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A.’SCRIVENER, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., PREBENDARY OF EXETER, VICAR OF HENDON, SOMETIME SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, ONE OF THE COMPANY OF THE REVISERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. QUOD POTUI. CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1893 [All Rights reserved. | Cambridge PRINTED BY C. J, CLAY, M.A. AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. ADVERTISEMENT. The editor begs leave to return his grateful thanks to the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press for their most liberal aid in publishing the present and not a few of his earlier works. The arrangement of the critical matter here presented for the first time is unusual, but he trusts that it will not prove very inconvenient to the reader: it was unavoidable, in consequence of a dimness of sight which grew upon him during the time these sheets were laboriously passing through the press. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION . F : : : : ; : . VvV—xi ADVERSARIA CRITICA SACRA DESCRIPTION OF CODICES. ‘ ; : : : . Xi—xc EARLY EDITIONS OF N, T. : : : ; ; . xc—Ci POSTSCRIPT , i ‘ ‘ 3 ; : p ; ciil COLLATION OF CoD. EV. 556 (=B.-C. ill, 5). : : . 1—59 COLLATION OF GOSPELS in Codd. bedefj and leading editions . 60—142 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE in Codd, efé and leading editions 143—162 PALIMPSEST OF THE LXX from COD. B.-C. il. 46 : . 163—170 INTRODUCTION. 1. No phase in the ordinary experience of human life is more melancholy, than the spectacle of a scholar’s breaking off abruptly work undertaken on a large scale and with a high purpose, by reason of the stroke of death, often of sudden death. It was thus that the historian Thucydides was hindered from completing his “possession for ever,” by closing his narrative at the end of the twenty-first year of the Peloponnesian war, although that struggle was protracted for six years longer; nay more, by leaving his eighth book a mere rude sketch, after he had wrought the preceding seven to the most elaborate perfection. It was thus that Lord Macaulay, who had projected and made copious preparations for the History of England for a period of some hundred and twenty years, was taken from us before he had achieved more than a third part of his ambitious design. This calamity, one of the sad- dest incidents of our mortal lot, has fallen especially heavy upon the students of the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, whose field embraces labour so wide and varied, that no single life can hope to cover more than a small portion of it. Tischendorf, for example, was stricken down, almost in late middle age, in the midst of his zealous and happy researches, hardly leaving behind him an un- published vestige of what he had discovered and expected to make known to the world. Tregelles left his pious work little better than a fragment, to be supplemented, so far as it could be at all, by the charitable toil of strangers who honoured him for the disinterested devotion of his whole existence to the illustration of Holy Scripture. Matthaei was forced to bequeath his painful collations of no less than twenty-four manuscripts, to a German bookseller, who pro- bably lacked the means rather than the will to print them. But the most afflicting instance of all is that of Bentley, the prince of English scholars, the fruit of whose efforts in this S. b vl INTRODUCTION. divine study, spread over at least twenty years, is now con- tained in a few manuscript collations, in a state too crude for publication, preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, a foundation of which its humblest member may well be proud, since the Mastership of the College did honour even to him. When it pleased God to smite me with what I believed to be deadly sickness, the like fate (if I might venture to compare great things with very small) seemed reserved for my own literary collections. I had accumulated them during the broken and scanty leisure of forty years, and seemed now called upon to leave them, without having contri- buted whatever light they might be able to afford to the solu- tion of the hitherto uncertain problem of settling the sacred text of the New Testament. In this instance, however, the Divine mercy has proved better than my faithless fears. Life and intellectual vigour have been in some measure restored tome. The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press have been pleased to aid me in presenting to the publick my latest contribution to this branch of learning, as thirty-five years ago they printed for me one of my earliest. Other friends’ too have volunteered such help as will enable me to commence in hope a task which I can hardly expect adequately to complete. 2. Of the sixty-three manuscripts of the Greek New Testament and other like documents which this volume is designed to illustrate, twenty contain the Gospels in whole or in part, five the Acts and Catholic Epistles, 1 Chiefly the venerated J. W. Burgon, B.D., Dean of Chichester, whose death (4th Aug. 1888), while these lines were in press, is destined to add another name to the above melancholy list of unfinished work. He had been engaged day and night for years, in making a complete index or view of the manuscripts used by the Nicene (and ante-Nicene) Fathers, by way of shewing that they were not identical with those copied in Codd. N and B, and, inas- much as they were older, they must needs be purer and more authentic than these overvalued uncials. The enterprise is now a fragment, but its effect on the stability of the opposite system is direct and cannot be shaken. Such failures remind us of Wordsworth’s lines, Things incomplete, and purposes destroyed, Make sadder transits o’er Truth’s mystic glass Than nobler objects utterly decayed. (Sir Henry Taylor, Notes from Life, p. 162.) INTRODUCTION, vil five §. Paul’s Epistles, four the Apocalypse, fifteen are Lectionaries, or Greek Church Lesson-books, six contain palimpsest and other fragments of the Septuagint Greek Version of the Old Testament, ten are collations of the earliest printed editions of the Greek New Testament. Of each of these I will first submit to the reader some general account and estimate of their respective critical values, and then subjoin a comparison of the text of the chief of them with that of my own most recent edition (Editio Major 1887) of Stephen’s standard N.T. of 1550. To avoid the inconveni- ence of employing many Arabic numerals in almost every line, I have indicated the respective codices by the small letters of the English alphabet, arranging them on the list, as nearly as possible, in the order of their relative merit. A table is prefixed to the several divisions of the N.T., which shall identify each codex with the number assigned to it in my own Plain Introduction (3rd edition). It is anticipated that such a plan will prove acceptable to the reader, and involve no confusion or difficulty in applying to his use the results here exhibited. The numbers which follow the letters in our lists, therefore, are those of Scrivener’s Plain Introduc- tion. 'To them succeed the proper class-marks of the manu- scripts in the Libraries wherein they are deposited, their apparent dates, and the initials of the persons who have collated them: F.H.A.S. being those of the present editor; F.G.S. those of his eldest son, Frederick George Scrivener, B.A., of Exeter College, Oxford, Vicar of Lakenheath, Suffolk; H.C. H. those of an amateur student, who has freely bestowed on us his most friendly help, H. C. Hoskier, Esq., of Hayes, Kent. LIST OF GREEK CODICES AND EDITIONS, COL- LATED FOR THE PRESENT VOLUME. EVANGELIA (20 MSS.). W? Uncial fragment (Mark vii. viii.), Trinity College, Cam- bridge [vim or 1x century]. F.H.A.S. Described below, p. X1. b2 vill u INTRODUCTION. Evan. 556. Burdett-Coutts 11. 5 [x1t century]. F.H.A.S., p- XV1. Evan. 604. British Museum, Egerton 2610 [XI or x1]. ELCs p. xv: Evan. 59. Gonville and Caius Coll. Cambr. 403 [x11]. EEL ACS: p: xxviii. Evan. 66. Trin. Coll. Cambr. O. vu. 3 [xr]. F.ELAS., Dp. XEkL Evan. 492. Wake 12. Christ Church, Oxford [xt]. F.H.A.S. (Act. 193, Paul. 277, Apoc. 26), p. xxxiv. Evan. 503. Wake 34. Christ Church, Oxford [x1 or xi]. F.H.A.S. (Act. 190, Paul. 244, Apoc. 27), p. XXXV1. Evan. 547. Burdett-Coutts 1.7 [xut]. F.G.S., p. xxxvil. Evan. 548. Burdett-Coutts 1. 9 [x11]. F.GS., p. xli. Evan. 549. Burdett-Coutts mu. 7 [xm]. F.G.S. (Act. 219), p. xlii. Evan. 618. Hoskier, [xit]. H.C.H., p. xi. Evan. 550. Burdett-Coutts 1.13 [xm]. F.G.S., p. xlin. Evan. 552. Burdett-Coutts 1. 18 [xr]. p. xlv. Evan. 553. Burdett-Coutts mu. 26* [xur]. F.H.AS,, pe sly, Evan, 554, Burdett-Coutts 11. 26" [xtv]. F.H.AAS., p. xlvii. Evan. 555. Burdett-Coutts m1. 4 [xu]. F.G.S., p. xlix. Evan. 557. Burdett-Coutts 1.9 [xin]. F.GS., p. L Evan. 558. Burdett-Coutts m1. 10 [dated 1430]. F.H.AS., p. liv. Evan. 559. Burdett-Coutts m1. 41 [x11 or xu]. F.H.ALS., p. lviii. Evan. 612. Burdett-Coutts 1.1 [xi]. F.H.ALS., p. lxii. EVANGELISTARIA (8 MSS.). Evst. 221. Trin. Coll. Camb. O. Iv. 22 [x11]. F.HLAS., p. lxiv. Evst. 251. Burdett-Coutts 1.10 [xm]. F.H.A.S. (Apost. 64), p. Ixvi. Evst. 252. Burdett-Coutts m1. 29 [xiv]. F. HAS, (Apost. 66), p. xvii. WwW ZZ INTRODUCTION. 1X Evst. 253. Burdett-Coutts m1 42 [xiv]. F.H.AS. (Apost. 67), p. [xviii Evst. 290. Burdett-Coutts un 44 [xiv]. F.ELAS. (Apost. 78), p. [xx1. Evst. 249. Burdett-Coutts 1. 46 [xim or xIv]. F.G\S. (Apost. 82), p. Ixxi. Evst. 250. Burdett-Coutts 1m. 52 [xut]. F.GS., p. lxxin. Evst. 253°. Burdett-Coutts m1. 53 [xv]. F.H.AS. (Apost. 68), p. Ixxil. Act.,. Epp, CATHOLICA (5 MSS.). Act. 220. Burdett-Coutts m1. 1 [x1 or x11] (Paul. 264), p. Ixxi. Act. 193. Wake 12. Christ Church, Oxford (Evan. 492, Paul. 277, Apoc. 26 [x1]). F.H.A.S., p. bxxiv. Act. 190. Wake 34. Christ Church, Oxford (Evan. 508, Paul. 244, Apoc. 27 [x1 or xu]). F.HAS., p. Ixxv. Act. 219. Burdett-Coutts 1. 7 [xiu]. F.G.S. (Evan. 549), p. Ixxv. Act. 221. Burdett-Coutts 11. 37 [x1]. F.H.A.S. (Paul. 265, Apoc. 8), p. Ixxv. Epp. PAULINZ (5 MSS.). Paul. 264. Burdett-Coutts m1. 1 [xt or xu]. (Act. 220), p. Ixxvii. Paul. 277. Wake 12. Christ Church, Oxford [X1]. F.H.A.S. (Evan. 492, Act. 193, Apoc. 26), p. Ixxvil. Paul. 244, Wake 34. Christ Church, Oxford [x1 or XU]. F.H.A.S. (Evan. 503, Act. 190, Apoc. 27), p. xxx. Paul. 265. Burdett-Coutts m1. 37 [xu]. F.H.A.S. (Act. 221, Apoc. 8), p. Ixxxiii. Paul. 266. Burdett-Coutts 1. 4 [x or x1]. F.H.AS. (Apoc. 89), p. Ixxxiv. APocALyePsis (4 MSS.). Apoc. 26. Wake 12. Christ Church, Oxford [x1]. F.H.A.S. (Evan. 492, Act. 193, Paul. 277), p. Ixxxvii. u W ZZ INTRODUCTION. Apoc. 27. Wake 34, Christ Church, Oxford [x1 or x11]. F.H.AS. (Evan. 503, Act. 190, Paul. 244), p. Ixxxviil. Apoc. 15. Basil. A. N. m1. 12 [xv]. H.C.H. (Evan. E uncial), fragment (cf. Hoskier, Collation, Appendix F). Apoe. 89. Burdett-Coutts mu. 4 [x or xi], F.HLAS. (Paul. 266), p. Ixxxviii. APosTOLos (7 MSS.). Apost. 64. Burdett-Coutts 1.10 [xm]. F.HLA.S. (Evst. 251), p. Ixxxix. Apost. 65. Burdett-Coutts 1. 24 [xu or xin]. F.GS., p. Ixxxix. Apost. 66. Burdett-Coutts 11. 29 [xiv]. F.ELAS. (Evst. 252), p. Xc. Apost. 67. Burdett-Coutts m1. 42 [xiv]. F.HLAS. (Evst. 253), p. xe. Apost. 82. Burdett-Coutts 11. 46 [x1 or xIv]. F.G.S. (Evst. 249), p. xe. Apost. 68. Burdett-Coutts 11. 53 [xv]. F.H.A.S, (Evst. 253°), p. xe. Apost. 78. Burdett-Coutts 11. 44 [xiv]. F.H.A.S. (Evst. 290), p. xc. PALIMPSEST AND OTHER FRAGMENTS OF THE SEPTUAGINT KE 1D) i (6 MSS.). Burdett-Coutts m1. 6. F.HLAAS. Burdett-Coutts 1. 46 [x1 or xu]. F.H.A.S. (Evst. 249), pj lxxi. Burdett-Coutts m1. 52. F.H.A.S. (Evst. 250”), p. lxxii. Burdett-Coutts m1. 42. F.HLAS. (Evst. 253), p. xviii. Burdett. Coutts un 44, F.H.A.S. (Evst. 290), p. Ixxi. Burdett-Coutts m1. 53. FVH.A.S. (Evst. 253°), p. Ixxii. EDITIONS OF N.T, Complutensian 1514. p. xcei. Krasmi editiones. p. xciii. Erasmi 1516. p. xciii. apa i. 2. Erasmi 1519. p. xciii. INTRODUCTION, xl K. 5. Erasmi 1535. p. xciii. St. 1. Stephani 1546. p. xev. St. 2. Stephani 1549. p. xev. B. Bezae 1565, 1598. p. xeviii. Elz. land 2. p.c. ADVERSARIA CRITICA SACRA. The uncial W”, a fragment of S. Mark, of the vith or rxth century. WP? was discovered in 1862 by the late H. Bradshaw (Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, and University Libra- rian), in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, its slips (27 in number) being worked into the binding of a volume of Gregory Nazianzen: they are now carefully arranged between sheets of glass. They comprise portions of two sheets or four leaves (Folia 1, 4, 5, 8, the two inner sheets of an octavo quire being quite lost), containing fragments of Mare. vii. 3—4; 6—8 ; 30—36 ; 36—vii. 4; 4—10; 11—16; ix. 2; 7—9 in uncial letters of the ninth century (perhaps a little earlier) slightly leaning to the right. Each perfect column is 6 inches high by 33 broad, and has 24 lines in single column on a page: the letters average about a quarter of an inch high. The ink is a yellowish brown. The (so-called) Ammonian sec- tions stand in the margin, without the Eusebian canons, but a kind of harmony of the Gospels is given at the foot of the perfect columns, an arrangement which occurs also in Codd. E at Basle, T” at S. Petersburg, M (partially), 262, 264 at Paris. The titAoe in red stand at the top of the pages (in Mark viii. 16, they are read off on the opposite page), and their corresponding numerals in the margin. The breathings and accents are often very faint: marks of lessons and their ends (T), musical notes and crosses serving for stops in red (turned by time deep black), sometimes cover the ori- ginal notes of punctuation. The large phi, and cross-lke psz, with the crowding of letters (0 &c.) at the end of lines, are indications of the late date which is assigned by us to W?. Xil ADVERSARIA Lvangela S. Marci Fragmenta Cantabriquensia (WW). Trin. Coll "B: yamea- Folium 1 recto. KAL TAVTET OL LoVoaLO Vv a: : S. Marci vii. 3, 4. fn) Tuyen vipovra a’ F Oi vow t OUYTET THY Trapadsoc TOY TpEecBUTEpav’ t EO re w pry oJ vv TT T MOPFrlAAAOY Fol. 4 recto. . é S. Mare. vii. 3036. °F dayoviov &&eAnAVO0e 06 at Tadkw é&\Maov at @ AE / + \ ty optwy TUpov Kat ald oa" nrXGev evo Thy Oara Dv lal / — 4, THD yadtNaiac ava mé Vv ¢ lal TWV OpLov THA ’ eal wo + kat hepovotv avT@ K@poV KaL moryytNaXor ; Kal Tapekaddovy auToV i em xelpa +K 24 eTtNaBomevood vuToV atro Tov oxNoU KaTLOlay émTU / o€v elo TOUT SaKTUNOVT aU . > \ . Tov’ Kat eBarev cio Ta wTa Tov Kwhov* Kat n~ato THT yYAwooao Tov pmoyylAa Nou+Kat avaBréac € Tov dvvov* veotévakey* Kat eyes dv w+éhpaba: o eo Tw dia ntet Kat? Ot “evdews, / b) Penne ¢ nvoiyO@ncav avt6v at ako at; Kae TOU moyyiAaXouv éAv eXadn OpOwac + Kat Svecte(NaTo M A gi M™ GY Moa ee CRITICA SACRA. Xill Folium 1 verso. pp® amrexyel atT E“ou" pa S. Marci vii. 6—8. w de céBovtar pe didac yTeo OloaTKa Lac EV ata avwov’ Bartiopou oTOV Kat TrOTNPLOV A Fol. 4 verso. TN NE, 2 ~ AA \ / / 8. Mare. vii. 36-viii-d. x av ota Wa pnd€éve Nywouy a cov € avTota OveaTeNXETO' > . / f~ av of fadrXAov T placoTE p KNpPUVaGOV ; Kab av BS Te vemAnaCOVT NEyovTET ~ Whe \ @O0 TAVTA TOLEL’ TOUT . , a\} Kw@pova ToLlei AKOVELY * ~ € Kat Tove addadovG adreiv’ T ~ a ? Ka (—v © Ewato Taio juépaco TATION Oevtoc LN exovTe TL aywou’ Tpockanrera x pe oo Tova palntac. ré Kes / yee vtola’ oN vito v4 74 ° fe ml Tov byAoV bTH dH ne’ pat Tpeia Tpo pLévov \ a ol wl’ Kal ovK —€ ow TL > pb wow Kat v ator oW TOG YNOT Lo Elo OL kK UTt cov > is eB Ss \ \ Tau év TH 60@* Tier yap auTov paKkpolev 1Kov ow Kat amexplOn v av T® of badntat * avTov’ Fol. 5 recto. moQev TovTove duvnon a) “ aaa - by ~ 8. Mane vino — ip Tal Tis YopTadcat @ € apT@ eT epnulac* Kal eTNpwTa "avTouvo Tocoug éyeTe apT va" ol 6€ éimrovs EL + / b} pnyyerAev TW OYAW aval € cal A aA \ cel emt THO yho* Kat ra Bov tovo érta dptova: é Yj \ YapioTnoas* ExNaceEVv Kat / Cal cal > 60 dou Tolo pabntaia ai Tov wa Tapab@ow Kat / lal / TapéOnkav TO XA * ” - 7 ’ Kat el’yov ixOvdia oduya 4% A avuTa evroynoac* elev Ta padnvar* Epayov bé Kat \ 3 exop ac@noav’ Kat jpav TEepla evpata KNacTLAaTw@ émta omrupioac’ jnoav é ‘ ou payovTes wo TETPAKLT / 3 \ ee > yidwou’ Kat amréXuceEV av Vv “ \ ’ ~ 3 0z TOC Kat euBao €év QO: cia TO TAOLoY peTa TO padnrav avt v HrO / és Ta wépn SadpavovOa ° Fol. 8 recto. M pee: Oo to S. Mare. ix. 2, 3. TOV TET OV Kat iakwBo Kau iwavyny Kat ava yet avTou € Opoo Urrnro KATLOLAY povoUT’ Kat peTapmoppodtar eumpoo M A Lb TTs Gz po mz GH poB Fol. 5 verso. S. Mare. vili. 11—16. Fol. 8 verso. S. Mare. ix. 7—9. | TH ZYMHC TOON ®&APIC Kau €€nrOov of dapicaior. kat n Eavto ovlnteiv autTw’ $ntovvTes Tap av Tov onpeloy amo TOU OuVOU Telpa OVTE GaUTOV* Kat avactevatac T@ TVL aU Tov Neyer’ TL} yeved Autn onpelov émifnret apnv rAéyo wpiv. et So Onoetar TH yeved auTH nuelov’ Kat ap o av , ; ova éuBaoc Taw Elo TO / mrolov' amndOev cia To L e Se 3 ’ Tépav* Kal emreNaGovTo ,’ A of padnrai avrov NaPeiv aptova’ Kal eb wn va ap Tov ovk eiyov pel eavT@ >) A / 5 é€v T@ TAOlwW’ Kat SLE 5 TENNETO AUTOLT Aéyor" O A \ / , e pate Kal BNérreTE ato THT / fipno Tov papicalwr. A . / Kar tha CUpno npwoov' yeSo ova AEYOVTED, OTL APTOVT OH p&y 00 ppd p&6 TT p&e pov 0 ayamntoo ov efere Edunv , akov Te avTov" Kar €vdewo 7 piBbreyrape VOL* OUKET O ei pn V pmovoy’ KaL Ka Nil ICON Xvi ADVERSARIA Various readings of Cod. W?, collated with Stephen's text (Scrivener’s Editio Major 1887). Mark vii. 3 vupovra, eoOovow. 6 pati. 30 —Kar tnv Ovyarepa BeBAnperny ene ths KAwys. 31 am (pro ek). nrOev. evs (pro mpos). + tys (ante [Aexamode]os). 32 + kat (ante poyytdadov). mapeKadovr. —avto thy xeipa. 33 emdaBopevos. + emtucey ets Tovs SaxtuAous avTou kat (post xatiStav). Tov kwou (pro avtrov prim.). —mtvoas. yAwooas. rou poyytAadov ( pro avtov secund.). 34 [avlearevaker. cot. 35 —evdews (habet margo). +rov poyydadou (ante ehvOn). earn. 36 Aeywou (pro ElT@ow). —avtos. -+avrtot (ante paddor). mavres ( pro UTEpTrEplooeas). 37 movee (pro memouke). —kat (post mover). [rovs adadovs]. Cap. viii. 1 Oevros (pro ovTos). —Kal. — 0 moovs. —avtov. 2 o TH. npepat. exovow. ayeow. nkovow. now. 4 xopraca wide. 5 [ernporal. [eurov|. 6 mapnyyedev. AaBov. exhacev. mapabwow. 7 [exov|. +avra (ante evdoynoas). «urev wapaOnva. —kat (ante avra). 10 euBas evOews. 12 avrn (pro ravtn). 14 +00 paOnrat avrov (ante AaBew). 16 {Aeyovres]. Cap. ix. 2 M pBaver (pro mapadapBaver). —rTov bis. [Iwavyny]. pera- Lad poppovra. 7 +ov efeeEapny (post ayamntos). akovete autov. 8 evews (pro e€arwa). — ped eavtor. N.B. Mark vii. 33 contains readings which seem absolutely unique. Mark vii. 36 + avroe (ante paddov) is supported by SBDLA33 and by several versions. a. Evan. 556. BuRDETT-COUTTS III. 5. N.B. A full Collation of this manuscript, compared with Codd., 1s given below, Part I. pp. 1—59. This document, which claims a post of honour among the codices of the Greek New Testament, was brought to England in 1870 for the Baroness Burdett-Coutts from Janina through the agency of the (late) Rev. Reginald H. Barnes, M.A., Pre- bendary of Exeter (died 1889), whose account of the transaction is subjoined (below, pp. xxi—xxv). Its high importance as an instrument of criticism arises from the fact that it forms one of a small class of cursive manuscripts which must have been derived (whether directly or indirectly) from a venerable original now lost, older than themselves. The close affinity subsisting between three copies (Cod. 13 at Paris, Cod. 69 at CRITICA SACRA. Xvil Leicester’, Cod. 124 at Vienna) had long been observed, but the credit of having undertaken the detailed and laborious comparison necessary to prove that they actually represent a single archetype is due to W. H. Ferrar, Fellow and Pro- fessor of Latin in Trinity College, Dublin, who died young in 1871. A fourth copy had also become known to him through Scholz’s N. T. (Cod. 346 at Milan) which, since Ferrar was unable to examine it through ill-health, was collated for him through the learned and ever gracious Dr Ceriani, the Librarian of the Ambrosian Library at Milan. After Professor Ferrar’s death, his unfinished papers happily fell into the very capable hands of T. K. Abbott, Fellow of Trinity College and Professor of Biblical Greek in the University of Dublin. The latter scholar published in 1877 “A Collation of Four important Manuscripts of the Gospels: with a view to prove their common origin and to restore the text of their arche- type ;” and if the success of the latter portion of his design must be regarded as somewhat doubtful or premature, the materials accumulated by him have their separate and distinctive value. The manuscript now before us (Evan. 556) was announced in 1883 in my “ Plain Introduction” (p. 236) as pertaining to the same class, and the collation given in this volume (pp. 1— 59) is a very minute one, made with the best care I could bestow upon it. Subsequently this curious and interesting subject has attracted the busy mind of the Abbé J. P. P. Martin, Professor at the Ecole Supérieure of Theology at Paris, in whose “Quatre Manuscrits Importants du Nouveau Testa- ment, auxquels on peut en ajouter un cinquieme” Paris 1886, the 1 Much light has recently (1887) been thrown on ‘The Origin of the Leicester Codex” by J. Rendel Harris of Haverford College, Pennsylvania, and Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, such as may hereafter lead to more exact knowledge of its date and country. Dr Swete and Mr Harris had found in Caius College Library a vellum Psalter written in what seems the same very peculiar hand as Cod. 69, with signatures resembling Cod. 69, the fragments of which in my edition of Cod. 69 I had stupidly overlooked. He shews that both it and the Caius Gospels were in the possession of the Cambridge Minorites about 1366, and that in Cod. 69 the Acts originally stood first and the Gospels last, XVill ADVERSARIA matter is discussed in his usual exhaustive style. We must state, however, that Martin’s fifth codex is not our Evan. 556 (which had only been noticed by him as he corrected his proofs and is mentioned only in his Postscript), but another copy (Cod. 348) also at Milan and dated 29 December, A.D. 1023, which, though a native of the same region (Calabria) as Cod. 346 (which Cod. 69 does not seem to be), and re- sembling it in general appearance, can hardly be referred to the same class as Codd. 13, 69, 124, 346, 556, inasmuch as it does not agree with them in transposing Joan. vii. 53—viii. 11 to Luc. xxi. 38, or Luc. xxii. 43, 44 to Matth. xxv 39 (the verses are found in both Gospels), which are the CHARAC- TERISTIC variations from the common text exhibited by the other five. Mr R. Harris (Journal of Exegetical Society, pp. 81—-89, 1887) would fain add to this company Cod. Peckover = Ev.561, which resembles the other five in Matth. xxvi. 39 (by insertion) ; Luc, xxii. 43, 44 (by complete omission); Matth. xill. 35 (+ noaiov); Mare. xi. 7; xiv. 41; Lue. xii.7; xxii. 47 and in many other characteristic places, but while omitting the pericope adultere in 8. John, does not insert it at the end of Luke xxi. Cod. 561 by its marginal notes plainly shews that it was written at Constantinople. There is however no question as to the right of our Cod. 556 to rank with the other four; in fact it is more constant to Codd. 13, 346 than are Codd. 69, 124, especially the latter. It is a quarto volume written on coarse thick vellum eleven inches high, eight and a half broad, in old binding, set off with six brass knobs, on 183 leaves, in two columns on a page, 26 lines in a column, in fair condition, but the ink is faint at parts and ten leaves are quite lost: viz. Matth. xii. 11—xi. 10 (two leaves); Table of xe@arara to S. Mark (« to pm); Mare. viii. 4—28 (one); Luc. xv. 20—xvi. 9 (one); Johan. ii. 22—iv. 6 (two leaves); iv. 52—v. 43 (two leaves); xi. 21—47 (one). Three or four leaves also are loose. Slight illumina- tions occur at the head of books: modern ink retraces letters now and then. It contains the larger Ked. (sometimes sub- divided by rubric numerals), Ammonian sections, Eusebian canons in the margin, many rubrical directions, titXoe in red CRITICA SACRA. X1x at the head of columns, and may date from the eleventh or twelfth century. A second hand (Matth. xi. 7; xiii. 41; xv. 4, 26) has more than once gone over the manuscript, yet not systematically. Some changes look prima manu (e.g. margin of Matth. iv. 10; v.19). Others are noted by s above, yet not corrected. Others are rude erasures, or else quite modern (e.g. Matth. vi.; Luc. 11.; x. 35). Lota ascript (never subscript) occurs very often, especially in S. Mark, even with verbs (Mare. iv. 31; vil. 8). “OmoioréXeuta rather too often: Mare. Me RSr iv 2asoxu, 26; xiv. 70; xvi 145 Tue xii.) 22) 47); xili, 28, 29; Johan. iv. 14. N édedrkvorixoy is found often (416 times) especially with efrev, éoriv: in Matth. xii. 7; Lue. vill. 10; Johan. v. 46; vii. 7; viii. 27 there is a hiatus for lack of it. Breathings and accents are very regular, but on some sort of system, if not according to modern use: e.g. frequent, but not constant, avtod, avtav, &c., with Evan. 575 (ks) about 20 times in 8. Matthew, much oftener in 8. Luke; Baovreia, duvnOnvar, éruyepav, Tept erates, EE, OXUyoV, OVS év, wiNaTos (about Joan. xviii, xix). Of itacisms, 358 occur in §. John alone, 259 in SS. Matt. and Mark: viz. ec (for ¢) 16; « (for ev) 385; o (for w) 40; w (for 0) 33; ae (for e) 13; (for av) 31; e« (for y) 23; n (for ec) 19; (for v) 11; « (for ») 7; (for 7) 11; 7 (for e) 2; o« (for c) 3; ov (for w) 3; @ (for ov) 20; » (for v) 3 (also in pronouns 3); v (for 7) 5 (also in pronouns 3); v (for ov) 1; v (for ev) 1; » (for o) 1; o« (for y) 1; u (for v) 1; ov (for ev) 2. Unusual forms are avérrecay Johan. vi. 10: dpayy7) bis Luc. xv. 8: efzrav Johan. vi. 34; xviii, 34; xix. 7: €Oewpwv Johan. vi. 28: éwedrev Johan. xii. 6: éumpoobe Johan. 1. 15, 27: evorrAayyvicOn (so Wake 12) Matth. xiv. 14; Mare. vi. 34; Lue. vii. 13; x. 33: Bapev Lue. v. 26: iSev sepe; ovTw (usually ofrws) Matth. iii. 15: vuxtav Lue. 11. 37: capxav Johan. vi. 53 (not 54, 56): cuve- tiGevto Johan. ix. 22: yetpay Matth. xii. 9. For punctuation + is a full stop; + (Matth. vi. 25, 26; vii. 9, 10; viii. 29) or ; (Mare. vi. 13) is an interrogation. With the Bodleian Genesis: ? In margin represents the citations from the Old Testament. This codex is full of Jectionary rubrics, which (as in Cod, 69 although it has none) will sometimes affect XX ADVERSARIA the sense so that particles are often omitted at the beginning of lessons: e.g. Luc. ix. 28; xxi. 20, &c. For more see p. 9. After the subscription to 8. John follow eight leaves (under slight illumination) of a Synaxarion from Easter Day to evayyédva éwOtva ca. Then under illumination 77 B tov véov étovs 7 leaves (one loose). Then a Menology, 12 leaves. See Collation, p. 57. Then «*. + dxorov® eas Siaghopous nm. eis éyKaivia vaod, eis mavd rubro. On fol. 183 Limits of Five Patriarchates (cf. Cod. 69). See p. 59. Mr J. Rendel Harris has printed in his “ Leicester Codex,” pp. 64, 65, the Patriarchates from Cod. 69 under the title in our MS. (a) of Tvdéous Kat ériyvwots, Tov Tatpiapyav @povev. He will find his collation, like those of the rest of us, not quite faultless. Fol. 183 b, second column, with illumination Ai ta£eus Tov KALYAaT@OY THS adpiKhs. TpPOTov Kriwa 7 UBVH Karovpévn AoVBLa Kal para ds (videtur: not paipaxe Kré., as in Harris) Aevtepov krXiua 7 pwavpovola nrot aiftorria péredsr. és ce ovd | Tpitov KkrAiwa nuiBax rryovv oéyer. | Téraptov xriua 7 poupéda. aryouv C8 | Téumrov Kriwa adpixn nv. Of one leaf only a few letters remain. While the position of Johan. vii. 53—viii. 11 in our five manuscripts readily places them in a distinct class by them- selves, we must not dissemble that they present frequent divergencies from each other, thus proving that one or more transcripts have intervened between the lost original and the copies actually before us. In recording the variations between the several copies we have not taken account of ordinary itacisms, such as abound more or less in all manuscripts, but only of those of an unusual or peculiar character. The various readings proper (including these few itacisms) common to all five codices amount in the Gospels of S. Luke and S. John to 1041: to which we must add 83 in places where the four agree, one being lost: in all 1124. In the passages wherein they differ from each other, our Evan. 556 agrees most with Cod. 13°: proximus, longo sed prox- 1 In the following places, the close connection between Codd. 13, 556, where they stand alone, cannot well be mistaken. Matth. iii. 4 rpvxév. Tom. épxouévous. V. 31 brocrdowr. ix. 27 + xe (before vie). xxii, 4 prima manu CRITICA SACRA. Xxi mus wmtervallo with Cod. 346: next with Cod. 69, least of all with Cod. 124, especially in 8. Mark: yet we have no great cause to suspect that any of them has been carelessly collated by critics, rather the contrary. Where the five are divided in the two above named Gospels (SS. Luke, John), Evan. 556 is with Cod. 13 no less than 534 times (in 60 places with it alone): with Cod. 346, 531 times (88 being alone): with Cod. 69, 386 times (28 being alone): but with Cod. 124, only 322 times (14 being alone). The favourite combinations, of four com- plete copies out of the five are Codd. 13, 69, 346, 246 times: Codd. 13, 124, 346, 118 times: but Codd. 13, 69, 124 only 39 times. Codd. 13, 3467 combine with our MS. 108 times, and these three are the most cognate. The divergencies of Cod. 69, and especially of 124, complicate the problem without disproving it, at least until more codices of this class shall be found among the host yet unknown or uncollated. Recent students of the text of the N. T. begin to see that it is by this method. of tracing out affinities between existing authorities that a consistent theory of the origin of various readings can most safely help us to estimate their respective values. I am thankful so far as I have been able to contribute, however little, to promote this great end. , The subjoined communication is from the pen of the late Rev. Reginald Barnes, Prebendary of Exeter. The Editor, who is the writer’s fellow Prebendary in the Cathedral of Exeter, permits him to state some circumstances connected with these MSS. They were bought by him at Janina TiOnuea. 46 oywy 13, Adyou 556 (pro Noyov). Mare. viii. 38 porxaddtou. ix. 11 dveNOety. 21 om. 6 dé elwe. xiii. 2 MOwy. xiv. 69 Kal ovTws (for obTos). Lue. viil. 6 nkudda. ix. 31 dpdévres. x. 7 €& oixiay (with 69.346). 35 om. dvo. xil. 29 daynobe. xvi. 16 om. cis. 20 éBéBduT0. xix. 2 om. dvouarr. xx. 46 ais delrvos. xxi. 19 xrjcecOe. 24 +o%y (after dxp.). xxii.59 om. mv. Johan. iv. 120m, oi. 14 + {Gyros (before d\Nopévov). vii. 28 om. 6 inoots. 52 ad erased, x. 22 xywov. xi. 1 éauris (for aitfs). 12 avr (for av’rod). xii. 7 +67 (before eds). xiii. 24 r¥@ecbe p.m. To prove direct transcription, the more minute these variations from the common text the better. 1 Tn Matth. i. 16 Codd. 346, 556 agree with Cureton’s Syriac version alone. S. C XXll ADVERSARIA in 1864 from a dealer, who parted with all his store. All the due forms of complete and public barter were observed. It was a strange medley and miscellaneous heap. The writer had the ad- vantage of the supervision of Major R. Stuart, at that time H. M. Consul at Janina, and by his advice he gave a sum of some hundreds of pounds which Miss Burdett-Coutts (now the Baroness Burdett-Coutts) had entrusted to him for such purchases. With the MSS. there were many other objects which the dealer valued more highly—all of which apparently belonged to a private collection augmented from time to time down to the commencement of the 18th century, but one of which the nucleus and bulk dates far back in our Christian era. They may be taken in this order. 1. The coins. 2. A bronze figure of a Roman with a tunic. 3. A golden winged Victory. I. Of the coins, the Roman Imperial series extends over a period reaching from Augustus to Constantine ; none of them are rare. The Byzantine series consists of 16 gold coins ranging in date from Nicephorus II. (Phocas) a.p. 969 to Isaac IT. a.p. 1195. Among these may be noted a rare solidus of Theodora 1055-56. There are also rare silver coins of Theophilus and Michael III., of Michael ITT. (alone), and of Leo VI. and Constantine X. The small series of Medieval and Modern coins includes gold ducats of Sigismund and Mathias Corvinus, Kings of Hungary ; a gold Osella of A. Mocenigo II., Doge of Venice 1700-1709, rare in this metal; an interesting gold sequin of P. D’Aubusson, Grandmaster of the Knights of Malta, 1476-1503; and 17 silver coins of the Princes of Achaia and Dukes of Athens, all belonging to a somewhat rare class. II. The bronze figure is valued by Mr Murray and Mr Francks of the British Museum very highly. It is probably of the Flavian era, and represents a man kneeling on one knee, the left, and shading with his right hand his face as though a strong light were shining down on him from above. The tunic has a space over both shoulders, which was originally filled in by a silver clavus angustus. Ill. The golden winged Victory. The writer is able to give an account of this very remarkable jewel from the pen of Mr J. Theodore Bent. CRITICA SACRA. XXill 13, Great CUMBERLAND Pracr, W. Lonpon, 21 July, 1888, A Go.pEeN ‘ WINGED Victory.” “The small figure of a winged Victory before us is in the possession of the Baroness Burdett-Coutts and was brought from Janina some years ago by Mr Reginald H. Barnes, ‘“‘Tt is one of a pair of earrings, and a specimen of the finest workmanship of the period immediately following the conquests of Alexander the Great when subjects of a similar motive were greatly in vogue both for sculpture and for decoration. “The gold in which it is cast is, as is usually the case in orna- mental specimens of this period, 32 carats, being therefore exces- sively pliable. The body of the Victory has been made on a foundation of cement—a process used to prevent the metal doubling up when hammered. The cement was burnt out when the figure was completed to the goldsmith’s taste and then the drapery was soldered on. The details of the hair, face, feet with sandals, and arms are very fine, the hands however exhibit a certain want of finish, which may be accounted for by the fact that there are obvious traces of their each having held something which by comparison with other figures of a similar nature we may suppose to have been a wreath and a trophy or palm-branch. The height of the body from head to foot is 14 inches, and the wings, which are fixed on behind, though not so widespread as is the case with most of these figures, are most minutely engraved and bear close scrutiny with a magnifying glass; at their fullest ex- pansion they correspond exactly to the height of the body, namely, 14 inches, “ Above the head is fixed on a circular disc +} of an inch in diameter, and upon it is a representation of the chariot of Helios, drawn by four horses, issuing from the sun’s rays and driven by Eos. The goldsmith obtained this admirable effect by soldering together very minute portions of gold, of which the horses’ legs are composed of three. The object of the disc was to hide the hole in the lobe of the ear, and is found in all similar specimens of earrings. The straight sort of wand which we see behind the body was originally bent back and formed the hook by which the ornament was suspended from the ear. The minutely-decorated GZ XX1V ADVERSARIA disc is the most curious portion of the ornament before us, and is almost without parallel. Earrings of winged Victories, of which we find specimens in most Museums, have, all of them, these dises, but they are of much inferior workmanship: those, for example, in the British Museum, which were found in Ithaca, and those in the Hermitage at St Petersburg, have merely the representation of the sun’s face or of a conventional flower on the disc, effects obtained with infinitely less trouble. ‘““We can however advantageously compare the subject of this disc with a large pendant in the Louvre [No. 112 in the old catalogue of the Museum of Napoleon ITI.], in which a chariot of Helios similarly treated, and so minute that it could be covered by the wing of a fly, is being driven over a half crescent which is supported by two small winged Victories, each with a trophy in one hand and a flower in the other. Exquisite however as this pendant is in its detail, its general effect is spoilt by the lower portion being composed of heavy chains with amphore hung to them, giving to the whole a confused appearance which detracts from the value of the work. “We may also compare our earring with many late works found at Kertch, but they are much less carefully executed and are much heavier; so heavy that as time went on women named auricule ornatrices were employed to heal the wounds in the earlobes caused by the weight of the ornaments. “‘ Again, a gold necklace pendant in the Cabinet of Antiquities at Athens represents a winged Victory very similar in workman- ship to the one before us, but of course without the disc above, which was not required in this case: her wings are of great fine- ness, and in the left hand she holds a crown of laurel, whilst with the right she holds back the drapery from her right leg. “The connection of ideas between the Sun and Victory seems pretty general in most of the specimens of ornaments of this nature. Where the disc is necessary as a decoration for a small circular basis, the sun’s face and the rays, tavomtns - KvKAos - yALov, naturally suggested itself; and the brilliancy of the subject, the golden team (xpvocfvyov), was one which was likely to be em- ployed by the goldsmith. From the above-mentioned pendant in the Louvre we see the motive well expressed. The victory of the sun over night and darkness is represented by the chariot driving over the crescent of the moon supported by winged Victories, and CRITICA SACRA. XXV later Greek mythology is replete with instances of the sun as an emblem of Victory and Strength. In Roman times Hercules Victor was a sun-god pure and simple. This small figure of Victory is especially interesting as being one of the most perfect specimens of that art which the Greeks invented and taught, namely, that of treating gold with the chisel, which became a distinct advance in the working and production of gold ornaments, (Signed) J. THEODORE BENT.” Thus far extends the communication of the Reverend Prebendary Barnes. It is inserted here, at his special desire, in respect for his honoured memory. b. Evan. 604. British Museum, Egerton 604. For this valuable manuscript we are indebted to a zealous amateur in this branch of study, H. C. Hoskier, Esq., of Hayes, Kent. The collation is entirely his: the following description is abridged from a wonderfully full and exhaustive one which he has furnished to me, of much critical value, but too long to suit the scale of the present volume. It is now (1890) published by Mr Hoskier, a rare monument of industry and critical skill, Other contributions from Mr Hoskier will be noticed in their proper places hereafter, but the present is the most considerable, and for it I owe to him my best thanks. Cod. 604 is a small quarto, only 51% high by 44 broad, of 297 vellum leaves, with 19 lines to a page, about 30 letters in a line, and was apparently written in the twelfth century. It was bought in London in 1882, having previously been located somewhere in Germany. Dean Burgon’s at- tention was soon drawn to it. He describes it as “a genuine and charming little copy, in Xvth century binding”: adding that “it calls aloud for collation,” being full of readings which resemble Cod. B, some of them almost unique (e.g. Lue. x1. 2)*. It contains Eusebius’ epistle to Carpianus, the Kusebian 1 Lue, xi. 27d rvd cov 7d dyiov ed’ Huds Kal Kabapicdtw juds (pro 7 Baci- Newt cov, only with Gregory of Nyssa, teste Burgon). Hort, N. T. 1. p. 60; XXV1 ADVERSARIA canons (very small and beautifully written in gold), tables of the larger cepadava prefixed to the first three Gospels, ritAor at the head of the pages, the numerals of the Ammonian sections and the Eusebian canons in the margin, but these last three quite partially. "Apyal and réd» of lessons are also noted sometimes p. m., sometimes later, and pictures of the four Evangelists are much superior to the style that prevails in most codices, the faces in particular being full of expression. The text of this copy is broken up into para- graphs (as in k** = Brit. Mus. Addit. 11,300 and others), not corresponding with the Ammonian sections (in Matth. the paragraphs are 397, Marc. 209, Luc. 368, Johan. 349), each beginning with a capital letter in gold. Three blank paper leaves commence the volume and four end it: in the last of these is a note s. m. partly erased, dated a.D. 1338 or 1335. The original signatures are still usually legible at the top of each page, some are cut away: others, now missing, are supplied by a later hand, but these at the foot of the page. Quotations from the Old Test. are occasionally set in gold in the margin (3), iota subscript is never found by the first hand, but iota ascript occurs 149 times, not seldom with verbs or even with adverbs (é7avm, e€.); (80 times in S. Matthew), 17 of them being with ‘Hpwédys (the form adopted by Dr Hort in his N. T.), but not uniformly (eg. Matth. ii. 12). Compendia scribendi are somewhat numerous, eg. > for dé) Matth. xxvi. 35; wnivi (> for de) Lue. viii. 56, here in the middle of a word; 4 for éore Luc. v. 39: Johan. viii. 54; and most often at the end of a line. Homoeoteleuta are rare (Mare. ii. 19; xv. 8; Luc. vii. 39; ix. 19; xv. 27); a whole line seems lost in Johan. xv. 4. Corrections (by later hands for the most part) are not at all many. The original scribe was much his own dvopOw7is, but three correctors at least were subsequently engaged from whom, Notes on select readings, I suppose, Hoskier cites Gregory Nys., Maximus the Confessor, and Tertullian. Hoskier (Introduction, p. xxxvy) adds the two last authorities. Conf. Cod, 582 and Cod. r below, B.-C. 111. 41 (p. lviii). It is in parts (e.g. Mark i. and subsequent chapters) much akin to Cod. f, Wake 34. CRITICA SACRA. XXVI1l on the text or margin: one of them wrote the date (1338) on the paper page. Breathings and accents are correct as a rule, yet midatos, doddv, dpov, mvedpacr at places: in punctuation we find ... for full stop, , for comma, ; for interro- gation. The apostrophe in é&’, ovy’, 67’ av, not in Katidiav amaptt, Kabets. Of itacisms we have only 206: e.g. o (for w) 70 times; w (for 0) 26; 7 (for ev) 15; e« (for ») 7; « (for 7) 27; » (for +) 10; and others less frequent as (for ¢) 11 times; e (for av) 8; « (for ev) 9; es (for 4) 5; y (for v) 1; v (for 7) 1; 7 (for ¢) 1; « (for v) 2; e (for ec) 1; o« (for «) 2. N éfedxvotixoy occurs 373 times, often erased (p. m), the hiatus for lack of it only in Luc. xxii. 25. Otros before a consonant 33 times. We have eézav in Luc. 1 61; v. 33; wai 20's ix. 13, The variations from the common or Stephen’s text are many and of deep interest. Mr Hoskier has counted them, and makes them amount to 2724 in all, whereof 791 are omissions, 353 additions, 1288 substitutions, 292 trans- positions. He also subjoins a formidable list of places in which Evan. 604 stands, so far as he knows, absolutely alone. In 8. Matthew they number 79: such are Cap. i. 6, 24; vil. 14; x. 13; xvi. 21; xxi. 5; xxii. 18; xxv. 32, 45. Some are nearly alone, as Mark 1. 27 éxtic On (pro éyévero) with Codd. 1.131.209. This list is followed by an analysis of the autho- rities accessible to Mr Hoskier for the various readings supported by Evan. 604, a monument of patient labour, beyond any praise of ours. No less than 436 passages are examined in detail, and all the Greek manuscripts, whether uncial or cursive, which support the readings of this codex, pass severally under review. The evidence of versions and ecclesiastical writers however is missing, at times doubtless to our loss, though we may believe they would rather complicate the general result than materially modify it. Myr Hoskier’s conclusion shall be given in his own words: “I defy any one, after having carefully perused the foregoing lists, and after having noted the almost incomprehensible combinations and permutations of both the uncial and cursive manuscripts, to go back again to the teaching of Dr Hort with any degree XXVIII ADVERSARIA of confidence. How useless and superfluous to talk of Evan. 604 having a large western element, or of its siding in many places with the neutral text. The whole question of families and recensions is thus brought prominently before the eye, and with space we could largely comment upon the deeply interesting combinations which thus present themselves to the critic. But do let us realise that we are in the infancy of this part of the science,...and not imagine that we have successfully laid certain immutable foundation stones, and can safely continue to build thereon. It is not so: much, if not all, of these foundations must be demolished....It has cost me a vast amount of labour and trouble to prepare this statement of evidence with any degree of accuracy; but I am sure it is worth while, and I trust that it may stimulate others to come to our aid, and also help to annul much of Dr Hort’s erroneous theories'.” The next two manuscripts Evan. 59 and 66 have been loosely collated by Mill for his great edition of the N. T. 1707. c. Evan. 59. Gonville and Caius College (No. 403). This important copy of the Gospels has been shown by Mr J. Rendel Harris (“Origin of the Leicester Codew,” p. 18) to have once belonged to the Oxford Minorites, as appears from an inscription on p. 1, “Iste liber est de con[ventu] fratrum minorum omissus (concessus) et accomo- datus fri Ric. Brynkley Magistro.” Then within a square on first page of S. Matthew we read “Nov. Test. Gr. quod Collegio de Gonville et Caius dono dedit Thomas Hatcher Artium Magister a.m. 1567.” Brynkley was Warden of * And to the same effect writes Mr J. Rendel Harris in his Origin of the Codex Leicestrensis, p. 1. ‘It is not a little curious to the person who com- mences the critical study of the documents of the N.T., to find that he can discover no settled proportion between the age of a manuscript and the [criti- cal] weight attached to it...A little study soon convinces the tyro of the im- possibility of determining any law by which the value of a codex can be determined in terms of its age only without reference to its history.” CRITICA SACRA. XX1X the Grey Friars (now Sidney Sussex College), Cambridge, and died in 1369, without having returned the manuscript to Oxford. It may have come into the hands of Hatcher when the Friars’ House was dissolved in 1538. The Caius Psalter, written in the same handwriting as Cod. 69 (above p- xvii, note), also belonged to Brynkley, and was bound at Grey Friars (as appears from vellum cases used in binding) (Harris pp. 23—27) not earlier than 1366. This manuscript was first used for Walton’s Polyglott, but only very imperfectly : better, though defectively, by Mill, who complains bitterly of its numberless inaccuracies (Proleg. 1372), those of tran- scription being especially gross. This defect cannot but somewhat impair the critical value of a Codex, in other respects of great interest and importance. It was seen by Wetstein in 1716, and minutely collated in 1860 by Scrivener, who, with the manuscript before him, compared it with the various readings of Mill and Wetstein. It is a vellum copy in small quarto size on 472 pages, of the twelfth century, with rude pictures of SS. Mark and Luke only. There are 23 or 24 lines on each page, and clearly written in what seems to be Indian ink, black and glossy, so that the corrections, whether by the first or second hand, are rather effected by washing out (as often in Cod. D) than by erasing. It contains no prefatory matter or tables of keparara prefixed to the several Gospels, yet we find their numerals and térAos in red, at the head (sometimes at the foot) of the several pages. Also in margin cepadara minora (Ammonian sections) but no Eusebian canons below them. The compendia scribendi are many and rare (e.g. 7 for ects, \' for evav, o- for 67. Luc. xxii. 70). Breathings and accents are often false and capricious, often in the middle of a word and differing in same verse: 7 and o usually aspirated : not so pp or initial p. Itacisms quite numerous: (some unusual) but unequally distributed’: in some places almost none: w (for o) 259; o (for w) 318; » (for e) 292; et (for m) 155; ae (for €) 212; e (for av) 123; » (for c) 253; 1 They are given in full once or twice in our Collation (e.g. Mark vi.; Luke viii,, ix.) where they are very frequent. XXX ADVERSARIA e (for 7) 173; « (for «) 84; e (for +) 30; » (for e) 11; e (for y) 16; ev (for e) 2; € (for ev) 8; » (for v; pronouns &e.) 92; v (for n) 39; ov (for n) 25; » (for ov) 36; ov (for ec) 10; e (for ot) 12; « (for os) 20; 4 (for v) 10; uv (for ¢) 7; ot (for v) 8; v (for ot) 5; ov (for w) 11; @ (for ov) 5; o (for ot eg. moeiv) 5; 0 (for ov) 2; o (for ») 1; e& (for ov) 1; e (for 1) 1; v (or es) 3; e (for v) 4; @ Gor on) FT; v (for e) 1; ve (for v) 1. Tora 2243. We find N éger- Kvotikov (etmev oftenest) 410: the hiatus for the lack of it 53 times especially about Johan. iv. 25; vi.—xill. ‘Opo.o- TéXeuta 81 omissions (as frequent as in any extant MS.). From same beginnings 8: repetitions from same causes 8. No « subscript or ascript. Punctuation ; interrogation, and , comma rare, . very often, even if no stop is needed. As usual (e.g. Cod. 65) prepositions in composition are ac- centuated, as.also a preposition before its case. A grave accent will sometimes end a sentence. We read passim TrpwO"a, Kal vos TOua pov, 6T av, OT av and bray, éav, var, Mev, O€, pu), evel’, unde, e&* (often inserted by a later hand), oKunrels, KNaOuos, éxOos (for -pos), xelpous (for yolpous), merrer (for wéret), kptua, Siar, duaTodTo, Hde HOE, oUTws (often o’tw Matth. iii. 15). There is a tendency to doubling conso- nants, AauBavvw often (not Luke xi. 10, 26), vorcos, éArEvya, Kpeupacbev, KaTtadupma, wi for ua) often, y and v confounded: _ B for v,17 times, almost always at beginning of a line: pA for BB in caBBarovr e.g. Johan. xx. 1; 19 (often corrected s. m.). Various readings sometimes rubro (Matth. xv. 14; Lue. vin. 35, 38; xiii. 34; Johan. ii. 17; xvi. 23; xviii. 3). Red marks in margin (Mare. ix. 17—19; xiii. 3, 9), as if they were citations. This copy is much with Cod. D: Matth. vii. 28, 32; ix, 8, 15; xiii, 27; xxi. 24, 28; xxvi. 3; Mare. xu 16; Lue. vill. 48; xiv. 17; xxii. 10, 52; Joan. vii. 6. Also with Cod. 61; Matth. xxi. 19; xv. 20. A few out of many specimens of rare readings: Matth.i.5; iv. 18; v. 1—25, 28; vu. 10, 24; ix. 4,18; Luce. xii. 56; xvi. 16; xx.11; Johan. xviii. 32; lastly Matth. xxiii. 35—viod Bapayiov omitted by the first hand’, though Walton and Mill do not record the fact. In grammar 1 The two words are supplied s. m. at the foot of the page. CRITICA SACRA. XXX1 dative stands for accusative (10 times): Mare. viii. 11; x. 34, 49; xv. 20; Lue. xi. 46; xiv. 31; xv. 2; xix.11; Johan. iv. 34; viii. 51. So accusative for dative (25 times): Matth. ix. 24, p.m.; xi. 25; xii 4,47; xiv. 33; xvii. 14; xx. 31; Marc. ii. 32; pon sortie bs waa! xu. 13s uesvs 7; vi. 34; rx. 60; ADs xia, Ws xive 29°) xix. 89; xx. 155 xxi. 365~Joan. vi 31; xii. 23; xviii. 16. Augment omitted (9 times): Matth. Seay wi, Yoav, bbs) Lueevii 13); xi 34; xvi. 85 xxv. 27; Joan. vi. 18,26. Thus also the so-called Alexandrine forms: yetpay Matth. ix. 18; xii. 10, 13 (so Cod. Wake 12); Luc. xv. 22; Joan. xx. 25, 27 only: tptyav Matth. v. 36 (so Cod. 66): dvdpav Joan, iv. 16: évav Mare. xi. 29: modav Luc. iv. 11: twvav Joan. xviii. 4: yetpa (pro ynpav) Luc. xviii. 5: xerpov Luc. xx. 47; xxi. 2,3: wevOépa (pro -av) Matth. viii. 14: tov dupov Matth. vii. 26: tov Kreida Luc. xi. 52. Especi- ally in verbs: pocémecav Matth. vil. 25: avérecav Mare. vi. 40: é€&nXOare Luc. xxi. 52: €XaBa Joan. x. 18: capet Luc. xv. 8: émvyvoovtes Matth. xiv. 35: nuAvcO7 (8rd pers.) Matth. xxi. 17: éxatéxrace Luc. ix. 16: éxaPépice seepe. Some additional clauses are interpolated in the body of the text: e.g. Matth. xii. 33; xxvi. 43; Johan. 1. 36. The readings of Cod. ¢ are incorporated with the Collation of other manu- scripts, below, p. 60. d. Evan. 66, Gal. Trinity College, Cambridge, O. viii. 3. This copy, written on paper and in good condition, once belonged to Thomas Gale (1636—1702), formerly Fellow of Trinity College and High Master of 8. Paul’s School. He is reputed to have written the Latin inscription on the Monu- ment in London, and became Dean of York in 1697. He gave Arabic books that year to his College, and probably bequeathed to it this copy, together with the Evangelistarium (O. iv. 22) to be described below p. lxiv. The fineness and thinness of the paper (though somewhat worm-eaten) led Bradshaw to refer this MS. to the 13th century, but the general style and handwriting wonld rather lead us to assign it to a century XXXll ADVERSARIA earlier, which is the same date as Gonville Cod. 59. Mull tells us (Proleg. & 1469) that Gale shewed him this copy in London. He shortly describes it (citing it 364 times, or about one variation in three) and indicates its readings by the notation of Gal. Although inserted in the great printed Catalogue of Manuscripts Oxford 1697, it was once lost sight of, and its location was discovered by Bradshaw in 1862, when Scrivener borrowed and collated it afresh. The volume is a quarto, 83 in. long, by 6 broad, 294 leaves in all (including foreign matter, or 564 pages); 35 quires (last of five sheets) with signatures, 21 lines on a page. There are rude pictures. of the four Evangelists (S. John in a meditating attitude), with Synaxarion prefixed and Epistola Carpiano, followed by 11 blank pages for Canons of Eusebius; tables (rubro) of the larger xeparaca to the last three Gospels. In margins Ammonian sections in black, over Eusebian canons in red, ritAov and numerals of larger ceparava. In Luke only to ritXoe rubro are subjoined as a harmony the correspond- ing kepada.a in the other three Gospels. Much rubrical matter in marg.; apyai and TéAn in text rubro. Citations in marg.>. Short scholia and various readings occasionally! occur in the margin, one set earlier, but chiefly in later hands. We find 77 v éderxvotixa, with verbs (eizrey &c.), no ¢ ascript or subscript p.m.; but the hiatus is frequent about Luke xiz.; with breathings and accents full, but somewhat careless p. m.; semicolon (not interrog.) Luc. ix. 6, 52; xii. 9. Stops often added s.m. Margin s.m. in same state as when Mill collated Gal. e.g. Luc. xiii. 25; xiv. 5; xvii. 2; xxii. 30; xxii. 8; except xiv. 5 from Cod. 69. In this copy ec is awkwardly written, v for 8 Matth. xxvi. 4; Luc. x.1; but 8 for v Lue. i11. 35; x1. 46 p.m.? + for es often: omuovoréXevta are only 11. It contains 508 ita- cisms, whereof 250 of first hand are corrected later. These are 1 They are always noted in our Collation, see Matth. vii. 6; ix. 30; xii. 33; KVL 20: xvii. (sexx. 9;/33 xxi. 12)) xxan, 15s xxvile 2.) Onan. AB ive 52; vi. 9, 12; vii. 4, 29, 34, 38, 538; viii. 2, 4, 9, 20, 43; x. 21, 22, 25, 29, 33, 39; xi. 41, 43, 44; xii. 6, 13, 19, 37, 40, 41, 47, 48; xvili. 14, 20; xx. 11, 18; xxi. 1,7, 15. These specimens (chiefly of marginal various readings) may suffice. Glosses stand thick about Luke i. CRITICA SACRA. XXXill ev (for 7) 57; 7 (for ec) 55; w (for 0) 119; o (for w) 62; « (for Reis n (fore): asics (ores) 10>: er.(for 2) 135: 4 (for ¢)) 2: e (for 7) 12; as (for €) 57; € (for av) 29; v (for n) 12; 7 (for v) 10 (chiefly pronouns); ¢ (for v) 3; v (for c) 4; v (for ov) 3; uv (for ev) 1; » (for oz) 2; « (for oc) 1; o¢ (for ze) 2; o¢ (for v) 1; ov (for m) 38; w (for ov) 1. Rarer forms are éxBdadatTe Matth. xxii. 13; xcoopnuévoy Luc. xi. 25: ypappéva Lue. xvill. 31 p. m.: accusative in -av Matth. v. 36 (tpiyav, so Cod. 69); Mare. vii. 30 p. m. (@vyatepay), as also Lue. xiii. 16 p. m.; mevOepa (accus.) Luc. xii. 53. Mostly ov« éru, but ov«érs Mare. xii. 34; Luc. xx. 40; Johan. xiv. 19; xvii. 11; xxi. 6. cxadadifw mostly so written, p.m. This manu- script is not on the whole very peculiar in its text, although much with Codd. D. 69 in rare readings; e.g. Matth. xxiii. 35 (wit G9) 2 xxv. 2, 8; Mare. xy. 32.) luc. vi 103) vi. bY; Moe xv 2x, 5d; xxi 1, 25: Johan. vi, 7: vit. 12) mu. 26; xiv. 16; xv. 19 (with D); xvm. 7 (with D). Simples and compounds are sometimes interchanged, e.g. Matin. xis) 45; 49). Mare: xii, 22° Tue, xix. 1, 23;0xx1, 2. Notice also peculiarities of punctuation in Matth. x. 40, 42 ; mee xvid Marc xi, 327 xi. 28¢ xm 9s xve 25, 31% oie ute. tv. 18, 34: yi, 9+ 1x. 27; xi 1; xxi. 30; Johan. viii. ta; xu. 2/7; xi. 30,31; xiv. 9, 24; xx. 28. We find also pay as negative Johan. 