A r rr-yjf, «r 4 I _ . jk rt BV 4070 .P753 1815-1932 Princeton Theological Seminary . Biographical catalogue C 0 p vj I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/biographicalcata00prin_2 f BIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF THE '^Princeton Theological Seminary 1815-1932 COMPILED BY REV. EDWARD HOWELL ROBERTS, '23 Registrar and Secretary of the Faculty SEP 19 1989 Published by the Trustees of The Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church Princeton, New Jersey 1933 Seminary Established by Act of the General Assembly May, 1810 Plan of the Seminary Ratified by the General Assembly May, 1811 First Meeting of the Board of Directors June 30, 1812 Seminary Opened for Instruction August 12, 1812 Date of Incorporation November 15, 1822 First Meeting of the Board of Trustees September 28, 1824 Revised Plan of the Seminary Ratified by the General Assemby May, 1929 First Meeting of the Reconstituted Board of Trustees February 4, 1930 11 PREFACE '■ I 'HIS volume represents the eleventh attempt to catalogue all those who have attended Princeton Theological Seminary. The first list appeared in 1818. It gave merely the names of all former students and their location and work. With each successive edition, however, more detailed data was given regarding each man so that when the last catalogue appeared in 1909 the compiler, the Rev. Joseph H. Dulles, thought it appropriate to entitle it not a General Catalogue but rather a Biographical Catalogue. This new edition will be found to be sub- stantially the same as that of 1909, plus the new material and records that have accumulated over a period of almost a quarter of a century. A few minor changes should be noted, however. Instead of recording the special and graduate students in two separate lists at the end of the Catalogue according to the year of matriculation, they have been incorporated in the body of the book, the special students appearing in the second group of the class with which they would have graduated had they taken the full course; the graduate students in the second group of the year in which they did their first graduate study at Princeton Seminary. Thus, in every class will appear two groups, listed alphabetically. In the first group are those who completed the full course, in the second the special students, the graduate students, and those who did not com- plete the full course. In listing the faculty a brief biographical sketch of those not alumni of the Seminary has been added. For data regarding all other professors, the reader is referred to the Index of Alumni. Many of the old abbreviations have been changed and these, together with the new, are given in a single index. Because of the limited space and time no attempt has been made to present statistical summaries at the end of the volume. Since twenty-four years have elapsed since the last catalogue was issued the compilation of the present work has been attended with many difficulties. It is a matter of great regret that we have not been able to locate all the alumni. Every effort was put forth to secure full and accurate data regarding each man. Most of the information has been gleaned from circulars returned by the alumni. A great many, however, failed to reply and the compiler has had to rely upon the church year books of the various denominations, the biographical catalogues of other institutions, press clippings and reports from acquaintances. This is greatly deplored, but it was unavoidable. In such an extensive and detailed com- pilation many errors will no doubt appear. A correction of these will be greatly appreciated. In recording facts regarding more than seventy-five hundred men the question of space becomes of paramount importance. All who matriculated are included in the volume, except those, of course, who remained but a few days. In most cases only the following facts are given : name, place and date of birth, college and year of graduation, seminary and years attended, ordination, fields of service, iii IV PREFACE military or Y. M. C. A. war service, honorary degrees and the year when Moder- ator of the General Assembly. No attempt has been made to list the writings of each man or the many honors that may have come to him. If the alumnus is no longer in the ministry the various business firms with which he may have been connected or the secondary schools in which he has taught are not indicated. He is simply listed as in business or teaching. Towns and states and colleges in most cases are given the name which they bore when the student was connected wdth them. This practice has not been followed consistently, however, as the compiler has endeavored to comply, where possible, with the express preferences of the correspondents. In case a college has taken the name University or vice versa it is designated throughout by its present name. A denomination, state or country, once given is understood to continue until another is designated. A single date appearing after the college attended indicates the year in which the Bachelor’s degree was conferred. Departing from the practice of previous catalogues the Master of Arts degree secured “in course” is recorded, as is also the honorary M. A., when known. Dates for one’s seminary course appear hy- phenated. Where but one year is recorded the student remained but one semes- ter or less. A dash and period ( — .) or a dash and semicolon ( — ;) near the end of the record indicates that the service given continues until the present time. A semi-colon and dash (; — ) at the end of a record indicates that further in- formation is wanting. An asterisk (*) appears before the names of those w'ho have died. The compiler is deeply grateful for the cooperation he has received from the alumni, colleges and seminaries, pastors. Clerks of Presbyteries, Synods and other religious bodies. He is especially indebted to all the members of the ad- ministrative offices of the Seminary for their assistance. Edward Howell Roberts Princeton, New Jersey, May, 1933. CONTENTS Preface iii Board of Directors vii Board of Trustees xv Faculty xx L. P. Stone Lecturers xxvii Students’ Lecturers on Missions xxx Alumni 1 Abbreviations 733 Index of Directors, Trustees, Faculty and Officers 745 Index of Alumni 749 V BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS PRESIDENTS Term of Office 1812-1848 1849-1858 1859-1861 1861-1865 1865-1868 1868-1886 1886-1899 1899-1901 1901-1903 1904-1915 1915-1929 *Rev Ashbel Green, DD, LLD *Rev Jacob Jones Janeway, DD *Rev Gardiner Spring, DD, LLD *Rev William W Phillips, DD *Rev John M Krebs, DD *Rev William D Snodgrass, DD *Rev Abraham Gosman, DD *Rev Joseph T Smith, DD, LLD *Rev George D Baker, DD Rev Ethelbert D Warfield, DD, LLD Rev Maitland Alexander, DD 1812- 1813 1813- 1813 1813-1821 VICE-PRESIDENTS *Rev Philip Milledoler, DD *Rev Samuel Miller, DD, LLD *Rev John Woodhull, DD 1821-1824 1825-1830 1830-1837 1837-1859 1859-1861 1861-1868 1868-1882 1882-1884 1884-1886 1886-1898 1898- 1899 1899- 1901 1901-1904 1904- 1905 1905- 1918 1919-1929 FIRST VICE-PRESIDENTS *Rev John Woodhull, DD *Rev Jacob Jones Janeway, DD *Rev Thomas McAuley, DD, LLD *Rev Gardiner Spring, DD, LLD *Rev William W Phillips, DD *Rev William D Snodgrass, DD *Rev George W Musgrave, DD, LLD *Rev John C Backus, DD, LLD *Rev John Maclean, DD, LLD *Rev William C Cattell, DD, LLD *Rev Joseph T Smith, DD, LLD *Rev Robert R Booth, DD, LLD Rev Ethelbert D Warfield, DD, LLD *Rev Robert R Booth, DD, LLD *SiLAs B Brownell, LLD Rev John B Laird, DD vii BOARD OF DIRECTORS viii SECOND VICE-PRESIDENTS Term of Office 1821-1825 *Rev Jacob Jones Janeway, DD 1825-1840 *Samuel Bayard, Esq 1840-1843 *Benjamin Strong, Esq 1843-1849 *Matthew L Bevan, Esq 1850-1857 *Alexander W Mitchell, MD 1857-1859 *Hon John Fine 1859-1860 *Rev Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, DD 1861-1861 *Rev William D Snodgrass, DD 1861-1882 *Rev John C Backus, DD, LED 1882-1884 *Rev John Maclean, DD, LED 1884-1886 *Rev Abraham Gosman, DD 1886-1891 *Rev Henry J Van Dyke, DD 1892-1898 *Rev Joseph T Smith, DD, EED 1899-1901 *Rev George D Baker, DD 1901-1904 *SiLAS B Brownell, EED 1905-1910 *Rev Samuel T Eowrie, DD 1910-1919 *Rev John R Davies, DD 1919-1928 *Elisha H Perkins, Esq 1928-1929 H S Prentiss Nichols, Esq SECRETARIES 1812-1860 1860-1864 1864-1866 1866-1870 1870-1897 1897-1904 1904-1908 1908-1910 1910-1929 *Rev John McDowell, DD *Rev Thomas E Janeway, DD, EED *Rev John M Dickey, DD *Rev William C Cattell, DD, EED *Rev William E Schenck, DD Rev Maitland Alexander, DD *Hugh H Hamill, Esq Rev Frederick W Eoetscher, PhD Rev Sylvester W Beach, DD TREASURERS 1813-1818 *JoHN S Nevius, Esq 1818- 1819 *Rev William C Schenck 1819- 1825 *James S Green, Esq Note — The office of Treasurer of the Board of Directors was abolished in 1825. DIRECTORS Elected Service ended 1812 *Rev Archibald Alexander, DD, EED, 1812 *Samuel Bayard, Esq *1840 *Divie Bethune, Esq, *1824 *Rev Samuel Blatchford, DD *1827 *Rev Robert Cathcart, DD, 1814 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ix Elected Service ended 1812 *Rev Joseph Clark, DD 1813 *Rev Robert Finley, DD, *1817 *Rev Andrew Flinn, DD 1817 *Rev Ashbel Green, DD, LED, *1848 *WiLLiAM Haslett, Esq 1817 *Rev Francis Herron, DD, 1829 *Rev Asa Hillyer, DD, — 1831, 1832 — *1840 *Rev James Inglis, DD, 1819 *Rev Dirck C Lansing, 1814 *Zechariah Lewis, Esq 1837 *Rev John McDowell, DD *1863 *Rev John McKnight, DD, 1814 *Rev Philip Milledoler, DD, 1813 *Rev Samuel Miller, DD, LLD, 1813 *Rev William Neill, DD,— 1833, 1834—49, 1850— *1861 *CoL John Neilson, 1816 *Rev Eliphalet Nott, DD, LLD, — 1814, 1816 — 1828 *Robert Ralston, Esq, 1821 *Rev James Richards, DD 1824 *JOHN R B Rodgers, MD, 1821 *Rev John B Romeyn, DD *1825 *CoL Henry Rutgers 1813 *Rev Conrad Speece, DD 1814 *JoHN \"an Cleve, MD *1826 *Rev James P Wilson, DD, 1813 1813 *Rev Jacob Janeway, DD,— 1830, 1840— *1858 *Rev John E Latta, DD, *1824 *Robert Lenox, Esq, — 1823, 1827 — 1830 *Rev John Woodhull, DD, *1824 1814 *Rev David Comfort, DD, 1831 *Rev Gardiner Spring, DD, LLD, — 1817, 1831 — 1873 1815 *Rev James Blythe, DD, 1819 *Rev John Chester, DD, *1829 *Rev Henry Dwight, DD, 1816 *Rev Jonathan Freeman, DD, 1819 *Rev James Hall, DD, 1820 1817 *Rev John Johnston, DD, *1855 *Rev Robert G Wilson, DD 1823 *JoHN McMullin, Esq, 1820 1818 *Rev Ebenezer Grant, *1821 *Hon Joseph C Hornblower, LLD 1819 1819 *Elias B Caldwell, Esq, 1825 *Rev Matthew L R Perrine, DD 1822 *Rev John H Rice, DD, 1825 1820 *Rev Joseph Caldwell, DD, 1829 *Alexander Henry, Esq 1844 1821 *'1'homas Bradford, Jr, Esq 1827 *Benjamin Strong, Esq 1842 X BOARD OF DIRECTORS Elected Service ended 1822 *Rev Ezra Stiles Ely, DD, 1836 *Rev Thomas McAuley, DD, LED, 1837 1823 *Rev John M Duncan, DD, 1826 *Eleazer Lord, LLD, 1826 1824 *Rev Henry Weed, DD, 1833 1825 *Rev Ezra Fisk, DD, *1833 *Rev Eliph.alet W Gilbert, DD, 1831 *Robert G Johnson, Esq, 1834 *Rev Benjamin M Palmer, DD, 1832 *Rev William W Phillips, DD, *1865 *Rev Joshua T Russell, AM, 1833 *Eliphalet Wickes, Esq, 1831 1826 *George C Barber, Esq, 1829 *Rev William Nevins, DD, 1835 1827 *JoHN T WooDHULL, MD, 1849 1828 *Rev Thomas J Biggs, DD, 1831 *Rev Joseph Sanford, DD, *1832 1829 *Rev William Chester, DD, — 1835, 1861 — *1865 *Hon Theodore Frelinghuysen, LLD, 1832 *Rev Samuel Martin, DD, 1834 *Rev Thomas H Skinner, DD, LLD, 1835 1830 *Samuel Boyd, Esq, 1833 *Rev William D Snodgrass, DD, — 1833, 1834 — *1886 1831 *Hugh Auchincloss, Esq, *1855 *Rev John F Clark, DD, 1834 *Rev. William Latta, DD, 1847 *Rev Robert McCarter, DD, — 1834, 1835 — 1838 1832 *Moses Allen, Esq, *1870 *Rev John Breckinridge, DD *1836 1833 *Rev Albert Barnes, 1836 *Rev Benjamin H Rice, DD, 1848 *Rev William Buell Sprague, DD, LLD, — 1842, 1864 — 1873 *Rev Mark Tucker, DD, 1836 *Ambrose White, Esq, 1839 1834 *Rev Cyrus Mason, DD, 1837 *Rev William A McDowell, DD, 1849 *Frederick S Thomas, Esq, 1835 1835 *Rev Henry A Boardman, DD, *1880 *James Lenox, LLD, 1847 1836 *Rev John N Campbell, DD, *1864 *Rev Elias W Crane, DD, *1840 *Rev Cornelius C CuYLER, DD, *1850 *Rev Nicholas Murray, DD, *1861 *Rev George Potts, DD, *1864 1837 *Rev Joseph McElroy, DD 1873 *Alexander Mitchell, MD, 1855 *Rev George W Musgrave, DD, LLD, *1882 1838 *Rev Joseph Campbell, DD, *1840 BOARD OF DIRECTORS xi Elected » Service ended 1839 *Matthew L Bevan, Esq, *1849 1840 *Lewis W R Phillips, Esq 1 *1855 1841 *Rev John C Backus, DD, LED, *1884 *Rev John M Krebs, DD, *1867 1842 *Rev William M Engles, DD, 1850 *Andrew Foster, Esq, 1845 1844 *James M Dickson, Esq, ‘ *1867 1845 *Ebenezer Platt, Esq, *1866 1847 *Rev Samuel Beach Jones, DD, 1864 *James Donaldson, Esq, — 1849, 1866 — *1873 1848 *Rev Daniel V McLean, DD, 1860 *Rev Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, DD, *1860 1849 *Rev Thomas L Janeway, DD, LLD, 1867 *Shepard Knapp, Esq 1850 *Rev William S Plumer, DD, LLD 1855 *Hon Stacey G Potts 1861 1850 L\lexander Symington, Esq *1852 *Hon Ira C Whitehead, 1865 1851 *Rev Hugh N Wilson, DD, 1858 1852 *JoHN R Davison, Esq, *1863 1855 *Hon John Fine, 1859 *Rev Phineas D Gurley, DD, *1868 1856 *Robert Carter, Esq, *1889 *Matthew Newkirk, Esq, *1869 *Rev John Thomson, DD, — 1861, 1865 — 1876 1858 *Rev John M Dickey, DD, *1878 1859 *Thomas U Smith, Esq, 1869 *Rev G W Thompson, DD, *1864 1860 *Rev G Wilson McPhail, DD, 1866 1861 *Rev William J Hoge, DD, 1861 *Rev John Maclean, DD, LLD *1886 *Rev David Magie, DD, 1865 *Rev Nathan L Rice, DD, 1869 *Hon George Sharswood, LLD, *1883 1863 *David Comfort, Esq, *1865 *Rev Joseph H Jones, DD, *1868 1864 *Rev William C Cattell, DD, LLD, *1898 *Rev George Junkin, DD, *1868 1865 *Rev Elijah R Craven, DD, LLD, *1908 *Ezra B Fuller, Esq *1874 *Daniel Lord, LLD 1865 *Rev J Edson Rockwell, DD *1882 *Rev William E Schenck, DD *1903 1866 *Henry Day, Esq 1881 *Rev William M Paxton, DD, LLD, 1883 1867 *D L Collier, Esq *1869 *Rev Robert Davidson, DD, *1876 1868 *Rev John Hall, DD, LLD, *1898 xii BOARD OF DIRECTORS Elected Service ended 1868 *Rev Robert Hamill, DD, *1900 1869 *Hon John K Findlay, *1885 *George JuNKiN, LLD, 1901 *Rev James McCosh, DD, LLD, Litt D, *1894 *Rev Samuel Miller, DD, *1884 *Rev Joseph T Smith, DD, LLD, 1901 *Levi P Stone, Esq, *1884 1870 *Thomas C M Paton, Esq 1878 1873 *Rev William Adams, DD, LLD, 1874 *Aaron B Belknap, Esq, *1880 *Rev Joseph T Duryea, DD, LLD, 1879 *Rev Henry J Van Dyke, DD, *1891 1874 *Rev James O Murray, DD, LLD, *1899 1875 *Bennington, F Randolph, Esq, *1890 1876 *Rev Abraham Gosman, DD, *1899 *Rev William Irvin, DD, *1909 1878 *Rev Ebenezer Erskine, DD, *1901 *Ashbel Welch, Esq, *1882 1879 *Rev Ever.ard Kempshall, DD, 1900 1881 *Latimer Bailey, Esq, *1885 *Rev John De Witt, DD, LLD, 1883 1882 *Rev Robert Russell Booth, DD, LLD, *1905 *William a Wheelock, Esq, 1890 1883 *Rev William Brenton Greene, Jr, DD, 1893 *Rev George Tybout Purves, DD, LLD, — 1892, 1900 — *1901 1884 *Rev George Alexander, DD, 1929 *Rev Henry van Dyke, DD, LLD, 1898 *Rev James T Leftwich, DD, *1897 *Hon John T Nixon, LLD, *1889 1885 *Gen James A Beaver, LLD, 1900 *Barker Gummere, LLD, *1895 1886 *WiLLiAM L Skidmore, Esq, 1896 *Hon John Trunkey, LLD, *1888 1887 *Rev George D Baker, DD, *1903 *Rev Alfred Yeomans, DD, *1889 1889 *Rev Richard D Harlan, DD, LLD, •. 1894 *Hon John Scott *1896 1890 *SiLAs B Brownell, LLD, *1918 William L DuBois, Esq, 1893 *Hugh H Hamill, Esq, *1909 *Logan C Murray, Esq *1924 1892 *Rev Francis B Hodge, DD, *1905 *Rev Francis L Patton, DD, LLD, — 1913, 1914. — 1929 1893 *Rev Samuel T Lowrie, DD, 1910 1894 Rev Howard Duffield, DD, 1926 Rev Ethelbert D Warfield, DD, LLD, Litt D, 1929 1895 *Hon William M Lanning, *1912 1896 Rev Maitland Alexander, DD, LLD, 1929 BOARD OF DIRFXTORS xiii Elected Service ended 1896 *Morris H Stratton, Esq, 1913 1897 *JoHN J McCook, LED, *1811 *Rev Jere Witherspoon, DD, 1898 1898 Rev Marcus A Brownson, DD, 1929 *Rev John R Davies, DD, *1919 *Rev John Fox, DD *1924 1899 *Rev Edward B Hodge, DD, *1900 *Rev John F Patterson, DD, *1924 1900 *Rev J Addison Henry, DD, LED, *1906 *Elisha H Perkins, Esq, 1928 *George E Sterry, Esq, *1908 1901 *Charles H Mathews, Esq, *1917 1902 Rev Donald Guthrie, DD, 1911 Rev William E McEwan, DD, EED, 1929 Rev j Ross Stevenson, DD, EED, 1929 1904 *Rev J Stuart Dickson, DD, *1909 Rev Charles R Erdman, DD, EED, 1906 *Rev Wallace Radcliffe, DD, EED, 1929 1900 Rev Robert S Inglis, DD, 1929 *Rev C a Rodney Janvier, 1915 *Rev Robert P Kerr, DD, 1921 Rev John B Eaird, DD, 1929 *Henry Collin Minton, DD, EED, 1921 1908 Rev Frederick William Eoetscher, PhD, 1910 1909 Rev Eewis B Crane, DD, 1929 *John H Converse, Esq 1910 *Rev George F Greene, DD, *1926 H S Prentiss Nichols, EED, 1929 1910 Rev Sylvester W Beach, DD, 1929 Rev Eewis Seymour Mudge, DD, EED, 1929 1911 Rev Albert H Barr, DD, 1923 *E Francis Hyde, Esq, 1912 *Rev J H JowETT, DD, 1918 *Hon George V Massey, EED, *1924 1912 *JoHN Y Boyd, Esq *1914 *Henry W Hodge, DEng, *1919 1914 John M T Finney, MD, 1929 Robert E Speer, DD, EED, 1929 1918 John T Manson, Esq 1929 Rev W Courtland Robinson, DD, 1929 1919 Rev Reid S Dickson, 1929 1920 Spencer S Marsh, Esq 1929 1921 Rev Rockwell S Brank, DD, 1929 Hon M Einn Bruce, 1929 1922 Rev Clarence Macartney, DD, 1929 1923 Rev David de Forest Burrell, DI), 1929 1925 Rev Samufil G Craig, DD, 1929 Harvey D Hinman, ECsq, 1927 XIV BOARD OF DIRECTORS Elected Service ended 1925 Edward B Hodge, MD 1929 Rev Stuart Nye Hutchison, DD 1929 1927 Rev Minot C Morgan, DD, 1929 Rev Frank H Stevenson, DD, 1929 1928 J WiLLisoN Smith, Esq, 1929 Note — After 1929 there was but one governing body, the Board of Trustees. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Term of Office 1824-1831 1831-1840 1840-1842 1843-1859 1859-1877 1877-1897 1897- 1897 1898- 1909 1909- 1910 1910- 1912 1912-1930 1930- 1824-1831 1831- 1832 1832- 1840 1840-1843 1843-1854 1855-1859 1859-1876 1876-1882 1882-1889 1889-1899 1899-1909 1909- 1910 1910- 1912 1912-1924 1924-1930 1930- 1824-1860 1860-1861 1861-1863 1863-1879 1879-1899 OFFICERS PRESIDENTS *Hon Andrew Kirkpatrick *Samuel Bayard, Esq *Hon Samuel L Southard, LED *Rev James Carnahan, DD, LED *Hon Henry W Green, EED *Samuel H Pennington, MD, EED ^Charles E Green, EED *Hon Elmer Ewing Green *James Holmes Wikoff, MD *JuDGE William M Eanning Thomas W Synnott, Esq Rev William E McEwan, DD, EED VICE-PRESIDENTS *Samuel Bayard, Esq *Hon Charles Ewing *Hon Samuel E Southard, EED *Rev James Carnahan, DD, EED *Eewis W R Phillips, Esq *Hon Henry W Green, EED *Rev James M Macdonald, DD *Rev Eyman H Atwater, DD, EED *Rev Samuel M Hamill, DD *Rev James O Murray, DD, EED *James Holmes Wikoff, MD *JoHN H Converse, EED Thomas W Synnott, Esq *Rev John Fox, DD James H Post, Esq Thomas W Synnott, EED SECRETARIES *Rev John McDowell, DD *Rev James M Macdonald, DD *Rev Thomas E Janeway, DD, EED *Rev George Hale, DD *Rev Abraham Gosman, DD XV XVI BOARD OF TRUSTEES Term of Office 1899-1926 Rev John Dixon, DD 1926-1930 Rev John McDowell, DD 1930- Rev William B Pugh FINANCIAL AGENTS *Rev Ashbel Green, DD 1847-1856 *James Donaldson, Esq 1856-1867 *JOHN C Green, Esq 1867-1877 *Jacob D Vermilye, Esq TREASURERS 1824-1862 *James S Green, Esq 1862-1876 *George T Olmsted, Esq 1877-1892 *Jacob D Vermilye, Esq 1898- 1924 *E Francis Hyde, Esq 1924- Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co, New York, N Y ASSISTANT TREASURERS AND SUPERINTENDENTS 1877-1880 ^Charles C Niebuhr, Esq 1880-1898 *George H Niebuhr, Esq 1899- 1921 *Robert M Anderson, Esq 1921- 1922 Rev William P Armstrong, DD 1922- 1928 William P McCulloch, Esq 1928- George W Loos, Jr, Esq TRUSTEES Incorporators, 1822 Service ended *Samuel Bayard, Esq, *1840 *JoHN Beatty, Esq, 1826 *Rev Isaac V Brown, DD, *1861 *Rev David Comfort, DD, *1853 *JoHN CoNDiT, Esq, 1826 *Ebenezer Elmer, Esq, 1826 *Hon Charles Ewing, *1832 *Hon Gabriel H Ford 1824 *Rev Ashbel Green, DD, LLD, *1848 *Alexander Henry, Esq, 1843 *Rev Samuel B How, DD, 1826 *Rev Jacob Jones Janeway, DD, 1830 *Hon Andrew Kirkpatrick, *1831 *Rev Alexander McClelland, DD, 1826 *Rev John McDowell, DD, *1863 *Robert McNeeley, Esq, 1833 *Rev James Richards, DD, 1829 *Hon Samuel L Southard, LLD, *1842 *Benjamin Strong, Esq, 1847 *John Van Cleve, MD, *1826 *Rev George S WooDHULL, *1834 BOARD OF TRUSTEES xvii Elected Service ended 1824 *WiLLiAM Scott, Esq, 1829 1826 *SoLOMON Allen, Esq, *1846 *Rev James Carnahan, DD, LLD *1859 *Rev Joseph McElroy, DD, 1866 *Hon Jonas Platt, LLD, 1829 *Horace Stockton, Esq 1826 *JOHN T WOODHULL, MD, 1847 1827 *Robert G Johnson, Esq 1834 1829 *Hon Theodore Frelinghuysen, LLD, 1829 *Robert Lenox, Esq, 1831 *Rev William W Phillips, DD, *1865 1830 *Rev Eli F Cooley, DD, *1860 1831 *J AMES Lenox, LLD, *1879 *JOB Squier, Esq, 1842 *Robert VooRHEES, Esq, 1837 1832 *Hon Lucius Q C Elmer, LLD, 1833 1833 *John F Bryant, Esq, 1852 *Hon Henry W Green, LLD *1877 1834 *Lewis W R Phillips, Esq, *1854 1835 *Rev Nicholas Murray, DD *1861 1837 *Jabez G Goble, MD, 1844 1840 *David W Vail, Esq, *1842 1842 *Benjamin McDowell, Esq, 1851 *James Neilson, Esq, *1862 *Hon William Pennington 1842 1843 *Stephen Colwell, Esq, *1871 *Reuben Van Pelt, Esq 1875 1844 *JosEPH Henry, LLD, 1851 1846 *WiLLiAM Shippen, MD, 1865 1847 *Hon Dudley S Gregory, 1861 *Robert L Stuart, Esq, *1882 1849 *Rev CoRTLANDT Van Rensselaer, DD, *1860 1851 *JoHN F Hageman, Esq *1892 *WiLLiAM Rankin, Esq, 1858 1852 *James Donaldson, Esq, 1852 1853 *JoHN C Green, Esq, *1876 1854 *Rev James M Macdonald, DD *1876 1855 *J AMES Brown, Esq, 1855 1856 *Samuel H Pennington, MD, LLD, 1897 1858 *Danip;l Price, Esq, *1892 1859 *Rev John Hall, DD, 1883 1860 *Rev Lyman H Atwater, DD, LLD *1883 1861 *Rev George Hale, DD *1888 *Rev Samuel M Hamill, DD *1889 *Rev Thomas L Janeway, DD, LLD, 1865 *Hon Edward W Scudder, LLD, *1893 1863 *Rev Jonathan Edwards, DD, 1866 *Robert Lenox Kennedy, Esq, *1887 BOARD OF TRUSTEES xviii Elected Service ended 1865 *Rev Samuel D Alexander, DD, *1894 1866 *Rev Abraham Gosman, DD *1899 *Hon James Pollock, LED, 1867 1867 *Rev William P Breed, DD, 1870 *Rev James O Murray, DD, LLD, — 1874, 1883 — *1899 *Ja'cob D Vermilye, Esq, *1892 1871 *Rev Matthew Newkirk, DD, *1910 *Hon William A Porter, 1876 1875 *Levi P Stone, Esq, *1884 *Rev John D Wells, DD, *1903 1876 *Hon Caleb S Green, LLD, *1891 *Rev David M Halliday, MD, DD, 1882 *WiLLiAM Libbey, Esq, *1895 1877 *Charles E Green, LLD, *1897 1880 *Gustavus S Benson, Esq, *1882 1883 *Henry M Flagler, Esq 1884 *F Wolcott Jackson, Esq, *1904 *Hon John Scott, LLD, *1896 *Rev Peter Augustus Studdiford, DD, *1886 1885 *JoHN S Kennedy, Esq, 1898 *Rev Alfred Yeomans, DD, *1889 1888 *Robert Lenox Belknap, Esq *1896 Rev John Dixon, DD, 1889 *Rev Henry M Booth, DD, 1892 *Rev Edward B Hodge, DD *1906 Rev Charles Wood, DD, 1893 1891 *Hon Elmer Ewing Green, *1909 1892 *Alexander Maitland, Esq, *1907 1893 *Rev Charles T Haley, DD, *1903 *Rev Samuel M Studdiford, DD, *1908 *James H WiKOFF, MD, *1910 1894 *JOHN Sinclair, Esq, *1908 1895 *Frank K Hipple, LLD, *1906 1896 *JoHN H Converse, LLD, *1909 *Rev John Fox, DD, *1924 *Gen William S Stryker, LLD *1900 1898 *E Francis Hyde, Esq 1928 Thomas W Synnott, LLD 1899 *Rev William W Knox, DD, *1929 *Rev David Magie, DD, *1910 *Henry D Moore, Esq, 1928 *Nathaniel Tooker, Esq *1911 1903 Francis B Griffin, Esq, 1926 *Rev Francis L Patton, DD, LLD, — 1914, 1930 — *1932 1905 Henry W Green, Esq, 1930 *Rev C a Rodney Janvier, 1914 1907 *Hon William M Lanning, *1912 *Charles H Mathews, Esq, *1917 Elected 1908 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Xix Service ended James H Post, Esq, William P Stevenson, LED, 1909 Rev W Beatty Jennings, DD, 1910 *JuDGE Joseph Cross *1913 1911 Prof William F Magie, 1930 Alfred E Marling, Esq, 1926 Rev Minot C Morgan, DD, *Rev Lewis W Mudge, DD, *1914 1912 Edward P Holden, Esq, 1914 Rev John B Laird, DD, *George V Massey, Esq, *1924 *Hon John Rellstab, *1930 Rev J Ross Stevenson, DD, LLD, 1930 1915 Rev John McDowell, DD 1930 1919 Alexander R Nicol, 1930 1925 *JOHN B Earner, Esq, *1931 1926 Judge Edward J Fox, LLD, 1930 1927 Rev Peter K Emmons, Rev William B Pugh 1928 William G Moore, Esq, 1930 Frank H Robson, Esq, 1930 1929 Rev Alexander Mackie, DD, 1930 1930 *Rev George Alexander, DD, *1930 Col Guilford C Babcock, Rev j Harry Cotton, DD, Rev j Ambrose Dunkel, DD, Rev Benjamin F Farber, DD, Rev Asa J Ferry, DD, John M T Finney, MD, Rev Stuart Nye Hutchison, DD Rev William Hallock Johnson, DD Weir C Ketler, LLD, Kenneth H Lanning, Esq, John T Manson, Esq Spencer S Marsh, Esq, Paul C Martin, Esq, *Kenneth G Matheson, LLD, *1931 Rev William L McEwen, DD, Rev Lewis S Mudge, DD, LLD, Rev Harvey S Murdoch, DD, *Rev Wallace Radcliffe, DD, LLD, *1930 Rev Harold McAfee Robinson, DD, J Willison Smith, Esq Robert E Speer, DD, LLD 1931 Rev Albert Joseph McCartney, DD, Rev Walter L Whallon, DD 1932 William Mather Lewis, LLD, Judge Adrian Lyon, FACULTY PRESIDENTS OF THE SEMINARY *Francis Landey Patton, D.D., LL.D 1902-1913 J (oseph) Ross Stevenson, D.D., LL.D 1914- PROFESSORS *Archibald Alexander, D.D., LL.D 1812-1851 Born, near Lexington, Va, Ap 17, 1772; Timber Ridge Acad, Va, 82-8; tut, 88-9; private study; itinerant miss, Eastern Va, 92; ord, Pby Hanover, Je 7, 94; p. Briery & Cub Creek, Va, 94-7; p. Briery, 97-8; pres, HSC, 97-1801, 02-7; p. Pine St ch, Philadelphia, Pa, 07-12; prof. Didactic & Polemic Theol, PTS, 12-40, Pas & Polem Theol, 40-51, Pas & Polem Theol & Ch Govt, 51; d, Princeton, NJ, Oc 22, 51. DD, CNJ, 1810; Mod, Gen Assem, 07. *Samuel Miller, D.D., LL.D 1813-1849 Born, Dover, Del, Oc 30, 1769; UPa, 88; theological study at home; ord, Pby New York, Je 5, 93; asso p, 1st ch. New York City, 93-1801; p. Wall St ch. New York City, 01-13; prof, Eccles Hist & Ch Govt, PTS, 13-49, prof em, 49-50; d. Princeton, NJ, Ja 7, 50. DD, UPa, 1804. ^Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D 1822-1878 See Alumni — Class of 1819 ‘John Breckinridge, D.D 1836-1838 See Alumni — Class of 1822 ‘Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D 1838-1860 Born, Philadelphia, Pa, Ap 24, 1809; CNJ, 26; private study; tea, Edgehill School, Princeton, NJ, 29-30; CNJ, MA, 29; adj prof. Ancient Lang & Lit, CNJ, 30-2; UHalle & UBer, 33-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 39; asst instr. Orien- tal & Bib Lit, PTS, 33-8, asso prof, 38-40, prof, 40-51, Bib & Eccles Hist, 51-9, Hellenistic & NT Lit, 59-60; d, Princeton, NJ, Ja 28, 60. DD, F&MC, 45. ‘James Waddell Alexander, D.D 1849-1851 See Alumni — Class of 1824 ‘William Henry Green, D.D., LL.D 1851-1900 See Alumni — Class of 1846 XX FACULTY XXI *Alexander Taggart McGill, D.D., LL.D 1854-1883 Born, Canonsburg, Pa, Fb 24, 1807; JefC, 26; lawy, 26-31; Canonsburg Theol Sem, Pa, 31-4; ord Asso Ref, Pby Carlisle, 35; p, Perr\’ & York Cos, Carlisle, 35-8; p, 2d Presb ch, Carlisle, 38-42; prof, Eccles Hist & Ch Go\'t, WestTS, 42- 52, 53-4; prof, ColTS, 52-3; prof. Pas Theol, Ch Go^■t & Homil, PTS, 54-9, Ch Hist & Practical Theol, 59-60, Eccles Hist & Ch Govt, 60-1, Eccles, Homil & Pas Theol, 61-83, prof em, 83-9; d, Princeton, XJ, Ja 13, 89. DD, F&MC, 42; LLD, CXJ, 68; Mod, Gen Assem, 48. *CASP.tR WiSTAR Hodge, D.D., LL.U 1860-1891 See Alumni — Class of 1853 *James Clement Moffat, D.U 1861-1888 Born, Glencree, Scotland, My 30, 1811; CXJ, 35; tut, Xew Haven, Conn, 35-7; tut, Gk, Princeton, XJ, 37-9; CXJ, 38, MA; prof, Gk & Lat, LafC, 39-41; prof, Lat & Modern Hist, MiaU, 41-52; prof, Gk & Heb, Cincinnati Seminary-, Ohio, .52-3; prof, Lat & Hist, CXJ, 54-61, lect, Gk Liter, 61-77; prof, Ch Hist, PTS, 61-88, prof em, 88-90; d, Princeton, XJ, Je 7, 1890. DD, MiaU, 53. ‘Charles Augustus .•\iKEN, Ph.D., D.D 1871-1892 Born, Manchester, \'t, Oc 30, 1827; DartC, 46; tea, Lawrence Acad, Groton, Mass, 46-7; tea, Phillips' Acad, Andover, 47-9; AndTS, 49-50, 52-3; UHalle, UBer & ULeip, ,50-2; ord Cong, Oc 19, 54; p, Yarmouth, Me, 54-9; prof, Lat Lang & Lit, DartC, 59-66; prof, Lat Lang & Lit, CXJ, 66-9; pres, UnC, 69-71; prof, Christian Ethics & Apol, PT.S, 71-82; Oriental & OT Lit & Christian Ethics, 82-8, Oriental & OT Lit, also the Relations of Philos & -Sc to the Christian Rel, 88-92; d, Princeton, XJ, Ja 14, 1892. PhD, CXJ, 66; DD, CXJ, 70. ‘.Archibald .Ale.xander Hodge, D.D., LL.D 1877-1886 See .Alumni — Class of 1847 ‘Francis Landey P.atton, D.D., LL.D 1880-1913 See Alumni — Class of 1865 ‘William .Miller Pa.xton, D.D., LL.D 1883-1902 See .Alumni — Class of 1848 ‘Benja.min Breckinridge W.vrfield, D.D., LL.D., Litt.D 1887-1921 -See -Alumni — Class of 1876 ‘John D. Davis, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D 1888-1926 See .Alumni — Class of 1883 ‘George Tybout Purves, D.D., LL.D 1892-1900 See .Alumni — Class of 1876 ‘John DeWitt, D.D., LL.D 1892-1912 See .Alumni — Class of 1864 xxii FACULTY *WiLLiAM Brenton Greene, Jr., D.D 1892-1928 See Alumni — Class of 1880 Geerhardus Vos, Ph.D., D.D 1893-1932 See Alumni — Class of 1885 ♦Robert Dick Wilson, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D 1900-1929 Born, Indiana, Pa, Fb 4, 1856; CNJ, 76, 79, MA, 86, PhD; WestTS, 80-1; UBer, 81-3; instr, OT, WestTS, 83-5, prof, 85-1900; prof, Semitic Philol & OT Intro, PTS, 1900-29; prof, Semitic Philol & OT Crit, WestmTS, 29-30; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 11, 30. DD, LafC, 94; LLD, CWoos, 21. William Park Armstrong, D.D 1903- See Alumni — Class of 1897 Charles Rosenbury Erdman, D.D., LL.D 1905- See Alumni — Class of 1891 Caspar Wistar Hodge, Ph.D 1907- See Alumni — Class of 1901 Frederick William Loetscher, Ph.D., LL.D 1910- See Alumni— Class of 1900 J(oseph) Ross Stevenson, D.D., LL.D 1914-1930 Born, Ligonier, Pa, Mr 1, 1866; W&JC, 86, 89, MA; McCTS, 86-9; UBer, 89-90; ord, Pby Kansas City, Dc 31, 90; p, Broadway ch, Sedalia, Mo, 90-4; adj prof, Eccles Hist, McCTS, 94-7, prof, 97-1902; p. Fifth Ave ch, NYCity, 02-9; p. Brown Mem ch, Baltimore, Md, 09-14; pres, PTS, 14 — ■, prof. Hist of Rel & Christian Missions, 14-29, act prof, Homil, 29-30. DD, W&J, 97, UEdin, 19, PTC, 20; LLD, UrsC, 08, LafC, 15; Mod, Gen Assem, 15. J(onathan) Ritchie Smith, D.D 1914-1929 See Alumni — Class of 1876 Samuel Marinus Zwemer, D.D., LL.D., F.R.G.S 1929- Born, Vriesland, Mich, Ap 12, 1867; HopeC, 87, 90, MA; ord RefChAm, Cl of Iowa, 90; NBTS, 87-90; miss, Arabia, 90-1913, Egypt, 13-29; ed. The Moslem World, 1911 — ; prof. Hist of Rel & Christian Missions, PTS, 29 — . DD, HopeC, 04, RutU, 19; LLD, MuskC, 18. Andrew Watterson Blackwood, D.D 1929- See Alumni — Class of 1908 Harold Irvin Donnelly, Ph.D 1930- See Alumni — Class of 1916 FACULTY Xxiii John E. Kuizenga, D.D 1930- Born, Muskegon, Mich, Dc 20, 1876; HopeC, 99; tea, Eng, Northwestern Classical Acad, Orange City, la, 1900-3; WestTSMich, 03-4; ord RefChAm, 04; p, Graafschap, Mich, 04-6; prof. Bib & Phil, HopeC, 06-15; Morris Fell, Phil, UMich, 14-5, MA; UChiDS; prof, Prac Theol, WestTSMich, 15-28, Syst Theol, 28-30, pres, 24-30; prof, Apol & Christian Ethics, PTS, 30 — . DD, HopeC, 16; pres, Gen Syn RefChAm, 24. ASSOCIATE AND ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Andrew Campbell Armstrong, Jr., Ph.D 1886-1887 See Alumni — Class of 1885 James Osc.AR Boyd, Ph.D., D.D 1907-1915 See Alumni — Class of 1899 * JCohn) Gresham Machen, D.D. , Litt.D 1914-1929 See Alumni — Class of 1905 Oswald Tho.mpson Allis, Ph.D., D.D 1922-1929 See Alumni — Class of 1905 Donald Wheeler, M.A. 1921-1924 Assistant Instructor in Elocution 1924-1929 Instructor in Elocution 1929- Director of Public Speaking Raymond E. Rudy 1929-1932 Director of Music John Finley Williamson, Mus.D. 1932- Director of Music INSTRUCTORS ♦John Williamson Nevin See Alumni— Class of 1826 1826-1828 Instructor in Hebrew *Rev. Austin Osgood Hubbard See Alumni— Class of 18.33 1833-1834 Instructor in Hebrew XXIV FACULTY *Melancthon Williams Jacobus 1838-1839 Instructor in Hebrew .See Alumni — Class of 1838 *Abraham Gosman 1850-1851 Instructor in Hebrew .See Alumni — Class of 1847 *John Manning Linn 1867-1868 Instructor in Hebrew .See -Alumni — Class of 1867 James Erederick McCurdy, Ph.D .See Alumni — Class of 1871 1873-1877 L. P. Stone Tutor of Hebrew and Assistant Librarian 1877- 1882 J.C. Green Instructor in Hebrew and other Oriental Languages *Henry Wilson Smith, M.A See Alumni — Class of 1885 1878- 1926 J. C. Green Instructor in Elocution Rev. Paul van Dyke, M.-A 1889-1892 Instructor in Church History .See Alumni — Class of 1884 Rev. Chalmers M.vrtin, M.A See Alumni — Class of 1882 1892-1900 Elliott E. Shepard Instructor in the Old Testament Department Kerr Duncan Macmillan, B.D See Alumni — Class of 1897 1897-1900 Instructor in the Old Testament Department 1903-1907 Instructor in Semitic Philology 1907-1913 Instructor in Church History Edmon Morris 1902-1905 Instructor in Vocal Music Rev. David DeForest Burrell, B.D 1903-1904 Instructor in the New Testament Rev. Jesse Lee Cotton, D.D. 1907-1910 Instructor in Semitic Philology .See Alumni — Class of 1901 Rev. Remsen DuBois Bird, B.D 1913-1915 Instructor in Church History .See Alumni — Class of 1912 Rev. Finley Du Bois Jenkins, B.D 1921-1929 Instructor in Systematic Theology .See Alumni — Class of 1916 Rev. Cornelius Van Til, Ph.D 1928-1929 Instructor in Apologetics .See Alumni — Class of 1924 Rev. Charles Frederick Deininger, M.A., B.D. 1929-1931 Instructor in Old Testament . See Alumni — Class of 1918 John Murray, M.A., Th.M 1929-19.30 Instructor in Systematic Theology .See -Alumni — Class of 1927 FACULTY XXV Whitney Jennings Oates, M.A. 1929- 1930 Instructor in New Testament Greek Rev. Edward Howell Roberts, M.A., Th.M See Alumni — Class of 1923 1930- Instructor in Systematic Theology Sherm.\n Leroy W.\llace, M.A 1931- 1932 Instructor in New Testament Greek Rev. John Winfield \'oorhis, M..A See Alumni — Class of 1920 1932- Instructor in Xew Testament Greek and New Testament Theology Rev. John Edward Meeter, Th.M See Alumni — Class of 1929 1932- Instructor in Old Testament Theology ACTING PROFESSORS, VISITING PROFESSORS AND LECTURERS *T.albot Wilson Chambers, D.D., LL.D See Alumni — Class of 1838 1891-1892 -Acting Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis *S.\MUEL -Albert M-\rtin, D.D See -Alumni — Class of 1880 1902- 1903 -Acting Professor of Practical Theology 1913-1914 -Acting Professor of Homiletics David J-\MES Blrrell, D.D., LL.D. 1903- 1909 -Acting Professor of Homiletics •Samuel S. Mitchell, D.D See .Alumni — Class of 1804 1904- 1905 Lecturer on the English Bible Wilbert Webster White, PhD. 1905- 1900 Lecturer on the English Bible Ferdinand Schirem.\n Schenck, D.D., LL.D. 1909-1910 -Acting Professor of Homiletics ♦J. C. R. Ewi.ng, D.D., LLD., K.C.l.E. 1923-1925 Lecturer in Missions George Johnson, Ph.D See .Alumni — Class of 1890 1923-1928 Lecturer in .Apologetics John Howard Raven, D.D. 1920-1929 Lecturer in Old Testament Literature 1929-1931 A’isiting Professor of Old Testament Literature XXVI FACULTY Harold McAfee Robinson, D.D See Alumni — Class of 1904 1927-1930 Lecturer in Christian Education Courtenay Hughes Fenn, D.D See Alumni — Class of 1920 1927-1931 Lecturer in Missions Andrew R. Osborn, M.A. 1929-1930 Visiting Professor of Apologetics. George Handy Wailes, D.D See Alumni — Class of 1897 1929- Visiting Professor of Hebrew Henry Snyder German, PhD., S.T.D. 1930- 1931 Instructor in New Testament Greek 1931- .'\cting Professor of Old Testament Literature LIBRARIANS Term of Office 1812-1851 *Rev Archibald Alexander, DD, LLD 1851-1871 *Rev Willi.am Henry Green, DD, LLD 1871-1877 *Rev Charles Augustus Aiken, DD, PhD 1877-1886 *Rev Willi.\m Henry Roberts, DD, LLD 1886-1931 Rev Joseph Heatly Dulles, MA, em, 31 — 1931- Rev William Boyd Sheddan, PhB ASSISTANT LIBRARIANS 1907-1931 Rev W'illiam Boyd Sheddan, PhB 1931- 1932 Rev Robert C Shaub 1932- Rev Gordon R Conning REGISTRARS AND SECRETARIES OF THE FACULTY 1906-1932 Rev Paul Martin, MA, em, 32 — 1932- Rev Edward Howell Roberts, MA, ThM ASSISTANT REGISTRAR 1929- Edna Hatfield LECTURERS XXVll 1878-1879 L. P. STONE LECTURERS Richard Salter Stores, DD, LLD, “St Bernard and His Times.’’ 1879-1880 William Mackergo Taylor, DD, LLD, “Miracles.” 1880-1881 Robert Flint, DD, LLD, “Modern Agnosticism.” 1881-1882 Samuel C Bartlett, DD, LLD, “Sources of History in the Pentateuch.” 1882-1883 Mark Hopkins, DD, LLD, “The Bible Doctrine of Man.” 1884-1885 Daniel S Gregory, DD, LLD, “The Testing of Philosophic Systems.” 1885-1886 Rev James F McCurdy, PhD, LLD, “The Assyrian and Babylonian Inscriptions, with special refer- ence to the Old Testament.” 1886-1887 Alfred H Kellogg, DD, “Abraham, Joseph and Moses in Egypt.” 1887-1888 George T Purves, DD, LLD, “The Testimony of Justin Martyr to early Christianity.” 1888-1889 Charles M Mead, PhD, DD, LLD, “Supernatural Revelation.” 1889-1890 Henry J Van Dyke, DD, LLD, “The Ministry and the Sacraments of the Church.” 1890-1891 Robert E Thompson, PhD, DD, “Christian Sociology in the Light of the Bible.” 1891-1892 Samuel H. Kellogg, DD, LLD, “Modern Theories of the Originand Developmentof Religion.” 1892-1893 James 0 Murray, DD, LLD, “Skepticism in Literature.” 1893-1894 Frederick H Wines, DD, “The Church and the World, or some Thoughts of Christian Sociology.” 1894-1895 James 0 Murray, DD, LLD, “Religion in Literature.” 1895-1896 Hugh M Scott, DD, “The Origin and Development of the Nicene Theology; with some reference to the Ritschlian View of Theology and His- tory of Doctrine.” xxviii LECTURERS 1896-1897 Walter W Moore, DD, LLD, “The Beginning of Hebrew History in the Light of Recent Archaeological Research.” 1897-1898 Melancthon W Jacobus, DD, “Present Day Problems in New Testament Criticism.” 1898-1899 Abraham Kuyper, DD, LLD, “Calvinism.” 1899-1900 Frank H Foster, PhD, DD, “The Contribution of Christian Experience to the System of Evangelical Doctrine.” 1900-1901 Edward H Griffin, DD, LLD, “Aspects of Contemporary Philosophy.” 1901-1902 Henry C Minton, DD, LLD, “The Cosmos and the Logos.” 1902-1903 Willis J Beecher, DD, “The Prophets and the Promise.” 1903-1904 James Orr, MA, DD, “God’s Image in Man and its Defacement in the Light of Modern Denials.” 1904-1905 George F Wright, DD, LLD, “The Historical Character of the Old Testament Interpreted and Supported by Recent Scientific Investigation.” 1905-1906 Rev Daniel E Jenkins, PhD, DD, “The Function and Right of Anthropomorphism in Religious Thought.” 1906-1907 Louis F Benson, DD, “The Psalmody of the Reformed Churches.” 1907-1908 D Hay P'leming, LLD, “The Causes, Characteristics and Consequences of the Refor- mation in Scotland.” 1908-1909 Herman Bavinck, DD, “The Philosophy of Revelation.” 1909-1910 Louis FTtzgerald Benson, DD, “The Hymnody of the English Speaking Churches.” 1910-1911 William R Ramsay, DCL, LLD, LHD, DD, “Questions Arising out of Paul’s First Epistle to the Corin- thians.” 1911-1912 William M McPheeters, DD, LLD, “The Higher Criticism, Its Functions and Problems.” LECTURERS XXIX 1912-1913 W H Griffith Thomas, DD, “The Holy Spirit of God.” 1913-1914 William Hallock Johnson, PhD, “The Christian Faith in the Light of Modern Knowledge.” 1914-1915 D Hay Fleming, LLD, “Sir Archibald Johnston, Lord Wariston.” 1915-1916 Archibald T Robertson, DD, LLD, “The Pharisees and Jesus.” , 1916-1917 Kerr Duncan MacMillan, STD, “The Application of Protestant Principles.” 1917-1918 Ethelbert D Warfield, DD, LLD, LittD, “Luther and His Influence on the Social Revolution of the Six- teenth Century.” 1917-1918 Eugene C Caldwell, DD, “Pauline Ideals.” 1918-1919 Henry E Dosker, DD, LLD, “The Dutch Anabaptists.” 1918-1919 William Lyon Phelps, PhD, “Literary Aspects of the Bible.” 1919-1920 Melvin Grove Kyle, DD, LLD, “Light from Archaeology on Pentateuchal Times.” 1919-1920 Harold McAfee Robinson, DD, “Some Aspects of Religious Education.” 1920-1921 Louis Burton Crane, DD, “The Holy Spirit According to Paul.” 1920-1921 Henry Alexander White, PhD, DD, “The Kingdom of God in the New Testament.” 1921-1922 James Oscar Boyd, PhD, DD, “The House of David.” 1921-1922 Louis Berkhof, BD, “The Kingdom of God in Modern Thought and Life.” 1922-1923 Edward Mack, DD, “The Preacher's Old Testament.” 1923-1924 James Alfred Faulkner, DD, “Martin Luther.” 1924-1925 Alexander Souter, LittD, “The Earliest Latin Commentaries on St. Paul's Ejiistles.” 1925-1926 Louis Fitzgerald Benson, DD, “Christian Hymnody.” XXX LECTURERS 1926-1927 Archibald T Robertson, DD, LLD, “Paul and the Intellectuals or Gnostics.’’ 1927-1928 Alexander Souter, LittD, DD, “St Augustine.” 1928-1929 Clarence Edward Macartney, DD, “Sons of Thunder.” 1929-1930 Dr Valentine Hepp “Calvinism and the Philosophy of Nature.” 1930-1931 William Hallock Johnson, DD, “Humanism and Theism.” 1931-1932 George Johnson, PhD, “Evangelical Calvinism and Modern Problems.” 1932-1933 Robert E Speer, DD, LLD, “The Einality of Jesus Christ.” STUDENTS’ LECTURERS ON MISSIONS 1892-1893 James S Dennis, DD, “Foreign Missions After a Century.” 1893-1894 William Imbrie, DD, “The Work of the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in Japan.” 1894-1895 Chalmers Martin, DD, “Apostolic and Modern Missions.” 1895-1896 James S Dennis, DD, “Christian Missions and Social Progress; a Sociological Study of Foreign Missions.” 1896-1897 Benjamin C Henry, DD, “China as a Mission Field.” 