FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 4o9ri defies + *****$■ y->~ ./> ,L /Vt •»>* At-%-1 £>~ ?r ^. * e A A-*/^*.*^ eUcU^/r '**>£ «*/-'" ■^A A-i /• /^,*// A* -7 /^l. ^ a' / /*.~ /- ^tn*-*-M. /* /*** •* *^ z7 'i-V^W A /* Pt-» /. / /..A >^ - A-, // /, -'Xe*. /^k *> 61+ c^****-' ,/^L /tc /, ? /%. <£-//,/£" *?/,*. ^T //,/, //, /**< ^// 7; >%*-V. t-Ll^i /'fy~-~\ A~« /, 7 *(., ,/ ,/*£,/ ryt/C,*/■ /z,*y4, <£W . ^Vt ^>l ^t/4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Calvin College / mUf American Catholic Hymnal A APR 3 1936 %0G/CALSEtt# AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF Hymns, Latin Chants and Sacred Songs FOR CHURCH, SCHOOL AND HOME INCLUDING GREGORIAN MASSES, VESPER PSALMS, LITANIES, MOTETS FOR BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, Etc. ACCORDING TO THE MOTU PROPRIO OF HIS HOLINESS POPE PIUS X WRITTEN. ARRANGED AND COMPILED ESPECIALLY FOR THE CATHOLIC YOUTH OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE MARIST BROTHERS P. J. KENEDY k SONS PRINTERS TO THE HOLY APOSTOLIC SEE 44 BARCLAY STRFET NEW YORK Jlrrmiasu $uprrianim : Bro. Stratonique, Superior General, September 8, 1913. James H. McGean, Chairman Diocesan Church Music Commission, July 29, 1913 Nitjil ODliBtat: Remigius Lafort, S. T. L., Censor Lihrorum. 3 mpr iutatur : ►J* John Cardinal Farley, D. D., Archbishop of Neiv York. CoPYRTGHT, 1913, BY P. J. KENEDY & SONS. To You, Boy Choristers, Dear Unto God, Who in His Sanctuary early trod, Whose angel voices sing and soar, And lead our hearts to love Him more and more. To YOU, who chant the praise of Jesus King, Whose reign on earth your innocence will bring, Who sing of Mary's power and love, Till spirits long to see her throned above. To YOU, of Jesus' Heart the chosen band, Surpliced adorers, scattered o'er the land, These Hymns we dedicate, and pray They lure full many to your heavenly way. B.M. PREFACE We read in the Life of the Venerable M. B. Champagnat, founder of the* Marist Brothers: "Father Champagnat, whose mind was continually occupied with the interests of Religion, considered that it would be contributing largely to the glory of God, to public edification and to the solemnity of the services of the Church, to teach Sacred Music to the school children, and by this means, to prepare singers for the parishes. . . . He proposed, moreover, to attract the children to the school, and attach them to it by the pure and innocent pleasure which singing affords, to keep them happy and cheerful, to make them relish the charms of virtue, to teach them, in a pleasant and attractive manner, the truths of Religion." Since their foundation (1817), the Brothers have endeavored to realize this desire of their Venerable Superior with the constant experience that the training of children in sacred song is ever productive of these happy results. The better to attain their end, they have published, in different countries, Manuals and Hymnals adapted to Juvenile Choirs. The "AMERICAN CATHOLIC HYMNAL" is a new endeavor toward the same ideal, an effort to unfold the meaning of the Liturgical Seasons and Feasts of the Ecclesiastical Year, thus giving to the children, as well as to the faithful at large, an insight into the sublimity of Catholic Worship and thereby increasing in their hearts, love for God and His Holy Church. Its appearance seems timely, coming at a moment when so much is done and well done everywhere to respond to the instructions of our Holy Father, Pope Pius X, on Church Music. This COLLECTION is as varied in character as in source; we have at- tempted to meet the needs of trained choirs, of congregations singing in unison, of children in school, and of the family at home. But all these Melodies have been either selected or written with a view to promote the reverent and devotional singing prescribed by the "Motu proprio" (Nov. 22, 1903). According to this "Motu proprio," the following are the general guiding principles of the Church : "Sacred Music should possess in the highest degree the qualities proper to the Liturgy or, more precisely, sanctity and purity of form, from which its other character of universality spontaneously springs. It must be holy and must there- fore exclude all profanity, not only from itself, but also from the manner in which it is presented by those who execute it. It must be true art, for otherwise it cannot exercise on the minds of the hearers that influence which the Church meditates when she welcomes into her Liturgy the Art of Music. But it must also be universal in the sense that, while every nation is permitted to admit into its ecclesiastical compositions those special forms which may be said to consti- tute its native music, still these forms must be subordinated in such a manner to the general characteristics of sacred music, that no one of any nation may receive an impression other than good on hearing them." — Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. x, page 649. VI. THE HYMNS IN THIS COLLECTION FORM TWO GENERAL CLASSES : 1 — Hymns to be sung at the Services and Devotions of Holy Church. 2 — Hymns for the Schoolroom, for Sodality and Sundayschool classes, etc. While some of the Airs of the latter category are of a somewhat bright and florid character, it has been borne in mind that the devotional should never give way to the sentimental nor cheerfulness to levity. In every number we have sought to adapt a serious, dignified musical expression, suitable to the sentiments embodied in the words, remembering that the first requisite of a hymn is that "the sentiments contained in the text be given true expression, and be not ob- scured by obtrusive external forms." THE GENERAL FEATURES OF THESE MELODIES MAY BE SUMMED UP THUS: (a) They are in easy style, tuneful and most appropriate for unison singing and congregational rendering. (b) They are remarkable for their religious, prayerful tone, in perfect harmony with the words expressed. Although many new and original hymns are in this collection, old favorite airs of recognized worth are also included. (c) Many of the hymns are wholly new, both in music and in verse. Special care has been taken to use words easily understood and retained by young chil- dren ; for the hymns of the Church are the inheritance of "Little Ones" ; and what heart, though bowed down by grief and sin, is not touched by sacred words attuned to sweet music coming forth from their innocent lips? And these hymns will be sung in the home. What a power has sacred song always wielded in the Christian home ! Jesus is there listening. Did He not sing hymns with His Apostles and train their rough voices to sweet and refined harmony? Did not Mary chant her sublime "Magnificat" in the precincts of Elizabeth's home? High models for these little voices ; and the truth of faith and lessons of piety sung by them will have a new light for the minds and a new charm for the hearts of listening parents and friends. (d) The Gregorian Numbers are according to the Vatican Edition and in modern notation. The Series of Motets for the Benediction of the Most Holy Sacrament and for special occasions, though varied to suit all tastes will, in general, be found broad and churchly. Some are perfect models of Church Music, i. e., Palestrina's "Bone Jesu"— Perosi's "Tota pulchra es," etc. In returning thanks for help, the Compilers recognize how wide and deep are their obligations. Whilst we pay a due tribute of admiration to the memory of such well known authors of our popular hymns, as: Fr. Caswall, Fr. Faber, Card. Manning, Dr. Neale, Rev. M. Russell, S. J., etc., we must also render thanks to the Rev. Editors of the Ave Maria, the Messenger of the S. Heart, the Rosary Magazine, the Sentinel of the B. Sacrament for use of poems and translations. To the Rev. H. T. Henry, Litt. D., we are under great obligation for his assistance in placing his valuable book "Eucharistica" at our disposal. Though the language of the Church is the consecrated one for the Liturgical rendering of St. Thomas' memorable stanzas to the Most Blessed Sacrament, Father Henry's almost literal translations will be found very helpful in the class- room to familiarize the children with these great truths and keep alive their devotion. We desire to express our gratitude also to the Reverend Sister of the Visita- tion whose valuable contributions will be found in the Hymnal under the pseu- donym, M. S. Pine. VII. The Hymns for Holy Communion (Before and After) are another feature of the American Catholic Hymnal. Many of these verses which appear here for the first time, are from the talented pen of the late Miss Isabel Williams, of Bos- ton, who now reaps the fruit of her poetic soul-stirring prayers. Acknowledgment is here made of courtesy of Mr. B. Herder (St. Louis) for leave to use the words of some Hymns from "Psallite," and of Messrs. J. Fisher and Bro. (N. Y.) in granting the use of Nos. 60 and 231. With respect to the music, we beg, in the first place, to express our gratitude to Mr. Carl Hauser to whom we owe, besides several Congregational hymns, a vast amount of technical assistance for the arrangement of the musical score, and to Rev. J. B. Young, S. J., who so zealously assisted us in editing and arrang- ing this notable work. We gratefully acknowledge our indebtedness also to the Rt. Rev. Mgr. H. A. Brann, D. D., Rev. W. H. Walsh, S. J., Rev. P. J. Wade, O. C. C, to the Sisters of Notre Dame, Mr. I. Muller, Mr. R. de Dion, Mr. E. Hurley and to Mr. J. Heynen for special hymns bearing their names. Some Melodies by living French Composers have been made use of, for which we would have asked permission, had we known where to address the Authors. To them and to others to whom consciously or unconsciously we may be indebted, we render the tribute of our thanks. If this work helps, even a little, to promote the singing of holy hymns in the School and, by means of the School, in the Church and the Home Circle, then shall our dearest hopes be realized. The Marist Brothers, St. Ann's Hermitage, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Feast of the Assumption of the B. V. M. August 15, 1913. GENERAL CLASSIFIED INDEX For the Seasons and Festivals ENGLISH HYMNS The Nos. mai-ked (*) are Sacred Songs. ADVENT. Nos. 2 to 8. Also: 41, 222, 230. CHRISTMASTIDE. Nos. 8 to 18. Also : 230.— 234* to 244*, 303*. CIRCUMCISION. No. 178. NEW YEAR'S DAY. No. 232. EPIPHANY. Nos. 13, 14.— 242*. 243*. MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS. Nos. 15, 16, 17, 107, 212.— 246*. LENT (Penitential Hymns). Nos. 18 to 34. Also: 203, 209.-268*, 309*, 310*. PASSION OF OUR LORD. Nos. 22 to 32. Also : 165, 200, 204, 214, 224. EASTERTIDE. Nos. 34 to 39. Also : 47, 166, 201, 230.— 244*. 245*. ASCENSIONTIDE. Nos. 39 to 42. Also: 75, 207, 208, 222.— 303*. PENTECOST, CONFIRMATION. Nos. 42 to 46. Also : 52, 56, 58, 59, 229.-247*. MOST HOLY TRINITY. GOD IN GENERAL. Nos. 46 to 60. Also: 210, 215, 218. CORPUS CHRISTI. BLESSED SACRAMENT. Nos. 61 to 80. Also: 211, 222. HOLY COMMUNION (Before and After). Nos. 80 to 98. Also: 66, 67, 84, 215.- -255*. FIRST COMMUNION. \ N?s.€6, 67 80, 82 84, 90, 91 95. Also : 141 and 196. ( (lo Our Blessed Lady), 259*, 269*. MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS. Nos. 100 to 113.— 264* to 272*. OUR BLESSED LADY (General Hymns). Nos. 125 to 167.— 275* to 296*. Immaculate Conception Nos. 129, 130, 148.— 279* and 280*. Nativity No. 280*. Holy Name Nos. 131, 195.— 276*. Annunciation Nos. 132. — 315*. Visitation No. 133. Purification No. 134. Compassion Nos. 135, 136, 138, 228. Assumption Nos. 137. — 281*, 282*. Coronation Nos. 138.— 277*, 282*, 2S3*, 285*. 286*. Our Lady of the Carmel Nos. 227 and 357 (Latin ). MONTH OF MAY. Nos. 126 and 127. Also : 139 to 161.— 278*. 287*. 288*, 289*, 291*. MOST HOLY ROSARY. Nos. 164 to 167. Also : 199 and 202. ALL SAINTS. Nos. 113 and 114. HEAVEN. Nos. 116 to 119.— 272* to 275*. SAINT AGNES. No. 179. SAINT PATRICK. Nos. 180 and 181. SAINT ALOYSIUS. Nos. 182.— 302*. SS. PETER AND PAUL. No. 183. ST. ANN. Nos. 184, 185.— 301*. ST. STANISLAUS KOSTKA. No. 186 ST. JOHN. No. 189. HER FEASTS < GENERAL CLASSIFIED INDEX. IX. ST. CECILIA. Nos. 187.— 300* ST. FRANCIS XAVIER. No. 188. TO ANY SAINT. No. 192. HOLY MARTYRS. Nos. 190 and 1©1. HOLY ANGELS. ANGEL GUARDIAN. Nos. 167 to 171. ST. JOSEPH {Month of March). Nos. 171 to 178. Also: 192.— 296* to 300*. MISSIONS AND RETREATS. Nos. 25, 135, 202 to 213. Also : 23, 24, 45, 46, 72, 73, 214, 224, 225.-256*, 268*, 309* to 314*. CONFRATERNITY OF THE HOLY FAMILY Nos. 177.— 297*. CONFRATERNITY OF THE "BONA MORS." Nos. 21, 108, 124, 170, 206, 2C9.— 249*, 257*, 312*. LEAGUE OF THE SACRED HEART (Apostleship of Prayer). Nos. 44 and .,232.-3 14*. CHURCH AND POPE. Nos. 60 and 217.— 253*. EVENING HYMNS. Nos. 1, 19, 21, 26, 70, 72, 73, 79, 119, 124. Also: 170 and 206. (To Our Blessed Lady). Nos. 154, 155, 156, 160, 161, 162, 163, 177.— 293*, 295*. (Thanksgiving Hymns). Nos. 1, 53, 64, 65, 215, 218.— 233*, 248*, 262*, 266*. ( (Reception of a Bishop). Nos. 231 and 318. OCCASIONAL USE. j (Welcome to a Pastor). No. 317. ' (Dedication of a Church). No. 217. HYMNS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CHILDREN. Nos. 193 to 202. Also: 1, 10, 19, 48, 56, 62, 69, 76, 80, 84, 87, 92, 95, 107, 108, 109. 117, 154, 192, 211, 217, 225, 230, 231. SACRED SONGS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CHILDREN. Nos. 233*, 235*, 239*. 251*. 255*, 256*, 257*, 258*, 259*, 261*, 262*, 263*, 266*, 267*, 268*, 270*, 271*, 272*, 274*, 277*, 284*. 286*, 290*, 291*, 301*. LATIN HYMNS HYMNS FOR BENEDICTION. Nos. 319 to 354. HYMNS TO OUR BLESSED LADY. Nos. 355 to 375. DOMINE NON SECUNDUM (Penitential Seasons). No. 375. LITANY OF THE SACRED HEART (Tzvo Settings). Nos. 376 and 377. LITANY -OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Three Settings). Nos. 378 to 381. GREGORIAN CHANTS FOR HIGH MASS. Nos. 382 to 389. MISSA "IN FESTIS DUPLICIBUS" (De Angclis). No. 384. MISSA "IN FESTIS B. MARIAE" (Cum Jubilo). No. 385. MISSA PRO DEFUNCTIS. No. 390. CREDO (/ and 2). Nos. 386 and 387. VARIOUS LATIN CHANTS. Nos. 425 to 435. SOLEMN VESPERS (Falso Bordoni). No. 435, etc. CONCLUDING HYMN. EVER, FOREVER, I WILL SING TO MARY (The Marist's Hymn). HYMNS. i_. Each Morn And Eve, O King Of Heaven! I.WILLIAMS. (Introductory Hymn.) Andante. (J = 63): ife£ <£ i B. M. J. pi III 77 1. Eachmornandeve, O King of Heav'n, To Thee our voic-es glad' we raise; 2. To His own like-ness are we made, His bounteous gifts to us are giv'n: n. i f f ^^d $m w T=F i *N > Hi i ^» % To Thee,sole Au - thor of all good, We give our hearts in hymns of praise . Then let our grate-ful eyes be raised To Him, our God, who reigns in Heav'n . L i> - * :''UtPif f i^JfJi i1 "ib REFRJIX. %^N > P fTf-r When twi-light falls,whenday re- turns, May aU the earth Thy prais-es sing; ^^ M r iff f ir ^ i »i/' » > /> rail'. m m «3 f *=# r r ^ When twi-light falls,when day re-turns, May all the earth Thy praises sing. *=* ^i a ^ » _ ^^ 3. The restful darkness of the night, The sunshine gilding sea and land, Our daily bread to nourish life, Are blessings from His loving hand. 4. From His great love, my heart He made To love Him through eternity; Oh! mortal, eouldst thou wish for more; Couldst ask a sweeter destiny? CR 1913 P.J.K.&S. 12. PART FIRST. ADVENT. Advent is that period of the Liturgical Year, during which the Church re- quires the faithful to prepare for the celebration of the feast of Christmas, the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. During that Season, Our Lord knocks at the door of all men's hearts, at one time so forcibly that they must needs notice Him;at another, so softly that it requires attention to know that Jesus is asking admission. He comes to ask them if they have "room for Him," for He wishes to be born in their house. The house indeed is His, for He built it and preserves it, yet He complains that His own refused to receive Him; at least the greater num- ber did. The expressions of the Liturgy which the Church makes use of to ask for this loving and invisible coming, are these which she employs when begging for the coming of Jesus in Flesh, for the two Visits are for the same object. In vain would the Son of God have come to visit and save mankind, unless He came again for each one of us, and at every moment of our live springing to us and cherishing within us that supernatural life, of which He and His Holy Spirit are the sole principle . (From "The Liturgical Year^by Abbot Gueranger, 0. S. B.) See the Classified Index of Hymns for this Season. o Tr.Dr.J. M. Neale. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel! (First Tune.) Plain-Chant Melody. 1 . \) come, 0 come, Em-ma - nu -el! And ran-somcap-tive VFHri pcf Em -ma - nu-el! And ran-somcap-tive Is 2, 0 come,ThouRodof Jes - se,free ThineownfromSa4ahsty a -el. ran- nyj ^fM-Pi£jFr"FFPpfM ^ ? pp pr p EJj P =* "p p pr p~SJ here, Un-til the Son of God t 23—\&l Thatmburns In lcTne-Iy ex-ile here, Un-til the Son of (iod. appear. Fromdepths of hell Thy peo- pi© save, Andgivethemvictory o'er the grave. i H' b r n& fiufp r.t F "J^'JJ^J S fj' |J » J' ,A fl * j'' £^Pf^ k BTFSTr TT P r pr p r Re-joice'.Rejoiee'. Em-ma p p P p P r nu-el Shallcometothee,0 Is a- el! ra ,"l I fl f)H !■ £ m M W 0 come, Thou Day- Spring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death's dark shadows put to flight. Rejoice! Rejoice! etc. 4- 0 come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home,* Make safe the way that leads on high And close the path to misery. Rejoice! Rejoice! etc. 0 come,0 come, Thou Lord of Might, Who to Thy tribes, on Sinais height) In ancient times didst give the law In cloud, and majesty, and awe. Rejoice! Rejoice! etc. 15. Tr. Dr. NE ALE . O Come,0 Come, Emmanuel. (Second Tune.) r j-^j j^f. „F3 ♦ r £ P ^ 0 come, Thou Day-spring come and cheer 0 come, Thou Key of David, come, Our spirits by Thine Advent here •, And open wide our heavhly home ; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, Make safe the way that leads on high, And deaths dark shadows put to flight. And close the path to misery. 5. 0 come,0 come, Thou Lord of Might, Who to Thy tribes on Sinai's height, In ancient times didst give the law In cloud, in majesty, and awe. C|R 1913 P. J.K.& S. 16. * + * Sing, Oh! Sing With Exultation pi Grazioso.(J = 92 CHORUS. -jJ I J J iJ-JJi,l j *i j-j J i J — j-H^ A. LIMAGNE. i -5M- f^'rrTrrrCrrrr'r-rr IS Sing, oh! sing with ex-ult J.J J .J J ±fc a - tion, Haste we ^y to our Fa J J -J 7^~ ther's home; M r^ r—r ^ P ijV J|J'JJ|J J i j-J j | j-J yfoeo ?•«//. ^/^. 3 E pr'r rr rr r'r r 'r~riCf Peace,re-demp-tion, joy sal - va -tion, Now from heav'nto earth J.. C. Chorus. ff3ES| jcr r ' pi r '* r ' f ' r ' r r ^vf-p Filledwith hope and ex - pec - ta- Dis - tant climes and count-less a - tion, That He wouldtheir ges, Wait-ed ea - ger Sav-iour be. to be -hold. m EJr ir-r r ir-TTif r ir rTr~rr if Mf I 3. See, the Lamb of God appearing, God of God, from Heaven above! See the heavenly Bridegroom cheering His dear Bride with words of love. Final Chorus. Glory to th' Eternal Father, Glory to th' Incarnate Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit, Glory to the Three in One! 17. 6|r 1913 P. J.K.& S O. Hark! An Awful Voice Is Sounding Rev. K. CASWALL. I Vox Clara Ecce Intonat.) Andantino.(J = 60) O B.M.J. 'i f i ^E 33 T r 1. Hark! an aw - ful voice is sound-ing; "Christ is nigh!" it seems to 2. Start -led at the sol-emn warn-ing, Let the earth-bound soul a *f=# MM4 » i F?F S=T=P /y<9C6» ra//. i d=ii mm ^ c\ 3 r J Jl J r r ^-^ * -& say;"Cast a -way the dream of dark-ness, O ye chil-dren of the day!'" rise; Christ her Sun, all sloth dis - pell-ing,Shinesup-on the morn- ing skies. JL £ ^m f fts=? rC\ m Ol + ff=^=P i CHORUS. fe-> j cresc. m m s Lolthe Lamb, so long ex - pect - ed, Comes with par - don down from J- r-H I'f f flip to ^2 i fC\ ^/" fe^ k£ / rail. §eM i ft t ffl ^ j ^ ^ rr heav'n-Let us haste, with tears of sor- row, One and all to be for -given. ' " JL j^M* *E# m tei ei sf?=? i So, when next He comes with glory, Wrapping all the earth in fear, May He then, as our Defender, On the clouds of heavh appear. 4. Honor, glory, virtue, merit, To the Father and the Son, With the co-eternal Spirit, While eternal ages run. C R 1913 P.J. K.& S. 18. o Creator Of The Starry Height ( Creator Alme siderum. ) 6. Tr. Dr. J. M. NEALE t Gregorian. |, j, J, J. jljfejg i 1 . Cre - a - tor of the star - ry height. Thy peo - 2. Thou, griev - ing that the an - cient curse Should doom v^ p e t e .: 1^ j- I 1> I— j* ^ J' J1 ^ s pies ev - er - last - ing light, to death an u - ni - verse, Je - sus, Re - deem - er, Hast found the med-'cine m m "■l> : t P 7 P" p-p ^ J i ' J> J J J> J' J' s save us all, And hear Thy serv-ants when they call, full of grace, To save and heal a ru - ined race. h=k as f^ f f r~r~p Thou cam'st the Bridegroom of the Bride, As drew the world to evningtide; Proceeding from a Virgin shrine, The spotless Victim all divine. 4. At Whose dread Name, majestic now, All knees must bend, all hearts must bow, And things celestial Thee shall own, And things terrestrial, Lord, alone. 0 Thou Whose coming is with dread To judge the living and the dead, Preserve us while we dwell below, From ev'ry insult of the foe. To Him who comes the world to free, To God the Son, all glory be; To God the Father as is meet, To God the blessed Paraclete. 19. C./k. 1913 P. J. K. & S. 7 Come, Thou Redeemer Of The Earth. (Invocation.) Largo. ( J = 56J _. ,1 ,} i j i id ^ M f ^ ■# tes - ti - fy Thy vir - gin Birth: All lands ad- mire, all ±i f -zSz 7 J- S J^L ^m ^ 33: pocgrall. m m times ap - plaud; Such is the hirth that fits $ & ^ God. S «bl 2. Begotten of no human will, But of the Spirit, mystic still, The Word of God, in flesh arrayed, The promised fruit to man displayed. 4. 0 equal to the Father, Thou! Gird on Thy fleshty mantle now! The weakness of our mortal state, With deathless mierht invigorate. 3. The Virgin's womb that burden gained With Virgin honor all unstained: The banners there of virtue glow: God in His Temple dwells below. 5. Thy cradle here shall glitter bright, And darkness breathe a newer light, Where endless faith shall shine serene, And twilight never intervene. CiRl913 P.J.K.&S. 20. PART SECOND. CHRISTMASTIDE. The Mystery of the Divine Infancy is celebrated and kept in view during the whole forty days of Christmastide . But our Mother the Church, does not only offer to the Infant God the trib- ute of her profound Adoration, the Mystery of the Emmanuel, that is, of God with us, is to her a source of singular joy. Look at her sublime Canticles for this holy Season, and you will find the two sentiments admirably blended: her deep reverence for her God, and her glad joy at His Birth. Joy! did not the very Angels come down and urge her to it? She therefore studies to im- itate the blithe Shepherds, who ran for joy to Bethlehem, and the glad Magi. who were well-nigh out of themselves with delight, when, on quitting Jeru- salem, the Star again appeared and led them to the Cave where the Child was. Joy at Christmas is a Christian instinct which originated those many Carols, which, like so many other beautiful traditions of the Ages of Faith, are un- fortunately dying amongst us ; but which Rome still encourages, gladly wel- coming each year those rude musicians, the Pifferari, who come down the Apennines, and make the streets of the Eternal City re-echo with their shrill melodies . (From "The Liturgical Year"by Abbot Gue ranger, O.S.B.) See the Classified Index of Hymus for this Season. o ^O See, Amid The Winter's Snow. (Hail, Thou ever-blessed Morn.) Kev. E. CAS WALL. Moderator i 82) 8. M . H. * • •I -"ll J JJI 3E arra J « ■ — ■— ■ * ^f r l.See, a -mid the_ win-terfe snow, Born for lis on __ earthbe-low a man-ger lies_ He who built the- star-r.v skies; 2. Lo,with- in §S ~s F irri'Tif s e I 5 23 T* p — V * & ^9 9 9 9 ^Ti 9 S See,the ten - der_Lamb ap-pears, Pro-mised from e - ter - nal years' Hewho throned in _ height sub-lime, Sits a - mid the Cher-u - biml *»f f r tj\? f fa ip j p p F p / fiJ 'iJftJ Ha *=0 r3 r' r->C " r r Hail, thou ev- er -bles-sed morn, Hail Re-demp-tions hap-py dawn! gat i^e i^M m # *» f rt£± =SJ pps ? i rail. ^r Singthroughall Je- ru-sa - lem Christ is born in_ — 9 SJ Beth -le -hem! m iLj aj=4 ^s p fc£ P ^# £ 3 Sacred Infant What a tender Thus to come Down to such Hail,&c. all divine, love was Thine; from highest bliss, a world as this! 5 Teach, O teach us, holy Child, By thy face so meek and mild, Teach us to resemble Thee, In Thy sweet humility 1 Hail,& c. Virgin Mother, Mary blest, By the joys that fill thy breast, Pray for us, that we may prove Worthy of the Saviours love. Hail,& c. 23- c Jr. ibis p.j.k. & s C)# Angels We Have Heard On High. (Gloria in Excelsis Deo) BISHOP CHAPWICK. • Ad. from French Melody. Allegro (J-90J , , , ? O LJ-iLM m t=5 net g i I n^T Y ^ An-gels we have heard on high, Sweet-ly singling" oer our plains: Shepherds,whythis ju - bi-lee? Why your rap-turous strain prolong? b f f r r if rttf* ¥ S^i-if \\j- K\-\iwm£$ £ rr And themoun-tams in re - ply Ech-o bark their joy -ous strains: Say,whatmay the ti-dings be; Which in-spired your heavn-ly song? 3. Come to Bethlehem, and see Him,Whose birth the angels sing,* Come, adore on bended knee, Christ the Lord, the new born King. Gloria, etc. 4. See, within a manger laid, Jesus, Lord of heavh and earth! Mary*, Joseph, lend your aid, To acclaim the Saviour's Birth! Gloria, etc. 24. c? What Lovely Infant Can This Be? 10. gfegg Allegretto.(J 104) J~J J OLD PROSE MELODY. 1 I *? 1. What love - ly 2. Who is that In La fant dy can kneel this ing Iggii W be, That by, And 7 m i 3 ^cz= s in the lit - tie gaz - ing on so crib I see? So sweet - ly on the ten - der - ly? Oh! that is Ma - ry 5 f r ir r if f 21 2f=; 2: i l*i mil. P* as straw ev It er lies, It must have come from Par - a - dise. blest, How full of joy her ho - ly breast. ^^ w sc 3. What man is that who seems to smile, And looks so blissful all the while? 'Tis holy Joseph, good and true, The Infant makes him happy too. What makes the crib so bright and clear? What voices sing so sweetly here? Ah! see behind the window-pane The little angels looking in. Who are those people kneeling down, Hail! holy cave! though dark thou be, With crooked sticks and hands so brown? The world is lighted up from thee; The shepherds from the mountain top, Hail, Holy Babe! Creation stands, The little angels woke them up. And moves upon Thy little hands. a5 c|r 1913 RJ.K.&S. 11. With Hearts Truly Grateful. m Moderate (J= 80) SEMICHORUS. (Adeste Fideles.) i -A m^ ¥ T i.With hearts tru - ly grate - ful, Come, all ye 2. God to God e - qual, Light of light e - 1 gfe^ fl 8 32 •u i N^a ^ 2 7Jr» * 'rg tv* It?: I o-i-K-. +^ t, leth - le §# faith- ful, To Je - sus, to Je - sus in Beth ter - nal. Car- ried in Virgin's ev- er spot Et § e - hem;_ less womb;_ I I p; t n: P i CHORUS. I j'jl:J J: an 3=f S r «£ See Christ your Sav-iour, Heavens great-est fa-vow^ hasten t0 a . „ore Km ^^ He all cre-ce - decLBe-erot-ten. not ere - at - edi ^ y ** m s ? i s HC EE I M I *«s£ i § a# hasten to a- dore Him, Lets hasten to a- dore Him,Our God and King. .* J, ,J-j.>J.,,.» . ..,. J. , , ,J" g ifjr r/iff Hm £ w S! 3. 4. ^Angels now praise Him, (To Jesus, this day born, -JLoud their voices raising; S.o} Grateful homage roturn; " The heavenly mansions with joy now ring-. ("Tis He, who all heavenly gifts does bring; /To Him Who's most holy (Word increated, £iBe honor, praise and glory,- <7.:«iif f Iff l t 1 j r 1 i 0 P & e i^«=e =^* Ff il # ^ 5 w/ i i * g^i ^=f r=* sa Hum-ble then, but fear-less, rise; Hail, my Je - sus, all my ^wn, I Seek the man - ger where He lies, Mine as if but mine a - lone! J J.J.J PPP? £ lW^ 5^ m / ±k rail. m i PP* Hum-ble then, but fear- less, rise; Hail, my Je - sus, all my own, m *=f* m ^ Seek the man -ger where He lies. Mine as if but mine a - lone! fit I T^r Joseph, hail_ of gentlest power! Shadow of the Father thou-, Thine to shield in dangers hour Whom thy presence comforts now. Mary trusts to thee her Child;) He, His Mother undefiled. ) 3. Hail, my Lady, full of grace! Maiden - mother, hail to thee! Poring o'er the radiant face, Thine a voiceless ecstasy. Yet, sweet Mother, let me dare Join the homage of thy prayor. (bis.) (bis) 5. Jesus. Mary, Joseph, hail! Saddest year its Christmas brings; Comes the faith that cannot fail, Come the shepherds and the kings, Gold and myrrh and incense sweet) Come to worship at your feet! J " ' q\r 19 13 P J.K.& S 27. 6 13 Bethlehem! Of Noblest Cities. (0 sola niagnarumurbium.) ^o Tr.Rev.E.CASWALL. Moderato. tt Hff 1 3 GERMAN MELODY. -9-7 f J | J, Jt ¥ r r . " 4 • • * * . 1. Beth-le - hem! of noblest ci-ties None can oncewith thee corn-pare; 2. Fair - er than the sun atmorn-ing Was the star that told His birth, §E£ i z=£ ♦ 4t i s w e^& 4 J J J ,J I J J a i -^ ---• » m 9 ■ 9 — -J » * ■ — w 9 ^ Thou a- lone the Lord from Heaven Didstfor us In- car-natebear. To the landstheir God an-nouncing His beneath a form of earth. m £ -Jl F-H-F-+F-K^ W p-»- e 3. By its lambent beauty guided, See, the Eastern kings appear; See them bend, their gifts to offer - Gifts of incense, gold, and myrrh. 4. Solemn things of mystic meaning! Incense doth the God disclose; Gold a royal child proclaimeth; Myrrh a future tomb foreshews. 5. HolyJesus'.in Thy brightness To the Gentile world display'd! With the Father, and the Spirit, Praise eternetoTheebepaid. 28. o O Cruel Herod! Why Thus Fear. (Crudelis Herodes Deum.) r . Rev. E. CASWALL. 14 # * * iM 3E tai why thus fear Thy see the star, And j 1 . O cm 2. The wis el er wm He Ma - r&d! - gi N** /4-a- i ^ i=i *=S King and God, who fol - low as it comes be - low? No leads be - fore; By earth-ly crown comes it s pure ray they Ms i 9 £ £ i m s s * rail. take, Who eek the Light, And if He to seek heav'n-ly king-doms doth be - stow, with their gifts, that Light a - dore. £3 m m ^ r & 3. Behold at length the heavenly Lamb Baptized in Jordans sacred flood; There consecrating by His touch Water to cleanse us in His blood. 4 . But Cana saw her glorious Lotd Begin His miracles divine; When water, reddening at His word, Flow'd forth obedient in wine. 5. To Thee, 0 Jesus, who Thyself. Hast to the Gentile world display 'd, Praise, with the Father evermore, And with the Holy paid. 29. 1 P=\ O Jesus, Thou The Beauty Art. -*-^S • (Jesu decus Ang^licum.) Rev. E. CASWALL. Andante. (J =72.) ^sD M.H. £=£ ^ **« mi r 1.0 Je-sus, Thouthe beau-ty art Of an- gel worlds a - bove; Thy 2. Ce - les-tial sweet-ness un- al-loyed, Who eat Thee hun - ger still; Who ^S? m P S* PS ^ 9 P r^ ^TT seg Name is rau - sic to the heart, In - flam - ing it with love, drink of Thee still feel a void, Which naught but Thou can fill. > I a ■ W ii mf REFRAIN. I eresc. I C\ J » J JfiJJ m 3e ♦— • — 0 0 *r r 0 Je-sus,Thou the beauty art,Of angel worlds a- bove; Thy Name is mu - sic J-wfi P . P V J ^ El £ i§# ± y r^ ^ i S m//. - m s^rf f f f to the heart, In - flam- ing it with love, In- flam- ing it with love. ##N H s 1 ■ ■ — » £ ^ 3. 0 dearest Jesus! hear the sighs Which unto1 Thee I send! To Theermine inmost spirit cries, My beings hope and end! 4. Stay with us, Lord, and with Thy light Illume the souls abyss; And scatter darkness, scatter night And fill the world with bliss. 0 Jesus! spotless virgin flower, Adored on bended knee, To Thee be praise and joy and power Through all eternity C/R 1913 P. J.K.& S. 30. Jesus, The Only Thought Of Thee. (Jesu, Dulcis Meinoria.) Tv. Kev. E.CASWALL. Moderato Reli.srioso.iJ = 64.) V? r 'r r r r T r r 16. A. C. H. 5 ^ r r r P F PF=P 1. Je - sua, the on- ly thought of Thee With sweet-ness fills my breast; But 2. Je - sus.our hope, when we re -pent, Sweet some e of all our grace-. Sole J.j'j j J ,J J J >J ,J J j J .^LjlX m I p r r r Ip ry If r r f 1 ^ ^s f i , cr«sc-\ i J I 1 i i 1 ?=H 5/» JLv\, J — J — ^ -^ m -^ J- J -s — J- J J -c- ±~ fr r r r sweet- er far com - fort in -r it our J -r- is ban - J. to see, ish-ment, r And Oh. on Thy what when beau-ty face to feast. No face. Je- J.. 5 J P^ r " r =F=±= "^ Lf^^ m ^ _lZ £ fEEf^M FF ^r frame: No light; More Y sound sus, S no har - mo - ny so gay, Can art of mu - sic that Name ins-pires my mind With springs of life and J J j i J J ?J J ^ F^ f=^ •. J J J J ?/> raj r r r tr sweets of Thy blest Ian - guish with de - Name, light. rt* ^ ?^¥ 3. No art or eloquence of man Can tell the joys of love; Only the saints can understand Who they in Jesus prove . Jesus, our only joy be Thou As Thou our prize wilt be, Thou our glory now And through eternity. 31. r CJR 1913 P.J.K.&S 17 O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord! Rev.Fr. FABER. Moderate S j^m CARL HAUSER. *■ A 1 i 15 -6M- * 1.0 Jes-us, Jes-us! dear- est Lord! For-give me if say For 2. O won-der-ful '.that Thou shouldst let So vile a heart as mine, Love f¥M=f JJ_rV rJ^J ^ P; ^i'U j'ju i ?^ ve - ry love Thy Sa-cred Name A thou-sand times a day. I Thee with such a love as this And make so free with Thine. The 9 fe PP •=* j id i "j i »j i *=* I*" love Thee so, I know not how My trans -ports to con-trol; Thy craft of this wide world of ours Poor wis - dom seems to me; Ah! love is dear- est like a burn-ing fire With - in my ve - ry Je-sus, I have grown Child - ish with love of soul. Thee. 0 Light in darkness, Joy in grief, 0 heaven begun on earth! Jesus, my Love! my Treasure! who Can tell what Thou art worth? For Thou to me art all in all, My honor and my wealth, My heart's desire, my body's strength, My souls eternal health. 0 Jesus, Jesus! sweetest Lord! What art Thou not to me? Each hour brings joy before unknown, Each day new liberty ! Burn, burn, 0 Loveiwithin my heart, Burn fiercely night and day, Till all the dross of earthly loves Is burned and burned away. C./R. 1913 P.J.K.& S SI. PART THIRD. LENT and PASSIONTIDE The Church made this Season a time of recollection and penance, in preparation for the greatest of her feasts . On Ash Wednesday, she calls Lent a "Christian Warfare-" Yes, in order that we may have the newness of life, which will make us worthy to sing once more our 'Alleluia," we must be fellow, combatants with our Jesus and conquer our three enemies, the devil, the flesh and the world- . Therefore, we must have on our armor, and watch unceasingly. -A*nd whereas it is of the utmost importance that our hearts be spirited and brave, the Church gives us a "War- Song" of heaven's own making, which can fire even cowards with hope of victory and confidence in God's help: it is the Ninetieth Psalm Qui habitat? She there tells us to rely on the protection wherewith our heavenly Fath- er covers us, as "with a shield j" to hope under the shelter of His wings j to have confidence in Him for that He will deliver us from the snare of the hunter who has robbed us of the liberty of the children of God to rely upon the succor of the Holy AngelSj etc. Let us get well into us the sentiments wherewith the Church would have us be inspired. . . Our LENT will give us a clearer view of Him who is our light; and if we could acknowledge Him as our God when we saw Him as ^the Babe of Bethlehem, our soul's eye will not fail to recognize Him in the divine Penitent of the Desert, or in the bleeding Victim of Calvary. (From "The Liturgical Yen f"by Abbot. Gueranger, O.S.Bj See the Classified Index of Hymns for the Season. *"\: 18. Thou Loving- Maker Of Mankind. (Audi, benign e Conditor.) Rev. E.CA.SWALL. Gregorian Mel. Harm, by C. Hauser. Allegro moderate (J =96.) J a U ntf ^ I f r 1. Thou lov - ing Mak - er of 2. Great Judge of hearts, Thou dost man - kind, Be - fore Thy dis - cern Our ills and gjf r if l r i E ,fT^~^ ^ i f ^ throne we pray and all our weak - ness 1 *■■ J weep; know- On, strength - en A - gain to us with Thee with ^ FF i rail. Sfi p f» f*=^t grace tears di we vine, turn, Du - ly this A - gain to S sa - cred time to us# Thy mer - cy J ^J L keep, show. f^ Much have we sinned; hut we confess Our guilt, and all our faults deplore; Oh, for the praise of Thy great Name, Our fainting souls to health restore. 4. And grant us, while hy fasts we strive This mortal hody to control, To fast from all the food of sin, And so to purify the soul. Hear us, 0 Trinity thrice blest; Sole Unity, to Thee we cry; Vouchsafe us from these fasts below To reap immortal fruit on high. . 35. C/R 1913 P. J.K.&S. 19. It Is A Joy Of Heavhly Birth. ^ Allegretto. (J =99.) ) a mf A mr B.M. ^W 3 1. It is a joy of heavh - ly birth, More bright than 2.When his deep shame and si - lent tears Ef - face the ^3 -*~ -e- > J= :zc j-rn 23 IT all stain, 3 the joys of earth, When on the sin - ners the guilt of years; And that dark soul in P P A rail. . ^ f 1 -Jd 4 i 1 e * J~ V 4 I r _ (ft ,, 1 ! —> j J -g— | m _.,.=* , «r— f l tremb - lii mer - cy -f E ' — i ig he s gl 9- -t * *^~ ad The 3W Shines 9- y — ' — 6 kii wh ? ■ id - 13 it - ei ' ^_* ■ ■— 9 0 ' 9 «* r dews of heav'n are shed, than the driv - en snow. <* -+ J- -L 4V & 9 ■ 4 £ —m — 0 > a ■ ' J -J* / ■ > 4 r n^r- : > < 1 h When earths discordant passions cease, He feels at last the threefold peace; Peace with the world, its wrongs forgiven, Peace with himself, and peace with Heaven. 4. Contrition, peace, and light divine! 0 Jesus! how shall these be mine, Unless Thou Who alone canst, give Wilt say the word and bid me live? C|R 1913 P. J. K. & S. 36. o rK5 Now Are The Days Of Humblest Prayer. 20. Rev. FR. FABRR. Lento. (J =63.) J A I mf I.MULLER. i s Sm ■J-J^J JN m tm p^f -W — » — » "• » J*] ! =& i p^ f f V i BE cv most de ##^ > .P spressi/'O. m% fe§ i yDfleo r«//. 7 ¥ r T And mer-cy most de- lights to spare, And mer- cy most de - lights Ito spare. Un-do-ingall our e -vil years, Un-do-ingall our e -vil years, m I ft ft £L 9 ML Jt' M. +. P 5=» CHORUS. « f 5' d P S * S ^j-iiJ i^ p p P^pa *>:,!. :t Oh, heark-en when we cry, Chas - tise us with Thy fear; §*« h v'i\ 2 £ ?=? i E h Jl^ Ji r«//. * i h 1' 1» K ® #* ^S- K V 0 W —• » » » V » — tf trfl — c^ Yet, Fath-er! in the mul-.ti-tude of Thy com - pas- sions, hear! S iH '^^M 3. Full long in sins dark ways we went, Yet now our steps are heavenward bent, And grace is plentiful in Lent. 4. The feast of penance! Oh so bright, With true conversion's heavenly light, Like sunrise after stormy night! 37. C|R 1V)1:* P. J.K. &S. 21. Jesus,Ever Loving" Saviour.* Holy Family Hymns. (18 60) Andante. (#=60.) O r B.M. J. >nA E fePPW $ F n 1. Je - sus, ev - er lov - ing Sav-iour, Thou didst live and die for 2. When the last dread hour ap - proach-ing, Fills my guilt - y soul with m W ^NNi m to love Thee, Dy-ing, I will die for be - fore me, All my vir-tues dis - ap - me; Liv-ing, I will live fear, All my sins rise up &k * r\ ,mf mm ,p rail. J | j, J~N f i ii N i j tp^$ Thee. By Thy life and death of sor- pear. Turn not Thou in an - ger from row, Help me in my ag - o ■ ny. me; Ma- ry, Jo-seph,thenbe near. S § i— #i Kindest Jesus, Thou wert standing By Thy foster-fathers bed, While Thy Mother, softly praying, Held her dying Joseph's head. By that death, so calm and holy, Soothe me in that hour of dread. 4. Jesus, when in cruel anguish Dying on the shameful Tree, All abandoned by Thy Father, Thou didst hang in agony; By these three long hours of sorrow, Thou didst purchase hope for me. r When the priest, with Holy Unction, Prays for mercy and for grace, May the tears of deep compunction, All my guilty stains efface! Let me find in Thee a refuge, In Thy Heart a resting-place. 6. Oh, by all that Thou didst suffer, Grant me mercy in that day; Help me, Mary, my sweet Mother; Holy Joseph, near me stay. Let me die my lips repeating "Jesus, mercy; Mary, pray!'' * This Hymn is suitable for meetings of the "B C/R 1913 P.J.K.& S. ona Mors" Confraternity. 3S. *** 22 O Sacred Head Surrounded By Crown Of Piercing- Thorn! (Salve Caput Cruentatum.) Andantino affetuoso. M.H. Vjf Chorus. x , , ,-_ __ _ , I H~Tr^ j i H rt 31 39 ryr r -r i. 0 Sa-cred Head sur- round - ed By crown of pierc - ing thorn; 0 2. I see Thy strength and beau - ty All fad - ing in the strife, And H^ijc f mmm rr m £ IT? fee ±=-l M j3W. ^ 3S m bleed - ing Face, so •wound - ed, Re - viled and put to scorn! death, with cru - el du - ty, Be - reav - ing Thee of life. JlJ j J J '. .. 9— it . .4 *J i Soli. cresc. , mf S &>> r r Deaths pal 0 ag Low lid hue comes o'er Thee, The gl o - ny and dy - ing! 0 love of life de - cays, to sin-ners free! wmm f^f-if m Yet Je J. e=» ^ i j. i> j j i n p p ^i i» r^rr r a - dore sup - ply J- an sus. gel hosts all grace Thee, ing. S « And O trem-ble as they gaze, turn Thy Face to me. % % % DC- m t^f§ 3. In this. Thy bitter passion, Chorus. I ^°0^ Shepherd, think of me, With Thy most sweet compassion, 0 turn Thy Face to me. Beneath Thy Cross abiding, g0liml Forever would 1 rest, In Thy loved Face confiding, And with that vision blest. Chorus: In this, etc. 39> C/R 1913 P.J.K. & S. 23. O Jesus, Open Wide Thy Heart Poco Lento. {J =58.) \ A vif Soft. o B.M.J. i 5^ $ -t 5EE5 r=* E3 3±=* 7G s.o n* •p tt Je - sus, o - pen wide Thy [Heart, veil of aw - ful mys - ter And let me rest there- 0_ Tern- pie all^__ sub- ^m i m i^± F \-W=ZZ:W=ZZW^M> FFf f m I « ihri Of sor-row and of siri. Than that of old- en time. in; For wear - y is my strick-en soul lime! Thou san-ctu-a - ry, ho - lier far m ^ & ts* m m ^2 *=* V CHORUS. ff=fes i O Je - sus, Je - sus! Vic-tim blest, G hat else but love di - P#ipN m & 5 * ^#3 1 Vl f * ♦ r r - ~ * • s vine Could Thee con-strain to o - pen thus That Sa-cred Heart of ^-j-^fL^^JYfrTfr * fefeS m p (ff- P of ' Thine? Thine? ~m — That Sa-cred H^art, that Sa-cred Heart h: hri^ ^m m mm 7 0 Font of endless life and joy! O Spring of waters clear! 0 Flame celestial, cleansing all Who unto Thee draw near. 4. Beneath this emblem of pure love, 'Twas love Himself that died, And offered up Himself for us, A Victim crucified. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 40. 5. Blest Heart of Christ, in Thy dear Wound, The hidden depth we see, Of what we else could never know_ His boundless charity. 6. Oh, who of His redeemed, will Him Their mutual love refuse? Who would not rather in that Heart Their home eternal choose? o Faithful Cross, (Crux Fidelis.) 24. Moderate (J = 76.) i a | w/ -SV7Z/. I M.. H. 1PP 5 B «> Pf f f£ r f 1. Faith-ful cross, 0 Tree all beau- teous Tree all peer- less and di - vine! 2. Lof-ty Tree, bend down thy branch-es, To em- brace tby sa-cred load-, P ^ £=^ PPW j2l IB : i i ttd s r Not a grove on earth can show us Such a flowr and leaf as thine. Oh, re - lax the na - tive ten- sion Of that all too rig - id wood. i j -0- -*"-> ^F 3H «£ CHORUS. dip fiF: £i* Jid^ i* j Sweet the nails and sweet the wood La- den with so Gent - ly, gent- ly bear the mem-bers Of thy dy - ing sweet a Load. King and God. ^-£-^4* Hi**? *=* ^m m y p rail, /7\ m * Sweet the nails and sweet the wood— La- den with so Gent-ly, gent-ly bear the mem-bers Of thy dy - ing H ^rrfi^ -(•■ -P- ♦ ' m -P- sweet a Load. King and God. f nr *mm = /Tree, which solely wast found worthy g0l^ J Th' worlds great Victim to sustain? \ Harbor from the raging tempest \ Ark, that saved the world again! Chorus. {Tree, with sacred Blood anointed) (6is) (Of the Lamb for sinners slain. ' 41. C/R 1913 P. J.K. & S. 25. * * * Overwhelmed In Depths Of Sorrow. (First Tune.) * 0 AndantinoA J = 112.) fiSOLI. Rev. F . L . L ^=^r 1 i r 'r p 'r P ^ f'r r'fffi 1. 0 - ver- whelmed in depths of sor- row, On the tree of pain and scorn. 2. See the nails, how cruel - ly pierc-ing Handsandfeet so ten-der rend; J-. ^mn ^ ,,^,i~jj * 2s: ^ i J ^^FP ^ J M,J-. JlJ J r? r '"r r r ■(■ Hang-eth bleed-ing the Re-deem-er, And with rack-ing an- guish torn. Down His face and down His bod - y See His Sa-cred Blood de-sccnd. mm L=£ i fi. J2 M i J CHORUS. w& jij, j^^ — r^ ? m M i r f'rrr'r P r p ■ r r r r r- Je - sus, who has caused Thy Pas-sion, Who has nailed Thee to the cross. kit ^^ ^ fr-j^ ^1 ^ F+F F ipf m//. ^ ^i i '' ^^ — r-^n — r f r Oh, 'twas I, who sinned,and grieved Thee, I, who nailed Thee to the Cross m § 5C £-U^ g| 3. Hearken '.with what cry in dying Jesus' spirit takes its flight! How it pierced the heart of Mary, How it wrapt her soul in night. 4. See the sun its light withdrawing And the' heavens growing pale ; • Bursting rocks, the tombs that open, All their Makers death bewail. Hymn *3il is an available alternative Tune . C/R 19U P. J.K.& S. 42, 0 Soul Of Jesus, Guest For Me. S. M. PINE. Espressivo.( J = 44.) J t\ mf 26 B.M.J. IeS 5 5 w 5 1. Soul of 2. Soul of Je-sus, Guest for Je - sus, weighed for me me In the 'Neath the I ^ il\ f \ r m Yir - gin's breast for yew-trees shade for % 3 F ^ 5 ^^ fe*Pi I 3 Gods Be - got - ten Weighed with sins of me,, me, . 3 M Son! Gods Be - got - ten mine;_ Weighed with sins of W 2 T # p" ^ f^pf *tf Son! All the man-ger shines o'er Thee,_ All of Heav'n in-clines o'er mine-, Not a soul to wake with Thee,_ No brave heart to take with ® ' ' J- »■ ■ , « — A - P I PP P i»r P ^ 2 ^ »'/ P^ 5 There, 0 Thou glo-rious One! Thee, — Thorns and Cross di - vine! **T a S p P p r O Thou glo-rious One! Thorns and Cross di - vine. B P F^T H J 3. Soul of Jesus, clad for me In thy glory, glad for me At the Fathers side; (its.) Down from Heaven, 0 come to me, From Thy Altar-home to me, Make my soul Thy bride. (bis.) 4. Soul of Jesus, stay in me, Soul of Jesus, pray in me, Thro' the creeping hours, (bis.) Not a minute stray from Thee, All is sin away from Thee, Stay till shut of f lowers. (bis) Soul of Jesus, lignt for me All the slumbering night for me , That my heart may still (bis.) Watch to breathe its love for Thee, Kept above all else for Thee, Drowned in Thy sweet Will! (**"&) 4:i. C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 27 Rev.Fr.FABER *M Oh, Come And Mourn. (Amor meus crucifixus est.) Andante Doloroso (J = 66) .1 »if O CARL IIAUSER. h iJJ> l-JPM m ome and mourn with_ mi r r 1. Oh, come find mourn with_ me — a - 2. Have we no tears to— shed for. /b 4 LI m &■ n «*=3 while! See, Ma-ry Him, While spld-iers 9 J i> -A ^m % E i #3=^ HJ-r JjJMJ J S* f=f g calls scoff us and to_ her_ Jews d< a ina jews ae - side; Oh, ride? Ah! ' J come and let us look how pa-tient- look no1 $ p" p i i if1 ^^ 5£p cresc ji.h 4 ff mourn with her; Je - sus,our Love, is ly He hangs;. Je - sus,our Love, is IRA ./TvX3i^ j cru - ci cru - ci ^ m j .j j ^^ ^ ^ i 9 V ^M rail. m % m^t sus, our Love, is our Love, is cru cru - J ci ci J?2 fied! fied! m r ■u' P P^P 3. 4 How fast His Hands and Feet arehailed; Oh break, oh break, hard heart of mine! Hisblessed Tongue with thirst is tied; Thy weak self-love and guilty pride His failing Eyes are blind with Blood, His Pilate and His Judas were; Jesus, our Lovejis crucified! ibis) Jesus, our Love, is crucified! (bis) 5. 0 Love of God ! 0 Sin of man! In this dread act your strength is tried; And victory remains with Love; For He, our Love, is crucified. Cjfe.lylS P.J.K.& s . 44. J Tr.Rev.E.CASWALL J A U mf At The Cross Her Station Keeping". (Stabat Mater dolorosa.) 28. £ i f r f i ^ ,j j S 1. At the Cross her sta-tion keep-ing-, Stood the mourn-ful 2. Through her heart ,■ His' sor-row shar - ing, All His bit - ter S it M N^ j-J i J lj in rtf/7 . I m Moth-er weep-ing", Close to Je - sus to the last, an-g-uish.bear-ing, Now at length the sword had passed. mm 3. Oh! how sad and sore distressed Was that Mother highly blessed Of that sole-beg;otten One! 4. Oh'.that silent, ceaseless mourning-! Oh! those dim eyes never turning- From that wond'rous, suffering- Son! 5. For His people's sins,the All -Holy There she saw, a Victim lowly, Bleed in torments-bleed and die; 6. Saw the Lord's Anointed taken ; Saw her Child in death forsaken; Heard His last expiring- cry. 7. Those Five Wounds of Jesus smitten , Mother, in my heart be written, Deeply as in thine they be ; 8. Thou, my Saviour's cross who bearest, Thou, thy Son's rebuke who sharest, Let me share them both with thee. 45. 9. In the passion of my Maker Be my sinful soul partaker, Weep till death,and weep with thee. 10. Mine with thee be that sad station, There to watch the great salvation Wrought upon the atoning Tree. li. Virgin thou of virgins fairest, May the bitter woe thou sharest Make on me impression deep. 12. Thus Christ dying- may I carry, With Him in His passion tarry, And His wounds in memory keep. 13. May His wounds transfix me wholly, May His cross and life-blood holy Ebriate my heart and mind. 14. Thus inflamed with pure affection In the Virgin's Son protection May I at the Judgment find. Amen. G/R.1913. P. J.K.& s. 2 Q Christians, Who Of Jesus' Sorrows. ^"^ • | (First Tune.) * * * Andante. (J= 60) SOU. J Traditional Melody, 1. Christ- ians, who of Je - sus1 sor- rows, Come the dole-ful tale to 2. In a lone-ly gar- den pray-ing, Con -flicts rude op -press His #=N# % — i V>£ iM. zm s % $ k i'„||J J J l|f^^ I # hear; See what streams of blood flow for us! Blend, ah! blend at least a tear! soul; Fear and hope, His soul as- sail-ing,Striveby turns His will to rule. 95 I*! $ % F=f^& /£ TUTTI. ^m i mmm $ ■ Lo! for sins our own de Now doth fear com-mand im vHif t F 1* vot- ed, Bleeds the Vic -tim from on pe-rious. a Now strong ef- forts love com - i s Lf'V'l ii,'.' Hll^'Ul,) ajjij;! an ^ high, By His suff rings an - i - mat-ed, For Him live and for Him die. bines;Love at length pre-vailsvic - to-rious,He to death Him-self re -signs. B • pg ^2 fe err b p ? 7 -WZ7. 3 . Dooirfd to death new Isaac willing, Loaded with the heavy Tree In His Heart our sins bewailing, He ascends Mount Calvary. TUTTI. Lo! His Hands and Feet are piercd through, On the bloody Cross He lies; Streams of vital blood flow for you Sinners! He's your sacrifice! SOLI. 4. Now behold the Man of Sorrows, On the Cross exalted high; Suff ring, bleeding, dying for us, Now behold salvation nigh. TUTTI. Satan our great foe lies vanquished Mary's seed has bruised his head; Our redemption is accomplished, Jesus has our ransom paid. C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. SOLI. 5. He expires in sad convulsions; Nature comfortless bemoans; Heavn and earth and aU creation Trembling echo doleful groans. TUTTI. Ah! shall man a signt so woful, View alone with tearless eye? Grant, 0 Jesus! I may grateful, With Thee mourn and with Thee die. 46. o Christians, Who Of Jesus' Sorrows (Second Tune.) 4 t 'antabile doloroso.(J = 58) mfSOLI. N 30 B. M. 0 u aj p ^5 ^B rrr r rTTJrT^ 1. Christ-ians, who of Je - sus' 2. In a lone-ly gar den i sor pray rows. Come the dole-ful tale to «& Con-flicts rude op - press His tee what streams of blood flow for soul, Fear and hope, His soul, as - sail *m&£^ ^4 us! Blend, ah! blend at least a ing, Strive by turns His will to *T *n 2 TUTTIp tfrfctL V PUPS f=f im tear!_ Lo! for sins our own rule — Now doth fear command gg^jll r J* fri .-£} vot - ed, Bleeds the Victim from on pe - rious,Now strong ef- forts love com f 4^ V v T r r ' 'r pt |? t J c ^ high, By his suff -'rings an - i bines ; Love at length pre - vails vie mat - ed, For Him live and for Him to - rious, He to death Him- self re_ ^^g * i k^E^k r f f ^ P£^? «g ] l 4^ ffirffi J'lj J jtea «r-f die; By his suffering's an - i signs, Love at length pre -vails vie mat - ed, For Him live and for Him die. to - rious,He to death Him - spH re - signs. y*pP n ^m m x p? Now behold the Man of Sorrows, On the Cross exalted high-, Suffring, bleeding, dying for us, Nov7 behold salvation nigh. Satan our great foe lies vanquished; Marys seed has bruis'd his head; Our redemption is accomplished,) , Jesus has our ransom paid. j 3. Doom'd to death new Isaac willing, Loaded with the heavy Tree, In His Heart our sins bewailing, He ascends Mount Calvary. Lo! His Hands and Feet are piercd thro', On the bloody Cross He lies; Streams of vital blood flow for youf^. Sinners! He's your sacrifice! f C/R 1913 P. J.K.& S. 47. 31 The Royal Banners Forward Go. From v. FORTUNATUS. CVexilla regis prodeuntJ Largo.(J = 4S) i mf. i=d= ^d B. M. J. r w r-r 1. The Roy - al 2. Be - hold His r=*T^ ■^r Ban - ners for - ward Hands, trans - fixed and torn!. J .r>f~t .4- A~A .ft ^ ?:*r |f_.fF-T \~~r f_r |j._f ^f *LO^ The Cross shines His bleed-ing m it l=k M * r ' r-r r-r forth in Brow and mys - tic Crown of glow,- Where He in thorn! The will - ing Flesh, Sac our ri- flesh who made, Our sen - tence fice is slain, Re- demp-tion bore, our for man ran-som kind to m fi±. A.u\ A. J, A A rk paid, gain. pem.\^^ ir r i^ag W T 3. There as He hangs- His sacred side By cruel spear is opened wide, And sheds forth Water mixed with Blood, A cleansing and a saving flood. 4. Fulfilled is now what David told In true prophetic song of old: 'Among the nations, God" said he; "Is King:— He reigneth from the Tree. 5. 0 Tree of beauty! Tree of light! 0 Tree with royal purple dight! What glory can with thine compare, Elect such Holy Limbs to bear! 6. Blest Tree, the balance where was weighed The Ransom for us sinners paid; To take the guilt of man away, And spoil the spoiler of his prey. 0 Lord, on this Thy Passion Day, Thy Cross we hail, our only stay; In holy hearts fresh grace implant, And pardon to the sinner grant. 8. Salvations spring, blest Trinity, Be prr.ise to Thee through earth and sky, Wno through the Cross hast victory given; Grant us its prize_ a place in Heaven. R 1913 P. J.K.& S. 48. o *~o Sing", My Tongue, The Saviour's Glory. (Pange Lingua Gloriosi.) Tr.Rev. E. CAS WALL 32 Gregorian, 1 ^m ^-Jr-*r=fr ^ Tell_ his tri-umph Man_ had sunk in l.Sing, my tongue, the 2. Eat - ing of the Saviour's glo - ry ; tree for -bid - den, far and wideT Sa - tan's snare, Tell a - loud the fa-mous sto - ry When his pit - y - ing Cre - a - tor m 'P^t£ £=4 J) }> J' J> ji V P (S-f V D P V P ■ru - ci - fied:_ How up - On the Cro Of His Bod - y cru - ci Did this Sec-ond Tree pre f ied ; _ pare ow up - On the Cross Des-tined, ma - ny a - PNN rail. J r-p-v feE^E h I Js J 5 r=p - ing in. ? r ic -tim, § a Vic ges la - ter, 1» g- » r \an-quish That first e - vil. r f death-, He died to re - pair . * ipp Z Such the order" God appointed When for sin He would atone; To the serpent thus opposing Schemes yet deeperthan his own; Thence the remedy procuring Whence the fatal wound had come 5 . All within a lowly manger, Lo, a tender Babe Jfe lies! See his gentle Virgin Mother Lull to sleep His infant cries! While the Limbs of God Incarnate Round with swathing bands she ti PS Y i 4. So, when at length the fullness Of the sacred time drew nigh, . Then the Son who moulded all things Left His Fathers throne on high; From a Virgin's womb appearing, Clothed in our mortality. Honor, blessing everlasting, To th* immortal Deity! To the Father, Son and Spirit , Praise be paid co-equally! Glory through the earth and heaven To the Three-fold Unity! 49. C./R. hi 1 3 f'..T.K.*R OO. All Glory, Laud, and Honor. (Palm Sunday. Rev. Dr. J. M. NEALE. (Gloria, laus, et honor.) Moderator J = 88) B. M. m M I i mm 1. AH glo - ry, laud, and hon - or, To Thee, Re - deem - er King! To 2. The com-pa-nies of an -gels Are prais-ing Thee on high; And 1. ' ^^ I m i f i M iN#^ if *> f r whom the lips of chil - dren Made Sweet Ho - san - nas ring. Thou mor - tal men and all things Cre - a - ted make re - ply. The 'J + + + + ♦• ' I IN' F f *f P- 3 P W I j j mm * ij £ art the King of Is - rael, Thou Da - vids Roy-al Son, Who chil- dren of the He -brews With palms be - fore Thee went; Our lp: 4' } f f J3. t=* "i i p i 4 j in- 1 i m i )nif\ral/. m 9 in the Lord's name com- est, The King and Bless - ed One. praise and pray'r and an - thems Be - fore Thee we pre - sent. S & im p 3. To Thee, before Thy Passion, They raised their hymns of praise; To Thee, now throned in glory, Our melody we raise. Thou didst accept their praises: Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. GJR 1913 P. J. K. & S. 4. These palms shall signal for us Our vict'ry o'er the foe; That in the Conqueror's triumph This strain may ever flow-.— All glory, laud, and honor, To Thee, Redeemer, King! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. 50. PART FOURTH. EASTERTIDE. Of all the Seasons of all the Liturgical Year, Paschal Time is by far the richest in Mystery. . . Eternity in heaven is the true Pasch : hence, our Pas ch, here on earth, is the Feast of feasts. Easter, with its three admirable manifestations of divine love and power, the Resurrection , the Ascension and the Descent of the Holy Ghost, is the per- fection of the work of our Redemption. The holy Fathers bid us look on these fifty days of Eastertide as the image of our eternal happiness. . . They are days devoted exclusively to joy; every sort of sadness is forbidden; and the Church cannot speak to her divine Spouse without joining to her words the glorious cry of heaven, the "Alleluia " wherewith, as the holy Liturgy says, the streets and squares of the heavenly Jerusalem resound without ceasing. . .We have been forbid- den the use of this joyous word during the past nine weeks; it behoved us to die with Christ) but now that we are resolved to die no more that death which kills the soul, and caused our Redeemerto die on the Cross we have aright to our "Alleluia!' Be of good heart, Christians! you must look forward to another Easter. Each year will give you a repetition of what you now enjoy. Easter will follow Easter, and bring you at last to that Easter in heaven, which is nev- er to have an end, and of which these happy ones on earth are a mere foretaste. (From "The Liturgical Year"by Ahbor G-ueranger, O.S.B.) See the Classified Index of Hymns for this Season . ~o Christ, The Lord Is Risen To-day. Tr. M. LEESON. Moderate. (J - 84) ) a a mf SOLI. (Victimae Paschali Laudesj i i 34. B. M. J. 5 PP^F P^ ^3 f r S 1. Christ, the Lord, is risn to- day; Christ -ians,haste your vows to pay; 2. Christ, the Vic-tim un -de -filed, Man to God hath rec- on - ciled; ft i 1 T i t j j'j fl'ri ^ Of - fer ye your prais - es meet, At the Pas-chal Vic-tims When in strange and aw - ful strife, Met to-geth-er death and feet; life. aii F hr^t I T CHORUS. ##^# &S * ±t T~ r " ' tifEf r- For the sheep the Lamb hath bled, Christians, on this hap - py day, Sin - less in the sin-ner Haste with joy your vows to 1 m }\?: m f^ p s stead; pay; 5 fegggiil r r '• * s^et f ^r Christ, the Lord, is ris'n on high; Now He lives, no more to diel Christ, the Lord, is ris'n on high; Now He lives,no more to die! a * m ppp? T (Christ, Who once for sinners bled, ^rr/Now the first-born from the dead, 'iThrorid in endless might and powr, (Lives and reigns for evermore. /Hail! eternal hope on high! „„.„„„„ /Hail! Thou King of victory! bac//wA.\Hail, Thon Prince of life adord! 'Help and save ungracious Lord! 53. C|R 1913 P.J. K.&S. OO. All Hail, Dear Conqueror! Rev. F.W. FABER. (Tu Victor Rex.) Allegretto, f J. = 44) B. M. J. te I 3=« #^1 *=* — -^ ^ j -^ m 3- 1. All hail, dear Con - quer - or, all 2. The ev - er - last - ing God - head hail!, lay- On, what a — , Shrouded ? with S PPP ] fe^# i ^ — ■+ ful Thy strength ap ten - ant - ed one vie - to - ry is Thine! in those Limbs di - vine, •w ~ •■# How beau - ti Nor left un M^£ wmm q: j mr' 'i-' 5t iHHi! pears! Thy crim - son Wounds, how bright they shine! Thou cam -est hour That sa - cred Hu - man Heart of Thine. They worshipped m i-i 'tt^pt^^^m^f^^iliA at the dawn of day, Armies of souls around Thee were,Blest spir-its Thee, those ransomed souls,With the fresh strength of love set free^Thev worshippd »): fa § g t ec m m mil. m throng joy - to wor-ship Thee, In Flesh now glo - ri - fied and fair, ous-ly, and thought Of Ma- ry, while they looked on Thee. W g r- A-a: -9- A. § f^sbi m a: T 3. C|R 1913 P.J.K.& S. They worshipped, while the beauteous Soul Paused by the Body's wounded Side; Bright flashed the cave, before them stood The living Jesus glorified. All hail, dear Conqueror, all hail! Oh! what a victory is Thine! How beautiful Thy strength appears! Thy crimson Wounds, how bright they shine! 54. The Morn Had Spread Her Crimson Lays. Jh (Aurora Coeluni Purpurat.) Tr. R . CAMPBELL GREGORIAN. 1* "% n * o mM M^ V r p fy pp 1. The morn had spread her crimson rays, 2. He comes vie - tor - ious from the grave ^J-rf-p- When rang the The Lord om- £l I £ i^>J^ m *^ &i r P"P P r. '? f^-p P ± ^T skies iii withshoutsof praise;Earth joined the joy po-tent to save And bringswith Him - fnl - to hymn light £i£ f f r £3 J> W^ Pf £3 / 5^ r? n j> n ^ rff//. S U, U P r Tr XT to van- quishedhell im- pri - soned lay. THat brought des - pair The Saints who long i ^8 S 3. Let hymns of joy to grief succeed, We know that Christ is risn indeed; We hear his white-robe Angel's voice And in Dur risen Lord rejoice. With Christ we died, with Christ we rose, When at the font His Name we chose; Oh, let not sin our robes defile, And turn to grief the paschal smile. 55. c.\K. 1913 P. J. K. d S Q V Ye Sons And Daughters Of The Lord. rr x? rv nAcwATT ( 0 Filii et F ili ae .) Ir. Kev. L.CAbWALL. TRADITIONAL MELOUY. Moderato. J fl ^ % f CHORUS .^ __, , , i r— gfeg^ ¥ -o- 33 Al - le - lii - ia! Al - le - lii - OO" — o~ ia! Al - le - lii ia! 4i «> a i .SV;// 32 P * f 3T "// i.Ye sons and daughters of the Lord, The King of glo-ry, King a m ±t § -(©■ -f2 -fi*- JQ_ it ii 3X 2: ' ^ *?/ SP a ■ ^ofr f3i * =cg -«* ?W & — ^-« o o dored,This day Him - self from death re - stored. Al - le - lii ia! m it A \' I "~ f I o II ZEE to: ^f ^ jo: 2. All in the early morning grey Went holy women on their way To see the tomb where Jesus lay. Alleluia! 3. Of spices pure a precious store In their pure hands those women bore, To anoint the sacred Body o'er. f Alleluia! 4. Thenstraightway one in white they see, Who saith,"Ye seek the Lord-, but He Is risen, and gone to Galilee'.' Alleluia! This told they Peter, told they John> Who forthwith to the tomb are gone, But Peter is by John outrun. f Alleluia! 6. That self-same night, while out of fear The doors were shut, their Lord most dear To His Apostles did appear. Alleluia! 12. Whose mercy ever runneth o'er-, Whom men and Angel Hosts adore5 To Him be glory evermore. , Alleluia! 56. But Thomas, when of this he heard, Was doubtful of his brethren's word ; Wherefore again there comes the Lord. Alleluia! 8. " Thomas, behold My side," said He-, " My hands, My feet, My body see, And doubt not, but believe in Me." Alleluia! 9. When Thomas saw that wounded side, The truth no longer he denied; "Thou art my Lord and God! "he cried. Alleluia! 10. Oh, blest are they who have not seen Their Lord, and yet believe in Him! Eternal life await eth them. , Alleluia! 11. Now let us praise the Lord most high. And strive His name to magnify On this- great day, through earth and sk> Alleluia! 0 r Now At The Lamb's High Royal Feast. QO (Ad Regias Agni Dapes.) %^J\*D* Tr. Rev. E. CASWALL ^ ^ ^ -, Grcfforian. i^^^e high, roy- al feast, i.No\v_ 2.0. at the__ Lambs depth of love!_ for us He drains J* JO ♦ tn robes The cha - of saint - ly white, \fe sing, Through the Re( lice__ of His_ a - go - ny; For us a_ Vic - tim__ » J^ J> £g PP ^ t r=r ^ P p I g J> j> =a r P f pi. „,?_ rf f=p .br-tB tal King. die. safe - ty brought on the Cross By- He- Je - sus,_ o'ur im - mi meek - ly lays Him down to iHn 3. 6. And as the avenging Angel pass'd Hail, victor Christ! hail, risen King! Of old the blood-besprinkleddoor; To Thee alone belongs the crown; As the cleft sea a passage gave, Who hast the heavenly gates unbarr'd, Thenclosedto whelm th1 Egyptians o'er; And cast the Prince of darkness down. 4. 7. So Christ, our Paschal Sacrifice, 0 Jesus'.from the death of sin Has brought us safe all perils through; Keep us, we pray; so shalt Thou be While for unleavend bread He asks The everlasting Paschal joy But heart sincere and purpose true. Of all the soulsnew-born In Thee. 5. 8. Hail, purest Victim Heavn could find To God the Father, with the Son The powers of Hell to overthrow! Who from the grave immortal rose, Who didst the bonds of Death unbind; And Thee, 0 Paraclete, be praise, Who dost the prize of Life bestow. While age on endless ages flows. 57. O/B.1913. P. J.K.* S. 39 0 ^ W^k Sing- We Triumphant Hymns Of Praise (Hymnum Canamus Gloriae.) 1 (ASCENSION.) Moderate (d = 104) nif SEMI- CHORUS. M.H. i ^ a 3 ^ 1. Sing: 2. -T,o we whom tri the S5 i i umph an XL ant gels 2: hymns of draw - ing XL praise, New nigh, ''Why xl ' Hife ^ *=* raise, (Jurist by sky? This is !,Chri g^ hymns to heavn ex - stand and gaze up - ult on ing the 7 Thi a the road Sav be iour," lui i tt i r 3 S3B fore un - trod, As thus they say, "This XL M. XL cend - eth is His to no the ble throne of tri - umph -^ .w. -<- .w. *. -+ ■*-•*• God. day.". 3 mf b2 -p * V_* * Th' a - pos -ties on the mountain stand,The mys - tic mount in Ho - ly LandThey, "A - e-ain shall ye be - hold Him so_ As ye to . day have seen Him go, In A jl A*. A m. - 1* -- I I >* m $=M4 & £& U TZ- 1 ^!-JMl| jiJiJij'jT^p rail. -a 9 — ~p * — ~Y "■ ■ o with the bless- ed Moth-er, see Je - sus as - cend in maj - es - ty. glo-rious pomp as-cend-ing high, Up to the por-tals of the sky!' -fi. -*. J2L 1 XL -m- n £ rZ. £ m E &- C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 3. "He hastes to mount His heav'nly throne, He takes His kingdom for His own-, And thence again, when time shall end, To judge the nations shall descend!' Jesus! in that tremendous day, Our sole Redemption, Thee we pray Vouchsafe to number us on high Amongst Thy saints' blest company. 58. o 40. Rev. T.J. POTTER. Larghetto.(« Hail Thou, Who Mans Redeemer Art. (Salutis Humanae Sator.) (ASCENSION.) Rev> A_ FLEURY s- ,L 55i) £ nif J: N if sat 3 1. Hail Thou, Who 2. What name - less mans mer Re deem Thee ^ — -if — Si- I I er o'er f i ^&* PI m p^p$ ^ ^ 5 3=* joy of ev - 'ry heart; Great Mak - er load of sin and shame? For guilt - less, art, Je - sus, the came, To bear our m *r r if r r m £p i p^^^ i?p* s V Eg 5 of the worlds wide frame, And pur- est loves de - light and flame Thou Thy life didst give, That sin- ful, err - ing man might live. . J m ^^ ^ t f 7 P The realms of woe are forced by Thee, Its captives from their chains set free,- And Thou, amid Thy ransom'd train, At Gods Right Hand dost victor reign. Let mercy sweet with Thee prevail, To cure the wounds we now bewail 5 Oh, bless us with Thy holy sight, And fill us with eternal light. 5. Our guide, our way to heavenly rest, Be Thou the aim of ev'ry breast; Be Thou the soother of our tears, Our sweet reward above the spheres. 59. CJR If) IS P.J. K.&S. 41. O Jesus Christ, Remember. Rev. E. CASWALL. Allejrretto.J = 80) t ±&— ** m Old Melody. Harm, by B.A.M. § £ B * ** 1. 0 Je-sus Christ, re -mem- ber, When Thou shalt come a- gain Up • 2. Re-mem-ber then, 0 Sav-iour, I sup-pli- cate of Thee, That l^ m i i PS ^^ w/' I *»— r — r on the clouds of heav- en With all Thy shin - ing train; When here I bowed be - fore Thee Up - on my bend - ed knee; That ' J T r m m m mum s / sag ev - 'ry eye shall see ^ Thee In De - i - ty re . vealed, Who here I owned Thy pres - ence, And did not Thee de - ny, And ' . J I P 1 V *fc M ■p rail ^^# m now up - on this al tar, In si - lence art con - cealed. glo . ri - fied Thy great- ness. Though hid from hu - man eye. ^^m m n C/B1913P.J.K.