F 472 B72^3 1720 m . //Its'/Ast^. pSz^^ts o > a. < ■ U I H O cr u. 2 CO z LI ffl Q J < a: u e> N h Ll D J > a: >. >• m < Q cr u ffl Zj < u UJ z D H a u >■ < Z I LI a) J < u 5 o o u X H Z o I- UJ O z S a. "•• :• ..;•". p s wm Davidr Fitted to the TUNES Ufed in CHURCHES. B Y WO A r . Erzdy y D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary, & 7^ Tatc^ E!q*, Poet-Laureat toEerMajefty L N D i^ Prinud in the Yta™i7C4. Ballon, in New- England: Re- printed by J. xAllen, for Benja* min Elliot, at his Shop in . Xing- street. 1720. * I b May the 27,d. \6$ 8. HIS MajcFty having Allowed and TerfHitted the Vfe of a New Verfion of the Pfalms of David , by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate, In all Churches, Chappels, and \ Congregations \ I cannot do lefs then xvip) a good Succefs to this Royal Indulgence : For I find it a Work done with fo much Judgment and In- genuity, that I am perfwaded, it may take ojf that unhappy Objettion, which has hitherto lain against the Singing Pfalms ', and difpofe that part of Di- vine Service to much more Devotion* And J r dv heartily recommend the Vft )f this Verfion, to all my Tirethrc? witlun n$ Diocefs. H. LONDON i A Ww Verfion of the PSALMS, be PSALM I. i. t T ow blcft is ne wno ne>cr canf6Dt * : I — I bv ill Advice to walk ; X JL Nor Hands in Sinners ways nor hf where Men propbanelv t Ik. 2. But makes the ptrfed Law of God his Bufinefs and Delight j Devoutly reads there ; n by Day, and meditates by Kighr. 3. Like fome far Tree, which f e ^? by Srreaur , with timely fruit does bend, He ltilJ Anil flo-irih, ani Succefs all his Defigns attend. 4. Ungodly Men *i\d their Attempt! no lafting Root mnll find ; Untimely blafted and djfpcrs'd like Chaff before the Wind. 5. Their Guilt fhail ft rike the wicked dun* before their Judge's Face : No formal Hypocrite fhall rhen among the Saints have place. 67 For God approves the Juft fcfcp's Ways- to Happinefs they tend : " But Sinners and the Paths they tread iliall both m Ruin end. PS A L M. II. 1. \X/"Ith reftlek and ungovern'd Ra^a. vV why do the Heathen itorrr, K ^ Why ; infucb rafh Attempts engage, as they can ne'er perform \ A 3 2.TL J Pftl. ii. . The Great in Counfel and in Might, their various Forces bring ; Againft the Lord, they all unite, and his anointed King, , Muft we fubmit to their Commands, prefumptuoufty they fay ? No, let us break their flavifh Bands, and raft their^ Chains away. 4. But God, who ins enthroned on high and fees how they combine, Does their confpiring Strength defle and mocks their vain Deflgn. 5. Thick Clouds or Wrath divine iliall break on his rebellious Foes ; And thus will he in Thunder fpeak to all that dare oppofe. K. " Tho' madly you diipute my will, " the King true I ordain, : " Whoft Throne is fix'd on &Ws Hilly "fnali there fecurely reign. 7. Attend, O Earth, whilft I declare God's uncontroul'd Decree, * Thou art my Son, this Diy my Heir, have I begotren thee. 8, " Ask. and receive thy full Demands, " thin^ihaU the Heathen be, *> The qftoft limits of the Lands "iliall be poiTefs'd by thee. 9% Thy threatning Sceptre thou flialt fhake,. "and cufli them ev'ry where-, "As muff/ Bars or Iron break " the Potrers brittle Ware. 10. Learn then, ye Princes, and give ear, ye Judges of the Earth ; ii.Worfliip the Lord with holy Fear, i^ce with a wful Mirth,' Pfal. Hi. 12* Appeafethe Son with due refpect, your timely Homage pay, Left he revenge the boW Neglect, incens'd by your delay. 13. But if in part bis Anger rife, who can endure the Flame? Then bleft are they whofe Hope relie* on his raoft holy N*me. PSAL M. HI. HOw many, Lord, of late are grown the troublers of my Peace ! And as cheir Numbers hourly rife, » (o does their Rage increafe. 2. Infu Icing they my Soul upbraid, and him whom I adore ; The God in whom he truils, fay theyj iliaii refcuc him no more. 3. But thou^O Lord, arc my Dwfer.ce, on thee my Hopes r. Confide r that the righteous Man is God's peculiar choice ; And when to him I make my Prayf* he always hears my voice. 4. Then ftand in awe of his Commands, flee ev'ry thing that's ill ; Commune in private with v our Heard and bend them to his Will. y The place of other Sacrifice-, let rigbteoufnefs fupnly j And let your Hope,fecurejy £xc on. God alone relie. tf. While worldly Minds impatient grow more profp'rous times to fee • Still let the Glories of thy Face fliine, Mglul), Lord, on me. 7. So fha!l mv Heart o'er fro w with Joy, more lading and more true. Than theirs, who ftojcs of Corn and Wine fuccemvely renew. L Then down in Peace Til lay mt Head and take my needful Reft • No other Guard, O Lord, I crave of my Defence- po/fefti .gALM. PM. v. „ ■ PSALM: V. i, T Ord hear the Voice of my Complaint, J -' accept my fecret Prav'r 2. To thee alone, my King, myGod, . will F for help repair. 3. Thou in the Morn mv Voice Auric hear, and with the dawning Day, To thee, devoutly I'fl look up. to thee devoutly pray, 4. For thou the Wrongs that I fuftaia . canft never, Lord, approve, 1? £°? } h l facred d weJJin S P^ce all Evil doft remove. 5. Not long mail ftubborn Fools remain unpunim'd in thy view: Allfuchas a# unrighteous things thy Vengeance fliall pu r lue. 5 t. The fland'rine Tongue, O God of Tr.t»t Who hat'ft alike the Man in Blood and in Deceit implov'd. 7. But when thy boundlefs Gracelnall me ' to thy lov'd Courts relW Ontheel'll^^yj^^: and humbly th ere fdofe. J ' ' 8. Conduct me in thy righteous Law* for watchful U my Fo | . e ° MS Lim > tA Therefore, O Lord, make p | a i n the wav r fc' • L° Uth vcnts "Othing butDecek TheVrTh"" '■' f " on Wrong* a 5 , ,fc Pfal. For they againft thy righteous Laws have hardned Rebels been. ill. But lee all thofe who truft in thee, with Shouts their Joy proclaim ; Lee them rejoyce whom thou prefetv'It, and all that love thy Name. 12, To righteous Men, the righteous Lord his Blemng will extend, And with his Favour, all his Saints as with a Shield, defend. PSALM. VI. St, »-pHy dreidful Anger, Lord, reftrain, X and fparea Wretch forlorn ; Correct me not in thy fierce Wrath, t too heavie to be born. C. Have mercy, Lord, for I grow faint, unable to endure The Anguifh of my aking Bones, which thou alone canft cure. 3. My tortut'd Flefh diftracfts my Mind, and fills my Soul with Grief ; But, Lord, how long wilt thou delay to grant me thy Relief! \ Thy wonted Goodnefs. Lord, repeat. and eafe my troubled Soul ; Lord, for thy wondrous Mercy's fakcj vouchfafe to make me whole. y 3. Fot after Death no more can I thy glorious Ads proclaim ; No Pris'ner of the illent Grave can magnifie thy Name. % Quite tir'd with Pain, with Groaning faint, no hope of Eafe I fee ; £The Night that quiets common Griefs, is fpenc in Tears f>y p% 7< My o' PfaJ. vii, j ( 7. My Beauty fades, my fight grows dim, my Eyes with Weaknefs clofe ; Old Age overtakes me whilft I think on my infulting Foes. $. Depart, ye Wicked, in my Wrongs ft /hall no more re Joyce, For Gods I find, accepts my Tears, and liftens to my Voice. ~ io. He hears, and grants my humble Praj ? <. and they that wifli my fall, Shall blufh and rage, to fee that God protect) me from them all. PSALM. VIL Lord, mv God, fince I have plac Impartial Juftice to difpence, to puniih or reward. &. God is a content fure D^fcnce againft opprefling Rage *, As Troubles rife, his needful Aids in our Behalf engage. 10. A.11 thofe who have his Goodnefs prov : d. will in his truth confide ; Whofe mercy ne'er forfook the Man that on his help rely'd. 11. Sing Praifes therefore to the Lord, from Sio* his Abode : Proclaim his Deeds* till all tfes Worla coniej* no otbec God* c Pfal. ix. lt VART. II. 12. When he enquiry makes for Blood, he calls the Poor to mind • The in ; ai'd humble Man's Complaint relief from him ihall find. I3> 7 a u e r Pit> r°, n i m5 ' Tro «Wei,Lorf, which fpiteful foes create, Thou that haft refcu'd me fo ofe from Death's devouring Gate. 14. In Sion then I'll fing thy Prate to all that love thy Name- And with loud Shouts ofgra'tefnl T™ . thyfaving Pow'rprocfaim IJOy 15. Deep in the Pic they diee'd fn, «,- the Heathen Pride is ffi d f ° r me > Their guilty Feet to their 9^ c.„, are heedlefiy betray'd 3W » 15. Thus by the j„ft Returns he makes the mighty Lord is known • > while wickedMen by their n«„ di„. „ K ar £ A*«-?f»Uy o^erth wn P, ° U V. No fingle Smner Hall e f ca p"" oy privacy obfcurd F •Nor Nation from his juft B e »„„„ by Numbers be fecirU ***<"& 13. Hisfuff'ring Saints.when moftdiftre* ' 1 Their Expectation ihaJI becrowny 10 A tho ; f ° r »time delays dj 1nd e ie? L ° rd ' a/rert %Pow^ and let not man o'ercome ii Pfal. *. They to each other and themfclves # but mortal Men appear. \ PSALM. X. i.T"*H> prefence why withdraw'ft thou. Lord ? | A wh hid'ft thou now thy Face ? When difmal Times of deep Diftrefs call for thy wonted Grace. S. The Wicked, fwellM with lawlefc Pride, have, made the Poor their Prey ; O let them fall bv thofe Defigns which they far others la/. 3 For ftfait they truimph, if Succefs, their thriving Crime 1 attend ; And fordid Wretches, whom God hare$> perverfely they commend. 4. To own a Pow'r above -hemfelves their haughty Pride difclains ; And therefore in their ftubborn Mind ' no Thought of God remains. 5. Opprefflve Methods they purfue, and all their Foes thev flight ; Becaufe thy Judgments tinobferv'd are far above their fight. 6. They fondly think their profp'rous Scare, mall unmolefted be : They think their vain Defi^ns Hull thrive, from all Misfortune free. 7. Vain and" deceitful is their Speech with Curfes fill'd and Lies ; By which the Mifchiefof their Heart they ftudy to difguife. 8. Near publick Roads they He conceal'd, and all their Art imploy, THe Innocent and Poor at once to rirle and deftroy. 9. Koc P6I. x. j. Not Lions couching in their Dens, furprize their heedlefs Prey With greater Gunning, or exprefs more falrage Rae;e than they. 10. Sometimes they acft the harmlefsMan and modeft Looks they wear *, That fo deceiv'd. the Poor may lefs their fudden Onfet fear. PJRT. 1L 11. For God, they think no notice take* of their unrighteous Deeds ; He never minds the furV'ring Poor, nor their OpprefTion heeds, 12. But thou, O Lord at length arife j ftretch forrh thy mightv Arm; And by the Greatneis of thy Pow'r, defend the Poor from harm. 13. No longer let the wicked vane, and proudly bo«ifting fa v, <* Turn, God regards not what we do f i: he never will repay. 14.. But fure thou feeft all their Deeds.. impartially doft try : The Orphans therefore, and the Poor on thee for aid rely. 15. Defencelefs let the- Wicked hil, of ail rheir Strength bereft : Confound O God, rbeir dark Defigns* till no Remains are left. 16. AfTert thy juft Dominion. Lord, which ihalr for ever (kand : Thou, who the Heathen didO: expel from this thy chofen, Land. 17. Thou hear'it- the humble Supplicants thac to thy Tnrone repair. Th< r 4 Pf*l. xi. Thou firft prepar'ft their Hearts to pra5r> and then accept their Prayer. 8. Thou in thy righteous Judgment weigrrifc the Father lefs and Poor •, That (b the Tyrants of theEarth may perftcute no more. PSALM. XI. u Clnce I hate plac d my Truft in God, •^ a Rehiec alvrays nigh, Why mould I like a tim'rous Bird, to diftant Mountains fly ? .Behold the Wicked bend their Bow, and ready fix their Dart : Lurking in Ambufli to deflroy the Man of upright Heart. . When once the firm AlTurance fail* wirh pubiick Faith imparts. *Tis time for Innocence to fly from fuch deceitful Arts. tf The Lord has both a Temple here, and righteous Throne above : Where he fu.-veys the Sons of Men, and ho* their Couniels move. 5. If God the Righteous, whom he loves, for Tryal does correcft ; What mufr the Sons of Violence* whom he abhors, expect { 5. Snares, Fire and Brimftone on their Head*) flull in one Tempeil iliow'r : This dreadful Mixture his Revenge into their Cup mail pour. >. The righteous Lord will righteous Deeds with figual Favour grace : And to the upright Man difclofe the arigUtoeii of his face. PSALM. Pfal. xii, \nu JJ P S A L M. XII. x, rlnce godly Men decay, O Lord, •^ do chou my Caufe defend : For fcarce rhcfe wretched Times afford one juft and faithful Friend. 2. One Neighbour now can fcarce believe what c other does impart, With flitt'ring Lip3 they ail deceive, and with a double Heart. 3. But Lips that with Deceit abound, can never profper long : God's righteous Vengeance will confound the proud blafpheming Tongue. i 4. In vain thofe foolifli Boafters fay < : our Tongues are fure our own : <{ With doubtful Words we will betrry, u and be controui'd by none. V^'For.God, who hears, the fuifering Poor, and their Oppreffion knows. Will foon arife and give them Reft in fpite of all their Foes. 6 The Word of God fhall ftiil abide, and void of Falfhoou he ; As is the Silver feven rimes try € d, from droiry Mixture free. 7. The Promife of his aiding Graoe fhall reach its purpos'd End : His Servants from rhis faithlefs Race he never ilia il defend. S. Then fluH the Wicked be perplex'd nor know which way to fly : When thofe whom they dtfpis.d and yex d jhali b; ad vane d on hiVn. P S A L M. XIII. i» LJOW Ions wilt thou former m€ , £ 0rc j IT- mull I for ever mourn i 6 Pfiil. xiii, xiv. How long. wilt thou withdraw from me ? oh ! never to return ? . How long fliall anxious Thoughts my Soal and Grief my Heart opprefs ? How long my Enemies infultf and I have no Redrefsf . O hear and to my longing Eye 5 reftore thy wonted Light : And iuddenly, or I mall fleep * in everlafting Night. [. Reftore me, left they proudly boaft 'twas their own Strength overcame Permit not them that vex my Soul to triumph in my Shame. $. Since I have always plac'd my Truft beneath thy Mercy's Wing. Thy faving Health will conu-, and then my Heart w'ith Joy mall ipring : 5. Tii^n mall my Song virh Praife infrnr'd> to thee my God, afcend ! Who to thv Servant in diftrefs fuch Bouncy did'ft extend. P S A L M. XIV. r. r\Ure^wic!ced Fools muft needs fuppoCe ^ that God is nothing but a Name : Corrupt and lewd their Practice grows, no Bread is warm'd with holy Flame* 5. T'i- Lord look'd down from Heav'ns high . and all the Sons of Men did view;(Tow'r f To fee if any own'd his Pow'r if any Truth or Juftice knew. 3. Bat all, h; dw were gone afide, all were degenerate grown, and bafe: N jne took Religion for their Guide noc one of ail the iinful Kace. 4 .But Pfal. XV. ; 4. But can thefe Workers of deceit be aJl fo dull and fenflefs grown? That they, like Bread my People eat, and God's Almighty Pow'rdifown ? 5. How will they tremble then for fear when his juft wrath ihall them o'ertakef For to the righteous God is near, and never will their Caufe forfake. 6. Ill Men in vain with Scorn expofe thofe Methods which the Good puriue % Since God a Refuge is for thofe whom his juft Eyes with Favour view* 7. Would he his faving Pow c r imploy, to break his People** fervile Band : Then fliouts of univerfal Joy ihouid loudly eccho thro 4 the Land. PSALM. XV. 1. T Ord, who's the happy Man that may JL# to thy bleft Courts repair * Not Stranger-like to viiit them, but to inhabit there ? c. l Tis he, whofe ev'ry Thought and Deed by Rule of Virtue moves; Whofe gen rous Tongue difdains to fpeak the thing his Heart difproyes. 3* Who never did a Slander forge, his Neighbour's Fame to wound, Nor hearken to a falfe Report, by Malice whifper'd round. 4.. Who Vice in all its Pomp and Pow'r c>an treat with juft Neglecft: And Piety, tho' cloath'd in Rags, religioufly refpedt. Who co his plighted Vows and Truft has ever firmly flood : Anc 5 J IS Pfal. xv, xvi. And tho f he promife to his Loft, he makes his Promife good. 5. Whofe Soul in Ufury Wdains his Trcafure to employ : Whom no Rewards can ever bribe, the Guiltlcfe to deftroy : The Mm who by his fteady Courfe has Happinefsenfur'd, When Earth'sFoundation fliake,rtiaH ftand, by Providence fecur'd. PSALM. XVI. i. pRote& me from my cruel Foes, A and (hield me, Lord, from Harm, Becauie my Truft I ft ill repofe on thv Almighty Arm. 2. My Soul all Help but thine does flight, all Gods but thee difown : Yet can no Deeds of mine requite the Goodnefs thou haft fhown. 3. But thofe that ftridly vetuous a re and love the thing thars right; To favour always and prefer fhall be my chief Delight. 4. How iliall their Sorrows be increas'd, who other Gods adore? Their bloody Off rings I deteft, their very Names abhor. 5. My LorisfaU'n in that bleft Land where God is truly known : He fills my Cup with liberal hand, 'tis he^fupports my Throne. 6. In Nature's mod delightful Scene my happy Portion lies : The place of my appointed Reign all other Lands ouc-ries. 7.Th, Pfal. XVi, XVii. IJ1 ;, Therefoie my Heart iliall blefs the Lord, whofe Precepts give me Light, And private Counfel ft ill afford in Sorrow's difmal Night. 8. I ftrive each A&ion to approve to his All-feeing Eye: No danger mall my Hopes remove, becaufe he ftill is nigh. ?. Therefore my Heart ail Grief defies, My Glory docs rejoyce, my flefli fliall reft in hope to rife, wak ; d by his powerful Voke. lo. Thou, Lord, when I refign my Breathy my Soul from Hell fhalt frtc ; Nor let thy Holy One in Death the lead Corruption fee. ii. Thou flialc the Path of Li fed ifp lay, that to thy Prefence lead : Where Pleafures dwell without allay, and Jovs that never fade. PSALM. XVII. r. ^O my jeft Plea,and fad Complaint, 1 attend. O righteous Lord, And to my Pray c r, ^$ 4 tis unfeign ( d, a gracious Ear afford. 2. As in my Sight I am approved, fo let my Sentence be : And with impartial Eyes, O Lord, my upright Dealing fee. 5. For thou haft fearch'd my Heart by day, and vifited by ni^hr : And , on the ftri<£teft Tryal found its fee ret Motions right, * Nor fliall thy juftice, Lord, alone [ mvHear'ts defigns acquit : For I have purpos d that my Tongue tfull no offence commie ■ to Pftl. xvii. 4.1 know what wicked Men would do their fatety to maintain : But me thy juft and mild Commands from bloody Paths reft rain. 5 . That I may ft ill in fpight of Wrongti my Innocence fecure. CM guide rae in thy righteous Way* and make my Footfteps Aire. | $, 9i nc c heretofore I ne'er in vain to thee my Pray'r addreft : O '• now, my God, incline thine Ear to this my juft Requeft. 7. The Wonders of thy Truth and Lore in my Defence engage, Thou,whofeRight-hand prefenres thy Saints from their OppreiTors Rage. r A RT. II 8, $. O -! keep me in thy tendreft Care, thy flielt'ring Wings ftretch out To gaurd me fafe from falvage Foes, that compafs me about. io. Overgrown with Luxury, enclosed in their own Fat they lie ; And with a proud blafpheming Moutk both God and Man defie. f i. Well may they boaft : for they haye now my Paths encompafc'd round ; With Eyes at watch, and Bodies bow'd and couching on the Ground, 12. In pofture or a Lion fct, when greedy of his Prey : Or a young Lion when he lurks within a covert Way. 13, Arife. O Lord : defeat their Plots; their dwelling Rage concroul, m From Pfal. xViii. ZK \ rrom wicked Men, who are tby Sword, driver thou my Soul. 14. F»m worldly Men, thy fharpeft Scource i ^ whole Portion's here below ; Who^filPd with earthly Scores, defirc I no other Blils to know, 1 5. Their Race is num'rous thae partake their fubftance while they live Their Heirs furvive, to whom they m*r the raft remainder give. 7 J l6t *?*?> in u P"ghtneTsthr fc C e ihall view without Controuf - reflected in mj Soul 4 t p S A L M. xvm my trdft « i„ thy migh \ J, ££i Thou art my Shield from Foes abrotrf 3. To thee J will addrefi my Prav > r A. B «. To , s* Pfa). XViii. 6, To Hcav'n I made my mournful Pf ay Y to God addrels'd my humble moan : |< Who gracioully inclin'd his Ear, and heard me from his lofty Throne. TART. II. IF7. When God arofe my part to take, the concious Earth was flruck with fear: The Hills did at his prefence /hake, nor could his dreadful fury bear. ' 8. Thick Clouds of Smoak difperft abroad, Eniigns of wrath before him came : > Devouring Fire around him glow'd, that Coals were kind I'd at his Flame. |£*H* left the beauteous Realms of Light whilft Heav'n bow'd down its awful head Beneath his Feet fubftantial Night was, like a fable Carpet ipreaH. \ io. The Chariot of the King of Kings, which active Troops of Angels drew* On a ftrong TempeuVs rapid Win^s, with moft amazing fwiftnefs rlew. I 11, 12. Black watry Mifts 3c Clouds confpir'd with thicksft lhades his Face to veil : Bur at his brightnefs foon retir c d, ani fell in fhow'rs of Fire and Hail. 13. Thro' Heav'ns wide Arch a thtfhd ring Peal God 's angry voice did loudly roar : While Earth's Cad Face, with heaps of Hail and Hakes of Fire, was coyer'd o'er, "#4. His fharp : ned Arrows round he threw, which made his fcatccr'd Fees retreat Pfal. xViii. Like Darts, his nimble Lightning fievf and quickly (iniuVd their defeat, 1 5. The Deep its fecret Stores difcios'd ; the World's Foundations naked lay, By his avenging Wrath expos c d, which fircely rag d that dreadful daK rJRT. HI. 16. The Lord did on my fide engage* ; fromHeav'nfhisThrone; my cauCe upheiij And fnatch'd me from the furious Rage of threat'ningWaves that proudly fwelld.v 17. God his refifllefs Pow 4 r employ'd, my ftrongeft Foes attempts to break : ! Who elfe with eafe had foon deilroy'd the weak Defence that I could make. 18. Their fubtle Rage had near prevailed, when I diftreit and friendlefs lay : But ftill when other fuccours failed, God was my firm Support and Sta}'* 19. From Dangers, that enclos c d me round,' he brought me forth and fet me free ; For fome juft Caufe his Goodnefs found; that mov'd him to delight in me. 20. Bec<:ufe in me no Guilt remains, God does his gracious help extend: My Hands are free from bloody Stains, there£>re the Lord is ftill my Friend 21 22. Fori his Judgments kept in fight f in his jaft Paths I alwavstrod ; I never did his Statutes flight, nor loofely wand red from my GocL 23, 24. But ftill my Soul, fincere and pure, did eyn from darling Sins refrain : 8 2 m U PM. xviii. His Favour therefore yet endure, becaufe my Heart and Hands are cleat!. P ^i R T W. *5, ^5. Thou fuitft, O Lord, thy righteous to various Paths of Human kind \ (way* They who for Mercy merit praife, with thee mall wondrous Mercy find. I Thou to the juft /halt Juftice mew, the Pure thy Purity fhall fee ; ; Such as perverfly choofe to go Hull meet with due returns from thee. \17, «$. That he the humble Soul will fave, and crum the Haughty's boafted Might t In me the Lord an inftance gave, whofj Duknefs he has turn'd to Light. &?, On his firm Succour I rely'd, and did o'er num'rous Foes prevail, Nor fc&r*d whilft he was on my fide, the beft defended Walls to fcale. 30. For God's Dtfigns (hall ftill fucceed ; His Word will bear the utmoft Teft : He's a ftrong Shield to all that neea, and on his fure protection reft. 31. Who then deferves to be ador'd, but God- on whom my Hopes depend ? i Or who except the mighty Lord, can with refiftlefs Pow'r defend ? 32. 33. 'Tis God that gird? my Armour on» and all my juft Defigns fulfils. Through him my feet cm fwiftly run, and nimbly climb the fteepeft Hills. 34, Leffjns of W T ar from him I take, and manly Weapons learn to weild ; I .Sctong Bows of Steel with eafe I break, JTc'd by my ftronger Arm to vielcL 3$. The r pfti. xviii: 35. The Buckler of his laving Health protects me from aflaulting Foes ; His Hands fuftains me ftill, my Wealth and Greatnefs from his Boanty flowS^ 36 My Goings he enlarg'd abroad tiJi then to narrow Paths confinM. And when in flipp'r/ Ways I trod, the Method of my Steps defign* 4 . 37. Through him I numerous Hofts d^frat, and flying Squadrons captive take . Nor from my fierce Pdrftirt recreat tfll la final Conqueft make. 38. Covered with Wounds, rn vain they trfil their vanqnifh'd Heads again 10 rear.} Spight of their boafted Strength they lie m beneath my Feet, and grovel there. 39. God, when frefh Armies take the Field;'! recruits my Strength, myCourage warms\ He makes my ilrong Oppofers yield, fubdu'd by my prevailing Arms. 43. Through him the Necks of proftrate Foe?,*! my conqu ring Feet in Triumph prefs d Aided by him I root out thoie who hate and envy my fuccefs. 4t, With loud Complaints, all Friends the)! but none was able to defend : ftry'dl At length to God for help they cry'd, but God would no Afliftance lend. d2# Like flying Duftwhich Winds purine, * Their broken Troops I fcacterd round : Their flaughter'd Bodies forth I threw, Likeioathfome Dirt that clogs theGround. p oi R T Vh a 5# Our factious Tribes, at ilcife till now, bv God's appointment me obey j* 7 B 3 TW a6 Pfah xviii, xlx. The Heathen to my Scepter bow, • and foreign Nations own my Sway* 44. Remoteft Realms their Homage fend, when my fuccefsful Name they hear ; ar» Strangers for my Command attend, charavd with Refpe. 5. No Bridegroom on his Nuptial-Day, has fuch a cheartul face : No Giant doth like him repice, to run his glorious Race. 6. From Eaft to Weft, from Weft to Ez& x his retUef* Courfe he goes ; An*J<. through his progrefs chearful LighJ and vital warmth bellows. ? xA R T II. 7. God's perfed Law converts the Soul, reclaims from falfe Dchres : With facred W 7 ifd om his fure Word the ignorant infpires. 8. Tire Statutes of the Lord are juft, and bring iincere Delight : His pure Commands in Iwarch of Truth , aflift the fcebleft light. p. His perfect Worfhip here is nVd f on fure Foundations !Thy Goodnefs and thy tender Care have all his Hopes out-gone • and (€&k it firmly on. (wear* 4% He ; pray'd for Life, and thou, O LoVaOi didft to his Pray'r attend, "<**M And graciouflv to him afford a life that ne'er fliali end. 54 T hL fU / S dt ! e l CC th , rou * h ■**« round ks fprcad ks glorious Name ; B & . ;jo Pfal. xxi. And hit fucceftful a&ionj crowned with Majffty and Fame. [ $. Eternal BleiTings thou beftow'ft, and mak'ft his Joys increafe, Whilft thou to hiin unclouded ihow'il the brightnefs or thy F*ce. P oi R T II. f 7. Becaufe the King on God alone for timelr Aid relies ; His Mercy ftill fupports his Throne, and all his Wants fupplies. ;.$. But righteous Lord, thy ftubborn Foes their fwift Retreat mall make to 'icape thy dreadful Might, Thv frrifter Arrows (hall o'er take and gaul them in their Flight. 15. Thus Lord, thy wondrous Strength dif- and thus exalt thy Fame. ( ciofc [ Whilft we glad Songs of praife compofe to tby Almighty Nwc, PSALM mm £fal. xxil. 3 PSALM XXII. i\ yfY God j my God, why leav'ft thou me : iVi when I with Anguifti taint* O why fo far from ,me remo\\i. and from my loud Complaint: 2, All day, but all the day unheard, to thee do I complain : With Cries implore Relief all Night but cry all Night in vain. 3* Yet thou art ftill the righteous Judge of Innocence oppreiVd «, ' And therefore Ifrael's Praifes are of right to thee addref^d. 4, $. On thee our Anceftors rely'd, and thy Deliv' ranee found : With pious confidence they prajr c d and wich fuccefs were crown'd. 6. But I am treated like a Worm, like none of human birth: Not only by the great revile, but made the Rabbles Mirth. 7. With laughter ail the gazing .Crowd my Agonies furvey ; They flio*t the Lip, they fluke the He*3, and thus deriding Ciy> 2, " In God he trufted, boafling oft, * that h? was Heav'ns delight ; f J Let God come down to fave him now^ 4C and own his Favourite, P oi K T II. 9* Thou mad 'ft: mv teeming Mother's Womb a living Off fpring bear; When but a Tackling at the Bread, I was the early Care. to. Thou Guirdian.like didft fltield f rom J my helpleft infaju-daji ; . ( wiones !/3* Pfal. xxii. And fincehaft been my God and Guide through Life's bewilder'd Ways. ItjT. Withdraw not then fo far from me when trouble isfo nigh : I O Tend me help! thy help, on which I only can rely. 5^2. High pamper l d Bulls, a frowning Herd, from Baf*n*$ Foreft met, i With ftrength proportion^ to their rage* have me around befec. ■||rj. They gape on me, and every Mouth a yawning Grave appears • £ T he defart Lion's favage Roar lefs dreadful is than theirs. P oi R 7 III £4. My Blood, like Water's fpill'd my Joints are rack d and out of frame ;l ; My Heart difTolves within my Breaft, like wax before the Flame. 15. My ftrength like Potter's Earth is parch'd, my Tongue cleaves to my Jaws \. And to the filent Shades of Death my fainting foul withdraws. I \6. Like Blood-hounds to furround me, they | in packt AfTemblies meet : I They piercd my inoffenfive hands, they piere'd my harmiefs Feet. 17. My Body's rack'd till all my Bones diftincftly may be told : yet fucha Spectacle of Woe as paftime they behold. A8. As Spoil my Garments they divides Lots for my Vefturc caft ; I ip. Therefore approach, O Lorduny Strength, and co my fiucour haft?. PfaL xxiu IJil 20. From their flurp Sword protect thoiime } ( of aU but Lire bereft !) Nor le: my Darling in the povr*r of cruel Dogs be left. 21. To fave me from the Lion's JawSj. thy prefent fuceour fend : As once from goring Unicorm, thou did ft my Life defend : 22. Then to my Brethren I'll declare. the Triumphs of thy Name? In prefence or aifembled Saints thy Glpry thus proclaim. 23. « Yc Worihippers of J*cob's God, " all you of Ifrtd's Line, <: O praife the Lord, and to your praife " iin.cere Obedience join. 2 4» " He ne«er difdain'd on low diftreff r fhall find my Table fpread, And all that feek the Lord lliail be with Joys immortal fed. 7 /.Then iliall the glad converted World, to God thtir Homage pay : And fcatter'd Nations of the Earth one Sov'reign Lord obey! 23, 'Tis his fupream Prerogative 9 61 Siibjc^ Kings iq j-eiga • inp^ 34 Pfal. xxli, xxiii. 'Tit j aft that he fliould rule the World* who does the World fuflain. 12?. The r;:h who are with plcoty ted, his Bounty mull confcfs : The Sons of Want, by him reliev'd, their g^n'rous Pacron blefs. Wirh. humble Worfliip to his Throne they all for Aid refort : That Pow'r which firfl their Beings gave> can only them fupport. jo, 31. Then fliaii a chofen fpotlefs Race, devoted to his Name, To their admiring Heirs his Truth and glorious Ads proclaim. PSALM XXIII. 