. Cho. — Come let us join to sing, Loud let the sweet words ring, — Jesus is King, Jesus is King. 3. Yes, our loved and lost are there*, They have reach' d the happy la«d, Now white robes and crowns they wear, They have join'd the angel band. Cho. — They strike each golden string, And loud the sweet words ring,— Jesus is King, Jesus is King. 4. Christians in the song unite, Gladly swell the notes of praise, ' And, with saints and angels bright, Still the grateful anthem raise. Cho. — Come let us join to sing, Loud let the sweet words ring, — ■ Jesus is King, Jesus is King. 5. Surely we that song may share, Jesus bids the children come, Gives the lambs his tender care, Guides them to his heavenly home. Oho. — Come let us join to sing, Loud let the sweet words ring, — Jesus is King, Jesus is King. 138 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Ill II. Voices 42, or S. S. Hosanna 99, or Oriola 117, or Glad Tidings 58. GOD IS LOVE. 1. Come, let us all unite to sing, God is love. Let heaven and earth their praises bring ; God is love. Let every soul from sin awake, Each in his heart sweet music make, And sing with us, for Jesus' sake, God is love. 2. Oh, tell to earth's remotest bound, God is love. In Christ we have redemption found ; God is love. His blood has wash'd our sins away, His Spirit turn'd our night to day, And now we can rejoice to say, God is love, 3. How happy is our portion here ! God is love. His promises our spirits cheer; God is love. He is our sun and shield by day, Our help, our hope, our strength, and stay ; He will be with us all the way : God is love. 4. What though my heart and flesh should fail % God is love. Through Christ I shall o'er death prevail ' God is love. Though Jordan swell, I need not fear, My Saviour will be with me there, My hdad above the waves to bear; God is love ! H2 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 5. In Zion we shall sing again, God is love. Yes, this shall be our lofty strain, God is love. While endless ages roll along, In concert with the heavenly throng, This shall be still our sweetest song, God is love. 134 G. Ceiiser 24, Musical Leaves 23. WHO IS MY NEIGHBOE? 1. Oh, who is my neighbor? pray tell me, As I journey along here below. For my Bible commands me to love him As myself, and my neighbor I'd know. Is it he who sits down at my table, v My brother so dear unto me, Or my friend who hath done me a favor, — My neighbor, oh, where may he be? Where may he be? where may he be My neighbor, oh! where may 'he be? 2. The world is thy neighbor, poor pilgrim; From the beggar so wretched to see, To the rich man that rides in his carriage, — All alike have a claim upon thee! Go ye out in the highways and hedges, The alleys, the lanes, and the street; For ye never have need to stand idle The want of a neighbor to greet ! A neighbor to greet, — a neighbor to greet, The want of a neighbor to greet. 3. Drink deep from sweet charity's fountain; Little failings in kindness o'erlook ; For our Saviour had pity for others, And he never his neighbor forsook. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 113 He hath said that a cup of cold water, If given in the name of the Lord. In that day when he makes up his jewels, Shall meet with a tenfold reward ! A tenfold reward, a tenfold reward, Shall meet with a tenfold reward ! 185 G. Censer 3, Musical Leaves 50, GLOET, GLOEY TO THE LAMB. 1. Hark, the sweetest notes of angels singing, Glory, glory to the Lamb ! All the hosts of heaven their tribute bringing, liaising high the Saviour's name. Refrain. — We wix 1 join the beautiful angels, We will join the beautiful angels, Singing away, singing away, Glory, glory to the Lamb. 2. Ye for whom his precious life was given, Sacred themes to you belong ; Come, and join the glorious choir of heaven, Join the everlasting song. Ref. — We will join the beautiful angels, &c. 3. Hearts ail filFd with holy emulation, _ We unite with those above; Sweet the theme, — the theme of free salvation, Founts of everlasting love. - Kef. — We will join the beautiful angels, &c. 4. Endless life in Christ our Lord possessing, Let us praise his precious name; Glory, honor, riches, power, and blessing Be forever to the Lamb. Ref. — We will join the beautiful angels, &c. 8 114 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 136 (J. Censor 86. THE LAND BEYOND THE EIVER. 1. No mortal eye that land hath seen, Beyond, beyond the river, Its smiling valleys, hills so green, Beyond, beyond the river. Its shores are coming nearer, The skies are growing clearer, Each day it seemeth dearer, That land beyond the river. Refrain. — We'll stand the storm, we'll stand the Its rage is almost over ; [storm, We'll anchor in the harbor soon In the land beyond the riwr. 2. No cankering care nor mortal strife, Beyond, &c. But happy, never-ending life, Beyond, &c. Through the eternal hours, God's love, in heavenly showers, Shall water faith's fair flowers, In the land beyond the river. Ref. — We'll stand the storm, we'll stand the storm, &e. 3. That glorious day will ne'er be done, Beyond, &c. When we've the crown and kingdom won, Beyond, &e. There is eternal pleasure, And joys that none can measure, * For those who have their treasure In the land, Ac. Ref. — We'll stand the storm, we'll stand the storm, &e. 4. When shall we look from Zion's hill, Beyond, &c. With endless bliss onr hearts shall thrill, Beyond, &c. There angels bright are singing, Where golden harps are ringing, We ne'er shall cease our singing In the land, &c. Ref. — W^'ll stand tie storm, we'll stand the storm, &c. SUXD AY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 115 - ^~ G. Shower 111. lo7 HOSANNA. "Blessed is lie that cometl "-Anth, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord ! Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, That cometh, that cometh in the name of the Lord ! Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, That cometh, that cometh in the name of the Lord ! Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna ! Full. Chorus. Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, Hosanna in the highest, in the highest ! Amen, Amen*. ^1 ^ .- G. Censer 116. lOO GLORY TO GOD DT THE HIGHEST -Anth. 1. Glory to God in the highest ! Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God in the highest ! Shall be our song to-day ; Another year's rich mercies prove His ceaseless care and boundless love ; So let our loudest voices raise Our Anniversary song of praise. Full Chorus. — Glory to God in the highest ! Glory to God in the highest ! Glory, glory, glory, glory, Glory be to God on high ! 2. The song that woke the glorious morn •When David's greater son was born, Sung by a heavenly host, and we Would join ih 7 angelic company. F. Cho. — Glory to xod in the highest, &c 139 H6 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 3. And while we with the angels sing, I ri fcs, with the Avise men, let us bring Into the Babe of Bethlehem, And oiler our young hearts to him. F. Clio.— Glory to God in the highest, &c. 4. Oh, may we, an unbroken band, Around the throne of Jesus stand, And there, with angels and the throng Of his redeemed ones, join the song. F. Clio .— Glory to God in the highest, &c Diadem 9& ANGEL VISITS. 1. In the mild and pensive twilight, When the earth is calm and still, And a deep, mysterious sadness Doth my spirit's chambers fill, In the gathering shades of evening, When the friendly stars appear, There are soft and silvery voices From yon distant, lofty sphere. Chorus. When earth's cares and sorrows all are over I shall gain that blissful, blissful home, Whence the happy, happy ransom'd spirit Shall no more, no more a wand'rer roam. 2. E'en the forms of the departed, Floating through the heavenly air, Seem, with soft, melodious voices, Whispering words of comfort rare; Pictured on the melting azure, Gleam their robes of shadowy light, While their mild and tender glances Shine upon me softly bright. Clio.— When earth's cares, &c. 3. Faces o'er whose gentle beauty I in silent anguish wept, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 117 As in death's unchanging slumber They before my vision slept ; Forms which I beheld enshrouded In the drapery of the tomb, And who long with dust have mingled In the churchyard's silent gloom. Cho. — When earth's cares, &c *. 4. Friends whom I most fondly cherish'd When' their lives with mine did twine, And who still within my memory Love doth sacredly enshrine : These, in fair, seraphic beauty, Smile upon me from the sky, Often gently whispering to me That the blessed goal is nigh. Cho. — When earth's cares, &c. -* m f± Diadem 96. 14:0 OH, HAD I FLEET WINGS, 1. Oh, had I fleet wings like a dove, to fly Away from this world of care, My soul would mount to the realms on high, And seek for refuge there. But is there no heaven for me here on earth? No hope for the wounded breast? Xo favor'd spot where content has birth, In which I may find a rest? 2. Oh, yes, it is written, "Believe and live !" The heart, by bright hope allured, Shall find the comfort these words can give, And be by its faith assured. Then why should we shrink from the world's chill- ing frown, "When truth to the heart has given A light in darkness to guide us on In joy to the paths of heaven ? 118 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 3. There is, oh, there is in God's holy word, That word which can ne'er depart, There is a promise of mercy stored For them that are pure in heart. "My yoke it is easy, my burden is light, Then come unto me for rest." These are the words of sweet promise stored To soothe every wounded bfeast. mG. Censer 88. OH, WE ARE VOLUNTEERS. 