&S. Accept, divine Redeemer, The homage of my praise; Be Thou the light and honor, And glory of my days; Be Thou my consolation When death is drawing nigh; Be Thou my only Treasure Through all oternity. 60. Holy Spirit, Come And Guide Me. Rev. W P. TREACY. Moderato.(J = 84) mf 42. B.M.J. PPPI £ W £ 221 * * st T 1. Ho - ly Spir - it, come and guide me, For Thy Light I 2. Prom my soul dis - pel all shad - ows, From my hc.irf now 1*1* i* # 2C i I P i s Pi pp & ** r dai - ly pine; All a - round is dark and gloom- y, Let Thy ban - ish care; Teach me how to bear my cross - es, Give me y=i t^$v\ j i j j fflig # 5 r=r r Rays sweet up - ness on in me shine; my prayer. Let Thy Rays up - on Give me sweet - ness in me shine. my prayer- 55? t £ , g iiC "Fif » if "V Speak to me of Heavens beauties, Tell me of Thy Sinless Laind; Lead me up that Holy Mountain Where but Purified may £tand.(6is.) 4. Lead me oer the paths of virtue. Keep me far from shame and sin; Give me peace in holy actions. Drive from me all strife and din. (dis-) Show the vainness of false pleasures, Show how fleeting are mans days, Show that Thou alone canst give me Force to walk through stainless ways, (dis.) 61. C R 1913 P. J.K.& S. 43. Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest. Moderator J -80.: :*=X mf , i 1 (Veni; Creator Spiiitus.) French Melody. JiJ hl ii a — a: 1. Come, Ho - ly Ghost, Cre-a - tor blest, And in our hearts take 2. 0 Com - fort - or, to Thee wo eryj Thouheavh-Iy Gift of J *n j j ±\tp^ 5 # IB? £ i if,f ;«uu* & « 7 cresc- P r r r up Th.v restj Como with TJiy gi-ace andheavii-ly aid. To fill tlio Godmostlligh; Thou Fount of Lifo and Fire of LoveiAndsweet a- J S* fei T v |(* |» p #=1 i f -&-± 9 rj M i a m«?/. f s*-5- f hearts which Tliouhast mado, To fill the hearts which Thou hast made, noint-ing from a - bove, And sweet a - noint-ing from a - bove. 3£ gjl f |f-f|P '. J.. J A ^P 3. O Holy Ghost, through Thee alone. Know we the Father and the Son; Be this our never changing creed, That Thou dost from Them both proceed, (bis. 4. Praised be the Father and the Son, And Holy Spirit with Them One; And may the Son on us bestow The gifts that from the Spirit flow, (bis.) C/R 1913 P. J.K.& S 62. Rev. M. RUSSELL, S.J. Thy Kingdom Come. (Adveniat Regnum tuum.) E ■7-J •U tJ H :l 1 44. B. F. B. 2E o_ lx: l.Thy Eing-dom 2. Thee will I come. 0 serve, for. - 'J King of earth and heav'n, he who serves Thee reigns, ?^-r =8=q i3E I !I=S . =*= Cre - a - tor, Thee will I ^ 9^g PP Sa-viour, free-ly f f Who our chains hast serve while life re nv n; mains, 7CE i f « brace,' bove. Oh, that all Till, free no m i hearts would long - er, -6- ■»»■ Thy sweet yoke em in Thy realm a ft^>f 1 / I I fczs » ■"B Reign in my heart for - ev - er, Bound in the rap-turousthral -dom King of of Thy *m$ grace, love . ^ ^5 P Thee as my King my soul at last shall hail, No more to swerve, no more to faint nor fail,*. 0 Father, take Thy weary wand'rer home,' 0 King of glory, may Thy Kingdom come. 6 3. C./R.1M1:{ p. .t. k. * s. 45. When Men Blaspheming" say: B. M. i Andante.(«>-50) N^JF* £ * fc=fc i 3 Mel. of Rev. MERCIER. Harm, by Carl Hauser. S 1 * i f f ' i «| * r? 5=5 l.Whon men blaspheming say: A- way with Je-sus Christ! Wo will not own His 2. The faithless Jews, O Lord! In hate re-jectred Thee;— A-wavwithHim! their g-xftn f gij- ^i'F i- 1 ,ii uiu sway,Uurfree-doi word/'Nok ^S I Iy . . . WWW- W ^ M W ee-doni sac-ri-fiee! _0 Christians- raise the loy-al cry and sing: ing,savoCa>sar,\\ e!— Thy vas - sals,Christ,with joyonspride we sing: £ W A g> jljaj i^Ul^Ji 31.; J^li- q p^ ' ThyKingdomeome'.BeThou^Christ^ourKin^'.Thylving'domcomelKeThoi^OChrist^ur l*'Piyfrlf:pl?i £ i Cj-r-rir a ^ £ F i y ? ^ j j i^PTJ^ King !WereThine,dearLordJioThoii, our King!ThyKhigdonicome!0 Christ! Thy m r r if f £ PP Jj|aJJgg ^ I * r r 'r r t ii a King-dom come! Bo Thou our King! Thy King-dom come! O Christ!'- * mt^ s if^'r-wp'r r ^^ _5t S—-L With purple robe in scorn They mock Thy regal right; Thy Head is crowned with thorn; Thy blessed Face they smito. We hail Theo King by right divine, arid sing: (Chorus) C/R 1913 P. J.K.& S. 64. 4. Thy royal title, see! Above Thy cruel crown; They scoff and jeer at Thee: _ "O Israels King, come down! With faith sublime, Christ Crucified, we sing-.f Chorus) PART FIFTH. THE TIME AFTER PENTECOST. The Sacred Liturgy is about to put before us an unbroken succession of varied episodes of which some are brilliant with glory,and others exquisite in loveliness, but each one of them bringing its special tribute towards eith- er the development of the dogmas of faith or the furtherance of the Christ - ian life. . . It was but right that the solemnity which is intended to honor the mystery of One God in Three Persons } should immediately follow that of Rm- tecost,with which it has a mysterious connection. Every homage paid to God by the Church's Liturgy has the HoryTrinity as its object . Time , as well as eternity, belongs to the Trinity. The Trinity is the scope of all Religion. Every day, every hour, belongs to It. The Feasts instituted in memory of the mysteries of our Redemption centre in It. The Feasts of the Blessed Virgin and the saints are so many means for leading us to the praise of the God who is One in essence, and Three in Parsons. The Sunday's Office, in a very special way, gives us, each week, a most ex - plicit expression of adoration and worship of this mystery, which is the foun- dation of all others and the source of all grace . The hymn of Thy Seraphim, O Lord, has been heard here on earth: Holy} Holy , Holy the Lord God of hosts', (Is. VI. 3.) We are but mortals; we are not Proph- ets, as was Isaias ; and yet we have a happiness which he had not; we can re- peat the song of those blessed Spirits, with fulness of knowledge, and can say unto Thee /Holy is the Father, Holy is the Son, Holy is the Spirit!" From "The Liturgical Year/by Abbot Guemnger, 0. S.B. See the Classified Index of hymns to The Most Holy Trinity,and God in General. God The Father, Who Didst Make Me. Andantino.(J = 84) 46. 4 £ VAr M.H. J jljjj^lj^ P^f k^t — " " r 1. God the Fa - ther Who didst make me To a-dore and w or- ship Thee, 2. Je-sus Christ Who didst re-deem me From e-ter-nal mis-er- y> >* f hi? ^m j i if r r fir rr g h^ /=M i a 3 icF" 3 3 ' J J J S'S'3- f F: S Who wouldsthave me, soul and bod - y Thine for ev - or- more to be) Who didst shed Thy Blood to save me On the Cross of Oal- va-ry; gif p p pip ^ & F i y> ^J^j v IT ," ' tern s sr ^7 ?. JT C Oft -en from Thy ways Ivewai Thy ways I've wan - dered-Een each day and ev- ryhour: Oh! what s or- row there I caused, Thee. Yes, I caused, Thine ag- o - ny; »):ti ; jjj i^ r^ j3 ^ ? ^ ^ j * W^ ■^ j_ i «/• & s s ? * m & rail. fe ■t^t * f r T 7" Time so pre - eiousspent and squan-dered,Let me con-trite now de-plore. By that Cross I now be - seech TheeXookin pit - y down on me. 3 A * . i3 ~ m m rnriif ip:pni Holy Ghost, Whose grace descended Sevenfold to strengthen me. By which grace my s oul was cleanse d From a dark iniquity, Many gifts of Thine I've slighted, Gifts bestowed so lovingly But for love so unrequited, Faithful now at last 111 be. 67. 4. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Ever Blessed Trinity, Oli! what love from me They merit, For such wondrous charity. Thou,0 God,hast made and saved me, Thou alone my Lord shalt be; Take mo then to serve and love Thee, Now, and in eternity. c|r 1913 P.J.K.&S. 47 O Day Of Rest And Gladness! (Sunday.) * * * J M.H 4 Moderator J r80) tt s 8=f W^ 1. o 2. On day of rest and thee, at the Cre ^jEff glad- ness! O a - tion, The day of joy and light first had its m \P m i M i a W p light! birth; O On balm for care and sad - ness, Most beau- ti ■ ful, most thee, for our sal va - tion, Christ rose from depths of 5 5? * 0 M /a * ' £ ^ i p w/* j ,i J.J-.I ',||.|^ 3: f low - bright! earth; On On thee/ the high and thee, our Lord vie - to as tt ly, Bo - fore the - ter- nal rious, The Spir-it sent from I F=* ^ * I r1 S3 J I a ^—3- /» j Jl,j:l *=* throne, Sing ho- ly, ho- ly, ho - ly, To God, the Three in One- heav'n: And thus on thee most glo-rious, A tri -pie light was givn. m 4X 5 • — # »- £i ^f T To-day on weary nations. The heavenly manna falls; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls; Where Gospel-light is glowing With pure and radiant beams, And living water flowing With soul-refreshing streams Cjifc 1913 P.J.K.& S. New graces ever gaining From this, our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining To spirits of the blest; To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father and to Son; The Church her voice upraises, To Thee, blest Three in One. 68. 48 Life Offers Me One Only Good, One Treasure. I.WILLIAMS. (First Tune.) Moderate (J =80) ua,-! m l mam IE I. MULLLK. 1. Life of - fers me one on - ly good; one treas - ure, 2. Tis God a - lone our deep - est wounds can heal, m m_i m P & £ fcE^EEE? P P V V #m ± i P^H s j 3: t r^r^ ? My Sav-iour dear, my God whom I a - dore. Tis He a - lone can And be to us a ref - uge safe and sure, None oth-er can such 9m m * 1 L> m m. ^m ^ r- v^ $ ees I tB J) h rail- i > * i r^ § turn all grief to pleas -uro^TisHe Who holds my heart for ev - er-more. wondrous love re - veal, To sane-ti - fy the ho - ly soul and pure. nil? war mm* s 3. What sorrow, then, need heart of mortal fear, Whose loving hope and trust are all in Thee? What grief need trouble us when Thou art near? For Thou our gentle Comforter wilt be. 69. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 49. O.J. (Joinodo.lJ =76) O God Of Loveliness! ( Tuus sum ego.) M.H. ju J j jij. ,n j i f ji.hJ-J 2 S 1. O God of love-li - ness, O Lord of heavh a - bove, How 2 Thou art blest Three in One, Yet un - di . vid - ed still; Thou ^P i ff r if?v i ^jij. ^ ij j j j.ij^ij j f - ed heart s de - vot wor-thy to pos-sess My hearts de - vot - ed love! So sweet Thy Coun-te- art that One a - lone Whoso love my heart can fill. Thehoavhs,the earth be- m t } f f *3J ppm j=^ $ e M mm i ;M "/> ^ rr ^ r-t nance, So low, Were 5 gra fash to be - hold, ioned by Thy word. That How one, one on - ly a - mia- bio art glance To Thou, My me wove bliss un-told;That one, one on ev - er dear-estLord!How a - mia-ble J S mi S-g^f ly glance To me were bliss un - told- irt Thou, Myev-er dear-est Lord! Pm* ' 3. Were hearts as countless mine As sands upon the shore- All should in choir combine To love Thee evermore. Andevry heart should yearn With tenderest desire, And in my bosom burn ) ( With flames of holiest fire. J' {btS} To think Thou art my God- O thought for ever blest! My heart has overflowed With joy within my breast. My soul so full of bliss Is plunged as in a sea, Deep in the sweet abvss \, . , Of holy charity. * \{6ts) „n C|R 1^13 P.J.K.& S. 70. No object here below Awakens my desire; No suffering nor woe Can grief or pain inspire. The world I could despise, Though it were all of gold; Thee only do I prize ),.. * O Mine of wealth untold! \[dts-J 6. O Loveliness supreme. And Beauty infinite; O ever-flowing Stream, An Ocean of delight ; O Life by which I live. My truest life above- To Thee alone I gixc j /. . v My undivided love. ) Just One Tiny Spark So Bright. I. WILLIAMS. Moderato.(#=80) SEMIOHORUS. jiv..j.jjjiOrii i i 50. I.MULLER 2: 1. Just one ti - ny spark so bright, Of this won - drous fire, 2- Ha-sten, all our hearts eon-sume, Heav-en's flame di . vine., m ¥ m i I p I f ? i £ F ^ fet I r r » :s Will Gods love en - kin - die, Fill our soul With rap - ture, In my heart for - ev- er. They are on - ly Thine. v:i" r t f m H\n n r rfr r J*jJ| REFRAIN, nif > ■ ? Oh! fire of ho- ly love, Ohlheavnly ray, Come fill my soul e> J t: e e: # f ^J-J ^ 4 by **^fr :e*=k T » Jl'J:*lj7VJhi|gj-JlJ r?IJ:»]l £ 5 night and by day: 3 3* fTTTTP 1 Come fill my soul by night i and by M' M ay Sim e 3. Peace and happiness are mine. When Thou art with me. Banished all life's sorrows. While I cling to Thee- 4. Come, then, Master of my soid Dear Saviour and King. Unto my poor spirit. Peace and comfort bring. 71. C|R 1913 P.J.K.& S. 51. O Come, Loud Anthems Let Us Sing". m Andante-(Jr80) SOLI. % ~»if\ ifc Adapted from J. HAYDN. 5 it f9 1. O oome, loud 2. In - to His ggj pros thorns once r lot. let us us i pip i sing-, Loud haste To H i JiJ-JJiF^g =&=J i^ For we on r Al - might -y Kin£ His fa - vors past; To thanks to our thank Him for gg we our voie - es Him ad - dress? our 1 m £ w d=M m=4 |^=— : eresc. high should raise, When our sal - va - tions Rock we praise, joy - ful songs, The praise that to His Name be - longs. >* J J A A 1 SE *z{-f- I F^ CHORUS'. jW ^ J && rail. m f 5 y-p^-g 3—^ — *—T9 1 I I 'I — £p* Great is the Lord! what tongue can frame An e-qual hon-or to HisName? The depths of earth are in His Hand, Her secret wealth at His command; The strength of hills that reach the skies, .Subjected to His empire lies. 4. Oh,letustoHis courts repair, And bow witJi adoration there; Down on our knees devoutly all, Before the Lord^ our Maker, fall. OR 1913 P.J. K.& S. 72. O Gift Of Gifts! O Grace Of Faith Rev. Fr. FABER. Moderato.(J = 96) J * »nf German Choral. f*i. j'&##i ¥ s~ ^ 1. Ho - ly God, wo praise Thy Name, 2- Hark! the loud eo - les . tial hymn, t^r^r ^ t^hr^-h^ i Ff^P Lord of all, we An - gel choirs a ■ 'Jralr ■•'-J m Se Pr^f bow bove, J be - fore Thee; All on are rais-ins;; Cher- u ^ J^bt m r *r ^*- earth Thy seep - ter claim, biin and Ser - a - phim mm w r All In m neavn a ■ bove a - dore Thee, In - fi - nite Thy un - ceas - ing cho - rus prais-ing, Fill the heavnswith 5T^^frF^^ f^r i - % ^T 5?= Thy reign. ly, Lord! vast sweet i do ae main, cord: Ev Ho er 1 last ho j rii'TrVr.u ing IS ho ^ f 3. Thou art King of glory, Christ! Son of God yet born of Mary, For us sinners sacrificed, And to death a tributary; And adoring bend tho knee, ),, . s First to break the bars of death, \(fos\ While we own the mystery.) Thou hast opened heavn to faith.) Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit/Three we name Thee, While in essence only One, Undivided God wo claim Thee; C|R. IH13 P. J. K. & S. 74. What God Does, Is Done Aright. 54 m Semplice.(J : 80) W m mM II. by R. DE DION. JCL_ w 5 $=s 1. What God does is done a - right: So His faith -ful chil-dren deem, 2. What God does is done a - right, Question not His sov reign will, ^m fiiS I m 0 e f * p U 5 w/. as i ^ i *=* Though our harvest store be light, Rich-ly flows His mercy's stream; Though He send the with'ring blight, Ere the crops our gar-ners fill: m I 0 m v+ ,-- 1 1 / dim. B If f Iff i£ 777//. J- J r^ f=r He would draw our fal-t'ring love Up to change-less joys a - bove. Earth - ly goods He takes a - way, That our hope on Him may stay. a m. ^m m 3. What God does, is done aright, Though our dales and uplands mourn, We will praise His love and might, To the future hopeful turn ; His eternal Word can give Strength whereby our souls can live. What God does, is done aright: E'en if here on earth below^ We do find no Canaan bright, And nor milk nor honey flow; God, who doth the ravens feed. Shall supply our daily need; 5. What God does, is done aright, This glad faith shall cheer our way, Till all faith be lost in sight In heav'ns never- ending day: For His promise standeth sur-e, And His mercies e'er endure. 75. C R 1W13 P.J.K.& S. 55 • I Believe In Thee, O Truth And Love Supreme. I. WILLIAMS. ,.(J = : u Maesfoso.(J r 100) REFMMK r\ Adapted from Rex. F. L. 5 J n. J i j. j S w¥?m 3£ I bo - lieve m Thee, I be - lieve in Ther, O o rn.-m.rn.' ^ j *r-i << F1 p p^F 3E I F ? TJ7~ 3 ifcft* i Jn-^hfr J # P 5=T * »- e7 * * *"= — * — ' — P~~^ Truth and Love su - preme; O Truth and Love su - premej Thou ^E# i , J- JQ £ ^ ej r r « «*/' art our on - ly good, and Truth it - self Thou art. Most • • m ML ' A &. A ft ytr"T m £ £ ^m *-*- f J:«M J If J^^llJ^ hum-bly I a - dore Tliy sweet and ho - ly Name S .E. .51 .t .«. i # # J JfcJ_J :s> g Sir; F r T-^ i ^£ Firma voce <7\ * con a mo re fc gg= i F^n^P I be - lieve in Thee, I be - lieve in §^ *— fr END. 1 v7 76. i SOLI. jtag 3 yf be- - lieve, in be - Hove, the ^ 1. In 2. In one God, I Jo - sus I God .ill pow - er Pa - thers on - ]y m fhf f m f J-6-& $m £ feMl ^^ §^ ful, Who reigns in heav'n and earth, Cro - a - for, Lord and Son,_ Of Vir - gin Moth-er born, Yet God eer time be - 1-0- -. ~ -0- _ . 1-0- i P I £ J m ! « j j^i 4 ^ King; In His love do I trust, His love so boun - ti - gan; His death up - on the Cross, our souls sal- va - tion m ¥ r P© cresc. i 4 ful, won, From which all light and bless - ings spring. Our Sav - iour, Mast - er, God made Man. B.C. m i f P 3. In God the Holy Ghost, the Sanetif ier blest, With Father and with Son, a holy Trinity- In Him do I believe; He guides to light and rest, And blessed, bright eternity. —Jtefrain: I believe in Thee, etc. In one Faith and one Church, most firmly I believe, To us, her teachings sweet, faith, hope and love have given Through her, the Holy Ghost s wise counsel we 2*eceive, It is her hand which leads to heaven, ^^/mm: I believe in Theej, etc. 77. C R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 56. O! Holy Faith, O! Sacred Light. Rev. W. TREACY. Larghetto.(J ^ 54) I. MULLER. m * m \F=®m T-t-t-t r 1. O! 2. The 9ffi^ i ho - ly Faith, 0! deep I sail is sa - cred Light, For fierce and dark, A k t hh& im ^^ ev - er heam on wide un - hound - ed me ^ Oh. way,_ I like a star, shine can - not steer my « f^# h: i ** 5 ra#. tt » P^ on my night, And wan - dering bark With 5 . light me o'er life's sea. out thy sav - ing ray. » The shore is far away, I know, And rocks and shoals are nigh, Among a thousand wrecks I go, 0! star, my starless sky. 4. I sail, and sail, but know not where Before me, death and night; 0! holy Faith, now hear my prayer, And show thy blessed light. Shine on the waves that 'round me roar, Shine on the far-off strand, Be thou my light -house by the shore, My sunshine on the land. C/RM3 P.J.K.&S. 78. r-O Glory Be To Jesus! i Itev. E. CASWALL. Moderate r J = so) w, E r=^f 1. Glo - ry be to Je - sus! 2. Blest through end -less a - ges Jd — * ? Who in bit - ter Be the pre - cious i r if p pains stream, S *=# H I pf=» r 3 3 — * Poured for me the Which from end - less Life- Blood From His sa - cred Veins! tor - ment Doth the world re - deem. m P > -e- 5 ^ T ^^ E r^f r ter - nal spir - it Grace and life e There the faint - ing In that Blood I find; Drinks of life her fill; m i m W *r ¥ i^Pl % p rail, m ^ Blest be His com - pas - sion In - fi - nite - ly There, as in a foun-tain, Laves her .self at 5 ♦ kind! will. TV} i i p if j j I p p fee ^ 3. Oh.the Blood of Christ! it Soothes the Fathers ire; Opes the gates of heaven; Quells eternal fire. Abels blood for vengeance Pleaded to the skies ; But the Blood of Jesus For our pardon cries. 79. Oft as earth, exulting, Wafts its praise on high, Hell with terror trembles, Heavn is filled with joy. Lift ye, then, your voices, Swell the mighty flood; Louder still, and louder Praise the precious Blood! c/r 1913 P. J.K.& S. 58 Rev. FR. FABER. Andante. (J = 72) Faith Of Our Fathers. (Fidelis ad mortem.) ^o I. MULLER. j' njii^'ii'ij iim t W r W ki 1. Faith of our fa - thers! liv - ing still In spite of dungeon, fire and sword 2. Our fathers chained in prisons dark,Were still in heart and conscience free; A 0 U fl mmm M f f . . cresc ii, , ¥ Y=T r r r-*~r m Oh, how our hearts heat high with joy, When -e'er we hear that glo-rious word How sweet would be their children's fate, If they,likethem,could die for thee! £ =li pre t r a REFRAIN, pv} UN Jifc wf i i eq i I » be i i s Faith of our fa -thers! Ho - ly Faith! We will be true to thee till death! J J- . «d ^ S s 2= ii / i rail. H=Ffc wm £ r t f Faith of our fa-thers!Ho- ly Faith! We will be true to thee till death! s a^ NNNP ^u SI f^f 3. 4. Faith of our fathers! Mary's prayers Shall win our country back to thee; And through the truth that comes from God, Our land shall then indeed be free. 5. Faith of our fathers! we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife,- And preach thee too, as love knows how By kindly words and virtuous life. C!R 1913P.J.K.&S. Faith of our fathers! days of old Within our hearts speak gallantly; For ages thou hast stood by us, Dear Faith and now wp'11 stand by th^e. 80. 59. Blest Is The Faith, Divine And Strong". Rev. FB. FABER. Allegretto.(J= 76) UMM h n r) iHni P t r i. Blest is the faith, di - vine and strong, Of thanks and 2. Blest is the hope that holds to God, In doubt and ffi^ ^a w^ pm it ■ * v ' r r ^ jinjigTi^'j'"1'^^^^ praise an end-less foun - tain, Whose life is one per- pet - ual song, dark-ness still un - shak - en; And sings a - long the heavn-ly road, Si p E: P f w £ •"= 0- p. pi'* hi m f High up the Sav-iours ho - ly moun - tain. ) ~, , 0. Sweet- est when most it seems for - sak - en. i 0n! Sl-ons sonSs are + ^ J^al * * ... . S as HHH i £ £ S F £ ^^Jfllj-'^#^l^l^|j JiJU 1 'eet to sing.Wi f**r sing,Withmel-o-diesof gladness laden: Hark'.howthe harps of angels m i#f# J3.,£ a I ^ f r=f H / ;uy» §i ffatf. w E33 5 P at^i *->-# # r ring!Hail,SonofMan!Hail,Mother-Maiden'.Hail,Sonof Man!Hall,Mother-Maid-en! a P l\?i\rvt\tnti:iH§l\§ s ? 3. 4. Elest is the love, that cannot love Blest is the time that in the eye Aught that earth gives of best and brightest; Of God its hopeful watch is keeping, Whose raptures thrill, like saints above, And grows into eternity. Most when its earthly gifts are lightest. Like noiseless trees^when men are sleeping. 81. C.-'R 1913 P. J K. & S 60. Long Live The Pope!* Rev. H.T. HENRY, Litt.D Maestoso. H. G. GA.NSS. 1 5 3£ S P f ■ r f f f r r r r 1. Long live the Pope! 2. Be - leaguered by ~r — r~T~ prais-es sound foes of earth 4 A ^m His the J=£ A - gain Be - set and yet a - by hosts of ^^ ?: N~r~J^' r P W f B ri!r rj? r r gain: His rule is o - ver hell, w. r — i — i -n n r space and time-, His throne the hearts of flock of Christ, A, watch- M sen - ti He guards the loy - al J- J 4 J- a tempo 8. His signet is the Fisherman's; No sceptre does he bear; Tn meek and lowly majesty tie rules from Peter's Chair: And yet from ev'ry tribe and tongue, From ev'ry clime and zone, Three hundred million voices sing)*.™- The glory of his throne Then raise the chant.with heart andvoice, In church and school and home-. -Long live the Shepherd of the flock! Long live the Pope of Rome!" Almighty Father, bless his work, Protect him in his ways, Receive his prayers, fulfil his hope s)twice And grant him'length of days'.' ) ♦With kind permission of J. Fischer and Bro. owners of the copyright. 82, PART SIXTH. FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI. THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. A great solemnity has risen upon our earth; aFeastbothto God and men; for it is the Feast of Christ the Mediator, who is present in the Sacred Host, that God may be given to man, and man to God. Divine union.yes,such is the dignity to which man is permitted to aspire-, and,to this aspiration, God has responded, even here "below, by an invention which is all of heaven. It is to-day that man celebrates this marvel of God's goodness. The Office for the Feast of Corpus Christi, which was composed by St. Thomas of Aquin, is one of exceptional beauty. . . The magnificence of these Hymns, and Psalms, and Antiphons, and Responsories. all of which are teeming with genuine Catholic Spirit,— will furnish the Faithful with the best ma - terials for contemplation, whereby to enlighten their minds and inflame their hearts, during the whole Octave. They will be eager to adore that beautiful King of glory, who is going to hold his court in the midst of His people,with no other veil between Himself and them, than the light cloud of the sacra- mental species . . . Let the Faithful prefer to take wherewith to give utterance to their sentiments, the formulas which the Church herself uses, when singing to her Spouse, in the Sacred Banquet of His love: not only will they there find poetry, doctrine and gracefulness of diction, but they will soon learn, by experience, that like the divine food itself, those approved and sanctified formulas suit every soul ; for these formulas of the Church adapt themselves to the several dispositions and degrees of spiritual advancement, and thus becomes to each one of her children, the fittest and warmest expression of every want and desire. From ccThe Liturgical Year'/by Abbot Gueranger, O.S.B. See the Classified Index of hymns for this feast,mid hymns to the Blessed Sacrament. When Our Saviour Wished To Prove. IM feli Andante.(Jr 70) ^1 B. M. J. Ui'J'\} p J j IJ Ml Ji r^p r? v — 0 1. When our Saviour wished to prove All the full-ness of His love, He gave '£. When the dark and storm-y night Fills the soul with wild af - fright, From the m m ^ i BS n ± m-i 4pp\>\ **.} \gj-U'E3^ i i y us, ere life was spent, The thrice Ho-ly Sac-ra - ment. It is cloud let where He hides Soon a ray of corn-fort glides. Where the i g; F F rXTTr;K ffi1, f- p a J 1,1- -*-f ^ P ^1 fee 3=F=f /> k i ^r *T^ S here Hishurn-ing Heart Would to all its flames Im - part; Thus He tear of mis-Vy falls, "Where the voice of sor - row calls; StiU He m i P s^ r=f ^Hz fc* 5 wK. in • J f f^'-a speaks with love di - vine:L speaks with love di vine-i **lve ^e' on gi^e Me that heart of thine, Thus He ££ m VPE'F P £ r ?v p p f=f "ST speaks with love di -vine: "Give Me, oh give Me that heart of thineJl t m J D rn^M J J3_ £ Wi F r->MF-M'Mf E:£ P ^ Can the Saints' ecstatic flight, Can the winged Seraphs' might, To their Lord approach more near Than do we poor sinners here? God Himself we here receive, Nobler gift He cannot give; Yet He breathes with love divine: "Give Me, oh give Me that heart of thine'.'' 85. C R 1913 J.P. K.& S. RP. 0 I Adore Thee Humbly. (Adoro Te) From St. Thomas Aquinas. English Version by M. E. OLSEN. SOLESMES MELODY. ihM Andante («l = 80j ■nif Voices Unison m^^^m=m% ry r r * t L.I a - dore Thee hum-bly, 0 Thou hid- den God; Who in these forms be - 2.See-ingvtoiich-ing, tast - ing, fail in prov-ing Thee; But Thy word suf- T^T r — r m fore me tru-lydost a - bide. All my light in dark-ness, contemplating fi-ces giv-en sa-cred - ly. Know we noth- ing tru - er ey-er can be * m £=Z2 m ac i ? — r-g a: it** i i /> i P^i ^=*T r — — * — ^ *" Thee Lo! my heart lies pros - trate to Loves mys - ter - y. heard, Than the words of Je - sus, Who is Truth's own Word. 1 m i * £ 3± ? « QUO BUS (ad libitum) m I ^ Je - sus! Thou our true Shep-herd be, Hail! 0 m r r ij f «=* :ee i i «//■ i-i— j i^s 5? 3 I J f ^ u nit ing all who be-lieve in • <> — Thee. In flame the faith u r "» r i i } i 86. Adoro Te* 1. I adore Thee humbly, 0 Thou hidden God, Who in these forms before me truly dost abide. All my light in darkness, contemplating Thee Lo! my heart lies prostrate to Loves mystery. CHORUS. Hail! 0 Jesus! Thou our true Shepherd be. Inflame the faith uniting all who believe in Th^p 2. Seeing, touching, tasting, fail in proving Thee: But Thy word suffices, given sacredly. Know we nothing truer ever can be heard, Than the words of Jesus, Who is Truths own Word. 3. On the cross was hidden Thy divinity. But these veils hide likewise Thy humanity; I, in both believing, offer my belief, Praying for Thy pardon with the dying thief. 4. Thy open wounds transfigured I may not behold. But confess, with Thomas: Thou art Lord and God! Grant my soul a burning faith; light it from above. Be Thou all my treasure! Be Thou all my love! 5. 0 remembrance lasting of the Crucified ! Living Bread sustaining those for whom He died! Maxe me a consuming fire, drawing life from Thee! Yield my soul Thy sweetness; let it taste and see. Like a loving pelican, feed me, Jesus, Lord. I am all unholy; wash me in Thy Blood, In that Life-blood flowing o'er the world in pain. Though a drop had cleansed it of its mighty stain. 7. Jesus, Love, here present on the altar veiled, Oh, fulfil my longing when Thou art revealed— To behold the vision of Thy Holy Face And be rapt forever in its perfect peace! * KOSARY MAGAZINE, by courtesy of the Reverend Editor. 87. 63. Sion, Lift Thy Voice And Sing. # * -» Andante piu.(#= 80) AO 3. M. J i s Vlf t=* i i^s I rr ^ 1. Si-onlift Thy voice and sing,Praise thy Sav- lour and Thy King.Praisewith 2. See to-day he - fore us laid Liv - ing and life- giv-ing Bread: Theme for feyf-frfr fl.T r M IF PipV F '^>p ajjniiiij n 5 /. a J lJ-J r hymns the Shep-herd true; Strive thy best to praise Him well; praise and joy pro - found! Th' same which at the sa - cred board SI * * * » _ * _ . fl ^ * ahl ' ap feM S I? te / i jS ? ^ # rail. m r r Yet doth Was by He all our In praise ex - car . nate eel, None can Lord Givn to ev - er reach His due. His A - pos-tles round. » »: £L J3^ H n: 3. Let the praise be loud and high, Sweet and tranquil be the joy Felt to-day in ev'ry breast, On this festival divine Which records the origin Of the glorious Eucharist. On this table of the King Our new paschal offering Brings to end the olden rite, Here, for empty shadows fled, Is reality instead, Here, instead of darkness, light. 5. His own act, at supper seated, Christ ordained to be repeated, In His memory divine. Wherefore now with adoration We, the Host of our salvation, Consecrate from bread and wine. * Must he suns to one beat. clR 1913 P.J.K&S. 88. >_ Jesus! My Lord, My God, My All! (34. Rev. Fr. FABER. {First Tune.) Traditional Melody. 4 Mode rat o ^¥ wm * ^ fj r y r 7 ' ^ 1. Je-sus!my Lord, my All! How can I love Thee as I ought? 2. Had I but Ma — ry's sin-less heart To loveTheewith,my dear-est King! &feb^fi7 • • - • ■ f r 1. je - sus! my Lord, my 2. Had I but Ma - ry s ft ~# — God, sin - -e — zm I my All ! How can I less heart To love Thee 5 I ti^* 1 s P a 3 t r~ love Thee with, my §* 0: as I ought? And how re - vere this dear - est King! Oh! with what bursts of ? -* XL Tyrrr] m won - drous gift, So far sur - pass - ing hope or fer - vent praise Thy good-ness, Je - sus, would I 4t~M. £+. XL 1 ML § thought?. sing! at' 9- V- / CHORUS. ftP 777//. ft8 f5 i=t 2 2 §^ Sweet Sa-cra-ment! we 42 Thee a - dore!Oh,make us love Thee more and more. I p^ Ah! see within a creature's hand The vast Creator deigns to be, Reposing, infant-like, as though On Joseph's arm, or Marys knee! Thy Body, Soul, and Godhead, all! 0 mystery of love divine! 1 cannot compass a>' I have; For all Thou hast ana art are mine ! C'R 1913 P. J.K.& S. Sound, sound His praises higher still, And come, ye angels, to our aid; 'Tis God! 'tis God! the very God Whose pow'r both men and angels made! 6. 0 earth! grow flow'rs beneath His Feet, And thou, 0 sun, shine bright this day! He comes! He comes! O Heav'n on earth! Our Jesus comes upon His way! 90. o 66. Tr. H.T.HENRY, Litt.D Religioso.(J = 60 t The Word Descending From Above.* (Verbum Supermini Prodiens.) Gregorian Melody £n ^=^ 2 f=T=t Word, de - scend J from a - bove, Yet hand hath led The 1. The 2. But ere the trai mi? tor's m i i pmi r^ C\ •» s ^ y J i J~7 m m r t r r fc^^ tr leav - ing not en - vious Jews the that Fa - ther's side, And plot His death, Him go - self ing the to His Lord as *b.J=Jk ^ i si i i f it1 N IP &=& ^ 1^3^ of love, At ing Bread Un length had- reached life's to the twelve de e liv ven-tide. er- eth. ri^jiMii^ To them, beneath a twofold veil, He gave His Flesh and Precious Blood, Our twofold substance to regale, With that divine and typic food. 4. He was our fellow-man in birth-, Our food, when atthe board he sate; He died, the Hansom of the *arth; He reigns, our guerdon wondrous great. O Salutans Hostia. i. 0 SAYING HOST, 0 VICTIM BLEST, WHO.THROWEST WIPE THE GATES OF LIFE, BEHOLD, THE FOE ASSAILS OUR BREAST- GIVE STRENGTH AND SUCCOR IN THE STRIFE! 2. UNTO THE ONE AND TRINAL LORD, ETERNAL PRAISE AND GLORY GRAND, WHO, ENDLESS LIFE AS OUR REWARD, SHALL GIYE US IN THE FATHERLAND'. *Can be sung in unison and oxgan; also 2. 3, or 4 Voices. 91, C R DOLPHIN PRESS. (jfT The Saviour Is Our Very Food. (Christus nostervere cibus.) Rev. H. T. HENRY, Litt. T) , Moderate! J = 76) o fei i ^ S.WEBBE. J=i F r ' r r ' P p ' f r ■ f=f r=^ 1. The Sav 2. Yea, tru lour is our ver - y on that Flesh we food, Our feed, Which ver He y re wrn^ w n: m ft i ^=f drink is ceived in T r r r Christ the . Lord: We drink in Ma - ry's womb-, That pre - cious deed His Blood we £=# 3S 22: m a ^ w/r ¥ ' f r ' f p ■ r • r ' p r pre- cious drink in 3§i§ Blood And deed That eat the Flesh by once was shed to all a - dored. lift our doom. T 3. Full surely at this sacred Board, The Word made Flesh to us is given, On Whom the worship of the Lord Doth rest; tliro' Whom we enter heaven. 4. That Bread so full of aU delight. So full of every sweetness blest, Is Christ, the King of endless might, Erst carried in the Virgin's breast. 5. Upon the richness of this Bread Of Angels , let us feed for aye, That this Viaticum may shed Continual sweetness round our way. 6. Celestial Banquet that imparts Its glory to the ransomed soul, Thou resting-place of pilgrim hearts- Grant us to reach the heavenly goal. C R DOLPHIN PRESS. 0 God the Father, King of Heaven, Through Thy dear Son and Spirit grant. That they to whom this Food is given In Paradise Thy praise may chant. 92. Here Let Me Kneel Before Thy Prison I. WILLIAMS. Moderate (J -. 66) J Ai PSOLL 68. B. M. J. 4 I i IHHi a: * f # *=¥ S^ f=f 1. Lo! day and night up - on our al - tars dwelling, Thou,Lord,dostcallus to 2. Soft o*er the earth the shades of night come stealing, Gently all na-tureis 4 mm FMf; fir pe | if a Pti^ J'^jjuTjj jiij'Uijrjin s comeun-'to Thee;Thou,mighty King, art Prisoner and Vic-tim, Held by the sinking to rest; My heart,dearLord,seeks too for peace and comfort, Safe in the P r.hi'jiri1 i fei £ ? £ 7 F ^ N } ^ CHORUS V i-ftJU hWlj-flldijIj J»ljj' chains of Thy great love for me. )T , T , w , . . shel-ter of Thy Sacked Breast JJe-sus>dearLord'one f*-™r grant me,Hereletm. gymim^ffe^ «H I ifaH PS| } nf (iresc eresc. . , ^ > /'^f L . 1"*1 a =3 #— *- rest for- ev- er - more;Here let mekneel be-fore Thy prison— And gaze up- on the J J J ? 5 # # # # ^ f f IP P Tip « ^^ £ £ 5=5 ?=? jgjjTij'inju Jii^i^^cTffJT' gold-en door; Here let me kneel be-fore Thy prison_A.nd gaze up-on the golden door §3 ^4JEia£4ff inRTMipri^H s. Lifes path is bleak, life's way is long and weary, Sad are our souls, bowed with anguish and pain;. Thou, in Thy love', hast pity on our sorrow, To Thee we come, and our trust is not vain. Jesus, before Thy Tabernacle kneeling. Into my heart steals a peace seldom known-, Thy loving voice has whispered words of comfort, Gone is my grief, all my sorrow is flown. 93 C/R 1913 P.J. K.& S. 69. u * *. * Largo (J = 44) Come And Adore i A. C. H. i 1. Come and 2. Come and a - dore_ in His lone cell a - dore_ let Faith re - veal Your hid - den What hu - man •>"rt r «uj mmm ft fet m »■/ m 25: T^vn r w the un IZZ r-r-c^r Lord, and_ feel sense can - not spell seal, Of ffi - lent words that__ His mys-tic life_ His— m£ P J—i P ^S5 ^=fat i / j> p rail. m * m IS com - fort tell; Come and a - dorel pres - ence real; Comeanda- dore! mt — — * — * — ^ Come and a - dore! Come and a - dorei n p p jJ i J m * ^f 3 • 4 . Come and adore the burning Heart Come and adore your Saviours Side, Of Jesus, longing- to impart For weary souls all open wide; The secret of loves sweetest art; To him your hopes and fears confide; Come and adore! (bis) Come and &d.ore\( bis) Come and adore, do not despise The pleading look of those mild eyes, His love that weareth no disguise; Come and adoreiffo's) C/R.1913 P. J. K.& S. 94' «"NO Hear Thy Children, Gentle Jesus 70. Rev. P. STANPIELD. Moderafo.J= 66.) I A** mfsoLi. (Jesu, audinos.) German Melody ^inU-uU r=r 1. Hear Thy chil - dren, gen - tie 2. Save us from the wiles of Je - sus, While Sa - tan, 'Mid fete i^L #^n# we the #0 m ^ TUTTI. /i fefe *T breathe lone our and eve - sleep nmg prayer, ful night,. Save us Sweet - ly Sfe ^ i from all may our ui 1 ^^ I ^ ^2 harm and dan-ger, Take us 'neath Thy shelter-ing care. Guar-dian An -gels, Keep us 'neath their watch - ful sight. 3&M m P mm i 3. Gentle Jesus, look in pity, From Thy great white throne above, All the night Thy Heart is wakeful In Thy Sacrament of love. 4. Shades of even fast are falling, Day is fading into gloom; When the shades of death fall round us, Lead Thine exiled children home. 95. 71. Mf Hark! Hark! The Angels Singing-. Allegretto. J -. 88) M. II. »>f ' ^fliTTn & ^=T rrr 1. Hark! hark! the an - gels sing-ing Through all the heavh-ly coasts, 'Tis 2. Then ehil-dren,join your voic-es, And sing with one ac . cord"Thrice w1^ if f-p-p | r r fa ■ — % IMA £ P ii erase. i * f*^ "Ho - ly! Ho - ly! Ho - ly! Art Thou Lord God of Hosts!" The bless- ed He who com - eth In Thy name, might -y Lord'.1 Ho 3M n,r J?, g p^m mi i U ±=& M ^ ¥ + 0- * r r — •— f — star-ry skies a - round us, The shin-ing earth be - low, The san-na in the high - est! To Da-vid"s Son in - tone5 Thus r — *-^r- — r arth be - low, T ^^f^f J Jli-U 1 w m § % ±£ f r f e u * lifeilS •w//. ^e i=* f great-ness of Thy glo - ry, In bright ef - ful - gence show, may we sing in glo - ry For - ev - er 'round His throne. ^m n .r r , im ^ ^ C B 1913 P.J.K.&S 96. Sweet SaviourlBless Us Ere We Go. Bev.FB.FABER. (First Tune') 72. if. Moderato(J- 80) TRADITIONAL AIR ^ f n ia rr-r l . Sweet Sa - viour, bless us ere we— go, Thy word in - 'i. The day is done, its hours have_ run*, And thou hast :SJ4 J J j J _ J 1 > I § TUT m^f "5 I/"" j:j.!^r- I .23 3E r rr rrr *st-y ^3TTT to ourmindsin- stillj'Andmalieourlukewarmheartsto glow,Withlowly taken count of_ all;Thescanty tri-umphsgracehatn won, The broken ggBJ 4-j 4 4 1 **j « ^ /? ^pr c ^4- f CHORUS ili±±i4- i t ii *am 2 -6H- r love and fer - vent_ will, vow, the fre-quent_ fall '{Through life's long day,ajid deaths dark >V j: j m #f a **S* gjgi w i^jjj a ra/;. I J la*ll ? m -^v 6) * # night, 0 gentle Je-sus,beour light, O gentle Je-sus, be our light. g^ rsz ^P^ T*"' 1»- HIS Grant us, dear Lord, from evil ways Do more than par don, give us joy, True absolution and release; Sweet fear and sober liberty, And bless us more than in past days And simple heart s without delay, With purity and inward peace. (Chorus) that only long to be likeThee.(CAor«s. 5. Sweet Saviour,bless us, night is come; Mary and Joseph near us be; Good angels watch about our home, And we are one day nearer Thee. (Chorus) 97. G/R.1913.B J.K.* S. /O. Sweet Saviour! Bless Us Ere We Go. (Second Tune.) Rev. P. W. FAKER. ^r. by Rev. E J. WADE, O. C. C. Andantino.(J;60.) ^0 pip i ' d J * J3 p f r word in - Thou hast i 1. Sweet Sav 2. The day lour, bless is done, us its ere we hours have go; run. Thy And gg I i ^ 5 cresc. P ^ z; ■J7 to tak our minds in - still , And make en count of all; The scant our hike -warm hearts to y tri - umphs grace hath m ^u ^ tf^'jij-jji' ) / REFRAIN. love vow, X m glow With low - ly won, The bro - ken and fer-vent will.) i ana ier-veni win.) , the fre-quent faUjrhrou^h llfes ***** aRi ffgp^ 1 =sf=» iipl f £ rnll. '. mm T tie V sus! be our light. m death's dark night, O gen J- , ,a >. .J_ Je ;_r f if r i;Lr ripe! a 3. Grant us, dear Lord! from evil ways, True absolution and release; And bless us more than in past days With purity and inward peace. Through lifes long day and deaths dark night 0 gentle Jesus! be our light. 4. Do more than pardon; give us joy, Sweet fear and sober liberty, And loving hearts without alloy, That only long to be like Thee. Through life's long day and deaths dark night, O gentle Jesus! be our light. C/ft 1813 E J. K.&S. 98 5. Labor is sweet, for Thou hast toiled, And care is light, for Thou hast cared; Let not our works with self be soiled, Nor in unsimple ways ensnared. Through life's long day and deaths dark night, 0 gentle Jesus! be our light. 6. For all we love_the poor,the sad, The sinful_unto Thee we call; Oh, let Thy mercy make us glad; Thou art our Jesus and our All. Through life's long day and death's dark night, 0 gentle Jesus! be our li^ht. 0 O My Soul! Mourn And Weep, B.M, Lento m¥m 74. CARL HAUSER. 1 1.0 my soul! mourn and weep, let thy 2. Vie-tim ho - ly ! Sweet Sa.-viour, so tears fall like g-en-tle and H if f if 'f i I p i j i >IN^ im f r al Pi if* ^ "? ^ T rain; On His meek, Pi - ty, r m tar of ty, o -J- love does the Je - sus. men Friend plead in blind - ed and IPS m ^ ^ 3fe iff mock, las! vain? Lo! bias - phem-ers Him weak! They of - fendThee, a - ' - it. in His hut know f pris - on suh not what they m i i i w^m fp^s %* "p 0 my Mer-cy, soul! at His Feet, come a wait,drawthem back, faith in o crime. tone fortheir sor - row re - new. ±^r 3 3 Jesus waits loyal friends who His wrongs will repair, He is craving true hearts who His sorrow will share; 0 my soul! list the plaint of His Heart and take heed: '"In the House of My Love, I am wounded and bleed. 4. Grant, 0 Lord! by my tears, aH my sins I efface; Tesas spare, I entreat send me streams of Thy grace; And while angels in awe, sing Thy mercies above, 1 wiU weep man's neglect of Thy Hearts sacred love. 99. C./R.1913 P. J.K.& S. 75. Loving Shepherd Of Thy Sheep. (Pastor Amans.) *o .I.E. LEE SON. Moderate (J: 80) Old Ptose Melody. mm njf m i m i 3 1. Lov - ing Shep-herd of Thy sheep, Keep me, Lord, in 2. Lov -ing Shep-herd, Thou didst give Thine own life that Nfrtf— f s I ^U ^: T^ *l S J^ »»/ I 3E safe-ty keep; Noth-ing can Thy powr with - stand, None can I might live; May I love Thee day by day, Glad-ly \p--hh p f ip^ 5 ^ « /; m//. Ppl m m i «t* j5 r pluck me from Thy Hand; None can pluck me from Thy Hand Thy sweet Will o - bey, Glad - ly Thy sweet Will o - bey. H. .* .... .J J ,r>. .J-J J *Hii"tt f f I fT^ Si m r t r 3. 4. Loving Shepherd, ever near, Where Thou leadest may I go, Teach me still Thy voice to hear; Walking in Thy steps below, Suffer not my step to stray There before Thy Fathers throne, From the straight and narrow way. (bis) Jesus, claim me for Thine ovtn.(bis.) C R 1913 P. J.K.&S. 10 0. Rev. FR. FABER. Adagio. (J r 72) J ft _mf CHORUS. ■ Sweet Sacrament! We Thee Adore! (For 2 or 4 Voices) 76 M. II. £ IT. s m f=fff *===» * — m- Sweet Sac - ra - ment! we Thee a m p h p h pppp dore! Oh! make us love Thee * a T ^ __ =— cresc. 4i i ■;* u jf S5 more and more! Sweet Sac - ra - ment we Thee a - dore! Oh! make us ,):f f ir up e E if- W F'E-fE i S / ^/v> ! love Thee more and more! Oh! make us_ love Thee more and more! ?l I if i * ) +mfSOLO. t ^m j cresc. W 5 » *^r r^rr -j^ CI lent! T 1. Ring joy- ous - ly. ye sol- emn bells! And wave, oh '.wave, ye cen - sers bright! lis 2. 0 earth!grow f lowrs be neath His Feet! And thou, 0 sun, shine bright this day! He ^i*TTir tip fifte m f i j |,J i J« hj i i J: J'lj tJij~n g^s #=* r Je - sus com - eth, Ma - rys Son, And God of God, and Light of Light! comes! He comes! 0 Heav'n on earth! Our Je-sus comes up- on His way! m^ t m % f 3. He comes! He comes! the Lord of Hosts, Borne on His throne triumphantly! We see Thee, and we know Thee, Lord; And yearn to shed our blood for Thee. Sound, sound His praises higher still, And come, ye angels, to our aid; Tis God! 'Tis God! the very God Whose power both men and angels made! 101. c|r 1943 P.J.K.&S. ^7^7 Behold God's Angels Kneeling-. (Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus.) Sentinel of the, B. Sacrament. Moderato. (J - 88) J A DUO^ B. M. J. /\ JJUU. PS i ¥=t wmm •=*=$ 9=9 1. Be . hold Gods An -gels kneel-ing, Be - fore the al-tar bright, With 2. The flickering glow of ta - pers Lights up the al-tar throne,- Where - mm H E mm p s SH 1 i J p I J I j m m fold - ed wings a on reigns veil - ed m sb=J r ■»■ dor-ing Their King con-eealed from sight God-head, Where Love has made Its home r u'i r -i ' CHORUS. Harmom/. * fVJHMun. /tar mom/, ^h 1 j i j *¥ Their ra - diant fac - es veil Their short life is con - sum ing, 'Fore Maj - es - ty Di ing, For Him from Whom it ■7T vine- Un - came, Their '\{ ' F r r r i£pfjLt|j j "\ r ^ i J \ \ \ \\ h Jr-JlJ J.J J I'J:^ i i - ly they mur-mur.- 'All f ie - ry tongue all spir- it, His praise and glo - ry Thiner!_ bound -less love pro - claim — 1 DUO. 3. Fair blossoms of gay springtime Shed perfume in the air, Their tender heads inclining, Low bent in reverent prayer CHORUS. Beneath the Eucharj_stic Sun Their beauteous petals blow$ And lips their hymn in accent sweet Through which harmonious flow: Sanctus. 0(R 1913 P.J.K.& S. 102 DUO. 4. For thee, my happy soul, for thee, Ah! yes! for thee alone, Thy Lord awaits expectant On Eucharistic throne — CHORUS. True God, true Man, thy Jesus, For ever here remains,- Adore Him and receive Him, And sing with loud acclaims: Sanctus. Sing, My Tongue, The Mystic Story. ^7ft H.T. HENRY, Litt.D. (Pange lingua.) ' / O. Legato e ben sostenuto/ J = 60.) Jf mf wm m r *-• — 3~ Of the Sav-iour's Flesh and Blood: Of a Vir - gin pure as snows, mf 1. Sing, my tongue, the 2. Born for us and mys-tic sto-ry to us giv- en *>*ll » p f PPPP m $u mmmm * i'i-i'j'i Gave Him-self to By the seed of m How our King, the Lord of glo - ry, Won-drous - ly our night is riv - en J — m- — m 0- Ibe light our food, He sows-. *— ■» m ■ — g u 'in un fifi Poured out on the Ho - ly Rood. Yet more wondrous - ly doth close. And our drink, the ran-som gor - His in-dwell- ing with us, Heav - y en 4 . *M rrrtfi^rrfiLriF \[ [ t^ 3. Christ, the last sad supper eating Ere He break His mortal bands, First the types and forms repeating With the meats the Law commands. To the Twelve, all types completing. Gives Himself with His own hands. 4. Into Flesh the true bread turneth By His word, the Word made Flesh; Wine to Blood; while sense discerneth Nought beyond the sense's mesh. Faith an awful mystery learneth, And must teach the soul afresh. Tantum Ergo. 5. TO THIS SACRAMENT MOST LOWLY BOW THE HEAD AND BEND THE KNEE , AND DEPART, YE TYPES THAT SOLELY SHADOWS WERE OF THINGS TO BE ! FAITH ALONE SHALL TEACH US WHOLLY WHAT THE SENSES FAIL TO SEE! 6. PRAISE AND JUBILEE EXCEEDING TO THE FATHER AND THE SON! LET HOSANNAHS UPWARD SPEEDING THROUGH THE ENDLESS AGES RUN! AND TO HIM FROM BOTH PROCEEDING, EQUAL BE THE HONOR DONE! 103. C/R DOLPHIN PRESS. 79. My God, I'm Tired Of Worldly Thoughts. 6 Rev. FH. TREACY. Moderator J. 80) M.H, I 8\f ffi i e f f . - . |- •— » > — , 1 -=-| pr 1. My God, I m tired of world-ly thoughts,!! long to think of Thee, I 2 .When shadows fall up - on my path, And tears be -dew my eyes, Thou pnii P i 5 iMhmkd i ± e -Jif3|jiflj" g £ -X is • r r ~*~~' * * r — ~^ long to think of ail Thou art, Of all Thou art to me. Thou fling- est stars from Thy right Hand To light and cheer my skies; When m rr, iff r'r fe§ ^^ ^^/jjjj^. ^ J ' # # p = x S I i^i* — r art my Source of life and light, My man for - sakes my bed of pain, And leaves me pine a ^ ^ ^ .- . . 'J r r r rother and my Friend, Thou lone, I m " err F'p-T *"■ n -_ -■i^p espressivo m ppi EJif £j/f '''f § # W g^ art my Lord, my God, my All, My Joy, my Hope, my End. Thou feel Thy aid, I hear Thy voice, I see Thy bless - ed throne. I§ 9 m mm m m n. MM E £ S't ft mm F IZf if i° rail. m f Joy, my Hope, my End. see Thy bless - ed throne. ^2 + + art my Lord, feel Thy aid, my God, my All, My I hear Thy voice, I f7\ m m 5 ^ C R 1913 E J.K.& S. 3. Dear Master of my heart and soul, Now give me thoughts divine, And make my mind hence forward be Thy pure and sacred shrine; Oh, lift me from this world of sin, Oh, lift me to the sky; Oh, bid me scorn the things of earth, J (bis^ For Thee, oh, let me die. > 104. PABT SEVENTH. COMMUNION. The thirsting- of man after God, the strong-, the living" God, that hungering' for the feast of divine union are not empty ravings. Made partaker -of the divine nature, as St Peter so strongly words the mystery, is it to be wondered at, if man be conscious of it, and lets himself be drawn, by the uncreated flame,into the very central Fire it came from to him? The Holy Spirit, too,is present in his oreature,and is witness of what himself has produced there; he joins his own testimonies to that of our own conscience, and tells our spirit thatwe are truly, what we feel ourselves to be,... the sons of God. It is the same Holy Spirit who, at one time opens to our soul's eye, by some sudden flash of light, the future glory that awaits us, and then inspires us with a sentiment of antici- pated triumph; and then, at another time, he breathes into us those unspeak- able moanings, those songs of the exile, whose voice is choked with the hot tears of love, for that his union with his God seems so long deferred. There are, too, certain delicious hymns, which coming from the very depths of souls wounded with divine love, make their way up to the throne of God; and the music is so sweet to him, that it almost looks as though it had been victorious, and had won the union! Such music of such souls does really win; if not the eternal union,... for that could not be during this life of pilgrimage, and trial, and tears,... still it wins wonderful unions here below, which human language has not the power to describe. From ''The Liturgical Year'by Abbot Gueranger, O.S.B. See the Classified Index for the Communion Hymns. Children, List! An Angel Pleading. „r , , o ,. , - 4, „ c (Invitation to Communion.) Words from Sentinel of the B.S. v Larghetto. J: 60) J AH mf CHORUS. 80. I. MULLER. m i * -0 9 ly, Heav- en's Feast for sin-ners spread, -ing Earth" to make it Heav- ens prize. 5 l In ^ WW p 3r Open up your hearts frail vessel To receive this Gift divine. The Creator great will nestle In your breast, His chosen shrine." 4. Angels envy, in their measure, Man's prerogative so high, To possess on earth their Treasure, Bread of Angels from the sky. 5. Ranged in shining ranks they hover Round their earthly brother fair, Happy that the heavenly Lover Deigns their pilgrimage to share. 107. C|R 1913 P. J.K.&S. >* J O Angels Blest, His Praises Sing". (2 Equal Voices) I. WILLIAMS. Larghetto.(Jr 56) LAB AT. ^ mj-j m a a 5 §=* *» **=# VOICES i. o 2. My an - gels blest,. Sav-iour kind,_ ORGAN. zm x His prais-es sing my Lord and God, for ev - er-more,- to Thee I call; ^m p^=£ fliiitticfl^m JL m m Comes this hap - py All un - wor-thy My Je-sus sweet, my King Whom I a - dore, Oh,comefromheavn and be my love, my all. m y-j jf* jji rpr7iT = ^ m r r m i & ST f < *** s day to be though I be, my hearts dear guest;, to Thee I cry,. His prais-es tell,_ Oh, come and make kr JTiiJTJJ ? &^ £ wondrous mer-cy sing, home with -in my heart My Je-susdearWhom I a -dore, my God and Oh, take it for Thine own and from me neer de King; part; My Je - sus dear,Whom I a - dore, my God and Oh, take it for Thine own and from me neer de King — part — m e£ # ^_ J ^,J. jrl^l I * «F ^ rf O God most high, before this miracle of love, The angels bend in wondring awe above; Ungrateful have I been to Thee dear Lord, Unworthy now to raise my eyes to Thee; One word of pardon speak, my spirit healft shall be; One wordof pardon speak, my spirit heald shall be. C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 108 4. Sweet Sacrament, I hope, I love, I Thee adore- Oh make me love Thee ever more and more; Thou art all in aUto me, Jesus most dear. Naught in this world can e'er attract memory I love Thee,dearest King,I love and Thee adore; I love Thee, dearest King, I love and Thee adore. One Sweet Thought Comes Gently Stealing 82. I. WILLIAMS. Moderate (J= 88) 1 M. '->£- M.H. iniig I'tmii J'H'pi H§E 1. One sweet thought comes gen -tly steal-ing, To my heart such trans-ports 2. Thou, from high - est heavn de-scend-ing,Borne to earth on loves swift w •? a PE fegNM* jjlj: J'flfllj mi ■=:** ;=»=» r rrr rr s bringSjAll Thy love andpowr re-veal-ing, Je-sus dear, my King of kings! wings;ToThy sin-ful crea-ture bend-ing, Je-sus dear, my King of kings! H * P i ^W ^ ^ ^ NEFBAIN. , ^ ^^ ^ ^ 5 s Humbly, then,shall I re - ceive Thee, Lo! Thy grace sal-va-tion brings; All un f r ftfip \ tr\twm 3Ei n: T '^Tj^in'jjflijjj^i^'^Ji^ worthy, yet I claim Thee,Je - sus dear, my King of kings, Je-susdear,myKing of kings! '^iiCfFf ip p pf if: ? « — » m m m g~» — ■ 3. 4. I am weak and poor and lowly, Darkling clouds above me lower, My souls plaint in pity rings; But my soul to Thee still clings; Thou, 0 Lord, art God most holy, Come and save me by Thy power, Jesus dear, my King of kings! Jesus dear, my King of kings! 109. CJR 1913 P.J. JUbS. 83. He Comes To Me I. WILLIAMS. Andantino/J: 63) ) ft p SOLI. A. GERRIER. 4^q} j. i j: ^ JUU' jmj ^5 * f 1. He comes to me, to be mine own for - ev - er, He comes to 2. He comes to me, what more could, heart de - sire? What great- er i t'H^'f ftmh f f m m m ftfj'\A >M#^f >—t*-U—>> —* •■ — w * — •■ — ■ — — — '0.0 — 0 0 — z^r- — me to rest with- in my heart; My God is mine all earth -ly bonds to gift could e-ven God be -stow? My longing soul con-sumedwithheavn-Iy J^^- -0- -0- -&■ mm &=* W m ' :^^2 1 ^^ nif > i 7 7^ #=* w sev-er,My hap-py soul is pierced with loves sweet dart _ He comes to fire, Asks on -ly this, my Je sus1 love to know — Pos-sess-ing Kfti tt\rh m 1 'r v^N i p j;j.;. ;■;■ ;t,i ^ J' c=s; ^5 £ f #=f S me,theLordandKingofheav-en,He stoops to me in lov-ing char-i-ty; that, no earthly joy or pleasure,No earth -ly crown could e'er mean ought to me; m m t m r^gzK ^^5 ^=:= mfTUTTI. i m EE5 Hirri'j' ji.i-/;j W His Heai If f His Heart is mine, in His dear mer-cy giv-en, He comes to me, He comes to He is my all, my one and on -ly treasure, He comes to me, Hecomesto J. *'■ YnW Fif fH WfTE fP££# 4'ihj M WJ' HlJ j>,f- chhteCT f me^His Heart is mine, in His dear mercy giv-en, He comes to me, He comes to me! me; He is my all, my one and only treasure.He comes to me. He comes to me! ^ i^y Efrwf:ff-fn ga C/R 1913 P. J.K.&S. 110. ^o Words S.N.D. j/i Lento Adoration and Faith. > a Lento Ad Jesus! Thou Art Coming. (Before Communion) Melody Rcv.J.FITZPATRICK,S.J. 84 1 -t. t -a :m H Thou -©- i. Je - sus! Thou art com 2. Who am I, my Je - j£2 ing, Ho - ly as sus, That Thou com'st to_ art, me? i £ J=^ &3E P _cr: ility cin "* Humility and Sorrow. lii J s -f me, To my lit - tie heart; Thee Of - ten griev-ous- ly, r=r — «Q^ ^ "°- Thou the God who made_ I have sinned a - gainst - J «T3 - J^ S pil -**- ¥ W£ ^ ^M i i 35: -e- Je - sus I be - lieve_ am ver- ry sor - it ry — On Thy on - ly word, I have caused Thee pain, m f- mc i ri I. MULLER. 5 E 1. Won-drous theme of mor-tal sing-ing,Liv-ing Bread and Bread life - bring-ing, 2. Sing his praise with voice 80 - no-rous-Eve-ry heart shall hear the cho *y« « f f f |t ^ rus f f f i ii »nu rr 5 c/^sc #* %m s ft i J^/3 J =± P^tt^^^T^T r " f f r r Sing we on this joy -nil day:_ At the Lords own Swell in mel - o joy- sub-lime :_ For this day the 9 y-« f f lU ta - ble Shep-herd giv - en gave us P 5 P 1 ^" *=S ^ '/• -fi > i J> ^^ r CJT r? r^pf r r r To Flesh the twelve as Bread from Heaven, Doubt-Ing not and Blood to feed and save us, Last-ing to V J63!' hM f fif f JL,^^ we the firm - ly say. end of time. j j .j PPS 3. So the Christian dogma summeth That the bread His Flesh becometh, And the wine His Sacred Blood: Though we feel it not nor see it', Living Faith that doth decree it, All defects of sense makes good. Lo! beneath the species dual Signs not things, is hid a jewel Far beyond creation's reach! Though His Flesh as food abideth, And His Blood as drink He hideth, Undivided under each. Good and bad, they come to greet Him: Unto life the former eat Him, And the latter unto death; These find Death and those find Heaven,* See, from the same life-seed given , How the harvest djffereth! * For the entire version of "Lauda Sion" and other Hymns, see "Eucharistica"by H.T. Henry, Iitt.D CR 1913P.J.K.&S. 112, Jesus! Jesus! Come To Me. 86. Andante. (J: 60) Melody of B. M. J. Harm, by CARL HAUSER. P iU\f^ijr^\^U^\U^ Oh, how much I crave for Thee! Ev-er mixed with some al - loy- s 1. Je-sus! Je-sus! come to me,- 2. Empty is all world - ly joy, ■a- -a- I Nt^ -?■ ~0- g^p ^ i fit Jju^]ijt.~jJ \T)iti M % 71 &*f r-r b: ^ Come, Thou, of all friends the best-, Take pos - ses-sion of my breast. Give me my true sov - ereign good, Je - sus Thy own Flesh and Blood. I g^ ^S S~T77 P ^ ■pCHORUS.pnstennt.o , t { ^. Z =j- y^ ffiN j d d 1:1 - I pi J \ p\JT'U id p Je-sus, come to me! Je-sus, I need Thee; Je-sus N### sus, come to me! Je-sus, I need Thee; Je-sus, come to J .-T -p m J&: f Jf f ^ W £ 3E i nrn^ ^ ^ m= me and comfort my poor soul dis - tressed,- Je- sus, come to me! yrfrttiff i ^ * »/ I ^ , fWtf. g a I h.k 1: t f sus, I need Thee, Oh! come and live with - in my — breast. Je J -I©- ■#•■ -#- J Joh I 21 FF On the Cross three hours for me Thou didst hang in agony; I, my heart to Thee resign-. Oh! what rapture to be mine! Chorus. 113. CR 1913 P. J.K.&S. 87 O Lord, I Am Not Worthy. ( Domine, non sum dignus.) Moderatof J - 80) Traditional Air. n" V.Q Lard, I am not worth -v. That Thou shouldst come to me, Bu m* Lord, I am not worth -y, That Thou ehouldst come to me, But- 2.1m long-ingto re . ceive Thee, The_ Bridegroom of my soul, No__ J ,####. g +* ' n, m m i ii !_^L m -6-=- ff B^ i i Si -€ — speak the word of com -fort, My spir-it healed shall he. more hy sin to grieveThee, Or flee thy sweet con - trol. m £ f 3. 0 Lord, Thou art all holy, The Thee adore; How, then, ought I sincerely My wrongs and sins deplore ! 4. But whenThou soon wilt enter My heart, my sinful heart, Then heal me, he my shelter, For Thou my Saviour art . 5- 0 Lord, how can I thank Thee For such a gift as this? A gift which truly filleth My soul with heav'nly hliss! 6. 1 praise Thee, I extol Thee, I love Thee, 0 my Sire, Till once in joy and glory, In heavn I Thee admire. C./R. 1913 J.P.K.& S. 114. What Happiness Is Mine This Day 88 I. WILLIAMS. Andante religioso. #^ft ' 'f^r r ORGAN. To earth has high- est heav'n de - scend - ed, My Sav.iour wm^ &h j. i, j. j4-j. Jj^ii j.j ■^rrjvr'.iPfr dwells with -in my breast; My loving Lord lives in my heart, Oh! my §B 3 tea 3: s rfm'j.ijii,|i,?j,i,JSg r#7. END. FIB soul, a - dore thy Guest, Oh! my soul a - dore thy Guest — 3S ± & i r=irT g Andante. SOLI. J-J».J Jj^i M, J-ji » 1. Won-drous love,thrice condescending,Brings my God fromheavn to me; - To His 2. Wrapped in love and ad-o - ra-tion,Ev - er-moremy soul shall be Lost in m $± Hi 3E P if j .hj-hh* ^|J J J fefe 7 J J. i^fe^ 8 * r=f rr 93 -f ' r- — ^r i^ — --i r i^ crea - ture, low - ly bend-ing, In His sweet hu - mil - i - ty won- dring con-tem-pla-tion,For my God has come to me To $ £ i ft f 3. Close to Him, my soul united, His dear Heart He gives to me; With Him, by His love invited, I shall rest eternally. 117. Fortified by Food of Angels, My heart fears nor foe nor strife, Safely guided through life's dangers. Strengthened by the Bread of Life. C/R 1913 P.J. K.&S. Q1 To Earth Has Highest Heav'n Descended. K^ -^# (Second Tune.) I. WILLIAMS. Andantino..(J = loo) rb£* B.M. i ss* i ^^^^^ s I s w * ^. - f * * * 1. Won-drous love,thriceconde-scend-ing, Brings my God from heavn to me5 2. Wrapped in love and ad-o - ra-tion, Ev - er-more my soul shall be-, ■^H: c p p pf ip r*ir; pf-jJ-^fr ^=5 j' j^j'in*1^'^ j'jv/* CHORUS. f — w To His creature, low - ly bend-ing, In His sweet hu - mil - i - ty. Lost in wondringcontem - pla-tion, For my God has come to me. b- To :>' f e f u t i g^ rt ! '!■ |l J' J. Jlj S5 j_?_ ^^1 i=i = =13=« * * in — d # earth has high - est heavn de-scend-ed, My Sav-iour dwells with-in my Ppippppil N^H I S3 i espressivo. £ 3 * 7^ — sn breast ; — My lov - ing Lord lives in my heart. r 1/11 CD V t: p "t p ^ Oh! my P^P is: s 5 s b: rail. 5 ^1 -s-* soul, a- dore thy Guest. Oh! my soul, a - dore thy Guest. ftT=f^F=PT~Tj4j r- p r- p i^ Close to Him, my soul united, His dear Heart He gives to me; With Him, by His love invited, I shall rest eternally. c/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. Fortified by Food of Angels, My heart fears nor foe nor strife, Safely guided through life's dangers, Strengthened by the Bread of Life. 118. Bread Of Angels, Lamb Of God. 92. I. WILLIAMS. Moderato. Rev. DEMORE. CUORfS. 0^-^44 22 ^ i T -&-*- if Bread of an -gels, Lamb of God; Je-sus I a - dore Thee; ?h g f tern m fy m i pl-U-l rail. Fine. % ^ 5 Thou wilt be my heavn-ly food, Je - susdear-est Lord. m^m & ¥ P -6- ^ £ :n Z2L ^ "ST l SOL/ t ■ fc ^ § « « 1 Thou art ten - der 2 I ap-proachThy m $ Fa - ther, Thou art friend sin - cere; al - tar, Filledwith faith and love, ^= n z: i "l/ cresc. § AC. P 2 4 -lour, f» s Come my lov - ing Sav Hope that ne'er can fal - ter, Be my Guest most dear. Trust In God a - bove. ^m $ J -m- ■&■' W 9^ ^ n b ^m 3- Weak and poor and sinful, By temptation tried, But Thy love and pity, Bring Thee to mine aid. Chorus. C/R. 1913 P. J. K. & S. 119- For Thy love, dear Jesus, Yearns my famished heart; Come and dwell within me, From me ne'er depart. C/torus. 93. In My Heart, My Jesus Finds A Resting: Place. I. WILLIAMS. . Larghetto Cantabile. (J: 44) M- B. m pa pi » 3 f=f *=# # 1. In my heart, my Je - sus Finds a rest-ing place; 2. 0 my gra - cious Mast - er, 0 my King di - vine, m £ I J3 s I £ * 2 Comes Him -self to bring me His dear love and grace. How can I eer thank Thee For this gift of Thine? y*F» — »=» — g fe=r* mm e REFRAIN. TUTTI. W& J hj IJ: J' 3 / (» • p ^ F Bread of An - gels, Lamb of God, Je - sus, I a 1^ f?f f P##^ dore Thee: % f'i i f p^ 5 j" m//. 1 B I ^^ as Thou hast come, my Guest to be, Je-sus, dear - est Lord. S £ f ? 3. Saints and angels praise Thee, With them will I sing Praises never ending To my God and King. Refrain. For Thy love, my Jesus, Happiness 'twill be, Just to live for Thee, Lord; Just to die for Thee. Refrain. CJR 1913 P.J.K.& S. 120. M> Soul Of My Saviour, Sanctify My Breast. y4: (Anima Christi.) Rev. J. D. AYLWARD O. P. ' Moderato.(J -. 80) -~===^ B. M. J. S nif. U±LJ-M m £ ^f Bod - y of Je - sus! oh, 1. Soul of my Sav-iour! sanc-ti - fy my breast: 2. Strength and pro - tec - tion may Thy Passion be; ^^ I 1 n I * m $ m" & r- Christ! be Thou my Sav-ing Guest; Blood of my Je - sus! hear my sighs and an-swer me! Deep in Thy Heart, Lord, m u i ±=± i P I m cresc. m £&a ill J J J ^ f Wash me, ye wa-ters gushing from His So shall I nev- er, nev- er part from bathe me in Thy tide,. hide andshel-ter me; — m m J3> X * m w^ i mBi a j rail. m g - !> r=r==t^f Side,_ Thee,_ Wash me, ye So shall I wa - ters gush-ing from His Side, nev er, nev- er part from Thee. ^J^, =F# m ^^^ 3. Guard and defend me from the foe malign, In death's dread moments make me only Thine; Call me, and bid me come to Thee on high, Where I may praise Thee, reigning in the sky. (b/s.) 121. C/R 1913 P. J. K.&Si 95 o O Day Of Happiness Undying! I. WILLIAMS. Andante espressivo. (J : 50) SOLI. Unison. M Rev. FR. LIGONNET. i ^ ^ 5 m s 1. Let hosts 2. He loves 3. 0! Je - of heavn at - tend and heart - felt prais - es me with a love no mor - tal heart can sus, dear - est Lord, my heart eer pines and W^ T~f- ORGAN T h J> Ji J) 5 p p ir 5 sing; Let show, A sighs, To earth and love so lean, like sky vast John re and of joice deep, old, this hap - py, hap - py so true and won - der up - on Thy sa - cred day; My ful, That Breast; The God dwells e'en the prom -ise in saints sweet my in O! heart, heavn Lord, my Sav - iour and my its depths can nev - er to read in Thy dear King; His know; Sweet Eyes, That love so peace and one day dear, heav'n I so -iy shall sweet, joy fly He now to me doth and sav - ing grac - es to Thee in Par - a - 122. aH^ ¥ h Ji i rail. r ppp p ^ n\ i bring, To be mine own for aye, to be mine own for aye._ flow From love so mer - ci . ful, from love so mer - ci - ful.— dise, In Thy lovd Heart to rest, in Thy lovcl Heart to rest._ i J-J»J' j—} i J- *> n ¥ s w W ^ I f-1 J u Vl/ SKFRjIIN. DOET. , With enfhusiasm.'J = 76) ff C\\ ppHiT j.feapjj S « « I s i day of hap-pi-ness un - dy - ing, Of sweet de -light and ec-sta I m s ¥ » * i i f ^ & ■i ja! «/ r P 3J7~LJ fsf # i l £^5=5 i E5 ■ =z* 5FT sy; My God, on wings of mer- cy fly- ing, Deigns to come and dwell with * ^ '\"~* I: i ^ ^ r r c__; r f=f y/ 9^ i r-r lj lt me._ My God, on wings of mer- cy fly-ing,Deigns to come and dwell with me- wS Isb & i =* r-r c^r ¥=* -G-'- ff ggf 1 2^ -©■• =f 123. C/R 1913 P.J.K.& S. 96. What Happiness Can Equal Mine? O /*>& Tr.Rev.Fr. POTTER. , A Moderator =84.) GERMAN MELODY. I i zr. W :c: 3 Mr f ' 1 .What hap - pi - ness can e - qual mine ? I've 2. He makes my heart His own_ a - bode, His i s I f=» I j—u^j ^ ,1 j i ? n ^^fp^^w r fjr ,,a T r found the oh- ject of_ my— love; My Sav - lour dear, my Flesh he - comes my dal - ly hread; He pours on me His 5 J: 1 i 1 S e £ F J i=* ra//. ±gd ^ S F-r P r r -a come to_ me from heav'n a - bove . with His_ life my_ soul is fed . King di -vine Is_ heal - ing Blood, And_ I m m * f- My love is mine and I am His,* In me He dwells, in Him I live * Where could I taste a purer bliss? What greater boon could Jesus give ? 5 "No more 0 Satanl thee I fear; 0 world! thy charms I now despise* For Christ Himself is with me here; My joy; my life, my Paradise. 0 royal Banquet! heavenly feast' 0 flowing Fount of life and grace! Where God the giver, man the guest, Meet and unite in sweet embrace . 6 . Dear Jesus, now my heart isThine* Oh, may it never from Thee flee *, My God, be Thou foreever mine, And I Thine own eternally. 124. ^0 Tr. Rev. E. YAUGHAN,C.SS.R. Moderate CHORUS. O Bread Of Heaven! 97 B. M. J. m iujj u-jii j JiJ jiNi?* ^ ver - y 1. O Bread of Heav'n! be - neath this veil, Thou dost my ver-y God conceal; 2. 0 Food of life! Thou Who dost give The pledge of im-mor-tal-i - ty! -* m \-rr-. r~f E »H 1 1/ J» il^O I^Jj gjjji E 3 P f 2Z f -*■-* n / SOU. ^ £ 3=^* My Je - sus, dear I live; no, 'tis est not treas I ure, that *>•■£ k M J. hail! live , I God love gives Thee, me i p mA 1 CHORUS V i m -z and life, a - dor - ing, kneel;_ God lives in me;_ Each lov - ing soul by He feeds my soul, He <)■ %f^t f f if P i } wf $ rail. m i * ■=I * Thee is guides my § J^ fed, With Thine own self ways, And with joy ev ' J - J- isk in form of bread, 'ry grief re - pays. ££ m •FT iW. C/R 19 „„ „„^My dearest Good! who dost so bind 7 My heart with countless chains to Thee! 0 Sweetest Love! my soul shall find In Thy dear bonds true liberty; ^0„„yfThyself, Thou hast bestowed on me, '(Thine, Thine for ever I will be. 13P.J.K.&S. 125. Q Q The Memory Of Jesus Sweet. (Jesu dulcis memoria.) Tr.Rev. H.T.HENRY, Litt.D. ,o h | | J) J:, J) 1 sn Gregorian r ' ■ r i. The .mem - o - ry of Je - sus sweet 2. No soft - er sing ■ ing e'er was done Organ. h J) J, }, }; i^EE^ F I r ? r oth make the heart with rap-ture beat; Or sound of glad-der mu- sic none; tut hon-ey, yea, nor No sweet-er thought e'er m M -iT § ««=« *?=? j^ •' j> b J) h J) J> J II r^ r aught can mete dwelt up - on , _ W m The joy His pres-ence doth com-plete! Than Je - sus, Sa-viour, God the Son. * * . J- — -4 m ^Pr ^ Jesus, hope of the contrite mind, To them that ask, how sweet inclined; To them that seekThee, ever kind: But what art Thou to themthat find? 4. No tongue availethto confess, No word nor thought can e'er express; He only knows that doth possess, In love, the Saviour's sweet caress. 5. 0 Jesus, be our hope, we pray, Who our reward shalt be for aye; Our glory be withThee to stay Through endless ages of theDay. c|r dolphin press. 