1897-1898 Robert E Speer, MA, “The Present Missionary Situation in Asia.” 1898-1899 Abram W Halsey, DD, “The Home Pastor and Foreign Missions.” 1899-1900 Chalmers Martin, DD, “The Historical Development of the Missionary Idea.” (Given in 1901.) LECTURERS XXXI 1900-1901 Hubert W Brown, DD, “The Religious Development and Need of Latin America; With a Comparison of Roman Catholic and Protestant Missions.” 1901-1902 Rev car Janvier, MA, “Modern Movements and Missionary Methods in Northern India.” 1902-1903 W'lLLiAM A Shedd, DD, “The Historical Relations of Islam and the Oriental Churches.” 1903-1904 Arthlti J Brown, DD, “New Forces in Old China.” 1904-1905 John R Mott, MA, “The Pastor in Relation to the World’s Ev'angelization.” 1905-1906 Samuel Satthianadhan, MA, LLD, (Cantab), “Indian Philosophical Systems as Related to Christianity.” 1906-1907 El WOOD M Wherry, DD, “Muslim Evangelization in India and the Far East.” 1907-1908 Rev Charles R Watson, MA, “Missions in the Nile Valley.” 1908-1909 Wilfred T Grenfell, MD, “Missions to Fishermen.” 1909-1910 Robert E Speer, MA, “Christianity and the Nations.” 1910-1911 George Washburn, DD, LLD, “The Aim and Scope of Missionary work as Illustrated by Missions in Turkey.” 1911-1912 Andrew Fraser, M.^, LLD, KCSI, “Missions in India.” 1912-1913 Giovanni Luzzi, DD, “The Struggle for Christian Truth in Italy.” 1913-1914 James Bluton Rodgers, DD, “The Philippine Problem — A Missionary Problem.” 1914-1915 Charles E Scott, MA, “China from Within.” 1915-1916 Samuel M Zwemer, DD, FRGS, “The Disintegration of Islam.” 1917-1918 J C R Ewing, DD, LLD, CIB, "Some Developments of Religious Thought in India.” xxxii LECTURERS 1918-1919 Webster E Browning, PhD, DD, “The Call of Latin America.” 1919-1920 Abram Woodruff Halsey, DD, “A Five Year Foreign Missionary Program for the Home Pastor.” 1920-1921 Charles Allen Clark, DD, “The Religions of Korea.” 1921-1922 Samuel M Zwemer, DD, ERGS, “The Unrest of the Moslem World.” 1922-192:3 H K W Kumm, PhD, ERGS, “The History of Christianity in Africa.” 1923-1924 J Porter Smith, DD, “Protestant Missions in South America.” 1924-1920 .Augustus K Reischauer, DD, “Our Christian Task in Japan.” 1925-1920 John \’an Ess, DD, “The Missionary and his Message.” 1926-1927 Henry M Woods, DD, “A Contrast between the Gospel of Christ and the Great Re- ligions of China.” 1927-1928 George Shannon McCune, DD, LLD, “Chosen; the Wonder Working Christ of the Near East Work- ing Wonders in the Far East.” 1928-1929 .Albert B Dodd, “Primary Requisites for the Speedy Evangelization of China.” 1929-1930 John Stu.art Conning, DD, “The Jew in the Modern W'orld.” 19:30-1931 Paul W Harrison, MD, DSc, “Needed Revisions of the Missionary Enterprise.” 1931-1932 John .A Mackay, LittD, “The Other Spanish Christ: .A Study in the Spiritual History of Spain and South .America.” 1932-1933 Rev Joseph L Dodds, “The United Church of Northern India.” ALUMNI 1815 *Covert, John — b, New York; ColU, 1811; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Harmony, Fb 11, 19; miss, SC & Ga; d, 22. *Huntington, Leverett Israel Foote — b, Marlborough, Ct, Dc 28, 1787; YalelJ, 181 1 ; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 6, 15; p, 1st ch. New Bruns- wick, NJ, 15-20; d, New Brunswick, NJ, My 11, 20. *Weed, Henry Rowland — b, Ballston, NY, J1 20, 1789; UnC, 1812; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby New York, Ja 4, 16; p, Jamaica, NY, 16-22; p, 1st ch, Albany, 22-9; agt, 30-2; p. Wheeling, Va, 32-70; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 14, 70. DD, WashCPa, 58. *Wood, Halsey Augustus — b, Ballston, NY, Sp 7, 1793; UnC, 1812; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Albany, Ap 2, 16; p, Amsterdam, NY, 16-25; d, Amsterdam, NY, Nv 27, 25. 4. *Blain, William — b, I'ishkill, NY, Sp 30, 1784; UnC, 1811; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Hudson, Oc 2, 16; p. Deer Park & Ridgebury, NY, 16-20; p. Deer Park & ss, Middletown, 20-3; ss, Malta, 24-8; ss. Cold Spring, 28-30; p. Good-will, 30-57; d, Canaan, NY, Je 9, 57. *Blatchford, Henry — b. Ford, Devonshire, England, Dc 4, 1788; UnC, 181 1 ; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby New York, Nv 28, 15; p, Irish ch, (7th ch), NYCity, 15-8; p. Branch ch, Salem, Mass, 19-21; ss. Snow Hill, Pitts Creek, Rehoboth & Monokin chs, Md, 22; d. Princess Anne, Md, Sp 7, 22. *Cruikshanks, John — b. Charleston, SC; YaleU, 1812; PTS, 13-5; ord, Pby Harmony, My 8, 16; p, John's Island & Wadmalaw, SC, 10-8; d, Princeton, NJ, Ag 27, 18. *Green, Jacob — b, Hanover, NJ, Ag 13, 1790; RutU, 1813; PTS, 12-6; miss, 0 & Va, 16-7; ord, Pby Jersey, Nv 19, 17; p, Succasunna Plains, NJ, 17-22; p, Bedford, NY, 22-48; chap. Sing Sing, 48-51; d. Sing Sing, NY, Oc 25, 51. ♦Hooper, William— b, Hillsboro, NC, Ag 31, 1792; UNC, 1808; PTS, 13-4; prof, UNC, 17-22; ord, PEpis, Ap 24, 22; rec, Fayetteville, NC, 22-4; prof, UNC, 24-37; prof, FurTS, 37-40; prof, SCC, 40-5; [)res, WFC, 45-7; tea, 47-51; p, Bapt ch, Newbern, NC, 52-4; d. Chapel Hill, NC, Ag 19, 76. 2 1815-1816 *How, Samuel Blanchard — b, Burlington, NJ, Oc 14, 1790; UPa, 1811; PTS, 14; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 9, 15; p, Solebury, Pa, 15-6; p, 1st ch, Trenton, NJ, 16-21; p, 1st ch. New Brunswick, 21-3; p, Ind Presb ch. Savannah, Ga, 23-7; ss, RefChAm, Bowery & 9th St, NYCity, 27-8; pres, DickC, 30-1; p, 1st RefChAm, New Brunswick, NJ, 32-61; d. New Brunswick, NJ, Fb 29, 68. DD. *McDowell, William Anderson — b, Lamington, NJ, My 15, 1789; CNJ, 1809; PTS, 12-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 22, 13; p. Bound Brook, NJ, 13-4; p, Morristown, 14-23; p. Charleston, SC, 23-33; sec, Bd Dorn Miss, 33-50; d, Morristown, NJ, Sp 17, 51. DD, FrankCInd, 27; Mod, Gen Assem, 33. *Parmelee, James Hill — b, Newport, NH, My 15, 1783; YaleU, 1808; PTS, 12- 4; tut, CNJ, 13-4; tea, Baltimore, Md, 15-9; ord evang, Pby Lancaster, 0, 23; colp & miss, O; d, Duncan’s Falls, O, Ap 6, 72. *Robertson, Samuel — b, near Troy, NY, Mr 28, 1784; WmsC, 1812; PTS, 13- 5; ss. Freehold, NJ, 15-6; ord, Pby Long Island, 16; p, Huntington, NY, 16-23; miss. White Plains, 23-5; p, Dryden, 25-34; ss, Stillwater, 34-5; p, RefChAm, Canajoharie, 35-9; p, Schoharie, 39-43; p, Westerloo, 43-8; miss, Wis, 48-9; ss, Presb ch, Winneconnee, 49-66; d, Winneconnee, Wis, Sp 23, 69. *Searle, Thomas Coleman — b, Rowley, Mass, Ja 15, 1787; DickC, 1812; PTS, 13-5; ord, Pby Baltimore, Dc 3, 15; p, Bladensburgh, Md, 15-7 ; ss, Madison, Ind, 19- p, 20-1; d, Madison, Oc 15, 21. ’•'Stanton, Benjamin Franklin — b, Stonington, Conn, Fb 12, 1789; UnC, 1811; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Columbia, Nv 12, 15; p, Hudson, NY, 15-24; p, Cong ch, Bethlehem, Ct, 25-9; p, Hanover ch. Prince Edward Co, Va, 29-42; d, Syra- cuse, NY, Nv 18, 43. ’•‘Vosburgh, Jacob Evert — b, Kinderhook, NY, Fb 14, 1787; UnC, 1810; PTS, 13-4; farmer; d. 111, 36. 12. 1816 ’•'Wilbur, Backus — b. Mass, Nv 9, 1788; CNJ, 1813; PTS, 13-6; miss, \’a & 111, 16-7; ss, Elizabeth, NJ, 17-8; ord, Pby Miami, Ag 27, 18; p, Dayton, O, 18; d, Dayton, O, Sp 29, 18. 1. ’^Barnard, John — b, Massachusetts; UnC, 1813; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby On- tario, Fb 3, 19; p, Cong ch, Lima, NY, 19-56; d, Lima, Mr 24, 72. ’•‘Booth, Lebbeus — b, 1789; UnC, 1813; PTS, 13-4; tea; d, Ballston Spa, NY, Dc 16, 59. ’*Camp, Phineas — b, Durham, NY, Fb 18, 1788; UnC, 1811; PTS, 13-5; ord, Pby North River, J1 15, 17; miss, O, Mich, NY & Pa, 17-8; p, Westfield, NY, 19-22; p, Lowville, 25-9; ss, Denmark & Whitesboro; ss, Dixon, 111; d, Dixon, 111, Ja 30, 68. ’•'Crowe, John Finley — b, Greene Co, Tenn, Je 16, 1787; PTS, 1814-5; ord. 1816 3 Pby Louisville, Oc 5, 17; ss & tea, Shelbyville, Ky, 15-23; p, Hanover, Ind, 23-34; ss, Hanover, 38-47; prin, Hanover Acad, 27-32; v pres, HanC, 32-60; d, Hanover, Ind, Ja 17, 60. DD. *Edgar, John Todd — b, Sussex Co, Del, Ap 13, 1792; PTS, 1813-6; ord, Pby Ebenezer, 17; p, Flemingsburg, Ky, 17-20; p, Maysville, 20-7; p, Frankfort, 27-33; p, 1st ch, Nashville, Tenn, 33-60; d, Nashville, Tenn, Nv 13, 60. DD; Mod, Gen Assem, 42. *Fairchild, Ashbel Green — b, Hanover, NJ, My 1, 1795; CNJ, 1813; PTS 14-6; miss, NC, NJ & Pa, 16-8; ord evang, Pby Redstone, J1 1, 18; ss, George’s Creek, Pa, 18- p, 22-54; p, Morgantown, Va, & Greensburgh, Pa, 22-7; p. Tent ch. Pa, 27-64; d, Smithfield, Pa, Je 30, 64. DD, WashCPa, 42. *Gilbert, Eliphalet Wheeler — b, Lebanon, NY, Dc 19, 1793; UnC, 1813; PTS, 14-6; ord, Pby Newcastle, My 20, 18; ss & p, Wilmington, Del, 17-37; pres, UDel, 34-5, 40-7; p. Western ch, Phila, 47-53; d, Phila, Pa, J1 31, 53. DD. *Kilpatrick, Abner Williamson — b. Rowan City, NC,Mr 20, 1793; HSC, 1812; PTS, 14-5; ord, Pby Hanover, Ap 25, 23; ss, Dinwiddie CH,Va, 16-8; ss, Boydton, Mecklenburg CH, NC, 18-22; p, Harrisonburg & Cook’s Creek chs, 27-37; ss, Clarksville, Tenn, 40-3; ss, Willington, Miss, 43-4; d, Tallahatchie Co, Miss, Sp 15, 44. *Monteith, John — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Ag 5, 1788; JefC, 1813; PTS, 14-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 12, 17; miss, Detroit, Mich, 16-21; prof, HamC, 21-8; tea, Germantown, Pa, 28-31; ss, Elyria, O, 32-45; miss, Mich, 45-9; p. Bliss- field, 49-55; tea, Elyria, O, 59-63; d, Elyria, Ap 5, 68. *01iphant, David — b, Waterford, NY, Nv 9, 1791; UnC, 1809; AndTS, 13; PTS, 13-4; ord. My 25, 15; ss Cong ch, Keene, NH, 15-7; p, 3d (Dane St.) ch, Beverly, Mass, 18-34; p, 2d ch, Wells, Me, 34-8; ss. West Haverhill, Mass, & Plaistow, NH, 38-52; d, St, Louis, Mo, Oc 26, 71. ’•'Pratt, Silas — b, 1790; UnC, 1813; PTS, 14-5; ord evang; miss, Pby Ontario, NY; ss, Brighton, NY; p. Chili, 30-2; ss, Parma, Gates, North Penfield, Wheat- land & Groveland, 32-43; d. Palmyra, Wis, Sp 12, 50. ’•'Ross, John — b, Dublin, Ireland, J1 23, 1783; MidC, 1813; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Redstone, Dc 3, 17; p, Somerset, Pa, 17-9; p, Ripley, O, 20-4; p, Beulah ch, Richmond, Ind., 24-9; ss & miss, Ind & O, 29-43; colp, 43-9; ss, Burlington, Ind, 49-50; d, Tipton, Ind, Mr 11, 76. ’•'Smith, Reuben — b. South Hadley, Mass, Sp 26, 1789; MidC, 1813; PTS, 14-6; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 24, 16; p, Ballston Centre, NY, 16-25; p, Burlington, Vt, 25-31; p, Waterford, NY, 31-48; p, Ballston Centre, 48-53; d, Beaver Dam, Wis, Nv 7, 60. *Swift, Elisha Pope — b, Williamstown, Mass, Ag 12, 1792; WmsC, 1813; PTS, 14-6; ord Cong, Sp 3, 17; agt, ABCh'M, NJ, Pa, Va, 17-8; ss, Dover & Mil- ford, Del, 18-9; p, 2d Presb ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 19-33; cor sec. West For Miss Soc, 31-5; prof, WUPa; instr, WestTS, 27-8; p, 1st ch, Allegheny, Pa, 35-65; d, Alle- gheny, Pa, Ap 3, 65. DD, JefC, 37. 4 1816-1817 *Talmage, Jehiel — b, New Jersey; CNJ, 1813; PTS, 13-6; ss, Knowlton & Hardwick, NJ, 16-7 ; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 18, 17 ; p, Knowlton, NJ, 17-39; p, Hardwick, 19-22; ss, Ellsworth, Deerfield & Rehoboth, O, 39-43; colp, Bd Pub, 46-9; d, Bloomfield, NJ, Sp 26, 54. 15. 1817 *Chamberlain, Jeremiah — b, near Great Conewago, Pa, Ja 5, 1794; DickC, 1814; PTS, 14-7; hm miss, 17-8; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 26, 19; p, Bedford, Pa, 19-22; pres, CenCKy, 22-6; pres, LaC, 26-8; tea, Jackson, La, 28-30; pres, OaklC, 30-50; d, Oakland College, Miss, Sp 5, 50. DD. *Webster, Charles — b, Albany, NY, Ap 4, 1793; UnC, 1813; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby New York, Mr 16, 18; p, Hempstead, NY, 18-37; p, Middletown Point, NJ, 38-49; d, Middletown Point (now Matawan), NJ, Dc 28, 62. 2. ^Alexander, Thomas — b, Mecklenburg Co, NC, Sp 17, 1789; PTS, 1815-6; ord, Pby Harmony, Fb 11, 19; p, Salem & MtZion chs, SC, 19-25; ss, Hickstown, Fla, 31; d, Madison, Fla, J1 10, 36. ^Andrews, Wells — b, Hartland, Ct, Nv 21, 1787; JefC, 1812; PTS, 14-0; miss. North Pa, 16-7; ss, Wilmington, NC, 17-8; ord, Pby Winchester, Ja 11, 18; p, 2d ch, Alexandria, DC (Va.), 18-27; p, Hartford Centre ch, O, 27-37, prof, OglU, 37-43; p, Fremont, O, 43-53; p, Washington, 111, 54-60; d, Washington, Fb 14, 67. *Balch, Thomas Bloomer — b, Georgetown, DC, Fb 28, 1793; CNJ, 1813; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Dc 11, 17; ss, Georgetown, 17-9; p. Snow Hill, Rehoboth & Pitts Creek, Md, 20-9; miss & ss, Va, 29-36; agt, ColonSoc; d, Greenwich, Va, Fb 14, 78. DD, HSC, 60. *Barrows, Eleazer Storrs — b, Mansfield, Ct, Ja 18, 1790; MidC, 1811; PTS, 15-6; ord, Pby Onondaga, Sp 11, 22; tut, MidC, 15; ss, Middletown, NY, 16-7; prof, Lat, HamC, 17-21; p, Cong ch, & prin, Pompey Hill, NY, 22-8; ss, Water- ville, & ed, Christian Mag, Utica, NY, 28-33; Cazenovia, NY, 33-42; d, Utica, NY, J1 28, 47. *Gale, George Washington — b. North East, NY, Dc 3, 1789; UnC, 1814; PTS, 14-6; ord, Pby St. Lawrence, Oc 26, 19; p, Adams, NY, 19-23; prin, Oneida Inst, 27-34; founder & prof, KxC, 35-62; d, Galesburg, 111, Sp 13, 62. DD. *Harrison, Elias — b. Orange, NJ, Ja 22, 1790; CNJ, 1814; tut, CNJ, 14-6; PTS, 16-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Dc 11, 17; p, 1st ch, Alexandria, DC (Va), 17-63; d, Alexandria, Va, Fb 13, 63. DD. *Henry, Thomas Charlton — b, Philadelphia, Pa, Sp 22, 1790; MidC, 1814; PTS, 14-6; miss, 16-8; ord, Pby Harmony, Nv 7, 18; p, 1st ch, Columbia, SC, 18-24; p, 2nd ch. Charleston, 25-7 ; d. Charleston, SC, Oc 4, 27. DD, YaleU, 24. *Hoyt, Otto Smith — b. New Haven, \'t. My 22, 1793; MidC, 1813; AndTS, 1817-1818 0 13-4; tut, MidC, 15-6; PTS, 16-7; ord, Sp 30, 18; p, Hinesburg, Vt, 18-29; agt, AmEduSoc, 32-7; p, Hinesburg, 38-54; ss. New Haven, 57; d. New Haven, \’t, Nv 13, 69. *James, Robert Wilson — b, near Indiantown, SC, Je 3, 1793; SCC; PTS, 1815-7; ord, Pby Harmony, Fb 11, 19; p. Bethel & Indiantown, SC, 19-27; p, Williamsburg, 25; p, Salem ch, Bradleyville, 28-41 ; d, Bradlej Ville, SC, Ap 13, 41. *Larned, Sylvester — b, Pittsfield Mass, Ag 31, 1796; MidC, 1813; AndTS, 13- 4; tea, Pittsfield, Mass, 14; PTS, 15-7; ord, Pby NY, J1 15, 17; p, 1st ch. New Orleans, La, 18-20; d. New Orleans, .Ag 31, 20. *McFarlane, William — b, Pennsylvania; DickC, 1813; PTS, 15-7; lie, Pby Carlisle, Ap 10, 17; miss, SW Pa, Ohio, & Mo, 17; d, 17. *Mins, James Helme — b, Smithtown, NY, Nv 17, 1788; WmsC, 1814; PTS, 14- 7; miss, Clarence, NY, 17-8; ord e^■ang, Pby Niagara, Fb 4, 18; p, Onondaga Hollow, NY, 20-4; d, Onondaga Hollow, NY, My 20, 24. *Monfort, David — b, .Adams Co, Pa, Mr 7, 1790; TranC, 1814; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Miami, Oc 20, 17; p. Bethel, Ind, 17-28; ss, Terre Haute, 28-9; ss, Wilmington, O, 29-30; p, Franklin, Ind, 30-50; d, Macomb, 111, Oc 18, 60. DD. *Patterson, Nicholas — b. Path Valley, Pa, Oc 1, 1792; CNJ, 1813; PTS, 15- 7; ord evang, Pby Baltimore, Oc 5, 21; ss, 3d ch, Baltimore, Md, 21-2; evang. Conn, NY & Pa, 23-35; p, Christiana, Del, 35-45; d, Wilmington, Del, Ja 7, 65. *Woods, James Sterrett — b, near Carlisle, Pa, .Ap 18, 1793; DickC, 1814; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Huntingdon, .Ap 5, 20; ss, Waynesburg (MeV'eytown), Pa, 19- p, 20-37; ss, I.ewistown, 23- p, 24-62; d, Lewistown, Pa, Je 29, 62. DD. 15. 1818 *Graham, Samuel Lyle— b. Liberty, Va, Fb 9, 1794; WashCA’a, 1814; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Orange, Sp 7, 21 ; miss, Ind & Va; p, Oxford & Grassy Creek, NC, 21-8; p. Grassy Creek & Nutbush, 28-33; p, Clarksville & Shiloh, \’a, 34-8; prof, UnTSVa, 38-51; d. Prince Edward, Va, Oc 29, 51. DD, UnC, 33. *Lowe, Benjamin Johnson — b, Lebanon, NJ, Ja 11, 1795; CNJ, 1814; PTS, 15-8; ord evang, Pby Newton, Dc 8, 20; ss. Upper & Lower Bethel, Pa, 19- p, 21-3; p, Hardwick (Yellow Frame), 24-37; p, Marksboro, 24-36; p, Still- water, 24-9; ss, Jeromeville, O, 38-41; ss, Keene, 41-2; ss. Blue Rock, Bristol & Deerfield, 42-3; ss, Muskingum, 46-50; ss. Marietta, 50-4; d, San Francis<-o, Cal, A]) 24, 75. ’Morgan, Gilbert- b, Salem, NY, My 23, 1791; UnC, 1815; PTS, 15-8; tut & prof, use, 19-26; ord, Pby .Albany, Fb 15, 26; asso p, Johnstown, N\’, 26-8; prin, Johnstown; tea, Galway; pres, WUPa, 36-45; pres, Edgeworth Fern Sem, Greensboro, NC', 45-9; founcler & i>rin, Harmony h'em Coll, SC', 53-62; d, NA" City, My 27, 75. DD, NYU, 70. ’Platt, Isaac Watts b, Huntington, NY, Oc 4, 1788; C'NJ, 1815; PTS, 1.5-8; ord, Pby Albany, J1 11, 20; miss. South & I’hila, Pa. 18-20; p, Charlton, 6 1818 NY, 20-5; p, Athens, Pa, 25-31; p, Bath, NY, 31-44; miss, Pby Steuben, 44-7; p. West Farms, NY, 47-58; d. West Farms, Fb 9, 58. *Post, Reuben — b, Cornwall, Vt, Ja 17, 1792; MidC, 1814; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 23, 19; p, 1st ch, Washington, DC, 19-36; p. Circular Cong ch. Charleston, SC, 36-58; d. Charleston, SC, Sp 24, 58. DD, SCC, 37. *Rodgers, Ravaud Kearney — b, NYCity, Nv 3, 1796; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Troy, Mr 14, 21; ss, Sandy Hill & Glens Falls, NY, 20- p, 21-30; p. Bound Brook, NJ, 30-74; d, Athens, Ga, Ja 12, 79. DD, RutU, 56. *Strong, Salmon — b, Durham, NY, Mr 23, 1790; WmsC, 1813; prin, Cayuga Acad, NY, 13-5; PTS, 15-8; tut, HamC, 18-20; ord, Pby Oneida, Je 28, 20; prin, Cayuga, 20-8; prin, Skaneateles, 28-9; prin, Clinton, 29-40; prin. East Bloomfield, 40-1; prin, Clinton, 41-52; d, Harrisburg, Pa, J1 14, 72. 7. *Barnes, James Charles — b, Carshalton, Eng, Ap 10, 1789; PTS, 1816-8; ord, Phy Transylvania, Mr, 19; p, Lancaster & Paint Lick, Ky, 19-36; ss. Silver Creek, 29; ss. Rock Spring, 34-6; ss, 37- p, 38-44; ss, 1st ch, Dayton, O, Richmond & Silver Creek, Ky, 46; ss, Lancaster & Harmony, 47-8; ss. Harmony, 48-50; p, Perryville, 52; ss. Hanging Rock, 53; ss, Pisgah, 54-6; Crooked R & Bethel, Mo, 59-64; d, Stanford, Ky, Mr 13, 65. DD, CenCKy, 51. *Biggs, Thomas Jacob — b, Philadelphia, Pa, Nv 29, 1787; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 15-8; tut, CNJ, 17-8; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 10, 18; p, Frankford, Pa, 18-31; prof, LaneTS, 32-9; pres, UCin, 39-45; pres, WoodwCO, 45-51; p, 5th ch, Cin- cinnati, O, 52-6; d, Cincinnati, Fb 9, 64. DD, JefC, 41. *Boies, Artemas — b, Blandford, Mass, Sp 8, 1792; WmsC, 1816; PTS, 17-8; ord, Pby Fayetteville, My 12, 19; p, Wilmington, NC, 19-21; p. Charleston, SC, 21-3; p, Cong ch. South Hadley, Mass, 24-34; agt, AmBSoc, 29-30; p. Pine St Cong ch, Boston, Mass, 34-41; p, 2d ch. New London, Ct, 41-4; d. New London, Ct, Sp 25, 44. *Bull, Norris — b, Harwinton, Ct, Oc 24, 1790; YaleU, 1813; tea, Lansing- burgh, NY ; PTS, 16-8; ord; ss, Warsaw & Geneseo, NY, 18-21 ; p, Geneseo, 22-33; p, Wyoming, 33-6; p, Clarkson, 37-46; p, Lewiston, 47; d, Lewiston, NY, Dc 7, 47. DD, UnC, 46. *Gillis, Levin Irving — b. Princess Anne, Md, Je 29, 1796; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 15-7; ord, PEpis presbyter, Sp 21, 20; rec. Queen Anne, Md, 18-22; rec, St Paul’s, 22-30; rec, St Bartholomew’s & Prince George’s, 30-44; rec. Ascension ch, Washington, DC, 44-60; d, Washington, DC, Ap 30, 60. *Glenn, Robert — b, Roanoke Co, Va, Ap 13, 1793; TroyU, 1816; PTS, 16-8; ss, Kingsport, Tenn, 18-9; ord, Pby Union, Ap 19, 19; p, Jonesboro & Kingsport, 20-5; ss, Tabo ch. Mo, 52-8; d, Warrensburg, Mo, Ja 24, 67. *Henry, Symmes Cleves — b, Lamington, NJ, Je 7, 1797; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 15-8; ord evang, Pby Newton, My 3, 18; ss, Salem, Mass, 18; ss, Rochester, NY, 1818-1819 7 19; ss, 3d ch, Phila, Pa, 20; p, Cranbury, NJ, 20-57 ; d, Cranbuiy', NJ, Mr 22, 57. DD, LafC, 52. *Judd, Gideon Noble — b, Danbury, Ct, J1 4, 1789; UnC, 1814; PTS, 15-7; ord, Pby Columbia, 18; p, Montrose, Pa, 18-20; p, Bloomfield, NJ, 20-34; p, Catskill, NY, 40-9; ss & p, Montgomery, 49-60; d, Montgomery', NY, Mr 3, 60. *Kellar, Isaac — b, near Hagerstown, Md, Fb 6, 1789; WashCPa, 1815; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 26, 19; p, McConnellsburg, Pa, 19-24; asso p, RefCh US, Hagerstown, Md, 24-6; p, Williamsport, Md, 26-35; p, 1st Presb ch, Peoria, 111, 35-48; ss. Orange Prairie, 48-53; d, Kellar Station, 111, J1 25, 67. *Moderwell, William — b, Lancaster, Pa, Dc 26, 1794; WashCPa, 1815; PTS, 16-8; ord, Pby Newcastle, Sp 29, 19; p, Augusta, Ga, 21-6; deposed, 33; d, Phila, Pa, 42. *Poage, Andrew W — b, Ohio; WashCPa, 1814; PTS, 16-7; ord; p. Yellow Spring, O, 25-40; d. Yellow Spring, O, Ap 29, 40. *Richards, Benjamin Wood — b, Batsto Iron Works, NJ, Nv 12, 1798; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 15-6; ill health; Phila, Pa; mayor, Phila, 29, 31-2; d, Phila, Pa, J1 12, 51. *Saunders, Stephen — b, Connecticut; CNJ, 1814; PTS, 16-7; ord, Pby Newcastle, J1 2, 18; p. Snow Hill, Pitts Creek & Rehoboth chs, Md, 18-9; p. South Salem, NY, 25-33; Norwalk, O, 34; d, Milan, O, Ja 3, 35. *Snodgrass, William Davis — b. West Hanover, Pa, Je 30, 1796; WashCPa, 1815; PTS, 16-8; ord, Pby Fayetteville, J1 30, 19; p, Fayetteville, NC, 19-22; ss, Ind Presb ch. Savannah, Ga, 22-3; p, Murray St ch, NYCity, 23-32; agt, Bd Dom Miss, 32-3; p, 2d ch, Troy, NY, 34-44; p, 15th St ch, NYCity, 45-9; p, Goshen, NY, 49-86; d, Goshen, My 28, 86. DD, ColU, 30. *Southworth, Constant — b, Southington, RI, My 30, 1794; MidC, 1815; AndTS; PTS, 17-8; ord; agt, BanTS, 18-9; p, Cong ch. Canton, NY, 20-36; colp, O & Can; agt, AmBSoc, Ind; d, Williams Centre, O, Dc 10, 70. *Woodward, Henry — b, Hanover, NH, Fb 3, 1797; DartC, 1815; PTS, 16-8; ord Cong, Nv 4, 18; miss, Ceylon, 20-34; d, Coimbatoor, East India, Ag 3, 34. 16. 1819 *Boardman, George Smith — b, Albany, NY, Dc 28, 1796; UnC, 1816; PTS, 16-9; miss, O & Ky, 19-21 ; ord, Pby St. Lawrence, J1 26, 21 ; p, Watertown, NY, 21-37; p. Bethel ch, Rochester, 37-42; ss, Columbus, O, 42; ss, 3d ch, Phila, Pa, 42-3; p, 2d ch, Rome, NY, 43-7; p. Cherry Valley, 47-50; p, Cazenovia, 50-65; ss, 1st ch, Rome, 68; ss, Ogdensburg, 69; ss. Little Falls, 70; d, Cazenovia, NY, Fb 7, 77. DD, MadU, 58. ‘Chamberlain, Remembrance— b, Newbury, \'t, Dc2, 1789; MidC, 1814, PTS, 16-9; ord, Cong Asso Newbury; ss, Madison, Ga, 25; ss. Bethel, 26-8; ss. 8 1819 Decatur, 28-30; ss, Forsyth, 30-3; ss, Jackson, 33-4; agt, OglU; d, Decatur, Ga, Mr, 4, 55. *Davis, Samuel S — b, Ballston Centre, NY, J1 12, 1793; MidC, 1812; PTS, 15- 6; tut, UnC, 16-7 ; PTS, 17-9; agt, Syn SC & Ga, 19-21 ; ord evang, Pby Albany, Ag 12, 21; p, Darien, Ga, 21-3; ss, Augusta, 23-7; ss, Camden, SC, 23- p el, 27-33; agt, BdEdu, 33-41 ; prof, Lat, OglU, 41-2; ss, Ballston Centre, NY, 42-3; p, Cam- den, SC, 45-51; ss, Springfield (col’d) ch, Augusta, Ga; d, Summerville, Ga, Je21, 77. DD, UnC, 45. *Goldsmith, John — b, Riverhead, NY, Ap 10, 1794; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby New York, Nv 17, 19; p, Newtown, NY, 19-54; d, Newtown, Ap 6, 54. DD, CNJ, 48. *Hodge, Charles — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 27, 1797; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby New Brunswick, N^• 28, 21 ; miss. Falls of Schuylkill, Phila, Arsenal & Wood- bury, NJ, 19-20; instr. Original Languages of Scripture, PTS, 20-2, prof. Oriental & Bib Lit, 22-40, Exeg & Didac Theol, 40-54, Exeg, Didac & Poleni Theol, 54-78; auth & commentator; d, Princeton, NJ, Je 19, 78. DD, RutU, 34; LLD, WashC Pa, 64; Mod, Gen Assem, 46. *Lane, Aaron D — b, Lansingburgh, NY, Ja 29, 1797; UnC, 1816; PTS, 16- 9; ord, Pby Geneva, Mr 21, 21 ; p, Waterloo, NY, 21-35; ill health ; d, Waterloo, NY, Nv 2, 80. *Nevins, William— b, Norwich, Ct, Oc 13, 1797; YaleU, 1816; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 19, 20; miss, Va, 19-20; p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 20-35; d, Baltimore, Sp 14, 35. DD, CNJ, 34. ‘Chapman, Epaphras -b. East Haddam, Ct, Ap 25, 1792; YaleU, 1816; PTS, 17-9; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 6, 20; miss, Osage Indians, on ■Arkansas Ri\cr; d, Ja 7, 25. ‘Chester, William — b, Wethersfield, Ct, Nv 20, 1795; UnC, 1815; PTS, 16-8; ord, Pby Albany, J1 12, 20; p, Galway, NY, 20-3; p, Hudson, 24-32; gen agt, BdEdu, 32-51, asso sec, 51-61, cor sec, 61-5; d, Washington, DC, My 23, 65. DD, WashCPa, 44. ‘Eaton, Sylvester — b, Chatham, NY, Ag 12, 1790; WmsC, 1816; PTS, 16-8; ord, Fairfield West Cong Asso, Oc, 20; p, Cong ch, Norwalk, Ct, 20-7; p, 1st Presb ch, Buffalo, NY, 29-34; p, Paterson, NJ, 34-7; p, Poughkeepsie, NY, 37-9; d, Troy, My 4, 44. ‘Gildersleeve, Benjamin — b, near Norw'alk, Ct, Ja 5, 1791; MidC, 1814; tea, Mt Zion, Ga, 14-7; PTS, 17-8; ed. The Missionary, 19; ord evang, Pby Hope- well, Ag, 20; ed, Christian Observer, Charleston, SC, 26-45; ed. Watchman & Ob- server, Richmond, Va, 45-56; ed. Central Presbyterian, 56-60; ss, Beaver Creek, Va; miss, Va; ss. Green Spring; d, Tazewell Co, Va, Je 20, 75. DD, CumbU, 74. ‘Grier, John Walker — b, Bucks Co, Pa, 1789; DickC, 1809; tea; PTS, 16-7; ord, Pby Philadelphia, My 25, 26; chap, USN, 26-57; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 18, 64. 1819 9 *Hatch, Lemuel Durant — b, Brice’s Creek, NC, Je 10, 1793; UNC, 1815; PTS, 17-9; ord, Pby Orange, Sp 2, 21 ; p, Newbern, NC, 22-8; ss. Red House, 32-3; miss to slaves, Greensboro, Ala, 33-66; d, Blount Springs, Sp 27, 66. ’•‘Hunter, Moses — b. New York; UnC, 1817; PTS, 17-9; lie, Pby New York, Ap 21, 1819; ord; p, Stephenstown, NY, 25; p, Angelica, 27-32; ss & p, Almond, 32-7; d, Oc 18, 42. ’•‘James, William — b, Albany, NY, Je 1, 1797; CNJ, 1816; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Albany, Ap 19, 25; ss, Murray St ch, NYCity, 23; ss, Clarkson, NY, 24-5; p, 2d ch, Rochester, 25-31; ss, 1st ch, Schenectady, 31-2; p, 3d ch, Albany, 34-5; d, Albany, NY, Fb 15, 68. DD, UnC, 54. ’‘Johns, John — b, Newcastle, Del, J1 10, 1796; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 16-8; ord, PEpis dea, Je 10, 19; presbyter, 20; rec. All Saints' ch, Frederick, Md, 19-29; rec, Christ ch, Baltimore, 29-37 ; rec, ch of Messiah, Baltimore, 37-42; consecrated, Oc 13, 42, asst dioc bp, Va, 42-62; pres, CW&M, 49-54; dioc bp, Va, 62-76; d, Alexandria, Va, Ap 5, 76. DD, CNJ, ColU & NYU, 34; LED, CW&M, 55. “Leake, Lemuel Fordham — b, Chester, NJ, Sp 12, 1790; CNJ, 1814; PTS, 17-9; ord evang, Pby Newton, Je 16, 19; ss. Harmony, NJ, 19- p, 22-8; ss, Ox- ford, 19- p, 22-5; p, Chartiers ch. Pa, 31-43; pres, FrankCO, 43; d, Terre Haute, Ind, Dc 1, 66. “Newbold, John Smith — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 1, 1795; CNJ, 1816; PTS, 16-8; PEpis; d, Savannah, Ga, Dc 23, 18. ’•‘Peters, Absalom — b, Wentworth, NH, Sp 19, 1793; DartC, 1816; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Troy, J1 5, 20; miss, Pby Troy, 19; ss, 1st Cong ch, Bennington, Vt, 19- p, 20-5; cor sec, AmHMSoc, 26-37; ed. Am Bib Repertory, 38-41; ed. Am Ficlectic, 41-2; fin agt & prof, Homil & Pas Theol, UnTS, 42-4; p, 1st ch of Christ, Williamstown, Mass, 44-57; d, NYCity, My 18, 69. DD, MidC, 33. “Phillips, David H — b, Kentucky; PTS, 1817-9; miss, Pby Abington, 19; ord; p. Bowling Green, Ky, 25; d, 26. “Price, Jonathan — b, Elizabethtown, NJ; CNJ, 1814; UPa, MD; PTS, 16-7; ord Bapt, Philadelphia, Mr 20, 21; miss, Burmah, 21-8; d, Sagaing, Burmah, Fb 14, 28. “Sprague, William Buell — b, Andover, Ct, Oc 16, 1795; YaleU, 1815; PTS, 16-9; ord Cong, Ag 25, 19; p, Cong ch. West Springfield, Mass, 19-29; p, 2d ch, Albany, NY, 29-69; d, Flushing, NY, My 7, 76. DD, ColU, 28, HarvU, 48; LED, CNJ, 69. “Strong, Thomas Morris — b, Cooperstown, NY, Ag 28, 1797; ColU, 1816; PIS, 18-9; ss, Norfolk, Va, 19-20; ord, Oc 23, 21; p, AssoRef chs, Chambersburg & Shippensburg, Pa, 21-2; p, RefChAm, Flatbush, NY, 22-61; d, Flatbush, Je 14, 61. DD, NYU, 61. “Vinal, Job P — b, Massachusetts; UnC, 1814; PTS, 17-9; lie, Pby New Bruns- wick, Ap 19, 19; miss to Indians, Rama[)o, NY; d, 19. “Wickes, Thomas Scudder b, Jamaica, NY, .Xj), 18 1795; YalcU, 1814; lO 1819-1820 PTS, 16-9; miss, Southern States, 19-22; ord evang, Pby New York, Sp 9, 22; ss. West Farms, NY, 23-4; ss, Greenbush (East Albany), 25-31; ss. Sand Lake, 31-6; res, Ballston Spa, 43-51; Poughkeepsie, 51-76; d, Poughkeepsie, NY, Nv 30, 76. *Woodbridge, William Channing — b, Medford, Mass, Dc 18, 1794; YaleU, 1811; prin, Burlington, NJ, 12-4; PTS, 17-8; tea of deaf mutes, Hartford, Ct, 17-20; lie, Hartford North Asso (Cong), Fb 4, 19; ed, Boston, Mass, 31-8; d, Boston, Nv 9, 45. *Barton, William Bryant — b, Elizabethtown, NJ, 1794; CNJ, 1817; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Je 25, 22; p, 1st ch, Woodbridge, NJ, 22-52; d, Woodbridge, Ap 7, 52. *Caruthers, Eli Washington — b. Rowan Co, NC, Oc 26, 1793; CNJ, 1817; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Orange; p, Bethel NC, 21-2; p, Buffalo, 21-46; p. Almanac, 21-61; d, Greensboro, NC, Nv 14, 65. DD, UNC, 54. *Coe, John Rodgers — b, Lansingburgh, NY, Ja 17, 1800; UnC, 16; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Troy, J1 17, 22; p, Whitehall, NY, 22-3; d, Whitehall, Sp 30,23. *Orton, Azariah Giles — b, Tyringham, Mass, Ag 6, 1789; WmsC, 1813; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 2, 22; ss, Seneca Falls, NY, 22-35; ss. Lisle, 35-8; ss, Greene, 38-53; p. Lisle, 53-61; d. Lisle, NY, Dc, 28, 64. DD, NYU, 49. *Pierce, John J — b, Vermont, 1791; CNJ, 1817; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 8, 25; prin, Elkton, Ky, 25-37; ss, Rockbridge, 30; prof, CenCKy, 31; ss, Ridgewood, 43-61; d, Ridgewood, Ky, Mr 18, 61. *Platt, Adams Wakeman — b, Weston, Ct, Oc 28, 1790; UnC, 1817; PTS, 17-20; miss, O & Ind, 20-3; ord, Pby St Lawrence, Ja 20, 24; p, Rutland, NY, 24-9; p. West Galway, 29-33; ss. West Fayette, 34-6; p. Hector, 36-48; Trumans- burg; d, Clinton, la. My 2, 59. *Safford, Henry — b, Royalton, Vt, Oc 8, 1793; DartC, 1817; PTS, 17-20; miss, NJ & Pa, 21-2; miss, Augusta, Ga, 22-3; ord evang, Royalton Cong Asso, Sp 4, 23; ss & tea. Beach Island, SC, 23-5; ss, Thyatira & Mendham, Ga, 2.5-6; Clarence, NY, 26-31; Louisville, Ga, 31-3; Cherokee Corner, 34-43; agt & supt, AmTrSoc, Ga & Fla, 43-70; d, Greensborough, Ga, Oc 8, 70. Wan Court, John Harriotte — b. Bound Brook, NJ; CNJ, 1817; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Ap 23, 21; ss, Carmel, Miss, 28; ss, Kingstoji, 29-33; Baton Rouge, La; prof, St Charles, Mo; d, Adams Co, Miss, Ag, 67. 8. *Bard, Isaac — b, near Bardstown, Ky, Ja 13, 1797; UnC, 1821; PTS, 18-20; ss, RefChAm, Schenectady, NY, 20-1; ord, Pby Muhlenburg, J1 26, 23; p, Green- ville, Mt Zion & Mt Pleasant, Ky, 23-35; ss & miss, Ky; fin agt of edu for Pby; d, Greenville, Ky, Je 29, 78. 1820 1 1 *Crane, Elias Winans — b, Elizabethtown, NJ, Mr 18, 1796; CNJ, 1814; tea, 14-7; PTS, 17-8; ss, Morristown, NJ, 18-9; ord, Pby Jersey, Ja 5, 20; p, Springfield, 20-6; p, Jamaica, NY, 26-40; d, Jamaica, Nv 10, 40. *Dickinson, Austin — b, Amherst, Mass, Fb 15, 1791; DartC, 1813; law stu, Amherst, 13-5; PTS, Jl-Sp, 18; ord evang, Cong, Ap 19, 26; agt, AmhC; ed. National Preacher, NYCity, 26-38; agt, NY Observer, 38-44; d, NYCity, Ag 15, 49. *Estabrook, Joseph — b, Lebanon, NH, Dc 7, 1793; DartC, 1815; PTS, 18-9; prin, Amherst, Mass, 17-20; prof,J^at & Gk, AmhC, 21-4; prin, Staunton, Va, 25-8; pres, ETennU, 34-47; d, Anderson Co, Tenn, My 18, 55. *Magie, David— b, Elizabethtown, NJ, Mr 13, 1795; CNJ, 1817; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Jersey, Ap 24, 21; ss, 2d ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 20- p, 21-65; d, Elizabeth, NJ, My 10, 65. DD, AmhC, 42. *McFarland, Francis — b. County Tyrone, Ireland, Ja 8, 1788; WashCPa, 1818; PTS, 18-20; miss, Ind & Mo, 20-1; miss, Ga, 21-2; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 1, 22; p. Bethel ch, Augusta Co, Va, 23-36; cor sec, BdEdu, 35-41 ; p, Bethel, Va, 41-71 ; d, Bethel, Oc 10, 71. DD, WashCPa, 39; Mod, Gen Assem, 56. *McIlvaine, Charles Petit — b, Burlington, NJ, Ja 18, 1799; CNJ, 1816; PTS, 17-9; ord PEpis dea, J1 4, 20; ord pr, Mr 20, 21 ; rec, Christ ch, Georgetown, DC, 20-5; chap& prof, Eth, USMilA, 25-7; rec, St Ann's ch, Brooklyn, NY, 28-33; consecrated bp, Oc 31, 32; dioc bp, Ohio, 32-73; d, Florence, Italy, Mr 12, 73. DD, BrU, 33; DCL, OxU, 53. *Morgan, Nicholson Ross — b, Cabarras Co, NC, Ag 10, 1789; CNJ, 1817; PTS, 17-20; miss, Pby Concord, NC, 20; ord evang, Pby Concord, My 3, 22; ss, Cheraw, SC, 22-5; ss, Hopewell & Darlington, 27-32; ss. Concord & Mt Zion, Ala, 34; ss, Ebenezer, 35-7; ss, New Hope, 46-51; ss, Bethsalem, 65-70; d, Eutaw, Ala, Mr 7, 81. *Perkins, Henry— b, Vergennes, Vt, Fb 9, 1796; UnC, 1817; PTS, 18-20, ord, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 6, 20; p, Nottingham Sq, NJ, 20-40; p, Allentown, 20-64; d, Allentown, NJ, Je 30, 80. DD, CNJ, 58. ♦Schmucker, Samuel Simon — b, Hagerstown, Md, Fb 28, 1799; UPa, 1819; PTS, 18-20; ord, Lutheran Syn of Pa, Sp 5, 21; p, Luth ch. New Market, Va, 20-6; prof, Theol, GetTS, 26-64, prof em, 64-73; d, Gettysburg, Pa, J1 26, 73. DD, RutU, & UPa, 30. *Smith, James — b, near Newburg, Cumberland Co, Pa, Je 12, 1793; DickC, 1816; PTS, 18-20; miss & ss, Pby Carlisle, 21-5; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 15, 25; p, 2d ch. Northern Liberties, Phila, 25-33; res, Phila, 33-64; ill health; d, Moro, 111, Dc 3, 82. ♦Smith, Joseph— b, Fayette Co, Pa, J1 15, 1796; JefC, 1815; tea; PTS, 17-9; hm miss, Va, 19-21; ord, Pby Lexington, 21; p, Harrisonburg, Va, 21-6; p, Staun- ton, 26-32; prof, Frederick Acad, 32-4; ss, Fredericktown (Frederick City), Md, 33-4; p, St Clairsville, (), 34-7; pres, FrankCO, 37-8; p, Frederick City, Md, 38-43; pres, Frederick Coll, 38-44; p, Ellicott’s Mills, Md, 44-6; sec, BdDomMiss, 46-50; 12 1820-1821 p, Elizabeth & Roundhill, Pa, 50-5; p, Greensburg, Pa, 56-66; cl, Greensburg, Dc 4, 68. DD, JefC, 45. 12. 1821 *Alexander, Thomas — b. Bourbon Co, Ky, Ap 8, 1799; PTS, 1818-21; ord, Pby South Alabama, My 8, 24; p. Valley Creek, Mt Pleasant & Selma, Ala, 24-37; p, Vincennes, Ind, 38-47; ss, Marion & Fairview, 47-50; ss, Bloomington, 52-4; miss & ss, Texas, 54-8; j). Oak Island, Tex, 58-64; d. Cotton Gin, Mr 26, 64. *Cunningham, Joseph P — b, 1800; Georgia; TranC; PTS, 18-21; lie, Ap 26, 21; ord; p, Havana, Ala, 24-8; p, Concord & Mt Zion, 28-32; ss, Pisgah, Ky, 32-3; d, Pisgah, Ky, 33. *HaiTis, Thompson Steele — b, Piscataway, NJ, My 8, 1799; CNJ, 1818; PTS, 18-21 ; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 3, 21 ; miss, Seneca Indians, near Buffalo, NY, 22-30; ss, Lodi, 31-3; ss, Colden ch, Boston, 34; ss, Ripley, 36; miss, seamen, NYCity; chap, HSN; d, Brooklyn, NY, Dc 28, 42. *Henderson, William — b, Kentucky; PTS, 1818-21; d, Shelby Co, Ky, 27. *Henry, James Vernor — b, Albany, NY, Sp 12, 1798; CNJ, 1815; PTS, 18- 21; tut, CNJ, 20-2; ord evang, Pby Albany, Oc 8, 22; ss, Waynesboro, Ga, 22-4; ss, 1st ch, NYCity, 24-5; p, Ballston, NY, 26-9; ss, Provost St ch, NYCity, 30; ss. Cold Spring, 31; p. Sing Sing, 35-41; p, RefChAm, Ithaca, 46-9; ss, 1st ch, Jersey City, NJ, 51; ss. Canal St ch, NYCity, 53; ss, Throgg’s Neck, NY, 54-5; d, Jersey City, NJ, Mr 14, 73. *Johnson, Daniel B — b. New Jersey; CNJ, 1818; PTS, 18-21; ord, Pby Charleston Union, Ja 1, 24; d, Ag, 24. *Lapsley, Robert Armstrong — b, near Danville, Ky, Ja 11, 1798; TranC, 1818; PTS, 18-21; ord evang, Pby Muhlenburg, Ag 24, 22; miss, Ky, 22-4; p, Hopkinsville, Ky; p, Princeton; ss, Livingston, 29-33; ss, Harpeth, 33-4; pres. Fern Acad, Nashville, Tenn, 34-42; ss. Hermitage, 42-4; ss, 2d ch, Nashville, 44- p, 50-6; ss, Carthage, 56-65; d. New Albany, Ind, Fb 12, 72. DD. *Lyons, Luke — b, Coleraine, Mass, Oc 2, 1791; PTS, 1818-21; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 8, 22; WmsC, 23, MA; p, Esperance, NY, 22-7; p, Courtland Milage, 28-31; p, Freech, Rochester, 33-6; p, Jerseyville, 111, 43-5; d, Jerseyville, Ja 11, 45. *Moore, Joshua — b, Beulah, Pa, My 10, 1800; JefC, 18; PTS, 18-21; ord, Pby Dist of Columbia; ss, Detroit, 22-4; p, chs Monikin & Wicomico, Md, 26-8; Churchill; Princess Anne; ss, Norristown, Pa, 31-3; p. East Kishacoquillas, 35-54; d, Milroy, Pa, Ap 15, 54. *Rice, Henry Leffler — b, Washington Co, Pa, Je 25, 1795; TranC, 1818; PTS, 18-21; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 2, 22; miss, 23-4; p, RefChAm, Spotswood, NJ, 25-34; p, RefChUS, Chambersburg,Pa, 34-7; d, Chambersburg, My 3, 37. *Todd, Andrew — b, Paris, Ky, Ja 13, 1800; JefC, 17; PTS, 18-21; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, J1 25, 23; p. Cherry Spring & Hopewell, Ky, 24-6; p, Flem- ingsburg, 26-38; p, Jacksonville, 111, 38-50; d, Monticello, Fla, Sp 2, 50. 1821 *Waterbury, Daniel — b, New York, 1773; UnC, 1818; PTS, 18-21; ord; p, Franklin, NY, 28-34; p, Delhi, 36-7; d, Warsaw, NY, Dc 22, 38. 12. *Armstrong, William Jessup — b, Mendham, NJ, Oc 29, 1796; CNJ, 181(); PTS, 18-9; miss, .Albermarle Co, \’a, 19-21; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 28, 21 ; p, 1st ch, Trenton, NJ, 21-4; p, 1st ch, Richmond, \'a, 24-34; cor sec, .ABCFM, 34-46; drowned, LISound, Nv 27, 46. DD, CNJ, 40. *Babbitt, Amzi — b. New Jersey, 1794; CNJ, 1816; PTS, 18-9; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 3, 21; p, Pecpiea, Pa, 21-31; p, 2d RefChAm, Phila, 34-5; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 14, 45. *Baber, James — b, Hanover Co, \’a, J1 25, 1794; HSC; Asso Ref Sem, NY City; PTS, 1819-21; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Sp 28, 26; p, Hancock, Md, 26-9; ss, Newton & Middletown, 31; te;i & ss. Port Republic, Va, 31-2; p, Tygari’s V'alley, 33-4; ss. New Providence, Pa, 36-9; ss, Shepherdstown, \'a, 39; agt. Metropolitan ch, Washington, DC, 53-7; il, Columbus, O, .