'HE Lord himfelf, the mighty Lord # vouchfafcs to bs my Guide ; The Shepherd by whofe conftanc Care my Wants are all fjpply'd. r 2, In tender Grafs he makes me feed, and gently there repofe : ' : Then leads me to cool Shades, and where refreshing water flows. 3. He does my wandring Soul reclaim, and co his endlefs Praife, Inftnuft with humble Zeal to walk in his mod righteous Ways. 4. I paf> the gloomy vale of Death from Fear and Danger free, For there his aiding Rod and Staff defend and comfort me. 5. In prefence of mv fpiteful Foes he does my Table fpread, ! H« crowns my Cup with chearfu! Wine* *' With Oil anoint* my Head, ^ 6. Since / 6. Since God doth thus his wondrous Love f through all my Life extend \ That Life to him I will devote, and in his Temple fpend. PSALM XXIV. I'T'His fpacious Earth is all the Lord % 1 the Lord's her Fulnefs is : The World, and they that dwell therein by fov l reign Right is his. 2. He fram'd and Rxt it on the Sea*, and his Almighty Hand Upon inconftan: Floods has made the ftable Fabrick ftand. 3. But for himfelf this Lord of all one chofen Seat defign'd ; O; who (hall to that facred Hill dehYd Admittance find. 4. The Man whofe Hands & Heart are pure, whofc thoughts from Pride are Tree ; 1 Who noneft Poverty prefers to gainful Perjury. 5. This, this is he, on whom the Lord /hall fhow'r his Bleffings down, Whom God his Saviour fhaJl vouchfaft with Righteoufnels to crown 6. Such is the Race of Saints, by whom the facred Courts are trod And fuch the Profely tes that feek the face of J*cob l $ God. 7. Ere& your Heads, eternal Gates unfold to entertain The King of Glory : fee be comes o «r? ith Wic* Icftial Train. 8. \V ho is the King of Glory ? who i m tOrt foe S WDgCfa XfflOffft c d } loi 3 6 Ffa?. xxv. r I In BaCtle mighty o'er his Foes eternal victor erown'd. I 9.Ere& your Heads, ye Gates unfold, in ftate to entertain The King of Glory : fee he C3tnes with ait his fhiniag Train. I 10. Who is the King of Glory ? who ?. the Lord of Hofts renown'd : Of Glory he alone is King, who is with Glory ctown'd PSALM XXV. ' x, 2*7*0 God, in whom Ktruft. x I lift my Heart and Voice : O let me not be put to ihasne, nor let my toes rejoice. h, Thofe who, on thee rely, let no difgrace attend. Be that the fliameful Lot of fuch a? wilfully offend. 4,5. To me thy Truth impart,, and lead me in thy Way, For thou art he that brings me Help, p on thee I wait all day. 6. Thy Mtercies and thy Love, O Lord, recat to mind ; , And gracioufly continue ftill as thou wert ever kind. 7. Let all my youthful Crimes be blotted out by thee ; And for thy wondrous goodnefs fake> in mercy think on me 8. His Mercy and his Truth the righteous Lord difplavs, Infringing wandring Sinners home, and teaching tfcern fai§ Ways, Pfal. x*V. : 9. He thofe in juftice guides who his direcft ion feek : And inhis facred Paths Hull lead the humble and the meek. 10. Through all the Ways of God both Truth and Mercy fhine ; To fuch as with religious Hearts to his bleil Will incline. PJRT //. ii. Since Mercy is the Grace that moft c^rtts. thy Fame, Forgive my heinous Sin, O Lord. and fo advance thy Name. 12. Whoe'er with humble Fear to God his Duty pays, Shall find the Lord a faithful Guide in ail his righteous Ways. 13. His quiet Soul with peace (hall be for ever blift, And by his numerous Race the Land fucccfllyely poficft. 14. For God to all his Saints his fecret Will imparts, And doth his gracious Cov'nans write in their obedient Heart*. 15. To him I life my Eve3, and wait his timely Aid, W,bo breaks the ftrong & treach { rouf Sna« which for my Feet was laid. 16. O turn and all my Griefs in Mercy Lord, redrefs ; For I am compaf.'d round with Woc$ ; and plung'd in deep diftrefs. 17. The Sorrows of ray Heart, to mighty Sum* increafe : 58 PfaL xxv, xxvi. O from this dark and difmal ftate^ my Troubled Soul releafe. 1 8, Do thou with tender Eyes my fad affliction fee ; Acquit me Lord* and from my guile entirely Qt me free. 19. Coniider, Lord, my Foes, how vaft their numbers grow ! What lawlefs force and rage they ufCj what boundlefs hate they fliow ! 20 Proted and fct my Soul from their fierce Malice free ; Nor let me be aiham'd, who place my ftedfaft truft in Thee. *t. Let all my righteous AcSs to full perfection rife, Becaufe my firm and conftant Hope or, thee alone* rcl»e.s. 22. To lead's chofen Race continue ever kind ; And in the midft of all their want* let them thy fuccour find. P S AL M XXVI.. jUdge me, O Lord, for I the Paths J of Righteoufnefs have trod ; J cannot fail, who all my truft repofe on thee, my God. 2, 3. Search thou my Heart, whofe innocence will fliine the more 'tis tr\ 'd ; For I ha-e k?p* rhv Grace in view > and made thy Truth my Guide. 4. 1 never for Companions took the idle or prophane, No Hs porrite with all his Arts, could i'tt my friendfliip gain. 3. I PfaJ. xxvi, ixvii, 3J 5. I bate the bufie plotting Crew, who make diftracted Times ; And &un their wicked Company, as I avoid their Crimes. & Til wafh my hands in innocence, and bring a Heart to pure ; That when th* Altar I approach, my welcome lTiall fecure. 7, S. My thanks I'll publiili there and tell how thy renown exceiis ; That Seat affords me moil delight, in which th> Honour dwells. ?. Pafs not on me the Sinners doom, Who Murder make their Trade; 10. Whofe others Rights by fecret Bribes, or open force invade. XI. But I will walk in Paths of Truth, and innocence purfue ; Protect me therefore, and to me thy Mercies, Lord, renew. 12. In fpight of all afTaukine: Foes I ftift maintain my G*ound r And ihall furvive amongil :hy Sajnts thy Praifes to refe PS ALM. XXVII. rRom fliould I fur* fuicc God to me W His favjng Health and Li^in ? Since flrongly M mv Life fuppor:s What can my Soul affright f 2. With fierce intenr my fteil? to tear, when Foes befet me round. They ftumhled. and their lofty Crefts were made to flrike the Ground. 3. Through him, m? Heart undaunted dares with uiighty Hulls to cope ; Though 4° Vbl. XXVir; Through him in doubtful ftraits of War, for good Succefs I hope. 4* Henceforth within the Houfe to dwell I earneftly deiire, His wondrous Beauty there to view, and of bis Will enquire. 5. For there may I with comfort reft, in times of deep diflrefs, And Mc as on a Rock abide in that fee u re Recefs. 6. Whilft God o'er all my haughty Foe* my lofcv Head (hill raife, And I my joyful Tribute bring, with grateful Songs of Praife. P oi K 7 Hi 7. Continue, Lord, to hear my Voices when e'er to thee I cry : In Mercy my Complaints receive, nor my requeft deny. 8. When us to feelc thy glorious Face thou kindly dotk advife, « Thy glorious Face HI always feek, my graceful Heart replies. $. Then hide not thou thy Face, O Lord, nor me in Wrath reject; My God and Saviour leave not him chou did ft fo ofc protect. io. Tho* k\\ my Friends and Kindred too their helplefs Charge forfake, Yet thou, whofe Love excels them all, wilt Care and Pity take. U. Inftrucft me in thv Paths, O Lord, my W*ys directly guide, Left envious Men, who watch nay Steps, ihould fee me tread ailde. 13 Lori Pfal. x*vii, xJViii. 41 12. Lord, disappoint ray cruel Foes, defeat their ill deiire. Whofe lying Lips, and bloody Handl againft ray Peace confpire. 13. I trufted that my future Life mould with thy Love be crown'd, Or elfe ray fainting Soul had funk with forrow compafs'd round. U. God's time with patient Faith expect, Who will infpire thy Breaft With inward Strength, do thou thy parr, and kttvc to him the reft PSALM XXVIII. j./"\ Lord, my Rock, to thee I cry, ^ in Sighs confume ray Breath, O anfwer, or I fhall become Like thofe that flcep in Death. 2. Regard my Supplication, Lord, the Cries that I repeat, With weeping Eyes, and lifted Handi before thy Mercy-Seat. 3. Let me efcape the Sinners doom, who make a Trade of ill ; And ever fpeak the Perfoniair, whofe Blood they mean to fpiif. 4. According to their Crimes extent let juftice have its courfe ; Retentlcfs be to them, as they have fin'd without remorfe. 5, Since they the Works of God defpife, nor will his Grace adore, His Wrath fliall utterly deftioy and build them up no more. < 4 But I with due acknowledgment^ his Praifes fiiall refeund, From 4* Pfal. xxyiii, xxix. From whom the Cries of ray Diftrcfs a gracious Anfwer found* 7 # My Heart irs Confidence repos'd in God my Strength and Shield ; In him I trufted and return'd triumphant from the Field, As he has made my Joys compleat; 'tis juft chat I mould raife The chearful Tribute of my Thanks ; and thus refound his Praife. 8 " His aiding Pow'r fupports the Troops " that my juft Caufc maintain ; <-'Twas he advane'd me to the Thronej " 'tis he fecures my Reign. 9. Preferve thy chofen. and proceed thine Heritage to biefs. With Plenty proiper them in Peace ; in Battle with* fuccefs. PSALM. XXIX. l.yE Princes that in Might excel, X Your grateful Sacrifice prepare God's glorious Action* loudly tell, his wond'rous pow'r to all declare. 2, To his great Name frefh Altars raife, devoutly due Refpect afford : Him in his holy Temple praife, where he's with folemn State ador'd. 3, 'Tis he that with amazing noife The wat'ry Clouds in funder breaks : The Ocean trembles at his voice, when he from Heav'n inThuiider fpeaks, 4, 5. How full of pow'r his Voice appears ! u ith what majtftick Terror crown-'d ! [ W hich from their Roots tall Cedars tears, and (trews cheir fowerAi Branches round. 6 They Pfal. ■ xxix, xxx. 43 6 t They and the Hills on which they grow, are fometimes hurried far away ; And leap like Hinds thar bounding go, or Unicorns in youthful play. 7, 8. When God in Thunder loudly fpeaks, and fcatter'd flames of Lightning fend$i The Foreft nods, the Defert quakes, and ftubborn K t tdef> lowly bends. ?. He makes the Hinds to caft their young, and lays the Beaftsdark Coverts bare: While thofe that to his Courts belong fecurely fing his Praifes there. lo, ii. God rules the angry Floods on high 5 His boundlefs Sway fliall never ceafe : His Saints with fhengthhe will fupply, and blefs his own with conftanc peace* PSALM XXX. iT'll celebrate thy Praifes Lord, JL who didft thy Pow'r employ To raife my drooping Head, and check my Foes infulting Joy. «, 3. In my diftrefs I cry'd to thee, who kindly didft relieve. And from the Grave's expecting Jaws my hopelefs Life retrieve. 4. Thus to his Courts ye Saints of his : with Songs of Praife -repair, With me commemorate his Truth and providential Care. 5. His Wrath has but a Moment's reign, His Favour no decay : Your night of Gri^f ic recompene'd with Joy's returning Day. 6. But I in profpVous days prefum'd : no iudden Change I fear'd, Whilft 44 Pfal. xx*, xxxi. Whyft in my Sun-fhine of fuccefs no lowering Cloud appear'd : ! 7. But foon I found thy favour, Lord, my Empire's only cruft ; For when thou hid'ft thy Face, I fair my Honour laid in Duft. f 8. Then, as I vainly had prefum'd, my Error I confeft, And thus with fupplicating Voice, thy Mercy's Throne addreft. j. fC What profit is there in my Blood, " congeal'd by Death's cold Night * K Can filent Ames fpeak thy Praife, " thy wond'rous truth recite ? 10. « Hear me, O Lord, in Mercy hear, if thy wonted Aid extend : (t Do thou fend Help, on whom alone u I can for Help depend. XI. 'Tis done! Thou haft my mourn fa I to Songs and Dances turn'd ^ { Scene, Invefled me in Robes of State, who late in Sackcloth mourn'cL 12 .Exalted thus, I'll gladly fing Thy praife in grateful Verfe ; And, as thy Favours endlefs are, thy endlefs Praife rehearfe. PSALM XXXT. Efend me, Lord, from Shame, for ftiH I truft in thee ; As juft and righteous is thy Name, from Danger fet me free. I 2, Bow down thy gracious Ear, ; and fpeedy Succour fend ; Do thou my ftedfift Rock appear, to tfwUer and defend* 3 Since D' P&1. XXX!. 4 j 3, Si^ce thou, when Foes opprefs, my Rock and Forcrefs art, To guide me forth from this Diftrefc thy wonted Help impart. 4, Releafe me from the Snare which they have clofely laid, Since „*, O God, my Strength, repair to Thee alone for Aid. 5. To Thee, the God of Truth, my Life,, and ail that's mine, ( For thou prcfervMft me from my Youth 5 I willingly rehgn. * 6. All vain Defigns I hate, of thofe that truft in Lies: And flili my Soul, in evry ftate" to God for Succour flies. * p A & T IL 7 ' ^u'rU?^ th ° U haft * e ™ 1 11 cnearfuJly exprefs • F °m V h0 ^? ftre !, n m ^ Sc « i ". and known 8.Wheni&to6'j treach'rous Race did all my Strength indofe, Thou gav'ft my Feet a larger fpace to flmn my watchful] Foes. 9. Thy Mercy, Lord, difplay, and hear myjuft Complaint, For both my Soul and Fkifc decar with Grief and Hunger fain,. ' ' 10. Sad thoughts my life opprefs my Years are fpsnt in Groans' •x*.. c- l •!"-"•• "• viruans: My Sins have made my Strength decree and ev'n eonfam'd my Bones, a ' CrMie » il.My Foes my S u brings mock'd, »J Neighbours did upbraS; ' My 4^ Pfalm. xxxi My Friends at fight of me were fliock'd and tied as Men difma)'d. [ 12. Forfook by ail am I, as Dead, and out of mind - And like a fliattet'd Veflel lie', whofe Parts can ne'er be join'd. 13. Yet fland'rine Words they fpeak, and feem my Pow'r to dread ; Whilft thev together Counfel take my gailtlefi lilood to flied. ,14. But ft ill my ftedfcil Truft I on thy help repoie ; That thou, m\ God, art good and jiiifc, my Soul with Comfort knows, PART IIL 15. Whate'er Events betide, thy Wildom times them all ; Then 3 Lord, thy Servant fafely hide, from thofe that feek his fail, 1 4. The/bright ncis of thy Face to me, O Lord difclofc; And as thy Mercies ftill increafe, p refer ve me from qyr Foes. 17 Me from Dishonour fave, who ftiil have cal!\i on thee ; Let That and Silence in the Grave the Sinner's portion be. 18. Do thou their Tongues teftrain whole Breath in Lies is fpent^ Who falfe Reports, wirh proud' difdain 3 againfl: the Righteous vent. »jp. How great thy Mercies are to fuch as fear thy Name ! Which thou, for thofe that cruft thv Care, doik co the World proclaim. 2Q. TUc Pfal. xxxi, xxxii. 4? 20. Thou keep'ft them in thy fight, from proud OpprefTors free ; From Tongues that do in ftrife delight, they are preferv'd by Thee. 21. With Glory and Renown God's Name be ever bieft ; Whofe Love in Keliab's well fenc'd To&'« was wond'roufly expreft J 22. I faid in hafty flight, " I c m banifli'd from thine Eyes : Yet ftill thou keep'ft me in thy fight and heard'il my earneft Criss. 23. O all ye Saints, the Lord with eager Love purfue, Who to the juft will help afford, and give the proud their due. 24. Ye that on God rely couragioufly proceed t For he will flill your Hearts fupply with Strength in time of need, P S A L. XXXII; 1. LJE's bleft, whofe Sins have pardon gain'd •£"1 no more in Judgment to appear ; 2. Whofe' Guilt Kemiftlon has obtain/d, and whofe Repentance is flncere. 3. While I cenceai'd the fretting Sore, my Bones confum'd without Relief; All Day did I in Anguifh roar, but no Complaints afTwag'd my Grief, 4» Heavy on me thy Hand remained, by Day and Night alike diftrefs c d, 'Till quite cf viral Moifture drein'd. like Laiid with Summer'sDrought oppreft 5, No iooner I my Wound difclofs'd, the Guii; tkat tortiu'd me-wirhin, C 2 Ban «j 4*> » Pfal xxxii, xxxiii. But thy Forgivenefs interpos'd, and Mercy's healing Balm pour'd in. \ 6. True Penitents mall thus fucceed, \ who leek thee whilft thou may ft be found 3 They from the common Delude freed, mall fee remortlefs Sinners drown'd. 7.' Thy Favour, Lord, in all diftrefs, my T*w c r of Refuge I mufl own ; Thou flialc my haughty Foes fupprefs, and me with Songs of Triumph crown. • In my Jnftruction then con-fide, you that would Truth's fzfc Path defcry, Your Progrefs I'll fecurely guide, and keep you in my watchful Eye, $. Submit your felves to Wifdom'-s Rule, like Men that Reafon have atrain'd , Kot like th l ungovem'd Horfe and Muie f whofe Fury muft be curbed and reuvd. 10. Sorrows on Sorrows multiply'd the harden'd Sinner mall confound* But them who in his Truth confide, bleflings of Mercy mall furround, 11. His Saints that have perform'd his Laws, their Life in Triumphs fliall employ ; Let them ( as they alone have cauie.) in grateful Raptures iliou: tor Joy, PSALM XXXIII. LET all the Juft to God with Joy, their chearrul Voices raife, For well the righteous it becomes to fing glad Songs of Praife. 2, 3. Let Harps, and Pialteries> and Lutes, in joyful Confort meet : And new. made Songs of loud Applauf:, eke li-irrnony complete* 4, J, Foe pfal. xxxiii: 4^- 4? 5* For faithful is the Word of God, his Works with Truth abound ; He juftice loves and all the Earth is with his Goodnefs crown'd. £• By his Almighty W T ord at flrft, the heavenly Arch was-rear'd : And ail the beauteous Hofts of Light, at -his Command appeared. 7. Thefwelling Floods together rolled,' he makes in heaps to lie, And lays, -as in a Score-houfe fafe, the wat'ry Treafures by. 8j 9. Let Earth and ail thac dwell therein, • before him trembling ftand, For when he (pake the Word, 'twas made* 'twas £x'd at his Command. 10. He when the Heathen clofely plot, their Counfeb undermines His Wifdom ineffectual makes, the Peoples rafli Defigns. it. Whate'e; the mighty Lord decrees, ihail Irhnd for ever fire ; The fettled purpofe of his heart to Ages Hiall endure. PART n. 12. How happy then are they to whom the Lord for God is known I Whom he from ^\\ the World befide 'us chofen for his own ! 1 3, 14, 15. Ke all the Nations of the E ;rth} from Heav'n his Throne fiijvev-d: He faw their Works, and view tneir'Tho*:; by Him their Hearts were rnadej i6> 17- No King is fafe by mighty Hofts, their Strength the Strong deceives ■ C 3 ' No * 5° Pfal. xxxiii. xxxiv. No managed Horfe by Force or Speed, m . his warlike Rider faves. I iS ; 19. 'Tis God, who thofe rhat truft in him, beholds with gracious Eyes : He frees their Soul from Death, their Want in time of Dearth fupplie?. 20, 21. Our Soul on God with Patience waits* our Help and Shield is he : Then, Lord, let ftili our Hearts rejoice, becaufe we truft in Thee, 22. The Riches of thy Mercy, Lord, do Thou to us extend ; Since we, for all we want or wiih, on Thee alone depend, PSALM. XXXIV. 1. *-pHro' all the changing Scenes of Life, X in Trouble and in Joy, The Praifo of mv God (lull flill my Heart and Tongue employ. 2. Of his Deliverance I will boaft, till all that were Diftreft, From my Example Comtort rplce, and charm their Griefs to reft. 3* O magnifie the Lord with me, with me exalt his Name • 4. When in Diftrefs tolrim I call'd he to my refcue came. 5. Their drooping Hearts were foon refreuVd, who look'd to him for Aid j DehVd Snccefs in c\ ( ry Face, a chearful Air diiplaid, 6. a Behold ( fay they ; behold the Man tf whom Providence reliev'J : >* The Man fo dang : rouil : u (0 wond'rouflvy retries The Pfal. xxiiv. St 7,The Hofts of God encamp around the Dwellings of the Juft ; Deliv'rrnce he affords to ill who on his Succour trull, . O make but try.il of his Love, experirence will decide How bleiVd they a: ■ •>' *k*Ji who in his Truth torfiife. 5>. Fear him, ye Saints, ani you will then ' have nothing elce to fear ; Make you Ids Service year Delight, your Wants ihali be his Care, 10. While hungry Lions lack their Prey, the Lord will Food proviie, t For fuch as put their trufc in htm, and fee their Needs fupply'd. PJR.T. IL ii. Approach, ye piouil-fdifpofd, and my Inftriidrion hear, I'll teach you the true Discipline of his religious Fear. 12. Let him who length of Life defers, and proip'rous Da\* would fee. 13, From ilafldering Language keep In. Tcng-n his Lips from Fal&ood free. 14. The crooked Paths of vice decline, and Vermel Ways putltie; Eftablilh Peace where 'us begun, and where "cis loft renew. 15. Th: Loid from Hcav'n beholds the juft with favourable Eyes; And when diitrls'il, his gracious Ear, is open to their C ii5. Bat turns his wrathful LgoI; on (hole ( , r T, . 5. Then mall they flv^difpers'd like Chaff before the driviug Wind ; God's vengeful M milter of Wrath ill all follow clofe behind. 6. And when thro' dark and flipp'ry ways they fbrive hh Rage to fliun, His vengeful Minifter of Wrath mali goad them as. they? rum \ 7. Since unprovok'd by any Wrong they hid their trtacb/rous Snare ; And for my harmlefs Soul a Pic did caufelefl prepare. 8 # Surpriz'd by Mifchieft unforefeen, by their own Arts betray'd : Their Feet fhall fall into the Nee which they for me had laid. 5, Whilft my glad Soul mall God's &e& for this DelivVance blcfs; • ( Nams And by his-feving Health fecur'd, a grateful Joy ~>refs. 10. Mv verv Bones i A fay, O Lord, who can com p« re wi'h Thee ? Who fett'-fl: the poor and helplefs Man from ftrong Opprefibr's tree I TART II. 11. Falfe Witness with forg'd Complairtt aeainfl: my Truth combin'd : And :o my charge fuch things they laid- as I had ne'er delTgn'd. 12. The Good which I to them had den?, with Evil they repaid ; And did by Malice undefe v\J, jr*y harmlefs Life invade. 23. But as for me, when, they wereiic»'; ; I ftiJt in fackcloth moufnU C 5 ^ 4 Pfal. xxxv. I pray M and failed and my Pray c r to my one Breaft return'd. >/.. Had they nay Fxiendi or Brethren been, 4 could have done no more ; Norwich more decent llgns of Grief, Toother's Lof$ deplore. I *$. Kow current did their Carriage prove in times of my diftrefs ? When they in Crowds together met, did lavage Joy exprefs. I The Rabble to in mighty Throngs, I by their Example came ; [ And ceas'd not with reviling Words, to wound my fpotlefs Fame, Bet. Scoffers, that noble Tables haunt, and earn their Bread with Lies, I Did gnaih their Teeth, and fland'ring Jeftg raalicioufty devife. ■7. But> Lord, how long wilt thou look on * on my behalf appear ; And fave my ,guiltlefs Soul, which they like rav'ning Beafts would tear, PART, III. 1J18, So I before the lift c ning World, mall grateful Thanks expreis : * And where the great AfTembly meets, thy Name with Praifes blefs. x?. Lord, fuffer not my caufelefs Foes, who me unjufUy hate, With open Joy, or fecret Signs; to mock my fad Eftace. |2o. For they, with Hearts averfe from Peace, induftrioufly devife> I Againft the Men of quiet Minds, to forge. Mahaous Lies* « Nor Pfal. xxxv. xxxvi. 5 5 21. Nor with thefe private Arts content, aloud they vent their Spite : And fay, * At b(t we found him out, he did it in our Sigh:. 22. But thou, who doll both them and me with righteous Eyes furvey, AfTert my Innocence, O Lord, and keep not far away. 23. Stir up thy felf, in my behalf to Judgment Lord, awake, Thy righteous Servant's Caufe. O God to ihy Decifion take, 24. Lord, as my Heart has upright been, let me thy Juftice iind : Nor ler my cruel Foes obtain the Triumph they defignjd. 25. O let them not amongit themfelves, in boafting Language fay, lt At length our wiihes are compleat, < ; at laifcMje's made our Prey, 2 5, Let fuch as in my Harm rejoiced, for fhamc their Faces hide : And foul Dimonour wait on thofe that proudly me defv'd. 27. Whilft they wirh chearful Voices fliou-tV who my jafl Caufe befriend ; And blefs the Lord, who loves to make Succefs his Saints attend. 1 23. So mall my Tongue thv Judgments fingj, infpjr'd with graetful Joy : And chearrul Hymns in Praife of thee, fhall all my Days employ, PS<\LM. XXXVI. Y crafty Foe, with flatt'ring Art his wicked purpofe.would dif ! 'M En* 56 Pfal. xxxv I ... JBut Rcafon whifpers to my Heart, He ne'er fets God before his Eyes. 2. He ibochs himielf, retir'd from fight, fecure he thinks his treacherous Game ; Till his dark Plots, expos'd to Light, their falfe Contriver brand with mame,. 3. In Deeds he is my Foe confefs ; d, Whilft with his Tongue he fpeaks me fair True Wifdom s banifh'd from his Breaft, and Vice has fole Dominion there. 4. His wakeful Mailce fpends the Night in forging his accurft Defigns : His obftinate ungen'rous Spite, no execrable Means declines, r 3« But, Lord, thy Mercy, my iure Hops : above the Heav'nly Orb afcends : Thy facred Truth's unmeafurd Scope beyond the fpreading Sky extends. '6. Thy Tuftice like the Hills remains, unfathom'd Depths thy Judgments are ; Thy Providence the World fuftains, the whole Creation is thy Care. p. Since of thy Goodnefs all partake, with what AfTurance mould the Jufl, Thy ilielt'ring Wings their Refuge make> and Sainis to thy protecting truft? •$, Such Guefts mall to thy Courts be led, to banquet on thy Love's Repaft, And drink as from a Fountains head, of Joys that fhal! for ever laft. 5>/ With Thee the Springs of Life remain 3 thy Prefence is eternal Day : ko, O ! let thy Saints thy Favour gain-, to upright Hearts thy Truths difplay. pW, Whilft Pride's infulting Foot would fpuril, arid wicked Hand my JLift furprige : Pfal. xxxvii. 57' 12. Theifc Mifchiefs on themfelves return, down. down they're falrn no more ro rift: P S A L M XXXVII. 1. *-t-*Ho c wicked Men grow Rich or Great, ] 1 Yet let not their fuccefsful State, \ Thy Anger or thy Envy raiie •, 2. For they cut down like tender Grafs, Or like young Flow c rs awav fhall pafs, ! Whofe blooming Beauty foon decays* 3. Depend on God, and him obiy, So thou within the Land fhall fVay, Secure from Danger^ and from Want : . 4^ Make his Commands thy chief Delight, And He, thy Duty to require. Shall all thy earned; Withes grant. *. In ail thy Ways trufl thou the Lord, Aa« He will needful Help afford To perfedt evrv juft Defign : 6, And make like Light, ferene and clear) Thy clouded Innocence appear, And a> a mid-day Sun to ihine. 7. With quiet Mind on God depend, And patiently for him attend : Ncr let thy Anger fondly rife : Tho c wicked Men with Wealth abound,. And with Succcfs the Plots are crown/d, Which they rrulicioufly devife. 2. From Anger ceafe, and Wrath forfake, Let no ungovern ; d Pamon make Thy wavring Heart efpoufe th5irCrime firifc Youth till Age prevailed I never faw the righteous tail d \ Or want o'ertake his num'tous Race : 26. Becauf: Companion fill'd his Heart, And he did cheerfully impart *, God made his Offspring's vYcakh increa! 27. With Caution fluin each wicked Deed, In Virtue's ways with Zeal proceed. And fo prolong your happy Days : 28. For God who judgment loves, uoes ftilll Preferve his Saints fecure from ill, ■ While foon the wicked Race decays. 29,30,31. The Upright fhall poffefs the Land/ His Portion fliall for Ages ftand : His mouth with Wifdom is fuppli'd, His Tongue by Rules of Judgment moves. His Heart the Law of God approves j Therefore his Foorfteps never Hide. PART IV. 3?. In wait the watchful Sinner lies In vain the Righteous to furprife ^ la Y*ia his Ruin dtfi decisi > Co Pfal, xxxvii, xxxvili. 53. God will not him defencelefs leave, [ To his Revenge expos'd but fave, t And when he's fentenc'd fet him free. £4. Wait ftil! on God, keep his Command^ H And thou exilted in the Land, Thy bleft PoiTefllon ne'er fliall quit*. f The Wicked foon deftroy'd fliall be, And at his difmal Tragedy Thou flvalc a fafe Spectator fit. jL The Wicked I in Pow'r have feen, And like a Bay-tree frefli and green, That fpreads its pleafant Branches round : Bat he was gone as fvrift as Thought j Ana tho' in every Place I fought, No figh or tracft of him I found. (7. Obferve the Perfect Man with Care* And mark all fuch as Upright are : Their rougheft days in Peace fhali end* S. While on the latter end of thofe Who dare God's facred Willoppofe f A common Ruin fliall- attend, tp. God to the Juft wiii Aid aftofd, Their only fafeguard is the Lord, Their Strength in time oi Need is He« . £> Becaufe on him they {till depend, I The Lord will timely Succour fend, AndLfrom the Wicked fet them free* P S A L M XXXVI1L . '"jrHy chaining Wrath, O Lord, reftraxn, A tho' I defer ve it ail ; Nor let at once on me the Storm of thy Difpieafure fail. K In ev'ry wretched Part of me thy Arrows u*:eP remain ;, kesvy Hand afflicting weight,. I c*a no more fuftain* I ■ xxxvili-. &q 3. My Fleih is one continued Wound*. thy Wrath Co fiercely glows; Betwixt my Puni/hrnent and Guilty my Bones have no repofe. 4. My Sins, that to a Deluge ("well, my finking Head erflow, And for my feeble ftrength to bear coo vaft. a Burthen grow. 5. Stench and Corruption fill my Wounds. my Foilys jufl Return. 6> Wirb Trouble I am warp'd and .bow'd. and all day long I mourn. 7. A loarh'd Diieafc afflicts my Loins, infecting ev'ry part ; 8. With Sickneis worn, I groan and roaxj thro* Anguiih of my Heart. TART II. ?. But Lord, before thy fearching Eyes, all my Deferens appear : And fure my G'roans have been too load not to have reached thine Ear. 10. My Heart's oppreft, my Strength decay'dlg my Eyes deprived of Light. 11. Friends, Lovers, Kinfmen ga3C aloof on fuch a difmal Sight. 12. Mean white tlje Fees that feek my Lifej \ their Snares to take me fee. Vent Slanders and contrive 2W Day to : - new Deceit. 13. But I as it both deaf and dumb, no: e reply'd : trabJike one whcfe tongue- T > Fo r . Lord, to thee I cio appeal cence to clear. AiTur'. Pfal. xxxvi^fexxixi I AfTur'd that thou the righteous Gcd, my injur c d Caufe wilt hear. j5, « Hear me, faid I, left my proud Foes «< a fpiteful Joy difplay : « Infulting if they fee my Foot " but once to go aftray. I?. And with continaal Grief opprcft, to fink I now begin : ■8. To thee, O Lord, I will confefs, to thee bewail my Sin. '19. But whilft I languifli, my proud Foes their ftrength and Vigour boaft : £ And they .that hate me without Caufe, are grown a dreadfuJl Hoft. Jo. Ev ( n they whom I oblig'd, return my kindnefs with Defpight ; f And are my Enemies, becaufe I chufe the Path that's right. '21. Forfake me not, O Lojd, my God> nor far from me depart ; $22. Make haft to my Relief, O Thou, w4o my Salvation art. PSALM XXXIX. |i. J> EfoIv ; d to watch o'er all my WaySj -EV I kept my Tongue in aw : I curb'd my hafty Words when I m thw Wicked profp'rous faw. 2. Like one that's dumb I iilent ftood, and did my Tongue refrain. From good Difcourfe, but that ReftrainC increased my inward Pain. 13. My Heart did glow with working Tho'CS, anrl no R^pofe could take, Till ftrong Reflection fann'd the Fire, and thus at lengch I fpake. Li Pfal. xxxix. 6$] 4. Lord, let me know my Term of Days< how foon my Life will end : The num'rous Train of Ills difclofe Which this frail Scate attend. 