126. PART EIGHTH. THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS To this material world, which the soul of man was intended to make sub- serve its Maker's glory, to this world, which, by a sad perversion, kept mans soul a slave to his senses and passions,. . . the Holy Ghost sent a marvelous power, which, like a resistless lever, would replace the world in its right position: it was the Sacred Heart of Jesus; a Heart of flesh, like that of other human beings, from whose created throbbings there would ascend to the eternal Father an ex- pression of love, which would be a homage infinitely pleasing to the infinite Majesty, because there was in that love of that human Heart the dignity of its union with the Word. It is a harp of sweetest melody, that is ever vibrating un- der the touch of the Spirit of Love; it gathers up into its own music,the music of all creation, whose imperfections it corrects, and supplies its deficiencies, and tunes aU discordant voices into unity, and so offers to the glorious Trin- ity a hymn of perfect praise. The Trinity finds its delight in this Heart. It is the only organum as Saint Gertrude caUs it, the one only instrument which finds acceptance with the Most High. Through it, must pass all the inflamed praises of the burning Seraphim, just as must do the humble homage paid to God by inanimate creation. By it alone are to come upon this world the favors of Heaven It is the mystic ladder between man and God, the channel of all graces,- the way whereby man ascends to God, and God descends to man. Yxom'The Liturgical Yearly Abbot Gueranger,O.S.B. See the Classified Index for the Hymns to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. ry A Message From The Sacred Heart. 99 Messenger of the S.H. Moderates Traditional Air. ffl t i I ^ g ^ &3^= 1. A mes-sagefrom the 2. A message to the Sa-cred Heart! What may this mes-sage Sa-cred Heart!. Oh! bear it hack with ± 00 8 '* s ^P¥ 9 ^P? P^ 3: i s "^3* *" be° "My child, my child! give 8peed:_Come, Je - sns. reign with • » tL. - me in thy heart; my heart; My Thy PI ^ 5E ? "i/\ heart has hied for thee, Heart is all I heed."1 ^ .LJl This is the mes - sage This prayr 111 pray while ^m m 5E ms j ^^ — k u- .Te- sus sends To my poor heart to - day I here I pine From Heav'n and Thee a part, And Nor g * ¥ W *: ifi=t± rail. tts-nrTrw t • * i 3" - 1 M. SL M. a. m i pm £ az w i ± m 1 ¥ 3 — p * — ^ w ^3 w ^J 9 ~p 9 — ~~o w — ~-~zr With a peace and joy ex-ceed- ing, Meek and hum-ble ev In the heau-ty and the bright-ness Of your souls, I seek 5 m e=§ mlrrif 1 j=± er be; re - pose, 2: m f Con malto animo u J j i i 2 — n — • — ^o In my Heart Calm-ly keep y All you W ^T3 0 — ^T se - rene and ho - ly All your self- ish cares re - sign;_ our hearts be -fore Me From the stain of pas-sion free','— 5 _ r*. #.*.#. H rif f if J it: fiffpifff wm J 1 J J i' I . i J^i ^D ptacere m Dear- est Je - sus, meek and low - ly, Make, oh, make our Heart of Je - sus, we im - plore Thee, Make, oh, make us £ ^ 5^ amoroso rallen 5 - tan do iMN^ 3 ^9 1P Thine, Thee, T Make, oh, Make, oh, v 9 ^er make our hearts like Thine, make us pure like Thee. hearts like pure like m wm •#■ ^ m P n: e: CR 1913 RJ.K.&S. 3. Heart of love, in Thee confiding, We shall learn to do Thy Will; In Thy sacred Wound abiding, S0LI*\ Burning love our hearts shall fill; We shall bless Thee, and obey Thee, Ever serve Thee faithfully, Sweetest Heart, we humbly pray Thee, Let us live and die in Thee, (bis.) 130. CHORUSl O Sacred Heart! All Blissful Light Of Heaven. 1 Q1 Rev. F. STANFIELD. Andante.(J.= 48.) , Cresc. — DOCHE. f1""'; 1"^ r=*=* i ^ i i. O Sa-cred Heart! All bliss-ful light of heav- en, Rap-ture of 2.0 Sa-cred Heart! 0 hope of sin-ners sor - row, Rest of the m a MnTfhW if f f f iff >\H Ji. E fv OT cresc. S ^ 5 i s i SBei ■tjt an - gels, beam- ing ev - er bright, wear - y, care-worn and de - pressed; Rav - ish - ing joys, in Sweet-ly lead home earth's yWfDtprf ffHTf?Ti\f: PfM 3 ^ J J' rj J- 1 n mf * i ^< w -^ — * — i f ^r s rich and ra - diant splen-dor, Flow from Thy glo - ry in tor - rents lone es-trang-ed ex- iles, Where neath Thy love we may lie * ^ - *- * -J k~ ^ i I p y= ^ 3! / i /-~i k. k. ^ — ■> k k rail. "LFf- *r of de - light, Flow from Thy glo- ry in tor-rents of de - light, down and rest, Where'neath Thy love we may lie down and rest. gt£ m fjf^r Mrrf ir% 0 Sacred Heart! as strain of softest rapture, Sweet falls the music of that voice so blest: ' Come unto Me, all ye who mourn and labor, Come heavy laden, and I will give you rest."(fo"s.) 4. 0 Sacred Heart! when shades of death are falling. Gather Thy children 'neath the wings of love: Hush us to rest in Thine own gentle mercy, Rear troubled spirits to brighter realms above.ffr/sj 5. 0 Sacred Heart! what bliss, what thrilling rapture Eer to rest near Thee on Thine own bright shore-, Ever to gazenpon Thy beaming splendor, Never to part — to weep, to mourn no more.(7>/6.) 131. C R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 102. Come Hither And In Worship Kneel. Rev. M. RUSSELL, S. J. Largo. (J = 44) j A , wf SEMI-CHORUS. I. MULLER. 1 *«}'}** nf:-H 7J,'J J j ^fj 1. Come hith - er and in wor-ship kneel, 0 thou who hast a heart to feel; 2. 0 Heart on our sal-va-tion Dent, And for our ran-som torn and spent, S^ MM $ i f wi j|,j^ ripj_J_W'i^jj j Let Je-sus1 Heart our song in - spire, And set our hearts, e'en ours, on fire. Thou,that in safe - ty we might live, Thy life,Thy Hearts Blood, all wouldst give. .m 0 r w .t~ ■• r~ c m .~r *r~ y th jh m~ If by this Heart un-mov-ed still, Thou gaz - est on it, cold and chill, 0 Heart of love, let Cal-va-ry At length Thy last of grac-es be, S 0 man,how cru-el art thou growrn,Thy heart is dull and hard as stone And aft- er all Thy toilsandwoes A - mid the joys of heavnre-pose. § 7. % V SEMI- CHORUS < FULL CHORUS: C R IW13 P.J.K.& S. 3. But ah, not so: this Heart hath tried A new device its love to hide; Jesus becomes our food that He All, all our own may ever be. This loving Heart how many spurn, 'And give but outrage in return; (This is Thy guerdon, God above, ^Thuo art Thou love'd, my Love, my Love. 132. Rev. E. All Ye Who Seek A Sure Relief. 103. CAS WALL.. Andante. (J: 62) Rev. W. H. WALSH. S. J. 'PQl^Jll,! I1 2 3 m TT ggpj 1. All ye who seek a 2. Ye hear how kind-ly 0 — -r-O # r-«»- sure re - lief In trou-ble or dis He in - vites; Ye hear His words so XL & XL tress, blest: mm n lif^^ujJiiVh1 Jhi^M Jijj m What - ev - er sor- rows vex your mind, Or guilt your soul op ■ "All ye that la - bor, come to Me, And I will give you press: rest!' si i ^ £ '^"j i j. ju i Our Lord,Who gave Him -self for you Up - on the Cross to die, What meek - er than the Sav-iours Heart? As on the Cross He lay, U wm i P Se£ P e: tf'iUflijjJiJ-^a 1 1 3 3 Un-foldsto you His Sacred Heart; Oh! to that Heart draw nigh! It did His mur-der-ers for - give, And for their par - don pray. m iJ J Hnfal Ir p J ^ ii £*£ 3 0 Heart! Thou joy of saints on high! Thou hope of sinners here! Attracted by those loving words, To Thee I lift my pray'r. Wash Thou my wounds in that dear Blood Which forth from Thee doth flow; New grace, new hope inspire; a new And better heart bestow. 133. C/R 1913 RJ.K. &■ S. 104 One Heart Alone. AGNES LAPHAM. Nazareth Chimes. Moderate (a:60) Adapted from A. SOREAU. 4ro m trial. i. One Heart a 2. "In hours of with change -less love ap - peals, with - in this tear-ful vale_ sm I •0- -&■ M £ ^ J IjJi | m To ev - 'ry soul, At My pierced Feet -*~1 . . ^L_ in ten-der ac - cents sweet, 'A - bide in your se-cret bur - dens lay, In life nor I P s i ®P T eresc. s 1 JM'iii J S $=S S Me; • no friend more keen -ly death, My aid shall nev-er r if r r y feels The cold - ness of thy hearts re fail, Those cho- sen ones, who make My m % i I m//.; 2T '■3 £3 a 3HX spon - sive Heart their m beat, The cold- ness of thy hearts re - spon -sive beat, stay,- Those cho- sen ones, who make My Heart their stay.' P** DC 'v »g 3. Good Master, long my weary feet have strayed O'er thorny ways and rugged mountains steep, But oh! Thy Heart, Thy Voice, Thy constant aid Upheld my soul above the chasm so deep, fate.) O/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 4. And thou, my Queen, whose fond complacent gaze To me is more than all this world bestows, Let that sweet light within thy glistening eyes Illume the way which leads to heavens repose. (bis.) 134. c O Sacred Heart Of Jesus Andante Moderato.(J=80) r— ^ - 105. ENGLISH MESSENGER. 'ato.(J = B. M. J. I-- 1 ij rp^a i m r r 1.0 Sa - cred 2. Where they who Heart of here have S H^ Q p f Je - sus, We long to be with loved Thee, Re - joice for ev - er - Mf=MM i ' ini i tj j iJH ^ if ^ Thee In Thy blest home in heav - en, Thy glo - ry there to more; And sing - ing songs of tri - umph Ex - ult - ing - ly a- ^m * -J-: ? m t t if if:£ ^Ou J J -Id-- f p M see, Where sor-rbw finds no en - trance, Where ev - 'ry wrong's re- dore,- There,where the se - cret FI - AT On earthjbreath'd lov - ing $=m I f ip f f itrf ^MMi J ^ i FfP# JicJT-J n Wf e? s drest, Where bro - ken hearts find heal- ing, And weary hearts find rest. ly; And shame, and life - long an - guish Are glo-ri-fied by Thee. MM I Mp#^P m i 3. We've loved Thee_ oh, weve loved Thee Despised and crucified; And Thou wilt not forsake us, Now Thou art glorified. Live in us, Heart of Jesus, Be here our life_ our prayer, To sanctify our sorrows Until Thy joys we share. 135. C[R 1913 RJ.K.&S. XvJt). O Sacred Heart Of Jesus Dear. i.williams. (Act Of Consecration.) Andante religiose (J; 66 ) Old Melody. mmm 1 i * a g i j-ilg 1.0 Sa - cred Heart! 2. Pierced by the lance 0 Heart of Je - sus dear! on Calv'ry's cru - el Tree, P^m i ? f f'j'j fit, a e r J-i [■ |jg J s 0 A J, Sa-cred Heart a - flame with love di - vine^ Take Thou my Sav-ing Flood of price -less grac-es poured, Prom His dear i tt * ^ F :£=? I I 5 /» ^^ heart, draw me each day more near;_ Heart, whose Blood was shed for me; Take Thou my heart, The Sa- cred Heart, ^^ fc^ fe :^ m mf f\ v 0 £ raff. m *3 9 V r~i Take Thou my heart, Take Thou my heart and let it rest in Thine. The Sa-cred Heart, The Sa-cred Heart,the lov-ing Heart of God. ')■ \}' f • f I a ^s E^5 0 Sacred Heart, true source of heavnly bliss, Of peace divine which Thou alone canst give; What sweeter lot could mortal ask than this To die for Thee (three times) with Thee in heav'n to be? C/R 1913 RJ.K.&S. l36- Only Thee, My Jesus! 107 M.S. PINE. Mode rat o. J = 80 ^m F F F F Adapted from HAYDN. 5 2^ H Je - sus' pay Thee? =a — 1 On - ly Thee, my 2. How can I re On - ly Thee I Grac - es ev - ery t r r * t p -p crave ; hour E P* s 5 /» /T\ ?// pa; ~S "* 4 ' o P — *-# Thou didst loose my fet-ters,All my sins for -gave. Here to Thine own tern -pie Thrill my soul with won-der,Tellthy love and power. On - ly Thee my Je - sus! ^ . ^ ~ a * J ^ Ji&f •)•* f F f a £=HH* ^ * s ^o tv?// SH * 0 ' (J • » 9 — 9 • L,P Thou hast led my feet; To Thy Heart hast bound me By love's fetters sweet. Thine are all my days; Vowed to Thee for- ev - er, Thine is all my praise. «K1 m § ff p if '^##^ ~ mf CHORUS. mm « jo roll Ilfipli S *-* ' r/ Tf » Pf^ S *=* OuIyTheemy Je - sus! Thouartall to me; Soulandheartare sing-ing Jesus onfy Thee! £rf ffif fgpi- ippr chMcWtprj-i 3 Bowed in thy sweet Presence, Fleet the hours divine; While Thy Heart is whispering Let thy heart be Mine." Then to labor hasting I am still with Thee, - . Thy voi •. still Lingers: Teach and U a for Me!' Oho. Only Thee. etc. 137. 4. 0! the bliss of knowing Jesus, I am Thine; Naught from Thee can sever, Naught but sin of mine. O'er the earth, o'er angels Do I take my flight; Only Thee, my Jesus! Thou art life and light. Cho. Only Thee, etc. CiR 1913 P.oT. K.& S 108 To Thee, O Heart Of Jesus. Rev. M. RUSSELL, S. J. Moderate (J = 80) J-JHM m I v£- mm N M. H. I -I , B 1. To Thee, 0 Heart of 2. No heart can he so « i o Je ■ sus, To Thee our hearts we ten - der, No heart can love like 1 I fcJS E % £ i PP\^hi\i i ¥ j f s d r f ive, Help, help us all to Thee- Thy life-blood all, 0 -p * W — •■ w 9 — —?T love Thee, And serve Thee while we live. Je - sus, Was shed to s«et us free. g ■>■■*'! )f\H r m ~ n m REFRAIN. m*+i j j jij J'-^n ipqu m fes, yes, till life is o - ver, And then for lev - er* - more, 0 & if ■* /JJ3 m r1 f f f ip p fai IS Z2Z £^ ;red Heart of Je - sus. We'll love Thee and a - dore, 0 *): j) '*=^ Sa-cred Heart of Je - sus, We'll love Thee and a -f^m T- g -#- #• # dore, J2. rr mp ip-P^ ip ^ p ir i r i cmsc. -r==r-J"~' PP r({,L I I I FT F «f 'ME m lj j J ^^^ ^ !a-cred Heart of Je ■0- ■*■ i sus. We'll love Thee and a - dore, :£ MM. § S i 1 Ah, hard our hearts and cruel, If Thee we do not love, Who from Thy throne descendest To draw our hearts above. 4. For us Thy life of labor, For us Thy death of pain, For us in guise so lowly Thou dost on earth remain. 5. C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. Alas, too long with coldness This yearning love we pay, But now, 0 Heart of Jesus, Our hearts are Thine for aye. 138. ~0 To Jesus' Heart All Burning-. , s. J. (Cor Amor is. j 109. J Cantabile.^r J-A4 wL $ i i ± Traditional Air. 5 m a f-bf> El ** « xt * m 1. To Je - sus' Heart all burn- ing With fer-vent love for 2. O Heart, for me on fire With love no tongue can P p£I j|"j'JjliJ JwXJIjPJJ i>4U44a men, My heart, with fond- est yearn- ing, Shall raise its joy- ful strain, speak, My yet un - told de - sire God gives me for Thy sake. mm — ^— i — i mm REFRAIN. PW tan m m ± * r=f While a - ges course a % i long, Blest be with loud- est song, The ■ i f (ft ^ 'J \ *■ mm m Sa-cred Heart of vh f f f p Je sus, By ev-'ry heart and tongue: The # 5 I SE i i mil. ^Ff^f Sa-cred Heart of Or- Je - sus, By ev - 'ry heart and tongue. J i i=4 |S Too true, I have forsaken Thy love by wilful sin; Yet now let me be taken Back by Thy grace again. 4. As Thou art meek and lowly, And ever pure of Heart, So may my heart be wholly Of Thine the counterpart. 5. Oh! that to me were given The pinions of a dove, I'd speed aloft to heaven, My Jesus' love to prove. 6. When life away is flying, And earths false glare is done 5 Still, Sacred Heart, in dying Fll say I'm all Thine own. 139. 110. I.WILLIAMS. Dear Sacred Heart, I Thee Adore. Allegretto. (J^ 80) M.II. U'tC'l Njj 1.1 f i|Min'njj iij s 1. Dear Sa - cred Heart, I. Thee a - dore, Make me love Thee 2 Teach me to love, teach me to pray, Draw me clos - er 3 Though tem-pest tossed, I know no fear. I love and trust for XL- J w i 5^- E± \ m r\ mm # ^ ■a T more and more; Dear Sa - cred Heart, I Thee a - dore, Make me day by day; Teach me to love, teach me to pray, Draw me Thou art near^Though tem-pest tossed I know no fear, I love and I \J (7\. }>!t ^m w i love Thee more and more. Oh! make me love Thee more and more, clos - er day by day. Oh! draw me clos - er day by day. trust for Thou art near. I love and trust for Thou art near. A & *. & m %=^% i f P if P i r r * E- REFRAIN. Andante. S J' J lJ:J'Jj §1 ^=?=V f^ 7 Cor Je - su sa-cra - tls - si-mum, mi-se-re - re no su Pf ifjl- ifTT r bis ^ c/r iyi3 P.J.K.& S. 140. ^0 Sweet Heart Of Jesus, Fount Of Love. in Andante. (J = 63.) ia k I ^ Melody of E.B. Harm. By B. F. R. 5 i 5=5 JP=f ■* m ■ — w~' — ~m — ~w 1. Sweet Heart of Je-sus! fount of love and mer - cy, 2. Sweet Heart of Je-sus! make us know and love Thee, To - day we tin- fold to I ^^h I ff*±=n» come Thy bless-ing to im-plore; Oh, touch our hearts, so cold and so un - us the treas-ures of Thy grace, That so our hearts, from things of earth up gjp^ ^^ W e^s p=?=? 5 i REFRAIN. 5 » TT* V Ijt — Ijt ^ * — grate-ful, And make them, Lord, Thine own for ev - er - more.} lift- ed, May long a - lone to gaze up - on Thy Face.i Sweet mm $ F M lfM if H P* iZ te^ * * V — 9 — ^7 Heart of Je-sus! we im.plore; Oh, make us love Thee more and more; Sweet i J=fF=F=? ra# 31'^ O ii ii ^pnor^^W Heart of Je-sus! we im - plore, Oh, make us g "« f • F ^»B P F p i'nC# £L love Thee more r and more! ^ er Sweet Heart of Jesus! make us pure and gentle, And teach us how to do Thy blessed will- To follow close the print of Thy dear footsteps, And when we fall_Sweet Heart, oh, love us still. Sweet Heart of Jesus,etc. 4. Sweet Heart of Jesus! bless all hearts that love Thee, And may Thine own Heart ever blessed be, Bless us, dear Lord, and bless the friends we cherish, And keep us true to Mary and to Thee. Sweet Heart of Jesus xetc. 141. C/R 1913 P. J. K. &S. 1^L3. Forget Me Not! 'Tis Thus My Heart Is Pleading". The Voice of the S. Heart. Maestoso. (J = 80) J A A ™f< $33 T ij i j i Adapted from CH. GOUNOD. ^ HP 1. For 2. For J. get Me not! 'tis get Me not! up i ^ thus My Heart is plead- ing, With on the si - lent al - tar; They 5 i $ r r il * fW ? % •=»* if- «r 3- # * — -fqjr you for whom I fain a -gain would pass Me by and leave Me all a * w~ die~; For - get Me not! for lone; They've love e-nough for J - ' n p i p p lp l p I if~K if p ; £: ^jjj i j J pi [J I j j s g I * oh'.this Heart once bro-ken Still loves you from Its glo-rious throne on all, for ev - 'ry oth-er, For Me, their God— their hearts are cold as m Jp j cif 1 P allargando fe^5 i ^ high, Still loves you from Its glo - rio us throne on stone, For Me, their God. their, hearts are cold as y: fy f_% j. & 77 high, stone. $ T 3. Forget Me not! for oh! I'm ever waiting For friends who will My bitter wrongs atone; Forget Me not! for I am ever craving Devoted hearts who'll make My woes their awn/btsJ 4. OR 1913 P.J.K. & S. Forget Me not! when desolation tempts me To plunge into the world's tempestuous sea, Remember how the sin-laden and weary My Heart invited, saying "Come to Me.'V^'s.) 142. PART NINTH. ALL SAINTS. They that have gone before us, wept as they turned the furrows and cast in the seed,- but now their triumphant joy overflows upon us as an anticipated glory in this valley of tears. Without waiting for the dawn of eternity,thf. pre- sent Solemnity gives us to enter by hope into the land of light, whither our fathers have followed Jesus the divine Forerunner. Do not the thorns of suf- fering lose their sharpness, at the sight of the eternal joys into which they are to blossom? Does not the happiness of the dear departed cause a heavenly sweetness to mingle with our sorrow? Let us hearken to the chants of deliv- erance, sung by those for whom we weep, little and great;this is the feast of them all, as it will one day be ours. At this season, when cold and darkness prevail, nature herself, stripping off her last adornments, seems to be pre- paring the world for the passage of the human race into the heavenly coun- try. Let us, then, sing with the Psalmist " I rejoiced at the things thatweresaid to me: We shall go into the house of the Lord." Truly this day is grand and beautiful. Earth, midway between heaven and purgatory, has united them together. The wonderful mystery of the Comm- union of saints is revealed in all its fullness. The immense family of the Sons of God is shown to be one in love, while distinct in its three states of beatitude, trial, and purifying expiation: the trial and expiation being but temporary, the beatitude eternal. It is the fitting completion of the teachinggiven us through the entire year... Meanwhile, every soul is recollected, pondering o- ver the dearest and noblest memories... It is the feast of our beloved dead. From "The Liturgical Year? by Abbot Gueranger, 0. S. B. See the Classified Index of Hymns for this Season. D *X) O Christ Thy Guilty People Spare. (All Saints) Tr. Rev. E. CASWALL . (Placare, Christe , Servulis) 113. Andante.( J--66) fe± } cresc. I & O Is • r r= =f 1. 0 Christ, Thy guilt 2. Ye AN-GELS,hap r ^m y peo - pie spare! Lo,kneel-ing py ev - er - more Who in your » *r r r i - cresc '&k J , J ■ J^ — J J | ,1. \ J J j ■ J W S at Thy gra^=^ cious throne, Thy VIR-GIN MOTH - ER , cir - cles nine as - cend, As ye have guard- ed ^ ^^ i $ tTi-tff^f. % ¥ i f f pours us 1 her prayer, Im-plor - ing par - don for her own. be -fore, So still from harm our steps de - fend. 1 P*i u r f A§ g i j j 9-*- Ye PROPHETS, and APOSTLES high! Behold our penitential tears; And plead for us when death is nigh, And our all-searching Judge appears. 4. Ye MARTYRS. all! a purple band, And CONFESSORS a white -robed train; Oh, call us to our native land, From this our exile, back again. 5. And ye,0 choirs of VIRGINS chaste! Receive us to your seats on high, With HERMITS whom the desert waste Sent up of old into the sky. 6. Drive from the flock, 0 SPIRITS blest! The false and faithless race away, That all within one fold may rest, Secure beneath one shepherds sway. 7. To God the Father glory be, And to His sole.begotten Son, And glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee, While everlasting ages run. 145. 114 o From Your Blissful Thrones Of Glory. I ALL SAINTS. Moderate. J = 10s nfl** CHOIR. M. H. J 1,1 J IrJ J ^jj'i i 1. From your bllss-ful thrones of 2. Ye bright mar-tyr throngwhose g^ii glo - ry,Look on us~~~ 0 God's e cour-ageNev - er quailed a-mid the p M i *£ m rail. 3 what we may ex - p ect ,_ giv-ing up your life?_ lect; Tell strife,- What us wha.t is now m re-pays your to be^_^your com-bats,Tell us por-tion Aft - er 0 -^-s- 5E mf. 2nd CHOIR, ;■■! Ju-Jj' m * m "Our de " We with light w.av - no one can ing palms aH all ut - ter,Eye has stand-ing And with 5-4- not seen ban-ners mm ear not bright un 0= i ^MN i 5X * rail. m 3 21 f heard, None on earth can feel the furled, Sing for e v - er al - le m pleas-ure,That for - lu : ia, To the us God has re-served!' Sav-.iour of the world." ^° P w r ^ j a m *=* * 3. 1^ CHOIR. Ye,whose unabated penance Made the desert so renowned , Hermits, tell us, for your rigors What delight ye now have found? 2nd CHOIR. "For the pleasures we relinquished, For our homes and friends below, Joys delicious pour in torrents Fill our hearts and overflow." 5. lsJCHOIE. As we gaze upon your glory, Saints of God, In Heavens own light, Teach us how we too may join you, How to win those crowns so bright. 2*Ld CHOIR. "Would you come where we have entered Fight with all your strength and power; Would you live the life eternal, Die to self at every hour." lst.CHOIR. Ye, the virgins who on earth were Bound to an eternal spouse, With what favors does He crown you, Faithful to your three -fold vows? 2n-d CHOIR. "Happy brides in spotless garments, Close beside our Lord we throng, Where the Lamb goes, there we follow, While we sing the un-known song." C[R 1913 P.J.K.& S. IS* CHOIR. Ah! we shrinkfrom pain and sorrow, We are frightened when we hear; We must live in constant struggles, We must die to all that's dear. 2™i CHOIR. "If the path be rough and thorny, At the end all pain shall cease ; If the battle be a fierce one, There shall be eternal peacel " 146. O Heav'n! Celestial Home! 115 * * * Moderato.(J = 80) J/i l mf Harm, by CARL HAULER. M1H J mm ? f= 1. 0 Heav'n! ce-les-tial home! 0 bound-less land of love, I 2. Why stay I here so long, An ex - ile from the land Where ■■^■n^ip j J j ij >^ip j p pir m u rail. REFRAIN. s itt p 5 f *T« 9^- 1g T "f S long to en-ter thee, And see my God a - bove.,T Ma - ry sits en-throned Up - on her Son's right hand?! WhenwlU the an"gels *****& M *■ I*' ' ^ f f f 0 , g ; __ « . » # -j" nf -g- s s I §1 £ g t > ^ rift • — ■ r «r"'rr r rr "* — » o . f call my soul a - way?This earth is dark as night, But heavh is bright as day . It -ff. ^^ppffirtip f p f iff | Pleading with tenderest love, For all who breathe the name Of Him Who was, Who is, And e'er will be the same. CAo.When will, etc. Jesus, Thy love is more Than mortal tongue can sing, The fountain of my faith, My hope, my ev'rything. CAo.When will, etc. 5. If death no terror brings, 'Tis lasting,burning love That fills my soul with zeal To reach my God above. Cho. When will, etc. 6. Sad sighs and tears my lot Till th' angel's trumpet sounds, To bid me glorious rise To lands where joy abounds. Cho. When will, etc. Before the throne divine, My voice at length I'll raise, To God in Persons three, With hymns of endless praise. Cho. When will, etc. 147. C/R 1913 P. J. K.& S. 116. Dr. NEALE. Moderato.(J:80) vtfSOLL For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country. (O bona Patria.j B.M.J. jj m m u i s ' r ^pr r f 1. For thee, Odear, dear Coun-try,Mine eyes their vi - gils keep,_ For 2. 0 one, 0 on - fy Man-sion! 0 Par - a-dise of Joy! Where *Ll.»f if ff I ♦ ' *-JI & ^ mm Pb& m weep,_ Tt W WW — —O W ver - y love, be-hold-ing Thy hap - py name, they weep,_ Thy tears are ev - er ban-ished And smiles have no al - loy, And S i a* ^j'fetji'Ufi hap - py name, they weep.The men-tion of thy glo - ry Is unc-tion to the smiles have no al - loy. The Lamb Is all thy splen-dor;The Cru-ci-fied thy f J3 .^O | ||5 m & #^y * m mm f^^ pp^ i rail. m m ^=^ f5 ¥^$ breast, And med - 1- cine in sick-ness, And praise, His laud and ben-e -dic-tion Thy '.-#- m -m- -P- -0- s> ml love, and life, and rest, ran-somed peo-ple raise. 5 m SOLI TUTTL C R Thou hast no shore, fair ocean! Thou hast no time, bright day! Dear fountain of refreshment To pilgrims far away! (bis.) Upon the Rock of Ages They raise thy holy tower ; Thine is the victor's laurel, And thine the golden dower. 1913 P.J.K.& s. /O sweet and blessed Country, ) The home of Gods elect! SOLI A 0 sweet .^ blessed Country, 'That eager hearts expect! (bis.) /Jesus, in mercy bring us „,~-,~ /To that dear land of rest; TUTTIs iWho art, with God the Father 'And Spirit, ever blest. 148. <^0 Eev. F.WPABER. Andante. (J =70) O Paradise! (First Setting.) 117 Arr. by Rev. P. J. WADE,O.C.C. I tf j U: n i 'J &E ^ ?M » ^ 1. 0 Par - a-dise! 0 Par - a-dise! Who doth not crave for 2. 0 Par - a-dise! 0 Par - a-dise! 'Tis wear - y wait ing 1—m -m m * 0— % f m m rest?Who would not seek the hap - py land Where they that loved are here; I long to he where Je - sus is, To feel, to see Him fi' 1 ^ . m' m m lU - . *m ^0 m 1-* ■ 0' , *_ PW tffcf Ifff $ m I ^ Si ? CHORUS, f i i k m * blest? near m [Where loy - al hearts and true Stand ev - er in the -i ■ - ' m s r=? ? m 5t ^ tr m ra/L= 5 m 00 0 1 1 3? fr* light, All rap -ture through and through — In Gods most ho - ly sight! h#-F-f P if- E r: p if- a ? 3. 0 Paradise! 0 Paradise! The world is growing old; Who would not be at rest and free Where love is never cold, Where loyal hearts, etc. 4. 0 Paradise! 0 Paradise! Wherefore doth death delay, Bright death, that is the welcome dawn Of our eternal day; Where loyal hearts,etc. 7. 5. 0 Paradise! 0 Paradise! I want to sin no more 1 want to be as pure on earth As on thy spotless shore; Where loyal hearts, etc. 6. 0 Paradise! 0 Paradise! I greatly long to see The special place my dearest Lord Is destining for me; Where loyal hearts, etc. 0 Paradise! 0 Paradise! I feel 'twill not be long ; Patience! I almost think I hear Faint fragments of thy song, Where loyal hearts, etc. 149. 0|B 1913 P. J.K.& S. 118. Heaven, My Home! I. WILLIAMS. Cantabile. (J = 52) J a mfDVO. M. H. X ^|J:^hl:|J:^ 3 :^^s ^ s VOICES. ~ *U * ' w *" 1. Heav'n, niy home,for thee my heart is yearning; No love but thine, no joys but 2. Heav'n is restand hap-pi-ness e-ter-nal; No grief is there , no suffering ORGAN. _ — „ S ± t=* ^^ 5^- s Pr jtf Legato 7 I I |TT^ thine, Cansat-is - fy this heart of mine, With love and long-lng hum - ing. there, But joy and bliss with-out corn-pare, A joy and bliss su-per - nal. & I J $,171 m PFTf -aE-*t- j A pCHOBUS. i^l nrf B i p IS P ^ te jb=* f ♦-^ — # Lord of heav'n, King of peace, When, oh '.when shall I see Thee, •nf f iF-'-r iiff if-fvip: -6 — j j-' j j'ljjjM'p p % p Mr (f/W. 5S f^W f See Thee face to face,- When, oh! when shall I see Thee face to face. 'hF: P: i1^if: F: 'F: j_iu IS F 3. 4. Heaven is peace and light and love and sweetness; Heaven is God,my hearts dear Lord and Saviour Earths sorrows o'er, earths trials o'er, My Jesus sweet, my Saviour blest, Heaven gives us peace forevermore, Oh! haste the day of heavenly rest And love in sweet completeness. That makes me Thine forever. C/R 1913 P.J.K.& S. 150. 0 No More To Sigh, No More To Weep. 119. Kev. FR. CAMPBELL. Lento. (J.= 44* „>/ SOLI. M.K. IHi mm w J^s* f*=f il« *J t 1. No more to sigh, no more to weep,. . The faith-ful dead in Je - sus 2. Though in the grave their clay is cold,.. They have not left the Christian a- — m—a. m i s f cresc. , ¥ ^* S sleep: Un-fad-ing let their mem'ry bloom,Whileresttheir bod-ies in the Fold, Still we are shar- ers of their joy, Com-pan-ions of their blest em- B £=i Ppl s# sM ? t* * (i Its 5 cresc. r\ ^^ srs IT tomb;Nor will their Lord the love dis - trust That strews its garlands oertheir dust._ ploy; And Thee in them ,0 Lord Most High, And them inTheewe magni - fy. Hi l kli i Z?\ m >PF p ipf i J \m magni - iy — T ntf REFRAIN. i H 8 ¥ s -s- f 5=£ riF*T #T Un-to all, O -*• Je - sus blest,_ Grant Thine own e - ter nal rest. ffiii m m pip p i flf n p p ■^ An Angel sings that they are blest, Yes, saith the Spirit, sweet their rest; In bowers of Paradise they meet, Secure beneath their Saviours Feet; Nor fear the trump which soon shall all Before the throne of judgment call 4. 151 In evil days, when earth is old, And faith grows dim, and love is cold. Let Christian footsteps softly tread Where lie beneath the faithful dead; And oft let Faith and Love repair, To gather light and kindling there. C/.R 1918 P.J.K.&S. 0 1^0. Oh, Turn To Jesus, Mother, Turn Rev. F. PABER. Andante. (J = 84) J A I "?/ i 1 i , /ft B. M. J. ^S fe^ ^^ ¥ -* — ~~o — — n ~a — f S — " p n - « — ■ — e? «r i. Oh, turn to Je - sus, Moth - eri turn, And call Him by His ■2. Ah! they have fought a gal - lant fight; In deaths cold arms they §s $rm i i r> fa crese. F*f S a ^ ten- d'rest names; Pray for the ho per - se - vered; And af-ter life's ,/ft fcgi ly souls that burn This hour a - un - cheer-y night The har-bor if M I rail. ■ — - s 1 1 a ^ ? p hour a - mid the clean-sing flames, har - bor of i their rest is neared. m mid the cleans -ing flames, This of their rest is neared, The i md £e m- REFRAIN, (ad libitum) nif espressivo ny espressivo. ~ • ^— z^=— r^// — — p' f flip ,J|J ^|J „Jip ftp piJ J-J'jiJNiJj 0 Ma-ri-a! Ma-ter De - i -fc M w~fr-^* JrUm? Mil 0 Ma-rl-a! O-ra pro e- s 21 ^ B* p They are the children of thy toars; Then hasten, Mother, to their aid In pity think each hour appears An age while glory is delayed. In pains beyond all earthly pains, Favorites of Jesus, there they lie, Letting the fire wear out their stains, And worshipping Gods purity. 0 Mary! let thy Son no more His lingering spouses thus expect- Gods children to their God restore, And to the Spirit His elect. Pray, then, as thou hast ever prayed, Angels and souls, all look to thee; God waits thy prayers, for He hath made Those prayers His law of charity. Q/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 152. o M. B. MARK. Sentinel of the B.S. Moderate (J = 66) Pray For The Dead. 121. I. MULLEK. fcf^'H hn *-~m aa gsazs • ff* S1 I*1 VQ - - - J - > fefctl I ^ fe =f= iipi s = «=±* ly dis - till -tag r tears that have no pain Are tran-quil - ly dis - '{ill -ing, And the dead live a oth - er sweet-ness shines A- round their well known features;God with His glo - ry JjL wtTT r A I'T i 'lu m m 3 mmm ■' -/? , rail. , 7 ~ i j a '^jii 5=^ fr t St gain In hearts that love is fill-ing, In hearts that love is fill- ing. signs His^dear - ly ransomed crea-tures,His dear - ly ran-somed creatures. XJ2 M ^M ^f PI f p^ 3. Yes, they are more our own, Since now they are God's only; And each one that has gone Has left our heart less lonely. He mourns not seasons fled, Who now in Him possesses Treasures of many dead , In their dear Lord's caresses, (bis.) They whom we loved on earth Attract us now in Heaven; Who shared our grief and mirth Back to us now are given, They move with noiseless foot Gravely and sweetly round us And their soft touch hath cut Full many a chain that bound Us. (bis.) Oh dearest dead! to Heaven With grudging sighs we gave you, To Him_be doubts forgiven! Who took you there to save you:_ Now get us grace to love Your memories yet more kindly, Pine for our home above, And trust to God more blindly, (bis.) 155. CJR 1918 P. J.K. &S. 124. Lord' Let Me See Thy Loyely Fa€e- ro.( J =63.) Rev.F.W. TUEACY Andante espressiv J ft , l. i m, M.H. m *i£- cresc- 0 !f ^hv love-lv Face, And let me fl\ ^ 1. Lord, let me see Thy 2. My sins are count- less love-ly Face, And let me fly to as the waves That yon - der rise and ^^ $ & ^ ^ W & g =3= Source they Thee; fall, 01 But w of Life, are bur - 0! ied y w p j f | d=^ i Light, 0! in deep J J Grace, graves Look I've £ H Lf] & W I* S3 ^ kind - ly wept a /3 now on me. Through wear - y ways Ive hove them all. Sweet Je - sus of the ^m i m Mc JS I -=£■ a :a sought Thy Will, Though Sa - cred Heart, My weak and frail was I,- But God, my Lord, my King, From » # 1# PI rail. ~Z , g ^5 t;j I » let me praise Thee, love Thee still, Then glad- ly will I Thy fairThrone 111 nev - er part, To Thee 111 ev - er J- J- die. cling. W ft f £if iiQtf p -£U^ gi: ^ OR 1913 P.J.K.&H. Ye Angels, strike your sweetest lyres! Ye, Virgins, chant your songs! Ye holy Saints, light incense-fires! Rich music, float along! A pilgrim from a far-off shore A brother seeking rest, Now comes to dwell for evermore Upon his Saviour's breast PART TENTH. OUR BLESSED LADY SAINT JOSEPH- HOLY ANGELS . SPECIAL PATRON SAINTS. In the whole Christian world and in the Church of God, there has ever gone up from the hearts and lips of priest and people Mary's praise and Ma- rys glory. The children of her love and her pain have never ceased and will never cease their hymns and songs in memory of her triumphs and her vic- tories over sin in the hearts of men. Elizabeth, in her salutation, had struck the keynote of all Mary's greatness :" Whence is this to me that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?" Upon many women in the history of the world,have great favors and great honors been bestowed. Men have vied with one another in their efforts to praise and glorify them. Naught that eye could see, tongue ask, or imagina- tion conceive has been denied them. The earth's jewels have been laid at their feet, the sea has given up its corals, and the mountains their precious stones, sparkling crowns have been put upon their brows and gemmed sceptres in their hands, but there is no gift in the power of man or of God Himself to bestow, like that implied in the words of Elizabeth: "Whence is this to me that the Moth- er of my Lord should come to me?" Marys Divine Motherhood is the crown of all her spiritual jewels, the key- stone of the arch of all her greatness . To deck our Queen with a brighter gem or higher honor, God would have to make her mother of one greater than Him- self, the Infinite , the Eternal .... And now this exalted Mother speaks to us as we kneel adoring her Son. We hear the sweet music of the voice that spoke to Jesus during His up-growing years ,• the voice which softly lulled Him to sleep in His sand- cradle, and mingled with the winds which blew over the desert; the voice which whisp - ered to Him during the all too short years in Nazareth; the voice which spoke such words of comfort to Him from the foot of the Cross as He hung bleeding" His life away. That voice was sweeter to Jesus' ears than the chants which angels hierarchies send re-echoing from vault to vault of the new Jerusalem. And now we are to hear that voice. . . Seldom has that blessed Mother spoken, but now she will open her lips in a hymn of praise, the words ofwhich shall nev- er die, but shall go ringing down the ages bringing strength and light and peace to the minds and hearts of Christian people. Mary speaks and can we wonder that from her lips fall the words-. "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spir- it, hath rejoiced in God, my Saviour; because He has regarded the humility of His handmaid; for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed?" Let us join in her song of praise and offer it to her Son upon our altars, in fulfilment of our long due debt of thanks for all His favors, as a pledge of our more active gratitude in future, as a solace to His Sacred Heart and wor - thy reparation of Its wrongs . Prom "Under the Sanctuary Lamp.Qlev. John H. O'Rourke,, S.J) -o 111 Sing A Hymn To Mary. Rev.Fr.WYZE. (Mariae Nomen.) , Andante. ( J = 70.) i » „•", 1 1 ji im a 125. B. P. B. y=^ ^^ it r=? r t r r to Ma- ry, The Moth-er of my God, The the Val - ley, 0 Mys - tic Rose what tree Or 1. Ill 2. O sing a hymn Lil - y of r« *' r I f T^r r i ? f r i ft r ' r i ii n^'g W f=rc ^ j. i J J IP 1 ™f pp r r r f r, r^r vir - gins, Of Da- vids roy - al fair - est, Is half so fair as gin of all er een the blood. Oh, thee? Ch, J j , J J^,j-,J. ^ ^, ;!:=M y^cr r r r r r erase. ^ J J J J -Mh F F 'M'r r ' r r r r 'tf^f me, ho - ly me, though so Ma - ry, A lov • low - ly. Re - cite ing song to my Moth - er's frame ; When fame- When J^J'J ,J J J jj. ,1. 'J P p-g-'r r r g r r r c? r love and bless thy name. love and bless thy name. ed men bias ed men bias pheme thee. To pheme thee, To r r r ' F£rr r if r f r i r i 3. When troubles dark afflict me, In sorrow and in care, Thy light doth ever guide me, 0 beauteous Morning Star! So fll be ever ready Thy goodly help to claim-. When wicked men blaspheme thee 111 love and bless thy name. And now, 0 Virgin Mary, My Mother and my Queen, I've sung thy praise, so bless me And keep my heart from sin. When others jeer and mock thee, 111 often think how I To shield my Mother, Mary, Would lay me down and die . 159. C ft 1913 P.J.K.& S. l^O. Look Down, O Mother Mary. S.ALPHONSUS. Tr. Rev. E .VAUGHAN, C . S S. R. ,, Moderator J = 80.) *\D Arr. by Rev. P. J . WADE , U. C . C. J '//' * *E 35 1. Look down, 0 Moth-er Ma - ry, From thy bright throne a - hove-. Cast 2. See how un-grate-ful sin-ners We stand be - fore thy Son: His m fcM rn r '""' ¥3 3=^ ■O- i jr^Tj-rr^=? S r^r r r r-i — •" r r r down up - on thy chil - dren One on - ly glance of love H lov M ing Heart re - proach- es The e vil we have done And But Fg* f § * if a heart so ten - der if thou wilt ap - pease Him With pit - y flows not o'er. Then Speak for us but one word; Thy y^t r t l—l M r— f m -i rail.- r^-r J r rr turn plead a - ing way, can 0 ob - Moth tain er, And us The look on par- don us of no our gjj -u^Jti I ^ w more. Lord. — (»-- 5^ 3. 0 Mary, dearest Mother, If thou wouldst have us live, Say that we are thy children. And Jesus will forgive. Our sins make us unworthy, That title still to bear, But thou art still our Mother; Then show a mothers care. 4. Unfold to us thy mantle, There stay we without fear What evil can befall us, If, Mother, thou art near? 0 kindest, dearest Mother, Thy sinful children save; Look down on us with pity, Who thy protection crave. C/R imi3 P. J. K. & S. 160. V ¥„ My Own Dear Mother Mary. Andante. (J. 84.) CHORUS. - 127 B.A. \f\7 1. My own dear Moth - er Ma- ry, Oh, list, while I re- peat. In E ly own dear Moth - er Ma- ry, Oh, list, while I re- peat, 2. The c'her - u - bim are prais-ing Thy beau-ty and thy grace, And I . 5 #• ^ V ^nr f *F r^ US? i pi IT child -like lov-ing ac- cents, Thy name, O Ma - ry sweet! heav^i is all il - lu -mined And rav - ished with thy face! -3- Soli. 4 4 ii'J * i i 1 i=* With - in my heart it Dear Moth - er I am ? 1 1'^ 0 ' 0 0 77 * wa - kens Such ten- der thoughts and blest, My wear - y Of dai - ly strife with sin, Oh! Uij4 Hi i j i J' s^ soul this world for be with an -- gels sak - ing, Be - fore thy throne would rest ; near me, That I the prize may winj ? r f r f i—i-H m REFRAIN. Tutti. i i i J f s Thy name, O Motli er Ma - ry, Thy name, O Moth - er J J 'J ■ J «f — *- P I *=r I — ? erdsc i -| , | i-i^IL rtb t ¥ * '3. ' *=* ^ Ma - rv, is mu - sic to my soul, is mu - sic to my soul. f^rrr: Tif f^pfppi 161. C|R 1913 P. J.K.&S, 128 The Gate Of Heaven Words S. N. P. i a a Lento. So /». i (Janua Coeli.) 9 Melody S. N. D. J j F rJ i J J J 3E l. Queen and Moth - er ! ma - ny hearts Cast themselves be - fore thy throne, I. We have pledged our - selvesto fight In the hat - ties of thy Son, 5P I W*§ ^ ##^ r—r But we call our - selvesby right We would pass by thee to Him Ver-y spe - cial - ly thine own When the dust- y fight is wen. m rr f ripr i| m j irr r ^•Chorus. , f j '. j j~j i ,i j -J j 1 1 j i J — i++4^ r^± $8 j n ^u j j j i J^ Oh, then be to each one Be to all en - list-ed 1N here The 'Gate of Beam, 0 Moth-er dear, here The '"Gate ofHeatfn]'' 0 Moth-er dear, 9 m 1 f^» »p r M I >\r 1 "f ft j t j J | J J / r«H. pp si Oh, then be to each one Be to all en - list-ed * f * i |» j. here The Gate ofHeavn,0 Mother dear, here The Gate ofHeavri] 0 Mother dear. 9 mmm 3. Other hearts this home have loved Other feet its floors have trod; One and all, oh! let them in To the City of our God. Be to all who entered here The "Gate of 'Heaven,'* O Mother dear. 5. Thou unto the King of Kings Wert a Gate to earth and us. We must go to Christ thro' thee, We can reach Him only thus. Oh, be thou to each one. here The ''Gate of Heaven," 0 Mother dear. ' bis S ( bis And we too must pass away, Others then shall take our place, Kneel around thine image fair, Look into thine up- turned face. Be to all who enter here The "Gate of Heaven,'' O Mother dear. ! 6. When the midnight cry is heard, Do not let us be too late, Do not let thy children call, "Open, open, Lord, Thy Gate," But, because we loved thee here ■ . Let us in, O Mother dear. °ls 162. I bis Hail! Virgin Of Virgins Moderate! J. - 80.) J 6 t »V I fefci 129. L MULLER. u & r * 1. Hail! Vir - gin of 2. Let all sing of vir- gins! Thy prais - es we sing, Thy Ma - ry, Thp mys - ti - cal Rod, The >>n? iff f if fff if f J^- ii J j j Jlj m 0 Z. a J 1 r v *^ '4 * r throne is in heav-en,Thy Son is its King^The saints and the angels-, Thy mir-ror of jus-tice,The Hand-maid of God. Let val - ley and mountain U 'r't tLntt p f f ih'r'ij Jf=yJ4 H*^ ^ i*i ty?//. W ^ glo - ry pro -claim; All na-tions de - vout-ly, Bow down at thy name, nite in her praise, The sea with its wa-ters. The sun with its rays. J J ■ r. U3 p^in T Let souls that are holy. Still holier be. To sing with the angels, 0 Mary, of thee. Let all who are sinners. To virtue return-, That hearts without number, With thy love may burn. 4. Thy Name is our power, Thy love is our light ; We praise thee at morning, At noon and at night. We thank thee. we bless thee, When happy and free; When tempted by Satan We call upon thee. Oh. be thou our Mother, And pray to the Lord, That aU may acknowledge And follow His word. That just men with courage May walk in His ways, And sinners converted May join in His praise. 163. CR1913P-J.K.&S. 130. »* Maestoso. (J= 50.) / CHOBUS. No Stain In Thee! (Inviolata Integra.) V Rev. F. L. L. m \- \\r- * irf i* fi»uu.i i^ VOICES. No stain in thee! No stain in thee! 0 Vir - gin Queen a iii p^3: k- I m k a • -a & ORGAN. / m$ m • ■: Si #-= # f*-^* j'"' i1. ^ij jiQfmmi 1u bove! 0 Vir-gin Queena - bove! Thou art the spotless Dove; Im-mac-u - <#■#£ i fef3^ S§** 133 0 S 9 f I ltf» TtfjTff gjg J. J> ^S PPPP j^' 'J I J ) ^ I J: ^ j / late thou i i ot- art; Most glad - ly we pro - claim thy — ±±^ mm // m$ ^ 3?: ^ -P— f— f- jg g tj|» 164. ff Firma voce S, L ==— J J I- 1 1 Mil, pp Con amove. END. mm -& -0- - - I \ Y - -w -&■' sweet and ho-ly name_ No stain in thee!_ No stain in thee! piprt m f^S£ f-flJj 'IJ J II Firma voce .'*/ JJ'P a ■ a: * Cow amore. END. a ?«/" -5'CZ/. (Unison.) 5=5 B 1 ¥ * * 1. Who can with thee com - pare? O — Vir - gin chaste and pure! lb 2. In love, in hope, ap - pear. The child -ren of thy pain, And H s m I i^ -«- ^T gj ^^ 3f=3=} & m ? u mm £ * 3 £ *• * P^ thee we all re -pair, As to our ha - ven sure ;ThoughQueenof realms a call on thee to clear,Their souls from loath-some stain, To thee the chant of m s i fe is i iafc -6- azzza j=g *-^» r — r /W J JJ..J i IT 1 it , '/ &JS taia ^.C. pp^l £ hove, Thou hast a mothers love, Our prayr and praises, Moth-er, hear praise, In grateful accents raise, Our prayr and praises, Moth-er, hear 165. 131 Pg Mother, Mary, Queen Most Sweet. (Holy Name Of Mary.) Moderate (J z 80) rt\f B. M. J. H^ J gu ju imm t ? 1. Moth - er, Ma - ry, Queenmost sweet! Joy and love my heart in -flame; 2. When the morn-ing gilds the skies, I will call on Ma - ry's name; 5 tV., g % Eg ; p i rr it nr i a ji'inn pi s I r s Glad - ly shall my lips re - peat Ev - 'ry mo-ment thy dear name, When at even-ing twi-li^ht dies ; Ma - ry, still will I ex - claim. p i / i J id ju « 3 1*1 s Ah! that name, to God so dear, Has my heart and soul en -slaved; Sweet - est Ma - ry, bend thine ear, Thou my own dear Moth-er art; y -1 JL^ ♦ ■* ♦ • • ♦ -*■ ■ i it f if tihf t if f t f '■ j r i j < 5 w/ 5ij iijjij ii ^ Like a seal it shall ap-pear, Deep on heart and soul en -graved. There -fore shall thy name so dear, Nev-er from my lips de - part. > - J- HHP I 1 « 3. CK 1913 P. J.K.&S. When the demon hosts invade,— When temptation rages high, Crying "Mary, Mother, aid;1 I will make the tempter fly. This shall be my comfort sweet, When the hand of death is nigh, 'Mary! Mary! "to repeat Once againrand then, to die. 166. B M. When From Gods High Throne Divine. (Annunciation.) Allegretto.(J= 84.) mf CHOBCS. fcjsj 132. I. MULLER. r m IEJES =3 + — # 0 & 1. When from Gods high throne di-vine, Sped the an-gel of the Lord, 2. Meek - ly spoke the maid - en mild, Made her low-ly an-swer blest, P— * a^g i NM^ s- #fepj^ I 7* ? i Ma - ry straight be - came the shrine And the Moth - er of the Word. "I am God's poor serv - ing- child, With no will save Gods be-hest.'1 m m-t * i_J > ♦ A ' I *\ urn REFRAIN. mm r=^=\\ rail. a: Pf P=K iffl A-veMa-rl - a! Gratia ple-na, A - ve, A - ve Ma-ri m a — =g fHTiT P^JL-r^F i a a! E ,f r*.fb .,. ^ F Then God wrought a wondrous deed, Fashioned to Himself our clay, Taking of our sins no heed, In our midst He deigned to stay. Refrain. Ave, etc. 4. Mary, by thy holy prayer, By thy spotless motherhood, Gain for us that we may share What Christ promised for our good. Refrain. Ave, etc. 167. OR 1913 PJ.K.AS. 133. Whither Thus, In Holy Rapture? Tr Rev e CASWALL ^uo sanctus ardor te rap it.) Cantabile.(J:80.) (Visitation.) S KMT-CHORUS. ->o F. M. i=U » k £ i ^ E 9 1. Whith-er thus, In ho - ly rap - ture, Roy - al Maid -en, art thou 2. Lolthine a- gedcou-sin claims thee, Claims thy sym-pa-thy and 5 m i (f'lf ff I 1,'rl'Y \ iJf I E * mf S 1 M^^'U J,J JP* Dent?Why so fleet - ly art thou speeding Up the moun-tains rough as-cent? care ; God her shame from her hath tak - en ; He hath heard her for . vent pray i . pH^P? frthf i p pif^ i mf CHORUS 5 i s i Fill'd with the E - ter-nal Bless- ed moth-ers! joy-ful r I'-'f mm f J irlf f'Hir l God - head! Glow- hr* with the Spir -it's meet - ing! Thou in her, the hand of / k £ fi^^ rail. flame! Love it Is that bears thee on-ward, And sup -ports thy tender frame God, She in theewith lips in - spir - ed , Owns the moth - er of her Lord. J * *■ * *- *- ■£- *+*> £:' £: I'M f ft |f f f fjj| « 5^- .y^j/7- CHORUS CHORUS. C/B1913 P.J. K.&S. ■ 3- As the sun, his face concealing, In a cloud withdraws from sight, So In Mary then lay hidden He who is the worlds true light. /Honor, glory, virtue, merit, *Be to Thee, 0 Virgins Son! iWith the Father and the Spirit 'While eternal ages run. 168. o Rev.Fr. FABER. njf Joy! Joy! The Mother Comes. (Purification of the B.V.M.) 134. A.C.H k M mmm £ 1. Joy'. Joy! the Moth-er comes, And in her arms she brings The 2 Saint Jo-seph fol -lows near, In rap-ture lost and love, While % SEE 9-*- ,»'f I i J 'J: i S^ Light of all the world, an -gels round a - bout, The Christ,theKing of kings; In glow-ing cir-cles move; I \i j And And ' J m P i," f ■ J i j i ,1 'Ml bj=J >/ s- in her heart the while, o'er the Moth-er broods, All si ■ The ev lent - ly she sings, And - er _ last - ing Dove , And 9 _ f 9^ in ' I I '"'l I in her heart the while , o'er the Moth - er broods, J J- J. All si -lent, ly she_ The ev _ er - last _ ing_ sings. Dove . i ii m E P^i There in the temple court, Old Simeons heart beats high, And Anna feeds her soul With food of prophecy, But seelthe shadows pass The worlds true light draws nigh/iis) 4. O Infant God! O Christ ! O Light most beautiful! Thou'comest Joy of joysi All darkness to annul, And brightest lights of earth Beside thy lights are dull. (bis) Ah'.uith what thrills of awe The Mothers heart is teeming, To think the new-born Light, That o'er the world is streaming, At His own Mother's hands Should stoop to need redeeming.^*.?) 6. Then to that Mother now All rightful worship be! For thou hast ransomed Him Who first did ransom thee: Oh,with thy Mother's tongue Pray Him to ransom me! (bis) 9. 135. Oh, What Deep Woes. „ . . .« , I . Harm, by CARL HAUSER. Cantabile (J = eo) n t ?///' ; ^ f ' ^ j - j; j' i j at i ^ j- ti^pii Cross her on - ly born, To the Cross her on - ly born, pains and thus re - viled? In such pains and thus re - viled? SB I p et 5 5^ s F=? T T 7 Oh, how shaded, pale and faded 1^ thy count'nance, once so bright! ''All Thy limbs are torn and wounded, Stained with blood 0! rueful sight!" See the cold and lifeless body Hanging on the tree of scorn; See the Mother racked with anguish, At the sight of her first-born. 4. Oh, what deep woes and what sorrows, Oh, what grief on her were poured' With what pain and hearts affliction Stood the Mother of the Lord. Come to worship, come to hondr, Come, His corpse with tears to bathe, Thank Him love Him, and adore Him, Make your hearts to be His grave. 170. b O Mother Most Afflicted! (Compassion of Our Lady.) 136. Doloroso. (J = 58) U Soli, mf M.H. S " r 1 d f ^ s H |j j pp\A I 1. O Moth-er! most af - flict-ed, Stand -ing be-neaththat_ tree. Where 2. Thy heart is well - nigh break- ing, Thy Je- sus thus to see, De - >)•• »«n» fei g^g #=fc i ? ^ ^T^ t= v-v ^fe s ^ I B " .A d ?*=* S Je - sus hangs re - ject - ed On the hill of Cal - va rid- ed, wound - ed,_ dy - ing, In great-est ag - o 0 g. ny- p#fef £ 3 i CHORUS, mf % a tfs =■=•= ^ — — r — £r~ O Ma - rv'. sweet- est_ Moth -0 0- :hee; Oh} IS m er,We love to pit - y J ! u ir u Lrgyi g j [j p^ i I , ^oco rail. izO: i * * ^p *^^ j r 'M p -*nr f ■^ §B for the sake of _ Je - sus Let us thychil-ldren be, Let usthychil-dren be. * ^2 mldi n ^c * His livid Form is bleeding, His soul with sorrow wrung, Whilst thou, afflicted Mother, Shar'st the torments of thy Son 0 Mary! Queen of Martyrs, The sword: has pierced thy heart, Obtain for us of Jesus In thy grief to bear a part. 0 dear and loving Mother! Entreat that we may be, rs'ear tp thee and thy dear Jesus, Now and eternally. 171. C|B 1913 P. J.K.& S. 137 Sing-, Sing-, Ye Ang-el Bands. 'X) Rev.FR.FABER. ^ Aiidantino.(J :88.) ^mt J J ^ ' rj M.H. J fef=^ 1. Sing, sing, ye an - gel 2. A ran* - er flowTthan bands, All beau - ti - she, On earth hath ful and nev - er bright! For been; And. m g J i J J lJ, jJ i * ¥ ^ high er still, and high - er, Through fields of star - rv light, save the throne of God,_ Your heav'ns have nev - er seen Ma A i ^ J J i 'KM j Jim f^r ry, your Queen as won-der half so eends, Like the sweet moon at bright As your as - cend - ing m ?=a »\f\ m pcco rail s cends, Like bright As ~~ 0 0 ry, your Queen won - der half as m m the sweet moon at night. your as - cend - ing Queen. O happy angels Jook, How beautiful she is! See! Jesus bears her up, Her hand is locked in His; Oh, who can tell the height )(fas) Of that fair Mother's bliss? ) ° 4. Aid shall I lose thee then, Lose my sweet right to thee? Ah, no! the angels' Queen Man's mother still will be-, And thou upon thy throne, )/^t-6\ Wilt keep thy love for me. j On through the countless stars Proceeds the grand array ; And love divine comes forth To light her on her way, Through the short gloom of night)/, . s Into celestial day. ) ' 6. On, then, dear pageant, on! Sweet music breathes around; And love, like dew, distills On hearts in rapture bound; The Queen of heaven goes up ) /fos\ To be proclaimed and crowned. ] /B 1913 P. J. K. & s. 172. Maria Salve! S. H. MESSENGER* Rev. Fr. P. J. CORMICAJSOS. J. Andante religiose). (J : 69.) 138. I. MULLER. II k 4 j> B-htir- 1 ~1fm^ e Wnose love Is un - con Our cham - plon in the ,1 Moth 2. Thou art er sweet and kind, the balm of life, ^ i r r "F "F Jf * nf T f=p a, sal a, sal ve! And there -fore it is wise, O Queen of par - a - meet To hon - or thee and ^r i jMf ? i i ^ f r=f ^# *»/ rail. *-** Ij; * I' ^5 dise, greet, Ma - Ma - ri - a, sal ri - a, sal ve! ve! Ma Ma ri - a, sal ri - a, sal ve! ve! vh p: > f if Tf if i f i], | p: \t: i ii A hundred times a day I mention thee and say : Maria , salve ! Maria , salve ! T run at every hour To seek thy shielding power; Maria, salve! Maria, salve! 4. 0 Mary, tender Maid, Send help down to mine aid, Maria, salve! Maria salve! And let thy Babe Divine Be mine as well as thine, Maria, salve! Maria, salve! * An omission has been made in the wording C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 173; 139. I.WILLIAMS. J f\ I CHORUS. ^ O Maiden! Mother Mild ! (Regina Christianoram.) B. F. R. I % s-1- 0 Maid - en, Moth - er mild! Be - hold thy trust - ing S X mm ^- 1 + F f f I gpe s ^ »y JiJ J J -I I f=» s child, Be-fore thee kneels in sup-pli- ca - tion-, Di - rect me lest I _« » ^ P 0 J 0 , 0 F ^^ 5/ raft. £ END. S ^: » m\ f ^F stray, In de-vious paths a - way, Thon art my help, my sal - va - tion. J* §1PI i \t r -f e'j . _ » _ i- r .r^e ft > pa mf SOLO. m *-h-^ 1. The an-gels a- rose in their pride. Re-fus- ing their God to o - hey;They 2. The serpent in E- dens fair vale, His work of de- struc-tionbe-gan;His ^m z: W^E- FT i m rail. D.C. r f 3=* seeknowo'er earth far and wide, To drawsouls be- neath Sa-tans sway, headthoudidstcrushneaththy heel. And so brought re- demp-tion to man. 1 '»AHi CJ 0 pip m C/R.lyl3 P.J.K.& S. In all times and ages thou'lt be, Of Christians the help and the guide-, Keep me close to Jesus and thee, In safety and peace to abide. 174. Sweet Mother. I Implore. 14Q A:". * . " • B. M. J. » «- \ ?=* s Mi I * r r r- 1 • Sweet Moth-er I im-plore. Oh. take this heart of mine:_ It flies to thee for -• My BOuldoOiboniiii n 0 Queen. I fond-ly gaze_Up-on thy-- - - ^^ LA m * >> f i t ».> r rest, thru art its ha -ven sme; I crave no more for earth, its joys the things I meek, fh -ly face: Thou art so fair, so sweet. 0 Qoeenlni-nae -u - 1 g $00000 0 ' 0 0- • • ' ■* i . time:_ I long to he with thee. 0 maid- en. Moth- er pare " _ Up - on thy al - tar - throne, Sre. my poor heart I place. . — t * t . — *- ^ m i REFRAIX. Con an L K i ■ • m • > >t' '•# f P 0 » m — . »= w w 0-0 00 0 m- Thou "•".. . ~ pot-less Moth - er'. Sweet Ha-rj t, rndi -vine '._ Oh. deign to hear my ^m rz-t »■ ■ ~f — ~ i — i t A vi take Oris ti )f mine J *• #- 1 — ^ — # » — 0 0h-. 0- prayer. And takethsheartof mine. — • • • • 0~. — *T — r 9 — 0 — ~m ■ m And take, and take tL- I :" mine._ !s3= "'% ^l 0-0 I 3 To-day the foe may strive to get me for his own. My weakness thou hast seen, fold me in thy embrace.- Oh! deign to hold and hide mv heart within thy clasp , - guarded. Mother fair, n SI lose Gods grace. _:. K5. cs ista PJLK & s. 141 Mother All Beautiful. M.S. FINE " (Communion Hymn.) Cantabile Grazioso.( J = 92) m o Rev. F F. M m i % day. weak, l.Moth 2. He er is an all beau - ti ho - ly ful, and hear us we are to so si i *=£ f^ i I S pa F Lead us xny - ielf to the Veil - ing our fac - es His * — al - tar, pres - ence we we Pray; seek •, S P i I & -«• ^ O'er Yet us He thy is man call tie ing of and pu - ri - ty win - ning us pl'-^e, so, ?l ^ m $ m m rail. { i I i 2 Je ■ Hold sus ing is thy com - mg hand to to flood _ us the _ al - tar with we s ^ grace, go. fe^ P f ^5 • 3. 4. Thou art His Mother , He gave us to thee, Hover still near while He stays in our breast Wounded and dying on Calvary's Tree; Thanksgiving make to our glorious Guest-, Mother from birth to His life's dark eclipse, Pour His sweet rivers of Blood o'er our soul, Lay Him thyself or our tremulous lips. Show us His Beauty. His virtues unroll. OR 1913 P.J.K.&S, Mother all loving, we know thou wilt hear; Clad in His glory and strength, can we fear? Hope is triumphant! With Jesus and thee Angels in wonder our happiness see. 176. 142 Mother Of Mercy! Rev.FK.FABEB. (Mater misericordiae.) Moderato/J = 92) %inf CHORUS, i , J==^l \ \ j J.J 1 iJ.M. J. pill a=zg w ^F5 Moth-er of mer-cy, day by day, My love of thee grows *. A A more and more; Tliy gifts are strewn up - on my way Like sands up £* p- \ c r i t i p p p J J 9^- w f'l I Ifl'il rl^ on the great sea- shore, Like sands u rail END f ^=t m great sea- shore, Like sands up the great sea - shore, i^P? ^ 5^" tfflftL T»# i^S £ ^ g~^1 r {f f ^ " ' - * - f 1. Thc?pov - er - ty and work and woo The mast -ers of my life may be, 2. But scorn-ful men have cold - iy said Thvlove was lead- big me from God; S 1 §E=t I Wf &■•- 4e cyi ■feS % ¥ f tf f J m When times are worst, who does not know Dark-ness is light, with love of thee? And yet in this I did but tread The ver-y path my Sav-iour trod. m t=% E^ 5^- Tliey know but little of thy worth Who speak these heartless words tome For what did Jesus love on earth One half so tenderly as thee? 5. Get me the grace to love thee more$ . Jesus will give, if thou wilt plead-, And, Mother! when life's cares are o'er. Oh! I shall love thee then indeed. Jesus, when His three hours were run, Bequeathed thee from the cross to me; And oh! how can I love thy Son, Sweet Mother! if I love not thee? 177. O/R 1913 P.J.K. & S. 143. Hail Virgin, Dearest Mary! .(J. Allegro moderate (J = 66.) mf CHOJiUS. Adapted from Rev. L.L. 5 5 f IE £ 3=^ ^m s fit *=f i i t i Hail, Vir- gin, dear-est Ma- ryl Our love- ly Queen of May. 0 ,.n?if, if ef e • i • — • — » i» — w- 5 ^ F h s i Fine. B S 3 fe *=f f=f * rqr r si spot- less, bless - ed La- dy, Our love - ly Queen of May $ S i F r^ ~r r P h 6V;//'. erase ~~^r=— ■ 1. Thy chil-dren, hum - bly bend - ing, Sur - round thy shrine, so 2. Gle - holdearthsblos- soms spring- ing In beau - teous form and mm ;> . j ^ j^ 2i * * *P3 S ^ f^ff^^ld ^^# a~~m: dear; With heart and voice as - cend- ing.SweetMa - ry, hear our prayer. hue; All na ture glad ly bringing Her sweet-est c-harmsto you. m iEM & *■■ -*■ * t. /^ # *r, m m ?3E £ X. Well gather fresh, bright flowers. To bind our fair Queens brow-. From gay and verdant bowers, We haste to crown thee now. C/R 1913 PU.K.& S. l78- And now. our blessed Mother, Smile on our festal day. Accept our wreath of flowers. And be our Queen of Nay. All Hail, Sweet Queen Of The May! I.WILLIAMS. Aiidantino.C J = 84.) >nf Soli. 144 B. M. J. j J N m f Queen of the stain is in r 1. All ^. All ^m hail, dear - est Ma - ry, Sweet hail, dear- est Ma - ry, No £ f ft I S m & f ^ May; Our hearts fond-est greet- ings, We thee-, Dear Moth - er of Je - sus, Be -a l give thee this day. Moth - er to me. mm 4^ f- j- / CHORUS. IP" the All hail, all hail, sweet Queen of m ^m j. r r r & # ra//. ^ » May! All hail, all hail, sweet Queen of the 42. May! I 3. In grief and temptation, In joy or in pain, We'll seek thee, our Mother, Nor seek thee in vain . 4. All hail, dearest Mary, Hail Virgin all fair, We claim thy protection, Thy love and thy care . 179. C;R 1913 P.J.K. &S. 145. Rev. Fr. FABER. mf Soli. Daily, Daily, Sing- To Mary. O Traditional Melody. f\ a mj aoix. mm -6 6 -© — cr dai - ly , sing 2. She is mighty to ^=m^m f de -6- -&*■ iii ^^^^^^m-^fff F -*V ~CT Ma-ry,Sing,my souiher praises due; liy-er,' Call her, trust her lov-ing - ly; o_ it J- J. I J t|'j:J I J:^ irf 8C=8J Ail* her feasts,herao-tions When the tempest ra-ges «P J=^> ■£ -£ V- i* I £ T> wor-shipWiththe heart's de-vo-tion true, 'round thee She will calm thetroubled sea. :& £ * — r. 5- n > 7 CHORUS. m jmj jj.h'kpjj i,j j.m> 3T Lost in won d ringcon-tem • Gifts of heav-en she has pla-tion, Be her giv-en, No-ble nrriflYr irtifcp maj-es -ty con La-dy, to our 42. J, o fessed race; -e»- P m k * — ■ — ' — c> £ f & Call her Moth-er, callher Vir-gin,Hap-py Moth-er,Vir-gin blest. She, the Queenwhodecksher sub-jects With the light of Gods own grace A* S[ ###! F £ ? 3. Sing, my tongue, the Virgins trophies, Who for us, her Maker bore; For the curse of old inflicted, Peace and blessing to restore; Sing in songs of praise unending, Sing the world's majestic Queen; Weary not, nor faint in telling All the gifts she gives to men. C\R. 1913 P. J. K. AS. 180. 4. All my senses, heart affections, Strive to sound her glory forth; Spread abroad the sweet memorials Of the Virgin's priceless worth. Where the voice of music thrilling, Where the tongue of eloquence, That can utter hymns beseeming All her matchless excellence? *** Cantabile.(J- 76) Soli vif\ fAJtH She Is Our Mother! k 146. M.H. 5 i JN Jj J s 1. She is our Moth - er! How deep the love with - in my breast; Cold 2. She is our Moth - er! When e'er I hum - bly kneel in pray r, Be - m.r f t X V s * 2 * Ppl 2W/*: PfH * words will ev-er fail to tell. But may my life e'er be so blest, Each fore her al- tar's ho - ly shrine Peace ev-er-smil-ing meets me there; And K PpPP ^ x r g ir cf ^ s ^ N^=£ Pi fefe ^r f f S£ -* w act shall say I love her well, And in this love 111 ev - er rest, For oh! what tran-quil bliss is mine, How tender is her watch- ful care! For t Espressivo mm Jit rail i. % f5? our Moth - er, For Ma- ry is our Moth our Moth- er, For Ma-ry is our Moth r Ma-ry is Ma - ry is er. er. EE imM t ¥- £ v- ~) &ne is our Mother! Upon her blessed name I call When sin is darkly hov'ring near, She is my strength when doubts appall; My solace in my wand'rings here, She is my light, my hope, my all,_ For Mary is our Mother For Mary is our Mother! 181. She is our Mother! When on my brow death's seal is set, And earthly hopes before him fly^ She will not then her child forget, — Her name will form my parting sigh._ My Mother! I will love her yet, Oh! Mary is our Mother, Oh! Mary is our Mother! C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 147 Glorious Mother! Andantino con espressione.( J = 104.) mf Soli. Adapted from MOZART. l1'. a J J 1 J— tr-t v\, j & i 1 1 J I ;j ^y I 3 1. Glo-rious Moth-er! fromhighheav-en, Down up- on thy chil-dren gaze, 2. Earth is dark-some, we are wear-y, Sa - tan set-teth snares for all; wm p 2C :e :sz: x I ?/// I crese *^ UpSI S * 2 S Gath-ered in thy own loved sea- son, Thee to bless and thee to praise. Pray for ns, 0 ten-der Ma-ry! Pray to Je - sus, lest we fall. t sM JS s p £ E ¥ Irf: REFHAIlf.tHtti. m m& s s 1 1 1 tj ma f'. a 0 . »"~^^ . g 0 . a 0 9 . q % 2: S2= p\ >) 4 rail m £ ral ^3 Ei^i grace, as pure_as they, Grow, by grace, as pure as X ey. m m a: pc 3- Raise thy voice for us to Jesus, In this blessed month of thine ; Raise thy pure hands up to bless us, As we linger round thy shrine. 4. Many call upon thee, Mother! Some in manhood, strong in youth-, Some in age, in tender childhood, All in loving faith and truth. C|R 1913 P. J.K.& S. Bless, ohl bless us, now and ever, Thou who once the dark earth trod, And when dying, waft our spirits To the bosom of our God. 182. [