111.18. ovtws mostly (19 times), 6 wey p. m., bbe p. m., also é&, év’ Marc. 1.19; Luce. vii. 16: even eis in two places. The readings of Cod. d are incorporated with the collation of other manuscripts, below, Part II. p. 60. We next pass on to Oxford, where a large body of Greek manuscripts, not a few of them already collated, have not been yet made available for use. The little I have been able to accomplish here has only made me desire to publish the whole collection, which task I must now leave to some fortu- nate scholar who enjoys more leisure than I ever ventured to aspire to. They consist of fourteen copies of the Gospels only. They were brought from Constantinople by Thomas Payne, Archdeacon of Brecon, once Chaplain of our Embassy there, to Archbishop Wake in 1731, and have been described XXXIV ADVERSARIA by G. W. Kitchin, now Dean of Winchester, in his “Catalogue of the Manuscripts in Christ Church Inbrary” (1867). To that Library Archbishop Wake (d. 1735), who had been a Canon there, had bequeathed them, and they are kept apart with his other manuscripts in a cedar closet at Christ Church Library. Th. Mangey (1684—1755), the editor of Philo, states on the fly-leaves that he had collated six of them in 1749; Caspar Wetstein collated two for his relative’s great New Testament (1751—2) ; while in the margin of a 4to Greek Testament (Geneva, 1620) is inserted a most laborious collation and full description of eight of the Wake manuscripts, by John Walker, the diligent and most faithful assistant of the great Bentley in his critical studies. Of these several collations only one (Wake 12) was collated by more than one person, and Wake 12, 34 for the Apocalypse alone. Dean Gaisford cata- logued the whole of them in 1837, and Scrivener, by the aid of the learned and amiable W. Jacobson, D.D., late Bishop of Chester, was permitted to inspect them in 1861 (seen afterwards also in 1883). Two of the principal copies I was permitted to borrow and to scrutinize at home (1863—4) with the following result. e. Evan. 492, Wake 12, Christ Church, Oxford (Act. 193, Paul. 277, Apoc. 26). Called also Codex Dionysii, from the name of its scribe. Scholz, on the mistaken information of Dean Gaisford, calls this copy Evangelistarium 181, Apost. 57; but the manuscript contains the Gospels in their proper order, with unusually full liturgical matter. They are followed by the Acts, Catholic, and Pauline Epistles in their usual order; last of all comes the Apocalypse. The following leaves are lost (see also below, p. xxxv): Act. i, 1—vii. 49; x. 19—xiv. 10; xv. 15—xvi. 11; xvili, 1—xxi. 25; xxiii. 18—James iii. 17; 1 Cor. xu. 11— xv. 12; xvi. 13—15; Gal. v. 16—vi. 8. Some illuminations have been wantonly cut out. In the Gospels, besides much liturgical matter rubro, we have Prologues, the Epistle to Carpianus, the Eusebian tables, the larger cehadaca with their CRITICA SACRA, XXXV ritAol, the Ammonian sections (black) and Eusebian canons (red). This copy contains much foreign matter and scholia. Codex Dionysii is a large folio (124 inches high by 9 broad) of the eleventh century, of 240 vellum leaves, fine clear hand, 36 lines on a page. In the Gospels the itacisms amount to 658; viz. e (for et) 15; ev (for +) 15; « (for 7) 98; m (for +) 36; € (for ac) 42; ae (for e) 104; 7 (for ev) 56; e (for n) 74; o (for w) 83; (for o) 76; e (for 7) 14; » (for e) 6; (for v) 2; uv (for 7) 9; ov (for w) 3; @ (for ov) 1; » (for ot) 5; ot (for ) 1; « (for os) 4; ov (for +) 5; v (for os) 1; v (for e)1; ee (for v) 1; e (for ov) 1; ov (for ev) 1. There are in the Gospels 12 omissions by 6pocoréNevta, Mare. 11. 8 ; Johan. xiv. 26. The augment is omitted, Matth. ix. 9; xii. je More. xy. 40>, Lue. i. 17 3 vi. 13; vi Ts xu; xv 10; xxi. 38; Johan. xx. 8; xiv. 14. Reduplication is omitted, Lue. xi. 21; xii. 52; xxii. 22. Unusual forms are evo7rAay- vic@n (so Evan. 556) Matth. ix. 36; xiv. 14; Mare. vi. 34; Lue. vil. 13; x. 33; xv. 20. evpevynoov Johan. vii. 52. éxadepicOn Matth. viii. 13; Luc. iv. 27. amexateataOn Matth. xii. 13; Mare. iii.5; Luc. vi. 10. Ewedrev (for éwerev) Johan, xii. 6; 1 Pet. v. 7. édéxer Luc. xix. 15. capet Lue. xv. 8. efdovres Matth. xxii. 29. eldapev Mare. ix. 38. yuvai- kav Lue. vii. 34. @uyarépav Lue. xiii. 16. yetpay Matth. xii, 13; Mare. iii. 1. dpxvepéa Johan. xviii. 24. ynpa (accus.) Luc. xxi. 2. tyv Ovpa Johan. xvili. 16. detrvov peéyav Luc. xiii. 19 (non xiv. 15). Dative put for accusative, Mare. x. 33, 49; Luc. i. 65: also accusative for dative, Matth. xv. 35; xvil. 14; xviii. 26; xx. 4; xxvii. 44; so Act. xxi. 40; James v. 6. N é@erxvotixov with eizrev occurs 190 times, elsewhere 332 times in the Gospels. Hiatus (5) for lack of y Matth. xii. 6; xiii. 52; Mare. x. 24; Lue. v. 33; Johan. xviii. 31. « ascript very often, subscript never. In 8. Luke about 10 verses are lost, through wanton mutilation of the manuscript for the sake of illuminations, in 8S. John 489 out of 880 verses have perished: mut. John i, 1—vu. 39 (8 leaves); viii. 31—ix. 11 (second leaf of 1€ quaternion); x. 10—xi. 54 (two leaves); xii. 36—xiiil. 27 (one leaf). For account of other parts of the manuscript see below, Acts XXXV1 ADVERSARIA p. lxxiv, Paul. p. lxxvii, Apocalypse p. Ixxxvii. This copy stands nearly alone in MATTH. v. 30 Tév ped@v cov arroAnTaL. xi. 1 kal of pabnrai [— de]. xvii. 20 — Kai ovdev advvatnoe viv. xviii. 26 avtov (pro avTd). xix. 8 éypawev (pro émétpewev). XxX. 27 mpa@tos eivat; xxi. 9 — evAoynwévos ad fin. versis. 32 —ai. xxiii. 6 8& (pro te). xxvi. 18 + avrtois (post etrrev). 46 + lovdas (post nyyicev). xxvii. 43 — vodv. Marc, ii. 27 reyes (pro Ereyev). vi. 3 —év. 13 €&éBadovr. eiAngov. x. 5 émictod)y (pro évTody). xii. 43 fin. + 7a Saépa (post yalopuAaxiov). Luc. xiv. 5 [ovos]. xx. 19 — Tov Naov. xxiii. 15 avéreprpa yap avrov mpos nuds. JOHAN. vil. 58—viii. 11 habet, nullo omissionts vestigio. Cod. e also contains a large number of transcriptural errors. See Mare. i. 8; v. 81; xi. 13, &c. Punctuation often worth notice, e.g. Matth. ix. 5. f. Evan. 503, Wake 34, Christ Church, Oxford (Act. 190, Paul. 244, Apoc. 27. See p. xxxiv.). This manuscript exhibits more numerous and more inter- esting variations than Wake 12, and often resembles Cod. b (Evan. 604). It is of about the same date (eleventh or twelfth century) as the preceding and is even more mutilated. It measures 10 inches long by 74 broad, a quarto on vellum of 201 leaves, 31 (in Gospels 29 lines) on a page, the ink being a reddish brown. The fragments occur in the following order. Fol. 1 begins with the v7o@eous of Cicu- menius to 2 Peter. Fol. 2 contains Act. xvii. 24—xviii. 13: then follows 1 Johan. with Gicumenius’ b7roGecus with- out tables of cedadraa, 1 John iii. 9—iv. 9 (one leaf) being lost. Then 2, 3 John, Jude, Gicumenius’ hypotheses with tables of xeparara; the Apocalypse (without vzo@eows or tables of xed.) continuing on the page on which Jude ends. On the same page whereon the Apocalypse ends, is written vmdGecrs CEcumenii to Romans, and Euthalii table of xedadaia. Then follow S. Paul’s Epistles complete, except Heb. vii. 26—ix. 28 (two leaves). All these Epistles CRITICA SACRA. XXXVI11 have prologues, table of xepadara (not the larger of Eutha- lius, but of Gicumenius) with notes of Church readings by the first hand, and a Synaxarion later. The Gospels follow Hebrews on fol. 131 b, and so perhaps they did originally. Mut. Lue. ii. 15—47, ending Lue. vi. 42. The Four Gospels, apparently relegated to the last place by the binder, as Mr Harris (p. xvii, note ') believes to be the case with Cod. 69. Certainly the same hand wrote the whole codex, Wake 34. The Gospels, ending at Lue. vi. 42, have titdov and Church lessons in the margin; the larger ceparara and Ammonian sections, but not the Eusebian canons. Re- serving notices of other portions of the New Testament for their proper places, we find in the portions of the Gospels which survive, 10 opoiotéXevta, v éperkvotixa (often with nouns) 196 times, but only 106 itacisms: w (for ov) 2; ov (for w) 1; v (for 7) 1; m (for v) 2; ¢ (for as) 3; ae (for e) 10; t (for et) 2; ec (for c) 7; e (for ) 14; x (for ev) 8; o« (for v) 3; uv (for ot) 2; w (for o) 12; o (for w) 15; » (for ce) 10; « (for n) 3; € (for ) 6; » (for e) 3: also ev for Attic nv passim. A few unusual forms occur, for this copy does not contain many: avétrecay Mare. vi. 40; éve8pipodvto Mare. xiv. 5; atrayyevnay Matth. xxviii. 11. Very peculiar is zrodnuatoy for troddr, Mare. vi. 11. The present volume (pp. 60 sqq.) contains a full collation of Cod. f with Codd. cde, with select readings of Codd. bj and the chief editions, frequently suppressing mere itacisms, v égeAXxvotixd, breathings and accents, and tran- scriptural errors, unless they have some special suggestiveness. g. Evan, 547. B.-C. 1 7. This small quarto volume, measuring 6 inches high by 4 wide, is of paper and about the thirteenth century in date. It contains 267 leaves and 22 lines on a page. It is clearly and correctly written (but ojovotéXevtov John xiv. 27 p.m. and elsewhere), itacisms being comparatively rare, breathings and accents sufficiently accurate. The first six leaves consist of a S: d XXXVII1 ADVERSARIA brief synaxarion and menology. There are comely pictures of §. Mark and S. Luke, and the two earlier Gospels are preceded by tables of xebarxara. Slight illuminations stand at the head of each Gospel, titXoe and notes of Church lessons (John vil. 53 eés tv mweXaylav) at the head and foot of pages, all in very pale red, but no numerals of ceparaca, Ammonian sections or Eusebian canons in the margin. The text of Luc. i. 26—42 and of Luc. xx. 87—xxi. 24 is lost. The copy being in bad condition, the leaves have been repaired and the decayed letters sometimes retraced by a recent hand. After the subscription to 8. John (rédos e’andev Tod yu pov n BiBros | 4 tTérpas be THv waOntav Tod xv | S0Ea TH ayio 06 aunv) is added p. m. E8O7r; I know not the meaning of the letters. In the cover of the binding is inserted a small brass plate, with three figures (that in the centre being the Lord in the act of blessing). See Cod. B.-C. 11 7, below p- xlu, where a similar plate is described. Notable readings are few and of little consequence: so closely does this copy agree with the Received text; but compare MATTH. 1. 13. tav paywov (pro avtév). iv. 20. + avtov evléws (post diktva). vii. 8. evpnoe (pro evpioxer). vill. 27. vraxovovow avtod. ix. 18. dpywv tis eicedOor. x. 27. nxovcate. 29. + 70d év ovpavois (post rpo vpudr). xl 21. +xa@nwevar (post orodd). xi. 21. —év. 32. édv (pro av) 45. + xal (ante Tote). RNawBdaver. yivovtar xl. 27. —€v TO OW Gypd. —Tda. 29. +Kal (ante Tov ciTor). 32. Nayavov et orepudtwv transfert. xv. 18. é€épyovtar. xvi. 3. cuviete (pro dvvacGe). 21. dudacKxew (pro dexvveur). 27. ta épya (pro tiv mpd). xvii. 27. dvaBaivorra. xvill. 11. + &mtjoat Kai (ante cdoat). xxi. 18. écri (pro eis). xxii. 41, adrois (pro avtobds). 45. + év mu (post &a8d). Xxlil. 26. avtod (pro avt@v). xxv. 29. doxed éyew (pro éyer). XXvi. 39. mpocedOdv. 56. —ToTe of pabntal usque ad épuyov. xxvii. 35. — Wa tAnpwO9 ad fin. vers. Mare. ii. 14. +6 io (post rapdywr). 26. — Tod. iii. 4 amodéoat (pro atoxreivat). 32. +Kal al ddedpai cov (ante é&w). iv. 3. +Kal ouviere (post dxovete). v. 11. mpos TO CRITICA SACRA. XXX1X dpe. vi. 20. dxovwv. 25. dds (pro das). 35. — Ott. ix. 40. Ka? nudv vrép nuov. x. 31. —ol. x1. 8. Tovs xiTOvas (pro Ta iwatia). 25. nuaov (pro vudy). 26. +vpdv (post adjnoe). 32. —édv. Tavtes. xi. 2. amnyyeure p. m.? aTéoTelne SM. Xill. 28. wavOave (pro pabere). xiv. 1. +év (ante dor). Luc.i. 55. rov aBpadp Kal 70 o7réppa avtod &ws Tod aidvos. ii. 14. [evdoxia]. 22. [avtav]. 28. avtov (pro atro). iii. 33. + Tod iwpap (ante Tov ope). iv. 42. éreSytovy. v.19. mes (pro d:a Trotas). vi. 9. amoKTeivat (pro atoréoat). 18. aro (pro vio). vill. 3. + Kat (post ag’ 7s). 22. avéBn kai avéBnoav (pro Kat avnyOncav s. m.). 24. +owcov (ante atorvpeba sic). 33. 0aracoav (pro Aimrnv). 45. —Kal réyers Tis O avrapevos prov. Xi. 21. fin. + TadTa Aéywv ehover 6 éyov @Ta aKkovewy akovéTo. 54. —Kal prim. xiii. 10. —6é. 15. vroxpital. 20. —Kal (ante warw). 29. —amo secund. 32. +7a (ante damoa). 33. épxopwevn (pro éy.). xiv. 1. éuoeNOetv. 5. vios (pro dvos). 12.—Kal. rovets. xv. 2. —ol secund. 21. + roincov pe ws Eva Tov picOiwyv cov. 29. —évTorAnv cov tapndOov' Kal éuolt. xvi. 4. wetabd (pro petactaba). 24, +édénoov pe (ante wep aBpadp) bis scrip- tum. xvii. 4. —érice. 36. Habet dv0 écovta: év TO aypa els (—0) «7... 37. mrdua (pro cepa). +xkal (ante oi aeTol). Xvill. 5. vromiadly. 32. Transfert v8prcOnocera and éumtTvaOnoetat. xix. 43. cuva~ovot. xx. 14. dcedoyicarTo. 23. +00 5é &erEav Kai eirre (post Snvapiov). 33. éotar (pro yivetat). xxi. 25. wyous. 30. 4+ d€ (post Brérovtas). 36. —Tadta. xxii. 4. —Tois secund. 10. év TH Toren. 25. catakuptevovow. 36. madnoer (pro TadncaTw). 47. fin. +TodTO yap onpeiover avTois' Ov av dirnow avTos €oTL. 51. -—6& 66. —Te. fin. avtdv. xxiii. 1. Hyayov. 7. ets (pro mpos). 9. avté (pro avtov). 17. +décpcov (post eva). 25. —avtots. 26. —Tod. 29. + ai (ante coudiar). 53. fin. + Kai TpocexvNce AiOov wéyav eri THY OUpayv TOD pIymEiov. 54, — Kal secund. xxiv. 18. —év prim. 47. wou (pro avtod retraced s. m.). JOHAN. 1. 26. —0. 27. —éyo. 40. + o0dv (post 7dOor). —6é 42. —o. 49. —0. ii. 5. +8€ (post réyer), av Névyet. d2 xl ADVERSARIA 17. katadayerar. 19. —6. 22. —adrois. ili. 8. —O. 10. —6. 23. mapeyévovto. 28. —pou. iv. 3. — aru. 31. +adtod (post waOnrat). 53. + %a0n (post dpa). v. 1. +1 (ante éopt)). —06. 4 éyévero. 24, ampos (pro eis). 44, ntobdvtes (pro Entetre). vi. 15. —maruw. 22. cuvnrde. 24. —Kxal prim. 45. —Tod. axovov. 54. +év (ante TH é). 70. —6 ic. vii. 41. GAdov 88 ereyov bru. vii. 58—viil. 11. Nullo dubitationis vestigio, ut plurimae lectiones oc- current variae, e.g. vill. 4 TavTnv evpopev étravTopope povyevonevnv. 5. nuov (pro npiv). RcOafev. fin. epi avTns. 6. KaTnyopiav Kat avtod. fin. + mw mpooTrot- ovpevos. 7. avaBdéWas (pro avakiyas). mpetos, [Tov NiBov]. 9. eis Kabeis. KaTedXndOn. ovca (pro éctadaa). 10. ydvae (pro 7 yur). —éxetvor. 14. + ard Tod viv (ante mnkéete) 12. initial II. 57. avt@ of iovdaior (— pos av.). 58. tunv (pro ew) xi 14. —6 io. 42. rapectaca. 47. +xata tod iv (post cuvéSpiov). xii. 13. —6. 17. Oru. 18. amynvtncev. 28. + aye (post watep). xiii. 2. BeBAnpévov (pro BeBXnxKoTos). xiv. 10. +év (ante vpiv). xvi. 7. +éyo (ante pr). 10. ropevouat (pro vrayo). 15. NapBaver. xvii. 2. Sacer. © 26. + xat (post ta). xvill. 2. — Top, 20. —77. 25. +otv (post npyncato). 40. — mad. xix. 4 6 mdatos. 6. eidev aUTOD 6 OXNOS Kal Of apxLEepEts Kai Ot vanpéerat. 17. +Kai Hryayov eis TO TparT@piov (pro amn- yayov). 23. es Téocapa wépn. 35. +avTod (post waptupia). 38. —de —6. 40. +éy (ante ofoviows), xx. 19. d€ (pro ovv). 28. —6. —avTd. xxi. 4. yevouévns 75n. . ert (pro eis). 15. —6 inoods. 18. et ov (pro oicet). Many of these are small glosses; we have not usually set down examples in the above list where the current of evi- dence is decidedly against the Received text (e.g. Johan. ili, 25). Yet notice moreover the following readings. It will be seen, however, that this codex seldom, if ever, countenances the oldest uncials (NBC, &c.), even when they are supported by a scanty list of later copies. The pericope adulterae John vii, 53—viii, 11 has every line obelized in the margin ( --- ). CRITICA SACRA. xli Matth. xvi. 20. —inoods. Luke xiv. 5. [dvos]. Acts viii. 37. Deest versus. xiii. 6. + 0Anv (ante tHv vicov). xiv. 18, 19. fin. 18+ adda ropevecOar Exactov eis Ta idia. (v. 19) dcatpiBovtay dé avtév Kai didacKovt@y émndOov aTO avTloxelas Kat iKoviov Lovdator’ Kai Svadeyouevov avTov Tappnoia, avétercay Tos OXAOUS aTOCTHVaL aT avTaV NéyovTes ovdéy adnOes EyoucLY adrAa TravTa evdovTat. MOacavtes O€ TOV TaDAOP K.T.X. but not the other ordinary additions found in many manu- scripts of this book. xvi. 7. —xal ove elacev avtovs TO T VEDA. h. Evan. 548. B.-C. 1. 9. This neat fragment is one of the Baroness Burdett-Coutts’ collection (above pp. xxi, xxii) containing 8. Matthew and S. Mark 125 leaves 4to. scarcely 7 inches by 5, preceded by 6 leaves of a Synaxarion. It is an elegant specimen of the twelfth century, having 18 lines on a page. The following portions are lost: Matth. xi. 283—xi. 333; xvii. 13—xxi. 15; po—xxil, 10; xxiv. 46—xxv. 21 ; Mare. i. 11—v.31; ix. 18— xi. 6, 34-—44. It ends Mare. xvi. 20 ravtayod. Many capitals, lectionary marks in margin. Ammonian sections and Eusebian canons in margin, all these in red, but no numerals for keparaia, though tito at head of pages. Itacisms not very many, chiefly « for , » for s, « for es, w for o, e for ae: averécav Mare. vi. 40. No « subscript, but ascript e.g. Matth. ui. 9, 19, but very rarely (yet even GnuewOje Mare. vill. 36). N éferxvortixoy almost constant. Not a few changes by a second hand, especially in correcting itacisms, or by in- sertions in margin of words or capitals omitted in text. This MS. is carefully written (OpototéXevtov Matth. vii. 9 only) and a few breathings misplaced, e.g. npEaro semel, but real various readings of any consequence are not frequent. Yet see Matth. viii. 18; xv. 6; xvi. 20 s.m3 xxiv. 6; meni, oa5 xxviii, 6.7) Mare. vi. 33) vil, 195 viii. 73 xv1. 2, 19. xl ADVERSARIA i. Evan. 549 (Act. 219). B.-C. 11 7. This remarkable copy, consisting altogether of 172 leaves, is a small duodecimo of 5 inches long and 3 broad, in a very minute hand of the twelfth or thirteenth century, containing from 26 to 31 lines on a page, the writing being not only very small, but full of abridgements, so as to become very painful to read, especially towards the last five pages of the Acts, where the scribe seems to change. On the blue silk cover is fixed a brass tablet more elaborate than that just described (B.-C. I. 7, g p. Xxxviil), also consisting of three figures, whereof the Lord sits in the centre. On the other leaf of the binding the superscription runs uc xo. This copy contains the four Gospels, with slight illuminations at their heads, followed by the Acts, which breaks off at cap. xxvi. 24 waivn tradXe, some leaves having been cut out. There is much foreign matter in this interesting little book. Besides two leaves used in binding, we find rubro (7 leaves) Tod év ayious mpo ua ypnyoptov apylemicKoTrou KwoTavTivouTOAEws TOD OHeodoyou, dud oTiX@V NpwiKaV TeEpl yevearoyias yu" where every hexa- meter line in black has under it a prose paraphrase in red. Then follow yo Oavpata rapa patOaiw iwavvn Té Kal NovKa Kal wapkw' ov pv adda Kal TrapaBoral diahopau’ ev ois dia tauBev kai érév: with black verses and red paraphrases as before. Then follow tapaS8odai marg. rubro. Then tables of xepadara of S. Matthew, with numerals in margin and titXoe at head and foot of pages. In the margin of Matth. v. only are very minute scholia in black and red. Like verses of Gregory precede SS. Mark and Luke, but follow S. John: tables of xebadara precede SS. Luke and John, but there are no rubrical notes, and the Ammonian sections and Eusebian canons occur only on one open leaf containing Luke xu. (pya to pf). The « subscript is found twice only on the page of heroics before 8. Luke’s Gospel. Before the Acts stands a vmoGecus, but no chapter divisions, except a few capitals in red. The variations from the common text are not many or remarkable (but tod xv Acts xx. 28), the itacisms quite rare. CRITICA SACRA. xhu j. Evan. 618 (Hoskier). Mr H. C. Hoskier, of whose persevering labours we have spoken above (p. xxv), bought of Quaritch, the London book- seller, in 1886, a beautiful copy of the Gospels, whose previous history is unknown to me, written on thickish (occasionally thinner) vellum. It contains 352 leaves, the first and last blank. On the last is the date of the owner (appx, Le. 1729). In size it is 92in. by 6%, in old leathern binding, with leather clasps, quite complete. Its specialty is five sumptuous miniatures, on a gold ground, Moses, the Evangelists, each before their several Gospels, at the heading of each of which are beautiful pictures of birds, beasts, &c., exquisitely painted. It is rare to see so fine a copy, which may date from the twelfth century, or perhaps a little earlier. The manuscript contains also xed. b, titro1, Am., Hus. (not given regularly), marks of O. T. quotations in the margin. A few Church lessons at the end of each Gospel are invariably given. Even the sacred name of Jesus and Jerusalem are sometimes given in full. N épedxvotixoy is quite rare, but ottws always. Mr Hoskier enumerates 13 cases of tota subscript, but two only of ascript (Mare. xvi. 9; Johan. 1. 25), and both those at the end of a line. Itacisms occur but rarely. A second hand has been busy throughout the manuscript making corrections, always adding the aspirate to o wde. But, after all, the scribe him- self may have been the corrector (dcop). Of the real various readings there are a fair number of some interest, but in general they approach very near to the Received text. Many readings are given by us in Appendix I. Mr Hoskier has published (1889) the readings in full in his edition of Egerton 2610, Appendix A (pp. 1-—25). k. | Kvan.-550; ©.-C. 11. 13: A poor looking copy of the Gospels complete, 7 in. long by 5 wide, containing 143 leaves, with slight Arabesques and 29 lines on a page. It is of about the twelfth century in date, xliv ADVERSARIA with many numbers of Ammonian sections (yet more often without Ammonian sections) and Eusebian canons in margin: some rubrical notes and a few titXov (rubro) in a later hand. Somewhat carelessly written (ojotoréXeuta e.g. Luc. vii. 20; Joan. ix. 35), especially in regard to breathings and accents (e.g. avtn for avn, db0s, d6vowa). Itacisms are very common (983 in all), especially ¢ for av, o for w, ov for 7, 7 for eu, &e. The genealogy in Luke iii. presents many variations from the common text (vv. 19, 26, 29, 30; 26—84 confuse), and Johan. vii. 53—viii. 12 is omitted with no vestige left, while Matth. xxvii. 35 is given in full. There are many corrections s.m. 10 margin (and in Matth., Luke ii. 34 s.m. in the text), but Matth. ix. 35; Luke 1. 34; Johan. xviii. 39; xxi. 1 the marginal corrections seem p.m. The only foreign matter is Xx 14 pages at end of S. John, s.m. ap ths dicews Tav Cady Kal Eppnvetas Tov ev aylols TpT nuaV La Tod ypYcoaToMoU TeEpt pucvoroyias’ “O pucvoroyos Kados édéyEer wept Tod NéovTOS k.T.X. Compare also MATTH. i. 6. — Tov secund. 7. tepoBodu. 10. dupov. 11. +éyévvnce tov "lwaxelu: “Iwaxelw 8é (ante tov Tey.). il. 8. Kkaprrov afvov. iv. 20. + avtav (post dixtva). v. 39. pamifer emt tv SeEiav (—aov). 45. opovor (pro viol). 47. 01 €Ovixol wcavT@s. Vi. 31. wepiBarrAdpeba. vii. 6. Sore. 14. rt (pro dt). 16. wate (pro ptt). 25. mpocéxowrav (pro tpocérecov). vill. 4. + cov (post dépov). 12. yervn- Onto. 13. fin. + Kat Urootpéas 6 éExatovTapyos eis Tov oixov avTod év avth TH Bpa cbpey TOV Taida vyLaivorTa. ix. 16. paxxous. —ayvadov. 22. avtH citer. x. 8. —vexpods éyeipete. 11. —Ews dv €EéXOnte. 15. +779 (ante yh). 23. EXOo. xi. 17, edEacGe (sic, pro éxowacbe). xii. 5. — Kal avatttol état. 22. kopov kal tuprov. 50. trouoes. xiii. 22. ayarn (pro amatn). 30. +o0bv (post ddete). 33. +6 io (post abtois). xiv. 6. ywvouevev (pro ayouéver). 11. +avTHv (post Hveyxev). 30. éxpavyatev. xv. 1. —ol. 13. —avrots (post eimev). 14. Tupdrot eiow odnyol. 25. mpocexvyycer. BonOn pot. xxvii. 20. éroincay (pro érecav). 49. Deest versus. xxvill. 9, —Kal. —o. 13. vuav (pro mor). CRITICA SACRA. xlv MARC. ii, 26. — Tod secund. vii. 19. kaOapifwv. 33. +els ta Sta avtod (post mrvoac). ix. 5. + é0éreus (ante trouw}- ompev). xvi. 9—20. Habet. Lue, ii. 25. evoe Bs (pro edrAaBys). xiv. 5. [dvos]. ava- aTnoe (pro avaotdcet). xviii. 2. ror (pro mone). xx. 19. —tov Kaov. 41. + Tuvés (post Aéyouct). xxiii. 26. — Kai ds. —Tov (ante épyopévov). JOHAN. 1. 19. + 2pds avrov (post Nevi'ras). 51. petfor. iv. 3. —mahuv. 9. tovdaiors capapelra. 46. radu 6 ic. 47. avndOev (pro arnnrOe). v. 30. —matpos p.m. 41. rapa dvov. vi. 3. —6 io. 14. 7d onpetov d éroincev 6 ic. 19. @oel. 22. dddov (pro addo). 40. yap (pro 8€). TH maTpos p.m. 43. odv avtois 6 ic. 45. axovwr. 52. THv odpKa Sobvat payetv. 57. —fov. 61. of waOnral avtod rept TovTov. 65. + avtois (post édeyev). 70. ets €E Udy. vil. 8. [ova]. 12. wrodvs nv Tepi avtod. 32. tanpétas of apxtepels Kal of papicaio. 40. TOV NOywr. 50. 6 EAav Tpos avTOV VUKTOS. 51. mpatov (pro mpotepov). viii. 21. avrois radu 6 ic. 38. voeite (pro moveite). 44, €x TOU TaTpos. 1x. 25. — ov». B31. mrovet. xi. 29. —d€ (post éxeivn). 50. —nyiv. xii. 13. —o prim. 24. —apny secund. 26. tus diaxovy. xiii. 11. 78y. +€& apyns (post yap). 21. —Kai euaptipnce. 33. eyo UTayw. Xiv. 11. radra (pro ata). xvi. 4. nudy (pro vmdr). xvill. 1. [xédpmv]. 28. —odv. xix. 17. —xal amnyayov. 19.6 ic 6 val. 39. —aoel. xx. 9. —ee vexpov. xxi. 1. —6 is Tots paOnrais p.m., habet marg.s.m. 15.6ic. 16. —Aéyer avT@ secund. (ante vai Ke). Few of these variations are very notable (yet see Matth. ma £7; xi. 22; xxvu. 49; Luc. xvili. 2; Johan. vi. 57; viii. 38). N édpedrxvotixoy occurs 578 times, a hiatus 6 times. Omission by owovoréXevtov 16 times (with same beginning twice), « ascript twice, subscript 52 times. 1.» Hvan,..552...B-C.. 1m, 18. A very neat copy of the Gospels in bad condition [xm], 24°, on 212 leaves, 6 inches long by 34 broad. A picture of xlvi ADVERSARIA S. Mark (partly washed out) is on the reverse of leaf 1. Leaf 2 contains John i. 1, 1—15 misplaced by binder. Leaf 3 begins Matth. xi. 41 é@va de, and continuously to end of Gospels. Arabesques in pale red at the heads of books. Much lectionary in scarlet. Also Am. (not Kus.) ced. .t. and titAoi, xed. At end, about ten leaves of fragments of a synaxarium and menology. m.andn. Evan. 553 and 554. B.-C. mu. 26' and 267 B.-C. IL is a mere bundle of vellum fragments, not of the same size, whereof one (B.-C.’) comprises 27 leaves of S. Mark, the other (B.-C.*) 47 larger leaves of SS. Matthew and Mark. We will describe them separately, for their juxta- position is only accidental. m; -Hyan.553:° B-Clan- 96% This poor fragment of 27 leaves dates from the end of the twelfth century. It measures 7% inches long by 5$ broad, and contains on 27 leaves (three torn) Mare. ii. 21— iv. 13; 37—vii. 29; viii. 15—27; ix. 9—x. 5; 29—xi. 32, neatly written on good vellum, from 19 to 21 lines on a page, but the margin disfigured with a wretched modern scribble. There are titdXot, the Ammonian sections and Eusebian canons are in the margin. We find ¢ subscript mostly, even with verbs (7rov@). Corrections by erasure, whether by first hand (capp. viii. 25; ix. 22; xu. 9,19, 23) or by a later (ix. 28, 38; x. 3; xi. 24). ‘“OpovorédXeutov in cap. ix. 38, and v égerxvotixoy 25 times, mostly with eézev, or after a pause. We note only 20 itacisms: » (for ev) 4; ev (for 7) 1; » (fore) 1; ¢ (for 7) 1; @ (foro) 4; 0 (for w) 4; e (for at) 2; av (for €) 1; pets and vpets twice interchanged. Breathings and accents are fairly regular, but initial 7 and o are often aspirated (nyép0n, nvayKace, orjLyor, ove). Compare for readings Marc. ili. 22. —6tv secund. v. 4. dsaomacPa. 16. denynoavto 6é (—xal). vi. 2. —671. 15. —7. 16. —o. CRITICA SACRA. xlvu 27. éveyxOnvar. 32. amndOev. 33. —oi dydor. éméyvooar autos. 34. 6 io edev. 44. —ooel. 47. fv (post pdvos). 53. 7AOev eri THy yevvnoaped (y supra, s.m.). vil. 4, eloly (pro éotw). 17. etonrOov. 19. [kafapifov]. 1x. 25. cuv- Tpéxet OyANos. 28. OTe SuaTt vpets (y supra, s.m.). 34, dve- NeyyOncav p.m. 38. —Kal exmrvoapev ad fin. versiis p.m. 50. +70 (ante adas tert.). xi. 3. atootede? avTov. 28. 6é- dwxev. X11. 26. Tod (pro Ths). + eiui (post éyo). 28. éotiv EVTOAN TPOTH TavTo@Vv. 30. AUTH TpeTH TavTwY EVTONN. 31. éavtov (pro ceavTov). xvi. 8. EAMotvcat. —Taxv: and the interpolation after cap. xi. 26 from Matth. vu. 7,8. Ends Mare. xii. 32 ém’ adnOeias. nm. HMvan, 554, 8 -C.1n 26%. This fragment contains, on 47 leaves of coarse vellum, 84 inches long by 54 broad, Matth. xviii. 32—xxiv. 10; xxvi. 28—xxvill. 20; Mare. 1. 16—xiuii. 9; xiv. 9—27. It is in bad condition through damp and dirt, and the writing exhibits many abridgements. It might be referred to the thirteenth century, but that a date which looks p.m. at the end of the list of the 48 cepadaia of S. Mark has étovs Sara [A.D. 1323] wv TO adTa....hepovapiov eis tiv vy neépav TrapacKkevy...., but then in 1323, the 13th of February- fell on a Sunday, not on a Friday. The titAoe and numbers of xeparaa at the top and foot of the pages are pale red in S. Matthew, black in S. Mark. The Ammonian sections also are red in S. Matthew, with the numeral of the Eusebian canons subjoined, in Mark they are often in black, the canons mostly omitted. The rubrical directions in margin are both in black and red. Some corrections seem p.m., others plainly s.m. (Matth. xx. 13, 20; xxi. 42; xxvii. 64; Mare, 1. 22; vy. 19; vi. 15; x. 32; x1. 3). There are too many (14) omissions by dwovoréXevtov: Matth. xxi. 32; peas 2. Ds) Sexi. 3, 12 Mare) i. 22 av. 24; vir. 20> vin: 11, af; 1x. 5; x. 19, 32; xi.15, 28. There is found no « ascript, subscript but once (7t70aTo Mare. vi. 25). N éferxvotixov xlvili ADVERSARIA is seen only seven times, a hiatus for the lack of it thrice. This copy is not incorrect as a whole, but with a tendency to omit words. Not a few itacisms (115) occur: « (for 7) 8; 7 (for 4) 8; o (for w) 19; w (for 0) 14; 7 (for ev) 22; ex (for 7) 6; € (for ac) 4; ae (for €) 8; «(for ev) only 1; ec (for e) 3; € (for n) 1; ov (for w) 2 with verbs; (for ov) 1; v (for e) 3; 9% (for ) 2; e« (for oc) 1; ov (for cor) 2; n and v interchanged Matth. xxi, 4; xxvi. 40; Marc. vi. 34. Notice also the following readings : MATTH. xix. 19. —cov prim. 21. —vmaye. xx. 24. d0- dexa (pro déxa). 25. Kataxupievcovow. xxi. 14. yorot Kat tugrol. 21. ov (propn). 26. —8& 34, —dé. 36. —dovAovs. xxii. 1. —déyor. 13. yetpas kal rédas. 29. —8& 87. to én. —TH prim. et sec. 45. +év mu (ante caret). xxvi. 40. —ovtws. 42. —ov. 43. of ofOadpol attav. 45. tapado- Onoetat. 48. éay (pro av). 52. fin. dtro8avodvta. 59. Oa- vatwo avtov. 63. elans npiv. 69. vafapaiov (pro yare- Naiov). 71. yadtXalov (pro vafapaiov). 73. — oi éotaTes. Xxvil. 5. +Tpuaxovta (ante apyvpia). 6. KwBovadv. 31. —avtov. 48. —Kai (ante mepibeis). 55. +Kat (ante yuvaixes). 63. 6 mAavos exeivos. 64. +nuav Kolmwopéevwv (ante Kal el7@@ol). XXVill. 2. +7Tov pvnpeiov (post OUpas). 4. Os oF (pro wae). 8. eAPotca. —Tayl. Marc. i. 23. dvéxpate. 33. ovvnypévn. 35. +6 to (post amndOev). 11.10. —Sé. ill. 4. ayabov woujoa. 5. —oou. 6. €dOdvres. 30. +070 (unte rva). iv. 11. —ra. 17. avrois (pro éavtots). 18. —odtot ciow secund. 19. —ai (ante mept). 21. ovyi (pro ovy iva). 25. éxee (pro av éyn). v. 1. 7AOev. 7. poe (pro pe). 9. AEyeov (pro réyor). 16. denyjnoavto d€ (— Kal). vi. 13. é&éBadrov. 14. ai duvapets evepyovow. 17. EGeto (pro édncev). —TH. 18. —T@ pedyn. 20. axkovwv. 29. —avTod secund. —T®o. vil. 17. efojrAOov. 25. —avths. 36. SdiecretAaTo. viii. 13. —marw eis TO. 22. avtov (pro avtod). 24, —opo. 31. —Tod\\a. 34. axorovdeiy (pro édOeiv). ix. 1. — Ore. 16. Gmteire. 18. —adv. 22. avtov eis TO Tip (—Kal). 25. ovvtpéyer OyNos. 28, OTe (Ti p.m.?). 33. NoyierOe. CRITICA SACRA. xlix 42. day (pro av), x. 1, —dydou. 14, 6 8é ic Sav. —xKal (ante pn). 15. fin. év avdth (pro eis av.) 17. idod Tis TAovVaLoS Tpocdpamov (pro mpocdpamav eis). 24. —Tois secund. 33. —id0v0. —Tots secund. 35. —iWwva. xi. 11. mavtas s.m. 14, —avtod. 19. éropevovto. xii. 8. Kai éxBadXovTes avtov é&@ Tov aumeNOvos aTéxtewav. 27. 0 Oa Oa vexpav andra Covtwv. 32. éati Oo TAH avTodD adXos. 42. EBadre p.m. 43. —67r. 44, EBadrrov. xiv. 15. —péya. 22. +7o0v (ante apror). This copy ends xal A€éyer adtots Mare. xiv. 27. o. ) Byant’555:) BEC. mE 4 This is a small neat quarto (7 inches high by 5 broad) on 264 leaves of vellum of 24 lines on a page, neatly written in the thirteenth century. At the end are annexed six leaves of an imperfect synaxarion and menology, possibly by the first hand. This codex has tables of eeparava (three of them in red), a mpoXoyos or vireGects with a rude portrait of the Evangelist prefixed to each Gospel (Johan. xix. 25—xxi. 2 being lost), and the eight leaves containing Matth. vi. 1—x. 18 being misplaced by the binder at Matth. xxvi. 26. The numerals of the cepadxara are marked and titXox in red at the head and foot of the pages. ‘The Ammonian sections stand in the margin, and the Eusebian canons under them very partially. The Church lessons stand also in the margin in red. Breathings, accents &c. are correct, and the scribe seldom trips into mere error. There are not many itacisms (except o for w) in the copy, « subscript is rare (Johan. vil. 37 TH eoyaTn nwépa), the characteristic readings of Cod, a &e. in Luke xxii. 43, 44 and John vii. 53—viii. 12 do not appear in it, and the text closely resembles that of the Textus Receptus. Yet a few rather minute variations may be noted, e.g. MATTH. xii. 37. KataxpiOnon (pro katabivkacOnon). xill. 32. TavTwOV supra, p.m. Aayavev, xxi. 46, —avTov, xxiii. 25. + Tod tivaxos (post wapowidos). MARC. ix. 28. —avror. x. 1, + oAnoi (post dyror). 17. + l50v. Tus mAovaLos (post ] ADVERSARIA ooov). xiii. 11. pepimvare (pro mpopep.). xiv. 12. 7H porn Tav at. nuépa. LUC. i, 27. +Kxai matpéas (ante Sad). viii. 14. meoov. Xi. 21. fin. + TadtTa réyov epaver 6 Exwv Ta axovew adkovéTo. xxiii. 1. dvaotds. JOHAN. il. 22. avrood. + avtois (post Xoyw). xii. 40. tTerUproxev. 42. dporoyour. xv. 10. —évrords secund. xix. 17. + «al iyayov eis TO mpattapuov (post iv). The few corrections appear to me to be made by the original scribe. The subscription at the end of the fourth Gospel stands rubro Kata yap Ke vixavdpov a@oor. p. Evan. 557. B.-C. m1. 9. This neat little codex (measuring only 51 inches high by 31 broad) in general style of writing much resembles Cod. 555, and is of the same date, the thirteenth century. It contains 256 leaves, of 22 lines on each page. Tables of xeparava precede the last three Gospels, and rough pictures of the Evangelists, all but S. Luke’s. Slght illuminations stand at the head of each Gospel. TéirAo. in red are found at the top and bottom of the several pages. Numerals of xepadaca and Ammonian sections with capitals (with- out the Eusebian canons) are in the margin in red, but often wrongly put, in a very unusual fashion. This copy is quite free from references to Church lessons. The omissions through opowotédevtoyv are frequent (eg. Matth. x. 37; Mare. ix. 43—46; x. 27, 42; xii. 39; xiv. 19; xv. 14; Lue. x27; Joan: m1. 815 av. 5-v. 32% 9.1, 32,42 5 yee 14. 1x7; zit B4e x. -34; xw. 177 xml 2k) Taeeme (especially ez or ¢ for », o for w, and vice versd) are rare in the first two Gospels, but more frequent afterwards: vy épedXxvaTiKoy is very common, and though the punctuation is accurate, the sign of interrogation never occurs. This book must have been transcribed from an older copy which was defective in S. Luke, inasmuch as from cap. xi. 30 TH yevead TavtTn the Gospel goes on with no break in the text to cap. xii. 1 crapnoay 5€é tives; from cap. xiii. 14 Kai CRITICA SACRA. hi ovK iayvoovow to xiv. 2 Kai idov dvos tis: from cap. xiv. 12—16 (reve 5€ dvos tis), xvi. 1—13 édreye Se mpos tovs pabnras avtod ovdels oixérns Svvatar. But indeed this copy contains an unusual number of variations from the ordinary text, though none of first rate importance: e.g. Marra. ii. 19. —év alyirto. 22. —émi tis iovdaias. vil. 1. xpivate. 13. —1 680s. épxyopevor. 14. —1 wvX7. x, 29. rod év ovvois (pro vudv). xi. 1. Tovs NOyous (pro be af Siatagowv). xii. 15. —yvods. 40. Kxowdia (pro Kapoia). 44, —Kat kexoopnpmévov, xiii. 33. éxpuier. 39. + 01 (ante ayyero). —elow. xiv. 19. —Tovds dptovs. xv. 23. Deest versus. Xvi. 9. + ouviere Kat (ante pvnmovevete). 21. Tapa (pro dio). xvil. 21. &€& épyetas (pro éxmopevetac). 22. +dpaptorav (post avOpdrov). 27. —avrtois. xxii. 25. adiKias (pro axpacias). 28. adicias (pro avouias). Marc. i. 1. év Bi8Aw AOyor noaiov Tod TpodyTov. 11. 9. +oaouv (post amaptias). —Kat adpov cov tov KpaBParov. 26. —Tod. vil. 19. —avrod. Kabapifwv. vill. 19. — Tovs. +xal. +xal (ante récovs). x. 40. + apd tod aps (post ntolmactat). 47. mapayeta (post éotw). —inood, xi. 14. pnkéete é€x cov Kaptros yévntat els TOV ai@va. }KoVaaY. 32. foBovpeba (— Tov Aaov). xii. 6. —1Tpds avTodvs ExyaTor. 7. init. éxetvor idovtes avTov eitrov mpos éavTovs (— OTL). 24. —ov dia TobTo. xiii. 8. apyn. 14. ev TOTW ayvo (pro trou ov Oct). 20. éxoroB8oOncav ai nuépat exeivar. 24, TOV nuepov exelvwv (pro éxeivny). xXiv. 3. —TH. puvoriKhs (pro muctixfs). 12. dayety (pro iva payns). 41. amapye? (pro aréyer). 45. —€XOov. + avT@ (post Neyer). 71. — dv Néyete. Xv. 8. TOV BapaBPBav (pro KaBws dei é7role. avTois). 47. Deest versus. xvi. 19. rob apo (pro tod bv). Luce. i. 24. Gayapiov (pro avtov). 48. tod dovXov (pro THs SovANS). 66. aKovovTes. 74. —€K yeupds. 1. 17. mpoo- exuvnoav Kai éyvwpicav. —Tovtov. 25. evaoeBys (pro evraBys). 29. —KaTa TO pHud cov. iil. 12. +m’ avrod (post Bartic@jvat). 18. Nywv (pro tapaxarav). 25, —Tod paad tov pattabiov. 38. onu (pro anf). iv. 1. éyeveto (pro wryeto). 10. +€v tacais tais odois cou (post ce). li ADVERSARIA 30. év wéow (pro dia pécov). 42. — Tod pur) mopevecOar av” avtav. v. 14. avtov (pro avté). 21. —ovdtos. 35. + per éEovalas (post Tote). 36. fin. Kal TO Taraiw cuudwvel TO amo Tov Katvov. vi. 4. —é€daBe Kal. 8. éEnppapévny (pro Enpav). 9. mpos adtors 6 ic. 23. ydapnte. —ryap prim. 28. —evAoyeite Tovs KaTapwpévous viv Kal. 45. tporpéper (pro mpodéper) bis. vil. 5. +7uav (post cvvaywy)v). 6. —ov prim. 21. modXots tuprois. —Td. 25. Stayortes (pro vmdpxovtes). 29. vo (pro TO Barticpa). 45. 7Oov (pro etonrOov). 49. —Kai (ante awaprias). vill. 2. 7odXa (pro émta). 14. axovovtes, 24. é€ravcate. + peyady (post yarnvn). 28. +7od\da (ante Bacavions) 31. éemeraker. 39. eidnde (pro nrevfe). 45. —Kai ol wet avTod, émicTata. 52. avtH (proavtyny). 53. idovtes (pro eiddtes). 55. eEavéorn. ix. 4. —dav. 5. dé€ovtar. 11. +7a (ante wepi). 35. +év o nudoxnoa (post ayamntos) 42. éppipev (pro éppnéev). +avrov (post cvveotrapagev). 44. Tas Kapdias (pro ta dra). x. 22. émuywoeoKe Tov viov Tis éoTL ef py. 23. + madw (post otpadels). 34. —mpocedOav. —avtov secund. xi. 18, €wepioOn. xiii. 18. deve 5€ rive opordow THv Bacihevay Tod Ou: dota éott KéxKa’ (sic). 21. —Kal prim. xiv. 4. —Kai admédvoe. 5. Bovs autos. 21. éi(proecize). 24. fin.+morrot yap eat KAnToi odiyou Sé éxrexTol. 31. —Erépw Bacinre?. xv. 7. Ore yaipes em avTa wadXov 1) ert Tois evern) KovTaevVEa Tois pu) Temavnpévols oUTws éaTal yapa ev TO ovVW K.T.D. + merAavnpévors (ante oitiwes) Xvi. 16. Buaerar (pro evayyer.). els éautyy. 24. + woe (post méurpov). xvii. 6, éyete. emnkovcev. 37. TTOMa. XIX. 4 Tpocdpaper. \ 26. +Kal mepiccevOnoeras (post SoOjcetar). xx. 19. én rey iv (pro ém avrov). xxi. 10. Kal (pro Tote). 21. é« wéoou (pro év péow). 25. Kai onpeta év dotpots (pro Kai cedynvy Kal dotpos). 30. —730n. 38. —mpos avtoy. xxii. 47. + modvs (post dydos). 54. Hyov. + amo (ante paxpdber). 61. —xal otpadels 6 xo évéBrepe TH wétpw. 65. —eis. 70. Deest versus. 71. +mpos avtov (ante eizrov). xxiii. 3. —atto. 15. +év (ante avrd). 23. + 70d (ante otavp.). 25. —avtots. dLa hovoy Kat otdow. 28. ém éuol. 35, CRITICA SACRA. hii —ovv. 40. ovdév poBet od. 48. + é£erdnooovto (post TavTnv). 53. év owddve Kal. jevnpeiw (pro priate). xxiv. 12. —pova. 24. — otto. JOAN. 1. 10. —év TO Koop Hv p.m. 29. —6 iwavyns. 35. —makw, 42, —0. 46. wwons Kal of mpodjrar év Ta voww. ili. 28, avtod (pro éxelvov). iv. 23. ote (pro bre). 27. Oavmafov. 35. —ért. 40. +xat (ante npdtwr). 52. yap (pro ovv). v. 1. +7 (ante éoptn). 2. —ért TH. 3. tadrn yap (pro tavrats). 4. +xu (post dyyedos). KatéBawe xara Kalpov év TH TpoBatiKn KoAULBnOpa. 7. TportapBavrpat (pro mpd éuod karaBaiver). 44. dvov (pro adAnro?). vi. 15. —radw. 22. —éxeivo. avéBnoav. 23. ArOov. iv (prov). 24. —Kai prim. 27. —6anp. 30. kab muoted- copuev. 31. vudv (pro nov). 42. —inaods. —oidTos. 55. —yap. vil. 2. —éyyds. 8. —ravtnv prim. ovx (pro ovTw). 26. —arnOds. 31. pwn (pro ptt). —TovTar. 32. + ovv (post nxovoav). 46. + «ai eirrov (post vmnpérat). éXaryoev ovtws. Pericope adult. sine signo habet. viii. 2. —mpos avtov. 3. fin. + metpafovtes. 3. [xatedjnbOn}. 9. —€ws Tav éoxatwyv. otoa (pro éctdca). 10. —1) yur). 11. kpwoé. 44, ove éotnKev. ix. 7. réyeTar (pro épun- vevetat). 11. —Kai vipat. 15. avéwEev attod tovs 6b0ar- pods (pro avéBrevev). 30. dwaptwrov avov (pro duaptwrdar). 34. OXws. 39. —TodTov. 41. —av. xi. 1. —amo BnOavias. 16. ody avTe (pro pet avTov). 22. den (pro ddécer). —o Oc. 41. —6 teOvynkads Keipevos. 48. —Kal prim. 52. — ra dveoxoptiapeva. 56. +7rod éotuv éxeivos (post éotnKoTEs). xl. 3. Buaotexns (pro miotexns). (Cf. Mare. xiv. 8.) xiii. 2. —7dn. 4. amo (pro éx). 20. atoateiXavta (pro méupavrTa). xiv. 9. éyeus we” nudv (pro pel? tuav eiuc). 13. + 7dv pa (post aitnonte). 30. —TovTov. evpnoes (pro ovK éxer). xv. 6. EnpavOncetar (pro éEnpavOn). 26. + pov (ante 70 mvebpwa). Xvi. 3, Tov TéurpavTa pe (pro Tov Tpa). 4. —dpiv secund. 13. —70 mva tis adyOeias. xvii. 21. fin. + Kal nyaTnoas avTovs KaOds ewe HyaTnoas. 24. +reTANPOL_Eevny S. é liv ADVERSARIA év avtots (post THv éunv). Xvill. 3. apyovT@r (pro apxLepéwv). 16. tHv OUpav. 19. ds ody (prodovv). 28. —otv. 39. —dpiv. —ovv. 40. —madw. xix. 3. jpEavto déyew avTé (pro éXeyov). 12. enter atrodkdoat avTov 6 TiAaTOS. 21. —TaéV tovdaiwy prim. 30. d€ (pro odv). 36. + am (ante avtod). 38. Tod Ku (pro Tod iv). xx. 13. +riva Enreis (post Kratets). xxl. 1. +avtob (post pabntais). 7. —métpos. 18. éavtov (pro weavTor). We have designedly omitted, from this long List, variations for which there is much authority elsewhere, and it would be curious to discover which of the peculiarities of this codex (mere errors excluded) may be countenanced by other codices yet unexamined. q. Evan. 558. B.-C. 11. 10. This manuscript (dated in the fifteenth century) is written on thick paper, measuring 8 inches high by 53 broad on 374 leaves (or 424, including in same hand 16 prefatory and 34 supplemental leaves), with 16 lines on a page. It is boldly but clearly written, Joan. vill, 3—12; xi. 44—xil. 6 being supplied by a later hand. The signatures stand at the foot of the page for every sheet of eight leaves, but the leaves are much misplaced in binding. Its old wooden cover is overlaid with embroidery work. Its prefatory matter con- sists of tables of Eusebian canons rubro, Eusebius Carpiano, table of xebadara and Prologue to 8. Matthew, followed by 18 verses of rude senarii Tov é« teXdvou Pavyactov Oenyopov «.7.X. There are fair pictures of the Lord in the act of -blessing, of the Virgin and Child, of 8. Matthew in inferior style. Before each of the other Gospels are tables of ceparara, Prologues and pictures of each Evangelist. Slight illumina- tions at the head of the Gospels. There are no titXos in S. Matthew but the Ammonian sections and number of the Eusebian canons, the apyai and rédn, down to Matth. xv. 12, with a few Church lessons are set in the margin. The supple- mental leaves comprise short theological questions and answers, CRITICA SACRA. lv and on their first page an inscription rubro states that the book was written zrap’ éuol (sic) Tov evTENoDs Kal aBpwTipou TAVT@OV MEpoTT@V Kal ywpLKoD ypadews Oeoddpouv Tod KoTEa €x yopas peOovns Tederwév ev ETEL GVTTATEWS KOTBOU S Aq. Ww. n. aro Sé THS éveapKoU oiKovomias avr pvt paid Na: the year of the world 6938 (Indiction 8), being equivalent to A.D. 1430. The first hand must have revised the MS. throughout, but a later scribe corrects Marc. ix. 32; x. 41; xiv. 3; Lue. xxii, 31; Joan. vil. 47; x. 11, and the margin of Maith. xi. 23, 25; xxiv. 15; Lue. vi. 49; xx. 31. Nine clauses are lost by ouocoreXeutov (Matth. xiii. 12; Luc. x. 27; xi. 10; xvii. 33; xxii. 30; Joan. iv. 14; vii. 24; xiv. 7, 27), also by the same beginning (Luce. x. 22). There is no reduplication, Mare. v. 4, nor augment in Matth. xix. 13; xxv. 7, 35; Mare. v. 13; ix. 32; Luc. xxiv. 21; Joan. vu. 47. N épedrxvotixov 17 times (thrice corrected), but an hiatus left, Luc. 1. 56, 57; vil. 17; xvi. 26. The « ascript 17 times up to Luce. i. 75, then ceases, but « subscript first in Luc.1.'77 (nm the same hand and on same page as the last ascript) thence found 85 times, mostly with article after the preposition év. The itacisms (98) by first hand (which sometimes corrects them) are 398: viz. o (for 0) 64; o (for w) 56; ex (for 7) 43; » (for ec) 75 ; x (for c) 18; 2 (for ) 22; az (for c) 30; ex (fore) 9; « (for ec) 11; 4 and v (pronouns interchanged) 25; other 7 (for v) 6; v (for 7) 6; ec (for v) 2; v (for ec) Matth. xii. 48; v (for v) 3; (for v) 2; ov (for 0) 1; (for ov) 4; ov (for w) 7; » (for ev?) Lue. v. 7; v (for ov) 1; « (for oc) 1; o« (for ¢) 7; 7 (for oz) 3. The only Alexandrine form is yeZpav Joan. xx. 25. ottw only Matth. v.47; vii. 17; xvii. 12; Luc. xxi. 31, elsewhere ottws. Breath- ing and accents fairly regular, with usual licence of non- accenting, or double accent with prepositions. de only Luc. xxiv. 6; Joan. vi. 9. Unusual readings are Mare. vi. 22. avtov (pro avThs). Lue. 11. 22. avtod (pro avtis). xiv. 4. vids (pro dvos). xv. 21. fin. +7roinooy pe ws Eva TOV pic Oior gov. Joan. vil. 8. ovx« (pro o’tw prim.) x. 11. 6 Tels Thy xuxnv p.m. (avtod TiOnow erased). But the following also are more or less remarkable : MATTH. 11. 8. €X\Ow, 12. avaxadrtrar. iv. 8. avtov (pro e2 lvi ADVERSARIA abt@). 21. 8%0 ddXovs. 22. TH iv (pro ate). v. 13. &v iaxyvet. 16. yudv (pro vuar tert.). 18. aunv (pro yap). 36. —plav. 46. —yap. vi. 7. —ol. 14. —ydp. — vpiv. vii. 19. Téwveras (pro éxkorrerat). vill. 13. fin. + Kal vrro- otpéeas 6 €xatov. (v eras.) els TOV oiKoV avToOd etpe TOV Traida bytaivovta. 20. —Kal. ix. 5. —elmeiy prim. 6. —6eé. 8. —Tots. 11. +«at miver (post éoOier). 14, —déyovTes. 15. + xpovov (post dcov). 18. —idov, 32. —dé x. 2. —8e. 8. —vexpovs éyelpere. 33. —av secund. 34, +ovv (ante vouionte). Xi. 8. —paraxots. xil. 10. nv exe? THY yx. 35. —Onoavpod secund. 37. kataxpiOnon. + Kat (ante cexoopn- uevoyv. xiii. 8. év twapaBodais TwoAda. 4. HAOov Ta TeTEWa tod ovpavod. 19. dvaprage. 30. —Ta. 32. + 7dvTwv (post petfov). 33. éxpulevr. 40. cuvayetat. KaleTat. xiv. 6. TeNoupéevory (pro ayouévav). 13. —éxetOev. xv. 2. + Tov (ante aptov). 13. + avrots (post eirev). 18. dua (pro éx prim.). Xvi. 1, caddovKator Kai papicaio. 11. + 70d (ante mpocéyev). 21. —Kai apysepéwv. 24, axodovbetv (pro é\@eiv). 28. éor@tes. xvil. 12. —év. 25. Tivos. xviii. 10. —év odpavois prim. 16. —ért. 24, —els. xix. 6. ovK (pro ovKétt). 8. —ov yéyovev. 28. Jungit év TH Tan. cum sequentibus. Opovwv. xx. 6. eidev (pro edpev). 23. TodTo ovk é€otw Sodvat. xxi. 14. ywAol Kai TUPAol. 16. Kai eizre (pro 6 88 io réyer). 19. play év TH Odo. 34, —Sé xxiii. 8. dudacKaros (pro 6 KaOnyntns). 37. iernu idm (sic). xxiv. 7. Nowol Kal Awol. 45. — Tv. xxvi. 26. evyapiotnoas (pro evroynoas). 40. aypurvncar (pro ypnyopnoar). 56. —qravres. XXvil. 45. éyéveto cxoTos. 50.—madww. 54, + 6€ (post iSovres). xxviii. 2. + Tod prvnpetov (post Ovpas). Nor are there fewer variations (minute as some are) in the three remaining Gospels, especially in small omissions and additions. Mare. i, 38. éAnjrvOa. 11. 10. eyes EEovotay eri THs ys adiévat. 18. pabntai cov (pro coi u.). 26. —Tod secund. iii. 7. yKodovVOncev avTa amo THS yadidalas. 23. + avTOS (ante mpookan.). iv. 3. fin. + Tov omdpoyv avtod. 13. Tas mapaBonras Tacas, 22. d ov (pro éav pn). v. 6. — aro, CRITICA SACRA. lvili 12. —tavtes. 28. +€v éautn (post yap). vi. 2. + ai (ante duvapels). 6. dcov éav py déEovtat. 20. dxovwv. 33. avTods (pro avtov). 56. ets ToAELs 7) KOMas 7 aypovs. vii. 17. eio- HrGov. viii. 1. EXMdvTos (pro dvTos). 15. fin. TAv jpodiavar. 23. —avTov prim. 31. —Tpeis nuépas avactiva kal. 38. Tov aylov ayyékwv. ix. 28. + dtaTi (post OTe). 38. + él (post twa). x. 6. am dpyis 8. 17. —eis. 30. pa) wpa (pro pyntépas). xi. 28. dédxev. 32. dAN (—édv). xii. 36. Sa8 év mu aylw ele. 39. + hidrolvtav (ante aoTacpmovs). xl. 3. Kal (wavyns Kal iakwBos. 23. dravta. 28. 6 Krabos avTHs (—1}6n). 32. —THs secund. Tav ovpavdy (pro of év ovpav@). xXiv. 36. GAN’ eite ou (pro adAd Ti cv). xv. 3. fin. +0 6€ ovdév amexpivato. 4. —madw. 34, — pou prim. Luc. 1. 34, + moe (ante todtTo). 50. Kat yeveay (pro yevedv). 63. €otat (pro éotl). 65. —mavta. 66. axovovtes. i. 9. —Ku prim. 12. —vtpiv. 25. —fv secund. 39. —adrar. 43. —tas. il 1. —é 13. —vuiv. 15. 4 (pro ein). 16. Barrifw vuds év bdaTt. 17. KataTravce p.m. 33. +T0d iwpapu. (ante tod éopwm). iv. ll. —éte. 27. +é&& (ante avtav). 43. év (pro tats) v. 2. amémduvov. 11. dixtva (pro mroia). 33. —col. 36. Kai TO TaXaLoy ov cumpwvet T® ATO TOU Kawvod (—émiBAnpa secund.). vi. 1. —avtov. 9, amoxtetvat (pro amodécat) 26. — vuiv. — Tavtes. vil. 24, evayyéAwv (pro ayyéA@yv). vill. 3. avtots (pro avT@). 4. +70d (ante dyAov). 16. —de. 18. —Kai (ante 0 Soxel). 21. +00 (ante adergot). fin. —avTov. 26. Hv (pro éotlv). 38. —8ée. 39. Oc (prow). 44, +68€ (ante dic bev). ix. 12. rods dydovs. 21. avtad (pro avtois). 23. — Kal? neepav. 33. —Kal (ante moujcwpev). 42. érédmxev. 56. —yap. x.2. —Tod (ante xv). 4. Badrdravtia ude. 8. —Ta. 27. —xai é& Orns THs ioxvos gov. 35. —Svo. xi. 5. epet (pro ein). 6. —pov. 9. avorxOnoerar (sic v.10). 11. +e& (ante tuav). 12. wov aitnon. 17. 70 dvavonwa. 25. — Kai (ante Kexoop.). 26. €Oovta. 34. Extras (pro éoriy secund.). Xi. 5. peta Tov (pro peta TO). 15. avt@ (pro avtov prum.). eee Te . . x 16. éddpycev. xiii. 12. 6 to avryy. 20. mit. — Kat lviii ADVERSARIA 34. érucuvayayeiv. xiv. 5. ulos (pro dvos). 16. —avr@. xv. 1. —oi secund. 4. éyov é& tudv. 6. +avTod (post yeltovas). 9. —evpodca. 21. fin. + Troinodv pe ws Eva TOV ptcOlov cov. 30. Tov moaxov oiTevTov. xvi. 14. éwueTnptov. 15. BdérAvypd eat evdriov Tod Geod. 18. poryatar (pro povyever prim.) 28. —TodTov. xvii. 23. +0 yo (ante 411). 25. é« (pro amo). 33. —avtjv prim. 34 —o0 prim. xvill. 17. dunv bis scriptum. 37. mpoépxetas. xix. 15. — Kat (ante etme). 31. —avrod. 37. mpEato. 48. axovew. xx. 19. OxAov (pro Nady). 22. popovs. 24. of bé EdervEav kat etme (post Snvapuov). 40. —d6é. xxi. 16. Kal ovyyevav kal hirwv Kal ddekpov. 23. +7ToTEe (ante avayKn). 24. +év (ante cropatt). 36. —Tadrta. 38. —mpos avTov. XXL. 3, Tots lepedot Kal oTpaTnyols. 5. cuveyapnoay. 15. opayeiv. 23. €€ avtav ein. 36. mwrnoeEL, ayopace. 37. em (pro ev). 47. mpofryev avtovs. 60. Ti (prod) —o secund. xxii. 1. avaotavtes. ayayov. 25. +7Tov BapaBBav (ante Tov &2a). 33. Neyouevov (pro Kadovpevorv). 56. —xKal (ante To mer). xxiv. 6. odv vuly (pro év TH yadwAala Néywrv). 21. éArzriCopev. Joan. i. 18, 19, 26, 34, 51; ii. 3, 12, 13, 16, 18; iii, 20, 21, 28, 36; iv. 1, 2, 3, 14, 33, 46; v. 1, 44; vi. 10, 11, 17, 21, 30, 49, 51, 55, 61, 64, 71; vii. 4, 8, 31, 46, 47; viii. 36, 4d, 48, 52; ix. 9, 20, 41; x. 11, 25, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41; xi 2, 3, 33; xi, 13, 20, 28; xiii. 8; 26, 34, 87 > xiv. 5, 23, 26; 30; xvii 2125 savin 20> xvin..6) 21 40. xixv2, 3) abs, oo eee 17; 19; 86:36, 37, 405 xx 26> xe1/3, 4 r, Evan. 559. B.-C. m1. 41. This well-written codex, of the twelfth or thirteenth century, is mutilated, without covers, and otherwise in bad condition. It measures 6} inches by 44, and consists of 275 leaves of thick vellum, with 22 lines on a page. It begins with the 52nd xefaravoy or table of S. Matthew. The tables are complete before the other Evangelists; with titXou at heads of pages, but no corresponding numerals or Ammonian sections in margin or reference to Church lessons. A picture CRITICA SACRA. lix of 8. John is defaced; the others probably cut out: slight illuminations are at the head of each Gospel. The MS. breaks off at John xviii. 30 e¢ yu1) nv ovToS KaxoTot. Many leaves are misplaced in binding to the reader’s perplexity. Thus the leaf Matth. vii. 3—15 follows cap. v. 37; and in five or six other places the same heedlessness occurs. We find no sign of « subscript or ascript. N éfedxvotexoy is met with 63 times, an hiatus for lack of it 13 times. Though on the whole the scribe is not inaccurate, omissions by ojovoté- NeuTov are found 21 times (Matth. 1. 12; v. 22; vii. 10, 19; pot diol xvide 1S; xix, 9, Mare, x: 34> xiv 28 3x1 B02 av. AG: xv. 4h Lue. vu, 20; xxi, 30. . Johan. vai. -28 5 ix. 32; xi. 34, 45; xvu. 18; xviii. 7). There is much cor- rection throughout, especially of itacisms, by a somewhat later hand. The red letters also were inserted in a later stage, when breathings and accents were sometimes added. Itacisms number 387 in all: viz. » (for +) 28; ¢ (for 7) 17; e (for ac) 153; ave (for €) 22; » (for ev) 54; e (for 1) 37; ¢ (for et) 43; es (for ¢) 10; (for o) 62; o (for w) 52; n (for e) 4; e (for n) 16; » (for v) 5; v (for 7) 4, besides nwets and tpels interchanged 24 times; @ (for ov) 5; ov (for w) 1; » (for oz) 10; ov (for 7) 5; o¢ (for v) 2; ¢ (for v) 43; ec (for v) 1; ov (for t) 4. The augment is omitted five times (Matth. xviii. 23, 28; xxvii. 44; Lue. v. 13; vii. 41; Johan.i. 20). Alexandrine forms are only tpiéxav Matth. v. 36; KanKovv Luc. v. 19; ovTw is found 13 times, elsewhere ovtTws: méAXEu for péreEe twice, cvAds always. For unusual readings see MATTH. ii, 22. —ézi, iii. 11. —xal wupi. 13. mpos (pro emt). 15. —npiv. vi. 1. +6é (post mpocéyete). 8. nuov (pro vuov), viii. 10. auny dunv. x. 21. éravacticerat. 25. amexadeoav. fin. avt@® (pro avtod). xi. 16. ravdiocs. 19. réxvwy avtois (cf. x. 25), xl. 29. Ta oKevn (pro Tp oixiav). xiil. 10. Nadre?, 11. dédoTar p.m. 14. —ér’. —7 secund. xiv. 5. époBeiro. 16. vets avtois. 25. — de. 31. cai evOéws (—Se). 33. —édAOdvTes. xv. 11. —TodTO Kowvol Tov avOpwrov. 13. + avrTots (post eimev). 14. eu- mecoovtat. 18. —é« (ante Tod ot.). 27. + Kat (post Kai yap). 28. —io. 32. npuépar dn. 39. avéBn. opn. lx ADVERSARIA xvi. 3. cuviere (pro d’vacbe). 4. aviry ov SoOjnceTa. 11. cad- Sovxaiwy Kai papicaiwv. 20, —ic. 21.—avrov. 26. Enui- 87 7 Yuyn adtod (— Se). xvii. 2. eyévovto. 5. +8é (post ert). 14, +71s (post dvOpwmos). avtov (pro avTa). 21. é€- Epxetat. 27. avaBaivovta ixOdyv. xviii. 3. —auny Aéyo vuiv. 7. —éotw. 8 —éotw. édOeiv (pro cicendOeiv). 15. —Kai (post iraye). 16. dv0 7) tpidv waptipev. 25. éxee. xix. 3. —avT@. —avOpoT@. 6. —op.m. 9. —e. 16. Tis (pro eis). 17. init. 6 8€ ico. 20. —@ru. 28. pou ev 7H Taduyyeveria oTav (sic). 30. +06 (ante éryartou secund.). xx. 7, —67t. 21. avtol (pro ovtot). 22. rivw (pro pé\ro mivew). 29. éxmropevouévov avtov. xxi. 16. +ovxK (ante axoves). 21, anv aunv. 22. édyv (pro av). 23. Ti (pro tic), 24. Kayo vuas. 25. —ovv. 42. oTaws (pro ovTos). xxi. 9. + 8 (ante ovv). 30. —év ovpava (ante eiol). 37. ébn (pro eiev). —TH bis. 45. +év ave (post 648). xxiii. 8. — 6. Si8aoKaros (pro Kanynt}s). 14, rod Ov (pro tév ovpavar). 30. +é7e (ante et). xxiv. 2. —ov. 6. wednoete. 8. apy p.m. 9, —rév éOvév. 14, —Todto. 18. —o7ricw. 20. caB- Barov (—év). 32. wade. fin. t+adTyns. 34. +6€ (post any). 36. —dé& —Tis secund. —pov. xxv. 6. +79 (ante vuKtos). 20. év (pro ér). 29. fin. +60 éxwv Gta aKovew, aKovéeTa. XXVL. 4, amoXéowow (pro atoxteivwow). 9. ToD Tpa- Ojnvat p.m. 21. +6 (post aunv). 42. +8€ (post maduv). 52. amoOavobvtat (pro atroXobvTat). 65. axovoaTe. XXVil. 58. 6 &€ widtatos (—Tore) 65. —Oé xxvill. 6. —-yap. 1l. —aravta. 15. + Tots (ante iovdaiors). Marc. i. 17. —yevéoOar. 22. + mavtes (ante eri). 34, fin. nidevcav. fin. xv avdtov eivat, 35. +6 io (post dmfdOev). 45. +7v (ante rod). ii. 21, xe kai. émBddde (pro émippamret). ili. 4. +70 (ante é€eorw). amodéoar (pro amoxteivat). 5. —vyuns. 11. mpocérumtov. éxpacov. 17. adtod (post iaxwBov). iv. 3. axovere. 13. + 7avTa (post wdcas Tas mapaBonas). 24. avtipetpyOnoetar. 26. + «at (ante ds éav). 31. os (pro os). 39. éxotriacev p.m. v. lL. Ader. 11. Td dpe. 27. Tungit dmicbev irato. 29. Yato, vi. 7. —Tods. +pabntas adtod (post ddexa). CRITICA SACRA. lxi 30. aviyyetXav. 31. of UTayovtes Kal of epyomevor. 35. NéE- YyovTes avT@ (pro Néyovow). 39. —avrois. 43. +70 mepic- cedov (post jpav). 45. +6 io (post nvdyxacev). 47. + 8é (post orpias). 48. évavtios 6 avewos. vii. 15. —els. 21. 8€ (pro yap). 28. droxpiOeica (— Kal). 32. mapexddovr. vill. 3. otxous. jKovor. 14. +06 paOntal advrod (ante NaBeiv). 15. +6 bo (ante Aéyav). 17. TH Kapolav Uuov éyete. 19. —tods secund. 24. —d7r. —opa. ix. 18. — dp. 35. éotw (pro état). 42. emi (pro epi). 43. —Tas. 50. aptiete. x. 1. Sud Tov. 14. —Kal. 21. + ére (ante ev). 30. mpa Kat wpa (pro mnrépas). 35. —ol. 388. Barricopat p.m 39. —ic. 41. w Kab taxdBov. 42. —Oru. xi. & —mTpos Tnv Oupav. 6. +avTots (post éveretato). 7. éxaOicar. 21. €&npavOn, xii. 9. —Tod dumendvos. 22. adnke. 28. elroy (pro avtov). xiii. 17. —tats. 19. —rTovadrn. 29. —éri Ovpais. 36. é&eModv. xiv. 21. — Tod avOpemov secund. 25, + 6€ (post aunv). 27. —év 7H vuxti tavtyn. 31. +étpos (anteéx). 62. é« SeEvdv KaOnwevov. éri(propeta). 67. —iv. 69. npyjoato. 