5 . My Life, thou know 'ft is but a Span, a Cypher fums my Years ; And cv'ry Man in beft Eftatc but Vanity appears. 6. Man, like a Shadow, Vainly walks, with fruitkfs Care, opprefs ; d j He heaps up Wealth, but cannot ceil by whom 'twill be pofTcft'd. 7- Why then mould I on worthlefsToys with anxious Care attend f On thee alone my fired fa ft Hope mall ever, Lord, depend. 8 ; 9. Forgive my Sins nor let mefcorn'd by fooliih Sinners be ; For I was. dumb, and murmur'd not, becaufe 'twas -done by Thee. 10. The dreadful Burthen of thy Wrath in mercy foon remote ; Left my frail Fleili,foo weak to bear ths heavy Load mould prove, 11. For when thou chaft'ncfi- Man for Sin, thou mak'ft bis Bsauty fade, ( So \2iin 2 thing is he I ^ like Cloth by herting Moths decaj-'d. 12. Lord, hear my Cry, accept my Tears, prayV , irn like a Stranger here, bj Fathers were, i3 O vet a little time, vafted ftrengta reftore ; vanifli quite from hence* U be leen no more. 'r k%p within my Bteaft conhn'd cay faichfalnefs arid faying Grace, fffil.-xK & But preach'd thy Love, for all defign c d, that All roighc that, and Truth embrace, ir. Then let thofe Mercies I dedar'd to others, Lord, extend to me ; Thy loving kindnefs my Reward, thy Truth my fate Protection be. -1?, For I with Troubles am diftreft, too numberlefs for me to bear ; Nor lefs with Loads of Guilt oppreflr, that plunge and fink me to Defpair. As foon, alas ! may I recount the Hairs on this affli<£ted Head ; My vanquilht Courage they furmounti and fiii my drooping Soul with Dread* PART III. ' 13. But, Lord, to my Relief draw near, for never was more prefling need ! In my Beliv'rance, Lord, appear, and add to that Deliv'rance, Speed* 14. Confufion on their Heads return, who to deftroy my Soul combine ; Lcr them defeated, blufli and mourn, enfnar'd in their own viiedefign. 15. Their Doomler Defolation be, with Shame their Malice be repaid. Who mock'd my Confidence in Thee, and fport of my Affliction made. 16. While thofe who humbly feek thy Eace to joyful Triumphs fliall be rais'd ; And all who prize thy faving Grace with me refound. The Ltrd be.$r !«* Pfal. riiii. "5. Why reftlefs, why caft down my Soul ? Iky, trail: God, who will employ ; Jttis Aid for thee ; and change thefe Sighs WF to thankful Hymns of Joy. jftf. My Soul's caft down, O God, but thinks on thee, and Sion fti.il ; [ From Jordan's Bank, from Hermon c s Heights and' Mifirs humbler Hil/. ; 7. One Trouble calls another on, and gath l ring o c er my Head, Fall fpouting down, till round my Soul a roaring Sea is fpread. ; ^ But when thy Prefence, Lord or Li& 3 has once difpell'd this Storm ; To thee Vll midnight Anthems ling, and all my Vows perform. 9* God of my ftrength, how long mall'I like one forgotten mourn * Forlorn, forfaken, and expos'd to my OppreiTor's Scorn. io. My Heart is pierc'd as with a Sword, whilft thus my Foes upbraid ; € [ Vain Boafter, where is now thy God ? « and where his promised Aid ? II. Why reftlcls, why caft down, my Soul? hope ftill, and thou malt fing The Praife of him who is thy God 3 thy Health's Eternal Spring. PSALM XLIH. JUST Judge of Heav'n againft my Foes do *thou alfert my injur'd Right : Ofet me free, my God, from thofe that in Deceit and Wrong Delight. 2. Since thou art ftili my only Stay, why ieav'ft thou me in deep Diftrefs? V» ! hy go I mourning ail the Dap, whilft ms infuiting foes opprcfs f> Pfal. xliv. 5 3 i. Let me with Light and Truth be bleft, be thefe my Guide* to lead the way, Till on thy hoiy Hill I reft, and in th>- facred Temple pray . Then i will I there frem Altars raife . r ° Go , d > wno is my only Joy ; £ n eJ , tun ' d Har P s »"•> Songs of Praife lhali all my grateful Hours employ. . Why then call down, my Soul, and why fo much oppreft with anxious Care * On God, thy God, for Aid rely, who will thy ruin'd State repair. rtr p SALM XLIV. ' O ■' our Fi "l»ers oft have told Th» w °? r "tentive Ears, Difpeopled bv repeated Strokes' °t thy avenging Hand. For not their Courage nor their Sword to them PoCffioS gave * Nor Strength chi r from unequal Force their tainting Troops cou d fav-e • B «t thy right Hand Jd now'rful Arm Thy* P° f i SUCC0Ur A e >' ^P'ot'd. Tm ' whrTrl " W1 l h the chofen R"e who thy great Name ador'd ' Thro thy VKftorious Name our Arm,' | the proudeft Foe Hull "J^ Arm, < 7° Pfal. xlv. And crufli them with repeated Strokes as ofc as they rebel. 6. Ml neither truft my Bow nor Sword, when I in Fight engsc 7« But Thee, who ha D: our Foes fubdu'dj and lliam'd their fpiceful Rage : 2. To Thee, the Triumph we afenbe, from whom the Conqueft came : In God we will rejoice all Day, and ever blefs his Name. PART II. $. But thou haft enft us off; and now molt mamefuliy we yield : For thou no more vouchfaf ft to lead our Armies to the Field. 10, Since we to ev'ry upftart Foe we turn our Backs in Fight. And w ith our Spoil their Malice feaft, who bear us ancient Spite. 1 r. To daughter doom'd, we fall like Sheep into their butch'cing Hands : Or ( what's more wretched yet ) furvive dilperft thro' Heathen Lands. 3 2 t Thy People thou haft fold for Slaves, and fet their Price fo low, That nor thy Treafure by the fale, but their difgrace may gro-v. 13, 14. Reproacht by all the Nations round, the Heathen l s by-word grown. ;ofe fcorn of us is both in and mocking; ^eftures mown. 15. Con fu Son ft tike's me blind, my Face in confeious flume I hide : 15. While we are feoff 'd, 8c God bUfp'ienVd by their licentious Pride, FJRI P Earth with Griefs opprefuve Weight. 26. Arife, O Lord, and timely hafts to our Deliverance make : Redeem us, Lord s ~if not for oms, yet for thy Mercy's fake. ' ' W Hlle cn V>/^S's loud Praife rehear* endited by mu Heart My Tongue is hke the Pen of him that writes wich ready Art «bj immch with Grace o'rkows 7 * ?i Pral. xlv. Becaufe freih Bleflings God on thee eternally bellows. 3. Gird on thy Sword) moft mighty Prince, and clad in rich Array, With glorious Ornaments of Pow c r, majeftick Pomp difplay. 4. Ride on in ftate, and ftill protect the Weak, the Juft and True : Wbilil thy Right hand with fwifc Revenge does all thy Foes purfue. 5. How iharp thy Weapons are to them that dare thy Power defpife, Down down they fall while through their the feather c d Arrows flies. ( Hearts 6*. Bur thy firm Throne, O God, is nVd for ever to indure ; Thy Scepters.fway mail always laft ; by righteous Laws fecure. 7, Becaufe thy Hea. t, by Juftice led, did upright ways approve, And hated ftill the crooked Paths where wand'ring Sinners rove. Wherefore did God, thy God on thee the Oil of gladnefs flied ; And has above thy fellows round advane'd thy lofty Head. 8, With Cjflia, Aloes and Myrrh :hy Royal Robes abound : Which from the {lately Wardrobe brought fprcad grateful Odours round, 9, Among the honourable Train, did Princely Virgins wait Tte Queen was plac'd at thy Right hand, in Golden Robes of State, TJRT ■1 Pfal. xlv, xlviV 73 F A R T 11. io.. But thou, O Royal Bride, give eary and to my Words attend. Forget thy Native Country now, and ev'ry former Friend. 11. So mall thy Beauty charm the King, nor /hall his Love decay ; For he is now become thy Lord, to him due Rev'rence pay. 12. The Tyian Matrons rich and proud /hall humble Prefents make., And all the wealth, Narjons fure, thy favour to partake. 13. The King's fair Daughter's fairer Soul ill inward Graces iiil, Her Raiment is of pureft Go!d r . adorn'd with coftiy SkiiL 14. She in her Nuptial Garment drefs'd, with Needles richly wrought, Attended by her Virgin Train, rtiail to the King Si brought, 15. With all the State of folenin Joy the Triumph moves along, Till with u ide Gates the Royal Court receives the pompous Throng. 16. Thou, in thy Roval Father's room, muft Princely Sons expecft : Whom thou to ditfrent Realms mavpHE Lord, the only God, is great, and greatly to be prais ; d : In Sion o*.i whole happy Mount his i'^::ed Throne is raised. 2. Her Towers : f all the Earth, wirh beaureous Profpcct rife : On her North-fide, the Almighty Kings imperial City lies, 3, 4« God in her Palaces is known, his Prefence is her Guard : Confed ; rate Kings withdrew their Siege, and ot Succefs defp^ird : 5. They view'd her Wails, admir'd and rled, With Grief and Terror ftruck, 6 4 Like Women whom the fudden Pangs of Travail had o'errook: 7. No wretched Crew of Mariners appear like them forlorn, Wnen Fleets from Tarflnjh wealthy Co2fh, by Eailern Winds are torn ; D * 8, la ?6 Pfal. xlviii, xlix. U. In Sio* we have feen performed a work that was foretold In pledge that God, for times to come, his City will uphold. t?. Not in our FortrefTes and WhJIs did we O God confide. But on the Temple fix'd ou< H jpes, in which thou doft reiide. jo. According to thy Sov'reign Name, thy Praife through Earth extends, Thy Pow'rful Arms, as Juftice guide*, chaftiies or defends. ii. Let Sion's Mount with Joy refound, her daughters ail be taught, In Songs his Judgments to. extol, who this Deliv^-ance wrought. 12. Compafs her Walls in folemn Pomp, your Eyes quite round her caft, Count all her Tow'rs, and fee if there you find a Scone difplac'd. 13, Her Forts and Palaces furvey, Obferve their Order well, That with AiTurance, tajour Hehs, his Wonders you may cell. S4« This God is ours, and will be Qurs whilft we in him confide ; Who as he has preferv'd us now, cill Death wii! be our Guide* PSALM XLIX. !, 2. 'T ET all the lift ning World attend, .. and mv Inftrn , $. Will this alone Atonement make ? Kqillock from the Stall Til t2k$, Nor He-goat from :h; Fold accept • ^| l -, Tne Foreft Remits thar range abne^ The Cartel too are ail mv own. That on a thoufand Hiils are keptt 11. I know the Fowls that build their Nejj In craggy Rocks, andfalv-ge Beaib^ That looily haunt the open Fhelds. 12. If feiz'd with Hunger I could be, J need not feek Relief from Thee, Siace (fat World** mine,and all it yieljft Tfiinfrft ■ Igo Pfal. 1. h,i 3. Think'ft tl»ou that I have any need On Slaughtered Bulls and Goars to feed, To eat their FlefX, & drink their blood .* £'14. The Sacrifices I require, Are Hearts which Love and Zeal infpire, And vows with ftricteft Care made good* f 35. In time of Trouble call on me. And I will fet thee fafe and free : And thou returns of Praife malt make. * "J6. But to the Wicked thus faith God ; How dar'ft thou teach my Laws abroad, Or in thy Mouth -my Cov'nant take. * k :?• For ftubborn thou, confirm'd in Sin, Haft proof aj^ainft-InftrucTtion been, And of my Word didft lightly ipeaky liS* When thou a fubtle Thief ciidft ise, Thou gladly didft with him agree, And with aduk'rers didft partake* I 19. Vile Slander is thy chief Delight, Thy Tongue by Envy mov'd and Spight, Deceitful Tales does hourly fpread : r . Thou doft with hateful Scandals wound Thy Brother, and with Lies confound The Offspring of thy Mother's Bed : !f 9X| Ih*k rhing< dicft thou whom ftill I ftrovc To gain with Silence and with Love : Till thou didft wickedly furmife. That f was fuch an one as thou ; ^But I'll reprove and fhame thee now, j* And fet thy Sins before thine Eyes. i 22. Mark this, ye wicked Fools, left I Let air my Bolts of Vengeance fly: Whilft none /hall dare yourCauie to own Who Ftaifcs me due Honour giyc^ ■i And PfiJ. li. 8 * And to the Man that juftly lives My ftrong Salvation mail" be ihown* PSALM LI. i, TTAve mercy^ Lord, on me, II 2S thou were ever kind : Let me oppreft with Loads of Guilty thy wonted Mercy find : 2> 3. Walh otf my foal ofFence, and cleanie me from my Sin, For I cont'd* my Cume, and fee how great my Guilt has been* 4. Againft Tbee, Lord, alone, and only in thy fight Have I tranfgrefs/d, and tho' Condemn^ . muft own thy Judgment right, 5. InGuilt each part was formed of all this finful Frame : In Guilt 1 was conceivM, and born the Heir of Sin and Shame : 6. Yet thou, whofej^jj^fearching Eve Docs inward TnTrh reruire, In fecret did ft with Wifdom/s Laws my tender Soul infpire. 7. With Hyffop purge rre, Lord, and to I clean ihall be : I fhaH with inow in \*hitenefs vie, when puritVd by thee. 3. Make mt to hear with loy, thy kind forgiving Voice; That fo the Bones which thou haft broke> may with frelh ftrength rejoyce, 5», 10. Blot ©us my crying $in > nor me in Ange-r view ; Create in me a Heart that's cfean> «md PPrighC wind rene^ 1 rM7; 1 II Pfal. li. PART II. 1. Withdraw not thou thy Heip nor caft: me from thy right : Nor let thy Holy Spirit take its everlafting Flight. 2. The Joy thy Favour gives let me again obtain : And thy. free Spirit firm fupport my tainting Soul fuftain. 3 # So I thy righteous Ways co Sinners will impart, Whilft my Advice mall wicked Men to thy juft Laws convert. 4. My Guilt or Blood remove, My Saviour and m\ God ; 'And m; glad Tongue ihall loudly tel( thy righteous Acb abroad. 5. Do thou unlock ray Lip* with Sorrow clos'd and fliame: So ill - il niv Mouth thy wondrous Praife to all .he World proclaim, 6. Could Sacrifice atone, whole Flocks and Herds mould die • But on fuch Off 'rings thou difdain l ft to caft a gracious Bye. u A broken Spirit is by God moil highly priz'd By him a broken contrite Heart . null never be defpis c d. 3. Let Sion favour rind, of thy Good Will afliir'd; And thy own City flouiiih long, by lofty Walls iecur^d. ^ The juft ihall then attend and pUafing Tribute pay j Pfa!. m $3 j And Sacrifice of chokeft kind, upon thy Alcar lay. PSALM L1L i. |N vain> O Man of lawlefs Might2 A thou boafts thy felf in ill z Since God the God in whom I truft vouchfaies his favour ftiil. 2. Thy wicked Tongue does flanderous iy maliciouily devife, ( TaleiH And iharper than a Razor fet« ic wounds with treacherous Lyes. 3, 4.Thy thoughts are more on 111 than Good, » on Lyes than Truth employd, Th> Tongue delights in Words by which 1 1 the Guiltlefs are deftroy'd 5. God fhall for ever blaft thy Hopes, and inatch thee ioon awa> : Nor in thy dwelling place permit, nor m the World to ftay, 6 The Juft with pious fear ihali fee the downfall of thy Pride - And at thy fudden Ruin Wfa,' and thjs thy fa" deride. 7. '• See there the haughty Man that was, -who proudly God def y >d t ^ , ! Who rruftcd in his Wealth and ftiil -on wicked Arts rely'd* 3. But I am like thofc Olive Pl ant «, - Andh *"' -^.^T^ple round ; to b?Vn WKhhlS ^ dul ^ nt G "<* « c* 2. ,, for ever "own'ef. eS Si S ° U1 r kh Praif *> ° Cod, «xrol thy wondrous Love • ** fctf tbj stints approrlT wau ftf Pftl. liii, ]iv PSALM LIII. i. npHe wicked Fools muft lure fuppofe 1 That God is but a Name : This grofs Miftake their Practice fhows • fince Vertue all difdaim. ( Tow'r : 2. The Lord look'd from Heav ; n* higlj The Sons of Men to view To fee if any own'd his Pow'r, or Truth or Juflrice knew. 3. But alLhe faw were backward gone, deg'nrate grown and bafe ; None for Religion car'd, not One of all the firiful Race. 4. But are thofe Workers of Deceit fo dull and fenfelefs grown. That they like Bread my People ear$ and God's juft: Pow'r difown, f 5 Their caullefs fears lhaft ftrangely grow* and they defois'd of God, Shall foon be foifd. his hand mall throvr . their fliatter*d bones abroad. 1 6. Would he his faving Powr employ, to break our fervile Band, Loud fliouts of univerfal Joy Xhould echo through the Land PSALM LIV. i 1,2. T Ord fave me, for thy Glorious Name, and in thy Strength appear To judge my Caufe : accept my PrayV, and to my words give Bar. 3. Meer Strangers whoqi I never wrong ; d 5 to ruin me derlgn'd *, And cruel Men that fear no God, againft my foul combined. 4, 5. But God takes part with aii ray Fpigniv and hrt t&e fiirrtt G ua jd, — — — ' Pfal. lv: 85 The God of Truch fhail give my Foes, their Falfhood's due reward. 6. While I my grateiui Qif'rings bring, and Sacrifice with Joy : And in his Praife my time to come delightfully employ. 7. From dreadful Danger and Diftrefs the Lord hath fee me tree; Through him fhail I of all my Foes the mft Deftruction fee. P S A L M LV. 1. /^Ive ear thou Judge of all the Eartbj ^* and liften when I pray : Nor from thy humble Suppliant turn thy glorious Face away. 2. Attend to this my fad complaint, and hear my grievous Moans : While I my mournful Cafe declare with artiefs Sighs and Groans. 3. Hark ! how the Foe infulcs aloud, how fierce Opprsifors rage ? ( Hate ' Whole fland'rous Tongue with wrathful ] againft my Fame engage. 4. 5. My Heart is rackM wi:h Pain, my Soul I with deadly F.-ights dHfcreft : With Fear andTrembling compaf*d round \ wich Horror quite oppreft. 6. How otcen wiuVd I then, that I the Dove's fwifc Wings could get, That i might take my fpeedy Flight, znd feek a fjft Retreat ! - 3. Then frfllild I wander hr from hence 3 " 'and in wild Hefartsftray, Till ail this fuiio as Storm werefpentt t his Tempeft paft. away. ^ 86 Pfal. lv\ PART II. c. Deftroy, O Lord, their ill DerTgns, their Counfels foon divide : For, through the Cit; my griev c d Eyc$ have Strife and Rapin fpv'd. 10. Bj' Day and Night on ev'rv Wall thev walk their conftanc round : And in the midft of all her Strength, are Grief and Miichief found. 11. Whoe'er through ev'ry Part ihall roamj will frefli Diforders meet : Deceit and Guile their conftant pofts maintain in ev ry Street. 12. For 'twas not any open Foe that falie Rerfccfrions madac For then I could with eafe have born the bitter things he faid. c Twas none who Hatred had profeft that did againft nae rite 4, For then I had withdrawn my ielf from his malicious Eyes. ( Friend, 13. i\. But 'twas ev'n thou my Guide, my whom tend'reft Love did jovn ; Whofe fweet Advice I valu'd moft, Whofe Pray l rs were mixt with mine. 1 5. Sure vengeance equal to their Crime, fuch Tra>tors muft furprize •, And fudden Death requite thofe Ills they wickedly devife. *6, 17. But I wii! call on God who ftiil ill ill in my Aid appear: At Morn, and Noon, and Night I'll pray, and he my voice ihail hear. P J RT III. i3. God has releas'd my Soul from thofe that did with me contend : Pfal. lr,lvi. 87 And made a num'rous Hoft of Friends my righteous Caufe defend. 19. For he\vho was my Help of old, fhall now his fapplianc hear : And punifh them whole profp'rous State J make them no God to fear. 20. Whom cm I truft, if faithlefs Men pe-Hdiouily deviie To ruin me. their peaceful Friend, and break the ftrongeft Ties ! 2[. Tho' fofc and melting are their Words, their Hearts with War abound : Their Speeches are more fmooth than Oil, and yet like fwords they wound. 22. Do thou, my Soul on God depend, and He inaii thee fultain, He aids the juit. whom to fupplant the Wicked flrive in vain. 23. My Foes that trade in Lies and Blood: fhall ail untimely Die ; Whilft l for Health and Length of Days) ou Thee my God rely. PSALM LVL i. T\0 Thou, O God, in Mercy help 3 -*--' for Man my Life purfues* To crufh me with repeated Wrongs, he cfcfilv Strife renews. 2. Continually my fpireful Foes to rum me combine : Thou fee'ft who uVft enthron'd on wha: mighty Numbers join. o. Bu: tho' fometimcs furprizd by Fear, ( on Dingers h>fV. Alarm ) Yet ftil) for iuccour I depend on thy Aimigiity Arm, 4. God': 88 Pftl. Ivi. j 4.Gqd s faithful Promife I (hall PraiTe^ on whom I now relic; In God I truft. and trufting him, the Arm of Flcfh defie ! 5. They wreft my Words and make c era (peak a fcnfe they never meant : Their Thoughts are all, with reftlefs Spice* on my Definition bent. 6. In clofe AfTemblies they combine, and wicked Projects lay, They watch my Steps, and lie in wait, to make my Soul their Pre*. 7. Shall fuch Injuftice ftill efcape ? O Righteous God arife ; Let thy juft Wrath. ( too long provokM ) this impious Race chaftife.^ 8. Thou numbreft all my Seeps iince firft I was compelled to flee : My very Tears are treafur'd up, and regiftred by The*. q. When therefore I invoke thy Aid, my Foes fliall be oerthrown For I am well allur'd that God my righteous caufe will own. IOj 11. I c ll rruft God's Word and fo defpife the Force rhat Man can raife : 12, To Thee O God my Vows are d ue, to Thee 1*11 render Praife. 13. Thou haft rerriev'd my Soul from Death, and rhou wilt ftill fecure The Life thou haft fo oft preferv'd, and make my Footfteps fare*, HThat thus protected by thy Pow'r, I may this Light enjoy, And in the Service of myGod my lengthened Days employ. Pfal. lvii. 89 i PSALM LVir- li *|*HY Mercy, Lord, to me exte nd, 1 on thy Protection I. depend : And to thy Wing for fhelter hafte, Till this outragious Storm is paft. I 2, To thy Tribunal Lord I fly ! Thou Sovereign Judge and God moll high f Who Wonders haft tor me begun, And wilt not leave thy Work undone, 3» From Heav'n protect me by thine Arm And fliame all thofe who feek my Harm, To my Relief thy Mercy fend, And Truth, on which my Hopes depend 4. For I with falvage Men converfe ft Like hungry Lions wild & fierce ; (Words With Men whofe Teeth are Spears, their Inyenom'd Darts and two-edg'd Swords, 5. Be thou, O God, exalted high And as thy Glory fills the Skie, So let it be on Earth difplaid ; Till thou art here, as there obeyed* ^. To take me they their Net prepare!, And had almoft my Soul enfnar'd, But fell tbemfelves by juft Decree, Into the Pit they made for me, 7. O God my Heart is nVd,'ris bent Its thankful Tribute to prefent, And with my Heart my Voice 1 II raifc To thee, my God, in Songs of Praife. 8, Awake my Glory. Harp and Luce, No longer If c your Strings be mute; And I my tunerul Port to take, Will with the early Dawn awake. >9. Thy Praifes, Lord, I will refound To ail the lift ; ning Nations round. Up Pfal. Iviti. ' io. Thy Mercy higheft Heav'n tranfcends, Thy Truth beyond the Clouds extends; ! n. Be Thou, O God, exalted High- | And as thy Glory fills the Ski-'. # So let it be on Earth difplay'd, Till thou art here as there obey'd. , PSALM LVIII. SPealc, O ye Judges of the Earth, If juft your Sentence be, Or rauft not Innocence appeal to Heav'n from your Decree ! f 2, Your wicked Hearts and Judgment arc alike by Malice f\v r a>'d : Your' griping Hands by weighty Bribes co Violence bstray'd. 3. To Vertue Strangers from the Womb, their Inrant- Steps went w*ong ; They prattled Slander, and in Lyes \ employed their lifping Tongue. 4. No Serpent of parch'd oifrick s breed does ranker Poyion bear : The drowfie Adder will as foon unlock his fulien Ear. 5. Unmov'd by good Advice, and deaf ; as Adders they remain : From whom the skilful Charmer c s Voice can no Attention gain. 6. Defeat, O God, rheir threatening Rage, and timely break their Pow'r : Difarm thufe growing Lion's Jaws, e er pracfiis'd to devour. 7. Let now their. Iniolence at height, like ebbing Tides befpent : Their miver'd Darts deceive their Aim when thev their bow hayc benr, *. Like Pfal. llv; 9 r/l 8. Like Snails let them difTolve to Slime* like hafty Births become, Unworthy to behold the Sim and Dead within the Womb. £. E'er Thorns can make the flefli-pots boi/, tempeftuous Wrath fhall come From God, and {hatch 'cm hence alivC to their eternal Doom. •io. The Righteous fhall rejoyce to fee their Crimes fuch Vengeance meet j And Saints in Perfecutors Blood fhall dip their harmlefs Feet. ii, TranfgrefTors then with Grief ihall fee juft men Rewards obtain j And own a God whofe Juftice will the guilty Earth arraign. PSALM LIX. i. "TxEliver me, O Lord my God, U from all my fpightful Foes : In my Defence oppole thy pow'r to theirs who me oppofe. 2.Preferve me from a wicked Race who make a Trade of UI, Protect me from remorfelefs Men who feek my Blood to fpilf. 3. They lie in wait, and mighty Powers S I agninft my life combine ! Implacable ; yet, Lord, thou know'ft, for no offence of mine. 4. In hafle they run about and watch my guiltlefs Life to rake: Look down, O Lord, on my Diftreftj and to my Help awake ! 5. Thou, Lord of Hofts and Ifr'els God, -their Heathen Rage iupprefs : 9* Pfal. lix. 9 : Relentlefs Vengeance take on thofc ic who ftubbornlytranfgrels. £. At Ev'ning to befet my Houfe i like growling Dogs they meet While others through the City range, and Ranfack ev'ry Street. 7. Their Throats envenom c d Slander breathy their Tongues are fharpen'd Swords ; i Who hears ( fay they ) or hearing dares reprove our lawlefs Words ? 8. But from thy Throne thou ihalt, O Lord, their baffled Plots deride ; » a And foon to Scorn and Shame expofe I their boafted Heathen Pride. ' 9, On Thee I wait, 'tis on thy Strength for Succour I depend. *Tis Thou, O God, art my Defence, who only canft defend. * 10. Thy Mercy, Lord which has fo oft from danger fee me free : Shall crown my Willie* and fubdue my haughty Foes to me. 1 1. Deftroy 'em not, O Lord, at once, reftrain thy vengeful Blow, Left we, ingratefullie too loon forget their overthrow. Difpwrfe 'em through the Nations round by thy avenging Pow'r : Do thou bringdown their haughty Pride, O Lord, our Shield and Tow'r. 12. Now in the Height of all their Hopes, their Arrogance chaftife; ( ftraint Whole Tongues have finn'd without Re- and Curfes join'd with Lies. 13, Nor flialt thou whilft their Race endure. 1 thine Anger, Lord fupprefs. Pftl. Ix. 93 That diftant Lands, by their juft Doom, may IfraWs God confefs, 14. At Ev'ning let them ftill per lift like growling Dogs to meet, StiK wander all the City round, and traverfe ev'ry Street. 15. Then, as for Malice now they do, for Hunger let 'em ftrav, And yell their vain Complaints aloud* defeated of their Prey. 16. Whilft early I thy Mercy fir.g, thy wondrous Pow'r confefs : For thou haft been my fure Defence, my Refuge in Diftrefs. 17. To Thee with never. ceaiincj Praife 3 O God, my Strength I c ll fing ; Thou art my God, the Rock from whence my Health and Safety fpring. PSALM LX. l. S~\ God who haft our Troops difptrft, I vv Forfaking thofe who lefc Thee fir:t, . As we thy juft Difpleafure mourn, To us in Mercy, Lord return. [3, Our Strength, that firm as Earth did ftaudj Js rent by thy avenging Hand ; Oheal the breaches thou haft made, We fhake, we tail, without thy Aid ! Our Folh's fai feel, For drunk with Diicord s Cup we reel, . But now for thsna who rhes rtver'd, Thou haft - 5 bright Banner rear 'd* Let thy Kighr hand thy Saints prorrci : Lord hear the Pra**r"s that v/e direct. The hoK/ God h and I IO'erjojrd;. on hts Sr«fc Word rcik, i. To 1 94 Pfal- Ixjxl To Thee in Portions 1*11 divide Fair Sicbcm's Soil, SanwU's Pride, To Sichem, Sticcotb next I'll join, And meafure out her Vale by Line, 7. Minaffdbi Giletd, both fubferibe To my Commands with Ephrvm'S Tribe, .Ephraim by Arms fupports my Caufe, And Judub by Religious Laws : ^. Moab my Slave and drudge (hall be, Nor Edom from my Yoke get free ; Proud Pdtftine's imperious State Shall humbly on our Triumph wait, S» But who Jliall quell thefe mightie Pow'rs And clear my way to Edam's Tow*rs * Or through her guardedFrontiers tread The Path that doth to Conqueft lead* 4 :>. Ev ( n thou, O God, who haft difperft Our Troops ( for we forfook Thee iirft ) Thofe whom thou didft in Wrath forfake Aton'd, thou wilt victorious make, ■ I. Do thou our fainting Caufe fuftain> For humane Succours are but vain. j?. Freih Strength and Courage God beftowi 'Tis he treads dow n our proudeft Foes. PSALM LXI. i. T Ord, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r, "^ whicii I oppreft with Grief, .2. From Earth's remoteft pans addrefs to Thee for kind Relief. O lodge me (nfe beo< nd the Reach of Perfecting Pow'r, 5. Thou who ib ofc. horn fpiteful Foes, haft been my ihelt'ring Tow'r. 4, So mall I in thy facred Courts fecure iroui banger lie ; lenettf Pfal. Ixii. *$ Beneath the Covert of thy Wings, all future Storms defie. 5» In fign my Vow* are heard once more I o'er thy Chofen reign : 6. O blefs with long and profp'rous Life, the King thou didfb ordain. 7* Coufirm his Throne, and make his Reig« accepted in thy fight : And let thy Truth and Mercy both in his Defence unite. 8. So Hull I ever £ng thy Praife, thy Name for ever blefs : Devote my profp'rous Days to pay the Vows of my Di&refs* PSALM LXIL I, 2,TkyT Y Soul for Help on God relief, iVl From him alone my Safety flows. My Rock.my Health,that Strength fuppiie* I To bear the Shock of all my Foes, ij. How long will ye contrive my Fall, Which will but haffcen on your own ? You'll totter like a bending Wall, Or Fence of uncemented Scone. L To make my envy £ d Honours lefs, They ftrive with Lies their chief Delight ; For they tho c with their Mouths they blefs, In private Curfe with inward Spite. , 6, But thou, my Soul, on God rely ; On him alone thy Trufl repofe : My Rock 6c Health will ftrength fuppJy, To bear the Shock of all my Foes. God does his faving Health dxfpenfe. And flowing Bleflings daily fend ; He is my Fortrefs and defence, E a O* 9<5 Pf»l. lxn,?xiii. On him my Soul fliall ftill depend. 8. In him ye People always truft Before his Throne pour out your Hearts, For God che Merciful and Juft, His timely Aid to us imparts, $. The vulgar fickle are and frail, *The Great dirTemble and betray ; And laid in Truth s impartial Scale, The lighted: Things will both out-weigh. jo. Then truft not in opreffive Wa>s, By Spoil and Rapine grow not vain : Nor let your Hearts, if Wealch increafe Be fee too much upon your Gain. 1 1. For God has oft his will exprefs'd, And I this trurh have fully known ; To be of bound lefs Pow'r poiTJfs'd Belongs of right to God alone. 12: Tho' Mercy is his darling Grace, In which hJ chiefly takes delight, Yet will he all (he human Race According to their Works requite. PSALM LXIIL OOod my Gracious God. to Thee, My Morning Pray'rs mail oti : rd be. For thee my' thirfty Soul does par.t ; Mv fainting Flefli implores thy Grace; Within this dry and barren Place, Where I retrenYng Waters want, 2. O to mf longing Eyes once more That view of glorious Pow'r restore, Which thy Majeftick Houfe difpla)s: 3. Becaufe to me thy wond'rous love Than Life it felf does dearer prove, My Lips iljall always Ipeak thy.Praifo *.. My Life, while I that Life enjoy, in bic iiing God I will employ, Pfal. Ixiii, !xiv. 9-7 With lifted Hands adore his Name : 5. My Soul's Content mall be as great, As theirs whofe choiceft Dainties ear, , While I with joy his Praife proclaim, 6. When down I lie fweet fleep. to find, Thou Lord, art prefent to mv Mind f And when I wake in dead of Night, 7. Becaufe thou ftili doft Succour bring ; Beneath the Shadow of thy Wing I reft with Safety and Delight. 