lli> | Ihfcr'l lrr!'4=CJ The angels answer with their songs, Bright choirs in .gleaming rows; And saints flock round thy foot in throngs, And heaven with bliss o erf lows 4. Conceived, conceived immaculate! Oh. what a joy for thee! Conceived, conceived immaculate! Oh, greater joy for me! It is this thought to-day that lifts My happy heart to heaven. That for our sakos thy choicest gifts To thee, dear Queen, were given. 183. C|R 1913 P.J.K.& S. 149. Hail, O Star Of Ocean! (Ave Maris Stella. ) Andante. (J: 80) u mf CHORUS. mft FRENCH MELODY J J J iT ■ 35 W^ Hail, 0 Star of M 0 - cean, XL God's own Moth - er blest. n. t j J irJ rail. i Fine. f= Gate of heav-nly rest. Ev gel?* er sin - less Vir - gin, fan! 2L 8. 1 — f SoliEspressixo % mmm pi Which from Ga briel came, Make our blind-ness day, 1. Tak - ing that sweet A - ve 2. Break the sin - ners' fet - ters, 9* m f m p^ f rail. V.O. —v in us, from us , " f r Chang- ing E - va's name. For all bless -ings pray. Peace con - firm with Chase all e - vil *& m ^ Show thyself a Mother, May the Word Divine Born for us thine Infant, Hear our pray'rs through thine. 5. Keep our life all spotless Make our way securt Till we find in Jesus, Joy for evermore. 4. Virgin all excelling, Mildest of the mild , Free from guilt preserve us. Meek and undefiled. 6. Praise to God the Father, Honor to the Son, In the Holy Spirit Be the £ory one- c/R!913 RJ.K.&S. 184. c Maiden Mother, Meek And Mild. 150. # * # Old Prose Melody. S * I i' H im^ Pl *=* 1. Maid -en Moth- er, meek and mild, Take, oh, take me 2. Teach me, when the sun-beam bright, Calls me with its ^-M i< It-*1 I f' \ E I J> j i i j._j> j> j» j j ^ for thy child, gold-en light, All my life, oh, let it be My How my wak- ingthoughtsmay be Turnd Pppi 1mm s ? f E^5 i1 j | i j ' j 4> J1 j ji best joy to think of thee, to Je - sus and to thee, Vir - go Ma - Vir - go Ma - #^ ppp ri - a! ri - a! £1 I1 [\ i '' 'i T 3. Teach me also through the day Oft to raise my heart and say? "Maiden Mother, meek and mild, Guard,oh, guard thy faithful child! Virgo Maria!" When my eyes are closed in sleep, Through the night my slumbers keep, Make my latest thought to be Hew to love thy Son and thee, Virgo Maria! Thus, sweet Mother, day and night Thou shalt guard my steps aright; And my dying words shall be: "Virgin Mother,pray for me! Virgo Maria!" 185. C./r. 1913 P. J.K. & S. 151. Mother Of God! My Life, My Hope, My Treasure. *** (first tune) Aiidante sostenuto.d - 48.) "if U.M.J. r=» m i ** 3E « m l.Moth - cr of God! my life, my hope, my treasure, I juk on thy 2. Moth - er of God! my child-hood days ca - ress-ing, tf'ond - ly thy PPPB s J- i ' i i i i U f child, and hear me from a - bove-, Moth - er of hands my steps have home- ward led- Moth - cr of « God! what God! each f. P ^ -&• ^ ■ — & ///// * 5 *i joy, what un - told pleas-ure, Thrills thro' the soul that thinks on all thy love, mo -ment counts a blessing, Which o'er my soul thy watchful love has shed. mmm 4=j & ■- -&• ■— % ^ RKFRAIN. ) A gtfLarghette.'eU'44,'i m ^WTtj^ti:: 1=*EE=£e s Mother of Je-sus! Moth- er most fair! Show to thy chil-dren a mothers love and ^m" j care, Show to thy children a mother's love and earej A mothers love and care. m 4. Angels of Heavh! in choirs sublime adoring, Motherof God! if o'er my heart forgetting, Markthismy vow in Heav'ris bright sphere above; Thy love unceashig that has guarded me, Mother of God! my grateful heart's outpouring Mother of God! 0,then may deep regretting; Is plcdgU. to thee in everlasting love. Recall my soid to love of God and thee. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 186. Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest, 152. M.II. Semplice. (J : 80) J A U »{f i I tptrrjj^f^m «=■ "* -» 'T V ^W- l.Moth-er dear- est, Moth- er fair- est, Help of all who call on thee, 2. La - dy, help in pain and sor-row,Soothethoserack'don heds of pain: & r[i|, Jijf ir firing 0 m 3'J JU:W4< rj|j n 4- 15 r^-f Vir-gin pur - est, hright-est,rar-est, Help us, help, we cry to May the gold- en light of mor-row, Bringthem health and joy a ~~a — thee. gain. get rp> b ■!- h t r J Hff4f-I |H CHORUS. ^-~^ zz==— cresc. ^ *=t * * * r Ma- ry, help us, help, we pray,- — Ma- ry, help us, help, we pray,- r^r & m . 0 wm m 5 ■=* • — 0 *4 U'i^'ij j« : rail. BHHH *- ■ r * * r t Help us in all care and sor-row, Ma- ry, help us, help, we pray. *hh*— ? m . 0 NS^Nl m 9-9-9 Help our priests, our virgins holy, Help our Pope, long may he reign; Pray that we who sing thy praises May in Heaven all meet again. 187. Cfi 1913 E J. K. & S. 153. Mary) Dearest Mother ! ~v*> nev.Fr. Faber. Adagio Religioso. p Soli. I- -. 63 5 w^^4 i M.H. *EE£ f 1. Ma - ry!dear- est Moth-er! 2. Ma - ry ! Queen and Moth - er ! From thy heavn-ly Get us still more height , grace, a I ■n j i< \n dim fsrf Look With on still m i us , thy great - er chil fer dren, - vor, Lost Now in earths dark night to run our race, fcfcai 4 mf CHORUS. fi~j h^m J'lurifi fj n r Ma - ry, pur- est Daughter of the crea-ture! Keep us all from sin-, Fa - ther! La - dy kind and sweet! Help us,err-ing Lead us to our Hi M f »f f:-t & e * PI rail. ~"~2 h: *^ *=* ^s — mor - tals,' Fa - ther, Peace inheavnto Leave us at His yrflf^f- winL feet~ Peace in heav'n to win! Leave us at His feet. £4- f > 3. Holy Queen of Angels! Bid thine Angels come To escort us safelv To our heav'nly home. Bid the Saints in heaven Pray for us their prayers; They are thine, dear Mother ! That thou mayst he theirs . Mother of our Saviour, Joy of God above! Jesus bade thee keep us In His fear and love. Mary, Spousa and Servant Of the Holy Ghost! Keep for Him His creatures . Who would else be lost. CIR 1913P.J.K.A S. 188 Oh! we love thee, Mary! Trusting all to thee, What is past or present What is yet to be. Get us what thou pleasest, What we cannot know, What we most are needing Every day below • 6. Sweeter still and sweeter Dost thou grow to us, Will it, dearest Mother, Ever more be thus ? Oh,not yet , sweet Mother Is our love of thee What it will be one day In eternity. rO Hear Thy Children, Gentlest Mother . (Maria, audi nos.) 154. REV. FR. STANFIELD. Andantino. (s z 80 ) i mf W.H. Si Hr I il J I 1. Hear thy chil- dren, gen- tlest Moth- er, Pray r-ful hearts to thee a - rise; 2. Dark-ling sha-dows fall a -round us, Stars their si - lent watch- es keep; JJ2 ■nhir tf r if m j i p— >- /wc dearest Mother, From thy bounteous throne above; Guard us from all harm and danger 'Neath thy shelt 'ring wings of love.' 189. C|» 1913 P.J.K.& S. 155 i Ave Maria! Thou Virgin And Mother. * * • (First Tune.) B. M. J Andante ft ■ i J i i m *=Z 1. A-ve Ma- ri -a! thou Vir-ginand Moth-er, Fond-ly thy 2. A . ve Ma - ri - a! the night shades are fall- ing, Soft-ly our ^HH-W-f ^H-H 5=* thee; thee; chil - dren voic - es are a call -ing t» rise un-to Thine are the grac - es un- Earthslone-ly ex - ilesfor St a — a: F f i|' n mmm ZEE 331 -0 0 zz I I cresc. 7L—K i mi *=# claimedby an - oth - er; Sin-lessand heau-ti-ful Star of the Sea! sue- cor are call -ing, Sin-lessand heauti-ful Star of the Sea! *^=f m ZEE zz: 5C 21 5C CHORUS -*v tflillTU cresc. 1 w a ■ A-veMa-ri-a! Starofthe Sea! A-ve Ma -ri -a! Mother dearlOhpray for me! p^Fir-rVJjjn^tfff-hrf CI IT Ave Maria! thy children are kneeling, Words of endearment are whispered to thee ; Softly thy spirit upon us fs stealing;- Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea! C.|K. lt*13 P. J.K.& S, 190. 0 Grazioso. ( in ~ Ave Maria! Thou Virgin And Mother ( Second Setting. ) O. (J = 104) 156. vT-j j ij J i. , .' Melody of B.M.J. Harm- fey CARL HAUSER. w ri ri 1. A 2. A ve ve Ma J a a ! thou Vir - gin and a! the night shades arc Moth - er, fall - ing, ^f f f t 14 i lj-t-t 1 ^ s Fond - ly Soft - ly thy chil - dren are our voic - es a r caU rise mg un 10 to theej thee; * PP J |J J J »Pi 1 Thine are tne grae Earth's lone - ly ex es un - claim'd by an - oth - er, iles for sue - cor are call - ing, «£ PP? i fens ir-i I \i r t ^ m Sin - less and Sin - less and beau - ti - ful beau - ti - ful Star of Star of the the Sea ! Sea ! m i f =£» rail. t -j ij 1 J ij'J^ Sin - less and beau - ti - ful Sin - less and beau - ti - ful Jta Star. Star. of of the the >ea! Sea! w~r~f w^m ta 3. _ 4. Ave Maria ! thy children are kneeling, Ave Maria ! thy arms are extending; Words of endearment are whispered to thee5 Gladly within them for shelter we flee; Softly thy spirit upon us is stealing, Are thy sweet eyes on thv lonely ones bending? Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea! Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea! 191. C,'R 1918 P. J. K. & S. 157 St. BERNARD. Remember. Holy Mary. ( Memorare.) o Tr. Rev. M. RUSSELL , S. J. Andante ( J ;. 48) nj> B.J. J1' J IJJJ.J or esc | ~„f H J J ?i M i^f 1. Re -member, ho - ly Ma - ry,Twas nev-er heard or knownThat an-y one who 2. And so to thee, my Moth - er,Withfil-ial faith I call, For Je-sus dy-ing J rmrtf i[f f pi^-f ■ pij'pr nf * fiPF4f 5 y i j„J jyrjip^J JiiU-^- sought thee And made to thee his moan, That an-y one who ha - stened For gave thee As Moth-er to us all To thee, 0 Queen of vir - gins, 0 5 _ *- >^~> #'£ ^^f ^^ I !=■ « ill e £ ^'^ '* « shel-ter to thy care Was ev-er yet a - ban -donea And left to his des-pair. Moth-ermeek,to thee I run with trust-ful fond-ness,Likechildto mothers knee m m a m m — w : pip p'r r'j*' ^ c|r l*i;s P. J.K. & s. 3. See at thy feet a sinner, Groaning and weeping sore_ Ah! throw thy mantle o'er me, And let me stray no more. Thy Son has died to save me, And from His throne on high His Heart this moment yearneth For even such as I. 4. All, ail His love remember, And, oh! remember too How prompt I am to purpose, How slow and frail to do. Yet scorn not my petitions, But patiently give ear. And help me, 0 my Mother, Most loving anl most dear. 192. Heart Of Mary, Heart The Purest, (fibst tunf.)\^j^^ Allegretto.(J=l04) B.M.J. I ^^ m u 3E f- fs s l.Heart of Ma - ry, heart the pur - est, Ev - er shrin'd in mor-tal frame; 2.Hear the prayr of one whose weak-ness, Most de-mands a mother^ care; I > -P- •P +■ ^ K $ i i ^^^ i * /■ i rail. '- a Blest a - sy-lum who se- cur -est, All who thy pro-tec-tion claim. One to whom thy looks all meek-ness, Coun-sel hope, for - hid des - pair. f t * n •p- ■*■ t^U - > p t m Round me tempests gathering lower, As I tread life's desert way; And a foe in matchless power, Marks me for his destined prey. 4. To some spot where ne'er might hover, Danger's shadow I Would flee; But,oh! where that spot discover, Where, oh! Mary but in thee. ^ Heart Of Mary, Heart The Purest, (second tune) \j^j^) Lento. (J. -50.) M.H. M NJJJ JiJ jjjhl ,M ; VOICES. Heart of Ma - ry, heart the pur - est, Ev- er shrin'd in mor-tal U $*jr*\i-j ^ i=te^ l-^rJ1 h ORGAN. g» 1J m^ -ft f p r ? m NMN h=c=± , — ■ T 'rail. ,- . = — j^==* t» u frame^Blesta - sy-lum who se-cur-est, All who thy pro-tec-tion claim. m =£ £ S J> raj* mm m m as Mm ###4 rail. ^ g£ 193. CR 1913 EJ.K. & S. 1 P\C) Ah! Must I Leave Our Lady's Altar? Words I'j S.N.D. Andantino.(J = 754) ibices. iS%H; j' ;^-Jf^j| Adapted from NICOU- CHORON. -a £ &: i s=* ± §1 l.Ahlmust I loaveour La-dys al -tar "Where oft I've foiuidsuch sweet de-light? My 2.How sweet to sing my Mothers praises, And breathe to her my lov-ing sighs! So Organ.± f. f. ^ J. jfL %. g. f- A m m m m £ f. *.' A mm4^Ud ^ ^m V rail ^ ^-f-H ' fi P p\ \ r r r — ____ w Fare -well, sweet month^sweet month of flow- ers, Fare -well, loved shrine thou dear re- How sweet to sing my Mothers prais-es^ And breathe to her my lov-ing h * * >r-t v i> r» "; m\f H f ft A A * F? ^ww , ■ piu largo . /•«// r treat j But ere have fled ftiesehap-py hours, My heart I'll leave at Marys feet. sighs! So fond-ly on me then she gaz-es. So sr> ft -ly beam her star-like eyes. » » P~; Wlien I was tempted, sad and tearful, My angel to thy shrine me led 3 Thy smile dispell'd the tempest fearful, The demon at thy presence fled. _ Refrain. 4. There from thy hand, with graces streaming, Hope sweetly flow'd upon my soul; Thy arms extended to me seeming, To woo me to thy loved control. _ Refrain. a # Tlris hymn is suitable throughout the year, using1 tlie words of the second stanza forthe Refrain. C|R 19 13 P. J.K.& 8. w\ *** Darker and Darker. (Evening Hymn} Allegretto. (J: 88) mf Soli. 161 B. M.J. j j u j 1 f m W WW T T W !■■ Dark - er and dark - er fall a- round The shad-ows from the 2- We pray to thee for those who sail In per - il on the WSEjEL $ 3fc=* w i ^ V ^ pine; sea, P¥ It is the hour, O Moth- er- Maid, To gath-er round thy shrine For wherethineeyesof mer- cy shine None per- ish ut-ter- ly. F ■ • 4 ^m ^ r^ f CHORUS, espressivo a m mf 1 w ^ Sweet Moth - er, hear us, thou hast known Our earth - ly hopes and V * L-* If =f=# ±^ If lr r r ^ lj j * j H »*/ m//- m ?m ^* "S 9- fears; The heav-i - ne&s of hu m * : v ^m man toil, The ten-der-ness of tears • 7 m rjt ♦ fi m-0. S P * 3. And for the soldier too, who sleeps _ His head upon his hand And only in a dream can see His own beloved land. Chorus. 4. Pray for us all that hearth and home Be kept in peace and love; Peace which the world can never give, And love from Heaven above. Chorus. 19 For us thine eyes are filled with tears; Oh! let them wash away The stains of our unworthiness: _ Pray for us, Mother, pray ! Chorus. 6. For when our sins had nailed our Hope To die upon the Tree, Lest every hope should die with Him He gave the hopeless Thee. Chorus. 5. CR 1913 P. J.K. & S. 162. As The Dewy Shades Of Even. (Evening Hymn to Our Lady.) Andantino.(J: 84.) M.H. i / m 1 1. As the dew - y shades of e - ven, Gath - er o'er the 2. Ho - ly Moth - er, near me hov - er; Free my thoughtsfrom ^ J F F ■ F r r $=± § S * f balm- y air, Lis - ten, gen - tie aught de - filed; With thy wings of Queen of mer - cy >nf r r 'ir f ^pjM* Heav - en, cov - er, 0M i / I | rail. ^_^i l f » Lis - ten to my ves - per prayr, Lis - ten to my ves-per prayr. Safe from harm,thy help - less child, Safe from harm, thy help -less child. *H} f r f £ 3. Thine own sinless heart was broken > Sorrows sword had pierced it through; Give, oh, give me some sweet token Of thy tender love so \vuv.(bis.) 4. Queen of Heaven guard and guide me, Save my soul from dark despair, In thy tender bosom hide me, Take me, Mother, to thy care /its.) C|R1»13 P.J.K.&S. 196. 5. Mother of my Infant Saviour, Spouse of God, my plaint, oh hear; Purest Virgin, gracious Matron, Oh, relieve me by thy prayer, (bis-) 6. From thy happy seat in Zion, Light me through this dark abode; Smile, oh, gently smile upon me, Tell my sorrows to my Go^.. (bis.) o Softly And Still Night Comes Stealing I.WILLIAMS. (Evening Hymn to Our Lady.; Lento.fJ -. 76.) Unison or ha rmo ny. 163. Adapted from Rev. F.L , $ ks=e S3? HSH '-& W r r r ,J- ° l.Soft-ly and still, night comes steal- ing,Lo! in the West, sets the 2. Here at thy feet humb - ly kneel-ing, Here at thy feet, Ma - ry ORGAN. jQl yMf f f \f:m^f ^=j &-=- ^ cresc . 1 M -j r » « r ; Silv - 'ry chimes of e - a *\m — zr sun; Siiv - 'ry chimes of e - ven peal-ihg,Tell us that the day is done, see; To thy moth- er love ap- peal-ing,We,thychil-dren,cometo thee. ^ ], mpjJMf |P-f»^y p jjjj REFRAIN. (Harmony.) p* S i £ s? $ O love - ly Queen of HeavT_ r en! 0 Star of Hope so fair! To E£ ft f- :2 ■" r — P V if f f rqy n7. ^ ^Si ffi thee all pow'r is giv P^EgEjfeg en List, oh! list to our evn - ing — prayer. * I iPP i -6M 4 Danger and sin all around us, Warfare we wage day and night , 'Mid temptations that surround us, Mary, guide our souls aright. 197. Watch o er us then , loving Mother, Ne'er let our prayer be in vain; Show thyself in truth our Mother, 'Midst life's cares our hearts sustain. C*/R 1913 P. J. K. &S. 1 RA Descending From The Throne Of God. ■A-^^-S -i- . Most Holy Rosary. /J , (Joy ful Mysteries.) ' M.H. Andantino mf mm t=m n the * 1. De- scend-ing from tne • 2 • Now Ma - ry wends her ^^ £ throne of God A way with haste The p 3^ bright arch - an - gel nig - ged roads a - ^ T S st i «=f flies ; lb Ma-rys low - ly long; In an-swer to her n\ ? i r m home he brings A cous- ins words She mes- sage from the sings her glo-rions P F^S ? £fc± >yJIJ J J Jlj jjipif S skies. She hears an an- gels song. The un-born in-fant •n"i. } \ lips that night The leaps with joy, When J J $ first'Hail Ma- ry: Ma - rys voice he ^ r m IFPP wm ^ *=* Moth-er, think of this when we Re - Moth-er, may that voice of thine Be mst . - „ ^ -gZ. say: hears: g$l^ i^ai i peat his words to day. ev - er in our ears *9 i pi f f 3. 7%e Birth Of Our Lord. See troops of shining angels crowd Around the homely shed, Where Jesus lies on Mary's knees, And shepherds softly tread-. And kings from distant lands adore Thy Infant God, Whose star Has led them to His Sacred Feet, From eastern realms afar. 4. The Presentation Of Our Lord. In Simeons arms behold the Babe, Who rules both earth and skies! On Marys Child, his promised Lord, He rests his aged eyes. He long had waited, long had prayd This blissful day to see; And now he asks to go in peace Where Jesus soon will be. * The Annunciation. * The Visitation. C R 1913 P.J.K.& S. The Finding" Of Our Lord. 0 Mother, dry those bitter tears! 0 Mother, grieve no more! Thy Child, thy Jesus is not lost, That weary search is o'er: To do his Fathers work, He chose Among the Scribes to be-, But now returns to dwell for years With Joseph and with thee. 198. By The Blood That Flowed From Thee. Most Holy Rosary. 165. Rev. Ft. FABER . (Sorrowful Mysteries.) Andante ^on espressione.f J = 69.) M.H. m ts^ k in^n g^ ^ p p * *^ r~ *_ *1. By the Blood that flowed from Thee — In Thy griev-ous ag-o- *2. By the cords that, round Thee cast, Bound Thee to thepil-lar Jt A # 8 ,U ^ £ 7 ^ ^ -?=? F - ■4 k-h I fel espresswo . ini^unn s I lj« 'git ^ ny; By the trai- tor'sguile-ful kiss, Fill-ing up Thy bit-ter- ness; fast; By the scourge so meek-ly borne, By Thy pur-ple robe of scorn; i nvn fmt=e T^rv REFRAIN. '^m i m -,• h ,">A k * 7 Je-sus, Sav-iour, hoar our cry;_Thou wast suffer-ing once as we; Now en mm *=f i t=t m f ^ f ?-. j. mil. V * SEE* i Tin throned in maj - es - ty. Count- less an- gels sing to Thee. pUp P^F^f rrnfi 3. The Crowning With Thorns. By the thorns that crowned Thy Head; By Thy sceptre of a reed-. By Thy foes on bending knee, Mocking at Thy royalty; The Carrying- Of The Cross. By the people's cruel jeers-, By the holy women's tears; By Thy footsteps faint and slow, Weighed beneath Thy Cross of woe; 5. * The Agony. * The Scourging. The Crucifixion. By Thy weeping Mothers woe-, By the sword that pierced her through, When, in anguish standing by, On the Cross she saw Thee die; 199. C'R I'M ; P.J.K.&S 166 By The First Bright Easter Day. Most Holy Rosaryt Rev. FR. FAB Ett . {Glorious Mysteries. ) I Ad. from Mendelssohn by C. HAUSER. Maestoso.( J =■ 69.) fcrf mm pin r - - - t~ * 1. By the firstbright East-er- day, When the stone was rolled a- way-, *2. ByThypart-ing bless-ing given As Thou didst as- cend to heaven ?«ijj J: J' I J ^ P-» i i 1 J J. Jij j 5 f *■ ^ • ^ • • r ""~^ • * «* r By the glo - ry round Thee shed At Thy ris - ing from the dead By the cloud of liv - ing light That re-ceived Thee out of sight. IV* j J J: J' N *bH M CHORUS. U, % i i i ii i j ^ s f King of glo-ry, hear our cry;_ Make us soon Thy joy to see. JL JL JL > larT-f-FH^ m t P^rt ^ 5 rail'. i ) I — •■ — ■ — » »■ — » — ■ — w w * Where en-throned in maj - es - ty Count - less an- gels sing to Thee m * mmm pa r 7 V 8. 7% -hi..d: ^ J l^J) J^lJ: J'j J thanks, Might-y vic-tor, all re - splen- dent, Near to Ma - ry thou dost foes -, Breathe un - to our hearts your sweet- ness, Fill our souls with love di- 7S r'Ff rip \, im ¥=? reign; Come and bless us with thy pres-ence. Bring with thee thyheavn-W reign; Come and bless us with thy pres-ence, Bring with thee thyheavn-ry vine; May your gra-cious presence ev - er Round your charge pro-tect - ing * P tfrfrip p f f ir,rf E MM »wff. train, Come and bless us with thy pre s-ence,Bring with thee thy heavh-ly train, shine; May your gra-cious pres-ence ev - er Round your charge protect-ing shine. a jy> PP JN^P ja il £ ^ 21 3. We will honor, we will love you, Blessed Spirits, more and more; Our devotion still increasing, As you favors on us pour-, Till with you for ever singing In a glad, unending strain, God the Father, Son, and Spirit, Where the blessed ever reign. 201. C|R 1913P.J.K.&S. 168. Spirit Most Holy, Heavenly Guide. I. WILLIAMS Allegro moderator J = 104} / tft. — "if, 1 — II. GREPPO. m t^tri ■Gh ♦ -0- •" -#- ~f~ i. Spir- it most ho - ly. heavn - ly guide, 2. Dan-gers sur - round me; in an-gry tide Thou, whom my Sin and tcirp &m ^m wm i £ i P^f — r * - • * Sav-iour in mer- cy did send; Thou who art ev - er ta-tion my spir- it as -sail; Hold thou my hand, my H f } f- * i 2: r crese. 1 mm m £ I -al- dose by my side, faltr - ing steps guide, Faith- ful and lov - ing guard-ian and friend. Lest in the hour of tri - al I fail. m ^ £ at "^ W REFRAIN i£ 1 i P ^ ~^r neav - en, An -gel of light, Keep me and guide me An- gel of gsip 1^ mm *=* ¥ I mf * 3: day and night; An-gel of heav-en. An-gel of light, Keep me and m m 5C t« ¥ E m s ^ 1 guide me day 31 and night.- Keep me and guide me 9 day and T night ^ m ^ e ^=r C|R L913 P.J.K.&S, 3. Fair gleams life's pathway, blossom bedecked, Life's joys alluring, our footsteps ensnare-, Haste to mine aid, my weakness protect; Safe shall I rest in thy loving care. 202. Rev. Fr. FABER. Andantino.(^.= 54.) ) A U Svli.p Dear Angel, Ever At My Side. Harm. by CARL IIAUSER. 169. i i i3E 1. Dear An- gel, ev - er at my side, How lov- ing must thou be, To 2. Thy beau-ti-ful and shin-ingface I see not,though so near;_ The pup i tu+nu CHORUS. Tutti. S sin- ful soul like me am +oodeaf to hear._ -a -* f m " if leave thy home in heavn to guide A sweetness of thy soft lowvoice I ^Ei mm ^ I ^ i Then ±*g m m p f J f-r^^ a I will love thee more; And S love me, guide me, An -gel dear! And . m A . ff*f £=* *m f* J /v///. m -6 on tlT eter-nal shore help me when my soul is cast Up m^- 3C f M j: 3 > II ^ And when dear Spirit, I kneel down, At morn and eve, to prayer, Something there is within my heart. Which tells me thou art there . Then, for thy sake, dear Angel, now More humble will I be; But I am weak ; and when I fall, Oh, weary not of me! 4. Yes, when I pray thouprayest too; Thy prayer is all forme-, But when I sleep, thou sleepestnot But watchest patiently. 6. Oh, weary not, but love me still, For Mary's sake, thy Queen; She never tired of me. though I Full wayward oft have been. 203. dK 1913 P,J.K.&S [JyJ Hark! Hark! My Soul, Angelic Songs Are Swelling. Rev. Fr. EABER. Andantino.( J.= 58.) ml Mel. of B.M.J. Harm. by CARL HAUSER. n i I g mi Fr f 1- Hark!hark!my soul, an - gel- ic songs are swell - ing Oer earth's green fields and 2. Dark- er than nightlife's shadows fall a - round us, And, like be- night- ed ■9" 3P i* fffir-rnii: i»- n#- 44 J dll-J> p e *=* o-ceans wave -beat shore; How sweet the truth those bless-ed strains are tell- ing men, we miss our mark; GodhidesHim-self, and grace hath scarcely found us, 4- <* m 1 ^>.jr -<9-* | if f 7 r ^ s-5- ¥ p REFRAIN. F j lj:^NJ f Jl'J-llftj jl^ljj a S Of that new lifewhen sin shall be no more.) A_„.lc_f T~ Ollol QT10«ierifii0->,+ Sredeathfindsouthis victims in the dark.J An^elsof Je"sus! a***"*^ Ere feS i PPPPP I 21 :ec ? 21 IF F i it M SP # rail. I f Singing to welcome thepilgrims of the night, Singingto welcome the pilgrims of the night. fffflf^f fM^r^ i» C|R 1»13 P.J.K.&S a. Onward we go; for still we hear them singing, "Come, weary souls! for Jesusbids you come!" And through the dark, its echoes sweetly ringing, The music of the Gospel leads us home._Angels of Jesus, etc. 4. Ear, far away, like bells at evening pealing, The voice of Jesus sounds oer land and sea, And laden souls, by thousands meekly stealing, Kind Shepherd! turn their weary steps to Thee^Angels of Jesus, etc. 5. Rest comes at length: though life be long and dreary, The day must dawn, and darksome night be past-, All journeys end in welcomes to the weary, And heaven, the heart's true home, will come at lastrAngels of Jesus,etc 6. Angels! sing on, your faithful watches keeping, Sing us sweet fragments of the songs above; While we toil on, and soothe ourselves with weeping, Till life's long night shall break in endless loverAngels of Jesus, etc. 204. Dear Guardian Of Mary! Rev. Fr. FABER. 171. j. Semplice.(W = 78.) h J1 J1 1 g ^ ^ Rev. Fr. FROMOND. te ^^ M3 J i. Dear guard-ian of Ma- ry! dear nurse of her 2. For thou to the pil-grim art fa - ther and m Pi i Child! _ Life's guide, _ And E* e / k -• — » i r -i ^ p flj^N J' J1 =F foflJ'J'U JJ'lj 5 ways are full wear-y, the des-ert is wild-, Bleak sands are all round us, no Je- susandMa-ryfelt safe hy thy side5 0, bless-ed Saint Jo- seph, how jfthrJ-e-E m m i ^P r FP ^T I /?N m J' I Wflj'J'N J'JmJ, £ S home can we safe I should see; Sweet Spouse of our Lady' we lean up - on thee, be. Sweet Spouseofour La-dy I if thouwertwith me. m >» m 0 0 • 0^ £l § ;ir p pip r. "Tifii Mil TriTTfMi^rn ■"7'iJ J'j'ip Jj'ij i'CUjjJiJt'J'if J'j 0 blessedSaint Jo-seph! how great wasthy worth. The one chosen shad-ow of g i c r r i c g g i^g mi rrg i P r r i r- . c e i> p I r p p I r P P IT PJJJLpp l r p p 1 rj p P S tip-on earth;The fa- the £ t^r^ as ^ GdtJ Tip-on earth/in & *S fa- ther of Je-sus, Ah! then wilt thou ipf be, Sweet :^2 ^2 2 P=P M E5 m ^ )'2 p. rail £ 1 I g g g I r s s ^^ e » Spouse of our 0 La-dy! a fa ther 0 to me? The— fa-t i, ir ' r- -i I- [;• Plf-P'l ¥ ? When the treasures of God were unsheltered on earth, Safe keeping was found for them both in thy worth; 0 father of Jesus! be father to me, Sweet Spouse of our Lady! and I will love thee. God chose thee for Jesus and Mary; wilt thou Forgive a poor exile for choosing thee now? There's no Saint in heaven, Saint Joseph,like thee; Sweet Spouse of our Lady!Ah,deignto love me. 205. C/R 1913 P. J. K. & S. 172. * • * Joseph Spouse Of That Pure Virgin. Moderator W =80.) m m m g -S3 B. M. J. J 3E mm f ^ f 1. Jo -seph, spouse of that pure Vir- gin Who now reigns in glo-ry bright, 2. See Saint Jo - seph safe-ly hear-ing On his arm the Ho-ly Child, L f n wu uir i ffiffif j if f# & 5 J fiN ftip; eij Jfl f\l jaiT^ _£> P_- — | • - g May thy prais-es loud be sound-ed, Here and in the realms of light! In his hand he holds the lil - y, Spot -less e'er and un - de- filed. m i f*nf /VtV y g .j ■^ ■#■ F^pf ^ ^ CHORUS. NW i jifoj'U ^ f ^ Ho - ly Jo-seph, might-y pa-tron, Hear-ken to our hum - ble lays, frVf if §1 B^* J J|J -T3 1 j j ra// . j^^ * m & Send us tokens of thy fa-vor- Bring us grac-es on our ways. m ILJ? m j i A P §# w 3. Many hardships, fears and labors Thou for Jesus didst endure-, All thy toils are now rewarded Now thou liv'st in pleasures pure. Happy Joseph, endless glory Shines around thy joyful brow, At thy throne of love and mercy See thy suppliants humbly bow. C ft 1913 E J. K. & S. 20(5. With Grateful Hearts, 173. Moderator J -76.) Soli. ANCIENT TUNE. W^'rB\k M1 M * 3=? f *~r ¥&=* 1. With grateful hearts we breathe to day, The ten-der ac- cents of our 2. More fa -vored than earths great-est king, Thou wert the guardian of that 0 01 m 0 m . m . m, 0 0 * 0 "*" 0 P I EE m e F F F f=f f^#^^ Mi fell «± ftp m? » * — *-* — *' * * — ■ — p— *-* — -^s — jT^f love, We car- ol forth a lit -tie lay To thee great Saint in heavfa a - bove. Child, A- round whose crib full c&oh'sdidsiugWithca-aerujedvoic-es soft andmild. >»*■-- - -_J3 4):J', u ^^ ? B f F=^ f , , REFRAIN.(TuM) £i 8: 1 1 3. I fete £ mm 5 5 m O Jo-seph dear, from thy bright throne, I21 - cline thine ear un-to our 0J^- ■ g; -0- 0± m , __ 0- m i p v v v v h itferfc m h £ s * 7 prayer, And o'er us all as 'er thine own, Ex- tend thy am Ppi w mm £ w m rail. a r^r r fond pa-ter-nal care-, Ex-tend thy fond pa -ter- nal care a P J3 ^ B n=2: ^=f P J 3. 4. All Heaven's hosts on that great night, Looked on the Child, the Spouse andrhee, And ravished with so fair a sight, Struck loud their harps with jubilee. 207. They sang the praises of thy Son, In strains of sweetest melody, And lowly bowed with awe anon, Before thy Virgin Spouse and thee. CJR 1913 P. J.K.&S. 174. Hail! Holy Joseph Hail! Rev. FR. FABER. Cantabile. (J-84.) (first tune.) m m I. MULLER. i 'J: J'i 2 3 ^ra 1. Hail! ho-ly Jo-seph, hail! Chaste spouse of Ma- ry, hail! 2. Hail! ho-ly Jo-seph, hail! God's choice wert thou a - lone; — t— ^ mil i m r Pure as the lil - y flow'r, In E- den's peace- ful vale. To thee the Word made flesh, Was sub-ject as a son. m ^m i Hail! holy Joseph, hail! Prince of the house of God! May His best graces be By thy sweet hands bestow'd. 4. Hail! holy Joseph, hail! Help of the needy, hail! Cheer thou the hearts that faint And guide the steps that fail. C|R1913P.J.K.&S. Hail! holy Joseph, hail! Teach us our flesh to tame-, And, Mary, keep the hearts That love thy husband's name. 6. Mother of Jesus, bless, And bless,ye saints on high; All meek and simple souls That to Saint Joseph cry. 208. "V0 Hail! Holy Joseph, Hail! 175. Rev.FR.FABER. Moderated -58) J h ,i, mt- (sECOND TUNE) B. M. J. I I a ho - ly Jo - seph, hail! ho - ly Jo- seph, hail! l.Hail! 2. Hail! at Hus - band of Ma - ry, Fa - ther of Christ es ^m Mm i=± i r=r flower In those Thy hail! Chaste as the lil ■ teemed, Fa - ther be thou J to E - den's peace- nil Fos-ter - Son re fMH^ m m m *\ s> > p p rail 1 % ^ m r ' r-r vale5 Hail! ho-ly Jo-seph, hail! Hail! ho-ly Jo-seph, hail! deemed-, Hail! ho-ly Jo-seph, hail! Hail! ho-ly Jo-seph, hail! n f i f 3E i ^ 3. Hail! holy Joseph, hail! Comrade of Angels, hail! Cheer thou the hearts that faint, And guide the steps that fail, Hail! holy Joseph, hail! (bis) 4. Hail! holy Joseph, hail! God's choice wast thou alone5 To thee the Word made flesh, Was subject as a son. Hail! holy Joseph, hail! (bis) Hail! holy Joseph, hail! Teach us our flesh to tame^ And, Mary, keep the hearts, That love thy husband's name. Hail! holy Joseph, hail! (bis.) 6. Mother of Jesus! bless, And bless, ye saints on high, All meek and simple souls That to Saint Joseph cryj Hail! holy Joseph, hail! (bis.) 209. CJR 1913 P.J.K/ S 176. * * ♦ Moderato.(J = 88.) . Is* Semi-Chorus, Glorious Father,Dear St. Joseph! (Children's Consecration) B.M.J. 3 i nj M i ifN^h =n=f 1. Glo-rious Fa-t'her, dear Saint Jo-seph! Throng we round thy shrine to- 2. Her - od sought the Child to slay Him, But through thee He safe-ty # # # -*- # >i,.ff if r-ff r iff-r r it i *5 f ^ day; For the sake of Je - sus take us Neath thy guard-ian-ship for aye. found;Still the de - mon seeks the chil-dren, Thou wilt still his art con -found. 42. }# -0. # +r^ m ^ # £. #. „ :g jj- s T»»~ E J fl u nif 2»d Semi-Chorus. \y m m N^NE pii £ ? f pi Once like us He called thee fa-tner, Teach - er, help - er, #uard and Keep us pure as thine own lil - y In bap - tis-mal blood -bought M 0. r if s 1 1 it r r r i m l hf i I; fit ¥ s sid guide ; Once like us he sought for safe-ty At His fa-ther Jo-seph s side, grace; If we fall, dear fa- ther, help us By our te-urs sin to ef-face. ft > M M. -* M. +-' - -m- - - M- >W F f f if #### £ Full Chorus, f \ A u full {J fior us. / I ^m Then, as round thy -» * IT hv shn § > I ine we gath - er, Con - se - era-ting ev gofz-s if f fjfcif P-. f i ry 1 V i m hi k ^^^m 3 £3 §g heart, Take us for thy chil-dren, fa-ther, And thy bless -ing fond im-paft fhfff F'fC'F-T if 7 f-pju 3. ^ !Take us, then beloved father Thine own children eer to be; 'Neath thy blessed eyes here daily We will do our tasks for thee. /Lessons, prayer, or play we H give thee, ond c n ) Each in its allotted time, D_lM'All for Jesus, Mary, Joseph!" i lMake of each an act sublime. -Full Chorus -Then, etc. C|B 1913 P.J.K.& S. 210 M.S.PIXK i Moderato J. O Jesus, Mary, Joseph! (The Holy Family) Rev. Ft. A. SCHUBIGER. 84) 177 ^ § i f 3S: * * ■ ° — r heart is all your own; Its Je-sus,Ma-ry, Jo- seph! When shad-ows round me close, When /r - ~ ~ T * * 1.0 Je-sus,Ma-ry, Jo- seph! My 2.0 ^^-^ FfrnJ i i1 'f f f PP i1 "Y *i m m w m T ~° * hid-den sweet af-fec - tions Are ev - er near your throne; My past mis-deeds af -fright me A - mid dark spir-it foes; When flP i i 5 m jj jij j * * * ■ r •■- soul with all its pow in the strongdrath an ers, My life of joy and pain, 0 guish, I breathe y:ur names of pow'r, 0 ^ I F r pir--p f ^ir r p r13 *P P^ / t3g 5 F* m Je - sus, Ma - ry, Jo Je - sus, Ma - ry, Jo -* -* JL JL > - seph! I give 'to_ your tweet reign, seph! As - sist me in that hour. s m f 3. 0 Jesus, Mary, Joseph! What rapture might I die In peace, forgiven and stainless, In your sweet company! Your triple shield around me, TheTrinity within, Oh Jesus, Mary, Joseph! Heavens glory may I win! 211. C.R. 1913 J.P.K.&S. 178. O Happy Day! (Circumcision Of Our Lord.) Rev. II. T. HENRY M ° 4* — 1 , Litt. I.i A. C II W- " 1 1 J- =3= =5= 1. 0 hap - py Day! 2. Lo! scarce - ly born "1 ' s that could His Blood Z3 5 * ' dis - play The this morn Pur - ■ > (* p — • 1 =f =tf =p /^* s*l cresc. i f first sweet drops of pies the 0 - rient S Je - sus*Blood, 0 from a-bove; This hap py Day! that fu - ner - al Li i i i,i ! I P¥ i i ra/r * ^ ? could ba es - say The tion shall Be tri-umph of the come the pre - lude Ho - ly Rood! of His love. i^=£ ?=£ ^ m m He will fulfill His Fathers will Not sadly, but rejoicing": so Forestalls the day (too far away!) Whereon His precious Blood must flow. 4. The guilt He takes for our poor sake ; The pain He suffers, innocent: Who made the law would not withdraw Himself from all its punishment. 5. Beneath Thy wound, 0 Christ, hath swooned The ancient law, and ceased to be. Its follower, the holier Eternal law of charity. C/R DOLPHIN PRESS. 212. Thou Art As Pure As Beam Of Golden Dawn 2 Y %Zs (St. Agnes, Jan .21.) Rev. Mgr. H . A .BRANN, D.T>, Mo derate (J - 82) Rev. Mgr. H. A .BRANN,D.J> I 5- I fe^ f i 1. Th( dawn Or fied And ■* Zi. *~ ~9 iou art as pure as beam of gold -en 2. Brave child that no - bly pa - gan Rome de ^^ i r f i f t F p i i r r r r M f r p| snow-flake fal - ling" on a ver - dant lea. Or fear - less stood be - fore the bru - tal throng1; That 9 m »f ' f »f ' 'I'^m JH HH lnlnS 3 J J jt< ■ g «' ' ' ■ j^f: crys - tal dew-drop on a flow - "ry lawn, for thy blood in sa - vage ac - cents cried, T m Or Thou § • &±- tf ir£fc -J— J e r ■all. -i 1 — 1 1 1= — 1 fl 1 * — - - • ?ck ( le - re 0- t * )f foam ine worth - fc=l= up - ( y < « )n t )f 0 he ur • ■ .... m m crest fest =3= 4 - ed - al — ff 6 ~G 8( 801 B J ;a. ig. • — 1 — 1 M=l P ' HH ■ P 1 =M « — 1 White virgin, rose of early Christian days, Made red by blood upon the Martyrs block, Thy purity the theme of endless praise, Thy fortitude a model for the flock. 213 C R 1H13 f. J. K. & S, loO. Hail, Glorious St. Patrick. (The Apostle and Patron of Ireland, March 17) Rev. FR. FABER. Allegretto.! J = 100) ED. HURLEY. ; i IjJ M f^^iL^i 3 WW t f ^ 1. Hail, glorious Saint Pat-rick, dear Saint of our Isle! On us, thy poor 2. Hail, glo-rious Saint Pat- rick, thy words vere once strong A- gainst Satan's r . r m m . n u m p P i J/ i £ P^ * chil - dren, be - stow a sweet smile} And now thou art high in the wiles and a her - e - tic throng-Not less is thy might where in 1* 4 £ £ £ -I *-£-£ i :i=5f f.f 1 f.f 1 m t ^ if-j j ji/jij j^ r«//. i *=♦ man-sions a - bove, On E - rin's green val -leys look down in thy love, heav - en thou art, Oh, come to our aid, in our bat - tie take part. mm i i v) 3. In the war against sin, in the fight for the faith, Dear Saint, may thy children resist unto death; May their strength be in meekness, in penance, in pray'r, Their banner the Cross which they glory to bear. Thy people,now exiles on many a shore, Shall love and revere thee till time be no more-, And the fire thou hast kindled shall ever burn bright, Its warmth undiminished,undying its light. 5. Ever bless and defend us in this weary life, As we labor and toil amid hardship and strife-, And our hearts shall yet burn, wheresoever we roam, For God, and Saint Patrick, and our native home. CR1913 P.J.K.& S. 8U, . 181. fee Grateful Notes To Heaven Ascending. „ (St. Patrick, March 17) Cantabile.(J =92) Adapted from Rev. E. BRUNE StmtChorus I tjiJ pi i gu m J t % * 1. Grate -ml notes, to Heavn as - cend-ing, To the world new joys pro 2. Pa - gan priests their dark de - hi - s ion Long had o'er Hi - ber-nia M Pt FiT*TT nlf ,°| ' ^^ P ^ s claim; Faith and love to-geth-er blend-ing,We re - vere our Pat-rick's name spread; Pat- rick came and in con-fu - sion, De- mons from hispres-ence fled. ^^-r^|/Pf^Tif ff £ ¥ CHORUS. Hap-py Saint! in bliss a- dor-ing Je - sus, Sav- iour of man - kind, Hear thy sH I r 1 f j j I f f f jjjr^»hu^ 'i^nj»jj"i'Mi children thee im-ploring;May we thy pro-tec-tion find,May we thy protec-tion find. m r r m + tt tt\. . + £} ^M r F "E'f ^ Lo! their infant arms extending, Erin's children crave his aid; To their wants the Saint attending, Soon their heav'nly call obeyed. 4. Prisons, insults, every danger On our prelate's mission wait; Patrick still, to fear a stranger, Trusts to bounteous Heav'n his fate. 215. 5. Sickness flies ; his voice obeying, Sightless eyes behold the day-, And the powT of God displaying, Death, unwilling, yields his prey. 6. Mortals, with amazement seeing Senseless idols prostrate fall, Own the author of their being, And proclaim Him Lord of all. C/R1913 P. J.K.&S. -IOO The Youth Who Wealth And Courts Despised. -i-^— '^"*« (St. Aloysius Gonzaga, June 21.) O rhM Moderate (J = 80) ^m m kd. from HAYDN. /7\ 9 l+Uh^4+l "t t=* *b Dotlessmirda - bovetorai 1. The youth who ■wealth andcourts despised,His spotlessmirda - bove to raise; Who 2. Born by the sa - cred Vir-gin said, Soon as his eyes the lightcouldview,His ^^ ■ npiiiiW'urrifXr N J, .| j-h-i i i i T3J3, j j If g I A-lo- ys-i ouirlays.jQ Ft S ev-'ry ris - ing thought chastised'Tis A-lo-'ys-ius claims soul the heir of heavn was made By the ren-CL—, vat - ins: dew, ^ *=£ #pg o»> I 3 CHORUS ^F=? I y* fe » 32 ^^ *-*- =f us, 0 3 gel- icyouth, A-lo - ys-ius,pray for as gen -tie and an j j?- l p s#f P#i tj t-^-r- J I j J ^ r<7//. Hi 5E f V~=U if' us gen -tie and an - gel - ic youth, A - lo - ys - ius, pray for S ^ J- ..M-^.. U £j ^rmm? TTTR cr ^i 3. His infant words, the first he frames, He utters with a trembling voice, "Jesus and Mary,' hallowed names, Dwell on his lips and speak his choice CHORUS. 0 gentle etc. 4. The tenor of high life so bright, So pure of angel purity; A seraph from the realms of light, Dwelling on earth he seems to be. Chorus. ■216. It Is No Earthly Summer's Ray. - Rev. FR.FABEB. ( S S' Peter and Paul) Maestoso. (J = 76) 183 15. M.J. $ mi i i J i- I /^hfeHH 1. It is no earthly sum- mers ray That sheds this gold - en bright-ness 2.Fa-thers of mighty Rome, whose word Shall pass the doom of life or PS I s y—v I f Mjjlj: j'j. r r 3 J £ ^^ ^ i - ~- * ■ r — r — *~~* — ^"^ 'round,Crown-ing with heav-'nly light the day The princes of the Church were death, By rum-ble cross and bleed-ing sword Well have they wontheir lau - rel yj a, tempo. 55 h-Jl I 5 1 In this house that bears thy name, Mary's Mother, gracious Anna, grace and m v trusc r -»> £^2 k I ^ipc7'^TF& $ help of thee we claim, Marys Moth-er, grac-ious An-na, grace andhelp oftheewe claim. as oi thee we claim, Marys mi4\4 #~V f ji & a* s P=7 3. Link'd in bonds of purest wedlock, Thine it was for us to bear, By the favor of. High Heaven, Our auroral Virgin Star. 4. From thy stem in beauty budded Ancient Jesse's mystic rod; Earth from thee received the Mother Of th' Almighty Son of God. 0(R 1913 P.J.k.&S. 218. 5. All the human race benighted In the depths of darkness lay; When in Anne it saw the dawning Of the long-expected day. 6. Honor, glory, virtue, merit, Be to Thee, 0 Virgin's Son! With the Father and the Spirit, While eternal ages run. To Kneel At Thine Altar. (Saint Ann.) Andantino.( J = 63. 185. B. M. J. 1 f f *=r 1. To kneel at thine al - tar, in faith .we draw near. Led 2. To all who in - voke thee thon lend-est an ear, Thou **4 S ■ ■ p ^ 9 P- ^M I C\ & P '^^P on- ward by Ma - ry thy Daught - er so dear sooth- est the sor - rows of all who draw near. as r , f /?\ w CHORUS. \l^\+Vi\l nni m ¥ ft r rr r / O good Saint Ann! we call on thy name, Thy prais-es loud thy gg p I FJi k pip ■• 51 £U mm "T P^ g gg , J~J ra^/ JlJ-JJM jlj 1 f §s chil-dren pro- claim, Thy prais-es loud, thy prais-es loud pro -claim. z *- 2^ i I 3- Saint Ann, we implore thee to list to ourprayr, In time of temptation, take us in thy care . CHORUS. 0 good Saint Ann, etc. 4. In this life obtain for us that which is best, And bring us at length to our heavenly rest. CHORUS. 0 good Saint Ann. etc. 319. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 186 O Ye Angelic Bands Attend! , ( St. Stanislaus Kotska, November 13) Adagio.( J = 63.) B.M.J piUi a =^ 5 T — »" 1. O ye an -gel - ic bands, at - tend! From heav-en's high ex- alt - ed 2. In ear- ly life's most ten- der state, Oh, Thy de - signs how great, 0 *h^p Mf f f fif >P M if F F f t k=^> tt i^N spires, With mor - tal ac - cents deign to blend God! Young Stan- is - laus could em - u - late, 1* te The voice of The vir - tuous ^ FP^ fcfei KEFMAIN. IVfV^ii »riipiggin ^ your har-mo-nious choirs.j & joy.M strainscome soundhispraiseWith path that saints have trod. ) e * ^ * * * * ^ §=§ 4 I r i P M i ■\ iS ^^ i «fl * s an-thcms fill the vault -ed sky, Ye an- gels wake your choic-est lays, And ^ s % m m % % r^ I I L _. I P\ \ XL mil. . , -© ~—~-. 9 » R V * — ^ greet the saint now flown on high, ' And greet the saint nowflown on high. FTTH t Ml'^ 2 F=F? ( Thy tenderness, 0 Virgin bright, 3 J Places within his youthful arms iThe object of his soul's delight, 'An Infant Saviour's lovely charms. REFRAIN. C|R 1913RJ.K.& S. 220. o Let The Deep Organ Swell The Lay. 1 Q^T Rev. C.PISE. (Saint Cecilia, V. M. November 22 d) XV->#. Grazioso.( J = 84.) A. limaune. ~ mj>CHOHUh fe^fif-fw-jiQ'Nnij Jitp p. ♦ — - ^ VOICES.Let the deep organ swell the lay, In hon-or of this fes - tive day; uusLe ^ i ^^ i ^ ^ ^ ORCtAN. S p ZI ^~~^ -t-*L J 5i S ^fnt^rg^f^^ Fine. Let the har-mo-nious choirs pro-claim Ce-ci-lias ev - er bless-ed name. PS J^ =£t I m ? =3 JE S u. i /Yra. pp i «SW?'. Unison. S 1. Rome gave the Vir- gin mar-tyr birth, Whose ho- ly name hath filled the earth: 2. Then from the worlds be - wild:ring strife, In peace she spent her ho - ly life, i #=F m rail.- i P=£ £ F And from the ear -ly dawn of youth, She fix 'd her heart on God and truth. Teachingthe or-gan to com- bine Withvoice,to praise the Lamb di-vine. Cecilia, with a twofold crown 3 1 Adornd in heavh,we pray look down, Upon thy fervent votaries here, And hearken to their humble prayer. CHORUS. 2-M CIR1913RJ.K.&S. lOQ * To The Shores Of Distant Indies . JLC3^3. (St. Francis Xavier, December 3.) Rev. Fr. A . ROESLER'S 'TSALLITE '.' Moderate- religiose- .(J =S8.) B.M.J. J * nA Soli ■ s i i £ f 1. To the shores of dis-tant In-dies Fran-cis Xav-ier takes his 2. Clad in poor and low - ly gar-ments, With the cross fast in his .*>••« J j P ja 9 I m P ^ BE w i I 3 b3 S ^ iS g *+«-s^ f ff course ; Seeks for souls through land and val - leys, Wins all hearts with gentle hand, Thus he, joy - ful ti - dings bear -ing, Wanders brave fromland to force, land. ?m 9*. M. i m m i i i FP .Tutti. i M j J ,J- *g ^ *^ ^T Storm-y o- ceans, sav - age na-tions, Naught can daunt him, on He, the Mast - era great dis -ci-ple, Holds all dan-gersbut he a m i i I J JlJ i i: hU ?Jlf imSm IBI W=f rr sire, In his heart of glow - ing word Far in dis . tant climes is hastens; Stronger was his love's de - tri-fle!And the great a- pos- tie's fire, heard . m M M *■ M a i wmm^^^ ) O Saint Francis, from thy glory, $0H, j Look upon us here below-, (Shield us from the demons fury, ^Make our hearts like thine to glow. How thy heart with love was burning, 7W//,/How for souls forever yearning 1 (Make our hearts then strong and brave; ,Our weak souls help ns to save . *Won C/R 191 is used by permission of B. Herder. Editor. i P.J.K.* S. 2ii'2. Rev.FR.FABER. Saint Of The Sacred Heart. (St.John The Evangelist, Dec. 27.) UiU^t 189 A.C.H. S m i Heart ,_ — r 1. Saint of the Sa-cred Heart,_ Sweet teacher of the Word, Part- 2. We know not all thy gifts, _ But thisChristbidsus see, That — u ■s gs£ s fffir ''Iif r ^ -f2 ife P^H* CHORUS £^m J i 31 j ~cr^ s ner of Ma- rys woes_ rAnd_ fa-vourite of thy Lord! , He who so loved all Found more to love in thee. \ Hi PP P P iUl J Jiiry i £ ±2 si teach me, then, dear Saint! The se - crets Christtaught thee; The ' # T- ■+- $+■ -£• > m zr i i i£* £^N# T* * 9 " C" beat-ings of His Heart, And how it beat for me! 5 9-* Dear Saint!l stand far off, With vilest sins opprest* Oh, may I dare , like thee To lean upon His breast! 6. The gifts He gave to thee He gave thee to impart; And I , too, claim with thee His Mother and His Heart. C.\K.(918 p. ,t. K.& S. When the last evening came; Thy head was on His breast , Pillowed on earth, where now In heaven the Saints find rest. 5. His touch could heal the sick , His voice could raise the dead, Oh, that my soul might be Where He allows thy head! WA 0 190. Rev. E. CASWALL . Andante. 0 Thou,Trie Martyrs' Glorious King-!* (Rex gloriose Martyrum.) Melody From H.CLERENS. "/7\ -M 1.0 Thou,the Mar-tyrs' glo-rious King! Of Con-fes - sors the crown and 2. By all the praise Thy Saints have won; By all their pains in days gone VF&=4 wm M w l frpf if % £ f 5 o / rs»if rail ff\ ± % prize; Who dost to joys ce -les-tial bring1 Thosewho the joys of earth de-spise. by; By all the deeds which they have done; Hear Thou Thy sup-pliantpeo-ple's cry. >HKl bf4i I -&■ -&■ T=%- J J ? w z- 1 F=f 3. Thou dost amid Thy Martyrs fight; Thy Confessors Thou dost forgive ; May we find mercy in thy sight, And in thy sacred presence live. 4. To God the Father glory be, And to His sole-begotten Son; And glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee! While everlasting ages run. 191. Cantabile.(J = 76) i i Second Tune.rrwo voices.) ■— , .? B.J. ^P^B s ;f f r 1. 0 Thou, the Mar-tyrs' glo - rious King! Of Con- fes - sors the p^^frrm^mj jhi^Nin^ a crown and prize;Who dost to joys ce - les -tial bringThose who the joys of earth de-spise. * This Hymn can be appropriately sung on any Saints Day. 224. C|R 1913P.J.K.&S. Psallite A.ROESLER,S.J Andante. (J = 70) .Soli ■ 1st Semi - Chorus . mf Hail! We Greet Thee, Saint Of Heaven. (In Honor Of Any Saint .) 192. B. M. J. i ^i S^§ zz: £ r r r r pq( l.Hailhve greet thee, Saint of heav- en. Thee who standst by Gods own throne. Boundless tj<2.IIailkve greet thee,elad in splen-dor, Bathed in seas of pure de - light! An -gel P \S.Hbwthou art inwon-der gaz-ing At the flames of Je - sus' Hear+'\Yhieh in £e± A 5t Se ORGAN. ^ jo: k 2,(1 Semi- Chorus. ^ -± m m P :z: joys to thee are giv - en.Which to pil-grims are un -known. Nev-er end-ing peace and voic-es, bright and ten-der, There in joy-ful tunes u- nite. And thou wilt be hap-py light and splen-dor blazing Strikes thybreast with fi - ry dart. Lost in joy and a - dor- *=* ^## I m is 5 as j j ^ SE £ ^ r r cr v»/ £ m mm & ^ t glo - ry,IIap-py Saint, fell to thy share^With thy joys andheavh-ly beau-ty.Noth-ine ev-er,Hap-py in e - ter - ni - ty! Short on earth were work and la- bor, Short the a-tion Dost thou con-tem- plate thy God, Pray that we on life's sad sta-tion Tread t he I ±sB * fei^iM ii3 *fff 5 p ^ u ^ * ra ^=f $ Full Chorus. y sforzcvudo. rorzcin m ^ffl raW. _ S S -- ? r r rcr earth-ly can eom-pare.Praythatoncewe too maybe In those bliss-ful reahns with thee. days ofmis-er- y-. Now thy joys will nev-er end,Dcwn on us &:>ds bless - ing send. paths whichthouhast trod.That once hap-py there, like thee We, our God, our Lord may see. m r cr^v : ibgte i *±HiM m e s U=^£ 22b. C ft 1H13 P. J. K. & S. 193. Hymns For Children s Mass. Sunday School, etc. I. Sign of the Cross. i fat 3E s 3S In the name of the Father, * and of the Son, * and of the Holy Ghost. *A- men. m ') M II. Our Father - HI. Hail Mary. & — ||»o Our Futher,Tmo art in Heaven* hallowed he Thy name-,* Thy kingdom come* m & 3HE *& P v: Tliy v^nll be done on earth, as it is Heav » 3t 3£ ^= Give us this day our daily bread, * ( And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive) \ them,* that trespass against us, * i gj 4M J J 1 afe and lead us not into temptation* but de - liver us from e - vil* A - - men. ±$B£d i n m * ^ ^ ** ft s ^ ^ rn5^ HdiljMary; full of grace * \ #i blessed art thou among women* \ ^ the Lord is with |thee5 J and blessed is the fruit of thy womb] Je"sus* - Ml SS§ ^ P@ =§= '■> I God * * pray for US sinners> now \ death*_ A - f { ' \ and at the hour of our \ , . Holy Mary_ Mother of =8= ^ men. 226. I -OUT Father.II -Hail Mary. (Gregorian Melody.) 1 Q/1 mf m m 1. Our Father *who art in heaven* hallowed he Thy name,* Thy kingdom come,* Give us this day * our daily bread* and forgive us our trespasses* and lead us not into temp-ta-tion;* hut E » fc » 2. jKm7 Mary * full of grace * Holy Mary, * the Lord is with Thee * blessed art thou Mother of God * Pray for us sinners * f m Thy will be done on earth,* as it is as we forgive them, that tres - pass deliver us from e - in a - vil* a. heav - en.* gainst us,* A - men . Q among, women,-* and blessed is the fruit* of thy now, and at the hour of our III -I Believe In God. (Gregorian Melody.) womb. Je - sus.* death* A - men. P SI t I believe in God * the Father Almighty, * Creator of heaven and earth, m » j* * =paft= S — a— Son And in Jesus Christ, * His only. S ** Lord,* Who was conceived- * by the Holy Ghost, * born of the Virgin MaryT suffered under Pontius Pilate *was crucified, dead and buried. He descended into hell *the third day. * He rose again from the dead"!" He ascended into heav- en , * sitteth at the right hand * of God * the Father Almighty. 0 IV- Glory Be To The Father. From thence He shall come *to judge the living *and the dead. TI believe in the Holy Ghost* The Holy Catholic Church; *the commun - ion of Saints, Tthe forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body * and life * everlasting. Amen. i Pi j I-, i m r "PPf =» Glory be to the Father * and m& list the to the Son,* And to the J -J , .. ^ H. J: Ghost* o «rf ±Esfe 1=^± i & m *ptf M^fcri with - out gg Asitwasinthehe-i er ghaU b » ^^ ginmng,is now,and 5 . . , _^ i fc ICTI end* A 1 ffi i ?=? 337. 195. It Is The Name Of Mary. m£ * * * m Moderato( J=80) * * ^^ & r~^ *=? 1. It is the name of Ma- ry Which we to day pro-claim, Come 2. A name of pow'r and sweet-ness,Her nameto us so dear, A 9 w«t iJ J-H "' r'V if t r-rtf-n^ mm f\ tmi « ^ all ye, Ma - ry's chil-dren,To sing that love-ly name. Come name of awe and grandeur, But grandeur free from fear. Sweet PPPi S £ f^ i2C T^i I ^ HI 2£. £ 3E * 1N- ¥ T sing that name, dear chil - dren, It is your Mothers own, U- name all strong yet ten - tder, That name we love so well, The ¥: s* i r f p i p — i — 2- — * — * — r - -«• praises And waft them to her throne, heav-en, The fear and dread of hell. gatf nite your hearts and joy of earth and ^^m ^^ C/R lyi3 P.J.K.&S, 3 The first word ever spoken By Jesus when a child, Was thy dear name,0 Mother! He spoke It and he smiled. 0 may thy name, dear Mother- On life's last fearful day, By my last fervent prayer, Be all my hope and stay. 2 2 8. O Mary, Mother Sweetest Best. J . (Children's First Communion Hymn.) Andantma(#-=46.) v J ' Soli, mf , i__, 9 * * * 196. ) A ton, mj S i) J iilj J^ J JSllJ 5 &* vL 1. '0 Ma -ry,Moth-ersweet-est best, Fromheavens im-mor - tal bowers, 'Do 2. My lit - tie child, I can obtain So bright awreath for thee , That yrnpif ft f-^-H-rr~H^^=^ PP^ ^^5 ^^ CHORUS, nif wmm $ $ i if i gath - er for Je - sus will a lit - tie child A bouquet of sweet flowers. I wish my lit - tie de-light to come With -in thyheart to be. Ill give thee love- ly ■r^ t E'f Mp f f f in thyheart to ■0- -0- -*- -p- Q*b \ $ p=ff l ^ Jij /' p J'lp^gir i Z5i s ¥ * g J.1- heart to be A era - die fair and gay, Where Blessed Je- sus may re-pose.' iviy char - i - ty, More warm than ros-es glow, I'll give thee heavenly pu-ri - ty,More as i tH f = f * \J pi j-^U:>jjiJ [[ i\[ jyfljji^pi _ — « — » # ~ ,». , g^, ^ r , iF « p y * * T' (first) communion day,- Where Bles-sed Je-susmay re-pose,My first communion day. white than lil-y snow,- I'll give thee heavily pu-ri-ty,Morewhhethanlil- y snow. as PPPi • .f » « a &=? Soii. 3. IThe violet of humility /Shall yield a sweet perfume, I And Jesus will delight to be , Within thy little room. But then remember, dearest child, TW^'./The blossoms that I give jRequire the watering of a prayer/^ [Or they will cease to live. S Soli. Tatti. * ' 4. Mother, dearest, tenderest Mother, You know how frail I am , Avery giddy, thoughtless thing, A weak and helpless lamb. But oh! if thou wilt but send down Those precious flowers to me, I do ubt not but with thy good helpj^ is Well watered they will be. i Soli. Tutti. * This sweet communion day. LThen Mary from her holy hands, 'Those precious flowers sent down, (As beautiful and pure as those /That wreathe an angels crown. .That little soul was richly blest, 'In which dear Jesus lay, |Like the sweet turtle in its rest), . , [ Sweet (first) communion day. i 229. 197 On Saying- The Rosary. To break the monotony as well as to teach agreeably the mysteries of the Rosary and the lessons attached to them, various methods are recommended. Among the best for children is singing before each Mystery, the verses in- dicated below. Fr.p. conway, o. p. Hail, Full of Grace and Purity. Moderato.(J:76.) (THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES.) Voices. DUO, k o -*o M.H. t s p m PH m 9 %i ♦l.Hail, full of grace and *6. Queen of the ho - ly pu - ri-ty, Meek hand -maid of the Ro - sa-ry, With ten-der love look # ^ m j* 3* ^3= t^i ORGAN. i^S J.W>J j *===*= $ Lord," Hail, mod - el of hu - mil - 1 -ty, Chaste Mother of the Lord. down. And bless thehearts that of-ferthee This chap-let for thy crown. m J flj 6 0H =8 =** w — w ^ 1—R- m r—f r The Visitation — Charity to our Neighbor. By that pure love which prompted thee To seelt thy cousin blest, Pray that the fire of charity May burn within our breast. 3. The Birth of our Lord. —Poverty. This blessing beg, 0 Virgin Queen, From Jesus through His birth, By holy poverty to wean Our hearts from things of earth. ♦ l.The Annunciation -Humility. *6. Concluding Stanfca. The Presentation in the Temple Obedience. Most holy Virgin, Maiden mild, Obtain for us, we pray, To imitate thy Holy Child By striving to obey. 5. The Finding of our Lori- Love of Mm and Hisservire. By thy dear Son , restored to thee, This grace for us implore, To serve our LordL more faithfully, And love Him more and more. CR 1913 P.J.K.& S. 230. Lord, By Thy Prayer In Agony. (the sorrowful mysteries.) (Same music as NQ191) 198. The Prayer of our Lord Prayer. Lord, by Thy prayer in agony, On Olivet alone, Teach us to pray, resigned like Thee, And say,"Thy will be done." 2. The Scourging-.— Mortification. Sweet Saviour,who didst bear for me The scourges'pains intense, Help me to fly all luxury, And mortify each sense. 3. The Crowning with Thorns. — Fortitude. By the sharp thorns so meekly borne, And scoffs and buffets rude, Teach us to bear all pain and scorn With holy fortitude. The Carrying of the Cross — Patience. Lord, by Thy Cross, Thy people spare, And on us pity take, Help us our daily cross to bear With patience for Thy sake. 5. 77?^ Crucifixion. —Spirit of Self-sacrifice . 0 Jesus, Victim for man's fall, Lamb slain on Calvary, Accept henceforth our lives, our all, In sacrifice to Thee. 6. Concluding Stanza. Queen of the Holy Rosary , With tender love look down, And bless the hearts that offer thee This chaplet for thy crown. All Hail, Great Conqueror, lb Thee. (The Glorious Mysteries) {Same music as K9 19?) 1. The Resurrection Faith. All hail, great Conqueror, to Thee, Arisen from the dead,- Grant us the light of faith, that we May in Thy footsteps tread. 4. 199. The Assumption. —Devotion to our Lady- Mother of God, enthroned above, Beseech thy Son anew To fill our hearts with childlike love For thee, our Mother too. The Ascension — Hope. The Coronation of our Lady — Perseverance. To heaven Thou dost ascend again, All gracious Queen of Angels, deign Sweet Saviour of our race, Our last request to hear. With hope our fainting hearts sustain, For us this crowning gift obtain, To see in heaven Thy face. In grace to persevere. The Descent of the Holy Ghost.— Zeal for Souls. 0 Holy Ghost, who didst descend In cloven tongues of fire, Our souls, which ail too earthward tend With burning zeal inspire. 6. Concl uding Stanza . Queen of the Holy Rosary. With tender love look down, And bless the hearts that offer thee This chaplet for thy crown. 231 200. t Moderate (J -.96.) There Is One True And Only God. Old Mel. Harm. By C. HAUSEft. v <>, J j m i. J j j id ^ i if ■f 1. There is one true and on - ly God, Our Mak - er and Refrain. Al/ this and all the Church doth teach , My God! I do our be §S § Mfc F ?UUn F 5§ i^3 F /?. C. Refrain. 5 i Lord, And He cre-at-ed ev-'ry-thing By His Al- might lieve; For Thou hast bid us hear the Church, And Thou canst not y Word . de-ceive '^'f >lr'f: ff ^Pf I But in this One and only God There yet are Pe rsons' Three,- The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One Blessed Trinity. Cho. All this, etc. The Second Person_God the Son,- Came down on earth to dwell; Took flesh, and died upon the Cross, To save our souls from heU. Cho. All this, etc. The good, with God in heaven above Will ever happy be; The wicked, in the flames of heH Will burn eternally. Cho. All this, etc. 201. CARD. NEWMAN. Unveil, O Lord And On Us Shine. (The Same Music Will Suit This Hymn.) rsp 1. Unveil, 0 Lord, and on us shine In glory and in grace; This gaudy world grows pale before The beauty of Thy face. 2. Till Thou art seen, it seems to be A sort of fairy ground, Where suns unsetting light the sky, And flowers and fruits abound. But when Thy keener, purer beam Is poured upon our sight, It loses all Its power to charm, And what was day is night. 4. Its noblest toils are then the scourge Which made Thy blood to flow; Its joys are but the treacherous thorns Which circled round Thy brow. 5- And thus, when we renounce for Thee Its restless aims and fears, The tender memories of the past , The hopes of coming years. 6. Poor is our sacrifice, whose eyes Are lighted from above; We offer what we cannot keep , What we have ceased to love. CfR IH13 P.J.K.&S. 232. o c<* General Hymns-Missions, Retreats, etc. 202 R . Kev. B . chadwick .(Jesus My God, Behold At Length The Time.) ____/\«/_W Andante espressivo.C J = 40.) Er. BRYDAINE. ) />u "if. Soli p§ m £ f=f=f Je 2. Since 3. Kneel sus, my God, be - hold my poor soul _____ Thy pre ing in tears, be - hold at length the cious Blood hath me at Thy \y**0 f j p w fc r* ^p- When I re - solve Suf - fer me not Like Mag -da ■ len time, cost, Feet, to turn a - way from crime, for - ev - er :to be lost, for - give-ness I en - treat. m m ^^ v -Q^- &-*- ti& SEMT-VfiOHrS. 1 n _ i ^ _te j cresc. g^5 f^ SI Oh, par - don me, Je • o __ 1»- i sus. Thy mer-c 5_ im - plore, _ I will >4L 9- ins w ? ___ a ^ s s _ s & * ~T^ * W nev- er more of - fend Thee Oh, par- don me, Je-sus, Thy mer-cy I im m ^Nh4 p ft pv p t Cjlrf ; ah i^# //0C6» ___, m 2 _a S plore, I will nev- er more of- fend Thee, £ £- •— > iTfirr no nev-er more. 5^ ^ /Z%_- CHORUS. Usual trvoto ^U j^ mf m rail. 0 8 t - j Parce Domi-ne, parce popu-lo tu- o-, ne inaeternum iras- ca - ris no- bis 1_E ZZZB m 2_2 i§n u C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. T f 7 ^~A 233. 203 ^0<* ^ Mercy And Compassion. Rev. Fr.VAUOHAN (Act of Contrition.) Lento espressivo.( J = 52.) __ ) AH, mf Soil. B . M . J. fc '!-£- s J r^i i I j t j i pi f-r * l.God of mer-cy and com- pas - sion. Look with pit - y up- on 2. By my sins I have de - serv- «d, Death and end- less mis- er m bi r j3P J^ PPW § ^ ^ S Pff u« ^ " r "? me._ Pa-ther, let me call Thee Fa-ther,'Tis Thy child re-turns to Thee. y; Hell, with all its pains and torments, And for all e-ter- ni - ty. m y± I r +- -0- J_ im - plore in m $ rail. I^\ p J^UJIJ 11 f ^N rJii'fl f=rtf vain;Allmy sins — I now de - test them, Nev-er will I sin a (7\ 7 gain. m ri jOj- ^j^^ f tt r=f=f: C/R 1913 RJ.K.&S By my sins I have abandoned. Right and claim to heaven above, Where the saints rejoice forever, In a boundless sea of love. Jesus, Lord, etc. 4. See our Saviour, bleeding, dying, On the Cross of Calvary; To that Cross my sins have nailed Him, Yet He bleeds and dies for me. Jesus, Lord. etc. 234. ~o Overwhelmed In Depths Of Sorrow. * * (Second Setting) Moderator J = 72^ mf Soli. 204. I. MULLER. S Itf SOU. i i .— , s~^ , jjjj d i J- r J J J'u. ^'Jjij i 1. O - ver-whelmed in depths of sor - row, On the tree of pain and scorn, 2.See the nails, how cruel- ]y pierc-ing, Hands and feet so ten-dcr rend; ;n^f mf p j fif frf Pif^p ¥ iPi Ji^,JlJ J'U W*H t + r - — r * Hang-eth bleed-ing the Re-deem- er, And with rack- ing an- guish torn. Down His face and down His bod - y See His Sa - cred Blood de- scend ^=J M ut Pip J. T t,rf J3j^ i £ ^ r^ CHORUS. frSEH 1 -I -■ J J J SsS GS Ft Je-sus, who has caused Thy Pas -sion, Who has nailed Thee to the Cross? IS ^ fN^M i ^ ra/A 5§ *=T= Oh, 'twas I, who sinned, and grieved Thee, I, who nailed Thee to the Cross r± J ^^ .JU J3 ^ . S P ■ — * F^ '3, Hearken! with what cry in dying Jesus' spirit takes its flight! How itpierced the heart of Mary, How it whelmed her soul in night. CHORUS - Jesus, etc. 4. See the sun its light withdrawing, And the heavens growing pale; Bursting rocks the tombs that open, All their Makers death bewail. CHORUS - Jesus, etc. 5. Come, before His cross assemble, For, for us He shed His blood,- Died, of fervent love a victim, He, the only Son of God. CHORUS- Jesus, etc. 235, C R 1913 P. J.K.&S. 205. "D * + * Return To God, Poor Sinner. (Colloquy between the Good Shepherd and the Sinner.) Andante moderator a - 58) B. M.J. m & J -6 — 3 -e FT God, poor sin-ner, it is meet; De - lay no Lord! this lost and stray- ing sheep Whom Thou didst rr 1 . Re - turn to 2. Be - hold, 0 » w pip ^ I ff ^ cresc. wm -«— 32 more to bend thy reb-el knee. His ho - ly deign to seek for, oh! how long! A - rous'd at gg j. J ~ * * i law last thoust from ^^ ^& > mf & cresc . m p ^^ rrr? 5S brok-en; I en- treat, — Re -turn to Him, who seek-eth af-ter its longdead-ly sleep Guilty, con - fused,- this heart re-pentsits H P iPrrp / ta ^ff? T i. mL % i i rail ■ m % ? «=#> r?>'^ m thee, Re- turn to Him, L who seek-eth af-ter thee. wrong, Guilty con - fused, this heart re-pents its wrong. spp S i PP ClR 1913 P.J.K.& S. 3. The Good Shepherd. Repentant child, thy heart is all I seek, And when thy heart is given all to Me, My mercy takes thy service, rendered meek, And rains down grace and loves unceasingly, [bis) 4. The Sinner. My God! how good Thou art to all of those, Who with sincere repentance Thee implore; With grief and love my swelling heart o'erflows Oh, give me grace to love Thee evermore .(bis) 236. Light Dies Away 206. XfJ. ■tfilt i Moderator S = 80) Adapted from H. MONPOU. 1 m ¥=v^ ^ It i. Light dies a - way! 2. E - ter - ni - ty ^m an - oth - er sun is is draw - ing close a it t fc 1 set - ting! round us ; T i r ^ f=* How short has been the La - bor we hard our day that is con-science to m mi?' P- Z=z now pre - JL done'.__ pare, 0 fleet-ing How do the ^ M f i J j l f f & g=i ^ life! how soon we are for - get -ting, stains of guilt and sin con - found us? • -*- A -m- # How days and days thus To prac-tise vir - tue, m := a. BE tflJr ± m a ra//. ^ ? §1 ^=r s hur-ry one by one! How days ana days thus hur- ry one by one! has it been our care? To prac-tise vir- tue has it been our care? ^^ m gl F ^ 3. If on this night our Sovereign Maker call us To stand before His dreadful judgment seat: Ah! would His voice with stern reproach appall us? Or with meek eyes and tones of kindness greet? (bis) 4. Oh, let our hearts o erf low with true repentance-, And while we weep oer sin and guilt we've done, We shall from us avert the direful vengeance . Of endless joys the right we shall have won. (bis) 237. C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S 2CXZ To Christ, The Prince Of Peace. (Summi Parentis Filio) rQ Tr.Rev. E .CAS WALL. Maestoso.( J = 78.) SEMI-CHORUS. A M.H. fc^ * f 1. To Christ,the Prince of Peace, And Son of God most high, The 2. O Je - sus,Vic - tim blest, What else but love di - vine Could ?m^ I i fry»' i f— f— =g ? y/lgtt — >u — 1 J — i ' 1 1 • -J y J 1 1 1 T] • J a Fa - th lee co] er of the world to come, Sing we with ho - ly joy. l- strain to o - pen thus That Sa-cred Heart of Thine? i. e , J ^ f >t ,^ pi ,1 , ,, », -■/ ^ — | =E 1 u or 1 . -^-*- BEFRAINXTutt mf iHH i Deep in His Heart for US §i=i The wound of love He bore; That pep S± £^= m//. ^ 3C s love, where-with He still in- flames The hearts that Him a - dore. -0- ' mi T 3. 0 Fount of endless life, 0 Spring of waters clear, 0 Flame celestial, cleansing all Who unto Thee draw near. Hide me in Thy dear Heart, For thither do I fly; There seek Thy grace thro' life, in death Thine immortality. 5. C/R 1913 P.J.K.& S. Praise to the Father be, And sole begotten Son; Praise, Holy Paraclete, to Thee, While endless ages run. 238. O Jesus , Jesus Throned On High. 208 M.S. PINE. Andante.( J = 58.) j_A4 2E£. -E p S : < J : — r 1.0 Je - sus, Je - sus, throned on high, How sweet Thy reign of 2. Thou who didst make and light the eyes That now look up to 9**^ 1 i ^? r i -/CN j jo espressivo. iiPi E *=g *^ love! Thy Hearts besttreas-ures here I find De-scend-ihgfrom Thee Dost lure my heart with sweet sur-prise By hid -den maj - es - m I 1 P^ E 2 7 * mf cresc. £ 3 P hove ty-, I need not en- vy A won-drous cur-tain an- gels now, here I view And Be- fear has fled fore Thy God a - -head 5if4 m wmm -m- M Pf 21 7- jfTtllJ: M J S ra#. P W g f P=5 way, bright, gt I know 'tis Heart to heart that Thou Wilt speak to me to . And all Thy heau-teous Man-hood, too Stands veiled in deep-est day. night. ftF f IP! 7 7 3. But Faith beneath the veil doth peer, And love draws back each fold, Till Thy Hearts beatings she doth hear, Like John made overbold. She looks into Thy heavenly eyes For which the angels pine, And drinks the sweetness of the Saints In union all divine . 239. C/R 1913 P. J. K. & S. 209. Through This Vale Of Tears We Wander. I. WILLIAMS. Moderato.(J = 80.) ,nf Soli t I I. MULLER. s 1. Through this vale of tears we wan-der, Pil-grims in a far-off land, 2. Here be-low all things are pass-ing; Night will end our hap-piest day; x-i — J — -r P — r+ 1 935i ?EI 4 mm i i :? i -m gi Long - ing ev - er sigh-ing ev-er Just to see and un - der-stand. Friends we trust -ed most for-sake us, Pleas-ures van - ish hopes de-cay. 2. I E_3 I A m a «2 Z_ P i 8 * PP^a ~T CM)RUS.nrf J'P J N j p J Yp p p p ^ 3 Just to see Thy face, my Je-eus, Just to know Thy love di - vine, Thou a-lone, oh! Lord art changeless,. And Thy love will nev - er cease; w n f %—% r y 'h a mf ± / rail m Just to bewith Thee inheav-en, Ourheartsshel-tered,Lord, in Thine. Lord I pine with love and long-ing, Till 1' see Thee face to face. 1 -—-# * f * Sol (Stranger in a land of strangers, ,. J In a land of misery; 1 ( Jesus dear, my God and Saviour, Chorus. Deign my comforter to be ] Till my soul in highest heaven, I Dwells with Thee eternally. One hope brightens my sad exile Hope of heaven, hope of Thee. C/R M3P.J.K.& S. 240. 0 'Tis Thy Good Pleasure And Not My Own. 210. Rev. E.VAUGHAN C. SS.R Moderato.(J =66.) j „ Ancient Melodv. f J PjiiiiJJlJ^i f + ^ ^ ^ ^ „ l.'Tis Thy good plea-sure, not my own, In Thee,myGod,I love a - lone; And 2. In love no ri-val canst Thou bear, But Thou art full of ten-der-estcare;And »V * -f-J 4 I I*' fc fffrif1 I1? sg BSe I i i tf\ E s p#s r ^ * — ^* — * — * — * noth-ing I de - sire of Thee,But what Thy good-ness wills for me. fire and sweetness all di- vine To hearts which once are whol - ly Thine "8 ? \y REFRAIN. (Tutti.) 3t 1 m «=* * ^-Lf-a-f> frT ev - er Thine, 0 ^ 0 will of God, 0 will di-vine,All, all our love be f=c# ffiifff jQ 5 i 2-J5 L =S s ^p ^ m// *»1 ev - er Thij * *- will of God, 0 will di- vine, All, all our 'love be ev-er Thine. ? f f If f f tflM^ In Thee all pure affections live, To love,Thou dost perfection give; While-ever burning with desires, The loving soul to Thee aspires. 4. Thou makest crosses soft and light, And death itself seems sweet and bright ; No cross nor fear that soul dismays, Whose will to Thee united stays. To Thee I consecrate, I give My heart and being while I live, Jesus, Thy Heart alone shall be My love for all eternity. 6. Alike in pleasure and in pain, To please Thee is my joy in gain; That, 0 my Love, which please Thee, Shall evermore seem best to me. Final Choru*. May heav'n and earth with love fulfill. My God- Thy ever blessed will! 241, K IWJ3 P. J.K.&S. 211 ° Kiii£ And Lord, Who Dwellest On This Altar! Sr.MABY XAVIER,S.N.D. (Reparation.) ModeratoX J =66.) B.H.E. ^ m j' i ■' fc=fe 9 I I 1. O King and Lord, Who dwell-est on this al - tar, We come to 2. We thank Thee that, from ris- ing sun to set - ting, Thou stand-est -^ m _*^ m «h g ; ug- £ , fg p >t JV ■H'^F F: P iP; 6 r P f Pif M 2 3. And for our - selves, who know -ing and he - liev - ing Have treat- ed i cresc ■ U .- -h h> fr K k i I K? K K fa i I. be K h -h J> S i ^ m i £s t=*=* as Thee,withlov-ingheartsand true, To thank Thee for Thy lovcwhich can-not on our al- tar, Lord, as slain: We sor'1 row that, de-spis - ing or for- g:< f g=i ftF: pir P€F tt s 2 i Thee so cold-ly and £6 ill, Be-hpld iis now he-foreThee deep-ly J a I ? k k /weo r^. w l i .- Tutti.nvf He i- lV r pi 4 j j ,. rTTj j al-ter In spite of all un-erate-ful man may do We £=£ £ as fal-ter In spite of all un-grate-ful man may do We come to get- ting, Men leave Thee in Thydeath a - lone a - gain. _ We come to t ?f ) g I r p p p P P hg, And strength en, Lord, our weak and chane-in £ ;rzzz > griev4ng, And Strengthen, Lord, our weak and chang- ing will Weprom-ise J * , iii - . ,cresc. h ^ i*EE5^ i £ S as tell Thy heart, de - spised and tell Thy heart, thus scorned and *j m m * JL i lone - ly, That we are slight - ed, That in the __o m ? c c 0— m '< p p' s 2 now Thy heart, de - spised and lone - ly, That we are fc^ W M £ i 5 ± ^^P a 5= ^ a? fain Thy loy- al friends to he ■, That wewill strive through life to love Thee dai - ly Mass our strength shall he, That in the Mass our lives shall he de- * » * J) 0 0 , ^>> m m S* &=? fain Thy tru-er friends to be ; That we will strive through life to love Thee poco rit. fe^^h * £ 5 s -£ TheeT ^ov on - ly. That in Thy sor - rows we would com - fort light - ed, That in Thy sor - rows we would com -fort Thee. §fe 2S h mk * ;^? . on - ly. That in Thy sor - rows we would com C/R 1913 P. J.K.& R 242. l-fOrt Thee. 212. O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lordi Rev. Fr. FABER. r (Most Holy Name Of Jesus J Moderator J = 60.) Ancient Melody Harm, by C IIAUSER. i i m h rrfzrr Je - sus, Je - sus, dear-est Lord, For - give me if I love Thee so, I know not how My trans-ports to con J J J i i J u J m nr^r"nr>r'r^^ » ^s I m/7. ^T\ P 32=3 93 say For ver- y love Thy sa-cred Name A thousand times a day. trol; Thy love Is like a burn-ing fire With- in my ver-y soul. ?rirrf?irrrrirrr>ir, Wrrfm^ i 3. 