m m C"' ? j *fc 03 Ft *** -t- 1 ' ~s ^ ctf w & _J o c 1 § a +Z J* Eh i m> g o & g » : k <■* M o .<^ M <*J ys ti ■2 -S "B •*■* fc o •S <2 a "5 4 3 %** ~o C* U & % ^ * gc 3 Ul V7 k /$&. l^ap^Sadiatifractres nodo junaimtur ab arc to. Ciw'. Quaruanv munJiJisrtuj' uterfi He us. Os oil jujichuiL ^ft;qutiC,fuo y JilitbUtw or bis Commune- T^oio.JufiRat: literal ' Jibi . \ Jlor/o CT/iadicui. JSuLylonu. jtinaitur. ast curl Orbem nailk/cenamjrater utenrj jrac u . Vixjpectiztvr entcjhiltv modd totte HieatrtuiL; Jfec jRo/nte, de/nptj Cordate, J^ntCul e/^it. -jury S9Xjijf j/iwjjwt .,^0 yix>9 l2 j itPt/j • uoo-ffrtq- l/zy z' jiioyjiM .tn>£ ,7^,7 MpijCofc' • rfryjcfiy y/*> £i/r> pupy^.nmp jy.i^ff -pi/j p.yzw ipog- ■ffput n Jin -n^sti -pifv:iinorjmi,j\rv7 jyiw joc£ pi it Sold by Miriam Marfia/S .it the JiihU ,n Nen'^Ate Sa-esb . THE CHURCH R OM E Evidently proved H E R ETIC-K. y Peter iBerault, D. Who abjured all the Errors of the laid Church in London at the Savoy upon the 2d. day of Jprily 167 1. Heretici farit , qui fnpra Seripuram fa~ punt. Ivacneus lib. 5. c. 17. __ LONDON, tinted by Tbo. Hodgkjn for the ■ Author MDCLXXXIi. I Au tres Reverend Seigneur, H E N R Y, Evefque de LOJS(p(l{ES, Doyen de la Chapelle de la Majefte, &• Pun de fbn Confeil Prive. Ulomon dit quil riy a rien M nouVeau fous le foleil j I^JfQs paroles , Mon Seig- neur, ejlant veritables, tout ce quon a efcrit cy Levant pour decoW\>rir les erreurs de I' Eg* life ^omaine , ieu quil yous donne cette Vertu, & Vous fupplie tres humblement de me croire avec refpeB, JMonfetgneur 9 Voftre tres humble & Obeijfant Serviteur Pierre Berault. TO T O The Right Reverend Lord HENRY, Bifliop of LONDON, Dean of his Majefties • Ghappel, and one of his moft honou- rable Privy Council. ■ \Qlomon faith , there it no- thing new under the Sun.. This, My Lord, being true, whatfbever hath been written before, to difcover the Errors of the Roman Church, and whatfbever, I may fay, will appear but a Repetition. This. Confederation hath a long time A i , put Tiie Eplftle "Dedicatory. put a flop to my Pen, and I be- lieve that I fhould never have written upon this Subject, if my Confcience had not obliged me, and my friends incited me to do it. That which here I prefent to you, My Lord, is the Church of Rome clearly proved Heretick, which is the reafbn why I have lorfaken it; and when I pre- lent this Difcourfe to your Lordfhip, I offer it to a peribn as much famous by his deep Knowledge , as by his Vertue. I do not defrgn here to prove the one and the other, my In- efficiency hindreth me , and your Modefty forbiddeth it me : And it fhould be very unprofi- table, fince this whole King- dom is fully convinced of it ; your Eminent Dignities, where- in The Epijile Dedicatory! in you acquit your felf fb worthily , and the Godly and learned inftru£tions that you give to your People both by mouth and writing; the par- ticular eflreem that the KingL and all the great and learneci of this Kingdom have for yous Perfbn, and the love and re- fpeft that all your Sheep have fos you, as for a true and good She^ pherd, are fure marks that what I fay is truth. I hate flattery , I love fince- rity, I know you do not defire to be praifed ; therefore I will finiflh this Epiftle -, faying, that fince every body efteems, honours, and loves you, it is an evident figrr that they are convinced of your Merits. I do not fpeak of the zeal that you fhewed thefe laft days, in. TJ?e EpiBle Dedicatory. in oppofing vigoroufly the per- nitious Sentiments of the Pa- pifts, and the endeavouring to difcover the Authors of fo cru- el and horrible a Confpiration. I will only write here , that it may be faid of you, that which St. Paul faith, / have fought a good fight 7 I have fix i (bed my courfe , 1 have kept the faith ; henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of righteoufnefs, which the Lord the righteous Judge fhall give me : Yes certainly , My Lord , this juft Judge will give you this Crown , that he promifeth unto all his good and faithful Servants ; and if he de- fers to give it you, it is becaufe you are ftill ufeful in this world to inftruft: and convert fouls. Since then thofe only which continue to the end do enjoy it, *The Bp'iHle Dedicatory. I pray to God to give you per- feverance , and moft humbly beg this favour of you to believe me with refpe£b My Lord, Your nrioft humble and Obedient Servant, Peter Berault. A u AU LECTEUR. CHer LeBeury av ant que tu life ce petit traite, il faut mtttre bas le prejuge la & pafjion \ car Pun & P autre empe- cbent de jttger fainement. C'efl le prejuge ou la pafjion qui fait czoire veritable, ce qui de foy efi fanx. Si tu fuu Padvis charitable que je te donne, je m* ajfure que tu advoueras , aprez, que tu auras leu c£ petit difcours , que ce que fay efcrit touch ant I rglije Ro- mdine efi fans aucun dout>$«. Je croy pourtant quil y aura quel- quun parmy les Francois refor- mer qui condamnera ce trait e , avantque a avoir commence a le lirey caraabord quil verra qtiil efi eft compofe par un Profelyte^ c r eft affezpour luy fair e dire ^ qtiilriefl pat bien fait, comme s r il efloit itto* poffible de bien efcrire r & d?eftre Profelyte ; d r avoir du fens com- mun, & d?eftre Profelyte \ & de faire ce que fait un autre homme & d r efire Profelyte. Voila ]uf quou <$ ftle, not to think of men a- hove that which is written \ Thou didft tell men in thy Mat. 40. Gofpel, Thott firalt rvorfhip the Lord thy God, and him only (halt thouferve. This is the realbn why I have not made Images , nor worfhipped them, nor fer- ved them. But what (hall a Papift Soul anfwer, when Jefus Chrifl: will fpeak with her thus. I told thee , thov {halt not make 10, proved Here tick . * 3 make unto thee any graven Image, or the likenefs of any thing that is in heaven a- hove^ &c. I told thee, thou jhalt not bow down thy ft If to them , nor ferve them. Likewife I told thee thefe words of Ifaiahy To whom ^^ 40# will ye liken God) or what 18. likenefs will ye compare unto him ? and thou haft not kept my words. What fhall this poor Papift an- fwer ? I believe nothing but that the Pope and the Roman Church taught him the contrary , and Jefus Chrift will undoubt- edly reply , feeing thou haft preferred the Com- mandments of the Pope before mine ; Go away B 3 with 14 The tifyman Church with the Pope, and fee whether he is able to de- liver thee from everlaftmg fire, and perpetual prifon. Secondly, It is written in feveral places of the holy Scripture, that Jefus Chrift is our Saviour and Redeemer, and neither is Act* 4. 12. there any Salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we mu(i beftved, as it is faid in the Acts : It is alio declared 1 John i. in the firft of John, We l * have an Advocate with the Father, Jejws Chrift the righteous y and he is the pro- pitiation for our fins. And 1 77/3,2.$. in the firft to Timothy, There is one Me di at our be- tween- proved Hwetkk. 