8. My Soul, when Foes would me devonr Cleaves faft to Thee, whofe match lefsPow'i: In her Support is daily fliown. 9. But thole the Righteous Lord fhall Hay That my Deftruciion with, and they, That feek my Life, fliali lofe their own, 10. They h r : untimely Ends fhall die, Their Flefli a Prey t:> Foxes lie; But God fhall fill the King with joy: 1 1. Who Tnee Confefs fhall ftili repyce Whiift the falfe Tongue and ly ing voice, Thou, Lord, Hull illence and deftroy. PSALM LXIV. 1. j Ord hear the voice of my Complaint, "^ to my Requeft giye Ear : Prefer ve my Lite from cruel Foes ; and frte my Soul from Fear. 2. O hide me with thy ter.d'reft Care in ibme fecret Retreat, From Sinners that igajnft me Rife, and ail their Plots defeat. 5. See how intent to work my Harm? they whet their Tongues like Swore?, And bend their Bows to fhoot their Darts, iliarp Ljcs and bitter Words. E J 4. Lurk* 9* PfoMxiv, Ixv. \. Lurking in private at the juft they take their fecret Aim, And hidden! y at him they flioot, quite void of Fear and Shame. \ $. To carry on their ill Defigns, they mutually agree j They fpeak of laying private Snareii and think that none fliall fee. S. "With utmoft Diligence and Care their wicked Plots the\' lay : The deep Defigns of all their Heart! are only to betray. 7- But God to Anger juftly raov'd, his dreadful Bow iliall bend : And on his flying Arrow's point, iliall fwift Deftrudion fend. S.ThofeSiander* which rheirMouchs did vent, upon themfelves fliall fall : Their Crimes difclos'd ihall make them be defpis'd and fliun'd by all, j. The World ft\a\l then God's Pow c r confef* and Nations trembling ftand, Convince that 'tis the mighty Work of his avenging Hand. 10. Whilft righteous Men, whom God fecures in him fliall gladly iruft : And all the lift'ning Earth fliall hear loud Triumph of the Juft. PSALM LXV. FOR Thee, O God our conftant Praife In Sion waits thy chofen Seat ; Our promis*d Altars we will raife, And there our zealous Vows compleat* 9, O Thou who to my humble Prav'r Didft always bend thy lift ning Ear To, P'fal. Ixv. 9? I To thee flull all Mankind repair, And ac thy glorious Throne appear. 3i Our Sins ( tho' numberlefs ) in vain To ftop thy flowing Mercy try ; Whilft thou o'crlook'ft the guilty Stain' And waflieft out the Crimfon Dye. 4, Bleffc is the Man, who near Thee piac'd* Within thy facred Dwelling lives ; Whilft we at humbler diftance tafte The vaft delights thy Temple gives.- 5. By wond'rous Atfts, O God moft juft, Have we thy gracious Anfwer found ; In Thee remoteft Nations trufo And thofe whom (lot my Waves furrouncU.j 6 } 7. God, by his Strength fet raft; the Hills, And does his matchlefs Pow'r engage. With which the Sea's loud Waves he {tills l And angry Crowd's tumultuous Rage. P J RT II. 8. Thou, Lord, doft barb'rous Lands difmay When they thy dreadful token % view : With Joy they fee the Night and Day Each other's Track by turns purine. £, From out thv unexbaufted Store Thy Rain relieves the thirfty Ground, Makes Lanes that barren were before, With Corn and ufeful Fruits abound. 10. On rifing Ridges down it pours, And ev'ry furrow'd Valley fills : Thou mak^t them foft with gentle Sbow'tt-tf In which a bleft incrcafe diftflls. xi. Thy Goodrefs does the circling Year W 7 ith freili Kecurns of Plenty crown'd ; And where thy glorious Paths appear. Thy fruitful Clouds drop/acneB iowm E 4 ; ia. They loo Pfal. lxvi. i*. They drop on barren Forrefb chang : <| By chem to Paftures freili and green *, The Hilis about in order rangd In beauteous Robes of Joy are feen. 13. Large Rocks with fleecy Wool adorn Tne chearful downs ; the valleys bring A plenteous Crop of full eard Coru 3 And feeni for Joy to iliout and ling. PSALM LXVI. r, 2. T ET all the Lands with fhouts of Joy i-f to God their Voices raife : Sing Pfalms in Honour ot his Name, and Ipread his glorious Praife. :. And let them fay how dreadful Lord* in all thy Works art Thou ! To thy great Pow'r thy itubborn Foes £haii ail be forc'd to bow. \. Thro c all the Earth the Nations round iliall Thee their God conftfs : And with glad Hymns their awful Dread of thy great Name exprefs. 5. O come, behold the works of God, and then with me you'll own, Thar he to aii the Sons of Men has wondrous Judgments ihown. *. He made the Sea become dry Land 5 thro' which our fathers walkd : Whilft to each other ot bis Might, with Joy his people talk'd. 7. He by his Pow'r for ever rules, his Eves the World furvey. Let no Prefumpruous Man rebel againil his Sov'reign fway. V J R*T II : |j ?. O all ye Nations blefs our God, and loudly fpeak his Praife. Pfal. IxVi. 10 1 Who keeps oar Soul alive, and ftril confirms our ftedfift Wa\s. 10. For chou haft try'd us 5 Lord, as Fire . does try the precious Ore : ir. Thou bfought'ft us into Straights where oppreffing Burthens bore. (we. i2. Infulting Foes did us, their Slaves, thro' Fire and Water chafe : But yet at laft thou broughrit us forih into a wealthy place. 13. Burnt Off'rings to thy Houfe I'll bring, and there my Vows will pay, 14. Which I with folemn Zeal did make in Troqbi's difmal Da*, 15. Then mall the richeft incenfe fmolce, the fat ceil- Rams (hall fall : The choiceft Goats from- out the Fold, and Bullocks from the Stall. \6 t O come all ye that fear the Lord, attend with heedful Care : Whilft I'what God for me has done, with grateful Joy declare. 7, iS. As I before his Aid impior'd, {o now- I pratfa his Name « Who if my Heart bad harbour'd 4 Pfol. IxviiF. PART II. i. Tho'i gav'ft the Word, we faKy'd forth: And in that pow'rful Word o'ercame, W : hile Virgin-Troops wich Songs cf Mirth In ftate our Conqueft did proclaim. 2. Yaft Armies by iuch Gen'rals lid As yet had ne'er receiv'd a Foil, i?or(bok their Camp with fudden Dread, And to our Women left the Spoil. ;. Tho' Egypt's Drudges you have been, Your Army's Wings fliaii iliin: as bright As Doves in golden Sun ihine feen, Or filver'd o c er with paler Liglir. ». c Twas Co when God's Almighty Hand Oer fcatter'd Kings the Conqueft won : Oar Troops drawn up on Jordan's Strand^ High Salmon's glittering Snow out-flione. i From thence to JqtcLatvs farther Coaft, And B.tJ]).in's Hilt we did advance : No more her Height iliall Btfljan boaft, But that ihe's God's inheritance. , But wherefore ( tho the Honour's great ) Should this. O Mountains 3 fwell your Prids For Sion. is his chofen Seat Where he for ever \viii relide. . His Oha riots numberlefs, his Pow'rs Are heavenly Hbfts that wait his Will ; His Prefence "now fills &Ws Tow'rs As once it honour c d Sink's Hill. , Afcending high in Triumph Thou Captivity haft Captive led. And on thy People did ft beftow, rhe Spoil of Armies once their Dread, Ev'n Rebels fliall partake thy Grace, And humbly Profelytes repair Pfal. Ixvlii. j©jj To worfhip at thy Dwelling place, And all the World pay Homage there, 20. For Benefits each Day beftow'd, Be daily his great Name ador ; d : 2r. Who is our Saviour, and our God, Of Life and Death the Sov'reign Lord, / | 22, But Juftice for his hardened Foes, Proportion^ Vengeance hath decreed, To wound the Hoary Head of thoie Who in prefumptuous Crimes proceed* 23. The Lord has thus in Thunder fpolce ; As I fubdu'd proud Bafian's King Once more I'll break my People Yoke, And from che Deep my Servants bring. 24.. Of fucn as his bleir Name adore. P S A L M LXX. OLord, to my relief draw near, For never was moie prefiing Need J For my Deliv'rance. Lord, appear, And add to that DeliY'rance fpeed. 2. Confu- no Pfal. Ixx, Ixxi. a. Confufion on their Heads return, Who todeftroy my Soul combine, Let them defeated blufh and mourn, Infnar'd in thiir own vile Deiign. 3. Their Doom let Defolation be, With (hame their Malice be repaid, Who Mock'd my Confidence in Thee,. And Sport of my Affliction made. 4. While thofe who humbly leek thy Face, To joyful Triumphs ihall be raised ; And all who prize thv faving Grace, With me fliall fing, The Lord be praised; *>. Thus wretched tho 1 1 am, and poor, Tiie mighty Lord of mc takes care. Thou God who only canft reftore, To. my relief with fpeed repair. PSALM LXXi i, 2. |N Thee I put my ftedfaft Truft, A Defend me Lord from Shame $ Incline thine Ear, and fave my Soul f for righteous is thy Name. j*. Be thou my ftrong abiding place to which I may refort, 'Tis thy Decree that keeps me faff* choa art my Rock and Fort* 4, 5. From cruel and ungodly Men protect and fee me feee^ For rrom my earliefl youth till now my hope has been in -Thee. 6. Thy conftant Care did fafely guard my tender Infant-Days: Thou took'ft me from my Mother's Wotnb r to ling thy couftant Praife. 7, 8. While fome on me wirh wonder gaze, thy Hind fupports me IU11 ; Thy Pfal. Ixxi III Thy Honour therefore and thy Praifc ray Mouth fhall always fill. f. Reject not then thy Servant, Lord, when I with Age decay: Forfake me not : when worn with years, my Vigour fades away. to. My Foes againft my Fame and me, with crafty Malice fpeak. Againft my Soul they lay their Snares, and mutual Counfel take. Ii. His God fay they, forfakes him now on whom he did relie : Purfue and take him whilft no hope of timely Aid is nigh, 12. But thou my God, withdraw not far, for fpeedy help I call : i£. To Shame and Ruin bring my Foe* that feek to work my Fall* 14. But as for me, my ftedfaft Hope fhall on thy Pow'r depend, And I in grateful Songs of Praife. my time to come will fpend. V A R T IL 15. Thy righteous Acts and faving Health my Mouth mall ftiil declare : Unable yet to count them all, tho' fumnrd with utmoft Care. 16. While God vouchfafe* me his Support, I \\ in his Strength goon, Ail other Righreoafnefs difdaim, and mention his alone. 17. Thou, Lord, haft taught me from my\ to praife thy glorious Name, ( Youth- And ever fince"thy wondrous Works hdYe bzm my coaftanc Theme. Till in Pfal. lxxi, Ixxii. x8. Then now fbrfake me not, when I am grey and feeble grown; Till I to thefe and future times thy Strength and Pow'r have fliown. ? I?. How high thy Juftice foars, O God ! how great and wondrous are The mighty Works which thou haft done* who may wich Thee compare ? 20. Me whom thy Hand hasforely prefs'd, thy Grace mall yet relieve : And from the loweft depth of Woe, with tender Care retrieve. 21. Thro* Thee my time to come Hull be with Pow'r and Greatnefs crown'd: And we, who difmal Years have paft, thy Comforts fhotild furround. 22. Then I with Pfaltery and Harp thy Truth O Lord will praife : To thee the God of Jucob't Race, my Voice in Anthems raile. •S3. Then Joy fliall fill my Mouth, and Song* employ my chearful Voice : My grateful Soul by Thee redeem'd, ihall in thy Strength rejoice. j 24. My tongue thy j At and righteous Ads £hall all the Day proclaim : Becaufe, thou did it confound my Foes, and brought*/*: rhem all to fhame. PSALM LXXII. 1. T Ord kt thy juft Decrees che King in all his ways direct : And let his Son throughout his Reign, thy righteous Laws refpedt. [2. S> Hiail he itill thy People judgs with pure- and upright Mind, Whilft Pfal.lxxii. I IJ ilft all the belplefs Poor fhall him their juft Protector find. 3. Then Hills and Mountains fliali bring torth the happy fruits of Peace : Which all the Land fhall own to be the Work of Righteoufnefs : 4 Whglft he the poor and needy Race (hall rule with gentle Sway : And from their humble Nedcs ihafl take oppreQive Yokes away. 5. In ev'ry Heart thy awFu! Fear /hall then be rooted faft, As long as Sun and Moon endure, or Time it felf fhall lait, 6. He fhall deicend I : Ice Rain that chearJ the Meadows lecond Birrh, Or like warm Showers, whole gentle Drop?, rerreih the thirfty Earth. 7. In his blefl days the juft and good ihall be with Favour ctown d ; The happy Land ihali ev'ry whera with endlefs Pe;?ce abound. 3, His uncontroul'd Dominion fhall from Sea to Sea extend : Begin at proud Euphrates Streams, at Nature's limits end. ?. To him that favage Nations rourd Aral! bow their fervile Heads : His vanquiihr Foes fhall lick the Duft where he his Conqueft fpreads. io. The King of Ta |l4 Pfal. Ixxii. And diff'ring Nations gladly join to own his righteous Sway. g\ 12. For he fhaJl fee the needy free, i when they for Succour cry, Shall U\e the Helplefs and the Poor 3 and ail their Wants fupply. P A RT IL KJ13. His providence, for needy Souls, and due fupphes prepare : j; And over their defencelefs Lives /hall watch with tender Care, ■14. He /hall preferve and keep their Souls I from Fraud and Rapine free, And in his fight their guiltlefs Blood of mighty Price /hall be. Pi 5. Therefore fhall God his Life and Reign to many years extend, Whilft Eaftern Princes Tribute pay, and golden Prefents fend. For him fliall conftant Pray'rs be made, thro all his profp'rous Days, His juft Dominion /hall afford a lafting Theme ot Praife. I *6. Of ufefui Grain, thro' all the Land, great Plenty /hall appear : A Handful Town on Mountains Tops A mighty Crop mall bear : • It's Fruic like Cedars lhook by Winds, a ratling Noife mail yield, The City too fhall thrive and Yie for Plenty with the Field. [17. The Mem'ry of,his Glotious Name thro* endlefs Years /lull run : His fpotleis Fame iliaJl Ihin* as bright and lafting as (he Sun, la Pfal. bcxiii. In him the Nations of the World fhall be compleatly blefl, And his unbounded happinefs by ev'ry Tongue confeft. ■x8. Then blefs'd be God, the mighty Lord, the God whom IJraf-l fears : Who oniy wond'rous in his Works, beyond compare appears. •*o. Lee Earth be with his Glory fill'd; for ever blefs his Name : Whilft to his Praife the lift'ning World their glad Aflent proclaim. PSALM LXXHI. i. A T length by certain Proofs, 'tis plain A That God will to his Saints be kind $ That ail whofe Hearts are pure and clean, ShaK his protecting Favour find. 2, 3. Till this iuftaining Truth I knew, My ftagg'ring Feet had almoA fail'd ; I griev'd tht Sinner's Wealth to view, And enyy'd when the Fools prevailed- 4> 5* They to the Grave in Peace defcend, And whilft they live are hale and ftrong, No Plagues or Troubles them oitjgnd 5 Which oft to other Men belong. 6> 7. With Pride,?.s with a Chain.they're held And Rapine feems their Kobe of State : Their Eyes ftand out with Fatnefs fwell'd, They grow beyond their Wiihes 3 great. ** $. With Hearts corrupt, and lofty Talk, Oppreflive Methods they defend : Their Tongue thro' all the Earth does walk Their Blafphemies to Heaven afcend. *o. And yet admiring Crowds are found Who fetvile Vific* duly make, Becaufc II 6 Pfal. bfctH. Becaufe with Plenty they abound, Of: which their flatt'rmg Slaves partake. Ii. Their fond Opinions thife purfue. Till they with them profanely cry: [ *'How mould the Lord our Actions view, 41 Can he perceive who dwells fo high ? 12. Behold the Wicked ! thcfe are they Who openly their Sins profefs ; And yet their Wealth's increas'd each day> And all their Acftions meet Succefs. 13, H.'then have I cleans'd my Heart (faid I) And wauYd my Hands from Guilt in vain 9 If all the day oppreft I lie, And ev'ry morning fuffer Pain. 15. Thus did I once ro fpeak intend ; But if fuch things I rafhly fay ; Thy Children, Lord, I muft offend, And bafely mould their Caufe betray* PART II. \6, 17. To fathom this my thoughts I bentj Bur found the cafe too hard for me, Till to the Houfe of God I wenr, Then I their End did plainly fee. 18. How high foe'er advanc'd, they att On flipp'ry Places loofoly ftand ; Thence into Ruin heacilong fall, Caft down by thy avenging Hand, i9,2o.How dreadful & how quick their Fate ? Defpis d by Thee when they're deftroj'd ; As waking Men with (corn do treat. The Fancies that rheir Dreams employ'd. 2i,22.Thus was myHeart withGrief opprefs'd My Reins were Rack'd with Rejftleis Pain^, So ftupid was I, like a Beaft, Who no reflecting Thought retains* Pfal. Ixxiv. 1/7 23, £4. Yet-ftill thy Prefence me fupply*d, And thy Right-Hand afllftance gave : Thou ftrft flulc with thy Counfei guide. And then to glory me receive. 55. Whom then in Heav'n, but Thee alone, Hive I, whofe Favour I require 9 Throughout the fpacious Earth there's nons That I befides thee can defire, 26. My trembling Flefli and aking Heart, May often fail to fuccour me - y But God mall inward Strength impart, And my eternal Portion be^ 27. For they that far from thee remove, Shall into fudden Ruin fall ; If after other Gods they rove, Thy Vengeance fhall deftroy them alf* 2S.Buc as for me, 'tis good and juft 1 nat I ihould ftiil to God repair ; In him I always put my Truft, ^nd will his wond'rous Works declare, PSALM LXXIV. »• \ir H Y haft thou caft us off, O God; * r wilt thou no more return ? O why againft thy chofen Flock, does thy fierce Anger burn ? 2. Think on thy ancient Purchafe Lord, the Land that is thy own, By thee redeemed, and Son's Mount, where once thy Glory /Iione. ^ O ! come and view our ruinM State* how long our Troubles Iafi ? See 1 how the Foe with wicked Hage has laid thy Temple wafle ! h Thy Foes blafpheme thy Name, where fate thy zealous Servants prav-J - f F 5- Thxr US Pfal. Ixxiv. The Heathen there with haughty Pomp # their Banners have difplay'd. \6. Thofe curious Carvings which did once advance the Artift's Fame, With Ax and Hammer they deftroy, like Works of vulgar tame, 7. Thy Holy Temple they have burnt : .and what efcap'd the Flame, Has been profan'd, and quite defaced, tho* facred to thy Name. $. Thy Worfliip wholly to deftroy, maliciouily they aim'd ; And all the lacred Places burn'f. Yet of thy Prefence thou vouchfar'ft no tender Sign to fend, We have no Prophet now that knows when this fad State mall end. PJRT II. 10. But, Lord, how Jong wilt thou permit th* infulting Foe to boaft f Shall all the Honour or thy Name for evermore be loft? zu Why hold 'A thou back thy ftrong Uigh and on thy patient Breaft, (hand When Vengeance calls to ftretch it forth >fo calmly let'A it reft ? ii2. Thou heretofore, with Kingty Pow ; r t \n our Defence haft tough c ; For us thoughout the wondring Worldf haft great Salvation wroughr. '13. 'Twas thou O God. that didft the Sea by thy own Strength divide ? Thou breaicfi che Watry Monfter's Head, ) *Uc Wayes oerwhclm'd their Pride. 14. Tta! PfaT. lraiv. u£ 14. The greateft, fhrceft of them all that fetm'd the Dee p to iway, Was by thy Pow'r deftroy'd and made to falvage Beafts a Prey; 15. Thou clav'ft the folid Rock, and mad 'it the Waters largely flow ; Again thou mad'ft thro* parted Streams, thy wond'ring people go. 16. Thine is the chearf jl Day- and thine the black Return of Night : Thou haft prepared the glorious Sun, and every feebler Light ; 17. By Thee the Borders of the Earth in perfect Order ftand ; The Summer's Warmth, dc Winter^ CoH attend on thy Command* P J R T III. t3. Remember, Lord, how fcornful Foe* have daily urg'd our &ame ; -- And how the foolifh 9gM* have blafphem'd thy \po\y Name. i?. O free thy mourn nHfTartle- do vr, by finful Crowds beTer ; Nor the Aflembly of thy Poor for evermore forger. 20. Thy Ancient Covenant Lord rcgard fl and make thv Promife good, For now each Corner of the Land is fiil'd with Men of Blood* 21.O let not the Oppreft return with Sorrow ctoatb'd, and Shams But let the Helplefs and the Poor for ever praife thy Name. 2 2. Arife, O God. in our behalf, thy Cauft and our* maintain : It R?- iso pfal. Jxxv. Remember how infulting Fools each day thy Name prophane ! £3. Make thou the Boaftings of thy Foes for evermore to ceafe ; WhofelnfoJence, if unchaftiz'd will more and more incrcafe. PSALM LXXV. .1. *TpO Thee, O God, we render Praifei *► to Thee with Thanks repair* For that thy Name ro us is nigh, rliy wond'rous Works declare 2. In Iff 9 el when my Throne is fix'd, with me fhall Juftice reign • 3. The Land withDifcord ihakes, but I the (inking Frame fuftaic. 4. ©eluded Wretches I advis'd their Errors to redrefj, And warn'd bold Sinners that they fhould their. fwelling Pride fupprefs. 5. Bear not your.fehtfs fo high, as if no Pow'r could jours reftrain : Submit your ftujJorn Necks, and learn to fpeak with Iefs Difdain. 6. For that Promotion, which to gain, your vain Ambition Itrives. Prom neither Eaft nor Weft, nor yet from Southern Climes arrives. 7. For "God the Great Difpofer is, and Sov'reign judge alone, Who caft theProud to Earth, and lifts the Humble to a Throne. S. His Hand holds forth a dreadful CupJ witb purplj Wine 'tis crown'd : The deadly 'Mixture, which his Wrath duU cue to Rations rounds Pftl. lxxvi. m Of 'this his Saints fometiracs may tafte, but wicked Men ihall iqueeze The bitter Drtgs, and be condemned to drink the very Lees. 9, His Prophet I, to all the World this MeiTage will relate: The Juftice then -or J^co'rs Go£ my Song iliall celebrate. io>The wicked's Pride I will* reduce, their Cruelty difarm : Exalt the Juft 3 and feat him high, above the reach of Harm. PS A L M LXXVI. r. T*N Judab the Almighty's known. «*> ( Almighty there by Wonders iliovi iliov/n His Name in JacoI> does excel r n , d > who to my Help 1 did gracioufly repair : 1 3. In Trouble s"difmal Pay I fought mv God with humble Pray'r. All Nignt my feft'ring Wound did run, No Medicine gave Relief: jMv Soul no Comfort would admit, my Soul indulg'd her Griel. m, I thought on God ; and Favours paft, but that increase my Pain : I found my Spirit more oppreil, the more 1 did complain. 4. Thro'ev'ry watch of tedious Night thou keep ft my Eyes awake, My Grief is fwell d to tnat Excels I figh but cannot fpeak. 5. I call to mind the days of old, with. fig nai Mercy crawnM, Thoft PTal- lxxvii. »*j Thofe famous Years of ancient Times, tor Miracles renowned. 6, By Night I recoiled my Songs- on former Triumphs made : Then learch, confult, *nd ask my K^art where's now that wondrous Aid t 7, Has God for ever caft us ofF, withdraw his Favour quite? 8, Are both his Mercy and his Truth- retired to endlefs Night ? S>. Can his long -praem'd Love forget it s wonted Aids to bring f Has he in Wrath inut up and feal'd his Mercy's healing Spring ? io. I faid my Weaknefs hints thefe Fears 3 but I'H my Fears disband r Will yet remember the moft High; and years of his Right-hand. 1 1. I'll call to mind his Works, of old, the Wonders of his Might ; 12. On them my Heart ihall meditate,. my ton^uQ {hull them recite. 13. Safe Iodg!d from humane Search on high, O God. thy counlels are! Who is fo great a God as ours ? Who can with him compare ? 14.. Long fince a God of Wonders Thee thy refcu'd People found : 15 Long iince, haft thou thv chofen Seed with- itrong DelivVance crown'd. 16. W 7 henThee O God, the Waters faw, rhe frighted Billows flitunk; The troubled Depths themfeives for fear, beneath their Channels- -funk. 17. The Clouds pour'd down, while rending did with Uieir noiie confpjre r ( Skits ±2* Pfal. lxxviii. Thy Arrows all abroad were fenc, wing'd with avenging Fire. 'iS.Heav'n with thyThunder'sVoice was lorn whilfl all the lower World With Lightnings blaz c d ; Earth fhook, and from her Foundations hurl'd. ( feem'd n$. Thro' rowling Streams thou find ; ft thy thy Pajhs in Waters lie : ( way 5 • Thy wond'rous Paf&ge, where no Sight thy Footfteps can defcry . ko. Thou led'ft: thy People like a Flock, faft thro* the defart Landy I By Mofcs, their meek skilful Guide* and %A*ron's iacred Hand. PSALM LXXVIII. «; TjEar, O my People, to my Lau» i n devout Attention lend : \f Let the Inftru&ion of my Mouth deep in your Hearts defccnd* K My Tongue by Infpiration taught^ /hall Parables unfold, I Dark Oracles, but underftood* and own'd for Truths o* Old, $$. Which we from facred Regifters or ancient Times have known : I And our tore-fathers pious Care to us has handed down. L We will not hide tham from our Sons, our Offspring ihall be taught , The Praifes of the Lord, whofe Strength, has Works of Wonder wrought. K. For J.icq\> he this Law ordain'd, this League with IfrUl made ; I With Charge, to be from Age to Age, trom Race to Race conveyed. 6. That Pfal. IxxviiT i;^ 6. That Generations yet to come mould to their unborn Heirs Religioufly tranfmic the fame^ and they again to theirs. 7. To teach 'em that in God alone their Hope fecurely ftands : That they fliould ne'er his Wotki forget," 4 but keep his juft 'Command?. 3. Left like their Fathers they might prove a ftirf rebellious Race: Falfe-hearted, Fickle to their God, unitediaft in his Grace. J , Snch were revolting Epbr Aim 'sSons, who tho' to Warfare bred : And skilful Archers Arnrd with "Bowii from Field ignobly fled. 10, il. They fallif 'd their League with God his Orders difobey'd : Forgot his Works and Miracles ■ before their eyes difplay'-d. 12. Nor Wonders which their Fathers fawy did they in Mind retain : Prodigious things in Egypt done, and 2o<»'s fertile Plain. 13. He cut rhe Seas to let 'em pafs, reftrain^d the prefTmg Fiood : While pil d in Heaps on either fide/, the -folid Waters flood. 14. A wondrous Piliar led rhem on, 1 am pps'd of Shade ^nd Light : A ihelfring Cloud it prov'd by Da// a leading Fire by Night. . 15. When Drought oppreft 'em, where nc the Wildernefs fupply'd, rea.A He clefc the Rdck, whofe flfnty Breaft diifoly'd into a Tide, 5 - fi6 Ixwili. Streams from the folid ivocLc he brousjhtj which down in Riven fell, riwt tiavHling with their Camp each day renewed the Miracle . | Yet there they finn'd againfl him more, provoking the mofl High : In chat Tame Defart where he did their fainting Souls lupply. 1$. They fir/l incens c d in him their Hearts : chat did his Pow'r diltruft, And long'd for Meat, not urg'd by Want, but to indulge their Luft. , Then urter'd their blafpheming Doubts, ' Can God fay they prepare ■ A Table in the Wildernefs, * fet out with various Fare ? 20. * He fmcte the flinty Rock ( 'tis true ) 1 and gu fliing ftreams enfu'd : c But can he Corn and Flefh provide, 'for fuch a Multitude ? Lsi.The Lord with indignation heard f from Heav'n avenging Flame On Juccb fell, confuming Wrath en thankleis Ifr&'l came. | a-2, Becaufe their unbelieving Hearts in God would not confide, £Jor truft his Care who had from Heav'n their Wants fo-oft fupply c d. : y Tho ; he had made his Clouds djfeharge provifions down in Show'rs* And when Earth failed .reliev'd, their Need J from his Ceieftiai Stores. 24. Tho' taftefui Manna was rain'd down their Hunger to relieve ; trom the Stores of Heay'a th&y did fining. Com receive. \7> PTal. ixxviii. 12^ 25« Thus Man wirh Angels facred Food, ingratetul Man was fed; Not fparingly for ftill they found a plenteous Table fpread. 26. From Keav ? n he made anEaftWind bio then d\d the South command, 27. To rain down FleHi like Daft, and Fewlsfl like Sea? unnumber c d.5and. 28. Within their trenches he let fait the lufcious eafie Prey, And all around their fpreading Camp the ready Booty lay. 29. They fed^ were £:! d he give e em leave their Appetites to feaft : 3©. 31. Yet ili 11 rhdr wanton tuft crav 8 J on nor with their Hunger ccas'd. But whilft in their luxurious Mouths, they did their dainties chew. The Wrath of God f.note down thel and ififU Chofen Hew. ( Chiefe TART II 32. Yet ftill they finn'd ; nor would a&Jxi His Miracle^^lief ■ 33* Therefore throWruiclefs Travels, he confum'd their Lives in Grief. 34. When fome were flain. the reft return d ' to God with early Cry. 35. Own-'d him the Rock of their DefeiCC their Saviour God moft High. 3c% Bu: this was feign'd Submiflion all, their Heart their Tongue bely k d : 37. Their Heart was ftill perverfe^ ncr wouL firm in his League abwi 38. Yet full of Mercy he forgave nordid.with'.d««th.chaftifr, . ■ .'• Pial. Ixxviii. i/BaC tnrn'd his kindled Wrath a fid c* or would not let it rite. t For he remember'd they were FleiTt \ thac could not long remain; |A murrn'ring Wind that's quickly paftrj and ne'er returns again. h How oft did they provoke him there* how oft his Patience grieve, I that fame Defart where he did j their fainting Souls relieve ? j. They tempted him by turning backj . and wickedly repin'd : ..When jfr'elsGod refus'd to be by their Delires coniin'd . ''Nor calld to mind the Hand and Day that their Redemption brought : 1. His Signs in Egypt t wond'rous Works in Zonn's VaMcy wrought* p He turn'd their Rivers into Blood, that Man and Beaft forbore, 'And rather chofe to die of Thirffc. chan drink the putrid Gore. 5. He fen-t devouring Sw^jfcs of Flies, hoarfe Frogs annoy 'd TOeir Soil ; $. Locufts and Caterpillars reap'd the Harveft of their Toil. f, Their Vines with battling Hail were with Froft the Fig-Tree dies : ( broke, *, Lightning and Hail made Flocks and one gen'ral Sacrifice. ( Herd* (* He turn'd his Anger loofe, and fet no time for it to ceafe ; And with their Plagues, ill Angels feat their Torments to increafe. >, He clear'd a PaiTage for his Width to ma&e. linconcKml'd ; Pfal. Ixxviii; 12$ The Murrain on their FiriOtlingS fti^d in ev'ry Field and Fold. 51. The deadly Peft from Beafcto Man, from Field to City came; It ilew their Heirs, their eideft Hopes, thro 1 all the Tents of Kim... 52. But his own Tribe like folded Sheep, he brought from their Diftrefs : And them conducted like a Flock,. throughout the. Wildernefs. 53. He led 'em on, and in their way, no caufe of Fear they found : But march'd fecurely thro c thofe De*ps in which their Foes were drown'd. 54. Nor ceas c d his Care, till them he brought fafe to his promised Land, And to his holy Mount, the Price of his victorious Hand. 55. To them the out-cad; Heathen's Land he did by Lot divide ; And in thtir Foes abandoned Tents, made lb' el's Tribes refide. P A R T III. $6. Yet ftill they tempted, ftill provok'd the Wrath of God moil High ; Nor would to pracfhfe his Commands . their ftubborn Hearts apply. 57. But in their faithlefs Father's Steps perverfely chofe to go : They turn'd afide like Arrows fhot ir«im fome deceitful. Bow« 58. For him to Fury they provoked- with Altars fet on high : And with their graven images ijc Pftl. Ixxvlii. $9. When God heard this, on J/> c */j Trib:$ his Wrath and Hatred fell ; 60. He quitted SbiU, and the Tents wnere once he chofe to dweiL 61. To vile Captivity his Ark, his Glory to difdain, 62. His People to the Sword he gave, nor would his Wrath reftrain. 