Stom f^e £,i6rftri? of (profeeBor nTifPiam J^cnx^ (Breen (J$equcaf3ct> 6g 0im fo f^e fcifirarp of (princeton ^^eofogteaf ^emtnarj PL 406" ,Wll r KAREN VERNA(JU1,AR GRAMMAR, With English interspersed for the benefit of Foreign Students. IJV FOUR PARTS. KMBR.VCING TEllMONOLOGY, ETYMOLOCJY, SYNTAX, AND STYLE. c650^W^CO1^1(7D^3q8^. OOG^^OSCOl 33DDS^^00b. BY J. WADE. AMERICAN MISSION PRESS. C. BENNETT. 1861 . r.; >.■ ■'■f . , ^ •} • #« ■ r ♦ 4 “ ■ Ji ■ V '' « •’ . ■ , '«j,Tli • ^ ,,i ‘ '*! '■ '• «. tl- III ft '•‘vi. . • •, n-jj. ‘ ■■'.TH-:- 't ri i .-■I,' * nyf-^ : « r^. ,i«v*» ■ ■'■■• -Si • ■•• * 1.1 1 -* ■■# 4 ft. 1 ' 7 ^.. ^ - . • -• .wui i., . t •f i.i ^»T. • f "', vqc'*; *>,■ •• It- ■ w *1 •. bit. •* ^*|4 ; ’ I _ *’> »K«'t. . Vj’ 3 y» ' I ■ V' y: ; w , ,i *• Uf/.e- '75 "i **^*' * jJ,,- ^ ; V . * • 'i i iiis > . Vf - ■ ,#.,V 7 P R RFAC K. If it b<: rcmomberod that this is the first Vernacular Grain- iiiar of the Karen Language ever attenipled, and that up to this day, our Knglisli Grammar is undergoing sundry alterations and improvements, much allowance will doubtless be made for any defects which may be found in it. In calling this work a “first attempt,” 1, by no means in- tend to ignore Dr. Mason’s Anglo-Karen Grammar. That is a work of great labor and merit. I'he foreign student of the Ka- ren Language will find it very useful in enabling him to put Ka- ren saliences into good English. The object of the present work is to show the Grammatical relations of words and senten- ces to each other, according to Karen idiom. The Karen lan- guage being strictly Monosyllabic, its idiom and Grammatical re- lations must of course difler, in many respects, from those of our English Tongue. The two grand principles to which I have adhered in this work, are, 1st. That any root or combination of roots, becomes a noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, proposition, or conjunc- tion, according to the office it performs in a sentence ; 2d. that each syllable, or root, has a signification of its own, and a Gram- matical relation to one or more of the other syllables, in every compound part of speech. I regard a knowledge of the iheaning of the individual roots, (in the various compounds) and their grammatical relations to each other, as indispensably necessary to enable any one to write or speak the language with ail the per- spicuity, and force, of which the language itself is remarkaliiy ca- pable. Without this knowledge no one can determine, with con- fidence, what is good Grammatical Karen, and what is mere col- loquial jargon. For we cannot reasonably suppose that every thing written, or uttered by a Karen is grammatically correct. Even educated Karens, have as yet, only a very superficial ac- quaintance with those Grammatical principles which are inherent in their own, as in every other language. It is these inherent principles whicJi constitute the Grammar of the Language ; to de». IV. velopc these, lias been the aim of the Author in the following work, the successful completion of which he devoutly ascribes to divine aid. J. WADE. CONTENTS. coS(g^u^33oSco6ico^coii. PART I. Parts of Speech, • • • Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Vrbes, Adverbs, Prepositives, Conjunctives. Interjectives, Particles, Expletives,, Words, Sentences, &c A Word, “, “ Sentence, Simple, “ “ Compound,. “ Paragraph ‘‘ Cha])ter, . . . “ Book, “ Volume, . 00^00c8l03ox03oop, . . 03?C5)065o30% . 01^030^, . 038001^030^, . ^i8©o65o30^, .... ooocn^oo5o3oS, . . . . .03^00008o65g30^, . . ,0^00001J030^, oo^ooc 8 xc 8 io^^, . . . . ooScr.;c 8 ic 8 agi,. • . . , .OO^OOc8ia330l, . . fl ooc6, . . II 030 . . o ....II 0000^ . .11 COC^I, .o55 038 ^, . . II 0000^, . . « ooodIot^, . . . Divisions, Cencral, " 03o3i, . Punctuation, marks of, r8^oi030^, . . . Relative Sentence, ooSooc8x|5©n, Parenthe.sis, . . . . (luolation, 03O^8O:OA. @ e e 00 oo 00 "^9 JO JO jO JO JO JO JO JO J J J J J? V. PART 1 1. -Etymology, j Nouns, kinds of, |^ooojBc?so^,. . . “ Simple, |jB8, Combined, “ Coni])lex, “ in juxta position, ^^Soj)!?cS5oaoo», “ Sentences used as, i^8o6^, What IxMongs to Nouns, . Person, Number, Case, coSosol, Nouns and Pronouns in Apj)osition,. . Gender, ot^oi^oso^, Pronouns, 0t|^j23O^, “ Personal, “ “ Declension of, .. . oo^ito-i0t|^osS„ . , “ “ Emphatic, 0i|^o6^oo8O38, . . . “ !2nd Form, u — oaS, j : II — oaS, ^ • II g8^§«o 5 — os8, >o 65 , Go Verbs, oi^(330^, Go “ Transitive? oi^oi|p, Gj “ Intransitive, oiSopS^^, G'^ “ Simple, oi^e^oij, Gej “ Combined, oi^ooo^^,. G^ “ Functional R.elations of, oi^osc^S, Gg “ ‘‘ Causative, cB©o 65 o 3 c^ 5 , ,...GG “ “ Potential, ooo^^ jOsd^S, Go “ Adverbial, osgi^op j33C^S, Gg “ “ Comparison, ooo^gjooSoso'^S, “ Paired, oi^SS^oT, “ Duplicated, oi^cSirocoi, q^q Modes, oi^o:)C^i, q^g “ Positive, 8 ©o 65 o 3 c^i, q_G Prccative or Imperative, ^ooooSasc^x, q^G “ Suppositive, © 8 ©oo 5 oao^i, q^G “ Interrogative, O3^oo^ooo5oso^i, q^G Tenses, oi^oaosaal. ....q^q^ Conjugation of Verbs, osooSo^ji^Sot^oaq^, .q^0 First, Simple verb Trans. ot* 038,0.... oo u Second, “ Intrans. . . . . . . 00 (( 'Pldrd, “ “ Emphatic, . •••ei cc Fourth, “ with 0^, • • • . cbxo^. — 11 q . • -eG u Fifth, “ “ coS — oo?, . . . .000 iC Sixth, “ V erb, with same case after as before ito^, 11 G. 0 0 ~o Ci Seventh, Combined, Ca\isative, . cc Eighth, do. Emphatic, . . .00 J u Ninth, do. do. with oS " e • ..003 (i 'I'enth, do. 1 ooSS^cbi — oo«, lOO. . . 0 J Q a Eleventh, do. I’otential, VII. » Twchlh, «lo. do. Nom. alter voib,otcbiooi, i o j . . .0 j o “ Tliirtcenlh, do. do oo^c^i, “ Fourteentli, do. do. Transitive, noc^. ..0^6 “ Fifteenth, do. Adverbial, Trans, nog... 090 “ Sixteentii, do. do. Intrans noG.-.ocjcj “ Seventeenth, do. Comparative, . « oq^. . . oc^o Remarks on the Combined Verbs, 03J on the First Conjupjation, oj — oG “ on the other Conjugations, 03 “ on the Modes, Tenses, dee. in General? Adverbs, ossooi^oao^ 03 g “ of Manner, oo^u«§8«ioo^5ali5|a, 030 of Time, • • oG j “ “ Combined with other parts of Speech, oGq “ of Place, af3«ooi^coio3co^2)s§«c8^, 0G3 “ of Degree, n coiooco^ajsSsoslgi, oGG “ of Quality, n coioaco^sjsBioo^oaoaooo-i, . oGo “ of Mutuality, u coio3CO^a8§sco^«ic85o3co?,oG0 “ of Contingence, coicaco^aisSsyaoiui, oq^o “ of Sound, coi03CO^a3§soo^oS^, oq^o Adverbial Particles, osgi^io^^o^ooooij, oq^^ Prepositives, ^aSeooS, “ coi, 0T3 “ • * * 5x|{,—(^, oq^q^ “ 0^1, — oi^, — c85, — co^, oq^o “ — y-fX--- ^ae Conjunctives,. . .vXiOOi^ooS, — cci, — ^s, — 8^, — ©^r8«, — oas...oq^0 os8^ooc85,-o,-o^,- — o^ oi ,-Q^ 01 ,- ooT 8 p j-ao^ ,-co SaoS,ooo-o ^Soooo, dec. &c. 0 ^5|,^§8, &c. dec. ... . . 00 J -9 Interjectives, Particles, ....... PART III. — Syntax. — 330^8^9^,9,. , Rule 1. Persons of Nouns, • . . 03o6So,oi^©ip, “ 2. Number, . . . “ .3. Gender, . . . . “ 4. Nominative,. . . ..ooq^ Vlll. 6 ^ 3,00801 If,.. G.ooScofol, q_,ooS30c^, ..og 9 0 ,|f cSfo6Hc85o30D8, . . ••303 g,|fc^033O)o65, • •ogG OO, 0 x|f oo,O(S^od 50 x|f .. ogo 0 J ,O38C5lCo50x|f , O9,|O6|UO38Q>o6S0x|f, . ••JOO Rule 5. Possessive, 03 C “ 6. Objective, “ 7. Case Absolute, u “ 8. Nouns in apposition, .. ii “ 9. Adjective Nouns, “ 13 . Num. Adj. Pronouns,. “ 14 . Adjectives, o^, 03 sO)o 65 j joc^ 15 . Verbs, , , ii 03,01^, J03 “ 16 . Transitive Verbs, J03 “ 17 . Combined Verbs, j “ 18 . Combined Verbs, n 00,01^000^^, jog “ 19 . Adverb,., 11 og, 038301^, j 00 “ 20. Prepositives, o jo,^i 8 ©oo 5 , j 00 “ 21 . Prepositives, j O, 0 x 8 so 65 , joo “ 22 . Conjunctives, J j,ooodi^c 65 , joj “ 23 . Interjectives, j ^, 33 ^ooaosoo 5 , “ 24 . Termin. of Sentence, ..1. j (^,c^ScSico^a 59 ifl, J Mode of Analyzing Sentences, oa^jcoe^OsS, joiooioo^oocBi 33613000 ^, 8 scoi 3000^2); cSSacioo: § 3513 ^ 1 , oib,oo^b§ cois^i, oioSSs^i CX3S , c§og 1 c8 5 30 x»s § 23 1 § ^ 1 CO 00 ^ 5 ^ ,ooq^ 33 y i C 0 1 CO 5 0 ^o 8 t. PART I.-33oSS%lo. Parts of ISpeech. Noun, ;■ Adjective, osaoooS ; Ajdverb', oasooi^ ; Conjunctive, ooooi^ooS ; Particle, oHooooij ; OQ^OQcBlGOyi 33 OOp. Pronoun, ; Verb, oi^ ; Prepositive, ^iSecoS ; Interjective, aa^oooosooS ; ^CGiSo^goicSi. Xoims. — cT)ob^(X)^cr?cBicoc8co^co^, cooopco^co^cxiicQy^oo^ 00 y i y 1 s ^ y uq ^ 33 y 1 C0 1 ^ cS t . ^ ^ ^ y ^ 00 ^ -33 y t c 8 1 . 6oai, — 00^, ogP, o^, 06, §, ^ 5 , o8§^, oorSpS^, tos8, oo^co^ oj, tSSoo^^i, t8^SjS, ^ic8^S^8, so^Sc^SS, oo'^Soo^co^^ bS^icopSi, o>^(ssoo^«v, oo^asiooScS, oo^ooc8i, oo^o^pooSacs 5 i« 00^ 5 ^^^ rooocv^S roo^S ^ coi 5 cSi j Pronouns.-- (§ 4 ^) 339 ^. 4 ^ 3380 ^ < 313300 ; §'|^3Qd8s, 38 ^ CCO 1 ^ ^ 330fe^ § S « 4 ^ ^ 1- 1 §4^ 3o‘^4^' OOO^oS;331?5 00, GOT, a) — OC, C ** O «1C331 GSpcCl b§« cbccioo. — ^ g4'>- “ 6i cbcoi^. O, ob — o, oSoa “ o J 66 bbccio. 03, S^, oob — 03, uSda “‘ 66 bbcoi 03. o^b — oo, c ol[)c8icccoooS. CO, oo), odlb — oo. o^ooT “ U cbooioc. ob, '^, ob, o^b, cblb oc'o^co^y«§«o::c8tcx)^c6^ooic>ooos SsofSs d^icxii Qi|^ob^ OD?. 5 ^^^co^a3§8moD^occ^coc^, co^e)3§s 00^ occ^ooc^e^a^JcSi. Sola. o8, 66 66 66 66 cab, “ o^b, » colb, “ coaOOCDoS 5 ^co©^, ooo©^, csrc©'l, 0^00©^, oolco©^, OOb)©soo^^^^o^^oa^coi ooooS. t(h “ “ ^00^. f ooo^. o^oD^asSxcc^^^^co^es < 0500^. 0^00^. ( colooS sob yaoo^6«cx>i 3300^ SsoscS^cS^ooiS ; 5d\, cbSooco^ olio^wooa 30b (ibS ; 50b J ©sS^^^co^io^, o^©s clSdiij^ wooiSOO"^^ cb^ ; Q^coGj^^ 33Go'^, 8sc8ao2oo^. oblbjS^^^e^cS?. oob, ^b, ©8cgoS; os8o^ciarx,«5, tOOCoSs^ob, ^00^3^^ 03 oS^cSi. a^b -c^i0jc83^<^^|,^o^a^bc8a,©800^ooc8ao0|5 ; o^©3 oqCO^Oi^b, c8ic8a. ii[^a^^03a:3\8a8^b5oli, o^ga'|po:>8^C3S*Ssoocc8aoo^ol^r8ab, o ^^01^00^;^, ooo^^oo^c^5oor>j^c8a. ; n2^«^.oG8o9. Qa^po^oocB^oop oo CO'. W 8*noobb533i, coisodooi^^,^(^\cq,^ood 5|), so^^ioo^^a>sic^^§c§aci §o 5 i§^i o cq^3QyiCO'i3QSl»'OQ5o8l. 3^SC^o65oOC3^,^b^^^P'^^?r nocv^ScSi. §»i, — OoSosS^, C0^8, OO^OSoS, OO^CgpcSl, OD^oSj OO^cS^cSl. ©* e^S^, 8, eso§, (^^c 8 t, cS, cS^DOiooo^q^s oooocv^Soo oo?§sofB«cBacoi 3Q; C^0Q5 . 8 «o©sco 1 ooc§ ooiOQ ^ c 8 i . ^1031, ^ic8, ^ibscosS, ^xco, — osoo^^^^, ooi, ^■>■5 s, § 35 , b?oos 8 , CO, coop,o^33!Q^Oo5ccno3:^(‘OTyic8i. « 00 G|^^ 6 icSt, 00511500^, COC[^^^, OOG^^^l, COCI^cBlCOlOj^, COG[^ rSicoiol, — ©?oo^^^^, oicSi, 00 ^, ^i, coicoic^, rSicoioT, 00 op, o'l35SC?'C6ScOiG3^opi03C|f>. n^noo^coio3S?oo)iGooo?coiycloo|p,-©?co^^^p, caS^o^icrsooxcoi wc 1 ^p,oS CQS^'OOS^OO^ coi93r§coa ^ICTD^. «co^o:c3icoiG30opa?§*|pcoc5^^S,o^|pyiOQ^ooq^^p, Oi^ | «^qs'^p^p 3?CTDCX^S ^__S,o^3QJ3>c 65 ; Q^lpS^CO^ajq^^p.ol s> ^ooiScSi ; 5 gSt, — nC^pOj?OOqc^b,08OO^, CX^ 0 ^i 03SO)06S. iicgpc^|^po^030|^booq,©saj^, 0*1 Oi^. tOgSoO©^C^b,©«3oS,Ogp§SOGD^ O^^^Oc8cOl5. febs. 01^.730^. oocb^ooSnocBicoi33QS^5§s[§i^p) yib, ^8^b,9g b§ •o5i§^icoc3^^^^,9^ oiS c8i; §t5i, « ooqpc^scoS, i)?oo^, f^s,o^oi^. * CoSc^p, . , . cSp,0^08S. P.J £6'50f)(c;^. ©sco^, ocHjO^oi^. . !^,oSoiS. ' o 031.0^01^. o , Adverbs. — sss&cAsso^. ^icbi, §5aol, I ' 00>!^, ^oo?coi, J n3r;)S30l^^,^«^CO^OOc£l OOOQC\:^5x>133C§OOl Ql^§i3?; e>o6S§°,33?30TSoOc8g3QS3 0l^GOC3bo8i;§101, iic^ioi>8coi^icbioo^^^5, ^ •^ijCbiei^sOTjC^xoxSijCbiScb^Scb^^^^oQcglcci^, 5oSsoocg1o8^oc^oo.i cbx OOI 00^ 03 c8 1 030 1 COT 35 q^s'^^330^ 5 33 Ql 8 33 CO j5 C3oS^ 00 c8 d3^,5c8l . ;§80 oSooc8i. 03.133:^00X01^5^^^,00:^^ 03 ox COT 3383 0 tScSt; «X3300«5Q3X, tobx^, ©33 o 5, cbxo^Ol^, ^«5 o380Ot 5. llOXOodSnocS, . . . 01o5oT5,OOoSnod§oS338 3 0T5. IIg8^^^,. . . g8^O^OT^,'^J^o533!!0OtS. iioo^S^ooSoosoocgi^, . . , 8^o533?e».o65,o65o3?o^a38pOT5. (icbx^ocSs,. . . ^o^ossooT^jOcSsa^o^rBiaosooT^. Prepositives. — giSocoSsQo^. ll-gi8oc65^^^9^00^CT)cB!COOOO:^5c03 3rDO^S^^' (= j^i |^)§20T^3300lo8l. PJ)^_^oo^e3so85 33ocs§35i§^i33:p^, §i8oo65 , §331, — Oil OOjj^^aSjCCOTOO^, ©«OoSo3i|JX, COT, ^jBc^HoOcS^COTOOGj^^oS^bo? 008§80cB«C 01, O3l^x3®O35SsO©8CO133C^806^88a8^33a0T ; O08e^c8: COT 3301 OO^cSx. j II yxaoOoS^coic^, ©33o^03!|^x, cot, c^8r^§»s&'lo§^33aoTO30os8« y50x8©oo5c8i. ^11 (^X00«0§^C0ToS(^X, COT, 0^80^^X§JCO»o8^03aOT0300l 83«^0x8©o65cSt. e«oo^,iCi(|^a s(jj, r^8oS(£T.8»cbi05aoiDocr;*S««^ ^i8®oo5c8i. 31 C^?0^(|^i9j<]Q^GS0010000«§SoS 0i8®ao5c8x. G» §, o‘^srBSgj' 18 icbi 03 »i:^oo<§««S ,0i8eo65c8i. ‘ c|^» 35<;^^ob8«a50i, 8if, c^«o683i ^odSgt^o^. COooi^ooS;)^^, o^oo^.nocBiocoocx^ScoTGQn^sl^ocBs oiSocSson^, §.sos(x^3Qo6^ooc8so6^, 3oc8iooc8; c8^0QC3^33301o8i. Sail,— r Oi oDG^^cbi§Sapibc3x,ei!co^0OC|^i,^S, d^s^x^so^TOsacijSoeoo^ ,03 dSi oj ^ CO cB? o 1 ^ aoi 00 oo s8> 00 001 ^ o65c8x . ja OOe[^8sy8«3c»o5, 8s,C^300«-^^8<«3y»33®l, So03 ^ 00*i 03 oS s I S 00 rB 3 ^ 5 03 30 1 00 00 8 8 3 O ^ CO 00 1 ^ 06 5 c8 1 . ooc^^cbiaji^^co^cg' oo^ 03 t^^ 03 c 8 ^ooooc|^i esco^c^co^ ^€SlC010gl03C700:^^01 §S OD80o83b(;Sl, 8?, ooicBolio^ooooi^ ooS^S^ScSi ; 0 ^ 030 ^ 5 ^^, 08 oo^ooio 6 ^cg^c 5 ^|, 5 , §s, 0^10006^8300 ^.06 p , 00 o 6 ^ 8800 o 6 p 0330 ic 8 1 . o8^tb OO^CO^ ooooooSoo^ob, 00^30^ c^-o ■SS;^ 0006^, 8300 00 oo^Soo^, 00 cop, 606^33 soioooos8sa^ooooi^o6Sc8i. 3» OO^S^SoOOjBoO^ScO^OOOOI^^asS ^OOo85q^3^^03^Xgp«ScSl, 5q8 ^COoS5, d^8©3a3^cci036^8pcoc6^, SscscS^o ^ 0006 ^00 008 83 00 CX3 1 ^o65c8x . bc8i^^ 0000^,— ^xSeooS 8^00001 ^ooSooopcBi sScSS oooosSosi, 0xSs.c65c^3|^88Ol^333O1§3Ol|^,OO^COOO1^o65o^s|^OOcBs|^, 01^ 'oocB300X^(5s8C010388jB33oS8)03301. O01 polooOOl5o65oi |^5 Jy X 3 © o65 0S3 0000 CO ^.c8 1 s8 § ng^ , •ooG^^cbx §S 03C^^, ©300^03^1, §S o,^^x3©o65 ; iioo^^§o 03 (^^cba, §SoSooooi^oo 5 . 09 CO 5@^'A Interjectives. — 9opoo6osc653Qo^. II GQ ^ cooj?c 6 5 , w CD^(T 3 c£ 1 00 nc C 01 20 oo^ sc : § s c 8 : o6^oo^o§i. 2080^0028^000^00^, o^ooDg oio 85 oo ^5 20 l§ ^l§ 80 CTCCO^c 8 ^o 8 ^b§ 20 l§ Olc 8 go 5 l. so5i, — icpior£?D§^oo^23^i,oyi88 C"!, — 0^1 C"!, (2l jiisboS. KwScOpC^SCOIOO^DOOl Ol§«;OOS G"^- iioooso^BSoS^coT^ioiyicoScoSpiGoS^jOes 00^ OoT). i!Oa^CO^|po85oa) ^ 0o3(00 ip5s^30 8 ?o6 1 . CyD^lf.^0^5o8lGoScOcBl3oBsfl3o8^,§SOl. ■icpiorooSiaj^ooiSGOonSsoo^ScSiG^ c8l, 00^00^, 00 01, coop% oolS, ^5, cxoi^, ooc8c8^„p.-Si. nC910o5cgVo9lOO«10l330C^Sc8lC7383^n8j ^8)^, d, G^ ooc8c8^^c8i. II 00091 J 00^ 1 y 1 on o 1 ^ o:>i 03 rt^i go 3^ J 033 CQ ol 008^ cS I . !• JO 91 «1 e 1 1 5 C01 O. ^ 01 ^ 03 8^ , ^ 1 ^ CO 1 ^ 03 8^ c8 1 . II 83 oo| 1 y ^ ooS no c8 1 OSOj^S Co5 CO 1 o o5 8 3 00^ CO cS 1 03 0 1 0 « C^* v^o8 ^ oo^noc8ic3c8coio3S’^„^c8i. o^ooooijcoia3»^ooSo3o25co5 5^,p,y^ CO, O, 00, O, O, CO, CXD, 30, coopcSi. FfmM,\TIVK PARTICLES. 4ino, — picoc^i, 92-X)‘l03'j^i, nOjO^ojSxrTj^ScoS; — yioj^cbijBsboj o9/. o^QOoSco^Sii CO, oScBsosojjScoS, — ^icBicbijeibjsoS?. cbxosSo^.u^Ojjgc^) icocSt. — cbiO)§g,9gOG^03()Ji, CO, «^opiCTn^5rx,5, — ^ino\3'©»bcr> d3». oScoo^co^8so)u^ cos osojScoS, — CO? SseabosoSscSi. ^noo|i6;e^(Bj5|^^o:;c^ooc^c8i. roo, prefixed to verbal roots, apjicars to relain its signification of about to be, approacl.iiig, approximating ; or, wb.eii abbreviated from CO?, of attacliiiig to, connecting, &c., .e, o:>, 03 , — ooic^t^03x5o8«oS? coioc>Sooc8i 0i]c8ct>S^<^l02oS?, CO O^C0^ati^C§^ G0§^2^Q^byV|^ 00 ^«^Cs 8^03O^ WlS^O/Sc&l ; oS:^\egcoi 03 o:jooicSp'cooD? u^^oi^ccia3ooooio§^cc:^03oos^^|^ coi ^^O31|^p00^, UO^COyl30^c8lo5cOl030CTo8SoQ^c8l. 00TO1, 0^00^3 col 3oSodS,coiooic8i. u 0 vtci, 8 ?oocoi^_,^ 5 o 56 oS?§?oocoi ; co^^'^^y^occoi . 11 ool §^^osb50^cg^oo^i © 00 ^ , oooS^ 0?aoco^i ccH os §u ^coico^ ;- ©. oS?, 00 cB g §3 CO rBg|_Soo3 OS §op8 COT cB>f; — ©oo8,oonQ?,§3cc ocs^^oolosS o^coiocs; — ©v07^,coo^^,83ooo:^p^3^^"^^‘^‘'^^i — ©o3i,oorBi, BgoorBi^ooTosSa^coioji; — e3?,QOc?,§3ooc?^„^oo3c3§o^coio8; — ©^p,co£^,8«co^^|„^ODlo3§oi^cci^5. Innumerable other instances illustrating the principle under consideration may be found in the Karen Thesaurus. The idea, implied by the prefix, is that the act claims a resemblance to that signified by the root. HOC, o^a8^C01.|^C56^iSSoCS,§OOCO^,'OCc8,OOcS3,OOcSS, coco, o:oi csoS^cSmScoioao^oo^aocr^BcciS; — oc'>cc^, oo^c8, co^cS?, coScS^,cci o5,00^8S,BSbaSoS?cSl. CgHsVBg Ocbf,oWj^03, 0003,0^00^^1, OO (^,oSco^^, — oorrji,o^oo^oci, — oooji,o^oo^o^ic8'i; Perhaps in the names of things, generally, which are made by oo^ and a verbal root, the oo is an abbreviation of co^. When cto is used as the formative of a noun instead of oo, it is probably an abbreviation of cB, as in ooij^i, cooS, nooii, coot, cocSi, oo^i, &c. oo,— u^^^ocdS oSooobij H«c9toScoio3o^ GOT5ci6'jSco5c8i;-^ib^ 6 blCO^, OOOCO^, C0^5 co|5 , ©?<5D^|^5, «l0C'85o®|T0l5cbl,00^, — ooi5o, co^; — -ooi5(^S,co^GSo8^c8t. oDi5os§o^^^^cg^cCnco5q5ji oooo^« By putting a comma between the principal verb and cop, the true construction will Ire manifest. voo, LV;l 0300^ ajs§30^ 00^ ^^^Oo5gc8x C01 JG3 s<^Oo5c8i ;■ 03 op 5 03 5 cb 3 ^'S 03 sS OD S p 0^3 00 p 5 8 CO |S II no,— oocgi^^^^, 00^000^ 30C^c8to5 COT C30^0-030p5co5c8i; 5 o3i/ 6cc5, Og^OO^l , oSSiCcS. baoS, cg^oo^ ^1 oSSscoS. OCOi, o58«03< Oop5 oc85, . o58sc8o 6c8i ... ... ....... . o58»ar:^? ^Sr n8?00c|)00C^, O |^p,o^^r030rj^So3Sc8l, So3l, oS^, o85(iji^, oSSgl,' 6 c^ 8 ^ 8 , i)«oo^oQbpo^§b0g^-i8^,'^i85<^^, yrSSglj^iojS^ScocSscSi, 0^a3cop2jg8g(p\8so©s§s O c8r. «y, COIW^T, MOOl, G3 (j|>1O3oSc^103Oj5cc 5, 0^«glCCj5So©800^03’ oSgo^i^icbp, or or gT8g|_^03vo^ ae^ooSQr ??." , ■ . «y,- — coi« 9 ^§sooo 1 ,«^i ,yo I, wool , 00^000^03^1, boy^c^.SxojScoS"' 11^, — -ccii^€|bQO(|jio^ooa:ni^^Q3noo:p^c§i’. iicCj--coico6[5o3ij^iw^ GSo^^ScoScSr; O3^^^^o^cpicj^5. coi,' 03r oS ^1 S © o65 , g^ 5 ,o^ I p e8 1 . • CO ,— CO 1 Co 8 ,COO^, 03 i^^,'cOOoS,OO^OOO^G 3 !|^ 1 ,i^« |1 03 Oj 5 Co 5 * oooooi^g^lco^jo^ a3oS5cb^;y^oocoii^So3ooo^^. N. B. Nc> (loiibt thd .same fonhative i^ an abbreviation rif different roots in different cotnbinations. The above remarks' fconcerning them afe s'llbmiited to show that they are doiibtless abbreviations, and that tlie words in wbich they occur do not f>rove an e.vception to the statement that the language is .strictly th'cynosyllabic. tO^oonou cSjBososoccxpSooo^S, cb^ac^|Sbcoioo^'ooc8i6l30^cSob3 010330^001 OsSS^OSCrglcO, 5o©S00^03oS«O^03^00UC«o6500^1, i^OO CO coi^ooSoo^i, «^jyi8©oo5oo|i, O*ic?3?3C1^00'^l 5 oo^«\c8ico^g8i9s oS«^S^5c8i. iio^oocoijijScJD^2)S§s|P ^^jBoo^^03oicoio^cx)noija3^08|^; c8p8i cc^8i,o^Si^^0t, es30^c!0(|^a, 8i wSoSoooC'UCO^OiS^I^. Particles of (jemicr. foSooooij oSoo^asBsa^oi^l^^, oo^i33«icoi o^oorou qiH ; — §12*03, |^<^^co1,ej0oSo3'^i 8i «^o^ocoDijco^2;«<^vPotS, Particles of \un)l)er. lO^OOOOU OO^^cSl 03O1.C01 O^OOOOIJCO^SJ* %lSc01^. 2 '^Cd5b*CoHo 32^-, W^O^CODOtjOD^OJ^I^COtS. Particles of Mode. g0^00001JO^C0^25s8*01^C3d^l^^,OBiC010100C01jCoj52)5§*C^l. Cg^ CCl Ol^ OOO^TOS^ICOOO^ . Particles of Tcusc. iio^oovXJijo^co^asSsoi^oasIf^^jOo^^QfsotcoioSooootjco^osi*©!^ a). og^coioi^xd^ios 2 '‘^cooo^; — obaco, cbi 08 , cibtoxj b8co^, c6, S5, Ol, o^o^ooooijco^ysB *01^38. Interrogative Particles. «o^ooooijo^co^8;«88aocg^ooS|_^, oo^^.cjaoiojioSooooijco^osSxoo og^oo^. gS^gT; cS^ocb^jBjoc^cn^^, 81,8* OOCOIJX^ :?)s8s000g^ 00^. Euphonic Particles. no^ooosij o^co^o-Osc^Ss^, 6o©80j^£r5oS8, o^oo^SoDiooocSiooSoa oopabcoiococ8too^occop^xoia3oo«oo4^5G3^^338^|,^,orS803oacoio^ OOODIJ C^S^^cQx; CQpCO^ COlCOOO^, — CO^bS ODtOOCX;^, ©50oH cv:j5coi5c6, got here, cannot be the object of co^. The sentence may be paraphrased thus, ii0^8-^ooa5jS'coio3o^oooo^cciioc>s^^oo^coioDt. 05, is the true Relative, (if there be a relative) as in the paraphrase ; but as the original sentence stands, there is no Relative ; oosj^oo^oOi is an adjective phrase qualifying coo5^ ,' odi points out the object qualified. Example, ja co^sBjBoiboSx ; here the Relative is az ; — osoos^^, a Relative Phrase qualifying HCOi points to as being the object qualified. The persons yi COT, whose 03, minds oos, are poor are blessed, cojBs8^oi^ Example, ^tcoi03«x^«i88CX>^ooo^,oo^sS^Oibc8i. Ex. yi cx)ioo^o3^oxo3308cx)ioo^c8oo^c8iooo^, oo^sB^oibcSi. In these examples, os is plainly the Relative Pronoun ; coi serves to con- nect the Relative Sentence, with the Antecedent. «coi, is often used as a Prepositive; coi,o^0x3eoo5ooc^ooc^ ; og^coi^x8©c6So5crjipcoTO^. iia^e^rBiooooi^ooSooc^ooc^ c8i ; cg^coioao3i^c365Q3o^Toorio^, iiODi, as a Definitive and Connective Particle, is sometimes a Conjunctive, sometimes a Prepositive. 11 ^, is often a Definitive Particle, performing the same office, or offices, as coi. n^,o^a^n38Qds^o65o^ooooij ood^ooc^S COl o 3 oS» c8x. Ex. OsS, — CX)O3cO^!^c65^03COj5^0OS00CQ^c8l. (^x, is sometimes used as a Definitive or Connective Particle, l)ut as it may be omitted without afi'ectiiig the sense, it may be trouted as an Hrpklive. o(i Expletives. — oo^(dc£io8i:^^. 10D1 On0(^l00^33C7qp, 00^31 ^5cOc8c8c013Q3d1^^^ 3Q 3 1 ! § ; 33 CO 5 00 5 00^ 3Q 8 ^ OCcS 5 , OCTQ cB 1 00^ 3Q 8 o ^c8l COtcSiOOIODi 338^338;)b OCq^SQOlCOlOO^CTJcB ;>^o8i5 ^sQigcoioogSoo^o^S^i. Ssoi, — ^o^oocbioooi ; e«oo^09(|^i,co’ioDc8iosl^Sooai« ; escoi^obTOOoiB? coi5osai?cSi. El i i pses . - - oo^oo cB 1 0 & i g 1 . iioqionocBioo^oocoioo^i6 3qQ-is330O^8? ^^y^33 9*^33Cy^l33C\:^^ 33C\D^Oo5;>^, OQ^OOcBi 2300^ §^^^000^0 oq ^ 33 « I OD T 00 ^ no cB 1 c8 1 g 1 5 ^ o8 .1 . >opioc^iooioo^cocQ\c8Tgi8«, opo^sSroS^og^coi 03 q8^c8ic^ 5, oocSjBf^8^cb^c8c8cb^^^^88oi^5 asoo^oSScSiobS^asiQisxco^OTcS? dOoWcSicSigio^ByiooxSoli; — BOOoicoooi^c6,stcx)^os<|^i,c65.,G8^c8u^5; oDvsjcoSooooi^co. uoDcbxmooi^co, c^jg8^c8ic^S; oocbicjooooi^c^co. • <0icga88o5coi O^^SgloSc^OO.TO^, . . . ^ . . <^T, £^^c8^(^S; (01 eg 1 8 « gSi CX)1 CX^^S gDlo§c8oO 00^ ,i)8 b 33 oS^cSl . (X>1O3§^o68o 5^^0, 88©33§8^^^(3O^^^,8!OO^(0^ osS8^i>S8i^i8, oooico^io§^^io8^dSi5oli. — 5oS8oo^c8^8^8^noG8po§^b ^oScofecBlOOG6^ 330q5o8v. §331, ; ©soo^osij^i, d3f§»aso, co.o,— oDTf^S^o^ss;'^!, o:>oc8i. oDp^« ^iSeSSl^lG, © 8 CO^^^^«^G 3 o 6 ^ 3 ^^^c 8 i ; «^C 3 S>O^ 5 cb^,G 8 ^ 8805 c 68 , £^^ 8 *C»y» 30 o 5 ,c 6 ^§ 8038 EcS-l. Hoo^, Simple Sentence, oo^o5?^5 coc8§sx)c8 oq^i 33 coi 5 s^ 333 is oooi^^^ocBs sSicoi oo^cocBi cooo^ obi. K CO ^CX>(|fJT^ 031 00 00^ S^l^cSl 5©800^4^^^0^ 00^ CGc 8 i OOCJO^ . uOO^OOc8iC0103C!6^(^5o30D1^^^^g8^88CO^OOc8iS)oS, 5o©«oo^03dS* |^ooo3,§soi^oj$|j5ooc8,— 5 o3i, 06 ^ 58 ^, — olub, — o 6 o§^, Sf,Sc8i. 'HSO^OaOO^COl c 8 ^§ 801 ^ 0 i|^ 0 CO^^^^, O 3 (^PtoO 01 ^g 85 §«OO^O 0 c 8 i ODI:^,— 5 o 3 i, ogiooDQ^, — yir^scbS, — yicS^ooi, §|j.pc8i. tt^oQ 0 ^ 5 c^pcnSooc 8 co^co^c 8^§8 9 S 00 S, 8goi^oi|^:^^88 3 q 8 ;, «ooo^oo^ 8 « 03 c 6 ^coccioo^ico^,c 8 i^ibc 8 i. Il0^100^00c8ic30§^,^03^,5o0r;o^83o8o§^bcci03s0>co5. COT 038001^, coi 0 i 8 Bc 65 , 8 §o^ooajijco^co< 5 pa 3 ' 5 c§i. iicSi, Coinpoimd Sentence, oqiooocBiaj^oocoiS 00^ ■»Q 1 S 3 ^bD^^:^?:^gCO'lOO^OQo 6 ^§§SOoSe^ 5 oQo 6 ^ §80000 ^bbcSS 9300 ? ooocs§s ocSso'^i 9 §ioDioo^ooc£ioo cSioSi. §001. — iiooS^noi 5 o 3 ia^op|B<^t 8 «co^ biOD^Oi, c>^c^)o 8 ^ogi 03 aj»^ 03(^188. g8^880^ 00100^30^2)28800^825, 8 s 03 DO 00 lS^Po^ 0 cS^ 03 C£ 03 cSScSi; — e8oo^^^^o^ooWc8iooc8ic8i . iio^§, ParngTapll, ooS^ 5 oo§?x>c 8 i§rooc 8 ioooo: § : fb 001 b CO n 00*1 no c£ 1 00 Lx^^cb I . ooc^Sooc^^^^SogSosScoicoSSa^os^i, ««. oi j-G ; <^^- 03 , oj- pG ; S^wiooiS^^ooo^icoSisgOno^i^^golcSi. •iSf), Chapter, oo5e^5oo§;ooox^S§;ooa^§coT33oo^ t) ; c8 S 39 00 s o:^ 1 30 CO 1 5 3 f) 30 0 1 s 00 00 s § 8 rb 00 1 ^ 3)0 g ^ cb 1 . ; 5o®«oo^ oaoSicoSas^ (BpSto^ C^jo; c 65 «Soj 8 q 8 ^S 8 oo^ 33 oS 8 c 65 o 8 o^ooca^ ; co 5 oo^Sagi£ 00 ^^ 5 c 8 a. Iioog^, Yollimo, ooSc; 5 c 65 oox^ §:xccf)xco: § srbooibcoT co 5 xno(§^c@i . 5 o© 8 aD^ 03 o 8 ;, c 5 Sg^a 8 f 5 cx)g^^, os S^coioonog^U* jsoSooro g^cSi. HXOOI, Divisions and Subdivisions, 00^x1 rocBixc8§;xc8, cooo^ 0:xoop, ooc8ii§xc8i, co OOcBi 3 QS 01 ,c 6533 C 01 o 8 i, §o 5 i, — u 00^ a a as 00 8 CO a OS ^ 1 §3 ^ 6 00 ni i) s CO ^ g 8 I , no c 1 , cs ^ cb 1 00^ 00 (|^ I ^\|,^,OOOo 35 ^|)cSl. C 800 ^ 03 (jJ-l, CS 001(^^0^^201 ; ^ §! OOt^lpS? c8^0i ooicgi^a8^aooS^|„^co^ G 3 ooi^o^ 5 cSi. oo^ooc 8 i§ 3 ooc 3 ioo ooi^enorBscoicsooiS ; Oiooo^Vdxooc^^oocoip ©n f>f ocBjcoigscoi osS^cSi. Piiiictiiation. — c85oixo?. II ^ 38 ^xix:\:^ 5 , — § 3 si , ; . o, coxa| 5 cuq^ 3 Q 6 icoic 8 ^oi 6 'i o. j, ooxcv:^5'joq^x6icxnc8^9i6^ 0. 9, oQoooq5ooq^3Q6icoic8^oi6^ Q. B(^\coi23azo5Sooro^Sf,5coc8^Jic£paioo3EcSi ; e^opiGSOOicoi os@i*§ 8 cB 5 oi 6 ^ o SsccoS^oocS^bc^iGS^j^so^ o ; o^icsooicoi oaQisSicS^oio^ 9 Csco(^So'jc8^bc^.ios9j]_f6^ 9 ; opicsooicci G Brcoc^pncc^^ibc^ios^pb^ G cSi. ii8oS«(^ie8 OoSoOO^ 0 ?c 8 l 00 ^c 6 l^ 25 |p 00 ap§ 8 , ^TC 013 SC^S 00 ^C 0 §, C 0 ^ 91 | 5 cB^ JJ oio^ o, oS G, ^O3013§8O3 c§i^5^5^,^c8i. «ccioo^nocSi ooo^Bo3(j^ioVa3^8?a3coi8s3:)soic^b|,S, oSrS|5o-i6^ o 03c8lc8i ; S oSi, — Douibcoi^'T^coiSGa^iS^n, Ssssb, ^ncc8ioc^5ccp^p, cxsoooo^ 0lco^. llCU100^rcc8l6o^COl 03COP y«:83oSOD3o6^C0103COl^©11, 0^oSj5«l 6'^ 9 CDrS^rSi ; 5o3i^ — c^'nib8ic6^0cx>i33ucooioo§gbcSi ; oa o^533i,cab5e8aibcv®t. «c^ioo^coc8LCOi5o33i8|^|^i§8Co^rSpoa6^ G oacS^cSi. Until we get Karen Capitals, I jjropose that every new Sen- tence should begin with tiie mark called by Burnians a ^oS thus ( « ) llOO^i(^8^_^p,C010od3lCOcSl038^0035o®OO^Oao88353Clo8^§8<:6p orb^ G 33§po68«V§8b?,5oS8 OaS^COS OOCQlo§^Coi§OOr)0^, 5 o3\, — niioa^^oo'i ;>ji^,ir?yi,§\ojicTo^oD^ooi2p^_^ooc8i8^^ic:6i. uSoco eVjo^<;j]8a^8oao^’j_sci3^Sc8^§8C)>^oo8oono^. uaaia jS. lielative Sentence, — Go*inocB i ^Son. ii30^rD(£i^5oit^,^y i3^oos§3q;c?>o55^o6^3QcSs5 3QO^§CO^,C^r'Ot|po8i; §Kil, — oocb'loxcoioaaioo^aai oDJocoo^ocSrcSi; ©800^ c>3(|^»,o?wi.ooHo3ioooico^co^oloo^ooc8xgS©ii,§8^noi^i; o^ooc^opx l^|S03p88©8CG1OjbbH^1008cO0O^003ia^008§S00C»^^lbcCl5, O00(|^\ ^8X>^|o30lOa^. iiOO^Oo3^©80o|)3aDO!5^,^'oO^§8C^OOT^n COT 00^03 c8i^5©ncSi. Parenthesis.— oG^^oDoS. og\^oo65,6s3o^^,^, o^ooSoocBicoiusi ^ScoiococBi Opp§c8siX)c8^C^'loS^3Q8o^_y^01, 330^ 330^10^ oi,coc 8 08338 ^^^^ 081 . oSooScyoc8iy^e)iioo5s6saooQ« § SOoSoD G|1 y 5 sS 1 § 33cyl GDI 33 Sco5 00 c8 133C^1 33c8;c8 I . ii^icciaaoocoiooSooa^oa'^a, obo^ost, «i^o§^oj>T^5b8«2)^{,(cx^ Ssy^btooiooi^^Sb, §< q j so ^Sbcoi (^S ^aac8^ COT e> ^8 oa < 1 ^ 1 . co50f)ityS. j? Qliotlltioil— oVo 5 -i^yiOi-rccB^ co^§:o^ 8 ^ nor.-^ioox)nc8i. §sii, — niiojlub, ‘“OoTcbiy X)ScoV'Xno^CO^aoS, cxj 1 ^^.^CoSoO^OOj 6 .”"C ^1 OO j] 1 p ^ ^ g 3 1 §«cQp wl 00 O J 5 DD 1 Cq 3 Q p G3 1 S3 jSj : 6 1 . PART IL-ETr.MOLOGY. J. noo^oocB 1 30000:^5 oo(X^S'3q6i333o^, §:ooooc:^5 3soo C)0C^qS.■:8lzS^853^^0g §g5i §^13Qv7^33O'^l00e^U0C|_;^^ CO, CX) ^ OO ^ 3Q 0 ^ 30 rx^ 1 03 1 30 30 ^ 23 S ^ J 38 1 CO y 1 30 S 00 6 1 c 8 ^ s r GO^iyiSJoSl. 00^5 S' 3 OO^ 3 OCT 31 ^i^j:)O 3 T 03 l 301081. JN'ornis.— ^^oce^soo^. ^ ^ § 08s Cj I GO^^OI ^ 30 O Yoo :S ^ ; 30^ I eS30 301 6 T , §o 6 s 30 ^ 3038 ;'!^ 8006 1 ^ 00 3 ^ ^ Co 6 '. P d1 ?{S (3o6 1 4 3 806 ^ 0061081 . Simple iNrouns. — ?58 goo^. ■^^8^^^9^00^306i38^8s00^O3cBi0O388ic8i. 3 30l,-~ c 6 p, — :o5, — 06 , — — S, — c^, — §, — ^5. — oS, — 6 ^, — 8 , — o3i, — 8S, — o^, — *roa8, — — nos>^,— §^co^^, — :>oh5,—6uj8i , — c^x coS ;§?S^,^ooo^oo^^a3yicoi|pic3i. »OOOb^OO^OOc 8 \OOcScC^CoS, OlSoSoi, ff5?0)Co3o^O\, 0S80Ol^«^Ol, o» o«^ o*>" rcooT^oo5oSoi.0i38o65o^oi,O3poo.>O8OD5a^.ni, oSooTOTja^oi, <^goigSicoi|^§coc8i. nojioqsc^^^acoi oi^osccs^^, w^c6|^ic6 ; So3l, — 031 oSoi^,©soo^33'^i, CO), 0 ^|^§ 80 T«^. C2l 03^ 00 oDiooS ; ©aoo^oscj^x, C 1 , obrnic6|pc6§so7o^. «oo^noc8i230ocv:^5oa 0^5 , 00 c8 00 ^ coS oq^s <^co 1 COT 1 3^ =^*c3i , J9 Combined INioims. — ^O'bioi, C016101, i£f)§5o9i(^noi oo^ooqi§c 8 i, §c 6 i, — ioS5S^/^3^,c8oo^^,o6|-i,coo^i, o5cx:^> S^oo^S, c65» SsS^^Sooa^ c8-i. Complex jN' 011ns. — ? ^ 0I ^ 0320 ^. ^ p dl ^^5 ,Q ^oo5 q5 yjScoSi § 1 3 1 1 § ; f|^sob a-;i 58 1 C0100^3q6i;>.^cS>. SS31, — O. i,ol)SCX3l 00^ 01, — GO^ 031, — 00^(^5 — OO^OGop, — oo^cB^, — 00^ ^p, — 00^ C^S, OO^O^p, — OoVB, — 00^00 p, — §8, W^|^2)1^5 corrjCv^ScSi. J , !i(Tg^lO3S800«1,oi)?C0lOG^^l^, 'G0lX)8-^, CO^CXJsSjSj 00^338 03^031, 00^03!!^ OOC3^, OO^OOyp, 00^ oS fB5, OG^cB^n, 00^ 0 ,5 8^ , — 00^1 8 p sol — 00^ ^ T , 8 g o ^ s ^ eJ1 ^ 5 c8 1 . liCg^OoSiCOQl, oi)8CC1CCl30^, — c8^oo^, OOO^, , 8s«^ ©S|j5o82^Sooc^ajc^:Sa. cj. nrg^ro§?oooi, o©8coiooSSoo^C3t, — ooScB^ioc^8i, — oo^cBoo^ OO^^gcrj^^p, — OO^Q'CO^^l, — oo^c-^Soo^on, — oo^coioo^odSi,— ooio0^i!O3«, — co'lno05o3c8i,83«S|^e)T^5o3ro05©^rB8cSi. 3. llOg^CO^gOOOl, 0880310010, COlB^Sp', 03108^001 0^ — ooiq^, — 00181. §20^1^61 ^5oooo05©^rB8. G, II 0^0082000 1, okcoicO|58c8S8, — c8^3o:^S, — oo8c8^S, — c8 , Sq^SS, — § 2o^©V|j52;1^S. l ^SooS0,— ^l85 0«0, — ^lC03§pCS, ^100^1, — ^1 o5^, S20^©V|S23"'^5, 5o. my\oo§800oi, osJcoimo^Soo^S, — ^ isjcdo^S, — (^ locj^ooSS, — yicx)^«i8 , — ^ioo^g 8^^^8, — (^^ wioow^oo^S.Sso^o^l^aTl^S. OO. yCgSco8sCX>Ol, O0XCO1o8j5ot^^, — OC^^OOOO?^^, — o33'<^jB85 on, — o(^^no|i8^o3^gl, — oSBSe’icoi, — oSowl,— oc^j?oaj^, — oodi ocxjrS*, — oq^odl,§«oS | ^ ajl ^S. oj. BOg^noOsoowx, oesooiSo 800^, — 884^^800^, — SoojBSSgH, icoi^^O3^o0Dl|^2)1^5ro c8^030^1«ic8x ; oqs^^asSa^xoscoiSoo "|jBj)1^S^^j5oC^lOp^i^l§03o^OD^ODc8l00c8St0303j00c8l ; oo|5 OO^SrsyT^SoD^OOcSSsoOcQaS^ §S338o^3^b^5(^5©^oSi(^\ ; §031, oi OiO>^8,esooSo3(|^-i,yi, o^Qx^p i ; 8,o^|^ ; §« 0300^o5^^^^(^O0X'|^2j1^5c8x . Xouiis iu jiixta position. — ■^f)§o^sc8533oo!!. o. n|^oocbp5o6c^x, — o6|x, — oo^<|^xoGj5a3o8«^^j5, apxooi|5 33, C01 Q3OD1^©n,C3OO^COlX00^|Se0^5cO^,oS|^aoX3^c8l.O3S^O0lOOWX, 0301 CO^03 c 6^500OX, §00500^03 oSs, 03 cS^S00o 1,«^03S^06«00 oxosoo^cSx. J . y^^SOXC0103§3^Sc85o3005S^, oooxo^qs'^^osboooi 03000^5§8 OOO^0O^|jSeil^5cOj5,0b.TOXCOl|^OOOl,O3sOiOo5o3OXcSx. 5 o3X.006[^ no^,©*ooSo3<^x,oo^o^03§0)o65coio3qs'^^cx)(q^03ooo^5. coSoocoix, ‘ — ©soo^03 ; o^o?o^5cb^, o^oo^oooxcSx ; o^«|xoo6xcb^,o^ixoco«(^g330oSc8x ;©*,oi§o6^. 9 J5 "8csi,coi^^Q3^3«^oo^oiooe^, 88§xcole(j^3ro^bcoicx)So3iooe^^^, O3^^^0§^OOXO0n0^ ; ©«00^33^1, C01$(jJ3S,SIOoS Ol^COlOO©^!^^, |°^8o6^c8i ; ooS^^jOidSi. To Nouns and Pronouns belong Person, Number, Case and Gender. «00^7D^aS§S^p, §8 01^^C^^C^^6 x, 5ui)«OO^G5C)S«, Ol^Olb^ ^l^OQiS, — ^^5, "C^^sn^ ^^c8x. Person,-— oi^c-i^. OT^OI^ ©8OcS^^^CO^O8§f^X03l Soesoo^oooSs, OOl, ^1, yU c8i. — Soai, UO i)8 ^1, cS^ ^1 oool ; ©soo^^^03(|^i, .^icoigs c8ia8c85o3008£^^CX>101c3i.yiCOl03©«C0^0001,oS CX)1, ^ICCI OaCD^ 00^©*£^1000X,0^ ^1, ^XCOl CX> ©Sc8^<^XCIOOXOOOX|j*>,O^OOOXa^c8x. nfciX0085 |,^§! (JT^OI^ g 8 ^ocioxc 8 x; ooiox|,^,o^OOl, — ^1, — Ol. IpODO^COjB OIOI^OT^) oslooTO^i ; O^XGfSCD^ CXDIOI^O'I^ oS ox, ^lOT^Ol^ O^OX, ODCglo§^COl0Xl|j5 C0103CO^a8§J£SxCOc8c8^^ c8x ; — ODG[^,CX3X, 006^^, ^X, ^X^^8,OOX, — ^X^^8, ^X, OQMOO^S^^ c8x. Number. — ©800^^_^^ro^ai§805lgxc8x. B8o^xo«GOcx:o^Si«xc8x. ©OX|,^,o5i §s ?