1 5 tween God and men , the man Chrift Jtfus. And not- withstanding all that, the Papifts call the Bkffed Virgin the She-Redeemer of the World , they lay the Saints are in fbme way seliam. c. our Redeemers, they put ^gL?" their truft and confidence in them, as we. may fee in feveral Prayers wherein they (peak thus. O great Saint, in whom I put my truft: and confidence, &c. and they take them for their Advocates and Me- diators : and though Chrift teaching his Difciples to pray, commands them to dire£fc their prayers to his Father,and fay, Our Father which art in heaven, &c. B 4 And And though the i l.'iirh hy //■/'./ i •;. In m tin hIs the Pop* to iPattt ti his (hecks j and i 1 11 his 'l'i links w nil nu>iiL\ , u 111 haw us to ha uric unto Saints, and taketl fbf our Advocates and Me- diators^ n may he leen in the Council of '25. It is then evident the Roman Church addcth to tlie holy Sbripture , and ihinketh aIhWC that which is written ; and (he mufl not lav die pia\ etli and bdggith tlie fcavQwi of the saints , as we pray a Friend at ( !ourt to requcft a Kiiidnels from Jus Maic ftyj ilv ; lor in [\w lull pkca ir is wmuii, // ;. mtb i Chi (I /'' and u Is not \\ ritten that any other isour Advocate* Secondly , If the Kings n Uioukl l.'iv, wlirn j will ask my Fat her an j ft your come ye tthto mej and nor unto .uiothci . a afterwards [Qme body iliouKl go unto .mother, Ik- Should be very Impru- dent, Jctus C hull tpe.ilv- ctli ihllS. < / Mkt. in / iVili r. i S I Therefore wje mud not h.ivc .mother /Vivo cace. ( [peakiqg <<•••>/*/?. of the woman of i 2 - d * n i Can MM. # 5 who . 18 The <]{pmdn Church who though fhe were a firmer was bold to come unto Chrift , faith thus, Enprudentiam hujus mulie- ris^ non precatur Jacobumy non fupplicat Joanni 5 non adit ad Petrum^ nee Apo- ftolorum ccetum rejpicit, aut. ullum eorum ree^mrit^fedpro his omnibu* pcenitentiam fibi comitem adjungit, & id ip- fum fontem progreditur. Be- hold the wifdom of this wo- man y /he doth not pray to James, fhe doth not befeech John.fhegoeth not to Peter, fhe looketh not to the compa- ny of the Apoftles 9 neither doth re que ft of any ofthem° 7 ~ but for all this fhe taketh repentance for her compani- on^ and goeth to the 'very foun- proved Hertiick* Jp fountain it ftlf. -Ambrofe Amhrof. in likewife anfwereth the Rm * carnal reafbn of the Pa- pifts. Solent, faith he, mi- fera uti excufatione 7 dicentes per iftos pojfe ire ad Deum, ficut per comites itur ad Re- ges. Idea ad Regem per tri- turns & comites itur ? quia homo utique eft Rex; adDe- um autem, quern utique ni- hil laiet ^fuffragat ore non eft opus y fed mentc devota, ubi- cunqueenim talis locutus fu* erit y rejpondebit illi : That is^ They are wont to ufe a pitiful excufe , faying , by thefe ( 'Saints) they may have aacefs jtnto God, as by Earls thevk is aczefs tjs> 'KJngs* Therefore it is that by Offi* Mrs mi Earls accefsis mads to 20 Tl)e are °f tm natift. corrected, the former by the latter , when by any trial of things that is opened which Tvasjhuty and that is known which was hidden. If a Ge- neral Council may be cor- refted ? as faith Auflin> ergo it may err ; and therefore he Ipeaketh thus to Maxi- miand the Bifhop of the Augxontra. Arians ; Neither ought I to *£ im - u alledge the Council of 'Nice, nor thou the Council ofAii- mene , to take advantage thereby \ for neither am I bound nor held by the autho- rity ofthis^nor thou of that J forfet Matter with Matter ; Caufe with Caufe , Reafon with Reajon j try the mat- ter proved Heretkk. 3 1 ter by the authority of the Scriptures. The Council of Constantinople condemned the letting up Images in the Church,and the Coun- cil of Nice afterwards al- lowed them. One of them being contrary, muft needs be erroneous. And that is granted by it felf, when in a fet form of prayer, which is appointed to be laid after every Council, they pray, That God would & ordt.ce- /pare their ignorance , and ^ at ' Con " pardon their errors. The Pope himfelf may Ub. ad bo- - err. Pope Innocent im doth *f£ co ™ x teach, 1 hat young children gin c.^ cannot befaved except t^ey receive th^Baptifm ojXhrift y and alfo theCommtmion of the Body 3 1 The <%oman Church Body and Blood of Chriji* comperimus Pope Ga/atius decreed that conftcra.de a /j theyfhouldbe Excommu- mcated which would receive the Sacrament of the Lords Supper but in one kind. But this Dofrrine is taxed for an error by all Papifts, and the Council of Trent made a Decree contrary to the Do&rine of the Pope Ge- conc.Trid.Jafius. Si quis dixerit ex fif 2I * £) e/ * precept *utl neceffitate can. 1. r / ■ 7 Jalutu ornnes (jr Jingulos Chrijlifideles, utramquefpe- ciern fanciifjimi Euchariftix Sacramenti fumere debere, anathetna fit. Ergo the Pope of Rome may erre ; and we may fee it in their Decrees, wherein it is written, that he it to be judged proved Heretick- 35 judged of none except he be Far *'J.\ found erring from the faith^ 40 .^. /? whereby it appeareth that papa. they thought he might err in matters of faith,orelfe that exception was put in vain. All men are fub- je<3: to error ; all men are lyers in their own words, and finners in their works, therefore by their own confeffion, General Coun- cils and Popes are not in- fallible; therefore when they lay they cannot err, they both contradict themfelves and add to the word of God, and think above that which is writ- ten. They boaft alfb the ! Popes Supremacy; they C fay 34 Tbe^oman Church fay that the Pope hath preheminence or authori- ty over all the other Bi- fhops ; but upon what ground, I know not. They lay it is becaufe he is Suc- ceffor to Peter, and be- caufe Peter had fiich a pre- heminence and authority over the reft of the Apo- ftles, therefore the Pope being his Succeffor, muft be fb over all Bifhops. But it is falfe that Peter had fiich preheminence over the reft of the Apoftles. ?rant that Chrift faid to *eter, after he had con- fefTed him to be that Chrift, and the Son of the living God, Thou art Pe- ter 5 and upon this Rock 1 mil pro Ved Heretick. 3 5 will build my Church ; but thefe words give no fupe- riority to Peter, above the reft, only they fhew that the Church is builded, not upon the Perfbn of Pe- ter, but upon the Rock, namely upon Chrift , whom Peter confeffeth to be the Son of the living God, for as faith St. Pau/ f That Rock was Chrift, ando- x CoyaQ mi ther foundation can no man lay, but that which is laid lCor + 11 ' already, namely Jefus Chrift. And in the fecondChapter to the Ephefians, he faith that the Church is builded upon the foundation of the Prophets , and Apo files , Chrift Jefus himlelf being the head ftone in the cor- C 2 ner. 3 6 T1?e fo y but he that is greatest 5 " among you , let him be as the younger y and he that is chief as he that doth jerve. If - the greateft muft be as the leaft, what authority hath he above the reft ? therefore fince the Popes Supremacy over all the other Bifliops, is ground- ed by the Papifts upon Pe- ters Supremacy over the reft of the Apoftles; and fince Peter hath not fuch a preheminence or authori- ty over them, it follow- eth that the Pope hath none over the other Bi~ fhops. G 4 This 4P The dUpman Church This is confirmed by St. Mirof. ad Hkrofm ad Eva?ram r he Evagrm. fakh ^ hat ^ £^ of Eugubium , or any other the ieafl See, is equal to the Bifhop fl/Rome ; for tliey all joyned in the lame Commiflion , they mult ferve in the Church, be diligent to difcharge that great charge in the Church, which their Ma- tter Jefus Chrift hath e- qually laid upon them. And Pope Gregory himfelf affirmeth that whofoever taketh the title of Vniver- fal Bifhop to his See, he cannot be lefs than Anti- Qhrifl. Therefore the Roman Church addeth to the Word proved Heretickl 4 1 Word of God, and think- eth above that which is written, when fhe boaft- ' eth of the Supremacy, or Superiority of their Popes over all other Bifhops, fince this do£trine hath no ground in the holy Scrip- tures. Fifthly, the Church of Rome believeth that their Pope hath authority to depofe Kings and Princes, and to kill thofe that they call Heretick. But upon what ground, I know not ; It is certain that in fb doing or attempting to do, he is both a nota- ble Traitor unto God, whole authority he doth claim and arrogate; and C 5 un- 4r The tf{oman Church unto Princes, to whom he is to be fiibje£t: for the pulling down of Prin- cefs God hath referved to himfelf alone that power : for it is he that putteth down the mighty from their feats, and exalteth them of low degree. By me y faith he. Kings reign r andPrin* ces bear Dominion. He re- moveth Kings, andfetteth up Kings; feeing there- fore it is God, that hath this authority proper to himfelf, which way can the Pope claim it, with* Mat. 16. out injury to the Power of F* ■ God? they anfwer, it is, byreafbnofhisKeys; but they muft remember that the Keys given, were the Keys proved Heretick. 43 Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and confequent- ly by authority of the Keys he cannot meddle with terreftrial Kingdoms to fhut out thofe that are in them. And he hath no more authority by the power of the Keys, or of binding and loofing, than any other Bifhop ; for the Keys were given to all the reft of the Apoftles as well as to Peter; for Chrift fpoke thus; Re- ceive ye the holyGbofi, tvhofe John 20. foever fins ye remit, they 2 ?- are remitted unto them , and whofefo ever (ins ye re- tain , they are retained. And therefore for any Mi- nifter of the Gofpel,there- by 44 ■ Tfo ^pman Church by to claim authority a- bove another, is contrary to the will of Chrift, for they are all indifferently joyned in one commiflion,. and confequently have all equal authority. And therefore the Pope hath' no more authority by the vertue of his Keys, than any other Bifhop, that is. to fay, none at all to de- pofe Kings and Princes i his duty is rather to obey them, and to teach the fame obediehce to others, as the Apoftles of Chrift iFet.2.13. did. Submit your felves y faith Peter y to every ordi- nance ofmenfbr the Lords J^aike y whether it be to the , KJng as Supream. And St. proyed Heretich 4? St. Paul faith, Let every Rm%l ~ u foulbe fub]ett unto the high- er powers, &e. and Chrift himfelf faid, His KJngdom j h n 10, w/? but it foall not be Jo with you \ which words being prohi- bitory, fhew that they muft not reign like Kings of Nations, but they muft ferve in the Church, and be diligent in the great Charge, that Jefus Chrift hath proved Heretkk. 47; hath laid upon them ; and therefore the Pope hath no Authority over Kings and Princes, that may be leen by thefe words of Tertullian., Colimm Im-TmuLin peratoremut hominemu Deo A t olo & fecundum r & Jolo Deo mi~ nor em ; We honour the Em- peror as the next man to God, and inferior to God only. And again he faith, that Princes are a Deo fe- cundi^pojl eum primi, ante omnes & fuper omnes ; The fecond to God r the fir (I next after God f and before and over all ?nen\ Optatus , optat. fm faith , Super Jmperatorem tra * p , ar ~ non ejt nip Jolm Dew, qui f- fecit Imperatorem; There is none above the Emperor but 48 Tiie Q{pman Church but God only which made the cbryf. ad ^ Emperor ; and Chryfoftome Horn. I. U feitli, partm nullum fuper t err am habet, He hath no equal on Earth. And Gre- gory Bifhop of Rome him- felf affirmeth, that Power is given to Princes from Heaven r not only over Souldiersj but Priefis alfo ; and therefore it is evident that the Pope hath no Au- thority over Kings and Princes : nor to kill thofe they callHeretick; for that Do&rine which they teach is contrary to Ghrifts Do£trine, as we may read in St. Luke. lu kf'9*3^- Becaufethe Samaritans 3 5 * would not receive Jefus Chrifthis Difciples j^\r and. proved Heretic k. 4p and John feeing this, faid, Lord wilt thou that we com- mand fire to come down from Heaven, and confume them ; but Chrifi turned and rebuked them^ and faid, ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of for the Sow of man is not come to de- fir oy mens Lives , but to five them. It is certain that all Papifts are not in that Opinion ; fbrne of them are very good, and I know fbme who would ftart, if they fliould hear fuch a Do&rine; but yet it is clear that this Doctrine is taught and pra&ifed a- mongft them. Their fe- veral Plots here in En- gland , their Mafacres in Zreu 5 o The Ionian Church Inland,, France and other Countries , as we may read in Hiftory, and their proper words as they are written here, prove it evi- dently. Decnt. con. Si verb Dominus tempo- uw an. ra n s requiCitiw & monitus fab.Inn.pap. f ^ , r r ctub.c/p.i. a&hcclejta, ten am Juam pur- gar e neglexerit ab hac Here- tics fceditate } per Metro- politanum Excommuncatio- nis vinculo Innodetur, & (i fat is f ac ere contempferit, ex tunc vafaUos ab ejus fideli- tate denuntiet abfolutosj & 'lerram exponat Catholicis occttpandAm ; That is> if a I* rime being admonished and required by the Church, {ball refufe to purge his Country of that foul Herefie, let him be Ex- pro Ved Heretick. 5 1 Excommunicated by the Bi- /hop j and if he refujeth to give fatisfaffion, from that time let him pronounce his Subjects difcharged of their Allegiance, and expofe his Country to be pojfejfed by the Catholicks.* And in the following words great Indulgences and Privileges are granted to them which fhall en- deavour to deftroy thofe they call Hereticks. Ca- tholic /, qui cruris affumpta Characiere^ ad Hereticorum exttrminium ft accinxerint f ilia gandeant indulgentia , illoque Privilegiojint muni- ti y quod accedtnttbm inTer- r& Sanff* fubfidiam conce- ditur. Let the Catholickfy who 5 2 The ^pman Church who taking the ftgn of the Crofs, fbaS attempt to root out the Hereticks, re Joyce in that Indulgence ', and be defended, with that Privi- ledgej which is granted to them who go to the Aid of the Holy Land. Therefore I conclude . that the Pope hath no power to depofe Kings and Princes, nor to kill thofe that he calls here- tick, and that the Roman Church addeth to the Word of God, and think- eth above that which is written, and therefore fhe is heretick. And if accord- ing to their Do8:rine , thofe which are heretick may be killed lawfully, and proved Heretick. 53 and their Land poffefled by the Catholicks, they being themfelves heretick, as it is proved clearly, I let to the Reader to draw the Conclufion*. 