70. —madw peta wixpov. XvV.7.—0. ovoTa- ciwtev p.m. 11. avérevcav. 27. avtTe(proavtod). 28. Deest versus. 42. yevouévns orias. 43. — 0. Luc. i. 6. + Tots (ante dtxard-). 12. érecev. 27. + Kat matpias (ante dab). 39. —ets modu tovda. 53. ayaa. 63. éotat TO Ov. 75. —THS Swns. 77. ev avT@ (pro avTor). i. 1. +700 (ante aroypadec@at). 3, eis THv idiav TodWw éxaotos. 15, + 7¢ (post iSopev). 17. esi (pro mept prim.). 22. avtod (pro avtav) [cum Codd. D. 61. &e.]. 25. jv adysov. 28. —Kxal evAoynoe TOV Ov. 44. év rH cvuvodia avrov eivas. iii. 2. él apxvepéws. —Tod. 12. +0m avtov (ante Kat ei7ov). 18. TO Aad. 33. + 70d iwpay (post apaw). iv. 40. Suvavtos. nyov. v. 13. amndOev am avtod 7 Rémpa. 16. —xat. 19. mas (pro Sa toias). 22. — arroxpiGets. 34. gws (pro év &). 35. vnotevovow. 36. + oxioas (ante émiBadre). —ériSrmpa secund. vi. 10. +év apyn (ante eimre). 26. —vpiv. —mavtes. 32. avtov (pro avTous). 34. opetreTe (pro eATiveTe). ica. 35. KUpLos (pro ypnoTos). lxn ADVERSARIA vil. 11. 76 (pro tH). 28. —mpodytns. 38. Tod iv (pro adtob prim.). 43. +o (ante efev 2°). viii. 22. dvéBn. 24. — ém- atata semel. 39. —Kal. 55. avtnv (pro av). 1x. 10. mapayayov. 13. tiy@ves dvo. 45. érepwtjca. 46. Tod (pro 70). 52. more (pro kopnv). 55, 56. —Kai eirev usque ad ca@oa. 57. —év TH 0b@. x. 6. wev ei (pro 7). xi. 2. (ef. Cod. 69) — judy év tots ovpavois. —yevnOntw usque ad THs yns. 4. odetropuev (pro apiewev). — adda piaat npas azo Tov wovnpov. 13. dvtes (pro umapyovtes). 21. pudatTn. 25. + oyoralovta (ante cec-). 33. —ovde vo Tov poduov. xil. 1. katawintew (pro Kkatatateiv). 13. fin.+mov. 46. vio- Kpitov (pro amiotwv). 55. wréovta. xiil. 4, — avOperrous. 20. —xal. 34. —dpvis. Ta éauTHs voocia. xiv. 1. eioenOeiv. 5. vids (pro évos). 15. dpiotov (pro aptov). 21. mavta (pro tatta). 24. fin. wodrot yap cial KrAnTOl orLyou SE exrextol. Xv. 8. Spayynv. 14. +aceTws (ante ava). 32. dre (pro 67). xvi. 8. —ol. xvil. 7. €AOovTs, 21. —7. 27. WrOcv vee. Umravta. xix. 2. —Kadovpevos. 8. iv (pro Kuptov). 13, mpayywareverOe. xx. 8. —éyo. 15. —avrois. 23. fin. toi d€ édevEav Kai cite. 29. +7ap’ nuiv (post joav). 31. + @cavTos (ante dcavTas). xxi. 3. +7 TT@X)) » xNpa avtn. 16. Kal cuyyevav Kai Pirtwv Kai adedpar. 23. —tais secund. 37. Tév (pro TO KaXovpevoy). Xx. 5. apyvpia. 18. + amo Tod viv (post Tiw). 27. —ovxi 6 ava- Kelmevos. 30. —év TH Bacirela pov. xxiii. 19. yevopevny. 24. améxpwe. 53. —avto secund. 54, — Kat secund, xXxXiv. 16. —p. 19. —é€vavtiov tod Ov Kat tavTos Tod aod. 26. avT@ p.m. JOAN. i. 3, 4..° 0 yéyovev’. 15. + 70d (ante avTod). 32. ws (pro woel). 49. —0. +c€ (post dvta). 1. 6. Tov (pro tov). 15. +s (rubro, ante dPpayérAXuov). 22. —avTois. 24. mavra. ill. 9. +Kal (ante més). iv. 1. —d Ko. 2. avtos io. 3.—madw. 8. Tpopnv. 9. Tap’ éuov Tovey. 35. TeTpa- benvos. 36. évayer (pro cuvayer). 38. —vpets. 47. od Tas (pro otros). 49.—pov. 53. +adt0d (post rnp). v.20. adrood (pro avt@® prim.). 36. —avTa (prim.). vi. 15. — radu. CRITICA SACRA. lxili 19. yevouevov. 39. avtov (pro avto ev). 41. 0 &« Tod ovpavod KataBas. 57. améotadké. 61. yoyyvoouar. 69. —nets. 70. eis €E buoy. vii. 26. —0. 32. varnpétas of hapicatos Kai of tepets. 51. xpwet. 53. usque ad vin. 12. deest nullo vestigio. vill. 16. éav 5é kpiva. 36. —6 vIos. 53. +xat (ante dréOave). ix. 16. ovtTw@s (pro ovtos). 26. radu avTa. 27. waOntai avtod. x. 8. —Tpo euod. 18. —éxyw secund. 19. —év. 24. éppeus (pro aipes). 41. —twavyns secund. xi. 48. mictevovow. xil. 18. —xKal. Kovoar. 31. —tTovtov p.m. 34, — Ore (ante det). 47. init. — Kat. xiii. 13. 6 ko Kal 6 SiOdoKaros. 18. —THv. 25. +0UT@sS (post éxeivos). xiv. 21. —pe secund. xvi, 25. mapa (pro mept). xviii. 2. +xai (ante 6 ia). 25. +obv (post ijpvncato). 28. —tva 2°. Ends at v. 30 Kaxorros. Notice especially the abridged form (p. lxi1) of the Lord’s Prayer, Luke x1. 2—4, of which variation Burgon speaks some- what too strongly in Zhe Revision Revised, pp. 34—86. Ga Mvene Glee By -6. pd, This is not so much a MS. of the Gospels as an ’Odevov, containing only the Magnificat’ and Benedictus* (Lue. 1. 46— 55; 68—79) of the N.T., and is here given as a specimen of a class, which includes the uncial books under the notation of O (Plain Introduction, p. 137) and Muralt’s dated 5° (ib. p. 227). It is an exquisite little vellum book, of the twelfth century, 34 inches by 25, in a very elegant minute hand (in places hard to read), on 112 leaves, from 25 to 28 lines on a page, the titles and initial letters being rubro. It contains cli Psalms from LXX.; Song of Moses (Ex. xv. 1—14); also that m Deut. xxxii. 14—43; Song of Hannah (1 Sam. 1.); of Habakkuk (cap. 11.); of Isaiah (cap. xxvi.); of Jonah (cap. i.); of the Three Holy Children in LXX.; 87) tis vrepayias Oxov (Magnificat): @ddv oppayicpa tod Fayapiov péyas (Benedictus)'. Since the verso of the last leaf is blank, this 1 The variations are: Luce. i. 30. yeveao (forsan yevedv) kal yevear. 55. Ewa aiwvos (pro eis Tov aiwva). 74. éx xerpos. 76. mpomopevoe (ev dub.). 79. émipdvar. —odov eipnyns. lxiv ADVERSARIA Odeum could not have contained the Nunc dimittis, as do @'O10:: N.B. e (or +) 25; «(for 4) 833 9 Cor 2) 87; e (for n) 9; » (for e) 4; ae (for e) 76; e€ (for av) 70; ox (for v) 6; v (for ov) 8; » (for v) 5; v (for 7) 8 (for pronouns); @ (for ov) 4; ov (for w) 3. The augment is wanting, Joan. i. 20; Meaeos uc xxiv, ol Matth. ix, Osoxiv.l4: xxve 7.) Lue. mm 2orian, 23: xvi UO. i, 150 pm.s ue383 xxuG; Mare. xvi. 14. So the reduplication. An accusative for dative, Joan. wit, ADs xx. 17; Matth,, 11:2; 8. 11; xxvilial7 ; Mare. vi, 28; Lue. 1. 17; xxii. 22: dative for accusative, Marc. xv. 22; Joan. vill. 7. Other rarer forms are, tapadisdovvtes Luc. xxll. 21; admexateotaby Lue. vi. 10; éxabepicOncay Luc. xvii. 14,17; avémecay Joan. vi. 10; éopdxate Joan. vi. 36; éumpooOe Joan. 1. 15, 17, 30; Matth. xi. 10; Lue. x. 21 jfin.; Mare. i. 2; Ge Matth. xxi. 27; pérArex (for wérex) passim, yetpav Joan. xx. 27; @uyatépay Luc. xiii. 16; apyvepéav Matth. xxvi. 57; T)v Ovpa Joan. xvill. 16; o’7w Matth. xxiv. 33, rarely. The variations from the common text are chiefly at the latter part of MS. especially Joan. xii. For rarer read- ings see Joan. v. 18; vi. 10, 22, 28, 39; vii. 6, 40, 41; viii. ao, 40, 44. ax. 15; x. 25; x1, 3, 34,473 xn. 18, 19, 26, 28. 29 30, 30, 47, 50, 49> xv, 4: xvi, 4,20, 21, 25: xxi 20: xvi, LOO UT, 86) 37 5 xix. 28; Ll: (his); Matth, mi. 9); ive 4: WenGe Vil 20) xi, 20> xy, 2a: xx, | O39 eee mai 28, 25,54: xxiv, 6,9 > xxv, 6,16; xxvi. 28, 59; xvi a LD, 1G) 20 > xX. 42> Xv. ot DP. m5 sax. 18; xia! 6s xxv. Oe xxv, 10) 205 xxv, 633. Lue 1 1——30, 59: vy. 6,73 vi. oA: Mie Oe Villa, 00). 52, D4 Ix: 88, 41. 62's x B42 xi, 25: miveo> xvi. 45; xvi. 3, 4, 7, S: xv. 14, 17,20: xx1:8, 34 35; xxiii. 38, 46, 47; ii. 11, 31, 25, 26, 28; iii. 14; iv. 28; imal, so, of, o0; xxiv, 10: xxi, 4°23, 24°26. “We cite the above texts in the order in which they stand in Evangelistaria. Breathings are erroneous at times, prepositions often lacking them: grave for acute often. A second hand makes many corrections in a paler ink, yet contemporaneous ; some of them look almost primd manu, e.g. Matth. xv. 37; Mare. x, lxvi ADVERSARIA 30, even Matth. xxi. 27; Luc. ii. 15. No ascript or sub- script, only « ascr. seems erased, Matth. ix. 2. Rubric capi- tals are often omitted in mere carelessness, e.g. Joan. xix. 32; xxi. 8. Rubric often rejects words by putting points around, Lessons in the Menology, compared with Scrivener, Plain Introduction, pp. 85—6, third edition: June 25, eis tiv éravactacw tov abéwy capaxewov. Other uncommon feasts are SEPT. 4, Babylas. 6, Eudoxius. 9, Joakim et Anna. 16, Euphemia. 20, Tod peyaXopaptupos evotabiou Kat THS TuVOdLas avTOD. 26, wEeTaTTAaTLs TOD ayLoU i@ TOU Oeoroyov. 30, Tod ayiov ypnyopiov THS peyadns appen. Oct. 1, tod dyiov aroctéXov avaviov. 2, Tév ayiwy pap™ KuTp' Kal lovot. 7, THY ayt pap’ cepyiov Kai Bakx. 11, Tov év aylols Tpav juov Kal TaTprapX vextaplov’ apaakiou' attiKov' Kal ovywiov. 21, 7’ dclov rpo juov ihapi. 25, rod dytov pap’ Snuntplov Kal eis Tov péyav ceropov. 30, Tod év ayi Kuptaxod Kal Tov aye EnvoBlov Kai eis TOY YpUYcoaTO kat émipaviou Kitpov. Nov.1, tév aywwr avapyipav. 2, Tv aryl wap axwévvov Kal TOD cup. 25, THY ayiwy wap KANpEV- Tos pwns Kal trétpou adreEar®. DEC. 4, THs ayias peyano- peaptupos BapBapas. These specimens may perhaps suffice, and the divergencies from the conventional type are more numerous than usual. It is from noting the peculiarities of a given menology that we may best conjecture the country or diocese in which the manuscript before us was written, which may perhaps in this case be some eastern region of the pa- triarchate of Constantinople. The service against the incur- sions of the Saracens (June 25) will fix the date of the composition of this liturgy as not earlier than the seventh or eighth century. u. Evst. 251. B-C. 1 10 (Apost. 64). This is a shabby looking codex of about the twelfth or thirteenth century 72 high by 42 wide, 12°, 60 leaves with 17 lines on a page. It has been used by the late Dr Swainson, Master of Christ’s College, Cambridge, for his valuable treatise CRITICA SACRA. lxvii on the Greek Inturgies (Introduction, p. xxi) and “contains the Liturgies of S. Chrysostom, 8. Basil and the Presanctified, the quires being sewn together very roughly, and two or three being lost.” The Biblical portions are in the same hand, only somewhat smaller than the Liturgical. They consist of 19 lessons, viz. Matth. x. 1—8; xiv. 14—22; xvu. 1—10; Mare. viii. 34—ix. 1; Luc. i. 2438; 27, 28; x. 15—21; 16—21 ; 38—42, 38, 39; Joan. 1. 2933; Act. xix. 1—8; Rom. v. 18—23; 1 Cor. iv. 9—16; Gal. vi. 11—17; Phil. n.. 5—11; 1 Thess. iv. 13—17; Heb. wu. 2—10; 11—18; 2 Pet. i. 10O—19. No ascript or subscript is found. There is no very special critical value in the readings. Not in- correctly written. Slight illuminations at beginning of several parts. At foot of fol. 57 b (77 a@ Tov dowpator) is a fair picture of an angel with golden glory: on fol. 59 one of S. John 6 zpodpopos in the same style. v. Evst. 252. B.-C. 11. 29 (Apost. 66). This is a small folio on coarse paper of the fourteenth century, 81 inches long by 6 broad, on 172 leaves, in bad condition, full of the grossest itacisms, poor illuminations and careless errors (e.g. 2 Tim. ii. 6). No « subscript or ascript. It contains only 28 lessons from the N. T. (viz. Matth. x. 2—15; Lue. 1.39—54; 11.29—32; vi. 17—23; 21; ix. 1—6; x. 16—21; 38—42; xxiv. 12—35; Joan. i. 1—17; 18—28; i. 13—17; Act. 1. 12—26; 1. 14—20; iii. 11—16; Rom. xi. 11—xiv. 4; 1 Cor. i. 18—25; iv. 9—16; Phil. ii. 5—11; Heb. 11. 2—10; i. 17—21; 2 Tim. ii. 1—10, 9. Too incor- rect to be of much value. The rest of the volume consists of matter of very varied character, the Liturgies of Chryso- stom, Basil, and the Presanctified, prayers for Saints’ days, a menology, a table of lunar days with curious notes both biblical and astronomical, Ps. exxxv, LXX. (fol. 85), and other miscellaneous pieces, liturgical or secular. A strange volume indeed. Notice Luc. xxiv. 21. —ravrnv. 32. é«addn (pro édhane). 41. —attov, 42, vrédmxav, 45. jvo€ev. Act. Ixvill ADVERSARIA i. 9. —1 (ante vehérn). 11. ottws (pro obros). 12. + 0% amroatonor (post v@éotpewav). 15,16. avdpes adergoi tv Tat byYXOS ovou“aToV Tl TO AVT@ WS ExaTOV HKwWoL. 26. TUVEYKa- tewnheicOn. ii. 2. 6 Nads (pro brov). 3. Kal éxaOnoéy Te. 5. Tov avwov (pro tev U70 Tov ovpavov). 7. —TavTes. w. Evst. 253. B.-C. m1. 42 (Apoc. 67). This Euchology also has been used by Dr Swainson, Greek Liturgies (Introduction, p. xxi) and, being perfect, the liturgies “more expanded” and the Bible lessons far more numerous’, has proved to him, as to us, far more useful than B.-C. 1. 10 (u). It measures six inches long by four broad, and is full three inches in thickness: of 310 leaves of stout glazed paper (20 or 24 lines on a page), dating from the fourteenth 1 The codex contains as many as 154 lessons, whereof 23 are duplicates, and three from Isaiah (xii. 3—6; xxxv. 1—10; lv. 1—13). Of the rest 102 are from the Gospels, 49 from the Apostles. The kind of passages used in Euchologies may appear from the following list of those in B.-C. mr. 42, in the order in which they occur. Burial: 1 Thess. iv. 13—17 (twice); Joan. v. 2430 (twice); Eph. vi. 10—17 (thrice); Matth. x. 37, 38 (twice); xi. 28 —30; Col. iii. 12—16 (twice); Luc. ix. 23—27; Jac. v. 10—20; 1 Joan. v. 1—15 (twice); Rom. xv. 1—7; Lue. xix. 1—10; 1 Cor. xii. 27—-xiii. 8 (twice); Matth. x. 5—8 (twice); Rom. viii. 14—21; Luc. x. 25—37; Gal. ii. 16—20; Mare. vi. 7—12; Luce. vii. 36—50; Matth. vi. 14—21 (twice); Heb. ii. 2—10, 11—18; 9; Luce. x. 16—21; Act. xix. 1—8; Matth. xi. 2—14; Phil, ii. 5—11; Tue. x. 38—42: xi. 27, 28; 1 Cor. iv. 9,16; 1. 18—24: Joan. xix. 25—35 (twice); Rom. vi. 18—23; Mare. viii. 34—ix. 1; Matth. vi. 22—33; Lue. vi. 31— 36; 1 Cor. xiv. 20—25; Luc. xi. 47—51; Heb. xiii. 7—16; Matth. v. 14 —19; Heb. vii. 26—viii. 2; Joan. x. 9—16; Phil. iii. 20—iv. 3; Matth. xii. 1—8; x.16—22; 2 Tim. ii. 1—10; Joan. xv. 17—xvi. 2 (twice); 2 Cor. v. 1—10; Mare. v. 24—34; Gal. v. 22—vi. 2; Heb. xiii. 17—21; Matth. xi. 27—30; Heb. x. 32—38; Lue. xii. 8—12; Eph. v. 8—19; Matth. xxv. 1—13 (twice); xvi. 2428. In the Menology: Luc. i. 39—49, 56; Joan. xii. 28 —36; xix. 6—35 (twice); Luc. i. 24, 25; 57—80; vi. 17—23; Matth. xviii. 10—20; Joan. x. 1—9; Heb. ix. 1—7; Matth. i. 18—25; Gal. iv. 4—7; Matth. ii. 1—12; Mare. i. 9—11; Tit. ii. 11—14; iii. 4—7; Matth. iii. 13— 17; Lue. ii. 25—32 (twice); Heb. vii. 7—17; Lue. ii. 22—40; vii. 17—30; i. 24—38; Mare. viii. 9—13; Lue. ix. 283—36; 2 Pet. i. 10—19; Matth. xvii. 1—9; xiv. 1—13; Act. xiii, 25—32; Matth. vi. 14—30. Lent Lessons: 2 Tim. iii. 10—15; Lue. xviii. 9—14; 1 Cor. vi. 12—30; Lue. xy. 11—32; 2 Cor. viii. 8—ix. 2; Matth. xxv. 31—46 (twice); Rom. xiii. 11—xiv. 4; CRITICA SACRA. lxix or fifteenth century. We find here no v subscript or ascript, also v éfeAxvotixdy 22 times (once corrected) and hiatus for lack of it 4 times. Omission by dpovotéXevToy occurs nine times: Matth. xviii. 18; xxv. 3, 4, 36; xxvii. 83; Johan. x. aye xxioa: | Corde 27: xi. 5 sain. 5; Of atacisms there are 151: « (for n) 8; 7 (for c) 8; v (for 7) 2; 7 (for v) 1; nu- (for vu-) 7; vu- (for nu-) 2; € (for ac) 12; az (for e) 16; w (for 0) 19; o (for w) 26; ¢ (for es) 5; e (for c) 5; ec (for n) 18; » (for ev) 12; € (for 7) 43; (fore) 13; @ (for ov) 2; «(for v) 1; » (for oc) 1; « (for oc) 1. We read ode nine times, oUtws 13 times only. Breathings and accents pretty well put, yet x) interrogative, ov un’, of dé, wéXes interchanged with uéArXe, 7 three times aspirated wrongly (7yépOn). A few titles and slight illuminations, rubro. Changes are usually p. m., but a few later. For notable readings compare Matth. vi. 14; xiv. 8; xvi. 28; xxiv. 39; xxv. 24, 25, 40; soavien Ll 26. 98,29, 57,65; xxvii. 37,43; 635 xxvii; Mare yao vil US ix > xv. 18% Lue. vin 203) vas 42; mays LO Johan. Vv. 4+ vii. 50; 1x. 28; xii: 12, 15; xiv.20; may One vin. 3, 25, 40% xix: 12, 28> 1 Cor: vi. 15: xi. 25; Phil. iv. 3. The contents are given generally by Dr Swain- son. As we seldom meet with so complete a copy, we will Joan. i, 44—52; Mare. viii. 34; Heb. xii. 28—xiii. 8; Joan. xi. 1—45. Holy Week: Matth. xxi. 1—11; 15—17; Phil. iv. 4—9; Matth. xxiv. 3—35; xxiy. 36—xxvi. 2; xxvi. 6—16 (twice); 1 Cor. xi. 23—32; Matth. xxvi. 1— 20; Joan. xiii. 3—17; Matth. xxvi. 21—39; Luce. xxii. 43, 45; Matth. xxvi. 40—xxvii. 2. Gospels rev aylwy madwv: Joan. xiii. 31—xviii. 1; xviii, 1— 28; Matth. xxvi. 37—75 (twice); Joan. xvili. 28—xix.16; Matth. xxvii. 3 —32 (twice); Mare. xv. 16—32; Matth. xxvii. 3354; Luce. xxiii. 32—49; Joan. xix. 25—37 (twice); Joan. xix. 38—42; Matth. xxvii. 62—66. Good Friday: 1 Cor. i. 18—ii. 2; Matth. xxvii. 1—38; Lue. xxiii. 39—44; Matth. xxvi. 39—54; xxvi. 1—20; xxvi. 55—61; Rom. vi. 3—11; Matth. xxviii. 1 —28. Easter to All Saints: Act. i. 1—8; Joan.i.1—17; Marc, xv. 43— xvi. 8; Joan. v. 14—30; v. 5—42; ix. 1—38; xvii. 1—13 (twice); Act. ii. 1I—11; Joan. vii. 27—viii. 12; Rom. vii. 52—viii. 12; Heb. xi. 33—xii. 2; Matth. x. 32, 33, 37, 38; xix. 27—30. Hvayyé\a éwhiva ca. Matth. xxvii. 16—20 (twice); Mare. xvi. 1—8, 9—20; Luc. xxiv. 1—12, 12—35, 36—53; Joan, xx. 1—10, 11—18, 19—31; xxi. 1—14, 15—35. Baptism: [Isaiah xii. 3—65; xxxv. 1—10; lv. 1—13]; 1 Cor. x. 1—4; Mare.i.9-—11l. Evyai: Lue. x. 19—21; Fol. 297; 1 Joan. iv. 12—19; xix. 25—27 (twice); xxi. 24, 25; 2 Cor, xi. 21—xii. 9; Matth. xvi. 13—19. S. if lxx ADVERSARIA enumerate its contents in detail. It is arranged in quires of 8 leaves each: last is X47, or 304 leaves. Foll. 1—33 Neoxa- vovov adv 06 ope. Foll. 33—47 cuvddov s ths tpovdAXANS [A.D. 692] with subscription + 6 évs fepopovayows éhayvoTos Kat Tvikos 6" iméypawe. Foll. 48—67 é€odvactixcy: rubro (Burial Service). Fol. 124 a Liturgy of S. Chrysostom. Fol. 127, also of S. Basil. Fol. 1560, also of the Presanc- tified. Foll. 164—178 daoatoXov evayyédia THs OANS EB5O- peados Kat eis Suaddpous ayiovs. Foll. 179—195, Menology, from Sept. 8: this menology gives most fully the days sacred to the Baptist. Fol. 195, Sunday Lessons in Lent. Then, Lessons for Holy Week: evayyedia (8 taév dylov wabdv: Good Friday Lessons. Fol. 244, Lessons from Easter to All Saints’ Day. Fol. 255, ta evayyédua éwOivd. Fol. 264, axorovbia Tav dotewv (Lessons from Isaiah: Baptism). Fol. 271, dkodovbia THs yovuKducias. Fol. 282, special evyai emi Tovs méAXOVTAS weTAAapBavew TOY aypavTwv pvoTnplwy : for plenary Absolution, for rash swearing, for drought, for laying a foundation of a Church or house, or on going to war, for persons under penalties or in prison, for field or vineyard or garden hurt by rain or locusts, and the like. Prayer of the holy martyr Trypho of Lampsacus—exorcisms of noxious creatures, or whatever unclean thing had fallen into the wine or oil press—for a polluted vessel—to bless the vintage or wine or oil—for success in fishing. This strange miscellany ends in Fol. 296, it may be p. m. Aoka cou ayia tpias’ 6 év ovvois éuds Oa" 6 rnp Kal 6 vids Kal TO TapaKANTOV TVA, 7 eur) AaTpela Kal TO oEeBas’ OTL TeTEpawTal por Kal TO TrapoY muKtiov youv evyoroyiov Kal ot évTevEdpevor evyecBE por 6 5é ypavas patOaios Av 6 Tdhas Kal cKaLwTATOS TaYT@Y aver Kal povayds taxa. The same hand has on next page the signature A7 and 8 or 9 leaves. Foll. 297—299 has 5 lessons (1 Johan. iv. 12—19; Johan. xix. 25—27; 2 Cor. x1. 21—xii. 9; Matth. xvi. 183—19). In Foll. 300—305 in same minute hand dxorovGia eis pynudovvoy. Then 3 blank leaves disfigured by some modern scrawl; then lastly in a much later hand than MS., a table in red and black, ta per’ évopacbévta ovopata TOY movayay Kal yuvatkov and Ta TOY CRITICA SACRA. lxx1 yuvatkoy pet ovowacOévra, the names of monks and women being in separate tables in alphabetical order. x. Evst. 290, B.-C. m1 44 (Apost. 78). This copy is a Typicum (see p. lxiv) 4to, on paper 84 inches long, 54 wide, of the fourteenth century. Its sur- viving leaves are 339 and six are lost (fol. 210 is cut out). The signatures of the quaternions are put at the head of the pages, not (as usual) at the foot, down to p 8, whereof one leaf is missing. There are in it two separate hands, used promiscuously (compare fol. 256—263), of which one may be of the fifteenth century. This codex contains only 29 lessons, eleven being LXX. of the Old Testament (Gen. i. 1—13; xiv. 14—20; Num. xxiv. 3—9, 17, 18; Deut. i. 8—17; x. i) > Proy. x. 3)l—=xi. 12; Isai, vii. 1O—16; ix. 6; 7; xi. 1—10; Dan. 11. 31—86, 44, 45; Micah iv. 6, 7; v. 2—4); five of the Apocrypha (Wisd. ii. 1—9; iv. 7—15, twice; v. 15—vi. 3; Baruch ili. 35—iv. 4): two of the Gospels (Matth. xi. 27—30; Mare. viii. 34—ix. 1): ten of S. Paul’s Epistles (Gal. i117. 8-—12, 23—29; iv. 4—7; v. 22—vi. 2; Col. iii, 4—11; Heb. i. 1—12; ix. 1—7; xiii. 17—21; xi. 9, 10, 32—40, 33—xi1. 2). There are in this Typicum some interesting variations from common text: e.g. Gal. ii. 23, 29; Col. ii. 54, The itacisms are few, chiefly o and o inter- changed, less often « and y, € and au. y- Evst. 249. B.-C. m1. 46 (Apost. 82). This interesting copy is in quarto, 94 inches long by 7 inches broad, of the 13th or 14th century, containing 205 leaves (much mutilated) of one column in a page of 21 lines, then 15 pages of palimpsest in two columns of 25 lines each, yet they may be in the same hand. The under writing seems some two centuries older, and consists of LXX. les- sons from Genesis, Isaiah and Proverbs (the collation is given below: the readings are closer to the Roman 1587 f2 lxxli ADVERSARIA than to Cod. Alex.). The lectionary is partly from the Gospels, partly from the Epistles. This copy is very careless in parts and itacisms very thick in parts. N épedxvoticov and « ascript often erased. The MS. begins Johan vi. 53, odp|ka Tod viod Tod avov, in the lesson for preparation in second week after Easter, at first the lessons are given for every day in the week, then after the eleventh week of S. Luke, Saturday and Sunday lessons only are given. Many rubrical and musical notes in red. The 15 palimp- sest leaves contain portions of a Menology about Christmas time. The writing is clear, bold and legible throughout. z. Evst. 250. B.-C. 1m. 52. This fragment (94 inches high by 74 broad) contains lessons from the Gospels only on 84 pages in one column of 25 lines each, bearing date about the thirteenth century. The lessons for every day in the week immediately before Pentecost are given, beginning Saturday after Ascension Day (Johan. xiv. 13), then only on Saturday and Sunday for each week. Many leaves are lost. The last twenty-two leaves contain an abridged menology from the new year in September to March 13: viz. tod dolov vuxnpopov apyeTicKorov. zz. Eyvst. 253%. B.-C. mL 53 (Apost. 68). A Euchology on paper, 9 inches by 54, rudely written in the fifteenth century, with capitals rubro, very coarse, on 227 leaves, 26 lines on a page, but several leaves are lost. Begins in the Baptismal service: cat wry aidviov' cal a&idcov “pas. Accents and breathings are too inaccurate to be worth notice. The readings in Matth. i. 1—25 (e.g. Matth. i. 5. —éx THs payaB et éx THs pov. 16. —parOav bé éyévynce Tov takoB laxkwB Sé& Luke ii. 3. —Exactos. 5. éyyto. 14. [evdoxia]; Luke ii. 1—20, 21, 40—52, are remarkable. So Johan. v. 3, 4. Itacisms are perpetual especially the CRITICA SACRA. Ixxiil interchange of o and w. Lessons from Epistles and Gospels about in equal numbers. From the LXX. occur as lessons Isai. xii. 3—6; xxxv. 1—10; lv. 1—13; with Ps. exxxviii. 1—6. Act.: Catu. Epp. a. Act. 220 (Paul. 264). B.-C. m1 1. A noble specimen of calligraphy in a bold hand, large 4to, 114 inches long, 8 inches wide, yet in critical value very inferior to the copy described below p. lxxv. Here the Epistle to the Hebrews stands last of S. Paul’s Epistles, which, however, precede the Catholic. It contains 375 leaves of the finest vellum with broad margins, with 22 lines on each page, richly illuminated, but 2 Cor. 1. 1—3; Eph. 1. 1—4; Heb. i. 1—6 have been shamefully mutilated for the sake of the illuminations. The titles, subscriptions and capitals are in gold and colours, very rich and fresh, though the date may be of the eleventh or perhaps the twelfth century. Full directions in red stand at the top and bottom and in the margin of each page: there are no tables of cepadaia, but their numerals and rirAov occur throughout. To each book are prefixed hexameter lines, and the ordinary v7oeous, and to eight of them Theodoret’s also. The subscription on the last page, at the end of Jude is in gold: Ké td xe vie Tod 08, éXénodv pe Tov TONapapTHTOV avTMOvioy Taya Kal pova- yov Tov parevenv [unrevxnv?]. At the beginning are set 20 pages comprising a Synaxarion of the whole Apostolos, UmdGects to the Acts, amodnuia tavAov, evOariov Tod dca- KOVoU TEPl TOV YXpdvwY TOD KNP’YpwaTos TOU ayiov Tavov' Execs keharaiwv Tav Tpakawv TOV aylwv aTocToOXwy : at the end a menology. All these apparently are the work of the original scribe: 3 or 4 leaves of foreign matter are cut out after the menology. Few itacisms occur (chiefly w for o, & for 7, 7 for c) in this carefully written manuscript, which closely lxxiv ADVERSARIA agrees with common text (but see ACTS xii. 25. + els avTvo- xevav (post iknm). xiii. 41. + Kal émiBréate (post Oavpa- gate). xiv. 12. éXadXouv (pro éxadovy). xv. 29. Kal boa pr) OéreTe EauTois yiverOat, ETepots pu Tovette (post mopvetas). ~ xx. 7. aype (pro wéxpt). xxi. 4, —Tods. xxil. 20. mpwro- paptupos. Rom. v. 1 éyowev, but 1 Cor. xv. 49 gopécwpev. e. Act. 1938. Wake 12 (Evan. 492, Paul. 277, Apoc. 26). See above, p. xxxiv. This copy in the Acts is but a fragment (only 273 verses out of 1007), beginning with cap. vil. 49 (two quires lost), breaking off in middle of twdecrs to Act. Also mutilated cap. x. 19—xiv. 10 (two leaves lost); xv. 15—xvi. 11; xviii. 1—xxi. 25; xxiii. 18—James iii. 17 (one quire). This portion of the MS. contains cepadraca and Cicumenius’ prologues with scholia. This copy is sometimes with Codd. SAB e.g. James iv. 5. —katwxicerv. 7. + de (post avtiornte): with Cod. D, e.g. Act. xvi. 12. avt# (pro ta’tn). 13. 8€(pro re). 19. —Tov secund. xvii. 8. dxovcavres. And it is found yet oftener with GH and ordinary cursives. It stands alone, or nearly so, in Act. vii. 58. e¢ Baddovtes. —avTav. viii. 2. cuvexouicavto. 16. —xuplov. 24. —o. ix. 2, —ovtas. 3. +avtov (post mwopeverGar). 10. ait@ (pro mpos avTov). 24. Bovry (pro émuBovrAn). x. 9. +avTav (ante éxeivorv with et only). xv. 5. + «al (ante mapayyédrevv Te). 7. EnTHoews (pro ovfr.). xvi. 14. Beovoev, 17. TH cira (pro npr). 19. —rTov secund. xvii. 16. Tov citav Kat TywoPeov (— av- tovs). 27. Kat ye (—Tov). xxi. 33. éyyioas Sé€ (— TOTEe). xxl. 12. evrAaBns (pro evoeBys). 14. tHv hovyv Ty. 24. avrov averatecOar. 28. —Te. JAMES iv. 8. yyiv (pro viv). 11. vopov (pro vowov 1°). 1 JOHAN. il, 6. ov’ dpaptnoev. 15. oida (pro oldate). 16. yeveoxopwev (pro éyvdxapuer). 17. 8 av eye. iv. 2. ywoonera wva. —ék. v. 10. pwaptupiav év avté. éavtov (pro avtov). 15. éav (pro av). 16. érepwrnon. JUDE 4. —yap. 5. THS (pro CRITICA SACRA. Ixxv ys) 8. wey (pro pévror). 9. eEeveyxeiv. 12. + xai (ante expitwbévra). 23. — THs. 25. +mp0 mayvTos Tod aidvos (post é£oucia). f. Act. 190. Wake 34 (Evan. 503, Paul. 244, Apoc. 27). See above, p. XxxXvVl. We have stated above how little this MS. contains of this portion of the N.T. « ascript occurs very often (24 times) in the fragment which remains of the Acts (cap. xvil. 24—xviil. 13), less frequently elsewhere. Verbs never seem to take the «. i, Act. 219 (Evan. 549). B.-C. 1.7. See above, p. xli. 8. Act. 221 (Paul. 265). B-C. m1. 37. Next only to Cod. a or Evan. 556, this is doubtless the most valuable of the Baroness Burdett-Coutts’ collection of manuscripts, whether we regard the number or the rarity of the various readings it exhibits. In the Acts it agrees so much with Tischendorf’s lo (Cod. 61 Brit. Mus. Addit. 20,003) as to be specially useful in the 297 verses wherein that prime cursive is defective: in the Catholic Epistles it closely re- sembles Cod. 184 (Lambeth 1184 or c**) in the most remark- able variations (e.g. James i. 17, 18), so that the connection between them cannot be accidental’. The Philoxenian Syriac cum asterisco is next to this pair, then Cod. 100 (Matthaei d, or Mosc. Syn. 334), Lambeth (Cod. 182 a%*, Cod. 185 ds) and the second hand of Cod. 66 at Vienna. The text of the Pauline Epistles may be less notable, but that also con- tains quité as many unique readings (below, p. Ixxxii1), and 1 These variations of reading, of the nature of glosses, are at end of ver. 17. +7porh: (ante 7) Tporjs [not e*"]). fin. +o006€ wéxpn (uéxpe C8") brovolas Twos UroBody. ver. 18. +mpwrous kal Tigmmrdrous THs dpwuevys KTicews (ante amapxiy). Ixxvi ADVERSARIA sometimes agrees with the first hand of Cod. Sinaiticus (&) almost alone. This manuscript is 6 inches long, 4 wide, being a thick quarto (270 leaves) vellum, of the twelfth century, very neatly written, with 20 lines on a page, and full Church - lessons in red at top and foot of the pages. There is not one Alexandrine form. The itacisms, however, amount to 198: viz. t (pro n) 9; 9 (pro 4) 20; «(pro es) 12; es (pro zr) 5; e (pro az) 3; ae (pro €) 3; w (pro o) 29; o (pro w) 36; e (pro m) 20; » (pro ec) 10; os (pro ez) once; os (pro 7) twice; ¢€ (pro n) 2; v (interchanged with 7) 3 times; and in the plural of personal pronouns no less than 43 times: N éfedxvaotixdv only Acts xiii. 32, but a hiatus for want of v Acts xii. 19; 1 Cor. vi. 16. We find ¢ subscript in about 112 verses (or the MS. might be thought earlier than the twelfth century), often several in the same verse. No augment 2 Tim. i. 16, no re- duplication 2 Cor. ix. 3. It is pretty accurately written, though breathings and accents are overlooked now and then, but omissions by dwosoréXevTov are as many as twenty (ef. Act. vil. 55; James iv.17). Odvw for odtws only in Rom. vi. 19; 2 Cor. vii. 14; Phil. i. 17, and cater#Oy thrice (1 Cor. xv. 54). This copy has been corrected and retouched by late hands. Besides the 270 leaves of the book itself, there are 14 leaves on vellum and paper at beginning and end. (1) On paper, 8 leaves. Fragment of menology of Apostolos, xvth century, from Sept. till near end of July. (2) Two vellum leaves [XIv or later] transposed and one page blank, scribbled. Matth. vii. 3 6f@arpué Tod ad.—26 dupov (given in B-C. 1. 9 or h). (8) On reverse of last leaf of Hebrews and on seven following vellum Jeaves with title rubro ot eis Tv vmepayiav Oxov Tod cepyiov oikot a thanksgiving to the Blessed Virgin. (4) On wooden cover, Fable of Dog and Flesh t depov mwotayod mAnciwv Kilov] Kpéas | KUwpas éavTov addov eis Udwp Bréret | yavwv S€ Nowrrov TH KATO NaBeiv xpéas | arectep... This MS. contains no v70ears or like matter, and only nine of the Pauline Epistles have subscriptions. In this MS. again the Catholic Epistles precede the Pauline, whereof the Hebrews stands last (cf. p. lxxii). The following remarkable readings may be seen in the CRITICA SACRA. Ixxvil Acts and Catholic Epistles, itacisms and other ordinary forms being neglected, as sufficiently stated above. (For peculiar readings in the Pauline Epistles p. Ixxxiii). Act. xiv. 10. + coe Adyo" €v TH ovopare tou Ku iv xv (post pov} syr”"™’ CDE ae o), 19. init. ScatpiBovt@v S€ a’Tayv Kali SidacKdvTwr emnrOov dé CDE syr?™, xvill. 27. mpomeurpdpevos (pro mpotpewapevor) A. 1. 4 gS xix. 86. TovTwy dvtwy A. 1. bos, xx. 18. éréBnyuev solus. 22. cvvavtncavta (— pot). xxl. 10. fin. ti oe Set moujoas (pro ov Tt. o. 7.) (H. 100). 15. +e (post dv) E. 100. beo®". xxiii. 6. —5é. 7. AadodvTOS B.100. xxviii. 25. dua tod rpogyrov noaiov 100. Jamesi. 17, 18 (see p. lxxv, note). iii. 17. eddcaxperos (pro adiak.) kat 100. v. 3. + ais (ante éoyarais) 29. 100. j**. 9. — aderdoi 100. 1 Pet. 1.1. — «al (ante Bidvvias) 100. i. 21. + tva KAnpovo- play KAnpovounonte (ante iva) solus. iv. 3. m@opevopevous &. 100. 6. dvov g** 100. 2 Pet. ii. 10. + Tas Oelas Suvapers 7 Tas éxkAnovactixas apyas (ante ddfas) solus. 18. ovtws OAiyov atopuyovTas (sic). ili. 11. 8é vdTws (pro ody) (29. 100). 18. avédvoure 100. bo*. 1 John. iv. 9. —6 Oc. 17. + mpds Tov avOpaTocavta (post kpicews) solus. v. 6. + Kal Tvevpatos (post aiwatos) AP. 4. a8. 66**, 2 John. v. 3. + vuiv (post xapis). Kal (pro édeos) solus. 8 John. v. 3. —yap & 100. cd", 6. ddnGeia cai (ante ayarn) 10. 10. —é« & 100. dhs. Jude v. 7. capKos otricw éréyoveas solus. Pau. Epp. a, Paul. 264. B.-C. m1. 1 (Act. 220), p. lxxi e. Paul. 277, Wake 12 (Evan. 492, Act. 193, Apoc. 26). See above, pp. xxxiv, lxxiv. In the Pauline Epistles (muti. in 1 Cor. xii. 11—xv. 12; xvi. 183—15; Gal. v. 16—vi. 8) each is preceded by the Prologue, ascribed to Cicumenius, and a table of ceparara. Ixxvili ADVERSARIA These last are subdivided into pepixai vrrodsarpécers in Rom., 1, 2 Cor., Eph., Col. Gn part), 2 Thess. 1, 2 Tim., Hebr. (in part). Marginal glosses are very numerous in this part of the MS., and in S. Paul’s Epistles their value is con- siderable. We see « subscript only in gloss on Phil. iv. 18, and in Pauline Epistles there occur v éferxvatixoy 111 times, but an hiatus for lack of it 1 Cor. x. 19; 2 Cor. 11. 3. The scribe is a little careless, for there are no less than 26 omissions by dpotoréXevtov (Rom. i, 25, 30; iv. 10; vi. 15; Vil. 3, 83 Vil ols tx, Bos xt. 19). 20> xi heya Oem ix, 5; xi 10; xv. 17, 36; 2 Cor xi 14- Eph: mai 2-Thess, 11, 125 2 Tim: iv. 10; Tit. a. 11; Heb in 2 wae 12; vii. 6; ix. 19). Omission from the same beginning 2 Cor. x. 2,3; Eph. 1. 6. A line or two is lost Eph. iv. 12. The itacisms are 388: viz. » (for ev) 32; e (for 7) 53; » (for c) 26; u (for n) 21; as (for ¢) 44; € (for av) 19; 0 (for w) 74; o (for o) 55; e (for v) 12; « (for ev) 8; m (for e) 3; € (for 7) 10; n (for v) 14; v (for 7) 10; » (for ov) 1; o« (for ce) 1 Cor. iv. 10; ov (for ev) Gal. i. 195; ov (for v) 1 Tim. v. 23; ov (for o) Tit. 1.13; ii, 4; Heb. viii. 11. One augment is lost 2 Cor. xi. 4: also the reduplication Rom. i. 1; 2 Cor. ix. 3; Gal. ii. 12; 11. 1; Heb. xi. 3,5: also the usual augment, Rom. in 7 xv. 205 1 Cor. 1x! 12; Gal. a. 16,5 145 1 Tim, ve Ge 2 Tim. i. 16. We find also the following forms: ody for ov« Gal. 11. 14 (most ove’ and ody’ Rom. v. 15 before aspirates) : yuvatcav 1 Cor. ix. 5; peretéOnxay (cf. Cod. &) Heb. xi. 5; érecav Heb. iii. 17; wapayyede 1 Tim. iv. 11; v. 7 p.m: oUTw is read only in Gal. iv. 3, 29; Heb. vi. 9. Breathings and accents are somewhat irregular, e.g. aBpaap et aBpaap, ryyeros, oriow 1 Tim. v. 15, dpa Gal. iv. 31 (dpa feré), xaQas 28 times, caOds 58 times. So or ay 1 Cor. xv. 24 or dtav, py, av, ev, dé, eet (12 times). Some changes are plainly s.m. 1 Cor. v. 4; vii. 22, 31, 39; vii. 7, 10; xvi. 10, 19; 2 Cor i. 7; vi. 11s 1x. 6; x1, 7; Gal ws a ibese ee Heb. iv. 4; vii. 2. For various readings compare Rom. i. 5. —év. 17. Ow (pro Ov). ii. 5. + al (ante Sixaoxpicias) (N°). 11. 29. pover (B). v. 9. —80 avrod. 14, —émi secund. 16. wapartoécewy (pro Tapartopatov). vi. 14. ovK ére CRITICA SACRA. lxxix (pro ov prim.) (S). vu. 5. —7H. vill. 16. Judy (pro judy). 19. wictews (pro Kticews). 1x. 20. —ovTws. x. 10. cropa. xl 15.—7 prim. 18. Braotaves (pro Bacta€es). 26, ace- Beis (pro aceBeias). xv. 16. —ayiv. 26. dcaxoviay (pro Kkowwviav). 1 Cor. il. 12.+70 €x (ante rod Kdcpov). Nadodpev (pro eXaPouev). ii.7.—Tt. 21. eioiv (pro éotiv). vi. 5. éve (pro éotiv) (NBC). vil. 17. wepitrateire. 20. + év (ante 7). vill. 1. + 6€ (ante yvdous). 4. +6€ (post rept). 7. ets (pro @s) ix. 5, —é£ovciav. 14, dvera~ato. x. 18. Ouolav (—ras). 19. — te bis. —7 20. bre av (pro &@) Over. xv. 31. vuetépay (SN). xvi. 12. —mpds vuas. 17. + Kal (post Sé). 2 Cor. i 4 4 (pro jo). 14. émeyvodcare. li. 1, —TodTo. iii. 3. eyyeypaupévor. iv. 13. — Kai secund. 17. —npiv. v.15. xpivovtas. —ei (NB). vi. 10. Kal aeb (pro dei 6). vil. 4. —pousecund. 7.—pe. 12. havepwhévros. vill. 11. —70 (ante émitedéoar). 12. —7. ix. 3. Kev@der. x. 7. avT@ (pro éavT®). 8. —Kal prim. (Nc). xi. 4. KaOds (pro kada@s). xill. 7. nuas (pro vuas), va un nets (pro ov iva). 12, —dyio. GAL. i, 14. wavtas (pro modXovs). li. 15. —ovx €& €Ovdv. iii. 17. — eis yv (NB). iv. 29. roré (pro tote). v. 2. ypadw (pro réyw). 6. Tis (pro 71). EPH. iv. 28. «Xéarrns (pro kKNerrT@v). PHIL. i. 7. vuav (pro vuds). i. 4. rdv (pro Ta secund.). ii.2. katapovnv. 4. Kab ye (pro xaizrep). iv. 10. 59 rote (pro 76 more). CoOL. i. 22. nas (pro vuds). 24, —pou (NB). 25. —pou. ii. 12. cuvep- yetas (pro évepyeias). iii. 15. wv (pro cdpare). 21. rapop- yiGere (pro épeifere)(N). 23. + per’ evvoias (ante épyakea Oe). iv. 12. wemdnpopopnuévos (NB). 1 THEsS. i. 1. vudy (pro npeaov). ii. 8. unpdpevos (NB). 15. —‘w. suds (pro vuas). 19. vudv (pro nud). il. 5. wrote (pro mas). 9. yaipwpev dc vpadv. v. 23. —Kal prim. 2 THESS. i. 6. + Kal (post elrep). 10. mictevowouw. i. 14. dud (pro judy prim.). ili. 4. mpos (pro éd’). 1 Tim. i. 4 +79 (ante rioter). 18. avtots (pro avtais). i. 10. OcooeBeitv. 14. +06 (ante adap), ii.2.—ceddpova. v.18. 1) (pro ov) (0%). 19. Kata- déxyou (0%), 24, —Kal. vi. 3. mpocépyecbe. 16. —aOa- vaciav. 2 Tim. i. 5. aOrnrAs aOAnoe (—Tts). 16. —8é. lxxx ADVERSARIA 19. kv (pro xv) (N). iii, 13. — 7d. iv. 21. evoudos. Trrus i. 6. éyovtes. 11. —brous. 14. évToras. iii. 10. AipeTeK@V dvov. 12. mpos cé ’Apteudv édOciv. PHILEM. 3. + ryav (post xvpiov). HEB.1.13. cov(propov). ii. 11. od Katary- vetat. 17. awaptnuact. iv. 1. —ovv. 12. —rdoav. v. 3. + kai (post cafes) (e8"). — Kal (post otTas). vi. 8. drapaxos (pro catdpas). 11. évdetEacOat. vii. 1. Avtos (pro otros). ix. 14. nuov (pro vuov) (ADK complut.). 15. tapaBavtwv (pro -dcewv). —TH. x. 33. +05 (pro dé). 34. —év (&). x1. 2. avTH (pro tavTn). 13. NawBavovtes. —Kal revcbévtes. 28. éroinoe. xii. 11. —péev. 24. tod (pro tov). "ABer (Chrys.). xiii. 5. eizrev (pro etpnxev). 9. trapadhépecde (S). — év. Many glosses occur about 2 Cor., Gal., Phil., &. f. Paul. 244, Wake 34 (Evan. 503, Act. 190, Apoc. 27). See above, pp. xxxvi, lxxv. The Pauline Epistles are complete, except Heb. vii. 26— ix. 28 (two leaves). The last leaf of the Epistles (131 b) on the reverse of the end of Hebrews contains thrice over in a late hand the initial words of S. Matthew, so that the place of the Gospels (which has only 29 lines in page) seems not due to a recent binder, though this may not have been its original position. From Rom. xi. (88 chapters) v épeXxvatiKov occurs 81 times, often with nouns: in the Gospels as stated above (p. xxxvil) it occurs 196 times (also Act. 90 times), which also contain ten duovoTréXevta and 106 itacisms: viz. @ (for ov) 2; ov (for w) 2; v (for 7) 1; » (for v) 2; e (for ac) 4; at (for «) 11; « (for ev) 2; es (for ve) 7; ev (for 7) 14; » (for ev) 8; ov (for v) 3; v (for ot) 2; w (for 0) 12; o (for w) 15; 7m (for t) 10; « (for 7) 3; € (for n) 6; » (for e) 3. The ev (for Attic nu) always. Itacisms are quite few, and in the 88 chapters of S. Paul only 100: viz. ae (for €) 9; € (for av) 3; o (for w) 12; w (for 0) 16; v (for ) 8; (for v) 13; « (for ev) 12; es (for v) 1; ¢ (for m) 6; ec (for 7) 8; m (for ev) 6; ov (for w) 2; » (for .) 3; ¢ (for 7) 1. Prologues of Gicumenius and tables of CRITICA SACRA. Ixxx1 ceparava precede each Epistle. With these Euthalian capita are numerals of shorter capita p. m. Corrections, chiefly p. m., but for breathings and accents s. m., up to 1 Cor. Breathing and accents much neglected or set wrong: few compound words are accentuated separately. Few Alexan- drine forms, e.g. dvnyyéAAn Rom. xv. 21. Rarer readings are (often with Cod. 69): Rom. xi. 35. wapédaxev. xiii. 9. —Eérépa. xv. 18. —1. —ov secund. 1 Cor. i. 12. tudv (pro tpi). ii. 4. avOpwrivois (pro -ns). 12. amo (pro ume) (Cod. 69). iv. 6. + pn (ante dvavodcbe). xi. 6. KetpécOwv. KetpécOau. Xl, 3. kaOnoopat. xv. 42. +e (post omeipetac). 2 COR. vi. 2. fin. nuépar cwrnpias. vii. 8. cwrnpiav (pro dpav). 13.+6é s.m. (post émt prim.). vill. 14. 8 (pro 6) bis. xiii. 8. GAN aduvate?. GAL. ii. 16. —inoodv. iii. 17. 6 peta ern TpraKdcva p.m. TetTpakdota s.m. v.1. —oTHKeTe s.m. TH éedevOepia ody xo Hrevbepwoer oTyKeTe Kal p.m. (Cod. 69). vi. 18. —ypictod. EPH. i. 16. aoxataddafer. —7@. iil. 3. Tpoe- ypawrapev, —eév. iv.6. Kal éri maou nyiy (69). 32. éavTods. fin. npiv. PHIL. 1. 26. —traduv. i. 4. TO (pro Ta secund.). Cot, i. 5. uty (pro vpiv). 13. é« Tod cxotous THS eEoucias. 1 THESS. i. 12. [waptupovpevos] (69). 18. buds (pro nuds). ili. 4. fin. yuov. iv. 13. OéXouev. Korpnwévov. v. 4. yap (pro 6é). 2 THESS.1.9.—Tod. i. 5. + THv (ante vrropornr). 7. mapéXaBov. 14, yuay(pro nudy). 1 TIM. iil. 2. vnparecov (iv. 11 € supra s.m.). 12. yevod. v.11. é@é\ovow. 2 TIM. 1.18. teov. iv. 13. catQurov. TiTUSi. 1. yu ww. ii. 7. raow. iii. 8. —7@. PHILEM. 6. +épyou (ante aya0od). HER, ii. 17. —rTov. iv.5. —el. v. 8. olxovopiav (pro vmaxonv). vi. 2. Kpioews (pro kpipatos). vil. 13. éf’ av. 21. +f (post ov). 23.476 (proto). x.9. To OéXnua cov. 6 Oc. xii. 5. dudv (pro vpiv). 7. ets (proe). 15, év xonH. 17. —Kat. 27. —p,). xiii. 3. caxoyoupévwy (69). 5. éykatarelro. 21. —Tdv aiavev (69). A collation of the Gospels with Codd. 59.66 Wake 12 is subjoined in this volume, pp. 60 sqq. It is often with Codd. BCDy*. Note especially in the early chapters. MATTHEW i. 6. —6€ secund. 20. hoBnOeis. 11. 4. + Tovs lxxxil ADVERSARIA (ante ypappareis). 13. Trav payor (proavtéy). ii.5.+7dca (ante ‘epocdAvpa). 12. —adrod tert. iv. 1. vad tod Tve els tiv épnuov. 17. év (pro émt). 18, —8é. 23. 6 ia brqv thy yaniraiav. vy. 30. améXOn (pro BrnGOH). 31. —S8 adrny (pro atrh). 82. was 6 drodtav (pro ds dv drodvon). 36. toujncas 7 pérarvav. 40. fin. +cov. 47. hidrovs (pro adergovs). 48. os (pro domep). vii. 12. Kal duets ob Tas. 23. + mavtes (ante of épyalopuevor). 24. —otdv. viii. 17. vd (pro dia). 29. —inood. 31. fin. + Kal érétpeev adrois. ix. 6. —ToTe. 8. époBnOnoav (pro éGavpacay). 11. édreyov (pro eimov). 13, Suxatovs Karécar. 15. + xpovov (post dcov). 16. év (pro émt). 17. dmodXuvTae adda oivoy véov eis aaKovs BadXovat Kaivors. apudpotepor. 25. édXOav. jryewpe. 33. oUTws epavyn. 35. fin. +Kal TodXol HKorovOncav avta. 36. én’ avtods (pro mepl avtav) (y*"). x. 1. +6 io (post mpockanr.). 2. —Tas. 4. ds Kal Tmapédwxev (pro 6 Kat mw.) 10. fm. —éoriw. 14. + &€w@ (post éEepyopuevor) (y*). 25. Tax Sovdw: (pro o dobdos) (y*"). 29. rijs ys. 30. npid- pnvtat (y*"). 31. +yap (post roAr@v). 42. +7aév Chayictov (post tovTwv). xii. 36. anv Sé€ Neyo vyiv. 46. NadAjoaL avT@. 47. idety (pro cot Aadjoat). 48. AéyovTe (pro ei- movtt). xill. 51, —Kdpue (BD). 52. Aye (pro 6 8é eizev) (D). mpodpéper (pro éxBadrder). 54. + waoa (ante » codia) (D). 55, twavyns (pro iwojs). 57. —avtod prim. (BD). xiv. 3. €v TH pudakyH arréGeTo (B). 6. yevouévwv (pro ayo- pevov (C). 8. Oédw va por dds (pro 80s por dyciv). 9. AvTNOels (— Kai) (BD). 11. + 76 Kopacuov (ante iveyxe). 12. wropa (BD). 16. —inoods (R*D). 24. Fv pécov Tis Gardoons. 25. 7c. —6 ic. 26. —of padnrat (&). emt THV Odrdaccay Tepitatodvta. 28. 6 Tétpos cimev adTa (B*). 32. avaBavrov (BD). 33. mpocedObvtes. 33. emt tiv yf eis yevvnoapét (BD). 36. + «av (ante povor). These specimens may shew the worth of this copy. In the Gospels it much resembles Cod. D, also Cod. 61. But Cod. & p.m. only in Matth. xiv. 16. CRITICA SACRA. Ixxxuli B. Paul. 265. B.-C. m1. 37 (Act. 221), p. lxxv. The Pauline Epistles in this remarkable copy present a full century of peculiar and solitary readings which bear emphatic testimony to its singular value. Rom. i. 10, — é¢e0- pevos. 18. —O0 p.m. (et cod. 47). i. 6. avtaroéeécet. iil. 10. — 671, 25. atwate avtod (37 Origen). v. 9. wedrovens Koddcews (pro épyjs) 21. Ov-(pro Kv) solus. vii. 8. yap (pro de) solus. 18. Kapdia (pro capkt) solus. viii. 4. Ov (pro vowov) solus. 32. dSédwxev (pro mapédaxev) solus. ix. 16. tpéyovtos (pro Bédovtos). OédovTos (pro TpéxovTos) solus. 19. Oernpate (pro BovAnpate) solus. x. 5. + avTod (post Sixacoovynyv) solus. 12. —avtwy solus. xi. 11. rrai- cwot (pro mécwat). 17. Kowwwvos solus. 31. + év (ante To vueTép@) solus. xil. 20. —mupds solus. xiii. 9. TO AOYo TovT@ (pro ToUT® TO Oyo). xiv. 10. —Tod (ante xv). 19. —ra secund. solus. 21. cxavédarifetar 7 TpooKkorter (— 7 aoOevet) solus. xvi. 1. —vpiv solus. 18. Kowihs aratns (pro cal evroyias) solus. 24. —aprv. 25—27. om. hoe loco. 1 Cor. i. 6. —év (ante vpiv) solus. il. 6. nvEnoev solus. iv. 6. + (ante gucotodcbe) b**ehn*™*, vii. 6. ovK (pro ov Kat) solus. Vill. 3. oUTws (pro otTos) solus. x. 12. récor solus. 21. queiy solus. xii. 6. 6 6€ avtos éotiv 6 Oa solus. xiii. 3. — pov secund. p.m. solus. xiv. 1. —6é prim. solus. 5. Aéyew (pro Aareiv) solus. 12. mpos oixodopny ths éx- Krnolas, solus. xv. 18. —év yo solus. 20. é« vexpdv eynyeptat. xvi. 18. nuov (pro euov). 2 Cor, 1. 12. +7H5 cuveLoynoews (post Kavynots). 1.6. —Tev solus. v.19. +av- Tots (post nuiv) solus. ix. 2. mapeverxevace p.m. xii. 12. év onpelors Kat Tepai (—Kal duvapect) cf. b*. xii. 13. + Kal apo (post vu) dn**st, GAL. i. 10. + dé (post povor) solus. 16. ef 7) (pro éav pr) solus, i. 17. tpraxoova (pro tetpa- xoota) (67.69). 19. é&eréOn solus. 22. —mavta (ante vo). EPH. ii. 19. + addergoi (ante ovKére) initio pericopes. iii. 8. Ov 1 These letters refer to the MSS. collated in the Appendix to the Codex Augiensis. lxxxiv ADVERSARIA (pro xv) solus. iv. 2. dddjAous solus. v.6. yap Tabra solus. vi. 4. init. —xal. 13. otjvar (pro avticthvat) solus. 21. — Sidxovos S p.m. PHIL. i. 4 él (pro év) solus. 6. + eis (ante avrd) solus. 29. atvTd(proavtod). ii. 1. itis omAayyva “Kal oixtippot* eb tis Kowovia vo solus. iii. 19. —6 solus. 21. +xai (ante peracynuatioes) solus. iv. 3. vat Kat aé (—yrjore) solus. COL. i. 5. ypiv (pro vpiv) solus. 6. éyvwrte solus. 27. TO rAaTos solus. 1. 14. jpev avTe (pro HpKev avo) solus. iv. 3. init. cab déomae tva solus, 1 THESS. i. 9. +xal (ante éumpoobev). iv. 14. +8id (ante tods KormnOévtas). 2 THESS. i. 7. — Tots solus. 9. aidviav dreOpor solus. 11. 10. evdoxias (pro adixias) cf. ver. 12, 1 TIM. ii. 5. Kal ets (pro els eal). v.18. fin. + éorr. vi. 16. —dv elSev oddels dveav ovde isety Sivatat solus. 2 TIM. iii. 6. éxdvvovTes solus. aiypa- Nwrifovtes (—Ta) solus. iv. 17. rapéotny pot solus. TO KNnpvypwa 80 éwod 08, TITUS ii. 8. TovTov solus. PHILEM. 24. NouKas: kat Snuas solus. HEB. 1, 3. + Tod @povov (post deEia) de. 8. + Kal eis TOV aidva (ante Tod aidvos) solus. il. 1. — juds. 10. sju0v (pro avréyv) solus. iv. 5. —év tovt@ solus. 16. mpocepxouela P*a*cdgkl*o, vil. 3. —mnte apxny ruepav pnte Cwis TérXos solus. 9, + ud (ante revi) solus. 11. év (pro éz’) solus. viil. 7. cxnvn (pro éxeivn) solus. x. 11. rpoc- hépwv Ovoias Todraxis solus. xi. 11. + 6€ (post mioter) solus. xii. 25. wapaitnoacbe solus. xiii. 11. —7epi auaprtias solus. A goodly list of solitary various readings truly. 6. Paul. 266. B.-C. 1. 4[x or x1]. Apoc. 89 (cf. Evan. 603, Act. 231). The history of this beautiful manuscript is more curious than pleasant to tell. In 1871 the Baroness Burdett-Coutts im- ported from Janina (see above pp. xxi, xxii) 67 vellum leaves in coarse velvet binding, containing S. Paul’s Epistles from Ephesians downwards, followed by the Apocalypse, which, after I had collated them, she presented to the Library of Sir Roger Cholmely’s School, Highgate, where they remain. In the same year 1871 Sir Ivor B. Guest sold (with three others) CRITICA SACRA. Ixxxv to the British Museum (Additional MSS. 28,815) a fragment containing the Gospels, Acts, Catholic and Pauline Epistles down to Galatians, the rest of the original volume being evidently torn out of the book, after it had been already sumptuously bound with silver-gilt plates. In 1875 Mr Edward A. Guy, of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, U.S.A., on comparing my description of B.-C. 11. 4 contained in the second edition of Plain Introduction with the Museum frag- ment, concluded that the two portions originally formed one magnificent copy of the whole New Testament, whereof not more than twenty such are known to exist. When I borrowed the Highgate Codex and took it to the Museum, I saw that the illuminated heading and initial capital on the first page (Eph. 1.) of B.-C. m1. 4 had been worked off through damp on the verso of the last leaf (502) of the Museumsbook : while on the other hand the red cepadaia of Gal. vi. in the Museum book was visible on the top of the first leaf of B.-C. 1 4. The identity of the copies being thus ascertained, it is a pity that the two fragments cannot be brought together, but the Governors of Highgate School prize their portion, at least for the sake of the donor, who cannot very urgently recall her own gift. It is said that Mr Guy collated the Museum portion, as I did B.-C. 11. 4, including the Apocalypse, but I have not access to Mr Guy’s work or time to recollate it, so that I must - leave it to some industrious and more fortunate student. Iam told that Mr Guy has now joined one of the obscurer American sects, which is indifferent or averse to these sacred studies. The complete manuscript was a grand folio, on fine vellum, of the tenth or eleventh centuries, 114 inches long, by 94 wide, containing 369 leaves, with 30 lines on a page, having two pictures of 8. Luke (one before the Acts), one of S. John, with illuminated headings. The Eusebian tables with their pre- liminary Epistola Carpiano, may have perished, for the margin of the Gospels exhibits both the Ammonian sections and Eusebian numerals, though there is a Gospel Harmony at the foot of leaves 17,18, and many brief marginal scholia through- out primd manu. The titdou are also found in gold letters. In the Epistles are also titXox at head and foot of pages, and s. g Ixxxvi ADVERSARIA xepadaia numbered in margin, but no chapter divisions in the Apocalypse. At the end on three leaves is the unfinished erriypaupa of Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyre in Julian’s reign, on the 70 disciples and the twelve Apostles. This is found in some three other manuscripts, 1n Erasmus’ first edition of the New Testament (1516) and partially in Stephen’s 1550. The Hebrews precedes the Pastoral Epistles. In S. Paul’s Epistles e ascript and v épedxvatixor always with verbs (except Heb. i. 14; xii. 8, 11) are frequent, and itacisms in all 49 times: au (for «) 5; € (for ac) 2; ¢ (for ev) 5; e« (for e) 8; e« (for m) 5; 7 (for ec) 3; w (for o) 6; o (for w) 9; ¢ (for n) 2; y (for vc) 3; (for 7) 1; v (for oc) 1. v and 7 in plurals of pronouns inter- changed 13 times. Omissions by duovorédevtov Phil. i. 20; 2 Thess, 11.4; 1 Tim. 1.9; 2 Tim. iv. 10; mostly corrected s.m. which corrector is met with in about 15 other places: in marg. p.m., Eph. v.5; Col.iv.11. Rare or remarkable readings in the portion collated and now buried at Highgate, are PHIL. il. 4. TO érépov (pro ta érépwv). 23. éEadtis. 26. + idetv (post vuds). 30. TAnpeon. Ul. 7. GAN Ativa Hv pa (pro por). 8. —ye. Con. i 20. éi (pro év). 11. 13. pas (pro vedas). nueov (pro tuov). +uds (post cuvefworroincer). iii. 3. —7@ (ante Ow). 1 THESS.i. 5. —év (ante rv). ii. 6. a (pro amo). iv. 6. Svewaptupopeba. 17. of Savtes jets. 2 THESS. i. 4. duds (pro nas). i. 8. €XaBopuev (pro éda- youev), HEB. 1.11. avtod (pro avtol). i. 1. tapapudper. ix. 11. "Io p.m. (pro yo). x. 1. —avrais Svvavtat. xii. 1. Tpéyouev, 28. NaTpevomev. xill. 17. + 5€ (post weiOecGe). 1TiMil. ev yu. i. 7. —év yo. iii. 3. —p2) aloypoxepdh. iv. 8. érayyedlias. 2 TIM. 1. 14. mapaOnkny. fin. vpir. 15. —of. gdyedos. 18. édreov (non ver. 16). ii. 8. — yp. ili. 6. —TO. iv. 16. —pov. 17. —pos. 20. amédevror. Titus i. 1. —dé. il. 2. tpeaButépous. vyndaréous. 8. epi nav rNéyev. 8, 10. [vpov]. PHILEM. v. 22. + Kal (post OTL). CRITICA SACRA. Ixxxvll APOCALYPSE.! e. Apoc. 26, Wake 12 (Evan. 492, Act. 193, Paul 277). See pp: xxxiv, lxxiv, Ixxvit-. On the same page and column as the end of Epistle to Hebrews stands Oecumenius’ prologue to Apocalypse; then follow Andreas’ Preface and a list of the 72 xepadara of Apoca- lypse, whose numerals rwbro are set in the margin with rubric capitals, where xed. or lessons begin. This part of Wake 12 contains no marginal glosses such as abound in the Pauline Epistles (p. Ixxviii). It is written in two columns of 36 lines each, with title rubro’"Aroxaduyis S00joa 76 Oeodoyo iwavyn. (So Wake 34.) At the end of the volume (Fol. 231 b) are several (74) pages mepi Tév olkouperikov © cvvodwyr, includ- ing Tepi Tom“Ka@Y cvvodwr, not much like Cod. 69. Nov epen- KuvoTLiKop except eimev Capp. Vil. 14; xvii. 7: a hiatus cap. xiii. 14. Novascript, but eleven cases of « subscript. There are 15 itacisms: 7 (for ev) 5; es (for 7) 2; es (for v) 2; v (for 7) cap. xx. 2; as (for e) 3; » (for v) 5; « (for 7) 2; @ (for ov) cap. x1. 10; @ (for 0) 12; o (for w) 16, (chiefly werozrov). There occur oOmolTéAeuTa Cap. XVill. 23; xxi. 13, and omission from the same beginning cap. xvi. 13. Breathings are somewhat careless, e.g. pos, @de semper, éoTHTas, ov pr), ovx’ semel. For the dialysis .. we often have —, as in Cod. &. Commas are found when quite needless. In cap. 11.17 (;) stands for semi- colon, mostly for interrogation. Many changes made by p. m. on revising, and original readings look as if washed out (as in ~ Cod. Evan. D), but cap. xxii. 19 looks s.m. This copy has many rare or even singular readings: e.g. capp.i. 11; ii. 7 bis, pe20 29,26; 1.1; iv. 35. vi. 143. vit..1, 12; vii, 2; ix. 5, 20: pts. 19; xvii. 8, 16, 17; xvii 6, 7, 8;-x1x, 2, 9,17, 19: Seo hl, 12. xxt 5, 7, 19;,22, 25; xxu. 1, 2,.3,.6,21 (Cod..A). This is Caspar Wetstein’s Cod. 26, who made 87 errors in collating it, and not much less in representing Cod. 27. We have corrected his oversight by annexing (sic) to the true reading. See Part III. 1 Full collation of these three MSS. is given in Part III. pp. 143 ff. g 2 Ixxxvili ADVERSARIA f. Apoc. 27, Wake 34 (Evan. 503, Act. 190, Paul. 244). See above p. xxxvi. This copy begins in Fol. 12b in the middle of the page without v7roGeocs or table of xeptraca. It contains the unusual number of twelve omissions by ouororéXevtov: cap. iii. 7; Iv. @; vi. 631%, 25 kite Lexy. 8s xv... 7: xvil-o> xvi. 1 ee xix. 15; xx. 5. Unusual grammatical forms are rare, but amnrOa Apoc.x.9. N éperxvotixoy occurs in the whole MS. 349 times: viz. Catholic Epp. 20, Pauline ‘90, Gospels 196, Apoc. 43. For rare readings compare Apoc. 1. 6; 1. 5; ii. 23 ive GS vi, 270 3° va 2S vu 6 Ix: Os ea xix ee 12; xxi. 10. Yet after all, our collation (pp. 143 ff.) shews Wake 12, Wake 34, B.-C. 11 4 (e f 6) very much together: their agreement closely coincides with the Complutensian edition. 6. Apoc. 89. B.-C. 1. 4 (Evan. 603, Act. 231, Paul. 266). See p. Ixxxiv. This codex, whose fate has been described above, has no preface except its simple title in gold, "AvroxadXuyus Tod ayiouv aTroctToXou: Kal evayyeAtoTov iw. There is no table of ceda- Aaa or their numerals in the margin, but small and plain capitals at the beginning of lines, where the sense is broken. The writing is beautifully clear, breathings and accents mostly regular. The ouovorédevta are in cap. xx. 5; xxi. 15; xxii. 6. No « is seen, ascript or subscript: v épedxvatiKov appears 12 times, itacisms do not exceed 11: » (for 4) cap. xvil. 4; 7 (for ec) 11. 7; vi. 103 ec (for c) iv. 3; ae (for €) xviil. 13; 0 (for w) xiv. I; w (for o) v..6; 1x. 16; 31x. 10; xx 8 pm; xxii. 9. A few corrections in the text look all prima manu: others also p.m. in the margin are cap. v. 14; xi.15; xix. 10. For rarer or interesting readings compare cap. 1. 4, 9, 17; i. 8.10, 18, 22, 25, 27; im. 1, 2.3, 7, 9) 12; 16, LG 1S: awed Lk: wi *8; 9% -vai9, 10:3 -vi. 9, 14: avant 6S) 12 sex 2 ee CRITICA SACRA. Ixxxix Po aner bo exae 4a) PI 6; 17) xeve 5; 7, °8;, 19s xvi 2, 4: Rea lwexulnae oye evans 27, Ml Uae We) Uf xx: 7, 12; 13; xxi. 4, 5, 6,7, 23, 24; xxi. 3, 5. (CH [Le. note] in margin of cap. ui. 20,) APOSTOLOS.’ u. Apostolos 64, B.-C. 1. 10 (Evst. 251). See p, Ixvi 1, Apost. 65. B.-C. m1. 24. This is one of the somewhat few lectionaries proper (as distinguished from euchologies, liturgical books and Typica) which furnish lessons from the Apostolos only, not from the Gospels. It is a vellum folio of the twelfth or thirteenth century, contains 160 leaves, 104 inches by 8, written in two columns of 28 lines on a page. With red musical notes and much red for lections, and verses from Psalms before the lessons. The text reaches from the second Sunday after Easter (the MS. beginning Act. vi. 6 avrois Tas yelpas), through the Ascension, Pentecost, to the sixteenth week after Pente- cost, and the Saturdays and Sundays teév vnoterdr, ending at Evensong Easter Eve (Rom. vi. 3—11) Fol. 114. The Menology (Foll. 114 b—160) has almost no lessons given at length (yet 2 Pet. 1. 10—19, Fol. 157; Phil, i. 5—11, Fol. 158; Act. xiii. 25—39, Fol. 159), but overflows with rubrical directions. It is very full, and begins with September, ends abruptly Aug. 29, and with some miscellaneous lessons. But all is ill-written, many lessons are lost, many words are omitted by opovoré- 1 Tn addition to those Lectionaries here given from the Burdett collection add the following, now deposited by her in the library of Highgate Grammar School (see p. lxxxiv), awaiting such study as the editor’s decaying sight and advanced age have denied him. May this collation, which he once contem- plated, reward his more fortunate successor with such a store of critical novelties as he himself lighted on in 1845 at the British Museum in y*" (Burney 22). The manuscripts are B.-C. 1. 8; 1. 23; 1. 24; 1. 3; 1.5; m1, 21; 1. 43. xc ADVERSARIA NevTor, and the itacisms are numberless, and at times quite monstrous, e.g. a’ynpovte (1 Cor. xv, 32), so that much weight cannot be attached to its evidence, It apparently belongs to the Constantinopolitan diocese, many of whose archbishops . are named, and in the menology for May 21 (Fol. 152 b) we commemorate Tov év aylois Bacihéav nudy KwaTaVTivou Kal édévys. Apost. 66, B.-C. 11. 29 (Evst. 252). See p. lxvii. Apost. 67. B.-C. ur. 42 (Evst, 253). See p. lxviil. Apost. 78, B.-C, 111. 