63. Deftru&ive War their ableft Youth untimely did confound : No Virgin was to th ; Altar led, with nuptial Garlands crown'd. 64. I» Fight the Sacrincer fell, the Prieft a Victim bled : And.Widows who theiTDeath ffcbuld mourft- themfelves or Grief were dead . £$„ Then as a Giant, row z'd from Sleep* whom Wine had throughly warm'd* Shouti our aloud ; the Lord awak'd> and his proud Foe alarn^d. 64. He ftuote their Hoft, that from the Field a fcatter'd remnant came, With Wounds imprinted on their backs v of everlafting Sname. £7. With Conqueft. crown'd he Jofeph's Tents aid Epbt&Ms Tribe forfook : £$. But Jud*b chofe, and Sion's Mount for his tov'd Dwelling took 6$. His Temple he erected there with Spires exalted high : While deep and fixr, as that of Earth/ the ftrong Foundations lie. 70, His faithful Servant Duvid too he for his Choice did own, And from the Sheep-folds him advaac^d to fit on fcdtb't Jhxez** 71. From Pfal. lxxix. J%% j\. From tending on the teeming Ewes, he brought him forth to feed His own Inheritance, the Tribes of IjrJU chofea Seed. 72. Exalted thus the Monarch- prov'd a faithful Shepherd ftiK ; He fed them with an upright Heart : and guided them with Skill. PSALM LXXIX. r. TVE-hold, O God, how heathen Hoft*- -D have thy Poflemon feiz'd : Thy facred Houfe they hav« defii'd, the holy City raz'd. 2, The mangled Bodies of thy Saiuts abroad unburied lay ; Their flefxtexpos'd tofavage Beafts, and rav'nous Birds of Prey. 3. Quite thro' JerujHem was -their load, like common Water Hied; And none were left alive to pay laft Duties to the Dead. 4% The neighb'ring Lands our fm a Jl Remain* with loud Reproaches wound ; And we a Laughing-ftock are made to all the Nations round* 3» Hong long wilt thou be angry, Lord 5 muft we for ever mourn * Shalt thv devouring jealous Rage like Fire, for ever burn * 6. On foreign Lands that know not thee* thy heavy Vengeance Xhow'r ; Thofe finful Kingdoms let it cru£h that have, not o.t&n'd thy Pow c r. 7, For their devouring Javro have prej c d on Jacob's choisn Race 3 And' 32 Pfal. Ixxlx, Ixxa. And to a barren Defart tum'd their fruitful Dwelling-place, . O think not on our former Sins but fpeedily prevent The utter ftAin of thy Saints, almoft with Sorrow fpenr. | Thou God of our Salvation, helpj - and free our Souls from blame : So (hall our Pardon and Defence exalt thy glorious Name, o. Let Infidels, that fcoffing fay, where is the God they boaft ? In Vengeance for thy ilaughter'd Saints^ perceive thee to their Goft. ;i. Lord, hear the fighing Pris 4 ner's Moan 3 thy facing Pow'r extend ; Preferve the Wretches doom'd to die, from that untimely End. 2. On them, who us opprefl let ail our Siff'rings be repaid : Make their Confuhojv feven times more ' than- what on us they laid. 13. So we thy Peopfe and thy flock, fliall ever praife thy Name : And with glad Hearts our grateful Thanks - from Age to Age proclaim. PSAL M LXXX. OIJru T l ( s Shepherd, Joftpb's Guide, Our Pray*rs to thee vouchfafe to hear. Thou that d oil on the Cherubs ride 2 Again in folemn State appear. 2* Behold, how Benjamin expecfts, With Bpbrazm and bUnajjeb join'dj In our Delivrance the Effeds ; Of thy rcfiftlffs S^engtfe \q find, 3. Da Pfal. Ixxx: 135 3. Do thou convert us, Lord, do thou*. The Luftre of thy Face difplay ; And all the Ills we fuffer now, Like fcatter'd Clouds mall pais away* 4. O Thou, whom heav'nly Hofts obey, How long ihall thy fierce Anger burn I How long thy fuff'ring People pray, - And to their Praye'rs have no Return ?. 5. When hungry, we are forc'd to drendr Our fcanty Food in Floods of Woe : When dry>our raging Thirft we quench With Streams of Tears that largely flow* 6. For us the Heathen Nations round As for a common Prey, conteft ; Our Foes with fpiteful Joy abound And at our loft Condition jeft. 7. Do thou convert us, Lord do thou. The Luilre of- thy Face difplay ; And all the Ills v<*e fuiTer now, Like fcatter'd Clouds mallpais away. P J RT II. 8. Thou brought'ft a Vine from Egypt's Land, And cafting out the Heathen Race, Didft plant it with thy own Righc-hand a And firmly fizz it, in their Place.. S> Before ic thou prepard'ft the Way, And mad'ft ic take a lailing Root Which bleffc with thy indulgent Ray O'er all the Land did widely ilvoot. 10, 1 1 . The Hills were covered with its Shade ' 9 Its goodly Boughs did Cedars feem : Its Branches to the Sea were fpread, And reac h'd to proud Euphrates, Stream. 17. Wh y then haft thou its Hedge o'erthrown Wmch tnou had'ft made fo firm & ftrong | Whilft JJ4 Pfal. lxxx, Ixxxi. Whilft all its Grapes, defencelefs growtt, Are pluck'd by thofe that piis along. 13. See how the bridling Foreft Boar " With dreadful Fury lays it waftc ; Hark how the &Vagc Monflers roar. And to their helplefs Prey make hafte. P A RT III 14. To thee, O God of Hofts we pray ; Tn wonted GoodneftLord renew : Ffom Heav'r! thy Throne this Vine furvey, And her fad State with Pity view. 15. Bebol i the Vineyard, made by thee, Which thy Right-hand did guard lb long : And keep that Branch from Danger free, Which for thy felt thou mad'ft fo ftrong. to*. To wailing Flames 'tis made a Prey, And all its Spreading Boughs cut down, At thy Rebuke they foon decay, And perifh at thy dreadful frown. 7. Crown thou the King with good Succefs, Bv thy Right-hand i"ecur : d from Wrong -, The Son of Man in Mercy blefs Whom for thy felf thou mad'itfo ftrong, t8. So fhall we frill continue free from wbarffee'ec deferves thy blame; And it once more revived by thee, Will always prate thy holy Name. p. D^ thou convert us, Lord, do thou The Luftre of thy F^ce difplay *, And all the Ills we fuffer now. Like fcatrer'd Clouds ihall pais away. PSALM LXXXI. TO God, our never totting S:rength, A.ici j< Ful .Noife : awful King, PfaT. IxxxL 135: 2. Compofe a H\mn of Praife and touch your Instruments of -Joy ; Let Pfakeries and pleafant Harps your grateful Skill employ, 3. Let Trumpets at the great New Moon their joyful voices raife. To celebrate th* appointed rime, the folemn Day of Praife. 4. For this a Statute was of old, which Jacob's God decreed To be with pious Care obferv'd by lfr but could not understand. £. ;, Your burthen'd Shoulders I re!iev c d, f thus feems our God to fay ) try'd. PART II. 3. While I my folemn Will declare, my chofen People hear: If thou. O Ijmei, to my Words will iend thy lift'ning Ear : 9, Then (halt no God befides thy felf within thy Ceafh.be found: Nor X}6 Pfal. lxxxi, Ixxxik Nor ill 31 It thou worlhip any God of ail the Nacions round. [ Ho, The Lord thy Gqd am I wh3 thee brought forth hom. E^yp^s Land.: I 'Tis Itiut all thy juft Deiires fupply with lib'ral Hand. I ii. Hue they, my chofen Race, refas'd It to hearken to my Voice : , Nor would rebellious ljr'rt'% Sons make me theic happy Choice 12* So I provok'd, refign them up* 1 to ev'ry Luft a Prey : I And in their own perverfe Deiigafj . permitted them to ftay. K 3. O that mv People wifely would. ; my juft Commandments heed I And IJr el in my righteous ways wi;h pious Care proceed, J 14. Then mould my hea*| Judgment* fall* I on all that them oppofe : And my avenging Hand be turn'd againfl their num'rous Foes. 1$. Their Enemies and mine fhould all before my Foot-ftool bend : But as for them their happy State ihould never know an End 4 : 16* Ail parts with Plenty mould abound: with £neft Wheat their Field, The barren Rocks, to pleafe their talte, iuould ricjjeft Honey yield. PSALM LXXXII. I. f Pfal. Ixxxixi. *37 c, 3. How dare you then unjuftty judge, or be to Sinners kind ? Defend the Orphans and ;he Poor, let fuch your juftice find. 4. Proted the humble helplefs Man, reduc'd to deep diftrefs, And let not him become a Prey to fuch as would opprefs. 5% They neither know, nor will they learnj but blindly rove and ftray : Juftice and Truth the World's Support!* thro 4 ail the Land decay. A Well then may God in anger fays and proud Sifera, at K\jhoti l $ fatal Scream. to. When thy Right-hand their mim c rous near Endor did contound, f HofU And left their Carcaflfes for Dung to feed the hungry Ground. 11. Let all their mighty Men the Fate of Zeb and Oreb fhare : As Zebtb and Ztttmunnab: fo let all thei* Princes fare. iic Who Pfal. Ixxxiii, Ixxxiv. 139' 12. Who with the fame Defign infpir'd, thus vainly boafting fpake 1 In firm pofTefilon for" our felvcs. Met us God's Houfes take. 13. To Ruin let them hafte like Wheels which downwards fw i ifcly move: Like Chaff before the Winds, lee all their fcatter'd Forces prove. 14,15. As Flames confume dryW T ood, or Heath that on parch'd mountains grows; So lee thy Herce purfuing Wra:h with Terror ftrike thy Foes. l6, 17. Lord, ihroud their Faces with Difgrace J that they may own thy Name : Or them confound, whofe hardcn'd HeattS ( thy gentle Means difclaim 18. So fhall the wand'ring World confers that thou, wh-> claim'ft alone Jebovab s Name o'er all the Earth haft rais'd thy lofty Throne. PSALM LXXXIV. ii f\ God of Hofts, the mjght) Lord, W how lovely is the Place Where thou, enthron'd in glory, fhew'ft the Brighuiefs of thy Face ! ^2. My longing Soul faints with Defirc, to view thy bleft Abode : My panting Heart and Flefli cry out for thee the living God. 3. The Birds more happy far than I, around thy Temple throng j Securely there they build, and there fecurely hatch their Young, 4, O Loid of Hells my King, an4 God, how higl ly bleft arc they 14° Pfal. lxxxiv. Who in thy Temple always dwell, and there thy Praife difplay % - $ 4 Thrice happy rhey, whofe Choict hasThe* their fure Protection made ; Who long to tread the facred wa)* that to thy dwelling lead. 4. Whopafs thro' B* be thou his ftrong Defence : io. For in thy Courts one iingle Day «tis better to attend, Than, Lord, ia any place befide* a thoufand Days to fpend. Much rather in God's Houfe will I the meaneft Oifice take, Than in the Wealthy Tents of Sin my pompous Dwelling make. Et« For God is both our Sun and Shield* will Grace and Glory give; And no good tbirig will he with-hold from shem that^juftly live. I*« Thou God, whom heav c nly Hofts ob*yi how highly bleft is he. Pfal, IxxxY. 14c Wliofe Hope and Truft, fecurcly placed, is ftill repos'd on thee f PSALM LXXXV. x. T Ord thou haft granted co thy Land, JL# the Favours we impior'd-; And faithful Jacob's cap:ive Race haft gracioufly reftor'd. 2, 3. Thy Peoples Sins thou haft forgiv'n, and all their Guilt defac'd ; ' Thou haft not let thy Wrath £ame on, nor thy fierce Anger laf;. 4. O God, our Saviour, all our Hearts to thy Obedience turn ; That quencht with our repenting Tears thy Wrath xio more may burn. 5,6. For why flibuldft thou be angry ftiR, and Wrath lb long rerain : Revive us, Lord, and let thy Saints thy wonted Comfort gain. 7. Thy gracious Favour, Lord, difplay, * which we have long implored : And fo r thy wond*rous Mercies fake thy wonted Aid afford. S.Gods Anfwer patiently Til wait, for he with glad Succefs, ( If they no more to Follv turn ) his meurnmg Saints will blefs* ?. To all that fear his holy Name his iure Salvation's near ; And in its former happy ftatt our Nation Ihall appear. o. For Mercy now with Truth is join'd ? and Righteoufnefs with Peace, Like kind Companions abfent long, with friendly Arms embrace, C IL'il ■I4» Pfal.'Ixjcxvi. ?. Truth from theE irh (hall fpring flufi Screams or J iftice pour : ( Hi And God from whom all Gooanwii flo, , fliJl endLf* Piemy fliow'r. 23. Before him Righteouinef ihall march, and his Juft Paths prepare : Whilft we his holy fteps purfue, with conftant Zeal and Care. PSALM LXXXVI. I* *-pO my Complaint, O Lord my God, <■*> thy gracious Ear incline: Hear me diftreft, and deftitute of ail Relief but thine, 2 , 3. Do thou, O God, prefervc' my Sou!, that does thy Name adore : Thy Servant keep, and him whofe Truffc relies on Thee, reftore. To me who daily Thee invoke, thy Mercy, Lord, extend. 4. Refreih thy Servant's Soul, whofe Hopes on Thee alone depend, 5 . Thou, Lord, arc §oo&, not only-good, but prompt to pardon too : Of plenteous Mercy to all thofe who icr thy Mercy Cue, <5. To my repeated humble Pray'r, O Lord attentive be ! 7. When Ttoubl'd I on thee wiU'caP, for thou wilt anftver me. 8. Among the Gods there s none like Thee ? „ O Lord, alone divine ! To chee as much inferiour they, as are their Works to chine. .£ t Therefor? their threat Creator Thee the Nations iliall adore, Thei Pfal. brxxvi. 14^ Their long mifguided Pray'rs and Pcaife, ' to thv bleft Name reftore. 10. All ihalj confefs Thee great ; and great the Wonders thou haft done : Confefs thee God, the -God fupream ; confefs thee God alone. P A RT II. 11. Teach me thy way,0 Lord, and I from Truth fliall ne'er depart* In rev'rence to thy iacred Name devourlv fix my heart. 12. Thee will I praife, O Lord my God, praife ti^ee in Heart (incere : And to thy everlafting Name Eternal Trophies rear. 13. Thy bound Jefs Mercy fliewn to me tranfeends my Pow'er to tcK, For thou haft oft redeemed my Sou! from loweft depths of Hell. 14.: O God, the Sons of Pride and Strife have my Deftruction fought, Regardlefs of thy Pow'r that ofc has my Deliv'rance wrought 15, But thou thy conftant Goodnef* u to my Afiiftance bring ; Of Patience, Mercy, and of Truth 3 thou everlafting Spring! t& O bounteous Lord, thy Graced $tzer?: • to me thy Servant Hiow : ,. Thv kind Protection. Lord, on me thy Handmaid's Son beftow. {7. Some Signal give, which my prci'c may fee with (h a in e and rage, VVScn thou, O Lord, for my R.eikf a-cl Comfort doft engage/ C * «44 Pi'dl. Ixxxvii, hn&Viii. PSALM LXXXVII. r. /~*Od'i Temple crowns the holy Mount ; *Va the Lord there condeicends to dwell. 2. H*s Sion s Gates, in his account, our Ifr+eHriiirtA Tents excel. £. Fame glorious things of Thee mall fing, O City of th i Almighty King ! 4 # MI mention R*b*b with due Praife § in Babjlon's Applauies join, The Fame of JStbiopU raife, wich that of lye and Fxltsiine ; And grant that force amongit them borri 3 their Age and Country did adorn* **. But flill of .Sion I'll averr that many fuch from her proceed : Th' Almighty fliall eftablifli her. 6. His gen-ral Lift (lull fhew, when read ThatJuch a Perfon there was bon, r and fuck did fuch sin Age adorn. 7. He'll Sion find with Numbers iiil'd of inch as merit hi^h Renown : wFor Hand and Voice Muficiani skillM, and her ( tranfcending Fame to crown ) Of fuch (he mall Succeilions bring, like Waters from a living Spring. PSALM LXXXVIil. 1. **r»0 thee my God and Saviour I" 1 By Day and Night addrefs my Cry ; 2. Vouchfafe mv mournful Voice to hear, To :ny Diftrtft incline thine Ear> 3. For Seas of Trouble me invade. M. 5oul draws nigh toDeath^s cold ihade, j^ Like one whofe Strength & Hopes are rlea, they number me among :he Dead. yjv Like thoie -who flirouded in the-Grave, from thee uo mors Kemeoabra»ce bavjc: Pfal. Ixxxviii; £$.< C.ift off from thv fuftraining Care, 6. Down to the Confines of Defp iir. 7. Thv Wrath r«*s hard upon me Iain, Afftrcting me with reftlefs Pain : Me ail thy Mountains Waves have prfcft^ Too weak alas > to. bear, the biaih Si Remov'd from Friends, I figh alone. J^ a Loath c d Dungeon laid, where none-* A Vifir will vouchrafe to me,' Confln'd j^aft Hope? of Liberty. % My Eyes fronr weeping never ceaf¥, Thev wafte, bnr fViil my Grief? increafe ; Yet daily. Lord, to thee I prav w d. With Oiit-ilretcht Hands invok'd thy Aid, . 10. Wile thou by Mrtracle revive The Dead, whom thou forfook'ft AHve f ' From Death reftore thy Praife to fins;, Whom thou fromPrifon would'ft not by In/ ? 11 . Shall the mute Grave :\\\ Love confers i A mold *ring Tomb thy Fafthruinefs ? 12. Thy Truth and ?ow'r Renown obcain, . Where Darkuels and ObJivion rcigu ? 13. To thee, O'L'ord. I trv forlorn, Mv Frav'r prevents the early Morn. 14. W T hy haft thou. Lord, my Soul torfookj Nor once vouchiVf'd a gracious Look t 15. Prevaiimg Sorrows bear me dow n Which from my Youth rrhb wc/xw grown Thy Terrors pat\ diftract my Mind, And Fears of blacker Days behind. i< Thy WTath haft burit upon mv Head, 1 . Thv Terrors iiil my Soul with Dread : if. Environed as wi:n Waves combined, And for a genera i Deluge j-oin'd. i3..My Loveis, Friends, ramaiiars all * G x Rcmov'd I J46 Pfa!. Ixxxix. RemovM from Sight, and out of calf ; To dark Oblivion all retir'd Dead, or at leaft to me expir Were formed by thy creating Voice ; labor and Hcrmon- Eaft and Weft, In thy fuftaining Power rejojee. 13. Thy Arm is mighty) ftrong thy Hand, Yet, Lord, thou doft with Juftice reign : 14. PofTeft of abfolute Command-, Thou Truth and Mercv does maintain. 15-JHappy, chrice ha?p • they who hear Thy facred Trumpet's joyful Sound : Who may at Feitivals appear, With thy moil glorious Prefence crown'd,' X& Thy Saints ihall alwat s be o'erjoy'd. Who on thy facred Name rely; And in thy RJghteoufnefs emplo 'd, Above their Foes be rais'd on high. 27. For in thy Strength they fhail advance, Whofe Conquefts from thy favour ipring, iS. The Lord of Hofts is our Defence, And Ijmls God our Ifra'ls Xing. ip. Thus fpak c ft thou by thy Prophet's Voicc t ' A mighty Champion 1 will fend, c From JulJr* Trib? have I made choice JOf onc-vho (lull the reft defend 4 G 4 20. My *4* . Pfal. Ixxxix 20. " My Servant V*vU I have found, i With holv Oil anointed him : ^x.^Himfliall theHand fupport that crownM c And guard that s*ave the Diadem. 22. < No Prince from Kin: (hall Tribute forced * No Son of Strife (hall him annoy ; 23. 4 His fpiteful Foes V wiJJ difperfe, ' And them before his Face deftroy. 24. c My Truth and Grace (hall him fuftaia, * His Armies in well-ordered Ranks, 25. ^ Shall conquer trom the TyUn Main 4 To T^ri/ and Eupbratts Banks. a*. ' Me for his Father he mall take, ' His God and Kock of Safety call : 27. c Him T my Firft-born Sen will make f * And Earthly Kings his Subjects ^\\ m 38. 6 To him my Mercy I'll fecure. 6 M*y Covenant make for ever fa ft. 3$. c His Seed for ever i7xs.il endure, € His Throne till Heav'n diiiulves,f!ull laffc P A R T 11 30. c But ifHis Heirs my Law forfake, 4 And from my (acred Precepts ftray, 31. ; Ii they my righteous Statutes break, * Nor ftrictly my Commands obey. 32. c Xfreir Sins \'\l vt4lt with a Rod, ' And for their FoHy make them fmart : 33.' Yet will not ccafe to be their God, * Nor from my Truth like them depart. 34* 'My Cov'nant I will ne'er revoke, k But in remembrance fa ft retain, 4 The thing that once my Lips have fpokt * Shall in eternal Force remain. 35. * Once have I fworn. but once ror all, * And made my Holinefs the tic : 4 That I Prat. Incite. < That I oiy Grant will ne'er recall* 4 Nor ro my .Servant D.ivid lie. j£. c Whofe Throne & Kace the conftant Sub j • Shall like hi> Courfe, efta-bliil*: fee, 37. < Of this my Oath thou AX fluil under the, Almighty's Shade* Secure and undifturbM abide, a. Thus to my Soul of him V\\ fay. He is my Fortre&and my Stay, My God, in whom I will confide. 3. His tender Love and watchful Care Shall free thee from rhe Fowler's Snarf* And from the noifome Peftilence : 4. He over thee his Wings fhall fpread. And cover thy unguarded head; His Truth Ihait be thy ilrong De&nce* 5« No Terrors that furprize by Night, Shall thy undauntedCourage fright - deadly Shafts that fly by Elay ^ 6. Nor Plague of lunknown Kile, that kills In Darknefs, nor infectious lils, That in the hotteft feafon Hay* 7. A thoufand at thy fide fhall die, At thy Righ:-hand ten thoufand lie, While tny torn health untcuch'd remain. PfaKxci, xcii. IS] Thau only malt look on, and fee The Wicked's difmal Tragedy^ And count the Sinner's mourr ?> Becaufe with weil-placd Confic Thou makft the Lord thy lure I And on the Higheft doit rely, io. Therefore no 111 ihali the befall, Nor to thy healthful Dwelling dial!}. Any infectious Plague draw nigh, ii. For he thro'out thy happy days; To keep thee Cafe in all thy ways, ShaH give his Angels ftri hx% soodneu to relate* And J 5 + Pfal. xeii. An J of his con (lane Truth, each Night, the glad Erf eds repeat, > The ten ftring'd Inftruments we'll fing, wicli tuneful Plait 1 ries jo\ n'd. And to the Harp with folcnan founds, tor facred ufe defign'd. I %, For thro* thy wond rou* works, O Lord,- rhou m.ik'fl: my Heart rejoice, The thoughts of them lhaH make me glad) and iltout with chearfwl voice. $ s 6. How wondrous are thy works, O Lord D how deep are thy Decrees 1 Whofie windingTracfis in fee ret laid, no ftupid Sinner fees. 7. He little thinks when wicked Men* j like Grafs looks frerti and gray, How foon their fhort-liv>d Splendour mull x for ever pafs avray. 3, $>. But thou, my God. art ftill raoft High 5 and all thy lofty Foes, Who rhought they might fecurels fin, fhall be o'erwhelm'd with Woes. jo. Whil'ft thou exaic'fl m> fov'reign Pow'i> and mak^ft it iargelv fpread. And with refrelhing Oil anoint 'it. my confecrated Head. II. I foon Hull fee my ftubborn Foes to utter Ruin brought, And hear the difmal End of thofe who have againil me fought. j2» But righreousMen. like fruitful PaimSj mail make a glorious (how, As Cedars that on Lebanon in ftasetly order grow. 13, 14, Theft* planted in chc Houie of God ? within m Courts liull thrive, Pfirl. xciii, xCiv. 15$ Their Vigour and their Luftre both tfiall in old age revive. 15. Thus will the Lord his Janice £hew, and God my flrong Defence, Shall due Rewards to ail the World impartially difpenfe. PSALM XCIII. *• TlT'Ith Glory c!aa, with Strength array'd^ W The Lord* ihat o'er all Nature reigns . The World's Foundations ftrongly laid, And the v^ft Fabrkic rtiil fuftains. 2* How fure eit afaliOic is thy Throne I Which /hall no Change or Period fee, For rhou O Lord, and thou alone. Art God trom ail Eternity. 3, 4. The Floods, O Lord lift up their Voice And tofs the troubled Waves on high ; But God above can fhil the Noife, And make the Angry Sea comply. 5. Thy Promife, Lord, is ever fure, And thev tha* in thv Houfe would dweL-, That happ* Station to lecure, Muft ftill in Holmefs excell. PSALM XCJV. r 3 2. /->* God to whom Revsnge belongs* ^J tbv Vengeance now difclofe ; Arife. thou Judge of all the Earth, J- and crufh thy haughty Foes. 3, 4. How long, 6 Lord, ihill finful Men their folemn Triumphs make ? How long their wicked Actions boaft ? and iniblently fpeak f 5, 4. Not only cbey thy Saints opprefs, bjt unprovok'd they fpi|[ " The Widow s and the Stranger's Blood* an4 belpkfi Orphans kill, 7. ' AnA X j6 Pfal.xciv. 7. * And ye: the Lord fliall ne'er perceive, ( prophanety thus they fpake ) Nor any Notice of our Deeds the God of Jj.coh cake. 8. At length ye ftupid Fools, your Wanti, endeavour to difcern : In Folly will you itill proceed, and Wifdom .never le*rn ? f, 10. Can he be .deaf who form'd the Ear, or blind who>£raua'.d-.the.E>-e ? Shall Earth's great Judge not punilh thofe Who his known Will defie"? It, He fathoms *U' the Thoughts of Men^ to him their Hearts lie bare, His Eyes furveys them all, and fcc$ bow vain their CounfeLs axe. V ART II 12. Bleft is the Man,, whom thou, O Lord, in kindnefs doft chaftife ; And by thy facred Rules to walk doft lovingly adviie. 13. This Man ihali Reft and Safcety fiad in Seafons of Diftreft ; Whilft God prepares a Pit for thofe that ftubbornly tranfgre r -. 14.. Fc?. God will never from -his Saints his Favour wholly take, His own PcfTeftion and his Lor, he wijl nor quire for fake. 15. The World fliall then confefs theejuft- ro all that thou hail done, And thofe that chufe thy upright ways, fhail in thofe Paths go on* 16, Who will appear in my behalf when wicked M*n invade ( Pfil. xclv, xcv. i57 Or who when Sinners would oppref^ my righteous Caufe fhall plead ? 17,18-, 19. Long (Mice had I in filence flcpt> but that the Lord was near, To {lay me when I dipt, when (ad> my troubled^ £$e*art to chear. 20. Wilt thou,: wt*r> art a God moSk ju&* their finful Throne fu&ain, Who make the Law a. fair pretence their wicked Ends to gain I ai.Againft the Lives of righteous Men they form their clofe Defikn : And Blood of jnrypcents to fp'U, in folcmh Lfcagrre combine. 7%, &ut my pefence is firmly plac'd. in God; tfedi Lord moil high* He is my JLctck to which I may a for Refuge always fty. «£• The Lord mail caufe their ill De£gn$ en their own Heads to fail, He in rhefc fins 11? all cut them off, our God Ihali flay them all, PSALM XCV- 1. r\ Come loud Anthems let us fing, ^-^' Loud Thanks to our Almighty King, For we our Voices hich mould raiie. When our Salvation's 'Rock we praiiev 2, Into his pretence \ci us haile, To thank him for hi? Favours paft; To him addrefs in joyful Songs, The Praife that to his Name belong* ;<. For God the Lord, enthron'd in ftate Is with unrival'd Giory great; A King fuperior tar to ail. Whom. Gods the Heathen fal£ty cal!. 4. The ~i 8 Pfal. xcv, xcvi. The Depths of Ei^th arc in hi: Hand, H-r (ecr*t Weilrh at his command ; Tne Strength of Hills chat i each the Ski*s, Subj^ Earth faw k and with Tenor fliook. '5. The proudeft Hills his Prefence feLr, Their height nor ftrength could help afford. The proudeil: H His like wax did melc In preience of th' Almighty Lord* \€ • The Heav'ns his Righteoufnefs to tfiow* With Storms of Fire our Foes purtird * And all the trembling World below, Have his defending Glory view'd. 7. Confounded be their impious hoft, Who make the Gods to whom they ptay ; All who of Pageant Idols boift ; To him^ye G;is your Worflwp pay. . 8. Glad Sion of-thy Triumph heard, And Jud*b's Daughters were o'erjoy'd ; ; Becaufe thy rigi:eoin JuigmentSj Have Pagan Pride and Pow'r deftroyUr ?. For thou, O God. art feared high. Above Earth's Potentates enthrond ; Thou, Lord, unrival'd in the Sky, Suoream fey all xn: God* art own-d 10. You> Pfal. xcvlii l6t io. You, w"ho to ferve rhis Lord, afpire, Abhor what's HI, and Truth efleem : He'll keep his Servants Souls entire, And them from wicked Hands redeem. ii. For Seeds are -(own of glorious Light, A future Harveft for the Juft ; And Gladnefs for the Heart tkat c S right* To rccom pence its pious Trufl. :2. Re Joyce ye rk-hteous in rfac Lord, Memorials of his RoKnefs Deep in jour faithful Breafts record, And with your thankful Tongues «^ Who wondrous things hat done : Wic#i his Right-hand and holy Arm the Conqueft he has won. 3. The Lord has thro* the aftonifht World difplay'd his faving Might, And made his righteous A&$ appear in all the Heathens tig'it. 3. Of Ifael't Houfe his Lore and Truth hath ever mindful been : Wide 'Earth's remoteft Parts the Pow'r of Ifrud : i God have ieen. 4. Let therefore Earths Inhabitants their ch earful Voices raife, And all with univerfal Joy reiound their Maker's praife. Kith Harp and Hymns iof: Melody into the Contort brin$ 6. The Trumpet and mrill before th' Almghty King. 7, Let the loud Ocean roar iter Jof ; with ail that Seas contain ; T* 1 • fofc Melody Cornet's ib«ncT, tine. Cz Pfal. xcix. The Earth and her Inhabitants join Confort with the Main, .With j») let Riv'lets fwell to Stream*, to fpreading Torrents they ; And ecchoing Vales from Hill to Hill, redoubled Shouts convey : . Toweicome down the Worlds great Judge who does with Juftice come : And with impartial Equity, both to reward and doom. PSALM XCIX. i rr'Ebovab reigns, let therefore all J the purity Nations quake : On Cherubs wings he fits' Cnthron'd t let Earth's Foundation's fhake. . On Sion's Hill hs keeps his Court, his Palace makes her Tow'rs : Yet thence his Sov'reignty extends fupream o'er ^earthly Pow'rs. . Let therefore all with Praife addrefs his gre*at and dreadful Name: And wirh his unrefifted Might, his Holinefs proclaim. * For Truth and Juftice in his Reign, of Strength and Po*'r take place: His Judgments are with Righteoufaeft difpens'd to Jacob s Race. . Therefore exalt the Lord out God* before his Footftool fall And with his unrtiift^d Might, His Holinefs extol. u hicjes and iniplor'd^ he gracioefly reph d. t, For u/uh their Camp :o guide their March I rhe cloudv Pillar mov d-; They kept his Laws and :o his Witt obedient Servants prov*d 4 8. He anfwer'd them, forgiving oft his People for their fake ; And thofe who ralhiy them oppofs'd, did fad Examples make. I 5. With Worfliip at his facred Courts exalt our God and Lord ; For he, who only holy is, alone fliall be adot'd. PSAL M C. r ; 2. trrlth one confent let all tta Eartk ▼ V To God their chearhilVoices raife, Glad Homage pa* with awful Mirth 3 J And fing before him Songs of praife. 3. Convinc'd that he is God alone, From whom both we and ail proceed ; We, whom he chufes for his own, The Flocks that he vouchfafes to feed* 4. O enrer then his Temple Gate, Thence to his Courts devoutly prefs, And ftiil your grateful Hymns repeat* \ And ilill his Name with praifes blefs • , 5. For he's the Lord fupreamly good, Ha Mercy is for ever fure; His Truth which a. 1 ways firmly flood s 1 To cnctltfs Ages fliali endure. P S A L M CL OF Mercy's rever failirg Spring, And ftedfaft Judgment X will fing 164 Pfel. -ci, cii. And fincc they both to rhec belong, To thee, O Lord, addrefs my Song. • 2. When, Lard, thou llialt with me rtfide. Wife difcipline my Kcign lltall guide; With blameleisLife m> felt' I'll make A Pattern for my Court to take. 3. No iH Defign will I purfue. Nor thole my Fav'rites make that do, 4- Who to Reproofs bears no regard, Him will 1 totally difcard. 5. The private Slanderer iJiaJl be, In publktc Juftice doom'd by me : From haughty Looks I'll turn alide, Aod mortifie the Heart of Pride. (#. But bone&y call'd from her Cell, In fplendour at my Court mall dwell ; Who Vcrtues practice, make their Care, Stall have the hrft Preferments there, 7, No Politicks mail recommend His Countrey's Foe to be tny Friend : None e'er fhali to my Favour rife By fiatc'ring or malicious Lies. S, All thofe who wicked Courfes take, J An early Sacrifice I'll make: Cut off, de/troy, till none remain Gods holy City to prophane. PSALM CII. l.\TTHen I pour out my Soul in Pray'r, W do thou, O Lord attend •, To thy eternel Throne of Grace let my fad Cry afcend. a, O hide not thou thy glorious Face in times of deep diftrefs, Incline thine Ear, and when I call, my Sorrows foon redreft, 3. Each PfaL cii. % l6j 3. Each elaudy Portion of my Life, like fcatter'd Smoke expires : My fluivel'd Bones are like a Hearth parchd -with continual Fires. 