6ly 9 JefusChrift being .about to leave the World, and his Difciples afflict- ing themfelves, he doth not comfort them, by lay- ing I leave you my Body, under the Species of Bread and Wine, but he tells, them, The poor always lohn 12. 8. ye have with you, but me ye have not always ; I came i5. 28. forth from the Father, and, , am come into the World ; again I leave the World, and go to the Father. He' tells them tjhat his Fa- ther 54 The G(prnan Church ther will prote£t them, and fend them his Holy Spirit, and that he is go- ing to prepare them a place in Heaven, He tells them of his Inter ceflion, * and of his Second coming, and that the Heaven muft r Aft. 3. 2i. receive him, until the time of the refiitution of all things. By thefe words it appeareth clearly that it is contrary to the holy Scripture, to fay, that the Body of Jefus Chrift is yet upon Earth ; yet the Roman Church believes that Chrifts Body isftill upon Earth in feveral pla- ces, therefore fheaddeth to the word of God, and -thjnketh above that which proved Here tick. 5 5 which is written, there- fore fhe is Heretick. I know what the Church of Rome faith for the Proof of her Belief; her principal Argument is this ; Chrift took Bread and MAt.26.26 gave thanks, and f aid, Take ye and eat y this is my Bo- dy, which is broken for you. Jefus Chrift faith the Ro- man Church, is true : He hath faid in giving the Bread , this is my Body, therefore this Bread ought to be changed into the true Body ©fj efiis Chrift ; and tof^lhew (fhe faithj that it is not the Figure of Jefus Chrift, and thefe words, this is my Body , are not Metaphorical (as the 5 6 The d{oman Church the Protectant Church be- lieveth) becaufe he faid, which is broken for yow ; now it is not the Figure of Jefus Chrift, which was broken for us, but the true Body. To which I anfwer, it is certain that Jefus Chrift is true, and though he faid , This is my Body which is broken for yon, and that it was the true Body of Jefus Chrift which was broken for us, and not the Figure ; that doth not hinder thefe words from being Metaphorical : And to let you fee clearly, ob- lervemy Reafbn. This is my Body which is broken for youy (\s) that is to fay , k- proved Here tick. 57 fignijieth or reprejenteth, as you may fee in feveral o- therpafTages of the Scrip- ture, as for example in this ; the Rock ma eat Bread, ergo, it remain- # eth Bread after the words ofConfecration: For if it were Tranfubftantiated into the Body of Chrift, then were there no Bread to eat, but the Body of Chrift is the thing that fhould be eaten, and fb it fhould not be called Bread. What I fay ; may be feen again by thefe words of Jefus Chrift, when he of Life , and that all which would live, mujl eat him ; his Difciples murmured untill he expounded his words pro Ved Here tick . 6 £ words, and how did he expound them ? . thus* He that cometh unto fflh hath eaten, and he that believ-. eth in me hath\drank. A£ ter, when he instituted this Sacrament in like words y they murmured not, which they would as* before, if he had not refolved them before, that to eat his Body and to drink his Blood, was no- thing but to come to him, and believe in him : Af- ter he had laid fb, they murmured not , becaufe they did fee fbme rea- fbn in it. And as it is plainly laid, this is my Bo- John 6.6-$. dy, fb it is plainly faid, thefe words are Spirit, that D 4 is 64 The G(pman Church is they muft be under- ftood Spiritually, and not Literaly ; fb faith Auftin, Augaft. Believe and thou haft eaten. It was Chrifts manner to teach by Similitudes, and Figures, fhewing one thing by another. For example , Chrift calleth the Lamb the PafTover, in place whereof this Sa- crament fucceeded , and therefore prefently after they had eaten the PafTo- ver, Chrift Inftituted this Sacrament to be ufed for it ; Chrift, I fay, called the Lamb the PafTover, and yet the PafTover was this, an Angel pafTed over the houfes of thelfraelites, and ftruck the ALyfgtUns ; this proved Here tick. 6 5 this was not a Lamb, and yet becaule a Lamb was a Sign of this PaiTover, as the Bread and Wine is of Chrifts Body, therefore Chrift called the Lamb the PafTover r as he called the Bread and Wine his Bo- dy. That may be fctn again in Circumcifion, Baptifine, and the Cup. For Circumcifion is called the Covenant , and yet Circumcifion was nothing but the cutting away of a skin j and the Covenant is this, In Abrahams feed all Nations [hall be bleffed^ I will be their God, and they fijall be my people r I mil defend and jave them, and they /hall ferve and worjhip D 5 mc 66 Tlie 68 The %oman Church ours may be confirmed, becaufe every Sacrament was called by the thing which it fignified, and yet never any Sacrament was taken for the thing it felf ; what reafbn have they then to take this Sacra- ment for the thing it felf, more than all the reft? It is the confent of all Writers,that a Sacrament is a Sign, therefore not the thing fignified no more than the Bufh at theDoor, is the Wine in the Cellar. But what then, will the Papifts fay, is there nothing in the Sacrament but Bread and Wine? Nay, we fay not that the Sacrament is nothing but proyed Heretick. 6 uno t Ant um loco ejfe pot eft ; The Body of the Lord wherein he rofe again , can be but in one place only. Secondly, It isagainit reafon, becaufe it maketh Accidents exift without any Subject \ it is the na- ture of Accidents to be joyned to their Subject : as for example, it is the na- ture of the whitenels of a ftone to be joyned to the ftone ; lb that if you de- ftroy the nature or fiib- ftance of the ftone, you muft of neceflity deftroy its whitenefs, and other its Accidents, and accord- ing to the opinion of mo- proved Here tick. 79 modern Philofbphers, who lay that Accidents are no- thing elie than matter modified, that is to fay, as it is difpofed to this or that fafhion, it folio weth that Matter cannot be de- ftroyed without its Acci- dents being dettroyed likewife with it. It is the opinion of Irxneus, who 1 ***'** faith, that we cannot confi- der water j without its hu- midity^ nor fre without heat, nor a (lone without hardnefs ; theft things be- ing fo united \ that the one cannot be without the other y but that they muft exifi to- gether. And the Church of Rome teacheth the con- trary, for in their myftery of 8 o The Ionian Church ofTranfubftantiation,they put the Accidents with- out any SubjeQ: ; they put colour and quantity with- out matter, fmell and tafte without fubftance; hard- nefs and humidity with- out there being any thing that is hard and moift, which I may very well fay or affirm is contrary to reafbri. Ninthly, Likewife it is contrary to the holy Fa- thers ; they fay that the Eucharift Confederated is Bread, fiich as we eat and which fatisfieth the Belly. ThzodJiatr Theodore t faith, Neque 2t enim figna myftica poft. Jan- Eiifictfiontm recedunt a na~ tura proved Here tick- 8 i tura fua, manent enim in friore fubftantia y figura dr forma, & videri & tangi poffmt ficut friths, that is, The myjlical figns after con- fecration do not depart from fheir nature, for they abide (till in their former fub- ft am, figure and form y and may be both feen and felt as before. The fame Theodoret ToeodJiai. faith , that Jtfa Chrifi u hath honoured the vifible Symbols with the name of his Body and Blood, not in changing their nature, but in adding grace to it. Chryofiome faith thatdw/iO- the myftical Simbols do? l ft: adc * m not lofe their proper ria- * ture, but remain in their E firft Eutich. 