\g 19, 63. *Beattie, William Quigley — b, near Shippensburg, Pa, Ap 12, 1796; WashCPa, 1818; PTS, 19-21; ord Bapt, J1 8, 24; miss, NC, 24-6; p, Mechan- icsville, SC, 36-8; p, Darlington CH, 28-40; p, Bennettsville, 40-52; p. Saw-mill (col’d) ch, 42-84; d, Bennettsville, SC, Oc 29, 84. *Blair, William Cochran — b. Bourbon Co, Ky, Mr 16, 1791; JefC, 1818; PTS, 18-21; ord evang, Pby Chillicothe, Sp 27,22; miss Chickasaw Indians, West Tenn, 20-8; miss. Miss, 28-31; ss, Butler’s Plains ch. Baton Rouge, La, 31-2; miss to negroes, near Natchez, Miss, 32-40; miss & tea, Tex, 40-73; d, La\-aca, Tex, Fb 15, 73. ^Chester, Alfred — b, Hartford, Ct, Mr 17, 1798; YaleU, 1818; AndTS;PTS, 19-21; miss, SC, 21-4; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, NJ, J1 18, 26; p, Rahway, NJ, 26-9; prin, acad at Morristown, 29-45; agt, BdPub, 47-8; chap, Elizabeth City Prison, 62-70; d, NYCity, J1 2, 71. *Conkling, Nathaniel — b, Baskingridge, NJ, Mr 5, 1794; CNJ, 1818; PTS, 18- 21; ord evang, Pby Newton, Nv 19, 23; ss, Frankfort, NJ, 23-34; ss, Co- shockton & Keene, O, 34-44; ss, Covington, Ind, 44-7; ss, Andover, NJ, 47-50; ss, Clearfield, Pa, 56-9; d, Alexandria, Nv 7, 66. *Danforth, Joshua Noble — b, Pittsfield, Mass, .Ap 1, 1798; WmsC, 1818; PTS, 18-21; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 30, 25; p. New Castle, Del, 25-8; ss, Wash- ington, DC, 28-32; agt, AmColonSoc, 32-4; p, Cong ch, Lee, Mass, 34-8; p, 2d Presb ch, Alexandria, \’a, 55-60; agt, AmColonSoc, 60-1; d. New C'astle, Del, Nvl4, 61. DD, UDel, 55. ■^Douglass, Orson b, Middlebury, Vt, 1795; MidC, 1814; lawy, (la; PTS, 19- 21; ord, Pby Hopewell, My 25, 22; p, Donegal & .Marietta, Pa, 23-36; agt, PaColonSoc, 31-9; ss. Mariners' ch, Phila, 39-.52; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 1, .52. ’*Fitch, Charles b, Williamstown, .Mass, Je 26, 1799; WmsC, 1818; PI’S, H 1821 18- 21 ; ord, Pby Otsego, Ag 22, 22; Cherry Valley, NY ; p, Holliston, Mass, 26-32; ss, Batavia, NY, 34; p, Springfield, O; p, 1st Free ch, Newark, NJ ; chap, Colum- bus, O, 40; agt, Mt. Vernon & Sun Rising, Ind, 42-8; ss, Hopewell, 49-50; p, Mt. Vernon, 51-7 ; ss, Mt. Vernon, 60-1 ; d, Evansville, Ind, My 3, 63. *Foote, William Henry — b, Colchester, Ct, Dc 20, 1794; YalelJ, 1816; tea, Va; PTS, 18-9; miss, Va, 19-22; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Sp 7, 22; ss. Wood- stock & Strasburg, Va, 22-4; p, Romney, Mt Bethel & Springfield, 24-38, 45-69; trav sec, CntlBdForMiss, 38-45; d, Romney, WVa, Nv 22, 69. DD, FISC, 47. ♦Hinsdale, Charles James— b, NYCity, Fb 12, 1796; YaleU, 1815; PTS, 19- 20; AndTS; ord Cong, Je 15,23;p, Cong ch, Meriden, Ct, 23-33; p, Blandford, Mass, 36-63; d, Blandford, Oc 17, 71. ♦Malcom, Howard — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 19, 1799; DickC; PTS, 1818-20; ord Bapt, Ap 23, 20; p, Bapt ch, Hudson, NY, 20-6; gen sec, AmSSUn, 26-7; p, F'ederal St Bapt ch, Boston, Mass, 27-35; deputized to visit Bapt For Miss sta- tions, 35-8; pres, GeoC, 40-9; p, Sansom St Bapt ch, Phila, Pa, 49-51; pres, ULew, 51-7; pres, AmPeaceSoc & BapHistSoc; auth & ed; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 25, 79. DD, UVt & UnC, 41; LED, ULew, 58. ♦McFarlan, Alexander — b, Scotland; IJnC, 1818; PTS, 19-21; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 27, 26; p, Deerfield, NJ, 26-30; prof. Math, DickC, 30-2; p, Dick’s Creek & Harmony, O, 33-8. ♦McVean, James — b, near Johnstown, NY, 1796; UnC, 1813; PTS, 19-21; lict, Pby District of Columbia, 29-41; lict, Pby of Baltimore & tea, Georgetown, DC, 42-7; d, Georgetown, DC, J1 8, 47. ♦Ogden, Benjamin — b, Fairfield, NJ, Oc 4, 1797; CNJ, 1817; tut, CNJ, 18-21; PTS, 19-21; ss, Bensalem, Pa, 21-3; ord evang, Pby Phila, Je 11, 22; p, Lewes, Cool Spring & Indian River, Del, 23-4; p, Pennington, NJ, 26-38; ss. Little Elkhart, Mich, 44-5, 49-50; ss, Constantine, 48-52; ss. Sumption’s Prairie, 52; d, Valparaiso, Ind, Ja 11, 52. ♦Parvin, Theophilus — b, Eairton, NJ, 1798; UPa, 1818; PTS, 19-21; miss, ABCFM, Buenos Ayres, SA, 23-5; ord, Pby Phila, Ja, 26; tea, Buenos Ayres, Argentina, 26-30; tea, Bridgeton, NJ ; d, Fairfield, Dc 15, 35. ♦Patterson, Andrew Oliphant — b, Fayette Co, Pa, J1 1, 1794; WashCPa, 1814; PTS, 18-9; ord, Pby of Redstone, Ap 18, 21; p, Mt. Pleasant & Sewickley chs. Pa, 21-34; agt, BdDomMiss, 34-6; p, Beaver ch. Pa, 37-9; p. New Lisbon, O, 40-51; ss, Bethel, 52- p, 53-7; ss. College Corner; d, Oxford, O, Dc 14, 68. DD, WashCPa, 44. ♦Pratt, Horace Southworth — b, Saybrook, Ct, Fb 11, 1795; YaleU, 1817; PTS, 19-21; ss, Shrewsbury, NJ, 21-2; ord, Pby Georgia, Je 10, 22; p, St Mary’s, Ga, 22-31; prof, Eng Lit, UAla, 38-40; d, Roswell, Ga, Ag 3, 40. ♦Scott, William — b, Kentucky; PTS, 18-21; p, Bloomfield, Ky, 25; p, Bardstown, 28-32; ss, Georgetown, 36-7. ♦Stewart, Charles Samuel — b, Flemington, NJ, Oc 16, 1798; CNJ, 1815; law stu; PTS, 18-21; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 14, 21; miss, ABCFM, Sand- 1821-1822 15 wich Is, 23-6; agt, ABCFM; chap, USN, 28-70; d, Cooperstown, NY, Dc 14,70. DD, NYU, 63. *Studdiford, Peter Ogilvie — b. South Branch, NJ, Ja 11, 1799; RutU, 1815; PTS, 19-21; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 28, 21; ss, Solebury, Pa, 21- p, 25-48; ss, Lambertville, NJ, 21- p, 2.5-66; d, Baltimore, Md, Je 5, 66. DD, CNJ, 44. *Warfield, William Christian — b, Lexington, Ky, 1796; TranC; ord Bapt, 17; PTS, 18-20; p, Bapt ch, Hopkinsville, Ky, 24; p, Salem; d, Christian Co, Ky, Nv3, 35. *Williamson, Abraham — b, Readington, NJ, Dc 1, 1790; CNJ, 1818; PTS, 19-21; ord evang, Pby Newton, Nv 6, 21; miss. 111, 22-3; p, Chester, NJ, 24-53; ss. Walnut Grove ch, Mt Freedom, 56-67; d, Chester, NJ, Je 19, 69. ^Williamson, James — b, near Newville, Pa, Je 11, 1795; WashCPa, 1817; PTS, 18-20; ord, Pby Luzerne, Je, 21; ss, Athens, Pa; p. Silver Spring, 23-38; p, Milton, 38-45; p, Hazleton & Mifflinsburg, 47-9; p. New Windsor & Taneytown, Md, 49-54; p, Athens, Pa, 54-8; p. West Kishacoquillas, 58-60; ss. Little Valley; supt schls, Mifflin Co; d, Lewistown, Pa, Mr 10, 65. *Wisner, Benjamin Blydenburg — b, Goshen, NY, Sp 29, 1794; UnC, 1813; PTS, 18-20; ord Cong, Feb, 21; p. Old South ch, Boston, Mass, 21-32; sec, ABCFM, 32-5; d, Fb 9, 35. DD, UnC, 28. *Baird, Robert — b, near Uniontown, Pa, Oc 6, 1798; JefC, 1818; PTS, 19-22; tut, BrU, 21-2; prin, acad, Princeton, NJ, 22-8; gen agt, NJBibSoc, 27-8; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 28; agt, NJMissSoc, 28-9; gen agt, AmSSUn, 29-34; agt, Europe, French Asso, 35-6; agt, ForEvangAsso, 36-8; cor sec. For EvangSoc, 39-49; cor sec, Am&ForChrUn, 49-55, 61-3; sec, SouthernAidSoc, 59-61; d, Yonkers, NY, Mr 15, 62. DD, JefC, 42. *Beatty, Charles Clinton — b, Princeton, NJ, Ja 4, 1800; CNJ, 18; PTS, 19-22; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 2, 22; miss, Ind, 111 & Ky, 22-3; p, 1st ch, Steubenville, O, 23-37 ; ss, 2d ch, Steubenville, 38- p, 44-7 ; ss. Chestnut Ridge, 48-50; ss. Center, 52-3; prin. Fern Sem, Steubenville, 29-79; lect, WestTS, 64-73; d, Steubenville, O, Oc 30, 82. DD, WashCPa, 40, LLD, 61 ; Mod, Gen .Assem, 62. *Douglass, James Walter — b, Loudoun Co, Va, Nv 5, 1797; PTS, 1819-22; ss, Oxford & Spring Grove chs, NC, 23-4; ord evang, Pby Orange, Oc 31, 24; ss, Murfreesboro, NC, 24-6; ss, Milton, 26-7; ss. Briery, Va, 28-9; ss, Richmond, 29-30; agt, AmllMSoc, 31-2; ss, Lexington, 32-3; p, Fayetteville, NC, 34-7; d, Fayetteville, NC, Sp 5, 37. ♦Downer, Edwin — b, Westfield, NJ, Dc 2, 1798; CNJ, 1818; PTS, 19-22; miss, Va, 22-3; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Nv 3, 24; ss. Deer Park ch, Mount Hope, NY, 24- p, 25-8; tea Fairfield, Ct; d, WestfieUl, NJ, My 31, 68. ♦Harris, Edward (Moses Titcomb)- b, Phila, Pa, Nv 1, 1797; PTS, 1819-22; lie, Pby Pliila, Oc 16, 22; ss, Salem, NJ, 22-3; miss. Pa, NY & Me, 24-30; ord i6 1822 Cong, Sp 29, 30; p, Cong ch, Alma, Me, 30-2; p, Hebron, Ct, 34-5; ss, Windham, 35-7; sec, ForEvSoc, 43; ss, Presb ch, Newl^ern, NC, 57-8; asst ed, NC Presb, 58-9; agt, AmTrSoc; agt, AmBSoc; d, Newbiiryport, Mass, Sp 14, 79. ^Hudson, John — b, Lexington, Ky, J1 19, 1800; TranC, 18; PTS, 18-9, 20-2; miss, Del & La, 22-3; ord, Pby W Lexington, Ap, 24; p, Nicholasville, Ky, 24-8; agt, KyBibSoc, 28-9; ss & p, Franklin, Middletown & New Jersey, O, 30-40; ss, Rutherford, Tenn, & prin. Union Sem, 41-2; ss, Franklin, O, 43-5; ss, Xenia, 45-7; ss, Muscatine, la, 47-9; ss. High Prairie, 49-51; ss. High Prairie & Branch, 51-2; West Liberty, 53; Sugar Creek & Wapsinonock, 54-5; ss. Sugar Creek, 55-8; ss. Cedar Valley, 58-08; ss, Fairview, 59-01; ss. Unity, 00-1; d, Keota, la. My 25, 91. *Williamson, Alexander — b, near Newville, Pa, Sp 17, 1797; JefC, 1818; PTS, 19-22; miss. Miss, 23-5; ord evang, Pby Salem, Ap 8, 25; ss, Corydon, Ind, 2.5-35; ss, Lebanon, 35-9; ss, Delphi, 39-42; ss, Monticello & Indian Creek, 42-0; ss, Corydon, 40-9; d, Corydon, Ind, J1 14, 49. *Bishop, Artemas — b, Pompey Hill, NY, Dc 30, 1795; UnC, 1819; PTS, 19- 22; ord evang, Cong Asso New Haven, Ct, Sp 12, 22; miss, Hawaiian Is, 22-50; p, Ewa, 50-62; d, Honolulu, Dc 18, 72. *Breckinridge, John — b, Cabell's Dale, near Lexington, Ky, J1 4, 1797; CNJ, 1818; PTS, 19-22; tut, CNJ, 20-1; chap, Congress, 22-3; ord, Pby W Lex- ington, Sp 10, 23; p, 2d (McChord) ch, Lexington, Ky, 23-0; p, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 26-31; cor sec, BdEdu, 31-6; prof, Pas Theol, PTS, 36-8; sec & gen agt, BdForMiss, 38-40; ss. New Orleans, La; d, Cabell’s Dale, Ky, Ag 4, 41. DD, UnC, 35. ■^Chapin, Augustus Lyman — b. West Springfield, Mass, Ja 16, 1795; YaleU, 1817; tea, DC & Md, 17-9; PTS, 20-2; miss, Manchester, NY, 22-3; ss, Clarkson, 23-4; ss, Madison, 24-5; ss, Walcott, 26-7; ss. South Hadley Falls, West Stock- bridge, Mass, & Andover, Ct, 27-8; ss, Oxford, NY, 29-30; ord evang, Pby Che- nango, Sp 30, 30; ss, Walton, 31-3; p, Lexington Heights, 33-9; ss, Galway, 41-4; ss. West Turin & Leyden, 45-9; ss, Galw'ay, 49-53; ss, Norwich Corners & chs near Amsterdam, 53-68; d, Galesburg, 111, Nv 7, 78. *Darrach, Samuel Fisher — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 9, 1797; CNJ, 1818; PTS, 19-21; lie, Pby Philadelphia, Oc 22, 23; d, Weinheim, Germany, Nv 1, 24. *Hunt, Holloway Whitefield — b, Kingwood, NJ, Mr 31, 1800; CNJ, 18; PTS, 20-2, res lict, 22-3; ord, Pby Newton, Ap 23, 24; p, W Galway, NY, 24-5; p, 2d ch, Woodbridge, (Metuchen), NJ, 28-44; ss, Cong ch, Patchogue, NY, 50-9; ss, Centerville, 60-6; res, Metuchen, NJ; d, Metuchen, Ap 28, 82. *Hutton, Abraham Bloodgood — b, Albany, NY, Dc 10, 1798; UnC, 1817; PTS, 19-22; tea, PaD&DInst, 22-30, prin, 30-70; d, Stuyvesant, NY, J1 18, 70. ^Kennedy, Thomas C — b, Warren Co, NJ, Oc 7, 1800; CNJ, 18; PTS, 1822 17 20-2; ord, Pby Newton, Oc 2, 22; p, Berlin & Buckingham, Md, 23-7; d. Poplar- town, Md, Oc 4, 27. *King, Robert Rufus — b. North Carolina, Fb 11, 1793; UNC, 1815; PTS, 20-1; ord; d, Caswell Co, NC, Ap 6, 22. *Lounsbury, Thomas — b, Florida, NY, Oc 4, 1789; UnC, 1817; PTS, 18-9; miss, NY, 21-3; ord, Pby Geneva, Sp 4, 23; p, Ovid, NY, 23-49; ss, Homer, Hector & Romulus; p, Ovid; d, Ovid, NY, Oc 30, 67. DD, UnC, 45. *Maclean, John — b, Princeton, NJ, Mr 3, 1800; CNJ, 16; PTS, 18-21; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 5, 28; tut, CNJ, 18-22; tea. Math & Nat Phil, CNJ, 22-3, prof. Math, 23-9, Lang, 29-30, Anc Lang & Lit, 30-47, Gk Lang & Lit, 47-54, V pres, 29-54, pres, 54-68; regent, Smithsonian Inst; pres, .^ml.'olonSoc; res, Princeton, NJ; d, Princeton, Ag 10, 86. DD, \VashCPa,41; l.LD, NYU, 54. *Marshall, James L — b, 1796; Kentucky; PTS, 1819-22; miss, Ky & Ind, 22; Ky, 23; ord; p, Cain Run, Ky, 28; p. Fox Run & Bull Skin, 29-34; d. My 11, 34. *01mstead, James Munson — b, Malta NY, Fb 17, 1794; UnC, 1819; PTS, 19-22; miss, NY & Pa, 22-5; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 9, 25; p, Landisburgh, Pa, 2.5-37; p, Flemington, NJ, 37-50; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 16, 70. DD, WashCPa, .56. *Osborn, Michael — b, Essex Co, NJ, Mr 21, 1796; PTS, 1819-22; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Fb 23, 25; p, Metuchen, NJ, 25-7; p, Newbern, SC, 29-31; ss, Raleigh, 33-5; p, RefCh.Am, Schraalenburg, NJ, 37-41; ss. Cub Creek, Va, 42-8; p, Farmville, 48-62; d, Farmville, V’a, J1 3, 63, *Patton, William— b, Phila, Pa, Ag 23, 1798; MidC, 1818; lie, Je 3, 19; PTS, 19-20; ord evang, Cong, Je 8, 20; ss, Cntl Presb ch, NYCity, 21- p, 22-34; sec, AmEduSoc, 34-7; p. Spring St ch, NYCity, 37-47; p, Hammond St Cong ch, NYCity, 48-.52; auth; ed; d. New Haven, Ct, Sp 9, 79. DD, NYU, 36, *Potts, George — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 15, 1802; UPa, 19; PTS, 20-3; ord evang, Pby Phila, Oc 17, 23; p, Natchez, Miss, 23-36; p, Duane St ch, NYCity, 36-44; p, Univ Place ch, NYCity, 4.5-64; d, NYCity, Sp 15, 64. DD, NYU, 38. *Smith, Franklin Gillett — b. Benson, \'t, Dc 14, 1797; MidC, 1817; PTS, Ja-Dc, 20; tea, Milledgeville, Ga, 20-4; ord PEpis, My 22, 25; tea, Lynchburg, \'a, 24-37; prin. Fern Inst, Columbia, Tenn, 37-52; prin, Atheneum College, Columbia, 52-66; d, Columbia, Tenn, .Ag 4, 66. ‘Turner, James Blythe — b, Kentucky; TranC, 1819; PTS, 19-22; d, Prince- ton, NJ, Fb 21, 22. ♦Wilson, Hugh— b, Iredell Co, NC, .Mr 16, 1794; CNJ, 1819; PTS, 19-22; ord evang, Pby Concord, Sp 14, 22; miss, Choctaw Indians, Ga, 23-5, & Chicka- saw Indians, .Ala, 26-32; ss, Portersville, Tenn; p. Mountain ch & ss, San .Augus- tine, Tex, 38; ss. Independence, 39-41; ss, Gay Hill, 41-.50; String Prairie, 52-68; d, Burleson Co, Tex, Mr 8, 68. DD, .AusC, 57. 18. i8 1823 1823 *Barnes, Albert — b, Rome, NY, Dc 1, 1798; HamC, 1820; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Fb 8, 25; p, 1st ch, Morristown, NJ, 25-30; p, 1st ch, Phila, Pa, 30-67, p em, 67-70; auth & commentator; d. West Pliila, Pa, Dc 24,70. Mod, Gen Assem, 51. ^Darling, Charles Chauncey — b. New Haven, Ct, Ja 27, 1799; YaleU, 1820; PTS, 20-3; agt & miss, NYCity; chap, Magdalen Soc, NYCity, 36-74; ord evang, 4th Pby NY, My 19, 67; res, NYCity, 36-82; Utica, 82-7; d, Utica, NY, Sp 15, 87. *Goodman, Eldad White — b. South Hadley, Mass, Fb 9, 1797; UnC, 1820; PTS, 20-3; ord evang, Pby Albany, Oc 29, 23; miss, Mich & Pa, 23-7; p, Cong ch, Springfield, Vt, 27-31; p, Dunstable, Mass, 31-5; ss, Grandville, NY, 35-7; p, Charlotte, Vt, 37-45; miss. Lake George, NY, 45-60; d, Phila, Pa, Ag 9, 78. *Hall, Baynard Rush — b, Phila, Pa, 1798; UnC, 1820; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby Salem, Ap 13, 25; prof, IndU, 23-31; ss, Bloomington, Ind, 26-30; tea & ss, Bed- ford, Pa, 31-8; prin, Bordentown, NJ, Trenton, Poughkeepsie, NY, Newburgh, Park Inst, Brooklyn, NY ; p, RefChAm; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 23, 63. DD, RutU, 48. *Kennedy, John Herron — b, near Carlisle, Pa, Nv 11, 1801; JefC, 20; PTS, 20-3; miss. West & South, 23-5; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 15, 25; p, 6th ch, Phila, Pa, 25-9; prof, JefC, 30-40; p, Center ch, near Cannonsburg, 31-40; d, Cannons- burg. Pa, Dc 15, 40. *Knox, John — b, Leesburg, Va, J1 6, 1799; tea, Lat; PTS, 1820-3; miss & tea, Va & NC, 23-9; ord evang, Pby Orange, Oc 18, 26; ss. Yellow Chapel & Greenwich, Va, 29-34; ss, Freeport, O, 36-8; ss, Amsterdam, 38-40; ss, Deersville, 40-3; ss, Harlem, 43-51; d. East Springfield, O, J1 26, 80. *Pratt, Nathaniel Alpheus — b. Centre Brook, Ct, Ja 29, 1796; YaleU, 1820; PTS, 20-3; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 25, 24; ss, Shrewsbury, NJ, 24-6; p, Darien, Ga, 27-40; p, Roswell, 42-79; d, Roswell, Ga, Ag 30, 79. DD, OglU, 54. ♦Sanford, Joseph— b, Milton, Vt, Fb 6, 1797; UnC, 1820; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby NY, Oc 16, 23; p, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NY, 23-9; p, 2d ch, Phila, 29-31; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 25, 31. ♦Stebbins, George — b, Norwich, Mass, J1 15, 1796; UnC, 1820; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 10, 24; p, Cong ch, Middletown, NY, 24-7; evang, Ct & Mass, 28; ss. West Farms & New Rochelle, NY, 29-35; ss, Trumbull, Ct; miss, NYCity, la & 111; p. Sterling, 111, 44-56; ss. Canton & Tiskilwa, 56-8; ss, Peoria, 59-60; ill health; farming; tea, Richview; d, Richview, 111, Mr 31, 91. 9. ♦Bates, Lemuel Phelps — b, Blandford, Mass, Dc 16, 1791; WmsC, 1818; PTS, Je-Sp, 21; ord Cong, Fb 13, 22; p, Cong ch, Whately, Mass, 22-32; p. Tern- 1823 19 pleton, 35-7; p, Presb ch, Pontiac, Mich, 46-7 ; ss, Conneautville & Harmonsburgh, Pa, 47-50; Utica, O, 51; Edwardsville, 111, 59; d, Alton, Mr 5, 60. *Blatchford, John— b, Newfield, Ct, My 24, 1799; UnC, 1820; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby Troy, Ag, 23; p, Pittstown, NY, 23-5; p, Stillwater, 25-9; p, Congch, Lansingburgh, 29-36; Chicago, 37-40; prof & pres, MarC, 41-4; d, St Louis, Mo, Ap 8, 55. DD. *Bush, George — b, Norwdch, Vt, Je 12, 1796; DartC, 1818; PTS, 20-2; tut, CNJ, 22-3; ord, Pby Salem, Mr 5, 25; p, Indianapolis, Ind, 25-9; prof, Heb & Ori- ental Lit, NYU, 31-47; p, NewChSoc, NYCity, 48-52; ss, NewChSoc, Brooklyn, NY, 54-9; d, Rochester, NY, Sp 19, 59. *Campbell, Robert B — b. South Carolina; PTS, 1820-3; ord, Pby Harmony, Dc 20, 26; p, Lancaster CH, SC, 26-8; ss, Beaver Creek, 29; ss. Cane Creek, 30; p, Waxhaw & Beaver Creek, 31-7; ss, Camden, 37-44; p &ss, Franklin, Miss, 48-67; d, 71. *Chestney, James — b. New York; PTS, 1821-3; lie, Pby Albany, Je 13, 24. *Crosby, Cyrenius — b, Montgomery, NY, Sp 7, 1802; UnC, 20; PTS, 20-1; d, Crawford, NY, Dc 29, 44. *Curry, William F — b, Paris, Ky, J1 23, 1800; TranC, 19; NewbTS; PTS, 21-2; miss, Ga, 22-5; ord, Pby Rochester, J1 14, 25; p, Pittsford, NY, 25; Lock- port, 28-31; agt, Montreal, Can; Cleveland, O; ss, Cong ch, Dansville, NY; p, Lockport, 42-4; ss. North Presb ch, Geneva, 51; d, Geneva, NY, My 19, 61. *Frontis, Stephen — b. Cognac, France, J1 18, 1792; PTS, 1820-3; ord evang, Pby Orange, Nv4, 23; miss, NC, 23-5; miss, Mich, 25, Md, 26, Pa, 27 ; ss, Bethany, NC, 28-9; p, Bethany & Tabor, 29-36; ss, Salisbury, 36- p, 39-45; ss. Centre & Thyatira, 46-.56; instr, DavC; d. Rowan, NC, Ap 12, 67. *Gregory, Edward E — b, Derby Ct, Fb 23, 1800; PTS, 21-2; ord evang, Pby Monroe, Sp 16, 35; miss, Mich; ss, Blissfield, 36; Saline, 39-40; Howell, 43-61; Corunna, 62-78; Howell, 79-84; d, Howell, Mich, My 13, 84. *Grosvenor, Cyrus Pitt — b, Grafton, Mass, Oc 18, 1792; DartC, 1818; PTS, 21-2; ord Bapt, My 19, 23; p, Bapt ch, Georgetown, SC, 24-5; p, Hartford, Ct, 2.5-6; p, 1st ch, Boston, Mass, 27-30; p, 2d ch, Salem, 30-4; p. Sterling, 37-8; ed, Christ Refl, Worcester, 38-42; p, Southbridge, 43-6; ed, Chr Contributor & ss, Utica, NY, 46-50; pres, NY Cntl Coll, Utica, 49-65; d, Albion, Mich, Fb 11, 79. LLD, NY Cntl Coll, 67. *Hamner, James Garland — b, Albemarle Co, Va, Ja 6, 1798; HSC, 1820; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby Hanover, J1 24, 24; p. Pale Green, Va, 24-6; ss, Fayetteville, NC, 26-9; p el, Fredericktown, Md, 30-3; p, 5th ch, Baltimore, 35-.52; New Haven, Ct; p, Newark, NJ, 60-1; evang, res, Baltimore, Md; d, Baltimore, Ja 29, 87. DD, UDel, 46. *Hunt, Holloway Whitefield — b, Sjjarta, NJ, Ja 8, 1799; CNJ, 1820; PTS, 21-3; miss. Pa & NY, 22; ord evang, Pby Newton, Nv 29, 23; ss, Kingwood & Alexandria, NJ, 23-6; tea, Schoolcy's Mountain, 26-31; ss. Pleasant Grove, Dan- 20 1823-1824 ville & Stanhope, 31-2; p, Pleasant Grove, 32-60; p, 2d ch, Mansfield, 57-60; d, Schooley’s Mt, NJ, Ja 29, 68. *Kent, Aratus— b, Sufifield, Ct, Ja 15, 1794; YaleU,1816; miss, O, Mass & Ct, 20-1; PTS, 22-3; ord evang, Pby Niagara, Ja 26, 25; p, Lockport, NY, 25-8; hm miss, NH; ss, Bradford, Mass; miss, AmHMSoc & ss. Galena, 111, 29-41; p, 1st ch. Galena, 41-8; agt, AmHMSoc, 111, 48-68; d. Galena, 111, Nv 8, 69. *Laird, Robert MacMordie — b. Raccoon, Pa, Mr 23, 1799; WashCPa, 1817; PTS, 22-3; ord evang, Pby Ohio, Ag 19, 23; miss, Sault St Marie, Mich, 23-4; ss, Manokin & Wicomico, Md, 25-6; p. Montours, Pa, 26-8; agt, WestTS, 28; ss, Manokin & Wicomico, & prin, Washington Acad, 28-35; d, Montpelier Springs, Ga, Mr 19, 37. *Lawrence, Samuel — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 28, 1795; PTS, 1821-3; ss, Bridgeton & Greenwich, NJ, 23-4; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 10, 24; p, Greenwich, 24-47; miss, NJ, 47-50; p, Milroy, Pa, 50-7; ss & miss. Pa, 57-75; d, Lewistown, Pa, Ap 30, 75. *McJimsey, William — b, Neeleytown, NY, Ja 19, 1797 ;UnC, 1819 ;NewbTS; PTS, 22-3; ord, 2d Pby New York, Oc 20, 26; ss, Martinsburg, Va, 27-8; ss, Allen Township, Pa, 28-9; p, Monticello, NY, 29-30; agt & ed. Parlor Annual, NYCity, 46-9; ss, Canal St ch, NYCity, 54-8; ill health; d, Montgomery, NY, J1 13, 81. *McNeeley, James G — b, Penns3dvania; DickC, 1813; prin, DickC, Gram- mar Schl, 13-5; PTS, 20-1. *Roy, Robert — b. New York, 1792; PTS, 1820-3; miss, Va; ord; p, 1st ch, Freehold, NJ, 29-32; d. Freehold, Mr 15, 32. *Smith, George Whitebeld Lawrence — b. New York; UnC, 1818; PTS, 20-1; AndTS; lawy, Troy, NY, d, Troj', Ja, 77. *Swan, Samuel — b. Is Dominica, WI, Nv 30, 1798; lIGlas; PTS, 1822-3; ord, Pby Redstone, Je 17, 24; p, Fairfield, Ligonier & Donegal, Pa, 24-41; p, Johnstown, 41-52; p, Armagh, 46-55; miss & ss. La Salle Co, 111, 56-69; Aurora, 69- 71; d, Blairsville, Pa, Ag 5, 77. *Trimble, Joseph — b, near Shippensburg, Pa, Dc 4, 1795; JefC, 1819; PTS, 21-3; lie, Pby Carlisle, Oc 8, 23; miss, Indiana, 23-4; d, Madison, Ind, Ag 11,24. *Young, Daniel — b. Orange Co, NY, 1795; UnC, 1819; PTS, 20-2; miss, Va, 22-3; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Nv 13, 23; tea, Alexandria, Va, 24-5; ss, Wil- mington, NC, 25-6; ed, Mag RefChUS, Carlisle, Pa, 27-8; asst prof, GetTS, 29-30; d, Augusta, Ga, Mr 6, 31. 22. 1824 *Benedict, Alanson — b, Bridgeport, Ct, 1797;YaleU, 1821; PTS, 21-4; ord, Dc 9, 25; Wilmington, NC, 24-7; ss, St Mary's, 31 ; d, Danville, Va, Oc 1, 33. *Hyndshaw, James Bailey — b, Stewartsville, NJ, Ja 14, 1801; CNJ, 20; PTS, 21-4; ord evang, Pby Newton, Nv 23, 24; miss & ss, NY, 24-5; p. New 1824 2 I Providence, NJ, 26-32; miss & ss, Milford, 32-5; p, RefChAm, Walpack, 36-9; prin, Stroudsburg, Pa, 39-44; p. Red Mills, NY, 45-50; tea, Brooklyn, 53-4; chap, US Hosp, 62-5; agt, 66-8; res, Morristown, NJ; Henry, 111; d, Norwood Park, 111, J1 7, 88. *Johnston, James Harvey — b, Sidney Plains, NY, Oc 14, 1798; HamC, 1820; PTS, 21-4; ord, Pby Salem, Oc 20, 25; p, 1st ch, Madison, Ind, 25-33; p, 2d ch, Madison, 33-43; ss. Centre ch, Craw'fordsville, 43-51; prin. Fern Sem, Crawfordsville, 51-4; evang, Crawfordsville, 54-66; ss. Centre ch, 66-7; d, Craw- fordsville, Ind, Mr 8, 76. *Myers, Joseph — b, Herkimer, NY, Ja, 1795; UnC, 1821; PTS, 21-4; ord, Pby Genesee, Dc 27, 25; p, Le Roy, NY, 25-8; p, Brockport, 29-32; p, Lockport, 33; p, Orville; p, Waterville, 39; ss, Salina, 43; p, Orville ch, Syracuse, 46; p, Liverpool, 54-5; d, Liverpool, NY, Fb 9, 60. *Penick, Daniel Allen — b, Cumberland Co, Va, Oc 27, 1797; HSC, 1821; PTS, 21-4; miss, Powhatan Co, Va, 24-5; ord, Pby Hanover, Dc 3, 25; p, Powhatan Co ch, Va, 25-8; ss, Milton, NC, 28-35; p. Rocky River ch, 35-70; d, Cabarras Co, NC, Ja 8, 70. *Pressley, Samuel Patterson — b, Abbeville Co, SC, Sp 25, 1799; TranC, 1820; PTS, 21-4; ord AssoRef, 2d Pby of the Carolinas, My 15, 25; p. Head Spring, King’s Cr, Canon’s Cr & Prosperity, SC, 26-33; prof, Rhet & Mor Phil, Franklin Coll (now UGa), 34-6; d, Athens, Ga, Sp 29, 36. *Searle, Moses Coleman — b, Rowley, Mass, Sp 17, 1797; CNJ, 1821; PTS, 21-4; ord, Pby Newburyport, Sp 21, 26; p, Cong ch, Grafton, Mass, 26-32; p, Bradford, 32-5; p, Presb ch. New Hartford, NY, 35-45; ss, Dorset, Vt, 45-7; ss, Haverhill, Nil, 47-9; agt, Am&F'orChrUn, 51-8; ss, Cong ch, Bowen’s Prairie, la, 59-60; ss, Zurich, 61 ; ss, Troy, NY,64;ss, Byfield, Mass, 65; d, Byfield, Dc 10, 65. “Alexander, James Waddell — b, Louisa Co, Va, Mr 13, 1804; CNJ, 20; PTS, 22-4; tut, CNJ, 24-5; ord, Pby Hanover, Mr 3, 27; ss, Charlotte CH, Va, 26- p, 27-8; p, 1st ch, Trenton, NJ, 29-32; ed, Presbyterian, 32-3; prof, Rhet & Lat Lang & Lit, CNJ, 33-44; p, Duane St ch. New York City, 44-9; prof, Eccl Hist & Ch Govt, PTS, 49-51; p, 5th Ave & 19th St ch, NYCity, 51-9; d. Red SweeCSprings, Va, J1 31, 59. DD, LafC, 43, HarvU, 54. “Bowman, Francis — b, Westford, Vt, Fb 27, 1795; UVt, 1817; PTS, 21-2; ord, Pby Hanover, J1 17, 24; p, Charlottesville, Va, 24-36; agt, AniBSoc, 36-7; p, Greensboro, Ga, 37-56; Bryan Neck, 58-62; d, Dublin, Va, Ap 26, 75. DD, HSC, 52. “Burtt, John — b, Knockmarlock House, Ayrshire, Scotland, My 23, 1789; PTS, 1822-3; ord, Pby Phila, Je 8, 24; p, Salem, NJ, 24-30; ed, Presbyterian, 31 ; ed. Standard Cincinnati, O, 33; p, 5th ch, Cincinnati, 35-42; ss, Blackwoodtown, NJ, 42-.59; d, Salem, NJ, Mr 24, 66. “Caldwell, Hugh b, Pennsylvania; HSC; PTS, 1822-4; lie, Pby New Bruns- wick, Ap 28, 24; ord evang, Pby Tombigbec, Ja 8, 30; miss to Choctaws; d, 31. 22 1824 *Campbell, Alexander — b, Pennsylvania; JefC, 1820; PTS, 21-4; miss, Del, 26-7; ord; ss, Buckingham & Blackwater, Md, 28-9; p, Bethesda ch, Clinton, Miss, 43; ss, Makemie ch. New Orleans, La, 50-4; tea. New Orleans, 55; d, 55. DD. ^Campbell, Alfred Elderkin — b. Cherry Valley, NY, Ja, 1802; UnC, 20; PTS, 22-3; ord, Pby Otsego, Ag 17, 25; p, Newark, NY, 26-8; ss. Palmyra, 29-31; ss, Pittsford, 32; p, Ithaca, 33-4; p, Cooperstown, 36-47 ; p. Spring St ch, NYCity, 48- 57; sec, Am&ForChrUn, 58-67; res, WHoboken, NJ, 68-73; d, Castleton, NY; Dc 28, 74. DD, UnC, 49. *Campbe]l, George Washington — b, Lebanon, NH, Mr 25, 1794; UnC, 1820; PTS, Jl-Nv, 22; ord Cong, Nv 17, 24; p. South Berwick, Me, 24-8; p, 1st Presb ch, Millbury, Mass, 30-3; ss, Bradford, Vt, 33-6; p, Cong ch, Newbury, 36-51; ss, Wolfboro, NH, 55-6; ss, Kensington, 59-61; d, Bradford, Mass, Fb 2, 69. ^Christmas, Joseph Stibbs — b, Georgetown, Pa, Ap 10, 1803; WashCPa, 19; PTS, 21-4; ord, Pby New York, Ag 1, 24; p, Amer ch, Montreal, Can, 24-8; agt, AmBSoc, 29; p. Bowery ch, NYCity, 29-39; d, NYCity, Mr 14, 30. *Collins, William H — b, Delaware, Sp 2, 1801; CNJ, 22; PTS, 21-3; lawy, Baltimore, Md; d, Baltimore. *Crawford, Gilbert — b, Scotland; PTS, Fb-Oc, 1822; lie, Pby New Bruns- wick, Oc 2, 22; ord, Pby Otsego; ss, Le Roy, NY ; p, Buffalo, 27-9; ss, Le Roy, 30; ss, Albion, 33- p, 35; ss, 1st ch, Lockport, 36-7; Albion, NY, 39-42; LeRoy,46; d, Je 28, 48. *Denniston, Goldsmith — b, Washingtonville, NY, 1801; UnC, 21; PTS, 22-3; lict, Pby Hudson, 25-33; lawy, Prattsburgh, NY, 48-73; judge. Com Pleas; res, Catawba, 73-8; d, Union City, Ct, Fb 15, 79. *Duffield, Henry — b, 1800; Pa; PTS, 21-2; phys. New London, Pa, 59-62; Oxford, Pa; rul eld; d, Penn Township, Pa, Dc 5, 65. *Dunham, George — b, Connecticut; PTS, 1821; ord, Pby South Alabama, 28; miss, Greenville, Ala, 29; mem, Pby Flint River, 43-9; mem, Pby Redstone, 49- 57. *Edson, Ambrose — b, Connecticut, 1797; PTS, 1821-3; ord Cong, Ap 14, 24; p, Brooklyn, Ct, 24-30; p, Berlin, 31-4; d, Somers, Ct, Ag 17, 36. *Francis, Amzi — b. West Hartford, Ct, J1 31, 1793; MidC, 1819; PTS, 21-2; ord, Pby Long Island, Ap 17, 23; p, Bridgehampton, NY, 23-45; d, Bridgehamp- ton, Oc 18, 45. *Fullerton, Matthew Lind — b, Greencastle, Pa, Oc 22, 1801; UnC, 20; PTS, 22-4; ord, Pby Carlisle, Sp 28, 25; p, Hagerstown, Md, 25-33; d, Hagers- town, Sp 17, 33. *Harrison, Jeptha — b. Orange, NJ, Dc, 1795; CNJ, 1820; PTS, 22-4; ord evang, Pby Harmony, Ap 10, 31; ss. Fair Forest & Cane Creek, SC, 32-5; ss, Salem, Va, 35-6; ss, Fincastle, 36-8; p, Memphis, Tenn, 38-43; ss, Newcastle, 1824 23 Ky, 44-7; p, Florence, Ala, 48-50; p, Aberdeen, Miss, 51-4; p, Burlington, la, 55-8; ss, Fulton, Mo, 58-63; d, Fulton, Oc 30, 63. DD. *Hurlbut, Joseph — b. New London, Ct, Ag 22, 1799; YaleU, 1818; AndTS; PTS, 21-2; ss, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NY, 22-3; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 25, 23; p, 3d ch, Albany, NY, 23-9; res, NYCity, 29-33; ss, 2d Cong ch. New London, Ct, 35-7; miss, Mohegan Indians, Ct, 38-62; chap, USArmy, New London, 63-7; d, New London, Conn, Je 5, 75. *Kerr, James — b, Scotland; PTS, 1821-3; ill health; ord, Pby Winchester, Ap 22, 37; miss, Va, 31-6; d, 54. ♦Krebs, William George— b, Phila, Pa, My 6, 1802; CNJ, 20; PTS, 21-2; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 26, 22. ♦Lansing, John Van Schaick — b. New York; HamC, 1820; PTS, 21-3; p, AssoRef ch, Bloomingburgh, NY, 28-32; d, Bloomingburgh, Fb, 32. ♦Ludlow, Henry Gilbert — b, Kinderhook, NY, Fb 11, 1797; ColU; lawy, Nassau, NY, 1818-20; PTS, 21-4; evang, NY & NJ, 24-6; ss, Broome St ch, NYCity; ord Cong, East Hartford, Ct, Sp 9, 26; YaleU, 30, MA; ss. Spring St ch, NYCity, 26- p, 28-37 ; p. Church St (College) Cong ch. New Haven, Ct, 37-42; p, Presb ch, Poughkeepsie, NY, 41-58; p, Cong ch, Oswego, 58-64; d, Oswego, NY, Ag 11, 67. ♦McKinney, David — b, Kishacoquillas, Pa, Oc 22, 1795; JefC, 1821; PTS, 21-4; ss, Erie, Pa, 24-5; ord, Pby Erie, Ap 13, 25; p, Erie, 25-8; prof, AllegC, 28-30; p. Sinking Cr & Spring Cr, Pa, 34-41; p, Hollidaysburg, 41-52; founder & ed, Presb Banner, Phila, 52-5, & Pittsburgh, 55-64; founder & ed. Family Treasure (Our Monthly), 64-8; ed, NW Presbyterian, 66-9; treas, BdColp, Syn of Erie & Pittsburgh, 66-79; d, Edgeworth Station, Sewickley, Pa, My 28, 79. DD, JefC, 45. ♦McKinney, John — b, Bellefonte, Pa, Ag 26, 1797; JefC, 1819; PTS, 22-4; miss, Ga, SC & Pa; ord, Pby Richland, Ap 16, 29; p, Fredericktown, O, 29-37; p, Alexandria, Pa, 38-48; ss, Lima, O, 48; tea, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 49-52; ss, Oswego, 111, 52-6; d, Hollidaysburg, Pa, Ag 25, 67. ♦Mitchelmore, John — b, near Dartmouth, England, Nv 23, 1793; PTS, 1822-4; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 27, 25; miss, Del, 26; p, Lewes, Cool Spring & Indian River, 27-34; d, Mr 4, 34. ♦Morrison, Elam J — b. North Carolina;' UNC; lie; PTS, 1821-3; ss, Lees- burg, Va; ss, Fredericktown (Frederick City), Md, 25; d, 26. ♦Peebles, John — b, Shippensburg, Pa, J1 17, 1800; JefC, 20; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 22,25; p, Huntingdon & Hart's Log, Pa, 25-50; tea, Lawrence- ville, NJ, 50; ss, Parkersburg, Pa, 51-4; d, Huntingdon, Ag 11, 54. ♦Porter, William Augustus — b, Spencertown, NY, Oc 3, 1798; WmsC, 1818; AndTS; PTS, 22-4; prof, Gk & Lat, UVt, 25-7; ord evang, Pby Columbia, Sj) 19, 27; prof, Mor Phil & Rhet, WmsC, 27-30; d, Williamstown, Mass, Ap 30, 30. Rannells, John G — b, Kentucky; CNJ, 1821; PTS, 21-3; d, Virginia, 23. 24 1824-1825 *Robinson, Phineas — b, 1799; New York; HamC, 1821; PTS, 21-3; ord, Pby Long Island, Ag 29, 27; ss. Oyster Ponds, NY, 29-32; ss. Middle District ch, Riverhead, NY, 33-4; ss, Franklinville, 36; ss, Washingtonville, 46-56; p, Jeffer- son, 57-9; d, Franklinville, NY, Ap 30, 71. *Sessions, John — b. Putney, Vt, Sp 29, 1795; DartC, 1822; PTS, 22-3; ss, Schaghticoke, NY, 23-4; ord, Pby Watertown, Ja 19, 25; p, Adams, NY, 25-30; ss, 1st ch, Cleveland, O, 30; ss, Brownville & Evansville, NY, 30-3; p, Norwich, 34-41; ss, Cong ch, Cornwall, Ct, 42-3; ss. Sand Lake & Albia, NY, 43-4; ss & tea. Sand Lake, 44-8; prof, Albany Acad, 48-55; prin, Jeff Co Inst, Watertown, 56-9; ss, Brownville & Dexter, 58-9; ss, Phila, NY, 59-63; res, Oakland, Cal, 63-79; Honolulu, Haw Is, 79-84; d, Honolulu, Ap 6, 84. DD. *Smith, George Archibald — b, Alexandria, Va, Nv 20, 1802; CNJ, 21; PTS, 21-2; GenTS; ord PEpis dea, Richmond, Va, Dc 16, 23; ss, Christ ch, Nor- folk, 25; ord pr. My 23, 27 ; rec, chs, Culpeper & Orange Cos, V'a, 26-31 ; ed, PEpis Recorder, Phila, Pa, 31-8; prin, h'airfax Inst, Va, 38-49; ed. Southern Churchman, Alexandria, 47-55; agt, AmBSoc, 61; rec, Lexington, 63-8; d, Alexandria, Va, Je 28, 89. *Woolsey, Theodore Dwight — b, NYCity, Oc 31, 1801; YalelJ, 20; law stLi; PTS, 21-3; tut, YaleU, 23-5; Europe, 27-30; prof, Gk, YaleU, 31-51; ord Cong, Oc 21, 46; pres, YaleU, 46-71, Fell, 71-85; auth; pres, AmllMSoc; mem, .^mBibRevCo; d. New Hav'en, Conn, J1 1, 89. DD, HarvU, 47; LLD, WesU, 45, HarvU, 86. *Young, John- b, 1798; New York; UnC, 1821; PI'S, 21-4; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 4, 24; ss, Paris, 111 & New Hope, Ind, 24-5; d, Vincennes, Ind, Ag 15, 25. 34. 1825 *Bond, Lewis — b, Elizabethtown, NJ, Oc 9, 1795; UnC, 1822; PTS, 22-5; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Je 6, 26; ss, 1st ch, Plainfield, NJ, 25- p, 29-57; tea, Plainfield, 57-60; d, Plainfield, NJ, Ja 23, 85. *Brearley, William — b, Lawrenceville, NJ, Nv 30,1801 ; CNJ, 20; PTS, 22-5; ord evang, Pby Harmony, Mr 26, 26; ss. Scion, Salem, Aimwell & Horeb chs, SC, 26-42; p, Darlington, 42-78; res, Darlington; d, Mayesville, SC, Ja 9, 82. *Kirk, Edward Norris— b, NYCity, Ag 14, 1802; CNJ, 20; PTS, 22-6; agt, ABCFM, 26-8; ord, 2d Pby, New York, Oc 24, 28; ss, 2d ch, Albany, NY, 28; ss, 4th ch, Albany, 28- p, 29-37; sec, P'orEvSoc, 39-42; p, Mt Vernon ('ong ch, Boston, Mass, 42-74; d, Boston, Mr 27, 74. DD, Amh(', 55. ^Marshall, Samuel Vance — b, Fayette C'o, Ky, Fb 6, 1798; TranC, 1821; PTS, 22-5; ord evang, Pby West Lexington, Sp 2, 27; ss. Mount Sterling & North Middleton, Ky, 28-30; ss, Woodford, 30-4; prof, Lang, TranC, 35-7; prof, OaklC, 38-42; ss. Grand Gulf, 41-3; miss. La & Miss, 49-56; ss. Fort Gibson, Miss, 56-8; d, Madison, Ind, Nv 30, 60. *Savage, Amos — b, Granville, NY, Je 10, 1796; MidC, 1822; PTS, 22-5; ord evang, Pby NY, Ap 19, 26; ss, Granville, NY, 25-32; ss, Chester, 33-4; p. Bridge- 1825 25 water ch, Utica, 36; p, Vernon Centre, 37; p, 2d ch, Utica, 39; p, Cong ch, Williamstown, Mass, 39-43; agt, AmTrSoc, Hartford, Ct; d. New Haven, Nv 30, 58. *Williamson, McKnight — b, Cumberland Co, Pa, Fb 28, 1800; JefC, 20; PTS, 22-5; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 30, 27; p, Dickinson, Pa, 27-34; p, Lower Tus- carora, 35-45; agt, 46; p. Crab Apple, O, 47-53; miss, O, 53-8; p. Rocky Spring & Cynthiana, 59-73; colp & ss; p, Bethel, Pa, 81-3; res, Petersburg; d, Huntingdon, Pa, Mr 21, 93. 6. ^Andrews, Lorrin — b. East Windsor (Vernon), Ct, Ap 29, 1795; JefC, 1823; PTS, 23-5; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, Sp 21, 27; miss, ABCFM, Haw Is, 28-45; judge, Honolulu, 45-55; priv sec. Privy Council, Honolulu; d, Honolulu, Sp 29, 68. *Bent, Josiah — b, Milton, Mass, Oc 1, 1797; HarvU, 1822; PTS, 22-3; ord Cong, Oc 13, 24; p. North Weymouth, Mass, 24-35; p, Falmouth, 35-6; p, Am- herst, 37-9; d, Amherst, Mass, Nv 19, 39. *Bradford, William J — b, Canterbury, Ct, Mr 10, 1795; PTS, 1822-3; ord, Pby North River, Ap 28, 25; p, Pitcher, NV, 27-34; p, Berkshire, 34-7; ss. Mara- thon & Freetown, 37-50; ss, RefCh.‘\m, Lysander, 54-8; res. Marathon, 58-74; d. Marathon, NY, Mr 3, 74. *Brinsmade, Horatio Nelson — b. New Hartford, Ct, Dc 28, 1798; ValeU, 1822; PTS, 22-3; tea, D&UAsylum, Hartford, Ct, 23-31; ord evang, Cong, Je 1, 28; ss. North Cong ch, Hartford, 27-8; ss, Collinsville, 31-4; p, 1st ch, Pittsfield, 34-41; p, 3d Presb ch, Newark, NJ, 41-53; p, 1st Cong ch, Beloit, Wis, 54-61; miss, Newark, NJ, 64; ss, Wickliffe Presb ch, Newark, 65- p, 67-72; d, Newark, NJ,Jal8, 79. DD, Un(', 42. *Brown, Richard b, Wellsburg, Va (now WVa), Fb 1, 1796; JefC, 1822; PTS, 22-4; agt & miss, Western MissSoc, 24-5; miss, Ladies’Miss Soc, Princeton, NJ, 25; agt, ABCFM, 26-8; ord evang, Pby Washington, Oc 5, 27; p. Congress, ■Mount Hope & Rehoboth (now Jeromeville), O, 29-32; p. Three Springs, Va, 32-5; p. New Hagerstown, O, 36-58; ss. Oak Ridge, 58-62; d. New Hagerstown, O, Ap 12, 79. DD, WashCPa, 61. *Bucknall, James — b, England; P'l'S, 1823-5; ord evang, Pby Columbus, Oc 24, 33; ss, Mt Pleastint ch, Adelphi, O, 33-4. *Bumstead, Samuel Andrews- b, Boston, Mass, Dc 16, 1799; MiilC, 1820; PTS, 23-5; ord ev’ang, Cong, Ja 31, 28; miss, Boston, Mass, 28-30; p, RefChAm, Manayunk, Pa, 30-53; p, ROxborough, 36-42, 49-53; p, Spring Lake, 111, 53-61; (), Raritan, 61-74; ss, Norris, 74-88; d, Raritan, 111, Mr 22, 94. *BushneIl, Wells — b, Hartford, Ct, .Ap, 1799; JefC, 1823; PT.S, 23-5; ord, Pby Erie, Je 22, 26; p, Meadville, Pa, 26-33; miss to Indians, Kan, 33-5; ss, 1st ch, Louisville, Ky, 35; p, Oreensburg & Shelbyville, Ind, 36-7; ss, Oravel Run & Cambridge, Pa, 38; p, Newcastle, 39-54; j), I'ree Presb chs, Mt Jackson New Bedford, 54-63; d, Mt Jackson, Pa, J1 16, 63. 26 1825 *Campbell, James— b, South Carolina; SCC; PTS, 1823-4; lict, Pby Charleston Union, 25-31. *Clark, Luther — b, Canterbury, Ct, My, 1792; PTS, 1822-3; ord evang, Pby North River, Ap 28, 25; p, Cong ch, Plymouth, NY, 27-34; p, Dryden, 35-45; d, Lisbon, Ct, Ag 28, 45. *Clayton, Joshua Anderson — b, Florida, NY, Fb 10, 1805; UnC, 22; PTS, 22-5; ord, Pby Watertown, Nv 10, 26; ss, Ellisburgh, NY, 25- p, 26-8; ss, Bruns- wick, 29; ss, Moreau, 30-4; ss, Hebron, 35-9; ss, 2d ch, Plymouth, Mich, 40-6; ss & miss, Mich & Ky, 46-57; ss, Oakland, Mich, 57-65; colp, Bd of Pub, 66-70; d, Plymouth, Mich, Dc 25, 72. *Coit, Joseph Howland — b, NYCity, Nv 3, 1802; ColU, 20; PTS, 22-5; ord, PEpis dea, Nv 8, 25; miss, Arlington, Vt, 25-8; rec, St Andrew’s, Wilming- ton, Del, 28-32; rec. Trinity ch, Plattsburg, NY, 32-44; rec, St Stephen’s, Harris- burg, Pa, 44-52; rec. Trinity ch, Plattsburg, NY, 52-66; d, Plattsburg, Oc 1, 66. DD, ColU, 55. *Coit, Thomas Winthrop — b. New London, Ct, Je 28, 1803; YaleU, 21; AndTS; PTS, 24-5; ord PEpis dea, Je 7, 26; ord pr, Nv 15, 27; rec, Salem, Mass, 27-9; rec, Christ ch, Cambridge, 29-35; pres, TranC, 35-8; rec. Trinity ch. New Rochelle, NY, 39-49; prof, Ch Hist, TrinC, 49-54; rec, St Paul's, Troy, NY, 54- 72; prof, Ch Hist, BerkDS, 72-85; d, Middletown, Ct, Je 21, 85. DD, ColU, 34; LLD, TrinC, 53. *Dickerson, Jonathan — b. New York, Mr 16, 1798; UnC, 1818; PTS, 23- 4; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Nv 1, 26; ss & chap, Sing Sing, NY, 27-33; ss. Red Mills, 33-4; ss. So Greenburg, 34-6; ss, Williamsport, Md, 38-42; d, Williamsport, Sp 28, 42. *Hyde, Oren — b, Monson, Mass, Ja 29, 1787; MidC, 1812; tea. Mass & Phila, Pa, 12-22; PTS, 23-4; lie, Fairfield East Asso, Ct, Ap 24, 24; ord evang; ss, 1st ch, Sullivan, Madison Co, NY, 29; ss, Sauquoit, 30; ss, Fairfield; tea, Fay- etteville, 33-6; ss, Liverpool, 39-40; res, Fayetteville, 43-73; d, Fayetteville, NY, My 7, 73. *Jones, Joseph Huntington — b, Coventry, Ct, Ag 24, 1797; HarvU, 1817; tut, BowC, 17-8; PTS, 23-4; ord evang, Pby Susquehanna, Ap 29, 24; ss, Wood- bury, NJ, 24-5; p, 1st ch. New Brunswick, 25-38; p, 6th ch, Phila, Pa, 38-61; sec, BdMinRel, 61-8; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 22, 68. DD, LafC, 42, HarvU, 55. *Kniffin, William Clark — b. New York; PTS, 1822-3; p, Congch, Redding, Ct, 25-8; ss, Presb ch, Alexander, NY, 34; p, Orangeville, 36; ss. East Aurora, 39; ss, Plymouth & Nankin chs, 42-4; p. Clear Creek, O, 45-7; ss. Red Oak, 48-9; ss, Stonemouth, Ky, 51-3; ss. May’s Lick, 54-5; p, Horeb, 56; d, Lexington, Ky, My 31, 57. ■'Lodor, John— b, Phila, Pa, Ag 17, 1796; CNJ, 1822; PTS, Ja-Mr, 23; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Oc 22, 25; prin & ss, Woodstock, Va, 24-30; ss. Warren- ton, 30-6; prin, Montrue Coll Irst & ss, Strasburg & Cedar Creek, 36-40; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 18, 64. 1825 27 *Mason, Ebenezer — b, NYCity, Je 15, 1800; CNJ, 20; PTS, 23-4; ord, 2d Pby New York, Ap 20, 26; p. Ref ch, Brooklyn, 26-8; p. North ch, NYCity, 29-33; d. Blooming Grove, NY, Mr 14, 49. *McJimsey, John Wilkins — b, Neeleytown, NY, Je 4, 1801; UnC, 19; NewbTS; PTS, 23-4; lie, 2d Pby NY, Je 12, 23; miss, Ky; d, Harlem, NY, 39. *Miller, Rodney Augustus — b, Troy, NY, Fb 12, 1798; UnC, 1821; PTS, 22-5; ord Cong, Je 7, 27; p, 1st Cong ch, Worcester, Mass, 27-44; res, Worcester, 44-76; overseer, HarvU, 42, 52-60; d, Troy, NY, Sp 29, 76. *Mines, Thomas Joseph Addison — b, Leesburg, Va, 1803; PTS, 22-4; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, Ap 4, 29; ss, Maysville, Ky, 28-32; ss, Germantown, Pa; ss, Carbondale; p. Central ch. Northern Liberties, Phila, 36-7; d, Rockville, Md, Ja 20, 38. *Moore, John M — b. New York; UnC, 1821; PTS, 22-4; d, 24. *Morrow, James B — b, Virginia; JefC, 1822; PTS, 22-5; lie, Pby Winchester, Ap 30, 25; ord; p. Canton, 0, 28-30; ss. New Phila & Sandyville, 31-4; ss, Sandy- ville, Waterford & Uhrichsville, 36-9; p, Uhrichsville & New Phila, 39-42; d. New Phila, O, J1 31, 42. *Nassau, Charles William — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 12, 1804; UPa, 21; PTS, 22-3; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 16, 25; p, Norristown, Norriton & Providence, 25-8; tea, Montgomery Sq, Pa, 29-32; ss, Norristown, Norriton & Provddence, 32-3; prof, Lat & Gk, MarC, 36-8; prof, Lat & Gk, LafC, 41-9, pres, 49-50; prin. Female Sem, Lawrenceville, NJ, 50-74; d, Trenton, Ag 6, 78. DD, JefC, 50. *Parker, Alvin Hellet — b, Castleton, Vt, Oc 24, 1797; MidC, 1820; PTS, 22- 4; ord evang, Pby Phila, My 25, 26; p. Cape May, NJ, 26-9; Salem; p, Middletown & Ridley, Pa, 33-9; tea. Media; d. Media, Pa, J1 6, 64. *Peers, Benjamin Orrs — b, Loudoun Co, Va, 1800; TranC; PTS, 22-3; PEpis; ord; prin. Eclectic Inst, Lexington, Ky; prof. Moral Phil & act pres, TranC, 32-4; ed, SS Publications, PEpis Ch; d, Louisville, Ky, Ag 20, 42. *Pierce, John Davis — b. Chesterfield, NH, Fb 18, 1797; BrU, 1822; PTS, 23- 4; ord Cong, Ja 20, 25; p, Cong ch, Sangerfield, NY, 25-30; miss, Mich, 31-6; supt, pub instruction, Mich, 36-41; legisl, Mich, 47-8; pres, Mich schl bd; res, Marshall, 31-53; Ypsilanti, 53-82; d, Medford, Mass, Ap 5, 82. *Ridgely, Greenbury William — b, Lexington, Ky, My 9, 1798; TranC, 1815; lawy, Lexington, Ky; PTS, 23-4; ord PEpis dea, Oc 30, 25; ord presbyter, 29; chap, USN; rec, St James’ ch, Bristol, Pa, 31-2; ss, Hulmeville, Newtown, Yardleyville & Centreville, 34-5; ed, PEpis Recorder; rec, St Paul’s ch, Chester, 42-5; res, Chester, 42-83; d, Denton, Md, Ag 16, 83. ■‘Schaeffer, Casper — b, Hardwick, NJ, Je 10, 1784; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 23, 1824; PTS, Jl-Sp, 23; phys. Pa; d, Phila, Pa, Ag 3, 57. *Scovel, Sylvester — b, Peru, Mass, Mr 3, 1796; WnisC, 1822; PTS, 22-5; miss, Delaware, 25; ord, Pby Albany, Ag 19, 25; p, Woodbury, NJ, 25-8; ss, Norristown, Pa, 28-9; p, Lawrenceburg, Ind, 29; ss, Elizabeth, Berea, Providence 28 1825 & Harrison, O; p, Providence & Harrison, 33-6; agt, BdDomMiss, 36-46; pres, HanC, 46-9; d, Hanover, Ind, J1 4, 49. DD, HanC, 46. *Snowden, Ebenezer Hazard — b, Princeton, NJ, Je 27, 1799; HamC, 1818; lawy; PTS, 22-4, 25; ord evang, Pby NY, Oc 11, 26; ss & p, St Augustine, Fla, 26- 36; p, Brownville, NY, 36-7; p, Kingston, Pa, 37-45; p, Warrenham, 49-52; ss, Plymouth, 73-8; Larksville, 78-83; res, Kingston; d. Forty Fort, Pa, Oc 16, 94. DD, HamC, 94. *Steel, Samuel — b, near Londonderry, Ireland, My 29, 1796; PTS, 1822-3; miss, V'a, 24; ord, Pby West Lexington, Nv 26, 25; ss, Winchester, Ky, 25-8; ss, Horeb, 30-2; ss, Hopewell, 29-33; agt, Bd Edu in Ky & Tenn; p, Hillsboro, 0, 34-69; d, Hillsboro, Nv 22, 1869. DD, JefC, 46. *Stuart, James Henry — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 24, 1803; CNJ, 21; PTS, 22-5; miss, O, 24-6; ord evang, Pby Phila, Nv 11, 26; p, Eiast & West Kishacoquillas, Pa, 27-9; d, Kishacoquillas, Fb 27, 29. *Taylor, Samuel — Vj, Nova Scotia, Sp 14, 1795; PTS, 1823-4; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 9, 24; miss, Ind, 24-5; p, Millersburg & Stoner Mouth, Ky, 25-31; p, Nicholasville & Cedar Cr, 31-6; ss, I’Yankfort, Ind, 36-43; p, Waveland, 45-52; ss, Washington, 52-4; ss, Waco, lex, 54-5; d, Waco, Je 9, 55. *Thompson, Charles — b, Connecticut; PTS, 1822-4; ord, Pby Susque- hanna, Ap 26, 26; p, Dundaff, Pa, 26-8; p, Cong ch, Humphreysville (Seymour), Ct, 30-3; p, Salem, 33-55; d, Salem, Ct, Mr 14, 55. *Vermilye, Thomas Edward — b, NYCity, Fb 27, 1803; YaleU, 22; PTS, 22-5; ord, Pby New York, Ja 15, 26; p, Vandewater St ch, NYCity, 26-30; p, Cong ch, W Springfield, Mass, 30-5; p. North RefChAm, Albany, NY, 35-9; p. Collegiate ch, NYCity, 39-93; d, NYCity, Mr 17, 93; DD, RutU, 37, UnC, 38; LLD, JefC, 57, ColU, 75. *Ward, John William — b, NYCity, Je 20, 1801; CNJ, 21; PTS, 22-4; ord, Pby Cayuga, Ja 31, 27; p. Union, NY, 27; p, RefChAm, New Prospect, 32-7; ss, Ellenville, 39-41; ss. Upper Red Hook, 42-5; p, RefChAm, Green Point, 49-54; d, Rahway, NJ, Sp 5, 59. *Waterbury, Jared Bell — b, NYCity, Ag 11, 1799; YaleU, 1822; PTS, 22-4; ord evang, Pby NY, Nv 13, 25; agt, AmBSoc, 25; ss & p, Cong ch, Hatfield, Mass, 26-9; p, Portsmouth, NH, 29-31; ss, Presb ch, Hudson, NY, 32- p, 33-46; p, Bowdoin St Cong ch, Boston, Mass, 46-57; ss, Central ch, Brooklyn, NY, 59; sec, Brooklyn Branch USChrCom; miss, Brooklyn; d, Brooklyn, NY, Dc 31, 76. DD, UnC, 41. *Weatherby, James — b, Phila, Pa; CNJ, 1822; PTS, 22-5; p, Washington, NC, 28-32; ss, Tuscumbia, Ala, 35-7; ss, Courtland, 38-40; p, Oxford, Miss, 41-5; ss, Hudsonville, 46-8; ss, Chulahoma, 49-50; ss, Yalabusba, 51; ss, Willington, 52-3; pres. Female Coll Aberdeen, 55; d, Ja 19, 56. *Wilkinson, Josiah Burnett — b. New Jersey; PTS, 1823-4; AubTS, 25-7; lie, Pby Jersey, Oc 8, 24; lie recalled, Pby Newark, Ap 29, 29; d, Chatham, NJ. ’•'Wilson, William J — b, near Kingstree, SC, Fb 18, 1798; SCC ; PTS, 1822-3; 1825-1826 29 ord, Pby Harmony, Mr 16, 26; p, Salem (Black River) ch, SC, 26; d, Salem, Je 23, 26. *Wood, James — b, Greenfield, NY, J1 12, 1799; UnC, 1822; PTS, 23-5; ss, Wilkes-Barre & Kingston, Pa, 25-6; ord, Pby Albany, Sp 5, 26; p, Amsterdam & Veddersburg, NY, 26-34; agt, Bd Edu, 34-9; prof. New ATS, 39-51; agt, Bd Edu, 51-4; asso sec, Bd Edu, 54-9; pres, HanC, 59-66; pres. Van Rens Inst, Hights- town, NJ, 66-7; d, Hightstown, Ap 7, 67. DD, MarC, 41; Mod, Gen Assem, 64. *Woodhull, William Henry — b. New Brunswick, NJ, Mr 4, 1802; CNJ, 22; PTS, 22-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Sp 6, 26; p. Upper Freehold, NJ, 26-32; tea, Allentown; ss, Howell, 34-5; d, Howell, NJ, Ja 4, 35. 