5. 5 Oh wonderful, that Thou shouldst let So vile a heart as mine Love Thee with such a love as this, And make so free with Thine. 4. For Thou to me art all in all, My honor? and my wealth, My hearts desire, my bodys strength, My soul's eternal health. What limit is there to thee, love? Thy flight where wilt thou stay ? On, on, our Lord is sweeter far To -day than yesterday. 6. 0 love of Jesus, blessed love, So will it ever be .• Time cannot hold thy wondrous growth, No, nor eternity. Same Air As Preceding*. Rev. Fr. FABER. j Have mercy on us , God Most High! Who lift our hearts to Thee; Have mercy on us ,worms of earth, Most Holy Trinity! 2. Most ancient of all mysteries ! Before Thy throne we lie; Have mercy now, most merciful, Most Holy Trinity! 3. When heaven and earth were yet unmade, When time was yet unknown , Thou in Thy bliss and. majesty Didst live and love alone! 4. Thou wert not born, there was no fount From which Thy Being flowed; There is no end which Thou canst reach; But Thou art simply God. 243. 213. How wonderful creation is ' The work that Thou didst biess. And oh! what then must Thou be like, Eternal Loveliness! 6. 0 Majesty most beautiful! Most Holy Trinity! On Mary's throne we climb to get A far-off sight of Thee. 7. Oh,listen, then, Most Pitiful! To Thy poor creatures heart; It blesses Thee, that Thou art God, That Thou art what Thou art! 8. Most ancient of all mysteries! Still at Thy throne we lie; Have mercy now, Most Merciful, Most Holy Trinity! C|R1913 P.J.K.&'S. ~o 214 Hail, Jesus, Hail. Rev. F.W. EABER. Aiidantino.(»- = 54.) V. NOVEL LO. n mf Soli. j j J m m m 1. Hail, Je - sus, hail, Who for my sake Sweet Blood from Ma- ry's 2. To end-less ag - es let us praise The pre - ciousBlood,Whose 8 f B J :?=* z: 1 f £ =0 sn » d* ,F? veins didst take, And shed it all for me, And shed it all for metd_ price could raise The world from wra+h and sin, The world from wrath and sih; — j >* ■ p - — g fa e£% Fig P : g F \fi ^^ I fey 5i^ h Tutti. crcsc. m ** r Oh bless - ed be my Sav-iours Blood, My life, my light, my Whose streams our in- ward thirst ap - pease, And heal the sin - ner's 1 m e=tf £i «=F *i :zz ^nnnr'i'j iJ^> rail. P^P -*» on-fygood,My life, my light, my on - hy good, To all e-ter-ni - ty. worst disease,Andhealthe sin-ners worst disease, If he butbathethere - in. -E— i ff yiit f1 f f > IF T P*P \ r r * ' '- 3. 0 sweetest Blood, that can implore Pardon of God, and heaven restore , The heaven which sin had lost; (dis.) While Abels blood for vengeance pleads, What Jesus shed still intercedes, (dis) For those who wrong Him most. Oh, to be sprinkled from the wells Of Christ's own sacred Blood excels Earths best and highest bliss: (bis.) The ministers of wrath divine Hurt not the happy hearts that shine (bis.) With those red drops of His. Ah, there is joy amid the Saints, And hells despairing courage faints When this sweet song we raise: (bis) Oh, louder then, and louder still, Earth with one mignty chorus fill, (bis) The precious Blood to praise. 244, What Shall I Render Unto Thee, O Lord? (Hymn of Thanksgiving.) Rev.H.VAN RENSSELAER, S.J. Allegro Moderato.(J = 80.) 215. j *p i CARL HAUSER. crese. c rW 22z: U_ „T| ! x 1. What shall I ren-der un - to 2. What Is my love? nay, what In *rtT< p f r Thee, 0 Lord, For all^— -" the deed my heart?That I should 5 P^IP O^J J . o-^u ^S i f- ^ F J 0 ft, T- jirrTili- iiii ^ * » ^ * -S- f fa-vor in Thy sight: Hark to Thy Church Tri-um-phant inter- ced-ing Pit -y Thy waves our ves-sel fill: Wake,wake,0 Lord! Thy children hereare weeping; Speak to the i-^ m Church that groan-eth in the fight. 0 God of trutn,no battle line can shake her, wind and wa-ters:"Peace,be still!" L*t notmensayThyprom-is-es are fail-lng, j ,j j^ 4 ,j _ f M * ' P - J- J, J J j J3 73t — •— -^ — a — 0 — — A d h [• rip ^r~r if- "-ir-p Mr rip r -r ^-^^ u mf " cr#se - ce-n - , - .do. \ h , j j i j. ju_j j jij -ij-j-jm.> j i j im Trust-ing in Thee, we shall not lose our hope: Hast Thounot said that Thou wilt not fo: Trust-ing Let them n in Thee , we shall not lose our hope: Hast Thounot said that Thouwiltnot for- pt boast Thy Church hathlost her hope: Let themnot deem the gates of hellpre- JrO.J J J J, J /Tf.J-,i.J J J J 2 a u I A i i =- . T^ "i £ v^,1^ I' 2 decrescendo. f1 f"/jf j'p"^^ for the Church and the Pope ! Church and the H ? r sake her? vail- ing, yf thk r^ Hear,then,our pray'r forthe Church and. the Pope! Church and the Pope! Hear Thou, our prayr for the Church and the Pope! Church and the Pope! mk ^ I'M m r 3. Shepherd of souls, the wolves are all around us; Whisper again,"0 fear not, little flock," Jesus, our King, the enemies surround us; Tell us Thy fortress stands upon a rock. Show us Thine Angels camping round about us, Strengthen our hearts In Faith and Love and Hope; If Thou art with us, legions shall not rout us, None shall prevail o'er th* Church and the BopelftfcJ 347 c|B 1913 P. J.K.&S. 218. O All Ye People God Hath Made. Moderato.(J=69) 4 s pk German Melody, Harm. By C. HAUSER. j J J 0 0 0 gg 1. 0 all ye peo-ple God hath made, Sing 2. Praise to the Lord,wbo all things made; Give 1 glo - ry to His glo - ry to His t=t wm m k iHiii f m ors paid; Let ^rs paid; Let ho ho ly Name: ly Name: To To Him Him be be end- less end- less hon hon m mm k i f i rail. u fe£ # w m w r-m m p ■ -w m . - # ev - 'ry tongue His praise pro-claim, Let ev -ry tongue His praise pro- claim, ev-'ry tongue His praise pro-claim, Let ev -'ry tongue His praise pro -claim. B^ mm m » 3. 0 sing His praise, ye heavhly choirs, Who stand around His awful throne; Repeat on your Immortal lyres, That praise belongs to Him alone .(ois.) 4. Thou glorious sun, His image bright Who rulst the seasons and the days, And thou, fair moon,who rulst the night , Unite in your Creator's praise. (bis.) 5. Praise Him,ye stars, whose trembling lights Like scattered pearls, adorn the sky ; Your silent course each heart invites, 6. Praise Him, ye mounts,ye hills sublime— YevaUeys dressed in living green: Ye flow'rs, declare to ev'ry clime, His charm to mortal eye unseen. (bis.) 7. Praise Him, ye founts, ye limpid streams, Ye rapid rivers in your course; Proclaim Him in your murm'ring themes , Of ev'ry e-ood th'exhaustless source(bis.) Join voices, ye sweet featherd throng, Whose warbling notes to heaven arise; Let woods and hills repeat your song^ To praise the Lord who reigns on high .(bis.) And zephyrs waft it throue-h the skies(bis.) 9. 0 thou, for whom this wondrous frame, And all these creatures were design'd— 0 man! adore and praise His name In whom all beauties are combined. (bis.) o|R ma P.J.K.&S. 248 Rev.Fr.ANDERTON,s.j. Jerusalem! My Happy Home! 17 th Century. Sostenuto.(J = 82) 219. li. M 0 1-Jl. H F\l.i &e r 1. Je - ru - sa-lem! my hap 2. Thy saints are crowned with glo ?h»f \f- iXM py home! When shall I come to ry great , They see God face to ? a ^m m. c * S ^^ ^ EE _ rail. sm n *=* -♦•- r thee? When shall my sor - rows face, They tri - umph still, they r r * r p mm have an end9 Thy joys when shall I see? still re-joice,Mosthap-py is their case fH* P P 10- T P 0~ 3. There David stands with harp in hand, As master of the chair, Ten thousand times that man were blest, That might this music hear. 4. Our Lady sings Magnificat, With tune surpassing sweet, And all the virgins bear their part, Sitting about her feet. There Magdalen hath left her moan, And cheerfully doth sing, With blessed Saints whose harmony In every street doth ring. 6. Ah, my sweet home Jerusalem! Would God I were in thee! Would God my woes were at an end, Thy joys that I might see. * * * 1. 0 Brightness of eternal light , I worship at Thy feet ; Though all unworthy in Thy sight , Thy mercies I repeat. 2. To save our souls from sin and strife Is still Thy work divine ; The gates of everlasting life, 0 gracious Lord, are Thine. 3. 1 love to praise Thee when the sun Pours forth his early light, And when the bright stars one by one Come twinkling out at night . 4. If I am free from care and loss, 1 love to praise Thy name ; If I am called to bear Thy Cross , I bless Thee all the same. OBrigritness of Eternal Light. PPO (Same Air As Preceding.) _ Lmj£j\J. 249. If roses on my path I meet, I feel the gift is Thine; If thorns spring up to pierce myfeet, I still will not repine. 6. The blessings sent to win my love, 0 Lord , I freely take ,• The trials sent my faith to prove, 1 bear for Thy dear sake. 7. Tnenletme on my journey go, And fear not for the end; It matters not who is my foe , If Jesus be my friend. 8. In Thee, sweet Lord ,1 put my trust; Ohguard me while I live; And when this dust returns to dust . My soul in heaven receive. C|R 1913 P. J.K&S. 221 Bernard Of Cluny. Aiidantino.(J = 80) ,)(f Soli. Jerusalem The Golden! (Urbs Sion aurea.) H.H. * & *m Hi. J . J 1. Je - ru - sa - lem the 2. They stand, those halls of iF^tf gold - en! With milk and hon - ey Si - on, All ju - bi - lant with &± m rf m blest, Be - neath thy con-tem - pla-tion Sink heart and voice op - prest. song", And bright with many an an -gel, And all the mar - tyr throng. tin gfl fi j mm m p » rT :zf: U: 9 H ■f ^_ IJ ra#. I frTr1^^ r r r ■ r r s£ e'er Thou wilt with me-, Do now my heart re - mains; Cap -J- J- J L~l _ ? *L-^l what e'er Thou wilt tive now my heart fc with re me. mains. «U>j, .ft ^^ ^ 3Z Thou. 0 God, my heart inflame, Give that love which Thou dost claim; Payment I will ask for none •, Love demands hut love alone. {bis) 4. God of beauty. Lord of light, Thy good will is my delight-, Now henceforth Thy will divine Ever shall in all be mine.(£*s.) Christ, The Glory Of The Sky. OO Q (Same Tune As Preceding.) L^LmJKJ, Tr. Rev Fr. CAMPBELL. 1. Christ, the glory of the sky-, Christ, of earth the hope secure-, Only Son of God most high-, Offspring of a maiden pure l(bis) 2- Purest Light, with in us dwell, Never from our souls depart; Come, the shades of earth expel, Fill and purify the heart. {b is) Help us now Thy praise to sing Praise for this returning day; Light and life let morning bring, Clouds and darkness flee away! {bis) 4. Faith in Him,Whose name we bear, In our heart of hearts abound! Hope, thy brightest torch prepare; All with holy love be crowned 'a bis.) 5. Praise the Father-, praise the Son, Spirit blest, to Thee be praise! To the eternal Three in One Glory be through endless days \(bis.) 2M. C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 224 Tears On Thy Sacred Face, My God! Largo.(J r:56) ^ Melody by Rev. A. GREAVEN . O . C. C. Harm, by Rev. P. J. WADE . O .C.C. S ± i r^Kr f ftf t=t r r 0 f * * d- * ? Face, my God! Long sor-row, told by tears, A Face, my God! The anguish that shall win Hope 1. Tears on Thy Sa-cred 2. Grief on Thy Sa-cred wreath of tor-ture for the des - o m crowns at last The ag - o - ny late with peace And par -don for of years! Thy the sin ; The i m=» ± s I cresc h^Ss 3^f^ as glo - ry dimmed, Thy beau - ty fled, Thy ten-der, tonch-ing gract sin whose dead - ly hands have laid So deep, so sad a trace On k 5 ^S r=p mil 9*- S wm fes s t r=r==r= Beams on us now no long - er here, 0 brow and lips and weep-ing eyes, 0 Sa - cred, suf - fering Facel Sa - cred, suf- fering Face ! m j — *-k m SE E — y~ 4. We pray Thee for Thy straying sheep We pray Thee for the eyes, The lips, the hearts, that always bid, Thine own hot tear-drops rise, We pray Thee for this world of Thine, Its wandering, wilful race, Lead it kind Shepherd, to Thy Shrine, Thy Sacred, suffering Facel Love on Thy Sacred Face my God! The love that liveth on Though light, and loveliness and joy, To sight of earth, are gone; The love that calls us to Thy Feet, And folds in Thine embrace The children of Thy tears, my God! 0 Sacred suffering Face! 5. C/R 1913P..I.K.& S Unclose Thy weary Eyes, my God! Bow down Thy weary Head, Over the souls that prostrate lie, Thy Precious Blood be shed. 0 royal flood, 0 golden flood, Of faith, of hope, of grace; Bless Thou the hearts and eyes that seek Thy Sacred, suffering Face! 252. I Come To Thee Once More, My God. Rev.F.W. FABER. 225. , Maestoso, non lento, ,8 W mm .(J =80.) — B. S.A. j i j. ;■ j f T i. I come to Thee once more, my God! No 2. Rich - es could bring me joy and power, And £fc± a long-er will I they were fair to i «EB w m f roam-, For I have sought the wide world through, And nev- er found a see-, Yet gold wTas hut a sor - ry god To serve in-stead of V^ i I J cresc. inS ^1 I I * r=&=* V0 p \ home. Though hright and man-y are the spots Where I have huilt a Thee. Then hon- or and the worlds good word Ap- peareda no - bier e=e si b /•«//. SI nest, Yet in thebright-est still I pined For more a-hid-ihg rest, faith; Yet could I rest on bliss that hung And trembl-ed on a breath? m BB m ^ p — m. 7 3. The pleasure of the passing hour My spirit next could wile ; But soon, full soon, my heart felt sick Of pleasures weary smile. More selfish grown, I worshipped health, The flush of manhoods power; But then it came and went so quick, It was but for an hour. 4. And thus a not unkindly wTorld Hath done its best for me-, Yet I have found, 0 God! no rest, No harbor short of Thee, For Thou hast made this wondrous soul All for Thyself alone ; Ah! send Thy sweet transforming grace To make it more Thine owTn . 253. C,R 1913 EJ.K. &S. 226. Ave Sanctis sima! * * * Lento e legato.( J. 54.) I^E m Pilgrims' Chorus (XV th Century.) ' "if i g ■ **i s -r-r-g 1. A - ve Sane - tis - si - ma, We lift our souls to thee, 0 - ra pro 2- A - ve Sane - tis - si - ma, List to thy child-ren's pray'r, Au - di Ma- M M -0- -0- *+ 9 49. +>■ JL » m § i ^ m y cresc. ^ to ¥ zr f no - bis 1 'Tis night-fall on the sea, Watch us while shad - ows lie, ri - a! And take us to thy care; 0 thou whose vir - tues shine, %} £ -+■*+■+- £ £ t ^k y p rail. i^U-jJ I l a F *=* Par o'er the wa-ter spread, Hear the hearts lone - ly sigh, Thine too hath With brightest pu-ri-ty,_ Come and each thought re -fine, Till pure like ^m m w a tempo . ¥ ft f p i J "J~Q rpf j J i J P 3T bled. Thou that hast looked on death, Aid — us when death is nigh; thine, Oh! save our souls from ill; Guard thou our lives from fear; ■0 * ^ i i ^ 5« P REFRAIN. rail. a tempo i I HP 1^ m teEX pblea;Vre°sfflUh!Sweet Mrther.sweetMoth-erhear, O-rapro. * %=*■■ c» [_ cresc. | np=- ? ;vf//. g=3 13 >S Sr S^ no-bis! The wave must rock our sleep, 0-ra,Mater, O-ra, Star of the sea' SL ^ £ £ £ IT7 ♦ ^' £ i r* -*-•*- -^ i*- -^^ af- a i C/R 1913 P..T.K.& S. 254. O Bright Flower Of Carmel! 227 Rev. A.GREAVEN, O.C. C Moderator J = 8,s) Harm. by Rev. P. J. WAPE, O. C. C. ?'\1 i JlJ jf^H^4^ feE 1.0 bright Flow'r of Car- mel, thou blos-som - ing vine! The Z. 0 Star of the wild sea that shin-eth se - rene, Once ^m 3^£ O F f- ^=U ^s ifct i *ni i IZZX: ven, of Je - sus di - vine! The as as Car - mels bright Queen Typi- splen - dor of He a seen by E - li S£ P i -<©-• iSdr 1 -fi- zz f Child bear- ing Vir - gin, most stain -less, most mild, Thy fied by the cloud- let that rose o'er the waves Of the fm I a if ^- I P i 9-1- I ij J ^ lp 3 5 priv- i - lege grant to each Car- mel - ite child, sea that Mount Car - mels base gen - tly laves. 255. C/R 1913 P.J.K.& S 228 What A Sea 0f Tears And Sorrows. Tr.FE.CAMPBELL. (° *Uot undis ^rymarum.) Our Lady's Sorrows. Ad. from Gregorian. -TT^frr^ mm =22: rr =22 sor-rows Did the soul of Moth-er! See her tears how l.What a sea- of tears and 2. Oh, that mourn —ful Vir-gin 'Ml'* f £L P & ^2 r \ t r fcfc ^ -j I 122 =22 as: _22 =22 Ma- ry toss *9- - To and fro fastthey flow Down up - on <7\ mm TOZ M up - His on Its man- gled bil - lOWS; bo j dy, ^^ 15= F r-rr T r "1 /444 /7N £ g flb I g t -** -22 While she wept her Wound- ed SSI ^ side and thorn-y f8 # bit -ter loss; In her arms her brow: While His hands ana =8: 3 f 2= I i n\ =22 =22 35= ^ ^r *F Je - sus hold - ing, feet she kis - ses, -si- Torn but new - ly from the Pic-ture of im - mort-al gg* m A Cross, woe! ¥ * FXTT Oft and oft His arms and bosom Gentle Mother, we beseechthee, Fondly strainingto her own? By thy tears and troubles sore; Oft her pallid lips imprinting By the death of thy dear Offspring; On each wound of her dear Son, By the bloody wounds He bore; TiU at last, in swoons of anguish , Touch our hearts with that true sorrow Sense and consciousness aregone. Which afflicted thee of yore. 5. To the Father everlasting, And the Son, who reignsonhigh, With the coeternal Spirit, Trinity in Unity, Be salvation, honor, blessing, Now and through eternity. 2*6. ClRlylHT.J.K.&S. ^0 * * * . Moderator J = 50.) O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. ( Renewal of Baptismal Vows ) 229. B. M. J. P^ ^ mm E t r s=* -? 1. O Fa-ther. Son, and Ho - ly Ghost- One God in Per - sons Three , We 2.But most we thankThee for the grace Of that thrice bless- ed day, Which y^r ip p F p ip-fr m ^=S=i J1 J 'd I p p p p£fe come in faith to count the cost, And give our- selves to Thee, sped us in our Christ- i an race, And wash'd our sin a - way. m •*P ^in * « ^m :w — m. »tt 5§ i=M ^ ^r pj ' ?■■ p In hope and love Thy name we hless For count-less mer-cies Then we were free from guilt- y stain, Tho' sad and sin - ful ^ tT[f f f E ,/' ^tfr^ * II t * * given To make our earth - ly bur - dens less, And smooth our way to heaven. wo?i> With con-trite hearts we come a- gain To make oursol-emn vow. e§ ^m f f F -^ ' -^ i a /■ 3. Soli. ^ear Lord, before Thy wounded feet Weeping Thy children fall-, Soli. (Hear us. kind Jesus, Saviour sweet, Our Life . our Love , our All . (We seek to serve no other king, Chorus) Follow no other guide, iNor earth, nor any earthly thing, V Shall tear us from Thv side. I We seek to know no other love, ,• ; Save what we love in Thee; "t And Thee we choose all else above Our chiefest love to be . ( Thy Blood our only treasure is, Chorus) Thy Cross our chosen part; j Thyself and Mary all our bliss; ' Our home, Thy Sacred Heart. 257. C,R 1913 P. J.K. &S. 230 Christmas Comes To Bless The Earth. ^o (The Crib, The Cross,The Altar.) * Mel. by B.M.J. Andantino.( J = 7&) Harm ■ ^ c ■ " aijser. mf Soli Ijj-Jij hj Jiggij i m r t r r 1. CHRISTMAS comes to bless the earth With its won-drous heavenly birth-, 2. EASTER with its flam-ing crown Tram-pies all the dark-ness down; 4V , n . r r ^ J^U i S^ I PP liS g £ I ¥ fc^S I J Bright and high the dawn -ing Light Burn-eth through the gloom of night. Ty-rant spec-tres of the gloom Die be - fore the op - en Tomb. nf f iff if jimP'l^ r + .. „TntH . ^__ __. c.rvxr.. __m i J=J £ ,fi Ml Ji^ J^gg 3: rT r rr God hath come with men to dwell, Christ is born in Is - ra - el; Christ hath ris - en, from the grave, Christ hath ris - en, strongto save; m ^ ~ r 4r; Oi .L4 i p^p £E? p ±=d=^ * s mf t rn«. £ J m cr c^'lT^^t @^J|3 J 'j Thril-ling songs His An-gels sing, Worship- ping their In- fant King. Thril-ling songs His An-gels sing, Worship - ping their Vic-tor King m £2- 1 P^P J 4. ^ ? * tfoJt. "Thus He reigns beyond the sky i In the love that cannot die; I Yet with men doth ever dwell, In the midst of Israel. Soli /Comes the shadow of the tomb, l Comes the fearful day of doom; { Darkling clouds about us lower; ( Jesus, save us in that hour. . (So before His Altar now Tutu. /-AH **is radiant Angels bow; ^Thrilling songs they ever sing, 'Worshipping their hidden King. c/R 1913 P..T.K.& S. 258 /By the Christmas frost and snow, TnUii TEasters bright and burning glow, J Light around Thine Altar shed, iSave us in that hour of dread. 'The March Of The Parish Schools. Rt.Rev. MGR. HENRY Indicated to the Pupus of 'the Parochial Schools A. BRANN D. D. in the United States. Joyfully. 231. W. RHYS- HERBERT. IM J\ ii b h ii .* mse 5= i. Hail, Cross divine! thy vie - tories we sing, For thee our mar - tyrs ^m i—i r cf a nr: p ir=^i=j r^=? k^4 .4 5F=F=5 i: 3^*^ brave and faith-ful died; To thee in weal and woe we fond -ly cling, __=. 1 W' it t(M? ft fiFf^ir f r f ■s- Soli.ji y+-fii »if Oh! quick de Oh! come! oh! bid time take wings;, bid time take wings;. scend come! Else We'll mmm m Iti :N I <>^NN «= «\ & ^ k ■ - r our poor hearts no peace will know. But fierc-er with im - pa-tience glow, deck our hearts with bril-liants rare. And wel-come meet for Thee pre - pare. * * ~ - f} r r * >>? t F -F 'F £ ? F 3. /Think not upon our baseness, „. /Take vengeance not upon our crimes; Chorus.' -n , ... n , , r ifcsut with us yet have patience; VMake us Soli. CH IMS P.J.K.&S. all Thine in time. For art not Thou, our Lord and ne.(7\ f ^53 ¥ 5 S Vir-gin blest ;Theirwear-y feet are trav- el -worn, They crave a place to rest, till the morn; At mid-night's hour, a cry is heard, Beth- le- hem's Babe is born. i «■ m ipip s ^ mf Solo. ■hOl^ i' J ■* arates, no room is there' For Jo-scph an Closed are the gates, He comes to save, ...■> ffl > no room is He comes to bless, cph and the He comes to bring us 3=JeJ > ■ J ^ ^ ^ « J J> i> > ^ =PJ=^ 5 £ i* f Maid - en fair! For hap - pi-ness, He J A i Ji 7 n «l J) J K a 3. Far up the side of Judahs hills The shepherds keep their watch by night; When suddenly, with fearful hearts, They see a dazzl" ,g light; Solo. While in the sky the angels sing, 4. In wond'ring awe, they hear the song, Of heavenly joy and earthly peace; Proclaiming far the birth of One Whose mercies never cease. Solo. With grateful hearts, they haste to find And bid them seek their new-born King.(bis} The Infant Saviour of mankind, (bis.) 26." OlR 1913 P. J.K.&S. 236. SR. CLARISSA. No Room, No Room For Him, iessenger of the S.H. Andante/*:: 6.3) SOZI.fUnison) njf B. H. E. SOZLf Unison) n(f cresc. espressioo VOTrFql. No room, no room for Him, The Lordwho made the earth; The poorest beggar 2. No room no room for Him, His own re-ceive Him not; Re-ject - ed,Sav-iour k ¥$F& J jf ^ S f^i 1 !•• i *3 s £ (Accompan irneut.) ■ff=r k cresc. y>^M s * ^ p pp^p p #^ — # child finds shel-ter at his birth, But He the King1 of kingSjBearssi-lent-ly His mild, He seeks a low- ly spot— A-partfromcru-el men,-The cat-tleknowtheir W f. nn fc ^ ■=» f^Q* rr-r cresc. / m §3 i ^ be }/> raff. ^ £ ?>?/ Eg) D J' I) ^ P P P P '' I'' g * doom; Our La - dy meek-ly hears ForHim there is no room, — God, And earth will not re - fuse Thewel-come of its sod, m ^ m Our And a tempo m ^ s a i=i f*f / 7 7 r 95 /> §^ E* • v •> kjLP p pj> J^ J^ JuiL- |p-p- p p $ La - dy meek - ly hears For Him there earth wiH not re-fuse The wel - come no room, its sod. 266. mm OT0JH73'. (in harmony) No Room For Him. (Concluded) Aiidante.( J-63) mf ^ JHj: j' ^ J ^EE5 i s s= *=* *=* 35 i Xo room, no room for Him! My soul, is this thy j iF: H 11 w It p=*p , ''' i-i 'I J J 5. b 1' Ji i> tz Jt * cry? Has Jo - soph knocked in vain -* * wr In wear - y days gone §S r^r '4> i* Z B g^^i? =f=5 ' P P fe / i^ »£ ■ » Ei 0=^ tr o- by? Ah! o - pen, o - pen now m i the door, Bid PE P -E I* ^ PH = S1 Ma - ry en - ter ^=* Make room, my soul, make 3S J J . J J^-J>. =?=^ mm s & p — ? is cresc. fc==i £ -=g 3 room! To love thy Love be gin; HH Make * -^ g [J1'1 f [J i ■■ | /""J N^f^S room, my soul, make room! To love thy Love be - gin. > iJi *> r f [ i f 267. f r *■ ii CJR 1913 P. J.K.&S. 237. 0 Come To The Manger. # * # Moderato.(J = H2) Hi Solo. Old English Melody. fir- 1 i . Mj-Ji i 1 1 Mi 1 1 1 come to the manger, Children,cometothe children's King; Come,come, (Ace.) 4j: fl.J.ft ,==* ,/ 1 ill- _ ^^ g^e +^U 4-^ f=f ac f r ■J-6-jtJ: ^M^i^TfeU^^Ui^ r»r. T f t' — r p^f? Sing, sing, cho-rusof an-gels, Star of morn-ing o'er Bethle-hemlsing! M i_ j- j j j- ^^ s ■"■'fPfi- '' rs: PP^P rWiittt^N^Jn ^m 1. He lies 'mid the beasts of the stall, Who is Ma-ker and Lord of us Piano. . , t5^ -£ tf ^ I £ i * j j j i j rail. A 1 $^ft all; The win-try wind blows coldand dreary, See, He weeps,the p^ 4 g • ~zr Mr r r ^^^^^^ 268 TTS. i r u k— — " i ■"= +— J — :-.~e. c w—-* S-1 •): '*" — 1$ ■ 6'- 1 1 : m* : c : n e t ■ 4 t; 0 — » — — # — # the 0 p •*- — an —5 « — - - ger, -»• — 1 1 0 0-1 ~0 St Oil- iren : : me tc | 5 g •'— g— — # — J (he — -0 — 1 -J- — — f — # • j* # i :hil-dreLs Kine: Silt. sine • -5- -#- ma cf ah - eels S s-1- = '4 id 3d Vers a r;^ « • — 0 0 '■"-'-♦'- 55 ^ — ^ * — #-5 — 0 — # 1 * 0 1 — « • — — m — 0 — <5 u Stars :f icrn - • - -. o'er Beth - le - - rem sine *).'S != 5 = — J— 0-1 — 0 — f 1 0 0 ■m- -^L^ , •-« i * • a -* 1 o He leaves all His glory behind, To the manger cf Bethlehem c:me. Te be bornandto die for mankind: Tc :he Saviour T.r ~ ■?. ~ - *u t :~e; ^ Ltfa grateful beasts His cradle chooses. The BeaVnly hosts aboYe are si: s-irg Thankless buul His love refuses, Set the Christmas bells a ringing Lord- have pity and Ht: : y ;- ~ e 1 Lord.have pity ani nercycinel Come, come.ic. <-"-. 238. Raise The Glorious Christmas Song: F.X.DOYLE, S.J. S.H. MESSENGER, a Maestoso. (J =80) I.MULLER. % ¥^ 5 the glo a Babe 1. Raise 2. God nous at Christ Ma 'MjUiV P I 1 rys song, breast! fe=# it* 4 ^ n .n^^ 9 >&_ PPi r r T, »r^ Roll it from your souls a Sweet - lv held in Love's iin W i long. Vaults of Heav - en, rest; Love Him! Love our i mm *t ppif inS m//. 9^^ come and sing Em - man - v. - el, our iiew r born King! King of kings, _ ^ Who to earth re - demp - tion brings. i i w REFRAIN. Umf\. i. pj?j ij:^^ i r— r rr: ^^=y f f i Wel-come!Wel-come! Prince of Peace! May Thy King- ship nev - er cease, » . , J"J /3 f > #. L_ _L_ , PH p c j id »J r=f *4 5-^1 r«//. Pff P ■0. - *~" . May our love be ev-er Thine, May we know Thy Heart Di-vine! J. **$=4-^-t ^m w B=> 'g C|R 1913 P. J. K. & S, 3. Welcome! welcome! Prince of Peace! May Thy Kingship never cease, May our love be ever Thine, May we know Thy Heart Divine! 270. D -X) Andante.(J = 69) >»f The Snow Lay On The Ground, 239. French Carol. £^5 j^-V- id i ground, stall ,_ 1. The snow lay on the 2. She laid Him in a *E*f-i£ I £ £ i''Gt The stars shone At Beth - le- M . 0 t i ^m f m bright, When Christ Our Lord was born, hem; . The ass and ox - en shared. On Christ - mas The roof with m £ if E f P ^ 2 iy /» * I j' j' j' i j * ho - ly — tend the_ night. 'Twas Ma - ry, daugh - ter pure Of thern^ Saint Jo - seph, too, was by, To $m 1 I I E 'f P igi i k ± i -4£ « Anne, Child, ^^ That brought in - to this world— The God made To guard Him, and pro - teet His Moth - er MHf p £ i ip i n i\pp ¥^$ " s — " * d r That brought in - to this world— The To guard Him, and pro - tect His Man, mild. God made Man. Moth - er mild. m Mli ]>]> ]> 'h Mf 'i' ' -J ' The angels hovered round, And sang this song: " Venite, adoremus Ddminum',1 And thus the manger poor Became a throne: For He Whom Mary bore^^g Was God the Son. » 271. C/R 1913 P. J.K. J^s. ORGAN. nrf * HSiS I i^ E es, He comes to earth, fj^ 1 J'l fl i rTpPjfef .' Em-man-u - el. rj-' J| I jp p p i voic - es,' He comes to earth, to earth, Em-man-u- ^?Q #H^ rf t^r^r s 1 HtJ 6 ^ J And Is - ra - el. _' this day re - joic - =£ $ P P P It J^ P^=t f=^ el; And Is - ra - el. f i' fr Cf _' this day re • r V:* r e ^^£ p^ es. For Christ has come, .' No - el! No i^AjM^ pirifn ft» ^'^ el! tf\ i P^p p p rr JOIC es. For Christ has come. No i*^w$ $ j> f n el! No-el! No- el! 3 I *ri? ft f> fr qff£ TT i m T m 274. 4 TENOR I. SOLO, mf ■ j' y *• ^ sing - ing' ifefefe gg (- ; h \ \ =© WhatTc What means the song that heavn-ly choirs are sing (Accompaniment.) ^^^^ eansthe 't* » t t £=£ _& 5 i^** te ^cc.; # CHORUS. Oy SOPRANO SOLO. W# rfff star that glim-mers in the ^ East? ISo-el! N.o - el! He comes to 1 y .h j, j. h i 7^ ' J> J^ f= f p w §* earth, to tis sal - va - tion bring - ing; In Beth - le J"1 J— i r i * g£ 1 > ^ ^ ^ ^ ip P p ii hem, as is born the Prince of Peace. No - el! No 1 P TKNOR,II SOLO. What palace grand, with halls of purest marble And hangings rare, receives the Kingly Child? Noel! Noel! SOPRANO, II SOLO. On hillside drear, in poor, deserted stable, The Christ is born of Virgin meek and mild. TENOR, III SOLO. No throne has He, this King so great and holy; On bed of straw the royal Child is laid; Noel! Noel! SOPRANO, III SOLO. To honor Him. come shepherds poor and lowly. They know their God, and welcome Marys Babe. 273 0/R 1913 P. J.K.&S 241. Let Us Hasten To The Manger. I.WTLLIAMS. Moderato. (J = 84.) •I. SCHUMPFF. J^ij: ; i j> l t i \Q *=s 1. "Glo ry to God" 2. Propli - cts of old ig wmm pro - claim cc - lcs - tial foro - told in song and h K S S voic - es, sto - ry, ♦ 9 P 3E ^NM Ng# Glo - Tlie to tlll'C God King: and peace on earth to who was to rule all men. men. m mrf X^Ji 2 $m i "if teE=fe a § Heav Lo! en is glad and all the world re - joie - es, He has come, but not in pomp and glo - ry fcJ ^> } =m m ^i ^Mi j\ Con espressione. L-± a J1 1 1 ^ Je - sus, the Tliis Kins: of ra g Christ, is kings, the born Babe in Beth - le of Beth - le hem, hem, Ppip I m r p p * ^^^^^^ 1 P Je Tliis .K. sus, Kinsc the of Christ, kings, is the born Babe in Both of Beth le le 3 ?=F m Wk. HEFRALX. Ui *=£ m jpi hem. hem. Let us ha - sten to the Man- ger Where the Christ Child is ggn ±L£. m £y ^=i m m rail. . - ______ S^ f laid, To a - dore Ilim with Saint Jo-sephAnd with Ma- ry, sweet Maid. m ^ *=? « Piu lento. (J =63.) Soli- Unison - legato. m t m jij-J'j'u j ,i' j j u i 1. Come all ye choirs of heav - en, Loud let your an - thems ring; 2. God'c might -y voice has spok - en, Sin's wick - ed reign shall cease; 0rgan- * . J ♦ , #• naf gpjjj i £ P=^=?=' ij' I ! I f h' ■' J'irn J J I J i.i ii To Man's us, this day is giv - en, A Sav-iour and a Kin^, fet-tersnow are brok - en, Christ brings us grace and peace, -J>~ -0- -m- -p- m 3 F^ v v p- } k v — t rail. i n i> i, 3=5 a tempo. ft- S isp ^ * • * To Man's us, this day is giv - en, A Sav-iour and a King, fct-tcrs now are brok - en, Christ brings us grace and peace. i Let us ^ m ^5 PFi p — ~g ^— ^ 275. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 24-2 stars of Glory' Shine More Bri^M1y- Rev. Dr. HUSENBETH. Allegretto. (^) =116.) mi ^O B.M.J. #t1 ;Tj i>\§ * k :± tt 1. Stars of glo - ry, shine more bright-ly, Pur- er be the moon-light's beam, 2. See the shep -herds quick- ly ris - ing, Hastening to the hum- ble stall, ^5 ^if f "' M hm i f i s M£ i £=& £ »*=±F — * — ^ *■ Glide ye hours and mo -ments light- ly, Swift -ly down time's deep' ning stream; And the new-born In -f ant priz-ing, As the might -y Lord of all; m * m r- ,J J. FWni pcresf? ■mmmm ^^B 'in^r the Brin^ the hour that ban-ished sad-ness, Brought re- demp-tlon, down to earth, Low - ly now they bend be - fore Him, In His help -less in-fant state. ht ii if f £m n if "r if m^ffa M When the shep-heTds heard with glad-ness Ti-dings of T* Sav- lours birth; Firm-ly faith - ful they a - dore Him And His great-ness eel - e - hrate; +■ i» A _ * ^ ^ , * ^ » -4l £M rt ^5 I f ^f^ 2 PPPi ^ m rail. k m Ti And dd Sav-iours birth; Ti - dings of a Sav-iours birth. And His great-ness eel - e - brate. dings of His great-ness eel - e - brate; £ i 1 £ ^|R 1913 P. J.K.& S Hark! the swell of heavenly voices Peals along the vaulted sky; Angels sing, while earth rejoices- "Glory to our God on high! "Glory in the highest heaven, "Peace to humble men on earth; "Joy to these and bliss is given, In the great Redeemers birthV (Thrice.) 276. I.WILLIAMS. Andante. (J -=58) CHORUS. i Star So Fair, Star So Bright! n 243. I. MULLER. P JJ >ij h i f ■t* »~y 1. Star so fair, Star so bright, Shin-ing clear with heav'n-ly light; Points the way 2. Seeking near, seek-ing far, Guid-ed by the mys-tic star, Leading them mp r ,r >• =g F I 1st time. ^T^lfl^ m 1 1 2nd time liii rrt// 3P=f r " r a r " s "r ' r * from the skies, To the manger where He lies. To the manger where He lies.. till they find Christ,the Saviour of man-kind.Christ the Saviour of man-kind.. gggui * J3. /a. P -a JLh i* J * f1 if 1 1 iJJ i ^-^Qr-^ S=* From far - off East - ern They seek in state - ly ml j j j ^ coun - try Their pre - cious gifts they pal - ace, They seek in cit . - y p £#^ p ^-JLj^-1 5 / ^ Atf. £ S " r might - y, To Him, their In - fant King, hill -side, A sta - ble, poor and bare. bring; The Ma-gi, great and fair; They find, up - on the £=£ §^^ ^W Ef^f f j:\f-m CHORUS. Lo! the star points to them, Christ, the Babe of Bethlehem; Bending low, they adore Him Who reigns for evermore. SOLI. Bright gold they place before Him, Rare frankincense they bring, And costly myrrh they offer, Their Master and their King- Chorus Lo! etc. 277. C/R 1913 RJ.K.& S. 244. o Hail! The Holy Day Of Days, Ite Maestoso. (J= 80) / SOLI Adapted from A. LIMAGNE. % i £ & PP^ fW 5' 'l5 p r=f 1. Hail! the ho-ly Day of days; High the hymn of tri - umph 2. Now thy bit-ter Pas-sion done, Thou,the well be - lov ed ■V^'i," r>' p frfi\Ut |ii0^f if y 'T'f3 frH 'pN^i'f1 ,1'U ■l^1'1 J JJJJ raise. To the Sav-iour's glo - ry tell, How the Cross has van-quished Son Of the Fa-ther throned on high,_ Rul-est all be -low the j j n n,\ >H\U j ^iQvf-iiif f mf cresc #1, JjIi'U J^ f I o Wf t m rf^Tf p?=f hell. By the precious blood are we Now re-deemed by Christ,and free. sky. King of kings,Thy saints u - nite_ To the choir of an - gels bright. v:tK r> i it it A J he f i ^ M Uj fc* it fTUTTl legato P H 'F F f f 'f^H^ ^ p* BE -5- High thanks-giving, there-fore raise, Sing the great Redeem-ers praise. Al - le - lii -ia! Lord, we sing— Je - susChrist,Redeem-er, King. m E PP P ig 3 h« I ihi g| 278. Allegretto. J = 96) „. f CHORUS. fflTnunfi!, ^+^ Al - le - lii - ia! Let us sing Je- sus Christ, Our Lord and King, Sound the W J f g f- U $ 1 if HHM^^g i b. ^5 ^ £b r Uc.PT p ? great Re - deem-er's praise;_ High thanks-giv-ing let us raise, Al - le ^^ •#- -i*- P^- if ip F f%$ wi ffl-J — e=1 d= Let us singr. Let us ^£e T7 Let us sing,. f lu - ia! Let us **F# 5^ ■f—^ sing. f E sing,. i j. Let us sing, Let us | >,J Ji ^ i Pf^ 5^? ar p- p r- Let us sing. Je - sus Christ Re - deem - er King. Ft Ft r_ir ruF- P^ be sing, Let us sing, Let us sing, frtp-afC-^rp-gr— 'r ^ m-34^3 rrff Let us sing,. Let us sing,. Je -sus Christ Redeem- er King. ? ? fi'- g I P PPP s p p if a 279. OfR 1913 RJ.K.&S. 245. . The Morn Had Spread Her Crimson Rays . (Aurora Coelum Purpurat) Trans, by R. CAMPBELL. Moderate (J =96) ) /| )>ij[ CHORUS. , ? M.H. I i i'i j''ii ^E *=* E3 With Christ we died, with Christ we rose,When at the font His Name we 5 S ^,f! ,r- « J P: ■f f — p rail. ^j^V^-^h-jll'ilJJU.JU END. chose: Oh, let not sin our robes de - file, Andturn to grief the paschal smile. S i m i ■ =■ ±zm =S=^ Hii LA £^5 1 ^ l.The morn 2. He comes had spread her crim - son vie - to - rious from the *P IP f 1 it rays, When rang the grave, The Lord om U 'f i p |pf ^^ '.-/ k r skies with nip - o r r shouts of tent to praise.: Earth joined the joy - ful save, And brings with Him to SB I P E If P 'P: P i ife tv m//. ■ .. * P ¥ r-5* — i- hymn to light of ^ swell,_ That brought des - pair to van-quishd hell, day The Saints who long im - pri - sond lav. i F />. c. cltt ibis P.J.K.&S. Let hymns of joy to grief succeed, We know that Christ is risn indeed; We hear His white -robed Angels voice, And in our risen Lord rejoice Chorus. 280. ro We Come To Thee, Sweet Saviour! 246. K'v.FR.FABER. B. K Aml.'l llfilio. Setnpliee \{ 0 i \ Vl^ i &*£? ~ I * ^E i 1. We come to Thee. sweet Sav-iour! Just be - cause wo need Thee 2. We come to Thee, sweet Sav-iour! None will Lave us- Lord, but A. . -J -- ». - i ^g^ 1 mm ? « ^ ^ 1 so; None need Thee more than we do; Norare half so vile or low. Thee; And we want none .but Jc-sus.AndHis grace that makes us free. ^V4^+g IT ;rij- ^f^m * REFKAIV. J 6 , 1,. — ^ f^- tgjEgrrn *^ * * !0 a? O boun-ti-fu] sal- va-tion! O life e - ter-nal won! O # m i*^ ^m s^Ff p r— r iM s s ^ r«//. ^ f Blood of Ma-rys Son! J ^^ plen-ti-ful re - demp-tion! -O § ^ ^ We come to Thee, sweet Saviour! With our broken fa it li again; We know Thou wilt forgive us. Nor upbraid us. nor complain. 4. Wo come to Thee, sweet Saviour! For to whom. Lord, can we go? The words of life eternal From Thy lips for ever flow. 281. We come to Thee, sweet Saviour! We have tried Thee oft befoi-o.- But now we come more wholly. With the heart to love Thee more. 6. We come to Thee, sweet Saviour! And Thou wilt not ask us why. We cannot live without Thee, And still less, without Thee die. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. OAT7 Holy Ghost, Come Down Upon Thy Children. itev. FR.FABER. Moderato.(J = 96) CHORUS. LAiiAT. i *==^ j awn ipn^-^ g^i j' ' ...■ Ho-ly Ghost, come down up-on Thy chil-dren, Give us grace, and make us l"i?iJ J I' HlH j=a I rr ^m Thine; Thy ten-dor fires with - in us kin- die, Bless - ed Spir-it! Dove Di R . * - - - 9 I r 7F r r'r r-f+tf ■ r MB JtJ- j JlJ J j Jlpj'f p|j: J jj= inelThytender fires with-in us kin- die, Bless-ed Spir-it! Dove ] S ^ J END. * 3 vine!Thytender fires with-in us kin- die, Bless-ed Spir-it! Dove Di- vine! jffip MMm ^f'FTif DUO or QUARTET. ^ ^, } ^- _ ^ 1. For all with-in us good and ho-ly Is . from Thee, Thy pre-eious 2- For Thou to us art more than fa - ther, More than sis - ter, in Thy yjt m fi. fi. m m. m * §M r 1 r - t r 1 r r {'iin\nu\nyp\}.iAii JJ.C m gift; In all our joys, in all our sorrows,Wist-ful hearts to Thee we lift- love,Sogen-tle, pa-tiont andfor-bear-ing. Ho- ly Spir- itlHeav'nly Dove! *m J aqi^ifp^ipf^ £ pi v- f 3. 4. Oh,we have grieved Thee. gracious Spirit, Dear Paraclete! how hast Thou waited Wayward, wanton, cold are we; While our hearts were sloM'ly turned! And still our sins, new every morning; How often hath Thy love been slighted^ Never yet have wearied Thee. WThile for us it grieved and burned. C|R 1913 P. J.K.& S. Now if our hearts do not deceive us. We would take Thee for our Lord: O dearest Spirit! make us faithful To Thy least and slightest word. 282. Strike The Harp In Praise Of God I (Hymn of Thanksgiving1.) Moderator J r 92) CHORUS. i i J-* ./K. K. J -V- i 248. LALA'J. i w 5 i *^ -# ■*• *• rr s p=p =* Strike the harp in praise of God! Wake the j> h h ^ m^m w=& t i / >,/ i ( ^p§i is 3 ± r x^ ^ *> pil - grims'lips that kiss the ground Breathes in all tongues one on- ly sound:_ pil - grims'lips that kiss the ground Brenthes in all tongues one on- ly sound: note re - doubles, till it fills With echoes sweet the sev-en hills; God bless our Pope, the great, the good! God Mess our Pope, the great, the ^=S I 5ZTTH tit f mf T m £^=4 J^± T- ^ ^ ^3 good! Go ^ i SOLI. God bless our (# God bless our Pope, the great, the good! j J— i r~2 m t eresc. T^TTTTT ./• nnpi Pope,. the greatjthe goodL od bless our Pope, * thcgreatthegood!GcKiblessourPope,thegreat,the good! thegreat,thegood!GodblessourPope,the great,the good! Syllables sung to one heat of the niusic OiR 1913 P.J. K.&S 288 /""\L When Morning- Gilds The Skies. 254. Rev. E.CAS WALL. Moderato (J r 66) (Laudetur Jesus Christus.) B. M. J. £ T313~J jjHJ J i ^ 1. 'When morn - ing gilds the 2. The sa-ored min - ster skies, My heart, a - wak - ing bell, It peals o'er hill and mm ± m ^ p^p j ** cries,- May Je - sus Christ be praised! May Je - sus Christ be dell; May Je - sus Christ be praised! May Je - sus Christ be ;>••[;: p f- mf I 'J. J s 1* praised! praised! X A Oh! like hark at word to what and it prayer, sings, To As Je-sus I joy-ous - 1 f 'r if I re it m * >_A f * j > J- i i } ff rail m P t* =0" sus Christ be praised! sus Christ be praised! May Je - May Je - pair; rings: m sus Christ be praised! May Je sus Christ be praised!May Je i . J „ J. v i ^¥ When sleep her balm denies, My silent spirit sighs; May Jesus Christ be praised! May Jesus Christ be praised ! When evil thoughts molest, With this I shield my breast May Jesus Christ be praised! May Jesus Christ be praised! 289. 4. Be this while life is mine, My canticle divine; May Jesus Christ be praised! May Jesus Christ be praised ! Be this th' eternal song, Through all the ages on; May Jesus Christ be praised! May Jesus Christ be praised! C/R 1913 P.J.K.& S 255. Rev. E.VAUGHAN. C.SS.R. Simplice amoroso.lj.- «o When The Loving bhepherd. Adapted from Rev. PERRARD D * Soli. ^ fe^ ^ V)icesiWhen the lov - ing Shep - herd, 2. Ere He makes us part - ners Ere He left the earth, Of His realm on high, i» B J J> J J^ ^M J^J 1 F 7* s R(iA? •r P» (1 j; r P P ? ^ ^EE^ Shed, to pay our ran - sum, Hap - py and im - mor - tal Blood of price -less worth, With Him in the sky, £ a ?« iir" sSfc ^ ^ 2i « He would not a - bandon In the world a- lone. In the world a- lone. Part-ner of our ex - ile In the world of woe, In the world of woe. ! Jesus, food of Angels! Monarch of the heart, Oh, that I could never From Thy face depart! !Yes Thou ever dwellest Here for love of me, Hidden Thou remainest God of Majesty! (bis.) O/R 1913P. J.K.&S. 4. 290. (Soon I hope to see Thee, Soli. J And enjoy Thy love, iFace to face, sweet Jesus, f In Thy heaven above. !But on earth an exile, My delight shall be Ever to be xiear Thee Veiled for love of me .(bis.) larthly Delights Are Calling To Me Ever. 256 I. WILLIAMS. Andantino. ( J = 72) 1 A*. nJl B. M. i s $ * £e 5 1. Earth - ly 2. Foes of de - lights are my soul in call - ing to me ev - er, cease - less war com - bin - ing, m W s w p # J Jl J ^#N^ I i » « i1 i^-t m Vain, world -ly joys seek to draw me from Thee; Naught can my heart, Lord, Strive day and night, Sa-tahs tri-umph to see; Safe and se-cure Lord, J3bL,,- , J. ,• , ,, . . J> MM &fH f P r i f ~T^^ s- !IF==* * 5 / J K1 ^ — * — from on S Thee e'er dis - sev Thy Heart re - clin _h er, ins. Naught shall Naught shall fear fear if if Thou Thou £ f f i i- T^ m ) ™J i rail rail. §m r art art with with me, me. Naught shall Naught shall fear fear if Thou if Thou art art with with me. me. m ^ f r — ? j Foes from within, my spirit's peace assailing, Foes from without, strive my masters to be; Come to mine aid, Lord, with Thy might prevailing; Naught shall I fear if Thou art with me, Naught shall I fear if Thou art with me. Close to Thy Side, my Jesus, keep me ever, Thy loving Heart my asylum will be; Safe shall I rest in the love of my Saviour; Naught shall I fear if Thou .art with me, Naught shall I fear if Thci art with me. 291. 0 pep p n^f j $ m i 5 wm a±3z %. *-*» And seems to say with fond - est They raise my hope, they calm my look casts down on me;, soft - est mel - o - dy5_ m P^P m b i t i i« m rail. m ??>/ SEMI-CHORUS. (In Unison) ^ E3 s ** v rcP "* — ^* v » love, "My child pre -pare, I go to theeT_ Then, Sav- lour come, do fear, And make me long tapproach to Thee._ Be - hold me, Lord, be '* - - - J J m g=*=* tm P^ipip 3 r P s fejjgj i i ± i k f ¥ % F^ ^ not de - lay, De - scend with speed from heavn a - bove, And neath this dome, And at this great and sol - emn hour, Im • 9 K M. M. m j=u F^=^ I i rr\ ^5 P?^ on this great and glo.rious day, Con-sume my heart with Thy pure love, plor-ing Thee to make Thy home,With-in my young hearts nuptial bower. 35 fcfcti f^im^i p i C R I9i;j P. J.K.& S 294, CHORUS. (In harmony.) Ertgj. Mflj-w^i Then,Saviour come, do not de-lay, De-scend with speed from heavna-bove, And K » fiff Hiffi i^a i •: *=* r 1-04 pfni /|J,iiJ:^iJ j;jj r# * F on this great and glorious day. Con- sume my heart with Thy pure love, * :- S^r 1 * a ■ m f m ,i i)>T cresc. . . l s * ~ =» And on this great and glorious day, Consume my neart with Thy pure love, 31 gp^?- b 'I* ^^ i g^E?=^' -^ l/ mi/. rail. u m m m f y^ ?=?=?=? And on this great and glorious day, Consume my heart with Thy pure love. .y^ff F f : k H"2--^ — ■ — * K m rk-* y _ y. n 3. As for the cool and limpid stream, )The hart doth pant incessantly ; i So, dearest Lord, with love supreme, My soul breathes forth tier sighs to Thee. , Oh, deign to hear my suppliant prayer. wwwfl/?779 0h' come' allay my parching thirst; ShMl-bhOHUS.^0 worWly love n0 earthly care, Within my youthful heart is nursed. Chorus. Then, Saviour, etc !My voice 111 blend with Heavens sweet choir, In hymns of mellow symphony; To fitly praise my heavenly Sire, Who deigns to come and dwelLwith me. /From this day hence, my Lord divine, sEMilcmMs)}™™*™?? *y8elf *° ™ee' )Oh! may I be forever Thine, In time and in eternity. Chorus. Then, Saviour, etc. 295 C|R 19 13 P.J.K.&S. 260. I'm Thine, Dear Lord! I. WILLIAMS. Moderator J; 80) ) /in Voices-Unison. Adapted from Rev. F. X. MOREAU. t 3r*§5 i u m j m& i ¥ 1. I'm Thine, dear Lord-, Thine,dear- est Sav-ibur; Naught but Thy love I 2. I'm Thine, dear Lord-, Thine,dear- est Sav-iour-, Vic - tim of love, Thou PIANO. t ^ m jp. .g. -. ^. S ezac m *=* f fftif E w% SE f J JU^, | JlM'lVJLJ £ p *— ■ — ir^ — r - " * p' " * *T~* ask of Thee. Oh! take my heart, keep it, Lord,for-ev-er, Since Thou hast com'st to me; Could fee-ble mortal ask a great-er favor, Than that a SS ft' ir r g (f *=* iin ¥^$mi H I ^ CHOWS. (4 Parts.) £ m ##^ ^ # t^zgz^t f=f *, Hi givn ThyHeart^to me. j A - rise, my soul, sa-lute thy Maker, His God his guest should be? f^ r—i sai ^\ a ii m i*Hr\U\tP>P JlJ:J»lJl-J^ 5 nev£r eeas-ing won - ders sing; Re-peat, re -peat with fer-vent lov-ing :; ft. f ^f^lf fff 1 flHlfrm ^ ^■^-u j ipjjapi '"I'l/rMjii aa ar-dor, Tm Thine dear Lord, I'm Thine dear Lord, Thou art my King! £ S a ?7'r r p ^ I'm Thine, dear Lord; Thine, dearest Saviour; When on my heart life's burdens weigh, In darkness lost, far from Thee I wander, Then change, dear Lord, my night to day. I'm Thine, dear Lord; Thine, dearest Saviour; Thou wilt my guide and helper be, Guard Thou my heart from dross of sinful pleasure, Keep it, my Jesus, all for Thee. clB 1913 P.J.K.&S. 296. Jesus, Gentlest Saviour! 261. Rev. FR. FABER. Moderato.(J--_ 54) M. II . 1. Jesus, gentlestSaviour, God of might and powr, Thou Thyself art dwell-ing 2. Out beyond the shining- Of the farth-est star, Thou art ev - er stretching In us at this hour, Thou Thyself art dwell -ing, In us at this hour. In-fi-nite-ly far, Thou art ev - er stretching In-fi-nite-ly far. mi i^m 1 — *i£ £ EZK P^ E5 i ** PT Na - ture can- not hold Thee, Heavn is all too strait, Yet the hearts of chil - dren Hold what worlds can - not, I z * P ff r^ For Thine And the end God less glo . ry, And Thy roy- al state, of won-ders, Loves the low- ly spot. m I lt«ff fa s m f D.C. 4. Oh, how can we thank Thee For a gift like this, Gift that truly maketh Heaven's eternal bliss? Ah, when wilt Thou always Make our hearts Thy home? We must wait for heaven Then the day will come. 297. Now at least we'll keep Thee All the time we may,- But Thy grace and blessing We will keep alway. When our hearts Thou leavest, Worthless though they be, Give them to Thy Mother To be kept for Thee. C/B 1913 P. J. K.& S, 262 *J ^ — ' My Soul, What Can I Render The Lord? (For two or four Voices.) Adapted from Rev. FR. HERMANN. S. M. PINE. Andante espressivo. (J- 69) P \ hhf\^m J^i 1. Mysoul,whatcan I ren-der the Lord For all His mercies sweet and tender? For 2. This Sav iour Divine gives to man His Sacred Body and HisBlood;— To Tm p— p-f p U >rff ?H f ^^^^ 2=5 3 g^J'J W'jU: P JJW zt one ren-der? H( love ev- er watchful and true, What gifts can I poor weak one ren-aer/ ne nourish our souls un-to life His love prepares this wondrous Food The n[ p p p FPi.w4£-E P ?=? ? • $ h 3^ # ^ = £ -3fc left the glo - ry of His Heavn To grace our pov - er-ty and sorrow;He Blood flows from His Sacred Heart, That we may drink and live for - ev-er; His m a? i * PPP if, J f=f f ? p 5 i espressivo - cresc i *\/ f came all our suff rings to horrow: My souLwhat can I render the Lord? He love o-ver- flows like a river! My souLwhat can I render the Lord?JFlis -& m m r-m m ^ m — m m m ■ /o — <** m — ^TTlHTf i -± f 7 P p 7=r=T=7 '4HfftirWf^VW;' J'M'NJF m came all our suffrings to borrow^ My soul, My soul, what can I render the love o-ver-f lows like a riv-er! My soul, My soul,wThat can I render the *■■+*■* S-liffW^iftk Lord? Lord? ■■1EE-1E1 ft £ 3. My soul, what can I render the Lord? I take the chalice of salvation— The chalice my sweet Saviour drank Of suffering in His Sacred Passion. Exhaustless be my love and pure? Unblemished be my soul before Him; Like angels would I might adore Him! My soul, what can I render the Lord? Like angels would I might adore Him ! My soul, My soul, what can I render the Lord? C R 1913 P.J.K.&S, 298. Take Back. Receive, O! Master Of My Heart.263. Suscipe of St. Ignatius. (For 2 or 4 Voices.) I. WILLIAMS. Moderate Maestoso.(Jr80) mL Adapted from CH. GOUNOD. lAjijiu m i-^ii-j'J1 N'i.1 ,i'p*^p 1. Takeback,0! Lord,and receive all the gifts WhichThy dear love has be-stowedupon 2. Takeback.O! Lord, all my soul's facul - ties, My mind, my will, my en -tire lib-er- &AJ4 p"ii'M^H' W tWUW^ ^"l' J. J. Ji JU J)]' J j'JlTJiJ^ J'lJ J;Jggf r me; Myheart,my soul, ev-'ry thing I possess, I give all back, 0! mySaviour,to ty ,• Leave me but one precious gift for my own,Thy love,Thy grace,thesesuff ice,Lord,for m Pm m \n pm &E$ Tl frjf^w^\xh r m $i&$ Thee! Twals Thou Who gave me all I am or have, I now,dearLord,giveit allbackto me. My life is Thine^aylife^nysoul^nyall/Twas Thou gave all, I give all back to Ff? JV'c Thee.Grant me, I beg, but Thy love in re - turn, Just Thy love, 0 Lord^ive'fco me!_ Thee. Dis-pose of them according to Thy will, But Thy love and grace give to me!_ m %=^£e rni^iW tH< TzfT=P=r '.risoluto T VJiUMl/A.rtSOlUtO ' i '-+ — — k i tf Takeback,re-ceive,0!Mast-er of my heart, Take back the gifts I have received from ^A4jipif:ml'nifr^i|'ffir ^iitsi have received i roi mill ^^^^a^i^^tfiiiijlp Thee,Takeback,receive,dearLord,dowithmewhatThouwiltjButThylove,OLord^ivetome. i(Tm 0 — 0 — 10' m HF~firi"^ p f ^fy 299. CJR 1913P.J. k.&s 264. Close Veiled In That Sweet Sacrament. S. N. D. , i + Andante affetuoso. (J -. 69) M.H. ^yijiii' I J'J'iJ»jij:i.j> I j^^ » 7 1. Close veiled inthat sweet Sac-ra-ment, Our Je-sus Heart, our treasure, lies? Love's 2. Love is not loved! 0 an-gels,weep; Ye vir-ginschaste,breatheb^t-tersighs; 0 P > P a c g ;nas i *):,« p IP S ^JE=?=pE? o legato. mjrftjn b4 M ^» His delight, He makes our heart His dearest throne,He makes our heart His dearest throne, men deride. And for His love make no re - turn, And for His love make no re -turn. j ff zz=r- pc m) m i f- if >rf IH- # # > . Ll (fl w/ REFRAIN, cresc. . J , iK , ■ /, V- nr nnrKAU*. cresc. i ■ i r . i ■ n p s O Sacred Hearthow sweet 'twould be, If we could die for love of Thee! 0 p t feg; * p^p m r> rail ± j2l fc 5 m ^ pi Sa-cred Heart, how sweet twould be, If we ^could die for love of Thee! /5\' I- k k K ^ »r r r f ^ * f/V- ^WiM a niRl913 P.J.K.&S. 3. That Heart for us could do no more, In anguish deep it sighed and bled; A spear His sacred Bosom tore, For us His last lifes Blood was shed, That spear, 0 Jesus, pierced Thy Heart That we within its depths might flee, Oh, wound our own with love's sweet dart, Let us expire for love of Thee. (Twt'ee) 300. "Sweet Sacred Heart!" 265. Words from "The Voice of the Tabernacle!' Adagio religioso.(J-r44) M. II. m j' i j xnt 1. "Sweet Sa-cred Heart!" Oh! let it not be spok-en As tho' the 2. 0 Sa-cred Heart! on earth our on - ly Treas-ure; Of Love Di -"iir: r MCHir ff t: i r r irM i • * — W r * — m » 9 ■ #^_j# '"•^ — P words meant on - ly some light thing; They mean a Heart by vine Thou art the hu - man throne; 0 Heart,Whose love no m m ii' m \ m ■ i 'un? T $' ; J^J'ijrnn Vti^ 1A % m love and sor- row bro-ken, FromWhose deep Wound, FromWhose deep Wound, all lim- it hath nor measure, Be Thou for us, Be Thou for us, on ML' M. m «^«' ppp nium iH iis a mf mil. " i i *-^ grace and life would spring Sweet Sacred Heart! earth our on - ly home — Sweet Sacred Heart! tir*-* r 9- 9 Sweet Sacred Heart! Sweet Sacred Heart! P* a ^^^ JJlf r m p i F Sweet Sacred Heart! our hearts within us burning Love and adore Thee with the Saints above; 0 Heart Divine! by Whom were ever learning To know our Goi-Ctwice) and that our God is Love — Sweet Sacred Heart! Sweet Sacred Heart! 301. c/r. 1913 P. J.K. & S. 266. All For Thee, O Heart Of Jesus* ENGLISH MESSENGER. Andantino. (J = 76) 1 A* mf J. GOSSEC. tt 1. All for Thee, 0 ftfilj-^ Si rp r * r r Heart of 2. All the hopes once fond- ly Je - sus, All for Thee e - ter - nal cher-ishd, One by one I've seen de- *W^~H=f^lf f^fif4f-Mg H^iJ- ^ J S ir fe^ ly; Nought for me, 0 Heart of Je part-, Now life has for me no sun sus, Save to shine, Save with Ur ,fi- g j tf r r iMt.M Pi »£- ^ I * >^ i *=# be be - lovd by Thee$ Thou hast taught me in my in Thy Sa - cred Heart. All for Thee, 0 Heart of m^i p i p t H] i r ft-? M tfN^f ^ m *=^=^ a » *' r ~r p * r t~~ rows Where a - lone the heart finds sus, All the dai - ly in - ward sor Je M feS rest-, I have strife, All the J p " P r ^=F^ V *The Stanza may be sum? also in unison by tlie frill choir, and the Refrain in harmony. 302. i rf PPi r learned tis sweet to souls sharp cm ci suf - fer Pil-lowd on Thy sa-cred Breast, fix -ion, All the wea-ri-ness of life. 7 m F7~ F F ' H j=f-tf~* ^ REFRAIN. <2or4 Voices) tytrtl J I J: J' Pi £ III*: * Eg **• * r ter- nal- ly; All for Thee, O Heart of Je-sos, All for Thee e 1 ?•« f' 5 5 P^ S mf f ^ r «E r r '** Nought for me, 0 Heart of Je-sus, Save to be be - lovd by Thee. ? +-' # # -r* \n i mm f -■-; wt 1 P} P f £ V^ REFRAIN. (Tutti, in harmony) Cantabile tf' a-J N i ttyhft iii Nf]M n| I kiss the cross that weighs me down-, I choose to wear the thorny ■h. rr y if ft v. f i ft irrff f S& ^ — » S '^ fgf /;■ j. Jm J J' J^Jjh^yj ^ipffpp I crown ; Coming from Thee,Sweet Lord 'tis best, To Thy fond Heart I leave the § ^ft I 5^5 £ ? ^ /T\ ffLargnndo marcato '^j^JYf'^r^rit £ ^^^ si rest; Sweet Lord tis best, To Thy fond Heart I leave the rest. s n * 3. My hands best efforts, small and great, Sorrows and joys, I consecrate^ Success and failure, trials that smart, I place them all within Thy Heart. Refrain. Soli and Tutti, 4. To Thee my heart I now resign, It bleeds, is broken, but is Thine, The while this one request I make, From me all love of creatures take. Refrain. Soli and Tutti. 305. c|r 19 13 P.J.K.&S. 26^: hen Far From Thee, My Way I Ve Wended. I.WILLIAMS. Andante. (J :5s) SOLI. A. THIBAULT. 4p -P- t- P'p p'% pirJ5J*u a^p^J ¥ £ 1. When far fromTheemyway iVe wend-ed, By Sa-tahswickedwilesbe- %. Whenluredby vain and worldly pleasure, I, all Tby mer-cydid for- 3. When o'er my head dark clouds did low - er, And life seem'd naught buttoU and IS ^^ -9- § nif P'P i pr nO r^d set, get fret, When sin and doubt my soul have rend ed, I And turnedfromThee,my on - ly treas - ure, I Weak and for - get - ful of Thy pow - er, I 5 A n T PT r W.JflJJ] § e=* XXI o^ wrept bit- ter tears* of re-gret, bit-ter tears of re - gret._ wept bit -ter tears of re-gret, bit-ter tears of re- gret._ wept bit -ter tears of re-gret, bit-ter tears of re- gret.-^ 306. Duo -Chorus. mj?Piu animaio. cfesc. J J:: J? 1 J1J ^ £=l SI # But see to - day my soul is But Thou, 0 Lord, who art in But see to - day all clouds have shriven, Oh! Lamb of heaven, Oh! Lamb of van-ished. Oh! Lamb of i i HI ^ ^m m$ ^ 1 1 ii * ^ m cresc. h=k 7 B g * Z fEES :'b'SH fl God. par - don and bless; My pray r is heard, I am for- God, par - don and bless; To me once more Thy grace is God, par - don_ and bless; Thy lov-ing voice all care has J- m ^^ ^=^ m *■£> 2 ft jfc_ ^ 5S ¥ r==- largando a piacere. ~~s=- Lento. eriv - en, Letnieveep a -gain, weepwith hap - pi -ness. Let meweep a- giv - en. Let niev eep giv-en. Let meweep ban-ished, Let meweep -F3 a -gain, weepwith hap - pi -ness, Let meweep a- a- gain, weep with hap- pi-ness.Let meweep a- a - gain, weepwith hap - pi -ness, Let meweep a- gain, Weepwith hap - pi gain, Weepwith hap - pi gain: Weepwith hap - pi ness , Let meweep a - gainweepwithhap -pi - neiss . ness , Let meweep a- gainweepwithhap -pi - ness . ness, Let meweep a- gainweepwlthhap-pi - ness. 1M3.P. J.K.& S 269. M.S.PINE. Andante Largo. Soli.ttjf God of Peace And of Love. (Solo and Duo.) 0 Mel. of Rev. FR. LIGONNET. Ace. "by J. HEYNEN. 1 h j> ;> ;,|J^T^ir p p p ( 1. God of jeace and of love, Thou art the Light of light! 2. Why may I not a - bide in Thy sweet pres-ence Lord? 3. Lift my spir - it to Thee from earth -ly toil and tears. " i J> i' i J' PS^5 * i {Accompaniment.) ^PFf # # f y p ^ S g ^^? £eie ^§ PPT P W # Word whose splendors di - vine _ As the ser-aphs in heavn. Show Thy beau - ty, 0 Lord!. all the Heav-ens out -shine; gaz - ing ev - er on Thee : hide me safe in Thy breast; if F F t i t lid1 n mm :£=£ gj=j; £ «p r pir ^tt 2EE2 *• * ^» espressivo ;^5 ^ fr 7 7 s • ^_ «r — # I a - dore Thee con - cealed 'neath faith mys-te -rious night, As the gold lamp a -flame be -fore Thy Heart a - dored, Rapt in ar - dors of love shall pass a thou- sand years, i—4 *■ m 5 ^ » I :'rTP ■*r Pr p- ^N P # — 1» ■ ■ s 3=3: ? ? 308. ?nf cresc rail #^£ m s ^^m t 2=3£ Veil - ing Thee from my sight! Veil - nig Thee from my eight! Join us, Heav-ens bright choir, Join us, O Heavh's bright choir. Like an hourwith the blest, Like an hour with the blest. (# ^±=£=£ ^^^5 S t^m ±3z r 0 — 0 \ ■^yn r ^ ^ pup *p ^= ^y ^ 0 JtEFRAIN. DUO. njf Ah, my God, who will give words with love o - ver- flow- ing,Words that seraphs in Jl hhM|U J -i1 -I'M IPi mis r — * w^f m ^p *• * cresc -— ^_ Heav'n sing in language of fire; Voice an-gel-ic and lips with the ( ;* M m m f>fn ppfp yrTT~5 i -*-• JL ■ » * 1 fHH §=§ m al -tar coals all glow-ing! Join us,HeavensbrightchoJr!Joinus,OHeavnsbrightchoir! •urn m- m: 309- C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 270. Close To Thy Heart. I. WILLIAMS. Larghetto cantabile.( J- 44) J_A_tf vtfL Rev. L. COMIRE, 5 * i^^ 1. Close to Thy Heart, up - on Thy 2. Close to Thy Sa - cred Heart so love pre kind, so sum. - ing, ten - der, **h « f f, m ± f'J Uti'i Hfi j' J' J' a Fa-vors un-numhered could I Keep me my'Sav-iour, let me m £ f>t'P $ v Mr 1 1 ask of Thee; One on - ly gift, Thy love, di ne'er de- part ;There will I yield my soul in ± $ ^m 71 T P* 1 P ¥ m *=^£ T^f S vine, eon - sum - ing, I beg Thee, Lord, to grant to me. full Bur - ren - der, Close to Thy Heart, Thy Sa - cred Heart. W ^m m f 3. Close to Thy Heart, though earthly pleasures call me. Close to Thy Heart, my heart would ever be; Close to Thy Heart, whatever may befall me, Keep me, my Saviour, close to Thee. Close to Thy Heart, upon our altars dwelling, Into my heart steals a peace seldom known, Thy loving voice does whisper words of comfort, Close to Thy Heart, my fear is flown. 5. Close to Thy Heart, by holy path and pleasant, Tread the pure souls and sinful souls forgiv'n; T-1 wards the bright palace where our God is present, Close to Thy Heart, they'll throne in heaVn. C|R 1«13 P. J.K.& S. 310. O Sacred Heart With Burning" Love. 271. Allegretto.(^= 120 ) .SOLI. 11 $ *?■ u22^ B. M. J. f'irfi Um Jjrjiujj n,n 1 1 r 1. O Sa - cred Heart,with burn - ing love, On Thee en - raptured an - gels 2. Thou,Heart of Je - sus, art the throne Of mer- cy, Thou tbp fount of f".l-jjj'lgjmtmjjllj,ff mts a-bove. Fi s rf ITT gaze; To Thee tri - umphant Saints a-b'ove. Forev-er singtheir grateful praise. grace; Our hopp of heavn from Thee a- lone,Sole refuge of our fall- en race. JvA — - - - _^_i_k5 p-Wfr ip f ^m ES P CHORl'S. ■*m i £ i* ft^l PPP § 0 Sa-cred Heart, may we a - dore, And love Thee ev - er more and J , J' ^ 3 l^^j « * £ I ^^ ^ r^ r 0 Sa-cred Heart may we a *=* more. dore,_- And love Thee ■"■■T •> ff f if-" r f f i r- VT^ &^ r'jji'j 13 vj j iTjjjij'i s ft* — *- ev - er more and more. And love Thee ev- er more and more. /7\ p r i> ^ f Mr r f fif-j 3. 0 Lamb of God! meek Victim slain For us, let not the stream that flowed From Thy piercd Heart have flowed in vain, Oh, cleanse us with Thy precious Blood. Gods Mother! Virgin ever blest! Thy heart and His are always one; Plead thou our cause; thy sweet request Is never slighted by thy Son. C B 1913 P. J.K.& S. 272. Seeking Heaven Alone. I.WILLIAMS. | Moderato. (J : 66) i * »fS0ZL feii * m H.H. i As we jour - ney on, For a God Most Hi^h; 1. One thought on - ly have we 2. Each soul was ere - at - ed lH y f f F I 1 1 -f-ME-MM-rf £ F H Mr j !^w' ^ J> SE=^ S i i g| r cj 'r p ^^ 3. 4. She is crowned the Queen of Heaven Through her hands to us are given Since that fair Assumption Day, Heavens choicest gifts of grace, And resplendent now in glory In her power with our dear Saviour She oft hears her children say: Chorus. AU our confidence we place — Chorus. 5. No one ever called to Mary But she heard the faintest prayer, So I trust my soul's salvation To my loving Mothers care. Chorus. 316. C|R.1913 RJ.K.&S. All Ye Choirs Of Heaven, Join Us In Our Lay 277 I. WILLIAMS. Andante.(J-60.) vfSOLI.v Rev. FR. COMIRE, S. J. / TUTTlfttvo parts.) , J J. V J. JL X,( fifty JJtt'l uo.y I 5 *^ 1. All ye choirs of heavn, Join us in our lay; Let us praise,let us 2. Hap -py bird in air, Lamb -kin gay and free; Let us praise,let us 3. Clouds of sun - set gold, Breeze of even- ing mild; Let us praise,let us bless our sweet bless our sweet bless our sweet Moth- - Moth Moth er, er, er Glad our voic - es ring , _ Crea-tures of the earth, _ Moun-tain,hill and vale,_ Ev-er night and day; Let us praise, let us bless Creatures of the sea; Let uspraise,let us bless Waves of o-cean wild; Let us praise, let us bless our sweet Moth - er. our sweet Moth - er. our sweet Moth - er SOZI.^e wnom Jesus saved, ''Children of the King; TUTTI.Let us praise, let us bless our sweet Mother, ^rrl'Unto her our Queen, VLoving anthems sing, TUTTI. Let us praise, let us bless our sweet Mother. 317. ClB 1913 P.J.K.&S. 278. Mother Mary, At Thine Altar. V> Rev.PhFABER. Poco lento.(J M.H. 60.) if ;■ JmJ J I I 5 J-^4h * — V l.Moth-er Ma - ry at thine al - tar We thy lov - ing chil-dren 2. Thou wilt love us, thou wilt guide us,With a moth-er's fond-est ?« a P 1 1 f f f E i r: b fa M J 'j'J'N: Whf<=£k 9=3 kneel; With a faith that can-not fal - ter, To thy good-ness we ap - care; And our Fa - ther,God a - bove v ■ Bids us fly for ref- uge ?»f p fif: f M w ^ X=K * J ' ^ J' I J: ^ J' ^ J: H' | F=f=f peal. We are seek- ing for a moth-er,Oer the earth so waste and there. Life's temp - ta-tionsare be- fore us, We must min-gle in the ?« p P P » 2 F F t w/ =^ jij: H' hin m/7 5 ±t wide, And from off the Cross our Broth-er Points to Ma- ry by His side, strife; If thy fond-nesswatchnot o'er us, All un- safe will be our life. *»f 'PpiHfii 3: E'F FPP P^ 3. So we take thee for our Mother, And we claim our right to be, By the gift of our dear Brother, Loving children unto thee; And our humble consecration Thou wilt surely not despise, From thy high and lofty station Close to Jesus in the skies-. 4. Mother Mary, to thy keeping Soul and body we confide, Toiling, restmg, walking, sleeping To be ever at thy side. Cares that vex us, joys that please us, Life and death we trust to thee; Thou wilt make them all for Jesus, And for all eternity. C/R 1*13 P. J. K. & S. 318. O Purest of Creatures, Sweet Mother, Sweet Maid ! 2/0 (Immaculate Conception.) Rt.v. FR. FABER. Moderate (J = 88.) B. M. J &=U-H-< ij f ^m t 1. 0 2. To pur -est of sin- ners what ^ I crea-tures, sweet Moth - er,sweet Maid! The com -fort, to an - gels what mirth; That 4t *. * ^ , mm inM ^ ' -^^m W £ w Je - sus was laid! Dark night hath come fall - en on earth; One spot where His one spot -less Wombwhere-in God found one crea-ture un P P if F P tf^TTT^ 5 I on us, Moth-er, and we Look out for thy it un - trou-bled could be, The depths of thy 5 shin - ing, sweet shin - ing, sweet hH j t i lEfTJ-kjjBlf I 7 £L\\\X\\i H\m \flTi\n Star of the Sea! Look out for thy shin - ing, sweet Star of the Sea! Star of the Sea! The depths of thy shin - ing, sweet Star of the Sea! y^rrfr 3. :?=1 ?=/ « Oh, shine on us brighter than ever, then, strike; ♦For the greatest of honors, dear Mother, is thine; u Conceived -without^ sin," thy new title shall be, Clear light from thy birthspring, sweet Star of the Sea! (bis) 4. So worship we God in these rude latter days; So worship we Jesus our Love,when we praise His wonderful grace in the gift He gave thee, The gift of clear shining, sweet Star of the Sea! (bis) 5. Deep night hath come down on us, Mother, deep night, And we need more than ever the guide of thy licrht ; For the darker the night is, the brighter should be Thy beautiful shining, sweet Star of the Sea! (bis) ♦Syllables which have the sin;n_ placed under them are sun? to erne beat nf the music. 319. OR l»13 P. J.K. &S. 280. Hail Ever Blessed Day' >IS PINE (Consecration to the Blessed Virgin.) Moderato.(J = 92) VOICES, mf M.H. * 5=5 E £ £ 1. Hail ev- erbless-ed Day! Solttfi. If earth-lypleas-urescome 3.Though hell it- self should rise our Vir-gin Moth-er glo - rious, and lead us to temp - ta - tion, and set its snares a -round me, Lends from the high -est _ Heavh, her ear un - to our vows: Her Trust-ingin thee,- our- Queen, thy pow'ro'er Je sus' Heart, We Thou at my side— I brave its fu - ry its de - ceit,- Thou mf ^ W£ 1 For 0 chil- dren un - to death shall not fear our foe didst its pow- er crush, she signs our hearts and brows . though Sa- tan fling his dart; the ser-pent's art de - feat: 5^=5 Tj] £ -&-*- -z T^T- m 3=* mf r J / rrrr ::* ip^ rail. r r r r J i J. i» J" J J — S^ see! thine heart neath her ban-ner, all our h earts are Vir - gin, to thy iSS* we on - ward march vie - toN-u-ri and thou shalt bring sal - va - love has for- ev - er — bound- ous. tion. me! a^ss M=± TIT. 3^: J^J rail. ^± t u m 3E 320. r HMFRJIN. DUO. risoluto. f fc*=*=i* ^ n J'ir ^te «=!!:=■ 0 0. 0 0 4 -J, p Vowed un-to Ma-ry pure, our hearts to her are giv'n; In her love ail se * m j- j j. j» ^ s risoluto f f r >M>JJJ JE^i s ^4 ^ r=^ f=^ f=f S ss 3=3 ••-"-it cure we march to vie- tory fear-less. Let The earth and the heavhs re - t \\ i s f S i=J ^J ■© V I W r>^ jit f=^¥ ^^ £ f. J; ^|j5» ^ &£ peat our vow to win: War till death to the world! War to * is &=k m f t_f f Ji £fP *p£ ^ .#• £ & N^j-Ji^rj?ij: miJuj ;/^ & Sa - tan and sin! Love, love to Ma-ry Vir-gin peer - less! War till >J JlJ rii j. >i j~i n 1 1 J=k j n j n i inn H^m mm ^ £ £ £= ■J? P ftfir ^Mm0m m^y^ death to the world! War to Sa-tan and sin! Love, love to Ma-ry Virgin peer- less! ffi-f c/r a ^#i J-- mrs ? i i ^ £ £ i= £ £i 321. dR 1913 P.J.K.&S. 281. Unfold, Ye Golden Gates Of Heaven. Andantino.fJ -Tl) (Assumption.) M.H. HflJIHJUflj-j'jJJil Hi j. j P=P=5 l.Un-fold, un-fold, ye gold-engatesof heav- en, She comesfhe Queen of all the shin-ing 2. Be-hold her Son de-light-ed has gone down, -To meet His moth-er,taint-lessfromher .^ A- ---- - ,..—.i- J) A?- I 1=N^^ host, The moon be - neath, her crown twelve stars of e ven,The sun a - birth, She for - ward glides, while glo - ry from her crown, .Streams on her m ra«. r I ; - ^ s: h c>- hi s. Ivjt h. i «t +■ J J n I r f I OS f bove in her great glo - ry lost, The sun a - bove in her great glo - fy lost, ex - iledchil-dren here on earth,Streamsonherex-iled chil-dren here on earth. 0 . m 0- 9 « i**i H5^ ' P v V V ) . Uh 'OHUS. mf / irmavocii- k k , cresc. . k i k k K 5 9" TheCher-u-bim, theSer-aph-im, Andhea\-enshost^iowsweUthisgiadre-fmm,ttiatMa^ry . -. f- f ff f f - f-- ft . i»- t» T f-' f- .ft -U ■~p- p i r - _ p p- * ■ " ■ ■■ ■ w r » r l-t— h ii4 ■ I fffiff^-fffff-ffi =2 2E2 J£ » ^Uii-J jfljtf% J ii; * Jl- Jirffeta lov'd, Our Moth- er Ma- ryQueenof heav-en, shall reign, Queen of heav- en shall reign. m I pj^rf^fffrfM ^^^ M a f^? ^ • ■ 3. Mother of Jesus, ha il our heav nly Queen, We walk the vale of sorrow thou hast known, Ten thousand harps swell through the azure dome, Give us from Him the grace to walk as thou, 0 blessed earth, where one so fair was seen, The seed along thy blessed pathway sown, More blessed Heavh,to which our Queen has come. Brought lovely flow'rs,bright garlands 6. for thy brow. Obtain for us thy rare humility, That ev'ry act may spring from God's pure love, Then all thy glory we may hope to see, Where He assumed thee in His house above. 