8:2 The (lyoman Church firft fubftance, as the Bo- dy of Chrift hath pre- ferved the true iubftance of a Body, when it was glorified. Topi GiU And Pope Gelafim faith, l &. nit. tllat the Confecrated aivirfus. * Bread is honored with the ^hrt name °f the Body of the Lord, and yet the nature of Bread remaineth in it ; non defwit, inquit^ftbftan- tia vel natura Panis & Vi- ni : & certe, Imago & ft- militudo Corporis & San- guinis Chrift h in aclione mifteriorum Corporis Chri- fti Celtbratur. The fib- ftance, faith he, or nature of Bread and Wine doth not ceafej and verily there is the Image And Similitude of the Body proved Fleretick* 8 3 Body and Blood ofChrifi celebrated in the aft ion of the my ft tries of the Body of Chrifi. Qrigines faith thus, the origins in Bread that is fan&ified ^• I 5- with the word of God, as touching the material fubftance thereof, goeth into the belly, and forth a- gain like other meats. Chryfofiome writing to chrifoft. to the people of Antioch, *' jjf^ falthyGodgiveth m things Hom . 6. fpiritaal under things vifi- ble and natural; and again. Being fanctified, it is deli- vered from the name of Bread, and is exalted to the name of the Lords Body, al- though the nature of the Bread ft ill remaineth. E 2 Jufiin 84 The ^oman Church juffm Bi- Jpfiin Martyr Bifhop of Sand I*** faith , that OUT fijb IS Martyr, nourijhed with the Cup , which is the Blood ofChrift, and is increafed with the Bread which is the Body of thrift. This paffage cte- firoyeth thofe of the Ro- man Church , who be- caufe they believe that the Bread and Wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Chrift, are compelled to fay that our Body is not nourished with the Bread and Wine but with their Accidents, or by fome Subftance tha|L God createth. Ten. lib. 4. Tertullian faith, Jefus * dv - M ' rc ' Cbrift took the Bread, and giving tt to his Dijciples made proved Hcretkk. 8 5 made it his Body, faying this is my Body > that is to fay, ffaith Tert.) the figure of my Body. And Auftin faith, Non Aug. con, dubitavit dominws dicere y Aiiam * hoc eft Corpus meum r cum daret fignum Corporis fiii. The Lord doubted not to fay , this is my Bodyjvhen he gave but thefign of his body. Chrifti miranda patient ia l ^ m l * adhibuit Jflldam ad convi- Ja vium y in quo Corporis & Sanguinis fui figuram difci- pulis tradidit. The admira- ble patience of Chrift, (faith Jtftuftin) admitted Judas to 'the banquet^ wherein he de- livered to his Dijciples the figure of his Body and Blood. l ^ m E P*$< m He faith that the Sacra- ***** E 3 ment 8 d The Ofyman Church ments are called by the name of the things they reprefent. The Sacrament then of the Lords Supper may be taken either conjun- ctively with what it re- prefents, and in this fenfe it is (aid to be the Body and Blood of Chrift - or (eparately from the things which it fignifieth, and in this fenfe, it is the type, the fymbole, or figure of the Body and Blood of Je- fus Chrift : and that is to be feen in the affairs of the World, where we fay, the letters which are brought, wherein is con- tained the pardon, which the King giveth to a Cri- mi- proved Heretkk* 17 minal, are the Kings par- don. Baronim faith>thatT/;e^ Baron, an. dore Bifhop of Rome, forJfgJs.Sl the Condemnation of Py- $. r^r, and the Council held at Conftamwople for the Condemnation of Rhotius, took the ConfecratedCup, and poured ink into it, and having dipped their Pens into thefe two mixt li- quors, they fubfcribed the Depofitions of thefe men. If they had believed that the confecrated Wine was the blood of Jefus Chrift, ^as now the Church of Rome believeth, is it cre- dible that they would have mixt ink with it, and dipped their Pens with it ? E 4 no, 1 8 The QUpman Church no, it is not to be believed, for the Church of Rome would not do fo now, but would believe they fhould commit an horrible Sacri- ledge. That which confirms all that I am about to al- ledge from the Fathers a- §ainft the pretended my- ;ery of Tranfubftanti- ation, is, that when they difputed againft Idolaters, they confuted them with thefe words ; Why do ye adore what your hands have made^ and which hath nei- ther fpeech, nor motion^ and which is fubjeff to fire, and to corruption^ and to bejtul- len aivay by Thieves? If at that time, they had be- lieved proved Here tick. 8 ^ lieved that Jefus Chrift had been under the Acci- dents of Bread and Wine, and if the fathers had taught that Do£trine, it is moft certain the Idola- ters would have retorted their argument, and have laid, that the God which they adored in the Bread was a work of their own hands, which hath nei- ther fpeech, nor motion, but was fubjeQ: to cor- ruption, to fire, and to be ftolen away ; but we do not find they made liich an Anfvver. Therefore it is a fign that this Do- ftrine was not taught by the Fathers but was con- trary to them. Moreover E 5 if if they had believed Tran- fubftantiation, that is to fay, the changing of the Bread and Wine into the true Body and Blood of JefusChrift, they would not have failed to inftrufl us that a body is under a point, that it hath Acci- dents without any fubjeft ; that it is after the manner of a Spirit ; they would have taught us what nou- rishes our bodies in the receiving oftheSacrament r and from whence come the worms which are in- gendred in the Bread ; they would have told us what kind of a£tion it is w hich maker h Chrift ex- ift under the Species of Bread proved Here tick . p I Bread and Wine ; whe- ther it was a Reproduction, or Adduction fix Vbification? I fay they would have taught us all thefe things, fince the Church oHlomcy giveth now a particular Jnftru&ion in it : now fince they were as wife and learned, as the preient Dofrors of the Church oi Rome now , and fince t'Ifey, faid nothing; of it, it is a mark that this Doctrine was contrary to their opi- nion. And when they dis- puted again ft the Marci- onites and Eutichhns the former of which believ- ed that Jefus Chrift had not a true Body, but only an 9* The 4 H?e ^omin Church Rome y and for want of Scriptures hath been de- fended with Fire and Sword. You fee then that the Do&rine of Tranfubftan- tiation is contrary to the holy Scriptures ; andfince notwithiianding the Ro- man Church doth believe it, it is evident they add to the word of God, and think above that which is written , and therefore they are Heretick. The Roman Church doth not only think above that - which is written, and add to the word of God; but alio diminifli- c^c. you evidently. Firft, proved Heretich 6 5 Frft the Apoftle of the Gentiles will not only have us to fpeak in the Church with a known tongue; but alfb he fheweth the confufion of them which fpeak in an unknown. Ex- cept Pipe or Harp, faith he, give diflinciion in the founds how (hall it be known what is piped or harped ? if the Trumpet giveth an uncer- tain found, who (hall prepare himfelf to the Battle ? So likewife you, except ye utter by the tongue words eafte to be under floods how fhall it be known what is fpoken ? for ye (hall fpeak into the air. 1 thank my God, faith he, I fpeak with tongues more than you all, yet in the 9 6 The ^orhan Church the Church 1 had rather fpeak Jivt words with my un- der ft \wding y that by my voice I rmoht teach others alp), then ten thouf and words in an unknown tongue. And the Roman Church muft not fay St. Paul thereby fpeaketh concerning Ser- mons , and confequently doth not fpeak againft her, becaufe fhe preacheth in known tongue,for St. Paul Ipeaketh concerning Pra- yers, Rfalms, andThankf- givings. // Iprajj faith,he r. 14. 