44. 1826 *Adams, Joseph Bruce — b, Chester Co, Pa, 1801; JefC, 21; PTS, 23-6; miss, Pby Huntingdon, 26-30; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 6, 30; miss, Ga, 30-2; ss, Hebron, Ala, 34-6; p, Hebron & New Hope, 37-9; ss, Washington & Greensburg, Ind, 44-5; ss, Urbana & Gallipolis, t), 46-7; evang, Montrose & Paulding, 48-51 ; p. Shade Gap & Waterloo, Pa. .52-4; p. New Berlin, Mifflinsburg & Hartleton, 55-9; ss, Newton, .59-6.3; USChrCom, 63-5; d, Easton, Pa, J1 5, 65. *Ashbridge, George W — b, 1800; Pa; TranC, 20; PTS, 23-6; ord, Pby No .Alabama, My 31, 28; miss, Ala, 26; p, Tuscumbia, Ala, 28-30; ss, 1st ch, Louis- ville, Ky, 32-4; d, Louisville, Ap 27, 34. *Boyd, James Robert — b. Hunter, NY, My 2, 1804; UnC, 22; PTS, 23-6; miss, Newman’s Cr & Jackson, O, 26-7; ord evang, Pby Albany, Oc 31, 27; ss, Brownville & Sackett’s Harbor, NY, 27-30; p, 2d ch, Watertown, 32-3; prin. Wheeling Inst, Va, 33-5; ed, .Albany Telegraph, 35-6; prin, Jeff Co Inst, NY, 36-48; prof. Moral Phil, HamC, 49; auth & ed, Geneva, NA^, ,50-7; prin, Maple- wood Inst, Pittsfield, Mass, 57-60; asso prin, Spingler Inst, NYCity, 60-3; res, Geneva; d, Geneva, NY, Fb 19, 90. DD, HamC, 71. ’^Butler, Zebulon — b, Wilkesbarre, Pa, Sp 27, 1803; CNJ, 20; PTS, 23-(); miss, V'icksburg, Miss, 27-8; ord, Pby Mississipin, Ap 5, 28; p. Port Gibson, Miss, 28-60; d. Port Gibson, Miss, Dc 23, 60. DD, LafC, 49. *Crawford, James—b, Rockbridge Co, Va, Nv 28, 1794; CNJ, 1826; PTS, 23-6; ord, Pby Wabash, 28; miss, Del|)hi, Ind, 28-33; ss, Hopewell & Claybournc, 33-.52; colp, Bd Pub, Ind, 56-63; d. Morning Sun, la, Jl 18, 72. ■^Davies, John Le Roy — b, Chester District, SC, Nv 3, 1799; UNC, 1821; PTS, 2.3-6; ord evang, Pby Bethel, Je 7, 27; p. Cathedral Presb ch, Chester Dist, SC, 28-39; p. Prospect & Centre, 39-.50; ss, Hopewell, Wax Haw & Cedar Shoal, ,50-9; miss, Arkansas, .59; d, Coates Tavern, SC, Jc 16, 60. ■‘Dorrance, John b, Kingston, Pa, Fb 28, 1800; CNJ, 2.3; PTS, 2.3-6; ord, Pby Mississipj)i, Nv, 27; p. Baton Rouge, La, 27-30; p, Wysox, Pa, 31-3; p, Wilkes-Barre, .3,3-61 ; d, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Ap 18, 61. DD, CNJ, .59. *Goodrich, Hiram Plummer — b, Richmond, Mass, Dc 6, 1800; UnC, 23; 30 1826 PTS, 23-6; ord evang, Pby Albany, My 3, 27; prof, Bib Lit, UnTSVa, 28-38; pres, MarC, 38-43; ss, Jefferson City, Mo, 43-5; ss, Westminster ch, St Louis; ss, Carondelet, 48- p, 53; tea, St Louis; d, Carondelet, Mo, My 17, 58. DD. *Hutton, Mancius Smedes — b, Troy, NY, Je 9, 1803; ColU, 23; PTS, 23-6; miss, Ulster Co, NY, 27-8; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 25, 28; p, German Valley & Fox Hill, NJ, 28-34; asso p. South RefChAm, NYCity, 34-7; asso p, Washington Sq ch, NYCity, 37- p, 42-76; d, NYCity, Ap 11, 80. DD, ColU, 41. *Logan, Alexander — b, Pennsylvania, Oc 19, 1800; WUPa, 23; PTS, 23-6, 28-9; AndTS; ord, 2d Pby New York, My 15, 29; agt & miss, Ky; ss, Washington, Ky, 32-3; d, Maysville, Mr 8, 34. *Logan, Eusebius — b, Augusta, Va, Oc 16, 1799; PTS, 1823-6; lie, Pby Orange, Nv 7, 26; miss, NC; ss, Maryville, Tenn; ss, Augusta Co, Va; d, Green- ville, Va, Ag 14, 28. *Logan, James Henry — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Dc 6, 1799; PTS, 1823-6; ord, Pby Louisville, Oc 4, 28; p, Augusta, Ky, 30-2; ss. Bethel, 33-6, 38-50; d, Shelby Co, Ky, Ja 1, 56. *Lowry, William — b, Virginia; JefC, 1823; PTS, 23-6; lie, Pby Winchester, Sp 30, 26; miss, AmHMSoc, Indiana, 27-8; drowned in White River, Ind, Fb 11, 28. *Lusk, William — b. Union, NY, Ja 19, 1802; UnC, 22; PTS, 23-6; ord evang, Pby Columbia, Ap 23, 29; p, Cambridge, NY, 30-3; p, Camden, 34-5; p, Congch, Williamsburg, Mass, 36-40; p. Cherry Valley, NY, 41-6; p, Nunda Valley, 47-52; p, Batavia, 53-5; ss, Reedsburg, Wis, 58-60; p el, Piqua, O, 61-3; ss, Huron, NY, 65-70; ss, Reedsburg, Wis, 70-5; d, Reedsburg, Je 8, 79. *Neil, William — b, Jones Co, NC, 1800; CNJ, 23; PTS, 23-6; ord evang, Pby Orange, Ap 20, 27; ss, Murfreesboro, NC, 27-35; ss, Portsmouth, Va, 38; ss. Chesterfield, 41; ss, Jamaica, Fla, 46; p, Pittsylvania CH, Va; ss, Gallatin, Miss; miss. Mobile, Ala, 67-9; ss. Hermitage, Tenn, 69-76; d, Corsicana, Tex, Ja 26, 81. *Nevin, John Williamson — b, Strasburg, Pa, Fb 20, 1803; UnC, 21; PTS, 23-6; instr, PTS, 26-8; ss. Big Spring, Pa, 29; prof, WestTS, 29-40; ord evang, Pby Ohio, Ap 22, 35; prof, MerTS, 40-53; pres, MarshC, 41-53; prof, .Esthetics & Hist, F&MC, 61-6, prof. Mental & Moral Phil, 68-76, pres, 66-76; auth; ed, Mercersburg Review; d, Lancaster, Pa, Je 6, 86. DD, JefC, 39; LLD, UnC, 73. *Nimmo, Joseph — b, near Norfolk, Va, 1798; HSC; PTS, 1822-6; ss, Ports- mouth, Va, 26-8; ord, Pby Hanover, My 31, 28; ss. Sweet Hollow, NY, 29-36; ss. Fresh Pond, 33-7; p. Red Mills, 37-40; ss, Somers, 40-8; ss, Croton Falls, 46-9; tea, Huntington, NY; ss, Islip, 57-60; tea, Huntington, 60-5; d, Huntington, NY, Ap 19, 65. *Ogden, Joseph Meeker — b, Elizabethtown, NJ, Sp 21, 1804; CNJ, 23; PTS, 23-6; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Sp 11, 27; miss. Pa, 27-8; p, Chatham, NJ, 28-73, p em, 73-84; d, Chatham, NJ, Fb 13, 84. DD, CNJ, 60. *Ogden, Thomas Anderson — b, Sparta, NJ, Dc 25, 1801; CNJ, 21; PTS, 1826 31 23-6; AndTS; ss, Sinking Spring, Va, 28-30; ord evang, Pby Abingdon, Ja 20, 29; ss, Halifax ch, 30-5; agt, BdEdu, 35-9; miss. Miss & La, 39-65; d, Trenton, NJ, Dc 8, 78. *Smith, Edward Dunlop — b, Greenwich, NJ, Sp 17, 1802; CNJ, 22; PTS, 23-6; miss, Ga, 28-9; chap, UVa, 30; ord, Pby Dist Columbia, Mr 9, 31; p, 2d ch, Washington, DC, 31-5; p, 8th ch, NYCity, 35-42; p, Chelsea ch, NY, 42-69; d. New York City, Mr 28, 83. DD, CNJ, 49. *Urmston, Nathaniel Massie — b, Chillicothe, O, Ap 12, 1799; PTS, 1823-6; ord evang, Pby Richland, Sp 9, 28; ss, Millersburg, Ky, 28-32; p, Cong ch, New- town, Ct, 32-7; p. South Cornwall, 38-40; ss, Sherman, 41-3; p, Presb ch. Barn- bridge, O, 44-51; tea & ss, Cynthiana & Sinking Spring, 51-4; ss. West Union & Manchester, 54-7; miss, Keokuk, la, 57-8; ss, Waterloo & Athens, Mo, 58-60; ss, Kahoka, 59-63; ss. New Market, Belfast & Winchester, O, 63-9; res, Russell’s Station; d, Russell’s Station, O, Ag 28, 84. *Watson, Samuel Lytle — b. Bethel, SC, Fb 5, 1798; SCC, 1820; PTS, 23-6; miss, Ala, 26-7; ord evang, Pby South Carolina, Mr 15, 28; ss. Steel Cr, NC, 27- p, 29-40; p. Bethel, SC, 40-82; d. Bethel, Nv 13, 82. *Williams, William Henry — b, Argyle, NY, Nv 18, 1803; DickC, 23; PTS, 23-6; miss, Ga, 26-8; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 9, 28; p, 3d ch, Albany, NY, 28-31; ss & p, Tuscaloosa, Ala, 31-41; prin. Female Sem, Tuscaloosa, 33-41; p, 1st ch, Jacksonville, 111, 42-8; ss & prin. Female Sem, Keokuk, la, 49-56; miss, Pby Keo- kuk, 58-64; ss. Perry, 111, 65-70; d, Hendersonville, NC, Dc 21, 76. *Wilson, Nicholas Arrowsmith — b, Elizabethtown, NJ, My 3, 1803; CNJ, 23; PTS, 23-6; miss, Ga; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ap 29, 28; ss, Perth Amboy, NJ, 28-30; ss, Fairmount ch, Phila, Pa, 31; d, Phila, Je 18, 31. 24. *Adams, Erastus Homer — b, Simsbury, Ct, Dc 6, 1796; PTS, 1824-5; ord, Pby Onondaga, Sp 8, 31; ss, 1st ch, Camillus, NY, 31; ss, Fayetteville, 31-2; ss, Cayuga, 34-6; d, 37. ’"Aikman, Alexander — b, Burlington, NJ, Nv 28, 1803; CNJ, 21; PTS, 23-5; AndTS; GetTS; tut, CNJ, 25-6; ord evang, Pby Phila, Oc 22, 28; miss, Tallahassee, Fla, 28-9; St Augustine, 30-1; d, Natchez, Miss, Ap 21, 31. ’^Axtell, Daniel Cook — b, Mcndham, NJ, 1800; HamC, 21; PTS, 23-5; tut, CNJ, 25-7; ord, Pby Cayuga, Nv 10, 30; p, 2d ch. Auburn, NY, 30-6; tea, Newark, NJ, 36; d, Paterson, NJ; J1 12, 37. ’^Baldwin, Curtis Chittenden — b, Durham, NY, Ap 8, 1798; HamC, 23; PTS, Jl-Sp, 24; lawy, 30; tea; d, Prattsburg, NY, Mr 3, 73. ’‘Beecher, Jacob — b, near Petersburg, Pa, My 2, 1799; JefC, 1823; PTS, 23-6; CarlTS; ord, RefChUS, 26; p, Martinsburg, Shepherdstown & Smithfield, Va, 26-31 ; agt, CarlTS, 28-9; agt AmSSUn, 30-1 ; d, Shepherdstown, Va, J1 15, 31. ’‘Bethune, George Washington — b, NYCity, Mr 18, 1805; DickC, 23; 3 32 1826 PTS, 23-5; miss to slaves, Savannah, Ga; ord evang, 2d Pby NY, Nv 10, 27; p, RefChAm, Rhinebeck, NY, 27-30; p, Utica, 30-4; p, 1st ch, Phila, Pa, 34-7; p, 3d ch, Phila, 37-49; p, “Ch on the Heights,” Brooklyn, NY, 51-9; asso p, 21st St ch, NYCity, 59-61; d, Florence, Italy, Ap 27, 62. DD, UPa, 38. *Bowman, William Robert — b, Brownsville, Pa, Dc 7, 1800; WashCPa, 22; PTS, 23-6; ord PEpis, 25; rec, St Francisville, La, 27-35; d, St Francisville, 35. *Cairns, William Douglass — b, Stratford, Ct, 1804; YaleU, 23;PTS,Fb-Nv, 24; PEpis, Va; rec, Columbus, Ga, 37-50; d, Somerville, Ala, My 8, 50. *Chamberlain, Hiram — b, Monkton, Vt, Ap 2, 1797; MidC, 1822; PTS, 23-4; AndTS; ord evang, Pby NY, Oc 16, 25; miss. Mo, 26-8; ss, Boone- ville. Mo, 28-33; ss, Franklin & Fayette, 33-5; ss, St Charles, 35-44; ed. Herald of Rel Lib, St Louis, 44-5; ss, Somerville & Bethany, Tenn, 46-50; ss, Brownsville, Tex, 50-66; d, Brownsville, Nv 1, 66. *Codwise, Alexander H — b. New York; DickC, 1823; PTS, 23-4; PEpis; d, Jamaica, NY, 26. *Converse, Amasa — b, Lyme, NH, Ag 21, 1795; DartC, 1822; PTS, 23-4; ord evang, Pby Hanover, My 5, 26; miss, Va, 26-7; ed. Visitor & Telegraph, Rich- mond, Va, 27-39; ed, Christian Observer, Phila, Pa, 39-61; Richmond, Va, 61-9; Louisville, Ky, 69-72; d, Louisville, Dc 9, 72. DD, MissC, 46. *Crane, Simeon Harrison — b, Newark, NJ, Mr 8, 1800; TranC, 23; PTS, 23-5; ord, Pby West Lexington, Ag 11, 27; ss. Bethel, Ky, 27-31; agt, BdDom Miss, 31; ss, Lebanon, O, 33-9; agt, NewATS, 40; d, Lexington, Ky, Ag 30, 41. *Currie, David — b, Kirkpatrick Parish, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, Sp21, 1792; PTS, 1823-4; ord, AssoRef, Pby Saratoga, Ja 5, 26; p, Sterling, NY, 26-53, ss, 53-8; res. Sterling, 26-72. ♦Dickinson, Richard William— b, NYCity, Nv 21, 1804; YaleU, 23; PTS, 23-5; ord evang, 2d Pby NY, Oc 24, 28; ss, 1st ch, Phila, Pa, 28-9; p, Lancaster, 29-33; ss, Laight St ch, NYCity; ss. Market St RefChAm, NYCity, 35-6; p. Bowery Presb ch, NYCity, 36-7; ss, Rutgers St ch, NYCity, 38; p. Canal St ch, NYCity, 39-44; ss, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NY, 44-5; ed & auth, 45-59; p. Inwood, NYCity, 59-72; d, Fordham, NY, Ag 16, 74. DD, NYU, 42. ♦Grant, John Lodor — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 1, 1799; PTS, 1823-6; miss, Phila, Pa, 25-9; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 18, 29; p, 11th ch, Phila, 29-51; ss, Durham & Reigels- ville; d, Camden, NJ, J1 28, 74. ♦Gregg, Samuel — b, Indiana; PTS, 1823-5; ord; p, Jefferson, 27-34; ss, Mt Zion, Tenn, 36-8; ss. New Bethel, 38-9; ss, Mt Zion & Meadow Cr, 39-40; d, Ap 4, 43. ♦Hall, Robert — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 11, 1802; CNJ, 23; PTS, Ja-Oc, 25; miss, Va, 26-9; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Ap 19, 28; p, 1st ch, Warrenton, Va, 30-1; d, Charleston, SC, Mr 4, 31. ♦Halsey, Abraham Oothout — b, Schenectady, NY, Nv3, 1798; UnC, 1822; 1826 33 PTS, 23-6; ord, Pby North River, My 1, 28; p, North & South Hampton RefChAm, Newton, Pa, 29-67; d, Swedesboro, NJ, Ag 23, 68. DD, RutU, 59. *Halsey, Job Foster — b, Schenectady, NY, J1 12, 1800; UnC, 19; PTS, 23-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick J1 26, 26; p, 1st ch. Freehold, NJ, 26-8; agt, AmBSoc, NJ, 29; agt, Albany, NY, 30; p, 1st ch, Allegheny, Pa, 31-5; prof, MarC, 36; prin, Raritan Sem, Perth Amboy, NJ, 48; p. West Bloomfield, (now Montclair) NJ, 48-56; p, 1st ch, Norristown, Pa, 56-81, p em, 81-2; d, Norristown, Pa, Mr 24, 82. DD, LafC, 60. *Heberton, Alexander — b, Phila, Pa, My 21, 1803; UPa, 23; PTS, 24-6; miss. Pa, 26-7; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 27, 27; asst p, “Irish Settlement,” Allen Township, Pa, 27-33; p, Kingston, 33-4; p, Salem, NJ, 34-40; p, Bedford, Pa, 43-5; p, Berwick, 45-8; p, Williamsport, 48-58; p, Ridley, 58-65; cy miss, Phila, 68-84; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 26, 94. *Helfenstein, William Leonard — b, Lancaster, Pa, 1801; DickC, 23; PTS, 24-5; law stu; lawy & judge com pleas, Dayton, 0,35-42; Milw’aukee,Wis; Chicago, 111; bus, Shamokin & Trevorton, Pa, 49-60; Pottsville, 60-72; New York City & Mexico, 72-84; d, Durango, Mexico, Mr, 84. *Holmes, James — b, Carlisle, Pa, Ag 21, 1801; DickC, 23; PTS, Ja-Ag, 24; miss to Chickasaws, 24-33; tea, Tipton Co, Tenn, 33-49; ord evang, Ap 7, 48; prof, JackC, 49-57; prin. Female Sem, Covington, Tenn, 57-69; d, Covington, Fb 4, 73. DD. *Howell, Lewis Dunham — b, Albany, NY, Dc 25, 1803; UCin, 23; PTS, 23-4; AubTS, 26; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Ap 20, 30; miss, Cincinnati, O, 31; ss, Maysville, Ky, 32-3; p, Binghamption NY, 33-4; p, Derby, Ct, 36-8; Springport; dist sec, AmEduSoc; agt, AmTrSoc; Cincinnati, O; d, Geneva, NY, Sp 5, 47. *Jadownicky, David Christian Bernard — b, Poland, Europe, 1799; Jewish Sem, Berlin, Prussia, 1813-8; Rabbi at Solingen, 18-20; PTS, 23-5; agt. Am Soc for Meliorating Condition of Jews, 25-6; bus, Jamaica, WI, 27; d, Poland, 53. *Lathrop, Alvin — b, Sherburne, NY, 1800; HamC, 22; PTS, 23-4; tea; d, Rochester, NY, Ap 12, 72. *Marshall, William L — b, Kentucky; PTS, 23-4; PEpis, Va; lawy; judge com pleas, Baltimore, Md, 51-61; d, California. *McClung, John Alexander — b, Washington, Ky, Sp 25, 1804; PTS, 23-5; lawy, 35-49; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, Ap 11, 51; p, 1st ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 52-5; ill health; p, Maysville, Ky, 57-9; drowned, Niagara River, NY, Ag 7, 59. DD, IndU, 58. *McKinley, Daniel — b, Carlisle, Pa, Oc, 1801; DickC, 24; PTS, 24-5; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 30, 27; p, Bedford, Pa, 27-31; p, Carlisle, 33-8; agt, BdForMiss, 38-41; p, Chambersburg, 41-7; p, 6th ch, Pittsburgh, 50-2; agt, BdDomMiss, .52-5; d, Chambersburg, Pa, Dc 7, 55. DD, JefC, 50. *McLeod, Lewis — b, Tennessee; lie, Pby W Tenn, 1825; PTS, 24-6; miss, Tenn, 28-9; res, Dover, Tenn. 34 1826 *Nott, John— b, Albany, NY, Dc 14, 1801; UnC, 23; AndTS, 23-5; PTS, 25- 6; ord evang, Pby Albany, My 19, 27; tut, UnC, 30-9; asst prof, Rhet, UnC, 39-54; ss, RefChAm, Rotterdam, NY, 39- p, 41-54; ss, Presb chs, Goldsboro & Evansville, NC, 54-61; ss, RefChAm, Auriesville, NY, 61-78; d, Fonda, NY, My 13, 78. DD. *Packard, Theophilus — b, Shelburne, Mass, Fb 1, 1802; AmhC, 23; PTS, 24-5; miss, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass, 27; ord Cong, Mr 12, 28; asso p, Cong ch, Shelburne, 28-53; sec & agt, Boston SeamFrSoc & ss. Mariners chap, Boston, 33-4; ss, Presb ch, Lyme, O, 54-5; ss, Cong ch, Mt Pleasant, fa, 55-7; ss, Presb, ch, Manteno, 111, 57-62; ss, Cong ch, Sunderland, Mass, 64-5; d, Manteno, 111, Dc 19, 85. *Peck, Isaac — b, Greenwich, Ct, Ag 7, 1802; YaleU, 21; PTS, 23-5; ord PEpis dea, 29; rec, Gardiner, Me, 30-3; rec, St Paul’s ch, Troy, NY, 33-6; asst min, Christ ch, NYCity, 36-44; prin, NYCity, 44-50; asst min, Christ ch. Rye, 50-2; rec, St Peter's ch. Port Chester, 52-8; rec, Greenwich, Ct, 61-5; d, Green- wich, Ap 29, 77. *Peet, Stephen — b, Sandgate, Vt, Fb 20, 1797; YaleU, 1823; PTS, My-Ag, 24; AubTS, 25; ord, Pby Cleveland, Fb 22, 26; p, Cong ch, Euclid (Collamer), O, 26- 33; chap. Bethel ch, Buffalo, NY, 33-7; p. Green Bay, Wis, 37-9; p, 1st ch, Milwaukee, 39-41; supt miss, Wis, 41-8; agt, BelC, 48-50; p, Cong ch, Batavia, 111, 50-3; agt, ChiTS, 53-5; d, Chicago, 111, Mr 21, 55. *Proudfit, John Williams — b, Salem, NY, Sp 22, 1803; UnC, 21; PTS, 23-4; ord AssoRef, Pby Washington, Nv 4, 25; p. Federal St (Whitefield Memorial) ch, Newburyport, Mass, 27-33; prof, Lat & Gk, NYU, 34-41; prof, Gk & Gk Lit, RutU, 41-60; chap, USArmy, 62-5; d, NYCity, Mr 9, 70. DD, UnC, 41. *Ramsey, William — b, Thompsontown, Pa, Fb 11, 1803; CNJ, 21; PTS, 23-6; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 10, 27; miss, Southwark, Phila, Pa, 26-30; miss, ABCFM, Africa, 30-5; agt, ABCFM, 35-6; p. Cedar St ch, Phila, 37-57; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 26, 58. DD, UDel, 54. *Reid, Samuel — b, Pennsylvania; JefC, 1821; PTS, 22-3; lie, Pby Washing- ton, Ap 20, 25; ord, Pby Ohio, Nv 23, 25; p. Three Springs & Flats chs. Pa, 26-9; ss, Fairview & Beallsville, O, 38; ill health; d, Beallsville, O, Sp 7, 72. *Robertson, Noel — b. New York; ColU, 1823; PTS, 23-6; ord, Pby Fayette- ville, Ap 20, 27; p, Wilmington, NC, 27-8; miss, Manayunk, Pa, 28; d, Mana- yunk, Oc, 28. *Smith, John — b, Wethersfield, Ct, Sp 2, 1796; YaleU, 1821; AndTS, 21-3; PTS, 23-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Mr 8, 26; ss, 1st ch, Trenton, NJ, 25- p, 26-8; p, Cong, ch, Exeter, NH, 29-38; p, Wilton, Ct, 39-48; p, Kingston, NH, 48-50; p, York, Me, 50-5; ss. Long Ridge, Stamford, Ct, 56-8; d, Stamford, Fb 20, 74. *Stockton, John — b, near Washington, Pa, Nv 18, 1803; WashCPa, 20; PTS, 25-6; ord, Pby Washington, Je 20, 27; p. Cross Creek, Pa, 27-77, p em, 77-82; d. Cross Creek, Pa, My 5, 82. DD, JefC, 46. I 1826-1827 35 ♦Talbot, William Kendall— b, Athol, Mass, Je 17, 1799; PTS, 1823-5; ord, Pby Londonderry, Nv 2, 25; p, Nottingham West (Hudson), NH, 25-9; miss, Parishville, NY; La Porte, Ind, 35-44; Andover, 111, 44; prof, Iowa City Coll; ss, Jefferson Grove, III, 48; ss, Henderson, 49-50; ss, Oquaka, 50-4; miss. Ark, Ky & Tenn, 55-61; chap, USArmy, 62-5; d, Woodhull, 111, Nv 7, 80. ♦Wolf, Jacob — b, Pennsylvania; WashCPa, 1817; PTS, 24-5; p, Plymouth, O, 28; p. Blooming Grove, Bethel & Sharon, 29-33; ss. Bethel & Sharon, 34; ss. West Carlisle, 36; miss, Howpatch, Ind, 40; ss, Benton & Howpatch, 41; ss. Eel River, 42-50; ss. Flat Rock, 51-2; tea, 53; Olive Branch Syn, Eng Ev Luth Ch, 54; d, Coesse, Ind, Sp 7, 63. ♦Wood, Henry — b, Loudon, NH, Ap 10, 1806; DickC, 22; PTS, 23-4; tut, HSC, 24-5; ord Cong, Mr 31, 26; p, Goffstown, NH, 26-31; p, Haverhill, 31-5; p, Hanover, 35-40; ed, Cong Journal, Concord, 41-53; ss, Canaan, 51-3; US consul, Beirut, Syria, 54-6; chap, USN, 56-73; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 29, 73. DD, HSC, 67. ♦Wood, Jeremiah — b, Greenfield, NY, Nv 11, 1801; UnC, 24; PTS, 24-6; ord evang, Pby Albany, Ja 10, 27; ss, Mayfield, NY, 26- p, 40-76; d, Mayfield, Je 6, 76. 43. 1827 ♦Alexander, Samuel Rannels — b, Paris, Ky, Dc 29, 1802; PTS, 24-7; ss, Russellville, Ky, 27-8; ord, Pby Wabash (Vincennes), Nv 21, 28; p, Indiana ch, Ind, 28-42; p, Lower Indiana ch, 42-54; p. Upper Indiana, 42-57; ss, Smyrna & West Salem; d, Vincennes, Ind, Fb 17, 84. ♦Annan, William — b, Baltimore, Md, Ap 18, 1805; DickC, 25; PTS, 24-7; ord evang, Pby Baltimore, Oc 8, 29; p, W Kishacoquillas & Little Valley, Pa, 30-5; p, Sewickley, 36-8; ed, Presb Advocate, Pittsburgh, 38-58; auth; res, .‘\lle- gheny; d, Allegheny, Pa, J1 26, 82. ♦Carroll, Daniel Lynn — b, Fayette Co, Pa, My 10, 1797; JefC, 1823; PTS, 24-7; ord Cong, Oc 2, 27; p, Litchfield, Conn, 27-9; p, 1st Presb ch, Brooklyn, NY, 29-35; pres, HSC, 35-8; p, 1st ch. Northern Liberties, Phila, Pa, 38-44; sec, NYColonSoc, 44-5; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 23, 51. DD, NYU, 35. ♦Cochran, William Porter — b, Millerstown, Pa, Nv 10, 1803; DickC, 24; PTS, 24-7; miss. Mo, 27-9; ord evang, Pby Missouri, Mr 23, 28; ss, Columbia, Mo, 29-33; ss. Palmyra, 34-40; ss. Big Creek, 41- p, 57-60; miss. South & Pa, 60-1; ss, Millerstown, Buffalo & Newport, Pa, 62-7; p, Millerstown & Newport, 67-9; ss. West Ely, Mo, 69-82; d. West Ely, Dc 25, 84. DD, HighU, 72. ♦Deruelle, Daniel — b, near Bound Brook, NJ, Sp 22, 1796; PTS, 1824-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Sp 11, 27; p, Dutch Neck, NJ, 27-30; p, Montrose, Pa, 30-3; ss, Brainerd ch, NYCity, 33-4; agt, AmTrSoc, 34-5; agt, BdEdu, 35-7; j), Washington, Pa, 37-40; agt, BdllmMiss, 40-3; |), 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 43-8; agt, AmBSoc, 48-58; <1, Rockingham, NC, Mr 4, 58. ♦Dickey, John Miller — b, Oxford, Pa, Dc 15, 1806; DickC, 24; PTS, 24-7; miss. Pa, NY, Ga & Fla, 28-9; ord, Pby New Castle, My 19, 30; p, New Castle, 1827 36 Del, 30-2; p, Oxford & Upper West Nottingham, Pa, 32-56; prin, Oxford Female Sem, 56-71; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 2, 78. DD, LafC, 51. *Henry, Robert — b, Allegheny Co, Pa, 1801; JefC, 23; PTS, 24-7; ord, Pby Redstone, Ap 7, 30; p, Greensburg & Unity chs. Pa, 30-8; d, Greensburg, Pa, Nv 1, 38. *Janeway, Thomas Leiper — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 27, 1805; UPa, 23; PTS, 24-7; tut, WestTS, 28; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Nv 3, 29; p, 1st ch, Rahway, NJ, 29-40; p. North ch, Phila, Pa, 40-54; p, Kingston, NJ, 55-61; cor sec, BdHmMiss, 61-8; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Pa, Sp 14, 95. DD, CNJ, 50; LED. *Jennings, Samuel Carnahan — b, Washington Co, Pa, Fb 19, 1803; JefC, 23; PTS, 24-7 ; ord, Pby Ohio, Je 24, 29; p, Sharon, Pa, 29-79; ed, Chr Her, 29-32; ed, Presb Preach, 32-7; prin, Female Sem, 37-40; ss, Mt Pisgah, 32-48; ss, Tem- peranceville, 42-8; p, Long Is, 48-57; p. Valley ch, 57-68; ss, Riverdale, 80-3; d, Sharon, Pa, Oc 10, 85. DD, JefC, 58. *Lyon, Hervey — b, Walden, NY, Ja 18, 1800; UnC, 23; PTS, 24-7; ord, Pby Huron, My 21, 28; ss, Vermillion, 0, 28- p, 30-3; p. Granger, 33-5; tea, Brownhelm, 35-42; tea, Richfield, 42-50; d, Strongville, O, Mr 7, 63. *McCachran, Robert — b. Forks of Brandywine, Pa, Sp 24, 1798; DickC; PTS, 1824-7; miss & ss, Middletown, Pa, 27-30; ord evang, Pby Newcastle, My 19, 30; p. Big Spring ch, 31-51; tea, Newville, 53-64; farming; d, Newville, Pa, Fb 15, 85. *McIlvaine, (formerly Mcllwain), Isaac — b, near Londonderry, Ireland, Fb 5, 1799; DickC, 1824; PTS, 24-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 8, 27; ss, Monroe, Mich, 27-8; p, Lansingburgh, NY, 28-30; p. Kinsman, O, 31-7; tea, Danville, Ky, 37-45; tea, Newark, NJ, 45-50; colp, Newark & Mobile, Ala, 50-8; chap, USArmy, 62-5; res, Newark, NJ ; d, Newark, Je 30, 84. *Nourse, James — b, Washington, DC, Ap 30, 1805; JefC, 23; PTS, 24-7; ss, Germantown, Pa, 28-30; ord evang, Pby Dist Columbia, My 19, 29; p. East Kishacoquillas, Pa, 31-4; p, Perryville (Milroy), 34-49; tea, Washington, DC, 50-4; d, Salem, la, J1 6, 54. *Sickels, William — b, Troy, NY, Ag 20, 1795; JefC, 1824; PTS, 24-7; miss, Va, 27-8; ord evang, Pby Winchester, My 19, 28; p, Rushville, Ind, 28-33, ss, 33-6; p, Hopewell & Shiloh, 37-42; ss, Shiloh & Bethany, & tea, Franklin, 43-5; p, Connersville, 43-5; miss, 46; p, Jefferson & Pleasant, 47-55; ss, Pby Indiana- polis, 56-64; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Ag 9, 64. 14 *Agnew, John Holmes — b, Gettysburg, Pa, My 9, 1804; DickC, 23; PTS, 25-7; ord, Pby Redstone, Ja 26, 28; p, Uniontown, Pa, 28-31; prof, Lang, WashCPa, 31-2; prof, German Ref Inst, York, Pa; prof, MarC; prof, Newark Coll, Del; ed. Eclectic Mag & Bib Repertory; prin, Acad, Phila, Pa; prof, Anc Lang, UMich, 45-52; co-prin, Maplewood Female Sem, Pittsfield, Mass, 52-7; ed, Knickerbocker; d, Peekskill, NY, Oc 12, 65. DD, WashCPa, 52. 1827 37 *Arms, Clifford Smith — b, Sunderland, Mass, Je 4, 1796; UnC, 1824; PTS, 24-7; ord evang, Pby Columbia, Sp 19, 27; miss, in Pines & ss, Middletown Point, NJ, 27-32; p, Bottle Hill (Madison), 32-51; p, Ridgebury, NY, 52-63; d, Ridge- bury, Sp 25, 63. *Aurand, Henry — b, Reading, Pa, Dc 4, 1805; PTS, 25-6; DickC, 30; tea, D&DAsylum, Phila, Pa, 31-2; ord, RefChUS, Cl Zion; ss, Taneytown, Md, 33; p, Carlisle, Pa, 34-49; p. Benders & Bendersville, 49-56; p. New Berlin, 56-8; ss, German Presb Miss ch, Rivington St, NYCity, 58-60; p, RefChAm, Colum- bia, NY, 60-3; miss, 111; d, Lena, 111, Oc 8, 76. *Barber, Daniel Montgomery — b, Derry Twp, Pa, Mr 16, 1800; WashCPa, 24; PTS, 26-7; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Nv 21, 27; miss, Sinnemahon- ing Creek, Pa, 27-33; ss. Great Island, 29-36; ss, Williamsport, 33-6; p, Newton, NJ, 36-8; ss. New Columbia, Pa, 39; ss, Chilisquaque, 40-2; p, Chilisquaque & Mooresburg, 43-58; ss, Jersey Shore, 42-54; ss, Lycoming, 59; ss. Bald Eagle & Nittany, 61; chap, USArmy, 61-4; d, Milton, Pa, Oc 30, 65. *Barrett, Gerrish — b, Royalston, Mass, J1 4, 1797; UnC, 1824; PTS, 24-7; ord, Pby Otsego, Ag 22, 27; chap. Sing Sing, NY, 27-9; agt. Prison Discipline Soc, 29-31, 32-3, 39-44; chap, Wethersfield, Conn, 31-2, 33-9; d, Springfield, NY, Ag 3, 1857. *Blythe, Samuel Davis — b, Lexington, Ky, Mr 27, 1804; TranC, 23; PTS, 24-7; agt, AmBSoc; tea; ord, Pby West Lexington, Oc 3, 28; p, Hillsboro, O, 29-33; p, 7th ch, Phila, Pa, 35-7; ss, Woodbury & Blackwoodtown, NJ, 37- p, 38-43; d, Woodbury, Je 23, 43. *Bry8on, Samuel — b, Pennsylvania; WUPa, 1824; PTS, 24-7; agt & miss; d, 28. *Cahoone, William, Jr — b, Newport, NY, 1805; DickC, 23; PTS, 24-7 ; ord, 2d Pby NY, My 10, 28; miss, RefChAm, Berne, NY, 28; ss, Stuyvesant, 28-9; Hyde Park, 29-33; Coxsackie, 34-47; Fordham, 47-8; d, Mr 2, 49. *Cole, Thomas — b, Delaware; PTS, 1824-7; ord; Gallipolis, O; ss, Presb ch, New Richmond, 30-1; miss, O, 32-3; p, Augusta, Ky, 36; Cong ch; agt, AmBSoc, St Louis, Mo, 55-70; d, St Louis, J1 18, 70. *Hall, Charles — b, Williamsport, Pa, Je 23, 1799; HamC, 1824; PTS, 24-7; ord evang, 3d Pby NY, Mr 25, 32; sec, AmHMSoc, 27-53; d, Newark, NJ, Oc 31, 53. DD, HamC, 48. *Hassinger, Peter — b, near Newark, Del, Nv 24, 1801; PTS, 25-7; miss. Pa, 27-8; ord, Pby Erie, Oc 1, 28; p. Gravel Run, & ss, Waterford, Pa, 28-31; ss, Waterford, Evansburgh, Harmonsburgh & Northbank, 32- p, 33-6; p, Claysville, 36-9; p. Unity, 39-44; p, Waynesburg & Newton, 44-9; ss, Somerset, Jenner & Petersburg, 49-53; ss, Edwardsville, Staunton, Rattan Prairie & Dry Point, 111, 53-7; ss. Sugar Creek, 57-60; ss, Litchfield, 60-1; miss. 111; d, Lebanon, 111, Ja 24, 90. *Hayes, Ilervey Holcomb — b, Granby, Ct, My 3, 1796; UnC, 1823; PTS, 24-7 ; ord evang, Cong, 27 ; chap, USN, 27-33; tea, near Pittsburgh, Pa, 33-6; prof. 1827 38 MarC, 36-43; p, Rock Island, 111, 53-6; syn miss, Peoria, 111, 56-7; ss. Rock Island, 57-8; ss, Bentonsport, la, 58-62; ss, Kossuth, 63-5; d. Rock Island, 111, J1 20, 67. *Hinman, Chester — b, Orwell, Vt, 1798; MidC, 1822; lawy, NYCity; PTS, 26-7; lie, Cong Asso Ct, 27; ss, Johnstown, NY, 29; Verona Centre, 30; d, Johns- town, NY, Dc 30, 30. *Irwin, Thomas William — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1824-6; d, Princeton, NJ, Fb, 26. *Mason, Cyrus — b, Nassau, NY, J1 19, 1798; UnC, 1824; PTS, 24-6; ord, Pby NY, Dc 7, 26; p. Cedar St ch, NYCity, 26-35; p, Benef Cong ch. Providence, RI, 35-6; prof, Polit Econ & Eth, NYU ; 30-50; d, NYCity, My 28, 65. DD. *Mason, Erskine — b, NYCity, Ap 16, 1805; DickC, 23; PTS, 25-6; ord evang, Pby NY, Oc 20, 26; p, Schenectady, NY, 27-30; p, Bleecker St ch, NYCity, 30-51; d, NYCity, My 14, 51. DD, ColU, 37. *McFarren, Samuel — b, Washington, Pa, Sp 2, 1804; WashCPa, 22; PTS, 25-6; ord, Pby Redstone, Oc 3, 27; p, Congruity, Pa, 27-69; d, Blairsville, Ag 1, 1870. DD, WashCPa, 46. *McIntosh, Donald — b, Scotland; JefC, 1817; ord, Pby Steubenville, Oc 17, 23; grad stu, PTS, 26-7; p, Cadiz, O, 23-6; ss, Fredericktown (Frederick City), Md, 28-9; p, Middletown, NY, 29-30; d, St Augustine, Fla, Dc 10, 34. *Moliat, Hector— b, 1804; New York; UnC, 23; PTS, 25-6; d, Ja 26, 29. *Moore, James Wilson — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1825-7; ord, Pby North umberland, Nv 21, 1827; miss. Little Rock, Ark, 28- p, 34; ss, 36-8; ss, Sylvania, 43-72; d, Austin, Ark, Ja 28, 74. *Morrison, Alexander Gamble — b, Coleraine, Pa, Sp 13, 1798; PTS, 1825-6; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 24, 28; p. Doe Run, Pa, 28-57; p. Union, 28-34; p, Coatesville, 34-70; d, Coatesville, Pa, Oc 27, 70. *Plumer, William Swan — b, Greersburg (Darlington), Pa, J1 26, 1802; WashCVa, 25; PTS, 25-6; ord evang, Pby Orange, My 19, 27; miss & ss, Va & NC, 26-9; ss, Petersburg, Va, 30- p, 31-4; p, 1st ch, Richmond, 34-46; p, Franklin St ch, Baltimore, Md, 47-54; p. Central ch, Allegheny, Pa, & prof, WestTS, 54-62; p, 2d ch, Pottsville, 65-7; prof, Theol, ColTS, 67-80; auth & commentator; d, Baltimore, Md, Oc 22, 80. DD, WashCPa, LafC, & CNJ, 38; LLD, UMiss, 57; Mod, Gen Assem, 38 & 71. *Schaffer, Samuel — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 21, 1802; UnC, 24; PTS, 24-7; ss, Athens, Pa, 27-31; ord evang, Pby Tioga, Nv 2, 31; ss, Groton, NY, 32-6; ss. West Bloomfield, 36-42; tea, Prattsburg; tea, Middletown, Pa, 45-8; tea, Blooms- burg, 48-50; ss, Brooklyn, Pa, 50-4; prln, Franklin Acad, Abington, 54-60; agt, PaBibSoc, 70-2; d, Scranton, Pa, Fb 21, 79. *White, Henry — b, Durham, NY, Je 19, 1800; UnC, 24; PTS, 24-6; agt, AmBSoc, 26-7; ord, Pby Columbia, Ap 16, 28; ss, Newark, NJ ; p, Allen St ch, NYCity, 29-37; prof, Syst Theol, UnTS, 36-50; d, NYCity, Ag 25, 50. DD, NYU, 38. 1827-1828 39 *Whiting, George Backus — b, Canaan, NY, Ag 30, 1801; UnC, 24; PTS, 25-7; ord evang, Cong, Ag 5, 29; miss, ABCFM, Syria, 30-55; d, Beirut, Syria, Nv 8, 55. *Young, John Clarke — b, Greencastle, Pa, Ag 12, 1803; DickC, 23; PTS, 24-6; tut, CNJ, 26-8; lie, 4th Pby NY, Mr 7, 27; ord, Pby WLexington, 28; p, Lexington, Ky, 28-30; pres, CenCKy, 30-57; p, Danville, 34-57; d, Danville, Ky, Je 23, 57. DD, CNJ, 39; Mod, Gen Assem, 53. *Alrich, William Picclees — b, Wilmington, Del, Ag 1799; CNJ, 1824; PTS, 25-8; ss, Newcastle, Del, 28-9; ss. Pigeon Creek; ord evang, Pby Washington, Ap 17, 32; ss. East Buffalo, Pa, 32-64; prof. Math, Mech & Astron, WashCPa, 30-60; d, Winterset, la, Dc 31, 69. DD, WashCPa, 52. *Candee, Isaac Newton — b, Galway, NY, Oc 30, 1801; UnC, 25; PTS, 25-8; ord evang, Pby Newton, My 12, 29; ss, Oxford, NJ, 29-34; p, Istch, Belvidere, 34- 40; agt, BdForMiss, 40-9; p, LaFayette, Ind, 50-5; ss, Galesburg, 111, 56-66, agt, 66-9; p, Richview, 69-74; d, Peoria, 111, Je 19, 74. DD, HanC, 53. *Cowan, John Fleming — b, Parkesburg, Pa, My 6, 1801; JefC, 25; PTS, 25-9; miss, St Charles, Mo, 29-30; ord, Pby Missouri, Ap 4, 30; p, Apple Creek & Brazeau, Mo, 30-6; p, Potosi, 36-52; agt, BdHmMiss, Mo, 52-4; ss, Washington, Mo, .54-7; ss, Carondelet, 57-62; d, Carondelet, Mo, Sp 29, 62. *Coxe, William — b, Brownsville, Pa, 1799; JefC, 1825; PTS, 25-8; agt, BibSoc; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 8, 28; miss. New Orleans, La, 29; SS miss, O & Ind, 29-32; ss, Apple Creek, O, 32-6; ss, Lancaster, 37- p, 38-49; p, Piqua, 51-6; d, .56. *Cunningham, John K — b, Pennsylvania; JefC, 1823; PTS, 25-8; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 28; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Ap 4, 29; ss, Montour, Pa, 29- p, 30-8; p. Island Creek, 0 , 40-52; ss, Wayne & Chester, 54-5; d, Wooster, O, 55. *Goodrich, Chauncey Enoch — b. East Troy (Brunswick), NY, Sp 19, 1801; UnC, 25; PTS, 25-8; tea, Oneida Inst, Whitesboro, NY, 28-30; ord, Pby Oneida, J1 1, 30; p, Salisbury, NY, 30-2; ss. Butternuts, 32-4; p. Oak’s Creek & Fly Creek, 35- 7; p, Congch, Winfield, 37-9; p, Holland Patent, 39-41; chap. Insane Asylum, Utica, 45-63; d, Utica, NY, My 11, 64. *Hawthorn, James — b, Slabtown, NJ, Ap 1, 1803; PTS, 25-8; ord, Pby Louisville, Nv 21, 29; p, Lawrenceburg & Upper Benson, Ky, 29-33; ss, Pby Louis- ville, 33-6; p. Plumb Creek & Cane Run, 36-41; ss, Lawrenceburg, 42-7; ss, Princeton, 47- p, 48-77; d, Princeton, Ky, Je 28, 77. DD, CenCKy, 65. “Hughes, John Donahey — b, near Greersburg (Darlington), Pa, J1 27, 1800; JefC, 24; PTS, 25-8; miss. Northwestern Pa, 28-9; ord, Pby Western Re- serve, Je 16, 30; p, Springfield, O, 30-66; d, Newburg, Mr 3, 70. ’“Mcllvaine, William Brown — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Ja 2, 1807; DickC, 25; PTS, 2.5-8; ord, Pby Ohio, .^p 20, 30; ss. East Liberty, Pa, 29- ]>, 30-70; res, Peoria, 111; d, Peoria, My 7, 92. 40 1828 *Pickands, James Dinsmore — b, Phila, Pa, My 13, 1802; CNJ, 25; PTS, 25-8; ss, Woodbury, NJ, 28-30; ord evang, Pby Watertown, Ag 21, 30; ss, Ant- werp, NY, 30; ss, Lowville, 31-3; ss, Wilmington, Del, 34-6; Ohio City (West Cleveland), O, 36-9; d, Marquette, Mich, Ag 6, 76. *Preston, David R — b, Ky, Ap 25, 1803; TranC; PTS, 25-8; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 8, 28; ss, Abingdon, Va, 29-35; ss. Union, 35-41; res. Union, 42-4; Lewisburg, Va, 45-50; d, Lewisburg, Mr 8, 50. *Printz, George — b, Reading, Pa, Ap 1, 1806; PTS, 25-8; ss, Tinicum, Pa, Cumberland, Md, Sandyville, 0; ord, Pby Susquehanna, Je 29, 31; p, Wyalusing, Pa, 31-43; ss. Port Carbon; tea, Reading; d, Reading, Pa, Ap 6, 81. *Riddle, David Hunter — b, Martinsburgh, Va, Ap 14, 1805; JefC, 23; PTS, 2.5-8; ord, Pby Winchester, Dc 4, 28; p, Kent St ch, Winchester, Va, 28-33; p, 3d ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 33-57; p, 1st RefChAm, Jersey City, NJ, 57-62; pres, JefC, 62-5, prof, 65-8; p. College ch, Canonsburg, 63-8; p, Martinsburgh, W Va, 68-79; d, Martinsburgh, J1 16, 1888. DD, MarshC,43; LLD, RutU, 63; Mod, Gen Assem, 50. ^Williamson, Moses — b, near Newville, Pa, My 7, 1802; DickC, 24; PTS, 25-8; ss, Christiana, Del & Elkton, Md, 28-9; AndTS; ord, Pby Phila, J1 6, 31; ss, Cold Spring ch. Cape May, NJ, 29- p, 31-80; d. Cape May, Oc 30, 80. *Wright, Theodore Sedgwick — b. Providence, RI, Ap, 1797; PTS, 1825-8; ord, Pby Albany, Fb 5, 29; p, 1st Collegiate ch, NYCity, 30-47; d, NYCity, Mr 25, 47. 15. *Boyd, Charles Le Roy — b, Chester Co, SC, Nv 9, 1801; SCC; PTS, 23-8; ord, Pby Harmony, Ap 13, 29; p, Lebanon & Mount Olivet, SC, 29-38; ss. Line Creek, Ala, 42; p, Calebee, 43-52; ss, Calebee, 53-66; d. La Place, Ala, Fb 25, 66. *Campbell, James — b, near Mercersburg, Pa, My 4, 1798; lawy; JefC, 1825; PTS, 25-8; ss, Martinsburg, O, 28-9; ord, Pby Redstone, Ag 11, 30; p, Kittanning & Crooked Creek, Pa, 30-2; p. Poke Run, 33-4; p. Pine Creek & Sharpsburg, 34-40; ss. Pa, NY & O; tea, Athens, O, 49-52; tea, Shirleysburg, Pa, 53-6; agt, HighU, 57-9; d. New Orleans, La, Je 14, 75. ^Campbell, William Graham — b, Rockbridge Co, Va, J1 27, 1799; WashCVa, 1825; PTS, 25-6; ss & tea, Christiansburg, Va, 26-9; ord evang, Pby Lexington, Ap 26, 28; miss & ss, Greenbrier & Pocahontas Cos, Va; ss, Mt Carmel, 30-41; p, Shemariah ch, 44-50; ss, Lebanon, 59-65; res, Harrisonburg, 66-81; d, Harrisonburg, Va, Ag 3, 81. *Collins, Briton Estol — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 2, 1801; PTS, 25-7; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Je 16, 30; p, Millerstown, Pa, 32-9; ss, Shirleysburgh, 39-53; miss, Pby Huntingdon; d, Shirleysburgh, Pa, Ap 12, 76. *Espy, Thomas — b, Cumberland Co, Pa, Ag 21, 1800; JefC, 24; tea; PTS, 27-8; ord evang, Pby Concord, My 10, 30; miss, Burke Co, NC, 30-1; ss. Centre ch, 31-2; ss, Salisbury, 32-3; d, Lincoln Co, NC, Ap 17, 33. 1828 41 *Gulick, Peter Johnson — b, Freehold, NJ, Mr 12, 1797; CNJ, 1825; PTS, 25-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 3, 27; miss, ABCFM, Waimea, Kaui, Haw Is, 28-35, Koloa, 35-43, Kaluasha, Molokai, 43-7, Waialua, Oaku, 47-57, Honolulu, 57-74, Kobe, Japan, 74-7; d, Kobe, Dc 8, 77. William — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1825-6; ord, Pby North River, Je 18, 39; p. Pleasant Plains, NY, 39-40; p, 2d ch, Newburgh, 40-3; withdrew, 43; Watertown. *Hooker, Herman — b, Poultney, Vt, 1804; MidC, 25; PTS, 26-8; lie, Pby Newark, Ap 23, 28; AlexTS; ord, PEpis; ill health; auth & publisher, Phila, Pa; d,Phila, Pa, J1 25, 65. DD, UnC, 48. ♦Hunter, John H— b, NYCity, 1807; UnC, 26; PTS, 26-8; lie, Pby NY, Oc 16, 28; ss, 1st Cong ch, Fairfield, Ct, 28-34; ss. North ch. West Springfield, Mass, 35-7; ss, 1st ch, Bridgeport, 39-45; ss, 1st ch, Danville, Ky; tea & pastoral wk; d, Galveston, Tex, Fb 11, 72. ♦Huntting, James Murdock — b, Easthampton, NY, Ag 5, 1798; YaleU, 1824; prin, Clinton Acad, Easthampton, NY, 24-6; PTS, 26-8; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Je 9, 29; ss, Shrewsbury, NJ, 28-30; agt, AmSSUn, 30-1; p, Westfield, 31-49; tea, Jamaica, NY, 50-67; d, Jamaica, NY, My 14, 82. *Kinne (Kinney), Ezra Denison — b. Fort Ann, NY, Sp 7, 1799; MidC, 1825; PTS, Ag-Sp, 25; ord evang, Cong, Ja 31, 27; evang, NY, 27-31 ; p, Cong ch, Champlain, NY, 31-4; ss, Bennington, Vt, 34- p, 35-6; ss, Nassau, NY, 37; p, Darien, Ct, 38-59; ss, Ct, 59-71; d, Darien, Oc 2, 73. *Lyon, Aaron Woodruff — b, Elizabeth, NJ, JI 11, 1797; UnC, 1824; tea, NC; PTS, 25-8; tea, Dwight Mission, Cherokees, 29-3.3; tea, Batesville, Ark, 33-82; res, Fresno City, Cal, 82-8; rul eld; d, Fresno City, Oc 23, 88. *Lyon, George Armstrong — b, Baltimore, Md, Mr 1, 1806; DickC, 24; PTS, 25-6, 27-8; ord, Pby Erie, Sp 9, 29; p, 1st ch, Erie, Pa, 29-71; d, Avon, NY, Mr 24, 71. DD, JefC, 49. ♦Martin, Job Henry — b, Granville, NY ; MidC, 1825; PTS, 26-7; ord, Cong, Ag 22, 27; p, Edgartown, Mass, 27-31; ss. Little Falls, NY, 32; p. Free Cong ch, Buffalo, 32-5; p, Chatham St ch, NYCity, 36, 41-6; publisher, NYCity; d, Utica, NY, Ja 25, 68. ♦McCluskey, John — b, Lancaster Valley, Pa, Je 17, 1795; JefC, 22; PTS, 25-6; ord, Pby Washington, Oc 8, 28; p. West Alexander, Pa, 28-54; agt, BdEdu, 55-6; p, Neshaminy ch, Hartsville, Pa, 56-8; asst p, Smyrna, Del, 58-9; tea, Phila, Pa, 59-64; tea, Hightstown, NJ, 64-70; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 31, 80. DD. ♦McCreary, James Black -b, Taneytown, Md, Jl 28, 1797; PTS, 1825-8; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 17, 28; miss, Md, 28; ss, Lawsville & Great Bend, Pa, 29-30; ss, Groton, NY, 31; ss. Deposit, 32-3; ss, Lewisburg, Pa, 34; ss. Bald Eagle, 35; ss, Northumberland Co, 37; ord, Pby Montrose, Nv 8, 38; p. Great Bend, 38-65; elk, war dept, Washington, DC, 65-82; d. Great Bend (now Halstead), Pa, Ja 3, 89. McCullough, John Williamson — b, near Newvillc, Pa, Nv 14, 1801; 42 1828 DickC, 25; PTS, 25-6, 27-8; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 15, 29; ss, Fredicktown (Frederick City), Md, 28-30; p, Lansingburg, NY, 30-4; p, Ithaca, 34-8; ord, PEpis dea, Ap 27, 38; rec. Trinity ch, Wilmington, Del, 38-47; rec, St John’s, Lafayette, Ind, 47-8; prof, Univ Tenn, Jackson, 49-54, pres, 54-5; rec, Waverly, NY, 60-4; rec, St Paul's, Alton, 111, 64-6; d, Waverly, NY, Oc 14, 67. DD, ColU, 45. *McLaren, John Finlay — b, Manlius, NY, Fb 7, 1803; UnC, 25; PTS, 25-8; ord AssoRef, Pby Caledonia, Ja 7, 30; ss, Geneva, NY, 28- p, 30-45; ed, Chr Mag, 32-43; p, Hagerstown, Md, 45-6; p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 46-51; agt, BdHmMiss, 51-5; pres, WUPa, 55-8; ss. Pine Creek ch, 55-62; chap, USArmy, 62-4; ss, Pby Detroit, 68-74; res, Princeton, NJ; d, Princeton, Mr 14, 83. DD, GeneC, 49. *McLaren, Malcolm Neil — b, Albany NY, J1 1, 1799; UnC, 1824; PTS, 25- 6; ord AssoRef, Pby Saratoga, Sp, 27; p, Broadalbin, NY, 27-33; p, Hampton- burgh, 33-43; p el, Presb ch, Johnstown, 43-5; p, 1st ch, Rochester, 45-7; p, RefChAm, Brooklyn, 47-9; p, Newburgh, 50-9; p, Presb ch, Caledonia, 60-71; ill health; res. Auburn, NY; d. Auburn, NY, J1 2, 87. DD, HamC, 49. *Miller, Samuel James — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Je 11, 1802; PTS, 27-8; ord, Pby Miami, Oc 7, 29; p. New Lexington, O, 29-36; p, Pleasant Ridge, 36-43; ss. Bethel & Pisgah, 43-5; ss, Wilmington, 45-51; p, Washington CH, 51-66; ss. New Holland & Wilmington, 66-70; res, Washington CH; d, Washington CH, O, Sp 24, 87. *Montgomery, John L — b, Maybrick Twp, Co Down, Ire, Nv, 1797; JefC, 1824; PTS, 26-8; ss, St Francisville, La, & Pickneyville, Miss, 29-38; d, St Francis- ville. La, Mr 10, 45. *Montgomery, Samuel — b, Danville, Pa, Ap 15, 1804; DickC, 24; PTS, 26- 7; miss. Pa, 27-31; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Oc 21, 30; p. Plumb Creek, Pa, 31-4; ss, Schellsburg, 34-5; p, Mt Pleasant, 36-44; ss. North East, 44-7; miss & ss, O, Pa & Mich, 47-64; res, Oberlin, O, 64-87; d, Oberlin, Mr 19, 87. *Morris, Henry — b, Cambridge, NY, Sp 19, 1803; HamC, 23; PTS, 24-8; NBTS; ord evang, Pby Troy-, Fb 23, 31; ss, Wapping, Ct, 29-32; p. Middle Gran- ville, NY, 32-4; p, Cong Ch, Orwell, Vt, 34-41; miss, Hartford, Ct, 42-3; ss, Cong ch, Burlington, 42-3; p, RefChAm, Union Village, NY, 43-8; ss, Presb ch, Fort Ann, 49; ss, Cong ch. South Hartford; ss, RefChAm, Easton, 54; p, Cuddeback- ville, 54-62; chap, USChrCom, 63-4; d, Binghamton, Oc 17, 82. *Morris, John Gottlieb — b, York, Pa, Nv 14, 1803; DickC, 23; PTS, Ap- Sp, 26; ord, Luth Syn Md, Oc 15, 27; p, 1st Luth ch, Baltimore, Md, 27-60; ed, Luth Observer, 31-3; libr, Peabody Inst, Baltimore, 60-4; ss, 3d Luth ch, Balti- more, 61-7; lect, Biol, PaC; lect. Pulpit Elocution & Bible Sci, GetTS; auth; ed; d, Lutherville, Md, Oc 10, 95. DD, PaC, 39, LLD, 73. *Moser, John Reid — b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 26, 1799; WmsC, 1825; AubTS, 25-7; PTS, Je-Dc, 28; ss. West Hampton, NY, 29-33; ord evang, Pby Long Is, Ap 17, 33; ss, Riverhead, 34-6; ss, Carbondale, Pa, 38-9; ss, Springville; ss. Oak’s Corners, NY, 13-7; tea & agt, Sodus, NY; ss, Phelps, NY, 57; d, Syracuse, NY, Ap 18, 77. 