{5^1^00T^'c8x. iSingular Number. — ^^l^^o^oo^oooxSx, 5o©scy3^0SoSj, 00^00 oooi, — og^oooo q, — (^8 o 55 c 3 ocq^ ;*^© 800^03(|^x, og^, co5, ^5 ^5c8x. • Plural Number. — |pcoio»»Soo^5oiooioiu^oi, cnnoxo^oi,coioe8^^£Sx^,j5, oo^^cd ^I^COI^OTOICOI C^S^I^OOI^ c 8 i. O Ue^S^T^OOl^ |,^'({5ld8^bcOlO^CX)O01jO0|x,88CO1|«6^7J03SO* j5,o^8^y^|_5o^ C)0(^8i,oo^yXG8Scoi8^y^OSoyp|,^a^ GoHoi cSi. uxo 3«5^^; yi ^__^o^y5^i^coi^, p. icoi^^oabSppI, 8«, 0^01, r8^«i, 0^01, oyio3c8pco7|^Doiooioi 03001^011, SiDoxooioija^c^ySoi^fJSOOg^^^oooijCy^oia^ ^5ooop,o©* O"'^ 33CO; cSx ; — 8oox, ODiBs^x, §«aoc^^,coioi,oo^obaoo^c 8 i ; ©«oo^a3yx,cOpcbi 3300J, 5 oI>jco^ 03 o9»,^j5coio»oico^ c 6 i ^,^, 0^001 oi0lo3oo«§so^ e^S^i^oon^ c 8 i. «^S,8)^^>:^.^^)'j'^y^oo^33^cobicSx ; esoo^cjsyi, 9^ osoosco^ e^5 cSx. y. icoi^^OD^S^l, |^2j1yScoi33oS §S^(il cooocyS^^^a^o^oo^, SaDT^ c 8 ; 5 o 31 , 0 © 8 C 01 cS^ 8 cC^ 8 , 3 j 58 xpc^ 8 x,— 00 ^ 800 ^ o'l,8«u^^oi^c^ooSoooi8xooopco^ ; of^oi^oo^co^osBjosoocySoooj^ OppcSx. ic8p8c6^3oOCO^, y^8xCol8xCO(Q1^,358xpD^8xCOODp|^^5 oooescD^. Bg^ 8 x^^ 8 aooco^co^|,^oi) 8 opoDi 5 ,co^co^o^Soi^ 5 ooT, coxg^conocySooopjlo^ox, c»igc^oDTOcy 5 osnypo^ox. coco^ooScSj. «o^esoo^ 8 a^ ootgi^Sxop ; oo^cyi 03 ©§ 1^0 ^ oo^^SosoocyScSx. 3 . occi^^^^cobSp^, o©socifX) 8 ^ cco^ 830 ^ yS C01^,CO^CO^yl03^^r)OOX^.COXCX)8^301C010X, 030^00X0310X^^^(2*1 ; 03 0^00^)03^^0301^ CO100l)!y5o3y^ODb^83O38i§SO0oS|^^c8x. I 5^__^03 oSgyXOOOX ©I < 33100100 * 1(^0003 3 D^ c 8 x ; 8 ; 0 ^^ 01 ^ 031 GOi )3 cQooois ; ooo^co^/j^^oiSccixcolr^ocoooi8«C0j5, »^ooo^|goi§« 00^0^ j wioo?§^^^83oogj^^30i SQ^i^OOI^ oocgloo^. S^^^aaoSijoi)* ,00jb's8p, §800^ 30 ^ 1 ^ 001 ^ OOCgloD^. PCoSoOaSi, — 1 ) 800 ^, 0^03 003 8 i 00 COj 58 i, oSoOO^pcO^Ob^, ooc^noc^. u|^ 5 |^OOO^OS 303 ^ 1 p POI^COl Case. — co 533 o^. II '^^^^^COjSasS^OO^OOcSlCQOlSoOlS^lSsOI 00 ^ 00 ^ 1 , CD^OO^OldSlOO ■^1, g8^0OC^0o|iC® 1. Ii|p 03 cs^c 8 ic 3 c 85 o 3 cx> 8 §^^^ 000 ^ 0 ^lv 9333 a 01 §80^^3301001 no 5 cSi. ii^SoSoi, Qi^poSoi, 03 cSScSisS c 85 o 3 oo 8 cSi. ooSoioT^i, ooSoT^^, — ogSoo^cn, — ooSoDCQ]. uD. JVominativc Case-— ^Soioi^. ilOoSoi 01 1 © 800 ^^,^« 103 CC«So 31 ,^^a:i 03 c 8 ^§?op 5 oiOl^^,^ 0 ^ < 01 ^ 3 QCD 0 ^', §O©? 0 O^ 03 oSx, O 1 ^ 03 b^_,^d 3 j 5 o 8 ^cbl|^|j 5 o 3 ^ oio 8 i. n§a 5 i, — ooc^pr^jcoS, ©800^03^1, c6Sa8^03cS^coi 03Co|5ooS(^8d?i, o^oo^ >■(? cx>iooGj^^r^*b,30C0^8soe«co5OTicS^8? OoSoO^O'cSi. «orJ3s6^rC* gSicoioi^ a^bs. j. n|^cS^c?3cS^ coj5yg3«oiSyi oo^§a3x5^ifi,j5 asSuiosootSo!)! ; C01 o6^, — 0soo^O5®* oo^ 03 (|^x, 9^ c8^8» no5oO^OT cSx ; o^oso^Scb^ ; coj5o?8ioo cj^cbxbsscS^. PCOl^_,^03b5^Topx|^t'S OO^COTOI^UlOO^COl^^l «^0X, oo^§:^i o'iox.l^coxoswS ooS 5 ^.^g3^8s ooSdo^oi c8x. ••XjGi^r^icoScoiBi^cB, — esoo^os^x OnoS jB^8j C7d5o0^01 c8x ; ttSo30^5cbj5 ; aS 00^ cox3oc|^c^3c65a';io3x. uoop^cbx 8?c»«l,- ®:oD^o3^x, u1 c8j58* ogSoo^oi o3x,« ^oso^ScbjB ; o^^xcoiooGj^ cbx^SOsjfBx. uco<^S^^§«co5, — 08OO^O5^x, co5 c^^8« c7g5oo^ Oi c8x ; o^33o^5cb^ ; o^ooWioacSSoDiooG^^a^oSjcSx. BCoi^^jBoabSgl, o^x|^«^|^oooxop 3300^ 8*oescoi c?XigS^8s O oSoO^OT e^rSgcSx. osSoxosoosScax ; coGj^^oscoS, — coc^^oa o6^, — eSOD^GS^X, Co5, §3 (JO^ 0lx,O^00G|^3^00^CX)C0s8?oi)?CO1 OOGj^ O'! o3xc8x. i«XOOs5^^5B^i OD^ 03 Xg8^8s 00^01 c8x. nWXOOsSl^^SsooSoD^OI^^^SjOO^ OI G8xO3,!^j5cciO0O^5;8ceS00^!3S> c8i, Ol^ ooroo^S — ^iSocO'S cocoons, — ooooo^5c8x. N. B. A Possessive Noun or Pronoun has the nature of an Adjective and modifies the noun with which it is connected. H 9 . Possessive Case. — ooSoi^^. iino5oiE^6soo^^,^yi33003§23i 5 o::^i|po6iG8^t^55 § 8 or j 6 1 9 ^ 33 b 00 6 1 33 00 ^ j ^ , 33 S ^ 06 J 00 6 1. 38 f) § s r/3 5 o 1 1 ^ .081 ; — ^^05o^5oip ; osboooio^ 3300^ OGOCsOsoe^cx-i 3301 qBxcSx, ii»Spo5sooc8 Oi gsc@^oocc8; 'coc^^oso?)^ OOC]^^ £^^8 ?oo5oi^^, — Oi o6^. Remark ; 3C, oS^03i|^oi|^,§<03oicoS CDifen^^o^gilfcof BO^c^jci»cr:Scoia5'^p(2')op5oi|p3oB^c8a. StocBss^icoi Oo5oi 00^0^^ cSi. ii021^^COT33Ol00^8«|^C0TC?3C0j5o-!GS^^5c8503C03§*, 95 OSlcSl cy^jBbcSi. (is redundant) o^oaoSScb^ ; |^ 0300 ©^G^bQ 6 p(XiOos§i O331^©S^^C»O^«00g 8^CO^ ; ©iCOlOOCJ^CoS, — occ^^o6p,opc8i. to «^o2i|^oo©^cS^ooi8»ooicoi33oib|^^ocx)^«\8s 3Q c8i ; — Scaioo ciScbiscj^^^coSoglSs £»8coy) csS^cSicbSb ccio^ — ©soo^oa^i, 35 o^oogS^'Co^ §i0soooi3s8o3«lo8pc8i oi>5b^^co<|ipco^co§8cn^, cjjTbcoi 35 aaPcSx. •135, ODpo*8soxoi^©i^c3i ; 02 xoo5oi|^CO^s;*8s'JOxoi^©i^«^oi, ^ 101 ^ 01 ^ 0 ^ 01 , oyxSs 35, ooooconco^,co^yi8* OO, §g Sioi^eijBaooSi^ScSi ; — oooo^, — — oooiooS, — ^s8oo8^oo% —010)^05(^1, OO, 8j c8^8; ogSuT^b ; on o5f, oi «i oo^, OI sSodS^oo^. rq. Case Absolute.— oc'Scx^o^. nog5ooop^i6soo^:;i^wi'35Jo:§s9t, cqi^^?^^33G8^coi35 0001 00 S) cB 1 35 o l , i : 00^05 cB 1 35 o 1 00O1 00^ 9^ ^ , o 6 ; 00 1 35 sS ^ ; 00 S 05 oS 1 . iiooBogc^gS^soi ; o. Oo 6 1 GGpSzosjBoocxscoSco^osSscBioS^ OC^GSOl, — 5 o 51,OOC^^(21, ODWlOO^OOObcO^jOO^O^SOOOOS^lOOl, — ©<05^ 0S(|^1, COG]^ O00lXj500S00^,(D0^01£Sl0QG8^B^rB80D^,8«0BSC01 00 G)^ OSliB^B? O^^CXOO^ c8l. n(755coaj]00oi0510^055a)0^^^^^ c8i. j. iiroSoDOji] 0510051 o5cg)o8^|^coi osooeioo^ <^COjB C750^ 05C^1c8i. ii^g^cSjBBx OO^OoS (§t^^ CC105c8^|i00c8 c 8 ^,^c 8 l ; — 5oOl, 8 S(;^^‘^^S, a 3 O 0 ^WOJ 1058 8 i, oS^^d3^8* orSooo^. COv5^28^8«r!o5oOCJ^5^^03o8$OOcSl. Example of all the Cases combined. ioo'^|;S,ooG|^(5i, o8^05c^xc8^ooacoi oSooc:8oocx)Ccoo^c3i, — e«oo^ 05<|^^, opSc^^uicciScgTbcSi ; — 5 o5i, — — 00 ^, »^^P,g 8 ^S* ooScxdo^. 00€j^^31, — o^Sooo^]. 08 ^,— 0 §^, «^|j5,o8f8: ooSoi^^, oi^x. 08, — 33, o^op5oi^p0800^o'|p yi; — yi, fc^0x|^,83^8« CToSoiOT^, oic8^.(co5oio^ir8iicoioS^.) c8^, — c 8 ^, 0^01^,G8c6?,0^^X. ODI,— COl, O^0i|^,o8^8s toSoO^OI, oS^oidSx. C01 , — CO"!, o^^iSbooS. o^cocS, — O^, , cot,oi 83 x. oocoocoo^, — 03, eSQi^^,CiS^8* rcSoiOi^, oiodoocoS. Nouns and Pronouns in Apposition. 00^232 c85330033 c 8 OOTcBo^I 333^C0^0c6t§ 5^,33Cy35cX3o8lo8o^c823o5, §931.-- »^ioob^8,8ic^oooit^a^TCO, — i)soo^08^-i, Sa^^lCOb^S GoScQOl^ 0000 : 8 * 83 ^ 8 ? Oo 5 oo 6 t§ c 8 i. cS^SsooSoiOi^, oit». »o^G8o^5cb^ ; oob^Soox, o^§»o£, Sio^oai, uHoob^S, ^xob co^,oSooo\ 8 xc 8 x. ' « Gender.— o^si^gqoS. nc?^^3l^6:C0^5^00^?3sisS^8s6l33l. IK?^ ^31^ 98^3 3 1 ,'S^ P 31 ^ 3lS. •|^OO^^O^C^^oriOOG8pco3 ; TOcb^ 00 ^COia 300 ? 0 D^ 00 G 8 ^d 6 ^C 30 O^’ ^^S,3S&^0i^(X>38^©^rB300^ ; 6o3i, (JQ^, Co 5 , Cx 5 , COI^, §, ^5, cocB, q'^si^tsS^ooooooB, o^o» O^ 5cb^ 0 : 8 i 03e1 0038 ^ 00 ^. noK^oocbWj^ cs8^^^coio3gS^§ 8 OTcoscx>^ooe^,G8^§so>pOi^c8i. llCO^OO^SsrOcSlOoSoSi^l^^^ OS^^OI^OOCqIcO^oS? 03 C^b?CD^, — 5 o 31 , Cg^C^,O3s8c^,C§§^ai>,c88t^,68O0^03(|^l, Og^, OOs8, 088B} 08;^ o^S^o^olcb^oocglco^ ; iiaoSS|^^ooo^os3§oli, C^^ST^CGt^n. li|pC01D3a^3l1CQloOo5|^^, (£pbcOia©Ol3^bo0^1, §J(|lpb COT 0^00 ooijoo|i, ic:j]"ls^oo^coi S36i3^b5,^,9^§35i. — ‘ S'lG»'^31^, (ilc^^3i^, ! S^C^^3'1^» 8 ^° ol i i oToo^j 85(^^, 85g1. i ; «> ?• y 1 , ox. i i uS. 8 x 01 , l^otijg. j 1 cS^os. S^oofgl. I oo^ol 00^01 ro^oordijjcoic© coSa3§?<»iSoi%S;< 1 0 i l»l 1 gl --^^,- 81 , 8 . S^—C3l,- — CO ', — ooo^cS 1 ; — Soli. — (3!(>.S3nS'. ° 2 ?» cg^ 8 ^, COC|f, ODGl^C^^, CCC|^gl. 8 , 8 ^ 1 . 8 , Sfl 88 . cbi, c3i<^^ COlg^. 800 ^, 8ooj535;^5, 800 ^ 85 gl. hS, b'igi* 00 ^, oog\^, 00 gl 8 . 88 p\ sspsi- SQ^^SSc^^, 03^^85 g 1 . ?? OlcSl, oicjSujjS, oicSigT. b8?, o8^8^, cB^eT. c8, s88S, o8e1. > cSSWj'^, Pullet. s8»^(^,or o8oH(^ior aSaToo^ Cockerel. B Heifer, c^^olnc^. Steer. ircsBy cosSS^, oaaSoo^ or el. » ooa88^no|, !Tr,s8e'l8i. Pronouns, — (§4 ^-j3o^. i«j>n^ooTS‘,Ss^?^§|^3Qc8!o8i. nsS^o^cBs^sc^^si^.OD^ 00 ^ 33(> ^01 0 OCO 1 1 ^ con 3300^ s:) ; §i ^ I 3 q 8^,^ o8l. « 0 i|^|,^ 28 ^CO 1 OOO^S, 5oi)?OO^O3o8s01^^O3|^|SoOOOO£5, — 0(S^ to65gi|^ooaocv^5 , — cqxc5»oo50i|^occx)o:^5c8i. Personal Pronouns. — §g OOS a3si^®8oo^^ooi^ooeSc8x. iwioaoogS^^^o^ o,— cx),— cx)i,--cb ;— 'j>— yi ,—ob ;--33,-- 5§i,--3Qb ;— oq, -oqb ;— oo1,— oolb ;— coi ; qi ; oo^. »b, ngS0i|^oo5oo». • o 1 , ng^ 05 J CS»o65 Ql I ^ 03 o^"l • « 001 ,»i oaoosSoo^ oaoSsoob^bscSi . « (^l,ngS C01 00^ oSScO £ 0?8^ 0 1 1^, 0 0 03(|?1 . 3 ?9 CO o5(g^y^. 8 CO 8“ t/asj •§ _ = CO— ^ „ n - MX «»*■ Cfl_ C0_ CO- tO_ Q, •-■ t/d^ « 3 X ifjS. M~ o 1-* co- cas. CO- 0~i o o C-* «»- O s= = S5 u o z 0 ei 01 ■< z o in 03 ca 0c 0] s 04 o Is o in Z u nJ o A ^8 8 on 8 CO- o oCl. Ciff^ "q- 3 tA- 8 C4. 8 8 o. 8 Ur- r" o r- O CO 8” or- i/r-*' CCl-Oj; 8 8 ~ * or- 8 8 8 LA- 8 3“8 8 8 8 8- JT 8 S.‘8 § ^ o H o-> cO- 8 CO c-« 3 0-\ H (/>- 00 c(S> 3V 8 2^ 0 2 8* .© c(S) od o(S) •<£> 3 oO 3 oO .ffl ~ S oO „ o. 90 » Q® O© 6 © •© CJ — — jr 3. ificl I CO 'CO ' CO «-ao {TOto cr-cjED cr* 8 un OC 8 H fdei r* 8 r-* l~ • © o®- 8 0-1 CO- I S i ur- 5 3 s 8 lA- CO- r- r— O rt- 8^ vr- Emphatic forms of Pronouns, stlf^ ownsetf, o. 1st Form, ^5 CO 50^ W^,. ^ ^ ,r»J r- 8 -8 •§ .s'®’®. CO ^ ~ ” co_ca_ •»*■ 5*- ^ " /O 0-1 ^ * o >3 o (T»J r-* f-» r- "8 rfjaog co_ oQ CO- otKi b «»c ai_ ^ CO- 8“ CO. Qo b»2. 0 /O /O /O !-• C>1 8 8 ry>-/y /o /O ur^ S 8 X5 <-> o-> Vi O o lA- c 8 /O g l/T" o 8 ^ 8 8 0(V CO- c/r- O /<^ I ecu ■8^8“ S- {T S.5. 00 00 00 oe «(2) oQ e® CO- t/^S. /O <-• X5 3 '2 eQ /g /o 8^ /o' CO- 00 O 00 ^ QO 00 00 00 »Q ®® C/ 3 00 «© O-J O «f>- ^ c>> o> ecu 8 “ /O yO 8 8 00 t*0 ^00 O0 -«0 ecu «« Oo 00 O yO /O 8 8 /O 00 O0 C/r~ 8 8 /O 8 o o c. -a CD 3 I I I CO I CO i CO g 09 t>»00 0 ^* CO. co_ 0 or* t/r* 8 8 t c ^(3 co5Q^yl e j= o o a. IlX 1- CT tXX. % •3 8 oo GO 8 »-• 3 O tfi^i r-’ ofi f 4 . 3 8^3 'S - c o CL, >> cd 'O tn C & P >. E /8 CQ_ O oO_ yO /o CO_,'^ /W»^00_- o cxa_oo_ c* Q P O or- O CO 8 "o 8 B „ Qo o o o o-' li c o O cri 7 cT Oi 5 ^ /O WL. CT i/r^ 8 8 ca_ 8 “ oO- (T) 9C GCT) tO- *5 8 oo GO 8 5 . .Jij^'8 5Jj tfw r r I A •-■ I “ff »o '•®' of* ®C 1 ^ CXL_ 8 Y “8 eX ^ ?> I I 9 o -ij "o if' 8 8 or- 8 *8 *8 S 1l ^ <-3 S-Ctx-ca_WT_ ^ js ^ ,5- r 8 8 8 4 t/T’ 8 UT’ CT" 1 8 L<0" o 3 8 8 8 o 4A»* y-\ CO— 1 ri cO_ P CO- o c/^ CO-CO- 0® 8 or- CA" o 00 « C) o O CO- 1 g 8 8 o c(a> •» 0® 0.® oQ S' 90 o - 8“ 8 oQ p o» I-' CO o® 8 Cv 0® o O® /O co_ o „ tA“ /O Q /O Cfl_ o § COL- K ‘® p « CO- b O' fTB 8 CO 8 3 o CO- o o r* ^ /O 9^/0 _ 8 ^ /o - CO- O /w"cri_CQ_»® P CO-CO- O P CO- p P CCo) 4VN 8 •§ o CO rv> C o(S> tf>- o® 8" .© 8* 0-. 0-. O' ap" 8 ^os> Sh’CW CP o)^aw o® «• co- ^ O® o • •® .S « 8".o 8 o ,2 «® CO- Ul_ co- rf, CO- <«- C) o o ® « “'-/O /O /O "? ,S- fr 8 8 8 M I I M 1 I ! i M - ,X J CP I CP I CP I CP I CP 1 CP CP I CP I CP 30 f>*C50 »^ 5 ■E. E fa? CO- e or- ¥ict 9 ) OO <5n uOl. r^ fO 8 On 5w rfki r* Jj 'ft *ft re -8 -8 -8 I f J£ Sill Jl Jl § X ca_co_ " ^ »»t. & ^ 'S 8 oO_ CT e mm O ‘b '-f O' /OcT ^8 cO. l/T- 5 S § 8 CO S-/3 or* i's'i- 8 " 8 8 co_co_cf\_ CJ f/^ O o o /O o ^ 3 /<«- fT 5^ CA ^ I"'? e 8 I oo I CO I cr> f>«30 5>^3« SH CO- ffi t/r- C/3 f-, • O Or O 8 3 CO Cw Or- C* {J5 Cl Or- o 8 o o O tfk OCTJ 8 •3 ^ 9 ‘8 •§ *6 ’§ CX-l- «»a- , CQ_ •« I ' •. wj. ^^CO.WX- 1^ o ^ #— i/^ut- 1/^ or- ^ © © W W W 800888 8 o ^ 8 " 8 8 o»“ © O or* © © p _ © p 00 O or- o « «® C ® a C ,£) co_ S 8 8 S-^ 8 ' • © Of *50 •© /O 8 •§ ‘S- JT 8 8 «© COL. etf PC #■< Qo • © ce OP •© e© O c/<- e© o© ot— ur^ O^ © 4yf— © © © 8 p § 8 8 8 8 o t 8 " 8 8 I J> I to I on \ {/•> CO O-'SO O^CJO f>* 8 coSjg^y^. ificl UCl. GCO OTl. Or" o 8 •3 8 e« GD 8 3 vXl- co CT- O 8 o C39 ocT 8 . . • ^ '6 fi i, ii pi •§ 1 1 Q°ca_, I fJL cT)_co-. f, O CO- ff 8 O « ,5? 8‘ 8 § 8 8 8 ^ 3 o 8" 8 B 8 8 CO- t/r* CA- O 8 8 "S 8^ 8 3 o’^c?Lc^^^8 © Q® 8 p S 8 8 ao 3 D ^ 8 8 8 oo- ,, CO I CO i CO r^CiO SKOK) J^'OO t= CO- ® «A- '8 cco 8° q o« 8 (y- o p v_» cco oo 8 ”8 oO- & 8- •€ 0* ee 8 8 8 cO- 8 o ■4-J ~a c W ^ oo 8 I • • H *-? • • f* «Q f !-■ (/W © O o ct CU (D CO- o I I CO— oo^ o •o 2 . i/» 2 . TO ^ oo 800883 8 § ^ 3^8 8 8 (A- or- ^ CO— 1 1 1 1 1 i 3 § i ^^8 i CO- o 8 53888 o .ra- ^ B 8 1 M M I or" «8 8 /O CO- 8 8 8 UT" r* o or- Jo ‘8 cc^ o 8 CO- ^8 •T5 <*> C c o u .Q h. o I CO I CO I CO oo {>'00 {>>00 f>* »-» H c c»r ? r» 8 I-* iT^ H c CO- c 1 I , M 8 I TO I TO eo TO — 8 3 q 8 8 8 -S 3 S i 8 5 -O 0) H 4 CO c/1- (T) Oo on oO_ • • 8 •5 8 09 on 8 r-» 3 8 on 8 ccL ca-Go_ Q tf»5. Q Q , O •• oo rt 8 3 8 8 (T 8 co_ o ,<'»-ca_co_ o co_co_ o o o o H 3 r- r- 3 » 8 ‘ ~ 8 CO 8 “ 3 3 Q-I 0^0 co_ oo 8 8 cr^ o I-* CO- 8 “ 8 8 co_ a 00 8 8 o -^-3 00 § o«- 8 8 .§ 8 8 ?r 8 O 2 n n ” ;; 8 § p 8 8 /o O Q 8 d 8 Q« oO_ CT « ee S 8 8 O W1_ CO 2 8“i Ct- r" O r* o CO 8- /O o« On iXl. n OO on on 8 /O C3 00 00 8 cX^ 00 OO 8 8 co_ cn 8 8 8 " 8 0 rH 0 u»-CO_CO_ 3 ^T; co_co_ 0 0 Ui_ • F— 4 0 •-■ 0 I-* H 3 f-» 3 8 * 3 0 3 iO“ jr H 0^ _ ur- _ *“ o o <&) CXo cxi. »»*■ • . *^^cri_c^ /O^ 2 . /3 ^ ^ 8 o /rt-cn_ 2 Q « 8 JL O o '■^Wl_ Cl 'J R ®o O r> ^ ^ - 805888 ' s- 3 3 i iT a or- 8 ‘0 ^ C/T" O 8 8 8 2 ,^ 3 8 8 8 "^ 8 P ,<^co_ o® g 8 co- O CO_CXl_ O o o cR 8 8- 8 8 8 8 8 5^ 8 /O o CC1_ 8 8 o lA" *8 CO_ /3 r- /3 /O /O /O CO-,^ co_ s; CC 1 _ a CO_'-^ O Q n 'o o o o. rt 8 p O 8 8 8 “ 8 8 - /O CO- o 00 8 8 co_ 8 “ Ctn I I I ^ c- /3 ^ I ST'S- 8 5 ‘g-l-isi'a- 3 i_ 0 0 »®o® oQQo CO c5 o Q o C) rt Oo O ” P Q-' b O O >(!r- O /O CO_ O v2 -a 8 CO-, co_ r- tA” 1 1 I 1 1 I y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 CO 1 CO 1 CO 1 Cf'> 1 CO » ©-*00 SH 00 a-'oo s>-’ao o J= H °8 CO- i(^n^__5ooScoio|te8^xoo^33aoicoicx>i, ^t.^x,o 3 oXij^^ooi) 8 bcoi (X-Ol, 01 , 001 , 330tj oo^oajBcSx ; 00 ^ BO^^xo:'^a3Co5coi(^n^_^ooo2xc8icoio^(^xoo^83oi)*c8xoDHcSxab:oo CO 00^.* j. lio, — Qil^oocBoaxcSioBooioso^ Oil ojoo^oa^cSxb^jSj OH S:, c^S, S^^^cSx. «yxoo^ccxooco^2)*c85a5f S0*5C[c8Sc?30O80O(2^.^,e8c8x00CX)8CO1 O. no, — 0i|^oocSo3x5oSsoSa88 CX>. CO. q. ii3Qj — 0 i|^oo:8o3x 0 X 01 ^ ooc^c^, — o*^s^^coi d5oic85o5 oo» 00 CDioDc^d^ ; Soox, COG|^33 c 65 5 — coi^^oi^SgoH, oo^ChooScRsoiooc^d^ ; 5oax, CoSgq^^ 11 ^. 001 , — ooxooxyxyx, — ©tooS^jSo^oo^oocSicSx^xoooocN^S^- 5o888«ooxo^oiyx«Sni, co^ao^oo^xooxdStS^^ooo^^ 00o3< oocSx. o^Qil^ooob^cBpSsopSooo^, * n«^ooe«ooi 00101 , 5101, t^ioi oocrp^^'ic8io6^co5. nS“. ool,— gi^^oodBoSi, o^iooos§Sojn(j)ioT(xc8iooi^^^,oBs8* ODlcoicj)T03b^.^a3cS^c8i ;-5oli,8\aje«b, “ooloDloo^^iiys^icof aof, OdI 00 ^ ^ f ^ ^ ” 11'^. b, Ql|^a3‘iOD300c8o01cB5cOl01^03c8^00000«8iOOC^C^ wiooiSoi^oicBiCDoSico^oo^jOooi co^oi^oigSiooS, oi^^co8s.(|^ OlO\(§’.|foiOl.)G8fcOlOOb^S^OODS^pcSl. 5o3l,Co5D01COC|pf^«'6 ^^^CO^sl, — ©SOO^CO'^I, b, CO^'«38e also in the other, as oo^c^^jaooiBsob ; but to preserve tlje noun and prevent its repetition it may be put in the case absolute, tluis, oaoosBsob. Thus far Dr. Mason. The reason why we can- not say oo^c^8co6|^900D*S8ob is, diis construction would affirm that oos slept, instead of oo^S. The true objective is sometimt's used after, and with, b as ©c oo8sboO(ti ; ©8oo^o3(j^i, b co^e)888^i©«oo^ ; CXd6i, 3q 8?. HO. 3sb, — ©?coS|^^oia?oo85 00^ oooS8ooc^c^,88:^3B*oo5 co^oioocSi, — co^ooc^^ 30b, 8 soc^oog^S 3QC0^, co^ooc8iso6poo So^SoSjcS^©H5oaaa2o^«t|,^ yt«ioooooD^|oooi OD^ ; 030^6o3v,ooob^ 33b cooi, §40000800 33b oDoicSi ; o^co o^co5880oo^pn2©o5C'Oi 33b(X>oi, 880Doiao^oool 33b crooicSx ; — ©8cxo^03<^i, 33b cB^8soo5co^ot. lig. 00 ^, — *OO^ODc8iOOcSoIi OX£73OO350i|^ oacS^oobsbscSi ; «^C3o^6^^G8^coi|j5G3c§^§»ob|^033t^©8cSi. 11 ^|^cboo^8oo^o3x 0331^©?, C0^a0^uo6^00is3abcj)x03^0331^©800c^00t^8^r83c8l ; — 5 031, ©00©^000103©G8^COl^l©0103c8l,a3bo0012^^1^lbb^COODT, Osb oooibb^socSi. ii^l0O©^|^^©COlO3O0c88OOlboOGB^O0p§'J 3300^ ojidBisoicSScSi, — i)sco^|,^Q3^i, 33'CQ^, o^|C3©Wsn^©8c6t : «i G 9 J co 5 (^^u^. aax>85|(,p§8o^iQT|^co^ai§89T.oD^cSx. Luke 7 : 41 , 4 “ 2 . «og^ro §sooo 6 ^j©gb, “33 03^ i) 8 CX)^£ 8 x,^i)^^^oo^roi§c 8 i, — 3300^ oil, G8^coioo^jj^«02c8^oooog88o^Qi|^co^08§g9ioo^c8i. Luke 7 : 43 . »|j 5 oOc 8 cO^CO^, a^lOO^00rB8COpd3lCOlG3O13^bf,[5OC^2cSlCOl OoS^ 03 c8i. o II OO. 001, — ooc8oi)iooc8ia8co^8goo^33lcra1^„5co^. kcSiaSoo bsSoll, OQl, co^8>88800^f^^8s03C0800^onoorr. ^ ; «oS 00^, CO^ 088800 ^ 0300800 ^ 00381500 ^ 3 ^ 10005 ^ 081 . i.OcBg00^8oO^COl030100^l88 001 , §oi> 800 ^ 33 oSs, 00181, 001 ©a8§5,COl8^S^)031 05 , 001 08 ^ 11,001 OJ. iiOOl OO^SgoT 00^0010300 p 2)88800^0g p ,oo^^^oo^i,ocB 8 03018 s OQl ©^r 8 a, — Soil, oolooS, 001 ^^, 001 ^, ooiq^,ooiaoj5,5^^^c8i. iicxii ^__^a3^5go|,ogio©89ioo^o3iooooo^gonco^Q8ia3oSo3cl^io©88s 001 ©^r 8 ? ; og^coi OOQl ooc 8 . 110 0. — O^0l|^ OOc8cOlO3O3^2)888OoScOlOOOOO^0oTcOj5o3 0^030^1, §80c6cglooSc8i ; — o^ 0|i cb^, ©sbo^ ; SsooS^^eSi-^'dBi §39(3^o650i|^, — §03i,(^i;|^cbS ; ogicb^ ; cci W^l 03 ^ 1 , y, O^C^lOOOO^ol^cblcSl. ®80 oS,5o8«cS888'^1|10^01,(^1^^ o^oicSi. O o II0[1 1^^000 COCgS 00^ ^5oO 00, oescoio^ioo^oo^, — 5-031. y^l oool, — y^i ooq^^^,ooooco^ 0 o 1 co^ob. 110 j. y^i, — Cg^cci 0 |L 110 ^. yool, — ©goo^as(j^i, y, o^ 0^1 C 3 a)^ 03 ^c 8 ic 8 i. *0001 ^^jBSoSsS? tjlCC'l oSi. Interrogative; who} «ooi,«^ 0 i|^OOjB 2)888 OOng^Oo5oD19100^C0100000^^1o0^o8l030^XC^l. 11001^^^)03^5 gon,OOOOOO^^OO^Oo5^5cxJOO, OpiOBlCO^C^CO^OO^COl 0300^00889100 ^C 01000 CO^go 1 c 0 ^ 0301000 im 03 oSo 3 C^l^^j 5 .ol) 8 ©^r 8888 yOQl, — 6o31,«ctoioooic^ ; A certain person (or soinebod}',) canic. II wool or 91001 , in its etymological construction in asking questions about persons, is analagous to aoj 8^, 008 ooT *te. in asking questions about size, and quantity. 9 ? Definitive Pronouns. — nQ 1^^00000:^5 GDI, (§i|^ 95 oi>cot o 6530 o 5300^100 c 8 c 8 ^^^c 8 i. — »o»^o650i|^fp^o^ — GOi, ^i,(or ^5 cg^cQcSt. «^ncoc6,5oSioS«8i|-icSi. Examples aiul Remarks. — «crai,a 3 oS. Ihe, this, — oS-i,q^ii^^oo^i8^ccnoG8^,GS^c»j^8§s^iooaroic8\. o. ouH?, oSSoSiSro^^oono^^^^, coic65oB5coio^5 qT COT cSio I oi ,co loc^ cSioi o\oocoo:^5c8i. j. roDC^^oo^iicg^coS,88bo^, ‘-oa^escoG o5l, 8no5|5oOTo^;0 «^©85^_^8800^00*c6SoOCQp§«^103^^000lSc65c01000S^,^cSl ; oa^ oo CO « 00 f) co5 8? 03 oc- o 1 ^ coi o i>8 , 00 ^ |5 coS 8x 8 1 03 oo 0^5 00 0^5 oo odS,5|^c8t. »co 5 931 o^c65ooconc8i, — oe^S^^BiooSoooSsqs^^, cj^5q8^j5co5|^, ^lOO^Soi^ooooco^. i.yioos5^^^88^i©sb,c55coioo «^^c^oos 901 o^ooSoocon^coiSoooSs^jBcSi. «^xoj^8^8e«b3^,oo f) that, or, a, ;>.^ooc8,^^9qs^^oo598^8ic^ioo5; i5s§;yicoi3oc6oo^c8i ; §oo?oo^3od8g, ^^^,o3^23S§joo^ o. scbiagco^ — o«^©86^^^§«oo^ccio3©800^oo:^^8i^i8g^i oobsbs;^!. o8«o6^^<^>^oo^i^cc^^^^oo(^Gco^cSio6^cSi^8CO^. j. noo^ 30^^5 i occgi^, — oo^esS^pS? co^ao^o oo^qg’^^cb^oocgijBcgi ^c8ioo^c8iabiJc8i. toa^C^CO^0O^Sai03O^03C^l|_jG, 00§^o6800oi,00^5c3l03B»^ Si oo^oscS^oooox/JC^cQiooBs^lB* 901 c8i. 99 CO Ex, oort'^^esbo^, 0 'v^no\c 8 T(x>ico*|^^§ 8 (^‘icbooi,c€iooS^^, 03 ^l^lO^OSOOSSXjJ^OOSODIcSl. OO^xlljO^OO^^OjJ^OOi^So^^OllBsc^OJixb c 8 l. )iyia30DsSXj)SoO?COl8oOO^ «S33c3ScOlc85o^%«lo5yl05 ^saoDsBecosbcSi ; csbco^cxjo^ oo|,^cdSc 65 s^S^co^ ; » o'l^TCOlOO^So^o6i^SrS^OTl8s008boOQ^ t?5l» 0CD^88c65s^8pcSl J ^ilsbo^.” This example shows that when two subjects are con trasted, belongs to the former; oSi to the latter. c^. i(o©?oo^|,?,cr^'LC3o^oo^ii^i§8^xco^30^,c8\o5hb^_^,oesBs £ 0^,©*§8 5 co^ScBcoiScSi. When we speak of different objects, if we wish to define them, we may use either or 331. Ex. ‘•^5coox,8io30ooi,oo^Se)^oooi,oo^ooioi^,p,” (or,=oo^ooi 01331 ,) «ooconcB 8 Gooo^ ;” — ©goo^astj^i, co^ ; 251 cop©^. II <‘0^133^.^00^^^^, ” ©8 03^, 00 CO ^ 00 CO ^ ; 68CC1 0C^135 ^^^C0C^25l, CO^OOCO^cSl. O^Q0O^5cb^,©80O^^.^C0^ys8't033n,^G3B3 O 0 ^C! 3 Ooc 6 ^^.^c§i. "23^.S refers to the circunistance, and ^.p to the time of its occurrence, and sliould be 03i. (s. n ‘c£^co^ :;£^cci^ic8i, — eioaSoaij^i, coicBjOac&^cc^jcgTbcSi. What you seek is not /icre, is not there ; it is yonder. lip. ^031^^1 In this place and the other; here and yon pg8^C9031^|1, ©800^0000^, 'J^^01^COTOoS£S^'^03c 8^0^8§8^-1, §SG3cfcS oaoioocrg-Lsoa^vcSi ; Soesco^osoS^, cO^Galtj^i. Il^* 5 o3i 5|1, — ©800^,0^^01^03100^, CC1 OSesOOO^ cSloScC'^t cciGOC^8^^boooi,§800^G30XQ^oicSi; Thus and so; In this and the other manner. Solsco^GSoSajCoScS^oslbi. iiG*. oo^ooioo^^t, — ©800^,0^^01^00100^, coiosqs'^^booooo^SBj oc-^330i03looo^5c8t ; This thing and the other. 6o©800^CT3oS8,or^ oaloi. 9® co50^y^. Examples of b. Definitive, Emphatic. lib, §00500^33 d 8 s, - 28 ^ ^5§s33, 28 ^ §S3q,§S9^o'^c823(i^Oo5f§4p^^^'^'- "33b, a^b, oaOSi, 03^,S, o^oSijCx^^jB, — ©«oo^o3<^i, b, «^3i3^c6S0i|j5 ,§q!>i,885|.^s 3 oSs. uoo^ 33, 8 s OC^f 113. 33 b, 6 sOG^^^^,OO^OC3-^003^, 00^33133 CS 00 6 i 9 ^ 00 ^CO' 1336 °o 00 ^ 0 D 13 q 88 ^ 0061081 . 5oa-i,'“opx^irog oD8aDO^^,S,o^co^s8Soia^bc8i ; oao^iSoai, 03boo^o3o^ooe^|^S,wib ooo^5|^a3oS«cSi, ’ — ©8oo^G3(^i, 30b o^^iDo^ 0300800, TOioaeib coiosSS^ooo^cSi. II 03 b sometimes points out a person or thing before mentioned, as being the same with the one now spoken of. II J. 33b, -OSOO^S,^, 30^)003^003^, con 33 8 SOO^COI 33 OSOO^boOO 15 ^^ 081 . 5o3T,coc|^ooO'i03i(^^coioioo cSooro'l ^ 82 ) 200^00 ; a3boooic^§rBS8i03c8x, — e«oo^o3(|^x, 33b, q^j '^^OOiq^COl G3 c 8^30001 c8ia8c85030O8§8 ooiq^coi 030^8^000X030^ cSx. noob sometimes signifies the, or that other; as in the Example above. These definitives, in connection with 03, or otherwise, are fre- quently used as nominatives or objectives in place of the nouns to which they refer. 36 ^o 650 x|^ooojBo 3 x, gS^ooc^ooc^coi:^^C 3 cS^oooosOaGS^BsnoBSQxl^l^l^oooSscSx ; 6 o 3 x, — Example, On 0303xcooxoxooi5 ; oo^po'joxoioooji^ ; ua^ooboo ■aXOXOOOOX^.cSx, — ©800^03^x, 0303X, 03^„^,03b,!:S^88rjo5oX01^ ; ox 9^- Example, j 11 odo 3 o 68 ^ 3 *^'^''-°"-'^''^ j Ss — S*C0^03(j|iX,0303X, 03|,^,03b,G8^SlOp5 03^01 ; o68^^^,01g8x. Example, c^coiQ3x,cbxsitjj^,^,G8^coi|x, — ©soo^osi,^!, 03x,#^^, gXjGS^SsopSco^ox ; coi,oi03x; ccx,oi|x. Example, coBoooo^oIxoS oooxoobcb^ ; ooc^^osb, — ©gco^os <^\,QohfS^SgnoScofoi; «oox,ox 9^'b coxo 38 ^o 6 !Oo: 8 ,coc|^,oi 30b COX03L"8 VjOOc8. 97 AnJECTIVK I’llONOUNS. OSSOtOoSQl^^OSO^. II x)^cr:cBicyDCY3C\:^S^_^,yi33DO!§3Q;3^o553Qc8;oo5s5s,§ iSi^^ 33cSsaDt)?^)s ooco;§;ooq^‘?:6icoT 30sc?'c65(§4^ o8i. li0T|^a3^^^^8<33SC5)OoS0-l|^ c8\^c85£pac«503l, 0l'^jScO^2)§8 '^j5co^ao^,oo:^ooioo^|^^^^oo^,o«So38e)a350\|p cx)^a88*|^oi8^oo c8S,;^ooi|^e^cS8c8\. noasoiooSQi^^'iiSjBaslcQ ; oDooqs'^^oo^i 5 oS 8 ^\coiasfcic 8 oc^oo 00 jSgol 038133(^5^^^081. 1101, The original import of this root is, separate, dislinct, indivUhiality. 01,0380^^^^, «^oo^oooi3j5 ; 08^103^001330^00^00 OlD^f„^oi> 8 CClv 31 c 9 l ; 5 o 31, — 0601, 08^01,000:250301, 00^0301, c 55 03 Ol, 0 g^ 33 Ol, ( 38 ^ 0301 , yi 03 Ol, S^^^c8l. » 01 ,c 8 l 00 ^ic 85 o 300«88 qi, 5 o©soo^o;oSs,^iqioi,oo^qioi, ^ 103 ^ 10301 , 00 ^ 03^10301 ; 5 ^,jS cSi. i)?^ioo^coiyio30i. 9101, — 810100^0319101 ; ©soo^^^^, O^^Ol^OOlilOlCOOOO^O^COl 038o3o5l0^bcO^, 000191^101000^^^5 c8l. tiOlO31,O^O3£O)c650l|^, — 5^00191. II q, — qooc8^^^co^as8o^^^^o©s28x(X.id3, — q^oo o8©sb. BO-'.l 1^03^5 go! , O3C01, Oo8^,Oo8l, 000^8, OOqi, Oj5, R^l, 0g«. si, 8p, S, o^, §p, §1, §1, s8, o^, c8^, ooiiq^, oS, Si, 003, og^, o5^, eg, 91, q, 8, gi, b, ef, <^, c6cOl G|TJ 3QSG^c65[^i'^^ c8r ; 53Si,og^ccC|,0?oo^C33(|^-i,OQq^w'^|yG|^ijcroscSoD5 @l'|^,§8'§OpiOg^. oonoc8r^S$^iis 3'J, oioi,§s ^y £|1J3QSC^o65 oioi,ooooc8i CO ^ §8 oo^ o r o 1 m , cs8 39ob5 cg1 COT co5 30 tc8 1 . It 33 2 (?' 00 S j§ 1 1 S § 8 ^ y 1 J 3Q ; 0v OQ 5 ^ l ^ ^ 33 9 n II yi, — y\c^yic 8 c 6 S^ioicb^ ; — ; oot^o«oo^^oi, o^t ooS^^§8oo:S^ooooj^. <7? — ^e8coio^^oorcc^i^^j5,oS^c^^oooo6^iob^. no^5, — ^8j5c^5oo^^\o^5c^ ; cx)oo8^ob5co^|aooj5co^. iinr^l, — ocbioo^03iocx5^ao^8rB^8ooo^x,cioc^ioor^iob^ooi. HCT^, — oocI^cS^c^ooc^SksT ; oo«^co^,o 8 ^^oSiooc)^,^|,^ooo^ OO^OOOOCO^jOb^OOl . Iicrl.-? 050^0000001 sooooin^. nog;, — qgcSooicoiooooogscooo^. «cgJ>. — ^ico^o^oo|i^^o:^^ooog^,« 8 b. iiol, — o^Sooo1co^o8§^83oobooqn ocjoo^oo^o^^ooqSao^^oo. n3^ — ooa8boo6j5oli, oioo^oc8coi5, osnlno^o^*? ^ix^oo^i O^Oo8^OOl8pOo88,O0OOa8xi3OCg^ 30^1x^018. «o^,— ^1 OOOl XT «8 OO ^Og ^ OOO^ OOO^ ©1 ^COl Ol TO! . h 8^, — 00^000080310SCg^G8^xS’^x5*^, O^OJ^W^lOTXOgScb^. n^l, glX01^10§^COX^10^1§8Cbi;^^c8l38o300^c8l. n^i, — oooJoS^x^^io^poIxsSsuesxiooosx^x^icSi. 1138 , — 03b||,^cbiyi05S^a8xis8c^^s8^,o^x1ro«i«|icb^. IIC^, Ul^^XlXlXOgJ-[^OTC^SO^XOO^. I.d3^, — ^lOTOlOsbSc^^OgSxcS^. ii«1 ^,^X1X1 o'^^|j|)c8 ^OT TO^. o HOOT 13^1-, — gixoixnq^^^^038xioixOTuJ^^88qgG8^bc8i. ncBl, — OcblX^Xc8lXc8\03X1^©llXlC^^s88 88 X^C^ 8 OX 8 SS S^rocbS. HCO;, — oo^xoosoSroi ; o8^,^05Bi§^xoo8ra^x^OToo^c8i. 1106 ^, — x^roc 8 ixo 6 ^^,^© 8 bScb^,x^^xoi^x^. II OC^, — ^^xcg03i8^y8,o^X!^p^icg^cb^. 1131 j — xioo^xog^ro^GS^db^xSs, cS^xoiOToiog^ n^, — gixoi«iaox8xq©og^xc8ix^©b5xp. hoS^iot^xio OTOO^£ol 05 ©8X1 X^Xq^cSl . a 39 — o^oc,^03o;.85p§co8; ; *o^oo8^03i,oc^a-^S^C303. — OScQ^OO^X 031CC^^(^5. ^o 6 po 8 §^^ct'^oc>^icb^. — ^ico^ooo^oaipoTnoe^o^xoon^^co^cSi. iK^, — o^^co^oaio^ooconosp^^cSi. iit^, — oDSooo55j§i^^'^.5, aq^i'^^coi3?30^ «s§:s 8 u ^1 o 8 ^c 6 ^,^ cbnotbcoi ^^ 3 Qb;>^ 3 Qoi^os 8 soioo^, §S 3 o^oo^oidSi§ ^^8sQi|^3Qc8sc8i. §tpl. liyXCOia0^^Cnt^5ogiCgX03ODv-X^^00\?^380^13330«COlODG|j503^(|^X, ^ 3901 oDo^q^^^oo^g^ujcSi, — eioo^os^i, 3301, G8^88oo'^33(|n,cSioSooiooG|^!^^l)Oi,ooioi 8? oil 030^1 s^ooffbiboooi ; cD'^sxO^ooc^^^cb^oOoicb^^^BoocStoo^cojB. n000101C800^^^0^^01^000l8lcSl. ItOOOl OOlO^^OCJ^lja3?C?(Oo50t |S,C^C01 Ot, OloSa3S(2>O0S[^L|^,’G8pCOlO0<^^XcS^,'^^S80p5oiOl^/ oicbi; CO cv^33^8s 00 5 ooc^. iioo^r^aopi£^Bioooio^88op©^c63, S 33!t, — 00 w^g«c^ij038'O(o65c^npioi, OOdlOI, q^|«c^ijo386>o650x ^po8^338,c^opicoe^^ ; ccc)^^,«^|^!^^88coSoioiS,oiobi. iiCg^CD§SCo6i, oq^l^yG|3J30SG^c65 Oc8‘^^q5§8^g(?'' GO 5 (§ 1 ^ ^ O c8 ^ , O ^ S O 3 S C0 1 30 6 S 30 ^ 00 ^ 23 S § S q5 ^ 1 ^ 00 1 ^ / ocds co^30o 8; oo^53J§3Coyioo^codi, ooo^oo^ coo^^-^ o8l. §35T. MOD^^t^OOOlOOOl, i)8CO^, O^Hoi^COlCOG^^C^OOOlOl, t^no8»OC> oij(^oqox6u^oo880ooi,c^gcoxco^oooi5|^^c8i. OOt^CO^SinOOt oiood^8co^. Teacher after Teacher came. The Karens often use ooc^c)^ to signify sometimes, notv and then, but it is contrary to the analogy of the language. Sau Qualah says. “ a^oo^oocr^c^al ; — ©sco^osi^o^o^ocp COO^ c5€[^c^oooi6i,obnc88K)oi ; — ©?ooSo 3 ^i,ooox, o^|« c^ijO38C5»oo50i|^,c^o51oog^^ ; oi ,o^oi^ 70 oe[^c^oooi,oi£Sx ; oooxy t^^coioaSj^loocB, o^|wc|ijO38®a’j50i'|^, s^^SsnoSoioi^, This mode of filling out the sentence indicates the order of the Teacher’s coming in regard to time. iicoG|^c^oooxooox,i) 800 ^C»ij^i,ooi|S CX>^ oocScoioooxSgoooxo^ cox^enooeVB* ; — 6o3x,ooc^^i^oooxco^ooox ;— i)*5|i,^03^x, OQOl, oS|UG^1J0380)Oo5, C^OOXODGI^ ; 00^, O^^x8®0o5,C^8o68800OX03 aox ; OOOl, c8^co>a388^1ooc8,o^§yG)^xj35O)o650x|^,a8^88oo5co^ ox ; OOp, oxgSx. Tliis mode of filling out the sentence indi- cates the order of their coming in regard to manner. ii88, As a Prepositive, frc(|iK?ntly ocevtrs between two Numeral Adjective Pronouns and governs the latter of the two. ^o^x^o^ Gj^ijO33Oio650x'|^5c8a3aoi^©ixa8^8j § ?, — 5ayi,oe6j^^soxDDxox^^j5 OOc8xc85o3CXJ8000x 88000X,-I)8C30^03<^X, OOOl, JOS8®Oo50X |^,(^COXOOG[^, (0O6^^00OX,©8b,) §5, x8©Od5,c1^8(X)c8x88CX)OX 00X1 ; OOOl, G8^CO1O3c8Ss)Xc8,O^g«’ 5? co50^)w'i. OtCO^Cf-iOi. Siiiipli/, llioy came one after ar.olher, a» »vc sliould Bay in Englisli, Adjectives. — gojo-coSgqcA. nooob^ooScocBicoi33:^(Oi^^oioi, oSso: G>o 6 So 8 i. Any wonl, which (inallfies a noun or pronoun, is an Adjective. Most Adjectives are descriptive. liyiOOsSsf)?;. a^lOlS'^ 38 b 3 QDb^X 133 C§OOl|^ ; — 5 oSi, (joo6^og^olooq,og^aj^ocq,og^8iq, og^cc ^aooq, — ©?oo^ 03(1^1 o^, o£, 8 i, TO^y, o^o38C?>oo5,c^novog^. *x^30^,o«^©*,ooo6^og^cci 33 oj^booq, 33 dlbooq, 33 8ibaoq. 33 oo^ybooq,oo^©*5^^^88, oj^, oH, 8 i, c6^a,^^oco^cx;nco^0380>oo5oc^,o^oi^cSa. o^03o^5 cb^ ; ooq8^^cg^C3crjc\^5oD^j©sog^wicracx)85aai5^\oc§c8x. cfi^§8 33) 5o©«oo^aso3?.B^83a2o68) ccio?oiG8i5oi^a3o^^3sco^g3c8>!cSi ; 33«0*o65oOO^|,Sa;00!C010301G8\5^_^OOG8pCO^. t«S^5cooo5^ ^§8, 330 ^ 5 coq, 33ol5ooq) 338i6o3q» 33008 obcoq, ©«oo^a) e^,oSooScx)c 8 i ^Son ooo:>zdi 3300^0000^ §^::^toiodi 5 ogSoDiS.SsOsSooS^l^^^orBjcci 33 S 3 'c 6 S§ 00 ^. \ouns are sometimes used as Adjectives; 38^33 c8^b33C§OO1^^33OlOOc85^,o3oOlbcO'133S0'o65 ;— 5(331, ooq^OD^.ooq^oocon, coq^6ic8i, — ©?co^(33(|^i, 00^, oocoii,6i o8i,o^03soio65^5^5,c^ooi cocj^^. ii5^^^osoS?,o6^i.,o6c^\.o^<^i, •.--©800^ Q3— 33COc8^, 33c8;o8i. H 33 ^,^ 0 QC 3 ^ , og ^031 33 8 03 5 X 1 00 r/^^n 57 II — Every, all, wiihoiit exception; ncBsot,— ©xoo^C^ fB?, o^XSCicoSj'i^opiO'i ; loo^esoo^Bs cBs, o ^^ot^cotoo^coioo^^'.|^5c8i. trB^oiobc^ico, — i>8oo^os(jjx, coic»oo'i3^:Sxc^3coS'^oDo-ico^ ; cB3c5,coi5o5,^ic6c8x. ii'cBoOib? ; c 8 j 6 i^; ; Si^iht, — ©joDSost^i, hi, «^g 38 ooii''oiGS':§'')o\a3f6>o65,5o©‘OO^G3oS evident that co3co^, iiv the above, do'es not quali^' the noun, but the numeral adjectit‘e pronoun, because \vc cannot say ^locdSooSco^. I therefore call co^co^i an adverb. iioo's^3ocbxoo3, Our every going; ooob^oyioo'l. Our every act, ©8ooScD(jjx, ocuioo'^jOtJ 1 co'l, o^|^§o6^^5^5 ; coob^y w3o3o55,:^oji^T 00^. n^cojS anprais lo l>o mailo from h used as a noun, and coi 5 , a vorh. n^coi 5 ,ejOoS^_^', ’ OC>"l^ 0 ^ 01 ^ ; oo^ 30 ^,o^ioo 5 ^^a 8 ioc^^,^f^noT- 3 = 80 oj 5 §*!^ocT^^(Xia 3 ^Scoia3oSS^o6<,|,^:8a. n«iQooDi5^^ScocosB<,oe'o6Scoic»c^f)oii:Si3yi ; o8^coio:6^ S^ODox,C^^ 30 iC 3 cti^ 5 oooxt 8 x. Ill the last noticed e.vaiuple, tlig noun is qualiticd hy two adjectives, the one before, and tlio otiu r after it ; which is often the ease in Karen. ycighboriim, contiguous, (iinplyiiif? however, ano- ther person, thin^^ or party, from that previously spoken of, or alluded to,) other, another. other per.sons, i)< ODSa©<^l,t»^an,o'^03JCso65,c^ooi^i. is corTipounded of a verb, and on a noun. Hence sometimes, taken .separately, as an adjective, qualifies on as a noun. .cbioj^o^oi'i, go to the other side, ©soo^ 33(^1, 0^,0^XfiC^c365,r^02t07-i. HOO^ both, as ooS§ both sides. A|)plied also to pairs, as a8^oo^§ lx)th tusks. Applied also to opposites, as both parties, both sides of a subject of discussion. OD^S taken together, (and pspecially when repeated,) is sometimes used adverbially. ooco^ S ( 5 oi) 800 ^ 39 d 83 o 6 sS) ©«oo^ 03 od5,c^op'i8. coDci^o^b, the teacher’s o\vn self; ©50oSxyt, 0^,o^G38O»od5:^rcab. 113^, often denotes contrariety, or that belonging to the other party, as 03t^Sasc6^ooop|^ oj^o8^ii?cSi bcciosoD^s dbopi^ioxc^ C01 0500^ g 8^§^ 338^ ; oo^a?