£5 «"«» rd ■^ a. •5 .5 » Lc .JS _Q. ** ^ -m a JSf * Q_ S> & **- o *3 5 2 » •3 8 0) US H &> £ I 8 7?3£ / V The Ax laid to the R$ot of the Tree ; discourse Wherein the ANABAPTISTS Mifjion and Minijiry ARE Examined and Disproved, THEIR Arguments for it Refuted at Urge, THEIR Grounds of Separation from the Church of England demonftrated to be Slanders; and the Matter o$ them moftjuftly retorted upon themfelves, as altogether inconfiftent with the Notion of a Chriftian Churchy and fo creating a Conftant and Indelible Preju- dice againtt Communion with them. Wherein Hkewife The Vnity of the Church, and Evangelical Triejlhood are afTerted againil them and all other Setlaries, of whatioxver Denomination. Ill — £2 6/., %/ ^//^ — . , THE ' ******* PREFACE. READER, IHere prefent thee with part of my Vejign againft the Analaptifts, one of the moll prevailing Sefts that in lefts our Church here in England, i? taken in its due Latitude, and in all its Subdivi(ions ; one of thofe Tares than Satan Cowed very early among the pure Wheat of the Reformation from Popery, and moll fe- duloufty cultivatedby the Jefuzts (no queftion) to this very Day (elpecially in fome of its Branches} as may in another place, by God's Leave , be made maaifeft. This hath been their Policy from the beginning, to Cow Divi- sions, and make Rents and Separations amongfl the Reformed, and what they find therafelves unable to accomplifh by open Force, by puhlick Oppofition, to effed: by Clandeftine and Under- hand Dealings, by letting loole the little Foxes, by ft ir ring up the Populace, the Illiterate and Ignorant againft us, after having poyfoned their Hearts with Envy y Malice and Hatred y and /»- A i tox?~ iv The

Titui Oats ; ) whilft it is viour of the apparent by their Doclrine and Pra- Dtfemen tbe ^ ices * the y are the Poyfoners and Murderers of the Souls of all Man- kind they have to do with, (unlefs by the efpecial Grace of God prevented.,) For the furtherance and carrying on their Deftru&ive Defigns the more fuccefsfully, they have mod (tudioufly endeavour'd to corrupt the Gofpel by Falfe Gloffes and Interpretations of its moll: Pure, Holy, and Righteous Doctrines ,• that Mankind being fet loofe from the Obligations of Natural Light or Confcience , and finding ftarting Holes to evade the Indifpenfahility of Evangelical Striclnefs and Obedience, may there- by The

ifts to the The PREFACE. the Puritans, that if it remained unrevenged, it would be thought a Blemifh to their Reli- gion : the Flames of which Fire, the fubfe- quent Book of Prayers increaies, [ the Scot, tifh Common-Prayer-Book,] §.9. 'In this Heat, a certain Scottijh Earl, call'd Max- field- was expedited to the Scots by the Popifb Tarty, with whom two other Scottifb Earls Fapifts held Correfpondency : he ought to ftir up the People to Commotion, and rub over the Injury afrelh, that he might en- flame their Minds, precipitate them to Arms, by which the hurtful Difturber of the Scottijh Liberty might be (lain [i. e. Archbilhop Laud] whofe Death we fee was originally plotted by the Jefuits, and executed by the Presbyterians their Executioners ; as was likewife the Death of the King (tho' executed indeed by the In- dependent-Millenarian- Party ) if he would not be gain a over to their Party, JT. 10. ' There, by one Labour, Snares are prepar'd for the King : for this Purpofe the prefent Bufmefs was Co order'd, that very many of the Eng- lifb mould adhere to the Scots; that the King mould remain inferiourin Arms, who (there- upon) fhould be compell'd to crave Affiftance from the Papifts, which yet he fhould not ob- tain, unlefs he would defcend into Condi- tions, by which he mould permit Univerfal Liberty of the exercife of the Popifh Religion, for fothe Affairs of the Papifts would fucceed according to their Defire. To which Con- tent, if he fhould fnew himielf more difficult, 4 there The &c. have « tf»i authorize *6. 10. into their P/0/j and Defigns, in his Epiflle to the Reader, in his Jus Patronatus, printed 1654. * The chief Particulars whereof, in refped: of ' Religion, are (faith he,) to put all Churches , * Colleges, Lands, Reclories, Tithes, Revenues, * intoteeoffees-Hands ; to allow only Arbitra- 4 ry Penfions out of them, to Miniflers and * Scholars for their Maintenance, and convert ' the reft to other Ufes : to eredt Itinerary Pre- ' dicants fixed to no certain places, inflead of * Parochial Minifters [ fee the fad and mofl Scandalous Project reprefented to the Life, in the Gemit. Ecclefia Cambrobri- Z r Z)2 C * Mri ~ ******* and, a true and perfett Relation of the whole Tranjaftion concerning the Petition of the Six Counties of South-Wales, &c. both printed in the Year 1654,] allowed and chofen only by a Seledfc Committee, not prelented by WalfonV ^uoiiib our Patrons. ' To broach old *&&£>& 4 ' Herefies and new Opinions Repi? to prions u- in Religion, by Jeiuitical bei/f. 74, 75- c EmiiTaries and Seminaries in Campan- de Mon. cut r l. o j uifp.c. 18, 19, % h all places ; to low the Seeds ay, 17. ' of Schiim and Divifions, not ' only in Divinity, but Jike- ' wife in Philofophy, and all other Arts and * Sciences, to diftrad and divide us, to pro- * mote and cry up the Study of Aftrology, to ' alienate Tl>e

and , l67 ^ . n preached within, and about the )£&>' Country of Limerick, amongfi the Nonconformifts of .tho fe Parts Id. p. 107. But to fee how \ealous the Jefuits were to propagate Anabap- tifm, ta\e this Specimen from a Letter that was entred in the Society of Jefus at Paris, a Copy whereof was fent to Arcbbijhop Ufher, \6<>z. L It is not rip; enough as yet to fet Anabaptifm a madding at this time, 1 but rather fet EnmHy and Variance between Sir]o\v<\ presbyter — 1 and the Independent. V/e have fent private Intelligence unto i Patient [Fleetwoods Chaplain in Ireland, and a great Dipper of ' the People, &c. ' The Anabaptifts increafe a-main, and Peter Pain,w/;o was lately 1 difcovertd, bath fled from thofe Parts, and is gone into Yorkliiire, ' where he goetb now under the Name of T. C. Looli into the Licence - ' Book^TiJ you will know under what Names he was to go in cafe of c Difcovery, Foxes and Firebr. Part. 3. p. 1. c Ff*flcis T hrogmorton, being condemn d for High Treafon, ' before his Execution,— ——confeffed, That there were in England 1 above a Do\en-,that he f^mw, who were permitted to preach by the 1 $■ e fiits Licences, purposely to breed a taction in thefe Dominions Foxes and Firebr. Part 2. p. 61. Add to thefe that; of Olivet's, in his Speech in the Painted Cham- ber, Sept. 4. 16)4. (who knew as well as any Body) i That [there] ' were Mlltituies of Romifh Emiffaries and Vermin, [then] refiding ' and wandring up and down freely amongfi us, td feduce and divide 1 the Piople, by (etting up newSecfs, and feparate Congregations, in c all places, and broaching new Notions and Opinions of ail forts, ov~ 1 old Herefies and Blafphemies, not faying Maffes, praying to Saints 1 and Images, or crying up the Vopes Supremacy^ &c. as heretofore, Fojies Firebrand^ Part 2. page 144.- U 3] One xxii The

. 30. The Jefuits crept into all Societies, and a&- ed all Parts.— -They fet up Perfections and Clamours againlt Bifhops, and the ableft Mini- fies of the Land ; ( for it was the Papilts that let up the Opposition againlt Bifhops, as ap- pears by F. Sibthorps Letter to F. Medcalf, who iaith, And now they are fulling down that Wall, which at once adorn d and defended their Way, I mean their Government; their Vineyard* (as they ufe to preach ) is laid wafle, and the wild Beafts of the For eft Qyou know whom they mean) may enter in. Fair Warning, Tart %. p. \$. Of this Matter of Faff, the truly Learned, and mod defervedly Judicious, Btfhop Saunder- fon was thoroughly convine'd : * Poflibly, fays * he, it will not pkafe them, but 1 mult fpeak 4 it cu", both for the Truth's fake and theirs, 5 viz. That themfelves Qi.e. the Sectaries ) 6 are in Truth, tho' not purpolely and intenti- ' onally, yet really and eventually the great * Promoters of the Roman Intereft amongft us, $ and that more Ways than one: Firft, by £ putting to their Helping Hands to the pulling I down Epifcopacy. Its very well known t The

. 24. Second Advice ,• * You will do well to make it appear under-hand, how near the Doctrine and Difcipline of the Church of England comes to us,how willingly their Articles would be in- terpreted in aCatholick Senfe,at how little di- ftance their Common Prayer is from ourMafs, whereby you may perfuade the World, That the Proteflant Religion is weary of it felf, and [a d] the xxiv The

43« This we all know hath been their grand Arti- fice for many Years pad, and by which they did infinite Mifchief to our poor Church : But by the way obferve, This was a Slander and Lie put into the Mouths of our Sectaries by the Je- fuits and other Orders of the Church of Rome, mecrly to create Prejudice, without any man- ner oi Truth in it. None of our Enemies could ever properly fix Fopery upon our Liturgy, Ar- ticles, &c. Omne Simile non eft idem, every like \s not the fame : They might with as much Inge- xxvi TIjc

l am at tais five Jefuits at Prague, were C time tranfported With Plying lor acfingl the Devils, < j oy tQ fe e how ] la • a fixth real Devil came from t , Ji . . T a ^ Hell into their Company, and iy all InJtrumentS and jo buggd one of them, that he « Means, as well great as die. I within three days after. < t r md. Luc. p. 17. proph.Hii- , ,efs > co-operate unto cleg, fulfilled, p. 61. cited in ' OUT PurpoleS. p , rotechnia Loyolan 3,p. 66. Another remarkable Story of their Ailing, worth [suing down in this Place, which was thus: We find Afr/V/jd defworth did depofe in Writing, &z viva Voce, at the Lord's Bir, That one Henry, alias c Francis Smith, alias Lloyd, alias, dsrc — before the Scottiih Wars, ' did tell him in Norfolk That the Popifn Religion was not to 4 be brought in here by Difputing, or Books of Controverfie. but * with an Arroyjand with Fire and Sword. And when, according to Tie PREFACE. xxxi this mtnacingDetemination of F.Smith.tfo? Jefuits had}fomented nWtvt betwixt England and Scotland, 1639. it feems, upon their Solid- tations, the King of Spain bad provided a New Spanilh Armado and Land-Ai my of old Soldiers, to invade the Weftern and South- ern Parts of England, when the Forces and Ammunition were drawn into the Northern Parts againfi the Scots, which Defign was broken and detected by the Hollanders unexpected Encounter of their Fleet on the Englifh Coafts, and the Pacification in Scotland ; which appear d by the Confejfwn of an Englifh Pilot in that Navy on his Deathbed, mortally wounded in thefirft Fight, to an Englifh Mini- fter and others , to whom he reveal 'd it out of Conjcience; [Pj 10- tech. Lyol. p. n8.] as alfo by forae Letters and other Evidences, and by a Pamphlet made and printed by the Jefuits, 1640. in which, among other Paffages enter' d in the Parliament journal, Nov. 14. 1640. there was a particular Prayer., for the holy Martyrs which fuffer'd in the Fleet fent againft the Hereticksof England, 1639" With this Net, the Papifts muft nih in troubl'd Waters.^ To which purpofe, the Pope's Nuncio, with the fecret College of Jeiuits in Queen-Street, fummond a Convention of jefuits, having got fe- cretly into private Fay an Army of 7000 Papifts; upon which*, the Fathers of the Society were lo confident of Succefs, that in the Jubilee 1^40, — at Aquifgran, or Aken, in their publicfi Hall they had an Interlude, which they invited People to by printed Tickets, fignifying the Triumph of the Popifn Church of Rome, by Pageants brought upon the Stage, lubduing all her Enemies till that Day by their means • But in their Jollity, when two Armies came in, one of Jefuits and Papifts, another of the Proteftants, ready to encounter, a Jefuitical Actor, inthe Habit of a Mafs-Prieft, comes in divining Succefs to the Popifh Army, praying jor it with going to England with Endeavours to be Agitators (. they faid ) in the Army. At Paris the Scarlet Jefnit, who would have the Englijh Lady he had pro- felyted, to rejoice at the King's Death, di- ftajied her with the Popifh Religion upon that Score,fo that gave herGracc to be no more of it,&c.p. 61. It feems alfo there was great Joy in the Englijh Seminaries abroad, and here at Home, Mr. White and others were Applauders of the fucceeding Government. F. Brett was for the prevailingPower, (p. 6z y 64.) under which they got from the Top of the Houfe of Lords two of the Gunpowder Traitors Heads, which we may here in time ufe as holy Reliques ilirin'd up in Gold and working Miracles. Pyrotechn. Loyol. or the Fiery Jefuits Temper and Behaviour, p, 12.1, \ii. £2.) Secondly , as to the Subverfion of the Monarchy ^ The

2 J mofl xxxvi The (p (II E F ACE. ' mo(t of the Jefuits were Knaves, they, and moft 1 of the jefuited Fapifts being again]} the King, c and wholly for a Commonwealth, as being mofi ' advantagioui for the King of Spam's Inter- ' eft, &c. And to (hew how much they fet forward the Advice of fome of the Society , to promote the Study of Aftrology, and for what Ends, the aforefaid Author remarks, that Lilly, a zealous Republican, in his Almanack for the Year 1651. * Prognofiicated, That the Stars did then pro- ' wife Ails of Grace and Favours to Popi/h Recu- ' fants, who in their Zeal and Loyalty to the c Mew Republick, exceeded moil Presbyterians ; f an Argument it was a Creature of the Jefuits, 1 and their Projection, to procure PrinnV Brief i them more Grace and Favour ^Lklf^l ' than before > and promote their Tage 34. e Defigns againft us. To this End 4 confuit Lilly s Colletlion of antient ' and modern Prophecies in 1645, to prepare 6 the Minds of the People to acquiefce in a c Common-wealth, predicling the utter Extir- * pation of Monarchy in thele Kingdoms, as Jike- 1 wi^e of the Royal Family , and his Monarchy or no Monarchy in England, to clinch the Matter in 1 05 1 : And that which is obfervable bei'ides is, as Mr. Trinn relates, p. \ 8. of his Brief Vindication, That Nedham, the fcribbling Incen- diary of thofe Times, makes u(e of tho Jejuit Barclay s, and Mariana's Principles , to ere£t his new-fangled Common-wealth upon. Mr. Frinns Words are thefe, well worth noting, '.He The

§fc So conltantly do our Secta- [ b 3 ] ries xxxviii The 4 <% E F A C E. ries/>/(?u>with thePopi/b Heifers, purfuing their written and oral Advices and Inftru&iors. But to (new what an Intereil thefe Jefuits had in thofe Times, how generally they prefided in all the then Councils, and managed all Intrigues, infi- nuated themfelves amongft all the Great Ones at the Helm, and were the original Movers, or Wheels, of all the Revolutions and Changes in the Government in thofe Days, I ckfire the Reader but to confider with me thefe following Particulars. CO Their conflant Prejence in the Army in thofe Times; as, fir ft, in the Army of Sir. Tho- mas Fairfax, General, 1 648 ; fo Mr. Prinn tell us, when he was a Prifoner in 1648, under the Ar- Tnthe Yen r^T, by Order "?? OfficerS,wllO forcibly. from Rome, above an hundred le] 2 d him and fort) 7 Other efihe^Qtrm clergy rcertfm Members of the Con> The hundred Men that Wntover m0nS Houle ,-- Some in ttorcar i< 4 ..■» ' v caujed to be tied, jeveral Prate- ViqgdllCOVer'd ma- < fiants Back to Bach K , and fo to ny they knew to be ' be fl un i cver Porudown-Bridge r u "\ A C *.U ' ' ™ Ireland. This Friar, about lucn ) and lo tneir « the tim that y lver cromwei Good Intentions ' came over into Ireland,w«tf <#/. were fruftrated.-— * gf?J| ^ England^ at m time he received one Ward s-Wtfe, 1 by whom be bad fever al Bajiards, pretending Jhe mas his Wife, Cromwei coming back for Eng- land, this Friar (by what means is net hjiown) became very gra- cious and converfant with that Ufurper, and then went undev the Hame of Captain Holland : Upon this Intimacy and Acquain- tance, Oliver Cromwei made ufe of this Impoftor, and gave him a large Allowance per Annum , to give him foreign and dome^ ft id; Intelligence , for he would pay upon Poft-Vays above forty Shillings for Letters, directed to him by the Hame of Captain Holland, &c. It chancing when a Speech made by Oliver, 1^54, to this Effect, That there was Hothing done in England, &c. but that it was carried on by the tfefuits , &c. and fo bad his Parliament look into this Affair ; fearch being made, and things inquired into, fome of thefe Impoftors were dijeovered, and amongft the reft this pretended Captain Holland, &c. yet Oliver Crom- wei protected him, &c. Fox. Fireb. Part 2. p. 8 went, where he treats of the Difpojfejfion of -a fu- pream tormer Governour of his Rights, and moft villanoujly and trai- teroufly, p.1^1. and even here he refblves, that if he be wrongfully difpofc tefsd, yet for the publick Good he ought to reft fatisiied, and in Con- science is bound to re- nounce his Claim ; and as for his Subjefts, that there is no Juflice, [i.e. they have no Right, are under no Obligation] on their fide, to re- ftore him. — — ' A N^igiflrate actually difpof- 1 fefs'd, hath no Right to be reflor'd ,• nor the ' Subject any Obligation to feek to refiore, but 4 to oppofe him. ■ And Again, p. 147, upon a Supposition,- That the common Good ought to be the Mcgiflrate's Title, and the Subject's Obedience. Out of which, faith he, it fol- loweth, That whenever (confidcring all things) the Common Good is clearly en the Fojfejjors Side, then v he Dijpojfeffed hath no Claim. T his is a Secular foifooth, and a profeft Enemy to the 'jefaits ! U there be no greater Difference between A Notable Infiance of that Party's Affection to him may be cbferved in Peter Talbot, the Titular Archbifhop of Dub- lin, who rvM publicity takjn notice cf by John King, Dean of Tutm, and divers others, to be in deep Mourning atCvom- welV Funeral^ and to appear in it for fome months after \n> aiding in the Piazza in Covent-Gar- den, and other of the Streets of the City of London. Foxes Firebr pari ii. p. xcvi. xlii 77;e

and Eftabliihment of thefe Kingdoms,- both too deem'd Brethren in Iniqui- ty, and jointly, notwithflanding their Teeming Qppofitions, carrying on the lame traiterous Defjgns ; which argues but the greater Poli- cy and Villariy, and ought to be expell'd all reformed Kingdoms. Let any one now compare White's Notions with Baxters Thef. of Governm. 149. 'If 4 therefore the rightful Governour be fo long ' diipoflefledjthaj: the Common-wealth can be no * longer without, but to the apparent ^Hazard * of its Ruine, we ( i. e. we the People, or we * the Rebels that difpoffefs himj are to judge f that Providence hath difpoffeffed the former, * and preferitlv to confent to another, &k. And. coiiiequently we find him owning Oliver and FijcSardzsPQwers appointed by God s comparing- Oliver, to Da *y\ Richard 10 Solomon, in his fifth Qifpuiqtion 0] [ Churl h Government and Wor- Dedicat. ated in Evangel. Armatum. p. x'6. printed in the Year 1663. To fee how gcniS Wits jump, 2nd whatableffed Harmony, after all Noiie, &c. there was in thofe Days between our S0arm, Jefuits, and other Fopijb Friefis, nay tfre Seculars too. (^4) live extraordinary 'particular Favours ex- hibited to thbfe Jefuits, and other Vopifo Priefts ? in 1650, during the Usurpation, To introduce this Obfervatiori, I (hall venture the Reader's Excufe The

And accord- ingly we find they actually Ejlahlijbed each other. The Government, in fpight of all Remonftran- ces, Petitions, and Proofs to the contrary, gave thefe Miffwnaries their full Swinge, and granted them, under-hand, Indigencies ; from whence the Papifts were very bufie in propagating their corrupt Principles, by fending forth their EmhTa- ries dtfguis'd, under the Name of Army-Men ; [and what were thofe but really Jefuits, &c. fuch as thofe thirty who were met between Roan and Deep, who were coming over to be Agita xlviii The

' <£ E F A C E. Demi, Nay, 1 may take notice alio of fuch Words in this Quaker no Papift, as caufe the Author thereof, whoever he be, [H. D. or J. W. or W. J. for I take them all to be one Man, ] to fmell of a foreign Coun- try, &c. Some of his Do&rines printed in this [Quaker no Papift] are thefe, (/i) That Mr. H. D. does not know whether Purgatory be reveal'd in Scripture or not, />. 12. penult, Ql) That, in good earned, he thinks thole who had their Ordination from the Church of Rome,, and do not obey the Pope, are Rebels, di[obedient, and Apoftates, if they defend the the Neceflity of Ordination by Bilhops, p. 16. Medio. — (3) That no Protejlant Minifter, either in England, or beyond the Seas, hath any better Ordination cr Commifion to preach, than G. Whitehead the Quaker, p. 8,9, io.--- and then ( Lalily ) That the prefent Roman Church, and no ether, is the pure Spoufe of Chrift, or eKe there hath been none in all Ages. Gagg for the Quakers, with an f Anfwer to Mr. Dcnris Quaker no Papift, jT. 59, ' 60. Printed 1659. " Then parag. 3 2. of the Anfwer to Denns Qjtaker no Papift, I defire the Reader to oblerve this Paflage; A few Lines after Quaker no Papift, p. if. having told us that the Pref. lyterians are eafily enough infected with fuch Leaven, ( Prelatical Malice) he falls into thefe Words ; * Nor do they, while they fall thus c upon others, take any Notice of, or endea- * your to anfwer thofe things which are {land- ing The Have they not dene violence to all manner of Laws, to uphold and ered: their own Factions > Have they not taken away Mens Lives, Karnes, Li- berties, Eftates, and exposed their Families to Shame, Beggary, without Co much as Inquifi- tion ? Have not Committee-Men^ Major-Ge- [ c 3 ] ' nerals, liv The

& c - praclifed upon their Eafinefs, with \ 7 Q \\ % c c \ the particular Sums thus gain'd, the Place, and Time, and Manner of Action; Proofs, one v» ould think, of the greateft Sin- cerity imaginable; efpecially fince he for this, was with all pofhble Violence purfu'd and rail'd at by his Adverfaries in the Church of Rome, and feemingly perlccuted by his Holi- nefs, and ArchFriejls commiflioned by him, yet after all, we find this Man at lafl was dif- cover'd to be engag'd in Treajon againft his Sovereign, and plotting all thole Villanies he had be tore Co iolemnly declaimed and wrote againft, the Account whereof we have in all all our Hiftories, Differ, betw. the Chur. and Court 0/Rome, p. 12. 13. I might carry on thefe Obfervationsa greater Length, but having been very prolix already, Qtho* I hope the impartial Reader will the eafi- lier Pardon me, confidering the Importance of what hath been hitherto reprffented} I ihall haften to give in fliort fome Acount of my main Subject. In the firft place then,! cenceiv'd it absolutely neceffary to begin with the Mijfton of the Ana- baptifts, the Foundation upon which all their Church-Proceedings mult reft; if that fails, all their lx The V (^E F AC E. their Minijlrations mud drop, be null and inva- lid: Disprove their Million and Mimftry, then they can be no Church, no Body politick, no Go- vernours and Governed^no Shepherds^no Flock^nd being once u^mask'd, will appear to be nothing but a mcer Rabble, or at beft but a humane felf con- ft it uted Church. This was the Method of the /ft/- cients dealing with HERETICKS and Schifma- ticks, by which they very fuccefsfully put an end to Controverfies of this Nature ; of which I have treated at iarge in the enfuing Difcourfe ; and if infilled on, and countenanc'd by our Spi* ritual and Civil Governours t by God's Blefling might prove an effectual Means to reduce our ivandring Stars to the Centre and Unity of the Church: Once convince them of the Nullity as well as Sacrilege of their Minijlrations, and make the Generality of Chriftians (enfible that it s nothing but Self -confidence, Self-Interefl, Pre- emption, and Pride, without the l^aft Shadow of Right, that dubbs them into Miniflers; that they all are as much Miniflers themfelves, and then as St. Auguftin faith, in the cafe of the Donatijls Rebapuzation of all that came over to their Party, Nature will not recoil againfi; them, and they'll abhor being conducted by them, who are no better, and but upon an e- qual Foot with themfelves ,• befides the mofl imminent Danger of making ihip-wreck of a good Confcience, and their eternal Salvation. Then it uill be demonllrable, by taking a little Pains with them,that there is and can be butfine Church, one Priejlhood, one Baptifm,* That all that 7he V%EV ACE. lxi that feparate from the Bofom and Unity of the Churchy by dividing from a particalar Part of it, are a&ually Schijmaticks, i. e. cut ofT from the common Means, the common Hope of Salvati- on, being divided from the £/£<* monly known by frequent Obfervation and Experience) concluding in Sceptic ifm and De- fpair, the Spirit of God, which is conftant U- niform and never changing, having no Inhah'u tation, or Refidence, in fuch Perfons ; this lift- ing from Seel: to Sed:, but ever avoiding the Church of Chrift, the Communion of Saints, where alone the Holy and SleiTsd Spirit of Love, and tfc Ixii TheTV^E F AC E. Unity ^ and Sanctity dwelleth, being an infallible Mark of their being wholly poflefled and con- ducted by the Spirit of Error, of their prefect Vefertion by God's Grace, and of xh€\x final Per- dition, if not timely prevented, by their Re- union with God*s Church and Chofen. Their Churches of meer Human Conjlitution, (et up in oppofition to the Church of Chrifl, all of them Deviations from the True Church, from the One, thetfarrow^the flraitWay to the Broad^the common and mofl frequented Way, £the Way of Heathens, Jews, Turks, Schifmaticks and He re ticks, and ail profligate and wicked Chriftians, being cad intoj> that Number, by our B. Lord, who together with them, make up that monjlrous innumeralle and vile Herd of Impure Goats, in contradiflinclion to that little Flock of Genuine and Sincere Chri- ftians) that leads directly to Defirudtion : and tho fome amongft thefe Sects (eeming'y have fome pretence to Orthodoxy r 'tis only a Snare and Temptation to them for their greater Infatua- tion, hereby to make them the more confident, and to render them the more fecure in the dan- gerous Condition they are in, thereby to make them more carelefs, and the lefs folicitous for tho^e Advantages of the True Communion and Union with Chrifl:, and his Body the Church here upon Earth, (without which they cannot, and and (hall never become Members of the Archety- pal Church in Heaven,') and fb by the Artifices and Wiles of Satan, working upon their weaker Parts, and encouraging them in their Prefum- ption and Averfion, to all the proper Means con- The

exclufive of all who are without her; her Dow- ry, her Right, her Pcffejfton ; that (be alone hath the Gift of Interpretation, to underjland them and apply them, becaufe Jhe alone Jiatb the E-]oly Spirit, to whom alone the Prom if e of the Spirit was made, to lead her, by theUfe of them, into all neceffary and faving Truth and Knowledge § and on the contrary, that they are a Sealed Book to all that are out of the Church, and efpecially to thofe who go out of the Church, and creel: Churches of their own, in oppofitibn to the One Church of Ckrifi ; devifc new Ways, new Al- tars, new Prieflhoods, and new Communions of their own ; an i coniequently, are abandon d, re- jected , call of! by God and ChriCt, as Apo- flates, as Rebels, as Traitors *\zft to thertffelves * being depriv'd of all means of Grace, and all the Influences and Irradications of the Holy Spirit ; call out among the Do^s, the Vile and Unclean, to receive the common Fate and Fort ion with //y- pocrites and Unbelievers ; as bearing no Relation^ to drifts and having no /?;g/;f with rhe < kttdreti of the Kingdom being call into outward Darknefs, So that being difbwn'd by God and Chrijf and left entirely to thernfelves, and the Influence of the /it/// 0#i?, the Grand Deceiver a td Father of Lies-, it's no wonder they n ( k fo perve Ufe of thefe Sacred Oracles, f • the extracting and forcing out or them, iuch varieties here fies, and Models of Churches ,;>,' •- for the countenancing of fuch monjlrous Imrimrti- inks, as would fcandalize a civiiiz'd F /«ri »i [d] Heat- Ixvi TJ?e

And for what End ? No ! they only put Weapons into their Hands to en- counter their common Enemy with ,• under that Notion to mu.tiply Divifions, and Factions, and Animofities i by tearing in pieces the Church of England, under the Character of Antickriftian, and Bahylomjh; which if they could but fee pull' J and (hatter d in Pieces, they might hope in a little rime to re unite unto themfelves. This Church ever was, and is the Butt of all your Malice and Envy, as well as of all other Seds here amongft us ; to her Ruine you all agree and confpire, and join Hand in Hand and, in fbme fenfe, I may (ay, all the Churches in Europe ; an infallible Argu- ment to me of her being, in her Articles, DiJ- cipline, and Holy Offices, the mofl Primitive, Apoftolick, Orthodoxy and Canonical, Particular Church, in this Part of the World: An Ar- gument of her Qatbolhi ftp , becaufe fo lire- huoufiy oppugn'd on all fides, by the inde- fatigable A&ivity of the Church of B$me t and innumerable Sects, by the Treachery and La- tit udinarianifm of her own Creeping - Low- ^iirch-Men, that are 1 fed and pamper'd dai- kxiv 77; Or whether, in fome Senfe, (lie hath not been juilly recompens'd by their Ingra- titude and evil Returns, and by what (he hath forely fufferd fmce for their Sakes, §&$. So that it will luilowat length, that you are no Churches, but unlawful Combinations and Factions, wearing religious Badges for Difcrimination only ; the Topes Journey men and Tools in Ma\querade ; and to countenance you, is but to foiter Snakes in our Bofoms to (ting us to Death, and to let in the Trojan Horfe upon us when Opportunity (hall ierve ; to allow your Conventicles is but to per- mit fo many Nurferies of Rebels and Schifmaticks, and to maintain a Succeffion o /worn Enemies,by Principle and rnijzuided Confcience ,both to Church and State, to multiply and increafe yearly our E- vemies inT)jr own Bo veh, whiift we wade and confume our Youth, vho are the beft inclin'd p the Government, in our Wars abroad ; whilfl: you Tl?e