1828-1829 43 *Murray, John Alexander — b, Middletown, Vt, Oc 3, 1800; MidC, 26; PTS, 26-7; ss, Broome St ch, NYCity, 27-8; miss, AmHMSoc, NY, 28-30; ord evang, Cong Council, Pittsford, Vt, Ag 26, 29; ss, Stanton & Essex Sts ch, NYCity, 30-2; p, 2d Ave Presb ch, NYCity, 30-4; sec, AmHMSoc, Geneva, NY, 34-68; d, Detroit, Mich, Ap 30, 76. *Musgrave, George Washington — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 19, 1804; PTS, 26-8; ord, Pby Baltimore, J1 25, 30; p, 3d ch, Baltimore, Md, 30-52; cor sec, BdPub, 52-3; cor sec, BdHmMiss, 53-61, 68-71; p. North Penn (N 10th St) ch, Phila, 63-8; pres, Presb Alliance, Phila, 70-82; d, Phila, Pa, Ag 24, 82. DD, CNJ, 45; LLD, IndU, 62; Mod, Gen Assem, 68. *Potts, William Stevens — b. Fishing Creek, Pa, Oc 13, 1802; PTS, 25-7; miss, NJ & the South, 27-8; ord, Pby Missouri, Oc 26, 28; p, 1st ch, St Louis, Mo, 28-35; pres, MarC, 35-9; p, 2d ch, St Louis, 39-52; d, St Louis, Mr 28, 52. DD, MarC, 41. *Robinson, John P — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1825-6; ord, PEpis dea, Fb 3, 28; Boston, Mass; d, Ja 19, 72. *Rood, Anson — b, Jericho, Vt, Mr 19, 1802; MidC, 25; AndTS; PTS, Ap-Nv, 26; YaleUDS; ord, Fairfield North Cong Asso, Ap 23, 29; p, Cong ch, Danbury, Ct, 29-37; p, 1st Presb ch. North Lib, Phila, Pa, 37-49; tea, Phila, 45-6; asst ed, Phila, North Amer, 49-51; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 27, 57. *Smith, Samuel Buchanan — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Mr 22, 1806; DickC, 24; PTS, 26-8; miss, O, 28-32; ord evang, Pby Oxford, Oc 4, 32; ss, Venice, O, 33-6; ss, Mt Carmel, Ind, 36-8; ss, Camden, O, 40-6; ss, St Charles, Mo, 46-50; ss & miss. 111, 54-65; d, Gettysburg, Pa, My 23, 79. *Whiting, Russel — b. New York; UnC, 1825; PTS, 25-6, 27-8; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 29, 28; p, Batavia, NY, 30; ss, East Bethany, 31; Sheldon Centre; ss, Elba, 37; ss, Bethany Centre, 39-40; ss, Volney, 46; d. Sugar Grove, 111, Nv 25, 55. *Butts, Daniel Bradford — b. New York; HamC, 1826; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Oneida, Mr 10,30; p. Western (Westernville), NY, 30-1; ss, Norway, 31-2; ss, 2d ch, Rome, 33; ss, 1st ch, Coventry, 34; ss, Addison, 36-9; Stanwich Cong ch, Greenwich, Ct, 39-42; p, Bethany, 43-8; NY, 51; d, 51. ‘Carmichael, William Millar — b, Albany, NY, Je 28, 1804; HamC, 26; PTS, 26-9; lie, Pby Albany, My, 29; miss, NJ, 29-30; ss, RefChAm, Waterford, NY, 30; ord PEpis dea, Ja 13, 32; ord pr, Ap 10, 32; rec, Christ ch. Rye, NY, 32-4; rec, Hempstead, LI, 34-43; rec, St Thomas’ Hall, Flushing, 43-4; rec, Watertown, NY, 45-7; rec, Meadville, Pa, 47-50; rec, Newtown, Ct, 50-2; rec, Richmond, Va, 53-5; rec, Albion, NY, 55-6; miss & rec, Pilatka, Fla, 56-7; miss & rec, Milledgeville, Ga, 57-8; asst rec, Rockaway, NY, 65-73; asst rec, Jamaica, 73-81; d, Jamaica, NY, Je 14, 81. STD, ColU, 37. ■‘Davie, John Thomas Marshall — b, NYCity, 1805; DickC, 25; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby NY, Sp 18, 31; p, Frankford, Pa, 32-4; j), Lancaster, 34-40; p, Green- 44 1829 castle, Pa, 40-5; p, Hagerstown, Md, 40-2; p. New Providence, NJ, 47; p, Mat- teawan, NY, 48-52; p, RefChAm, Flatlands, NY, 53-61; d, Flatlands, Mr 6, 62. *Doolittle, Horace — b, Malta, NY, Mr 1, 1803; UnC, 26; PTS, 26-9; miss, NJBibSoc, 28-30; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ap 30, 30; p, Springfield, NJ, 30-4; p. South Orange, 34-9; RefChAm, Pompton, 39-52; p, Stanton, 52-72; d. North Branch, NJ, Fb 18, 77. *Gallaudet, Theodore — b, Hartford, Conn, Mr 28, 1805; PTS, 26-9; miss, Ky & NC; ord evang, Pby Green Brier, Ap 10, 41; tea, Romney, Va; ss, Beverly; tea & miss, Westminster, Md, 10 yrs; colp & miss, Md, Va & Pa, 27 yrs; res, West- minster, Md; d. New Freedom, Pa, Sp 30, 84. *Hughes, Watson — b, Greersburg, (Darlington), Pa, Sp 6, 1804; JefC, 25; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Redstone, Oc 26, 30; p, Warren, 30-8; p, Saltsburg, 30-45; p, West Newton, 51-4; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Mr 25, 70. *March, John Charles — b, Massachusetts, Oc 9, 1805; YaleU, 25; PTS, 26-9; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 8, 28, ord, Mr 1, 32; Newbury, Mass; d, 46. *Scovel, Alden — b, Peru, Mass, Ap 4, 1801; YaleU, 26; PTS, 26-9; ord evang, Pby Albany, Ag 17, 31; ss, Hudson 2d ch, Stockport, NY, 31-46; ss, Bordentown, NJ, 46-60; tea, Bloomington, 111, 60-73; res, Chicago, 111, 73-87; d, Chicago, J1 16, 87. Wan Dyck, John Brevoort — b, 1800; New York; AmhC, 26; PTS, 26-9; ord evang, 2d Pby New York, Oc 23, 29; p, Saltcatcher, SC, 31-40; d, Walterboro, Fb 17, 40. 9. *Adair, Robert — b, Belfast, Ireland, Mr 16, 1802; PTS, 26-8; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 19, 29; p, 2d ch, Wilmington, Del, 29-34; p, Norristown, Pa, 34-8; ss, Franklin St ch, Phila, 38-9; p, 1st ch, Southwark, Phila, 39-48; cor sec, PhilaHMSoc, 48-62; p. Central ch, Norristown, 62-5; sec, HmMissCom, 65-71 ; p, Tabor ch, Phila, 71-80, p em, 80-90; d, Phila, Pa, Je 20, 90. *Annan, John Ebenezer — b, 1803; DickC, 24; prof, MiaU, 24-8; PTS, 28-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, Dc 16, 29; p, Petersburg, Va, 29-30; d, Lewisburg, Ag 29, 30. *Baugher, Henry Lewis — b, Abbottstown, Pa, J1 19, 1804; DickC, 26; PTS, 26- 8; GetTS; ord Luth, 29; p, Luth ch, Boonsboro, Md, 29-30; tea, Gettysburg, Pa, 31; prof, Gk & Belles Lettres, PaC, 32-50, pres, 50-68; d, Gettysburg, Pa, Ap 14, 68. DD, DickC, 48. *Cleveland, Richard Falley — b, Norwich, Ct, Je 19, 1804; YaleU, 24; PTS, 27- 8; ord Cong, Oc 15, 29; p, Windham, Ct, 29-32; Portsmouth, Va; p, Caldwell, NJ, 34-41; p, Fayetteville, 41-50; dist sec, AmHMSoc, Clinton, NY, 50-3; p, Holland Patent, 53; d, Holland Patent, NY, Oc 1, 53. *Dod, Albert Baldwin — b, Mendham, NJ, Mr 24, 1805; CNJ, 22; PTS, 27-9; tut, CNJ, 27-9; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 5, 31 ; prof. Math, CNJ, 30-45; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 20, 45. DD, UNC, 44, NYU, 45. 1829 45 *Eastman, William — b, Granby, Mass, Ja 4, 1796; WmsC, 1817; tea; PTS, 27-9; lie, Franklin Asso, 29; tea, Ga; colp, Ky; tea, Ovid, NY ; farming; ss, Mich; d, Newton, Mich, Fb 16, 53. *Ewing, John T — b, Pennsylvania; JefC, 1824; PTS, 26-9; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 8, 28; ord; ss, Somerset & Genoa, Pa, 30; Sackett’s Harbor, NY. *Fisk, Harvey — b, 1798; Vermont; HamC, 1826; PTS, 26-8; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 28; miss & ed ; d, Mr 5, 31. ‘Fuller, William — b, Hampton, Ct, Ja 28, 1801; YaleU, 25; PTS, Ja-Sp, 27; ss, Cong ch, Bristol, Rl, 28-9; miss, RI, 29-30; ord evang, Windham Co Cong Asso, Oc 19, 30; ss, Southoldtown, NY, 30-3; ss, St Clairsville, O, 33-4; ss. New York & Pa, 34-6; p, Presb ch, Conneaut, O, 36-8; p, Fulton & Granby, NY, 39-41; ss, Girard, Pa, 41-2; prin, Erie Female Sem, 42-4; p. White Pigeon, Mich, 46-54; ss, Sturgis & Burr Oak, 54-63; ss, Buchanan, 63-9; ss, Kalida & Dupont, O, 70-81 ; res, Delphos, 70-81; d, Delphos, O, Nv 3, 81. ‘Hague, William— b, Pelham, NY, Ja 4, 1808; HamC, 26; PTS, 27-8; NewtTS; ord Bapt, Utica, NY, Oc 20, 29; p, Bapt ch, Utica, 29-30; p, 1st ch, Bos- ton, Mass, 31-7; p, 1st ch. Providence, Rl, 37-40; p, 4th ch, Boston, Mass, 40-8; ed. Watchman & Reflector, 47-50; p, Jamaica Plains, 48-50; p. South ch, Newark, NJ, 50-2; p. Pearl St ch, Albany, NY, 52-8; p, Madison Ave ch. New York City, 61-3; p, Shawmut Ave ch, Boston, Mass, 63-9; p, Univ PI ch, Chicago, 111, 69-70; prof, Homil, Chicago Bapt Sem, 69-70; p. Orange, NJ, 70-4; Europe, 74-6; p, Wollaston, Mass, 77-87; d, Boston, Ag 1, 87. DD, BrU, 40, & HarvU, 63. ‘Harding, Nehemiah Henry Fitz — b, Brunswick, Me, Mr 2, 1794; UNC, 1825; PTS, 26-8; ord, Pby Orange, Ap 18, 29; ss, Milton, Bethany & Red House, NC, 36-49; d, Milton, Fb 17, 49. ‘Hervey, William — b, Kingsbury, NY, Ja 22, 1799; WmsC, 1824; PTS, 26-8; ord evang, Pby Newburyport, Sp 24, 29; miss, India, 30-2; d, Ahmednuggur, India, My 13, 32. ‘Hutchinson, John Russell — b, Columbia Co, Pa, Fb 12, 1807; JefC, 26; PTS, 26-9; ss, Rodney & Bethel, Miss, 29-30; ord, Pby Mississippi, Jl, 30; p. Baton Rouge, La, 30-3; prof, LaC & ss, Jackson, 34-6; p, Vicksburg, Miss, 37-42; prof, OberC, 42-54; ss. Bethel ch, 43-52; ss & prin, Covington, La, 54-7 ; ss & prin. New Orleans, 57-60; ss & prin, Houston, Tex, 60-5; miss, Tex, 67-75; d, Houston, Tex, Fb 24, 78. DD, JefC, 55. ‘Loring, Josephus B — b, Cornwall, NY, Nv 16, 1802; PTS, 28-9; ord Cong, Litchfield N Asso, Je 15, 31; agt, NYCity, 32-7; ss, NYCity, 39; ss, Yorktown, NY, 40-50; d, 50. ♦Magraw, James Cochran — b. West Nottingham, Md, Sp 12, 1804; UnC, 22; PTS, 25-8; tea. New London Cross Roads, Pa, & Cumberland, Md; post- master; agt, Penna RR; d, Lutherville, Md, Jl 3, 68. ‘Murray, Nicholas — b, Ballynaskea, Ireland, Dc 25, 1802; WmsC, 26; PTS, 20-9; ord, Pby Susquehanna, Nv 4, 29; p, Wilkes-Barre & Kingston, Pa, 29-33; 46 1829 p, 1st ch, Elizabethtown, NJ, 33-61 ; d, Elizabethtown, Fb 4, 61. DD, WmsC, 43; Mod, Gen Assem, 49. *Mustard, Cornelius Hopkins — b. Cool Spring, Del, Dc 30, 1804; JefC, 25; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Lewes; ss. Laurel, Del, 30; ss. Snow Hill & Pitts Creek, Md, 31- p, 32-8; p, Lewes, Cool Spring & Ind River, Del, 39-49; ss. Laurel & Black Water, 49-52; ss, Lewes & Cool Spring, 52-6; ss. Cool Spring & Milford, 56-7; ss. Cool Spring & Blackwater, 57-70; d, Lewes, Del, Ja 26, 70. *Noble, Jonathan Harris — b, Tinmouth, Vt, Oc 8, 1804; WmsC, 26; PTS, 26-9; ss, Carbondale, Pa, 29-32; ord evang, Pby NY, Ap 21, 30; ss. North Gran- ville, NY, 32- p, 33-7; p, Schaghticoke, 37-69; ss, Albia, 69-71; ss, Johnsonville, 71-8; res, Johnsonville, 78-85; Valley Falls, 86-7; Washington, DC, 88-91; Perth Amboy, NJ, 92-6; d, Perth Amboy, Ap 26, 96. DD, WmsC, 66. *Patterson, Matthew Boyd — b, near Washington, Pa, Sp 25, 1803; DickC, 24; PTS, 26-8; ss, Bloomsburg & Briar Creek, Pa, 28-9; ord evang, Pby North- umberland, Oc 21, 30; ss & p. Middle Ridge, Pa, 30-42; ss & p, Sherman’s Creek, 30-53; ss & p. Mouth of Juniata (Duncannon), 30-44; tea. New Bloomfield, 39-42, 44-50; p, Washington, Pa, 54-8; ss, Homer, 111; ss, De Witt, la; ss, Ridott, 111, 65-77; d, Freeport, Sp 17, 77. *Phillips, Alexander H — b, Montgomery Co, NY, Je 16, 1804; UnC, 25; PTS, 26-9; lie; tea, Lawrenceville, NJ; lawy, Victoria, Tex, 42-80; d, Victoria, Je 24, 80. *Read, Hollis — b, Newfane, Vt, Ag 26, 1802; WmsC, 26; PTS, 27-9; AndTS; ord evang, Pby Newbury port, Sp 24,29; miss, Bombay, India, 30-5; agt, ABCFM, 35-7 ; ss, Presb ch, Babylon, LI, 37-8; p, Cong ch, Derby, Ct, 38-43; agt, AmTrSoc, 43-4; p, Cong ch. New Preston, Ct, 45-51; tea. Orange, NJ, & agt, Soc for Conv of Jews, 51-5; ss, Presb ch, Cranford, NJ, 55-64; agt, Freedmen’s Relief Asso; agt, LincU; res, Elizabeth, NJ; Bennington, Vt; d, Somerville, NJ, Ap 7, 87. *Rowland, Jonathan Maltby — b, Fairfield, Ct, 1804; BowC, 26; PTS, 26-8; AndTS; ord, Pby Newburyport, Sp 24, 29; ss, Batavia, NY, 29-33; ss. Union, 34- p, 36-41; miss, Brooklyn, 41-51; p, RefChAm, Gowanus, Brooklyn, 51-3; d, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 2, 53. ■^Smith, Isaac — b, Cambridge, NY, Dc 24, 1806; HamC, 25; PTS, 26-9; d, Princeton, NJ, Je 20, 29. *Smith, John Cross — b, Baltimore, Md, Oc 29, 1803; PTS, 27-8; ss. Fort- ress Monroe, Va, 28-9; ord, Pby East Hanover, Dc 12, 29; p, Portsmouth, Va, 29-32; p. Bridge St ch, Georgetown, DC, 32-9; agt, AmTrSoc, 39; p, 4th ch, Washington, DC, 39-78; d, Washington, DC, Ja 23, 78. DD, UDel, 53. ■^Stevens, William Augustus — b, Compton, Md, Ap 9, 1807; JefC, 25; PTS, 26-9; ss, Md & Norristown, Pa; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Dc 5, 32; p, 1st ch. West Chester, Pa, 34; d, Warwick Furnace, Pa, Oc 3, 34. ’•‘Thompson, John — b, Kingsboro, NY, J1 17, 1799; MidC, 1826; PTS, 26-8; ord miss, Pby Albany, Oc 29, 28; miss to Cherokees, 28-32; ss, Sudbury, Vt, 33- p, 36-8; p, Winchester, NH, 40-6; d, Winchester, Ap 3, 46. 1829-1830 47 *Watson, Henry Phelps — b, New Hartford, Ct, Nv 11, 1804; WmsC, 26; PTS, 26-8; d, 'Charleston, SC, My 23, 28. *Wheeler, Melancthon Gilbert — b, Charlotte, Vt, My 22, 1802; UChi, 25; PTS, 26-8; AndTS, 28-9; ord, Ag 12, 29; miss, 29-31; 1st ch, Abington, Mass, 31-4; Conway, 34-42; p, Williamsburg, 42-6; ss, Edward’s ch, Northampton, 46-8; agt, AmColonSoc, 48-55; ss. South Dartmouth, Mass, 55-9; ss, Grafton, Vt, 59-62; p. No Woburn, Mass, 65-70; d. North Woburn, Fb 9, 70. *Wood, Daniel Thompson — b, Florida, NY, Ja 11, 1800; WmsC, 24; PTS, 26-8; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Oc 23, 28; agt, AmHMSoc, Me, 28-9; ss. Middle- town, NY, 29- p, 30-59; d, Middletown, Ag 18, 59. *WoodhuU, Richard— b, Fairfield, Ct, Ja 15, 1802; BowC, 27; PTS, 27-8; prin, Bangor Class Schl; BanTS; ord, Cong, J1 7, 30; p, Cong ch, Thomaston, Me, 30-55; agt, AmBSoc, Me, 55-62; agt, BanTS, 62-73; d, Bangor, Me, Nv 12, 73. *Allen, Samuel Adams — b, Pittsfield, Mass, Ja 27, 1805; WmsC, 25; law stu, 25-7; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Geneva, Ap 23, 33; p, Vienna, NY, 33-5; ed, Pitts- field, Mass; d, Ja 21, 65. *Backus, Jonathan Trumbull — b, Albany, NY, Ja 27, 1809; ColU, 27; PTS, 27-30; AndTS; YaleUDS; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 6, 32; p, 1st ch, Schenec- tady, NY, 32-73; res, Schenectady; d, Schenectady, NY, Ja 21, 92. DD, UnC, 47, LLD, 75; Mod, Gen Assem, 70. ^Bristol, Cyrus Beecher — b, Oxford, Ct, Sp 14, 1798; tea; PTS, 1827-30; ord, Pby Bedford, Oc 6, 30; p, Middletown & ss, Kingwood & Stewart’s Run, Va, 30-44; p, Warren & Boiling Springs, Pa, 45-56; ss, Edward’s ch. 111, 56-8; ss, Doddsville & New Providence, 59-60; d, Schaller, la, Nv 1, 88. *Cunningham, Alexander Newton — b, Jonesboro, E Tenn, Mr 16, 1807; WashCTenn, 26; tea; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby South Alabama, Ja 5, 33; ss, Mont- gomery, Ala, 33-6; p, Augusta, Ga, 38-42; ss, Franklin, Tenn, 46-58; ss, Shelby- ville, 59-62; chap, CSA, 62-5; ss, Harpeth, Tenn, 68-9; ss. New Hope, 69-73; ss, Aberdeen, Miss, 74-8; d, Franklin, Tenn, Mr 5, 78. DD, StewC, 60. *Cunningham, John Whitfield— b, Salem, E Tenn, 1805; WashCTenn, 23; PTS, 27-30; AndTS; prof. Bib Lit & Exeg, HanTS & ss. Middle Fork, Ind,31-4; ord, Pby Madison, Oc 4, 32; p, Jonesboro, Tenn, 34-45; ss, 2d ch, Knoxville, 45-6; p, 2d ch. La Porte, Ind, 46-9; agt, AmHMSoc, 59-62; ss, Nora & Lena, 111, 62-5; presb miss. 111, 65-7; ss, Cong ch, Napierville, 111, 68-71; d, Napierville, Fb 8, 74. DD. *Dickey, John — b, E Nottingham, Pa, My 19, 1807; JefC, 26; PTS, 27-30; lie, Pby New Castle, Oc 6, 30; ord, Pby New Castle, My 16, 33; miss. Lake Phelps, NC, 30-1; p. New Bloomfield, Landesburg & Buffalo, Pa, 34-54; d. New Bloomfield, Oc 20, 55. *Donan, Peter — b, Scotland, 1806; UNash; PTS, 27-30; lie, Pby New York, Ap 23, 30; ord, Pby New York, Oc 14, 30; ss, Vicksburg, Miss, 31; ss. New Or- 1830 48 leans, La, 32; ss & p, Mt Salus ch. Miss, 33-6; ss & p, Jackson, 36-41; ss, Osborn, 42- 4; p, Pensacola, Fla, 47-53; bus; Campbellite min. Mo; d. Palmyra, Mo, Mr 25, 81. *GiIlespie, James Houston — b, Blount Co, E Tenn, Ag 10, 1804; ETennU, 25; tea; PTS, 27-30; ord evang, Pby North Alabama, Ag, 31; ss, Somerville, & New Providence, Ala, 31-9; tea & ss, Franklin Co, 39-43; p, Denmark, Tenn, 43- 67; ss, Brownsville & Union, 67-71; p. Mason, 71-5; d. Eagle Pass, Tex, Fb 20, 88. *Holiday, Solomon F — b. New York; UChi, 1825; PTS, 27-30; miss, Pby Watertown; ord, 2d Pby Long Island, Ap 17, 33; ss & p, Huntington, NY, 33-6; ss, Eastburn Mariners’ ch, Phila, 38; dismissed to Pby Georgia, Fb 18, 40. *Matthews, William Caldwell — b, Granville Co, NC, Sp 23, 1805; JefC, 27; PTS, 27-30; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Ap 9, 31; ss, Martinsburg & Smith- field, Va, 31-6; p, 1st ch, Madison, Ind, 37-42; p, Winchester, Ky, 43-8; p, Shel- byville, 48-71; p, 4th ch, Louisville, 71-9; d, Lagrange, Ky, Ag 24, 80. *Mitchell, John Andrew — b, Washington Co, Tenn, Ja 9, 1806; WashC Tenn, 27; PTS, 27-30; ord; miss & seamen’s chap. Charleston, SC, 31-7; miss, China, 38; d, Singapore, India, Oc 2, 38. *Montgomery, John — b, Danville, Pa, Oc 10, 1800; PTS, 26-8, 29-30; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Oc 21, 30; miss. Ark, 31; ss, Golconda, 111, 32-3; ss, Paris, 33-6; ss. Lower Rock Island, Pope’s River, Burlington & Edwards, 36-43; d, Farlow’s Grove, 111, Oc 2, 43. *Stoneroad, Joel — b, Derry, Mifflin Co, Pa, Ja 2, 1806; JefC, 27; PTS, 27- 30; ord, Pby Redstone, Dc 14, 31; p, Uniontown, Pa, 31-42; agt, BdHmMiss, 42; p. Cross Roads, Pa, 42-50; p. Laurel Hill & Tyrone, 50-61; p. Laurel Hill, 61-78; d, Dunbar, Pa, Ag 11, 84. *Todd, Isaac — b. New Vernon, NJ, Dc 2, 1797; HamC, 1827; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Susquehanna, Sp 19, 33; ss, Gibson, Pa, 31-2; ss, Northumberland & Tunkhannock, 33-5; ss, Windham, Braintrim, Canton & Orwell, 36-7; ss, Troy, 39- p, 42-51; ss, Milford, 53-61; ss, Holmanville, NJ, 61-85; d, Holmanville, Ap 12, 85. *Woodward, James Wheelock — b, Hanover, NH, Mr 30, 1805; DartC, 26; tea; PTS, 27-30; ord evang, Windsor Cong Asso, Nv 10, 30; ss, Shrewsbury, NJ, 31-9; p, Cong ch, Columbia, Ct, 42-8; bus, Albany, NY;ss, Irving, O, 60-2; d, Toledo, Ja 6, 64. *Worrell, William Boyce — b, Uchland Twp, Chester Co, Pa, Ap 27, 1803; PTS, 27-30; lie, Pby New Castle, Ap 7, 30; ss, Wilmington, O; d, J1 14, 31. *Worthington, Albert — b, Cooperstown, NY, Sp 30, 1806; HamC, 27; PTS, 27-30; ord evang, Pby Detroit, 32; miss, Mich, 32-42; p, Fairview, Pa; miss, NY & Pa; ss, 2d ch, Cedarville, NJ, 64-70; Washington, DC, 74-5; ss, Brainerd ch, Elmwood, NJ, 76-9; ss. New Gretna, 80-7; res, Washington, DC, 88-9; d. Ambler, Pa, My 16, 93. 17. 1830 49 *Axtell, Henry — b, Mendham, NJ, 1802; HamC, 23; tut, HamC, 25-6; AndTS; PTS, 29-30; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 16, 30; p, Lawrenceville, NJ, 30-5; p, 2d ch. Orange, 35-7; St Augustine, Fla, 38-43; chap, USArmy, Fort Brooke, 43-9; chap. New Orleans, La, 49-53; d, Phila, Pa, J1 15, 54. *Belville, John Latta — b. New Castle, Del, Dc 21, 1800; tea, Neshaminy, Pa; miss, Montgomery Co, 0; PTS, Ja-Mr, 28; ord, Pby Miami, Dc 27, 28; ss, Washington & Miamisburg, O, 28-30; p, Washington, 30-40; p, Bellefontaine, O, 41-5; prin, Centreville Acad, 47-51; d, Dayton, O, Sp 21, 80. *Brown, Henry — b, Rockbridge Co, Va, Nv 28, 1804; WashCVa, 27; PTS, 27-8; UnTSVa; ord, Pby Lexington, Ag 27, 31; miss & ss, Va, 31-7; ss, Wilming- ton, NC, 38-40; ss, Harrisonburg, Va, 40-52; p, Goshen & Pisgah, 52-7; p. Lake City, Fla, 57-9; ss, Cherokee Pby, Ga, 59-61; chap, CSA, 61-6; ss. Mars Hill, Lebanon & Pleasant Forest, Tenn, 66-73; ss, Palatka & Enterprise, Fla, 73-7; ss, Rockbridge Co, Va, 77-80; d. Marlin, Tex, Ja 14, 81. *Clark, John T — b, Penna, 1809; grad. Chapel Hill, NC; PST, Fb-Jl, 28; ord PEpis, 29; Salisbury, NC; d, 87. *Epstein, Tobias — Entered from Phila, Pa; CNJ, 1827; PTS, 27-8; d, Princeton, NJ, My 30, 28. *Frazer, Edward A — b, Athens, NY, Oc 14, 1801; PTS, 26-9; ord evang, Pby Columbia, Je 6, 32; miss, NYCity; bus, NYCity; d, NYCity, Je 4, 66. *Fullinwider, Peter Hunter — b, Shelbyville, Ky, Je 22, 1796; PTS, 1827- 30; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 2, 30; Jaynesville, Miss, 38-46; ss. Bethel, Tex, 46-7; hm miss, Huntsville, 48-66; d, Huntsville, Tex, Ag 25, 68. ’Galloway, John Smith — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Ag 5, 1806; JefC, 26; GetTS; PTS, 28-30; ss, Fredericktown (Frederick City), IVId, 30; ord, Pby Miami, Oc 3, 32; p, 1st ch, Springfield, O, 32-50; agt, AmBSoc, 50-61; prin. Cooper Female Sem, Dayton, O, 62; d, Dayton, Ag 25, 62. ’Gilchrist, Adam— b. Charleston, SC, Ap 10, 1806; DickC, 26; PTS, 26-30; ord, Pby Charleston, Ja 11, 32; p, Walterboro, SC, 32-9; p, Fayetteville, NC, 41-61; d. Lake City, Fla, Mr 27, 61. ’Goodsell, Dana— b, Branford, Ct, Ag28, 1803; PTS, 28-30; agt, AmSSUn, Miss, 30-1; Lowell, Mass, 36; ord Cong, Sp 27, 37; p, Plainfield, Mass, 37-9; p. South Amherst, 41-6; agt, AmTrSoc; bus, NC; Phila, Pa, 61-76; d, Phila, Fb 19, 76. ’Hagaman, Abraham— b, Lamington, NJ, Oc 16, 1807; CNJ, 25; tea; PTS, 27-9; tea; ord, Pby Mississippi, My 7, 31; p, Pine Ridge, Miss, 31-6; ss, Jackson & Comite chs, La, 36-58; ss & p. Lake Providence, 58-61; Oak Hill, Mo, 69; d, Jefferson Barracks, Fb 4, 85. ’Hamill, Hugh— b, Norristown, Pa, Fb 28, 1810; RutU, 27; PTS, 27-30; YaleUDS; ord evang, Pby West New York, Oc 31, 32; ss. Black Rock, NY, 30-3; p, Elkton, Md, & Pencader ch, Del, 34-7; prin. High Schl, Lawrenceville, NJ, 37-73; <1, Newark, Del, Ag 1, 81. DD, RutU, 68. 50 1830 *Hart, Ichabod Andrus — b, Paris (Marshall), NY, Fb 16, 1803; HamC,26: PTS, 27-8; AndTS; ord evang, Pby Newburyport, Sp 23, 30; ss & miss, NY, 30-5; p, Franklin, 35-8; p, Sandusky City, O, 39-45; ss, Medina, O, Southport & Ken- osha, Wis, 44-7; ss. Greenwood, 111, 48-57: agt, Walworth Co Inst, 57-60; ed, Chr Cynosure; treas, WheaC, 67-73; d, Wheaton, 111, Ag 20, 87. *Hughes, William — b, Greensburg, Pa, My 20, 1802; JefC, 26; PTS, 28-9; ord evang, Pby Hartford, Ap 5, 1830; ss & p, Perrysville, O, 29-66; res, Loudon- ville, 29-80; d, Loudonville, O, Ag 1, 80. *Huntington, Jonathan — b, Hinsdale, Mass, Nv 9, 1804; WmsC, 27; PTS, 27- 30; ord, Mt Asso Mass, 34; tea, Nashville, Tenn; chap, USArmy, Civil War; chap, penitentiary; d, Nashville, Tenn, Sp 22, 69. *Hutchinson, Eleazar Carter — b, Hebron, Ct, Dc 25, 1804; BrU, 26; tea, Va; PTS, 28-9; ord, Pby Winchester, Oc 24, 29; ss, Leesburg, Va, 30; ss, Sheperds- town, 31-2; p, 2d ch, Alexandria, 33-5; p, Petersburg, 35-40; ord PEpis, 40; pres, Kemper Coll, Mo, 41-5; rec, St George’s ch, St Louis, Mo, 45-51; rec. Trinity ch, St Louis, 55-69; d, Saratoga Springs, NY, J1 27, 76. *Irwin, John Wilson — b, Chester, Pa, 1798; PTS, 1828-9; AndTS; ord, 3d Pby New York, Oc 7, 1831; hm miss, Pby Watertown; p, Sackett’s Harbor, 32-5; agt, AmEduSoc, 35; tea, Danbury, Ct, 45-60; d, Branchport, NY, Jl, 61. *Johnson, Baker — b, Littleton, NJ, Oc 23, 1803; UnC, 27; PTS, 29-30; ord evang, Pby New York, Sp 12, 30; ss & p, Caldwell, NJ, 30-3; p, Greenville, NY, 33-41; p, Stroudsburg & Middle Smithfield, Pa, 41-53; prin, Presb Acad, Newton, NJ, 53-4; prin, Presb Acad, Portage City, Wis, 55; ss, Cambria & Portage, 55-6; miss, Oxford, 56-73; d, Oxford, Wis, Oc 18, 86. ’'■Jones, Charles Colcock — b. Liberty Hall, Ga, Dc 20, 1804; AndTS, 27-9; PTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Georgia, Nv 27, 31; p, 1st ch. Savannah, Ga, 31-3; miss. Liberty Co, 33-5; prof, Eccl Hist, ColTS, 36-8; miss, Ga, 38-48; prof, Eccl Hist, ColTS, 48-50; sec, BdMiss, 50-3; ss. Pleasant Grove, Ga, 53-63; d, Pleasant Grove, Mr 16, 63. DD, JefC, 46. *Kennedy, Algernon Sidney — b, 1802; entered from Hartford, Ct; YalelJ, 25; PTS, 29-30; lie; d, Hartford, Ct, Je 26, 41. *Kennedy, George Washington— b, Attleborough, Pa, Ap 19, 1807; PTS, 28- 9; hm miss, 29-30; ord, Pby Baltimore, Jl 21, 31; p, Taneytown, Md, 31-3; ss, Rehoboth, 33-6; ss, Lebanon, Ky, 36-42; ss, Paris, 42-5; ss, Versailles, 45-9; p & prin, Milford, Del, 49-59; agt, AmSSUn & agt, AmTrSoc, Va, 59-69; ss, Smyrna, Del, 69-73; miss, BdPub, 74-80; d, Middletown, Del, Ap 4, 1887. DD, NewWC, 85. *Knox, James— b, Carlisle, Pa, Je 5, 1807; DickC, 24; PTS, 27-8; UnTSVa; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 21, 32; p. New Castle, Del, 32-4; ss, 2d Cong ch, Nor- walk, Ct, 36-9; ss. Bethel; p, 2d Presb ch, Washington, DC, 43; p, 10th ch, NYCity, 46-52; tea, Sturgis, Mich, 53-9; p, Hillsdale, 60-1; p el, 1st ch. Cedar Rapids, la, 64-75; d, Delphos, O, Oc 10, 75. *Lane, George W — b, Maine; PTS, 1828-9; d, Princeton, NJ, Fb, 29. 1830 51 *Lockridge, Andrew Y — b, Rockbridge Co, Va, Mr 4, 1801; WashCVa, 27; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Concord, Ap, 31; ss & p. Third Creek & Back Creek chs, NC, 30-45; miss, Pby Cherokee, Ga, 45-60; p, Chickamauga, 60-71; d, Ringgold, Ga, Ja 15, 76. *McLean, Daniel Veech — b, Fayette Co, Pa, Nv 24, 1801; OU, 24; tea, Chambersburg, Pa; PTS, 27-30; ord evang, Pby Miami, Je 29, 31; ss, Lebanon, O, 31-2; p, Tennent ch. Freehold, NJ, 32-6; p. Freehold, 38-50; pres, LafC, 51-7; p, 1st ch, Plainfield, NJ, 62-3; p. Red Bank, 64-9; d. Red Bank, NJ, Nv 23, 69. DD, LafC. 48. *Mitchell, Jacob Duche — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 2, 1806; CNJ, 27; PTS, 27-9; ord evang, Pby Oneida, Nv 17, 29; miss, Albany, NY, 29-30; ss, RefChUS, Shep- pardstown, Va, 30; p, 2d ch, Lynchburg, 30-5; sec, CntlBdForMiss, Va & NC, 36-7; p. Peak’s ch, Bedford Co, Va, 37-52; prin. Female Sem, Bedford Co, 39-41; prin. Liberty, 43-5; p, 2d ch, Lynchburg, 52-69; evang, Pby Chesapeake, Alex- andria, 69-73; agt, HSC, 73-4; d, Alexandria, Va, Je 28, 1877. DD, UDel, 58. *Murphy, Greenbury D — Entered from Mercer Co, Ky; PTS, 1827-8; lict; miss, Ala; ss, Montgomery, Ala, 32; Raymond, Miss; d, 33. *Paine, James — b, near Londonderry, Ireland, Dc 25, 1803; WashCVa, 27; tea; PTS, 28-9; ord, Pby Lexington, Ag 21, 30; ss. New Monmouth, Warm Springs, Timber Ridge & Fairfield, Va, 29-37; ss, Fairfield & Mt Carmel, 37-56; ss, Summerville, Tenn, 56- p, 58-60; d, Summerville, Ap 7, 60. *Peck, Simeon — b, Lebanon, NH, Oc 16, 1799; PTS, 1827-30; ss, Alden, NY, 30; ss, Penfield, 31-2; ss. Big Flat, 32-3; ss, Carrol, 34-5; ord evang, Pby Buffalo, Sp 24, 34; ss. Harbor Creek, Pa, 35-6; ss, Ebensburgh, 36-7; ss, Millville, NJ, 39-40; ss, Eden, Caroline & Waynesburgh chs, O, 42-6; ill health; res, Findlay, O, 46-57; Florence, Neb, 57-81; d, Florence, Mr 20, 81. *Pomeroy (Pumroy), John Nevin — b, near Roxbury, Pa, Fb 12, 1808; JefC, 26; PTS, 27-9; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 6, 29; miss, NC, 29-30; ss. Perry Co, Pa; lie withdrawn, Ap 22, 34; ed, Scioto Gazette, Chillicothe, O; bus, Mt Union, Pa, 35; tea, Milestown, Phila & Sumneytown, Pa; elk, US War Dept, Washington, DC, 44; d, Washington, DC, Ap 24, 48. *Ouay, Anderson Beaton — b. Charleston, Pa, My 22, 1802; PTS, 27-9; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 5, 31; p, Monaghan & Petersburgh, Pa, 31-9; p, Beaver, 41-4; p, Indiana, 45-51; agt, ColonSoc, 51-6; d, Beaver, Pa, Sp 22, 58. ♦Rutter, Lindley Charles — b. Pine Forge, Pa, Sp 3, 1807; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Ap 6, 31; ss, Manchester, O, 30- p, 31; p. Centre & Upper chs. Perry Co, Pa, 33-4; p. Little Britain, 35-60; p. Chestnut Level, 35-75; d. Chestnut Level, Pa, Mr 5, 82. ♦Salmon, Ebenezer Putney — b, Goshen, Mass, Ap 4, 1804; med stu, Pitts- field, Mass; AndTS, 26-7; PTS, 29-30; ord Cong, Oc 26, 30; ss, Ruggles, O, 30-1 ; ss, Ridgefield, 31-3; ss, Greenfield, 32-5; ss, Peru, 35-9; p, Fairfield, 39-53; act p, Bronson, 53-6; asst p, Plymouth, 56-60; asst p, Allen’s Grove, Wis, 60-4; pres, Allen’s Grove Acad; ss. Palmyra, 64-5; asst p, Columbus, 65-7; res, Beloit, 67-80; d, Beloit, Wis, Dc 11, 80. 52 1830-1831 *Sprole, William Thomas- — b, Baltimore, Md, Mr 16, 1809; PTS, 28-9; ord evang, Pby Baltimore, Mr 27, 31; 1st RefChUS, Phila, Pa, 32; 1st Presb ch, Carlisle, Pa, 36; 1st ch, Washington, DC, 43-6; chap & prof. West Point, NY, 46-56; p, 1st ch, Newburgh, 56-72; p, 2d Cong ch, Detroit, Mich, 74-7; d, Detroit, Je 9, 83. DD, WoffC, 54 & NYU, 55. *Watson, James Clemson — b, Donegal, Pa, Ja 27, 1805; CNJ, 27; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 4, 32; p, Gettysburg & Great Conewago, Pa, 32-49; p, Clinton, NJ, 49-51; p, Kingston, 51-4; p, Milton, Pa, 54-80; d, Phila, Ag30, 80. DD, JefC, 47. *Whann, William — b, Sprickersville, Pa, 1800; entered from Newark, Del; PTS, 28-9; d, Princeton, NJ, Mr 21, 29. *White, Franklin Walter — b, Longmeadow, Mass, Mr 31, 1805; AmhC, 25; tea; PTS, 28-30; ss, Dracut, Mass, Effingham & Hudson, NH; ord evang, Ap 12, 43; ss, NH & Mass, 43-54; evang, Chicago, Bloomington, Metamora, Peoria & Knoxville, 111, 55-61; res. Independence, la, 67-81; d. Independence, Ap 4, 81. *Winchester, Samuel Cover — b. Rock Run, Md, Fb 17, 1805; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Phila, My 4, 30; p, 6th ch, Phila, Pa, 30-7; p, Natchez, Miss, 37-41; d, NYCity, Ag 31, 41. *Woodward, John W — b. New Hampshire; entered from New Brunswick, NJ; PTS, 29-30; PEpis; d, Scioto, O, Nv 30, 41. 39. 1831 *Andrews, Silas Milton — b. Rowan Co, NC, Mr 11, 1805; UNC, 26; tea; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 16, 31; p, Doylestown & Deep Run, Pa, 31-81; d, Doylestown, Pa, Mr 7, 81. DD, WashCPa, 52. *Davidson, Robert— b, Carlisle, Pa, Fb 23, 1808; DickC, 28; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby West Lexington, Mr, 32; p, 2d ch, Lexington, Ky, 32-40; pres, TranC, 40-2; p, 1st ch. New Brunswick, NJ, 43-59; ss. Spring St ch, NYCity, 60-4; p, 1st ch, Huntington, NY, 64-8; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 6, 76. DD, CenCKy, 41. *Ewing, Alexander — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1828-31; lie, Pby New Castle, Oc 6, 31; ord, Pby Kaskaskia, My 10, 33; ss, Collinsville, 111, 32-3; ss, Greenville, 33-4; ss, Irish Grove, 36-7; ss, Gilead, 41-4; ss, Mt Vernon, 43-4; ss. Sugar Creek, 45; d. Sugar Creek, 111, Ag 10, 45. *Forbes, Cochran — b, Goshen, Pa, J1 21, 1805; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby Phila, Oc 21, 31; miss. Haw Is; p, Kalakeakua, 33-45; seamen’s chap, Lahaina, 45-7; p. Glade Run & Rural Valley chs. Pa, 48-56; ss, Kendallville, Ind, 56- p, 57-65; p, Mt Union & Shirley, Pa, 67-9; ss. West Nottingham, 70-2; chap, Presb Hosp, W Phila, 73-80; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 5, 80. *Frame, Reuben — b, Chester Co, Pa, Je 18, 1804; JefC, 26; tea; PTS, 28-31 ; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Fb 13, 33; p. Bethel ch, O, 33; p. South Salem, NY, 34-50; p, Wappinger’s Falls, 50-5; ss. Fond du Lac, Wis; p, Morris, 111, 59-63; res, Morris, 111, 63-76; Chicago, 76-91; d, Chicago, 111, Mr 31, 91. 1831 53 ^Harris, John Montgomery- — b, Baltimore, Md, Dc 25, 1808; PTS, 28-31; lie, Pby Baltimore, Oc 26, 31; miss. New Orleans, La, 31-2; ill health; farming, Jefferson Co, Va; d, Romney, WYa, Fb 14, 81. *Lilly, Robert Hervey — b. Bourbon Co, Ky, My 11, 1804; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby West Tennessee, Ap, 33; ss, Franklin, Tenn, 32-3; ss, Salem & Bethany chs, Ky, 33-5; tea & ss, Princeton, 36-9; ss & p, Mt Carmel, 111, 39-45; ss, Pales- tine, 45-9; miss, Clark & Champaign Cos, 49-51; ss, Urbana & Monticello, 51-2; tea, Palestine, 54; ss, Richland & Union, 55-7; Champaign, 57-74; d. Champaign, 111, Ja 14, 74. *Love, Robert — b, Chester Co, Pa, Mr 1, 1807; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 15, 32; ss, Harmony & Lower Mt Bethel, Pa, 32-6; p, Oxford & Har- mony, 36-8; d, Warren Co, NJ, Oc 9, 38. *Matthews, John Daniel — b, Shepherdstown, Va, Je 19, 1809; JefC, 27; tea; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby Georgia, Ja, 32; miss, St Mary's, Ga, 32; ss, 2d ch, Southwark, Phila, Pa, 32-3; p, Opequan & Cedar Creek, Va, 33-5; p, Norfolk, 37-41; p, McChord ch, Lexington, Ky, 41-5; ss, Hopewell, 45-7; ss, Paducah, 49-51; ss, Henderson, Ky, 51-4; supt pub instruction, Ky, 53-9; ss, Jackson St ch. Mobile, Ala; ss, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md; ss, NY Ave ch, Washington, DC; p, Port- land Ave ch, Louisville, Ky, 70-80; p, Denison, Tex, 80-3; d, Dallas, Mr 7, 84. DD, TranC. *McRoberts, Sidney Smith — b, Lincoln Co, Ky, My 24, 1807; CenCKy, 27; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Clinton, 32; ss, Vicksburg, Miss, 32-6; Bardstown, Ky, 36-40; ss, Bardstown, 40-2; ed, Presb Herald; tea, Bardstown; ss, Stanford, 50-77; d, Stanford, Ky, J1 26, 90. 10. *Alden, Joseph — b, Cairo, NY, Ja 4, 1807; UnC, 28; PTS, 28-30; tut, CNJ, 31-2; ord Cong, J1 3, 34; p, Cong ch, Williamstown, Mass, 34-6; prof, WmsC, 35-52; prof, LafC, 52-7; pres, JefC, 57-62; ss, Boiling Spring, NJ, 63-5; ed, NY Observer, 65-6; prin, NY State Normal Schl, Albany, NY, 67-82; d, NYCity, Ag 30, 85. DD, UnC, 39; LLD, ColU, 57. *Alexander, William Patterson — b, Paris, Ky, J1 25, 1805; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby Cincinnati, O, 13, 31; miss, Hawaiian Is, 31-, Marquesas Is, 33; p, Waioli Kauai, 34-41; prof & p, Lahainaluna Sem, Maui, 41-56; p, Wailuku, 56-84; prof, Theol, Wailuku Sem, 61-84; d, Oakland, Cal, Ag 11, 84. ■* Armstrong, Richard — -b, McEwensville, Pa, Ap 13, 1805; DickC, 27; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 27, 31; miss, Marquesas Is, 33-4; p. Haiku, Maui, Haw Is, 34-5; p, Wailuku, Maui, 35-40; p, Honolulu, Oahu, 40-8; min, Pub Instruction, Hawaiian Govt, & pres, Bd Edu, 48-60; d, Honolulu, Sp 23, 60. DD. ■‘Bertron, Samuel Reading — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 17, 1806; CNJ, 28; PTS, 28- 31; ord evang, Pby Phila, Ap 22, 31; ss, Kensington 2d ch, Phila, Pa, 31-3; agt, AmSSUn, Miss, 34; res. Port Gibson, Miss, 34-78; d. Port Gibson, Oc 7, 78. 54 1831 *Betts, William Rowland Spalding — b, Troy, NY, Oc 23, 1800; UnC, 26; PTS, 27-30; ss, Phelps, NY, 31-2; ord, Pby Geneva, Sp 26, 32; p, Phelps, 32-4; ss & p. Upper Freehold, NJ, 37-40; p. Mount Holly, 41-2; p, RefChAm, Spotts- wood, 42-5; p, Leeds, NY, 45-50; p, Athens, 50-5; p, Grahamsville,55-6;p,Shokan, 56-61; p, Presb ch, Otisville, 62-5; miss. Ocean Co, NJ, 66; ss. Oceanic, NJ, 68; d, Shokan, NJ, Sp 28, 83. *Blythe, Joseph William — b, Lexington, Ky, Fb 21, 1808; TranC, 25; HarvU; PTS, 28-9, 30-1; ord evang, Pby West Lexington, Oc 26, 32; hm miss, 32-3; p, 2d ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 34-6; p, Monroe, Mich, 38; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, NJ, 39-56; p, Vincennes, Ind, 56-8; agt, HanC, 58-60; chap, USArmy, 62-5; ss, Gra- ham & Smyrna chs, Ind, 66-8; ss. New Phila; p, Charlestown, 72-5; d, Charles- town, Ind, Ap 25, 75. *Boggs, George Washington — b, York Co, SC, Je 20, 1796; AmhC, 1827; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby Charleston Union, Mr 14, 32; miss, Ahmednuggur, India, 32-8; p, Walterboro, SC, 41-3; ss, Horeb &Aimwell, 46-66; tea, Columbia & Winnsboro; d, Pickens Co, SC, Ag 14, 71. *Botsford, Amos — b, Newtown, Ct, Oc 6, 1800; CNJ, 28; PTS, 28-9; tea, Staunton, Va, 30-1; tea, Lexington, 32-44; tea, Lynchburg, 44-79; d, Lynchburg, Va, Ja 21, 79. *Brackenridge, James G — b, Adams Co, Pa; DickC, 1828; PTS, 28-31; ss, Bedford, Pa, 31-2; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Oc 4, 32; ss, Schellsburg, Pa, 32-3; d, Taneytown, Md, Oc 4, 33. *Brown, (Browne) Hope — b. Concord, Mass, Fb 16, 1798; AmhC, 1828; PTS, 28-30; ord Cong, Je 22, 30; p, Cong ch, Shirley, Mass, 30-44; p, Napierville, 111, 45-56; agt, Rockford Female Sem, 56-70; res, Beloit, Wis; d, Beloit, Fb 20, 83. *Bryson, Robert — b. Warrior Run, Pa, J1 13, 1808; DickC, 28; PTS, 29-30; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Oc 4, 32; ss, Williamsport & Muncy, Pa, & Bristol Centre, NY, 31-2; ss, Bloomsburg, Pa, 32; d. Warrior Run, Oc 20, 32. *Buist, Edward Tongfr — b. Charleston, SC, Mr 1, 1809; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Charleston Union, Ja 10, 33; p, Independ Presb ch, James Is, SC, 33-7; p, Nazareth ch, 40-4; ss. Mount Tabor, 45-57; pres. Fern Coll, Laurens CH, 57-61; p, Washington St ch, Greenville, 62-77; d, Greenville, SC, Nv 10, 77. DD. *Burroughs, Benjamin — b. Savannah, Ga, Oc 25, 1807; UnC, 28; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby New York, Sp 15, 31; ss, Milledgeville, Ga, 31-4; ss. White Bluff Cong ch. Savannah, 34-6; p el, Presb ch, Tallahassee, Fla, 37-9; ss. White Bluff, Ga, 40-54; d, Bath, Sp 14, 54. *Caldwell, John Watson — b, Franklin, O, Mr 30, 1809; MiaU, 27; PTS, 28; tea, Monmouth Co, NJ, 28; tea, Franklin, O, 34; lawy, Cincinnati, O, 48-68; US minister to Bolivia, SA, 68-70; minister of Bolivia to US, 70; lawy, Cincinnati, O, 71-89; res, Cincinnati; d. River Falls, Wis, Oc 6, 96. *Campbell, William Henry — b, Baltimore, Md, Sp 14, 1808; DickC, 28; PTS, 28-9; ord, RefChAm, Cl Cayuga, Sp 1, 31 ; p, Chittenango, NY, 31-2; prin, Erasmus Hall, Flatbush, 33-9; p, E New York, 40-1; p, 3d ch, Albany, 41-8; prin. 1831 55 Albany Acad, 48-51; prof, Oriental Lit, NETS, 51-63; prof, RutU, 51-6, pres, 63-82; p, 4th RefChAm, New Brunswick, 86-9, p em, 89-90; d. New Brunswick, NJ, Dc 7, 90. DD, UnC, 44; LLD, LafC, 62. *Colton, Asa Smith — b. Champion, NY, Oc 26, 1804; HamC, 27; tea; PTS, 28-30; lie, Pby Phila, Oc 30, 30; tea, Phila, Pa, 30-3; ord PEpis dea, Ag 4, 33; presbyter, Sp 27, 39; tea, Morristown, NJ, 34-6; tea, Bordentown, 37-9; tea. Gulf Mills, Pa, 40-2; rec. West Vincent & Honey Brook, 42-5; rec, Towanda, 45-7; rec. Pike, 47-9; rec. Point of Rocks & Urbana, Md, 49-54; tea, Wilmington, Del, 54-9; Princeton, NJ, 59-81; d, Princeton, Ag 19, 81. *Condit, Jonathan Bailey — b, Hanover, NJ, Dc 16, 1808; CNJ, 27; PTS, 28-9; ord Cong, J1 14, 31; p, Cong ch. Long Meadow, Mass, 31-6; prof, AmhC, 35-8; p, 2d ch, Portland, Me, 38-45; p, 2d Presb ch, Newark, NJ, 45-51; prof, LaneTS, 51-5; prof, AubTS, 55-74; d. Auburn, NY, Ja 1, 1876. DD, CNJ, 47; Mod, Gen Assem, 61. *Cooper, Archibald — b, near Bryansville, Pa; entered from York Co, Pa; PTS, 1829-30; tea; farming, Bryansville, Pa, 32-75; rul eld; d, Bryansville, Pa, My 2, 75. *Coyner, David Holmes — b, Augusta Co, Va, Ap 13, 1807; WashCVa, 27; UnTSVa, 27-8; PTS, Jl, 29; ord, Pby Franklin, Ag, 48; miss, Va, 30-40; Indian agt. Mo; p, Genoa, 48-58; tea, chap, USArmy; ss, Edon Village, 65; d, Edon, O, Ja 21, 92. *Creigh, Thomas — b, Landisburgh, Pa, Sp 9, 1808; DickC, 28; PTS, 29; ord, Pby Carlisle, Nv 17, 31; p, Mercersburg, Pa, 31-80; d, Mercersburg, Ap 21, 80. DD, LafC, 53. *Dunlap, Robert — b, Doylestown, Pa, Ap 12, 1804; UPa, 27; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Northumberland, Je 14, 31; p, Danville, Pa, 31-7; p, 2d ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 37-47; d, Allegheny, Mr 21, 47. *Finley, David H— b, Virginia, 1806; WashCVa, 28; PTS, 28-30; d. My 13, 31. *Graham, Richard — b, near Donegal, Ireland, 1808; PTS, 28-31; PEpis dea; ss, Northfield, 38-9; ord, Pby Wooster, Ap 22, 40; p, Apple Creek, 40; ss. New Market, 44; p, Sewickley, Pa, 45-50; ss, Delphos & Van Wert, O, 51; d. Van Wert, 51. *Granger, Arthur — b, Suffield, Ct, Ap 14, 1803; PTS, 28-30; ord Cong, My 20, 31; p, 2d ch, Medfield, Mass, 31-4; p, Hanover St Presb ch, Wilmington, Del, 34-5; p, 1st Cong ch, Meriden, Ct, 36-8; p, Middletown, 39-44; p. High St ch. Providence, RI, 44-5; cl. Providence, Ag 2, 45. ♦Gregory, Oscar Hubert — b, Hobart, NY, Ag 27, 1809; AmhC, 28; PTS, 28-9; NETS; ord RefChAm, Cl New Brunswick, Ap 21, 31; p. Farmer Village, NY, 31-8; p. West Troy, 38-70; d. West Troy, NY, Dc 11, 85. DD, UnC, 53. ♦Hampson, George Washington — b, Huntingdon Co, Pa, Sp9, 1798; JefC, 1827; PTS, 28-30; ord, Pby Eric, Jc 27, 32; p. Concord, Pa, 32-7; p. Oil Creek 1831 56 (Titusville), 32-52; p, Cherry Tree, 39-49; ss, 50-2; p el. Gravel Run & Cam- bridge, 53-69; d. Gravel Run, Pa, Oc 1, 69. ♦Harrison, James— b. Orange, NJ, Oc 29, 1802; PTS, 28-30; ord, Pby Miami, My 24, 33; ss, Newark, O, 31-2; p, Troy, 33-5; ss, Irville & Hanover, 35-6; ss, Dresden, 36-47; ss, Reynoldsburg, 47-9; ss, Trenton, 50-4; ss, Hartford, 54-5; ss, Janesville, la, 57-8; ss, Waterloo, 59-62; d, Waterloo, la. My 26, 77. ♦Holley, Platt Tyler— b, Greenwich, Ct, Ag 20, 1806; YaleU, 28; YaleUDS; PTS, Jl-Sp, 31; YaleUDS; ord, Berkshire Cong Asso, Mass, Dc 12, 32; p, Cong ch, Sandisfield, Mass, 32-50; ss, Backhamsted, Ct, 53-5; ss, Presb ch, E New York, NY, 57; ss, Cong ch, Riverton, Ct, 63-9, 73-5; ss, Backhamsted, 75-7; d, Bridge- port, Ct, Ap 12, 89. ♦Hulin, George Hunter — b, Malta, NY, Dc 23, 1804; UnC, 26; PTS, 28-31; ord Cong, Ap 24, 33; p, Cong ch. New Fairfield, Ct, 33-4; p, Weston, 34-5; p, Orrington, Me, 37-9; ss, South Orange, NJ, 39; ss, Onondaga Valley, NY, 39-44; ed, Syracuse, 44-56; Bloomfield, NJ, 56-72; d, Bloomfield, Dc 21, 72. ♦Humphrey, Chester — b. Canton Centre, Ct, Oc 15, 1802; AmhC, 28; PTS, 28-31; p, Cong ch, Vernon, Ct, 32-43; d, Vernon, Ap 18, 43. ♦Hutchings, Samuel — b, NYCity, Sp 15, 1806; WmsC, 28; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Cleveland, Nv 8, 31; ss, Cleveland, O, 31-2; ss, Cong ch, Medfield, Mass, 32-3; miss, Ceylon & Madras, India, 33-43; p, Brookfield, Mass, 47-51; prin. Female Sem, New Haven, Ct, 51-6; prin. Female Inst, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 56-7; ss, Wickliffe Presb ch, Newark, NJ, 57-63; tea, Newark, 63-5; ss, Salem, Pa, 69-70; tea, Newark, NJ, 70-3; res. Orange, 73-95; d. Orange, NJ, Sp 1, 95. DD, WmsC, 88. ♦Ketcham, Alfred — b, Smithtown, NY, Oc4, 1799; PTS, 1828-31; ord evang, Pby New York, Oc 21, 31; ss, Moriches, NY, 31-4; p, Bethany, Pa, 36-8; ss, Babylon, NY, 38-48; ss; Augusta, NJ, 49-56; p, Sidney Plains, NY, 57-64; ss, Middlefield Centre, 64-7; ss. Forest Grove, NJ, 67-8; evang, 74-6; d, Vineland, NJ, Mr 24. 