$ SOCIETY OF INQUIRY;^ SCr Paddy for seed corn, is lent, to re- ceive Paddy for Interest, the f[uantity must Im stip- ulated, and if the croj) fails no Interest can lie claim- ed; if the Harvest is bad, interest must be calculated accordingly. KM) If a Man and his Wife jointly liorrow money on a (Rirden, and neglecting to deliver it over to the cred- itors, should afterwards give it in Dowry, tlic Credi- tor cannot on their death claim the Garden, but must recover from the i-emaining jiropcrty; and the Sons arc also liable to the debt. KU One jici son’s cultivating another’s field without previous agreement, must pay the Goveriimeiit tithe, SLAVES ifi and 0110 (lurd oT tlic crop to tlie i’roprietor. If llic ci'op fails he is to pay nothing. 103 If when an Agreement is made, the crop fails on that ground only, and other grounds in the Village have good harvests, the Cultivator must pay the amount agreed on, as it is supposed the crop failed merely from inattention. MK3 F inc CTi'ains arc exchanged at an equal rate, but !hiddy at one Parrah for one and a half Parrahs of Fine Grain. SLAVES. lo t All Slaves must be registered. 105 Slaves must have their Proprietor’s leave before they can marry. 10(i Slaves dying childless, the Blaster may claim the Dowry and Hereditary properties, also the Acquisi- tion, if both slaves belonged to him; otherwise the Blasters divide the Acquired property. If the Mas- ters are rich, the Slave’s Brothers and Sisters ought to possess, if the Master permit, but not otherwise. (07 A Child cannot inherit from its Father if the JVIo- thcr did not belong to the same Blaster. I OS A Blother dying, her Blaster may take half the Dowry and one quarter of the Acquired property, or at his will may give all to her children. (00 All Children belong to the Proprietor of tlic Blother. I 10 SI aves living separate from their Blasters must main- fain themselves, hut ought to perform their Blaster’s Government serviees, and, fenee their fields, receiving SLAVES. 19 maintenance whilst so employed. Before the Eng- lish came, they used to give, if of the Palla or Nal- lava Casts, four fanams each, yearly to their Masters, 111 If Nallava or Palla Slaves whilst living separate from their Masters, are brought to bed, they may de- mand maintenance from their Masters, or may pawn one of their children for it, Covias also claim main- tenance in like manner, hut cannot pawn their children, 112 Persons selling Slaves who have lands, must take possession of those lands before the Slave is sold, or otherwise have no claim, 113 One giving a Slave Girl to another person, loses all right to her, or her Goods. The Girl also has no claim on her Parent’s property, nor can they give her any thing Avithout her former Master’s consent, 114i A married couple having Children, may emanci- pate any of their Slaves at pleasure, 115 A Man having no children may emancipate any Slaves, by proclaiming it at the Church any three Sundays, If they belong to his Wife’s Dowry, she must consent. If there is any dispute they must ap- point Arbitrators. 116 A Man having a child by his Slave may emanci- jnatc it, and give it a donation not exceeding one tenth from his Hereditary property. 117 An emancipated Slave dying childless, the proper- ty devolves to any Brother or Sister on the Mother’s side that is or are also free ; — next, to the legitimate children of the deceased’s Father or eventually to the, persons from whom the deeeased reepived (he property or their Heirs. FijNb^ -7.- ■■r. r.. ■. :-v, ■ :.. _. . . ■ .=t_ *> 1 ■' ' ■ ■ ■ '?■ ',, ^...' . y i ' 1 ■ ■•’*ry r;-f »./■;;■ ■ V/’'- C ''VV ‘*.V^“’' • . .>■#' V^-.'** 5 '*V .... • , .. ■'^ ,/'f. / ■'. . :r' '■ - . ' ' ‘‘% ' A tL t • 4 l *•. , '. . f. '' , ■’v ■■ ■■ i.*?’* S'?: ' . \j.- -.A '. ' •*'^’.* -V- 'T: ' . .' '.m' .* ,S*. ;-v--> ,.>' . »>' .^'. V- . ,~