A Protejlants Account of his Or- thodox Holding in Matters of Religion, Printed 1641.^.37. Now fmce it's fo apparent, by what hath been hitherto (aid, that many of our Sects are the very Invention of the Church of Rome, and that all the reft are manag'd and in- flutnc'd by them, to carry on the Detign of ru- ining and extirpating our Church ,• what better piece of Serv-ce can we do our H^ly Mother, than by endeavouring to expofe thefe religious Cleats, Impoftors, and Falfe Apoftles, and by publishing to -ill Chriliians the fhallownefs, as . well as mckednefs of ail their Pretentions ; and at the fame time, by breaking the Meafures of our Sworn und Inveterate Enemies. For by oppofmg th- fe Sectaries effectually, the Damage redounds to the Church of Rome ; as by Favour- ing »he Sectaries, we Countenance the other. So that whoever Preaches or Writes againft them, does it i*iefte& againft Popery, they be- ing the Fack-horjes to introduce it. And who- ever The IP (II E F A CE. lxxix °ver Countenances and Pleads for the Toleration d( the(e Seels, conjlructively or virtually does the fame for Popery, let his intention he what it willotherwife : The Toleration of Diverfity of Communions , naturally tending to the Dijjfolu- tion of the Efiablijh d Church, efpecially -vhe n a Liberty is allowed withal of withdrawing all they can from the Ejiablifhd or National Church ; which is not in the leait provided againfr by any Claufe, impofing any Penalty upon the Seducers or /educed; than which 'tis impoflible to con- ceive a greater Inftance, either of In 'differ -ency, oxUnconce rnednefi for tht-Glory ofGod,in reference to his Truth, and the Salvation of thole vv ho were folemnly dedicated unto him, by being en- roled in the Matricula of his Church ; or that Grand Truft repofed in Governours for promot- ing Piety and Virtue, the greatefl mterefl of Mankind, the very End of the inititution of Ma- giftracy; which is luch a Lilerty or Connivance, as our Dijfenters never had the Impudence to ask ; and which the Law of God, and a true Zeal for his Glory, and the Prefervation of the Church, Love and Tendernefs for the Souls of Mankind, the Peace and Eflablifhment of tne Government and Nation, and true Incereft for our Pofterity can never juftifle. So that none but Rafa Tabulaz r Men indifferent, that can take up any Form of Religion, Latitudinarians, Half- Papifts, Atheifts and Ignoramus s y can ever be zealous for Toleration ; and whoever are fb, are certainly Promoters of Popery, and the Grand Occafions of the Growth of Popery,and no other in Ixxx them, or only Church; and as fome of your Progenitors . I find in §CBernard) have formerly afierted, the Afoft-ofce*, or the only Genuine Succejfors of the Apo— pies : You have all along Rebaptiz'd All that came . o$ Examind and Difprcv\-I. -> off from other Communions to .Yours, looking up- on their former Baptifin 3 whether whilft Infants, or Adult, as null and 'void , nay finful, becaufe perform 'd by thole of afalfe Communion. Therefore to clear the way, and to remove all Impe- diments, its highly incumbent upon you, who confine the whole Body, and Flock of Chriif to your own Par- ty or Communion, with a pofttive Exchfion or all befides, to prove that ycu are the one Church of 'Chrlfi ,and that fince His Afcenfion, He has had no other Church but yours,- and withahthat you all along for this Seventeen Hundred Tears, without any Interruption of SuccejJicnfPra- Slice, vifible and of en Prcfeffion, have been, and are the only vifible Body, of that cm invifible Head Chrifl Je- fits, bieiied lor ever. For, if you can't demonfirate that, all your Dilute about Baptifm vanifhes into Air, or Nothing,- and, befides,,! mutt tell you, Without doing this lira, you have no Right to en- ter upon this Controverfie, as being as foreign to you, -as. to^Turks or Infidels, and even the Scriptures them- ielves vvili ftand you in no ftead, as having no Right to them : For, they were, and are one facred Depofi- tum committed to the Cufiody of, and lor thefele Vfe and Edification of the One Church', becaufe, the Na- tural, or Animal Man as fuch, is not capable without the Affifiance. of the One Spirit of GOD, by his infu- /;j of Divine Faith, to apprehend, or underftand the Myfler.ies of God, and all the Graces and Influen- ces, and fir at ions oi this Divine Spirit o{ Truth, and Hdiaefs, or Rigkecufhefi, are ordinarily- cenrin'd to the One Church. Ail this I take for granted, and if ycu have any Principles at all, ycu can't deny it ; it you do, then I mult tell you, you have no Principles, and then all manner of Difpute wkh you is cndlefe, and to no purpofc. Therefore I proceed upon this • Stippcfhion : Eirft then, as to your profeffing your felves to be the One Churchy or One Body of Chrift, I requeft of B 2 you 4 The Anahaptljls Minifiry you to give a poftive categorical Anfwer to thefe fol- lowing Sharks, When did your pretended Church commence ? Shew us in what Age after our Saviour, in what Centurp. Whether in the Apofiolkal Age, or immediately after, or how long fince ? Who were thejfrtf Vapors, or Dators, or Authors? How long they continued their SucceJJion uninterrup- ted, and were in attual, vifihle Vojfeffion of the One Church, and fo were a vifible Body known, and applied to, and fo difiinguifliable from all other Setts and De- mminations of Christians in the w£0/e £»flw» World? By what Means the Catholick Church came to fail, or to be fo far extincl, as to give way to the Ufurpa- tion of Intruders, and confequently to be fo ^o//y abforpt, as to leave no Remains, no Footfleps behind it for many ^w ? Where lay it tonceaVd for Fourteen Hundred Years, till about Luther $ time ? How did it lv £/W all that fpaceof time? And by what means did She propagate her felf fucceffively all that while, and in what Tarts of the World ? If you alone were the True and Genuine Succejfors of the Apofiles, it muft follow, that you were once in Voffeffion of all the particular Churches that they planted, that you were the One Catholick Church, out of which no Grace, no Salvation, ordinarily to be had : The pe- culiar VeopU of God, his Elett, mew us then what be- came of this Church of Ckrift for fo many Ages toge- ther, into what Wildernefi She was driven, whether She fulfilled z\\ this while, or not- or whether it can be iuppofed the Church can ceale to be, or to ex- it!, in confequence of Chrms Promijh to be always with Her, even for one Moment ? If She hath fubfificd all along, as you would insinu- ate perhaps (during thefe hinted Intervals) in a State of Invifibitity, unknown to all the World befidcs ; pray prove, and demonjtrate this unto us ,• if you can- not / Exctmlnd and Difprcvd. $ not make oat all this, afluxe youi j, youd find it a difficult Task to cenzrjnuC ., and to fupfort thde your Yrztint'xms. This poffibiy may far prize you, I conic G, and fee»i fomewhat fkange unto yea, bat how you can evade it, I know nor. The Aftnifierial Office is f® fiicred, as in ks o Nature implying the tr*n fading Things of the rticft momentum Concern I co the Eternal Salvation of Mankini. between GO £3 and Thcira, and. acihg in Christ's ft i iff &#• Name, the Authority io &i- ail ihe P«aw of i-.mftTG-f$ and A;>/g5 of the Earth, jsit muit needs exceeds that of tru* vevy Angels themfeiyes, . C&r;i?hiraieif did not roucmaie co .fume'it Ifeolu Eftf. ^ . 4. Th . c; Men to intrude thexh- feb* . Office, without being kg*fy 3 or «c- 3ter#; : : that is, in the jt&utl and mv&- rs Appointment, is the bighen 'aerikge that Mankind can . . Antukrifiiampm it '..'•: O the j fiitttiinti of ChriiT, , . ixprsis RtbtMum, like unto ... ^els: it's bidding H*. to Beavei c to wre§mg the Power out of the /f. m Sach Prf- fomption as this can never fo fuppos'd to produce any gy-aciopfs, any fa-vrvg £ffe either Jpake unto then.-;, Jer. 14. 14. I have not fent thefe Prophets, yet they ran ; 1 have not fpoken to them, and yet they frophtftid, Ch. 23. 21. See Chap. 27. 1 y. We know bat frhe Church, and that hath been e- ver vifiblej ail the Malice of Men and Devils hath never been able to deftroy it, to render it even in- visible, except in fome particular parts of it, let feme Writers pretend what they will. From our Saviour's Afcendon to this yrefent day, the Church of Cbriff, His Univerfal Catholick Church 9 mention d in our Creed, and in the holy Scriptures, hath been fupported, kept up, and vifibly too (tho* as to fome Tarts or Members of it, under an Ecllpfe for a time) according to His facred Promife, which He hath mod literally fulfill'd, and which we are obliged to believe as an Ariick of Faith, He will preferve,and vlfibly,'ti\\ the Consummation of all Things. But as for particular Sefts, or Churches of 'Human hfiltutlon or Contrivance, Heretical and Schifinatical Combinations, or Churches (to ufe the word Church, in a lax, low, or fecondary fenfe) we have feen the Conclufion of 'infinite Numbers of them of infinite Denominations, and dwindled into their firft Non-en- tity, becauie never watered with the Deib of Heaven, never influenced by the Divine Spirit, never under His Outdance and Protection, never ownd by Chrifi, .never be :;":.; any Relation unto Him, never guar- ded by his Vrom'tfes, but Mufhroom-like , fyrung up ancj died, and withered, all at once. whereas Examine! and Difprovd. y Whereas on the contrary, the One and Genuine Church of Chrift, infiituted by Himfelr^ planted and propagated by His Apofiles, irrigated by the Blood of Holy Martyrs, and carried on by their SuccejJors 3 hach always even flourished tnofi, and enlarged it felf under Per locutions, (a Char act eriflick Note of the True Church, and a clear Evidence otChriJFs owning his Spoufe, an infallible^rg/>7^»? zxi&Demonftration of His Protection, and making good his Promife unto her, That the Gates of Hellftould never prevail againft Her ; that is, ruin Her, extinguifh Her) hath hitherto never ceafed even to be vifible., and plainly and clearly to diftinguifh her felf from Hereticks, Schifmaticks, yews, Pagans and Infidels ,• But as for Setts, Schifmaticks, He- reticks, falfe Vrophets, falfe Apofiles, falfe Chrifis, &c; All the Hifiory of the Church, particularly and moft evidently allure us, that even Profecution alone, as well as Pcrfccutkn, has been able to eradicate, and ex- tirpate them, and reduce them to nothing, even Ob- livion it felf; fo that for Ages they have not been able to eontintfe their hare Remembrance; or to fubfifi ill Comers • nay- which is very obfervable and notori- ous, for the moft part, notvvithftanding their Obfti- nacy for a time, have ch.ofen rather to return into the B-fom of the Church, they fo outragioufly enveigb'd a- gainft, and condemn d for Diabolical, Antichrifiian, &c. rather than endure even tolerable and minute Incon- veniences. Now if yon cannot make it appear, that Tour Church (as you call it) hath all along from the Apo- files days, till this very time, continued vfble, and ajfirted her fell to be the Cathclick Church, which hath been alwjfs vlfible , (for the very Term Catholick fuppofeth Vifib'dity ,• ) for that which is Cat hoik k or XJniverfal, is only fo by being vifible, \nown\ and the Church is called Cath Ixk upon tlu account of Her being vifible, orherwife She CQy id not be hncwa, InToppoJition CO all Herejies, Schtfwi 8 The An ah apt If $ Miniflry Schifms and Sects whatfosver , and continued Her SucccJJion down to this very time, through all Perfieatiwfs and Oppojiticns : Tho' you may pofii- bly .inake it appear, and very eafie too, that feme under the denomination of Christians, may have pro- fefs'd your difiingmfoing DoBrmes , and at different times alter wards, yet there having been fuch vafi Chafes c r Intervals between their different appear- ing in the World, if you cannot uninterruptedly de- duce \ ,ur SucceJJion of Miniflers (without which there can be no Church, no more than a Society without Governors) your Caufe mull fink, and all your Pretentions evaporate into nothing. For, if this be your Cafe, it's plain, nay, infalli- bly true , that your Church was never of Chrlfis plan- ting • if it had. He would have fupported it, be- ca :ie He is Truth it felf, and keepeth his Promife in- violable, and no Power, either of Earth, or Hell ic felt, couid ever have wrcfied you out ofhis ProtcBion, &\\ the Powers of Hell or Earth, combin'd together with the utr.ioft Malice, Resolution, Diligence and Un- wearkdnefs imaginable, and Obftinacy, could never have prevailed againff you. His moft fure word of Tromife could never have fail'd you > fo evident is that of Gamaliel, AcT:s f. 38, 39. If this. Comfel, or this Work be of Men, it will come to nought * But if it be cfGod, ye cannot overthrow it. So that it your Church had been the CathMck Church planted by Chrift, it could never have been overthrown, it would never have vanijht like [moke, and been forgotten for Ages together. Antlchritt could never have banijlid Her out of the World, and have prevailed over Her longer than all the Calculations of the Duration of Antichrist's Jieign ever amounted to. This is a peculiar, and difiinguijhing Property of the Church, that She is never hurt, or injur'd by Perfec- tion or Qppcfoion : Then She is beft underftood and fenown. and manifefts her felf, then She is moft vi* ft - '. * , . • , . - . . . •, . . r , Examirid and Vifprovd. g Jfble to all ; when She is moft annoyed, affronted, dif- pifed, winnowed, fifted, tempted, then She beft ap* proves her felf to the World, as well as to God , then She is moft radiant and charming, even to fuch a degree as hath been very frequently obfervd in the yery Eyes of her moft barbarous and inhumane Perfccu- tors, and moft inveterate and malicious Enemies ; and that which is moft furprizing and admirable, the more deferted by Her temporizing and falfe Children, the more augmented by the Acceffion of fincere and faithful Converts ; and when moft abandon d and be- tray d by Her Earthly Protetlors, the more fecure and better Jupported and cherifhed by Her Saviour, by Her God. No ! it is G O D, it i> Jefus Christ, the King of Kings, and Lord or Lords that is Her Rock, Her Re- fuge, her Protector, Her Saviour, and Her Deliverer.* Nothing is more puijfant than the Church, in all the W^rj that ever were made upon Her, She hath al- ways been Victorious and Triumphant. God u the Church, faith the Great Chryfoftom, who ts fironger than all : This is no Solecifm, for GOD is the Head of the .Bfl^the Church • the Body is nothing but a lifelefi j Trunk without the Head. God founded the Church, then who dares pretend to pull Her ■ down ? Tis God that makes the Earth confute pfalm. tremble, 'tis He looks down upon the Earth, and makes it tremble ,• He fpeaks but the word, and it fettles it again whenever She is aflaul- ted : Much more will He eftablifh and confirm his Church, when She begins to totter : For the Church is far fironger than the Earth ,• nay, than Heiven it felf. Heaven and Earth jhall pafi away, but my Words fliall not pafi away. What words ? UpOft this Rock will I build my Church, and the Gates otHell fliall not prevail againft it, Mat. 16. iS. Prove now that you alone have a Title Co His Pro- uttion . prove, that you are His Chmch, His Chofen, ■ " ' Hit io The Anahaptifts Miniflry His Spoufe : Prove, that the Myriads of Martyrs, Con- fejjors and Saints, were yours ,• that you are the ge- nuine and true Succeffors of the Martyrs ,• that all the Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit muft be derived by Chrift's own Appointment thro' ^c«r hands. Deduce your Faith, and PraBics, and Difcifline thro' every ^?££ of the Church till this day, and then you will do fomething indeed • then in rcafon you may expect that all will become your Converts ,• but becaufe you have done fo little of this kind, therefore have you made fo inconfiderabie a Progrefs. This, my Friends, lies upon your hands to do, it's demanded of you, and you are obliged, at the Peril of your Souls, to give all poffible Satisfaction as to this Point. Prove your [elves to be the Church, and you will gain a vaft Pointy you may expect all the reft will falrin, that all the World will run after you, thai: the fulnefs cf the Gentiles, and the conversion of the J'evjs, God's ancispt People, fcall in God's due time, become an a to you : For if you can clear this Fun al Point, none will doubt your Performance as, to all the reft. It's in vain to proceed farther, till your MiJJlon is clear d, prov'd,3.nd eftablfnd : For,till you have removed all thefe Objections,, anf-werd all thefc Queries, it's raeer Ccurtefie, not Obligation, to proceed any farther with ;w. The Validity of all your ABs, as to Bap- tife, Admh::ftration or the Lords Supper, Pzaytrs, Preaching, all manner o£ MZwftt s, will depend upon the Authentick?ief of your A£$on. What matter (as to your afting^ or ng) whether it be lawful to baptise Iniants, or not, or who are the pmf&r SukjeBs of Baptlfm, whether In- faints, or Adults, ii your Baptifm, or Baptifm admini- fiyed by you, be ipfofacio iitvalid : If you can't a'iierc your Miffion, prod, ir Credentials, your Authority, $v*en your Aduh-Baptifms wlii be in il; void, null, and that in confequeace ofrpvw own frinchles and Practice. Eee Examind! and Difprovck I i Let us confider then in the firfi place, what Bap- tlfin is in general. It's the Splendor or Light of the Soul, a change of Life for the better, the Anfwer of a good Conscience to God : It's the abje&ion, or throw- ing off the .F/*?- ting on the N^ ,• The Prop, or Support of our In- firmity ,• The Following of the Spirit ; the Participa- tion of the JiPW [or of Chrift ,• ] the Refiauratim, or Renovation of the Creature > the Communion of Light, and the Depulfion of Darhnef. Baptifm is the Chariot to Heaven, a Pilgrimage to ChriH, the Support of F<*#i&j the Perfection of the M;?;i, the A>/ of the. Kingdom of Heaven, and a Commutation for .Lzjfe, the abolijhing of Slavery, the loofning of Bands, and the reajjertion of our Liberty, Again, as Chrisi the -^«- f/w of this Divine Gift, hath many Cooperations, io this Bounty of his hath many Names, we call it a Gi^ 3 Grace, Unclion, Illumination, the Garment of i/»- mortality, the Laver of Regeneration, a SV^/, a GV/^ becaufe it's confer'd on thofe who confer'd nothing firft : Gr#/, becaufe it's a C en ferv at ion, or keeping, and a. Signification of Property, or Dominion : But to be flioit, we ought to look up- on the Power or Efficacy of Baptifm, to be nothing elfe than our Engagement and Covenanting with God to lead a more ifc>/y, p*r#, and ^/-fer -Lzjfc, a fclemn Confecration , and Dedication of our felves to his Ser- vice, a lifting our felves under Chrift s Banner, the fcaling of the F<7zY£, becaufe Bafftfin is a publick ^f/»- prcbation and Teflification of the Faith, and in Bcftifm we receive the 5W and Character, 01 Mark of Faith. The ix The Anahaptijis Mhuftry The Sponjion, Stipulation , Tr&mife, or Covenant of tuts in Baptifm, is call'd likewife our Oath, by which we fwear, as it were, fealty, or true Allegiance to God.; the Violation whereof is the higheft, rankeft Perjury and Disloyalty we can be guilty of. It's call'd our Incorporation with Chrift, that Act by which we are made Members of the Body of Chrift here upon Earth, and Fellow-Citizens with— the Church Triumphant of Heaven, Children of God, and Heirs of eternal Sal- Tation. But to be a little more particular ,♦ Baptifm h the Abolition and Remijjion of ^// our farmer Sins, whether original or actual, of all forts, all denominations $ s. re- (taring us to the Favour, Friendship and Low of God, whereby of Enemies we become F-, lands, of Aliens, the Children of Adoption ; of Children of Wrath, the Children of Grace, the blefled effects of our ?;ra> £ir*ii and Regeneration, By this »«v Birth, or Regeneration ^ Our Under (landings are illuminated by the Divine Spirit^ collated in Biptifm ,• whi 'llumlnauon w/es us #e:u> I<&^f of things quite different trom thofe, which a- fore were the rvjW; of meer natural Reafon, o! the'* Nature and Ejftnce of God, of our Obligations unto. Him, of the Immortality of the Soul, of Virtue and Fice, future Rewards and Vuwifomnts, of the Envptinefl, Vanity, and Unfatisfachrinef of worldly Enjoyments, "Pleasures and Comforts. By this .Ni?w> JS/rfA, the £««/ unto the World, and //i>e unto God, by mortifying all our corrupt and y»z/#/ Pajfions and Afeciions, thofe earthly Members and Infiruments of rf# 5i» and Wickednefi, by which means we rfj^/Ve unto, and £*•*/??& after heavenly Things, defyife the World, and are always upon our Guard againft a# its AUmemmis, ajs knowing that if we /orw the World, we Examine! and DifprovJ. ij we cannot love God, that God and the World ar* Irreconcileable Enemies. By this Divine Light com- municated unto us in Baptifm , we underftand the Infirmity of our Natures, the Deceitfulnef of our Hearts, our Tropenfity to Vice, the Wiles of Satan, the Dangers of worldly Frojfierity, the Ufefulnefi and Nt- cejfity of Afflictions, the Dignity and Value of our Souls, the wonderful Love of our blejj'ed Saviour towards us, the Beauty and Charms of Pi'mw and HolineJS, the Vilenefs of Sin, the inefiimable Treafures of God's Gr<*c« and Mercy, by a due Attention to which, and the Refuh of our Gratitude and vaft Obligations unto God thereupon, we become, at length, victorious over our [dves, the World, and the Devi/, and defire to be dijjolved, to be difcharged of our Earthly Vehicle, and to bs with Chrift. Now after a due Consideration of thefe fiupendiotu Privileges* and Graces of Baptifm, upon which the Salvation of Mankind ordinarily depends ; without whic'i, in the ordinary way of God's Mercy, we cannot be faved ; to prefume to tranfacl all this with- out any Authority, is it not to counterfeit God's Seals, is it not dired Fvrgery in the higheft degree imagina- ble, is it not to invade the facred Office of God's Mi'nifier and Delegate ; nay, is it not to ufurp upon God himfelf, for you to take upon you to reprefent his Perfon, to /y /»/;"- union, and trampling upon £ar Authority ? Js not this Antichrifiian to the utmoft , and fuch Tranfaclors literal Antichrifis, Oppofirs of Christ, who fet them- felves up againft his Ordinance, Enemies to that Divine UnBion, by which our blefied Lord was confecrated to be our High-Trie si ? Is not this belying of the Ho/p Ghoft, and ^i«^ defpite to the Spirit of Grace, and mocking and affronting the facred Trinity, to pretend to ## in *£«> jNJmw* without , nay, againfi their Au- thority, -14 The Amlaptifls Miniftry thority, and a moft horrid and dreadful deluding, defrauding, if not damning thofe Souls, which you pretend to. put into a ftate of Salvatiun ,• and fo, -my Friends, it muft be, if you be not the Church of •God, and his Ministers, in the way that himfelf hath eftablifhed. It's an avoir d "Principle and Maxim in Chriftianity , 'that Chrift's hftituiions are inviolable, unalterable: ? No Authority under Heaven fufficient or capable to infringe them, or to change the Matter or Ejjence of them: It's true, fome Circumftances of them may be mutable,but the Ejjence, or Matter 5 muft ever remain the fame. What therefore has been ap- : pointed once by- God as a ft anding Ordinance in his Church, as in the cafe of this la(i, and Gofpd-Difyen- fation, no manner of Neceffity can excufe the wilful Vi'olater of it, where God him f If 'has not plainly and exprcfty provided for it. All times, the whole volume of 'Aget are prefent unto him, and therefore the Pretence ci Ihcejjitj can never indemnine the Breach of Divine Inftitutions ,• Neceffity, indeed, may excule the want of thefe Ordinances, but never the Afjumption and Ufurpaticn of them ; as a learned Perfon hath well urged. Hence then it is evident, as in the Cafe of Bap- ufm,\{ it be an Authoritative Acl, and by Chrift hinifelf appropriated;, as to the Exercife or Adminiftra- tion of it to the 'Evangelical Miniftry, a Minifterial Att,\t cannot • be validly Adminiftred by any but ' thofe vA-io.'&z extern Jly call'd to that facred Fun&i- , and leaf* of all cut of the Church ; for, 'tis the 'greatest li-tp'oprUty -and Contradiction in the World, to 'fappofe that thole, Who are not themfelves of this Sdd^ifety, liiOuld have a Posiiw or Authority to « in- ' to, Gr make^o'rhersj^ of this Society or Incorporation, "b'y iifyfe, they are altogether at the prefent, mca-> jiable bi Adminijfring, e. g. of remitting Sins, and colla- -,. - the Gifts of the £fr// G^/, as in hptiftnal Rcgene-. ration : Examind And Difprovd. 1$ ratio?} : Thefe Three Ails being implied or contain d in that One Acl of Baptizing, a part of the Apofiolical Commljfion, which, with ail the remaining Autho- rities, were to be convey 'd by the Apofiks to their Succejjlrs , and fo on fucejfively to the end of the World ± and to which, our Saviour had moft folemnly pro- misd his Concurrence and Vrefrjice, even to the end of the World j* Towers andjAuthorities to go along al- ways with the Church, and to be inf parable from Her ; and confequently, never to be prefumd to be perform d out of Her, and leaft of all by the Laity, thofe who never had Authority in the Church, ox from the Church, to exerciie inch Acts ; nay, fuch whom the Church her felf hath net power to Authorize as fuch. That a Succejficn of Mhufiers, deriving their Miffion from the very Apofiks, were to continue always in the irch, is j id evident from the Original Com- miffion, Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing tbvm in the Name of the Faihir, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghofi ; — and h, lam with you alway, even to the end of the World, Mat. 28. ver. ulu As my Father hath fent me, even fo fend I you, John 20. 21. The fame Miffion Chrilt received from the Father, the fame He tranfmitted to his Apofiks, and they to their SucceJJ'jrs, which Chrift promifed to railfie and confirm hirmeif. This Authority, was not by his conltant Prefence with them, to cbntinue only for the time the Apofiks mould live ; otherwiie, it mull have ceas'd long fince, even at their Deaths : But the Commiffion is extended to all that mould fucceed them, from their Deceafe, to the end of the World. Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the World. This Promiie moil particularly relates to their Succejfors, the Apofiks were not to continue till Chrift" s fecond coming to judge the World, but their Succejfors were ; and io it follows again by inevitable coniequence, that as Chrift fent them., and invefted them with his 1 6 The Anahtptifts Miniftry his own Authority, fo they were to keep up and con- tinue this Authority, by fending, or ordaining others, who were fucceflively to transmit it even to the Confummation of all things : This SucceJJion of Pa- ftors was to continue fo long as the Church mould continue. And as the Gates of Bell, i. e. the Pow- er of the Devil combin'd with the Power of Men, fhould never be able to prevail againft, or overthrow or diflfolve this Church of Chrifi, the Society of the Faithful, fo ihould they never be able to interrupt this SucceJJion of Pafiors in the Church Univer- fah A SucceJJion of Tafiors is fo Ejfential to the Church, That there can be no Church without it ; where there are no Pafiors, there's no Church, be- caufe Tafiors are the Principle of Unity to the Church; a Church being nothing eife but a Flock gathered to- gether and embodied or incorporated unto and with the Pafior : There may be indeed in Jome Cafes, and in fome 'Emergencies, a Body of Christians without Pafiors, but this can be no more call'd a Church, than a mul- titude of People without Governours to Head them, Di- nt? and Order them, a Civil Society. I fay, there may indeed be Chriftians and Faithful People on fome Occafions without Pafiors, as in the Cafe of the deceafeof Pafiors, or Perfection or the like, which is not their Crime, but their Misfortune ; then I don't queftion but the Good and Merciful God will be pre* fent with them, zndfupply their Spiritual Wants by his Extraordinary Grace, but then they cannot be call'd a Church properly and (Iricily, for want of their Spiritual Heads and Governours : But for thofe who make and appoint Paftors for themfelves, by private lmpulfe and their own Humours out of the Regular and Stated Method of Chrift's Appointment, contrary to his Jnfr'itution, who is the Head of the Church, and from whom all Eccltjiafiical Authority or Church-Paver is de- rived ', they are fo far from being a Churh, or Mem- bers of Chrifi's Body, that they are attuaUj rent and Exammd and D/fprovJ. if divided from the Church, nay are not Chriftians, as deriving no Spiritual Nourifoment from the Head, no* Spiritual Graces to fupport the Spiritual Life, no more than a Bough cut off from the Tree can Grow, Bud and Bloffom, and Z>W«g forth Fruit and Live. 2May, I fay again, they are not Chrifiians, for if ever they were fo, i. e. in the Church , by feparating and cutting themfelves off from the Church, they ceafe to be Chriftians, even according to the Se?itence and Determination of Chrilt, of God himfelf, in refe- rence to fuel! as refufe to hear the Church, let him be as an Heathen or Publican, that is, look upon hint as an Infidel, an Unbeliever, account him no longer a Chriflian, a Member of my Church, as one whom I Will own, or hath any Interefi in the Common Salva- tion purchafed by my Blood, any more than one who Wotjhips Idols, than the moft Profligate, Vile, De- bauchd Wormiper of Drunken Bacchus, or Profiitutt Venus. But to returii ; wherever the Church is, there hath always been, and jhall be (it's Matter of Faith ) a SucceJJion of Pafiors, deriving their Authority from ChriH and his Apoftles, notwithftanding all the Ma- chinations of Devils , Persecutors , Hereticks , Schifma- ticks, Turks and Infidels ,• nay, and vijible too, to that End it might be known and applied unto for the Word of Life, and the benefit of the Sacraments, and never did, cannot, Jhall never fail, unlefs Chrifr. Himfelf mould prove worfe than his Word and Promile 5 which no Chriftian dare to aver. Whoever then pretend to be the Church, muFt, and are cbligd to prove this SucceJJion ofPa/lors ,• and fince you call your felves the SucceJJors of the Apofiles, and the True Church of ChriH, it's required particularly, fince by thus averting, you do implicitly at leaft^ condemn all other Churches in the World as Nullities, and dffunik to your felves all that is ejfential to con- fiitntt a Church to the Total Exclufion of all beildes. G You 18 The Analaptifls Miniftry You can't avoid this i becaufe if you be the One Church of Chrift, you muft have the £&Vpiem, thofe permanent Gifts which are inherent unto, and infepara- ble from Her, amOngft thefe Gifts you will find a Suc- cejjion or Paftors, God hath fet feme in the Church ,• fir ft Apoflles,fecondarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, i Cor. xii. 28. and in the Ephef. civ. 1/. 8. Govemours and P/#e? PFdrd itidSticramentSj of whom the Evangelical Prophet faith, J will alfb make thy Officers Peace, and thine Exaclors RighteoajhejS 5 or as I find it otherwife render'd, I will conftitute thy Princes in Peace, and thy Bijlwps in Righteoufnefs. Or whom our Lord faid, Who then is a Faithful and Wife Servant, whom his Lord hath made Ruler over his Houfoold, to give them Meat in due Seafon? Bleffed is that Servant, whom the Lord, when he cometh, fh.aU find fo do- ing, Matth. xxiv. 45", 46. adminiftring to the Spiri- tual Necejfities of his Charge. But then again, if God hath fet fome in the Churchy frfi Apo/lles, fecondarily Prophets, thirdly Teachers, and divers other Gifts, are all Apoftles, are all Prophets, are. all Teachers, &c ? No certainly ! To apply the ne- ceffar^ and permanent Gifts to our prefent Cafe • none are to pretend unto, or to afjume to themfelves thefe Gifts ol Government and Teaching, and Praying, oi of- fering up the Prayers of the Faithful, of Remitting and Retaining Sins, ol Adminiftring the Sacraments, but thofe whom he hath (ct appointed and call'd to this Work, or Funclion. It is not for every one to take upon him this High Office, only for thofe who are peculiarly and by Divine Authority feparated, fet apart, and confe- crated to this Holy Miniftry. No ! Are all called to be Apoftles ? to be Pafiors and Minifiers, &c ? The Apofth plainly determines the Matter., all are not called, but fuch only who are regularly called according to the Im- portance, and in confequence of the Original Inftitu- tion oi'Chrifi ; and thofe Methods we find the Apo- ftles to have fettled in all Churches wherever they came, and thofe Rules they have left us, which no difiance or alteration offline, no NeceJJhy whatever can ever difpenfe with, beeauie Our Bieiied Lord, the Head and the Spoufi of the Church, hi\th moft Tdfi- t'rvt -j, Excimind and Difprovd. zi lively, abfolutely, and irrefragably determin d the very Cafe in Hand, that there (hall never be any fuppofed necejfity, that no manner of necejjity (hall ever be able to violate , interrupt, or fupcrfede this Succtjjion of True, Lawful, and ( as I may fay ) Lineal Succtjjion of Pa- fiors in this Church, even Jo r^ .EW of the World. No Outward Force, no Contrivance or Endeavours of Pcrfe- cuting Emperours, Kings, Princes or People ; no Here fie y Schifms • no Idolatrous Worjhip, or Superfiitions ; no uipofiacy, nor Antichrifiianifm ,• no poffible Contrivance of iV'en, or the Powers oi Darknefi ; no Immoralities y nor #«/ f£/»g imaginable cr contrivable, fhaii ever be of f uch an Univerjal Influence.^ as to render this Church of his (fo dearly parcha fed ^ and redeemed by him) and his Faithful Members, defiitute of Faithful Vaftors regu- larly call'd, who fhall feed his F/ocife, and p« them .Fflo^in dueSeafon, as is fully and peremptorily infurd and determin d in thole Words of his, than which Heaven and £*?*& {hall /awm? p^ away, and lo ] 1 - $0/ Covenant with them, and to be ewr gracious unto them. Again, the Church is One, becauie, .{he way to Heaven, and that is One, the narrow Way, the j^rvwV Gate • the /itwg wy, or the 3^*>/> of Vain-glory, Boa fling, Self- conceit cdnefi, Scornfulnefi, and Contempt of others, the Spirit of Objuration, Obftinacy, Jealoufie, and *// this, even upon the brink, and in the midst of the molt horrid and imminent Dangers. For, fince there's but one One Church of Chrift, One Communion, all other ways, all Sed:s, Parties, Divi- fions, and Communions, muft be falfe, the wrong way, let them be never fo numerous, and various, they muft all, excepting this one, be the broad -way, the way of Darknefs, Delufion and Perdition : There can be but one Body of Men, who can poflibly, by all that hath been reveal' d unto us, have any Right, any Claim in Chrift and his Merits for Salvation ; and no Salvation cut of the Church, out of Chrift. 'Tis by the Churches Pangs, Labour, or bringing forth that we are bom ; iC We are nourijhed by Her " Breajis, we are animated, quickned, enlivened cf by Her Spirit. The Spoufe of Chrift cannot be for God ,• 'tis She that [marks them out] (C and configns to a Kingdom whom She hath gene- ff rated. Whoever forfakes the Church, and joins cc himfelf to an Adulterefs, [a Se&, a Party] is fe- ?f p.uated and excluded from the Promifes made to cf the Church, neither (hall he ever arrive at the Re- cr wards of Chrift [Eternal Glory] who relinqui/hes fC the Church. He is an Alien, Profane [an Infidel, r * an Heathen] and an Enemy. He cannot have c< God for his Father [be a Child of God^ a Mem- '" ber Examirid and Difprovd. ip " ber of Chrift, and an Heir of Salvation] who /m to be their Abba Father ; if they ceafe to be Members of die e»e Church, Chrift cw/« to be their Bead, and to actuate Examine! and Difprovd. 31 actuate them with his Spirit ; if they ccafe to commit-' nicate with his Church, they muft die and wither, be- caufe not enlivened and quickned by his Spirit, which *s always prefent with his Church, to communicate Life into all hsParts and Members, and confequently they ceafe to be Christians, let them profef and pretend to be bel'uve wiiat tiiey will. c For | fuch an one profeffeth himfelf to be a * Ctf«v*». CbriftiaH. juft after the fame rate as * eU f' Ec, On thefe two Commandments, hang all the Law and the Prophets, Mat. Ji the Anaiaptifts Miniflry * 22. %% 38, 39, 40.) By this Inftru&ion, he taught * and inculcated both Unity and Love [or Charity.'] * He included all the Prophets and Law in two Pre- c cepts. But what Unity doth he keep, what Lev's * [or Charity] doth he obferveor think on, who in- c toxicated with Rage and Fury, divides the Church, c defiroys the Faith, difturbs the Peace, and Prop banes e the Sacrament ? This, I confefs, is a _/W Conference, but yet it muft be /r«e and unavoidable, as far as we are able to fee into this matter : To be feparated from the One Church, is to be no Chrifiian, as hath been hitherto proved • and Prcfeffion, if poffibly, of the true Faith it felf, will not falvc the matter, as I think our Saviour hath determind it, Mat. 7. 21, 22. I fhall only add this by the way, That if thofe Parties who are actu- ally feparated from the Church, and fet up Church a- gainft Church, form new Churches of their own, do not believe that there s One, and but One Catholick Church, and the Communion of Saints then fo far as neer Orthodoxy, as to the Faith denominates a Chrifiian $ They are not Chrifiians, becaufe they cannot be faid to be- lieve thefe Articles of the Chrifiian Faith, becaufe they oppofe them, and becaufe they fet up Churches and Communions of their own, in oppofition to the Catho- lick Church Q&ChriH, and without any Correfpottdence with, or Dependance on, or Notice of it. c If it be faid, they own the fame Law, (*'. e. the * New Law or Gofpel) profefs the fame Creed, ac- c knowledg the fame God the Father, the fame Chrift' c the Son, and the fame Holy Ghoft, ufs the fame * Interrogations in Baptiim : Let him who obje&s 1 thus, underftand in the firft place, they do not c ufe the fame Creed in ftrictnefs, nor the fame In- r terrogations with us,« for when they fay, Doft c thou believe the Forgivenefs of Sins, and Life e- ( everlafting, by the Holy Church, they lie in this f Interrelation, when they have not the Church [are Bxamind and DifprovtL 3 $ not Members of this Church themfelves, and can's admit into, or make Members of this Church, be- caufe, not belonging unto, or bearing any Relati- on to this Church, or having any Authority from Her as Minifters or Paftors ; X ' And then, by their ' own words they confer, that Forgivenefs of Sins e cannot be given but by the Holy c Church : which they having not, they Cyprun cp. en ir' 1 & ■ 1 69- CLii Mign , ihew that Sins cannot be remitted a- E ^.- t Oxo £ c mongsi them • ] And hence their Bap- tifm is null, invalid, inefficacious $ in filOl't, no Baf>~ tifm, Chriflian Baptifm at all. Having hitherto afierted the Unity, or Onenefi of the Church, I think I may reaftiime the Unity of the Evangelical Ministry ; If there be but cm Church, there can be but one Miniftry, and this Miniftry no where but in the Church, and fuccejjive to that of the Apo- files, deriving its Authority from their CommiJJion, and fo from ChriH the Head of the Church, proceeding, or having its Authority from His Authority, which He had from the Fathtr: As His own Authority, as High- Prieft, extends no farther than the Church, and is folely limited to the Church, fo it cannot be exerted cut of the Churchy if then the Evangelical Miniftry be a Branch of the Prieftly Authority ofChrift him- felf, it will neceffarily follow, as its Object about which it's converfant with refped: to Men, is the Soul, the Principal and the mod Noble confti- tuent part of Man ,• fo the Dignity and Office of this Priejf-hood, is paramount to all other Authorities exer- cit d by Men in this World; confequently, in its own Nature fubjecl to none, and immediately derivable from none but God him f elf, and as it is in its own Origin, Nature and Defign, ordain d by God for the nobleft Ends and Turpofes, and the procuring, or inftrumental Caufe of the greateft Good unto Mankind, and as thofe who are called by God, and appointed to this Holy Office, are peculiarly feparatcd from the reft of Mankind, and D erdained .34 The Anahaptifts Miniftry ordained for men in things pertaining to God, of an Hea- venly Nature, fuperiour unto, and more excellent than any thing of what kind foever. Ncx:, and un- der God , I fay, as that of the Evangelical Minifiry , is the highefi and mcft fncred Office of all that are ex- eixis'd by created Beings upon Earth, nay, in Hea- ven it felf, fo the lnvafion of it ii an Ac"k of the greateft, moft Luciferian Pride and Ambrtion, as well as Sacrilege and Prophanation, that can be frefumed by Mortal Man. The Dignity of it is fuch, as neither Cherubin^ nor Sera phin, Dominions, nor Powers, none of the Heavenly Hierarchy it felt could ever pretend unto: The Acls of it fuch, as even Angels them- felves never effay/d to perform ,• of fuch Authority as transcends theirs : For as Jefus thrift our High-Priefi took not on him the Nature of Angels, but the Seed of Abraham, Heb. 2. 16. for the Redemption of Man- kind, fo unto Men, and not unto Angels, He com- mitted the Confecration of the Body and Bleed of Chrift, the Power of the Keys, ofremittijjg and re- taining of Sins, For all the Angels are miniftrivg Spirits fent forth for*to minifter for them who foallbe Heirs of Sal- vation. What a Dignity is this which God hathcon- fer'd upon Men ? How Great the Prerogative of this Order of Men in the Church of ChriH ? God hath exalted them not only above Kings and Emperors, but even above all the Hofl of Heaven ,• How then J dare Men not called, nor fent ; nay, which is much wdrfe, by no manner of Solemnity, or by any outward AH o! ['Man, fo much as feemingly invefhd , with this Authority, not fo much as invited to it, or requefted even by the Mob, endued with no manner of Qua- lifications for fuch an Undertaking, or any tolerable Senfe even for any thing elfe, unacquainted with the common Principles oi Cbrijrianity, lefs, too frequently, or oiten as little as the meaneft of their deluded Au- ditors • take upon them ib Sacred, fo Divine, fo high and ekvated a Calling and Station ? To pretend to repreftnt Exarrtin'd and Difprov'd. %$ reprefetit God and Chrift, to acl in CfuifVs Name and ftead, to admit into, and to exclude from the King- dom or Heaven, to Blefs in God's Name, to take up- on them to be Kings and Pricfts unto God, Revel 10* 20. To be Angels or the Churches, Rev. 2. 6c 3. ,^^- *r*& of the My fiery of God, 1 Cor. 4. 1. Co workers •with Christ, 2 Cor. 6. 1. How dare they take the Charge of Souls upon them, to be RefyonfibL- for them, to challenge their Submiffiort and Obed'tehet ? Heb. 15. 17. and Reverence and Eftecm, 1 The'*, y. 13. Phil. 11. 29. How dare they ciwrge thofe wr,o difefteem them as affronting God himfeli ? 1 TbcJJ. 4. 2, 8. L»£e 10. 16. Under the Evangelical Dijbenfation, we read of art Altar, Ifa. 60. 7. Of Sacrifices, Ifa. J" 6. 7. A Saticlu.iry, Ifa. 60. 15. Ezek. 57. 26. Of aTabernacle, Ezek. 37* 27. 0/* Burnt Offerings, and Meat Offerings, Jer. 55* 18. Of a Temple more Glorious than the firfr. We read like wife of a Holy People, and the Re- deemed o£ the Lord, Ifa. 62. 12. and ks iaid ofthem^ Thy People a I fo Jhall be all Right com, Ifa. 60. 2r. which anfwers that of Dent. 7. 67. For fZwa art a Holy People unto the Lord thy God $ the Lord thy God hath chofen thee to be a Jpecial People unto him [elf above all People, Sec. Not upon the account of their inherent Hoii^ nefs, for this cannot be iuppos'd of every individual by any means, but of the whole Body of the Peo- ple, including even the moft ftubbjrn and ftiff- neck d • nay, thp idlest and moft T pre>flirate among them, he- caufe the Seed oi Abraham, becaufe in Covenant with God, and feparated from the reft of Mankind Again, we read of a Prieft-hood under this Difpen- fation. Bat ye fliall be named the Priefts of 1 he Lord , Men jhall call you the Mini ft ers of our God, Ita. 61 . 6. And then again it is faid, Neither jhall the Priefts, the Lcvites, want a Man bfore Men to offer Burnt Of- ferings, and to kindle Meat Offerings, and to do a- crifce continually, Jer. 33. itf. See alfb 3 Ifa. 66. 20, 21, G 2 From 36 The Anabaptifts Miniftry From all thefe Parages we may obferve that the Jewifi and Chriftian, are but two different States of the fame Church • that thz Chriftian is only the Jevjijl) exten- ded or enlarged- that as the Jews were God's Peculiar Teople under the Mcfakal Oeconcmy, fo Chriftian s are the Teculiar, Chofcn and £/«;# now : That as the Church was but 0»ethen,io there is but enc Church now ; as buto»e Altar, one Vriefthood then, fo now j as there are 6'^- crifices and Oblations then, and to be offer d up unto God by the Vriefts only, fet tf/wrf, Jeparated, and consecrated moft foiemnly ro that Office then, fo it is »0M> j And that the Jewijli Church, with all its effen- tial Privileges, was only a Shadow or Type of what was to come under the Gcfipel-Dijpenfaticn, and was thereby to be improved, perfected, and to receive its utmoft Completion, as the more Noble, more Excellent , becaufe more Spiritual Difpenfation : So that whatever was Holy, Sacred, Appropriated, limited under the legal Covenant, is much more fa- cred and inviolable now. The Inference that I fhall make at prefent from the Tremiffes , is this ,• If the Vriefthood was fo facred then, that it was Death for any one to invade it, Numb. 18.7. 1 have given jour Vriefis Office unto you as a Service of Gift, and' the ^JCrailgClT that cometh nigh jhall be put to $D£&tfo. And again, neither mufi the Children of lfrael henceforth come nigh the Tabernacle of the Congregation, haft they bear Sin, and tilt, v. 22. Nay, that it was Death even for fome of the Tribe ot Levi it felf to come nigh the Veilels of the San- ctuary and the Altar, ver. 3. How much more lia- ble are thefe who now dare to intermeddle with things appertaining to the Sacerdotal Office, under a nobler, a more facred and excellent Difpenfation, being UK- fent, uncaU'fc, iir.£oi?miinicmatc& ? If it was Capital then, unqueftionably it's t?ainna!Dfc now ; [{liable to Temporal Death then , to Eternal now. The more facred the Office, the mo?C fatttIcg!GU£, g.wpieutf and 3&?0p!)aise its Violation and Invaiion. What Examzrid and Difprovd. 37 What an impious and horrid Ac~t then ft is for any of the People of their own Heads and private Impulfe, to take upon them to be Vtiefis and Miniflers of Chrift, and to fet thernfelves over the Lords People, his Holy and Elect, as if they were holier than they, and to affume Authority over them ? May not that be moll juftly faid to them, which Corah and his Com- plices moft unjuffly and irreverently faid unto Mofes and Aaron , Te take too much upon you 3 feeing all the Congregation are Holy every one of them , and the Lord is among them, wherefore then lift you up your /elves above the Congregation of the Lord? Numb, xvi. 5. Let fuch read 3 obferve and confider well of the dreadful Punish- ment of the Rebellion and Ufurpation of the Prieft- hood, from v. 31. tox>. 56. and fear a more dreadful Punifhment will overtake them at lealt in another World : If the Punifhment were fo great under the Law, what may they not dread to exped under the Gojpel, according to that of St. Clement a Difciple of the Apoftlcs upon the fame Occafion ,- ' Take heed c my Brethren, leaft by how much our Acquain- c tance with the Sacred Myfteries is advane'd, to fo ' much the greater Dangers we are fubjeel:. Let them likewife contfider and lay to heart the Fate of Uzzah, for only putting out his hand to ftay the Ark, as he thought a falling, provok'd the An- ger of the Lord to finite him to death upon the Spot, 2 Sam. vi. 6, 7. And of King Uz,z,iah, of whom it is faid, but when he was ftrong, his heart was lifted up to hrs Deduction, for he tranfgrejfed again ft the Lord his God, and went into the Temple of the Lord, to burn Incenfe upon the Altar of Incenfe : And Az,zriah the Prieft went in after him,&c. and with him four fcore Vali- ant Prieft s, and they withftood Uz,z,iah, and faid un- to him, It appertained not unto thee, U&ziah, to burn In- cenfe unto the Lord, but to the Prieft s the Sons of Aaron that are Confecrated to burn Incenfe ; Go out of the San- tfitary, fir thou, haft treftaffed, neither Jhall it be for thine D 3 Honour 3 8 The Attahaptifts Minsjlry Honour from the Lord God 'and while he was wrath with the Prieffs, the Leprofy even rofe in his Forehead - — and thiy thruff him cut from thence — and was a Le- per unto the day of his Death, and dwelt in a federate Houfe being a Leper, fr he was cut off 'from the Hcufe of the Lord, &c. 2 Chron. xxvi, 16. ad v. 22. Thus you fee how feverely God Almighty pu- nifVd Sacrilege and hvafion of- the Vrieftly Office under the Law, an imperfect and meaner Diffenfation, how jealous he was oi the Honour of his Priefis, as Perfons be ins. a nnrer Relation to him than any other,- and can you think it a leffer Crime under a more com- plect, more Divine and Spiritual, and a more perma- nent Diffenfatien? "one can imagine this, without being even Infidels, \\ not worfe. Since even ncne can affume this Honour unto himfelf under the Gcffel, but he that is called, no not Chriff, for he did not Glorife him f elf to he made an High-Prieff, but he that faid unto him. Thou art my Son, &c. even God himfelf, Heb. v. 4, 5". Ocherwife he could not have been one, the Triefihood being by God himfelf appropriated and con- fin d to the Tribe of Levi, of which Our Saviour was not, according to the Fhfi, Hcb. vii. 14. Heb. viii. 4. No, God himfelf cinftitttud him an High-Prieft, of a Nobler Order, a Prieft for ever [ whereas the Leviti- cal was but for a time] after the Order of Melchifedec, Heb. vii. 17. and was made fo not after the Law of a Carnal Commandment, but after the Tower of an Endlefi Life, v. 16. and thereby the Surety of a better Tefia- ment, v. 22. a Mini ft er of the Sanctuary, and of the True Tabernacle, which the Lord ptch'd, and not Man, Heb. viii. 2. and therefore now hath he obtain d a more excellent Mmifi'ry, by how much he is the Mediator of a better Tefument, [than that of Mofes under the Law,] eflabl/jh'd upon better Tromifes, v. 6. for the Law mada nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better Hope did s Heb. viii. v. 19. for if that fir fi Covenant had been fault- ier, then fbould no Place have been fought for the fecond $ Heb. Examind and Difprovd. 39 Heb. viii. V. 7. If then this Lift Difyenfation is more ex" celient than all the former Dfflenfations, the Minifiry more Noble > if it be Seal'd with an Oath to continue forever, then it follows it's mor. facred, Inviolable, and immutable than the o^er; especially fmce as hath been faid already, Chrift himlelf hath promifed to be prefent with it, to preferve it, uphold and rv??/jfo it, in a confiant Succejjton, to /ec#r* it from all //wa:- y£?;; or Usurpation uninterruptedly, even to the End of the World. Thus you fee, here's no Ejfential Alterations as to the One Church under the ialt or Gofyel-Diffienfation, tho' a vaft Improvement for ;he better, by a Real Completion of wrlat w=is but//;- Lwed out under the former: The one Alt at. , and /«> of God, and the SpV/Y of the World, and under thefe Difguifes Satan transforms himfelf into, and paf- feth for an Angel of Light amongft Men of corrupt Minds and Principles ; nay, fo craftily doth he ma-* page himfelf in this Point 3 that if it were poffible, ha Examined and Difprovd. 41 he could enfnare and deceive the very Ele&, that is, the truly San&ified and Regenerate Chriftians. Now thofe, who are the Original and Principal Subjetls of thefe his moft deceitful and pernicious Tranf- fgurations, upon whom he moft immediately A&s, are thofe Falfe Chrifts our Saviour cautions us againft, Matth. xxiv. 5-. and 24. and Falfe Prophets, v. n. ccming in Sheep Cloathin^, but inwardly are Ravening Wolves, Matth. vii. 15". and foretold likewise by the Apoftles. For I know this, that after my departing, Jhall griclJOU^ 3$0iteC$> enter in among ft you, not faring the Flock. Att. xx. v. ;o. fee v. 31. io, 2. Tim. iii. 1, &c. This know alfo, that in the la ft days perillous Times Jhall come ,• for Men frail be Lovers of their own felves, Cove- tous, Boafters, Proud, &c. having a Form of Godlinefi, v. j. Of this fort are they which creep into Houfes, v. 6. Falfe Prophets, Falfe Teachers, 2 Pet. ii. 1. Such as thro' Ccvetoufnef frail with feign d Words make Mer- chandise, v. 3 . [ ot their Pr ofelyces ] under Pre- tences of Godlinefs, purfue only their Secular and Worldly Intereft : of mean and beggarly Circum- stances to raife themfelves to be Men of Wealth and Fortunes, and to Jportlvg themfelves [hugging and making themfelves merry 3 with their own Deceivings [ feeing how fuccefsfully their Plot and Juggling takes with the Ignorantand Deluded People] while they feaft with [them, like Cheats and Mountebanks wheedle and cajole the People to feaft and make much of them, and to fill their Purfes ] Thefe are Spots [Scandals and Reproaches and Abominations] in your Feaft s of Charity, when they feaft with you, feeding without fear [gluttonizing and pampering themfelves without either Reverence to the Pious Ends of thofe Feafts, or regard to Temperance or Decency, without regard unto God, Religion, or Good manners.,] z>. 13. whilft creeping in privately that the World may not take notice of them, they indulge themfelves in all manner of Licemioufnefs, Impudently and Arro- • » gantly, \% the Analaptijls Minifiry gantly, cenfuring and condemning all that are not of their own Party, Jude 12. Railing againft and Reviling, and ffieaking Evil of Dignities, dejpifing Go- vernment \j. e. of thofe whom Chrift hath confti- tuted Governours, Paftors, and Minifters of his Church, 2 Pet. ii. n.- Dejpife Dominion , and Jpeak Evil of Dignities, Jud. viii. Ignorant, Illiterate, XJnedw- cated, yet taking too much upon them, fetting up for Oracles and Infallible Dictators, [peaking great [wel- ling Words [pretending to the Spirit, extraordinary Gifts,] 2 Vet. ii. 18. [peaking Evil of [ in an infolent, haughty , contemptuous manner ; traducing , fcorning, trampling upon] things that they underfiand not, v. 12. or as St. Jude expreffeth it, [freak Evil of thofe things they know not, v. 10. [things above their Capacity, out of their reach, .that they have no Notion of : Making thofe things the Subject of their Debates, Differences, and Difcriminations from all other Profef- /ions of Chriftianity, that they are utterly ignorant of, and unacquainted with many times as much as Pagans, with whom our Lord reckons them, and compares them unto, as not being Chriftians, or be- longing to him in any the leaft Degree. Now thefe Falfe Chrift s, Falfe Prophets, Falfe Teach- ers, muft of neceffity be underftood of thofe, who fet themfelves againft Chrift himfelf, and the true Pa- ftors of the Church, which is but One, whofe Priest- hood but One, fo that all elfe muft be Falfe and Coun- terfeit, Adulterate, fo all but One, let them be never fo numerous, their Allegations what they will, even by their own Confejfions, muft be in the wrong • have J10 Interest in Cbritf, bear no Relation to him, receive no gracious Influences from, or be under the conduct of his Spirit, their Minifterial Acls void, null, of no faving Effe&, not being ratified by him. In mort, the Church of Hcreticks or Schifmaticks, may be well compar'd to a Defert, or call'd Defblate in Allufion to that of our Saviour to the Jews, after the Tranfia- ticv Examhid and Difprovd. 43 t\on of the Segullah, from them to the Gentiles, which was in an eminent manner effected at the DefruBion of Jerufalem and their Temple, Behold your Uoufe is left Defolate t or become a Defert, Matth. xxiii. 38. Not deflate or deferted by Men, for it may a- bound with multitudes of Wicked and Abominable Men. becaufe the number of fuch is always greater than of the Good and Righteous, but dejlitute of holy Men, destitute of Piety, dejlitute of Faith , Truth, Grace, and of the Holy Sprit of God. For as that Man who is not of God, is not in Covenant with him, is faid to be dead, though he be alive : So eve- ry Church, tho' never fo numerous in its Members, that is not of Chrift's planting ; tho' it lives, hath an Exigence in the World, it li'ueth not unto God, but unto the Devil, if it be dejlitute of all thofe good things we have mentioned, it's wholly defert, folita-* rinefi and empt'wefi, becaufe it is not full of God, but of the Devil. This Confequence they can never get rid of, if they will be determin'd by their own Principles ( who aftert themfelves only to be the True Church, exclud- ing all others whatever, as fome of our Sectaries do : ) Or, if they will allow a Latitude, even there- by they are Self-condemn'd again, if violating the Unity of the Church, if Schifm be a Work of the Flejh, a damning Sin : For fetting up difrindt Communions without a caufe, and making unnecefjary Divifions and Parties by this Argument muft be capital, deadly and damnable with a Vengeance, can admit of no excufe, becaufe without any jufi Caufe, Call, or Provocation. It muft proceed meerly from a Spirit of Oppojition, from a Carnal, a Worldly, nay a Diabolical Spirit, and therefore the condemnation of fuch is moft juft and equitable, becaufe even chefen by themfelves, affetled: This muft be the Sin of Corah indeed, his Gainfaying, Rebellion, by oppofing the Infiitution, the Dominions, the 44 ^ je Anahaptijls Mhitflry the Dignities, the Vriefihood Cbrifi himfelf hath efta* blijltd in hisChurch, for the Salvation of Mankind. Here then are the Characters of Seducers , JT?//e Teachers, lying and falfe Prophets applicable to all the Setts and Divifions in the 3^^c/e Chrifiian World, that is, f i&o/e who are e»f olF and fcparated from the Oe Church as not being Chrifiians, but characJeriz,'d by Publicans the lewdefi, filthiefi, and moft profligate and /chw and [corn of all Mankind, and fo moft: abominable by Heathens, that is, Unbelievers, Worshipers of a /*//e Go*/, nay JVorjhipers or Devils, and by £>0g.r, likewiie by our Bleffed Saviour, Matth. vii. 6. Matth. v. 26. And by the Apoftles, 7^//;/>. ii. 3. R*z\ xxii. 15-. wherein they are likewife alfcciated, or put in the Lift with Sorcerers, Whore -mongers, Murderers, and Idolaters ; as Schifm is reckon d a /%r& of?^ F/«/fe with Adultery, Idolatry, Witchcraft the molt heinom, odious and provoking Sins, G«?/. v. which is equivalent to that Expreffion of our Saviour, theft without, Mark. iv. 2. Matth. viii. 12. £«£. xiii. 28. and 25. £«£. viii. 10. or the World, which is oppofed to thofe who were given to Chrifi out of the World, Joh. xvii. 6. 8. 11. chofen out of the World, Chap. xv. v. 19. The World that hated ChriH and the Apoflles, v. 18. becaufe the World lovcth none but who are cf the World, v. 19. The World of which it's faid, the Love of the World, is Enmity with God, Jam. iv. 4. The World of which the Apoftle faith, Love not the World if any Man love the World, the love of the Father is not in him, 1 J oh. ii. ij. and that becaufe the whole World lietlvin Wicksdncfs, 1 jch. v. 19. and therefore whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the World, v. 4. After all this, fttpp r fag it never fo difficult to point out the Trm Church, yet it's very cafie to meet with a great many Seels, to whofe Teachers thefe Characters fuit moll exa&.iy ,• d.iily experience fhews it to a tiiiie, and the eaiier to be dif cover d by how much thefe Exam in el and Difprovd. 45 thefe Seperatifis pretend to the higbeft degree of Santtity : As they have trcd in Cain's (leys, fo arc they ftigmatizld with Cain's Mark, that they might be manifefted and di/linguijl/d from the reft of Man- kind, and as they have all along from the Apofttes to this very day, ran greedily after the Error or Bala- am for Reward, railing againft, and cur Jin g the Church of Chrift for their Gain and Intereft, to make their Advantages, and to feather their Nefts of the Ruins thereof (witnefs all the Hifiories of every particular Sett when in Power, when opportunity hath offer'd at felf for them to unmask, and mew themfelves in their native Colours : ) So Covetoufnef, and a Worldly Spirit, never ceafes to betrav them, and to expoie them by turning their in/ides outward, to be viewed by all Mankind, Jud. v. 10. 2 Pet. 2. 15. except to their blind Followers, thofe unfiable, unsettled, unprinci- pled, and untutord Souls, 2 Pet. 2. 14. [illy, ignorant, halfwitted Women led away with divers Lufis, \Lufis ot fevcral kinds, Slaves, to their Lufis, led meerly by their Senjes like brute irrational Creatures, made up of nothing but Luff and Carnality, and Senfe~\ ever learning [always running from Sett to Sett, from one new Whimfie to another, fteady to nothing but their Inconftancy] and ever ignorant [knowing and improving not one jot the more, as wife at laft as at the firft, and at the firft as at the laft] never able to come to the Knowledge of the Truth, becaufe never deliring it, catching always at the Shadow, and negle&ing the Subftance, taken only with the Out fide, Appearance, Formality, being made up of no- thing but tiypocrifie, affe&ing Novelty, and fo moil juftly abandon d to Error, being devoid of Sincerity and upright honeft Attentions, and by their unmortified Lufis, Levity, and Hypocritical Tempers, unprepar'd, and unfufceptible, incapable of the Truth, 2 Tim. 3. fc j7 . To 46* The Analaptifls Miniflrj To come to a more particular Description ofthefs falfe Teachers ; falfi Miniflers are cattd by our BlefTed Saviour, Wolves, who outwardly have the Appearance, Refemblance oi Chriftians, profefi Chrifiianity, but in- wardly, and at the bottom, are Infidels, Unbelie- vers, no better than Heathens, notwithftanding the Shetps-cloathing, their pretence or foew of Christianity • No ! they are meer Hypocrites and Dijjcmblers, they believe not even what themfelves profefi, they are Politico's, Machiavellians, their bufinefs is only to delude and impofe upon the e^, the ignorant, and «»- fettled, that have no _/o»W Principles, but are carried away with every puff' of #W, every ^ir of Novelty like the Chaff : Ravening Wolves in Sheeps-cloathing, under the likenef of Payors and Shepherds of the F/ocl of Chriff, their Difcourfes and ordinary Conver fat ions, adorned and in?/? up with Sentences of Scripture, de- claiming againft J'/V*?, the Wickednefs, the Priie, the Luxury of tho Age, the profligate and loofe Lives of Chriftians, enveighing againft Idolatry, Superfiition, Prophanenef, Formality, Will worflrip, Hypocrifie, the Unfantlified, Unregenerate, and dangerous Condition of all that are not of their Seel, their Party, always turning up their Eyes to Heaven, deploring the Impiety of the Times, and then blejfwg themfelves, that they walk not as others do, but iive retir'd and rar/ar/f from an ungodly, degenerate, debauch'd, unfan&ified, Ge- neration of Men : In their Air and Gate, humble and demure , in their Garbs, plain and fimple, even to Ridiculoufnef, yet />ro«// and haughty, and arrogant uponoccafion, fcorning, and abhorring, and trampling upon thofe who J/^e»f from them, contradict otjoppofe them as the meer //r& and /c«w of the World ,• and when ever they gain the Advantage particularly, when by a Revolution of State, they get to be upptr- moft, or in any degree of Countenance or Favour, the rnoft bloody, unmerciful Wolves and Tygers, the moft infknt, b.irbjrous, imperious, tyranical, unrelenting Savages Examined and Difprovd. 47 Savages on this fide Hell, as multitude of Experience may convince us within our own Memories* In their AjfteB, or Trim of their Countenances, and in their Difcourf es 5 'mfnuating, and moft fiudioufly, elaborately, and affeBedly fawning, mild, and feemingly difinte- refifcd and innocent at their firfi fettivg out ; but when once they begin to find they get ground, grow numerous, and get good footing, they drive Jehu- like, carry all by force, flop at no indireB, unjuft, and viUanous Methods to carry on their Defigns, and are the moft implacable and violent "Persecutors in the whole World,- for the proving of which, beyond all poffibility of Contradiction, I appeal to the Hifiorics of thefe ftwlaft Centuries. And thus by their Fruits, their Behaviour, their ABions, they eafily dis- cover themfelves : By their Sacrilege, by their Re- bellions, Murthers, AJJaJJinations , their intolerable Pride, Covetoufnefi, their Opprejfwv and TJnmercifulnefi, and too too often their abominable, unheard of^ diabolical Impurities, Filtbinef and Carnalitji Another Infance of their Sheep- cloathing, by which they ftudy to conceal their IVolviJhnef, and by which they have great Succefs, is their pretending to the fame Faith and Sacraments, the fame Ordinances with the Church • They Preach, they Pray, they Bap- tize, they pretend to Adminifier the [awe Er,charift 9 (I don't fay all SeBaries, but many do : ) This Sheeps- cloathing, thefe Pretences go a great way with the Undifceming and Ignorant, who believe every Like to be the fame, take the Shadow for the Subfiance, and outward Refemblance for the Reality it felf. But all this is not to the purpofe without a due, a legal CommiJJion or Authority ; it's nothing but aping, no- thing but aBing a Part upon a Stage, as by all the foregoing Arguments is clearly evinc'd. Let them pretend as long as they will to purer Ordinances, it will not avail them any thing, till they can prove themfelves to be the Minifters of drift, and to be the 48 The Anahaptifts Miniftry the Church of God. This is nothing but meer Di/guife, and calling a Miff- or Veil over the Understandings of the Ignorant. Neither their Preaching, Praying, Sacraments, are Cbriffs Ordinances, notwithftanding their appearance or Resemblance, if not perform'd in that manner that Chrift hath inftituted, by an Autho- rity deriv'd by Him, and in the Unity of his one and only Church. And if not fo, they may be faid to aft all in their own, and in the Name of Antichrist or Satan, for this is nothing lefs than transforming, or transfiguring themfelves into the Ministers of Chnfi, or SuccejJ'ors of the Apofiles ; and this the Apoftle tells us is no marvel, [it was common in his days, and mould be fo alfo in after Ages] for Satan [their Matter, the Head of their Falfe or Mock-Church] is tranf formd into an Angel of Light, therefore it's no new thing, nor great, it his Minifteis alfo (Tor all their Sanctity, their boafted Gifts and Graces, &c) be transformed as [or fhould in fome fence refemble, and ad the parts of ] the Minifiers of Righteoufnef, whofe end Jhould be according to the-ir works : bee 2 Cor. 11. v. 13,14, 15". And thus do thefe Wolves delude and lead Captive the Ignorant, but (moft commonly) wicked, hypocritical People from the Church, the only proper Means of en lightning their Vnderfi an dings, difpel- ling their Errors, and reforming of their wicked Lives, and make them (by a juft Judgment of God for dif- gracir.g their holy Proftjfion, and bringing a Scandal up- on the moft holy Chriitian Religion, and refifting the Means of their Converfion and Salvation, the Holy Spi- rit of God in his Church) twofold more the Children of HeU than themfelves, Mat. 23. 15". But there's another fenfe of Shetps-cloatking, more prevalent in leading away ignorant cotmni't L adv Peo P Ie than the former, viz,. The TTe-Gr r3n ,~ ' Dexterity of thefe Falfe or Mock-teachers, in quoting, wrejhng and perverting the holy Scriptures ; and indeed, their whole Strength and Examind and Difprovd. 49 Force feems to lie c^nceal'd under thefe (as they manage the matter falfe Locks, Truth perverted de- generating into the rnoft pernicious Errors. Falfe Apuftks [or falfe Teachers] deceitful [crafty, foothing, fly 3 workers, transforming themfelves into the Apo files [or fetcing themfelves up for the true Paftors] of Chnlr, 2 Cor. n. 15. What's the meaning oftranf forming themfelves into the Apofiles ofChriB ? Or as now a days, giving themfelves out to be their Suc- ceffois? Why, the Apofties of Chriit quoted Paf- fages cut of the Divine Law, fo did the falfe Apo- ffies ; Authorities out of rhe PJalms, 10 did they,- the Sentences out of the Prophets, fo did they : The true Minifiers of Chritt cite the Evangelical, and Apofioli- cal Writings, fo do thefe pretended Minifiers of the Goffel (as they call themfelves now.) But when they came to fix a different Senfe upon the fame Paf~ fages, equally and a iike produced by each, then the fincere and well-meaning, were difcriminatci from the crafty, the felfdejigning, from the upright and difintereffed, and lafiiy, the true Apofiles from the falfe. And thus it will be as clear as the Sun at Noon- day , that when thefe Creepers into Houfes (as the Vharifees did, to cheat and defraud the poor Widows under the pretence of making long Prayers, Mat. 23. 14.) Thefe Minifiers in Mafyuerade, quote Scripture to countenance and vamijli over their Errors and Hete- rodoxies, c do but put in practice the Wiles and De- c vifes of their Mafier Satan * which he had never * invented, but that he knew that there can be no c more fuccefsful and ready Method to deceive , than * to pretend the Authority of the facred and divinely * infpired Scriptures, to ufher in his deceitful Er- c rors. That himfelf accofied our Saviour with Texts of Scripture : 'T;s written, faith he. e And c thus he fpeaks thro' their Mouths at this day. For ( as the j^cafc of the jDamn'fc, fpeak to the l^cati I of the ftc&CCm'D, the ElecJ, fo his Members fpeak E f now ^o The Andhaptifls Mini ft fy * now "to tile Members of ChrlB ; the Terfidious, the * Treacherous, to the Faithful, the Sacrilegious to the c 'Religious, Hereticks to the Orthodox, \_Schifmaticks to the firmly United unto, and incorporated with che Owe Churchy by the One Spirit of Chrift. f But c doth He fay after all ; If thou be the Son of God, cafi * thy felfddwn, Mat. 4. 6. That is, if thou wouldft * 'be a Son of God, obtain the Inheritance of the ' Kingdom of Heaven, Caft thy felf down ; that "* is, from the Do&rine and Difcipline of that High € Church, which is call'd the Temple of God. And ( if any one fhould ask any of thefe Sham- £ teachers, alluring and decoying Him, Whence c proved thou that I ought to forfake and let go the c Univerfal and Ancient Faith of the Catholick * Church ? Oh! prefently he tells you, 'Tzs writ* c ten, and forthwith he produces a Thoufand Tefti- * monies, Examples, and Authorities, out of the c Law, the Pfalrns, the Prophets, Evangelifts and * Apoftles,* by the wrelttng and perverting of * which, after a new and wicked manner, the f wretched Soul is thrown headlong from the Pina- * cle of the Church, into the noifom Jakes of Here- c he and Schifm. This is a peculiar Property of * thefe Falfe- teachers, to wrap themfelves as it c were, all over with Sentences of Vincent. Lir. s Scripture, as it were with Sheeps- cap. xxxvi. c fleeces, that whilft any one feels, or c perceives the Softnefs of the Wool, c they may not fear or fufpeft the Sharpnefs of their c Teeth. Thus they readily flie thro' Vincent, tir. c all the Volumes of the Scripture from gap. xxxv. c Genefis to the Revelations, whether pri- € vateiy or publickly, in their C Thou j£ ? c who art inftru<5ted by Hercticks and f Schifmaticks > and conceiteft thy felf ? learned, and beine; bapciz'd by them, lookeft up- s on thy felf to be [Regenerated] a Chriftian. See e what thefe Heretical and Schifmatical Ttachers are * call'd by Chrift, Ravening, devouring Wolves. If f therefore thou art taught [inftm&ed] by them, I thou art torn in pieces by them, not improved, ( not Examined and Difprovd. $$ c not [edified] inftrufted. If thou be'ft baptized c by them, thou art devoured and worried by them, not c laved. For it is the Property of Wolves to de- vour [not to fave.] As for their Preaching, it's call-d by the Apoftle, Handling the Word of God deceitfully. [and with felf-Intereft, Oxf par.~\ z Cor. 4. 2. Speak- ing Lies in Hypocrifie [under a pretext of Holinefs, Oxf. par.~] and unfound, unedifying, corrupt, falfej Doclrhce, becaufe fu eh as heap up ths&falfe Teachers unto themfelves, have itching Ears after Novelties, and fuch Do&rines as gratifie their Lufis, their hlu- mors, jfiiritual Pride, Conceitednefi, and Cenforioufnefi of others. For the time will come when they will not endure found Dotlrine [which will difcover or hin- der their wicked Defigns, Oxf. par.~\ as a thing mof£ contrary, lothfom, naufeous and difagreeable to their fqueamifh Palates] but after their own Lufis Jhall they heap to themfelves 'teachers [who (hall flatter and humour them, by telling them that they are the Children of God, truly Righteous \_elebhd Saint s~\ have great Knowledge, Oxf. Annot.~\ having itching Ears, 2 Tim. 4. 3. Of whom it is (aid in another place, That becaufe they received not the Love of the Truth that they might be faved, for that caufe, God (ball fend them firong Delttfion that they fiould believe a Lie [fhould be left entirely to themfelves, and the Impuifes of the evil Spirit, to be a Prey to Seducers, Deceivers, Wolves in Sheeps-cloathing, 2 ThelT. 