85. ♦Lamberson, Samuel Lewis — b, Jamaica, NY, Sp 14, 1809; UnC, 28; PTS, Ja-Je, 29; UnTSVa; lie, Pby West Hanover, Oc 18, 34; ss. South Plains & Gordonsville, Va, 35; ill health; tea, Princeton, 111, 41-4; ord. Rock River Cong Asso, Je 8, 43; tea. Galena, 44; Pittsfield, Mass, 49-75; d, Pittsfield, J1 17, 75. ♦Lewis, John Nitchie — b, Westchester Co, NY, Ag 6, 1808; YaleU, 28; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Nv 7, 32; ss, Montgomery ch, NY, 32-3; p, Malden, 35-8; p, Genesee, 38-43; ss, Newburgh, 46-7; p, Bethlehem, 47-53; sec, Cntl Am Edu Soc & ed, NYCity, 53-8; p, Monticello, 58-61; d, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 5, 61. ♦Lindsly, Silas Condit — b. New Jersey; CNJ, 1828; PTS, 28-9; tea, NC; d, 66. ♦Mahon, Joseph — b, Cumberland Co, Pa, Je 25, 1805; JefC, 24; tea; UnTSVa, 28-30; PTS, 30-1; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 27, 36; agt, BdEdu, 31-5; p, Lawrenceville, NJ, 36-48; agt, BdPub, 50-4; agt. Pa ColonSoc, 56-60; 1831 57 chap, USArmy, 62-4; ss, Petersburg & Irish Grove, 111, 71-2; res, Shippensburg, Pa; d, Shippensburg, Nv 2, 84. *McDowall, John Roberts — b, Fredericksburg, Canada, Sp 10, 1801; UnC, 28; PTS, 29-30; ord evang, 3d Pby NY, My 6, 32; miss, NYCity, 32-6; d, NYCity, Dc 13, 36. *Mines, Flavel Scott — b, Leesburg, Va, Dc 21, 1811; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby Dist Columbia, Je 11, 32; seamen’s chap, Havre, France, 32-4; asst p, Eng Congch, Paris, 34-5; p, Laight St Presb ch, NYCity, 35-40; ord PEpis dea, Ap 3, 42; rec. Trinity ch, San Francisco, Cal, 49-52; d. Happy Valley, Cal, Ag 5, 52. *Noble, Mason — b, Williamstown, Mass, Mr 18, 1809; WmsC, 27; tea; PTS, 28-9; tut, WmsC, 30-1; ord, Berkshire Cong Asso, Fb 15, 32; p, 4th Presb ch, Washington, DC, 32-9; p, 11th ch, NYCity, 39-50; asst p, Ind Presb ch, Baltimore, Md, 50-1; prin. Female Sem, Washington DC, 51-3; chap, USN, 53-71, & act p, 6th ch, Washington, DC, 53-62; ss, 1st Cong ch, Williamstown, Mass, 65-6, 70- 81; d, Washington, DC, Oc 24, 81. DD, WmsC, 66. *Ogden, Augustus Oliver Barnet — b. New Jersey; CNJ, 1827; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby Miss, 33; miss, Kenhawa Valley, Va; ss. Plains ch. La, 33; d, Sp 10, 33. *Park, Harrison Greenough — b. Providence, RI, J1 26, 1806; BrU, 24; law stu; PTS, 28-9; ord Cong, Dc 16, 29; p, Cong ch. South Dedham, Mass, 29-35; p, 2d ch, Danvers, 37-38; ed & agt, 37-49; p, Burlington, Mass, 49-52; p, Bernards- town, 56-8; p, Westminster, Vt, 58-60; res, Walpole, NH, 60-2; Hancock, 62-9; agt. Mass Temp Alliance, Norwood, Mass, 69-76; d, Norwood, Je 28, 76. *Phelps, Philo Fuller— b, Westford, NY, 1804; UnC, 28; PTS, 28-31; ord evang, Pby New York, Sp 18, 31; agt, ProtRefSoc & Bd of Edu, 31-4; p, Fred- ericktown, Md, 35-6; p, Lansingburgh, NY, 36-9; ss, Tallahassee, Fla, 39- p, 41; d, Tallahassee, J1 11, 41. *Porter, Jeremiah — b, Hadley, Mass, Dc 27, 1804; WmsC, 25; AndTS; tea, Troy, NY, 29-30; PTS, 30-1; ord evang, Cong Asso, Hampshire Co, Mass, Oc 3, 31; miss, Sault Ste Marie, Mich, 31-3; ss. Ft Dearborn (now Chicago), 111, & organizer 1st Presb ch, 33-5; ss, Peoria, 35-8; ss. Fanning, 38-40; p, Green Bay, Wis, 41-58; ss, Edwards Cong ch, Chicago, 111, 58-61; chap, USArmy, 62-5; agt, US Chr Com, Brownsville, Tex, 65-6; miss. Prairie du Chien, Wis, 66-8; miss, Brownsville, Tex, 68-70; chap, USArmy, 70-80; res, Beloit, Wis; d, Beloit, J1 25, 93. DD, WmsC, 86. ^Power, William R — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1829-31; Williamsport, Pa; Phila; MD. ‘‘Sears, Charles Cushman — b, Bennington, Vt, Fb 16, 1798; HamC, 1826; tea, 26-8; PTS, 28-9; prin, Princeton Acad, 30-8; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 24, 38. “Seely, Amos Warren — b. New York; UnC, 1828; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Co- lumbia, Sp 19, 32; p, Hillsdale, NY, 36-8; New Haven, Ct, 39-46; ss, Deerfield, NY, 50; ss. Delta, 54-7; Frankfort, 58-01; Brooklyn, 62-5; d, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 12, 65. 58 1831-1832 ♦Smith, Robert Hobart — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 23, 1792; UPa, 1808; lawy; cy elk, Phila, Pa, 28, 30-54; PTS, Fb-Dc, 29; lie, Pby Phila, Nv 18, 29; d, German- town, Pa, Ag 10, 58. ♦Smyth, Thomas — b, Belfast, Ireland, Je 14, 1808; BelfC, 29; Highbury Coll, London, Eng; PTS, 30-1; ord evang, Pby Newark, Oe 4, 31; p, 2d Presb eh. Charleston, SC, 34-73; d. Charleston, Ag 20, 73. DD, CNJ, 43. ♦Sterrett, David — b. Mount Joy, Laneaster Co, Pa, My 12, 1801; JefC, 27; PTS, 28-31, 31-2; ord, Pby New Castle, My 23, 33; p. Shaver's Creek, Pa, 34-48; p, Waynesburgh & New Hamilton, 50-5; d, Carlisle, Pa, Je 21, 71. ♦Thayer, Foster — b, 1800; WmsC, 28; Dorehester, Mass; PTS, 28-30; lie, Pby New York, Ap 23, 30; p, Cong eh, N Woodstoek, Ct, 31-6; d, 50. ♦Waldo, Frederic Augustus — b. Cherry Valley, NY, De 24, 1801; JefMedC, Phila, Pa, 27; PTS, 28-30; agt, AmSSUn, Miss, 30-1; phys, Cineinnati, O, 31-85; d, Cineinnati, Ap 17, 85. ♦White, William Codner — b, Standishfield, Mass, Ja 16, 1803; WmsC, 26; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Newark, Fb 12, 33; p. Orange, NJ, 33-55; d. Orange, Fb 7, 56. ♦Wilson, Samuel — b, Belleville, Pa, Sp 24, 1804; JefC, 28; PTS, 28-31; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Nv 14, 32; ss, Alexandria & Shaver’s Creek, Pa, 31-2; p, Alex- andria & ss, Pine Grove, 32-7; prin, Sem, Uniontown & ss, MeClellandtown, 37-40; p, Dunlap’s Creek, 40-69; ss, El Paso, 111, 69-72; ss. Normal, 72-5; d, Streator, 111, Sp 1, 89. DD, JefC, 50. 53. 1832 ♦Apthorp, George Henry — b, Quiney, Mass, My 31, 1798; YaleU, 1829; PTS, 29-32; ord evang, Pby East Hanover, Je 16, 32; agt, ABCFM, Va, 33; miss, Ceylon, Panditeripo, 34-5; Varany, 36-44; d, Valverty, Ceylon, Je 8, 44. ♦Apthorp, William Perkins — b, Quincy, Mass, Mr 23, 1806; YaleU, 29; AndTS, 29-31; PTS, 31-2; ord. Harmony Cong Asso, Mass, Ap 20,36; hm miss, Raleigh, NC, 32-3; ss, Quincy, Mass, 33-4; ss, Mendon, 34-5; tea, Quincy, 111,38- 48; ss, Oskaloosa, la, 49-52; ss. Port Byron, 111, 52-3; Moultonborough, NH, 55-9; Polk City, la, 63-5; Bowen's Prairie, 65-6; agt, AmBSoc, Fairfield, 67-8; res, Tallahassee, Fla, 69-83; d, Tallahassee, Mr 14, 83. ♦Bishop, George Brown — b, Lexington, Ky, Mr 30, 1810; MiaU, 28; PTS, 29-32; ord, Pby Oxford, Nv, 33; p, Oxford, 33-4; prof, HanTS, 34-7; d, S Hanover, Ind, Dc 14, 37. ♦De Witt, Abraham — b, Greenwich (Philllpsburgh), NJ, Dc 2, 1798; tea; PTS, 1829-32; ord evang, Pby Newark, Oc 3, 32; ss. Great Bend, Pa, & Conklin, NY, 32-3; p, Lewes, Cool Spring & Indian R, Del, 34-8; tea, Princeton, NJ, 39-40; p. Rock ch, Md, 41-55; d. Fair Hill, Md, Oc 23, 87. ♦Hopkins, Henry Harvey — b, Chester Co, Pa, Nv 12, 1804; PTS, 29-32; ord, Pby Louisville, Ap 25, 35; ss, Clinton, La, 32-4; p. Big Spring & Taylorsville, 1832 59 Ky, 35-44; p, Cane Run & Plum Creek chs, 45-6; p, Owensboro, 47-69; d, Owens- boro, Ky, Ap 19, 77. DD, CenCKy, 65. *Hudson, John Paris — b, near Staunton, Va, Mr 14, 1804; WashCVa, 25; tut & adj prof, WashCVa, 25-8; PTS, 29-32; ord evang, Pby Lexington, Ap 2, 33; ss, Bloomsburg, Briar Creek & New Columbia, Pa, 32-7; p, Williamsport, 38-40; ss, Shamokin & Elysburg, 40-7; ss, Chillisquaque & Moorsburg, 47-50; prin, Turbutville Acad, 44-6, 51-7; ss, McEwensville, 40- p, 45-63; prin, McEwensville Acad, 59-61; ss, Mifflinburg & Holland Run, 63-6; p. Lick Run, 65-70; ss, Mon- toursville & Pennsdale, 70-5; prin, Williamsport High Schl, 70-1; ss. Linden, 71- 84; res, Williamsport, 70-90; d, Williamsport, Pa, Ja 24, 90. *Pinney, John Brooke— b, Baltimore, Md, Dc 25, 1806; LFGa, 28; lawy; tea; PTS, 29-32; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 12, 32; agt, AmColonSoc, Liberia, 33-7; sec, PaColonSoc, 37-47; p, Washington, Pa, 47-8; sec, NYColonSoc, 48-63; mining, Nev, 63-9; cor sec, NYColonSoc, 73-82; d, Ocala, Fla, Dc 25, 82. LLD, HamC, 57. *Riley, Henry Augustus — b, NYCity, Nv 21, 1801; UPa, 20; phys, NY, 25- 8; PTS, 29-32; ord, Pby New York, Ap 23, 35; miss, Pittsburgh, Pa, 32-3; ss, Matteawan, NY, 34; p, 8th Avech, NYCity, 35-9; p, Montrose, Pa, 39-63; Mont- rose, 63-78; d, Montrose, Pa, Mr 17, 78. 8. *Adger, John Bailey — b. Charleston, SC, Dc 13, 1810; UnC,28; PTS, 29-33; ord evang, Pby Charleston Union, Ap 15, 34; miss. Western Turkey Mission, 34-47; miss, SC, 47-51; prof, Eccl Hist & Ch Polity, ColTS, 57-74; ss, Mt Zion, SC, 75-7; p, Roberts ch, 78-9; p, Hopewell (Pendleton) & Mt Zion, 79-96; d, Pen- dleton, SC, Ja 3, 99. DD, CChas, 53. *Agnew, John Robinson — b, McConnellsburg, Pa, Je 8, 1810; DickC, 29; UnTSVa, 29-30; PTS, 31-2; ord, Pby Allegheny, Ap 3, 38; miss, Choctaw Indians, 34-6; ss & p, Scrubgrass, Lawrenceburg & Harrisville, Pa, 37-45; agt, LafC, 46; ss, Welsh Run ch, 50-1; ss. Pine Creek ch, 53; miss, Mt Carmel, 53-4; ss. Chestnut Grove, Md, 54-5; prof, Steuben Female Sem, 55-9; ss. Centre & Richmond, 57-8; ag;t, LincU, 65-7; tea & ss, Columbia, Tenn, 67-9; chap. Mo State Penitentiary, 69-71; agt, AmBSoc, Jefferson City, Mo, 71; d, Greencastle, Pa, Fb 3, 88. *Boyce, Henry A — b. New York; PTS, 1829-32; lie, Pby Hudson, Sp 12, 33; ord, Pby Montrose, J1 8, 35; p, Mt Pleasant, Pa, 35-6; d, Mt Pleasant, Oc, 36. *Brown, Abraham Rezeau — b, Lawrenceville, NJ, Sp 30, 1808; CNJ, 25; med stu; tut, CNJ, 28-30; PTS, 30-2; YaleUDS; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 4, 31; miss, Morgantown, Va, 32-3; d, Lawrenceville, NJ, Sp 10, 33. *Bull, Ralph— b, Scotchtown, NY, Dc 10, 1802; PTS, 29-30; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Nv 25, 36; tea & ss, 31-6; ss, Milford, Pa, 36-9; tea, Darien, Ga, 39-40; p, Westtown, NY, 41-66; d, Westtown, Je 2, 77. ♦Burtis, Arthur— b, NYCity, Oc 25, 1807; UnC, 27; law stu; PTS, 29-30; AubTS; ord RefChAm, Cl Montgomery, 35; p. Fort Plain, NY, 35; Little Falls, 36; Binghamton, 38-9; p, Oxford, 40-5; ss, Vernon, NJ, 46; ss, 1st Presb ch. 6o 1832 Buffalo, NY, 47; p. South ch, Buffalo, 49-52; p. Tabernacle ch, Buffalo, 53-7; sec, Am&ForChrUn, 61-3; tea, 63-6; prof, MiaU, 66-7; d, Oxford, O, Mr 23, 67. DD, UnC, 50. *Campbell, Duncan Alexander — b, Moore Co, NC, J1 4, 1805; PTS, 30-2; ord, Pby Fayetteville, Nv 30, 32; p. Black River, NC, 32-5; ss, Columbus & Starkville, Miss, 35-6; ss, Wahalak, Cooksville & Smyrna, 37-48; ss. Mount Ephraim, Smyrna & Marion, 48-50; ss, Brandon, 50-69; p. Bethel ch, 69-72; miss, Richland Parish, La, 72-7; p, Alto & Union, La, 77-85; res, Rayville, La, 73-92; d, Rayville, Oc 16, 92. *Cocke, Stephen F — b, Springfield, Ky, Ja 1, 1810; UnTSVa; PTS, 31-2; ord evang, Pby West Hanover, Je 14, 34; p, Bethany, Va, 35-7; ss, Fincastle, 37- p, 39-44; res. Little Rock, Ark, 45-6; ss, Victoria, Tex, 46-9; hm miss. Port Lavacca, 49-52; agt, Indianola, 52-6; d, Texas, Jl, 56. *Connelly, Henry — b, Greensburgh, Pa, Nv 5, 1798; WashCPa, 1824; AllegTS; PTS, Je-Sp, 31; ord evang, AssoRef, Pby New York, Sp 21, 32; p, Bloomingburg, NY, 33-48; prin, acad, Newburgh, NY, 48-53; agt, NYColonSoc; prin, acad, Goshen, 67-8; d, Newburgh, NY, Ag 8, 68. *Converse, John Kendrick — b, Lyme, NH, Je 15, 1801; DickC, 27; ed, Richmond, Va, 28-9; PTS, 29-32; ord Cong, Ag 9, 32; p, Cong ch, Burlington, Vt, 32-44; prin, Burlington Female Sem, 45-70; ss, Colchester, 50-5; ss, Winooski, 55-61; sec, AmColonSoc for Me, NH & Vt, 68-80; d, Burlington, Vt, Oc 3, 80. *Cox, Elmer H — b. Rush Co, Ind; PTS, 1829-32; lict, Pby Indianapolis, 34. *Delavan, George Edwin — -b, Dover, NY, Ap 16, 1804; YaleU, 27; AndTS; YaleUDS; PTS, Nv-Dc, 31; ord. New Haven West Cong Asso, Je 19, 33; ss, Congch, Hamden, Ct, 33-4; p, Presbch, Hammondsport, NY, -34-7; p, Sherburne, 37-9; p, Lafayette, 45-9; p, Wilson, 50-6; ss, Maquoketa, la, 56-7; ss, Wyoming, 57-61; d, Wyoming, la, Mr 18, 61. *Diell, John — b. Cherry Valley, NY, Ag 9, 1808; HamC, 26; tea, Bidgewater, NY & Hackensack, NJ ; AndTS; PTS, 31-2; ord evang, Pby New York, Sp 19, 32; AmSeamFrSoc, 31; seamen’s chap, Honolulu, Haw Is, 33-9; d, at sea, Ja 18, 41. *Eells, James Henry — b, Westmoreland, NY, Ag 26, 1809; HamC, 28; PTS, 29-32; ord, Pby Cleveland, Fb 12, 34; ss, Elyria, O, 33- p, 34-6; p el, Perrys- burgh, 36; drowned in Maumee R, Dc 7, 36. *Ely, David De Forest — b, Lebanon, Ct, Sp 25, 1802; PTS, 30-2; ord evang, 2d (Assy’s) Pby Phila, Jl 24, 34; seamen’s chap, Havre & Marseilles, France, 34-8; tea, Rahway, NJ, 44; tea, Bridgeport, Ct, 46; tea, Trenton, NJ ; d, Trenton, Ja 21, 48. *Ferguson, James — b, Scotland; USArmy; PTS, 1831; Brooklyn, NY, 32. *Fleming, Archibald — b. Paisley, Scotland, Fb 13, 1800; UVt, 28; PTS, 29-31; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 6, 32; p, Whitehall, NY, 32-8; p, Cong ch, Haverhill, NH, 38-41; tea, Danville, Vt; prin, Champlain Acad, NY, 44-5; chem lect, UVt, 1832 6i 47-8; ss, Montpelier, Vt, 47; p, 2d ch, Brookfield, 50-6; ss & p, Shoreham, Vt, 56-8; ss. Constable, NY, 62-72; Malone, 72-5; d, Malone, NY, Je 3, 75. *Fleming, John — b, Mifflin Co, Pa, Ap 17, 1807; JefC, 29; PTS, 29-32; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 24, 32; miss. Creek Indians, 33-7; miss, Winnebago Indians, Grand Traverse Bay, Mich, 38-9; p. Middle Tuscarora ch. Pa, 40-4; p, Fairfield, 44-8; hm miss. La Salle Co, 111, 49-75; Gilson, Neb, 75-9; d, Ayr, Neb, Oc 27, 94. DD, HastC, 94. *Guiteau, Sheridan — b, Norfolk, Ct, Ap 17, 1801; MidC, 29; AndTS; PTS, 31-2; ord, Pby Hudson, Ap 29, 34; ss, Montgomery, NY, 34-5; ss, 4th ch, Balti- more, Md, 36-7 ; ss, Ellicott’s Mills, 43; ss, 1st Col ch, Baltimore; cor sec, MdTrSoc, Baltimore, 44-72; d, Baltimore, Md, Oc 10, 72. *Hanks, Festus — b, Pawlet, Vt, J1 13, 1801; CNJ, 29; PTS, 29-32; tut, CNJ, 30-1 ; ord evang, Pby Newark, Oc 3, 32; ss, 2d ch. Upper Freehold, 33; tea, Parkersburg, Va, 33-46, & ss, 37-43; tea, McConnelsville, O, 46-7; ss, McArthurs- town, 46-7; New Orleans, La, 47-8; d, McConnelsville, O, Ap 9, 49. *Heard, George Felix — b, Georgia, 1812; UGa, 29; AndTS; PTS, 29-32; ord Bapt, 34; p, Bapt ch. Black Swamp, SC, 34; p. Mobile, Ala, 35-41; ed. Moni- tor, 38-41; d, Harrison Co, Tex, Fb 13, 44. *Holliday, William Adair — b, Harrison Co, Ky, J1 16, 1803; MiaU, 29; PTS, 29-32; ord, Pby Indianapolis, Ind, 32-4; tea & ss, Ind; prof, HanC, 64-6; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Dc 16, 66. *Kitchel, Aaron — b, Hanover, NJ, Oc 11, 1805; CNJ, 29; PTS, 29-32; lie Cong Asso, Vt, Fb, 33; tea, Bridport, Vt, 32-3; ss, Vergennes, 32-3; ss, Lincolnton, Ga, 33-4; tea, Carversville, 34-6; d, Navarro Co, Tex, 64. *Krebs, John Michael — b, Hagerstown, Md, My 6, 1804; DickC, 27; tea, DickC, 27-9; PTS, Jl, 30; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Oc 29, 30; p, Rutgers St ch, NYCity, 30-67; d, NYCity, Sp 30, 67. DD, DickC, 41; Mod, Gen Assem, 45. *Lanneau, John Francis — b. Charleston, SC, Ag 14, 1809; YaleU, 29; PTS, 29-32; ord evang, Pby Charleston Union, My 1, 33; Charleston, SC, 34; miss, .ABCFM, Jerusalem, 36-41, 43-6; ss. Marietta, Ga, 46-55; p, Salem, Va, 59-61; ss. Marietta, Ga, 63-7; d. Marietta, Oc 7, 67. ‘Mason, John — b, Nassau, NY, Dc 4, 1807; UnC, 28; PTS, 30-1; ord, Pby New York, Nv 13, 33; p, Rondout, NY, 33-5; p. New Rochelle, 36-7; p, Brides- burg. Pa, 38-40; deposed, Je 21, 42; d, 44. ‘Meintire, Sloan — b, Ireland; entered from Baltimore, Md; JefC, 1828; PTS, 29-32; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 25, 32; license withdrawn (ill health), Oc 7, 35. ‘McNair, John — b, Newtown, Pa, My 28, 1806; JefC, 28; PTS, 29-30; ord evang, Pby Erie, Nv 7, 33; ss, Warren, Pa, 32-4; ss, Fairmount,34-5; ss, Vincennes, la, 35-6; ss & p, Milford, NJ, 36-7; p, Musconetcong Valley ch, 37-40; p, Lan- caster, Pa, 41-51; p, Clinton, NJ, 51-64; chap, US.Army, 64-5; p, Strasburg, Pa, 65-7; d, Lancaster, Pa, Ja 27, 67. DD, JefC, 57. 62 1832 *Parish, Consider — b, Worthington, Mass, Dc 10, 1806; WmsC, 28; PTS, 29-31; prof, UNash, 31-3; ord, Pby Nashville, 33; prin, Sem Clarksville, Tenn, 34- 7; prin. Holly Springs, Miss, 37-47; pres. Miss Coll, Clinton, Miss, 47-50; tea, Clinton, 50-65; res, Jackson, 71-7; d. Greenwood, Miss, Nv 17, 87. *Rice, Nathan Lewis — b, Garrard Co, Ky, Dc 29, 1807; lie, Oc 4, 28; PTS, 29-32; ord, Pby Louisville, Je 8, 33; p, Bardstown, Ky, & prin, Sem, 33-41; ss, Woodford & Paris, Ky, 41-4; p. Central ch, Cincinnati, O, 45-53; prof, LaneTS; p, 2d ch, St Louis, Mo, 53-8; p. North ch, Chicago, 111, 58-61; prof, NWTS, 59-61; p, 5th Avech, NYCity, 61-7; New Brunswick, NJ, 67-8; pres, WestmCMo, 69-74; prof, DanTS, 74-7; d, Chatham, Ky, Je 11, 1877. Ed, West Protestant, Prot- estant & Herald, Presbyter of the West, St Louis Presbyterian, & Presb Expositor. DD, JefC, 44; Mod, Gen Assem, 55. *Roosevelt, Washington — b, Pelham, NY, Nv 14, 1802; MidC, 29; PTS, 29- 30; ord evang, Pby Troy, Fb 29, 32; ss, Sandy Hill, NY, 31-3; ss, Nassau, 33-5; ss, Valatie, 35-7; ss, Lockport, 38-40; ss. North ch, NYCity, 46- p, 49-56; p, RefChAm, Bronxville, 57-72; d, Pelham, NY, Fb 11, 84. *Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose — b, Pinkney, NY, J1 28, 1807; HamC, 28; tea; PTS, 29-30; ord evang, Pby Watertown, Fb 23, 32; ss, Adams, Smithville & North Adams, NY, 31-2; p, Martinsburg, 32-5; p. North Cong ch. New Haven, Ct, 35- 7; p, Howe St ch. New Haven, 38-40; ss, Columbus, O, & p, Presb ch. Central Coll, 40-7; ss, Monroeville, 47-50; p, Sackett’s Harbor, 50-4; p, Cong ch, West- moreland, 54-9; ss, Unitarian ch. South Hingham, Mass, 59-60; ed & auth; res, Whitesboro, NY ; d, Whitesboro, Dc 29, 98. *Scott, John Work— b, York Co, Pa, Nv 27, 1807; JefC, 27; tea; PTS, 30-2; ord, Pby Hartford, Ap 3, 34; p, Poland, O, 34-6; ss. Three Springs & Free ch, Steubenville, 36-47; prin. Grove Acad, Steubenville, 36-47; prin, Lindsley Inst, Wheeling, Va, 47-53; pres, WmsC, 53-65; prin, Woodburn Female Sem, Morgan- town, WVa, 65-7; v pres & prof, WVaU, 67-77; prof, Bdll, 79; d, Ridgeway, NC, J1 2, 79. DD, Wash CPa, 52; LLD, W&JC, 65. *Sherman, Henry — b, Albany, NY, Mr 6, 1808; YaleU, 29; PTS, Nv-Dc, 29; lawy, Albany, NY, 32; NYCity; Hartford, Ct, 50-61; Treasury Dept, Wash- ington, DC, 61-8; lawy, Washington, 68-79; auth; d, Washington, DC, Mr 28, 79. *Stone, Wheelock Sylvan— b, Bridport, Vt, Nv 28, 1805; MidC, 28; PTS, 30- 1; ord, Pby Northumberland, Ag 16, 32; p, Northumberland & Sunbury, Pa, .32-3; agt, Cincinnati, O, 34; d. Mobile, Ala, Sp 22, 37. *Taliaferro, Charles Champe — b, Caroline Co, Va, 1807; CNJ, 28; PTS, 29-31; ord, PEpis, My 22, 31; rec, Cumberland Parish, Va, 31-7; rec, Martins- burg, 37-42; d, Rappahannock Acad, Caroline Co, Va, Mr 21, 43. *Thomson, William McClure — b, Springfield (now Spring Dale), O, Dc 31, 1806; MiaU, 27; PTS, 29-31; ord evang, Pby Cincinnati, Oc 12, 31; miss, Syria, 33-49, 50-7, 59-78; res, NYCity; res, Denver, Col; d, Denver, Ap 8, 94. DD, MiaU, 58. *Washburn, Samuel — b, Minot, Me, Ja 1, 1807; AndTS; PTS, 29-30; ord Cong Greenfield, Mass, Ag 2, 37 ; agt, AmSSUn, 32; p, Greenfield, Mass, 37-41 ; p. 1832-1833 63 Central Cong ch, Fall River, 44-9; p, 5th Presb ch, Baltimore, Md, 51-3; d, NYCity, Sp 15, 53. *Wyckoff, James— b, Flanders, NJ, Mr 20, 1804; CNJ, 29; PTS, 29-31; ord, Pby Newark, Nv 14, 32; miss, Stillwater, NJ, 31-2; ss, Hardiston, 33-4; p, Dover, 35-8; d, Hackettstown, NJ, My 29, 38. *Yates, William Black — b. Charleston, SC, Fb 19, 1809; UnTSVa; PTS, Jl-Dc, 31; ColTS; ord, Pby Charleston Un, Dc 8, 35; ss, 1st ch. Charleston, SC, 33; seamen’s chap. Charleston, 34-80; d, Charleston, SC, J1 19, 82. 40. 1833 *Bascom, Ellery — b, Chester, Mass, J1 5, 1798; WRU, 1830; PTS, 30-3; ord evang, Pby Huron, Oc 8, 33; ss. Lower Sandusky, O, 34; Williamsfield; ss, Jackson, 38-9; ss, Wilkesville, 39-40; Jackson; ss. Pleasant Hill, Ind, 47-9; ss, Kendallville, 49-50; Haw Patch, 50-4; ss, Decatur, Wis; Jefferson, la, 70-7; res. Upland, Kan, 77-80; d. Upland, Dc 25, 80. *Boardman, Henry Augustus — b, Troy, NY, Ja 9, 1808; YaleU, 29; law stu; PTS, 30-3; ord, 3d Pby Phila, Nv 8, 33; p, 10th ch, Phila, 33-76, p em, 76-80; d, Phila, Pa, Je 15, 80. DD, MarshC, 44; Mod, Gen Assem, 54. *Grier, Isaac — b, Jersey Shore, Pa, Ja 7, 1806; DickC, 28; tea; PTS, 29- 31; tea, 31-2; PTS, 32-3; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 12, 34; ss, Shamokin & Washington, Pa, 33-4; p, Washington, & ss, Buffalo & Bethel chs, 34-53; p, Buffalo, 54-84; d, Mifflinburg, Pa, Je 24, 84. DD, JefC, 37. ‘Hopkins, Erastus — b, Hadley, Mass, Ap 7, 1810; DartC, 30; PTS, 31-3; res lict, 33-4; AndTS; ord, Pby Charleston Union, Ap 6, 35; p. Beach Island, SC, 35-7; p, 2d ch, Troy, NY, 37-41; Northampton, Mass, 41-72; Mass legisl, 41; pres. Conn River RR Co; d, Northampton, Mass, Ja 24, 72. ‘Laird, Matthew — b, near Fruitstown (now Whitehall), Pa, Oc 8, 1803; PTS, 30-3; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Oc 2, 33; d, Monrovia, Liberia, Africa, My 2, 34. ‘Scofield, Alanson — b, Coeymans, NY, Sp 3, 1800; UnC, 30; AndTS; PTS, 31- 3; agt, WestEduSoc; Auburn, NY, 33-9; ord, Pby Geneva, Oc 3, 39; p. West Fayette, NY, 39-45; ss. Red Creek, 45-8; ss, Augusta, Mich, 48-9; p, Stony Creek, 49-56; ss, Corunna & Newburgh, 56-61 ; ss, Fremont, 62-4; ss, Quincy, 64-8; ss & colp, California, 64-76; d, California, Mich, Je 18, 76. ‘Spotswood, John Boswell — b, Dinwiddie Co, Va, Fb 8, 1808; AmhC, 28; tea; UnTSVa; PTS, 31-3; ord evang, Pby East Hanover, Oc 19, 33; ss, Sussex, V'a, 34- p, 35-40; ss, Mt Paran & Ellicott’s Mills, Md, 40-2; p. New Castle, Del, 42-84; d. New Castle, Fb 10, 85. DD, JefC, 48. ‘Van Aken, Enoch— b, Esopus, NY, J1 21, 1808; RutU, 30; NBTS; PTS, 32- 3; ord RefChAm, Cl Rensselaer, Ap 23, 34; p, Kinderhook, NY, 34-45; p, Bloomingdale (W 72d St ch, NYCity), 35-84; d. New Brunswick, NJ, Ja 2, 85. DD. 64 1833 *White, Nathan Grier — b, Fagg’s Manor, Pa, Ap 11, 1810; DickC, 28; tea; PTS, 30-3; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 11, 34; p, McConnellsburg & Wells Valley, Pa, 34-64; p. Green Hill, 35-64; p, Williamsburg, 64-83; ss, Tyrone, 83-5; ss, Dawson, 85-8; res. New Haven; d. New Haven, Pa, Sp 29, 95. *Wilson, Lewis Feuilleteau — b, Iredell Co, NC, Ag 10, 1804; tea, Choctaw Indians, 24-6; UNash, 30; PTS, 30-3; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Oc 21, 34; miss, Berkeley Co, Va, 33-4; p & tea, Woodstock & Strasburg, 34-6; p. Falling Water, Gerrardstown & Tuscarora, 37-53; p & tea, F'alling Water, 53-72; d, Kabletown, WVa, Mr 24, 73. 10. NOTE — According to the Minutes of the General Assembly, six certifi- cates of graduation were given to members of this class, but their names are not stated. Apparently, four others completed the full course. The records do not tell who of the above ten received the six certificates. *Baird, Thomas R — b, Shelbyville, Ky; PTS, 30-1; tea, Shelbyville. *Banantine, Henry — b, Schodack, NY, Mr 5, 1813; OU, 29; PTS, 30-1; AndTS; ord, Pby Columbus, Ap 6, 35; miss, Ahmednuggur, India, 36-49, 52-65; died at sea, off Cape St Vincent, Portugal, Nv 9, 65. *Barr, Joseph Welch — b, Trumbull Co, O, J1 22, 1802; WRU, 30; AndTS; PTS, 31-2; ord miss, Africa, Pby Phila, Oc 12, 32; d, Richmond, Va, Oc 28, 32. *Bement, William — b, Ashfield, Mass, Ap 5, 1806; DickC, 28; tea. Mobile, Ala, 28-30; PTS, 31-2; YaleUDS; ord Cong, Oc 16, 33; p, Cong ch, Easthampton, Mass, 33-50; p, Elmira, NY, 51-4; ss, Southport, 55-60; supt pub schls, Elmira, 60-7; d, Manhattanville, NY, Ag 1, 76. *Bergen, Jacob F — b, near Hightstown, NJ, My 27, 1802; PTS, Nv-Dc, 30; rul eld; res, Virginia, 111; d, Virginia, 111, Dc 23, 86. *Billings, Silas — b, Somers, Ct, Ag 21, 1804; YaleU, 29; PTS, 30-3; ord evang, Pby E Hanover, Oc 19, 33; miss. Prince George Co, Va, 33-6; ss & tea, Woodstock & Strasburg, 36-46; tea, Morgantown, 46-51; ss, Bloomfield, NJ, .54-6; ss. Orange, 56-8; p & tea. Elk Branch, Va, 58-69; prin. Female Sem, Win- chester, 69-81; d, Winchester, Va, Ja 8, 81. *Brown, Samuel — b, Rockbridge Co, Va, Ja 28, 1806; WashCVa, 29; PTS, 30-2; ord evang, Pby Lexington, Ap 26, 33; ss. Windy Cove ch, Va, 32- ir, 35-8; p. Windy Cove & Lebanon chs, 58-62; p. New Monmouth, 62-73; res, Millbow Springs, Va; d, Millbow Springs, My 3, 89. DD, W&LU, 86. ’•'Dayton, Ezra Fairchild — b, Mendham, NJ, Je 6, 1808; CNJ, 26; prin, Acad, Baskingridge, NJ, 26-9; PTS, Je-Jl, 31 ; ord evang, Pby Newark, Ja 14, 34; ss, Augusta, NJ, 33-6; ss, Sparta, 37-9; d, Sparta, NJ, Oc 2, 39. ‘•'Edwards, James Cooke — b, Warren Co, NJ, Mr 12, 1807; CNJ, 30; PTS, 30-3; tut, CNJ, 32-3; ord evang, Pby New York, Oc 22, 34; ss, 8th Ave ch, NYCity, 34-5; p, Smithtown, NY, 35-52; p, 2d (South) ch, Morristown, NJ, 1833 65 52-60; tea, South Orange, Rahway & Jersey City; ss, Weehawken, 77; d, Morris- town, NJ, Je 28, 80. *Edwards, Tryon — b, Hartford, Ct, Ag 7, 1809; YaleU, 28; law stu; PTS, 30-3; ord, Pby Rochester, J1 22, 34; p, 1st ch, Rochester, 34-44; p, 2d Cong ch. New London, Ct, 44-57; p, Presb ch, Hagerstown, Md, 67-73; pres, Wilson Female Coll, Pa, 70-1; Philadelphia, Pa, 74-9; p, Gouverneur, NY, 80-6; res, Detroit, Mich, 87-94; auth; d, Detroit, Ja 4, 94. DD, WabC, 48. *Fanshaw, William Henry Melvin — b, NYCity, 1811; YaleU, 30; PTS, 30-2; d, NYCity, Ap 29, 33. *Graff, James Johnson — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Nv22, 1803; PTS, 30-3; ord evang, Pby Dist Columbia, Ap, 34; miss, Va, 33-4; ss, 2d ch, Alexandria, 34-5; p, Westchester, Pa, 35-40; p. Snow Hill & Pitt's Creek, Md, 40-8; p, Wrightsville, 48-9; p, Annapolis 49-61; bus, Baltimore, 61-8; asst libr, USN Acad, Annapolis, Md, 68-85; d, Annapolis, Ap 27, 88. *Green, Lewis Warner — b, near Danville, Ky, Ja 28, 1806; CenCKy, 24; stu law; stu med; PTS, 31-2; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Oc 4, 38; prof, CenCKy, 32-6, v pres, 34; prof, HanTS; prof, Heb, WestTS, 40-7; p, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 47-8; pres, HSC, 48-56; pres, Ky State Norm Schl, 56-8; pres, CenCKy, 57-63; d, Danville, Ky, My 26, 63. DD, CenCKy, 40. *Hickman, Gary — b, Montgomery Co, Md, Dc, 1804; PTS, 30-2; ord, Pby Missouri, 44; miss, Loudon Co, Va, 35-6; tea & ss, Middleburg & Winchester, 37-40; St Louis, Mo, 40-4; p. Saline, 44-5; ss. Concord & Marshall, 46-7; prin. Female Sem, Marshall, 45-7; prin, Lebanon Female Sem, Arrow Rock, 48-52; prin. Female Sem, Dover, 52-5; tea & ss. La Fayette Co, 56-8; miss. Highland, Kan, 60-1; ss, 13th Kans vols, 62-3; miss, Walthena, 65-70; d, Donijjhan Co, Kan, Je 18, 70. *Hubbard, Austin Osgood — b, Sunderland, Mass, Ag 9, 1800; YaleU, 24; ord evang, Pby Baltimore, Fb 24, 28; miss, Md, 26-30; PTS, 31-3; instr, PTS, 33-4; ss, Cong ch, Stanstead, Ct, 34-5; miss, Melbourne, 35-8; p, Hardwick, Vt, 41-4; ss, Barnet, 45-51; ss, Craftsbury, 54-7; d, Brattleboro, Vt, Ag, 58. *Hummer, Michael — b, Indiana; IndU ; PTS, 1831-2; ord evang, Pby Craw- fordsville, J1 18, 34; ss, Lafayette, Ind, 36-7 ; ss & p, Stevenson, 111, 37-9; ss, 1st ch, Davenport, la, 40-1 ; ss, Istch, Iowa City, 41-7; ss, Washington ch,47-8; ss, Law- rence, Kan, 62; ss, Wyandotte, 68; bus, Kansas City, Mo, 70-9; tl, Wyandotte (Kansas City), Kan, 86. *Lockwood, Jesse — b. North Salem, NY, Nv 11, 1802; WmsC, 30; PTS, 30-2; ord evang, 1st Pby Long Island, Sp 18, 33; miss to Cherokees; d, Dwight Cherokee Mission, Ark, Ja 25, 34. ■^Lord, Daniel Minor — b, Lyme, Ct, Ap 9, 1800; AmhC, 30; PTS, 30-3; ord, 1st Pby Long Island, Ap 16, 34; p, Southampton, NY, 34-5; seamen's chap, Boston, Mass, 35-47; p. Shelter Island, NY, 48-61; d. Shelter Island, Ag 22, 61. *Lowrie, John Cameron — b, Butler, Pa, Dc 16, 1808; JefC, 29; WestTS; lie; PTS, 32-3; ord evang, Pby New Castle, My 23, 33; miss. Upper India, 33-6; asst 66 1833 sec, BdForMiss, 38-50; ss, 42d St ch, NYCity, 45-50; sec, BdForMiss, 50-91, sec em, 91-1900; auth; ed. Foreign Missionary Chronicle, 38-49; ed. Foreign Record, 50-3; ed. Foreign Missionary, 42-65; res, Astoria, NY, 57-66; East Orange, NJ, 66-1900; d. East Orange, My 31, 1900. DD, MiaU, 53; Mod, Gen Assem, 65. *Martin, Thomas — b, Rathfriland, Co Down, Ireland, Dc 18, 1804; BelfC; PTS, 31-2; tea, Morgantown, Va, 31-3; ss, Morgantown, 38-41; ord, Pby Red- stone, Ja 4, 43; p, Brownsville, Pa, 43-51; ill health; Morgantown, Va, 52-6; Petersburgh, Ind, 57-72; d, Petersburgh, Ap 18, 72. *McCullough, John — b, Chester Co, Pa, Ap 3, 1805; PTS, 30-2; ord evang, Pby Newton, Dc 22, 35; ss. Lower Mt Bethel, 35-8; ss & tea, Galveston, Tex, 38- 40; ss & tea, Columbia, 40-6; ss & tea, San Antonio, 46-9; tea, Galveston, 49-55; ss, Muskingum, O, 55-8; miss, Burnett Co, Tex, 58-69; miss, Prairie Lea, 69-70; d. Prairie Lea, Tex, Ja 9, 70. *McDermott, Thomas — b. Freehold, NJ, Mr 11, 1792; PTS, 1831-3; ord evang, Pby Newton, Ag 7, 33; ss, Stillwater, NJ, 33- p, 34-6; ss, Ellsworth, O, 38-9; ss, Hubbard, 39-41; p. Unity, 41-4; ss, Clarkson, 44- p, 45-6; p, Chippewa, 47-55; Guilford, 53-61; d, Massillon, O, Je 6, 61. *McElroy, William Craig — b. Union District, SC, Ag 19, 1809; UGa; PTS, 30-3; lie, Pby New York, Ap 17, 33; ord, Pby Orange, My 5, 34; ss, Danville, Va, 33- p, 35-7; d, Danville, My 24, 37. *McKee, Joseph — b, Ireland, 1805; BelfC, 29; PTS, Ja-Fb, 31; tea, Paterson, NJ; UnTS, 44-5; ord, NS Pby North River, My 25, 48; tea, NYCity, 45-7; ss, NYCity, 47-8; p, 2d ch, Peekskill, 48-52; p, 6th Ave RefChAm, NYCity, 52-8; tea, NYCity, 59; tea, Newark, NJ, 60-3; d, Newark, Ag 10, 63. *Merrick, James Lyman — b, Monson, Mass, Dc 11, 1803; AmhC, 30; PTS, 30-1 ; ColTS; ord evang, Pby Charleston Union, Ap 15, 34; miss, ABCFM, Tabriz, Persia, 35, Shiraz, 36, Tabriz, 37-41, Oroomiah, 41-5; p, Cong ch. South Amherst, Mass, 49-64; d. South Amherst, Je 18, 66. *Nicoll, Robert Alexander — b, NYCity, J1 12, 1808; YaleU, 29; PTS, 30-2; tea. Mobile, Ala; bus. Mobile; rul eld; d. Mobile, Ala, Je 28, 87. *Peabody, James A — b, Maryland, 1805; PTS, 30-1; lie, Pby Baltimore, Oc 1, 33; fin sec, BdEdu, 35-9; d, Lynn, Mass, Oc 12, 39. *Prime, Samuel Irenaeus — b, Ballston, NY, Nv 4, 1812; WmsC, 29; PTS, 32-3; ord, Pby Albany, Je 4, 35; p, Ballston, NY, 35-6; p, Matteawan, 37-40; ed, NY, Observer, 40-8, 50-85; sec, AmBSoc, 48-9; ed, Presbyterian, 49-50; auth; d, Manchester, Vt, J1 18, 85. DD, HSC, 54. *Pryor, Theodorick — b, Annsville, Va, Ja 9, 1805; HSC, 26; lawy; PTS, 30- 1; UnTSVa; ord, Pby E Hanover, Nv 18, 32; p, Nottoway, Va, 32-53; p, 3d ch, Baltimore, 53-4; p, 2d ch, Petersburg, 54-63; miss. Army North Va, 64-5; p, Brunswick, 66-7; p, Nottoway, 67-90; d, near Nottoway CH, Va, J1 27, 90. DD, HSC, 52. *Ouilhot, Joseph — b, Ephratah, NY, Mr 28, 1806; UnC, 30; PTS, 30-1; d, Rochester, NY, Mr 22, 31, 1833 67 *Rice, John Jay — b, Garrard Co, Ky, Sp 7, 1804; PTS, 30-2; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, Ap 5, 33; ss, Dutch Neck, NJ, 30-2; ss, Millersburg, Ky, 32-4; ss, Maysville, 34-6; miss, Florida, 38-40; d, Quincy, Fla, Sp 19,40. *Sharon, James C — b, Pennsylvania; JefC, 1830; PTS, 30-3; ord, Pby Lan- caster, 37; ss, Newton & Blue Rock, O, 36- p, 37-8; p. Blue Rock & Bristol, 39-41; p. Union, la, 42-9; prof, DesMC, 49-53; ss, Alexandria, Mo, 54; ss, St Francisville, 55-6; ss, Waterloo, 57; p, Birmingham, la, 58-63; ss, Troy, 63-6; miss & ss, Bloomfield, 67-8; d, Bloomfield, la, Je 28, 68. *Slocum, John Jay — b, Pittston, NY, Ja 31, 1803; AndTS; YaleUDS; PTS, 32-3; ord, 3d Pby NY, Je 15, 34; p, Manhattan Is, NY, 34-6; ss, Manlius, 40; ss, Boonville, Md, 43-4; ss, Bethany, Pa, 46; ss, Salina, NY, 50; agt, Salina, 51; agt. Concord, NH, 52-3; agt, LkFC, 55-9; res, NYCity, 59-62; d, NYCity, Mr 12, 62. *Smith, Aristides Spyker — b, Abingdon, Va, Mr 18, 1809; YaleU, 28; tea; UnTSVa; PTS, 31-2; ord evang, Pby E Hanover, Ag 24, 33; miss, Brunswick Co, Va, 32-4; miss, Southampton Co, 35; p, Drummond Town, 37-9; tea, Abingdon, 39- 40; ord dea, PEpis Ch, Oc 18, 40, presbyter, 41; rec, Martin’s Brandon Parish, 40- 5; ss & prin, Tuscaloosa, Ala, 45-7; prin, Norfolk Female Inst, Va, 47-61; rec, Christ ch, Nashville, Tenn, 61-2; chap, CSA, 62-4; ss & prin, Baltimore, Md, 65- 7; rec, St Paul’s Parish, Queen Anne Co, 67-72; tea, Petersburg, Va, 72-3; rec, Ringwood, NC, 73-92; d, Beldon, Ap 16, 92. DD, UNC, 79. *Stuart, John — b, Fairfield, Ct; MidC, 1830; PTS, 30-1; ss, Hopewell, O; p. Forest City; killed on Miss River. *Taylor, John Orville — b, Charlton, NY, My 14, 1807; UnC, 30; PTS, N\', 30; tea, Phila, Pa, 30-2; tea & lect, 15 yrs; prof, NYU, 37 ; bus, NYCity; res. New Brunswick, NJ, 79-90; d. New Brunswick, Ja 19, 90. “Thompson, Oren Cook — b, Stockbridge, Mass, Ag 20, 1806; WRU, 30; PTS, 30-1; ord, Pby Detroit, Nv, 34; tea, Ann Arbor, Mich, 32-3; p, St Clair, 34- 42; p, Cong ch, St Clair, 42-9; ss, Presb ch. Dearborn, 54-6; ss, Cong ch, Wayne, 54, 56-9; ss. New Baltimore, 60-4; agt, USChrCom, 64-5; ss, Cong ch. Summit & Salem, Mich, 66-8; ss. Royal Oak, 68-9; ss, Wayne, 70-1; ss. New Baltimore, 72- 3; ss, Cong ch. Royal Oak & Presb ch, Southfield, 74-7; res, Detroit; d, Detroit, Mich, Je 4, 90, “Thompson, Robert Gordon — b, Indiana Co, Pa, Oc 22, 1806; JefC, 30; PTS, 30-2; ord evang, Pby Phila, Oc 17, 33; ss, Poundridge, NY, 33-5; p, York- town, 36-46; p, Tariffville, Ct, 46-52; ss, Roscoe, 111, 52-4; ss, Rockford, 111, & Janesville, Wis, 55-62; ss. Willow Creek, 111, 62- p, 64-8; ss, Brodhead, Wis, 69-71; p el, Greeley, Colo, 71-7; d, Greeley, Mr 19, 79. “Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt — b, Albany, NY, My 26, 1808; YaleU, 27; PTS, 30-2; UnTSVa; ord evang, Pby West Hanover, Ap 18, 35; miss to slaves, Va, 33-5; p, Burlington, NJ, 37-40; ss, 2d ch, Washington, DC, 41-2; agt, PTS, 44; sec, BdEdu, 46-60; ed. Home Schl & Ch, & Presb Mag; d, Burlington, NJ, J1 25, 60. DD, NYU, 45; Mod, Gen Assem, 57. “Wallace, Benjamin John— b, Erie, Pa, Je 10, 1810; USMilA, 27-30; PTS, 30-2; ord, Pby Muhlenburg, 34; ss, Waterford, Pa, 33-4; ss, Russellville, Ky, 68 1833-1834 34-6; p, York, Pa, 40-5; prof, UDel, 46; sec, ChExtensionCom; ed, Presb Quarterly Rev, & Amer Presb; Phila, Pa, 52-62; d, Phila, J1 25, 62. DD, HamC, 59. ^Weaver, Martin — b, Pennsylvania; UPa, MD, 1829; PTS, 30; physician. *Williams, Albert — b. Orange, NJ, Ap 29, 1809; CNJ, 29; tea; PTS, 31-3; ord evang, Pby Newark, Oc 8, 34; chap, Holland Ref, NYCity, 33-4; seamen’s chap, Mobile, Ala, 34-8; p, 1st ch, Clinton, NJ, 38-48; p, 1st ch, San Francisco, Cal, 49-54; Princeton, NJ, 55-9; ss, St Paul’s ch, San Francisco, Cal, 59-66; res, San Francisco, 68-89; West Orange, NJ, 89-93; d. West Orange, Je 4, 93. *Wilson, Henry Rowan — b, Bellefonte, Pa, Je 10, 1808; JefC, 28; UPa, Med Dept; PTS, 30-3; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Oc 16, 32; miss, Cherokee & Choctaw Indians, 32-7; miss, India (Futteghur), 37-45; agt, BdForMiss, Phila & Pittsburgh, Pa, 45-52; prin acad, Attleboro, 53; tea, Bridgeton, NJ, 54; p, Fairmount ch, Sewickleyville, Pa, 58-60; ss, Bensalem ch; pres, Female Coll, Springfield, O, 60-6; dist sec, BdDomMiss,St Louis, Mo, 66-7 ; cor sec, BdChExten, St Louis, Mo, 68-70; cor sec, BdChErect, NYCity, 70-86; d, Elizabeth, NJ, Je 8, 86. DD, LafC, 42 & WashCPa, 52. 43. 1834 ^Baldwin, John Abeel — b, NYCity, Ap 25, 1810; YaleU, 29; law stu; AndTS; PTS, 32-4; ord, RefChAm, Cl Long Island, Mr 22, 36; ss, Presb ch, Whip- pany, NJ, 35; p, RefChAm, Flatlands & New Lots, NY, 36-52; p, 1st Presb ch, Lancaster, Pa, 52-7; p. New Providence, NJ, 57 -63; ss, Woodhaven, NY, 69-76; res, Brooklyn, 63-86; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 22, 86. DD. *Bissell, Samuel Burr Sherwood — b, Norwalk, Ct, Fb 16, 1812; YaleU, 30; law stu; PTS, 31-4; ord evang, Pby West Hanover, Ap 17,36; miss, Fluvanna Co, \’a, 34-5; agt, VaTrSoc, 35-42; ss, 1st Cong ch, Greenwich, Ct, 42-53; dist sec, ■AmSSUn, 53-9; sec, AmSeamFrSoc, 59-65; sec, AmSSUn, 65-87; res, Norwalk, Ct; d, Norwalk, Ag 23, 94. *Corss, Charles Chapin — b, Greenfield, Mass, My 22, 1803; AmhC, 30; tea, 30-2; PTS, 32-4; ord evang, Pby Susquehanna, Ag 27, 36; ss, Kingston, Pa, 34-7 ; p, Athens, 38-47; ss, Smithfield (Union ch), 47-69; ss, Barclay, 69-70; ss. Ref Presb ch, Ulster, 71; evang, Smithfield, 74-88; hon re, 88; res. East Smithfield; d. East Smithfield, Pa, My 20, 96. *Cory, Benjamin — b, Elizabethtown, NJ, Fb 24, 1807; CNJ, 31; PTS, 31-4; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, My 6, 35; p, Perth Amboy, NJ, 35-60; ss, Plainfield, 63- p, 64-8; d, Elizabeth, NJ, Mr 18, 88. ■‘Cory, Joseph— b, Elizabethtown, NJ, Fb 24, 1807; CNJ, 31; PTS, 31-4; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ap 5, 35; p. New \’ernon, NJ, 35-52; p, Nyack, NY, 53-67; ss, Wampsville, 68-9; ss, Abington, Pa, 69- p, 71-3; p, Dunmore, Pa, 74- 88, p em, 88-92; d, Dunmore, Ja 13, 92. *Cunningham, William Madison — b, Jonesboro, Tenn, Je 28, 1812; WashCTenn, 29; act pres, WashCTenn; PTS, 31-4; ord, Pby Lexington, Je 26, 35; p, Lexington, Va, 35-40; ss, Chattanooga, Tenn, 40; p. La Grange, Ga, 41-70; d, La Grange, Mr 3, 70. DD, StewC, 60. 1834 69 *Guy, Alexander — b, Duplin Co, NC, Dc 6, 1800; O Med Coll, 31; PTS, 31-4; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 6, 34; ss, Middletown, O, 35; ss. Round Bottom, 36-7; ss, Mt Carmel, 40-1; ss. Bethel, 41-2; ss, Cheviot, 42-3; lie, resigned, 45; Cincinnati, 43-54; Oxford, 54-93; nil eld; d, Oxford, O, Nv30, 93. *Hope, Matthew Boyd— b, Mifflin Co, Pa, J1 31, 1812; JefC, 30; PTS, 31-4; Med Dept, UPa, 36; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Ap 7, 36; miss, ABCFM, Singapore, Asia, 36-8; cor sec, PaColonSoc, 38-9; fin sec, BdEdu, 39-42; cor sec, BdEdu,42-6; prof, Rhet, CNJ, 40-59; d, Princeton, NJ, Dc 17,59. DD,\VashCPa, 49. *Mack, William — b. Flushing, NY, J1 29, 1807; UnC, 31; PTS, 31-4; ord, Pby Rochester, Fb 5, 35; p, 3d ch, Rochester, 35-9; ss, 2d ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 40-3; ss, 1st ch, Columbia, 43-58; pres, JackC, 43-9, 52-3; evang, Columbia, 59- 78; d, Columbia, SC, Ja 10, 79. DD, StewC. *McDonald, Samuel Higgins — b, near Kingston, NJ, Oc 8, 1809; CNJ, 28; tea; PTS, 31-4; tut, CNJ, 32; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 7, 35; hm miss & ss, Cumberland, Md, 34-42; ss, Millerstown, Pa, 42-4; ss. West Kishacoquillas, 45- p, 46-55; ss, Fairmont, WVa, 55-6; tea, Haysville, O, 00; tea, Kishacoquillas Sem, Pa, .59-70; tea, Lewisburg, Pa, 76-92; d, Lewisburg, Ja 18, 95. *McEwen, James — b, Corieff, Perthshire, Scot, 1801; PTS, 31-4; ord evang, Pby 'Phila, Ap 24, 35; miss, .Mlahabad, India, 36-8; p, Delhi, NY, 42-5; d, Delhi, Mr 11, 45. *Robinson, Samuel E — b, Tennessee; PTS, 1831-4; lict, Pby Flint River, 39; ss, Uchee Valley ch, Fla, 40-51; colp, Milton, 53-7; d, .57. *Webster, Richard — b, Albany, NY, J1 14, 1811; UnC, 29; law stu; PTS, 31-4; AndTS; ord evang, Pby Albany, Ajj 29, 35; miss, Easton, Pa, 35; [), Mauch (’hunk, 37-.56; d, Mauch Chunk, Pa, Je 19, 56. *Woodbridge, Sylvester — b, Sharon, Ct, Je 15, 1813; UnC, 30; AubTS; PTS, 32-4; ord, Pby Long Island, Ap 22, 36; ss, Westhampton, NY, 35- p, 36-7; p, Hempstead, LI, 38-48; ss, Benicia, Cal, 49- p, .50-70; ed, Occident, 09-76; p, Howard St ch, San Francisco, 70-5; p, Woodbridge ch, San Francisco, 76-83; d, San Francisco, Cal, Ap 1, 83. DD, LafC, 59. 