1. Oh, we *are volunteers in the army of ihe Lord, Forming into line at our Captain's word ; We are under marching orders to take the battle field, And we'll ne'er give o'er the fight till the foe shall yield. Chorus. Come and join the army, the army of the Lord, Jesus is our Captain, we rally at his word ; Sharp will be the conflict with the powers of sin, But, with such a Leader, we are sure to win. 2. The glory of our flag is the emblem of the dove, Gleaming are our swords from the forge of love ; We go forth, but not to battle for earthly honors vain, 'Tis a bright immortal crown that we seek to gain. Cho. — Come and join the army, &c. 3. Our foes are in the field, pressing hard on every side Envy, anger, hatred, with self and pride ; They are cruel, fierce, and strong, ever ready to attack ; We must watch, and fight, and pray, if we'd drive them back. Cho. — Come and join the army, &c. 4. Oh, glorious is the struggle in which we draw the sword, Glorious in the kingdom of Christ our Lord ; SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 119 It shall spread from sea to sea, it shall reach from shore to shore, And his people shall be blessed for evermore. Ciro. — Come and join the army, &c. U2 Tune, Robin Adair, and G. Censer 89, or Fresh Laurels 77, or Musical Leaves 64. Glad Tidings 137. JESUS IS MINE. 1. Fade, fade each earthly joy, Jesus is mine ; Break every tender tie, Jesus is mine ; Dark is the wilderness, Earth has no resting-place, Jesus alone can bless, Jesus is mine. 2. Tempt not my soul away, Jesus is mine ; Here would I ever stay, Jesus is mine ; Perishing things of clay, fc Born but for one brief day, Pass from my heart away, Jesus is mine. 3. Farewell, ye dreams of night, Jesus is mine ; Lost in this dawning light, Jesus is mine ; All that my soul has tried, Left but a dismal void Jesus has satisfied, Jesus is mine. 4. Farewell, mortality, Jesus is mine ; Welcome, eternity, Jesus is mine ; 120 SUNDAY-SCHOO^ hymns. Welcome, O loved and blest, Welcome, sweet scenes of rest. Welcome, my Saviour's breast, Jesus is mine. 143 Happy Voices 13.9, Glad Tidings 32. MARCHING ON. 1. Marching on, marching on, glad as birds on the wing, Come the bright ranks of soldiers from near and from far ; Happy hearts full of song 'neath our banners we bring. We are soldiers of Zion prepared for the war. Chorus. — Marching on, marching on, Sound the-battie cry, sound the battle-cry ! For the Saviour is before us, and for him we draw the sword ; , . Marching on, marching on, Shout the victory, the victory, the victory ! We will end the battle singing hallelujah to the Lamb. 2. Pressing on, pressing on, to the din of the fray, With the firm tread of faith to the battle Ave go;. Mid the cheering of angels, our ranks march away, With our i\i\^ pointing ever right on towards the foe. Clio. — Marching on, &c. 3. Fighting on, fighting on, in the midst of the strife, ^At the call of our Captain, we draw ev'ry sword ; We are battling for God, we are struggling for life ' Let us strike every sinner that fights 'gainst the Lord. Clio. — -Marching on, &c. 4. Singing on, singing on, from the battle. we come, Ev'ry flag bears a wreath, ev'ry soldier renown; SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 121 Heavenly angels are waiting to welcome us nome, And the Saviour will give us a robe and a crown. Cho. — Marching on, &c. -H J Jk Diadem 86. 144t KINDLY AND GRACIOUSLY. 1 . Kindly and graciously, prompted by love, Jesus came down from the bright world above ; Though he was glorious, almighty, divine, Sun of that world where the bright spirits shine, Yet, meek and lowly, and gentle and mild, Like us poor children, he, too, was a child ; Praise him! oh, praise him! for, prompted by loVe, Jesus came down from the bright world above. 2. Lovingly, lovingly, close to his breast, Once little children so fondly he press'd, Laid each dear hand on some little one's head, Tenderly smiling as sweetly he said, " Dear little children, so happy and free ! Suffer the children to come unto me." Lovingly, lovingly, close to his breast,' . T'hen the dear little ones fondly he press'd. 3. Tenderly, tenderly, free from alarms, Jesus now folds the dear iambs in his arms. Hark! there is melody thro' the air borne, — ■ Borne from the " happy land" whither they're gone "Parents, and sisters, and brothers most dear! Weep not, but meet us, oh, meet with us here! Tenderly, tenderly, free from alarms, Jesus now folds us, his lambs, in his arms." 145 Diadem 82. ANGELS SINGING. 1. When, of old, sweet angels singing, Borne upon the morning winds, *■ To the air of shepherds winging, Fear and wonder filPd their minds. 122 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Till they listen'd to the story, Then all doubt and trembling cease, Unto God above be glory, And to men on earth he peace, Unto God above be glory, And to men on earth be peace. 2. Still the same sweet song is singing, If we only strive to hear; When the heart is upward winging, Then the angels do appear; When we listen to the story, All our fears and sorrows cease. Unto God above, &c. 3. Oh, ye heavy hearts and weary, Earthly joys can not suffiee; Brightest prospects will grow dreary, Seek not here for Paradise; Tell to Christ your sad, sad story, He will from all sin release. Unto God above, &c. "I 4 £* G * Censer 104 ? Mnsfcal Leaves 45. 14:0 BEAUTIFUL LAND OF REST, • 1. Jerusalem, forever bright, — Beautiful land of rest, No winter there, nor chill of night, — Beautiful land of rest I The dripping cloud is chased away, The sun breaks forth in endless day,— Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of rest. Chcrus— Beautiful land, Beautiful land, -.* Beautiful laud of Beautiful land, Beautiful land, Beautiful laud oi* w t. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 123 2. Jerusalem, forever free,— Beautiful laud of rest ! The soul's sweet home of Liberty,— Beautiful laud of rest ! The gyves of sin, the chains of woe, The ransom' d there will never know. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of rest, Cho — Beautiful land, &c. 3. Jerusalem, forever dear, — Beautiful land of rest ! Thy pearly gates almost appear,— Beautiful land of rest ! And when we tread thy lovely shore, We'll sing the song we've sung before, — Jerusalem, Jerusalem, The beautiful land of rest. Cho. — Beautiful land, &c. G. Censer 112. 147 A OUT FROM MACEDONIA. 1. There's a cry from Macedonia,— Come and help us , ' The light of "the gospel bring. Oh, come ! Let us hear the joyful tidings of salvation, We thirst for the living spring. O ye heralds of the cross, be up and doing, Kemember the great command, Away ! Go ye forth and preach the word to every creature, Proclaim it in ev'ry land. Chorus.— They shall gather from the East, They shall gather from the West, With the patriarchs of old, And the ransom'd shall return To the kingdoms of the blest, With their harps and crowns of gold. There's a cry from Macedonia,— Come and help us; The light cf the gospel bring, Oh, come ! *24 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Let us hear the joyful tidings of salvation, We thirst for the living spring. 2. Oh, how beautiful their feet upon the mounta n* The tidings of peace who bring, Who bring lo the nations of the earth who sit in darkness And tell them of Zion's King; Then, ye heralds of the cross, be up and doing Go work in your Master's field, Away! Sound the trumpet, sound the trumpet of salvation, Ihe Lord is your strength and shield. Cho.— Let the distant isles be glad, Let them hail the Saviour's birth, And the news of pardon free, Till the knowledge of the truth Shall extend to all the earth, As the waters o'er the sea. There's a cry from Macedonia,— Come and help us* The light of the gospel bring, Oh, come! ' Let us hear the joyful tidings of salvation, \\ e thirst for the living spring. 3. Ye have listed in the array of the faithful, Like heroes the battle fight, Away! There are foes on every hand that will assail vou Then gird on your armor bright; With the banner of the cross unfurl'd before you The sword of the Spirit wield, Away! Ye shall conquer through his mercy who hath loved m you ' The Lord is your strength and shield. Cho— Ye are marching to the land Where the saints in glory stand, And the just for joy shall sing,' Ye by faith may bring it nigh; Ye shall reach it by-and-by, And your shouts of triumph ring. There's a cry from Macedonia,— Come and help us; SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 125 The light of the gospel bring, Oh, come! Let us hear the joyful tidings of saivatioi , We thirst for the living spring. 148 G. Censer 14, G. Tidings 122, Musical Leaves 24. CLIMBING UP ZION'S HILL. 1. "I'm trying to climb up Zion's hill," For the Saviour whispers, " Love me ;" Tho' all beneath is dark as death, Yet the stars are bright above me. Then upward still To Zion's hill, To the land of joy and beauty, My path before, Shines more and more, As it nears the golden city. Chorus. — I'm climbing up Zion's hill, I'm climbing up Zion's hill, Climbing, climbing, climbing up Zion's hill. 2. I know I'm but a little child, % My strength will not protect me ; But then I am the Saviour's lamb, And he will not neglect me. Then all the time I'll try to climb This holy hill of Zion ; • For I am sure The way is pure, And on it comes "no lion." Cho. — I'm climbing up, &c. 3. Then come with me, we'll upward go, And climb this hill together ; Amd as we walk, we'll sweetly talk, And sing as we go thither. Then mount up still God's holy hill,. 149 126 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Till we reach the pearly portals, Where raptured tongues Proclaim the songs Of the shining-robed immortals. Cho. — Fm climbing up,. &c. G. Shower 2G, Oriola 88. A SAVIOUR EVES NEAR. 1. Hush'd be my murmurings, let cares depart, Jesus is near me, to cheer my heart; He's near to help me whilst life's hours remain, He speaks to cheer me in toil and in pain, He speaks to cheer me in toil and in pain. Chorus. — Gentle angels near me glide, Hopes of glory round me 'bide, And there lingers by my side A Saviour, a Saviour, a Saviour ever near, A Saviour, a Saviour, a Saviour ever near. 2. Why should I languish ?— why should I fear? In sorrow and anguish he's ever near ; Sleeping or waking, in pleasure or pain, Roaming or resting, he'll near me remain. Cho. — Gentle angels, &c. 3. Scenes that will vanish smile on me now, Joys of amoment play round my brow ; But soon in heaven he'll meet rae again, There'll end my sorrow, and there'll end my pain, Cho. — Gentle angels, &c. 150 S. S. Bell, No. 1—85, If. Voices 45, or S. S. Hosan. 145. I WAS A WANDERING SHEEP, 5 J/., Douhle. 