4. My Heart, like Grafs that feels the *!afS: of fome infectious Wind, Does languifli fo with Grief, that fcarce niy needful Food I mind. 5. By reafon of my fad eftate « I fpend my Breath in Groans : My Flefk is worn away, my Skin, fcarce hides my starting Bones. 5. Im like a Pelican become, that does in Defarts mourn : Or like an Owl that (its all day in hollow Trees forlorn. 7. In Watehings or in refUefs Dreams the Night by me is fpewt : As by thofe folitary Bird* that lonefome Roofs frequent, 8. All day by railing Foes I'm made the Subject of their Scorn : Who all poflfcft with furious Rage, hare my Deftruction fworn. 9. When grov'Iing on the Ground I lie, xjppreft with Grief and'Fears. My Bread is ftrew'd with A^ies o c ef 3 my Drink js mxc with Tears, to. Becaufe on me with double weight thy heavy Wrath does lie : For thou, to mate jm fall more great, did/l life me up on high. .£, My days juft haft ning to their en fo$ with jjft revenge purfues. 7. God made ot old his nghteons Ways To Mojfes and our Fathers known.: His Worki to his eternal Praife, Were to the Sons of Jucob ilicwn. ^. The Lord abounds with tender Love* And unexampi'd Acts of Grace, lii$ waken'd Wrath doth (lowly move i His willing Mercy flows apace. *& 10. God wiii not always harOily chide, But with his Anger quickly part; And Joves his Pumflimcnts to guide More b; "his Love than our Defer:. it. As high gf Heav'n its Arch extends, Above this little Spot of Ciay ; £0 much his baundlefs Love tranfeend* The fmaJl Rcfpccts that we can pay. i2» 13. A« far as 'tis from Eaft to Weil, S > far has he our Sins remov c d *, W.ho with a Father's tender Breaft Has fuch as fear him always lov'd, 5. For God, who all our Frame furveys, ConfiJers that we are but Clay; How freili foe'er we feem, our Days Like Grafs or Flowers mufl fade away. 16 17. Whilst they are nipt with iudden BUii can we find tneir former pUce ; Gods faithful Mercy ever lafts, To chofe that tear him, and their Race; *8. This flull attend on fuch as ftill P oceed in his appointed wa- And whe not only know his Wiii, Cut coit juft Obedience pay, Pfal. civ. *6$ ly, 20. The Lord, the univerfal King,: In Heavn has fat his lofty Throne : To him, ye Angels praifcs n*ng, In whoft great ftrengch his Pow'r is fiiowrl Ye that his jufl Commands ohey, And hear and do his facred Will ; 2t. Ye Hoils ot hw, this Tribute pay, Who ftill what he ordains fulfil. 32. Let ev'ry Creature jovnrly blefs The mighty Lord : and thou, my hearr, With grateful joy thy thanks exprels ; And in this Conforc bear thy part. PSALM CIV. 1. "DLefs God, my Soul, thou Lord alone -D Poilefleft Empire without Bounds ; W T ithHonour thou art crown'd ; thy Throne Eternal Majefty furrounds. 2. With Light thou doft thy felf enrobe, And Glorv for a Garment take : Heav'nsCurtains ftretch beyond theGlobe- Thy Canopy of ftate to make. 3. God builds on liquid A*r, and forms^ His Palace-Chamber in the Skies: The Clouds his Chariots, are, and Storo't The fwifc wing d Steeds with which he flies 4. As bright as Same, as fwitt as wind His Minifters Heavens palace fill, To have their fundf* Tasks aflign'd ;., Ail proud to ferve their Sov reigns Will. 5. 6. Earth on her Center fixt ; he fet, Her face with Wateis overfpread, Nor pcoudeft- Mountains dar'*d as yet. To lift above the Waves the Head.. \ Bur when thy awful Face appear'd Tb ; inluhing Waves difpers'd : thev fled H} When 17° PfaU civ. When once thyThtinder's Voice tbey heard And by their haft confefs their dread. & Thence up by fecrec Traces they creep, And gufhing from the MounrainViide, Thro' Valleys travel to the Deep, Appointed to receive their Tide. ?. There haft thou fixt the Oman's mound*, The threat'ning Surges to repell ; That they no more o'erpafs their boundf. Nor to a fecond Deluge fweif. -F A R T II. io. Yet thence in fmalier patries drawn, The Sea recovers her loft Hills : And ftartine Springs from ev'ry Lawn; Surprize the Vales Wich plenteous Rills. 1 1. The Fields tame Beads are thither led, Weary wich Labour, faint wirh Drought ? And AfTesonVild Mountains bred, Have tente to find chefe Currents ont. 12. There fliady Trees, from icorching Beams* Yield <7ieiter to the feather'd Throng : They drink, and to the bounteous Screams- Return the Tribute of their Song. 13 His Rains fromHeav'n parent hiils recruic That foon tranfmic the liquid Store : Till Eirch is burden'd wich her Fruit, And Nature's Lao can hold no more. 14. Grafs for our Cattei to devour, He makes the Growth ot ev ry Field : Herbs fur nun's ufe, of various pow'r, That cither Food or Phyfkk yield. : 5. Wich cluiter'dGrape* he crowns th^ Vine, To chear Man's Heart oppreib with Cares : ■Gives Ok-1 that makes his Face to flvine, And Corn, thac waited Strength repairs. PART. Pfal. civ. 171 PART III. Z6. The Trees of God without; ths Care Oc Art of Man, with £a? are feci : The Mo u n tain- Ceo a r looks as hit As-thofein Royal Gardens bred, 17' Safe in the lofcy Cedars Arms The Wand'rers of the Air may reft : The hofpitable Pine from harms Protects the Scork her pious Guefl, 18. Wild Goats the craggy Rock afcend, It's towering heights their Fortreis make ? Whofe Cells in Labyrinths extend, Where feebler Creatures refuge take, I?.. The Moon's inconstant Afpecft mows Th^ appointed Seafons of the Year ; The inftrucTted Sun his D-*cy knows, His Hours to rife and difappear. 20j2i.Darknefs he makes the Earth to llirowd When Foreft Bea*ls fecirrelyiftrav : . Young Lions roar their Wants aloud To Providence that fends 'cm Prey. 22. They range all Night on {laughter benty;, Till fummon'd b, the rifing Morn, To feu Ik in Dens with one con feat, The confcious Ravagers return... 2 3. Forth tothe Tillage of his Soil, The Husbandman fecurely goes Commencing .with the Sun his Toil, With him returns to his Repofe. 24. How various,Lord, chy Works are fou: For which thy vViioom we adore I The E«r:h is with thy Treafure crown'd,' Tiii Nature's Hand can grafp no more, P J R I I! r . 25. But ftill the vad unfatho.oTd M?in, Of. Wonders a new Scene Aipp-Uss. 17 1 Pfal. civ. Wbofe Depths Inhabitants contain Of every Form and every Size. y26. Fail freighted Ships from ev ; ry Port, , %*. There cut their unmolefted way ; §^ JL.-vi.ibun, whom there to fport ;|§ T^ou mad ; ft, has compafs there to play : ,J?7. Thefe various Troops of Sea and Land* ^ In fenft of common Want agree, 9 f? ^»A-il v»/ait on thy di/penfmg Hand, £23. Tney gather what thy Stores difperftj Without chejr trouble to provide 3< Thou op. ft thy Hand, the Univcrfe, 5 * 5\ The craving World is art K:ppl; d. »-'?. Thou for a Moment hid'ft, th; Race* ^ The numerous Ranks of Creatures mourns &•. Thou tak'ft their Breach. all Nature sK^ce, \j^ Forth with to Mother Earth return. ' 3°- Again thou fend ft thv Spirit forth, ^ T niipire the Mafi with vital Seed : ^Nmire'-s reftord, and Patent Earth ja Smiles on hep new created Breed. I 31. Thus through fuccemve Ages ftands ? *Jv Firm fi* c thy providential Care : ^ Pleas d with the Wo k of thine ovn hand?^ J Thou doft the wift.es of time repair. -A2. One Look of thine, one wrathtul Look, 34 Hart^ s panting Breaft with Terror fills, I R One touch from thee^withClouds ofSmoke rj In darknefs ihtouds the proudeft Hills. 33. In prating God, while he prolongs My Breath. I wilt that Breath imploy ; .. And joyn I>evo:ion to my SongSj Sincere, as is in him my Joy. 1 35. WhileSinners fromEarth s face arehurl'd My Sou!; pjraift thou his holv Name : TiM Pfal. cv. 175 Till with my Song the Iiftning Worlct Joyn conforc and his praife proclaim. PSALM CV. 1. r\ Render Thanks, and blefs the Lord, ^ invoke his facred Name: Acquaint the Nations wkh his Deeds,- in matchlefs Deeds proclaim. 2. Sins co his praifr in lofcv H . mns, bis wondrous Works rehearfe ; Make them the Theme of your DiLcourfcj, and Subject of your Vcrfe. 3„ Rejoyce in his Almighty Name- alone ro be ador'd ; And let their Heart o-reflow with Joy that humbly fe^k the Lord: 4- Seek ye the Lord, his laving ftrength devoutly ftiil implore ; And where he's ever prefent, feek- his face for evermore.. 5 t The wonders that his hands have wrou^hfc" keep thankfully in mind : The righteous Statutes of his Nfouth, and Laws to us al^gn'd. 6. Know \ e his Servant vAbrafarii Seed, and Jscofrs c hole n R_ 7. He s ftill our God, his judgments iUlli thrcv-ou: the earth take place.. 8. His Cov'nant he hath kept in mind' for num rous Ages pa£bj Which yet for rbmifand Ages rarer ey in eq-ial force (hail Uft : . 9. Firft Bgnd to xAbr*m ne;-? by Oath to Ijuj.c made C.cure : iq. To Jacofcincl his Heirs a Law. for ever to endure*. Ho. u, Tlia« 1 1 74 Pfal. cv, : [. That Canon's Land fliould be their Lof, when vet but few there were : 12. And few in number, and thofe few ail friendiefs grangers there. 13. In Pilgrimage from Realm to Realm ? fecurely they removed : 14.. Whilft proudeft Monarchs for their Cakes feverely he reprov'd. 35. u Thefe mine anointed are, faid he 3 14 let none my Servants wrong, " Nor treat the pooreft Prophet ill, that does to me belong. 16. A Dearth at laft by his Command, did thro* the Land prevail: Till Com, the chief fupport of Life 3 fuftaining Corn did fail. *7» But his indulgent Providence had pious Jofepb fent, Sold 'into E^ypt, but their Death who fold him, to prevent. 18. His Feet with heavy Chains were crufh'c?, wi'h Calumny his Fame 51 %9* Till God's appointed Time and Word to his DeliVrance came. 2 °. The King his fov c reign Orders fent f 2nd refcu'd him with fpeed ; Whom private Malice had confin'd, the People's Ruler freed. 2 1. His Court Revenues Realm, were all fubjecled to his Will : 22. His greateft Princes to controul, and teach his States- men Skill. PART U. 23. To Egypt then invited Guefts,. bait. femiili'd lfr*lroa too : 27. Empow'rd with Signs and Miracles < to prove Jheir Million true. 28. He cali'd fo* Darknefs. Darkncft ca'srnH Nature his Summons knew. ! ^.EachStream Sc Lake transform^ toBlood, | the wondring Fiilits flew. 30. In putrid Floods throughout the Land, , the Pcil of Frogs was Jbred : From noiiom Fens feat up to croak at FWi«#i Board and Bed., 3*. He gave the Sign, and Swarms of Fik Cime down in cloudy Hulls: Whilft Earth's erJi-Vned Dud below- bred Lice thro' all char C 32. He frnt 'em batt«ri^g Hail fo| Rs and Fire for cooling Dew : 33. He fmore their Vines ard rOTeil: and Gardens Pride o'erthrew. 34. He fpake the Word and Locuih tame, • with Catterpiliars j Thev p^ey'd upon ike poor remain: the Storm had left behind. 35. From T ces to Heroage they defcecc- no yttdam thipg they i'p;ru . fM. cv. But like tke naked Fallow field, Leave ail the.Paftures bare. 35. From Field to Villages and Towns, com;niiTion*d Vengeance *ftew. One fatal Stroke their eld eft Hopes an^l ftrcngth of Egypt (lew. 37# He brought his Servants torch, enridrd, with Egypt's borrow'd Wealth. And, what tranfcends all TreaCure/s elfe, enrich'd with vig'rous Health, 38^ Egypt rejoyc'-d in hopes to find her plagues with them remov'd : Taught dearly now to tear worfe Ills by* thofe already ptov ; d. 3y. Their ilirouding Canopv by day a journeying Cloud was fpread : A fiery Pillar all the Night their Defart-Marches led,- 4o.They long'd forFleihjwithEY-ning- Qiiail* he furniiVd ev ; ry Tent : From Heavns own Granary each Morn, rhe Bread ot Angels fenr. 4.1. Ht imore rhe Rock whofe flinty Breaffc pour'd forth a guflring Tide ( march'd Whcfe following Stream where-eer they the Dt fart's Drought fupph'd. For ftili he did on xAhrubtm's Faith, and ancient League rerLci: 43. He brought his People tenth with Joy, wirii Triumph his-JBiecL 44, Quite rooting out their Heathen Foej : from Ctnuun s fertile Soil, To them in cheap Poflfifiion g*ve the Fruit of other* Toil. Xl> That the his s:a-Lir?s might obftrvc, bu lured L*w$ obey* Fot Pf*I. cvi. ill For Benefi ts fo faft let us our Songs of Praife repay. PSALM CVI. t. /^\ Render thanks to God above,. ^'The Fountain of Eternal Love* Whofe Mercy firm thro" Ages Raft Has flood, and ihall for ever laic. 2. Who can h:s mighty Deeds exprels, Not only vaft but numberlefs ? What mortal ELq-rence can raife His Tribute of immortal Praife f l . Happy are they, and only they, Who from thy Judgments never ftray 5 Whs know what's right, nor only fo, But always practife what the* know. , Extend to me that Favour- Lord., Thou to thy ckoien d'oft afford : When thou return'ifr to fet them free I*et thy Salvatihn viiic me. $. O ! may I worth' prove to fee The S:iints in full prosperity ! That I the jovful Choir may joyn, And count thy People's Triumph mine^ Of Parents vile, the viler Race • 6. But ah ! Can we expect fuch Grace, Who their Mifdeeds heve . dbd o'er, And with new Crimes increased the Score I ;. Ingrateful they no longer thought On all his Works on Egypt wrought :. The Red-Sea the\ no fooner viewed, Bur the/ their b^fe diilnft renew ; d« 8. Yet he to vindicate his Name. 0;ice more to their Dciiv'rance came ; To make his Sctv'reign Pow^r be kiii>wn^ Thai hs is-Qodi-anct'hc atone* 9* Xq Ti A » 17 g PfaV cvi. q. To Right and Left at his Command* - The parting Deep d ifclos'd her Sand ;IM Where firm and dry the P*fT*ge lay, As thro'* fome parcht and dciart way. ic. Thus refcu d from their Foes thev were Who elofely prefs'd upon their Rear. 11, Whofe Rage purfird c em to thofe Wares That proved the ralli Purfuer's Graves. 1.2, The watry Mountains fudden fall O'erwhelm/d proud Pbaraob Hoft and all: This Proof did ftupid Ifrart move To own God s Truth, and Praife hisLovS TART II. 13. But foon thefe Wonders they forgot, And for his Counfcl wantd not : 14. But lulling in the Wildernefs, Did him with frefli temptations prefs. 1$. Strong food at their Requeft he fent, But made their Sin cheir Punifliment. 16. Yet ftill his Saints they did oppofe, Their Priefts and Prophet whom he choice Ij, But Earth the Quarrel to decide, Her vengeful Jaws extending wide, Ram Da.xbxn to her Ctntre drew. With proud uihirim's factious Grew* 18, The reft of thofe who did Confpire To kindle wild Seditions Fire, With all their impious Train became A Pre; to Heav'ns devouring Flame. 19, Near Horeb x s Mount, a Calf chey made, And to tbe moicen Image pxay'd ; 20. Adorning what their Hands did frame, The, chang'd their Glory co their Shame-. 21. Thek God and Saviour they forgot. And all his wwki in F^y* wrought: 1 3 2 4 ii&j Pfal. CVt. 179 2. Mis Sign? in 5Ws aftonifht Coaft, ( loft. And where proud Pfctr.jftfr'f Troops were 23. Thus urg'd his vengeful hand he reardj But Mojes in the Breach appear'd. (The Sum did foe the Reb.is D-zy* And turn : d Keav'ns kindled Wrath away. 54.. Yec they his pleafant Land defpis'd, Nor his repeared Promiie pnz-d ; 25. Nor did th> Almighty's Voice obey, But when God faid, Go up y would ftay, 6. This feal'd their Doom without Redrefs 3 To perifli in the Wildernefs; 27. Or elfe to be by Heavens hands O'erthrown and fcatter'd thro' the Land*, P J RT III 28. Yet unreciaim'd, this ftubborn Race 3 Bxd-T:or % % Worfhip did embrace : Became his impious Guefts> and fed On Sacrifices to the Dad, 29. Thus they pcrfifted to provoke God's Vengeance to the Anal Stroke • c Tis come :— the deadly Peft is come To execute their general Do«m. 30. But Thin* as fir'd with holy Rage, ( Th' Almighty Vengeance to afTwage) Dii, by two bold Offenders fall, Th- Atonement make that ranibm'd %Ai% 31. As him a heav'nh Zeal had mov d, So Heav ; n the zealous Acts approved* To him corffirming, and his Race, The Prieilhood he fo well did grace, 52. At Mrribtb God's Wr3th they mov'd, Who Mjjes for their fakes reprov'd : 33. Whofe patient Soul they did provoke^ . Till raflilj she aiesk Prophet fpoke. 34*>» S 1S0 Pfal. CVi. 34 Nor when poilefc of fr/naa's Land, Did chey perform their Lord's Command, Nor his :ommilllon'd S.vord employ The guilty Nations ro deftroy. 35. Nor only fpar'd the Pagan Crew t But mingling, iearnt their Vices too. 3$. And WOfihip to thofe Idols p.lid, Which rhou to fatal Snares betray ; d. 37, 38. To Devils chey did lacriflce Their Cliildren with relent kfs Eyes, Approach'd their Altars thio* a Flood Of their own Sons and Daughters Blood* No cheaper Vicums would appeafe Canjun's remorielefs Deities : No Blood her Idols reconciIe ; But that which did the Land defile?* PART IV. 39, Nor did thefe favage Crueltiet 'Tie Harden'd Reprobates iu ffici For after their Hearth Lull they went; And oaih did new Crimes invent. 40. But Sins of fuch infernal Hue, God's Wrach againft hi> people drew 3 TiH he their once indulgent Lord> His o rants increaied, Till they. who Go ;, s mild Swa" declined. Were made the Vaflals of Mankind. . 43. Yet. whej .Mftreft. they did repent, >i*5 Anger, did as vitxeleac ; 5u: PfaL cvii. «* But freed, th,, did bis Wrath provoke, K:enew their Sins, and he their \oke. Sot j« implacable be. provd. Xur hear their wretched Oies unmOY d: 45 But did to mind his Promile bring, "And Mercv'S inexhaufted Spring, 4*. Compafilon roo-he did impart, £Vn tu mew Foes obdurate Heart, And pitv for theit fuffring bred In thofe who them to So? dat;e led. 47. Stiil Lve us. fcord, and l\>*ds Bands Toeerhei bring from Hearten Lands y $ to rhv N-.me.our Thanks we'il raife. And ever triumph in thy praife. 48, Let IjraeL s God be ever Slefl, 'His Nime eternally Let ail his Saints wi-h f It Accord, Sine loud uimens *pi\iijc y ::■■ lord* b PSALM CV1I x, fpO God >our grateful Voices raife, 1 Who does your daily Barron prove 5 Anci let your never ce.fing praife Attend en his e:ernal Love, 2 3. Let thole give thanks, whom he from ' Df p-oud oppnrej&ng Foes releas'd. (Bands And bro*c them back from diftant Lards, From Xor:h and South, 8t Weit and Eaft» 4, 5. Thro' lonely defart wa- s they went, Nor could a peopi'd City find : Tiil quite wichihirft and Hunger fpent, Tneir faiming Soul within them pin'd* t, Then foon to God's indulgent Ear, Dici they their mournful Cry addrefs : > gracioutL vouchfafd to hear, I And freed them from th«ir deep Diftrefs. 7. Fromr. i8i pfal. cvii. 7. From crooked paths he fed them forth, And in the certain way did guide, To wealthy Towns of great relor:, Where ail their Wants were well fupply 3 d 8. O then let all the Earth with me Would God for this his Goodnefs praife ? And for the mighty Works, which he Thro-out the wondring World difplay's ! 9. For he from Heav'n the fad eftate Of longing Souls with Pity view? ; To hungry Souls that pant for Meat, His Goodnefs daiiv Food renews. P oi K T II. 10. Some lie, with Darknefs co mpafs'd round In Death s uncomfortable Shade ; And with unweildly Fetters bound, By preffing Cares more heavy made. 11*12. Eecaufe. God's Connfel. they def And lightly priz'd his Holy Word, With chefe Afflictions they weretry'd; They fell, and none could help afford : 13. Then foon to God's indulgent Ear, Did they their mournful Cry addrefs ; Who graciouily vouxhfaPd to hear And freed th^m from their deep diftrefs. 14. From difmal Dungeoas, dark as Night,* And Shades as black as Death's Abode ; He brought them forth, to chearfui Light, And welcome Liberty beftow'-d. 15. O then that all the Earth with me, Would God for rhis his Goodnefs praife » And for the might v Works which he Thro-out the wond'ring World difpla;«. i6 t For he with his Almighty Hand t PfaL cvii. 183 [The Gates of Brafs in pieces broke ; Nor could the m^iTV^ Bars withftand, Or temperM Steel reiift his ftroke. P -sA R LH 17. Remotfeiefs wretche^feoid of fenfe, With bolcPTranfgreflions God defie j And for their multiply 'd OiFence, Oppreft with (ore difeafes lie : 18. Their Soul a Prey to Pain and Fea^ Abhors to tafle the choiceft Meats; And the/ by faint degrees draw near, To death's unhofpitable Gates. 1?. Then ftrait to God's indulgent Ear Do they their mournful Cry addre& ; Who graciouily vouchfafes to hear ; And frees them from their deep diffcrefl. 20. He all their fad Diftempers heals* His Word both health and. fafety giv^j $ And when all humane Succour fails, From near Destruction them rerrieves 21. O then that all the Earth with me, Would God for this his Goodnefs praife I And fox the mighty Works which he Thro-out the won'dring World dtfplays*:. 22. With Off-ring? let his Altar flame, Whilft they their grateful Thanks exprefs ? And with loud JoT his hols Name For all his Acts of wonder bids. P ■ «4 R 7 IK 23 24. Thev that in Ships with Courage bold O'er fweliing Waves their Trade purfue : Do God*s amazing Works behold, And in the deep his Wonders view, 25. No fooner his command is paft, &uc forth a dreadful Tempeft flies 1*4 Pfal. cviL L48 Which fweeps the Sea with rapid hafteJ'^d And makes the ftormy Billows rife, k' or c 26. Sometimes the Ships, tof>'d up to Heav c nJft 1,t; On rops of mountain Waves appear, L ^ Then down the fteep Ab 7 is art dxivcnJ^j, Whilft ev'ry Soul diiTolves with fear. 27. Thev reel and ftagger to and fro. Like men with Fumes of Wine oppreft : Nor do the skilful Seamen know Which way to fteer, what courfe is beft. 28. Then ftrait to God's indulgent Ear, They do their mournful Cry addrefs : Who g-acioufly vouchfafes to hea»", And frees them from their deep Diftrefs 2 & 3P. He does the raging Storm appeafe. And makes ihe Billows^ calm and dill, Wuh jjy the fee their fury ceafe, And their intended courfe fulfil, 31. O then that all the Earth with me* Would God for this his Goodnefs prarfe And for the mighty Works which he Thro-ouc the wondriag W T orld difplays ! 32. Let them where all the Tribes reforr, Advance to Heav'n his glorious Namss And m the Elder's fov'rei^n: Court, With one confent his praife proclaim. P vJ R 7 V. 33.34. A fruitful Land whereStreams abound, Gods juft Revenge, if People fin, Will turn ro dry and barren Ground, To punitfi thofe that dwell therein. 35, 16 The parent Sc defert Heath he mates, To flow with Screams and fpringing Wells; Which for his Lot the hungry takes, And inftrong Cities fafely dwells* Pfal. cvii, cviil. i8j ', 38. He fows the field, the vineyard plants, Which gratefully his Toil repa> ; Korean, uhill\Godhis Bkfiuig grants, His fruitful Seed or Stock decay. ». But when bis Sins heav'ns wrarh provoke, His health arid Subftance fade away, He feels trr* Oppreilbr's gauiing Yoke, And is of Grier the wretched Prey. .ThePrince who (lights whatGoJ commands Expos'd to (corn, muft quit his Throne; And over wild and delart Lands, Where no Path offers, ftray alone : 1. Whilft God from all afflKftingCares, Sets up the humble Man on high ; And makes in rime his num'rous Heirs 1 With his increafing flocks to vie. & 43. Then Sinners fhall have nought to lay, i The juft a decent joy fhall ihovv ; I The wife thefe ftrange ev^nrs fliall weigh, And thence God's Goodncfs fully know* PSALM CVill. OGod : my heart is futh Wnt r to magniiie th/ AT»me \ Mj Tongue with chearrul Songs of praifir, fhall celebrate thy fame. Awake my Lute, r.or thou my harp thy warbling Notes delay : W hil ft I with early H\mnsor Joy prevent the dawning Da>, , To all the lifl'ning Ti ibes O Lord., lers I will tell : And to thofe Xa.iot u fir.g thy praife, that round about us dwell. . Becaufe th Merc] 's bound !ef« height the higheft Heaven tranfeends ; And 1*6 Pfal. cvifi. And far beyond th< afpiring Clouds fh;' faithful Truth extends. 5. Be thou O God, exalted higk above the ftarr> Frame : And let the World wi:h one confent, confefs thy glorious Name;* 6. That all thy chofen People Thee their Savjeur tnay declare. Let thy Right-hand protect me ftill, and anfwer thou my pray'r. 7. Since God himfelf hath faid the word, whofe promife cannot fail : With Joy I Sbecbem mail divide, and meafure Succotb's Vale. % t GUead is mine, Minaffeb too; and Epbraim owns in y Caufe : Their Strangth my Regal Pow'r fupportS 5 and Judab gives my Laws. 9. Moah Til make my fervile Drudge, on vanquiflu Edom triad,* And through the proud Pbilijline Lands my conqu'ring Banners fpread. 10. "But whofe Support and Aid fhalll their wellfencd City gain ? Who wiH my Troops fecurel> lead through Edom's guaided Plain f it. Lord, wilt thou not aftift our Arms, which late thou did ft forfake ? And wile not thou ok thefe our hofts, once more the gHidance take £ 12. O to thy Servants in diilrefs thy fpeedy fuccour fend : For vain it is on humane Aid for fafety to depend. t 3. Then-valiant Adts fliall we perform, if thou thy Powfx difclofe. Ffal. cix. X&7 For Ged it is, and God alone, that treads down ail our foes. o » PSALM CIX. God, whofe former Mercies make my conftanr Praife thy due, Hold not thy Peace, but my fad State, with wonted Favour view. :, Forfinful Men, with lying Lips, deceitful fpeeches frame, j And with their ftudied Slanders feek to wound my fpotlefs fame. . Their rqftlefs hatred prompts them ftill malicious Lyes to ipread ; And all againft my Life combine ; by caufelefs Fury led. 4., Thofe whom wirh tend'reil Love I us'dj my chief Oppofers are ; Whilft I. of other Friends bereft, refort to thee by Pra>'r. 5. Since Mifchief for the good I did, their flrange Reward does prove; And hatred's the Return they make for undiflfembled Love. 6. Their Guilty Leader (hall be made to fome ill Man a Slave ; And when he s try'd ; his mortal Foe for his Accufer have. 7. His Guilt, when Sentence is pronounced, fliall meet a dreadful fare ; Whilft his rejected Pray't but fcrves his Crimes to aggravate. 8. He, fnatch'd by fome untimely Fate, Jhan'c live out half his days, .-Another, by divine Decree, -iliali- on'bis OiHce feize iW Pfal. <:ix. [ 9, 10. Hit Seed Hull Orphans be, his Wife a Widow plung'd in Grief: His vagrant Children beg their Bread, where none can give Reliefc I xi. His ill got Riches {hall be made to Ufurers a Prey : The iruit of all his Toil (hall be by Strangers born away. 12. None fhall be found, that to hit Wants their Mercv will extend : Or to his helplefs Orphan- feed the lead: afliftance lend. 13. A fwift deftrucftion foon fhall feizc on his unhappy Race : And the next Age his hated Name Hull utterly deface. 14. The Vengeance of his Father's Sin* upon his Head (hall fall : God on his Mother's Crimes £haW tbiirk, 1} and punifli him for all. 15. All thefe in horrid Order rank'd, before the Lord fliall ftand, Till his fierce Anger quite cuts off their Mem'ry from the Land. f A RT U. 16. Becaufe he never Mercy fhew'd,* but Hill the poor opprefs'd : ^ And fought to ilay the helplefs Man, with heavy Woes diilrefs'd. 17. Therefore the Curfe he lov'd to vent, lhall his own Portion prove : And Blefling which he ftill abhorr'd, iliall far from him remove. *8. Since he in curfing took fuch Pride, like water it fliall fyrcad Thro' Pfal. cix. 180 Thro c all his Veins, and flick like OU, with which his Bones are fed. 9. This like a poyfon'M Robe fliail ftill his conftant covering be, Or an enve nom'd Belt from which he never fhail be free. 3. Thus Hull the Lord reward all tfcofe that ill to me delign ; That with malicious falfe Reports, againft my Life combine. I. But for thy glorious Name, O God, do thou deliver me: And fcr thy gracious Mercy's fake preferve and fee nie free. 1. For I to utmoft Straits redue'd, am void of all relief: My heart is wounded with diftrefs, and qu i r e picre'd through with Grief . I, like an Evening Shade, decline, which vanilhes apace, Like Locuft up and down I'm toil and have no certain place. ; l,2*My knees with Fafting are grown weak my Body lank anc lean : Ail that behold me fluke their Heads, , and treat me with difdain fi.27. But for thy Mercy's fA- O Lord. cto rhou my Foes wjchftand ' That ill may fee it c s thv own Act tire Work of thy Right-hand. \. Then let them curfe, Co thou but bk let Shame the portion be Of all thac my Deftruction feck while I rejoyce in thee. ' * *?- My, 39° Pfal. ex. #£. My Foe mall with difgracel>e xloath'd, and fpite of all his Pride, His own Confufion, like a dolce, the guilty Wretch ihaii hide. ^•0. But I to God in grateful Thankt, my chearful voice will raife i And where the great AfTembiy meewi fet forth his noble praife. %u£or him the Poor fhall always find their fare and conftant friend ; And he fhall from unrighteous dooms their guiUlefs Souls defend. PSALM CX. r. THE Lord unto my Lord thus fpake, X « Till I thy foe$ thy footflool make/ 1 Sit thou in ftate at my Right hand : 2. * Supream in Sion thou fhalt be, c and all thy proud Oppofers fee, * fubje riling Beams they view, •« Shall all redeem'd from Errors Night ) 'appear as numberlefs and bright * as Chryftal drops of Morning dew. ■.4. The Lord has fworn, nor fworn in vain, that like Mdcblfedecbs^ thy Reign and Priefthood mall no Period know : g. No proud Competitor to fit at thy Right-hand will he permit : •but in hit wrath crown'd Heads o'erthroir '<. The fentene'd Heathen he flull flay. ■ and fill with CarcafTes his way, .cill.be has ftjuckiattb's Tyrants dead. 7. But Pfal. cxi. 19X 7. But in the high-way Brook fliall firft, Like a poor Pilgrim, flake his Thirft, and then l in Triumph raife his head. PSALM CXI. t. pRaife ye the Lord, our God to praife, J- My foul her utmoft Pow'r ihall raife, With private Friends, and in the Throng Of Saints his Praife fliall be my Song. ?. His Works, for great nefs though renown'd His Wond ; rous Works with eaie are founa By thofe who feek for them aright. And in chat pious fearch delight, 3. His Works are*!l of matthtefs F**n* f And univerfal Glory claim ; His Truth con£rm'd thro' Ages pail, Shall to eternal Ages laft. 4.. By Precept he has us enjoyn'd, To keep his wond'rous Works in mini - a And to pofVerity record, That good and gracious is our Lord. , His bounty like a flowing Tide. Has all his Servant's wants fupply'd ; And he will evei keep in mind His Cov : nant with our Fathers SgnM, At once aftoniflvc and o'erjoy'd, They faw his Matchlels Pow'r employ'*? - Whereby the Heathen were fupprefs'd, ' And we their heritage pofTefs'd, . Juft are the dealings of his hands, Immutable are his Commands : . By Truth and Equity fuftain'd ; And for eternal Rules ordam'd. » He fet his Saints from Bondage free, I And theneftablifht his Decree, For ever to remain the fame : Holy and rer'rend is his Nam*. ' I » it. Wiit W* , Pftl. cxii. jo. Who Wifdoirrs facred Prize would win, Mult with the Fear of God begin ; Immortal Praife, and heav'niy Skill Have they who know and do thy Will. PSALM CXII. H ,A L L E L V J oi H. "i.