2. 11, 12. or thofe who feparate themfelves [for purer Ordinances, the old Pretence, from the Unity of the Church, the Flock olChrisf\[enfual, [led by their Lufts, the Love of the World] not having the Spirit [of God, of Chrilt, for all their high-flown boaftings of their E- leclion, Sanctity, Regeneration, &c.] 2 Pet. 2. 19. And where the Spirit of God is not, there all Mini- fierial Abls muft be deftitute of the Concurrence and Co-operation of the Holy Spirit, and confequently, fcn- fsal, carnal, diabolical, and cannot avajl to any gra* E 4 ciom 56 The Anahaptijls Minijlry ciotts or faving ejfeB ; , but only Perdition, Eternal De- firuction, becauie done in a State of feparation from the One Church, and fo from God, from Chrifi, from the Holy Spirit, and in oppofition to the Divine infiitution, Order and Appointment. Again as to their Prayers, God being a Spirit of Unity, Peace and Love, cannot be fuppofed to hear the Prayers of Schifmaticks and Separatists from hisO»g Church, the Prayers or Perfons devoid of all Charity, and at Enmity with his Elect, his Ckofen, his Peculiar People, his Treajure, as the Word SeguBab fignifies, which we render Peculiar People, a People in Cove- nant with him, to whom he hath promiied Protection * and Preservation againft: all the Powers of Darknef, all the Violence of the World, to whom alone he hath engaged his Particular Favours, Choicer! Bleffings, and Salvation itfeU. Without or out of the One Church, there's no Mediator, no Interceffor to plead to intercede for them, no Higb-Priefi to prefent their -Prayers, and therefore, it's not to be conceiv'd that the Prayers of fuch Rebels, fuch Antichrifis, fuch Cafi- aw ays flia.11 be admitted or heard, or anfwer'd espe- cially in the behalf of others, having no Commif- iion, no Authority from God for that End, and therefore fruit left and ipejjicacious, as finful and pre- sumptuous. For feparation fo >m the One Church, eipe- cially, and molt of all when its done in Malice, Spifhtfuhcfi and Revenge ,in Hatred and Rancorous , Pride and Haughtinefi, and out of a Spirit of Oppofition to the Church, for Secular or Worldly Ends, for the gratify- ing and indulging the Lufis of the Fleflj, as is demon" firable from all the Char abler s of fuch Seducers we find in the Apofiolical Writings, muff neceifarily exclude all fuch Antichrifis and Falje-Teachers from being graciou- fiy heard by G0J, becaufe his profef/d Enemies, and inch who are in Aclual Rebellion againft him and his moft Sacred Infiitutions, for fuch can't be faid to be at Peace with God, or to Ltyve God, as the Apofile plainly Examined and Difprovd. 57 plainly determined! : If a Man fay Hove God and bat- etb his Brother [a Fellow Member of Chrift, one in Communion with the Church , from whom this Falfs Teacher ( who was once a Member of the Church) now feparateth] he is a Liar ; for be that loveth not his Brother whom he hathfeen, how can he love God whom he hath not feen ? 1 Jo. iv. 20. And do we think God hsareth the Prayers of fuch who love not God , nor the Brethren, that is, the Faithful, the Members of Chrift's Body, the One Church? No! They who are deftitute of this Brotherly Love, are dead, i. e. jpirittially dead in their Sins, and God will not hear the Prayers of fuch. We know, faith this Beloved Difciple, that we have faffed from Death unto Life, becaufe we love the Brethren, i. e. thofe who are in actual Communion with the One Church of Chrift • He that loveth not his Brother, abideth in Death, 1 Joh. 5. 14. and doth God hear fuch, who are already dead in their Sins, ar>d as long as they continue fo, cut off from all hope of recovery ? For this love of the Chnfilan Fraternity or Brotherhood , is the condition of our Prayers being heard, as the fame Apoftle writes, v. 22. And whatfoever we ask, we receive of him, becaufe we keep his Commandments • and this is his ComtHandment, that wejhmld believe on the Name of his Son Jefus Chrifi, and love one another as he gave us Com- mandment, v. 23. fo that we pray, we ask in vain, fo long as we live at Enmity and Variance with the Brethren, the Members of the One Church. This Argument you may fee further profecuted by the Apoftle, chap. 5*. To conclude this Topick, 'tis by this Love or the Brotherhood that we know him, if we keep his Commandments, \Joh. 2. 3. thnt he dweileth in us, and we in him, 1 Job, 3. 24. and hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us, fee chap. 4. 13. becaufe Love is of God, v. 7. and God is Love, v. 8. and Love is one of the Fruits of the Spirit , Gal. f. 22. and this Love of 5 8 The- Avabaptifls Mwtjfrf of the Brethren is the great Mark or Gharafterifthk of Chrift's Difciples ,• By this Jhall all Men know that ye arc my Difciples, if ye hr>ve Love one to another, Job. i»2. 35". And he that loveth not the [fraternity, the Bro- therhood, the Members of Chriffs Body, the Church, and preferveth Unity with them, but feparateth from them, for otherwise he loveth. not God] knoweth not God } iy'oh. 4. 8. and- confequently, God knoweth not him, that is, will not hear him. But to fum up all- I- intend at prefent as to this Point, the Apoftle St. Paul give* us, this fliort, yet full and comprehenfive Defcription and- Qualifications of this Love I have been treating ©f, as the discriminating Ghar after or 1 Mark of a- Difcipk of.Ghri/l, a True and \ Genuine Chri- ftian and Member of his Body the Church : Now the end- of the Commandment is Charity out of a mire Heart , and a. good Confcience, and of Faith unfeigned, 1 Tim. r. f. that is, for the End and Intention or SteRom. 3. 31. B erf eft ion of the Commandment is Charity , «tf- 10. 4. [j # e# i^g towards God and all Men, (Otf, Ann. far.) but efpecially the Bro- therhood, the Houfhold of Faith, as our Saviour hath determin'd, Matth. 22. 0» £&e/e two Commandments h'a-ng all the Law and the Prophets, v. 40.] Out of a pure Heart fan honeft upright Intention] a good Confcience [in Obedience unto, or guided by the Rule of the Gofpel Precepts] and of Faith unfeigned, the Faith de- livered unto the Saints, depofted with the Church of Chvisl,. not forgd 'and contriv'd by Men for the carry- ing on and propagating their own Defigns, and to fer-ve their Worldly IntereB, as is the Faith of Her e- tkks^nd fiich who feparate from, and fet themfelves up in defiance of, and againft the Church, whole. Faith is Faftion^ calculated and contriv'd to ferve themfelves and their own Ambition andCarnalProj eft ions* As for Bapifm collated by Schifmaticks and Sefta- rians x I migjPit make the fame Inferences, to invali- date and fhew the Nullity of it ; but having occa- sionally Examind and Difprtw'd. 5^ jlonally fpoken to that Point already, Ifliall only add this, That when it's- perform'd in a Schifm, irr oppofition to the One Church, it ceafes to be true Chriftian Baptifnii to be done in the Name of, or by the Authority ok'GhriB, and by the Apofile is plain- ly fhewn and' prov'd to be Human Baptifm, or dona in the Name of Man, or of the Head of that Sec~£ from which the Sett is denominated, as if that Falfi Teacher or Head of the Schifm was Crucified, made ail- Atonement or Satisfaction for- the Sins of the World, and fo became the Saviour of the World. Hear what the Apoftle faith. New this I fay, that evry one of you faith, I am of Paul, and I of A folio, and I of Cephas, and I ofChrifl. Is Ghrift divided ? [ and fa become a different Head to different Parties, where- as he is but One Chrrft, and has but One Body, oc One Church? 3 Was P aul Crucified for you ? or were ye baptized in the Name of Paul ? I thank God I baptize J none of you but Crifpm and Gaius, leafi any fliould fay> that I had baptized in mine own Name, 1 Cor. 1. 12, 13, 14, 15. This PaiTage of the Apo£le is fufficient to evince the Baptifm of Sectaries to be a meer Human All, and that Chrift will not ratifie it as done in his Name, as his Baptifm - y but altogether rejed it as meer baptizing in and into the Name of a Schifm, a Seel , as being done in oppofition to his Churchy which alone hath the Right to admit and make Members of Chrift's Body, and to tranfacl: in his Name. For thofe who are bapized out of this One Church , are not hereby conftituted Members of Chrift, Children of the Spoufe, but the Jfiuriom Brood of an Adulterefi, not the Heirs of Salvation, but of Perdition. And thus it appears, that all Falfe Teachers with their fair Pretences and Appearances are really Wolves, Ravening Devouring Wolves, under the Maf* qtterade of Sheep s- clothing, defraying and utterly ruining the Souls of thofe ignorant unwary and fickje un- fettled People, whom they deceive by their feigned Words, their Fawning and Hypocrife, But 60 The Anahaptijis Mhtiflry But this is not all, there is a fecondary Stnk of their ravenoufnef and murdering Temper ,- they are Cruel ' Bloody , Barbarous without Human Affeclion , Pity Mtrcifulnef and Commiferation, an infallible Mark by by which they may be difcerned from True Cbrifii- ans, as contrary to the Meek and Sweet Spirit ot Christianity, as Christ is to Btlial, as Heaven to Hell, as Light to Darknefs. Look over the Hifiory of all ^ej of Chrifiianity to this day, the particular Hifro- ries of all Chriftian Kingdoms and States, the Hifiory of thefe Three Kingdoms in particular, and tell me whether ever the Heathen Emperours, all the Ancient Terfecutions of the Church by the word and moft bar- barous Infidels in any part of the World ever exceed- ed, or poflibly could exceed the Inhumanity and Cru- elty of Hrreticks or Schifmaticks ; nay, I may rf?/er without talking ot Paradoxes, that neither Heathen nor Chrifiian Rome ever contrivd more exquifite and horrid Punimments and Tortures, or even to be faraflel d with thofe of Sectarians and Schifmaticks wherever they have prevail'd : Neither did ever the Devil exert his Malice to a greater height, or make ftronger or more furious Afj'.iuks upon Ckriftianity, than Ly the means of thefe Ravening Wolves in S beeps- clothing, thefe Mock, thefe Sham-Chrifiians. I mall no: defcend to Particulars at prefenr, bur. as occafion may ferve, if God gives me leifure and opportunity, I may enlarge upon this To pick afterwards. But I defsre in the mean time it may be obierv'd as a mofl demonftrabls Truth, that all the Setls and Schifma- ticks that have been ever iince Chriftianity ,\\zvq. never failed to make Difcoveries ot this Diabolical Anti- chriftian Spirit as they have had opportunity, and will never fail fo to do, when they have the Advan- tage, as long as there is fuch a thing as Schifm in the World. As I have often faid, fo I mail repeat it a- gain j- There's but One Church of Chrifr, all to a tit- tle Exammd and Difprov'et. 61 tie that iivtie and fepurate themfeives from this One Church , are Falfe-Churches , Shaw-Churches, Sham- Chrifrians, Synagogues of Antkhrift, confequently Wolves, Seducers, Falfe Teachers (who as they were moft d'.fperately Wicked in the Apo files time , and Grand Pcrfecutors of the One Church then in its great- eft Purity, and confequently Glory, (whatever No- tions Carnal Worldly Perfons who have no true re- ify of Christianity, may fancy to themfeives, the Church never being more amiable and endear d unto God, than when fhe is actually exprefling the height and Jincerity of her Affeclions by her choice of Sufferings y and when under the Croft) as might be plentifully prov'd out of the Atls, and ether Apoftolical Writ- ings,) fo it's foretold of them, that they mould grow worfe and worfe, and fo perfecute the Church tverje and wcrfe, and do more mifchief to Chriftianity y (2 Tim. 7. 13.) as hath been wofully experienced fince J>y the prodigious decay of all [olid Piety, the Scandal and Stumbling- Blocks given and laid in the way, and in bar to the Converfions of Jews, Hea- thens and Turks • the growth of Atheifm^ Deifm, Seep- ticifm , Irrehgion , hatiittdinarianifm , P r of an en eft , De- bauchery and Hypocr.ifie to this very day, and the ge- neral Ferfecuting Principles of them all, even of tbofe amongft them, that have made the gieatSft Profcjfwn and Boafts of Moderation, Meekneft, Peaceableneft, Pa- tience, Forbearance and Humanity of them all, and ex- claim'd molt vehemently, and condemn a the Fer- fecuting Spirit, under the moft eafie and juft Profecutions for the grande[i Villainies, and the ivorft of Crimes, And thac which is moft obfervable of thefe Sectaries is, however they may for Political ends, as the Dona- tifis and Arrians did of old join and combine to pro- cure a Comprehenfion or Toleration, yet at the fame time their Principles being Diametrically oppofite to each others, they hate each other mortally, anathema- tize each other as Reprobates, Antichrijis and Infidels, and 6% the ifa&aptifts Mittzftiy land Apoftates, Inftruments tif the Devil, &c. as may ■btQ feen in all their Writings one againft the other, may be obferv'd in their very Prayers and Preach- tnentsy .and their unconverfiblenefs one with another At all other times, as much as ever could be ob- ierv'd in the averfations of the Jews from the Sama- yipans, and the Accurfed Devoted Nations ,• and where -any- one Seel gets the Afcendant, the Power into their *own hands, perfecute each other unmercifully, and then call Toleration the -Devil's Engine to batter. down the- Church with, and declaim againft it as the. height of Wkkednefi and breligion that can be ena&ed by Man, and the Mafter-pieee of Satan himfelf. Judge -now whether this Wolvijh Temper can be reconcifd with the Do£rine of the Meek, the BleJJeJ, the Holy Jefefs, the Spirit of the Chnfvan Religion, or -whe- ther we ought to believe fuch to be Chrifiians , -Members of Chrijfs Body : The Apofile tells us, The -Fruits of the Spirit, ts Love, "Joy, Peace, Long* Offering, -Gcntknefi, Gal. 5". 22. but that the Works of the Flejh -[on the contrary] are manifest [eafily to be known, "Self-evident, and net to be eafily conceal'd, or de- -ny'd] -to all that have common -Underftandings and Senfe, which are — Hatred, Variance, Enuda- -tisns, Wrath, Strife, "Seditions, Herefes and the like, -v. 19. 20. Wherever thefe are the Ingredients, and "become the Principles of Parties, as amongft Seclari- zwrthey are certain Charaticriftieh, not only of a 'Carnal, Worldly, but-even of a Diabolical Spirit, and nvhen perfrfted in witheut ; Repentance the Infallible ■Abodings of "Eternal DeftmBion. This Wohffi, Barba- -rcz/s, 'Murderous and AjfaJJinat-ing Principle, can ne- ver be a Samt-Uke Quality,- Our Saviour never an- nexed any 'Bleffing to Inch (tho' thro' the Decekful- Tiefs of Satan,, and his infernal Impulfe, thefe feared 1 Cov[c\cnce-s , thefe -bardr.sd Wretches call themfelves Sai'rits and .Blsjfed, as familiarly, as ail-that aFe not ^0 f their -Accused Clms, -Rtprvbatcs-and Qajhwwp ■' But BiMmhtcl tinzl Difprovi!. £$ Butour Saviour on the contrary, the Author of all -Blepdnef, faith, -BhJJed are the Poor in Sprit, -Blefid are' the *Mcek, 'Bletfed 'are the Merciful, Bkffed are the Peace-makers, "Mat. if. Thefe are the Salifications of the True Member s y of the One Church of C fori ft infiuenc-d by the One Spirit- of 'Love, according to that of the ApojHe to 'the Colojfims, c, .3. v. 12. Put on therefore & the Elefl of God, holy and Beloved [as a Ghofen Ge- neration, an 'Holy PriefThood, a Peculiar People, theSegttilab, the One' CJmroh o( ^Chrift, therefore Be- loved, becaiife in a moil: particular manner honoured. above all other People by him, and marKd for his own, his Treafure, his Jewels, his Inheritance'] Bowels of Mercy, Kindnef, Humblenef of Mind, Meeknefi, Long" fuffering, forbearing one another, and forgiving one ano- ther, &c. "and above all thefe things put on Charity , •which is the Bond of PerfeBnefi [that is, preferve the Unity of the Church "Inviolable, make no Divijions, no Schifms, ho Separations, with which Charity is as inconfifient, as Love "with Hatred, Unity with Di- fcordf] and let the Peace of God rule in your Hearts, to the -which alfo ye are called in One Body, v. 15". i, e± which is absolutely required in the Society of rke Church, and without which it cannot well confift. All things without it running into Diforder and Conmfion, and for the want of which, Strifes, Contentions, Animosities and Disturbances Tnuft arife, and the Members be^fcattered and difpers-'d, and at Wars and Variance with orie another, and the So- ciety expos'd to diffolution. To the fame purpofe lik ewif e the Apofik exhorteth the Epbefians, befeech- ing them to walk-worthy of the Vocation wherswith they mrer e called, with' all Lowlinef and Meeknsfi, Lmg-fuffer- ing, forbearing one another h Love, ^tnd to endeavour to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace, and that they would not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, and that they Would put away all BitteYnefs, and Wrath, and Anger, and Clamour, zn& Evil Jp&akh^ with all Malice, Eph. 4. 1, 2, 3. 30, ;r, Ana 64 The Anahaptifts MiwftrJ And now I come to mew how it comes to pafe, that thefe ravening Wolves, and their Adherents, thofe who gives themfelves up entirely to their Conducl, and tread in their Steps , and jufiifie their abominable Aclions, as moft of their Followers do to a tittle, the Evil Spirit feiz,ing them, and pojjejfmg of them as foon as ever they are initiated in their profane Myfteries, as hath been obferv'd of old in fome of Long's wft. their Progenitors, The Gofpel, faith one, Donatijts. p. f made the Lion as mild as a Lamb, but l * 9 ' c among the notorious Schifmatkks J — c not only Men, but Women, of Sheep, * became Wolves ; of Faithful, Perfidious; of Patient, ' Furious,* of Peaceable, Contentious,* and of c Modeft, Impudent, &c.~\ are thus given up to a reprobate Mind at prefent, and without Repentance, confign'd to Eternal Mifery ; and that is, becaufe in effe& [if not pofitively, and cxprefly] they have re- nounced their Baptifmal Covenant, and deferted the One Church, the Ground and Pillar of Truth, and the G^te of Heaven and Salvation. Of fuch, and their Followers, thus fpeaketh St: Peter, 2 Pet. 2. 18, 19, 20. For when they fj^eak great fwcllivg words of Vanity, they allure thro' much Wanton- nefi • 'Thofe that were clean, efcaped fi^om them who live in Error, who fromife them Liberty, they themfdves are the Servants of Corruption, &C. For, if after they have efcaped the Pollutions of the World, th) d the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, they are again en- tangled therein and overcome \i. e. by to; faking the Church, and returning to the World.] The latter end is worfe with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them net to have known the way of Right eouf- 7ief, than after having known it, to turn from the holy Commandment deliver d unto them * but it happened unto them according to the true Proverb, The Dog is turned to his Vomit 6<**in, and the Sow that was wcjhed, to her wallowing in the Mire : Compared with Heb, 6. 4, 5", 6. Examined and Difprovd. 6$ $. From this Paffage of St. Peter it's plain (i.) That both thefe /J/* Teachers, and fome of their Ad- herents at leaft, had been baptized, and were atlual Members of the Church, it being faid of both, ver, 1 8, and 20. That they had efc aye d the Pollutions ofthe World by Biptifm, as is imply'd, i>. 22. (2.) That their Seperation, and dividing themfelves from the TJni<* ty ofthe Church of Christ, is a returning to the World} and to their L«/?j ; to forfake the Church., is to be without, that is, to be *'» the World, and 0/ the World $ as hath been already mewn ; it's in a great meafure to Apofiatix^e from Christ, to ta£e ^rf with his Erte~ mies : And of fuch Wolves and falfe Teachers it's faid., 1 Tim. 4. 1. Now the Spirit fpeaketh exprejly, That in the latter times fome (hall depart from the Faith ; and we read again of a falling away, 2 Thejf. 2. 3. Notwith- ftanding this falling away from the Faith, and fepara* ting from the Church, thefe wolves appear d in Sheeps* cloathlng, profefs d themfelves to be Christians, and under this Mask, this hypocritical Guife, deluded the Unwary and Unstable. (3.) From hence appears noc only the iinfulnefs, but the extream Danger that will inevitably follow fuch Separations • For it had been better, &c. ver. 21. Their Condition (for all their Confidence and Boafing, and the vaft Conceit they entertain'd of themfelves) had been better, if they had never believed in, and made profjfion ofthe Truth of Chrifi, and taken the Baptifmal Engagement upon them : It had been better for them to have conti- nued Pagans or Jews Mill, for as S. Peter faith of them, Hereby they bring upon themfelves fwift Dtftrucli- on, ver. 1. ofthe fame Chapcei. Whcfe Judgmety lingreth not, and their Damnation fumbereth not ver, 3* That they (hall be rejerved unto the Day of '"dgment to be punijljd, ver. 9. Sh^ll utterly perijh in ti^eh ?wn Corruption, ver. 12. Shall receive the Rwau. f Unrightcoufnefs , ver. r. — For whom the Mijl of Ddrk~ fief ts referved for ever, ver. 17. Of thefe Trees whoft F Fruit 66 The Anahaptifls Minijlry Fruit withereth, "without Fruit 3 twice dead, pluck' d uf hy the Roots ,• S. Jude faith, That, to them is refervd the Uachnef of darknef for ever, ver. ig- Who were before of old ordain d to this Condemnation, ver. 4. And that they (hall periflj inthe Gain-faying of Corah, [being guilty of the fame Sin, by fetting themfelves up a- gainft the true Minifters of Chrift:] ver. 11. The Apoftle admonifhes the Philippians, to beware of thefe falfe Teachers, thefe Sectaries whom he calls X>ogs, an Expreffion in ufe amongft the Jews for the Gentiles, or thofe who were without, or out of the Segullah, or the Covenant, the Church, and chofen of God, Phil. 3. 2. JVhofe end is Deftrutlion, and mind only earthly things, [their frefent Interefis, Pleafures, and outward Eafe, being of the World, and influenced only by a. Worldly, Carnal Spirit ,• ] ver. 19. Forfak- ing [the Unity of the Church, the Communion of Saints] having loved this prefent World [above Chrift, Heaven and Happinefs, and the true Welfare of their Souls,] 2 Tim. 4. 10. Therefore fuch fhall not inherit the Kingdom of God, Gal. 5". v. 21. Thus, in mort, you have the Characters of thofe who made Seperations from the Church in theApo- ftles times, and the terrible Sentence pafsd upon them by the Spirit of God ,• But to prevent Mlfconfimcii- ons and Mifiakes, I muft put in this Caution ; I would not be eonftru&ed to alledge, that all in thefe times feparate from the One Church of Chrift, are A- poftates, of the fame level with thofe mention'd by the Apoftles, or equally guilty of Apofiacy : No, I would not be fo underftood, becaule there are De- grees in Errors,fome greater, a.n& fome /e/7^r,according to the Circumfiances or the Veffons, and the Degrees of their Ignorance^ But however, all that feparate from the Unity of the Church (efpecially as to the Authors and Leaders of the Separation) are certainly Apofiates, from Chriftian Charity to be fure, which is the Life and Soul of our Christianity .• tho, perhaps, fiOt Examined And Difprov'd. fo not from the Orthodoxy, in the main of the Cb-ifiiua, Faith , for it can never be allow'd, by thplhigfteft ft retch of Charity, that Schifmaticks c?n be thoroivly Orthodox, two Points of the Creeds muft virtual 6 difbwn'd by them ,• the One Church, and the Commu- nion of Saints, in elTetf at leaft : Thus far ail Secta- ries are ApoftaUs, by fbrfaking the One Churchy the Communion of Saints, or the Members ot this One Church, which are equivocal Terms ; and then by vi- olating, or being deftitute of Chrijtian Charity (as hath been faid, to go no farther) this muft be ac- knowledge an horrid Apofiacy, and coniequently lia- ble to dreadful Funifiment, tho' it be not io extream^ nor arrives to the heighth of the Jewifli, or Gnofiick Ayoftates, fo often mention'd in the Apofiolical Wri- tings, (I mean, as to all the particular mode n Se- Claries) yet it cannot be deny'd 3 if we deice/.d to particulars, that lorne among them even exceed, if podibly, thofe upon Record in thefe injpired and (a- cred Writings. And if thefe Examples be recorded tor cur Infiruclion , i. e. to avoid them, by giving us the particular Characters, Defcripions and Marks oifalfe Teachers, thereby moft evidently differencing them from the true Suceeffors of the Apoftles, the Miniftry inftituted and fetled by Chrift himfelf, it's almoifc next to impoffible, for a true fmcere Chrifiian U ke impos'd upon by them, or to be miftaken in making Application ot thefe Marks to fuch Seducers. Other- wife Chrifians would be left to the greater} Uncertain- ty imaginable, could never have any moral AJJurance of Safety as to Communion, be ever liable to Doubting*, Difiraclions, and Defpair it felf, as by m^ny fad Ex- periences we may be convinc'd amongft thefe Strag- lers from the One Church, running from Seci to Seel, very frequently, till they have tired and wearied themfelves quite out, till they have either quite be- wildred themfelves, and loft their Understandings, and at laft dying, f eking and dejpairing, ever learning, F 2. and 68 The Analaptifts Mini ft ry and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth s 2 Tim. 3.7. becaufe, out of the Way, out of the Road of it. For Truth is only to be fought after in the One Church, the ViUar, ahd the Ground of Truth, 1 Tim. ;. v. 1 j. The Church here, is compared to a Pillar, becaufe it upholds, maintains, fupports, or bears up as it were, the Truth of God's Worfhip, or the true Worfnip of God, God being only wor- shiped and ferved aright, according to his own Infii- tution and Appointment in thhOneCburcb ; and by being ccnjfticuom , dijcemible, or vifible as a Pillar, doth hereby exhibit and propofe the Articles of Belief or Chrifiian Faith, and the true Wormip of God, to be the Ob- fervation and Notice of all the World befide : Or fecond'y, as the Learned Gothofred obferves, becaufe the Church is like a Pillar with an Infcription upon it, holding forth the Oracles and Word of God, and his Covenant with his People to all that pafs by, and will ftand and read it : And then laftiy, the Holy Scriptures in oppofition to all Errors, Herefies, Schifms, &c. And fo in this fenfe, the One Church js call'd the Pillar of Truth. The fame Author calls it (uvbsvkQ- one Pillar in oppofition to the ma- ny Pillars of the Heathen Temples , on which their various Myfteries were written and expos'd to publick view, becaufe they had many Temples, many Deities, and various Rites and manners of V/orfinp * whereas with the Chrifiians there's but one God, and one Faith, one fiat ed and fix'd manner otWorfirip, the fame Sacraments or Myfieries ; and as all the Members ofChriff, however difiant and differs d over the Face of the whole Earth, confiitute but one Body, Society or Church ; fo all the Chrifiian Temples, tho' many in Number, and can't be otherwiie, are in effect but One Temple. Hence then it follows, that Truth is to be fought after, and found only in the One Church, the only Depofuory of Truth ^ Chrift hath lodg'd it there a- lone. Examind and Difprovd. 69 lone, She is the Confervatrix of it,- To the Church he hath committed the Holy Scriptures, the Divine Oracles, in which this Faith is contained , and from thenoe it is to be learned, and its the One Church that muft propofe, promulge and propagate this Truth; But then it muft be confider'd again, that the Church is faid to be the Pillar and Groud of Truth ; but in a fecondary fenfe, that is only Minijter tally, or by her Va- pors, not Originally or Primarily, for fo only Chrift, the Truth, and the Gojbel are the Pillars of the Church and of the Faith. Now in this lower or fecondary Senfe, the * Church is the Prefer»r^ by her Legitimate or frae ge»#- ine Minijlers, and »,0»c but * $i bite ita fe babent , ut fuch are entrufled with the VERITAS NOBIS adjudicetur 9 WW of this Divine and £ M " MB f; « M ^"k ***■ TT ' a 1 , rv 7 1 t- annus, quant Eccleha ab Apo- Heavenly ?«**/ and 7><«- m> ; j^, . c ^ ^ Jure, the Oracles of Gcd, /?«, i £ eo tradidh, conjiat ra- and the Ho/y Writings they *« propofiti noftri, definientis are only accredited with M 7 V*/* *hte*ndu Haretico* , s\ s>i j jl <*" tneundam ae crtpturis provo- the One Church, and the cmW) Jaw fine f Scri pturis One Priefihocd i Or Miniffry* probamus ad fcripuras mn perti- they */o#e can />/<;-ivi any we. Si enim Haretiei Junt Rivht or Claim to them, Chriftiani effr non poflunt, , «> , r 1 -r. /r rr • »0» a Chrtto habenao quo An the^ lawful PovTeflion is fua elelUm 'J eSiati hara ) cmm theirs alone, all Hereticks nomine admittum. Ita nonCbri- and Schi/maticks, Seels and #fow\ nullum jus capiunt Chriftianarum literarum , tfi 5z«ox merit dicendum eft, qui eftis ? Quando & unde veni- ftis ? «^mz^ f« wt?o agitis non mei ? J$>uo denifc Marcion jure filvd.ni meant cadis ? ^ua licentia Valentine fontes meos tranfvertis ? qua. poteftate Apelles limites meos commoves} Mea eft pofleflio, quid hie cater i ad voluntatem veftram feminatis & pafcitis? Mea eft poflef- fio, olim pofiideo, prior pojfideo, habeo Origines frmas ab ipfis Aufto- ribus quorum tuit res- Egofumha?res Apoftolorum: ficut cave- runt teftamento f'uo, fum fiJei commiferunt, ficut adi#raverunt, hx teneo. Vos certe exheredaverunt femper & abdicaverunt, ut extraneos, ut inimicos.Unde a extranet & inimici Apofttlis hareticifiiji ex diver- fitate VoUrina-, quam unufquifqj de fuo arbitrio adverfut Apojiolos dut frttulit attt recepit. Ten. de. Prefer, cap. xxxvii. F $ Parties, jo The Anahaptijls Miniflry Parties, by forfaking the One Church, have forfeited their Right, and left thefe ineftimable Treafures be- hind them by their own Atf, they have loft all Right and Giaim to her fpiritual Treafures and Privileges ,be- caufe as loon as any one either forfakes a Society or Corporation voluntarily, or is juftly expelfd it, he is iffo fatfa ftript and divefted of all its Immunities, Rights* "Privileges and Benefits, and bears no longer any relation unto it, no more than if he had never been admitted an actual Member of it. c O ! Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy c trufi, avoiding prophane and vain Bablings, and Oppo- c fitions of Sciences faljly fo called, i Tim. 6. 30. O ! c this O ! an Exclamation, refers both to Prefci- e ence, or Foretelling^ and Charity. The Apoftlefore- c faw thefe Errors and Novelties , which he be- * wails in a true Zeal and Concern for the Truth * and Church. Who is now this Timothy, but the c Univerfal Church, or the whole Body or College of c Paftors ? Who ought to poifefs the entire Know- * ledge of the Worinip of God. and to infufe it into J others ? What is. Keep the Depojituw, or that which * is committed to thy Truft ? Keep it, faith he, * preferve it, by reafon of Thieves, falfe Teachers, c Enemies, leaft while Men fleep, they tow Tares a- ' mong that good Seed of Wheat, which the Son of c Man fow'd in his Field. Keep, faith he, that which * was committed to thy tr.fi : What is this Depofitum ( that was committed to thy Truft :Not what is thy ** proper Invention ; Which thou didfi receive, not what f thou haft devifed : What thou haft learn d or been * taught, not the Contrivance and Invention of thy € own Wit : Not for thy private life, but a thing e publickly delivered, and for the Ufe of the whole f Church ; Not what thou art the Author of, but only * the Conferver and Keeper : Not thy Inftitution, ' but of Which thou art a Follower. Keep, fays t he, that which was committed to thy Truft; c Keep Examtrid and Difpr&vd. 71 Keep the Talent of the Catholic Faith, inviolable and untouched. That which is committed to thee, let this be deliver'd up by thee [as thou re- ceivedft it uncorrupted, pure, unblemiih'd, with- out any Alloy.] Thou haft received Goid, re"- ftore again Gold, don't return one thing for ano- ther, I will not have thee impudently iubftitute, lead or fraudulently to put off Brafi : I won't be put off with the outward appearance of Gold, I muft have real Gold again. O J Timothy. O ! Prieft. O) Preacher, if the Divine Function hath qualified thee, by Exereife, by Learning, and fufficiency of Skill, be thou the Bezaleel, the Builder of ihe Jpiritual Tabernacle , engrave the preciom Stones of Divine Do^rine, exactly fquare and fit them, polifh and trim them up wifely, and add Luftre and Gracefulnefs, and Beauty to them, let that which was before look'd upon as difficult and obfcure, be rendred clear and intelligible whilft thou expounds it. Let Pofterity be obliged to thee for underftanding that clearly and diftinclly, which in former times was only venerated for its Myfticalnefi and Abftrufenefs ; however, take this Caution along with thee, Do thou fo teach what thou haft learnt , that when thou makeft new Dif- coveries of what was unknown before, thou doft not broach new fangled Do<5frines,but old Truths in a new Method. So the c$mmonh. cq. Famous Vincent. Lirinenfis. xxvii. Again ; e O I Timothy, keep, &c. Avoiding prophane and vain Bablings, (or ac- cording to the vulgar Tranflation) prophane Novel- ties of words, new fangled Words or Phrafes; Turn afide from them, flee and avoid them as a Viper or a Scorpion, or Bafilisk, leaft they ftrike thee not only by their touch, but likewife by their fight and difcourfe. What is meant by avoiding? With fuch as thefe, no not to eat. What is. Do F 4 Choa 72, The Anahaptijls Miniftry ' thou avoid ? If there come any unto you, and bring ( not this Doctrine, [ 2 John 10. J What Doclrine , f but the Catholic, Univerfal, continuing and re- * mainirtg one and the fame fucceflively thro' every * Age, and to all Eternity ? What then ? Receive c him not into your Houfe, neither bid him God- * fpeed : For he that biddeth him God fpeed, is € partaker of his evil Deeds,, ver. 11. What is pro- c phane ? Which have nothing of Sacrednef or Reli- c gion in them, altogether foreign, and unknown * to the Church, which is the Temple of God. Of * Words, thac is, Novelties of Doctrines, Things ' and Opinions which are contrary to Antiquity. f Which if they be entertain'd, it's neceifary, that ' the Faith of the bleffed Fathers muft wholly, or f in a great meafpre be violated or Commonit. cap. * corrupted. Vine. Lirinenfis. xxjuii. Again, the fame Catholkk, Orthodox and venerable Writer, lays down this for a CharaSteriftic and di [criminating Property of Here- ticks and Schifmaticks to delight in, and to fet up Novelties., 6 Avoid (faith the Apoftie) Novelties * of Words and Phrafes, to entertain or follow f which was ever the Pra&ice of Hereticks, but ne- * ver of Catholicks. And in good truth, what e- * ver Herefie but ffirung up under fome certain Name, * Thee or Time. Whoever fet up Herefies, but who * firft departed from t,he Confent of Universality and * Antiquity ? And fo he proceeds to enumerate a great many of the molt notorious Herefiarchs. r* — ■ ' By all which (faith he) it's clearly manifelt- f ed to all, that it's the Property and Cuftom of all f Herefies,to delight in Novelties, to naufeate Anti- f cuity, and by Oppofitions of Science falfely fo " call'd, to make Shipwrack of the faith. On the Other hand, it s the Vroperty of the Catholicks, to keep the Depofta, to hold fa ft to the Do&rines of the Fa- ; tk$rs 3 and to condemn proyhans Novelties : AncJ as the ■ Apoftie Examined and Difprov'd. 73 c Apoftle hath faid again and again, If any one c preach unto you any other Gofpel than that ye * received, let him be accurfed , Gal. 1. 8. Now what is given here in charge to Timothy, in refercncs to the Sacred Depojitum, 1 Tim. 6. 20. Of keeping the Faith inviolable, uncorrupt, untainted; by the Holy Apoftle, is meant alfo of, and given in charge unto all the Pafiors of the Church throughout all the A- ges of it ,• And the things (faith hej that thou hajh heard of me among, or before, many Witnejfes, the fame commit thou to [other] faithful Men [2 Tim. 2. 2.] who Jhall he able to teach others alfo ,• that is, the Form of found Words [2 Tim. 1. 13.3 That good Thing which •was by me committed to thee, ver. 13. Wholfom words , the words of the Lord Jefus Chrifi. The Doclrine which *r according to GodlinejS, 1 Tim. 6. 3. calfd, the Com- mandment, ver. 14. Sound- Doclrine, 1 Tim. 1. 10. 2 Tim. 4. 3 . The Truth, ver. 4. My fiery of Godlinefi, 1 Tim. 3. 16. My fiery of Faith, 1 Tim. 3. 9. This Charge is repeated fundry times in both thefe Epiftles, i Tim. 4. 13. 1 Tim. 6: 14. 2 Tim. 3. 14. and 1 Tim. 1. 3. -— Charge fome that they teach no other Doclrine (than what they received from us, ) or any other contrary to , or upon different Principles from my Doctrine.] Oxf. Annot. in loc & Annot. in Gal. cap. 1. v. 8. 1 Tim. 1. 3.- That the Truth, the Faith, the Gofpel may be continued in an uninter- rupted Succejfwn of fuch Vafiors, Minifiers to the Worlds end, againft all prophane Innovations, and di- verfity of Opinion, however boafted of, as Know- ledge, Science, ejrc. See the Oxf. Annot. on 2 Tim. 2. 2. 1 Tim. 1. 14. To this purpofe, and for this end, the Tafiors of the Church are call'd Stewards of the Myfteries of God [Difpenfers] fuch as are efpecially entrufied, (ommijjionated and authorized fo to do, from whofe Lips the People are to require the Communication ©f this Sacred Knowledge, and by whom they are to 74 Tfo Aftahaptifis Minifiry to be built up in the Holy Faith of Chrift Jefus, be- ing an Order of Men, peculiarly fet apart to this great work, to feed them with this living Bread, and Hea- venly Manna, the Holy Word of God. Hence the Apoftle exhorts Timothy, and in htm all ib.&Pafiors of the Church, to give Attendance to Reading, to Exhor- tation, to Dotlrine, and to take heed to his Dotlrine, i. e. to Preach found Dotlrine, and the Truth only^ ttnmixt, fine ere, uncorrup, unrebttkcable , as it is in Chrifi Jefus, as it came and was received from him, and chofe to Whom it was revealed by the Spirit, i Tim. 4. 13, 14, tj, 16. To fight the good fight of Faith ; 1 Tim. 6. 12* That is, to contend earne^ly for the 'truth, and to maintain it againft all Gain- payers and Oppofers that refifi the Truth, and adulterate it, To keep this Commandment unrebukeable until the ap- pearing of our Lord Jefus Chrifi, ver. 14. To do the work of an Evangelifl or Preacher, or Tromulger of the Truth, or Doclrines of the Gojfiel that he had learnt from the Apoftle , 2 Tim. 4. 5. cow/>. 1 7/Vw. 4. 6. 2 Tim. 1. 13. 3. 14. From what hath been faid then it appears by di- re»«- c fiflw of Chrift but one , * ^z« />«««■ hoc propono, c always the fame, inva- urrnm utiq; 0* cmum aliquid. ( riable ,* which all Nati- inftitutum ejfe a Cbrifto, quod « ons are oblig'd to be- credeve omni modo debeant Ntti- < i* _„ „„j nm u„ /»*,and the * Manner. In the Thing, what we are to feek. The ; Time when, the Manner how. Therefore we * muft enquire and feek after what Chrift hath infti- ' tuted, io long as we do not find it, and fo long * till we. find it. But thou haft found it, when thou c haft believed, for thou hadft not believed ir thou r hadft not found it ,• for as thou hadft not believed * if thou hadft not found, fo thou hadft not fought * it, but in order to find it. To this e*nd thou feek- c eft, that thou mighteft find, and for this end thou f (halt find that thou mayft believe. Thou haft fix'd and defin'd the whole Time of feeking and c finding, by believing. This is the Ne flits s ultra that he hath determin'd and bounded thee with, that would have thee believe nothing be- fide what he hath in joined and inftituted, and therefore not to feek any longer. But, if becaufe c there are fo many other things inftituted by others, S therefore we muft feek fo long as we may find, ( we Examined and Difprovd. 79 we muft be always feeking, and never believe at all. Where will there be an end of feeking, a flop to our believing, and a Difcharge from find- ing? With Marcion? But Vakntinus cries out, and urges, Seek, and you {ball find ,• with Vakntinus ? But Appettes, and Htbion 3 and Simeon, and all the reft [of the Her sticks and Falfe-teacbers~\ teize me with the fame Note, to draw me over to their Party : Therefore I'll be of none of thefe Se#s, iince I am attack'd on every fide, with afeek and ye Jhall find [and never the nearer, and ftill to feek.] And thus they would have me be of no Party, as if it were impoffible ever to underftand that which Chrift hathinftituted, which neverthe- lefs muft be fought, and muft be believed. TertuU. de Prefc. cap. x. 6 Again, no one feeks, but he who had not, or hath loft. The Woman that loft the piece of Sil- ver, fought it diligently • but when me had found it, fhe left feeking, Luke 15-. The Man that had no Bread, therefore knock'd up his Neighbour * but after he arofe and gave him the Loaves, he ceafed knocking, Luke n. The Widow that im- portund the Auftere Judge, after he had aveng'd her of her Adverfary, left off being any farther troublefome unto him, Luke 18. So that here's an end of feeking and knocking, and asking ; For every one that asketh receiveth, and he that feeketh findetb 3 and to him that knocketh it jhall be opened, Luke 11. v. 10. Let him obferve and consider well who always feeks, becaufe he doth not find; He feeks there where it cannot be found. Let him confider, who's always knocking, becaufe it's not opened unto him : He knocks there where no body is. Let him take notice, who's always asking, becaufe he's never heard • for he asks of him who doth not hear. Tertutt, de Trejc. adv. Hanf. cap. xi. ' Altho' 80 The Anahaptifts Miniftry f Altho' hitherto we muft feek, and always, yet c where muft we feek ? among Hereticks, where all c things are ftrange and contrary to our Truth ? ( To whom we are forbidden to go, [2 John 10. 11.] What Servant hopes to find Food from a i Stranger, or at leaft from an Enemy of his Matter ? c What Soldier takes a Donative , or Pay from ' thofe who are not Confederates, much lefs from ' Kings that are Enemies, unlefs he turns Renega- ' do -or Deferter, or Rebel to his Mafter ? The c Woman look'd for her loft piece of Silver within f her Houfe. The Man that wanted Bread, knock'd c at the Door of his Neighbour. And the Widow, * tho' fhe was importunate and troublefom to the * fcvere Judge, yet he was not an Enemy. No c one can be edify'd or inftructed from whence he 4 muft expect DeftruAion ,• nor be illuminated by c that [or him] which involves him in [greater] c Darknefs and Oblcurity. Tertull. de Trefc. cap. c xii. f Therefore, faith the fume Writer, we put in c this Exception againft Hereticks [and Innovators, and lay down this as a certain Rule, Teft, or Ku%e*otf to diftinguifli and diicriminate Do&rines by.] * If Jefus Chfift tent his Apoftles to teach, that no ; other Teachers are to be received than thofe ' whom he hath appointed [or fent] None other c knows the Father but the Son, and thofe to whom he c hath revealed him ? neither doth it appear that the c Son revealed him to any other than to the Apo- c fries, when he fent to p/each what he had reveal'd ' unto them. But what they Preacrfd, that is, 4 what Ghrift had Reveal'd unto them (here I put * in my Exception) can no otherwife be prov'd, ' but by thofe Churches which the Apo files Built, by 6 preaching unto them, as they fay, by word of * Mouth, and afterwards by their Epiftles or Wri- * tings. If it be fo, then it's manifeft, that all * Doctrine Examind and Difprovd. 81 * Doctrine that doth agree with the Faith of thofe e Mother and Original Apoftolical Churches, muft be c look'd upon as true [ Orthodox and Genuine ] as c holding that which the Churches received horn c the Apoftles, the Apoftles from Chrift, and Chrift f from God : But on the contrary, that all other c Doctrine muft be adjudged [and rejected] as a c Lie, which contradicts, or is oppofite to the c truth of the Churches and the Apoftles, and c Chrift, and of God. Tertull. d. Prefer, adv. Heref. cap. xxi. To this I (hall add one Prefcription more, or Ex- ception that Tertullian puts in bar againft all the Her reticks and Sectaries of the World, that ever were, or ever ifiall be, becaufe they are all as contrary one to the other, as they are to the truth itfelf ; becaufe it is una, one indivilible, as Error is multiplex, ma- nifold, big or pregnant, with many other : And as Her ejus and Schijms have their discriminating Singula- rities and Opinions, fo all contrary, oppofete to Apoftoli- cal Doctrine and Truth, and deflrucl'vve of Chrifiian Faith, and all this an infallible and fad Confequence or going out of the One Church, the Pillar and the Ground [or Stay] or Truth • Oxf. Annoi. c What cannot they do, what will they ftop at after their Blafphemy ? But tho' they forge [and coyn] new Opinions, &c they ftiai] get nothing by it, for their Doctrine itfelf compar'd and let in view with that of the Apoiiles, by its diverfity and contrariety {hall pafs Sentence, that it's none of the Apoftles nor Apoftolical SuccefTors, becaufe as the Apoftles taught not [preach'd no different Doctrines amongft themfelves, fo the Apofiolici~\ or the immediate SuccefTors of the Apoftles, did not give out contrary Doctrines to what the Apo- ftles preach'd, except thofe who feparated from the Apoftles, and fo preach'd otherwife. Tertull. d. Prefer ipt. c. xxxii. G Having %z The Anahaptifts Mini ft ry Having, I hope, fufficiently evincd by the pre- ceeding Paragraph, that the Apofiles and their Suc- ceffors were the 7rufie.es of the Oracle of God, the Holy Scriptures, the Truth, the Faith, by which eve- ry fincere Believer experts and hopes to be faved ; that it is their Office to preach the Gofpel, as being fent by Chrift, and Authorized and Commiffiorid there- unto, and inverted with the fame Authority that Chrift himfelf was, as I mall mew you by a mort dedutlion from the Scriptures themfelves ; that there- fore they Vreach the Goffel authoritatively, and all that would be faved, muft hear them reverently and obedientially , as peaching to them in Chrijfs ftead ; and it will and muft follow, that no other but com- miffiond as they were, none but lawful Paftors, their Lineal Succeffors, deriving their Orders or Commiffions by an uninterrupted SucceJJion from the Apoftles, and fo from Chrift the Head of the One Church, can chal- lenge this Audience, this SubmiJJion and Obedience, or preach authoritatively , fo as to lay an Obligation up- on Mankind, to receive them and hear them,* they muft produce thefe their Authentic Credentials, before they can prove themfelves Vaftors or Teachers, before the Faithful can be obliged to receive them or reve- rence them as the AmbafTadours of Chrift. The Dedutlion I promis'd, is this -, St. Paul ex- prefly teftifies, that no Man taketh this Honour [of Priefthood] unto himfelf, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron, (i.) Then as to Chrift himlelf, he adds, that Chrift glorified not himfelf to be made an High- Vriefi, but he \i. e. God] that Jaid unto him, thcu art my Son, this day have I begotten thee ; as he faith alfo in another place, thou art a Vriefi for ever, after the order of Mekhifedec, Heb. v. 4, 5-, 6. And this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleafed, hear ye him, Matt. 17. 5. Moreover Chrift declareth more than once, that he did not ccme of himfelf, but that he Violent ofhirathatis True, that is God. Job, 7.28. Job. Examined and Difprov y d. 83 Joh. 3. 4.2. And then as to his DoBrine, he fays, I do nothing of ltip fdf, but as myFather hath taught ?»?, 1 ffeak thefe things, Joh. 8. 28. Again, as the Father gave me Commandments, even fo I do, j^* I2 » 3 1. The Words that I fpeak unto you, I fpeak not of my felf, but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doth the Works, Joh. 14. jo. Secondly, As to th;; Apoftks and their Succeffors, all Power (faith our Bleffed Lord) is given unto me in Heavtn And in Earth, go ye therefore and teach all Na- tions, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the So?!, and of the Holy Ghofb ,• teaching them to obferve all things wkatfoever I have, commanded you, and lo I am -with you [and your Succeffors] to the end of the World, Matt. 28. 18, 19, 20. As thou haft fent fne into the World, even jo have I alfo fent them into the World, Joh. 17. Then faidjefus to them again, Peace be unto you, as my Fit her bath fent me, even fo fend I you, Joh. 20. 21. Neither pray I for thefe alone, but for them alfo which Jhall believe on me thro' tfylVt Word, Joh. 17. 20. Ye have not chofen me, but I have chofenyou, and ordain'dyou[coniHtutedjj'o«to be my Paftors^ii- xifters , Reprefenfatives , Subftitutes , Ambaffadours, to a the fame pur- pofe the Apoftle likewife connects Faith and Hearing, with Preaching and Teaching, take the word how you pleafe ; Rom. 10. 15, 14, 15. For [fo Joel'] Whofoever Jhall cat upon the Name of the Lord, Jliall be fr.ved. But how then jhall they call upon him, in whom they have not believed ? And how Jhall they believe in him, of whom they have not heard ? And how Jhall they hear without a Preacher ? And how Jljall they preach ex- cept they be fent ? From which words it is obvious and plain, that the MiJJion of Preachers is as necef- fary to lawful Preaching, as Faith is to call upon God duly or rightfuly, or as Hearing is to the attaining of Faith, or laftly, as Preaching is to effecl Hearing in us ; as the Apoftle hath not lefs divinely than elegantly in- ferted them in the fame Series and Contexture of Speech. But Faith is altogether necelTary, in order to call upon or invoke God, as is felf evident : In like manner, Hearing in order to get Faith, for Faith cometh by Hearing, as the Apoftle faith, vcr. 17. G 4 and 88 The Anahaptifis Minijlry and then Preaching is no lefs neceffary to Hearing, be- caufe Hearing, as the fame Apoftle faith, ccmeth by the Word of: God, in the lame Verfe ,• and Miffion, as neceffary to the preaching of this Word, as well obferv'd by a Learn d Man. Again, from the foregoing Deduction we may in- fer this Conclufion • If the Son of God himfelf, Jefus Chrifi, came not to Preach, but as he was fent 3 nor Taught any thing but what he had learn d and heard from the Father, nor acted any thing but what he had a Command for ; and, which is farther ob- fcrvable, in a juncture of rime, wherein Reformation, if ever, was highly neceffary, who, I pray, is he (unlefs infpir'd and immediately inftigated thereunto by the Spirit of Antic hrifi) that without being fent or commifiioned in a regular way, mall dare to fee up a New Priefthood, and confequently New Doct- rines under the colour of Reformation, ok -purging out Corruptions , fupplying Deficiencies, and enjoying purer Ordinances ? &c. Is not this taking upon them more than even Chrifi himfeH did, who neither ofiumed fuch an Authority, nor preached any thing, but what he heard and received from the Father ? If this be not Antichriflian, then nothing is or can be fo : For 'tis abfolutely incumbent upon all thofe who fepa- rate from any part of the One Church (which muft be fuppcs'd to have a true and lawful Minifiry, or elfe it cannot be a Church) or undertake to reform Abufes in it, &ic:. to prove themfelves lawfully and rightfully fent, and commiilionated for that Work, or they muft be accounted Schifmaticks, the Authors of Con- fufion, Innovators and hnpo(lors : Here's no mincing the matter, becaufe once allow that private Per- sons by their own Infiinct and Impulfe, a Power to erect Churches , fet up Altar againft Altar, to Congregate Members, Adminifter Sacraments, Preach up new Doct- rines, Expound and Glofi upon the Scriptures at their pleafare/twil! follow/hat every one that pleafes may do Examirid and Difprov'd. 89 do the fame, (and if this be Gofpel- Liberty, and the Right of every Man, who can hinder them ? ) and then farewel to the Peace and Order, and Unity of the Church, Unity of the Faith, Ordinances, Minijlry, and Chrifiianity it felf. For it's impoflible there ever mould be wanting Pretences and Colours for Reforma- tion, Separation, Dicifions, Difcords, and the like, fo long as there are Men of corrupt Minds and Princi- ples in the World, and fuch as will follow them, as this Nation fufficiently experimented from 1641, to the Year 1660. And as we have now fin ce this Toleration, for the fpace of 18 or 19 years, and were it not for the Over-ruling and Merciful Providence of God, that retrains the Violence and wicked Dejigns of unreasonable Men, 'tis more than probable that the very Name of Chrifiianity had been near Extinction among us e'er now. But now to return to you of the Anabaptiftical Perfwafion, to whom in particular I addrefs this Difcourfe, If Chrift be the Fountain and Root of all Jpiritual Authority, from whence do our Sectaries and You, my Friends, derive yours ? If you would make it appear that you derive it from Him, you muft derive it from him mediately, or immediately, or elfe you are Antichrifis, as may be proved from your own Confejfions in your Writings. Mediately, I am afraid you cannot.; mew how your fir ft Authors de- rived theirs, who were their Ordainers, and fo con- vey'd the Power of Ordination unto them, to be tranf- mitted unto others. For inftance fake, prove your vifible SucceJJion for thefe lafl Three Hundred Years, if you can • we will be contented for the prefent with fuch a Period, and will not drive you farther, nor urge you to traduce your Million or Succcffion from beyond the Seas,- or if you pleafe, you may if you can ,• nay, take your Liberty to go as high as you will, and to do your utmoft, but no Chafms, Breach- M, or Interruptions, will or ought to be allow'd you, 90 The Anahaptifts Miniftry as prove a plain, a total htercificn : For if fo, 'tis a plain Cafe that the Church may fail in general, which is contrary even toC.briftian Faith^ and Cbrift s abfolute Promifes. Heavctt and Earth may fooner pafe away than the leafl tittle of his Promife • we may as foon fuppofe that Chrift {hsll ceafe to be Chrift, as fuppofe the Failure or his C.burtb : If that can fail then the Gates of Hell arc of greater Force and Preva- lence than Heaven, than Chrift himfelf. Nay, mould the Church Univerfal be deftitute of its Parlors but for one Hour, it would be a Breach of Promife, and a Reflection upon the Veracity of Chrift its Head, which can never be imagin'd by any true and fin- cere Chriftian, and cannot be even fuppos'd, orfur- mis'd in the leaft but by fuch as are worfethan even Pagans, nay, if pcflible, than Derils, it being the very Heighth' and ^u'mtejfence of Blafphemy, and fub~ verfive of all our Chriftian Hope, and fo undermi- ning Salvation it felf. To fuppofe This is to overturn our Chriftian Faith, and even to banilK the very Notion of God, the Myfteries of 'the Incarnation and Redemption, and Heaven and Future Happinefs, out of the Minds of Men, and to transform them into meer downright Atheifts, and fo take our Leaves of Religion. Shew me but when the Church of Chrift was ever deftitute of lawful Paftors, and I'll readily then acknowledge you to be the One Church, and even what you pleafe be fides, or that Chri/lianity it felf is the raoft monftrom Cheat and Impoftttre that ever was contriv'd or forg'd by the Wit of Man. But then withal I muft tell you, if you can't produce me the Inftance demanded, you muft cont'efs, or at leaft all dijcernrng and impartial Men befides will, That you are the mcft impudent Hypocrites that ever liv'd in the World, Blafphemers, Antkhrifts, and ob- noxious to all God's Judgments threatned, and due pntofuch, Sse Examind and Difprov'd. 91 See now into what dejfierate Dilemmas you betray your (elves, by fetting up at this time of day, after a Revolution of fo many Ages, after a Chafin or Interval of fo many Hundreds of Years, from the Afojlks Times, t\\\ your fir ft ft ar ting up into the World ("but here I ar- gue from that time, let it commence when it will, from whence you have continued your Succejfion, fuch as it is, to this very day, and no other Time or Times, for I look upon them as nothing material in the leaft refpecY) for the true, genuine, only (exclufive of others in prefent being) SucceJJors of the Apoftles and Minifters of Chrift, implying hereby, that all that preceded you for a Thoufand Years, and much more, were no better than Pagans or Turks, cut of the GoJpeUCove- nant and Promifes, and Privileges, bore no Relation un- to, or had any Intereft in Chrift's Sacrifice, Satisfact- ion, Propitiation, Redemption, Merits and Interceffion, and coniequently Damn'd : That there was no Church, no Communion of Saints, no Members oiChrift, during all this fpace, confequently no Head of the Church, (where there's no Body, there can be no Head) no Mediator, [Ephef. 4. 4, 5.] no Intercejjor, no Means of Salvation, no Grace, no Faith, no Hope, no God, no Holy Spirit, no Heaven, no Hell. All this muft follow, and fo the Gofpel a meer piece of Forgery and Impofture, and your feives a parcel of Atkeijls and Cheats, all your Godlinefi nothing but Artifice, Policy and Tricky to Jhame and gaggle and be- fool a parcel of credulous, ftupid and unthinking Sots, and to drive on your particular Defigns, and Projecti- ons, and Interefts to gain and enclofe the World, and ail its prefent Advantages into your own Hands. Thefe Confequents, I muft tell you again, follow fo /tAand clofe from your Practices (the beft Inter- pretations of your fecret Principles, whatever you publifli to the World as a Cloke or Mask to cover you from the Difcovery of others, for Mens Principles are beft known by their Fruits') that you can never difcharge 92, The Aaahaptifis Minijlry difcharge yourfelves or get rid of them, unlefs ye can (in confequence of your being the True Church, the Saints, and fo the only PoffefTors of Grace) prove that fiale Principle of your Progenitors, that Dominion or Right to this World's Goods is founded in Grace, and that in Confequence of That, you have a Right quocmque modo, its no matter how, or by what Means, to recover the PoJJ'ejfion again : For, by the way, this is one of your main Arcana Imperii, the Secret of Sccrets,3is 'tis too fadiy known by manifeft and mani- fold Experiences ,- and for the Recovery of your pretended AntUnt Rights, no Measures, no Methods, per fas ant nefas, are ftuck at by you, and all other Sectaries leaven d with your Principles : You have an antient Right, this Right you may profecute by any probable Means, probable as to the Succefs, Fraud, Perjury, Murther, Sacrilege, Rebellion, &c You are the Saints, all Others Reprobates, Cafl-aivays, Firebrands of Hell, Antichrifts, Brats of the great Whore of Baby- lon, Idolaters, Apofiates, Enemies to God and Chrijt, Ufurpers of the Rights of the Saints, to Out them, and to deftroy them, the indifpenfable Duty of all that have the Means and Opportunity, no matter how, and fo all the Villany in the World fandiffd, Uw- ful % pious, meerly by being put in practice by the Saints. To came a little clofer to the Point in hand then, as I faid, you muft prove your Miffion, your Minifiry, if you would be accounted to have any, either Me- diately or Immediately. If Mediately, prove I fay again, your Succejfion. Produce your Ordainers that iranfmitted this Succcffion down unto you. Do your ielves fo much Right as to give us their Names that we may know who they were ; when and Witney firft of all C onfi it uted any oi' yeur foregoing Minifiers, or Pafiors, in this Ifland : Let us know whence they Derived their Miffions, and Power to impofe Hands for the Making of Aftnifters; or whether they wer© not Examind and Difprov'J. 93 not Self- created, taking their Origin from Themfehes m I will not pofuively condemn you ,• perhaps you have more to lay for your felves than I, or many more knowing, are aware of. The Inferences I have made run upon Suppofition, that you cannot prove or make good your MiJJion ; and poflibiy you keep ma- ny things to your ielves upon Referve, till you are fore'd to give 'em vent by being prefsd hard to it. All I have to fay at prefent is only this, That by what I can learn from the very little and late Conver- futicn with a very feiv of your W- kings, I am per- fuaded no Argument of em can bear water, cvfiand the Teft • therefore I truft, without any Breach of Charity, I may venture to fay, You can never get 0- ver the Confequences you are fb liable and expos'd unto. But to do you all the Juftice I can, and to give you fair play, I fliall now addrefs my felf to ex- amine a little thofe Arguments you infift upon, to ajj'ert and vindicate your prefent Ministry by. In the firft place then, I find in your Confeffion of Faith, Printed in the Year 1699, Chap. 26 of the Church, §. 9. you tell us, That " The WAY AP- " POINTED by CHRIST for the Calling of any fignifies EleBed them Elders by lifting up of Hands, or by common Suf- frage, in Grammatical Confcrudion, as I faid, it mud be meant of the Apoltles Eledion,by lifting up of, or ftretching out their Hands ; and thus the People are cafnier'd from the Right of Eledion (which I fuppofe j^«, with the Independents, make the Effmce of Vocation, and likewife Ordination) by the Text and Context fo far as can be Logically dedu- ced from them ; and confequently you can never make it appear from the Text, that Chrlfi ever ap- pointed this way for the Calling of any fitted or gifted , Examined and Difprovd. gf &c. unto the Office of Bijhop or Elder ——by the common Suffrage ot the Church it felf^ that is^ by X^y- Members from this Text, which doubtlefs, the Com- pters of your Confeffion chiefly infifted on, and there- on laid much Strefs, referring to no other place of Scripture but only this fingle one, which is as far from being a Precedent, as it is from being a Precept^ as hath been fliewn $ and if you cannot better affert it in your Senfe, I fee not how you can be excufed from wre fling and perverting the Scriptures, and ad- ding to them at pleafure ; and therefore by publijh- iag your felves to be Falfe-teachers of Novelties, if not guilty ot Blafphemy , in making Chrift the Author of your Errors ; as well as Antichrifls, by thivartmp and running Counter to his Jnftitutions, which you pre- tend to be fuch literal Sticklers for, and by doing your felves what you fo impetuoufly and boldly con- demn in others, dv™ict,7ux.envt, are J 'elf- condemn d out of your own Mouths and Writings, as may be prov'd in another place. As to that Text out of ABs 6. 3, ^ 6. from whence you infer the Peoples Right and Power to Eletl Deacons,, I have thefe things to reply : FirB, It may mod: apparently be concluded from the Context, that the Reafon why the Apofiles order'd the Multitude of the Difcipks to lock out Seven fit or qualify 'd Perfons to be made Deacons, principally to attend upon the daily Miniflration or Difiribution of Alms for the Suftenance of the Poor, was on Account of their Murmurr'mgs and Difcontents that arofe among them in reference to that Bufmef, that upon fuch their Choice, the Apoftles might be eafed of that un- eafy Charge and Burden, and to allay their prefent Heats, and keep them quiet for the time to comej and from this their own Ad: to take away, as far as poffible, all Occafion of Complaints as to the mat- ter in hand, the impartial Cafe of the Poor. It's impoffible to infer any thing elfe from the whole H paffaga d 9S The Anahaptifts Minijlry pa'ffage but only this, That the Apoftles bid them,, amongft Perfons fo and fo qualified, to nominate Se- ven ; and this is the whole Bufinefs, and nothing elfe as to the Difciples or Members, the whole of the Apoftles Defign that they thought fit to impart or communicate unto the People at that time. The entire Paifage is thus,* And in thofe Days when the Number of the Difciples was multiplied, there arofe a Murmuring of the Grecians, becaufe their Widows were neglected in the daily Miniftration. Then the Twelve called the Multitude of the Difciples unto them, and [aid, It is not reafon that wejljould leave the Word of God, and ferve Tables. Wherefore, Brethren, look ye out among you Seven Men of honeft Report, full of the Ho- ly Ghoft and Wifdom, whom ye may appoint over this "BufineJS. But we will give our f elves continually to Prayer, and to the Miniftry of the Word. And the Saying fleas d the whole Multitude, and they chofe, &C. whom they fet before the Apoftles $ and when they had prayd, they laid their Hands on them ': This is the whole matter. Now, pray what would you infer from it ? That the A- poftles here in purfuance of, and in obedience to Chrift's hftitution, call'd upon the People to Chufs and Ordain unto thernfelves Minifters. , idly, Here's no fuch thing appears in the whole Story ; The Church of J 'erufalem, by all theCircum- ftances of it we meet with at this very Juncture, did not feem to want Parlors to adminifter Spiritual Or- dinances (at lead no fuch thing hinted here to the Difciples) to Preach, Baptize, or to Adminifter the Lord's Supper, to pafs Cenfures,- Suffcnd, Excommu- nicate, or to Abfolve ,• Here was a truly Organized Church already, the Apoftles at this time, the Paftors of the Church there, declaring the Reafon why they would' have thefe Deacons appointed, was not for thefe ends and purpefes as to this Multitude of Dif- ciples, but to take care of the daily Miniftration of Relief and Sustenance to the Poor, to eafe them- felvesj Examined and Difprotfd. 23 fclves, that they, the Apoftles, &c might be wholly at leifure and liberty to attend upon Prayer, and the Miniftry of the Word, the fpiritual Concerns of ththey did not then communicate to the Difciples j nor was there any neceffity for fuch a Difcovery.For one may eafily be indued to think,That Men of honefi Report, Integrity, and Impartiality, might be fuffici- entiy qualify'd for the Undertaking and Difchc.rge of that Office o{Taking Care for the Poor, without fuch fupernatural and fpiritual Gifts : Therefore we may fairly fuppofe^he Apofiles had a farther Drift in the enjoining them to make choice of fuch Qualify'd Men, very probably not in the leaft thought of by the Multitude of the Difciples, when their Complaints were made known to the Apo(lles,znd when the Apo- files made the Motion to them to look out feven fuch ; and that was to Ordain them unto, or invert them with fome part of the Miniflerial Power, for the fur- ther Occafions of the Church which they forefaw, and as they mould think meet, to give them Authority to preach the Gofpel 3 to baptise , &c. as you may fee, ver. 10. and Chap. 8. j, 12. So that here plainly feems a double Defignation of the fame Perfons ' they were fought out by the People, at the Command of the Apofiles, and prefented to them, to be by them appointed, or fet over the Buiinefs of the daily Mini- firation to the Poor, or for diftributing daily Allow- ances to the Poor, and then the Apoftles prayd over them., and- laid- Hands on- them, and ib ordain'd thera to Exam in d and Difprov'J. 101 to be Minifiers of Jefus Chrisi : Or if you will, a double Eletlion to two feveral or difiinB Offices ; the People by the Apofiles Order lookt out and chofe them, and fet them before the Apofiles, ver. y- to be made Overfeers of the Poor, or to be appointed over that Bu-> Jinefs by the Apofiles, r uer.7 ) . and over and above,/»co»- fulta Plebe, without communicating it to the People, or advifing with them, the Apo/lles by Prayer and Laying on of Hands, invefted them with Authority to Preach the Gcjfiel and Baptize : So that it appears, tyhly, That the Multitude of Difciples, or Church- Members, a&ed nothing, even in this Bufinefs, au- thoritatively, but barely permiffively , or by way of Condefcenfion from the Apofiles, as they in pru- dence thought fit,on the prefent Jun&ure or Occasi- on ,• nor doth it appear by this, or any other Paf- fage I know of, in all the New Teftament, That the People were ever, by Chriffs Appointment or Infiitution inverted with any fuch Claim, Right, or Privilege : Tis faid no where, That they have a Power barely to choofe their Paslors, much lefs that their Choice of fit and Gifted Perfons preiently gives them, or endues them with Minifierial Authority • or that thereby they are (let the Cafe or Emergency be what it will ) ipfo Faclo, Priesjs, ChriH's Ambajfa- dors, Stewards of the MyBeries 01 God, and have the Power of the Keys • and least of all, have Authority to lay on Hands, ordain, or confecrate, or were ever intruded by ChriB or the ApoBles with Church-Power : Thefe are all unfcriptural Novelties, and meerFlafti- es of New Lights, the Whimfies of a difturb'd Ima- gination, to ipeak the beft on't, the Inventions of Theologo -Politico's, Impoitors, and Seducers ,• or, i£ you pleafe, the Effeds of Infidelity in Men of No Religion, that therefore make Sport and Game with Religious and Sacred Things, becaufe they either look upon Religion as meer Prie H '-Craft, and an Art to delude the credulous and ignorant World, to carry H 2 on io% The Analaptifis Mimflry on their worldly Defigns, or laftiy One of Satan* Stratagems to undermine all Religion and true Piety, and banifh it out of the Minds o f Men. Bu then/ $thly, Let this Choice of the People be what you can poffibly upon the fquare make it, this Choice dioth not amount to Appointing or Confiituting, -ver. 3. that is, collate any Power or Authority .JWrtsiU- upon' thefe feven Deacons: This 'wviicbomne Choice did not ordain them Minifters ( not ye ) may o£Chrifi s 'twas the Apoftles did * appoint, Appoint. > twas t j ie y t j iat p ra yj } an£ J fad tne j r Hands on them : Therefore if Confii- tuting, Appointing over, &c. be a Collating of Autho- rity, it naturally fuppofes the Perfons fo collating, to have the Authority veiled in them to authorize others ; and To in this Palfage, it's evident the Dea- cons receiv'd their Authority from the ApoBlcs, and not from the People ; unlefs you'll dare to affert, That the Difciples, or Church-Members, delegated unto the Apoftles, or gave them the Tower of Ordain- ing in their {leads y which you muff prove from ex- prefs Scripture, or eife you do nothing. 6thlj, It is to be obferv'd, That that Part of the Office of thefe Deacons, in which thefe Difciples were immediately and properly concerned fo much as they were, upon the Apoflks Miflion, of which they are faid to be pleas'dj [ or pacify 'd, ] was but for a Time, and then thefe Deacons were employ'd in more Spiritual Matters, and of higher Concern, as Propagating of the Gofpel * an Inlrance of which we have in Philip's preaching with great Succefs in Samaria, fee Chap. VIII. and going on preaching to Cafarea. We do net here read, That the Difciples prefented thefe feven Men to the Apoftles, to be Ordain d by Tbem to This Work, for the Preaching or Propagating of the Gofpelj here was no Original Call from the Teofle * nay, 'tis probable, when the Apo- jtles cattd the Multitude to them, >ver. 2. That they did Examine! and Difprovd. 103 did not in the leaft furmife it was the Apeftles Defign to quit their Hands of fo troublefome a Piece of IVor\ as fervlng Tables, or waiting on the JW, and to put it into other Hands, much left of the Apofiks Ordaining thofe very Perfons, fo appointed over that very Bu- finefs by them, to a more Jpiritual and higher Mini- firy • fo little do the Dlfciples or People here contri- bute to this Matter in hand, in either Refped. The Apofiles call'd them to both, approvd, appointed, ordain d them ,♦ the People did no more than only to go on the Apoftles Errand, to fetch fuch and fuch Men, and to prefent them ,• it fcarce amounts to a Nomination, there was no Difficulty in the Matter ; their Qualifications fo notorious and eminent," that they could fcarce mifs of them or over-look them * the whole Proje&ion and Defign was the Apofties, from firft to laft. But then, ythly, Let it be like wife obferv'd, That granting that thefe Deacons were chofen by the Suffrage of the Church, (as you call the People here conlider'd apart from the Paitors, if you fpeak the Senfe of the In- chpendants, and do not ufe the Word equivocally ) for the End and Purpofe I have infilled upon, yec it follows not that they have an Ejjentlal Right to tUft co the Miniftry of the Word and Sacraments, or to the Office of Blfliop or Elder, as you fay ,• 'tis not always true arguing or reafoning from the Lefs to the Greater, from an hferlour, to a Superiour Office * -this Gonfequence will not be ailow'd you : Suppo- fing they had a Tower to chufe a Deacon, will it fol- low they had a Power to chufi a Bifiop or Elder $ but you, I am afraid, will never be able to prove this,- but will it follow, becaufe if they chofe them as Overfecrs for the Poor, thar therefore they have a Right to chufe a Bifiop or Elder ? You'll fcarce be able to prove they had even full Right to chufe in this latter lower Senfe. I fay, this is a Gonfe- quence will not be allow'd you by any who confi- II 4 i'04 ^ oe ditabaftijls ■Minijlry ders nicely, not to infift upon the Incapacities and Vnfitnefs of Private and Illiterate Men tor pafling Judgment in Things of this Nature, who will not always be determin'd, or Feldom are, by wifcr than themfelves, difcerning enough in what they do but imagine, or are made believe to be their Right in things of this Nature, tho' for the moft part very ignorant in the Application of it, whence Multi- tudes of unavoidable Dangers and Inconveniencies which ufually follow, as our own Experience hath often manifefted in Facts of this Kind. But having enlarg'd fufficiently upon what you have dequc'd, from this Paffage, I (hall proceed to confider a third Text often quoted upon this Subjeft, tho' not infifted upon by 'you in your ConfeJJion, which makes up the Ternary of Texts, and all I have met with in yours, or the Congregational Mens Writings ; and That is rrorn Acls I. 25. From this Text is ufu- ally argued by the Indtpendants (and you feem to be of their Opinion in this Matter ) the Peoples Right in Eleclion of Minifters, and thence they conclude that Eleclion gives the Ejjentiah to an Officer or Mini- fier. By way of Reply, tis to be obierv'd, 1 si, That it doth not appear that St. Peter expref- ly dire&ed this his Speech to the Lay-Members, ex- elufive of the eleven Apofiles and the feventy Difciples, who are to be fuppos'd to make the major, or at leaft £he more eminent Part of this Ajfembly, and com* niiffion'd by our Saviour himfelf ,• and it is but re- quifite the Speech' of St. Peter mould be exprefs unto them, according to your Manner cf requiring expfejs and poiitive Texts in Matters of fuch Importance as this, otherwise it will not be conclufiye.' 