©|^Sbo^oox^co^3sooscxnivdic^|^^co^, qo^03COSCOi8ic^pSoooic6t, but the teacher hini (or his ov.n,) self, &c. ©soo^Qsyx, s5, c^roib, nytoooio^ ; ooScodio^ ; yxcxi^oocoo^So^, a diflerent per- son ; a different thing ; a different race ; i. e. a person belonging to a different party, or of another description ; a thing of another kind; a man or men of another race. ne^oo^asyi, 2^, ^ro\ Ot, :^Tryn,c^notoD0^5. ‘ ‘ CO 5 13 «9^, with ^S, is used to qualify nouns in the signification of even, as ooc)^o^cb3o^^ooco^yiX)^iCDp. l^lven the teacher could not conceive, or accomplish any thing [i/i the dilemma.] esoo^aa ^ 1 . Sk> ; Co5, o^osiiOOi^:^o-io^. Remark ; When connects a verb with a noun or pronoun, it must be treated as a Prepositive, as C06|^^«ic^03O38 The teacher acts according to his will, or of himself, — ©soo^osot, 3^ o^^i8©c65, c^?oi§aco5osaoi, igoicc?. ucgioQ^o^ oaoo^, God exists of himself, ©soo^os^i, 3^-’, o^«G8p§8,oo^osooi ; §8oi ooH. Where op is used merely to qualify the verb with which it is connected, it must be treated, as an adverb ; thus oooocbiopooooiS sjj^o^(|^TOcd^,©< 00^33 ox, s5, o^G3SooT^,c^nox cbl. As an adverb, it still has the signification as before, of one’s self, of one’s own accord, in distiction from e.xtraneous infiuenece, for, or against. II C>, Next, approximate, in regard to time; — o^ostCs o6Scx5io3c^ooxcp^cop2)g§8xs)OS3],a5aoio3ooc8^^__pc8x ; 5oax,^8x, ^oo8x,b(^^oon,^c85,^o35ooa>S. Next morning, morning after next, the coming evening, coming period, the future change, i. e. future state, — ©sooSo3(|^x,^, o^a3?c?\c65,c^oox8x, c^opxi^^ool, cBS. ii^olx, and ^co^pooir immediately, now, may seem xin excep- tion to the use of as noted above ; but the present is next in relation to the preceding period. In ^03x, is understood between ^ and oax. iico^p n. a fold, involution, involvement in regard to time, an evolution, iiboix, — esoo^.o^^oo^poaxOTOoH oapcSx. «^oo|Po3i, — ©80 o^03^x,^,o^338Gsoo5,c^ooxoo|P ; rc^S, oax,o^oo^o650x|p,'^pc9]nno|p. II ^ is often used as an Interrogative adjective ; see below. iibcbxbcbx adv. repeatedly, time and again. see adverbs of time. 11 ^, — oSo 3 (^^cJ)p. Wliat time [when] did he come? the word for time, or period is understood. Soesoo^xoS*. o^oat^^^Poaoo 31 CO cB^cb^, — e^oo^3^(,^^,b,oSo^^c»^oo652f^30^o65,c^oo^cocSS ; rac8^ «V|5 ; cb^, o^o^oooou oo^a5§«oongScX)^. 'I’ho inlerropativd particle is repeated, when the noun is inserted, for the sake of euphony. I1C01, §s C^, — o6S:^J^c^cb^, in wiial j)lace [/6'/jc?y1 is the house r the word for |duce is understood, 5oe«oo^CQoS<, — e«oo^cQ^t, 01c ©o65, 01(^1 ; (j^i,^^^S; cb|5,o^o^ooooij co^2>t§!f00cg^ooS. or, (more grainnmlically) o6^G8^coiG3cSSocb^, or ^^^(j^icbjS. in which,- ^ points out cSS, and coi governs it. Bc65£^p^cb|Soo<|^i(j^icbp,|,^^o©8©^rQij in what one place, or in what |Tarticular place, is tlic book r ©aoo^^^^OS'^i^ oHj^r ; cr^<|^ii j33SO»cb50i|^,I^noi (^1 ©^cBsc B^od^oocj^^cb^oooioicb^, which one teacher did you seer e8oo^G3(|^i, ^,0^00101 ; oooi, c^ooicoc)^ ; oi,§30oc|^^, o^c3o^oooi§. «03 S and 'Ir oi are in apposition. ncoi is used in Interrogative sentences just as b is in the above examples. Ex. t»3, — o6|5G8^coicb^. t^oo^coc^^coicbjSoooioi, «c65a8^coicb^oo(|^a(^\cb^. nyt or 0 l, complete, full, in regcud to numlier, oosS^ic^cb^, what full (number) of elephants are there? ©too^osyi.^r.o^OSio, o65,c^Tjiq ; q,o^a3iGia350i|^,co^a8§8ooa8. o 41 QOS combined with other verbal roots, as aosS^cb^, how large? ao^oslcb^, how many? ad^oSeb^, how high, or Jong? ao« cb^cbp,how broad? so8oo"cb^, how long (time ?) adgooicb^ how far? dec- "O^t^jSscsoalcb^, — ©50o^cp^i,a!i8G3l,o^o!ipco§ood5os8 oio65,c^ooio^. Bo6^ao4§^cb^, — ©ioo^oac^i.adaS^jj^opicx)^. noo ®i^adisoso§cb^, how high mountain this? thus Soe^co^oaoS^.coei^ 03iG8^308d8cb^ ; (c8p being understood) ©8oo^03^i,so8c§,d?rni oD©i^, ..‘-l^f^^osgpc^SGB^soscgcb^; esco^ 03 <1^1 ,t3080§, 0018^0^5. Remark, so?, in this construction, if taken separately, may be called an abverb qualifying the verbal root with which it is con- nected. iiOOc8iOO^COODO:j5o31, C^IOC^ICOIOjICOcQotcB ^1ScBs3O8C070329O1^O3T03:::^rOl03T,C3§yCb^.Oo5, §«S|,^OOO^c8t. See adverbs of Quantity. n"^, V. to equal, chiefly appiied to superfices ; sometimes to numbers ; thus, your field equals what ? or, in Eng. Id. How extensive is your field? my field equals this, ©80D^03(|^l,|, 0^01^ ; |030C«,O^^?. u CO 7 G3 00 Cg^ 00^0000 ^03 1^1 031, ^03§2,C0Cq1c 0^, OOcS^C^SCOp ; OO^C0103S«30100^03^1, GsSs, 0^031. !t“oo^?^2)^o^^s03iocSHc8i.” My field equals about double this field, — i)soo^o3(,ji,^,o^oi^, 01 ^ 8 ; a^a^'.o^ossQoi^, «^|OC|lJO38C!VOo501^^,C^f»1^8. no8s n. is used with as “^aig'j^i^o8«§*O09i8(^i03i5oSs,«^ooooi^co5,c^io§^«tc85 0000^, §800ooo^8sc^c>^80oo6pa3aoi. Tire Magistrate ordered that we should pay our taxes at Mergui. See Conj'anctives,. tiCX), is used to denote tire degree, quantity, size, ability, number, or quality of things compared with others. Like and 5, its part of speech must be designated by the office it per- forms in differently constructed sentences. Sometimes it is a noun ; thus rSicotCijojob, moaning a mere shred of doth. Some- times a verb; thus, “^ioooioboo^03i§800oo^gDl3D^co^|oooicb^,” He has become tlius large, and yet does not kno'v so much as ■one thing? Often an adverb, thus, ^'ooo^cboDtQooiS-i co^j^twio^ oo^tBsoibscSi,” It is not I, only, but every one does so. Perhaps, how'ever the most general use of ob is that of an Adr jective of comparison; thus, oboli,cb^,^, ob|a,^ — ©soo^oa^i, cb;oS 03«Oio 65, c^noi03t, itocx^s^^cbcrj^S8vc8t ; SoIxoo^oyoSs, ViX^oboo^^, — i>30o^33(|^v,<^,c^oot^5 or cx^oo;|.5, we ha\^ but one basket, (or only oi>e) of rice,. fly\oo^oDoboD€|^^ ; 5oi>«oc^03oSs, dboo 00 ^ 00 , — ®*oo^ 03<^^i,cb, c^notooG^p. The above adjectives of comparison are used also as Interroga- tive adjectives, (i. e. without a verb expressed ;) but a verb is generally understood; as ooegosoD^dbob^ ; Solsoo^osoSsooogo? Oo^SjBdbwgicb^ ao6^5c^P ; 5o©soo^03c88,cb^|,^o^5«gtcb^. Qo COO Degrees of Coinparsioii. — GQs^'CoSsoag. il3Q2C^06500^ClCC3^138f)§?3Q3j^, §o6s00^33c8?, Oqi35( C§ODI^^§^&;)^§^o6s, 331^1, C^po8^.^'^^330l33c8;^^^p cBsGQ'^OgiCO^S 6 ^CDnOCX^SrOTGQSG^OoSs^sIgcSl. ossGiooS 033008^001 occv^SSsofBiiasaT SoliSl^ OCt|p, s[0o8^, 300^^5 3000 (g1. co^Sp. ooei^oS, Boo^. 9^9^- iO0o8^. >0£ « 3Q 2 o65 333 Q OC ( 3 ^ 33 §. c oo^B^ofJoo^ or ( O0^SS|^^03^_^O000^. ^ oo©i^o§oooo^, or t ooei^ 68003^^^0000^, ^ §ao?oooo^, or ( 83OS0O3|,^OOno^. ^ c^K^^oooQ^, or \ (^l<^f;0O3^„SoOCoi ^ Cj)ioioono^, (ir \ o65cc^,0 oi%8i . coi osS^, <^ocHooc8i ^5©110aO02§i038o6^§^^t§00aO0j56a3O^038C»ro6503082c8\ ; 030^5 ; 0O38Oio6S§oo^c§i. In this case, osB^ becomes a relar live sejitence. and as such, (^ualifies the preceding noun. N iiiiieral Adjectives.— ^ wg^i jgq^c^cxSS. if^wc|iJ33;G^co56soo^^__^<3^‘^^6'iooc5^o8i ; §o6sooS 3308 ,’, CO, 3, COl, 08 % |, 8s, g, 00, 3000^, 330,. 00130, cg^3o, ob^oo, ^30, |q6, Ssoo, goo, 0000001 , oonooS, cooocos, oonooSt, oooor^^, oonocB, oocoo^, coc3^?),^9^ ^oqiJ33SG>'c65q5q5cSi. (jo oos(?>a55 ^^^ooScQiccn |^036S8^o58§«^oo\|^^,^ooc^oo c^cSx;— 5 o3t, ooo^, oooocQ, ooc 8(;^^. no^ooo^co^5^^^8», 01, f^!^yG[ij, ox, o.-^xoo^ilS,— 5o3Xj o'ioco^, ooc8oococ6, d5(^Soo (^h,cgaing,d3xocc8x,5^,^c8x. ■op^ap^,ogS^^|o<^xjB«03«Osoo5gx 1^, > 8sOOCO^D5^5|,^C§OOx|^5o300^a)80« oyl^ioooSscSx, ij»oo^oS^^|,^ocB5Coi|oc^xjo?«<3so650x|^:8i. «G^xjoo8<5soo50i|^O3o^q*'^^c6coiooS8^ooc^cy5. rgSooxcoxosb^^oo iopx|«c^ija 300 ^p^^xbcox 0020 , 020 , 001 oo, c^^oo, ob^so, ^ao, ^ aj, 5*ss6, g30, oooooox, oociocS, oocxico*, cccccSx, oonoc^h, OOCTj cQ^^^OOvS^, ^|So5|«Cj^XjCX)10S»0>OoS|§X^^Q3cS^COO§ ; 5olx, 00^03 (gi^530,c65o3ooo^?ooxo6, ooscpsooso, o^oo^x ; go^ooao, o^ooS^ j oaS^ooao, «^oo«i ; od^coodoox, o^ooyx ; oaS^oonooox, o^aoab^yx. p^XOOOX^^,00®d3^Ix5ro^O1, g3^, g^Xj gC08, OODOob^^, O0SO00O08 c8x, §8 5 oS|S300^1.0§^OOS30000x8800^o5^^Q8^x 8^, ^X^X, ^XCC8, ^X <^,^XO080scb^. B^xooox^^<^xao8^o^^cr8% gaogco*, ooxoo8,ooj^, oo^cSx ; 8i, 5o8«OO^Xo8^y8S88CD^yx5830S03lcb^. B^XOOOX|i,5yX3288^3^f^°^-'<^^‘'-i^Sf^’ OOX ©8,021 ^^,00^8, OC© j$>^c8x ; 6o88no^Xo8p03|55roOQx88,CO^OX08JXD8ailcb^. BO^ooc8^^c^baoaj?^©^8,02inol(jj8,ooxrS^ooi, ooaog£jj^8oooo8,ooao ^p1,^C0^,ob8,|,^<^^cb^,OOl^oS^,<^S^^,cSx. OO^XO§^CO^£iCj^^B^8CO^ |,^a8^08^XOo'lcj8, ^Xr8^0D8 , ^X 0^800028, ^XqT, ^xb8, ^x^cSi,^x^^,|^cbp. »C^XOOOX^^^O?008^^d8^c6, ^30g^^, O02000CO*), soogo3, osoooi^^ i^^COcSx ; OQ^x58CO^ao|^^36^,^G8^58^XCo1, ^Xo8, ^X^^^^ogcb'^. Verbs. — Verbs, in Karen, undergo no change of Form on account of Number or Person, and all particles connected xvith number and person belong to the noun, or pronoun, not to the verb. Neither js there any regular form of a Passive or Middle Voice. The Form in Dr. M’s. Anglo-rKaren Grammar, viz. oo£^|5fjo OD8, ^^^^ 008 , &c. involves no change in the form of the Verb ; ^ho only change from his Active Voice is in the object of thp Gj c 65 §^«^ Verb. 10^^ is just as active in ODi^^oocor, as it is in ^1, or HOOob'lOQ^ CrDcSlCOi 3 Q 05 ^^^s(§l|^yi§ 95 l§^l, S312 ^l,§S§25l§^lG0O^,O^01^c8l. A certain class of Verbs, in Karen, performs, to some extent, two offices, that of a Verb, and that of an Adjective. That is, one word expresses what, in English, t«"o w'ords are required to express ; such are oi, 03 i, oT, sxH ; &-c. as o^GBioib, this rioe is good. That person is ill, &-c. These may be termed Adjective Verbs, oi^ostOscoS^ But I do not think it well to multiply subdivisions of classes while the Karens are so little acquainted with grammatical principles as they are at present. Verbs are Transitive or Intransitive. T ransitive, — 01^01^^300^. nOI^OT 1^000^^, ^,0^01^ CO ■) 03 G6^§8a388,8o®«OO^03oS«,c8^§*|^»^ 01, co^03«^d3^5o^^5g^|^^oS^. 01^01 gJSx ; §801^33b^,^cB8C010lSoi|^c8\, C0^CC101^0TG8l|,^Ci cegcoioi^osBscSa, HO 1 ^01 ^ ^ 01 635 8 30C^S 0 1 30005 § 1 , ODGj^r^ 8 c 65 , — e 200 ^ 03 (|^i, (^ 8 ,o^oi^oi|^ ; — oicoS , CO oS^q^gcbiODi, , q«cb\ ’ OlcSl«l03iyi00^, W1331 tX)^S^cbTOOOD8, t)S^8S«0003CO«, ' , 8 s1D0 ... ... , 006|^C^cbl001, , OoSaol03lODOO|i,^ODT, , 00|,^ co 5 oaroa|^^^\, , — oi yi. — oiooi. — oiyioo^. — 0103 *. — 0103 *. 01 ^ 1 . — 01031 . — OIOOI. — 01 ^ 1 . 6 ^ 8800^ 05(^1, yi^^^oSaol 03008, ^\|,^«i^io8^goo6^co->0, , OOGJ^^CO^^lODl, Ogl^lvSiyi 03 COT , , > ^T^^cbiojiSoo^, oob^aoicoi^s8i » , OOG^^lOO^OO, . , ooSdcIodi, . , 1^;— OlOsb. oSocTl .... wi^io8^ . . 0 Q .. ; — oioop. co^cbi ^-VkSX . ; — oiacT. «ic8 . ; — 07c65. eba 0^1 .... b^soiooi^ . . . ; — oig8i. . . . . co'l . . ; — 01001. N. B. Tlie constructicm of Phrases like co5o3io^0^i, may be changed, thus, oicoi^^^^coSosi ; then ^ Ixjcomes ?iom. to and ^0 co5o 31 becomes a substantive phrase, nom. to oa. ois8oo8^^i can be changed to oa8oo8^,oa. soicbiga can be changed to ocbi,oi. Remark f D|^o^oi!0t^^«^oi,opaoi^oidSi^^^,ocB«d3icoroi^O3 8»c8i. n880o§,02i03oioi^^^^,orB8f^icoioi^030osc8a ; Saoij^icSS ODt, ©?00^03(|^t,^1,0^c8So2o68; 001,«^c8^0388c8r. B 0 1 ^ 03 OO ? 0 1 , 03 8 S 0 1 , CO ^ C30 00 I ^ oo ^ no c 8 1 0 c8 00 1 c8 , § 8 co^ooc^ooc^aSco^ooc 8 i 8 oo^e 8 i, 5 o 3 r,^icoi 03 c 8 irB^c 8 ^ooov© 8 .oo 6^^(S1,0Dc880O^0OC^COnCO^. ©800^03^1, ©803 o6xo^OO^OOc8i8o6^ ; 03848 ^, «^oc^roc 8 i 8 o 6 ^. Intrausitiyer — oiSo:^ 5 |^ 3 qo^. C0101^W1^101t^t,O^OQ^^ CO^^OOc8oQ^§l,Ol^33b^^^OcSsCO'iOlScq5^^o8l ; §931, — ©800^03(^1, Sp, O^01^0j5|p. 0(^cotS, cot5, 00^1, eba,^ op5^^. ^ioooi20^|ib, so^|a, o^5|^. ^looo toll colb, ...••» co'l, 0^51^. ^9 08 ^ 0 , co^^aBs^ico^, oDcbiob, i . . <^T00Ol|^p01, i.i O 0 cbl 8 ^SIj{O^i^l, . . i . . i ... . . , ^^^„^oo?o 8 ^coiog 8^, ...... i . . co^oocgi^oliS^oofJO^, • i . . . . Cgl^^«So0^85o30Q1^, ... * • * i . i cSf, e o> cbac^, . . . 9T-, <^i8<, . . . ooso§^, . . S^ooooS, . . 8 £00 007 ^, OlCTjS, • * ' I Vj I • ...0^5^^. ...o^Sfp. * . . . i . op5|pi i . . i . .ci^Si^. . . . . . . Verbs are Simplej or Combined. llOnlOO0^;)^^O^lO:c5o8s3Q3Dl5oi, OlSoSoi JC 061 , 8 s 0 1 ^ CTD cb ^ CO 6 1 cS 1 . Simple verbs in Karen, consist generally of a single syllable ; always of a single word. noi^e^ou ©joo^, oSoi^oi030o?cx;ioo^co c8iooc8§c8i ; ooG8^2fl^58;oi^a3oico^ ; Soax, eSj?, _coi5, c^i, col, 6, ^x, oi, ooJ, <^5, ooT, 8^, c»5, oox ; §«5|_Sooo^c8x. oCO^OO^, Ol^SoD^S, OC^S, OOOOl^, 031, roc8x, no8i, oowi, oo^oo c^oaoSi^,^oxcSc8Sco^coioab |,Sooj^jaS’ooj£ ; — Soax, oDnoebx, oocbxcS, cacbxo*, cbxoooo^, »\ cbi; — i:8oo^oa^x,cvbx,«^oi^©^oij§3acS^cS^|^^c8r ; oo(^c8Sco^oaoi CO 100 , c5, 08 , aanoS, o^, ooc^G8^^58«c8xcia'8co^. D CO 1 ^ oa b 5 gal , ■ 00 ob c85 0 ^ rSs CO ^ oa o \ CO 1 oa « 3 o 1 ^ g 6 ^ ^5 8 < cS I oa P 00 ^. iiyxcx5x^^^^,©40o^oa^x,cbxoSoi^©^oij ; w^oasootS,:^ Orj\(i>X. Combined Verbs.— on^ooeb^sso^. Combined Verbs are compased of two, or more perfect sylla- bles. In Karen, every perfect syllable has a signWicjifion of its own ; therefore, two or more perfect syllables combiticil form a complex idea; as oci direct, ooi^ uprij^ht, or erect; ooiooi^ rise 15 an erect posture. floqi Ol ^ XI c 8 ! o 1 ^0 c 8 001 c 8 -08 ^ ^56,9 SOO^ y ;c 853300J, «l011c853QX?§9f)l§^l, §3 qo^oi^occ88i33c8;co 5;5*.§! t7DOO^o5§^;)^OcB:3o6lXlOl^CXCb^CV^l. §231, q^JCui, dBsao^, 08 ^(^ 1 , 39 ^* 11 ,(^ 1 x 1 ^, 8100 ,( 01 ;)^^, wioi I, x 1 (o^, oo^pol, 9s1o8^,gio8i,;>i(.j}, o;o 8 ,os 8 ^, qo 6 *^S, 6 xoi,oo ^^(j 8 ^,(oi( 02 ^,<:Oo 8 ,(ogSoo^, oc^x^o^,^ 8 : s 8 ^ 3ol « j ,x 1 5x0000 f> . Remark ; Many, (even all,) of the Verbs, classed under the head of Combind Verbs, may be analyzed, and each part parsed separately, as several verbs having the same agent, or as one part being in the infinitive mode, governed by the following objective, (as qsc^t^t.) or as one part being an adverb qualifying the other part, e filled up, and other changes in the form of the pronouns, which, altogether, would perplex the pupil more than it would instruct him. It is left therefore for the “Living Teacher ” to analyze them occasionally. A sufficient number of •examples will be found in the work, liere and there, to enable him to do so. FtTNCTioNAL Relations of Cosibined Verbs. «oi5xcb^xo^5,§o6;x^92d8s,oo5eji5oi56f)oij§95t §^13 c8,X1c8§o 8 sx'«iioi icSSsQxsSsf) I § ^i 8 :oo?xioiS XCfe^3Q(1^5o8l. nOi^ooc^^ 03 cl^ 5 a 83 og^c^, 5 oe»oo^ 03 oS«,rB 6 )oo 5 o 3 o §5 Causa- tive; ooo^5|J03o^5, Potential; Gogt^ogjosc^S, Adverbial; 8 sco ■o^G^ooSosc^S, Comparative. W hen two or more of these osc^S are united they are termed Complex. coi|,^o-.^Sgo1,cx^i03c^5altr^fo^c85oax83oxc»toi§4 ofBsoac^S cuirS^l^osc^ScSx . £ ' ®(s Causative Relatiou.— cBocoSgqo^Ssso^. Under this head are included all those Combined Verbs in whose combination one part is the act of the preceding nominative, and the other, the act of the following objective, as, oDG)^t^cbtooi, the teaclier permits me to go. Why not then say the latter verb is in the “Infinitive mode” as in English ? Because the verbs cannot be conjugated separately, and because Causative seems a more appropriate term than Infinitive. Suppose, for instance, in conjugating cbi we make a form of the infinitive of cbt, we must also make 8 ^cbi, m cbi, Qiscbi, co^cbi, so many other forms of the infinitive of cbt. Such a multiplicity of forms would render Paradigms im- practicable. On the other hand, if we say cbi, in this case, is infinitive, and c^, qs oo^. 8 ^, ot, Qis, &c. are Indicative, what would be the Lifinitive of these several Indicatives ? In analyzing, the two verbs may be considered separately, as in the e.xamples below ; but in parsing, they must be treated as a Combined Verb. «c8oc653QC7^5o;co^^^^, Q^oi^coob^ocoocqS'roioi^ 5 c 8 cOTc 8 38^ 3300^00c8, 99^338201003) 001 3000^ OOc8o^c8gc8l ; 9009^O0^§233 cS^O00c8^5cO1 338s33C^l§SOO-^Olb§28s30c82,— 02^a>13o8ro5,30lS, O. • oiSooobprBsooSosc^Soois^wigsSjBooscoiSioo^i, coi 8 ^oo^i,odi q?co|x,coicjj|]OO^i,:coioroo|a, coiQt80o|i, cx)iu 5 oo|tj coico^oo|i, GOtc8^0o|tc8l. ii«103SOOOj5c01|^SoO^I,C01^1Co|i ; diOZcB^OiOO cxgp ,©»oocoi 5 co jS. o. — § 230 ^, cjnoooi^^Ssoo^osoDJCOis, that pcrsoi> gave himself to be eaten by a tiger: 8 *-,oi 03 ^ 03CCS (8«ogtcb^ ; 8«.) — 8«oo ;-^xooox^^^8»ooc»oo8COiogjB^go1o3c8i, that person gave himself to’dicon a cross; ©aoo^os^x,yt, oi 8 « ; 8 ji, ooos ; 008, oioo t 2 r?ia 5 . «o^(i>|io 3 boooi “ (t : OO^S^cblODCOS, — ©8CX;H33(|^1,0^ y|\8^,©8b(^^ ‘ ebS ; C»oo80obc6i. coSjg^w^. (s^ oo\8^. «8p«g\cb^,8^oo* ; j^«ooicoc6ibo;8^cb^ ; x«> co^ioa S^cSi. — 8^s8 ; oo^S^jSoooo«coio 6, — IxooSos^i, o^o?8^« ^icb^ ; 8^008. ll8^x85oS305Clo«^o|^«:^^ ; 5c88csooc8o6. lOoV though generally used Ijcfore 8^ as in this example, is not es- sential ; it often is, (and may Ih’ always,) omitted. Its omission is often preferuhlc. ^Sc5l, — esx^0S(j3i, ooGj^^ ; yicbi|,^,«^oDx. OOG^jSqsoS^OOlCOIcB^, Bt00^03^X,^iq8^„j5,oSx6j^^ ; «^ooi. «x^,^§8,xcj^,oiq8 ; q^«, oicoi ; cx)x,oiooq1ooxc8^. — q^8o8^ ; cgic^8a8^^x, — e8oo^o3<^i,q8ci^i; ^i-oioocDnoxcB^. The above examples are given to illustrate tlie idiom of the Class. In common parsing it will be sufficient to point out the Nom.and Obj. of the compound ; xs|^q^8cbxooi. In which, 006^5 is Norn, to qscbx. »q?cbx is fran.v. governs ODX. j. Hoqioosoi^ooc^^ cBoooSsqo^Sodi occ8§sooc8 oobs^scSSssoosGQo^cSi o6^o6idbs^)S ooDOssQOO^icoia^ « o I* r 88f)S2l33c8;^8l. BOC«9^§^^^00^§SOCOC^lO0l3QC0^;§ 30 8 3S>c 6 5 ob con 33 8 03 5 g 5 1 33 c8: oo8 C© I . «§8, — SicooaoDsccioj^^poToacSx, ©800^05(j^X, 88 c6,O1O0?. 11 880oBa3XXC013 o ' u Il8^, — OO^S^J^COODiCOlOO «qs, — cx)<^^£^?cbioDi B aoS, — ^t|,^oSad)o3008 »wt, — 0X^103^ «CO^, — ogxuc^tiS^^x .. «c8^, — yx|^^^bx03«l lioSiCG^, OOC1 ^c83CO^OD^|m1^X o8ioo^OO^03n,Gl — In Combined verbs of the Causative class, of which forms a part, the agent causes the object to obtain something (so coS0^y^. or be otherwise aflected by it, as specified in the following part of the sentence ; or as specified by the preceding part of the Compound itself ; thus, — « 1 OD^ COT c65 00 CO Make me to obtain a book. p '^i0ootcoic6Sooopi), Buy me a book. B --ao?^_,^ootcoic65oocojB, Stich me a book. t oo^ sol 00 too CO 1^^001, This illness will cause me to die, » cgioo^yiooioo^cS^oo^iiB, God created eatables for us to obtain. i~- c^^ooT|,^ytoot^^co^og1, The sun set upon us ( i. e, night overtook us,) in the jungle. is sometimes a Prepositive ; See Prepositives. Cj. not, .Ticiiyt, It behooves us to go, or, to go is proper for us; i)3OO^O0(j^t,otcbt30o6»^^o^<^t understood, as cbt or cbtoo^^^j5,otcbt^t. ot^t,oi^t. d — oisBooS^^tcgtoo^cS^OOio^cgio^ooSoS^. It be^ comes us to consider that this doctrine is God’s teaching ; or, to consider this teaching to be God’s teaching, is good for us, iV. B, There is another way of treating phrases like these two last, viz. that of treating (^i as nominative Case after the Verb, See Rule 4 ; Rem. 3rd of Syntax. In that case we remove the com^ pound verb, from the Causative, to the Potential Class, «0i8, — Qi8cb\^i,-^0i8sSoo8^Cj)t, ©soo^^^, 6oS:oS« Ssoic^Jiyt, I — ois8oa8^cj)ic8i.. noi^rrjc^jBcoiG3COjB2)8§8 rB®o65o3C^Soco^o*ioiS yi|P^COl5c8l, or^ioct£l^t038£»c^5^_,^og^coi03§8^coisioi8 j. In the above man-r ner of disposing of oi and Qis the nominative will be found by a careful attention to the connection. Let the question be asked, what is good, &c ? The answer will be the nomina-r tjve. Potential llelatiori. — cod^5)j3qo^S3qo^. Under this Head are classed such Combined Verbs as affirm ability, opportunity, liberty, &.c. to do, be, or suffer that which Is predicated of, or by, the agent. Co50f)W^. «OOo 55]J3D0^5^.^, 9^01^(X)C>bf)CO'i3300^Us9sCOOO^, Qi;oo^,^[jco^ooo^^.f>c8i ; — §^i, — oDc^i^,^, Affirms ability in respect of obstacles. « oDcbaco^co^, I cannot go. •CO, — cxx^ico, I am intellectually able to go. f oocbioococo^, I am “ unable to go. — oocbxf^, I am, physically, or morally, able to go. i oDcbiooc^CO^, I am “ “ unable to go. Affirms ability iiv respect of leisure. • oocbiOO^]^»CO^, I am not a^ leisure to go. ,Qoj5, — ooobico^, Affirms ability in respect to liberty or per- niission. • -ODOO(^TCO^CO^, I am not allowed to go. ,oi, — oo(i>ioi or oicoiODC^x, Affirms ability in regard to propriety. iioopiobi, I ought to go ; or, I am worthy to go. See Lu. 7 ; 4, a cxjcbxoooioo^, I am not fit to go, or that I go is not proper. See Acts 13; 25. 038 ^o*|,^,odooQi80^c8ico 5, whose ^hoes I am not worthy to unloose. oiSsQisSdSsoS^cSi. soo^,— -ooco^c^i, I must go ; ability amounting to neces- sity. a ooooco^t^co^, I am not obliged to go. — ODcbioi^ I can go through ; sometimes so used ; gen- erally must be treated separately; as cocbi§?oi^coio^oo^3c8conc8§sc8s^^icoioi^ (Toob^ssgi^opjso O^5o8l, §2D1. tm, — oioi ; that person treated me well, or, did me good, ll^^ooo^.^^«^o^o^^ooo^ ; or ttioicxJooSooui ; or «xoxc 7 j^coicoiooo\ ; or «xo\ooHcoiod 8 Soooi, that person did me one good turn ; 0 soo^ooisjBa 3 ^i,«ioi.«^oi^ooab^,O 3 gi^iyjO»c^ 5 . II 331, — 0X031, — esooS^^^jOf^xopxcSxSoo^xooxoxoxasoSs. BOgS, — oxog^,esog^,c 8 pog^,cbxog^,og^og^,©scg^,oo 8 ^ogS, &c. do by way of experiment ; try to do. »c 8 , — oxc8,cg^c8,o3p'c8,^Pc8, &c. do by way of learning, or teaching. cx^x, — oxo^i,cbxo^x,co 1 o^x,dS^o^i, &-c. do by way of direc- ting, or guiding others in the doing. — ngh'|^,c 8 ^|^,cc^^^,OD^ 0 ol^p, &.C. notice, mark, observe characteristics whereby a thing is known, or may be recognized, ii^x, — 1xco^,^xo«, &-C. divide, apportion. II so^lx, — be partly erect, sit, r -o|x, — lie partly down, recline. iic^S, — oc^8c^5,8^db5,ci5<^5, itc. sever by pulling, cutting, &c. dissever. — d^jBS?,cbx 8 (,ox 88 , do by way of satisfaction, amusement, for pleasure, including sometimes the idea of imitation, and mimickry. ^ nc^, — og^cS, — look at from curiosity, as at something of diffi- •cult performance, or something extraordinary. — ox©ix,q^?©ix, &.C. do by way of aiding, assisting; qi ©XX, help figlit. — ?^^^^,oo^|,^c65oooq^, by searching I found a book. , cx)yx0c65ooco^, I obtained a book by purchase. — cbx^5,y^5,o5^5, &.C. go together, sleep together, put together. — 6 ^ 08 ^, 6 ^c 8 x, 6 pc 8 x, o^oooj*, 0 ^ 08 , d^c. to raise, le^ down, straighten, l>cnd, open, by sustaining and guiding the ob- ject in the direction specified; lODo^aoiooi^cSi, I raised hirp - TO to an upright posture; I raised liim to a sit- ting posture. «o8^, — ooc8io§j5, spoke up, i. e. commenced speaking, I 051o 8^, became Imd or, increased in badness. • c^ic§^, went up, ascended. ic8i, — ooscS’.., Ixjcarne less in size, diminished. t obcSi, came down, descended. t became less in quantity, decreased. ia5s, — aos8j5,30203l, 208^1, oo«cb^,a6«oo5,a;«o5i, Oo5 ; C^8008§800 c8i03CD1 ; 010D8. *cbc85 ; (^)c8S^^5§8oo^S exchange your ax with mine. I3C1, — wisOT, odc8v20i, qscoi, &-C. do in return, in a good or bad sense. t08, — 00^0*, 8^08, &.C. sever by splitting, bursting, l ^Soco 8 cSi ; 5 oli, ^ioooi^^ 3 ooi^oiooS,— ^i>80o^03^i,ooi^,o^oi^oi ; «ioo^, o^l^oT^S; opSco^oi, 001^01:81. n^-i^^^noiScol cgi, — ©8OO^C30^i, oolcgi, ; ooi^oisBii n^i|,^^|1c^» o55, — 6800^03^1, ^^oi^ooob^ ; (^8055,0^1^2)1^5. oo^gjloolcgl, ©800^03^1, oo^gol,o^oiWo5^ ; oo1cgi,o^^^2)'1^5. Kelation of Comparison —coo^osSsija^S. In Karon, certain verbs, as well as adjective's, have degrees of comparison. These degrees are indicated in the same manner as those of adjectives ; which see, tlOl^3Q C7^ 5 OOOOO^S 26 1 ^ > 00 ^ 2 ^ : § 1 00 cB 1 00 I OqS OQ oi§too'6ic8i 5 ; §s5i. . 5 tob^bo i^^03ioo^05n|,^«cnoo^j5ocooS> this year we have more paddy than last year. 10^5, — 0310^5; “^icxtot^^QOio^S.*’ that person is most wicked. • cgioooi^^,8^o^5, (iod is tlie greatest of Beings. proooiS, — oo^ootgi^oaiS^ooooi^bcSi. pS^icj^sasoo^S^juS^ ^i(j^^oso6^S^0 CR^^oonoS, oo^o8|^nooS©^QD5 asc^S, oj5|^. •c8ic85, — (from cSi fall, and c85 mutually.) equal ; aqS,c8i<^5ooi30i” the teacher is strong, equaling two of me, h% OoSo3(j^l, cSlcS'S, o^Ol^Cnobj5,OOO^G|o65o3C^, 0 l|^^ 01001 . • ‘“^i|,^c 880 o^oooi, c8ic85©!:8soo^|)Oi”. That person carries a load equaling two that I carry, or what two persons like me could carry. ® ^“fo^a3T^5|^ooc8ic85©o?oo^5co^,” three baskets of your Jraddy do not equal one of mine. Paired Yerbs. — oi^co:^^8S^cil3Qo^. 1101 ^ § S^cils ^ 9 ^ 0 1 ^COT 3300 b t o5 S3350I « I o 1 1 c8533 OOS , icoioo^S^ 6;oo^ocx)icoi oo^oSico^^i coo^ico^ibsscSs POiS§8^oD £»8 xc^ 5 wiosoosSoai, — cbic§3cbac8i,— ccio§Sc)i * 1 J oo a 9 ev550^u^, c8^, — — 03lo?^8^o§^, — aoiicSi^icSi, — cxjc&^oolcSi , — § b 29 b, — oo^ooS coi 809^ 00^ cgl , — «i x>^ oj ^ i loo^ r82,-oj^^ no 00^ co^oosno^iooSco ; §s5^^^xo^c8\. iici^8Slen|,S,c9xo3o^G8^boj^sc85a3o:g|^,o<^iTO'iiSi5oi^ooobS OSoSiODcSl, — 5o3X,CgX^_^^§39b, — ©SOO^CnXj^X, § 39 , o^oi^ooc^^SS^eD, 03gi^o^j3sd^S,c7^S^^. iioo^ojxooigSnooDi^ooSo^coooijcoioscoi^ ©noSoo, o^c6i§30i^c^xcoxj^x6oi^cSxa8c85a3DD«|)c8o3oS*c8x; 5 o8x, cgx|,^a 5 pooScoi 5 og^co^cgl, — 5o©2ooSo3oS«, cgx^^^o6^oo^coiS§g cg^oo^cglcSx. ucgx«^9xoxo1, 839, coicoSxboooxcSx, — Scesoo^oa oSa, cgxo^9xoxolS?839§iicx»xoo8xboooxc8x, — ©goo^i05<^i, 9101 , 839 , COXOo8x|,^,O^OlSa3cb^^5^5cSx. liO6^CO^COl5cg^CIO^cgl,5o0»OO^O3 oS8,o6pa:>^coi5B«cg^oo^9p, — ©800^03'^i,o6^§8(gl|,^o^ 01 ^ 88 ^ isl,OD^ 30^O^0X^©^O1J^5^5|,^c8i. •«xoDs5^^^8g oo^ooc8xo3ox o^g8^coi oi^SS^oTloacoi^exiBsoco^ C^XTOXjiBl5oi^5c89^03oS8c8x. nCgXCOO^Jl^g S^OS^Sosl, — ©800^03 o65c8i, Sic^ooil^osb^^^cSi; 5o3i,cx)OO^ooc88^8^ooao^ I saw a largish ship, i. e. larger than the ordinary size, though not the largest; ©8O0^a3^i,8^8^,o^03s o>o65,;^ootooc8. o^ioioi, quite a good person, though, perhaps, not the best ; ©sao^03(^\..oioi,o'^a;!Oto65,;^fj:;iyi, a^oj^^oo^8^ 8^oo(gi^o^ooi5,co^so^,ooc^o8488ooo6^^^^co^, You have built you a large house, to be sure ; but it is not equal, in size, to mine. ^o^^i8^8^, ooo^©^cB*^i8^8^, C 0^30^o8^e38^0001|_^fr!> cg^obSofl, You are a person of some importance, so am I ; but will the Governor favor us (on that account ?) Modes- 01^330^100(3^330^, « 1101^6; 00^ OQ(3 ^c 6 io 8 c 01 3Q6gO1^00l6^(730D5GoW.>1l, ~§a5i,oodbi,cx)OQobioQ^ 5 §;yioo^,ooposooSoo^i,— § -951,0310000^, c^iooot ; §;oo^is8^§?o^, OOOCiSsOOOS OD^0023no^lOO^,0^o5l,9^COC^100^,6;§^^^o8l | §SC30*|.l no 1^6: 'iG ^^^o6og^oo^,c^icn,ooo>‘ioo^c1 5 6;§;>^o8i. CO^30§3QCbS CC(3^ ?»lCOq^3Q6 IC0101^3Q0^1 c8i. Positive Mode. — SocoSspo^i. liO1^fe/800^©1^30l6'^.ODCoS^^^O^8©O0503O§‘lc8l ; 5 oIi,00£^^^1, ^ cS^oi, (^\ cB ^ o \ ; cx)30'J^^^co^oi,soog8^oo^oi,^toos8^oo^oi, — i>? ooSoa^i, osc^x, o^8eo65o3c^ic8i ; o^oso^Scbp, egcoissS^ 0^01, oooS^o^ox, ©8©i^ooio^xy^xc3;. Precative, or Imperative Mode. — goocoSgso^i. tl01^COl03COj5?)S§3«100^0^0X;ODgD800^0^0l, oS OOOoSoSC^XcSx ; 633x,<^x,cbx'^, cfcxo^b,cb\oo^, cbxaj^'^S, cbxoooo'l, cbiooox, cbiSx, — ©800^03(^i,cbxG3c^x,«^^occoSc»3c^ic8i ; 030^Scb^ ; qscbx^iox aao^cSi. I'opx^xaoo^, oo^jsooScoioaS^o^bo^ox, cxDiyioxosBSo^ ox, ©ge^rBscoiS ; §oli, Scxjcbxoooo^, S^xooox^^^ODcbxboonoS. Slippositive Mode. — oSoooSaoo^i. iic^xoi^esoo^gQ^is o^ocoos8iiG3B2CO^oo©i^soi, ooorgxo^xo;^^, o^So3c^xcci©8©o65aoo^xc8x ; 5oax, ^a^cr^^oo^Bs^occpSoD^bsccs c8x, — ©sooSo3C|j-i,a^^boo©2cc^) ooo^^co^bSH, ooB’CO^ ; o^o^Sexb c8u WXCO85^__p88CX^^03C^X03XO^©3® 005a5O^Xc8x. li^OlohooBl OieiXODXOOOpS ; ^yx«^OOCOC0^8gODOOCO^^pc8x, ©XOO^^X, 0X00 0^01 ^, ©8©Co5o9C^X. lUTg^og^, © 8 ©o 6 bQrac^x^^^cOjB 2 )s 6 >ioo^nooSxso 6 ^c 8 i ; osSjBoosoo o6j5, o^©8©oo5. oo^oarfexsoooo^, oS3©o6Soo§cSx ; 88 ooooi^oo 5 cx> c8 c 8 38 ^ CO 1 o 00 ^ 03 CO X [) © n , 8 8 s a 00 ^ 03 001 c 8 X . Interrogative Mode. — to^co^oo'jSsoo^i. li03p00^O005c3O^X^^jB00^2)28jc60g^00^c8l. iiOoSoSobSwi 03008 5o3x, — ^ cbxcfl ; oocbxoo^el ; co^«|xcci^cbxob^ ; co^w|xcoi^ oocbxcojBcc^ ; — B«oo^03<|^x,cbxca, cbxcb^, o^03j5oo^oo65o3o!^xc8x. iiOg^CgS, O3 ^OO^Oo6503C^103OO^o'|^, W^,c8^00«|Sc8x. tlu' c8p is rollo(iuial. ri iOacli Mode has Uvo Fpnns, the Affirmative and Negative. M39o^ioQ'3^i3S^§:3Q§36iq5q5o8i ; s^oi^yogSG^^ OQ 6 1 ,§ :^.o o 5 5 3 ?Boq.6 io8t . 3Q01 ^WOd 5§. ODObl, aDG|^q^8<^ioDi, COcbTOO, 0 ' ^8 ®cj 653 ;c 8 't. \ 03c^\,ngS, 08 ^ 8^00 no^, iioiS^o^S, f cb\oonoS, 0£TOOpScra I q8cblCX31000c5, j (S^cbaoooonoS [ cbiog^oono^, I ^o^c^iSs, e3eoo5o3 "9v ^o^q^?obiooi§<, soc6Syj9. ODOOOilCD^. ooq«cbicoico^. OOCvblOOOOOD^. odooc^io^^odS. odoo 8 ^^,^^\co^. , 08^008^00 oo^co^. 8 lO\(X 8^026 00 ^'. cblOOOT. qJcblODlOOOI. jSscbl 300001 . T o • pbicg^oooi. ^0^00 obi co^8». ^oSooqzGbico^ooiS?. ^cbi 0^00 cc 00 ^ 3 ?. ^ oocbiog^ CQ^ Ss. ^oo^ico^dl ; oocbioo^cb^. £»^0 O^OOo 5 03 0^1. I ^obiQ^ooSi, I f gobicl ; cbicb^ I ^j>scbiooicl ; q?cbooii^^, ^ooq^?cbiooicob(fl ; <{ poq<^icoSooi(i)^. j ^^loocl ; cbioocb^, ^pbioooooo^ol ; oooocb^. [ ^cbing^cl; ccic^'icb^,^oocbiog^CDp(fl ; 00 — co^cb^. Tenses. — oi^sqsgqoI. IIOO^GQWICOI 3QOO^0;§SO-i^5^,O^ QSOGQOl 3^001 3300 ,c8^o8i. nooo^^owioo^, 058^00^, o8!00^,ooq^co^, o 8^00^0Co53S^8s35D30Sn5cOlSo8l. Il0l^33033Sp5^O '‘^ieJ33201C^^01cb^6l ; §06S00^33 c8s sloocgl, Aorist ; olo3i, Present; aloi, Past; ^gpldl, Future; oToi^pol, Second Future. The last involving, as it does, a compound sentence, i§ not introduced into the Paradigms. A or ist . — o1 ooc^1 33 o^. Hoo^escoioocj^ cbic«jjooo^^|5, cgicbcoioscbab, o^oacbiboosl^ (^^^^^ooc^'lco^. !'«ioos§|, 5§«, obaa^toasT, o^^oocglcSi. The specific time may generally be ascertained with sufficient defini- teness by the attending circumstances. The Aorist may be past, present, or future ; except in the Precative Mode, in which it may be either present, or future. Present— si 331330^. noo^®?coia 3 G|^^cbr^alx,coGj^cbiQg, Sso^^oi^coioa^^too^oodSoo^ 0«CDjB, OOgS^OOcB^OSCO^. liOO^0iCOlCO6|^OO5|^^cbx ^oo^^nax, cbxOioa>9T;^^oax, — esooSooe^oa^x, cbxoasl, «^a1oaxc8x. , Past. s16i330^. n o ©8 cox oa cfe X CO ,c 6 x 6 X ,cb I ox CO , §8 o ox ^ cox 03 obx ^ ^x ngSco c 8 x, iioxoo 85 ^^^ 8 ?cbxoaxoa 3 l,o^^oxc 8 x. !ico^sojB,oacbxoo^oraoT o^(j^xngS§cB5« 1 — 1 s f-» 0 ^ — s 5 i 0000«lo6^b03lXp ^OOOl ^IWOl — — 61 OOOOyTOiCO^OO^CO^ ^ooyios — ^100«108--. 5^1 — • oooowicoiaco^oo^oo^ ^ooyicou — ^l 00 «lC 01 l-“ oo 3o:oc 6 1 o:) ^ CO 6 1 30 8 5 . .iriiATIOX. Simple Vcrl),~ 7V«/»s. Ol, OOl ^1— Ol — SoooSsory^i. 33O1 ^«o 5530§.- o«x — 6^01 — (yico^oi— o«i 0^01 — (^ICO^Ol— ooio5 — 0001 CO — ^loo^oico— ’ OOOOl — ct^nooi— ^lOD^OOOl—^ ^^oooSooS. ooouicoS— 1 0^0001 co^ — ^lOO^OOOlCO^-^ ooowi — 6^0001— ^100^0001 — 000013? — 0^00013? ^100^000l3?-i-= ooooicon — 0^0001 con — ^1 op ^00 Ol ccn-=^ OOUJI^OI^ yi— Precative Mode.— Affirmative. — slcot^l 5cx)oio5^oorc^ «UX!^^ S^XWIOO^— i — s5i 5 CO y 1 o6 ^ ^ 3310000^ yioo^^^osi — S^xyioo^^ooi-^ ■ — 6i The nature of the case does not — -5oo«x CO ^ ooco^ yioo^^^gl — • 5^x«xoo3^03l- Negative.