-'-pHat Man is bleft who ftands in a\re A Of God, and loves his facred Laws, 2. His Stcd on Earth /hall be renown'd, Ar.d with fucceflftVe Honours crown'd. 3. His houfe the Seat of Wealth ihall be, An in^xhaufted Treafury, His Juftice free rrqm all Decay, Shall tilemngi to his Heirs convey. 4-. The Soul thats fJl'd wijji Vertues Light, Shines brighteft in Afflictions Night: To pity the Diftreft inclin d As -v/ell as juft to all Mankind. 5. His lib'ral Favours he extends, To foine he gives, to others lends : . It's Hands and Feet nor feci nor move,!, no Life within it dwells. Such fenilefs Stocks they are, that we can fTothing like 'em find, But thofe who on their help rely,. and them for Gods dehgn'd. O IjYd make the Lord your Truft, , who is \our Help and Shield : to. Priefts, Lev ites, trull in him alone* ■ who only Help can yield. Let all that truly fear the Lord, on him they fe*r rely ; Who them in Dangers can defend, and all their Wants fupply. ?> 13. Of us he of: harh mindful been^ and lfr'd-% Houfe will blefs, Priefts, Levires, Profel>tes 3 ev'n Ail who his great Name confefs. 14. On you, and on your Heirs he will increafe of BleiTlngs bring ; 5« Thrice happy you, who Favorites are of this Almighty King. 6. Heav'ns higheft Orb of Glory he his Empire's Seat defign'd : And gave his lower Globe of Earth a Portion to Mankind. 7. They who. in Death and Silence fleep, \\ »0 him no Praiie afford ; I. But we will blefs for evermore our. e«r-liying Lord. 1 4j PSAL; iqG Pfal. cxvi. PSALM CXVI. j. XyfY Soul uith grareful thoughts ct Love i*A ir.tire!) is polTL-ft, BccauiV the Lord vouchfai'd to hear the Voice of my Requeft. 2. Since he has now his Ear inclin'd, I never will defpair ; l But flill in alt the ftraits of Life fa him addrefs my Prayer, 3. Wish deadly Sorrows compaft round, with Pains of Hell oppreft, When Troubl«s feia; d my aking Heart and Anguifh rack d my Bread, 4. On God's Almighty Name I call'd, and thus to him I pray c d ; " Lord, I befeech thee, fave my Soul, with Sorrows quite difmay'd. 5 5 6. How juft and merciful is God, how gracious is che Lord! Who faves che harmlefs, and to me. does timely help afford. ;. Tnen free from penfive Cares^ iay Saul, refume thy wonred Refl, for God has wond'roufly to thee hit bounteous Love expreft. $. When Deach alarm ; d me he removed mv Dangers and my Fears; My feet from falling he fecur'd, and dry'd my Eyes from Tears. 9. Therefore my Life's remaining Yearsi which God ro me fliall lend, Will I in praifes to his Name, and in his Service fpend. io, 11. In God I trufled, and of him. • in grcaceit Straits did boaft : Foi Pfal. M7j n3. 197 ' For in m* : Flight all hopes of Aid from faithlefs Men were loft. :2j 13, Then what Return to him fliall 5 for all his Gooanefs make? Ill praiieh tb* Cup of BUfllng caJ B«. « ; God's account is alwa\s highly priz'a. 16. By various Ties O Lord, mufti I to thv Dominion bow, Thy humble Hand-maids Son, before thy ranlonvd Capcm now I 17. iS. To thee Ml OfPringi bring of praiJe and whiliVl btefi :h: Name, The jail performance of m to all" thy Sai its p oclairo. They in Jt ruj.de m JhaJI meet, and in thy Ho \ 3^n. To blefs th\ Xr: and mix their Sor.? e. PSAL M CXVI! 1, \17lth chen-ful N^trS let .: VV co Heav*h 1 Let all infpK*d with fing lolemn Hrmnsof Praif« 2. God's tender M- . - bound his Truth fliall ne?r d*t Then let the wiiiing N. und* their giatefil tribute PSAL M C3f\ j 3 2.r\ Praife the Lord, t V->J his Mercies ne'e Thar his kind Favours ever lavbj Uv s I 5 9L 4. Their Senfe of his eternal Love jec ^Uron*% Houfe expreis : I And that i: never fails, lee jll that fea: the Lord confefs. * Wf. To God I made my humble Moao, with troubles quire oppreft. : And he releas'd me from my Strait** and granted my Reqt;eft« 4. Since therefore God does on my fide fo graciouily appear : Why fhould the vain attempts of Men pofll'fs my Soul wirh fear ? 7. Since God with thofe that aid my Caufe vouchfafes my pate to take : To ali my Foe?, I need not doubt) a juii return to make. > f, $, For better 'tis to trull in God, and have the Lord our Friend, Than on *:hw greateft human Pow'r. for fofety "to depend. vie, u.Tho' many Nations clofely leagud, did oft befet me round, Yet by his bound lefs Pow'r fuflaiVd, I did their Strength confound. ; 22. They fwarm'd like Bees, Sc >ec theirRage was but a mort-liv'd Blaze : For whilft on God I ftill rely'd, I vanquifli'd them with eafe. I 23. When all united prefs d me hard, in hopes to make me fall : The Lord vouchfaf'd to take my parc^ and fav'd me from them all. h4« The honour of my ftrange Efcape to him alone belongs ; He is my Saviour, and my Strength, ta only claims my Songs, Pfil. exvur I9>, 15. Jay filfs the dwelling of the Juft, whom God have fav'd from harm , For wondrous things are brought to paf* by his Almightv Arm. 16. He by his own refifHefs Pow'r, has endlcfs Honour won; The Saving Strength of his Righc-band J amazing Works has done. 17. God will not fufFer me to fall, but ftill prolongs my Days : Thar by declaring ?.!•' his Works, I may advance his Praiie. iS. When God had iorely me chaftiz'd, till quite or Hopes b:reav ; d. His Me cy from the Gates of Death my fainting Life repriev'd. iy. Then open wide the Temple Gates to which the pit repair; That I may enter in and praife - my great Deliv'rer there. 2q 3 21. Wi&in thofe gates of God'? Abods 3 to which the Righteous pre/s-: • Since thou hail heard, and fet me fafc 3 . thy holy Name 1 II bleis; 22,23. T nat which the Builders once refus 5 d : is now the Corner-flone ; This is the wond : rous Work of God, the Work of God alone*- 24, 25. This Day is Gods let all tte Land exalt their chearful Voke : Lord, we befeech thee, lave u« now, and make us fliii rejoyce. 15. Him that approaches m God's NTarruv let ah th' AlTl-mbiy blefs : w " We that belong to God's own Houfex w u h*Ye .whVd you gocd Succ< Jo© |%f. $***• 27. God is the Lcrd y thro* whom we all both Light and Comfort find ; Faft to the Altars Horn, with Cords 3 the chofen Vicum bind. 23. Thou art my Lord, O God, and Mil I'll praife thy holy Name : Besaufe thou only art my God, I 11 celebrate thy Fame. 29. O then with me give Thanks to God> who ftilt does gracious prove • And let the Tribute of our Praife be endlefs as his Love. PSAL M CXIX, xA L E ? H. l.TJOv blefc are they who always keep< -*- I the pure and perfect way ! Who never from the facred P;*ths of God's Commandments flray. 2. How bleft ? who to his righteous Laws have ft i]} obedient been ? j£nv\ have with fervent humble Zeal his Favour fought to win. 3. Such men their utmoft caution ufe to Hum each wicked deed ; But m the paths which he directs, with conlcant Care proceed. 4.. Thou ftebftiy haft enjoyird us, Lord ? to learn thy facred Will ; And all our Diligence employ thy Statutes to fulfil. 5. O then that thy moil holy Will, might o'er my Wats prefide, And 1 the courfeofail my Lite by thy Direction guide ! 5. Then with ail u ranee mould I wajfcy from aJl coniufivn freej Pfal. cxix. so*. Coavinc'd with Joy, that all my Ways with thy Commands agree. /. My upright Heart fliall my glad Mouth with chearflil Praifes fill ; When by thy righteous Judgments taughs ■ I fliall hive learnt thy Will.. So to thy facred Laws mail I all due observance pay, O then forfake me not, my God, nor caft me quite away. , BETH. f. How fliall the young preferve their W'aysj- from all Pollution free ? By making ilHl their courfe or Life with thy Commands agree. la. With hearty Zeal for the* I feek 3 to thee for Succour pray ; O fafTer not my carelefs Steps from thy right Path to ftray. ir. Safe in my Heart and dotely hid thy Word, mv Tieafurc Iks y . To fuccour me with timelv Aid, when finful Thoughts arife. 12. Secur'd by that, my grateful Soul fliall evet blefs thy Name : O teach me then by thy pft Law* my future Life to frame. 13. Mj Lips unlockc by pious Zeal, to others have declared, How yell the Judgments of thy Mouth; . deferve our be iV Regard. -VhiliJ: in the way of thy Commands more folid Joy I fouad, Then had I been with vaft Lnc**afe of wy>*d RUhet crowa-d. J5» Therefore J* Pfal.'Cxix. 1 5. Therefore thy juft and upright LawS^ /hall always fill my Mind ; And thofe found Rules which thou pre- all due Kefpect (hall tind. ( fciib'fc i6* To keep chy Statutes underae'd fliall be my confine jo j The ftrid Remembrance of thy Word Jhall all my Thoughts employ. G I ME L. 17. Be gracious to thy Servant, Lord, do thou my Life defend ; That I. according to thy vVord, my future time may fpend. 18. Enlighten both my Eyes and Mind, that fo [ may difcern The wond'rous things which they behold who thy juit Precepts learn, I 19. Tho ; like a Stranger in the Land, from place to place I Amy, Thy|righteous Judgments from my fight remove not thou away. J 20. My fainting Soul is almoft piu'd, with earneft longing fpent, Whilft always on the eager Search of thy juft Will, intent. \ ai.Thyfliarp reAke fliall crufli the Proud r whom ftill thy Curfe purfues : Since they to walk in thy right way* prefump-tuoufty refufe. 12, But far from me, do thou, O Lord 3 Contempt and Shame remove, Jor I thy facred Laws affed with undiiTembled Love. 23. Tho- Princes ofc in Council met, - *&ainft ttj Servant, {pake 3 Ycc P&l. cxir. 203 Yet I thy Statutes to obfervei my conftant bus ( nefs make* I24, For vhy Commands have always been my Comfort and Delight, By them I learn with prudent Care, to guide my fteps aright. D A L ET H. I 25. My Soul oppreft with deadly Car€, clofe to the Earth does cleave : Revive me, Lord, and let me now thy promisM Aid receive. 26. To thee I ftil! dcclar'd my Waysy who didft incline thine Ear : O ceach me then my future Life by thy jufl; Laws to fteer. 27. If thou wilt make me know thy Laws and by their Guidance walk, The wondrous works which thou haft do** mall be my conftant talk. 28. But fee, my Soul within me {Inks, preft down with weighty Care, Do thou according to thy Word, my wafted Strength repair. *?. Far, far from me be all falfe Way J and lying Arts remov'd ! But kindly grant I ftill may keep the Path by thee approv'd. 30. Thy faithful Ways thou GodofTritthJ my happy Choice I made ; Thy Judgments as my Rule of Life 3 j before "me always laid. 31. My Care has been to make my Life with thy Commands agree, O then preierve thy Servant, Lord, horn Shame and Ruine free, e.f Pfal. cxix. 2. So in the way or thy Command f, fliall I with Pleaiure run, And with a Heart enlarg'd with Joy? 1 fixccciitully go on. HE E Inftrucl me in thy Statutes, Lord, thy righteous Paths difplav ^ And I from them, through ail my Lifcj will never go aftray. \\> If thou true WiCdom from above wilt gracioufly iroparr ; To keep thy perrVct Laws I will devote my zealous Heart. 35» Direct me in thy facred Ways to which th> Precepts l ea d ; Bccauie iny chief Delight has been thy righteous Pachs to treacJ. . 3^-r Do thou to thy moil juil Command^ incline my willing H„Mrt; Lez no deirre of worldly Wealth from thee my Thoughts divert. 37. From tho& vain Objects turn my Eyes which this falfe World difplavs : But give me lively Pow ; rand Strength, to keep thy righteous Ways. . 38. Confirm the Promife which thou rnad'A; and give thy Servant Aid : Who to tranfg;\efs thy iacred La.ws 3 , is awfully afraid. '39. The foul difgra*e I juftly fear, in mercy, Lord, remove : For all the Judgments thou ordain'ft are full of Grace and Love. 40, Tho.t know'il how afr^r thy Commands, my longing Ami dues Pant ; . O Pial. cxix. *°5 O then make haftc to raife me up, and pxoaiis'd fuccour grants V A U. 41. Thy conftant Blemng, Lord beftow* to chear my drooping Heart, To me according to thy Word, thy faving Health impart. 42. So flvaii I, when my Foes upbraid^ this ready Anfwer make : In God I truft, who never will his faithful Promife, break, 43. Then let not quite the Word of Tiutlr be from my Mouth remov'd ; Since ftiJl my ground of ftedfaft Hope thy juffc Decrees have provd,.' 44^. So I to keep thy righteotrs Laws- will all my fludy bend ; From Age to age, my time to come in their Obftrvance fpend. 45- E'er long I trufl to walk at large,- from all Incumbrance free; Since I refolv'd to make my Life, with thv Commands agree. 4*. Thy Law's il*6. That Peace of mind, which has my Soul in deep diftrefs fuftain'd, By ftrict Obedience to thy Will I happily obtain'd. C H E T H. 7. O Lord, my God, my Portico thou and lure PotTdlisn arc : Pfal. cx'x. 20% Thy Wc*ds I ftedfaftly refoiv* to treafure in my Heart. 5S. With all the Strength of warm DeflrCJ I did thy Grace implore : Difclofe according to thy Word, thy Mercy's boundlefs ftore. 59. With due Reflection, and ftri in fenfual Pkaiures live, My Soul can reliili no Delight - but what thy Precepts give, 71. c Tis good for me that I have felt affliction's chaining Kod, * That I might duly learn and keep the Statures of my God. 72. The Law that from my Mouth proceeds of more Efteem I hold, Than untouchcMines,than thoufand Mines ' oi Silver and of Gold. JOB. 73. To me who am the WorkmanfKip of thy Almighty Hands, The.Heav'nly underftanding give to learn thy juift Commands. 74. My Prefervation to thy Saints ftrong Comfort will afford, To Pfal. exit. i$9 Tc fee fuccefs attend my Hopes, who trufted in thy Word. 75. That right thy Judgments are, I now by fure Experience fee, And that in Faithfuln«fs ; O Lord, thou haft afflicted me. 76. O let thy tender Mercy now afford me needful Aid ; According to thy Promife, Lord, to me thy Servant made. 77 . To me thy faving Grace reftore, that I again ma r .* live; Whofe Soul can reliih no delight but what thy Precepts give. 78. Defeat the Proud, who unprovok'd, to ruin me have fought, Who only on thy facred Laws employ my harmlefs Thought, 79. Let thofe thar fear thy Name, efpotife my Caufe, and thofe alone Who have by ft net and pious featch thy facred Precepts known. 3o. In thy bleft Statutes let my Heart continue always found, That Guilt and Shame, the Sinners Lot, may never me confound. C A V H. 81. My Soul with long Expectance faints to fee thy laving Grace ; Yet ftili on thy unerring Word my Confidence I place. 8?. My very Eyes confuuae and fail with waiting for thy Word ; O ! when wilt chou thy kind Relief and promised Aid afford ! 3;>. My ~io !MaI. cxlx. «3»My S k »n ^ k e fluivel'd Parchment (howl, that Ions; in Smoke is Tec ; yet no Affliction me can force thy Statutes to forget. 84, How many Days muft I endure of Sorrow and Diftrefs ? When wilt thou Judgment execute on them whom me opprefs ? $5. The Proud have digg'd a Pit for me, that have no other Foes, But fuch as are averie to thee, and thy juft Laws oppofe. 8 Hiding-Place, my Refuge-Tow'r* and Shield art thou, G Lord, I firmly anchor all my Hopes on thy unerring Word. 115. Hence ye that trade in Wickedneft, approach not my Abode; For firmly I refolve to keep the Precepts of my God. 1 16. According to th\ gracious Wore!, from Danger fee rre free, Nor make me of thole Hopes a&am'4 that I FSpofc on thee, K up 214 PfaL Cxix. 117. Uphold tee. fo fhall 1 be &ftj and lefcj'd from Diftrcfs j To :hy Decrees continually m\ j-iil refpe&i addrefs. .118. The Wicked thou haft trod to Earth* who from thy ftatutes ftra>'d ; Their vile Deceit the juft Reward of their cwn Falfhood made. ]zi$, The wicked from thy holy Land thou dofl like Drofs remove ; I therefore with fuch juftice charm'd, thy teftimonies love, 'i^o. Yet with that Love they make me dttad left I fliould fo offend, When on TranfgreiTns I behold thy Judgments thus deicend. JIN. t t2i. Judgment and Jaftice I have lov'd, O therefore, Lord, engage In my Defence, nor give me up to my OppreiTors Rage. 12?. Do thou be Surety. Lord, for mC 3 and fo iliall this Diftrefs Prove good for me, nor (hail the Proud my guiltlefs Soul opprefs. !:;. M v. Eves, alasl begin to fail, in long expectance held. 'Till *hy Salvation rhe> behold, and righteous Word fulfi/l'd. ,124. Tor.c thy Servant in diiirefs wonted Grace difpl And cT.fcipline my willing Heart thy ftacuces to cv. Ii2$< On me devoted to thy Fe^f, the Ucxed Skiii btftow* Pfal. CXix; 2ijTi That of thy Teftimonics I the full extent may know. l Tis time, high time for thee, O Lord, thy Vengeance to employ : When Men wirh open Violence thy facred La«r deftroy. 127. Yet their Contempt or thy ComrnarkU but makes their Value rife In my Efteem, who purer! Gold, compar'd wich them deipife. 428. Thy Precepts therefore I account in all refpe&s divine, They teach me to difcern the right, and all falfe Ways decline. P E 129. The Wonders which thy Laws contain no Words can reprefent, Therefore to learn and Pra'cSife them my zealous Heart is bent. 130. The very entrance to thy Word celeftial Light difpiays : And knowledge of true Happ'inefs to fimpleft Minds conveys. 131. With eager Hopes I waiting Aood, and fainting with D.iire, That of -thy wife Commands I migficr the facred Skill acquire. 132. With Favour, Lord, look down on me>. k who thy relief implore ; 9 As thou art wont to vifit thofe who thy bieft Name adore* 333. Directed by thy heav'nly Word let all thy 'Footfteps be; J^or Wickednefs elf an> kind doajiqion have o'er me. lt*> Pfal. cxix. 1? \. Releafe, rntirely let me free from persecuting hands, Th.'t unmolefted I may learn, and pra wtio keeps thy Laws in mind. P S A L M CXX. i» TN dee;) Diftrefs I ofc have cry : d A To God who never vec denv-d To efcue ir.e oppreft with Wron^a; 2,OnJcemore, O Lord, Deliverance fend, From lying Lips, my foul defend,. And from the rage of flandnng Tongues > 3. What -little Profit can accrue ? .' Ancvyec what heavy Wrath is doe : O choi perfidious Ton^je I co thee ? 4». Thy Sting upon th* felf ihajl rum : Of lading Flames that fiercely burn* The confront fuel th»*»u ftipurner become In barren Mefeeb s Delart Soil ! With KedxY s tricked Tents inclos'd^ . TcMawteis Savages fxpo *d. Who live on nought but Theft 3c . Spoiii <$. Mv haplefc dwelling is wich thofe Who Peace and Amity oppose. And plea fere takes in others Harms 5- 7. Sweet Peace is all I cou-t and fe But whe-n to them. of Peace I fpeakv They ft rait cr> out To ^i.mt to .Anns* PSALM CX 1. »T k O StWs hiil t lift: mine h 1 from thence exp cfring aid ; ^. From Sinn's hill an ^od, '. y;,bo He^v'n anl B»rth has mrrjffi' 3, Then, thou my Sbbl in fafery * rhy Guardian will not :' A, 'His watchful Cari x\\k: Ijfll gpardl wUi $*rf : s Monacca fee?*; a**- Mai. cxxii. 5. Sheltfr'd beneath th' Almighty's Wing!,' thou fhalt fecurely reft, 6. Where neither Sun nor Moon fhall thee by Day or Night moleft ; 7. Fr >m common Accidents of Life his Care fliall guard thee ftiil : S, From tne blind Strokes of Chance, & Foe** that lies in wait to kill. o. At home, abroad, in Peace, in War, tny God fhall thee defend : Conduct thee thro* Life ; s Pilgrimage fafe to thy Journey's end. PSALM CXXU. O'Twas a jo>ful Sound to hear our Tribes devoutly fav, Up If, el to the Temple hafte, and keep your Feilal day. p. At Sdem^ Courts we muft appear, with our afTembled Pow'rs : s. In ftrongand beauteous Order rang'd, like her united Tow c rs : 4,/Tis thither by divine Command, the Tribes of Gad repair, Before his Ark to celebrate his Name with Praife and Pray'r : v» Tribunals fland ere&ed there, where equity takes place ; There ftands the Courts and Palaces of Royal D*vid s Race, '€. Q P ra y wC then for Stltmts Peace, tor they ihali profp'rous be, (Thou holy City of our God ! ) who b?ar true Love to thee. 7. May Peace within thy (acred Walls a cenftant Gucft be found, •With pfal.cxxiii, cxx.lv. 123 With P^nty and Profpericy thv Palaces be crown'd. 8 For my dear Brethren's fake, and Friends '- no lefs than Brethren dear : I'll pray--May Pence in Salem's Tovrrs a conftant Gueft appear •. But moftofalirilieck thy Good, 7 tnd ever wilh thee well. For Slon and the Temple's fake vih^re God vouchtates to dwell, PSA L M CXXHI. 2 AN Thee who dwell'ft above the Skiei] i ' O For Meacy wait my longing Eyes.'; i As Servants watch their Mailer's Hands D And Maid their Miftrefi's Commands, 3,4. O then have Mercy on us, Lord, " Thv eracious Aid to us aftord ; To us who cruel Foes opprefs, Grown rich annd proud by our diftre PSAL M CXX1V. 1 T 1 Ad not the Lord f may l^el fay ) ' H been pleas'd ro interpoie ; _ 2 Had he not then efpous'd our Caufe. ' when Men againit us rcie : a a. T Their Wrath had fwallow'd us auv%, and raft'd without controul; Their Spite and Pride;, united flood*, had quite o^er.whelni'd our Soul; $ But prats'd beour eternal Lord, 'who refcivd us that Day, Not to their favage 3aws gave up our threatened Lives a prey, Our Soals is like a Bird elcap d f-om out the Fowlers Net; The Snare is broke, their Hope* *r,e croiV- aM *e a* fce*4eav fett **4 Pfe'- c * xV > crxv;. 3. Secure in his Almighty Name, our Confidence remains, Who as he made both Heav'n and Hartbj of both fole Monarch reigns, PSALM CXXV. 1. VI/HO- place on Sion's God their Truflr, V V l,ke Sionl* Rock Avail fland ; Like her knmoveably be fijtt by his Almighty Hand; 2. Look how the Hills on evry fide Jervfaltm inclofe* So ftanis the Lord arounds his Saints* to guard c em from their Foe*, 3. The Wicked may afflict the Juft, but ne'er too long opprefs, >for force him by defpair to feek bafe means for his redrtfs : a Be good, O righteous God, to thofe, who righteous deeds arTed ; The Heart that Innocence retains, 1st innocence proted. 9. All thofe who walk in crooked Path*, the Lord (hall foon deftroy ; Cut offrh Unjuft, but Crown the SaintC with lafting Peace and Toy. P S A L M CXXVI. I, tl/Hen Sion's God her Sons recall'd VV from long Captivity, It feeoi'd at firft a plcafing Dream of what we wifli'd to fee. 9. But foon in unaccuftom'd mirth we did our Voice employ : And fung our great Reftorer's praite in thankful Hymns of Joy. Our Heathen Foes repining ftood 3 jou were ;ompdl c d to own Pftl. CXXV*!, cxxvii. 22? . That great and wondrous was the work . our God for us had done. ^.Twaigreat.fay the>Vtwas wondrous great, much moreihould we confefs ; The Lord has done great things whereof we reap the glad fuccefs. 4. To us bring back the remnant, Lord, of-2/VVJ's captive Bands, More welcome :han refreffcing Show'rs to parent and thirfty Lands; 5. That we whofs Work commenced in Tears may fee .our Labours thrive, Till finim: with foccefs to make. our drooping Hearts revive. 6. Tho' he defponds that fows his Grain, yec doitbdefs he iliall come To rind his hill-ear^ Sheaves, and brine the joyful HarvefYhome PSALM CXXVII. fc W E bulId wich fe »*W» Coft.unlifi^. y * the Lor^ the pile fuftain ; Unlefs the Lord- the City kee ?i the watenman wakes in vain. 2. In vain we rjfe before the day~' anu iate.ro rextr repair, AJlow no refpite co our Toil and eat tne Bread of Care': Supplies of Life with eafe to therm he on bis Saints beftows • ■ASTt" L?b L 0UrS w " h fuccef V a n ?P£l ^io. Cloath thou th Priefts with Righte- make thou thy Saints rejo- ce, And for th> Servant DuvidH fake 3 hear thy .Anointed'ft Voice. 11. God fware to David in his Trufcby ( nor ihall his Oath be vain ) One of thy Off-fpring after thee upon dry Fnrone ihall- reign. 12. And if thy Seed m Cov'nanc keep, 1 and to mv Laws iubmit ; Their Children too upoa thy ThronS for evermore ihall fir. 13, 14. For Slon does, in God's Efteem, nji other Seats excel : Kis place of everlafting Reft, . where he de fires to dwell. 15) ic\ Herflorc. fays he I w ill irtcieafe, hw poor with plenty blefs ; Her Saints giaij iliout foe. Jov, her Priefts my living. Health con ft ft. 17. There David's Pow'r mall long remain in his fucceftive Line, And my Anointed Servant there maii with freili iuftrc mine. 230 Pfal. cxxxili, cxxxrv, cxxxv. l3. The Faces of his vanquifhr foes confufion fliall o'er-fpread : Whiift oricb conftrm'd Succefs, his Crown iTiall fljurilh on his Head. PSALM CXXXIII. HOw vaft muft their advantage be ! how great their pleafure prove J Who live like Brethren and content in Offices of Love I 2. True Love is like that precious Oil whi:h potir'd on ^Aaron's Head, Ran down his Beard, and o'er hi* R0D65 its coftly Moifture fhed. 3. «Tis like refre/hing Dew which does on Hirmon's top diftil Or like the early drops that fall on Slon's fruitful Hill. For Sion is the chofen feat, where the Almighty King The promis'd Bleffin§ has ordain'd, and Life's eternal Spring. P S A L M CXXXIV. x. *n Lefs Gad, y e Servant* that attend - •D upon his folemn State ; That in his/Temple, night by night, with humble Rev'rence wait ; 2, 3. Within his Houfe lift up your hand** and blefs his holy Name : Ev'n Sion blefs. thy Ifr el> Lord, who Eirth and Heav*n didft frame. P S A L M CXXXV. 1. /^V Praife the Lord with one confent* v-^ and magnifie his Name \ Let ail the Servants of the Lord bis worthy Praife proclaim. 2. Praife Pfal. cxxxv. 23 x s.Praife him all ^e that in his Hoafe, arttend with conflanc care: With thofe that to his utmoft Courts with humble Zeal repair. 3. For this our trueft int'refl is glad Hymns of Praife tofing And with loud Songs to biefs his Nam6 a moft delightful thing. 4. For God his own peculiar choice the Sons or Jacob makes ; And ljr'el's Off fpring for his owa moft valu'd Treafure takes. 5. That God i< great, we often have by glad Experience found j And feen how he with wond'rous Pow** above all Gods is Crown'd. 6* For he with unrefifted Strength, performs his Sov'reign Will : . In Heav'n and Earth and wai>y Srortt} that Earths deep Caverns fill. He raifes Vapours from the Ground 3 which pois'd in liquid Air, Fall down at Iafl in Show'rs thro* which his dreadful Lightnings glare. %. He from his Store-houfe brings fc the Wittdfj and he with vengeful Hand, The firft-born flew of Man and Beaft, 5hro* £&ft'% mourning Laad. $ t He dreadful Signs and Wonders ffctw'd thro' ftubborn -Eryff's Coafts, Nor Pbaraob could his Plagues efcapc, nor all his num'rous Hoftj, to, ii. 'Twas he that various Nations fmot*$ and mighty Kings fupprefs ; d Slbon and Og, and all betides who CifwWs Land polled. 232 Pfal cxxxv, cxxxvi. I2 3 13. Their Land upon his chofen Race^ he firmly di 1 E uail : For which his F;me mall always laft, his Praife fliall never fail. 14. For God (hail foon his People's Caufe 1 with pic eying Eyes furvey ; Repent him or his Wrath and cum his kindled Rage away. 15. Thofe Idols, whofe falfe Worfliip fpreads* o'er all the Heathen Lands, And made of Silver, and of <5old, the work of human H?.nd?. 16,17 *T hey move not their JuflitiousTonguCj nor fee with poliih'd Eyes : Thejr counterfeited Ears are deaf, no Breath their Mouth fupplies. 18. As fenflefs as themfelves are they that all their Skill apply Ta make them or in dangrous Times, on them for Aid reU. 19. Their juil recurns.of Thanks to God* let grateful Ijr'd pay : Nor let the Priefh of [A*roris Race to blefs the Lord delay. 20. Their fenfe a£ his unbounded Love let Levi's Houfe exprefs ; And let all thofe that fear the Lord his Name fjr ever blefs. 2i. Let all with thanks his wondrous Works , in Sidx's Courts proclaim. Let them. in Sxlem- where he dwells exalt ; his holy N 1 P S A L M. CXXXVI. 1. «Tp»D Goj the mighty Lord Aw Your joyful Thanks, repeatj Pfal. cxxxvi, 533 To Him due Praife afford As good as he is great : For God does prove Our conffcant Friend, His boundlefs Love Shall never end* 2; 3. To him whofe wond'rous Pow'c All other Gods obey. Whom earthly Kings adore, This grateful Homage Pay : For God does prove Ourconftant Friend, His boundlefs Love Shall never end. 4, 5. By 'His Almighty Hand Amazing Works are wrought ; The Heav'ns by his Command W T ere to perfection brought, For God does prove Our conftant Friend, His. boundlefs Love Shall never end. 6. He fpread the Ocean round, About the fpacious Land ; Acd made the nfing Ground Above the Waters Hand. _ _ For God does prove Our conftant Friend, His boundlefs Love Shall never end* 7 5 3, 9. Thro^Heav'n hediddifplay His numerous Hofh of Light, The Sun to rule by Day, The. Moon and Stars by night, Our^onftantFrknd, Hbtowdkik L^v? ^haJI never end, 40; J* ft 34 Pfrl. cxxxvi. io 3 ii, i?. He (truck rhc Fi-ft-borti dead Of Egypt's ftubborn Lana : And thence hi* Ptople led With his reiiltlels Hand. For God daes prove Our conftanc Friend, His boundkis Love Shall never end. 13, 14. By him the raging Sea, A if in pieces ient Difclos'd a middle way * Thro' which his people went. For God does prove Our conftanc Friend, His bound lefs Love Shall never end. 15. Where foon he overthrew Proud VhuYxvb and his Hoft, Who daring to purfue, Were in the Billows loft. For God does prove Our conftanc Friend* Hh boundlefs Love Shall never end. i6 } 17, 1$. Thro' Defarts vaft and wild •/ He led the chofen Sted ; £0- A*ul tamous Princes foil'd, And made great Monarch? bleed. For God does prove Our conftanc Friend, His boundlefs Love Shall never end. I £, 2c. Sihon % whole potent Hand, Great our once happy Seat ! When I of thee forgetful prove. Let then my trembling Hand forget The fpeaking Springs with Art to move"! £. If I to mention thee forbear, Eternal Silence feiz my Tongue ! Or if I fing one chearrul Ayre Till rihy Deliv'rance is my Song. 7. Remember, Lord, how Edom's Race, n In thy own City's fatal day, /l£/P Cry*d out,/ ftately Walls deface, ^ c And with the Ground quite level lay. -8. Proud Babel's daughter doom'd to be Of Grief and W T oe the wretched Prey, Bleft is t my God & ^ in £» W thy Praife I will proclaim ; Before the Gods with joy will hng, and blefs thy holy Name. o- 141 worfhip at thy facred Seat ' and with thy Love mipir d, The Praifes of thy Truth repeat, o'er all thy Works admir'd. ' Thou graciouflv inciind'ft thine Ear, *' when I to thee did cry ; And when my Soul was prefs'd with Fear M inward feWh fupp ^ Thercfore PfaL cxxxviii, CKXXJX. M7 4. Therefore (hall ev'ry earthly Prince thv Nimc with Praife .puifue. Whom thefe admir'd Events convince chat all ch/ Works are true. 5. They all thy Wondrous Ways, O Lord. with chearf.il fongs (hall bleis » And all thy glorious A publick haunts, and privace Ways ; l.Thoiiknow'ft what 'cis my Lips would vent My yet unutter-d Words intent. . Surrounded by thy Pow'r I ft and, On ev'ry fide I find my hand. . O skill for human reach too high! Tcodazling bright for mortal Eye ! , O could I To perfidious be To chink of uace defacing thee ; L Where 33 S Pfal. cxxxix Where, Lord, could I thy influence fhuti, Or whither from thy prefence run ? \B. If up to heav'n I tike my flight, 'Tis there thou dweJI'ft.enthron'd in light ; •If down to hell's infernal Plains, 'Tis there Almighty Vengeance reigns. '% O God : Depart irom me, ye Men of Blood, to. Whofe Tongues Heavns Majeftv profane, And take th' Almighty *s Name in vain, • ■1. Lord, hate not I their impious Crew Who thee with Enmity putfue ? And does not grief my Heart opprefs, When Reprobates thy Laws tranfgrefs* C2. Who pradtife Enmity to thee, Shall utmoflr Hatred have from me : Such Men I utterly deteft. As if they were my Foes profefl. ( Heart, S3, 24. Search, try, O God, my Thoughts and If Mifchief lurks in any part; CorreC^wfcere I go aftray, And guide me in thy perfect way. PSALM CXL. 1,2. pReferve me, Lord, from crafty Foes X of treacherous Intent ; And from the Sons of Violence, on open Mifchief bent. 3. Their Handling Tongue theSerpent'i fling in iliarpnefs does exceed : Between their Lips the Gall of Afps and Adders Venom breed. \. Preferve me, Lord, from wicked Hands 3 nor leave my Soul forlorn, A Prey to Sons of Violence, who have my Ruin i'worn, L 2 5. The '^4 D Pfel. cxl, cli . 