2clly, As to the Qualifications requir'd by the Apo- {He in him who was to fupply Judas's Place, none, prefent could be fuppos'd fo capable of judging of them as the Eleven } that were the Firfi and Original Dif, nr Examined and DzfproVd. 10? fcipks of our Saviour : The Perfon to be chofen, was to be one who had accompany d with the Apoftles all the Time the Lord Jefus went in and out amongst them % ver. 21. and therefore, lilj, It's highly probable that St. Feter diie&cd his Speech particulary to the Eleven, ver. 15-. 16. &c. it being a Matter of grand Concern, and in Mode- fry none of this Ajjembly fo fit to propofe the Per' fons for this high Station in the Church , as the A po- ttles themfelves ; and fo, ^thly, They fet forth, orcaufed two to fiand forth, or plac'd two before the Apojlles fo qualify d ; upon which, in a folemn Steileten lutk manner, the ApHks pray 'd, and refer- %g1i/lt red the Choice to God himielr, who Dutch. accordingly determined the Lot for Mat- thias : So that plainly the Election was God's own immediate A£l, and not the Peoples, as appears by the Matter of Fact. Befides, $tbly, The Occafion of the Apoftles referring this Matter of Choice fo immediately to God Almighty, may eafily be prefum'd to refult from their Fear of and Diffidence in their own Judgments, upon the Ac- count of Judas 's Infincerity^ and Heinous Tranfgreffion : Who would have imagin'd one fo early converted to Chrift, that had walkt with Chrifi all the time he went in and out amongft the ApoBlcs, fo highly digni- fy 'd by him, mould have prov'd fo bafe and infamom a Traytor, to fo Gracious, fo Divine a Mafter ? There- fore it highly behoov'd the ApoHles to diftruB their own Judgmment in this Choice, and to ufe all their Intereft with Heaven to interpofe in fo weighty an Affair The Fear of another infmcere falfe Brother, may eafily be conceiv'd to daunt them ,• the Scandal it might have given to the Gojpel, the Hindrance of its Propagation, as the difmal Confequences that would have attended fo unhappy a Choice, and the Heceffity of Filling up this Vacancy in the ApoHolical Col- lo6 The Analaptzjls Miniftry College, put them upon this extraordinary way of Applying themfelves to God for a fuitable and happy Supply. So that, 6thly, Can you fancy that it was in the Power, and within the Kenn of the Common Members or Di- fciples to help the Apoftles in fuch an Exigency and fuch an Emergency as this ? Can it be fuppos'd that they had more Sagacity^ Caution, or Under ft anding, than the Apoftles themfelves ? This feems to be the very Cafe from the Matter of their very Prayer, v. 24. Tkou Lord, 'which know eft the Hearts of all Men, [all their fecret Motions, the hidden Springs of all their Actions, their Sincerity, their Duplicity, their moft conceal'd AfFe<5tions and Intentions, and their meft inward Thoughts 3 faw whether of thefe two thou haft chofen • that he may take fart of that Miniftry and Apo- ftleftup, from which Judas by Tranfereffion fU. The Apofiles would not pretend to judge or the Sincerity and Integrity of thefe two Mens Hearts, and were a- faid of being miftaken, and committing an Overfight, in fo momentous a Concern • and who dare pre- fume, That they left this Choice of one into the Apoftlefhip it felf, to the Common Members, the Fag- End, and comparatively the vilest and moft ignorant Part of this Ailembly, tho* never fo gracious, Jincere, and well-meaning ? Hence then, qthly, So far as Men were concern'd in this Mat- ter, the Whole of it feems to be manag'd by the Ele- ven alone, or in Conjunction with the Seventy, not in any manner of Helped by the Lay-Members. Bthly, By all thefe Circumftances, rhe Cafe ap- pears to be extraordinary j* Matthias had his Vocation or Miffim immediately from God, and therefore neither from the People, nor even from the Apofik themfelves. Here is not the leaft Shadow of a Prece- -dent for the Peoples Election of Minifters, much lefs for their Laying on of Hands, or Ordination ,• Matthias lying no Imposition of Hands from the Apoftles, much. Exawirid and Dzfprov'd. 107 much lefs from the People. Here were Lots given, forth, ( no Chioce therefore on Man's Part ) and by the Divine Determination the Lot fell upon Matthias « that is, God himfelf chofe him to fucceed in the Room or Bijhoprick of Judas. The Cafe muft then be allow'd to be extraordinary in all its Circumftances, and therefore no Precedent. What Inference can Tou make from Extraordinary to Ordinary ? there- fore this can be no ftanding Rule or Way, eftablijh'd by Chrift for the future Ages of the Church. This was meerly Occajional^nd the Apoftlefirip, in the ftrid Notion of it, Temporary, but for a Time • and that which was effcntial to the Apoftlefhip, was in the Pri- mary Notion of it, to be immediately fent by Chrift himfelf; as the Twelve were at firft, and Matthias and Paul afterwards ,♦ to be call'd and fent by Chrift, and not to receive their Authority from Men, accord- ing to that of St. Paul, Paul an Apofile not of Mens [Election] nor by Mans [Inftru&ion] but [appointed] by Jcfus Chrift, Gal. i. i. and fo in other Epiftles. c He received* no Authority or Calling from Man e to Preach the GoJj>el, neither from the whole Col- c lege of the Apoitles, — nor from fome of them_, : or as Timothy and Titus did from him. If fo, c then that Impoiition of Hands upon him, Acls c 15. 3. was not an Ele&ion or Confecration of f him to the Apoftlefhip, but only a praying for his c good Succefs in, and recommending him to that c Employment to which he was by the Holy Ghoft f defigned, Acls 14. 26. Oxf. Paraph, and Annot.- f on the Place. That this was not an Eleclion or Confecration of St. Paul, feems evident, becaufe he was converted immediately by Chrift himfelf, becaufe God had chofen him, Atls 22. 14. and Chrift in a Vifion, bid him to depart oui ofjeruflem, and told him he would fend him unto the Gentiles, ver. 21. See Acls 19. 15-. So that his ConverfiM, Eleclion, and Miffion were all im- wediatefo 108 the Analaptzfis Mwiflry mediately from Heaven without the Intervention of Men. He was an Apofik in all refpecls before this his prefum'd Reordination, whatever may be alleg'd on the contrary ; and if it be a Reordination, it's the only inftance we have, or can ever be expefted a- gain, it was never known before, neither can, any inftance I believe of this Nature, be produc'd for Reordination to the fame Order or Degree in the Minifiry ♦ the very Nature of the thing will not allow it: from what Grounds can it be deduc'd that Ghrift mould concur or co-operate with two difiinB Ordinations, as to time to the fame degree, or the Minifiry of one and the fame Verfon, and what Neceffity can be pretended for it ? As for what Inftances I have feen for Reor- dinations, either in the flrft place they are palpable Miftakes, as of Deacons Ordain d Priefis, and of Priefis Ordain d Bifiops • this is not Reordination, 'tis only the Confecration ot a Perfon to a neiv and diftinA Order, unlefs you will fuppofe a Deacon, Priefi and Bifhop all the fame Order, which is a downright Contradiction ; and where there are Examples of Deacons reordain'd Deacons, or Priefs Priefts, this is not Reordination in a ftricft Grammatical Senfe, but Ordination, upon Suppofition that the former Ordinations were null and valid, that is, no Ordinations at all, but meerly Phy- ftcal A6ls,Sham-mock-Ordinations,77)^fr/W^ where- as Reordination n in its proper Notion, is a Repetition of the fame Order, being Ordain d again to the fame Order ,• which Repetition was never allow'd of, but condemn'd feverely by feveral Canons of Councils, no more than R'evaptization it felf, to ufe the word in a lax and improper fenfe. Therefore this Impofition of Hands on St. Paul muft import fomething elfe quite different from Ordina- tion ; it cannot be fuppos'd to confer any Authority on him which he had net before, 'twas an AB confe- quent unto, not preceding his Miffion, for, immediately after his Uaptifm he preach'd the Gojpel, A&s 9. ver. Examlrid and Difprov'd. I09 20. at Damafcus ; diluted againft the Grecians at Je- rufalem, v. 29. afterwards at Tarfus, v. 30. then at Antioch, Chap. 10. v. 26. All this he did as an Apo- file, as having full Authority with all the refi 3 to go and teach all Nations ; He needed no more a particu- lar Authority to Preach than the Reft, his Commiffion was as general as Theirs ,• and there's no reafon to fuppofe He was de novo Ordain d by Men to this Work, than St. Peter or the other Apoftles : AH that can be meant of this Impofition of Hands, a- mounts to no more than this. That as the Holy Ghofi had Reveal 'd this Matter unto the Prophets, that the Time was come for Propagating the Gofyel among the Gentiles, and that Paul and Barnabas were to be fent out for that purpofe ; by this folernn Aft they pub- liflidSt. Paul to be the Apoftle of the Uncircumcifion y or of the Gentiles in particular, or in an eminent manner, oivnd and acknowledged him to be fuch, that he was authorized and commijftoned for this Work from above, caU'd thereunto by the Holy Ghoft, Atls 13. 2. and to be fent forth by the Holy Ghoft, v. 4. So that his being faid to be feparated by thefe Prophets, receiving Impofition of Hands from them, and fent by* them, fignines no more than declaring Him to be CaU'd, Ordain d and Sent by the Holy Ghoft, and in- vefted by Him with Authority and Power to Preach the Gojpel unto the Gentiles : Or deftinatitig For, in the general Notion of an Apo- them to other file, he was acknowledge fo before, 55*!gf> cr only now he enters upon his particular ces Grand Re- Province of Converting the Gentile World, conciler. Seft. But this by the by, and fo return to the *• Edit. 1646. matter in hand. This Cafe, I fay, was extraordinary, Matthias chofen to the Apofiolate by Chrift, and fo immediately Ordain d by Him; accordingly He was presently Receivd by the Unanimous Submiffion of the College to the Divine Decifion, oivnd, acknowledge and accepted for an Apoftle, for the word avyx.k< «re *&%}*$ l?(jut(y the Violence of the People, which was gone beyond all Reafon : Miracle and Providence pitch'd them on S. Ambrofe, and not the Diffiofition of People. [Socrat. L.a.c.k. p. 140. It might be long]andyet might change ; and we mighc have good reafon not to bind our felves 3 in cafe of Elections, to all things done in the Primitive Church, Nay, the very Apo- ftles themfelves have not followed one Form, but have fuited it to the Edification and Jguiet of the Church, yet have ftill kept it within the Ordering of the Clergy, or above with God. So St. Peter, by a grand Afifembly of Laich, as well as Clergy, AcJs 1. 15-, 2;. and they prefented not him alone, but another with him, leaving the Choice to an higher Power, neither did St. Peter or the Apo'lles choofe One out of the Two, but committed r.he Choice to God by Lot, a thing not done in any o- ther Eleclion. I < The H4 "f^e Anahaptifis Minifiry i The Order of Deacons being a new Order never in the Church before, is inftituted by the Affiles without the Advice of the People, Acls 6, 2. And for the Men who were to be cholen into this Or- der, the Apoftles gave the Power thus far into the Hands of the Difciples ("being a mix'd number ofZar- kks and Clergy)to fpy out fuch as were fit ,• which the People and Difciples did, and then prefented them to the Apoftles,and thefe chofe them by Laying on of Hands, being firft prefented by the • Multitude, Acls 6. 23, 24, 25*, 26. On the other fide, ApoUos was prefented to the Church of Corinth y not by the People oi Corinth, but by Letters directed to thofe of Corinth to do nothing but this, viz,, to receive Him, whom they had fent,and fo they did } Acls 18.24,27. c And in the Primitive Church, the Changes of Circumftances in Elections have been fo many, that 'tis impoflible for us or any Church, to obferve all Circumftances that have been obfefv'd in the Primitive Church, fome or other, at fome time or other. It mall fuffice that the Subfiance of Election being the fame, we make Choice of thofe Cir- cumftances which fhall beft fit our Church. So did the Apoftles, fo did the Primitive Church, fo may we. e But for the Circumftances of the Peoples Presence, and Plurality of Voices, further than to give Teftimo- ny of good or bad Life, it's none of the Circum- ftances that can be fit for any Church that aims at Continuance. f The mcfi part of the People being the worft part, becaufe the Good are always fewer than the Bad • who can hope that the fittest Man mould be fet over the Office and Paftorfnip of the Church ? If the People have once got the worft Men into Offi- ces of Government, and P aft oral Charges, then the worst Men having got the noMeft and moft principal Parts in the Church, how fti-all not the ' whole Examlnd and Difprov'd. ir? s whole Body of it be corrupted or diftolved ? Further, c if a Minifter is to be chofen to a Living or a Leclure, c &c and your Judgment muft be given of the e Doctrine, Sufficiency and Dexterity in Teaching re- f quired in a Minifter, how unfuitable were it to € commit the Judgment of thefe to the moft Voices c of the People, who in the moft Places are not One e to Ten, to Twenty, that can read and write, &c. f who are alfo engaged and dependent on others, that f he mall be the beft and fit eft Divine that has great- c eft Parents or Friends among the People of the Parifc, c or that have Pomw with the People of the Parijh, ' &c. Thus far the Reverend and very Learned Mr. Nettles, in fome Marginal Animadverjions upon Smeflymnuus, lent me by a learned Divine now living, which I thought fit to add here, being very pertinent to my Purpofe, and a juft Confutation of the fore- cited Paragraph of that fawcy Book, as void of [olid Learning, as of Truth, good Manners and Honefty. To this I mall add a confiderablePaffage of an/«» dependant Writer's (as I conjedure) thus declaiming againft the Presbyterians in a Difcourfe Intituled, The Pulpit Incendiary ; Printed in the Year 1648. p. 5-0. e Shall we dictate to you the common Obfer- vations of feeing Men, viz,, that you take not a right Method for pure Reformation ,• For is noe this your Cuftom ? You call in all your Parifh (if Houfe- keepers) to choofe your Elders ; Your Elders they admit of Members to the Sacrament, and fo your Reformation is made up ? Is it not too no- torious, that the moft of Men are not the beft cf Men, nay, have net you often told us, that the moft of Men are often the worft of Men ? And can the worft of Men make choice of the beft of Rulers, except it be thro' the wonderful Providence and Interpolition of the Hand of God ? Do not we plainly fee that the moft of Men have not Principle^ leading towards a ftridt, pure, fpiritual I i ' Refor- 1 6 The Anahaptifls Miniflty Reformation ? Do not Men generally know Men after the Flejh , and efteem them accordingly ? Whence is it that we fee the Great Man, tho' the ignorant Man, the rich Man, tho' the prophane Man, the Deputy, the Common-council Man, the Jufike of of the Peace, the chief Man in the Pariih, he muftbe the Elder, tho' an ordinary Swearer, an ignorant, loofe,or a covetous Perfon ? - — Will not /wearing, ignorant, covetous, unclean and unworthy Elders, ad- mit of the like Communicants and Members ? &c. Apply now this to the Cafe in hand, and are not things too frequently carried on much after this manner, in the popular Votes or Suffrages for Minifiers amongft you and the Independents ? And are not the beft qualified very frequently fet afide with Difgrace and Difcouragement, and pitiful, contemptuous ,noifie, raw, and ignorant Perfons pitch'd upon and prefer'd ? Is not this the moft ufual Effecl: of popular Elections in almoft all Cafes, as well in refped of Civil, as in relation to Spiritual Affairs ? Doth not Intereft for the moft part carry it, and not real Worth ? And doth it not too often appear, that the moft Suf- frages are in the wrong ? Has it not been general- ly fo in times paft ,• and is it not fo now, and what likelihood that it will ever be otherwife for the fu- ture, fo long as the moft are always, and will ever be the worft ? No wonder then that our Bleffed Lord, who is Wifdom it felf, never Ordain'd the Choice of his Minifiers, his Stewards, his Ambafja- dours, his Reprefentatives, by the Multitude, by the moft fickle, moft ignorant, moft byajt, felf-interefied % the moft ungodly y prophane, dtbaucb'd, carnal- minded, and Dregs of Mankind, by the greater Number, the Majority of Votes of the moft injudicious, uncapable, who if they do hit upon the right, 'tis but as to them meer Lottery and Chance, by Accident, or to fpeak the beft, by an Otttr-rulmg Providence ? And as our Saviour never entrufted the People with this Tower Examirid and Difprov'd. nj Tower, of {uch great Concern to the Church ; fo, as it hath been fliewn , the Church, when She was at the fullefi Liberty, and in Pojfcfjion of her entire Rights in the moft Primitive and Pious Times, never pratlifed in Confequence of fuch an imaginary Power : No, this Mujhroom-power was referved for thefe latter An- tichriftian Ages of the World, for the Locufts, the Spawn and Scum of the bottomlejS Tit, the Munfiers, the Kttipperdolings, the Smetlymnuans, and the reft of that Infernal lilack- guard of abominable SecJaries % tha.E are Scandals of Christianity and their jpurious Offspring. 'Twas they that firit broke the Ice, that fet up Altar againft Altar, feparated themfelves from the Church, Ufurpt the Power of the Keys, broke down the true Afoslolick Difcipline of the Church, Invaded the Priefl-hood, and took upon them to confer and propagate that Authority they never had received, that ol Ordina- tion ; and when once they began to do fo, all that had any Senfe of this Violation, did moft juftly con- clude they had as much Power to do the fame as they, and tho' they were driven to vindicate their Orders they had received from a Church and Commu- nion they had moft unjuftly revolted from, as true and genuine ,• yet Men of equal Senfe with them- felves could eafily difcern that in their Ordinations they received no Authority to propagate their Order, and that any that would, had as much Power to Ordain as they ,- and this gave Rife to all the other Sects we have amongft us at this day. Hence fprung their Rivals the Independants, and fo all the other Seels they fo much declainfd againft in their Gangre- va, Diffwafive, their Teflimony to the Truth of Jefus Christ, their Vindication of the Presbyterial Government, and diverfe other their Treatifes. Hence the Charge of Antichriftianifm upon them by the Independants, Antinomians, Anabaptifts, Millenarians, and Quakers, &c and their Recriminations and Rejoinders upon jhem ; and, to fpeak the Truth, they charg'd one I 3 another n8 The Anahaptifts Miniftry another juftly, even on both fides ; they were all Sectarians, all Antichrifiian or Antichrifts, all Enemies and Rebels, and in opposition to Chrifi's Infiitutions, unlefsjw/ can extricate your [elves by fuch Arguments as you never produc'd yet. This I muft tell you a- gain, if there be but one right way, if there be but one Church, if there were Ten thoufand Millions of SeBs profeffing ChriHianity, they are all in the wrong, becaufe divided from this one Church. And fo thefe SmeBymnuans muft came in amongft the reft, and are really what themfelves call SiBarians, and fo freely beftow'd when time was upon all that differed from them. This, all the SeBs were aware of well enough, andfo was the Long-Parliament, and would never Settle ,Eftablijh their Presbytery, notwithftanding their loud Clamours, Petitions, Kemonfirances ; nay, and plainly ra-zld out the Difiplinary part of their new Artichs of Religion, being loath to Eftabliih fuch a Novelty, and force a general Submiffion of all SeBs unto it, who appear'd to them to have as much Di- vine Right on their fides at leaft as thefe. They were fenfible it was impoffible all the then conten- ded for ways could be the one Way, Chrift's way, the Apofiles way, tho' all pretended to Scripture. The tieiv Lights that fprung up every day, djfcover'd new ways, and fo may to the End of the World ; and therefore in fuch an Amufiment, thought it moft prudent and fa- e to fix upon none. Yet all equally confident, every one pleading Scripture, all upon the fime Foot, all Saints, all gifted, injpired, illumi- nated, calling one another Antichrifts, Impofiors, Falfe* teachers, I > elves in Shzcp>clcathing, Seducers- and in their Recriminations, I muft needs fay, they were all in the right, never a Barrel better Herring, except- ing you, '/you can purge y cur [elves • becaule I con- fers ingenuouily, I have been the leaft converfant with your Perfons or Writings of any of the fore- pjeriiion'd Parties, having not ever read above four or Examined and Difprovd. 119 or five of your Books of any Note amongft you as yet, and therefore will" not pofitively conclude any thing concerning you, unlefs upon this Suppofition, That you cannot allege any better f Arguments than I have confuted, and what I may meet with before I finiih this Difcourle. This I thought fit, by way of Reply, to what you allege out of the Scriptures, in Justification of your External Call to the Mini fry, in your Conf effort; but becaufe I have fome Reafon to think, by what I have met with elfewhere, That, upon Occafion, you may infift upon other Topics, viz,, an extraordinary or an immediate Call, I think it will not be improper to confider it likewife before I difmifs this Subject. In a Book of yours, Intitul'd Perfecution for Religion judg d and condemn d, Printed in theTears 161 5", & 1620, and Reprinted 1661 } I find that Author thus ajjerting your Minifiry, by fetting afide wholly the external or outward Call * which, in your forfeited Confeffion, you feem to infift upon, not urging the internal, ( as Mr. Stennet would have it at prefent underftood ) Nor do they (faith he) think it enough for a Man to have fuch Gifts and Accomplishments as * are requifite for that Work, unlefs StennetV An- he have a Regular Call to it • that is, R u ffe n> *. „[ c External] 'As it was (faith this c Author) in the fecond Building of the fpiritual c Temple, after the Captivity of Babylon in Chaldea * e fo according to the True Proportion, it is to be in c the fecond Building of the fpiritual Babylon. Now- c this is to be obferv'd in the former, That every ' Ifraelitc, with whom the Lord was, c and whofe Spirit the Lord firred up, r P ^ f J LI 'r c . j i 1 1 m i ■* 1 Ep-a, Chap. I. was commanded to go and build, and ver> I c . the Lord will profper them in Rifing up and Building, tho' fome be more excellent ir*. \ 4 the- no The Analaptifts M'wftry the Bufinefs than others ; the Beginning of which* fpiritual Building is, firft, To beget Rdnvt n JdZ Men anew h y the imraortal s eed of ed, &c. fc+z. God's Word, fo making them living Stones, and thereupon to couple them together a fpiritual Houfe unto God, i Pet. 2. upon the Confeflion of their Faith by Baptifm, as the Scriptures of the New Teftament every where teach, &c I anfwer, Grant that it was fo as you fay, as to the Building of the material Temple of Jerufalem after the Captivity ,• that God touch'd the Heart of Cyrus, whom he had rais'd up for that purpofe, to lay the Foundations of it, &c Ifa. 44. ver. ult. and ftirred up the Chief of the Fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the Priefts and Levites, and many others, Neh. I. 5^. and animated themto go on with this Work by the Prophets Haggai and S^lll' IV b ' Zechariah > and t0 f ear no Oppofition, hotwithftanding their prefent Captivi- ty, Subjection to. a Foreign Tower , and low Eft-ate; not- withstanding all the Sorrows, Hardjlnps, Afflictions, and Difcouragments ,they had undergone for feventy Years pait } notwithftanding the Improbabilities of Succefi, Impediments, and Difficulties, they might meet with from thejr Enemies ,• not to be difheartened, but to contribute freely of their Subflance and Pains, alluring them all iliould end well at the lait. Their tedious Bondage under Heathen Princes, their hard Treatment, and the Meannefs of their prefent Cir- cumftances, had puU'd down their Spirits, and driv'n them even to defpair of ever enjoying their Liber- ties, or the free Exercife of their Religion in their Native Country any more : Arguments rneerly drawn from Prudence or Humane Reafon were too weak to comfort them, or to pcrfuade them to this Under- taking ,• nay, joyn'd with the EdiBs of a Gracious Trhce who favoar'd them. Something extraordinary was Examined and Difprov'd. 121 was requifite to infufe Courage into them, and to raife their Hopes, therefore God Almighty thought fit, to this End, to raife up Prophets to affaire them of his Favour and Bleffing : For I, faith the Lord, will be unto her a Wall of Fire round about, and will be the Glory in the mid ft of her. He that toucheth you, touch- eth the Apple of wine Eye. For, behold, I will jhake mine Hand upon them, and they jljall be a ffoil to their Servants, &c. Zech. II. ?, 8, 9. Well ! we grant all this ,• but how will you make good your Infe- rence from it, That becaufe God raifed up extraor- dinary Perfons (Prophets) to ftir up the Hearts of his People the Jews, to go and rebuild his Temple at Jerufalem, who only encourag'd them to do that, which was otherwife their indifpenfable Duty, in jheir feveral Stations, and in an orderly and regular Way ; therefore doth it follow, That God /hall raife up Prophets in an extraordinary Manner under the Gofpel, for the fecond Building ( as you call it ) of the fpiritual Temple, after the Captivity of fpi- ritual Babylon? What Scripture, what Prophecy or Tromife for this in the New Teftament ? And where do you read of the Demolishing, Subverfion, or Interfcijion of the fpiritual Temple, the Chriltian Church ? And where of its being rebuilt by Un- baptizjd Perfons ? as this Author faith, p. 42. Might not this Author as well have faid, He would raife Up the Spirits of Unconverted Jews or Heathens as well ? Here, in this Paffage cited, God raifed up Prophets to encourage the Rulers, the Priefis, and the Levites, and other Members of the Segullah, only to do what was their Duty, and a Work they were every way qualify 'd for in their feveral Stations and Degrees, and fo they addreft themfelves to the Work, Built the Temple, and erecled the Altar, confe- crated them, and kept the Feaft of Dedication of this Houfe, &c. in a moft folemn Manner, Ezra VI. and did every thing as order'd and written in the Law 12.x The Aftalapttfis Minifiry Law of Mofes, Ezra III. 2. But how doth this agree with the Author's Cafe ? Here all things are done regularly by God's own People, Rulers, Friefis, Le~ vites in the ordinary Way, ftated by God himfelf^ tho' in their prefent Circumftances extraordinarily call'd unto, and aflifted by Divine Providence in this Work. All this was but a Reftauration of the Divine Worftiip, and a Reinveftingthem with their fufpended Liberties, as to the regular and publick Exercife of their Religion in the Place of God's own Appointment. But this Author's Cafe is diametri- cally oppofite : A new Publication of the Gofpel, and a new Converfion of the World. He fuppofes a General Apoftacy from the Chrifiian Religion, a Fail- ing of the Evangelical Priefihood and Sacraments, and the ftirring up an Unbap- tiz'd Perfon or Perfons to Preach and Baptize, to con* vert an idolatrous unbe- lieving World. For in divers Paflages of his Book he avers, That who- ever are not of his own Se<3: have no Minifiry, no Sacraments ; particularly , thofe of the Church of England: Speaking of her Minifters, 'Even fo, faith c he, have you and I * ( God pardon us ) c thought, That we were c in a good Eftate, having ' fuch zealous Teachers a f that teach fo many excellent Truths under the Title of Chrises Minivers, till ive came to examine them, as the Church of Ephefus did y Rev. 2. then vjc found them to have no other Minifiry, _ than that they receivd from the Beaft and his Image, which. Ind. Whdt other Example have you in the Scriptures, tbxt an unbapti^ed Perfon way baptise? Chr. Jj there reeve no other than that afore-mentioned, it mere fufficient : An Iifael circum- cifed in Flefi, God (lining up his Heart , teas to build the Tem- ple made -with Hands, from the firSi Stone to the latt; fo an Ifraelite circumcifed in Heart, God (lining him up, it to build the Temple mx?,e -without Hand's, from the fir Si Stone to the laSi, 'beginning with, Gs Preach and Baptise, &c. But farther, roe have the particular Example of John Baptift 5 who, being un- hapti\ed, preached, converted, and baptiied. Perfecut. judg. &c. Page XLII. Examirid and Difprovd. 113 which the Dragon gave. Rev. 1 3. Yerfccut. jttdg.p 34. Again, the firft Beginning of the Church of Eng- land, was made of the Members of the Church of Rome.- The Baptifm now practice! in the Church of England, is no better, no otherwife than that of Rome. The Church of Rome baptizeth all the Infants of the moft Wicked, — and fo the Church of England, p. 38. And as they are in their firft Building, fo they are in moft of their Laws, Lords, Law-makers, Courts, and thoufands of other Abominations. — The Latter is the very Image of the Firft, unto which whofoever fubmitteth, or obeyeth, or maintaineth their Baptifm, or any other of their humane Trafli, he {hall be tormented in Fire andBrimftone for ever- more, and mall never have Reft Day nor Night, Rev. 14. And therefore, in God's Fear, caft away that curfed Action of Waflring, where was neither Chriffs Difciple adminiftr'mg, nor his Difciple upon whom it was adminiflred, nor ChrisTs Body or Church baptized into, p. 39. In Page 40, he calls the Mi- nifters of the Church of England, Falfe Prophets, ts£gyptians, Babylonians ' and Page 41, Minifiers of Antichrift. He denies them to have God's Ordinances cr Sacraments. — » ■■ They have only Imitations of God's Ordinances, as Water, Bread, and Wine, p. 32. And to that Objection, c We are God's People, for we have the Word and Sacraments, he thus anfwers, — - * The Philiftines might better have reafoned, c 1 Sam. y. who had the true Ark of God among c them, ( thefe have but a Shew ) We are God's ' People, for we have the Ark and Holy Oracles e amongft us, ibid. He tells us again, that none of the Church of England's Minifters would be allow'd to preach if they receiv'd not their Pow- c er- -from thofe the Dragon fends, and there- f fore none can receive Truths from them, but they I receive the Devil by whofe Vower they teach • for, as ' our ii4 Tfo Anahaptijls Miniftry e our Saviour faith, Mat. 10. 40. He that receiveth * you, receiveth me ^ and receiveth him that fent * me : So he that receiveth thofe the Beaft fends ( receiveth the Beaft ; and he that receiveth the * Beaft, receiveth him that fent him, that is, the * Devi). Persecution judgd and condemn d, Page 32. But td conclude this ihort Collection, he quotes Mr. de Glufe Adv. />. 9. thus, '- yet hath ( ac- cording to Truth) confefs'd in Writing, 'That f there is nothing to be expected from Chrift by * any Member of the Church of England, but a * pouring out of his eternal Wrath upon them, ^.36, fee p\ 35. See now the Opinion of this Author of your Communion, of Jbcfe from whom he differs, and particularly and efpecially thofe of the Church of England and Rome no better than Reprobates, and poiitiyely denies Salvation to be had in either Com- munion ; and however Mr. Stennet, and fome others, may glofi and varnijh over the Bufinefs, this, I am credibly inform'd k is a prevailing Opinion of many of jcur Communion, and frequently averr'd by fome of y out Preachers, and one of your Gifted Brethren has acknowledg'd as much even to me, and I can, and ihall produce (as Occafion fhall require it) more Paffages of the like Nature out of your e-wn Books: And thus you damn all the Churches in the World, and aiTert only your own Party alone., to be the One Holy Catholic and Apofiolic Church, exclusive of all other Denominations ot Chriftians, And now let me propound unto you a few Que- ftions again, which indeed you may take (if you pleafe ) as Anfwers to him and you: Do not you let up here an unfcriptural Notion, even againft Chrift' s own Promife, in fuppofing the Failure of the whole Church of Chrift, and his Minijlry he had fetled in it, of his Confervstion and Protection of it, and con- fequently of his Ceafing to be the Head of the Church too ? exprefly contrary to that of our Blefled Lord, Mat* Eaamlnd and Dlfprovd. n^ Mat. 16. Upon this Rock "will I build my Church, and the Gates of Hell foall not prevail againfi it • and that of Matthew the laft Chapter, ver. 20. And Lo I am with you ahuays, even unto the End of the World. Can you produce any Texts, out of the Gojfrcl or Revelations, to contradid this ? Can you allege any exprefi Texts, or by Logical Reafoning infer from them, That all * the Churches in the World, that are not of your Communion , to be the Myftical Babylon mentioned * $u modo erg0 ifii J/flwf; in the Revelations, the lpi- jam effe cornpletum quod Domi- ritual Sodomites, and t^- nus aitjradicari in Nomine ejus Zyptians. and Antichriftian Penitent iam 1*^ Peccatorum in omnes Gentes, in the Senfe there menti- incipimibus ab Hieru[alm \ oned ? Can you prove (Luc. xx.xxiv.) fedpoften cce~ yourfelves, or your Pre- teris deficientibus, folam Cbri- decejfors, to be the very ft* Africa remanfiffe, cum ad- rrr. rr • >j „u " uc implendum In, nondtim im* Witneffes mention d there, pletum . cum & irap i etumfuerhy veniet Finis : Sic enimDominus tit, Mat. xxiv. xiv. ^uomodo ergo cum adimplera effet Fides omnium Gentium, tunc perditio Gentium, excepta Africa, conjecuta eft ? Jl>uan~ doquidem ipfa Fides omnium Gentium nondum impleta eft. Nifi forte hoc rejid! Hominum Injania, ut dicant non ex illis Ecclefm, qua fundata funt per Apoftolorum Ubores, adimpleri pradicationem Evangelii in omnibus Gentibus^ fed illis peremtibus earum Reparationem ex A- phrica futuram per partem donati. & refiduarum Gentium ac- quifitionem. Putoquodipfi rideant cum hoc audiunt, & t amen nifi hoc dicant, quod erubejeunt ft dicant, non habent omnino quod dicant. Sed quid ad nos ? Nemini invidemus, legant nobis hoc de Scripturis fj.niT.is, & credimus. Hoc inquam, vobis ex Canone divinorum li- brorum legant, tot Civitates, qua ufque ad hodiernum diem Baptif- mum per Apoftolos fibi confignatum tenuerunt, propter Aphrorum fibi incognita, Crimina periiffe a. Fide Chrifti, & denuo Baptizandos effe H parte donati, at que inde cceteris Gentibus, qu* nondum audierunt, pradicandum Evangelium. Hoc nobis legant. ^uid morantur ? £luid tergiverjantur ? *%uid impediunt Salutem Gentium ? Le- gant hoc, & cum ipfa Leclione novos Apoftolos mittant ad tot Gerjtes Rebaptizandas. Aug. de Unit. Eccl. Cap. xvii. I wifh thofe of the Anabaptifls that are able, would confider well this l! > airage, and- apply it to themfelves, who boaft themfelves to be the "tote Church, and Succeffors of the Apoftles. and t%6 The Anahaptifts Mimflry and the Follow:* of the Lamb, by any ettfnfi Texts or Genuine Deductions ? This is but jufi, according to your own way of arguing, and your foftive Di- lates and AJJertions, without any manner of Proof, or even foadow of Reafon, and of as great Impor- tance as the Cafe of Infant- Baptifm, and therefore {hall not court you to it, but demand it of you, and you are in honour and confeience oblig'd to anfwer it,* and it importeth you as much as your Salvation it- felf, or you are in danger of having the Tables turn'd upon you : Prove then, if you can, that this Age we live in, and that immediately preceding, comes within limited time for the Apofiolical Reign of the Bk&ft, the Dragon, the Whore, Antichrist, and This Church in particular, under which you have, and at prefent live, to be a Branch ol Antichrists, and the Beaft's Kingdom. Prove her Doftrines and Workup, An- ticbrifiian and Idolatrous, and her Martyrs, obftinate, deluded Fools, and juftiy ptmijh'd for being Rebels, if you can, and to have died in a wrong Caufe. Prove chefe things firfr, and then draw your Conferences, for fear you publifh your felves to be falfe Prophets, Deceivers, Hypocrites and Liars [Forgers of Herefies and damnable Doctrines] as well as Slanderers, fuch as Hiall be for ever {hut out of the New Jerufakm, becaufe never Regifter'd in the Lamb's Book of Life, Rex/. 21. ult. But fttppofng the Cafe even fuch as you, as vainly, weakly, as wickedly and malicioufly, and even blajfihe-* moujly, would make ic, which yet is impoflible as to the whole Church ; what have you to do uncoil d, un- fent, unbaptizld (as the Author ftates the Cafe, fup- ponng a general Dtfcclkn and Apofiacy, and Bap- rifm Adminiftred by Sodomites, Egyptians, &C. inva- lid) to take upon you to Teach, Co7tvert, Baptize? Can you Jhew any Warrant out of the New Tefia- ment tor this your Undertaking ? May not that be retorted upon you, which this your Author replies to E x cumin d and Difprovd. izj to thofe Minlfiers of the Church of England, who de- rived their Orders from iuch as were formerly in Communion with the Church of Rome ? ' What have f Antichriffi s Minifiers to do to take God's Word in their f Mouths, or to declare his Ordinances, feeing they hate c to be reformed, and have cafi. God's Word behind their ' Backs, Pfal. yo. 16. If you cannot prove your felves to be ftirred up by the Spirit of God, then pray by what Spirit ? Then what have you to do in this matter Ay, but you find your felves ftrongly movd and pujh'd on by the Spirit of God to preclaim War, and bear Teftimony againft this fpiritual Sodom, Babylon, Egypt, Antichrift, the great Whore, the Dragon, the BeaH, Idolaters^ Unbaptiz/d, Uncir- cumcisd Philifiines. The Spirit within you com- mands you to go Teach all Nations, to Convert, to Baptize, &c. Your Heart waxes hot within you, the Fire is kindled, and now behold your Zeal for the Spiritual Temple of the Lord, Come out of Baby- lon my People, that ye be not Partakers of her Sins, and that ye receive not of her Plagues, Rev. 18. 4. But ftay a little, my Friends, not too hafty ! you find a ftrong Impulfe upon your Spirits, your Zeal is up ,• you find your felves extraordinarily mo/d, and to work you mult go, or wo unto you if you don't Preach the Gofpel, and Rebuild the Spiritual Temple, &c. But what Texts do you find to au- thorize this Undertaking of yours ? Of you, who have no ordinary or outward Calling to Preach, &c. Is it faid any where in all the New Teftament, that the Spirit of God would put this work into the Hands of private Perfons, Unbaptiz'd not aUual Mem- bers of Chrifi by Baptifm, that are not Chriftians ? Pray prove this if you can. But you are extraordi- narily call'd by God and not by Men, (now we come clofe to the Point) tho' Vnbaptizld, and have no outward Call. [Unbaptiz'd, I mean with refpedl to your firft ftarting up.] But how do you prove this n8 The Analaptifls Mhifity this your Miffion, by what outward Evidences, Signs] or Tokens of extraordinary immediate Vocation ? How do you make this appear to others ? This is abfo- lutely neceflary that others mould have Grounds to believe this your Vocation or Miffion ,• or in the firtt place, they are under no Obligation to receive or hear you ; nor fecondly, do they fin by rejecting, op- fofing you, /topping your jWfl«^j,becaufe without mani- fest Proof, and vifible, fenftble Demonfiration, they cannot diftinguifii you from Cheats, Impofiors, Falfe- teachers, as coming in your own Name, and not in God's, nor with his Authority and Commiffion. Befides thirdly, there are no Grounds from Scripture, nor no Occafion that we can meet with for any iuch extraordinary Vocation as is pretended, becaufe no pojfihttty of a general Failure of the ordinary Voca- tion as is prefum'd, it being Eftablim'd upon the Tromife and Veracity, and Omnipotency of Chrift him- felf, that no Powers of Men, or of Hell it felf, mall ever be able totally to annul it or abolifli it. Such a Failure as this, would unhinge Chrifiianity it felf^ and reflect eternal Dishonour upon God, and prove all the Prcmifes of the Gofpel to be a meer human In- vention, and an Impojiure, and banim the very Notion of a God and Religion out of the World, and fo fub- vert and undermine our common Hope. Then fourthly, there are no fuch PaJJages to be found in the Revelation, that imply fuch a general or total De- fection from Chrifiianity as you fuppofe, and hath been hinted already ,• In what Chapter, in what verfe do you find it, as to give any Ground for fuch an extraordinary Vocation of Unbaptizld private Perfons to the work of Preaching, Converting or Baptizing, but the direA contrary : The very Paflage fo much in the Mouths of you, and many others of the Secta- ries and EnthufaHs, Come out of her, my People, that ye he not partakers of her Sins, and that ye receive not of her VLigties ; feems to contradift your molt Jpecious and women- Mxamin'J and DifprovJ.. %g momentous Pretences. My People, this fupDofes a People of God already in being, fa People \ y Ap" propriations, a People in actual Covenant with God* God being their God by Appropriation, a Chofex and Elect People, a Segullab, a Royal PrieBhood, Kings and PrieBs, Rev. i. 6. a Holy Nation, Exod. 19, 6* i Pet. 2. 9. See Rom. 5*. 10. Even a Church, a Spi- ritual Temple) before their being called out, even in this Myfiical Babylon you fo loudly enveigh a- gainft : If fo, then it follows, if a People of God, that is, Members of Chrift, it muft be by Compaq or Covenant, for none can ftri<5tly be termed God's People, but fuch as are in aclual Covenant with him > and if in Covenant, then it follows by fome outward Sign, (for we read of no Covenant between God and his People -without) then under this laft and Gojpel- Dijpenfition, by what Sign but that of Baptifm, we read of no other under the Gofpel ; and if by Bap- tifm, then by fuch as had Power to Baptize * y but we read of none but fuch as were calfd to the Mini- ftry, that have this Power under the Gofpel * then if by Minifters externally caU'd 3 (for we know of no others fince the Apoflolical Age ,•) and if fo, then it's evident here's a Minifiry, and a lawful one too, even in the worft Times of Antichriftianifm, fuch a Minifiry as is own'd even by ChriB himfelf, when the Sons of Babylon were at the Very heigth. when the Cup of her Abominations were brim-full, and when Babylon was ripe for Judgment, even juft be- fore her Downfal. If this Deduclicn will hold good, as I fear not but it will, even this will follow too, for all you can fay to the contrary, that even Infant Baptifm muft be lawful, and according to the Will and Infiitution of ChriB himfelf. Suppofe the Uni- ver&\Prevalency of Antichrifllanifm in your JMoii n at what Period you pleafe to fix for it ,• by your own Confeflion and Acknowledgement, this Vedobapttfm was patch'd by AntichriB, and that for many Ages., and under Antkhrifi's Reign generally pradis'd , K and 130 The Anataptifts Miniflry and yet here were God's People and Saints who were Baptized in their Infancy, and thefe call'd out of Baby Ion, and refcu d from her Judgments. Fifthly, Then here's no Colour, not the leaft tittle and fhadow of a Pretence for your immediate or extraordinary Voca- tion ; God in his Providence is not wont to exert himfelf in an extraordinary manner, or make ufe of extraordinary Means, but when the Ordinary fail, or are inefficient to his Purpofes and Defigns ,• efpecial- ly if we confider and remember, that notwithftand* ing all the Efforts of Antichrist, and Perfecutions a- gainft, and Prevalency over the Church ,• yet after all, in the Revelations it plainly appears that God freferved the Church ftill, and the Deftru&ion of Babylon was to be for the Refcue and Deliverance of Chrifi's Church and Chofen. What occafion then for this your extraordinary Vocation, fince here's 3 Church, and Minifters, and Saints, and Ordinances ? Is it not nlore natural and feafiUe to conceive that Christ would rather ftir up the Spirits of Perfons by their Vocation and Function, adapted for the great Work of Convert- ting the Jews and the Unbelieving World, and for the Propagating the Gojpel, than employ Perfons extraordi- narily call'd) efpecially fince there's no Promife or Prophecy to encourage or countenance fuch a Notion ? But, fixthly, fince you have fet up for extraordinary Minifters in this latter Age of the World, and thereby would be receiv das the only true Minifters of Christ now in the World ; 'tis but * Cuph ojtendant mibi ex reafonable you fhould exhi- qui amhoritate prodierunt. Si bit and produce * your Cre- alium Deum pradicant, quomo- do ejus Dei rebus Isf Uteris & nominibus utantur , adveyfus quem. predicant ? Si eundem, quomodo aliter alter ? Prcbent fe novos Apoftolos ejfe 3 dicant Chriftum iterum defcendife, iterum ipfum decu. ijfe ? iterum Crucifixum, iterum mortuum, iterum refufcitatwn : fie enirti Apojiolos ftletfAcere, dire illii praterett virtutem eadem figna e- eiendiy qua & ipfe. Velo igitur & virtutes eorum proferre, nifi quod agnofco maximum virtutem eorum, qua Apofiolot in perverfum amulan- tur. Illi enim de mortuis vivts fatfebant, ifii de vivis mortuos factum Tertull. de Prxfer, Caf. xxx. dentials : Examined and Difprov'd. t$t dentials : Extraordinary Minifter s mould give extraor- dinary Evidences of their Commiffion and Authority* Chrift hftituted an ordinary (landing Miniftry , or Trie ft-hood in his Churchy and hath promifed to Sup- port it till his fecond Coming. You fay it hath fail'd long fmce, and none but your felves are the Mini- fters of Ghrift, and have put the Church and GoJfeU Miniftry upon a new Foot. Pray, prove unto us, either that we ought to take your bare word for it 3 or Jbew us your CommiJJion. Under the Law, every Prophet (for a Prophet in the ftrift Notion, was al- ways look'd upon as a Minifter of God, extraordinari- ly } or immediately called, and fent) was oblig'd by fome Sign, to give Tefiimony of his Miffion, or to be look'd upon as a wicked Impoftor, give fome extraor- dinary Sign , or work fome Miracle, or he was to be put to death i So Deut. 18. 20. But the Prophet which fljall pre fame to (peak a word in my Name, which I have not commanded him to [peak 3 » or that jballfpeak in the Name of other Gods, even that Prophet Jhall die : And if thou Jhalt fay in thy heart, How jjjall we know the word which the Lord hath not jfioken ? When a Prophet fpeak- etb in the Name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pafs, that is the thing which the Lord hath not jpoken, hut the Prophet hath fpoken it prefumptuoufly 3 Thou jhalt not he afraid of him. So that from this Paf- fage, we may obferve two Notes to know the falfe Prophets by. fi.) If they teach new Dothines con- trary to the Faith already deliver d or eftablijh'd by God, or new Objecls oilVotJhip. Or (2.) Forct el fuch Things as never are acccmplijl/d, or come to paft, ac- cording to that of Jeremiah ,• The Prophet, which pro- phecieth of Peace, when the word of the Prophet Jhall come to pafs, then Jltall the Prophet be known that the Lord hath truly fent him, Chap. 28. 9. But more particularly. There are divers other Texts in the H. Scripture, from whence we may make good our Affertion, That extraordinary Minifter s or Prophets, were oblig'd K. 2 to 1 3 1 The Analaptijli Miniflry to give Proof of their MlJJion by fome Signs or other? either by working Miracles, Perdition of things to come,, or by revealing fome fecret thing out of the- ovay of human Knowledge. Thus for initance, Mofes was afraid to deliver the Meffage of God (altho' he appear'd unto him in an extraordinary manner , Exod. 3. 4. &c.) unto Pharaoh, Behold they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my Voice, for they will fay, the Lord hath not appear d unto thee, Exod. 4. 1. And ac- cordingly God gave him the Power to work Miracles, Exod. 4. Soprefently after, Joshua his Succejfor, had receiv'd his Charge from God, he magnified him in the fight of all Ifrael, that they might know that God was with him, as he was with Mofes ; and this was ma- nifested by the miraculous dividing, or farting of the Waters of Jordan • as afterwards, by the falling down of the Walls ofjerkbo, Jofh. Chap. 6. By the Sun and Moon fianding ftill at the Word of Jomua, Chap. 10. 12. So we find Samuels Vocation to be a Prophet, confirm d by his foretelling the DefiruHion of Elie's Houfe, 1 Sam. 3. 18. And in the i$tb, it's faid, That Samuel g r ew, and the Lord was with him, and did let mne of his words fall unto the ground • and that £by this] all Ifrael, from Dan, even to Beerjheba, knew that Sa- muel was eftabliflid to be a Prophet of the Lord, ver. 19, 20. Again, Samuel prayed, and offered Sacrifice unto the Lord • upon which, the Ifraelites obtained afignal Vitlory over the Philtflines, Chap. 7. See other In- fiances likewife in Elijah and Elijha, Ifaiah, &C. but thefe are enough to prove that the Prophets always gave Ttfiimony of their Miffion from God, by fome extraordinary, nay, fenfible Signs ,• and accordingly we rind, the Jews demanded Signs of our Saviour to atteft his Miffion, Matth. 12. 38. 16. 1. Mark 8. 11. John 16. 30. See 1 Cor. 1. 22. And our Saviour himfelf appealeth to the Works he did, as the indi- fptttaUe Signs of Divine Miffion, viz. His Miracles. Now this Demand of the Pharifees to our Saviour, fhews Bxamirid and Dijprov'd. 133 Aews beyond even contraditlion, that the Jews were wont to require fomewhat extraordinary from the Pro- fhets, to prove and attesl their Million, before they receiv'd or acknowledged them as fuch. But zlfo Mi- racles were the ufual Teft, yet not the only > there were other Marks to judg them by. As an unufual Piety and Aufierity of Life, joyn'd with AgreeableneJ? in Dotlrine with the preceding Prophets, and Conform- ablenefi like wife with their Predictions, and not thwarting and contradicting them. Whereas, the con- trary to all thefe, were the indubitable Marks of Im- pofiors and Hypocrites. I might proceed, and produce the fame Credentials for the Apoftolical Miffion, how that Chrifl^ when he fent them out to Preach, gave them the Power to work Miracles, were it necelfary ,• but it being fo obvious, I mail not infift upon it ac prefent : All the Inference I fhall make from what 1 have juft now laid down, is only this, That fines you have not fufficiently evincd your ordinary Mif- jfton,a.nd upon thofe Topicks laid down in your Con* fejjion of Faith, (as I think) cannot > and that fince iome of your Fraternity being fenfible of the Unlike- lihood or fucceeding that way, have betaken them- felves to this, of an immediate and extraordinary Vocati- fin, if you cannot demonfirate it by Miracles, it muft follow, that you have no Vocation, no MiJJion, no Minifiry at all. But to return after this mort Digreffion, from what I urg'd as to the Prophets out of the Old Tene- ment ; Thence it appears, that the Jews had a Rule and Signs whereby to diftinguifli /**//.k, and hereby could not be imposd upon, but by & 3 tbsi? 134 The Anahaptifls Mimflry their own Neglect and Default, and at their own Peril. But perhaps you may object, we read of di- vers Prophets among the Jews, who were true Pro- phets, and receiv'd as fuch, without working any Miracles. I anfwer, we do, and no mention of a- ny Miracles wrought by them ,• but doth it hence follow, that they wrought none f Tho' the working of Miracles was the grand and ejlablifid Kttlfatov, or Tefi of their MiJJlon, and no Queftion was general- ly requir'd and comply'd with, yet it was not the only one : I have mew'n you fome others already, and Jhould now add another of St. John Baptifi, but that I referve it to its proper place afterwards. Again, befides, 'tis highly reafonable it fliould be fo ; yiay, this is the leaft that can be expe&ed in the Cafe before us, to demand fuch an Exertion of mi- raculous Works, or to give Proof of fuch extraordinary Gifts as the Affiles did ,• I fay at leaft, becaufe o- therwife we fliould be at a great lofs, and not able €0 diftinguifli true Minifiers of Chrift from falfe ones , efpschWy , fuppofing an Agreement in all Funda- mentals and EJfentials in Religion otherwife ; but, at this time of Day, to fet up new Articles of Faith, new Doctrines, it's to (hew that this laft Difjenfation by Je- fits Christ, is imperfect, and fo to be dene away, to make way for a more perfect, a new one, and a better $ fo that whoever (as 'tis fuppos'd to be your Cafe) pretends to a new Dijjenfation, by introducing new Doctfines, new Fundamentals, a new Minifiry, they are obliged to exhibit, or bring new Credentials to af- Jert their Mijfion, and to vouch their Doctrine • nay, and as the Miracles of our Saviour, bringing in a more gracious and a nobler D 'Sen fat ion, far furpaf- fed thofe of Mofes (as might be made out by many Difcriminations , and which you will not dijjute, and therefore unneceffary to be infilled on here) fo by arity of Re a fen, they are oblig'd not only to do fuch rYorks as never Man d\d, nay, greater than ever were done Examined and Difprovd. 11$ done by our BlefTed Saviour himfelf^ otherwife they deferve no Credit, and ought to be rejected as Im- fofiors, and the new Doftrincs they Preach as Lies, and fo liable to Eternal Vengeance, as undoubtedly all falfe Prophets are under the Gofpel,as hath been/hewn already in this Difcourfe. But once more, tho* Miracles under the former Diftenfations were neceffary^ and under the latter, but for a time (efpecially ac the beginning) till the Faith mould be fufficiently confirmed by them, (and the Mijfion of its Promulgers thereby ascertained) and afford ail reafonable and «»- derfiand'mg Men, fuftjcient occafion to embrace it, and yield up themfelves unto it upon that account, by giving them all poflible Satisfaction as to thofe matters of Fail, which could leave no place for In- credulity : But now I muft tell you, tho 1 you ha(£ the Power even of working Miracles, we are moft preffingly cautioned againft you. Your teaching new Doctrines, and Pretences to an extraordinary Vocati- on with truly difcerning and ferious Perfons, would render you but the more fufpicious ,« If a Prophet flail give you a Sign, or Wonder, and it come to pafs, if it be to tempt, to follow firange Gods,we are not to hearken to fuch, Deut. 13. 1, 2. Our Saviour forewarns us^ That in the laft Days falfe Prophets [hall arife that [hall pew great Signs and Wonders, infomuch, that if i( were pojfible, they fiould deceive even the very ElebJ^ Matth. 24. 24. And the Apofile faith, That the com* ing of the Man of Sin, Jhoitld be after the working of Sa- tan with' all Power and Signs, and lying Wonders, 2ThefT 2. 9. So that from thefe Scriptures, all the Faithful are plainly and exprefly fore-warn d and caution d a- gainft all the Pretenders to an extraordinary Gall und Mifjion, the very Drift and Importance of them is for this very end, to fecure all the Faithful from the Delu- fions of fuch Deceivers • implying, that the end of thefe Signs and lying Wonders, by the wily Contrivance* pf Satan, are to give Countenance to their pretended K. 4 u 136 The Anahaptijls Mimftry Mifjtofn and falfe Dotlrines, and both at once, thera I r.o other Reafons aflignable for them. Thu very fetting up an extraordinary Mijfion after the Apo- (lles time, let it be in what Age it will, proves k felf to be a Sat ante al Delufion, there being no Inftan- ces producible of this kind after the Canon 0$ Scrip ur$ was fix'd. They took care in their own Times, in all places where they planted the Gojpel for an Qrdina-, ry Miniftry and Succeffion, and fo lett it to the Blef- fing and Protection olChriff, there being no farther XJfe for the Extraordinary. And hence the Apoftle fliarply reproves the Galatians for forfaking the true Gojfrel, and embracing a new one, preach'd unto them by Deceivers, who gave out they had an extra- ordinary Call or Miffion, and boafted of their immedi- ate Gifts, and affumed unto themfelves a greater Authority than St. Paul s. To this purpofe, we read thefe falfe Apoftles and Seducers, to iucceed the more effectually with thefe Galatians, oppofed unto him the PraBice ol fome other Apoftles, in conniving at the ufe of legal Ceremonies, Chap. 2. 6. in order to reduce them to legal Obfcrvances, fee Chap. 4. 17. Chap. 6. 13. with the Oxf Paraph- But amongft thefe, there's one particularly ainrd at by the Apo- ftle, Chap. y. 10.- — ( But he that troubleth you fli'all hear his Judgment, who ever he he. ( It feems to have * been one Perfon chiefly that endeavour d to feduce them, 6 who, as fome fay, was Cerinthus, who Uv din the A- f poftles times — *-v- and taught very many Herefes like the € Gnofticks, but particularly, that Chrift was meer Aiar A , 6 that Circumcifum was of force, that the Refurrettiop ? was to he in the World, and to begin at Jerufalem — - f where the Saints were to live 1000 years inallVo- f luptuoufnef and Senfuality, after which manner him felf f was alfo noted to have lived, which might give occmfion * to this Apoftle here to write fo jharplj againft thofe Sins, ? &c. Chap. 6. 15. to take notice, that even thefe falfe I £)c#ors did uqt even live 'Rtligioufty according to the • " * Law Examined and Difprevd. 137 f Law it felf, Oxf. Annot. What is faid here of Cerinthus, might, I queftion not) with as equal Pro- bability, be apply'd to that Primogenitus Satame ; Firft-born of Satan, Simon Magus , if we compare this 17th verfe with Chap. 1. ver. 6, 7. I marvel that ye are fo foon removed from him that called you into the prace of Chrift unto another Gofpel. But there are fomt that trouble you, and would pervert the Gofpel of Chrift. And that which feems to confirm it, is, that this Simon Magus did not only endeavour to introduce a new Golpel, but to £ive himfelf OUt to be the *o^<> Ego fumSermo Dei, tgofim the Word of God, and i'o Spedofus, ego Paradetus, ego nretended to an extraordi- 0mm P oms ^ E &° m ™ a Deus . * pretenaea to anexrraorai- Himm> comment, ad cap xxiv nary Miffion, luch as Chrift Mat. apud Grab, fpidleg. Ptti himfelf moft truly averr'd , Sec i. p. 307. nay, and wrote Books un- der the Name of CbriB and his Difciples, which is e«- quivalent to the Publishing a new Gojpel, becaufe in thefe, He and his Partner Cleobias wrote contrary and in direct Oppofition to ChriB's and his Apo- ftks Doclrines; and befides, we read in the Apoftolical Oie/k^on w*ei 2/jaSV* $ Conftitufuns. that he wrote «£ i H% W* w^"™* £'£- pretended Confutations of liMdnaSv j^ ^ww U the Creation , Prophets , A- i-nd-nv vftSy, iSv 7wptHnvfi- poftles, &C. as we are told w XecssV x$ «# againft him, nor aw/df find any fault with his Doctrine or Practice, Chap. 2. But when they fully underftood that the Apoftkjhip of the Gentile! was alloted to him, they own d him immediately, Andganje him the Right-Hand of Fellowjhip, ver. 7, 8, 9. And as a farther Demon- jhaiion that he was no way fuhjeel or inferiour to diem. He tells the GaLaians, That he reprehended Teter nimfe\f publickly at Antioch • and befides he was fo far from being inftrucled by the Apoftks, even the Chief o£ then; } whofe Authority the fa Ife Teachers infi- nuated to be cwr /&«« to the Galatians, that he tells them again, 22#; of thofe [that is, Apoftks'] who leem'd to be [ an d really were ] fomewhat [more than ordinary Mlnijters of Christ ,] whatfoever they were £ ^j to external Advantages, Apoftks before me, having conversed with the Lord, heard the Gcffitl from his Lips, fecn his Miracles, &c. ] it maketh no matter to me [ that I (hctild alter my Doctrine or Practice;] God ac- cepted! no Man's Perlbn, nor [be/toweth greater Grace for the external Prerogatives upon them, nor lefs upon me that want them « ] for they who feem'd to be iomewhat in [that] Conference, [concerning that Con- iroverfie, ] addeth nothing to me [more than I knew before, either by their Infiruction, Authority, or Oppofition, to make yw change, my Qp'micn,} Qxf Paiap.h. pij th^ Place 2 ExUmind and Difprovd. 141 Place, but contrariwife acknowlegeth him for the Apo- ftle of the Uncircumcifion > &c. Thus much I thought neceffary to reprefcnt the Artifice of thefe damnable Seducers, to run down this Apoftle by way of Confront- ing him with the contrary Traclice and Authority of the other Apofles ; tho' 'tis not to be doubted, but Simon Magus, and other falfe Apoftles, endeavour'd every where what they could to oppofe and beat down the Apoftlejhip it ielf, tho' an extraordinary Authority, and immediately from Chrift himfelf, even by ajfummg to themfelves a more cxraordinary one y by pretending to a new Gojpel, and new Miracles, new Signs and Wonders to atteH it, corroborate and eftablifi it. To this purpofe Simon Magus is recorded by Ecclefiaftical Writers of great Antiquity and Veracity, to impofe ex- ceedingly upon the People by many firange Feats he did, or Miracles, with divers of his Followers, and particularly one Marcus, as we find in Iraneus, info- much that Monuments were erected to Simon Magus by the Heathen Romans themfelves, as unto a God, and Multitudes drawn from the .F/e into an Opinion of the Divinity of their Miffion. To this purpofe it will not be amifs to fubjoin that Objervati- on of Tertullian, concerning the molt antient Here- ticks ; f The Commerce, faith he, of Hereticks, with * Magicians, Jugglers, Afirologers, and Phihfophers 9 ' {Men addicted t» curious Arts, fuch ms Alchimy, &C.3 € is nothing. All their NOTE every where > is, Seek and c ye fiaU find ; So that by their Comrades and Converfa- * tion, you may take an Efiimate] of their Faith : Their * Life and Pra<5Hce is a true Index of their Doctrine, De Prafcr. adv. Haret. 42. Befides the Afofile, Chap. y. 7, 19, 20, 21. Enumerating the Works of the Flefli, feems to give fome fort of Defcription of Si- mon Magus, and the reft of his Followers ,• He was as noted for his FilthincJS and Uncleannefi, as for his Witchcraft [or Sorcery] and juggling Arts, and one part of his Do&rine was to teach the licentious Ufe of Women, and he carried about with him an impu- dent Profiitute, call'd Selene, the Companion of all his Abominations, whom he would have reputed for a Divinity or Goddefi. To overtop the very Apofiles themfelves,he gave out that he deliver'd the Law on Mount Sinai to Mofes, in the Perfon of God the Father; That in Tiberius's Reign, he appear'd feemingly in the "Perfon of the Son, and afterward, that he defcended on the Apofiles in fiery Tongues as the Holy Ghosl. Me- nander his Difciple was a noted Magician, Aug. Htifts Mimflhy fliew that he affumd an Authority above that of the Apoftles, whom he pretended to have had theirs from him. The whole Drift and Aim of thefe He- reticks, Seducers, was to divide the Church, and to <;<*7tf, or Gifts of the Holy Spirit, fo eminent in them and the Con- verts of that Age ; to the juggling Tricks ofimpofto- rous Hereticks, in oppofition to their true Miracles, to their Tvacnt, &c. and all to u-ndermine the Faith, and to obftrud the Propagation of the Gojfrel, for the Enlargement of Satan s Kingdom. — Hence the fre- quent Exhortations of the Apoftles to all their Con- verts in their Epiftles, to adhere firmly to the Faith, and to beware of Seducers, falfe Teachers, who were every where as diligent to Pervert, as the .Apoftles to Convert them : Thus Phil. 3. 2. Beware of {avoid, look to~\ Dogs \_Hereticks, falfe Teachers, Prophane, Un- clean, out of the Church, out of the Covenant of Grace, however pretending to an extraordinary Miffim, and calling themfelves the Minifiers ofChrift ; ] Beware of the Confcifion [that is thofe who would oblige you to Circumcifion, which tho' formerly the Sacrament of Faith, and of Inftitution into the Covenant with God, is, as prac7- ifed now by thtm, no more than a meer cutting of the Flejh, „ or Confcifion, as it's a tearing asunder, as Dogs, the h Church of ChriH ; See Qxf. Annot. on the place : Then Colojf. 2. 18. Let no Man beguile you of your Reward by a voluntary Humility, and worfhipping of Angels, intruding [himfelf~\ into [the knowledg of} thofe Things [concerning God and Angels ] which he hath Examined and Difprovd. 14^ hath not feen, [not revealed or taught by GodJ &c. And not holding the Head [Chrift] &c. Head, that is, both of Men and Angels, Chap. 1. 18. There- . fore neither any one Angel, nor the whole Nature of Angels could be our Head. ' By our P 'aft 'or s we are united to the Apojlles • by the Apojlles, to our Lord $ and by him, to the Father, Ephef. 2. 20. The De- ceivers [thefe pretended extraordinary Minifl er s] feem not to have had any Confideration of the Unity of the Church , or of one Head but attributed, one Function to one Angel, another to another] or rather induftrioufly and defignedly to fet up a New Head to their New Church, juftly call'd by St. John, The Synagogue of Satan, Rev. 2. 9. 3.9. In oppojition to the Church of Christ. The Beloved Difciple St. John, calls thefe very Hereticks we fpeak of, Antkhrisl, 1 John 2. 18.' and tells us, They went out from us [i. e. the Com- munion and Unity of the Church of the Apoftles,] but were not of us, [that is, were Unjlable, Hypocrites, not fincere Chrifrians] for if they had been of us [well grounded in the Faith, and fincere in their Heaits and AfFedions ; or if their Hearts had been right in the fight of God, Acls 8. 2. And the Love of the World left prevalent in them than the Love cf God, and the Love of the Brotherhood, thi Chriftian Fraternity] they would, no doubt, have continued with us ,• but they went out that they might be made manifeft {known and publifi'd to all] that they were not of us, [that is, no Chrifiians at all, but egregious Di/femblers, and corrupt Hy- pocrites.] Hence, upon their Flotation of the Churches Unity, all thofe Strifes, Variance, Emulations, Malice, Envyings, Gal. 5". 20, 21. Biting and Devouring, ver* 1 5". Hatred of the Brethren (fo often mentioned by St. John particularly, 1 Joh. Chap. 4. ver. 20.) the everlafting, never failing, individual Marks of Se- ducers, SeBaries, the indelible, infeparable Characler of thofe who lay Claim to extraordinary Vocation to the Minljlry, nothing be more notorious and palpable L than i^6 The Anahaptifls Minijlry than their Rage and Rancour againft thofe of the trui Communion, that they forfake, as the Holy Scriptures themfelves moft amply teftifie, and all the Hijlories of Hereticks, their Books, Preachments, Prayers, Con- ventions, Airs, Gefiures, Looks, &c. to this very Day. Hence they are described by the Apoftle St. Paul, 2 Tim. 3.3. Difobedient to Parents, [I fuppofe he ejpecially means, if their Parents happen to be Members of the true Church] unthankful {ungrateful, afcribing all Kindnejfes done unto them as their Due, and an Honour to them that do it] without natural Affeclion, [cruel, without bowels, unmerciful to all not of their Clan, and Kidney] Truce-breakers [Violaters of their Baptifmat Vow and Covenant, if Baptized in the one Church, to Chrijl their Head, of their Duty to the fpiritual Superiors, of that Love and Charity they ow'd unto their Brethren, their once Fellow -Members , ] falfe Accufers [by their incejfant Railings and Inveftives againft the Mimflers of Chrifi, and the true Members of the One Church " ■« having a Form of Godlinefs [an outward Shew or Pro- feffion, for no other end than to be feen and obfervd of Men, for their carrying on their temporal Defigns, for meer Gain and Advantage otherwife, utterly] denying the Power thereof [when they dare appear above-board, and have the Reins in their own Hands, free from Re- fir aint, as the Hifiories of all Ages of the Church, to this very Hour, more than fujficicntly demonfirate. But then, (9.) once more to fhew the tranfcendent lm- fiety, Villany, as well as Blajphemy, of all thofe who- ever that pretend to this extraordinary Vocation, Mif- fion, or Miniftry, at this time of day, let it be cb- ferv'd, that by all the Inftances we meet with in the Holy Scriptures, it appears, that immediate Teach- ing or Injpiration, goes along with immediate Vocation or Mijfion j there's no immediate Miffion without im- mediate Communication of the Mejjage ; as in the Cafe of all the Prophets of the Old, and ofChrisJ and his Afoftks in the New Tcftammt* This is fo (elf- evident, that Exathin'd and Difprov'd. t^f that it would be to hold a Torch to the Sun, to at- tempt the Explication or lllujtration of it. So that i* fou can prove your immediate Mijfwn, I will make no Scruple but you are likewife immediately taught, nay, and more than that, That whatever you Teach, is of equal Authority with, and ought to be held as Canonical as the Scriptures themfelves, or what the Prophets, Evangelifis or Apoftles wrote. Then I'll, without any more to do, own you as the Apoftles Succeffors indeed, as fome of your Progenitors did, and fome of your Fraternity of late, as Tho t Grantham would infinuate, by a Title to a Book of his, (which I have not f§en) call'd, The Succeffors of the Apoftles $ then I will readily acknowledg, you may fay with the Apoflle St. Paul, That you are Minifters, not of Men, neither by Man, but by Jefxs ChriB, Gal. i* i» and that what you Teach, you neither recent d it of Man, neither were you taught it, but by the [immediate] Revelation of Jefus ChriB, ver. 12. Nay, I'll efteem you as equal with the Apoftles, as to Authority and Infallibility, and look upon you as Oracles and the Organs of the Holy GhoB ; And do the greateft Ho- nour I can to your immediate Vocation and Miffion $ I'll moreover confefs, That all elfe, befides your (elves and Difciples, are without ,' that is, no better than Heathens, and that whoever gathereth not with you, fcattereth * that is, that all out of your Fellow- ship or Communion, are excluded from the common Salvation without Hope, Reprobates $ Withal, I will own likewife, That you are the Salt of the Earth, the Light of the World, That you are Oecumenical Bi~ Jhops, the whole World your Diocefe, and the Conver- fion of the World your Province, that you have the whole and fole Power of the Keys of Heaven $ in a word, all the Glorious Privileges and Prerogatives you can fancy to your felves, provided you can prove your Miffion as infallibly as the Afofilcs did, and give as pofitive and exprefs Evidence for the Truth of L 2 your 1 48 the Anahaptifts Mhiflry your DcBrines as they : For, if you will pretend to the first, you can't evade the latter j they go hand in hand : Immediate Mijfion, and immediate Teaching or Infipiration, and as before averted, the Gift or Power of working Miracles : All thefe were confpicuous at the fame time in the Prophets and the Apoftles, befides Holinefs and Purity of Life and Do&rine, Difinterejfednefi as to the World, and con- tempt of Worldly Grandeur, Riches, and Pleafiures, and Fame ; all thefe Qualifications are infeparable from fuch extraordinary Minifiers, as we have been difcourfing of,- and where any of thefe are wanting, the Mijfion will be rendred very fufpicious or quefti- onable, you'll eafily grant me,- nay, I may fay, an extraordinary Impofture, and ferve only as an infal- lible Token and Demonftration of a meer Cheat, Trick, and Juggle : But over and above, I muft add one more Qualification of an extraordinary Miniftry (fuch as many of you have pretended unto) and that is the Gift of Prophecy, never any extraordinary Mini- fies without this, that we read of in the Old or New Tejlament; and this hath been always look'd upon (0 efTential, that few Sects but have pretended unto it ,- and where it hath failed, hath by all knowing Perfons, been look'd upon as a certain Mark of abo- minable Impofture. I'm fenfible, you would be glad, if you could tell how to get clear of, and avoid the one and the other Pretention ; I'm fenfible nothing but Nccejfity at this time of Day, can drive you to them as your Refuge, (if the Ordinary fails you, you muft run to the Extraordinary > and if the Extraordinary, then to the Ordinary ; and if neither, Obfiinacy muft keep you up, or your Caufe muft drop, or farewel Ordinances, and fo as it hath been your wont, turn Quakers ; ) but as you have been forc'd at fometimes to appeal to the former, fo you have not been alto- gether afimmd, or afraid at other times to venture at rhe latter. And fo now I ftull give the World a Sped- Examirid and Difprov'd. j^q Specimen of fome of your Talents that way, and that in the twofold Notion of the -word Prophecy, as a fa- culty of interpreting or expounding Scripture, or of pre- dicting or foretelling future Events. Firft then, as Prophecy imports the Gift oxFaculty of expounding Scrip- ture, I mall prefent you with a Tafie of your illumina- ted Brother John Canne, in his Voice from the Temple- to the Higher Powers ; Printed in the Year 16^3. f This Tear, faith he, (to wit, the Year 1648) do I affirm with much aflurance, was the Time when the Thrones were fet, and the Antient did fit • as is ex- preffed in Dan. 7. 