4. Hail Mary, Queen of mercy, grant our Lord May look with pity on thy children here, That humbly trusting in His holy word, Our souls at last may in thy courts appear. C|E 1913 P. J.K.&S. 322. B.M. 0 Mother Pure, Our Hymns To Thee Ascending. C^rV^O i B.M. " Risoluto.(J-88.) CHORUS. 1.0 Mother pure, our hymns to thee as- cend-in^Pro-claimtheeGueenof the e-ter- nal 1.6 Mother pure, our hymns to thee as-cend-ing,Pro-claimtheeQueenof the e-ter- nal 2.0Queenof sor-rows,for our fol- lies griev-ing,We cast ours elves distressedbeforethy iiMWtfx- % I m t -) \> vvv P i... n.iJ. I h IH\H»t ;. i years; Oh, let our hearts earth's joys and sor- rows blend -ing, Place at thy throne; 'Tis thou hast taught our lips to still be weav-ing, The words of •»!• vt f ? \r I F: f €: g it f rhe words of «h r- r s ^ p#m rail. S END. Soli. a tempo. ess PP k 9—9 feet their ro-sa-ry of tears, hope a - mid the words of moan. A- wake, my soul, list to the an- gels We have no hope, a - las! of e'er re - 99^ pm ^ F ¥=9 f F hi jrh: f\i« ^^ v h h .5 -, ■ : g 9 g- J. rend-ing The vault of heavii with joy that stills all fears; A-wake my triev-ing Our ways, un - less thou keep us as thine own^ We have no »•■ » — w*Tr soul,list to the an-gels rend-ing Thevault of heavhwithjoy that stills all fears, hope, a - las! of e'er re - triev-ing Ourways,un-less thoukeep us as thine own. m p-fffl im=& M i»p 1 £ J ?=3z ) ? D.C. ( 0 Lady Queen, behold thy children praying GHOM'Sl To be received beneath thy mantle's fold; 7 Thou wilt not frown upon our late essaying \To wrest our sinful hearts from Satan's hold. SOZlfo^ stay our wilful feet from wayward straying, ) ^ts.) '( And bind them fast to thee with love's pure gold.) 323. CR 1913 E J.K. & S Jod Holy Queen! We Bend Before Thee. Tr. Rev.E.CASWALL. Allegro Moderato.(J = 92.) J. f\ . W M.H. &l*±lU Ji J^ t h a ^ try + + + + + 1. Ho-ly Queen'.we bend be -fore thee, Queen of pu-ri-ty di -vine! Make us 2.Tliou to whom a child was giv - en Great-er than the sons of men, Com-ing f i El fcl m ^ s - - \> v ' K '" ' r l'j j j jij u1 »ri',n 5 love thee, we im - plore thee, Make us tru-ly to be thine, down from high -est heav - en, To ere - ate the world a - gain, * J~7 j CHORUS. kfi\ hill (Pi^j^.iiN j ^ Teach, oh, teach us, ho-ly Moth - er, How to con- quer ev - 'ry A^4 •n p" p 2 f J t l\ 1 1 J J^=p v k oth r sui; How to love and help each er, How the i ^fiJP'f T ^£EE$EE£ EE2 — V-9 ■ mm k ¥■ ^^ iS prize cf life to win^ zm V How the prize of life to win. fcfc J: £ =* T Oh! by that Almighty Maker, Whom thyself, a Virgin bore! Oh! by thy supreme Creator, Link'd with thee for evermore! Teach, oh,teach us, etc. C/R1913 P. J.K.&S. 324. By the hope thy name inspires! By our doom reversed through thee Help us, Queen of Angel-Choirs! To a blest eternity! Teach oh, teach us, etc. Meet Me, Mother Mine,To-day. 9Q/| Words by S.N.I). Moderate Music by S.N.D. a£ i p ■* *mM 5 S i rt * i j 1. Moth-er, Moth-er, 2. Oft - en -times my mm -n n am com - ing" Home to Je - sus skies are cloud -ed, I can see nor m ± PPP? ^ £ f f i * and sun thee, But my coun - try's hills are dis-tant star, And the road is rough and nar-row, J . fJ ' ■ . — - — A f r g -^ to nor S p fb^ ? ^a wiiio// i'„'i ir' R r. And their light I can-not see; Moth-er hearkJen as I pray, And the end seemsve-ry far; Lest perchance mv feet should stray, r- * +■ f- r ' ■ i*: -f; * * *" t # ^- ff e ir.irtf f ifa ^ ^ n: .g. 1 1 )' I j taNuN -Or wav.[ I l Meetme,Mothermine,to - day, m Meet me on my homeward Meet me Mother, on my way i* r r r £ Meetme,Mothermine,to -day,. ' -i»- ■*•- -#■ -#■ WW ^^5 Meet me on my homeward way^-i— ^ Meet me,Mother mine, to a =q S Meet me on my homeward Meet me, Mother, on my way I Meetme,Mother mine, to 4. day. day. s ? ?=? Do not wait until to-morrow, For I need thee here and now; Wait not till I come to meet thee Rather, Mother, meet me thou - Oh! in all I do or say, Come and meet me on my way, Mother Mary, every day.(6is.) ■"* — \rv Imust cross the burning- desert , I shall thirst, O Mother mine, Fill thy vessel at the fountain Of thv Son's sweet Heart Divine; Lest I faint upon the way, Tender Mother, stoop,I pray. Givemy soul to drink to-day. (bis.) 3 25. 285. Hail! Heav'nly Queen! -NO Cantabile.cJ.--63) ft « Soli. m Adapted from GOULE. m ^m gup ^ i fe« it r^f * -r-* » 1. Hail, heav'n-ly Queen! Hail, foam- y o-cean Star! Oh! be our guide, dif- 2. Hail, "full of grace!" with Ga-briel we re - peat-, Thee,Queenof Heavn,from ^ gg£iE i ^itr — r^rr^ h rjj^jijj * fe E3t3t s *=f -^ w- -* 9 ^rp *-. 0 •■ 9 4- * ~V fuse thy beams a - far^ Hail, Mother of God! a - bore all vir - gmST blest, him we learn to greet; Then give us peace which Heavn a -lone can give, P£^g g^ff^f ttn ^ -a t=t 333 £ P fNN^ 3 pp CHORUSXTutti) k zt=t Hail,hap-py Gate, of Heavhse-ter-nal rest! ^ Hail foam_v 0-cean Star' And dead thro' Eve thro Ma - ry let us live! J *—* ft — E #— # f P^f * — % ± P ►^r * rr * cresc. l _ ^~~^- i l »^. H in I lttJ.^iS|FiJJ^jftM •St r Hail, heav'n-ly Queen! Oh, bo our guide to end-less joys iui- seen — seen SI 9 *# y is IS F ? K ^ 3. 4. Oh,break our chains,our captive souls release; Our lives unstain'd in purity preserve; Oh,give us light,and let our darkness cease; Nor e'er permit our ways from truth to swerve; Let eVry ill that preys upon our hearts, That when our time has rolled its rapid round, Fly at thy voice, which every good imparts. "v\emay,withChrist,inheavidyblissbe crown'd. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 326. We Greet Thee, Mary, Purest Virgin. ^qQ Moderate (J =76.) mf s^— Soli. H.M.J. S 't i \~ i i i \ n iJi t i.W r, put /e greet thee, Ma - ry, put - est Vir 2. 0 — Queen of glo - ry, Queen of heav en, To thee with To thee with ^ U i I i S2 ?=R P i P F ? J: jm j * j; ^ h j^ h i 7 :\>\\ fond- est love we joy - ful heart we turn; sim;; ■v- How ra - diant is the crown of 0 Vir - gin fair, to thee was + ^ + m_ i mm a: £^ jiiiij *^ Which thou through spot - less life didst. To bear thy God, th'E-ter - nal_ earn. King. ■19- fai Oh, A- m^f-n j^ ^ m hear our pray'rs thou help of Chris-tians, Re-fresh our hearts,givestrength and joy, Th round thee saintsandan-gels gat h-er, And hail thee, Ma - ry, as their Queen; #1 -0 ■#- 1* 1* i5>- §1 ? b b p b^~^vr 'h~ b b b b^^1^ r? ^ we, by thy pro-tec- tion aid - ed, May Sa-tan's dire-ful sway de - stroy. turn,thoumeekandgen-tle Moth - er, On us be - low, thy glance se - rene . £■ 0- m -0- -8- -0- -0- -0' -0- ^ffff^^^Mft^ m V Hail! noble Lady, great and mighty, Thy soul is wrapt in joys untold; Thou marvel of th' eternal City, Thy vesture beams wdth gems and gold. Oh, hear us now thy praises singing, Oh, lead us to the place of rest; Lead us, to thee our Mother clinging, Safe to the dwellings of the blest. •327. C|R1M13 P.J.K.&S 287. Sweetest Month Of The Year. BM- Allegretto.(J:l06.) B.M. J. i VOW El -Dim. •I \<»f s fc^5 b I J % } m '*• tfl'd' i \t Sweet -est month of the year, Ma - ry's month ev - er~l_ dear, ^ % ± W^ 1 a* W f f T—t ORGA w& s ^^5 5 ^ ^ P f I P^F f=» #±=« J Hearts and voic - es join to praise,While our hymns _ to her we raise; Hearts and voic - es join to praise, While our hymns _ to her we raise. m ft t t, ?*£. S ?H f?t Fine pifSvlia tempo. £ k 5 P? ^P l.This month of all the fair- est, The sun - lit month of May, Is 2. All na - ture now is hreath-ing A - round thee sweet per -fume I Her m "^m 5 f Soli. «B S J=^ J- ^ J ^ fe £ 2>. (7. ^^ ^^ i E F ded - i - cate for aye To thee, Heav'nFlow'r the rar - - est. paths are all a - bloom With gar- lands for thee wreath - ing. :i h 3=5 m w lu D.C. m. C|B 1913 P. J.K. & S. 328. Mother Of God! My Life,._My Hope, My Treasure. 288. Adagio.(J.=63) {SECOND TUNE.) Rev. H. VALIQUET. t liiJJUJJi^^J J l.Moth-er of God! my life, my hope, my treas-uro, Look on thy 2.Moth-er of God! my child- hood days ca - ress - ing, Fond - ly thy & FiftFif £ f f^ i E PB #t=* r^f f ^ r^r child and hear me from a - bovej hands my steps have home -ward led j Moth - er of God! what Moth - er of God! each » g=g=F4 fe^tei f m 1 ? ^5^ J jlJ.JJU JJ'Jl 1\ 0 — 0 r p m joy what un- told pleas-ure, Thrills thro' the soul that thinks on all thy mo-ment counts a bless- ing, Which o'er my soul thy watchful love has love, shed. ^& PPPPi ^ m r 0 0 CHORUS. 1 u rail. S^ «i m ¥=• to *tFRf h: 0' 0 0 '•• # — " •• * • "*•* '#• I Mother of Je-sus! Mother most fair! Show to thy chil-dreri a mother's love and i*y»**> care. gi FPP 1 F FT7 #^-# 3. Angels of Heav'n'.in choirs sublime adoring, Mark this- my vow in Heav'ns bright sphere above Mother of God! my grateful heart's outpouring. Is pledg'd to thee in everlasting love. 4. Mother of God! if e'er my heart' forgetting, Thy love unceasing that has guarded me; Mother of God! Oh,then, may deep regretting Recall my soul to love of God and thee. 329. CHORUS. CHORUS. C R1913 P.J.K.&S. 289. Tr. Kev. E. CASWALL. i Andante. (J = 69) Hail, Thou Resplendent Star! (Ave Maris Stella.) ^0 B.M. m ^^ $ mk te X 1. Hail, thou re-splen-dent 2. Hail, hap - py gate of star,. Which shin - est o'er the bliss,— Greet - ed by Ga - briels rw u [ -^ t^M 1 M ^ ^^F m y main. _ Blest Moth - er of our God,_ And ev - er Vir - gin tongue, Ne - go - ti-ate our peace,. Ano" can - eel E - vas MM i** i rail i ^=FF i m ^m mm Queen; Blest Moth-er of our God, And ev - er Vir-giD Queen. wrong-, Ne - go - ti-ate our peace, And can -eel E - vas wrong. ^ £ iiy 2 w £ p Loosen the sinners bands, All evils drive away-, Bring light unto the blind, \ . And for all graces pray. ] 4, Exert the mothers care, And thus thy children own : To Him convey our prayer, ^ bis Who chose to be thy Son. 7- 5. Opure,0 spotless Maid, Whose meekness all surpass d Our lusts and passions quell, | bis And make us mild and chaste i 6. Preserve us pure and chaste, Through life our safety be, Till Jesus' sight be given, \ bi$ And endless bliss with thee .1 CR1913 P.J.K.&S. Praise to the Father be, With Christ His only Son, And to the Holy Ghost,. Thrice blessed Three in One. ( 330. Mother Of Christ. (Mater Christ!.) 290 Words by S. N. D. Lento. Music b-y S. N. D. | | J> J^ J> Mr I J -M ii i m m 1. Moth-er of Christ, Moth- er of Christ^"haishalllask of thee?_ I 2. Moth-er of Christ, Moth- er of Christ,He wasall,all to thee_ In i i Hi i 55* *±=» f Piano. ^^ i £_C-J) ^ F ^^ /T\ IS ft P £e1 2 r — r— r — ■ r~r do not sig-h for the wealth of earth, Forthe joys that fade and flee. But, Winters Cave, inL Na - za-rethsHome, In ham-lets of Ga - li - lee; So, Wi inii ^ f pt^t ^ i iU /T\ 2 2 fe g r^~K CHORUS. ^ k^fefe £ fe^ ^F f- Moth-er of Christ, Moth-er of Christ,This do I long to see._ The Moth- er of Christ, Moth - er of Christ, Hell not say nay to t he e,"When He ± ± i I L li i © ^5 ^5 P *P= i i i i« i 3f F p E=K Slower. fr J «h J) If J] 1 J, M J>IJ.J3 ^ # S hliss un-told which thine arms en-fold, The treasure up -on thy knee, lifts Hjgjace to thy sweet emhr&ce,Speak to Him,Mother of me._ ¥ mm £* 331 2Q1.. We Come To Tllee> Sweet La(iy- I.WILLIAMS. , (Our Lady of Perpetual Help.) Andante.(«L=58.) J r *> M.H Suit. i« tttttpi =s • — ^p ^a 1. We come to thee, sweet La-dy, To us thine aid im-part-, Our 2. We come to thee, sweet La-dy, Thy mer-cy knows no end; For m ^ w *ESE ? f h k f 1 & * 9 — ■ _ . — m — •— 1~» — *- • » ■•'* — . P » J ) — . — ^—m — ■•' J«4 a i [ [ if [, I' fifT if] i 'I I if i nil _ .... ffN ;A»y 1 ^PP g^5 «a3 i og. jjs; w^ ^T-* S Tui ii onus no^thine eyes of pit -y and love, For help, for help we cry to thee. ^IliUff Ul 1' r I ii i ir7! H-I--II £ H 3. We come to thee, sweet Lady, Our souls' true helper be-, Until we rest in heaven With Jesus and with thee. C R 1913 P.J.K.&S. CHORUS. 332. Mother Mary To Thee. 292, I.WILLIAMS. Andante (J = 56) B. M. J. ) A U "WW, S5 S i''i J'i J ^ F=f w — w *—? 1. Moth - er Ma - ry to thee, Our voic-esglad we raise; The 2. Spot -less Moth -er of Christ, Plead with thySon for me,- He I *=4 »*iinr p f1 a 'M^ ip p p T ifjjj^ i ii ^ 4 4 9 m ¥ glo-ries of thy name, can re-fuse me naught, In lov - ing ac- cents praise. If I hut ask through thee. m^ ms 0 i*« j •-= — * 1 CHORUS. P mmm ^5 y ■ r'» « •* 1 — * 9 — *• w ^-*- Vir - gin Moth - er, we turn to thee; Our help and ref-uge he! 1 ^ g F F ^ F fif »FF 6 iF^F St ± i pm b: rail. 5 *^=* tr • ■ * * r r Vir - gin Moth - er, we turn to thee; Our help and ref-uge be — ' K J. J ?'»tJ.M ) p t^ i 4 P^i ± 7 Gentle star of the sea, Thy faithful guiding ray Shines ever bright and clear, And heav'nward points the way. C/R1913 P.J.K.&S. 3. Angels claim thee as Queen, To me thou art more d ear- Not only Queen art thou , But Mother dear, most dear. 333. 293. O! Mary! Mother Mary! Moderate! J. = 72) mf.Soli- V. A. LOXHAY. m 5 i bafe m F 1. 0! Ma- ry! Moth-er Ma 2. The gris-lyform of tor ft ry! We place our trust in thee. Our ror, Now ris - es on our way, Now m "R" 1 '* F F 61 m ± i—i mmmlm iiim p ?- -p- ry,Though weak the flesh may be. ror. Would lead our feet a - stray. faith shall nev - er va more se - due - tive er ^m 'ji £ ) v - ?=? CHORUS. mf m /^\ espress. P P ^ - ry, From du - tys path we bent: 0! • ry Eut thou wilt crush his might; 0! Too oft with steps un - wa Sa - tan is strong and wa tab! m f t- m rail. M^ :zz ^5 » Ma - fy! Moth-er Ma - ry! Thou teach us to re - pent. Ma - ry! Moth-er Ma - ry! Strength- en us in the fight. J >#■ r h h h inifci i 3 3- (From dangerous occasions, SWi'JThat blind imprudent eyes, jFrom treach'rous persuasions, 'That point not to the skies . /From mirth too light and airy, %?ms./From thought too sad and deep: JO '.Mary! Mother Mary! \Thy little children keep. 4. /Let us remember ever, golijThe presence of the Lord; jTo serve Him let's endeavor, (in thought, in deed, in word, /As monster or as fairy, CAorMs./Satan may take the field; JBut, Mary! Mother Mary! \Thy name will be our shield. CR 1913 P.J.K.&S. 334. 0 Sweet Mother, Here Once More We Haste. ^Q/1 B'M- . (Act of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin.) Andantinoj(J=7*) 08TAMATT. i ^5 fei^ r^ A cresc *pfl P P f^* ■±^ p f w — * ^Tjjcgg 1. Sweet Mother, here once mo re we haste To seek a ref-uge near to '2. Im-mac- u -late! 0 Queen di-vine! Ourhearfo'ir. soul .our life are m ut E i g » Via Piano. 3@£ y v i { ^-^ u j. X3 J^L f^r yff^w 1 1 j. j j p\i ii^Kf m thee; Thy face with heav-nly brightness graced, Thy eyes someek,We come to thine ; All that we are and e'er shall be, We con - se-crate,we give to jtLWp ^ I 5 i i ^r pif-ferr' s J^fc g 3 p f H=f* *fe /?\ ^ J^PFjJ j j.ijflj:^f ^dgaTJ^ B 0 see; We speak to thee and all our woe Is straight for- got - ten.Oh,howsweet,Dear thee. Oh, guard for us with tender care Thou lov - ingQueen,thouspotlessdove,The a m #1 * m m PFW *» J **» « P' ^ f *r allargando *C*^: 3=fc £ P^P I fefe im s _l / k. L re///, l _ ?- * V 4 #tg Queen! to let our love o'er flow, As from a vase, here at tny feet, lil - y flowr so white, so fair, Oh,keep us pure as saints a - bove. * \\ mm « f gfei ±=± ^ "^ azi 335. C B 1913P.J.K.&S 2Q5. We Leave ThY Shrine, O Mother Cherished M.S.PINE I . Maestoso.(# = 8a) _ REFRAIN. M.H. i i 1 Mo in h-^-h g=B=g ^S f 3 7" we leave thy shrine, 0 Moth-er cherishediWatcho'erus still, _ we thee im- ^rf fe* I ifefc* ^^f-p l ^ r m 7 I Mt- i ^^# r«//. i i E5 1=1 f^: Th: *Ff 7 w£^ s plore ; Thy children guard, 0 sweetest Ma-ry! Keep us from sin for ev-er- more. a I *i=* 5 P S T- £ F=^=^ F h=k espressivo amoroso ,nfSoli uniso?i or harmony . hM fc=§ Hi* * F 1. Ye leave me 2. Oh, guard for I then me S ±3t my shrine so ho - ly, A-dieu, my your hearts all spot- less; My chil - dren -jw, — ^-~ — - — iv i l ill F 7 m \ §s si p^ chil - dren, ev - er dear to me! Where - er ye go ye find my dear, God has in His em - brace- I would your soulswerepure as * m. m E E F; p l»F t i pass; ^ p=? fe=fe 5 hn n ^ R 2?. a n al - tars, And I, your Moth- er, ev'- ry- where will lil - ies, Em-balmdwith o - dors of ce-les - tial m P s be. grace. m P ' V ¥=¥=? V 3. OR 1913 P.J. K.& S. When hell its snares shall stretch before you, My children dear, in that distressing hour, Remember me, how I have loved you, Be strong in love and trust your Mother's power. 4. If you should fall in that dark conflict, My children dear, oh, raise to me your arms; Yet sinful should you e 'er forget me 1 My love shall hold for you a mother's charms. 336. Dear Guardian Of Mary Pr. FABER I Moderator J = 80.) S6 CHORUS. 296. Mel. of B.M. J. Harm bv R. de DION. M j JW1! i J'i* S j I 1 j_ Dear guard - ian of Ma- ryldear nurse of her wm p* Child! Life's 3^ 3=3 m i i i N; j IF ^ [ F =p=i les-ert is wild; Bleak sands are all round us, nc S ways are full we ar.y, the des-ert is wild; Bleak sands are all round us, no *^'_ 0 0 . J m 0 . g « — • . 0 - f 0 — _ji » # _j« c • m m i i i f— r S £ 2 £ home can we see; Sweet Spouse of our La-dy, we lean up -on End. m home can we see: « Sw^et Spouse of our La - dy, we 5wee up -on thee. i P g £ £ P5 2M70. 2ZZJ ? \k*& J"f£^ s a !£E5 thou to the treas-ures of - J' J S£ 1. For 2. When the Piano. pil - grim art God were un fa - ther and shel-.tered on 7 Jh J guide, And earth, Safe m f= r= tfej g 5 ■HflJ^lj/frif £=£ E i £5 Je - sus and Ma- ry felt safe by thy side; Ah, blessed Saint Jo-seph,how keep-ing was foundfor them both in thy worth,0 fa -ther of Je-sus,be S ^»g3- 'r lf '■ ^ f= ^ ^ j?'1* g^ if iX s safe I should fa- ther to 7 JQ be, Sweet Spouse of our me, , Sweet Spouse of our La-dy! if thou we rt with me. B.C. La-dy! and ] will love thee. i h J i * ju i 7 i) J zz: 0 blessed Saint Joseph! how great was thy worth, The one chosen shadow of God upon earth, The father of Jesus, ah! then wilt thou be, Sweet Spouse of our Lady! a father to me? 4. God chose thee for Jesus and Mary, wilt thou Forgive a poor exile for choosing thee now? There's no Saint in heaven, Saint Joseph, like thee; Sweet Spouse of our Ladv!Ah,deign to love me! 337. C R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 297 With Jesus, Mary's Name. M.S. PINE. Moderator J = 69.) Soli. Adapted froin B. A. of M. Ma - rye i.With Je - sus, Ma - rys 2. 0 dear- est names that name, there is an - oth - er earth can chant to Heav - en's ?»E if fjS Is mm s 1 1 lie f i" blest —That earth to high - est Heav'n each mo-ment says with ear, Je - sus and Ma - ry sweet, and Jo - seph charm the m £=e fr-^— E l kjif m :~ m • __, m. r ,»>/ i- ve;_ The babe that name doth m t=t ¥ love;_ The babe that name doth lisp up - on its moth - er's soul — This trip - le bond of love the Church has wo - ven 3 -i f :2 2 V dolce 5t £ r £ 5 ■ zzzza: * r+t^ breast, The dy - ing breathes it soft and takes his flight a - bove._ here, _ Its glo-ries we shall sing_wbile end - less a - ges roll £* ■^, mi IS mm m m :T 9 K b^ CHORUS. Legato. 7 9 crcac. y^-n &jr\ yjit t-$ tH- Tis ho - ly Jo - sephs name, name of my fa ther Praise to the bless - ed names! Praise to the names we glorious ' love ! _ m^m i » * £ * £ ^^ 338. Ser-aph- im, chant it loud, touch -ing your harps of light-, Ser-aph- im, chant a - loud, touch- ing your harps of fire;. ^M f- \f> ?>?> ^^ r r $ E i 5 5 £ m mm f=^* *• * hlcnd with our weak prayers Your hallowed strains vie - torious, And hlend with our weak hymns _Tri- um-phant strains a - bove! To m f f m I F= — F E > — g ? r«/J. PW f sing All hail, 0 Je - sus, Ma - ry, Spouse of Gods dear moth - er Joseph. oh, sing, ye heavh- ly bright! choirs. i 2 W~- K ^ ' lN- FINAL CHORUS. 9 cresc. E j^ n h ri w f ^ ye an- gel - ic bands, who there in Hcav - en know mi i ■I ff" • ^ J' ^ J J> ^ i J* fc^ PIP f^ ■p y — ■ r — i • His glo-ry and his power, with trans -sports all di - vine, The m i M e £ * name of Jo - seph bless. Si£ cresc name of Jo - seph bless. Christs cho- sen guide be - low, While >>-? ff MP f P I FlTF iZ Pp p > - roll. - be - fore his ho - ly we our hymns up - raiso fore his ho - ly shrine . _ i I #^N! p Mf: Fifcfc^ CHORUS. Our hearts to thee we raise- To thee we pray; we sing tb ggEi Our hearts to thee we raise ; To thee we pray; we sing thy iM I m w T * rail. praise-, Oh! cast from heav'n a - boveT On us a glance of love. praise-, Oh! cast from heav'n a- bovef On us a glance of love. g=eN feinfe s v=v Thou didst protect and foster Him, Who is adored by Seraphim; And He, our Saviour, destined thee The patron of His Church to be. 4. 0 glorious saint! we here below, Like those in heav'n, due honor show To thee who art our Patron dear! Oh! deign our fervent prayr to hear. We pray to thee with confidence; Oh come, dear saint to our defense; Assist us till our latest breath, That we may die a happy death! 341. C|R&1913 EJ.K.&S. 300. * * * Andantino.( mf Soli Cecilia, Virgin Held So Dear. J* = 120) C. STAMATY. S > p'r i N p r mj 'j'f g^ri s 0Eg 1. Ce - ci - lia, Vir-gin held so dear By Christians true of ev - ly '2.While here on earth, thy psalms of praise As-cend- ed to theSav-iours S^ m s mm mm fAecompanim en t.) te=£ ^£ ^m ^^ s * 3 g J'gjpN m M Vf i 5 ^7 ,temple landWhosep"!- ous hymns thy name re-vere In modest chap - el s,temples grand throne, To whom in rap-turesthoudidstraiseThysou],be-qufcathedto Him a- lone. s S rt I i £ » If iP^m t m J J> PP i=* jLr 7^7 * * Tvtti. £E P ' plf P CJ? E'f P CJ p ' ^ k- To hon - or thee, sweet strains of love As - cend to God in realms a - Oh! help us, too, with hum -ble heart Em- ploy sweet mu-sic's ho - ly fc£ m ni J~n r* j — • du > €& f s? ( V* ■> 1 v f 4 i ra//. h P p ^pir p e-pp ^ hove, To hon-or thee,sweet strains of love As-cend to God inrealms a - bove. art! Oh! help us, too, with hum-ble heart Em-ploy sweet musics ho - ly art. I i PP§ J^h >"~i^ Pi f E !xf a=^ F *** P V j V ^ a s ? c/Riyi3 P.J.K.&S. 3. Dear, happy Saint, obtain that we May sing with the celestial choir, In holiest, sweetest harmony, Those psalms that love of God inspire And lift the soul to Him on high For whom on earth we live and die. 342. St. Ann In Heaven Shining. (July 26.) 301. F. B. L M. II. Poco lento/ J. = 54.) CHORiS. g^ X tm tr m p© * Saint Ann in heav - en shin - ing, There in thy glo-rious * J « I f 1 1 f : f f i f p cH & ^ to// END. t t : home, Towrd thee our hearts in- clin- ing, Bless us where e'er we roam. ^i r ^i,:f t\isl m n ^ ^~ Soli — Unison, nif 5 £ ^ J. | Jl-^g » » — P » P — « • — d— « 3 3 r- r 1. White star a-bove the o - ce an, Guide thou,Saint Ann, onr hark; Lead 2. Sweet Moth-er,with thy heal -ing, Thou dost the lame re - store-, The m m t=? J=J *r-t g £ F piS r r us in pure de - vo - tion Safe through the tern - pest dark, blind he-fore thee kneel- ing Be- hold heavhs light once more. 'u.C. m^ j=* *=* i=J J-2 ^^ 3. Cure then our fervor halting, To our blind hearts give sight; Through Marys love exalting, Bring us to Jesus1 light. 343. 4. To wounded soldiers lying Lone on the battle field; And sailors storm defying. Thy help and comfort yield. 0|R 1913P.J.K.&S. \^> 302. The Youth Who Wealth and CourtsDespised. ( St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Patron of Youth, June 21.) *** ii i* Moderato.(J = 80.) B. ALOYSIUS. M. ^5 j-. n n tltii 9 r f^r » l.The youthwhoweaI£handcourtsde-spised,His spot- less mind a-bove to 2.Born by the sa - credVir - gin's aid, Soon as his eyes the light could % k fe*i m 0 I ass £ m> P^P m b-± h ?-ix fe=fe ii ■^ ?: S raise5Who ev-'ry ris- ing thought ehas-tised, Tis A- lo-ys-ius claims our lays, view, His soul the heir of heavn was made, By_ the ren-o - vat - ing dew. ■& f^ffl EE 2 F ^ F P y-y t* CHORUS. * Mii^l'P m f cp ¥ # — V 0 gen- tie and an-gel - ic youth, A - lo - ys - ius pray for *5^Wfff us, 0 H f h=zb F P "5 i m L tb cresc. I V 'Y/,7. ta «»'■*:- r — r us, A-lo-ys-ius, pray for • pi gen- tie and angel- ic youth, pray for 3^yp|! p us. 2iztf I^^F^F^ F His infant words, the first he frames, He utters with a trembling voice> "Jesus and Mary," hallowed names, Dwell on his lips and speak his choice. CHORUS. 0 gentle, etc. 4. The tenor of high life so bright, So pure of angel purity-, A seraph from the realms of light, Dwelling on earth he seems to be. CHORUS. 0 gentle, etc. CR M3 P. J. K.&S. 344. W3 Rev. Jesus Is God. 303. FR.FABER. Andante mosso.(J- = 63) -L— »- b B. M. J. ^OiJ J' J S » f f I » g^ 1. Je - sus is God; the sol - id earth, The o - cean broad and bright, The 2. Je-sus is God; the glo-rious bands Of gold-en an - gels sing Songs m — 00- i p f . fi -?ff i f ,v|i t [I is S I Th ^ i e ^ E w m count - less stars,like gold - en dust That strew the skies at night, The of a - dor - ing praise to Him, Their Mak - er and their King: He £ |^ i ^g J J-ij J'O ^ w »e* wheel-ing storm, the dreadful fire, The pleasant whole-some air, The was true God in Beth lehem's crib, On Calvary s Cross true God, He zm summer's sun, the win-ter's Who in heav'n e - ter - nal frost, His reig-ned.In own ere - a - tions time on earth a - were, bode. i pp f rt=? 1 7 Jesus is God; alas, they say On earth the numbers grow Who His divinity blaspheme To their unfailing woe: And yet, what is the single end Of this life's mortal span, Except to glorify the God Who for our sakes was Man? Jesus is God; let sorrow come, And pain and every ill; All are worth while_ for aU are means His glory to fulfil; Worth while a thousand years of life To speak one little word, If only by our faith we own The Godhead of our Lord. Jesus is God; oh, could I now But compass land and sea To teach and tell this single truth, How happy should I be! Oh, had I but an angel's voice, I would proclaim aloud. Jesus the Good, the Beautiful. Is everlasting Gni. 345. C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 304. Thy Wound, O Heart Of Jesus English Messenger of the S.H. Lento Religiose (J = 6a> DUO. Ancient Melody- Harm, by CARL HAUSER. ph§ VOICES. Thy wound 0 Heart of Je Piano. ¥^*Ff *=**■ sus, The tro - phy of Thy JZfiJtyJ. yj. J}y J. J) W £ P P h\ |j: J'ti^S^ ^tt; #§ 1 »VTJ ^ «s g 7 \ love Thou bear- rest it in ^^ heav -_en, To plead our cause a - i PSP m. * mrc^j. p ? . [)•, m > p^ 1 p f^f *=* f^Ff B=^ =? The an-gels all a - dore it, And songs of praises sing,_L- And bove;. J~V MWhul*3 pJfl^i? J P E? ^ J= /' nHJll»Jii fe £ Jfi« p it' Thy r dear Hearts tri with m M i S3 umph, The courts of heav - en J> 7 ;J jiyi Ji g T~ J: rrtfljl a £ £ IB 2 £ H 7! li r ^S: tri- umph, The courts of heaven ring PP 7nf i Thy ring; And with Thy dear Hearts tfc f b ctirc^ a t^ /3W]>J>: f f FP" Though formed of choirs of angels. Thy guard of honor there, 'rhoult not disdain the sinners Who guard Thy altars here . We envy not the angels, All blessed tho'they be; They cannot suffer for Thee, | ^is 0 Sacred Heart, as we. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&S. 4- 346. In prayers with Thee uniting, O Heart of God, our love; With Thee upon our altars, With Thee in heav'n above? With Thee on earth, 'midst suff ring, The Fathei&will adore; With Thee enthroned in glory) bis That will, praise ever more, j ~0 Rev. Fr.FABER. Simplice.( J : 64.) ntf CHORUS DUO. Oh,Vision Bright! (Regina Angelorum.) 305. Rev. Fr. A. CARRA. fH+H J'flfH ffliHj J1 fl J' ^ * p J * 1. rOh,Vi-sion bright! The land of light Beams gold-en - ly. be -yond the 3. Oh,Vi-sion bright! Th'e-ter - nal light Of the dear Son may wede m irt i i i 4 * 4 -4—4 i (Ace.) yffi sky ; 'Mid heaven - lv f ires,Oer an - e-el - choirs , Ma-rv.our Moth-er,re End. sky; Mid heaven -ly fires,Oer an - gel -choirs, Ma-ry, our Moth-er, reigns on high. scry: Where,bright-er far Than moon or star, Ma-ry, our Moth-er, reigns on high M m s 3E w — t. f -S-' I m ^=^ 171 G\ $ ■9^- Andante. Solo. Ad libitum. ■&-*- -k mm QJ'U J'P m ±3 s % s \t 2. Oh, Vi-sion bright! The Fa - ther's might, All round His Daugh-ter's thronedoth 4. Oh,Vi-sion bright! In soft- est flight The Dove a - round His Spouse doth 5 ^ S ^^ W^f f F** -0B— & ££= fiT3 Jyt ^ fe > »». , =-.£N rail. r— i I, D.O. lie, Where, in that balm of end-less calm, Ma-ry,our Moth- er, reigns on high. fly, Where, in that height of match-less light, Ma-ry,our Moth - er,reigns on high. 5. Oh, vis ion bright ! Oh, land of light! Thou art our home beyond the sky : 'Tis grand to see How gloriously Mary, our Mother, reigns on high. 347. 6. Oh,vision bright! Life's darkest night Is fair as dawn when thou art nigh; Where 'mid the throng Of psalm and song Mary,our Mother, reigns on high. C|R 1913 P.J.K.&s. OvJfc). The Vow Is Made, O Mary Queen Divine! (Children's Consecration.) B.M. itfci Maestoso, non lento.(J -80) chorus, mf B. J. F. I" j; h .¥s=5 h 4> i i The vow is made, Ma ry Queen di - \fi_4 £—jUf- I £: \ f^Fl I li¥ $E£ ^M * p £ t=fe BZT3 -^— * m m • m m z*. — -^ -—u-^ — -^_^ — -_^ — # a — r In life, in death,wellbe e'er true to thee,- Oh,guardour ~* vine!. -n^h iff ^^mm FP=I itfci ^ IS ^s? j^ ^ J' ¥ 3zz± t=f hearts, make them as pure as thine, From ev-'ry stain, 0 Moth - er keep them Wf f P: s p ^>|IM^-H^f . i •> ^bt i i free! Uh, guard our hearts , make them as pure as zm ^g p=? ^ p / Jn i h £ =& ^ /•<■?//. (^ i i I Fine, « r^=^ * — * thine, From ev ■ * 'ry stain, 0 Moth - er keep them free I fgj f- JH» F=? 9 » ;l gl 348. Andante.( J-: 60) Soli.espressivo, mf ■h^ ip f] i^\^m £ 3^ — r their pet - als fair un the prime of years we're i. Young- flowers in dew - y morn, 2. To thee, 0 Moth - er fair, sa i iifcrf a=? (Acc.) crese. m *■ \A ' '' ^£ clos - ing, bring - ing; In glow - lng sun, how pure — they We will not seek the world to if i 'f: F m nJ: rf\i £ f £lJ: >pif ^ f P shine! Our youth-ful hearts, 0 Queen! please; Our gra-cious La - dy dear! be-neath thy sway ex with love and joy we're w y t I irt i • Pro-test we are for - ev - er thine. For us 'tis hon - or, wealth and ease. « p r p if1— mi " f ^ 7[| C 3. 0 Queen Immaculate! Upon thy aid relying Against the world we war with thee; In spite of Satin's rage in thy pure heart abiding Thy sons, 0 Mary! chaste will be. 4. When life of trial is past, when from this vale departing, Our sweet delight In death will be To list our Mothers voice, our soul above inviting To sing her praise eternally. „.. C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S, 849. ZJ 307 Words by S.N.D. Andaiitei J = 63.! pSoloJfeOY.) O Mystic Rose! M. B 0$ ,/7 ■jii' j» j^ j> r J i r c-r 1.0 Mys-tic_ Rose, Christ's gar- den glows With count - less 2.0 Mys-tic_ Rose, The bLood that flows From that dear mm PF ORGAN. m T m w ^ s ^ ;> Mrl* w/ ^p^ blos-soms grace hath borne ;_ More sweet and fair Than an-y there- Art Heart which love hath torn-, Hath dyed thee to An-oth-er hue; Thou * n\.H\U m f F 34 f w r m m r ^ , fe/o. (ALTO.) cr*5gL- p p- j>i J' > p up i r ~i pp p p i»f i p J'^ thou that bloom- est 'mid the thorn 0 Mys-tic Rose, Thandriv-en bloom- est, crim- son 'mid the thorn 0 Mys-tic Rose, The great King's i snows More daz-zling fair on win - ters morn; No speck, no foes, Our gar- dens of thy bloom have shorn, And waste she * mm if m=^ IS ^=t 350, p ^ ^ h rit. soil, Thy pet - als spoil; Thou bio om-est white a - mid the thorn, lies Be-neaththe skies, That lost the Rose and kept the thorn. « J J m d td i HTn a Pf w ~T r *wt=r *=^ =±=il ;5 T CHORUS. „ J_i l- m £ * S55 S fetes* I r/A 3=^ 1=1==^= 4 |3 Pf fr=P thorn, Thenblossom thou on ev-ry brow,_0 fade-less Rose without a thorn iH ^tete p^ & f I ^^ WWfy m ^ J=3 j^ j^ ^E f ? ^ 351. cfR 1913P.J.K.&S. 308. V In The Morning- When I Waken. AllegYetto.(J = 92) (Children's Rule Of Life.) ,,^1^ CHORUS. Unison. A. GIELY. £5=3 i J^ J^ g m f 1. In the morn-ing when I wak 2. When 'tis even-ing,kneel-ing hum en, With the Cross I sign my bly, My night prayers I say tn 5 E^=g t^y-th ¥ m m 0 m +^—4 $ self, And say,"Je-sus, Ma-ry, Jo - seph, I give you my heart and life." God;Then my con-science I ex - am - ine, And ask par-don for my sins. m j j j wm & f? w s m ^m % &j£- 2ndW0RUS. Unison. h 6^5 535 ^B 1 Then when drest I kneel de -vout - ly And I say my morn-ing When in bed I think of Je - sus,And my arms fold like a ii V n^=m *=* *=* 3S S W^£ r- r- f V * ^^ 5 5 5 ^ £ I prayers; With the cross I ask a bless-ing,Bothbe -fore and af-ter meals, cross, And say "Je-sus, Ma-ry, Jo-seph, I give you my heart and soul!' £ e jET~r t is S3 r * _. #■ ^ r 352. m Tuttl.DUU. f . rj, /4 ^ /' I |f ^ /' p Id 5^ In the morn - ing when When 'tis even - ing knee I lin wak - en, With the Cross I hum - hly, My night prayers I sign say my to iWith this prayer each work I'll offer: * "'Jesus, I do all for Thee-" ^i "Jesus, Mary, Joseph, help me! " lin temptation my cry be. (From occasions that are sinful 1 /And bad company I'll fly; c^i Than offend Thee mortally, ' Dearest Lord, III rather die. (Duo.) ,Holy Mass I must devoutly Hear on Sundays, ho Iydays; And I should, at Catechism, > Learn my God to know and praise. Vespers or sweet Benediction By my fault should ne'er be lost, Thinking what great grace is given By our God there in the Host. (Duo J Should I ever thus offend Thee, I will ask without delay Thy forgiveness;— to confession If I can, I'll go straightway. In that Sacrament of Mercy, Dearest Lord, I'll humble be, S*i Telling all without concealment 'To the priest as though to Thee. (Duo.) i Once a month, at least, for pardon % /Of my sins, though great or small, "' 'iwill seek, that in confession Thy dear Blood may cleanse them all. Then unto the Holy Table Where Thou giv'st Thy Flesh and Blood, I will go, with fervor, striving Preparation may be good. (Duo.) "§ -^ Every day, If I am able, Qlad I'll be the Mass to hear, And I'll not forget to visit Jesus' tabernacle dear; Then, before our Mother's picture, , For her blessing, I will pray; °* \ For her sake 111 seek to crown her (With the Rosary every day. (Duo.) 8. For Gods sake my neighbor loving, "Golden Rule"lll try to keep; i Parents, teachers, and superiors ^ove, obey, with reverence deep. Morning*,noon,and night, I'll daily I The sweet "Angelus"recite, And I'll often read in good books That to love of God excite. (Duo.) 8 ^ (Thus will I, with God's assistance, £/ Faithful keep this Rule of Life, ^iTill my God bids me come to Him I From this world of sin and strife. (With Last Sacraments then strengthened, 1 ; Humbly trusting-, I'll depart, *M Jesus' Sign upon my forehead f Jesus' Name within my heart. (Duo.) 353. CJR 1913 P. J.K.&S 309. Alas, Grief Fills My Heart I.WILLIAMS. , Andante.( J = 63 ) B. M. J. 1. A - las, grief fills my heart, teai 2. Ah! me, lost is mv God, losl m 5 5 vm las, grief fills my heart, tears fall like rain, Far from heavh and me, lost is my God, lost high-est heavh, Sold for pass - ing n-if if: i $-$ rod, lost high-est f » J) J) j\ m 2 ^■l fe=fe § ^Bi hJ> m # m m God am I, A - las, grief fills my heart,tears fall like rain, Lost in sin I vain de-light-, Ah! me, lost is my God, lost high-est heavn,All is darkest mm ¥=£ % WZZ.W. 3=5 7- S 7 '"j fl^u J'j.j^iAi^jmj m stray, Gone the joy of the days de - part-ed, In - no - cence, peace and happi- night,Far from God, lost in tor-ments end- less , Far from Him for e - ter-ni- * - J *-• g 0 ■ 0 m 0 0 ■ J J± m ness,_ A- las, grief fills my heart, tears fall like rain, Lost in sin I stray. ty-, Ah! me, lost is my God, lost high-est heavh, All is lost to me. £ te . t : £ g « , J J) J) ? flf'f f P m f ? C R 1913 P. J.K.&S. 3. But lo! what light is this creaks through the gloom? Hope once more o'ercomes despair. But lo! what light is this breaks through the gloom? Hope so sweet and fair . 'Tis the thought that my Saviour loves me, 'Tis the thought that He will forgive ; But lo! what light is this breaks through the gloom? He will pardon me. 4. Behold, on Calvary's height, nailed to the Cross, Precious Blood was shed forme-, Behold, on Calvary's height, nailed to the Cross, Jesus died for mel Jesus dear, in His love and mercy, Will forgive deepest, darkest crimes; Behold, on Calvary's height, nailed to the Cross, Jesus died for mel 354. Strive Ye Salvation To Attain. 4 * * Moderator J - 80.) 310. L. FOULON. mf Soli. i 5 S^5 3 ki^UJ^I^ j j ; 1. Strive ye sal- va-tion to at • tain, Tis eas - y to a will - ing 2. Sal - va-tion lost, we lose our all, We lose our bliss-full her - i - '>:"F FF'F ^W m ■a - - T • T T mind, To ev - 'ry Chris-tian high- est gain; Seek, then pur-sue it till ye find, tage, In hell's dark depthsweredoomedto fall, Oh! may this all our thoughts en-gage «51=hP 3 \' H E'F f P^£ W f^ KEFRJIN.Tutti^ j * cc tempo.- 5=5 J.J>J>iJ 'j i JYf p J J tec: * — w — ' — rr- Un - less sal- va - tion we oh - tain, All gifts, all joys of earth are 9. 9. M- -&■ 9 sSe i #- -P- -f- £=2 & F" ^ ^/' J.J.IJ j j | 1 7^ less sal - va - tion we • oh - tain , All gif t vain ; Un - less sal - va - tion tain, All gifts, all 7 r f b mp f ^ ^2 g # a joys of earth are vain, All gifts, all joys of earth are vain, ^## J=J> 1 * 21 ^^ * 3. f What profit for us to obtain It is for all eternity The wide - spread mighty universe, That we enjoy our heavenly bliss, If doomed to never-ending pain Or writhe in endless misery — In hells fierce flames ? Oh ! fearful curse ! What thought so full of awe as this! 5. 0 Lord! ordain, while we remain On earth, this truth may penetrate Our inmost souls, till we obtain Our blessed and immortal state. 855 0 E 1913 P.J.K.&S. 311 The .Commandments Of God Andantino.(cJ = 54) Vjf Soli -Unison M.H. 1 i P^ .1.1 am the Lord, and th VOICES ord, and thou shalt serve No oth-er gods but 'Me;1 Re- 2. Thou shaltnot take God's Name in vain, Nor swear unlaw- ful - ly; Things »£ f if ff3-f if f f Tl 1* i»- -#■ l^ REFRAIN. Tutti. j ij J J — JH-p F j^ ^ I J-— J ! J1 ' p f f r i r p-f r £^p ^ ou shalt ob-serve,Faith,IIope,and Char - i - 'ty L) /,,, alt nnt rvT-n-fana Wopmiix-d liv rovo'n . out . Itt i All a r .r r f / li-°*ion true thou sh li-gi6n 'true thou shalt ob-serve,Faith,IIope,and Char - 1 ho - ly thou shalt not pro-fane, Nor curse ir-rever - ent f=f f |f-f+ ou dost com-mand, 0 Lord, We cheer -ful ^.^ # ey,I. "1a this Thou dost com-mand, 0 Lord, We cheer- it £ f A , jQ e=F& And ft :FEF=r our re-ward, 'Thro' all e - ter - ni - ty W re-ward,' all to heavnfor i n^n ter - 4U- m p .6- 3. Remember that thou Sanctify Thf- holy Sabbath day; Work not without necessity, Hear holy Mass, and pray. Cho.— All this, etc. Thy Parents honor, serve and love, And cheerfully obey: And servants must obedient prove When without sin they may. Cho— All this, etc. 5. 8. Thou shalt not kill,— nor vengeance take, False witness thou shalt ntver bear, Bo not commit Adultery In thoughts, words, deeds or looks ; Beware of evil company, And read not dangerous books. Cho— All this, etc. 7. Thou shalt not steal, rot keep, nor waste, Nor cheat in any way; Ill-gotten goods restore in haste, And lawful debts repay. Cho.- All this, etc. Nor hate thy enemy; Forgive and love for Jesus' sake All that have injured thee. Cho— All this, etc. hfcont.) The same commandment does beside Forbid all drunkenness, Self-injury and suicide, And eating to excess. Cho.— All this, etc. C/R 1913 P.J.K.& S 356 Nor tell a wilful lie : Detraction, if thou canst repair, As well as calumny. Cho— All this, etc. 9-10. Thou shalt not eoret neighbors teife, Nor look with lustful eye; } Thou shalt not covet neighbors goods, Nor eye them enviously. Cho.— All this, etc. Andantino.( The Leaves Around Me Falling. J-=66) _ 312. F. MARTINI. m b\fl j'jj, s S 1» m — w~ m w. v — w p » — *j>"g — "-an a 1. The leaves a- round me fall - ing Are preaching of de-cay; The 2. The lightsmy path sur- round- ing, The helps to which I cling; The -m 0 f^— — ^^ ~ff»' g ■ p.— m i^g r*g ■ J. ' p hoi -low winds are call - ing, Come pil - grim haste a- way: The hopeswith-in me bound - ing, The joys that round me wing; All, Ft t F irt r 5 £ r ^ =£ 3E ^ 2E P H day in night de - clin- ing Says I must too de all, like stars at e - ven.Just gleam to shoot a J- - - ■ * -L » cline 5 way-, # itt ^ ? gfS * r ?• g^# rail fe S S S year its life re - sign - ing, Its lot fore- shad- ows mine on be-fore to heav - en, And chide at my de - lay. m^ 3 A m & r F I r r F I ^ w f=p F The friends gone there before me Are calling from on high; And joyous angels oer me Are beckoning from the sky. "Why wait," they singz-and wither 'Mid scenes of death and sin? 'Tis better to come hither, And find true life begin'/ 4. I hear the invitation. And fain would rise and come, A sinner to salvation, An exile to his home. But. while I here must linger, Thus, thus let all I see Point out with faithful finger To heaven, 0 Lord, and Thee. 357. C;'R 1913 ?. J. K. & S 313 T° Win My Heart With Visions Bright And Fair. Tr. CARDINAL MANNING. Poco risoluto.(J z 80) i ^J: J' I .fa ^ Sl J) J'- 55 M. H. m m s 1. To win my 2. Come all ye heart with vi - sions bright and fair, _ proud ones of the earth, ar ray A ^Ttf f f if ? I? ^4 ? £ fc=h J1 I J J^'Jl ^^§ f b •* : J* In vain the world with all its craft has tried: Harm - less and Your gathr-ing hosts a - round me far and wide; My heart is 'nf p f if f PW ^Ff^? m i h .h -^ i m weak its daz - zling weap ons are,_ I noth - ing fear, with calm a mid the loud af - fray,_ I noth -ing fear, with % 5 -+ m F i T f T Je-sus at my side; I noth-ing fear, with Je-sus at my side. Je-sus at my side; I noth-ing fear, with Je-sus at my side. r,J3 r^ ii f p if ir p £ if f if f jr E^fei 3. 4. Death has for me no fears, its bitter pains Jesus, my Lord! my only hope and shield; Shall never from my King my heart divide: No powers of ill before Thee can abide; Faithful to Him till death my will remains; I trust in Thee upon the battle field, I nothing fear, with Jesus at my side .(bis.) I nothing fear, with Jesus at my side. fa* 0/R 1913 P.J.K.i S. 358> Da Mihi Animas! 314. Words from The Voice of the S. Heart." Andante. (J. =56^ } A , soli. mf B.M. J. ^$ :£ h 5 Jj'J'i i'1^ £eM t— * * * * 1. Let others pray a - bout them -selves, Thy grace leads man - y ways, 2. A life-long sor - row, If Thou wilt, And sharp en-dur - lng- pain; ?h%-$ p E F f if H^-^ P p f p =2r ^ espresstvo £ ^ V i i ^3 f IJ[ # — » — :j: "■ -4. — "» — — ^ — • ^Dami-hi d - ni - mas?\ls thus Thy splr - it in me prays All, all were light, if souls for Thee Might -be the pre -clous gain. • #^ ._ ?__ ^ -r- g -e- . ^~> yftf-fj HP E 'H» i f itfet CHORUS. f IWTy7 h: M # » J * •^-^-^ E3 ^S Ask what Thou wilt, 0 dear- est Lord, Naught, naught will I de ny, 0 0 1>«L * ^* * m ^m m 0 ~Sr kM^ , 0^0 S^ w=m m ^^ ? tf^'J'J JiJ Jif^iJJ'JJj-i^faj But on- ly give me count-less souls For Thee be -fore I die, ForThee,beforeI die ■H'l.pppf p if t y iippf tf S3 * F^ 3. Tears will be sweet for Thou hast wept, Whatever be the price, 0 Lord, And blood, if needs must be,- This grace to me impart: No cost too great to purchase souls, Souls from the world and sin set free,- 0 dearest Lord, for TheeSCAorus.) Souls for Thy Sacred Heart .(Cho rus.) 359. C/B 1913 P. J.K. & S. 315. The Day Is O'er The Moon Serenely Beaming-. Adagio. (#.: 50) ; rt f/if Soli. Old Cath.Mel.Harm.ty C.HAUSER jUii f jffi H-^ ^3 1 fi j 1 J:{3 ^ 1. The day_ is o'er,_ the moon, se-rene-ly beam-ing Tn sil - ver light- hath 2.Save one, who wake - ful in_ her lone -ly dwell- ing, Of Ju - da horn, _ a if Ef fifHf 2 mi^m. 7 fr-j M }\& •, g,. j j! 1 jpj J- ij ^gkr^m field and forest drest ; A thou-sand twink-ling star3 are gently gleaming, The world is stem of Jes-se'srod,_ A Vir-gin pure, all oth- ers far ex- eel-ling, Up-lifts her -•_# #^~V -0-' -0- -0- ^~i+ -0- «■ ♦ *■ -0- 0-' -0- suli m 1 Et3 iS K: hushed, and all is laid to rest, The world is hushed and all is laid to rest. heart, in tran-quilpray'rtoGod! Up-lifts her heart, in tranquil pray r to God! ■0-' -0- -0- f -0- f- f- -0^0- _-0' -f- 0- _-0^-0- -0- — \-m — 0 =P- . I ■ • L » FT — : m Pffffl :ezk ^^ 7 r JiFJiAJN. ) . /• RJtFJiA fcrt^ N-M^^ 'Hail, Ma - ry, full of gracel'l Wiflh _ Ga - briel we re m r r 1 ir e w & 2 3 crese i-y§iig ra*7, gj^l ^^ £e*3 _ Hftil,- r Queen and Moth- er sweet! peat; Hail, hope of A - dam's race! m I f=q* 1 pEEJj £ ^ p- 7 3- Z_^ 4. The while she prays, behold the silence Fear not, the Lord is with thee, thou art broken; chosen She starts- a look of fear o'erspreads her face; The Virgin Mother of thy God to be, She hears-tillthento mortal ears unspoken „ And many a heart in sin and guilt are frozen Those words of love: Hail, Mary, full of grace Shall melt beneath the Sunbeam born of you. 0 Spouse of God,0 Queen of earth and heaven! 0 Holy Mother of the Incarnate Word ! In marked accents was the answer given: c(r 1913 P.J.K.& S. ''Behold the willing handmaid of the Lord." 360- The Moon Is In The Heavhs Above. Rev. F. FABER. Allegro moderato.( J =112) Soli, unison 316. a. m m j 1 j-j j MM B.M 5 Voicesi.The moon is in the heavnsa-bove,Its lightlies on the foam-y sea; So Organ. ¥&m ^J.^JJ.rJJ.MJ^J ( ^ 1= m<7. ^ shines the star of Marys love 0 er this dark scene of mis - er - y . r v^ Semi-Chorus, atempo REFRAIN, crese. ^JlJ^JlJ^ ib^ ^ ^ Vgs ^^ f T fffW P Our hands to life's hard work are laid, But our hearts are thine, sweet Mother- Maid! "V. Jai * m rirrrif f=^ Full Chorus. S.A.B. FutlUhorus. ^ n —=—====— * — J1^ ^ H ^ 1. Vi-vat! Vi - vat Pas - tor 2- Christ us vin-cit! Christus m m iM ( cmu^muunn^u aa i1 ^n^ n.F r^.j j a bo - nus! Vi -vat! Vi-vat Pas-tor bo re - gnat! Christus vin-cit! Christus re nus ! Vi - vat Vi - vat in an - gnat/ Christus vin-cit! Christus £fll^fflfl|J i$) i |^^Lfl»;P-|fM m m tm -m-m-M — — ■■- if f 'U^ f r f1 i|J_-' ir^^ ter mini, Vi - vat! Vi- vat in •» - ter - num.! Et re - gnat! Christus vin-cit! Christus im-J>e- rat! Et mM ip*H J > > y^ It PI s P "» ^: k? 2 / iii\i Ml ^f\jii[ » * * » Et ti di-xe . runt, Et -•■ f-# -* .*. -W- xe-nmt, Et ac - ee- den-tes lae - ti di-xe - runt, Et ac-ce - den - tes he - ti di- ac - ce - den- tes lae- ti di-xe - runt, Et ac-ce- dtn-tes lae- ti di-xe-runt,Et j ± l i H +ifrFR fci ^^ w- w w w ■*■*;■* *Tne Second Stanza mav be used appropriate ]y for diverse occasions. 362. ac - ee - den - tes lae - ti di - xe. - runt Vi - vat! Vi vat! Vi-vat!Vi-vat! in ae- ac - ce - den - tes lae - ti di-xe-runt Christus vin-cit! ChristusregnaHChristus di - xe - runt, Et di - xe - runt Et di - xe - runt Christus vin - cit! re - gnat! i* UU ^m HlJirn y#Wtf mm j j j j ter - num, Im . pe- rat! tm . pe- rq nitnti? nujM ter - num., Vi-vat! Vi - vat Pas-tor lio im - pe - rat! Christus vin-cit! Christus re mis! Vi-vat! Vi-vat Fas- tor gnat/ Christus vin-cit! Christus iPP WIN jjjriiiir^ i mm m nji'j^ m Sg lZM nj) 7 J^ JOi MJOJ' G. PAGELLA. ^^ -5 £•■4" Ec - ce 'sa-cerdos ma - - gnus, qui in di-e- bus su - ispla-cu-it B. 1 fmhfthf'ftffhff rfrff 4^ 3!E^ 1 J- itJ0 J ^ 1 Ls=r zs Ace ad. libitum . =£ h vrrx rr r > cj- 1 s > ra//. )>J i' h h ^rv Mosso.(J = 86.) 9^3 ^^ E=5 De - o pla-cu-it De - o. m % m m ^ mf 1 - de - o ju - re - ju - ran do V -/ jtTBMP i FF? j2l I-de-o ju - re- ju - ran do I R f^ -rr rp >>-rr ^J tie a\ s I ; ^ cresc resc . _ . k i _ w_ . largo come prima J. 1'J'l' i I V- =2F s fe - cit il - lum Do' - mi - nus ere - see - re inple-bem su - , #; ft I * 1 f ft^ :*nMi f:fif f yif8yyg|.fp>i *± I s^ ^ -SK- m £ £ £ molto adagio ) A P con frrazui Calmo. J A ^ con fn-azta irr=~ — laimo. ^_^ am in pie- b em su m sin iT^l £ am. w/Be- e-ne-di-cti - oj - jyj^ "J) ' I " " s m/ Be-ne-di-cti- °B^di 33: cti- ^^5 5 s 3: *-J-Lf ft^ m ^h^ I G ^Copyright "by Marcello Capra Turin. 364. un po'pih mosso viumosso . , - — -- p mf largo. M1 1 J> J'J r Irr JlJJiJJH j 1iMi_Mj'| .^a^B 1 1 — ' l | ■ jst i 4 g '4 ■* '0> -i g)» i 4 j 'j- * g#i| S nemom-nium gen-tnim de - dit il - li, et testame'ntumsu-um confirmavit n^MfffVfif fifrmfirifB^ ^^ m^ ^ ^ fciat * rn* f^r S £ £# ^v % Mosso(J = 86) W\ IQ>{4 = 86) ii>/ k k m m • m » su-per ca-put e - jus. I-de-o ju-re-ju - ran ^ 53 do fe-cit il lum Do'-mi- mm w?}tmi m -A- I-de-o ju-re-ju - ran do SS mi r* W- S I P • • * molto adagio largo cane prima con grazia #• m -JL -& Fine ff . nuscresce- re mple-Dem su m ff-irmd £-£: ■£- am, in ple-bem ft PZ:*9- i i su am, S xc i Pi ^ ?R: i »;*< f rp I I ^ | ^ -6 — S J-J-t # S S a % W -Hit 365. LATIN HYMNS AND CHANTS. MOTETS FOR BENEDICTION. LITANIES. GREGORIAN MASSES. VESPER PSALMS etc. In order that doubts may not arise as to the use of the various signs to denote Gregorian rhythm, attention is drawn to the following: 1. In dissyllables, the accent is always on the first syllables. In words of more than two syllable the accent is marked by the sign(') placed up- on the syllable to be pronounced with stress. 2. In syllabic passages (with one note to each syllable.) the correct pro- nunciation of the text suffices . 3. In melismatic passages (prolonged by melodic ornamentation.) each note commencing the small groups of notes is to be somewhat strengthened; but these groups should be bound together as indicated by the slurs, so as to produce a beautiful legato. 4. The notes provided with a quilisma (*v) are to be lightly taken and should be introduced by a slight prolongation of the preceding note or notes. 5. The pressus (<) is to be firmly attacked. 6. The small notes ( T D , representing liquescent tones) should be treat- ed simply as quavers. AveVivens Hostia. Tr. Rev. H.T.HENRY, Litt.D /Hai1' ^^ Living Victim.) Moderato.(J = 880, s. mf 319. ^fe^ 1 P t ( A - ve vi-vens Ro-sti - a, Ve - ri - tas et vi - ta: Per te sa - cri iHail.Thouliv-ing Vic-tim blest, Truth and Life su . per-naL Old -en types in I-IIT. , i , , ,,-,.■> ^~J — f J pijrJjij J i j~m — w £ -mf — * < A- ve vas cle-men-ti - ae, Scri-ni - urn dul - c<5 - ris In quo sunt de - •{HaiLThon an-cient Mer.cySeat, Source of grace and fa - vor Precious Oint-ment- B- , , , , , , , J>.llJ J J -I I J -I J J S £^ ( A-ve Man- naCoe -li-cum, Ve - ri - us le - ga - li, Da-tum in vi- \Ha ihTho^i Manila from the skies. Yet more tru - ly giv - en To the pit -grim P > f #-» f i - ci - a cun-ctasunt fi-ni-ta Per te Pa-tri gl6-ri -a Da-tur in-fi- Thee confessed Find their end e - ter-nal; In - fi-nite thro' Thee the praise To the Father .jJJ'jiJ UHJJJ'U U i H r i 'i i J j i li - ci - ae Coe'-li-ci sa-p6-ris; Ve - ri-tas sub-stan-ti - ae To-ta Sal-va- box re-plete With ce - les-tial sa-vor: Thou the God-Man tru-ly art In di-vinecom- ^^ 5 f t^ a- ti-cum Mi- se - ro mor-ta-li,- Me- di-ca-men mys-ti-cum Morbospiri- soul that sighs For her promised Heaven-. My s-ticmed-i - cine Thou art For the wounded mtm m m ni - ta Per te stat Ec- cle - si- a Jii - gi - ter mu - nl - ta. giv- en, While they love Thy Church ar-rays As an carth-ly heav-en. 1. , i I I i k I I. A - men. A - men. j JIJ: J'j If J H ~Z2 »=* ^S to - ris, Sa- cra-men-tum gra - ti - ae, Pa - bu-lum a - mo- ris. A - men. pleteness: Fed on Thee the lov - in g Heart Knows Thy raptured sweetness. A- men. $ 3 ^ -*-»- A- men. A - men. ta - li. Ro- rem dans ca- tho* - li-cum Vi - tae im-mor- ta - li. spir - it j Healed by Thee may eve- ry heart End-less life in - her - it. 369. C/R 1913 RJ.K.&S •^^O ° EscaViatorum. y^'*-* v-/« (0 Pood To Pilgrims Given.) Tr.Kev. H. T. HENRY, Litt. D. Moderator J = 66.) ______ t B.J. 9™f PP V O es - ca vi - a : to - rum, 0 pa - nis An- ge - lo - rum, 0 I O Food to pil-grims giv - en} Bread 9 of the hosts of Heav - en, Thou 2. O lym-pha,fons a - 0 Fountain ru - by $ * mrf-ris, Qui pu - ro Sal-va- to' - ris E glow-ing, O stream of love out- flow- ingFrom mf J ^ # £ Man-na coe - li - turn-. E Man- n a of the shy! Feed su with ri- en- tes the bless- ed ci - ba, Dul sweet - ness Of -S 3= m cor - de pro - flu - is-, Te Je - sus' pierc - ed side! This Pi & si - ti - en - tes thought a- lone shall rit. - po - bless piu lento if? ta, Haec tis, This' * P ce- di- ne non pri - va Cor - da quae-ren-ti - um. Thy di-vine com- plete-ness The hearts that for Thee sigh men. men. -* -o- ^57 - men so-la no-stra vo - ta, His u - one de-sire pos - sess us, To drink 0 Jesu tuum vultum, Quern c&imus occultum Sub panis specie, Fac,ut remoto velo, Ap^rta nos in coelo Cernamus acie. na suf- fi - cis. of Thy sweet tide . S. We love Thee, Jesu tender, M7io hidst Thine awful splendor Beneath these veils of grace: 0h,letthe veils be riven, And our clear eye in heaven Behold Thee face to face! 321 ¥mm Misericordias Domini. (Psalm 88.) 3e^__! E\ 3t FINE. ■ _._■ 5 pmn Mi- se- ri-cor- di SOLO. as Do - mi - ni _ in ae-ter-num can- ta bo. V ^^M grf In generationem et ge/^-ra^'-o-nem annuntiaboveritatemtuam in o-re me-o c|r 1913 p. J.K.& S. 370. o Larghetto.(J = 60.' Anima Christi. (Solos and Duos.) 322. * Soli. Tutti. ^m m m F. L. COM IKE , S . J. Soli. _ 3 - r frtJ. A - ni-ma Chri-sti, san-ctf-fi - ca me. Cor-. pusChri -sti, jj^gg i *r*=f •~~p: *>T f- 1* ^s r'T~n r pftf $ TWtfi , &tft. 7M«. J^J j | J J | J e£3 i ^^P r JVr ' F r p p f tSr Soli. roll. Soli a • ai.-j jo ^<«?. 5 J ¥^ r r ? A- qua la-te-ris Christi, la - va me. Pas - si-o Chri-sti, con-for-ta i 3 i 3 m & *:=z: =r=ip ^ T f* -F- / S 3S =2 ^ -«'-5- 5Wt. nri ^m Quae YSed sub au his di fi tu so ris lo ve - re tu - to la - ti - tas: ere - di - tur: g^e £ s P p p Ti - bl se cor me - urn Cre - do quid - quid dix - it to - turn sub - ji - rit, De - i FI - fi - usr ^ ^^ J^ j) I' *¥=* Qui a te con - tern - plans to - turn de ■ n - cit Nil hoc ver - bo - ver - i - ta - tis ve - ri - us. men. In cruce latebat sola Deitas, At hie late t simul et humanitas; Ambo tamen credens, atque conf itens Peto quod petivit latro poenitens. 4. * Plagas,sicut Thomas non intueor, Deum tamen meum te confiteor: Fac me tibi semper mag is cre'dere, In te spem habere, te diligere. 7. O memoriale mortis Domini, , Panis -vivus, vitam praestans homini Praesta meae menti de tevlvere, Et te ill! semper dulce sapere 6. , Pie Pellicane, Jesu Domine, Me immundum munda tuo sanguine: Cuius una stilla salvum facere Totum mundum quit ab omni scelere. Jesu, quern velatum nunc adspi'cio, Oro fiat illud,quod tarn sitio, Ut,te revelata cernens f&cie , Visu sim beatus tuaegldrlae. Amen. 325. s AdoroTe devote, latens Deitas. n. $ J' J> J^ Jnn^fr p p p,p r m ^m ±f l.Ad-d-ro te de-vo - te, la- tens De- i - tas, Quae sub his fi -gu-ris 2. Je -su, quern ve -la - turn nunc ad-spl-ci-o, 0 - ro fi-at il-lud nryXJTI ^ p r ' J 5=5 ;5 *=g ve-re li r ti-tas: Ti - bi se cor me - um quod tamsi-ti-o, Ut te re-ve-la* - ta to -turn sub - ji- cit, cer-nens fa - ci - ©, ^fe£ m> m $ ^ f- Qui - a te con-tem- plans to - turn de - fl-cit.) . Je-su Vi - su sim be - a - tus tu - ae glo - ri - aeJ ' ' A }> J> j. Jgy, J i p r, J J' p p 0 5 m W=9 pas-tor fi -de - li-um, Ad-auge fi-dem dm-ni-um in te cre -den - ti-um. * The English translation of this Hymn is ^iven with Air 90. 374. Adoro te devote, latens Deitas. Andante religioso.(J:48)~~" 326. I. MULLER. #Hrt-|J: J^Jl|T±^J 'J! Jj; ^#^ i.A - do - ro te de-vo - te, la - tens De - i-tas, Quae smb his fi 2- Je - su&ucmve-la - turn nunc ad- spi - ci-o. O - ro f i - at 9=F$ m J2 f?1\fM'\t' ft wm ^tJgirpFi^^-iJ- i'jhfjnjrm gu - ris ve - re la - ti-tas,- Ti - bi secor me-um il - lud quod tarn si - ti-o; Ut, te re-ve - la-ta o turn cer - nens k-tftifrt M' rr ^ffiflffM? M ^=^ m^ ^OMj^^PMPjdltJitt'jjHM: 1,1:1 sub - ji-cit, fa - ci-e rJVTut J2J Qui - a te con - tern- plans to - turn de-fi-cit. * Vi - su sim be - a - tus tu - ae glo*-ri-ae. tern Pr p r * £ ?=B i Ecce Panis Angelorum. Moderato.fJ;66) , , J 327 B.A. ^ifLrpirH,f4i^ w*m 1. Ec ■ ce pa - nis an - ge - 16 - rum Fac - tus ci bus 2. In fi . gii - ris prae - sig - na - tur, Cum I - sa - ac a ^ a *. a jl j~i m J jri ±. A^J. - 11 # e O i \u t \£gi\i jij^j Jij \e-^-"- re pa - nis f i As -, nus pas-chae de XL JL £1 vl a - to-rum, im - mo - la'-tur, 1 ±z li - o, - rum pu - ta - tur, U JL) m Non mit - ten - dus ca, - ni - bus Da - tur man - na . A *. £L ± A fa pa - tri - bus. - fa men. m ¥ 375. C R 1913 P. J. K. & S. Cj^jCj. Adoremus in Aeternum. Caiitabile §f SI umf>- p M.H. ^ £i — zr A mfp_ do ~~ * — num W re - mus 42 in ae tier Sane - tis - si - do re - mus in ae - ter - num 3 P *= mum, Sane - tis - si - mum 57" do Sa-cra - men turn. m ^m i Sane P tis- si - mum P Sa - era - men V tum. A - do "0 z: ~* — ter -num m m re - mus in ae Sane - tis -si -mum. Sane - tis - si - re - mus in ter-num Sane - tis - si P H?^ m ^ T> W~ re - mus mum Sa-cra m men / turn, do in ae /- '-U- I -o- m mum Sa-cra - m£n turn, do re mus S5 3 i «J « 3 1HE 75 Sane- Sane - tis -si-mum Sa-cra -men - ter - num tis - si- mum g^ m £ ¥^^ in ae ter A num Sane - tis- si-mum Sa-cra -m6n H-i j 'Up i^ /?\ §H turn, Sa-cra -men A m u turn. _£2 do PP re - mus. (7\ jb» m turn, Sa-cra men- - turn. 376. no re - mus. Moderato.(d:54,) iftm Ave Verum. (First Melody.) J 329. B.F. ^ v w ^E? £ r £Xj-J£ ^ Voice. A - ve ve-rum cor -pus na - turn deMa-ri-a VIr - gi Tutti. //if ,_>i ^ #. i ^S i» ne — Ve - re pas -sum im - mo - la - turn In Cru- * =N a=€ Ve - re pas - sum im mo la • turn Soli, p in J \ if r ir *g Cru- ? £^P? H' # » ZM # g ^^ P 0 Je-su dul - cis, 0 Je-su pi - e, tu no - bismi-se -1 ' O Je-su dul - cis, 0 Je-su pi - e, tu~~ no - bismi-se- " r r ir fr S re re, 0 Je-su dul-cis, 0 Je-su pi- e, # ¥ re re, 0 Je-su dul-cis, 0 Je-su pi - e, 0 Je - su fi - 11 P^ ^ T5 — men. su fi - 11 Ma - ri 377. ae. 330. Ave Verum (Second Melody.) Solesmes Version. J ]-, J> J ^ ^ J» J I J' J) ,h g 1 A ve ve-mm *Cor-pus na-tum de Ma- ri - a Vfr - gi - ne: — #hfr^j bJ'J^ fca Ve - re pas -sum, im- mo -la- turn in cru - ce pro ho'- mi - ne: — J' n ri r J' .h j j j J i bJ1 /"J j Js Cu - jus la - tus per- fo - ra - turn flu - xit a - qua s ^ p r b. ^ j J^ i et san - gui - ne: — Es - to no -bis prae - gu - sta - turn kfr ^JJJJJ-J^J-J J 11 J-J3j4J=S=g ? mor - tis in ex - a - mi - ne-. 0 Je - su dul - cis! JlJiiJ J71J || jTTri-JT] J J^J3 i'JJJ J II 0 Je - su pi - e ! 0 Je - su, Fi-li Ma-ri - ae — 331. Adoro Te,0 Panis Coelice. j= i AndantinofJ =66) m*Soli. B.J, fc^ S HI E £3^# r # «» A - do-ro te, 0 Pa.nis coe- li Nos fd- mu- los 0 De- us res -pi CHORUS, je 0 Do-mi-ne, 0 Et gra- ti - a nos II' I Cu'',1 ',' S a — a $ -*- ■# # ■«■ De - us ma'- xi - me; sem-per re - fi - ce . £ San-ctus, San-ctus, San - ctus si - ne fi - ne, rail. — =__ rail. J jNj JnJp f pij ^ jhi #=* San-ctus sem-per ti-bi glo-ri-a 378.- Sa-cra sit sub ho-sti-a. t O Cor Amor is Victima! Andante religioso.(J = 48-> 332. A.WERNER. ifi s ? * ' g « ' i) 1. 0 cor a -mo-ris Vi-cti- ma! Coe-li per- en- ne gau - di - urn, 2. Cordul-ce, cor a- ma-bi - le, A- mo -re no-stri sau - ci - um, m m a m . & m • •m- # * 5B 3E * 3 Je-su, Pa-tris Cor li - ni - cum Pu-ris a- mf-cum men-ti- bus, \y^A u Z2=i u , rull. i £ i^ rrr^f CTT 3 3S Mor-ta-li - um so - la- ti - um, Mor-ta-li - um spes ul-ti-ma. a . men A- m6-re no-stri lan-gui- dum, Fac sis mi - hi pla - cj£-bi- le. *=* fif fif r if n r rfif fiP MptijIS Pu-ris a- man-dum co'r- di - bus, In cor-de re-gnes 6m-ni-um. A -men. Andante. 'f^fri Cor Jesu Sacralrssimum. i J =50. sjl - mum, r Je-su Sa-cra-tls i mi - se 333 B.H.E. re - re £ f Alto Ten. m Cor Je-su , 61=£ * i^ g l SpP ^ Bass. Qor je _ su Sa-cra- tls - i /k u no bis< si - mum, mi - se re * CorMa-rl-ae im-ma-cu- 1;( - "him ^ 5 f ^s^ m ±=4 w bis. Cor Ma- ri - ae im - ma ■• c i 7 la o & turn, I I no i ^ *# CorMa-ri-ae im - ma-cu ■ la To Conclude. turn. m X: a ' 0 u j ' o 0 - ra pro no - bis. San-cte Joseph, O - ra pro no - - - - bis. i 0 - raprono - - bis. £ f f.JjJ.E:, ... . ™ ^U± SE- 1^ 33: te bis. ■=■ 0 - ra pro no bis. 0 - ra pro no L 379. 334 Andante/ J = 48.) %Soli. Cor Jesu Sacratissimum. II. Tutti jnf B. M _ Soli fa P m W a 9 ~u -W 3e -fi $=s Cor Je - su sa-cra- tfs- si- mum, mi-se - re- re no - bis. Cor -p — 0 . a m , d- . /? n'Uf If MP MfJ P T H|r i p 3 T cr s fie DatUitf i faS°ftp E5 f 7" 35 Je - su sa-cra- tis- si- mum, J — •— * » . P mi - se - re - re no jCL. m 2=± bis . Cor Je - su =F^ ^ ^ f m Tutting f.resc. I ^ TO'/. i ^ r, "<-»v 3g sa-cra -tis-si- mum, • . p PP mi - se - re - re, ml - se - re - re no bis. m . *~^ * . p^ =i=i 1 g S BBS :n: s 335. Moderato. O SalutarisHustia. I. J fc^ f £=a ^— d IJ^JTJ^N IP 1.0 Sa - lu - ta - ris Ho - sti- a, Quae mt & A—l n: coe - 11 * 2.U- ni tri - no -que Do - mi- no, Sit sem - pi - u ^5 J= S ^ pan-dis o 42. a: sti- urn, Bel- la prae- munt ho - 2 »- jbJ /^.-j ^* ter- na glo na e-lo - ri- a. Qui vi - tarn si - ne ter- mi - no. No bis do - net in 380. pa - tri- IS Andante. (J -72) O Salutaris Hostia. n. 336. it? 1 r-j imn //^- # B. F. R. cresc. W^i 0 sa m 1 ti ~r^ lu - ta - ris Ho - sti - a, 5" f Quae coe mm f inS ^ ^ 2.U - ni S^ tri - no - que Do - mi - no vnfv Sit sem - pi MJ^jiJJ i a r W r r l^f pan-dis o' - sti - um, Bel - la 'pre-munt ho sti - 11 -a, ^mM m 9- te'r - na glo m m a: Qui vi - tarn si - ne ter - mi -no rail - p Da. ro - bur fer au - xl - 11 - um. gj 2 » «i r J j P^W bis do - net in pa - tri - a No A. - men. C R 1913 P.J.K.&S. O Salutaris Hostia. Moderato maestoso.(Jz92" III. 337 S m i i=E^ REV. P. J. WADE , O. C. C. 5 fL-^-^LJ4 P^3* ^ r=Tf S 1.0 sa-lu-ta-ris Ho-sti- a, Quae coe - 11 pan-dis 6 - sti-um,Bel j j j. j i- Ji j. > 1 i -^ -•-* iUM P f ? t— £ 2. U - ni tri-nd-que Do-mi- no Sit sem-pi- ter-na glo - id -a: Qui ? I mil ~ PP ==— M 5 1 P^=4 »=f=Fl IS . I I'l^llr^ r « , r la pre-munt ho-sti-li- a, Da - ro-bur,fer au - xl - j j i i i- j> J?i iftJj Jij_ J^ j 11 -um. A - men. 4AL vi-tamsi-ne ter-mi-no No -bis do-net in pa 381. ^j tri - a. A - men C/R 1913 P.J.K.& S. 338 O Salutaris Hostia. IV. Moderate* cantabile.( J - 560 B. A. .uuutittiu caiiiauiie.v* = oo-; — 1.0 sa-lu - ta-ris Ho'-sti- a, Quaecoe-li pan-dis 6 - sti -i um, & — if— p- i E ft -f E U VV'& n a c x 2: 2: ^__i_^ 2.U-nitri- no'. que Do'-mi - no Sit sem-pi- te'r- na glo ri a, ^ 1 1 ra//. ife m U-U^^A & 1? r^ \^ \\> it Bel-la pre-munt ho-sti- li - a, Da ro-bur,fer au - xi-li - um. A - men. ?w r r 1 EMjt^Eg, rir p ig PP xc Quivitam si- ne ter- mi-no Nobis do- net in pa-tri - a. A - men. p C/R 1913 P.J.K.&S- 339. O Salutaris Hostia. v. k£ LurghettoX J = 66.) Ancient Tune. ££ r r ' r =r= uae coe - li pan- dis £OJ=nj .J f t -In - ta - ris Ho' - sti - a, J, J J.jfS^.f ^^ 1.0 sa J r Cfir-rrirrr rirnf ir r ' r ^ in tri - no' - que Do - mi - no Sit sem - pi - ter - m 2.U - ni tri - no'- que Do - mi - no cresc sem -pi - ter - na cresc L — r", 1 Z^==»- cresc k k ™,^ cresc , 6-sti-um, Bel- la pre-munt, pre-munt ho-sti-li-a: Da ro-bur, W p-pfHf ibLfaJ J i iu cur r i J i 5 T- jrmino SI glo-ri-a-. Qui vi-tam J n, fzTT, 1 /.T. , J ^ j3|4JJ|J Bl ^ sB ne termi 1> *3^^ No -bis do S^ T^T f=T fer au - xi - 11 -um, Da ro-bur fer au - xi - li - um. A - men. :i au - ai 11 ^''l> f f If #### &iH£4 nrMi^9 net in pa -tri -a, No -bis do - net in pa- tri- a. 382. A - men 0 Adoramus te, Christe. 340. Moderato.( J = 72.) ; f\ pp PALESTRINA. fa P i i te -©- te K f-f Y A - do - ra - mus - te, Chri ■ rrrr m pp ^ & ste, et be - ne fa di ^ 33 j J— J Jo s a — . — « 33: 331 "TT- 33: A - do - ra mus - te, Chri fa ste, et be - ne - di # i tu - am re de a i i a ^ ! i i fff '^r 'f rr T ci-mus ti bi. -JJJ qui - a per san-ctam cm-cem tu - - am re - qui - a per san-ctam cru-cem tu- am re . J J^ J J A A J J. J j^jt r rri*r r i¥g ^ 33: P E ci-mus ti ■ de-mis - ti i a cresc. bi, qui - a per san-ctam cru-cem tu mun - dum, am re qui pas-sus es pro no . bis , p creae. . , Sj $$jf\*} j^nOfj *rf*Hw^s M & bis, f de-mis - ti mun dum. qui pas-sus es pro no qui pas-sus es pro no m ' i c i f ^if r i fM r if f r ir-f i r r de-mis - ti mun - - dum, qui pas-sus es pro no - bis , Do' - mi - ne, Do' - mi - ne, mi - - se-re'- re no - bis. P^ S=£ PP^ -far ^ r>r¥ i Do' - mi - ne, Do mi - ne, mi - se bis, Do' - mi - ne. Do'- mi - ne, mi-se - re' P^ I ^r TT re - re no - bis . re no . . bis m n..i.ft j jl J\f t ^T^¥h ? Do - mi - ne, Do - mi ne, mi 383. se re - re no bis. 341 Andante .(J = 60) O Salutaris Hostia. VI. B.J. m v h i r Tn f ? fO sa-lu - ta - ris hos ti Quaecoe-li pan-dis Si *: jy irJ^i * r. -* — — 1-7 1 — -— - ■ ■ 1 '*— ~ ^_j 0 sa-lu-ta-ris hos-ti - a, Quae coe - 11 pan-dis «Lfei ^'T^rriJ nir rlrif r?i^j^urir g OS ti - urn, Bel -la pre- munt hos-ti - 11 - a, Da ro - bur ±* P^ **=* S * w? 6s ti - inn, Bel-la pre munthos-ti li - a, Darobur / n'£. gyqF ?^e fer au - xi um. men, A men. ^t^ttt^o m £ J3 li - um. fer au xi A - men, A men. 342. Tantum Ergo. ^^ :=F=5 • * * I; ~ 'I ^^ p-f- •* J f * * 1. Tan- turn er- go Sacra -men - turn Ve 2.Ge-ni - to - ri, Ge-ni-to - que Laus ne - re-mur cer - nu - 1 , et ju -bi - la - ti - o. Et an- ti-quum do - cu men - turn No -vo ce - dat ri - tu - 1; Sa-lus , ho - nor, vir-tus quo - que Sit et be-ne-dic- ti - o; & J> J' J^^-J W }' J' J-.J J J. J, J 1IPH js ^ PTTT Et an- ti-quum do- cu-men - turn Sa-lus, ho-nor, vir-tusquo- que, cer - nu - ij la - ti - o,* No _ vo Sit et m m - ' j* J> J"3 > J 1 1. ^pJ^ ^ ce-dat ri - tu-i: Praestetfi-des sup-pie - men be-ne-dic- ti-o: Pro-ce-den-ti ab u - tro mm — s — turn que f »j> j> n j) P r f 't? Sen _ su _ um Com - par sit r de - fee lau - da tu - i ti _ q a, men . ^ 385. 344. Lento. ( d = 44) lantum Erero. ill. ° B.H. E. 2 P* 1. Tan-turn er-go sacra- men-tuin, Ve -ne - re - mur cer - nu - i , t^ m i m r dr\:i <* ^ 2.Ge-ni - t6 - ri, Ge-ni - t&que Laus et' ju - bi JLA vat 1 I I ^_ 1M la - ti ¥ M p 1 ^ t?J 1 fy £^2 s ge m Et an-tt-quum do -en- men- turn No-vo ce - dat 9 ri - tu - i; tS-=- £- fc Sa-lus, ho -nor, virtus quo^ue Sit et be mf 111 „ 1 ? P $M & ne rail die - ti - 0. P ^P a d — a f ^>: 5==** A* - men. Prae-stet fi-des sup -ple-men-tum Sen-su -urn de-f^c-tn-i. m ^¥=3 « F A - men Pro-ce - de'n-ti ab u -tro-que Corn-par sit Ian-da - ti-o 345. , A t Adagio. Tantum Ergo. IV fr^i'iV'!1 i'K'lH^'li^llr' NOVELLO. l.Tan-tu -turn er-go sa- era- me'n -turn, Ve-ne - re -mur cer-nu 2- Ge-ni - t6 - ri, Ge-ni - t6-que Lauset jU-bi - la - ti *Y\\>i* » O O Q rj — & $ }> g 1 J I 'J J I J J I " J I '' J-J I J- , J 8 Et an - ti'quum do - cu - men - turn No-vo ce-dat ri - tu - i. Sa-lus, ho-nor, vir-tus quo- que Sit et be-ne - die - ti - o. Ym (J (7 f ^;,!lf',Jlr'nJ tf?l(?\lrhH /7\ it P r ' t r ' tf Prae-stet fi-des supple- men-turn Sen-su - urn de -fe- ctu - i. ^ men Pro-ce- de'n-ti ab u - trb-que Corn-par sit lau-dd- ti - 0. m & ^^ -p — &- t -&*- -&- 1 386. ±* Moderate! J =80.) J. Tantum Ergo. v. 346. JiJjiJgJJiM.HiJJJ'ijiJj Adapted from Mendelssohn. ¥£=P 1. Tan-turn er- go Sa- cra-men-tum Ve-ne-re-mur cer-nu- i: 9 W g [ P ei P Et an-tiquum j J j £ fc* 2. Ge- ni -to -ri Ge-ni - to- que Laus et ju - bi - la -ti - o : Sa-lus ho-nor #P^ J^J'^iii S £ ** ffi do-cu-mentum No-vo cedat ri- tu - i: Praestetfi-des supplementum Sen su-um de m W=3L m m & wzw. ^1 if > ±* vir-tus quo que Sit et be-ne-dic-ti-6-. Pro-ce-denti ab u-tro-que Comparsitlau- a tempo. _ « rail. m 5=e feV-tu-'i, Praestetfi-des supplementum Sen- su-um de- fee- tu- i. A- men. » PP F ppirrp*igi°^ a da-ti- o, Pro-ce-den-ti ab u-tr6-que Corn-par sit lau- da- ti- o. A- men Moderate. Tantum Ergo. VI. ■I 1,1 J-ilh) i)i 347 B.M. m * 5 » i. Tan-turn er-go Sa-cra- men-turn Ve - ne - re-mur cer-nu- i .p. #. #. , #. 42. £ & n _J ' m M 2. Ge-ni - to - ri Ge-ni - to - que Laus et ju - bi - la - ti - o if\ 1 1 P l\$ J 1 J jNN j u J 1 J pid p 1 hi J # Et an-ti-quum do - cu - men-turn No-vo ce-dat ri - tu - i: Praes-tet S £f=# »— -= © .£ -f2 _£ rrrfif'Pir if r Sa-lus, ho-nor, vir-tus quo-que Sit et be-ne - die- ti - 0: Pro - ce ff Uj rail. M I ** F s t =s fi - des sup-pie- men - turn Sen-su - urn de . f^c-tu - i T5~ A - men. m -&■ > *.-£. iSl X 9 » ^_K_1__| 1 L_l S U !__©_ sit lau - di-ti - o. A- men den - ti ab u - tro - que Corn-par 387. 