15. ^ an unknown tongue ^ my 1 6 ' fp trit prayeth, hut my under- ftanding is unfruitful. H hat is it then ? / will pray with thefyirityind I will pray with the under Jlanding alfo \ I will pro Ved Heretick . 9 7 (ing rvitb the Spirit^ and I will ftng with the under - flanding alfo ; elfe whtn thou jhalt bltfs with the Spi- rit r how (hall he that occupi- eth the room of the unlearn- ed fay Amen at thy giving of thanks , feeing he under- fiandeth not what thou fay- eft ? And notwithftand- ing this ordinance of Paul and the confufion of them which go againil it, as it is declared by the com- parifons of the Pipe, Harp, and Trumpet, the Roman Church prayeth, fingeth^ and giveth thanks in an unknown tongue : and though in the Primi- tive Church the Bleflings and other common Pray- ers 9 8 The (fio man Church ers were performed in the Gnt^r. vulgar tongue, & lingua i!f ca ?' l6i auditor thus non tgnota omnia peragebantiir^ & confuttudo itaferebat ut tot a Ecciefa (i- ?<:i;d pfalitret^ all things were difpatcht in a Ungnage not unknown to the people y and the cuftom^was that the whole Church did fmg together. And a multitude of their: Authors acknowledge , that the publick prayers in the firft age were in a tongue, that the people underftood. And though An ft in faith, Deus vult ut quod canamusy intelligamus, dr human* ratione, non qua- ft avium 'voce canamus \ God requires thxt we under- (land what wt ftng, like men en^ proved Here tick. 99 endued with reafon y and not chatter like birds. Neverthelefs, when the BiOiops of Rome had mounted themfeives to an eminent degree of gran- deur in the world, then nothing would ferve their turns, but they muft be giving Laws , and pre- bribing Rules, though ne- ver fb irregular and unrea- fcnable j and asConquerors ufually bring in, and oft tentimes impofe their own language, on thofe they have fubdued, and intied for their Slaves ; fo the Popes made it their bufi- nefs to plant their Roman Rites , Ceremonies and Language in what other Church* I o o The %omm Church Churches they could, that the fame might afterwards ferve as an argument of their JurifdiQiion, and the others dependence. It is then manifett the Rpman Church diminifh- ethfrom the Word of God, and thinketh above that which is written. Secondly, St. PW writes al of 2. to the QolofJiansJLet no man judge you in meat or drink ; i cor. to. and to the Corinthians, 2 4- 2 5'2 7- Whatsoever is fold in the Shambles j that eat ^asking no quefiionfor confciencefake.if any of them that believe not \ bid you to a feafl^ and ye be difpofedtogOj whatfoever is ftt before you y eat, asking no qnejtion for confcience fake ; and frovcd Heretic k. i o i and writing to Timothy y he l Timo H- faith , every creature of God 4 ' is good , and nothing to he refufedj if it he received with thank [giving. And con- cerning Marriage,he faith, Have tve not power to lead a- bout a Sifter ', a Wife, as well as other Apoftles^ and as the Brethren of the Lord and Cephas. And a Bifhop can i Timot.$. be the husband of one wife y and in the thirteenth to the Hebrews, Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undt fled ; but Whoremon- Hebr. 1 3 4. gers y and Adulterers God will judge ; and writting to Timothy , he faith, forbid- 1 r/mot. 4. ding to marry y and com- 3 ,<5 * manding to abfiain from meats y is a Doctrine of De- vils 102 The ^oman Qmrch vils ; if thou puttefi bre- thren in remembrance of theft things, thou (halt be a good Mini fier ofJefusChrif nourifbed up in the words of faith, and of good Do- cirine, whereunto thou hafi attained. And Jefus Chrift himfelf honoureth fb much the marriage of the Priefts, that he chooiesthe Son of the high Prieft,^- charias y to be his forerun- i cor. 1-2. ner. Becaufe of fornication ', JaithPzul let everyman have his own wife ; that is, who- ever hath not the gift of continency,\vhether Cler- gy or Lay-man ; fb faith Chrjfj/l.hom.ig.upon thefe words. And the Roman Church commandeth to abftain proved Pier e tick. 103 ftain from meat in certain time and days, and all Bifhops and Priefts to mar- ry ; and in the Council of Nice, of which the Eccle- fiaftical Hiftorian Socrates lib. i.e. 11. writes thus. It pleafed fome of the Bi- fhops to bring in a New Law into the Church,that thofe that were dedicated to the holy Miniftry, isix,. Bifliops, Priefts, or Eiders, and Deacons fhould not fleep any longer with their wives : ButPaphmtius an EgyptianBiihop, who had one of his eyes pluckt out formerly for the Teftimo- ny of Jefus, ftood up in oppofition thereunto, cry- ing out aloud, that they fliould 1 04 The ^onuin Church fhould not impofe fo hea- vy a yoak, for the Marri- age Bed was honourable, and Matrimony unpollu- ted, left with too much precifenels they fhould ra- ther hurt the Church ; for all men could not bear the exercife ofContinency,and that accompanying with mans lawful wife, was not breach of chaftity. Which prevailed fo far, that the Council acquiefcing in his opinion, only decreed that Clerks fhould not accom- pany with other women, befides their wives. But Gregory the leventh by cruel decrees of Ex- communication, deprived Iviinifters of their lawful wives, proved Here tick. 105 Wives, and compelled the Clergy to the Vow of Con- tinency ; and the Council of Trent forbids Marriage unto all thole that are in Orders, andcurfeth thofe that fay that they may marry. Si qim dixerit Cle- cone. trid. ricos in facris Ordmibus con- f^ 2 ^ jtitutoS) i/el ReguUres cajti- tatem folemniter "profeffos pojfe Matrimonium contra,- \ herejcontraffumqu.e validum ejfe^non obftante Lege Eccle- fi.tftica vdVotojfr oppofitum nihil aliwd ejfe qtiam damna- re Matrimonium , pojfeque omnes contrahtre Matrimo- nlum^qiunonfentiunt fe ca- ftitatis j etiamfi voverint, habere dommi^ Anathema fit. It is then manifeft the Ro- F man to6 The (t{o7?ian Church man Church diminifheth from the Word of God, and thinketh above that which is written. She forbiddeth alfb the reading of the holy Scrip- tures to the common Peo- ple ; and in the Council of ccns.rrid-Trevt, it is written, if the reading of the holy Scrip- ture, is permitted indiffe- rently in a known Tongue amongft all People, it will be more hurtful than pro- fitable. And fb the Roman Church is wifer than St. John$^9--J°^i which faith, Search the Scriptures , for in them ye think yehaije eternal life ; and wifer than St. Paul, who writing both to the Bifhops, and all his Bre- thren. proved Heretick. 