5. The proud for me have laid their Snare, and fpread their wil> Net, With Traps and Gins whecet're I nwCi I Had my ileps befer, ^.iBut thus environ'd with Diftreft, thou art my God, I faid. Lord, hear m> fuplicaring Voice, that calls to thee for Aid. 7 . OLord the God, whofe faving ftrength kind fucccmr did convex, And cover'd my advent c rous Head m Battle's doubtful Day. 9. Permit not their unpft: Defigns to ani'wer their D-hre j Left they, encourag d by Succef$i to bolder Crimes afpire. 9. Let fi:ft the Chiefs the lad Eft as Ox their Inj.iitke mourn *, The blaft or their envenomed Breach upon the raft Ives return. xe. Let tbem who kindled fuft che Flame. its Sacrifice become ; The Pit they digg d for me be made 'their own untimely Tomb. 21. Tho* Slander's Breath may raife a Storm, it quickly will decay ; Their rage does but the Torrent fwell that bears themfelves away. 12 God will aflert the. poor Mans Caufir, and fpeedv Succour £ive : The Juft (hall celebrate his Praife, and in his Presence live. PSALM CXLI. *, *t*0 thee, O Lord, my C k$ afcend, A O iuiic to my ivciief ; And i Pfal. cxli. 24 Andwith aecuftom'd Pity hear the Accerrs of my Griet. 2i Inftead of Off-rings 4et my Pray'r like Morning Inccnfe rife «, My lifted Hands fupp-ly the Place of Evening. Sacridce. 3* From hafty Language curb my Tongae 5 and let a conftaRt Guard Still keep the Portal of my Lips* with warv Silence birr'd. * 4. From wicked Men's defigns and dcecis my Heatt and Hands reftrain •, K3r lee me in the Booty mare o£ their unrighteous Gain. 5. Lee upright Men remove my Faults,, and I £hall think 'cm kind, Like Balm that heals a wounded Head,. I their Reproof /lull find. And in Return, my fervent Pray c r I fliall for them Addrefs, When they, are tempted anr' reduc*d| like me, to fore Diifcreis. £. When fculking in EngUdk's Rock, I to theic Chiefs appeal, If one reproachful Word I fpoke when. I had pow'r to kill. 7. Yet us they perfecute to Death, our fcatter'd Ruins lie. As thick as from the Hewer's Ax the fever'd Splinters ftie. 8. Bat, Lord, to Thee T fltalj direcft my fupplicacing E< es ; O leave not deflitute my Soul whofe Truft on Thee relies ? - £, Do thou prWerve me from the Snares that wicked Hands. ha*5-UiU j I/3J w 142 Pial. cxlii, cxliii. Let them m their own Nets be caught, while rev E:;ape is made. PSALM CXLII. t. *-nQ Goc wirh mournful Voice X 1-. deep d i fl r c fs I pray'd ; 1. Made him :he Umpire of my Canft\ my Wrongs before him laid. 3. Thou didit my fteps direct, when ray grieved Soul defpaird For where I thought to walk fecure, they had their Traps prepared. 4. 1 look'd, but found no Friend to own me in Diftrel* ; All Refuge fail'd, no Man vouchfaPd his Pity or Redrefs. 3, To God at laft I pray'd, thou Lord, iny Refuge art : My Portion in the Land of Life, till Life it felf depart. t. Reduced to greateft Straits to thee I make my Moan, O ! fave me from opprefling Foe*, for me too powerful grown. 7. That I may praife thy Name, my Soul trom Prifon bring: Whiift of thy kind Regard to me afTembled Saints ihall fins;. PSALM CXLIII. i.T Ord, hear my Pray'er, and to my Cry XJ thy wonted Audience lend t In thy accuifcouvd Faith and Truth a gracious Anfwer fend. 2. >Tor at thy ft-rict Tribunal bring thy Servant to be try'd : For in thy fight no living Man cu\ e'sx: be juftiry'd. 3. The PfaL criiii. 3; The fpiteful Foe purfues mv Lite whofe Comforts all are rl?d ; He drives me into Cave? as dark as Manfions cf the Dzzd. 4: My Spirit therefore is o'crw helnv'd, and links within my BreaiV: My mournful Heart grows defolate f * wi:h heavy Woes oppreft. 5. T call to mind the D*vs of old, and Wonders thou hail wrought !- My former Dangers and Euapes employ my muling Thought, 6. To thee my Hands in humble Pray 5 r I fervently ftretch out : My Soul tor thy Refrefliment thirfts* like Land oppreft with Drought. f % Hear me with fpeed. my Spirit fails, thy face no longer bide ? Left I become forlorn like them that in the Grave reii^e f 8. Thy Kind nets early let me hear, whofe Trutt on thee depends : Teach me the Wa) whe^e I iliould go ? my Soul to thee afcends. y. Do thou O Lord, from all my Foes p refer ve and fet me free : A fafe Retreat agamic their Rage, my Soul implores from thee. 10. Thou art my God, thy gracious Will inftrucV me to obey : Let thy good Spirit lead and keep my Soul in thy right way. :i. O for the lake of thy great Name revive my drooping Heart : For thy Truth's fake, to me diftrefr'd, thy promis'd Aid impart, . -44 Pf*l. cxlJv. 12. In pity ro.my SufPrings, Lord, redv»ce my Foes to Jhame : Slay them that perfecute a foul devoted to thy Name. PS A. L M CXLIV. ?. pOr ever bleft be God the Lord,. F Who does his needful Aid impart, Ar once born Strength and Skill afford T*> wieH my Arms with warlike Ar% 2. His Soodnefi is my Fort and TowY, My ftrong Deliv'rance and my Shteld : In him I. eruft wnofe matchlefs Pow'r MiWs ro nay fway, fierce Nations yield. jXord what's inJVTan th^t thou fhouldft love Of him fiich tender. Care to take? Whit in his OiF fpnng cou'd thee move Such* great account of- him to make .? 4» The Lth of Man does quickly fade; His thoughts but emp^v are, and vain, His D*vs are like a flwng Shade, Or whole fhort ftay no Signs remain* 5. In folemn ftate, O God, defcend. Whilft heaven its lofty head iudines : The fmoaking hills afunder rend, Of- thy Approach- the awful Signs. 6. Difcharge thy dreadful- Lightnings roundj And make my fcacter'd Foes retreat: Them with thy pointed Arrows wound, And their Deftruclion ibon com pleat* 7) 8. Do thou, O Lord, from heav'n engage Thy boundlefs Pow'r my Foes ro quell ; And match me from the ftormy Rage Of threatning Waves that proudlv fwell. Fight thou againil my foreign Foes, Wfao utter Speeches falfe and vain : Wh© P'fcl. cxlrv* exW 245 Who tho* in folemn Leagues they clofe, Their Sworn Engagement ne'er maintain!. 9. So I to thee, O King of Kings.' In new made Hymns my Voice fha!^raife 5 And Irtftrumenrs of various Strings Shall help me thus :o ling thy Praife. ic \* God does to Kings his Aid afford, t: To them his fur* Salvation fends : Ct Tis he that from the murdering Sword, Cf His Servant Duvid {till defends, I r. Fight tbou aga-inft my foreign Foer, • Who utter fpeeches falfe and vain, Who tho* in folemn Leagues they clofe, Their fworu Engagement ne'er maintain* 12. Then our youngSons iikeTrees ill, 11 S r0vr/ j Well planted in fome fruitful place ; Qur Daughters fliall like Piiiars fliow>. Defign'o fome Royal Court to grace. 13. Our Garners fil ; *d with var/ous ftore. Shall us and ours wkb plenty feed, Our ilieep increafing more and more, Shai"! thoufands and ten thousands breeda . 14. Strong.-ihall o*ir lab' ring Olen growv Nor in their conilant labour faint \ Whilfl we no War nor Slav'ry know, And in our Streets hear.no ComplAincY. 15. Thrice happy is that People's Cafe,.-, Whofe various Rl tilings thus abound, Whofe God's true Worftip frill embrace-, And are with his pvotccRion Cro'iiraV. PS A.l/YL CXLV. X > 2. M pH v ee J iWr ill blca-, my God and Kin?; , *• thy endiefs. Praife pro-Iaim; This Tribute daily I will bring, and em blefs. thy Name, L 5 -L Tlvr: 14S Ffcl. cxlv. 3. Thou, Lord, beyond compare arc great, and highly to be prais'd : Thy Majafty with bound lei's Height, above our Knowledge raised. Henown'd for mighty A efts thy Fame to future Times extends ; *.. i-rom A.ge to Age thy glorious Name fuccefsfully defcends. •«, 6. Whilft I thy Glory and Renown, and wond'rous Works exprels : The World with me thy Might fliall Ow»J and thy great Pow'r confefs'. 7. The Pra*ife that to thy Love belongs, they fliall with Joy proclaim : Thy Truth of all their grateful Song*, ill all be the conftant Theme. 8. The Lord is s^ood, fre/h Adts of Gract his Pity ftill fupflies, His Anger moves with lloweft pace : his willing Mercy flies. 9. 10. Thy Love rhro c Earth extends itsFame to all thy Works expreft ( Name Thefe fhew thy Praife whilft thy great is by thy fervants Weft. N 3i.They with thy glorious Profpecft flt'd, fliali of thy Kingdom fpeak : And rfiy great Pow'r by afl admir'd, their lofty Subject make. '12. God's glorious Works of ancient date fliail thus to all be known ; And thus his Kingdom's Royal State, with publick fplendor fliown. >£ His ftedfaft Throne, from Changes free> fhall ftand for ever fa ft ; His boundlefs fway no end /ftaU f$e-j '• by Time it ftjyf ^u^laA* Pfal. cxl-ViV 547 PART II. 14, 15. The Lord does them fupport that fill and makes the proftrate rife : For his kind Aid ail Creatures call, who timely Food (applies. 16. Whatever therr various Wants require. with open Hand he gives ; . And fa fulfils the juft^Deflre of every thing that lives. 1 7, 18. How holy is the Lord, how juft i how righteous all his Ways! How nigh zo him, who with firm Truftj tor his Athllance prays ! 19. He grants the full Deiire of il who him with Fear adore : And will their Xfoubles foon compo-%. when they his Aid implore. 2z. The Lord preferves all thofe with Oa-6 : whom grateful Love emplo>s ; But Sinners, orho hrs Vengeance dajrej with hirious RagC deilroys. 21* My Time to come, ill Praiies fpentj fliali ftjll advance his Fame- And all Mankind with one ConierCj for ever blefs his Name. P S A L M CXLVI.: I,?. r\ Praife the Lord, and thou, my SCtqjj ^-* for ever bids his Name : His worvd'rous Love, while Life fliall -.aifi mv conflant Praife Hull claim 2. On Kungs, rhe grcatcft Sons of Merr- ier none for Aid r< They cannot Uve in d anurous cime^ . bo* timely Help apply. 4. JDepriv'cr of Breath. raduil tfcey [ Pfaf. CxIVf, Cxlviu And al? fhc'ir thoughts and Yain Defign* • toucher with them die. 5« Then happy he, who Jacob's God for his ProtecW takes : Who ftiil with well-plac'd Hope the Lord his conflanc Refuge makes. *.Tbe Lord who made bothHeav'n & Earth and all that they contain, Will never quit his'ftedfaft Truth* Nor make his promife vain- 7. The poor opprcA, from all their Wrongs* are eas^d by his Decree ; He gives the Hungry needful Food, and fets the Pris'ners free, S* By him the Blind receive their fight,, the Weak and Fall«n he rears : With kind regard and tender Love he for the Righteous cares* . The Stranger he preferves from Har/ty the Orphan kindly treats. Defends the Widow, and the Wiles of Wicked Men defeats. 10. The God that does in Sion dwell, is our eternal King: Prom Age ro Age his Reign enduresi lee ail his Praifes flng. P S A L M CXLVII. i„/"YPraife the Lord with Hymns of Joy, ^* and celebrate his Fame : For pleafant good, and comely 'tis- to praife his holy Name. 0. His holy City God will build, rhoMevel'i with the Ground ; £ring back his People, tho' difpers'd eiuo;. *U die Nations- round*. 3) 4» Pfal. cxlvih "49; $ ? 4. He kindly heals the broken hearts, and ail cheir Wounds does clofc : He tells the number of the Stars, their feveral Names he know?, 5, 6. Great is the Lord, and great his Pow't his Wisdom has no Bound, The meek he raifes, and throvrs dowrt the Wicked to ti>e Ground. To God-, thel^ocd, a Hymn of Praifei . with grateful Voices fing : 7.T0 Songs of Triumph tune the Harp, and ftrike each warbling String, 8, He covers heav ; n with Clouds, and thence refrefhHig Rain bejfoows, Thro s 4iim on Mountain-tops, the Grafs with wondrous Plenty grows. ?. He ; favage Beafts. that loofely range with timely Food fupplies. He feeds the Raven's tender Brood . and ftops. their hungry Cries. xe. He values not the warlike Steed but does his Strength difdain, The nimble Poor tha& fwifrly run*, no Prize from him can gain. 1 1. But he to him that fears his Name, his tender Love extends : To him that on his bouncHefs Grace with ftedfaft hope depends, 12 j 13. I^er SiotK and JeruUlem to God their Praife addrefs, Who.-fenc'd their Gates wkn maiHe Bars* aruj does their Children blefs» :4, 1 5. Thro 1 ail their Borders he gives Peace* with rtneft Wheat they're- fed ; He fpeaksthe Word, and what be %\&& is. done as fgoir as %&& 2?o Pfal. cxlviii. 16. Large Flakes of Snow, like fleecy Wool, deicend ac his Command : And hoary Frofl like Ames fpread, is fca:ter c d o'ei the Land* 17. When joyn'd to thefe, be does nil Hail in little Models break : Whaean againft nis piercing Cold fecure Defences mike ! 18. He fends his Word, which melts the Ice ; he makes his wind to blow, And foon the Streams conge al'd before, in plenteous Currents flow. >?. By him his Statutes and Decrees to Jacob's Sons were fliown : And fiill to IjYeL'i choic:n Sc^d his righteous Laws are known* 2o. NO other Nation this can boait, nor did he e'er niTord To heathen Lands his Oraclet, and Knowledge of his Woid. Ifatlelujab* PSALM CXLVIII. S ; 2, yrlL boundlefs Realm? or Joy A Exalt your Maker's Fame ; . His Praife your Song employ Above the jftarry Frame : Your Voices raife Ye Cherubim, And Seraphim To fing his Pr 1 3,4. Thou Moon that ruKfl the N«ght, And Sua that guict'ft the Day, Yc gluc'ring Stars of Light, To Him > 'our Homage pay r His praife declare IfC Heavens abay*, And Clouds that move; Pfal. cxlviit. *5* 6. Let them adore the Lord And praife his holy Name, Bv whofc Almighty Word They all from nothing came, And all ihalllaft- From mhanges free, His iirm Decree Stands ever fait. 7> %* Let Earth her Tribute pay ; Praife him ye dreadful Whales, And Fifo that thro' the Sea Glide fwifc with glittering Scale*. Fire, Hail and Snovr And mifly Air, And Winds (hat where He bids them blow* 5, ro. By hills and mountains ( ail In grateful Contort joined ) By Cedars ftatcly tall, And Trew for Fruit de£gn And creeping thing, And Fowl of Wing His Name be bleft, i r, 12. Let aH of Royal Birth, With chofeor. humbler Frame ; And Judges of the Ear::: His matfolefs Praife proclaim In this Defigrt I et Youths with Maids. And hoary head* With Children jcin, i3. United Zeal be fhown, His wond'rous Fame to raife, Whofe glorious Name alone JX'ierveour endlefs Praife. ' ^ Earth's utmoft Enc& HlS Pow^ Obey ; JJis glorious Sway Tk& Sky jraafeends. aj2 Pfal. cxlix. 14. His chofen Saints to grace • He fees them up on high, And favours Ifrutl's Race Who ftill to him are nigh. O therefore raife~ You* grateful Voice, And ftill tfejoyce The Lord to praife. PSALM CXLIX. i 9 2.r\ Praife ye the Lord, v/ prepare your glad Voice,* «• His Praife in the great Afftmbly to (ing In our great Creator. let IJr l et rejoj ce : And Children of Sion be glad in their King. ? 3) . 4. Lee them his great Nam* extol in the Dance ; With Timbrel and Harp his Praifes exprefs : Who always takes pleafure hfs Saints to advance, And with his falvation tha humble to blefs. 5,6. With Glory adorn ( d . his People mail iing To God, who their Beds \ with fafery does fhield : Their Mouths fill d with Praife* of him, their great. King ; Whilft.a two-edged Swo,rd their Right-hand mail weild. 7 3 8. Juft Vengeance to take far Injuries pafl -, To punifh tbofe Lands . for Ruin/d otfign'd With Pfrl. d. a« With Chairs, as their Op tivCS, to tie tneir Kings fait, With Ferte; s of Iron their Nobles to bind. y. Thus fhall they make good, when them they deftro» The dreadful Decree which God does proclaim. Such honour and triumph his Saints (hall erjoy, O therefore for ever exalc his great Name. PSALM CL. 1. r\ Prarfe the Lord in that blefi; Place] ^-'From whence hisGoodnefs largely flows Praife him in heav'n where he his Face UnveiPd in perfect Glory fliows. 2. Praife hrm for ail the might) A6H- Which he in our behalf has done; His Kindnefs this Return exacts With which our Praife ftould equal rum 3. Let the fhrill Trumpet! warlike Voice Make rocks and hiiis Lis Praife rebound ; Praife him, with Harps melodious Noife, And gentle Pialtery's Giver Sound. 4. Let Virgin-Troops, (ah Timbrels bring,. And fome with graceful ^Motions dance; Let Inftruments of various brings. With Organs join'd, his Praife advance. 5. Let them who-joyful hymns compofe, To C>mbals fet their Songs of Praife * Cymbals of common ufe, and rhoie That loadl/-. found on folemn Days, 6. Let all that vital Ereath enjoy, The Breath he does to them afford, In juft returns of Praife employ ; L_e: eyery Creature praife the Lord, ^54 Gloria Patri, &c. Common Meafure. TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft ; the God whom we adore, Be Glorv : as it was, is now, and ihah 1 be evermore. Aj-Pfalra 25. To God, the Father, Son, and Spirit, Glory be ; As *c was and is and /kail be fo to ail Eternity, As the roo Pfalm, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, the God, whom Earth and htavm adore; Be Glory, as it was of Old, is now and mall be evermore. As Pfal. 3/. and Uft part of the 1 3th Piaioi Tune. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, The God whom Heav'ns Triumphant hoft| and fififering Saints on Earth adore, Be Glory » as in Ages paft, As now it is, and fo ihaH laft, when Time ir ielf nuut be no more; To God, the on, and Spirit ever bleft, Eternal Three in One, All Worflup be addreft ; As heretofore It was, is now, And ihail be fo For evermore*. As Pfalin 1451. By Angels in Heav'n of ev w ry Degree, And Saints upon Earth, Ail Praife bs addreft. *** To God in Three Perfoni, One (Sod ever bleft : As it has been, now is and always ihuli be. Ibt Vfud tymns. See* To the FROPEK IVXES, Te Deum L*udumuS) cVc, OGod wc praife thee, and confcfc, chat thou the on-ly Lord And e-ver-laiVing Fa-ther ait bv all the Earth a-dot To thee all An-gcls cry a-Ioud," to thee the Powers on high, Both Che-ra-bim and Ct^ra-phim coiwi-nu-al-ly do cry-, , Thrice holy Lord, the God whom aft the heav nly Holts obty ; The world is With the Glory fill d oi thy Majaftick K*\. Th* ApofUes Glorious Company, and Prophets Crowrrd with Light With ail the Martyrs noble Hoft, :hy conftant Praife recite; The holy Church throughout the World, O Lord confciles Thee ; Th^r thou eternal Father arty oi boundlels Majesty. Thy 2*6 H-mns, &c. Tiv honour c d, true and onlv Son; md Holv Gh >ft th* Spring Of never-ceafing Jo* : O Chrift of Glory, thou arc Kiig. The Fathers Everlafting Son, thou fom on Hign did ft come, To Save Mankind and didft noc thc»i diHain the Vi -gin's Womb. And having overcame the Sting. of Death thou op'nedft wide The Gates of Heav'n to ail, who firm in thy belief abide. PART II. Grown'd with the Father's Glory, thou at G3d s Right- Hand doft fit: Whence thou ilialt come to be our JudgC| to Sentence or Acquit. O therefore fave thv Servants. Lord, Whofe Soul? fo dearly coft ; Nor ler^the Par chafe of thv Blood, thy precious Blood be loft.. We magnine thee day by day v and ever woriliip thee. Vouchfafe to keep us, Load this day from Sin and danger free. Have mercv, mercy, on us, Lord ! to us thy Grace extend, According as for mercy, we on thee alone depend. •In thee I have reposM my Truft, and ever mall do Co, Preftrve me then from Ruin here, and from Eternal Woe, Tp Tether. Son. asid Hdy Gbtfi 9 the Gfii tphsm m *&&*) Si j fffomh &c. i>? le Gfory ; , 4mJ is y and jhull be evetmerc. Veni Creator, &c. Proper Tunc. Fir ft Ale t re. COme Holy Ghrft Creator Come, \nd \iiic all tne Sons of thn.e : Thou haft infpii d our hearrs wiih lite, Inipire them now wiih life divine. Thou art the Corrfo.ter, the Gift Ot God rrofl High, the Fire ot Love 3 The Everiafth.j; Spring of jo>, And Holy Undfaoo from above. Thv Gifts are manifold, thou writ'ft God's Laws in ev r> faithful Heaic ; The Promife ot the Father chou Doft heavenly Eloquence impart* Enlighten our dark -Souls, uil they Thv Love, thy Heav nly Love embrace! And iince we are by .Nature/rail, AiTift us with thy favii.g Grace ! Drive far from us the mortal Foe, And grant us to have Peace within, That with th\ Light and Guidance bleft, We ma) efcape the Snares of Sin. Teach ns the Father to confefs. And Son, who f om the Grave reviy'd. And with the Father and the .Son, The Holy GholYfom bochdenv'd. With thee, O Father, therefore may The Son, who was from Death reftor'd, And Sarcrd Comforter, one God, To Endlefs Ages be adoi 4 d. Veni Creator, Sec. Second Metrz % CO me Holy Ghoft Creaior come^ infpire the Souls of thine , i$8 Hymns, Sec. Till ev'ry Heart which thou haft: made is fili'd with Grace dirinc. Thou arc the Comforter, the Gifc of God, and Fire of 'Love, The Everiafting Spring of Joy, and Unction from Above. Thy Gifts are manifold, thou writ*ft God's Laws in each true Heart The Promife ot the Facher, thou dofc Heav'nly Speech impart. Enlighten our dark Souls tiJi they thy Sacred Love embrace ; AfUft our Minds by Nature frail, £ with thy Celeftiai Grace. D^vefar from us the mortal Foe, land give us Peace within : That, by thy Guidance bleft, we may efcapfe the Snares or Sin. Teach Us the Father to conrefs, and Son from Death revived, And with them boih, thee Holy Ghoft, who art from both derivd. With thee O Fa:her, therefore may the Son from Death reftor'd, And facred Comforter, one God devoutly be adord. As in ali Ages heretofore has conftantiy been done. As now it is ; and ihaJl be fo when Time his Courfe has run. Benedicts, the Song of Zacharias. Luke I. v. o8 ; Oc NOw bleft btljYds Lord and God, whofe mercy at our need Has vifited his Peoples Grief, and them from Bondage freed. Hymns, ccc 259 And rais'-d in faithful Duvids Houfc Salvation which of old £ ; er fince the World it feif began his Prophets had foretold. To fave us from our fpiteful Foes 3 and keep his Oath in mine, Which he to %Abrabam heretofore, and to our Fathers fignd. That we from Fear and Danger freed, his Temple may frequent ; And all our Days as in his fight, in Holy Life be fpent. And thou, O Child, ihalt then be Call'd God's Prophet to declare His MefTage, and before his Face his PaiTage to prepare. To ^ive them Lignt who now in Shades of Night and Death abide; And in the way that leads to Peace our Footfleps fafely guide. Magnificat. Song of the BUjfei Virgin, Luke 1. \$ 6r. MY Soul and Spirit fUi'd with Joy 3 My God and Saviour praife ; Whole goodnef? did from poor Eftate his humble Hand-maid raife. Me bleft of God. the God of Pow c r, all Aces (hall confefs, Whofe Name is Holy, and whofe Love his Sain:s fhali ever blefs. The Proud, and all their vain Defigns, he -quickly did confound: He caft che Mighty "from their 5ear, the Meek and Humble crown'd. Ti^ Hungry with good things are fil»'d ? -the Rich with Hunger § pin'd : *6o Hyimis, &C. Ht fent his Servant [Jsel help, and call d his Love to mind 3 Which to our Fathers heretofore; b Oach he did eniure. To ce my Expecting Eves have been with th Silvauon bleft ; Whuh tili trtii time thy favour c d Saint* and Piophers only knew, Long fince prepared, but now fet forth in all the peoples view. A Lightto fhew the Heathen World the Way to faving Grace : $ut- O the Light and Glory both of IjreVi chofen R*ce. lo Father Son and Holy Ghost) the God whom we adore 9 £4 Glory : as it was, is now and flxtU be evermore. The Creed. Iftedtaftly believe in God, the Father of ail might. Who made this lower World, and aH the glorious Worlds 01 Light. And I believe in Jefus Chrift the evcrlafting Word c Thy Hymns, Zee: 16 1 Th' Almighty Father' s only Son, and our moft gracious Lord. Conceiv'd by th' Holy Ghoft, and of the Virgin Miry born - y By Pontius TiUte doom'd co beac moft bitter Pains and Scorn. Was Crucify'd, and for a Time, both dead and bury'd lay ; Defcended into HeJl ; and rofe to Life on the third Day ; Afcended up to Heav'n ; and there At God's Right-Hand is plac't • From whence he fhall return to Judee > the Quick and De^d at laft. 5 I likwile firmly do believe O Holy Ghoft in thee ; .TheHoly Universal Church ; -and Saints Community. Forgivenefs of repented Sinr, /through Chriftour Sacrifice} The Refureiition or the Dad. 1 and Life that never dies To Father, Son, *nd Holy GkojL I the God whom vec *dore f ' pe Glory ; *s it x*+s, i s no „ 1 and flail be evtrmorf. The Lord, Prayer, to^the xwefc p faIm j^ rvUR Father who in Heaven art Thy Kingdom come ; tnav vre fulfill Who dwell on earth, V'Wnly kfll With equal Chearfulnef, and Love J \s Saints and Angels do Above. 3iyeus this day our daily Bread: 'Jf WWW Temtation l«d, ' ** Vne' M8a Hymns, &c. »ac with thy Grace preferve us ftili l *rom Sin, and ev'ry thing that's ill. For thine the Kingdom and the PoVr , And Glory are for evermore. "To Rtffcrr, Son, and Holy Gbcfl, The Cod whom all the Stored HoTI Of Stints and xAn^els do adore^ I kAU Glory 6r, as heretofore 1* tvas, and jo p)all be .To II. Thou (halt no graven Image make, nor likenefs fhalc thou reign. Of any thing that Heav'n or Earth,' or wat'ry Deeps contain. Thou ilialt not bow thy felf to them^ nor outward Worihip pay *, MuJh lefs flialt thou in Heart adore, . and to an Idol pray. For I thy God a jealous God, the Father's Sin chaftife M To third and fourth Decent, ofalU who are nvy Enemies : ' But Mercy do to thoufands fnew, and bounteouily repa/ AJI thofe who me iiocerely Love, and my Commands obey. Ill* The Sacred, Name of God thy Lord^. thou never flialt profane. For God will them not guiltlefs hold who take his Name in vain* IV. Remember thou the Sabbath Day to keep with holy care; Six Days for labour thou ihalc take t \ to irniih each Aftnr. But God, thy Lord, the Seventh Day • his Sabbath did ordain, In which thou flialc from ev'ry kind " of Worldly Work refrain. Thy felf, thy Children, Servent*, then from Labour fhall be-free, Thy Cattle, and the Stranger, whom thou tak'il to dwell with thee. For God, thy Lord, the folemn fpace t of fix whole Days did take, The Heavens, Earth, and Seas, and ail therein contained to make ; M 2 Bu *(>4 Hymnei &c. But retted on the Seventh Dayi which for that caufe, he bleft, And fan&ify'd it to be kept a Day of Holy Reft. V. Honour thy Parents, that thou mayft both long and happy live, In that bleft Land which God, thy Lord, did for thy dwelling give. VI. From Murder. ( VII. ) From Adultery* VIII. And Theft thou malt forbear; IX. Nor falrty 'fhalt in any cafe againftthy Neighbour fwear, 3C. Thou fhalt not covet Houfe, or Wife or Man or Maid of his* Or Ox, or Afs, or ought whereof he rightful Owner is. Hive Mercy therefore on us^ Lordt and all our Hearts incline With Diligence and Care to keep fucb Righteous Laves of thine, '^Additional HYMNS, which may oe Sung 10 any of the Tunes o£ Common Me a [we. *Song of the xAngels at ths Nativity cj our Blejfed Saviour. Luke IL from v. 3. to v. 15. WHile Shepherds watch'd their Flocks by all feated on the Ground, ( Night The Angels of the Lord came down and Glory ihone around. ** Fear not, laid he ( for mighty Dread u had feiz'd their troubled Mind. ) $i Glad Tidings of great Joy I bring D " to you and all Mankind ; c To you in David's Town this Day " is born of David's Line << Tlie Tf.tlm Time:. 369 To thcc alone, my King, my God will I for help repair. Pfalm 23. Canterbury Tune wa The Lord himfdf, the Mighty Lord vouchsafes to be my Guide; The Shep-herd by whofe conftant Cara> my wants are all fup-ply'd Pfalm ^S. Mirtyers June. 5Eggfa#*^^^g Thv chaftning wrarb. O Lord reftrain, l fi=2S=h! •g Q^: ^ though t de--ferve it ill ; let at once on me the ftorm of thy dii-pka-iure fill. Pftlm 170 Pfalnr Tunes. Pfalm 19 Tork Tune. ■ j»l tl-H-Mi ^ The Heav'ns declare thy Glory, Lord, which that a*-Ione can fill ; liilllPlilE The Fir*m*-ment in^ Srr< ex-o^ef* I ^ d U fc JLH g^g their great Cre-a-tor'* skill. Pfalm 2*, Cdmbrifoe fli<>rt or SouthtteU 7nne % 4 l » fc£ To God in whow I emit, s £=£ Pg I. life my HeirC and Voice:* O let me not be put to fhamc •^x. ^N£g5EiE nor let my Foes re- Joyce. Pfalm 119. Vtoper Inne How hleft are thev who alwavs keep the pure and pet fed way Jfnlm Turns. 271 Who ne-rer irom thy fa-crcd Paths =^£b|P|e2 =£==3; of God's-Com-mandments ftary How bleft, who to his righteous Laws, t-* — j-4 fc*=^^g hare ftill o-be--di-ent been And hare with fer-venc hum-ble Zeal, his fav-our fought to win* pfaim 148, roper Tune. Yebound-lefs r ealms of Joy, e x* — alt your Maker's Fame; His Praife your Song em-- ploy :*~-boYC the ftarry frame. Q tjz PfahtL Tunes t3 Your Voi ces raife. sgs&Efeiegag Ye Ch€-~ru»bim and Sera-phim to fing his Praife* Pfalm ioo. f Tune. With one Confent lee ail the Earth to God their chcarful Voices raife ; Glad homage pay, with awful Mirth and fing before him, Songs of Praife. tonei? W, J'?' 2 * .w»- *k«: H &h