44 (Evst. 290). See p. Ixx1. Apost. 82. B.-C. 11. 46 (Evst. 249), See p. Ixxi. Apost. 68. B.-C, m1, 53 (Evst. 253). See p. xxi. Sun a4 EARLY EDITIONS OF THE GREEK TESTAMENT. In addition to the various readings of the manuscripts of the Greek Testament previously described in this. Introduc- tion, we have added the variations from what we regard as the received or standard text of the third edition of Stephen 1550 (as represented in Scrivener’s editio major 1887) to be met with in substance in the primary editions of the Complu- tensian (C), Erasmus (1516—35), Stephen’s first and second editions (St. 1, 2, 1546, 1549), Beza’s first and last editions (B. 1, 5, 1565, 1598), and that of the Elzevirs (Elz. 1, 2, 1624, 1633). Of all these books a collation (as exact as my diligence will permit) has been made by myself not a few years since, except those of Erasmus third (1522), and fourth (1527), which illness has hindered me from attempting. The read- ings from these two editions I have gathered from Wetstein’s N. T. 1751—2, without absolutely vouching for his accuracy (but whose accuracy shall we vouch for ?), although in this portion of his great work Wetstein took especial pains’. We 1 Yet Wetstein adopts, rightly or not, all the representations of Mill as to the readings of the Aldine Bible (1518) except in Luc. xi. 34; Acts xii. 25; 2iCorseaT CRITICA SACRA. . xcl confine our description of these early editions to the ortho- graphy and grammatical forms which occur in them. Their history, at least so far as we thought it necessary to trace it, their miscellaneous contents, and the manuscripts from which the text is drawn, have been described at length in the fifth chapter of Scrivener’s Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the N. T., third edition, pp. 422—443. (1) C. Complutensian edition (1514 printed, 1522 pub- lished), fol. Two Greek Psalters with Magnificat and Benedictus (what we have elsewhere called Odea, p. lxiii) appeared first at Milan in 1481, then at Venice in 1486, the first six chapters of S. John were published at Venice by Aldus Manutius in 1504, John i. 1—14 at Tiibingen in 1512, but the first edition of the whole N. T. bears date Jan. 10, 1514, although it was not made public before 1522, five years after the death of its munificent projector and cost-payer, Francis Ximenes de Cisneros, Regent of Castile and Primate of Spain. It is a portion of a Polyglott Bible in six folio volumes, printed at the University he had founded, Alcala de Henares, better known by its Latin name Complutum. The N. T. portion contains the Latin Vulgate (in the form then best known) on the right of each page, and in a parallel column the Greek text on the left, in very beautiful though peculiar type, with some idiosyncrasies of Greek accent which were subsequently laid aside. Breathings are omitted altogether. Since from the nature of the case, this Greek text must have been formed from the authority of manuscripts (and those not early ones) alone, it naturally retains the fashion of orthography and grammatical inflexion represented by their prototypes. Thus, as in such manuscripts as we have often previously described, there occur 224 itacisms (chiefly o for o, m for et, ev for v, 9 for v, ot for ev, and vice versd) ; 32 instances of vy épeAXxvoTixoy is the redundant v before a consonant; 15 cases of the lack of v before a vowel, o!tws sometimes xell ADVERSARIA preceding a consonant, but v 68 times; ov« and ovy inter- changed 12 times. The following peculiarities, found in many manuscripts, may shew that the grammatical Greek forms were not yet settled among scholars: wapnyye\ev Mare. vi. 8; rapayyérov 1 Cor. vii 10; rapayyere 1 Tim. iv. 11; v. 7; vi. 17; mapayyédopev 2 Thess. iii. 4; Sduaryyere Luce. ix. 60; SsayyéA@v Acts xxi. 26; dvayyéXwv 2 Cor. vu. 7; catayyé\ov 1 Cor. ii. 1. The augment is omitted nine times (Matth. xi. 17; Act. vil. 42; xxvi. 32; Rom. i. 2: Gal. it, 13; 1 Tim. vi; 10;"2 Tim. 1, 16; Rev, iv. 8;, x ee reduplication twice (Johan, xi. 52; 1 Cor. xi. 5); péAXee and wérex confounded Mare. ix. 38; Act. xviii. 17; Rev. i. 2; xi. 4. Other forms, some of which might be called Alexan- drian, wap7rodov Mare. vill. 1; vypéav Rom. xvi. 15; é&alpecte 1 Cor. v.13; azroxréves 2 Cor. ui. 6, &e.; oteyovper Gal. v. 25; evra Heb. iti. 10; evpapevos Heb. ix. 12; ameryécOau 1 Pet. ii. 11; xatadelrovtes 2 Pet. ii. 15; mepsBarreirae Rey, iii. 5; Sevyrdvtos Rey. xxii. 8. The stops in the Greek (not in the parallel Latin) are careless, being (.), (,), (‘), but never (;). We often find o at the end of words for s, v or ¥ at the beginning of syllables; there is no ¢ either subscript or ascript, and no capital letters except at the beginning of a chapter, where they are often flourished. The following forms are also derived from the general practice of manu- scripts, and occur perpetually: avapti, amapyns, dav (for & av) euun, e€avTns, emiToavTo, epogov, EwaoToV, KalToLYE, KaOnuépav KaTiiav, KaTovap, meOnpwv, pévTOL, OUpn, TOU- téote: and for the most part dvavavtés, dati, dSuaTovTo, e(Tis, ovxéTt. Sometimes the preposition and its case make but a single word, as 7rapadvow, evroinoat (Vulg. benefacere, Mare. xiv. 7). Since the Complutensian has been said to be very inaccurately printed, we may state that we have noted only 50 errors of the press; but in one place (Heb. vii. 3) part of the ninth Euthalian xefararoy (ev w ote Ka Tov aBpaap mpoetyun Om) has through inadvertence crept into the text. In this primary edition the Epistle to the Hebrews stands last of those of S, Paul, and all of them precede the Acts of the Apostles. CRITICA SACRA. xcul (2) Desiderii Erasmi editiones (1516, 1519, 1522, 1527, i 1535), fol. Here again, as in the case of the Complutensian Polyglott we need not repeat from ordinary sources of information the personal or literary history of Erasmus himself, the untoward haste wherewith the text of the first edition, undertaken to get the start of Ximenes’ rival work, which it did very effectually, was hurried through the Basle press of Froben in the space of less than a year. The only manuscripts he can have used throughout were, and are now, at Basle, Gospel Cod. 2, Acts, Paul. Cod. 2, Paul. Cod. 7 (important), all of no high antiquity, with occasional reference to an older copy Gospels, Acts, Paul. Cod. 1, and Act. Paul. Cod. 4. For the Apocalypse he had but one copy, once John Reuchlin’s, long lost, but happily re- discovered in 1861 by Professor Delitsch, in a private library at Mayhingen in Bavaria, and published as edited by him. It is to this book that reference is made in our collation of the Apocalypse under the notation of “Cod. Reuchlin.” The last six verses of this book, being lost in Cod. Reuchlin, were boldly translated by Erasmus from the Latin. The first edition of Erasmus’, by reason of its hurried publication, is perhaps the most inaccurate volume ever issued from the press, although a theologian of some account, John Hausschein (Oecolampadius) of Basle had undertaken the correction of the press, at end of volume in some hundreds of places. This edition, like the Complutensian, was affected by the peculiarities of the modern manuscripts from which it was printed. No less than 501 itacisms (including those in the second edition) were hence imported into the text’, v ébed- KvoTiKoy is much (but not constantly) used with verbs before a consonant at the beginning of the next word; but hiatus for the lack of it 23 times, while « subscript, 1 They consist of o (for w) 58 times; w (for 0) 55; 7 (for e) 33; e (for 7) 65; 7 (for «) 25; ¢ (for m) 31; a (for e) 18; ¢€ (for a) 25; e (for c) 30; « (for ec) 49; 7 (for v) 27; v (for m) 45; « (for v) 8; v (for«) 5; x» (for e) 5; e (for 7) 13; w (for ov) 2; ov (for w) 6; all of the ordinary type of those in later cur- sive manuscripts. XClV ADVERSARIA which in other places is set pretty correctly, is placed under » in the plural of the subjunctive mood active, but not in the singular (e.g. James ii. 3 éwiBréwnrte, elrnte, but ver. 2 eto €XOn bis). We meet with of tws before a consonant usually, but ott four times. For omission of augments and re- duplications notice éxmropevovto Rev. iv. 5; éxaOcxev Heb. Xl. 2; émrarcyvv0n 2 Tim. i. 16; adoxpibn Rev. vii. 19; epnuwpevny Rev. xvii. 16; meprfwaopévor Rev. xv. 6; and other irregularities, cuppaptupot Rom. viii. 16; Aadov Rey. xiii. 5; éxyéere Rev. xvi. 1. The stops are so loosely (often falsely placed) that it is useless to record them; the grave and acute accent are used almost indifferently before the end of a clause or paragraph ; o is often used for 5 not at the end of a word. For the second edition there was less hurry, and the worst errata (e.g. the e subscript) were set right, and one new manuscript Cod. 3 of Gospels, Act., Paul. consulted. It is of no great value, and had been borrowed for this purpose from a Belgian convent. The Annotations were enlarged. Those employed for the first edition had been compiled and probably set in type before the Greek text had been arranged, and some foreign matter’ added from Greek sources. The letter to Carpianus, tables of Eusebian canons, and (before each Gospel) tables of xepadXata; titdot, Ammonian sections, and Eusebian numerals set in their usual places. Yet many of the worst faults of the first edition are retained in the second’. Mill estimates the textual variations of the two editions at 400, but they are obviously too few. The third edition of 1522 first contained the insertion from the Codex Britannicus (cf. Scrivener, Plain Introduction, pp. 648—55, third edition) 1 Dorotheus of Tyre, Lives of the Four Evangelists, Sophronius’ Lives, Prologue or é1d8eors to each Gospel by Theophylact, &e. 2 H.g. Matth. vi. 26; xxi. 22; Mark xiv. 38, 59; xv.14; Luc. ii. 22; viii. 1; xv. 13; xxiii. 48; Johan. vi. 4, 34; viii. 44, 48; ix. 21; xiv. 8; xvii. 11; Netaae 4)! 1.16% vo28s wil: 22, 31, 59); Romed. 8, 09)s vali iscmeilesmcve OF xvie 12) Cor iy, O35) xl. 21; civ. 2s 2 Cori. I2eixed)xee | ellen lcs 20% xin. 12); Hph: 1.95 ay. 30; 1 Thess. 1198) vy. 18) 275) 2 nessseuealisr is) 6, 14, 27 -| 2 Timi. 3);) in. Ql; Hebr: wai. 53, ix. 12) ad 4 ae ttt Ore 1 Pet. iv. 1,19; 2 Pet. i.17; 1 Johan. iv.15; Jude 15; Rev. iii. 2; iv. 8; vi. 6. 11; yi. 2): ix. 8; xi. 13, 16% xiv. 5; 7;) xv. 203 xv 10 xix. xt CRITICA SACRA. XC; of 1 Johan. v. 7, but contains according to Mill 118 variations from the second, which Reuss (Bibliotheca N. T. Gr., but his plan of reckoning, however, materially differs from Mill’s) reduces to seven. In this year Erasmus obtained his first sight of the Complutensian Polyglott, from which source he made 106 or 113 changes in the text, which Reuss in his system brought down to six, yet 90 are found in the Apoca- lypse alone. The last edition of Erasmus bears date 1535, the year before he died. Reuss notes only two variations from the fourth (1 Cor. xii. 2; Act. ix. 28), Mill only two, but we notice in S. James’ Epistle only cap. i. 22; 11. 6; i111. 12; subscriptio. The first three and last editions of Erasmus are printed in two parallel columns (like the Complutensian), the Greek text on the left column, the Latin on the right, but the Latin is not the Vulgate as ordinarily represented, but as revised long since by the editor himself, and keeping rather close to it in tone and literary form. In the fourth edition, however, the Latin Vulgate is inserted between the other two, we presume in the vain hope of silencing the cavillers whom he addresses in an elaborate dissertation pre- fixed to his fourth and fifth editions ‘Contra morosos quosdam ac indoctos.” This mode of conciliating having proved un- successful, Erasmus withdrew in his edition eight years afterwards this unavailing addition to the size and cost of a book sufficiently bulky in itself. (3) Robert Stephen’s editions (1546, 1549, 1550 folio, 1551)}. The editions of Robert Stephen (Hstienne), mainly by reason of their typographical beauty, have exercised a far 1 Since these descriptions of Stephen’s and Elzevir’s editions were written Mr Hoskier has published his Collation of Cod. b (above, p. xxv) and has annexed to them ten elaborate Appendices (A to J), containing (among other matters) full and minute lists of the differences between Stephen and the common text, and of the divergences from each other of the Elzevir text in its several forms. It would be unscholarlike to say that these Appendices are hardly worth the trouble of a full collation, for whatsoever is attempted xevl ADVERSARIA wider influence over the criticism of the New Testament than either the Complutensian or those of Erasmus. Indeed his third or folio edition of 1550, with the earliest supply of various readings in the margin, is by many, especially in England, regarded as the standard of the Received text. Scrivener’s Editio Major, 1887, which has been used through- out for our present work, has been reprinted from it with all possible care and accuracy. In Stephen’s first edition (1546) the Preface makes an obscure reference to manuscript colla- tions as the basis of his Greek text, and in his principal edition of 1550, in a Graeco-Latin Preface to the Reader, he announces his authorities to be sixteen in number, whereof the Complu- tensian Polyglott (a) was one (cited by him in the margin 610 times); another (8) is doubtless the great Codex Bezae, which did not reach Cambridge University Library, whose glory it now is, before 1581; eight other manuscripts procured from the Royal Library at Paris, the other six from other quarters @ avTol mavtaydbev cvynOpoicauer (in the parallel Latin it is rendered “ quee undique corrogare licuit.”) Codex Bezae itself indeed, though it had been in Italy 70 6é 8’ éorl To év “Itaria tro TOY nueTépwv avTiBrnOEev dirwy (St. 3 Preface) in 1546, was returned to its proper owners at Lyons, and remained there until 1562. The recognition of the aforesaid codices has gathered around it a perfect critical literature of its own, and by the researches of Le Long, Bishop Marsh and other scholars, with one or two small exceptions, the question may be regarded as settled. On comparing the codices themselves with the margin of 1550 we come to see how very negligently Stephen represents the authorities he cites; as indeed well he may, since we now know that at least a portion of the collations are the work of his yet more illustrious son Henry Stephen, who in 1546 was only eighteen years old. The two editions which preceded that of 1550 contained no critical apparatus. The books in these studies should be done, once and for all, thoroughly and well. It is enough to say that we have not felt it incumbent on us to produce Mr Hoskier’s labours in full, but rather to employ his tentamina to the review and correction of our own. CRITICA SACRA. xevil of 1546 and 1549 are in a small 12™° form, most elegantly printed with type cast at the expense of Francis I.: the open- ing words of the Preface common to both “O mirificam Regis nostri optimi et praestantissimi principis liberalitatem” has given them the name by which they are known to book- worms. The two books correspond page by page, Jine by Ime: also in Preface and title-page. St. 1 and St. 2 differ from each other in text 139 times, in punctuation 28 times, in accents 214 (St. 2 being almost always right), in breathings 74 (chiefly aBpadp St. 1, aBp. St. 2, 3). The errata (really such) are in St. 1, 126; im St. 2, 102; very seldom the same, and in St. 2 a table of them at the end. St. 2 was set up from St.1,and apparently St. 2 was the usual exemplar of St. 3, although in Rom. xvi. 11 npodimva, 12 KoTidcas are from St. 1. More important is the fact that the main edition of 1550, with its critical apparatus, perhaps more showy than useful, differs from the smaller books of 1546, 1549 jointly 334 times (St. 1 alone 372) in text, 27 in punctuation. In the Apocalypse, St. 1 and 2 are close to the text of Erasmus (departing from it only in eleven places), of whose labours Stephen takes no notice, while admitting his obligations to the Complutensian Polyglott, which he follows against St. 1 in no less than 61 places. But, in truth, the men of Stephen’s generation had yet to learn how much care and toil their work needed, if it was to be even tolerably executed. St. 1 often follows manuscripts cited in St. 3, where St. 3 records no variation in text: m (i.e. mavtes) perpetually stands in the margin of St. 3, when all his copies certainly do not favour the variation. Nor did he always employ all the readings he had at hand’. But it was much to have made a first essay in Biblical criticism: our obliga- tions to this learned man far exceed, by way of example to 1 In his dedication to Queen Elizabeth (N. T. 1565), Beza speaks clearly of a copy of R. Stephen’s ‘cum viginti quinque plus minus manuscriptis... ab Henrico Stephano, ejus filio, et paterne sedulitatis herede, quam diligen- tissime collatum.’’ Indeed Beza, in whose possession Cod. D then was, cites from it, as Wetstein points out, three readings under the name of “‘quidam codex” and several others from other Stephanie copies, which Robert Stephen had neglected to use. XCV1ll ADVERSARIA others, what he actually achieved. St. 4 1551 is the small edition (16°) which he published without his name on the title-page the next year after his third at Geneva, which has become to him the land of exile for conscience’ sake. It is chiefly notable for first representing our modern verses break- ing up the continuous text, a convenient, yet in many respects, a misleading experiment: “triste lumen,” as Reuss puts it, “nec posthac extinguendum.” This fourth edition contains the Greek text, set between the Latin Vulgate and Erasmus’ revision thereof. Reuss names only six instances in which Stephen’s third and fourth editions differ: we can name at least nine more. Finally, besides the bilingual epistle to the Reader, quoted above, the great standard volume contains Chrysostom’s Homily I. to 8S. Matthew (then first published), Epistola Carpiano and tables of Eusebian canons, table of _ citations of O. T. in N. T., whether literal or virtual, 72 Hexameter lines, headed Eppixos o PwBeprov Xtehavou gir0Gew mavtt, Prologue by Theophylact, with Lives by Sophronius and Dorotheus of Tyre, and xed. before each Gospel; in margin of text, t’tXo1, numerals of xeparara Ammonian sections, Eusebian numerals. Before the Acts stand ’Azrodnuia Lavrov, Euthalius trepi tév xpover, tables of xepadraia, Chrysostom’s prologue before Pauline Epistles. Each separate one has a prologue (chiefly Theodoret’s) xed. tables. The Acts and Epistles have «ed. numerals. The Apocalypse has no «ed. or prologue, but only Latin chapters subdivided by numerals. (4) Theodore Beza’s editions (1556, 1565 [B. 2], 1582, 1589, 1598 [B. 5]) fol. Reuss and others will not admit the first-named edition of 1556 to belong to Beza, and indeed it is only the elegant Latin version which strictly belongs to him, and now first appears; the Greek text being that of Stephen’s fourth edition 1551: so that his editions properly so called are four, not five. This is not, however, his own mode of reckoning, 1 [We cannot find any trace of a Greek text in or accompanying the folio Beza of 1556—1557.] CRITICA SACRA. XC1X inasmuch as on the title-page of that of 1565 he speaks of “ Annotationes, quas iterum hac secunda editione recognovit,” and in his latest edition of 1598, in his Epistle to the Reader he states expressly “ Annus agitur quadragesimus secundus, ex quo N. T. Latinam interpretationem emendare sum ageressus, Graeco contextu non modo cum novem decim vetustissimis quam pluribus manuscriptis et multis passim impressis codicibus, sed etiam cum Syra interpretaticne collato,” the forty-two years bringing us back to 1556, not to 1565, If we impute these last cited words to Beza’s senile decay of memory (of which other instances may be alleged), the title-page of 1565 can hardly be thus accounted for. Still, no doubt, as regards the Greek text, this is the earliest with which we are concerned. It is a noble folio, the text (after the example of Er. 4) arranged in three columns, Greek text, his own version taken from 1556, the Latin Vulgate, with an elaborate dedication to Queen Elizabeth, dated from Geneva (where all his editions were printed) Dee. 19, 1564, being the second anniversary of the battle of Dreux. This only and his last edition (B. 5) we have fully and carefully collated, B. 4 (1589) was closely followed in B. 5, the third (B. 3) is almost identical with B. 2. His materials were Henry Stephen’s collation, of which we have spoken before (p. xcvi), Cod. D of the Gospels, Cod. D of the Pauline Epistles, first noticed in his third edition (1582), and the Peshito Syriac version as translated by Sm. Tremellius in 1569. Add to this a few bold conjectures of Beza’s own, of which Luke ii. 22 tod cabapicpod avtys for avtod is the most conspicuous example. Cf. 1 Thess. i. 4; 2 Thess. ii. 4. Wetstein calculates that Beza’s text differs from Stephen’s in some fifty places, his version or Annotationes from Stephen’s Greek in 150. Since Reuss’ reckonings are derived not from a full collation of the whole N. T., but from a selection of a thousand texts chosen as characteristic, his results must always prove below the truth, yet they will generally shew the drift of the editions cited with accuracy sufficient for most purposes. He states that B. 2 (1565) differs from St. 4 (1551) in only 25 places, whereof it sides with Erasmus c ADVERSARIA 4 times, with the Complutensian 9, 4 times with them both, and 9 are new, whereof Colinaeus in 1534 had already adopted two (Act. xvii. 25; Jac. v. 12). He notes also that B. 3 (1582) withdraws one peculiar reading of B. 3, but adds 14 more. The editions of 1589 (B. 4) and 1598 (B. 5) are notable as being the basis on which the Authorised English translation (1611) was formed. B. 4, according to Reuss, departs from B. 3 only five times, B. 5 from B. 4 but twice. These last statements I regard as somewhat doubtful. We have collated fully B. 2 and B. 5. (5) Elzevir editions (Elz. 1, 1624, Elz. 2, 1633). As Stephen 1550 is mostly regarded as the standard of the Received text in England, so Continental critics have assigned that distinction to one of the editions of 1624, 1633 published in 12° at Leyden by the brothers Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevir, chiefly by reason of their supposed exemp- tion from press errors. Iliva& paprupidy of citations from the Old Testament stands at the beginning of each edition, abridged from St. 1550. Elz. 1633 has also tables of xeharaca prefixed to the Gospels, éxPeors xeparatwr of the Acts and all the Epistles. Elz. 1624 has no Preface, but is stated on the title-page to be ex Regiis, aluisque optimis editionibus cum cura expressum.: by Regus we understand St. 3, and by “editionibus quae maxime ac prae ceteris nunc omnibus probantur,” in the Preface to Elz. 1633, as by “aliisque optimis editionibus” on the title-page of Elz. 1624, must refer to the several editions of Beza: Reuss notes but nine variations out of his thousand readings as subsisting between Elz. 1624 and Beza’s smaller edition of 1565. Elz. 1633 is easily distinguished from the elder book, by having the verses broken up into separate sentences, instead of their numbers only being indicated in the margin, as in Elz. 1624, The Preface of Elz. 1633, with a confidence which no doubt helped on its own accomplishment, declares “Textum ergo habes nunc ab omnibus receptum, in quo nihil immutatum CRITICA SACRA. cl aut corruptum damus'.” On comparing the two Elzevir editions we mark that while some of the worst misprints of the elder book are corrected in the younger (Matth, vi. 34; met. xxvil. 15: 1 Cor x. 10: Col. mu, 13: 1 Thess, ii, 17: Hebr. viii. 9; 2 Pet. i. 7), others just as gross are retained (Aeteix, o> Kom. vi, 25 xin. 5; 1°Cor, xi. 28= xin. 3: 2 Cor: iv. 4; v. 19’; Hebr, xu. 9'5 Rev. iii. 12; vi. %: xviii. 16), besides the admission of other errata peculiar to itself (Mare. 11. 10; Johan. v. 2; Rom. xv. 3; 1 Cor. ix. 2; 2 Cor. 1.11; vi.16; Col.iv.7; Rev. xxii. 3). Of real various readings between the two Elzevirs we observe but seven, in six of which Elz. 1633 follows the Complutensian (Mare. iv. 18; vil, 24; Luce. xi. 33; xii. 20; Johan. iii. 6 bis; 2 Tim. i. 12; Rey. xvi. 5)”. The editions of the Elzevirs have been found by us to differ from Stephen’s third (1550) in about 287 places, whereof Mill detected but 12, Tischendorf gives a catalogue of 150. Mr Hoskier (Appendix ©, p. 25) regards 1641 as the most beautiful and correct of the several Elzevir editions, ! We have always understood this expression on the part of the unknown editors of 1633 to refer not to themselves but to the older edition of 1624, which had at any rate then stood the test of nine years’ use. Hence we cannot speak with Dr Weymouth (Resultant Gr. Test. Preface, p. viii) of its ‘audacious claim to be what it was not or ever has been’’, or of the Leyden printers of 1633 being guided in their work of that year by the Holy Spirit of God, which was withheld from all other editors before or since, and from themselves in 1624. If indeed it were “‘themselves’’. 2 We will make Mr Hoskier a present of Johan. iv. 51 oi dod\a. See Hoskier, Appendix C. p. 10, = _— eas i a taf On Siig, tev ddr 1) Waren EAT fegiee ANGRY agAdul IV AMD ioriee: 90 ered : mat: P46r WM th a eben ih eer Se vit Abur.aers wey tndd seat BV PE ge Bee Tea ‘Ce ie sl 1? Pai SW cae ee rs 74h ers dank Se iby (tut PEP Vex) OCF coe. ” Weil OF Sas a rays ta hake “ie er we ot aa & 0 Gut kPa cesthe dic’ dampen Saeed Hao iis vol) <4.¥o teed * ore [Ae si toreeatee Tint a to ve S51 ty 4 = @& GLB via ij ATE wlh-.G8) 16 OR 7 el! lane: sali truss? ore loi Mie! Gael od) ee ‘we - od : rie , : foi. -) mi vet? 7 Lf ed dns Ml), is! et by -Je- ’ Se ee a t og (4 ton @ Po BAL ~~ = s -) 7 ete La Lis. i, Sait satay ih) ol Geen Doe MLTGOE, ti i 7 j le [eee A 7a: ily et =)! Ga BD eesti | 2 S61 at ‘ ; hide okie oa “ ; “wis : } oli 2 aieae POSTSCRIPT. September 29, 1890. My lamented friend and fellow student, the late Very Reverend J. W. Burgon, Dean of Chichester, very earnestly requested me, that if I lived to complete the present work, I would publickly testify that my latest labours had in no wise modified my previous critical convictions, namely, that the true text of the New Testa- ment can best and most safely be gathered from a comprehensive acquaintance with every source of information yet open to us, whether they be Manuscripts of the original text, Versions, or Fathers; rather than from a partial representation of three or four authorities which, though in date the more ancient and akin in character, cannot be made even tolerably to agree together. I saw on my own part no need of such avowal, yet (eyet quis carmima Gallo?) 1 could not deny Dean Burgon’s request. The Dean’s capital argument arising from the fact that the text used by Patristic writers is often purer than primary manuscripts written one or two centuries younger than they (see p. vi. note 1) needs, of course, much care in its application, and can only be insisted on when the context renders it quite clear what the reading before the elder writer actually was. Such a case (and it is by no means of rare occurrence) as the following seems to me absolutely con- clusive. In John 111. 13 the clause 6 dv év 7G ovpaye, omitted by some four manuscripts (Codd. NBC. and 33), three at least of them being the production of an age deeply steeped in Arianism, is vindicated by Hippolytus, who fiourished a full century before the date of the most ancient of them; while the theological in- ference drawn by him, arooraAeis iva detEn Tov eri yqs ovra etvar kal €v ovpav@, leaves no possible doubt as to the reading of the copy which Hippolytus had before him. Compare Tregelles (Account of Printed Text, p. 25) tor Mare. seve, V6.1 7, ela les COLLATION OF MSs 5396) %B—C. WI: TITLE (under slight illumination): rubro, EvayyéAuov éx tov kata patOaiov (sic) cf. Mare. title. Marr. I. 1. 808 dBpacw passim. 4. dpivadapn bis (—Tov dpivadaB, dpwadaB de eyévvyoe 346). 5. iwBnd bis 124. 6. —o Baoreds. codropdva 124.346. 7. aBiovd bis (non 346). 7,8. acad bis (non 346). 8, 9. ofiav 22. oleav 346. ofiac. 10. [apr]. dppwv bis 124, 13, 14. eAvaxeip bis. (Tov ediaxerp, eAcakep Se éyevvnoe 124.) 14,15. Edsovd bis. 14. axe, axim. 16, 17. [par8av]. 16. taxoB dé eyévynoe tov iwond + & pvynotevOnoa rapHévos papiap, eyevvnoe ty Tov Neyomevov xv. 346. 18. [ti]. [yévynons], (uvqorev- Onoes 346) [yap]. mpuwy. eyyaorpi (sic ver. 22) Mare. xin. 17. 19. [wapadery.]. amodvoa. 20.—Kv. épavy Kar dvap. oSnbeis (124). 20. —eorw 346. 22. —rod 124. [kadeoovor]. 24. dv eyepOeis prim. 124, 25. éexev [rest as Ser. ]. II. 1. + 0 (post w) 346. 2. FrAOwpev 346. 3. 6 Bacrreds npwons 124. yor. 4. yervara. 5. Budden non ver. 6, 8, 16. —ydp. 6. tovda. 7. nxpiBwoe expuvBwoe 346. 8. etrey 124. é€eraoare axpiBas 124. én av. (avayyerAare 124). 9. —o 124. 11. Sov (pro etpov) 346, iovres 124. 12. ydpav. 13. [paw. kat ovap|. gevye. 14. pv. 15. [rod ku}. e€. 16. évér. arro- ateidas. maidas. Suerovs. 17. ppnbev [dro]. 18. xxotcOn. [Opivos kai] odvppos: cioiv 124. 19. ypwdov. qaiverar kar dvap 124. 21. 6 de. [jrAOev]. 22. —éwt 124. [yp. tod 7. avrod]. 23. vala- pO Aeyomerny 124. 23. wAnpwOy hic. III. 1. [vw] passim. 2. Bacireta. 3. Sia yoatov 124. evOcias. 4. —6 124. rpvxev 13. Lwvnv. dodiv. [atrod jr]. S. ] Zz MATT. tin, 5—vas. 1S. 5. [nil additum]. 7. —épxopevovs 13. [avrot]. 8. xapmov agvov 13.124.346. 9. éyetpa. 10. [kat]. Keira. 11. pev ody 13. rubro vpas Barri~w 13. 12. +péev 13.124, not 346 (ante otrov) 13.124. —atrov tert. 13.124 [not after amoOyxnv]. 13, 14. -Oyvar 14. ypetav. 15. etrev ord 13.124. [ovtw]. awAnpdca. 16. Bar- ties d€ (—Kat) 13.124.346. yvedyOnoar aitd&. idev. KxataBaivov ws ei. [Kal epyopevor]. IV. 1. wepacOjva. 2. [recoap-]. eéreivacev. 3. —av7@ prim. 13. +avré (post eev) 13.124. otro. 4. etre 346. ovk’ [-raw avos]. év (pro émt) 13.124.346. duacrd-. 5. tornow. [A€yer]. 6. evreAcirar wepicod. emlyepdv dpovaty 13.124. 7. madu- 13.124. mwédw v. 8. ovx’. 8. wacas. Baorreias. 9. cirev (pro Aéyer) 13. wavta co. 10. marg. oricw pov (post vraye) 346. 12. *Axotoas. [0 io}. ii: per aNaeeR. valapeO 13. Karwxurev -Adv so ver. 14. 14. wrAnpw6Oy. [yo]. 16. gos dev 13.124. xSpa. oxid. 17. pyyxer. Bacireia. 18. —0 io. ‘ev 13.124. [aAuets] ver. 19. [adrots: Actre]. 20. of de. of d€ ver. 22. 21. ev. 23. [6Arnv rHv yard. 6 io] 13.124. Bacrreias. 24. [dar.]. — kat (ante daipov.) 13. V.1. -Oov airaé. 3. Baorreia sic v.10. 4, 5. [no change]. 5. mpacis. 9. —avrot 13.124. 11. dr dv. Swovor. [fnpa. Wevdomevor]. 12. ovros, 13. ev Tim. BdyOjvor. — -relr Bau. 14. éore. xpuByva. 16. odrws. Sogdow cou j (sic). 17. vopy- onte 124. Karadrvoa. wAnpwoou. 18. kepéa 13.346. + Kai Tov mpopyntav (post vouov) 13.124. 19. Mise 19. rovrwv. didaker prim. only (bis 346). ovrws. Bacwreia bis. otros. 20. tudv y Suxavoovvy 13.124. -Aeta. 21. [eppeOn]. 22. eixp. paxka 13. 124. +76 ddeXpd adrod (ante pwpe) 13.124. 23. [Kaxet 13.124 not 346]. ti xata cod. 24. adeAdw cov. -pov gov. 25. évvowy 13.124.346. Tor. ws ov 13.124. per aitrod év tH 0d0 124. —ce mapadss secund. 13.124. 26. dmrodds. 27. eppéOy. [rots apxatos] 13.124. 28. érOvpjoar [adryv] 13.124. [atrod]. 29. pedov so ver. 30. BAryOy. 30. 7 xelp cov 7 deta 13,124. 30. capa cov. BAO». 31. [eppéOy]. —67e 13.124. admrodvon. Sdtw. atrfu v7r0- otdacwov. 32, mas o amoXvvov. TOpVELAs. poryevOyvae 13,124, as COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 3 av dmoAcAupevyv yapnon porxata. 33. [éppéOy]. ove’. 34, opoce. oAos 346. ver. 35 semel. pyre. éotw so ver. 35 bis. 36. py d€ 13.124. omoar Aevkyvy 7 péAawav 13.124. 37. [éorw]. 38. [éppéOn] — kat 13. odovra, odovtos. 39. av- Tuotyvat. [pamioe eri}. [cov ouay. |]. 40. KpiOnva. -va gov. 41. dyyapedon 13. pydrvov 13.124. 42. [dou 346. dos 13.124]. davicacba 13.124. adrootpapjo. 43. [éppén]. 44. [nil omissum] rots pro ovow 13.124.346. 45. émurov. + Tous (ante obvos) a (13.124.346). 46. ere 13.124, reAdvar. [70 aire]. 47. of reAWvaL TO ado (pro ovtw) 13.124.346. 48. ws (pro womep) 13.124. ovtpanos (pro ev rots otpavots) 13.124.346. eoru. s VI. 1. [as Ser.] piye. 2. “Ordy ros 13. 4. [7 cov 7 eden. | tau bis —adbros 13.124. [ev rav d.]. 5. dr av [ver. 6 as Ser.] —av 13.124, —6r. 13.124. 6. -pieiov. Kdeioas. apt cov (—7a) év 13.124. [é€v 7d pavepd]. 7. [Barro-]. 8. oide [no add.]. yxpetay éxerar zpotod 13. 10. [eAOerw]. Bacreta cov. obvon. ere THs. 13. rovypod (widely) rescript. Bacreta [ Doxologiam habet]. 15, [no omission]. 16. or dv. [aorep]. [airadv]. — [dr]. 17. drewpai. 18. [rots avour vyor. |. pl cov. [kpurtad] mpp cov [habet év rd gavepd]. 19. émurjs. os ver. 20. 20. ovde. 21. [as Ser.]. 22. —ros éoriv. edv prim. [rest as Scr.]. odpa gov bis, 23. eorw. 24. ef yop. H supra. Katadpovycer. Papwva. 25. 9 ri minre (non Kal) 13.124. pyde ro coparr. eorw. 26. ovy’. 27. de @& 27. mpoobyvar 13.124. yArrkiav, ayyvv. 28. zeprevd. [verbs as Ser.]. 29. codoudv. radon. avrod sic. 30, odAvyomoro. 32. radta yap mavta 13.124. emi€nrovow 13.124. 33. Baowreiay tod 60° Kal tyv dix. 34. [-onre]. —avprov secund. pepiuvyon (—Ta) éavrns eis THY avpiov 124. fin. Eavtyns (pro adtys) 13.124. VIL. 2. dvrmerpiOjyoerar 13.124. 3. addeXpov cov ver. 5. 4. -pw cov. &k (pro amo) 13.124. -pov gov. -ww oov ver. 5. 5. [ordo as Ser.]. amd (pro éx) 13.124. 6. dove 13. xvoty 124. kataratnoovow 13,124. 7. evpyoerae 13. 8. [avorynoera]. 9. éorw e€&. 6 (pro dv) 13.124. [airnoy] ver. 10. 10. 7 13.346. kat édv. 12. éav (pro av) 346. ovrws. ovtws (pro ovtos) 13.124. mpopyta, 13. eiceAOare dua tHs 13.124. [1 wvdn] so ver. 14. 1—2 4, MATT. Vir. 14x. 32. evpovxwpos. epxdpevor (pro eicepyopevor) 13.124. 14. ri (pro drt) 13.124. refAnupévn 13.346. odéyou. 15. [de]. ctor. 16. yodoeoOe (pro érvyv. not ver. 20). pyres (pro pytr) 13. [orapvdnr]. arotpt. ovKa. 17. ovtws. [asScr.ordo]. 18. [roetv]. 19. + otv (post wav) 13, 20. dpdye [dro]. 21. -detav. [ev ovvors]. 22. épotciv. oH prim. eéxpodyntedoapey 13.124. 23. 4+ mavtes (ante ot épy.) 13.124. 24. [rovrous]. dpowwOyoerar [— adrov| 13. 124. [rv oikiay airod] so ver. 26. 25. [7APov] ver. 27. mpocé- mecav 13,124.346. od’. 26. doris axover (pro o dkovwv) 13.124. moet (pro mov) 13.124. oixoddunoe 13.124, ver. 24 dub. on. 27. mpocéxpovoay (pro mpoaéxowav) 13.124. exetvn. erecev. fin. +oddpa 13.124. 28. ovuver.|. émirp7. 29. ody’. fin. + adbrav only 13.124. VIII. 1. xaraBavros 8 airod 13.124. 2. rpocedOdy 13.346. [-pioo]. 3. exreivas. mato. —o fs 13.124. [@ep-]. pwvons 13.124. [rest as Ser.]. 5. etoeAOdvros 8% adrod (— 70d id) 13.124. [kazrep-]. [-xos]. mapaxadov 346. 6. dewvos 124.346, 7, 8. [as Ser.]. 8. déwos (pro ixavds) povw 346. Adyw 13.124.346. ais pov (so ver. 6). 9. [no add.]. orpatuiras. 10. 60 (pro ic). + atta (post axod.) 346. apnv 13.124 bis scriptum [rest as Ser.]. 11. dvaxAnO@yoovrar 13.124. -deta. 12. -defas. oddvTwr. 13. éxatovrdpxn hic [non ver. 8] 13,124.346. [rest as Ser. no add.|. dpa eéxetvy. 14. idev passim 13.124.346. 15. + edfews (ante apjxev) 13.124.346. Sdvecxover [adrots]. 17. [yo.] 18. od- Nods dxAouvs. 20. adwaexes. KAtver 13.124.346. 21. [adrod]. mpa pov. 22. [io eirev]. adxodovby . 23. —7oa 13.124.346. 24. éxdBevdey 13.124.346. 25. of pabyrat (—airod 13.124.346). —npas 13.346. 26. odAryomioro. 27. 74 dvéuw 13.124.346. [dre kal}. [va. adrad]. 28. eX@dvros adtod 13.124.346. yepyeowa 13. 124. éketvno. 29. od (pro cor) 124.346. 31. [as Ser.]. 32. [as Scr.] only —rav xoipwv secund. 13.124. 34. [as Ser]. IX. 1. +6 io (post éuBas) 13.346. —7d 13.124.346. Scere ‘pacev. 2. mpocépepov. [rest as Scr.] so ver. 5. 3. [ etrrov]. 4, [iSov]. +atbrots (post etrev) 13.124.346. va tu. [dpets]. 5. éyepe 13.124.346. 6. eyepbets apov. 8. [eGavparwv]. 9. exetOev — 6 ig 13.124,346. Sev, reAwvetov 13,124.346. [pard-]. avadoras, ~ COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 5 [-Oncev]. 10. [adroddvax.]. redwvar, 11. -cator[etrov] so ver. 14. Audiri. 12. [ic]. dkotoas. [abrois]. xpefav. [add’]. 13. [ercov]. GAAa [eis per.]. 14. adrad. [w]. Sia ti vyoredovow. 15, —ot 13.124.346. éddaov fin., + ordv. 16. paxxovs 13.124.346. 17. éx- xelrar. amdAAvvrar 13.124. apdorepor 13.124.346. — -ovvtau. 18. dpxwy tis tpooeOav 7a id 13.346. —"Ore 13.124.346. GAN. éreiOeo 13.124.346. éravrfps. 19. [-noev]. ex edeyer. 21. kpa- orédov (pro twariov) 13.124.346. 22. io orpadels 13.124. eter. @pas éxeivyno. 23. additds 13.124. eAeyev (pro d€yee adrois) 13. 124.(346). 24. xatayedhwv?. 25. jyewpev (pro yyépOy) 13.124.346. 26. [airy]. -civyy. 27. [ard], —xai Xéyovres 13.124.346. + Ke (ante vie 648) 13. 28. wpoofAOov ait&. 7. mojoo, +. 30. [as Ser.]. 31. Scedypynoov 13.346. [-etvy]. 32. [dvov] not 124. 33. —"Ore 13.124.346, 34. [habet]. 35. maoas. Kopas. -detas. [ev 7O dag]. fin. + kal rodXoi HeorovOynoay aitd 13,346. 36. +0 io (post oxXovs) 13.346. etorAa. 13.124.346. eoxvdApévor Kat éppyp- pevor doet 13.124.346. 37. oAcyou. X. 1. +6 io (post mpook.) 13.346. 2. eiotv 13.346. [vw]. 3. [70.]. teAdvys. GAdatov. Oaddatos et AcBatos change places 13.346. 4. [kavavitns]. ioddac ick. mapédwxev (pro mapadors) 13.124.346. 5. [-perov]. 7. Baorrcia passim. 8. vexpovs éyel- pete (placed before Aezp.) 13.346. 9. pire (pro pndé prim.) 13.124.346. pajre secund. 10. py mapav. pyre (pro pyde) bis. [unre paBdovs] 13.124.346. [eorw]. 11. ciceAOnre Kopyv 13.124.346. -ré rue. eorw. 13. 9 9 bis. edAOarw 13.124.346, 14. ay (pro édv). pnde. +7 Kopns (ante éxelvns). exrewacare 13.124.346. [no ek]. 15. [youoppwv]. 18. ém. 19. Or av. mapadidwow 13. fin. AaAnonre [rest as Scr.] 153.124.3846. 21. éx- avactycovrat, 22. vropetvas. 23. orav. dwwxKovow 13.124.346. TaiTyn. €répav (pro tyv addnv). +Kav ek tavTns SwKovow tpas pedyere els tHv adAnv (ante appv) 13.124.346. [rod]. ind. 24. otk eorw. pabytis. + adrovd (post didacKxadov) 13.346. 25. érexadecay 13.346. [rest as Ser.]. 26. éori cvyxexadvppevov 13.124.346. 28. poBetobe (pro -O7re), -Bar 13.346. amoxtevovtwv 13.124.346. -xreivar. [PoByOnre] 13.346. - Kai ante thv Woynv Kal 70 copa 13.124.346 (7d 346). 29. e&. weoeira. fin. ,+. 30. eiatv. 31. +atrovs (post PoBynOyre) 13.346. 32. + Tots (ante 6 MART X35 — x ive 1G: obvois) 13.346 non ver. 33. 33. av drapvnonré pe 13.124.346. 34, vounonte 13. —éxi thy ypv 13. 35, wevOepas. 38. ovdx’ bis [rest as Ser.]. 41. [Ajwerar]. XI. 2. [vw passim). axotoas. decpornpiw [dvo] 13.346. aira. 4. +76 (ante iwdvyy) 13.346. 5. [kal y.| repitatotow. [Kal kw. |. [kal] mr. evayyeAilovrar Kai vexpot eye(povvtar ordo 13.124.346. 6. [éav]. 7. [-Oere] so ver. 8, 9 not 124. dvéuw p. m. and s. m. Jin. ,+ so ver. 8. 9. idetv: rpopyrnv,. 10. yap éorw. mpompoc. [és]. 11. Baowreta so ver. 12 passim. [adrodéotw]. 13. tpopyrac. expopytevoay 13.124.346. 14. [yAlas]. 16. ratrnv. éeorww rardéors. Kabypevas év ayopats. 4a mpoopwvortvta tois érépoin 13.124.346. 17. A€youow (— Kat) nvdrAicapev 346. ody’. = [Biv]. odkeKo-. 18. 7AGevr. + mpos tpas (post yap) 13.124.346. A€yovor. 19. idos teAwvdv 13.346. zavrwv tév réxvwv 13.124.346. 20. +0 us (ante overdo.) 13.124.346. wrelorar. 21. xdpalety 13.124.346. [BnOcaidav]. 21. —ei. 22. +00 (post wdyv). 23. [Kazep.]. 9 €wstod 124. tWwOns 13.346. [adov. KarafiZ. rest as Ser.] 346. 25. [daexpupas]. 26. [eyévero eddoxia]. 27. tic. Bovdnre. [rest as Ser.]. 29. mpdds. evpyoera 13.346, Henceforth only note special cases of accents, breathings, ¢ ascript, but note all itacisms. XII. 1. caBBacw so ver. 10. 2. +.adrods (post idovres) 13.124.346. otk’ éeorw. 3. dad. [vadros]. 4. épayev 0 (pro ots) 13.124. 5. +7ois év 70 tepd (post dr) 13.346. [rest as Scr.]. BeBynrotow. a érovvios. [Ta rapartopara ator]. XIX. 1. [ris]. 3, 4. [as Ser.]. 4. drapyijs ver. 8. 5. [évexev]. +avro0 (post mpa). KoddnOyoerar 13.69.346. fin. aitod. 6. 6 (pro 6). 7. [pwons] cf ver. 8 [airnv]. 8. pwions. ovtrws. 9. mapextos oyou ropveias yayav (pro yapyoas) [rest as Ser}. 10. avrod. 11. [rodrov}. 12. ovrws. 13. rpoonvexOnoav. [-rev ad.]|. Kwdvonte 13.124. [zpoo pe]. 15. ras xetpao avroto 16. avro etrev 13.69.346. [dyae]. [2xe]. 17. [as Ser.]. 18. $y (pro io ele) 13.124.346. [rest as Ser.]. 19. xpa cov. 20. ratra ravra [restas Ser.]. 21. A€ye (pro épy) [805 ar.]. [ev ovva]. devpw pea por 124, 22. [rov Adyor]. amndGev. 23, elrev. mAovovos dvoxoAws. 24. eotw. cioedOeiy (pro dedOeiv) 13.69.346. [rest as Ser.]. mAovovs 13.69.346. 25. —avrod dpa 13.69.124. 26. éorw prim. — éor secund. [m. d.]. 27. dpa. 28. G7 dv. Kaéynoebe 13.69.124. [vets]. 29. doris (pro ds) [rest as Ser.]. 30. +08 (ante éryarou secund.) 13.69.346. XX. 3. — pv ev 13.124. 4. Kai exetvoww 13.69.346. + prov. (post aumehwva) 13.69.346.124. 5. [wadw e€-]. evatyv 13.69.124. woattws. 6, 7, 8, 13. [as Ser.]. 9. édAOdvres ovv (—kat). 10. init. cal eXOovres (— de) evounoar. mAciov [AnW-] —xat secund. 13.346. 11. [érv]. wpav passim. —avrovs. Katowvat. 14. [de]. 15. [A]. & badw rouoat, [ei]. 16. [nil omissum]. odAtyo. 17. —0 ic 346. apédaBev. +avrod (post pabyrds) 13.346. Kat ev rH 060 etrev 18. apxuepetow. ypapparedow. Kata- kptvovow. [Oavarw|. 19. eurétar. [dvaor.]. 20. [wap’]. 21. +o0v (post evwvipwv). [rest as Ser.]. 22. 7 (pro xat ante to Barticpa). 23. Kal Néyet avrois o io [nilom.]. Kat eEevovdpwv (— pov) [euov dotvar]. yroipacra. 24. axovoavres (—xat) 13.69.124*. 25. ody’. —- 68 13.69.124. [éorac]. [ear]. [ev vpiv ctva]. ora (pro éorw) 28. HrOev. aitod. 29. fepryd. 30. i (pro xe) 69.(124). [rest as Ser.]. 31. peiLov? éxpavyaCov Ke eAeqoov yds, vids da8 13.69.346. 32. [6 ic]. eirev. [Oédere 7.]. 33. dvorydow 13.69. COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 11 124.346. [nu. of op6.]. 34. oupatwv (pro op6.) [avrwv ot 0. |. XXI. 1. ByOodayy kai ByOaviav zpos [6 ic]. TOV payTav avTod (pro paOyras) 2. mopeverGe all four. dmrévaytu. [restasSer.]. 3. etry: ti. avtdv male. [evbéws]. amootéAXe, 4. odov. v7o (pro da) four, 5, [kal mwdAor]. 6. [xpoo.]. 7. ata (pro éravw prim.). avtdv. [-cev]. 8. [-vvov]. 9. +avrov (post mpoayovres) 69.124. wo avvd bis. 11. —io 13.124. [-ér]. 12. [6 io]. — Tod Geod: katéotpevey 13. 13. [-noa te]. 14. —ev ré iepd 13.69. 15. of ypappareis Kai of apxiepeis four. émoiycev. [-das kpa-]. woavvd. 16. [etrov]. Kat’ ypticw. 18. [as Ser.]. éwetvacev. 19. [not ov]. 22. [as Ser.]. 23. ed- Govros avrod four. [-fov]. edwxev. 24. [o]. 25, 26. [as Ser.]. 27. [etrov] vuiv rA€éyw 13.69.346. 28. — de four. trev. —ov 13,124.346. 29. vadyw xe’ Kal ovk dm@dOev: (pro ov Oédw x.7.A.) four. 30. mpoceAOwv de. érépw (pro devtépw) four. ov Oédrw- borepov S& perapedyels am@dOev (pro éyd xe «.7.A.). 34, —avra four. écyouros (pro mpéros) four. 32. 7ArOev. [rpoo vp. iw}. ovde (pro ov) 13.69.124. 33. [ris]. mepreOyxev. aipyov. [-doro]. 36. tév mpdrov. 37. améoteAev. 38. katacydpev. 40. OF av. 41. [exddcerar]. 42. fin. yudv 13.69.124. 43. Ava rotro. [dre]. 44. [habet] four. adv (pro dav) 13.124.346. méce supra. 45. [kai ax.]. 46. woutoo (pro xpatjoat) 13.346. eridy. [rest as Scr. |. XXIIL 1. edadqoev 6 io atrod. 2. xabé- dpas powicéws four. 3. éay four. [rest as Ser.]. 4. avrav?. Gédwor. [rest as Scr.]. 5. ydp (pro dé secund.) four. [rest as Ser.]. 6. 8& (pro re) four. 7. paBBet bis four. 8. paBBel. [rest as Scr.]. 9. ovvios (pro év rots ovvos) 13.69.124. 10. éorw oKabnyntys vpov four. 13 (verse 14). ore KAelere four. init. ovat de both verses, [ver. 13 follows or kxateo. fin. xpipa| four. 15, + rod (ante moujoat) four. 16. ouoon bis not ver. 18, 20—22. opeiAee not v. 18. 17. [as Ser]. 18. dv (pro éav) four. 19. [pwpot kai]. + éorw (ante peilwv). 22. [-Kodvre]. 23. Kal Thv Kpiow kal tov éAeov four. [rest as Ser.]. 24. [ot]. 25. éfapz. 26. [rAs 7.]. avrotd (pro avrov) four. 27. [wap-]. pev eEwbev four. 28. ovrws. éoré peorol four. 29. oikodopetrar. 30. nucba 12 MATE Xx) Sl-——xxvi 75. prim. 13.69.346. jyev aitdv Kowwvol four. 31. avrois (pro €avrois). eorare supra. 32. [-care]. 33. ois 346. 34. — idod. —kal (ante é prim.). 35. + av (ante On) four. [-xvv-]. [aBedl. [vios Bap.|. 36. [ratra m.|. 37. iepovoadeip ‘Thpp. aToKTEevovge. four. opves émovvaye: four. [éavrps]. [-yas kai]. 38. adiere. [€pyuos]. 39. +7 (ante ov py) four. XXIV. 1. dro rod iepod éeropevero four. 2. azoxpiHeia (pro Gy four, loi) cate eaye tous | 150 kat iav. [eiré]. [rpoovw-]. 5. covo-. 6. [wavra]. éoriv. 7. [emi]. [kat Nowoi]. 8. radra d€ wavra four. 9. OAc ver, 21,29. [rdvéé.]. 10. rapadvicovow. 15, éotds 13. 16. [eri] ta. 17. [-Bawérw]. apo. ra four. 18. [70 iuariov] four. 19. éyyacrpi cap. I. 18. 20. yevyre. -—& four. 21. ofa. [od yéyover]. arapyjo. 23. [-cnre]. 24. trAavyoa. 27. [katy]. 28. [ydp] edv. 29. [azo]. 30. [7a ovva]. kowovrat Tore four. 31. [pwvas]. tov owdv éws tov dxpwv four, 32. drdv. exdiy. 33. ovdtws. ordv. Taira mavra four. 34. +07 (ante ov py) four. [ay]. tadta mavtas four. 35. [-covra]. mapeAOwow. 36. —rHs (ante @pas) four. + ovde 13.124.346. 6 vids (ante ei py). —pov 13.69. 346. 37. [as Ser.]. 38. [-pous rats]. eyyapiLovres. axpio (— 70) four. c«ionOev. ov. [kat y]. 40. [as Ser]. 41. piron. Jin. + 8vo érixXivyns puds* cis wapadapBavetar kai cis adterar 13.124. 346. 42. ypépa (pro ape) 13.69.124. 43. apa (pro dvAaxy) four. [-puyjvor]. 44, [dpa od doxeire]. 45. [avrod prim.]|. oikerias (pro Oepareias) 13.346. oixias 8 69.561. dovvar four. 46. ovdrws movotvra. 48. [as Ser.]. 49. +avrod (post ovvd.)? 13.69.124. eoOie 13.346. iver 13.(69).124.346. 51. odovrwr. XXV.1. [atrwv]. aardy ver.6. 2. [as Ser.]. 3. [aires]. avtav (pro éavtév prim.) four. 4. dyyiow 13.124.69*. — [airdy bis]. 6. é&€pxecOa. [rest as Ser.]. exoopicay 13. [adrdv]. 8. [etrov]. 9. [ove]. [de]. 10. airoysor (—ai) 69. 11. [kai]. 13. [no omission]. 15. éwxer. jfin.+. 16, [82]. jpyacaro 13.69,124. éxépdgoev (pro éroinoev) 69.124. [radavra]. 17. do- avrws [Kat]. éxépdnoev [kai avros]. 18. fin. adtod ver. 21, 23, 26. [rest as Ser.]. 19. aoddty xpovoy four. [per atitrav Adyov]. 20. [as Ser.]. 21. [88]. odAtya jo ver. 23. 22. eter [as Scr.] ver. 24. 26. [wov. 8]. oxvype. ovvaywv. 27, 29. [as Ser.]. COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 13 30. dypevov éxBadere four. 30. oddvtwv. fin. + radTa Néeywv epodver 0 éxwv Gta axovew, axovérw four. 31. “Ordv adrod bis so ver. 33. [aytor]. Kabion. 28. cvvaxOyoovra four. [adopret]. 36. 7AGare four. 37. iSwpev (so ver. 38) 346. 39. Wouey four. [doGev7]. 40. [as Scr.]. 41. eéev. [oi]. 44. —atrd four. Wopev 13.69.124. 45, épocov. 46. ovror. XXVI. 1. civev. 2. mapadidore. 3. —Kal of ypappareis 13.69.346. 4. d0Aw xparyowow four. 6. cipwv? (sic). 7. exovoa aAaBactpov pvpov Bapuriwov four. THs kepadjs 13.69. 8. [avrod]. avtn. 9. fas Ser.]. 10. —yap. pyacatro 13. 14. eis evanwit. ioddas ver. 25, 47. adpyi- etrev. 15. xayd. 17. [avrd]. + azed- Odvres (ante éroys.) 13.346. 18. +io (post 82) four. 18. éorw. 20. [no addit.]. 22. —ai’rd four. is éxaotos avray. 23. [as Ser.]. 24. ovxey. 25. efev ver. 26. [paB Bi] ver. 49. 26. avtav dé eofidvrwy 13.69.3846. [tov ap.]. evxapiornoas (pro evdo- yyoas) four. dors —xal (ante etrev) 13.69. 27, 28. [as Ser.]. 29. —671 13.69. adarapre passim 69 ver. 64. yevnparos 13.124.346, orav. [pe vp. k.]. 31. diacxopmicOyoovra four. 33. — «at four. 34, ddéxrwpa 346. pis. 35, "Eav (pro kav) rubro. + de (post opoiws) 124, irav. 36. yebonpavet 13.69.346. avrots (pro rots pabynrais) four. av (pro ob) 13.69.346. eéxet. mpoorevéoua (four). 38. +6 io (ante repidurds). 39. mpooeAOav 13.69.124. So 561. [mov]. éorw. mapeOdrw 13.124.346. ovy’. jin. + Lue. xxi. 43, 44, 13.69.124.(346). (43. dad rod ovvod 346. 44. [82]. iSpds. Opdu8n). 40. avrois (pro 73 rérpw) 13.69.346. 42. 6 io (post Aéywv) four. od rorypiov Todto 69.346. [am éuod]. 43. maduw evpev avrovs 13.124.346. BeBapvpevor 69.124. 44. init. — Kat. mahw areAOav (four). [é« tpitov]. [No 2nd radw]. 45. [avrod]. —to. 47. nO. 48. [dv]. 49. etre. 50. 6 (pro @) four. 51. tyv paxyaypa. 52. amrofavovvra (pro aroXotvta) 13.69.346. [rest as Ser.]. 53. Aeyeovwy (13 -wvwv). [restas Ser.]. 54. otrws. 55. e€yAOare four. [rest as Ser.]. 56. [as Ser.]. 57. dpyuepeav s supra. 58. [as Ser.]. xodovb) p.m. a s.m. 13.124. 59. [as Ser.]. 60. ovy’ bis. [as Ser.]. 61. -paprupeo errore. —aidrov 69. 62. aoxpivel H supra. ,+63. —droxpiHels 13.69. 65. [dre éBracdypnoev. [avtod]. 66. éoriv. 67. exodkddyoay 13.124.346. [pp]. 69. éxaOnro e€w 13.124.346. 71. [avrov prim.]. tev four. [rest as Ser.]. 72. [we@"]. 74. xaraGewariew four. [evdéws]. epuvnoev. 75. [as Ser]. tpis. 14 MATT: XRVils Q=—WARK: 45. 3; XXVII. 2. [adrov secund. mA.] passim. yyepdvy. 3. «iddv. [rest as Scr.]. 4. [a@dov]. efrav 13 not ver. 6. ris (pro r/). ov 13.124. 5. eis tov vaoy four. avexupyoe. 6. eSeorw. kopBovay four, éorw. 8. d¢ d. 9. iepeniov 13. 11. [eorn]. [ated]. 12. —rév secund, four. 15. ewGy 13.69.3846. 70 dxdo éva four. «iGedov 13. 16. fin. +daTis diadovoy jv BeBAnpévos eis pudakyy 13.124.(346). 17. 8& (pro ovv) four. [rest as Ser. ]. 20. airyowvta, 21, 22, 23, 24. [asSer.]. 25. efrev. 28. [ex 8.]. xAaptda Koxkivyny repeOynkav avTd 69.124.346. 29. eOyxay 69.124. tho kehadys 69.124.346. ev 77 defia 13.124.346. evérarLov adrov 6 supra [6 BJ]. 31. [as Ser]. 32. xvpwatov 69.124.346. 33. [yoAyo0a] 6 (pro ds) 69.346. [rest as Ser.]. 34. [ety bis]. oivov (pro ogos) 69. 70eAnoe 69.346. 35. [as Ser.]. 36. —avrov. 40. [as Ser.]. 41. —de 69.346. eumélovres hic 69. cao 69. ,+. 42. moredowpev 69.124.(346). [rest as Ser.]. 43. etzev. [rest as Ser.]. city. 44. oly Spw. fin. atrdv (pro aird) 69.124. 346. 45. evarns 124.346. 46. evarnv. AywdoaB. eyxaréAuTas 346, [rest as Ser.]. 47. [éordrwv]. [yAvav] ver. 49. gov7 ovtws. 49. etray (pro é\eyov) 124.346. ocdowv. 51, xatarairacpa s supra. eis dvo0 éravwbev 69. 52. nyépOnoav 69.124. 53. eved. 54, [-rapxoo}. jv [rest as Ser.]. 55. arouaxpobev 69. 56. pary- dadiy 124.346. [iwog]. 57. [euabyrevoe]. 58. [70 odpa]. 59. iwond éveiduoev (pro ever.) 124 cf. 69. [no év]. 60. —adro 69. [no eri]. 61. [papia] paydartuy ver. 56. 63. 0 wAdvos éxeivos 69,124.346. 64. [avrod]. —vuxrds 124.346. 65. —de 69.124.346. XXVIII. 1. “Ove [68]. [papia] 7 paydaruy 124.346. 2. [mot + Kat]. +7od prvnweiov (post Ovpas) 346. 3. [idea] woel (so ver. 4). 4. éaic@yoov. [éyévovro]. 5. elrev. -yuvauéiv. 6. eter. [o ko. 8. ameAGovoa 69.124.346. —adrov. 9. [no omission] only 69. 6 wr vmpvrycev 124.346. 10. Sere Kal exe 13. 11. [aayyy-]. 14. [ert]. [avrov]. roujowpev 13.69. 124.346. 15. [dvep.]. 17. [ava]. 18. pe (pro por) 13. emuyjo. 19. [as Ser.]. 20. eivi. [aunv]. Subscription TéAoo tod xara patOaiov evayyeXiov | sic: vid title. °Ex tod kata parfatov sic 124 evayyediou éypady éEBpaioti ev rakaoreive peta q etn THS avadyWews rod Kv: exe 8& fypara BodxB+ exe 88 ore/xous B PE. 2nd loose leaf from cap. xxvill. 7 to end xed. of Marc. Tod xa™ papKov et ah kepa» rubro, COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 15 Collation of xed. to Mark, 4th column of loose leaf: rest on a lost leaf. Collated with Mill’s N. T. and with 69. ’. —rot. s“. — rod 69. 6. wepi rapaBod%s Tod aopov 69. La’. Tod éxovTos TOV Neyedva 69. oS”. [epi] trav ve dprov (—Kat trav Sv0 ixPvwv). oh’. pouixnoons. Title to Mark (illuminated) EvayyéAuov cf. 69 éx7 x7 Mapxov rubro. Mare. I. 1, 2, 4. [as Ser.]. 3. [éprfmox “Er.].. 4. [vv]. 5. —y four. iepooodAvpetrat Kal mavres ¢Barrilovto four. [motapu vr avrod]. 6. [jv de iw]. [éoOiwv]. 8. pev ipas éBdrrioa ev 38. four, —Sefour. [é mv.]. 9. [kal]. +6 (ante ic) four. valaped 69*. cis rov iopdavyv v0 iwdvvov four. 10. [ev6éws]. ék (pro amo) four. ide. [woe]. KxataBaivov p.m. (w eras.) «is (pro én) four. 11. [éyévero]. ool (pro &) four. 12. [evdus]. éxBadXe avtrov 13.69.346. 13. — eet 13.346. + eri (ante yyepac) four. [recoap.-]. + Kal tesoapaxovra vuxtas (ante wep.) 13.346. 14. [Mera dé: rest as Scr.]. 16. kai rapaywv (pro repiz. dé) four. idev 13.124.346. +700 (ante cipwvos). Tov cipwvos (pro avrod) four. dpdiBaddovras four. ta dikrva (pro audiBAnorpov) four. eis THY Oadacoay four. 18. [evdéws] ver. 19. — avrav 13.69.346. 19. [exeiHev], iSev four. 20. +evOds (ante adévtes) 13.69.546. 21. [kar.]. —cioehOdv. edidackev eis THY waywyyv 13.69.346. 22. odx’. [no atrdv]. 23. [kat pv]. 24. [a]. valapwe. [oida]. 25. [Aeywv]. 26. kpagay € supra s. m. [e€]. 27. éavtods (pro avrovs) four. A¢yovres 346. eoriv supra. y Kawy didaxn adr four. dtu Kate~ovoiav. 28. e&ndOev. [evOvs]. + 7avraxod four. 29. evOds 13.69.3846. e&eAOav 7rAOev four. 30. + Tod (ante oipwvos) four. 31. [evdéws]. 32. [edu]. +avres (post épepov) 69.124.(346). 33. 9 moAus An HV ovvyypéevn 69.124.346. 34, Heparrevoer. mouxidos 69.346. eé€Badrev. ov’ qduev. fin. + Tov. xv elvar 69. 124.346. 35. [évvvyov] + cai (post Aiav) 69.346. éépdOev. [Kaxet]. 36. ore (pro o) 69.124. 37. oe Cyrotow 69.124.346 [rest as Scr. ]. 38. koporoAes 124 [no ddAdaxod]. Kat éxet. eAnAvOa 69.124.346. 39. [jv]. «is tas cvvaywyds 69.124.346. 40. —avrov prim. Ss yovurretov attov. [ore]. 41. A€ywv (pro Kat Aeyer) 69.124.346 [rest as Ser.]. 42. — eimdvros avrod [eibewo] so ver. 45, [-Aapiocn}. 44, —pndev 69.124. [aAd’]. adpxvepe? (pro ieper) 69.346. pwiors. 45, [as Ser. ]. II eiondOev takw 13.(69).124.346. [kazep.]. [eis otkdv] elt eotw. 2. [evens] ver. 8, 12. 3. mpos avrov, pépovres TapadutiKoy 16 MARK IL 4—Iv. 40. four. 4. [zpocéyyica]. KpaBarrov four. —éd’ 05 (pro éd’ ) 13.69.346. 5. [kat iddv]. cov (pro cor) ai dpapriar 13.346. 7. [ri]. otros. 8. +adrot (post ovrws) 13.69.346- [eter]. 9. gov ai dpapria: (pro cou). eyepe [kat] 69.124. KxpaBarrov. 19. ag’. ert]. 11. éyepe [kai] 69.124 ver. 12. xpaBarrov (so ver. 12). 12. évavriwv (o s. m.) 13.346. eéictracbe. duper [rest as Ser.] 13.346. 13. eép\Oev dw [radw rapa] 13.69.346. 14. Tapaywv d€ 13.69.346. iaxwBov (pro deveiv) v...ov (mut.?) 13.69.124* text. 15. [éyévero]. —é€v ro four. [yxodrovOyoav]. 16. [as Scr.]. 17. 1» (pro ot prim.) 346. [rest as Ser.]. 18. dapicator (pro trav gapicaiwv) 13.69.3546. dua ri. [ot rdv]. —ot 8& cot pabyrai od vnored- ovow (opo.ort.). 19. éotw. exovow. f[ordo as Scr.]. —ov errore. 20. or dy éxeivn TH nuepar 13.69.3846. 21. init. —Kati 13.69.346. paxkovs four, émiparre four. —eéml. —avrod four. +a (post xawov) four, 22. —6 véoo 13.69. [rest as Ser.]. 23. waduw éyévero avtov four. mopeverOar 13.69.124. of pabyrai aidrod np&avto odovropotvtes [tiAXovtes] four. 24. +0 pabyrai four cov (post rootow) four. —év. 25. r€yer (pro avros eXeyev) four. dad passim. 26. [rds]. [rot dpy.]. —rot 124. + povors (ante rots cH) tepevor) four. ovow. 27. ody’ [no cai]. (Modern scrawl illegible at foot of page.) IIL. 1. ciopdOev. 2. caBBaow [rest as Ser.]. 3. eyempe [rest as Ser.] 4. éeorw +év four. of de [rest as Ser. ]. 5. [ovAd-]. eE€rewev. aexateotaby 13.124.346. [no omission]. 6. [evHews]. edidovv Kar’ (pro éroiovv) drodeowow four. 7. pera Tov pabyrav airoo avexwpyoev rapa [rest as Scr.] four. 8. rie o.ddva. akovovtes four. [rest as Ser.]. 9. eirev. mpooKaprepe. jin. + ot oxdou four. 10. atrd& (pro avrod). 11. —7ra bis four. mva sic. drdv. ébedpovv four. mpdcérurrov four. éxpafoy four. [Agyovra]. 12. rowow four. 13. +6 w (post dpos). 7OéAnoe four, 14. + ovs kai four drocroXovs ovopacev (post dudexa) 13.346. dow. 15, [as Ser.]. 16. init. + mpdrov oipwva Kai éréOyxev four. [rest as Ser.]. 17. —rod (ante iax.) four. [rest as Scr.]. 18. +7ov teAuvnv (post Maré.) four. ee (sic). [kavavirny]. 19. [as Ser.]. 20. pndé (pro pyre) 13.124.346. [rest as Ser.]. 21. e&€orarar 13.69. 23. [-vac -vav]. éxBadreiv four. 25, éf’ éavtq 13 not ver. 26. [rest as Ser.]. 26. [as Ser.]. 27. ddd’ ovdeis Sivarar four, COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 17 avTov. apmacar four. dudorace [rest as Ser.|. 28. + ai (ante Brac.) four. doa [dv: rest as Ser.] four. 29. apaprias (pro kpicewo) 13.69.346. 31. Kal épxovrae (— ovv) 13.69.346. Kadodvtes (pro dwvotvres) four. 32. éxayto wepi avtov oxdos four. [rest as Ser.|. «ai A€yovow (pro etrov de) four. [nid additum] only in 124. Gyrotoiv. 33. kat réyer (pro A€éywv) 13.69.346. kat (pro 4). [pov]. 34. rods KikAux mept avtov pabytas KaO. four. elev (pro déye). idov. 35. —pov secund. 13.69.346. éoriv. TV. 1. Wadrw 8 (—xat) four. ovveyerar 13.69.124. [odds]. euBavra xabyoGo eis to wrotov four. [jv]. 3. [rod]. 4. [6]. erecev. 7AOev. —Tovd ovpavod four. 5. [dAdo de]. [erpaddes: Orov]. etxev. [evOéws] e&eBrAaornoe (pro efav.) four. [Babos yis|. 6. [as Ser.]. 7. [eis]. edwxev. 8. [adXo]. [avéavovra] [ev] ter. 9. —adrots four. [o eywv]. 10. érypatnoav. of pabyrat avtov: tis 7 tapaBody avry (post avrov ad fin. vers.) four. 11. [as Ser.]. 12. Brérwow. Woow. axoicwrw. cvvacw. eriotpépwow. [ra auwap.|. 15. dr dv. [edOéws]. [-vas]. «is avrovs (pro év rats Kapdias avtdv) 13.69. 16. —opotws 13.69. dkxovcwow. edbds. 17. Aap Bavovew. —aitrov. eéxovow. Odrnpews. [evbews]. 18. Kai ot (pro kal obroi cio ot). axovoavresfour. [rovrov]. 19. [cvprv.]. 20. ovrou. adxovovow. év ter. 13, but év ver. 8. 21, + dere (ante py 7) four. Avxvos (13.69.124 —0) Kalerar (pro &pxerar) four. 7 iva ve THv KNivyv TER four. TEA (pro éxireOH) four. 22. éorw. —ti four. ei py Wa gdavepwOy: (pro o éav x.7.X.). [rest as Ser. ]. 24. —év ® pérpw petpetre petpnOyoerar viv (opotot.). [rots ax.]