1. I was a wandering sheep, I did not love the Sold ; I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controll'd ; 151 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 127 I was a wayward child, I did not love my home, I did not love my Father's voice, I loved afar to roam. 2. The Shepherd sought his sheep, The Father sought his child ; They follow' d me o'er vale and hill, O'er deserts-waste and wild: They found me nigh to death, Famish' d and faint and lone ; They bound me with the bands of love, They saved the wandering one. 3. Jesus my Shepherd is ; 'Twas he that loved my soul, 'Twas he that wash'd me in his blood, 'Twas he that made me whole : 'Twas he that sought the lost, That found the wandering sheep ; 'Twas he that brought me to the fold ; 'Tis he that still doth keep. 4. No more a wandering sheep, I love to be controll'd ; I love my tender Shepherd's voice, I love the peaceful fold. No more a wayward child, I seek no more to roam ; I love my heavenly Father's voice ; I love, I love his home. Diadem 76. JUDEA'S PLAINS? 1. Watching on Judea's plain, Shepherds spent their dewy night, When there came a heavenly train, In their robes of spotless white ; Joyful news they brought to earth, Long by prophet tongues foretold, 123 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Tidings of our Saviour's birth, * Tuned with harps of shining gold. Chobus. — Glory in the highest sing! Glory be to God above ! Peace on earth we come to bring, Unto men good will and love. 2. Let us raise an anthem now To the name of Christ our King, And^ with joy and gladness bow, While our youthful praise we sing. Jesus isthe children's friend ; lie will hear their earnest prayer: He will lead them to the end, And will keep them in his care. Cno.— Glory in the highest sing, &c. 3. Let the joyful tidings fly All the spacious earth around, Till gill lands beneath the sky Hear and love the holy sound- Till the Saviour's name is known, Friend, Eedeemer, Prince of Peace, And in rapture to his throne Praise shall evermore increase. Cho— Glory in the highest sing, &c. Diadem 78. WELCOME NEWS. 1. On the mountain's top appearing, Lo, the sacred herald stands, Welcome news to Zion bearing, Zion long in ho3tile lands : Mourning captive, mourning captive! God himself will loose thy bands, God himself will loose thy bands. 2. Has thy night been long and mournful? Have thy friends unfaithful proved? Have thy foes been proud and scornful, By thy sighs and tears unmoved ? 152 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 129 Cease thy mourning! Cease thy mourning Zion still is well beloved Zion still is well beloved. 3. God, thy God, will now restore thee; He himself appears thy Friend ; All thy foes shall flee before thee; Here their boasts, and triumphs end. Great deliverance, Great deliverance, Zion's King vouchsafes to send, Zion's King vouchsafes to send. 153 Casket 57, Oriola 18. SILOAM. a U. 1. By cool Siloam's shady rill, How fair the lily grows ! How sweet the breath, beneath the hill, Of Sharon's dewy rose ! 2. Lo ! such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod ; Whose secret heart, by influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God. 3. And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of jnan's maturer age Will shake the soul with sorrow's power And stormy passion's rage. 4. O Thou who givest life and breath, We seek thy grace alone, In childhood, manhood, age, and death, To keep us still thine own. -a ** m G. Censer 94. 104 JOYFUL EVEEMOEE. 1st.— Semi-Chorus. — Thro' the world we're march- Chorus. — Joyful, joyful, joyful ! [ing on, 1st. — Soon our heaven will be won, Chorus. — Joyful evermore. 9 130 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 2d.-— Night will soon be tnrn'd to day. Chorus. — Joyful, joyful, joyful ! 2d. —God will wipe aljl tears away, Chorus. — Joyful evermore ! Refrain. — Oh, the road is short and straight, Leading up to Zion's gate, There our loved ones for us wait, Joyful, joyful evermore. 1st. — Semi-Chorus. — Tho' we here must bear the Chorus. — Joyful, joyful, joyful ; [cross, 1st. — Counting earthly gain as loss, Chorus. — Joyful evermore. 2d. — "When we lay life's burden down, Chorus. — Joyful, joyful, joyful ; 2d. — We shall take the promised crown, Chorus. — Joyful evermore. Refrain. — Oh, the road is short, &c. 1st. — Now we look to Christ for aid, Chorus. — Joyful, joyful, joyful ; 1st. — None in vain to Him have pray'd, Chorus. — Joyful evermore. 2d. — Let us place our trust in Him, Chorus. — Joyful, joyful, joyful ; 2d. — Never let our faith grow dim, Chorus. — Joyful evermore. Refrain. — Oh, the road is short, &c. 15 ^ Diadem 61, Musical Leaver 55. O OH, SAT, SHALL WE MEET YOU, &c. Souo. — 1. Where do you journey, my brother, Oh, where do you journey, I pray? Where do you journey, my sister? For stormy and dark is the way. Duett. — We're journeying onward to Canaan, Through suffering, and trial, and care, And when we get safely to glory, Oh, say, shall we meet you all there? SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 131 Chorus. — Oh, say, shall we meet you all there? Oh, say, shall we meet you all there? And when we get safely to glory, Oh, say, shall we meet you all there? Solo. — 2. What is your mission, my brother, Oh, what is your mission below? What is your mission, my sister, As journeying onward you go? Duett. — Our mission is practicing mercy, Sweet charity, patience, and love, And following the footsteps of Jesus, That lead to the mansions above ! Cho. — Oh, say, shall we, &c. Solo. — 3. Oh, yes ! you will meet us, my brc ther, God helping our weakness and sin, And bearing the cross, we, my sister, The crown will endeavor to win. Duett. — We'll walk through the vale and the shadow, Through suffering, and trial, and care, And when you get safely to glory, You'll meet, yes, you'll meet us all there ! Cho. — Oh, yes, you will meet, &c. 156 Happy Yoices 6G, Oriola 32, or Diadem 18. 8s d- 7s. Double. 1. Come, thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise; Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praise the mount, — I'm fix'd upon it,- Mount of God's unchanging love. 2. Here I raise my Ebenezer; Hither by thy help I'm come, 132 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. And T hope, by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus Bought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed his precious blood. 3. Oh, to grace how' great a debtor Daily I'm constrain'd to be ! Let that grace now, like a fetter, Bind my wandering soul to thee : Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, — Prone to leave the God I love ; Here's my heart, — oh, take and seal it, Seal it from thy courts above. 157 Our Song-Birds 23. PARTING HYIO. 1. Little sunbeams we'll away From our Sabbath-school to-day, Hearts with love are bounding free, Happier than birds are we. Chorus. — Teachers dear, a sweet good-bye, As we leave you for our homes; Teachers dear, a sweet good-bye, Till another Sabbath comes. 2. When the bells again shall call, May our little sunbeams, all, Here in joy together meet, Teachers, scholars, all to greet. Cho. — Teachers dear, &c. 3. When our days on earth are o'er, And we reach the golden shore, May each little sunbeam shine, Brighter still, in light divine. Cho. — Teachers dear, &c. 158 SUNDAT-SCHOOL HYMNS. 133 Our Song-Birds 29. WE ARE LITTLE SUNBEAMS. 1. We are little sunbeams, Shining and free, We are little sunbeams, Happy are we ; No clouds our skies o'ercast, No storms are here, Our brightness e'er shall last, We will not fear. Chorus. — We are little sunbeams, &c. 2. We are little sunbeams, Like those above, We are little sunbeams, Warming with love. Into dark haunts of woe, Sorrow and shame, Swift may our bright beams go, In Jesus' name. Cho. — We are little sunbeams, & or Casket 09, G. Tidings 144. lOO "JUST NOW," Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now ; Just now come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now. 1. Come to Jesus, just now, &c. "Come unto mo, oil ye that labor and aro heavy laden, and I will give you rest."— Matt. 11: 28. 2. He will save you just now, &c. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." — Acts 16: 31. 3. Oh, believe him just now, &c. " God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, SUNDAY-SCHOO-u HYMNS. 135 that -whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever- lasting life." — John 3 : 16. 4. He is able. " He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God ' by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for us." — Beb. 7 : 25. 5. He is willing. "The Lord is long-suffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." — 2 Pet. 3: 9. 6. He'll receive you. " Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." — John 6: 37. 7. Then flee to Jesus. " Flee from the wrath to come." — Matt. 3 : 7. 8. Call unto him. " Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." —Acts 2 : 21. 9. Mercy on me. " Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me." — Mark 10 : 47. 161 G. Censer 12, or G. Tidings 8, or 3Ius. Leaves 22, or Casket 9. JESUS PAID IT ALL. L Nothing, either great or small, Remains for me to do ; Jesus died, and paid it all, — Yes, all the debt I owe. Chorus. — Jesus paid it all, All the debt I owe, Jesus died, and paid it all, Yes, all the debt I owe. 2. When he from his lofty throne Stoop'd down to do and die, Every thing was folly done, " 'tis finish'd !" was his cry. Cho. — Jesus paid it all/&c. 136 SUNDAY-SCnOOL HYMNS. 3. "Weary, working, plodding one, Oh, wherefore toil you so? Cease your doing, — all was clone, Yes, ages long ago. Cho. — Jesus paid it all, &c. 4. Till to Jesus' work you cling Alone by simple faith, "Doing" is a deadly thing, Your "doing" ends in death. Cho. — Jesus paid it all, &c. 5. Cast your deadly " doing" down, Down all at Jesus' feet; Stand in Him, in Him alone, All glorious and complete. Cho. — Jesus paid it all. G. Censer 92. "I AM SO HAPPY." 1. I AM so happy all day long, I cannot keep from singing; Glad words are ever on my tongue, And pleasant thoughts are springing. Cho. — Teacher, teacher, tell me why I am so happy, Happy, happy, in our own dear Sabbath-sehooh 2. We love the cheerful hymns of praise That tune our £ouls to gladness, And while their choral notes we raise, There is no time for sadness. Cho.