— sloOt^T (Scoo^cowioopoooi «xu6^^ — S^x3ij|00ai — 25i §ooo^ocyio6[5^olioooa yioo^"^ — <2^1000001 — — -6i ■5coc0ooyicoiico^crooi ^o^ooyt — 5yiO0OOOX — Jiemarks ; may he used for the plural ; ot), or csb, is often used for the 3rd pers. There are various ways of indicating the Modes aird Tenses, as ^oavmaybe indicated by cod|^03i. «s oooi oo^bco|p03i, or 5«, os ooovosoo^ 1 am building. cx)«i o«oo^Q3 do. ^oi may be indicated by 6i, or by 6ic6, as oo«vo6^6xco i. c. I have finished buihling. We may say oooowioo^^^l, or — ^cS5, or — 3(20^1; or ^ 0 Dlooooato 6 ^, — ^rB 5 eooo«u»^, — sxj 0 DloDnoyi(jo^. oToai Negative; Wc may say bcotoooowioo^OD^, or — ooui co^co^cc^. slot use “ “ ooiwxoo^oooxoo^ or — oootoscop i. e. f have not done building. “ “ ^^Hodooui con cxi^co^, or — conoc^oo^ co^; or oooowtconco^^galco^. ‘^SS or ajpal may be ‘d instead of at the beginning or end of the phrase.- coSjgf)^^. OOl — ^cocx5S35a^i, - - Ol — < J WlOD^Ogb (Syiopg'yxoo^ — 5o«100fSb331 — «10Dj5D^bb03V 5y\oo^«xco^bo3i— admit of a past Precati ve or Imperative. oion^cobbggl — ^^oo65. 5ooc>oo«a — c «xo6^ogb — 5^X00 ^'ogoowi-— 'Soogoool — uxoo^ogb — S^XOD^egOOOX 5oogooot a^cx^ooyi — fi^xoo^cgocoi Remarks on Prccative Mode : We may say instead of bo3i, The ^ and b may be omitted in the 2nd Peis. bgeTal “ or ajjgpT or >oS5 with, or instead of con, §1 is sometimes at the end of the Precat ive Phrase in-^ stead of 5 at the beginning in familiar conversation. Tiie simple verb is often used imperatively. cooo^, when used in commanding still implies persuasion, cooi, in the negative form of the Precative or .Impera^ live, still means, not good, not proper, 6cc. co may be used, before the verb in each of the Pre. Affir. tenses. These remarks on the variations, dec. must be con-= sidered applicable (more or less,) to the corresponding Modes and Tenses of ail the Conjugations, COD P 00101101^ ^1— Ol — - Suppositiy e Mode. — Affirmative.— odo^«io6^ ^IV^Ol — lol cxjo^wico^boai ^»^oi . — 6i odo^oic6cC|5co ^W^WICO ^1 0^01 CO— 0^1 — ^0^01—^ ^i|^oi— V Neg-ative. — ©1 00(^1 ooq^oo«ico^o6^ ^O^COWl ^lO^OOWl SOI 03 OOW'lCO ^o6 ^ ^ 031 ^«^00«1 — ^1«^03«1 — oi 03 » ^ 00 O 1 9 3 CO ^ CO ^ ^o^ooci — ^lO^iOOOl ocy^oocioo^^gToo^ ^o^oooa-^ i^lU^OOOl — Interrogative. — plCQC^I o^oooioojBol Affirmative.— O^^ut — g 1 0^^101 ffil SOI «^o3«ioo^^a3icl G^^«l — gT yl^iyi — cl 6l wVoooico^cocl o^^yi— g1 y^^iyi — sT dgl— O^OOODWlCQjBGl o^^oowi — dl y^yiooyi — cl ©1co-'^1 oocowicojBco^cT ^xoi — cc^cfl Negative, — ^looyi — co^cl SOI oooooioo^^O^ico^gI ^oooi — ^looyi — “ — 6i 03000l0809^00^?a ^ooyio* — “ yiOOylCS — ■“ 03 00 0 1 OO ^ ^ 0^ 03 ^ (?1 ^C0«1 — “ ^looyi — oo :o oci — Ol — dSoOoS 300^1. odoi^wcoSoq^* oo^ui — ^lOD^aSai— * o «l o«^«io5 — o^«S«\co— «ic6-“ o oo^«i • — ^ioo^o^ai-“ ^^ocoS. OO^OOttl — 0^0^0001 ^'too^w^ajwi— oo^oowi O£O^O0»l — ^loo^o^ooai — oo^oo«i— O^«^;00ai — y\CC^«^CO«l — “ 9 qQ^O^Q-L — cx^w^ocai — ^lOO^O^OOUl — f?if)aD^oa353Qa^i. 03C31^Wc653Q§. g^owi — a^o^ai — c{) oSool — resent time. 6i ooo^wioo^ov or oicc, or ODwioo^a^oi If, or when, I I\avp finished. — For ^031 we may say or ifBS. and sxjj^T may be put first, as — aloai Neg. We may say ^03ioDo^oo«v, or — We may use ccoi alone or with ^0j1, sxjjgp* oDO^oooiconoop or eXjjglooo^oowiccnco^. ^Ifi 10061. 01 — 001 50O1^Wo6S3Q§. CC^0|1^1 — cG^o^to — ^^oooSooS. — — ^1— 01 — -y — ■y — ■ -o — -y — 01 oo^«|ia£— o^- --9103^ -^acof— =^^1C0^ 9103^ CO — L - 9133^ Inten'ogatives may be used witlioul oS. The remarks bn the tenses of tlie other Modes may be applied to those of the Interrogative, coi may be inserted after co^w^i. 0^030^5 may be used for the 2nd Interrogative instead of co^oga, tlms, o30coico^oDj5o^030^5cb|b. There is another Form of tlie Interrogative implying affirmation, as ODavoo^ob^ Did I not build a house ! These Remarks must be considered as more or less- applicable to the corresponding Modes and tenses of al¥ tlie Conjugations. r>n SECOND CON j. oi^o^oiJ Positive Mode. — Afiinnative. — OO 101^01^ ^1— Ol sTloot^l ODO yxo — OD«0S ^O — ' yxo — • — - 6i ODOCO ^o— <^xo ogl— oaooo ^ — ^1 — Negative. — ‘ ®1 00(^1 OOOOoCO^ ^000 ^xooo — 95i 03000^03100^ ^00 o — • ^lOOO 01 CX3 0003300^ |OOo— ^ ^lOOo — ^^0000 OCO^ -?!000 ) -yxooo-^ Precative Mode. — Affirmative. — sDooc^l 5cX)ooono^ 6^ — 5^10 — 25i Sooo^osioorj^^ (S^^lO — o Ol 0^1 — 5ooooo oooo^ s>- 5^1000 — t Negative. — sDooqjl Sooo^ooicooi ^0^000 — 5^X0^000 — 9Sl 5oOOi^ 000^03X0001 ^oi^ooo — • 5^X0^000 ■ 6t ©2^1 si SoDO^OOob^OOOl o»^ — o ^.ocoSs^S. « ow^ooo— ^ o aja^ooo — co^ooo — o?«^ooo — "^icc^a^ooo 00^000 njo^ooo — ciooSo^oou- J O 1 O ijo^ooo — o a^o^oO'j — r» c o 'oioo;:oicc'j J « i o ss^cc^cy^ooSaonf^i. 30c3i^yc653Q§. 0^0 «^o^_ .0^^100^— «^OB o^ajy — «^^iCO^O — gSoo — o'^o^o — G^^IOO^O o^ocow — o «S a^ooG — -0^^100^00 — ;>^Oc 653 Q'^. oooo — 0^000 — '^lOOjBoOO — oooo — 0000 « — 9100^000— oaoo — - OipCOO — •-^lOO^OOo — UCOti — cyooS — yioo^oos — THIRD CON asoo^r^i^S oi^e^oij — — toc8io6^oo?. §^ 1 ^ 001 ^. OOIOI^OT^ ^ 1 — Ol — Positive Mode. Affirmative.— oloot^ occbaob ^ ^ ^x b 551 OD^lOSC^ ^ ^ ^1 — b Ol oDc^icoob dr (^c 6 ^ ^ or '^co yx — b or bc 6 a^lsT] coro^icb (jX — b Negative. — s”looc^ (X>oo^iCb^o5 ^x — b 551 ^33ioooocbac»^cb — ^x — b 6 l O300OblQ8CO^l^ yx — b OOOOcbxCOlTCOp;i> 9 X — b Precotive Mode. — Affirmative. — ®"lcOC^l ^ODcbioboono^ — b^x — b — 551 5cocbiob^03ioc»oo^ cbx"^ — ^^xcbxb — 3^1 ol ^oD^io^^golcooo^ cbx'^ — byxc^ib — Negative. — s)33C^"l 5ooajoo 1 1 4 ^ tS 0 t ^1 — oi — oSoo6533C7^r. sqotSwoqSgqB. oo^ — ob o 0 ^ 0 ^— o-b Cl 00^0^ — b oo^ — ob — o 0 ^ 0 ^ — a^b — otoo5o^ — b — J 1 o oo^ — ob o ojo^— o^b — b — oo^ — ob o — cx^o^— o^b — — b oo^ — ob o ci^oS— a^b — oo^ — ob o — o^oWojb — c^ico^o^ — b OO^ ob 0 C^o't— cx^b yiOD^O^ b oa^ — ob^ 0 ^ 0 ^ — cob — b TO^co^ocoSsso^ 1 . 3Qoi^yo653;^S. — o — obiT — 0 ^ CXjbcl — 91 - '->3^ — bcsl — o — obsl — c^ — o^bo^ — oc-^ — bdl — o — obc5(fl — oj — o^bc 6 (f) — ^ ICC p — boBcl - — o — obsl — 00 — opbcl — yT-Oit ^ — bsl ^^oo5Ss:;9. — u — obcoScsl \ — o:^ — o^boo^cgl — oxccS — boD^cl — o — ob OJ ojb '^icgP b — o — ob Ok^ — o^b ^MCof b — o — ob — c»^ — oob — ^ — ^^00 S — b— 2nd Inlerrog. co^a|ioD!^i;^cbp, &c. cx>5o^aoooocbiobco^ &.C. ODC^iyb03O^5cb^, &C. OOOOOblOD^C^3S0^5cb^. sTloO'v^n o6o^oocbitJ^obco^ o5l ooo^oocbio^ob^oSioSp 6l ODO^OOCblQSO^obCO^ 3^1 cD oDw^ooc^icono^oicop Negative. Interrogative Mode. Affirmative. sTIOOC^ o^oDcbxapo&ol 9Dl O^oocbio^obioaiol 6l O^ODcbl'O^obcOCl' 5^1©! ^oooocbiopobdf O^oooocbio^obco^al Negative. s5l O^CXD00(^10^0b^0?lC0^(j1 — I — 0^^ — — 6i O^oooocbiost^co^ol — ^ — 0^"^ — ^p^sD’ ^o:>ooc^icoTio^cbcop^. ^1— 01 oSoOoSsQO^l. — oab — — ob — -OJ- — cobao^ — — 05 b — — ob — •- 0 ^- — cobco^ — — oab — — ob — - 0 ^- — ooboD^ — — asb — — ob — - 0 ^- — coboo^ — ^^Oo653Q§. — oab — ob — cobao^ — aab — — ob — — cobao^ — 03 b — — ob — — cobao^ — — osb — ob — cob 03^ s5 ^ OC^ 0 ooSsD i . !3;:01^Wc6533§. — osb — — ob — -CXJ- — coboo^ — Q3b — ob — - 0 ^- — coboo^ — — osb — — ob — -op- COboD^ — cob — — ob — — 0 ^— — cobao^ — — 33 b — — ob — -aj- — cobapp — — 03 b — — ob — -a^— CoboD^ — cob — — ob — -a?- Goboop — —03b — — ob — -a?— ■ — osbap^ — ooa co5(g^o^. SEVEN CONJUGATION, 0300^.>^1^5, OiWjO^[), ypioi^Oi^ — Positive Mode.-^ Afffrmatiye.— ^ ©Hoo^p oDq^?cbid3i f- SQl O3q^8cbT0S£^10? f— • — Ol. oDqscbicof^ico f— 5 ©n oo noqscbi Negative.— ©Icoc^l ooooq^?cbicops^aco^ y— — €©1 oDooj^scbu^i^olioo^ § — 1 — 6l oDooq3cbio?c^iCDp ©^^©1 oDooq^scbTC^ib^nco^ Precative Alotle. — ^ Afiiriaative.-~r ©Tooqp oooq^^iG^iooop^ qscbicSi^ — 5D1 5o3£^8cblf^l^C»1000oH ©0pn©7 5oDq8cblG§T^goOoOOO^ q«->— Negative. ©Hooc^ SoDa^ooqsc^iG^iooox s5i (Sooojooq^scbtdBa^osioooi ^^©1 §o3o^a:-q«cbi£^'i^^1ooot .Causative. r^eooSgsc^S. 01'^^. 000 ,co5g^ (01I. Ol 00 .“ ^l — Ol — ■ .8oo3Ss3c7^i, i GQoi^wooSs;'^. 0 — ap- — ^1— 0 — ap- ^tapf— ^1— 0 — ap- c;i— 0 — ap- (pXDpf— ^^,Oc6533§. yl- 0 — ap— ^xoo^ — ■yl“ 0 — ap- ^lOPp— ^1— 0 — ap— ^lapp- ^1— 0 — op- (pxap^— §‘aoc653Qo5 !'• 330nSyo5533§. 5^1 qs — Soq^s — qtobid§i cp^-^- ScpiooSq^s— — ^ q^s — apb — S^xcofqs— (S^iqs — — q? — apb— S^xap^c^?— ^^OCoSsqS. 5^1 — Soap — opap- S^xop^ap — - .5^10^ — Soap— L. apap- S^nopfap— 5^1 aj — Soap— apap- S^xoppap— Rem. ap as a part of the Free. Neg^. is sometimes omitted fn the 2nd persons. t)00 Co50^c=)^. §^ 1 ^ 001 ^. 00101 ^ 01 ^ Suppovsitive Mode.— Affirmative. — ©icoc^n 03 Aq^scbidBi ■■ — ^5i CD q? cbi dBi ^ gSi — 6i ODo^qsobicocSiw V O ©0DIQ 1 oo o pq^sobi d?x ^ g^l Negative. — ©loo^j^n 03 CO qs cb X iiB 1 CO p — c6i 030^ ooq^scbxj^i^f^ico^ — 6i 03 ooq^scbx 6i <^ico^ 5^1©! 03 o^ 00 qs cbx g 8 X b pci CO ^ Interrog ative Mode.— “ Affirmative. — oicoc^n AooqscbxcStcH — 5©i o^ ooqscbx c8xbo3x cT — 6i o^ 03 q3 cb X c8 X cc (sl ©pDi©n w^conoqsicbxoBxcl Negative, — ©1ooc^1 0 ^ o30oqtcbx cSxco ^c1 — — «^o30oq8cbx sSxboSxco ^c1 01 o^ 03 ooqx cbxox X 03 pcH o0Dn©n o^ 03 00 qx cb X X b poT 00 ^ g1 0^1 Ol OOl — 8 oOo 53 QC 7 ^ 1 . gqoi^'wcoSgq?. ^l— Ol — oo^ — o 9Xo?f«'i— — oo^ o OJO^- 91a po^— — oa^ — o o^a^i— yxxpa^— Oa^ — o gxooSo^ — J 0 i 0 ^^oooSsqS. ooS — 0^0^ — ^i«^- oo^ e a^oT— 9x00^0^ — oa^ — o c^o^ — OTO^ — oo^ — Jo o s 5 ^ 00^ O 00 5 33 1 . 33 ( 31 ^yo 65338 . o?o^ — oiooSo^ J ole — 0^0 — o a^co — L O^^xxf— o^^x— G'^IO «^oo — O L O^yiopf— 0^0 o 0^09 — a^ic^x^^— o^^x— K^o 0^09— aS^xoof— ^^OOOSSQ?. Q^^X— 0^0 — o 0^0^— o^^xorf— «^^x— 0^0 — o o^9ia;>^— o^^x — 0^0 e o^oxodS — 0 J 0 1 oS^x— 0^0 — o 0^9x00^ — y. B. Interrogative forms, with cb^, see 1st. Conjugation, tOj- EIGHTH CONJUGATIOX. OSOO^C^X^S Oi oiSooob^,c8ero55 uoioAoi^ — Positive Mode. — Affirmative. — sHooc^l ooqscbiob — c?5i ^031CX3q?cbl(Xi bo3i^ — 01 00!^?cbxi^c6 f — ^ V ^ 0^13 1 oDooq^?cbiai Negative.— ©1co!:^"l oo CO!^? cb 1 ob CO p ^ ^ — SOI cx) 00 q 8 ob'L c3b b 03 1 00 5 — 6i ooooqgcbiobcsco^ o0d1o1 ODOOq^cbl CO^ Precative Mode. — Affirmative.- ©Hooc^"^ 5oDq«noq8 cb i ob oo ooS qscbi'^b^l — Negative. — o0d1o1 (Sooo^ooqscb 1 ob 00 oi SOI 5oo cx^ooqs (^1 obbosxoooi 5ooa^ooq^«obiob^gDl9i >- t coSjg^u^. 00^ Causative — Enipliatlc. 030^5 ; oi|^ — nocSioo^OD*. e^S^i^ooi^. Ol OOl — oi — 8ooo53go^i. 33(31 ^yo65 3^8. — b o — ob — a^b ^ncop— b — — b — o — ob — aj — a^b r-» 1 — s0d1©1 ODO^qicbldb^gol ^ '^-_ qIgqc^I ooo^ ooq? TO 1 6 b CO ^ Negative. — — tK)i OD 00 q^gcb 1 6 b ^ GO 1 CO ^ — 6i 00 ooq^« cbi 6 b 38 CO ^ oo 00 q ^8 cbi bgol CO ^ • ©loot^n Interrogative Mode.— Affirmative. — ooq^s^l 6 b 61 — Y — ^ — — s5i ooq^ 8 cbi 6 b^C!Oib — — — b — • — 0 — ob — — 0^ — o^b — ;>oo 6530 §. — — b — -o-ob- — — — “Ck^b— " — ^iodS — b — (^X — b — — 0 — ob — — Ok^ — o^b — — yi — b — — 0 — ob — — oc^ — Ok^b — C. 1 CO.S b J 0 1 — ^1— b— — 0 — ob — — 09 — o^b — — 9103^— b— Rem. This 8th Conjugation is analogous to the 3rd of Sim- pJe Verbs. NINTH CONJUGATION OPOO^C^T^S g. 01^000^^, §^ 1 ^ 001 ^ c^ioi^oiS SI oi — • Positive Mode.— ' Affirmative.— sTlcot^l opqgcbiopjiBx ^i_ — s5i O0q?cblQ^£^l^03X ^1— o .•^Ol ooqscbio^dSico, or 6ic6 ^1— ^0d1sT1 ODCrDl^8<^19^d3x 9^— Negative. — ©looc^n oDooq*cbi o^d^i CO p t^i— — s5i oocoq[8 obi 9^a3i ^ oax CO p (j)i— 0 — oi CX)00q3OblQ^d3l08CO^ yi— 03 OOJ^? cbl 9^ £8i ^ gol CO ^ Precative Mode.— Affirmative,— ©loQL^l 5 xiqs cbi9^£Sioooo^ 5^1 — —GDI 5ooq?cbi9^G8i^gaiooTOS ^ — 5^1-^ 5oO 00 q3 cbl 9 ^ 1 0000 ^ 5gi — Negative.— ®1oOc^1 5oocxjooq3obi 3^g8i 00 ot ^0^ — SylOi^ — ^g5i Soooi^ooqgcbi 9^£^^ i^ooioo 01 — Syio^ — 5^1 — ^ooo^ooqjcbio^sQib^loooi 501 co50f)w^. Causative, with before the objective. qgcbic^cSt- rP)so5Scj;o55 ; ooi|^ ;— e^S^'i^OOn^. ooi — 8006633 0 ^ 1 . !30C5i6wc6533^. ^ 1 — 01 0 — OJ- ^103^— 0 — OJ- ^ 100 ^ — ■ 0 — 0 ^- 0 — OJ- ^pooSaQ^. 0 — o^- t^xeq^— 0 — o^- qxo^^— 0 — 0 £- qxoo ^ — 0 — QcoooSsso^i. 3Q0^6yc653^9. 0 ^- ^103^— &0- 0 £- S^\oo3 — 5o — aj>- SqxcqS— ’ 5o — a?— soooSsqS* 5ooj — ^iv— — c^qt— 5<^aoo^oo — — a^qg-. 5^100^0^--^ 0310 - 1 ^ 01 ^ Slippositive Mode. oiocc^n cx)o^q?cbT.opj^i Affirmative soS 7 o Sdl ^031 — o • — oi oo qscbi 0^ c6 — O0d1 — 00 qa cbi 3 1 ^ gol s1cO(|[l OD ooq^scbi 3^d3i 03 15 Negative. ^»S— — K>1 oo ooGjcbi 9 ^gSi ^oSi 00 ^ — 6i ooB^ocqscbio^d^ioacop oDo^coqscbio^G^i^glco^ Interrog ative Mode. sHoo'oijl o^ ooqs cbi 0^ 1 cs1 Affirmative. — oo q^ C^l 3 ^ dS 1 03 1 dl — 6i 00 qsobi 0 S gS 1 c3 g1 s. . «'?— ooooqscbicScSiGl aS^— ooooqscbi oS dSico ^(sl Negative. - — (?5i 00 ajq< cb 1 9 gS 1 ^ 03 1 CO ^ c) — 6i ooooq* cbi 9 ^g3i08 00 ^ cl sgji— o^ooooq^^i 3^dSi^0loo^e1 0*1 ^ — oi — . — OSOCOSSQO^^- oo^ o oo^ oo^ — o o«^ — ^^OOOSCQ^. oo^ — i^^xoS- oo^ — o — oo^ — o 00^1 o Ol — C^ol — a^.o'l— o^oH— ^aa' ^aV O-uS- o^eS— 0^0^ — cx^o^i— o 5 ^CO^Oc 65300^1. 3;'(3n^Wc6533S. 6^01 0*10 — G^aj- G^Cj»130S— “ o J O^^T. 0^0 o oSo^— G^OlCoS — • o j • r G^ca — O L G^^lOjf— 0^0 o G^— gS^iodS— SOOCoSsQ^. O^o o G^— g^^iod^— «^^i— 0^0 — o G^CO o L G^ OlOcS o j o r 0^01 — G^O gSco e L G^^lCO^ — • o J G^O » G^O^— G^^icc^-— OJO Q05(g^w'^. SDl 6 l dpol— ol ODqfl s 5 i 01 O0d1 — TENTH CONJUGATION, oaoo^c^t^S, 00. oi^ooc^^, ooicn^Oi^ — Positive Mode. — Affirmative. — OO^S^cblODODS CO^ S ^ cb 1 CO 00 « ^ 03 1 OO^S^cblOOODSCO oo^coS^obiooooi OO^ 00 8^ cbl 03 00 ?oo ^ oo^ooS^cbioocc^boaicop 00^ Oo8 jS cbl OO 00 ? 08 CO p co^ co^ 00 8^cba 00008 b 0oH |OOS ^008 ^008 ^X8 Negative. — ^008 ^008 ^008 — ^ 00 * Precative Mode.— 5oo^ oo 8 ^ cbico OO 8 Affirniative.— ^008 Negative.— ^OC 8-~~ 5oO^Oo8^cblOO 008^^10001 Causative. Object of tlie 1st part of the predicate made by x>j. r8so65c^c}^^ ; ' 01 X 8 . Ol oci — m — 8oo553Q"T^i • — OOD.'DS — 0 X 8 OJ>X 8 — xboo^xxs os 008 — 0X8 — OJ>X 8 — xbo0^03X8 OT008 — 0 X 8 — 09 X 8 — 03bx^Q3X8 — 3300^ — 0X8 — 0 ^X 8 — 03^00^03X8 soajSg;)^. 03008 — oxs CQXS L — 03bx^03X8 — — 03 COS — 0X8 09 X 8 L — C3bo0^03XS — 03 008 0 X 8 0£X8 — C3boo5o3X8— 0 1 — 03008 — 0X8 — 0^X3 03b00|S03X3 ^COCOSOQO^I. GQOI^WOoSx — 03X8 0X8 — C 9 X 8 — G3bcC|5o3X* — 33XS — OXS 0 ^X 8 — osboojBosxs — Rem. Strictly all Precatives have regard to the future, be- cause sve do not ask for that which v,^e have already, yet in most of the Conjugations the Pres, and Aarist forms may be used. The Imperative admits all the forms of tense except the Past ; The proper imperative is not admissible in this 10th Conjugation. This conjugation is analogous to the 5th. oG ^j'i c65j^^(o)9 COIOI^OT^ ^1 Slippositive Mode. Aifinriative qIooc^I coSo^SScbioooos o r — ^008 231 OO^ 8 ^ cbl OD OO iS ^ 33 1 — ^008 — 6i 00^1 S^cbi oocosco — ^008 5pDl — 00^ O^SScbl 00 008^0) — 5008 Negative. sico'^n CO^ oS OC Spcbl 00008 00 |S 5008 — s5i OO^^OoS^cblOO 008^00100^ 1008 01 00^ « Wj 8 Sobl OO CO 8 C8 CO S O 1 i ^008 igji— OoSo^OoS^cbl OO 005^.001 co^ — fOO£ Iiiterrog ative Mode. Affirmative. sD 00(^1 o^oo^S^cbioocos^- oi — coi — oi — oSocoSsoo^i. 33131^ Wo6537»8. 330D* — OOD? — 0^X8 — xbxSxxs O \ 35CO? — — OOD8 — — 0^X8 — — xboo^xxi — — 0300* — — ooos — OJX8 — xbooSxx* — CJ3O0* — 0008 — — 0^X8 xbopj5xX8 — ^^oooSgo^. 030C3 — 0008 — — o^xs — — xbop^03X8 — 03008 — 0008 ^0^X8 — oobop^xxs — 03008 — 0008 — 00X8 — — xbx^xx? — 03008 0008 — o^xs — — xbx^oox* — 3? ^ 00^0 coSaQ 1. 33c3T^yo6533§. — 03008 — — 0008 — 0^X8 — xbop^G3XS — 03O0S — — 0008 0^X8 — — xbco^xxs — 03008 0008 OJX8 — xbx^XX8 — 03X8 — 0X8 O.'^XS — — G3bcp^XX8 ■;^,oc6533§. XX8 — 0X8 — — ^0^X8 — Gsbop^XXS XX8 — 0X8 00X8 — xbxpxxs — 03X8 — 0X8 0^X8 — — xbop^XX8 — 03X8 — 0X8 — - — o^xs — xbop^G3X8 — ELEVENTH CONJUGATION. i 09 . oi^ooc^^. — §^' 1 ^ 001 ^. 03101 ^ 01 ^ Positive Mode.— . i\flirinative. — •- ooobToi — ^olaoD^ioo O' -f— o Ol oocbxooco o f— ODcblOOCX) o* Negative.' slco'^l (XDcbxoococc^ 201 ^G31CX)cbxOOX co^' ^ — 01 COcbxOOOOG?CO^ igl— CX) cbl 0030CO P — f— Precative Mode. Affirmative. ©loOC^l Soocbioooooo^ o o — 201 (S CX5 cb 1 OJ ^ 03 1 00 oo^ --f— 5^1— 5 OD cbt 03 b goH OOOO^ — f— Negative. o slooc^l Soocbl CQOOCO 00 oi too — 1>— 201 SoDcbx ajoooobo3xoom — Soocbi apoooo b^loo ox Go50f)wS. I^tential Relation. c^tco. poo^jljosc^,— oj5|p. 01 OOl— : c^S^n^ooiS. oi — SoooSaQo^i. 2Q'v31^«Oq 53Q§. yi— o — (j\ — — o — -OJ- — ^lODf— ^ 1 — o— CVJ- — o — 9^^?— ^.oooSssS. • — o =^- r 0 ( 1 1 -o^- — 9?=^?- — o — a^— ^ 100 ^ — — — o — 0OOOd53OO^I. 33oi^yo653Q§. — — — 0 — — ^tcoS — —^— -aj- _o- — D^— — 910 ,;.^— ^Oo6533§. —^ 1 — —o— - OOlOT^OlS 8uppositive Mode. — Affirmative. — sDcoc^l tocbiu^co 9D1 ^oaioccbio^oo 9 • — f— — 6i 00 cbl.0^00 CO O O — igloDcbiu^oo K’egative. — olcot^l oocbioScoooco^ f— !?5i OO cb T O 03 ^ CO 00 CO S — 6i CO cbl OOOO 0 i CO p OD cbl b 00 ooco ^ InteiTO gative Mode. — Affirmative. — ©1coc^1 o^oocbioosl o ® -^— — s5i c» (^>1 00 b 03 1 gT O 0 o 01 oSoDcblCOCCc) 5^1 — O0<^1O3COgT Negative. — sHcoqp o^oo cbTooogco ^gI — b 03T oocbi ooooco ^ gT — ?— o — oi oocbi ooooojco^gI — f— - ^golo^oocbioooooo^cT —r- CO Ol oo:— ^ ^l — 01 — o 3 oo 6533 o^i. 3301 ^yCx 55 338. 0 — =^£- -c;x-^ — 0 — ^1- 0 — 9 ^^ 7 r— -^1- — 0 — -910:^— ^^ocoSgq?. ^1- 0 — 9 ^— 0 — ^1- 0 — 9 ^^?— ^1- 0 — K) ^ 00^ O 00 5 33 or^ 1 . 3301 ^yodS 33 §. -^1- — 0 — — C 9 — OIO0S j 0 r -^1- — 0 — -c^- — ^ico^ — -^1- — 0 — -cx^- -^1- — 0 — -a^- —9^=9?— ^^oooSgoB. -^1- — 0 — — 00 — L -^1- — 0 — -^1- — 0 — —^— — 0 — -aj- — ^T-CC^ Sjft TWELYTII CONJUGATION; a1 00(^1 — f?5i — 6i 5pd1 — otioo^c^i^S oj. 01^000^^; — ocopj|j §’^1^001^. 03101^01^ Positive Mode. — Affirmative.— o^cblco^ oicbio'M^c?3i 01(^1 CO 05 a CO cooicbioDi — ^1— — ^1— sDcoqp 531 — 6i 50d1 — oooicbicoioo^ OOOIcbTOOl^ollCO^ OOOl cbl QSCO^ODICD^ a; 01 cbi con CO ^ 00 T CO p Negative. — — ^1— — ^1— — ^1— —^1— t Precative Mode. si CO'^1 (SoooicbTOOioonoS Affirmative. -^1— SOI 5 00 o l cbl -00 1 ^ 03 1 OO 00 ^ — ^1— 5g1 — 5 o 3000 1 cbiooioono^ — ^1— olooc^'l 5oS OJ 00 O \ 1001 coot Negative. — fl— SOI 5 02 CXJOO 01 ^1 OD 1 ^ 03 1 00 01 — ^1— agl — 5 03 O^ 0001 cbl con 00100 oi — fl— CO OJQ t*otciitial : Nom. after the Verb. oacbl. 030^5 ; — 6i^a3cc8a8^ccTOi^03c8^5. oi — oo\ — SoOoSsQO^l. 33f3'i^yc653?9. ^l— oi — — c3i — — 9 x 00 ^' — g 8 i — — — — ^XODf— — :iSi^ — — — a*> — L — ^ 1 ^ 00 ^ — (^1 — Ol J 5>Oo3S3Q§. >• — g 8 i — — -c^- -exj- — ^xopp— — sSi — — ^x — — 9^^?r— ' — c 8 x — — (^\ — -OJ- — ^icop— 0COo653QO^I. 33C31^wc6S3Q§. — g 8 x — — ^x — qSi -^Ql - 0 ^- — ^ico^ — — c^x — — ^x — ^^ocoSgqS. ^lOD^ — dSi — — ^x — — O?— — 9 x 03 ^— — cSx — — — — a?— ^loop — — t^x — — ^x — — • 0^0' cooQ^y^ §^n^ooi^. ooioi^onE) SI Slippositive Mode. — Affii’inative. — 00(^1 oSoicbiooi o « —^1 — s5i Q^oicbicxn^oli o * — ^1— o — Ol Q^Ol^lCOOOl O O —^1 5.^1— o^oiobio:)!^^'! — ^1— Negative. — 0^0001 cblCO^ODl —^1 231 OO Ol cbl ODT. ^ 031 CO ^ — e • Ol o^oooic^ioscoScoi o • r —^1 0^ oool cb 1 001 ^ gsl CO p — ?1— interrogative Mode. — Affirmative.— sHcqc^P Q^oaoicbicoi — ^1— 231 33 0 1 cb 1 OO 1 ^ 03 i (f) o « — ^1— Ol oS 03 Ol cbicb OD 1 CO (/) o ® — 3001 030D 01^1 OOl S S(b1 O » \z\ — ^1— Negative.— sDooc^p 03 CXI 0 1 cbl OD 1 CO 5 gT o o r — ^1— 231 oWoooicbioDibolioo^Gl — ^1- o Ol 0^03 0001 cbioscxn co^cl — ^1— 3^1— 03 00 0 1 cb 1 03 1 ^ CO ^ i * — s5i ODCO^cbl^oll o 01 ODCO^cblCO t— — raODCO^^l ^ Neorative.— o oloocjjl ODCDCO^oblCO^ GDI ^ 03 1 OD 00 CO ^ cb 1 00 ^ — o — oi OOOOOO^cbtOjOD^ f— ^ 00 00 00 6 cb 1 CO ^ — f— Precative Mode. — • Affirmative. — • o1 OOC^n Sooco^cbxoooo^ — !- 231 Sooco^cbi^osioooo^ — ?— =e>— 5ooco^cb\^gaoooo^ — ?— Negative.— o1cot^1 5oO O^OOCO^cblOO 01 — 231 5 00 CO 00 CO ^ cb 1 ^ 03 1 00 0 1 — ?— ^e5>— 5oO 0^0000^(^1 ^ 001000% Potential ; Prineipal Verb follows the I’otential ; coSc^x. i ooo^^jO^o^S ; oj5|p. must go. Cji5 ^1^001^. Ot oot . oi SoooSgqo^i. ^1- o — o^- ^lOO^ — ^a- o — OJ- yioo^— Q-i— o — OJ- 9'^^?- ^1- o — o^- ^^oo6Scq8. o — 0£- -^1- — o — — ^^33^ ^i- o — o^- yxoj^ — -^1- — o — -OJ- ^13o5 0OOo5533O^ 1. 3QC91^Wo653Q e. -^1- — o — — op— — ^xoof— _^i- — o— 00 c. — yioof— -^a- o — -o^- — ^xoof— ^TOOo53q3. — o— ^ -o^- — o — -o^- — ^xcof— ^O — — c^xao«- 8uppositive Mode. Affiriiiative. ■qIgociP cxjo^Co^cbi f- ■ — 25i oDo^co^c^i^oai — 6i ooo^co^cbico i-gl— coa^co^obi^gDl IS^ei^ative.— slooqp ODtt^OQCO^cblCO^ 231 CO OOCO ^cbl ^ 03 1 OD ^ — 6i O03^00CO^cblQ3C0p ?— oo ooco ^ cba CO iico^ ?— IiiteiTo gative Mode. — AfUnnative. — • oloot^l oVjooo^cbidl — f— 231 vx; CO ^obT ^03T ffil 6l o^ooco^obxco(s1 — f— o^conoco^c^icl Negative. — oicoc^n 0 ^ cccoco ^cbioo^sl 231 OOOQCD oi 1 ^ 03 1 00 -^— 6l 00 oj CO ^ cbx 0 8 00 ^ (s) ~-^— opol — o^oooocopcbi conco^cl Ol ■ oo\ — ^5^1^001^. ^l— ot — oBoooSsso^i. SQOI^WCoSaQ^. — o — o^- <^\ — - u — c^- — o — o^- — o — cc yico^ — ;>oo553q8. yi — 0 — 0£- yi — o — a-1 — L ^loc^— — o— o^- yioc^ — yi — o yioD^— s5 ^ GC^OQ Oo5 30 1 . 3O0l^yOoS3O§. — — o— y^DoS — — — u— -0£- —9^— —r^§— ^.OOq530§. — — — o CD — L -yz— — O— -O^- -yioc^— — — 0 — _o— ^ICD^— Interrogative forms with cc^. see 1st Conjugation. FOURTEENTH CONJUGATION. OSOO^O^l^S, OCj. ooop^j §^ 1 ^ 001 ^. 00101 ^ 01 ^ ^l— Positive Mode. — Affirmative. — sHoccip 03§o6|^ f— — •OOl o^So 60 ^o^^ ^— 0 — — 6 i odSc 6 |,W> OQo 1 ooSo 6 oo 0 Negative. — sDooc^n od§c 6 oo|_^oo^ ? — 030 — SX)l cx) S 00 ^ 03 1 aj ^ ^ ^0 o 01 ooScx5oo^3^^^^ ^_OO 0 _ ogl oo § o 6 ^ 0 oT cx) 0 oo^ ^ — 000 Precative Pdode. — Affirmative.— olOQC^Ip (SooSo 6 oo^__^ oooo^ 0-000 — t?5i 5ooSg5oO|,^ ^0310000^ f 00 ^^^ — 5po1 — §00 § OOOO 0 ^ 0 ^ aooo^ ^ 000 — Negative.— S^ODC^I OO So 6 § CO 00 OO 0 1 ^ — ^ 00000 — - 00 § 00§00 0000 ^^^^03X0001 ^ ^00000 ogl — Oo2o6§COO0OO^,^ COIXOOOX coSj^^yS'. Potential, Trans . So6|,^. ' J 33 C^, — 01 Oi — uoi ^l— m — 8 oo 65 s;)a^i. xoi^ucoSgtdS. ^1— 0—0 OJ_0 0 yi— 0— 0—0— 0^-0- 9 ^^?— 0— 0 o 0 ^-0- 9^—0 0—0 0^-0 9 ^^?— 0 ^oooSgq?. 000 O — 000 0^ — 000 ^XOO^ — 000 000 O — OO 0 0^ — 000 yicop— ao0-< — 000 — O 000 0^ 000 ^XOO^ 000 mD r-* 1 8 1 c 1 8 1 CX^OO0 — ^XOO^ 000 (3 CO 06833 0 ^ 1 . 3 ^oi^yc 6533 §. — ox — ro 0 — -0 — OO 0 — -o:^ — OO0 — "^0— ^1 000 -0 OO0 — -O^ 000 — ^X OO 0 -0 000 — -0^—000— — ^xo:^— OO 0 — . ^0068339. ^X-SOO^OC0 0 00^000 0^000- ^00^ — 030^000- ^X-3OO;^OO0— 0 — OOiJ|OO0— — axoo0- ^XOO^ 0301^000- 9 X- 30 O^ 0 — OOJ ^ oj; ^XOO^ — 03 Oj oo S )1 OO'-^I -ODl -01 . 1 - 9D1 6l CO §^1^001^. OOlOI^OlS ^1 8uppositive Mode.- Aflirmative. oi 0 D § 00 a ^- 5 ^ i > T ® ooScs5a^^3*^^'*- ooSooy^^co ^— 0^0 ^ 1 — ol |; ^ — f — Negative, - ^ O ^ CO ^,^ (^\ 0 ^ 000 - ^ — 0^00^^^— ^ 0^00^3 ^1 — O^.C0|_^ — {j> 0^000 ^1 0^000 — - a ^ s ^ odSooo oo§o5o^co0co^ CO § CO 00 0 ^ £53 1 CO ^ OO Sooo^ 00^_S 3SC0 5 oo§ooa^oo conoo^ Interrogative Mode. — Afffrmative. — sncot^i OO§OO 0 g 1 9"— ?3— 9D1 CO§CO^,^^031g1I 01 oo§o5^^^o3(bT f — fo^ — 5g1 — ooSoora^^^sl 1 8 1 91 — — Negative. — S) 1 ooc:^~l ooSo6oo0coj5c1 ^ — yi— X^5j £»1 CO S 00 OO ^ 03 T CD ^ cs) ^ yi— — — 6 i CO S 00 OO 3 8 CO ^ oD 7f — — #-* 1 8 *5«* 1 5gl— 03 § CO X con CO ^ cl 1 8 1 yx— X^A— OOl ^1 oi oSoCoSsQO^l. 33(31^yo553s8. o — op— O 0^5^ — o p o — — ;>^oc6533^. o — — Oip — O^OC0 ^1 or ^ — ' O — aj — 0^000 — ^lOpP O^00§3~~ O — — op — O^C3O0 ^100^ O — O^ODfo^ op — O^CO0 t» ^ 00^ o CO 5 33 o^ U gcot^cooSscS. o — 0103^ — ^3 o — op-f3— o — 0 — ^ICp^ 0 o — tX|,^ — op— TO|,^ — 50o6S33§. o — — op — — FIFTEENTH CONJUGATION, osoo^c^i^S, 03. §^1^001^. pi^ooob^ ; — osgi^ogj coioi^oiS SI— Positive Mode.— Affirmative.-—* ^Tloo'^l ODoioij^a - — 9D1 ODWlOlOScSl o 01 oaaioiccs^i Jgi— oorowioidSi Negative,-^ plooqp ccoooioi£^icop ^031'JOOOOlOl£^lCOp —01 oooowioioso'Bico^ 5^1 — ^^'looooyioifSi OD^ — ^— Precative Mode. — Affiriimtive. — *■ olcoc^'l > Affirmative.— 9— GDI (Soo a^i^03iooo3^ 9— Sgl — 5oooo«^iooopi 9— sloot^l Sooa^oou^ioooi Negative. — 9^— GDI 5oO CO o|l b 03 1 00 01 9^— O0d1 — ^g15ooo^ooo|i con 0001 1 re 1 A dverbial , — Intrans. 1 O 3 gi^opj 03 c ^5 ; ojSI^. e^S^i^oon^. Ol ODl 80066330^1. 33 t 3 'l 6 yc 65 -J 3 §. ^1 — Ol — (j \ — 0 — ^- — 0 — OJ- ^XOD^ 1 0 ! C 9 — i> 1 #-» OJ— yioo^— ^^0006338. <-C H 1 c 1 a^_ ^xoo^ — — 0 — — 0 — 0^- _o- ^00008330^1. i 3 Q 01 ^yc 65339 . - 0 ^- — — — 0 — 0?— OXX '5 0 ^ 1 — c^x — — 0 — 0^ — ^xooS-^ 1 0 1 1 0^ 1 0^- 000633*3. *5^109 — — 5 (j.x^fa£— >5910^ — SoO^ — — Soo^- —^^icopo?— o^O §^ 1 ^ 001 ^. OOIOT^OI^ ^ 1 — Suppositi ye ?fIode. — Affirmative. — slcct^l OD»1o|t ^ah — GQl ^0310CO^o|x — ^ah— 01 ODO^OylCO ^ah — sgl— — bgl— Negative. — ■ sTlcot^l OOG^OOa^lOO^ ^ah — — c5i ^ 03 1 CO ah 00 0^1 oo'p — §ah — « o 01 ODohcOO^lGSCCp 5gi- ^ 0 ^ 1 co ah oo a^xco p — f oh — luterrogative Mode. — Affirmative.— sHooc^p ohoo a”x §^ 1 ^ 001 ^. 00101 ^ 01 ^ Positive Mode. — Affirmative,— si 00(^1 CX3O10£Bt " — s5i (x5oi0g8i^o5x f— 0 Ol 0D01^__^d5xC0 ^^1— 0 DTO 01 |. 3 £^X Negative.— slooqp 000001 |j,^$^XCD^ 931 a-Jcoox^^^GSi^oaicop 0 01 OOOOOX|,^d3lQi!05^ f- CX> 00 0 1 sS 1 ^ 0d1 CO ^ Precative Mode.— Affirmative. — ‘ sloocgl — 931 Soooi^^ dBx ^ olioooo^ Sf- 5 ODOO 9 A 0 X ^ gl CTDOJ^ Negative. — s1 00(^1 5oo a^oo 01^,^ cSoool 6 ^ 0 ^— ‘931 5 00 ajOOOT. 08 X i 05 X 00 0 1 StfO^— 5oo'o^oo9x i^x ^^1 009X Comparative Verb. Transitive i ,— oi|p. y 5^1 ^ 00 * 18 . Ol 001 Ol — 8oo653Qr>^i. 3Q(31^a«^ — oo^ — — (^xg- ^o'l— Qia^ — oa^ — Jo "O coa^ — (^xgfaW so ^ 0 C?|O c65 32 0 ^ 1 . 3Q0'iS;jo6532§. 0^0 — ^ — ’ — 0^0 — © J o — G^'x^aS — o J O i oV)l — »^o — o J o G^o.-> — « L o'loxg: ^ — — c^o — G^- G^yxg- ^togoSgqO. G^gx — G^g — o J o G^g-) — ■> L G^cyigf— G^^X o^gj — G^^toap — o^gi — G^y — G^g^ — G^^xgf— O^^X G^O aSgp — G^^xgjS— = Co5y5>W^. llEMAXiKS ON THE COMBINED VeRBS. o. The Classes of Verbs, as distinguished above, are frequent- ly combined. They are then termed Complex Relations. J . l'Co5ood^OO:Boi^a30^ScC10^IO’(a330lCX)1o3©o65,OCC^^J, 03 §efore the Noun, and oo after it, as op. Superlative Decree, o0cp5^^jFoo^i^55oji,— oooicpS, op5, ^lOicpS, If'c. Neg. oocooicpSco^, ^oooaopSco^, ^\oopi opSoop', Sfc. Remarks on Seco-nd Conjugation. Pos. Mode, Pres. Tense, ioSi or ^OD^^oai, may be used in- stead of o«. Free, Mode, Fut. Tense, oo, may be omitted, but its use is most common- Remarks on 'Third Conjugation. Pos. Affir. Pres. Tense, os may be repeated after the «nphatic Pronoun, as occb\o«c^03, &.c. “ “ 20^ may be repeated after the- emphatic Pro- noun, as oDCOcbrco^obco^, «tc. Neg. Past 'Tense, os is not entirely definite as a Past Tense ; K" the question be ^cbicool, the answer, oooocbxosoD^ rvould be Past Tense; but if the question bo snocbicH, the answer, ooooobxosco^ would be Fut. Tense ; I go not yet, A.orist, From the nature of the case, the Aorist, in the Tree. Mode, cannot be Past Tense. In all the other Modes, it may be Past, Pres, or Fut. according to the connection. oocr>©\^TO©^,33ooe^, ooo^cc^(fl. In many cases may fee omitted, as OTcbic^cH, cocecbioopcbor ; — o:>ccic^ob^, ccoDcbxco^cccc^. Remarks on Fourth Conjugation. ©ooos't, ^co©^, OSODsS, &c. may be substituted Tor cb,^, b, &e. in many cases wutliout much, if any, change of meaning, as, oocbi 3 jScxinDe^, &c. oDoo*, ^ooi, i 3 X>D?, &c. may also be substituted, as, oDcbro^oo cos &.C. using n:ind, or will, for self. oooo^, ^ooS, cooot, &c. may also be substituted, as, oocbioSoo 00^ involving however a little change of meaning, implying not only that the person goes himself (not another) and of himself; but that he goes on his own business, may follow the emphatic pronoun, as, cocbiobop, ; It is thus used when it is required to make the agent, or nominative, more prominent, or the language more impressive than it would be otherwise. N, B. When 3^ follows the Verb, it qr.alifies the verb ; When it follows the person, it qualifies tlie person. - QjS always follows when the emphatic pronoun is pnt at the be- ginning of the sentence and in the Case Absolute, as i 3 bo|j oocbi, ^3|S^cbi, &.C. The verb itself, in this case, is con- jugated as though there were no emphatic pronoun in the connection. Remarks on the Fifth Conjugation. I. Fos. pres, may be repeated after acs ; bcTJa may used in- stead of Os; see other Conjugations. “ past CO may be used immediately after the verb, as co^cboDookcb. 2 . 3 . 4 . ■“ I^eg. coS may be repeated, as cocc^co^oocosco^. Prcc. future may he used with, or without no, as (So3 ojoc^ODoo^^^laofx.^, “or Sxco^aDCOxe^^looopS. Verbs witii co< for the objective are used witli the onipliatic forms of the Pronouns, according to the 4th Conjugation, as, oD^coeo'o^ob, cc^^^80|S^, ;e of meaning, thus bosiooSS^ &c, sonietliing 7WW inclines me go ; oo^S^cbi 002081^33 >, soinetliing inclines me to go 7iow. ^goTcxj^coS^obi OD 008 hcreaflcr I shall be inclined to go ; oo^S^cbioooo8^03l I am inclined to go hererafler ; co^no8^cbio03D» I shall be inclin- ed to go. 2 . oiOdS may be inserted immediately after cbi as, coScjoS^ cbl 0 . 00 ^ 03 nD 803 3. 03^ may l)c inserted after eba, as, 03^oo2^cbaco^o303* 00^ ; ooSoo8^cbacoSoo338^03;o3^. 4. CO may l>e inserted after eba, as, 03^8 vcbao5o3cx)?03 These repetitions are made merely for the sake of euphony, they make no change in the meaning. 5. Interrogative forms, with cb^, see Remarks appended to the 1st Conjugation. General Remarks on the Modes, Tenses, &.e. 1. Modes; — 5 does not always indicate the Precat i vc ; some- times it is only intensive, as, ‘-coSOTaOooqSr^icSa,'’ truly the teach- er wrote this book. “.'8i,fe)?ooW^i.o^j0^oi^ ; cx)^,o^ C»co?::8i. What is «^ ? cov, o^, and, that being true, I found., JJ/ig. Id. Because I ^;ought, I found, a^coobidl ; 9ol>80o'ia3o3jj odcoiw^gI : e^oo^csyi.coobiiOia^cSi. tliat I . 10 , is it true? 3. Numhzr . — The Numeral Adjective pronoun for one, as 00 tor, coor, co"!^, &c. may bo used to indicate tlie Singular, as ebr 0001 , aiooor, coccq-. 6ico'io;(^r, abi, «i, co, ODi^. « .Vcbrooo:;,oaroot^, cbrcon^^ccS, cbi 2 nr,cbroosb^or, cb\ ooo^j'sor, 6soJoe^5^^hcoopoo^08§s^S^ipcoi^cSi. These various affi.ves mav be used instead of ooS, or vrith it, to indicate tlie Jcind of pluraJ intended. 4. Fersons, — 30 , is often used for tlie 3rd person nominative, Sing, osb do. Nom. or Ohj. cabooS do. do. plu. ot*, or c^b oS oior^©-'^,3^i ^coi^j'SyroooSs ; Sjoabeo^, ^100^02 oS^eSr.. 5. Tenses. — ooiccc8rcoiG3:\^^(Qlo§poi^‘!330cJial|,^,«^or^oo|r, o^oo803'.^oo^>',oS|Soo'^l o^po^ooooijco^toSi ■; SoeiooScsoSs, boar, b oc I ^ 0 a I , b , 3p^coi , b cB 5 . no , 03 1 1 . CO . b 1 , 03 ^ 00 o ^ ^ ^ o 1 ^ 0 ? oT , CD ^ oo3oDcbo8ih'«oi^C2b^^bGO^,oHoo^oocSrcoai3^oo^c8x. The terms used to indicate the Tenses must not be treated as parts of the verb, but as adverbs or particles, qualifying the verb in regard to time ; they are introduced into the Conjugations to exhibit the manner ia vvliich they are conjoined with verbs to indicrite Tense. 6. :inr, indicates probability, sometimes, as well as tense. 