. 25, éxeu yap (pro yap av éxn) four. fin.+év & pérpw perpeire 13.69.346 perpiOjoerar 124 viv Kal rpooteOycerat vpiv. 26. ovtos (pro ovrws) 13.346. aomrep (pro os éav) four. — ov four. 27. éyeiperar (346). [rest as Ser.]. 28. [as Ser.]. 29. 67’ dv. egarooréAXer 13.69.346. [restas Ser.]. 30. rds (pro rivt) 6powow four. tim (pro wota) 13.69.346. adtyv Odpev (pro rapaf. avtyv) 13.69.346. 31. init. + rapaBaddropev avtnv ws Koxkov 13.69.346. onapy. éoriv[restasSer.]. 32. 67° dv. omapet. —rd. 33. [od- ais]. édvvavro. 34. Kar’ idiav. amédvey 124.346. [rest as Ser. ]. 35. Neyer. 36. adiovow 69. +xal (ante wapadap-) four. Kat adda dé rAota Av four. 37. Aeday’ peyddn avéuov 13.69.346. Kal ta (pro ta 8é) 13.69.346. [rest as Ser.]. 38. Kat Av avros. ev (pro éri) four. éyelpavtes four. — Kal (ante A€yovow) four. 39. éyepOeis four. émerivnoev. etrev. 40. ovtws dydol éore S, a 18 MARK Iv. 41—vi. 13. 13.346. ovaw (pro wdc ody) 13.69.346. exerwv. 41. dpa. atta vrakover 13.69.346. V. 1. 7dOe four. —rHs Oaddoons 13.69. 2. e€eXOovros adrod four. [so ver. 13, 29, 30, 35, 36, 42, ebOewo] vrgvrncey 13.69.346. 3. pyvnpacw 13.(69),124.346. obre. + odx ere (ante ovddeis) four. édvvato four. 4. roAAdKys: redyp alt. (s supra). addiceow. advors. ioxvev atrov four. 5. dud mavtds. pvypelous Kal év Tols opeow 13.69.346. xpavyagwv four. 6. kat iddv (—de) 13.69.346. dzo- paxpoOev. edpayev. [atrd]. 7. elrev. opxilo. 8. eeyer. 9. dvowad cor 13.69.346, Ayer atrad (pro dreKxpi6yn éywv) eyedv ovopd pou éotiv four. 10. rapexady p. m. (s supra) [rest as Ser.], 11. ayéAn xoipwy Booxopévn weyadn pods TO Oper (to four). 12. zapa- kadéoavres four. adrov eirov (pro mavres of daipoves A€yovtes) 13.69. 346. 13. rd mva ra. [rest as Ser.]. 14. xai of (pro of 8) four. avrovs (pro tovs xoipous) four. éorw [rest as Ser.]. 15. Oewpodow. —kal tert. 13.69.346. [Aeyedva]. 18. [euBavros]. per’ airod 7 four. 19. cai (pro o 8e) four, diyyerAov four. cou o Ko Teroinkev four. yArénoev. 20. arpdOev. 21. + 7AOev (post radw) 13.69.346. [no kat]. éx’ (pro pos) four. 22. [idod]. apds miarer [pos] four. 23. [wapexaAe]. —or. éeoyaros (s supra). xeipa adri four. iva (pro ows) 13.69.346. Sjon 13.69.124. 24. drpdOev. yKodovOy. 25. tis ovoa. pyoe. Suwdexa ery four. 26, aitys (pro éavris) four. 27. [-ca epi]. is tov dxAov (pro &v tw oxdw) four. 28. [as Ser.]. 29. i@ra. 30. &. edeyer. 33. hoByioa. [en']. nrOev. + €urpoobey wévrwv (ante wacav) four. airiav aitis (pro Tv adjOeav) 13.69.346. 34, +i (post 6 8%) four. [Ovyarep]. céowxey 124.346. ton (s supra). 35. amébavev. oxvddyns 13.69. 346. 36. axotoas. 37. [asScr.]. otk’. 38. [épyerar]. +xat (ante kAaiovras) four. 39. fin. + iddres dre amébavev four. 40. [0 dé] mavtas ew (pro dmavtas) 13.346. Karaxexdynévov (pro avak.) 13.69.(346). 41. ra Aeba Kovpet. eyerpe. 42. [no add.]. 43. [yva}. VIL 1. [Aber]. 2. +08 (ante rodAot) 13.69.346. dKxovoavres four. rtovro (pro -w) 13.69.346. «at (—dore) four. [rest as Ser.]. 3. TEKTOS, Sic. +(0 erased) vids Kai THs papias. [a. de]. idontos four. 4. &eyev. —aidrots 13.69.346. eoriv. éavrod (pro adrod prim.) four. ovyyevetow 13.(69).124.346. [rest as Ser.]. 5. edvvaro not ver. 19, éeparevoev. [rest as Ser.]. 6. eavpader. Teplipyev COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 19 6. Tas KvkAw Kopas. 7. —Tav bis four, 8. wapyyyeddev 346. [rest as Ser.]. 9, 10,12, 19. [as Ser.]. 11. s dv rémos py deEqrau four. [no omission]. 13. [AA]. pApov 13. fin. + adrovs four. 14. + rv dkonv id (post jpwdys) 13.69.346. [rest as Ser.]. 15. +8 (post dAdo prim.) four. [ydrdas]. [eoriv]. —7 four. 16. drexepddnoa 346. ovdros x vexpav nyepOy (—éotw: adros) four. 17. —6 13.346. ai éBadrev eis pvdakny (pro év tH pvdaxy) four. 20. +a (ante érote) four. qxovev. 21. [dre]. émolee (s supra). 22. [airs]. av (pro édv). [rest as Scr.]. 24. etrev bis [rest as Ser.]. 25. [ed@éws] ver. 27, 45, 50, not 54. iwavvou (v supra). [rest as Ser.]. 26. [as Ser.]. 27. omexovAdropa four. [rest as Ser.] 28. [6 dé]. 29. —adro. tux prmeto. 30, [as Ser.]. 31. rev adbrois 6 io four. Kar idiay ver. 32. dvaravcacde 13.69. 346. etxaipovv. 32. drAdOev év 75 tAolon (four). eis epnov TOrov. 33. (dwv (pro «idov). —odXAot 13,69.346. fin. ovveraondOov mpos abrovs 13.69.346. [rest as Ser.]. 34. ev. —o io four. zroAtv. evotAayyvicOn 13.346. [ém atreis]. 35. —adrot. +aiTa (post Aéyovow). 36. éavrots ras. Of. 69. [aprovs]. — yap. [ov« éx.]. 37. dyvapiov diaxociwy four. docwpev. 38. yvdvres N€yovew aito 13.346. [rest as Ser.]. 39. advaxAOjvac 69. yAopd. 40. [as Ser.]. 41. edddynoev. xaréxhucer. euéprev. [rest as Scr.]}. 43. [kAacpdrwv]. Kopivev wAnpwpara four. + dvo0 (ante ixOvwv) four. 44. —doe four. 45. yvdyxacev 6 io 13.346. + abrov (post mpodyew) four. drodice. 48. dev. + addpa (post adrots) four. [kat zepi]. 7Oedev. 49. of de. [as Ser.]. 50. Wor. edAaAnoer. 51. [ek wepusood]. [Kai eOav.]. 52. qv yap abtav 7 xapdia 13,124. 346, 53. eis yiv yevvyoapeb (—ryv) 13.346. 54. edfio 13.69.346. 55. +i dvdpes tov Tdzrov éxeivov (ante eépapov) four. «is oAnv THY mepixwpov éx. +Kat (ante npgavro). KpaBarros. [exer]. éorey. 56. qWavto (pro yrrovto) 13.346. [rest as Ser.]. 8 veawfovro four. VII. 2. xepoiv. [-ovras]. + rots (ante aprovs) four. [épéu- wavro|. 3. [rvypy]. eobiovow ver. 4,5. rapddwow 13,124.346: so ver, 5, 8, not ver. 9,13. 4. [azo]. [kat kAwav]. 5. + A€éyovTes (ante Ava ri) four. epiratodow [ordo as Scr.| xowais xepoiv avirros four. 6. érpodyrevoev 13.124.346. yeideow. [rest as Ser.]. 7. didacxadrefas 124. 8. [as Ser.]. 10. pwvojs 13.69.346. elrev. —cov secund. redXevtato. 11. éorw. —6 secund. 13.69. 346, 12. init.—Kal. otk éru 346, —atrod bis. 13. mapaducer 2—2 20 MARK vil. 14—x. 14. 13.69.346. modAd rodtra four, 14, 15, 16, 19. [as Ser.]. 15. éorw. 17. —xai (init. lect.). [rest as Ser.]. 18. ovrus. 19. addAd. Kabapi~wv four. 20. erteyer. 21. poryia. ropvia gov. kho7. 22. avedyia. 24. opia [rest as Ser.]. —rv four. WOednoe. 25. exev 76 Ovydrpuov (—abras) év ru axabaprox 13.69. 346. €dOotca azpocérecey aitd. — pos To's Todas avTod. 26. cvpadowikicoa four. Hs Ovyatpos aitas exBadrn 13.69.346. (—éx). 27. éorw. [as Ser.]. 28. A€yovoa (pro Kai éyer adr) 13.69. —vat. [xat yap]. éoOiovow. 29. eedjdrvev. [as Ser.]. 30. eSpev. -Ods p.m. -o8s. m. [rest as Scr.]. 31. +6 w (post e€eAOov) 69.124.346. [Kal oiddvos]. 7AOev cis (pro zpos). ava- pecov 69. 32. [as Ser.]. 33. xaridiav. éréBade four. + aticas (post avrod prim.) four. —-ricas sequens. 34. dveorévacev 13.346. 35. [as Ser.]. 36. € (pro de). [rest as Ser.]. 37. iép mepicods 69*. meroinxev. [tovs adaXovs]. VIII. 1. wadw roddod (pro rapz.) 13.69.(124).346. pdywoow. [restasSer.]. 2. orayvilopa. [jpépas]. -parl24. mpoopévovaiv po. e€xovow. daywow. 3. vyores eis tov o. four. tives yap. azropakpobev. nxovow 13. Deest unum foliwm ab abrod ver. 4 usque ad ver. 28 tov Barturryv. 28. addou dé nA. Kal adXor four. 29. fin. +0 vids rot 6% Tod Cavros [rest as Ser.] four. 30. [A€ywor]. 31. + azo tore (ante npéaro) four, ard Tév apxtepéwv Kat tpec BuTépwv Kal TOV ypappatéwy four. TH. Tpitn nwEpa (pro pera Tpels np.) four. é\adn. 32. [as Ser.]. 33. éreriunoev [tH THérpw]. [A€yor]. Ada. 34, Eizs four. [eéAdeiv]. avrod so ver. 35, 36, 37. dxodovOyTw. 35. O&Ay. arod€oer (pro -on) THY éavTod Yrynv four. [rest as Scr. ] 36. ddedjoer dvos 13.69.346. Kepdyon. 37. [as Ser.]. 38. “Av éreoxvvOn 13.69.346. porxaddAtd. 13. ewer. GT av. IX. 1. yevoovro. four. éhndvbvia [rest as Ser.] 346. 2, +xal ev tox tporetdxyerbar abrods (ante perenoppubn 6 w sic) four. 3. éyévovro four. [as wy]. + ovrTws (ante Aevavac) four. 4, + idod (ante wof6n) 13.69.346. poop (s supra). oavvdra-. 5. edeyev (pro réyer) 69. OéAets Torjowpev (—Kat) four. poio7 [rest as Ser.]. 6. AaAyoe four. [joav yap éxdp.|. 7. + idov (ante éyevero) four. qwvy 7AGev four. [rest as Ser.]. 8. ovK er. tor, [adda]. . d towv 13.69.346 eEqynowvtat 346. 10. ot dé (pro kat). avvé- éeotw (ro illegible spaces: forsan drav cum 11. éxypwtnoav four. ads ovv (pro or) four, dueAOetv (pro det COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 21 eXGetv) 13. 12. +7a (ante mavra) 13.346. [rest as Ser. ]. 13. -—xai prim. edydvbev. [yGedAnoav]. 14. + adrod (post pabyras) 13.69.346. idev 13.346. + 70vs (ante ypappareis) 13.346. ouv€yr. [airots]. 15. evs 13.69.346. idovres four. e€ePauByOnoay four, 16. éxypwtyocev. ovvé-[adtovs]. 17. é« rod dxAov eis four. eizev aita, 18. —atrod. Enpeverar 13.124,346. [rest as Ser.]. 19. kati daoxpiHeis 6 w four. —aird + deorpapévy (ante éws prim.) four. 20. éomapage to raidiov (—avrov) four. 21. + A€ywv (ante rocos) four. ad’ ot (pro ws) 13,124,346. —o de ele 13, 22. —xat secund. 13.69.346. [rest as Ser.]. 23. —To four. 24. etrev (pro éXeye) 13.69.346. or (pro pov). [rest as Ser.]. 25. +6 (ante oxXos) four. eretivyoev. [rest as Ser. ]. 26. e&prGev. woei. [rest as Ser.]. 27. THs xeipos adrod (— atror) 13.69.346. 28. eiceAOovtos atrod 13.69.346. 28. apoondOov avTa ot pabyrat adrovd Kat idtav: Kai érypditycav aitov A€yovTeEs OTL. 29. vyoreia. 30. [as Ser.]. 31. [atrots]. mapadoPycerar four. amoxtevovow [7H Tp. nu.| eyepOyjoerar (pro avactycerar) 13.69.346, area: 32. yyveouv. éporjoa 13.69.3546. 33. cioqdAOev 13.69. Kadapvaovy hic tantum p. m. d.ehoyilerOe mpos éavrovs 13.69.346. 34. ris airadv peilwv ein 13.69.5346. 35. Kabyoas. 37. dv (pro éav prim.) 13.69.346. povov adda Kai (post dé€nrar) 13.69.(346). [rest as Ser.]. 38. kal aroxpiOels adtd iwavvys eirev dudacKkadre. + ev (post Twa). —OrTe ovk akodovbed yuiv four, 39. —ur etrev 13.69.346. 39. év (pro emi), 40. eorw (prim.). nydv bis (pro tpuayv bis) 13.69.346. 41. éri rH (pro év) 13.69.346. — [rest as Ser.]. 42. pvdwvixes AiMos 13.69.124.(346). [rest as Ser.]. 43. eoriv co. [rest as Ser.]. 44. [habet], 45. éoriv ce (pro oo). —THVv (ante yéevvav) 13.69. [rest as Ser.]. 46. [Habet]. 47. —cot 13.69.346. +06€ (post cioehGeiv) 13.69.346. 48. [70d zupds]. 49, [as Ser.]. 50. + yap (post xadov) four. yap (pro dé) 13.69.346. aptvonre 13.69.346. — vets ovv (ante exere) 13. 69.346. X. 1. kat éxeiOev four, —dia rod four. ov ropeverar four. —madw. oxXros. 2, 6, 13, 20. [as Ser.]. 3. pwiogs. 4. of be [pwons]. émérpefev. 5. eypaev (— vpiv) four. 7. init. + xal cirev [rest as Ser.] four, 8. ov« én eiciv. oapé pia four. 10. [as Ser.]. 11. édv avjp (—és) four. 12. yuvn éav e&On (pro amohvoy) ad avd. four. —airfs. yayynon aAdov four. 14. jyavakryoey Kai eritysyoas abrots cimev four, —xai (ante pu) 22, MARK X. 15—x1I. 34, four. 15. av (pro éav) 13. 16. éveyxadioapevos four. tiOwv 13.69.(124).346. eddAdyer four, 17. + dod tis rAovovos (ante Tpoodpapav, —ets) four. yovurerdv four. + éywv (ante ddacKare) four. —iva. 19. [ordo as Ser.]. amoorepions 346. 21. A€yee (pro etwev) four, +i Oéders TéAeos elvar (ante év) four. duddos 13.69.346. —rots four. Kal apas Tov orpov cov devpw axodovby ot four. 22. +rovrw four. ampdOev. 24. éorw. cioedOeiv cis THV Baoiretav rod 66 four. 25. edxororepov eorw 13.124.346, KapAov 13. datpurnparos Bedovns 13.69.(124).346. dreAOety 13,124,346. 26. ot d€. [rest as Ser.]. 27. + ev (post mapa) four. + rovro © (ante ddvivarov) four. —7d prim. 69.124.346, éorw. 28. (init. lect.) —xat four. [rest as Ser.]. 29. kat dmoxpuBeis four. + Evecev (ante rod ed-) four. [rest as Ser.]. 30. [as Ser.]. 31. [of]. 32. +abrov (ante éboBodvro) four. 33. [as Ser.]. 34. eumré£ovow 13.69. [rest as Ser.]. 35. +o€ (post éav) four. 36. roujow (—pe) 13.69.346. 37. of d& ver. 39. év tH Bacideia tHs d0&yo four. [rest as Ser.]. 38. + azoxpueis (post ic) four. 4 (pro xa) four, 39. [wev]. 40. [kat]. —pod secund. four. 42. [as Ser.]. 43. ody’ odtos. adv (pro éav) 13.69.346. péyas yevéoOou four. vuav dudkovos four. 44. édv (pro av) 13.69.124. [rest as Ser. ]. 46. tepixd bis. +i80d 6 (ante vids) four. [rest as Ser.]. 47. w vids 648. 48. w vie 48. 49. duvotaw. [atrov duv.] Gapodv éyefpov 13.69.346. 50. [as Ser.]. 51. paBowvi. [rest as Ser.]. 52. cécwxev. [edfews|. aveBreWev. ata (pro To w) four. XL. 1. pyywoav four. tepoodAvpa four. Bybogpayy. — [azo- ordre], A€ywy (pro Kat Aé€yer) 13.69.3846. 2, 3. [ 3 fal ° * a \ Tre 2. eitvev adt® four. [nil omiss.]. xv tov Ov cov zpookvyvyces four. 9. —o (ante vids) four. bev (pro éevretfev) 13.346. [rest as Ser.]. 11. dpotow. 12. Ko (pro w) 13.69. [ordo as Ser. ] 14. é&\Oev. 16. tHv valape6 four. srov (pro ot) 13.346. avatebpaypevos four. 17. éredu6n 13.346. rod tpodyrov yoatov 13.69.346. [rest as Ser.]. 18. etvexey 13.69.124. edayyedAtoacGar four. —idcacGor usque ad xapdiav 13.69. Kypvfax (so ver. 19). 20. to umypérm. exdbicev. [ordo as Scr.]. eis airev (pro air) four. 22. ody 6 vids éorw 13.69.346. iwond ovTws +, 23. ctrer. eis Kavrepvaovy four. 24. eizev. [atrod]. 25. émad. +01 (ante moAAat) 13.69.346, yAdod. [ext]. os (pro ws) 13.69.346. peyadn COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 31 13.69. 26. 7Alas. capepOG 13.69.346. oidovias. 27. év rd upd éxi €Xucaaiov tov tpopytov 13.69.346. [-Pap|. vayds. 29. rod (pro 74s) oppios four. axkoddunro airdv 13.69.3846. dare (pro eis 70) 13.69.346. Kataxpypvynoou. 30. deAOadv. 31. [Kazep.]. adBBaow. 33. [Ayo]. 34. valapwe 13.69.3846. 35. dypdOyrte 13.69.124. am (pro é&) four. [pipav]. 38. aro (pro éx) four. 38. —y four. cuvexopéevn. npodtyce. 39. dupxover [rapaypjpa de]. 40. [aavres]. émuriOets 13.69.124. [-cev]. 41. [e&jpxero}. kpavyatovra four. [0 xo]. abrov tov yv four. 42. éregjrovy four. karelyov. 43. 6 58 wr etrev 13.346. [pe det]. eri (pro els) four. ameotaAdnv. 44. eis tas four cvvaywyas [THs yadAaias| four. V. 1. yevvynoape? four, [rest as Ser.]. 2. idev four. [rest as Ser.|. 3. édddyov. [rest as Ser.]. 4. efrev. 5. [as Ser.]. 6. rAnOos ixOiwv four. [depp-]. [70 6.]. 7. [as Ser.]. 8. +0 (ante Sipwv) 13.69. —zérpos 13.69. ampos ere (oe supra modern). [rod] w. 9. [4]. [w]. 10. efrev. [6 wl]. 11. [amravral. 12. —év 7G 13.69. [kat idwv]. 13. A€ywv (pro eirdv) four. amnOev 4 A€rpa 13.69.346. pnd Ei. 14. rpocératev pwiots four. 15. —de (¢nit. lect.) 13.69.346. —dm airod 13.69. dabeviay 13.346. 17. + év pia trav cvvaywydv (post diddcKwv) four. [no ot art.|. ovvédAndvOores. [attovs]. 18. airav (pro adrod) 13.69. 19. wd0ev (pro &a woias) four. 20. +6 io (post iv) four. [avra.]. 21. [as Ser.]. 22. [amoxp.] eirev. 23. eyerpe 13.69.124. 24. elrev. mapadvtixm four. éyepe 13.124.346. [rest as Ser.]. 25. mdvrwv (pro atrdév) four. [ep a]. 26. Wapyev: 13 ¢ [nal omiss. as in 13.69.124]. 27. é€fdOev 6 w 13.69.346. [eedoaro]. Aeviv. teAwvetoy 346. 28. [as Ser.]. Ayer (pro etev) 13.69.346. 29. eroigoev. —6. oikela(s supra). 29. wodds reAuvdiy 13,69.346. 30. dud ri, so ver. 33. + 7dv (ante teAwvav) four. [rest as Ser.]. éobiere altered s.m. 31. eirev. isyvovtes (pro vyraw.) 13.69.346. [adr]. 33. OL8e. vyoredovow. écOiovew (ink renewed, modern). 34. +.o (post of 88) four. cirev. eoriv. [vnorevew]. 35. — Kai (ante orav) four. ap6y 13. + «ai (ante tore faint) four. vyored- swow. 36. airois (pro mpos atrovs) 13.69.346. +am0 (ante iwatiov) four. +70 (ante ériBdyua secund.) four. [rest as Ser. ]. 37. [as Ser.]. 38. dA four. [restasSer.]. 39. wudv. [edOéws]. on ue vie Vite or VI. 1. Sevrépw zpurw 69.(124)*. [rest as Ser.]. 2 jin. caBBdru. 13.124. 3. 6. elrev mpos atrovs four. [rest as Ser.]. 4. mds (pro ws) four. —édaBexaifour. 6. — Kat prim. 13.69.124. dv éxel avoo. 7. kat rapernpovv (— 62) four. [rest as Ser.]. fin. +airov four. 8. ewe d& (—xat) 13.69. eyepe four. [o de]. 9. etrev 5¢ (—ovv) four. vpds ri eeott ayafor. kakor. so ver. 33. 10. +per’ copys (ante etrev TO dvw) four. e&€rewev (pro éroinoe ovrw) four. améxateotaby four. [nil omiss.]. 11. rovpouev 69. 13. rpooedavycev. ovopacev 13.346. 14. ovopacey 13.346. +xal (ante iaxwBov) four. +xat (ante par6-) 13.346. 15. + Kai (ante idkwBov) 13.69.346. —rov rod 13.69.346. adrAdpaod. 16. + Kai (ante iotday prim.) four. [pwirny]. [os Kai]. 17. €orn. [oxAos pabyrav}|. adovos 69. 18, 19. [as Ser.]. 20. eye. +70 TV (post rwxo) four. 22. 67 dv secund. [rest as Ser.]. 23. xapyre (124).13.69.346. — rots ovvois 13.69.346. [ratra] so ver. 26. 25. —vpiv prim. 13.69. + vdv (post éumerd-) four. — vpiv secund. 13.69. 26. —vpiv 13.124.346. or av. wpads elrwow. —oi 13. 27. ddAd four. wvuas (pro vpiv) four. 28. —Kxai four. — [v7ép]. fin. + Kai Suwxovrov vids 13.346. 29. [eri]. ordpov atta (pro mapexe) four. Kwdvors. 30. d€ 70 air, 31. [as Ser.]. 32. éeoriv. ayardow. 33. [Kai éav] dyabororetre ver. 9. xapis éotiv. ovodow. 34. davilere. [amodr.]. éoriv. [yap ot]. daviLovaw. amodaBovor. [tra]. 35. wat davilere eras. s. m. [under]. amredmilovres. [rest as Ser.]. 36. +6 odvos (post amp) four. éoriv. [rest as Ser. ]. 37. xaraduxalyte. 38. —yap 13.69. [rest as Ser.]. 39. éAeyev dé cat four. éurecotvtar eis Bobvvov (+,) 13.69.3846. 40. eorw. -abrov four. 41. ryv d€ &v ta oc four. odOadrpd. doxor. 42. [9]. e«Badrd 69. yn (pro od) four. Transferunt éxBadretv ad fin. vers. four, 43. éorw. +7adw (post ovdé) four, 44. ovAde youow oviKa. atapvdds tpvydow 13.69.346, 45. [asSer.]. 46. —de (init. lect.). 47. dpows éorw 13.69.346. 48. oixodearorn (pro avw). éoxayev. éBabvver. €Onxev. [-ptpas]. mpos eppyfev: so ver. 49. od« toyvoev. 49. oixodopodtvte 13.69.346. bbws ovve- mweoev four. —ro 346. VIL. 1. +adrotd (post érAjpwoev) 13.69.346. —adrod (post pypata). [xamep-]. 3. —mpos adrov 13.69. diacdoe 13.124, 346. 4. ot dé. apadrov (pro wapex.) 13.346. [mapéfa]. 6. —azo four, améoreide (pro érepie) four. pov v0 tTHv otéynv 69.124.346, COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 33 [rest as Ser.]. 7. 80 6. ew adtov. + povov (post adda) four. [-Ojoerat]. 8. ew airod. 9. eiwev. +apyy (ante déyw) four. ro cavrnv. 10. [asSer.]. mrepOevres (u p.m. supra). 11. ra (pro 7H) 13.69.3546. ézopevOn 13. vaetv 13.124.346. [aire]. oixavol 69. 12. nyyfev 13.124.346. avrot: so ver. 15. xai air 69.346. xypa. [rest as Ser.]. +7v (post ixavds sic) 13.124.346. 13, ed- ordayxvicOn. ex abrnv 13.69.346. 14. efrev. 15. [avexa-]. [€dwxev]. 16. zavras four. [eyny-]. Jin.teis ayabov fOUGS ele [ev bis]. 19. [vv]. éremper. KV (pro w) 13.(69). [dAdov]. 20. [as Ser.]. 21. éxeivy (pro airp) four. —6é 13.69. beparevoev. [70 Br.]. 22. didare 13. — or 13.69. avaBdrérovoew. rept ratovow. +kal (ante kwpol) four. axovovow. 24. é&jdAOare four. 25. e&yA- Gare four. [rest as Scr.]. 26. é&A@are four. 27. ovtos yap éorw four. [eyo]. 28. 8& (pro yap). [mpodyrys]. fin. éoruv. 30. voyukat (ink renewed—error). 31. —ete d€ 6 Kvpwos four. 32. eiow. héyovtes (pro kal héyovowy) four. yidricapev. —vpiv secund. exoacbe (pro ékavoare) 13.(69).346. 33. eXyrvdev. Barrio His (sic) 13. —adprov 13.69. —otvov 13.69. [pyre bis]. 34. pidos tedwvev four. 35. mavrwv trav téxvwv adtns four. 36. “Hpora. aitav (pro avrov) 13.69.346. tov otkov four. avexA7Oy 124. 37. yuvy tus Av ev TH oder apaptwdds (—yris Hv) four. + Kat (ante érvyvovoa) four. [avaxera]. 38. [asSer.]. 39. [jv zpod.]. éoruv. 40. eirev. 0 O€ gyoiv. 41. yxpeoperérar (13).346. davory 13.124.346. 42. [as Ser.]. 43. 6 8 io edrev. [rest as Ser.]. 44. cis (pro émi). Opigiv [rio Kepadys]. eé€uagev. 45. + ayamrys (post pidynpa por) 13.346. cio_dAOev 13.69.3546. dreAeure 13.69.124 [mod 7. m.] so ver. 47. 47. [ai dy. adr]. 49. éore obdros. 50. céowxev. VIIL 1. xaf éfjs. Siddevey 13.69.3846. 2. dodeviv 13.346. [-nvj hic]. 3. érra [vv] yov€d. [Xovo-]. atrois (pro -d) four. ék (pro ao) four. 4. cvvedOovros four. 5. éavtod (pro atrod). [6 pev] erecev. 6. [érecev] nxudda 13. 7. [cupd-]. 8. eis (pro émi) 13.69.346. —ratdra Néywv ad fin. vers. (cf. ver. 15, 18) 13.69.346. 9. [as Ser.]. 10. 6 d€. + abrots (post eirev) four. + dado (ante iva) 13.346. + dxovowor (post axovovres) 13.69.124. cvvidcr (hiatus). 11. €orw prim. 12. [axovovres}]. 13. [Hs 7.]. or dv. 14. eprrecov 13.346. ydwvav (ov supra p.m.!). ovv tvi- TeNeahopodtorr. 15. dxovovres four. Kaprov déepovow 13.69. fin. + wodAy four. +tatra Néywv epuver 0 Exwv Ora axove axoverw four. 16. [add’]. Ss, 3 34 LUKE Vill. 17—x. 14. hvxvetas. tiOnow (pro émt.). Bdrérovor 124. 17. [as Ser.]. 18. +xat mpooteOyoera vpiv Tots aKovovow (post axovere) four. éav (pro dv prim.) four. 19. [wapéyovro]. dé transfert post abrov 69. 20. init.—xat 13.69. danyyéAdn 692 [Aeysvrwv]. [oe BAA]. 21. 6 8é. eiev pos. [atrév]. 22. éyévero dé four. avéBy four. +70 (ante woiov) four. ctrev. 23. ad’ rvcer. [rest as Scr.]. AédXoy 13.124.346. 24. SreyepHels 13.124.346. 25. efrev. [eorw prim.|. _értw otros four, 26. xatarAevoavres four. [yadapyvav]. avrimepa four. 27. [82] eis oixfay (pro ev oixia) 13.69.346. [rest as Ser.]. 28. efrev. 29. Videtur (faint) esse ropyyyere. [rest as Ser.]. 30. efrev Aeyedv. moddAa daovia 13.69.346. 31. mape- kadovv four. étage. 32. Booxopevn 13.69. [aapexddovv]. 33. «ionOov 124. 34. yeyoves 13.69.346. —aredOdvres four. 35. [as Ser.]. 35. = supra modern: nescio quare. lect. cf. ver. 37 supra apév. 36. —Kxai four. 37. ypuitnoe ? videtur, | yepyernvav (non ver. 26) 13. [ro wA.]. 38. ra daipovia eéeAndvOa four. [o wo]. 39. éroincoey co. ampdOev. 40. [as Ser.]. 41. obros (pro airos) four. [rod wl. 42. airn 13. [ev détwimayev]. ovvébdiBov 13.69.346. 43. iarpots (—N ér dv xaborA. dvdago.. eras. éotiv. avtov. 22. ér dv. [oxvda]. 23. éorw. 24. or dv. lytdv 13.69.3846. evpicxwy four. 25. edOav four. +oxoAalovta (ante oecap.) four. 26. erepa mvedpata rovy- potepa éavtod érra 13.124.346. 27. [y. g.]. 28. etrev. [rest as Scr.]. 29. +yeved (ante wovnpa éorw) four. [émi€yret]. [rod mpop.|. 30. [as Ser.]. 31. codopdvos bis four. 32. vuwevirar four. 33. [de]. xpumrjv adda 13.69.124. Brérovor to pads four. 34. +o0v (ante 67 av) 13.346. [ody]. —Kat (post 7) 13. dwtivov 346. ér dv. fin. +éorae 13.124.346. 36. exwv 13.346 pepos ti 13.69.346. dr dav. guwrile 13.69. 37. + adtov tadra (ante épuwra, sic) four, —tis 13.69.346. fin. kat eioeAOuv eis THV oikiav Tov COLLATION OF COD. 556 WITH CODD. 37 gapicatov avexdiby four. 39. «iwev. 40. to eSwhev To eowHev (— kal) émoincev. 41. aravta four. ora (pro éorw) four. 42. adda. +Kal to avnfov (post ndvoopov) four. +8€ (ante eer) four. apeivar (pro aduévar) 13.346. 43. + Kal trav mpwroKdiclav év Tols Setrvors (post cvvaywyais) four. 44. [no omission, except] —ot (ante wepir.) four. 45. fin. +, 46. etrev. 47. [ot de]. 48. japrupeire dtu (—xalt) four. rods tapove aitdv oixodopetre (—Ta prvyn. adr.) four. 49. —Kat (post amoarddovs) 13.69.124. amoktevovow. [exo]. 50. exxexvuévov 13.69.346. 51. [rod] bis. 52. +xat (ante avrol) four. «iondOare four. 53. [nil omiss. | aitd& (pro avrov) 13.69.346. 54. abrov yrodvres (—xat) four. — Tov (ante oroparos). [rest as Scr. ]. XII. 1. apdrov mpocéxere. [rest as Scr.]. 2. —de (init. lect.) 13.69.346. 3. ovs. rapious 13. 4. daoxrevovtwy four. ti mepisootepov 13.69.5346. 5. e€xovra eEovoiay four. 6. mwAodtyrau 13.69.5346. 7. [otv]. jim. +vpets four. 8. év aird erased? éavtov 13.69.346. 9. [éveirov]. 10. To mva TO ayvov four. 11. ov av. [apood.]. is (pro emi) four. pepysvyonte 13.69.346. [) ri]. 13. etrev (ver. 15) pepicacbe. 14. karéornoev. Kpityv (pro dicaorHv) 13.69.346. 15. rans (pro trys) 13.69.346. [adrod]. 16. civev. yuddpycev 13.69.3846. 17. cvvagar 13.69.346. 18. eter. kaedw. tov citov (pro ta yevnpata) four. 20. cirev. [rest as Ser.]. 21. [éavrai]. fin. + ratra €ywv epuwver o Exwv Ota akovewv dxoverw four. 22. ciev. [adrod]. A€yw vuty four. — [vuar]. +upav (post codpartr) four. 23. + yap (post 7) four. éoriv. 24, [od]. —ovde Oepiovew (opo.or.) 13. eoriv taptov. o be Oa tpepea (pb supra p. m.?) adra 13.69.3846. 25. mpooOyvar 13.346. [rest as Ser.]. 26. [ovre]. 27. +6ru (ante odd€ YoAouov) four. [rest as Ser.]. 28. onpepov év aypo (—T®) dvra 13.69.5346. [apprevvvowv]. oAryomurro. 29. daynobe 7 13. 30. ériuynv Kat To copa ac. 29. accapiw c. THs yns C. fin.teEVv Tos ouvois c. 30. Tpiyats e. npiOunvtar f. 31. wodAdw dC. +ryap (post twoddov) ef. 33. de (— av) f. apynonte cd. eumpoobe f p.m. Kayw avtov e. + Tous (ante ovvois) f. 34. tns yns f. 37. vmep ewov bis d. 38. AapBavver c. 39. ewwv (pro evpwv) C p.m. —arTroreces usque ad :wuynv COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 65 autov (opuovot.) f. —tyvf. 42. av (pro éav) ad. Tw supra p. m d. tev edhaytotwy (ante TovTwy) e. —ovoy c. vwuxpov' wovoyv d. arrodecer Cc. Cap. XI. 1. + tovs Aoyove toutous (ante dvatacawr) c. Tous (pro tos) cp. m. —Sidacxew xarf. 2. iv (pro xv) ef. 8. paraxwois ce. Bacirevwy efjC. 16. masdsors acdefC}. ayopa cdjC. Kalefopuevors ev Tats ayopass (a) f. & mpocda- vouvtat (pro mpoogdwvovat) e. éTEpots ce. —xae (ante Aeyouor) ef. 18. +pos vyas (ante wavyvne) ef. +0 (ante wwavyns) d. 20. +6 vo (post npEato) dej. — Kau Neyouvar usque ad Kat (opotot.)c. 21. yopater ce. yopatw dfjC. BnOcaida cfiC. Bidcaidad. BuiOcaidave. —e cd p.m. eyevnOnoav f. yivomevar f. + Kabnpevar (ante petevoncar) ef}. 23. 3) (pro n) (7 a) de. eyevnOnaay f. ywopevar f. 25. ce (pro cor) c. 27. 0 cay BovdeTtas ee. 0 cavd p.m. j. 30. — pou secund. f. Cap. XII. 1. erropeveto f p.m. supra. Kai oi (pro of de) c. otayvas Tiddew f. 2. + avtous (post idovtes) f. +74 (ante motovow) f. 4, avtov (pro avtov) c. Kat didate c p. m. 6. peov bdfCj. —xat bedeCj. eat 6 vios Tov avov Kat tov caBBarov f. 10. nv exes avoo c. + exer (post nv) f. yepave p.m. Enpacp.m. 11. ect (pro ectat) f. —us (6 supra s. m.) ce. —e«s BoOvvoyv c. avtad (pro avto) ec. eyeipyeptat e. 12. waddov (pro ouvv) f. yerpay c p.m. e. cov Tnv yelpaf. amexateotabn cs. m.C (nonf). 14. Kae e€eAOovtes of hapicatot cupBovrtov eXaBov Kat avtov f. amvavras d. 16. —pn. toinowow avtov f. 17. vio (pro dua) f. joaiovc. 18. npernoa npeticasd p.m. npetnoa cp. m 19. xpavyafe e. 20. [Aivov ce]. exRadrdrn ec. 21.-—evtwad. —e beejC. to (prote). 22. Kcwdpov Kat tugrov bdf. —xae (ante Nadewv) fj. 23. NeyouTes (pro Kat edeyov) c. +6 xo (post eotw) dfjC. 24. Sapova f p.m. apyovc p.m. Kal éavtnv bis cf. 26. exBare d. éavtny (pro éavtov) c. 27. exBarovou f. Kpitar ecovtar tmor f. 28. ev 8e (pro xar)f. ev rv Ov eyo beej. dpad. 29, dpracat S. ) 66 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. f. fin. Staptraon bedej. dprace f. 30. +yap (ante pn wv) f. Kav (ante cat) d. 31. eav (pro av prim.) bdfjC. —rows avo cf. Tw alwre TovTM c Tw vuy atwvi bedjC. 33. eTLyLVWOKETAL ©. — Kal TOY KapTrOY avTOU KaXoV C p.™M. (opo.ot.). 84, mov primum (pro Tas p.m.). —To oTopa d. 35. — ns xapdias bedeCj]. —ta beefjC. —ov secund. C. +a (ante wovnpa) dfC. 36. aunv de rAeyo vp f. ov (pro 6) d p.m. 37. fin. kataxpiOnon bf. 38. — cae dhapicatwv c. Oedwper cC. 39. emufnrevtau c (€ p. mM. C). 40. eyeveto (pro nv) f. +x«at (post ectar)c. +0 mpopyntns (post wwvas) cf. 41. vevevirar c. 42. yeveas d p. m. yeeas C p. m. coropuwvos bis befC. 44. evs Tov otKov pov emuotpewo f. vmoctpeyw eC. edAOwv be. Gor c. + xa (ante kexoop.) cf. Kexoopevov d p.m. 45. edOovta d. xYEelpwva C. TH Tovnpa TavTn bf. 46. maparapBavver c. evaedOovta d. elatnknoay ce. éotnkacw b. 47. wWew (pro cot AaAnoat) f. oe(proco)c. eatnKkacorbce. 48. AeyovTe (pro evrovte). 49. tewvas d. edn (pro evrrev) ef. 50. —yap d. +o (ante ovvois) d. ounce c(e)(C). obtos (pro autos) c. +«at (ante adergos) bf. —tTod. oepac e. Cap. XIII. 1. c€eAOov d p.m. —arro f. exaito ef. 2. —to bd. KxaOscOar c. iotnker c. eloTnKE e. ev mapaBorats d. omespar bdefjC. + eyeveto (post Kat) c. + tov ovpavov (post metewa) ef. 5. Ta metTpwdes c p. m. evyev altered d p.m? 8. 0 ter. cdef. 12. repucevOnoerar e. 13. ov py (pro ov) c. fin. cuvvwow ce. avvdcr fF. 14. wAnpwOnoetas cf. — én’ befjC. avatdnpovyta: d p. im.? noaas be. —7 secund. ef. axovonte c. fin. wWeras c. 15. —yap f. tacopar beefjC. 16. axovovow bf. 17. — Kae prim. c. 18. omeipavtos df. 19. aiper (pro dprage) f. 21. evdews c. 23. curidv d. as Se (pro os bn) c. 0 ter. ed. 24. ude (post adn) Cc. orreipavte d. 25. avtov (pro Tous avous) f. 27. SovAne p.m. eomerpes cc. —ow beef. —oure. +7a bejC. 28. exOos c p. m. (sic ver. 23, 39). aurreEouev bdefjC. 29. oitov d. 30. ews (pro weypr) f. =Twe p.m. ejC. decpous d. xavoare. —ews prim.f. pos (pro es) f. COLLATION OF GOSPELS, 67 31. ekadyoev (pro mapeOnxev) f. 32. wecbov cd. 33. +6 uc (post avtows) cj. +XAeywv (ante opova) e. expvev bedef]. 34, ehadnoev dej. 35. Kai Kexpuppeva c. 36. —auTo e. dtacadnoov (pro dpagov) f. 37. + adtots f. 37, 38. — eat 6 uvios usque ad To KaXoV oTEppa (CpmotoT.) e. 39, o7rELipwr C. + of (ante ayyerot) f. 40. kaveras bed (non e) JC. 48. init. OTE @. —exrapry e p.m. Aaprpovow f, +Tov ovpavav (post mpo avtwv) (b)c. —6 exov ad fin. vers.c. 44, —Te bdefj. 45.-—avwc. 46. fin. nyopace Tov wapyapiTny exeLvov (—avtov) f. 47. owotot.e. 48. + de (post 6te) f. + avTny (post avaBiBacartes) f. 50. —avtous c. + 7Tnv Kalopevny (ante exer) f. KraOuos c p.m. 51. —Kupie f. 52. —T7 Bactreva (— ets) be. ampodpeper (pro exBarrd.) ef. 54. ex- mrAnocerBar cC (non def). + maca (ante » cogia) f. —tovtwc. 55. exeyerec. papiaf. iwavyns (pro wons) f. 56. avtw (pro toutw) d. 57. —avtou prim. bf. Cap. XIV. 1. retpayns (p supra s.m.) d. 2. +0 (ante twavyns) ¢c. 3. ev Th huraxn: amreOero bf (+77 ej). 4. —0 cp md. 5. epoBerto dj. edoBntw e. 6. yeveotous de ayouevots Cc. ryevomevav (pro ayouevwmy) f. — Ts f. 7. av (pro eav) d. 8. Oedrw iva pot dws (pro doa pot gyno) c. +avtTy (post doPnvar) f. 11. +70 Kopaccov (ante nveyxe) f. 9 Kepady avtou nvexOn C. evexOn p.m.c. +70 Kopactov (ante nveyKev) e. nveyxev avTn (vy 8.m.)c. 12. €r- Oovttc. e&eAPovtes C. + .avtov (post cwua) be. avtwc p.m. —avtovf. mona f. 13. axovoas d¢ (—xKaz) bf. 14. evatrAayyvicOn e. em autos bedef. 16. vues avtous cC. 17. —avtw be. 19. tov xoprou bf] p.m. rtous yoptas d. —xat secund. bedefCj. —Tovs ult. cs. m. supra. fin. dyrus dp.m. 21. woes avdpesc. 22. fin. Tov oyrov c. 24. — 62) e. nv pecov tTns Oaracons bf. 25. nrOe bf. — oo f. 26. —Kat ov pabnrat emt THv Oaraccay Tepimatourta f. THs Oaracons ec. 27. —Se ce. —avtw d. ctadsovs THs yns atrevyev ikavous J. 28. 0 de wetpos evrev avtw cc. 31. Kat evdews (— de) dC. 32. avaBavtwr df. 33. mpocedOovtes f. eMMovtes be, mpoocexvvovy cd, avtovc. 34. tThnvb. yevvn- 5—2 68 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. capeO ce. yevvnoap b. 35. emeyvourtesc. 36. + xav (ante povov) bfjC. Cap. XV. 1. avtw (pro to w) f. — oe prim. bdf. dapicaiot Kat ypappaters f. + Tov (ante aprov)e. 3. dia tt passim cef [non d]. 4. —cov bdCj. + cov (post pa) ce. 5. ws eav (pro os av) d. av (proeav)c. fin. — avtov cdf. 7. mpedntevoev e (non Cc). noatac Tepe vor ef. +0 ampodntns (post noavac) f. 8.—po.c. avtov (pro avtwr) c. oc. —eyyeler wor bf. — tw ctopateavtwv cat bf. ope e. 9. dSdacKxariais c. 10. cuvere f. 13. opavuos c p. m. 14. tuddou evry odnyor bf. tupvrwy d p.m. Te (pro be) c (rubro T). yap (pro 8) d. eumecovrtar bfC}. 15. — avtw f. tev &iLaviwv (pro tavtnv)e. 16. —o1 f. 17. ovto extropeveTat (pro exBarretar) d. 18. e€epyovtar df}. 19. Aoytopor e. —Topverat KNOTraL YrevdouapTupLat (opoL0.) ec 21.—of. ot6°e. 22. avtns (pro exewov) f. —avto (expavyace) f. 23. mpoceOovtes d. npwtnaav f. 24. azro- AorwTa c. 25. mpocexuynoev d (non c) ej. 26. Transfert AaBev et Barew c p.m. 27. Tov Kvptovce p.m. 28. — aor d. 29. exaficev f. 30. moro. d p.m. xKudrovs bd. avtov (pro rou w) bdf. Kw@pous Tuprous e. 31. BrErroTasc. axkovovTas (pro XaXovrtas) c. — Kat TupPdous Brerrovtas (opotoT.) | Kat (ante xvAXous et ywrous) edoEafov d(e)fCj. + Tov (ante unr) fC. 32. evrev avtw nuepar bd (non Cef}) e. 35. tos oydous ce. Tous oyAous f. mpooKkaptepovor (pro mpocpev.) f. 36. + «at (ante evyapiotnoas) f. Kat AaBove. 39. aveBn bej (non defC). paydana f. Cap. XVI. 1. emnpwtowr f. emiderEar autos ex Tov ovpavov c. v7odeEar C. 2. Aeyouevns (pro yevomerns ¢ marg.) c. epafer (non ver. 3) c. mupater (sic ver. 3) f. 3. —ded. —dzroxpitar f (non ce). ouvetarc (pro duvacbe) ae. 4. puyadis cd. amndOov (r*) ec. 5. AaBewy apTous f. amedOovtes c. amedafovto c. 8. —avtos bef. 11. —Tose. aptwy be s.m. ef [as Elzcd]. +mpoceyete Se (post mpocexew) e. mpooeyete (—Se) f. 12. init. + nae f. Deest vers. (opotot.) c. —tHs Cupnsf. addrkaf. 14 +avtTa. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 69 (post evrov) f. ard (pro addor Se) c p. m. nrsav bedf. epeutav c. 16. 0 reTpos evtrev (—otpwr) f. 17. —arroxpibers de (—xat) f. 18. Kau eyw Aeyw cor f. 19. —Kas 6 dav AVONS ad fin. vers. (ofotot.)c. Swaw Se cor (—Kar) f. 20. tase (to 6 yo ce). SvecreiNato (at —unoous) bdfj. 21. exs (epoovna aveOew bf. 22. —avtove. avta emitipav bf. 23. em- otpages f. 24. —duce. 25. S4v bf. arroreon (pro ec) ce. atrovecet (pro n) bedeC. 26. whernoes f. avtaraypya de p.m. 27. epya (pro mpakw) c (ta supra rnv d s. m.). 28. + yap (post aunv) ef. od€ eatiKoTwy Cc. woe ExTwTES (—Twv) dj. + 0re (ante ectwtov) bf. ectwtes b. Tawv wde €oTwtes e. yevoovtat cd p.m. efC. fin. Twv ovpavev (pro auToU) ¢. Marginal gloss of d ver. 33 cata petpov ESpaixas. Sndoi dé wodsov Umep?Anpwmevov. so d ver. 20 dvecteiNaTo ovK audiBorws expnoato Tos Aoyots. Cap. XVII. 1. init. cave eyeveto f. maparapBavver c. —xKat taxwBov d p. m. (supra s. m.). 2. eyevovto cefj. 3. povon cd (wwoet dj ver. 4) ef. 4. uuas (pro jac) c. nrav puav bf. 5. +6¢ (post ert) e. ex (pro amo) b s.m. edj. eLTNnTE C p.m. eumertecs.m. be (pro de)cp.m. 10. Tes cp.m. 11. —unoovs f. —ampwrov bf. d note on atoxata- oTnoe marg. arobwoe. 12. addtae. —ovxe. —ev befj p.m. +mavra (ante oca) f. 6 vos 6 Tou f. 14. avtop (post avtw secund.) bedefjC. 16. mpoonveyxa c p. m. (a — supra s. m.). Tow pabntac d p.m. 17. we nuov d. 18. 1aOn (pro eOepatrevOn) dj s. m. dvos (pro mass) f. 19. —or padntard. diva ti passim cef. 20. —exer f. weBnoerar cp.m. 21. —Kae ovdev advvatnce vuiv e. e€epyetar (pro exTropeveTat) C. 22. avactpepopevwv c. trapadedocbai d. fin. + apaptworov c. 23. avaotnoetat (pro eyepOncerat) ce. 24, avtov c. DAapBavovtesc., Sidpaypa be (ta supra s. m.) bis cefj p.m. 25. + Kas (ante Neyer) cf. evrndOov dj. Aap- Bavyvovotc. vivep.m. 26. —Xeyer usque ad adXoTpiwy (opowot.) c. 27, —dec. avaBawvovta c [non def] C, 70 GOLLATION OF GOSPELS. Cap. XVIII. 1. nuepa (pro wpa) bf. mpoondOov avta: ot paOnrat avrov f(—tTw ww). dpacd. 2. avtov (pro avto) c p.m. yweobe f. 4. Deest versus ob ouotot.e. Tatrewwoet bdfCj. 5. de€ertave. —évec. 6. cxadadion d p.m. pvdros ovikos KpewacOn c.. ets (pro ere) Cede}. evs THv OadXaccay (—Tw werayer) f. 7. init. 7 (pro ec) ce rubro. eure Oewv e. epyetat b. epxyovtat ta oxavédara bd. 8. avtov (pro avta) f. —7 dvo trodas f (omotot.). 10. dcamravtos (c) dC. + Tous (ante ovpavors) f. 11. Habent versum cdef. 12. — ages ta evynkovta d. everixovta (n ver. 13) cChj evvéac. évevnkovta (é f) evvéa ef: sic ver. 13. 14. nuewv (wou b) (pro vyer) ce p.m. + ous (ante ovvois) f. 15. d&uaptn fCj s.m. = — Kat prim. bedf. eddreyEov c. 16. pwaptuper eras. post dvo prim. d rubro. —ertuf. paptupwr dvof. otaOnoetar cd. 17. Tn exkKAnola (pro THs EexKANTLAS) e. RoLTw (pro cot) c (AOLTT@Y cs.m.). —6 secund.c p.m 18. kat dca éav AvoNTE ad jin. vers. repeated c p. m., eras. c s. m. av (pro eav) d. 19. + apnv (post maruv) bedejC. aunyv (pro tanrww) fF. aitnoovtar cde p.m. + Tos (ante ovpavots) f. 20. & (pro ov) Cc p.m. omrov (pro ov) f. 21. 6 metpos evrev avtar f. 22. —NAeyes usque ad értaxis (Gpotot.) c. 24. cuvepe c. cuvapat ef. mpocvveyOn d p. m. 26. mpooexvvncer c. avtov (pro avtTw) c. atodwawaaf. racav thy operny exewvnv (pro daveov) f. 28. ee te (pro 6 te) bedefjC. 29, dovros d p. m. (cvvdovdos 8. mM.). amrodw@ow oot TavTa Cj. —tavta bdC. cot atrodwow c. 30. nOednoev c. + 7nv (ante duraknv) f. 31. ywvoueva bis d. eavtwv (pro avtwr) cj. 33. cauced. 34. —otd. -—avtwf. 35. + ovr (post ovTws) cjC [nil omissum cdefj] [habet b]. Cap. XIX. 1. + rns (ante yaditAatas) cdeC. 2. orxodXov- Oncavc p.m. 3. 7 (proe). —oibe. —avtw secund. be. —avipworw f. repalovd p.m. 4 Ticas (pro troinaas) be. amrapyxns ce sic ver. 8. Oude 5. +avrov (post apa) djC. TMpos THY yuvatKa (pro tn yuvatxt) d. 6. ovK (pro ovKert) c. [uwons] cdf. pwvons be. efev&ev f (sic ver.8). 8. eyparrev (pro eretp.)e. 9. —6tef. ootis (prods) f -of, —e bed p. m. f}C. yeunoes (pro yaunoe) cC. yapov (pro COLLATION OF GOSPELS. Fal yapnoas) f. 10. 4 (pro es)e p.m. + avtovu (post yuvatkos) f. cupdeped p.m. 11. init. 6 Se ce d: Ywpicovar s. m. © p.m. for xopjoover (Mill.). 12. + avtwv (post upc). —ou- TWWES EVVOUYXLTaV (OpotoT.) C p. Mm. (Marg. s. Mm. EvVOUYLTAY) e. 13. mpoonvexOncav cC. tas xetpas avtows bf. + avtov (post paOnrar) c. emetysov d. 14. teovtwy d. 15. tas yetpas autos f. 16. + 71s (post eis) dj s.m. 17. [as Elz.] cef. init.o Se ure. eyes (pro Oeress) f. 18. —unoous f. 19. —cov prim. bed [non C]. fin. éavtov bed. 20. Tavta mavta f. —avta tavta edpvrakauny d. 21. Oedrns c. O@ncavpov c p.m. 22. Tov Aoyov 6 veavicxos f. 24. — de be. Kkaptrov c. [dserOew (8 rubro c p. m.) de] at evoedOery f. 25. —avtov bd. dpad. 26. fin.—eorte chdejC [non f]. 28. ev tn cf. ev TH Twaduyeverta, d (* Cc). -adruyy Cc (sic) f jungit poe et ev. 29. ovxcay bdej. Acetar d p. m. 30. +04 (ante exyatos secund.) deC. Cap. XX. 1. n\ev ce. azro(proapa)f. 2. kas cuppovyncas (—6e) cdCj. 3. — mv beefCj. evpev (pro eev) f. 4. Kae 8 exeivos Cf}. KaKewvous e. + pou (post autedkwva) Cc. Nwow e p.m. (6s. m.). 5. +7nv (ante extnv) ce. evartny ceC. 6. —ectwtas c. 7. +pouv (post aumedwva) be. 8. Tov ecyatov c. mpa@tovd. 10. evopnoav cd. evopifovt. —oref (non ver. 12). —xax (ante edaBov) cj. 12. —d7u f. ‘cous ce. Bactacacoc. fin. nota interrog. cwm cde. 13. Snvap.oy d. 15. init.) e. 6 O€\w mutat.c. ev (pro 7 secund.) bed p. m. eC. -—oe 16. ¢ habet ver. 14—19 in marg. rubro. of MPWTOL ETYATOL Kat OL EcyaToL TpwTol t. 17. + avTov (ante katiovav d)f. —ev Tn odo bf. 18. avaBaiwwpev c. Gavatov bd p.m. 18,19. —@avatw Kat Tapadwoovow Cj. avdtov (opocot.)c p.m. 19, ewreEard. avaornvat (pro avactn- cetat) f. 21. Oerns c. + c0u (post evwvupwy) bedefC. 22. ro wotnpiov mivery d. pedrtrov Cc. Trivev (pro medrw move) ef. troveve. (proxat)ef. 23. init.—Kxae be p.m. +6 vo (post Neyer) f. —Kat To BaTrticpa usque ad Barrie On- ceabe c p.m. (habet marg. ¢ s.m.). 1 (pro Kae ante e& evwv.) cfC. — pov (post ever.) cf}. + Tovto (ante dovvar) e. 1 T94- 72 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. pacbar d p.m. 24. —akovoavtes Se (kar) f. 25. — oda C p.m. KaTakupievcovow c. 26. —be cj. peyas yeverOar ev upw f. eotar (pro ectw) bdefC. 29. + etvae (post TMpwTos) e. oxAoi moddow f. cépryw be only. 30. Aenoor c p.m. vie che. 31. avtovs (pro avtos)¢. vie ef. 32. evtrev auto f. +iva (ante Toimow)e. 33. aviyPwow c. vor e p.m. 34, omraxyvncbes?cp.m.C. avtovd p.m. avtov ds.m. fin. avto d. Cap. XXI.1. BnOagayy cde (-He) f p.m. C. fin. + avtev cj. 2. —avtos f. mopeverOe f. —THv Kwpuny c (habet marg.). 6vov ce. Kal wédov Sedepevov pet avThs f. 3. —de d. amooréXe cj. atrootéAnet bdC}. amocrtée (2). 4. ToTe (pro tovto)d. 5. Bacirevoovd. paces d p. m. (vs. m.). a 7. avtov pr. c p.m. emexaOnoav c. emexabioay df (cev s.m.asuprad). exaOicev e. erexabioev fC. 8. autor ef. avtwy d. eotpwvvvov prim.ef. tov Sevdpov c p.m. m oda ta (watia avtwv bf (bavtwv). 9. ecavva bis ce. woavva bis def. d0fa d marg. —evroynuevos ad fin. vers. e. 11. —o6 (ante tc) be. valaper cdfC (s. m. e). 12. —Tov Ocod bf. tad (pro Tdv) c. KortvBioTpwv Kat Tas Kabedpas Tov TwdovvT@y Tas Kabedpas KaTectpe we f. emroinoate avtov c. 14, ywror Kav Tuprot cdefC. —ev Tw lepw Cj. eave eer 1G: +oux (ante axovers). 18. eee d s.m. 19. ev vel er c (sic) cj. ater avtnvd. em avti c. etul c. prova bej. 20. cae (pro kav) c. 21. 6 (pro br). moujonte f. 22. eav (pro av) bdC. 23. dedacKovta Kat mpoondOov avtwe. 24, eva Noyov d. O(prodv)c. éavd p.m. epo vuw f. 25. +7v (ante 7 e&) c —ovv bd). 28. Soxh es. m. +05 (post ovoc) cdfCj. 8vo texva c. jin. —pov be. 30. érepw (pro devtepw) cdf (non e). 31. emrou- noev ex TOV dvo ce. +oTe (ante eav) f. 32. ewavvns mpos buas f. —ol de TeXwvar usque ad emiatevaeaTe avTw (M0L0T.) ce —tovf. —aibe. e(proat)f. 33.—Ts bf}. adpyou d. avTov sm. 6. p.m.? is this a gloss? [é&eSoto] e. — eve. 35. ednpav cd p. m. ef}. 36. @oaitas f. 37. —Sde oc. 41. exdwoerar bdefCj) (not c). 42. éoTn ej. vor cde, COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 73 45. axovoavtes be (—kar) c. Ovn d p.m f. -e ds. m. mept avtov cd p. m. Cap. XXII. 4. yrowaxaf. 5. 65 wev bf. —eus prim. c p. m. ut ert b (s. m. marg. habet). 7. kat axovoas (— be) 6 Baowrevs exetvos bedefC}]. amwrecay c. avTov ¢ p.m, sm. everpnoave. 8.—o prim. f. —eroimosc. 9. mopev- Gevres e. cav (pro av) bedCj. 10. —mavras. 11. eyovra (pro evdedupevor) f. 12. hiuoopwas to erictomifowas marg. s.m. 13. +7ots (Siaxovors) f. xYerpas kat Todas eC. PBarerte cj. exBadrate b (+ avtov b) d. 15. avrov Roya: (— ev) f. 16. ANeyovtas d. pedreu cf}. fin. avov bf. avov d p. m., w s,m. 19. erideEatas €. Ta Tov Kecapos Kecapl Cc. TH Ou c p.m. 22. —avtove. 23. —oi beCf}. Aeyorts avta Kat didacKovTe mpoondOov avtw e. 24. uwions be. fin. avtw e. 25. —avtov prim. c. ynwas abe. 26. dpuoros c p.m. 27 et 28. Tov p.m.c. 28. autnv exxov f. 29. —avtois c. dovtese. 30. yauifovtar adr evow &s aryyedot Tov OU ev Tw: ovpav f. —rTov dub. 31. nuwep.m. —vpwe. 32. aBpaap ce. aBpaau bdfj. 37. edn (pro eczrev) cCj. 39. abtn (pro avtn) ef. ceavtov cf. 40. corpos (pro vomos) ce. 43. +6 vo (ante mws)f. Kv avtov Kader cj. 46. #Svvaro cC. [ov«ere] ce. Cap. XXIII. 2. wwotvcews f [non bede]. fin. + Neyovres c. 3. €av (pro av) bedeCj. nuwe 4. erifeacw d. de (pro yap) ¢c. avtwy (pro avtwy) bj. eavtwr (pro 2nd avtwr) b. mavTa yap (not de). yap (post de secund.) bj. Tov twatiwv c. 6. de (pro te) cdj. gudroverc. 7. —Kat Tovs acTacpous ev Tals aryopats (opotot.) c. pawBi c semel tantum paBre j p.m. bis. 8. +6 prim. bef. SvdacKaros (pro Kabnyntns) dj s.m. —rravtes ad fin. versus f: habet here ovpavois ver. 9. 9. nuowv (pro vuwy secund.) d. 10. ect tov d. eat 6 xaOn(o b)yntns nuovo yo ec. Il. —ecta dwar (6p) c. eoTw (pro eotat) dj. 13, 14. ordo as Elz.St.defC, at 14, 13 c. 13. —déb. 15. gloss rpocndvror, in late marg. s. m. mpoon- AuTuL ot EE cOvwy TpoceAnAVOoTES. KaL KaTa Tous DeELoUS 74 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. TodLTevopevot vomwous badd. 19. petfwovce. dayialov ede. 21. —o supra p.m.c. Katotxnoavte bedj. kaTotxovyte ev autw ef. 23. Kkowunvov c. + 6¢ (post tavta) ef. de (pro ede) d s,m. To edeos ef. dn [no de] c. 24. Kovorra cf. KkovwTa e. Kapirov cf. 25. fin. adiras (pro axpactas) bedej (non f)C. 26. evtos (pro extos) ce. avtou (pro autor) f. 27. nuwwe. 29. pvnpata cf. 30. ots ec nucOa C. ryeba prim. cb (bis). 32. avatAnpwcate c. nyov cf. 33. yevn- pata c p.m 34 —xae tert. f. 35. —mav d. pas c. exyuvoy. c. &BeX ce. —viov Bapaytov (oporot.?) habet in calc. marg.s.m. 36. +o7« (ante n&ev) cdej. mavta tavta befC. —pove. 37. amoxtrévovaoa cdefC}. vooceaf. eme- cuvayayeiy (pro emicuvayer). opvis emicvvayer b. fin. nOernca d. 38. —vpw ef. 39. +671 (ante ov un)e. be (pro yap)f. +or7« (ante ov un)c. amdaptifdeCj. amaprty ce. Cap. XXIV. 1. tov w (pro avtov) e. azo Tov iepou erropeveto f. +avtw (post mpoondOov) dfj3**. 2. ravra mavta bedefC. —ov prim. c. — pa secund. bedeCj**. NGov c. 3. +TovTov cj. 4. emt To ce. 6. wedAnoerar d p.m. EAN e. akovels C p. ni. oOpacbe c p.m. ovTrou ©. (pro akoas) b. To Tedos eotiv f. ALpoe (pro Aotwor) C p.m. aioporc. Y9. Tov Avwvy cC. —Tor f. 14. n&erc. 15. [éoros ceCj.] eats bf. 16. evs (pro ere). 17. +xav init. be}. xataBato ef. ta (pro te) bedeCj. 18. +e.a ta oTricw bf. to iuatiov bfCj. 20. rpocevyerOar c. —ev cefj. 21. —ews tov vy be. —ovfj. 24. onpera Kat tepata peyara f. 27. —xae secund. bef [not d]. tapsecors c. 28. + «at (ante oi aetor) fj. 29. Arubroc. cKxotacOncetar c. 380. ewe Trove. 31. atoareddee bd p.m.c. +xae (ante gdovns) cC. amooteer f. arrootedret d. — dovns f. 32. wavOave cf. ateywwoxetarc. [éxpun cdej.| adzrados e. amanos yevntat f. 33. tavta tavta ceC. 34. + de (post apnv)e. +oTe (ante ov wn) f. +6¢ (ante Aeyw) ce. TauTH (pro avtn) cef. tavta twavta cf. —tavtacfe. 35. mape- Nevoetar cefd. 36. —Tns secund. cdCj. Tov ovpavor cf. 37. —xarf. oetac d. —Tno sec.e. 38. exyapifovtes c. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 75 40. 0 bise. —obisb. 41. Deest versus (ob opororedevtov) ce purov b. 42. nuov c. 43. ndn cd. 44. myers c. eTysorc. 45, dpac. —emte. tov (Tove s. m.) dovvar be. 48. pov 6 Ko edOew be. 49. dpEnte d p. m. apé€eras c. te (pro Se) bdj. Sovrovs (pro cuvdovarous) c. eabeun c. mun c. 50. 6 Ko Tov dov super rascs.m. 51. ddovtev be. Cap. XXV. 2. e€ avtwy noav dpovipot Kat TevTe pwpat (— ai secund.) bedef} (habet C). 3. avtwy (pro éavtwy) cdeC, —eavtwoy prim. b (€avtwy secund. e) fC]. 4. eviotakar c. avtoyv d. éavtwy (pro avtwy secund.) ce. —avtwv prim. b. 6. eEepyecOar f. 8. dos d. 9. apxecer CC. vpev (pro nu) be p.m. ef. [habet de ce.] fin. avtots ¢ p.m. 10. eTepoe cp.m. 11. [kave.] avnEove. 14. —avtosc. 16. [habet de e.] exepdnoev (pro emonoev) f. emexepdnoa b. 17. —Kat avtosc. 18. —amedwv ec. 19. modvy ypovoy bf. RAoyov pet avtwv bC. 20. —Taravta prim. e. ev (pro em) cf. 23. —avto d. 24, XaBwv (pro erndas) cef. Suvecxoprrncas ce 25. fin. coc d. 27. xataBarew (pro Barew) fC. 29. doxer eye cdeCj. 30. exBareras d p. m. exBarerte cefCj. 31. —de f. 32. cuvay@noovtar cdeCj. 34. evdo- ynuevn c. 385. fin. pec p.m. 37. ei (pron)c. 38. ovvn- yayouev c. Deest versus e (same beginning). 40. ever (pro eper) f. Tay ehkaxioTov Tov adeAXpov pou Cc. eTinoaTe cp. m 41. nromacnevwm d p.m. 42. we (pro por) d. 44. —avtw bedfCj. 45. éun ce. Cap. XXVI. 1. edeyev (pro. ereXecev) c. —Tavtas d. 2. tmapaslo. d p.m. 3. —Kat ov ypappaters (omotot.) bef]. 4. dow Kpatnowat bedefCj. fin. amokecwow c. 7. Todv- tysou f. 9. eduvatof. ptpov bd(—Tof). 10. reyes (pro evmev) C. emounoev (pro eipyacato) f. 11. tovs mrwyous yap twavtote beef}. 12. evtadidcave. temoumxevf. 13. +yap (post aunv) c. Tota d p.m. emouceve p.m. 14. Tov dwoexa Cc p.m. toxiwtnv be}. 15. kaveyw bdCj. mapadocw c. 16. amo tore ce. 17. —avtw bee. étoupacoper dj s. m. 18. +avtows (post evrev) ef. 20. +paOntwv f. 22. ets (pro avtw) bf. 23. tnv yeipa ev Tw TpvBrALw bf. TpiBrvw d. 76 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. _avtos (pro otros) f. 24, ta cxavdara ywovtat* Kai (post diod) c. 1 (pro ei) c p. m. ever On d (v supra s. m.). 26. —tov c (d habet) bef. edwxe (pro edid0v) c. Sous (pro ed.oov) bf. + avtov (ante cat evtrev) Cc]. —kas (ante evre) bf. 27. —To bef. —xav secund.e. 28. exyvvouevov c. 29. at aptt bedefCj. yevnuatos cf} s.m. tov Toutov yevnuaros be. Tiwe. 31. —oumoousf. 33. —avtw bf. —xaibce. 4+ de (post ey) be. oxadaric.c prim. et alibid. 35. atrapyn- awpat cdfCj s.m. +6¢ (post ouoiws) cdefCj. 36. evrepyerat c. yeOonuave ce. yeOowpavn bj. yePonuarvn f. + avtov (post pabnrats) cf. —od bf. 37. ip~ato c p.m. +6 ia (post avtows) dfj. 39. mpoceOwy bede (not f). 40. aypurvncat (pro ypnyopnoa) d. +kat avactas atro Tns Tpocevyns (ante epxetat) be. obtws, cat cum nota interrog. bef. In marg. p.m.? f habet v evs K NovKd Kat Tad ap’. 42. + 6 ue (ante Neyo) ef. to rrotnpiov atreNOewv amr e“ou e. TO ToTNpLOV TouTO b. 43. aadwv evpev avtous bf. evpev dej. 45. —avtov be. + avov (ante duaptoror) f. 46. +evTevOev (post aywper) cj. —nyyixev d. +lovdas (post nyyixev) e. 47. —wdov ec. 48. av (pro cav) dj. 50. eof. epde. 51. +avtov (post yetpa) f. 52. tnv payaipav cov f. tv Onxnv (pro tov rorrov) bf. ov yap (pro Kal yap) c amoBavovyvtas (pro atrodouvtat) deCj. 53. doxes cou bf. apts ov duvapan f. 54. tApwobocwc p.m. d)cp.m. 55. verbum eras. post ot Se d. pe; cd. yas (pro vuas) d p.m —didackor f. 56. adgevtes bis script. c p.m. 58. nkodov@n cd p.m. —arro c. 59. ddXov. To cuvedpiov c. aTrokecwouw (pro Gavatwawst) cp.m. Oavatwcwow avtov deCj s,m. 60. — Kat ToAAwY usque ad ebpov (dmoot.) c. 63. gungit f awoxpwei et Tt. cou (pro cov) f. —aroxpiOes f. —noovs e. fin. +Tov Cwvtos¢. 64. amaptedefCj. 65. dvéppugec. 67. eppamucav p b. epamrnoav (p suprue p.m.) epamnoavec, 70. + avtov (ante Travtwyv) dfj. tov avov (pro Te Neyers) f. evwrov (pro eumrpoabev) c. 71. avtous: exec kat bedefCj. 73. + wade (post Se) f. 74. Kataewatifew be p.m. def. 75. —Tov secund. bde (not f) C. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. te Cap. XX VII. 1. —Tov Aaovd. 2. Syaovtes d. —avtov secund. dj. 3. werapedeis c. — Tots secund. cj. 6. kopBovav f[none]. 8. tnv (pro rns) d. 9. tépewsov c. — fepemcov j. tep- ef. 11. —unaovs secund. be. 12. —twv secund. cdf. 13. miratos passim f. 15. exwOn cdf. 17. BapaBar C sic alibi d p.m. ver. 16, 20. 20. astnoovtar ce. 22. Tromnowpev Cc. Aeyovot (—avtw) f. 23. —oi de mepicows (opotoT.) ©. 26. — Tov prim. c. dayedkwoas c. gpayyeAdwaas d? dpayerrwoas f. + autos (ante wa) f. 27. Seka c p.m. (7 s.m.). o7reipav ef. 29. evirrefov cj. 30. — ets prim. c. 31. eveveEav c. —eus d (eras.). avtw (pro avtov prim.) e s.m. —e&edvcay avtov Thy yNapvoa Kat Cc. —avrTovr tert. c. 32. knpnvatoyv c. Kupiivaiov e. To nyyap.d has gloss axov- ciws nvayxafov marg. s. m. 383. yodyoba d. 6 (pro ds) bdCj. Aeyowevos bef]. RAeyowevoy d. 34. move prim. c. 35. Tavpwoavtes Barovtes CC. dia (pro ve) f. iva wr. ad fin. vers. bedeCj [habet f]. 37. avto e p. m. (loco rns) eras. —inoovs be}. 40. kadtvovd. 41. + xa dapiccarwr (ante edeyov) cdefC (— mpecB.) f. fin. cwoar; be s. m. defi. 42. mirtevoomev (-cwpev ce) er avtov cefC. avtw e. 43, —vuv cef. ote (pro e)e. 44. fin. to avto Se fC. autor bejdef. 45. evatns be p. m. Cj sic ver. 46 ef. 46. eBonoev be. dt nrAv AipasaBayOavi c. Rewa Arya caBayOaver b. Ripa bd. Aya fC. expe tantume. aBaybavi c. aBayOavi (v supra p.m.) f. wari fe. [-Aures cdef.] 47. éotwtwv cde. — oti cf}. 48. mpocdpaywrvc. 49. Deest versus (6poror.) c. 50. —makw c. 52. avewyOn ef. avewyOnoav c p. m. 54, éxatovt[ap s. m.jyosc. 55. + Kat (post exer) bdej s. m. —aroc. 56. paydarivn d (so ver. 61). cvaxwBov (with marg. twonp) ¢ s.m. 58. —To cwpa secund. e. fin. To aonp f. iwone. fin.+ tw wonpf. 59. —6 cp. m. (supra s.m.). eveteruEev e. 60. a (pro 0) f. efeto avtw c p. m. (avtov cc s.m.). peyav ALGov c. Tv Ovpav (ers marg. 8. m.) c. 62. mpeaButepor (pro dapicaor) c. 63. eyerpoper c. ete Cov evmev f. 64. KrNEerwou avToy vuKTOS Cj. TOUS mpotns ¢c. habet vuetos C. 65. —de che. 66. tadov (pro Aor) ©. 78 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. Cap. XXVIIL 1. paySarwne. two caBBatove. 2. peyas eyeveto d. eyevTo Cc s.m. —aryyerdos yap usque ad ovpavou c p.m 3.—7d. edeabe. 6. ato tay vexpwv (pro yap) f. iSere bis script.d p.m. To cwpa tov xv (pro xa) f. 8. init. —Kaic. 9. —ws d€ emopevorTo atrayyetAat Tors waOnTaLs aVTOU befj. —6 beefCj] marg.s.m. expatnoevc. 10. xkootovdsas cp.m. amayyeirate c. Kat exerds.m.f. 11. amayyeXav f. 14. wounowpev bf. vao (pro emt) d. 15. + Tous (ante tovdatols) c. 19, —ovv bedefCj. 20. [aunv OMNES]. Subscriptiones. Deest in c rubro reXos Tov Kata patOarov aylov evayyediov. rubro otX evs Tov aylov pmapKov Tov ev- ayyedictny ot B y e&e500n ur avtov TovTo peTa yYpovous TNS xv avadnWews d. LaTeov oT’ TO KATA papKoV dyLOV evayyedtov eypape: ev adeEavdpeva vm e€avTov Tov papKoU emLTpepayTos avUTOU TOU arylou atroaToNoU Kal Kopupatou TETPOU. ETOMOLWMATL [LoTXOV. ETA YXpovours Uo THs YU avadynwews e rubro. evayyeduov Kata wapKov e rubro. avp- eypadn To Kata patOavoy ayvoy evaryyedoy peta ypovous 7 ™s xv avadnwews f. Tedos Tov Kata patOaiov ayiov evay- ryedvou C. TITLES. To cata papkov ayov evayyedtov c rubro. + TeXos evayyedlov KaTa waTOaLor J}. + evayyeduov kata paTtPavov b. TENS Tov KaTa paTOaLoy ayLov Evayyedwov J. TITLE: To cata papkov ayiov evayyedcov cdej adding (in e) eypades ev areEavdpera vm’ av’Tov TOV papKou: eETUTpE- apavTos avTov Tov aylov atrooToXov Kat Kopupaiou TeTpoU EV WLOLWPLATL LOTKOU* META YpoVOUS t THS YU avadn ews e. evayyedwov Kata papkoy f. aryiov evaryyedov KaTa papKoV a Compl. °o Marc. I. 1. wpcwrou c p.m. (0 supra s.m.). 5. e&erro- pevovtoc. —nc. —oicf. eBamtifov c p.m. To s.m. (late) COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 79 c. lopdavic. e€ouoroyodpe”™ C (vot suprac s.m.). 6. +6 (ante wwavvns) bdeC}. Kaptrovej] p.m. “Oodiye. exaOovor c p.m. (altered s.m.). pedne. mept?e (pro pert). 7. o7T1c@ e. invavta d. 8, Bantifwv (pro eBartica) e. 9. nAOev 6 io dCj. vataped ce [-er Cdf]. evs tov lopSavnv dro wavvov bf. 10. ckataBawov c. xaBawovd p.m. xa™Baivoy d s. m. 11. nudoxnoa cdj. 12. evOews bedej. evOews avrov to va f. 13. —ev tn epnuw bef. teccapaxorvta ryepas f. —o cf. 14. init. erde p.m. —6 be. 15. —Kau Neyor usque ad Ov (ouocot.) c. 16. eps (pro mapa) e. GiNasod a p.m. (v supra s.m.). ? ctwovac. + Tov otpwvos (ante Baddovtas) (b)cdefC. evs tnv OarXaccay f. 16,17. aduess cef. 16. 6é erased «. 6 lo cs. m. 17. —6 ig c. —evecbar df. 18. avtwy eras.c. —avtov bf. 19. — exevOev f. oruywr c p.m. (odvyov c s.m.). GeBedeouc. SuxTvac. fin.+avtov e. 20. omicw ce passim. avrov d p. m. avtwv d s. m. 21. + yer’ avtov (post eo.) f. caBBace c p.m. (mutat.). + rnv (ante svvay.) cdC vid. Elz. e&erAvccovto e. 24. ave- kpate forsan d. ov (pro cov) f. 25. emetnunoev c. ar (pro ¢&) bdf. 26. xpa€as c. Deest versus (opocor.) e. 27. cuvEnrew e. mpoo éavtovs bedefCj. —7 (ante cavyn) c p.m. 28. Kar e&nrOev (— de) bf. —evOus be p. m. (marg. habet) f. —érnv f. 29, eEeXOwv ex ths svvaywyns nrOer f. pera d (ue 8. m.) spatium amplius. 30. + Tov (ante ctwvos) bdCj s.m. evOusc. 31. —evdews bf. 32. red p.m. te ds.m. edvoev f. 33. nv 6dAn n TodLs eriovvnypevn Cbf. KAKAKwS C p.m. voocos c. 34, TavTas Tous (pro ToAXouS) c. fin +xv ewat dj. + ov yv avtov ewar bf. 35. eVvVUX LOV ce. evvuxov e. +06 io (ante ews) CC. exénrOev e. 386. init. ave(K rubro s.m.). KxatediwEev be. +e (ante cor) f. pabnrar (pro per) f. 37. ce Entovaw cdefC. 38. +6 uc (ante aywpev) f. Kwpas Kat trodes d s. m. (K@poTrores A p.m.) exer C. Kat exes bd p. m. ej. eAndrvOa def. 39. exs Tas cuvaywyas f. 40. 7apaxanrov be. yov’retovc. —avtTov secund. f. Oerers c.. 42. nrexTpa amndOev am’ avtov f. exabepicOn c. 43. —avtw prim. f. 44, —undev bC. pndevr (pro pndev) d. pundev c p.m. mpoceveyxar f. mpocerete d, 80 COLLATION OF GOSPELS, _ 6 (pro @) bf. fin. autos (mutatum) ce. povohs f. 45, eOew (pro e€eXOewv) d. xétre d. avtobev f (pro 7rondX.). Cap. ID. 1. cae evce’Owov madw b. Kat evcondOev 6 uo madhw ec. evondOe warw de (evonrev e) fC}. 5 ? (pro bu’) c. 3. epyetard p.m. (ovtar d s.m.). 4. dvvapevov d s. m. (-voi p.m.). Tv oteyn ec. +0 to (post nv) bf. xpaBarttov (sic ver. 11, 12) bef. [xpaBBatov dC.] 5. cov mutat. c. aféovrare. couv(proao)f. —covt. 6. ypapypatawr cd p.m. Kadipevore. obtws cf. ottws bej. 8. To Tv c p.m. +avtot (ante Svaroryiovtar) cdefCj. fin. nuwv (n dubiwm) ce. 9. evxorotepov c. cov (pro ao) bedefC. eyerpe bee. —xae prim. bf. tov xpaBatrov cov bf. 10. exn «. emt Tns yns aduevas bdf. 11. —Kae prim. f. — eyerpe ce. 12. evayvtiwy c. eutrpocbev b. evwrriov f (pro evavtuov). iSowev ec. 13. init. —Kxare. made’c (v late). 14 +6. (ante Wev)c. Revit. —KaOnwevov c. 15. ev To Katakero bar auvtwv c. 16. edkeywy ? c Ss. m. eoOeTe Kat mere bf. 17. —6. ov yap (pro ov) f. —es petavoray bf (non c). 18. dapicaios (pro tov d.) Cj] p. Mm. vnotevovtes d p. m. (os.m.). 61a Te passim ceC. vynatevovtat e. —ol 6€ cot ad fin. vers. (povot.) f. 19. —0 io f. -—oic. 21. init. —xat be. emipatter ce. pnye (pro un) be. +aro bf. +am’ (ante to mXnpopa) befj. —avtov f. 22. arn f. 23. cauBacw (so ver. 24) ce woev c. 24. —ev bee. 25. ort (pro ote). emewvacev Kat avtos f. 26. —Tov cdfj [habet beC]. fin. wer avtov ovow (b)ej. 27. reyes (pro ereyev) bf. capBatov prim. c. extiaOn (pro eyeveto) b (Codd. 1.181.209). 28. «au tov capParov c. Cap. IID. 1. evondOe radi c. c&npapevny ef (sic ver. 3) d p.m. (w supra in d s.m.). yetpayv e. 2. capBacw c. KaTnyopnoovol ce. avtovdp.m. avTovds.m. 3. eynpe c. eyeupe be. amodrecat (pro amoxtewvat) bf}. 5. mopwae cf. —ocove. amexatectabne[notcdf]. 6. evdusf. 7. mapa (pro mpos) f. moddot (wroAdv d p. m.) mrnOos cd. nkoXov- Oncev bceeCj. 8. —arro prim. be}. + Kat (ante mAnOos) c. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 81 + nkxorovOncav (post morv) f. —Kat wepay usque ad tupov (same beg.) e. 9. mposxaptepet CC. OdBoow c. 10. avtov d p.m. ouds.m. aovtatcd p.m. (wds.m.). 11. ePewpour ef [non j]. mpocemurtoy cf}. mpooén'™™ d (wrrev supra d s.m.). ‘kpagov c (e supra cs. m.) fj. +6 yo (ante o vids) f. 12. erretiunoeyv autos ToMAaf p.m. avepov avtov bedefCj. 13. mpos avtov (pro avtos) e. 14. —Kat errounoe usque ad pet avtouc. atroateAderc. 15. Oeparrevny c, voocous c. 16. metpw (pro metpov) c 17. GeBedeov c. avtov (pro tov takwBov) c. Poavepyais c. BavupeyeE b. Boar- npyes f. exBarBarre j. 19. toxapiwrny cf. Kus (lh rubro) d. 20. cuvepyovrac. —marwf. duvvacba d p.m, es.m 21. fin. €ectw c. 23. +6 wo (post avtous) e. 25. Versus deest (Gpuotot.) cej. 26. +70 (ante tedros) d. 27. ovdets Suvatat (—ov) bedefC}. 7s (pro es) ce. —etoeNOwv els THY olKLav avTov (opmotot.) d. Tov (—avTov prim.) c. Siaprraca cd. fin. dsaprracn bedeCj. siapmace f. 28. oca (pro ocas) c. at (+ae only b) Bracdnutae dcas Ear f. av Bracdnuicwow e. PBracdnoe c. fin. Kpiwartos f (non ce). 30. exnc. 31. Kat epyovta f. ovve, é&mec. o8 adeXghot avTov Kat 7 unp avtov e. éatwtes c. 32. —Kat exaOnTo oxdos Tept avTov (Opo.oT.) Cc. exabuTo byXos Tept e. mept autov oxXos ToAus bf. avtov (pro avtw) c. +Kat at aderXdai cou (ante eEw) e (non b), 33. meps avtouc. Kat (pron) f. 35. romoes ce. + ov (post pnp) cd (non b) j. Cap. IV. 1. @arxaccerc. ev Tn Pardee (pro pos Tnv 6.) Cc. els TAoLoV EeuBavta (— TO) f. —emeTysynse. Thy ynv f. 3. axovaate f. o7reipec. 