348. o Andante religioso Tantum Ergo. VII. 1 * -» eresc poco a | ■=— i ^p=— eresc ■ ^ r=— cresc par 9%^ff mf 1. Tan- turn er- go Sa- era- men-turn Ve - ne. re-mur cer - nu-i, Et an- =F£ EE= m 2=fc 5^- 2. Ge-ni-to-ri, Ge - ni - xo'-que Laus et ju-bi-la - ti-o, Sallus, a poco. |i I •===— f s-\ i | i | i i k pcrese ppcq a poeo f^jjnJJiiT/n^Ji'i'iiijiiiTrriijj, ti-quum do- cu- men-turn No- vo ce-dat "ri - tu-i Prte-stet fi-des w e j i zze * f 2 § gr ho-nor, vir- tus quoque, Sit et be - he - die tai m^l^N,^ ti-o. Pro1- ce-denti ff-^ pprall. m ±za: m ^ ^ £=f ?=? sup-ple-men-tum Se'n-su- urn de -free - tu-i. A -men, A - men. f ;aua i ^ ^ •# *■ c» , 0 2 *L » ¥ 21 2 SZ Z3CE n § *±c» ^r n 359 ab u-trd-que Com - par sit lau- da - ti-o. A -men, A - men. Moderate S£ I Tstntum Ergo. VIII. Mel.of A. CHERION. r Tr,r 1. Ian- turn er-go Sa-cra- men-turn Ve-ne - re-mur 2. Ge-ni - to'- ri, Ge- ni - ri, Ge- ni - to - que Lauset ju - bi'- la W Et an — © — ti-quum F^rs w ^ S do-cu mentum No-vo ce-dat ri - rir- tus Z— r a-lus, ho-nor, vir P quo- que Sit et be-ne-dic m£_cresc iii, rail 73 © $ I ■ P men-turn Sen-su-um de -j fe'e-tu - i. fi-des 42 as sup-pie - men. £ % M ¥ H m rf£ den-ti ab u - tr6-que Corn-par sit lau - da-ti . o 388. mlsn. o TantumErgo. IX. 350 i Poco lento (J= 58) mf. S.BACH fee *=i^§ iffi-jU^ ?d J ^j^j r 1. Tan-tum er-go Sa-cra-men ■ turn Ve - ne - re mur cer . AM m r^fFH° ■LP J, J o p£ W f=cfa — ^-^7 ^ r~ 2. Ge-ni -to-ri, Ge-nl - to - que Laus et ju - bi - la- 5^ ■< . J=^J3 J^ — .J '/Ta l^p^^rr tirr'r r CJfS^IP nu-i. Et an - tl-quum do - cu-men - turn No /f j mm s ^ ^f F ti-o Sa4us, ho-nor, Yir-tus quo - que Sit J- rtr^r rA$ t WW til r f m vo SM ce - dat ri-tu-i: Prae^stetfi.-des sup-ple-men-tum f y Pi/^r^i £TI r r rr^ et be -no- die -ti-o: Pro-ce -den-ti ab u - tro-que ^ — | ^^ | p^ h gff? ffiP 0> I ttLT r'f f= A - men S Sensuum de- fee tu- i. {Organ Solo.) iij i ii~J3fr m , ii^ ijJ? '^r erlr 3 rrr r 'urr r Compar sit lau- da ti o, 389. A - men. 351. D Maestoso, (d =69.) Tantum Ergo. x g it J-J Jla h^JJ rit: ± fi\ F.J. =£=8 r if^r-p ig rrr?# ^^ «n>ra r 'an -turn er- go sa-cra-me'n-tum Ve- ne - re'-mur ce'r- nu-h Et an- S ^ :qe IT J^r rirJ^Ji" r A -men. A - men, /SlL £ |o _ -©- hO- ab u-trd-que Corn-par sit lau-da-ti - o. men, 352. Moderato.( J = 7a.) m p~r?nf\ , A 0 Bone Jesu 33^ o no /V PALESTKINA. i 3^ p rfc-r +*- rifr'r.r^W*8^^ -©- 0 bo-ne Je - su S mi - se- re-re jo- no - bis, qui P£_ P_ a tu ere- :»!f jC^-p-JE 3£ ^^= ^^ 0 bo-ne Je r, ./ SU! mi se - re -re no s zz: bis, qui a tu ere. <*- 33Z3E £ 0 bo-ne Je a- sti nos,tu su! fe£ mi se- re-re i j^o-j.^.j" no . bis, qui - a tu pre - ti-o-sis - si- mo JWCN a r: sti nos,tu re-de-mi K sti nos san-gui-ne tu - o pre - ti-o - sis - si - mo. Hvv io u pip Mr r l°' r rlr'r pNf' rlr^frfP^ a-sti nos, tu re-de-mi-sti nos san-gui-ne tu- o pre-ti - o-sis - si- mo. .-— -^ p — = ".'/' ,A. ^ rit. _ iH zz: Ml I J | rL J\ fUr) || J | P- gg le-mi - sti nos, san-gui-ne tu-opre-xi - o-si -«*- #? XJL a-sti nos. tu. is - si-mo. Ps. 116 .Laudate Dominum. 353 (Tone III) ^^m P V P (P> l.Lau - da - te Dominum 3.GI0 - ri - a o - - mnes gen - tes; # Pa-tri et Fi - li - - o, * « :• rs ri .^ laudate e um 0 mnes po - pu - ■ li. et Spi - ri - tu - i San - cto m r\ S io£ r-r- T s.Quoniam confirmata est I super nos misericordia jus, T. oj ^ in I7\ V • P 3T 4.Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et sem per, i I3E a /^ r r r^r cr£ et Veritas Domini | manet in ae . ter num. lliii- *V 1,-10 § tzn. "£- £ T et in saecula saeculorum. A men . 391. Q F^ ^4- Adeste Fideles. Moderato ( J= so) It J A "if o Traditional Melody Harm, by CARL HATJSER I I I i,l II s I a: r r §# 1. A- des - te, fi - de - les, lae-ti tri-um- phantes; Ve- m E^ 2. En gre - ge re- li - cto, hu-mi-les ad cu - nas Vo- m& te in Beth - m ni - te, ve- m - nem; »■•¥ f F [ I r_ r f f E B P ±sz pa ca ti pas- to CHORUS - res ap- pro - pe- rant: tti P ZG. m& £_ Na - turn vi - de \ P irlff if f nos o - van - ti eradi te Re-gem An - ge- lo - rum; Ve 9 B a: s=£ Et ^4* ti gradu fes-ti- ne - mus; Ve- mmd m - si te, a - do- re - mus, Ve- ni- te, a - do- re - mus, Ve- > J , J J J - J^l 9 &*=* i r> e ■ ihl « ' |J *=* g ni - te, a - do- re - mus, Ve- nl- te, a - do- re - mus, Ve- a mm cresc 0 .*-""■>. - te, a - do - r « -J i •i mus Do I -* -9- mi- num. i £ ni - te, a - do - re mus Do mi- num 3. C/Riyi3 P. J.K.£ S Aeterni Parentis splendorem aeternum Velatum sub carne videbimus; Deum infantem pannis invelutum: ( Venite, adoremus (thrice) Dominum.f twice. 4. Pro nobis egenum et foeno cubantem Piis foveamus amplexibus: Sic nos amantem quis non redamaret? i Venite, adoremus (thrice) Dominum. { twlce« 392. Tota Pulchra es, Maria, 355. ORATORIAN VERSION. I> }< J' J II }> ii t h i $ E I. To - ta * pul - chra es, Ma - rf - a. II. To - ta hJ^ >> p P^ P^P^P pul - chra es, Ma - rf - a. I. Et ma - cu - la I fe£ £ P^f P P "P ri - gi - na - lis non est - in te. i ^^ I' J> ii s t II.Et ma - cu - la ri - gi - na - lis \> J> i> «i J ii k }> j) J i Df^i S^P non est in te. I. Tu glo - ri - a Je ru I a F^Ff ? sa - lem. II. Tu lae - ti - ti - a sra - el. h }> J) i J^ B h J^ ^ ^ 3 d' * — tt^ — nr? *-* » * I.Tu ho - no - ri - fi - cen - ti - a po - pu - li no - stri. J 1, i ^ ^ i P CJlf CJ pip^f II. Tu ad-vo-ca-ta pec - ca - to - rum. I. 0 Ma - ri - a! t jui n fc=^ J J «> J iLM-p P p p J II ^^ - ri - a! I. Vir-go pru-den -tis - si - ma.H.Vir - go II. 0 Ma fe go ^^->-^ P p *p LJ J " J> ^ ^ — # cle - men -tis - si - ma. I. 0 - ra pro no - bis. 0 - ra pro no - his ad Do-mi-num Je - sum Chris - turn. 3 93. 356. o Tota pulchraes, Maria. l Andante con moto. DON LORENZO PEROSI. Maestro direttore delta Cappella Sistina a Roma e delta Gappella delta Basilica di San Marco a Veuezia. hrrrfx^f^. jH»Q J|» ^ «>'tf ft et ma - cu - la o To-ta pul-chra es,Ma rf S. C.A. a. lpAA 41 mmm ^a S S lit _ r gil i ^ IT *=? R XEG rrf ORGAN. legato A mm I Al fa i a: a ° ri - gi - na - lis in te. p rail gpgg m? w= » - I- >T p ST p -H-^t rrr m ri - gi - na lis non est In te, - -^ non est In te. P # -€>- f -t^ -tv -o. ■ -o- TF 7-rt// non est id i S H] ¥ BE r frpf f =8F XL* s iiti- £ it rail -«r»-. Copyright by Marcello Capra Turin. 394. Tempo primo tu glo - ri - a Je - ru - sa - lem, 1 m it Tempo primo tu lae irnu i ^- ■ i ^ f W*F m it T o hm^ 2=£ -o-5- r -o-1- 395. 7 * rail HJL^J '^_r «r r lJr< Iff ta rail pee - ca P#^ l=£ ta pec - ca to P t6 rum rum. m ^B ^m *tf XT i ;3r^ Wall yh iiil J i';1 ■r j- ^U XE f rcr i*e« adagio 0 . PP Piu forte con ctwre Tempo primo vir - go pru - den tie si - ma i j j , j i -O-*- r^r r u f ■ r" f r ' ^ g= vir - go pru -den - tis - si vir - go pru - den -tis - si A — & — ^-« d re^s o J- ja: mi 4t a! ma ma it i # vir - go pru - den - tis - si 1— — ma 4 J f=F ZEE f ^••ft, it s: Ji: Tempo primo ^ -»-i- 396. Ma-ter mm mf ^^ ■° H In" : ^m M' r "' r i * 3CE ^ff Ma - ter cle - men-tis - si - ma, o yfy - r r 9 I o ra, o - ra pro jz m *z ] pp Ma-ter ii i=i g=«f « o • « r r? f J. njf mm =§= & -©-=- i^~^ o* ^ :J -I JrJ ii ^ ter-ce - de- 3S ^ >£ rr j^r>ff no- s ^J bis in - ter-ce - de £L p in - ter-ce -de - AA^l w^ s SE in Ii j J J j I i^g J=J ter 4 JtJJ^j T=rf Wrr? A A 7 r ^f^f S SE W^-J4 rall.molto. PPP /C\ » 8 |^ ^^"imiLntill Q fS ^ (M P^ff 5» stum. rT" _ _ _ ad Do - mi-num Je - sum =jj2i ' J J. ii * Chri ^^ §i Tr f f f i e_ ce - de rall.molto. J J J hl> ^ P * m i 5© «»1. lol ^ ft P 397. 357 o Flos Carmeli. (Trio.) (Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel,July 16.) I Grazioso. (J = 84) 1st TENOR. m DI SIMONE. Arr. By P. J. WADE, O.C.C. it t 4 — <» m Flos Car- me - li vi-tis flo - rl 2nd TENOR. ge - ra, flos Car - me - li, t- w Flos Car -me' - li vi-tis flo - ri BASS. ge - ra, 5 ^3 £ ^ ? Flos Car -me - li vi-tis flo - ri - ge-ra, •baJ ^m ^ ^ ? r=f m ORGAN. J. b J / / ^^ WW ^^ I S z vi - tis flo - ri ge - ra, /. » ^£ £ P £ flos Car -me - li, vi-tis flo- ri - ge - rav m w *•, — w ^ ^^ i \i vi-tis flo- ri - ge - ra, ^^ ^ * * ^ « jj. ^ 398. ff mm m ■ ff. O- f} f i r p r i h t r— n — p # Splen-dor coe - li, Splen-dor, Splen-dor coe mm sfe ^ * rJ Splen-dor coe li, Splen-dor coe - 11, ¥ =t* 5f=F» Splen-dor fe t Splen - dor coe - li, Splen - dor coe - li, m r i t ti^kk -Ul Splen-dor J J- ^m w^ f=f M >)•■ f !tf 4E JJ m *m f=F /» nr ^g 9 » » » r s r;r Mr * 11, Vir-go pu - e'r - pe-ra, Vir-go pu - er - pe-ra, 9 9 e coe *£=^ 3 coe jj^J J, m li, li, J. P rrr g- • iz*< 4 n e I rT J n 17) * S99. Vir-go pu - er - pe-ra, m j. & 4 *=* fe$ fi£^ £ » I I'F *^ Sin - gu - la rls, # 3=?=r ?=$ P m Sin - gu - la ris, 1^ Ma-ter mi - tis & Sin - gu - la 55 ^ ris, Ma - ter mi - tis Ma-ter Pi v e ££ iJ J J E $ P 5^ £ l=£ f=fT £ c\ .p fes ?C^2 £5^ Ma-ter mi-tis sed vi - ri - nes-cia, Car-me. li-tis pspp tzzZ Ma - ter mi *): p li« tis sed vi ri - nes-cia, » m P—da ¥ Mi - tis sed vi - ri.sed vi ri (fo b'J 4 tdsfe ^ ±i=± n^s-cia, $ i & ^ 5p ^T *U J. m fg — bi m m m irm 400. ) r p m r nrrriOcTrirjg Da pri-vi - le-gia Stel - la, Stel - la Ma P l :* p i r r ir ttf f ir ^r__rirj*r r * £ Car- me -11 - tis Da pri-vi - le-gia Stel - la Stel- la, Ma ^ ^n Da pri-vl - le-gia Stel - la Ma - #t# ±=± £ i % 1 E i ii^ (M ^ r? ? t ^ ^a i ^ ^ ^^ » a P r\-£\ r\ {<• \&' ris Car-me - li - tis Da. pri - vi - le - gia Stel-la Stel- la Ma - ris. fo /CN /7\ 3 a £ r w r s ^ £- ^? p ris Car-me - li - tis Da pri - vi - le' - gia Stel - la Stel-la Ma - ris £fe* £*l 4 s £ V ri Car-me - li # tis Da pri- vi - le - gia Stel-la .Stel-la Ma - ris. J-Jj.J J.J J.? ±d i ?^" P f f ^ ?,) 7? fc i ^ «s p? 401. c|R 1913 P. J.K.& S. 358. Tr Rev F. TKAPPES. Cantabile.(J =76.) mL O GloriosaVirginum! (0 Glorious Maid) m s^s » B.J. mf ¥ 3 £ j JO Glo-ri - 6 - sa Vir - gi-num Su-bli - mis in- ter si-de-ra!Qui (0 GlO'Ttous Maid, en ~ throned on high,A-bove the lights that deck the sky; 0 m #3 ■t=« 5 2 (Quod Hae-va tris-tis abs - tu - lit Tu red-dis al - mo ger-mi-ne In- ') Thy bless-ed Seed re - stores us all We lost by Eves un - hap-py fall, And & m rail' Lento . i jiu^^f^i ^ te cre-a vit par-vu-lum Lac-ten - te nu-tris u - be-re — A Maid at whosenia -ter - nalbrtastThy in- fant Maker fed, caressed. 1 men. Ji J'liijJU^ wm trent ut a- strafle' - bi-les Coe- li re-clu-dis car-di-nes. A bids the gates of heav\i a -gain Re-ceive the iveeping souls of men. men. Tu regis alti janua Et aula lucis fiilgida Vitam datam per Virginem Gentes rede'mptae plaudite. S. The Great Kings Gate art thou, and bright Abode of everlasting Light : Ye ransomed nations, hail to Heaven. Oar Life -Spring through a Virgin given. Jesu tibi sit gloria! Qui natus es deVirgine Cum Patre,et almo Spiritu In sempite"rna saecula. 4. To God the Father, God the Son, Of Mary born, be Homage done; The like to God the Spirit be; Eternal Godhead, One in Three. 359. Sanctorum Agmina. Moderator J = 84.) J = Ancient Melody. HiJ J i J iptflijt & ^ f^r $ t 1. San-cto-rum ag-mi - na Ex- ce-dans Do- mi - na. Ma-n- a, sal a ^ij^n -&■ 5 3s fJ f r ' 'r^f? ve ! Dul - ce - do cor- di - 2. Fac nostra corpora, Mentes et pe'ctora, Sint pura mater. Et roga Filium Ut nos post obitum Agnoscat Pater. f 1 i » j ^^ um spessuppli-can-ti 3. In valle flebiles, Frequenter exules, Heu nati Evae ! Ad te clamavimus; Et suspiravimus; Maria, salve! 402. um, Ma -ri- a, sal- ve! 4. Ut inter agmina Sanctorum carmina Deo canamus. Tiblqne debitas Per cuncta gratias Saecla reddamus. Ave Maria, i. 360. Andante. ( J = 66.) B. F. p'j J J r ir • • F r I r > *^ A - ve Ma - ri a, gra-ti-a pie na-, M * i ¥ P^^ P A - ve Ma - ri a, gra - ti- a pie - na; Jilt Fi/w £ yzz — w r \" a ^ Do-nii - nus te cum. A- ve Ma - ri * ' * JJ J 1 "J ± ^ ^ V=* Solo. ^ Voice . m Do - mi - nus te-cum, A-ve Ma - ri - a. 9 k c- 3^ Be - ne - die - ta tu in mu-li - e - ri - bus, et be - ne Sancta Ma - ri mf ^ a, Ma-ter De - i, O-rapro no - bis £ Sancta Ma - ri \>J J^J I /j^^i^ Ma-ter De i, O-rapro no bis B.C. ^m I SKB ^ Z pec-ca-to'- ri- bus, Nunc et in bo - ra mor-tis no strae. * pec-ca - to' - ri- bus, Nunc et in ho 40a. 4 M d I^J ^Jl^- ra mor-tis no - strae. • m l r. 361. Ave Maria . n. A------ --___ _ ve* f+rrNIflJini ijjjj-jjjjjjjww Ma-ri a, gra ti - a pie - na, Do- - - -- - - ------ mi - nu pp j_jiJ> r ^ f p p r r eu" ^^ te cum: be-ne-di Ctn tu # s c;r ^[frjjr^'pcirc/^jjp ?E£B in mu - - li - e - pi bus, et be-ne - df ctus $ m m m ^m m — "z« i * fru ctus ven i. . -T ^ \\ ^\ _ tris jjji j ii j"3 p J' ^7^ p ^2; J ^ r ^ tu - i. Al - le lu - ia . 362. Ave Maria, in. jrJ) }: J> P^ J ' ^ J' J) in r * r A - ve Ma - ri a, gra - ti - a pie - na. pi' J> J> j i J> J» J> J) J ' /p Do - mi - nus te - cum; be - ne - di - eta tu in h * J J> i m ^ mu - li - e - ri-bus. T. P. in mu - li - e -ri-bus? al - le - lu-ia. 404. o Sub Tuum Praesidium, m Andante (e) =58) CHORUS. 363 F.L. Sb£ P i^ a g=ts f VOICES . Sub tu- um prae - si - di - um con - fu - gi - mus, con - fu - gi-mus i S ^ i^ 5 § i » I: d 1 33= 3=^ ■?5S ORGAN iUL 331 i=ti ^ P ^F ±== =F=F san-cta De - i Ge - ni-tnx, san-cta De - l Ge - ni-trix ?SEp £ fefe ¥ 3E 331 331 A^Z 331 i=bi --J r~> m ^ -**^ ^ =SF ^ BUOnif ^Mrj^^fff^ MrPf^h): i *3 54-^* Nostras de-pre-ca- ti - 6X r~ nes ne de-spi-ci - as , ne de-spi-ci - as iE m m i 3 S i *^ 8= -#4 SS SP :±?3? E-=K £==£* I a \D.C.»ifSolo. ^Pl Mt^; P g — y E *— * in ne-ces-si- ta - ti-bus nos - tris. Sed ape- ri - cu-lis cun - ctis ^^fc fe mm % % t« Is 3= 'fcl J. J * > as= ^s 33; E^ 33: *Pf=F ^S w/ Hg J | J, J J r R,l^ f $ li -be-ranossem-per Vir-go glo-ri - 6 - sa et be- ne - dfc - ta. i ^ 3= 131 ^ D.C 5 * m r rr^i ~j -s1-1- ~*^r 405. 364 Ave Maris Stella. I. -o 365. Moderate Ave Maris Stella, ii. B. A. m &m f r=p p A - ve ma- ris stel - la, De- i Ma - ter al ma. ^m *\)i \i 4.1^ i p^M r r i r ' ■ r te « "ii'ii'i'U"* r r T r r At- que sem-per Vir Fe-lix .coe- li por - ta. At- que m=t ^£± gj>, J=J: j i r^ i J 3 tt * r r i r r r p \-\\y\ iiJjjj^ FF sem-per Vir - go, Fe-lix coe- li por - ta. A _ - - Y me J ^ ^L 50, Fe-lix coe-li por - ta. A _ . - " men. 406. S P C\R 1913 P. J.K.& S Ave Maris Stella, in. 366. fcAfcl Andante sostenuto. mf J 1.1 J Old Melody Harm. by C. HAUSER. y ± fe£ « E r) ^ d V O ;- ft | 6f ,J_ „^_^ p^ A 4 ve, ma-ris stel ^^ g la, De - i Ma- ter al fe^ *& [' 'f r-f i U: -i J I J i J j 1-1. J.- I r r 'r'rf 'I'-^f r=Tf r— r ma, At - que sem-per Vir - - go, Fe - lix « tf ^ r coe - li J J £ ^^ fefcfc*: I J J-U J ^ § r ri"r r por - ta, Fe - lix coe - li H JS por ta. id it men. £t£^ xe 2. Sumens illud Ave Gabrielis ore, Funda nos in pace, Mutans Hevaenomen. 3. Solve vincla reis, Profer lumen caecis, Mala nostra pelle, Bona cunctaposce. 5. Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis, Nos culpis solutos Mites fac et castos. 6. VitaoTpraesta puram, Iter paratutum, Ut videntes Jesum, Semper collaetemur. Monstratfc esse matrem, Sumat per te preces, Qui pro nobis natus Tulit esse tuus. Sit laus Deo Patri, Sumir.o Christo decus, Spiritui sancto, Tribus honor unus. Amen, 407. 367. Ave Maris Stella. iv. Moderate ¥ i i +^^ 3 i>[. 0 J r r f — r- ia, De - i Ma - ter J-' .J J J J rrr l. A - ve ma - ris stel 3^ j j i J, J ^^ F¥ f£=rfc ^ n. jn F35 al t f F ' ^ que sem - per Vir J J i J ^i a, At - =fcL I1 I l1 I I go. a i Fe - lix coe - li por - ta. 3 SI J J j p men. «l & f f Sumens illud Ave Gabrielis ore, Funda nos in pace, Mutans Hevaenomen. 3. Solve vincla reis, Profer lumen caecis, Mala nostra pelle, Bona ennctaposce. Virgo, Inter omnes mitis, Nos culpis solutos Mites fac et castos. Vitam praestapuram, Iter para tutum, Ut videntes Jesnm, Semper collaetemur. Monstrate esse matrem; Sumat per te preces, Qui pro nobis natus Tulit esse tuus. Sit laus Deo Patri, Summo Christo decus, Spiritui saneto, Tribus. honor unus. Amen , 408 Ave Maris Stella. v. *^ Moderato. S 368. ^ r f r f ' 'r^r r ' r=f Ma - ter ^^ 1. A - ve ma - ris stel De i la, L^=J iE£ £^P f £ * ±=± ig^ * al - ma, At - e& f S5T que sem - per Vir J i J J A go, 1? fj ^: r r r ir £=i W ^ i r — r Fe - lix por f ^ coe ta. A - men. i i W^ f^f f Sumens illud Ave Gabrielis ore, Funda nos in pace, Mutans Hevae nomen. 3. Solve vincla reis, Profer lumen caecis, Mala nostra pelle, Bona cuncta posce . 4. Monstra te esse matrem, Sumat per te preces, Qui pro nobis natus Tulit esse tuus. 5. Virgo singularis, Inter omnes mitis, Nos culpis solutos Mites fac et castos. 6. Vitam praesta puram, Iter paratutum, Ut videntes Jtsum, Semper collaetemur.. 7. Sit laus Deo Patri, Summo Christo decus, Spirftui sancto, Tribus honor unus. Amen. 409, 369. Salve Mater Misericordiae £m Solesjnes Version ^fe^ P P P J J -«M =S Sal-ve ma - ter mi - e-e - ri - cor - di - ae, Ma - ter n~ j~F7nrW+-± ^-^ De-i, et ma -ter ve-ni-ae, Ma-ter-spe-i, et ma-ter gra-ti - ae, p3==jr-M-i> i) J> i' J> 5^ ■-j 4*- m Ma-ter ple-na san-ctae lae-ti - ti - ae, Soli 0 Ma - ri - a! MH£-3 ^ m 1. Sal - ve de Z. Sal - ve fe cus hu-ma-ni ge-ne-ris, Sal-ve lix Vir-go pu - er - pe - ra: Nam qui # i ^^ W n ;> J> J> >, Jl pp Vir-go di-gni-or ce-te-ris, Quae vir-gi-nes omnestrans-gre-de-ris, se-det in Pa-tris dex-te-ra, Coe-lum re-gens, ter-ram et ae-the-ra, i ), >j. ^ p^-^p^^ ^^ ^ p Et al - ti - us se-des in su-pe-ris, In-tra tu-a se claus-it vi-sce-ra, 3. Te creavit Pater ingenitus, Obumbravit te Unigenitus, Faecundavit te Sanctus Spiritus, Tu es facta tota divinitus,0 Maria! Salve Mater, etc. 4. Te creavit Deus mirabilem, Te respexit ancillam humilem, Te quaesivit sponsam amabilem, 0 Ma- ri - a! Salve Mater, 0 Ma - rl - a! Salve Mater, Te beatam laudare cupiunt Omnes justi, sed non suff iciunt; Multas laudes de te concipiunt; Sedin illis prorsus deficiunt, 0 Maria! Salve Mater,etc. 6. Esto, Mater, nostrum solatium Nostrum esto, tu Virgo gaudium, Et nos tandem post hoc exsilium. Tibi numquam fecit coi)similem,OMaria!Laetos junge choris coelestium,0 Maria! Salve Mater, etc Salve Mater, etc. 410. O Sanctissima. Adag-io. (J.-60.) 370. Popular Melody 1.0 san-ctis- si- ma, O pi - is-si-ma,Dul-cis Vi ■ — g m ^ i. O san-ctis- si 2. Tu so - la - ti-um o Et Pi re - JrsL is - si - ma ,Dul-cis Vir - go Ma - rf fu - gi-um , Vir - go, Ma-ter Ma - ri a! a! F-prnr fiffrif%^ i ?^F de - bi-les,Per-quam fle-bi-les,Sal-va nos, 0 Ma - ri re-spi-ce Ma-ter, a-spi-ce, Au-di nos, 0 Ma-ri ? -Ul Li J-sl rqtl 3. Ec-ce 4. Vir - go P a! a! ftJi-JT^rijLJjj|P:-^l,iljHi"i;HiTirTi^ s 1. Ma - tei a - ma - ta, In - te-me - ra - ta, O - ra o - rapro no 2. Quid quid op- ta - mus, Per te spe-ra-mus: 0 - ra, o - rapro no _J_ J. J. J J-lJ. +- + +- -*^-* ±1 A bis. bis. mrnir^iiffirrifi na do -16 - res, O - ra, o - rapro no - bis. tas di-\i - nam, 0 - ra. o - rapro no - bis. 1 3.Tol - le lan-guo - res Sa - na dc-16 - res, O - ra, 4. Tu me-di-ci - nam Por - tas di-vi - nam, 0 - ra, i Ave, Mater Gratiae Moderato relig-ioso.(J;60.) 371 ^ te* E f $ -9 — 9 — ^r l.A - ve, Ma-ter gra-ti - ae, 2. A - ve, Ma-ter gra-ti - ae, A - ve, Vir - go vir - gi-num, A - ve, si - dus rii - ti - lum, ^^ firiTi PP« $ j j. ti\7 i rail 1 % w*=t IE3 Spes sa - lu - tis ho- mi- num, Ma Laus et de-cus or- di - num Coe ■ter al - ina gra-ti - ae. -le-stis mi - li - ti - ae. »;>••* p j f pif r Pnf rf fflf p -?3 Z>~ A - men M4 ffi^ f 3. Ave, Mater gratiae, Consolatrix mclyta Opein fer, et vfsita Certantes in acie. 4. Ave", Mater gratiae Peccatorum vfncuia Solve, prece sedula Praes^ntis familiae. 411. Ave, Mater gratiae, 0 lux beatlssima, Esto nobis lucida Fulgens sole gloriae. 6. , Ave, Mater gratiae, Tu benfgnadiceris: Miserere misereris Virgo Mater gratiae. 372. Moderato.(J--56) , A % CHORUS, vjf Salve, Pater Salvatoris. (Hymn to St Joseph.) e I t Q i m ■R w — w r r ° T^r Sal - ve Pa - ter Sal - va - to - ris, Sal - ve, cu - stos Re- demp -0- ' -&- -0- -&■ , \ iMrrp m ^i I largo fP? S3==:r I ^ ^ 3 tS- WF22 P rls, 0 Jo-seph! a - ma bi - lis, Sal ve, Sal ve! m wm =* ^ p ) ft Soli. l.Sal '2. PI ve, Pa - ter Je urn Pi - us te fg=^ p =^ p a su me - 1, Spon Pa-tro-num, Te i se Ge - ni tri - els De - 1, tu - to - rem de - dlt f i - dum PPP ^ 4" J-J J largo % W. 71 de - co ti - fer Quern Pon - ~T7 rat pu Ec - cle rl - tas , si - ae , Sal Sal ve, ve. Sal Sal m m m 1 vei ve! in p^ s^-5- Exulantes consolare, Morientes amplexare, Quos hie habes servulos Salve, Salve! 4. Joseph , filii David regis, Recondare Christi gregit In die judicli Salve, Salve! Salvatorem deprecare Ut not velit liberare Nostrae mortis tfempore Salve, Salve! 6. Te precante,vita iuncti, Sint cum angelis conjuncti In celesti pitria Salve, Salve! 412. Inviolata. 373. Solesmes Version. \> J' J^ J' J ^ J' J' ^ g=^ fe S In - vi - o - la - ta,* fn - te - gra, et ca - sta es Ma - rf - a: J^ h ^ ;» J1 i' j) ^ j^ b J Quae es ef - fe - eta ful - gi - da coe - li por - ta. ^^5 1^ I) h J^ ^^ 0 Ma - ter al - ma Chri - sti ca - ris - si - ma: j J' J> J. J gilli ^S5 P^P Sus - ci - pe pi - a lau - dum prae - co - ni - a. t> h J^ i, 3=g :£E=£EEE5 £ Te nunc fla - gi tant de - vo - ta cor - da et o - ra J' J> J' ^ J J' J' J' J' J' J'' /' J No-stra ut pu - ra pe' - cto - ra sint et cor - po - ra. f) J> J' h J' > J' EEF^i £ Tn - a per pre - ca - ta dul - ci - so - na: h u J> \> £^ S £ P=f No - bis con - ce - das ve - ni - am per sae - cu - la p j, j j i jj m ^5 '■J g ^ O be-nj'-gna! 0 Re - gi - na! 0 Ma - rf - a. Quae so -la J, J) J, J^3^ JJJ^JJJJJII in - vi - o - la ta rjer - man - si 413. sti. 374. Moderato.(Jki6.) frif^H+^ Retina Coelijubila. ^ B.M. * 1^-^ i ?) y 1. Re - gi - nacoe- li ,fii -bi-la, Gau - de Ma-n - a! Jam pul-sa ce-dent 2. Quam dig - nater-ris gig-ne-re, Gau - de Ma-rf-a! Vi-vis re-sur-get y-bftP lr f *=* r=* p## f £ 7 7 T - cresc rail ~ nu-bi-la,Al - le - Iii fu-ne-re,Al - le - hi 5 ^^ fPP ife ia! Lae - ta-re,0 Ma- ri-a,Lae -tare, O \Ia-ri-a! ia! Lae- ta-re,0 Ma- ri-a, Lae- tare, 0 Ma-ri-a! t±=z m *=SF* m S^ »^~» Lucet arundo purpura, Gaude Maria! Ut fulva terrae viscera, Alleluia! 9- Catena, clavi, lancea, Gaude Maria! Triumphi sunt insignia, Alleluia! Ergo Maria plaudito, Gaude Maria! Clientibus succiirrito. Alleluia! 2. Quam digna torris gignere. Gaude Maria! _ Vivis resiirget funere, Alleluia! 3. Sunt fracta mortis spicula, Gaude Maria! Jesu jacet mors subdita, Alleluia! 4. Ace'rbitas solatium, Gaude Maria! Luctus reddnat gaudium, Alleluia! 5. TurbaH sputis lumina Gaude Maria! Phaebea vincunt fiilgura Alleluia! Q. Manum pedumque vulnera, Gaude Maria! Sunt gra.tiarum fulmina, Alleluia! 7. Transversa ligni robora, Gaude Maria! Sunt sceptra regni fulgida, Alleluia! 375. Tract- £=»= h. Domine non secundum peccata nostra. (For a time of penance.) f^i' J2J)JT}^X ^rpAltftf^U-SlJTi Do -mi - - ne, * non secun-dum j i> ^ J JJ J-1 cr ^rrrr pec ca-ta nonstra, quae fe" - ci-mus nos: h . . J> JaJ-JdOU^ Jl£ 0 F p m ne - que se-cun - dum in-i-qui-ta - tes no 414. stras ne me -mi - ne i U^ ^j. P J^^J .hj^ .1^77- Jj fJ> gff#g in-i - qui - ta-tum nos-tra-rum an- ti-qusi - rum f> J),P J> J^J -^J> J^ J^ J^J) ii J"] j*J r r r r f^p ci-to an-ti-ci pent nos mi-se-ri-cor- di-ae tu ae: fc f-f-j^ J' r^ P P CJf fT P P1 P P P • d • qui - a pau Hie genvflectitur pe - res fa-cti su-mus ni - mis {JVPP m TJPLu IJCf Cf ^M ^ Ad . . - ju-vanos,De - us sa-lu - ta-ris no ster I * J> j^-^^^v^, j-j j^ j, j) n n J^ J ■ M m m et pro-pter glo-ri-am no - mi-nis tu- i-, Do - mi- ne, 11- be $ < n n 53 ^ ^^ ra nos et pro - pi - ti - us e - sto pec - ca. - tis no - - - stris, pro - - pter no - men -£f I— d I— I 1— 1 — J—J I U— ' Uj cTL/r^r w-F-m tu um. 415. 376. Litany of The Sacred Solo. Con moto. \> » J. ^ «!§ 1 il i[t ij J j 2 Chris -t"', e - le- i-son. Ky - ri - e, e le - i - son. Ky - ri - e, e .W J j if^Hiif r p iJ:^ > ^ r r "1 au - di nos. Chris -te, ex - au - dl no 14 J J ,1 Chris - te. J- J a r r r " E-r r i ±^ Tutti fen De - us, mi - se . re' _ re no - De - us, mi . se . re - re no - De - us, mi . se . re" .re no - De - us, mi - se _ re . re no - Pater de oralis Fili Redemptor mundi Spfritus Sanete Saneta Trinitas unus 3 m his. bis. bis. bis. -J m Solo. TiUti. m Filii Patris in sinuVlrginis Matris a Splritu Sancto for Verbo Dei substantialiter u majestatis in - - - fi templum De - - - i tabernaeulum Al - domus Dei et por - - ta torn ax ardens ca - ri - justitiae et amoris re - cep ■ bonitate et amo - re virtutum omnium ab - ae - ter- ni, mi-se-re-re no - bis - ma- turn, mi nf - turn, mi ni - tae, sane - turn, tissi - mi, coe - li, ta* - tis, t;(-cu-Imn, mi pie - num,mi ys - bus, mi se-re-re f se-re-re seVre-re se-re-re se-re-re se-re - re se-rfe - re ■ se-re - re ■ se-r^-re ■ se-re-re no - bis . no - bis . no- bis. no - bis . no - bis . no - bis . no. bis. no - bis . no - bis . no - bis . I » *=* J-tj ^ X i m m* j±± * By kind permission of the"Apostleship of Prayer.' 416. Heart of Jesus. (First rune.) Solo. ^fr^ LUDWIG BONVIN, S. J. Tutti & m » «-j-« 5* 12. Cor 13. Cor 14. Cor 15. Cor 16. Cor 17. Cor 18. Cor 19. Cor 20. Cor 21. Cor 22. Cor Je - su, omni laude di - gnlssi-mum Je . su, rex et centrum omni - - urn cor-di-iun, Je . su, in quo sunt omnes thesauri sapientiaeet :-<-i-entiae, Je - su, in quo habitat omnis plenitude di-vini-ta' - ti>, Je - su, in quo Pater sibi bene Je . su, de cujus plenitudine omnes no: Je . su, deside'rium eollium Je - su, patiens etmultae mise Je - su, dives in omnes Je - su, .fonsvitae et Je - mi, propitiatiopro pec fefe com - placu-it, ae - rtpi-mus ;ie - terno'rum, ri - cor-di-ae, qui invo-eant Te, sancti-ta - tis, cat is no -stris, nu-se-jr-re mi^e-re-je mi-se-re-re mi-se-re-re mi-M-rt'-ii- mi-se-re-re nii-se-re"-re mi-se-re-rt mi-se-re-re mi-st--r£-re mi-be-ie-re no - bis. no - bis. no - bis . no - bis . no - bis . no - bis. no - bis. no - bis. no - bis. no - bis. no - bis. M i (P 7* ^ I ^ q Soli. « 23. Cor Je . su, saturatum op 24. Cor Je - su, attrltum propter scele- ra 25. Cor Je - su, usque ad mortem obe"di -ens 26. Cor Je - su, lancea per - - fo 27. Cor Je - su, fons totlus con sola - ti 28. Cor Je - su, vita et resurr£cti - o 29. Cor Je . su, pax et reconciliati - o 30. Cor Je - su, vfctima pec ca 31. Cor Je . su, salus in Te spe 32. Cor Je - sii, spes in Te mo - ri 33. Cor Je . su, deliciae Sancto - - nun - pro no fa - ra - 6 no no - to - ran . en 6m- -bri - is , - stra, - ctum, - turn , nis, stra, - stra, rum . - ti - um , ■ ti - um, ni - um, mi-se- mi-se- mi-se mi-se- mi -se- mi-se. mi-se mi-se. nii-te mi-se -mi-se re - re re - re re - re r£ - re r£ - re re - re r£ - re re - re re - re r£ - re re - re no - bis . no - bis, no - bis no . bis , no - bis . no - bis . no - bis . no . bis , no - bis , rib- - bis . no . bis . tn&m. wt WE i A m ? 1 m li^i ■^ *=4 Pec - ca - tc 1. A - gnus De 2. A - gnus De 3. A - gnus De - i , Qui tol - Ms . i , Qui tol - lis - i, Qui tol -lis pec pec pec ca' - ta mun - di, par-ce ca" - ta mun - di, ex-au-di <$k - ta mun - di, mi-se - . ' mi - ne . re - re, . lmi - ne se - re' - re r. fur rr j £ m fr y. Jesu mitis et humilis Corde . B . Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. 417. 377 Litany Of The Sacred First Choir. ( J) - 136.) S e £ ^^ Ky - ri - e e - le' - i - son. Chris - te e - Je - i , Seco?id Choir. son. Ky - fe J^ ^ J> J J^ ^ ^^ * 3==> ri - e e - le - i-son. Chris -te au-di nos, Chris -te ex- au-di -nos First Choir. i^ Second Choir. mm ^ -o- ^ Pater de coe - lis De - us , Fili Redemptormundi De - us. Spfritus Sancte De - us. Sancta Trfnitas unus De - us, mi - se - re - re no - bis. mi - se - re - re no - bis. mi - se - re - re no - bis. mi - se - re - re no - bis. Tut til J - 63. J f\ U ?njL £EE5 5 M @ I si *±g f no - bis 4J3 1. Cor Je-su, Fili - i Patris ae - ter - ni, mi-se-re-re JL k>:i it i p r i-p-p-W a f^ 3. Cor JeSu, VerboDei| sub- stantialiter u - ni - turn, mi- se-re - re no - bis 5. GorJesVf templum Dei | San - ctum, mi- se-re - re no - bis. 7. Cor Jesu, domus Dei| et porta coe - li, mi- se-re- re no - bis 9. Cor. Jesu, justitiae et amoris recepta - culum mi- se-re- re no - bis 11. Cor Jesu, virtutum omnium a-by's - • sus, mi- ■ se-re - re no - bis 13. CorJesn, rex et centrum omnium co'r - dium, mi- se-re - re no - bis 15. CorJesn, in quo habitat | omnis plenitudo Divini-ta tis, mi- ■se-re- re no - bis. 17. Cor Jesu, de cujus plenitudine | omnes nos ac - ce - pimus, mi- se-re- re no - his 19. Cor Jesu, patiens et multae miseri-cor -diae mi- se-re- re no - bis 81. Cor Jesu, fons vitae et sancti - ta - tis, mi- - se-re'- re no - bis 23. Cor Jesu, saturatum op - prd - briis, mi- . se-re- re no - bis 25. Cor Jesu, usque ad mortem obe'diens fa-ctum, mi - se-re' - re no - bis 27. Cor Jesu, fons totius consolati - o' - nis, mi - se-re" ■ re no - bis 29. CorJesn, pax et reconciliatio no - stra, mi - se-re -re no - bis 31. Cor Jesu, salus in Te spe - ran - tium, mi - se-re'- • re no - bis 33 Cor Jesu, deliciae Sanctorum o'm - mum, mi -se-re ■ re no - bis 418, Heart Of Jesus. ( second Tune) B. H. E. Ft rst Choir. mf L ^^# Second Choir. ^m p^^ 2. Cor Je su, in sinu Vi'rginis Matrisj 4. 6. 8- 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. 32. a Spiritu Sancto for - ma Cor Jesn, majestatis infi - ni Cor Jean, tabernaculum al-tis-s Cor Jesn, fornax ardens cari-ta - Cor Jcsn. bonitate et amo're pie - Cor Jesn, omni laude dignis - si - Cor Jesn, in quo sunt omnes thesauri | sapientiae et sci Cor Jesn, in quo Pater sib i bene com Cor Jesn, deside'rium cdllium aeter Cor Jesn, dives in omnes qui Cor Jesn, propitiatio pro Cor Jesu, attn'tum propter Cor Jesu, lancea Cor Jesu, vita et Cor Jesu, victima Cor Jesu, spes in Te en - pla - no - invo- cant peccatis no - seel era no - perfo - ra - resurre'etio no - pecca-to' - mon - en - turn, - te, i-mi, tis, num, mum, tiae. cuit , rum, Te, stris, stra, turn, stra, rum, tium, m mi mi mi mi mi mi mi - se- re-re no -bis. - se -re -re no- bis. - se- re- re no -bis. - se- re- re no -bis. - se- re'- re no -bis. - se- re- re no- bis. se- se- mi- se- mi- se- mi- se- mi- se- mi - se- mi - se- mi - se- mi-se- re-re no re- re no re- re no re -re no re- re no rd-re no re- re no re- re no re- re no re- re no bis-, bis. bis. bis. bis. bis. bis. bis. bis. bis. p p r r f p p f p p {J~r [| ^' ^ ■*' ^3^^ 1. A-gnus De-i,qui tol-lis pec-ca -ta mun-di, par-ce no-bis Do'-mine. 2. A-gnus De-i, qui tol-lis pec-ca - ta mun-di, ex - au-di nos Do-mine 3. A- gnus De-i, qui tol-lis pec-ca - ta mun-di, mi-se-re-re no-bis. V. Jesu, mitis et hiimilis corde. R. Fac cor nostrum secundum Cor tuum. Or emus. OMNIPOTENS sempiterne Deus, re'spice in Cor dilectissimi Filiitui,et in laudes ft satisfactions quas in nomine peccatorum tibi persolvit, iisque mise- rico'rdiam tuam petentibus,tu veniam concede placatus in nomine ejusdem Filii tui Jesu Christi, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spi'ritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saeculasaeculdrum . R . Amen. 419. o|r 1913 P.J.K.&S. 378. Litany Of The Blessed Moderato Religiose 1-6 , 7>if r^i i^jhJ jj-J i\±±k s f 1. Ky'-ri - e, e - Je' - i-son, Chri - ste e - le - i-son, ^ 1-H^ {SgEEEp 2. 3. Pa-ter de coe-lis, Spi-ri-tus San-cte De De - US, j - us, \ mi - se - re - re no - bis, 4. San - eta Ma - ri - a, San - eta De - i Ge- ni- trix. 5. Ma - ter Chri - sti, Ma- ter di- vi - nae gra -ti - ae, 6. Ma - ter ca - stis -si -ma, Ma - ter in - vio - la _ ta. 7. Ma - ter a - ma- bi-lis , Ma - ter ad - mi- ra- bi - lis, 8. Ma - ter Crea - to - ris, Ma - ter Sal - va - to' . ris, 9. Vir - go ve - ne - ran - da, Vir - go prae - di - can - da, 10. Vir - go cle - mens, Vir go fi - de' - lis, 11. Se - des sa- pi - en- ti-ae Cau - sa no-strae lae - ti - ti - ae, 12. Vas ho - no - ra - bi-le, Vas in-si-gne de-voti - o' - nis, 13. Tur - ris Da - VI - di-ca, Tur ris e - bur- ne - a, 14. Foe - de - ris ar - ca, Ja nu - a coe . li, 15. Sa - lus in -fir - mo - rum, Re- fu'-gi-um pecca -to - rum. 16. Au-xi-li -um Christia -no - rum, Re- gi - na Ange - lo' - rum, 17. Re . gi - na Prophe • ta - rum, Re . gi - na A-posto -lo - rum. 18. Re - gi-na Confes - so - rum, Re- gi - na Vfr- gi -num, 19. Regi-na si- ne la-be original! con - ee - Pta, Regf- na saeratissi-mi-Ro-sa -ri - i. iy. OJfOJtUS. {in harmony.} , fh^'fcjfV f i J'J' J J IJ:~]'J ¥ w 20. A- gnus De i, qui tol - lis pec-ca- ta J.— mun - di , J-^^4-^=f 1 I -v~y- \ 1 \ y^=9 ' I r p r 420. Virgin. (First Tune.) B. A. ii, ii * CJf OMUS Sin harmony.) r(^[____ Ky-ri - e le- son. Ghri-ste Chri-ste_ Chri-ste Chri-ste ex aii - di nos. au - di nos. i i M mi ^1 t no - bis. Fi - li Re-de'm- pto r mun - di De - us, San-ctaTri-ni - tas u- nus De - us , San-cta Vir So Vir-gi-num, Ma - ter pu - ris-si-ma. Ma -ter in - te ■ me ra - ta, Ma- ter bo ni con - si- li - i, Vir- go pru den - tis - si-ma, Vir - go po - tens, Spe'-cu - lum ju - sti - ti - ae, Vas spi - ri tu a - le, Ro - sa my-sti-ca, Do - mus au - re - a , Stel - la ma - tu - ti - na , Con-so - la trix af- fli - cto' - rum, Re - gi - na pa-triar- cha' - rum. Re - gi - na Ma'r-ty- rum , Re-gi-na San - cto'-rum om-m- um, Regi-na sa-cra- tfs - si- mi Ro-sa-ri - i , * Other ending. Mi - se - re - re 0 - ra, o - ra pro no - bis. * CHORUS. BS ^3 fePPl IFF Chri-ste ex- au di-nos. ^ Mi-se-re'-re 0 . ra pro m no . bis. no - bis. n-2. f-f-J J l^~H-^ \f j gj-g m E3 ^par-ce no - bis Do'-mi-ne iex - au - di nos Dd-mi-ne mi- se re - re no - bis. — • — • — • — 0 ^ [r^ — ■ 0 — [ i t^c f tu 9 • 5h 9 £ 9 1 ■ ^= • — »^« — ^j 421. CE 1913 P. J.K.&S. 379. Litany Of The Blessed Lento JJUO mf I'll" '] \\ J I £5 -0- -•t—' W e. -«H- ~~r Voices. 1. Ky - ri le' - i-son. Chri - ste, e - le'-i-son. %$$ » j i ^m ^ J-7 2. 3. Pa-ter de coe-lis, Spi - ri-tus San-cte De - us, De - us, | mi - se - re - re no - bis. 4. San - - eta Ma . ri - a, San-cta De - i ' Ge-ni-trix, 5. Ma - ter Chri - sti, Ma -ter di- vi - nae gra-ti -ae, 6. Ma - ter ca - stis- si -ma, Ma- ter in-vi - o - la - ta, 7. Ma - ter a - ma-bi-lis, Ma- ter ad - mi - ra-bi- lis, 8. Ma - ter Crea - to' - ris, Ma -ter Sal - va - to' - ris, 9. Vir - go ve-ne - ran - da, Vir -go piae - di - can - da, 10. Vir - go cle - mens Vir - go fi - de' - lis, 11. Se - des sa-pi - en - ti-ae, Cau-sa no-strae lae - ti - ti-ae. 12. Vas ho -no - ra- bi - le, Vas in-si-gni' de-voti - o' - nis, 13. Tur - ris Da - vi - di- ca, Tur - ris e - bu'r-ne- a, 14. Foe - de - ris ar - ca, Ja - nu - a coe - li, 15. Sa - lus in -fir - mo - rum, Re-fii-gi- um pecca - to - rum, 16. Au-xi-li-um christia -no - rum Re-gi - na Ange - Id - rum, 17. Re - gi - na Prophe -ta rum Re-gj - na A- post d - Id - rum , 18. Re - gi-naConfes - so - rum, Re-gi - na Vir-gi-num, 19. Regi-na si -ne la-be' originali con - c6 - pta, Regi-na sacratfssi-mi Ro-sa-ri - ij u CHORUS. 5=5 vx mm s it.. — ^mza — m 4 rj ' m 4 *p f m£ 20. A-gnus De-i, qui tol - lis pec-ca-ta mun - di, par-ce no -bis P £ ^ 428. Virgin (Second Tune.) m¥m k-4> CHORUS. Italian Melody Harm, by B. F.R rail. fViivnus. ran. j'i'iq J i'; jn Ky - ri e ._ le - i son. Chri - ste au-di nos. Chri-ste ex - au-di nos; R H 1 1: r^ wm p^p Fi - li. Re- San- eta Tri demp - ni - -tor tas mun u - -di, nus De De - us, us , \ mise- re - re San- eta Vir - go Vir- gi - num,\ Ma - ter pu - ris - si - ma, Ma - ter in - te - me - ra - ta, Ma - ter bo - ni con - si - li - i , Vir - go pru - den - tis - si - ma, Vir go po - tens, Spc - cu lum ju - sti - ti - ae, Vaa spi - llo ri sa ■ tu - a my- sti le, - ca. \ 0 - ra pre Do mus au - re - a, | Strl la ma - tu - ti - na, Con - so - - la-trix af - fli - cto - rum, Re- gi - na pa- triar - cha - rum, ' Re - gi - na Mar- ty- rum, Re - gi - na san - cto- rum om - ni - urn, Regi- na sa -cra- tis- si-mi Ro - sa - ri ■ *' J no bis. no Ms. "inr lrs: ■M >ij i i Jij-J'j mi j j j j m ■J 2 " ' -* ex -au-di nos Do-mi -ne. mi -se -re- re no- bis. Do - mi - ne. v tr Mptf firf v §1 423. C/R 1913 P. J. K. & S. 380. Litaniae Lauretanae. J^ t> j> t ^fe^ s ^ p Ky ri le 1 - son. Chri ste e - le - i son, *r, iiiUi &^ ^^ S f^ g J; p g J^^ Ky - ri-e e-le-i-son. Chri-ste au-di nos. Chri -ste ex-au-di nos £ f^y^ i i) i) £ J) P^ f^ —y V 7 Pa - ter de c.oe-Iis De - us, mi - se Fili,Redemptor mun-di De - us, mi - se Spi - ri - tus San-cte De - us, mi - se Sancta Trinitas, u - nus De - us, mi - se San - - eta Ma- ri - a , o San -eta D^ - i Geni-trix, o San. eta Vir- go Virgin um, o Ma -ter Chri - sti, • o A re re re re re re m 1W-H) re - re ra pro ra pro ra pro ra pro no - bis . no- bis. no - bis. no -bis. no -bis. no - bis . no -bis . no - bis • ^m "m ^ W Ma- ter Ma - ter Ma - t^r Ma Ma ter Ma Ma Vir Vir Vir Spe Se Cau- sa Vas T di - vi - nae Ma -ter pu - Ma-ter cas - in - vi - o _ in - te - me - Ma-ter a _ ter ad - mi - bo - ni con- ter Cre - a - ter Sal - va - go pru -den - £-0 ve - ne - go prae - di - Vir - go Vir -go Vir - go fi - cu - lum jus - des sa - pi - no -strae lae spi - ri - tu - Vas ho - no - g-ra-ti - ris - si - tis - si - la - ra ma- bi - ra - bi - si - li - to - to - tis - si - ran -• can - po - cle - de - ti ti ti - ti a ra - bi en ti ae , ma, ma, ta , ta, lis, lis, i , ris, ris, ma, da , da , tens,' mens,| lis, ae , ae , ae , le, le . ra pro no - bis. ora pro nobis 424. $' p p p p p_i' p p(iH=P^ *^TT Vas in - si - gne de-vo-ti- o - nis, Ro- sa my-sti - ca, Tur-ris e - bur-ne - a, Do -mus au -re - a, Foe- Ja - Stel-la Sa-lus Re- fu - gi -urn Con- so - la -trix Au- xi - li - urn Chri- Re-gi - na Re-gi -na Pa - Re-gi - na Re-gi - na A - Re- Re - gi _ na R'e- Re-gi - na San- Regina sine labe o - ri - gi - na - Regina Sa- cra-tis -si - o -. ra pro no -bis, -de -ris ar - - ca, nu - a coe - li, i ma -tu - ti - -na, 1 in -fir-mo- -rum, I pec-ca - to - - rum, I af - fli -cto - rum, 1 sti - a - no _ rum, \ An - ge - lo - - rum, \ ora pro nobis tri - ar - cha . rum, / Pro-phe-ta - - rum, po - sto-lo - - rum, I gi -na Mar-ty- -rum, 1 Con-fes- so - - rum, 1 gi - na Vir-gi - num, 1 -cto -rum 6 -mni- um, li con-ce - - pta, mi Ro-sa -ri - i. & lj r ■-=£= p p p p A - gnus De A -gnus De A-gnus De 1 , i . qui tol - lis pec - ca - ta qui tol - lis pec - ca - ta qui tol - lis pec - ca - ta m £ ^ ^ &* mun - di, par - ce no - bis Do - mi • ■ ne. mun - di, ex - au - di nos Do - mi - • ne. mun - di, mi - se - re - re no - "bis 4*5. 381. Rorate, Coeli, De super. (Tempore Adventus.) Soli. Oratorian Version. £=5 J' J ■ J^ ^ J' V=?=f Ro - ra - te, coe- li, de'-su-per: et mi-bes plu - ant ju - stum. Tidti. Soli. i h J) jTJ) ,h J- J ■ J> J> J' J> J- J- J' ^ Ro-ra- te.etci-Ne i - ra - sea - ris, Do-mi- ne.- ne ul-tra me-mi- ne-ris J) J) j, ^ j) j ^^ ^ i - ni- qui - ta-tis no- strae: Ec- ce ci - vi-tas San - cti tu - i MPK m i p p p, p ^^ J> J m n fa - eta est de-se'r - ta, Si- on de-ser-ta fa -eta est: Je - rii * f' J' J' J- h s J) J) J: Ji J^ j< M J> I i sa-lem dc-so-la-ta est: do-mus san-cti- f i - ca-ti-6 -nis no- strae Tatti. ^ ^ l^Jrtjrj-j * s * — inzzM et glu-ri-ae no- strae u -bi lau-da-ve-runtte pa - tres no - stri. Rorate,etc. Soli. ^cn h j JH^h J> J* l\ J>^tt: n h J 2. Pec-ea - vi-mus, ct fa -cti sum -us ut im-mu'n-dus om - nes nos. J- J' J> J h $r\\ J> J . =£ d d J • 4] 4 r » J et ce - ci - di - mus qua - si fo - li - um u - ni - ve'r - si: 426. ^ p P P P P P _7: _* * £ Et i ni - qui - ta - tes no-strae qua - si ven - tus ab - stu - J> J i j. J< Jrfr-j> J) J- J> ;^ f le'-runt nos : abscon- di-sti fa - ci - em tu - am a no - bis, Tutti. \> h J> J^ J^ J' h X J> J- J- §13 * ' m +-* et al-li- si-sti nos in ma - nu i -ni-qui-ta - tis no-strae. Rorate,etc. Soli. i O J> J J' ii > J^ J^ J' i' ;. 3. Vi - dc Do - mi - lie , af - fli - cti - o'-nem p6 -pn - li tu - i, I1- ^ P p p ^Us J^ J 1 J! p p p p p pi et mit-te quern mis-sii-rus es; e - mit-tc Agnum dom-i - na- J I M * J. J^ J^ J- J^ JN 1' J^ Jeji » r ^ td-rem ter-rae de pe-tra de-ser- ti admon-tem fi -li- ae Si - on: Tutti ■ jtt^ ^ J> J ^ b b J1 >jT) rj j ii ]^ ut au - fe-rat ipse ju - gum capti - vi - ta - tis no - strae. Rorate,etc. Soli. ^-J^'J' J'J J- J' J' JO }jepj JllJ'p fl p 4. Con- so- la - mi- ni, con-so-lami- ni, po'-pu -le me-us: ci -to ve- ni -et -w. J' J I i J' r. r p P P CyJ'lJ '^'^ sa-lus tu - a. Qua- re moe- ro'- re con - su - me-ris? qua-re in-no-va- ir- mM E W £t^T-M J I j.M^" vit te do -lor? Sal-va'-bo te, no-li ti-me'-re.- e -go e-nim sum Tutti. p-p p J'J J iJ'1 J^JO J s H p *— # Do'-mi-nus De-us tu-us, San-ctus Is-ra-el, Red-em- ptor tu . us.Rorate,etc. 427. 382. Asperges Me. At The Sprinkling Of Holy Water. On Sundays throughout the year except in Paschal time. $ A"}- MM & J^' ' CJJ IJC^ njisi} y-^-—zm VII #-*^ A- sper- gesme,* Do - mi - ne, hys- so - po, et mun - da - bor: $H p n\ j^J i j rir S S ^ ;j la - va - bis me, et su-per ni-vem de - al - ba - bor. I H JT3 /J p p qj p ■ ^- r~r i O Ji^-p— p— p Ps.50. Mi - se - re-re me - i, De - us, * se - cun - dum mag-nam i* m & p P p CUP " '* p pp pp pr mi-se-ri- cor - di- am tu - am. Glo - ri - a Pa-tri, etFi-li-o, # >>~r lOJ^ '' pp UPPr? p p p p p p E et Spi-ri - tu- i San - cto: * Sic - ut e-rat in prin - cf - pi- o, zrjcpz l* m S# ^5 s p u p P'1 r r P, P P P CD a ' a et nunc, et sem - per, et in sae- cu-la sae- cu - lu-rum. A - men. "Asperges me" is repeated as far as the Psalm. On Passion and Palm Sundays, "Gloria Patri"is omitted and the'Asperges me"is repeated immediately after the Psalm"Misere're: ¥ ]', JiJiJ^J^ JE^p V. Ostende nobis. . . tu-am. R.Et sa-lu-ta-re tu-um da no - bis. ^ h J-i b J) J^ J) ^^ =h * * V. Domine, exaudi. . .me- am. R.Et cla-mor me- us ad te ve- ni-at. H ^rjr^r m m m m m m V. Dominus vo-bis-cum. R. Et cum spi - ri - tu tu - o . R. A - men. 428. Vidi Aquam. 383. During Paschal time, i.e. from Easter Sunday to Whit Sunday inclusive. Ant. VIII. m £ 12 r SI 12 1^^ W d w **m * Vi - di a - quam* e - gre - di-e'n-tem de tern - plo, !? £S ^JJiJJJJJJJJl P 2 cax m m a m a la - te - re dex - tro, al-le lu ia: et o 4 P p p P^TTrcrd'CfQrCfC?'rj' nines, ad quos per - ve - nit a - qua i - sta, r pfffJ^J ■JajTUj-jU'^ S «^J I sal - - vi fac - - ti sunt, et di - cent, al - le - lii - ia, * S J73j I ;>j-jP • m rm ^m 0 P P P • d • al - le lii - m.Ps.H7. Con-fi - te - mi - ni Do- mi -no i^Fpi ■ g ■ I* g ■ g iezzje ejc/p p p rr pppp p^c; quo-ni-am bo-nus-.* quo-ni-am in sae-cu-lum mi-se-ri- cor - di- a e-jus. # aL-» m mm m m i m m m 0 m f ft t1» y p p p p P f P P L/ LJ P u^t #— # Glo - ri - a Pa-tri, et Fi- li - o, et Spi - ri - tu - i San - cto. * Cj iS P P P P P P P Cj CJ P U r Sic - ut e - rat in prin- ci - pi - o, et nunc, et sem - per. r*\ n p P P P P -p & et rum. A - men. in sae- cu - la sae - cu - lo Repetitur'"X\\i Aquam!' V. Ostende, nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam. Alleluia R. Et salutare tuum da nobis. Alleluia. V. Domine exaudi orationem meam. R. Et clamor meus ad te ve'niat . V. Ddminus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Or emus . . . R. Amen. 429. 384. u In Festis Duplicibus. (De An^elis.) Kyfie . fea mm t^^j=i mm9 mvd m zzr-m % H Ky- ri - e _jr* ■; » m e . le - i - son. iij. |*Li> JTqj^jpj -g^^Tjyj;^ u Chri - ste le- i-soni?y J rjijiJi'j' M LET cr ' [j ^ *£ Ky - ri - e ^^-p. p C£rcrJ 'tJCrrcNCrr le- i-son. ij =3: TO^ S Ky-ri- e * * e le- i-son Gloria. ffeNs »J'J>J. JOJ> V. :s^eee5 tf *—&-* — * m s Glo-ri-a in ex-ce'1-sis De-o. Et in ter-ra pax ho-mi-ni-bus ff h i)J^ J>=f=? 5 g — ■ P lCj* p ' 'P F p ' C/r *H— * i bo-nae vo-lun- ta-tis. Lau - da - mus te. Be-ne- di-ci - nrus te ¥ h h r-r-i rn i ii , k k h . I ii h 1 * m ^s ^ p m d m m Ad - o - ra - mus te. Gld - ri-fi-ca-mus te. Gra-ti-as mm p^g ^^ a - gi - mus ti - bi prop-ter ma-gnam glo - ri- am tu - am. ft* i=fe£ S r?P23 s S Do-mi- ne De-us, Rex coe- le - stis, De - us Pa - ter o - mni mm E5 ^^ ^s r * m wm m J> m po - tens. Do-mi-ne Fi - li u- ni-ge-ni-te Je - su Chri-ste. Do-mi- ne De-us, A-gnus De-i, Fi - li - us Pa - tris. U Qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta mun - di, mi-se-re - re no-bis. f P fi m ^ m fi J J I ^=^ hfl.TTF J C> p fi J'fi ? ^2 £553 Qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta mun-di, sus-ci-pe de-pre-ca-ti- 6-nem no - stram. 430. *& If J^ J' J) J, h ^ ^^ 5=£ J' * a Qui se-des ad de'x-te-ram Pa-tris, mi - se - re - re no - bis. 1 s n.r n p p p "' p p^ e=s * * Quo-ni-am tu so - lus sane- tus. Tu so - lus Do - mi - nus 0 K \\ k i-, n h >i , 1 ii TT if J* J> j, n ;j J^ I. m » r^W »r rr r=d ^3 *-#-* Tu so-lus Al - tis - si - mus, Je - su Chri-ste. Cum Sane- to § S 1 fc^ fcM g£3 ^ Spl-ri-tu, inglo'-ri-a De-i Pa Sane t us. tris. A men. VI. San - - ctus, * San - ctusT San - - ctus San m r • e^§ • dm &^ Do mi- nus De-us Sa ba-oth. ±ee£ =£ Lnrrvr ' P^rr fitt'in CJ P Ll E ETC/' Pj[/ Pie - ni sunt coe - li et ter ra glo - ri - a. tu s J'JJ^Jp JJJjjg nit £ )=£==£=* =J LJ ^J 1 U sis. Be-ne-dic . tus qui ve Ho-san-na in ex -eel # ppJ^Wf iFpr^^,J3flL%rJ^J VI. in nd-mi-ne Do-mi-ni. Ho-san - "- na in ex -eel Agnus Dei. sis. jtegj JT3J ■ J' Jv jj i j, rj J7] j i }< jt "^ r^ ;j;.jT7TJZ1j iJ'flP ^J? JJ]Ji qui tol . lis pec-ca- ta mun- di: do- na no -bis 431. pa - cem. 385. In Festis B.Mariae Virginis. (Cum jubilo.) Kyrie. Ky - ri - e e - le - i- son. Ky '- ri - e ^Vj g J3 J' jj i jjJ? Jl ^j J] j j j j ijj e - le - i - son. Ky ri - e e - le - i - son. ii B O^TJ .Mr JV ll^T];-] r ^'i[j» j j'cjif ^r Chri - ste e - le - i-son. Chri - - ste * 5 ^^ p "''[J ' ''=£E^ * w • d * e - le - i - son. Chri - ste e - le - i- son. $ 0**0* . Jliif PJ JyiF Jy II^^Jj J S P L> « J f Ky-ri - e e -le' - i-son. Ky - ri - e o . Et in ter - ra #is J L J''WjJJJIIJ'' J *-#-# pax ho - mi - ni - bus bo-nae vo-lun- ta - tis. -Lau-da - mus te 4* J'-Qj3>j,j» J \^:s^j\^^mrr\ Be-ne - di-ci-mus te. Ad-o - ra - mus te. Glo-ri-fi - ca - mus te. fj^> iTT^Jv r p -n^JjnrTi am. Gra-ti-as a-gi-mus ti-bi pro-pter ma-gnam glo - ri - am tu 432. £ i pi CJ U" "■'CJ »— z=zi +=d Do-mi - ne De-us, Rex coe le - st is, De - us Pa h |, i u h W J~~l > J ' ^ d — g • * J. ^ " • * ter o - mni - po - tens. Do- mi - ne Fi-li u-ni - ge - ni-te j» j.p j] j j nj7^i:-r J' J-j^Jj^i Je- su Chri - ste. Do' - mi - ne De-us, A - gnus De-i, *rt J' J> ;■ J> m m +—d — ~ — '• Fi-li - us Pa - tris. Qui tol - lis pec - ca - ta mun - di. &* i ^rjrjj^Jiir lt^p-? ^ wrziz^M ^e mi-se-re - re no- bis. Qui tol - lis pec - ca - ta mun - di, £ ;s b J' h J> . ffil £& sci - pe de - pre - ca - ti - o' - nem no - stram. su #^^^r k E* au^n 0 J 0 3±g Qui se-des ad dex-te-ram Pa-tris, mi - se . re . re no - bis «— tv-K- ?' j'j j p$=* J! cj J 11 p^ fe^ ^ • m_ Quo-ni-am tu so-lus san - ctus. Tu so - lus Do'-mi-nus * 0 * + m mm Xi ^ ^^t Tu so- lus Al - tis - si - mus. Je - su Chri ste. iS=£ - J^ J » -J^ 3¥ F^FP £ *— * * Cum San - cto Spi - ri - tu. in glo - ri - a De - i ^SW> ■ -rj j j 1 j j. j r j ^ j j Pa tris. A men. 433. Sanctus. S ^ mm * g # j 'O'J 'jtTttQ'- San ctus, * San - ctus, San i s F=* ?E^i £ jg g J • J J «; ctus Do- mi - nus De . us Sa ba . oth. n tn > j'J'p-grp r ' g g g hjj Pie - ni sunt coe- li et ter - ra glo' - ri - a tu - a. f^ £ » » > 0 ' 0 Ho -san - na in ex- eel - sis. Be - ne- di - ctus $h cjrr;r t ciTc-f c^ r ■£# * a 0 qui ve nit in no mi - ne Do mi - ni. ^^jjjgJjJfFr 'Peer J. Ho" : : san - na in ex - eel *-J~d san - na in ex Agnus Dei^ sis. y- &v\ j. P jTf r~r cxr rT? c/ r ' p ir^? A -gnus De - i, * qui tol - lis pec-ca-tamun . di: m '' j JJ J J j j j j j j j j j ii i' j J j j r=rrr=t: mi se - re - re no - bis. A -gnus De - i, * p\ * JTJ j r ^^r iJTJ^J-jJl qui tol - lis pec-ca- ta mun - di: mi - se - re - re J~3 jf? n ' tu+y-y ^E no - bis. A - gnus De - i, qui tol - lis -p\ p ^f-p-ggrr ■ P1 ^ .^-W^tf pec - ca - ta mun di: do - na no - bis pa 434. cem. Credo I. 386. V. m w^ h » h p J' j» j j ■ Cre - do in u-mim De - um. Pa - trem om- ni - po- ten- tern, h h b ^ m * ^ P P p r r 'p t^m j- fac -to-rem coe-li et ter-rae, yi-si-bi- li - um 6m - ni - um, h n JK| I ^ s r> ;> I, h j^ f ^ a • m et in - vi - si - bi - - li - um. Et in u- num Do- mi- num 1 1 | J' -j J ■ J. J> J> J> J^ p ^ipifq Je - sum Chris-turn, Fi - li - um De - i u - ni - ge - ni - turn. |JL> J-> J^J^flj -J.J, p p pgjjpj Et ex Pa-tre na - turn an-te 6m - ni - a sae - cu - la. m *r-b }) J' J) $^$ W- * * * • -d ^ De- um de De - o, lu-men de hi- mi - ne, De-um ve - rum fM p p r r-^J^i^ s^s f de De - o ve - ro. Ge - ni -turn, nun fac - turn, con- sub - stan m i ^s p p p * p T f p p p f^ ti - a - lem Pa - tri.- per quern o'm - ni - a fac - ta sunt. ;e^ m ^ y p r ' J' J' J1 i1 J' Jl ^— P Quiprop-ter nos ho'-mi-nes, et prop-ter nos-tram sa - lu - tern np t v trr riip j'i'jijij j^rocj ■ 5 I de-scen-dit de coe- lis. Et in-car- na-tus est de Spi-ri-tu San-cto W h I' ' # ^ P-E P p P ^ f ex Ma - ri - a Vir - gi - ne : 485. Et ho - mo fac - tus est. & J\)Jjjjj.;j^%r'pp.ppJvJ'p ^J) 5 mm Cru-ci- fi - xus e'-ti-am pro no-bis: subPon-ti-o Pi-la-to passuset se-pul-tusest. jJVr'itJ^^ J JlljJVr^ a m? PPPPPP J"Pg Et re-sur-re-xitte'r-ti-a di-e, se-ciin-dumScrip-tii-ras. Et a-scen-dit in coe-lum: p p p ^ ^ JJJj ip p p J1 ^;>JQ' J^ SE se-det ad dex- te-ram Pa - tris. Et i - te-rum ven-ttl-ms est cumglo'-ri - a, j^iM m PPP pr^ p p p r ' p p ju -di-ca-re vi-vos et mor-tu-os: cu-jus re-gni non e-rit f i - nis PS V1' P P P P P pFf m W Et in Spi- ri- turn Sane -turn, Do-mi-num, et vi - vi - fi-can-tem £li'J] J J I J. J- n r, J- J' J' r P^ qui ex Pa-tre, Fi li-6-que pro-ce-dit. Qui cum Pa-tre, et Fi - li - o fcS J> J» ii J. K Js ^ p p p p r r S5 U^ si-mul ad-o-ra-tur et con-glo-ri - fi-ca-tur-. qui lo-cu-tus est per S h J> N ii J^ ^^ P P P P, P P Pro - phe-tas. Et u-nam sanc-tam ca tho- li-cam et a- po-sto- li-cam f^ m _ — m r ' J'1 J^ J> n *'-£ f !le p j i B p p i -M^-br * Ec-cle- si-am. Con-fi-te-or u-num ba-pti-sma in re-mis-si - 6-nem 4JT Js' J' J J P P J J p p p^EE^ pec- ca- to -rum. Et ex-spe-cto re-sur- re-cti- 6-nem mor-tu- 6 - rum i S s h j^wrn ip ^! p p j' ^tii'^jjj L-Lrr r Et vi- tarn ven -tii- ri sae-cu -li. A ----- - gjippl "en. 387 Credo. ii. fyj j jhj^ r if'fB r, JU'J> J \n$-$=$ VI. £P^ Cre-do in u-num De-um. Pa-trem om- ni po-te"n-tem, fac - to-rem coe M^iO 'JWd^n JW'J J'r'irr, J^J'b JjJll P CJP" JIP li et ter- raa vi- si-bi- li- urn o'm-ni-um, et in-vi -si-bf - li - urn. 436. jft= K £ ]) J^ J) > Et in u - num Do' - mi - num ^ Je - sum Chri - stum, ^4 S J> .h d J"] 'J 11 J» ^ J' J^J r CJ P P P P £ Fi - li - urn De - i u - ni - ee - ni - turn. Et ex Pa - tre na - turn mm J^ J» b J"] J f^# CT p p £ an - te 6m- ni - a sae - cu - la. De - um de De - o h J'.h r i'TTJj ■ /,]> ^TT^ * * lu-men de hi- mi - ne, De-um ve-rum de De - o ve - ro. b j» J- c, j j ^hh j. j> J1 j^ Ge'-ni-tum, non fac - turn, con- sub- stan -ti - a - lem Pa - tri: fee & iw> w J" fe^ i — r err r w -11 p V per quern o'm-ni - a fac - ta sunt. Qui prop -ter nos ho- mi - nes, ^^ ;> J' }, ;■ J J -J> j^ • • et prop-ter nos -tram sa - hi - tern de-scen-dit de coe - lis. It h b .h J' J' J> J) 1' ^ J) J ^5 Pgl Et in - car- na -tus est de Spi - ri - tu Sane - to ex Ma- ¥^^ iir B J> ^ J * CT P J,~ft ri - a Vir - gi - ne: Et ho - mo fac - tus est. » j-. j' J' j^ ;^ j, ^ j J ^p ^ Cru - ci - fi - xus e' - ti - am pro no - bis: sub Po'n-ti PJ'J'J J ■ cJj fc^j fes £ J J 'CJ p '' Jl p '"^ o Pi - la - to pas - sus. et se - piil - tus est. Et re-sur-re'- II J> J' h J» I , Hf n J' J^^ P ' CI P xit ter - ti - a di - e. se - cun - dum Scrip - tu - ras. 437. t*n^J> i] b ^ w UP P P J» ;. J j Et a- seen- dit in coe- lum: se - det ad de'x - te - ram Pa- tris. j »l j -) J) J-, J. J> J^ Ji $ p J. j, jjj, Et i - te - rum ven - tii - rus est cum glo'- ri - a, S^ B J J \j)JiJ)J')-i Efr P Jl P ju - di - ca - re vi - vos et mrir - tu - os.- cu-jus re - gni % ^ j. . j J II a j. J' .h ^ J p j j non e - rit fi - nis . Et inSpi- ri-tum Sane -turn, Do mi- num, $h ^r i1 j. J J ij>.M^J^ n j J^ et vi - vi - fi -can - tern: qui ex Pa-tre Fi-li-6-que pro -ce- dit. %-TT.h Js' J^ ^ E ]> i i £ Qui cum Pa - tre et Fi - li - o si - mul ad - o - ra - tur, S £5 ■h ^ 3 b I x=S » £ et con- glo -ri - fi - ca-tur: qui lo - cu-tus est per Pro-phe -tas. Jhfrt J^ > J. i^ 5 CJIT P P P Et u-namsan-ctam ca-tho'-li- cam et a - po- sto' ^iir J>J. r, flJ m JO* J^gqi li-cam Ec-cle - si - am. Con - fi - te - or u-num bap - ti - sma #p^->-^M^^ra ^5 W f * m in re - mis - si - o - nem pec . ca - to - rum. Et ex-spe'e - to h ;> j> 171^ b . i j ^ ^E*^ re-sur-rec - ti - 6 - nem mor tu - o - rum. Et vi - tarn #^J' n j. pP r r ii J-rj s ven - tu - ri sae cu- li. 438. men The Responses At High Mass. OOO I. At the Prayers. pp p r r r-i-P-P f p p » * V. Do'-ml - nus vo - bis - cum. R. Et cum spi - ri - tu tu - o II. At the Gospel. ££e£e£ m~-M # y ££=£=£:£ M=f-F^=P Do'-mi - nus vo - bis - cum. R. Et cum spi-ri - tu tu - o . Se-quen- ti - a san - cti # te }r p-p-p-p-fr$f^^ p p p p Ji p ^ E-van-ge'- li - i se-cu'n -dum Mat-thae'-um. R. Glo'-ri-a ti -bi Dd-mi-ne. HI. At the Preface. 1. Tonus solcTnnis. jr-j^ ji ,-ji $ j, j> n 3^=:3EEg J» Jl "' ' p Per o'm - ni - a sae - cu - la sae - cu - lo' - rum. R. A - men. 3 S3 SS^EES fc=S mm mf V.Dd-mi-nus vo - bis-cum.R.Et cumspi-ri-tu tu - o. V. Sur-sum cor - da Sss m ge F cxrp p =*=■ f R.Ha-be' - mus ad Do - mi - num. V. Gra - ti - as a - ga - mus s rry^j i m B r. J"^ J ' J j=a ^ Do'-mi - no De - o no-stro. R. Di - gnum et ju - stum est. 2. Tonus ferialis. | y ; j> j' r j' j' j) j^n j ii j j j_i Per dm - ni - a sae' - cu - la sae - cu - lo' - rum. R. A - men. fe* h J^ * J> J' £: aM» £ Dd-mi - nus vo - bis - cum.R. Et cum spi - ri - tu tu - o. B ^ - s m 4=a P P P "' ^ V. Sur-sum cor - da. R. Ha - be' - mus 439. ad Do'-mi - num. F-p-p ^' P p ' p P P J^-f -* I p p J' p J' JJ II VGra-ti -as a- ga'-mus Do'-mi - no De-o no-stro.R.Di-gnum et ju-stum est, 3. Tonus solemnior. j j, J. J^ J' n J- J J' 1' F Per o'm-ni - a sae- cu - la sae- cu - lo' - rum. ft. A - men. trirn n ji-h- b * , *im W^ ^m m 0 d • m d \\ J> j4-* $ V. Do-mi-nus vo-bis-cum. R. Et cumspi-ri-tu tu- o.V. Sur - sum cor- da. w ^m 5 S5^ p ' J J J1 J'gf iPP? R. Ha- be - - mus ad Do mi - num. V. Gra - ti as a -ga-mus ^m ^n n-J JT3 J. JJ|| ^PP p *" ' ^ Do' - mi -no De-o no - stro.R. Di - gnum et ju - stum est. IV At Pater noster. h j< J* J' ft -JU' }> J^rjj j j j jiiu^' Per o'm-ni - a sae'- cu - la sae - cu - lo' - rum.R. A- men.V. Et ne nos j JW'JW'JijJ' Jlj || J) J J J J p 7] J j in-du-cas in ten-ta-ti- o' - nem.R.Sedli- be- ra nos a ma - lo. V. At Pax Domini. h JOOJ J J^ JU J] j iij J J ||J' flJOi Per o'm-ni - a sae- cu - la sae- cu - 16 - rum.R. A- men.V. PaxtD6-mi- ni J' J> ^ SI J II J' J' J' J' J^^ p I. sit + sem- per vo - bis - cum. R. Et cum spi - ri - tu tu - o. VI. "Ite Missa est"and"Benedicamiis." From Holy Saturday till Saturday in^Low Week. S J J J 4 _ £il h ;> j> j > J ;> jf#j=^ I - te, mis-sa est, al-le- hi - ia, al - le De-o gra-ti-as, al-le- lu - ia. al . le 440. lu lu ia. ia. 2. For Solemn Feasts. iJ^J^gT^iiiX^^hf^ 3. For Doubles. mis - sa es,t. gra - ti-as. t ^ J~j J ■ J ^ P=: =F w =£3 I - te, De- o 0.0- mis sa est gra -ti-as. 4. For Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary. F=t *=+ J .J. J-* i De te. o mis - sa est. gra - ti - as. -0 Be -0 0- ne - di - ca - nms Do' mi - no. 5. For Sundays throughout the Year. Be mi - no . ne-di. ca - mus Do - When a Bishop gives the Blessing. if^-7 (At the conclusion of a Pontifical High Mass, etc.) V»yv_Jv_y. F P M P p p p p p r^ Sit no-men Do- mi - ni be-ne-dic- turn. R. Ex hoc nunc et us- que in i ^ s hh*- p f p p p p p p p p sae- cu - lum. V. Ad- ju - to' - ri - um nos-trum in no- mi - ne Do - mi - ni. £ p p p P P-^ p P P PTJ w 0 ^ R.Qui fe-cit coe-lum et ter - ram. Be-ne - di- cat vos om - ni - po-tens , — . 1— 5 0 0 \Z0 rj< p p p 'P pjp^ De- us: Pa -ter, et Fi - li - us, et Spi - ri - tus San-ctus. R. A- men. 441. 390. Missa pro Defunctis, Introit and Kyrie. VI. ^^"T7tt~?3W_ijjj ij-nn ± Re - qui - em * ae - te'r nam do - na e J"]j3^j, nn j-j j j ne^s ma is Do- mi ne : et lux j' nn j i.n^JT3j^rrjj_m^ per - pe - tu - a hi - ce - at is. -jj]/^ JOJ^ ^ j J ■>_> J. ^ ^ Ps. Te de - cet hym-nus De - us in Si - on, et ti - bj red - de ^ J^ J^ b ;> J1 ;. J i k^M' ^ ^ ^ tur vo - turn in Je - rii - sa - lem : * ex - au - di o - ra • ti p^b J J ■ J» J» J» J' j,^ B m m o-nem me - am, ad te om-nis ca - ro ve'-ni- et. Re - qui-em,etc. vi. ^npynviigbhi ijjJTO'fljpMj i Ky' - ri-e * e - - le-i-soniy. Chri - ste e - le-i-son./y. Ky - ri-e e le- i-soniy. Ky'-ri-e Graduale . e - le'-i-son. H. -| pijd-^jrjfljjj s]f2j r^i ^f^j^ ^g^ Re' - qui-em* ae- te'r nam do na e - is s Do # #.. ^ ife mi - ne : 442. g^-p !fcr[£?r~i"Cj'C£f yl * — g et lux per-pe tu - a Stf fl j j i j jt^ J1 -i'1 -^ c r i? rTr lii - - ce - at e - is . » I tmm JT2 J JT3 r r1*T ■ rTr'r r iT^l ^3zzz; na e rit ju m j) r-r. CfrXTLCrCf Jlf PPPPC/CJ J]J3J3 stus: ab au-di-ti-o- ne ma m ^=m m J r pJ w^ J igjgg s wtzzzm la non * 2 m f • w-m f — r r-tr-tr m s=g s=* ti me . - bit. Tractus. 1$ iiriy? j 'iie pj^jnj ^ VIII. p p p p p Absol ve * Do - mi -ne, a - ni-mas om-ni-um *^P P'P P CJ^P ^ P^ J'*^ P ^'JU^*^ fi - de - li - urn de-func-to rum ab om - ni -J ' jTcZ; p ^ ^^ ie - lie - to' - rum. 0-1 — •- ■ J ■ vin - cu - lo de - lie 443. m p • m ± ^>__ — — ■ _* _3t V. Et gra-ti-a tu a il-lis suc-cur-re'n te, J) J> P JJ] Jl Jl J- J ' .h .TC^hJ^M^ me- re - an - tur e - va - de-re ju - di - ci-um ul - ti 3r ^if^ ^^Q] jjjTj I jd? p p cjrr~^p~^ «^ r^ nis. V.Et lu-cis ae-ter nae -^- *W-^ ^z ^F w ■ = V* 1== /- UT7TQ- be - a - ti - tu di - ne * pe'r ii wm fru- i HP Dies Irac. Dies Ilia. Sequentia. i-~$b b 1] J^ i'j J^ j 'J' J^J"3,Qjrjr| 1. Di - es i - rae, di - es il - la, Sol - vet sae- clum in fa- vil - la: h n h * P^il h h J^ h JBE ^ £ * 0 ■^ 0 j^ m — J J 11 ^ (LpJEW^J 6- num. Co - get om - nes an-tetbronum.4.Morsstu-pe'-bit et na-tii-ra, ix>Ty>^^--^ i^ ~ar — » — ;gr — r — w- Cum re-sur-get ere- a - tu - ra, Ju - di - can 444. ti re-spon su - ra. ^ iP 0 *-d-A-> -d* * * * 5.Li- bersorip-tus pro-fe - re- tur, In quo to -turn con- ti - ne - tur^ =^m w £=5 JU' J^'JjJ £ V w^m m 0 Un-de mun-dus ju - di-ce'-tur 6. Ju - dex er - go cum se - de' - bit, ^PPpP^I $=m jjt^ti ~r — — w-0-* Nil in - ul-tum re - ma- ne - bit Quid-quid la - tet ap - pa - re - bit g ^m 7. Quid sum mi- ser tunc die- tii -rus? Quern pa - tro - num ro- ga - tii . rus? £Ub^> h i> M h ^ * — w *' * V Cum vix ju - stus sit se - cu - rus. 8. Rex tre-men-dae ma- je - sta'- tis, gS m 5^3EEE5 jr-XJ J' Jl i1 ~T 0 _J_ » » W sal- van-dos sal-vas gra- tis, Sal- va me, fons pi - e - ta-tis. Qui M m [JLnrj bJi-Q i j> j) j^ js, j, p^ 9. Re- cor- da - re Je su pi - e, Quod sum cau - sa tu-ae vi-ae: flJJ]jJl,MJ j |J' p p ^JH^g Ne me per - das il-la di- e. 10. Quaere ns me, se - di - sti las-sus 1^ J> J' J^ J> j E5 S^ * ¥ 0 * Red - e - mi -sti cru-cem pas-sus: Tan- tus la - bor non sit cas - sus : P J^,rJj^j s ppp 1 # 0 11. Ju- ste ju - dex ul - ti - o - nis, Do -num fac re - mis- si - d - nis, ^^ £ S i J> J^ (J ^P "I* +• 0- * • _J_ 0 te di - em ra- ti - d - nis. 12. In- ge - mi- sco,tamquamre us An- m^ c ^X-i^i ^ 1 * 4 0'^.,_M^.I0I — w -d-* " * Cul-pa ru-betvul-tus me -us: Fup-pli-can - ti par-ce De - us 445. 4 J} j> ^ j' n tt^ — «r * • 1 13.Qui Ma- ri - am ab-sol- vi - sti, Et la - trd - nem ex- au - di - sti, 4 j- u J'' a fc^s fr-fr^ j> J'' j> j n .0 0 0~. mi - hi quo - que spem de - di- sti. 14. Pre- ces me - ae non sunt di - gnae: 4 * r w m 1 e^ ^ JJ J' .Q E #_J. ' W~ — * -£} -4- *~~*~ — * -4- w •■ — — * Sed tu bo- nus fac be-ni-gne, Ne per- en- ni cre-mer i - gne. | J' p p JJ3 J7] J'1 J1 {JQ' /> J> j> j ^ lo.In-ter o- ves lo - cum prae- sta, Et ab hoe- dis me se-que-stra, 0 0 1 £ S p p g JTj j *=* Sta - tu - ens in par-te dex- tra. 16. Con-fu- ta- tis ma 0" * * E5EE5 E P EX 1 W±± ^-^ w w w ^. 0 ^_ le-dic-tis, Flammis a-cri-bus ad-di-ctis:Vo - ca me cum be-ne-dfc-tis. £ J^'Ji^iJ 5 i j- i J' J J } 17 0- ro sup-plexet ac-cli-nis, Cor con- tri-tum qua-si ci - nis £ s JU'J' j)^I E J' JTJ J> J) 5 X "~W i Ge-re cu-ramme-i fi-nis. 18. La-cri- mo ■ sa di- es il la, :sz ^ P prcrfHi^Qi 4m + 4 Qua re-su'r-get ex fa-vil-la.19. Ju-di-can-dus ho - mo re- us: ^ ^ ^ EEEE5 Hu - ic er - go par ce De - us. 20. Pi- e Je - su m=mi ^tp^tr^ E k £=3 • 4 Do- mi - ne, do - na e - is re - qui - em. A~ men. 4-ifi. At the Gospel. W w' — w t d ' d d .zij v 0 V. Do'minus vo-bis-cum. Sequentia. . . R. Glo - ri - a ti - bi Dd-mi-ne. R. Et cum spiritu tu - o. Offertorium. m *u Jjj^j J*^ *^^ II _J. * • — v — • .J. # — <^~ — wr^± *^d 0 _J. 0 0 — * — 0 ^. 0 •" m Do-mi - ne Je- su Chri-ste, * Rex glo 0 *0_J.0 ri - ae, $ ^ P ^===S fe^^ * 0 0 — • _£ _J. -J. • li - be - ra a - ni-mae dm - ni- um fi - de - li - urn de i i^f w V 5 i — s ^ - «r — ^ func - to rum de poe - nis in - fe'r ni, et de pro - W ^jtJi I J -^ JW' JJ J. J' J^ ^=3 • d -jr-0 fun- do la - cu: li - be-ra e - as de o - re le - 6 nis fci J-. J' J' J-, J' J J J J J ^0. 0 0- ne ab-sdr-be- at e - as tar - ta - rus, ne ca-dant in ob 3HP * JJJJTJJ -0-0 — ~*^_ rum: sed d d 0 — d-t gni-fer san - ctus Mi - cha - el scu si im F=^S HP=1 £ 1T0-* as T 0—^ ■» - ctam: re-prae-sen - tet e in lu cem sac g lp^ ^ J J J J i r w Quam o - lim A - bra - hae pro - mi - si - sti. et J> J j J ■ j. - J- * ;■ J' J^ Per o-mni- - a . . . R. A- men. R. Et cum spi - ri - tu tu - o. 5 1> J J II p p J' r J'Q P p P ' P R. Ha - be -mus ad Do'- mi- num. R. Dignum et ju - stum est. Sanctus. Benedictus. m £=£ r r ' t p p ■ p p p p-e San- ctus, * San-ctus, Sa*n-ctus Do- mi - nus De - us Sa - ba - oth. ^ J' n n ft— J i- P P P P P $=£ Pie - ni - sunt coe - li et ter - ra gld - ri - a tu - a. K J r II jr-fr ^ -" p p p ' ^ p p p p p Ho - san - na in ex - eel - sis. Be - ne - die - tus qui ve - nit in ^r p J| p jl J i J' -l'1 ' '' J^-^U no - mi - ne Do -mi - ni. Ho - san na in ex - eel sis. 448. At ''Pater noster'and Pax Domini. 4h J> J' > j ii i. i' J- ^ 5T-* Per d - mni - a. . . R. A - men. R Sed li - be ^ ra J- J' n j « i' J' i- j- t j=j nos a ma - lo. R. Et cum spi - ri - tu tu o Agnus Dei. U s< n J -j> J' I1 i j ^ j j ^.M A -gnus De - i, *qui tol - lis pec - ca - ta mun - di: do - na e m< * j u^ jij'i' j' j' i j' ^ j j ¥ is re -qui -em. A- gnus De - i, *qui tol- lis pec - ca - ta mun-di: £ | j. I1 Ii Ji t) J ii £ >i g J i | J» J) " ]■> to ^ * ^ * S S || g «) g » » » * * g do - na e - is re -qui- em. A- gnus De - i, * qui tol - lis pec j Jl J' J J ^ J' J | | | J || J. J' J'Jr J ¥ ca - ta mun - di: do - na e - is re- qui - em**sem-pi - ter nam. Communio . VIII. * ii j ii ' # w ~ 1> | n j i i * g g g g i * P¥ Lux ae - ter - na * hi - ce - at e - is, Do'- mi -ne:* Cumsan-ctis J1 n p ]' ■TJj'hJ^J II JW' P J p P ■ ■ ^^^ tu - is in ae-ter- num, qui- a pi -us es.V. Re'-qui-em ae - te'r-nam p p p p P p r |J p p p p p p p p do- na e - is Do -mi- ne, et lux per-pe' -tu - a hi - ce - at e - is.* p p p J| m p £ j, g j ; | j, ^^ Cum san-ctis tu - is in ae - te'r - num, qui - a pi . us es. t^n JS^JIJ -*+ V. Do'minus vo - bis-cum. R. Et cum spiritu tu-o. Ore'mus.. .R. A-men.Re-qui-e' -scant in pa-ce.R. A-men. 449. 391. Libera. m ^ nJJ'j.i> j> W-» — ■- 5 Li - be - ra me, Do - <= «r — *-* — ^— ^ — *- mi- ne,* de mor - te ae ter! na, m di - e il - in di - e il - la $ tre - men da : * Quan - do coe - li m i-'JTJ j m mo - - ve'n-di sunt et ter - ra-.t Dum ve Juj ' nnrr ITjTJj? ne - ris ju - di - ca re sae cu - lum >> )> J] $ j) 0 J • per i - *v gnem. V. Tre-mens fac - tus sum e - go, i h J> > J> ^^ et ti - - me - o, dum dis - ciis - si - o ve - ne - rit, * .n J i ^ j~j ji jj j < ij^ j> j~j J J j j at - - que ven - tii - ra i - ra. Quan - do coe - li — w ve'n - di sunt #P^i j j^ j- u J1! i k. ^ V. Di - es il - la, di - es i - rae, ca - la - mi - ta - tis et S ^F=5 if E» & m m * — J J. J mi - se - ri - ae, di - es ma - gna et a - ma - ra val - de . £ h JHIjti j i i ■J'JlPQ^lJTi +Dum ve ne - ris ju - di - ca - re sae cu - lum per 450. gnem. # J^^^^v h 1' J> J1 V. Re - qui - em ae - te'r - nam do - na e - is Do - mi SEE ^n ne: n n j^ ^ te is lu ce - at $ et lux per - pe' - tu Repetitur "Libera me' -.-usque ad V Tremens Cantor cum primo Choro: Seciindus Chorus h J^ >, J SEEElEEES g=& Ky - ri - e e - le' Omnes simul: * h J. J"J1 J' son. Cnri-ste e - le' - i - son. Sacerdos J> J> J Ky - ri - e le - i - son. Pa - ter no - ster. secreto. V. Et ne nos inducas in tentati R. Sed libera nos a V. A porta R. Erue,Do'mine, animam (a'nimas V. Requiescat in fKequie'scant) o - nem. ma - lo. in - feri. e - jus e orumj pa - ce. R A - men. I i* V. Do'mine exaudi orationem R. Et clamor meus ad te me ve am. niat. ** V. Do'minus vo R. Et cum spirit j Oremus . bis - cum. tu - o. R . A - men After the Oremus and R. Amen the celebrant makes the sign of the cross over the bier and recites : 3E Do - mi - ne V. Requiem aeternam dona ei (eis) R. Et lux perpetua luceat Cantores: e (e J' J 1' J* Chorus: 1. is.) £ V. Re - qui - e's (Requie'scant) cat m pa 451. ce. R. A men. 392. O Jesu, Salvator Mundi Piissimo Lento. (J = 46.^ p DUO. B. H. E. ^J \H J 1 J-j JJ|)J-J|J ii j j l-J trip B Voices. 0 Jc - su, Sal - va-tor mun - di! 0 Je-su Sal-va:tor mun tt J 1 til > m ^ g=g 13 V — 5 ^ Organ v ^ -i-J ./• 331 JOl ^ fi S 73 73 ^73 73 73 — ro fc ^ j j I pCp iJfef^W p Sola pJfro ice a^m *3 ■ g * di! ex - au - di, ex - au-di pre-ces siip-pD-cum. Pi-c Je-su D6-mi-ne, ^£ ^ £ ^m *i & ^ Iff »)• g — « r^=# a s ^2 * m^m fe3 -wfi' CHORUS. Solo2i Voice. DUO Ei w mm w? * Pi-e Je-su D6-mi-ne, Do - na, do na e - is re-qui-em, JgB^ <* ±£ fiE* ^ w^ FF? &=*=* :q: S ££ S f? v,/, t*//w ■ CHORUS. V m hi JlJ:J J0 i #3 S P «: f Do - na, do - na e - is re-qui-em sem- pi - ter- nam. A - men fiE* ^ffil I J^ ** 3£ ^ n a p 452. The Common Of All Vespers. I- Deus in Adjutorium. 393. The Celebrant. p p p l\ ?^% P^g V. De-us The Choir. in ad - ju - to - ri - um me- urn in - ten - de . m r F^S im m i- B P p p P £ R.Do'-mi - ne, ad ad ju-va'n- dum me fes - ti na Glo - ri - a P P P P p p p p p c/ r Pa - tri, et Fi - li - o, et Spi - ri - tu - i San-cto; P P P P P P P p^ 2 Sic - ut rat in prin - ci - pi- o, et nunc, et sem - per, p p p p p p p p p r f r I P P^Pf et in sae- cu - la sae - cu - 16 -.rum. A - men. Al-le-lu'-ia. + From Septuagesima till Easter, instead of the "Allelvio, •> the following should be sung. P p p p ^^ % 2 ^ ± Laus ti - bi Do - ml - ne, Rex ae- ter - nae glo - ri - ae If. Then follow five Psalms with their Antiphons . III. After the 5*]1 Psalm the Priest sings the Chapter, and the Choir responds. P- B JT I J IV. Hymn and Yersicle . R. De - o gra - ti - as,. Tone of the Versicle . I. On A Double Feast. P P P P P P P P V. Hau-ri - e - tis a- quas in gau - dl - o, R. De fo'n-ti- bus Salvato - ris II. On A Semidouble Feast. P P P P P P~P P P P P P V. Di - ri - ga'- tur Do- ml - ne o - ra - ti - o me - a . R.Sic-ut in- cen - sum in conspectu tu - o. The Versicle is followed by the antiphon to the Magnificat, and by the Canticle Magnif icatitself. After the repetition of the Antiphon, the Priest sings: P P P g £ £ V. Do - mi - nus vo - bis - cum. R. Et cum spiri - tu tu - o . V.. Then follow the Commemorations, if any are to be made 453. (Alter the prayer) A - men. 394 Alma Redemptoris Mater (From the Saturday before the First Sunday in Advent to the Compline of the Feast of the Purification, exclusive.) m fe£ i j j J m «m — 0 Al ma* Re-dem-pto -ris Ma - ter, Et stel la ina - ris, sue - cur - re ca - den ti | J> J) i> j> fJ J j~] ^ ;> j || p J p p g siir-ge-re qui cu - rat pd-pu-lo: Tu quaege-nu - w ^ ip^p is - ti. na - tu - ra mi - ran te, tu - um ^ J>7 Jl j^ j j II r m^ ^ iz d d> * -d—j-J san-ctum Ge - ni - to - rem: Vir go pri us b rr n m w « d d 0 d—d ac pos - te - ri - us, Ga-bri - e - lis ab o - re mm j) j~i ^ i~j. jj ^ n ■'■ j'1 i j su - mens il - lud A - ve, pec -ca - to - rum mi - se - re -re V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto. After Advent. V. Postpartum, Virgo, inviolata permansisti, R. Dei Genitrix intercede pro nobis. 454. Ave Regina Coelomm. QyQ (From Compline on the Feast of the Purification to Maundy Thursday, exclusively.) i iS=n UJJfl b nrvm w h* J-+ A - - ve* Re -gi - na coe - lo - rum: ve, Do -mi - na An - ge - lo - rum. Sal - ve ra - dix sal-ve por-ta. Ex qua mun jfe^ J II J^ P r f JTlJi- d m « do lux est or ta: Gau - de Vir - go glo - i> n j i j) Jl^^L^ ^ J ' J^ J"? ^^ ri - 6 - sa, Su - per o mnes spe- ci - 6 - sa jjj-j'"3 ff^'^J ' p ^J1 J^ j^^^ Val le, 0 val -de de - co - ra, j» n j, j i^fl ^ +■ • w 4 0 ^ Et pro no - bis Chri - stum ex - 6 V. Dignare me laudare te. Virgo sacrata. R. Da mihi virtutem. contra hostes tuos. ra. 455. Ov^t). Reg-inaCoeli. (From compline on Holy Saturday till Trinity eve) fr^r-rJ j >xrmn} n^u-^ m * Re-gi_na coe- li, lae-ta re, J* n n j in pp^p nn n al - le- lii - ia. Qui-a quern me - ru - is - ti j, j pjHip .nj^jii * * * * por ta - re, ^ ^j Jj J3 j"3 HTJ j || p p frpjT 7T al - le lii - ia; Re-sur- re xit, m J '^ P r J) g ^^'J 'P~J'^S^ p 3es si- cut di-xit, al - le lu - ia . 0 -»■ ra pro £Um3=j 55 tg_rj^J CJLgg no - bis De _ um, al-le fe m i u r p3' [j ■ m * * _ lu V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, alleluia. R.Quia surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia. 456. ia Salve Regina. 307 (From the First Vespers of Trinity Sunday to Advent) m iP^ m * • ma - ter mi - se Sal ve, Re - gi Ti3 jjj-\i;-± ri - cor - di - ae: Vi PiPP ta, dul - ce 3 m ^^ do, et spes no- stra, sal - ve. Ad te cla-ma jj ii';nj ' j, :, JT^-rrnrr^^ mus, ex-su - les, fi- li - i He - vae . Ad te sus pi - ra - mus, ge-men - tes et flen - tes in hac S^ ^m h h ^ 3: * i la - cri - ma _ rum val le • — . — E $Ep ^ ^ ia er - _go, ^ p P u Ad - vo - ca - ta no - stra, il - los tu os ver - te. Et Je - sum, be - ne - di - ctumfru-ctum ven - tris tu i , no bis post hoc ex - si - li - um s nmm j j j ii'J'cxJ' "J ' * d d * os - ten-de . 0 cle - mens: 0 pi - a: ^ J""l rn i ^^ B* VjT j^J b J) Jl PJ J-P . dul - cis Vir - go Ma - ri V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix. R. Ut digni efficiamur promissioninus Christi. 4*7. 0 398. Salve Regina. Second Tune. fe~^ X^-^ Solesmes Version. inx^ > J=g ^ Sal - ve, Re - gi - na, ma - ter mi - se - ri - cor - di - ae, fp-^-^-J i ^ ^ ^ p ^ Vi - ta, dul - ce - do, et spes no-stra sal ve. S=3 :s •J' i i> P P «! ' '' ft te cla - ma- mus, ex - su - les, fi Ii - i He - vae. ^^ Ad EEE35 ^ = E 3=5 p 3 £ I Ad te sus - pi - ra - mus ge - men - tes et flen - tes r> i. h £=$ ^ S 3^ — * ^ la cri - ma - rum val - ie. In hac E - ia er - go £=.5 S=£ P p =* £3 Ad - vo - ca" - ta no - stra , il - los tu - os mi - se - ri - ^ h J^ i' ii '' J' J> ^J^ cor - des o - cu - los ad nos con - ver - te. ^^ h i^ h i) =^ ^ P^P £ Et Je - sumv be - ne - df-ctum fru-ctum ven - tris tu - i, -^^-p p j; * j ^ jji iuft=p bis post hoc e - xi - li - um o - sten - de. 0 cle-mens, ^ no fgjg pJ^JjlTJJ ■i'J^J}i' 0 pi - a 0 dul - cis Vir-go Ma-rf - a. 458. 399. PSALM ^TONES (Vatican Version) With Organ Accompaniment by Ignace Miiller FIRST TONE. Pri-mus Tonus sic inci -pi-tur,sic flecti-tur, ")" et sic me-di- a-tur:# M^ }> J> ^ *» i i' J> J> J> j^ ^Pft V r r T ^^ Ji i D at- que sic fi - ni - tur. D other ending. at -que sic f i _ ni - tur, l j. j> j) j) n^m j) j) j) ^ /, j j^ r r—r f r—v p f r §§§ NN^ r-f f d* , f s at-que sic fi-ni - tur. at-que sic fi-ni - tur. at-que sicfi-ni - tur. II1 jijij ^^^g j>j>>j.r3 r rVf i r p?r n m ^m * F FT^ s2 at-que sic fi-ni-tur. g3 f a at-que sic fLni-tur. at-que sic fi-ni-tur. fiJ^i)^ J> J'1 J> J> J J I 1> j) j^ j J-H r^n f r- T r t^r s p ± * P &^f 459. m SECOND TONE. Se-cun-dusTo-nus sic in-ci -pi - tur, sic fle'c-ti-tur f et sic me-di- a-tur.- # r- Sl£ ■J- T ■* ■* tt JOE f D Fi/ialis unica. at-quesicfi-ni-tur. Ma-gni-fi - cat. Et ex-sul-ta-vit....qui po-tens est:-. 1 1 1 S35t f^r ^=^r M ^ * ,U p i§ sr n n THIRD TONE. Ter-ti - us To-nus sic in-ci-pi -tur, sic flecti-tur,"j"et sicme-di-a - tur: * ^-^Nhhj^j)-^ }> i> }>±- )>}> m n i 3 r r r r^r sg *& ^^ 22 ft! b a r a* at-que sic ii-ni- tur. at-quesicfi-ni-tur. at-que sic fi-ni-tur, V^JUJ J J)^j)J>J"J||J)^ JlJJJ^j^ f- ■r P^T ff r -r— f-r I P P P * " G 9 * I at-que sic fi-ni-tur. at-que sic f i-ni -tur. Ma-gm - fi -cat * Et ex- sul-ta-vit.~e/r. paaro J^J>J k *m s r— f * r (*i ^^= ii 460. FOURTH TONE. Quar-tus To-nus sic inci-pi-tur,sic flecti-tur,+ et sic me-di- a- tur: * at -que sic f i - ni -tur. E A at -que sic fi-ni-tur. at -que sic fi_ ni -tur. J. 1, 1) i> J^? js' J) i'Oj]j i> ;> i> > j F rrr r- r ^jt-j j j o* r p p P P f j J> .h J> j ^t rr — " '- ' " p >- p p Ma-g-ni - fi - cat * Et ex - sul- ta -vit.... qui po-tens est:* gb g i J j> n ^ J^ j> ig^ p-r- b r- r r i V u FIFTH TONE. QuintusTo-nus sic in,-ci-pi -tur, sic flecti-turf" et sic me-di-a -tur .* U> J> JrJrJr.b 1 1 J) Js j 1 1) i' i 1. J i fe a^ffe n a Finalis toiica 0 at-que sic fi-ni -tur Ma-g-ni-fi - cat*Et ex-sul -ta-vit etc. qui po tens est: rt iJU)JJ-4 h J> .h i> i>; 461. SIXTH TONE. Sex-tus To-nus sic in-ci-pi-tur,sic flecti -fur,-f- et sic me-di- a-tur=# i ji fl }> i }> }> }< i J; }> }> j J ■ }> Mb i. ^M p r- r r r T t «H P * ?>£/ fl^'o modo. Finalis unica. (et sic me-di - a -turrj at-quesicfi - ni-tur. Ma-gni - fi -cat * h J^ b > J J J> J^ J) J"J^J F? i J~3 .U r •r* r-f r r P ^ S M ^^ -r F Et ex - sul -ta -vit.. .qui po -tens est:*. hH^J4 ^^ r- -r m ^3^ «5F* ^ SEVENTH TONE. Sep-ti - mus To-nus sic in-ci -pi-tur,sicfle'cti -tur,tet sic me-di- a-tur:# iiiiiiiiij j,jj)i)^^ ^#-1 pi 462. a At- que sic fi-ni-tur. b c at-que sic fi-ni - tur. at-que sicfi-m-tur. I ' I J. * }> .N^ J' J^ J' J- *.^>J>J~J s 7^: i 03 jl r *i i: ? T 1 H:8 * 3 £ f^Ff= f= at-quesicfi-m-tur. at-quesicfi-ni'-tur. Ma-gni - fieat#Et ex-sul-ta-vit. * J^J^;> te MJUi.hhJ n H }\ J n n J'. J, in f—^r 5B5 F? ^ "F §P Hi 2 § r r pr- !r pmr M EIGHTH TONE. Oc-ta-vusTo-nus sic in-ci-pi-tur,sic flecti-tur,T et sicme-di-a-tur:# if), j J^i 1, J, ^ JJ-. .N> J> j ^ M, J r r s t±=^ U G at - que sic fi - ni - tur. at-que sic fi - ni - tur. m }• h j> }, J; Js J) j=g n a r mm T s d p p f r f Ma-gni- fi - cat # Et ex-sul-ta-vit... qui po-tensest,* -fe*- k^U^- g 3i: 33: H^-^ J> i: *> J 463. a2 at-quesic fi-ni-tur. at-que sic fi-m - tur. Ma-gni-fi-cat. $ ji J^ 1 1 a l j) i j) n n ^mn r r r ■f-— r i pr r i s £ P i f=T f TONUS PEBEGRINTTS. In ex-i-tu Is-ra-el de jffigy-pto,# do-musja-cobdepo-pu-lobar-ba-ro. rp i i i }> }> aa i p jtjijjjj^^ Pff r^ FH* r< — -r^ — -r^— ^r Wi b.. r^ ^ ^P ^^ Facta est Judae-asancti-fi-ca-ti - o ejus: $ Isra-el po-tes-tas e-jus. e)' KM = *— MJ>J>J> ^ r^Fr w « f fl exa. Ma-nus habent,et non palpa-bunt :\ pedes habent,et non am-bu -la-bunt*. lib 1. 1 Jb J> J) ii I. J ■ J^ | | JUUuJe3* t) |« ! » — — rxn