7. nor though always indicating pasf tense, must be treated as 'a -separate verb, when followed by a Particle, os occbroi CO, — i)sa)^X(|^i, 61 , o^cii ; c3'c5?,«^o3cbi ; luglSobrjU^Girbrcobr ebS ; fxcoicx^ib’. What is linislicd ? my going -; hence it is widen t that oDcbr is nom. to or. 8. Tiiere are ©the-r words, or comUnations of words indicating tense, besides tliose iroticcd in the Paradigms, and notes attach^ cd ; indeed the siiadcs of tense produced by adverbs of lime, or particles, are very numerous. Practice, and the study of l!»e Paradigms, will however soon enable the Pupil to know their proper place, as before, or after the verb ; as joined to it, or separated by the nominciUve, objective, fyc. S^-c. <^\m£cr^cBicoH 03'.:^S,oiicr'^t,038a3ciSi8^ciC3l ji ; coq-i'^jijo^icai'CiSooajco^. t«S zo •;> j^o5^^Sd*, aicSoo^'OD 1 -:oi cnSSS JOi o1 yicSbc8.x J)^J0aGl03OD33Soo<-V.; — catooi^coiGOco^ajiSsyioo^oocSiocor ; — 3C39Di^cor35co.5os8icodqr SjSaOiJCOr ; Gt>«30i^C01G5aoSoiSi3t.Ql3,C300‘^.T6CO^Go6l ; — cos ooi^coiooxt^osSsoo^yicS^Gocodcoai; — comoi^ coi 7 a coposSiooHoo cSioo^ jD^cooi ; — ^coiOoi^coicax^asOtoSpcoVcoyi. Adverbs of Moiiiiej’; — on 332301 ^ 007 3300 S 0282 01 30^§331§ ^l-3 (3^33833665yi330O2§331. iicbi^,abia(Tb^cOi»ioxoi,«icSc8, — e8oo^a3^t;Oiox,cScSooo^c^ooxot. ■oSo co 5 (^^w^. Rem. «3ss30Tioonoo^SGQioc^iroiu*Bi5oi^ooc8oj5TOc8'5COc8t,- — ©?a3^oo(|jio^w^i^booo\cb5 ; cx)cbiooS^_j5^b. ui cx)25^^S8icoabi;o:c8j5_^^CT3003i20T^c8i. This kind of adverb may sometimes be parsed as a separate verb; see example abox'e ; This is quite clear in the negative form, aec^ioo^oo^, in which it is not cbi, but ^ that is negatived. But it cannot, in all cases, be parsed as a verb, as coobi^ooc^co^, here it must be parsed as an adverb. co5co5§?, oo^ioo-icss30i^ocn::O^So3i6oi^ 03o38ooooco^oS^roc?^b3Co5 ; !i03cbr|)joocttco^, ©300^ 03^1 ; 88(^,,ooo3,f^ooTba'TOi^,cSi ; ncglSoQi, — g^«|voo oi CO j5 cb ; oDcbi^^^^jOO^-^co^ ', iioico«§^^^§2oocbt^g, oSc^osooi, 8cbrs^6b cotS ocdSco^ (odu^«io 3 cbioo^5^,j5c8r.) 3 til. Conjugation. ssoo^a^-i^S y ilOO^sScOjSoOCOiiSjSoS, OCCO^OOOOgHpS^COjB. (CO^OjSicSl.) ()tli. Conjugation. 330)^0^196 Q. c8c8. nu^ooveScS; oo«Sco^ooic8cS^^^co^. (o^^roico^oonol.) 7 tli. Conjugation. 3300^0^196 9. ooy^y^. jioo^scbi gS I ooyS ^9— 00 oo^scbioStooy^ 00 |5,(o^ dbcx>cc^03^«.) t>(Js 8th. Coiljllg'atioil. 3300 ^ 0 ^ le^S o. cx^yScoi^. «ooq*c^xc^3oy^oon^, — ooooq^^oi'iobooySooi^co^ (cjo^S^c^ioSoa oo»aDb*b»8icbib.) 0 th Conjugation. 3500^0:^1 g. OOOOq«cblO^£^l^^|^CO^. lOtli. Conjugation. 33 cq^'c^i?^5 do. ^;^«-^:^:cocg 5 . nOD^SjScbl 0030«^«^<00cb5, — OoSooS^cblCOp ODOOS^t^lOOCbScoP (000^00 nth Conjugation. 33co^o^i?^S oo. odS?. iiooc^icoooSs, — a: cbioooo 000^00^(00^^ coitaii.) 12 th. Conjugation. ssoo^o^ie^S oj. or ijjcos?. nOlOil 001^^ 0002, — OOOlC^lOOX^^OOOiOcg 13 th. Conjugation. ssoo^c^i^S 09. noooo^cbi — 'oooooo^cfct (c^oocS oooSoo^ OOjBcoO^XcSl. I4tli. Conjugation. s^Go^aijiie^S 09 . co3L aooSooooocf §, — ooSo6ooooco^ooi8oo^. I 5 th. Conjugation. ssooSo^i^S 03. coy^coi^. ooooxoxc8i ooy^ooi^, — oooo«ioi£^i c»^^oox^coj5 (o^dboooocgT cox 050X cox 0 X 03^5 .) 1 6th. Conjugation. sQoo^c^ie^S oQ. rcoo^xc^S, — aoo1ioo<^5oo^ (oocooiaol.) 1 7th. Conj. 3300 ^c^lt ^5 Ol^. ^^S^SOSSOJ-COlOQfyDl. iooox^,^d8x8^3^30SDOi, — ooooox^^^jSxcoxooopxcog From the above it appears that in case of Intransitive Verbs, Adverbs of this class are placed directly after the verfo, unless an emphatic pronoun intervene; and in case of Transitive Verbs the Ot^ective comes betw'een the adverb and the verb xvhich the abverb qualifies. Id seeming exceptions, like oDax^Sco^ the xvord immodkteljr oSj preceding the noun, does not qualify the verb before it, but the noun afier it ; if, therefore, parsed separately, it must be called an adjective, not an adverb ; as cooit^ooo^, I made the l.ouse comfortable ; i. e. to be comfortable. But, it is better to parse ou)5 (and like combinations) as a combined verb of the Causative CiJSS. oooSoo^33390i .CD^S ; wiconi OcbS ; c30c^cc\co|j oi^GS(Scoia385c6joc)^, ;^ootc65 c^^cci33C&^5 c8v ; o‘tGGEO»c65cSi. co^so^oo52^l«u^58«o^ifjorjStSoi^ TO OJ ^ g>nob 03 S 03 cS i O l b c8 1 Advei'bs of Time. 3Q2-30 OGO^ 33 gS. These may be divided into the following classes ; those which arc substantive ; those which arc verbal ; these which are adjective-, and tiiose made by particles. TOsOoi^conccc^'-cSto^oov Oi ,S t3O35yi§:«lOO^33D033l033O'G3TOoS^O3o9sc8l. OGSOOt^OCOO I ® 0:^3331, o^io<^^‘^STO30icSLob^c8a^j8soo6^coi03cSaotc85o303iiS« ; c6io 3 c3Sc3oo StoiiooSi ; cSioocS5c3ooa8xo3sc>a3Soo'^\ cbv. 09OOyl,O^O^>TOCO1JcSl. Substantive adverbs of time ; oo^coir!3r8iaSc85c3TO<88|^c7> c-S/jiGuOOsSgox — e03t, 0TO|p03i, briiS. col, ? 0'.)x ^ booox , cod jpx , c^^Or,<^^col,30J3,c30oloon , 0 l ; GOTO, cots, ; C 30 i 8 i,G 38 l 8 lC 323 jSop, C 3 (Si(^^,ccic 3 ,coi;^ir ; § 85 |_S' 30 opcSr. T!ie popular method of parsing Englisli would make the a- bove terms to be adverbs, because they indicate the lime of the action, state, or suHbring specified by the verb ; But I prefer to make tlrem nouns because they admit of the prepositive coi, or £(^ before tiiern and the Numeral adjective pronouns after them. Some of them have tlie coi or already, as cC7£,ccioS,cci<^n, dec. Before others the co7 is often used, as cot5^Wj 1, coic^^^i,nciorvj5, &c. Before the others, it may l>e cemsidered as understood, and when a Pronominal follows, it may be ex- pressed, as coib8iood^,coibrij5ooa^,coib0lo:^ dec. oo'iTOcSx co(2C»i,'Jf^8<]8xcoiC!3«30iVoo ; j3o^5cfe^ ; '^^cQloi^uxoo^aaiooS o9iOJR^OJ5c6;. CpiOc£>o3^COT^S|porcq5l.'TcOlC01.‘CCi’oSl, — btcSl, cci^(^?,'xi^aoDlc3oT, coi'!;niooc^. cot (^^ odl >a'i « cl oo^|5, toHoC«\OD56^jBoC^§ii, onoo - g 3\ COIOO-oSlOO^Cao^S'l^OCl Syp(jp5c.D ?x^ oacSicoe^cSsc&x, — 5o3i, ocnacbi. bcBSajt)p.^^uocx;c£^ ;^'5. r^yoon^,5onc«TOjjS<:^T.COi 0 ; 5^,ScS\. Verbal adverbs af time; ca ooilcoiG5'::3noaoi^CG33CclO'o8..'>S c85ccoo8S?oi^ooeSiC«iG:::oo<5GSi ; <.c8ic^cSaci35 ; 5u R8(x.'^03cS?>o^ioci':bi6^,oD«,c2i*x-accb-i,o:GV.G^c8 , oyU?,cpaciD «Vj 3«-30 iH, c^-oicbi, iio j^©i.c^icoico^i,c^n, o'ioiSd^u jSjbcc^ ; cjsslo^i ; crcoi xnjcS^c^icv'ico^i. .co^q*oocbi,cscj^X(,^i,oo^3 =,c^cc-iCCi. 6>«oc8i!Oogpcoioc(^i, Ssj^j-' 80^01^ coS ca0c8 1 . ► cccbiooS, — ssco^OT^i, ooSo^.-TTicbi. rcc^icoccSco.^, esool na'^i, ocS, u^ci\ o^u^icoGjSco^,ejbob^ ; occbico^cssoiotfrs dSHocoo-co^ cocooac^*icp:§ic8S, — esooS J5 Q n01'’:»cc!l. cop ac ^jcSic^'.SicSS, otciSoa£i'iopjcac!^5a:©iojs, t-nicoi, o^ylg^:S^ C52r£iu3S,esbcbjB ; y^ocaoi csoocS^ccvjoa:y^,^c&u Adjcziivc adverbs of time; — ^35?oo^^co^a^c^''o^o^^Goo1•3s:S^ o5cS5ctco3§3C5sO'a5cc.'5oS«icr85aci,c^c8 coc8cc^y.c3coc'58, 8:S\. Advei'bs of time made by Particles ; — co3Coi^ccTcccop’'''Bs ■oi^csococlO^y'io^ocooijocc^yiCDCDsSGOi, con-, C3, oc^, o5, o5, cox COl, 00, ^,Sc8u iicoT|,pg3^SQl,ooorj|’L,ODOo^iagTi ; cSoc^-i.cSoo^tcojn ; occcoo ^xoScSoo^x, e?oo^|,^,oo^c:^pcoi§cpOc»^ooo8s88,oc8sc£iXcoiGOM80^^ ti «9 In these adverbial phrases, oo indi- cates ability, crgn continuance, permanence ; o8 indicates a re- fraining from sleep, cbicooo^icrgii may be construed thus, he is able to continue travel throughout the day ; meaning, lie does travel, &c. cfeidSoo^iorgni refraining from sleep, he continued travelling through the night. cooDOo|io8dSoo^\ is idiomatic; it means, not as might be supposed, through the day and night, but, day after day, daily. Adverbs of Time combiiied with other parts of speech in sentences. H33?SoA0DT3QC^00tO1^ 333lcy^^C^o8S300C:§JOoSoDcBl 330130§33C^5. aooH, — oOG|^^cbioo^co ; — oo^ c^oovcbi. ooS, — ooGj^^cbioS or cbioSeii ; — o5 or oSen, c^ooac^i. ICUICOI,— -CO1O0GB^(^j5 COlCOlCX>OD0O^08CO^ CX:cS^OTC^COp ; <>^c5x,c^ooig 8^^5 ; o?,c^r;oic6jB. «C73§iei332)S£J^, — Cgld3^bo28l8l ; — 11338x8x032)^2)^, S^OOlcSp. iiG 38 x 8 x 032 )^ 2 )^|i,^CgxcSj 5 b : — 038 x 8 x 032 )^ 2 )^. acSxc^cSxcSS,— oTOGS^'^cSxogcSxdSb ; — cSxcgcSxcSS, c^ooxgS^ «03s)Oi03noc8^c8xc^cSxcS5o3?Gsoo5b ; — c8xogcSxc85,oSa8^. lOOS^^ObxOO^ i co^.c^noxebx. rC3^.SoC;«2C)OG^^(^X ; 00^,0^ ^ac^ijQ380»oo5Qx|^, o^coxo3^„^, SoeiooScsc^sol^^^, of, caaoxosoo oSS|,^* nO3d^C^,--0D^^cbx CDC^C^ ; — ooc^c^, c^noxebx, aooc^ooc^ ^Pa?6^j5cbxb ; — ooc^,a^|«G|)jO3sO)o6S0x|^, c^ooxc^ ; »ooc8^c8^, 8sooS^8^, oxo3oo«5a3c^d^a3oy*. •ooc6t^, — oDcBii^xi? t^boocS^ 3l;:8x ; — oorS^ol c^ooidb ; co^ Oo1e8CO1OOrB^O^|«G|^lJO3?C?!Oo50x|^COXO3C^COX3l, §*©»dgc8x. tOO^[8, 00^1^*031 CCC|^00t^00X§j ODobSoDcSxuSgx X03c8^ 0003^ ; — oogp,d^ooxc^, before the teacher returns, have a place ready prepared for him. •oocSS, — aoc85oDcbxB«o3oic5)c0^^x 5 — 0oc8S,c§f73xcbx. ibSx, — ooc^^oSc^bSx j — b8x,c^opibb. iib8x^^ooG[^09i^ J — b Pi, ooSooc^. .ocs^^noc^coi^Pi bPi, ojSco^oi ; coi, oid3i. frequentli/, rcpealedlti ; In tliis phrase h is used, idiomatically, as a noun, no7n. to cbi, as ^c^i^ccioS^cS*, ^cbi ^cbioS^cBs time after time, time after time jinssing, the magistrate calls. o^t, — o^ioDcbi8jc>Dooobco^a?G^^ ; — opi,:^.TOicbi, when I go I will tell the teacher. flo^igioo^, having attained that, again, (adverbial phrase.) Dcoic^ii, or coi(^ncoic8, or cxjk^ucoicvS^oos.coioso^S^oo*. &c. Slc. anciently, at the beginning, formerly, Originally, dec. dec. ©*oo^c30(|;i, COT, »^^i8®o65 ; (£ju, dS, S^oot, 8^o5«co^, Adverbs of place. 33S301^CX)1 3Q :^v'73l OlSy 100^33 cS^330^. These, like many of the adverbs of time, are in fact, Nouns, or Pronouns, combined with a Prepositive ; assooi^oorcc^ScIi, wi coDOsSoai, — coil), coigol, coicc?, cciodS, ccioai, ; ttoSi, ; oJj^Gai, ; SoOsoioDo^cot^pbcSi. co^odc8i5gqioco^^^^ cx^iooojocQcotS §ooc 8§ GscOiocBi^icci cssooi^oocSi, e^erso^S cbp ; ^cgl 01^ yi 00^03:8^:81. uccSscpSsco^oooo^ccioa^iociGSi OOc8oO«100c3oo6l§3cB?r^Di, 3(j^, ooe^Goi j^i8©c65 ^5 R&, OsoSas, CCS, ccS, oo©^coi|^; 8«, 03i, ooe^cciQi^^coios ^^C013000G8^(^8CO^bood3c8c8l ; §03l, — hl^O^ODTOcblCCipDl, "^aSc^COl oooro^, ®8O0^O3(^l, CC1,O^01 80068, 0*^3cbl, §3^^03001 j 0ol,oS|^, noSoD^Oi; COT, 01081. teb coil), ©300^03^1, COT, a^^lSsOob, C>08'jb§?OO3OO1. 0O,o^|^,Sg61 OSoSs. I will go in front, you come in the rear. •(^S^t^pcoioo?, oo^cocj^BoS^ coico5oo§, — e8oo^33^n, coi, oS ^180068, C^roSp, 88COS03301 ; 8sC01;G3boodB,0^3o8^, 83 Co8c3301. p^c6S:^^^03i, i)3ooSo3(j^i, ^o^^iSeooS ; 03i, o^o6^o680i ^j5(gic8^, 5o©8oo^03oSsQ8b'^03cS^G3i. oioosSi^^Bx, r^?o8^, 88 c8^ 03103soic8i. In this place. 0o8^^^^O^(j)1,©8OO^G3^1, 0^||l8©o65, Cf§3GS^, 880^03301. The Governor is in the city. ^ differs from coi in that it implieji iiinitation to the place specified. ^ is sometimes used as an Interrogative Adjective, co^oco^ooc^, ^.»Soi>j5oo^ooo5 ; See, p. 57. Even then it supplies the place of a Prepositive. Adverbs of Degree, 3Q:301 ^ C0 1 33 1 01 ^ W I CD^' GDI 03 00 P S3 S § J 30^1 1. 33 oS. 1 03 s 0 o 1 ^ OO no CC^S S3 1 03 3 33 ebS §^5 cot 3^ 3 CoS G3 1 CO "O V «COIOOCOI, — O^COoShcOt OCnoiCOjS, — 0«C0^03^t, coicooot, opio8S ; The paddy is entirely ooj^p. In this phrase, cOi is (when analyzed) a verb; bare, bald ; as S^coi the licad is bald, CO is a negative ; cox to revert, return ; and may here signify not to return ; i. e. (taking the phrase as a whole,) entirely, wholly ivithout reserve. ncoinoo, — oocrB^yiBcoioos, — ©too^asyijCOiooo.o^-oaB. rcS «|iBboo«xcb^ ; ; Soe8co^c3oS*,cx)t^^otoooia<|;'i8coi ooo::8t. I ate rice till the inside of the pot was entirely clean, cot, as above. oos implies severance; bare even to all the rice being severed front the sides pf the pot. nBco.o^t, — oodS^otcotSBoogj^^cSi, — ©300^03^1, oi-to, «^ot^ ; 8 000 ^ 3 , '^cot cot 5. analyzed, 8 is a verb; the dish, or pot, un- derstood, is its nominative ; (from particle, mote,) qtialifies 8 , clean, even to particles. nano cox, — ypG^c^^ooco^Sscxjoo^ScoSoot cot£ 8«cocoic8t , — ht oo^o3(jp,coi5,«^ot^ ; 8,0^01^ ; 5G3®sb33oS3 oo^Sco^coixxnGbSbo oocoi ; a no coi,»^ 033001*1,0^ ntcoioOsB. Gone, clean even to be- ing bare of chaff ; until nothing is left. noSooobs, — oogS^ox cctSoSooo^j, — ©soo^osyx, oSooo^s, c^oox cot5 ; cotS,«^ot^. I ate rice until it was gone even to sleekness. n2j5of3, — o^oSjSoo^5w^£>^, — ©soo^03(j^t,«}j5a^ nearly, about, opicB^. from 2)5 to change. noo3, — oo^nco8tcocy3o3t,d^ooxoi^5o3t5^T03Totc8i ; o5«S5, cot os'), s63gx, SOSOoS, 3030§,3080bS,S030t, 301331, ©35 ^,^c8i, — e?00^03(|^X, o5s,;^ooi8^,03l,gx,c»S,c8,cfeS,oi,03i,oo^ooo^c8i. nOoSpOODOS, 0003 c65o30o 8^0000», COCOCO^OoltKDcoS. OJOO^ 03^i,ooSpooao3,c^noto»oo. (SBoo^oooS*, ‘o^o3co5oo’|^oi8^S3ao».) rooDOicooo^, — ooeds^ooaSioono^, ooc8^oo^coicoi^\^\coioo8> cop, I have a little money, I have not enough for niy use ; stooS O?(j^a,co 35 icoro^c^ooicr;p. In this instance oocosooro^ might be treated as a |y6)^ijc??sc!>o650Ty5 ciualifying ©, but it is also used in cases where there is no noun which it might tiualify, as ODob^J^ioooOiiooco^. I love hiiii a little. uS^S^ooiaoJ, — oo«ic8c6S8^-8^so8so< ; oocoyicSciopioo^ioi^ — s8ooSoo(|^i, S^S^ac-saoj, c§oo\«icy. 1 have studied to a middling degree. It is an idiom of the language, used very extensively, to com- bine two o|)|>osites to express a medium of the two, as 8^s6t , — — d3, — 6cc. Also, to repeat the roots so used, U9 S^S^aSjDDi, — os3§,— ci5co!j|rj^. — ocTeclo^'lcrjip, dec. iioStoSSSr, or soscBSsosdiS, — c;)ioD^3^nocv^^^,PoD^Moi^so>!fBS Qi, 5800 ^ 03 ^ 1 , 00 . c35,;^.TOioiS, etymologically, sdioSS means small neck. Bcobibt, — cooic8c65.7o^o:ooo8^coaob»bso5, — ssoo^oo'^ijoobs bs;^ooiooc8^. iic^^sS^, too much or little, excessively ; ^occSioo^OsTr^SsS*, — sjoo^os'^i.c^^iB?, c^OTiGol. B^jc^ooy'igu'o^sSj, — esoo^os^i, (^^sSs.c^coi^i. pCO^O', — small degree or quantity, iX^oSpcJCO^o?, — l)?oo^a3C|^i, copoqc^oeiGSS, Etymologically, co^ is a verb. Irons, govern- ing 0^. u COT COT ^ 1 ^ 1 , — /ally, completely, from the verbs, coi and — uooicScooccicoi^i^i. — esooSo3Cji,ccTcoi^i^i,^o::aoic8. ► soo^ 3 o<|^i,cS\c) 6 ^c 8 i^ 2 ,c^opxyi. Etymological- ly, cSiooS and cSrcb? are verbs having, in this case, oxoo^ for their nominative. ooi^SroSoo, ‘■^at all events,” '■‘come what will, to the utmost,” The etymology of this adverbial phrase, is not readily perceived, especially, because the phrase is sometimes used to qualify predi- cates unconnected with any thing calamitous ; ooi evil, ^5 con- fident of, ooS calamity, 00 die (together,) though anticipating fatal danger, i. e. in spite of danger, even death ; When applied to ordinary matters, where there is no danger, or fear of it, it is very hyperbolical ; but perhaps not more than is our use, fre- quently, of “at all events,” “come what may,” and the like. ^ ooopoD^c6Sosi^SoDSo5co^,aoco^o?8ic8t. You do not knotv to the utmost (thoroughly) how to read, dkc. ©?oo^03(|^t,osi^5oo5 ccjc^'oico. 11(^^00^30^031 ^SooSoooooij^ooioiooscTioo^c^* ; do not recklessly eat sour things, &.c. ©'ooSosij^t, oai^SooSco, t^opt gS^. II o5o^ 00031 ^5roSco,oooo«tcg^oooC|Sd. come wliat may, let me try once, ©300^03(|^i,03i^5co5oo,:^.'7pio^. n^toooiu^os ooi^^Soo^cSt toiooq5S|,^, asi^SooSoooooout ogSooc8^5; That fellow has dared me at such a rate, come what may, I will fry tvhat 1 can do once; co is sometimes tised before oo5, as 03i ^5cx>ooSoo, but without change of meaning; perhaps. H00§3, — ^«100^031C001C0p, WlCOlOofSoOop^, — ©*00^00^1, oc8 8,C^Opl;«l<301. tiO\oi or oroicopcoS, properly, accurately, ^(aioo^oSiwioioi ro^COp'JOno^. 6)!OO^C?(|^l.OlOlCO^0P^,C^')0TUl. — obstinately, incorrij^u'oly, (see Vocub.) ^ 3 Sa 3 JOO^©?^,oI^ 33 ':^X)^,^cop, that pcrsoti acts obstinately ac- coriling to liis own will, wo cannot inflnencu him, esooSostj^XjO^® ^ c^opxwi. • C3 i 9 0 1 S 03 ra oS i qS ^ jal y 3 , CO 1 5 30 CO OD ^ 3? oS J cQ 1 . Adverbs of Mutnalitj. 33SCOlSo)13300^ :€S3QOOS3Q§3r?C>b5. (3^3, — together; (j>rs joi, that person went along with, or, together with me. 6:oo^G3(jjx,^S,c^ooicbi. nosb^^^co coi<^i'-^^S«33«l, his mind went along with his wife. uiBp’^Sb, dwell together; ot^S sleep togetiier ; consult together, ro30ic3v5^3§'C^^a3ic6^ccitiS(|^i, he will go down togeth- er with Satan into hell. iioocBs, — together, mutually, cbxoocSjjbcooo^wi, let us go to- gether ; e430*^u0(^x,oof3<.c^-nxcbx. ccbxoorSigjooox slie went with her husband. acS^ joojiooosooop^, let us mutually remem- ber. ncorBrorBi — ^xoocgpoTcbxbo^oorBoocB?, the whole company went, all together, i. e. in a body. ©30o^30^i,30cBioocBii,^ooi cbi. «^xoo;:S>:8ic839So3ooxcocBso3‘'B5cbS. noocBj, — yxcx)^jofB-!y'tooc8q?:80i30cosoxc/1. Is it proper for Karens to fight together ? cerSi, here, is a Conjunctive. • noboob, — mutually, ooojcSj'jooosoob-r'b they mutually ques- tioned among themselves, ©3oo^ooi^i,nobncb.c^opxao8^. It is sometimes used as oorBi, together ; thus, ^'xooo^cbxoo^ooboob, oo5:8330303gSo3c8i, going together they quarreled among them- selves violently. o!^S^S, — ‘■severally, individually, ^xoo(^a3xtb,B5M23ic8,§s^«.^5 ^S.o^oaloocbisspcb^, this company comes, each (or individually) bearing a spear or a sword ; where can they be going ? osoo^ C3'^x, ^5^5, 0^00x85. JJ bc85, — mutually; cbc85o3 ^5 they mutually changed axes, (see Prepositives) c85 with the verb preceding (if not followed byoo<) may properly be parsed as a combined verb, adverbial class, as coJ 33^5 would be rendered, simply, changed axes. Adverbs of Coiitiiiscence. O 32 SCOT ^ :01 5Q CO 5 23 ?§ rj I OQ J 1 ^ CQ o8l ^ 3Q 8 3Q db 3 . iiooi^ (sometimes pronounced coi or con) of course, oorooii I shall go of course, ©soo^usya, ooiSjC^-coicbi. liOoVcoiS, — probably, c^^oSpoSoo^co, o^no'^ooc^p oot^coirooS 001 ^, the sun is hig'i it is probable the teacher will not come, ©8:jo^o;.yi,eoS,'^''jciw^ ; ooip,c^oo\ob. iiy'^oo^ssoD'i'^sc^coi^ probably he has lost his way. iicop,cx)co ^, — may be, cowioo^obi, co^,oocop',oooo^^Scoj5Gsa^‘]^» ^cosacoS ; may be I shall in no way be profited by this labor, ©?00^33(|^l,CO^,00CO^,t§O01^^^. li0O^,OO0O^,O0TO.-^c8^2;.^ifC3C^^03 c8Scoi03ioo|^a3c8l(|^a, may be, I shall become a disciple of Christ during the present year. uco^sis, — may be, ocioowioo^aircsPoDo^oDcB^oDioc^oi*, very likely father will flog me for doing this, ©;!ooSo3<|>i, OD^sn.c^opi o3l. « COASTS, oocopon.oDOD^icSia^o'i^ioQ-:^, if circumstances allow, may be I shall go down to town. ^ tico^'c^?, — reason lo apprehend, or fear, ooscciy^coSogToooi, cQ^ooo3^ooooS^aco^(j)?, do not go into the jungle, the tigers will bite you, I fear, ©200^o?(|^i,oo^(2K,c^.Toro3|^. iiooSoo^, peradventure, possibly ^8i^^oooocbico^ODj5, — esoo^ 03(|^t,oop::>33,c§'>cicbi. n^ioc^c8^a:^opj5c1. Is there probably any Karen (there)? ojaSpeo^jop^eSt 2>erhaps there is. itp]3 or 0S (with cb^) unlikely, improbable, cocj^oor>i^^(.noo obooo'lco^Sicbi(^S. Of chopping, 58|^o8^oo^o^-[|^^r3T)-jj^^ — c^xc^i, — — S<2 j, cS:o3<, 001^001^, c8^c8^, c5c8, — o8xc8l, COIODX, ^S^3. U'-^ScS 30 ^ 0 ^; — 00 ^ 00 ^ , — 00 ^ 00 % A smith's hammer, ooaSSioo^oS^ 0 ^oo^, — rrrf^, — — ooi ^001 p ,— 0 ^ 0 ^ ,— rr^Sf^^. Ringing of Silver, ©co^8::8So50osoSS '-§P(5? -© (i^— §"> @b— §?§5 -gsgf) -gf gp, — gpgf. Drum, §^3ic8f cgi^cgi^^— (j^S'^p,— S^3p,— CT^^co^, Harp, .000^.^ Jew's harp, Qj)oooxd8pc8Gj^|^c8is^|^. fiddle, (j^Sg^aS^oa^^O©^^. 01 j Reed or Flute, G^ooSpouoo. Trumpet, o^c^icSp Shouting, ^icB< — coi^ooi|5, — ooSco^ — r c8pc8S, — Child crying, SoOjStSpc^p — dlGn&8(^l,T— 5^c1o3cl, — d?, — (Si:^gb§|S(^(^,— oo. Barking of Dogs, ooS3io3Sf8o3, — c8pc8S, — rooo, — r£2^rB 8^,-cB3V8ir«3S3x -rM^ Squealing, c88rB3 c|f,-cSfGjc^ar;»?. Croaking, o^yib8^db»c^3, — “ q?*iP Gsf gf ,-o-^f>- 7 j^^.-o 6 oD,-o^c^, — ojSojS. Rattling noise in the throat, osodsoocoi^SjocTI =r-^ 5 S @3 — jJ 5 g 5 ,_@SQ 5 ,-@f§S§f§S. Dying Gasp, ojxoocoioDJcS^cciScS^oc^SoocoSStxcxsicoiS^I Difficult breathing, crafl3t^xc5?O»oold§^^>i0«0«j3t, — 050305 05 j COSCDSCOSGOJ, — Gnashing the teeth, ^i33jSooy,5oo«3S5j2*Q^, — §’?• OSS 30 tScX^TOC^ 5 G 3 lGS^O?Qtna 3 loocb 5 , qi^Fa^iSoccjc CO^, CO^JC^ ;^tatc8oo3o^on^sSrcSpoo3coioq3^^ooSc58< oc^GtSa^c^S^ci bcciS csS^ooip, Adverbial Particles. 3 ? 31 ^ 0 QJoSgCCO 1 J. To the above classes of Adverbs, may be added the affirma'- lives ODi5,G3ij5 or o^p, dec. the negatives oo,8x, cc5,ooi, dec. and those indicating, also, liker wise, as ©^,oj3,©^c 8«,§^, dec. These may be denominated Ad- verbial Particles. cciGri8epi^i33ooopSocc:^6coicoq8^pOO^c6coc^ gS^^jojoooi^ScSi. iiaibosioocco^S^^^ofegoaoicoio^igiS c^jo^oaootjcSx; — 5o5i, PODtS, ^©800 ^O^CX)i 5, ©?Oo3t35^X,COl5,C^COH3^. — or — ^lsCO1^r7D0Tc8c6500y^0073i1 ; P3X^,CX)©8§|,S, — lsOo3 03^1 ,031 p too, — cx>ooobxco^,l*oo^03(|^XjCX),c:;^noiobi.. •8x, — ^c^oooxSico^y|TCC^ ; why do you come one alone, f>r one only} ©ioo3c3i0300oS^(i^80Qj5. «5a3©8b33o93,^Oj58^,(3^3Sgn,cbo^§^,o^35g8. Hence, in negative sentences 8 ^ — may be paraphrased »Jci7/jcr-nor, as, 018 ^ 0008 ^, (XiS^oogQ^, rice also is not, water also is not ; i. c. there is neither rice, nor water. 8 ^ seems to perform the olTice of both the adverb and adjective, i. e. qualify botli the verb and noun, as if it were a compound idea, like not either. Remark ; Most of the compound adverbs of three, or more syllables, are Phrases, which may be analyzed and resolved into dilierent parts of speecli, as shown in a few examples given above. In order to acquire a thorough knowledge of the ety- mology and idioiii of the language, this should occasionally be done by llic Pupil. V/itho*ut this, even a native cannot tell tchy he uses such and such i)hrases to express such and such ideas ; he can not feel the full force of his own language ; and a foreigner is liable to make some very grave, or ridiculous mistalces. Pi'epositives. (^iSocqSgqo^. 8 0a30 36So3O?So5CO^Os8c3C?^5«aG3.TO?5o3a, — uccn, — from, by, by means of, to, in, at, with, etc. &c. thus, ^aoaoicboS^a'io^. A person came up /rom the city, cct,o^s c^cSpiio'lGsoci. c^iSc^soS^^^bcotcos^a^, Paul was born of the Holy Spirit, COT ,0*^5 c£l ^ §« 00 ? 33 CCl . ii^r|^^d3^o3icoio^ooc8, he beat me loith (by means of) a ratan, coi,c^8c3'i8go^ot ooi. nqico^csocoickor he gave water to me; cci,o1^jco^§S'XD-is330i, icoSooiooroo, me with water; cx)i,c(^seC^Ssc6c!3£Ot. coGj^^.G3^,coi03i, the teacher is in this (place) cdt,o^s:S^§s 03103301. «^ig8^coioSSo3g8p, the teacher is at the Governor’s, co?, ? cS ^ § 8 O B ^ 33 g8 ^ CT3 30 1 . "OCx^S^^coiooS*, the teacher is loith our oS< i. e. with otir commimity, or party. ► oo^SaSjScoiooii the zayat is hy the water side. hOD the house is in front of you, e?30^c5'^ijCOi 0^3 . iicb:coipo1, go in front, i. e. before^ coT,c^3cbi§80lG3soi. iiybcoi5, come in the rear, or behind. coi,o^?;^Si533aoi. a, is at your back, or behind you. hogS^cov^cS^^i, we are on the surface of the earth. nooc^^GS^covoo jtgi t!ie teacher is at the outside of the house Or without the house. noro^KnoGS^coi^zSi you have a tumor on, or upon you, i. c. on the surface of your body. BCOG]^^(^|ScQioop(j^i the teacher is in the house; i. e. in the interior of the lionse. 03^0318^ is upon the roof of the house. hs:^|Scoic 6^0533^, is above the house, i. e. in the space above ; or in the space above the floor. iigS^cut 06^03800^, is under the house, i. e. in the space below the house, underneath. iio3^o.3i^>oopS33o:g1 is asnong men, i. e. in the midst of men. roS^oovjOpOtgi^oaooi^en, is between the two houses, that is, in the intermediate space, (tc. iiCi8^ccio3iSa)no3c« is about the house, i. e. in the vicinity round about the house. ^i«iCT3^^^^coicx)C^, he did lifor my advantage, or for my good. (^18300^ COT 03!?, lie sulFered on my account, i. e. I was the cause, (She. or he sulTered through n.e ; 6«C30^03^i,coi,o233«,?i ?C3331. Jiemark ; Etymologically, 00^^1,06^88 ^, oo^ScoSjOdS 25, O^SaS3.§*CjSlC3aG1. »©8CX)Sf j5or^O^3;(|^l.O^^;O^Ol^^o650^^^ coioa'^^iglcS^ : coSsc^, cS^oo33^(^2Zo p ; oo^^i-^ico^^Sooooo^^ — at, in, according to, concerning, occ|^G8^^oc)^^a, the teacher is in the interior of the house ; (paraphrased.) in the house, ©goc^cRcg;, c^«a8^,§2oo^03aDi. »a:)qj5.:^3^^o8^03oS^, the teacher is at the Governor’s, ©:oo^33(gi,^,c^8GS^,§so8^05G8^ 05001 . n^wi^ojS^ODS, you do according to your own will, ©joo^ G5(j^l,^,C^«Wl,§*XS05001. Remark ; ^ is frequently used as an Adjective in interroga- tive sentences; see Adjectives, (p. 48.) c^f„^ogia5x^os§«oorg^ ooS,oS 5ob |5,ngS CO 1 cojoco d^. »§ 2 . — with, together with, yicrooic^i§8cx>i, one person went with me, ©*a.)V33oS?,^i^^5a8^§3«"),a8^§<8,G8^i< COl, — i)SC0^35o 8 ^ ryjroSooic^icoioeoSG^'^cSbegcS^ocOo, — God has taught us that we must love one another. ii§i, — and, ooc'^S§sci)^'<>?,n?c^Sco.5ooeS'Jb§3a3j5xcB'i^is»o8^1^oi SfooicoiboSi, Tlie teacher and teaclieress, and one of their chil- dren came and remained willi (visited) us two ivhole days, finished, and returned, ©*oo^ js'jj-i, 33 ,a 35 c^l J3, cr^goDc^S, 6sojo?a3coiooc6 ; f^.!fy^a?,8>8ooc0; cr!^4cb,3<':S^ ; o^!i6’.,5jx)o3^co^o§ooSoooi,§iuof:iC^^co^, — iLgoo^osCj^i, 8 ?, occ 8 i cocjS^oooi. •ocoi we went rapidly and plea- sently, e* ^ ^,033sOOi^/,^St^5,8^, «''.QQ. 00 pcSv. « 03^^58?. OO GDI ScobGI 3 ’.,o!^no fl. paraphrase, than a literal translation of ococxSs, literally, the a* hove sentence would read, the elephant returned in the night, unexpectedly, and ate, &c. Hence, oooos admits of rocoS be- tween it and Sg, as returned, entered the field at night, very unexpectedly, and ate the paddy; £? 3 ^ .^^|^,coco3.o^a3sOOi^dSi ; r^cotoooDi^coScoiaa Ba.cs^cSi. i.^-iocorco^oS^30oo«, §8C33o8c^5«?^*^scS\, that person hy getting flogged, his skin was lacerated into shreds ; etymologically, that person got beaten abruptly, and his skin broke with lacerating noise. Rem. the etymological meaning cannot always bo translated ; often, indeed, coo^s is a mere inten- sive; sometimes, expletive. o^oo^G^jSoo^'^oooogBsocfeoo^cSi ; In this sentence and §i, without oooo?, express the whole idea Intended; coocj is expletive, or at most, intensive; i;goo^co<|^i,ODOC* coc8, crscj^^coaS^ooo^co^ ; i>sbcci, ‘'aSc50^GSpooHc8§stj(^)oo^c8\,” i )2 cb |,S §8 C 01 5 03 onebp . ii3sS^oo:85, — moreoiter, more than that, furthermore, (Sp head, top, and ooc85, not together, not even) when several things are put parallel, and the end of one extends beyond the others, we say of it, osS^aJcSS ; this conjunctive phrase is therefore made by a noun and negative verb. iiosSpooc85,S80o^03<,^'i;GQS^,o^^^; COc85,«^01^,^^OOo5o38c8x. HO0t03r^XC30^ODc8lS06^03COl 1^^,0300^ Bo^^^ocBscoi oo(X)i^o6Sc8i ; St»i, ccbiwoS^asoc^ C0^^^c0^0385ooc8s,0000c8l0200^83yic0^ ; — 630o'io3(,^t, Ga8^O0c85, O^OOODl^OoSoSl. no, or y ^, — If (pronounced, and written o sometimes, especial- ly when followed by o^ as, oo^, if true, it being true.) It does not appear that o^, used at the beginning of a sentence, with S« at the close, is a difi'erent root from oS in other connections, it really signifies, to be, or, be true, in every connection, as oS^cbi§8^oo 00 , be it you go and you will die; meaning, sure ns you go, you will die. ny^^cbr8j;^co^c8^cQt, being you went, and you got flogged; meaning, because you went, c^§5coioo<^iy^\03\ooo\ dogs, right, cattle, right, Burnians, right, let them not come into this compound, Eng. Id. Let not either dogs, or Burmans, or cattle come, (tc. noo^oioi,Opmox,obx65^^ooiojo8, a pole, right, right, a baniboo, right, right, go and cut lor me, Eng. Id. go and cut for me either a pole or a bamboo. mxio^CPi, ooeSa^ox, cooo(^xd3ico^, I, be they tigers, well, be they elephants, well, I fear them not, Eng. Id. as to myself, I fear neither tigers nor elephants. Item, o^ox, I consider to be the proper form of wiit- ing this conjuctive phrase. cc.ioooDi^o6Scx)x«iGax030^n|t^j5«^(:ox (^«oo^aaC^o^ox, coxejSc^xoo^Gsfi^a^ox, ‘o^ox oowxcoSoocoS, oo^cSi. o^coiyxooc8xc85o30o?rcbnob^^^OsogsooQ8j5a-jo)co|5 ; es coxoxox,i)?obox,§«5^ox^cSi. — mai/ be, perhaps ; SS^^^oDOOcGcojS, ocl3^.«^cr3b|,^r!o 0 ^il,ooooDoS^oo^, Ido not smoke cigars, veri/ likely that per- sons will smoke, I am not certain ; (ool breathe, rumor in a cautions whispering manner, tchisper abroad ; 8p great, adverbially, very ; putting the txvo ideas together, we easily get may be, per- haps, most likely, &ic.) ii^a^i^Ss^Xjodl'^ooxS./xTS^’a^^oDt^ co^ooqoaxooDjcoxx ; if you come with us we shall be glad, if you are not likely to go, we can do nothing more. n^«^c^wxc8c6S oo€|£ £^^03x5,ccn8^«^^oovTj o^ooqcTl, if you come to study, the teacher will like it ; as to your coming, is it probable 7 — (from coS surpassing, aside from, and edge, point, e.\tremity ) though, yet, still, «^c88coS^1^i§>jOj^£CiG?xooox, be it that he beat you, and yet it is not good that you beat him in re- turn. E?ig. id. although he beat you, do not beat him. 5^^^8scx)0ocbxcoiico^, be it thus, and yet, I xvill not go any more. ico^ao^, — ( from co^ to hit, ibe correct, be to the point, and fiP^ .gnuill, somewhat, partially.) This conjunctive phrase is used soj co50^y^. when the preceding statement is followed by one of paramount importance, and may be paraphrased by hut, though, still, yet Or, notwithstanding ; as ^yiccaScooo^co, copoojBjSScxj^tcS'LroT&oo?^ . ; you have trespassed, but, repent, and I will forgive you. ^<‘co^iajjoo^cc^oDoo^coio 63 iiccc^io:i 6 ? 03 iS.’’ though I aui somewhat thirsty, I can yet endure it. The in this sentence migiit, aiid should, be placed between c 6 and 3 n ©SCClOoSojOO.'XJiOOTCO, CO^OoS§'!OOr^rob03XitS^_^S,CO^OCOC^c8l. .“oo^3ps35oDoDiODio':)i35S,ooS£0^§g,coooQ‘3pco^co^,” something (appetite) inclines me to eat sour things, but, I may not (do it.) ndbtC3^iBp,oo5o3[5,pDa^-’_^^oocB5cx5^ there is betel nut, but, there is no piirer leaf. or oo^Sno, — though, ytt, notwithstanding, (^from believe, trust, assent to, end, no a fragment, slice, &.c.) In the proper use of this Conjunctive phrase, assent to the foregoing clause or sentence is given, yet, it is implied that that is not all about the matter, something more remains to bo said. ooc 3 xja.wicocbsSooo-jSsaolc-oiooioooo^n though I assent that you cannot give me your goods for nothing, yet, sell them to me. «o^^ 8 g^io.''^ 3 co r ,03008^0010^1^^^0000^ though it is admitted that these bodies of ours die, the soul that is within us docs not die. i'Oino3jcx)i^co:8o‘8i.cO'-Oi^o6o03G8^cso8^i<«c8i ; — 6 g3i — i.