4. — Tov ovpavov bedefC] (e elot. at xaté in loco). fin. avto mutat. ine. 5. Ta TetTpwdy fF. eynv c. 6. Kat ote aveTeirev 6 ndLos f. pic. 7. cuver- vnEav ce. avtw c mutat. avetviéay bf. edoxev ¢ p. m. e, evoinoev (pro edaxe) f. 8. avaBavov e. ev ter. (ees b) ef. ev e]. €&tKovta (b\(c)e. éxatov ce (sic ver. 20). 9. — avtous bedefCj. 10. «at ore (— Se) c. Kata povas c. emnpeTor c. erepwtnoav b. + 06 pabyntal avrov (ante ot rept) be. dwde (d: Ka supra s. m.). 11. dedmrat d p. im. (0 8. m.). Ss. 6 82 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. ta pvotnpia ff, eEwOev f. —Ttaej. Deyetar (pro yuverar) f. 13. —macas c. 15. epee c. +avtouv (ante evdews) bf. Ou axovo.d p.m. (ov supra s.m.). 16. ometpwpevorce. — evOews e. AauBavvovaw c. 17. yevouevns d. 18. ovToe evow prim. bf, secund. ceC}. axovoayvTes* oxad. (d p.m.). 19. Beov (pro Tov atwvos toutov) bf. ai amatarf. 20. odTe eiciv c mutat. év ter. be s.m. Cj. 21. treet (pro emuteOn) be (non f). ” wa vireo thy KAWnhv TEéAn f. 22. —Tebed. 6 ov pH (pro cav)e. cavd p.m. avds.m. 24. avtipmetpibicerar d. mpooteOnrar c. 25. eav (pro av)e. exn bede. 26. obtos ¢ (mutat. s. m.). Bare c. ..ev tn yn f. 27. Kabevder cf. eyerpetat ef. eynpetar c. nuepa cc. Praotaver fi py- xuveta bf. 28. tov (ante otrov) bf. emerta (pro eta prim.) ¢c. mAnpo c. mpwtov d. 29. amrocTedAn e. 30. opotwoopev bed. tapaBarryopev f. -Badropev b. -Novpev C. 31. Koxxov bedefC}. omaper ce. jurxpotepov bf. tov (pro twv) bis c. peSov ce. peSov tavtav tev Aayavey be. 32. KatacKkwovy c. 33. — Toddas bee. edvvayvto bedefC. 34. yopeis e. Katndvay c. Katidsav defCj. azedvec. mavta evedvev ec. 35. + de (post ovrias) ed s. m. Kat ta (—6de) be. 36. waparapuBavvovew ec. mrora bf. 37. Kat ta (—de) e. emeBarev cdCj. auto d p. m. (0s. m.) e. fin. + wate nbn yeusSerPar To mroxor f. 38. ev (pro emu prim.) be. —To bef]. mpocxepareor c. -atov j. Twednpwowc. yarwn cef. perree eC}. 40. ovTas j. ovtoscp.m.oacs.m.d, Snro.c. —ovtwb. 41. dpa d. apa bd p.m. ottws cd p.m. outs: Tas e. ot avewor bf. Cap. V. 1. to supra ds. im. yadapivev cC. yepyernvev bCf. 2. umnvtnoev (b)f. voeeaen c (ot cS. “Wey. oxnow d. pvnpwaoctwy bedeCj. andvo. (sic ver. 4) ce. + erTt (ante eduv.) f. eduvato cef. 4. medesc p.m. ats.m. mTedas dp. m. (at s.m.)j. Sveomacbarc., wryvoe d. toyvev avtov f. 5. kate nv da travtos (dta7ravtos ©) vuKTOs Kat nuepas Ff. ev TOLs pYNnwact Kat ev Tos opeae Uf{C. Kata KomrTov be. 6. aro paxpobev d. 7. Neve (pro ec7re) f. OpxtSw bee. pi COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 83 cp.m. 8. Tw axafaptwy c p.m. aro (proex)f. 9. emt pwtac. ernpwtab. ennpwtnoev tf. dvoya bise. dvopa corf. Kat AEyer avT@ Aeyewv (—ar7rexpiOn) f. 10. wapexary C. wa pn aTrooTeldel avTOV e. ayedn Yotpwy (yElpwY C SIC v. 16) weyadn poo Tw oper (poo To oper Cc, TpGs Tw oper Cj, emt TO oper d, Tw oper b) Booxopernf. mpoo to oper e. Bockopevn peyadn ec. 12. wapexadovy e. — TavTes e. 13. emeuapev autous be (pro emetpewev) be. — evOews d. + aca (post wpunoe) f. Kpipvou c, kpupvod ef. ev Tn Oaracces Cc. 14. Kat of BooKxovtes avtous b. eduryor f. amnyyerav bef}, 15. —xae secund. f. —xau tertium b. exyixota c. 16. dunynoavto de (—Kat) beCj. tdwvTes d. 17. wapexarouv (pro np~avto wap.) bf. tapaxadjy e. 18. ewBavrovs c p.m. Tac p.m. enwBawovtos f. pet avtov 4 fj. 19. kas (pro o Se wr) f. reromne cdCj. 21. Svarrop. d (o mutatum). wadwe. em avtwov c p. m. (o s. Mm. C). 22. ovou. be. taperpos cs. m. ut dippos p.m. autwy (e: ov S.m.). autouv ews Tous todas f. 23. erilers ce. lnoeTtar cd p.m, 7 8. m. 24, avtoy e (mutat.). 25. pyoes aipatos c. yuvn d. —Tus. 26. —map bef. aurns (pro eauvtns) c p. m. €.(c sm.) dj. —ap f. whernOnoac.. 27. dricGev e. ayopare. awOnuarc. 29. evOus f (sic v. 30). taras cef. To cwpatec. 30. Tov (pro Twv) c p.m 31. cuvOru- Bovtas ce c. 33. hoBnOncac. —Kat Tpexovcac. er avuTny c (v eras.). 34. naire ove s.m. toOnc. 3). Kart marg.s.m. —etef. oxvrews befe p. m. (X supra s. m.). 36. —evdews bf. 38. epyete d p. m. (e ds. m.). + Kae (ante xdavovtas) ef. + «rau d p. m. f. 39. KNeETE C. ameOay super rusur. c. Kabevdn c. 40. mavtas cdefC}. TaparauBavver Cc. evatropevetec. 41. TadiOaic. Kove ef. peOepuvvedvomevoy c. eyerpe b s. m. ce. 42. evdus f. 43. evmev avtn do0@nvar f. Cap. VI. 2. axovoavtes f. cauBarovc. Tovto c p. nv. de (wcds.m.). dS00nca c. Suvapmes c p.m. (et © 8. m1.) + ae (ante dvvapes) b (ut videtur) f. —otecfC. wa (pro 6t) bej. 3. + 7s (ante wapras) f. Kae aderdos (— de) (bE. (§§—2 84 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. aouwvos f (« refectum). now c p. m, ec s. m. ode bd. pmeuNicay (re cs.m.). —evc em(proev)f. fin. avtw C p.m. (€ supra cs. m.). 4, + avutov (post avyyeveocy) cf (at auyyevevowy ce). mpodntis c. ampidn c. 5. edvvato ef. ovk nouy © super rasuram Cc. oUde EX ovdE play ELpe C. p auTous ohuyous Ce. apwaoto.s Cc p.m. (p supracs.m.). €Bepatrevoev (avtous e supra s. m.). 6. amictecay c. SdidacKxav d (o p.m). +6 bo (post mepinyev) f. 7. + paOntas avtov (post mpooKanreite) ec. 8. mapnyyiAev Cc. Trapayyerev C. epwour c. Tnv (ante odov)c p.m. péecp.m. Covnve. 9. adrra ej. evducerce ce (-cnobe bCd p. m., -oncfar d s. m.). evdedvaba ef. 10. tThv rasura (ante oxiav) c. e&eNOnTE c p.m. (e.cs.m.). 11. eav (pro av) bdCj. deEovtau ed p. m. (@ ds. m.) e. nov © p. m. (vuwv © Ss, m.). ExTELVa- Eatec. extTwacatate. Tov youv Tay c. you d (vy supra d Ss. m.). vmodnuatwv (pro moédev) f. 12. peravwrjowor c. 13. e€eBadov cefC. nrAnpov c. evdkyndov e. TodXovs appo- atous edaiw e. 14. npwdns 0 Bacirevs be. tyv axony iv e. dvoua e. nyepOn ato Twv vexpov f. at Suvapers evepyouow fj. 15. addy prim. ¢ p. m. (evs. m.). adde c secund. —6de cef. —y cedefCj. 16. —o efCj p.m. amexeharnoa cd. ato (pro ex) f. +7wv (ante vexpwy) cf. 17. —71H cdeCj. 18. —oc. —O6mf. eynv ec p.m. (execs. m.). 19. evnyev €. avutov (pro avtw) c. edvvato f. 20. efoBnTw ce. epoBnto d p. m. (ecto ds. m.). axovwv (pro axovaas) d. q 21. yeveovors d (n supra s. m.). peyrotaow cde. Marg. d S.m., meytaTtavés evot of TOU Bacir€éws TepiBrEeTTOL UTEEOUG LOL. XNridpxols C. MpwToss c (ois mutat.c). 22. opyvoamerns ¢. ouvavakerpevns Cc. pot (pro pe) d. —pe eC. doc ce. 23. — Kat @uocerv usque ad dwow cou (opotot.) cf. avTnoeus d. 24. init. 6 (pro 4) c. 25. peta aorovdns evOews f. / | aomovoels ©. oamovdns d marg. s. m. e€aipvns ds. m. eEavThns d p.m. éEavtas (C). jn (pro por) e. 26. —aurnv | “/| ef, 27. amexovAatopa cdefj p.m. Marg. ds.m. n dopudopor. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 8d SCTE d (e supra s.m.). 28. amexeharynoev cd. Keparn (pro duAakn) e prim. To Kopacww cp. m.d. 29. avtw (pro avto) bee. —t@ befj. 30. amnyyikav c. 31. ava- mavecOar c p. m. (€ CS. mM.) e. OdLYoY Ce. Noav Cc p.m. (a cs. m). daynv c. evxatpovy bedetCj. 32. amndOev bee. to (mutat.)c. To TAoLoyv (pro Tw TAOLWw) ec. KaTHdiav | ec. Kxatidiav defC}. to moor d text. p.m. Marg. ds. m. a) we avaBavt. ev (pro tw) bf. 33. —ot oydot bedefC}. avtous (pro avtey prim.) cef. men d p.m. (or ds. m.). [mpondOov c.] mpoondOov de. pos avtovs d. —xKat cvvndOov tpos avtov bdf. md@ov C. fin. tpoandOov avtois (— pos) f. 34. 0 ic edev bef. evc. modrduy d. ToAnv e. eomda- yunoOn c. evotrAayvicOn e. joav (eb Ss. m.) Cc. pi ¢. npéavto c. avtous didackew f. 35. mordn d. 36. ayo- pacwow éavtovs c. gayovowe. 37. atroxpiOns ce. — Kat prim.c. ayopacopev be. Snvapiwv dsaxoctwv cdC}. Swowpev f. 38. (Sete yvertes c. 08 ovtes (pro yvovtes) f. iyOvas e. 39. yAopo cdej. 40. averecay bef. amevtixovta cc. 41. — Tous secund. d. kracas bf. —xae quart. f. —avrtov f. 43. Kwdiovs ce. + 7Eeptocevpata (ante krkacpatwv) f. To mepiacevoav Tov b. 44. noavc (ere s.m.). — ace cdefCj. oO as b. mevtaxicyndworc. 45. Tous tTovs wale. row c : 7 (0 supra sm. Cc). mpoayny c. + avtov d marg. s. m. (post mpoayew) b. BnOcaidayv ce. ByOcaidaf. amorvoe bed. 46. dpos ce. mpocevEacbe e (at e 8. m.). 47. ovfeas ce. 48, idwy f. ev To EXavvn~ C. Terdpan @ p.m.?) c. EevavTtos 0 avewos [habet cas secund.| f. 50. —pet avtwoy bf. doBevcOn 51. (arpos autos b). [ex mepiocod cf.] mepicode. ecOav- patov: Kat e€totavto f. 52. cuynxay (vs. m.?)c. autor 7 kapo.a bedef. add Hv (pro jv yap) f. 53. amndOov exs (pro nrOov emt) c. yevvnoapet beef (non d) C Lat. C Gk. mpocoppicOncav c. 54, ériyvovtes c. repli Spapdrres c. fin. + ot avdpes Tou Totrov bd supra s.m. 55. init. + eas bd. mepiedpayov ft. ywpav (pro mepixwpov) f. + xa (ante npéavto) f emt Tous KpaBattous bf. ous b. = kpaBaross c. 86 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. KpaBPatos e. 56. eav (pro av prim.) ce. evoe [Lopevorto c. + evs (ante trodes) c. éridecay f. arovtarce. ayovta d 8. m. HrTovto (n mutat.) c. dieowfovTo bd s. m. N.B. We have indicated, in this long chapter, all the variations (some v epedxvaTtixa) of Cod. c, by way of justify- ing our report (see above, p. xxvill) of the general looseness and want of accuracy in a manuscript otherwise of no slight value. Cap. VIL 1. ypaupatacoy cd (ed p. m.). 2. +674 (ante kowats) f. Toutectw cdef. 3. muyun ce. viupovtat ce. —tascf. 4. —xartert. cf. Bamticovtar ce. yadkewwy bd)j. 5. erecta (ec mutat.) d. dvati bef. ov weputatovow ot pabn- talcouf. rapadwow d. 6. rpoehuTevoer c. TpoepnTEevae TrEpt vpov noaias f. waiasC. 7. ceBovte d p. m. (aed s. m.). Sidackareras c. 8. —Kat ToTnpLwy (opoLoT.) c. Toda TOLaUTa Woverrast (e supra s.m.) c. 9. tHphoerar e. 10. povons f, 11. +avrou (post ups) b. KopBavde. ddednOeus G3 12.. ov és d. OUKETL ©. —avtov prim. bf. 13. + adda (ante mapouoa) f. 14, Tov oxdov travta f. aouvete f. 15. &w0ev f. Kivovvta c. — a7’ avtou, exewa f. 16. eyn c. 17. evipwtwyc, 18. odtws cdefCj. 19. — Tov bf. adaidpova c. Kxabapifwov ce. —mavtac. 21. powyeras c. opyerarc. 22. movnpiae c rescript? acédyevar ed Cf. aceAyla e. Pho oin d (dn supra s.m.). Bracdnutas cf. Umepnpavera c. 23. Tavta mavta bf. exropevovrac f. 24. exevOev de (— Kar) f. —rnv bedefj. 25. nye e. 26. 7) de yuvn (ub) nv be. ocupa dowixicca be}. cupa: dowixioa d p.m. (oo proa ds.m.) efC. exBary beeCj. exPadrre d p.m. (ns. m.). 27. yap ecte xadov bf. xnvaptous c p. m. (v s. m.) (sic ver. 28). 28. wuyiov d p. m. (is. m.). ea@rovow bef. 29. éFernrAvOn c. 30. evpev to matdvov BeBAnpevov emt THS KALVNS KaL TO Satpovioy eEEXNAVOOS bf. Tv (THs prim.) Ovyatepav d p.m. 31. +0 ts (post e€eXOwv) dej. mapa (pro-mpos) f. ava pecov cde. 32. woyyitadov c p.m. poyyiddrov dC}. 33. emAaBopevos bC. xatidiav dCef. KaTnolay c (mutat.). KaTidiav ato Tov oxydov €. auTov COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 87 tous Saxturous f. 34. ébpadac. 35. yAoTTHs be. edadry YP d p. m. (ee s. m.). 86. Sveotinato c. padevi ce. 7 to di | correct S in Sueor. d. eurwowv wept avtou f. SueoteXaro f. +avtot (ante waddov) f. 87. vmép tepiocos cf. vumep ex Tepioaws b. Cap. VIII. 1. mapzrodov bC. — aru (d supra pepacs s. m. habet). madwv woddov (pro taptondXov) cf. modXov (—adw)e. 0 io bef. —avtovc. esmev (pro deyer) ©. 2. + rovtov (post em) f. twv oydov df p. m. (Tov df s. m.). —iypepas cC. epas bef. dayovar cf. 3. ixovow cj. [yxaoe defC.] 4. woe ce. — woe f. aptov ce. em epnuiae. 5, eripwtac. aptovs exyete df. 6. tTyv ynve. + kat (ante evyapiotynoas) dej s,m. —avrove. 7. + avuTa (ante eve) c. trapabnvacde. 8. + mavtes (ante Kat npav) e. Wepicevpata c. 9. —ou payovtes f. TetTpaxnayirLot c. 10. euBas evOus fj. pepec. opsa (pro wep) f. Sarpa- vovddc. 11. fin,avtw c. 12. ctevakas ef. avrns (pro avTn) c. avTn (pro tautn) f. 18. —euBas f. es To mrovov aryndOe Tari f. —To prim. de. —evs To repay f. 14. + %ae of waOnrai (ante AaBew) dej s. m. éavTop c. 15. dvectetAato ef. + «ar (supra et post opate) d s. m. 16. exywpev cd p. m. (od s.m.). 17. diaroyifer bas c p. m. (€ cs. m.). 06 Umwe. O67 (pro étc) f. meropwpevny c. 18. jungit wvynmovevete OTe CC (at + dre d) f. 19. + Kae (ante mocous) f. Kwdiwouse. xkracpatov mrAnpes bfC. Aeywour f. 20. —8e prim.f. + aptous (post émta prim.) cf. amupidov mutat. d s.m. + aura (ante érta secund.) f. 21. Nerves bf. ot (promwsov)de. cuvetef(usupras.m.). 22. BnOcaida efC. 23. —avtov primum d. 24. Breas f. — Ore bfCjElz. — opw bfjElz.1633. 25. maduv ce. amrexateatabn c (non ef). aveBrewe Cj. ePrewev (pro eveGreWev) eC. atravtac d (o eras. bd). 26. — Tv f. pn dé eeoeders c. d habet marg. Ss. m. Néyov' Umraye Els TOV OiKOV TOU, Kat Eay ELS THY KOLNY pnoevi elrns ev TH KOMEN. 27. Kecapias Cc. emipwra ©. —avtos f. 28. of wey twavvnv tov Bamtiotny f. adrm bis cp.m.(orcs.m.). —defces.m. 29. —o prim.d. , 30. eme- 88 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. Tnhunoev C(d) so ver. 33. Aeyovotc. 31. varo (pro arto) f. +Twv (ante apy. et ypau. b only) bedefj. eyepOnvar (pro avaotnvat) f. 32. —Kat twappnova Tov Royov edadee C. 33. otpades f. omicw cej. 34. axorovOev (pro eer) bedefC. 35. eav (pro av primum) f. azroXece: (-o7n ©) THY éavtod Wuyiv beeCj. 36. dvos d p.m. avov d s,m. or p.m. Keponoet e. Kepdnon (—eav) f. CnpevdOn c. FnptwOnvac f. —uynv d p.m. (habet marg. ds. m.). 387. Te yap Sacer (—7) f. 38. éay (pro dv) df. -—av C. pw (pro pe) «. enxyar. d p.m. poryar.d s.m. e jungit cum cap. IX. Cap. IX. 1. —é7uf. ddece. oded. éatnKxoTwy ce (non f). yevoovtas bcd s.m.e (non f). eAnAvOua c. 2. — Tov secund. et tert. be. — tov ej p. m. secund. or tert.c. xatrdvav d. xatnédvav c. 3. eyevovto ef. +ola cvadevs d. ola def. xvadeus dj. + obtws (ante Nevxavar) f. 4. [jrvas] f. nAvas j. Asas ver. 5,11, 12, 18 f: sic C ver. 5, 11, 12, 13. pewon bf}. cuvAadovvtes cc. 5. wwovon bfdj. 6. ndecd p. m. (ed. ds. m.) e. = =AaAnoe cdefC. yoav c p.m. (EL Cs. m.). 7. —eyeveto 5€ (—Kat) f. avtow dp. m. (-rous d s. m.). —eyoura d p. m. (supra ds. m.) fj. axovete avtou f. + ev @® nudoknoa (post ayarntos mov) c. akovetarc p.m. 8. e€- ye -/ arvewac. Marg.d gloss s.m. evlewsc. es wn (pro adda) Ss € fC. ov« érc d. Td wc. axovetas c p.m. (€ supra s. m.). € avTwy c (at ov? p.m.). 9. SectnraTo c. Senynoovtas bed p. m. (-covtar d s.m.)e. 10, Trovro c. expatnoav bd p. m. | yp -/ (ads. m.). 11. 674d s. im. marg. Tes suv eyovcL. — ETN- potncav ce on Cc p. m. (de@ Cc 8. m.). 12. mpwtos f. 13. + «ar (post adra) d. = — Kas (ante nas) d. ndOev (pro ednrvde) ce. rept (pro ew) ce. 14. + 0xA0s e. + auToU (post pa@nras) f. 15. 6 oxdos mwas Oovtes ef. —avtov prim. f. eEePapBnOncav f. 16. &ntevte poo éavTous fC. avtous cde p. m. (avtovs de s.m.). 17. —ex (supra s. m.) d. aXandov e (c mutat.) sic ver.25 ce. 18. éq0uc. KxataraBei e. placer C. pnooes (y ds. m., super rasuram). odovTas ce. —avtovc. avtT@ (pro avt0)c. exBardrA@ow f. 19. avrois COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 89 (pro auvtw) f. 20. idov d p.m. (éd0v d s,m.) j. evOus f. tThv ynv f. exndvetoc. 21. émipwrncev Cc. emnpwrice e. +6 uc. ef€ov (pro ds) f. To Tovto c. ex masd.ober f. 22. +70 (ante wup) cC. avtov Kal evs To Tup EBarev c. iTL (pro ei tt) cc. —xar secund.d. fin. twas d. 23. — To (habet et) ds.m. —ev (habet rods. m.). 24. amictenac. 25. +0 (ante oydos) bedj. prcérec. pu\éte e. To adaXov Tra Kat Kwpov C. TO adanov Kat Kwdhov ava bef. excedOeus d p. Mm. (js ds. m.). 26. + Kas (post 7oAXa) c. Todds d. Kpakas e. omapatasc. —avtov ef. ameOy prim. d (sic). 28. euo- e\Movtos avtov bd s. m. xKatndvav c xKatidiav C so e€. emnpwtwv avtov f. vue c. [Kat vynorecal bede. au 30, caxeOev b p.m. cf. amoxtevotowe p.m. 32. ourypoovy Cc. 33. yevwpevos C. eTipwta ¢. tovs padntas avTou (pro avtous)e. 34. Tis autor peSov ein ds. m. petfor c. 35. mpwtos e. 36. —ev d. avte@ secund.e. 37. av (pro eav) lis fj. 38. —de f. —6 cf}. -—ev bedC. ecdaper e. ovomaTs e. exBadrrwrTa c. exodvcapev c. 39. KoAVETAL C. ev (pro emt) ft. 40. —yap be. Kadupov c. virepnuor be. vpwv bis de [cum Elz]. of. 41. mornoe e. —7Te dj. eotard p.m. eoteds.m. —apnyv rYeyw Yuu e. 42. cap (pro ay) cjde. + Tovtwr (post wixpwv) bd s.m.e. 7 ¢ p.m. (eC s.m.). —autw (ante padrdrov) d p.m. pvrArKos text. d yp marg. & mM. pudXwvikos. Tepiketar c. 43. cxavdardicer cd s.m. oKxadarifyn d (vy non msertum in d s.m.). evs up ¢ s. m. (forsan ex mupos c p. m.). eroedOew evs THv Cony bfj. 45. cadov eats oe (pro cor) bef. —Tous f. 47. Conv (pro tnv Bacwdevav tov Ov) £, + Tovs (ante Svo) f. emedOew (pro BrnOnva) f. tov Ov supra tov ody c p.m. 48. @ (pro 6)c. oxortnE d. —avtwy d (suprads.m.). 49. aduo- GicOnoerar c. —adi cf. 50. aptuetarf. eypnvevertar c. dXdas e. CaP. X. 1. «as exesOev f. execOev C. 1a Tov eras. d s. m. fj. — Tov secund. f. ewwOn ce. 2.—o0i bdeC. 3,4. patans cf. 3. everndato c p.m. (ee c 8. 1.). 4. eyypawar ft. 5. —0 90 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. inoovs f. emtotodny (pro evtoAnv) e. nuswewv c (both p. m.). Apu ec. 6. amapynse. apoec. 8. ovKérecef. ov« ered. fin. adda Kare. cap& pa bed). of p. m. (sic). ever f. 10. wa\w e. —Tov c. —avtouv prim. f. emnpwticar e. Tovtou (pro tov avtov) j. emnpwtov f. 11. av (pro ear) cf. yapnoe. f. 12. arodvoaca (pro amodvon) f. —avtne f. —xaisecund.f. yaunberoaf. 13. avtovayntaf. depovow f. 14. nyavatnoe d (x supra s.m.). afetarc. — Kae (ante pn) cde. Tov oupavev (pro tov Ov) f. 15. —apny f. apny t+aunv.c. 16. evreyer bee. evroyer, TYHers Tas Yelpas ETT avrows (—auta secund.) f. 17. tus (pro eis) djC. «Anpa- vouncw d. Sov Tis wAovotos mpds Spauav (—Tis) be. 18. —avro f. 19. poryevons d p.m. (uny. ds. m.). —pn atoatepnons be. 21. avtwy (pro avtov) d p.m +e Oedeus TeAELOS Ewvas (post VaTeper) f. Sas c. — Tos bedefC). é€nsc. axodovOnb. Sevpwe. fin.taovf. 23. Bacireta c (c s.m. v) 24. —madw-c. evrev (pro reyer) f. —Tods secund. bedefCj. °25. + yap (post ev.) dC. evaedOewy (pro Sued Gev) bed (non ef) C.Elz. rns bis df. — rns secund. ej. 26. Suvate 'd p. m. (av d s. m.). 27. —t@ prim. cdeC). —To@ bis f. routo aévvatov eotiy Df. —eote secund. bf. —ravta yap ad fin. vers. (duouot.) d. 28. init. — Kae be. npEato Se (—Kar) deC. orxorovOncapev c. 29. — de beC). + evexev (ante Tov evayy.) cdCj. 30. +xar mpac (post upc) cf (post a8eddas) j. ppaj. kat Tpa Kae Mpa Kat yuvatKa cat texva f. +Kat rpa (post adeddas) d. ppad. Kaumpo Katppoe. exatoyv TaTAacwwvac. 31. —oibdefCj. 32. ncav p cp.m.(ecs.m.). n&avto c(p supra p.m.) avtous (pro autos) C. —Kat axodovouvtes epoBovyto (opotor.) bdj (:) -/ habet rubro marg. p. m. or s.m. 33. avaBaiwopev e. —ToLS secund. cef}. mapadocovely c. avTw (pro avtov prim.) e, at ate pro avtov bis f. 34. avtov prim. c p.m. (avT@ ce s. m., forsan p.m.) bis. eyepOnoetat (pro avactnoetat) f. 35. —oi bedetj]. + aut (post rAeyovTes) f. Oedwper ce. +e (post eav) f. 36. +a (post 6 Se) f. 37. dpe (vero COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 91 auto eras.) c. 38. —inoovse. duvacbarc. te BaTTiopa c. 7 (pro xai) f sic ver. 40. 40. — pov secund. ef. 42. xataxuptevoovaw c. 43. ovrw bedfC. ar (pro ear) f. peyas yeverOar f. vpov dtaxovos bedefC. ev vv evvac (pro peyas yevecOar) bf. 44. eav (pro av) bedC. 45. —yapd (habet supra s.m.). 46. ixavouf. lépiye bise. lepiyo d bis, e prim. +0 (ante vios)e. [Baptiymaioso7.c.] —o de. exabito e. 47. —Sru c (insert. supra c s.m. iw 6 supra rasur. c). 48. parov d. 49. crabes f.. avté (pro avtov) be p.m. avto. dwvnOnvas e. dhwvncate avtopy f. [eyepar omnes.| 50. tuatioy c. auto (pro tov w)d. 51. Neyer (pro exmev) be. Oerns ce. Te cor OerXets Tonow ef. iva mownow b. papBovi (ov proos.m.)c. paBovri dC. paB- Bovvi befj. 52. wae 6 wo (—Se) f. —Kat prim. supra rasu- ram c. Korovbn c. nKeorovOnce dC] p.m. Tw w d. AKodovber &. auT@ (pro Tw w) bf. Cap. XI. 1. Bynfcdayh ce (-y7) bdfCj). + «ar nrGe (post iAnu) f. 2. kounv ec. —mwrov SeSewevov e. Kexabixer ce. exaticey oUT@ f (ovmm e). —avtov df. 3. amootedder cdfCj. wéde cde (arocteres ce). 4. —Tov bf}. fin. avtwy ¢ mutat. 5. éoTnKoTwy ce]. éotwatwov df. ecto tov C. fin. To\wv c. 6. eave. Kkabese. 7. em avtov bef. 8. addoe c p.m? devdpov c. fin. ev Tn 006m d. yxtTwvas (pro Ta imatia) e. Post odov prim, desunt ad fin. verstts (oposor.) e. ctiBacas f. ev Tn 06 primum (pro es T. 6.) bf. 9. ecavva c. waavua def (sic ver.10). epywpevosc. 10. mit.+ car e. david plené cC. wcavad. 11. —«al tert. bf{C. —tns wpas f. fin.t+ palntav es. m. 12. imit.—Kat e. emivace c. 13. amo paxpobev bf. iddve. exyovaoa ef. 1 (evs. m.) apa c. ev avTn (pro ew auTny) ¢. epev (v supra s.m.)c. evpev d. dpa te evpynoes f. 14. —6 enoous bj.. pnkéte ef. nodes (pro ovdes Elz.) cC. ayn dfCj s.m. payer e. nkoveay e (9) f. 15. npEavto c. + 7adw (post epyovtar) f. troXovv- Tasc p.m. TorodvTayv cp. m. mord- bis script. d p. m., secund. eras. + tous (ante ayopat.) f. KorvBiota@y f. 92 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 17. —6tt e. avtov eronoate bdf. 18. gdapicaroe (pro apytepes) ef. amorecwow befC. arr (0 d s. m.) Necovow dp. me 19. owé ce. 20. —mpws f. e&npapevny bef. 21. pauBic. paBPi ise e. e&npavOn bd mutat. f. 22. +0 (ante uc) bdeCj. -—cinoousf. evmrev (pro Xeyer) bf. 23. rovTo ® mloTevoe. ce. meorever f. av (proéav) be. 24, dia- touto df. tovro..(rasur.) c. arteraOar ce. attnonte Db. aitnobe dC}. éoras c (mutat. ar). 25. ornxetre bed. mpoc- evxopevos (os?) d. 26. —o ev tos ovpavos f. adices ©. —agdn vu usque ad ovpavors (6potot.) bd. 27. Kas 6 (2) mpeaBuTepot Kat ot ypamparers f. 28. » (pro Kat secund.) f. edwxe Thv e€ovotay TavTny f. roves ce}. 29. Kat eyw cd (none) Cj. Kayo yu epd f. évavc. 30. + Todev éotw (post twavvov) cf. —nv cf. —amoxpiOnte por cdj. 31. due- NoytCovto f. dia ticef. —ovvef. 32. —adr be. —eav defCj. 6é ?eras. post eave. +s (ante bt) c. = BdoTt bYT@S e. —dvtas bf. ovvwv; def. oydov (pro Aaov) f. Aeyouow auTw (—Tw w)c. 33. atoxpiOers 6 wo de. evmrev (pro Neyer) f. efovova super rasuram c. Cap. XII. 1. ev tapaBorais autos Neyer e. avOpwros eputevoen f. edpntevoevc. wpvEevc. mipyove. 2. dovdwv ce p. m. (0 ce s. m.). SovAoy TW Kalpwe. —aTro C p. M. (habet marg. s. m.). tov kapTovf. AaBere. 3. Kat (pro of 6€) f. ednpay cj s.m. Kalvove. 4, —dovrAov ec. +4 de (ante Kaxewov) bf. AcOoBorrcavTes ce]. exehadewoar C. exeharwoav f. nTiwwmpevov e. 5. —addous ef. ovs per f. Sarpovtes AC} s.m. ods dé bf. amoxtawovtes d. amroxtév- (vv b)ovtes (b)cfCj. 6. exxatov mpos avtous f. init. + Gea- Gamevos avTov epxYopevoy mpos avtovs (ante etrov) bfC. —mpos éavtous f. of (pro )c. 8. amexTevay avtov Kat e€eBadov auvtov f. 9. +exewovs (post yewpyous) f. 10. odTws cp.mos.m youase. 11. éstn be. 13. mpos avrous c. Aoyov cp. m.(ws.m.). 14. [wéeres cdefj]. + evzre ovy Hiv bf. te coe doxer (marg. s. m.: ante éEeotu) f. Keoaps c. ove. dovvat knvoov Karoape* 1 ov Swpev (—7 pn Swper f) (opotot.). 16. nveyxav (n mutat.)c. —auvtw bf. 17. cecapos COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 93 Cc. KEecapec. —O ia f. ta Katcapos (+ our b) azrodorte bf. 18. emlpotncayv c. emnpwtav bf, 19. pwvons f. [pwons ed. ] Sie ( eee Te marg. s.m.)(b)%c. eEavactnoe: bede (f dubium). 20. —ovv cdeC.Elz. (hubet f). 22. do avtws cef. yuvyj e. +ovv (post exyatn) bf. 23. —obdv fC}. 24. dua tovro df. eiddres d p. m. (0 s. m.). pnde de. 25, —ot bedefj. 26. eyepwvtar cd. [wwoews c.] potvoews be. tov (protns 8.) bee}. aBpaauc. fin. ; d. 27. °* bC Latin supra s.m. ¢ inter Oc et vexpdv. odour ce. mravacbare, fine; d. 28. ypaupatevs (pro Twv ypap.) ¢. Kados Cp. m.(@ Cc 8. m.). arrexptOn avTo.s Tota EvTON) EoTL mpaTn tavtov bf. mavtwy (pro tacwv) c. 29. TavTwy (—tev) cp. m., at macdv tov cs.m.bdC. —xo secund. e. ec (pro eis) cp. m. fin. vor d. 330. + ravtwy (post evtodn) cf. +xat e€ OANS THS TUVETEWs (post Kapdzvas) e. —aov (post yuyns)e. 31. avtH f. avtm b. autns (pro att) cf. ayarnons d p. m. (-cets ds. m.). éavtov de. 32. —Oeos cdefCj. 33. +c0v (post capdias et ~ruyns) c. TAELOV Cp. M. (0 S. mM. C). —twyv secund. bedeC. kau e& odns Tys Wuyns Kae c& Ons THS cuvéceas f. 34, —OC. [odxére cf.] ovx’ érecdef. emepwrnaa avtov f. 35. 8ad eotw f, 36. —yap c. Reyes (pro esmev secund.) cdeCj. —Tw prim. et secund, bedeCj. 37. o (pro ovv) cj?. — obv 6 6aBid c. —o0 CC. Kadree (pro reyes) f. yAwS ©. idews c. 88. avtous (pro autos) f. 39. mpotoxabedpias © p. m. (apa- c Ss. m.). mpwtokrynatas fC. 40, Ka- taicOiovtes Cc p. m. (€ cS. m.). [xpiua cdf] 41. arre- vavte cf}. eOewpyn d p.m. (eu 8. m.). Tas 0 Nas (pro Tas Oo dynos) d. Baroy dfC. 42. mrwyou (pro -n) c. KodpavTis d. 43, evmev (pro deyer) befC. +6 vo (ante avtois ?) c. 43, 44. 9 rrwxyn airy (b) wrELov Travtwv eBare Tov Paddov- tov bf. Badrdrovtwy cdCj. 44. mepeccevpatos avtwy (pro Tepiocevovtos autos) f. tepiscevpatos d. votepicews e. eBadrXov c. eBadXer c. 94, COLLATION OF GOSPELS. Cap. XIII. 1. + « (post eis) beC. — ide c (habet marg. c s.m.). tee. wodamror c. TodaTras Cc. yd (v p.m.) f. 2. init.—Karc. arroxpiels 6 ic dC. —peyarasf. + d6e (ante XuB0s) bde. emt AUOov ef. 3. cpos cde. erripwTar c. katid:av def (non c) C. 4 —nyw f —mavtaf. tavta mavta beC.. 5. evrev avtows (pro autos npEato Neyer) bf. atatnon (pro mravnon) f. 6. dvomate c. eyo vpi. Cc 7. —dec¢ (supra s.m.c). @poeicAar ce. Oponcbe f. otra ef?. 8. emecOvose. Paciretav ert Bac.c p.m. Rowpor (pro Xupot) ce. apxynef. @dwove. 9. junyunt cvvaywyas et dapnoecOe cdefC. +6 (post jyeporwy) e. axOnoec Ge (pro ota@noecbe) Af}. evexev e. fin. autos (mutat.) c. 10. mpwrov deccf. 11. ayoow b. aywou dej. preptpmvate cdj. Aadnoerte (pro -nTe) def} s.m. nde cdef. veto éote bedfj. 12. —&f. 13. —ovros c p. m. (habet marg. ¢ s. m.). 14. éotaés d. éotascej. éotwsf. éatos co. +e ToTA (ante émov) f. — of e mutat. Opn e. 15. So0puaros cj. pic p. m. KataBatw bis script. e p. m. (eras. s. M.). 16. — ev c (habet c infras.m.). Ove. oricwce. 18. tpoc- evyedOar c. fin. Ev yelwamvos C: eras. C p. Mm. super yeu forsan'e.. Ba. im marg. cs. m. unde caB. Cod. f p. m. legit n év caBBaTa. 19. amapxy 6 amapyns ej. exTn- oevec. 20. e€eXeEeto d. exoroPoce secund.c. + exewas (post jwepas bis in versu) f. 21. init. —Kae td p. m. J (habet d marg. s.m.). av (pro eav)f. jue. ade bed. —7 bdf. 21, 22. —yn mictevonte usque ad rev. c (und lined praeter- miss c: tnserit c s.m. marg.). 22. docove. ce. amromXa- vnoav f, 23. idov (so ver. 21) e. 24. [Orton del. oxotiaOnoete d p. m. (-at ds. m.). 25. adotépais c. al Suvapets ol C. eoovtTa ex Tov ouvpavou (b) tumtovtes (b)f. 26. drorvtar c. duvayews kat d0€ns modXAns bf. 27. an- axpouv c. +7ns (ante yns) bef. axpwv ec. + Tov (ante ovvov) bf. 28. wade ce. —ndn ef. admados be. éxdpvn cdef. pEyinoKe ¢ (rcs. m.). -oKetar d. dn 6 KAabos avTns d. otav 6n 0 KXabos auTns (—7bdn) c. Ta hudrdra exdun bf. 29. ovtws beef}. inte tavta f. yevouevac. 30. pwexpns c. yevntat Tavta cj. 31. maperevoetas cdj (-ovtac fe s. m.). COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 95 32. 4 (pro Kat) ef}. 7 wpas (—Ts) bee. — Ts secund. cdCj. +7 (ante ovvw) dC}. —o (ante vids) ¢ (o supra cs. m.) d. ell cp.m.e. ote (proovde) f. twyv ovpavwr f. 33. aypuT- vytec. 34. atodnuworv f. aduers f. exactw ce. eveTihato C. -ypnryopet ¢. 35. +7 (ante oe) f. oye be. —-yap c. pecovuxtioy f. 36. e€edvns cd p.m. (aed s.m.) e. 37. 0 (pro a) f. eyo vu: cf}. aon ¢. Cap. XIV. 1. a&nua c. 7s (pro mas) f. —avtov c p. m. (habet marg.cs.m.). jun mote c. 2. va un OopuBos yevntar f. Kat ectar GopoBos b. 3. — 7H beej. miotyxijs c. ToAuTULou (pro ToAvTEXouS) Cc. cuvTpe — (Ee mutat.)c. 4. —KaL f, 5. 7Suvatoc. +70 pvpov (post tovto) bce]. mpabny e. —eravw f. eveBBpnpervtoc. eveBpipovvto f. fin. autny f, at+modrac. 6. fin. ev ewoe (pro evs eve) bedCj. 7. — Kae d. ecyev bedefCj. to capa pov f. ampos (pro eus) ©. 9, eav (pro av) cdefC. 10. —6 prim. bedef. icxap.c. —o secund. (at supra p.m.) f. 11. axovotes d. eyapioar e. amnyyeiNavTo Cc. apyupia cdfj. fin. +avtou f. ern c. 12. Oerdys c. eTompacopev dj. +01 (ante iva)c. gayes d. érotmaoopev C. coe. hayety (— iva) f. 13. cae sub axon. c p.m. 14 av (pro eav) bf. —Ore beef. fin. + pou ce. 15. nw prim.c. avdyewv dj. avayatov b. avwryarov fC. fin. tuw c p.m. 16, —avtovf. Kxaddse. 17. dyeas ce. nrOe (pro epxetat) f. epyere d. 18. avtous (pro 6 wc) bej. 19. Neye c. Kabew d. Kabels ce. Reyer avtw els Kabets b. els xabes f. + expe Ke (post eyo prim.) f. 20. tpuBXvov d. fin. + avtos pe Tapadwce f. 21. + odv (post pev) f. 7 © p.m. (ere sm). 22. avtovc p.m. (ac s.m.). + Tov (ante apTov) C. +Kat evyapiotnoas (ante evdoynaoas) f. +Kxae Cj (ScopPwrns). evroynoas (d: & pron? p.m). — dayere bf. 23. —ro be (non f), 24. — eps c p. m. (supra c s. m.). [-vvo-] cdf. 25. odxets cf. yevnuaros bef}. atta (avtwy ?) c. 26. c&fAPwv vel éF€X\Owv c p. m. Odpos de. 27. Ta mpoBata diackopricOncetat f. dvacxopticKxopryncec bat C. 28. peta de (—adda) d. mpocakw c (o eras. cs. m.). vev C. 29. cae oi (pro kat ef) e, at Kav b. cKadartcOnoovtat A 96 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. (non ver. 27). + ev cot (ante arr) fC. 30. edn (pro Kat Aeyer) f. + av (ante onwepov) bedefC}]. —onpepov b. ex? p.m. (pro 7) ec. 381. +etpos (post 6 de) bede. —paddov bf. dénpe be]. Senuarc. opoiws (pro dcavtas)e. ws avtos C p.m. avy cot atrobavew cf. amapyvnowpar cfC). 32, ob To dvoma yeOonpavie. yeOonuavn cs. m. Ee p.m. ce yp (c) df. «a@noate c. woe bde. +av arerdOwv (pro éws) c yp (c) (aTeAOwv c marg. s. m.) f. mpocevEowar bed. 33. — Tov secund, et tert. d. —Tov secund. bef}. maparapBavver c. 34, mepiruTo d. 35. mpocedOov beef. + emt mpoowrrov (post emrecev) bef}. 36. auBade. aBBaf. mpocéveyxar dj. co. Tapeveyxetv f. touvto aw éeuov bf. 37. noyvoate c. icyicas b. 39, etrov c p.m. (@C8.m.)e. ate Orpoonv—ato d. 40. cataBapuvopevos cdefj. edvvavto (pro jdevcar) f. atoxkp\Owow avtwy bf. 41, —Tod?. ameyn? e p.m. (eve S.m.). nyyeKev 6 Tapad.oous wef, 43. +06 toxapiwtns (ante eis) b s. m. cef(j). —ov bdf. oye. + amectarpevor (post Evkwv) c. —Twv secund. et tert. bef. ypaupatawd c. 44, cnoonpov C p.m. cupmecov e (cvcga CS.mM.). aTayayeTat e. 45, —edOov (b)cj. + aut (post rAeyer) bdej. papBi (pro paBBi paBBi)c. yxatpe (pro paBP. prim.) Cf. 47. —Tes be. apeotixotay c, emece be. emrauce (e mutat. eras.) d. 48. patapay.d. 49, kaOnuepaycC. wAnpdcwd. 50. ebuyov mavtes f. 51. nKorovOncev cdfCj. 52. Kxataroirdv A. 53, dmavtes cj. 54. arouaxpobev cd. écowe. cvyKabi- pevos e. Oepyevopevos c. — pos to dose. —cet bj. p.m. +7o (ante dws) defC. 56. tcaraie. ioard. Kxatewaptupour (pro ewrevdopaptupovr) f. 58. —adrov f. 60. — 70 defC. eripwrnce c. 61. +10 (ante ecvwra) Cc]. emipwtac. +xKat (ante wadw) d. madw e. fin. Tov Ou evroyntou d p.m. —Ovds.m. 62. ex SeEadv Kabipevov bef d p. m. Cj (n? be p.m.?) Cc. epxwmevov Cc p.m. (oc 8. m.). et (pro peta) f. 63. dveppnfe f. Aeywv f. —avTodc. exwouevc. + Tavtes (post jKovaate) c. 65. avtov To Tpocwtoy f. mpodyticor C. +npiv ye tis eat 6 Talcas ce (post trpod.) bf. 66. dvTaws dp.m.(ods.m.). Kato ev Ty avry: f. 67. — Oeppatvopevos COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 97 f. éuBreWasc. avtov (pro aitd) d. vaapwod w joa (b)e. 68. npyicatoe. npvetcato d. ovTe (pro ovde) bdC. emuctapmai aot Ti (—av) f. evdews arextwp ehaovncer f. 69. mapeotixoow c. + Kat (ante odtos) c&. npEato Tadw mapeotaow f. Tl. opviivar bd. ouvdvar e. Reyére f. 72. TO phua 0 c (—pjua c p.m. cs. m. habet marg.) defC). atrapynoet Cf. Cap. XV. 1. ypappataiwr c. arnyayov (pro amrnveyKkar) bf. —7o bf 2. emeipwrnoev ce. —avtov Cc. TidaTOS f (non e) fere. 3. fin. + avtos Se ovdév amexpivato fC. 4. —rradw f. emipwtncey c. emnpota f. 5. ovxerte cef. ovK éte d. Oavpaca f. 6. pices d (8 supra s. m.). 7. oitwes e. memomxeoay f. temoujxnoay c. 8. npEavTo e. xa0as e. —ael fj. 10. tapadmxevcay e. trapedaxar f. Tapadedoknoav c. of cS.m. (Lc p.m.). 11. amoducer (aTre- Ss. m.) c p.m. 12. —wadw f. +iva (ante Tomo) f. 14, —oi d€ c. mepiccotépos d. Tepicows e. emrounce kaxov f. —oi dé (ad fin. vers.) f (opoot.). 15. neavor e. gpayerwoas ce. gpayyedAdkoaas d. 16. gow evs THv avrnV ej. ometpay d. 17. repitiPeacw avtw (pro evdvovow autov) f, bis in versu. +Tnv (ante topdupay) e. avtw d mutat. +Kxae reyew (ante yarpe) cdC}. o Baowrevs edfC. —avtov secund. f. 19. tnv Kebadnv avtov e. avtov d p.m. (pro avtw prim. d s. m.). Tuevtes e. 20. everreEar c. auTw (pro avtov prim.) c. — Tv c (suprac s.m.). xapvda (pro toppupayv) (b)c. + avtov (post iwatia) c. tua e. otavp@écov e. —avtoyv ultim. bf. 21. knpuvavov d. Kup? ef. 22. yoryobdr (v eras.) beC. tov yorryo8a fj. pePepun- vevomevov (UC p. m.,4¢ 8. m. pron)c. 23, edid0ve. auto d. oveve. os d¢(pro 6 &e)f. 24. diapepifovtar cdC}. Banrovtes f. ape f. 25. tpntnd p.m. 27. éEevovupwr cd. [28. habent vers. beef]. 28. ypadj e. 29. avtov super rasur. (b)?e. —ovaf. —avtoyve. Kxatadvovc. 30. KaTa- BnOf. 31. —de bedefCj. apyipesc. apxiapesd. pe (pro peta) c. Reyov (pro ereyov) c. fin. cwoat bdef. 32. rwv vovdarwr (pro tov mr) d. +avtw (post ria Tevewpmer) S. Th 98 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. bedj. +ovv (ante avto:)f. overdifovd. aveid.c. 33. yevo- pevns c. = extns e. —evatns beeCj. 34. evatn beeCj. 77 evvatn wpaf. dovnc p.m. (wes. m.). ApacaBaxOavi c. Awa caB.d. RAwabeC. RAewa caBaxPari f. peleppvvev- omevc, — peOeppnvevomevor f, — pov prim. cj. eyxaTédurrés wef. 35. wapectixotwy c. tapectwtwv f. [7.] cd), nr. ef. 36. —te bf. Kav mepides d. des be. eis Kau e. 37. adyns c. adeis e. 38. exynaOn c. 39. Kevtnpiwv cd. map eatixas c. é€evavtias bdef (non c). avtw (pro avtov) c. otws def] at obtws (pro obtos) bd (non e) [sic c, bis in versu]. odtos 6 avosb. wo Ov jv c(f). 40. arropaxpobev cde. —xai prim.e. —xat secund. cdj s.m. paydarnvy d. --% tod cef. 41. nxodovOncav e. Su0lKovovy c. ule d p.m. 42. oyias ce. wapacKkevn nv d. 43. €dXOav (pro #rOev) cdj. —O6 f. evoxnuov c. nticato be. 44. Kev- Typiova c. 45. KevTnpiwvos (v pron p.m.) Cc. edwpnoato d. wand d p.m. (forsan s prod, p.m.). 46. evidyge c. Ma 2? eveiduoce f. -Atce C. ardevec. mpooxudicas c. €OnKev +rov (ante Gov) f. tn Ovpad. fin.tarndev c. 47. noah c. Tere be. Cap. XVI. 1. caBarov (super ras.) ce. paySadwne. — tov detCj p.m. — Tov secund.b. adrynpoowc. nywpacay dC. fin. tov iv (pro avtov) dCj s.m. 2. TH pea ¢ (o supra Sm.) js. m. exovtar c p. m. mutat. avaTnravTos Cc (et pro n s. m). 3. thv Ou subscriptum pro tov Xi c, both p. m. pvnpeov cp. m. ato (pro ex) f. 4 peya odpodpa c (ao supra s.m.). 6. exOapBeicOar c. -Bnobe bd. de bede. eotpwpevov; bdf. fin. avtwv d p. m. (0 s. m.). 7. + Kau (ante evrate) f. + ryep0n atro Twy vexpwv Cj. Kat dou (ante mpoayer) ce. 8. —taxd bedefCj. 9. Nulla omissionis suspicio. +6 vo (ante mpwi) dC}. ....... ce (rubro delet) s.m. ae a Tw Kalpw exelvw avaotas 6 ic (—de) c. Marg. f odd ap EoOw tT p.m. paydardivy e. exBeBrAnxn c. 10. are Oovea (pro ropevOeca) f. 11. vm avtow primo ¢, adtis e p.m. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 99 13. amnyyiderrav c. 14. + de (post votepov) d. avvaxe- pevors (v eras.) c. évdexa be. amicteave. 16. amicticas c. 18. init. Kas ev Tats xepow j. ders dpodow f. Braryn cdefCj. 20. [aunv] bedefC. _ Subscriptiones. Desunt in ce TedXos tov Kata papkoy dywov evayyedov: ott wy. €&ed500n wera ypovous THs XU avar. suveypadn TO KaTa papKoy aylov Eevayyedoy Kata xpovous Sexa THS YU avadnWeas. TEXOS TOU KATA mapKoV ayLou evayyedtov Compl. + ev- ayyeNLov KATA fapKoV. TEAOS TOV MapKoU aytov EvayyeEXLoOV j. S. LUCAE EUANGELIUM. Codd. bedef (f hiat. ch. II. 15—47; V. 42 ad jfinem libri). Compl., Er., St., Beza, Elz. Note. The itacisms, breathings, accents, and transcriptional errors are less fully recorded in the two last Gospels. Title. Evayyedtov kata dovcar b. TO KaTa \ovUKAV aylou evayyedtov dej.Compl. TO KaTa NovKaY evayyedov e evayyeXtov Kata Novxav f.Erasm. “tl Gi Cap. I. 2. dapyjs def. 5. e& epnwepias d marg. d s. m. ednuepia NeyeTat 7 TaTpia: Neyetas SE 1) THS Huepas Rew- toupyia. 7. f 8. —de d (suprads.m.). evavtiov be. 9. + de (post ehaye) c. 10. nv tov Xaov beef. 11. éoras e. éotas b. —Tov Ovpsapatos c (habet c s. m. ad calcem). 13. kadeons c. 14 odd) (pro moddot) c. 15. Ov (pro Kv) bdf. xatackevacpévoy e. —Tov cj (supracs.m.). olKatpa -/ =| c, otxepa d, marg. p.m. alKepa oKevacToy Toma Kal Tap’ 7—2 100 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. EBpaios ovTw Neyomevov wéOvapa oivos. ETL ec. 17. Hriod dej. riod f. 21. exdeyopevos c. 22. Deest vers. usque ad ev To vaw c (habet marg. ¢ s. m.) dpovot. éduvato Ff. 25. o¥tws bedefCj. dvedos e. 26. [vafaper] cdefC. 27. + Kat matpuds (ante Sad) bfj. 28. + avtou (post iSobca) f. 29. eve Tw Noyw SveTapayxOn (—avtov) ft. 31. cvdrAdAgn Wer ce. Te&erc. 34, + poe (post extar) bdef} (mutat. d marg.). 35. +x cov (ante dytov) bfCj. yevvouevov dj. 36. tedua —c (ie. ¢ pro %, eras. c s. m.). ynpes def. 37. —mapa e. 38. dovrAov c. 39. —de f. dpewny e. 40. elamacato ce. 41. HKovce TOV doTacpoV THS mapas 1) EdkucaBeT f. 42. ave- Bone (pro avedwrnae) ch. 44. exxu(c n)ptnce To Bpepos ev ayadrXace: cdfCj}. 45. AeXapevois d. 48. TaTrivwowr Cc. =i] -/ tois dovrois (cf. ver. 38) ¢. 49. peyareta d, at d s. m. marg. -/ ye -/ 7 Unra. 50. yevedv de, marg. ds. m. Kat yeveav b. 58. xawvous c. 55. aBpaay interdum cef. aBpaap bdj. &ws (+ Tov d) atwvos (pro ets Tov atwva) bede, d marg. s. m. 58. Uv mepi n Kat (pro of 7.) ec. 59. + Tou (ante TrepiTepey) ©. avTo (pro avto) bed p.m. 61. @s (pro ds) c. + ere (ante Tw ov.) cd. Toutw p.m. d (forsan mutat.). 62. Oédreu cj. 63. éticas c. 65. avtows (pro avtovs) e. —ravta f. 66. —nv c. dpa f. 67. errnpwOn f. 74. adoPos be. pucbevta ef. 75. dovoTnti e. 16. KANOnoEL Cc. TpoTro- pevoec ec. 77. nw (pro avtwy) cef. 79. cabypwevns c p. m. (ous C S.m.). evKabimevors ec. 80. Naov (pro icpann) f. Cap. II. 1. necapos c. 2. knpnviovec. éxactose. diay male e. 4. [vafaper] cdefC. 5. eyyuw c. amptas d marg. s. m. yp Si). +i] d/ : ites n dudns. 7. cor. ds. im. marg. omapyava Ta imatia aver: “ih Bpegovs Se Ta paxn. avtn (pro avtos)¢. Katadv. ds. m. marg. A) shale 8. pe d marg. s. hes Tw aypw dia VUKTEPEVOVTES, N avdrLrComevor. 10. PoBevcPar c p. m. (E 5. mm.) €. + vpers (post oP.) f. 11. Deest versus c (habet s. m. in calce at be npiv). 12. eotrapyavopuevoy bee. —77 bedefCj. 13. eEeprvyns c. 14 [evdoxra] be?d. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 101 15. ver. 15—47 Mat. f. em supra am ec (both p. m.) (d). —ot secund. c. Trotpevars c. +s (post éws) eC, 16. —Kat tov twond c (habet marg. cs. m.). 17. dceyv. d -/ Be marg. 8.1m. tatopnoav. 19, cvBaddovoa d p. m. (wu supra s.m.). 20, vrertpeway bedeCj. 21. +a¢ (ante nuepar) c. OKTO Cc. avtoy (pro to trad.ov) beCj}. — Kae secund. (eras.) som. 22. Pro avtis C(Beza)d habet atrov (forsan avtav pm). [avtwv] ce. povoews ce. 23. dsavorywy e. 24. To (pro tov) dovvace. 25. evraBis c p.m. (ne s.m.). EevdoeBns (pro evAaBns) be. nv aysov c (non d) eC. 26, dew (pro idn) cd s. m. (none). 28. avtov (pro auto) c. 30. oidov c. 36. mpodntns cp. m.(us.m.)e. attne eticC. pe (pro peta) Cc. 37. aut) (pro avn) j. Kat avTH yelpac. Kal av™n C. ynpad. 7 bd p.m. (7 ds.m.). 38. —atrn ¢ p.m. (avtn supra cs. m.). [attn avtn] d. avOoporoyeto cd. 39. ws mutat.c. eTedevev CL —TAC. THY TOALY éauvTwD (j) vatapet cdC. 40. em’ auto cd (d s. m. marg. em avd). jim. avtoy C. 41. mwacya d p.m. 42. ws (pro ote) ©. 43. TedXiwoavTwy e. lepovcarnw d s. m. (-eyu d p. 1). Vv 44. vounoavtes d. auyyeveow (v s. m. supra, forsan v) ce. 45, Sméorpeyrev d. pic. 46. axovwyvta d p.m. (ovta d som.) 47, fin. avtov C p.m. —avtov Kat lOovTes c. Kat eyo f. 48, odvvomevoe ce (6 C). 49. ete (pro ote) «©. 51. vatapet cdef. 1 Se up (—Kar)f. 52. +6 (ante Ic) c. WAKE C. copia Kat HruKia Kat yapiTe e. + Tapa (ante dvoic) e. Cap. III. 1. —de prim. ce. tnBepsov c. TiPBepevov f. Keoapos C. TeTpap. prim. (mutat.) d. Tpaywyidos (Te supra s.m.). a@Birwns d. aBeruys f. 2. ere apysepews bedeC}j. avva c. —Tov bede p. m. f. 4. noavov b. Aoasov cdef. eTouwacatar cd (e d). + 7ov (ante cv) c. 5. hapaké cd p.m. C. érpaxyiat ce. Rliasec. ddovs f. 6. Operas c. 7. ouve. 8. aBpadp bdf}. aBp.e. tovs a€ovc. 9. Ta N dévdpov c. Baretar d p.m. supra ds. im. 10. emnpwtor c. 102 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. avtov d p. m., 68. md. [mownoouev A, sic ver. 12, 14). Toimowpev (sic ver. 11, 14) beefj. 12. +02 avtov (post BarticOnvac) cdf} s.m. 14. wndev (pro pndeva) c. airanvenee ds. m. marg. oywviov Tapa TH Yea ypadi 1) apepie ea tpobn. 15. mapa (pro mept) c 16. aract deyov f. —eyo pev usque ad vpas c (habet marg. © s. m.). + €Us peTavotapy (post vuas) f. + ev (ante vdatt) ds.m. twavrta d. 17. mrotov t. adrwva f. ayupov e. 18. evnyyedfovTo c. 19. €ArXeyXomevos. — pidwTrrov bdj (non cefC). — eminoe c. 20. katexAnoe c. 22. nvdoxnoac. evdoxnaa bdCj. nvédo- knoa ef. 23. érdv, tpiaxovta’ apxopevos e sine punctis f. 6 uoous Hv eras. d. —6 unoovs C. etiam uel bi apyopevos (Bads.m.). epxopevos woe eTwv Tpt. b. * ivan nret bdj. 24. watOav bede. patOaf. iavva c, iavva ef. 25. pat@rov ce. éordjt d p. m. (« suprae ds. m). corer j. éodiv e. éoreiu f. dyyai d. 26. waabic. cepect ef}. twond be. 27. iwavvav cd. iwvay b. iwavvav ef. vovav Cj). pyod ef. pofoBaBer e. 28. jp f. 29. iwan def. twpru bf. iwpi pattad de. patOav c. 30. lwvay c. twvap b. twvap f. tapawj. 31. warOayvc. peréa def}. pawayr d. paivat. patéaf. 33. apivadawc. apivadaB fC. twpap (pro apap) cd. éopop cdeC. + Tov addper tov dover (ante Tou €op@pm) ce. + Tov adper TOU apver TOU Lwpay J. — TOV papés ce. + Tov iwpdu (ante apap) ef (post apau) b. + Tov iwpap (ante Tov éopom) tf. —Tov dapese. 34. taxwBov c. aBpaan bdj. adBpaay ce. Oappa cdefCj. 35. cepovy bedfCj. éBep dtc s. m. (mutat. ex épeB?) d. pune ef (supra f). darey bj. cartae. cara f. 387. Kaivar e. . 38. évoo c. Cap. 1V. 1. —aAnpys c p.m. mAnpns wre ayLou Cc Ss. m. dC. pep. teroax. cum sequent. e (non f). rev c (cf. ver. 9). ec oT c. 2. cuvterecOnowy e. 4. +6 (ante wc) cf. —6 (ante avos) bedefCj. + exrropevopeva. Sia ctopatos (ante Ov) f. 5. dyayév c. —6 d:aBoros e. dpos de. otnypy ©. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 1038 6. d00w c. didoun c p.m. (¢ Cs.m.). 7. mpooxuvynaers de. e“od bedC. coed p.m. (d marg. s.m. cov marg.). Taca cdeC. cot raca bf. 8. evrev avtw: bf}. omicw ce. — yap B bed (d s,m. habet supra) eC. mpooxvynons c. mpooKkuvncets a kv Tov Ov coud (Bads.m.). Kv Tov Ov cov mpocKvyycers f. ya é he. 9. ayev c (ya supra s.m.: cf. ver. 1). —ess (ante typ) e. éstnoev d. reyes (pro evrev) f. -—Tods.m. —o bedet. 11. —é7t bcCj. —xae Ore d. wodavc. —cove. pate (pro note) ec. 12. 6 wo evrev avtwm f. 13. aype ©. 14. dyer c. Kabornv (kat C) tnv mepe yopov f. 16. [rnv vatapet] cdefC. ot d p. m. Gear d marg. s. m.). —nvd (suprads.m.). capBatovc. avtov d p.m. (avtw d s. m.). 17. [noai. cdef.] Bu8riov secund.e. 18. eiverev cd. elvexev beCj. + evayyeducac@at bedeCj. avaBrerev (Yr mutat.) c. lacac0e &, Tn Kapdia e. amrooTenre C. REE Sab pe ? ef. 19. «npvéac d (non e vel ver. 18). 20. exa@noev c. TO umnpeTn d. fin. aut d p.m. (evs avtov ds. m.). 20. of opOarpmor of ev TH cuvaywyn f. 21. Kae npEato (—6e) f. —attnf. wowe. 22. yapitos (ut rescript) e. 23. tatpi e. wde cde. 24. —eure dec. —tpwe 25. —be eC. +67 (ante mwodXat) f. [ALvod bedefj (-od d)]. 26. caperta c, capepba f. yuvark (ds. m. a supra). 27, ev Ta ind emt éXucoaiov Tov Tpodytov ef. of un ( forsan pro et wy) C S. NL. exabepicOn ec. vayavf. 29. —Tns secund. bedefCj. ed wo f, as to d p. m. lect bjd marg. s. m.). Tov opous rescript € p. m. pos (pro es) f. Kataxpnuvioa f. 30. —Se c p.m. (mutat. s.m.). 81. 6 ur (supra eis) ¢ s,m. capBacw cp.m. 32. —ev (supra) ds.m. os (pro ev) e. 34, dae. ou(proaco)e. 35. aw (pro e&) ef. — To secund. ; A bdeCj. 36. adrnrous d (supru ds. m.). 37. emopeveto c. et arid : Tous (pro rns) c. Hyos d (marg.s.m.n Pnun). Axos de. Tous (pro tns) ¢. 38, —7 cdeCj. aipovos secund.c. npeo- tmyoev f. 39. dvecxoverc. 40. d01¢. voocots c. mTotKktras 104 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. de, -ow j. é€xaotw de. émre Gels ef. 41. xpavyafovta be}. —ore f. Deyew (pro Aarewv). eETeTLWwY ce. eELdeLTaY C. —ore ad fin. vers. e. 42. é&eXOov c p. m. (-w © S. m.). emopeveTo &. ementouvy cet. pos avtov (pro éws avTov) f. Katnyov ¢&. 43. améotadpe. auTwy (pro tns yadtAaas) ef. lovdatas (pro yadtAXaras) j. Cap. V. 1. dyANov ce. éatas bee. eo. f p. m. éo. f 8. m. mept (pro mapa) dj. duwnv d(v supra d s.m.). yevnoaper dfj s,m. (vv cC). 2. mdovapia (pro mrora) f. Seuxtva f. dixrua d p.m. (de pro du s.m.). adveus ce. B. OAUyoV e. Ek KT Tov TAoLou edidacKe f. 4. To dvoy c (txT Supra s.m.). MoV c p.m. (wove s.m.). 5. avto.d p.m. (@ds.m.). —avte b. eXaBopev ec. 6. TAnOos tyOvwv bedefCj. dxéppu- yunto c. ~~ fin. avtov c p. m. 7. eXovtos be. autous (pro avtow) ¢ (forsan f). 8. yovace (—Tov) bedeC)j. e€eXOar c. eiun cs. m 9. Gypa d. 9 (pro 9) cd. 10. wetpa (pro cyswrv.) d. foypwv c. 11. devxtva (pro qmdroa)e. ravraf. 12. idode. mdrnpisc. +° eXOdv (post AeTTpas) f. 14. avtov (pro avtw) ft. mpocéveyxar d p. m., eds.m. kxa0ds e. fin. avtns © p.m. autos © S. Mm. povons tf. 15, umd (proamo)c. 17. eyevero de (— Kat) c. KaOipmevot e. +06 (ante papicacor) ft. of ( forsan ov s.m.) e. edXuvAvOoTes ec. lacbar e. 18. Onvar ec. 19. —dta bec. + odor (post moras) cs. m. marg. KANVLdiw Cc. Tes (pro dia movwas) dt}. — dua tov oxrAov c. —To (ante pecor) e. 20. miotnv c. adeovtarc. acou(progo)c. 21. dsaroy- fec@ar d p.m. (-e d s.m.). —os Narer BAacdnmsas c (habet marg. 8m.) et ce p.m. (un es.m.). 22. nuove. da- Noyilecbar d p.m. 23. evxotrotepov be. cov at apaptvas cou e (cf. ver. 20). — eyeupe bee (non df). 24, maparutixar (pro Twaparedvp.) bf. tov KpaBBatov (pro To KALwi6.ov) f. 25. ep 0 bf. S0€afov c. 26. ehkaBe tavtas ec. door ec. evompev e. oluepov c. 27. ewe to de p. m. (w d s. m.). — xka@nuevoy b. —eme to TeAwviov bf. 28. KcatadeuTrov c. katadimov d(e). —avaotas f. 29. —6 bedefCj. evs thy ovKkiav (pro ev Tn oiKta) f. rodvs TeAXwVwr bf. dawapTwrwV COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 105 (pro addr) f. 30. dveAoyefovTo p.m. eyyoyvfov e. —ol secund. d. gapicaiows c. Siati cd. + Tov (ante Ted.) befC. T@V TEAOVOY C. rivera C p.m. (€ supra ¢ s.m.). 31. —ec7re ce. éywvtes d p. m. (o d s. m.). 33. da ti de raro. Sidti c. +6 (post opows) f. —oi (ante tov gap.) d. hapcawy c. 34. vyotevovow (pro ectover Kat Twover). 35. —K«az (ante orav) cdefj. +xat (ante tote) cdf. 36. oxuoee c. cuphwvercer c. +70 (ante eriBAnua secund.) bf}. —ov c. —emSrnua secund. cC. 37. 0 owvos o veos fj. ot (pro et) ¢. 38. veous (pro katvous) f. BAnTEewy c (-ov C 8. m.). Cap. VI. 1. cauwBatw c p.m. —tev be. tas (pro tous) ¢. tcOvov c. 2. Towes e. Troe Cc. capBaony Cc p.m. (s.m. 7). 3. evmev mpos avtous ft. OTe (pro omote) f. emuvacer c. 4. ads (pro ws) bf. +ovow f. + ovtes (ante ods) c. obs (pro ods) e. ec picp.m 5. +0 ia (post avtous) (b)f. cauBatov c p.m. 6. —Kav prim. beC. —ev d (supra d s.m.). avos exert, éxnc. 7. +avtov (post Oepamevaer) bC d marg. s.m. mapetnpovyto bf. —avtov bdeCj. —Wwac. +xat (post katnyopiav) ce. 8. ldwy (pro nde) c —Kae prim. f. e&Enpapevnv (pro Enpav) ef. eyerpe bee. kat (pro o Se) bf. 9. jungunt ti éeote bedC. cayBaow c. fin. atroxtewvat (pro atrorecar) bedefCj. 10. evrrev avtw (pro tw avw) bedefC. odtws bedCj p.m. —otTwe. atrexatertabn ce (non df) ej p.m. Kav eEereuvev (pro o de erroinoev ovta) f. ll. avias c. roiumoe dv Cc. Tomncorey d 8. m. Trownoevav dp.m. 12. dcavixtepevwy c. bpose. +06 to (post Spos) f. 13. ovopacerv c (non ver. 14). 15. —tov tou b. 17. To mov c(tocs.m. forsan trove p.m: sicf). aduvod d p.m. (7. ds.m.). macwc. vorocwvc. 18, oyAovpevos marg. d s.m. -/ n Tapattouevot. 19. ato e. 20. opOarmous e. evrrev (pro reye) f. +70 wv (post wrwyxol) f, tev ovvev (pro tov Ov) f. 21. wivevtes cd. yoptacOncecOat d p. m. (€ 8. m.). KNawwyTes d. yedacetar ec. 22. &verev eC. 23. yapnre bedCj. tots ovpavors f s. m.(@ ov f p.m.) xnptnoarte d. oxi.ds.m. modus c. eémroour c p.m. (ou 8.m.). — yap ef. 106 COLLATION OF GOSPELS, Tous mpopntas f. 24. init. Anv e 25. +vuv (post ep- memAnopevot) bef. 26. —vpev bdeCj. esrwow vpas dC. —mavtes ceC. xata taavtaf. 27. adda beefC}. «xadros d. 28. —xaicdj. mpocevyecOar c. emipeafovtwy c. vpas (pro viv) dej. —evdoyerte Tous KaTapevpevous vuLy Kat (6pocor.) f ( forsan f p.m. twas —Kat). —KardC, 29, +deEvav (ante cvayova) f. cou(proce)e. 30. ameter c. 31. Kabas e. 32. intt.ave. ayarovtas e. ayaborontat d p.m, € 34 éav Savifete bee. amermileree. —oi C. apapTwrous Cj]. apuaptwdous f. amodkaBovor e. toa e (non d). 35. davifete c. ov viot C. + ToLs ovpavots (post modus) f. —rov bedefCj. xo (pro xpyetos)c. 36. Kabds e. 37.+xat(ante un xatab«sx.)c. Kkatadicatntet. 38. SiSerae { p.m. (e supra fs. m.). + «ae (ante temiec.) C. avTipeTpt- Oncetarc. 39. wntorc. vodnyer; €. 40. KaTipticpevos C. — os o dv6acxaros avtov f. 41. —dec. dae (pro de) f. Tew eve. Katavwesf. 42. adedparc. exBadrro (Ad diaBrkdyrus éxBareiv in evangelis explicit egregius hic codex tf, Wake 34). 44, éxaotove. idvove. avKa bde. 45. mpoodeper prim. d (o erds.). —Kat o Trovnpos usque ad mpoodepet To Tovnpov (OpovoT.) Cc. €K yap TepLaaEevpaTos Kapo.os (— Tou et TNS) be. 48, Repetit ¢ ab wrnupupas usque ad fin. ver. 48, at yevopevns c, mpoéppngev semel c. 49. + Tv (ante otxtav) dj. 4 (pro 7) d. puywac. —exewns ©. Cap. VII. 1. ewe c. = =tavta (pro avtov) c. 2. éxatov- tapyou d. ewedrev bdCj. wedre e. vtrapywv (pro Kakws éywv) c. 38, autous (pro avtov)e. omos c. diacwoes ce. 4. omovdews d. a&uos e. 0 (pro @) c [mapeEe] ceC. 5. cuvaywyeiy c. vuwve. 6. adr c. Aoyor d p.m. (@ ds.m.e). DAeyov d s.m.(w d p.m.) wou vireo THY aTeynv bdeCj. 7. éwavtov 7€iwoa e. add bedeCj. 8. — cat aro epxou Kat epxetas c (habet marg. © 8. m.) (omovoT.). TodTH € sm. (TovTO jc p. m. e). 9, avtov eras. d. ouTE (pro ovde) ceC}. mioTtny c. —Réyo vw c. 10. vreud- Oevtes (pro ot 7.) c ll. ra €E&ns c. Ty €Ens da. Te €& ns be. TNS Todews (pro ToAvs) & —avtTw cde. of COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 107 KavoL C. 12. xa avtn ynpa dC}. —xKae aitn xNpa ec. Kat avth ynpa be. —nv bedeC). 13. evotAayvicbn e er autny bde. 14. gdotncav d. 15. fin. avrns c (mutat.). 16. tavras bedeC. eryerpyeptare. vic. +Kal ev TacH Tn tovdaca Trept avtou (post mept avtov)c 19. emeurrae cC. 20. } (proj)e. 21. voocwv c. 22. yodouc. 23. oxada- AucOn d (v supra s.m.). 24. waOnTtwrv (pro ayyedor) de. To“s oxAots (— mpos) ceC). twavou d semel (v ds. m.). épnuov d p.m.(ods.m.). €&frOete be. dove. Seayoutes (pro Urapxovtes)e. 28. yevveTous ec. —mpopyTys ej. jpetfov e bis. 29. —rasc to Bartnopa d p. m., not d s. m. 30. etOeTnaay e. Beeaisay d. Marg. d s.m. ae e&éBaXov. B31. — dae 8€ 0 xo bedCj (habet d marg. rubro). 32. opuor c. aywpac. Ka0mevoise. wpynoacGac. 34. gidos TeAwveOV bedeCj. Aeyerau (sic ver. 33) ce. 35. Texvovc. 36. payer c (forsan payou d p.m). pet avtwv c, avexdyOn ©. 37. —tn c +xae (ante ereyvouca) bdej. morn c. eoTtu (pro jv) ce. avaxntarc, 38. omicw cde. Te iv (pro avtou prim.) c. Opnkic. 39. papicaiws cc. amtetace. 1 EW (pro ev Hv) c p.m. (mutat.). 41. ypeoperreras c. Saviotn c. operre c. 42. pic. avrov (pro avtwy prim.) c. 43. motov e. vmovauBavyvwc. 44, yuvarkave. —avtnsc. 45. [evo- mrOov|c. [Sverre] be. dueXevTe ec. 46. cEAKewe. etdAnWas cat ine c. tous Todas pou be. 47. ode. [apéwvtar d passim). adeovtar c. 49. npéaro d (v supra s.m.). 50. TLOTNS C. Cap. VIII. 1. Scodeve bee. + amoctorn (post dwdexa) c. KaTrodw e. 2. Oeparrevopevar e. ex b. varo (pro amo) c. acQeviwy c. paydadwvy) c (at -vfj). é&eXNAVON ce. 3. Errt TpoTove. cwcavvad. avtous (proavt@) bee, at avrov d p.m. 4. TO (protav)c. cumovtase. 5. Katépayovc. éautou (pro avtov) eC. 6. pic. nkpadac. 7. arervngav ce. axabov d (v supra s.m.). 8. evs (pro em) bede. 9. emipwrtor d. —avrtov d (eras.) e. +autw (post Néyovtes) e. 10. axovwyTes 108 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. ce ll. éotn cd. 12. aipere. Eperc. pec. avtov? d p. m. avtwv ds.m. 13. (pro oi)c p.m. 14. mecwy cle). oir c p.m. (ev s.m.). axovovtese. 15. —ottTorc. —Kapéya c. ¢ C4 & fin. + Tavta Neyov efovyn 6 exwv GTa akovewv axoveto cdC}. Se 16. ovders (6€ supra d s. m.). ovde vel ovders d p. m. TnOnow c. emi tTHOnow c. 17. €AOo' c. voKpudov Ad. 18. —ovvc. ay (pro éav) c secund. bedC. pic p.m. éyet d bis secund. e. fin. Ar TpooTeOnceTat VpLLY TOLS AKOVOVaLY d marg. s.m. 19. 7 (pro oi) ¢. avtov (pro avtw d s. m.) d p.m. acuvtnyew ec. 20. [Aeyovtwy cd p.m. C.] AeyouTes dsm. amnyyevravds.m. amnyyererc, -Anb. mapnyyerre e. éoTnKkacw ce. 22. aveBnc. Avipvynsd p.m. +70 (ante Tro.ov) e. avixOncav c. 23. NeXay be. cuveTAnpourTa c. 24. init. + Kat (— Se) d. emetnunoe cc. KAUvOovEC. yaduvy ©. 25. muctns C p.m. dpa bde. 26. yadapwwv c. yepyeoni wv b. avtimepa bej. 27. eeMovta cc. evededdoxeto c. oikiw. 28. ov (pro cot) cd p. m —unoov cj. 29. e&eOew c. auynptakot ce. advaeorbe. aides (pro tedais) c. Sua- pvocwyv c. Tov daioce. 30. eripwtnce c. emnpwtice d. econdOov c. 31. émita€er cc. aBvocove. @Bvocwr d p.m. (os. m.). 32. yepwv cp. m. (mutat.). —tkavwv Booxopevn d. ope: d. emutpewer c. amedOev (pro evoedOerv) c. 33. evondOov cde. xpumvov e. amemunync. 34. yeyevvn- pevov c (non d). —armedOovtes bedej (habet C). 35. eEnhOu c. yeyovms ce. Kabipevov d. aodpovovvta c. 37. —avTovc. yabdapivwy ce. yepyecnvev b. auvnxovTo cde. —tTob. marowwyvc p.m.(os.m.). 38. e€eAnrvOn ce. xo (pro iw) e. —wc b. 40, vad otpedny c —o A. TpocooKwytes auTov travtes d Al. ns p. m. (pro ets) p ; aps pe pares AG ie 43. ouvervnyov c. +15 (ante yuvn) c. latpous (— ets) bedC}. SmoSevos (vs.m)c. 44, +xat (ante tpocedotca) e. €otn d. +4 6€ (ante dmicbev) c. 45. — 0 (ante mreTp.) c. arypapevos bis bce. 47. avrou (pro avt@ secund.) e. 0 abn e. 48. —@apoerc. tiotnsc. 49. apyiouvaywyor e s. m. (—ove p.m). oxvrovc. oxdr.b. 51. init. eX@wy bee}. + avy avtw ds. im. supra ovdéva. iwavyny Kat iaxwBov cdeC}. > Py tk COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 109 52. kraetar c (es. m.c). 53. +70 Kopactov (post atre@.) j. 54. To xopacvov d's. m. supra tats, 56. yeyovds a’. Cap. IX. 1. —padntas avtov bej (habet marg. s. m.). voocouvs cde. 2. ia@abe ce. 3. epete c. paBdov jd s. in. paBdous ced p.m. meipay c. pte quart. e. 4 —av d (supra s. m.). e&epyerOar ce. 5. SeEovtar bee. — aro c. nupav (sic) c. éxtewakate ec. fin. avtois (pro er avrous) e. fim. ; d.- 7. =e ©. rerapyns d p: ™: (p supra ds. m.). yevoueva c. yevopeva e. Suvtropen ©. eyerpyepTar atro Twy vexpwv e. 8. adAwy e. edavyn (pro aveotn) e. 9. — 0 cdeCj (habent). amexepadrnoa c. 10. katiovav deC. Kat’ id.c. BnOcaiday be. 11. yvrartes c. OiKor. € p.m. (7.e8.m.). €da. (Sic). edXadn d p.m. (Et S. m.). ircimcarod ‘12. KALUnY Cc. KwApas (Xr eras.) d. moe be. woe e. 13. mrevov d p. m. mrevouvs d s. m. wxyOves dvo bedeC}. pntid p.m. ord s.m. ayopacouev ds.m. aywpacwpey (C)j. 14. revtaxnoxyidtot C. KANoLAS ec. 15. ovtws dC}. eehaaisd Cee s. m.). 16. exate- KNace c. ix. e hic. 17. kwdpivor e. 18. Kata povas c. ernpotisev c. nvace. 19. init.d décp.m. of dec 8. m. adAn c p.m oc sm nrsav dej. 20. —o dQCj. 21. emutnunoas cd p.m. tmrapnyyire c. 22. ypaupataiwr c. 23. omicw ce}. atrapyicacOw e. —Kxal? npepay bedeC). axoNovOntw cde. 24, amorecar (pro -cer) ce. amoreon (pro -cet) j. otTwasc p.m.(os.m.). 25. —Orov ¢ (habet marg. s.m.). 26. d0€ev d p.m., 4 d s.m. Tous Noyous pov e. ereaxuvOn c. etecyuvOnoeTat C. —autov Karc. 27. Tov (rwv e). wbde éotwtwy bee]. wde0e. de bd. + 67« (ante elciv) e. 28. ws (pro @cel) Cc. oKxTe Kare. — Tov bedeC. dpose. 30. Hrwesc p.m. oitwescs.m. oitese. poons cd. povonse. ndrvasecd. 31. of dp.m. otcds.m. +Kxat 1 The collation of these manuscripts is here tedious enough. The best of them, Cod. f, has left us at Luke vi. 42. The itacisms of the rest are very numerous, while each of them gives us good or novel variations at intervals, The close resemblance of Codd. b and f disappears after S, Mark’s Gospel, at least in a great measure, 110 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. (ante €Xeyov) d marg.s.m. nrla d(veras.). 32. BeBapnuevn c. PBeBapupevore. 33. (eurTE)—OC. Tomcopev c. jucav pwoon beeC. a C. piav yuac. 36. 6 (2? prod)ec. 37. Te €Ens nuepac. €& ns be. 38. dewparc p.m. éiBree (-ae C) e 39. AapBavver c. KaTarapBaver ce. é&epvns ce. 40. ékBarwow bedeCj}. avtov (pro avro)c. 41. —6de ec. amictas &. aveEwpatc. Tov viov cov wdc cdeCj. 42. ia- Cg aatoe. 44. oTae. vio (osupras.m.)c. mapadidocbe c. . v 45. ayvoouv c p.m. (n pro ou s.m.). ecOwvrace. ecOwtar d p.m.(v supra s.m.). 47. madsov ceCd p.m. (as ds. m. supra). avtoyv (pro avto)c. avTtoad p.m. —tods.m. éavtd e. 48. atootiXavtac. nyuwe 49. éeBaddovta (— Ta) beeC}. 50.—yapc. avtovd p.m. avtousds.m. [KxaO nyov vrep npov| cd. Kad vwov utep tuwv be. 52. capapitwr; (sic) d. 53. aut (ie. avtov?) c. 54. evrrowev © p. ™m., -wpev C S. M. 55. emetnunoev c. — Kae evtrev usque ad fin. ver. 56 cdcat c. o ta (post 8€)e. mowoves.m. olov p.m. éoté d marg. yp : " a Ss. ™. etl vids Tov avOpwtrou: ovK HAOGov d. 56. K@pn (v s.m. supra) d. trodw p.m. (pro Kkopny)c. 57. —avtwyr ec. 58. xdweed p. m., ec d supra s.m. adwirexes e. adoTreKOS ce. 59. apese. Srayyedar(e C)e. goreous ec. Kxatacki- -/ voces c. 61. Todvs (pro tos) c. amotraEacOa d s. m. -/ marg. atrotaEacba to ywpis TaEaL Tovs TpOTEpov aAdyAOLS ouvtTeTaypévous c. 62. 6 io mpos auTov ej. avTov eras. (post yerpa) e. oTttw e. eEvOevs (pro EvOeTos) c. Cap. X. 1. —dee. €Rdouicovta be (7 s. m.) (sic. ver. 17). ava duo dv0 e (non d). Hueddrev ej. 2. ovv e. OrAvyor Ce. étros c. exBary cdCj. exBarec e. 3. dpvase. 4. Bar- ANavtuov beeC. pydécd. pndéva cd. uh (d supra Te S. mM.) pro yr) b, et pidej. 5. evoepyecOe d p. m. (-node d s. m.). 6. —pev beC. —o (ante vios) edeC (so Elz.). emavéravoarte c. nuove. 7. +xat (ante ecQtovtes)e. —Tac. ato (pro e€)c. a&wose, 8, —8 beej. elcepyec@ar ce, Sexyovras cd COLLATION OF GOSPELS. Mali p. m. (@ ds. m.) ce. nyas (pro twas) c. Oeparrevetar c. v 9. Hyyerxev c. eh nuasc. 10. es 7c. eloépyerOar ce. SeFovras c. bSéyovtas be. 11. KordAvbevta nuwov c. ed’ nas Cc. Hyyexev eb vuas. 12. —de bed (non e)j. wore ¢ rescript. super ras. 7 ¢. 