9, 10. Here began the Lord God Almighty, to call Kings and Kingdoms to an Account, to caft down the Mighty from their Seats, to cut off the Spirit of Princes, and to be terrible unto the Kings of the Earth. And this Work poes forward ftill, and {hall prevail and profper to the utter breaking and deftroying of the Fourth Monarchy or Roman Empire; that is, the Antichriftian State, and Kingdom likewife. I know it will be expected, that I give fome Rea- fons for what is here afferted, efpecially, it being deliver'd with fo much Confidence ; This I mail willingly do, (1.) Howfoever our Chronicles give the Roman Empire fome kind of Intereft and Title to the Britains, till the Year 440, yet it was rather in Name than in Thing : For after the Year 388, the Romans never exercifed that Pow- er here which they did before, only now and then -they fent hither fome Relief againft the Scots and Picls ; and having done (p. 13.) their work, immediately return'd back again, leaving the Britains to themfelves. Thus their Hiftorie§ feem to give fome Light unto Daniel's Vifions con- cerning the Times. Howfoever their Thoughts were not at all carried out on fuch a Thing. (z) Whoever was the laft, certain it is, that Eng- hmdf was the firft of the Ten Horns , and therefore L \ * V* IfO Tlie Anahaptifts Mhifiry here firft were the Thrones fet up, and Judgment given upon the King and Kingdom • 7r«e aW fl*g£- ^c«/ rfre his Judgments, Rev. 19. 2. (2.) The H*g£ Cow* c/ Jvftice, which was Ere&ed in the c Year 1648, before which the laH of our Kings had his Tryal and Sentence, was no other than the Throne of God mention'd in Dan, 7, 9, 10. I dp not confine the Thrones in Daniel, and the fitting of the Antient of Days, unto England ,• For I know the Lord will have his Thrones fpeedily fet up in other Kingdoms, as France, Spaip, Denmark, &c. as he proceeded here, fo he will do there, Judica- tory againft Kings and Kingdoms. But to the Point in hand, what was done by the Parliament; and High Court ofjufiice, in taking away the King, and changing fin part) the Form of Government, was no other than a fulfilling of that Prophecy m Daniel. Not that our States-men thought fo, or fo intended, but pod did put it in their Hearts to fulfil his Will, that it fhoufd be fo. And whereas this thing, not being before heard of, poflibly will be flighted ,• therefore for Prevention, I ftiall let the Reader know my Reafons for it. (1.) It was * given* by the Angel unto Daniel, that the Conti*> ' nuance of the Ten Horns or Kingdoms, after their * Rife and Appearing, Diould be only 1260 Years, until the Thrones "were fet. In the Year 1648, that * Term expired, for againft tho Englijh Horn, the e Antient of Days game, and gave Judgment : So that c it muft neceiTarily follow, in the Year 588, the & Bntains became one of the Horns, &c. (2.) Fron} c accommodating the Years, let us confider the £ Work and Thrones : For the Work, firft, it is true, c in all Ages before this, Kings have been De- f pos'd, Imprifon'4, put to Death, ftfi 14J but k s was rather Man's fitting on the Throne^ than the 4 Antient of Days, for what they did, was only cut- 5 ting of pt\Q Horn or Tyrant, and letting another • t ■• ( up 1 Examind an J Difprovd, 15T ' up ; whereas, Root and Branch were here takea away : And this is the proper Work of Thrones , to change the Times and Seafons, dilTolve Founda- tions, and remove former Pillars ,• I fay, abfo- lutely, and utterly to break in pieces and confume the Ten Horns or Kingdoms, their places muft not be found any more upon Earth, but a New Form of Government is to be conftituted and fet up. (3 .) The Antient of Days hath (tt up his Throne in England, I am farther confirm'd, by the Happy Diffolution of the late Parliament ; Rea'W, I have wonder'd that the Lord mould fuffer iuch Men fo long to prophane his Throne ; Juftice and judgment are the Habit a- Pfal. 89. 14. tion of thy Throne ; Thou fittest in the Pfal. 9> 4« Throne doing right, faith David. I know many are in Darknefi concerning this great Change^ and not able to :u:prehend the true Ground and Caufe thereof, they run, fome into Miftakes, fome into Difcontents, fome into Rage and Fu- ry. For the fatisfying therefore of fuch People, who define to eye God, and his Hand which is lifted up, I mall mew what is the true Caufe that the Parliament was DilTolved. The Antient of Days , having fet up his Throne amongft us (from which He will fpeak to, and plead with the Nations roun4 about,) was pleafed to honour thofe Men formerly in place, as to admit them to fit upon his Throne ,• And, becaufe (like Jehu) they did well in executing that which was Right in the Eyes of the Lord, and did unto the Houfe of CHARLES STUART, All that was in his Heart, the Lord fuffer'd them many years to fit on the Throne of England ; but taking no heed to walk in the Law of the Lord God of Ifrael, but flying upoit the Spoil, and giving Countenance and Encou- ragement to the Sins of 'Jeroboam j God at lafl rejected them, as he did Saul : and for this Caufe^ L 4 I R#ifi4 l^z The Avahaptijls Mtniflry \ Raifed up the General [OLIVER CROMWEL] I c fay, for the Throne's Jake, that they might be no c longer polluted and prophandhy fuch a Generation e of corrupt Men. And had not the General done t what he did, to have the Thrones purged from c that Drofs arid Filth, which cleaved thereto, I c know not how he could have anfwerd God for that f Power and TruB which he hath put into his Hands. c (p. i$.) And here (by the wayj let me fpeak a c word unto fuch as mall fit next upon his Throne • ( I would have Men confider well before-hand what ( they do: It's God's own • Throne • and to fpeak comparatively, It is the only Civil Throne he hath now in the World ,• by it, He will do mighty and terrible Things : And therefore fuch as are not for Chrift, He will lay them afide, one after ano- ther, and fet up fuch as [hall pour out the laft Vi- als quickly upon Monarch, and the Antichriftian Kingdom. One thing more I mall add, in Rev. 1 6. io. it is faid, And the Fifth Angel poured his Vi- al upon the Throne of the Beajl, (the Greek hath it • Throne, not Seat) and his Kingdom was full of Dlark- c nejs. By the Throne, ofr the BeaB, I underirand the Ten Horns, that is, the States and Kingdoms of £ the World, which gave Authority and Power to f the BeaB. By Darknefi, I do not underftand fat c leaft not chiefly) that which is fpiritual, as in re- ' ference to their Errors, SuperftuionSj Idolatries, c &c for fo that Kingdom was full of Parknefs be- c fore ; but it is meant of Amazement and Diftra- ? ction, not knowing what to do, nor feeing any f way how to come out. For Application to the * thing in hand, atter the Death of the late King, € his Throne and Kingdom perilling under the £ Fifth Vial, how were the People then generally at £ their Wit^ end ? In fuch Darknefy, as they fell ' one upon another. So upon the DiiTolving of f this Parliament (which w$$ fo degenerate as it c lopk'd Examined and Difprov'd. 155 look'd more like the Throne of the Beaft, than God's Throne) what a thick Darknef is now gone over Men , as if an Angel had fmicten them with Blindnefs, as were the Sodomites. And this you muft expeft ftill along, that as Thrones, States, Powers are broken to pieces, fo Confufion, Diftra- ttion, and Darknef will ever follow, efpecially a- mong Hypocrites, Timefervers, and the Antichrifii- ans. None of the Wicked pall underhand, but the Wife jhall underfiand, Dan. 10. 12. And therefore for the General, and fuch with him, whom the Lord ufed as feafonable and good Inftruments to Dijfolve the late Parliament, here may they fee a Divine Stamp and Charabler upon their Work, even God's curfing both it and them, namely, by this Darknefs, which is fallen upon the Children of this World. Had the Antichrifiians approv'd it, had thofe (p. 16.) which have enrich'd themfelves (Minifters, and others,) under the late Parlia- ment, appear'd in it, and for it,- had our Judg- es and Lawyers cry'd it up, Law, Law ,• Had the Clergy given Thanks for it : In a word, had the People thorow the whole Nation, fent in their Approbation and Content to it,a Man might very well have queftion'd the Work, whether it were of God or no. But, confidering upon the Break- ing of this Throne, what Darknefs followed in P/ietf, in People; it is moft evident and clear, that it was not God s Throne, but Man's rather ,• and for this end thrown down, that the Antient of Days may have his Throne fet up, and he fit a- gain moft glorioufly amongft us. Canne's Voice from the Tcmfle to the higher Powers, p. 1 7. For the Affinity of this Subject in a great Meafure, I {hall dd here, another of your Rabbies Notion, as to Oliver Cromwel, as well grounded as the preceding, and which (hews his admirable Talent at Prophecy and Interpretation^ I mean John Spitthhcufe, in his Vr'arning- I £4 The Anahaptifls Mini ft ry Warning- flece Difcharg d, or Certain Intelligence commu- nicated the Lord General Cromwel, p. 7. He ' takes upon him to make good, That our prefent Ge- c neral ought to be efteemed the fame to Us, as Mofes to € the Ifraelites, as he was their Deliverer, Judge and ' General. Which he endeavours to do, by a long Parallel for a great many Pages, from 7, to 2j, an- swering (in his way,) divers Objections ; and parti- cularly to that, p. 12. c Haft thou not put thy felf r in PoiTefFion by thy Strong Arm and Long Sword ? * What then is this thou haft thus taken upon thee, c except thou intendeft to make thy felf altogether e a Prince or King over us, Numb. 16. ij. Refp. e Hearken and confider, O ye ftupid and ungrateful c People ! Are not thefe your prefent Thoughts a- c gainft the General ? And if fo, hath he deferved c them at your Hands ? Have you been like- c minded heretofore ? Have your Hearts been * formerly poiferl with fuch Prejudices towards him, e whilft ye were under the Egyptian Pharaoh, whilft c ye were Suffering in the aforefaid Iron Furnace, c or labouring in the aforefaid Brick-kilns, whilft c he was chiefly inftrumental in working all the c Miracles upon Pharaoh, and all his Servants and c Hofts, whilft he turned their Babylonim Sun of c Monarchy into Darknefs, and their Moon of f Church - Government into Blood ; whilft he ' pluck'd their Stars of Honour from their Orbs, and 6 their Planets from their Spheres, whilft he was * the Inftrument of God to ftrike thorow Kings in * the Day of his Wrath ,• whilft he was a Judge a- c mong the Heathen * whilft he fill'd the places ' where he came with dead bodies ,• whilft he * wounded the Heads over many Countries ,• whilft * he trod the young Lion and Dragon under his c Feet, viz,. Charles I. and Prelacy 3 and Charles II, c and Presbytery; whilft he brought you thorow the , aforefaid Red Sea of Blood ; whilft he went tho- l fQV7. Examirid and Difprovd. i 55 * row the many Straits and Hardfhips in England, * Ireland, and Scotland, whilft he was put to make c his feveral Addrefles unto God by Prayer and c Supplication in his many great Straits and Hard- ' mips, p. 13. Then, in his Army 'vindicated ( j>. 7.) where he would have Members of Churches quatenus Members of Churches, to have nothing at all to do in any thing that appertained to Civil Judicature, and that herein they will have much Advantage : f For, firft, un- s der God, they will, by fuch Means, be put inco * the greateft Condition of Safety and Liberty, that c ever the Church enjoy'd under the Gofpel. (2.) ' By fo doing, they will be, as it were, wholly fet ' apart to propagate the Gojpel in all Tlaces, where i their Brethren of the Army either hath, or by c Providence may yet conquer, and fo by Gradati- { on, until the Kingdom, and Dominion, and Great- c nefs of the Kingdom under the whole Heavens, c mall be given to the People of the c Saints of the moft High, whofe King- Van. VII. ' dom is an-everlafting Kingdom, whom all Dominions fhall ferve and obey, The Time being Now prefent that the Ancient of Days is come, and Judg- ment is given to the Saints of the mott High, fo that they jhall take the Kingdoms of the World into their ToJJ'tlfions, and that for ever, even for ever and ever • even fo be it, Lord Jefm, Amen, Amen. And then, by way of Toftfcript to his Warning-Viece difchargd, he adds, moft exultingly, as if all the World was in the Saints TojJ'eJfion, that of Luke 2. 15, 14. And fuddtnly there was with the Angel, a Multitude of the heavenly Hofi praijwg God, and faying, Glory to God in the highest, on Earth Peace, Goodwil towards Men • and of Rev. 19, 1, &c. to verfe nth, and concludes. He that hath Ears to hear, let him hear • I add, he that hath Eyes 3 let him read,wonder , and be a(toni(b'd at the villainous, nonfenfical 3 blajphemous Wrejting and Perverting of the ■- ■ ! ' • '<"? ' Holy 156 The Anahaptifis Miniflry Holy Scriptures, by thefe two abominable, blind, infa- tuated, ignorant Enthufiajts, and ac cur fed Rebels, lying-, falfe Prophets, and moft juftly liable to the Plagues that are written in the Book of Revelations, to which they have moft audacioufly added, as I fhallfhew by and by, Rev. 22* 18, 19. This for a Jafte of theie extraordinary Spark's Gifts of Prophecy, by way of expounding or interpreting of Scripture. Now for Prophecy, as it fignifies properly Prediction of future Events : Prophet Canne, fpeak- ing of the little Horn, he would have two things obferv'd, (1.) e The little Horn is to be confider'd as the Kingdom of the Beafi, and as the Members or Wormippers of the Beak ; by the Kingdom of the Beaft, I underftand him as changing Times and Laws ; by the Members, as making War a- gainft the Saints. (2.) When I fpeak of the little Horn, or Antichrifi, I do not mean the Perfon of the Pope, or any Succeflion that way, but I mean a State or Kingdom. It is true, the Pope is a Member of that Body, but he is not the Body. Again, I do not here intend alone, the Church, Mtniftry, Worfhip, or Government of Rcme $ but I include all falfe Churches, . Minifiries, forms, Ordinances, Inftitutions, brought in by Men, what- soever in the Worlhip of God is befides, or con- trary to the Gofpel of Jelus Chrift : All this, whether in England, Scotland, make up this Anti- chriftian Kingdom, as that in Rcme. Canne'x Voice fi-om the Temple to the higher Powers, p. 19. But 'tis worthy Obfervation here by the Way, that this infallible Prophet condemns all Churches in the World as Antichrlftian, except that of the Anabaptifts, as appears in his Epiltle to Colonel Overton, Gover- nour of Hull ; the whole Paragraph being extraordi- nary, its pity to conceal it, efpecially the Book be- ing now become rare, and (peaking poflibly the § che Lords Spiritual, a Prophet and in- f 1 . T / -1- 1 a j ; • fpired, under flood mt and the Lords Temporal. And hit the Difference be- C left Foot on the Eartb ; that is, on tween Sedes, and c the Kings and Kingdoms of the Mare , his Spirit c ^^ Sq then QDinion is, xois not Acquainted f _.. . r > x ^, .£ with the Language That thefe two Powers Chrift c/tfoBeaft. e will crufh under his Feet toge* c ther, and at one Time. There c was a Truth in that Saying, No Bijhop no King$ * the Event made it true, and well fare a good Token. ' So now, as the Reliques of Monarchy which re- J main- yet with us fhall be remov'd, fo will the Re- mainers Examined and Difprovd. 1^9 mainers of the Antichriftian Kingdom be removed with them, &c. (p. 20.) (2.) Thou art to take notice,— —That as the Thrones were firft fet up in England to arraign Monarchy, and pluck up by the Root that tyrannical Power which flood in oppofition to Jefus Chrift, and to avenge the Blood of his Saints upon it, even fo (asfuitable to it) here with us will begin his great Work ( by the Thrones) againft the Kingdom of Antic hrift, for the total Extirpation thereof. For howfoever I faid before, That the Antichriftian State ( as Church, Miniftry, Worfhip, Government) fhall be deftroy'd before the Year 1660, yet I am of opinion, in refpecl; of England, Scotland, and Ireland, before one half of that Time is expir'd, the fu- pream Authority of this Nation will effectually ft- nifh that Work. What Progefs in this Work they will make, who {hall come next in place, I cannot tell ,• but this I muft tell them, The great Bujinefs which the Lord hath for the Higher Towers of this Commonwealth now to do, is in order to the fulfilling thofe Prophecies, which relate to the pre- fent Time, (p. 21.) (3.) As Chrift will crulh both Towers at once, and thus by the Thrones, fo there will be a [pedal Opening of his Mind unto fome, whereby to know both their Work and Time. As Men formerly have obfervd Trovulence, fo in the latter Age they {hall under ft and Trophecies, and aft in order to them, and to the Ac- complishment of them. Declare ye among the Nations, and publiflj, and fet up a Stand- $er. 1. xx ard, publifh and conceal net, fay, Babylon is taken. The Knowledge of the Time of the End, will be fo clear and certain to SOME Men now SHORTLY IN POWER AND PLACE, as they will publickly declare upon what Account they aft • name- ly, as being CHOSEN AND CALL'D OF GOD, * to execute the Vengeance of the Lord upon Baby- lon 3 160 The Analaptifls Miniftry Ion, [that is all without any diftin&ion, pray mark it, that *are not Anabaptiftical Millenaries.] (p. 22.) c The firft War (I find) made againft MlelfeareHea- < the p , , Qg b h tbens and Antir c r -a.- J • \ -xr I cbriftians, and by cbnfiians, was in the Year 406. tkefc saints, vmims c About that time, we read of a devoted to Slaugb- c People call'd Donatifts, (Hell could terby theft fanBifi- ' mver haqje a ff or ded a m0 re 'wicked ea Cut-throats, and c 1 n 1 £ r * * n {pirhud butchers, f md blood y Generation of Monfters, to parallel thefe Anabapifts with, ' than thefe : I befeech the Reader 3 who has not read St. Auguftin, Optatus, &c. to read over Mr. Long's Hi (lory of the Donatifts, fince this ignorant and faamelefi Fellow is fo willing to derive the Vedegree of his Sect from them) ( who by the Antichriftian Clergy, and others, c were held Schifmaticks, Hereticks, Blafphemers, f &c. and no otherwife proceeded againft, and per- c fecuted, than if they had been indeed molt wick- ' ed People, &c. (p. 23 J -Againft thefe good c Men (in whom began the Witnefles that mould ' Prophefie a Thoufand two Hundred and Three- fcore Days, cioathed in Sackcloath) Rev. 11. 3. [now we have dlfccverd who the Two Witneffes are, The Anabapifts forfooth, Oh rare Jack of Ley den 3 and Knipper doling, and the reft oi that blcfj'ed Crtte of the Apoflles Succeffors ! J ' warred the little Horn (in his WorfhippersJ by Ga- * nons, Councils, Imperial Edicts, &c. totheihed- ' ding of much innocent and precious Blood : And ( this was (as I faid beiore) in the Year 406 ; to c which 1260 Years being added, it comes to the c Year 1666, and to the Number of the tgc3^ c Beaft 666. So then, in brief, my Opi- c nion is this, As the Antichriftian State r mall be deftroyed before, or by the Year 1660, ' and all That fulfilled which is fet down, Rev. 18. c So, not beyond the Year 1666, (hall the And- ' chriftians themielves, and Wormippers of the ' Beaft, Examined and bifprovd. i6i * Beaft, efcape the Vengeance of the Lord y (p. 24.) ana * of his Temple : But either by Repentance from c dead Works [and being Rebaptized by thefe Anabaptifti- e cal Saints'] come in, and put themfelves under c the Glorious Scepter of Jefus Chrift [put into the Hands of Oliver Cromwel, or fome fuch a Saint] c or ' caft into the Wine-prefs of the Wrath of God,and c fo that fulfilled, Rev. 19. And here the Lord * will put an end to all the Troubles of the Gentile * Churches, not to go beyond, or farther than the c Year 1666. After that time, they mall be call'd s to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and fmg Alle- * lujahy Salvation, and Glory, and Honour, and f Power unto the Lord God ,♦ Allelujah, for the c Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. (p. 25.) c Again, as to the Je™*, our Prophet hath this ( memorable PaiTage, he tells us This total De- € folation of the Temple, under the Reign of Julian ' fin which the Jewifli Sacrifices were wholly ta- * ken away) fell out in the Year 365" • to which ' 1290, being added, do make up 165- 5-, the time c defigned for the Rifing and Beginning of the Jews f after their long Difperfiom (p. 26.) — I do c not underftand — any general Converfion of the f Jews at this time, unto the Faith but only a c Rifing amongft them upon a civil Account, to c Recover their own Country, (p. 27 J — . * About this time (namely the Year 16 5- 5-, if not r before, my Opinion is (and grounded, I conceive, r on the Holy Word) that the Turk, with great r Forces, will come into Italy* at the time of the : end, (hall the King of the South pufh at him, Dan. 11. 40- that is come out againft the Pope, yet fo r as he mall efFe# little or nothing^ but fuddenly ■ depart ; For Tidings out of the TLasf, and out of the North, fljall trouble him ; that is, News mall be brought unto him. ok an Infune&ion of the jews through all the parts of his Empire, making head, * M ' form- i6z The Anafaptifts Miniflry forming themfelves into a Body, and entring into the Land ofjudea : The fir ft fhall fay to Sion, Behold. behold them, and I will give to Jerufalem One that bringeth good Tidings. (Iia. 41. 27.) It feems to hold forth the Melfengers of the Jews, which fhall pafs from place to place, with Tidings of their Defigns, and fo bring others in for the fooner and better effecling of it. (p. 27.) Then he adds ' ' Here by the way take notice, That the Turk having brought his Forces out of Afia and Africa into Italy, again ft the Chrifiians, or rather Antichrifiians : This I take to be the Drying up the River Eu- Rev. if. ii. c phrates, and ! the Waters thereof, that & 51*19 11. C f ^e w a y °f the Kings of the EaB might e be prepared. The meaning feems to c be thus, The Power and Strength of the Turks be- c ing in Chriftendom, the Jews (improving the { Advantage and Opportunity of the time) will { rife and repair to their own Land, and by a ftrong c Hand, re-enter and take the Poi- ( * ) uence it is e feflion of it. (*) And this fhall faid, Tbeyfluii take they do, only upon a civil Ac- P '\fjr\ D ^' count, taking Example from other 7.18. and after the XT . 3 e _° n . r rr 1 v 1 kingdom Jhali be Nations, To ihake ott the- Yoke given tbem t vtT. 27. c of Tyrants, and to be a free Peo- c pie. (2.) The Jews being en- tred into their own Country : The Turk fliallgo forth with great Fury to defiroy, and utterly to make a- way many. And here begins the time of Trouble, fuch as never was fince there was a Nation, even to that fame time. Moft cruel and bloody V/ars between the c Jews and Turks. This Conflia fhall * Dan. 1 1.4, k e (f or t h e mo £ p 3rt ) j n J u J ea . * ^ n 4 Dan hi 4/. be fhall plant the Tabernacles of his Talace between the Seat in the Glorious Holy Moun- tains ; that is, the Borders, or Continent, betwixt Euphrates and th&Mediterranean. Of this War and place • fp cak- Examined and Difprotfd. 163 fpeaketh * Ezekicl : In the latter Days thou ftia.lt come into the Land, &c So \ Zecha- riah, I will gather all Nations a- %^xxxviii. gainft Jerufahm, and the City f]iall J ■g^g* be taken, &c Moreover, as this War is exprefs'd in Holy Scripcure, and the Place, fo the Continuance of it, how long ic mall be $ BlefTed is he that waitech, and cometh to the thoufand three Dan. xii. xii, hundred and five and thirty Days. This latter Number is more than the former, by forty five Years; and fo long ft all this War con- tinue between the Jews and chs Turks , namely, from the Year 16 5- 5-, Page xxviii. to 1700, &c. (3.) Thefe Years being expir'd, about the Year 1700, Michael, the great Prince, will ftand up for his People, Dan* 12, 7. Rev. 1.7. Pfal. 102. 13. Joel 3. 2. The Turk now totally and Page xxix. finally (hall be deftroy'd, &c. , But to return to the Year 165:5- : It is the Opinion of many, ( and I am of the fame Mind ) that fix thoufand Years from the Creati- on do meet with the Ending of this Year 165-5-, which is near at hand, and great Revolutions are look'd for at that Time (1.) The Turk, his coming againft Italy with fuch Multitudes, will fill all Europe with Terror and Amazement, &c. (2.) In this Year will the Lord moft eminently appear, {baking the Earth, and over- throwing the Thrones of Kingdoms Q- Hagg. ii. xxii. very where in Europe: By this time Page xxix. I verily think ) the Thrones will be fet 3 and the Antient of Days fitting thereon, S I0 « [NevertheleJZ, they all profeffed the fame good old Caufe • this was their confiant Nate, the Pure, the Jincere Protefiant Religion : All pretended to oppofe Ba- bylon, all to fet up the Kingdom of Christ Jefus, tho in different ways ,* and all pretended a Divine Commiffion for it, and to juftifie all their Practices by the Scriptures, and by the Spirit, and that they were Order d and Ap- pointed by God to do all they did.~\ But fee the Doom of this infatuated People, c They had finn'd themfelves c fo far out of God's Favour, that the Prophet is in- c hibited fo much as to Pray [or interceed] for c them i Therefore pray not thou ror this People, neither lift up a Cry nor Prayer for them, neither make Interces- sion to me, for I will net hear thee, Jer.j.if. Cg.) A Third Symptom of Spiritual Infatuation the Doclor obferves, is, ( When the Mind of Man is Tin- * counfcllable, when a Man is wilfully and incorrigi- 6 bly refolv'd to walk contrary unto God, not only £ when a Man is not Reform'd, but when he hates 'to be Reform'd. It is faid of Ahab, lev ig, 2, 3 c Tfa af h e f ld himfdfto work wickedncf? ip ii.'zo.' ° tn ' the fight of the Lord: That is, his ' Heart was fo fet upon it, that he * takes Elijah for his Enemy, for no other Reafon, I but becqufc he would reprove him. 3 « and hates ' MUaiah^ Examirid And Difprovd. 169 c Micaiahy for no other Reafon, but becaufe he * knew he would fpeak truth ; As is the Sin, c fo is the Punifliment ,• The Sin wilful, and the ' Punifhment inevitable : See Trov.1.24. Luke 19. 41. 1 Sam. 2. 25". 2 Chron. 25. r6, &c. (4.) c This in- c curable Evil of Incorrigiblenefs is ever attended c with another Evil as defperate and pernicious to c # the Soul ,* and that is Senfelefnefi and Security y c efpecially in the time of the greateft Danger,* See Ecclef. 9, 3, & 12. Luke 21. 34, 35-. Matth. 24. 37, ;8, 39, 48. &e. Job 12. 9. I need not trouble you with the Application of thefe Symptoms, the very naming of them alone will dired you to do it. I might add divers other Symptoms of Spiritual Infatu- ation peculiar to thofe Times, an inceilant Itching after Novelties in Workup and Opinions, running from Seel to Seel, and at length, dropping into Scepticifm, or Atheifm, or that which is equivalent, and not one jot better ^uakerifm, that Common-fJiore of all the monfirous and moft infamous Herefies that ever fprang up in the World, the very ghiintejjence and Mafier- piece of Satanical Hatred to Souls, and Delufion. This running from Sett to Seel, was the Epidemical Difeafe of thofe Times, when Satan was broke loofe, and the bottomlcfi Tit uncover d $ to which may be added, fpiritual Pride, and Conceitedneft, an Af- feclation of extraordinary Sanclity, and a ftrong Opi- nion of Holinefs in Conjunction with the worft of Immoralities, and the moft odious and obvious, even 'Beafiiality and Uncleannefi : Every Villain that ran With the Times, was a Saint, Godly • and they call'd all Saints of their own Party or Faction • their Ar- mies of Cut-throats and Plunderers, Saints,* Enthufi- afiical Preaching and Praying Saints ,* their Books of all forts, from the Hi^h Presbyterian, to the moft groveling and contemptible Seel, are full of thefe Com- ptllations, even to Naufeoufnef, and a full Difcovery pf their noted Hyfccrifie, and Eftrangednef from all • : ' • * that 17® The Anahaptifts Miniftry that is really and fnbftantially good, as a Stigma or Brand of Infamy upon their refpetiive Seels. The Hu- mility, and real Piety ot the molt Holy Ages of the Church, made them very faring of thefe Titles ,• and for fuch Men as I have been defcribing to afTume to themfelves fo familiarly fuch glorious Compilations, Men guilty of the moft enormous Sins, of Rebellion, Sacrilege, Murther, Perjury, Robbing and Plundering, Unmercifulnefs , Implacablenefi, Revenge, Pride and Am- bition, and Covetoufnefi, Schifm, Hcrefie, Blajphemy, and yet to call themfelves Saints, difcovers infallibly how prevalent Satan was, and is with fuch Men, and what Sprit they are atled by, the utmoH of his Tranf- figurations, the firongeft of his Delufions, whofe Slaves they are marked for, and whither (without extraor- dinary Mercy) they are agoing. (4.) I mall mew you from the Non-accomplifiment of this Canns Predictions, that by his own Confef- fion, he was as great an Impofior, and a&ed by the Spirit of Error and Faljhood, as much as Jack ot Ley- den, or Knipperdoling : c I could, fays he, fliew in fe- * veral Particulars, how contrary the Carriages and c Practices of the Munfier Impoficrs ( firfi and la(t) were c to what is either faid or done by the fi-om'^heTein ' G ° dlj °f **" A F> Wh ° "" °f Wy . °^ mi " pj e " - ( on. It's worth the obferving how e fubtilly Satan hath carried on his Dejign * to keep Men in Ignorance, Superfiition and Bondage, c and to hinder them from embracing the things belonging c to their Peace, &c. Thus he raifed up faiie Chrifts, e and why ? That the True might not be received ' when he came. So for the Munfier bufinefi. The c Devil knew in the latter Days, TYRANTS and c OPPRESSORS would be thrown down, the Antichri- c fiian Kingdom defiroyed , good Men and good * Things advanced. AW mark the Craft of this wick- c ed One : When the Appointed time jhould come, in f which thefe things were to be fulfilled, to the end that ( Men Examirid and Difprovd. 171 ' Meft might not then believe, he (lined up beforehand, a Company of Seducers to beguile the ignorant and fimple People, meerly {I fay) upon the account, that when the time fiould come that Tyranny and Opprc.Jfion flwuld be c fupprefl, Babylon caft down, Righteoujneft exalted, that this Work might not find Acceptation among the People $ he then {as I faid) poifoned before-hand the Minds of the People, by fuggefiing Munfier, and the Effects of that Bufinefi : So then in fiwrt, the Sum is this • The Devil in caufing that Work in Munfier, in- tended that it fuould be a Snare to the People of this c Age. Now to turn the Tables upon this bloody Munfterian Canne • Is it not plain by p. 6. his own Confeffion, fince he was fo con- fident of thefe Events, as afore-recited, (and par- ticularly in his Epifile Dedicatory to Oliver Cromwel, wherein he exhorts him to fearch the Prophecies of the latter Times, to find out what was his Work, and as then proper for him, and tells him., That he purpofely tublifiid this Book to anfwer the great ^ueflion. What is next ? That is after the Diffolutium of the Varlid- ment 165" 3. f That His Excellenry, and others, might fee what his Opinion is, and how grounded upon the Word, concerning the Lord's Work, and working at that time, and wherein He , i. e. Oliver, and others, are to move and follow the Lamb. And then a little after, tells Oliver, f Methinks I iliould findyou in ( that Voice from Heaven, laying, Come cut of her c my People • and to be one of the Angels pouring the f Fifth Vial.' And a little after ,• i This Voice from c Heaven, and the Fifth Angel is already come. — * And if the Lord fhall be pleafed to perfect by you., * the good Work which he hath made you initru- c mental in -, that is, to be his and our General fill, * for the executing of the lasl Vtpgeance upon the e Two perfecting Powers of the World, viz,. KING- c ZTand Antichnfiian, it will be fuch an Honour as ( few of the Sons of Men ever had.) I fay, is it not ' mani- I yz The Anahaptijls Minlflry manifeft that thofe Munfierian Prophets and Came] were actuated by the fame Spirit ; that is, as him- felf fays, the Devil, and for the very fame ends, by his own Confeflion, to be a Snare to the People of that Age or Time. Did not Canne, by his Epiftle Dedicatory to Oliver Cromwel, and the Parliament, in -his Firfi and Second Voice from the Temple, inftigate them, and encourage them towards the fetting up a Fifth Monarchy, or the Kingdom of Jefus Chrifl, to the Expulfion of all the fettled Miniftry then in being, fitch at it was, tho' God knows, little better than theirs, if any thing at all, by their Degeneracy, Re- bellion, and molt horrid Perjury, the taking away of Tythes, and all fettled Maintenance ', pay, to throw them down,tha.t they might he never at attend to revenge the Blood of all the Saints, Reward her even as jlte hath rewarded you, and deal unto her double, according to her Works • in the Cup which Jhe hath filled, fill her dou- ble : As if, faith this fcarlet Saint, whereas this bloody Kingdom, moft fal(ly judged you in the Saints which were before [that is, St. Muvcer, St. Jack of Leyden, St, Knipper doling, &c.~\ to be Hereticks , Blafphemers , Schifmaticks [and fo they were, and fo was Canne, as now we fee] ' and perfecuted you by Imprifon- c ment, Contifcation of Goods, yea, Death it felf^ c and would not fufferyou to walk in the Faith and c Order of the Gofpel, Reward her, even as fiie n> * warded you ; that is, as God hath put the Power f of Nations into your Hand, and the Day of Judg- ? ment of Babylon being now come. Wherefoever c the Lord carries you forth, execute the Vengeance of c the Lord, and of his femple upon the Antichri- e ftian Kingdom. Here J (peak (I ill of Things, and not of Perfons : First Voice from the Temple, p. 38. O good, moderate,tender-hearted, merciful Prophet Cann ! But fuppofe the Spirit fhould bid them cut 'Throats, and daflt out the Childrens Brains againft the Stones ? Should not they do it ? How would your Prophecy Examind an J Difprovd. 173 Prophecy [be fulfill'd without ? How fliould thefe Scriptures you inculcate be fulfilled, Rev. 11. if, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. ^r. yi. 10, 35. j^er. yo. 4 y. that you let down at large as Memento's in the laft Pages of your fecond Voice ? How mall a literal Pa- rallel Vengeancej?e executed and retaliated without it be Perfonal, and affe£ their Lives and Livelihoods. This Tendernef of the meek Mr. Canne, is much beneath the Fortitude and Resolution of a Prophet, efpecially in the Delivery of his Mejfage • and truly, for this very Reafon, confidering the neceffary Qua- lifications of a Prophet, I am forc'd to difown and re- jecl him, as a /*//£ Prophet , not executing his A&p /*ge faithfully and couragioujly. But in the next Lines he makes fome amends, I find the Man pre- fently come to himfelf again ; it was only a little Recoyling of the Old Man, the Flejl), a Pajjion foon off foon on,* therefore he tell us as very gravely, That the Glory of God, in fulfilling his Word, is to be preferr'd before all worldly Profperity -, that a Heathen could fay, Let Juftice be done, and the World perifh ,♦ fhall Saints then hold back their Hands from executing the righteous Judg- ment of the Lord, only thro 1 a bafe Fear of worldly Inconveniencies. And whereas this ly- ng Prophet had the Confidence to fay, by way of Apology for the Anabaptifts and himfelf, 165-3, 'Let ' Sleidan, or any other who hath written the Hijlory of Munfier, be perus'd by any impartial Reader, and he mail not have any ground to frame a Pa- rallel, neither in reference to Matter, Manner, or Men. FirH Voice from the Temple, page y. Doth it not appear, as to the Matter, that Canne and thofe falfe Prophets, Matthias, John of Leyden, and Knip- perdoling, agreed in the Matter ,♦ the Matter was the fetting up a Fifth Monarchy, letting op King Jefus on his Throne. i Thus John of Leyden was led by his * Prophetical Spirit upon the City Walls, where he ( put 174 The Jnahaptijis Miniftry ( put off his Cloatrvj, and ran naked through the * (City, crying, The King of Zion is come, the King ( or' 'Zion is come. Short Hiftory of the Anab. p. 23. pubiifh'd Ann. 1642. And John Tufcorefer, a Gold- iinith, as much a Prophet as Canne, and upon as good Grouuds, having call'd the Qongregation to- gether, declard, t That it was the Will of the Hea- * venly Father, that John of Ley den (hould be King c of the Univei ie, and that with mighty Armies he c mould kill ah Kings and Princes, and deftroy all the c Ungodly, and lave the People that love Righteouf- c nefs, and that he muft poffefs trie Kingdom of his c Father David, till the Time come that he muft * deliver the Kingdom to his Father, and that all c the Ungodly being kill'd, the Godly fhall reign in J the World. ~» And again, Thus faith the * Lord, as I fet Saul to be King in Ifrael, and after e him David taken from the Sheepfold, fo have I c fee y^ a Bec ^ my Prophet to be King in Ziow, Phole Tribe or Millenaries, or ^hiinto- Monarchians, who are for fetting up the fuppos'd vifible Kingdom of Chrisl J 'efus, there is no fuch Sin, never was, nor never will be. So then here's a plain Agreement in Matter, the fetting up a Fifth Anabaptifical Monarchy, a vijible temporal Kingdom of J efus Chrifi upon the Earth. As to the Manner, here's no Disagreement neither ; by Force of Arms, by dtfiroying all the £wjg* and Princes or the World, by cutting off the Ungodly; that is, WZ, without any Exception, that do not become Anabaptifis, and conform to their Princi- ples. Then as for the Men, if he means they were ALch^nicks, or illiterate, that will make no great KLiccer at this time a day amongft the moft refined ones. They call'd chemfelves fr of bets, and as it ap- pears Examine! and Difprovd, 175- pears had as good a Pretenfion to Prophecy as Canne himfelf, and here's no Difference neither ; if he meant they were lewd, and the like, why they had Revelation for it, and as good Authority as Canne had for any thing he contends for in his two Voices, when therefore John of Leyden, after he had fall'n into a Prophetical Sleep, and dreamt three Days and Nights together, awak'd, made figns, and call'd for a Table-Book like Zechariah, and wrote down, That a Man is not ty'd or confin'd to one Wife, but that he may marry as many as he pleafethj and accordingly put in practice his new Doctrine, and marry'd till he had 1 ? Wives , page 23.24, and the reft of his Followers imirated s ^ a *&- his Example , and without any Senfe ■nlLni^s. of Modefty,till there was not a Woman in the City of Munfier, of fourteen Years of Age, that efcap'd being vitiated. Why ? They all had as good Grounds for their abominable Uncleannefi as Canne for his Predictions, Murders, Sacrilege, Robbing, and Plundering. Doth Scripture any where make Fornication or Adultery a greater Sin than Murdering ot Kings, or Sacrilege than Ufurping the Ministry, de- molijhing Places of Divine Worfhip, and taking away Tithes dedicated in the mod" folemn Manner unto God, ( as Teftimonies of their Love, Gratitude, and Honour, they ow'd unto him ) for the comfortable and ne- ceflary Support and Subfiftence of his Minifters, than blafpheming of God and his Chrift, wrefting and perverting the holy Scriptures ? Are Fornica- tion, Adultery, and Intemperance, the only damn- ing Sins ? Is not Apofiacy, or Schifm, or Herejie, or Rebellion, adding or taking away from the Words of the Book of this Prophecy [of the Revelation, ] which Canne is fo notorioufly guilty of, ( as hath been prov'd ) and making Lies, [deviling, forging falfe Prophecies, and aicribing them to the Spirit of God, Doctrines of Devils, making Chrift the Lamb, his iy6 The Anabaptijls Minifiry *or his Inoffenfivenefs and Purity, the Authdr of Murders, AJfaffinations, Rebellions, Treafons, and all the OppreJJions, Robberies, Injujiice, and Barbarities of the World, ( according to the damnable bloody Do- Urines of thefe Anabaptiftical Millenaries, that are al- moft a Scandal to the Devil himfelf ) Up Sins than Fornication or Uncleannef; let fuch Antichrifts, even worfe than they themfelves decypher the Pope to be,with all*their Rancour and infernal Malice, prove this if they can, or blufl) if they can ? Nay, as dreadful and deadly Sins as fuch Filthinefi and Impurity are, yet no Man of common Senfe dare aver them to be greater than what this Impudent Anahaptifi-Cir- cumcellian-Donatifi encourages Oliver and his Fellow Rebels unto. If what he contends for be agreeable to the Spirit of Christianity, what can be contrary ? If what he writes for be lawful, none but a ftark- born Fool will boggle at what he would [feemingly J condemn. It what he applauds be innocent, and a Duty, the other is a Virtue and commendable, and by fuch ?i>/7^ Dogmatizers as he, ought to be accounted an Expreffion of common Charity and Civility. Alas! what he feems to condemn and defie the World to />*- rallel, from the Practices of himfelf and his Party, in 1 6 £3, is but a j^-tf, comparatively to what him- felf and his Followers allow'd, even then, and fince, and its more than probable to fuppofe, the only Reafon why he dared call them Impofiors, and to re- fled fo hardly upon the Munfterians, was only be- caufe they were unfuccefsful, and could not main- tain their Ground : And becaufe the very Name of Anabaptifis was grown fo jultly odious, for all their former diabolical Pranks, their Cruelty, Filtqinef, Blajhhemy, Tyranny, and Arbitrarincf, fo well known and detejted by all fober and feriom Christians, it was but neceflary that the fame Spirit which a&ed and infpired Jack of Ley den and Caxne, mould put him upon thefe Reflections upon the former, only to call Examined and Difprovd. jjj caft a Mift before the Eyes of the heedlefs and igno- rant, becaufe their Circumftances were not fuch as bid fair for an Attempt, their Parties not ready form'd and powerful enough, nor their Projects ripe for Execution. And truly we ought not to look upon fome of this Party's difavoiving the Quinto- Monarchian Principles, and the plaulible Profeffi- on the Modern Anabaptifis make in reference to Magiftracy, Chap. 24, of their ConfeJJim, 1689, and in fome Apologies they have publim'd to that pur- pofe, any otherwife than to lull a carelefs World in Security, and to impofe upon the eafie and well- meaning People, till they have a fit Opportunity to unmask : This hath been the old Artifice of Here- ticks and Schifmatkh upon Oceafion, and when at a Dead -Lift , witnefs the Arrians, and their Forefathers, thofe admird Primitive Dona- ift.ftrftf tifis, Canned Affiles ; vvhofe Sticcejfors, as f*g« 13. to "Principles and Villany, I'll readily al- low fuch as himfelf to be; For if they can fwal- low fuch unfcriptural Doctrines and Practices as they do, in reference to the One Church of Chrift, the One Evangelical Priefthood or Miniftry, and pofirively deny the Lawfulnefi of Admitting Infants into the Covenant ofGrace by Baptifm, &c. I'll make no fcru- pie but the fameConfciences can eafily digeft,when time mail ferve, the very Dreggs of all other Anabcp- tifiical Q pinions. They feem indeed to refine a little upon their Progenitors Opinions, and to difown fome ot their grojly fcandalom unchrifkian PraiJices j but this is only owing to the Serpent, that Craft y and Cun- ning, and Juggling, for which ail Seilaries have been ever notorious * for he that can cut Throats without the leaft Remorfe, will make no Confcience of breaking a Head • he that can violate all the Laws of God. and Man, to make way for his infatiable Cove- toufnef and Ambition, with Mahomet, will venture a little farther to gratifie his Lufis too, efpecially there N being 178 The Analaptifts Miniflry being no outward Force or Authority to controul him ; the fame Spirit that prompts to the one, ( by ali the former Experiences the World hath had of this Se A ) never fail'd to incite to the other. None but yery ignorant, or very indifferent, regardleS People, will ever ( 'tis to be hop'd ) be impos'd upon by you ; none but thofe Men of Latitude that care not what becomes of our common Chrifiianity, or have no Zeal for the Truth or Glory of God, or value not what fide they be of, provided Compliance may pro- cure their Eafe and Safety, can ever entertain any other Opinion of this prefent Generation of that SecTt, but that they are the fame in Affeblion, Interest; and Principle, with their Predeceffors. It's Credulity, and the greateft Nonfenfe, to fancy them otherwife, but only in Policy, and by Nece/Jity, or to think a few Tears could ever produce fuch a Change of Principles jn them. Let any one perufe their Writings beiore the Reftauration of King Charles II. their malicious Reflexions and Invectives againft Monarchical Govern- ment in general, the Church ot England as eftablifh'd by Law, as in Cannes Voices, Persecution for Religion judg'd, &c. and by them Reprinted in 1662, their Narrative of the lars Parliament, publifh'd in the Year 16^7, and particularly their fecond Narrative publiih'd 1658, Printed in the fifth Tear of England'* Slavery under its new Monarchy, (their own Words) and you'll find their Principles are the fame, and he's mad that believes them not to be fo ftill. It's their greateft Inter e Ft and Policy to feem to difown what they know is Odious, and that all fober Peopli are the moft averfe to and abhor ,• it's highly expedi- ent to ufe Transfiguration fometimes to deceive the World, and 'tis not to be doubted, but, like the Quakers ( their commonly laft Refuge ) they have two Sets of Opinions, one tor the Publick Ferufal, and another for their own Party j one to throw into the World, to dicoy and amufe with, and to allay publick Jealoujits Examined and Difprov'd. \y^ Jealoufes and Surmifes, the other to communicate to their Faft- Friends and Confidents. No ! thefe Arcana , thefe Grand Secrets, are in fome meafure referv'd till their proper Seafon, the World cannot bear them as yet; when once the Kingdom comes to be fhaken, unfettled, the Government unhinging, give them but an Opportunity for Anarchy, Confufion s &c. and then they'll pull off their Vigors, and appear bare-facdt Whatever fome particular Writers may fay amongft them, as to the common Notion of the Millenium, as Mr. Tombes, who particularly condemns it as damna- ble and Antichriftian, yet it's certain divers of them entertain'd a better Opinion of it, even in the grofs Notion of it already mention'd in Olivers Time and after wards, that is, in the common Anabaptifiical Senfe* of it, as at Munfter, and other Parts beyond the Seas* And as the Jhort Hifiory of the Anabaptifis informs us, page 5-2. c The Grounds of the many forcible Attempts f they made by Arms, was a Dream they had of a c temporal Kingdom of Chrift, with whom all the c Godly mould reign on Earth, without any Infir- c mity of Body or Soul, all Gods Enemies being * deftroy'd firft ; for all Anabaptifts were and are * ftill Chiliafis, expounding literally that Kingdom f of a thoufand Years of Rev. 20. 6. to be a tempo- c ral Kingdom. As to the Apologies Mr. Tombes mentions, which were publiflid after the Milknarian Attempt, made in January 1660, the World is o- blig'd to look upon them only as acquitting fome Particulars; there's no doubt, but according toCanne's Prophecies, there were prodigious Expectations a- mongft 'em. We are fenfible what deep Impreflions thefe pretended Prophecies are Wont to leave upon vulgar Underfiandings , fuch as moft of your Peoples are • efpecially after they had been fo often inculcated to them from the Pulpits and the Prefi, as Canne tells us in his Epiflle to Colonel Overton, and other Chriftian Friends in and about Hull, FirB Voice from the Tern- N 2 pk- 180 The Anahaptifls Miniftry pl e _ f it hath been the defire offome of yen that I would publifh to the World my Notes upon Daniel, [after he had}— preachc them ' and then a little after , Sirs I cannot without much Thankfulnefs to God, and Comfort to my felf, but remember you, especially your moft earneft and conftant Seeking of God, to have the Book opened, and the Seals loofed , that you might fee your Work, [ what Work but the Setting ChriB upon his Throne ? ] and to know how to acl -for ChriB in your Generation. I make no Que- ftion of this, that your Zeal may provoke others, and ftir them up to ask Wifdom of God, and for Zions Sake not to hold their peace, and for Jeru- falem\ Sake not to give him ReB, till he eftablijh and make Jerufalem a Praife in the Earth. For my part, I can fpeak it, to God's Glory, and I have found all along in the Opening the Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelations to you, the Anfwer of your Prayers, and the Fruit of your Faith, abundantly upon my Sonl.-. Sirs, it is your Prayers that I ftill defire with me, and for me, I know no 6 People under Heaeen that have more Encouragement to go boldly to the Throne of Grace, considering what ' real and full * Anfwers * This canfe of Christ was ' you have had of for- mxgnified by Go4, in anfaer- c merly feeking the Lord, in£ the Dunbzv appeal againH _.__From thefe Paffages the Y^ing of Scots. The Enehfh r c u Army appealing to God, accord- We ma Y fee many _ of the trig to the AH tf Parliament Anabaptifis were in full 1648, declaring it High Trea- Hopes oftakin? poflefli- fon to fet i0 Charles Stuart, or on Q f all the Worl( | znc \ any ether Perfon, chief Maei- 1 c ai • 1 ftratei* England or Ireland, ma y be Efficiently Con- or any of the Dominions thereun- to belonging. And as our Appeal was for No King but Jefus, (by which were the greatest Victories obtained that we had) the Scots Appeal, on the other Side, was for a t\ing, or perfonal Interest of Man, Sec. God's Anjwer was fo full and wonderful on the No Yinc'd Examzrid and Difprov'd. 181 King's Side but Jefus, and according to the Act tf Parliament, ( up- on which the Army marched againUthe King of Scots) that all Scot- land was given in in fete Momhs,and their Armies dejlroyed ; and to ufe the very Words of the Act of Parliament, Die Martis 17. Sep- tembris, 1650. "This Anfwer was enriched with fo many remark- able Circumftantes, as is to be admird by fucceeding Generations, evidencing fiuh a Divine Prefence as the Commonwealth can never be thankful enough for ; and that it was given in at a Seal or Con- firmation /rc»z Heaven, of the Juftneis of this Caule, after folemn Appeals made on both fides to God Himjelf, the Righteous Judge, inthis War between England and Scotland; and that God did jo decide the Controverfie Himfelf, wm of fitch Value and high Confe- quence,8cc. Declaration of feveral Churches, &?g. concerning the I&ngly Inter eft of Cbiitt. 1654. p. 10. vinc'd of the Wickednefs of their Defigns, by the Fruftration of their impudent and hypocritical Pray- ers, and Seekings, and lying Prophecies, that God in Mercy to Mankind will not always hear fuch Sinners, fuch blood-thirfiy and audacious Profligates. Mr. Tombes does by no Means deny that this Sett was tinctur'd with this Munfierian Doclrine, tho' he mews himfelf willing and ready enough to apologize for them, by faying, c That fome Years before thofe Princi- c pies, by which [ thofe Zealots in 1660] a&ed, c were to his Knowlege oppos'd in fome of the c Congregations to which fome of the Affertors had f joyn'd themfelves, and they thence folemnly e- c je<5ted, &c. And why ? Because as we find in the afore-cited Declaration of the Millenarians, and lome of them Anabaptifts, as appears by the Subfcrip- tion, ( if I be not miftaken ) becaufe all of thtfe Principles were now in Disfavour with Oliver, and c that the lasi Parliament was diffolv'd for that they c ivould rule as Saints, (or Part of the Fifth Monarchy c for Chrift ) and for doing that the former Parlia- c ment neglected, Declarat. p. 4. So that it was Policy, to put a Stop to the Progrefs of fuch Princi- ples, which made them obnoxious to the Jealoufie of fuch a watchful and revengeful Eye. He knew them too well, and trufted them fo long as. it was N 3 kfe s 1 8 1, The Anabaptifts Miniflry *afe, and till they had ferv'd his Defigns ,• but as "Toon as he had got the Supream Voiver into his own Hands, he Difcarded them immediately, Turgd his own Regiment in particular. At firft, indeed, after he came to be Generaliffimo over all the Forces of the Three Nations, he planted in the Army, Anahaptijls, to poiz, with the Independents and Presbyterians, who were the Friends of the Parliament. Second Nar- rative, p. 51. But finding them oppofing and ob- ftructing his main Defign, and upon the very Point of engaging agginft him [I fuppofe, by See the Se> f ett j n a up the Fifth Monarchy'] * he turns Pare 8. them out s or all Commiihons in the Ar- my and State, Imprifons divers of the moft eminent of them, as may be feen in their De- claration, p. 13. So contrary is it even to Nature itfelf, for one Rebel or Knave to confide in another, but at a pinch. So, as I laid, this was but Policy, and an Effe£ of worldly carnal Wifdcm, for the Ana- hapifts to purge fome of the fort, efpecially the furi- ous and unmanageable, and perhaps, moft fufpe&ed ones out of their Congregations. A fmall Provocation would have made Oliver cut all their Throats, or fold 'em for Slaves • he knew them mtm & in cute, and All their Projech as well as they did themfelves; he was one of them, as high a King-J 'efus-man , as the mod: thorow-pac'd amongft them j he was as much a Seeker of God, as Canne, or Feak, or any of them all ; as Pious, as Devout, and as much a Saint, and held numberlefs Confutations with them about the Enthroning of King Jefus, and as they were Hypocrites and DiJJ'emblers witn God and Him, fo was he with £hem, only to ferve his own prefentjntereft. • Now, laying all thefe Circumftances together, 'tis jio wonder that Milhnarianifm began to pull in its Ears, and to grow timerous and cautious ,* thefe Gentlemen were catcUd in their own Nets, and all fheir Babel tumbled down at once. So that as he found • Examirid and Dzfprov'd. 183 found it for his Intereft to diflemble with them, they find it their beft Security to be quiet and dij- femble too. This is but juft putting up the Sword into its Scabbard till a fitter Opportunity : And we have no reafon to think it otherwife, for as loon as He was dead,thcy were at it again ,• as may be fccn in their Second and Third Narratives, 16 y8. I have not the Opportunity to confult, whether a- ny that made that horrid Attempt, 1660, were Ana- baptifiical Millenarians or no ,• but it's certain, that John James, who was executed for "Preaching Sediti- on, and fiirring up his Hearers to Rebellion, in Bullfiake- Aty in White-Chappel, Oblob. l£Vi66i. own'd himfelf to be a Baptized Believer, and profefs'd f himfelf to * own the Kingdom of our Lord Jefus Chrifb, to wit, c The vifible Kingdom of JESUS CHRIST here on c Earth. Narrative of the Apprehending and Ar- raignment, &c. of John James, p. 40. And in the fame Narrative, it's faid, c That feveral Friends being with him [in Prifon] he de fired to leave with them fome of his Scripture Grounds, for that his Perfwafion, \_fcil. concerning the Fifth Monarchy] he judging that the great efi Caufe of the Sentence and Con- demnation pafs'd upon him,which are inferted in this Narrative, from p. 31. to p. 5 j. where, when he comes to treat, how Jefus ChrisJ muft come by this Kingdom ; he tells them, ' That he mall ufe his * People in his Hand as his Battel-ax, and Weapon % of War, for the bringing in the Kingdoms of this * World into Subjection to him. A few Scriptures c as to this,- Ifaiah 12. 14. but efpecially the c 15- and 16 Verfes ; Behold I will make thee a c new iharp threibing Inftrument, &c The next Scripture is in Jer. 57. 20,21. 'Thou art my Battel- f Ax,ffpeaking to his own People) and Weapon of ' War, for with thee I will break in pieces the Na- ? tions, and with thee will I deftroy Kingdoms, [ &c, I might produce many more, that God will N 4 c mak$ 184 ^ e Anal apt ft s Mintftry € make ufe of his People in doing of this great "' Work ; Rev. 17. 14. Theft Jball make War -with the € Lamb , and the Latnbjhall overcome them, for he ts the ' Lord of Lords, and King of Kings , and they that are * with him, are calld, and chofen, and Faithful. { In the great Work of Jefus Chrift againft the € Horns, he hath a Remnant, called, and faithful, c and chofen, (landing by him in this Work, which 9 doth mightily correfpond with thefe two Prophe- * cies. Therefore, feeing that the Lord will make c ufe of his People, as his Battel-ax and Weapon of c War, and that they are a Faithful and Chofen < Remnant, I only V&ve this one word, by way of * Exhortation to tl^Lord's People that have Faith f in thefe Prophecies, to be looking to the Qualifi- c cations of his chofen Remnant, and that they have in Rev. 14. 3, 4, ^, &c. p. 34. Hence it appears plainly, that the old Leaven of Milknarianifm was not clean purged cut of the Anabaftiftical Congrega- tions, in 1661 ; that thofe Principles were held forth in their Meetings ; then fometimes at leaft, when they thought themfelves fecure, nay, immediately after fo villanous and barbarous an Attempt, in 1660, and fome Execttt ior.s pak'd for the fame ; Nay, which is more in the g/ofi Senfe, by Force of Arms ; and more than thar, to demonftrate in what Senfe, as to the Adminifrration of it, thefe baptiz'd Believers underftood it ,• this dying baptized Believer urges it to his Brethren (whom he endeavour'd to confirm in this Belief o£ the Millenium, and to encourage them in the Profecution of the Defign of Erecting a Fifth Mjnarchy) by Fire and Swcrd, by a general Deftrudi- oh of Men and Women, Tom/o- and Old, all Orders and Degrees of Men from the highefl to the loweft, as you will find in hie forecited Chapters out of the Prophets. The Refori unto him in Prifon, of his Friends and Brethren, was connderabie, and by his frying a preacher among them, no queftion of feme Ac- Examined and Difprov'd. \%$ Recount with them, and by his laft Legacy and Seal- ing this Doclrine with his Blood, manilefrs the great Concern he had upon him to fortifie that Party, and encourage them to perfevere in that Belief, which all along had been one of the prime Articles of the Ana- baptiftical Creed , and ought to be look'd upon as fuch at this day, and undoubtedly is,- by which at one time or other , they hope to rival it with Mahomet himfelf, and in the bottom, no doubt, a Tranfcript from that hellijh Original, varninVd over with a little religious Cant, to make it pafs the more readily arnongft the Mob, the Ignorant and the wor- ker fort, who are always the moft Numerous, fond of Liberty, only for the fake of nt&ntioufnefi; for whom the whole Scheme of Anabaptifm is calculated, as may be fhewn afterwards in another Treatife. But by what hath been faid, I think it is fufficiently e- vine'd, that little heed ought to be taken to our fiiodern Anabaptifical Apologies, whereby they would fain perfwade us of the i~ red,anc\ Extraordinarily-Call d-Parliament-Men in 16 53, And what was very remarkable in this Parliament or Saints, to give the better Colour to their ungodly^ barbarous, and Antichrifjtian Defign, they of the Mil- lenarian Perfuafion, fet apart divers Days to feck the Lord by Fafiing and Praying : Under this Pretence^ cOnfulting with the reit of their Brethren (Canne, Freak, Spittlehoufe, &c) how they mould manage the great Bufinefs of jetting Christ upon his Throne, and then at lair, like a Parcel of Fnthufiafis, come into the Houfe with their Bibles in their Hands, thun- dring out Texts of Scripture, and impofing fuch Senfes upon them, as one of the Members on the other Side faith, ( As all gracious Hearts would ' have been griev'd at ,• but then he adds afterward* this fevere Reflection upon them, f It is never a * ivorfe Time, than when good Means are tamper d with O 2 'to 19 6 The Anabaprifts Miniftry ( to bad Ends ; when Ahab proclaims a Fa ft to accufe 1 Naboth.- -And that thefe Days let apart from the Houie, were only us'd to en- gage the Minds of well-meaning Men, and the better to carry on Things before re- Anfxver to the folv'd and determin'd. And thus we Harm. p. 9- fee thefe abominable Hypocrites pre- tending fo much Zeal againft Popery., to Holinefs and the Spirit, and fetting up Chrift's Kingdom, and to purge the World of all the Un- godly, by the Inftigation of the Devil, or the real Sprit of Antichrist, did in the firft place damn all Form of Minifiry as Antichrifiian ' and then, upon thefe Grounds, refolv'd to dijjohe the Minifiry, and to leave it to any that mould think fit to take that Office and Work upon him, in this exactly fymboli- zing with the Turks, whom they refemble in a great many Particulars, who have no ftated Minifiry amongft them, no SOLEMN CONSECRATION to that Office ; in that Particular, different from all Mankind. So that by this we may divine what fort of a Minifiry would have been planted all over the Nation, if our Anabaptifiical Millenaries bad car- ried the Day. And here I muft call in the Help of the two Millenarian Anabaptiftical Vrofhets, the two Witneffies, to give in their Tefiimony. To this purpofe Jeroboam Canne tell us, Ordina- tion is ufelefs, a Trifle, Antichrifiian, and Satanical; ( That none ihould preach unlefs ordain'd, this s (as the National Miniftry and Tythes) came like- * wife from the Sea of Rome : For Gregory IX. in f the Year 1227, made a Decree, That no Lay- J Man mould preach. Here began the Abominati- ' on that maketh defolate. Now the Occafion 6 was to fupprefs the Truth, which at that Time e began moll glorioufly to break forth by the WaU ( denfes, fo that no higher can they bring this Pra- f dice than to the Year 1227. Neither have they Ex&mirid and Difprovd. 197 * they any other Author, to father and faften r k on than Satan and Antichrift. For howfoever, c before this Time many foul Abufes and Corrup- c tions were crept into the Church, yet it was Co c many Years after Chrift before this Decree of the * Pope came forth, that no Layman c jhould preach. Then after- second Voice c wards, p. 26. Should (fays he) there Page 24. c be no Preaching till there are Mini- c fters y then neceffarily after the General Apoftacy e of Antichrifi there could never be rais'd up either c Churches or Officers. For it is fo abfurd and ' ridiculous to imagine Officers before Churches , and there- c fore we well know, by the Preaching of Men - out of Office, People were rirft called eut of Ba- ' bylon, as being feparated from the World, they c covenanted together to walk in the Faith and e Order of the Gofpel, and they became the true c Churches of Chrift, Ele&ing and Or- c daining afterward their own Mini- P. 26, * fters, according to the Apoftolicai In- ( ftitution. — : — * — ■■ — And to mew the Preeminence and Ex- cellency of fucha Minifiry as thefe Wolves would re- commend to all Cbriftendom, and impofe upon them, let's hear what he faith Page 27. c I do affirm and c will abide by it, fince it pleafed the Lord to f draw out the Hearts of fame Soldiers, and others, c publickly to preach, ( which is not above ten or c twelve Years) the People of this Common- wealth c have had more true Light, and glorious Difcover- c ries of Chrift and hisKingdom>than all the Nations ( Miniftersever before made known unto them, fince f firft they took their Calling from the Sea of Rome c to this Day. O rare Prophet Canne ! Now I have found you out, and mall eafily make the Difcove- ry of the true Lights you brag of, and prove them to be Ignesfatuos, or more grofs and palpable than O 3 zs£gyptiar* 198 The Anahaptifts Miniflrj Egyptian Darknef, and that the Spirit of Ignoravce, JLrror and Darknef, the Spirit of Lying and jham Vi- fions, and Revelations, had poiTeffed thefe Gifted Sol- diers as well as your feif. It's true, the Soldiers mounted the Pulpits in thofe Days, and turn'd Preach- ers amongft the reft of the Rabble that ufurp'd that Sacred Office, where, and when they pleafed, and every- where exclaim'd againft the Minifters as c Po- * piflj, that it was unlawful to hear them hop'd c to fee them ail pack'd to Ro?ne, and their fuperfti- c tious Steeple-houfes pull'd down to the Ground ; I Some affirm'd, that they had Vifions and Re- e velations : Second part of Gangrena, p. 5". The Mil- lenary conceit the cor/wpon Sub^eU of their Sermons, and a Church en Earth, without fo much as an Hypocrite. One of thefe Booted Apples, a Lieutenant, affirm'd and maintain'd violently, that (God [revealed Sins] immediately by himfeH without Scripture, without * Ordinances, Ministers, or by any other means de- * ny'd the Trinity ofPerfons, affirming them to be Three c Offices, and made it a Queftion, whether there c was a Refurre&ion or not : Second part of the Gangrena, p, 7. Amongft this Rabble of Self- feu f preachers, in thofe horrid Times, was one Boggis, a young Fellow, who ftrol'd about with Oats, one pf your famous Apofties, whom Oats cry'd up for a Man much fuperiour in Parts to himfelf, who com- ing to a Perfon's Houfe of Great Tarmouth, in Nor- folk, and being requc-fted to ftay at Dinner, was "defired to give Thanks j he ask'd, i To whom he c fhou'd give Thanh, iithet&er to the Butcher, or to ( the Bull, or to the Cow, there being then a £ Shoulder of Veal upon the Table,- And the Infor- mer's Wife frying, That Thanks fhould be given to 1 God, th,; faid Boggis replyd, and faid, Where is * your God j in Heaven, or 0:1 the Earth, aloft, or below, ' doth he fit upon the Clouds, 6r where doth he fit, with I his ? «— — -And the Infprmer's Wife, difcourfing Examind and Difprotfd. 199 with him about the Church, and concerning the Bible : the faid Boggis wiftied he had not known fo much of the Bible, which he faid was only Paper : Second part of the Gangrena, p. 63. This Samuel Oats the Anabaptifi, no lefs Blafphemous than this Boggis, after he had Baptiz'd a Woman, bid her gape, and me gap'd ,• and he did c blow three times € into her Mouth, faying words to this purpofe, k Either receive the Holy Ghoft , or, now thou haft re~ c ceived the Holy Ghoft: Gangrena, fart 2. p. 147. Herein agreeing with, or imitating Knipperdoling at Munfier, who f on ce fell flat to the Ground, and creep- ( ing upon his Hands and Feet, he went to fever al Perfons of the Afilmbly, and blowing them in the Mouth, faid, The Father hath Sanctified thee, receive the Holy Ghofi ; Short Ilift. of the Anabapt. p. 28. And doubtlefs, mould they ever get any Head, we mould have all the Munfterian and German Pranks play'd over to a tittle, with valt Additions and Improvements. But to return to Injpird Canne (for it would be endlefs to purfue this Subject any farther) who fo earneftly contends for a new and extraordinary Mini- fry, nay, the abfolute Nccejfity of Mens preaching out Or Office, after the general Apofiacy of Antichrist, &c. Behold here a Scheme of Independent! 'fm, and as many Falfities as Lines, a clutter of Impossibilities ! Be- hold here the Serpent cafiing Water out of his Mouth as a Flood, after the Woman, [the Church of Chriftj that he might caufe her to be carried away of the Flood, Rev. 12. v. 15-. Or, the Devil, that Anti- chrifi, kaT g£okjw, fpeaking Blafphemy againft God and his Christ, bringing railing Accufations againft his one Church, accuflng the Brethren out of the Mouth of this lying Prophet Canne. Where is it faid any where in the Holy Scriptures , that there mould be a General [that is, an Univerfaf\ Apofiacy from Chrifiianity ; for, this muft be fuppos'd to evince fuch a total Failure of a true Evangelical Miniftry, as he implies? Wha;: O 4 Text aoo The Atiabaptifls Miniftry Text of Holy Writ predicts fuch a total Failure of the ordinary Handing Minifiry, eftablifh'd by Chrift and his Apoftles in the Church, as to be forc'd in any fucceeding Age, to have a Recourfe to an extraordi- nary Supply ? To fuppofe a general Apoftacy, is to (uppofe an Intercifion, or Annihilation, or CeJJation of the Church, contrary to Chrift' s Promife, That the Gates of Hell Jhould not prevail again ft it, Matth. 17. and confequently, that it was not built upon a Rock, the Rock of Ages, but upon the Sand : And to fup- pofe a Failure of true Minifters contrary to Chrift s Promife, that he would always maintain a ft anding Miniftry in this his Church, one of the greateft Ex- ertions and Minifeftations of his Kingly Power ; Matth. Chap. hit. ver. ult. ho I am with you always * that muft mean the Apoftles Succeflbrs , there fhall never be wanting a Succeffion of Minifters in my Church, to Preach the Gofpel, and Convert the World, to fulfil your Miniftry, to feed my FlocK, no, not for one Moment, even to the end of the World, His vary Hypothecs is Blafphemy, his Infe- rences Antichriftian, and the End and Defign of them Di'ibolical, becaufe 'tis to fet up a Miniftry in Optofi- tion or Rebellion againft Chiift's own Ivftitution, fuch an one as or necejfuy muft Adniinifter nothing but Curfes, becaufe deftitute of Chrift s Blejfmg ; their Miniftrations only of Death and Perdition, not of Life and Salvation, and confequently, the actual En- larging of the l\ingdo?n of Darkwfi. Then again, What places of Scripture ior this Covenanting, for an, exprefi explicit Covenant between Paftors and fylembers, in his Senfe, the Independent Senfe ? And can a- ny of his Clann pretend to (hew one Text for their Mobb's Electing and Ordaining Paftors ? It's evident by tlie foregoing Difcourfe, they cannot, have not one Jingle Text, and therefoie there's no more Truth in his faying, it's according to the Apoftolical, Inftitution^ %hm in his lying (U a ^9li c Al Prophecies. As Epcamirid and Difprovd. 201 As to what follows of his Red-coat Preaching, and Propagating the Light and glorious Difco-veries of Chrifi and Ins Kingdom, by which he means the Fifth Monar- chical Principles ftollen from the Alcoran, and no more agreeable with the true Notion of Chrift 's Kingdom, than the Gojpel with the Alcoran, or Jefus Chrifi with Mahomet ; I mall fay fomething to it afterwards : But as to our main Defign, with Refe- rence to our new upfiart Minifiry, our new Apoftles, let's fee what fort Spittlehoufe, another Oracle of our Anabaptifis would recommend unto Cromwel and his Comrades ; c Have not, faith he, the People of ' God in this Nation, the fame immediate Teachings ' of the Spirit, as had the "Prophets and Apoftles of Je- ' fus Chrift ? Are the Scriptures of the Old Tefia- f any other than the Dictates of the Spirit of God ? ■ 2 Pet, 1. 19, 20,^1. Are they not the fame in s Print, as they were in the Apoftles Writings ; and c the fame in their Writings as they were in their f Words ,• and the fame in their Words, as they * were in their Thoughts ,• and the fame in their e Thoughts, as they were in their Conceptions ; c and the fame in thefr Conceptions, as in the In- c fufion ,• and the fame in the Infufion, as they f were in their Infufer, viz. the Holy Ghdtf } &c„ Spittlehoufe, Firff Addrejjes, p. n. c And if fo, what need ofUnivet fities to breed ' Divines, fince the Holy Scripture alone is fufficient ' to compleat a Prabiitioner in that Profeflion, as afore* ' faid ; as alfo, in as much as he, whofocver of the c People of God, that is able to fpeak to Edification, 1 Exhortation, and Comfort of their Brethren, are 1 compleat Prophets of God, what need have we of fuch c devouring Wolves as aforefaid ? &c, p. 13, 14. To anfwer thefe laft Paragraphs of Spittlehoufe • ^re we not come to a fine pafs at this rate of Argu- ing, and in a direct Path for ®uakerifm, and to ;hrow off all the Ordinances of the Gofpel, with the Scripture %oz The Anahaptifts Miniftry Scripture it felfat laft ? This is a large ftep to- wards it, and borders very near upon Boggifin, and Munfterianifm: No Wonder that Anabaptifm hath been all this while the Decoy, the Stalking- horfe for Quakerifhtij as daily Experience confirms it, but one Re je, one little ftride from it. In the firft place, I deny that the People of God, as he calls them, hay«S now ..jays, the immediate Teachings of the Holy Spirit, as (that is, in the fame degree, or he talks at random) the Apoftles, the 'Prophets had. They had immediate Infufitms , that is , without Means, without Scriptures ,♦ but the Scriptures are Means, or the Mediums, by which the Spirit of God teach- eth us, inltruch us, edifies us,* nay, the ordinary Means God hath appointed for our Edification, by the Miniftry, by him inftituted for this end ,• How JJiaU they hear without aTeacher ? And how fhall they Preach, except they be fent? Rom, 10. 