Jb J) J^ J) bJi 5 ^^^5 TO" a r fisi ~TT ^ 464. VESPER PSALMS THE FOLLOWING ARE ALL THE PSALMS SUNG ON FESTIVALS AND SUNDAYS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. 400. Dixit Dominus. Psalm 109. Dixit Dominus Domino meo : * Sede a dex- tris meis : 2. "Donee ponam inimicos tuos, * scabellum pedum tuorum. 3. Virgam virtutis tuae emittet Dominus ex Sion : * dominare in medio inimicorum tuorum. 4. Tecum principium in die virtutis tuae in splendoribus Sanctorum : * ex utero ante luciferum genui te. 5. Juravit Dominus, et non paenitebit eum : * Tu es Sacerdos in aeternum secundum ordinem Melcbisedech. 6. Dominus a dextris tuis: * confregit in die irae suae reges. 7. Judicabit in nationibus, implebit ruinas : * conquassabit capita in terra multorum. 8. De torrente in via bibet :*propterea exal- tabit caput. 9. Gloria Patri, etc. 401. Confitebor Tibi. Psalm 110. Confitebor tibi Domine in toto corde meo; in consilio justorum, et congregatione. 2. Magna opera Domini : * exquisita in omnes voluntates ejus. 3. Confessio et magnificentia opus ejus:*et justitia ejus manet in saeculum saeculi. 4. Memoriam fecit mirabilium suorum, f misericors et miserator Dominus : * escam dedit timentibus se. 5. Memor erit in saeculum testamenti sui : * virtutem operum suorum annuntiabit populo suo : 6. Ut det illis haereditatem gentium : * opera manuum ejus Veritas et judicium. 7. Fidelia omnia mandata ejus: fconfirmata in saeculum saeculi, * facta jn veritate et aequitate. 8. Redemptionem misit populo suo ; * man- davit in aeternum testamentum suum. 9. Sanctum, et terribile nomen ejus; * in- itium sapiintiae timor Domini. 10. Intellectus bonus omnibus facientibus eum : * laudatio ejus manet in saeculum saeculi. 11. Gloria Pa tri, eta 402. Beatus Vir. Psalm 111. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum, * in man- datis ejus volet nimis. 2. Potens in terra erit semen ejus; * gene- ratio rectorum benedicetur. 3. Gloria et divitiae in domo ejus; * et jus- titia ejus manet in saeculum saeculi. 4. Exortum est in tenebris lumen rectis, * misericors et miserator, et Justus. 5. Jucundus homo qui miseretur et commo- dat, t disponet sermones suos in judicio; * quia in aeternum non commovebitur. 6. In memoria aeterna erit Justus: * ab au- ditione mala non timebit. 7. Paratum cor ejus sperare in Domino, t confirmatum est cor ejus: * non commove- bitur donee despiciat inimicos suos. 8. Dispersit, dedit pauperibus : f justitia ejus manet in saeculum saeculi. * cornu ejus ex- altabitur in gloria. 9. Peccator videbit, et irascetur, t dentibus suis f remet. et tabescet : * desiderium pec- catorum peribit. 10. Gloria Patri, etc. 403. Laudate, Pueri. Psalm 112. Laudate pueri Dominum : * laudate nomen Domini. 2. Sit nomen Domini benedictum : * ex hoc nunc, et usque in saeculum. 3. A solis ortu usque ad occasum, * lauda- bile nomen Domini. 4. Excelsus super omnes gentes Dominus, * et super coelos gloria ejus. 5. Quis sicut Dominus Deus noster, qui in altis habitat, * et humilia respicit in coelo et in terra? 6. Siiscitans a terra inopem, * et de stercore erigens pauperem : 7. Ut collocet eum cum principibus, * cum principibus populi sui. 8. Qui habitare facit sterilem in domo, * matrem filiorum laetantem. 9. Gloria Patri. etc. 465 404. In Exitu Israel. Psalm 113. In exitu Israel de /Egypto, * domus Jacob de populo barbaro: 2. Facta est Judaea sanctificatio ejus, * Israel potestas ejus. 3. Mare vidit. et f ugit : * Jordanis conver- sus est retrorsum. 4. Montes exsultaverunt ut arietes, * et colles sicut agni ovium. 5. Quid est tibi mare, quod fugisti? * et tu Jordanis, quia conversus es retrorsum? 6. Montes exsultastis sicut arietes, * et colles sicut agni ovium ? 7. A facie Domini mota est terra, * a facie Dei Jacob : 8. Qui convertit petram in stagna aquarum, * et rupem in fontes aquarum. 9. Non nobis, Domine, non nobis : * sed nomini tuo da gloriam : 10. Super misericordia tua et veritate tua:* nequando dicant gentes : Ubi est Deus eorum ? 11. Deus autem noster in coelo: * omnia quaecumque voluit, fecit. 12. Simulacra gentium argentum et aurum,* opera manuum hominum. 13. Os habent, et non loquentur : * oculos habent, et non videbunt. 14. Aures habent, et non audient : * nares habent, et non odorabunt. 15. Manus habent, et non palpabuntrf pedes habent, et non ambulabunt : * non clama- bunt in gutture suo. 16. Similes illis fiant qui faciunt ea: * et omnes qui confidunt in eis. 17. Domus Israel speravit in Domino : * ad- jutor eorum et protector eorum est. 18. Domus Aaron speravit in Domino: * adjutor eorum et protector eorum est. 19. Qui timent Dominum, speraverunt in Domino: * adjutor eorum et protector eorum est. 20. Dominus memor f uit nostri : * et bene- dixit nobis. 21. Benedixit domui Israel :* benedixit do- mui Aaron. 22. Benedixit omnibus qui timent Dominum, * pusillis cum majoribus. 23. Adjiciat Dominus super vos: * super vos, et super filios vestros. 24. Benedicti vos a Domino, * qui fecit coe- lum, et terram. 25. Coelum coeli Domino : * terram autem dedit filiis hominum. 26. Non mortui laudabunt te, Domine : * neque omnes, qui descendunt in infernum. 27. Sed nos qui vivimus, benedicimus Dom- ino, * ex hoc nunc, et usque in saeculum. 28. Gloria Patri. etc. 4-05. Magnificat. Canticum B. V. M. Magnificat * anima mea Dominum. 2. Et exsultavit spiritus meus * in Deo sa- lutari meo. 3. Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae :* ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes. 4. Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, * et sanctum nomen ejus. 5. Et misericordia ejus a progenie in pro- genies * timentibus eum. 6. Fecit potentiam in brachio suo : * disper- sit superbos mente cordis sui. 7. Deposuit potentes de sede, * et exaltavit humiles. 8. Esurientes implevit bonis : * et divites di- misit inanes. 9. Suscepit Israel puerum suum, * recorda- tus misericordiae suae : 10. Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros, * Abraham, et semini ejus in saecula. 11. Gloria Patri, etc. 4-06. Confitebor Quoniam. Psalm 137. Confitebor tibi, Domine, in toto corde meo: * quoniam audisti verba oris mei. 2. In conspectu Angelorum psallam tibi: * adorabo ad templum sanctum tuum, et con- fitebor nomini tuo. 3. Super misericordia tua, et veritate tua : * quoniam magnificasti super omne, nomen sanctum tuum. 4. In quacumque die invocavero te, exaudi me : * multiplicabis in anima mea virtutem. 5. Confiteantur tibi, Domine, omnes reges terrae : * quia audierunt omnia verba oris tui: 6. Et cantent in viis Domini: * quoniam magna est gloria Domini. 7. Quoniam excelsus Dominus, et humilia respicit: * et alta a longe cognoscit. 8. Si ambulavero in medio tribulationis, vi- vificabis me : f et super iram inimicorum meorum extendisti manum tuam, * et sal- vum me fecit dextera tua. 9. Dominus retribuet pro me: f Domine misericordia tua in saeculum : * opera ma- nuum tuarum ne despicias. 10. Gloria Patri, etc. 466 407. Credidi. Psalm 115. Credidi, propter quod locutus sum: * ego autem humiliatus sum nimis. 2. Ego dixi in excessu meo : * Omnis homo mendax. 3. Quid retribuam Domino, * pro omnibus quae retribuit mihi? 4. Calicem salutaris accipiam : * et nomen Domini invocabo. 5. Vota mea Domino reddam coram omni populo ejus: * pretiosa in conspectu Domini mors sanctorum ejus: 6. O Domine quia ego servus tuus : * ego servus tuus, et filius ancillae tuae. 7. Dirupisti vincula mea: t tibi sacrificabo hostiam laudis, * et nomen Domini invo- cabo. 8. Vota mea Domino reddam in conspectu omnis populi ejus: * in atriis domus Do- mini, in medio tui Jerusalem. 9. Gloria Patri, etc. 408. In Convertendo. Psalm 125. In convertendo Dominus captivitatem Sion: * facti sumus sicut consolati. 2. Tunc repletum est gaudio os nostrum : * et lingua nostra exsultatione. 3. Tunc dicent inter gentes : * Magnificavit Dominus facere cum eis. 4. Magnificavit Dominus facere nobiscum, * facti sumus laet antes. '5. Converte, Domine, captivitatem nostram,* sicut torrens in Austro. 6. Qui seminant in lacrimis, * exsulta- tione metent. 7. Euntes ibant et flebant, * mittentes sem- ina sua. 8. Venientes autem venient cum exsulta- tione * portantes manipulos suos. 9. Gloria Patri, etc. 409. Domine Probasti Me. Psalm 138. Domine, probasti me, et cognovisti me : * tu cognovisti sessionem meam et resurrec- tionem meam. 2. Intellexisti cogitationes meas de longe : * semitam meam et funiculum meum inves- tigasti. 40 9. — Continued 3. Et omnes vias meas praevidisti : * quia non est sermo in lingua mea. 4. Ecce Domine tu cognovisti omnia no- vissima et antiqua: * tu formasti me, et posuisti super me manum tuam. 5. Mirabilis facta est scientia tua ex me: * confortata est, et non potero ad earn. 6. Quo ibo a spiritu tuo? * et quo a facie tua fugiam? 7. Si ascendero in coelum, tu illic es: * si descendero in internum, ades. 8. Si sumpsero pennas meas diluculo, * et habitavero in extremis maris : 9. Etenim illuc manus tua dediicet me : * et tenebit me dextera tua. 10. Et dixi : Forsitan tenebrae conculcabunt me : * et nox illuminatio mea in deliciis meis. 11. Quia tenebrae non obscurabuntur a te, t et nox sicut dies illuminabitur : * sicut tene- brae ejus, ita et lumen ejus. 12. Quia tu possedisti renes meos : * sus- cepisti me de utero matris meae. 13. Confitebor tibi, quia terribiliter magnifi- catus es : f mirabilia opera tua, * et anima mea cognoscit nimis. 14. Non est occultatum os meum a te, quod f ecisti in occulto : * et substantia mea in inferioribus terrae. 45. Imperfectum meum viderunt oculi tui, t et in libro tuo omnes scribentur : * dies f or- mabuntur, et nemo in eis. 16. Mihi autem nimis honorificati sunt amici tui Deus : * nimis conf ortatus est princi- pals eorum. 17. Dinumerabo eos, et super arenam multi- plicabuntur : * exsurrexi, et adhuc sum tecum. 18. Si occideris Deus peccatores: * viri sanguinum declinate a me: 19. Quia dicitis in cogitatione : * accipient in vanitate civitates tuas. 20. Nonne qui oderunt te Domine oder- am? * et super inimicos tuos tabescebam? 21. Perfecto odio oderam illos : * et inimici facti sunt mihi. 22. Proba me Deus, et scito cor meum : * interroga me, et cognosce semitas meas. 23. Et vide, si via iniquitatis in me est : * et deduc me in via aeterna. 24. Gloria Patri, etc. 467 410. DeProfundis. Psalm 129. De profundis clamavi ad te Domine: * Domine exaudi vocem meam. 2. Fiant aures tuae intendentes * in vocem deprecationis meae. 3. Si iniquitates observaveris Domine : * Domine, quis sustinebit? 4. Quia apud te propitiatio est : * et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine. 5. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus: * speravit anima mea in Domino. 6. A custodia matutina usque ad noctem, * speret Israel in Domino. 7. Quia apud Dominum misericordia: * et copiosa apud eum redemptio. 8. Et ipse redimet Israel * ex omnibus ini- quitatibus ejus. 9. Gloria Patri, etc. 411. Memento, Domine, David. Psalm 131. Memento Domine David, * et omnis man- suetudinis ejus: 2. Sicut juravit Domino, *.votum vovit Deo Jacob : 3. Si introiero in tabernaculum domus meae : * si ascendero in lectum strati mei : 4. Si dedero somnum oculis meis, * et pal- pebris meis dormitationem; 5. Et requiem temporibus meis : donee in- veniam locum Domino, * tabernaculum Deo Jacob. 6. Ecce audivimus earn in Ephrata : * in- venimus earn in campis silvae. 7. Introibimus in tabernaculum ejus: * ado- rabimus in loco ubi steterunt pedes ejus. 8. Surge, Domine, in requiem tuam : * tu et area sanctificationis tuae. 9. Sacerdotes tui induantur justitiam: * et sancti tui exsultent. 10. Propter David servum tuum, * non avertas faciem Christi tui. 11. Juravit Dominus David veritatem, et non f rustrabitur earn : * de f ructu ventris tui ponam super sedem tuam. 12. Si custodierint filii tui testamentum meum, * et testimonia mea haec quae do- cebo eos : 13. Et filii eorum usque in saeculum, * se- debunt super sedem tuam. 14. Quoniam elegit' Dominus Sion, * elegit earn in habitationem sibi. 15. Haec requies mea in saeculum saeculi : * hie habitabo, quoniam elegi earn. 16. Viduam ejus benedicens benedicam : * pauperes ejus saturabo panibus. 17. Sacerdotes ejus induam salutari : * et sancti ejus exsultatione exsultabunt. 18. Illuc producam cornu David, * paravi lucernam Christo meo. 19. Inimicos ejus induam conf usione : * super ipsum autem efflorebit sancti ficatio mea. 20. Gloria Patri, etc. 412. Laetatus Sum. Psalm 121. Laetatus sum in his, quae dicta sunt mihi : * in domum Domini ibimus. 2. Stantes erant pedes nostri : * in atriis tuis, Jerusalem. 3. Jerusalem, quae aedificatur ut civitas : * cujus participatio ejus in idipsum. 4. Illuc enim ascenderunt tribus, tribus Do- mini : * testimonium Israel ad confitendum nomini Domini. 5. Quia illic sederunt sedes in judicio: * sedes super domum David. 6. Rogate quae ad pacem sunt Jerusalem ; * et abundantia diligentibus te. 7. Fiat pax in virtute tua: * et abundantia in turribus tuis. 8. Propter f ratres meos et proximos meos,* loquebar pacem de te: 9. Propter domum Domini Dei nostri, * quaesivi bona tibi. 10. Gloria Patri, etc. 413. Nisi Dominus. Psalm 126. Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum : * in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant earn. 2. Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem: * frustra vigilat qui custodit earn. 3. Vanum est vobis ante lucem surgere: * siirgite postquam sederitis, qui manducatis panem doloris. 4. Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum: * ecce haereditas Domini : filii, merces, ventris. 5. Sicut sagittae in manu potentis : * ita filii excussorum. 6. Beatus vir qui implevit desiderium suum ex ipsis : * non confundetur, cum loquetur inimicis suis in porta. 7. Gloria Patri, etc. 414. Lauda, Jerusalem. Psalm 147. Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum : * lauda Deum tuum, Sion. 2. Quoniam confortavit seras portarum tuarum : * benedixit f iliis tuis in te. 3. Qui posuit fines tuos pacem : * et adipe frumenti satiat te. 4. Qui emittit eloquium suum terrae : * velociter currit sermo ejus. 5. Qui dat nivem sicut lanam ; * nebulam sicut cinerem spargit. 6. Mittit crystallum suum sicut buccellas ; * ante faciem frigoris ejus quis sustinebit? 7. Emittet verbum suum et liquefaciet ea : * flabit spiritus ejus, et fluent aquae. 8. Qui annvintiat verbum suum Jacob : * justitias et judicia sua Israel. 9. Non fecit taliter omni nationi : * et ju- dicia sua non manifestavit eis. 10. Gloria Patri, etc. 468 415. Belti Omnes. Psalm 127. Beati omnes qui timent Dominum, * qui ambulant in viis ejus. 2. Labores manuum tuarum quia mandu- cabis: * beatus es, et bene tibi erit. 3. Uxor tua sicut vitis abundans, * in lateri- bus domus tuae. 4. Filii tui sicut novellae oblivarum, * in circuitu mensae tuae. 5. Ecce sic benedicetur homo, * qui timet Dominum. 6. Benedicat tibi Dominus ex Sion : * et videas bona Jerusalem omnibus diebus vitae tuae. 7. Et videas f ilios f iliorum tuorum ; * pa- cem super Israel. 8. Gloria Patri, etc. 416. Ad Dominum. Psalm 119. Ad Dominum, cum tribularer, clamavi : * et exaudivit me. 2. Domine, libera animan meam a labiis iniquis, * et a lingua dolosa. 3. Quid detur tibi, aut quid apponatur tibi,* ad linguam dolosam? 4. Sagittae potentis acutae, * cum carboni- bus desolatoriis. 5. Heu mihi, quia incolatus meus prolong- atus est : f habitavi cum habitantibus Ce- dar : * multum incola f uit anima mea. 6. Cum his, qui oderunt pacem, eram pacifi- cus : * cum loquebar illis, impugnabant me gratis. 7. Requiem acternam * dona eis Domine. 8. Et lux perpetua * luceat eis. 417. Dilexi Quoniam. Psalm 114. Dilexi, quoniam exaudiet Dominus * vocem orationis meae : 2. Quia inclinavit aurem suam mihi : * et in diebus meis invocabo. 3. Circumdederunt me dolores mortis : * et pericula inferni invenerunt me. 4. Tribulationem et dolorem inveni : * et nomen Domini invocavi. 5. O Domine, libera animam meam : f mis- ericors Dominus, et Justus, * et Deus noster miseretur. 6. Custodiens parvulos Dominus : * humi- liatus sum, et liberavit me. 7. Convertere anima mea in requiem tuam :* quia Dominus benefecit tibi. 8. Quia eripuit animam meam de morte, f oculos meos a lacrimis, * pedes meos a lapsu. 9. Placebo Domino * in regione vivorum. 10. Requiem aeternam, etc 4 IS. Levavi Oculos. Psalm 120. Levavi oculos meos in montes, * unde ve- niet auxilium mihi. 2. Auxilium meum a Domino, * qui fecit coelum et terram. 3. Non det in commotionem pedem tuum : * neque dormitet qui custodit te. 4. Ecce non dormitabit, neque dormiet, * qui custodit Israel. 5. Dominus custodit te, Dominus protectio tua * super manum dexteram tuam. 6. Per diem sol non uret te, * neque luna per noctem. 7. Dominus custodit te ab omni malo : * custodiat animam tuam Dominus. 8. Dominus custodiat introitum tuum, et exitum tuum, * ex hoc nunc, et usque in saeculum. 9. Requiem, etc. 419. Laudate Dominum. Psalm 116. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes ; * laudate eum omnes populi. 2. Quoniam confirmata est super nos mis- ericordia ejus : * et Veritas Domini manet in aeternum. 3. Gloria Patri, etc. 420. Eripe Me, Domine. Psalm 139. Eripe me, Domine, ab homine malo : * a viro iniquo eripe me. 2. Qui cogitaverunf iniquitates in corde : * tota die constituebant praelia. 3. Acuerunt linguas suas sicut serpentis : * venenum aspidum sub labiis eorum. 4. Custodi me, Domine, de manu pecca- toris: * et ab hominibus iniquis eripe me. 5. Qui cogitaverunt supplantare gressus meos : * absconderunt superbi laqueum mihi : 6. Et funes extenderunt in laqueum : * juxta iter scandalum posuerunt mihi. 7. Dixi Domino: Deus meus es tu: * ex- audi, Domine. vocem deprecationis meae. 8. Domine, Domine, virtus salutis meae: * obumbrasti super caput meum in die belli: 9. Ne tradas me, Domine, a desiderio meo peccatori : f cogitaverunt contra me, * ne derelinquas me. ne forte exaltentur. 10. Caput circuitus eorum : * labor- labi- orum ipsorum operiet eos. 11. Cadent super eos carbones, f in ignem dejicies eos: * in miseriis non subsistent. 12. Vir linguosusnon dirigetur in terra: * virum injustum mala capient in interitu. 13. Cognovi quia faciet Dominus judicium inopis, * et vindictam pauoerum. 14. Verumtamen justi confitebuntur nomini tuo : * et habitabunt recti cum vultu tuo. 15. Gloria Patri. etc. 469 421. Voce Mea. Psalm 141. Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi : * voce mea ad Dominum deprecatus sum. 2. Effundo in conspectu ejus orationem meam, * et tribulationem meam ante ipsum pronuntio. 3. In deficiendo ex me spiritum meum, * et tu cognovisti semitas meas. 4. In via hac qua ambulabam, * abscon- derunt laqueum mihi. 5. Considerabam ad dexteram, et videbam : * et non erat qui cognosceret me. 6. Periit fuga a me, * et non est qui requirat animam meam. 7. Clamavi ad te, Domine; f dixi : Tu es spes mea, * portio mea in terra viventium. 8. Intende ad deprecationem meam: * quia humiliatus sum nimis. 9. Libera me a persequentibus me. * quia confortati sunt super me. 10. Educ de custodia animam meam ad con- fitendum nomini tuo : * me exspectant justi, donee retribuas mihi. 11. Gloria Patri, etc. 422l Domine Clamavi. Psalm 140. Domine, clamavi ad te, exaudi me: * in- tende voci meae cum clamavero ad te. 2. Dirigatur oratio mea sicut incensum in conspectu tuo : * elevatio manuum mearum sacrificium vespertinum. 3. Pone, Domine, custodiam ori meo : * et ostium circumstantiae labiis meis. 4. Non declines cor meum in verba ma- litiae, * ad excusandas excusationes in peccatis. 5. Cum hominibus operantibus iniquitatem, * et non communicabo cum electis eorum. 6. Corripiet me Justus in misericordia, et increpabit me: * oleum autem peccatoris non impinguet caput meum. 7. Quoniam adhuc et oratio, mea in bene- placitis eorum : * absorpti sunt juncti petrae judices eorum. 422. — Continued ', 8. Audient verba mea quoniam potuerunt : * sicut crassitudo terrae erupta est super terram. 9. Dissipata sunt ossa nostra secus infer- num : f quia ad te, Domine, Domine, oculi mei : * te speravi, non auferas animam meam. 10. Custodi me a laqueo quern statuerunt mihi, * et a scandalis operantium iniqui- tatem. 11. Cadent in retiaculo ejus peccatores: * singulariter sum ego donee transeam. 12. Gloria Patri, etc. 423. Conserva Me, Domine. Psalm IS. Conserva me, Domine, quoniam speravi in te : f Dixi Domino : Deus meus es tu, * quoniam bonorum meorum non eges. 2. Sanctis, qui sunt in terra ejus, * mirifi- cavit omnes voluntates meas in eis. 3. Multiplicatae sunt in infirmitates eorum :* postea acceleraverunt. 4. Non congregabo conventicula eorum de sanguinibus : * nee memor ero nominum eorum per labia mea. 5. Dominus pars haereditatis meae, et ca- licis mei : * tu es qui restitues haereditatem meam mihi. 6. Funes ceciderunt mihi in praeclaris: * etenim haereditas mea praeclara est mihi. 7. Benedicam Dominum qui tribuit mihi intellectum : * insuper et usque ad noctem increpuerunt me renes mei. 8. Providebam Dominum in conspectu meo semper : * quoniam a dextris est mihi, ne commovear. 9. Propter hoc laetatum est cor meum, et exsultavit lingua mea : * insuper et caro mea requiescet in spe. 10. Quoniam non derelinques animam meam in inferno : * nee dabis sanctum tuum videre corruptionem. 11. Notas mihi fecisti vlas vitae, f adimple- bis me laetitia cum vultu tuo : * delecta- tiones in dextera tua usque in finem. 12. Gloria Patri, etc. 470 4-24-. Miserere Mei. Deus. Psalm SO. Miserere mei, Deus, * secundum magnam misericordian tuam. 2. Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum, * dele iniquitatem meam. 3. Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea: * et a peccato meo munda me : 4. Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognos- ce-: * et peccatum meum contra me est semper. 5. Tibi soli peccavi et malum coram te feci: * ut justificeris in sermonibus tuis, et vincas cum judicaris. 6. Ecce enim in iniquitatibus conceptus sum : * et in peccatis concepit me mater mea. 7. Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti : * incerta et occulta sapientiae tuae manifestasti mihi. 8. Asperges me hyssopo et mundabor : * lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor. 9. Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam :* et exsultabunt ossa humiliata. 10. Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis: * et omnes iniquitates meas dele. 11. Cor mundum crea in me. Deus: * et spiritum rectum innova in visceribus meis. 12. Ne projicias me a facie tua: * et spiri- tum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me. 13. Redde mihi laetitiam salutaris tui : * et spiritu principali confirma m 14. Docebo iniquos vias tuis : * et impii ad te convertentur. 15. Libera me de sanguinibus, Deus, Deus salutis meae : * et ersultabit lingua mea justitiam tuam. 16. Domine, labia mea aperies : * et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam. 17. Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium, desis- sem utique : * holocaustis non delectaberis. 18. Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus : * cor contritum et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies. 19. Benigne fac, Domine, in bona voluntate tua Sion : * ut aedificentur muri Jerusalem. 20. Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justitiae, oblationes, et holocausta : * tunc imponent super altare tuum vitulos. 21. Gloria Patri, etc. 425. Veni, Creator Spiritus, (Pentecost.) fe^ ^S tt M r ■ p ^ ^ l.Ve - ni Cre - a - tor Spi - ri - tus, Men -tes tu - 6 - rum £3r.r J> J1 l^^=# P EE^ vi - si - ta, Im - pie su - per - na gra - ti - a $=n J' JT] js ^ «— ^ Quae tu cre - a - sti pe'-cto- ra, men, Qui dicer is Paraclitus, Altissimi donum Dei, Fons vivus, ignis, caritas. Et spiritalis unctio . 3. Tu septiformis munere , Digitus Paternae dexterae. Tu rite promissum Patris, Sermo'ne ditans guttura. 4. Acce'nde lumen sensibus Tnfundc amo'rem co'rdibus Infirma nostri corporis Virtute firmans perpeti. Ho stem repellas longius, Pace'mque dones pro'tinus-, Ductore sic te praevio, Vitemus omne noxium. 6. Per te. sciamus da Patrem, Noscamus atque Filinm: Tequ J> r~n mm s so-nent di - a, Et ex prae - cor - di - is # ^ ^^ ^ ^# P y — » prae- co - ni - a: Re - ce - dant ve - te - ra, no - va faj * j. j-T^rg j> j, m j, j^^ sint 6-mni-a, Cor - da vo - ces et o - pe - ra 2. Noctis reco'litur coena novfssima, Qua Christus ere'dituragnumetazyma Dedisse fratribus,juxta legitima Priscis indulta patribus. 3. Post agnum typicum,expletls epulis, Corpus Dominicum datum discipulis, Sic totum omnibus, quod totum singulis, Ejus fatemur manibus. Dedit fragilibus corporis ferculum, Dedit et tristibus sanguinis poculum , Dicens: Accipite quodtrado vasculum Omnes ex eo biblte. Sic sacriffcium istud instftuit. Cujus off lcium committi voluit Soils Presbyteris,quibus sic congruit, Utsumant,et dentcaeteris. 6. Panis Angelicus fit panis hominum Dat panis coelicus figuris terminum; Ores mirabilis! manducat Dominum Pauper, servus et humilis. 7. Te, trina Deltas unaque, pdscimus, Sic nos tu visita,sicut te colimus: Per tuas semitas due nos quo tendimus Ad lucem quam inhabitas. Amen. 475. 429. Lauda, Sion, Salvatorem, (Sequence.) h J- I p r, J'' J ■ i1 * J'1 h J. Jm JJ 5 W 1. Lau- da, Si - on, Sal- va-td -rem, Lau-da du-cem et pa-std-rem. ±-± J' )' i J' J 11 J, J'' i1 I B^ In hym-nis et can-ti.-cis. 2. Quan-tum po - tes, tan -turn au- de ^M J^ > i> j> h > j ii > }< J) )) s^ Qui-a ma-jor o-mni lau-de, Nee lau-da - re suf-fi-cis, 3. Lau-disthe-ma ^ i' J> r i' k h h i ■ J' ^ J' i i. P^? 1=5=3 i spe-ci- a - - lis, Pa-nis vi-vus et vi-ta'-lis Hd-di - e pro-pd-ni- tur. Is' J' J. n b J*J J"] J i p J' 3 ? HM»-ii^M> p • — at 4. Quern in sa-crae men- sa coe - nae, Tur-bae frat- rum du- o - de'-nae 1' * J' J- J. juePee^ fe \ i>, £=^==H Da-tum non am-bi- gi-tur. 5. Sit laus pie- na, sit so - no -ra, £ JT-^ J* J, j^^E^ ft ft V p p ' P f Sit ju-cu'n-da,sit de-cd - ra Men - tis ju- bi - la- ti - o. 6.Di-es e - nim M^-j^ ^ r=^jm ^ so-le'm-nis a- gi-tur. In qua men - sae pri- ma re- cd-li-tur. 4n* Jk| j) j> 5 fe * £ F Hu-jus in-sti-tu-ti - o 7. Inhacmen-sa no - vi Re-gis, No-vum 3H* £5 ^ b }• ,S >4=^ * *>' J $ § «" d Pas-cha no-vae lc-gis Pha-se ve-tus tcr-mi-nat. 8.Ve-tu-sta-tem no-vi-tas. •M j]j, J^J^-ip p H'j^J I p p PTJ Um-bram fu- gat ve -ri-tas, No-ctem lux e- li- mi-nat.9.Quod in coe- na A—* £j J I J'i^ J^ 5 F4^=f=g ===;==- *= Chri-stusges-sit, Fa- ci - en-dum hoc ex-pres-sit In su - i me- md-ri- am. 476, p • m -Pr :* Eet E ^=£ ^^ =2 iO.Po-cti sa - cris in - sti - tu - tis , Pa- nem. vi-num in sa-Iu-tis >J> b y±£ ^ p i m ^E ^2 P= Con-se-cra-mus hd-sti- am. il.Do-g-ma da-tur chri-sti - a-nis, Quod in m v p p r ■ r- r p^p e= car-nemtran-sit pa-nis, Et vi-num in san-gui~nem. 12. Quod non ca-pis. a- S $ £ W * * quod non vi-des, A-ni-mo-sa fir-mat fi-des, Prae- ter re- rum dr-di-nem. h p p p M m^m p ^2 ^ 13. Sub di - ver - sis spe-ci- e . bus, Si-gnis tan- turn, et non re-bus. ^fc=N £ 3*=i ^ ^e La-tent res ex i - mi - ae 14. Ca-ro ci - bus, san-guis po - tus: h J> ± J' P P p ^~f £ Ma- net ta - men Chri-stus to -tus Sub u- tra - que spe-ci - e. I ^F^ P— P 2 ^2 ¥ ^^^ B ^ ?.- i 15. A su-me'n-te non con - ci - sua, Non con- fra-ctus, non di-vi-sus I^ pr T- T- W=p CZ P P P " zr * — p- -£ ti r- In-te-ger ac - ci - pi -tur. 16. Su-mit u- nus,sum-unt mil-le: Quan-tum 1-sti ip^pip *F 5 fc P=£ £ E ?==^ tan-turn il- le: Nee sum-ptus con- su-mi-tur.17. Sumunt bo - ni,sum-unt ma- li: [• rp /' p r p r .JJ^ ^J'j^J'J 11 J' PPP Sor-te ta-men in-ae-qua- li- Vi-taevel in- ter-i-tus.18.Mors est ma-lis. f£T P ' P P^ J' p p p p i i- J> J- ^^ E£ vi-ta bo - nis: Vi-de, pa-ris sum-pti- d-nis, Quam sit dis-par ex-i-tns. 477. 4 p p j^m^j u^ E^J p p i r t 5 g E p 19.Fra-cto de-mum S a- era-men -to, Ne va-cil-les,sedme-me'n-to Tan - turn es-se P p p r ip r, pnflj,j>j| p Hjbfc^ag sub fra-gmen- to, Quan-tum to - to te-gi-tur.20.Nul-la re-i fit scis - sii - ra •. # teb. • i P P \> P 5 Y ) g 2 Si - gni tan - turn fit fra - ctu - ra, Qua nee sta-tus, nee sta- tu - ra pg^f ^ se£ P P p P m Si-gna-ti mi-mi-i-tur. 21.Ec-ce pa-nis An-ge lo'-rum, Factus ci-bus ptp r ■ p p ^ v Lfp p r 'p m ^5 vi - a-to'-rum-. Ve-re pa-nis fi - li - 6 -rum, Non mit-ten-dus ca- ni-bus. p p p p r -^ s > » Fi i g e i f * 22. In fi - gu-ris prae-si -grva- tur, Cum I - sa - ac im-mo -la-tur ' P I' m m 4=4 2 Agnus Pas-chae de - pu-ta-tur, Da - tur man- na pa-tri bus. f-MJ* j» J*p rrr ip r p p p. J"3p p 23.Bo-ne pas-tor pa-nis ve - re. Je - su, nos-tri mi - se - re -re: fc£ P P p I p f , J' J ^ ■ P E I' P P Tu nos pa - see, nos tu - e - re, Tu nos bo-na fac vi -de -re In ter- f r b J> J-, J II h h Jf=jf# — 4 * 4 4 =^ 4 4 » 4 P! r, m P P^P^ ra vi-ven -ti -urn, 24. Tu qui cun- eta scis et va-les, Qui nos pa- * n r r i J>^hvs n^ j pf-^p p r !p g p ^ ? scis bic mor- tables-. Tu - os i - bi corn-men- sa - les, Co-bae- re J'b r, J1 J i .n> rr J' J^ J i j J] j a ^ des et so -da- les Fac san - ctd-rum ci-vi-um, 478. men. Te, Joseph, Celehrent. (Feast of St. Joseph.) 430. £E=5 m 1 n S J' J) i ^' * 1. Te, Jo - seph, ce - le - brent ag - mi - na coe - li - turn, m ^§ ^ '' p P ^ * » Te cun - cti re' - so - nent chri - sti - a - dum eho - ri , i §u u n J> sm ^=E ^ Qui cla - rus me - ri - tis, jun - ctus es fn-cly - tae 5 ^ 1 J' J' J' J 1= * — qf. — r w m * 9 — Cas - to foe - de ' - re V/r-gi - - ni. A men. 2. Aim j cum tumidam germine conjugem Admfrans,dubio tangeris anxius, Afflatu super! Flaminis Angelus Conce'ptum puerum docet. 3. Tu natum Dominum strfngis,ad e'xteras /Egypt! profugum tu sequeris plagas, Amlssum Solymis quaeris,et fr.venis, Miscens gaudia f letibus . 4. Post mortem reliquos mors pia consecrat Palmamqu* emeritos gloria suscipit, Tu vivens,superis par, frueris Deo, Mira sorte beatior. o. Nobis,summa Trias, parce precautious, Da, Joseph meritis,sidera scandere; Ut tandem lfceat nos tibl perpetim Gratum promere canticum. First Vespers : Second Vespers : V. Constituit eum dominum domussuae. V. Gloria et divitiae in domo ejus. R. Et pnncipem omnis possessions suae. R.Et justftia ejus manet in saeculum saeculi. 479. 431. Stab at Mater Dolorosa. (Sequence.) 5^£ ^=§ ^ ^ 1. Sta-bat Ma-ter do - lo -rd-ea Ju- xta cru-cem lacry- mo - sa, i .h J^ .h J' ^ Dum Den - de - bat Fi - li , 2. Cujus animam gementem, Contristatam et dole'ntem, Pertransivit gladius . 3. 0 quam tristis et afflicta Fuit ilia benedicta Mater Unigeniti! 4. Qusr moerebat , et doltbat, Pia, Mater, dum videb at Nati poenas inclyti. 5. Quis est homo, qui non fleret, Matrem Christi si vide'ret In tanto supplicio? 6. Quis non posset contristari, Christi Matrem contemplari Dole'ntem cum Filio? r 7 Pro peccatis suae gentis, Vidit Jt-sum intorme'ntis, Et f lagellis subditum . 8- Vidit suum dulcem natum Morie'ndo desolatum, Dum emisit spfritum. 9. Eia Mater, fons amoris, Me sentire vim doldris, Fac,ut tecum liigeam. 10. Fac,ut a'rdeat cor meum In amando Christum Deum, us, men . 11. Ut sibi complaceam. 20. Quando corpus morietur, Fae ut auimae donetur Paradisi gloria. Amen. V. Regina Martyrum,ora pro nobis. R. Quae juxta Crucem Jesu constituisti. 480. Sancta Mater, istud agas, Crucifix i fige pi agas Cordi meo valide. 12. Tui nati vulnerati. Tarn dignati pro me pati, Pcenas mecum divide. 13. Fac me tecum pie flere, Crucifixo condole're, Donee ego vixero. 14. Juxta Crucem tecum stare, Etme tibi sociare In planctu desidero. 15. Virgo virginum prseclara, Mihi jam non sis ama'ra Fac me tecum plangere. 16. Fac,ut portem Christi mortem, Passio'nis fac conso'rtem, Et plagas recdlere . 17. Fac me plagis vulnerari, Fac me cruce inebriari, Et crudre Filii. 18. Flammis ne urar sue census, Per te, Virgo, sim defensus In die judicii. 19. Christe. cum sit nine exire, Da per Matrem me venire Ad palmam victoria?. Attende, Domine. 432. Solesmes Version. h )> ;> J) m ^^^ ^ pp p ^ At-ten-de, Do-mi - ne, et mi- se- re -re, qui -a pec- ca-vi-mus ti - bi.R Attende. r4^ J^ Jrjr-pi I t J> j) 5 5^5 w 5 *=¥ * — * i. Ad te Rex sum-me, o-mni-um Re - dem-ptor o - cu - los no-stros prF*7> ^ p P J J'Ji ^ J» J-JJ.I -^ ■ y — r w — w — w — w~ su-ble -va-mus flen-tes: ex -an - di,Chri-ste, sup-pli - can -turn pre- cesR: Attende. fT J> j J': J J J'' j' J' J> -T3 J ' J- J1 J' ^ J 2.Dex-te - ra Pa- tris, la-pis an - gu - la - ris. vi - a sa- lu-tis, £=£ £3 £? m ^5 1 0 — 0- ja - nu - a coe-le-stis, a-blu-e no-stri ma-cu-las de- li-cti.R:Attende. J-' .h j J> J"] > > J' > J"] J ■ J' J^^l 3. Ro-ga-mus, De-us, tu - am ma - je - sta - tern: au - ri-bus sa-cris f j'j'j^j^j i.m p p j J'jj»j.§ip ffe'-mi-tus ex-au - di: cri-mi- na no-stra pla-ci-dus in - dill- ge.R: Attende. i J^ J' h ^ £ ^5 ;^5 ^ k 5 #— # 4. Ti - bi fa - te-mur cri- mi - na ad - mis -sa: con - tri - to cor - de pan-di-mus oc-ciil - ta: 0 ■ * • 'd—jr tu - a , Re-dem-ptor, pi- e -tas i - gno- scat .R: Attende. "T — r 5. In - n6-cens cap - tus, nee re-pug-nans du - ctus tes ti - bus fal m^ j» jt j ■ j' > P p j j j, ;■ jyjj 4 m sis pro impi-is dam- na- tus: quos re- de-mi-sti, tu con-ser-va,Cnriste.RAtte'nde. 481. 433. O Filii Et Filiae . * d'.h l) J> h n j. Solesmes Version, * 5 Al - le - lii - ia, al - le - lii - ia, al - le - hi - ia. R. Alleluia. $ fcs m P P U p L/ P P LP p 0 f j - li - i et ff - li - ae, Rex ce' - les - tis , Rex - i' i n i) /I im ^ *=? » # gld - ri - ae Mor-te sur - re - xit ho - di - ae. al - le - lii - ia. R. Alleluia. Et mane prima sabbati, Ad ostium monum^nti Accesserunt disclpuli, alleluia. R. Alleluia. 3. Et Maria Magdalene, Et Jacobi,et Salome, Venerunt corpus ungere, alleluia. R. Alleluia. 4. In albis sedens Angelus Praedixit mulieribus: InQalilae«est Dominus, alleluia. R. Alleluia. 5. Et Joannes Apostolus Cucurrit Petro cltius, Monumento venit prius, alleluia. R. Alleluia. 6. Discipulis adstantibus, In medio stetlt Christus, Dicens:Pax vobis omnibus, alleluia. R. Alleluia. Ut intellexit Dilymus Quia surrexerat Jesus, Remansit fere diibius, alleluia R. Alleluia. 8- Vide Thoma,vide latus, Vide pedes, vide manus, Noli esse incredulus, alleluia R. Alleluia. 9. Quando Thomas Christi latus, Pedes vidit atque manus, Dixit: Tu es Deus meus, alleluia R. Alleluia. 10- . Beati qui non viderunt, Et flrmiter crediderunt Vitam aeternam habebunt, alleluia R. Alleluia. 11- In hoc festo sanct/ssimo Sit laus et jubilatio, Benedicamus Domino, alleluia R. Alleluia. 12. De quibus nos humillimas Devotas atque debitas Deo dicamus Gratias, alleluia. R. Alleluia. 482. Te Deum Laudamus. ( Pro Gratiarum Actione.) 434. Rom;iii Version. V n }> n jT3 ~n i k n J> fl }>-r^R Te De - urn lau - da - mus: te Do - ml -numcon-fi -te-mur £$ p p J1 r p r J i;, j "J J> .H=g ^ Te ae - ter-num Pa - trem o - mnis ter - ra ve - ne - ra - tur. fa Pp j^r j ij,j^J00'JO',n^p n Ti-bi o-mnes An-ge-li, ti - bi coe-li et u - ni-ve'r-sae po - te-sta - tes, p p p p p J err J ' J1 J fe Ti - bi Che - ru -bim et Se - ra-phim in - ces - sa - bi - 11 vo - ce £n n m u^nrr^^ J * *' « pro - cla - mant. San ctus : San ctus: $ }• ^ n h * j""3 j^ & P F F £ San-ctus Do - mi - nus De -us Sa - ba - oth. Pie - ni sunt coe ^ p J^ r I* -r ' J i j) «T3 ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ « li et ter - ra ma - je - sta - tis glo' - ri - ae tu - ae. ^ P p J-» r p r J i J' J' M | £ Te glo - ri - 6 - sus A - po - sto - lo - rum cho - rus: ^p p ^ r f p J i i1 *n > p «n «h= Te Pro - phe ta - rum lau - da - bi - lis nii - me - rus : | p p p p p ^ r p pv i j^j > p «n j^ j n Te Mar - ty-rum can - di - da tus. lau - dat ex - er - ci - tus. 483. p p p p ^ i ^s * • h j' n Te per or-bem ter - ra - rum san - eta con - fi - te' p p n J- r5=5-^- ^ ^ tur Ec - cle - si - a: Pa trem Im - men - 3ae ^ p ^J P P P P p 0 f 0 ma je - sta -tis: Ve - ne - ran-dum tu - um ve - rum, h n h H fe^ rn rj £ ^ et u ni - cum Fi - 11 - um: San ctum quo - que i j^ n * n j- }' j ii > i^^-jiji^ Pa - ra - ell - turn Spf - ri - turn. Tu Rex glo - ri -ae, Chri - ste. t j, n j , ■ ^ j^ n $ p n ^ j Tu Pa - trls sem - pi - ter - nus es Fi - li us. E p p P P p P p P p Jl w P^ EE Tu ad 11 - be - ran - dum su - see - ptii - rus ho - mi - nem , j-} ^ & ^ n ;. mm non hor - ru - i - sti Vir - gi - nis ii te - rum 5 PS P P P P P p. e^ Tu de - vf - cto mor - tls a - cu - le - o, a - pe j J'' J'' j' j^ n > j-' n j. p n j ru 1 - sti ere - de'n - ti - bus re - gna coe - lo - rum. P—p P P P ? 1' rr r^ ll] ^ 1] p ^^> Tu ad dex - te-ram De - 1 se - des, in glo- ri - a Pa -trls. 484. Ail rn n b „ j . n >^ ^fc Ju dex ere - de - ris es - se ven - tu - rus. j ;, j^- Js' J> ^ J ■ J^ J^ J^^ ^^ Te er - go quae -su-mus, tu - Is fa - mu - lis sub - ve - ni, i h n J' J'1 J> n i- j~j J' n j quos pre - ti - o - so san - gui - ne red - e - mi - sti. h h h h h ,h i^^ I K 1. ^ r* E - te> - na fac cum san-ctis tu - is in gld - ri - a ^' J' in ^ i — 1 _h _h .h _h _h J> * * * ' * * d> d1 •44 nu - me - ra - ri. Sal - vum fac po - pu - lum tu - urn £^J'' fJi 'i P SEE2E=5 n }• ^ 1 ' < — * Do- mi - ne et be - ne - die hae - re - di - ta - ti 3 j» ^ jjj ijjmja? tu - ae. Et re - ge e - os, et ex - tol - le il-los rs> J' ^ ^ ^ J""] m 0 f Jm m us - que in ae - ter - num. Per sin - gu - los dl - es , .^ n^ n $ j »;, j.^ j* ^ j^ ^ j* be - ne - di - ci - mus te. Et lau - da-mus no - men tu - um & ^ i j^ }> n j-. n > .^ §p in sae - cu - lum, et in sae - cu - lum sae - cu - li. j-] J^ J-. J^ J^ ;> £ ^ Di - gna - re Do mi - ne dl 485. sto * }) J d h 1' J' m> m ^^ PPP si - ne pee - ca - to nos cu - sto - di - re Mi - se m m h i. Js< J' CJP w * ' * nj- n re' - re no - stri Do - mi - ne, mi - se - re - re no-stri. ^ j, n j. ^ ^ j^ j^ ^ j-' J> j^ ;■ j> ej p j Fi - at mi - se - ri - cor - di - a tu - a Do - mi - ne su - per nos h- .h ii ^ ri^ n 3^P=i quern - ad - mo - dum spe - ra - vi - mus in te. In te is h J> J J J P ■ #i Do mi - ne spe ra vi : non con fun - - dar in ae ter num. V. Benedicamus Patrem et Fflium cum Sancto Spfritu. R. Laudemus et superexaltemus eum in saecula. V. Benedicts es Domine in firmamento coeli. R. Et laudabilis,et glorio'sus,et superexaltatus in saecula. V. Do'mine exaudi orationem meam. R. Et clamor meus ad te ve'niat. V. Dominus vobfscum. R. Et cum spfritu tuo. Or£mus. Deus, cujus misericordiae non est numerus, et bonitatis infinftus est thesaurus: pifssimae majestati tuae pro collatis donls gratias agimus,tuam semper clementiam exorantes;ut qui petentibus postulata concedis, eosdem non de'serens, ad praemla futiira disponas . Per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen. 486, SOLEMN VESPERS OF THE FEASTS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 435. BEUS IN The Priest intones; m P r ■ p p p cj- p p p p p ^t De - us in ad - ju - to - ri - urn me- Tim in - ten de. PP Gloria Patri et Filio, | et Spiritui m \&\ ff 1> To I ^=^ 3E et in saeculal saecu 16 - mm. S j2l E -©- 436. Ps. 109 -DIXIT s^^ ^^ P^P S 1. Di - xit Domi-nus Do - mi - no me • o .- * 3. Vir- gam virtutis tuae emittet Domi - nus ex Si - on: * 5. Ju - ra - vit Domimis etnon poeni - te - bit e - urn-. * 7. Ju - di - cab it in nationibus im - pie - bit ru - f - nas: * 9. Glo -ri - a Pa - tri et Fi - li - o, * mf Ih. E re 2. Donee ponam | inimicos mf l-O-l tu m W: ^Tl OS: r cr r i 4. Tecum principium in die virtutis tuae | in splendor ibus san 6. D6minus| a dextris 8 . De torrente | in via 10. Sicut erat in principio, etnunc, et 488. cto - _ rum * tu - is * bi - _ bet * sem - - per, * ADJUTORIUM. mf ^=^ A. C. H. (7\ me fes - ti - - na. D6-mi-ne | ad adjuvandum JoJ ^P mf &m -&. -o- Lrtsr-r « 3E Sicut erat in principio, | et 4Q\ nunc e *r sem " is lT H per, 4^ ^u % *=& a "r r-f'r'f r r ' r^r an per Al-le - lii - - ia'- Laus tibi DomineJ Rex ae - ter-nae gl6 - ri - ae. H=* 331 £5 *From Septuagesima Sunday until Easter Sunday. DOMINUS/ro«« ///J J> h J> (1> BE HeH 1. se- de a 3. dominare in medio inimico 5. To. es sacerdos in aeternum secundum drdin 7. conquassabit capita in 9. et Spiri dex - tris me is. rum tu - 6 - rum. em Mel-chi - se- dech. terra mul - to tu - i San ¥ s rum. cto. B. H. E. rum. Sscabellum | pedum tu m 4. ex titer o | ante luciferum genu 6. confregit | in die irae suae 8.propterea| exaltabit 10. et in saecula I saecul6rum. i te. re - ca - A - - - ges. - put . men 489. 437 Ps . 112 . LAUDATE & b h J) JhJ* 1. Lau - da 3. A so 5. Quis si 7. Ut col 9. Glo - ri te pu ri Do- mi-num: * lis brtu us - que ad oc - ca - sum: * cut Domimis Deus noster qui in al - tis ha- bi-tat: * locet e um cum prin - ci - pi -bus: * a Pa - tri et Fi - li - o. * mf & 2 Sit nomen Domini | bene mf w T? ctum:* a f^=£ B Itr 4. Excelsus | super omnes gentes 6. Suscitans |a terra 8. Qui habitare facit | sterilem in iO. Sicut erat in principio,| et nunc,et Do - - - mi - nus * in do - - 0 pern: mo: * * per, * 438. Ps . 121 - LAETATUS fes m lag it Pf 1. Lae - ta tus sum in his, quae die - ta sunt mi - hi: * 3. Je - rii salem quae aedifi - ca - tur ut ci - vi - tas: * 5. Qui - a illic sederunt sedes in ju . di - ci - o, * 7. Fi - at pax in vir - tu - te tu - a: * 9. Prop -ter domum Domini De - i no - stri * 4. Illuc enim ascenderunttribus|tribus 6. Rogate quae ad pacem | sunt Je - 8. Propter fratres meos , | et proximos 10. Gloria Patri,|et 11. Sicut erat in principio,|et nuncet 490. Do ru me Fi - sem li ni : * lem: * os: * o, * per, * PUERL (Tone IK) b I J> J' i) ^ 1. lau 3. laud«C - 5. et humilia respicit in 7. cum princfpi - 9. et h«H da - te bi - le no -men no- men Do- mi- ni. Do-mi- ni. coe - lo et in ter - ra? su - i. San - cto. bus po - pu - 11 Spi - ri - tu - i WW B^ 2. ex hoc nunc, | et usque in sae - -JqITIj ^ cu - lum. m 4. et super coelos gloria 6. et de stercore I erigens 8. matrem | filiorum lae - 10. et in saecula I saeculorum e pau tan A pe jus. rem. tern, men. SUM. (Tone III.) J> Js /i j\tl — H' 1. in domum 3. cujus participatio ejus 5. sedes super 7. et abundantia in 9. quaesivi Do - mi - ni i-bi -mus. in id - ip - sum. do - - mum Da - vid. tur - ri - bus tu - is. bo . na ti - bi. B.H. E m m 2. in atriis tuis Je ru 1 sa M J. J lem. BE m 4. testimonium Israel | ad conf itendum nomini 6, et abundantia | diligen - 8. loquebar| pacem 10. et Spiritui 11. et in saecula I saeculorum. Do - mi ni. ti bus te. de te. San - - cto. A - - men 491. 439. Ps. 126 -NISI v- k S ^ P 1. Ni - si Dominus aedificaverit do mum * 3. Va - num est vobis ante lucem sur - ge - re * 5. Si - cut sagfttae in manu po - ten tis: » 7. G16 - ri a Patri, et Fi - li-o, # k V J?L M 2. Nisi Dominus | custodierit civi mf ta tern, ♦ j n a l g XE 2 r c^r r 4. Cum dederit | dile'ctis suis so 6. Beatus vir qui implevit|desiderlum suum ex ip 8. Sicut erat in principiojet nunc,et sem mnum: * sis: * per, * 440. Ps. 147 - LAUDA j> I j te 1. Lau - da 3. Qui po 5. .Qui dat 7. "E - mit 9 Non fe Je . . - ru suit fi - - - nes ni - - vem tet verbum suumetlique - fa cit taliter o - - mni sa - lem D6-mi-num* tu - os pa - cem * si - cut la - nam * ci - et e - a * na - ti - 6 - ni, * mf 3 E 2. Quoniam confortavitlseras portarum tu . a rum: § mf Mm i^jjn £i- 4. Qui emittit|el6quium suum ter 6. Mittit crystallum suam| sicut buc - - eel 8. Qui anniintiat| verbum suum Ja 10. Gloria Patri, jet Fi 11. Sicut erat in principio,| etnunc,et sem li rae:# las:* cob:* o, * per,* 492. DOMINUS. (Tone VIII.) °i _ |J> J1 1> J -H 1. in vanum labor ave'runt qui aedi - - - fi - cant e - am. 3. siirgite postquam sederitisquimanducatis pa - nem do - 16 - ris . 5. ita fill! ex - cus - so - rum. 7. et Spiri - - - - tu - 1 San - cto. B. H.E. H 2.frustra vigilat|qui custodit 181 1 e o am. o hT r r' i — © 4. ecce haereditas Domini |filii: merces,fructus 6. non confundetur, | cum loquetur ininncis suis in ven - por - tris. ta. in saeculal saeculo'rum. men.™* IV.) \" J' ^ J' J» j i W 1. lauda 3. et adipe fru - 5. nebulam si - 7. flab it spiritus e - 9. et judicia sua non ma De - um men - ti cut ci jus et ni - fe tu - um sa - ti ne - rem flu - ent sta- vit *=53^:. Si - on. at te. spar-git. a - quae . e - is. B. H.E 3T 2.benedixit I filiis tuis m JTT^-J te. *¥p 4.velociter | currit sermo 6. ante faciem frigoris ejus|quis susti 8.justitias,| et judicia sua I - 10. et Spiritui H. et in saeculal saeculorum. e ne sra San A jus. bit? el. cto. men. 493. 441. v^ AVE MARIS *n; JV b J> b J . 1' .h j» h }, J f 1*= r r r 1. A - ve HzU ma - ris stel - la SUv o}th< JedL , De - i ma - ter al - ma m m I 1 I 3. Sol-ve vin - ola re - is, Pro -. fer, lu,,- jnen . cae - cis, 5. Virago sin - gu*- la - ris, In - ter o - mnes * mi - tls, 7. Sit laus De - o Pa-tri, Sum - mo Chri - sto de - cus, * Moderato . ^ i ii A fe$ -©- 7^^Trh«vT«* it, «. ^-cE^^r^f g^&ki^* ^r ■ or— ve trem 2.' Su - mens J il - * lud 4. Mon - stra te es - se S\iow "thy Cei f. t * fcc C-vv-) pg EC 331 6. Vi - tarn prae - sta pu MarK &ut the UhSuHreJ Lt j-<.y ram m cresc. JTl ^=^A ¥ r r. '» f nos no in bis v>S ^ 1 rr^ce. pa - na - en cavnate , ce, tus, Mu - tans Tu - lit It IW 'v I -o- den - tes Je - sum, Sem - per V. Dignare me, laudare te, Virgo sacrata. 494. STELLA .h J> J' J S /C\ Solesmes Version. A- s ^ r V V- m ^ — -y Fe-lix coe - li por-ta. Blissful poVt*t of- \ ea^-t ii . r r f At-que sem-per Vir - go, men. lui a P Ma - la . no-stra pel - le/jx. W&.-, b><^>>£ $cparoC*i fr^r©*)- £t>^(7^ NoscuI-pas soJ - Tu -fos Spi-ri - tu - 1 San-cto, Tu tkc Holy 5/Vrc"^ na cun-cta. r>os-ce. 3? . Jta, .pos- ter C&tfttt a/i«i cf*.n+£>. tes Tac et acas-tos. ,es lac Tri-bus ho - nor u - mis. g r J I j~J J--J _£N_ A. C. Hs m ^j- Fun - da Qui pro Ga - bri - e - lis Su - mat per te pre Ta K e to Hi "fro eour) PY J> F > ,1* m^ 1. a - - - - ni - ma me - a Do - mi 3. ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes gene - ra - ti - 6 5. ti - men - ti - bus e 7. et ex - al - ta - vit hu - mi 9. recordatus mise ri - cor - di - ae su 11 et Spi - ri - tu - i San 35=^ num: nes. urn. les. ae. cto. B.H.E. :rc 2. in Deo | salutari me - ii J ^^ o. Si. -o- 4. et sanctum | nomen 6. dispersit superbos | mente cordis 8. et divites | di-mi-sit i - 10. Abraham et semini ejus| in 12. et in saecula | saecu!6rum. e - su . - JUS. i. na - - nes. sae cu - la. A - - men -2nd Vespers (Tone VIIl) ^^ *±* 1. anima me - a D 6 - mi - num. ^^ 1 ste 3. ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes gene 5. timen ------- 7. et exal ... - 9. recordatus misericor - 11. et Spiri - - ... ra - ti - 6 - nes ti - bus e - um. ta- vit hii - mi - les. di - ae su - ae. tu - i San - cto. 2. in Deo I salutari .--Q4 cot M H=P 4. et sanctum | nomen 6. dispersit superbos | mente cordis 8. et divites jdimisit i 10. Abraham -et s6mini ejus| in 12. et in saecula | saeculdrum. 497. e su na sae A cu JUS. i. nes. la. men CONCLUDING HYMN. B.M. THE MARIST'S HYMN TO MARY. (Ever,Forever,I Will Sing To Mary.) Moderato religioso St 3^3 I B.M.J. 9 m V =c ffrr ' 1. Ey - er for - ev - er, I will sing to Ma - ry, 2.Ev - er for - ev - er, Mod - es - ty shall guide me, :>"U t PP i P mf — ■ 1W ^ *=# ^ to her breast} and un - known; Who, in her love, bids me come Dear - est a life that is hid mm -»- n: f :u ii\iwj cresc* tr r r er, for- ev - er, Moth - er dear- ly cher-ished, Ev Ev - er, for- ev er, I will hon - or Ma - ry, m i PP1 ./ i 4 tifari 3* 3E List Lov to my ing her ^TT -*»- X y % r f love which sings thy name so sweet sim- pli - ci - ty a 1 1 . * - blest; lone. $ m nrr f i i 22 rm ~a call up - on my Moth-er, is the dust be - neath them, Wak - ing from sleep, I Trod- den by all as 500. 1 V""i J J MfMMJ J J J Thy Name shall charm Sub - ject to all, J. my spir - it all the a - has - ing me through 1 day, love; And when Nights An May I for God , r r r r S Ji gel soft shall close my eye -lids, and for my ten - der Moth - er, j I | i , , rail, Slumb' ring, 0 Spurn self and m te i Ma seek ry, my on-ly love things I will from a - say. bove. % 3£ Ever, forever, Virtue dear to Mary, Virtue all lovely, as white as her heart, Ever, forever, to my cherished Mother, Lily so fragile, I will set apart. Guard thou thyself in all its early freshness, Queen of the Heavens, this flower of thy love; Over thy House, in mercy, O my Mother! Watch that we he like the Angels above. 4. Ever, forever, Virtue rich and fruitful, Queen of our hearts, thou, Obedience, shalt he! Ever, forever, o'er the world's far limits, Thy steps we tread, and vict'ry shall we see. Lead thou our feet to Calvary's thorny summit; Guide us to Thabor, mount of love and light; Call us o'er ocean, earth, or unto Heaven, Follow we, knowing thou leadest aright! 5. Ever, forever, seek we that poor dwelling, Where our sweet Mother the Saviour conceived; Ever, forever, far from pomp and peril, Never shall we by honors be deceived. Calm in the hours, when God shall send affliction* All, poor in heart, of thy dear love possessed, Dead to desire, upon thy breast, sweet Mother! Thy happy sons shall in peace ever rest. .!„.,,.,,.'„,„ kqj C.ja.1916. P. J.K.& b. General Alphabetical Index ENGLISH HYMNS The Nos. marked (*) are Sacred Songs. A No. Page 160 Ah! must I leave our Lady's altar! 194 309 *Alas ! grief fills my heart 354 266 *All for Thee, O Heart of Jesus 302 33 All glory, laud and honor 50 35 All hail, dear Conqueror, all hail ! 54 199 All hail, great Conqueror, to Thee 231 144 All hail, sweet Queen of the May 179 277 *A11 ye choirs of heaven 317 103 All ye who seek a sure relief „ 133 jh 99 A message from the Sacred Heart V A « . A*. ? r?A . Ht*r.\. .... 129 -"Y" 9 Angels we have heard on high 24 162 As the dewy shades of even •. 196 -^. 28 At the Cross her station keeping 45 155 Ave Maria ! thou Virgin and Mother (1st tune) 190 156 Ave Maria 1 thou Virgin and Mother (2nd tune) 191 226 Ave Sanctissima, we lift our souls to thee 254 B 77 Behold God's angels kneeling 102 *' "^- 13 Bethlehem of noblest cities , 28 -+- 59 Blest is the Faith, divine and strong f/7.«. . P.QM. I'*.? 81 92 Bread of angels, Lamb of God 119 165 By the Blood that flowed from Thee 199 166 By the first bright Easter-day 200 C 300 *Cecilia, Virgin held so dear 342 80 Children, list ! an angel pleading 107 29 Christians who of Jesus' sorrows (1st tunc) 46 , 30 Christians who of Jesus' sorrows (2nd tune) 47 -€p 230 Christmas comes to bless the earth 258 223 Christ, the glory of the sky 251 tftcr -4- 34 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day 53 270 *Close to Thy Heart 310 264 *Close veiled in that sweet Sacrament 300 69 Come and adore 94 237 *Come, come to the Manger 268 102 Come hither and in worship kneel 132 -:A P} .<-.». . 253 i- 125 I'll sing a hymn to Mary £*!-. &M*.\±;. Y.\ !'&f\ 159 ' 258 *I need Thy Heart, sweet Jesus 293 233 *In music's sweetest strains we'll sing 263 93 In my heart, my Jesus finds a resting place 120 122 In the burning depths we suffer 154 308 *In the morning, when I waken 352 19 It is a joy of heavenly birth 36 183 It is no earthly summer's ray 217 195 It is the name of Mary 228 J 219 Jerusalem 1 my happy home 249 . 221 Jerusalem the golden ! 250 -p-~ 21 Jesus, ever-loving Saviour 38 *"261 *Jesus, gentlest Saviour .,..-•■« »•••>■ ••••.■'. 297 -f 303 *Jesus is God &=F&**~d/. .SV.'\ *!w. v'. h i 345 86 Jesus ! Jesus ! come to me . . 113 -4- 222 Jesus, Lord, be Thou my own V. . , . T. . , '. 251 -d. 202 Jesus, my God, behold at length the time !*. '.5.V. •?' 233 \ 64 Jesus ! my Lord, my God, my All (1st Tune ) £<< ?f .«. '. .» ** Yf. h\ ? At"..... 89 "f" 65 Jesus ! my Lord, my God, my All (2nd Tune) ■: 90 -if 16 Jesus! the only thought of Thee t*&. H°.ty. &&-VA 31 -q. 84 Jesus, Thou art coming ?A '.?!'?".'.? Ill _^— 172 Joseph, Spouse of that pure Virgin 206 134 Joy! joy! the Mother comes j. ., 169 -& 275 *Joy of my heart Th\. 'Ml ft \ ? . K'.Vf S.I 315 50 Just one tiny spark 71 L Ar 187 Let the deep organ swell the lay S&'/J T.$ 221 241 *Let us hasten to the manger 274 48 Life offers me one only good, one treasure (1st Tune) 69 250 *Life offers me one only good, one treasure (2nd Tune) 285 206 Light dies away : 237 68 Lo ! day and night upon our altars dwelling .* 93 60 Long live the Pope ! 82 ^ \26 Look down, O Mother Mary CPfc. . QU'iS.tA . k'X$. 271 *0 Sacred Heart with burning love 311 190 O Thou, the Martyrs' glorious King (1st tune) 2^4 191 O Thou, the Martyrs' glorious King (2nd tune) 2^4 193 Our Father (1st tune) %%* 194 Our Father (2nd tune) *£* 235 *Outside the City gates they stand -jg / t ■ -+■ 25 Overwhelmed in depths of sorrow (1st tune) 4- ~+~ 204 Overwhelmed in depths of sorrow (2nd tune) . *» A-305 *0 Vision bright! W6*.. .*/»***/. K•;•■;• \M«ti.£- ' %$ -f- 78 Sing, my tongue, the mystic story Q y.»; . M; « j.t i . L o r.rf . . «^. 103 •a- 32 Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory ". .". . . 49 4 Sing, oh, sing with exultation 17 -4> 137 Sing, sing, ye angel bands SP&c. .BLvSiAl. . .'. .'v. 1 . '. 172 39 Sing we triumphant hymns of praise 58 4- 63 Sion, lift thy voice and sing 88 163 Softly and still .' 197 26 Soul of Jesus, Guest for me 43 94 Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast Itof.*.*. f. . A41 }*.< 121 168 Spirit most holy, heavenly guide 202 -^ 184 Spotless Anna, Juda's glory K. .... 218 ' 243 *Star so fair, Star so bright ! • ■ • 277 -^r> 242 *Stars of glory, shine more brightly 276 248 *Strike the harp in praise of God ! 283 310 *Strive ye salvation to attain 355 287 *Sweetest month of the year .. . u 328 ■j- 111 Sweet Heart of Jesus, Fount of love 73U .J>*«r«.< . .rj.^fA. 141 294 *Sweet Mother, here, once more we haste 335 140 Sweet Mother, I implore 175 76 Sweet Sacrament ! we Thee adore 101 265 *Sweet Sacred Heart • 301 ■4k 72 Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go (1st tune) 97 -5- 73 Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go (2nd tune) 98 T 263 *Take back, receive, O Master of my heart 299 224 Tears on Thy Sacred Face, my God v. 252 315 *The day is o'er, the moon serenely beaming 360 128 The Gate of Heaven 162 312 *The leaves around me falling 357 98 The memory of Jesus sweet 126 316 *The moon is in the heavens above " 361 36 The morn hath spread her crimson rays 55 200 There is one true and only God 232 31 The Royal Banners forward go 48 67 The Saviour is our very food 2, -h~ 239 The snow lay on the ground 271 306 *The vow is made, O Mary, Queen divine ! , . . r • • 348 -if 66 The Word descending from above 6!-S??fA . . ?MK*toH\T. 91 182 The youth who wealth and courts despised (1st tune) 216 302 *The youth who wealth and courts despised (2nd tune) 344 179 Thou art as pure as beam of golden dawn 213 257 *Thou knowest, Master, that my heart is Thine 292 18 Thou loving Maker of mankind ■ 35 252 *Thrice happy and thrice blest 287 209 Through this vale of tears we wander 240 44 Thy Kingdom come ! 63 249 *Thy will be done 284 507. GENERAL ALPHABETICAL INDEX T No. Page 504 *Thy wound, O Heart of Jesus 346 210 Tis Thy good pleasure, and not my own ... ., 241 207 To Christ, the Prince of peace .T'.'i.&f >?..<*. .7MV.-. 238 90 To earth hath highest heav'n descended (1st tune) 117 91 To earth hath highest heav'n descended (2nd tune). 118 109 To Jesus' Heart all burning ??< £o/.< /fffy. T. 139 185 To kneel at thine altar 219 108 To Thee, O Heart of Jesus 138 188 To the shores of distant Indies : . . : 222 313 *To win my heart -with visions bright. and fair. 358 i u 281 * Unfold, ye golden gates of heaven .• 322 201 Unveil, O Lord, and on'us shine '. . .■ 232 W 291 * We come to .thee, sweet Lady 332 246 *We come to Thee,. sweet Saviour 281 286. *We greet thee, Mary..., 327 228 What a sea of tears and sorrows 256 54 What God does is done aright 75 ~L 96 What happiness can equal mine ? 124 88 "What happiness is mine this day : 115 .10 What lovely Infant can this be ? 25 215- What shall I render unto Thee, O Lord ? 245 295 *We leave thy shrine < 336 268 *When far. from Thee my way I've wended • 306 132 When from God's high throne divine 167 45 When men blaspheming say. . ; ..„ 64 4 254 *When morning gilds the skies Our.VitStfLUuX.4 ' 289 61 When our Saviour wished to prove • 85 ~k 255 *When the loving Shepherd ?K&«£. &tr».tt*'1-"---" 290 -£ 133 Whither thus, in holy rapture ? .T?J. . WtfX ^..YScgAiX 168 245 *With Christ we died, with Christ we rose 280 . 173 With grateful hearts 207 11 With hearts truly grateful 26 297 * With Jesus, Mary's name . •. 338 85 Wondrous theme of mortal singing. . .'.. 112 Y 274 *Yes, Heaven is the prize . i , 314 37 Ye sons and daughters of the Lord ; 56 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF LATIN HYMNS No. Page A 416 Ad Dominum 469 354 Adeste Fideles 392 340 Adoramus Te, Christe 383 328 Adoremus in aeternum 376 324 Adoro Te (Plain chant) (1st tune) 374 325 Adoro Te (2nd tune) 374 326 Adoro Te (Chorus) (3rd tune) 375 331 Adoro Te, O Panis coelice 378 394 Alma Redemptoris Mater 454 322 Anima Christi 371 382 Asperges me 428 432 Attende, Domine 481 360 Ave Maria (1st tune) 403 361 Ave Maria (Plain chant) (2nd tune) 404 362 Ave Maria (Plain chant) (3rd tune) 404 364 Ave maris stella (Plain chant) (1st tune) 406 365 Ave maris stella (2nd tune) 406 366 Ave maris stella (3rd tune) 407 367 Ave maris stella (4th tune) , 408 368 Ave maris stella (5th tune) 409 441 Ave maris stella (with falso hordoni) (6th tunc) 494 371 Ave Mater gratiae 41 1 395 Ave Regina coelorum 455 329 Ave verum Corpus (1st tune) 377 330 Ave verum Corpus (2nd tune") 378 319 Ave vivens Hostia 369 B 415 Beati omnes 469 402 Beatus vir 465 C 393 Common of all Vespers 453 406 Confitehor quoniam 466 401 Confitehor tibi, Domine 465 423 Conserva me, Domine 470 333 Cor Jesu Sacratissimum ( 1 st tune ) 379 334 Cor Jesu Sacratissimum (2nd tune) 380 407 Credidi propter . . . t 467 386 Credo, No. 1 435 387 Credo, No. 2 436 D 410 De profundis cWmavi 468 435 Deus in adjutorium (with falso bordoni) 488 417 Dilexi quonian 469 430 Dixit Dominus 465 436 Dixit Dominus ( falso hordoni ) 48S 422 Domine, clamavi 470 375 Domine, non secundum 414 409 Domine, prohasti me 467 E 327 Ecce Panis angelorum 375 318 Ecce sacerdos magnus (Reception of a Bishop) 364 420 Eripe me, Domine 469 F 357 Flos Carmeli (Our Lady of the Carmel) 398 509. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF LATIN HYMNS I No. Page 408 In convertendo 467 373 Inviolata 413 404 In exitu Israel 466 J 392 Jesu Salvator mundi 452 L 438 Laetatus sum ( f also bordoni ) 490 412 Laetatus sum 468 429 Lauda Sion, Salvatorem ( Sequence) 476 440 Lauda Jerusalem ( f also bordoni ) 492 414 Lauda Jerusalem 468 419 Laudate Dominum 469 353 Laudate Dominum ( f also bordoni ) .' 391 437 Laudate pueri Dominum ( f also bordoni ) 490 403 Laudate pueri Dominum .... 465 418 Levavi oculo^ 469 391 Libera me, Domine 450 378 Litany of the Blessed Virgin (1st setting ) 420 379 Litany of the Blessed Virgin (2nd setting) 422 380 Litany of the Blessed Virgin (3rd setting) 424 376 Litany of the Sacred Heart ( 1 st Tune ) 416 377 Litany of the Sacred Heart (2nd Tune) 418 M 405 Magnificat 466 442 Magnificat ( falso bordoni ) 496 443 Magnificat (falso bordoni ) 496 411 Memento, Domine, David '. . 468 424 Miserere mei, Dcu ? 471 321 Misericordias Domini 370 385 Missa ( in Festis B. Mariac ) 432 384 Missa (in Festis Duplicibus) 430 390 Missa pro Def unctis 442 N 439 Nisi Dominus ( falso bordoni ) 492 413 Nisi Dominus 468 O 352 O bone Jesu , 390 332 O Cor amoris Victima 379 320 O Esca Viatorum 370 433 O Filii et Filiae 482 358 O gloriosa Virginum 402 323 O quam suavis est 373 335 O Salutaris Hostia (1st Tunc) 380 336 O Salutaris Hostia (2nd Tune) 381 337 O Salutaris Hostia (3rd Tune ) 381 338 O Salutaris Hostia (4th Tune) 382 339 O Salutaris Hostia (4th Tune) 382 341 O Salutaris Hostia (6th Tune) 384 370 O Sanctissima 41 1 P 427 Pange lingua gloriosi 474 399 Psalm Tones (Organ ace.) 459 R 396 Regina coeli 456 374 Regina coeli jubila 414 388 Responses at High Mass 439 389 Responses (Bishop's blessing) 441 381 Rorate, coeli, desuper 426 510. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF LATIN HYMNS S No. Page 428 Sacris solemniis 475 369 Salve Mater 410 372 Salve, Pater Salvatoris 412 397 Salve Regina (1st Tune) 457 398 Salve Regina (2nd Tune) : 458 359 Sanctorum agmina - 402 431 Stabat Mater 480 363 Sub tuum praesidium 405 T 342 Tantum ergo (Plain chant) (1st Tune) 384 343 Tantum ergo (2nd Tune) 385 344 Tantum ergo (3rd Tune) 386 345 Tantum ergo (4th Tune) , 386 346 Tantum ergo ( 5th Tune ) 387 347 Tantum ergo (6th Tune) 387 348 Tantum ergo (7th Tune) 388 349 Tantum ergo (8th Tune) 388 350 Tantum ergo (9th Tune) 389 351 Tantum ergo (10th Tune) 390 434 Te Deum laudamus 483 430 Te Joseph, celebrent 479 355 Tota pulchra es Maria 393 356 Tota pulchra es Maria (Chorus) 394 V 425 Veni, Creator Spiritus 472 426 Vexilla Regis 473 383 Vidi aquam 429 317 Vivat Pastor bonus (Song of welcome) 362 421 Voce mra 470