— Children, children, this is why you are so happy, Happy, happy, in our own dear Sabbath-school. 3. Fly swift, ye weekdays, come and go, And bring the holy morning; I rise with pleasure all aglow, To greet its earliest dawning. Cho.— Teacher, teacher, tell me why I am so happy, &c. 162 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 137 4. It is our gentle Shepherd's voice That tells the pleasing story, That makes our hearts in love rejoice, And leads to life and glory. Cho. — Children, children, this is why you are so happy, &c. 5. We love to hear the Sabbath bells, That call us to our teachers ; Where kindness in each bosom dwells, And lights their happy features. Cho. — Teacher, teacher, tell me why I am so happy, &c. "fl /* O **' ^ enser 17 > Casket 80, Mus. Leaves 83. lOO WE ARE COMING, BLESSED SAVIOUR. 1. We are coming, blessed Saviour, We hear thy gentle voice ; We would be thine forever, And in thy love rejoice. Full Chorus. — We are coming, we are coming, ,- We are coming, blessed Saviour, We are coming, we are coming, We hear thy gentle voice. 2. W T e are coming, blessed Saviour, To meet that happy band, And sing with them forever, And in thy presence stand. Cho. — We are coming, &c. To meet that happy band. 3. We are coming, blessed Saviour, Our Father's house we see, — A glorious mansion ever For children young as we. Cho. — We are coming, &c. Our Father's house we see. 4. We are coming, blessed Saviour, That happy home is ours ; tSS SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. If here we gain thy favor, We'll reach those fragrant bowers. Cho. — We are coming, &c. That happy home is ours. 5. We are coming, blessed Saviour, To crown our Jesus King, And then with angels ever His praises we will sing. Cho. — We are coming, &c. To crown our Jesus King. G. Censer 8, or Casket 14, with alteration in chorus, or Glad Tidings 14, or Diadem !;0,ivith alteration in chorus. DAEE TO DO EIGHT, &c. 1. Dare to do right, dare to be true, You have a work that no other can do; Do it so bravely, so kindly, so well, Angels will hasten the story to tell. Chorus. — Dare, dare, dare to do right ! Dare, dare, dare to be true ! Dare to be true, dare to be true ! 2. Dare to do right, dare to be true, Other men's failures can never save you : Stand by your conscience, your honor, your faith ; Stand like a hero, and battle till death. Cho. — Dare to do right, &c. 3. Dare to do right, dare to be true, God, who created you, cares for you too, Treasures the tears that his striving ones shed, Counts and protects every hair of your head. Cho. — Dare to do right, &c, 4. Dare to do right, dare to be true; Keep the great judgment-seat always in view; Look at your work as you look at it then, — Scann'd by Jehovah, and angels, and men. Cuo. — Dare to do right, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 139 5. Dare to do right, dare to be true, Jesus, your Saviour, will carry you through ; City, and mansion, and throne all in sight, Can you not dare to be true and do right? Cho. — Dare to do right, &c. 165 G. Harp 83. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. 1. Father of love, Father above, Send down thy blessing upon each head ; Shield us from pride While we here bide, Give us this day our daily bread, Give us this day our daily bread, 2. Humbly we pray, Humbly we say Words that our Lord and Eedeemer said ; Trustful and weak, Humbly we speak, Give us this day our daily bread, Give us this day our daily bread. 3. Make us resign' d, Patient of mind, While to the throne of thy grace we're led ; Make us content With what is sent, Give us this day our daily bread, Give us this day our daily bread. 4. Sinful are we, Thoughtless of thee, While xound our footsteps thy care is shed; Though we forget, Watch o'er us yet, Give us this day our daily bread, Give us this day our daily bread. 140 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 166 Oriola 82, S. S. Hosanna 10G. CHRISTMAS MORNING. 1. Little children, can you tell, Do you know the story well, Every girl and every boy, Why the angels sing for joy On the Christmas morning ? 2. Shepherds sat upon the ground, Fleecy flocks were scattered round, When the brightness filPd the sky, And a song was heard on high, On the Christmas morning. 3. "Joy and peace," the angels sang, Far the pleasant echoes rang, " Peace on earth, to men good will !" Hark ! the angels sing it still On the Christmas morning. 4. For a little babe that day, Christ, the lord of angels, lay, Born on earth our Lord to be : This the wondering angels see, On the Christmas morning. 5. Let us sing the angels' song, And the pleasant sounds prolong : This fair babe of Bethlehem Children loves, and blesses them On the Christmas morning. 6. "Peace" our little hearts shall fill, "Peace on earth, to men good will !" Hear us sing the angels' Bong, And the pleasant notes prolong, On the Christmas morning. 167 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 141 S. S. Bell, Xo. 1—44, G. Tidings 118, H. Voices 11, or Oriola 102, S. S. Hosanna 58. AROUND THE THKONE OF GOD. &c. 1. Around the throne of God in heaven Thousands of children stand, _ Children whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band, Singing glory, glory, # Glory be to God on high. 2. In flowing robes of spotless white See every one array' d, _ Dwelling in everlasting light, And joys that never fade, Singing glory, &c. 3. What brought them to that world above, That heaven so bright and fair, Where all is peace, and joy, and love? How came those children there ? Singing glory, &c. 4. Because the Saviour shed his blood, To wash away their sin ; Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean ! Singing glory, &c. 5. On earth they sought the Saviour's grace, On earth they loved his name ; So now they see his blessed face, And stand before the Lamb, Singing glory, &c. 168 G. Shower 68, Diadem 35. 7s JESUS LOVES ME. 1. Jesus loves me ! this I know, For the Bible tells me so : 142 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Little ones to him belong, They are weak, but he is strong. Chorus.— Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so. 2. Jesus loves me ! He who died, Heaven's gate to open wide ; He will wash awav my sin, Let his little child come in. Cuo. — Yes, Jesus loves me, &c. 3. Jesus loves me ! loves me still, Though I'm very weak and ill ; From his shining throne on high, Comes to watch me where I lie. Cho. — Yes, Jesus loves me, &c. 4. Jesus loves me ! He will stay Close beside me all the way : If I love him, when I die He will take me home on high. Cno. — Yes, Jesus loves me, &c. ~$ 6*€l S * S * Bel1 ' >0, 2-6? (JIa(1 Ti«/ DON'T YOU HEAR TEE ANGELS, &c. 1. Holy angels, in their flight, Traverse over earth and sky, Acts of kindness their delight, Wing'd with mercy as they fly. Semi-Chorus of Girls. Don't you hear them ? coming over hill and plain Scattering music in their heavenly train ? Chorus. Oh! don't you hear the angels coming, singing as they come? Oh ! bear me, angels, angels, bear me home. 170 SUXDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. \\1 2. Though their forms Ave cannot see, They attend and guard our way, Till we join their company In the fields of heavenly day. Cho. — Don't you hear, &c. 3. Had we but an angel's wing, And an angel's heart of flame, Oh, how sweetly would w r e ring Thro' the world the Saviour's name ! Cho. — Don't you hear, &c. 4. Yet methinks if I should die, And become an angel, too, I, perhaps, like them might fly, And the Saviour's bidding do. Cho. — Don't you hear, &c. Diadem 28. I'LL NEVER FOESAKE THEE. 1. I'll never forsake thee, my Saviour Who died upon Calvary for me ; When tempted by weakness and folly, My heart shall cling closer to thee. By the blood that so willingly heal'd me, By the mercy and grace that have seal'd me, By the spirit so ready to shield me, I'll never forsake thee, no, never. Chorus. — I'll never forsake him, No, never forsake him, Who died upon Calvary for me, 2. I'll never forsake thee, my Saviour, Who left thy bright kingdom on high, And dwelt among suffering and sorrow, To save such a sinner as I. By the grace that awaken' d my spirit, By the heaven that I hope to inherit, By the cross and the crowm not my merit, I'll never forsake thee, no, never. Cho. — I'll never forsake him, &c. 144 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYBESo. 3. I'll never forsake thee, my Saviour, Though darkness come down like a pall , Though blighted the hopes of life's morning, Like Samuel, I'll come at thy call. By the love that can never know measure, By the peace that hath been my soul's pleasure, By the glory laid up as my treasure, I'll never forsake thee, no, never. Cho. — I'll never forsake him, &c. 171 Diadem 106. WE SHALL SLEEP, 1. We shall sleep, but not forever; There will be a glorious dawn ; We shall meet to part, no, never! On the resurrection morn ! From the deepest caves of ocean, From the desert and the plain, From the valley and the mountain, Countless throngs shall rise again. Chorus. — We shall sleep, but not forever; There will be a glorious dawn ; We shall meet to part, no, never! On the resurrection morn ! 2. When we see a precious blossom That we tended with such care, Rudely taken from our bosom, How our aching hearts despair! Round its little grave we linger, Till the setting sun is low, Feeling all our hopes have perish'd With the flower we cherish'd so. Cho. — We shall sleep, but not forever, &$ STAR OF THE EVENING. 1. Beautiful star in heaven so bright, Softly falls thy silvery light, As thou movest from earth afar, Star of the evening, beautiful star. Chorus. — Star of the evening, beautiful star, Beautiful star, beautiful star, Star of the evening, Beautiful, beautiful star. 2. In Fancy's eye thou seem' si to say, Follow me, come from earth away ; Upward thy spirit's pinions try, To realms of love beyond the sky. Clio. — Star of the evening, &C. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 163 3. Shine on, O star of love divine, And may our souls' afiertions twine Around thee, as thou movest afar, Star of the twilight, leautiful star ! Cho. — Star of the evening, &e. 94 Musical Leaves 80. THE ANGELS IN THE AIE. 1. When life's labor-song is^ung, And the ebon arch is sprung O'er the shaded couch of death so stilly Then the Lord will light the scene With the angels' starry sheen, As they welcome us to Zioii's hill. Chorus. - We'll meet each other there, Yes ! we'll meet each other there, With the angels in the air ; Yes ! we'll meet each other there ; We'll meet each other there, Yes ! we'll meet each other there, With the angels, with the angels in the air, 2. Dark the shadows in the vale, Fierce the howling of the gale, But the shining ones are near our door ; With our robes as bright as they, We will tread the starry way, With the shadow and the storm no more. Clio. — We'll meet each other, &c 3. Flood the heart with parting tears, Frost the head with passing years, Mingle want and wo together here ; But the Lord will lift the cloud That enwraps the shining crowd, And we'll never know a sorrow there. Cho. — We'll meet each other, &c 164 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS). Edwards, in S. S. Hosanna ir>0. Golden Promise •JAr 108, New (J. Chain 19. 1. I know 'tis Jesus loves my soul, And makes the wounded sinner whole; My nature is by sin denied, Yet Jesus loves a little child. Chorus. — Sweetly, sweetly, sweetly singing, Let us praise him, praise him, bringing Happy voices, voices, ringing Like the songs of angels round the throne. 2. How kind is Jesus, oh, how good ! 'Twas for my soul he shed his blood: For children's sake he was reviled, For Jesus loves a little child. Cho. — Sweetly, sweetly, &c. 3. When I offend by thought or tongue, Omit the right, or do the wrong, If I repent, he's reconciled ; For Jesus loves a little child. Cho. — Sweetly, sweetly, &c. 4. To me may Jesus now impart, Although so young, a gracious heart ; Alas! I'm oft by sin deiiled, Yet Jesus loves a little child. Cho. — Sweetly, sweetly, &c. . ~ Glad Tidings 4. IDO COME TO ME. 1. Our bark is afloat on Time's rough sea; Dark billows gather round us fast ; But Jesus has promised that we shall be Safe anchor'd beyond the raging blast. Ci/.ORt s. — Come to me, come to me ; Jesus the Saviour says, Come to me ; Children, come, children, come; Jesus the Saviour says, Come. SUNDAY^ SCHOOL HYMNS. 165 2. My children, fear not, for I will save All those who put their trust in me ; I'll pilot you o'er life's turbid wave, To mansions above, prepared for thee. Cho. — Come to me, come to me, &c. 3. Then, children, cheer up, we'll soon be free A light springs up amid the gloom : 'Tis Jesus who calls us, Come to me ; I'll give you sweet rest beyond the tomb. Cho. — Come to me, come to me, &c. 4. We're bound for that land, so bright and fail AVhere we may dwell forever blest • The ransom' d of Gocl are waiting there ; They're bidding us come and be at rest. Cho. — Come to me, come to me, &c. 197 Glad Tidings G. GOD SEEN IN HIS WOEXS. a M - 1. There's not a star whose twinkling light, Illumes the distant earth, And cheers the solemn gloom of night, But goodness gave it birth. There's not a cloud whose dews distil Upon the parching clod, And clothe with verdure vale and hill, That is not sent by God. 2. There r s not a place in earth's vast round, In ocean deep, or air, Where skill and wisdom are not found; For God is everywhere. Around, beneath, below, above, Wherever space extends, There heaven displays its boundless love, And power with goodness blends. 198 Glad Tidinars 15. 1. We shall meet no more to part; Cease thy sorrow, mourning heart ; 1GG SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Weary days will soon depart^ Then we may rest forever. When the work of life is done, When the victor's crown is won, Then, immortal life begun, We no more shall sever. Chorus.— We shall meet no more to part; ase thy sorrows, mourning heart; Weary days will soon depart, Then we may rest forever. 2. In the home of peace and bliss, In the world where Jesus is, When we bid adieu to this, Then we may love forever ! Purified from every stain, Through the Lamb that once was slain, Brethren, we shall meet again, And be parted never. Clio.— We shall meet, &c. 199 Glftd^Tidiiigs 38. HAPPY HAPPY MEET WE HEEE. (Anniversary Hymn,) 1. IIappy, happy meet we here, Time has roll'd another year; Spring-tide brings the festal day,-— Now we lift the thankful lay: Thanks for daily mercies given, Crown'd with Sabbath light from heaven; Thanks to God, who gives us breath ; Thanks to God, who saves from death. 2. Happy, happy meet we here : Blessed Jesus, be thou near; Let our pleasures ever be Only tbo^e approved by thee. Praise the Saviour's precious name! — lie to save from heaven came, — For our sins did bleed and die; Now he pleads for us on high SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 167 3. Happy, happy meet we here : Parents, pastors, teachers dear, All, with gladsome heart and voic 3, Share with us our festive joys. Thanks to God for parents kind ; Thanks for friends with hearts inclined Thus to guide us in the road Leading safely up to God. 200 Slad Tidings 40, S. S. Bell, No. 2—21. Teachers. — Never forget the Sabbath-school, The lessons taught you here, The gentle words of love and truth, The true and earnest care. Remember, too, the teachers dear, Who oft for you will pray, That Jesus, by his gracious love, May keep you in the way. Chorus of Teachers and Scholars. We'll never forget the Sabbath-school, The precious Sabbath-school, We'll never forget the Sabbath-school, The precious Sabbath-school. Scholars. — Can we forget the Sabbath-school, The plaee of light and love, Place where we learn of wisdom's ways, That lead to homes above? Wherever we may wander, "Where through the week we roam, We'll not forget the teachers dear Of this our Sabbath home. Cho. — We'll never forget, &a £ XL. — So, then, together let us sing In songs of grateful praise, To Him who reigneth in the skies Our grateful tribute raise, 1G8 201 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNB. And pray that through another year IIi.s blessings may attend, And that we never may forget The sinner's truest Friend. Clio.— We'll never forget, &c. Glad Tidings 43. THE BIBLE AND THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. 1. The Sunday-school ! the Sunday-school I Blest be the worfdrous plan ! So strong its pow'r, so fraught with love, Descending down to man! The Bible and the Sunday-school Our bulwark firm shall be, To guard our rights, maintain our laws, Preserve our liberty. 2. We hold the blessed Bible as Our charter and our shield, Its precepts and its promises A powerful sword to wield: With free-born minds and bounding hearts, We prize fts sacred truth, For comfort in declining years, ' Or guide in early youth. 3. Oh, holy book! Oh, happy day! May unborn millions stand', Surrounded by those bulwarks strong, Throughout this happy land ! Nor tyrant's rod, nor despot's power, Deprive us of our right To serve our country and our God In freedom's blessed light, 4. And when we stand on Zion's heights, In the bright world above, Where golden harps are sounding forth The Saviour's dying love, SUXDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 169 The Bible and the Sunday-school * Our anthems still shall be, For they have led our wandering feet, O Lord, to heaven and thee. 202 Glad Tidinsrs 44. 1. Fabetvell, brother! deep and lowly Best thee on thy bed of clay: Kindred spirits, angels holy, Bore thy heav'nwardsoui away: Sad we gave thee to the number Laid in yonder icy halls, And above thy peaceful slumber Many a show'r of sorrow falls. 2. Hear our prayer, O God of glory, Lowly breached in sorrow's song : Bleeding hearts lie bare before thee, — Come, in holy trust made strong ! Hark ! a voice moves nearer, stronger, From the shadowy land we dread; Mortals! mortals! seek no longer Those that live— among the dead. 3. Farewell, brother! soon we'll meet thee Where no cloud of sorrow roils ; For glad tidings float, how sweetly! From the glorious land of souls: Death's cold gloom now parte asunder: Lo! the folding shades are gone: Mourner, upward! yonder, yonder! God's broad day comes pouring on. rtAQ Glad Tidings 43. ^OeS HASTE AWAY. 1. Sweetly the Sabbath bell Steals on the air, 170 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. That in the house of God Bids us appe "Children of God," it seems Softly to say, "Haste away, iiaste away, Haste, haste away." 2. Oft as the Sabbath chimes Summon to pray, May we their holy call Gladly obey : Then when the last sad bell For us shall sound, Keady all, ready all, May we be found. 204 Clad Tidings 52, Oriola 1G. 1. When Sabbath's sacred morning light Begins on earth to dawn, We'll wake with eyes all sparkling bright^ And bid dull sloth begone. Chorus. — Then haste to the school away, And keep this sacred day, Yes, haste away, yes, haste away, And keep this sacred day. 2. The tuneful birds in concert meet, And carol sweet their lays: In nature's temple they repeat Their great Creator's praise. Clio. — Then haste, &c. 3. From valley, field, and mountain air They pour their warbling strains, And in one chorus loud declare That God forever reigns. Cno. — Then haste, &c. 4. Then in the temple of the Lord, That consecrated place. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 171 We'll listen to God's holy word And seek his pardoning grace. Cho. — Then haste, &c. 5. Then, with united heart and voice, Our song to God we'll raise, While millions more with us rejoice And join in ptaye'r and praise. 205 Cho. — Then haste, &c. Fresh Laurels 50. THE WATEK, OF LIFE. 1. Jesus the water of life will give, Freely, freely, freely, Jesus the water of life will give Freely to those that love him ; Come to that fountain, oh, drink and live, Freely, freely, freely, Come to that fountain, oh, drink and live, Flowing for those that love him. Cho. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come, Freely, freely, freely, And he that is thirsty, let him come And drink of th£ water of life; The fountain of life is flowing, Flowing, freely flowing, The fountain of life is flowing, Is flowing for you and for me. 2. Jesus has promised a home in heaven, Freely, freely, freely, Jesus has promised a home in heaven, Freely to those that love him ; Treasures unfading will there be given. Freely, freely, freely, Treasures unfading will there he given, Freely to those that love him. Ceo. 3. Jesus has promised a robe of white, Freely, freely, freely, Jesus has promised a robe of white, Freely to those that love him ; Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light, ' Freely, freely, freely, Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light, Freely to those that love him. Cho. 4. Jesus has promised eternal day, Freely, freely, freely, Jesus has promised eternal day, Freely to those that love him ; Pleasures that never shall pass away, Freely, freely, freely, 172 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. Pleasures that never shall pass away, Freely to those that love aim. Clio. 5. Jesus has promised a calm repose, Freely, freely, freely, Jesus has promised a calm repose, Freely to all that love him ; Come to the water of life that flows Freely, freely, freely, Come to the water of life that flows Freely to all that love him. Cho. 206 Glad Tidings 70 and 93>. OUTSIDE THE GATE. 1. I stood outside the gate, A poor, wayfaring child ; Within my heart there beat A tempest loud and wild. A fear oppress' d my soul, That 1 might be too late ; And, oh ! I trembled sore, And pray'd outside the gate, And pray'cf outside the gate. 2. " Mercy I" I loudly cried, "Oh, give me rest from sin \" "I will," a voice replied; And Mercy let me in. She bound my bleeding wounds; She soothed my aching head; She eased my burden'd soul, And bore the load instead, And bore the load instead. 3. In Mercy's guise I knew The Saviour long abused, Who often sought my heart, And wept when I refused. Oh, what a blest return For ignorance and sin! I stood outside the gate, And Jesus let me in, And Jesus let me in. 207 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 173 Glad Tidings 7G. WE SEEM TO HEAR. O.^M. 1. We seem to hear a voice of praise, Here, mid the leafy bow'rs ; . Frcm murm'ring streams whose crystal maze Doth cheer the thirsty flow'rs. But louder where yon lofty trees By summer's hand are drest, It swells on ev'ry gentle breeze, From bough and spray and nest. 2. But if the things by nature taught Pour music o'er the sod, How high should rise our raptured thought, Who learn the word of God ! To us he speaks from morning's dell, From evening's dewy sphere, And when the holy Sabbath bell Salutes the Christian's ear. 3. To us he speaks, he guides our choice, By heav'n's own book divine, And aids our teacher's much-loved voice To fix each treasured line. To us he speaks, and we in praise Would still our off'rings bring, Here, where creation joins our lays, And there, where angels sing. Fresli Laurels 72. AWAY! AWAY! 1. Away ! away ! not a moment to linger ; Haste we now witli footstep free, Where those who love in the vineyard to labor Wait for you and me. Chorus. To the Sunday-school rejoicing we will go, 'Tis a place where all are happy here below, Where the way of life we learn to know, And seek our home above. 174 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMftTS. * 2. Away! away! where the angels are bending Lightly o'er the house of prayer; Glad hymns of praise to the Lord of the Sabbath Sweetly echo there. Clio. — To the Sunday-school, &c. 3. Away ! away ! for the moments are flying ;• Time for us will soon be o'er: This holy day we will try to improve it, Ere its light is o'er. Cho. — To the Sunday-school, &c. 4. Away ! away ! not a moment to linger ; Haste we now with footstep free, Where those who love in the vineyard to labor Wait for you and me. Cho. — To the Sunday-school, &c. 209 Glad Tidings 98, Happy Voices 208, Casket 70. WE SPEAK OF THE EEALMS OF THE BLES1 1. We speak of the realms of the blest, That country so bright and so fail And oft are its' glories con fess'd ; But what must it be to be there ! 2. V\ T e speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation, and care, From trials without and within; But what must it be to be there ! 3. We speak of its service of love, The robes which the glorified weir, The church of the first-born above; But what must it be to be there ! 4. O Lord, in this valley of woe, Our spirits for heaven prepare; And shortly we also shall know And feel what it is to be there! SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 175 Glad Tiiings 100. ONLY WAITING, 1. Only waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown ; Only waiting till the glimmer Of the day's last beam is flown, Till the night of earth has faded From the heart once full of day, Till the stars of heav'n are breaking Through the twilight soft and gray. Refrain. — Here we are waiting, only waiting, Till our time for rest shall come, Working, watching, hoping, wait.^g, Till our Father calls us home. 2. Only waiting till the reapers Have the last sheaf gather' d home; For the summer-time is faded, And the autumn winds have come. Quickly, reapers, quickly gather The last ripe corn of my heart ; For the bloom of life is wither' d, And I hasten to depart. Eef. — Here we are waiting, &c. 3. Only waiting till the angels Open wide the mystic gate At whose feet I long have linger' d, Weary, poor, and desolate. Even now I hear their footsteps And their voices far away : If they call me, I am waiting, Only waiting to obey. Eef. — Here we are waiting, &c. Glad Tidings 112. THE HAPPY THB03TG. 1. A beautiful home beyond the tide, Where beautiful angels e'er leside; 176 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS, A beautiful choir, with harps of gold, Are caroliag sweet with David of old, Shouting Hosanna to the Lamb, Glory and honor to his name. Refrain. — We will join that happy throng, Shouting Hosanna to the Lamb. We will join that happy throng, Shouting Hosanna to the Lamb. 2. In beautiful notes, this Easter-Tide,* They're chanting a song by Jesus' side, And telling of rest in heaven's pure light, Where beautiful robes of spotless white Are waiting for all the saints of peace, Whose pilgrimage here ere long must cease. Kef. — We will join, &c. 3. This beautiful choir we soon shall join, Singing with them this sweetest song:' — Glory and honor, love and praise, Jesus, be thine through endless days ! Saviour, whene'er our time shall come, Take us, oh, take us to thy home, Ref. — There to join the happy throng, &c. Fresh Laurels 5. RESTING BY-AND-BY. 1. When faint and weary toiling, The sweat-drops on my brow, I long to rest from labor, To drop the burden now, — There comes a gentle chiding To quell each mourning sigh: "Work while the day is shining, There's resting by-and-by." Chorus. — Resting by-and-by," There's resting by-and-by ; * Instead of "Easter-Tide," '.n this line, may tx read -'Sabbath' day," "joyous day," or "festal iay," to suit the occasiou. 213 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 177 We shall not always labor, We shall not always cry ; The end is drawing nearer, The end for which we sigh ; We'll lay our heavy burdens down, There's resting by-and-by. 2. This life to toil is given, And he improves it best Who seeks by patient labor To enter into rest ; Then, pilgrim, worn and weary, Press on, the goal is nigh ; The prize is straight before thee, There's resting by-and-bv. Cho.— Besting by-and-by, &c. 3. Nor ask when overburden' d, You long for friendly aid, "Why idle stands my brother, No yoke upon him laid ?" The Master bids him tarry ; And dare you ask him why ? "Go labor in my vineyard, There's resting by-and-by ." Cho.— Besting by-and-by, &c. 4. Wan reaper in the harvest, Let this thy strength sustain. Each sheaf that tills the garner Brings you eternal gain ; Then bear the cross with patience, To fields of duty hie; 'Tis sweet to work for Jesus, — There's resting by-and-by. Cho. — Besting by-and-by, &c. Fresh Laurels 9. BEAUTIFUL MANSIONS. 1. Beatjtiful mansions, Home of the blest, Land where the faithful Ever shail rest; 12 178 BONDAY-SCHOOL IIY-VXS. There is my treasure, There shall I be, Lord, I am weary, Lead me to thee. Choktjs. — Sa\ iour, be near me, Thy gentle voice can cheer me, O Jesus my Saviour, Lead me to thee. 2. Here in a desert Cheerless I roam, Laden with sorrow, Far from my home; Clouds on my pathway Darkly I see, Lord, I am weary, Lead me to thee. Cho. — Saviour, be near me, /-*P» Fresh Laurels 146. £*&i SING TO ME, MOTHER. 1. Sing to me, mother, oh! sing some sweet strain. That each low cadence my heart will enchain, Soothing, with music's melodious flow, Murmurs of passion, or moanings of woe. STJKDAY-SlHOOL hymns. 189 Tired is my spirit of watching and pain ; Shelter me now with thy strong arms again ; Sorrow's dark pinions have shadow' d my brow, Sing to me, mother, oh, sing to me now ! Sing to me, mother, oh, sing to me now! 2. Oft have our voices been blended in song, Oft have the night- winds our strains borne along; Oft have the morning birds, warbling in glee, Tuned their sweet notes to our gay melody; But the long winter that silenced their strain Chill' d my young heart with the frost-touch of pain ; Mute is my voice like the birds on the bough. Sing to me, mother, oh, sing to me now ! Sing to me, mother, oh, sing to me now ! 3. Sing to me, mother, oh, sing some sweet strain, Low and soft-thrilling each tender refrain : Something I loved, when, in childhood's bright years, Sunshine and smiles were unmingled with tears. Memories, pure as the pearly spring rain, Wake at the sound of thy music- again ; Tenderly, softly, while lowly I bow, Sing to me, mother, oh, sing to me now ! Sing to me, mother, oh, sing to me now ! C% 6T& O Harmonia Saera 33G. JJO PRAYER, SWEET PRAYEE -Chant, 1. When torn is the bosom with sorrow and care, Be it ever so simple, there's | nothing . . like | prayej ; It eases, and softens, subdues, yet sus — | tains, Gives vigor to hope, and puts | passion . . in | chains. Chorus. — Prayer, prayer, oh, sweet prayer ! Be it ever so simple, there's nothing like prayer. 2. When far from the friends we hold dearest, we part, What fond recollections still | cling . . to the | heart ; Past converse, past scenes, past enjoyments are | there, How hurtfully pleasing till | haflow'd . . by | prayer. Cho. — Prayer, &i. 190 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 3. When pleasures would woo us from piety's arms, The siren sings sweetly, or | silent, ly | charms; We listen, love, loiter, are caught in the | snare, In looking to Jesus we | conquer by | prayer. Cno. — Prayer, w S * S * IIosaiinjl u? >< Oriola 268. 