14, 15-. Here are plainly two Obligations upon the People of God, to hear the Gofiel, or the Word preactid, and to hear none but iuch who are fent in the regular and crdrnory way that Chritt hjmfelf hath fettled in his Church, none but fuch as are Authorized, have Chrifits Commijjlon to V reach ; and the People of God [that is, in Covenant with him, Members of the Church, for none elie ordinarily are fuch] are bound in Duty to hear no other, or to accept them, or own them as Treacher s ofChrift, becaufe no other are fent by Chrift, appointed by thrift, to take this Function or Office upon them in the Church of God, and none others take upon them this Office, but fuch who are actu- ally cut of the Church, fcparated from the Church, and by their own Act, cut off from the Communion of the Church, and Union with Chrisf, which cannot be had out of the Church, and consequently, to have any Communion with fuch in any Mini ft crial Acts, is to communicate with them in their Sins, and to b® tfaioxious to their Pumflwtents, by partaking in their Guilt. Exmirid and Difprovd. 3,05 Guilt. The Reafon of this is very obvious, becaufe the People oiGod are exprefly and ftrictly forbidden to have any Communion with fuch in any Publick [pretendedly Religious] Adminijlrations. If there came any amongyou, and bring not this Doclrine, [or by parity of Reafon, teacheth any Dodrine contrary to the Truth of Chriftianity] receive him not [even] into your houfe, [entertain him not, reject him, turn your Backs upon him, have no Correfpondence, Communication with him, much lefs hear him, of countenance him with your Prefence, or give him any reverential Refped, whereby you may be con- ftru&ed to own him, or acknowledg him to be a Teacher, authorized and commiffion'd by Chrift] neither bid him God-JJ>eed, [wifli him any Succefs in his Undertaking ^ ] for he that biddeth him God-Jpeed , [gives him Encouragement to profecute his Defigns dire&ly or indire&ly] ts partaker in his evil Deeds [muft expect to provoke God's Anger againft him- self, and bring his Judgments on his own head thereby, as an Abetter and Encourager of the Ene- mies of Chrift.] 2 John 2. 12. But on the contra- ry, Jhun [their] prophane and vain Bablings [the wick- ed Cantings, and impertinent, yet pernicious, ve- nemous Preachments] for they will increafe [ftill] un- to more [and more] UngodlinefS [as they never tended to any thing elfe, or unto the Subverfion of more Souls. For the Endeavour of all Sectaries, is to gain more to their Party, as they get more footing, and find Succels to vent more and more Herefies and wicked Opinions ,• ] and for this, I appeal to all Experience, and therefore by the way, 'tis to be obferv'd, no heed ought to be taken to their Con- fefTions of Faith, they are only Calculated to ferve a Turn, an Exigence, and are meerly occafwnal : One thing whilft they are under the Hatches, and when apprehenfive of Danger, quite another when they think themfelves fafe, and are at Liberty, and have ' " " ■ ' their ao4 The Anahaptifis Miniflry their full Swinge. And their -word [their falfe Do- Or, Examirid and Difprovd. 2.05* Or^ mould have the immediate Teachings of the Spirit 1 which Notion , fome Enthufiafis, and of your own Se&, have carried fo far, as to flight and defpife the Holy Scriptures, as much as the Qua- kers, the common Receptacle ot your Unliable ones? Or, that the Senfe, Meaning, "Under ft and'tng, Explica- tion, Interpretation ol them, inould be extraordinarily, or immediately inlpired into the People, of God, as he would have it ? Tlnrdly, I do own, if it c uld be proved, that the People have the lame immediate Teachings of the Spirit, that the Prophets and /ipoftles had, that is, without Means, that then their Teach- ings, Expofitions, &c. ought to be receiy'4 with as much Reverence, and would be of the lame Authority, and as much fubmitted unto by us, as the H. Scriptures themfelves, would be as infallible, and as certain a Rule of Faith and Manners, and the refufing of them, moft highly dangerous and damnable : But then this Gentleman, and thofe of his Perfivafion, muft, to allure us of thefe Gifts, thefe immediate Teachings, have one Gift more, that of working of Miracles, to give credit unto, and vouch for all the reft ,• and what is more,in a far more tranfeendent manner than Chri$ and the Apoflleshac], or, we muft be fore'd to rejeft him, and all fuch Pretenders, as Cheats, Impo- fiors, as Deceivers , Seducers, as Dragonical and Anti- chrijlian, and Introducers of but a little more refined Se&, than that of their grand Examplar and Model, Believer- Mahomet $ for as I remember, the Turks as emphatically call themfelves Believers, as our Ana- baptifts. But we find your Miffion, your Prophecying, your Miracles, your immediate Teachings, your Fifth Monarchy, and all your Pretences, fo far as they are peculiar and fingular, all Cheat, all Nonfenfe, Anti- chrifiian, Dragonical, Cancerous, and Effectual in no- thing but in their hfeclion, Contagion, Perdition. But, Fourthly , Suppofing thefe immediate Teachings, in the true, proper, literal Notion of them, then I muft rejoin zo6 The Anahaptifis Minifiry jejoin , all this Babbling of Spittlehoufe about the Scriptures y is gratis ditlum, Nonfenfe and Contradiction • where there are immediate Teachings and Injfiirations , there can be no farther ufe of the Holy Scriptures^ they are only an infignificant,fuperfluous dead Letter, as the greatest Pretenders to immediate Teaching, the Quakers affert, the utmoft Perfection and Progrefs A- nabaptifm can pretend to make, the ultima Thule, the ne plus ultra of thefe infernal Dogmatics. And it was in confequence of this Notion, that your great Man Boggis, in Oats's Account, fcoff'd at the Scrip- tures, and when prefs'd by Authorities or Arguments from them, as may be rationally fuppos'd, his Re- ply was, I have the Spirit, 1 thank God, I have enough of the Spirit * Gangrena, pt. 2. p. 162. For if God Almighty ever defigned in this Gojpel, and lajt Difpenfation, to have Taught all Men, or his pe# his Church in thofe Truths out of the Scriptures, chat are fo indifpenfably nece£ i'ary to Eternal Salvation. And fo far the Quakers are in the right one, to fet afide, as they do, the Scriptures and Minifiry, as of no ufe upon this Anti- chrifiian and Diabolical Supposition. But we find God hath appointed thefe two Mediums, or Means of Salvation, the Holy Scriptures, and a /landing, perpe- tual fuccejftve Minifiry ,' and where they are not to be had, viz,, among the Heathen, they know no- thing of Christ ; and why? Becaufe they have not the ordinary Means whereby to know him j and there- fore Examined and Difprovd. ioj fore it's plain, where he hath appointed ordinary Means, in the Courfe of his Providence, he doth not employ, or to be Hire, very rarely, extraordinary Means. Where, therefore he hath giver > criptures and the Miniflry, he doth not ordinarily reach with- out them : Men may as well expect God IhouM ordinarily preferve Life , and Strength , without Bread ,• Scandrets Antidote againft the Quakers , p. 58, 59. But, Fifthly , what Neceflity of this im- mediate Teaching ; either it is to manifeff to us fome- thing not already reveal 'd, or the fame things already difcover'd unto us in the Holy Soriptures ; but I fup- pofe, none in their Wits will pretend the latter, be- caufe this is abfurd, frivolous, and unneceffary : But, if fome things are either directly contrary to the Holy Scriptures, or New ,• then whoever pretend to fuch immediate Teachings, do as good as intro- duce, or fet up a New Goftel, pervert the Gofpel of Chrift, and fo render themfelves obnoxious to St. Paul's Anathema, Let him be accurfed, Gal. 1. 8. "who da vlfeth, or maketh a Lie, and confequently, friall ne- ver enter into the New Jerufakm, and lhall be reckon'd as without ; that is, with or among thofe who mall be for ever excluded with Dogs, Sorcerers, Whoremongers, Murderers and Idolaters, Rev. 21. 27. comp. Rev. 22. 15. Sixthly, It may either be obfer- ved from the Novel Opinions and Practices ofSpit- tlehoufe, and thofe of his Sentiments, as generally are the Anabaptifls, that there's a Neceflity they fhould run to immediate Teachings, Impulfes, and In- spirations, as to their Afyhtm and Refuge, becaufe they have not expreJS Scriptures on their fides, or to maintain their Novelties by ; but by violent Diftorti* ons and Wrejiings, and notwithstanding their plaufi- ble Zeal for the Holy Scriptures, afferting them to be the Rule of Chrift'uan Faith and Obedience, to amufe and catch the Ignorant and Simple ,* yet, when pinch'd_, and put to a Nonplus^ they prefemly take San- 2,o8 The Anabaptifts Minijlry San&uary in a private Spirit, and immediate Teach- ings, Mahomet's Pigeon, extraordinary Million, be- caufe they find themfelves difiappointed, forfiaken, and destitute, as to the ordinary Means Chrift hath depofi- ted with his Churchy they are very confcious to them- felves of all this, and therefore, and for no other Reafcns, have Recourfe to extraordinary Mijjion, imme- diate Teachings , without any , even imaginary Grounds, in the Judgment of judicious, and fiber intelligent Perfons, and herein are inexcufiable before God and Man, and fitlf- condemn d, need no other Sentence but their own , when that Day fiiall come, wherein the Secrets of all Hearts mall be difclos'd, and when there can be no Plea for wilful Error, Hypocrifie and Dijjimulation. To what hath been faid, I (hall add, that as by thefe their Pretexts of an extraordinary Call, immediate Teachings by the Holy Spirit. They prefume to Teach and Practice Doctrines and Immoralities dire&ly contrary to the Truths and Morals reveal d and enjoin d by the Gojpel; and even dcftruBive to the Eternal Inter eft of Man* kind, and undermining of, and blowing up the Gojfiel of Chrift, and Subverjive of our common Hope ,• fo it demonftrably follows, and evidently proves it to be a falfe, moft pernicious and Diabolical Principle, in that the Confidence of it is infinite, and no Bounds can be fet to it ,• and countenances all the Immoralities in the World, admits of no pojjiblc Rejlraint, and therefore never to be check'd, 'Tis but pretending to an im- mediate Impulfi of the Spirit, to ac~t all the ViUanies ill the W orld j 'tis but faying, I am injpir'd, I am im- mediately taught by the Spirit, and under this Noti- on I may vent ail the Herefies conceivable, there's no Rule left to try the Spirit by, and to oppefe me, is to fiffht againft God ,• to reftrain me, is to quench the Sp;>.;, and to be a Reprobate. Or, if I think fit to fo?.e an erroneous Heterodox Meaning upon the written fVord of God, and publickly Preach'd it as the Examined and Difprovd. 109 the Word of God, if you will not receive it, em- brace it as fuch, why then you rejecl the Word of God, you refufe the Gofpel, you dejpife Jefus Chrift) you do defpite to the Holy Spirit ,• Nay, farther, to mew the fad and horrid Confluences of this wild No- tion, it makes and prepares the Way for all the Im- moralities, all the Villanies that the corrupt Heart of Man can conceive, and the Devil fuggeff, as might be manifefted by the innumerable Inftances we have of abominable Practices (fearce fit to be nam'd a- mong the Profejfors of the raoft Holy, moft Innocent^ and pure Religion of the Blefjed Jefus, that immaculate Lamb of God) of all the SeBs or Separatifts from the Church, from the Apoftolical Age, to this very day 3 even by every Seel that ever got footing in the World, not one exempt, nay, and juflified by them : This is as demonfirable as that they were, and are Men. There never was any Seel yet, I fay, but hath been infamous for fome allow'd Immoralities^ which even they have mantain'd by Principles, fuch as they were or are, fo impofiible is it for Satan fo far to transform or transfigure himfelf into an Angel of Light, but he muft inevitably, by the great and in- finite Mercy of our God, betray himfelf by hisCloven- foot, or fome way or other difcover himfelf ,• there are none of thefe damnable Seels, but are difcoverable by the Brand or Mark of the Beaft, their Father the Devil, whofe Bond-Jlaves they are, having fold them- felves to work Wickednef, mark'd out for everlafting Defiruclion, without the [wgular, and even extraordi- nary Mercy of God, and a timely and fincere, and moft particular Repentance, and returning to the Truth^ and into the Bofom of the Church, out of which there's no Grounds for Hope, that we are acquainted with. Seventhly, As I faid, granting this immediate Teaching by the Spirit, How mall the Spirits be tr/d ? Every one may for himfelf urge thefe immedi- ate Teachings 3 all have equal right to do it, and none P have 2io The Anahaptifts Minijlry have Authority or Grounds to contradict them. The Spirit teaches you one thing, me another, and a third contrary to both, and fo in infinitum : It teach- ech one that he may commit Murder,* another, that he may Rob ? a third, that he may have as manyWives as he pleafeth; a. fourth, that he may lie with all Women indifferently, without any regard to Confan- guinity or Affinity, or Propriety ,• and thus many Sectaries have held forth, and pra<5Hfed accordingly, from the Beginning to this Day : and thus they did in the purefi Ages oT the Church, even in the Apoflles times, and who mall controul fuch allowing this moft blaffhemous and ungodly hellijJj Principle of our Saints ? Nay, to the eternal Shame of you and your Bre- thren in Iniquity, the Independents few of them much differing from you) for all their Renunciation and De- claration againji the late horrid Infurreclion and Rebellion, aded in London ('by the MiRenarians) 1661. no more to be credited by any that know them, than the Je- fuifis Apologies after the Murther of Henry IV. of France) to which I'll oppofe the Speeches and Difcourfes, and Prayers of Colonel John Barkftead, Col. John Okef, Mr. Miles Corbet, all profeft Congregatmml Men, jujlifying their Rebellion, and the Murther of Charles the Martyr, of ever BiefTed and truly Glro- rious Memory, moft feditioufly and malicioufly Publ/ftid by that Party, 1662 ; which will be an everlafi'mg Monument or the Spiritual Infatuation, Hypo- crifie, Obduration, and final Impenitence of thofe Men in particular, and that Generation of Saints in gene- ral. You, for many years, moft impudently con- tended for a Toleration, even by Ac~t of Parliament, for all manner of Hen fits whatibever, without any manner of Limitation or Df crimination, as appears by many of your Writings (in thofe times of Licentiouf- , ) foriname then, if you have any Tin#ure of that Grace in you, as to blufh for your Impieties, never pretend to diflinguijh yourfelvesfromthe Ultra- mar ins Examined and Difprov'd. in marine Anabaptifls, as far as you have had opportuni- ty, you have a&ed as ill as they at leaft ; nay, Til tell you, worfe, becaufe you had a hand in all that horrid Tragedy, a&ed from 4r, till 1660, even in the raoft odious and unchriflian parts of it, as might eafily be prov'd, and may, if God gives me fit Opportui- ty for it. Eighthly, It ought to be remarked, that whereas I am lenfible you will appeal to your Confef- fion of Faith, as I find upon all Occafions you do, that this will not ferve your turn ; all Men of Read- ing) Judgment, and Obfervation, know too well, that this is nothing but Artifice, Trick, and meer Evaflon, the conftatit Practice ot all Sectaries ; Inftance, tha Joltmn League and Covenant, for the adhereing to which, many amonft the Presbyterians and Indepen- dents, in their Senfe, dy'd Martyrs in their own Ac- counts, and of thofe of their own Parties; yet, all the World knew, they did more Jefuitically (if pof- fibly) equivocate in their Senfes of it, and Practices upon it. The Presbyterians interpreted it one way, the Independents another : Had different Intentions, pro- fecuted by different Means, and yet jhelterd them- felves under the fokmn League and Covenant : And thus, you yourfelves, play fafi and loofe with your Con- fejjion, have diverfities of Opinions and Practices, yet when you are put to it 3 fly immediately to your ConfeJJion : That's a Nofe of Wax to be wrung, fajhi- oncd, and to be twirl'd about which way you pleafe, and to (land to any Point ot the Compafi that may ferve your prefent Defign and Interefi. The Publica- tion of your Confeffion was never defign d fo much TI * ^n old fiale Juggle of as a Standard or Rule for To thi ' purpofe l ftall -^ your felves, as to * impcfe fert a Noble Paffage out of Irenaus: Adverts eos qui fru- ftrantur Paidum Apoflolum. Neque enim contendere pcjjunt Paulum non ejfe Jpojiolum, quando in hoc fit eleBus- — fottajjis enim & propter hoc operatiis ejl Deus flurima. Evar.gelia ojiendi per Lucum, quibus P 2 upon, 21 1 The Anahafltifts Miniftry tece(fe baberent (fort, h&verent) onities, uti [equenti teflijicdthni t\vtt s qua.ni babet de Aclibus & VoftriniiApoftolorum, omnes fequentes O" Regulam veritatis inadulteratam habentes, Jalvari pojfint, igitur xeftificatio, ejus vera & Doftrina Apojiolorum manifejia <& fir ma, iff nihil fubtrabens, neq; alia quidem in ablcondito, alia vero in manifello docentium. Hoc enim fictorum (tf prave feducentium, & Hypocrharum efl molimen, quemadmodum faciunt hi, qui I Va- lentino junt. Hi enim ad. multitudinem propter eos, qui iunt ab ecclefia, quos communes Ecclefiafticos ipfi dicunt, infemnt [ermones, per quos capiunt fimpliciores, & in delicik eos fin.ulantes ncftrum traftatum ut fepius audi ant, qui & queramur de nobis, quod cum fi. milia nobifcum [entiant, fine cauja abjiineamus nos a communications eorum, & cum eadem dicant t£f eundem habent doHrinam, vocemus illos bareticos, & cum dejecerint aliquos a fide, per quejiiones qua fiunt ab eis, necnon contradicentes auditores juos facerim, his fepara- tim inenarrabile plenitudinis fuse enarrant Myfterium. DecipL untur autem omnes, quia, quod eft in verbis verifimile fe putant pofft difcere averitate', Suaiorius enim & vsrifimilis e[i, exquirens fuces error, fine fuco autem eji veritas, & prtpter hoc pueris credit a efi - xtcus, lib. iii. cap. xv. upon, and decoy, and cully others that differ'd from you, and therefore we rejetl all your Appeals to that 3 as meer Cheat and Juggle. For inftance, you feem to fpeak therein Honourably and Reverently of the Holy Scriptures • but, as hath been prov'd, you opine and acl contrary to the Scriptures themfelves, and fee up your own private Opinions and Dictates, new Lights and Revelations contrary unto them. You feem to own and profejl your Obligations and Obedience to Ma- gijlrates, but then you mean under the Roje, only inch as are of your own Stamp, and in your Mitle- narian Senfe, not a Syllable therein to Recognise our Kings and Queens, who differ from you, to be, un- der God } the lawful Magiflrates of thefe Realms, to whom all Degrees and DiiHnclions of Subjects, owe Fidelity and Allegiance j or, to own Monarchical Go- vernment to be from God ,• only Magijlrates, in a large or general Senfe ,• Magifirates defaclo, in a re- ferv'd and equivueal Senfe of your own, and then laugh in your Jluvss, and grln 3 to fee how you inge- nioufly, foifuoth, palm your little Waggeries upon ■ a. Examind and D'ifprov'd, 215 a ftupid, heedlej? World. So this infpired Spittlehoufe, prefently after he had bolted out his immediate Teach- ings of the Spirit, &c. runs on a main to cry up the Scriptures, as the Rule of Faith, &c. but his Mean- ing and Dejign, was, all this while, to undermine them, by declaiming againft all Books and Writings belides, meerly to refohe them into private Interpre- tations, and to leave it to the Choice of all his Bre- thren and Fellow-Saints , whether they would be determin'd by them or no, by ftripping them of the Teftimony of the Church, thro' all Ages,by which we have the moft rational and convincing AlTurance at this time of Day, that they are the Genuine Writings of the Prophets and Apofiles, and confequently, the Word of God. f What, faith this Spawn of Maho- c met, are the Authors which their Libraries are e (ruffed withal, other than Heathenijl) and Antichri- c (lian ? Again, Is there any Promife annex'd to f the Practice of reading them ? Yea, doth not * Experience teach, that moft, if not all fuch c Commentaries, Expojitions, &c. which have been c compofed by fuch Heathens and Antiohriftians, are € found to be light as Vanity ? Inftance, the volu- t minous Volumes of the Antient Philofophers, c and Antient Fathers (as they call them) yea, fo ( light, that they are of no Efteem at all amongft * the People of God that are come out ( of Babylon ; [of no Efieem with his Addrejfesp. 15. Rag- men , Fortune-tellers , Cohlers , who are become now able Minijlers ot the Gojpel, and the only Judges of Learning, Gifts, &c] Now, by rejecting particularly, all the Writings oi the Fa- thers, thofe Glorious Lights ol the Church of God, one of whom, by the way, as St. Barnabas was an Apofile, a Fellow-labourer with St. Paul • Clemens, not. only a Companion of the Apofiles, but by them 0>- daind a Paftor ot the Church at Rome ; St. Ignatius at Antioch ; St. Volycarp at Smyrna ; Hermas, a Difciple P 3 an4 2i4 The Analaptifts Mlniftry and Companion of the Apofiles, &c. Many of whom dy'd Martyrs for the Tefiimony ofjefus, feald our Holy Faith with their Blood, and by the good Providence of God, handed down the Divine Oracles themfelves unto us, which otherwife had been ut- terly loft, had not they been, under God, the Glo- rious Injlruments of their Frefervation, under Dioclefiait, Julian, and other peifecuting Emperors • and kept, and transmitted the Faith, pure and undefiled, thro' all the Ages of the Church : and by branding all the Expofiticns and Commentaries upon the Holy Scrip- tures with Antichrijlianifm, is it not as radiant, and evident as a Sun-beam, that hereby is laid a Train to blow up the Scriptures themfelves, to make way for Enthafiafm at leaft, and Mahometanifm, with which Spirit, he, and many Anabaptist- MiUenari- ans, were, and are infallibly a&ed, or, if poflibly, fomething ivorfe ; for, the Mahometans are the fworn Enemies of all human Learning : Hence, thofe damnable Herejies of Familifm, Antinomianifm , Socini- anifm, JQuakerifm , Anabaptifm, Mittenarianifm, Mug? gletonianifm y and a Multitude more ,• nay, all the He- rejies that are extant, for rejecting the Authority of the Antient Fathers, DoBors, Martyrs, and Confejfors of the Church, and trampling upon Antiquity. Hence, thofe Reproaches caft upon the Holy Scriptures, by John Goodwin, that Arch-Independent, with which Seel: the Anabaptifis fymboiize more than with any other; s That it is no Foundation ofChriftian c Religion, to believe that the Englifh Scriptures, * or that Book, or rather Volumes of Books, call'd * the Bible, tranflated out of the Original Hebrew e and Greek Copies, into the Englifh Tongue, are ( Word of God. That, queftionlefs, no Writing * whatfoever, whether Tranflated, or Then law- < Originals , are the Foundation of rence Clarion. ( ^. . a . n ,. . -r, , c . Chriftian Religion ; That the Scrip- e ture, whether true Manufcript or no, whether { Hebrew, Examirid and DifprovW. 115 * Hebrew, Greek, or Englifli, it is Human, fo not ' able to difcover a Divine God. Then, where is c your Command to make that your Rule or Dif- * cipline, that cannot reveal you God, nor give * you Power to walk with God. Both quoted by the London Minifters, in their Teftimony to the Truth of Jcfus Chrift ; Printed, 1648. p. y. c That no Opi- nion is Damnable ,* or, that a Man may be faved in any Religion. Difcourfe touching the Peace of the Church } Ghap. 5-. That Men cloathed with the Name of God and Religion, are generally the moft dangerous and deceitful Men in the World. For inftance, Aaron, the Kings, the Piiefts and Prophets, in both Old and New Teftaments ; nor can it be otherwife, whilft Kings and Priefts claim a Right from God, to be above other Men : Norwood's Additional Difcourfe. That Man is a right Rule, yea, the Rule of all Things, ibid. That thofe Minifters that ling David's Pfalms, Baptize Infants- fay Men are not perfed in this World, or that fay, the Letter of the Scripture, or the written Word of God, is the Light and Word of God, and call the Four Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Got- pel, are Seducers, not Minifters of the Word, and {hew the Spirit of Error : Eafier Reckoning, That he who is not infallible in his Judgment, when he gives Counfeland Advice, is no Minifter of Chrift : Farnworth's, To the Law and to the Tefti- mony, quoted in the fecond Beacon fired, Anno 1650. To thefe I {hall add fome of the horrid Doctrines of Canns Red-Coat Preachers he fo much bragg'd of a- bove, c A Surgeon belonging to the Army, m c his Preachment in the Weft, on Colojf. 2. out of c verfe the i4?£. The Hand- writing of Ordinances* c The Ten Precepts or Commandments——— altogether c taken away; Gangrena, Part. 2. p. 12?. This c Surgeon aiTerted, He knew no othsr Word but P 4. * that % 1 6 The Anafaptifls Mwftry that Job. i, i, *. e. difown'd the Old and New € Teftament, p. 155. Lieutenant J. concerning c Prayer, affirm'd, That we naufi net pray Morning ( and Evening, but when the Sprit puts Ejaculations c into us, for that were to make Prayer an Idol; c p. 154. The aforefaid Surgeon deny 'd the Ordi^. e nances of Baptifm, the Lord's Supper, and faid, c he knew no other Seal but the Spirit, and cali'ci c the Miniftry it felf an empty Shadow, p. 192. The fame Lieutenant deny a the Neceflity of Re- pentance under the Covenant of Grace, p. 15-3. But to draw towards a Conclusion of this Matter in hand, Mr. Edwards fells us, £ That in thef'e times, c our Sectaries deny d the Scriptures , 'trinity, Juflifi- c cation by Chriff, the Gofpel, the Law, Holy Du- f ties, Church - Miniftry, Sacraments, all Ordi- e nances j They held, there were no Devils, no s Sin, no Hell, no Heaven, no Refurredion, no f Immortality of the Soul, [a Book upon which Subject, John Canne Printed in Holland] ejre. Ed. Gangr. part 2. p. 177. To thefe,I might add an infinite Num- bermore of Herelies vented in thefe Times, when the Church and Monarchy lay wafte, under the Names of •new Lights, and new Truths ,all the Effects of Connivance and Lkeniioufnefs, whilft a Toleration by Law was en- aeavour'd for by the Independents and Anabaptifis, &c. for 20 Years together ,• which Connivance however, gave fuch Encouragement, ' That fun- ' dry Sectaries from other Parts [then] reforted hi- c ther, and with [fuch] a welcom'd Boldnefs, fun- ? dry odious Hereticks ("which in other places had * been bamih'dj and branded with Infamy »» * vented their poifonous Opinions, amongft us, as ■ if they intended to make England a common Re- c ceptacle of all the finful Dregs of Foreign Coun- c tries, as well as of former Ages : London Minifters e Declaration, &c. p. 2. And in the Clofe of this Declaration, they tajte the Boldnefs to repre* Tent, Examined and Difprovd. xiy fent, ' That a Publick and General Toleration * will prove an hideous and complexive Evil, of ' moft dangerous and mifchievous Confequence, if c ever (fay they) which God forbid, it mall be ' confented to by Authority, for hereby the Glory " of the moft High God will be laid in the very ' Duft ; the Truth of Chrift, yea, all the Funda- * mentals of Faith will be razed to the Ground : * All Chrift's Ordinances, Officers, Wor/hip, Re- 6 ligion, and the Power of Godlinefs, will be ut- 8 terly overthrown, Thoufands, and ten Thou- sands of poor Souls, which Chrift hath ranfom'd c with his own Blood, /hall hereby be betray 'd, fe- c duc'd, and endanger'd to be undone to all Eterni- c ty ,• Magiftracy and Miniftry, and with them, all c religious and comely Order in Church and Common- * wealth, will be pluck'd up by the Roots, &c, p. 32. And what thefe Presbyterians (fo accutely difcerning the Motes in others Eyes, and not discerning the Beams in their own, by making the Way plain, eafie and fmooth for all manner of other Innovations as well grounded as their own, by tearing up the Foundations of Church and State) fore-fa w, and feem- ingly dreaded, only becaule it Jpoil'd their Game } a&u- ally came to pafs., and by their Means, giving the fad Occafion and Opportunity for it j their playing fall and looie, chopping and changing, and timeservings and lifting, and inviting all forts of Sectaries into their Service ,2ind giving them the Loo fe } encour aging and abet- ting them in all their ViUanies a<5led againft the Ma* lignants, forfooth ,• their Hypocrifie and DiJJimulation^ &c prefently fet them upon aLeWwiththemfelves, and in a mort time to fet up for themfelves in good fearneft too, it being ever as lawful for one Man to be a Knave as another ,* and the Sectarians per- ceiving that all their End and Aim of raifing Rebellion , eenterd in dijbojjejjing others, to make room for them- felves, they thought it as reafonable to ferve them the 1 1 8 The Analaptlfls Miniflry the fame fauce, having as fpecious Pretenfions as they, and (o far they was in the right cn't,* and thus they very fucceffively undertake the Matter, and out-did ti "n in their own Craft : They could cry out Pop^y, Antichrisl, Perfection, Tyranny ; they could enveigh againft fet Forms, fiinting the Spirit ; they COuM petition for Liberty of Confcience, plead Provi- dence, frit* id to immediate Teachings of the Spirit, to* herty of t -ophioing^ E:. riences,Vi(ions, Dreams s Tran- ces y Revelations^ fudden Impulfes of the Spirit, Returns of their 'Prayers, S&ekings, and a great deal more. But then, my M fters, to return to our Matters a- gain, I mitft tell you, not to defraud you of the Honour of your Noble, and never to be forgotten At ievmettis ; 'twas you that firft (ftrttng this Game, and fet up for thefe new Lights and Difcoveries, which have ever been promoted againft the Holy and infpird Scriptures themfelves, becaufe the Anti- entesl Seel, next to Tresbytery, fince the Reformation, tho' I have not opportunity at this time, being ve- ry difrant from Books, to run it higher than your Prophetical King John of Ley den : T was you that more or lefs have convey'd this Poifcn, this Contagion amongft all the Seels ; For, I find in the port Hifto- y, c That another main piece of Anabaptifm, is, That over-confidence that many have, that are rul'd by the Spirit , which maketh them defpife all ordinary Cal- ling to the Mini fry, all written Prayers, all Helps of Study , all Reafon and good Counfel $ Why ? All tBej bind the Spirit, who bloweth where he lifteth $ and ftim$ bcgi?i to make Confcience to hear and fing Pfah: Frwifj [by their -On/?, their ^'«w, their Ends', by the Means they employ to compafs their Ends by.] A Good Tree cannot [it is not in the Nature or it, it's impoffible, a Conrradi&ion to all Reafon, Obfervation and Experience] bring forth evil Fruit ; neither can a corrupt Tree, bring forth good Fruit. .Wherefore, by their Fruits [by their A&ions, by their Ends, by their Means they ufe to obtain their Ends] you Jhall know them ; and by carefully applying this Rule to them, or exami- ning tfvem by it, you cannot err, %r be miftaken in ypur Judgment of them. Matth. 7. 18, 20. Evil, corrupt Principles will, nay, muft bring forth corrupt, abominabl . Airions ,• and it's impoffible any Man jfcould indulge himfelt in wicked, immoral AHins, un-r leis he hath corrupt Principles. And where we find Men proceeding in a virtuous Courfe or Life, fin- ning habitually, where we obierve Parties of Men under fehe Notion oi Religion, akVJ upon as moft Holy, Spiritual, Gracidus Perlon.. and even make ufe of the Names of Goo 1 , Ch iH ai Holy Sprit, feemingly devout "Prayers, Ejacul&t Scripture Phrafes in their Infernal, Magical Optra Charms, and the like, and have their Trance Rap- tures, Extafies, Vijjons, immediate Infpirations, Dictates, Groanings, gracious Looks, Airs, Cantings, V/himngs^ Sobs, Tears, Genuflexions, Profirations, and all the lit- tle affected, Artificial, Mimical Trinckets of our Secta- rian Saints, fo that its very difficult to Difcriminate them (and as to the moft) unqueftionably from the fame ferpentine Spirit of Seduction and Delujion, I fay, fuch Perfons, as I have been defcribing, ading fo wickedly, as generally they do 3 by raifing Rebellion a- gainft lawful Gcvernours, both in Church and State, purfuing their Difigns by all the Arts of Violence, and intemperate Zeal fet on fire by Hell, with Blocdfjed, Affajjinat' ms, Robbery, Perjury, Lying, Slandering, falfe Accufaticns, Malice, Revenge, Sacrilege, Propham- neft, Unmercifulnef, Barbaronjnefi, attributing all their Ungodly, Unchrifiian, Antichriftian , Diabolical Pro- ceedings, to the Impulfe and Movements of the Holy Spirit of God, the Spirit or Unity, Peace, Charity, Meeknefi, Humility, Patience, Gentlenef, Love, &c. to the pofitive, exprefi, immediate Commands of God (as in the Cafe of the Munflerian, and other German Anabaptifis) can never be fuppos'd to do all thefe horrid Things, and carry on their ungodly Projects and Contrivances, but by Principles ,• and thefe being contrary to all Gofpcl Rules, are reafolvable by nothing but Spiritual Infatuation, or Infidelity. Thus we read, Muncer tells the German Boors, or Rabble, ( That he ( was fent trom God to Command and Lead them [in s their Rebellion.] Short Hift. Anabap. p. 9. And afTur'd, f That God himfelf, that cannot Lie, had * promis'd him ViHory, and commandtd him to De- s firoy all Ttmes and Magifirates, p. zo. To this I might xx% The Anabaptifts Miniflry might add a many Inftances, but I mall fpare my felf and the Reader the Trouble, becaufe not necef- fary ,• and here I mall rather chufe to obviate an Ob- jection fome of them make, That we are not to judg of them by the Principles or Vrattices of the Foreign and German Anabaptifis, and therefore mall proceed in jliort, to mew how exactly they agree in many of thofe grofi Principles, which they would feem fometimes to detesl and abhor. I mail pafs that of the Fifth Monarchy, wherein, Canne, Spittlehoufe s and many more of our Englijh Anabaptifis, exactly jump with Nicholas Stock, or Stork ; Short Hilt. p. 6.* Mdchior Hodman, p. 14. Muncer judg'd all things out of the Bible, and by Divine Revelation, p. 7. And Anno 15- 27, the Anabaptifls of Germany » would not allow ' Chriftians to Recover their own c by Law, but decided all Differences, and ' judg'd all Cafes by Scriptures, p. 13. With them, Spittlehoufe, and other Englijl) Anabaptifis agree. 'Tis faid likewife of thefe laft German Anabaptifls, that they RebaptizJd themfelves ,• fo the Author of Perfe- cution Judg'd and Condemn'd : Reprinted, and Publiih'd by our Anabaptifls, 1662. Again, thefe German Anabaptists, when prefs'd by Arguments drawn from the Scriptures, their Anfwer was, That the Spi- rit taught them otherwife, &c Much to the fame purpofe Spittlehoufe, with his immediate Teach- ings. So the Author of Perfecution Judgd, &c. Re- printed, &c. p. 5-4. That the Interpreter of this Rule of the Scriptures ( p. f 2. ) is the Spirit of God whomfoever, and the Scriptures themfelves ; but if we confult other Writings, and Expreffions of the Anabaptifts, they lay downright the Spirit in whomfoever. In rejecting all Human Learning, Spittlehoufe, and the Prophet Matthias at Munfter, are of the fame Opinion, who there commanded, c All c Rooks trrat could be found, excepting the Bible, % to be burnt ; Short Hill. p. 22. With Jack of Leydins Esamind and Difprov'd. 123 Leyderis Apoftles, the Author of Pei fecution Judg'd, &c. And the generality of our Anbapifis agree, (as I am well inform d from their Preachments, and fince , from feveral Paffages in Tho. Grantham's Works, one of the moft fober of them) that them- felves only are of the True Religion, exciufive of all befides. But thefe Men add, That from the Apo- ftles Time to this Age, the Word of God had ne- ver been truly Preach'd, nor Righteou i ,.eis Pra- ctis'd,* which, upon Enquiry, I ah. inclin'd to think, will be found the Sentiment of moft of our MoAems : That the Diftinction of Pariflies is An- tichrifiian 3 which only an Anabapift Treacher alferted in his Deputation with Dr. Bryan, and fo no Church- es : To thefe may be added, The Abcli(hing Tythes, Demolijhing of Churches ,• fo John Canne. And here I cannot flip a very pretty Notion of his ; e I fee, faith he, there is at this time, much ado about Tythesy and great Thoughts of Heart feme have for the Maintenance of Minifies : I could wiili that fomething were confider'd, and effectually done lor the Encouragement and Enabling of fuch as are willing to give thernfelves freely to thelVork ol the Lord, to fpend, and to be fpent j And for their Livelihoods , to live by Faith in the Promifes of the Gofpel,— Then a little after But now feeing we have better Men [than thofe of the laft Parliament, DifTolv'd 165-3.] f° we ma y ex ~ pect better things • namely, that thefe Publick Places {which are the States) may be otherwife, and better difpofed. It is not the Place we affed, for if they were razed to the Ground, it would be well: Second Voice, p. 28. 29. Another of thefe German Anabapifis Opinions, was, which is that likewife of fome of our English ones, viz* That Men Rebaptiz'd cannot fin ,• [that is not Mortally or Damnable] which Notion is got into the Heads of our Antinomians and Quakers ; I do not fay, all of them %%^ The Anabaptifts Mini ft ty them hold fo, but it's certain many do, and under thd Rofe it ought to be one of their main Articles, becaufej by this Means they are much embolden'd and en- courag'd to go through fiitch, to {tick at no Means, how indirect or unlawful foever, to gain their Point • for 'tis as much their Practice, and of all other Seels too, as of the Jefuits i to compafs their Ends per fas aut nefas, by hook or crook, no matter how ,• and 'tis certain, they muft either go by this Principle, or fome that is equivalent, to fatisfie, or rather to ftifle their Confidences. But after all, I am muchtempted^ when I refletf upon the Manners, Ends, Interefis 3 Conduct, ProfieJJions, Pratliccs, Hypocrifie , Duplicity, Treachery, Malice, Revenge, Hatred, Cruelty, Pride, Infolency and Ambition of thefe Sectaries ; to think it's moft natural and fcafible to fiolve all thefe things by the Spirit of Infidelity. ~— It's morrally impoflible to conceive otherwife, nay, Uncharitablenefi to think, notwithstanding all their Whining and Cant, that they really (I mean chiefly, the defigning, projecting part of them) and in their Hearts and Confciences believe the Gojftel, a Future Judgment, Eternal Tor- ments, &.C. and act as they do ; it's impofjible all thefe things mould be reconciieable to a fincere and true Belief of the Articles of Christian Faith ; or at leaff, they muft have fome damnable Principles, to make Perfievcrance in the grandest, deliberated and. premedi- tated Immoralities, and final hnpenitency in them recon- ciieable ,and confifient with the Terms and State of Sal- vation, which is tantamount to Infidelity ; 'tis impofli- ble flich can ever be Chriftians in God's account, or acknowledg'd for the Difciples of the Holy, Meek, and Peaceable, Loving Jejus, fo far as 'tis poflibe to Judg by Gojfel-Rules. Then what can be expefted in fuch a horrid ftate of Religion, as this Nation of ours is in at prefent, fo over-run with the horrid murthe- rous Sects ,• mould we run into the fame Confujion a- gain (which God Almighty forbid, and nothing but- Examined and Difprotfd. 225- but a Miracle of Mercy can prevent) which al- moft baniflid Chrifiianity out of this JJland for near 20 Years together, from 41, to 60 ? Thefe Seels increafe and multiply daily, there being nothing left to check their Growth. Their Jffeclions, Principles, Aims, Defigns, Ends, the fame as ever, they are as Treacherous, and as much Enemies to Church and State s nay, to all Government not precifely of their own Mold and Fajhion, and exactly of their refpe&ive Perfwajions and Interefis, as ever : Their Malice, Ran- cour, Revenge, [without Hyperbolizing) undoubted- ly, infallibly greater than ever, and daily increafing 3 they only want Opportunity, and lie gaping and -watch- ing for it inceflfantly j they are as reftlefi, indefatiga- ble as ever • their Policy, by fo many Years perpe- tually plodding, contriving, confidering, confulting deep' er, the Plots and Defigns more cunningly and advifedlj laid, they only want for a nicking time ,• and altho' every Seel hath its difiinel IntcreH, altho' they hate each other, yet will never fail for all that, to unite againft the Church, the common Enemy, as they will have it ; (where it may be noted by the way, that by the Divine Providence it is fo order'd, that none but the -wilfully Blind can be ignorant , which is the True Church here amongft us, notwithstanding all thofe almoft numberlefl and grand Seels in this JJland i which obfufcate it • the united and concurrent Op- pofition and Malice of them all againft her, point her out, and make her vifible, as upon the top of a Hill, and fhewing her Head above them all.) Thus the Arians, and all other Hereticks united againft the Or- thodox of old ,• Thus the Presbyterians, and all forts of other profligate Ragamuffin Seels , United againft Church and Monarchy in 41 ; and thus have they U- nitedQver fince, tho' in reality moft mortally hating each other, in divers Plots, and thus are they United now. Thefe are common Principles, in reference to Church and State^ they are all agreed in ; they are al- Q. way s zi6 The Anahaptifis Minijlry ways prepare!, and in a readinefs, they only waii the Call, and they're all up in an inltant. As I faid, they all make no Scruple of employing the molt Unrighteous, Scandalous, Ungodly Means that Hell it felf, and corrupt human Under ft anding can fuggeH or invent, one whereof is to be the Refuge and Recepta- cle of all the Debauch' d, Athei(lical Varlets of the Worlds the Reproaches and Scandals, and Mongers of Mankind, provided they have but that Grace to be Anrimonarchical too ; this with them fhall fanclifie and palliate all the Wickedneis otherwife they can be guilty of,- they mall be dubb'd Saints, and Men of the greatefl Probity into the bargain, whether they will or no, godly, and all the precious things in the World ,• and if they chance to run their Necks into a Halter, cakndard for Martyrs. All are Godly that will join with them, tho' profefed, open and branded Jtbzijh, if, tho' but folitickly and feemingly they efpoufe their Interefts. What then, without the In- tcrpofal of extraordinary Mercy and Divine Providence, may not be dreaded from fuch an infernal Combina- tion ? Even the moft horrid, the molt wicked Effects that can come within the compafs of Human Imagi- nation, The utter Ruin of all the deareft Inter efis we have, that can be within their Power, the Deft ru- ction of all that's Sacred • the fetting the Empire of Satan, Antkhrifts indeed, under the Pretence of Chrift s Kingdom. What lefs can be expected from the Children of the Devil, Hypocrites void of all Grace and Goodnef, Saints only in Mafqucrade, abandon d, catt off by God, and left entirely to their own Lufts, and to follow their Inventions, and conjignd to Satan, and everlasting Darknef, and Perdition, as all are who wilfully, deliberately, or malicioufly feparate themfelves from the Church of Chrisl, in order to purfue their own Lufts, and JVordly Projects, and Interefts, which are the main Motives to Herefie, Schifm, and Jpo- ftacy, otherwife their Sins would not have been reckon 'd Exam in d and Difprovd. ziy reckon d by the Spirit of God amongft the Works of the FleJJj, and the Effects oiConcupifcence, orofour de- generate State and Nature, as contrary and oppofite to the Fruits ofthcHoly Spirit,and the Effe&s of Grace ,' for the FleJJj lufteth [to work or ad] agair.fi the Spirit, [the Holy Spirit] and the Spirit pnejteth us] againfi theFleJh $ and thefe are contrary [in their Dehres, Affections, Motions, or A<5lings] the one to the other [and there- by, are to any fincere, truly religious and heedful Chri- ftian, difiinguijiiable, and to be difcern'd one from another, as the Tree is by the Fruit ; ] Gal. 5-. 17. And are not Hatred, Variance, Emulations, [flowing from Pride, Ambition, Avaricioufnefs] Wraths , Strifes, Seditions, Envyings, [the Characterifticks of Sectaries and Separates, eafie to be diiKnguifn'd from Love, Peace, Long fufftring, Gentlenef and Meeknef, the Characters of Genuine Chriitians, the True Members of Chrift, ver. 21, 22. When Perfons of fuch Characters, by the juft Judgment of God, fhall come to be let loofe upon' us, what, I fay, can we expect: from in the firft place, but all the direful Ef- fects of an Implacable Malice, Hatred, and Revenge, Avaricioufnefs ? It's not unknown how often the Sects in general have threatned a thorough Extirpation of all they call Idolatrous } BabyloniJJ), Dr -agonic al , Beaftly, Antichrifiian * that is, the Church of Ghrift a- mongfr us in particular, as well as Presbyterians and Independents, thofe two topping and molt prevailing Sells, till now of late (tho' the latter their greatest Friends, Favourers and Encouragers • ) Then how will they, the AnabamH-Millenarians, ferve thofe they account their Enemies, againft whom they have expreffed the greateft Rancour, by way bf Menacing in many of their printed Books ; io have they former- ly in their Holdings -forth : witnefs, their Martyr John James, Ocivb. 19. 1661 ; for which he was Indicted, Arraign d, and Condemn d, and Executed. The Subftace of the Indictment was this ; c He * flood Indicted by the Name of John James ,• (1.) Q 2 ? For 2,1 8 The Anabapijls Min'tflry ( For comparing and imagining the Death of the King, (2.) For endeavouring to Levy War a- gainft the King. (3.) For endeavouring a Change of the Government, and in his com pafling, ima- gining and contriving the King's Death, &c declar'd the words : (1.) That the King was a bloody Tyrant, a Blood-fucker, and Blood-thirfty Man, and his Nobles the fame. (2.) That the King and his Nobles had fried the Blood of the Saints, at Charing-Crof ; and the Blood of the Covenanters, in Scotland. (3.) That the King was brought into this end, to fill up the Meafure of his Iniquity ,• and that the King's Cup of Ini- quity ,had fiU'd more within this laft Year, than in many Years before. (4.) That he did bemoan, that he had not improvd their Opportunity, when they had Power in their Hands ; and that he did fay, it would not be long before they had Power again, and then they would improve it better ; and that he did bewail the Jpofiacy of the People of God, and fay, They had not fought the Lord's Battels throughly ,• but when theLord jhould give Power to them again, and give his Work into their Hands, they would do it better, (j.) That the Death and Dejlruffion of the King, drew very near. Narrative of the Apprehending, &c. of John James, p. 12. And thus this Man dy'd a Martyr % as the PubliJIiers, his Partifans, intimate to all the World, in the a- forefaid Narrative * and like a true Trojan to his Principles, he bequeathed this his laft Advice to his Brethren ; e To all his Friends that came to vifit him, he gave good Encouragement to Per fever ance and Conftancy, in the Matters oiWorpip and Tefti- many, and that they mould not fear Mans Power, nor be afraid , alfuring them, that Sufferings from Man, for Right eoufnef fake, [i. e. for Plotting and raifing Rebellion againft their Lawful King, cutting innocent Mens Throats, and feizing their Eftates, turning their Wives and Children to Beggary, it not Rairijhjnjfc Examined and Difprovd. %2$ Raviflring the one, and dating out the Brains of the Brains ot the other again ft the Stones, by way of Reta- liation, or (in the Language of the Saints) doublingi or millioning for one, cutting Thufands of Throats , or facrificing Thoufands by way of Expiation, for the Imprifonment or PMoring of one Saint, and feizing Thoufands of Pounds for one Shilling Forfeiture for not coming to the Parifli- Church on Sundays, &c. Pray confider the Saints Doubling and Reward* ing Babylon [ it's a Notion of very grand, and the laft Importance'] were not fo bad as they feem'd to be. [ Then O ! the Diabolical Revenge of thefe Cannibal Saints, to return fo much Evil, for what tended to fo much Good and Advantage, and Honour, and Glo- ry, and Reward to them, to think cutting of Throats, and fending Men head-long to Hell before their times, and to Ruine innocent Wives and Children, to be only an Adequate, and just Reward for fending them to Heaven ; Thefe are Days of Light with a witnefs, the poor Marty s under the Ten Perfections, were blind, ignorant Bats ; had they been vouchfafed thefe Mens Illuminations, they might have prevented the Effufions of Oceans ot innocent Blood : See p. 36, Narrat. of John James. But here I rnuft beg leave to add, that this John James had like to have prov'd a much truer Prophet than his Brother Canne or Spit- tkhoufe, he was within an ace of it ; for whereas he told believing Brethren, that it would not be long be- fore they had Power again ; I muft needs fay, they bid fair for it, in Oclob. 1663. The main Body of the Sectaries, were over head and ears in a Plot, (which was managed by. a Council of Forty, and a Council of Six, which were the Reprefentatives of fix Seels) to Cut off the Royal Family, and all the Nobility and Gentry • for which Defign, Four were Executed, George Phillips, Tho. Tonge, Nathaniel Gibbs, Francis Stubbe : Gibbs own'd himfelf to be an Anabaptist in \ii$ Dying-Speech. Brief Narrative of that Jlupendiou; Q 9 Trap- 2,30 The Anabaptifts Miniflry Tragedy, intended to be aBed by the Satanical Saints of thele reforming Times : Printe'd, 1663. I have not room to purfue the reftlefl and indefati- gable Diligence of thefe Sectaries any farther, my De- sign being only to give a Tafle or Specimen of their Principles and Practices, by way of Caution, that the honeit peaceable Members of the True Church ofChrifi amongft us, may ft and upon their Guards, and ne- ver think themfelves fecure from their Hellijl) Machi- nations, and to prevent their being feducd by them. They are everlaftingly in a Plot, and all their Reli- gious Cart, affeBed Sanctity and Precifenefi, Tendernefl ofConfcicnce, is only a meer Stalking- horfe, and in or- der to their Carnal, Worldly Deflgns, to get all into their own Hands, (for no lefs will fatisfie any fingU Seel amongft themj by the Deftruetion and utter Extirpation of all that are truly and fincerely Religion, Loyal, and as one who was once a Ringleader^ and a topping Teacher amongft them, defcribes them, they are nothing but a Pack of Knaves, as St. James faith, Double-minded, make great profeflicns of Ho- linefs, whilft their Hands are full of Blood, Oppreffion and Violence, and their Hearts ov^r flowing with Malice, Strife, and Envy • and where Envying and Strife is [as it is always inseparable from Seclaries (tor they could not be inch without thefe) there #• Confufion, and every evil Work.~] All Good, becaufe to be feparated from the Body o{ Chriff his Church, is to be deflitute of Grace ,• all Chrift's Promifes or his Holy Spirit, of his own Frefence, and moft Gracious Superintendence and ProtcBicn, being made to it alone, fo that ordinarily, to be fure, Grace is not to be had with any comfortable AiTurance out of this One Church of ChrifL But then fecondly, What may we expsd in reference to Religion, that unum necefj'arium, the greateft Concern of all, mould (which God in his Mercy forbid J thefe Mifcreants once more pre- vail, and £er all Powtr here b^low, irj?o their Hands ; they Examined and Difprorud. .231 they have threatned hard to go through flitch ; that is, to dcftroy all Magifiracy and Mhuftry ; and we may, by reviewing the State of Religion, bstween 41 and 60, fee to what a horrid pafi ic was brought then, nothing fettled, every one profiling what he pleas'd ; nay, come to that (as the London M'mifters tell us in their Seafonabk Exhortation, Printed 1660.) ' That c fome were grown (as are credibly inform'd, (fay c they) to that height of Wickednefs, as to Workup c the Devil himfelf, p. 10. * If it was fo then, as thefe very Men tell us, and fadly complain (to be * Which Pajfyge, 1 jinin fure) more out of Jpprehen- be . u J? n x m °t t-?*/" fQr ~ V , . ' r } the Quakers, Publirn d 165 9. fion for their own pergonal Ani thefe very W 6 r (hippecs 0/ IntereH, being become the Devils, to be Anabaptifts, and what they are generally refolved into at latt, as their utnwU Progrefs, Quakers. The Pa f- fage is this, in fooit: ' In Septemb. latt, 1659. there was a jirange Difcovery made of divers Witches, inland near the Town o/Sberhnrn,i« Dorief-fhire,f/;ere being near 200 of them at one Meet ing,mott of them ^uahyjer sand An ab aptijis. .Three Men and two Women, formerlyQua^ers, committed to Dorchefter Goal, ivhere they novo are Prisoners, have confefs'd upon their Examination, and fince their Commitment,* (1 / That when the Devil firft appeared to, and tempted them to be- come Witches , he firtt of all perfiuded them to Renounce their Bap- tifm ; becauje, in it they Renounced the Devil and all his Works, with all the finful Luftsof the Fiefh: Which they did actually Renounce, before they made a Contrail with him. (2.) That the Devil did often vijibly appear to them in fundry Forms {and perfuaded them, as he, Mat. 4. 8, 9, 10 Luke 4. j, 6, 7, 8. tempted cur Saviou--) to fall down ar.d WorfJ?ip him ; which they did. (3.) That he instigated them to torment, bewitch, and dejiroy Mr? Lyford, late Minifter e/Sherbum — being tormented with a painful anSJharf Difeafe, of which he died : And Mr. Bamrield,— — « ■ - — whom they fore'd to defert the Tonn, his Succeffor. ("4.] 71? e two Women confeji to all, That the Devil hath oft-times had actual Co- pulation with them in fundry Shapes, but commonly in that cf Mr. Lyford, and Mr. Bamhelav whom they mojt hated, and endeavoured to de/lroy. (j.) The Devil, fince their Imprifonment^ hath frequently appeared to them all, and actually ftlfcffed them, bruiiing, tearing, life the Unclean Spirit, Mark 9. 18, &c y tofiing them frequently up and down the Prison in a jirange manner, t tormenting them with Jirange Fits, — r ^ual^ings, — Sw eliings in \ their whole bodies, that their Skins are ieady to break, which. ' makjs them cry out, and rc.tr with great Horror, &c. very %l% The Atiabaptifts Miniftry very Scorn of the other Seels, and their Caafe every day more and more declining, than for the Glory of God, the Love of the Truth, or the real Bene- fit of Souls • for we do not read of the real Peni- tence of* any one Man among them, for all their Rebellion and Hypocrifie ,* that all the Symptoms of God's Difpleafure, were upon this Nation, and the Candle fikk in danger of being removed j we can morally exped: nothing lefs, upon fuch Mens pre- vailing, as this prefent Generation appear to be by their Threats | which puts me in mind of a Notable Paffage I have met with, to the purpofe in hand, which is very fuitable to be inferted here, written i65"9. ( You know (faith my Author) who has c faid it, He tumeth a fruitful Land into a Wildernefi, c for the Iniquity of them that inhabit therein. And c truly, he that mall ferioufly confider the fad Ca- f taftrophe of the Eaftern Empire, fo flourishing in f Piety, Policy and Knowledg, Literature, and all € the Excellencies of a Happy and Bleffed People, 5 would almott think it impoffible, that in fo few c Years, and amidft fo Glorious a Light, Learning, * .and Religion, fo fudden and palpable a Darknefi, c fo Orange and horrid a Barbarity mould over- ? fpread them, as now we behold in all that goodly f Trad of the Turkifh Dominions ,• .And what was * the Caufe of all this, but the Giddinefs of a wan- * ton People, the Schifms, and the Herejies in the f Church , and the projpercus Succefi of a Rebellious i Impofter* whofe Steps we have porfued in fo many 6 pregnant Inftances, giving Coutenance to thofe f unheard of Impieties and Delufons, as, if God be * not infinitely Merciful, muft needs involve us f under the fame Dififlers ? For while there is no s Order in the Churchy no Body of Religion agreed c upon, no Government EftablifiVd, and that eve- l iy Man is abandend to his own deceitful Heart, c wbilft Examirid and Difprov'd. 133 6 whilft Learning is decry 'd, and Honefty difcoun- s tenanc'd ,• Rapine defended, and Virtue finds no * Advocate ; what can we in reafon expert, but the * molt direful Expreflions of the Wrath of God, c an Univerfal Defolation, when by the Induftry f of Satan and his crafty Emiffaries, fome defperate * Enthufiafm, compounded (like that of Mahomet) ( of Arian, Socinian, Jew, Anabaptifi, and the f impure Gnofiick ; fomething, I fay, made up of 6 all thefe Herefies, mall diffiife it felf over the Na- c tion in a Univerfal Contagion, and nothing lefs c appear than the Chrifiian, which we have in- c gratefully renounc'd. An Apology for the Royal Party, 1^9. p. 9. Thefe are the dreadful Expectations, and nothing lefs, that all who differ from them, or oppfe them, mall be expos'd unto, ihouid they ever be 10 unhap- py and miferable, as to lie at their cruel Mercy once more, not only to be robb'd and plunder'd of all the Comforts and Supports of this Life, but to fee the Abomination of Denotation fet up in the Holy place, to fee our moft Holy Religion banifli'd out of this JJland, and fomething equivalent to Mahomet anifm, itt up in its ftead, the ordinary (landing Mini/try, Chrifis own Ordinance ,camier'd all its legal Maintenance,Support, and Encouragement taken away ,• nay, more than probably, all the Publick Places of Divine Worihip Demolifh d, the Univerfities, Colleges, Libraries, and all Human Learning, diffolv'd, piuck'd down, and burnt. And that the Reader may have an exad: Idea of what thefe Fifth- Monarchist- Anabaptifis de- fign'd in the late Civil Wars, I mall prefent him with a Model, in as few words as I can, that William Sedg- wick offer'd to the Army, the then Supream Tower in Act or Tojfefjicn of this Nation, in 1649. (in his Second View of the Army Remonfirance, or J^ftice done ti> the Army, wherein their Principles are new model' J, &C, 2-34 ^ je dnalaptifls Minijlry &c. By which, the Army, and the whole Kingdom are under the Condutl of the Spirit of God, led out of the Wil- nef to the view of a Canaan. Dedicated to the General [Tc. Fairfax] and the Council of War ; by which he may judg what near Approaches this abominable Generation made to that execrablelmpoflor. P. 5. ( Now, faith he, it is exactly to be c obferv'd how [ecretly God pajjes out of one Form into another, as from King to Parlia- ment, and from -Parliament to the Army, and not fo fecretly, but his Footfteps are feen viiibly upon, and in the Adions of Men, and he rides his Jour- ney upon their Backs. This very much concerns the clearing up the Armies Cafe, ■ and there- c fore I (hall unfold it in thefe five P. 6. c particulars : (1.) That there is a tranf- c mitting, or tranflathg of Power from c the Parliament to the People or Army. (2.) That c this Change ot Power from Parliament to Peo- c pie, is according to Human and Divine Reafon. c (3.) That this Power of the People fo rais'd by c the Parliament, is a fuperiour and ftronger Power c than that of the Parliament. (4.) That this Ar- c my is truly the People of the Kingdom, already c form d into a Body of an Army, (f.) That this r Eorm of an Army, is the mofc excellent, agree- c able to God, and fitted for the prefent Work, and c the Mother of other Powers. Firft, The Parlii- ment having all Power, by the Prefence of God with them, and the Majefiy or a King dying into them, they do, by the Will of God, convey all they had to the People gather d together in Arms for their own Security ; and this he proves thus, (r.) By their ceafing and expiring ,- their End cea/ing : They be- ing unfit, unable to go through the work for which they were call'd, rhey ipfo facto ceafe. (2.) By their railing another Power (i. e. an Army) fupe- gicur to themfelves, and inconfiftent with them. Esamlnd and Difprov'd. 135 (3.) Becaufe an Army being rais'd of the People, who are the Subftance, the Parliament who are but Reprefentatives or Shadows, vanishes in courfe. (4.) Becaufe the Raifing of Army is an Ad of God Himfelf, and for the carrying on his own Defigns, to fhew forth his Glory, &c To P. 7. prove the fecond Particular, he argues thus, That this Defcent of Power is moft natural and agreeable to the Will of God^ Humane and Divine Reafon : Becaufe, Power did original- ly arife from Jimple, poor Man, had its Original from the Duft of the Earth, Common People, and thence rifes into the Glory of Kingdoms, Lord- {hips, Monarchy, &c and in Extremities, Con- vulfions of Government, Tyranny, &c naturally ' returns to its Center, &c p. 8. The third Parti- vular he proves thus : (1.) Becaufe the Parliament, in their Declarations, appeal'd to the People, and by that their Act, fubjected themfelves unto them. (2.) Becaufe they are Higher, being appeal'd unto, and have more Strength and Ability to do Juftice, and to defend themfelves, than any other Power in being , &c The foruth Particular , viz,. That the then Army were truly P. 9, 10. the People of England, and had the Na- ture and Power of the whole in them, he prov'd thus : (1.) Becaufe they were of a popular Stature, Men of the common and ordinary Rank of People, &c (2.) Becaufe they were the Heart and Life of the People, Men of ftrong and lively AfFe&ions for the Publick Good, who had endur'dand hazarded much in their Perfons for the Nation , &c> (3.) Becaufe they did accept of the Ap- P. 11. peal of the Parliament, &c. They are the People in Virtue, Spirit and Power, gather'd up into Heart and Union, in a fdetled, choice way ; the People in gmjj, being a Monlier, agrofi Heap, univeildy, nule Bulk, q{ no ufe, &c. f. 12. The Z3<5 The Anabaptifls Miniflry Fifth Particular thus ; c That the Army are the Peo c pie gathered and united into a moft Excellent and ( Divine Form : Or, any Army is a lingular Ordinance e of God appointed for ipeciai Purpofes, and at this * time, rats' d by God as moft fit for thofe noble, ho- ' nourable, and difficult Works he hath P. 13. c now in hand. For the clearing of this, ( I woud have confider'd, That an Ar- my is a peculiar Ordinance of God, wherein he hath a fpecial Delight, and appropriates it to himfelf, as a Power that hath more near Relation to him, e and more immediate Dependance upon him, and in which he will moft vifibly mew himfelf, and c therefore chufes fo often to be call'd the Lord of c Hafts, &c. Now, to illuftrate this Notion, he tells us, (r.) When God brought forth the firft Creation, he caft them into this Mold, an Army, and fo laid the Foundation of ail his Works in the Camp ; Gen. 2. y. When he had fimf»'d the Heaven and the Earth, and all the Hofi of them. In this pofture he hath put all things, not only the Stars, who fight i?i their Order, inarch in their Courfe, but the very Locufts go forth by Bands, &c. (2.) When God ex- preffes his Prefence with his People in the World, he manifefts himfelf to be in a Military State, I will encamp c about my Houfe : Pitch his Tents about them, f Sec. (%.) When he comes in his laft and great c Glory,' he brings his Hofts with him, and comes c as a General and Lord of Ho/Is, Thoufanis of Thou- e fands attending upon him, all his Saints and An- * £els, &c. In the Providence of God in the ' World, God hath made great ufe of Armies : c (1.) They have been the Parents of all the Empires e and Kingdoms of the World : All the prefent c Common-wealths upon the Earth, muff. - P. 14. c own the Sword to be their Original, &c. c (2.) As all Kingdoms came out of an e Army, fo are much cherifti'd and upheld by the f fame a . Examirid and 1 DJffrovd. - - z$y fame • moft Kingdoms flourishing, while their Military Virtues are kept bright and clear by ufe, and quickly languish when the Sword is wholly laid alide, &c. f 3.) As Kingdoms are begotten and nouriih'd by Armies, fo do they again refohe into them, as into thck firfi Principles ; And, when by Strength of VVickednefs, civil Societies are difturb'd, they naturaliy retire \o a Military, as unto their own Father, for Safety, &c. Now as to the Work of this Divine Ordinance, this Heavenly Hoft : c The Work that God, faith he, hath now in hand,is not anEarthly, fixd tking y hu.t he is upon Mot ion, marching us out ot Egyptian Dark- nefs and Bondage, into a Canaan of Reft and Hap- pinefs, and therefore 'tis proper for him to gird up himfelf, to contract himlelf from a vaft Body of aKingdom,into a narrower Compafs, into a few Spirits, into an adive Body , P. 15". fuch as an Army is, loofe and free from the Clog of old Forms and Cufioms, to a<5fc lively his Pleafure, and to follow him into thoie new Ways and Paths of Truth and Liber- ty, that he fhall lead them. P. 16. * Here follows the Character of this Army. c Know therefore that the Lord, the moft high God is in the midff of you, is in you, and with you, in a glorious Pre fence, as you have profefd : The Glorious God, or the Glory of God dwells with you, or God in his higheH Glory refis upon you ; fo that you are not only the People of England, but the People of God, fantlified by the Holy, Mighty, Wife Spirit of God, and endow'd by the Divine Wifdom, Strength and Juftice • And you are as an Army, fo the Lord's Hoft; Or, THE LORD HIMSELF in his greateff Madefy, appearing amongft Men ill I an Ho ft, the whole Hoft of Heavenly and BleiTed f Men 2, 3 8 The Aflthaptijts Minifiry Men and Angels, with all their various and innu- merable Excellencies and Perfections gather'd to- gether, and embodied upon the Earth in you : Ari Earthly Army in Union with the Heavenly Hoft, or the Lord of Hofts in Mount Sion 3 among his People ^glorioujly ; This is your Righteoufnefs, the Lord Jehovah is your Covering, and your Garment of Salvation, and only this can juftifie you • Honeft Intentions, and good Meanings, are rotten Rags } and too narrow to cover your Nakednefs. How the Lord of Hofts was prefent with this Army. c Firft, The Lord is with you in the higheft and greateft Majefty : There i$ no ^pc&er, no <01o- ^ Of $300, but 'ti$ in pan, and with yew, nor nor no go&cr nor <0lo?n greater than tljat which dwells in you ,• none bejides, \W\\Z allO^r, none Bcponti it. The Lord is here, the mod High God, and with him, all Power in Heaven and Earth ; there is no Wifdom or Strength that yoti have not, and all Imaginations of a Power a&fcnt from you, either in Heaven or Earth, is an Injury, or Accufation to God and You , is Theft and Robbery, ftealing away the Riches of God from you, and from himfelfin you ,• if you look upon tfte feingDom of <03ti, the $ctts Creation, |Mn Weakens?, and $cla €artfi, as anfent oj to eome, you oenn tlje i^olp 4Dne ioitfj pou, who is prefent- in Deed and Power, tho' under your Weaknefs. Their Unim and Communion with God explain'd. c Secondly, The Lord is with you in perfect V- nion and Communion • You are what he is ; He is what you are: Whatever is in him, 'tis commu- nicated to you ; and whatever-is in you, is com- ( municated Examhid and Djfprovd. 239 municated to him : Is there Power or Glory in God ? 'Tis in you alio : Or is there TVeakmfi'm you ? It lies upon him : Or is there Rightecuf- nefs in God ? 'Tis in you as it is in him 3 to live in it, a& in it, and by it, to employ and bring it forth : And is there ^nfftnuti) in you ? 'Tis in him as 'tis in you, a Clog, a Burden, ar Enemy, ha- ted, feparatedj taken away, &c. Nothing now is fyoken of God, but may be Jficken of you $ you being in Union with him : or nothing fpoken, or done to you, but 'tis done to God with you, you being one : And 'tis 2&af$$Cittp of l)t\\ ano IDctril, to fe- par ate <£5dd from poti. 02 pou from 45ofc. Will Men fay, you are $£&£)$, 22cfi ropei*£ ? They fay it of tfec %ftp. Or, will you, or Satan in you, fay, You are IBcak, and $®tn, and can't do futl) lji0§ t$iltg$ ? They are too great for us, You and They will know you fpeafc tijC fame of , and all op- preffing Fears, or dark Doubts, they are of the malicious One, your Enemy, &c and all At- tempts of Satan, or his Inftruments, will be as Waves againft a Rock dafh'd in pieces, and you mall grow from a little Stone, to a great Mountain ; from a little Branch, to a great Tree, that mall fpread it felf, and fill the Earth with Fruit, &c. c As 240 The Ana&ciptifls Miniflry As to this Army's Work in particular, in refe- rence to themfelves ,• f Seeing the Lord hath patted c from other Powers to you, and exalted or let up you as the prefent fianding Tower of the Kingdom, and hath given himfelf to you, and taken you up * into his glorious Prefence, then muft you exalt the Lord, publish, declare the Name of the Lord, P. 18. ' confefs him to be in the midfi of you, c found him forth evidently, boldly y aloud ; fay, the Lord lives with you, that he u come to Reign amongst you glorioufly. Bring him forth in Brightnef and Power ; Let this Opprejfed One go free ; Tell it to all the Nations, The Saviour of Ifrael 13 come to Redeem his People from all their Enemies. You do mutter it, and fpeak it foftly, and by- halves, but declare it fully, that we may hear the Shout of a King in the Camp; that God himfelf is in you of a truth : Let us hear the Sound of that Trumpet in the Camp, which the Seventh, laft and Blejfed Angel founds ; And thofe great Voices in Heaven, faying, The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of the Lord and his Chrifi, £3p an ^ b e Jhall Reign for ever and ever. Do you, not in Words, but in Power and Truth, cafi: down your Crowns down to the Earth, fall with your Faces to the Earth, your Crown of SucceJJes, Victories, lay them down in the Dirt, being but Earthly : And your Faces, your Excellency of Honefiy, Valour, Wifdom, Honour, lay it down to the Earth, for it is but DuH ,• and as you wor- ship God, love God, confefi God, exalt God, &c. give up your felves from, human, weak, or rlefhly State, as Thanks, or free-will Offering, to the Glory and Majefty of God, to act, and live the Life of the Almighty, put on the Almightinef of God, be cloathed with God Almighty, &c. He hath taken his great Power, and hath Reigned, he hath already began, hath taken his laf? and great Pow- er, r er, and is in the Exercife of it. Therefore, Arife ' and Jhine forth , for thy Light is come, and the Glory ef the Lord is rifen upon thee : For s behold the DarknejS frail cover the Earth, and grof! DarknejS the People , but the Lord frail rife upon thee, and his Glory frail be feen upon thee, and the Gentiles frail come to thy Light and Kings to the brightnef of thy Rifing. You being the People of Eng- P. 19. land, and all Power and Dominion de- fending, and coming down into you, you are the Mother of the Nation, the Earth, Bafis, and Foundation upon which all lie j and being thus, in the Light and Strength of God, y«u are Jeru- falem which is above, the Mother of us all, and there- fore muft ,- The Army's Work in reference to this Nation in particular. * (r.) Spread your Arms to receive the whole Nation; open your Bofoms to us, and let us fee you carry in you all the Happinefs and Welfare of the Kingdom, manifeft the Largenefs and Com- prehenfion of your Spirits, that you have in you the King, and "his Royalty ,• the Parliament, and their Wifdom and Majefty, thefe two in Treaty j nay, in perfecl Union, that Religion, Trade, Juftice, Order, Covenant, Settlement, Reformation, Riches t ■Honours, 'Propriety, lies treafur'd up in your Breafts ; What you have not, Gather unto you, all the Offices^ Treafure, Authorities, Seals, Judicatures, all the Prerogatives , Privileges of the P. 20, Nation, let nothing lie out of you and be loft, but be you the Center of all, and call in all into you. (2 J Let it appear that they are in you, as in the Lord • in the Lord, in you, die. (3.) Receive, and retain them all in Judgment ; make a thoroghDigeftion of the Good and Evil of them all ; keep them, as in a Fire, by the Sword of Divine Juftice, with the Exactnefs of God ; K - * Cut %^i the Aftafiaptifts Miniftry Cut ts{£ aH cfcif €jjing^ anti $ctfons?, fepa- rate the Precious from the Vile.