13. yxwpafew (iv C)e. xopativ bj. Bn@caisay be (v c p. m. eras.) d. 13, 14, cidove e. 13. xaOnpevorc. Kabipévare. 15. tWwbcioac. KazaBy- BacOnon e. 16. axovwv (v rubro) d. abetwv prim. d s. m. abetnoas? d p.m. 17. éBdopcxorta (sic ver. 1) ce. ovopate e. 18. Oeopovy c. 19. dsdomorc. dedwxa b. —Thv ©. u] 20. — wadrov bedeCj. eypad d (n supra ds. m.). 21. nyar- NtacatTo e. copoyv Cc. auveTov C(WCS.71.). ovTOSC. —KaL 7 otpades mpoo Tovs wabntas eve beC. Marg. d s. m. wreo- vatet d (habet c). pou tapedoOn bedeCj. eipi bis c, primum e. 23. xatidvay deC. kat ic. 24. —tpeise. 27. ayatrnots g e 4 \ c. Kapdiacou e p. m. (o supra s. m.). €avTov e (non Ce). 28. fncerc. 29. Stxarodvar c (acc p.m. proe?). *EKavtov ec. mAnowwyec mutat. 30. ee aay Marg. ds. m. iS vonaas 7) atroxplbeis 7) avTerT@Y 7) avTiKpovaas. KaTeBeverv e. dernwe. tépuydcd. ctepnywe. ihnpe. exdnoartes c. —avtov Kat TAnyas eTiOevtes C (Gmotot.). 31. Kacuyxnpiav c. KateBevev e s. m. (cf. ver. 30: at e p. m.). 32. Deest versus OmoloT. 33. camapitns c. capapeitis e. evoTray- vic0n e. eatrayyvncbn c. 34. +a (ante eriBiBacas de) c. emiBnBacas ded. troy d. Kau emrewernOn avtov bis scriptum, semel eras. s.m. 35. emipedtOnti c. OT (pro 6 TL) deC. atprove. 36. +e (post ovv)e. mdnatov dSoKxet oor edeCj. 37. cou (pro av) ce. —move c. 39. aderdoi c. adeApije. obtve. 7%) (pro%) be. mapaxabncacac. Kove e, tov rNoyor cd. 40. weAdAy Cc. pede dj. oe (pro aot) c. un (pro por) c. 41. 6 to evrev ath de. 42. abepeOnaeras c. Cap. XI. 1. rpocevyouévwy c. avtov mutat.c. Tov iv supra avtov e. Ka0ds e. 2. Or dv mpocevyecbe ce. 3. —to eras. d, KxaOnuepav bed p.m. Kal yn. e. 4, aber TE: COLLATION OF GOSPELS. €. Ta TapaTTepata (pro Tas auaptias) Cc. +7 (ante opeirovtt) ej. 5. e€er e. mopeveras c. mopevoetar d 8S. m. Topevete e€. éped (pro esmn) cde. pecovuKTtiov d p.m. (@ 8. m.). avtov (pro auvtw) c. 6. — pou bdeC). —e& ddov d. 7. mapeyete c. 8. avtov (pro avTov prim.) / vA € ec. avatdsay be. b6cov cC. ypifer c. 9. evpnoetas e. ou avoynoetatc(supraos.m.). 10. [NawBaver; hic C, cf. ver. 26]. 11. +e& (ante vpov) d s. m. ej (Yudv) b. 4 (pro et) edeCj (—xac e). 12. init. of (pro et) be. astnoes (-n C) bde. 13. douata ayaba bedeCj]. 14. exBadrrov c. Satpoviay ep.m.(os.m.). 15. [BeerSeBovr ce]. +7 (ante dpyovte) bd (non ce). 17. tddv (pro eidads) ce. epnuoute c. mnmrret cp.m. éb éavtfise. 18. raOnocetarc. Reyetare. 19. —e de usque ad datporia c p.m. e, habet c s. m. marg. (omo10T.). river d. [8a todtTo dj. exBaddXovorc. avTo. KpiTat Vwov d (non c). avtoe vuewv kpitat bj. 20. + Tov (ante @v) c. dpa de. éf nuac ec. —vuds d. 21. Kadomdnopevos c. xkaborropevos be. gurdaccee. Eavtode. 22. émrerroOn c. ememeOer d p. m. (rou d s. m.). 24. e& eXOer © p. m. (n s. m.). Totrov c. evpicxwy deC. 25. Kkoopnpevoy d. 26. trovnpotep c (a supra cs. m.). Tovnpwrepa e. edOovta if 4) (pro evcer.) cdeC ?. 28. prevodvye d marg. s.m. 9 “addov poev ovy’ axovwvtes d p.m. 29. erabpnfopevwy Cc. eipi c. 30. xcaOas de. 31. Bacitnoca veTovec. coropmvos prim. c, prim. et sec.dC. coroudvos bise. — Kat (Sov...c0X. © 6potor. Tar ode bed. dee. 32. vivevitar bee}. vivevi d (Tau supra Ss. m.). petevanoay c. 33. —de be. xpumtyjv bed p. m. a (od s.m.) eCj. ww (a supra ds.m.). Brerwar To has ec. 34. —0 secund.c. dmdods ce. —Kxat prim. deC. gwrtuvor e. eoTat Cj. oxotivoyv d. fin.teotar ce. eotuj. 35. eoti (hiatus) c 36. éywy tie (—tt b). gdawrifer d p. m. (-ev d -/ s.m.). 37. TO NaAnoar be. npwta e. apiotncerc. edOwy = ach d marg. s.m. Kat evceXO@v evs THY oLKLav Tov Paptoatov avexrXOn. 38. mpotepov (pro mpwTov)e. 39. &Eo0ev c (ver. 40 eEwbev ds. m.,o d p.m.). KaSapiferar ce. aptrayns e. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 113 =i -t ye 40. abpoves c. 41. evovta marg.ds.m. ta vrapxovta d. eote c (hiatus). 42. mapepyecOar ce. + de (post ede) e. 43. tas tpwtoxabédpias d (tyv -avds.m.). Marg. ds. m., -/ + i) post cuvaywyais’ Kat THY TpwTOKAicLaY. adda ej. EV TOLS Seitvots d. actrayous d p. m. (o supra s. m.). aywpats ed p.m (o ds. m). 44 eote c (mutat.). adnra e. —oti secund. beeCj. 45. vBpifov c. 46. mpoovpdere d p. m. (vu supra s. m.). opriferas c. 49. [dua robo d]. aTOCTEAND C p. m. (-eAW C 8. Mm). SiwEovow e. 51. &Berx e. atrodrdgtpévou d (o proud p.m.) 52. tov (pro Tv) e. avti (pro auto)c. noedOetec. 53. cvveyev d s.m C. eveyew dj s.m. atrootomifew c. 54, — Kas bedeC. Cap. XII. 1. erucvvayOnowr ce. +6¢ec¢. jungunt avrou mpwtov bedeC. éavtous c. Cvpecs d (n 8. m.). 2. atro- AudOncetarc. 3. TicKotelabe. ovse. Tapwowsc. Sopatwv ce. 4. doBnOn prim. (re added s. m.) d. amroxrevovtav (vv b) bedeCj. pn ec. oBnOjte cd, at hoBynOnre tert. d. 6. avTec s. m. (supra accapiwv) Cc. eTiAEANopEvwY dp. mM. (os.m.). 7. —Kavd. tpiyas ce. pic. ovve. ghoPecbar c. dvedhepetar ce. fin. + vpers c (non d) Cj. 8. dporoynoes ced p.m. —ev secund. d (supra ds. m.). oporoynow kayo (pro 6 vids Tov avov buoroyncer) c. 9. Deest vers. (6pov0.) c. 10. Bracdnpicarte ce. 11. —Tas prim.e. atroroynoecbe cd p. m. j (n supra p in marg. ds. m.) C. 4 prim. e (sic ver. 14). 15. —Tns e. avTé (pro avtod) e. 18. pwerSwvas de (ds. m. 0). yevnwata Elz.c (non d)C. 19. ere c. fin. rote c. 20. adpov bedeCj. azetovow d p. m. (au d s. m.) e. 21. fin. + TavTa Neywv Hover’ 6 EXOY OTA AKOELY AKOVETM eC. 22. pepypvatar ce. va TodTc d. eyo vuwd. dayere d. +7 Te mete (post day.) c. pn dé cd. evdvonabe de. 23. +yap (ante Wyn) be. 25. Suvras d (a supra s. m.). mpocOnvat bee. 26. ote e. 27. —Se bd. Kxatavwnoate c. s. 8 114 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. mactc. mepl éBadrreTo ce. 28. + Tov (post yoptov)c. dvTa €. avptov e. OduyoTiaToL ec. 29. qrieve © p.m. (n 8. m.). je. etewpiferOar c. 30. —Tov koomov c. xpnteTar e. 31. —mdvrac. 32. wre. 33. TodrAnCaTaAL Cc. vTapyovTa ec. Badrravtia eC. [Raravtia bd]. StapOespe d mutat. s.m 84 xapded. eared (hiatus, sewies in hoc capite) d. 35. ews dues (pro ai oodves) c. 386. EavToy c p.m. (w supra s.m.). avtav bd s.m éavtov d p.m. 37. ypnyop ¢ (a mutat.). fin. adtods e. 38. ottws bdeC}. 39. ae (To Ss. m.)¢. ywooKeta.c. 70nd p.m. (-ec ds. m.). Tv ovxvav (pro Tov olxov) cj. 40. yiverOarc. Erouorc. 41. 4 c p.m. et s.m 42. +avtw (post eve de) c. gpovnuos be. Oepamrias c. TO ectat (pro ect) e. cipetptov (To supra d s.m.) d p. m. Marg. d s. m. ae % ciTodocia’ Kal ciTopeTpeElW TO aitov mapéxew. 43. —evpnoec. 44. adeOasc. — OTL Cc. 45. dp&erar e p.m. (-ntat s.m.). 47. — Kat pn ETO. usque ad avtov ¢ éuowot. —Tov Ku c (habet supracs.m.). avrod (pro éavtod) de. éroacasd. pndée. dapnoetar mut. e. 48. pic. a&iae. Oduyas ce. 0 (pro 6 secund.)e. ape- Gero ce. amaitnoovowc. 49. ef ndn d p. m. (et nbn Ss. m.) bd. ene (pro ews) bd. fin. (-) ce. 50. cuvexwpar c p. m. (0 cs.m.). €woodd. &ws drove. 51. [arr #] cd p. m. (adra bds.m.). —7e. 52. duapepscpévord. didpepnoOnoovtace. 53. mevOepa (pro -av) d. ert (pro éf’) bedeCj. = =— Kau vios ert TaTpL: untnp emt Ovyatpe Kau c. + Kaz (ante pnp) e. fin. avtow (pro avutns) c. 54 Aeyerar e. +67e (ante o8pos) &. out (pro ovrw) bedeCj. 56. dvov (pro ovpavov) ¢. Tov ovpavov kat tTns yns AC] s. m. 57. Kpuveras e. 58, év tn 06m ¢. pn morte be. at (pro ce prim.) de. -/ / mTpaxtop d marg. s. m. Tpaktwp Oo Tov adixovpevor evo- mpattopevos. Barerc. Barmej. 59. €FeAOeus e. Tov (pro 70) bedeC. arodwsd p.m. amodwons d s. m. Cap. XIII. 1. ev exevyw (pro ev avtw)e. amayyédovtes ce. [mAatos de passim]. fin. —avtwv e. 2. doxertar e. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. | i 5 3. petavoerte b. peTavonoeTe C. peTavonante &. peTa- on vonte d (on ds. m. supra). TavTws¢. @cavTws ce. arro- NevcOare. 4. OxTw@e. Tipyose. avtol (pro otto) e. 5. +5e (post ovy)d. petavoeirec. petavononteej. 6. Tis evyev e. €ntwv Kaptrov bceC}. ntwv avtn xaprrov d (ev supra s. m.). B 7. (ove. ivaticde. Katapyn cd p.m. (mut.). Katapyee Kat Thy ynv d(Baads.m.). 8. &wootov d p.m. (6d s. m.). cares c p. m. (o supra s. m. c). Kompia bdeC (non c). 9. mounon d p. m. (-ec d s. m.). owmoer e. exxorwns e. 10. +6 tc (post Si8acKwv) c. oduBacw (v eras.) c. 11. (od e. ac0everas C. exovoac. oxTo e. 13. avopOwOn bee. QV 14. axpidess d p.m. (10 marg. ds. m.). cawBat prim. ec. To caBBatov d p.m. (-@ ds.m.). 15. varoxpitai bee (non d) Cj. ékactos e. 7 (pro) e. 16. Ovyatepay ed p. m. (v eras. d), none. dBpaap ce (aBp. bdj). oxtde. 17. avte- Keymevor d p. m. (-Knu- ds. m.). yivopevors c. 18. Tivn @powdow c. 19. civamvos c. dv (pro 6) ceC. AaBor d. avtou (pro éavtov) bd. tvos e. ni€avev e. os (pro eis) e. peyav &. KaTtecknvwacay e. 20. init.— xa bedeCj. 21. expurev deC (non c) Elz. ddevpoud. orove. 28. oduyou e (non c). ei (proeime)c. 24. aywviferOarc. 25. init. Ed ove. Eav (pro av, E rubro) e. Bye (a nO d marg. Smt. amokAnoerc. apénoGarce. éotavarce. éotdvar j. éotavat d. vty (pro nui) c. —Kat atroxpiOers eper Vp C (ouotor.). fin. ectar c p. m. (e 8s. m.). 26. efpayopey de. eTLMjLEV Ce. UOVCp.m.e. nuwoves.m.e. 28. ddovTev ed. dweobe Cjd mutat. oicbe b. aBpaap dj. 29. —arro secund. bedeCj. vatouvc. avaxrnOnaovtar bce. 30. idov e. —evor secund.c. 31. init. v (proev)c. Oerne. 32. faceus e. 33. avpiov de (nonce). exowevyds.m. 34. atroxtevvovca cd s.m.j. amrootadmevous c. Ta éavtns voooiade. 35. idov e. —vuwe. Deyo de (—apnv) bedeCj. nev dj. nén c. NTNTE C. 116 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. Cap. XIV. 1. ev rod p.m. é&erAOciv ec. 2. —Hve. vdpomtKoa dj. evwmiov (pro eumpocbev) d. 3. —e ©. 4. iacatoe. amedvc. 5. —amoxpiOes e. vios (pro ovos) cd s.m. (non e) j. 6 vlos (pro ovos) b. ovos n 6 Bovs e. ovos d p.m. eumecerte e. avTav (pro avtov)c p.m. —ev ce. gcapB c p. m. (mutat.) non ver. 1. 7. wpotoxAnowas (b)e. ENS ae d (ov supra ds. m.). 8. xataxdOns d. KaTaknOers e@. mpoToKALoLay Cc. EVTLLwWTEPOS C. 9. Os (pro o cé) ed (ut videtur). Kaxetvoy (pro Kat avTov) e. KaTexnv c. TodTo e p.m. 10. avarrece bedCj. KEKANKOS prim. e. fin. — core. KEeKANKOT secund.c. ava- Ketmevov c. 12.—Kat prim. be. covets be. Seetrvov (mutat.) d. py gdavic avyyerns c. aderpov cov d (o supra d s.m.). 13. mons d. arounsds.m. 14 "Ota supra s.m.)d. 15. radrav ec. apiotov (pro aptov) bedeC] p.m. 17. epyecOar c. roma e. 18. arropids dC. wo (proamo)c. wapetetcOard. ideive. 19. Cedyn e. 20. [Ova tovTo| d. da Tovto ov bis script. c (semel om.). 21. mapa- yevoOpevos Cc. opytcOns c. Kat Tuprovs Kat ywrovs AC}. woe cd (non e). tmavta (pro tadta) e. 24 yevoeTe c. jin. + modrot yap evow KXyTOL Oduyou Se exdexTOL bee. 25. to iv (pro avté) c. 26. adtod (pro éavrov prim.) beeCj. etvas waOntAs dC. —Kai Thy yuvatka Kal Ta Texva e. 27. 6miswce. RAapBaver (pro Baotafer) c. evar pov ed. 28. midpyov cde. +06 (ante Oédwv) beeCj. us (pro mpos) cj. 29. apfecOarc. apkovtare. éurarfny cd p. m. autov (pro avtw) c. avto j. 30. —oc. 31. init. je. Bounrevere c s. m. (-au c p.m.) & em avutov (? wy?) d (mutat.). eoorc. epyopevac. em avtav?c. 32. éott (pro ett) c. Toppw avtov bedCj. toppw avtov dvtas e. 33. ovv e. Tas (pro mas) c 34, adras bis c. THvn & apTnOncetarc. 35. ote bise. oTae. Cap. XV. 1. “Hoav (H rubro) e. —oit secund.e. 2. &0- apr ° > > eyoyyeCov e (sic c mutat.?). aywaptwdrovs c. 3. éxaTor Cc. KaTadnTret C (np. M., EL 8. mM. C). evevnKovTa evvéa ceCj (-Ta COLLATION OF GOSPELS. dua i evvéa bd). a7ronodos c. +00 (post ws) be. fin. avto cd p.m.(o ds.m.). 5. emetn@now c. Sous c. avtov (pro éavTov) cdj s.m. 6. cvyxapntas (sic ver. 9) ce. ouyyapeute e. yetTovas c (non ver. 9). 7. ovTos ce. —TwC. eEvevnKoYTa évéa CC}. otws bd (sic ver. 10) eCj. 8. azonréons ec. Spaxuasd. caperce. caper d p.m. (-1pes omiss.). &wororov dp.m. €oodds.m. 9. dpayuny ec (non ver. 8). cuyKaner e. \ yertovas e. 10. init. o'tw be]. Ovrose. &vdp.m él ds.m. 12. eriBadtr\ove. 13. Tou (pro pet ov)c. eve. @ aowtos Cc (w supra s.m.). 14. datavicaytos c. RoLpos c. npEato e. 15. woAnTwy ec. —avtove. PBooxny yerpous c. 16. eveOupn yeunoar c. yeuetoar e. 17. Tepicevovow c, 19. ov«Kére c (not ver. 21), [ov« éte de]. GEvos e (sic ver. 21). 20. avtov (pro éavtov) cdeC. evamrayyvicOn e. eomdayxyncOn Cc. emecev C. KaTtepiin (cev om.) ©. 21. —xaw overs ad fin. vers. c (opouor.). 22. xeipar ec. 23. Eyed re € (o supra p. m.?). 24, Fv e. drodwXos cd p-m.(@ds.m.). nupeOn ce. 25. —avtov beCj. épywpevos ec. xopov d p.m.(ods.m.). 26. émiwOavetoc. 27. poucyor c¢, bytéevovta ec. 28. wpyncOn c. ovve. 29. dove. dirov (o p.m.) es.m. 30. auvtou (pro auto) c. fin.; ce 32, azro- Awros ce. NUpEOn c. Cap. XVI. 1. —xal prim. ej. oikdvowov e pass. trap- yovTac. 2. ToUTwe. axkovwyc. —aov secund. duvncer ce. éavTod & ocKxamtny c. 4 brady cde fere passim. déEovtar ce. 5. ypeoperketwy c. autouv (pro éavtov) cd Ss. m. evmev (pro édeye) &. oerrns e. odderrens c. 6. éxatov c. Badédovs (pro Batovs)c. —aov be. 7. dydon- kovta c. 8. etmaweoev c. gpovipos d p. m. (w d s. m.). —olC. povnpoteporc. 9. exdnrntec. exdevrnte AC] s.m. deEovtau bee. en nee Marg. d s. m. dacs ynuvos TNOUVTOS TEPLTTOS Kal Umép THY xpeiav. 11. éyévecOar c. — To adnOuor usque ad éyéverOe ver. 12 ¢ (opouot.). 12. 7- petepov c. 13. —toud. prim. 4 secund.e. pucices ©. duvacbar c. dovdrednv c. 14. ijeovwy c. gidapyupo. d mutat. wUmapxevres Cc. —xat secund.c. 15. fin. — ectw ej. 118 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 16. aotote ce. +0 Bovropevos evoeAOew (post as) c. 17. 3 de. 18. —xat was 6 ad fin. vers. e (opotor.). -/ 19. kaOnpepav bdeC. Kxab7,.c. Biccov, Marg. superior d s.m. Brea Bad é« moppvpas. evppawoupevos d (vu eras.). 20. Naumrpos d p.m.(ods.m.), exBeBAnto c. eidKopevos d p.m. (w prood s,m). tTpo Tov TuAwY (pro pos Tov murwva)e. 21. yuxiwy ce (e+ Tar) mutat. 22. amoPavnv c, —Tov bce], aApaap bedj fere. aB.e passim. 23. ade cp, m. (n ds, m. subs). amrouaxpoBev cde, 24. Kata Woterc. odvvwpare, 25. be (pro 6be) be. dduvacar e. 26. yaopa d. &vOev (pro evtevbev) bedCj. Sdvovrar cd p.m, (ods. m.). Post draws pars folii exciditur in e usque ad finem ver. 30. 28. wév[re] ds.m. 29. —eyovor usque ad aBpaau ver, 30 c (6uor0T.). 30. peTtavoncwcowy Cc. 31, [uwocews] ce, avc(e p,m). micOnoovtat c, Cap. XVII. 1. +avrov (post pwantas) c. [avevd. cl]. Tou eras. (ante un) ds. m. at habet tov cC (non Elz.). eloedOely e, oxadada d p.m. (v insert. 2. AvaLTEAH C. pidros c, ape. Marg. d s.m, Aibos puNikos bj. peta- vonon Cp.m.(o prowes.m.). adese, 4, émtaxis prim. ¢, bise. —ns secund.d, emitpeperc, —eme oe bedeCj. HeTavow (v eras.) & 5, amootwro d p. m. (0 Ss. m). 6, éyete bd. Cod. e hiat. usque ad fin. ver. 8 (cf. chap. XVI. 18), 7. +avtov ds. m. (supra et post épet) j. avdzrecor e. avarese bdCj. 8. obdye (mutat.) c. waxoverc. 9. Ta ddayOevra (non ver. 10). —avtw bedeCj. 10. oftws beCj. ovTws de. meus c, ReyeTat e. —~ OTe prim. e, secund. bj p.™, axpetot Sovroue, dpevdouev ed p.m. C. wd. d s.m. Tou menkapev d p.m. (woe supra ds. m.). 11. ~avrov d (habet marg.s.m.). 12, —avtov e (at Tov ww init. lectionis). &ernoav € c, 13. jpave, . emutac.. 14, adtovs e (é supra c s. m.). 15. eis @. ideve. Gye. 16. mepi (pro wapa)c. fin. tis dp.m. —tysds.m. 17. exaBepicOncavc. 18. Ow; cd. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 119 20. emepwTibers c. ae d (dap supra s.m.). —atrexpiOn usque ad Ov c éuouot. apetnpjcews c. 21. Bde d. cde e (non ver. 23) c. —% cC. dod prim. et secund. at idod tert.e. 22. emiOupnte e. 23. (Sov et idod ec. + eav (ante epovow)c. — ceC. py dee. ‘Ober c (6 supra c p. m.). 24. actpamrouv c. tov (pro tnv) dj. ovvov in marg., non textu,c. Naumne. —xal bedeCj. 26. caOes hice. — Tov prim. bedeCj.Elz. + Tov (ante viod) cdeC. 27. eyapusfovTo Cc. amorecev ce. 28. epitevov c. 31, dricawe. 33. +auTnv (post cdaat)c. atorcondp.m.(ers.m). @abp.m as dp.m.(o prowds.m.), eavd(e eras.) p.m. amoreca d p.m. (nd s.m.)j. Eworroincer (pro Ewoyovncer) ej. 34. dvo0 ecovtar d. —o prim. bedeCj. —06 secund. bj p.m. 35. ére Toautoc. —17 prim.cdC.Elz. waparapBavetarc. 36. Deest versus cde habent ver. bC. 387. mrépa (pro cwpa)e, + Kae (ante 01) dC. of aetoi cuvayOnaovtat e. Cap. XVIII. 1. €&kec. [exe. cc]. + avrous (ante rpocev- yecGar) be. 2. pits d p.m. 3, —tis d (habet j) Elz. xyetlpac. 4. nOedev dj s,m. 5. we (pro pot, ante Korrov) e S.m. xyelpa (pro ynpav)c. vmomagn cC. womvefn be. 6. de (mutat.) d. 7. moujnon bdCj (d mutat.? ev p. m.). Boovtwy ce, 8, init.+ vai cCj. —apad p,m. (supra d s.m.). dpa bej. evpnoe e. 9. —Kai prim. bedeCj. 11. erades, mposc. Amore, apmayese. abdieore. 13. éoToas c. vnotevoy c. €tumtTe(—els)e. 14, ovtos ec. SedcKardpévos ce. +-yap (post 7) bedeCj (yap eras. d). éd p. mm, 15, po Edepov d p. m. (o supra s. m. K rubro). 16. &deras e. 17. davd p.m dv ds.m. evoerOer e. 18. exnpdrnaer TLS (b)c. emnpwrocey d. avtov apywv d (tis s. m. Os p. m.). 19. eis e ©6200. fin. —aov e. 22. coe (mutat.) d. Anew ©. nav d (ra supra d s. m.). mordgoov e. éyns c. eng ©. é&ers de. axorov0n e. 25. evkotorepov c. Kapdor ©. Suatpysarias e. SeNOelv (pro eicedOewy prim.) e (non cd). — i) Trovawov ad fin. vers. (6uovor.) ce. 28. —6 deCj. (Sod e. 120 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. > \ ’ \ e ay YP \ 29. + aunv (post aunv)e. év...cev and cads.m. 30. Kat (pro 0s) & roANaTAacLwva Cc. emrepxomevw ec. 31. ava- ; ye Bawopev ec. TerecO (oO mutat.) d. ypapupéva d (ye supra Tepe s.m.). TO vied p.m. Tov viovds.m. 382. eumeyOnoetar pb ce. em. d p.m, ut wdetur. 32, 33. —Kxal UBpicOncetas b huc usque ad fin. vers. ¢ (6potoT.). 33. Kat TH TPLTN Npmepa eC}. eyepOnoetat ec. 34. cuvnKav (mutat.)e. add Hv (pro Kat nv TO pnua) e. —Kat secund. j. 35. eyysEnv c. lepryo (c)ed p,m. —Tis ec. exaOnto d (ue rubro). 36, mopevouevou ce. emwO@aveto c. 39. emetnuwv e. 40. emnpwtucer e. 41, avaBrépod (i proes.m.) 42. évéBreve ds.m. av-d forsan p.m, 41, 42. — eure usque ad o ta ¢ (idem clausule unitium). Cap. XIX. 1. €AOwy d. feptyd cde. 2. (800d. dvopate d. eat c¢. ovTos TAOVaLOs (— nv) d. 3. idelve. 4. mpo- Spauwy c (vel potius mpocdp.). mpocdpaywv dC (not e). ovkomopatay ce (-alav)}] p.m. ocukopopéav b p. m. ej s. m. idec e. —O6e’ bed (habet supra ds. m.) ej. werdXev (v eras.) ed (6 pro v s.m.). epxyecOar d p.m. 5. Eayée (non ver. 8)c. 6. vmedeEatov (—avtov)c. 7. wavtes be. 8. dice suprads.m)d. xvdp.m(wds.m). jysone. Sid8op00 de. 9. T@ (mutat.) ce. aBpaap bed (af. e)j. 10. azoros ce. 11. avtw (pro avtov) c. +s (ante inp) ce. avo (pro avtous)e. 1%) Bactreia Tov Ov pedreu(sic)c. 13. mpay- Hateverbe Cc. TpaypatevcacOa ed p. m. (-Ge d s. m.). 14. omicw ce. ornowd p.m. (¢pronds.m.). Oéd@per e. 15. —xau secund. bdj. gwviOnvare. edmxere. ededmxer j. empaynatevoato e. 16. 7» vac cov bed (o eras. d): sic ver. 15,18, 20. mpoonpyacato e. 17. icOn c. dé[Ka] ec. 20. wv d. 21. aipess e. 22. —Se ej. aipwy e. eipe; c. 23. dia tic. dea tie. —Tnv bede. tos tparelitats C. 24. eywvte d p.m. (o ds. m.). 26. iit. “O (rubro) Se eviev Aeyw vwiv ee. —yap ce. 27. —exewwovs c. OedicavTas d mutat. e. adyayetar ec. woe ce. wde d. oddkate c. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 121 28. avaBawov e. 29. —eyeveto c. PBnOcdayih cde (-yn) C. BnOcdhayiy j. opos ce. 30. exrov d p.m. (Aeyor supra ds.m.). amevavts e. evpnoetat ce (ev. e). exabicer; e. 31. dvati c. Siatt d. dua the. obtws (rescript super rasuram) c. 32. Ka@as e. 35. hyayov e. emupp. ce. emeBnBacav be. 36. Ta (watia év TN 06W aUTwWY ec. auToU (mutat.) c p.m. 37. nn ec. HpEato be. yatpwvres cd. 38. —Paowrevs c. 39. avtov (— pos) c. emeTnunoor e. 40. cuwticwow e. 41. w (pro os) ©. em avutny d. ou 42. —aov prim. c oo (ot mut.) d s. m. (cov d p. m.). 43. nEovow d. émiBadovow c. TepiKuKAWowoLY (OV pro w e p.m.) 44. —Kat ove adynoovow ev aot C (opoL0T.). 45. npEato e. ev avtw ayopalortas ev avTw Kat sic d p. m. 46. oixos c (secund. tantum). xdnOyjcatae (€ pro as. mM.) ©. emoinoatarc p.m. -Tecs.m, AT. Ave. SidacKoy c. To eras. (b)dj. Kxa@npepav bedeC. —ot secund.c. 48. mrovn- cova. cdC}j. Cap. XX. 1. —exesvav e. didatK0vT0s avtovu (mutat.) d. evayyedtfouevov dp. m. -ouds.m. tepets (— oi) bd p. m. 3 OL apy. Supra s.m. ipEts Cj. Ypaupartisc. 2 ect’c p.m. 3. Nov (pro Aoyov) e. atroxpiOnré (pro eltrate)c. 5. Sa tic. Oia tid. dua tie. —obtv bedeCj s.m. 6. ears iwavy.c. fin. ewarc p.m. nvarcs.m. 9, — Ts beed p.m. Cj (tis supra s.m.). 10. +7 (ante caipw) d. Snpavrtes dej s. m. amecteirav c (cE c s. m. early). Kawvov c. 11. érepov treprar c. tuavres (pro Serpaytes) cj s. m. Kkalwov c. 13.icosc. tcase. 14. tdovtese. dtedXoyicavTo e. éavtov (pro éavtous) c. 15. —avrov d p.m. (habet supra bp ds.m.). ameda@vos d (w supra). atredova d (p supra, eras.). 17. + Tovtov (ante Tovto) c. ‘yeypauevov c. 18. éf’ wy d. Aucunon d. 19. —Kaz tert.c. —Tov Aaov bdeC. 20. arro- -/ Kpwopevous de p.m. vm. des.m. émridaBovtar ce. eyxal. -/ d. Marg. d s.m. efedpovs. Royov d p.m. Rovyov s. m. nyewovos bed. 21. adrnOas (pro opAws) c. RAauBavvers c. ¥e2 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 23. KaTavwnoas c, avtov (pro avtwyv) ec. Tovnptav (pro mavoupyiav) e, meipaverar ce. fin.tvmoxpitaice. 24. +01 Se ederEav Kas eve (post Snvapiov) cj. 26. jnoyvoar c. émtaBécbe e, 28, pwiohs cC. exywv erasum (post arobavyn secund.) c. " adechos avtov AaByn d (6 supra s.m.). é€ava- oTnces d (p.m, -n 8.m.)e, 29, foave. 31, wcaiTas ce. omotws (post @oattws) c. —Se be. —xas tert. bed.Elz.C (jungit émra ov dC). 32. —debe. -—avtwyve, 33. —ev ™ ouvv avactacer usque ad yvuvn c (opotot.). éatar (pro yuwetat)e. ywered (ard s.m.). 34, exyapioxwvtar d p.m. exyapifovtar d s,m, 35, ote bis de, exyausfovtar (non ver, 34) cdCj. otte e, ottarc. tysd(ois,m.). 37, ded supra (non p,™.). €k vexpwv (pro ol vexpot) c. povans deCj, adBpaap cj. aBpaay bde, icaax e, 39, ypap- parasey cp. m, (€ ¢ a. m). 40, od Ete ce, ovxKeri d. 41, +-ruves (post Aeyovor) oe. 43. ave, 46, mpocexerar c. ypaupataiwy c, mpotokaledpias c (d plac 8. m, at v p. m.). mpwtoxabedpiais e, mpwtoxdnoras cd (kri d: v p. m. pro c). mpwtoxrnovats e, 47. olKias &, yxetpwy ©. xnpav e(n mutat.). paxpa cd. pia bd, Cap. XXI. 1. —avtwv c. yalopuraxiov c p.m, (et s.m.). mArovoiws ¢. 2. elye 5€ Twa Kar yelpay G. dev O€é Tia Kat bCj. yxijpa wevnypav e. —Kat dj, yeipav d (n ds. m.). exBarrovoay d. 3. yetpac. —1) (ante yjpa) d (habet marg. et supra ds.m.)C. mdrgotov ec. 4. odToL e. TepiaevovTos d. TwY TepiageULATwY avTwy ee, EBareyv (c)e. 5, Tivoyec. kal Koopntatc. 6. AiGov d (non ce)C. 7, 8, — didacKkanre usque ad Reyovtes ver. 8 c (opuotot.). 7. otv e. yivecbe ec. 8. wravnohtrace. mopevOnrare, omicwede. 9, axoventat c. axovoeted p.m, mronOntec. 87 (pro de)c. 10. ore (T omisswm)e. Reyer (pro ereyev) ej. 11. Atpot (pro Aoipot) c. Tpd Te Kai onuel bis script. c (semel erasum). 12. ravTwv bej. das c. ovoduatds @ (sic ver. 17). 13. mpowe Tay (T rubro) c 15. » (pro ovde) d. 16. rapado@ncec bat dp. m. (€ 8 m.). Kat cuyyevov kat pirwv Kat adeddaov COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 3 bedCj. 18. OpnE cd s.m. xtjcecGe ds. m. (a vel pro e€ d p.m.) tpov (mutat.)e. wdrntare. 20. — v0 otpato- medwove. epnpwooisc. 21. (ovdaiae(mutat.)c. exywpyntwoapv e. 22. jwepac. exdnxnoews c. TwAnTOnvare. 24. +e (ante otopate) cd s.m. et marg. aypee. —axps ad fin. vers. C ofoloT, 25, aotase. nove. 26. erepyaperor c. 27. Oovrarce. vederaisc. do€nsc(omutat.). 28. yeverOar e. yweobe p.m.c (cs. m.¢). avaxutrpate (Wr rubro) d. 29. tere ec. 30. mpoBadrwow d, —7dn secund, 31. obtws bee. 32. —67e c. ‘yevovtar © p. m. (n pro ov © s, M.). 33. TapedevoovTar C p. Mm, e, maperevoctar d p, m. (ov s. m.). 34 —6de€ ec pntote d, PBapnOwaw beC)}. Bapidwow d. xperradyn be. edvidios c, ed’ juas ej p. m. (vs. m.). 35. yap eXevoeTat ec, Tapedevoetar d p. m. (-ovras d 5. m.). Ka0imevovs 6, 36. — tTavra bedeC). KkataéwwOyntat Cc. —Tavta yeveoBar c. 37. exo TO A p.m. (tod s.m.). dpose. 38. pOpife be. Mic sequitur in Codd. a, pericopa adultere Johan. vu. 53— yas, LT. Cap. XXII. 1. oprn d. 2. —oi secund. c, a..véXwow Te (rasur.) dj. 38. —-obeCj. lovddv e. Karovpmevov d p.m. j (ert supra ds. m). OvtTa ca 4 — Tow secund. bedj. 5. eyapioay ©. cuvedero d p.m. (v sm.) apyupta d (non c) j. 6. eEouoroynoey c, elntn c. Gtep e. 7. macya (o fin, eras.) d. 8. érotmacare e (non ver. 9). tpivd p.m. nw ds.m. 10.—ded (supra s.m.). Oédrns e. éTomwacopev bd p. m. (0 prow ds. m.) Cj. ode. ev ty Tore (pro es / TnV 7.) Cc. oikiav e. ox marg. d s.m. ny olknua. ode. cH 11. xataduppac. pe tov d p. m. (ta supra d s. m.). 12. deeén ed p.m. (es d 8. m.). avwyaov ceC. avayeor b. avayatov dj. ectpwppevov c. 13. aredXOovtway d. 15. ere- Ouvpad. 16. odeétic. odxétede. Ewsdtovd. 18. yevnuartos beeCj. 20. as attosce. a@aattase. Hyave, exxvvomevor c. ovopats (pro amatt) b. 21, wapadibovto c, 22. apic- pevoyv d. opicpevove. 23, dpadp.m. dpads.m. npEato 124 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. d p.m. (v supra s.m.). ety (pro etn) ce. jreAXwv TovTo be. 27. pifwv. ovy (proovyt)d. Kalas (pro @;)e. 28. earat be p.m. (é de s.m.). tots (mutat.)c. 30. wivnte cs. m. (e prone p.m.). Tots (pro tns)c. Kabicecbac. Kkabicéabe (b)eCd p.m. (n pro e s.m.). +48 (ante Opovwv) cjd marg. s.m. Opovouvs Swdexa. KplwovTes C. —ev TH BacireLra pou ej]. topanr plené c. 32. exdumrn be (non d)j. exAeurn ¢ Ss. m. (n pro eu C p. m.). ore ce. 33. exe (—avTw) Cc. mopeveobe ec. 34. dwvnon bedeC. tmpwnd p.m. -tds.m. 35. dru d p.m. ébteds.m. Baddavtiov beC. otf évos ce (non d)j. 36. Rakuurcay c (supra X p.m.) bC. eipayr ce p.m. (n € 8 Mm.) —, 4PATW OmoLws KaL THpaV e. TarANTEL bdej (non c) C. ayopaces bedeCj. 37. —éte c. reread (mutatum) d. 38. of (mutat.) d p.m. idod e. abe de. 39. dpos ce. —autwm xa e. 40. rpocevyecbat e (at et € p.m?) 41. ameoracOn (mutat.) d. 42. wapeveyxe de} (-ev d p. m). fin. yeverOar c. + xal waddwWw amerOadv mpoonbéato c, 43,44, Nulla omissionis suspicio in ¢ ( 277.) e ("7"). 43. —adra d (supra p.m. ut videtur). 44, iSpads d. vdpas C. OpouBpos e. fin. tTns yns c. 45. —avtov c (cf Elz.) cdC. 46. aurns (pro autos) e. 47. mponpyero cd. avtous, avtots d s. m. (pro avtwy) beed p.m. Cj. Hryyerar ce. nyyicate. fin. + Tovto yap onpevov dedwxet avToLs: OTL ov av diinow avtos éotw bedCjs.m. 48.—ice. 49. érrdpevov e. matagwpevc. 50. ety e. 51. éatre e. arpapevos bee. 52. eXovtas (pro tapayevomevous)c. —asec. é&)rAOate c (non de). fin. + cvdAraBew pe c. 53. KkaOnuepav beeC. Kal’ ywepay d. —pe? tudvec. svtTwase. adrra bdj. +xav (ante. ov e€er.)e. —eotw d. — secund. 54. —adrov secund. cdeQ] s.m. oixove. 55. ayravtwv be. Se wupar e. aovyxabncavtav c. exabitoe. 56. arevnoacac. avTov (pro avtw prim.) d. KaOievov e. 57. npvicato e. —avTov prom. ej. 59. dost (pro adXos Tis) d (o supra insert. bis d). é adnOeas de. 60. dv (pro 6)c. —o secund. bed (non e) Cj. adrerwp d. 61. pnywatos (pro Noyou Tov) e. 62. —o metpos cdj. 63. everrafov (a mutat.) d. Sarpovtes COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 125 dj. 64. éavtov (pro avtov)c. emipwtov c. Reyor (mutat. super ras.)c p.m. 66. —Te bed (supra, p. m. videtur). Te “ €. Yypapyates c p.m. amnyayov cdCj. fin. avtwv (pro éautwv) bedeCj. 67. wiv d (uv vel n dub.). murrevonras cd (e pro ac ds. m.). 68. €¢ (pro eav) c. atroxpiOnoere c. atodvontarc. 69. KaOipevose. 70. —e€i c. —Tpos auTous €l y d. “Orid. pid (esupras.m.). 71. avtw (pro autor) c. NKOUTAMLED €. eK 1 dic... chvaver heel]... aero se. myratov e. 2. np~ato c. Katnyopny c. diatpégovta c. +nuov (post eAvos) cd s. m. Kodvovta cd p. m. (@ Ss. m.). 3. eripwtncey c. eltrev (pro edn) c. 4. mnddtose. aitov e. 5. —Tns secund.c. dde be. wbec. 6xdov (pro Tov yp =I Aaov) d (marg.ds.m. aov). 6. —od. 7. yvovsc. évTa e. 6760 8.m. —ex Tys c (habet suprac p.m). —Kat secund. c. 8. e&Kavov d marg. s.m. + xpovou: at é& e / / L ci Uh ixavou xpovov BérXwv Cj). —ToAAa Cc. —YywopmeEvor Cc. nd e ye > 10. eiotnknoay c. elotnoav d (marg. d s. m. etaTnKeroay b). —ot secund.c. fin. adtov ec. 11. —avrov secund. c. ypappatevow (pro otpatevpacw) e. mnrgdtTwe. 12. —o A secund. cCj. évath (pro év avth) c adnrav (A supra d s.m.)d. 6vtese. 14. iSod e (sic ver. 15). —avw toute c. KaTnyopertar e. 15. mpos avtov vas c. averreurpa yap > AN ¢ SI ve | avTov Tpos nuas (sic) eé: d marg. s.m. avarreurye yap avTov mpos muds. dove. Gove. 16. rwedevoase. 17. fin. + decuiov d supra s.m. 18. —Tov bde. Gparc. dtp c. BapapBav c. 20. mpocepwrncard. 21. cravpocor secund. c. 22. aitiuv & avta e 23. ai e. 24. aitnua e. 25. —avtous beeC. fin. av avtav c. 26. +06 otpati@tat (ante emiAaBopevor) c. KUpivatov d. xKnp. ¢ p. m. (vs. m.). —tov prim. bedeCj. —-rtékva c. Quatuor litere eras. in e (post twos). gepnyc. OricOev e. 27. HKOr. e. HKOdOVOH d p.m. (ec d s.m.). 28. éadtous ¢ (forsan -as). 29. épyovte c. otfpar d p.m. (eo ds.m.). 30. dpecwe técete c. 126 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. TE Kaddwatare. TO (tTes.m.)d. 31. eid p.m. ytiveras be. 34. dese. oldacrce. elaTnxKer e. eae d p.m. (A supra ds. m.). 35. +adrov (inter de et xav) cdj (d s. m. avtov supra). 36. everefov c. avTtov (pro auvtw prim.) c. d€o¢ e. 38. €AAnv e. éBSpack e. 39. Kpeupacbevtwy c. — ei ©. — Kakxovpyor d p.m. (supra d s.m.). 40. —o (ante €repos) c. iid yp lal oTeC p.m. (ECS. m.). emeTnuad. avtov (pro avtoy avT@ ds.m.)dp.m. 41. avrokapBavwpev e. — obTos bé ad fin. vers.c. 42. dradvc. Odradve. 44. etn c evatns beC. 47. éxatovtapyos c. évTos c. 48. yevoueva c. ouptrape (e p. mas. m.)e. 49. elaotnxnoay ce. elatnKercay bd. 50. ovouate cd. 51. cuyxatatibewevos cj. tdaén d p. m. (ev s. m.) sic. —xas (post ds) dC}. 53. habet avto prim. e. eveTudiée e€ (—auto secund. e). avt® (pro avto tert.) bee. autov (pro auto secund.) c. fin. + Kat tpocexudtce ALGov Kadapw preya (— peya b) emt tyv Ovpay tov prnueov be. + supra owédov. ds. m. ovdétote d. 54. 4) S€ tuepa Hv Tap. c. —Kat prim. c. —Kat secund. beCd p. m. (supra d 8s. m.). + (ante *epa) d marg. s.m 55. —Kat prim. bdeC at supra yuv.ds.m.j. aitwese. aro (proex)e. 56. pipa dp.m. Totmacar e. Cap. XXIV. 1. T rubro om. c p. m. (4 ante de pa). Babews ceC. + ryuvacxes (post nXOov) ec. ATHwacav e. 4. iSod e. avédpes dvo bedeCj. 5. yevmpevwy c. KAwoved c. tev (pro tov)c. 6. de bede (“e). prncOntat d p.m. (eds. m). ywe 9. arnyyttav e&. Tavta TavTa Cc. évdexa (sic ver. 33) bee. 10. —noav dé ce (eras. e€ s. m.). paysadiwh cd. payday b p.m +7) (ante iaxwBov) c. —ail ce (eras.e s.m.). 11. Hrictovy e. = Amiatuy d p. m. (-ovv? ds.m.). 12. pvnwelwy c. ofowa ce. d0dovera d. 13. Sov e. é&nkovta bede. Kounvd. tepovoarerp d p.m. (-ywds.m.). 7 ovowac. 14. airy d s.m. (-ovv d p.m. ef.ver.11). 16. of@arpore. 17. tolvese. wept mavtTodvtes. p 18. —o cd (eras.) ] p. m. j e& avtav (post eis)ds.m. —& COLLATION OF GOSPELS. t27 be. «dedras d p.m. Kkrgebmas d s.m. —ev (ante thy) bedeCj s. m 19. woia de. os (pro 6s) dj. 20. té d. kpiwa be. xpiwad, 21. nrriSwpev c. ovTos (pro avtos) e. errOY Cc. ayes eC. 22—24. Sew linece excise (usque ad onuetiov ver. 24) e. 22, tives d. dpOiec. eri tad p.m. (at 76d s.m.). punuscov d sm. (-ecov d p.m.). 23. ortacav c. 24, obtws beC. obtws dej. —xav tert. d. 25. de. 27. Svepujvevey c. Siunp.e. 28, Hyyicave. mpocerrointw mopeveT Tropeveobe ce. 29, wervwy Cc. vpewy ec. KEKANKED C. éorepave. 30. Todp.m. TOds.m. KataxdnOyjvar be. Pod. d (ra supra s.m.). 32. évupive. edraBn cd p.m. (-e ds.m.)e. Supvuyev ce. 33. cuvnOpnopevovs c. evo. bee. 34. ayyepOn be. svtws 6 Ko dj* (non s.m.). dvTosc. dvTws e. 36. +xal (ante avtos) dC. éornd. 37. rrwnOévtes c. atondevtes d p.m. (o prow s.m.). 38. diatice. 39. tere e. ootéac. xKabdse. 40. edevEev ce. 41. init.” Te (deest 3 rubr.) e. €yeti e. 42. omtod e. Om C. amropedoo.ou Knpiov e. periooetov bdC] p.m. 46. odtos bis c. obtws bis bdeC. 47. 70 ¢. ovouatece. [apEapevor e]. apEapevov d p. m. (o supra d s.m). 48. ota c. 49. tdov e. emrayyerelav e. éd tymas (1) semiformat.)e. wodne. d1. ev tod. 53. dsatavtos cd. Sua wavtose. ipdc. fin. [apnv ede]. Desunt subscriptiones c. In e sex line excise ut in ver, 22, 24. Ov Sub. teros e habet rubro tHs avalAn ews ?] Kat Tov ew 8 té[Nos| TOU KaTa A. TEAOS TOU KaTa AovKaY evayyedLov d. TedXos suv Oew TO KaTa AOUKaY ayLov Eevayyedtou J. Tedos TOU KATA NoUKAaY ayiov evayyerdtou C. 128 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. Codd. bede} Compl. Cod. e hiat. usque ad cap. vil. 39. iat. cap. vil. 31— ix, 1. Cod. f deest. Cod. a: wid. p. 123, vii. 53—vii. 11. TITLE. EVaAYYENLOY KATA LwWavYnV b. To kata twavynv evayyedtov c rubro. To cata wwavynv aytov evayyertov dC}. Cap. I. 3. :yeyovev' be. 4 —% ¢ p. m. (supra rubro) marg. avOpwro cs. m. 15. eumpocbe c s. m. (v eras.). —pov secund. d. 17. ed00n (v eras.) c. 18. povoyevyns C. 6 pov vios bede recenti manu. 19. —Tove. 21. amexpOn (pro Aeyer) c. ove expe (pro ov) c. 24. of extra lineam jacp.m 26. Barrilov c ove. 27. —eyo c. iva super ras. Xvow infra lineam c p.m. 28. BnOavia bed marg. Cj marg. at BnbaB8apa dj teat. 29. —o iwavyns c. 32. cataBaivov d p.m. os (pro wae) dj? 34. —xar c. 35. jotnKe c. elotnxee bd p.m. 36. fin. +6 alpwv Tnv auaptiav Tov Koopouv c. 37. —avtou c. 40. —Se bedCj. 41. —jve. 42. peovav be s. m. (o erased) aC). Saleen (n s. m.). —o bedCj. 43. —de be. épuvvetetar c. 44. —6 enaovs bdj. 46. pwovoets ¢ rubro. —rov cdCj. vafapeO bj. vataper (sic ver. 47) cdC. 49. —o d. 51. petfov cd. 52. init.—Karc. amapte bedC. Cap. II. 1. tn tpitn tuepa (—TH sec.)c. yauoc. exn c. 3. totepnoavtes cc. 4. init.t+Karc. ov (pro cot) dj. 5. reyes bed p.m. C. GticC. 6. wetpitasc. 9. To vdwp c. oLvou —owov d p.m. Tov vdatos yeyevnuevov d s.m. 11. thy apxnv Tov onueiwy erroincey c. 12. [Katrepvaovy be passim ce], —exe d. 14, 15. —Kae ta tpoBata usque ad Boas — (opotor.)c. 14. xippard p.m,eds.m. 15. dpayyeddiov COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 129 d. dpayeduov bj. KorwBiotoy c p.m. 17. —avtov c. Kkatagbayetat bed marg. s. m. Cj. Kkatépaye d p. m. 18. —of c je. mes c. 19. —o bedCj. evyerpa c. 20. @kodopnoev ovtos (—o vaos) c. 22. eXeye (—avuTous) bedj. 23. + ous (ante tepoc.) bedCj. morrAnec. 24. autov bd (€ supra s.m.) d. Cap. III. 1. vexcdnpuos d (not ver. 4,9). 2. avtov (pro tov w) bej. 3. —6 bej. 4-6 d. —avOpwros d. 5. —6 bdCj. 6, 8. yeyevynuevov bis cedC. 10. —o prim. bedCj. 12. fin. muctevonte d. 15. Eyer bed. 20. eXeyOn avtov ra epya cj. 23. carn bcdj. mapeyevovtodj. 25. vovdacov bd p.m. j. tovdarcwy cd s.m.C. 26. 7 (pro nv) ce. 27. —7 d, at supra p.m. forsan. 29. €otnK@s cc. —Tov (post dwvnv) cC. 31. écp.m.(avwcs.m.). fin. éoti cdC (eorey Elz.). 33. AauBavov c. DAauBov d (vy eras.) eadpaynoer c. 34. & (pro dv) c 36. éyn d p.m. éxew marg. d s. m. + nv (ante Cwnv) bdj inserted p.m. (not c) C. pevet bd p.m. péver cd s.m. peeved C, Cap. IV. 1. wo (pro xo) AC}. 2. avtos bis scriptum e. 3. amndOov c. —adw bedCj. 5. capapias (sic ver. 7) d. cixap cdAC. ob (prod) bdCj. 6. va (pro uc) d p.m. odtos (pro ovtws) ¢. movew (sic ver. 9) c 9. capapitns c. ovypwovrTa. cd p.m. of suprad p.m? 12. —ot suprac p.m.adp.m. 13. —o prim. bedC. avtw (pro avtn) ¢ p.m. 14. d00@ c. =—ov pn dunon usque ad dwow avTw (op010T.) ce. 15. rXeyn d p.m. -ads.m. pdé Epyw.c. 16. avdpav (non ver. 17) c. 17. + aut (post evrov) c. 18. ArnOds (A rubro) c. 20. tw oper Tovto bed (tovtw bd) Cj. 21. 6d p.m. OTe s.m. (ante Epyetac) at 6t6 d p.m. ore d s.m. (ante ovte). 25. weoias bedC. 27. eOavpafov c. 28. Tous a.c p.m. rescript super ras. 380. —ovy cdj p.m. 31. +avrov (post paOnrar) AC]. 33. nvexey d p.m. nveyx. d s. m. 35. —ere d (non c) C. retpaunvos bedCj. 36. yarper cd p.m. 37. tovtoc. 38. avtav ds.m. (ato p.m). 42. od« S. ace 130 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. érucd. 45. ebo£avto d. bca(prod)d. 46. —6 va c (not bd). 47. juerre d p.m. 50. +6 (ante ux secundum) bedC}j. mopeverc. 51. amnvtnoavc(es.m.) p.m. 52. +6 (pro ov) c. Koprrov marg.s.m. ayabov eviote d [abrogat j per s ver. 46 yadiAatas usque ad owvor]. Cap. V. 1. peta de tavta nv éopth ce. +1) (ante eoptn) dCj. 2. emu tn d erased. €Bpatorn cd (d p.m, & 8. m.). 3, 4. nullo omissionis vestigio cd. 4. etapdaoceto to cdC. ov OnmoTe C p.m. eyeveto c. 5. Tpiaxovta (+Kxat beC) bedC. 6. Oerns bed p.m. (-en d s.m.). 7. Badn bd (non c) Cj. ep c(es.m.). epyopmarc. 8. eyerpec. KxpaRarrov (sic ver. 9—12) be. xpauBatov bis d (u pro Bd s. m.). 11. cov bis c (prius eras. non). 13. dn ¢ (ndee c¢ s. m.) d. 14. coe ri bed. 15. aanyyetrec. 18. init. t+ Kare. toov ed. 19. Bree d p. m. (n ds. m.). 20. avrows d p. m. (avtos ds. m.). peSova d. der&n d s. m. (-ec p. m.). 21. ovtws bedQj. Oereu d p.m. (OeAn ds. m.). 23. tov mpa bis script. c. 25. éorl (hiatus) c. 380. Habet apo d. 34. dvov c. 35. ayaddabnvat bedCj. 38. pevoy d (ra s.m.). 39. Conv exynve. —ev avtais at ev avtoc s. m. et atwviov CC. axetvas d. 41. ANawBavvw (non ver. 43) c. 44. dveov (pro addnrov) d. raunBavvovtesc. 45. pooes dC (wwoet beC}). —yapd. 47. fin. muotevetec. Cap. VI. 2. évroic. 5. ayopacwpevc. 6. ndn d p.m -/ -es.m. nyedr}gcbdCj. 7. apxecovowd. 9. owdpia marg. ff note s.m. tx@vdia sic ver. 12d. 10. ev toc. 11. +evte (ante aptovs) c. 12. erdno@ncay dj. mepicoevpata Tov KNacpatov d p.m. ocavta et yp KAdopata d marg. s. m. 13. aptov c p.m. (@ 8. m.). 15. avtos povos evs To dpos (—adw j)c. 18. 6re(prohre)d. Scéyetpero c. 19. eur. c. —Kkat (ante epoBnOncav) c. ws d (ee supra s. m.) COLLATION OF GOSPELS. ot habet j. 20. +a (ante reyer) c. 21. —To prim.d. 22. —o secund.c. éoTiK@s ¢. addAor d. euvakee c p.m. (on supra s.m.)d. Rotove. povne. 23. nrOov cj. 24. — Kae prim. bedCj. 26. avtw (pro autos) c. —apnv semel c. ideTe ed. 27. dy (v super rasuram) ds. m. éodpaynoev be. 28. mocoupev d p.m. (wd s.m.) C. Tovovpev J Sm. = TL@peEV c. mowwpev bj p.m. epyatouebac. 29. —6 bedCj. ets av (pro ews 6v)c. 30. —oud. oes ec. 31. mpec. avtous (pro avtois) ce. 33. rataBalvov b p.m. d p.m. (@ ds. m.). 34. duw ec. 35. Cwono o ep fere illegib. in d. rewacer ©. mioreny c. muorevo d (v supra s.m.). 36. —Kat prim. ce. 38. fin. wec. 39. —ev be (j prius) 40. eyes bed. —ev (supra s.m.) d: sic ver. 54j. 41. -of ce. 45. —Tov prim. bedCj. axoveav bedC. 49. to wavva epayov ce. 50. — va Tis ad fin. vers.c. 51. 0 secund. d. 52. — pos adAnrovs c. 53. —apnv semel c. mente (70 s. Mm.) ©. 58. +ou (post tpwywr) cd (d eras.) Cj. Gjoec cj? 64. etoiv tives e€ tuov c. %) (pro of) c p. m., at ot (pro ot) d. 66. —avtov prim. d. ov« éred (non cc). oricwec. 68. —ouv a e& ec. 70. —6 io cdCj. ec&eraunv d p. m. (cE s. m. d). 71. &werrAev dC. v (pro av vel ov) d p. m. mutat. d s. m. ov be. Cap. VII. 1. —of c. 3. —cov secund. d. Gewpn- =|! ‘| cove. c. 4. mapp marg. late gloss d. efovciq adeia. 5. adedgoy c. emiotevoa db s. m. ut videtur. 6. mpetepos c. 8. —eyo usque ad tavtnv (omowot.) d. odmw prim. ove secund.c. Inds. m. is inserted marg. eyo ovT@ avaBaww tantum. 9. avtw (pro avTois) c. ghana (ev supra d s.m.). 10. —eus tyv Eoptnvc. 12. —de bedC. Kxoopov (pro oxrov) d. 13. tov doddarwvc. 15. —of. 16. +ovv (post amexpOn) bedCj. 17. mpotepov c. 18. otdtws d p. m. (0 8. Mm). 21. —6 bedCj.. 22. capBatwc. 24. xpiveras prim. c p.m. 25. —ovv c. 26. —adnOas prim. c, secund. Cj. 27. épxetar 9—2 132 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. ce (non dC), 28. eidare prim. 29. — dé bedCj. 30. Marg. -/ =i/ ds. m. macau habet nav e&ndev ex THs xELpOS avToV. ad emeBev d (ar supra s.m.). edndrvOn bd p.m. -er d s. m. 31. Gru eras.d. —Tovtwv dC. 32. banpetas of hapicacot kat ot apyvepets bcdCj. 33. —avtois bedCj. 34. Sntnoate if ec Inds. m. late marg. éy@ efpi (so ver. 36). 35. ves d. +s (post mov) c. SiatopeverOar c. 37. [etornxes be]. / =| 39. 0 jwedrov bd. amictevov d (tex supra d s.m.). arytov late marg. d s.m. —o bedeCj. [ovdera]e. 40. tov Noywv be. tovtrwy ej. 41, 42. —Odros éotw ad fin. ver. 42 (opotot.)c. 41. + 67u (ante obtos)e. —debdeCj. 42. Bnew dp.m. 43. cxyicpad. 45. Hd (ov suprads.m.). 46. — ote. [Svati] ede. 47. mpos avtous d p.m. (av eras.d). 51. axovoet e. 52. eyerpyeptarc. evpevynoove. 53. Nullwm suspicionis signum in pericopa adultere: omnia uno tenore bedC. Rubro a ae : de v els tTnv Tys || marg. 53 (viii. 1). awnAOov bj. amrndOev -/ (pro emopevOn) d marg.s.m. be. tov ovcov marg.d s.m. >// ta Lota. Spatiwm inter viii. 2 et 3 (Theodora Pelagia) b. Cap. VIII. 1 (same as vii. 53). arn Oov bj. amnrbev d (pro eropevOn ad s.m. marg.). md Oev 6 wo j. viii. 1. +0 (ante wr) bej. 2. +Babéos (post opOpov) bej. yAOev a. apes eat a marg. s.m. sic Cod.e. 3. Rubro marg. eb es petavoouvtas kata ww. Nigro in textu Tw Kapa exewo e. 3. —deb. ayovow of ypapmaters Kat of hapicato. Tpos [Tov w rubro] avtov be. wmpoonveyxav (—mpoo avtov) a. emt (pro ev) abdeC}. KxatarerpOjoavc. +7w (ante werw) abe. 4. evtrov (pro XNeyovawy) ae. + TetpalovTes (ante didacKare) “I/ Ce. TAUTHY EvpwLEV aUTN 1) YUVN ELANTTAL a. EeTravTOpopw (a) poryevopernv abdj. In marg. d s. m. ém’ atvta Ta oC Krempatt. At TavTnv etpomev eTravTop@pws polvyevopevny eC. aitn eiXnrtaca. KatérderhbOnc. 5. ev de To (Tw a) COLLATION OF GOSPELS. i338 voue nuov (nui a) pwons (— Huw a)adC. potions (— nu not b) eC. AOafew abej. fin. + reps avtns be [not al. 6. erepwtortes be}. Katnyopiav kat’ abdC. Kateypadenr c. jin. + pn Tpocrotovpevos cdej s.m. [not a] C. 7. mpwrov: ér autny Thy NOwy c. er avTHd p.m. em avtny ds. m. -/ (7pwtov: c) AuMov (— Tov) BadreTw em avtnv abej. 9. Kas vrr0 -/ in d s.m. marg. ev eviows ove éott. a (—axkovaartes Kat A TO UTO TNS TUVELOnTEWS ENeyYopmevor ab) habet C. eEnpyov e [- -/ (A 70s. m.). Ind eEnpyeto p.m. eEnpyeTo s.m. marg. EEA op marg. a. eis Kaeis C(de)a. — ws Twv exyatwv ce [not a]. xatednbOn ce. 6c wovose. —6bb. —povos a. ovoa (pro éatwaa) abcdeCj. 10. wev avtnv Kae evrrev (—Kat pndeva usque ad avtn) abj. —7 yuvn cdeC. evdev auvtny Kat evmev @. ryuvat (pro 7) yuvn) abe. —1) yuvn j. —eKevot (— exewvos b}) of katnyopou cove (nona). 11. —avtHe de (pro avtn)e. —deb. —Karc. + amo Tov vuv (ante wnxere) bdeC [non a] j. Ln rubro ré aa TAS Nd. Rubro T rap petavoouvtay e. 12. —avtousc. avrous 6 wo bdeCj. mepe- matnon bdeCj. 13. waptupes bede. 14. +6 (ante wc) c. eXGm (pro mOov) c. 4 mou (pro Kat mov secund.) bcC}j. —vpers de ad fin. versie. 15. —ded. 16. —dec. 17. To vuetepw c. 19. Neyove. —obcd. —ex eye ndevte ad fin. -/ vers. (Opotot.) c. 20. yafopuraxerw c. yao in d marg. s.m. Peer eauoow gurakiw. 22.—o0ic. amoxteverc. 24. nury ec. —eav yap pn ad fin. vers. (ouoiot.) d. 25. dre cdC. 26. + «ae (ante Nadew) c. 27. EXareL (pro eEreyer) be. 29. avtov (pro avtw) c. 31 [Hiat Cod. e usque ad Cap. ix. 11]. pewn c. 32. —arnOevav Kar 1% adnOea c. 33. + Kat evtrov (post amrexpiOn) b. aBpaapu c hic (aBp. fere). 39. fin. — av d p.m. Cj. 40. dvor d p.m. dvov -/ =f ds.m fin. erowcey c. 43. Tov RAoyov d s. m. Tov ewov b. 44. anit. vpers ex Tov mpo hor c. [arrapyns cd]. eatixev c. No stop at end verse c: at éoti: kau d. 134 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 48. —of c. Aeyopev cd. 52. —o0i c. ryevonrar bdCj. Oavatw c. 53. vuwove. overas.d. 54. d0€acwd. auov dj. 56. nupev (dubium) d. «tidy d. 58. +ovv (post ever) be (non j). yeveotard p.m. @s.m. 59. [as Elz.]. Cap. IX. 1. yevyntns c. 2. ov (mut.) youns c¢ p. m. 3. —6 bedCj. —odTos jpaptev (same beg.) c p. m. (habet marg. 8. mu.) 4 ] (pro de) c. 6. emeypnoe Tov muAov c p.m. ‘7. épyvvevetas c. 8. éte (pro ote) © p. m. —edeyovc p.m. 9, addot eXeyov OTL ovTOS eats bis script. c (semel eras.). 10. nvewy@ncav be. cov (pro aor) cdC. 1l. eveypynoe c. vnyapevos (sic ver. 15) c 14. [dre] e. 15. emeOnxe pou (wou C) ere Tous ofGarpovs bed p. m. eC} s.m. (d s.m. emt supra pou Tous). —Katprim.d. 16. tapa Ov (—Tov) e. caBrov e. cyicnwa d p.m. 17. +ovv (post Aeyouvow) bdC}. voce. 18. dwr6ds.m. 20. amexpicay c. +6e (ante avtows) cdCj. —avtow e. vor d p. m. 21. jin. meps éavtod beeC. ta wept adrov d (€ p. m.). n 22. cuvereOewto c. —ol c. 23. elmrov of yovers avTov Cc. 25. —ovv e. 26. dvéwEé dCj. 28. —ovy bed s. m. Cj. " ee ee 29. wooe: AeXaxev 0 Oc 6 Oa C p.m. (moon Cp. m.). paces cs. m. bdeCj. tovroc. 30. —avtoisc¢. Touvtroc. b&[ti] ec (res. m.). 31. rovete. 32. yeyervpevouc p.m. yeyevn ec Cc s.m. 33. + Tov (ante @v) bd. 34. —Kal tert.e. duwaptiar (c supra s.m.)c. Odws cdj p.m. 35. —jKovoev usque ad é€w (opowoT.) Cc. avTwe s.m. (autos p.m.). 36. + xa (ante tis) bedeCj. 38. mpoccexvyncey c. 39. ev (pro es) ©. Kpiwa cj. yevovtare. 41. +ovv (post eimrev) c. Bretraper e. et (pro 7) be. Cap. X. 1. inal (X p.m.?)d. 3. Totra e. 4 ex- Barr bdj. exBarerc. exBadrdrAer e. avtTwv (pro avT@) c. 6. mapourav c. 7. —OorTe be. 8. mnAPov mpo euou bed. —mpoewov eC. 9. evpnon e. 10. Ovce c. mepicor c. [Hiat. Cod. e post amroneon usque ad Cap. x1. 54.] 11. eadros COLLATION OF GOSPELS. aa secund.d. 12. a[v](vs.m.)c. RAukos ec. 13. dey d p.m. pedrew (A eras. d s.m.) cd. 18. eXaBac. 19. cyioua d. 21. ee In d s. m. marg. avot~ar (wu s. m. d). 22. eyxata d gloss s.m. marg. eyKawvia cab@ KawovpynO nti marg. —Tow bedCj. 23. wepieratn c. corouwvos cdC (—tov bedCj). 25. —amexpi0n avtos 6 tc d p.m. Habet marg. s.m. (inc). 28. amwdovtarc. ovx’ dprater d p.m., o poe eLcGwr -/ e s.m 29. mavtwy d supra s.m. At post apmafew d s. m. marg. avta yp. d. 32. avtwy (m mut.) c. 33. — Kal (ante évt) d. Habet supra s. m. 35. AvOnv c. 36. —Tov ec. 38. micTevontas C primum (€ pro at) s.m. —pn d p.m. (ov supra d s.m.). 39. miacaic. tidoat avtovd. 41. NeyovTes (pro kat edXeyov) c —pev Cc. avTod (pro TovTov) ©. 42. evs avtov exer d. Cap. XI. 2. Opnéw eavtns cd s.m. (é supra d). 5. wapba be. 8. of sovdaror NuOaca d. 9. —o bedCj. wpas eioiv cdCj. 9,10. wepe erates be. 10. vuxtn d p.m 12. ad p.m. (pro eitror) (supra ds. m.). Kal xoiuntat d p. m. 15. muotevnte d. adda bedCj. 17. —ovv c 19. edy- AvOncav cd. Tapapvlncortas cd (w ds. m.). 20. —o edCj. 21. —% cdC. ded (nonce). 24. +7 (ante papéa) cCj. 26. Cac. fin. rodTwec. 28. TovTo. —amndOe usque 88 ad evtrovoa secund. (opovot.) c. 29. Exewn (dé supra s.m.) d. eynperarc. 30. 4 (pronv)c. tototwc. 31. word p.m. (77 ds. m.). Deyovtes d p.m. avtns c mutat. 6 (pro 6TL) Cc. avtn c (@ p.m.) 382. avTov eis Tous Todas bdCj. rubro 33. ocuvernruvbotas cj]. KratOvoay c. 34. — Kuple Cc. ve 38. emexnto c 40. cor exrov d. 41. + avTov supra avo =A -/ ds.m. 43. devpo d marg. s. m. gloss n éX@é. 44, Kesptaus d marg. s. m. (vel p. m.). Keupia evdos Swvns ex oKXoOWLwv: TapeolKo ipavTse » Secpovar Tas KNiVaG* Kat KELpLa 1) OTTApYa- 136 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. voois. 405. papl ¢ (end line). 46. dca (pro a) d (non ver. 45) C. 48. odTos ce. ovtws bdC. mictevowow bed p.m. 51. add cj. nuedre cj. 54. odKéTuc. ovK ETL d. 56. éatixotes c. [Incipit e éornk.] vat doxe d. 57. Sedwxnoav c. Sedwxercay (€ supra s. m.) d. —Kat prim. bd (erased) e. Cap. XII. 1. treOvnxos ce. 2. Hv Twv avaKkeyevwyv ovV bedCj. 3. Antpav cd p. m. Oo be ovKia Cc. avTos (pro autns)e. 4 A€c. —avtrove. 5. dvati(c)de. 6. 0 TV Cc. -/ =// ewerdrev beeCj}. yrAwooo Marg. d s. m. Onknv. 9. Exe ©. ye -/ “il 12. —o secund. bce. 13. Bata d marg.s.m. PBatov 7 krabdos ¥ Pp aATTAVTNG LW d marg. & Mm. OvvavTnolw. ATaVTHOW C. AUvUTOV -/ (pro avtw) c. expafov d p.m. expafov d s.m. edeyov (pro expafov) ce. [@cavva cd]. wo avva ej. —6 epyomevos d (habet supra s.m.). —6 secund. bdeCj s.m. 14. ér atta rubro edeCj. yeypapevove. 15. BaCirevcov c. cou supra epyerat ds.m 16.—6 be. 17. dre cdC at br1 e. 18. —Kar ec : yP tv nkovoay ce]. 19. wheres d marg. sm. OTicw e p.m. 21. npwtncay e. Ocdkwpev cd p.m. [22. RAeyouci d.] 23. avtovs (pro avtois) c. 24, citov e. amoddgnv d p. m., vs. m 27. tavrns; dej. 28. a (supra Oev d s. m.). 30. —6 bdeCj. 32. édxvow ce (non d). 34. — ore secund. edCj (supra d s.m.). tpes neovoapev ec. 35. ws (pro &as) e. +) (ante cxotia) e. [Post exete hiat. e usque ad Cap. xiii. 27.] amexpuBnc. 37. erictevoav c. —avtouvd p.m. (inserted supra ds. m. post onwea). 38. [joaiovc]. tyov i dp.m. 40. tacwpatbe. merwpwxeyv d marg. s.m. Tapw ; ch To okKANpiva Kat NiDoTroLw. 41. avTou p.m. marg. d s. m. YP tov Geod. rec. 43. nmep (d marg. s. m., dele tep). -/ 44. mistewv c. 46. unvn c. 47. rictevon d marg. s. m. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. L3Z yp =f guraén. 48. abetwv marg. s. m. exBadrov. xKpwvei d p. m. (mutat. d s.m.). —0 Noyos ov usque ad Kpivet avtov (opoLoT.) c. 50. o¥tws bedCj. f Cap. XIII. 1. rns tov wacya éoptns c. NWaoya d rubro. —avutov c. petaraBn c. 2. —wvda c. on. C p. m. 3. + de (post evdws)e. avta mutat.c. 4. Nevtvov (v mutat.) d. 5. + avtou (post wa@ntwv)c p.m. eita NaBwv vowp Barre d. 7. yvooe c. 8. vupesc. exnsc. 10. vnpacGarc. odas ©. nd p.m.eras. epnds.m. 12. drec p.m. 6cs8.m. rubro. 13. 6 xo Kal 6 Si8doKados cj. 15. SeSwxa bedCj. — eyo d. movette Cc. 16. petSov d p.m. 17. rovete Tavtac. fin. tavta d p.m. (avta ds.m.). 18. +6¢ (post tavtwv) c. ew c p.m. mutat. (at wer prius). 19. amdapte bedC. 20. Aap- Bavvwy prim. c. Tov téwrpavtTa pe NauBavn c. 22. de mpos (pro ovv ews) d. 23. vaxeypevos d p. m. (va d s. m.). 24, en (at n s.m.)d? 25. ovy (pro de) ds.m. 26. —em- dwcw usque ad Woptov secund. (opoot.) c. 27. —ovuv c. exewvov mutat.d? 29. yAwooxomov e (Incipit ver. 27). —o prim. bee. emres (mutat.) d p. m.?2 ov (pro av) ¢ rubro. 30, 31. Jungit vv& ore (— ovv) e&)NOev (opocot.) cd (not e) C. 31. + ovv (post Neyer) d s.m. supra. 32. — ee 6 Oa &oEacOn ev avtTw (opo.ot.) d p.m. (habet supra s.m.). 33. —ore c. eyo uTayw cd (not e) C. 34. car vuv? dp.m. Kae vnv d s.m. —ayatrate prim. e. — Kalas ad fin. vers. (dporot.) ce. 35. TovTo Cc. exeTe Cc. 36. +eyw (ante vrayw) bed, (post UTayo)}. pe (pro pot prim.) d p.m. Cj. 37, —6 bedeC}. —6 metpos j. Sate be. dvati e. 38. davynon cdeCj. anérop d (« supra p.m.) e. Cap. XIV. 1. tapacec@w d. 2. Twoddat povarc. sropev- appar c. +07e (supra and ante mop.) d s. m. [no 6tu ce.] érouacare. 3. —Kalsecund. bce}. éroipacar (pro érotmwacw) be. maparnfopuar d p.m. od s.m. 4 oidate prim. d. oldate secund.e. 7. —eyvaxerté we Kal Tov pa pov (same beginning) c. amapte bedeC. yuvwxere d p.m. (o supra 138 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. s.m.). autov prim. mutat.c. 9. pide; cde. vw (pro nu sec.) bp.m.d. 10. miotevers (ers mutat.) ce. —eotec. —vuw ie. 11. 0 (pro ott) c [eotw Elz.C errore, post ev ewou.] —eotw cd p. m. (supra ev euor d s. m.) (e habet). 12. row eyo d. peSovad. —kar pwerfova usque ad rroumaer (6potor.) c. 13. dri cdeC. 14. init.t+ Kar be. avtnoeete d p.m.?2,n sm ev tod p.m,o@s.m. 15. pov (pro tas éuas)e. + pou (ante tas euas sic, ut videtur)c. 16. +pou (post mpa) d. Socee. 17. init. Hd p.m Tod sm. auto (pro auto secund.) o mutat.d. 19. [odxers cde]. Oe0- pete c. 20. cat eyw (pro kayw) be. 21. —o de ayatrav pe (6po.ot.) C. — Kal eudhavicm avTw epauTov (opo.0T.) e. euavercw c. 22. + Kau (ante ri) dC}. 23. —o prim. bedeC. Tnpnon Cc. Toimowpev ej. 24. tTyper; d. 27. — expnvnv thv eunv did0@pe vv (opotot.) c. autv (pro vpw tert.) d. tapacoeto d p.m.(c8 prords.m.). 28. yapite e. Topev- couec p.m. Topevope c S.m. 29. yéeverOe d p.m. yeverOar ds. m. 380. [od«ére cd (non e)]. —Tovtov bedeCj. 31. ovTws bedeC). Cap. XV. 1. adrnOnvn c p.m. (ie s.m.) d p.m. (« ds. m.). 2. depwv c p.m, 0C Sm. TrELwva c. fin. hepet ej. 4. —pewate ev euol, Kayo ev vy (ouotot.) be. 5. movew ds. m.(d p.m. non liquet). 6. avto (pro avta) d s. m. e). +o (ante mip) bedCj. 7. ev eyo super rasuram c s. m. atnoecOa. c. 8. tovtw (o mutat.) d. yevnoec@ar ©. yevnonabe d (-cecOe d p.m.?). [yevnoecbe e.| fin. epor e s.m. forsan n (pro o)ep.m. 11. jwove. 14, rovete e. 15. ovxerec. ov« érede. 16. b7icC. Say cd p.m. e (doe supra ds.m.). Swocej. 19. —decd. was c s.m. (jpmas € p. m.). 20. tetepov c p. m. (vet. © 8. m.). 22. avT@v mutat.d(ods.m.). 24. wn (mutat.) d. 25. voyw ec (mutat. super ras.). eunoicay ec. 27. [aw apynsd.] amapyxis ce. [eEapyjs cd Cap. xvi. 4.] Cap. XVI. 3. — dp bedeCj s.m. 4. €09 c p.m. rX msert. s.m. 6. NeAaAvVKA Cc. —1 AUN Usque ad cumPepEr VL ver. 7 (6uoot.) c. 7. —eav yap wn arredOw d p.m. (ds. m. COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 139 supra eav yap eyo pn aredOw). +eyw (ante wn) beeCj. —eav S¢ TwopevOw ad fin. vers. (omotot.) &. mopevOw d (0 s.m.). 8. edreyEerc. 10. ove Ere c (sic ver. 21, 25). ov« ®re de. 12. SvvacOa cd p. m. (€ s. m. da). axovoes e. 13. epyopeva c (er supracs.m.). 14, Deest versus (dpocor.) ce. 15. AapBaver bdCj. 16. —eyw bdeCj. 17. vuw d. 18. fin. Neyer c p.m. Rarercs.m. 19. ee’ d p. m. ( supra s.m.). Oedov e. 20. KrNavoate c. Opnvyjcate c (mut. €). yapnoete d p.m. (ar bd s.m.). 21. orn prim. ec p.m. (le s.m.). TiKTEL Ce. yevynoer ce. OTL (pro ovK ETL) d p.m. supra ds.m. eyevn@n d. 22. wv (pro vuor prim. et secund., tert. dub.)c. eyete vuy b. exeTe ev vuv exeTe (eyere prim. erasum) d. 23. ae 8. mM. (a prouc p. m. pro 0oa)c. Tov Tove. ovK nTnaaTe © bis scriptum, semel eras. Cs.m. aitntec. jyove. 25. ore ovx ére d. 26. fin. nuov c. 27. —Kat wemictevKate (opotot.) c. 28. —madw adinue Tov Koc pov (opoLoT.) c. 29. ovdepsav bis scriptwm, semel eras. rubro d. 30. oféapev ots oidas e. Tavtwe. 33. éEeTE e (Steph.). éyere bed p. m. (at €£ ds. m.) Cj. vevixa d p.m. at vevixnka d s.m. ad fin. linew: etiam vn d s.m. * Cap. XVII. 1. évretpe cc. emnpe e mgro erapas rubro e. —xat (ante evrev) ds. m., at x pro ae primod. S0€ace c p.m. 6b0€acn c s.m. 2. dwoer bedeCj. 3. Swe. adn- Onvov c. 5. 7) ef super rasuram c p.m. 7. eyvwocay bd (eyvaxay ceC). 8. [dedc.]. 10. deddFacue cde. 11. odxére bedej. o& Cd p.m. j (ods ds. m.). abors (ad supra bd s.m.). [6¢6.] fin. + év éopévc. 12. dtu (pro ore) c. eTnpwv cd p.m. (-ovy © s.m.). ei (pro es pn) e. 13. fin. avtous ede. 14. pucet (pro eutonoev) e. 15. trovnpov c super rasur. C. 20. mictevovtwy bedeC. 22. dedwxas pou bis seriptum ¢. 28. init. kayo mutat. c? (kab@ forsan p.m. c). co.(proav)c. elvac. ywooKe bee. 24. dedmxas (pro edmxas) ceCj]. —Kocpou e (at foot of column). 140 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. Cap. XVIII. 1. yeswapov be. [Tov K.] de. 2 + ae (ante ow)c. 8. init. H rubro (pro 6) ¢. —ametpav (non ver. 12)d. ém7Awve. 4. er avtav d p.m.(os.m.). Twvar ¢. elaTnKer ce. 6. omicwe. 7. —ovy ec. avtols (pro autous) d (none). vafwpatov d s.m., ev orn d p.m.? 8. —6 bedCj. evtrov (pro evmev) e. 10. eiAkucev c. oTuove. 11. —covd p.m. (habet supra ds. m.) eCj (habet c). edmxee. Trew c p.m? fin. avtod s.m.(@ p.m. d) 12. —oic. edvoar ¢. 14. &ac. artrorecOar d teat, marg. d s. m. x atroVaveuv. 15. ovvnonrOe. 16. eiotnen ec. Thy Ovpavc. Ty Ovpae. eEnOov c. 17. weducxerc. 18. eta(eis be)tnxnoav bee. —oi secund.c. éota@s ce (-@s e). 20. —T7H beej. martes (pro wavTobev) ce. yy: d p.m. C (marg. s.m. yp Tavtes es.m.ot)e. -—otd. 21. ernpwtncevc. 22. rapectnKds d. parnopadp.m.(tds.m.). amoxpwere. 23. [depers] cd s.m. Sapers d p.m. j. 24. meorevdev avtov (A init. s.m.)e. dvvas (non ver. 13) ec. —ovv cdC (d s. m. np apxvepeav e. 25. + our (post npvnoaro) cd p. m. (eras. d Ss. m.). ou (pro ovK eipi) c 26. @tiov hic c. 28. pat bedeCj (mpd e). 29. middtos hic de. 31. de (pro obv secund.) be. 32. 60 (pro maov)c. ewedrev bedC. 33. —ovv d. 34. addons ec (-s cs. m.). 36. —o bedeCj. ees. m (n c p.m.) 1 €wol (pro et emo) ec. Bacorret secund. et tert. c. 37. —o secund. cdj. yeyevnuar be. [vyeyevv.c.] 38. — aru bdeC. 39. — vu tert. e. nyu (pro ver) d. Cap. XIX. 1. —ovv « + avrtov (post ewactiywoer) c. 3. [edudouv] e. 4. —ouvc. auTov vu ce. ovdeutay arTiay evpiakw é€v avtw c. 6. +avTov (post ctavpwaor secund.) bedeCj. 7.—ofc. eywper ce. éavtov OU viov (—Tov bedeC) be. tov 00 wove. 8. Tov Noyov TouToy c. 9. mpEeTwptor c. 11. —6 prim. bed (d s. m. supra) eC}. pelfavac. perfor e. 12. expavyacay be. éavtov (pro avtov) bedeC}. 13. toutwy TOV Noywr ce}. PBysatos c RALOvoTpoToyv c. éBpaiaTi ce. éSpaiorh d p.m (ids. m). yaBabac. yaBaba dCj. yaBBaba e. 14. nv (pro de secund.) cdej. 15. exwpev bed COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 141 p.m. (od s.m.). 16. fin. jHryayov cdCj. —xae tantum b. 17. eBactafovc. ets ToTrov Neyomevov Kpaviov toTov (— Tov) be. €Bpaioticd. é8paictn b. yoryobd de. 20. TitAwr c. tomes Tns Tokews bedeCj. E€Bpaicri c(dje. eAAnVLCTH ed(ves.m.). 21. ypaparc. 23. eroincev Cc. Teoapa e. apagos bee. 25. elotixnoay c. paydadiw de. 26, 27. ie ce. We eC. 27. 6 padntns avtnv bde. + exewvos (post pabhtns) cC. 28. tavta (pro touvto) e. %4>n mavta d. —76n b. dn (pro 75n) e. mAnpwOn (pro TerderwOn) ej. 29. 6£0us bis cde. to ctowatic. 31. capBatwc. peyady neepa (—7) exewov be. [exewn dC] cf. Elz. avrov (pro avTov) c. 32. cuvotavpwlevtos c. avutou (pro avTw) c. 34. evlews bedeCj. 35. adrnOnvic. éotly 1) waptupia adtod edCj. eorw avtov be. edev (pro oidev) c. + Kai (post iva) ds.m. 36. ootovy cde. + am’ (ante avtov) cdCj. 37. —de prim. cd (p. m.: supra s.m.) eC}. —o prim. bedej. dca Tov goPov cd p.m. capa prim. rescript.c. T& cdma d p.m. (rod s.m.). emeotpepev c. apiuaferas ds.m. —Se secund. €u d (supra s.m.). 39. wiywa ce. + Kat (ante cpupy.)c. wo (ec d supra s.m.) dC. 40. edvcav ce. avta (pro auto) c. + ev (ante ofoviots) bedeC)j. Cap. XX. 1. caBatwv b. capBdrtwr (sic ver. 19) «. paydadwy (non ver. 18 c) ce. mpwiad. Bnrern (sic ver. 5) c. 2. nya7ra (pro epider) ec. 4. [kas ole. 6. cipov hice. avtav (v eras.) d. 7. evOoma d p.m. 60dvma ced s. m. evTeTHANYMEVOV C. evTEeTUAL(N ds. m.)ypwevoy d. 8. ibe (pro evdev) c. 9. ndnoave. 11. elotyKker e. Tpos To pynpero d. To supra ds.m. Marg. ds.m. yp. ov. 13. avtos (pro avtn) cd (mutat. n) omicw e. éotwta e. 14. —6 bedeCj. 15. eOnxas avtov bedeCj. 16. reyn prim. c. paBovvi bcC. paBBovvi de. Reyetee. 17. awtove. ovr e (super ras. ds. m.). avaBaiBynxa e. fin. yuwov e p. m, v s. m. 18, amayyedouoa bce. éwpaxad p.m. (yp. € supra d s. m.). €wpacee. 19. oWwasce. capRatovec. Kat KAvopeEvwr C. dia TOV oBov cd p.m.e. €ornd. exyapicay d p.m. (nd 8,m.). 