2jOO I WILL LIFT UP MINE EYES, fcc-Ghant, 1. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence | cometh . . my | help. 2. My help cometh from the Lord, which made | heaven . . and | earth.] 3. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved : he that keepeth thee | will not | slumber. 4. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither | slum- ber . . nor | sleep. | 5. The Lord is thy keeper : the Lord is thy shade upon thy | right — | hand. 6. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the | moon by | night. || 7. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil : he shall pre- 1 serve thy | soul. 8. The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in, from tins time forth, and even for | ever- 1 more. Oriola 201, H. Voices 175. 3Ius. Leaves 5 and 31, Casket J&O THE LORD'S PRAYER-Ohant. 1. Our Father, which art in heaven, | hallowed | be thy | name : | Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on | earth, as it I is in I heaven SUNDAT 6CH !>0L HYMNS. 195 2. Give us this | day our | dai-ly | bread; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive | them that | tres-pass a- | gainst us; 3. And lead us not into temptation, but de-jliv-er | ua from | evil ; For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for-jev-er. | A-jmen. G. Shower 50, S. S. Bell, No. 1—19, Fresh Laurels 140, Oriola 8, H. Voices 35, G. Tidings 103, P. Songs 109, G. Promise 115. 237 JUST AS I AM.— Chant or Hymn. 1. Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was | shed for | me, And that thou bid'st me | come to | thee, O | Lamb of | God, I | come ! 2. Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of | one dark | blot, To thee, whose blood can | cleanse each | spot, O | Lamb of | God, I | come ! 3. Just as I am, though toss'd about With many a conflict, | many a | doubt, Fightings within, and | foes with-jout, O | Lamb of | God, I | come ! 4. Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind, — Sight, riches, healing | of the | mind, Yea, all I need, in | thee I | find, — O | Lamb of | God, I | come ! 5. Just as I am, | thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, | cleanse, re-dieve, Eecause thy promise | I be- lieve, — O | Lamb of | God, I | come ! 6. Just as I am, thy love, I own, Has br( ken every | barrier | down ; Kow to be thine, and | thine a- lone, O | Lamb of | God, I | come ! 196 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 238- Diadem 118. 'TIS NOT FOR MAN TO TRIFLE.— Chant 1. 'Tis not for man to triile ! Life is brief and j siii is | here. Our age is but the falling of a leaf — A | dropping ] tear.ll We have no time to sport a-! way the | hours, || All must be earnest in a world like ours. 2. Not many lives, but only one have we, one, | only | one ! || How sacred should that one life ever be — That | nar- row | span ! || Day after day filled up with ] blessed | toil,|| Hour after hour still bringing in new spoiL|| 3. Our being is no shadow of thin air, no | vacant | dream, || * No fable of the things that never were, but | only | seem. || 'Tis full of meaning as of | myste-|ry,|| Though strange and solemn may that meaning be.j| 4. Our sorrows are no phantom of the night, no | idle | tale; || No cloud that flits along the sky of light on | summer I gale.ll They are the true reali- ties of | earth, || Friends and companions even from our birth. || 5. O, life below ! how brief, and poor, and sad ! One | heavy | sigh.|| O, life above! how long, how fair and glad! One | endless | joy !" Oh ! to be done with | dying | here; || Oh ! to begin the living in your sphere ! |j 239 S. S. Boll. No. 1-116. THE CHILD'S PRAYER. 1. Into her chamber went i\ lit^e child, one day, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. 197 And by her chair she knelt, And thus began to pray : Jesus, my eyes are closed, Thy form I cannot see — If thou art near me, Lord, Wilt thou not speak to me ? A still, small voice she heard with-; in her | 6- ml, " What is it, child ? I hear thee, | tell me | all." 2. I pray thee, Lord, she said, That thou wilt condescend To stay within my heart, And ever be my friend ; The path of life looks dark — I would not go astray ; Oh, let me have thy hand To lead me in the way. "Fear not, thou shait not run the | race a-jlone;" She thought she felt a soft hand | press her | own. 3. They tell me, Lord, that all The living pass away ; , The aged soon must die, And even children may; Oh, let my parents live Till I a woman grow ; For if they die, what can A little orphan do ? "Fear not, my child; whatever | ills may | come, I'll not forsake thee, till I | bring thee | home." 4. Her little prayer w r as said, And from her chamber, now, She pass'd forth, with the light Of heaven upon her brow. " Mother, I've seen the Lord ; His hand in mine I felt ; And oh, I heard him say, As by my chair I knelt, Fear not, my child ; whatever | ills may | come, I'll not forsake thee till I | bring thee | home ' " 198 SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNS. ty A i\ 0rIoI:l k20L>, S * S * IFcsjl ""'* 1*7) cr Casket 12G. J4U thy WILL BE DONE.-Chant. 1. "THY will be | done!" || In devious way The hurrying stream of | life niav | run; || Yet still our grateful hearts Rhall say, | "Thy will be | done." || 2. "Thy will be | done!" || If o'er us shine A gladd'ning and a | prosp'rous | sun, || This prayer will make it more divine — I (< Thy will be | done." || 3. "Thy will be | done!" || Though shrouded o'er Our | path with | gloom, || one comfort— one Is ours: — to breathe, while we adore, | " Thy will be | done." || ^ m ^ Oriola 240, Fresh Laurels 148. Z4i GLOEIA IN EXCELSIS. TO THE FIRST TART OF THE CHANT. 1. Glory be to | God on | high, || and on earth | peace, good | an ill towards | men. 2. We praise thee, we bless thee, we | worship | thee, l| we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee | for thy great — | glory. TO THE SECOND PART. 3. O Lord God, | Heavenly | King, || God the I Father | Al- — | mighty! 4. O Lord, the only-begotten Son, | Jesus | Christ, || O Lord God, Lamb of God, I Son . . of the I Fa— | ther ! ' TO THE THIRD TART. 5. That takest away the | sins., of the | world, || have mercy up- | on — | us. 6. Thou that takest away the | sins . . of the | world, |; h?,ve mercy up- | on — | us. SUNDAY-SCHOOL HYMNfe. 199 7. Thou that takest away the | sins . . of the | world, Ij re- | ceive our | prayer. 8. Thou that sittest at the right hand of | God the | Father, || have mercy up- | on — | us. TO THE FISST PART. 9. For thou only | art— | holy, || Thou | only | art the | Lord. 10. Thou only, O Christ, with the | Holy Ghost, g art most high in the | glory . . of | God the | Father, li A- I men. 242 8s, 7 s and Us. 1. Now is past the time of teaching, Ended is the hour we love, Hush'd the voice of friends, beseechir.g Us to seek for joys above ; Precious Sabbaths ! Swiftly, oh, they swiftly move. 2. Wake, then, every tender feeling, Ere from school we go away ; Saviour, come, thy grace revealing ; In our hearts assert thy sway: Bless us, parting, On this sacred Sabbath-day. 3. Soon Our Sabbaths will be ended, All our Sabbath-schools be past; Like ihe leaf to earth descended, Wither' d in the autumn blast: Life is passing; We must see the grave at last. 4. Then may heaven be beaming o 7 er us With its glories, sunny bright ; And with millions, saved before us, May we join, in worlds of light, Praising Jesus, Where the Sabbath knows no night 200 SUNDAY-SCHOOL H WAINS, 213 L. 3f. Praise God, from whom all blessings how! Praise Him, all creatures here below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 2U 24 a 3i. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God, whom we adore, Be glory, as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. K O & 31. Ye angels round the throne, And saints that dwell below, Worshi j the Father, praise the Son, Anc 3 bless the Spirit, too. INDEX OF FIRST LINES. HYMS A beautiful home 100 A beautiful home beyond the tide 211 A beautiful land by faith I see.. Ill Above the waves of earthly strife 223 A home beyond the tide 83 A home in heaven, what a joyful thought 20 Ah, this heart is void and chill 124 A land without a storm 121 Alas, and did my Saviour bleed 27 All hail the power of Jesus' name 108 All night long, till break of day 222 All the way. .7 218 Amid the hours that rapid fly 172 Angel visits 139 Angels are hovering round 105 Angels singing , 145 Angels' welcome 97 A poor wayfaring man of grief 34 Around the throne of God in heaven 167 A Saviour ever near 149 Away! away! not a moment to linger 208 Beautiful land of rest 146 Beautiful mansions, home of the blest 213 Beautiful river 96 Beautiful star in heaven so bright 193 Beautiful Zion, built above 74 Behold a stranger at the door 32 Be kind to thy father, for when thou wast young 36 By cool Siloam's shady rill 153 By faith I see my Saviour dying , , 180 Child of sin and sorrow , 73 Children, hear the melting story 35 Chorus of Fire 224 Christmas morning , 166 Come, children, and join in our festival song 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove 91 Come, humble sinner, in whose breast 117 201 202 INDEX. HVMV Come, let us all unite to sing 133 Come, let us sing of Jesus 29 Come, oh, come, our festive day returning 221 Come, my soul, in joyous lays 54 Come, poor pilgrim, sad and weary...., 10.') Come, schoolmates, con't grow weary S Come, thou A 1 might} King 85 Come, thou Fount of every blessing 156 Come to Jesus 160 Come to me 196 Come to the Sabbath-school 3 Come unto me Chant 233 C< me, ye blessed of my Father 72 Cross and Crown 99 Dare to do right 161 Dear refuge of my weary soul Chant 229 Did Christ o'er sinners weep 175 Die on the field of battle 77 Don't you hear the angels coming 109 Encouragement 219 Even me 94 Fade, fade each earthly joy 142 Farewell, brother, deep and lowly 202 Father of love 165 Firmly, brethren, firmly stand 77 Flee as a bird to your mountain 188 Forbid them not 10 From every stormy wind that blows 119 From Greenland's icy mountains 65 Give thanks Chant 231 Glory be to God on high Chant 241 Glory, glory to the Lamb 135 Glory to God in the highest Anthem... 