- — Know, the Lord is upon the his Throne amongft you, and every one, every thing that is not his, muft be rejected $ every Vlant that he hath not planted, ?nuft be plucked up, there muft be no SJUDgC but tfjC %0& ; and nodule of accepting and refilling., but the IDioinc Law of the £>pirii of God. What God will own, and fay is mine, {hall live ,♦ and what he will ulfclUll , muft die ; and the poor narrow Minds and Fancies of Men, muft not be Enthrorid, c nor have leave to judg amongft you, P. 21. c &c. Now for the Work in good earneft. € Laftly, Let me prefent you, and bring you forth as the Lord's Holt in the great Majefty of an Army ; in this moft excellent Form, in whom the Lord is as a mighty Man of War, cloathed with Zeal, as with a Garment, and making bare his Arm in the moft terrible and mafculine Conflitu- tion of an Army ; Glorious in his Apparel, travelling in the Creatnejs of his Strength ,• red in his Apparel, and his Garments like him that treadeth the Wine-fat ; for the Day of Vengeance is in my Heart, and the Tear of my Redeemed is come. A D AT of Vengeance ; this e Work mufi be cutftjort in Right eoufnefi, quick V. z6. c and^e^,and that too,in perteft Union c with Salvation and Redemption, which muft be lorn, uTear, it muft laft for ever ,• The Year of my Redeemed is come, (r.) In this refpe£, you : muft appear moft Abfolute in your Commands, Migh- ' ty and bidifputablc in your Authority ,• and, 'tis pro- ' per in the Work you are in : Dan. 4. %<$. And he : doth according to his Will, in the Army in Heaven, and : among the Inhabitants of the Earth, and none can ft ay f his Hand, or fay unto him, What do ft thou? An Army * in Heaven, that's your place, ftanding in God, and ( inj]>ind by the Spirit of God ^ One with the Heaven- Examirid anihfpifprov'ct. 243 ly Hoft ; Majefty and Abfolutenefs is but due here, and that without Danger, when the Wife God guides your Refolves, &c (2.) You mutt ap- pear in greater Terror to evil Doers , than any Power before you, with your Sword whetted, furbiJJid, bath'd in Heaven, made bright and glittering with thz Spirit of God ; that it may awe and ftartle the Eyes of the Nation into a fear of Tranfgreflmg. For- mer Swords have been too dull to cut up Iniquity-—— -therefore you muft appear in greater Severity, every Ad and Word of Juftice «=^3 piercing to the Heart, feraching between the Soul and Spirit, between the Bone and Mar- row, to kill Wickednefs in the Root of it : • Not only ftrikeat Human Mifcaniages, but at Diabolical Wickednefs, — which you are able to do, having a Sword battid in Hea- ven, and executing Divine Juftice,- and by doing this, you mall fecurc the things you do, and for e- ver difable Satan to bring forth any mere Mifchiefs upon us This is that P. 27. you have harped at, the fulfilling of that Promife, Tfal. 149, 6. &c the Praife of God in their Mouth, -and a Two-edgd Sword in their Hand ,• one of Flejh, another of the Spirit ; to cut up Sinners with the one, and Sin itfelr with the o- ther. The firft is common to every Heathen ,• the iecond, the peculiar Honour of CM/?. ~ — > To deftroy, or cut off evil Men only, is Heathe- niih ,' to deftroy wicked Works only, and not Men, is Chriftian ,- to cut off both together, is the laft, and great, and perfect Judgment of the World: By this you mall do that which hath been fore- told in Dan. 9. 24. to finifli Tranfgreffion, and to make an end of Sins, and to bring in everlafting Righteoufhefs ,• * to deftroy the Wickedneis out of the Earth, Root and Branch, that there may no more come out of their Loins ; that Sin may R z { be X44 Tb* An&baftijls Minifiry ' be Barren and Childlefs : This is the fecure Cori- c dition you aim at, and that which is promifed, and * will be made good to you : To fet up fuch true ' and bright Laws, fo Holy and Incorruptible, in fuch ' Power and Efficacy, as no Ungodlinefs {hall be c able to pafs through them, or ftand in the light c of them : — — — Sin jball not abide in Mens ' Actions, no, nor Hearts ; nay, not in the S3* * frfi Father of it, Satan, but in all it jhall ' be utterly de fir of d : ~- So fet up 6 the New Jerufalem in fuch Brightnefs and ever- c lafting Purity, as no unclean thing mall come in- c to it, nothing defile it. As you /hall come forth c in flames of Fire againft all the Work- P. 28. ( ers of Iniquity, fo (hall not one efcape, c &c. This is your true State, and the e firft and leaft of it ,• and lefs than this is not your c Righteoufnefs : I can't fpeak or think lefs of you; c and he that thinks or fpeaks lefs than d» c this, or contrary to this, be it Satan in f you or others, blafphemes the Tarbernacle of c God, and them that dwell in Heaven : This is f your own Life, and all below it, are Fancies, ( Dreams and Lies, Babylon and Confufion, P. 29. f keeping and holding Zion from her Glo- ( ry. An Objection anfwer'd. c I (hall, I know, meet with this Objection * from your felves and others, that this will be c true, but not yet, &c. ' To this I anfwer, That this Truth is Eternal, and e there is no moment wherein you can fay 'tis not; ' 'tis He that was, and is-, and is to come ; I3» c That therefore is Darknefs that denies e it ; or that's a deep Pit that fays it is * not here. Do not abide in iuch Darknefs of Hell, ( where Examined and Difprovd. 24? where Eternal Truth will not be admitted. If you can yet fay, thefe things are brought forth in you, but not in us, &c No ! 'tis yours as well mine ; and not mine as diftinft from you, but mine in you, and with you ; for we have but one Life, one Spirit; and if it break forth firft in me, 'tis for your fakes. 'Tis not a Perfonal or Private Spirit, but the Spirit of God, and *£9 of all bis Saints, 'tis the Life and Soul of the Army, and therefore you cannot be Strangers to it : Sure, fo foon as you fee it, you will fay, This is our Portion, our Rock, P. 50. our Strength. Another Obje&ion. f If now you object "your being in the Flejh, your Weaknefi, Inability to manage thefe high and great ways, &c. : Obferve this, - Know your Sins lie up- on the Lord, they are his, he bears them all ,• there is none now under Iniquity, but *t3 ChriB : Tou are Righteous, the Lord is yourRighteoufnefs, &c The Confuta- tion of your Unworthinefs, Unfitnefs, may be to you fad and troublefome ,• it is to me, Glorious : It being the great Defign of God,co vifit his People in a low Condition, in Pri- P. 31. fon, in Babylon ; and to Glorifie Him- felf, and the Riches of his Power and Mercy, to love freely, to cover and take away Iniquity ; God hath now taken your filthy Garments from you, and cloathed you with beautiful Garments, and put a Qroivn upon your Heads ; He gives you Beauty for Ajhes - I P. 32. have no more to fay , or rather I will ever fay ; Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the End of the World : Say you to the Daughter of Zion, Behold thy Salvation cometh ; R 3 ' And z^6 The Ana$aptifts Miniflry f And thou malt be called, fought out, a City not ' forfaken -, 'tis your Salvation that is come, you Jhall c fee Evil no were, let all the World know, let the * News of it fill the dark and troubled Earth, pro- c claim it openly ,• He gives you a Reward for all c your Pains and Sufferings, He brings all Good c with him, and his Work zs before him ; ( Tis now clear what he will do, Reign over the c Nations in Righteoufnefs, fet up an Everlafting c Kingdom for the Saints, that mall ne- P. 33. c ver be deftroy'd, and all muft own and c conlefs you to be the Holy People ,• Ho- c linefs, that hath been the World's Scorn, will now c be their Saviour ,• That which they have derided, c (hall they now truH in, your HCtghteoufmfi and c Faithfulmf. You are Holy with the Holinefs of c God, or Holy as your Heavenly Father is Holy, to rain down BleJJitigs upon the Jusi and Un- P. 54. f jgft, &c. Behold now here a Specimen of an hor- rid and far worfe (tho' in many particular Circum- stances parallel) Defign, than ever came in the Head of Mahomet (for we do not read that he ever defin- ed to cut off Root and Branch of all thofe who were q\ a different Perfwaficn, or to root out Chriftianity % ( as thefe Doctrines, and the infinuated Practices thereupon, in their own natural tendency, will and muft) repeated with the mofr aceurfed Blajphemies that ever Satan infpir'd into the Heads and Hearts of any Man, or Generation of Men, fince Chrifti- anity appear'd in the World ,- a Defign, without an Hyperbole, which is Satan s Maftr-picce of Cunning as well as Malice, by Millions of Degrees exceeding all the Projeils he put into the Heads of Heathen Empe- rours, Popes or Mahometans, and referv'd as his laft Pufh for the latter Ages of the World, to be put in Execution by the pretended, fworn, and declar'd Enemies of Antichrist; by Men who call themfelves the Examined and ^Difprov'd. tqy the SucceJJors of the Apofiles ; nay, immediately too, denying, as fome of them do, that there hath been any True Church of God for almoft ijoo Years ; that call themfelves Saints, and the only true Prote- Jlants now in being in the World, the only true Be- lievers and Members of Christ. Here we have an Army of Rebels, the Scum of all the Seels, with all the Signs of Reprobation upon them too, (as will fol- low from this Blajphemers own Pen, as you mall fee) whofe Hands were full of Innocent, Loyal, Chri- fiian Blood ; guilty of the moft horrid Barbarity, Ra- pine, Sacrilege, Perjury over and over, Treachery, Hy- pocrite, Apoftacy ; call'd the Ordinance of God, in- verted with all his Attributes, Perfection, Holinef, Pu- rity, Ju[tkc, Righteoufnef * taken into the molt inti- mate Union and Communion with God, in as ftridr. a Senfe as he could exprefs. Here you have the Lees, the Dregs of the World, the Tail of it (Sedgw. Jufiice done upon the Army, p. 5-0.) whom he call'd before Enejnies to the Spirit, and to the Croft of Christ, p. 13. and told them, They had not the Spirit of God, walk'd not in the Wifdom and Strength of God, nor in the Love of God, had not Communion with God, and mificok Earthly and common Bleflings for Heavenly and in- ward, crying, Lord 5 Lord, whilft they did th» Works of the Devil, &c Men living and perffing in atlual, literal Rebellion againft God and their law- ful King, Perfecuting the Church of Christ, Opprejjing all honefi and good Men, and Rioting with the Ruins of hundreds' Qi Families, Invented with the Glory, Power, Majefry, Strength, and Jufiice of the Great GOD of Heaven and Earth ,* All his Perfections communica- ted to them, and all their Infirmities p. e. in the Language of the Saints, all their Capital prefumptums deadly Sins, fuch as Rebellion, Murder, Injufiice, Ra- pine, Debauchery, Whoring, &c 1 all their Immorali- ties and Villanies chargd upon him ; by which,at leaft |n, this Blajfhcmers Senfe, habitual Sins of any kind, are R 4 f«i* Z4% The Anqhuptifts Miniftry confident with a State of Grace and Juf if cation, or the Saints [provided they hate the Church and the King] are impeccable, cannot fin, fo as to hurt them, or forfeit God's Favour ,♦ this feems clearly to be his Opinion, when he faith, that in his Millenium, or or Reign of Ckrift upon the Earth, which was not a&ually begun, when he wrote, in 1649, <§d=s» ' Sin ihould not abide any longer in Mens Actions, no, nor Hearts ; nay, not in Sa- * tan himfelfjj amonirruousOpinion,which can im- ply no lefs than that Satan mould revert to his 'Pri- mitive Station, become again an Angel of Light , and Turity, and Blip', and then why not all the Wicked that ever were upon Earth, to their Original Innocen- cy, and at length, inherit Eternal Glory too. Let the Reader ferioufly confider and reflect upon what this blafpkemom Wretch hath faid, and then jitdg whe- ther he hat|i not refnd upon Mahomet, or rather quite out-done him ,• whether here be not a Gap open'd for all the Licentioufnefs that it's poflible for wicked and degenerate Human Nature to wijl) and defire • and whether thefe fort of Men did not (and thofe now jn being, who efpoufe the fame Opinions) do not drive at a fecond Mahometan Empire, or more wick- ed, ALntichrtftian, Diabolical. Conceive it but pofli- ble or probable tor fuch Mifcreants, as the then Ar- my confined of, an Hotchpotch of all Seels and Perr fwafions contrary to the one Gofpel • I mean, of the Scum and Refuge of the Seels, Men living in Habi- tual, Unrepented Sin, to be, notwithstanding, in a&ual Communion and Union with God, even with refpedt to all his Attributes and Perfections, Glory and Majefiy, Holinefs and Right eoufnefs (we may add Eter- nity too ,• ) conceive but all this, I fay, and then what can refrain fuch Men from running into the (rreatef Excefs of Riot, Luxury, Impurity, and what not that's vicious, "immoral and abominable, and odi- ous ? * It's but fancying themlelves to be Elect, it's ^ but Examind and Difprov'd. 149 v but knowing himfelfby the Sprit to be in a State of c Grace, tho be be drunk, [in the Act of Adultery and ' Fornication, d^.] commit Murder, God fees no ? Sin in him. Avert d by Mr. Simfon ,• See Gatak. God's Eye on Ifrael : Ep. to the Reader, p. 18. Let me fpeak freely to you, faith Dr. Crifp, and in fo doing, tell you, fc That the Lord hath no more to lay to the Charge * of an EleB Y erf on yet in the height of Iniquity, and in * the Excefs of Riot, and committing all the Abominations c that can be committed ,• I fay even then, when an Eleti < Perfon runs fuch a Courfe, the Lord hath no more to lay c to that Perfon s Charge, than God hath to lay to the f Charge of a Believer ,♦ nay, God hath no more to lay to c the Charge cf fuch a Perfon, than he hath to lay to the * Charge of a Saint Triumphant in Glory : Crifp' s Sermon, Intituled, Our Sins are already laid on Chrift, p. 274,275". Cited in the Teftimony to the Truth of J e fas Chrift, by the London Minifiers, p. 16. Printed 1648. Could Mahomet himfelf, or all the Impofiors in the World, fay more to encourage Vicioujnefs, Licenticuf- nefs, and to harden Men in their Sins ? Could all the Popes and Antichrifis that ever were, pretend to give a greater ,• nay, did they ever allow fo eafie an Indulgence in all manner of Sin ? The Devil hath made his Work now very eafie, it's only to imprefs upon the Minds of wicked Men, a ftrcng Imagina- tion or Conceit of their being Elecled, and all runs fmooth and eafie ; and how much this Antinomian Opi- nion prevail'd in thofe lamentable Times, appears fu£- ficiently from their Writings and Praclices • a view of which may be taken from Edwards's Gangrena : and Dr. John Edwards mentions this Antinomian Opinion to be very prevalent at this very Day. As to this Communion and Union of Sedgwick's Army wich God, whom he impudently calls the New Jerufalem, it's £he moft damnable Herefie that ever Satan invented; With as much Truth it may be affirm'd of all that [^aye but fo much of Chriftianity in Profffim, as may qualirie %$o The Anahapttfls Miniflry qualifie them to be Hypocrites, for even himfelf be- llows all thefe Elogies and high Privileges upon the fame Men, whom, in his Jttftice done upon the Army, he had charg'd with all Sins and Vices imaginable, and in the fame Year too, as with Apojiacy, p. jo. with being led by an Unclean Spirit, a falfe Spirit, an erring and [educing Spirit, [that is, by the Devil] with being given up to ftrong Dclufions, to believe a Lie • ——Doclrines of Devils, of Wrath , Malice, Accufa- tions, Diforders, Confufmis, DeJh'uclions y fpeak- ing Lies in Hypocrifie : He tells them, Their Jufiice, Publick lnicrefi, Common Right, are all Lies.— — - — -And that they fpoke them in Hypocrifie, cunningly to deceive and feek themfelves and thsir own Interef, having their Confciences feard with an hot Iron, that God had fet fome Brands and Marks of Favour upon them, giving then) fome Vitlories and SuCcefs, to enfnare Hearts^ to puff up the Flefh for its Deftru&ion ,• Sedgwick's Jujlice done upon the Army, 1649. Now, I fay, if fuch vile and profligate Perfons as thefe, without any Repentance, Amendment, or Alteration of Principles or Praclites, in aclual Rebel- lion againft God, as Apoftates, Hypocrites, Men of feard Confciences, may yet be faid to be in Communion and Union with God,- why not all the Adulterers, Swearers, Drunkards, Extortioners, Sorcerers, prophane Perfons, che raoft DebauclSd of ail Mankind, that make any the lead: Profeffion of Faith in Jefus Chrifi ? It a Rebel, a Traitor, a Murdtrer, a Plunderer • why not a Whoremonger, a Common- fro ear er , Sabbath-break- er, a Polygmtft ? One is as well qualified for this Communion and Union with God, as the other. What Fellowship hath Light with Darknef, Purity with Fdth'mef, Chrifi with Belial ? If wilful, deliberate, pr cfimptuoiH jmrepented Sin keeps us in its own Nature, at a diftance from God, what Communion or Union can be fuppos'd with God at the fame time ? Two contradictory repugnant:. Wills, can never be tpilted at Examind and Difprovd. z$z one and the Jame time ? They who have found out the Art of Reconciling Contrarieties, or Contradictions, I confefs, may do things paft Human Comprehen- fion. And this I findte the grand Arcanum, or: Secret of our MiUcnarian Saints, and (b I (hall never henceforth be furpriz'd at the moft irregular or extraordinary Things that they can AB. I'll not wonder at all at the Liberty Jack of Leyden, and his Comrades took, as to Multiplicity of Wives, and lying with as many Women as they pleas'd, and indulging themfelves in all manner of Criminal Excefs,- and then they and the Familifis, and Ranters, upon thefe Principles, can never do amifs. This is an extraordinary Doflrine indeed, and requires an extraordinary MiJJion to pro- midge and attefi it. The Holy Scripture no ways countenances any fuch Notion, or Pra&ice upon it. The afTur'd way to arrive at the Myfiical Union and Communion with God, is, in the firs! place, to have our Wills in Unity or Conformity with his Reveal' d Will in the Holy Scriptures ; Thy Will be done, in Earth as it is in Heaven • to walk, to live, to converfe as the B. Jefus did, (as far as He is immitable by us) by an en- tire and jincere Obedience to the Will of God, to obferve the Gojpel-precepts, to make them the Rule and Mea- sure of all our Aclions, Intentions, Thoughts, Dejires, Affections, to live foberly, righteoujly and godly in this prefent World, to have Consciences void of Offence both to- wards God and Man, to mortifie all our corrupt Affetti- ons, and to re/iff the very Appearances of Evil, to avoid the Occafions of Sin, to firuggle again fi the very firfi Mo- tions and Temptations to Sin, to deny all Ungodlinefs and worldly Luffs, and to exercife an Universal Charity to- wards all Men • to take up our Crofs daily, to chufe Suffering before Sinning, to Renounce and Dejftife the Tomps , the Riches , the Luxury , the finful Pleafures and Delights of the World ; to be Meek, Humble, Poor in Spirit 3 * to be contented in all, even in the loweft and tnsancfi Circumftances of Life, as confidering that this 15" * The Anahaptijls Mini ft ry this Life is a time of Probation and Penitence, that we are every hour liable to Temptations, and too fre- quently apt to make falfe Steps, as to our Duties and Obligations unto God,' furrounded only with infinite Temptations frcm the World, the F/e/fc and the Devil, and therefore ought to bemoan our Frailties and In- firmities, and frequent Lapfes into Sin, and to make it ourBufinefs to acquire, by the Afuftanceof God, his Pardon, Favour, Reconciliation, and Peace of Con- fcience ; which if we do fincerely, and as it highly imports us, and ftand upon our Guard againft all our Spiritual Enemies, will afford us little time to carefs our felves, and to indulge our felves in the Enjoyments of outward, tranjitory and "worldly Pleasures ' to hunger and thirfi after Right eoufnefs, to lay up our Treafures in Heaven, above all things to fecure the Interefts of our immortal Souls, the one thing necefjary, the great- eft Stake, which alone can bring or procure Peace at the laft, and give us the trueft and only [olid Satisfa- ction ; To be merciful, companionate, tender- hearted, long-juffer'mg, of forgiving Tempers, to render Good for Evil, BkJJing for Cur fin g, Benefits for Injuries, and to love our very Enemies, and to do good for them that hate us, defpitefully ufe us, lay in wait tor, and hunt after our Lives for perfecuteus ,• ] To have pure Hearts, holy Intentions, and Defigns regulated by the Word cf God^ conduced by the Spirit of Chrifiiani- •' ty, conformable to the Will and Commandments oi God in all things, referring all to his Glory, or intending (o even in the minutefts ABions of our Lives ; doing all to the Glory of God, or fo that God and our Holy Trofejfion, the Gofpcl, may be Glorified thereby, and not Difgracd and Expos d to the Scorn, and Derifion, and Mockings of our Enemies, or Infidels, or nota&ing any thing inconfiftent with our Holy Profejfton, contra- dicting its Purity and Simplicity, hereby atting nothing unworthy oi God, refteffing Dijlionour upon him and our Cbriftian Prcfejjion, but walking in all Upright- nef$ . Examirid and Difprovd. 253 nefs and Sincerity, as becometh the Gofpel • To re- jojce in Sufferings, Poverty, Difgraces , Terfecutions, Afflictions, for the Truth and RightecufneS fake, and to «/e no unlawful, dijhoneft, indirect Means to avoid hem. c Let us, faith Chryfojlom, not only fimply adhere to Chrift, but let us be glu'd and faftned [infeparably] unto him : For it we in any wife depart from him, we mall perifli ; therefore let us be conglutinated unto him by Works [of Righte- oufnefs, Charity, Holinefs:] For he faith, He that keepeth my Commandments^ abideth in me. And truly, by many Inftances, he joins us toge- ther. Obferve, I pray you, He is the Head, We the Body • can there be any middle, empty Space between the Head and the Body ? He is the Foundation, We the Super fir ub~lure or Building, ; He the Vine, We the Branches • He the Bridegroom, We the Bride, the Spoufe ; He the Shepherd, We the Sheep ; He the Way, We the Travellers ; We the Temple, He the In livelier, or Inhabitant,* He the FirJl-born,We the Brethren; He the Heir, We the Co- heirs ; He the Li/^,We the Living ; He the Refurre- fiion,WQ that areRifen • He the Light, Wq the Illumi- nated. All thefe demonftrace,or hold forth Union,Con- glutination, and leave no Vacuity in the midft, not in the leaft retpecl^ for he whorecedes,tho'but as lit- tle [as is conceivable] if he but moves, will be at a farther Diftance : For the Body, if at never fo lit- tle diftance from the Sword, prefently corrupts and putrines : A Building, if it cleaves a little, is ibon tumbled down : If a Branch be never fo little divided from the Root,it grows ufelefs.There- fore fuch a little is not little, but muft be look'd upon as all the whole, or altogether ,• and thus let's not defpife little Things • to be never fo little off, or feparated from Chrift [is to run the Rifque of an Eternal Difunion from Chrift : ] Chryf. Horn, 8. in Cap. 3. 1 Ep. ad Cor. in Metali. So that we 2, 5" 4 The Analaptifts Miniflry fee the fir ft Step towards the Myftical Union or Com- munion with Chrift, is by the Conformity of our Wills to his Will, which is manifefted by an Univer- fal Obedience to his Precepts, laid down in the Gofpel^ as the true ft and vifible Tefts of our Love and fincers Affetfion unto, and Faith in him ,• and without which, we can never arrive at the Myftical, Invifible Union and Communion with God and Chrift. All this 0£f- dience muft be the Effect of .H?;r£ and Low, wrought in our Souls by the Spirit of God, the Root of all thefe. By thefe we are prepared and qualified for Memberfjip in Chrift ? s Body, for the Myftical Communion in the Blood and Merits of our Blefled Lord ,* and by actual Communion with his Body the One Church vifible here on Earth, we become Members or the Heavenly, In- vifible, Archetypal Chatholick Church Triumphant, the Society oi BleJJed Angels, the Patriarchs, the Prophets, the Stf»fr and Martyrs, and United after an ineffable manner with the ever Glorious Trinity it felf. As the Principles and Means of this Union and Communion 5 are only to be hsd in the Church Vifible and Militant here on Earth, and as the ordinary Miniflers of Chrift 3 continued thro' all Ages, from the Apoftles Days to this very Moment,and fo on by an uninterrupted Succejfion, 'till the Confummation of all Things, are and muft be the vijible Principles, and the Ordinances, Sacraments and Miniftrations, by them the outward, vifible, fenfible Means of this Invifible, Spiritual Uni- on and Communion with God and C£ri/? the Head, Cor- ner-ftone, or Foundation of the Invifible, Archetypal Church : So thofe who wilfully feparate themfelves from the Church vifible, and refuie Communion with the true Miniflers of Chrift, are zp/0 /rf#0, depriv'd, deftitute of all the Means oi; attaining unto, or claiming any Right to this invifible Union or Communion j and by being out of the vifible, have no TvigAf, no Intereft in, and thereby are uneatable of, unqualified for any Communion with the Church inv'fible, the Jerufalem a- bove y Esamind and Qifprovd. 255 bove, the Mother of us all. This being a generally re- ceiv'd Maxim, even amongft moft Seels, and all real Chrifiians befides, That thofe who are feparated from the one whofe God is their Belly ,• your f Faith, Underftanding and God, is funk into your c Bellies ,• and your Rule, your Strength,yourConfi- c dence is only in fenfual and brutim Things, ■ f whofe Glory is in their Shame : You are full of c Glory in your great Things that you have done ,• c wonderful Things, a mighty Prefence of God : But in f fum, what is it ? You have torn a poor finfut * Kingdom in pieces ,• you have executed Wrath c upon your Brethren, Friends and Countrymen,* f you have laid Defolate your Father the King, the c Parliament your Mother, your own Country ; c This is your Glory, to be Executioners, Affyria the • " ' Rod %$6 The Anahaptifts Minijlry c Rod of mine Anger : What a Crown is this ? c Have you reftored, bleffed, healed, comforted, ' or faved any ? No, you have but plung'd the c Kingdom and your felves into a Pit of Darknefs c and Confufion ,• when the Things of God arepro- e pos'd to you, to fufFer for others, to love Ene- c mies, to do good to all, to blefs all ,• you glory in € your Shame, and fay, You ferve the Lord in this, c and there be lower as well as higher Difpenfations • € You are indeed, Servants of God, fo was Nebu- * chadnezzar, fo is the Devil ; and you do the Work f of God, but 'tis bafe Drudgery, 'tis his ftrange c Work, to be Inftruments of his Vengeance ; and * 'tis a lower Difpenfation indeed, to difpenfe Curfes, e not BleJJings,- to be below in Hell, exercifed in ' the Wrath of God, not above in Heaven, in the c Glory and Love of God ,• — your Proceedings c are againft the Lord, you a£ againft € God, and God againft you, your Souls loath * him , and his Soul loaths you : Ep. Ded. to Scdgw. Juftice done upon the Army ,• ) and all the Members of the True Church of Chrljl ; I fay, to tell fuch Profligates as thefe,that they were Saints in Union and Communion with God ,• nay, the only People upon the Earth, with their Adherents, in Communion with Gcd, his EkB, his Chofen, his Treafure, and the like ? Could Hell it felf ever invent a more palpa- ble Lie, or a more outragious Blafphemy ? At this rate, and as he argues too, the Devils them- felves, may one Day arrive at this Union and Com- mimlon, and Damnation it felf muft be but a Temporal Punlfiment ; fo that in effed:, 'tis no matter what Men believe or aft, all will be well one Day, if Sin, as he faith, fliall be defiroyed, even in the Firfl Father of it, Satan himfelf,* then fo in all others confequent- ly, all faved at the long run : Second View of the Army Remonflrance , p. 28. I fiiail not infift far- ther upon the Confutation of this Army-Saint, one • of Examined and Difprovd. %$y of Canris Red-coat Apofiles, the Event (bleffed be God) hath better confuted him, than all the learned Pens in the World ,♦ nay, the Angels themfelves could ever have done otherwife. I am not afliir'd whether the Man were an Anabaptift or no, but he writes like them,- I'm fure he was aflifted and prompted to it by the fame Spirit, and I am much inclin'd to think he was one of their Gang. He hath nothing in him but what was extraordinary and immediate Teaching, fuch as it is, from the Anabapti- fiical- Millenarian - Munjlerian Spirit, and gave his Brethren fuch a. Model, as he calls ir, of Principles, that would cany all that ihould imbibe them, tho- rough fricch, through all the VilLnies in the World, and indemnify them in all the WickednefTes they could concei-ve or imagip. But the Event demonjlrates the Original ol this Delufion to be from Satan, fo that the higher this Enthufiaftkal Writer elevated them towards Heaven, §he lower and more dangerous their Fall, and fhews the Fondncf of his and their Conceitednefi ,• In his Jujlice done upon the Army, he tells" them, c They are the Dregs and Lees of the ' World, the Tail of it : You think, fa>s he, you are the befl, but you are the worft, for the World grows worfe and worfe - } and the deeper you go into it, the further you are from God, and the nearer to Hell, to ConfuHon : - - — I is a fond Conceit ariling from the grolTeft Ignoian'ce and Self-love, to think that you are better than others, all your ways being more abfurd, violent, irratio- nal, than the worft that have gone before you. You may read your Defcription, excellently penn'd long ago, i Jim. 4. 1, &c. The Spirit fpeaketh exprefly, &c He fpeaks Truth, there- fore doth your Glory fade away, becaufe the Spi- rit of the Lord hath biow'd upen it, and he fpeaks exprefly, &c. Jujlice done upon the Army, p. jo. in the latter Times, that time where- S < in 258 The Anahaptifts Minifiry in we are looking for the greateft Good, then ap- pears the greateft Evil ; And that in Apoftates, iome (hall depart from the Faith ,• the Spirit fays now exprefly, You are thefe lome, you have departed from the Faith : Firft, from the Do- ctrine of Faith, exprefs'd in the laft verfe of the former Chapter; and in ver. 6. of this Chapter, In the words of Faith and good Doctrine. The moft forward of you in Religion, do depart from the chief and main Doctrines of Chiiff, and nei- ther do, nor can hold forth thofe Myfteries God manifested in the Flejh, ejrc. And from all Rule of Faith you depart by Trofeffion and PratJice ; to fpeak to you concerning thole Commands of Sub- jection to Kings, Superiours, &c. is Literal, Le- gal-, you have a Spirit above thofe Commands, and thofe concerning the Worfhip of God ,• you are above Ordinances, &c. p. ^r. So that from Sedgwick's own Pen, this A#my not proceeding to act according to his Model, from Saints and Ekct, are- relafs d into Villains and Reprobates • and falling from Union and Communion with God, are become one Mafs of Wickednefs with the Devil and the Damn'd. Thefe are the Glorious Lights and Difccve- ries of Chrifi and his Kingdom, made by the Buff- Apofiles Canne brags of, and the delicate Fruits of Spittlehoufe % Immediate Teachings of the Spirit. Here you have White and Black, Light and Darkmfi, Chris? and Belial it God and Mammon, the Eletl and Repro- bate, Truth and Error, by a new fort of Legerdemain, Hocus-pocus , united, and the famein an infrant ,• and Hell it felf converted into Heaven , and Heaven into Hell ; in a word, the GofyelTranfpros'd and Inverted, the Gofpel Alcoranizld, and Satan Transform d into an Angel of Light, Heaven it felf turn'd topfy-turvy. But we need not run fo far as Munfier, and other Parts of Germany, for thefe New Lights, England hath been too productive of thefe Mtmflers of Impiety : As they have Examind and ,Difprovd. 259 have forg'd a New Gofpel, fo our Anabaptifis have found out a New Saviour. No Difappointments can discourage or tf£#J& them ,• if one VrojeEt fails, presently the Spirit of Impudence and Delujion is pregnant with, and i»riwgj forth another : and thus, alter the fhame- ful Foiling of Sedgwick, Canne, Spittlehoufe, and I fajngy, fonie more that I have miis'd of ,• Up ftarts William Franklin, a Rope- maker, to compleat the Bu- fmefs, who whilft he profeis'd himfelf to be of any particular Seel, was a zealous Anabaptift ,• and whiiir. he continu'd fo to bejel! into many -ftrange'Temp- * tions, i'aith my Author, and utter'd many Blaf- f phemous Paffages and Expreffions, faying, That c he was God, that he was Chrift : Tfcudochriflm , TubliJIid by Humphrey Ellis, Ann. 16 )0, p.n. For which he was admonilh'd by the particular Congre- gation (I fuppofe, of Anabaptifts) Recanted, and feemingly return'd to a fober Mind. c But however, not long after, he fell again into, and was more deeply than before, plung'd in fuch Spiritual De- lufions ,* for now he pretended to have receiv'd fome Revelations and Vifions, to Prophecy and Reveal Things to come : He got acquaintance ( a farther Step) amonglt fome of thole that deny Ordinances, Scriptures, ChriH, &C— : He then pretended, c That he could fpeak with New Tongues, ) and would babble out words, which neither him- c felfor others were able to underftand. By thefe ' Spiritual Deceits he fo fell into, was he alfo led c into, much Impiety, as to beat and abufe his Wife ; c to deny her to be his Wife ; to keep Company c with other Women: For all which Evils, he c was at length excluded the Congregati- c on to which he belong'd, p. 7. In fiiort, this E»- thufiaft and Impofior Franklin , becomes acquainted with one Mary Gadbury, a marry d Woman, p. 9. Who after many ftrange Tremblings, Convulsions, Vifions, Revelations ; in fome of which, me faid, That it S 2 was i6o The Ana'haptifts Miniflry was Reveal'd unto her, that this Franklin was Chrifl j and one time efpecially, Franklin coming to her Houfe, being loon after that time that the Voice faid unto her. c That the Lord would J end his Son to Reign ' in the T erf on of a Man $ She demanded of him thus, < Hath God reveal d to you, that this Son fit all Reign in ' the Vcrfcn of a Man ; To which he reply d, I AM c THE MAN. Whereupon me (as laughing at his c Words) faid, That /he look'd for the fame Body to ( come, as was laid down in the Sepulchre at Jerufalem. c To which he anfwer'd, That was an Old Body, c but that which he hath now, is a New Body. She then 1 tvld him of his Relations , that he was a marry d Man, e and had Wife and Children, which Jhe was fiartled at. c To which he anfwer'd, That the Body and Nature of 6 Franklin, Bom at Overton, conceived in Sin, and ( brought forth in Iniquity, the Lord had deftroyd • tho' ( the Defiruclion thereof were not as of the Body laid in ' DuH, r ui(ible to the Creature to be feen by it : And as * for the Woman his Wife, he own d her to be his Wife, c while he carry d about that Body, in which he was fo ' join 7/ to her } and he then alfo ownd his Children to be s the Children of that Body , but now they were no more c to him than any other Woman and Children • and that he c had a Command from God to feparate from her, and c that Company he had before with her ^ and that he had ' not Bedded with her as formerly, for three Tears before, ( p. ii. Here I defire the Reader to conlider, that the grand Defign of Satan in thefe his Emifjaries, was, to let up the Millenarian Vrojeft in the Vulgar, Anabaptijlical grots Notion of it, or a Fifth Monarchy, much like that ol Mahomet ; which indeed, is the exadt Model of this, to be propagated by the Sword y and encourag'd by Licentioufnefs , and the Ruin and tfttal Extirpation Ot all forts ot Superiors. Emperors, Kings, Princes, Nobility and Gentry • the moft proba- ble Bait to catch the Mob, who naturally hate and envy all that are above thesis and live in better Faftiion Examined and Difprov'd. 16 1 Faftiion than tbemfelves ,• and all this, under the I We- text offetting Chrifi upon his Throne. Thus, in one of this Mary Gadburfs Fits, a Voice fpake in her, and faid, i It is the Lord, it is the Lord; and again, Baby- lon is fall'n, is fall 'n • There fiall be no King, but the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Ic laid al(b, The Saints Jhall Judg the Earth, and the World fiall confefs, and f*iy, This is the City of the Ford. The lame Voice {peak again to her, I have fent many a Love-token to thee, but now thou fialt fee me face to face. It faid alfo, I will fepid my Son in Perfon of a Man, who fiall Rule over the Nations, and they Jhall fee him Face to Face, Eye to Eye. There were alfo Trumpets founding, as it were, within her, and they had Names given them, as of Seven Angels pouring down at every Sound, Vials of Wrath ; and at lafi it was faid. Now the Seventh Angel Soundeth. Shedeclar'rl, That fit did net believe to fee a Perfonal Reign of Christ, bat only Spiritual in the Soul, 'till jhe had heard the Voice /peak, as is before-mention'd, p. 10. To make this Strumpet amends tor her fo favourable Revelations, William Franklin tells her likewife, ' It c was Reveal d unto him, that ihe was the Woman ' which was fet apart for him ,• as her feif alfo de- clar'd afore, p. 12. And accordingly they lie toge- ther, and go for Man and Wife, p. 15. And the Voice fpake in her, and faid concerning it, i This is the Bride, the Lambs Wife, p. 14, And, thus now is Franklin in the room of Chrift to her , he taking to himfelf what is proper to Chrifi ; and fie putting her felf in the Room of the Church, Chrifi' s Myfiical Body, to be the Spoufe of Chrift, the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, p. 16. Now they come down to Hant- Jhire ; here he Preaches in an Inn, People reforting to him ; prefently he takes occafion to go to Lon- don : In his Abfence, like Mahomet's Wife, * Mary c Gadbury [his Whore] gives out amongft the Gcffips, l That her pretended Husband is a Prophet, p. 17. S 2 and i6i The Analaptifts Mwijlry and fpreads it abroad, That Jfo had [ten Chritt in the Tcrfon of a Man, and fp prepares the Minds of the People, gradually to believe their Delufions, p. 18. defcribes his Vcrfon, his Cloaths, &c. that all Circurn- ftances mutt jump with the Appearance of her Spark. The End of this Appearing of Christ, me gives out to be, to Erect and fet up his Kingdom here upon Earth, [and her felt confequentiy, «©_«* 2, 9. -and was ufually wont [likewife] f as wickedly to apply to her felf, in thefe her falfly f; pretended Travails, that Speech of the Apoftle, Gal. £ 4. 19. Sayifg in general, That Jhe did travail in £ Birth _, 'till Chris} were forr/id in them, to thofe with c whom Jhe conferrd, p. 21. The firft Seduc'd by her, was Edward Spradbury ; this Spradbury riding to- wards Crooxeafon, call'd in at Mr. Woodward's, Mi- nifter of the lame Town, and there c told his Wife [Spradbury and me Were both zealous Anabaptifis, c by the way] What he had heard this Woman to c fay, viz,, of her having feen Chrift in the Perfon s of a Man : But then Mrs. Woodward, not endu- c ring to hear it, laid, I do think it is a Devil ,• c But: that a f&w days afterwards, Mrs. Woodward ' _ .h 3t { j t j n a Vifion reveafd to her, That fhis Mrs. Gadbury was the Woman in the Revelation, cloathd. Examined and Bifprov y d. 263 cloath'd with the Sun and thsMoon under her Feet,and there travail iing in pain, p. 22. In fhort, their Blaf- phemy was this ; William Franklin afferted himfelf to be the Chrift, and MeJJias, and Saviour of the World, Crucified for the Sins of the * People, that his Body had been wounded, broken, and often offer'd up for Sin ; and that it was but Three Years and an ha'f fince that he affum'd this fle/hly Body of his, an like a Foot-ball; in con- 1 66 the Anahaptifts Miniflry conftant Expe&ation of Changes and Revolutions. Confider withal, the general Overjpreading of the M'dlenarian Opinion, the Second Perfonal Coming of Chrift. This Notion got deep Rooting amonglt e- ven all the Seels, the frequent Pretences to Revelati- ons, Vifions, Dreams, Prophecies, Immediate Teachings of the Spirit, and nothing to rejhain Men from running into, and profeffing the fiioft Scandalous, Blasphemous, and Heretical, and abfurd Opinions , except touching that tender Part, the Civil Gtvernment j and then you will not wonder, if what was fo Uni- verfally expe&ed, was fo readily, greedily iwal- low'd down and entertain'd. Add to this, the jug- gling Tricks, and even Sorceries, that were employ d by forne of our Sefiaries, to promote their Dejigns, and augment the Numbers of their Difciples ; as of old amongft fome of the earlieft Hereticks, as hath been above obferv'd from Irenem, Tertullian, Epiphanius. As for the .Quakers, 'tis too notorious how much that damnable Antichriflian Sec5t was beholding to the Black-art, Witchcraft, tor its Propagation in this Na- tion ,• for which Gonfult, particularly a Treatife call'd, The Quakers- Shaken ; and therein, the Relation of John Gilpin, Printed 165- 5". and Underhih Hiftory of the ^takers, Ann. 1660. p. 32, 33. and the Snake in the Grafs. To thefe Diabolical Arts of downright Sorcery, or at ieair, to the Co-operation of the Devil with thefe Seducers, Franklin and Gadbury, upon the Fancy and Imaginations of fome of the Perfons fidue'd by them, may be afcrib'd the Revelation of Mrs. Woodvjard ,« Pfcudochrijf. p. 22. and Joan Gar- ment at an Hundred Miles diftant, p. 23. As like- wife, the Brightnefs like a Multitude of Stars, which Mr. Woodward the Minifter, beheld about this Mary Gadbury ■ by which he was, as he fays, Converted, or Deluded ; p. 27, 28. And the Voice fpeaking to the feme Mr. Woodward in his Barn, p. 29. And the/or- cible Submiffion of Gac^y Waterman to this Impo(lure, p. 28, 29.. Examined and Difprovd. 7.67 p. 28, 29. tho' moft averfe unto it. I fay, laying all thefe things together, and it's not ftrange in the leaft, to fuppofe, if the Mercy of God had not in- terpos'd, but this Deiufion might have over-run the whole Nation in a very ftiort time, to the very Extin- ction of the Gofi el-light amongft us. And no doubt, had it made but fome farther Vrogrefs, all the Ana- ■ baptijls, and Independents, and Ranters, and Seekers, and Antinomians, and the reft of that Hellijh Rabble, had join'd them, One and All. Mentioning this Mary Gadbury, it calls to mind a PalTage of John Gadbury an Afirologer, who in his Doomf-day not fo near as dreaded ,p, 21. tells us much to our prefent purpofe, which demonftrates how eafie the People were to re- ceive fuch kind of ItnpreJJions, by the modiJJj Preach- ments of thole Times : ? It is ftill frem in my Me- mory, faith he, that in our late Times of Confu- lion here in London, [and confequently all over the Nation] many Minifters of the Gofpel, as Saltmarjl) , Sedgwick, &c, and from their Exam- ples, many illiterate Men and Women were con- ftantly, from the Years 1647, to 165-6. canting, That the End of the World was come, and -that the Day of the Lord was at hand. Enthu- Jiafiick, and dired Madnefs did fo extreamly rage, and reign in thofe Years (and a fpice thereof we have in thefe ) and the End of the World was fup- pos'd and talk'd of to be fo near, that many Peo- ple (upon my Knowledg I fpeak it) fold their fi- liates, and threw Money about the Streets (ex- pecting themfelves to find the fame Quarter as Solomons Lilly) but afterwards turn'd Beggars, and were glad to live on the Alms of others. Some there were again, that they might be the more voted for their Meffage and Embaffy, and to demonftrate themfelves the more eminent Con- verts unto this great Delufion, would wear Sack- cloafbj and ff)£v e their Crorvns, that thereby they \ might 268 The Analaptifis Minifiry * might the more aptly ape and imitate the True Pro- ' phets, formerly fent of God. Others would wear ' Papers in different Shapes and Figures, upon their c Breafis and Backs, with idle Injcriptions thereon, c pretending to come before, as aGuard for the King of Heaven , who they [aid -was coming. * And others there were that ran Naked, not only about the Streets, but into Churches, denouncing e Definition to the Preachers, &c. Which mov'd Dr. Boreman, in his Nnntius Propheticw, to fay, ' That there fprang up more Herefies and ftrangeO- c pinions in England, in one Year, than in an Age c in any other part of the World there did before, € f- l°3 3 1 * Nor were the Graver or more Sober fort of Sectaries, the Presbyterians, behind the reft, in thofe Days, in Supporting and Keeping up the Spi- rits of their Party, with Prophecies, and lying Predi- ctions, Revelations, &c. as might be prov'd, had I room to enlarge upon this Subject. I mall only give a little Specimen at prefent, and fo refer the in- quifitive Reader to his own Obfervation from other Writers. The Zealous Mr. Edwards, in his Gangrene, Part 2. Predicts the Deftru&ion and utter Extirpa- tion of Independency in particular, and of the reft of the Seels, from p. 179, to p. 193. and from Mr. Brightman, the Exaltation of Presbytery, but more efpecially that of the Sects , from p. 193, 195. This Book was Prsnted in the Year 46. But we find ex- perimentally, that he was quite out, in England, e- ver fince, Independency prevail'd, and does at this Day ,• and tho' Presbytery hath held up her Head for fome time in Scotland, She hath quite loft her Hold in France, and Piedmont, and lofes ground , I be- lieve, in England every day, by the Prevalency of all other Se&s. So we know, the Expectation of the Presbyterians was much rais'd, and they waited the Accomplishment of that noted Difiich, in 62, and 66. MDLLLVVIL Ex am in d and Difprovd. 16} MDLLLVVII. 1662. BarthoLoMaVs fLct quia Deslt Presbyter AngLVs, MDLCVVVI. 1666. ADVentV Lata eft SanCta Maria tVo. c During the Operation of this Prophecy , they c remain'd pretty lilent , 'till the time elaps'd ; and * nothing effected , they faw it neceffary to c fpread a falfe Report all the Country over, of a s Toleration prepared for them, fays my Author ; Anarchy Reviving • or. The Good old Caufe on the Anvil, Printed, 1668. p. 12. But we find all this Expectation vanifh'd into Air, neither feems there any probability of Presbytery e- ver getting uppermoft here again, being juftly odi- ous and abominable in the Eyes of all Parties, with- out diftin&ion. Thus we find the generality of our Sectaries in thofe Times, were leaven'd with Anabaptijlical Prin- ciples, and thereby fit Subjects, ready and prepar'd to entertain the grofleft Deluiions and Blafphemies ; and that which is very obfervable of thefe two Impi- ous Deluders, is, That whatever they deliver'd from their Vifions, Revelations , Voices , was gilded over with Scripture-Phrajes, as the moft effectual way to im- pofe upon the People, tho' directly contrary to the Scriptures themfelves,* and plainly, and in pofitive Terms, Undermining and Subverting them. And 'tis from this Anabaptiftical Spirit, that from the very Beignning , oppos d, vilify d, and neglected the Scrip- tures, that divers of our modern Sectaries have look a upon them as below them, and themfelves above them;and none more than thcAnabaptifts rhemtelves, Witnefs, Sleidan and other Authors, and their Off- spring 270 The Analaptifts Miniflry fpring the Quakers. The Reafon of this Contempt of the Scriptures, is obvious, plain and char as a Sun- beam ; the DoBrines and Precepts of the Holy Scri- ptures, are dire&ly oppofite unto them, and their Dtfigns, and condemns them, and make them mani- feft, and difcovers what Spirit they are of:. The Scriptures are Enemies to them, and therefore they are again ft the Scriptures. They ufe the Scripture only as a Tool and Inftrument, and employ it in their Drudgery • They own it not as a Rule and a Judg, but make themfelves Superiour unto it ; as do the J2W- kers, who, after all, are nothing but a S/k«Vj of -4»«- baptifis • and mould but thefe Unmask, and Dec/are themfelves, and let up their Defign, the Great My- ftery of their Kingdom, and get Footing, thefe very .Quakers would foon appear to be *# ewe ( however they behave themfelves for the prefentj and unite moft cordially, there being as little Difference be- teween them in the bottom, as between a Mahome- tan and a Turk, Satan and Beelzebub. And that which is obfervable farther, is, they never run to their Revelations, Voices, Vifions, and Immediate Teachings, but when they are at a lofs, and dare not abide by the Toucbftone of the Holy Scriptures, becaufe notori- oufly oppofite to them. To be fure, 'tis to give Coun- tenance to fome Uncouth, Uncommon peice oiVillany, when they fhelter themfelves under thefe Pretexts, as appears from thofe Revelations of Jack of Ley den, Matthias, Knipper doling, Franklin and his Strumpet. Or when, by the juit Judgment of God, they are irrigated by the Devil, to hurry themfelves into present Ruin and Depuclion. * Thus Theodoret a Tay- * lor, who bore himfelf a Prophet at Amfterdam, fell f flat to the Ground, and pray'd with fuch vehe- ' mency, that he fcar'd all the Affiftants out of their c Wits : Then rifing, as it were, out of an Extalie, c I have feen, faid he, God in his Majefty, and c have fpoken with him ; I was rap'd up to Heaven ,• c then Examind and Difprov'd. zyi then I defcended into Hell, and there fearch'd e- very Corner; the Great Day of Judgment is coming, &c After four Hours fpent in Praying and Teaching, the Prophet being Arm'd Cap-a-pe, ftrft he put off his Head-piece, then his Corllet, then his Sword, then his Gar- ments, and his very Shirt, and threw all into : the Fire : Then he commanded the Company, r in the Authority of a Prophet, to do the like ; and r fo they did, Women and all, &c. Then the c Prophet commanded them all to follow him, and do : as he would do ,• and fo ruftYd into the Street : fta'k-naked, running and crying horribly f thro' the Town, Wo, Wo, Wo, the Divine Vengeance, i the Divine Vengeance • whereby they put the whole c Town in an Uproar : ~ and being taken, \ no Perfwafions nor Threatnings could prevail c with them to put on their Cloaths, faying, They ' muft have no Covering, for they were the Naked c Truth ; and fo after a while were Executed : Short Hifi. of the Anabap. p. 42, 4;. Add to this, the Revelation of one of their Women, that God would keep her alive without Meat • and (hefafted to Death. Nor will it be impertinent in this place, to ob- serve what dreadful Mi/interpretations of the Holy Scrip* ture, the Devil puts into their Heads, to encourage them unto, and to harden them in the moft odious Immoralities, under the Notion 0$ Indifpenfable Duties ; and by this, imagine to what all their Profeflion tends, however tinfell'd over with Religious Cant, and the Formality of Sanctity and glittering Out-fide. It was their conftant c Dodrine, faith this fiort Hifto- ry, every- where, [ viz,, in Germany , Switzerland, &c.~\ that Women muft be Common. Three Rea- fons they had, well worthy to be Regifter'd to Pofterity, to perfwade Honeft Women to Profti- cute their Bodies, if they would be Savd: The Fhft was, That Chrifiians mult Renounce thofe ' things ^7^ The Attach apt ifts Minijlry ' things which they love beft,* and therefore Women ' muft Renounce their belov'd Honefty. The Se- c cond, That for Chrift's Sake, we muft undergo * any kind of Infamy. The Third Reafon, was, * That the Publicans and Harlots mall go before * the Pharifees into the Kingdom of Heaven. Ly- * ing with other Women than their Wives, they c call'd Spiritual Marriages • and under that Title, c they would lie with Neices and Sifters. With that ' Do&rine they had feduc'd two Sifters, Maidens, * at St. Gall, by Zurkk ; as foon as they were Re- f baptiz'd, they being a Bed, Two Spiritual Husbands ' came to them, and lay with them, but with fuch c fervent Spirit, that they brake the bottom of the ' Bedftead out ,• the Noife whereof a wak'd the People e of the Houfe, who coming up in hafte, found c Two Spiritual Weddwgs in One broken Bed, p. 5-4. O the horrid Blafphemj, Impiety, Beafilinefs, and Im- pudence of this Hell- born Sett I Let not Stennet, or any of our Modem Anabaptifts, pretend to excufe themfelves, or to (ham off the World with their Hy- pocritical Mock-abhorrences. If thefe were the Do&rines and Pradices of their Forefathers, the Pri- mitive Anabiptijfs, it their Immediate PredeceJJ'ors, e- ven here in England, have, as hath been fliewn, maintain d, ajjerted and contended for Doctrines and Pra- ctices, equally as wicked at leaft ,• why mould we not have a ftrid Eye of Jealoufie over the whole Seel, and be for ever fufpicious of them ? Or what Security can they give,as that they will notTeach and ad over the fame Abominations and Villanies again ? It's only 'or want of Power and Opportunity, that they do not run into all the fore-mention'd 'villanous Ex- cefs, and can be nothing elfe. What hath been pra&is'd by this Sed, in confequence ol their Prin- ciples, will be ever prsftis'd by thofe of the fame Principles, when they once dare. The Devil is the fame Devil frill, let him put on what Shape or Fi- gure Examind and 'Difprovd. i 7 3 gure he will, Transfiguration doth not alter his Na- ture. Let them Publiih a Thoufand Confeffions, they are ftill Anabapti(ls, a&ed by the fame Spirit, drive at the fame Ends, the varying of Methods or Meajures y is only a Circumfiantial of Convenience, nothing but a meer Transfiguration, meerly to catch Dottrels, to im- pofe upon, and delude the Unwzry and Ignorant^ and in compliance with the Nectffity of the prefent Juncture. The fame Artifice will not always take > and therefore Pofiures rauft be altered. And it ought to be an everlafting Prejudice or Prefcription again ft a Seel, when it lets out at firft with fuch Infernal Prin- ciples and Practices ; nay, 'tis Demonfiraticn it felf^ . that it took its Origins from the Devil, and was f 'erg d in Hell. And Ih ill we be (ofiupid as to be put off with a Sham Confcjfion at every turn, and be fobb'd off with a They are nothing to m, we do not Teach or Practice fo, what are the Foreign, the German Anabap- iijls to us ? No, this Confejjion of theirs was patch'd up out of the Independents, meerly to fupport and vamp up a. finking Caufe, and to Rally once more, to try whether they can go thorough flitch with their Fifth Monarchy ; that is, in plain Englifn, to fet up Antichrist and the Devil, in the Room oiChriJl, to cut the Throats of cur Princes, Nobility, Gentry, and all that are Wealthy, and to fet up the Alcoran, or fome- what worfe , if poflibly, and Libert'mifm. The World ought to abhor and dread the Growth of them equally with Popery ,• nay, did ever all the Plots and Defigns of Rome, come up to that height of Extremi- nation of all that (hould lie in its way, and hinder its Progrefs • fo earneftly prefs'd upon the Government then in being, by Canne, Spitthhoufe and Sedgwick I Gan any thing parallel the Impiety, Propbtnenejs, Hy- pocrifie, Blood- thirftinefs of the Donatifls of Old, but themfelves, from whom they have copied out all the ViUanies they teach and *# (tho' by the way, they can't pretend to be their SuccefTon by any cont'wud T Line 2*74 Tb e Arrahaptifis Miniflry Line of Sue cejjton, hut by an Interruption of above a thou- sand Tears ftanding fince their utter Extirpation, an in- fallible Sign they were no more the Church of Ghrift, or the One Church then, than thefe are now ,■ (and they no more than the Turks or Hotmantots ; ) and is there any fVickedncfs the Devil can fuggesl, and Man attempt, that may not be done fafcly by fuch Princi- ples as the generality of Anabaptijls have a6tualiy pro- fefid ? And fo we may fee that the Spirit of Ana- baptifm is always the fame, as it finds Opportunity, the whole Drift and Defign of it, centers in nothing but the World i a Spirit of Carnality is the very Soul that animates it j the Pojftjfions and Pleafures of the World, and to live at Random, free from all Reftraint, is #// it defires, and /licks at no Means, no matter how Impiottt, by which it may compafshs End : No lefs will fatisfie them, than to be Lords of the Uni- *verfe • and let them not think it a fufricient Vindica- tion and Apology for themfelves, to lift up their Eyes and Hands, and protest, and abhor, and difown thefe Impofiures, Blasphemies, and gfc/} Deceits of Franklin, &c Nothing can be criminal in him, in their Senfe, but only his XJnfuccefsfulnefs j Is it, I pray, lefs Impi- ety to devife a Temporal, a Worldly, a Carnal Monar- chy, founded in Blood-ped, Opprejfon, and the grandest InjufHce • Unrighteoufnef far exceeding that of Nim- rod, or the Founders of the Four Monarchies • a Monar- chy to confift of none but Rogues and Whores, Traitors and Rebels,. Murderers and Robbers, the prop bane Scum, Dregs, Lees, Excrements of the Creation, Hypocrites 9 Drunkards • and after all, Atheijls, Devils in human Shape : I fay, is it a lei's Crime to Project fuch a Kingdom, to Enthrone J;fus Chrift on ,• or, which is the /iter*/ 7V#f/j and Defign, in the AW*£ Monarchy with it, or Chrift. By all the Experience the World hath had of this u^y, it's evi~ dent this fort of People never had any true Zeal for the Glory of G^, the Propagation of Truth, Purity of Religion, the Eternal Welfare of their own or others Souls. Witnefs all their TranfaBions in the Higher or Lower Germany, and herein E?tgland, during all our C/W Wars $ all center a in, and favour d of the World, the F/f/fo and the Devil, and in all their Endeavours againft Babylon and Antichrist, they only aim'd at fetting up Antichrift in gW e*rw*/? ,• to periwade Men to Apo/tacy, by Renouncing their True Baptifm for a J&ifprov'd. zyy They Plied hard to carry on their Projecl of a Fifth Monarchy, but were bafely Defeated, as I have (hewn above • and fo, BlefJ'ed be God, have been hitherto notwithftanding their Prophecies and divers Attempts and Plots fince, to this very Day, fo very remarkably, tho* they have left no Stone unturned, employd the vvorft of Means and the moft defperate Profligates as Instruments, watch'd all opportunities, call d in the ajjifiance of all Seels whatioever ; fee Hell broke locfe, or an Anfwer to a bloody and rebellious Declaration, enti- tuled a Door of Hope pubhfiit 1661, &c. that as Mr. Humfrey Ellis in his P feu doc hr if us, p. jp. c Of all the c feveral Ways and Seels in the proieflion of Religi- c on, which Men feparating from the Reformed ' Churches have fal'n into,fmce the time of the Re- c formation began, I know none fo eminently blaft- c ed cf God, that, either for the Congregations of c them,or particular Perfons,have been given up un- c to, and been guilty offuch Errors and finful Pra- * dices as thofe I now fpeak of-; not to inftance in c times paft, and the Pra&ices of thofe of this Pro- c feffion in Germany. See not we their Gongrega- c tions even in ail Places matter'd, and broken to c Pieces, and that not by the Hand of Man, by the ' Perfecution of any Enemies, but by the immediate c Hand of God, and by the Divisions which have c rifen up amongft and within themfelves .- That it f is now a rare thing to find a Congregation of that e Profeflion : Some of them there may be yet hold- c ing together in London, but in all the Countries c hereabouts, where Churches of them have been c in feveral Places ere6ted,and where, but few Years f fince, there hath been much and zealous difputing c for that Way, there is not now, that I know of, c a Church of them to be feen ,♦ but the Members li- c ving in as fcattered a divided Way one from ano- c ther, as may be, yea refufing to own that very : Way for which they before fo zealoufly contefted, f as the only Way of God 1 even Ajham'd of it, as if T 3 'but 9,78 Tlie Anabaptifts Mhujlry * but a Carnal Adminiflrtaicn. Have not their 6 Churches been the Nurferies and Seminaries of all f thefe many Errors, which have overfpread the * Face of our Nation, that from them have moftly € proceeded and been fent forth • all thefe falfe Teach- * ers 3 the Inftruments of divulging them, Antitrinita- * rianifmy Arminianiftn, Soc'mianijm, &c. with many e other grofs Herefies ,♦ how have they been profef- f fed in them ? Where have the Scriptures been fo ' much flighted ? and Revelations, how much have € they pretended to them, efpecially when their de- ' ceitful pretence of fh.k'wg Fits was fo 5 much in fa- * fhion amongft them ? And fo trom flighting the e Word of God, havefai'n inro a'l manner of Errors c whatfoever. Vfeudochrifius, &c. by Hunfrty Ellis c 1650. p. $"9.-» again I deny not (iaith the * fame Author ) but fome there a^e of this Way [viz,, well-meaning ignorant Perfons, who follow it in the fimplicky of their Hearts, as feme of the People did Abfokm in his Rebellion] of which God only can be the proper Judge, and therefore to be left to his Judgment ] who hold faft to the Scrip- tures, &c. i but have they not caufe in all thefe s things to take notice of the Hand of God's Juflice e fo profecuting that Way of theirs, and to be very c jealous whether that Way be of God which hath £ been thus eminently., in all times and all along., fo c blafted by God ,- yea and farther to confider, w'he- e ther there be not juft Ground to Judge that their e feparating from ail the Churches of Chrift, which € are not of their Opinion, and declaiming all Fel- ? lovvlnip with them as Antichrifiian, which hath ge- c nerally been the Pradice of thofe of their Way j ' their cafting aifo of Children out of their Churches, ? by denying Baptiftn to them 5/ leaving all the Ge- * neradon of Mankind in Infancy in the World,, the f Kingdom of the Devil, not owning them to be- * long to the kingdom of Heaven the Church, &c c V/he, Examined and fiifprov'd. z 79 e Whether, If^y, thefe be not the Sins, which God hath c thus vifited upon them, in his thus blafting their e Way, and giving up the moft eminent ProftJJors e of it to thefe Ways of Delufion ? &c p. 60 c How could it be that any Perfons mould be fo c grofly deceived, for any one fo to renounce ' Chrift, as to fet up himfelf in his ftead ? Or for c any others to harken to fuch manifeft Deceits, c and to give up themfelves and their Faith to fuch * a Deceiver ? were there not the juft Judgment of c God, giving them up in Judgment thereunto, and € fome great, tho' pojfibly fecret evil the Caufe of it, id. pag. 5J. See Rom. 1. 21, 24, 28, 29. 2 Thejf.2, 11, 12. I think we need not be fo very fcrupulous and timerous in enquiring why God fo remarkably Matted the Vrogrefs of this Set! at that time of Day ? the Event feems evidently to indicate the Reafons, praifed be God there were fome Abrahams, Lots and Mofcs's, and Daniels that flood in the Gap, who by the Innocency and Righteoufnefs of their Caufe, (the true Religion, the Glory of God, the Liberty of the Na- tion, the Publick Good and Welfare, ) their Prayers and Tears, their constancy in their Sufferings chofien by them rather than finning, their Abhorrence and Dread of thefe grofs Impieties and Dtlufions^wre filed, interceded and pre- vailed with GsJ to command the dcttorying Angel to jk's Blejfmg ofjudah mould take place, and Monar- chy be fettled amongft them, God was to make choice of the Perfon who mould firiT mount his Throne ; 'twas Gcd who mould give them a King, and invert him with the Regalia, the Uncontroulable and Para- mount Authority, Confccrate him, and Anoint him to that high Office, and not the People. Thus we find the Ifadites, in their Application to Samuel, defir'd him to make them a King, ifs reafonable to fuppofe that they would have him as a Prophet, to inter- cede with Gcd to Choofe or Appoint a King over them ,• which was granted by God, tho' their Re- queft difpleas'd him, in that they were not conten- ted to wait His appointed Time and Vleafure* and he, in his Anger, Gave them, or Chofe them a King, 1 Sam. 10. comp. with Hof 13. 11. Acts 15. 21. (to fee the Unhappinefs of the Peoples inter pofrng in thefe Matters, fuch an one as they deferv'd, unfortu- nate to Himfeif, and unfortunate to his People, con-* fult his Story) and took him away in his Difp rov idential Govern- Uwf nines of fxCof cubing to l . the then Engagement : ' [R * w«f* of the World. € aw *Jbe Title or Form of Go- 4 vernment, to the Place, t/; believe Monarchy is God's own lnfiitution, fo the molt Beneficial as well as the moft Perfetl and Ccmpleat Form of Government ,• moft worthy of its Author, and peculiarly Adapted by his Infinite Wifdom to his Provi- dential Government , and Adminiftfation or the World* The moft Beneficial, becaufe contriv'd for the Uni- verfal Good of the World, and an Emanation from his Goodnefs and Bounty, as well as a Ray ot his EJfen- tial Majefty; and becaufe whatever BLjfings, Benefits^ Advantages , Privileges can beconceiv'd to flow from Order or Government in this World, God himfelf hath Annext and Appropriated to this His own i#- ftitution. To this purpofe, obferve what God faith % z by 308 The Analaptifts Miniflry by the Prophet Ezech. 16. 13. unto Jerufalem, Thus was thou decked with Gold and Silver, and thy Raiment was of fine L'men 3 and Silk and br older ed work, thou didst tat fine Flower, and Honey, and Oyl, and thou watt ex- ceeding beautiful, and thou didtt projper into a Kingdom : as the higheft Dignity and Elevation, the molt hap- py State a People could arrive at of Outward Profpe- rity in this World. So in Jeremy, Ch. 17. 24, 25. God promifeth the Jews, as a Reward of their Obe- dience, If ye diligently hearken unto me, &c. Then flail thefe enter into thy Gates. Kings and Princes fitting ufon the Throne of David, riding in Chariots and o?t Horfes, &c. As much as to fay, You fhall be a happy and a Pro- fperous People,* all things {hall go well with you, Peace, and Plenty, and Juftice,&c, fhall flourifh among you. Again we may obferve, that Kings are call'd the Lights of their Ifiael, 2 Sam. 21. 17. The Breath of their Peoples Noftrils, and the Suns of their King- doms, under whofe Shadow the People fourifl, live comfortably anclfafely, Lam. 4. 20. If then Kings, by the lnftitutionofGod, were de- figned as Blejfings to Mankind, for the Comfort, Sup- fort, Honour and Eftablijhment of Nations ; then the Want of Them is a Judgment, Mifery, Curfe and In- felicity, and mull be the caufe oi Confufion, Dcftru- Bion and Ruine to a Nation or Kingdom, as the Holy Scriptures inform us. As it is faid Judges 17. 6. In thofe days there was no King in Ifrael, but evry man did that which was right in his own eyes } where, by the way, we may obferve, that the Judges exercifed Re- gal Authority, and are here ftiled Kings ; and that amongft the Ifraelites the People of God, He never eftablifh'd any Government but Monarchical , or by Single Perfons. See Judg. 18.1. and 19. 1. and 21. 25. Now what were thofe Evils that were then com- by the People, that the Author of this Book anim- adverts upon, when he faith, Ev'ry man did that which was right in his own eyes. Why there were Bur- ExaminJ and Difprovd. 309 Burglary, Felony, Sacrilege, Riots, Rates, ^ Adultery, Murder, Civil-war, a great deal c £ 2Q d zl \ of Bloodied, Firing Cities, &c. Spiriting of Women, enfbrc'd and Unlawful Marriages, Idolatry, Ch. 2. v. 17, 18. all thefe things conftantly hapned in the Interregnums, or Interv&ls between the Deceafe of one Judge, and God's Raifing up another, in an Extraordinary Manner ; where wemuft note likewife, that in Second Chapter, we have mention of Two forts of Judges, Ordinary and Extraordinary. That the Or- dinary are intimated in Ver. 17. of whom it is ex- prelly faid, The People did not hearken unto them, but the}' went a whoring after other Gods ; Thefe were the Sanhedrin, the Princes of the Twelve Tribes, the Fa- thers or Heads of Families. But the Judges mention'd Ver. 1 8, 19. were the Judges Extraordinary raifed up by God, Othniel, Ehud, &c of whom 'tis faid, And when the Lord raifed them up Judges, then the Lord was with the Judge, and deliver d ^ff r0 ^ Re &' them out of the hand of their enemies all the uays of the Judges, &c. But I have not taken no^- tice of All the Evils pra&ifed in thefe days of Dif- crder and Confufion, in the Want oi a King, among ft the Ifraelites the Peofle of God, there was another Evil, and that no lefs than any of the foremention'd, knd that was a Schifmatical Separation from the Pub- lick Workup Oi God, from the True Church, fetting up .^/taragainft Altar, Pritfls — againft Priefts. For 'tis faid, The Man Micah had an Houfe of gods, and mads an Ephod and Teraphim, and confecrated one of his Sons y who became a Prieft and if we will but take in what was faid of him in the preceding Verfe, That he had before this, 'A Graven and a prBiflvYter* ' Molten Image by him for the faid Houfe m ' m on judges c (which according to Grotius was an 17. 6. fbemng e Altar, with other the Utenfils there- the mifcbiefs of * unto belonging) we have then all the Anmbh v ' 6 ' ^ Prime and Chief Furniture of the Tabernach, that X 3 \v/& jio The Anahaptifls Minijlry e was by GodHimfelf appointed for the Service thereof. Now all thefe Circumftances of Epbod, Teraphim, Altar, and at length getting a Levite to be his VrieB, make it probable that this Mlcah was no Idolater, but a WorJJupper of the God, tho' in a way of Sepa- ration from the Vublick Minifiry, and Place of Worship. In fhort (faith that Reverend, Learned and Worthy Author) c tyill-worfhip, t3<\p9f wra^a, a Selfpleafing f Devotion, a Separate Houfe, a Separate Prieft (how- ' beit of the fame God) from the Regular National c Eftablifhment. A thing very pleafmg to Man ! * and fo pleafing, that if left unto himfelf, becaufe * there is no King to restrain him, every Man will ' think hitnfeU as good as Mlcah, and therefore do c whatfoever fhall feem right in his own eyes. Thus 6 it's faid of Gideon, Ch.8.27. of Judges, He made him € an Epbod, and put it in bis City (even in Ophra) and c All Ilrael went thither a whoring after it. To 9. ' Now the Epbod — was one of the Gar- f ments that God had appointed for his * own Priefts, and his making an Epbod, denotes € that He was refolv'd to turn his Back upon the Ta- € bernacle, and to have a Prieft and an Houfe of € his own j which was no fooner effected, but (as ' if they were as naturally given to Faction as to ? Luft) all the lafcivious Satyrs, both He's and She's * of the City and the Country round about, went * a whoring to it ,• but this (as it there follows) be- f came a fnare (an evil) to Gideon and to his Houfe, f and was as iome conceive, the Provoking Caufe c why Go4 fuffered the Sons of the faid Gideon to be f flajn in the fame Cicy, wliere his Ephod had its en- f terrainment. To thefe Texts may be ad- P, 23. ded that of Hofea 3. v. 4. For the Children of Ifrael jball abide many days without a King, and without a Prince, and without a Sacrifice, andwith- put an Image, and without an Epbod, and without a Te- 'raphim. As much to fay, Ifrael fhall' ceafe to be_God's h Examirid and Dlfprovd, 311 People, and God to be their God: Ch. I. v. 9. that is, mould have no Vifible Reprefentatives of God's Pre- fence among them, or Symbols of his Providence over them, either as a Nation, Kingdom, or Church, nei- ther King nor Priesl, implying one to be inconfiftent without the other : No Government, no Religion, no Kingdom on Earth, no Kingdom in Heaven. All mould run into the utmoft Confufion and Diforder ,• they mould be utterly forfaken by God, and left to their own Unbridled Lufts and Imaginations: and was it not fo amongft us for many years during the Long Rebellion, from Forty one till Sixty ; We had neither King nor Priest, we had only the Bafeit of the People fet over us, at beft Rebels, Traytors, and Time-ferving Schifma- tkks, and all the old Herefies reviv'd amongft us, with a Super fetation. Gonfult Jer. 22. v. 3. to V. 1%, Hof. 13. 11. Mich. 4. 9. Amos l. 13, 14, 1 5". %ech. 9. y. If then the having Kings be a Bleffing, and the •want of them, or taking them away a Curfe and argu- ment of the Divine Difpleafure, nay, if the Promife of Kings under the Gofpel Diffenfation be a Bleffing, as mall be prov'd, is it not an infallible Sign of Spiri- tual Infatuation, and a Diabolical Impulfe to call the Kingly Office or Monarchy a Plague, and a Judg- ment ; and Blajpbemy to afcribe it to Satan, the Dra- gon, the BeaH, AntkhrlH, as the Author or Inven- tor of it : Nay, what is it to afcribe the Works of God to the Devil ? This I leave to the Confcience of any Sober and Sincere Ghriftian that fears God, and honours his Holy written Word to confider. But fince we are confidering the Benefits and Blef- fings of Having Kings, we ought not to forget This amongft the reft : That Kings, even under the Jewijh Oeconomy,werQ the glorious and bleffied Reformers and Promoters ot God's Worjhip and Religion, and the Supprcffiors of Idolatry, as the Books of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Efiher, Nehe- psiah, Daniel, the PJhlms, Proverbs, tejlify, nay we X 4 may li% The Analaptifls Mhijlry may obferve from the Covenant God made with David, 2 Satn. 7. v. 16. wherein he promis'd him, that his Houfe and Kingdom flould be cftablifled for ever, and his Throne mould be eftabUflied for ever • Comp. with Pfalm 89. that the Ground for, and the End of this Covenant was for the fake of the Church, that- Kings might be her nurfmg Fathers, and Queens her ;;urfng Mothers even fo long as the Sun and Moon en- dureth, even to the end of the World, till time mail be no more, and hence it follows that Kings are prophefed of, and foretold, to be the chief Patrons, FoBer-Fathers, Promoters , Propagators, Propugners, and Reformers of Religion, the true Faith, God's Church and Worfhip under the Gofpel. See Pf. 72'. jo. 11. The Kings of Tarflifl and of the Ijles flail bring Prefents, the Kings of Skeba and Scba flail offer Gifts. Yea all Kings flail fall down before him : All Nations flail ferve him, Pfal. 1 58. 45". All the Kings of the Earth flail praife thee, Lord, when they hear the -words of thy Mouth. Tea they flail fr,g in the ivays of the Lord, for great is the Glory of the Lord. Pfal. 148. 11. Praife ye the Lord, &c. Kings of the Earth and all People, Prin- ces and all Judges of the Earth. 