20,22. rodrw c, 21. -dure, 22. evepuceice c. 142 COLLATION OF GOSPELS. 23. TWov C p.m. @s8.m. adeitec. afievTare. Kpatettat Cc. Kal KpaTnvTatc. Kpaterte e. 24. cise. Sudspos e. 25. —ouvc. +67u (ante €wp.)c. éwpdxapee. yetpar (sic ver, 27) c. 27. ade de (non c). 28. init.—xar ej**. —o prim. bedeCj. 29. —Owpa bedeCj. wemictevKas; bede. + kaw (ante memuctevKas) A (eras. s.m.). 30. 6 io (pro ott 0 is)e. tovrwds.m. todtrod p.m. 31. —6 prim. bedCj. Cap. XXI. 1. radu ehavepwoev Eavtov ee. —marw od. +autov (post wabntais) bce. + avtou eyepOeis ex vexpov (cf. ver. 14) dj secunda manus. tnBapitdos c. 2. of Tob marg. yp vio suprabds.m. viore. Kava be. 3. epya- peOa c. + ovr (post e€nOov) c. aduevew e. eveBnoav bedeCj. 4 —75n c. orn d. Hdnoav ce. 5. —ovv d. 6. ovxeTec (+) d. peperc. 7. erevdutny gloss marg. d s. ee Tov eowTaToy iwatiov 6 Kat UToKapmicov AeyeTar. 9. ert Kknuevov c. 10. +ovv (post reyer) e. ov (pro wr) ec. eroinoate e. 11. ”HdKvcevcrubro. dnxtvovc p.m. Thy ynv ds. m. forsan tTns yns d p.m. 12. wa eras. d (ante Tov pa@ntov). 13. AauBaryvne. —pe d (habet marg. d s. m.). Trciov cd p.m. (o ds. m.). 16. +7roweve b. troiwevar c. 17. ofas. —edvmnOn usque ad pirets pe c p. m. (dpor0T.) habet supra cs. m. 18. dmov secund. e. —Kae prim. c. 19. roura cp. m.(os.m.). ociyawove do0€ace cs. m. (n p.m.) 20. atiBos e. 22. epxwparc. 23. amroOvnxer d. 24. evdapev c (o lost super ras.). 25. ypadnte bed p. m. (at ds.m.). xaSevd p.m. [apnr] ce. Deest subscriptio be. TedXos tov Kata twavynv ayov evayyedtouv Cj. ads Rubro. tedos Tov Kata w ev , e&ed0On Kata Xpovous Wed TNS TOU xu avarynwWews ev TATHW TNH VHTW* ae By. y. Cruci- Sorm d. Pail OT, COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. Authorities quoted (ef6CESt.B.Elz.Reuchlin). e Cod. 26 = Wake 12 (see p. Ixxxvii). f Cod. 27= Wake 34 (p. Ixxxvil). 6 Cod. 89 = Burdett-Coutts 11. 4 (p. Ixxxiv). Amoxaduuis Tov adywov (— Tov aytov + atootoAouv Kat evayyedictou dC) wwavvou tov Peoroyou (— Tou Oeodoyou 6) foCE. lv yv aroxadvis, do0nca Tw Georoyw twavyn e. Cap. I. 2. — re efdC [non E] fin. + cau atwa evot Kar a ypn yeverOat peta Tavta OC tantum. 3. tmpodntias OC. 4. Ov (pro tov prim.) ef6 [non E]. — tov prim. C. os nv EI tan- tum. —eotw e (p.m.?) fd. 5. ex efd. ayarrwyts ef8. ex (pro aro secund.) ESt.1,2. om. ywov St1,2. 6. wommoavte np Baowrevov iepatevpa (pro émouncev np. B. Kat) f. Bace- Aevav (pro Bacines Kat) COC. —Twy atwov f. 7. — avtov prim. E. e&exevticav E. —ém avtov EK. 8. adda ef (ra arpa) SC. — apyn cal teros efSC. Ko 6 Oc (pro é Kc) ef6C. 9. — Kau prim. ef6C. Kowwvos (pro cuyk.) efdC. ev Tn secund. ef6C. ev yo w (pro w xv prim.) efSC. —T7 Kkaroupevn EK. — dva seeund. E. 10. dwvny omicw pov efdC. 11. — eyw expu usque ad exyatos’ kat ef5C. Bremns e. + érta (ante exxrnor.) efSC, at evs Eta exKAnoLas e. — Tats eV Aova ef6C. opvpynv E. Ovatnpa f. Ovateipas E. ida- derdiav eH. 12. + exes (ante ereotpewa) ef6C. edarev f6C, erkarne. 13. —énta Ev.2 tantum. viov fd [non e, &c.]. wafous C. 14. cat os (pro woe) efd. 16. yeupe avtou C. of:a E. 144 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. —rn secund. E. —oe. 17. ore (proote) C. érecov 6. €Onke (pro éme@.) ef. —yerpa efd. — por efoC. 18. — aunv E, KAXeLbas e6. Tov Oavatov Kat Tov adov ef6C. 19. + ovr (post yparpov) efdC. yever@ar C. 20. ovs (pro wv) ESt.1,2. ai Avyviat al érta efd (— ai tantum EK). — ag evdes ef6. Cap. IL 1. rs ev ehecw (pro rns edeoivns) efd. THs exxAnatas epecw C. emt (pro ev secund.) E. 2. Kodzrov (pro xomrov) e p.m. —oov secund. C. emetpacas Tous e- yovTas éauvtovs atrooToAous eat ef6C. 3. Kat viropovny exers Kat eBactacas ef6. ePamrticas (pro e8actacas) H, ex cod. Reuchlint. —xae tert. efSC. Kat ovk exomiacas (pro KeKoTrLakas Kat ov Kexpunkas) ef6C. 4. addra efdC. 5. aerr- twxas efd. tayv efSCSt.2 (non St.1) B.Elz. + «ata cov (post Kkuwnow) f. peravonoes E. 7. —avtw C. + avtovu (post Conc) e. Tw Tapabercw (— peoo) efd. fin. + wou f5C. + cov e. 8. Ts ev opupyyn exkAnaotas efSC. —osefd. 9. trwytay E. adda trovo.os (— de) ef6C. + ex (ante Tov AeEeyovTwV) fo. 10. madew efd. + dn (post cdov) ef6C. 6 dtaBoros c& vpov ef6C. tapabyjre Ev. 1, repabjre Ev. 2. ruepas eff. 11. tw (pro to) C. 13. cov ta epya «ai f [Ta epya cov Kau ed]. — «ae quart. efdC. euars (pro ev ais) EH, at — ev ef6. avteimas £6. 6 catavas katouxer ef6C. 14. adda efd. €bd:- dake tov Barak efdC, edidacKkev ev to (Tov B.Elz) Barak ESB.Elz. + «ai ed. + Tov f (ante dayew). 15. — tov efé. omovws (pro o uicw) efdC. 16. + our (post petavonaor) ef6. 17. — dayew amo efd. Kexpeppevove. xevov C. order fC, evdev e (pro eyvw). 18. Ovaterpyn ed, Gvatnpn f, Pvarerpacs EK. 19. Kae Thy TLoTWW Kat THY dtaxoviay ef5C. — Kai sext. ef6C. 20. adrra efd. —oruya efdC. ote ades (adyxas e) Tyhv yu- vaika cov (+Tnv C) reSaBer (ef. 5) 7 Neyer EauTny ef6C, at tantum vefaBer E1,2, veGaBnr erratum El. wpodntny f p.m. Kat dv0acKkes Kal TAAaVA Tous Eemous 6. ef5C. daryew evdwXo- Oura efdC (edor. e p. m.). 21. fin. (post wetavonen) Kat ov OedXes (— AH €) pETAVONnTaL Ex THS TOpVvEetas auTns eféC. 22. —eywefdC. Baraof. pouvyevoaytas 6. avtns (pro avtwr) ef6C. 23. 6 (ante epevvwv) B. 24. — rows (pro Kat prim.) efdC. —xar prim. B. — cau secund, efSC, PBabéa efSC (BaF COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. 145 E). Bardgqw efd. 25. exw (pro exete) ec. avotEw (pro av n&Ew) £5 [non e, &e.]. 26. Kae 6 Thpwyv Kat 6 viKwV e. 27. xepapecxa ef. ovvtpiBnoerar ef6C. yo Cap. IIT. 1. + éra (ante mvevpata) efSCElz. [non E.SB]. —To efdC. eyess ovowae. Kat (pro dre secund.) ef6. fSwns Er.1 (ex cod. Reuchl.: €As in erratis). 2. otnpicov eb, orn- pnéov Er.1, at tnpnoov f. euerres (nu. 6) amroBardreuv ef6, euedes atroBarew C (pro perder atroPavery). evpixa HH. —Ta secund. Ei fin. + wou ef6C. 3. —Kxat neovoas kat types ef6. yvoon efo. 4. init. +adra e, adr fC. orvya exeus ef8C. —Kat prim. ef6C. of (pro a) E. 5. ovtws (pro ovtos) ef [non 8]. mepsBarrelrar C. —ex rns BuBdov x.7.r. usque ad ovoua avtov f (uocotérXevtov: habet marg., forsan p. m., omisso etiam Kat EvwTLOV TOY ayyeAwWY aUvTOV). —THS prim. ESt.1,2. ouoroynow ef marg. C, eEouoroynow 6 7. gidra- derqia EH. exxrnovad. Krew efdC. david C. Kreroes (pro Krever prim.) efd (KAnoer), C. auTny, ev wn 6 avorywy (pro Kat Krevet) efSC fin. avorEer ef5C. 8. nv (pro Kat prim.) ef6C. 9. avtous (pro éavtovs) ESt.1,2. novos C. —eyw ef8C. 11. —Idou efSC. 12. ctddov 6. Raw (pro vaw) B.Elz. er avtov C. 7 KxataBaiver (pro » kataBatvovca) efSCBEIz. [non Es]. azo (pro ex) fd [non e]. ex (pro amo) f. — pou quint. efS. 14. tys ev Aaodixeca exxrnovas ef6C. —o6 prim. E. 15. ns (pro eens) ef8C. 16. ov Seatos ovte Wuypos efdC. ovde (pro ovte secund.) El, correct. in erratis. 17. — ore secund. efSC. exwve p.m. +0 (ante edeewos) efSC fin.; e. 18. aywpaca ef. ypucvov tap euouv efdC. mdoutyces e. mepiBarry 6. —xat secund. C. Kod2Xvpiov efd. kodovptov C. kovrArouptov E1, correct. in erratis. wa eyypion ed, iva eyypnons e p.m. (pro eyxpicov). + emt (ante tovs of6.) C. 19. nreve (pro Enrwoor) ef. 20. + Kas (ante evoeXevoopar) efoC. Cap. IV. 1. avewypevn efSC. Aeywv (pro Aeyouca) eb. Aey ante rasuram f, fin. e, cum sequent. 6. 2. —Kae prim. ef6. tov @povoy efd. 3. — Kat 0 KaOnpuevos nv f5C. — nv tantum e. + cpapayow (ante kat capdiw) e. capderw fd p.m. capdio Ss. 10 146 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. C. duoia (pro 6potos secund.) CB.Elz. [non Es], at éuovws ef6. dpacis (pro opacet) efC. 3, 4. cxapayduvev KuKAobev (—xar) ef6, ate p.m. cpapayde kar kvkdobev? 4, evkoot- tecoapes CC. «6d fOE. —ecdov efSE. —ovs secund. E. ecxootteccapas eC. KdfdSE. —eoyov ef6CEr.1 [habent Er.2. sElz.]. 5. exmopevoyvto E. Kxat dwvar xa Bpovtar efdC. +avtov (post @povov secund.) efSC. ai eow émra (—TAa) efSC. 6. +5 (ante Oaracca) ef6C. verivn C tantum. KpvoTaXw ep. M., KpvoTadrov f. éeumpoafe Er.2. 7. eyov (— To sequens) e. — exov usque ad tetaptov fwov (dpuoto- tereuTov) f. avOpwirov (— as) ed. —fworv quart. eb. meTo- pevom efd. 8. & Kad év (+avTwv C) eyov ef6C. yepovow ef6C. eyovtes efSE. aywos novies foC. 3 jv f. 9. dwar e6, dwaes fC (pro dwaover). 10. etxoortercapes fC, KO ed. mpoaKkuvnoovot efoB.Elz. [non CEs]. Barovar efdB.Elz. [non CEs]. 11. 6 xo Kar 6 00 jpov 6 (—6 f) dyvos (pro xe) ef8. tnv (ante dvvamwv) rescript.f. —taefd. noav (pro evoc) ef6. Cap. V. 1. yeypappevwy e. e&wlev (pro omiabev) ef6C. + xat (ante xatecgpp.) f. 2. + ev (ante dwvn) ef. aksos eotw efo. —eotw CO. 3. edvvato efSC. + ave (post ovra) ef. ovte (pro ovde) ter ef6. Kat (pro ovde secund.) E. 4, —eyw E. qodv efdC. xat avayvova efd. 5. — ov efdC. —ex KE, dawd C. 6 avowywy (pro avorEar) efd. —dAvoae efdC. 6. — Kat wdou efd. éotnkws d p.m. eadhayiopevov C. exove. a (pro ot) efdC, —énra tert. E tantum, mvevpata tov 00: efdC. azroateAdo(w e)weva (— Ta) efd6C. 7. eedndev (— To BiBruor) efSC. fin, + BiBrvov C. 8. KS omnes, —oi C, erreaav ef [non OC]. xiOapav efd. ai eict (— ai) efd. mpoc- evyov £6. 9. exhpayicas (pro expayns) 6. 10. avtous (pro nuas) ef6C. —tw 00 E (ex cod. Reuchl.), Bacikevcovow ed, Bacirevovawv fC. 11 +65 (ante dwvnv) efdC. KuKro ef6C. + xat nv 0 aptOuos avtwv pupiaces wuptader (ante Kat xirvades) efSCB.Elz. [omittunt ESt.1s ex cod. Reuchl.]. — tev (ante mpecBvtepwv) St.1,2. 12. exdayropevov C. eaotw (— to prim.) ESt.1,2. + Tov (ante mrovtov) efd. 13. — ere ef. ene tTys yys ef6C, —a efS. maytas (pro rwavta) efsC, COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. 147 Aeyoutes E.1 (correct. in erratis). tw Opovw efd. fin. + apnv ef[d]JC. 14. —Kai tar. usque ad aunv (opototerevtov: supplet marg. p.m.) 6. Aeyovta To (pro ereyov) efC. — evkoowTeo- “Gapes ef6C. emrecov 5C [non efEsB.Elz.]. — Gwvte evs Tous atwvas Tov arwvav efdC. Cap. VI. 1. ote (pro ore) efC. év (pro pray ESt.1, non St.2: om. prav cod. Reuchl.). + érra (ante cdpaytdav) ef6C. dovnv e, pwvn fOC. —Kat Brewe C. de (pro Bree) ef6. 2. —Kxav evdov ef6. avtov (pro avtw prim.) efdC. eyor e. —xat (ante va) e. 3. ott (pro ote) C. thy odpayida thy devtepay ESt.1,2 (ex cod. Reuchl.). —xat Bree ef6C. 4. mupos ef. avtov (pro avtw prim.) ef6C, at e primo autwv. ex (pro amo) ef6C. —xas (ante iva) efSC. 5. rv ofpayioa thy tpitny ef6C. —Kat Breve C. ide (pro Breve) ef6. Kae esdov ef6. autov (pro auvtw) efC. exov C. 6. —Kau Tpews x. Kp. Syvaplov (6motoTeArcuToY) f. yotves (pro xowiKkes) &. + ov (ante un) f. 7. tHv reTaptnv odpayiéa C. +xat (ante nxovoa) f. —davnv efSC. tov Tetaptou de- yovtos Cwou f p. m. ReyovTos (pro Aeyouvcav) e6C. — Kat Brere C. we (pro Bree) efd. 8. — Kar evdov ef. —avtov prim. E (ex cod. Reuchl., sic etiam axovrovber sequens). —6 secund. C. nxorovOe avtw (— per’) efS. aut (pro avtots) ef6©. em to Tetaptov: atroxtewvas ef6C. —ev (ante Oavatw) e. —xal (ante vo) Ker cod. Reuchl. 9. eodp pevwve. tov avOpotav Tav ecpayiopevov C. +7ov apviou (ante nv) efdC, 10. expaEav efSC. gdavnv peyarny ef. —6 tert. ef6C. ex- dens 6 p.m. ek (pro aro) ef6C. 11. 6009 avrois atoAn even ef6. éxactars ESt.1 (non St.2). — Kae e506. usque ad Nev. C, e609n pro eppeOn posito. avatravoovtas 6, avarrav- cwvTo KEK. —ere f [non ed]. —pexpov efSC. —ob ef. mAnpwowot efS cod. Reuchl., tAnpwOwor C [rAnpwoovtar Es B.Elz.]. + «as (ante of werdovtes) ef6. azroxtever Oar e, atoxtevvecOat f5. 12. + Kav (ante ote) eC. — dou efdC. poeras eyeveto ef6C. caxos f. + 6An (post cernvn) efé. 13. emecov edC [non fEsB.Elz.]. Barovoa efd. avepov peyanou ef. 14, +6 (ante ovvoc) efSC. édtocopevor e (sic) C (eX.), EAtcoouevos £6, eiAtccouevoy ESt.l. — avtwr e. 10—2 148 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. exnvnOnoav e p.m. 15. Kat of yidtapyot Kat of TROUCLOL Kat of tayupor (non duvaror) ef6C. — mas secund. ef6. 16. to Opovw ef6. 17. — 7 peyarn f. Cap. VII. 1. tovto (pro tavta) ef6C. xpatovytes E. +6 (ante avewos) e. teef, tn 6 p.m. (pro may). 2. ayyedov adrov f. avaBawovta efdC. + Tov (ante 00) f. abdiuxqvas E. 3. adiucnoate C. ayps (—ov) ESt.1,2 ex cod. Reuchl. obpayiowpev efSCSt.1,2EB.Elz. [— fopev ES], petorwy eC. 4. tov apiOuwv C. éxatov Kat Teccapaxovta Teccapes fC [pd e]. exhaypevwr (sic) f, exppayicpevov ed (pro exppa- yiopevor). 5. exppayiopevas (pro -voe prim.) ef [non 6C}. 5—8. Post ecdp. prim. deest hoc verbum decies in ef6C. pouBnp e, povBew C, pouBiw ESt.1 (non St.2) ex cod. Reuchl. 6. pudnv prim. e p.m. vepOarnpm f, vebOarip ESt.1 (non St.2). pwavacn C. 7. woacyap Elz. tantum. 8. Beviaunv e fin. exppayopevas ef6 [non C]. 9. —avtov efdC. edvvato ef6C. —xavt dvrov E ex cod. Reuchl. — Kar (ante yAwoowr) e0. éoTwtas e, éotatas f6. mepiBeBAnpmevous ef6. oiviKas efd. 10. xpafover efdC. Tw 06 nuwov Tw Kabnuevw ert TH Opovw (Tov O@povov CElz.) efSCB.Elz. [non Es]. 11. éotrnxecav e, elatnxeccav fdCSt.2 (non Stl). emecav fE [non eb]. +avutou (post @povov) efd. ta mpoawra efdC. 12. kau 7 copia kat n dofae. —7 sept. C, 13. amoxpiOn EH. tues; (—evor) E ex cod. Reuchl, 14. evrov (pro expnea) efdC. + pou (post xe) ef8C. emdatuvav fESt.1,2 (erAaTewav cod. Reuchl.), at errvvav eC. —oaroras avtwy secund. ef6, at avtas C. 15. emt tw Opovw ef6C. 16. mivacovow eC. —ett secund. E ex cod. Reuchl. ovd ov (pro ovde secund.) ef6C. meoes E. 17. rrotuatves efd. odnyes efd. Sano (pro fwaoas) efSC. ex (pro amo) e6C, —xat e€arevrer ad fin. Er.1 ex cod. Reuchl. Cap. VIII. 2. —tovs éwra E ex cod. Reuchl. — énta prim, e& éoTnKkact e, éEctnxecav f. 3. tov Pvcvactnpiov prim. efdC. dacet ef [non 5]. 4 —0 e. 5. tov (pro To) et avtov (pro auto) efdCElz. [non EsB]. Bpovrat car dovar kat aotpatrat ef. 6. —of E ex cod. Reuchl. + 0% (ante COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. 149 exovtes) edC [non f]. 7. —ayyedos efd6C. yarata El (correct. in erratis). + ev (ante aiwatr) efdC. + Kat To TpiTov THs Yyns KaTeKan (post ynv) ef6C. — Kat To TpLTOV tov devdipwv xatexan OC. 8. mupe ef6C. 9. —Tav ev TH Oaracon EK ex cod. Reuchl. — wv secund. ef6C. d1edOa- pnoav C, dvepbOapncev EK. 10. tov (pro to) e. + Tw (ante vdatwv) ef6C. 11. +6 (ante arivOos) efSC. eyeveto (pro yeverat) ef6C. + Tay vdatwv (post to tpetov) efSCB.Elz. [om. Es]. + ev (ante avwr) efSC. arebavev E. 12. au TO TpLTOV avTNS LN Pavn: 1) HwEepa (pro Kat H nM. wn Paiyy To Tp. autns) ef6. 13. aetov meTopevou (pro ayyedXou TeTw- pevov) ef6C. pecovpar.cpate EK ex cod. Reuchl. + tps (post peyarn) C. ovat bis tantum E ex cod. Reuchl. tous Kavotxourvtas efd. Tpewy EH. Cap. IX. 2. —xae nvovEe To dpeap tyns aBvocov efs. —ex Tou dpeatos ws KaTrvos (OpototeNeuTor) fE ex cod. Reuchl. Katopevns (pro weyarns) ef6C. 3. eEnOev? ep.m. 4. av- Tous (pro avtats) C. —ovous efdE ex cod. Reuchl. — ovr El (correct. in erratis). — tov Ov Eex cod. Reuchl. petorav e. —avtwv K ex cod. Reuchl. 5. avroi (pro avtais) KE ex cod. Reuchl. Bacavicwot C, BacancOnowvta: ESt.1,2. mArnEN (pro taicn)e. 6. &ntovow fdC. ov pn efdC, ove E (pro ovy). evpnowow £5 [non eC], evpicovoww E2 (correct. im errat.). gevyer KE ex cod. Reuchl. (K.2 correct. in errat.). at avtwv 0 Oavatos efdC. 7. dpoimata E. ntowpacpeva C. xpuacot (pro opovot ypuow) efdC. 9. appatwve. — immer f. 10. kat (pro nv) ef6C. eEovcvav exouot Tov (pro Kat efovo.a avtwyv) efdC. 11. init. eyoucat Bacidea ew avTwv ayyerov (— Kat et tov) ef6C, etiam EK er avtwv. éavtw (pro auto) E. afSaaddwv eb, aBBaaddov f, aBBadwv CK. — Kat (ante ev Tn EX.) e, ev Tn EXXANViKN Se (— Kat) f, ev de TH EAX. (— Kat) 6C. +0 (ante atod\dvav) C. 12. epyetas £5C [non e]. —e7 E excod. Reuchl. Meta tavta cum sequentibus e6. 13. —Tov tert. E. 14. Aeyovtos £5 [non e]. 06 exwv (pro os evye) ef6C. efparn e. 15. + evs tyv (ante nuepar) ef. — Ka nuepav C. 16. + tev (ante otpatevpatwr) efdC. immou efO6C. —dvo efdC. —xar secund. efSC. tw (pro 150 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. tov) ed. 17. wpaces C. saxicvivovs C. 18. azo (pro tro) ef6C. +7Anyev (ante tovtav) efSC. azo (pro ex prim.) ef6. —ex secund. et tert. ef6C. 19. init. » yap e€ovora Tov imT@Vv Ev TH GTOMaTL avTwY eoTW (eat. eC) Kal EV TALS ovpals avT@v' ai yap ovpas efSC. doporoe CE ex cod. Reuchl. St.1 (non St.2). oewy efd. 20. ov xatexavOncav (pro ov‘ avextav@noav) e. ov (pro ovte prim.) efd. + 7a (ante evdwra) efSCE ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. —Kxav ta yadka ef. 21. dover f. —ovte ex Tov dappakewwyv avtwy (opovo0T.) e. dappaxwr £6, dappaxcor C. Cap. X.1. —adrov efSC. +7) (ante tpis) ef6C. +avtou (post xepadns) efC. ordrdor 8. 2. exwv (pro evyev) efd. AiProv ef6, BiBrudapiov C. + To (post BiBrapid.0v) E3 [avewypevoy efd]. tns Oaracons efSC. Kar Tov evwrupov (—6de) e. ts yns ef6C. 3. dPwvas? e p.m. —ai E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. 4 —ai prim. E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. ta dwvas E. —Tas dovas éavtwv efSC. nywedrpov 6. — poe efoC. edarnoev secund. E. avta (pro ravta) efd, at kat peTa Tavta ypades C fin. ypadns ESt.1,2. 5. éotwra e. +7nv deEvav (post avtov) ef6C. 6. wuoce (—ev prim.) efé. — Kal Thy ynv Kat Ta ev avtn Kex cod. Reuchl. tnv Oarxacca e. fin. ove ete extat ef (oveett) SC. 7. arr efdC. perre E. —KaiC. etereoOn ef6. 0 evnyyedtcato (pro ws evnyyeduce) CO. Tous OovAous auTou Tous Tpodytas efSC. 8. BrBrdaprov efdC. avewypevov efdC. + Tov (ante ayyedov) efSC. 9. amnrOa f. Sovvat (pro Aos) efd. —To 4,5. Bu8rdapiov ef6C. —Tew E. 10. BiBrcov efd, BiBrLdaptov C. Hv (pro jv) efd. —ev KE ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. 11. Neyouor efS (—w). cas (pro ae) e. +eme (ante eOvecr) £5 (—wv) C [none]. yrAorras E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. Cap. XI. 1. +elornKer 6 ayyedos (post paBdw) C, Kat o ayyedos eiotnket B.Elz. [non efSEs]. 2. e&wOev (pro ecwbev) efSCB.Elz. [non ES]. c&wOev (pro e€w) eCE [non fd]. pe- tpnoes C. Kat (pro ott) KE. +xat (post reccapaxovta) ef6. 3. éEnxovta e. 4. of (proat)e. + at (ante dvo secund.) ef6C. Ku (pro 00) efSC. éatwres £6, éotwtes e, €otwoat EK. 5. Oedee COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. 151 prim. ef6C. Oereu avtous secund. ef5C. —avutous secund. E. ovtws efSCE. 6. exovor tov ovvov e€ovovav Krevoa ef6. YaTos El (correct. in erratis). vetos Bpexn Tas rmepas THs mpopyteas avtwy efSC. + Taig (ante nuepats) E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. —avra EK ex cod. Reuchl. + ev (ante racy mAnyn) CE ex cod. Reuchl. socaxic cav Oeknowow ev Tacn mrnyn ef6. 7. ote Terecovor E ex cod. Reuchl. — ro secund. ESt.1,2. per avtwyv mrorenov efdC. amoxtave. ESt.1,2. 8. To mTapa efd. +77 (ante morews) efSC. cwdoua C. —«at secund. EK ex cod. Reuchl. avtwv (pro jnuwv) efdC. 9. Brerovow efSC. giidv e p. m ydrottov ESt.1,2. —Kkat eOvwv E ex cod. Reuchl. to wtwpya prim. efd. — Kat (ante nutov) ef6C. ovy C. pvnua efSC. Post avtwy prim. pergit EK (feré cum cod. Reuchl.). xa of ex tov cOvev ny. Tp. Kal nMtov,...aptovat (apynoovor E.2 in erratis)...uvnwata. 10. yatpovow efdC, yapovo. E. evdpavovytar ESt.1,2. dwocwow e, dwcovow {5 (pro teurrovcw). addnXoUS e. 11. —tas CE ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. evs (pro em prim.) fd [non e]. avtow (—e7) E ex cod. Reuchl. éorncav 6. eme- meoev fC [non ed]. 12. neovoa efdC. dwvns peyarns C. Neyouons C. avaBate bbe e. 13. init. — Kae efd. nyepa (pro wpa) efSC (cum antecedentibus jungit 6). 14. —7 prim. E. 1% ovat 7 Tpetn Ldov efdC [habet wdov E not St.1]. 15. Ae- yovtes efd (marg. p.m. Neyovcas 6). eyeveTo 7) Bacireva efdC. +. xv (post nuwyv) tf p.m. Bacrrevee f. 16. — Kav secund. eC [of «5 fSE]. —oi secund. E ex cod. Reuchl. of evwmiov tov Opovov (Ov p. m. e), of KaOnvtar efd. erecov SC [non efEsB.Elz.]. 17. wavtoxpatop e. — Kat 0 epyomevos efo. —tnv prim. ESt1,2. 18. gepovtas E ex cod. Reuchl. 19. nvorxOn ef. tov xv (pro avtov prim.) efSC. — Kae ceopos efdC. Cap. XII. 1.—7E ex cod. Reuchl. 2. expa€ev e, expafev f5C. 3. mupos peyas e6, tuppos peyasf. eyove p.m. énta Siadnwata efdC fin. —émrta E ex cod. Reuchl. (E2 corr. in erratis). 4. —avtou EK ex cod. Reuchl. tpitav e p.m. — Tov ovvov 1 ex cod. Reuchl. éornkev e. pedovons TixTew CO. 152 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. payn E ex cod. Reuchl. 5. érexev 8. croipavew C, roupevew KE. —ev Kew cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. npmayn C. + pos (ante tov Opovov) efSC. 6. + exes (post ever) ef8C. vzro (pro azo) ef. —rouf. extpepwow efSC. é&nxovta e. 7. (+7ov C) Toneunoat peta tov Sp. efdC. peta (pro Kata) St.1,2. 8. wryucev efSC. ovde (pro ovte) efSC. avtw (pro avtav) efSC. 9. —o tert. E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. —6 seat. efSC. — pet avtov eH ex cod. Reuchl. —eBrnOnoave. 10. ev to ovvw Neyoucay f50. —ev tw ovvwe. €BAnOn efd. —6 KaTn- yopos Twv adeddwov nuwv E ex cod. Reuchl. avtous (pro avtov) E ex cod. Reuchl. — pov tert. E ex cod. Reuchl. 11. avtwy dia? e p.m. peyps(proayps)f. 12. eupparver Oar € p.m. —ot prim. efd. Katoixovvtes (pro oKnvovytes) e. —Tows Katotkovat efdC. tn yn Kat Tn Gadracon efSC. +6 (ante eywv) E cum cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. 13. edov E. — nv prim. C. edwwEa KE. + Tov viov (ante rov app.) e. 14. mre- puyes € p. m. tetatat K ex cod. Reuchl. ows tpepyntat (pro émrov tpedetac) ef (sic) 6C. 15. ex Tov ctoparos avtou omlrw (om. €) THS yuvatkos efSC. avTnv (pro TauTnv) efdC, —tavtnv EK (E2 correct. in errat.). totapodopoyv e. 16. 7 yuvatkn (pro » yn prim.), etiam Katertev 6, etiam 6 dpa (pro dv), etiam ver. 17 X (pro 6) e p.m., errore. 17. opytcOn C. — tov (ante w) efS. —xvu ef8C. Cap. XIII. 1. dvaBaivev f p.m. Kepata Sexa Kat kehadas extra efdC. émta (pro déxka prim.) El. ovopata ef6C. 2. —nv E ex cod. Reuchl. iv e. apxov e (sic) f [non CE]. Opovwv? e p. m. 3. — edov f8C. + ex (post par) ef6C. woe (pro as) efdC. exppayropuevnv § p. m. (cf. Cap. V.9). e@avuacev 6rAn 4 yn (—ev) efSCB.Elz. [non Es cum cod. Reuchl.]. 4. tw dpaxovts tw Sedmxote thv e£ovarav (—0s5) ef6C. tw Onpiw (pro to Onpiov) efSC. +xae (ante tus secund.) C. Sduvatos (pro duvatar) efSC. 5. dAadrov E. Bracdnmrav ef (—1a) SC. + 7rodeuov (ante wouncar) efSCElz. [non EsB ex cod. Reuchl.]. 6. —to prim. 6. — «at tert. ef6. 7. wodkwov El. rounoat mrorewov efSC. +xat Aaov (post gvanv) ef6. 8. avtov (pro avtw) etd. ovte (pro ov) £8 [non e]. To ovoya ev Tw BiBdw efSC. +7ov (ante ecdayp.) efSC. COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. 153 expayiopevov K (E2 correct. in erratis). 10. init. evtes exer aLyparwovay vraye (— aryp. cvvayer es) efdC [ev Tus aXMawovav cuvayel, om. evs aryp. vmayet cod. Reuchl. EsElz.]. amroxrévet e, —amroxteved 6. — ev payaipa secund. £5 [non e]. 11. —8Svo ef. apyov E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. 12. evovet (pro mover secund.) ef6C. ev avtn xatot- kovytas efdC. 13. init. cae up iva ex Tov ovvov KataBawwn (— own) ef6C. ere (pro ess) ef8C. 14. + Tous euous (post mrava) ef5C. ovxova C. evye (pro exer) C, at in fine 0 evye TANynY Kat eCnoev (—GE e) aro THs payatpas efS. 15. mvevpa Souvat efSC. Kas iva (pro iva kat) C. —7 fC. + iva (ante ocot) f. eav (pro av) efd. ty etkove (pro Tyr etxova) ef6, at MOLEL TOUS LN TpoaKUVOUVTAS TNH ELKovL (—OcoL av) CO. — iva (ante atroxr.) ef6. Kat troves (pro atroxt.) e primd. 16. +iva AaBwot TO yapaypma avTou Kat (post Sovrovs) e. Swcwouy ef p.m. 6, daaovaw f s.m., dwatv C. avtous: (pro avTots) e. yapaypata efdC. —Tns prim. fs. to petwrrov f6, To weToTroY e, Tov pwetoTav OC. 17. dvvatas fSE ex cod. Reuchl. St.1 [non eSt.2]. aywpacae. —n secund.efs. 18. —rov prim. ef6C. — Tov secund. E2,3. —xat (post avov eater) €?f5C. e€axoovos e€nxovta e& C. Cap. XIV. 1. +70 (ante apwov) ef6. éornxos e, éoto3 El, éotws E2, éotos St.1,2. dpos e. + apsOuos (ante pysd) efo?, —éxarov El. +avtov, cat To ovopa (post ovoua) efdC. Katopevov (pro yeyp.) K ex cod. Reuchl. yeypaupevov e p.m. petoT@y ed. 2. 7 davn nv nKovoa (pro dwvny nKovaa) ef8C. +s (ante KiOapwdwv) efdC. xiOapaforvtwy El. 3. —os ef6C. ovde eis £5 [non e]. edvvato efC [non 8]. pyud ef6. nyopacueva 6. 4. of (pro ot) e. — ecw tert. E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. + yap (post omov) C. eav (pro av) ef6. atrepyn (pro vTayn) e p.m. +070 w (ante nyopacOncav) ef6C. om. Te (ante apyiw) St.1,2. 5. Kat ovy evpeOn ev Tw aTopats avtwy Yrevdos (non Soros) efd. ove E. evdos (pro Soros) C. —evwmiov tov Opovov tov Ov efSC. 6. — adrov f5K ea cod. Reuchl.[none]. metopuevov efSC. pecovparicpate EK (— nopate E2 correct.). evayyedktcacOar C. + Tous 154 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. Ka@npevous (ante tous Katotxovytas) E ex cod. Reuchl. «aOn- fevous (pro Katotxouvtas) efd6C. + ems (ante wav) ef6C. 7. reywv efSC. oBncOnte E. xv (pro Ov) ef6. mpooxuvy- oete E. avtov tov toincavta (pro tw TotncavTe) ef6. +rnv (ante Oaraccav) efdC. 8. +deuvtepos (ante ayyedos) efd. nxorovOncev 6. — erecev usque ad tpitos ayyedos ver. 9 (dmooter.) f. —emecev ed. PBaBovrwv Elz. (1624). —1 modus eOC. 7 (pro ott) e. —oéte 6C. —Tov Busou EK ex cod. Reuchl. tavtns (pro avtns) 6. + 7a (ante eAvn) edC. 9. addos ayyedos Tpitos edC. exte 6. TpocKxuver To Onpiov ef6C. tw Onpiw (Ovpiw E2) E. petorove. 10. Kexepapevou E in annotationibus. —ayvwv e [non fd]. ayyekov Tov aytov ESt.1,2. 11. evs avwvas (—va e) atwvov avaBatver ef6C. a:wva E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. tw Onpiw E. — To secund. E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. 12. init. jungit cum preced. 8. +7 (ante tropovn) ef6. —aéde secund. ef6. —Tov Ov E ex cod. Reuchl. + tov (ante w) C. 13. —poe efS. azapte Aeyee (* 6) vase fC [non ESElz.]. avaravoovta: E ex cod. Reuchl. yap (pro de) e. —avtwy secund. E ex cod. Reuchl. akoroubew e p.m. 14, caOnpevov éporov ef8. tw efd, vios El ex cod. Reuchl. exovraef. tyv xehadryse p.m. 15. dav peyarn efoC. +77 (ante dwvn) E ex cod. Reuchl. ndOev (—cor) efSC. —tov secund. foE ex cod. Reuchl. [non el]. 16. Tn vedern ef6. 17. ayyedos adXos e, at transfert ayyeros E in locum post ovvio cum cod. Reuchl., sequentibus St.1,2. 18. + ev (ante kpavyn) 6 [non ef]. + 7s apredouv (post Borpvas) ef6CB.Elz. [non Es ex cod. Reuchl.J. fin. nxpacev . » oTapvan Tns yns (—auTns) efd. 19, e€eBarev (pro eBarev prim.) ef6. Rivove p.m. eraBSev (pro eBarev secund.) El. fin. tov peyav efSC. 20. eEoOev (pro e&m) ef6C. yarevov ep.m. ax fo, at Svaxociwy e, ev adrdw B f marg. p. m. Cap. XV. 1. avtows (pro avtau) E. 2. very bis. Tupt pepiypernv C. ex THS ELKOVOS Kau EK TOU OnpLoV avToU ef6. — ex Tov yapaypatos avtov efdC. éotwras cE (éotwta E2 correct. in errat.). + tas (ante xOapas) ef6. 3. wavoeas ef6, wwvoeos C. +70v (ante Sovrov) C. xvpios ESt.1,2. COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. 155 mavTokpatop e. eOvwyv (pro ayiwv) efSC. 4. —oe E ex cod. Reuchl. ce hoBnOn 6. So€aces ef [non ds]. ayvos (pro éovos) efSC (+e. C) E in annot. mavtes (pro tavta ra €Ovn) ef6. nEovor e. 5. —sdov efOC. 6. of ayyedou of Eta f. +01 (ante eyovtes) ef6C. —ex Tov vaov efd. ovpavou (pro vaov) C. +02 noav (ante evded.) ef6C. + xar (ante calapov) C. — Kau secund. efSE ex cod. Reuchl. meprerSwopevor C, Trept- fwopevor ESt.1,2. —eps Eex cod. Reuchl. 7. —ex ESt.1,2. —yenovoas f. Tov atwva tw e. 8. +x Tov (ante Katrvov) ef6. eduvato ef6. ev Tw vaw (pro es Tov v.) E ex cod. Reuchl. —énta secund. E. Cap. XVI. 1. peyarns dovns f5 [non e]. — ex Tov vaov efo. — xa secund. eCE ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. exyeere St.1,2, etiam —rTov Ov E ex cod. Reuchl. +émta (ante giaras) ef6. 2. —0 E. es (pro ere), etiam eme (pro eus) ef6. mpooxuvovytas Tn evkove avtou ef6C, Tnv evkova Tpoc- Kuvovytas avtov E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. 3. —fwoa efo. 4. —ayyedos efo. efeyee C. —evs secund C. 5. —Tev voatov E ex cod. Reuchl. —Kupie efSC. ds, jv (sic) e. —xkat tert.C. —xat 6 (ante dcvos) efd. eaopevos (pro datos) Elz. 1633. 6. efeyeov ESt.1,2. avtns (pro —ous) e p. m. —ryap ef6C. 7. —addov C. —addov ex efd. mavtoxpatop e. 8. ore (proo) El. —aryyedos ef [non 6]. ev mups tous avova efd. 9. +06 avos (post eBrachynunoav) ef6C. + 7nv (ante efovorav) C. 10. weullaros super rasur. e p. m. —ayyeros ef6. euacwvto edE ex cod. Reuchl. [non f]. 11. EAkewv El. 12. 5 & —ayyedos efSE1 ex cod. Reuchl. efeyeev avtov thy diadny f6. —ov tert. ef5C. —avtou secund. E ex cod. Reuchl. avatorns efd. 13. —ex Tov oTou“atos Tov Opakovtos Kat f. axalapta tpia efd. as Batpaxyor (pro opora Batpayous) efdC. 14. datporwy efé. a extropevetat efSCB.Elz. [Es ex cod. Reuchl.]. —tns yns kat ef6C. + Tov (ante moreuov) ef6C. —Tov secund. &. mavtoxpatwpos C. 16. —Tov prim. C. paryedwv ef6, appa- yedov CE (ap. E: appayeddwr St.1,2, hermageddon E1 Lat., armadeddon E2). 17. —ayyeros efd. ere (pro ets) efd. ex (pro peyadn amo Tov vaov) K ex cod. Reuchl. 18. aotpatrat 156 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. kat dovar Kat Bpovtas e, aotpatrat kat Bpovtar kar dwvat f6C. —eyeveto prim. ef8. ovvor (pro avor) e. + «ae (ante emt) E. tidtKovtos e. ovtws BE. 19. erecav f [non eb]. +1 (ante BaBvrwv) e. 20. —Kar prim. E ex cod. Reuchl. opne. ovx KE. 21. of E. avtn (pro avtns) fd [non e]. Cap. XVII. 1. — por efdC. xpiva E tantum. ee voatov toddov E ex cod. Reuchl. 2. of katotxovytes tHv nv €x Tov olvouv TNS TropvEetas auTns ef5C. 3. —ev ed. +70 (ante coxxwvov) fo. ovoyata efd. —Keparas érta kat KE ex cod. Reuchl. 4. jv (pro 7 secund.) efdC. opdupovur efé, Tmopgpupav C. Kxoxxwov ef6C. — «ar tert. ef6C. ypucrw efé. THuLo 6. ToTnplov ypucovy efd. Ta axalapta tns (pro axaBaptytos) ef6C cod. Reuchl. [non EsElz.]. ts yns (pro autns) ef6. 5. pwetorov e. mopyvwv eC. tn yns Ev.1. 6. peOvovcav e p.m. —ex prim. efd. —xae secund. e6. — Kal €x TOU aipatos Twv (post aytwv: opo.ot.) f. 7. dua ré efE. epw co. ef6. + at (ante tov eyovtos) E ex cod. Reuchl. 8. init. +70 efdC. iv (pro nv) e. vaayes ESt.1,2. thy ynv (pro emt tns yns) ef6. To ovopa efd. tov BiBrsov efé. Brerrovtray ote nv (jv e) To Onprov ef6. ote CEL [7 ru E2]. fin. kat tapeotat fC. Kat twapectev cod. Reuchl. [xaimep éote HK, xaitrep éotw St.1,2,3]. 8, 9. Kav wapectrat wide ed. 9. émra opn (opn e) evow efdC. 10. init. —Kae f. evo emta ef. emecov C tantum. — xa secund. efdC. Set avtov ef. 11. 6 %ve. ovtos (pro autos) efd. +6 (ante dydoos) e. 12. otrw e,at ove E. 13. exovot yvwpny ef. — tv secund. ef6. avtwv (pro éavtwyv) ef6C. didoacw efdC (d:acw cod. Reuchl. p. m.). 16. «kav (pro em) ef6C. npimaperny fF, epnuwpevny E ea cod. Reuchl. +roinoovow avtnv (post yupvnv) efSC. autos (pro auvtny ultim.) e. Kavoovow EK ex cod. Reuchl. 17. yvopnv miav ef6C. TeOwow e, TeXecOwow {6, terecOncovtrat C. of Aoyou (pro ta pnuata) efdC. 18. to eras. post mods e. + ert (ante Tns yns) ef6. Cap. XVIII. 1. init. — Kau ef8. + adXov (ante ayyeror) efSCE [non cod. Reuchl. sElz.]. 2. tryxvpa daovn (—ev et peyarn) ef s. m., ev tayupa pavn (—peyarn) 6 p. m. ©. COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. 157 tayvee EH. —errecev ef. —emece 6. —gvdaxn TavTos secund. 6. opviov EK (E2 correct. in erratis). 3. tov @upou tov owov C. wemrwKkacot e, TwemtTwKact fd, memotixe C. au7ns (pro tns yns secund.) E ea cod. Reuchl. otpnvov E. 4. e&eXOe ef6. —e& avtns E ex cod. Reuchl. (E2 correct. in erratis). —Ka secund. E ex cod. Reuchl. p.m. ex Tov wAnyov auTns va pn AaBnte efSC. 5. exoArnOncav (pro nKonr.) efSC cum cod. Reuchl. + aurns (ante 6 0c) eC. 6. avth arréSwxe (— vp) e. —vpww ed. —avtn secund. efd. + 7a (ante dumAa) efS. +05 Kat autn* Kav (ante cata) efd. + aurTns (post trotnpiw) ed. autnyv (pro avtn ultim.) e. 7. edo€ev autn (pro e6o€. éaut.) e. auTnv (pro éavtnyv) £5. Kepacate (pro tocoutov dote) KE ex cod. Reuchl. [E2 correct. in erratis]. —xat tevOos prim. C. +or7e (ante caOnuar) C. éte cabas (pro ka@nuat) efd. 8. —Kae prim. efd. KavOnoetar e. kpwas ef6C, xpwov E. 9. Kravoovor (— avtny) efdC. autnv (pro autn) ef6C. 10. —Tov E. peyadrns ec. —ev ef6C. 11. kravoovow efd. wevOncovow efd. ev éavtots (pro em avtn) E ex cod. Reuchl. ovxets cum sequent. efé. 12. ywpov e p.m. youos E. ovte (pro Kaz tert.) E ex cod. Reuchl. Buvocwov efd. wopdvpov efSCE (E2 correct. in erratis). —Kxat onpixov E ex cod. Reuchl. oipixove. — Kat pappapouv E ex cod. Reuchl. 13. civvapwpmov efd. Ovycaya E ex cod. Reuchl. pipov edESt.l. — «as ovvov efd. Kas mpoBata kat xTnvn ef. patdwv efdC. 14. 7 drwpa EL. omwpa f. amndrOov (prim.) E. am@dero (pro amndGev secund.) ef6, at amwXovto C. ovxete f. avta ov pn evpns efd. evpnoets (pro evpns) CE ex cod. Reuchl. 15. ava (pro av) ep. m. +xat (ante Kraovtes) efd. 16. —Kxas (ante NeyovTes) e (Aeyouow e) £5. —ovat semel efS. Buacor ed. — Buocwov usque ad Kkeypuowpmevn (OpovoTen.) f. Keypuctw- pevor Elz. ypuvorw (—ev) efd. 17. 0 ert torrov wrewv ef6, 6 ert TwY TAOL@Y TAEwY C (pro ETL TWY TAOLWY O OpmLdoS). —Kxat ooo. BK. epyafovres E. 18. éEotnoayv 6. expavyafov f, PdXerrovtes (pro opwrtes) efSC. morn e. 19. eBadrrov f s.m. xvouv E (of. Mark VI. 11) Stl (non St.2). + ae (ante Neyouvtes) edC, at NeyovTes. Kat TevOovvTEes Kat KaL- ovtes f. ovat semel ed. ovat, ovat El. +4 7a (ante wrora) 158 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. ef6C. avtov (pro avtns)e p.m. 20. avtn (pro avrnv) ef6C. + «at of (ante amootonor) efoC. 21. peya E. opynware El. 22. avAnotov e. 25. —Kat dws AVYVOU oV pn havNn EV Got eTt (ofotoT.) eH. —ore prim. efd. —cou prim.f. peyiotaves efd p.m. HE. 24. aivara eféC. Cap. XIX. 1. init. Kav ef6. +s efSCElz. [non EsB. ex cod. Reuchl.]. —peyarnv E ex cod. Reuchl., at weyadnv oyAou TroAXov efd. Neyovtwy ef6C. + To (ante adrAnroula) E ex cod. Reuchl. Kat 7 duvvapis cat doEa (— Kat 7 Tun et kw) Tov 00 nuowv efSC. 2. aitives (pro ote prim.) e. adn- Gear e. SvedOerpe efdC. —Tys ef8C. 3. espneev ef6C. —avutns E ex cod. Reuchl. 4. emecov edC.Elz. [non EsB]. of prim. E. —«at secund. f8C. «d cE. to Opove ef. 5. +7 (ante dwvn)e. arro(pro ex) efd. e&ndOev (—Aeyouca) E ew cod. Reuchl. tw 06 (pro tov Ov) f. Sovdor eS. — Kau tert. ef6C. 6. —o@s prim. E ex cod. Reuchl. p.m. RXeyovtes efd, Neyovtwy CElz. [—tas EsB. ex cod. Reuchl.]. eBacr- Nevcev (—Ko) E ex cod. Reuchl. +npov (post Oc) ef8C. 7. [dts f sic: ore Wetstein]. —avtov E ex cod. Reuchl. 8. wepiBarrntat 6. Rapurpov kat kaBapov efSC. Tar ayiov eotu(y £5) ef6C. 9. —-yparrov et —Tov yauou E ex cod. Reuchl. tov (pro to) e cf. ver. 17. tov O00 eaow ef6. 10. ereca efd p. m. (non marg.) E2 ex cod. Reuchl., ewreca El. dpa 5: cf. ch. XXII. 9. + ae (ante tov exyovtwv) K ex cod. Reuchl. —tov prim. ef6C. — Tov secund. KE ex cod. Reuchl. 11. On in caOnpevos e s.m. —Kadrovpevos E ex cod. Reuchl. «pwet e. 12. —as efdC. exov e. ovopata yeypaumeva a (pro ovoma yeypaupevoy o) f, at +ovopata yeypapmeva kat (post eywyv) edC. ewev (pro ovdev) B. 13. xexrntas ef6. 14. +7a (post otpatevpata) edCElz. [non f et EsB ex cod. Reuchl.]. nxoXovOovv E ex cod. Reuchl. emt (pro ep) efdC. evdedouevose. —xat secund. efC [non 8]. 15. +dratopuos (ante o€eva) ef8C. mataén 5C, wataée e, mapataén f (pro matacon). —Kar ult. ef6C. —Tov ult. E ex cod. Reuchl. 16. —to secund. ef6C. 17. —é&va efé. —éstota El. —to E. +ev (post expakev) efd. opviois COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. 159 El, opvoiows E2. erouevors efC [non Sd]. pmecovpavicparte E (—nopate E2 in erratis) cf. ch. VIII. 13. cuvaydnrte (—xat) ef8C fin. tov Sevrov Tov peyayv tov Ov e. To 6. TO peya Tov 0 £80. 18. —capxas secund. E (—Kat cape. yap. cod. Reuchl.). immov 6. et avto KH. +7 (post edevOepwv et prxpwv) efoC. —xat septim. C. 19. —tys ynse. + Tov (ante troXepuov) efd. 20. 6 wer avtov ef6, wet avtou 6 C (pro feta TouTou 0). BAnOncovTas E ex cod. Reuchl. — tw (ante Pew) efSC. 21. —Touprim. E. e&eNOoven (pro extropevopevw) eféC. —Ta E. Cap. XX. 1. «rev efSC. arvaowe. 2. +0 (ante catavas) f5C [none]. +6 mAavev THY oLxovperny ornV (post caTavas) ef6C. edvceve. 3. ednoev (pro exdevcev) EK ex cod. Reuchl. exretae (— avtov secund.) efSC. mrava ett ta cOvy ef6C. —rta secund. E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. —xae ult. efd. AvOnvat autov ef6. 4. exaOnoave. etavw (proem’)e. memTEKLTMEVOV E. to Onpsov ovde tnv ecxova efd. Ty etxove CElz. [non ESB. ex cod. Reuchl.|. edaBee. petotove. —avtwv (post per.) ef6. avtov (pro avtwy uit.) e. +Tov (ante yv) ef6CElz. [non ESB. ex cod. Reuchl.]. — ta EK ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. 5. —ot be Rowton usque ad ta yidia eTH (Opotot.) £5. Kat of RoLTroL (—de) eC. e€noaveC. aypt (pro éws) eC,-etiam cod. Reuchl. +aypt, (post ern) KE. avtn El. 6. 6 deutepos Oavartos efdC. peta tavta (pro pet avtov) efd. 7. ore etehecOncay K ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. at weta (pro orav tere On) ef. 8. —Tars ESt.1,2. —tov secund. E (ex cod. Reuchl.). +7ov (ante moNenov) ef6C. + autwy (post aptOuos) ef6. wae (pro os 7) £5 [non e]. apupos 5 p.m. 9. exuxrevoav f5C [non e]. ex Tov ouvov atro tov Ov efdC. 10. —o prim. E ex cod. Reuchl. + tov (ante Oevov) ef. + «ae (post o7rov) efdC. 11. peyav Nevxov FSC. —peyay e. em avtov efSC. 6 ovvos kar n yn C. ove BE. 12. é€otwtas tovs pixpous Kat Tous peyarous &. TOUS meyadXous Kal TOUS pLKpous CO. — pLKPOUS Kat meyanous fb. é€ctwatas EK. Opovouv(prodv)efoC. nvoEav ed, nvogev f, avewyPnoav C, nvory@ncav EK ex cod. Reuchl. (pro nvewxOncav). ardo (v e) BiBrov efdC. avewyOn C, nvorxOn EK. ev tows BiBrous (sic) e. toot El. 18. avtoss 160 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. (pro avtn) El ex cod. Reuchl. tous vexpous Tous ev autn efo. —6 prim. f. Tous vexpouvs Tovs ev avtois ef. éavtwy (pro ev avto.s) C. fin. avtov (pro avtwyv) 6. 14. 6 avatos o Seutepos eotiv 1) Atuvn Tov Trupos efsC (ect Oo Oar. K.7.r. C). 15. —xavf. evo (pro et) e. Tw BiBreo ef6. Cap. XXI. 1. amndOev (pro mapnrOe) efd. 2. —eyo wwavuns efSC. evdov transferunt in locum post kawnv efdC. €x Tov ouvvov ato tov Ov efd. 3. Aaos ef5C. pet avTwv estar efo. —Oo avtwr efSC. 4. am avtwy (pro 6 Oc) ef6. —6 00 C. odOarpov et etn prim. e p.m. —ets prim. K ex cod. Reuchl. amndOev (-e f) efd. 5. init. — Kas fd [non el]. To Opovw ef6. ov bis e. tmavta Kawa Tow efd, Kawa mow tavta ©. —pot fd [non e]. fin. muctot kat adnOivos tov 60 evar (-v f) efd. 6. yeyova eyo (—Eupt) e, yeyova (—eyw ext) f5CE in annot. ex cod. Reuchl., at in textu yeyove, eyw eyut. arpa ef. +xae (post d) 6. —1 eC. —7O tert. eC. + avtw (post wow) ef6. —Tov E. —tns wns 6. 7. doco avTw Tavta (pro KAnpovounoe twavta) efd. tavta (pro mavta) ©. —6 secund. eC. pov vios (pro mot 6 vios) £6. Xaos (pro vios)e p.m. 8. init. Tous Se Secdous ef6C. + Kas dpaptwro.s (post amiatois) efS6C. gappyaxois efE1 ex cod. Reuchl., -axous 8, -axois C. eats Oavatos 6 Seutepos e, eotiv 6 Oavatos 6 (—6 f primo) Seutepos f5C. 9. nAOev (—mpos pe) e (of Aourrol p. m.) f5C. +x (post eis) efdC. — ras secund. efSC. —tov tert. ef6. thy yuvaika Thv vupny tov apviov ef6C. 10. pe (pro por) f. —THv peyadny ef6. —tnv (ante dyiav) C. ex (pro amo) efd. 11. —Kxae ef6C. —o6s \WOw E ex cod. Reuchl. xpuotarifovts C (xpio- El in annot.). 12. eyovoa bis efS6K ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. —re efSC. amurewor E. Sexadvo (pro dwdexa secund.) £6. eorw ovowata (pro eat) efo. — tev ultim. ed. —Twv viwr f. 13. init. + Kare. amo avatodwv efdC. + xae (ante amo £.) ef8C. Popa E ex cod. Reuchl. (E2 correct. in erratis). + Kat (ante avo v.) f85C. — aro votov usque ad fin. versis e, peonuBpias (pro votov) E ex cod. Reuchl. + «ae (ante atro 8.) f8C. 14. —to E, forsan ex cod. Reuchl. ew avtwy (pro ev avtous) efSC. +Swdexa (ante ovopata) efSC. 48 atroar. f. COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE, 161 15. + pertpov (post evye) ef6C. +Kxat To Tevyos autys fdC. 16. tetay? (pro tetpay) e p. m. avutov (pro avutns) EH, correct. E2 in erratis. —tTocovtov eotiv efdC. dcov e, dcov- tov EK. —x«at tert. ef6C. + ev (ante tw kadapow) E ex cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. oradsovs efSCElz. [non EsB. ex cod. Reuchl.]. dexadvo efd. + d@dexa (ante To unkos secund.) ef6C. ica 4, ica E. 17. —eperpnoe efd. pud efd. 18. fv ec. laoms (sic ver. 19) 6. opotov efdC. vedtw efC [non 8]. 19. init. —Kat efd. Kxadrkxiddv E. 20. capdmvvE eC. capédz.ov efé. Bnpirr0s E1,2.3 ex cod. Reuchl., Bnpirros E4,5. evvatos eESt.1,2B.Elz. [evatos fOCS]. wafiov 6, 76 wakiov f, roTrafios E2 (correct. in erratis). ypusompacwwos f, ypvaoracos 6. évoexatos e. vakivOwos C. apeOvoos eE3,4,5 cum cod. Reuchl., aweOnoos E1,2. 21. veros ef [non 6] C. Ssavyns (pro Sadavns) efSC. 22. —Ko 6 e. 23. gavovow e p.m. —ev efSE ex cod. Reuchl. adti) yap 7 (pro avti: 7 yap) efé (avTn). avtn (pro avtnv) E. 24, mepitatncoves ta €Ovn dia Tov dwtos avtns (—Twv cwlopevwv) efSC. depovowy auto do€ayv Kat Tiunv Tov eOvwev (—Tnv bis, et avtwrv) ef6é. —Kat thy tiny E ex cod. Reuchl. 25. —oi ESt.1,2. 26. fin. +iva evceXwow (-o1, e) efd: omittit versum E, propter comment. in cod. Reuchlini. 27. cowov efSC. 0 mrowwy (pro matovy) {5 [non e]. Tw BiBro (sic) f. Cap. XXII. 1. otapyov xaOapov eC. —xalapor fo. Kat Tov apviov cum sequent. fd. 2. exesOev (pro evtevdev secund.) ef6. —éva efdC. arodidous éxactoy e, atrodibous éxaotos f6. artrodidous C, atrodidovta E ex cod. Reuchl. —rov EK ex cod. Reuchl. twv caprov e. 3. kataBewa ef6C. exet (pro ets) C. + exes (post Ov) e. RAatpevovow 6. 4, petorwv e. 5. —exeu ef6. ov ypeva (—exovor) efd. —nruov ef6. gdwtier ef8C. 0 El. 6. eyes (pro ese) ef6C. Tvov TtTwv (pro aywv) ef6C. + we (post ameateire) e. — devEat Tous SovAoLs avtov ef6. 7. init. + xa ef6. 8. Kayo ef6C. wavves El. 06 axovwv car BreTov tavta efdC. ste evdov (pro Bre Wa) efd. emecov efSCElz. [ereca EsB. ex cod. Reuchl.j. Secxvurvtos efd, Sesyvuvtos OC. 9. —por Ff. wpa 8: cf. ch. XIX. 10. —-yap ef6C. —Twy secund. E ex s. It 162 COLLATION OF APOCALYPSE. cod. Reuchl. St.1,2. —xat (ante tov rnp.) C. 10. —ortu ef6. —oE. +ryap (post xaspos) ed fin. ecteC. 11. eH prim. e p.m. puTrapos puTapevOntw ef (sine putrapos, errore) dC. Sixatocvvny Toincato (pro SixawwOntw) efSC. 12. init. —Kat ef6C. —To f. eotat avtov efSC. 13. —expu efdC. adda efdC. 6 mpwros Kat 6 ExyaTos* 7 apyn Kal TO TEAOS ef. —o secund. EK. 14. wudewou E ex cod. Reuchl. [cetera cum = omnes]. 15. —Se efSC. —oi tert. E ex cod. Reuchl. *St.1,2. —o efdC. 16. —ems E ex cod. Reuchl. —7 E. dad (—Tov) efS. Sad OC. —6 secund. E. & mrpwivos (pro kat opOpivos) ef6C. 17. epyou (pro ede) bis ef5C. epyecOw (pro e\Oetw) ef6C. —xau quint. ef6C. AaBeTw (pro rap- Bavetw to) ef6C. 18. pwaptupw eyw (pro Lupypaptupovpat yap) ef6C. +7 (ante axovovrs) ef6. —rns ESt.1,2. —Tov ESt.1,2. «v (pro eav) H, at éav ef St.1 (non St.2). emsOn ew auta (pro emttiOn mpos tavta) ef (sic) dC. emiOjoar e, ertOnoar £8C (pro emOncer). er avtov 6 Oo CO. +énta (ante mrAnyas) C. +7 (ante BiBrw) ef6C. 19. e (pro eav) H, at édv et St.1 (non St.2). adern efSC. rav BiBriwv? e p. m., Tov BiBriov e s. m. f5C (pro BuBrov prim.). adedn e p. m., agerou e 8. m. OC, apedau f (sic), apeder E2 (pro agdatpnoet El). tov Evrov (pro BiBrov secund.) efS (— Tov) C. —rns secund. E. —ex tns E. —rns quart. ESt.1,2. —Kat ultim. efSC. +7 (ante BuBruw) ef6C. 20. Kae (pro vat secund.) B. 21. —jpov efSC. —yuve. tev dywwv (pro vpav) efdC. Subscriptiones. Arroxaduis tov ayov ww Tov Oeodoyou f. Tedos tns atroxaduyews C. Desunt in ed. * Hic explicit cod, Reuchlini, ‘Quanquam in calce hujus libri nonnulla verba reperi apud nostros, que aberant in Grecis exemplaribus, ea tamen ex latini adjecimus.’’ Annotationes, E1, PARE TV. COLLATION OF PALIMPSEST B.-C. III. 46. Fol. 206 a 1. ise te Wifey DE ppavOnoerar Ko Kal Tova oppavove QUTWY KaL TAT XH pac avtwv ovk ede Noe OTL TavTET QVOMOL KaL TOVNpOL ka. Tav oTowa Aa Rew adixa* ere 7a OW TOVTOLD OVK are otpadyn o Ovpoo av Rees ae 64/00 xelp avtov vinAn Kat KavOynoeTar wo Tp N avopia Kar wo aypwotia Enpa Bpw Onoetat bro TupoT kau katakav0y?? oeTau ev ToL Oa cect ...dpupou: ‘Ss ovykatapayeTa. Ta kukAw Ttwv Bovvwv Fol. 206 a 2. mavra: dua Ov ov opyno Kv oo. Baw ovyKexay, Tau y yn ody Kat eotat 0 Aaog wo v TO TUpOT KATO. KEKQUILEVOO. avoo Tov ade ov avrov ovk ede? noe! adra exkALver? evo Ta defua oTL ... TEWATEL KAL Ha YeTQL EK THY apt oTepwv? Kal ov py) eurrhnaOn avoo ecOiwv Tax capKac tov Bpaxtovor av Tov’ dayetat yap .. Eppai Tov pa vacoyn Kal pavac ono Tov eppaip Fol. 206 0 1. ” ¢ OTL apa ToALopKt govat Tov iovea > , A Em. tovTois 7tacw > e ovK amectpady oO Ovpoo avtod ad X ere y XElp avTOD tunAy ova Toe ypadovar rovnpt av ypadovt... Tecketeit ypa govow: exXALvov TED yap Kplow TTw Xwv apralovtes KPlLa. TEVHTWV tov Aaov ov wo TE ELVAL AUTOLT XN pay él apraynv kat oppavov eo Tpovopnv Kat TL TOLNTOVT LW TY NEPA THO ETLOKO Fol. 206 6 2. mo+7 yap OX...0 aitwy Ttoppwlev ger Kal TPOT TL va katapevéerbe tov BonOnOnvat 164 pwv Tov eu... elo aTaywynv KQL VTOKATW @ VPN ... WV TE.. TOL ETL TACL TOV TOLD OVK GTrEaTp ady o Gupoe avTov aXX eT n XELp au tov vinin (one blank line) 4 lines of other matter follow: quite illegible. Fol. 207 a 1. Genesis xxv. 1—11. k oc KU KQL evwr.ov TOU GU prov (blank line) ka 6 Oa fon (Two blank lines) [E ]uratwoar of AeAuTpw pevot ov (One blank line) [K]ai eyévero pera 70 yy paca tov icaak Kal nuBruLwOn cav ot opfadpor QvTOU TOD My opav Kal éxade > \ \ O€V LOGaK TOV Fol. 207 a 2. | a >. ~ VLOV GUTOD TOV apeo Burepov \ Oo” > ~ Kal €irev auto o%, ‘ s vee KaL evtrev > R79 a“ idod éyw: elev d€ auTa icaak > 753 , idod éyw yeyynpaKa Kal Ov yLyvurKo ‘ c , A THY NEpav THT TeNevTHS ov VoV ovv AaBe To oKev / , oo gov THV Te hat ‘ petpav Kal TO TO €ov kat €€edOe e.a To mrediov! ‘S 4 , , Ojpevoov por On pay? Kau Toinoov pou COeopara woo PAG éywr Kal eveyKov jot iva c > gdayw orwa évro Fol. 207 6 1. , id yIon Tey Yrxy prov mpwy amobaveiy pe + peBéxxa No. dé nKovoev La Aovytoe icaak x c ~ A € mpoo yorad Tov wu ~ > rd ov avTov Ezropev ‘ c ~~ "@ x On Sé yoad ea TO 4> médtov Onpevorat ee ene Onpav Tw zpe av tou peBéxka Oe a ‘ > ‘ .. tev mpoo iakwB A L top.) “ TOV VLOV avTHT TOV VEewTEpov COLLATION OF PALIMPSEST B.-C. III. 46. > ee oe ide eyo HKOVOa AaXdovvtoe Tov c ™po Gov poe 7 aad Néyovtoe y , , éveyKé prow Ojpay Kal moinooy 04 sys ‘ edéopata Kal Fol. 207 6 2. gdayov évAoynow oe evavtiov Kv SY “~ pO TOV [LE ATO ~ > Oaveiv viv odv e ‘ 4 4 vLer AKOVTOV [LOU , Kala eyw cou ever Aopar Kal mropev , Ge cis ta po , Bara rAaBe por exeiHev dvo épt c dove aradove Q ‘ Kal kaXovo . at s > ‘ TOLNTW A. TOUT sav a edéopata THO mpt cov wo pire kat ~ cig ... TO Tp TOV 5! o 4 Kal payeTa oTWT > , e evloyyon oe 0 Tap gov 7po TOv ato ~ 3A Q Oavety éirev de ) ‘ ‘ ec iaxkwB mpoo pe Continued Fol. 211. Fol. 208 a 1. Prov, xix. 16==25. TOV EQUTOV ... amr? ..oAetrat’ 0 eAe COLLATION OF PALIMPSEST B.-C. III. 46. 165 , e > ee 6 . a wv TTwXov Savi TAL O aiwviog* oO ev ea hwo eOywv: Tév = . kpuTtwv eis Tov KoX the ee =, ~ fet Oa" Kara As eval oe Eo OpLay >. de To Soma aurod TOV QUTOU’ KELPAT € > , ker = ee cwo €oXaTOU THT avrarodwc et ; ; ; yi" ovtwo eye ko > a 3 OTOMATL ov Ly) T~™po € = QUTO* Taldeve ; gat 0 pvgapevog ge. 0 5 : gaye. avtao Aor —=—— , VLOV DOV. OUTWS S Oo ind aylacare \ ari, pov pactryoupe ‘ ; yap extra. éArio . tov davrcilovra to 88 f \ > vou adpwv 7a a elo 0€ UBpw py é eauTyV’ ayiacare 70..pov TH Wuxn cov Kaxoppwv avynp Fol. 208 6 1. modAa Cnuiwby tov pavrilovra thy A Yuxnv avrov: tov , e Arua Re voupyorepoe yive Boedvocopevov % oerau €av 6€ Av? ; nee fo ea ie = Tau eav Oe eeyxno TO TOY EVYOY" TWV fore eee Met, THY , Sovlwy tév apyov Be aposOnon avépa ppoviov. PX » ¢ 4 , vonoe. accOnow tov Bacrréio o GKOVE ULE TaALoEL : : ects = E (Two lines blank.) Wovrat avrov* Kat a av 7Tpa0 Gov’ iva = “ 7 4 p . KATOMLAXNTOV TELYOT éZ VaTTHTOVTAL apYov codoo yevn em + ces TA : 5 Swxac TH Tod quwv TET" KAL TPOTKUVH pova. 7oXAot Ao wovew avrov évexev ; 54 THY TeKovTav oe Traphe YT OL ev KapOoLa a Continued Fol. 212. > A voy" ou QuTyo ocp aro TOV KUKAW OvY ETL Fol. 208 a 2. Ccnevo? Kandy, ee Fol. 209 a 1. Aov deducba tas Woxac Prov. xix. 21-95, 2 Leov Gen. ‘vi. 17—29: avdpoo 7 5€ Bou (One line blank.) teNeuTno EL’ Kat Ay T6v 66 Kpary [B ]-Oncov por xe 6 Oo pLov aoTnowt thv dia Gel lo TOV awa KL TWOOV ME KaTa TO Onknv pov pera kaptoo avépoo eXcoo cov +51 cou eehevon éXenmoovtyyn Kpew elo THY atverwv pov de eo TyVv KiBw cov Oe. 4rwxoo Oi py TapacKoryow TOU OU Kat OL VE Ka.oo’ 7) 7AOvoLoe Ol Gov" KaL 9 yuvn weborns poBoo Kv Fol. 208 6 2. ess: re u ec cio rvonv avSpt Keo TWV VLOV GWoU 6 8¢ tAavapevor Isai. xu1x. 6, 7. BE OA TRY, év midair avAt ...€ Aeyer xo I TWV TOV KTNVO oOynoerat év TOTroWw dov dédwxa oe: evo KQl aro TavTwv Oto ovK émurKorret diaPnKnv yevovor tov Onpiwv. ‘5 In Bodl. Laud. 36, a lectionary of the Old Test. Gen. vr. 9—22 is appointed for r7 B Tis 7 Bo. éomep [Lent]. p. 66>. 166 COLLATION aro Taco cap koa dvo dvo0 aro TAVTWY eases eo THV KiBwrov « va TpEepero [Ee Ta TEavTov apoev kat Ondv Fol. 209 a 2. €voVTal a7ro TAVTWV TW Opvewy Kal TwWY TETELVWY TOV OV pavov Kata yevoo" Kat aro TAVTWVY TWV KTN vwVv KATA yEevor KQl aro TaVTW TWV EpTETWV TU EpTOVTWV ETL THO yNo Kata. yevoo avTwv dvo0 dvo aro TavTwv evoeev CovTat TPT GE tpeperOar peta cov apoev Kat Ondv ov Oe Ana pe TQ DEavTouv a TO TAVTWV TWV Fol. 209 6 1. Bpwpatwv a é ‘ , decbe: Kai cvva feu mpoo ceav , \ om” TOV + KQL EOTAL OV oe ka. €ketvoin ha , €w* Kal e7rol y OF PALIMPSEST B.-C. III. 46. oev VwE TaVT* 7 > , oa évereiAato > ah) ye 7 avTw 0 Oo ovtws €rroino-ev 2 lines blank. pvnoOyocopat Tov ovo patoo cov ev 7A% vss Kpe TO. 9 Kap® (Prov. vu. 1—7.) ue. ov THY Todi av Knpvgov. iva povycia wor Urakxovon? "Ext yap Tav vinAGv ” ” akpwv' €oTW Fol. 209 b 2. ® \ avaperov dé Tov TpiBwv ‘ eoTnKev Tapa ‘ yap mvAaio bu vaTov Taped , pever ev O€ eu codon vpvertat > ULaT W avo Ta a \ pakarXe Kai TpOvepat Env pwvynv viove » advwv vonoa TE AKaKOL Ta e ‘ voupytav ot dé amra.devTou €v , Geobe Kapdiar. eicakovoare pour ceuva yap €pw" Kal avot ow azo xelXe > sg wy ayaa or Fol. 210 a 1. Prov. vu. 21. ‘ > ~ gavpove avtav > 3 éutrAnow a. yobov sc sccsccucue etm XOV KU Kau v... ec / c ~ eXenoov nuae KaTa TO péya cov eXeoo: wo pid*: One line blank. [K ]o Twy Ovvapewv Tt p peOnu: av AntTw: Oo Hav Katady y7 Kat An Bond: One line blank. Tsai. Ix. 90 [T ade Neyer Ko yvecovrar Tac Fol. 210 a 2. 0 Nace Tou eppap. kal ot KaOype vou év capapet a: ef vBpe Kat vWnrAq Kapdia Aeyovter whiv Oo. TetTwKacw adAd detre: Aa Eevowpev AiPove: ‘ , Kal Kowwwev ovkapivova Kai , ‘\ > Kédpovo* Kal ob Kodopno wiLev COLLATION OF PALIMPSEST B,-C. Ill. 46. , €avTota Tupyour , © jue Kau pager o Oo ‘ Tove éravicta , we 4 pévove él opor x cio Kat €€ ov??? ? 2 éravtova Kuk\w?t A S rove €xOpove it ovoa dtacKkedacet Fol. 210 6 1. Isai. 1x. 9—14. cupiav ad 7Aé ov avato\av" kat Tova €AAn vac ad yAiov a ‘ dvopov: Tove Ka tecOiovras Tov a tirpandr??? oAov TO TTOMATL érl Tact TOUTOLT s > / OUkK aTeoTpapy e ‘ > a“ 6 Ovpoo avrov' GX ére 4) XElp aurov vWnAq* Nee \ Kat 0 Aaow ov 4 K aTecTpapn’ € , wo éerAnyn Kat en, , Kv TOV OuVa > 2 pewy ovK é€e fntyoav’ Kae a em os ageti\ev Ko oo mo inv Kepadnv Fol. 210 6 2. Kal Ovpay: peyav Kal [LuKpov ‘ev ula YLEpa + mpeo Butny S \ , TOVo Ta. TPO cura Javpa lovrac avtn 1 apxyn + Kat po , dytnv dda > OKOVTA avojLa. ta c ovTOo 4 oVvpa. A ee e KQl ED OVTAaL ob , paxapicovres \ ‘ lal Tov Aaov TovTO m\aviovTer ‘ A Kal TAGVOOLY, og OTwo KaTaTi wow avTove d.atovto emt TOVT VEavicKOVT > rote Tt ? QUTWV OUK €U Continued Fol. 206. Fol. 21l al. Gen. xxvur. 11—23. Continued from Fol. 207. Tilton Sangenee : deAd... ov... dacve eyo de a , Vpr....+. BNO Te WyAadyo... Me c 0 Tp Kat ETOpaL €VAVTLOV GUTOU e aA wo Katappove > , > , KQL emaew ere pavtov Kata. > pav Kat ov évAo yeav étrrev be auto 74 pnp €7re pe 1 KaTapa cou TEKVOV" JLOVOV € TAKOVTOV THT gwvyno pov. Kat topevero EveyKat prot + mropevbeio Se éAaBev' Kat nv... IOI, BIL ae Be ey age .. KEV TH pple av ~ ‘ TOU’ Kau €TOLNoEV e = Py Nuisauy 7 pyp avtov eer V's pata: kala é , aes, > A pire. o 7p avTov kat AaBovoa peBex ka Tv oTOAnV A e Coy yet) av TOV VLOd av TO TOV mper Bu , TEpov THY KaAnV he le 2 Aa 9 QV Tap avTy > ~ ” Se, €v Tox OK... eve ducev taxw3 tov ee > al ‘ VLOV AUTHT TOV VE , @TEpoV + Kal To , “ d€ppata Tav , épipwy repieOn \ Kev 7rept Tova Spa , > A Xlovag avTou' S ‘ MY €Tl TA YUVA TOU TpaxyAov avrov Fol. 211 6 1. KOL €OWKEV TQ... deopata Kat TO... m” a > , apTove* ovo émou noe. eo TAT XEL 168 COLLATION OF PALIMPSEST B.-C. III. 46. > lal pao iaxwB tov > a“ viov auTHO Kal , “~ ELONVEYKEV THX > - A Tpe QUTOU KGL 3* ea éirrev wep: 0 b€ “ > . 3 , étrrev idov eyo , 7 A , Tio €l OV TEKVOV Kar etrev taxwf3 pe = > e TO Tpl avToVv c ...0 70QV 0 TPH TOTOKOG Gov eTrol noa Kaba eda Anoac por ava otac: Kabnoov \ , ¢ kal daye oTwo évAdoynon pe 0 Wu XH gov. etzev be Fol. 211 6 2. «+ -AXU..-.-- PET @ Tékvov Kat ét Trev" 0 Tapedw Kev ko 0 Oo" evav TLOV €ou" €l7rEV de* wraak Tw ta KwoB eyyioov pot kat YnAadyow oe TEKVOV EL OV EL O tios pov yoav. 7 ov: wyyioev O¢ ia KwB mpos wa. ak Tov Tpa avTov kal eynrAapyoev aurov Kal étrev 7 pev hovy porn iaxwf + at de xe pes XElpes Yoav kal 6uK éreyvw Continued on Fol. 213. Fol, 22 ale Fsal, She ae (Continued from Fol. 208.) ies ¢ ee Kv + OTL 7TLOTOS €OTL eg a ria) \ 0 aytoe Tov ind Kat efeXeEato oe + OV two eyer KO" Kat pw Sexton érnKov oa gov Kal év nye pa cpiac «Bondy , A m” oa cou Kat exAa , \ om” , oa oe Kal €OwWKa ye oe Kal ~ , aQuTwv + OV 7ELVaA > cova ovde dun govcgw ovoe 7a Take avTOVT O KaVOLOV OVOE O 7) Atom + add o ede wv avTove Ta paxadere avTove (one blank line) [O]ux epevoera tov Aaov kata Thv Tagw Ber.? €l\TEV 0 KT TO KW JLOU (two lines blank) bAn copia ooo Kv OV Eb .eeeee eee OF opoXoyoupat wot KE év oAn Kap® pd ev Bou Fol. 212 6 1. Gen. xxx1. 3—10. [€]urev Ko poo iaxw/3 arootpe hou eia Tov OtKov Tov mpo cov. S elo THY yeveav — cov arooredag b€ iaxwB- éxa Aece Atay Kau pa xnA ew To TedL0v Ov Ta Toipyia: KGL ELTEV GUTALT Op® éyw To Tpo owrov Tov 7p UPLWV* OTL OUK ETTL Tpoo ene wr exOeo Kau Tpityv npepav o be Oo Tov mpa pov Vv pet €wov + Kat avTat O€ oLdaTe COLLATION OF PALIMPSEST Fol. 212 6 2. o OTL EV TAT TH . dee , iaxvi pov dedov NevKa TH pe Vv a € aaaae e pov: o be rnp U wv Tapekpov y caro pe Kau yAAa . ‘ c€ TOV po Bov pov “A . Tov deka apvav Kat ov d€dwxev > Le A. avt® 0 Oo Kako A ‘ TOUnTal ME Eav ‘ ovTwo ETN Ta TouKtAa €orar TOL puaboc Kar teéet Tal TaVTA TO ’ , mpoBara cov AevKa Kai ageAato 0 6c , ‘ , TAaVTQA TA KTV) ~ Vn TOV TPG VBOV KL EOWKED }LOL duta + Kat éyeveTo (Laud. 36. ry y Tov Baiwy Gen. XXxI. 3— 16: ends 6 6c cov Tovet). Fol. 213 a 1. Gen, xxvul. 23—33. ‘ Biers: inn OO au XEL... TOV ader pov avtov dacetat Kau evloynoev av TOV" KGL ELTrEV > > ov et 0! voc pov 74 S, cau: o de evrev eyw: Kal écrev mpoodyaryé pou Kal , ‘ Payonat aro Tho , Onpac cov TéKvov. / kau évAoynoe: oe tA ‘ N Wuxn pov" Kat TPOonVEyKEV GUTO A > Kal eparyev KA EL > klal ONVEYKEV AUTO OL y vov" Kal €muev" Non > a Kal €lTEV AUTO" > ‘ e > ivaak 0 7p av TOU eyyloov Ol. Pol 2isa2: ...Anoov be TEKVOV KQL «Vy: cao epiAnoev autov Kar w?t oppavOn tTyhv of CPN THOV YLaTL wv autTov Kat ev? oynoev avtov > eirev: idov o!oun TOV WOV....LOV WO olen aypov wry! pova ov evAoyy owev ko Kau dwn eT) A oo. 0 00 aro tHe , : a > dpocov TOV OVVOU KQL ATO THO TL 4 A OTYNTOD THE yo ‘\ Lal , Kat tAHGoG oiTov > KQL OLVOU: Kal dov , Aevoatwcav cou ” \ , Ov. KQL TPOTKV B.-C, III. 46. 169 Fol 213-6: 1. Cont. from Fol. 211. vyTovelv ToL... TET* KGL ylvoU kK... oo T6v adeAgod gov. Kal mpooKv c VNnTovewW ot ot VL ol TOV TPA Gov ec . 0 KaTapwmevoe Ge ETLKATApATOT ¢ 0 de evAoywr ce ev Aoynpevoc. Kau eyeveto pera TO , mavoacGar ica ‘ 2 ak évAoyouvra e > takwB Tov tov av TOV Kal éyéveTo: 0 cov eéndOev iakofB > ‘\ amo mpoowrou t caak TOV Tpa av ~ c ~ TOU + KaL Yoavoa deAgoo avrov 7A > a , bev aro ris On Fol. 213 6 2. KOU ie ces Spee TO KQ...0nVEYKE ”~ > ~ ‘ TO Tpl AUTOV Kai eimev? avacty ec Tw O 7p pov Kat / > ‘\ al payeTwo aro THT / a | ae) Onpaw Tov VOU A f auTov: oTwo év , c , Aoyynon me y Yuxy A ~ gov. KOL €l7rev au x Tw igaaK 6 7p 12 170 > “~ 4 ~ , auTov Tio et ov 0 O€ étrev + eyw eye c a c 0 Vo GOV 0 TPWTO nw /, ToKoG noau ec orn d€ Wank ek cTtacw peyadnv apo dpa: Kat etrev yok ) ec 6 Kat Tio ext 0 Oy pevoac jou Onpay Continued Fol. 216. Fol. 214 a 1. Proy. xxii, 24— XXEV. 4, Emi viux O€ ...... evppavOyce ...... Kapoia auTdu eudpaivéc Ow 0 np Tov Kau 7) Np cov eT Gol Kal xaupé dw 7 TeKovTE oe dd0 pro be anv Kapouav: Ou d€ wou dpbadpou evar 0 dove Typ...woar muBos yap Terpiy pevoo eotiv: ado Tpiow OtKoo" Kal ppéap orevov GAAS Tplov OvTWO yap TUVTOLWO Gro Netae Kal rac Tapavon“oc ava AwOynoera rh ve dvat tive Go COLLATION OF PALIMPSEST P.-C. III. 46. Hole 2itia 2: wet KOLA. Xau Th Ve OUVTPLYLpLaT® diakevno* Tivoe meALbvol of opbar fou Ov TOV eyxpo vicovtwy ev ét VOLO" Kal TOV KO TAT KOTOU/LEVOV TOU Torou yivov Tar pn weOioKer Ge oivw: adX? 0 pireire avo Sikaiou* Kau ope Nete ev TEpiTA To. é€av yap ei tao diadao Kau TO TOTHpLoV OT Tova 6pGadpove 7 gov’ voTEpoV TreEpL Fol. 214 6 1, WEP shies eee ‘ TO de €.XaTOV" @... c eee Tep VTO OpEews: A > / meTAnyOo EKTEL VeTQL’ KaL WOTTEp UTo KepacTou dia XElTaL AVTUX O LOT c or 6fOadpor cov 6 ? Tav idwow adro “4 ‘\ Tplav’ TO oTOpa gov ToTe Nadyoe ‘A 4 oKoALa Kal Ka (sic) tatakyon wo Tep ev Kapdia faracono: Kai woTep KkuBep vaTno év todd kAvdwver *|dou epeo! eruTToV pe Kat ovk erroveca! Fol. 214 6 2. MPR 2 av jL0L* ‘ > vs. OUK NOELY 770 ” ” ¢ Te €aTat OpOpoc: iva Mav Lytyow hi , bel dv cuvedevoo c pau vie wn Lyrw »” ono avépac Ka KOUG PLNOE ETL Pupnono evar MET GQUTOV? Wev ~ c 57 yap pedeta’ 7 . > n~ Kapola GuTav KGL TOVOUG TO. xetAn avtwv AaXet peta Godiac ovKo 3“ Sopertar dtkoa $= pera CUVETEWo avopOodrau Kat pera avo Onoewo epmimAaTa. TA TAMLLELA TAVTOO FINIS. CAMBRIDGE ; PRINTED BY C. J, CLAY, M.A, AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, i Due Date ea | nt