14. *Barllett, Charles L — b. Unity, NH, 1804; .AndTS; PTS, .31-3; ord, Cong, Je 22, 35; ss. Rising Sun, Ind, 3.5-9; ss. Pleasant Ridge, 39-43; ss. Central ch, Jefferson, 44-6; ss, Newark, 111, 46-.50; p, Du Page, 51-6; hm miss, Du Page, 57-8; ill health; res. Lake Forest, .59-67; d, Taberville, Mo, Sp 16, 67. *Beebee, Levi Swift - b. West Hartwick, NY; Yalell, 1828; PTS, 31-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, .Ag 5, 34; j), 2d ch. Upper Freehold, NJ, 34-6; res, English- town, 37-43; suspended, Pby Georgia, .53; d, NYCity, J1 17, 63. *Bradford, Arthur Bullus -b, Reading, Pa, Mr 28, 1810; UnC, 33; PTS, 31-4; ord, Pby Phila, S|) 18, 34; p, 2d ch, Southwark, Phila, Pa, 34-5; j), C'linton, NJ, 36-8; p, Mt Pleasant ch. Pa, 40-7; withdrew, 47; ss. Free Presb ch, New 70 1 8 3 4 Castle, 53-62, 63-8; US consul, Amoy, China, 62-3; dropped from roll, 70; d, Enon Valley, Pa, Ja 20, 99. ♦Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson — b, Cabell’s Dale, Ky, Mr 8, 1800; UnC, 19; lawy ; Ky legisl, 25-9; PTS, Je-Oc, 32; ord, Pby Baltimore, Nv 26, 32; p, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 32-45; ed, Balt Lit & Rel Mag, 35-43; pres, JefC, 45-7; p, 1st ch, Lexington, Ky & supt, pub instruction. State of Ky, 47-53; prof, Syst & Polem Theol, DanTS, 53-69; ed, Danville Rev, 61-5; d, Danville, Ky, Dc 27, 71. DD, UnC, 39; LLD, JefC, 47, HarvU, 62; Mod, Gen Assem, 41. ♦Camp, Henry Bates — b, Durham, Ct, Dc 10, 1809; YaleU, 31; YaleUDS, 31- 3; PTS, 33-4; ord. New Haven West Cong Asso, J1 29, 35; p, Cong ch, Branford, 35-6; tea, D&D Asylum, Hartford, 37-64; res, Hartford, 64-80; d, Hartford, Ct, Fb 16, 80. ♦Cassells, John Baker — b, Liberty Co, Ga, Ap 6, 1811; PTS, 32-3; ColTS; ord evang, Pby Hopewell, Ap 22, 37; p, Salem ch, Ga, 37-8; d, Wilkes Co, Ga, J1 24, 38. ♦Clark, James — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 9, 1812; UPa, 30; PTS, 31-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 8, 37; p, Tennent ch, Freehold, NJ, 37-9; p, Upper & Lower Mt Bethel, 39; p, Belvidere, 40-50; pres, WashCPa, 50-2; p, Lewisburg, Pa, 52-7; res, Phila, 57-92; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 1, 92. DD, JefC, 50. ♦Clarke, David Duncan — b, Shippensburg, Pa, Oc, 1810; JefC, 31; PTS, 32- 3; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 11, 38; p, Schellsburg, Pa, 38-43; p. Lower Marsh Creek, 43-56; p, Waynesburg & Newton Hamilton, 56-65; d, McVeytown, Pa, Dc 30, 65. DD, JefC, 62. ♦Cross, Andrew Boyd — b, Baltimore, Md, Nv 12, 1810; CNJ, 31; PTS, 31-4; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ag 31, 37; miss, Md & Del, 34; asso ed, Balt Lit & Rel Mag, 35-41; p. Bethel, Md, 37-45; ed, Maryland Temp Herald, 45-9; ss, Ashland, Phoenix, Parkton, Newmarket, 48-63; USChrCom, 63-5; miss, res, Baltimore, 65-89; d, Baltimore, Md, Sp 6, 89. ♦Curtis, Harvey— b, Adams, NY, My 30, 1806; MidC, 31; PTS, 31-3; prin, Norwalk Acad, Ct, 33-4; tut, MidC, 34-5; ord, Brandon Cong Asso, Vt, Fb 18, 36; p, Cong ch, Brandons, Vt; agt, ABCFM, 42-3; p, Madison, Ind, 43-51; p, 1st Presb ch, Chicago, 111; pres, KxC, 58-62; d, Galesburg, 111, Sp 18, 62. DD, MidC, 57. ♦Dana, John Jay— b, Poultney, Vt, Nv 5, 1811; UnC, 31; AndTS; PTS, 33- 4; ord evang, Pby Troy, Sp 9, 35; hm miss, Pittstown, NY, 35-6; act p, Blissfield, Mich, 36-8; ss, Canaan 4 Corners, NY, 38- p, 40-8; p, Cong ch, S Adams, Mass, 48-58; ss, Cummington, 61-5; ss, Becket, 66-74; ss, Alford & West Stockbridge Center, 76-84; res, Alford, 84-9; ss, Curtisville, 91-2; res, Housatonic, 92-9; d, Williamsville, Mass, Je 18, 99. ♦De Forest, William Brintnall — b. New Haven, Ct, Oc 3, 1811; YaleU, 31; YaleUDS; PTS, 33-4; ord, Litchfield South Cong Asso, Ja 21, 35; ss, Cong ch, Watertown, Ct, 34- p, 35-7; phys, Colebrook, 40-5; NYCity, 46-60; New Haven, Ct, 60-87; d, New Haven, Sp 21, 87. ♦Elliott, Jared Leigh — b, Washington, DC, Je 24, 1807; CNJ, 31; AubTS; 1834 71 PTS, 33-4; ss, Poughkeepsie, NY, 34-5; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 26, 35; p. Mariner’s ch, Phila, Pa, 35-6; ss, Washington, DC, & Frederick, Md, 36-7; chap, USN, 38- 42; agt, AmSeamFrSoc, 43; chap, USArmy, 44-9; act mast, USN, 61; chap, USArmy, 63-81; d, Washington, DC, Ap 16, 81. DD, 77. ■^Ely, Elias Peck — b, Lyme, Ct, Dc 31, 1808; AmhC; tea; TrinC, 31; PTS, 32-4; lie, Middlesex Cong Asso, Ct, Oc 1, 33; d, Lyme, Ct, Sp 4, 34. *Ely, Samuel Rose — b. West Springfield, Mass, Dc 29, 1803; WmsC, 30; PTS, 32-4; ord, Pby Bedford, Dc 4, 34; p, Carmel, NY, 34-6; p, Easthampton, 36-47; ss, Roslyn, 56-70; d, Roslyn, NY, My 11, 73. DD, ColU, 65. *Findley, William — b, Mercer, Pa, Fb 4, 1808; JefC, 28; PTS, 33-4; ord, Asso Ref, Pby of the Lakes, My 25, 37; miss & ss. Pa & O, 34-6; p. White Oak Springs & Prospect, Pa, 37-51; p, Portersville & Prospect, 51-7; prof, Lat, Westm CPa, 57-67; ss, Plaingrove, 58-61; ss, Leesburg, 61-7; p, UP ch, Shenango, 60-6; fin agt, WestmCPa, 67-72; ss, Telfer, Galt & Williamsport, Can, 72-5; p, Chesley, Can, 76-9; d. New Castle, Pa, My 9, 86. DD, MonC, 67. *Foreman, Stephen — ^b, Oo-you-gilogie, Cherokee Nation (Ga), Oc 22, 1807; UnTSVa; PTS, 31-2; MaryvC, Th Dept; ord evang, Pby Union, Sp 23, 35; ss. Candy’s Cr ch, Cher Nat, 34-8; miss, ABCFM among Cherokees, 34-61; miss, Texarkana, Ark, 61-5; miss. Park Hill, Cher Nat, Ind Terr, 65-81; d. Park Hill, Cher Nat, Ind Terr, Dc 8, 81. *Frary, Jesse Loring — b, Southampton, Mass, Oc 27, 1811; AmhC, 31; PTS, 32-3; LaneTS; ord, Pby St Louis, Oc 9, 38; miss, Apple Creek, Mo, 38-41; ss, Brazeau, 41-2; ss, Des Moines, 42-3; ss, Harrisonburg, Va, 44-5; ss, Woodstock & Strasburg, 47; tea, Kearneysville, WVa, 47-53; tea, Shepherdstown, 53-67; d, Shepherdstown, WVa, Fb 29, 68. *Galloway, Samuel — b, Richmond, Pa, J1 8, 1804; CNJ, 31; PTS, 31-4; lie, Pby Newton, Ap 23, 34; prof, LafC, 34-5; ss & tea, St Mary’s, Ga, 41-2; ss & tea, Barnwell, SC, 44-59; ss & tea, near Jonesborough, Ga, 59-70; tea, Quincy, Fla, 70-6; lie withdrawn, Ap, 77; tea, Milano, Tex, 77-8; Belton, 81-6; d, Belton, Tex, Sp 25, 91. *Gaylord, Samuel W — b. New York; NYU; PTS, 1831-2. ♦Gretter, John Augustus — b, Richmond, Va, Sp 28, 1810; UVa; tea; PTS, 31; ord evang, Pby East Hanover, Ap 18, 35; ss, Genito, Va, 34-6; tea, Caldwell Inst, Greensboro, NC, 37-43; ss. Sun Grove, 39-40; ss. Bethel, 41-3; p, Greensboro, 44-53; d, Greensboro, NC, Ja 21, 53. ’•‘Hart, John Seely — b, Stockbridge, Mass, Ja 28, 1810; CNJ, 30; prin, Acad, Natchez, Miss, 30-1; PTS, 31-4; adj prof, CNJ, 34-6; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 4, 35; prin, Edgehill Schl, Princeton, NJ, 36-42; lie resigned, 42; prin. High Schl, Phila, Pa, 42-59; ed, AmSSUn, 59-62; prin, NJ State NormSchl, 62-71 ; prof, Rhet & Eng Lit, CNJ, 71-5; auth, Phila, Pa, 75-7; d, Phila, Mr 26, 77. LLD, MiaU, 48. ■^Houston, Samuel Rutherford— b. Rural Valley, Va, Mr 12, 1806; DickC, 25; instr, Inst for Deaf & Dumb, Phila, Pa, 25-31; PTS, 31-2; UnTSVa; 72 1834 ord evang, Pby Lexington, Jc 26, 34; miss, ABCFM, Scio, Turkey, 34- 7; miss, AreopoHs, Greece, 37-41; ss. Union & Mt Pleasant, Va, 42- (prin Acad, 45-67) p, 45-87; d, Wigton, WVa, Ja 29, 1887. DD, W&LU, 73. ^Howard, Charles Wallace — b. Savannah, Ga, Oc 10, 1811; UGa; PTS, 31-3; ord; p, Milledgeville, Ga, 36; ss & prof, Lexington, 36-9; p, Fr Prot ch. Charleston, SC, 45-52; ed, Atlanta paper, res. Spring Bank, Ga, & “Ellerslie,” Lookout Mt, 52-76; d. Lookout Mt, Ga, Dc 25, 76. *Howe, Samuel Storrs — b, Shoreham, Vt, Je 20, 1808; MidC, 29; AndTS; PTS, 33-4; AndTS; tut, MidC, 35-6; tea, Canandaigua, NY, 36-8; ss. West Dres- den, NY, 38-9; ord, Pby Chemung, My 6, 41; ss. Painted Post, 40- p, 41-2; ss, Cong chs, Ticonderoga & East Stockholm, 43-5; ss, Presb ch, Brasher’s Falls, 44- p, 45-8; dist sec, WestEduSoc, Auburn, 48-9; ss, Iowa City, la, 49- p, .50-1; ed, Iowa Temperance Journal; ed. Literary Advertiser; miss & ss; res, Iowa City, 51-88; d, Iowa City, la, Oc 24, 88. *Jones, Warren G — b. Conn, Nv 2, 1802; UnC, 31; PTS, 31-3; ord, Pby Wilmington, Nv 20, 33; p, Drawyers ch, Del, 33-6; p, Cong ch, South Glaston- bury, Ct, 37-50; p, Harwington, ,50-3; p, Market St ch, Hartford, 53-8; p, 2d ch, Manchester, 59-60; Hartford, 61-5; ss, Salem, 65-70; ss, Bozrah, 70-1; d, Bozrah, Ct, Ag 26, 71. *Junkin, David X— b, Mercer, Pa, Ja 8, 1808; LafC, 31; PTS, 32-4; ord, Pby Newton, Mr 25, 35; p, Greenwich, NJ, 35-51; prof, LafC, 37-42; p, F St ch, Washington, DC, 51-3; p, Hollidaysburgh, Pa, 53-60; chap, USN, Annapolis, Md, 60-4; p. North ch, Chicago, 111, 64-6; p, 1st ch. New Castle, Pa, 66-79; d, Martins- burgh, WVa, Aj) 22, 80. DD. *Kidder, Thomas- b. New Ipswich, Nil, Ap 1.5, 1801; PTS, 31-2; AndTS; ord Cong, Windsor, Vt, Ja 10, 38; p, Windsor, Vt, 38-42; chap, Vt State Prison, 42-8; oc s, St Johnsbury, Vt, 48-63; USArmy, 63; d, Bermuda Hundred, Va, Nv 29, 64. *Lewers, James — b, Castle Blaney, Ireland, Ag 30, 1806; BelfC, 26; PTS, 32; ord, Pby Charleston Union, Ap 30, 34; ss, Bloomsburg & Berwick, 27-30; John's Is & Wadmalaw Is, SC; p, Wappetaw Ind ch, 34-9; ss, Rocky River, 39- 41; p, Musconetcong Valley ch, NJ, 41-60; p, Milford & Holland, 60-5; p, Cata- sauqua. Pa, 65-8; d, Catasauqua, Ag 24, 68. *Leyburn, George William — b, Lexington, Va, Ja 2, 1809; CNJ, 29; PTS, 31-3; UnTSVa; ord evang, Pby Lexington, Ap 30, 36; miss, ABCFM, AreopoHs, Greece, 37-42; tea, Bedford & Fluvanna Cos, Va, 41-53; agt, AmColonSoc, 48; agt, VaColonSoc, 54-5; ss. Piedmont, Leesville, & Castle Craig, 57-8; ed, Presb Witness, Knoxville, Term, 58; agt, TrSoc & miss, CSA, 61-5; ss, Appomattox CH, Va, 66- p, 67-75; miss, Salonica, Turkey, 75; d, Salonica, Turkey, Ag 14, 75. *Lockwood, Benjamin — b, Norwalk, Ct, Sp 10, 1808; YaleU, 30; tea, Derby, Ct, 30-1 ; PTS, 31-2; tea, Haddonfield, NJ ; ss, Smithtown, NY, 33-4; tea, Augusta & Vernon, NY, 35-7; ord, Pby Oneida, Ja 11, 37; p, Cong ch, Verona, 37-9; city miss, NYCity, 39-44; ss, Cong ch, Jersey City, NJ, 44-6; tea, NYCity, 49; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 50-3; ss. Bay Side & Brintford, 63-5; d, Linden, NJ, Sp 29, 80. 1834 73 *Lovejoy, Elijah Parish — b, Albion, Me, Nv 9, 1802; Waterv’ille Coll, Me, 26; tea & ed, St Louis, Mo, 27-32; PTS, 32-3; lie, 2d Pby Phila, Ap 18, 33; ed, St Louis Observer, 33-5; ed, Alton, 111, 36-7; killed, Alton, Nv 7, 37. *Mack, Eli Thornton — b, Granville, NY, My 18, 1808; WmsC, 30; tea, WmsC, 31-2; PTS, 33; lie, Pby Troy, Ag 24, 36; prin, Aead, Granville, NY, 34-50; tea. New Brunswiek, NJ, 51-5; prin, Inst, Guilford, Ct, 55-9; tea. New Haven, 59-63; prin, Erasmus Hall, Flatbush, NY, 63-79; d, Brooklyn, Fb 3, 81. *Magill, Seagrove William — b, St Mary’s, Ga, Sp 27, 1810; YaleU, 31; YaleUDS; PTS, 33-4; ss, St Augustine, Fla, 34-5; ord evang, Cong, Plymouth, Ct, Ag 8, 38; ss, Presb ehs, Bryan Co, Ga, 35-40; p, Cong eh, Tallmadge, O, 41-3; p, Cornwall, Vt, 44-7; prin. Female Sem, Greensboro & Athens, Ga, 47-50; p, Waterbury, Ct, 52-62; agt, AmMissAsso, 62-4; fin agt, YaleUDS, 65-6; p, Corn- wall, Vt, 67-78; res, Amherst, Mass, 78-84; d, Amherst, Ja 20, 1884. DD, MidC, 75. *Marr, Joseph — b, Milton, Pa, Mr 14, 1806; PTS, 32-3; ord, Pby North- umberland, Ap 22, 35; ss, Williamsport, Pa, 35-6; ss, Buffalo, 37-8; ss, North- umberland, 40-1; United Can eh, 42-51; ss, Berwiek, 52-4; ill health; res, Milton, 55-8; tea, St Louis, Mo, 58-60; ill health; res, Carondelet, 61-71; hon re, 76; res, Harrisburg, Pa, 76-81; d, Lewisburg, Je 27, 81. *Marr, Phineas Barbour — b. Light Street, Pa, Ja 20, 1808; JefC, 30; PTS, 30-1, 32-4; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 13, 34; ss, Williamsport, Pa, 33-4; p, Lewisburg, 34-52; ss, Muney & Bethel, 53-4; ss, Shamokin, 55-67; ss, Derry, 68- 70; Lewisburg, 71-4; d, Lewisburg, Pa, Ja 28, 74. *McDowall, Ebenezer — Entered from Frederieksburgh, Canada; PTS, 1831- 3; lie, 3d Pby New York, Je 14, 33; liet, 3d Pby New York, 36; res, NYCity. *McGeoch, James — UnC, 1825; PTS, Je-Sp, 32; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oe 2, 32; miss. 111; d, Bloomington, 111, 33. *McKim, James Miller — b, Carlisle, Pa, Nv 14, 1810; DickC, 28; stu med, UPa; PTS, 31; AndTS; ord, Pby Wilmington, Oc, 35; p, Womelsdorf, Pa, 35-6; agt, .^m Anti-Slavery Soc, 36-40; withdrew from Presb eh, 38; publ agt. Pa .Anti- Slavery Soc, Phila, 40-63; cor sec, h'reedm Rel .Asso, 63-5; cor sec, .AmerP'reedm Com, 65-9; prop, NY Nation; d, Llewellyn Park, Orange, NJ, Je 13, 74. ’‘Mills, Robert — Entered from Londonderry, Ireland; PTS, 1831-3. ’‘Morell, Dunbar — Entered from Savannah, Ga; PTS, 1831-2. ’‘Morrison, William Newton — b, Cabarras Co, NC, J1 2, 1810; WashCX'a, 28; tea; PTS, 31-2; UnTSVa; ord, Pby Morgantown, Nv 1 1 , 37; ss, Goshen & New Hope ehs, NC, 36-7; j), Goshen, 37-40; ss. New Hope, 37-41; ss, Swannanoa, Reem’s Creek & Flat Creek, 41-54; tea& SSmiss, .Ashvillc, 54-85; d .Ashville, NC, Ja 2, 8.5. ’‘Morrow, Thomas- b, Greenville Dist, SC, J1 31, 1805; CenCKy, hon B.A, 35; tea, PTS, 31-2; UnTSVa; ord evang, Pby Tombeekbee, .Ap 2, 37; miss. Creek Nation, .Ala, 33-7; miss & tea, Pickens Co, .Ala; sui)t. Pub Schls, Morgan Co, 60-1, 67-74; res, Decatur; d, Hartsells, .Ala, Mr 12, 85. DD. 74 1834 *Niles, Mark A Haskell — b, Massachusetts, Ag 8, 1806; AmhC, 30; PTS, 31-2; ord, Pby Madison, My 21, 36; prof, Anc Lang, HanC, 32-7; p, Marblehead, Mass, 37-44; d, 47. *Pinkney, William — b, Annapolis, Md, Ap 17, 1810; StJC, 27; PTS, 31-3; ord PEpis dea, Ap 12, 35; ord presbyter. My 27, 36; rec, St Matthew’s ch, Bladensburg, Md; rec, ch of the Ascension, Washington, DC; consecrated asst bp of Md, Oc 6, 70; d, Cockeysville, Md, J1 4, 83. DD, StJC, 55; LLD, ColbnU, & CW&M, 73. *Plotts, John— b, Northampton Co, Pa, Dc 27, 1803; CNJ, 30; PTS, 32-3; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 25, 34; miss & tea, Mt Holly, NJ, 34-9; d, Mt Holly, Oc 26, 39. *Raymond, Albert Rhamanthus — b, Sherburne, NY, Nv 5, 1806; UhC, 31 ; PTS, 31-3; AubTS; ord, Pby Chenango, Sp 28, 37 ; ss. Nelson, NY, 36-7 ; prin, Cazenovia, 36-7; ss, Greene, 37-8; ss, Conkling, NY, & Liberty, Pa, 38-9; ss. Liberty & Franklin, Pa, 39-43; ss, Salem & Sterling, 44-68; res, Hamlinton; d, Hamlinton, Pa, Ap 30, 88. *Rogers, Charles William — b. Savannah, Ga, 1809; YaleU, 29; PTS, 31-3; ord evang, Plymouth, Ct, Oc 28, 35; miss, Ga; d. Savannah, Ga, My 9, 61. *Schuyler, William Cushing — Entered from Catskill, NY; PTS, 1831-2. *Scram, William H— b, Albany Co, NY, Ag 9, 1801; UnC, 31; PTS, 31- tea, Troy, Clyde, Penn Yan, Syracuse & NYCity, 35-49; tea, Sandlake, NY, 49; 75; rul eld; d, Nv 1, 75. *Sheddan, Samuel Sharon — b, Northumberland Co, Pa, Sp 13, 1810; JefC, 31; PTS, 32-4; ord, Pby Northumberland, Ja 5, 35; ss, Muncy, Pa, 34- p, 35-8; ss, Williamsport, 34-8; ss. Warrior Run, 39- p, 47-52; p, 1st ch, Rahway, NJ, 52-74; d, Rahway, Oc 18, 74. DD, ColU, 65. *Sheldon, David Sylvester — b, Rupert, Vt, Dc 6, 1809; MidC, 31; PTS, 31-2; tea; AndTS; tea, Potsdam, NY, 35-40; tea, Northampton, Mass, 50; tea, Burlington, la, 50-2; prof, laC, 53-4, 55-8; dean & prof, GrisC, 60-86; d, Daven- port, la, Je 5, 1886. LLD, GrisC, 77. *Shoap, John — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1831; lie, Pby Northumberland, 34. *Simpson, Theodore William — b, Baskingridge, NJ, Mr 1, 1807; RutU, 28; PTS, 31-3; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 7, 35; miss, Lancaster Co, Pa, 35; prof, UDel, 35-6; p, Charlestown, Va, 36-41; p, Wicomico, Md, 42-9; tea, George- town, DC, 49-57; ss, Bladensburg, Md, 50-7; p, Springfield & Mt Paran, 57-61; ss, Churchville & Harmony, 61-2; chap, USArmy Hosp, Baltimore, 62-6; ss, Mt Paran, 66-9; elk, US Treas Dept, res, Georgetown, DC, 69-77; prof, Georgetown Coll Inst, 77-81; d, Rockville, Md, Ap 4, 90. DD, RutU, 80. *Smith, Leonidas L — b. Chesterfield, Va, Fb 1, 1812; HSC, 29; UnTSVa; PTS, 31-2; YaleUDS; AndTS; lie, Pby E Hanover, Ag 24, 33; tea; ord PEpis dea, 43; presbyter, 45; rec, Emanuel ch, Warrenton, NC, 53-7; rec, Christ ch, Nashville, Tenn, 57-61; tea, Baltimore, Md, 61-5; d, Baltimore, Nv 11, 65. 1834-1835 75 *Stocker, John — b, Canaan, NH, Nv 29, 1800; MidC, 30; tea; PTS, 31-3; ord evang, Pby Long Island, Sp 18, 33; miss. Miller’s Place, NY, 33; ss. West Hampton, 34-5; ss, Monticello, Ind, 36-7; ss, Bloomington, la, 39-48; d, Bloom- ington (now Muscatine), Mr 17, 48. *Stratton, James — b, Cumberland Co, NJ, Ag 10, 1810; CNJ, 30; PTS, 31- 4; UnTSVa; ord evang, Pby Flint River, Ap, 36; ss, Macon, Ga, 36-8; ss, Eufaula, Ala, 39; p, Portsmouth, Va; p, Washington, NC, 50-4; ss, Summerville, SC, 55-6; p, Carmel, Miss, 56-60; p, Jackson, La, 60-84; d, Jackson, Dc 6, 84. ’"Townley, William — b, Springfield, NJ, Fb 24, 1806; CNJ, 31; PTS, 31-4; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Oc 8, 34; ss, Milford, Pa; p, Centreville, NY, 35-6; ss. Crab Meadow, 38; ss. Fresh Pond, 39-42; ss. Sumption’s Prairie, Ind, 44-6; ss. Crown Point & Salem, 47-56; ss, Aledo, 111, 57 ; prin, Aledo, 58-9; agt, AmBSoc;d, Monmouth, 111, Ja 15, 72. *Venable, Henry Isaac — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Je 28, 1811; CenCKy, 30; tea; PTS, 31-2; UnTSVa; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Oc 10, 34; miss, ABCFM; Zululand, SAfr, 34-9; ss, Paris, 111, 39-41; prin, Acad, Paris, 41-50; ss. Charles- ton, 53-6; ss, Oakland (Bethel), 56- p, 60-5; ss, Newton, 65-7; ss, Carlisle, Clai- borne & York, 67-70; prin, Edgar Coll Inst, Paris, 70-8; d, Paris, 111, My 22, 78. *Ward, Ferdinand De Wilton — b, Bergen, NY, J1 9, 1812; UnC, 31; PTS, 32- 4; ss, Albion, NY, 34; ss, 10th ch, Phila, Pa, 35-6; ord evang, Pby Rochester, Ag 31, 36; miss, ABCFM, Madura & Madras, India, 36-47; agt ABCFM, 47-8; AubTS, 47-8; ss, 1st ch, Rochester, NY, 49; p, 2d ch, Geneseo, 49-58; p. Central ch, Geneseo, 58-61 ; chap, USArmy, 63-4; ss, Phelps, Groveland & East Avon, NY ; p. Central ch, Geneseo, 66-71; dist sec, AmBSoc, 71-5; res, Geneseo, NY; d, Clarens, Switzerland, Ag 11, 91. DD, WashCPa, 61. ■^Welles, Thomas Norton — b, Wethersfield, Ct, Nv 5, 1811; YaleU, 30; PTS, 33-4; lawy; farming. 111; d, French Grove, 111, Sp 11, 55. ■*WUson, Hugh Nesbitt— b, Elizabeth, NJ, My 7, 1813; CNJ, 30; PTS, 31- 4; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Oc 7, 35; ss, Southampton, NY, 35- p, 36-52; p, Hackettstown, NJ, 52-8; p, 2d RefChAm, New Brunswick, 58-62; ss, Southamp- ton, NY, 63- p, 64-7 ; ill health; res, Germantown, Pa, 67-78; d, Germantown, Je 4, 78. DD, UVa, 52. ♦Woodbridge, Henry Hopkins — b. New York; YaleU, 1823; PTS, 31-3; lie, Pby Columbia, Ap 18, 33; ord, Ct Cong Asso; p, Cong ch. North Canaan, Ct, 33- 42; d, 44. ♦Woodward, George Henry— b, Hanover, NH, Ap 24, 1807; DartC, 31; PTS, 31-3 ; tea, Shrewsbury, NJ, 33-6 ; E Windsor Theol Inst, Ct, 36-7 ; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 4, 37; ss, 1st Cong ch. East Stafford, Ct, 38- p, 40-50; p, Groton, 51-6; ss, Toledo, la, 56-67; d, Toledo, Nv 19, 77. ♦Backus, John Chester— b, Wethersfield, Ct, Sp 3, 1810; YaleU, 30; law stu; YaleUDS; AndTS; PTS, 32-5; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 2, 36; asst sec, BdllmMiss, 35-6; p, 1st Presb ch, Baltimore, Md, 36-75, p em, 75-84; 76 1835 d, Baltimore, Md, Ap 9, 84. DD, HanC, 48; LLD, CNJ, 75; Mod, Gen Assem, 61. *Baker, John Wycliffe— b. Liberty Co, Ga, Ja 24, 1811; UGa, 32; PTS, 32- 5; ord, Pby Hopewell, Nv 26, 36; ss, Milledgeville, Ga, 35- p, 36-54; prof, Anc Lang, OglU, 45-52; prof, Rhet & Phil, Ga Mil Inst, Marietta, 57-64; ss & tea; res. Marietta, 64-1901; d. Marietta, Ga, Dc 12, 01. *Bishop, Alexander Hamilton — b. New Haven, Ct, Nv 14, 1810; YaletT, 30; PTS, 32-5; lie, Ct Cong Asso, My 26, 35; ord RefChAm, Cl Long Island, Nv 10, 40; p, Astoria, NY, 40-53; d. New Haven, Ct, Fb 3, 54. *Brown, Joseph — b, Rockbridge Co, Va, Sp 24, 1809; WashCVa, 30; tea; PTS, 32-5; ord evang, Pby Lexington, Oc 28, 36; p. Spring Creek & Oak Grove, Va, 37-47 ; miss, to colored people & tea. Miss, 50-6; miss & tea, Fla; Va, during Civil War; miss & tea, Clear Water Harbor, Fla, 68-79; d, Bryan, Tex, Fb 14, 80. *Burrowes, George — b, Trenton, NJ, Ap 3, 1811; tea, 27-30; CNJ, 32; PTS, 32-5; tut, CNJ, 34-5; ord, Pby New Castle, Dc 13, 36; p. West Nottingham, Md, 36-50; prof, Lat & Gk, LafC, 50-5; tea, Phila, 55-7; p, Newtown, Pa, 57-9; prin, CCySF, 59-65; ill health; prin. University Mound Schl, San Francisco, 69-73; prof, Heb & Gk, SFTS, 72-92, prof em, 92-4; d, San Francisco, Cal, Ap 19, 94. DD, WashCPa, 53. *Butts, Joshua — b, Stowe, Vt, Ap 26, 1804; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby Bedford, Je 8, 41; p, 1st ch, Carmel, Pa, 41-2; ss. North Salem & Greenburg, 43-5; ss, Yorkville, NY, 45- p, 48-51; p el, 1st ch, Brooklyn, 53; Placerville, Cal, 53-7; Yorkville, NY, 58-62; chap, USArmy, 62-4; NYCity, 65-79; d, Chappaqua, NY, Fb 27, 81. ^Campbell, Samuel Davis — b, Virginia, Ap 14, 1807; WashCVa, 30; PTS, 32-5; lie, Pby Lexington, Oc 17, 35; ord; ss, Brandon, Miss, 39-40; ss. Rocky Bridge, Va, 40-1; p. High Bridge, 41-3; ss, Albany, Ga, 52; ss, Curry’s, 54; ss, Euchee Valley, Fla, 54-7; ss, Geneva, Ala, 58-62; d, Geneva, Ap, 63. *Condit, John Howel — b, Hanover, NJ, Sp 15, 1806; CNJ, 31; PTS, 32-5; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Oc 5, 36; ss, Bethesda, Ky, 37-9; p, Washington, 40-68; d, Ashland, Ky, Ag 1, 69. *Dunlap, John A — b, Hopewell Borough, Pa, 1812; PTS, 32-5; ss, Hollidays- burg. Pa; ed, Springfield, O, 41; ed, Presbyterian of the West, Cincinnati, 45-6; cl, Springfield, O, Ja 26, 47. *English, James Theodore — b, Englishtown, NJ, Oc 31, 1810; UnC, 31; PTS, 31-5; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 10, 35; miss, in “Pines”, NJ, 35-8; p. Liberty Corner, 38-73; d. Liberty Corner, NJ, My 17, 73. *Grundy, Robert Caldwell — b, Washington Co, Ky, 1807; CenCKy, 29; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Nv 17, 36; p, Maysville, Ky, 36-57; p, 2d ch, Memphis, Tenn, 57-62; p. Central ch, Cincinnati, O, 63-5; d, Dayton, Je 27, 1865. DD, HanC, 47. *Latta, William Wilson — b, Chester Valley, Pa, J1 1, 1810; CNJ, 31; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby New Castle, My 9, 37; ss, Waynesburgh, Pa, 36- p, 37-58; ss, 1835 77 Goldsboro, NC, 60-1; prin, Female Sem, Phila, Pa, 67-78; res, Phila, 61-83; d, Phila, Pa, Sp 5, 83. *McClung, Samuel Milligan — b, NYCity, Ap 17, 1808; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 20, 36; p, Plum Creek & Cross Roads chs. Pa, 37-50; p. Plum Creek & Parnassus, 50-9; New Texas, 59-61; p, Cross Roads, 62-5; d, Allegheny Co, Pa, Ag 6, 69. *McLean, Ephraim Thornton — b, Kentucky; PTS, 1832-5; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 29, 35; Steubenville, O, 36; p. Unity & Bethany, 40-4; Liberty, 45-6; Morganzia, La, 47-9; d. Bayou Sara, Nv 22, 49. *Monteith, William John — b, Broadalbin, NY, Je 16, 1808; UnC, 30; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby Madison, Ap 22, 36; p. Port William, Ky, 36-7 ; p, 1st ch, Mayfield, NY, 38-56; v pres & prof, CarC, 56-8; ss, Cong ch, Genesee, Wis, 59-64; org & ss, 1st Presb ch, Ottawa, 64; ss, Albany, Ore, & prin. Coll Inst, 64-71; Lapwai, Idaho Terr, 71-6; ss, Lewiston, 72-4; d, Lapwai, Idaho Terr, Ag 29, 7(). *Payne, James Brisbin — b. Fort Miller, NY, Fb 21, 1802; RutU, 32; PTS, 32-5; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 5, 35; miss, Clearfield, Pa, 37-9; tea, Penn’s Valley, Centre Co, Pa; tea & ss, N Carolina. *Smith, Gilbert Livingston — b, Sharon, Ct, My 19, 1813; RutU, 32; PTS, 32-5; lie, Fairfield West Cong Conso, My 26, 35; p el, Carmel, NY; d, NYCity, Nv, 35. *Sterling, William — b, Co Down, Ireland, Ag 18, 1808; WmsC, 32; PTS, 32-5; ord, 3d Pby Phila, Dc 22, 35; p, 1st ch, Reading, Pa, 35-44; p, 5th ch Pitts- burgh, 45-6; p, 2d ch, Williamsport, 46-71; d, Williamsport, Pa, Mr 13, 85. *Todd, George Thompson — b. New Milford, Ct, Sp 6, 1810; YaleU, 29; law stu; AndTS; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby Bedford, Oc 11, 38; ss, Gilead ch, Carmel, NY, 35- p, 38-44; ss, Cong ch. Bethel, Ct, 44; p, Ballston Spa, NY, 45-7 ; jt, Smith- field, 47-55; ill health; res. Fond du lac, Wis; d, Aberdeen, SD, Fb 10, 97. *Woodbridge, Jahleel — b, Southampton, Mass, Fb 19, 1815; UnC, 32; PTS, 32-5; miss & ss, Taneytown, Md, 35-6; ord evang, Pby Louisiana, Dc 2, 37; ss & miss, Pisgah, Miss, 37-8; ss. Plains ch. La, 39; ss. Baton Rouge, 40- p, 44-54; p, Henderson, Ky, 55-67; ss & tea, Ridgewood, 68-9; ss & miss, Miami, Mo, 70; ss, Keytesville; ss & tea, Henderson, Ky, 71; ss. Wesson, Miss, 72- [), 75-85; d. Wesson, Fb 26, 86. *Wright, Edward — b, NYCity, Ag 14, 1804; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby New York, Oc 13, 36; p. White Plains, NY, 36-44; p, Reading & Pleasant Ridge, (), 44-7; tea, Lexington, Ky, 47-8; [), New Carlisle & Bath, O, 49-51; tea, Clifton, 5U7; ss. Auburn, Ind, 57-65; ss. White Rock, 111, 65-8; tea, Bloomington, Ind, 68-72; d, Bloomington, Nv 10, 72. 21. ’^Alexander, Stephen — b, Schenectady, NY, Sj) 1, 1806; UnC, 24; lea; PTS, 32-5; tut, (iNJ, 32-3; adj prof. Math, CNJ, 34-40, Math & Astron, 40-5, i)rof, 1835 78 Math & Astron, 45-54, Mech, Phil & Astron, 54-62, Nat Phil & Astron, 62-77, prof em, 77-83; d, Princeton, NJ, Je 26, 83. LLD, ColU, 52, *Allen, John Newton — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Mr 8, 1808; CenCKy, 29; tea, Vincennes, Ind; PTS, 31-4; lie, Pby Phila, Ag 5, 34; d. New Orleans, La, Dc 30, 35. *Brace, Jonathan — b, Hartford, Ct, Je 12, 1810; AmhC, 31; AndTS; YaleUDS; PTS, 34-5; ord, Cong, Je 12, 38; p, Litchfield, Ct, 38-44; p, 1st ch, Milford, 45-63; ed. Religious Herald, 57-77; d, Hartford, Ct, Oc 1, 77. DD, AmhC, 58. *Bryant, Alfred — b, Springfield, NJ, Mr 12, 1807; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby St Joseph, Ap 14, 36; miss. South Bend, Ind, 35-43; miss, Edwardsburg, Mich, 43-8; p, Niles, 48-63; miss & ss. North Lansing, 63-70; p, 2d ch. North Lansing, 70-4; ill health; ss, Delhi, 77-80; d, Lansing, Mich, Je 2, 81. ^Campbell, Benjamin Harbison — b, Phila, Pa, Je 18, 1806; lawy; farm- ing; elk; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 2, 36; p, 2d ch, Rome, NY, 40; ss. Sand Creek, Ind, 43; ss. Blue River, la, 44; p. Lower Tuscarora, Pa, 46; ill health; d, York, Pa, Dc 31, 48. *Campbell, Randolph — b, Piscataway, NJ, Dc 31, 1809; CNJ, 29; tea; PTS, 32-4; ord evang, Pby Long Island, Ap 30, 35; ss. Shelter Is, NY, 34-7; p, 4th Cong ch, Newburyport, Mass, 37-77; res, Lincoln, Neb, 78-86; ss, Fremont, 78- 80; ss. Gar Creek, Waverly, 81-4; ss. Pleasant View; d, Rowley, Mass, Ag 9, 86. *Chipman, Richard Manning — b, Salem, Mass, Ja 12, 1806; DickC, 32; PTS, 32-3; NYU, ThDept; sec, AmPeaceSoc, 33-4; ord, Litchfield So Cong Asso, Mr 4, 35; p, Cong ch, Harwinton, Ct, 35-9; evang, Athol, Mass, 39-51; p, 3d ch, Guilford, Ct, 52-8; act p, Wolcotville, 59-61; evang. Middle Haddam, 61-3; evang, Hyde Park, Mass, 64-6; evang, Granby, 66-70; evang, Lisbon, 71-9; Hyde Park, Mass, 79-82; Phila, Pa, 83-93; d, Devon, Ag 15, 93. *Cumings, Abijah Preston — b, Dover, NY, J1 4, 1803; UnC, 32; PTS, 32- 5; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 21, 35; ed, NY Observer, 36-71 ; d, Nice, France, My 13, 71. *Dale, James Wilkinson— b, Odessa, Del, Oc 16, 1812; UPa, 31; AndTS; PTS, Je-Nv, 34; AndTS; agt, ABCFM, 35-6; ord evang, Andover Cong Asso, Ag 29, 37 ; ss, 5th Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 37 ; ss, 15th ch, Phila, 38; agt, AmBSoc, Penna, 38-45; p, Ridley & Middletown, Pa, 45-66; p. Media, 66-71; p, Wayne, 71-6; auth; d, Media, Pa, Ap 17, 81. MD, 38; DD, HSC, 67, UPa, 68. *Dana, Gideon — b, Oxford, Mass, Sp 11, 1805; BrU, 30; AndTS; PTS, 33-4; BanTS; ord evang, Amherst Cong Asso, Ja 3, 38; p. So Amherst, Mass, 38-40; p, Cong ch, W Springfield, Mass, 41-4; p, Harmar, O, 45-50; p, Strongsville, 52-5; agt, Am&ForChrUn ; p, Bucyrus, O, 59-61 ; p, Wauseon, 63-5; d, Oberlin, O, My 9, 72. *Dana, William Coombs — b, Newburyport, Mass, Fb 13, 1810; DickC, 28; tea; AndTS, 31-2; ColTS; PTS, Jl-Ag, 35; ord, Pby Charleston Union, Fb 14, 36; p. Cent ch. Charleston, SC, 36-80; d. Charleston, Nv 30, 80. DD, CChas, 70. *Eckard, James Read — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 22, 1805; UPa, 23; lawy, 26-30; 1835 79 PTS, 31-3; ord evang, 2d Assem Pby Phila, J1 21, 33; miss, Ceylon, 33-43; agt, ABCFM, Ga, 44; miss & prin, Chatham & Savannah, Ga, 44-6; p. New York Ave ch, Washington, DC, 48-58; ss, Asbury, NJ, 60-7; prof, LafC, 58-72; res, German- town, Pa; Abington, 75-87; d, Abington, Pa, Mr 12, 87. DD, LafC, 58. *Ely, Jonathan Trumbull — b, Lebanon, Ct, Sp 25, 1802; bus; PTS, 32-3; ord evang, Pby Orange, Oc 20, 37; ss, Lexington, NC, 37-8; tea, Lebanon, Ct; tea, Rahway, NJ, 41-51; d, Rahway, Sp 2, 51. *Floyd, Moses— b, Conwal, Co Donegal, Ireland, My 14, 1812; BelfC, 31; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 14, 37; p, W Kishacoquillas & Little Valley, Pa, 37-44; p, W Kishacoquillas, 44-51; ss. Shaver’s Creek, 63-7; ss Bradford, 69- 70; res, Belleville, Pa, 70-84; d, Pittsburgh, Nv 2, 84. *Hall, George — b, Keene, NH, Je 4, 1805; tea; PTS, 32-3; ord, Fairfield West Conso, Ct, Ja 25, 37; p, Cong ch, Weston, Ct, 37-41; ss, NJ, NY & Ct, 41-60; ss, Presb chs, Fayette & Ebenezer, Miss, 60-71; ss, Port Gibson, 72-4; ss, Fayette- ville, Tenn, 74-6; ill health; res. Port Gibson, Miss, 76-8; d. Port Gibson, Sp4, 78. *Hoes, John Cantine Farrell — b, Middleburgh, NY, J1 13, 1811; AmhC, 32; PTS, 32-5; ord RefChAm, Cl Cayuga, Ap 22, 36; p, Chittenango, NY, 36-7; p, Ithaca, 37-45; p, Kingston, 45-67; res, Kingston, 67-83; d, Kingston, NY, Fb 9, 83. DD, UnC, 52. *Howe, Samuel — b, Greenwich, Ct, Mr 27, 1802; YaleU, 27; YaleUDS; lie, Cong; PTS, Fb-My, 33; ord, Pby Genesee, J1 21, 35; p, Hopewell, NY, 35-7; p, Cong ch, Ridgeville, 37-40; p. Northeast Centre, 40-3; p. South Tyringham (now Monterey), Mass, 44-54; New Haven, Ct, 54-8; p, Cong ch, N Madison, 58-66; ss, Willington, 66-9; Bricksburg, NJ, 69-74; d, Bricksburg, Sp 28, 74. *Hull, David — b, near Milton, Pa, Je 8, 1806; JefC, 32; PTS, 32-5; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Ja 15, 36; ss, Amwell 1st, NJ, 36- p, 37-44; ss, Nippenose, Pa, 44-5; ss, Pennsdale, 46- p, 48; p, Shamokin & Elysbiirg, 48-52; p, Lycoming Centre, 53-60; ss, Pennsdale, 61-2; agt & miss, Cogan’s Sta, 63-7; ss, St Mary’s, 68-70; Dewart, 68-72; Williamsport; ill health; d, Alexander, Ark, Ag 12, 86. ’’’Humes, Thomas William — b, Knoxville, Tenn, Ap 22, 1815; ETennlJ, 30; PTS, 33; bus; journalist; ord PEpis presbyter, Ag, 45; ss, Knoxville, Tenn, 45- 6; rec, St John’s, Knoxville, 46-61, 63-9; pres & prof. Moral Phil, ETennU, Knoxville, 65-83; miss, 84-6; libr, Lawson McGhee Lib, Knoxville, 86-92; d, Knoxville, Tenn, Ja 16, 92. DD, ColU, 69. ♦Huntington, Joshua— b, Boston, Mass, Fb 11, 1812; YaleU, 32; PTS, 32; YaleU, 38, MD; asst surgeon, USN, 38-45; AndTS, grad, 49; lie. And Cong Asso, Ap 17, 49; Andover, 49-50; New York, NY, 51-2; prin, Brooklyn, NY, 52-63; elk, US Treas Dept, Washington, DC, 65-76; res, Washington; d, Washington, DC, Mr 23, 1900. ♦Johnson, Obadiah Meeker — b, Newark, NJ, Sp 15, 1806; AmhC, 32; tea; PTS, 33-5; agt, AmSeamFrSoc, 35; ord evang, Pby Newark, Oc 20, 35; miss, ABCFM, Brazil, 36-7; ss, Whippany, NJ, 38-9; ss, Boonton, 39; p, Denton, NY, 38-73; ill health; res, Monsey, 73-81; d, Monsey, NY, Ja 7, 81. 8o 1835 *Johnson, Theodore — b, near Franklin, 0; MiaU, 1832; PTS, 32-4; Warren Co, O; tea. Gay Hill, Tex, 39-40; d, Tex, Nv, 41. *Lewis, John Nevin — b, Northumberland, NY, Fb 23, 1809; UnC, 32; AndTS; law stu; PTS, 33-5; ord evang, Pby Oneida, Fb 9, 37; ss, Fairfield, NY, 35-9; ss, Truxton, 39-43; p. Lisle, 43-51; ss, Lodi & Lowville, Wis, 51-7; ss, Lodi, 63-4; d, Lodi, Wis, Ap 7, 79. *Manton, Daniel Eddy — b, Kinderhook, NY, Nv 3, 1811; AmhC, 31; AndTS; PTS, 32-5; ss, Chittenango, NY, 36; ss. Redding, Ct, 36-7; ord, Pby Al- ton, Ap 1, 38; ill health; ss, Hillsdale, NY, 39; d, Kinderhook, NY, Mr 5, 41. *Matthews, Salmon Leonard — Entered from Pawlett, Vt; MidC, 1832; PTS, 32-3; AndTS; d, Cambridge, Mass, 35. *Miles, Milo North — b, Ellsworth, Ct, Mr 24, 1807; YaleU, 31; tea; PTS, 32-4; ord, Pby Buffalo, Fb 11, 35; p, Mayville, NY, 35-7; ss, Clarence, 37-8; p, Cong ch, Pontiac, Mich, 40-4; ss, Farmington, 111, 44-6; Cong miss. 111, 47-68; res. Pawnee City, Neb, 68-70; Des Moines, la, 70-7; Iowa City, 77-98; Des Moines, 98-1901; d, Des Moines, la, J1 4, 01. *Nelson, Alexander (Kirkpatrick) — b, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Oc 1, 1793; PTS, 1832-5; ss, Coleraine, Pa, 35-6; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 3, 37; p. Centre & Upper chs. Perry Co, Pa, 37-40; p. Rocky Springs & St Thomas, 40-73; res, Chambersburg; d, Chambersburg, Pa, Sp 3, 86. *Pierce, John Tappan — b, Brookline, Mass, Dc 15, 1811; HarvU, 31; PTS, 33; LaneTS, 33-4; OberTS, 34-6; ord, Cong, Oc 10, 36; ss, Middlesex, Vt, 37-8; tea, Jacksonville, 111, 39-40; prin, Griggsville, 40-2; tea, St Louis, Mo, 42; Hen- derson, Ky, Arcadia, Mo, 44-50; ill health; res, Geneseo, 111, 50-94; d, Geneseo, 111, Ap 14, 94. *Purviance, James — b, Baltimore, Md, Fb 19, 1807; PTS, 32-5; ord evang, Pby Louisiana, Mr 26, 37; ss. Baton Rouge, La, 35-40; ss, Carmel, Miss, 40- p, 46-54; pres, OaklC, 54-60; Carrolton, La, 61-2; ill health; res, Natchez, Miss, 63- 71; d, Natchez, J1 14, 71. DD. *Read, Charles Henry — b. Redding, Ct, Nv 12, 1811; YaleU; PTS, 32-3; bus, Troy, NY, 35-43; ord, 4th Pby New York, Dc 9, 43; p. Pearl St ch, NYCity, 43-9; p. United (Grace St) ch, Richmond, Va, 49-87, p em, 87-1900; d, Richmond, Va, Ag 11, 00. DD, UDel, 56. *Scudder, John Beatty — b, Princeton, NJ, Je 8, 1810; CNJ, 30; tea; PTS, 32-3; ill health; tea. La, Memphis, Tenn, & Fla; tea, Thomaston, Ga; d, Thomas- ton, J1 19, 76. *Stanley, Adino — Entered from White Pigeon Prairie, Mo; PTS, 1832-4; ord evang, Pby Buffalo, 35; ss, Motville, Mich, 37-9; miss. White Pigeon; d. My 21, 39. *Street, Robert — b, Germantown, Pa, Je 12, 1806; WmsC; PTS, 32-5; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, J1 21, 35; p, Connecticut Farms (Union), NJ, 35-86; res, Union, 86-93; res, Roselle, 93-1903; d, Roselle, NJ, Fb 1, 03. 1835-1836 8i *White, David — b, Pittsfield, Mass, Mr 23, 1807; UnC, 31; tea; PTS, 32-5; ord evang, Berkshire Cong Asso, Oc 9, 36; miss, W Africa; d. Cape Palmas, Africa, Ja 23, 37. *Woodbridge, Jonathan Edwards — b, Worthington, Mass, Je 24, 1802; WmsC, 22; tut, WmsC, 23-6; law stu; tea, Frederick City, Md, 28-32; PTS, 32-4; ord evang, Pby Winchester, My 28, 35; ss. Falling Water, Gerrardstown & Tus- carora, 35-6; p. Union Cong ch, Worcester, Mass, 36-8; p. Ware, 38-40; asso ed, Bost Rec & NE Puritan, 40-53; prin schl, Auburndale, 53-68; ill health; Duluth, Minn, & Traverse Co, Mich, 70-7; d, Hartford, Ct, Nv 18, 77. 35. 1836 *Cole, Janies Lawrence — b, Phila, Pa, Sp, 1813; UPa, 33; PTS, 33-6; lie, 2d Pby, Phila, Ap 9, 36; miss. Pa & La. *Fowler, Philemon Halsted — b, Albany, NY, Fb 9, 1814; HobC, 32; PTS, 33-6; ord evang, Pby Albany, Ag 24, 36; p el, 2d Presb ch, Washington, DC, 36- 9; p, Elmira, NY, 39-.50; p, 1st ch, Utica, 51-74; d, Utica, NY, Dc 19, 79. DD, NorwU, 53, WmsC, 63; Mod, Gen Assem, 69. *Helm, James Isbell — b, Washington Co, Tenn, Ap 25, 1811; GeoC, 33; PTS, 33-6; ord evang, Pby West Tennessee, Je 23, 38; miss, Giles Co, Tenn, 37-8; p, Salem, NJ, 40-52; tea, Newton, 52; ord PEpis presbyter, 60; asst, St Mark’s, Phila, Pa, 60-2; rec, St Paul's, Sing Sing, NY, 63-80; d. Sing Sing, NY, Oc 15, 80. DD, ColU, 72. *Jones, Samuel Beach — b. Charleston, SC, Nv 23, 1811; YaleU, 31; PTS, 32-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 4, 37 ; asst sec, Bd Missions, 36-7 ; prof, Theol, OaklC, 38; p, Bridgeton, NJ, 39-63; ss, Fairfield ch, 70-5; d, Bridgeton, NJ, Mr 19, 1883. DD, CNJ, 51. *Lyon, James Adair — b, Jonesboro, Tenn, .^p 19, 1814; WashCTenn, 32; PTS, .32-6; ord evang, Pby Holston, Sp 30, 37; p, Rogersville & New Providence, Tenn, 37-41; p, Columbus, Miss, 41-7; p, Westminster ch, St Louis, Mo, 48-50; prin. Female Sem, St Louis, .50-4; p, Columbus, Miss, 55-70; prof. Mental & Moral Sc, UMiss, 70-81; d. Holly Springs, Miss, My 15, 82. DD, WashCTenn, 55; Mod, Gen Assem, 63. *Preston, William R — Kentucky; CenCKy, 18.33; PTS, 3.’i-6; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 20, .36; ord, Pby Transylvania, J1 11, 39; p, L.ancastcr, Ky, 39-41; ss, George- town, 41-3. *Swan, Benjamin Lincoln — b, Medford, Mass, J1 31, 1813; PTS, .33-6; ord, Fairfield hi Cong Conso, Nv 25, .36; |), Cong ch, b'air Haven, Ct, 36-45; p, Litch- field, 46-.50; p, 2d ch, Bridgeport; p, Stratford, .58-63; p. New Canaan, 63-6; p, Presb ch. Oyster Bay, NY, 66-75; ss, Pontiac, 111, 7.5-80; ss, Monroe, Ct, 80-3; ss, 2d ch, Mendham, NJ, 8.3-.8; ill health; hon re, 88; res, Bridgeport, Ct, <88-99; d, Bridgejjort, Fb 15, 99. 82 1836 *Adger, James — b, Charleston, SC, Ag 22, 1812; CChas, 31; PTS, 32-5; AndTS; lie, Pby Charleston Union, Dc 8, 36; travel, Europe; bus; d, Clifton, Heights, Pa, Je 28, 82. *Allen, William Youd — b, near Shelby ville, Ky, My 7, 1805; CenCKy, 32; PTS, 35-6; ss, Montgomery, Ala, 37-8; ord evang, Pby S Alabama, Oc, 38; miss, Tex, 38-42; miss, Ky, 43; ss, Richmond, Ky, 44; p, Rockville, Ind, 47-62; p, Bethany ch, 47-74; evang, Rockville, 74-9; ss, Eugene ch, 78-9; ss, Judson ch, 80-1; evang, Rockville, 82-5; d, Rockville, Ind, Fb 13, 85. *Bowers, John — b, Thompson, Ct, Sp 14, 1805; YaleU, 32; PTS, 33-5; tea, Dudley, Mass, 35-6; ord, Cong, Wilbraham, Mass, Dc 13, 37; p, N Wilbraham, 37-56; ss, Aqawam Falls, 57; p, 3d ch, St Johnsbury, Vt, 58-63; d, St Johnsbury, Fb 4, 63. *Boyd, Andrew Hunter Holmes — b, Martinsburg, Va, Je 4, 1814; JefC, 31; PTS, 33-6; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Ap 18, 39; ss, Leesburg, Va, 38-40; ss, Harrisonburg & Cook’s Creek, 40-2; p, Opequam, 42-50; p, Loudoun St ch, Winchester, 42-65; d, Winchester, Va, Dc, 15, 65. DD, UDel, 53. *Brayton, Isaac— b. Western, NY, Je26, 1812; UnC, 33; PTS, 33-5; AubTS; ord, Pby Watertown, Ag 31, 37; p, 1st ch, Watertown NY, 37-64; hon re, 64; res, Albany, Newburgh & New York, 64-72; res, Poughkeepsie, 72-1902; d, Pough- keepsie, NY, Nv 2, 02. DD, HamC, 60. *Brown, William — b, Rockbridge Co, Va, Sp 11, 1811; WashCVa, 28; tea; PTS, 32-5; UnTSVa; ord, Pby Lexington, Oc 28, 36; p, Augusta ch, Va, 36-60; ed, Centr Presb, Richmond, 60-79; res, Fredericksburgh, 79-83; res. Bay View, Fla, 83-94; d. Bay View, Ap 23, 94. DD, HSC, 57. ’•'Clark, Thomas March — b, Newburyport, Mass, J1 4, 1812; YaleU, 31; tea; PTS, 33-5; lie, Pby Newburyport, My, 35; ord PEpis presbyter, Nv 6, 36; rec, Grace ch, Boston, Mass, 36-43; rec, St Andrew’s ch, Phila, Pa, 43-7; asst rec. Trinity ch, Boston, Mass, 47-50; rec, Christ ch, Hartford, Ct, 50-4; rec, Grace ch. Providence, RI, 54-6; dioc bp, RI, 54-1903; d, Middletown, RI, Sp 7, 1903. DD, UnC, 51; LLD, BrU, 60, CamU, 67. ’•‘Comingo, Henry G — b, Harrodsburgh, Ky, Fb 2, 1809; CenCKy, 32, tut, 32-3; PTS, 34-6; ord, Pby Steubenville, My 24, 37; p, 1st ch, Steubenville, O, 37-61; d, Steubenville, Dc 1, 61. DD, CenCKy, 59. ’•'Cramer, Eliphalet — b, Waterford, NY, Je 19, 1813; UnC, 32; PTS, 33-4; lawy; bus, Milwaukee, Wis, 36-71; d, Milwaukee, Sp 9, 72. ’•'Du Bois, Robert Patterson— b, Doylestown, Pa, Ag 19, 1805; UPa, 24; med stu & tea; PTS, 34-5; ss, Athens, Pa, 36; ord, Pby New Castle, Dc 20, 36; p. New London, 36-76, p em, 76-83; d. New London, Pa, Fb 21, 83. DD, LafC, 60. ’*Ford, Jesse Franklin — b, Franklin, Ky, Fb 18, 1809; CntlUKy, 33; PTS, 34-5; ord; ss, Alexandria, La, 42-50; ss, Shreveport, 50-6; pres. Female Acad, Minden, 56-66; pres. Female Acad, Shreveport, 66-9; d, Shreveport, La, Sp24, 69. ’•'Fries, Henry Conrad — b, P'rankford, Pa, Sp 29, 1813; PTS, 33-6; ord evang. 1836 83 Pby Lewes, Ap 13, 37; ss, Greensborough, Del, Denton, Md, & Mispillion, 37-40; ss. Laurel, Indian River & Blackwater, Del, 43-6; p. Laurel & Blackwater, 49; tea, Middletown; ss, Millville, NJ, 53-6; ss, Seaford, Del, 58; ss. Laurel & Barren Creek, 59-68; d. Laurel, Del, J1 14, 87. *Galloway, John Mason — b, Mercer, Pa, Ja 8, 1813; JefC, 32; tea; PTS, 33-5; AllegTS; ord AssoRef, Pby of the Lakes, My 23, 37 ; p, Shenango, Pa, 37-8; p, Herman’s Creek (Paris), 39-55; tea, Steubenville, O, 51-5; p, Clearfield, Pa, 58-64; d, Clearfield, Ap 4, 65. *Greene, Abijah Emmons — b, Greenfield, NY, Dc 11, 1809; UnC, 34; PTS, 34-6; ss, Glenham, NY; ord, Pby North River, My 16, 38; p. Cold Spring, NY, 38-41; ss. Highland Falls; ss, Haverstraw; ss, Rockland Lake; ss. Highland Falls; ss, Southampton; ss, Rensselaerville; ss, Bleeker; ss, Hempstead; res. High- land Falls, 66-81; d, NYCity, Oc 20, 81. DD. *Guild, Charles Beatty Green — b, Pittstown, NJ, 1811; CNJ, 32; PTS- 33-4; d, Princeton, NJ, J1 28, 34. *Gunn, Lewis Carstairs — b, Bloomingdale, NY, Nv 26, 1813; ColU, 30; PTS, 32-5; withdrew; ill health; ed, Independent Press & Times, Phila, Pa, 35-6; bus, Phila, 36-8; tea. Upper Darby, 38-40; agt, PaAbolSoc, 40-1; prin. Gram Schl, Frankford, Pa, 42-4; bus, NYCity, 46-7; bus, Phila, Pa, 47-9; ed. Herald, Sonora, Cal, 50-4; bus, 55-61; prin, 59-60; dep surveyor. Port of San Francisco, 61-5; assr, Int Rev, 1st Dist Cal, 65-9; ed, San Francisco Times, 67-9; dep coll Customs, San Diego, 77-86; rul eld; d, San Diego, Cal, Oc 15, 92. ♦Long, Walter Raleigh— b, Cambridge, NY, Ja 16, 1811; UnC, 32; AndTS; PTS, 34-6; res lict, YaleU, & YaleUDS, 36-8; ord evang, Pby Troy, Ag 28, 39, ss, Cong ch, Woodbridge, NY, 37-41; ss, Presb ch. West Troy, 41-2; p, 4th ch, Troy, 42-4; p, Whitesboro, 45-50; p. Pine St ch, St Louis, Mo, 51-2; p. Mystic Bridge Cong ch, Stonington, Ct, 53-63; p el, Montville, 63-5; agt, FreedmAidSoc, FreedmUnCom & BdFreedm, 65-70; agt, AmBSoc, Eastern NY, 70-5; dist supt, AmBSoc, West Va, 76-86; res, Richmond Hill, NY; d, NYCity, Ja 5, 95. ♦Loomis, Harmon — b, Georgia, Vt, Oc 26, 1805; UVt, 32; AndTS; lie; PTS, Ag-Dc, 35; ss. Union ch, NYCity, 36; ord, Cong, Vergennes, Vt, Ag 31, 36; sea- men’s chap. New Orleans, La, 37-41 ; ss, Mt Joy, Pa, 41-5; cor sec, AmSeamFrSoc, NYCity, 45-71; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 19, 80. DD, KxC, 66. ♦Lord, Willis — b, Bridgeport, Ct, Sp 15, 1809; WmsC, 33; PTS, 33; ord, Litchfield North Cong Conso, Oc 15, 34; p, Richmond St Cong ch. Providence, RI, 38-40; p, 7th Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 40-50; p, 7th ch, Cincinnati, 0, 50-4; prof. Bib Lit & Pas Theol, LaneTS, 50-4; p, 2d ch, Brooklyn, NY, 55-9; prof, Eccl & Bib Hist & Polem & Didac Theol, NWTS, 59-70; pres, CWoos, 70-4; p el. Central ch, Denver, Col, 75-6; p el, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 77-9; res, Colorado Springs, Col, 79-83; pres, Presb Coll of the SW, Del Norte, Col, 83-4; d, Guilford, Ct, Oc 28, 88. DD, LafC, 47; LLD, CWoos, 73. ♦Lyle, John — b, Kentucky; CenCKy, 1833; PTS, 34-6; ord; ss. Walnut Hill, Ky, 42-6; res, Lexington, Ky; d, 46. ♦Mathes, Benjamin C — b, Washington Co, Tenn, J1 4, 1812; WashCTenn, 33; PTS, 33-4; phys, Ala; <1, Gainesville, Ala, Ag 1, 40. 