107 thren, either Men or Wo- men, either young or old, ipeaketh thus : I charge you \ Thtfo. by the Lordfhat this Epiftk 2?# be read unto all holy Bre- thren ; and writing to the Coloffians, he faith, When coiojf. 4. this Epiftle is read among ft l5# you, caufe that it be read alfo in the Church of the Laodi- ceans, and that ye likewife read the Epiftle from Lao- dicea. The People of Berta were highly commended that they learched the Scriptures, to fee whether thofe things were true or Aft. 17. no, which Paul himfelf teacheth. For whofbever he be, though he were an ; Angel from Heaven, if he F 2 teach 1 06 The ^{oman Church man Church diminifheth from the Word of God, and thinketh above that which is written. She forbiddeth alfb the reading of the holy Scrip- tures to the common Peo- ple ; and in the Council of mc.Trid.Trevt, it is written, if the "reading of the holy Scrip- ture, is permitted indiffe- rently in a known Tongue amongft all People, it will be, more hurtful than pro- fitable. And fb the Roman Church is wifer than St. 'JohnM9:J°hvj which faith, Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think yehalje eternal life ; and wifer than St. Paul, who writing both to the Bifhops, and all his Bre- thren, proved Heretick* 107 thren, either Men or Wo- men, either young or old, fpeaketh thus : I charge you 1 Mtfo. by the Lor df hat this Epiftle 2 ? # he read unto all holy Bre- thren ; and writing to the Coloffians, he faith, When coioff. 4. this Epiftle is read among ft l6% yott) caufe that it be read alfo in the Church, of the Laodi- ceans, and that ye likewife read the Epiftle from Lao- dicea. The People of Ber.ea were highly commended that they fearched the Scriptures, to fee whether thofe things were true or Act. 17. no, which Paul himfelf teacheth. For whofbever he be, though he were an I Angel from Heaven, if he F 2 teach io 3 The %pman Church teach Matters contrary to the DoQrine of the holy and Canonical Scriptures, we are to hold him accur- Gai. lt 8. fed ; as the Apoftle of Jefiis Chrift commandeth} and the Church of Rome for- biddeth them to thecom- rnon People, faying, it is perilous,it caufeth fchifms, Se£ts,and Herefies.as if file were wifer than Chrift, St. Jofm and St. Paul. Mau 26. Thirdly, We read in St. 2 7* M'ttthewfihrifl took the Cup and gave it to them, faying, drink ye all of it ; and the Ro?nav Church will have no body to drink of the Cup but the Priefh; think- ing Jefus Chrilt fpake to the Priefts only, when he faidg proved Heretic k. * 09 folder ink ye a/iofit,B\lt St. Paul writing to the Covin- 1 cm* 2.8. thians y amongft whom were more Laicks thag Priefts, fheweth the con- trary, faying, Let a;man examine hiwfelf a -id Jo let him eat of that Bread? arid .drink of thai Cyp And though in the general Council of Confiance^ the cone. tmf. Roman Church doth con- */is* fefs this holy Sacrament , was received in the primi- tive ; Church with the Bread and the Cup, yet in the general Council of Trent fhe fpeaketh thus : cone. TtU. If any man faith, that the s *»' 2u Catholick Church had nojuft Reafons to give the Commu- nion to the Laicks,and Clerks F l who ill *lhe tf^pman Church above that which is writ" ten ; the Church of Rome taking away the Cup from the common People , and from the Clerks which are not Priefrs, it is clear that fhe diminifheth from the holy Script ure,fince we are commanded to drink of the Cup ; for, as it is faid here above, Chrift faith, Drink ye all of it ; and St\ Paul fpeaking indifferently unto all, fays thus ; Let a man examine himfelf and fo let him eat of that Bread, and drink of that Cup ; and con- fequently it is manifeft, that flie is Heretick. They fay , the true Church of God here upon Earth is vifible to the out- ward proved Lleretick.. ward eye^ and was fo al T ways ; and fo they tell us, that our Church is not the true Church of God, be- caufe it was not always y£ fible to the outward eye ; for where was your Church (iky they) before Cdvjn^ Luther, and thofe that you call Reformators ? To which Ianfwer, That though the true Church of God here Militant upon Earth were always ? yet Hie was not always vifible to the outward eye ; pray fpt them tell me, where the Church was vifible, when being gathered at Jerxfa- /emxhtYQ aroie a great: Per- .fecution againfi her, in fo much as they were ail fcat- F 5 ter'd;; II 1 1 4 The %pman Church ter'd : for as it is faid in the r A8s2.i. Acts y At that time there was ferfecution againfi the Church that was at Jerufa- lern y and they were all fcatte- red abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Sama- * ria. Where was the Church of God vifible when Jefus Chrift was fmitten, and all the reft were fcattered and hid, as it is written in Mark ? Where was the Church vifible in the time of Eli as theProphet,when he com- plained that he was left i Kings alone ? Lord fzid he,they have for fake n thy Covenant ; they have dejlrvyed thine • Altar s^and flaw thy Prophets with the frord } and lam left io.ir. alone. proved Here tick * I if alone. By thefe words,/ am It ft done, every body may fee that Eli as knew not where was the trueChurch of God \ though as it is ma- nifeft by the Anfwer whichGod gave him,there were, befides him, leven thoufand true worfhippers of God yet remaining , which had not bowed their knee to Baal. The true Church of God then may be,though fhe is not vifible to the outward eye, So was the Primitive "Church, in the time of the Heathen Emperors ; fo fhe was in the days of Queen Mary here in England \ io file was in the other Times, when fhe was perlecuted by 1 1 6 The tftyman Church by the Romifb Popes ; and ib (he was before the days of Calvin, Luther, and all the other Reformators; (he had her fecret Meetings andAfTemblies,th€ugh un- known to her PerfecutorSy there were in thofe days many true worfhippers of God, which were not par- takers of the Errors and Corruptions of theChuah ofjR^e,and who had their fecret Meetings amongft themfelves , though they were unknown, though they were not vifible to. the Papifts. And therefore they do not conclude well, when they hold ftifly that the Church of England, is aot the true Church of God, proved Heretick. i * 7 God y becaufe before the days of ^ Cdv in ^Luther ^ and other Reformators,fhe was not vifible to their eyes ; feeing I have proved clear- ly that a Church may be a true Church of God, though not vifible to the outward eye. They hold befides^their unwritten Traditions to be received with equal and like Authority ,as the holy Scripture ;and confequent- ly, they hold the, facred Scripture to be imperfect, and not contain all things neceflary to Salvation, That this is theirDcclrine, . maybefeen in xhz Council Co ^ n - of Trent Joy thefe following J^ # r# words i Nee non traditione* 4. Stfi 1 8 The Oxonian Church ipfts, turn ad fidem turn ad mores pertinentes, tanquam