'Twas for the fake of his Church and chofen that God raifed up Cyrus, Thus faith the Lord to his Anointed to Cyrus, whofe right hand I have holden, &C I will go before thee, &c. and I will give thee the Treafures of Darknefs, &c For Jacob my .Servant's fake, and Ifrael fpifie Eletl -I have even called thee by thy name, &.C. I girded thee, though thon haft not known me. Jfa. 4 J".. I. to the 5". He is my Shep- herd (faith God) and flail perform all my plea Jure, even faying to Jerufalem thou flialt be built, and to the Temple ) thy Foundation flail be laid, Chap. 44. V. 28. thenCh. 49. 7. Kings flail fee and arife, Princes alfo flail worflip and v, 23. Kings flail be thy nurjing Fathers, and their Qcccns thy nurjing- Mothers, they flail bow down to thee with their Face towards the Earth, and lick up the Duji of thy Feet. And Chap, c 2. v, 15. So flail he fprinkls ■ • ' '" ■ '• ' /many Examm^d and Difprov'd. 31 V" many Nations, the Kings jhall [hut their Mouths at him, for that which had not been told them JJjall they fee, and that which they had not heard fliall they conjider. So Ch. 60. V. 3. And the Gentiles jhall come to thy Light , and Kings to the Brightnefs of thy Rifing. v. 10. and the Sons of Strangers fiall build up thy Walls, and their Kings Jliall minifter unto thee, &C. Chap. 61. And the Gentiles Jlj all fee thy Right eoufnefs, and all Kings thy Glory. And if we confult the New-TesJament, we mall find the Apoflle St. Paul, exhorting the Primitive Chriftians in an efpecial manner, and as their bounden Duty, 1 Tim, 1. and a good and acceptable Service unto God our Savi- our, [Jefus Chriil, God-man, now the immediate fountain of all rightful Authority, v. 3. ] that Sup- plications, Prayers, Inter cefjions and givim thanks— . be made for Kings. [His Vicegerents, who receive their authority from him, tho Infidels at that time and Perfecutors] that they might lead a quiet and peaceable Life [in performing with Liberty] all Anions of Godlinefs, and honefiy towards Men, [becaufe v. 2 % by difcharging iiich a Duty towards them, and ex- erting fo much Chanty, fo contrary to Flefh and Blood, corrupt Nature, it might pleafe God, in whofe Hands are the Hearts of Kings, and who turneth them, and difpofeth them, as it feemeth beft to his Godly Wifdom, fo to difpofe and govern their tlearts,that, of Perfecutors, they may become Friends and Patrons of Chriftians, and of Infidels, Believers becaufe our blelfed Lord would have all men to befa- Wv.4. [as appears by his publishing and expoling to all Mankind, all Nations and Languages, the means of Salvation, by commanding his Stew- Oxf. Annotit. ards and Minifters to endeavour the «■ the Place. Converfion of all [even of Kings them- {elves'] and to pray for them amongft themfelves] and come to the knowledge of the Truth [the Gofpel.] So Tit. z . 1. See 1 Pet. 2. 13. Submit ycur ft lyes to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's fake, [who 314 The Anahaptifts Minifiry [who commands your Obedience] -whether it be to the King as fupream, &c. Fear God, Honour the King, [whi h Fear is very well expieft by honouring the King as God's Deputy, and deriving his Authority and Majefty from God by Chrift, whether a good or a bad King, an Infidel or Chriftian, yet ading for Chrift and ferving the ends of his Providence, liotwithftanding in his Mediatorial Kingdom. The ready Obedience, and fincere Submiffion, and fide- lity of Chriftians, to their rightful Princes, being the propereft means to prevail upon their Affections and Underftandings, both in order to their Converfion. Again Revelat. 1 i.i y. It's laid the feventh Angel found- ed and there were great voices in Heaven, faying the Kingdoms of this World, [and the Kings thereof, im- p'li ;d in the Word Kingdom] are become the King- doms of our Lord and of his Chrift, that is, by recei- vi ie the Goipel by being Converts to Chriftianity, as we find in the foregoing Chapter, v. 24. And the Nations of them which are faved Jhall walk in the Light of it-, and the Kings of the Earth do bring their Ho- nour and Glory to it. [ His anointed King ot Kings and Lord of Lords] and he {hall reign for ever and ever, [ over Kings and People in this World, till the Day of Judgment,- and over and with Saints and Angels, in the World to come to all Eternity, for the Saints themfelves fhall be Kings too in the next World, they mall have their Crowns too, and Reign for ever and ever, Rev. 22. j. But to return, and to give a full Account or the divine Original of Civil Monarchy ( the Envy of the Devil, the Objed of his Malice chiefly as flowing from God man, the Antipathy unto and irreconcileable Averfion for which, the true mark and Characleriftick of all His,) as far as my prefent Deilgn will permit. Out of the Holy Scriptures, in the former Collecti- on, I made choice of fuch which are the leaft con- teftable, moft pofitive and literal, and chiefly relating to Esamind and Difprovd. 3 15- to Faflsi but now I mall produce fome others, which tho' to unprejudiced and difintereiied Perfons may appear fufficiently clear and manifefi, as not at the firft view, yet in Deduction, I hope, may flop the Mouths of even the moft malicious and [elf- de- figning, if not ab/olute and point-blank AtheiHs. And here I muft run back even to the Creation, and take my beginning thence, and fo fetch the Original oi Mo- narchy rrom the Original of Dominion it fell, (the Ho* Jy Scriptures affording us no other Form of Dominion but Monarchical.) The Firft Text then is from Gen. r. 26. And God {[Eiohim^ faid, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likenejs, and let them have Dominion, &c Now Elohim is one of the Ten Names of God, and ufed above Thirty times in the Hiftory of the Creation in this Chapter, His Judiciary Name of managing and preferring by Jufiice and Judgment , that World which under that Name he crea- midons Orig. ted, and as his Creature hath Right to ofDom.c. 1. Govern. It's deriv'd from El or Eloah, which fignifies firong or Powerful ; and fo God ha- ving created Man in his own Image, to Refemble and Reprefcnts the Sabfiance and Original, and made him as it were an Epitome of the Divine Nature or Being, and Attributes • and to Render this Image or Repre- fentation the more vifible, notorious and Obvious to all Creatures whether Rational or Irrational, and to Ap- pear as a God upon Earth, as foon as he had created Man, He fiampt upon him the Imprefs of that moft illu(lrious Attribute, his Tower, Sovereignty or Dominion, Vejerdu, and let them have Domini- Ibid, on, from Rada, which with Dominari to bear Rule, fignifies alfo accipere idque ab alto, to receive, and to receive from above; intimating that in Man, there's fo fuch thing as felf- originated Power, unlefs we will fuppofe him to have his Origine from him- fe!f alone, and not from a Superiour and Vre-exifient Caufe, 316* The Anahaptifts Minijiry Caufe, and fo to be Really and literally God, and that he can have no rightful Power, but by the free and exprefs Donation of him who created and formed him, from Elohim, whom he Reprefents ; No Right or Power over any thing, Birds, Beafis, Fijlics, no not to Food or Raiment, but only by his Bounty. Here then we have the Origination of all earthly Dominion • it's only from God, and not from the People, as fome ignorant Pagans, groping in the Dark, have afferted, and from them our infpird and Illuminated-Demagogue-SeBaries, and whether they or Mofes, or the Spirit of God by him, be moft to be credited in this Matter ? ( for the whole Controverfie, lies between God and the P^/^ forfooth ) let any that's Religious and fears God, and honours the infpird Oracles judge. Hence likewife we fee that the Image or Refemblance of God's Sovereignty Dominion, and moft glorious Prerogative was vetted in One, as the fuprcam Creator and Lord of all things and beings, both in Heaven and Earth, One : So the /- ?#tfg/e too, or elfe the Image would be fo far from being an Image, that it would be indifferently any thing elfe rather than what it fhould be, and why not Adam Elohim as well or rather than Mofes, of Mofes God exprefly faith, thou malt be to him [viz,. Aaron] Elohim or God, Exod. 4. 16. If then ^?rge i Regal and Sarcedotal Power being the Rights of Primogeniture in the firft Ages of the World, and fo going by Inheritance or Succejfion ; and by the way, proving the Divine and Eternal Right and Pre- heminency of Monarchy to all other Forms, by the brighteft Law of Nature, deriving it felf from the Eternal ko)&\ the Word, the Wifdom, the Son of God ; (of which, more afterwards) and that is, ver. 3. And Adam lived an Hundred Tears , and be- gat a Son in his own Likenefs, after his Image, and call'd bis Name Seth, Pofitus, Conftitutus, as appointed or fet Examirid and Difprov'd. 319 fet in the Room of Cain, dijtnherited and deprhtd of the Right of Yrimcgeniture or SucceJJion to the Crown and Afc>#, to fucceed upon the Demife of Adam, there being no other rational Account to be given why the Spirit of God mould fo emphatically fet down thofc Expreflions of Begotten in the LikeneJS and Image of Adam, but what I have infixed upon. By the fame Argument, it may be affirm'd likewife, that from 'Seth this Image and Likencf were convey 'd or traduc'd in a Lineal Succeffion to Noah, 'till the Flood. When God Almighty, in a moft dreadful and amazing manner, to take Vengeance on a defperately wicked Generation of Men, who had Apofiatiz'd from his Likenefs and Image, and abandon'd them- felves to Idolatry and their own abominable Lufts, by deftroying them with an Inundation of Waters. This is no Chimera, or meer Fancy • that Cain forfeited the Regal and Sacerdotal Power, is evident by his for- feiting the Primogeniture, that he was driven out, or excommunicated the Society of the Faithful, is matter of Fall; and thence took upon him the Likenefs and Image of Satan, God's fworn Enemy and Antagonifi, by letting up a falfe Wcrihip, Satan's Kingdom and Synagogue, in cppofition to God's Kingdom, and the One, the True Church, and fo firft form'd the w- fible Corpus Perditorum, the vifible Society of Reprobates^ againft the Society of the Elecl, the Body of Chrifi ; and fo things ftood till Seth begot IiTue, and began to multiply Mankind , and then the Church began to fioarifh again ,• for it's faid, Then be- gan Men to call upon the Name of the Gen. 4. 26. Lord ; then the True Religion began to get ground, and the Church to lift up its Head, and to become more vifible. Notwithftanding this, the Number of Idolaters were far the greater ; as Weeds grow and multiply fafteft, and the Number of the E- lecl, or of Prof effors of the True Religion, was, and will be always, feweji. Cains more numerous Troge- jio The Anahaptijls Miniftry ny, by their conftant and frequent Commerce with the Defendants or Setb } poifon'd them by degrees, and injinuated their falfe and impious Notions into them, and allur'd them by their Licentioufnefs , to follow^ their wicked Examples ,• and particularly, by their inter- Marriages ; and in time, drew them off from the True Faith and Worjhip, to participate with them in ail their Crimes and Punishments too « fo that at length, the True Worffup of God, his Likenefs and Image, remain'd Inviolable, only in Noah's Family: and God, after his infinite Patience and Forbear- ance, was provok'd to cut off all the Race of Man- kind, excepting Eight Perfons. So that now the Sovereign Power and the Prieflhood, becomes veiled in one only Man again, as in the Creation, and the Power of Life and Death ; particularly, by an unalterable Law, pofitively and exprefly given to him, and thofe who mould afterwards for ever fucceed him, whofo meddeth Man's Blood by Man [ i. e. by the Reprefentative of Elohim, by the Supream Magi- ftrate mall his Blood be med] none but God and his Deputy, who ads by his Authority, and for him, hath any Right over the Life of Man ; Gen. 9. 6. Such an Authority, that no meer Man ever had over his own Life, even by the Senfe of the moft civilizd and learn d amongft the Heathens ; and fuch an Au- thority therefore, that all Mankind put together, No- ble or Ignoble, never could convey to a jingle Perfon ; an unanfwerable Argument againft the Origination of Civil Gopt : an^many Learn'd Authors are of Opini- on, that the Number of Languages, at the Confujion of Tongues, were Seventy, and the World divided in- to fo many Parts, into which Mankind, from the Building of Babel, were difpers'd. The next Text I produce lhall be from Job, who lived, it's thought, in the Patriarchal Age j who by many circumftances feems to have been a Patriarch King, as Job Ch. 29. 7, &C When I went out to the GATE thro the City, when I prepared my SEAT in JUDGMENT, the young Men that faw me hid themfelves, and the AGED AROSE, and STOOD up. The PRINCES refrained talking, and laid their hand on their mouth. The NOBLES held their -peace, and their tongue cleaved to the roof of their month, &c. 1 futon RIGHTEOUSNESS, and it clothed me, my JUDGMENT was as a Robe and a Dia- dem. I was Eyes to the Blind, and Feet I was to the Lame ; I was a FATHER to the Poor, and the CAUSE which I knew not, I fearched out. And I BRAKE the Jaws of the wicked, and PLUCKT the SPOIL out of his Teeth, &c. Unto me Men GAVE EAR, and waited, and my Speech dropped upon them. 1 chofe out their way, and fat CHIEF, and dwelt as a KING in the ARMY, &e. And Ch. 19. v. 9. He hath ft ript me of my GLORY, and taken the GROWN from my Head. By all thefe He feems to be no lefs than a KING : And in Job 26. v. 7. c We read (faith the Learned Author of ( Sacrofantl. Reg. Majefi. ch. 2. p. 29.) with St. Je- e rome, (and that without wronging the Original in the Senfe , Reges collocat in S'olio in perpetwim , He I places Kings in the Throne for ever ; and again, Y 5 f Cho 326 The Analaptifls Miniftry * Ch. 12. l8. He loofeth the Bonds of Kings, andgirdeth c their Loyns with a girdle. The Refult of all is this : He Maketh, Continueth, Unkingeth, &C. id. ibid. Monarchy or Kingly Government is God's own Infiitution, Ordinance, and not a Humane Inven- tion (Humane Invention in this Nature properly and ftrictly implying an Aberration from the Divine Law, Ordinance or Appointment, or Nature's Law • Nature confider'd in its Purity, and as an Imperefi or Stamp made by God on the Hearts and Conferences of Men, being molt confonant and agreeable to the fJJbxui, the Good-will and Approbation of God.) And this will appear from that famous Expreffion of Wifdom in Prov. 8. ij. By me Kings Reign, utter'd by that Glorious Type of Chrifiian Kings, the wifeft of all mere Mortals - y 'tis fpoken indefinitely of Ali Kings, in the Perfon of Wifdom it felf, the a5>o«, the Eter- nal Word,thc Second Perfon of the Ineffable, Adorable Trinity. See J oh. J. I. Heb. r. 2. All Rightful Kings receive their Authority immediately from the Wif- dom and Eternal Word oi God, from the Principle of XJnBion, God's Chrift. By Him, and None elfe, nei- ther People, nor Pope, nor Presbyter- By me, the Fountain of Mercy, not by me in Anger and enraged as once againft the Jfmelites, and fo gave them Saul in my wrath, to Plague and Scourge them for their Le- vity, their Stiff-neckednefs, and Difobedience, and Unfatisfiednefs with their prefent Condition ; By me the Fir B born of God : By me, 13, in me as well as by me: Kings firft in Him, and fo come forth from him, as they that are in him. Chrift in them, as His Deputies, Acting in his Name, and by his Authority, and for Him. They in Chrift, as their Author and Authorifer ; He by their Perfons, They by His Power. Sacrof Reg. May. c. ;. p. 27. Again, The Prefix 3 fjgnifies cum, as well as in and per, with as well as in and by; and if we take it in this latter Senfe, no In- jury will be done to the Original neither^ it will be no Examirid and Difprov'd. jz^ no Impropriety, Force or Wrefting, if we render the words thus, With me Kings Reign, as the Mini* fiers of my Providential Government of the World ; fo that hence it clearly follows, that all Rightful Mo- narch; or Kings, deriv'd their Power from God by Chrisl, as the Medium defer ens, .before his Incarnation, which to Deny is to Rob Christ of his Prerogative and Sovereignty, and becomes the Mouth or Pen of a Jew, a Mujfulman, a Pagan, an Hobbs, Spinofa, bet- ter than of One who profefteth himfelf to be a Chri- fiian, a Worfhipper of the Holy Jefw 3 and an Ho- nourer of the Divine Scriptures. Having hitherto infifted upon the Authorities of the Old Teftament, to prove the Original of Dominion, and Monarchy in particular, to be Divine and God's own Eftablifiment • I fhall now proceed to confirm what has been afferted, by Authorities from the New Teftament it felf,* and therein Jkoi>,that the Gofpel and Apoftolical Writings differ not in the leaft from what hath been demonftrated from the Old, fo far from yibolijlung, that they corroborate and eftablijl) them. The First fhall be that of Our BlefTed Lord him- felf, who acknowledg'd Pilate to be a Lawful Gover- nor, and confequently that Monfter of Mankind, whofe Deputy he was, the Emperour Tiberius. Then faith Pilate unto him, Speakesl thou not unto me ? KnoweH thou not that I have power {s&oitut) [lawful power] to Crucifie thee, and have power to Releafe thee ? Jefus an- f wer'd, Thou couldeft have no power W^ciaji] at all a- gainH me, except it were given thee from above, Job. 19. i o, 1 1. Here Our Saviour,in exprefs Terms, owns Lawful Power to have its Origine only from God, it could not be i%tfl* t were it not from above, did it not proceed from HIM who is Being it felf : Tibe- rius and Pilate could not have it otherwife, or from any but God alone ; and then implicitly Monarchy it felf is approved by Christ, ancf ackowledg'd to be T 4 from 3x8 The Anahapttfts Miniftry from God, and invefed with i&tU, Authority or Law-* fat Power by God. Befides, when Pilate Ch. 18. v. 37. faid unto him, Art thou a King ? Jefus anfwered. Thou fayeft that I am a King. He own'd it Literally, and was really fo, which I think none of our Sectaries have the Impu- dence to deny : And in the foregoing Verfe told Pi- late, that He had a Kingdom, My Kingdom is not of this World • If my Kingdom were of this World, &c. but now is my Kingdom not from hence. Whatever fome may have alleged as to this Text, 'tis evident that it cannot be conceived againft all the Antient Prophecies of our Saviour, and the Analogy of Scrip- tures, 7 that Chrift had no Kingdom in this World, be- caufe in the following Verfe he faid himfelf, That for this end that He might be a King, even in this World, He came into the World. Then the words can- not be fo underftood as if they implied, c That c there are in this World Kingdoms Originally of this * World : This is manifeft from firft Text cited on c this occafion, where 'tis obfervable that in this e World there's no Juft and Legal Power of Domi- c nion over others, the Name whereof in the New c Tefjrarnent, is s&ot'cj, (which One ivor d rightly un- c derftood would put an end to this Controverfy, c inafmuch as the very Name tells us it's derived c from him who is • '#?, viz. Jehovah, who- is not ' the People) but this Power mtift be Originally and c Alone in the Deity, &c. Thirdly, The Words e themfelves cannct bear out this Con- Weld. Or/^. of c ft ru tf- lon That any Juft Power mould Pom. c. z. c be 0figinaily f this Wor]d . My Kingdom is not of this World, Ik. kUimu ™W See Job. 15. 19. 1 Cor. 1 5. 47. for the like Expreflion. No, it was from above, from the faid Origine that the Emperor's Power was, So then we have {een that Chrisi himfelf own'd himfelf to be a King, and to have even a Temporal Kingdom, the Kingdom of Juda?a Examined and Difprov'J. 329 Judaa ; and that by Inheritance, He was born a King, coming out of David's Loyns ; and that his Au- thority was from above, and that Temporal Rightful Monarchy have their Authority thence likewife, and confequently but One Fountain, one Root of: Lawful Authority, and that is God, Being it Jelf, I am, the Author of All Beings, and All Rightful Bower. The Second Text is that of Rom. 1 ;. 1. Let every Soul be fubjecl unto the Higher Powers, i%v the Or- Ver. 2. dinance of God, now fta.Ta.yn (faith the Author of Sacrof Reg. Maj. c.2. p. 27.) is a very preg- nant e Word, and fignifieth an Ordinance by High Au- c 'thority ? Examirid and Difprovd. 3ji c thorlty not Revokable not Repeahble, for which he c quoteth Claflical Authors, and among them Flat. in Marcello , who ufeth Ji*\ciyixtL7U ivy il^vjuv. for Eftablifhed Decrees of Sovereignty. The Word from which it is deriv'd fo ufed Acls 28. And Ste- fhanusy on Rom. 13. 2. agreeth that it fignifieth fo much. 'E^ffjit, Poteftas, Power, a Roman Didion, faith he, by which it was ordinary for them by Powers, in the Abftracl, to exprefs the Perfons Authoriz'd with this Power : As he obferves likewife from Barclaius de Regno, who cites Claflical and good Authors for it, as Pliny lib. 29. C.4. Juvenal. Sueton. in Claud, c. 21. Modefi. lib. 27. de Pignorib. Ulpian. lib. 17. §. penult, de 8p«5w», or an Ordinance fet up by Man : I anlwer Firfp, That, properly fpeaking, there's no fuch thing in Rerum Natura, or in Nature, as an Human Creature ,• unlefs we will call Sin, Obliquity, Vice, the Violation of God's Commands, an Human Creature, (becaufe no Produtlion of God's) Villany or Wicked- nejs ; and dare any one be fo Blafpbemcus, as to aver, that the Holy Spirit, by the Mouth of the Apo[lle St. Peter, mould command our Obedience and Submiffion to fuch an Human Creature, to the Production of Man's wicked Heart ^ the Imaginations and Thoughts whereof (is they are,ina ftriift Senfe and Propriety of Speech, Man's') are wicked [and con- trary to God and Goodnefs] continually, Gen. 6. 5-. and ever conftantly prone to do amifs, and too prompt to Actions contradictory to the Will of God ? Secondly, Is it not moft unreafonable to fuppofe this fingle Text, taken literally, or as it lies, mould be a Glofs or Comment, to explain all the other Texts in the Holy Scriptures by, which feemingly contradict it, and hold forth a quite different Senle ? Or ra- ther, is it not highly nafonable that it mould be ex- amined by the other, which are more clear and fnjitive , and lefs liable to Exception or Doubtful- nefs, and receive its Interpretation from them ? Ail the other places hichertp cited, or producible, make Exantin'd and Difprov'd. 33^ make Civil Government a Divine Ordinance, and af- firm God to be its fole Author j and this feems, on the contrary, to make it a meer Human Creature ,and the People its Original. Contradictions cannot be e- equally true , and therefore the Sectarian popular Senfe of it muft befalfe. Here then we meet with a feemlng Contradiction $ here's one Text feems to clajh with a great many : God's word cannot hold forth Contradictions , therefore we mult endeavour to reconcile thefe Texts, that there may be no Ground for Error in the Infallible Oracles oiTruth ,• and we thereby expos'd to Uncertainty, in a matter of fuch vaft Importance to the Peace, Order, and Well-being of Mankind, and wherein Conscience is fo highly con- cern'd and engag'd. Thirdly, Then 'tis to obferv'd, with the Accurate Mr. Weldon, ( and that according to the Original, (for Adjedives in linos'] do not connotate Efficien- cy in the Subject, but its Paflivity) that it is not meant of any Ordinance created by Man, but efta- blijh'd in or amongft Men, viz,, (in this particu- lar) by the Conftitution of God. And this is the conftant Dodtrine of the Scriptures, anfwerable to that of St. Paul, Rom. i 3. i. For there is nothing that is ^ta'tf, or juft Power, but it proceedeth from God (who is not the People) and all that is 'JZ* or juft Power, is fet in order by God, and no other : St. Peters words are :d things that are Gods, and or his A- poftle St. Peter, fear -God and Honour the King. Hence likewife we may obferve the Folly and Non- fence, as well as Prophanenefs of thofe who make a Scoff at Loyalty and Sovereignty, and at the Evangeli- cal Priesthood 3 - and find a. fad occafion to lament their Apoftacy Examind and Dif proved. 349 Apoftacy from Christianity it felf, who hereby do the gieateft Outrage or Injury to our blefled Lord and Sa- viour Jelus Chrift, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, our H/g/6 PrieJ? and Mediator and the Originc, the Fountain o( Regality &n(\ Priesthood - 3 all the Di/^ honour done to which, he refents as offered to his own raoft Divine and Sacred Perfon, and will infallibly avenge himielf of all his profefs'd Enemies, and crufh them in peices like a Potters Vefj'el, and for ever repro- bate them as ufelefs Potjherds. But to return to our Subject, and incomparably Learn d and Loyal ConfeJJor and Author ; ' If (faith c he) need here be of Recollecting a Brief of the c Evidence for Chrift, who as David's Son hath 4 here the whole Dominion of the World laid upon ' his Shoulders, it mall in fhort, be perform'd : This being hence moft evident, that it is he that was in the firft place, defign'd (under the Perfon of David) for the Temporal Dominion, and vifible Thrones cf the Univerfe, over the People, who never had Commiflion with, from, or under him. c To him, upon the meritorious fulfilling of the Ends of his Incarnation, it was that Elohim, put in Subjection all things whatfoever, by him and for him (who is his perfect Image and Likenefs) he had made ; who is able (being the Word that made it) to fu- ftain it ,• who bought it, and as King and Priest, in poneftion of it; who had given him a Name a- bove all Names, upon whole Thigh was written his Stile of King cf Kings, in token of his Propriety in them, and their Allegiance unto him, who faid ir£ and all, and every Blejfmg, cometh now thorough his Hands, as the true Lord and Proprietor of all things , Head of the Churcb, and Supreme Gover- nour of the Univerfe, King of Kings, and Lor*/ of Lords, who fubdueth the People under them, and under them unto himfelf. To deny our Saviour then to be the Fountain and Original of all Ciw7, Leg**/ Au- thority, is in effect, to deny him to be God-man, and, in that refpedt, to be the Object of our Faith, our Hope, and our Adoration ; becaufe this King- /hip of his, we have been alferting, is a necefTary Confe- quent of his Divinity ; and to affert a Creature, a Finite Being to be the Origine of Dominion, is Blafphe- my, and the higheft Outrage can be done unto God ; and to affirm the People to be fo, is to make them Antichrifts, Rivals, and Competitors with God, with Chrifi, God man • the moft ahfurd and Diabolical ^ No- tion that ever He// infus'd into Mankind-, and the vtfj^. fertors, many of them, profefs'd Atheifis, and the £*-/? of them/ the greateft Pretenders , (to fpeak moft candidly) Hereticks and Knaves • Men (as it's too notorioufly known) who only fought, andfeek their own private Advantages, upon the Ruine of others. It can be nothing but Self-intercfi, and a SpinV of Detufion, can fo infatuate and blind thefe Men : this yifiTtion of Ci>n/? being the Original of all Earthly Power y is as exprefly prov'd from the Scriptures, as any Article cfChriflian Faith relating unto him, whe- ther to the ©eoAeyW , or, ciKoyofMa* n Xe, and the Lutherans prove) tranf- c form the Majeity and Glory of the Immortal ' God, into this. Similitude of Cruel Tyrants, yea, ' of fuch bafe and fordid Pedants (as the meaneft a- * mongft you would difdain, ihould have any Au- f thoiity over your Children ,• ) that is, fuch as de- ' light more in punifhing and correcting them, than \ to direct or amend them in Learning or Man- ners, Examind and Difprovd. $ $? ners. For fo fome late Writers have exprefly taught, That fhe Almighty Creator of ail Things., doth as immediately, as primarily and due&jy Ordain fome Men to Damnation, as he doth others unto Li!e • that he delights as much in the Exercife of Punitive Juft ice, as he doth in the exercife of Goodncfs Mercy, Love and Bounty. That as by his determinate Decree he created fome to be eled: Velfels of Honour for the Mjnifeftation of his Goodnefs, fo by the fame irrefiftable Decree, he ordains others to be Veffels of Diihonour for the Manifeftation of his Juftice. ( This opinion of Reprobation, how harfh foever, yet, whilft Calvin, Bradwardine, or perhaps Saint Augujhin did handle it, was and error* only or falfe Imagination : They who now would make it a Fundtintemtal point of Faith, or infert it in their Catechifms, make it an Herejie, or worfe than an Herefie, an Idolatrous or Blafohemow imagination. But admit all ot us are free from Transformation of the Divine Nature, all of us Orthodoxal, and in matter of opinion concerning the Attributes of God or of Chrift ,• yet all this would would not free us from another branch of Idolatry, as ri c e and luxuriant Hr mongft other Ghriftians, whether of the Romifl or of the Rtformed Churches, as it is amongft the Heathens, or is at this day amongft the Infidels : For we may rob God of his Honour, no lefs than the Heathens and Infidels do, without any Idol or Image, with- out misforming or mifpi&uring him in his Attri- butes. And our Apoftle, at the 22. verk of this Chapter, ( Rom. 11. 22. ) hath made the Robbing or Difpoiling God of his Honour equivalent to that branch of Idolatry which confifts in the Adoration of Idols, &c. The word in the Originial extends to both to all the breaches of Idolatry, &c. Now * if any who is called a Chriftian, give the fame In- ' dulgence to his own corrupt Defires, as theHeathens Aa 3 c did^ 3 $8 The Analaptifts Miniftry c did, be robbs God of his Honour no lefs than * they. If Merchants or Tradefmen be as gree- c dily fet upon their Gain as the Heathen Gauls were, * which offered Sacrifice to Mercury, they are no ' lefs Idolaters than they were. If this corrupt af- * fe&ionbe as immoderate in Chriftians as it was in c Heathens, it will be of like force to withdraw * their Hearts, as it was to withdraw the Hearts of the c Heathen from the only true God ; of like force to c fway them to as grievous Tranfgreffion of the firft ' chiefeft commandment, as the Heathens could com- * mit any againft it. Fop impoflible it is they mould * love God with all their heart, with any greater c part of their heart than the Heathen did, if their € heart be as ftrongly fet upon Riches, and worldly ' Commodities, as the Heathens were. Jackfon on the Creed, L. n. C. 40. If fo be then that it's pof- flble «for even fome of the Reformed themfelves to be Idolaters ; and as fuch to bejudgd, fentenced and condemn d by "God ; that they may likewife be Anti- christs can be no yuejtion, though the rajh and inconfi- derate Zeal and Obfiinacy of fuch may wholly appro- priate this odious Title unto, and fix it upon the Church oiRome and Church of England, and All in general they differ from ,• and with great alfurance or impu- dence difcharge and clear themfelves from any fuch- like Imputation. Let us but feriouily confider the fignification of x? l & ( > ar >d literally or grammatically it's rendred Untlus anointed, and therefore our Savi- our God- man is called Chrift, in refped: of his double UncJion to a double Office of King and Trie (I both : Chrift then in propriety of fpeech, is a Name of Authority peculiarly and Jlritlly connoting and refpetling the QidvQtoirQt God-man, the Immanuel, God with us, God incarnate, and united to our Humanity, and as fuch invefhd by the Father with the Svpreameft King- ly and Prieftly Power, both the Gifts and Donation of the Father, See Matth. 23. iS. Heb. 5. 5. as the Mtffiah Examind and Difprovd. 359 Meffiah or Chrift, according to the Prophefies and the received opinion among the Jews, was to be God and the King of Ifrael, and the Prophet or Prieft, all im- plied in that of Nathaniel, Rabbi, [ a cornpellation given to Prophets and Inftru&ers of the People ] thott'art the Son of God, tbcu art the King of Ifrael, Job. 1.49. So the Oppojers of Kingly and Prieftly Au- thority, the Ajj'umers of it to themfelves, or the De- rivers of it from the People ( which in common conftru<5Hon among all Mankind in general, as the refult of natural Reafon, the voice of Nature, ever figni- fi.es Subjects or the part Governed) are Antichrifts as literally as thofe who would fet up themfelves for Chrifts, or thsfalfe Chrifts, Enemies to God's Chrift, to the twofold VnBion, Regal and Sacerdotal. Nay, which makes more for our purpofe, fuch I fay a- mongft our transfigured Reformed, are in a confider- abie meafure more properly Antichrifts than thofe of the Church of Rome, they are fo imbittered againft ,- becaufe pretending greater Zeal for the Go/pel, to more enlightned and fpiritual Underftandings, grea- ter purity in Ordinances, to the Scripture and Tri- mitivenefs for their fole Rule and Pattern, and to caft off all humane irruptions in Doftrinejb'ifclpYwQ and Wormip : The Romanifts, by far more modeft, they derive all ( as they fay ) from the Donation of Chrift, whatever is alleg'd to be the Popes Preroga- tive or Right ; but thefe run to their Rabble as the Source of all Civil and Sacred Authority ,• and for one Antichrist the Papifts fet up, thefe fet up Legion all at once : and to Demonftrate the natural averfenefs of the Mob to all that's Divine, Holy, and juft, and that it's only and folely the Work of Providence, when by chance, and that very rarely, they clofe with the Right fide, what fuperlative fondnefs do they exprefs to their own Productions, their own Creatures indeed ever when moft Monfirous , Deformed, Worthlefs, Wick- ed } Bloody, Mercilefs, Tyrants, Dehaucht, Treacherous, A a 4 • Impious^ 360 The Anal apt ifls Minijiry *mpious } Sacrilegious , Atheifts, Hypocrites, Enemies to a.11 Mankind, Falfifiers of all their Oaths, Promifes, Protefiations, Infiruments of Government, Pacla Conventa, odious to God, Angels and all good Men, &c. in com- panion of what they do even to the befi of Princes, Men of Gods own Choice, and ^/r^r &# own Heart, moft Religioufly devoted to his Service, and Promo- ters of his Honour and Glory, and tendring the P«£- tick Good and Profpcrity of their Subjects, as if their Natural Born Children. This is 'verifiable from the Sacred Scriptures themfelves, from all Hifiory and dai- ly experience. So naturally is Carnal Legion averfe to all that's Righteous and Good, that indeed one would be tempted to think that Spiritual Infernal Legion were become Incarnate or Transform d into Men, whofoever its fure they 7«$>ire their Rancour, Malice and Envy in- to thefe Dreg* and Scam of HumanRa.cc, againft C£ri/? ,• by the Copy we may guefs at the Original. All this is only a Tranfiript from the Sin of the Apofiate Angels, which ( faith an old Royalfi of the Church of England, and a Noble fufferer for Chrifi and his King ) we c fuppofe ' to have been a Sin immediately againft Mutt.iz. c t j ie Son o£ God, accompanied, or rather ** st ' f compleated with the Sin againft the Ho- c ly Ghoft, in an irreconcileable hatred, ( and enmity againft the Truth, of which they were c in Conicience fo fully convinced : Upon Satan's * pride and envy at Chrifis Perfcn, If a. 14. 12, 13, 14, c 1 5-. did follow his Malice and Hatred ofChriJTs ' Truth, Joh. 8. 44. even the Eternal Gofpel of c his Incarnation, Joh. 14. 6. \Rei/. 14. 6. as ordain'd ' of God in Humane Nature to be the Head of the * Angels, Eph. 1. 22, 23. United to the Body of the c Church, Eph. 1. 10. which Malice and Hatred of ' Chrifi and his Truth ; Satan hath ever fince profe- f cuted by Bloody Perfections raifed againft the * Church by Horrid Blafphemies and Herejies [ or Seels J * vented againft his Perfin in his Divinity, his Hu- ' manity, Examined and Difprov'd. 361 f inanity, and the Offices of his Mediation, [ Re- gal and Sacerdotal ] Moffcms Scions ProJfiecJ, Ch. 9. §. 23. Thus is he perpetually endeavouring to Undermine the Go/pel, and to deftroy Chrijfs Intereft on Earth, by propating his Malice, and Envy againft Chrijfs Mediatorial Goverment in the World by Innu- merable Seels or Hcrefies, his various Transfigurations, by an Out-ward Appearance of promoting them. Againft his One Government of the World, that is One Form, his One Church, He erects Divers, when Only One is the True in refpeft of I?» P^rty, Reprobates, and as the Scww and Vermin of the Earth, infallibly demonflrate them to be what they are; and .Niwe of thefe Pr/»- W^, without fome ofthofeM«vb of the JSe^i? up- on them, even of thofe reputed to be the very 2fc# a- mongft them : So infallibly do their Principles and Practices prove each other; the Owe being Calculated for the 0^g«- ments, to clear up the Truth of what I have juft now advanced and afjertcd, and to Dimonftrate the Unfcrip- turalnef of thefe our Sectaries Avtichrijlian Principles ; but having, I hope^ moft defervedlv and fatisfa&o- rily already fixt that upon them, with which they have moft unjufily, and malic ioufy, and flanderoufly hlachned the Church of God, to the Perverfion and Ruine of Multitudes of .SW.f, and hereby difcovered and manifefied them to be the .SW of Sdf*», that Falfe and Lying Accufer; and literally Antichriftian; in par- t5cular in this laft Paragraph, in Reference to Chrijfs Offices of Pr«y? and King, and in divers other Re- fpe&s in the preceding Difcourfe, (For there are many /Lntkhrifi, j John 2. 18. that in many and various ivay% 364 The Analaptifls Miniflry ways oppofe Chrift, as all the Seels and Herefies do; fbme his Perfon], fome his Offices, fome his Ordinancs, fome his Precepts ; yet all Antichrifl s , really and fr«/y fuch. They his Enemies, he theirs, direcYiy oppofite each to other • as they oppofe and fet themfelves a- gainft Him ; fo the time fhall come that He will con- fume them with the Spirit of his Mouth, and Jhall dejlroy them with the Brightnefs of his Coming, (2 Theff. 2. 8.) that is, (hall pafs the Sentence of eternal Damnation on them) and Invaders of them, and confequently un- der the moft Grofs and Spiritual Infatuation that ever any Sectaries have been fince ChrijUamty, under the Ma.sk, Pretence and Transfiguration of a moft Ardent Zeal for Chrift, for Purity of Ordinances and Holinefi, and yet all this while his moft embitter d Enemies ; and what demonfirates the DiaboliealneJS of their Delu- fton, and the juft and manifeft Judgment or Hand of God upon them, for their tranfcendingly provoking Wickednefi, and damnable Hypocrify, their Obftinacy, Infenjibility, Spiritual Pride and Glorying, Selffecurity, without any plain Scripture on their fide ,• but fhel- tring themfelves under the moft Obfcure Prophetical Texts and Parages altogether out of the reach of their Capacities, which by their ftudied Wreflings and Dif- tortions, thty fir etch and withdraw to their own Cor- rupt Senfe and Carnal Dejigns, contrary to innume- rable Plain and Obvious Texts • which to Godly, Sober, Spiritually -difcerning Sanctified Spirits^ fliould and ought to be the Comments and llluftrations of the few and in*- tricate ; hereby proving themfelves to be Impofiors, Deceivers, and the Emiffaries of Satan, and Under- miners of that Gcfpel, they would have others to be- lieve they fo zeaioufly promote ; Apollyons and Abad- dons, Deftroyers and Murtherers of Mens Souls, and hereby propagating and enlarging the Kingdom of Darknefi, of their Father the Devil, that Lyar and Murderer from the Beginning, that Archetype of Rebel- lim, and Primitive Vfurper } and by fo much the more perm- Exawirid and Difprovd. 36 $ pernicious to the Church and Kingdom of Chrift y than Jews, Turks and Heathens, and confequently more wicked, whofe Endeavours the Devil feemeth to lay afide, as ufelefs and unfuccefsful, finding no Method fo profperous for him as his transfiuring himfelf in the Perfons of theie Members of his S ham- chrift tans, Mi- nifters of the Gofpel and Minifters of Chrift in di£- guife, whofe diffembled Zeal proceeds no farther than their own Native Soil, to pervert true Chrift, not to propagate their New lights and Gofyel amongft the Heathens and Infidels j or as they bellow out continually amongft thofe who groan under the Toke of Anti- christ, properly fo call'd in their Senfe ; nor with the leaft thought that way, till forfooth they can get the Maftery and Empire firft at Home, and be in poiTef- fion or Magazines, Fleets, Trains of Artillery, and Le- gions of Armed men; and contrary to Chrifi's and the Apofiles Method of Converting the World, drive the Grjpel into Mens Heads with Battle-axes and Hammers , Turk-like and Antichriftian-like j againft which Method , from their Firft Rijings up, they have fo z,ealoufly enveigh'd, (a moft convincing and infallible Argument of their impudent Hypocrify, and of their Miffion from the Devil and not from God, of their being Acted by the Spirit of Error, and not the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Veace, and Love, and the Spirit of the ever Bleffed, Merciful, Meek and Benign JESUS. Having, I fay, from the Wcrdofc God, and facile Natural genuine Deductions from thence Shewn the Nullity of thefe Sectarian MOJions and Ml- nifirations, particularly of the Anabaptifis (who of late, I muff and do confefs, make the neareft and moft plaufible Advances or Pretences to the Primitive Form of a Church, of any of our DiJJ'enters whatever, and are the Majter-piece at prefent of Satanical Tranf- figuration amongft them, and moft likely to be a Tem- ptation and Stumbling-block to many weak and waver- ing Chrifiians ; but tor all that no more a True Church nor $66 The Anabaptijls Mintflry nor genuine Ordinances, nor the True way, than Satan Transfigured ar an Angel of Light) Travel thofe, I have had to do with at leaft, to be Antichrifts, refell'd their Arguments from Extraordinary Vocation, pre- tence of Immediate Gifts and Teachings, Enemies to Chrift's Regal and Sacerdotal Offices, and in general to his whole Oeconomy, or the Chriftian Dijpenfation ; let them pretend what they will in their Apologies, Confeffwns of Faith, let fome Tarticular Terfons among them Write, Trofefi, Troteft what they pleafe, Recant, Forfwear, &c. I am refolv'd to give no Credit to them, fo long as they maintain and perfift in their Separa- tion upon the Grounds they commonly urge, no more than I will believe a Jefuit*, or the Devil himfelf; I'll look upon all their Refinements, Alterations, Nciu- modellings, Retractations, only as Gildings, Famines, and Sweetnings and Mollifyings, as the Tainting of a Rotten-poH, &c. meer Transfigurations , Artifice and Trick: And for this my Conduct, Measures and Judg- ment upon them, I have the Holy Scriptures, Chrifi, the Apoflles, my Reverend Forefathers in the Faith, Church Hifrory, and daily Experience, and even Con- verfation with themfelves, and their own Practice. 1 am fenlible What fome of their moft Celebrated Writers have faid, (but chiefly in truth I believe in their own Terfonal Behalf ) which becaufe they are trcfty, in common Prudence I am bound to have a jealous Eye upon them , to firetch Charity to the ucmoft as far as ccnfifts with Prudence, and I ought not to go further; and I find it only the effed of Craftinefi and Subtilty, chiefly if not wholly to Amufe, and thereby the more fuccefifnlly to Deceive. All (in refped: of the whole Body or Party) nothing but Transfiguration. We have many Monuments of their Conduct and monftrous Opinions Abroad and at Horns (here I mean our Apoftolical SucceJJors, the Anabaptijls more particularly). They [eem to Alter, Retracl, &c. but it's nothing but Va?npwg, Refining, Transfiguring , becaufe Examin'J and Difprov'J. 367 becaufe they find the World more difceming, and lefs eafy to be impos'd upon, therefore they think it highly imports them to grow more Cunning, and to Jpread their Net* more dextroufly. I . am aware how fome of them have New-moulded fome of their Do- Brines, and Discipline too, as to the Millenium, as may be feen in Thomas Grantham; as to Dominion being founded in Gracejhey have given that a New Touch ; as to Immediate Teaching, and the Promifes and Gifts of the Holy Sprit ; as to Unordained Mens Preachings * and to render their S>#more acceptable to the Mem- bers of the Eftablifhed Church of this Nation, and to run down the Presbyterians, Independents, and Other Seels, and to get the Start of them, they begin to wave their former Arguments from Extraordinary Vo- cation, Private Impulfes, and urge External or Outward Vocation, and boldly call themfelves the Succejfors of the Apoftles, and fet up for Epifcopacy, only for Mo- defty fake they call their Bijhops Mejfengers (without any Conjuring we may eafily fee what they aim at, give them but a Lucky Hit, a proper JunBure, and vou ft all fee them feize our Cathedrals, and the Epi- jcop.jl Dignities with all their Revenues, for all their prefent exclaiming againft Tithes and Pluralities, as fome otheisonce did before them)as may be feen in Tho. Grantham. But all this Sham and Transfiguration ftill,a High-kick calculated for their Long-long groaned- for- Dear- Jubilee- Millenium, How long,&c. for no other end but to Defiroy the Church of Eagland, and that only to feize the envied Sweet-morfel, and to carefi, greafe and pamper themfelves upon Her Revenues, the greateft Eye-fore to our Longing, Gaping Saints. I confefs and readily acknowledge their Model of Go- vernment, in fome refpects,is more plaufible and more conformable to Scripture and Antiquity,, than that of Geneva or New- England, and if not obviated in time by the Mercy of God, the moft dangerous Aflault againft the Church of England, that ever Satan hatcht arnongft 368 The Anabaptifis Miniflry amongft us yet ,• efpecially confldering how eafily the People have been impos'd upon by fuch like Re- femblances, Verijimilitudes and Transfigurations in former Ages of the Churchy as in the Reigns of the Novatians, Arians and Donatifts, who chiefly gull'd the People, by retaining all the external Refemblances of Epifcopa- cy, Liturgy, and other Ordinances and Rites ; But be- caufe all thefe Transfigurations, and Grantham's Shaw- Miracles, may be refuted by what is already faid in the fore-going part of this Difcourfe, I think it not material, to enlarge any farther upon them at pre- fect, but mall haften towards a Conclufion, by dropping a few Animadverjions upon their Munfter- MiUtnium, or Fifth- Monarchy, to mew how incon- gruous this grots and carnal Notion of our High- flown and growing Seel;, is to the whole Spirit of Chriftianity , and juftiy odious, and to be abhorr'd by all true Chriftians^ and ought to be baninYd out of Cbrijhndom, and fent home again over the HelU- $ont. As to this Fifth Monarchy, or the Perfonal Reign of Chi ft upon Earth, I think it may be fufficiently confuted, by what hath been already fpoken, as to the Original of Dominion, and in Vindication of Kingly Govcrntnenment , or Monarchy, as immediately de- riv'd from ChriH, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. That Chrifl is really King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, this is readily granted : But that all Civil Power, particularly Monarchical, is Originated from the Beaft, from the Dragon, or the Devil, is Blajphcmaus , to lay that Giw/ Mjgifiracy or Mmarchy, is inconfiftent with Chrift's Kingly Office, is dire&ly contrary to the Ttnour of Scripture, to God's Covenant made with ^4- brabam, renew'd with David, and then in particu- lar widi Cbrisr, the Second, the Spiritual, the Hw- i>e«/y David, as hath been prov'd ; and thence, to be continud (as Sworn by God himfelf) together with the Priefthood 3 or Evangelical Miniftry, to the Con- Examind and Dijprovd. y6$ Confummation of all Things ; to our very Creed,, wherein weprofefs, according to the fame Scriptures^ that we believe that Chrift fitteth at the Right Hand of God > as King and PrieH, ^f d ;^l* dijpenfing both the Powers to his Deputies , . tf'p j'a/ for the Regiment of the World. Now no- thing can be more contrary to this Oath and Cove- nant of God, for the perpetual Eftabliihment of Kingly Government in the World in general, and iri the Church, or under the G off elm particular, than the Abolition of Kingly Government ,• nay, even to the Kingjlup o$ Chrift himfelf, the Glory whereof was to be •vifibly manifefted, chiefly in his being the Supreme Head, or King of Kings ; the Exercife or Adminif ra- tion of which Power, for certain, he hath not ex- ecuted on Earth (fo far as we are able to know) but by his Deputies, and thofe Kings $ or none ; fo that to Abolijli Kingfhip upon Earth, is in effect, to make God perjurd, and to Dethrone Chriff, or render his Regality infignificant, and an empty Title, or infinitely lefs Honourable, by the Abolition of it, than by its Continuance , and perpetual Eftabliftmtent and Ex~ iftence. Befides, upon the Shinto- Monarcbian, or Common Millenarian Supposition of Worldly King- fhip, a:; exercis'd by Men, in its own Nature, being inconfiftent with that of Chrift ; and in its own Nature evil ; Chrifl's, and his Apofiles Precepts of, and exhortations unto Submiffon and Obedience to them, as God's Ordinance (as hath been prov 3 d) would be unneccjfary, and an intolerable Toke and Hard(ljip i efpecially, when in time, the Chriftians, with the ordinary Concurrence ot Providence, could fo eafily have ajferted their Liberty , and freed themfelves from fuch horrid Slavery and Mifcaniage, as their Pajfive Obedience expos'd them unto. Our BleiTed Lord commands us to render unto Cefar, the things that are Cefar s ,» a plain and evident Acknowledgment offomething due unto Kings, which could not be B b but 370 The Anabaptifts Minifiry but by the Law of God : If you fay Nature, it turf%s to the fame ; for nothing can be due unto Kings, ejuatenus Kings, but by the Law of God ^ nor could there be any fuch Order amongfi Men, but by his Appointment • and where any thing is due from us, to another, Conscience , that is, the Law of God written in our Hearts, dictates and commands us to pay it; So that it's demonftrable, from thefe Words of our Saviour, that He came not with any Dcfign to Abolijh Kingjhip, or to free the World from Subje- ction, to Civil Magifiracy ; nay, on the contrary, to EfabliJI) it, Enlarge it, and to enforce our Obedi- ence and Submiflion unto it, with a more fevere San- ation than ever ; and as his Precepts were not calculated for a limited time, but to be of perpetual Obligation to the End of the World ; io that in particular, of rendring unto Cefar, the things that are Cefar's ; that is, of o- beying our Rightful Princes, good or bad, Chrifiians or Idolaters, was to be of perpetual Obligation too, fo long as Kinglhip mould continue in the World ; and that is, as God fware unto Chrilf, the Second David, fo long as the Sun and Moon mould endure, or con- tinue to bear Witnefi to that Oath of God, by his Ho- linefi, and that moft folemn Covenant, that there fhould never be wanting a Race or Succejfion of Earth- ly Kings, c to fit upon the Throne of David • which ' Name of David, is fecondarily conferr'd upon all c Chriftian Kings ; as all Rightful Kings, without the c Confideration of their Religion, were, and are c taken into the Name of Elohim ; were, and are c (ever fince Chrift's Aicenfion) Infejjors upon his c Throne, under the Notion or Elohim , tho' the ' Title of David be incommunicable vim™* ' Unt ° them * ° thsrwife ( & ith this §.T/p 16. excellent Author, in words to this ef- fect) this Donation of the Father, had been a meer Sham and Nullity, meer Mockery and lllufion ; and he whp had all Power in Heaven, and in Earth, Examind and Difproy'd. j 7 $ Earth, given unto him, had had no Throne, in any manner of Senfe, upon Earth, tho' by Oath con- firm'd unto him ,• and he had been only a vain O- fient at or of his Father s Gft, when he told his Apo- ftles, that all Legal Tower I^hoia, was given him in Heaven and Earth ,• and if all Power, then Kingly Power, then Power over all Kings, then King of Kings; not King ot Non- entities, but King of, or o- ver all Earthly Kings, Kings in Exigence, Kings in being, aHual Kings, King or a SucceJJion of Kings, to continue even fb long as the World and Mankind Jhould continue, fo long as ChriB himfelf mould continue. King, even till Qhrifi ( mould, (after Death, being ' vaniih'd, and the Refurre&ion accompiim'd, and ' the Work of our Salvation finifli'd) € havedeliver'd up the Kingdom (which J ) ? r ' Tf,,i ^; ' he, as his Father's Subftitute, now lo x c {' ? ar ' m c adminiftreth,to Gca and the Father) * and fo, firft put down al! Adverfe Rule, AntU ' chrifiian, and all oppofite Authority and Power* Otherwife, I fay once more, the very Affiles themfelves had been falfe Witness of God, con- cerning his Title of King of Kings • and there had not been Compenfation made iVeldon, ibid. him for the cutting off the Line of his Anceftors (according to the Flelh) from the Throns and Scepter, which by juft Dcfcent, was actually his (and fo acknowledg'd by himfelf, as hath been faid ,• ) fo that, inftead of his Fathers, he mould have [Adopted] Children, whom he mould make Princes £by which word, Priefis are taken in as well as Kings] in all the Earth, Pfal. 5- 5-. 16. confult the whole Plalm. Hence thefe Children (the Seed of the Second David, Chrift) Kings, in particular, mall en- dure for Ever, and fit upon his Throne, which mail be as the Sun before God, Pfal. 89. ver. 36. and we find this, or their Thrones, call'd the Throne of Da- vid, Jer. 50. But they fl) -dl ferve the Lord their God, B b z j anu\nto-monarchiar,s , to challenge the Rights c and Privileges,in refped of Governments ,to be gain-^ * ed to them under the Name of Saints, when they c can mew no iuch Donation from ChriB, or any A<5fc c of Acquisition, whereby He obtained it ior them, * or any Conveyance of it to them, or any Saints ' till Chris? s Appearing ; fee Lake 22. 30. I Cor. 6. 2, 3. 1 Pet. 5-. 6. Jam. 4. 10. Let thefe Smiters P. 90. once more reconcile their Doclrine and Pra- ctice of Refiftance' with the very Exifence ot Human Society, with the common Comforts of Social Life, the Prefervation of Mankind, the Orderly Go- vernment of the World, with Property, Publichgood, the Independency of one Nation or People upon ano- ther, eftabliih'd by God at his (tupendions Divifion of the People and Naticns or Countries of the Habitable World. To this purpofe, befides what I have alle- ged already out of Cavne, Spittlehoufe 3 znd the Door of *Hope, &c. I mail add one Paffage out of the Banner of Truth dijplayd, p. 59. as alledg'd by Mr. Tombes in his Saints nofimters, p. 3. ' All the Blood of God's ( People is found in Babylon: For they (i. e. her Ci- c vil Powers, Rev. 16. 6. have ihed the Blood of the , c Saints and Prophets, Rev. 17. 6. Chap. 18. 24. and^ c 19. i.Jer. fo. 14. now therefore God by way of : ' Retaliation hath ordain'd, that Saints fhall be his j ' Inftruments by which he will execute his Ven- J c geance upon the Powers of the World, who are J f All of them Murtberers; accordingly God com- j Examirid and Difprov'd. 383 ' mands his People, ( and 'tis their Duty to obey ) * to reward Babylon double, as me rewarded them ; 1 yea, and double unto Her all thofe Plagues, * Deaths, and Stripes, that me hath infli&ed on c you, Rev. 18. 6. and they fhall give Her Blood f to Drink, and me fliall be burnt with Fire, for- * ftrong is the Lord that judgeth Her. As to the particular difcufiion of this paffage, as full of grofs Miftakes as Sentences, I refer the Reader to Mr. Tombes, as above-cited, and only Addrefs my lelf to the bufinefs in hand, for which I produc'd them. Therefore I defire thefe Saint Hangmen to Re- concile thefe their Murderous DoBrines and Practices with that Order, Uprightnefs and Contentednefs in our feve- ral Circumfiances and Stations of Human Life, which Providence hath placed us in, and which the Righte- oufnefs of Chrifiian Morality exa&S and demands of us, of Doing as we -would be done by, of Living peaceably with all Men , of Giving every Man his due, of de- frauding, Opprejjjng no Man, of Loving our Neighbour as our fdves, of giving Fear to whom Fear, and Ho- nour to whom Honour is due, &c. e But this fmiting-work. to which this Doctrine c incites, is Wilful- murder, fays Mr. Tombes 3 « yea, the c molt horrible Murder that ever was, except his, c who was a Murderer from beginning, John 8. 44. c or theirs, who crucified the Lord of Glory.; For it in- c cites to a profefs'd linking and fpoiling of all the * civil Powers on Earth, even thofe to whom they * are bound to be fubjeft by all the Laws of Religi- c on, Nature, Country and Reafon ; and to a<5l c thefe things with all extremity, out of imagin'd c Zeal for Chrift ,• which, if it be not according to c Knowledg, is a Fire of Hell, which will hardly c be ever quench'd : and in Profecution thereof, to 6 fmite thofe who refift them • which muft of ne- c cefficy, be all thofe who adhere to Civil Powers, [ who will be, doubtlefs, the moft confeientious s Saints 384 The Anabaptifls Miniflry * Saints on the Earth, and the greateft part of Man- " kind, which muft needs be Wilful-murder and c Robbery, if they have no Warrant to doit. But * they have none, neither Rev. 18. 6. nor any o * ther Scripture, or Revelation of God, that we or c they do know ; nor Laws of Nature or Men, do f in the leaft warrant or permit it, but all coudemn c it. And therefore if they fhould be permitted to c acl their Defign, (which God forbid) there would c be more Deftru&ion and Wafting than ever yet * was made by Men fince the World began ,• and * more truly they might be termed Babylon, in € whom the Blood of the Saints is found, than, any r Civil Powers yet extant : Now Murder makes f Perfons the Children of the Devil, there being ' no Sin more refembling him ,• John 8. 44. Whofo- c ever hateth his Brother , is a Murderer ,• and ye know, c faith St. John, 1 Eph. Chap. 3. 15-. That no Mur- 1 derer hath Eternal Life abiding in him ,• therefore ' fuch are no Saints, but Antichrifiian, and the Do* f clrine moving to it, are damnable and Antichrifii* c an : TombeV Saints no Smiters, p. 60. As to the direful Effects of this Smiting, he adds, € That it * tends to produce all the Miferies which Anarchy e and Confufion bring on the World, even to the f Deftru&ion of the Church of Chrift on Earth ,• or * rather, according to the Project they propound, ' Human Society, if not the Extirpation of Man- l kind. For by taking away Civil Powers, Safety ' of Perfons and all the Comforts of Life are r either taken away or much endangered. When ' the Prophet Ifaiah threatned Calamity to the Peo- * pie of the Jews, Ifi. 3.% z t §, 4, p He tells them, The Lord, the Lord of HosJs doth take away ( the Mighty Man, and the Man of War > the Judge, and ' the Prcphet, and the Vrudent, and the Ancient, the ( Captain of 'Fifty, and the Honourable Man, and the Counfelloifr, and the cunning Artificer, and the Eloquent l Orator 9 Examind and Dzfprov'tf. 385* Orator, and I 'will give Children to he their Princes, and Babes Jhall Rule over them, and the People jhaU be Oppreffed, every one by another, and every one by his Neighbour , the Child (hall hehave himfelf proudly againfi the Ancient, and the Bafe againfi the Honour- able. Whereby it may be perceived, that God took it to be a Curfe, next after the taking away the Stay and the Staff, the whole Stay of Bread j and the whole Stay of Water, to take from the Jews their Rulers, Teachers, Nobles, Scholars : and therefore there cannot be a greater Calamityfto a People, after the Deftrudiion of the Fruits of the Earth, whereby Famine comes, than to fmite the Civil Powers, and Eminent Perfons, who have been the Prote<5tors, and Guides of the People. For then People become Murderers, and Robbers one of another, and all Places, are fill d with Fears, Dangers, Cries, and Miferies of all forts. The E- vils we have felt in our own Civil Wars, mew what Mifery it is to have Soldiers Rule, and not Princes and Judges. And yet the Evils we have feQn are fmall in comparifon of what the Jews felt by the Factions there, when Jerufalem was Befieg'd by Titus : But the Evils which was come on the World by the Infurre£Hon of the Quinto- Momrcbians,\{ their Projeci had taken place, would far exceed them, their Delign being an Univerfal Deftruclion of them that Oppofe them in all the World ,• and when the Confcience is perverted, there being no flay to Mens furious Zeal. — p. — 60. — Sure no Tyrants have ever done more mifchiefthan this way of the Fifth- Monarchy- Men would do, if it were profecuted, nor is any Dodrine more Hellish, Anthhriftian and Damnable than this, that tends to overthrow all the Civil Powers, Laws, Doctrines, Forms, Degrees, Of- fices in Church and State, which thefe term the Spirit of Antichrijl in the World. And if it were C c ' fuppofed,- 386 The Anabaptifts Mini ft ry fuppofed, that thefe furious Zealots ftiould accom- plim their Defign, after the mixture of Hypocrites, and the Rabble of the worft and moft foolim Men, who could hope there would be any Peace, good Order or Juftice in the World, or any remainder of fober Men ? The World would be an Aceldama, or Field of Blood and the prevailing Perfons ■ Blood- Monfters, and inftead of a vifible Kingdom of Chrift on the Earth, a Solitude, Chaos, as it was before the firft Creation, and the Kingdom of Antichrist , or the Devil -would befet up, under fret ence of making Chrifi's Enemies his Footfiool. What Laws, Order, or Rule tending to further Religion, or Righteoufnefs, can any expeft from Men of fuch cauteriz'd Confciences, as not to dis- cern the mifchievoufnefs of fuch Doctrine and Practices as thefe have vented, efpecially after they have inured themfelves to medding of Blood and Rapine, with extremity ? Thus Mr. Tombes, &c. p. 62. — And now after fuch a Renverfement of the Main Doblrines and Principles, and Morals of Chriftianity, I beg leave of thefe Mock-Chriftians — and Saints, to Propofe one Queftion too after Mr. Tomfas. Let them then tell me ingenuoufiy what doth all thisfu- turally tend to ? Where doth all this Noife, this hard ftruggling, to fet up this pretended Perfonal vifible Reign of Chriji center ? What will it end in ? Here's all Reftraint from Magifiracy and Imparity taken away, here are all Human Laws Cajluer'd, all the Land- Marks and Diflinttions of Property removed ; all left to the Will and Pleafure, Luft of our Conquering Saints, and what might we expel! they would do next? In fuch a State of things, as we muft now fuppofe, we muft make one fuppofition yet, that thefe Conquerors and Subducrs of the World would be utterly forfaken of God and his Spirit of Grace ; they could never be what they ire fuppofed; without this fuppofition, we Examirid and Difprovd. 387 we muft look upon them as left entirely to them- felves, to Do "what feetneth good in their own Eyes : turn over the Scriptures then, wherein all the Hifto- ricalpart is Recorded for our Inftrucftion, and confi- der what the Ifraelites did in the Interregnums of their Judges, and behold, all thofe Impieties Afted over again with the greateft improvement, every Man Acling according to his own Lulls, according to the wicked defires of his own Heart, which, defiitute of Di- vine Grace and Rejlraint, imagmeth Evil continually. What can you conceive but an Inundation of all that Licentioufnefs , Impurity and Debauchery, and all man- ner of Monftrotss Wickednefs, with the XJniverfality of it, that preceded the Deluge of Waters that carried off all that Wicked and molt Impious Generation, by many degrees worfe than Mahometanifm it felf. You fee the Vrojetl of thefe Men is fuch as is impoflible ever to have been infufed into their Under ft andings or Af- fettions by the Holy and Pure Spirit of God, as con- trary to the Spirit of the Gojpel, as Belial is to Chrift, or Light unto Darknef, overturning the whole Scope, Scheme, Dtftgn, Spirit, Meaning, End of Religion pure and undefiled, centring wholly, folely, ultimately, ftudi- edly, defignedly, in and for the World, and to pro- cure all manner of Liberty ^ breaking all Bars of Re-* ftraint t that Men may be left entirely loofe to take their \v\\Swinge, andCareer in their Abominable Lufts. Here you have the whole Soul of all this Cant, Noife and Pother out ; Imagine now Hell let loofe, and the Damnd embodied again, and A<5ting over what was wanting to the former Accomplifljment of their Defues ,• and behold a World full ol Saints, fuch as our Fifth-monarchifti would approve themfelves to be. Imagine a Generation of Men utterly forfaken by God, without any Senfe of God, of a future Judg- ment, Heaven or Hell, any fear of worldly Punijhment 3 from Gibbets, Halters, Jayls, Bridewells, Axes, &c. and wholly abandon'd to their own Lufts, and the C C 2 incejjant 388 The Analaptifts Miniflry incejfiant Irrigations of Satan ; having all Opportunities to gratifie thern, arid Refiolving fo to do, abounding in all manner of Plenty, of the Good things of this World, and commanding them from all Parts of it_, and you mail find the Foolilh Stupid Turks, or the moll Licentious People now upon Earth, Ajfies to our Saints ; nay, all the Damnd in Hell it felf, Out- bravd and Out-done by them. And all this the Effetls, the Unavoidable Fruits of extraordinary MiJJion, Vocati- on, of Immediate Teaching, by the Spirit forfoot h, of In- spiration, Revelation, of Liftning unto and following their Private Spirits, Opinions and Judgments, of Se-r parating from the Vifible Church o{ Chrift, of fitting up Altar againft Altar, Bijloops againft Bijhops, Churches againft the One Church of Chrift , and Forging, Contriving a New Kingdom for Chrifl, and or literally fating up Antichrifi againft Chrift in Earneft and Indeed. This is the Effecl of fetting up Extraordinary again ft Ordinary, that is Oppoftng and Refifiing the (Wer Eftablifh'd by Go<-/and C^r//? in Church and Sta/*, the Standing InftruBions in both, of WreHing and Per- verting the Ordinary and Obvious Senfe or Scripture, of Flying over the Reverend Heads of Antiquity, our Tore- fathers in the Faith, the Glorious Martyrs, and Witneftes to Christianity, and defpifing the Church of ChriH, and of following cunningly Dev/fied Fables, of forfaking Antiquity to run after Novelties, and My; L'gbts, by whi^h means we w<7&£ Ship-ivrack of our K^if^ and a gW Confidence, and fo become Renegades and Apojlates from Chrift, and rail off from the Co/»- w?fl?; H^e and Salvation, of which I have already producd fome, nay, many Dreadful Inftances a- rnongft you of the Anabaptiftical Verfiwafion, to whom this Dificourfie is particularly Addrejfied. I have Confidered, and I hope Confuted the heft Arguments for their MiJJion or Miniftry, and proved them Infiufficient to evince it by, and fhewn the jwe/^ y/>v they are under, to Shelter themfelves under an Extra or- Examirid and Difprovd. 389 Extraordinary Vocation or Call, which I have Examined at large, and Demon/Crated the little or no Service it will do them, there being no Room for any fuch Plea, under this laft or Gcjftel Difyenfation , without Producing fuch Evidence for it, as they will never be able to do ; and over and above have, from plain Scriptures and lawful Deductions from them^ Expos'd fome other of their Extraordinary Opinions and Practices upon them, to the juft Dread, Horror, and Refentments of all fin- cere Chrijlians, which have been too much Imbib'd or Embrac'd by other Setts, ( which are generally Lea- vend by their Ferment, and thereby in a preparation or readinefs to Joyn or Unite with them, mould they ever prevail or get the day, ( which God for- bid ) and fo by Difiroving Theirs, have /hewn the Nullity of all the reft, and confequently of All their fuppofed Minifterial ABs, for want of Due Authority from him, in whofe Name they pretend to Do them, and fo without Benefit to the rejpec7in/e Subjects or Sufciplents of them. Hence they are no Church, no ChriHians, becaufe at beft but Nominally, or which is altogether unknown ■ unto us as Extraordinarily, which is Tantamount to not at all, becaufe we can affirm ( to be fure) nothing of whit doth not by any manner of way appear unto us, nor, as hath been faid, by any Colour of NeceJJity can induce us to Form even a Judgment of Charity (aswe commonly exprefs it ) unlefs in a Cafe of Invincible Ignorance, which lam afraid, will fall to the Jliare of a very few indeed. But that which makes the Cafe of Our Sectaries of ail Denominations look the more Dejperate and Deplo- rable, is, becaufe Separation is a Work of the Plejh, grounded upon and rooted upon Carnality, grafted upon a Worldly Spirit, and centred there ; Every Sect or Schifm hath its Dalilah, and as to that Sett that hath been particularly Treated on in this Difc ourfe,we have qUfcovered Dominion and the Worldly Empire to be its Gc 3 Aim 390 The Anahaptijls Miniftry / Aim and End, and the Rooting out Chriftianity , the only Effectual Means and Meafures it aims at under all the Zeal it pretends for its Promotion : It hath been fhewn likewife that it bids fair, by its Bold and daring Transfigurations, to impofe upon the heedleft ,and un- wary, and lefs Intelligent Chriftians ; but if weighed in the Balance of the SanBuary, the Holy and Unerring Word of God, the 7r«atar\ica\ Delufion. Suppojeth a New Gofpel. Extraordinary Miffion fit up by theFalfi Apoftles, in the Apcftolical Agtit felf. Miracles ever reputed necejj'ary to atteft a new extra- ordinary Miffion. Defcription of thefe pretended, extraordinary Falfe Apoftles, and their Succeflbrs. Immediate Infpiration abjolutely neceffary , to prove im- mediate, or extraordinary Miffion. What is particularly required of our Anabaptifts, to prove their Miffion. m — Immediate Infpiration. • — *- Infallibility. m~ — The working of Miracles, becaufe they have no o- ther Arguments to fupport themfelves by, being defti- tute ^/Scriptural Authority, if they do not do this, they are Meffengers and Minifters particularly the Dutch; »■ ■ 'Their Treatment of the Dutch, and their Be- haviour thereupon, very comical D d 2 Anabap- The Contents. Anabaptifts, Enemies to Monarchy in general at leaf. Canned Flattery of that Mock-Court of Juftice, that Murder d Charles I. Monarchy Vindicated in particular. Prov'd to be God's own Inftitution under the Law $ &c. « — — — Patriarchs Kings. Kingly Government a Blcjfing. Origin of Dominion. • The Form of Monarchical. The Image of God, the Reprefentation of the Domi- nion of God. - Dominion on Earth, founded in Paternal Power. The Natural Right of Primogeniture to the Patriar- chal and Sacerdotal Power. ~ The Patriarchal, Monarchical. • 'Hence a Scriptural Deduction of this Monarchi- cal Power, thro' all the Genealogies we meet with, till the Flood. Cain'j Forfeiture of both thefe Powers. Seth Succeeds into both. So Conveys both till Noah. Cain by his Forfeiture of thefe two Prerogatives of the Regal and Sacerdotal, as Adam'j Heir, by his actual Excommunication and Apoftacy, becomes the Head of the Vifible Corpus Perditorum upon Earth. From Noah a Deduction of Kings, till the time of]o- fhuah. So we (hall find Monarchy EfiabliJUd every where, af- ter the Divifion of Languages. And fo we find it in the Hislory of Job, <- Job himfelfa King. Prov. 8. 1 5*. explained. Proof for Kingly Government out of the Ntw Tc/lament.- John The Contents^ John 19. ro, 11, 18: 37. t Rom. 13. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 10. 1 Tim. 2. 1. Tit. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 1 5. further explain 'd and vindicated from the corrupt Glojfes of Rebels, &c. Dominion now, Jlnce our Saviour's Afcenfion, imme- diately derives from Chrift, confequently Monar- chy. This prov'd at large , from Heb. I. 2, 5. Chrift's Eight Titles to the Dominion of the World; Prov'd particularly from that Covenant God made, with David, the Type of Chrift as King, 2 Sam. 7, 16. -?- — For Particulars, fee Pfal. 132. This Covenant and Oath did not terminate m David'* Perfon, &c. but was Twofold, and Re- peated {as there was a Natural and a Spiritual Da- vid) in the Second David, Chrift. — Particularly, this Second Covenant, mention d in Pfal. 89. An Everlafting Kingfhip, Covenanted for under Gof- pel- times. Of which Chrift was to be tbe Head. Chrift, King of Kings, becaufe all Kings now proceed from Him, and are his Seed or Sons, quatenus Kings. Chrift Born actually a King. To affign any other Original of Dominion, and particu- larly of Monarchical, is to deny an Article of Chri- ftian Faith, fo Antichriftian, and to deny the Creed. — — And the Theanthropy of Chrift. And fo Antichriftian. All Power upon Earth, Regal or Sacerdotal, Inftitu- ted with Relation unto , and for the fake of the Church.- Dd 2 . — To The Contents. g~- To aflign any other Original of Civil, Legal Authority, is virtually to deny Chrift to be God-Man, and Blafphemy. To rejifi Regal Authority, is to refift Chrift, andfo Antichriftian. Proteftants may be Idolaters , confejuently Anti- chrifts. People always implies Subje&s* Therefore no Original of Civil Authority. . — May be Antichrifts. • -—■ . Ever propenfe to be on the wrong fide. — — Their Productions ever Anomalous , Mon- ftrous. — Imitators of Satan. — — Who labours to undermine the "whole Mediotorial Kingdom of Chrift in this World. They then -who are His Infiruments herein, are Anti- chrifts. Antichrifts who properly peaking. Z ThelT. 2. 4. Illufirated. I John 2. 18. Explain d. The Millenarian Sectaries, notorious Antichrifts. The moft imbitterd Enemies Chrift hath in the World. " And of all true Chriftians j actually fitting up the Kingdom of Darknefs, or Empire