«.co3*cooi, — og^.-rjSsaoQi, — again, once more, implying a change of subject. mQ3oIi|. 5, — CT303i^i, — as to this, as to that, 6 ec. refering to something before spoken. n 001^603^3 pol, furthermore, besides nCOi^,pGD8S^, do. do. — c^i^iooo^ thenceforward, then, may be called a conjunctive, or an adverbial phrase ; it, in fact, answers for both a conjunctive and an adverb of time. , — or being thus, therefore. — such being the case, therefore. — if it be so, but in such case. • yiooib^SOs, — such being the case, it being thus, therefore. — because of this, therefore, on this account. — because of that, therefore, on that account. ICO x>i^36‘j§s3oe^,o'^tojjs£Oi8i.:ngi3Siooc80^f(l^^o5 Ol^?5bj3CX)1 3338 ^co 0^03, Og footed 5931330^^0001,09 . / co5(^^w^. OC!^ PART III.— SYNTAX. GQO^S'ly^ 0. 6^00'S. io^oqSos ,Q Wj^c7dc£ 1 ooc8 5scoc8, oocx5 ^ §! 0 O 00 ^ X S 0 S o8 S 3Q X S § X I § 1 1 3Q O ^ 3Q I c8 1 . Parsing; Iic7pi^n^\osoo^noc8iooc6§ia):8,ooo6^8800c6^03oci, 8sqs'^^bcoio5cr>^ a?c85o^o32, c^.toic8:;o3oos, «i©uc83o3co«.oic85 03oo>5as’^C38ii5ii)^ooScpoS4^^^oi)j3Di3;c^iooacoSnoc8icSi. Ii5oS2oTCO1O2«1c8o550^«So 31 <7^\CD100^00c8ur5C»8g 1 COT epooS oSpoo^oS 00 ^ ooco^co^oocopcoi coSco5o3ac8i. KULE 1. The persons of Nouns. — o^ooSaooo^, o. OQc8c8o5i. IlOyS 33Xt^1 xf) o^oioi^ot^>c6i. Rule ; Nouns are of the 3rd. Person unless otherwise indicated by a pronoun. Exception ; Tiie vocative is sometimes, (not always) an exception. nx^3O^0<|5cC1O3TcSDDq^CO1C»CO^2)l8? fSscS^oo^CRoi^^jSjBS* 0i|^y^oi,ooG8^x^8s{^i^^o^oi,oS^toi^©i^bcci5c8i. Ex. of the 1st. Person uos8, o. lOOsj^cxDioavoooaxy^^Vx) 8 -i8^,od(^So30ioov3^^^oooo^c8i. iie8oo^co^i,ooGj^amosS^oc«ooc8, o^ooa'ji^®i^,(g1bcoi(X)\c8i. Ex. of ilnd. Person coid, j. cSicoSoaSoooKSi, ^o8sooo1ngScgio5o^c8o3r>^ic8t ; — ®soo^as(|^i, rSrc6^033ooc8o3i,oS^ioiS©i^. N. B. E.\. stands for Example. c\55(g^^^. Remark 1. — The person, of the same hulivicliuil in a sentence, is sometimes clianged; the seiitcnce beginning with tlic 3rd. and ending with tlie ‘.2nd. liie lirst part being descriptive ; tlie second, a direct personal address. liSioiS, j. iicoiooHo3o8iooodj5B3;i|^t, o^.'SSyiosoT^Ri^ood^ooc''^ ; «Sa 30 ^ 5 cb^cci 33 §^o 6 oOoojvoS?^t. ^S,> c;oS 33^^ a'joo^boesco^d^i so^ 6^ cx>coSoooo1cSt . t «ioo* S^S8s, ccijsS^oo?, oSoroi^Bi^', wo'^ccicrscSSs^^, o^ioi^oi^cSi. Ex. 1st. bos 8, 3. iigtcoia?coicS^^idS[)5«oo^c8Qc^or, 8«oo^ era 1 oo^ o8 ^COi S , ^oSl co'i Co8, c8 Or:i^ c 8 1 ^ XT 8 CTc. qjE Ot dloc 0 1 Cl , (03 oS;OOOjS,cS^§< 03,’ OC OO«02,ejOo:>’ 030^0101^ 01 ^)^c8iOOoTcg5cgl03 0^cS.':^c8l^.5,«^^003S^r»c3Sx^cl ; — Gr3o!>lOQOj^5,oS^TOlW.T^^,^(jrP COT c3t. Ex. 2;ic/. jp8, j. Sometimes a sentence begins with the Is/. Person, and is continued in the 3rd. co^cod^o:c^,OQc8i 00^COT0i6^8^06iO^CX)T01^©T^,C0^SDj5, COT 03cS^C^^boC c8xC0^5oiOT^ eT^'03oS>COCoTe"T ; - 5 o3T, uCC q|5CX)lG3T,CC(qb03C!08G8|5a^, OD200 ^ioo.w^jotS, co^so^,xcj^a3eooi:S^coo^co^88'jT©Tiaj^cioDocr^03T eral^Pco^, — Bico^cra<|^T,oo6}^coTcra§^c6^ood3, gB^S^'oot’oocosS^c^T COTa3tt^ODlO1^©i^,oy^Q0q^COTC,ac8^^^,«^OTOT^©T^t»lcOT‘a3’c8l. Ecmai'k; 2. — oot8, j. »co©^, and some other terms, though jwoperly the third person, is very frequently, in reverential ad' dress, used for thou, oo©^ooc8,o^CO^so^oioT^8i^.o^xoes^TOicoT ooo^ooc8ic^sc;3,:£^t|^^,o©soo©^cot ^,’§8 33c8^c8i, — Soi)!: liOO ©^3T,'OOBVbo^O^COTOO^^X00^^^8so0^gloSoO^^COl5^DOcSl ; ‘03©V bab^TTOO^OTOohrSiO^ooyibscSx. Father, Mother, &.c. arc also so used. EULE 2. Kumber. o^ccSssoo^, j. The Number of nouns, as being singular or plural, is indica- ted, (not by any change in the noun itself, but, if indicated at all,) by particles, pronouns, or numeral adjective pronouns. II S ^ 3Q SI ^ 00 1 O^OC (XII J cr4 1 , C01 g 1 5 ^ OQ^ I ,§ s 001 c|i J 3o; 3 vo 5S g 1 1 ^ 00*1 1 c6i. J9 Examples; GsS, o. noid^ioj^cocolcgTcoS ; — egoo^o^(|ji ccp, qgcglc£^oic£icoiG?u^i2^^f'!Scoii. «a»8, j. ii6\cSieg^\.©gb,a^b oS,o?coTo^T,y«^ocdloj10Do?,ybc8'i ; — ©?aj^£n.(|j-:,o,§g,ob.q-(gnc^^6x cSicoicaa^^S^T^coi^. orB, tp. ii6io8icoio:c6icjq^Cj)ioc’^030oHoo e^co^coi55S3,C33O)Co5o-loi,ooWc8;g^eno^ Gx,a8^bcoio3xi^®nii3a3|^a3coi heiif. c8x. ucsS, o. ttjixxi «ji]itoooT. nosS, J. iiy\«rc8jS8|S3ooe^©3:8ja3X8. >028, 9. B cot ^ CO 1 Cj'X ojp 00 ^3 00 19 ^ 0^5 00 ^ ng 5 cS 1 03 (JTj 1 The following is elliptical. bbsScSc^craxo^l^^oooxca, «»^85 ^^coopS?, ©rowic^xcoteb^ ; oy^SSglooo^S*, ©ro»xo3'. xicoScSi. »5oo^roc8ioDc8xcoicbba3oS<, oo^oooop8iotro|,^03b^aJloi ; o\oo 001 co 5 (g^w^. ; cc^co^,OG^aoSSesoo^a;oD85|^co^. 5o8 « ooi 8 ^e«CDDd 3 »oTrc(^no§^s-)353,uooj5oi|S, ‘c^rrgl,’ ooc8,5oja, 8S <^^oDv5p:::io:|^p, — 35^')ooe^i730^‘l. iio^ioQi^SocSnccSi^oioDO^pcSi c^5Qoo3,'Jv8cjp8cjf1c8j5b. Unless v.e fill up the ell'psis, the plu- ral affix, oo^sjS seerus to be attached to a singular noun, wliieli is unirrainmalical. O RULE 3. — b6*.co533o6^, 9 . GeiKler. — When the masculine and feminine genders are connected, the feminine is placed first. 01 ^ ^ I ^ ob o) T 22^ ,til 5 ST ^ ub C01 3 081 . Ex. 0^3, o. I'oQ^ioo^oc'OO'jopooopac coi5c5 ; coaS, j, «c^^c8ico^gi, oBioaeTlco^ ; ii(;a3, uc^ioos^iSocS^ oDo^ ^ico«oi5o3b^iOS^5cob^85gl, 5coc^^35ypoo^^3S^n, UicQicx^S Gi, no^^oocoev^Waoo^. RULE 4 — o^ooSoQcxS^, q. Noiriinative. — ooSoioii. Every Nominativs must have a Predicate (P«o-5c5) expressed or understood. oi^coi 33 J1 i-, 30 ^ P o'^ c8 S COoS c8 o 5 1 . (o 1 ^ 33 O cBs I GDI ^p31O1^ 23;oS310538l,)§OO;0Q'i3338?> ^^OlOlSoQ^ o8^ cBt *?3 c8 Remark 1. — Often, several nouns and pronouns have a com- mon predicate. > »aoi 8 , o. iico^xc^c 3 oc^,.^jSc)c 8 ,xic 8 , c^^o3ap^oi^Sor^ood3 81 . Ex. GsS, t^oo^o^^sooV^p/joV^ooHCs-OsooSoj^cc^iOO^ODtco ^ijooco^opooop^ ; — © soo^o3(j^i,|^ooc3^i^86i,ot^5 ‘co^,’oocS ; 8o6« ooSo3o9s,|^ooo^pc853^3?03[csO"oSoooi8i, Remark 2. — Sometimes a single nominative governs several verbs. iiaoiS, j. •co^coc^OTd^.y^oocSQi^iB^Szasjy^oooScJslyii 5o ©800^3305'<,OTOlS3.':8,CO1c8,0g^C^©V^8cSl. Ex. liaCjSsS^COl t^|;85'^i03io©i3i<;-p^. cbioo^ooioo^,«ioo^i5tooS,oj^^ooSS^o:;^. SsSsoo 03DD8y_,^,a^CO1o8^c8l ; — 0SOO^O3^a,e)f[*,5oB8OO^O3oS8,|^OOc8,O1O1^ D0021_ic8. U§8Cg^Cg^,l)8CO^§OC^.Ol‘Q^.’ Remark 3. — Sometimes a whole sentence is nominative to a Verb, see Ex. under Remark 2. iioDiS, 9. «CD^ooc^ooc^, oo^ooc8i8oo^, <^o8^|^8*oioi^5|p OOc8o3c8!!c8i. Ex. GsS, nOtlb^^jBylOoSloSpOO^S, COjboO^, 0^03 cSj5o§pcoicb^c07cb^|,5,apoooo^g3Too^§«,«^oo^oooioc«^02cShc6^ ; — 83ooV5^,03e3oo^i8c6^,o'.‘oVcoia?GS^coia38f^3ooc8. Remark 4. — The nominative usually precedes the verb, but, it sometimes follows. iiooiS, cj. nco^ooc^cnc^.?,^coi030ioi^^,Sc8jScoioi^^.^03cS^a. Ex. OtfO, iicbibo^ojcolooor.cb^^^ooo'ijCDS^cooi , cbibcciorcSi ; — ©«o'^03cn,‘cx»iox’oi cbi.’ In such cases, the nominative is iL usually poiiited out by cci, as n^Sa^^^Bsnoc^j^coiotsSS^j'^oo oT,0333g3oooicSi. If you havo children, they will be, namely, (coi) one, a daughter, one, a son. Remark 5. — When a nominative pronoun comes after its prcdicxite, it is used in the objective form. nX)'iS, oqifjif ^coi3QOio-i^ajbaDiOn^^^^32c63 .0 ,co^ 000^ joo^, y 1 33 cc : § (§ 1 1 ^ COT tr? 00 ^ 00^01 5 ^ i 3 Sc8j c8h Ex. os9, iioicbioDi ; — ©joo^oai^ijo^ylioiboooicb^ ; o3c^i (The signification of mcbioni is the same as when we say oicoioooocba. The pronoun alone, is nominative to cbi, jn both constructions; while the pronoun and cbi united, form the nominative to or.) oacoigoo-ioocb-LoomcbjB; cx5i. «gt gos5^^83,‘ooi’gicbl ; B«‘(^)ioDij’5o©oDSa9oS*,cx5cbi,oioi, Remark G. — Often, a relative sentence is thiown in between the nominative and its predicate. £Oi 8, G. FCO^CT3i:^aoo^, ooSooc8-i^S©nooc6^o3j5o3ioc^oioi^ 8i:yi!OToSoS001p®11c8'l. II 1^58, 8ic£‘^3, CU1o3^oS'ibb«03T EjS cQrcoDr , obnoiccstj^TiCO^co, cojBcO^O/, ooo^lnoi02co5 ; •oS^cSSb^scOiaScSi’, oSoo^cx:cSr|^®u ; <£p§,oi ‘ebnoa’; ot©So 3 u ‘o^lopv’. RULE 5. — o^ooSosco^. 3 . Possessive. — ooSo-,^^. The Possessive case governs the noun which is tl'.e name of the thing possessed. It governs only as qualifying or specifying it ; as 8^cb|eo3 cc, or S^ebpeo the water of the sea, or sea-water; 8^cb^ spe- cifies the kind of water intended. iic»e,j5G2cbj5, here merely specifics the house spoken of. So in all other cases, the Possessive is a kind of Adjective, a qualifying word belonging to the noun following, like ooco^ my Louse, thy house, 06^ his house ; my, thy, his, are in English called Pronominal adjectives. The noun, when used with, or without, the pio- noun, as cx:G[^G3ob^,^i£JSoop', is just as adjective as is the oo in oooo^. The construction of 05cj^05cc^, is exactly like the old English metliod of using his, in the possessive, viz. The Teacher, his house, for tic Teacher’s house. The C3 is a sign of the Posse.ssive like our ( ’s ) «^3QOO^GQC'lcb'l. o oiJ^\Scb^ ; (jTo3i5olv,|io?33iX>i, oo^gTcSi. B«iDos§§3, o^G3^cov|p5a380>co5 t^r/pibosoSsoobsbicSi. »c; 8 , o. uooSoD^^cgas^ooc^^ ; (000.^^ w|ioobicb|S ; cgvosoDOi^S.) c;^^ 5 is,cgi ;Oiooo:^^. no; 8 , j. too { 5 oco^^%cciooco 5 ooco^ ; (coSogicb^ ; ooebS.) ‘00’ 01 Z(S0 Co50^W^. iiasS, 9 . iicood^tc^gS ;— © 2co^35ga, ‘o^’ ci ‘c9 .’ bgs 9, jo8'So3533co^o33p^5co.5 ; 6iOO^;73(^l, 'o8j5’ o^c6p. »ioo^5^^50^5 ^(X CSCOijSeii o^'iooooo2^CDcSic8i. co5oi|flc3oo^o|^o^ ‘J^’ 63fcci|5ao3 Remark 1 . The possessive noun, and noun possessed, may be parsed together as a compound noun. usci3, O. iiOo5^5|^, C0103010oS§8,00^, COl35C0^O1§8rB85:73 COT'lpOOO^^OOcQjCpcSl. Ex. GdS, O. I'OQiSScb^GSOOOOODCO^, e80o'l|,^,o9sud38^cbpo5'yjccco^, esaoe^aSs; cSl. Ex. G^8, J. nODsSpCOT COC|^OSc6^ (jHC^Sccil ; — e3CO^G3(|^lj co5'^^,o^||Sooc^)pooS^^^o^ ; 'coE oig3i. Remark 2 . -In some constructions the possessive pronoun follows the noun possessed ; in which case, the objective form is used. Ii00l3, J. liCDpoo:^'^OOC^,Oo5oi|^C38pCV31G30TOO^O?cS^i(. Fx‘ GsS, !iejoo^^^j5coic§^^io§^coi osSi^iostcSi ; — © soo^gs^i, ‘yx’ G8p8s.x5oi'|^, oi8x ; ‘osSxyi’ o^|^ooc6^cpScc^oi, ‘cci’ oig^x* In answering questions, the objective form is used for the possessive, without the noun, as 6cocc^G^x,o^ycoi058cb^ ; ‘cx>x’ cSx ; Sosesb'jT^oSqooio?!. False Syntax, §cocc^C3xo'iacoxo?b cb^ ; 'l£8'i ; G3§’O?^^,50lS3OoSo7 j^icSi ; Soti. — OT€ j^pi)^£Si,i5ceircox^, — o3a:^G3'j^r,‘c8i’o^.efOT8s Ds; ‘^ScgicoooV e^esas8s©i^JCicSi. '^iSeooScoiOTo^fS^r^i oc^ooo8,oi'G8i;’0s,oi‘&5cgioono^.’ Rem. 1. — The Objective is sometimes found before the verb which governs it. iiooi3, o. liOopooc^coc^.'cobcoSoi’GSpOTcS^ooicn^o-tt^nOTo^ 8^. Er. ot3, o. 'CxHoop^p, ooS^cSix^oocgi^, cS^ooco^c^v £0J CoS(^^U^. or^^cc^^S^iCO^'cSibcoico^SSS^^ScSi; o?oo^a:;(|^i, ‘od^c3t,’o:ooS^cSi oO|S. iict3, j. iioco^jc[)0£cS'i|S:i.i®cSi ; cb’^coi,o^cb^co<:oc>i co?.a^o3icoj ; cnoii o’lcooiij co^oOj5--\;fi ; — esioo^os^i, ‘ODScojS’oi c^lxi3,'x>ico<, oooiico^cSi. iico^ aoS,cc^occ8icoo5p£»ic3i^i, CO ccioo^xcS^ ooS; u^coi^ibsSooabSOTijO^cb^ODg.uoopto^ol^ODg; OD icos/jcoSooSjoiao3 ; o^oooii,oa5^co^oooiicSi. To the Soli- citor we must give money, be it five rupees, tliree rupees, or half a rupee, we must give, i. e. It may be we must give five rupees, it may be three, or it may be half a rupee, (whatever may be demanded) we must give. In asking questions, the objective may be placed before the ^v3so6S which governs it; as ^fheotebp. In such cases the noun cS^ is understood, as ^oboscSScoioi^. n^oSjB^ebS, or ^ ; 6>i50oho3(j^l,‘CCT’‘Ji‘^’oSyi3©o5S,Or'cS^.’ The Objective is sometimes placed before the transitive verb, which governs it, for the purpose of njaking it more prominent • it is tlien followed by a definitive^ like as if it were the case ab- solute; as co3j1|,ScooS(^5c6ecio5pt>ico; — ©sco^,c^^\,‘o5c£jS,’ oi oucol. Rem. 2. — If a Phrase, or Sentence, have the relation of an Objective to a Transitive Verb, it is governed by that verb, as is a simple noun. "ooi8, j. optco^o3c3i8c6^obooioi^oi|^as8?^^^, co^jibcoi oi^33b^^^5o3y'i^^§o-3oSs->3a. Ex. asS, iiooqjB©3c6ioDo:^feiic8 coS3j:^cSi ; — ;‘6«’oi«oDOO^wac8c6S3aj’§od^cSi. Rem, 3- — Often, the Prepositive, which governs the Objec- tive noun, is understood. iiSOiS, 'CO^ooc^ooc^,0t8eooSa;iL’5oi|^^,5,ooG6jBnb3OD^, SjoGigSoc'tijSiSoS^or^i rn-ioo^oDcgncoiosJ^uosco osB^^^jBSicSi. Ex. co3, o. iioci'ocbibCr,5o©5ooSo;o8s,oooocbicoib8i ;©»aj^05^t, ‘coi’oiboi; I will go on the morrow. iicsS, j. Oj^oocSioax c3icclS^, — ©3oo^os(^i, ‘SP oiccDSp', — 5oSt,c8i§jcxn2^, e^boscSi C8l. N Rem. 4. — In some constructions, a noun seems to have both the Objective and Nominative cases; as O03pog^og^i^«o:5a. This =G? however is an elliptical nicclc of speaking; filled up, it would read, DC'^^C2j^,8sc2j5cr'^(^^t'o6^f.55Gl, — csoc^c^i^i. ‘b’ cco^co' c^;cgSSctSp 001 C 0 lScC^C 0 ^. Ex. nOsS, »003 'g3j. co^bcsoi 00^; i- e. 5oi)3oo^G;oSs,co:^sii3^cOj^£SicoiQr5b|^oti'Jiao^. J3 Remark 1 . — osb (^not b.) ma^ be used in the objective. ODi 8, C^. v03b,oiOllG^i§30Cc8T. E.\. CTsS, O. D:>G|^e0^001CO1 cbSoD^b^oooo^, §3o^S caboooicoi co58ajoooo^c6i ; — ©?oo^C 2 ^a, ‘oab’ ‘CC^’ g:>8s. "Osb may also be governed by a Prepositive, as, ^xoooi|,ScQpc8icgScsc;o^§8ooSccT csbooov ; ©?ooHo3(^i, ‘coi' oiosb. Remark 8. — Most frequently , when b is used after a tran- sitive verb, the true objectrve is understood, or separated from b by roi as 0 ^ 01 , 8iot:i^icX)5, coibGoi03ooo6[ScC'^oo|io3b§, oo^bjBsaao^jS^osco^cScSi. Sometimes, however, the objective is written without the intervention of cci ; as “oosbos^bl^^^oox ^^boSoo^icgncSi”; • o^o5*gd28. Remark 9 . — Sometimes, to point out the object of a transi- tive with greater force and prominence, the definitive cot is put between the verb and its objective, in the signification of even or namely, as in the example below. CSSOtS, Q. iiCO^OOC^OOC^, 5 oSsOT^Ot|p osSsoocipovooooSSg, OlgS‘COT,’cOTOTS§2C338?33COT^®TTcST; Ex. liSs8, HOSboOOtS^OSCOT oov ; — ©soo^osi^i, ‘coi’ o^SaosSs •, ‘cot’ «^o6&oq5o^oooqtj, ^icoTOScopSa. ivULE 7 , — o^ooSsDoo^, Case Absolute. — Nouns in the Case Absolute do not govern, nor are they governed. 1100 S cx:; COO 1 30 ^ OQ^ 00 ^ : 00 ^01 dS 1 00 ^ c 8 S DO ^ . Ex. 00^3, o. uooj|^^3T,ooSCSo;>cooo8COtC3c^^C73c8^c8t ; — ©aooS 03^1,‘OOC|^’oS^§SOOOOOCrg. Ex. llOsS, J. fCS00gl35(^^^,^020C^O roi03SoD^_,^co^;s3oo^OT(|gi,‘35cgS’cS^tjS'’: SoDC^. Ex. II cra3, too^ cotc8803t,5o t:^uScr5oo3icoTDCog'jj_jo?^08Co^!:^TOooc^; — eSa o8 ^ 8s oo5 00 cr^. Rem. 1. — I’his second variety of the case absolute is usually pbiccd at the beginning of a sentence, and disliuguished by a =53 definitive oli, or |i, as in examples j, anti above. N. B. Let it not, however, be supposed that every noun, thus placed and thus distinguished, is in the case absolute; It is often other- wise; aec e.xaiiiples below. I»l3, O. il<^|Bc^^CCTfrc3lOoSc^S^a62§Z, c8p63oo^oo50l|^5 COlOaSSScScSii^^S, OOy^CO^C^GS^SiOoSoDDTjOTJCToSb'CO^^ d3j5§Sco5 i56|^8^1^CO1^3DoS8cSi. Iico530^',cg^cg^,0o'l oi^S ‘ 8 r coiooc88sooc83?coiS©n , ooc^rxiyiccioicSx, §33T,©cBi B 8 ^ioob;S 8 ?^i«ici>; o^egS^^^,cbnpxc6coTOic5c8i. licm. a'l may intervene between the nouns which are in opposition without destroying their identity; it serves indeed to point out their identity. soiS, iicoSooc^oo:^, ‘cor'tB^coi|^©cBQ3COi^©iiccpoo^, c8^^o^oo^ooox§§8C3co5cocSis8cop. Ex. asS, noo^coioms^osx, 00 |Bpon 0 ^oaj^UDOSc 8 l, © 800 ^G 3 o65 c8t. Ex. oo 8, tiDOCjpoicSicco i e^2r3^coToa^'laiic2i ; — s8oo^c:r.(|j-i, *oidSi’ «^G'33oS3cbib; — siooSoaij^i, OD^«<0«^TOorScOTCX)obaj‘tcO1U3oS COx'/^iCOOl ; ‘oo! ODp0iO<-^)l oop8coicr3oic85ooH ; ‘eSi’ ccpaisSg^iro^ouioGCc^co^aicSSb ; 'os’ copo5§?oo^orc85 ; ‘b’ coposSsc^xco^ccTOUcbioo^. Remark 2. — Two Pronouns, or a pronoun and noun, are often combined and parsed as one pronoun. ooi8, j. noojSooa^coo^, 0 i|^3c8o^oi, 0r'^Sooc6,^j5ooc8a^ OT, oSpe^^b, 8?oc^jfb>Tot0iY^ooc63cSi. Ex. ao8, O. q*c8l oo^ooou^, §gcx?oor^oo^c3pc^^ rcuoiVo^ScSi ; oubo^s^yioi^a, &.c, esoo^C5(^r, ‘oub’ (he) uH|^iy^ooc63ic8r. Ex. bo^S. j. ncsoo^ opj5go3aaou^ojjiSo3Sooi, &c. '“>•) £* oo^osyi) o3||5, co^otSsoujB^goSr ; o^ou^ Remark 3. — In Relative phrases, as ^\cciC 30 \boco^, the relative pronoun is C5, (not cci.) «C330lS, 9 . roiCoVTOcSlI^OnO^C^I^,?, 0*1^, CC 1 CJ:CoS?JjS8p cS^^yibSs0i^ScoiO3oVoioiWip, 5„e800^i03oSj wicbSs'Gs’; Ex. as8 ; «oicoiote?,opcx^jBoc/^ooo'i00ovci;0^^o^p oo^e^ojiol. (^ai, J 8 j o.) ©soo^oj'^i, ‘^r’ S? ‘03,’ 'oi’ oiHei^ ; ‘^’ icg^occlocie^oo 5 o 3 o 6 ^,j ; coi 8 , o. 0000 ^ I Remark 4 . — Pronouns in the objective form, are frequently nominative. poci3, q. pcoSocc^ooo^, 01^^, co'i,-^-i;-^r.-ooop G^^OscoS oioi^, 5oo -^,-o,-33oSsoSr. oSc^oS5o^^ ; o^bcoio5>£'^coioi^cci C330lb^^^'o:c8^©X^cSl. Ex. CsS, r^lCv;iC3f^?Cob03i,O^CX)'ic8x ; B3c85asoo2, § ‘GO,’ 83 ‘ob’; 8 s ‘aab’; 'o,’ Os ob’; ‘o^,’ 8 s ‘cob,’ coo^ot>o3s^^^, o^ooo cbsSSoocSOs r;cG, ooc 88 sccc 8 cooi. o^cbcSSOsaaoi^oi^co^cSbSscSS CD^,§soDS,rcc 8 iooc 8 ico^. Ex. GsO ; coocbicb ; ^cbi^; oocbib; ocbiob ; c^cbiopb; i>soo^iOOi 3 ^;COpcSi. oy^,^ao^«)s,ODcbxb; scbi b; ocbib; coobib, 33 |.Scoo| 5 oo? 3 ioo^. RULE 11. of)0053306^, 00 , Definitive Pronouns. — oo^coSgi Definitive Pronouns qualify the nouns, or pronouns, (by pointing them out,) to which they belong. ll3C3 5o65(§lf ^ §sQl^^O)130^^C^n {^ 1308 b 8 l. Ex. ot»3; I'CoSoai, o5S^^p,c6S^i;— © soo^os(^^t, cci‘c65’; o^oao^Seb^; ^|5(|Pbc8-i, .i''oibo 2 cbicoiS oo^^^^oabS^olcSi, He ordered his going on before that child ; i)sco^oaCse2co^8co^0i. Rem. 3. — A definitive pronoun often perforins tliO office of the . Noun, or Pronoun to which it belon'rs, (that noun or pronoun being understood.) oCDlS, liCO|5cod^COC^, 3(5 SCo 801^^, oiypGOOlpPsSsOIOoS, §soo^oo^oic£r, 8 oouV^p|'i^^a 3 c> 93 :ST. Ex. ck 8 . ncbc^ol'i; Gip cci^^; «roo^^G3i; oSScoigi; e 8 ocVj;(|^i ,G5i, — — co^oo^ oiG^iccisg, — oil, — — ooe^cSi. Rem.. 4 . — Sometimes two definitives stand in juxta position. In such cases, if used properly, each one refers to a difierent antecedent. iSOlS, 9 . 4X^OCK^Ood^.9O^Oo50r|j5G3^OO^cS5cGOO3£c8;CO^ :x>^, OOc 8 c 0 ^ 08 §S 00 ^ 0001 , O 0 c 3 c 0 jB 2 .'' 3 § 8 O 0 ^O 0 Ql, Ex. ► craS, o. w'taooxoooopcc^; — ssocSgsi^t, oo§^ o 6 sooc 8 ,co^a 8 §s‘c 8 V (understood,) o«^ , ‘§,p’coiG 5 cS^daj):^. cc ^e;§ § 8 ‘ 06 5*’ Ex. lOsS, j. o^ssoocbis^cO!:; ; — Is 00^0383833‘.£V co(^Scb\ boj eSh ;) «o^,‘^p’coTC3c8^3ooc6,copa883 ‘ooc\^|3;’ ^^9poc6j^^Gob|^5c8i, Exception ,- — Two definitives may belong to the same thing when tJiey are a mere repetition, as 5 ^, ^ccoCjSo: £g 1 ; Look, lookiAflf, that, do you not see? i)?oo^03;|jx, o^co^coc 8 i CO T pi i) s b 1 b 3 CO 1 03 00 § § 8 ^ 9p 00 ^ 00 -n 8 T c 8 1 . Rem. 5 . — .\ definitive is sometimes used, (particularly in clo- sing a sentence,) as a mere euphonic; bOOtS, 3 . BOO^OOC^OOC^,O 3 T.^ 5 ob^c 6501 ^pcOTOTOc 8 lOO^ 33 Opj'l cbooTOop5^^038^^^^(SicS5T ; p^oo3i^Scc^^Soocc!,coc8ioo^Gt:'§o^oo ppcoiScSi. Ex. iicsS, o. ii6ooo3^opidSopioo^cCToow^oo^c£^ ^pa3pTOOOpi30398GQoS8|,^c8i; — 6300^00^1, ‘|^’Q^C033pCO^^Soooo, JOO CO 55[g^o^. oioSooVSi. Ex. csS, j. iicO|5^^i§oS^33?ooancoi^5c^jB, eg — urnSoD^ii.^’occPi, oiS Jobooc^S^^asS^cSi. Rem. 6. — When a definitive pronoun stands in place of a noun understood, it may be qualilied by another definitive, ac- cording to Note, appended to the general rule above, which see. r, 30 i 8 , G, ici^oDS 0 i:^, 5 &^S,CD,'.;cmc^x)c^,copgj 3 §«oo^cdb 0 i |5 coic3.b^a|Sa33i^@sco5^e5-:di. Ex. coB, iGSolsa^^jS, cs'c^^5,cr5 as to this, &c. I>s .^^S, 8 in,coSo 30 ? ‘ot-oSi,’ -cob,’ c3i; Q^c^p'^iScbp; ‘G3Gt)i,ct)b’ o^^5c:50ip3.s8sco^oo^;^xncSi5j;«^ TjScmcS^rwi. 11 Jieni. 7 .— 'pS cannot, with propriety, be followed by gSx, as in the following example, ‘‘qi^_,Soli,cocbco^oo^ao^;’’-- i)«aoSco: 3 i co^; o^oso^Seb^; copos xi oS^iG3n,oo^8Scci‘GSx;’ e« £,§ \M0oo joco^. The same person cannot be this and that per- son, as cp>^__£o'Oi. implies. Note, In the Phrase ooGatgiGSx, so often used by Karens, the last G'Oi is superfluous. asGSi^xot)i,6iOo^^^S, oo^rrjcBiosI^ G301S..8 i. lio^es,-G000l|)l,’ or ‘GDG 31 |,p 3 *C-OlSG 30 llC§l. RULlh 12. UOSOoSovOO^, O J. Adjective Pronouns. — 3C!s?^coS§i^-^. Adjective pronouns qualify the Nouns and Pronouns lo winch they belong, characterizing their class. ^ « 732 j^c 65 (§i^^a.e^s^, f§l^pQ'’>01, C^XlS^lSGQSG^OQbs-hcS'SOCd?, OO' jSsQOQOqSoScBtcBl. Ex. ii'vr»» 3 , o. iiooeo^Soo^coio^ncoojBooq, oo^oocgi^.cSo^^ cc 5 ,c 3 ^ 8 ^oono 8 », 8 s£ob‘ieoobScos,^i|i_ 58 icfe’i. Remark 1 . — Adjective pronouns, combined with oa, are used, frequently, for the nouns wh.ich they qualify ; the noun having been expressed in a previous j)art of the sentence, see page CO. OOl8, O. CO^ODC^OCC^, O 38 O>Co 50 X^^, ob|^O5S)1^0<; O^Oid coio; 8 G»ooS 0 i^^cc'io 388 ^ou^ic;o 2 l ; p. 30. J03 Itcmark ‘i. — Ailjei-livc pronnuiis must ji^'rce witli their nouns, ns being- the received churactn'istic,'i of sueli nouns ; 'I’hat is to say, the cliartacleristie, of one class must not Ik,“ used for that of anotlier, except sometimes in tigurative language it is done for the sake of efiect. N. H. There arc a few classes of nouns which have more than one characteristic established by usage; in which case, either is proper. ''30i 8, J. OD^^c8S8^c8582Cra;^^CO00O^5c8l. iiog^ooco^; sSoDq; Soocgi^; ^5ooc^; ^iro^ooco^; (xioSoooi; oe« 5 |_^ooddcd^ ; OD^escoiogpooq; cSooccjB; 8oooo^; ^Soocgi^; OD^ODOx; a.-aSooqcSx. ii8xi\nog^8ajiosc^coid8s)qoo^^803G8p coi<;^^^xooox; ‘ooox’ oo^y88«|xojoi^sc8x. ‘coc^'|^oo^o5 coioooioscS^S^, ‘ood^’ co^os8«|xco?^soocooo^,ooco^8)38«<;^^^xooS c8x. Hence the import of the Adjective jjronoun generally detennines the noun to which it belongs, and often settles the meaning of a passage otherwise doubtful, Itcniark 3.- — VV’^hen Adjective juonouns tpialify nouns or pro- nouns in respect to ninnber, they do so in combination with a numeral adjective, and together, are called Numeral adjective pronouns. Remark 1. — Some Adjective Pronouns are used in the Sin- gular number only, as we say coo^, but never av 9 ^,ooio^, d’ c. ooo^ is of itself a numeral adjective pronoun of multitude ; so ol oooq^oo^,ooo^p, d'c. 11303 & 00 ^, as adjective pronouns, are used only in the sing, man. as a^cosos or o^ocoosocoo^, a small quantity of paddy. PxULE 13 , — o^ooSgqoc:-^, o^. Niimerai Adjective Pronouns. ^yC|1J33S0'OoSl§l|^, Numeral \djectivc Pronouns cl to nvnibu. JOJ co5(gf)w^ n^yc|iJ3Q?c?'a55§i^^coL'i^c§a5i^^,§2§i|^ §3Q0Q^ 23§§§^1^001^3Qc8so8i. Ex. iioaS, «coc^^cSpoo^bgq,§2^'^!^030^88sG85^no^^o!a^8 q ; — ©sco^o3^i,‘gq-ooq-5^8!^’ oD^c^ooio^^^S^SSc^^di^oal^iaaoSs Si. Remark i. — Numeml adjective pronouns are ofted used to represent the Nouns or Pronouns to which they belong ; such Nouns or Pronouns having been previously expressed. usoiS, O. nco^ood^ood^, ^ysjij0380to65{^i|^^^^,05|p»^C2nc5 ccio332^co§8(^oov|S §«oioo^, §800^00^01 o3i,5o3y^ (§v|^|^|^03o88d§t. Ex. 03§, iiylOO^t^SoO^^OOO^g-LSOlj §200 ^v^^ooi^Scovb ; oy^osoi ooo^q^^^oo^cSi ; — ©goo^osij^i, ‘oo^i’ cb^ioo^033i^©382oi^^noa^5ooi’. nyioo^tbsoicSi; oooi,o^85 (^j5^§2oooi/j^85g1c8i ; — esoo^GS^i, ‘oooi’ ©c8, oi ‘oV s»c8. Remark 2. — The Numeral adjective pronoun is often far separated from the noun or pronoun, to which it belongs, by an adjective, verb, adverb, or all these together, and even by a relative clause. «ooi8, j. iiCO^ooc^ood^,§«G|ijO3io>oo50a|^G8^cciooWc8i OOOO^GoS^f), OO^00|^|,^'a8^CO103§^062O0§c8l. CO^OOCOjB, oo^oo c8ig5©nooo6j5gloo^^a'ia3coi^©nc8i. Ex. oo8, o. nyicoioo oocSioo^oool^ioos^ ; — ©20o^33(,^t, ‘ooo^’ c^noi^i. Ex. uoaS, j. Si^iaog^icxiiasScciSsqM^^s O3a8pcoi5^^|voooi ; — ©sooS 03'^l, ‘OOOl’ CO^2)2§8|lO03^2, Remark 3. — When the Pronominal part of a Numeral adjec- tive pronoun is repeated, and the Numeral not so, the duplicate is used as a noun, (lualified by the numeral adj. pron. before it. liSOlS, g. iiOpl038C5)o65Ql^^G8^^5sic8, 82|«C|1JC0103CO^?)888 £SlG8^COc8iivf>,^, 03 c8^030c 8, C^|p§2CO^C^OOlbcOT |«G^ljOf52C!!Od5 gi|^,G8^coi30o^S^oo20oc8c8r. Ex. nco8, Hcoiooc^^ooo^ooorjp, ODcbiboooaot ; ©soo^oa^i, ‘oooi,’ c^roioi. Among the Tea- chers, some one individual will go. N. B. oooi, here, cannot belong to ooc|^, Ixjcause 03C]^^ is plural and oooi singular ; it nuist therefore belong to oa. iiooGijBoocbvsjjo^i^^ooc^c^ ; — hz coSjg^w^. jo^ ooSo3(|^i, ‘ooc^’ Here ooc^c^ is the same constmction as cxjotoi aI>ove, and should mean some one time ; though some Karens are in tlie habit of using it to mean, sometimes, occa- sionalli/, now and then ; To express fins meaning, according to the analogy of the language, we should say, ooc^ooc^. iioocj^oo cbico^oo(^i(|^i, this is the same construction as above, and all use oo(|^\^i, correctly to mean some one j)lace, some place or other, but not, some places. Remark 4. — When the Numeral, and Adjective pronoun are both repeated, variety is indicated, as ^icoo^cbioo^i.oO(|^i, they visited or traversed one place, one place, i. e. vai'ious places. This, grammatically, may be treated as a repetition, and cS^ being understood before each oo^t ; or oo^too^t may be treated as an adverbial phrase, qualifying cbi, they went here and there. But, if §8 be inserted between the numeral adjective pronouns, it cannot be treated as an adverbial phrase; they arc numeral adjec- tive pronouns with sxjj and cS^ understood, as S(jja3c8^oo(|^i, they went to one place, and to one place, i. e, to a variety of places. If co^ be inserted between the duplicates, as cbioo^ico^oo^t it must be parsed thus, cbiaj^oscS^oocj^ico^oo^t, i. e. went to place after place ; or, from place to place. naOlS, Cj. §8a3SG>OoS0|^ £l01C0l5G8^^5|)c8|)d3, ^^,COp0OC^O0C^,O^G3?3O1^Bs§S:^O01OlSG8^CC1C»§8^|,^cSt. Ex. DOsS, iiooG^^cbiood^cod^ ; |gOQSo3^ico^oo2i|^^,oe^iroi£^i Soli; obisi(j^‘03cSVoo(|^ioo^oQ(^ic8i. §? (a^0i8©o65,oic8^ ; «^0i8©oo5,oioo^i ; o^cS^033i3©?. joc^ c65(gb(o'^. liULE 14. — o^ooSssco^, oq. Adjective ; — gqjc^cdS. Every Adjective must belong to some noun or pronoun, ex- pressed or understood, which it qualifies. il3QS0'c65oo6lOD^CO^§SGOc8cO^CO^^^^,X)^0?§g^^, OF ll33^^Q‘fCOti8^Cgi0O^§?,O0O^ oSooS^ ioq_too6 ^ cciocx)i^^^ c8i. Ex. hotS, "Ooc8c?S^c^cx>cop ; — ©soo^oatj^a, 'osS^'o^oi, o65§ o6^8300^2)38?qi. irCO^OO^', 038G>Oo5o38o6^00©^^^jB, 07300^10010? cQiooc8coj5ooc8^S^86^f:8*c8i. J05 IUJJjE 15. — o^ooSgqoo^, 03 . Verbs. — oV. Kvcry Veil) must have a nominative, expressed, oru nderstood. On^OOc 8 OO^s3^§S3Qo6s, §COSOO^ 33c8s, § 4 5 9^01 ^ 9^ Qi 33cn I . o^OTo^Sebp, oo^coioaovb^^^o^ ooaS^cojB^onoico^Ss, oifx>^c8^ oS^oooooD^ ; 5 ob80o^ osoSs oos^o^oocS^oo^, o^^ocg8^ i^cSsco^. Kx. tjaS, o. iiog^i^ ; — © 3 C 0 ^ 03 (j^i,(^,‘ 0300 !’o^. 0 g^. Ex. «j. op q 8 ^; — S 800 ^ 03 <^l,G 8 ^‘C 3008 ’o^Op. Ex. lip. §i.opco^co^cS^(^i; — ©8 OC'^03pV,CO^‘03o68’o^ilOip; c8^ ‘OSOOs’ «^00^. Ex np. O^Cl,cblOO cp^; ©Joo^o3i^v,cbioso63,«^^,5oi)SOo^G3oS8cbi‘'^’oono^. Ex. 113. oj^b^op^(5i,(^vooco^ ; — ©8 oo^o3(^1;<^)t‘o3o6x’ pSo^b,5oe80o^03cS«, cbi'opb’ coop^. Ex. iiG. o^uooicbiboooicb^ ; — ©sooSoa^i, «Vo3 ocs’p^^wooi’ ; cbi‘ 03008 ’oS ‘pi’ (Soosoo^osoSs) picoiaofbib,p^«ooi bee Rule IO// 1 ; Remark 3rd respecting qS. Remark. The nominative of a verb may be a clause, or a whole sentence. uooiS, iico^ood^ooc^oi^osoos, p^oo^noc 8 i§oo^, co^ooc^ooc^, O^OO^OOo 8 lOOcSl 0 lc 8 l. Ex. OoS, O. Ii000a3l000^8000p)^00^00 oico^; — 88 00 ^ 03^1:01^03008,’ ‘oooc 8 iooo^ 8 ooop)Sco^ ;’ oocSi'oo C08’p^‘0;’ CO ^‘ 03008 ’ ‘O00c8lOD0^?O30p|500^00Ol. Ex. 038 , J. «co6[^c^oooi6ioooi,c^ocoioiojoi; esoo^o^pl, pi‘03o6s’o^ ‘OOG|^ tboooi;'(^‘ 0300 s’oS‘ooGj^.’ What was finished? The corn! ng of one teacher. Other remarks, see under Rule 4th. HULE IG. — Ho^ooSssoo^, oG. T ransitive V erbs. — oi ^on ^ . Every Transitive Verb must have an object on which it ter minates, and which it is therefore said to govern. JO® CoSjg^W^. Iio I^Ol^f)^^^,OO^s 8 ^§g 9 ? 8 §C 013 QOlbOQ 6 l 6 lc 8 l. iio^cs»o^ 5 cb^, ^^o^«a§8)00«^oo^o^o^o^; o^BsSs, 008*00^000101; o^o68§3,oooosoo^oooioi;o^®8§*,ooeaoo^oooioi;oSsSoo8^88,oos8oo 8^oo^cooioicSi;oo^oab^^^,o^on^oo8s,8«oi^onG8i,oesS|,^c8i. Ex. ooB, nooc^^oioo^; — s*oo^oo<^i-,oi.‘ 0388 ’o^o 6 ^; ‘oi’otoo^. Remark 1.— The object of a Transitive verb usually follows the verb, but, sometimes it precedes it. iiaoiS, o. iioi^oil^ooSs, ^^^GS^bcoioi^oocS^o, co^oo^, ©^r88ooc^coc^coioi^036^8^oo§c8i. Ex. 3oB> noo^oocgi^oli) o^oooioj^pboooicbp; — i) 8 oo^QO^i,oj^S‘Qo 83 ’o^c 6 ^. Remark 2 . — A Transitive may have for its object, a whole sentence, or, even a whole paragraph, or chapter. "0Ci8, j. iic?^ioo^OLc8i§o6^o^oo^coioi^oib^^^, 03§o6^ojEcbS, <^oi^^^^oo8?c8i. Ex. osB, iicgioicSS^'i, l*b, 0000^; — ©soo^ooij^i, ‘db^o^q^Oi?Qlf.|:>oono^,’ o^lg'ooSs’cSi. uog^oo §*ao 8 c 01 o 55 i£^Q 0 ^ 1,«8 32 Ol^cSlO^lOoS^^jOOOOl^b^^PjO^©* ‘oo 8s’e8^e8^c8i. Remark 3 . — Sometimes the same verb appears to govern two objectives, one a person, the other, a thing, but, in fact, the person is governed by a Prepositive, understood. IlSOlS, DCO^OOC^Ood^, c 8 io 5 oo^coioi^oi|^oios§ 8 |) 00 cx^ 5 , copso^, ooo^co^^^^^S^^^co^ ; o^ ‘oi^’ oiooooo^S, 8* ‘^iSsooS’ CO 1030 Oc 8 ^C^ 800 pO 0 cS, OlOoboOOOO^ScSl. iiO^O 0 O^CO^ 88 O 30^01 ^ 5 oo 8 «oiH^^^ajc^oo 8 ?c 8 i. Ex. ooB, 11^1 ©8381,001060;; ©soo^oa ^i,©8‘0588’o^‘cbiooo; nooVd 5 i,’ooc 8 ^^,‘coi,’ or ‘co^’ (coiosoo £S^C^8CO^)uT£8i. uO^OOO^C0^5^^^88,000^01|5oc88‘©8’cC1 0000081 OoW 8 s^'l; 5 oOl,^li) 8 S^l,cbl 0001 ,© 8 b. r 00 ^^^ 88 ,B*OoS^o 6800 c 8 ‘00 88 ,’oVGSi;’® 8 , 03 c 8 ^l)OOc 8 ,‘Oo 88 ’o^‘cblOOOl’cSl. Remark 4 . — Every Verb, simple, or compound, which termin- ates on a direct object, must be treated as a Ti'ansitive verb. ncoiS, 9, uoi^B^oiju^oi, oi^oQob^oSoi, ooobSoi^coioooS^S* ‘ooS?’ 000101^^^, 0^01^01 l^^coiScBi. Ex. ooB, uoo^ixolooi; — © 300 ^ 03 ^ 1 , ‘aoT o^oi^oi|p, oiooi. iioocbiooSBsoooo^cQ^ooGS^oo q; — ©*oo^03<^t,'cb;,’«^oi^oi|^,oi‘oo^.’ b't(c/< is Karen idiom. J01 Remark 5. — A verJ) is not alwaijs transitive which, from its immediate connection with the noun or pronoun following it, appears to be so ; because that noun or pronoun is not, in fact, the direct object of the verb. laoiS, 3. oopooc^ooc^, oi^oi 03 oc* 5 £noi|jBo 3 oS 800 pao^oo o^co^ ; o^^aSeooS (coi03ooT8^(^ijco^^^^) oibcSi. Ex. cr.S, ; — ©soo^3:)(^i, ,’oi^t.ooooco^.oco^9i^5‘coi,’ or ‘§«’ coicB^8ii^iC73COi^©n; 5o!n, oooD«rB^coi^T, 5o®20o^03oSs,oDco8ro^ coi^§. I am displeased by you. or, by your means. ooooscB^S? ^1, I am displeased with you. Remark G. — Some verbs admit of being used, either transitive- ly, or intransitively. »0330i 8, G. oi^oo^i|_^oojBooc^cod^.o^oi^o^5'|^; co^ooc^oo C^,0^©^,01^0l|^c8l. Ex. SOsS, nODOOl; ©800^C?5^1, o65,c^rx5xo0!!. Remark 4. — In combined verbs of the Comparative class ; os the first verb, in conjuclion with its nom. may be consi- dered the nominative to as Cod is great, surpassing us, or Cod’s greatness sii j asses ours; o^x, »iom. to 8^; cgi8^, no7ii. to trans v. governing But, when the comparison is made by cooo^, o^5 or ooooi^ they may bo treated as adverbs, qualifying the verb before them ; as o6j5o3i8^ooopS; in which oooo^ is an adverb qualifying 8^. N. 1>. in the com- parison of Adjectives, {(is oo^oaS^ooco^ooGS^oojS,) ooto^, Ai.c. arc still adverbs <]ulifying the adjective before them. N. 13. cc)5 and ooooiS may be treated as verbs, by making the verb and noun, prccceding, the subject. coooo^ may be treated as a Numeral adjective pronoun, used adverbially, as 8^0000^, some what larger, a liit larger. oo. JOG . llULlll 18 .— 6 ^co 533 c 6 &, oo. Coiiibiiietl Ver])S. — oi^ao:^^. Coiiihined verbs nray l>e parsed to^etl'.cr, as sintile \erb», es- pecially when tiic parts of the compound arc; not separated trom each other. iioi^co-:^^co(3^, u^'>5|iooi':^i§oi^ooc8§'GQd8i, ooo^ c8jo8i. Ex. Of Causative class :—‘c8oc65330^53f3§,’—«x)(^^^^^t. 031 ; — ‘c^cbv' oicx)i. iicgtqsGS^^i ; — sgoo^oac^i, ‘qs (N. B. C^5oC^^, — qsoobt, etc. are nngrainmatical.) «oo^S^cScocx)8coio5: — 0X00*103(1^1, 8^$^, ‘03o6«'«^oo^; ‘osSx’ o^oox. Ex. Of the Potential class;— ‘C00^5]J330^5t?3§,’—oo(obif,% ©xoo^ 03(^1, ‘cbi|,V»^oi^; ‘asoox’o^oD. iiyir^taoSoo; — oxoo^GSc^i, t(-^«x,’^'ioi^;-a3c6s’o^^i;'x§x’o^co5. nsoo^cbi; — © sqo^o3(^i,‘co^ cbi’o^oi^j^oscDx’o^^, uoocbioi, — <»cbico^; — © 8 oo^.a 3 soo^03(|ji j‘o9^c85,’o^oi^:-a3o6?’oS 9»i;‘!338«’o^ooi. i'9)icbi’ 0^038001 ^, iioog|^6^ooicoi^cci(odi ; exoc^GS^i) ‘OpSOKXn^’a^Ol^; ‘GSCOOs’iO^OOC^^; ‘03§3’o^O0i; ‘ODl’o^ 03X301^, coiaotcoi^. (icc^cSt^r, — exoo^G3(|^i,‘c8i^i^(a^oi^;‘G3o6x’a^oc^. 1191 ooxoSfSa^S; — bsoo^g3!j)i,‘coxo§P’oAoiV,'03ccx’«^ 91 . Ex. Of the Comparative class; — ‘cOoS^G|Oo5330'^5 53§,* — 0 ^ 01 ^; ‘03o6s’ o^o^SxcxH; ‘OsSx’ 0 ^ 001 . v^oo^sosf^^oooo^ooco^; — ©xoo^os^x, ‘cox 0 ’ o^ci^; '33o6P oVo^; ‘ooSx’ca^oDoo^; ‘ooooS’o^G3gi^opjo^ooooij,c^opx§^ ucgiS^o^S; — ©xooSooc^ijSp'c^S’y^oi^; ‘GOOoP tcop |P,«^33Bpooooi^;— © xoo^S3(|^i,‘8SooooiVo^oi^; ‘03o6x’o^G 3. .See also Remark 4, imder Pvule 14. JOO c65[gf)w^ RULE 19. — o^cxdSsqco^, og. Adverbs. — sqssoA. Adverbs qualify Verbs Adjectives, or other Adverbs. 113Q2S01^00C^C^00101^, §S3QS0^c65, §S3Q:30n^OOcBs 351 301^S\. Ex. od85o330o^| 8CO^; — esoo^os^i, 'sxjj^sxjj^c§ TOicbi. iioDc6pooo3^cxjo^^oDco5ooq^. Remark 1. — The usual position of an adverb in a sentence, is immediately after the word which it qualifies ; but this position may be disturbed by the intervention of an objective, in case of transitive verbs, or an emphatic pronoun, in case of intransitive verbs. ii20i8, O. iiO383O1^^|^;^^0^8§8O1^COl03C^Opib; CO^aO^jOoHcX) c8xg30xjB^ooc^ooc^coi ‘oacoi^en’Ss'oac^noxooVoscoi^en^^^cSi. Ex. oaS, (io3G]^pd8^noio8f3ox^xcoicgxoarocv:^^ccoo)cx)i§c8x; — ©s oo^oai^x, ‘oa§S’ t^opxoS^oaxoScox. iiod<^xo^cocx>?coc8oocS; — I s oo^oa^x, ‘ooc8roc^’ c^oaxcbx. ncbxo^baj^sjj^oooD^; — Isoo^aa^x, 0100^000^^^cSi; ©8(OO^J3<^^lj ‘8*’ Olol, OlS, 01C01, oi 88 p. Remark 1 . — In asking questions, frequently the Prepositive only is expressed, the noun being understood ; — soi3, o. ico^ooc^cnc^, o^iooong^coo^ co^ 2 )s 8 sc 8 ^|,^, ooooi co^88|^oo^,»icb^i8so658ic8i ; Ex. oosS, »^c^coic^^; — ^(ibi ajcb^; — — esoo^os^i, ooigSooi ‘cS^,’ So3i,^c^03c8^coi cb^; — ^(^lOOcS^srj^cib^; — Here observe, in asking questions about place or time the Prepositive is placed after the noun which it governs. ncg^og^jO^ioooog^oo^x^asSs ‘c 8 V a^oi, 03^6)88?, 03503sl’ O^Ol,0l8©aj5s^^ODl|^O3cS^I)OO§. JOJ Remark 'Z . — Before iiouiis of time and distance, the Preposi- tive is often understood, though not expressed. iisoiS, j.^coc^ooc^, coioesoo^co^asB? 0 ^ 01 , OD^ 2 ) 3 §S‘o 5 lCoVo^Ot, 0 l 38 o 65 G 8 ^c 8 l<^ 5 bcOlol>?OO^O 3 i^lc 8 -l. Ex. oaS, iicocx)cbi^8t ; — l)8oo^a3(|^)t, ‘o>i’ c^^c§t<^5 ; §8oco^r^icoi ‘coi’ coi^ 8 i 3 s 6 ^ 8 ^, Solt, oDcoxi ‘coi’ o 8 i. icocbiooc8icbi,5o ©SOoScjSoSs, ODcbl ‘cot’ OOcSlcbl. fiOOObtcbor;c 8 l^l, 5 o© 8O0^G3 oSsjOOcbic^ ‘coT’ooc 8 tobi. RULE 22 . — o^ooSssoo^, J J. Conj imctives . — coooi ^ c65 . Conjunctives connect nouns with nouns, (or pronouns,) verb.s with verbs, sentences with sentences, &c. and show some relation between them. noQa3i^c6Sajt5^>o^4^ @4^) § S 0 1 ^ 00 c8 ? 0 1 ^ ^ 2 CO Vo cB 1 93 CO ^ 00 c8 s 00 5 , 3Q 30 1 , § ® ^1.5 ^ ^ C0 1 33 CO ^ 23 2 o8 5 30 DO S § 20 1 i ^ 1 30 0 1 c 8 1 . Ex. iiGsS, ^ 6 \o 8 t, § 8 cSi, Bso'iicoioj^oo^coojScolcoVi ; — e? 00^03^1, ‘§8’ C^86tc8uc8l,r8aCOT0j^,0300T§8^^(g'l00^CO103C0'lcO^8x OOTrcCV^ScOlScSl. I D0 wV^c^scoTosiTooSinoogsoocrg^oo^, iicbi83oi, ^o^cbiSscxToocS^^t ; — ©soo^ca^i ;‘o^ — 8«’ c^zoo^fooSio c6^Q3S»T,83'|piCO©*b ‘coi’ ccTl(^^coioD^oo8iG30^n. What docs he say? that lie is in tlic liglit. co^ooc^ocd|,'covo5j30i^oi ^^,88£D01CO^G3301,5o©«OO^a3oS!t,Ol^01^^8s03833-J!a01. Og^CpScOll) o6^ooio6^oS^coicraS8^o!>voDno^. fOO^ is understood before coi. iic^v, is sometimes used instead of coi. ' iiobVjWiascosS'coi’osoSsood^oac^cSi. Mi03oo«6|,^,ofB8 c3iODiTOODij5co5o^ooooijc8i. i'Os8c^b§c»v, — oo^aol ‘obi’ ooioo coisoliSs^oi a8©w^co^ob^. lloS088j‘(^l,’§S‘CO1,’ooScOl58gO3O2'[8Ood3^COjS,Cg5oD^C^l ;5oSi, “^icooitS^obicoiooc^^o^usoaHioos.” ogSoo^c^i; ©scoisadS^coi OOG^^«S«SCTo)8lo68,8?CClSG33nc8l. Many of tlic Conjunctives are incomplete Phrases, which are thrown in between sentences and paragraphs to show their dependencies and relations in regard to each other. IIULE 23. — 6^oo533c6^, j 9- I nterjectives. — -s5 ^ occosexSS. Interjectives are used only to indicate some passion, or emo- tion, felt by the speaker or writer. 1195 ^ OC CO ' Oq5 OCO^ ( C0O1 00 ^ OC ^00 ^ ,0000^ CO^OI I 00 ^ , CO 00^ 00 ^ ,C0 ry^ S 30 ^ CO^ 30 00 1 0O ,5 5 OOOO, ) 30 oc^l_238^bcoi3oq_se^1o3^co^(xnyta3cBico^, yir^soo^co oi,30ocsbic855§s5i§ ^I300^o8t. RULE 24. — uo^ooSsooo^, jq. Termination of Sentences.-o-^5c8ico^cocBi3o8sfl. Sentences or Periods are closed by the use of an appropriate Particle. jc>9 co5Q^y^. llOqiOCOcBlCO^COlS3331S§g, OO^SoSiGqSs^IcOIO^OO cm J , 3S S 3Q 00 ^ 00 c 8 c 8 ^ c 8 1 . Sentences in the Positive affirmative form, mostly terminate with c8i or CO. Negative do. with co^. Sentences in the Free, and Imp. affirmative form, terminate with oono^. Negative do. do. with oooi. Sentences in the Interrogative, affirmative, terminate with cT or cb^. Negative do. with do. Remark-, ooco^, both as a Precative and Comparative Particle, is the Numeral Adjective, Pronoun, signifying a little, some de- gree. cSi, signifies a cadence, a falling of the voice. CO, finished, done. coot, not good, improper. hit, be to the point, correct, attain. Mode of Analyzing Sentences. uooc85or^tcotoo^ooc8iooc8co^c''c8^5^5|^^, otcoio^ioscoS©* coSo33;03 cop, c»o8t, 030^^000^03 001 cot oaScoSoatosoSi. Mat. 12; 1, 2. II'JS O j% o, j. 6?5, “(^3QCJ0c8^^^5>>00^ £;cblS658l^l8lOD1t|SG8^cg?3Q^l, 8§3QC^^33 c8^00O^, OQ^Oof) 6 13QOOS,8s^SOq3Q5l ^^^, 8258 ^ 6081 . ll§syif3lC[l ^oo^coo^oo^b, 8262 ^ 1 , 00'l00OtW100^CD1t|^ ^ 09 2 33 ^ 1 1 , ^ ^ ^ c8 ^ y 1 y 8 db ^ ” II c65 i)3 00 ^ 03 1 co5 ‘ 00 c^VeS I . Iic65ooc^^03t{^p88‘03d8l’|)c8tc8l. 11338 ^O020oc8i68b, “^osoccS^lp, ooPjg«c^Se58t^t8tooi 8303c^^a3cSf:ooop,ooSa)f OVC3C03, §8bl0^03bl,§«cS^ bcSl.” ll3QcS^300o8l6sb, l“8i,^101^T)|C30^00>3^o6^b,8«Bsd3l,Cg5i f^^,co^oooi«tx^coi(^^G8^C5?33|ioai,ft^^^cS^«i«8cb^.” *00^ airoOOJCOl G308CO1 OScS^ SODcSi b COl 00^1 01 33co3CX)1 33©8 coiGa8^o6sooc8ioa5*c8a; CD^,^88=c^3’ac3iossoicoi‘88’cSi. I13QCx5^330^. iiC38^o6300c8xGS^8s‘03o6^Cg^o6p’c8l. HO. ooo6^e*b,“(^03oodB^|_^^, oop^8cbiS058x^x8xcoi(^^;:^^j^8a3 ^x.” nbgoo^03x,o^oooo^Sx,cglb§cb^'; (glbo3700o8^8s ‘O3o6?’oo«x 8 ,gS^§« ‘CJoj^SOOoS’ OOc8§o8x. ‘03008’a^ ‘C3 ^?occ5’«^ ‘'cbx8.” cS^o^rSsSj'OsSs’ex^ooiooQxi; ‘OT§s’«^“e52x^x8i” c8x. UJ. 0006^^,S,i)sb,“03C^^03c6^00a^ — bso^osbx.” ‘C3 c6j’o^‘'00 C^^03c 8^CCO^;” ‘03y830o5’o^“b8;” ‘Oi98’oV‘0233bx”oSx. H^. 0000^8«b,“00^00^6xC33a08.” ‘c?oc8’o^“oo^;”-c?3Qg3oo5’o^ “oo^bx;” ‘G39 s’o^“03008”c8x. BCj. OOOO^Bsb, “S^^bcSx. ’’^CSCOs’aS “03t^^03c8^;” ‘OSygOOoS’o^ “£^p;” ‘osSs’o^ HOg^Cg^, ^00^0300^^^,0^ ‘o^^oosS’ cSx. (oQ^03cSo3oS, og^ coxco50po^33XG5o^sox, j j coooS.) ooooSoIxqs'^^ooScoissc^^ao oacS^bso^^iooo^cSx. bJO^^bccioo^co^bxoooosoaiS’cSx. 11333330^. O C 0a0o6^COlG3S8^OOO^O3O^T,O,OOo6^^^^GS^8«<33o’o3c8x. HO. oooijgb, ‘-^aooocS^^^^p.” e8O0^03x,f£8Coi03g,o^Q3o^5cb^; coi‘C3o68’cog8^, ‘O50xooo5’ooq8^oo^O3§cSx, ooSooc8xoooobx«^ ‘G38301^8s’c3x. §8C^03X“cbx§;” ^^OOxbScb^;'^^(g]‘3b,‘-oo^oooioico^coi(^^ 38 ^ 05803 ^ 1031 , (31.” liCroSoO(o6^33l'03o6j’ oV‘ ^ ^c8^,” ‘OO^aO loS’ 0^‘‘«l” -'03 8g’(3^“00^.” Ii“00010100^,”©800^|,5o^0553580iOo5”S3::^OC1‘‘OoV’ c3l. li‘‘C 01 ( 9 ^oS^ 05 s 03 |l,”B 300^^^^«^'03 3 03^1^C^j’88C^noi,‘'0001«l aOp”cSl. (3^330^5cbj5. S^s803008c0l03(000lb:c8^ o^bi^ooc^co^^^ (xo^co^; 8^©sG3008cbcoi03ao(oib8G8^copoo^(OOi<;^S oS^ojsfi^.^cSi. (3*100 :^nOlO3OO^OCc8l5^„^COj508, ylOOsSooSpCOl 0308001 0300Olb3cS^ 09 ^ 1 ^ 00 cr^ CO 1 0003 1 00 j5c8l . Iing^cg^,00^00c8ia3c6^8^0^fi^:^^38‘03o6«,’ G8^0*‘O3Q*SOOpS,'88 Oo|i^^88‘038j’c8i. Si, O0 ^TOc8i033,CO1 0300^^8080300^ 8^5^000^ ^^‘:§-oa’a^ocf2^yVo^co^’c3o'^^,o5'^^‘CsyJ3■.•w5’oo^^,:5o5^‘Gs8i’a) ^ l ,8 V 00^ 03 3C1 00^ 1 W ' c8 1 . Mode of Parsing. n O I rr; 1 y I CO ^ 3Q CO ^ OQ cB 1 § S3 1 § ^ 1 33 8 3? S . Hymn 372. CoSo^tO^SsS^ ^a_J. «aoi8, o. ico^coioo^^oS^cBs^-ijOOopwxSgOpSa'; itopioo^ ooS^obcBsnrjijOOOcb'. ,o^poooo. n 6 : 00% 5 , owio 7 ^ccicois 3 i§ 331, — oo^coi oo^oof' ^ 9 ^obcBsyi§.“ooo^c^i§sS^§ 2 «sc§i. noc^icoSooSpob §* c8 : y 1 100^ §8038 ^ coco co 5 . poo^,o^|^;no5oioi^;oifB«; — COpC0l,tfhoi1O3Cr^S, o;co!.«lo. «cbi,oSoii,o^S|p, > ‘ ° ‘ p 83.»^ S©ooS,o!^s‘cba’88‘S^’a3SO‘>. 8co^oi;co^oicct8s.’ ^ p8so^0\80oo5,r?^3‘cbi’8s‘a3’c3ioi, |- SsS^Ssos, o^ooWc8i88^ P03 0^|^,Co5cOpOT,C0^01COl‘83/ j oacSi. PO^l,oWs3O1^C0^y8§SG33G3Sa;:^00l‘tbcBs.’ poo^oo8^,o^5coig3§S^ooc6g3c8?c3i. Og^Oib^S, • lb , o 1 ^ ogS I ^ ; 03 00 s , O V 00 ^ CC’ 3 ^5 .’ « i‘ocb 7 ’©?b. II obi , 0 ^ 07 ^ O^s|^;03008 , oVo.’ *001, «^3O^o650i|^, 00^2788831; nOObl‘O03To01,’©8b, 110,0^ 0l|^, oo5oi|^, 07 bSgol, ] i)b5,o^|^,07|^,07go\ ^ obSgol, o^ ‘l^rocbp op5cx>^ llgol,0^|^,07|^,07gol^ J 07; 'Qjl’oToSl. H00^,O^|^,00S07O7^,07g 8|5; ‘CO^i:^^,’©8b. 3,O^^OG|7ja380>o65, > 3«1, ‘g«G|7 JOOSOiOoSQl^^, ’c^OOl Ol, O^008C?)o65Ql|^, ^ OO^. iio^,o^C7S;30o68,oVoooi;’ c^'oooo8’co7‘oo^’aocS^. ^ iiu^,o^07^,‘ooo68’o^oo^; ‘ooSoooi’o^,©8b. nb3^,«^0l|^o6^OO8,OO,S2)s88OO^; ‘oo^oobo^’oooi^ib. 007 , oS OO ^o65 oS 007 J ^(q1 ‘00^ 8 ’ OC 7 OO O^ 00^ OOOl S c3l . *N. B. The trvo govcrnincnls arc essentially difl'erent, the one, (that of the possessive,) shows the Uiiul of ; the others shows the relation which and cbi have to each other. joe Uj^,o^|p,o95oioi% ‘oioDaHooiw^,’ — rg^e^cjoS.osoo^'oo. «301 8 ,c^. a38»^1. « 0018 , 9 . «^i37)^,oocB,oocoTcgi,ooSa58^a5ic8iatj€j^5; II ^1 coH cgi , c 8, 8 ^ , ooS 00 8 ^ 3^1 o§ ^ . «§o6s00^33c8s,yi0D1330C^^, C019 SOOc8oO^, OD'I3300 Oo1 Og 1 ^ , OQ ^ CO 5 ^ 3q 1 08 1 6 SCj) €| S • o o ^ I CO T 33 odl og 1 , C 0 1 39 c 8 ,C0 1 33 8 ^ ,OoS 00 8 ^ 3C^ 1 08 5 5 3Cj[(^. »^l,«^gl|^,Oo5o0^01 ,00^01 bcOl‘ 351 ’cSl^ ‘ 35 ic 8 l^l,’e 8 b. Ii09)^,0^01^,0500ia^‘0»;’ yi0309|^,®3bo3oS«.* Iioo,o^sood5o^oonoij, ) o c s «c o ■> s, > o " 5 ’ c , <; , ^coo3,«ioii,sooobo3y;aooos«ro3.’ flCOjOlOII, 03003, «Vo3, j » » iiOOjO^SOobSo^OOODU, ) o c c or Q « S, » J c I 0000 1,01 oils 0000032. 03003, Ol<03, «00l,0l0l10l|p, f e To 4icgi,o^|^,no5co^or,co^oibcoi‘ooli’ — oocolcgx^©3b. tOJ^Oo 8 ^',«^|^ 2 n^ 5 , 0 ; 5 oi 01^,01 s^icSt. Tl 351 : 8 x, 0 ^ 01 ^ 01 1 03 g T^ 02 J 03C^b ,01 — g ic 8 l yi, 0 S b . »SXjJO^0lS®ob5;C^8‘351cSl, ’ 83 : 6 ^ 8 ’ 33 DOT. ' q5 , I p ,00 5 CO T, CO ^ oi b C 01 II Q I |^,oo5 00^01 ;CG p oi b OC 1 ‘ 3 gi 351 o§ ^ ^ 1 . «ODl,a^ 01^01 |^;03O03O^<03,’ ^T‘ 33 ’co 1 ,l«bo 3 oS 3 . « eg X , I S ,oo5 00 ^ui ;co ^ oi b C 01 < coH ; ’coH cgi . ic8,o^oi^o25|^;o3o 63, 0^-03,’ — yx‘ao’c8,©3b, Di3^,0^01^88^o'l,025|^;03o63,«Vo3;’^T‘03'§35,l)3b. • § 8 ,a^ O 0 O 01 j5o65;C^8aj^ OCcSlS)0C^033Cl . llSXp,»S 0x8eobS;c^S‘ 351o8^^§3<'^’03301. 1 ^, I CO ^oi b C 01 ‘ 3 (jj;’ sg^, i)sb . 11 00 ^ 00 8 1!5 , 0 ^ I ^ sD ^SjOoSoi 0 1 ^;01 ‘ 351 0 § II 351 0§ ^ 0 1 S ^ 03 g1 ^ eg J 03 C^S , 0 1 ‘ ^X 2^ T 0§ ^ y X , © 3 b . ^Reinark ii 030 gj^,o 3 ooc 8 , 03 ooco'lcgx, also 03co'lcgi,03cS,03i3^ are relative sentences having an Adjective element, and, o« sn,ch, they qualify But when ogj^, cS, 8 s^, and ool are parsed separately, they must be treated as verbs; else, how is cgx, in these sentences to be parsed. /JO CO o5(g^u^. naoiS, .ij. BC?ibc»i'^ajo^§«,j^p(;^8oD^c8;8ic8-ic§, uCD\cSibcc7qScoe^^co^o30Qi58i8x2)^y^. n5o6?oc^3c>cS?, §soicoi5gcQibroi<<^X(3^, oo^bco'i33^<:>^c3i8 .c6'io8, QoSyicoiasoQicSi b^Dis^boo O ~ CO j^D ^ COOO 1 S COT 8 1 X* f) orj 8 1 , 3 Q ^ 00 f) 00 23 ^ c 8 l. iiC^T/jVoiIC^Sj bc3^3a^‘ca,’ — Oicoi330pt,®»ba5o8?. llb,oS|^l"^pCDSoD-5jC»^'ai8sp,e^0^3O.c68j^i|p. C'^T-*’ *1 § 3 , no 03 1 5 col ;c^« 00^ CTCcSl 300 ^ os 301 . HtS^O^Ol^. 1 iiC£S^'j)V33jooi=);o^noicSp. rGS^c^Soo^/o^'Oi^oocb^,’ ooo^jjjoo «O3^,C^.T01 g88c^\ j o'^S; OOOOS.wVyi.’ ic3i8i,o’iOi^in)ni^02JC3c^5. i cSiSicQioS.w^oi^ooobSSS^ol; 03 ^Q..O °S . iic8ic3,u^ < 003 r* iio^ic3i,o^oi^j osgi^o^jcjscJ^S, oaoDxo^ oo;’ — yi'ca’ojicSi, e»b cooSi; iib,o^Qiff^o6^oos,oo.8ox03‘03;’ — 'ao’o^icSi'b/esb. HCOl,O^0l8ec65,o‘^S-COic8l,’3s‘6^S’Q33Ol, ^ ns^S,«^|^,coSco^oi;coi oidBi. H 00 > O T S y Q 1 J 338 Oi CO 3 ^ f PC • ^ fr> p i o » .op,oWooS@^|S, «ooS. 3^01^01 '|5;a30o< o^'oi;’oi‘ooooi5;’oOj8ooooi5,e8b. ro:ooi5,aV|p,t.-D5oopoi;oopoicci'co^’;co^ocooiS,e»Oo5, ( 0^1/ o^^^eTl^SjGoo^cS^osoS^. *3 o^gac|ija3soo65, ) £0'i,o^‘gy?.ijXJO)a5S[^iyp,’ cv^OiQi h6i,o oa«c>o 6 S 0 i'p^, ^oo^cS^ooS^S. B OTi 9ss ^ooS 1^1 2J3 8s 00^ o3^ ooH^ 5. B^,o^|5,53l!3;oSf, K . n - c bOTi oioa^Oi^lgiyp, t ’o rr x ’ • oTj BO.o^Qiy^jOpSoioiVoioppgl. 100^0^,0^ oi^ov|^, I op^^lcrj^.fc^oi^ooo^^.cco^rijaD sCo^,y^oiVciso6':wSo3Op0 ^, I g;o^';^ico^ »5,So8s8soS, or OTOos, 1 o I ii5,a^3SS(3>o6S,(^r7^l‘OoV [> (S5 ^^S.oWcX)1^0o5§g; 0^800^03 B|5,0^3>SpOo5gl|^, J 08 1 codecs CO 1. ,od5oi 01*1 ;oi 5 ;W^,c 2 ^,oooGoo 5 coc 8 ,cci oGcSi , •00^5,0^ 01^01 ^^;xo 6 «,oH‘G 5 ;' — yicx.i‘x’oo^5,r)8bxoSs. Boo^, 0 * 1011 ^, (s 8 qo^ 3 dig 388 ^§ c^^xoijSe ) opGco^or, rosS.oi cS^. S8f. ii£,y^oi^ 1 . T|P,oi8p;xc6i,o^‘^a;^ — £S^,e8b. B8p,on|^,vp6cx)poi;x^oibcoi£;' — dSp.esb. b2j5,«^oiVji^^,oiccs; — e)jBao8.0 02 08 X3 G 0 1 ^ , O^X 1 Q< 03, ds b . N. B. In the above specimen of parsing, remarks on modCy tense, ^-c. are omitted, as not essential to the main object design- JJJ coSg^yl ed by the sjiec’iinen. The Teacher will, of course, require the pupil to give the ,mod€, tense, SfC. when necessary. The above must be considered as a method, but not the only method of disposing of combined roots ; the Karen idiom is pe- cularly pliable in allowing a variety of construction which may change the grammatical relations of the different roots to each other. PAirr IV.— Style. ^‘Proper words, in proper places.’' H OO^CDcBi 138 ^ §S3Q05S3QC7d 5 j33 6 03 C0l,330^5530l350^. iiococSioo^o^ot, oo^30o^»^ov, ooo^o3coT,030oso3cdS, osSoscox c8xoo^,y^ooc8io6^co^B?,as§o^oocgl©^o'3200^; osSo^jO^cocglcx)^ §so3oSioo^^^So5aj^^coGS^co^.rbroxbcoioo^o3c8ooc@c8i. ©8 ^ICO^ ^ OJJ 8, i )8 b 00 ^ DD 1 , 00 oi- c8lOO^ COT c8^ §8 00 03 c8ioo^«SooGS^(glco^, w^ooc88co^oo^0d1co^oo^oo^, — oDooqscopa^ coioo^oi^’[ 8 ygioooxcb^, co^ooG8^co^§8a3cos,6o^oi,oo^^»^ox,oO^ 0Sc8^88o^Oo|x©S00^03cS^033Ol00^8gG^O0^O^OX, GOO^O^OX) oi^Scb^, oSyooioooocSio5o3a)«coi03ooq8 o^gosSSoooicb^. ii5^_^j5o3oSg,cxj)ba^coxo^ooc8i030^5oo©^,o^o^oo ooc8tcx>5co^coiyi^^oi^^co^88,^io:Sponoo^noc8xooo35cb^. kG 3 o^§03x,capooooc8xoo^coicoc5i03<^xcb . Isbo^. oSsng^oo^coioo^'l 03 X , 0 .^ 1 03 0 ^bb xobeS X 00 ^ 00 ^ T > qa c 8 1 - 08 ^ 05000^^ 5 qI X 5 ^x O)! ^x 8 ^ Gsogl, co^oo^ong^qxcoxo3no^3boov3^a3^S..8jcoQo6^oo^coi03^5sb* oo 8 xo§^ 5 a 3 ccs^o 3 oS?|oooxco^; 00006 cox oabSoobS^cS^^x 03 bS 5038 ^ 00 ^c 8 xn 0 X 03 CC 8 C 0 X 030 O^b 300 S 03 S’ 0305 g| 00 OXCO^ ; c8xo5 OO^COl 03 00800bxc8500 ^ CC1 03^^oq 00^03 (|^x|cO OXCO^cSl . ll00^0X0300?5^_,jB, 00oScop^X03©^bbxC^c8x00^, 030 oWc8xOOC^^ 00^8x030^ 03cbl, osoososooSac'^cBxood^bxoo^^Soooo, o^e^rSxooc^ ooc^cSx. iiSoSiooS^co^dSoo^oobbcS^oo^o^qxcox^i ^^oqoo^osS^'B*, oao^^ooioo^noc8xcoio3Qi803Co3§^3^^coxooo1ooe^<^x<^c8xo30^03 c^x c 8 X oo^cS X ab s ^^^c 8 x . II CO ^ 20 p , bb 0 ^, 00 000 ^ ^x 00 ^co ^ .00 060 xc 8 ^ o 1 osSoooojSx C 009 oD^ODc^icciy\a)ga3o25,dbo8«§«yTTO^xS|^^^,TODD©'irBscOfS.««^ ^5oorc5|,pOrooo3,^oooo|^p, ooooqj^f 3SoVjo^iicoiusco^aj»§»oc^cx) cSl£^f§i0300«03TO503aC»CO100^lcSl. Og^ s8oo8^0oSoOOC^. I»330^, O. llCOICo'^OOcBl, GDI 3380^081 o5o85cx);§ coi3Q@is§S33c8^oqc8, oo33gT;§s3G:8Hocc8c^5q5c6i. §u6saD^33o8s, UOO^oS^,^, rOl‘^S’33o8^, — r^,ODT‘6b’3Q cS^, 00, COl‘00’SOo5^, — 00^,COl ‘OO^’OQoS^ qj,?, CGI ‘q|^s’33:8^, — 8 ^,coi‘8S’3Qc6^,8, coi‘8 30o8'^c6i;§SOO^OQ 1 30 0 1 00 O ^ ^ 30 c 8 S 0 1 c 8 J 08 1 . Among words of simiUir import, choice should he made of (he one which has the closest affinity to the nature, or circumstances of the subject spoken of. N. H. The quotations in double commas, are chiefly from Dr. Mason’s Anglo-Karcn Grammar. nOsS, o. ucb,§«|,^, — “oo^oooioliaiooT, ©85‘oo0’co^; — osb 03T,o©i©85‘oobb,’i)S!X>iS; oo^©85‘oooD’co^^^p,ooo©sco^.” • OsS, J. 110, O^SjCb.CO, — “OOStj^SoO), CX)§^OO0’cO^; — CQb33l,0 egco7‘cb,’oo0rS; oe«coi‘oo,’co©^f:S80DiS; 02305^^; oosq^isSb O3oS030blaO^17CO^O0C0^,«10O^SylW7 0'3bbCO^G3oS'8^, 0©«C01 'OQOb’ co^,ooc8i;o0oi^o3i5,co^oo^,o0o3c8\coi‘.-bq^ponc^^a;<;£5co^, co 0CO^‘cb’O3cS^O^bcO^. COl^^^O3«j50^,©O7 5o6cO.Sl©S^_,SoooOCO^§j, 08CcnoD§oo‘3o’co^^^^,o©«ooyoT5; co^co^§^,ocx)y^oo<^5o3^;aj0co^ ‘OO’.TQcS^CO^. 900^^5, 00§cb’OOCO’CO^; CX)€»5^,^8 s, 000003^3305 CX3O^OO08CO^8s, ^10lC7D©80ra, ^§‘ooco’o3^^_^p, 0^§poo GSpCOpCl. •5yiOlO0c8lCj'733cSScpOOG8^88. 5oO c8lOO^,CX£OOcblSXjJ oo^roc8i(^^cooi8soco^ooc8ioo0ooi^oo88533i, — 0608 S, oo§c^ ♦ooo^S’cD^, — ooscjj^ooi, ooSob'Oo0’co^, — o6^|-§^coi, ooSc^'oobb’' CO^, OOoS88s§^l3888OD§5l3«OOOO^S^,CO^(2«88,CX3§tb'OC'OO’oO0” 11308 , 0,8?OO, ‘c 6 SoO(| 31 , 0088000187 ‘oo0’co^; — 33b331, ‘oD,’oooi>sco^;oo,03:S^oo::^^co|3^3lico^;o85ooq,ooooi5; o^35ai,0 O38^8885 oOOi 8 i‘OO 0’ CO^cSl. iiu0 ©SCOT o85o000O0^§8, ^1330 ooot^coi33©^5©0,c€icq^c8icb5, c8i(g]^cSi§S, c8ic8^c8i§, es^j^os JJ9 co5^^w^. ^,oooos0iBSoooiSi'ooco’cO|Sc8i; »VjiC30oa5|^^a)^^ooi^ SaorvroSi CUT ,’ 03 :S^ oo 0° ^ CO 5 ; '^:>D ’03 ^ ^1 . ” tiCsS, 9. f,^,§OTScOTOC)O^o8^^5 ODOO OOd^ 0cc8 f5cX)00,ODo''i^psSDD.')oQ^ OoSoo I^^CO^Sb, OCcS^CO^boOfJ, S«oo o8^covobcon9^oSico5,5|5c8i iioaS, 3. — ‘-^toooi, cx3si‘c3o^^Vod^; — 9icooi.oo(ai‘oo CD CO 5 ; — laooS SOT 1,5.91 COT 00 oi 03 a i ^cSa;oo^ 91001 oDovocco’cop|p,o‘io3^^€6^ooS^s(j)ao3cS^^^^,§« ooSesoboocbiB8^i‘oo3o’cc5^^p2T,§{olocioocx>^G3o^§cb^^.^, 05c8^G8^bc3i. •^■'.o^B«oDcb\ 8 ?^i'oo^p’co^, 5'j^Sooq, Styoo^^l oS^roiOD^^JoSlOScS^C^^cSl . liCX)CClCn^§8^T‘00^|s'C0p,OO^.^s5.*^ SSjy^CXJsBooS^OTK^lOOSoldBpOgScoSc^S ODtODpG^; w^odgSooS^cci <^1 OD « 1 CO CD P (9 S OO 1 00 ^ G 5 ; 00^ ^ 8 OO I oS j5 § 8 (.O cb a oo y, ’ CO ^ 30 ^ G |3 ; ^ 10 Q!^^OOpcS^ 88 , OOcblOOOj?^Oo|BcobccS 2 p^^ylOOOp^ 0 ld', ^lCO Og^ CO I ooc8S cS^cS I . ’ ’ uGoS, op. C^, §84^5, — “oo^cop^G^^o:Sodlcb^oc1,oooSp ‘ccc^’ CO^; — G2b031,OODc8l,98‘<^5’o^irS8c3T.’^ ii!^^ ' OCC^ CO^OO S, C?200c8^3p5GSp^,OTCDOb(3iCOOb,cSpOlo3o6oo6^, Op^OOCO^yiOC^l, 03§c8v,G85‘OOp5’CD^CQO^|^^, p^COOOjScD^rSoO^b, OO^c85'r>^C0?O^ c8i, — co^oopi 03 1,00^201 ob^ooi,^^'OOop’cO|5, — oo^esSs^^i OOCOl 00^;«^030^5cbS. ooooyt, gS^oocdiS: ^ioiooSSsp^pi 3 qoi^^co^;o oS ^ -op ’co jB so jS ‘00(pS ’co ^oSl . nOsS, oq. ‘01^5,'8<'q?^5/§8'oi^S,'§iOO^CDc8l5^^^000^00^13CCl OfOcSl^lSlCD^isG?! SosSo^OOcSl c8cOpC3 cS- 00 ^. nCO^CCIo‘31 gS’^^S,o^co^ccioo5^Scciopo5ob; iii30^coio'q«gS’^^po«iS?g5o^b, oo^ccio-oTg j’^^Sp^ooig5ooSnoSc8i. nooHcoiosogb^__S, ool^SQi? l^^CO^OO^Oj^ixJ^lOOO^CO^O^p^cS^. uyloHs8q8^b,cO131g503c8^;SD^5 COiei|5GSc6^,SsO|^OpOD^30^,O^^CDO1^O0O^OO^COpO7c8l. iiGoS, 03 . 81 , isP, — ^'icooi© 8 b,«a";ip^oooicbicp^^ioiG 3 oo ^§3 co3bc8i;oxS^oop^oo^^^co^,§5bcoTcoic8i, §8COCOpSSoO^'lcOlC3»5 gl,coi33oiccW8^‘S38Vi)8b; — B2C01 ‘osB^’ooco^ooo^co^; CO^COI 038jS‘03§ c 3 i . 118^ and S are sonietimes properly applied to the same act, but not to the same view of it; as “yiocoTOicc^gSoSiOSopoo oom^^^j^ioooio^cb-iop^opvSSnpvG^t, i>8b9^,wio5^i03ioooi,ooooc6 co^'la8COi‘038^i’o9v,oooGc6oo&noscovG3S”cSi.'’ It often requires some thought to determine whether or § would best indicate the exact idea intended; iivD©^ooS^82>q8c^88OO03O03COi‘o8^,’Sc8i03 CDoq^rpiS^opipi ‘03§;’ — op^©8§^^5§s^-ioiG3^^oooi^op^cp^ ; co^ 30^§3c8lCy3Cp^COlO®S, CD©^ODpJ)82>q8ob88c5a3003CXn'O§,’ SoSsGSCD oq jBopi spool 01 ^03 8Vc3 1 , 0 B8 5 1^8 8 pi 0 1 01 ^ c8 ^ COT a qsBj 00 G300S |^cboO^Opq8C0^8^COTo8^C§l. lip«^opiO©3COT£)Cp88 o5o303SCCTG3 Je oDa^^ooT§^ooi^i‘oa5*’^^^j «-iDDg§2)^80o^ oobcoiascolooo^^noi odi^i‘035”c8i. iiOsSjOG. iiCOl,§g8g,— “O3C^^0?)C:8^»^C^^CO133D3gOO(gi^§, COl GQroo^^oooi§8i^33yoo^oooioTcoicgi§i o^\oo 8 oo§^ £»iX.O^^cS\,’’ 0800^03^1, ci35‘COl’G33OS00cgl^8, ‘con’ 0303000 :^^ 00 O I §|^j5 , 010003 ^ COT 0S!i, 00800 cgi^§, ‘88’03O0 C^^OOOi8, kgS^CCT 00801, g8^coi OO 8 031 ^ ^ ,0 00 © ? CO p ,o 38 g 8 P 8800 E 01 , g 8 ^ 8 » 00 8 03T ,08 5|^^c8 1 . iiosB, oq^- coi5, 8s:B5, — ^icoo^^^^©coia 300 c 85 ooibooG 8 pco^ 8 « 03oo^cg^aoi.d8iooic8Sc8i , — ©goo^ 03S 00800 ^^ 00 ^^ 108^001 c8ooi£^t030COp^c8i; OW^^ICOI 0300*00^^^, ^‘«^(^\031CO1330g^^lOia3OO^Ol88 OoS8j5»1O088l33O08CO1 OO^^.^cSi; ao^8^«i33i03oo8coiyioi^^^c8i.'’ wioo85^_,^88a^8d8^c658a5COi^ioo ^03C^5©300^33<^1, (J). j Q80e,)i)8b,‘‘8ic8l^©8^l8^;^^, O^«lCgl03 OO^OOC^OO^33O^5 o31,O^OO0^O38s5,OO©^33OO8OO^OoSc8i; OOC^^OO^C*^ oo'loou^, 880^00^b800800^;” — i>« 00 ^^^^, ^100^03b8833|)^01^ 0000 03^. li©8C01Cgl 3300800^^^^, OOoSoO^OO^OOc8lCOl03Ql88jCglOO^. Ii0^030^5cb^,008oc^j.^;^v00^03^^01^c0100803ic8i;©8b, 00800^^^0^ CO y j j'l ^lQ51C0105Cg^yl01C?300^0l8i O0^8^«lCO?8l 0300?C01 C^BlcSl. C^ICH) ODgS^jB cS ^0000 CO ^ . cgi OS CO jcS bcS i b COT 00^ rBsoa oibs 03 (j^TcSi . 6^^ B^coSisgooy^baD. oou^cojS; o^osa^?cS^booc8osiooco^ co^ooScSi. oS©?coicgiosoosno^oo^osi,8jc8io8^boob»c8i; o^oso^Scb^, COIOSOOCO^CO^OSDSSCOIOO^OSIOS^. ©<5^,^c8lOCinoV,OO^SO^ ‘oo^no^’ ^^^Soou^copcj^iosco«coj5, o^oo^asiop^boo§c8i. noo'ioooiosx, S ^ CO ^ ^ 8 © » db COT ooi CO 5 CO ^c8 X ; y T. os «1 000^5 ooc8i 00^ 8s os o 1 00^ b 8g os 03 J 00 :;^5 CO ^ os «1 CO 5> © « 5 f>,^c8 1 . jos 8 , j. coi^^5os^50oT;®!*oo^ooo'i.(coi©?. ogS5j)©?b, oonocS^oo cB 5 0 soo^cow^coi 1 |^c 8^, 88 osoo^osicciooSc 8 ^oscS^^__^c 8 i; — o©*coi cQ^OOrBsooS^^^O^^OI^COIOO^OSC^ScOoicSl. 00^2>38iico^i^c8588c85os ODIcSx. yiO^dboS^S^^l, a8^^X^^^oOOB8C0^ 00133C^o8^00fB2yaCO^. .^idbs(j^o:i3^«^(^8«^^c8^, c8xoScoioscoc8^^i^^^8« osSooS^coi osi^g 8 ^occBs^iooooco^. noS^oofB? mcans/ne/irf/.y visiting, ncci ^jBos^S^cnoc/s^oov'Bs oo^^^jB, o^ogQ^oocBs oo^coiosc^ooorB? ooooui oxcSi. cgxs8^ooc8^c85osoc!?8?oo^ oo«^coa7 §cb^. «©8oo88coioo oo'^^oodBsosco^ost^.pcoiooScS^oscS^; os^„^oSos©ay^xob^; o^^oo oi^ooo^co^; cgxs8poorB? ooSosiooooScb^; ossQ^oscBs bcoioo^c8^ Osc8^;y^osc8^«cb^; o^^ox^cSyscSx. ►c65§s^aso8iosi, 03©3oo^§^^ y^Sosi, oocoq^sco^osoo^ ocy^coi|^cS% 8?,osoo^osxcoi oc^cS^^^S c8x; 0 sSo^£^^ 5|^O30O?83'^XSCO1 OSC^35^^^.O0a8c738^c8x. co^co^ 8soos|^<:8icoxo(^?o§^c6Scox^xno^osc^5^^^r8y8cSi; coc^§ co^bcSx b,cB8o6pcBscbcoi OD concocbicSisxjjo^^i,co^3oS, aocbicog-|^«OD^^soooocbia)|*i^,S,c)Doo^p iioaS, j. "SoSs^icoiosoo^^opoao)^ ooo^^^, osoSsosno^^o^^oa oS2,cbl©^(^lC^c8lC0100^CC83 030oipCOCO^ ;-©?00^$_,^S3^1,So8<{,!:8^3 C^OScS^OOgS^CO^. llO^©8,5(^tCOlG300^^O^G8a)^O0O^ £»cS3,c6ll)^oblC^c8l, &C. CX)OO^^C^5oOOO^cSl. iiOaS, »G3t||j^G3c8^aJo3c0^OlJ^^«X£^COlo3^8SgT03t, COT tos8^0358^oo'^\6^,£c8i. «ioox5^^^§8^io^oo©p(^\obc8ico^a^« osa:)^ oo8^cooo§|5c8ic6^c8iabico^§8G3oo^'x?^33oo8^cocoicS^ ^loS^CO^ C01c8S8j5^1CO^; S80oS^__^, G3C^^G3c8pCO^«ld^P«38d3^Co'|l, §8,yi e^C^lobcSia)^O08^93OD§^, 0O^8^e«00p93O08COlO06^|,S C0^2)8 c85£» oo85cb^§cb^^^poocglooi§coS;oioo8§o?orc8ioo^aj^|_^oob8^3,!7^3liQO b8^2§80^^01^c8o?c8l. 11028,9. iiOO^a^©^CoTo^©l3s ‘o^’ OO0O:2j^8|3§S3cOOD0CO^OoS COl^lOlOaS’oScS^t^^Scb^; — ©S00^02 (jJ1,^18G3c£^§20, 0210000:1^* Gao^S^OOJ.'SolliO^OCXi^^^^CXj)]]^*, &C. §Sf3g5oO^‘o1.' COT03cS^t^^,^OOc8 CO1^^pC3S^50©l,§,OOCO^OO^;8^CO^^§O3c8^. Ii«^©8C01’988,«1008So3 cSlODC^pCCIOOD^^OO^OOOlOlCOI^l OlCX>^039,03o8!cS\ . »C0^30^ CO^ CoSp 98 CO ^ CO CO ? 5 1 P CO ,5 ; 00^ S ^ ©8 CO ^ OS CO 3 COT 91 0 1 3 00^ COT o OIOO^obos9oO§c8l. iiOS|,^§8,CO^i!85o!)l,OCO0CO^OoScC19\Oias8^ it-C. I’CsS, 3 . iiopio^oino^«i'b8co8b88ooo©^wib5cb^; — osccSos^a^ 0^191 otbscOib, ©sco^oO’^Sco^o^^co^, ^isossacoiopt^imbscosooS §8000©^ «ab5cb^. "Us 8 , G.' I'OOC|_XO§|SocC 8 C 01 C 0 ^ 8 i; (fcc. © 800 ^^_,^,ODsSoo 8 ^C 01 00 CO p ‘ 08 ^ ’ OS cS^ CO j5 , 0 ^ ‘ c 8 1 ’ oscS OC S C§ 1 . iiOsO, r(_. iic^ioicSS^iic^soSiS dS^cS^osSglSo Cj^aoSpdS^oS^o^ 0ScS800ro^; — i) 8 ao^ 3 S(^-i, ‘ooooV 05 c 8 ^crjc 8 j 5 co^, (^isesBa -cSi’cSi. BCOi|_^osb5gol,Qi8©gcoiastoioio^?c8^cSjBo§^, *Scc. iiosO, o. HoSooyico^eaos^bo^coiw^iooo'icb^; — ©3oo^05^i, b 0 ^, oscQ^ojcS^oo^: — ooQi, ©8oo^osc8^coa8^0Soj8CO^, — j^iseicoi OOOjB;o^OSOl£cbp,OOOgSbcOlOS«lOO^t580oWs8l0^eSl039^c8l. Sjco oloo'i (3800^ oooi 8 icoo^co^,oo©^asl oic 8 t . 1030% 9* Care' must Ix’ taken to j>ut every word in a sen- tence in its proper place, because a change of place generally oc- casions a change ol meaning. no X» ^ o 5 CO^ 00 ^ 1 00 c8 CoS 33 30 ^ 3 ^ 3Q ^ cS 1 . iia33(>.co5^^^co^o^03c8^op^28?§5cbi^^^, oo^o^S^oS^a^oDsSsGQ^^bcSi ; — oD coScbi, — y^esS^^S, o^^oilcoioo^S^cbicsDoso^m, oo^ooS^cbiosDD? OT , ^ 00 0 CO p ,00 cblOO 001 ^ cSl . tiOoS, O. li^l^^^OO^OO^cS^oBl, ©800^^__^, 01^001 ^lOlcS^^l I^cSt; — ^ i|^^cS^co^c8i, — y^ ,0^^01^001 ^i^^^cS^yit^ioioooi c8a. iiog^cg^, oy^09ioo^ooc8iaocS^c^93i^|icoioo8i3^03og1§8ooSo^ OoSoSsoSs^^ScO^. ii«10085|,^§8, C^800^y^ni, oocSioo^o^oi, ooo^'o c8^0008COlOO^OOc8lOOc8cO^CO^OOOO^O^G3c8^^I3oQl8§8 OOoSoOO^lS OO^S^SSOO^obCO^OOO^OOcSacS*. 00cy^c0,^88000103008c0iy©«00^00 01,^10103^^0001^C0100^0001Q^c8i. iiGOO^, 3. Before we speak, we should have in mind what we wish to say, and aim to express that and notliing else. iioooSSococBi o 8 ^oo ^§3 ocoIcoos W^iy^l$^OOO^s8 coS^oSoii 330^330^1 coioooscy5^c^ic8tc6^cSic)bso8i,§: . q5 6s 00 3Qb^^f) 8 1 o8i . roooyHco^5^^^a3oScoioo^8^©8Co^ooo8ooyioocSioo8c8icciooiooS OOcSvC^lOlOoScoSoOjBcgScSl. G3oScO100^.8^©8C0pOX800ol|,^p,OC0^ oScgTsBlS^lf^C^OO^OOlS^OO^^ODOI^^ODoScSl. «ooy^oo^§8ooS^ OOt oSoO’t 00^00 cboO^nocSoOcS 00^(^8cSi . «oo8, o. iiyxoooir^3co5oS^ooioS -creo^^^^, ©3b,*‘5o©«§s5oo^^ cSiooosoooSs^^^, co^y^coiooocSioo^coioooo^^cS, §«5 ogij^^ooo«ooo^ ooc8i|_^oco^yicoid8^ooy^ooi^c8r. oSo3o^5cbjB,j^igo(^icgx§8«io brBg oib8c8 1 . II C01 00^ 08^00^ 08 ooc8ooi 00 cb ^ c8 c6 cb ^ ^ GO ' Ip CO ^ d cB s 33 CO ^ , €^' t ; > gS OOC/ 1 CC VijOicSl . i>co8, o. iigi ®^0i§icSic8^i,S?8i.c8^§coi(7nsoi§ooocS«e8,SsGS ol G30tc'i COT OOOyl ^5^pCOCt,§300Ogi^;^O0OlcST.cblCr^o;cSh C j 8 So3 c33Jlc88|^^'30COlc8l.. Cc£c8?tnrr.>l(5£0ODw1§8G^itnc3?OOtc3'i, fC^id! esoc^,o^wooro; J1ob^;r«80cicS'ii:8CO^^^C»'.'^3«OGicb3;]e3b3p 3tc3i cSi3i,c8H,8to3^^Gi,8;oo^C3tS3^,^gi, ^ocoj^iabgjOocoiys. [50CCyi,l:s co^,o^Gol)3wooiQOOicbS;] ncBsbcoScoScJSOi^^ioo, o^otc^ix rcg'ij^i (anoxf^^o^oac^ooicocn;3vOtcb3;§3o^Gf3(^no'icoic6^; gncoiascbico^ oo^^,^,oS85i^^; «x86<|^G50tcb5;)|5Colo^cg5o5cST. «Cg^^^6§35c3 bSsaloocS^SoocScSicgS^^cSi, o|io^Gs^^^co^§gOj3iooi cnis3^.5c?t. P®SOO^^^^,C2XOOgh3BcX3S^§oSxgo1ooCO£OsCOsS80^^01^00 007D;OJ^ 30 ^^Hoi^ojoooq?8soco^|£oc(|£coo^co^. • go8, j . !i||,^Q5oo^cSi^bcopa8«i8^c8 ooco^c;b5§? o;b^S OD(^l0g5b8Hc8lC0^C0l0^08G0c8lSsC3b^,S c€x30CO^C31(|SoS OOc8o 3 cSiQgGabs^^n co^coic830cqo3cg§gGob5.^' w^bcc^coi odSocc^jS^jcts b|533roHGS(,^XcS3'^T=^3oOCQ^§SJ33b|,^OJli^c3xCO-!CpS2;gOODijG2b 90 J99 CO c3jOOOOo8«boDC^c3l. —01 col^^,o^ioo?s8ro8^D:'^^^^§20^^iOi^.co; co^30^^Soi^cBcooQ«8«esoo op^!33b5§8sSoi8^c8^,^oo(^SogSb§si^c^i, co^coi O^a^SOScSl, 880^2)«|,3c8lSi^CD^CCiq^o3oOc833cSi; Ssf^^dSl^pglcO^ C01c8800q^a3Cg,§Sc83|^^aSboD^C010D5cOCg^, 8 «ooS|_Sg3cc^j^^icS^ CO^O:JpOOCO^,§ga^OOCO^^^^C^^,8^cS^CO^Op3^)800g, 880^32)8^^cSl bbSjOD^sSsODTJ^SsjnSosbS, 8 «;^^a>l 8 cS§OOCOo 88 boOC^O?l. (^8b5|,^ 8833OoSooc8lCOcSl0Dlc6b,SCSb;O^^O1^^,OOSC£5«2c8T. tics8, ‘‘ «10 o 830001COT5^^C^OO^O?§^, ia;” — ®soo^o^^^,«^oos§o^e8<^^<^^^^^^^83cGoS8c8^. o^oob^cJD^S? o^«|T,o^«oox,obG8p§3^(^§^^,^oocg1oD^; — ‘i^’oaoosoc^Sco^. hG 30 ^, oo. The perspicuity of sentences depends much on a proper regard to punctuation. iio6^cbioo^Q^oi,c^soo^Q^oi,o°co^o^ot, ssoSsyioi 33^^C001^p8 8 soco}i) 0 o 8 ^ 00 :' 2 xi c 85 9^00(3^c8t. boo^ooqi |SrS^ox 6 ^o,c: 8 ^oib^g,r 8 ^oic^G, c^o;co^3^c^cS^ |5^5 8«©80o^03So^cgnco88ooocco^. iiOSiS, nbcx)|So3aaxo52^^?§30o^b8cos88a^cbo§^egi02orj^OS^iS8 Cn^oS^Bso^OOlCXJ^CO^OsSgOO^Ss^SsCOOOOOl^l^O^ CX)^^CKCgC2c8Sc8x oso^Soli OD^b 8 C 083 oc^scr 3 cb^^pw^ co^occSi tto^c^xoioo^ oOjS^^^a^ 00^(^CP05^CSc8ScOluCO©^O0^^«£}^«a3S’|,^cSx. r^XOD^Oo|xe8c65, 88O0CTO^^,88esb5|^jS; oocQ^oocB^^oobs, ^OO^ICO^, BsODCX)^^ 004^8 00 ^ , 03 o 00 CO 00 ^ ; Q 3 § o p 8 ool wH ngS CO 1 I e 8 00 ^, ooo3S 0 CO p c 8 ^ ux osaoiooo^ooS^cSx. 11030^, 0 0. In writing and in speaking, a correct use of the inflections, also of the aspirated and unaspirated letters, is indis- pensable, because every error in either of these respects produces an entirely different word from the one intended, making a com- plete jargon of what we actually say. The Karens in speaking, rarely, if ever, make an erroneous pronunciation, but, in writing, c65(g^w^. J^5 they ai‘(' amazingly careless of their orthography; Missionaries, in speaking and writing, are prone to tlie reverse of this. iiy iGO^o^r^:c65§! oQ^ooS^ 3Qcoscoi3gic>5, gqIoo o$^oo'J6^^^o8i. ^^^OD»O1^5cg500CX)* CC100b^^-^00Oi:^«y8c8\; ^Scoin»yic8oo^c6Sooo:gi^2|j5§8«ic3ooSo3(3i;^^03(^800^ ocoow^co^ ^oo(gi^|ooc8,co^oo^§«, o^/iosoosoS^coioos^^osoS^, C01«\c8oG^y3 ^\6i,g3<^8noic65ocj^i,c65w5c3olooo^, eog^, 88 CTc^?oo«^oo^ §r^* c8l. nOO^^^^OoQlSCOjScOlOCOOlOO^. «X030D«5 §10800 ^SSiboSoSi ^^;i)8b,c88CC.10s32O3§03ODSOX,CO^n01O0§8S(j)00cS^roc85cO1O065cr2T » ^loom e^c^iobcSioo^coi oo^ oo^ ^5 C30o^ §so^ goooocS^co^oooox COIGOICOjOsloOOOOoSssLtb.