138 God is love 133 God our refuge Chant 229 God seen in his works 197 God sliced the right 13 Good tidings 125 Guide ine ; thou great Jeh )vah 51 Ilappy day 28 INDEX. 203 nappy greeting to nil 5 Happy, happy meet we here 199 Hark, hark, the battle-cry is sounding o'er the hill.. 191 Hark, the morning bells are ringing 9 Hark, the sweetest notes of angels singing 135 Haste away 203 Hear the royal proclamation 33 Heaven is my home 130 Heavenly home 67 Heavenly song 122 He leacleth me, oh, blessed thought 6S He who once to earth came down 132 Holy angels, in their flight 1G9 Home of the blest 93 Home, sweet home 79 Homeward bound 78 Hosanna, blessed is He that cometh Anthem.... 137 Hosanna to the Lamb of God..... 54 How serious is the charge 56 How sweet is the Sabbath to me 80 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 16 Hushed be my murmurings 149 I am so happy all day long..... 162 I am waiting by the river 226 If I were a voice, a persuasive voice 19 If you cannot on the ocean 190 If you will turn away from sin 30 I know 'tis Jesus loves my soul 195 I'll never forsake thee, my Saviour 170 I look for storm}'' days 192 I love the name of Jesus , 215 I love thy kingdom, Lord 90 I'm a lonely traveller here 39 I'm a pilgrim 15 I'm but a stranger here 130 I'm but a youthful pilgrim 218 I'm trying to climb up Zion's hill 148 In the Christian's home in glory 23 In the mild and pensive twilight 139 Into her chamber went 239 I ought to love my mother 113 I ought to love my Saviour 120 Is it true that I must lie 49 I stood outside the gate 206 204. INDEX. nr.My I want, to be in angel 1 \ I want to cross over 183 I want to go where the Saviour reigns 217 I want to join the ransomed 1S7 I was a wandering sheep 150 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills Chant 235 Jacob's prayer 222 Jerusalem, forever bright 146 Jesus, and didst thou condescend? Chant 230 Jesus, dear, I come to thee 21G Jesus, I come to thee, a wand'rer 214 Jesus is King 132 Jesus is mine 142 Jesus, lover of my soul 89 Jesus loves me, this I know 168 Jesus the water of life will give 205 Joyful away to Pisgah's mountain 220 Joyful evermore 154 Joyfully, joyfully, onward we move 75 Just as I am, without one plea Chant 237 Kindly and graciously, prompted by love 144 Kind words are never lost * 71 Kind words can never die 45 Let me die in the harness 225 Let me go where saints are going 70 Little children, can you tell 166 Little sunbeams we'll away. 157 Little travellers Ziunward 40 Look for the promised land 1S9 Looking home 124 Lord, I hear of showers of blessings 94 Lord, I would own thy tender care 24 Love at home 87 Marching along 114 Marching on 143 Mary to the Saviour's tomb 84 Mercy's free ISO Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaints 79 Morn of Zion's glory 69 Must Jesus bear the cross alone 99 My Bible, 'tis a book divine (53 TVfv nrkiintr-ir 'tic i\f tlior> 110 INDEX. 205 HYMN My days are gliding swiftly by 98 My heavenly home is bright and fair 182 My home is in heaven, my rest is not here 97 My home is there 223 My latest sun is sinking fast 115 My Saviour's throne 1 217 Nearer home 179 Nearer, my God, to thee.... 62 Never forget the Sabbath-school 200 No mortal eye that laud hath seen 136 Nothing, either great or small 161 Now condescend, Almighty King 18 Now is past the time of teaching 242 Now to heaven our prayer ascending , 13 Now we lift our tuneful voices 128 0, come, let us sing unto the Lord Chant 234 O'er the hills the sun is setting 179 Oft as I rove, in thoughtless mood 81 0, give thanks unto the Lord Chant 231 O golden hereafter 224 Oh, come, let us sing ' 12 Oh, come to the Saviour, dear children, to-day 11 Oh,* come ye, oh, come ye, in youth's sunny time 184 Oh, give me a harp on the bright hills of glory 129 Oh, had I fleet wings like a dove 140 Oh, have you not heard of that realm of delight 183 Oh, remember the Sabbath-school 86 Oh,, say, shall we meet you all there 155 Oh, sing to me of heaven 61 Oh, there is a river whose fresh waters flow 48 Oh, turn ye, oh, turn ye, for why will ye die 76 Oh, we are volunteers in the army of the Lord 141 Oh, when shall I dwell in a mansion all bright 93 Oh, who is my neighbor, pray tell me 134 Oh, why do I find it so hard to do right? 82 One there is above all others 95 Only waiting till the shadows 210 On the mountain's top appearing 152 O teacher, sad and weary ,., 219 Our bark is afloat on Time's rough sea 196 Our Father, which art in heaven Chant 236 Our loving Redeemer, we trust in thy word 60 Out on an ocean all boundless we ride 78 201) INDEX. wmtn Parting hymn 112 & 15? Pence, troubled soul, whose plaintive moan 66 Pilgrims on the burning band 1S9 Pleading for mercy ('hunt 2o0 Pleasant is the Sabbath bell ■ 25 Please to watch us. Messed Saviour 112 Praise God, from whom all blessings now 243 Prayer, sweet prayer ( bant 228 Preserved by thine almighty power 28 Rest for the weary 23 Resting by-and-by 212 Hock of ages ^ Sabbath-schools must have their concert 6 Safely through another week 52 Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us 106 Shall hymns of grateful love 109 Shall we gather at the river ( J6 Shall we know each other there? 58 Shall we meet beyond the river 181 Shall we sing in heaven forever? 22 Shout the tidings of salvation....... 125 i 9 97 Sing to me, mother z ~< Speed away, speed away, happy soul of the blest 127 Stand up for Jesus W & 186 Star of the evening **j| Sunday-school recruiting song 2 Sweet hour of prayer • •••• 26 Sweet land of rest*. % 1° 2 Sweetly the Sabbath bell 203 Sweet rest in heaven 8 The angels in the air l*j The angels there will teach us 126 The beautiful gate Jj*4 Th: beautiful shore I' 4 The Bible and the Sunday-school 201 The bright hills of glory J29 The children are gathering from lear and from far... 114 The child's prayer 2-j ( J The Christian's dear home *■*« The conflict JS The echo chorus 1 ^ Thi evergreen shore y " INDEX. 207 HYMN The glorious prospect 172 The happy throng . 211 The joyous chorus 187 The land beyond the river 136 The land of Beuluh 115 The lion of Judah 57 The Lord is my shepherd Chant 232 The Lord is my shepherd, how happy am 1 88 The Lord's prayer Chant 236 The river of life 48 The royal proclamation 33 The Saviour calls, let every ear.. 21 The shining shore 98 The song of angels 55 The still small voice 81 The Sunday-school army has gathered once more.... 185 The Sunday-school, that blessed place 1 The Sunday-school, the Sunday-school 201 Then shall the King say unto them 72 There is a beautiful world 37, 208 There is a fountain, filled with blood 64 There is a happy land 41 There is a land of pure delight 31 There is beauty all around 87 There'll be something in heaven for children to do... 159 There's a beautiful home for thee, brother 100 There's a beautiful shore where the loved ones are, &c. 174 There's a country, dear children, of endless delight.. 122 There's a cry from Macedonia 147 There's a light in the window for thee, brother 104 There's a song the angels sing 55 There's a voice in the air, a still, small voice 176 There's not a star whose twinkling light 197 There, there is rest 103 This life is a battle 'gainst Satan and sin 177 Through the world we're marching on 154 Thvwill be done Chant 240 'Tis not for man to trifle Chant 23S To-day the Saviour calls 50 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost 244 To our dear Sabbath-school there ought many to come 2 To the heavenly land '. 126 Traveller, whither art thou going? 121 Tribute of praise 47 'Xwas Jesus, my Saviour, who died on the tree 57 208 INDEX. HYMW Walk in tile light 25 Watching on Judea's plain 151 Watchman, tell me, does the morning 116 We are but young, yet we may sing 17 We are coming, blessed Saviour 103 We are joyously voyaging over the main 92 We are little sunbeams 15S We are out on an ocean sailing S3 We are waiting by I he river 178 We bring no glittering treasures 47 We have come rejoicing 131 We know not what's before us 123 Welcome news 152 We'll wait till Jesus comes 1S2 We're nearer home 123 We're travelling home to heaven above 53 We seem to hear a voice of praise 207 "We shall meet no moie to part 198 "We shall sleep, but not forever 171 We speak of the realms of the blest 209 What are these soul-reviving strains 38 Whene'er I take my walks abroad 118 When faint and weary toiling 212 When I can read my title clear 107 When life's labor-song is sung 194 When little Samuel woke 42 When many to the Saviour's feet 10 When, marshalled on the nightly plain . 173 When, of old, sweet angels singing 145 When Sabbath's sacred morning light 204 When shall we meet again 46 When torn is the bosom with sorrow and care. ..Chant. 22d When we bear the music ringing 58 Where do children love to go? 7 Where do j'ou journey, my brother 155 Whither, pilgrims, arc you going? 101 Who shall sing, if not the children ? 14 Will you go? 53 With tearful eyes I look around Chant 233 Ye angels round the throne 245 Yes, dear Sabbath school, 1 love thee 4 Yes, we trust the day is breaking 43 Your mission 190 X T. NEWTON KURTZ, faMis^r, mfestller anb jStafiittt; No. 151 WEST PRATT STREET, OPPOSITE THE " MALTBY HOUSE," BALTIMORE, MD. Offers for sale, at the very lowest prices, a large assortment of £tttt«ajhJMto0l, fttMtriU, §ettfli«t0, THEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, AgtF8<3Mttepal)t, Se8©ratiie and (VLIseelfaneous :o o o h:ss. MY STOCK OF SCHOOL AND EDUCATIONAL TEXT-BOOKS IS VERY FULL AND COMPLETE. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, Cap, Letter, Note, Sermon, Wrapping and Curtain PAPERS, ENVELOPES and $ Jfof Q Q) fiQ I f$ T GENERALLY. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, and PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. CHUECH and S. S. MUSIC BOOKS. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS Of the American S. S. Union, the American Tract Soci- ety, and also of all the principal S. S. BOOK Publishers in the country, for sale at catalogue prices. 8^°Catalogues furnished gratis. ORDERS for anything in the BOOK and STATIONERY line will be promptly attended to, if addressed to T. NEWTON KURTZ, 151 W. Pratt St., BALTIMORE.