vel ore tenusfi Chrifto y vela Spiritu Santlo dictitas, & continue fuccefjione in Rcck- fta Catholica Confervatas, -pari pet at is affect u ac reve- rent iafufcipit ac veneratur. That is y This general Council receiveth and honour eth with an equal piety and reverence the Traditions as well be- longing to faith as manner s 7 as they were dictated by the Holy Ghoft y or by the very mouth ofChri/ly and kept in the 'Catholick Church by a* continual S'tcct/Jijn. And a- gain in this fame Seflion, Qui traditiones prddittas fciens & prude ns contempfe- r it, Anathema jit. Whofoever know- proved Heretick. i 1 9 knowing the faid Traditions, and {ball furpofely contemn them, let him be Anathema. And Pope Leo the fourth, faith thus, He that receiv- eth not without difference the Popifh Canons ,as well as the four Gojpehybelieveth not a- right, nor holdeth the Catho- lic/? Church effectually ; and fb they do not hold the ho- ly Scriptures to be perfeft, and to contain all things neceffary to Salvation , which is againft thefe words of John^ Thefe things are written that ye may be- lieve, and that in believing you may have life eternal. Contrary to St, Paul, who 2 Tim. 3. faith, Thou haft known the 1 5 ' holy Scriptures , which are able i 20 The Q^pman Church able to make thee wife unto Salvation through Faith which is in Chrifi *Jefu4. chifof. h And contrary to::hryf)fio?n, Mat. 24. w j faith mMt f oever n Horn. 4. > J . requijite for our Salvation is contained in the Scriptures : idem in 2. And in another place he Tbefii. fp ea keth thus ; All things are clear and mrmftfl in the Scriptures ;, and what foever things are needful, are mani- fcfl th*re. Therefore I conclude thus, fince.as faith Ir.eneus, 1 . 5 . C . 1 7 . FL re tici font qiu fupra Script/tram fapinnt ; and fince that Church is Heretick which is obfti- nate in her Errors ; j and : fince that Church is obfti- nate in her Errors, which refu- proved Heretic h 121 refufeth to obey the holy Seripture in feveral points both of faith and practice ; and iince that Church re- fufeth to obey the holy Scripture which addeth to the Word of God, and di- minifheth from it , and thinketh above that which is written ; for God faith, Te fba/I not add unto the But. 4.2* word which I command you, neither (hall you diminiffr from /V.The RommQhxkx&i adding to the Word of God.and diminifhing from it,and thinking above that w r hich is written, (as I have provM clearly)it follo\veth that fhe refufeth to obey the divine and facred Scri- ptures ; and ccnfequently, that 12 2 The <3i(pman Church that fhe is obftinate in her Errors ; and therefore that file is Heretick. I could lay more,but I think this Effi- cient to prove what I did undertake in this fmall Treatife. Ifc is then with good rea- fbn I am gone out of that Communion ; when I was amongftthem, I dare fay, both my Ignorance and Zeal were fuch thefe laft few years, that the fpecial Motives which induced me to enter into a Covent, being about 1 7 years old, was to Preach the Holy Gofpel unto them that I did believe deceived, and to give the light of the Truth proved Heretick* 123 Truth to the Protefiants, which I thought to live amidft the darfcnefs of Ig- norance. I continued in that relblution about 11 years, and being ready to perform it , that which happened toSt.PW,a!moft happened unto me ; for as he went unto the High- Prieft, and defired Letters from him to Damafcus to the Synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were Men or Women,he might bring them bound unto Jerufa- km ; and as he came near Damafcus, fuddenly fhined round about him a light from Heaven;he fell to the earth, and heard a voice lay- 124 T^- e ^{pman Church faying unto him,*SW,vSW, why perfecute& thou me ? it is hard for thee to kick againft the pricks ; and he trembling faid, what wilt thou have me to do, O Lord ? the Lord faid unto him, Arife and go into the City, and it fliall be told thee what thou muft do : The men which were in journey with him ? brought him mtoDamafcusJaz there received his fight by Ana- nias, and was filled with theHoly Ghoft,and having lived certain days with the Difciples which were at Damafcus , he Preached Chrift,whom he did perfe- cute, that he was the Son of God. And when I was rea- proved Here tick* 115 ready to ask and receive Letters to lurky or Eng- landy that I might bring unto the Roman Church thole that I could find le- parated from her,whether they were Men orWomen, and being ready to per- form my relblution ,1 heard an inward voice faying un- to me,Thy zeal is not juft, thole which thou wilt perfecute , are the true Children of God ; aftonifh- ed by that voice which (poke to my heart, Ian- fwered, Lord Jet me know the truth ; and after I had leveral times inftantly begged that favour from the Lord, his Divine Pro- vidence prefented me two Books, i z 6 The fyman Church Books, The Perpetuity of Faith % written by one Claude Minifter living at Park i and Calvin's Institutions ', and after I had ex- amined , and compared thefe two Books with the holy Scrip- ture, and difcours'd fome few days with the faid Claude^ Mi- nifter, I found that this inward voice which fpoke to my Heart was truei therefore leaving my firft refolution 1 came into Eng- hnd^not that I might bring un- to the Roman Church thofe that I fhould rind feparatedt from her, but that I might feparate them, thatl (hould find of that Communion. I thank God , becaufe he made me know the truth, and I will give him thanks as long as I live i it is certain I am out of my Countrey , and fcparated from my Friends and Kindred j it is 5 becaufe they would not give proyed Here tick. 117 give me leave to ferve God and worihip Him according to his Will, and Commandments. I know they curfe me, and call me Heretick and Excommuni- cated > but 1 had rather bear the Curfe of men , than of God. Wbofoever, faith Chrift, lovetb Mat. 10. Father or Mother, or Brethren, or 3 1, Sifter more than me, he U not wor- thy of me h fuch love better their Brethren than Chrift, who, to pleafe and humour them, keep not his Commandments. Chrift taught me not to be aftiamed, nor to blufh for the Gofpel, and wbvfoever (ball deny him before Mat, io> men, be will deny him before bis 3 3* Father which U in Heaven : I will confefs him before all men, and obey him, and fuffer what he pleafeth for his fake i. therefore I fay, who (hall feparate me from the truth of the holy Scriptures ? (hall tribulation, or difticfs. per- fifcu- n8 The Ofyman Church fecution or famine, or nakednefs or peril, or fword ? I hope that neither death nor life, nor An- gels 5 nor Principalities,nor Pow- ers , nor things prcfent nor things to come, nor any other Creature, (hall be able to fepa- . .rate me from the truth of the Holy Scriptures. I pray to my . God to keep me in that mind as long as Ilive^ Amen. FINIS. ADVERTISEMENT. IF any Gentleman, or Gentlewo- man , have a mind to learn French or Latin, the Author of this 'Treatife will wait upon them > he hath a very good Method. He liveth in Thames-ilreet , over againfi Bernards-Caftle, Pauls- Wharf. « ^ JM m