^lOOOXOXOOeSj^O^QOl^^^ijOoS^TcQx. O oScbopOOXODcS^SiOO^WXOrj^COO^cSl. ^00^010)^000^ 00c6^C0^8s, qi^^cx>iccisoo^^T ^^jBccnoS, Bsoonoqs'^^^icoi odoc^^Icoiodoo^ox OoHoOO^cSl. (oox. J230.) yxcc«5^^88ooo^0j'lcoiooj^^'l!]6pc:o^ao^ ooo^yia^ooc^pcOpSsooo^^'lobooxooToooSoocScSi; oco^gB^Ssoo^^T CC10 0:«iT,^!^X,©2bo^. a0S©8O0^|,^G3C^^GSd3j5coia2C0p^'lc65§S590 oo^d8^oo^ic8ooo5^^o^§scoco^p^ cci^xe^c^ic^cSxb^^^ ooSooSSes co^GOoosccioo^^lco^, ooxS^exooooscoioo^&ScSx. oo^pxo^S^Scox OOCOaO^0OnOO^Cc5§3^OOO^^^O^b§8OOs8oD3^OO^DSCb^;OOs83^COlGO esoS^o^uoo^ ootooooojScbp. «030^, oj. Long and complicated sentences should, as much as possible, be avoided. iioo^a:)c8icoc8i,coc8i^^^,33oqooo8a^)^s:8soQOi, 33 oq 00 ^ § 2 83 00 ^ 00 00 ^ CO ^ 00 OC ^ , 00 00 ^ , 00 ^ CO 00 ^ 33 I cb^o8:cooi. BO^oao^Bcb^;oo^occ8iS|^po^^oi^c6.,oc8^|,VBytc8x. lOaS, iiexb, ^xoo^03ooc^5coo^5co©^^^^ oooSc^xos DD^oS^oo^cS, Ssoooo^pDla>po:>©^cgxa30D8§8coSoj?^oo^b8C08 c8xc^ c8ic85oocx)3§8^coxoo^cq^oox§^ooxdlxo3B^ ^ oooo^l^coixbco^oo O3?§200S^0p^_g^Sa)qS000Xs8^C01^8^ o6^c8xboDOO«§g, dS^COlcySp^X cc5(g^c=)^'. cSp8.'w^§0^aD8^05C0^0^0^8^ ^OaDOoSsScOoSa^ OO^Qf3X)SGScSc|^^J^ co^G3Cij?po^|^^coo^80Dp8^y'K:8^8^3co^oD5SS^bo:f^ co^cck^^cBicoS r!?c>oocSG3io:>oo3i2abc8io3ao§S'^25y:!C^32 o3?3^a5G3co«coi c£p^ oicSi ;— s«coiG3i,OD^cac3iooo6pSsooaSp x ^101^0303, oo8lco^,^XipSscb''53^o3^x;ld5o3c6cx;cScoiooS'?ri; CDoS C3ajncoo3^coacocoi co^. F igurativ e 8 ty le. — cy^ cB 1 3 oqS 33 . noq lorocB 1 0C'S§2 oo^con 33 §c 8 I o5 boQo 1 6 1 ^ , 23 § 00 ^ 33 3 1 S r>3 8 § §? ,007) cB l a3^33 3Q 3 q1 30^ ^ 08 ^C3'.§ ^ COI y 1 23 035 p b CTD'^ 23 sSo 1 ^ ^ OQOO ^ 33 8 cS I . 11 Q^G3O^6'b8;yi0D25G^065oo'l COT oiScbl ^1001030^ 05 oS^lCobsbs Q .’ j I I ® w CSoSjcSx.. uOj'lCO7Gt>CoSo«i«a^^§?X>'oS,^0D«^00^O0^a)Tuo6^OD,O^^ of'100, oS^ccco^Ssc^iossajpcb'Xpc^^ioicoioo^gjacECoo'iGs COlT^^^O^g^lScOlG^CO^CO-SOoScriO-lCOOlOljOGi)!;— ODOOSc8i,ccOO«B^, (X)DDSo:j3atji .oo:Oi!GO[?65,coooiic8icy\oc>xs^, oDcosoojS, cooosco?, S !|.^pcSi. cO|5£C.Soo^io8^o.y 8Soo,copG5ico,03p6jco,cSiajc!0, 4^>c^p oy,no^o.y,G»^^.^^i^,^«ioi3«o03poo2cS’ ; Cj)io3?x^2jsd2'icciooj^oco& (O'cSt esSoo oocv^ScSi , iiS^^pcoou*, c^!oi;isoDpbbco^^;o\co70Gioc^i'^§3 ocoir^^ioicx)oi oicoi^iOTb|.330c5^XjS'|ooc^aD,5|.^, cxuiScb^; ocoOcSixl^^^tOT co^oyiyiapaj^ooicojoc^pjloo^coxocoic&'i. noasSyi&^oilco^boo b?b>;cSi. I’b^^fSoQcSsjajiScopasSio^i^co^xS i^sSs'^Sg/yDSooSonSsccc-i^S, dsco tbScci^XT xxpysS^x^icoipoTBcnopjS, c^icXcoijxlScoi caco^poT or\ 5 5c8 1 K:j)l^^G8^3303Bp03^S,d3^§o03^^,:^'^9303af:'^,cS^83b-3 OpSooSlcSioSxT og^xoicb^. 03 0300*03 03 co^ cS 1 o 5 cc 7 C3g ^ , db 1 , 5 8 \ c8 \ . (X) Kiii'iirative lau^’nago is of vai’ioas kinds. iio 8 o 5 ioo^ 33 c >^5 oo ICCI. itco^cocSi oaSoo^aco ^oo^cj;j8oocoCvpS2\cS\. ou^oo'^too^GraSS rocv^SoopGkij^, ooiroo:^5aT^Ck2^cSi. o^coSc:^ooodo^o8i|, powers c@i; c^co5£Oo:'^5ooiODCv:^S|^^o^C3^S?;n?^ScSi. co^a5a5S^‘^ae«ajroo:25S8:x)Coo:^5Gscci, §?c63|,^iog1ooc8igoSo^Scd 0isa5CO^§jC3»8s^b©6^5c8i. M etaplior ; — cx> lo 6sc8i co^ oo^' i ^oi co^oc 6 1 3 ^ ^^ 5 , 33833600 CO CX| 5 ;>^^OcS 5336 10 D 1 9 SOOG 51 ^o 8 i . •ctj8, o. «oiQpc»icx)«^rb]©nc5i. oMO)aoooo?8s^'io^ob,^ob?E fx>^5rriooscS^,g5tT'a(r3S.d6j5b,8sn2C55[)^3v>o^c8|5o:;^d8icS-i. ©?ooSo«ij^i, 2)&pScSTC?aoo2o:7cr^0i. — oDl0^o^©n,s;b. £3S^,|6oo OC^/c)^«8COv»?^|V|^cQi. 8c^Il38)00:'^^£bl,oS^'ooioS.7Dl G3t^^£Oc85c01 oo^fodjiG«Q7«080Dp8'ic«ooeiSaDb^^p,SicciG;'O'j^Sco^bc0‘» oSG2onr^&-!ico^55,f^3lc8'l. §s e’GiccT(X'0'^r63Mco£cnnc6S6?cSi. S8'3t>58,©SbdicbcSibcoio8oooiS a»o^5,o9i!§.^.^cSi. nosB, j. iiodopoaiooc^eo'Ci^^l^^^, B’aooTy^.o'ioTiecac^^OScS^ c3i ; o:> cb^ G COT CO c8i CO 1 os DO cop b ^,5 . 6* r^5 , B « co ob'i G2 scot x co p b SoSsoioooop j:ao8p§?bS5oo':^ocpbOjScST. i)soo^03i^n,2>C[*3c8iS303? coTeo^'i^i ,Sc8ic3^^^ooapcoi ®cJc^S cos, ScBtcso^cot f^ionoo^c^^c^cSH ODOTcSl. ^?^OSGOei^001c55;§8Coi)i!. cblcbcSlCQ^,o3pTOldSocl OO^CO.SjCoS^J!'- 32cS^yTCJ33bsc^^8<033O0OpGcll§gt|,p, 00^ C'SpoC T oS , . t C01 «2 OC 01 ^ C^ci^ScS'i . IiG^Sj P>- liODesCOICglGOO^SiO^lS^p, C^TG^CO0O^ci3pCO3103cS^, § 2 OS c8 5 OC 1 p S 0 ^ 1 03 no © ^ c8 T . Ii0^8, p. !i03bcOpC73(bcSpC^1300^T,§?CX^8To8TC01CX^f>^,8»f p^J'^T O^ODOlGDcSl, §SCO‘l^pOOlbcOlopbS(^133B^oSi; IsoO^^^pjO^OoScSl <^103^1icoia34^5ooioo^co^. oo3|,^oDijB{jj^5coiS,8s(jj2o:^a303'^^^; ooSjSs oo^ogi^coi^S.a^iciS^ssooaS^oO'?, c6^3>po8^^§|5q^,§o5ooc^coi^3S OOTO^. ^OO^G8pC05oD,^OO^bSc53lG3cSh,ODc8^cglcSl. 3>100 o3?CC11 CO ^ ^ 1 CO 1 3)1 00 C-^5 00 G ^ 03 00 3^ jS 00 ^ . iicg^c2^,oj^oooSi6o3S303i03oS?03<|j)i, oo9c8icoiojjc88ooo8c£^coi 8l(Jl038^^pOc|i|^^,O^O?,C0ei^1'i^hcSi; Oo^03©«Oo88001Co|52)3935j'^C 00 llOlOOsSsSSiwl ^■1^_,^«1G0008G001, S^IOOG^S^, «^03JCo8i^1c8i. llOlO08G|,p CC 1 00 ^ ooc8i oo| I 0380 Qi 001 01 ^ocSboaco 3cSl . IlCO^OOcSlUlQOO: ?S|Scg^OC§8C00100lWg,33S^oG. OglBcSlylOOp ©QC08Sooooo:?5o38^o63coiS«^p8oo3oooicoiGooS^(^pbb'?oo^r>g5oo')b C 01 00 ^ <^j < 1^1 y 1 CO 03 S 1 OOCgH d3l 00 g8 8 CO ^ 00 0 1 CD S« CglCC ^ 03 1 03 00 oS^a^,^b8co§oo^io'3i, cbscSi, cIss^icg^bBioioioot^So^ioiopoo^^i O§Sbbl,O03|,^d3lCO103«”l, OO^COI cgi(2obcoooioo«)?:Si, Ssoo^t^^ooSdBooo^ooooicoicgioopaap'jo^oS dilOO«^08OCj3frjlbcOlGOO:°^OlOO.2^338"!c8l. WlbSs^^^OO^Sjto^lOO e^^p&^i5cj)i^^^^©pp5585)^ScoiG3cb^coioxoocSs5^,^, 33800 c3ico^ WitCOei^cSl. O^33l)iCO1O3OlC3OOs5o0©l^|^^ODOO808c8lCoSe^«CUa33 i-Sx. nogSoDOse^iucoxooSxiooc. osooiS j 9 ,e 8 b, oot^^oo^asoo^^^b syicog'ji 03 '301 COl C06',^ COT 003'^ p ©0 po^ji coS, cSp^jloSpocB^Scolti^ogSnoSsbcSx. oy^cgxOTOoo:^^.oooclQc5 G 3 §,p 00 p , cS p s8 3 b cS 1 eg c3 1 c3 S cS 1 . Allegory;— 33JCoBuf^l^^^, O^OO^CDcBiSqBcCCOCX^SoI 9 ;' 0 S§ 231 , cyDt^lOG^OQOlOlS^O^GQO^licO^WlGgOO 33c8!,:y:)^2O^30crDcB)ia'A^.^ !^^§?3^'5 o^oc 6 isSoSi. ll3?JCo8iqi^^^Q6r, §GS1, — 0 , coat; G 3 jco 8 i^ioo^i, Aaoooc 8 xoo 1 oxa 3 c 08 |H^^ 5930 oc 8 i COl33oS«, OoSoOp,COia3o^OO^|ySW82p,C^pG36<03So|^OOalOpc8l. 5o©iOCl33o33,33CDc8\001^,PG8p83C3Soo8 ; 03Sp003‘X.S^^^5c3l b§«00 obioo^; 03o5^ocosS|^pcopoo^coaiop'cSi. 03 §o^O£SoCo8g 31,0 cBsoo 61 COT 03 J CO S^sj^roi J 03 S 0 ^c 8 1 . « J, coai;33jcu8i^ioo^a^^p,03o:c8ioo^Slaoo^ccpcoTC3^ox33ooi §^|^§oocSibo3o3scoP; 03§o^§^ooc8icop§80oc8ioo^^__ScoS. such are Parables. 0303iooai^^p,0303c8too^, a^03jco8^c^cx)ij 0300^00 o8x, — 03So^^a^G3jco8^qooijG3§o^. dooc8xooS«^ox, odc8xooS C 3 So ^ a^ ox jCO P 2i?§s 03J cc 8 x^x bcox 5c8x . O, Co6i33§. tog^oocoaoo, 9 SJJ. ©sb, 8l33X@XC0pa8p88038sOl,00OTC0TcgS gS, §?oooicoigiooo|^gPc 8 i. (j 9 ) 9 x 001 oscopajsSsog^gSooox^po^ co5(g^u^. t35>(^^^j5bc01 00^0300^05, §«9XCO130CO^y8§S9100CO|ap 0001 ^^ 0 ^ C0100^®so5o0^c8x. (j 9)cOl5^0CO^O^G3833C;>bc8i;3:0^3G'31, 0 ^ 00 ^ GOT ^cSiiBcSi, 5oxcSi . oo oxcci Got^coT fT siSoislccx 3 So 6 s®^ 0 iooo^ ^^^ 0 ^ 1 ^ 00100 ^ 081 , (j 3)aooH5ooi,1^coic7o^o^ioo©i^l)i5'),o3SnoirB^ Q^s, SiSoSsSsoo 9 ) 1 9|COpcoiC3aSjS boc|^05i‘33 ob< 0 ^Ssga 8 oo^cSi. (j G) 00^00 (Til J|OoSo^^CC1CC8|^pO-lCOo3^0CCg8s«Sobc55iCOlOG5'ii» SlcSi. 8i8oj<:5pooicSooi9ic73roioo333i^V'j3c8^ooo55sSooyo:§^o CO ^ 0 l CO 1 cob c 8 ^ CO 1 ® « 00 ^ 00 jS s; 3 8 s 1^. COI oo'i , S 1 Gp J 8 ? 85 Cfi 5 0 0 1 S ooSsoinoo^aoc^^iooo^, c^co^oicocosl^liSosegbcooSscopoob^G^p Ci§S03SGpOCCO10(S>.OlC0C0Sa382 piG^SlS CaOoSo3^3p, SiOil^GSOO^ g 3 S§Sc 8 i. 1Woioo^§?o&3ooc^ 1 S(q 1 oo^coi oicj^aiSooi coobo^iG;! (jO^335^p'cO1OOSl1©l^'lc?oSpC36!§3OoSoOo3lOOoScJO«^OO^0iar5S1'.1^ cop; §8CoS,1l®i£p33ao330o^1P(»j1oo';coiy^3G3oo^83p^S'8coiG:io3p ^Soo§2CCfj.COlO3!!80 00§G30 o8iCX)'oS qIc^ICoSI'iI^ E’sco^^^CoI CO^ ^01 O^'L OOc 8 03(j>^. OS' <^1 C'Sl . l; 0 ^'Oo 8 sCOOlCOlOOOO|^p. QoSp, OO, CT^1.8l3c£?©sb,CO^COO$£p «Hoo8oooj5coiob5po1‘SoS2O0oC'OO8o5ccicoi5nobcop oo 8 i‘goo^'xo 8 s oool, 880oorbos,5oico1oo^i8i6aoboopoo1i|i oooSioooicoi. ■>&? ooh(coiooco59>iaspep^co!'85G’Sii5^i,) bcciSsScnoooo’coiooij^ioooOs 8 s, w^ccicto^goSgswS^Si . §8oboScciG383pa3sSso:;i ooSioo^P-Daro 001^00ep|PoOlr^8yj003C01000pOO'ld8p001oSo’DlQo8^c8l. aCibSsjS 00 CO S 8 80 00 5 0 l COT 91 OO' p © Jj^CO sSg 3 Ol G 0 o 1 |l CO 1 SOQ^P r^sb COI oo 5 S 09 cocSHcoiooc^iooep^^p, o^co^oiosDO^I^T.'iboo^sO^sbaobyi bcoiSsSco .op, «^e^a>iCOioo33|533cjojco8lij^coij'Oo3oj^'§scbr>piO'oHoSpopio3:>pi 0 )12>.^8.0000 ^gSP^P&o8^c8i. !iS^„pc?3oS«,coic35cb'iooioo(|^i, ©soo^coo^asr^iSoo^ «ioooo«1'l1^ BsO^OO^OOoSlcSlcSl, CCpSOpc^p'P/^cS 8 §SxSopScOp 2 ; 88 «OO^OOoiOp, C^^P§2C38 o^3®8^.5gSP88Co3g?Cc5i. ii3Qjco8iqi j6ico6i3q8. i'Cg^<8p. 3«3 1, Dsb, C^0386po01COl9lCOlO0dbpGSl, ^icoioocfep ^i.s30©o8(^^ooc&^ooo^320^ioo.ooi. i^xcoiooobpGSioooi oSpSieoJ 9 ^GOc 8 HcOlOO©lS 8 cOc 8 lc 8 p 8 p 0 ScOpc 8 l. 88 ^Poo 8 o 8 pb.S«CDlc 8 p og 5 coi^i§« 0 p©o 8 c^^ 8 gj^ 8 , SsoibSiOo'i con 0300 * 00 ^ (^ioO',gip, Si^pcSi© oJOOGS^icSi. O^n^^co^bcoiascoooPcSpeuscopjOopoSpbcoieosoop CO J90 OXcSl. liBjifol^Oaij^lGSpsSjCOiOD J)CO^05(|^X, 8 «^ion c^oioa og1cojBci,©^^^oDi§:ooe6s<^^a3cS^^^^oo'>^^. — ooSwicoioDeo^c^Soa 8 h,COlODOO«XCO^^,^,o 8 ^ 0 ii«^lcb^. OOCgScO^C010303.-'Oj5o§^©6?00^, §«oo^o8^96soo^ox^p,o^03co^y^icbj5. S'ibno^jSosx. c^oor^sco^oo^ 03 TojOO 1 OO^CO 1 OOfr>«lOC©USC^^O 3 c 8 ^OOOO^. OOOOOCJJoS^CgS 03n0C)l, §»030bo8jSo0^c8^00^03c8^, — onco«icSx^^05!g^^. 8«o^cbo§^oo^c8S oo^oscSScSi, — §« ooooo5gSxcoi OoSg8^0DO^^,8800^Cio65§£SiCO^,CO cxk^5c7dc8ic8i co^, — Bsool ^^oox ^co^oSjS, oono«\c85aj^asi ^coi OSOJOOob^l 068 ^ 0010388 ^ 0001 . ii03O^5031,00^CY84^^8^C^^03Cgl03 ©usc^^ oocS^^o^OsjSecj^cosoooo^.Bsc^oi 0391 no^cS I . Ii 000 jp 001 ©i 00 ^ 00 l«^ 03JCo8i^i'|^|^c8i. u^OOO^Scb^, ©iSCO^OO 030^1 oow^oo^oo^yiosooxoo^^ooi^S^^jSco^; 0^0808191 os^e^cosS oco^coi©6{9^§‘©6s9^03c8^5^^j 8, §oS«o3^^cg1o8^a3oo^03ioo^oS, 8 ? Cgl0300^©j5^^C01 0300091 CO^cSx^.^OC^jncS^OOOOOO^cSi; — 03BXOoS OoSo^COCOjBeoS^^OScS^CO^, — OO^^X 03^©Cj^ 0:2800 00 C^ScSl. nngSoo§2G3jco8i^xoo^03x, g 8 ^coi©«, osq oG. ©sb, 00 ^ 0 ^ 29^33 oo®^3i,^a68586«9^oQ9^coirS^i^xo^o09S039X;^o8o8^og59i ooo^Soo C^§«^c^^c8x03b|^c3x. ^UlC3cS^CO1038^§8^q^l^Xc8T33oS, 8 «^xoo 8 i c 8 S 8 x^^^c 8 x. ooei^nocQcSiooq^ooiooooq^x, 8sooBi^a3co^s^303s^^^P COia3G03So300q^9Xc8x. <0^O3gS98^<^^,§^33§2O3CO^|^£9o68^9^cSl. llO303XOCC^,^«XO088xG3O0G^l,8’0O^85c^6cOl5bsb$^^O^ 33 O 0 p«^X l•o 82 e^ool 9 ^coSc 9 p|^^«\co 88 lsBx, B^ao^ScB^Saowx coioo^c^ yxdS^ogSdSxcSx, iiooSo 989 So 30 o©^Gi,c^opx 00 ^ 000 .^; cg^cSxoocoi S^ooxcSnoxoo^coiy?. j o«jo, — qj. 8scd 89J: — 99. OsSpj J« 8 o, — 09 . CdS^J 3280 , — oJ.CdSS J 3 : 809 . — 90 . Oo 8 ^g? 8 oG, o>\. Cd 8 ^ 0 ‘^s 89 , — f). 8203839 — QO. 8803890,93. 88O3899. — 9 "* 0c 880JX, 036^0086, — 0^. 8so:So. — 3, 038^08880, — o. G 38 ^ 03 ? 89 > — e. 03So,e. 03800 , — 33 . »82c;8^3so3To8,c^8cocoi5Drp. u O 08 ^ 00 X c 8 no X 00 ^ CO 1 03 J CO 8 X ^X CD 5 03 cxg-j^ 8 08 jb S cb^ ; 5 03 X ^x COlO3OO'01*8CO^03l CO ^330^ 030^X0^ ^^0^00^ CO^CO^, CD^^OOOI^CD^; o^oi^^ooTcoi CD^oSoo^ooy^coxocSxcoTooS^TOxoSTOX OO^CD^^^^b ^CDcS^ 880000 ^00^; eo^yx COT 03^1800^01 b^^oi^booo^^^j5o©8<^i coi038y^oob33§803^^oi^o8^oo^c6;::8x. oxo30og§ooS|^'^^(jipo§^coi O3bS0l,OOjSbcOlCDb5o3oS888OO3OX^pCOOOCOpc8x. dcdc^^cdc8^oo 0^oo©^co^jg)8y ^8, ©8b, co^ygxcoi^oS^noxoS^x^xooo^l^^ coioo^oo c8xo38^^.88escoib,33boo^ooo^o6^b8sooo6poc^,§^0b88oo^^o^ CO^88O3^^OOO1^CO^bO0^; 03O^iS03X, 5o88o30ooo6b'oo^coi33b58s, OO39^a3b5.'338^33§OOoS^0Xo8TOxdBxCD1CO^OOc8xO39c8x. 0^03oS c8|bOOc8o30^^G300S,o5oiCD^XCD^^OC0888, OOc8l§no^PcO^<^^XCDOo1 oS^oo^oScD^. o^o 83 ooxo 8 noxG 8 xcoic)o^ooc 8 xc 8 xc 8 i^Soooooo 8 oo^^ co^. o^cS^noxo8i'3OxG8xcoioQ^noo3iG38,§8,ooSoooo^,cosSoo8^^0l, t^5 oi ^ 03 80 ^cS X . Sjlllbol’, 0 ^c 8 j, 6300 ^^^^ 9 ^CO^ 006 l 6 KX)l 33 rb 00 ^ 013Q00^0^^0^01,3Q§ 0 ^ 01081 . 8§03X, QxSlO1^^X03c803<^^039pcSj5oi:SO0^CDoS803C'0^O^^C0oX, 0^o8o1gB^8s33^1XS)Sc8x. 0X^XO3c8o3c^^Q3©^c8jOOaX,O^b5ob8Obg og 563 iS^ 3 x roioooSpnoxoowxSQXCOi J99 c65(^^y^. oTcoqcSt. ^oTC»c833«^^a3e^c8joo6i,»^c65^'o^^ooco^oSi. udb^ roco8osic8339^a3i)^c8joooi, «^s>a^Sooqc8i. noicSiaocBast^^osi)^ cSj 00 oi c8^9>5ooco^c8i . iiS^^^oooSit^taaooa^^coo^S c8^8«oooo^o^^, Soesoo^oaoSsc^pSj ooe^cSj^S^ScSi. iiGSooSo^^ooo^oSx c^oS^cSScbjSj o^as^ooi coTOoSSo^boo^a, o^^ioiog^^icoooo^SasKx^osco^aooofbSoosyioa oos§03i5|i§8q^sbbcoHooaicoiosc§io5j^t oobsicoTosoo^o^^co^i, 8 j O^GOcboS^bcOI 000^00^ OO^ COT 0330^58? 0SOC>P c^co^ooSa3<,^ioo^i ^1. iicoi|,6a3bSg1oo^i^^|5rbo§^bcoi(j8^8^8ios>§^o5j,coic55G3(gi^, cb5^^|^oogpd3^o?co^Q3cx)c8^2'^c8a.33^^|^cb5ao(g7^ooj]8j5co^8? 9>ioooo^gnr^2c655^co|[3aoiO3oS3oooo88sc9ao3»^ooH8^0«oo^cbcop 03 008C01 CO^ CO OlOO oS 030^1 COT 9 >T.g 8^ C01 03001 ^^jSc»8l,O0 DO ^03oo,8soo^o§^b6ooopc85ooo«coic6S^oo^^03io3oSsc8i.oo^^^^038t rbcoSooooo^ocoi^ioiooS^cSi; co^so^, co«Hc65^^^Hco^, «^oo*i(^» COli)^c8j03C^Sc8l. oo^(^g§|^^oooocx^5s8^coicoiS8ico8i03c8icoi rBSo^io^ooj^?, coirS^o^g, coic8So30ioio3^o8j; bS^^oocBp 83 ^SCOOO^ , 0 ^ ilol- 03 © ^ oSj ; 91 031 03 ^ OOJ^^CO jB88o8^85c8l 0360000 r 038i,o^9ie^^^n^^oScSo;©^c8j; o^^,o^ooS»ioo88iooSo3»^c8j; bS (^3cb8,O^OoSoOJ^8, a0^00^031G3©^c8jc8l. GO1(011C^Ooh5^^88^SoiS OoS5|^^c8l. iiC01|_^03§S^C010300cBiOoS, oSpooicSoOl 00^03133008 S^03: co1oo(|i]i|8o^ jsSW^e^cSj; oo^oosboocgi^u^osc^^osbScrae^cSjcSi; 03 J90 co50^w^. o^o«bB^^,cgSo8i, iicoico58a^03(|^i9i^io2oo2!5CJi8ioi oo^oae^c8j,«Sou8-i8?oo«^c8i; og^es, f|^9«0 3,§‘=9* ©*coicgi65^o oSiosS^coTOocTgH; «ic8ioDcboo«^osS^8«o5iSicoioD^c8^coic)‘i8^t^^ cS^coiyScoStrglos^^cSi; e*cr.^^^a3So^i^b5oli,t:giyioo«m8ioi, oi^i§803oy35c8ic8 1 ^ogS b cx)i t8^ 8 ^ , 5 ^ 01 cx) ^ cc- 1 oaoo y 08 CO ^ COT 88^8^6 o8^{SioaoS8,8>rocb^oo©i^ooc8, BgooobSrSgooo^ oyjogSOTcSScSi. ©« oo^^^o^oo^oocBi!:^^880s8o^c8ic8ioocxco^,o^oso^§cb^, so^osS^ y^oo(g^cocg^^5^5^^^ooo^golcoioa8^^3(j8^8^oor3o°^c:8i; cSij^bcoi coi^^^oab5^1,5oo^oo^i03i c^bocoSg, o»^o68^^3a8o^c8ic8i88,c:8^8^88(^8^oo1«^oa3l(^^^^;co^sxD^5c6Si)8 oo8*cx)S«iaoco8coi|,^o3c8^s)a3o8«,c8^8^'^8^o8^5c8^c8^c8i. yioo^ oanocy5o8^o8coic8^8^^i5cS^c8ScSi. yaoosS^^oooosBsjOoo^golcoi oaco^cx>loq* 08c8i CC.1 OQcoioi 03oS« oo^oDcSiO^ia^ooSoocSicoS, — c^^,co],so^,c8^8^.^sl)[)^^coScoia3CjijSa3c8ScD^$^^cB^, s^cSSooc^coc^^^^ fe'^a^88gooo30D8coio3ooa:j^'.>px§^cox^x osB^oaij^cSjcSi. 8 00 ^cS X. 8 X 031 op cox © 00 001 ^ 00 O X OO 8 COl 03 «1^0§ ^00^ c8 X . cg'l©^rBgo3oox89q ox^9e- dixoIxbgOOOXjO^a^SGOS^cBjcSx. Og^'OxOOCOXOOOsSppSOsSoG, ©g b,OO^OOc8lo5oOlS^^_^^, «^00^©8CClix03X^OC\00^8803^9300^c8x. OO^ 00©8c0^03^ 0300 p000^,5o3x p2)8§<^X03l0X03c88CO^, 0^5o3C0^08§8 ^X000x03o88,§8^^^00^c8x.03b^^^a^2)^8o3x. Il5o0^©*o5cci 0300^2)8 no ^x c^Bioo^ o:^-] 8co^ oo^ sSSox s8 1> dlcoi o^oz0 coxc8^^x oo O^|,^©8o5bc01§x03xb838^xc8^c0l8x03xbs03^x ; 5^^^03oS800^©8o5 cox 0300^2)8§8^83 c8<^^88 00^0i:jlj|800^ ^jBoO^ sBpoXs8^o1cOX (j)XOO0b cB5oO£)^^,^i)8obbcOxe)^3§g^XcB^COXa^803(|^Xc8x.8x03xQx00^8TO^^ ogxo30oHyxc85 38cbxo:^^o§^cgxcox938ix03xb8C0^30^8x03xbg^coxb; B^^^osoS* cgxyxcSSy^scox ooooco^cSx r^03308§8oo^c8x boo^oo^^ c8jBoOxbc8x.Og^c8x. 938^0 08038oq,oo. ii8oi.cxDo6©g«oooio^j]ira|5a3§ioi, Skoo^oSodooi^gooc©*^ cx)^os8pcCi. o3f,^88(^0^c8ja‘'i2)^i!a3BS, cS^cjrpoc^oo^rciej^sooo^^i oi: ODo^yio^^aziSaaS^, ocG8^8»33c6^o«o§t'oi030^xc^]iS8ooc8-iajS CO ^coi a;c8^ 0381 C3 2)^ 05 c8i .cgi (|^ . 3^ 8^ Gc|_» crs3= ,§80 5 , sCjjs, — j3. u8ioiiioio3oooio^coio?a>8io'i§8oico^oo^a3(|^i, o^a^socejBc^j c8l. 03|.^§8O0O^l©8o5enO0^C0S2)8882)^36803c8c35^^33(|^l fBsy^?CCl iioioiosoicSi. cgS'jos. ooS^go 8 aoiS'’b 8 e,© 2 b,coK^^oo^\^„^oo^oo«i £?3X5COioD03y\oo^ngSo3‘|^c88c8coi OPcBScSx, 88oono«\cbScg5^ (^l ©i2)5,88Cx>§c8'<^SSooq^?o'.d8icoi03oo^cOp;o^C3ooyicgx, oonosj^o^o^H, 88a3§ioa§i9io803oo^ccicx)noq^8biaciooi^cciG38^c8'i. — ©8coSo;<^i^ O38lOl8l01O8,©8O0^,ySaq8cSt. 1102^0088^8.038^ ^ C^SOOlSj ?§*j 9, ©8 b.oooooSyiog^ oSoooicoi 03S8p88ocog^c8i . uc oao^xSa 91 gjo^cbS 00 0 g^C^lj 88 O 0 cbd 8 ^O 3 gl 0 gSoSc 8 l. OD 1 ,t^l 031 ,ODCarbc 8 '^ 03 C 7 D©^, §800 SOOC^l8l9l6',OOfbc8^o85<38§^COl03CXg1c8l, 6800^ 03 (|^1, §191080^ 2) ^ScSl. i'Cg^no§8Wi.G3S^g(|8aOl8j9,J3. c8l!03S^g889‘j83. nCoSIg 0§^'J^n, 00803 SOlSoe — oC,03B800^C0^2J8§8§101,8)9i68c8ic8i 00^1, OO^03©800^1CD^2J8§8£8‘'000gC0^;o^03O^§<^^,©8b,O000o5cfBlO01O08 bHc8, 0§^o8|„^c8^8^038lCnOOO^OOnc^°cS-l, G3^0300^00 g8^c6i02 c8ld85, 88O3cS^o856(^^O3oS8COlO3bS0D'lc8i; 6 co1o3c^8^^^oog8^oiH s880Cgilc8\Cl{2c6Tc85,§85yiQr;^^03003c8c01^8^03oS8cSl. Ii00^O3c8x 03icoto8^^io§^coi 2)^8,oa^oocoic8pcciii9io?::Sic8ioooi^^5co^. 03 ^^^§88101 8 l 9 lbg|i^ 0 ^ 6 l 010 ^ 8 C 3 ©^c 8 j 0001 cSl. uil9-l08©?OoSSo3©8a30^350:^19^bo3c88:CCTC§^^10§^ COiyi^?03^1 i8Cg'lcO105CD^2)8§82)^8,G8^C3'lc8l,O0q5'^pC0l5cC^|8CO^;f^^C0^li;8. OaS^O SOOlSo, 30,§5«100^, JSj3, Q3. c:g^DO^ll)S. J8J, o- §8«S. JC|_8?S. Og^0O^l©8. J Jgoc. § 808 . J <^ 1 = 3 . Og^iC0^1S8.(^ C8G-0. § 2 i|\. OOS9. e. rg^00^1C8. GgSjo.88c8l. OgSjn, QC. iiog^ oo§si)^co J ooooo^So3, oico^ § 03 1 5|t 5 ocsoo^oi osSosobSoo (g1cO1^\8^l=^^03^5gl,§CoS^f7plcS'OglO0^S=ji^c8l. Ojg, cgioi boOa8©CgC08000lG3lOOC^5oOc8lG300^8a)^C01C01 G3OC0080§^CO1f^^ ^1 338^ ,§8CX)go8^ba3l sol 8 8|,pooo^co3o3oo?o^bn'2j5oo^a33ooi8z op^pT C0100^000l05'X)85o3l5^tCO^',«^ OoS8jB^^^^inO|^q?c6^03C^^CDOD!iC01 OO^OSlOO^glSoOSO^SdSj^.ScSx. wSoO^OoScOTOr3o^a3cS,03pi03C0^8s o^cgiqjo6^G8i;««^ opx^T- 00 ^ 00 ^ cSoo^ox ,co^ coi osoo ^c8583oS5§sc65 8sjo8^npicSf3oioo^ooi3^^j5ooa^PDTcoiGgxooq8o6^ooj5o3ap^a3oo3coi oo8^^oo^,o^oo^aaioo^ci8q8Cx5^GQioDic}o^i^^^cSx. ^xooio^oo^oSjji^S o©8oo^03o5«b8xSp8ij c]B^looop5,ccicgiq8o6^d8iooooop5, Szcoioo^ 03 1 00 ^ dSqgoo^ g 8 i ooooo^ScSi . 03 03 1 00 rocx^S CO ^ y 8 S 8 ^f^5t c6^ , 03 b oo ooop5co^os§8cgio8x. »OOOb^CgT036o8^0pio8opTOO^^jBcgxq?o6^G8lCCl 6Sjj1^rB8 03C^ b8^^O00©8CO^;00C^00C^CgX030O3c8sCO^:»^g'lG3b^_,^030O < C01 OO^ 031 00 ^ 1 11 8 1 «1 03 (^«Opl, «103©^c^ic^c8lopi 03^ COl ^1 0 1 03 orgl 5 o3s ^ I C 1 TOC»^^O§^b88OCc8S^,^t38y5b038^^ J 08.038 ^088 ,Jo. n8?00 c^ooc^cgiq8^^oqco^6coio303cvp^c8i. ng^oSi. j js 8 ,o,j, 33 , 03 - 00 . ngS j 8i.^89-o».og^q8i. OJ80-00. cciaoi8,G-o,cgi©8b,no^^ocTOopS 0300^, 03^ cS^COIapCgl 00018 ?, ODlCglOSl, OOOOc88OO^Cp^03lcBlCO1 OD00©^3^0b030^03C^lCO1 OoSoOjBooScCl^lS, 880 COOOOc8iOO^§8£^1 CO1O0^o3^03(,^1c8i. O03ODyi88l^0Oe^CO^§:|_^0O^, o^^iccixro cvp^c8coiODc6^8cgipgDlo3(^ic8i. SsoooooocSiSscSicosS^BtcosSS, COl 00^a8^<^'l,CO100^00c8lS30«Sx^,88Cgl030p^038lO306^CO^bc8l. u65j|i^,88©^c8j,c8ia8c85o3oo85o3i,©^c6j«^coS(Ql,65j]i^»^oo^ ooScSi. co^ao^, ©pc8jcoioo6^coicb5|^8oov9^ooo:^0888o5^i^ co^ ;co^»888bS^i^cbcoioo^q8o6^oaj^oco?coic8ic8i. ncgiosbooios OO^CO^bS^I ^Oyo^83©8CO^obc0^^1 COl 0300^00^ 031 aj^ gl 03 oS 03 C&l ^^O^0306^O0^f,^G3©^c8jc8l. 030c|5o0^33§0^0^6cb^Scb^^^^030D B^0^b030D^g1fB803C^b8CO^.CglO^q8CO^^lG§lCO133§O^830ppg2) b, Cgl«Sa>q«Op^03lcO^£^lCO^88, C^^lCO10306^OO^«103C)O?503lS|i 00,c0ps0p;^^ic01038o^000pcop. lib§loi^800C03000lo6^65oiS O3l(38CO^aO^03§U^^,^ 0300©^3^be800CpCOjS,§8 CglOlG30CCj:Sc88^p 8J ODp^1s8lCO103§O;!^c8l.Cg^0l. O'! 09, oG. ©§b,^oDa§ioi|so9CO«o6^ 00^CC1gDl803O1(^^83,CO2^G3§^03C:S5, §8ng^ng^, oo^oiasootccioo^soi COl^COl ODbSgDloOOUg1b5^100^33oS883CX>S^C^ ^TOD^aSOOOIJ^COI GjJ^cbl G3|l03O0 l^sn, oS^oS^SgSiboSjODl ^133 coses 1,q^S01 ^ <^103105^^ C0100^o 6^00^CC1^'1§^__^00(73^. 8sG3b9^©3001,^^On^CO^COnoS. 8s<^ co^cSicoioaoo^oo^ssSo^^^^.cg^soiS j o , — j G. iibo6^6Sgi^ooo^^_^^',o^6o3ooooi8sc6^oo^o§^03oSsoo^'ic8t. og^ Qt.fLSo. ssb,coiopic8^G3§ioicoicocp©^3a§po68oo|^^__^,iioi|sooco8 c8^88a8^00^;8sC3b5o6pOO^CCl^'1§CC1 OScS^Q^lcSl. O^l^lOO^C^? c 8 ioo^g§^, 8sescoSobco^cx;^ooc8i8^o:gi^c8i. og^s^cBsws jssoiS, OJ, 09, Og, J J. 0 co^ aoS 33 c 6|B6 S^i ^00 yi^^^,ooo^ asoo^bcoi osoS^oo^ 03^100 Cgl03cOSG8j3COl03c8lS*COTOO^CC^a)s8s|^8 8s330jp33co?a6^oo^33ioo^^i^oo^coiog\q':c6^£^io3ei^^«iooH OOSOOlS,^, §tOC^,c6go6^00^C01g3l8cg1[OT1^Cr. Co5o3(j^\;COlg|^ff^^2)^ ^)^^^^,06pCO^bcO^Cg^03000j^g0OO^C^gS3Xj^a5GQ^,88©S{^^.-0^©8O0^Cg^ 0018,9, — G. cgS|^ro8oji.osooi8,o, — J o.8sooi8, J G, — ^o.SsosS^, J s8o, — 0 9.8 s«too^G 38 ^o jsSo, — 3. BscS^cgT, 338^0*8, g. — j o. II 006^00 ^ COioIj^iSgO <1^1 , 1 ^030^00^ 00^1,00 j5oo^oo«^ 00 ^00^ ; o^dboo^oooia3oos5o3i5|ic3©^c8j, Soesoo^nooSsosSos <^5,5ooSo:qo3o8sc8i. liO0^«lQ3O0s5|^^0g1CO19-l.038^q_?J, 09. ilOl|sOOC08©8b,OOCg^o6 cxdScoiodo6^oo^coi^'1§coic^^^i33oi<^^, Ssng^og^, ^8^03 ooc6ic^^8 coi^^oo^coiS^cb^osS^osSS^cSi ; SsocjBScS^SosS^cg^c^c^cS^coi 8j5cb^(j^i, cSis8c8533oo5ooq8sooq^c8x. coS^oosooqiai^oxgSoo^^ G8p83c65^05o3osoo33c8sc8i ,— Iqxqoi 33xsSooioj^, ccicoijBcoi 03^o8,8sGB^8300^03f^SaXlc8c01030038^C0103bo3C01^©na3oSs; — a3oxooq«i03oos53©^3^G8^8s cS^0308ooc^^co^coi03^i3, aSjBSsoo 8^c^Scgi^03o8«, — oo^8r6^8c^^qooq^^^,o^oc.^«i(0xo3c8^, Ssaj^^b, §8 030^SXj^^03CoTa(jJp8|S8^00cbS,8*c8^8803bo08e88^000j5c8-l. cS^oo^Ss «i^xoocboo^,88c8ioo^ooSGS^c8i(^5coio38^, BscSiaSbBsooob^so^ 8cB^8coia3G8j5o§^bxio3b5^'lb xi5,8iiS^8803fiTS)oab^o8c8x. iioo^8fBS8:5^8so358oo, G8^8ga38^cg^cg7^, {^^8so3boo3,a8^8803 ^nOO^^o8,5^,^03^^|^00£S^C0^^00^1CO^; O^00^00«103Xs503l5|l C3©^c8jcSl. OOOp^lScb^; i^8^O0C^3(^00^8l0l|8OOCO8COl038o^ J30 CO cSlC 3 O^c 8 iablOOOOs 83 OCO^ 0 Dlo 3 §O^ 33 O^O 3 o'^;c 8 'l. Og^OOl 8 ,oG,oa. ©no;oi, 8«a5og^rSicoi 00^icoi5a3i03«^a3cS33o^c8T. SssJco^ooicoioaoooPgoo^ao^glcoi COlC»§^C»c85c8l. X^3fB^8o8S^COlC33G8^Cg ‘i^|„^, wSiaOlC^Soi C01 O 3 ooa 8 j:)c§^coic 8 ^ 8 p'gic 8 i, r^^no 8 < 8 ioi^fooco 8 o 6 ^cx-^coiai. os BOiS^, — J3. »88a8^§^^ccioaic5S(j^ios1«8,coq^s'^^^coi5oo^'[8,c'o5 ©ScSiOO^. h8ic8tOO^o 6^00^ COT 55 J|1 ^,88(^sb CC1 CuScS^C^I 03(|^l«l osoosS^^p 02lc8i,os1c;^^c8i. coSso^epc8jcoi33c6pbroio5^i^03(|^i.8i03 coio8^^^icS^03(|^io^oic8i. i.w^a30^§cb^5e^c8jcS^coic65c8^cglo3 ^\oocrgq8oi^^5oS©^c8jo:cS^ c6icoioo3jSooc^©80o^c^co^yic^ai8ao o^coi osSo ^coi (jjjncoi coi cSi . 0 o 5 j] 1 ^COl 8 lc 8 lOO^c 6 ^boo'|-l;OOOj 58 C^CO^<^XCOlO 3 So^c 8 l: 8 so ^^oi^d3x^oo9^c8i. ogScS^.CDS^ogaaSo j , — oG. q^cgl^^oaSopS cx>is»i 8 ,j oc8i.o;.^^^88ooo£^ncoio^G^oi03io^co^GS^^^as©^c8jcx) «X, 8800S«^00^G8^^^03nc;O^8,5ol8O0S03c880;.03C^jBa3©^c8j0O«Xc8x. flng^©^r88cSj5o38poq_80oi8,o, — oo, c^o6^^obq»030^3?0^1 000^33 Cg^cSx. 88 ^ob ^^^oaicS^Ssasoif^scgloS^bcciosboo^^S^esb, “coiojjicS^osS^, ^x 2ybb;^^,88t:8^S^9300^0o|5 031000^33S^c8x.” O^X03c6^0oS^__^o5o3C08 O0U1O0«^8^y8c8x. 03^^88030J8q8^^G3xCC103o6^00^a3§0^§Q3X, (aDi8o.)ooSoicx>5cox^o6^£^xcx-q^,^, cS^co^co, §scoS^co^,8scoih oS^OOXCC10oSc85(^X,8800TOXc3x3(j^OoSo038xa3<^XcQx, 032j6|,cgi^^^^ y^oo©i^|,cgi^cox85<^^s)0^|xcoi03c8xc8x. 88ixox|iOXG8^©^c88bc8x, obioxc8xc^5ng5co,oooic^^03b,88C3boooxooG6^'o8^Q8co^;o^xG3G8^ o8^88,co^g8^co8^c8x. oo^ox co5ooq§^jBo^03bioS^S*8oxooox,88co^ «88803b^OX:8300c6xc8xaqOO^ODs8xX^Xc8l. 8s^1XS30^^c8coX^00^ |,Po^8xOX3O^^OXCO1Q3OO0OjCO^O3:832C^^CO^. 0^X030 b8s33208O3 G8^oo(gi^icoio30o-j0^cSx03§03oo8x, 33oooqco^^coioo^oxco5<33^ ^xc8x. 03boD^ooe^|^ooq8oS8c8x. 88oS8ooax2;^£3xc8x. os>oS6o3x, J9J CO o98^,^0100©^'000^03nD©^,il01000^C}3il01c8l. H30l8,OO8©jb; 85 <^^o.'n^c6^cO|5dBi^,So^o^o38^coio3i>p^^c8^S^03iaotooo^c8i. iiO0C^3obcO^8xc8lOD^COi 55^1 ^0001391 09So^OOC018|,^00^00^, OO^ OOsSro 8 ^CO ^ CO^ ^^^0000 S50i 003 ,0^ 09Cg^ 00^1 CO ^ J^lSsCoS 090 1 i)8 OO^ 00 ^ 83 , 0 ^^ 01 ^ 09§0^cSTo6^c8l^300X03CO^;5oooj3©3bc01 OOl 8 g G9c83,^091XSXlG9O^^C0O^^CO^G8^b35c8Sc8l. OCOJS ©300100^01 co 5 o 98 ^^cgi^^^ 8 M^oo©i^|^(gi^coi 35 ;^^oo^^icoi 09 c 8 ioo 3 § 8 , oaBoo 8^raio9§o^oox^o^^oic8a.390^5ob3,o^09b^^s8^ooc3§^bxicx©i^ ^CgipOSc 8 ac 8 l. ©30D83bj^^DO^c8i. Ssegzi db(^^ 83OT^ 01x5 09 c8i 8*s8i^l09O9gXl ^l8sjxo^09cgj5xxg§g0s8 x85xi09§O^X^2)8880101XOO^X^,lc8l09X3Xl O9fb8lO100^39 8p098j539839X§lXa9883oaOCO^^l8s5Xl090^^c8l99X3Xl00^^8 09o^09O^ig^«8cSi. liXi^poo^SpoTo^iocg^x^ix^oixSoSiaoo^ 09 O^i83X^O1x5xtc€^. Os 8 ^ 098 x 18,3 — 00 . 09O^09C^l|^O s8x8|5X109X^|)O109§O^ro^2J388X^xbl§c8l. BXI^^OsbSpDHro C|^g03Xl ^ob<^^091 0 ^ 0 ^ 038 ^x 1 09Bj5^^c8^8^098lOlTCe^, 8 jcB«TO S'o^esS^ooicrsoiraiOwio^icSjB eg8pxx883os8ro8^xio^^oi8goi 0101X^X^Oo8o9TO§iroX^X^«lX3(j^5, X^«lX88lc8l5c65obbxi c 8 ^. xSjSoogiSiSpDloaoSscSi. iio5^1^x|l098o^cbbc8lc8l§6oO^X^09oS8c8l. 09^^,(lgScS^. 07)85 j 03 xi8 oj — 03 . iidSiXjSegxixIoo^ro^^'ioo, 8g8^8gooi, OTO^^_,^g8 ^X1X1^X1 cSSoSScO^Spol, — 8 i{?^cb^OO^oS^yiOOG 8 ^ xix<^)i, x^o58g9]p(j^i^^^co^ooicj>iooi^^xi09(|^i, 8ix^e^^^a8i5 090XxHo3oS3^^^X01098^, XO1098^c6i; — O^Xi5o9o6^X^«10SX85 ^^^8309So^xbb5^_,^c8lc8l, x^x^09ol^|,^yic6xo^xbixixi^03 x|B.09lbx^^09lxblXl roi^QgX^, 880900^x^0^65^ l^c 8 l. 83j^j5u8xTcSi, x^x^xq8^^x^3xnx^xi c65o9i09(j^iro^ cSl. C05Qf)W^. J!)? Metoiioiny. nyc8^^6i,6soo^;»^,9^oo^accBicoio c^o85 00^3361^:00^ 00^ ?JO:§!3Q« io§ i. 5o3i; ooSS^i)sooo»coi^io68f^8 co^oo^^ioo^^^Sioescoiasooos r8^co^boo9c8i. kOg^OiSooi coi^T. j 9s aoi8, 3c. esb, t8^S^3»S^oojooo^oDs^« TO^^^a«c6,o^sosco;c8p8^ao^otc8\a3oo8c6, c8ioo^c6;^ioDOi59i^icoj03o8», 8«o^b5^5 05o8«^^':8t. §J03oo^bsco»e)ibcoios88^8ic8\oib, oobiaoiooi^con co^;e80oSo3i,oo«^co^a3e8t8p8^358S9^,t8^8^^^^^^oo^;oSo3©i9i c8p8^8,c:8^8jB8ioT,c8^8^o8^,c8^8^oi835oo§ioo^ooo^^^c8i. »ng^no88£»8coi 90? aoi8, j. ©sbjOocBioo^^Soo^oiiSgoo ^co^ooco^;©8£Sicoi33q?oo^oicx)i5c6, oaooSbgcosc^^co, — eioo^^,oo o^co ^ ose»o^ 038^ 9^ co^' 03 © *9^0^ 8oo8c8i • •cgSoo88 ©?. 038^ g . 009 * 5 — q. 8^cb^o6^b88«^00^,8800^D^91001COia3 c8So, ooBi^oo.'\3ooo^i>^oo^§o8e1a3o9*, oo^88^|(,^,5o88o3oS*|^c8i. l8^cb^(2l,O^O^lO3p^lCOl^W^0O^cbp;00^3^Cl,OD^O|lCOl^qiTOlCOl ^c8^ocb^;oosi^oo^<2i,co^«gicoio^i)Poo^°5oSelo3oS8|_^cbp; ooH88^ OOp(21,5oS8o3oS8^^cb^; 00^80DS§8C01Cgl03b5g3l,c8^8p(Sl,C01001 r85o3a>©^ 03b5gl • og^O38s038cOl jd^ 8 . J 3800 , I)8b,03^©^c0g038l01«ic8l00^a9cg J59 01038101 , §S9«b0^,001^^C01COCOl^^03c8l008^Olc8l00^S(j)C30j5s^ 0|S[?roiCOC01^^0Sc8lOOOg^a3GS^83i)«bo^,OO^c8l^8<^^COlOD8glo3 oloooo^; §3J0^8rS^8o3oicoicccoi^^a3c8iooq^i^ioo^§gcS^c6Sc8i 00125 ^pf,pc 8 l. (ioo^ooc8i05c8Ss)CX;c8iolicop2)«§*038l)Ui, o 8 ^^aco j| 1 ^ 0 C Ol, §s 03jco8ie^l0001©^0jsc8l. ©SCOIOOl^^SsoO^si^OSCj^SOlOO^ 03103^^1 ^^^ 0 ^ 08 ^^ 000 jjip, oo^egbcoi 03 y 100 ^ oil 00 ^ |i ^_, 5 ooy^o 3 yib|^|^ CO^, j8^88038o^COlO3CO^2)g8s^l00^yiOO^c8l. 03|j,^88O^03jCo8l ^lOsScSl. UOg^OD83O33cO1©^pSp,O38p083OlSo, 03 . ©*bcO 10 : ^ 8 l 0 ^ 8 l«l oo^oliooS^i,5a3o^yiro^03oS8c8i. 03 ^,^, 0 ^ 08 ^ 5003 ^ 1 ^ 038 . «o^ 03©«c010p^3l0^8l«ic0^©10080b038l01,0p^©lo|g0^c85b,— yi^l^oi, ^ij5oioSc85b, — oi© 68(^^, ©6? li^So^cSSb , OiagcS^031OOl88«8c6^ 031 ooia^^c8i03O388«a: ^8io^8u^oo^„ic8i03oo8cojo3ooq(|^i; ©soo^osSo ^COj52)888^100^0L00^00008880^03jCc8iqic8l. 030^5cb^,03©S00^, «^oo^oooi,038o^,oSoo^ocoi3^c8i. Apostropllj. II 3080 (^ 161 ^^^, 9 ^ 00^00 cBi 3 q 8 oooo Cq5cC133yi3^CX3S§95l,00^!8^CX)l39o5l, COl3Q^So^OOQC\:^^ 003000^006 i,Oc8so8^3q6i, §: JOSOO^COOO^^IODIOO^ g5ioq^|i,§3Q^^5odic65^1, §3Q^^U^OO^OOOcB 100^33 c8s^^^o8i. « 038 ;Og^oo 3 qS. 03199 . 08 b, oo^c 6 (Si,^^robiG 8 ^bcb^; oo^oi^iioia^GS^^cb^. iing^e^rBs^n. oq8oj — jo. «ngSo5*.qq_* c. i)8b,cgi03^8ooco^Ci, ^oo^]_8<^^c5ioo'^^,,^,o^ao8c»5ob^;^^gSopi ^038031 ^^ 8 ^ 1 , !^^05388gS^^OOCo5oOOp' 1. Og^©^c 88 jp. 08j. OO^jB 0000 ^ joo ^^ooo:>^ ,t 8 ^ 8 ^Gi, 330 ^ 5oli ,cgiooc 8 ioo^c 8 ’ ; ooqsS^ c 8 ^ 810 ^^ 08 ^ 8000 ^, 8803bo0^0^cbs^o8^03ic8l. Antithesis, — h 33 ^cqSco 65 ^,^, 9 ^oo^oocBi 338 wi 33 oo:§35i, oo^36i^^^o6soo^oboo^330^38txj^8§c8:33o8i s8c8 5 33 CXD? § 23 1 § ^ 1 OOt^n oS ^ cx3 06 00 s 00 J 33 8 S 08 1 . BO 38 , og^oocSi. j 083 . — opi^iooojico^ 88 ,^iooc 8 ooc 8 ico^o^(X)^ c8i;oo^9ic8^ic8l|,^,^00c0^b530^^03o88|.,^c8l. J59 I^lC 0105 cblCX)O^OO^oS^OO^o 8 ^.^,©« 0 §^ 0 @''T-y^^c 8 '^«^^; coio3c8S^Soo^ oS^oo^oS|,^oSc85§«gQic8i. i^ia 303 i^. 5 o 9 ^^oooi^co^ooSi)^^^oo^; oo^oacoioa^cgT^^OJ^S oi^ooS^coiScSi. it^icoi03c8^^_,ioo^ oS^ooS:^^^^»SSg1coio30jj>^ao*3:oo?oo?c8i;oo^ yacoiasiooiSoocBsSs^icoioo^^o^^cBcr.^^^^q^s^Sa^saao^cSi. •jp.GgJo?. oiao*5^S830oeScg\©sbo^.cx)S)ooc^ioo£Sj5oo^c8i; o«^ oo^oooc)^o\o^oo«c8i. .ODSoo^i oos8oo^c8i ;o«SooSooojcx^oo* cx)iocc8i. cgSo 2 ^,oo 30 D^'..ooaj^^cx)*{^c 8 i;ow^a^oo^ 5 s 5 sc 8 i. ng^ cg^, 003009100 COT 03 oo 8 (^:;Orf 5 cSi;oo^cx^noc^jBco^ COT a^coio^s OiS, SsoocS^ooijoS^coiajlSoo^ooscSioa^cSi; Ssc^oooScSic^Sa^oi coiooSsS^OiioacB^ COT 0091 90018038^1:81. o^c 30 ^ 5 cb^oo©Scgiooq^s 0009880309 ^ 0330391001030100010 ^: 81 . ung^ ©^ 088001 . 9835 — oq. H^^pcrbole, — uooi^ooc6i^.^,«^oq^c7dcBi3q8oooo 0:^5 coi3Q(o)iC)OJ§ 921, ooosbio8Sa:^^^o:^^ooc^5coionccBi oo^33c^ioooos§2 ooocBioc^ ooxiogS 3;'3iiGo5 s5sc8i, 00^30^§0n0o8 00^3Qc8gOOQ^OO^, o^iyicoiTg-oo^^boo (3^3QOO!OOblc8585o333c82^^^o8l. uOsS, 9100OlB8b, 00cbl85o0(^^033^^^, 03cbl00^^9]0000?8800^ 0980000800000000 ^: 81 . «i) 80 o 880001 ,© 8 b, 000080009 ^ 008 ^ 000^,00 00 8 00 C 01 S , 00 gS jB 00 CO ^ . «ng^ 008 . 98 90. ©gb.ooc^LgicSicoi 00 ^ 500100918 ^ 9 ^ 0389^008 8lb03^c8l. "CWS. 08 o. © 8 b,(SooS^W^.o 68 l^ 8 l, 880ob5t)^^5o6o3 0608 ^ 01 ^ 0000 ^. «© 8 . 6 gs e. ©sb, 0333839^001 ^o 6 ^ 038 i|^^,j 8 ^ ngS 0300103. Ii0g^©^c88 0g J, 9. ©8b, O0008C988S«88800O38:B^0 Oc8c9^8 c 8 i; 03O^§031, 0030l03100c0^s8^03ic0iy^5^^^03191§0^8§o6'i8«001, 500^68O3^g503o88,0089^b^00i3^338^c8l. Irony. J^C|^i;>^,O^CO^C 7 DcBl 3 Q§OOCOC\^ 5 c 01 cd 8 ^ dB^yioicoioo^cTOcBioo^a3!§8J^^^^58ioo^s5s§(?5i, — §(Sl,^O1031f9^800^O0CO18COl8|_^OlO3cb^, O9103|^8^8tO3:^^031 ^1031. f^TO1^«lCO^O3C0l833l,Ol||,^098|3ob03l03lo3cb5001. J!)5 of)50f)W^. nng^ O ilOl. 008 §l091c5cX31©8(^tOOnooS8l8ooe^, cSsoo^ o8^oooo^,o^bcoioo©^oooioai; o^03<^^s8oD8^oo^oo|5ooj5;oooo^co^ Sso^oac^iajsooSoSoasoo^co^; oooa^oofiis, u^03<^ioo^oo(j^i^xcoi; CO^OOCO ^0? O OD Olb §8D^CO jSc8^b l£^ 1031 . «0g^©^c8«©^<^l,0 08 c* 8^0D^gl(21,C01^8^03^gno8^a5<31<;^^§*a)3 ^’^5;«i«^5cS^^co8Coi^8^3o^glo8^a3<^^|iasc8^ (|^T;cbioo^coi|33*£» f^(^^i^oo^co^^b5'^5;co^oop,oo^gl^coioo^bcoi5^^aa§, cgicoqidb General Eeniark. iicr)Oo'^OQ^nocBi odSi^^coi odSS^^sqc^i 30coo:^5nr:> OCO^ sScToS^OOCXD 30830S§ So5s;> 530§O^ § 3Q@i: 33oo^^s3QS?saoo::^53^6q5(p5o8i. oooo^OQ^)§sonooosao 0^3380;::^ 30^ qsc8i. iico^oocBi 338 odio 9 ^(j 6 s;)^ 9 o 8 o^ §oo^cyDcBic8ic8i33c8s;).^, 0^^01^000000^, ^S^ooicoSS og 30qi 30l CO f) 3o1 cB 1 08 1 . DATE DUE Karwfvernacular grammar ; with English Theological Semmary-Speer l-'hra^ Princeton 1 1012 00074 7636 IS -■ - - IS 01 :c -t- IS t: :c - J m: :c _) 1 - - - e: IC - MIIC — - - ■ J _< 3: “ ”i IC IC . p: ic - — ■jf "vr 1 1 -C ' sat- c I*: 15 Yr