84 1836 *McKee, David Davies — b, Harrison Co, Ky, Ag 14, 1805; CenCKy, 32; PTS, 34-6; ord, Pby Phila, Ag 4, 36; p, Fairfield, NJ, 36-8; ss, Russellville, Ky, 39-40; ss, Winchester, Union & Providence, 111, 40-4; ss, Vandalia, 44-6; ss, Free- port, Pa, 46-8; ss, Fairfield, Ind, 49-54; agt, White Water Presb Acad, 54-5; chap, USArmy, 64-5; ill health; d, Hanover, Ind, Ja 17, 84. *McMullin, Robert Burns — b, Abbeville Dist, SC, Fb 9, 1807; UAla, 33; PTS, 34-6; ord, Pby Tuscaloosa, Ap 8, 37; p, Clinton, Ala, 37-41; prof, Chem, ETennU, 41; p, 1st ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 41-58; pres, StewC, 58-65; d, Clarkes- ville, Tenn, Ja 14, 65. DD, WashCTenn, 55. *Nyce, Benjamin Markley — b, Montgomery Co, Pa, My 28, 1809; DickC, 29; PTS, 34-5; YaleUDS; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 6, 35; ord, Pby Madison, Dc 4, 39; ss, Greensburg, Ind, 39-40; tea, Salem, 41; ss, Brownstown, 42-3; ss. Highland, 45-6; ss, Columbus, 47-9; ss, Greenfield, 47-50; ss, Kingston, 50-2; prin, Decatur Co, 53; Cleveland, O, 54; inventor; d, Cleveland, O, Oc 1, 66. *Owen, Thomas — b, Llanbrynmair, N Wales, Great Britian, Oc 10, 1805; CNJ, 33; PTS, 33-5; miss. Pa; ord evang, 2d Pby Long Island, Nv 21, 38; ss, Brookfield & Moriches, NY, 38-48; miss & ss; res, Moriches; d, Moriches, NY, Dc 7, 84. *Paine, John Chester — b, Ashfield, Mass, Ja 29, 1806; AmhC, 34; PTS, 33- 4; HartTS; ord, Cong, Je 6, 38; p, Cong ch, Rehoboth, Mass, 38-47; p, Gardner, 47-64; p. Sandwich, 64-9; p, Groveland, 70-80; d, Groveland, Mass, Mr 10, 80. *Pitcher, William — b, Redhook, NY, Mr 8, 1810; WmsC, 28; tea; PTS, 33-4; ord, RefChAm, Cl Washington, Ja 10, 37; p, Jackson, NY, 37-40; p, Water- \-liet (Boght ch), NY, 40-54; p, South Branch, NJ, 54-79; d, Greenwich, NY, Ap 5, 83. *Polk, David — b, Baltimore, Md, 1809; JefC, 32; PTS, 33-5; ord, Pby Lan- caster, Ap 5, 37; p, Washington, O, 37; p, Pisgah & Bethel, Pa, 41-5; p, 2d ch, Bellefontaine, O, 46-9; ss. Pine Grove, 51-6, Mt Tabor, 52-6, & Mill Creek, Pa, 52-3; d, Brookville, Ap 15, 57. *Porter, Alexander — b, Co Derry, Ireland, Ap 16, 1809; PTS, 33-6; ord evang, Pby Wilmington, Nv 23, 36; miss, Pa & NJ, 36-40; p. West Nantmeal, Pa, 40-3; ss, Cedarville, NJ, 44; p, Mt Pleasant, 45-51; ss, 1st ch. Northern Liber- ties, Phila, Pa, 52; ss, Portsmouth, Va, 53-4; ss, Girard, 55-63; ss, Edwardsburg, Mich, 64-5; p. West Liberty, la, 65-73; ss, Fairview, 74-7; res, Iowa City; d, Iowa City, la, Dc 5, 93. *Riggs, Joseph Lewis — b, New Providence, NJ, Mr 19, 1809; AmhC, 31; PTS, 33, 34-6; tea; AndTS; ord, Pby Pennsylvania, Ag 27, 45; ss, Richmond & Sullivan, NY, 46; ss. Wells ch, Seelye Creek, Pa, 49-54; cy miss, Elmira, NY, 60- 3; d, Elmira, Ag 20, 65. *Scott, William Anderson — b. Rock Creek, Tenn, Ja 31, 1813; CumbU, 33; PTS, Fb-Nv, 34; ord CumbP, Pby Louisiana, My 17, 35; miss, La & Ark, 35-6; ss & prin. Female Acad, Winchester, Tenn, 36-8; ss. Hermitage ch, 38-40; prin, Nashville Female Acad, 38-40; p, Tuscaloosa, Ala, 40-2; p, 1st ch. New Orleans, La, 43-55, p el. Calvary ch, San Francisco, Cal, 54-61; p, 42d St ch, NYCity, 63- 1836-1837 8 70; p, St John’s ch, San Francisco, Cal, 70-85; prof, SFTS, 71-85; d, San Fran- cisco, Cal, Ja 14, 85. DD, UAla, 44; LLD, NYU, 72; Mod, Gen Assem, 58. *Smith, Ralph — b, Smithtown, NY, Nv 24, 1810; WnisC, 30; YaleU, 33, MD; PTS, 33-5; ord, Pby Long Island, Je 15, 36; p, Southold, NY, 36-8, ss, 38-40; ss, Milton, Ct, 41-4; p, Cong ch, Lee, Mass, 44; p, Cornwall, 51-5; ss, Trumbull, 54-5; p, Wolcottville, 56-7; p. New Canaan, 60-4; d, Saugerties, NY, Nv 2, 67. *Stedman, James Owen — b, Fayetteville, NC, Oc 31, 1811; UNC, 32; PTS, 32-6; ss, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 36; miss, Waynesboro, NC, 37; ord, Pby N Alabama, Nv 1, 37; p, Tuscumbia, Ala, 37-44; ss, Wilmington, NC, 45-51; ss, Chester, Pa, 52-3; p, 1st ch, Memphis, Tenn, 54-68; p el, Alabama St ch, Mem- phis, 68-80; d, Memphis, Tenn, Ap 28, 82. DD, LaGC, 58. *Strong, Ephraim — b, Ogden, NY, 1808; WmsC, 33; PTS, 33-6; lie, Pby NY, Ap 20, 36; ord; Honeoye Falls, NY; hm miss. 111, 36-43; d, Joliet, III, 43. *Stuart, David Todd — b. Walnut Hill, Ky, Je 29, 1812; CenCKy, 32; PTS, 32-6; ord, Pby Louisville, My 18, 37; p, Shiloh & Olivet chs, Ky, 37-53; prin, Presb Female Coll, Shelbyville, Ky, 51-68; d, Shelbyville, Sp 26, 68. *Thomas, Enoch — b, St George's, Del, Dc 31, 1805; AmhC, 33; tea; PTS, 34-5; miss, Rockingham Co, Va; 35-6; ord, Pby Lexington, Je 17, 37; ss. Union, Port Republic & Shiloh, Va, 37-8; p, Shemaraiah ch, & tea, 38-43; miss, Beverly, 43-61; miss, Craigsville, 61-79; d, Craigsville, \’a, Ja 25, 79. *Tracy, William — b, Norwich, Ct, Je 2, 1807 ; AndTS; PTS, 34-6; ord evang, 2d Asso Pby Phila, .^p 12, 36; miss, Madura dist, India, 37-77; d, Tirupuvanam, India, Nv 28, 77. DD, WUPa, 68. *Tyler, Benjamin — b, Greenwich, NJ, Nv^ 9, 1804; PTS, 33-6; agt, LafC, 36-7; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 18, 37; p, Deerfield, NJ, 37-42; d, Greenwich, Je 26, 42. *Usher, Francis Clements — b, Rockingham Co, Va, J1 17, 1808; CumbC, 28; tea; PTS, 34-6; ord CumbP, Pby Anderson, Ap 1, 37; tea; prof, CumbC, 38- 45; pres, BethC, 45-8; tea, Huntingdon, Tenn, 46-.50; d, Ky, Je 12, 50. *Wilson, Samuel Marshall — b, Harford Co, Md, Sp 30, 1806; JefC, 31; tea; WestTS; PTS, 33-6; ord, Pby Columbus, Sp 15, 37; ji, Lithopolis, O, 37-58; p, Groveport, .56-8; ss, Clinton, 111, 58; ss. Pleasant Plains, 58-63; d. Pleasant Plains, III, Ap 18, 83. 40. 1837 ’‘Ayers, Samuel Brittain — b. Lower Mt Bethel, Pa, Ag 13, 1811; CNJ, 34; PTS, 34-7; ss. Yellow Frame, NJ, 37-8; ord RefChAm, Cl Orange, Je 28, 38; ]), Minisink, NY, 38-41; p, Ellenville, 41-.54; j), V'anderveer, 111, 54-67; miss, Presb ch, Tallula, 69-80; d, Tallula, 111, Dc 1.5, 87. ■‘Bayless, Samuel Martin — b, near Darlington, Md, My 5, 1810; RutU, 32; PTS, 34-7; lie, Pby Newcastle, Je 14, 37; ord, Pl)y West Lexington, Fb 2.5, 48; p, Pisgah, Ky, 48-.52; agt, AmBSoc, Lexington, Ky, 52-6.5; p. Harmony, Md, 6.5-70; |>, Deer Creek & Harmony, 70-3; d, Darlington, Md, Mr 17, 7.3. U\ 86 1837 *Blair, Tyrrell — b, Blanford, Mass; UnC, 1833; PTS, 34-7; ord evang, Pby Columbia, Ap 18, 38; ss, Centreville, NY, 38-40, 45-6, 48-50; p, Angelica, 50-4; d, 54. *Bryan, Edward Denis — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Je 12, 1812; CNJ; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Bedford, Oc 9, 38; p. Rye, NY, 38-60; p, Washington, NJ, 61-70; p, Carbondale, Pa, 70-81; res. Orange, NJ, 81-8; d, Carbondale, Pa, Nv 30, 88. ♦Chevalier, Nicholas Washington — b, Middletown, Ct, Sp 20, 1809; CNJ, 34; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Lexington, Oc 19, 39; p, Christiansburg, Va, 39-56; prin. Female Sem, Holly Springs, Miss, 56-8; ss & miss, Gonzales, Tex, 59-68; d, Gon- zales, Sp 6, 68. ♦Curran, Richard Augustus — b, Mifflintown, Pa, J1 15, 1808; WashCPa, 34; PTS, 34-7; ss, Millville, NJ, 37; ss, Gallipolis, O, 38; ss, Cassville, Ga, 39; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, Nv 20, 39; ss, Cedarville, NJ, 39- p, 42-8; p. Shaver’s Creek, Pa, 49-54; p. Cottage ch, 56-9; prof, Pottstown Sem; ss & tea, Huntingdon, Ind, 61-9; p, Minerva, O, 72-4; bus, Decatur, Ind; d. Bourbon, Mr 26, 83. DD. ♦Dougherty, Peter — b, Plattekill, NY, Nv 15, 1805; CNJ, 34; PTS, 34-7; ord evang, 1st Pby NY, Oc 11, 37; miss, Indians, Grand Traverse Bay, Mich, 38-71; ss. Fancy Creek, Wis, 71-2; ss, Somers, 72-88; d, Somers, Wis, Fb 1, 94. ♦Dunlap, Robert White — b, Lancaster District, SC, Sp 11, 1815; UNC, 35; PTS, 34-7; ord evang, Pby Georgia, Ap 6, 38; ss, St Augustine, Fla, 38-40; p, Columbia, Pa, 41-4; p, Aisquith St ch, Baltimore, Md, 44-50; p, Hagerstown, 53- 6; d, Hagerstown, Md, Fb 17, 56. ♦Ernst, Frederick Steinman— b, Easton, Pa, Fb 2, 1810; YaleU, 32; tea; PTS, 34-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 4, 37; hm miss. Hinds Co, Miss, 38-40; ss & miss, Buhler’s Plains, La, 40-54; d, Montgomery, Ala, Ag, 54. ♦Foster, Julius — b, Owego, NY, Dc 26, 1805; HamC, 33; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Susquehanna, Fb 4, 38; p, Towanda, Pa, 38-65; d, Towanda, Pa, Ja 16, 65. ♦Hand, Aaron Hicks — b, Albany, NY, Dc 3, 1811; WmsC, 31; PTS, 34-7; tea; ord evang, Pby Flint River, Ap 11, 41; ss, Roswell & Marietta, Ga, 38-41; ss, Berwick, Pa, 42-5; p, Greenwich, NJ, 51-70; p. Palisades, NY, 71-9; d, Easton, Pa, Mr 3, 80. DD, LafC, 57. ♦Helme, Samuel Pease — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Ap 14, 1814; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 3, 41 ; p, Middletown & Ridley, Pa, 41-2; ss. Bethel Greene, Miss, 43-4; miss, slaves, Columbus, 46-7; hm miss & ss, Shreveport, La, 48-52; tea, Shreveport, 52-62; d, Shreveport, La, Je 11, 62. ♦Henderson, Isaac James — b, Natchez, Miss, Ja 6, 1812; JefC, 31; PTS, 33- 6; ord, Pby Arkansas, Mr 28, 40; miss. Miss, Ark & La; p, 1st ch, Galveston, Tex, 43-50; p, Jackson, Miss, 50-2; p, Prytania St ch. New Orleans, La, 52-65; p, Annapolis, Md, 67-75; d, Annapolis, Dc 8, 75. DD. ♦Hume, Robert Wilson — b, Stamford, NY, Nv 8, 1809; UnC, 34; AndTS, 34- 5; PTS, 35-7; ord evang, Pby Delaware, Mr 18, 39; miss, Mahratta Mission, India, 39-54; ed, Dnyanodya, 44-54; d, at sea, Nv 26, 54. 1837 8? *Kellogg, Samuel — b, New Canaan, Ct, Je 30, 1808; NYU, 34; PTS, 34-7; ord evang, Pby Long Island, Nv 20, 38; ss, Westhampton, NY, 38-41; ss, Dobb’s Ferry, 41- p, 47-52; ss, Hempstead, 52-64; ill health; res, Plainfield, NJ.; d, Mt Pleasant (near Plainfield), Ja 14, 96. *Macauley, John Magoilin — b, Schenectady, NY, Ag 31, 1813; UPa, 33; PTS, 34-7; ord RefChAm, So Cl New York, Ap 15, 38; p. South ch, NYCity, 38- 61; ss, Woodside ch, NJ, 72- p, 74-80; ss, Presb ch, Arlington, 80-2; d, Newark, NJ, J1 4, 91. DD, ColU, 55. *Magruder, Thomas Perry Wilson — b, near Rockville, Montgomery Co, Md, Ja 22, 1810; PTS, 30-2, 33-5, 36-7; ord evang, Pby Greenbrier, Oc 10, 42; miss & ss, Pocahontas Co, Va; miss, Ohio; ss, Huntersville, Va, 43-4; Mt Sterling, 111, 46-7, 49; ss. New Providence, 50; Mt Sterling, 51; res, Rushville, 52-78; farm- ing, 78-89; res, Monmouth, Kan, 89-92; d, Monmouth, Ag 14, 92. *Mebane, William Nelson — b, Greensboro, NC, Mr 10, 1809; UNC, 33; tea; PTS, 34-7; miss, SW, 38-9; ord evang, Pby Orange, Sp 22, 39; ss. Cascade, Va, 39-58; ss. Snow Creek & Sandy Ridge, 39-49; p. Spring Garden, NC, 41-51; p, Madison, 51-9; d, Madison, NC, My 8, 59. *MoiTison, John Hunter — b. Orange Co, NY, Je 29, 1806; CNJ, 34; PTS, 34-7; ord evang, 1st Pby NY, Oc 1, 37; miss, N India & the Punjab, 38-81; res, Dehra Doon, India, d; Dehra Doon, Sp 16, 81. DD; Mod, Gen Assem, 63. *Moule, John — b. New York; RutU, 1834; PTS, 34-7; lie, Pby New Bruns- wick, Fb 8, 37; RefChAm, Unionville, NY, 37-9; Sand Beach, 39-41; Orwell, Pa; Damascus; Colchester, NY; Calicoon. *Ouillin, Ezekiel — b, Scott Co, Va, Mr 30, 1808; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Red- stone, Oc 4, 38; p, Clarksburg, Va, 38-52; ss, French Creek, 52; ss, Wellsburg 52-8; ss, Ipava, 111, 58- p, 69-84; d, Ipava, Je 8, 89. *Schenck, Elias Samuel — b. Bound Brook, NJ, My 3, 1813; CNJ, 32; tea; PTS, 34-7; ss, Beaver Meadow, Pa, 37-8; ss, Troy, 38; ord, Pby Newton, Ja 16, 38; p, Hackettstown, NJ, 38-42; ss, Greensburg, NY, 42-4; ss. White Plains, 44-9; tea, Danbury, Ct, 50-6; res, Perth Amboy, NJ, 57; ss, St Charles, Mo, 60-3; v-pres, Lindenwood Coll, Mo, 59-63; pres, Des Peres Coll, Mo, 63-4; capt, USArmy, 62-5; prin, Cranbury, NJ, 67-71 ; tea, Trenton, 71-3; p el, Chillisquaque, Pa, 73-5; p, Jeanesville, 75-7; p, Wells & Columbia, 77-9; ss, Arnot, 79-80; p el, Arnot, 81-6; NYCity, 87; ss, Salem Centre, NY, 88-9; hon re, 89; res, Perth Amboy, NJ,89- 98; d, Perth Amboy, Ap 8, 98. *Sillcocks, Joseph — Entered from New Brunswick, NJ ; PTS, 1834-7; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 8, 37; lie revoked, Mr 25, 40. *Smith, Rapin Ellsworth — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1834-7; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 19, 37; lie withdrawn, Oc 1, 66; Quincy, 111. ♦Wells, Daniel— b, NYCity, Mr 4, 1806; CNJ, 34; PTS, 34-7; lie, Pby New York, Ap 19, 38; treas & asst sec, BdForMiss, 37-48; tea, Goshen, NY, 48-66: ill health; d. Prairie du Sac, Wis, Ag 29, 73. ♦Young, George Drummond — b, Wilmington, Del, J1 9, 1804; CNJ, 34; 88 1837 PTS, 34-7; ord evang, Pby Wilmington, Ap 11, 37; ss, Perryville & Charlestown, Md, 37-9; ss, Hartford, O, 39-47; p, Ellsworth, 47-9; ss, Southington, 49-54; ss, Augusta, 111, 54-8; ss, Camanche, la, 58-72; ill health; res, Lyons, 72-80; d, Lyons, la, Ja 10, 80. 20. *Abbott, Caleb — b. New Jersey; UnC, 1835; PTS, 30-7; p, Mayfield, O, 39-40; Chippewa; tea, Hillsboro; St Louis, Mo. *Allen, Edward Derick — b, Lansingburg, NY, Ap 7, 1810; UnC, 34; PTS, 34-0; ss, Casville, NY, 30-7; ord evang, Pby Troy, Oc 31, 37; ss, 4th ch, Albany, NY, 37- p, 38-42; d, Albany, Dc 20, 42. *Atwater, Charles — b. New Haven, Ct, Ja 2, 1815; YaleU, 34; PTS, 34-5; bus, Phila, Pa, 30-40; NYCity & New Haven, Ct, 40-72; state senator, Ct, 02; Cong; Presb; PEpis; RC; res. New Haven, Ct, 72-91; d. New Haven, Dc 0, 91. *Birch, Robert— b, NYCity, J1 13, 1808; DickC, 29; tea; AndTS; PTS, 30-7; ord, Pby New York, Sp 17, 37; p, 9th ch, NYCity, 37-8; p, 1st ch. New Bruns- wick, NJ, 39-42; d. New Brunswick, Sp 12, 42. *Blodgett, Gaius Mills — b, Rochester, Vt, Sp 15, 1815; UnC, 34; PTS, 34-5; AubTS, 35-7; chap, NY State Asylum, Utica, NY, 44-0; ord evang, Pby Otsego, Ja 14, 40; ss. New Scotland & Bethlehem, NY, 40-56; ss, Farmington, 111, 57-8; ss, RefChAm, Stone Arabia, 58-9; ss, Hicksville, 59-01; chap, USArmy, 61-5; DeCamp Gen Hosp, NY Harbor, 67-8; US Consul, Frelighsburg, Can, 68-72; ss, Cong ch. Wading River, NY, 72-6; res, NYCity; d, Cooperstown, NY, Nv 17, 84. *Bloodgood, Abraham Lynott — b, Albany, NY, Ja 8, 1812; UnC, 32; PTS, 34-7; ss. West Galway, NY; ss, Esperance; ss, Rome; ss, Little Falls; ord, Pby Albany, Fb 20, 1844; p. Little Falls, 44-5; ss, Esperance, 47; ss. West Gal- way, 49-54; ss, Rochester, 54-5; p, Cong ch, Enfield, Ct, 55-62; ill health; res, Munroe, Mich, 62-79; d, Munroe, Mich, My 26, 79. *Bradbury, Elbridge — b, Medford, Mass, Ag 21, 1805; AmhC, 31; tut, AmhC; PTS, 35-7; res lict, 37-8; ord, Pby Carlisle, Nv 18, 39; p, Bedford, Pa, 39-41; p, Williamsport, 41-7; p. New Providence, NJ, 47-51; tea, Hudson, NY, 51-68; p, Cong ch, Sandisfield, Mass, 68-72; ss. New Boston, 72-6; Lincoln, Kan, 80-8; ss, Lincoln Centre, 81-3; d, Lincoln, Kan, J1 8, 88. *Brainerd, Davis Smith — b, Haddam, Ct, Oc 12, 1812; YaleU, 34; PTS, 34-6; YaleUDS; AndTS; ord, Middlesex Cong Asso, Je 30, 41 ; ss, Cong ch, Lyme, Ct, 40- p, 41-75; d, Lyme, Ap 30, 75. *Bullock, Joseph James — b, Fayette Co, Ky, Dc 23, 1812; CenCKy, 32; PTS, 35-6; ord, Pby West Lexington, Sp, 37; p, Frankfort, Ky, 37-47; supt. Pub Edu, Ky, 39; cor sec & gen agt, HmMiss, 47-9; p. Walnut Hill, Ky, 49-53; prin. Female Sem, Walnut Hill, 49-53; p, 2d ch, Louisville, 53-5; prin. Female Sem, Walnut Hill, 55-60; fin agt, DanTS, 00; p, Franklin St ch, Baltimore, Md, 61-70; p, 2d ch, Alexandria, Va, 70-4; p, 1st ch, Alexandria, 74-80; chap, US Senate, 79-84; d, Washington, DC, Nv 9, 1892. DD, CenCKy, 50. 1837 89 *Carrell, Benjamin — b, Tinicum, Pa, Ja 16, 1810; UnC, 34; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 26, 38; p, Waynesburg & Newton Hamilton, 38-44; p, Am- well 1st, NJ, 44-59; ss, Rosemont & Stockton, 64-70; ss, Plumsteadville, Pa, 70-2; p, Kingwood, NJ, 73-7; ill health; res, Lambertville, 77-81; d, Lambertville, NJ, Ap 26, 81. *Clark, James Augustus — b, Lebanon, Ct, Ag 15, 1808; YaleU, 34; PTS, 34-6; YaleUDS; ss. New Eng; ord evang, Pby Schuyler, Sp 25, 38; p. Ft Madison, la, 38-49; ss, Cong ch, E Woodstock, Ct, 49-50; ss. Deep River, 50-3; ss, Meriden, 53-5; p, Southwick, Mass, 55-8; p, Cromwell, Ct, 58-63; res, Monterey, Mass, 64-70; ss, Spencertown, NY, 70-3; ss, Presb ch, Lanesboro, NY, 73-7; ss, Hills- dale, 77-81; d, Ridgefield, NJ, J1 1, 81. *Denton, Jonas — b, Chester, NY, Ag 11, 1807; WmsC, 33; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Wooster, Nv 15, 38; p, Newman’s Creek & Chippewa, O, 38-43; ss. Canal Fulton, 44-6; res, Mendham, NJ, 46-59; miss, Tioga Co, Pa, 59-62; miss, Mich, 62-7; ss. Greenwood, Mich, 67; d, Cuba, Mo, My 10, 88. *Fessenden, Thomas Kendall — b, Brattleboro, Vt, Sp 10, 1813; WmsC, 33; AndTS; PTS, Ja-.‘\p, 37; YaleUDS; ord, Cong, Oc 16, 39; p, Cong ch, Norwich Falls, Ct, 39-41; p, 2d ch, Homer, NY, 43-53; p, Ellington, Ct, 56-64; mem Ct Legisl, 66-8; fin agt, Hampton Coll Inst, \'a; sec, Ct Indust Schl, Farmington, Ct, 70; d, Farmington, Ja 18, 94. *Galbraith, Robert Craig — b, Mahoning, Pa, Fb 26, 1811; JefC, 34; PTS, 34-7; tea, Kempsville Acad, \’a, 38-41; tea. Female Acad, Norfolk, 41-4; ord evang, Pby E Hanover, Ap 26, 44; miss, negroes, Brunswick Co, \’a, 44-9; p, Madi- son St col ch, Baltimore, Md, 49-59; p, Govane chap, Baltimore, 53-65; p, Odin, 111, 6.5-71; p. Flora, 71-5; p, Fairfield, 71-8; ss, Harrisburgh & Equality, res. Fair- field, 79-80; p. Metropolis & Caledonia, 80-2; p, Golconda, 82-90; hon re, 91 ; res, Centralia, 111, 91-5; d, Centralia, Fb 10, 95. DD, BlacC, 88. *Goodrich, Butler, Jr — b, Pittsfield, Mass, Je 25, 1809; IJnC, 32; tea; PTS, 34-6; d, Princeton, NJ, h'b 12, 36. *Griffin, Nathaniel Herrick — b, Southampton, NY, Dc 28, 1814; WmsC, 34; PTS, 35-7; tut, WmsC, 36-7; ss, Westhampton, NY, 37-8; ss, Franklin, 38-9; ord, Pby Delaware, Je 27, 39; p, Delhi, NY, 39-41; asst prof, WmsC, 41-2; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 43-6; prof, Lat & Gk, WmsC, 46-53, prof, Gk, 53-7 ; tea, Williams- town. Mass, 57-68; libr, WmsC, 68-76; d, Williamstown, Mass, Oc 16, 76. DD, LafC, 67. *Halliday, David Moffat — b, Morristown, NJ, Fb 9, 1807; CNJ, 24; phys; PTS, 3.5-7; ord, Pby Northumberland, .Ap 25, 38; p, Danville (Mahoning ch). Pa, 37-43; p, 1st ch, Peekskill, NY, 43-67; res, Princeton, NJ ; d, Brooklyn, NA', Dc8, 84. MD; DD, CNJ, .59. *Hooker, Richard — b, Springfield, .Mass, -Ap 10, 1808; YaleU, 27 ; agt, .AmSS Un, SC & Ga; PTS, Jl-.Ag, 35; ColTS; ord evang, Pby lloi)ewcll, .A|) 22, 37; ss, •Mt Zion, Ga, 36-40; ss, Monticello, 40-3; p, Macon, 4.3-52; ss, 2d Cong ch, Dur- ham, Ct, .52-7; d. New Haven, Dc 19, 57. ■^Hopkins, Samuel Miles— b, Geneseo, NY, Ag 8, 1813; AmhC, 35; tut, 1837 OO HobC, 35-6; AubTS; PTS, 36-7; ord, Pby Chemung, Sp 23, 40; ss. Corning, NY, 38- p, 40-2; p, Fredonia, 42-5; p, Avon, 45-7; prof, Ch Hist & Pol, AubTS, 47-93, prof em, 93-1901; d. Auburn, NY, Oc 29, 01. DD, AmhC, 54; Mod, Gen Assem, 66. *Ingersoll, John Franklin — b, Lee, Mass, Jl, 1810; PTS, 36-7; ord, Pby Columbia, Oc 5, 37 ; p. Hunter, NY, 37-46; p, Cong ch, Franklin, 49-55; ss. West- ford, 55-6; ss, Greenville, 56-7; ss, Catskill, 57-64; d, Catskill, NY, Je 22, 64. *Lambert, Amos Bordman — b. So Reading, Mass, Je 6, 1810; NYU, 34; PTS, 34-5; UnTS, 36-7 ; ord, Pby Troy, Nv 2, 37 ; p, Salem, NY, 37-65; p, Hoosick Falls, 66-8; ss. South Hartford, 68-73; ss, Rupert, Vt, 73-84; hon re, 84; res, Salem, NY, 84-93; d, Salem, Nv 29, 93. DD, NYU, 54. *Leaming, Joseph Falkinburge — b. New Jersey; CNJ, 1834; PTS, 34-6; d, 61. *Lee, Charles G — b, Rochester, NY, My 20, 1814; PTS, 34; AubTS, 38-41; ord, Pby Onondaga, Sp 3, 45; ss. Park ch, Syracuse, NY, 44-7; bus, Rochester; d, Rochester, NY, Oc 9, 56. *Malin, David — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 21, 1905; HamC, 33; tea, AubTS; PTS, 36-7; ord, Pby Cayuga, Ap 25, 38; p, Genoa, NY, 38-42; dist sec, ABCFM, 42-57; asso sec, AmTrSoc, Phila, Pa, 57-9; prin. Class Schl, Phila, 59-62; ChrCom, NY Vols, Phila, 59-62; US Sub Treas, NYCity, 65-8; p, 15th ch, Phila, Pa, 70-8; d, Phila, Dc 25, 85. DD, MaryvC, 58. *Mathes, Archibald Alexander — b, Washington Co, Tenn, Ja 14, 1812; WashCTenn, 33; PTS, Nv-Dc, 34; UnTSVa, 36-8; ord evang, Pby Holston, Ap 6, 39; pres, WashCTenn, 38-40; ss, Salem & Leesburg, Tenn, 38-9; ss. Pleasant Forest & Lebanon, 39-45; ss, Madisonville, 45-50; ss, Hopewell, 51-2; ss, Bellevue, Mo, 52-7; ss, Brazeau, 57-64; ss, Sigourney, Martinsburg & Kirkville, la, 64-9; ss, Leon, 69-72; ss, Golconda, 111, & Marion, Ky, 72-7; ss, Gilman, la, 79-82; d. Independence, Mo, Nv 17, 91. *Miller, William Young — b, Montgomery, NY, Dc 20, 1811; UnC, 33; tea; PTS, 34-6; YaleUDS; ord, Pby Hudson, Nv 28, 38; p, Ridgebury, NY, 39-47 ; ss, Knoxville, 111, 51-8; ill health; res, Knoxville, 58-82; res, San Jose, Cal, 83- 1900; d, San Jose, Mr 25, 00. *Nevin, Edwin Henry — b, Shippensburg, Pa, My 9, 1814; JefC, 33; WestTS, 33-4; PTS, 34-6; ord, Pby Mahoning, Je 25, 39; p, Poland, O, 39-41; pres, FrankCInd, 40-5; Mt Vernon, 45; p, Plymouth Cong ch, Cleveland, 51; Walpole, Chelsea & Edgartown, Mass, 54; Lancaster, Pa, 55; p, 1st RefChAm, Phila, 70-5; d, Phila, Pa, Jl 2, 89. DD, FrankCO, 70. *01mstead, Lemuel Gregory — b, Maltaville, NY, Jl 5, 1808; UnC, 34; PTS, 34-5; WestTS, 35-9; tea; ord evang, Pby Erie, Ap 20, 48; prin, Erie, Pa, 58-9; chap, USArmy, 62-5; d, Easton, NY, Mr 18, 80. LLD, HanC, 64. *Orr, Robert Wilberforce — b. Clarion, Pa, Ja 18, 1808; JefC, 33; WestTS, 33-6; grad stu, PTS, 36-7; ord evang, Pby Bedford, Nv 22, 37; miss, Singapore, Asia, 37-41; prin. Clarion, Pa, 42-4; ss. Greenwood, 43-4; ss. Bethel, 44; ss, Centre, 1837 91 44- p, 45-52; prof, Civ Eng, JefC, 44; prof, Lat Lit, JefC, 45-52; ss, Mt Tabor & Mill Creek, 56; supt, com schls. Clarion Co, 54-7; d, Mechanicsville, Pa, Mr 30, 57, *Sayre, James Maltby — b, Catskill, NY, Mr 4, 1814; WmsC, 34; PTS, 34-5; AubTS, 35-7; Rondout, NY, 39; bus, Catskill, NY; d, Catskill, My 9, 74. *Sibley, Charles S — b, Bridgeton, NJ, 1811; CNJ, 34; PTS, 34-5; lawy; d, Ag 11, 54. *Spees, Shubael Granby — b, Greenville, NY, Mr 6, 1811; UnC, 33; PTS, 34-6; ord, 3d Pby New York, My 13, 38; p, 10th ch, NYCity, 39-40; p, Delhi, 41-4; p, 4th ch, Troy, 44-8; p, 1st ch. Galena, 111, 49-55; p, Milwaukee, Wis, 56-9; p, 3d St ch, Dayton, O, 60-4; ss, Baltimore, Md, 66; p el, 2d ch, Dubuque, la, 67-71; d, Greenville, NY, Fb 28, 72. DD, MiaU, 62. *Stevenson, Paul Eugene — b. New Brunswick, NJ, Oc 14, 1809; UnC, 33; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Lexington, Je 9, 38; p, Staunton, Va, 38-44; p, Williams- burgh, NY, 45-9; p, Wyoming, Pa, 50-4; prin, Luzerne Presb Inst, 52-5; prin. West Jersey Acad, Bridgeton, NJ, 55; tea, Madison, 56-67; prin. Female Sem, Paterson, 67-70; d, Paterson, NJ, Mr 17, 70. *Stratton, Daniel — b, Bridgeton, NJ, Sp 28, 1814; CNJ, 33; PTS, 34-6; UnTSVa; ord Pby Roanoke, My 5, 38; ss, Newbern, NC, 37- p, 38-52; p, Salem, NJ, 52-66; d, Salem, Ag 24, 66. *Talbot, Ward Dean— b, Athol, Mass, My 7, 1806; UnC, 33; PTS, 35-7; res lict, 37-8; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 5, 36; miss. Pa & Ind, Conneautville, Pa; tea, Iowa City, la, 41-6; prof, Iowa City Univ, 46; d, Iowa City, la, Ag, 46. *Topping, Evert Marsh — b, Chester, NJ, Ja 3, 1812; CNJ, 30; PTS, 35-6; adj prof, Anc Lang, CNJ, 39-46; tea, Baltimore, Md, 46-65; d, Chester, NJ, J1 6, 65. *Turbitt, John — b, Londonderry, Ireland, Sp 2, 1811; BelfC, 34; PTS, 34-5; ord, Pby Allegheny, Je 23, 40; ss. East Concord & Callensburg, Pa, 39- p, 40-1; ss. Concord, 48-50; ss, Keene, O, 50-1; p, Mansfield (Washington), 51-2; p. Pros- pect, 111, 54-5; res. Canton, 56-7; ss, Chateaugay, NY, 62-3; ss. Concord, Mich, 64-5; ss. East Greenville, Tenn, 65-6; res, Hebron, NY, 66-7; res, Allegheny, Pa, 71-4; res, Lacon, 111, 74-80; d, Lacon, Ap 12, 80. *Waller, David Jewett — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Ja 16, 1815; WmsC, 34; PTS, 34-7; ord, Pby Northumberland, My 1, 39; ss, Berwick & Brier Creek, 38-42; p, Bloomsburg, Pa, 39-71; miss, Bloomsburg, 71-93; d, Bloomsburg, Pa, Dc 7, 93. ‘White, Robert McCrea — b, Fagg’s Manor, Pa, Mr 2, 1815; AmhC, 34; PTS, 36-7; ord, Pby Washington, Dc 27, 37; p, Fairview, Va, 37-48; p, Chartiers, Pa, 48; prof, Rhet, JefC, 48; d, Fairview, Va, Dc 14, 48. ‘Wickes, Thomas — b, Jamaica, NY, Oc 31, 1814; YaleU, 34; PTS, 34-6; ord evang, Pby Troy, Fb 19, 39; p, Cong ch, Marietta, O, 40-69; p, Jamestown, NY, 69-70; d. Orange, NJ, Nv 10, 70. DD, WabC, 64. ‘Wood, George Warren — b, Bradford, Mass, Fb 24, 1814; DartC, 32; tea; 92 1837-1838 PTS, 36-7; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, My 16, 37; miss, ABCFM, Singapore, India, 38-40; miss, Constantinople, Turkey, 42-50; cor sec, ABCFM, NYCity, 52-71; miss, Constantinople, Turkey, 71-86; res, Mt Morris & Geneva, NY, 86- 1901; d, Geneseo, NY, J1 17, 1901. DD, HamC, 59. ♦Woodruff, William B— b, Ohio, 1811; MiaU, 30; LaneTS, 34-6; PTS, 36-7; d, Oxford, O, 38. ♦Wynkoop, Stephen Rose — b, Northampton, Pa, Nv 24, 1806; UnC, 29; tea ; agt, ABCFM, Africa, 30-1 ; PTS, 34-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 7, 38; ss, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 38- p, 39-58; ill health; res, Princeton, NJ, 69- 76; d, Princeton, Je 8, 76. 43. 1838 *Balch, John Tennant — b, Greenville, Tenn, Dc 12, 1809; TuscC, 33; PTS- 35-8; miss, Tuscumbia, Ala, 39; ss & tea, Mt Carmel ch, Tenn, 40-1; ord evang, Pby Western District, Je 8, 41 ; ss, Dardanelle, Ark, 42-51 ; ss & tea. Green Lake, Tex, 51-2; ss. Oak Island, 53-8; ss, Minden, La, 58-61; d, Minden, Dc 12, 61. *Barr, Thomas Hughes — b, Greensburg, Pa, Nv 19, 1807; WRU, 35; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 23, 41; p, Wayne, O, 41-7; p, Jackson, 41-77; d, Canaan Centre, O, Nv 29, 77. DD, CWoos, 74. ♦Canfield, Oren Kasson — b. New Marlborough, Mass, Ap 6, 1808; CNJ, 35; PTS, 35-8; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 7, 40; miss, Liberia, Africa, 41-2; d, Liberia, My 7, 42. ♦Freeman, John Edgar — b, NYCity, Dc 27, 1809; CNJ, 35; PTS, 35-8; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, J1 12, 38; miss, India, 39-57; killed, Cawnpore, India, Je 13, 57. ♦Hadden, Joseph Baker — b, Spartanburg Dist, SC, J1 25, 1804; UNash, 34; PTS, 35-8; ord evang, Pby Muhlenburg, Fb, 41; ss, Fredonia & Marion, Ky, 39-52; ss, Maquoketa, la, 52-4; ss, Andrew & Farmer’s Creek, 54-8; d, Andrew, la, Jill, 58. ♦Hale, George — b, Catskill, NY, Je 8, 1812; WmsC, 31; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 7, 39; p, Pennington, NJ, 39-69; sec, BdMinRel, 69-84; cl, P'rankford, Pa, Nv 11, 88. DD, LafC, 62. ♦Jacobus, Melancthon Williams — b, Newark, NJ, Sp 19, 1816; CNJ, 34; PTS, 35-8; res lict, 38-9; instr, PTS, 38; ord, Pby New York, Sp 15, 39; p, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NY, 39-51 ; p. Central ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 58-70; sec, SustentCom, 71- 4; prof, Oriental & Bib Lit, WestTS, 51-76; d, Allegheny City, Pa, Oc 28, 76. DD, JefC, 52; LLD, CNJ, 67; Mod, Gen Assem, 69. ♦Jerome, Aaron Brainerd — b, Pompey, NY, Dc 12, 1813; CNJ, 35; PTS, 35-8; ord evang, Pby New York, Oc 10, 38; p, Montgomery, Ala, 39; d, Talladega Springs, J1 23, 39. ♦Kennedy, Duncan — b, Amsterdam, NY, My 16, 1809; UnC, 35; PTS, 35- 8; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 17, 39; p, Galway, NY, 39-41 ; p. North Dutch ch, Albany, 1838 93 41-55; p, 2d St ch, Troy, 55-67; ss, 2d ch, Brooklyn, 68-9; p, Westminster ch, Bloomfield, NJ, 70-81; d, Bloomfield, Dc 30, 1887. DD, HamC, 45. *Morris, Robert Desha — b, Washington, Ky, Ag 22, 1814; Augusta Coll, Ky, 34; PTS, 34-8; ord, 2d Pby Phila, Oc 23, 38; p, Newtown, Pa, 38-56; pres. Female Coll, Oxford, O, 59-82; d, Oxford, Nv 3, 82. DD, CenCKy, 70. *Paisley, John — b. North Carolina; UNC, 1835; PTS, 35-8; ss. High Rock & Red House, NC, 39-41; ord, Pby Orange, Nv 13, 41; p. Red House, Grier's & Harmony, 41-5; d, 45. *Prime, Edward Dorr Griflin — b, Cambridge, NY, Nv 2, 1814; UnC, 32; tea; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 12, 39; p, Scotchtown, NY, 39-51 ; ss, 86th St ch, NYCity, 52-3; ed, NY Observer, 53-86; auth; d, NYCity, Ap 7, 91. DD, JefC, 57. *Scott, James Long — b, Coatesville, Pa, Oc 27, 1812; JefC, 33; tea; PTS, 35-8; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Sp 26, 38; miss, India, Mynpoorie, Agra & Futteghur, 39-64; ill health; London, Eng, 65-8; prin, Hammonton, NJ, 68-78; miss, Landour, India, 79; d, Dehra, India, Ja 2, 80. *Stewart, Daniel — b, Amsterdam, NY, J1 17, 1811; UnC, 33; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Albany, Fb 20, 39; p, 1st ch, Amsterdam (Hagaman’s Mills), NY, 39-40; p, Ballston Spa, 40-4; p, 1st ch. New Albany, Ind, 44-9; prof, Bibl Lit & Heb, NewATS, 49-53; ss, 1st ch, Camden, NJ, 54- p, 56-61; ss, Johnstown, NY, 61-9; p, 2d ch. New Albany, Ind, 69-71; ss, Andrew ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 72-5; ss, 1st ch, Minneapolis, 75-81; hon re, 81; res, Minneapolis, 81-97; d, Minneapolis, Minn, Ap 30, 97. DD, UNash, 49. Wan Court, Alexander — b. Bound Brook, NJ, Ag 4, 1815; CNJ, 33; tea; PTS, 35-8; lie, 3d Pby New York, Oc 10, 37; ord; ss, 1st ch. New Orleans, La; p, Denmark, Tenn, 41-2; p, 2d ch, Nashville; p, Florence, Ala, 44-5; p. Central ch, St Louis, Mo, 46-9; d, St Louis, J1 22, 49. *Wells, George — b, Hanov'er, O, Fb 1, 1812; KenC, 35; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Columbus, Oc 9, 40; ss, Circleville, O, 39- p, 40-4; d, Hanover, O, Ap 3, 46. *Wyly, Samuel Young — b, Greenville, Tenn, My 26, 1815; TuseC, 34; PTS, 34-8; ss. Pleasant Forest ch, Tenn, 38-9; ord evang, Pby Holston, Je 8, 39; V pres & prof, WashCTenn, 39-44; ss. Providence, Tenn, 39-40; ss, Salem, 40-4; ss, Leesburg, 40-7; ss, Mt Bethel, 44-7; p, Leesburg & Mt Bethel, 47-57; d, Lees- burg, Tenn, J1 20, 57. 17. *Belden, Henry— b, Greenfield, Ct, Ap 9, 1813; UnC, 35; AndTS; PTS, Jc- Nv, 37; UnTS; ss, Gowanus, NY, 38; ord, Pby North River, My 2, 39; p, Marl- borough, NY, 39-41; ss, Windsor, 41; ss, Washingtonville, 41-4; p, Cong ch, Boonton, NJ, 44-6; p. Blooming Grove, NY, 47-52; p. Free Cong ch, NYCity, 52-6; cy miss, Brooklyn, 56-06; res. New Providence, NJ, 66-8; p, Cong ch, Parkville NY, 68-71; ill health; rec sec, AmMissAsso, 54-74; ss, Parkville, NY, 71-84; d, NYCity, Je 24, 84. 94 1838 William Gilmor — b, West Alexander, Pa, Dc 11, 1812; WashCPa, 36; PTS, 36-8; ord, Pby Missouri, My 25, 40; p, Booneville, Mo, 40-54; prin, Female Sem, Booneville, 43-58; ss. Union, 58-60; Booneville, 60-5; ss, Warrensburg, 65-6; miss, Texas, 69-72; agt, AmBSoc, E Texas, 72-3; ss, Georgetown, 73-4; Presb miss, Austin, 74-7; hon re, 77; d, Coleman, Tex, Sp 23, 80. *Berry, Robert Taylor — b, Berryplain, Va, J1 6, 1812; lawy; PTS, 35-8; miss, Warren & Rappahannock Cos, Va, 38-40; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Ap 18, 40; p, Georgetown, DC, 41-9; ss, Martinsburg, Va, 50-8; ss. Canton, Miss, 58-60; miss, Martinsburg, Va, 60-76; d, Winchester, Nv 2, 77. *Boggs, Thomas Marshall — b. Crosscreek, Pa, Je 26, 1813; WashCPa, 33; tea; PTS, 35-6; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 25, 37; p, Donegal, Marietta & Mt Joy, Pa, 37-50; d, Mt Joy, Nv 10, 50. *Bradley, William — b, Mercersburg, Pa, Ag 21, 1805; WashCPa, 34; PTS, 35; lie, Pby Carlisle, Oc 3, 38; tea, Burlington, la, 50-2; res, Burlington, 52-63; Mt Pleasant, 63-72; d, Mt Pleasant, la, Sp 11, 72. *Brown, Thomas — b, Oxford, England, Nv 30, 1809; UnC, 36; PTS, 36-7; prin, Lewisburg, Va (now WVa), 39-41; ord, Pby Greenbrier, 41; ss. Greenspring, Va, 41-6; ss. Walnut Grove, 46-61; tea & ss, Abingdon, Va; d, Abingdon, My 26, 90. DD, KingC, 78. *Ghambers, Talbot Wilson — b, Carlisle, Pa, Fb 25, 1819; RutU, 34; NBTS; PTS, 36-7; ord, RefChAm, Cl New Brunswick, Ja 22, 40; ss, 2d ch, Somerville, NJ, 39- p, 40-9; asso p. Coll ch, NYCity, 49-96; act prof, NT Lit & Exeg, PTS, 91-2; d, NYCity, Fb 3, 96. DD, ColU, 53; LLD, RutU, 84. *Coe, Philemon Elmer — b. New Jersey; CNJ, 1834; PTS, 34-6, 37-8; lie, Pby Elizabethtown, Ap 18, 39; withdrew, Ap 20, 42; ord, PEpis; d, Dc 20, 73. *Coons, George Washington — b, Lexington, Ky, Ap 22, 1808; tea; HanTS; ss, Mt Sterling, Ky, 35-7; ord, Pby West Lexington, Ap 28, 37; PTS, Ja-Ap, 38; ss, Mt Sterling, Ky, 38-9; ss, Springfield, 39-43; ss, 1st ch, Memphis, Tenn, 43- p, 44-52; ss, Maysville, Augusta, Falmouth & Covington, Ky; ss, Flemingsburg, 54; ss, Augusta & Sharon, 60; ss, Maysville, 68-71; ss, Paris & Falmouth, 71-6; d, St Louis, Mo, Dc 15, 91. DD. *Crowell, John — b, Phila, Pa, Je 22, 1814; CNJ, 34; tea; PTS, 36-7; tut, CNJ, 36-7; ord, 3d Pby Phila, Je 5, 40; p & tea. West Chester, Pa, 40-50; p, 2d ch. Orange, NJ, 50-63; p, Drawyers ch, Odessa, Del, 67-78; res. East Orange, NJ, 78-1909; d. East Orange, Mr 29, 09. DD, CNJ, 69. *Dixon, William Edward — b, Enfield, Ct, Ja 26, 1810; WmsC, 33; PTS, 35-6; HartTS, 37-40; ord Cong, Ja 14, 41; p. Ware, Mass, 41-2; memb Conn Legisl, 45-6; ss, Presb ch, Esperance, NY, 48-51; p el. Long Meadow, Mass, 52-4; res, Enfield, Ct, 54-74; d, Enfield, Oc 8, 74. *Ely, George — b, Trenton, NJ, Ja 3, 1808; UNash, 33; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 29, 40; p, Nottingham (now Hamilton) Square & Dutch Neck, NJ, 40-56; d, Hartsville, Pa, Ag 14, 56. *Galbreath, William Morrison — b, Harford Co, Md, Ag 11, 1813; JefC, 1838 95 35; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Marion, Je 19, 39; p, Milford Centre, 0, 39-47 ; tea. West Liberty, 47-8; p. West Middleburg, 48-52; p, Logansville (De Graff) & ss, Mt Jefferson & Covington, 50-64; ss. Turtle Creek, 65-8; prin, Mt Pleasant Acad, Kingston, 68-9; ss, Amanda, 67- p, 69-70; ss, Barlow & Watertown; ss. Beech Grove; ss, Olive ch; ss, Caldwell; tea, Rushsylvania, 77-80; ss, Hamden, 2 yrs; ss, Wilkesville, 3 yrs; ss, Piketon, 1 yr; d, Greenfield, O, Dc 19, 91. *Gallagher, Joseph Steele — b, NYCity, Oc 25, 1801; USMilA; lieut, USArmy, 20-36; AndTS, 35-6; PTS, 36-7; ord, Pby Newark, Oc 12, 37; p, 2d ch. Orange, NJ, 37-50; gen agt, UnTS, 50-61 ; treas & gen sec, UnTS, 63-74; ill health; d, Bloomfield, NJ, Ap 12, 77. *Galloway, Samuel — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Mr 22, 1811; MiaU, 33; PTS, Ja- Mr, 36; tea, Hamilton, O, 36-7; asst, MiaU, 37-8; prof, HanC, 39-40; lawy, Hillsborough, 43-4; sec State, O, 44; US Cong, 56-8; d, Columbus, O, Ap 5, 72. LLD, AsbU, 60. *Gaston, Daniel — b, Northumberland Co, Pa, Jl, 1801; LafC; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Newton, Fb 13, 39; p, Beaver Meadow, Pa, 39-44; p, Conyngham, 42-4; p, Cohocksink ch, Phila, 45-65; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 28, 65. *Godwin, Parke — b, Paterson, NJ, Fb 25, 1816; CNJ, 34; PTS, 35-6; lawy; asst ed, NY Evening Post, 37-43; ed, 43-66; owner, 66-86; ed. Commercial Ad- vertiser, 66-86; ed. Pathfinder, 43; dep coll, port NY, 44-9; ed, Putnam's Mag; auth & journalist; res, NYCity; d, NYCity, Ja 7, 1904. ♦Gulick, Alexander— b, NYCity, Ap 9, 1814; RutU, 35; PTS, 35-8; UnTS; ord, Pby Miami, My 10, 40; p, Mt Pleasant, Greenville & Union, O, 40-4; p, RefChAm, Woodstock, NY, 45-59; p. West Hurley, 59-64; p, Presb ch, Bridge- ville, Del, 66-8; ss, Jasper & Woodhull, NY, 69-73; ss; Kingwood, WVa, 74-5; res, Woodstock, NY, 75-87; d, Woodstock, Ap 1, 87. *Handy, Isaac William Ker — b, Washington, DC, Dc 14, 1815; JefC, 34; PTS, 35-7; ord, Pby Lewes, Nv 22, 38; p, Buckingham, Blackwater & Laurel, Del, 38-44; miss, Warsaw, Mo, 44-7; ss, Drawyers & Port Penn, Del, 48-51; p, Drawyers& Forest ch, Middletown, 51-3; miss, E Shore, Maryland, 53-5; p, Ports- mouth, Va, 57-65; p. Orange CH & Gordonsville, 65-70; p, Augusta, 70-8; d, Phila, Pa, Je 14, 78. DD, MaryvC, 59. ♦Hill, William Wallace— b, Bath Co, Ky, Ja 26, 1815; CenCKy, 35; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Louisville, Oc 3, 38; p, Shelbyville, Ky, 38-42; ed, Protestant & Herald, Frankfort, 42-4; ss, Frankfort, 43-4; ed, Presb Herald, Louisville, 44-62; ss. Plumb Creek, 48; cor sec. West ComBdMiss, 45-60; prin, Bellewood, Female Sem, 62-74; ss, Middletown, 53-72; ss. Anchorage, 72-4; ss & pres. Female Coll, h'ulton. Mo, 74-7; ss, Sherman, Tex, & i)rof, AusC, 77; d, Fulton, Mo, My 1, 78. DD, CenCKy, 51. ♦Hobby, Thomas — b. South Carolina; ColTS, 1834-6; PTS, Jl-Ag, 36. ♦Hunt, Samuel — b, Attleborough, Mass, Mr 18, 1810; AmhC, 32; tea; i’TS, 36-7; AndTS; ord Cong, Jl 17, 39; p, Natick, Mass, 39-50; p, Franklin, 50-64; supt edu, AmMissAsso, 64-7; elk, US Sen Com Mil affairs, 68-73; sec, Washington, DC, 73-6; Attleborough, Mass, 77; d, Boston, Jl 23, 78. 96 1838 *Jerome, Allen Murray — b, Pompey, NY, Mr 10, 1808; CNJ, 36; PTS, 36- 8; d, Princeton, NJ, Ja 27, 40. *Kenible, Aaron A — b, Pennsylvania; CNJ, 1835; PTS, 35-6; tea; d, 63. *Ker, Jacob Walter Eliezer — b. Princess Anne, Md, Dc 23, 1813; tea; PTS, 35-8; prin, Washington Acad, Md, 38-42; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ag 16, 42; p, Deerfield, 42-55; ss, Frederick City, Md, 55-7; p, Lewisburg, Pa, 58-60; ill health; res, Phila, 60-79; d, Phila, Pa, Ag 12, 79. *Knott, James W — b, near Blairsville, Pa, Oc 7, 1812; JefC, 35; WestTS; PTS, 37-8; ord, Pby Richland, Nv 11, 40; p. Pleasant Hill, O, 41-2; ss, Haysville, 42-3; ss, Jeromeville, 43-6; ss, Keene, 46-8; ss, Jefferson, 46-8; ss, Eden, 57-61; ss, Sandusky, 61-4; d, Shelby, O, Sp 3, 64. *Lockwood, Lewis Conger — b. New Windsor, NY, Dc 20, 1815; UnC, 38; NewbTS; PTS, Jl-Sp, 38; LaneTS; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Oc 6, 42; p, Reading, O, 42-53; ss, Cong ch, S Butler, NY, 33-44; p, Middletown, 44-50; ss. Upper Aque- bogue, NY, 51-2; ss, 50th St (Central) Presb ch, NYCity, 52-4; ss, 4th Cong ch, NYCity, 55; p, Meridan, Ct, 57-8; p, Saugerties, 58-60; miss, freedm. Fortress Monroe, Va, 61-2; miss, Cumberland St Presb chap, Brooklyn, NY, 66-71; p, Cong ch, Melville, NY, 74-85; res, Woodhaven; d, Woodhaven, NY, Dc 1, 1904. *Marquess, William H — b, Virginia, Ap, 1810; PTS, 35-6; d. Port Gibson, Miss, Je, 67. *McCoy, John Brice — b. West Alexander, Pa, My 20, 1814; WashCPa, 35; PTS, 36-8; ss, Millville, NJ, 38; miss, Ga, 39; ord, Pby Washington, Je 26, 39; p, Elizabethtown, Va, 39-40; p. Mill Creek, 40-1; d. Wheeling, Va, Oc 13, 41. *McElroy, George Whitefield — b, near Lebanon, Ky, Ja 3, 1809; CenCKy, 33; PTS, 36-7; ord, Pby West Lexington, Sp 28, 38; p, Winchester, Va, 38-9; ss, Salem, Ky, 39-41; d, Natchez, Miss, Ja 5, 42. *McKinney, Edmund — b, Middlesex, Pa, Ap 21, 1815; WashCPa, 35; AndTS; PTS, 36-7; miss & ss, Clearfield Co, Pa, 37-8; ord evang, Pby Erie, Nv 13, 39; ss, Warren, Petersburg & Monaghan, Pa; miss. Creek, Choctaw & Otoe Indians, 44-56; prin & supt, Hillsboro, O, 56-9; prin, Whitewater Presb Acad, Ind; ss, Montgomery & Somerset, O; chap, USArmy, 62-5; agt, FreedmCom, Clarks- ville, Tenn, 65-71; ed, Keyport, NJ, 73-7; d, Keyport, Mr 3, 78. *Megie, Burtis Cunningham^ — b, NYCity, Dc 4, 1813; NYU, 35; AndTS; PTS, 36-7; UnTS; ord evang, Pby North River, Oc 31, 38; ss. New Paltz, NY, 38-9; ss, Dover, NJ, 39- p, 42-76; p. Pleasant Grove, 76-88; ss, Welsh ch, Dover, 88-90; d, Dover, NJ, Je 12, 90. DD, NYU, 75. *Mills, Charles Lewis — b, Morristown, NJ, Ag 11, 1812; YaleU, 35; PTS, 35-7; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Oc 23, 38; ss. South Hanover, Ind, 37-40; ss, 1st ch, Indianapolis, 50-1; p, Cong ch. North Bridgewater, Mass, 52-62; res, Andover; d, Andover, Mass, Oc 3, 84. *Morton, John Ballard— b, NYCity, Ag3, 1815; NYU, 35; PTS, 35-8; ss, Portsmouth, Va, 39; ss, Middletown, O, 40-3; ord, Pby Miami, Ap 25, 43; p, Middletown, 43-5; ss, Franklin, 46- p, 48-50; ss & tea, Middletown, 52- p, 56-65; 1838 97 ss, Monroe & Dick’s Creek, 65-6; ss, 2d ch, Springfield, 67-8; ss, Venice, 70-1; ss. Highland, Kan, & libr, HighU, 72-5; ss, 1st ch, St Charles, Mo, 75-82; d, St Charles, Mr 31, 82. *Patterson, John Cunningham — b, Wilmington, Del, Oc 24, 1815; CNJ, 35; PTS, 35-6; tea, Princeton, NJ, 36; lawy, Wilmington, Del; ill health; res, Wilmington; d, Wilmington, Del, Mr 23, 95. *Purviance, George Dugan — b, Maryland, 1815; StMC, 32; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 5, 39; p, 4th ch, Baltimore, Md, 39-55; ill health; res, Baltimore, 56-73; d, Baltimore, Md, Ap 7, 73. *Reynolds, John Van Liew — b, Meadville, Pa, Ap 12, 1815; JefC, 34; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby Erie, Nv 13, 39; ss, Meadville, Pa, 38- p, 39-69; ill health; res, Meadville; d, Meadville, Pa, Dc 8, 98. DD, JefC, 58. *Richards, Elias Jones — b, Cheshire, England, Ja 14, 1813; CNJ, 34; tea; PTS, 35-8; ss, Ann Arbor, Mich, 39; ord, Pby Newark, Oc 28, 40; p, 2d ch, Pater- son, NJ, 40; p. Central ch. Spring Garden, Phila, Pa, 42-3; p. Western ch, Phila, 43-6; p, 1st ch, Reading, 46-72; d, Reading, Pa, Mr 25, 72. DD, LafC, 70. *Rosamond, James — b, Pendleton, SC, Sp 6, 1806; MiaU, 33; tea; AndTS, 35-6; PTS, 36-7; ColTS, 37-8; miss. South, 38; ss, Ripley & Farmington, Miss, 38- 41; ss, Waynesville, Ga, 41-2; ss, Alcovia & Ebenezer, 42-7; tea, Monroe, Jackson & Fayetteville, Ga, 47-50; ord, Pby Flint River, Oc 22, 49; ss, Raleigh, Tenn, 50-4; ss & tea, Kosciusko, Miss, 54-9; ss. Unity, Tenn, 68; ss, Waverly, Texas, 72; prof, AusC, 72; d, Memphis, Tenn, 89. *Sherwood, Jonathan Hervey — b, Readington, NJ, Ja 12, 1815; CNJ, 34; PTS, 35-7; ord, Pby Newton, Je 26, 39; p, Hardwick & Marksboro, NJ, 39-41; p, Kingwood, 41-2; p, Milford, 41-54; d, Milford, NJ, Dc 22, 54. *Stonestreet, John — b, Clarke Co, Ky, Nv 13, 1813; CenCKy, 33; tea; PTS, 35-6; lie, Pby Transylvania, Oc, 38; miss, Rockcastle & Pulaski Cos, Ky, 38; med stu; d. Bourbon Co, Ky, My 17, 40. *Strong, Caleb — b, Northampton, Mass, Ja 31, 1816; YaleU, 35; PTS, 36-7; ord Cong, Oxford, Ct, Oc 16, 38; p, Amer ch, Montreal, Can, 39-47; d, Montreal, Can, Ja 4, 47. *Stuart, Samuel Davies — b. Walnut Hill, Ky, Fb 15, 1815; CenCKy, 33; tea; PTS, 35-8; ord, Pby West Lexington, Ja 25, 39; ss, Woodford, Ky, 38- p, 39- 40; p. Briery ch, Va, 40-56; p, Christianburgh, 57-62; chap, CSA, 62-5; pres. Stonewall Jackson Female Inst, Abingdon, Va, 68-73; agt, PresbComPub, 74-5; d, Abingdon, Va, Je 19, 95. ‘Terry, James Pease — b, Enfield, Ct, Mr 21, 1812; AmhC, 34; tea; PTS, 35-7; ord Cong, Dc 4, 39; p, Cong ch, Somers, Ct, 39-45; ss. North Madison, 47-8; p, 2d ch, Weymouth, Mass, 48-70; d, Schodack, NY, Ap 16, 73. ‘Van Santvoord, Cornelius — b, Belleville, NJ, Ap 8, 1816; UnC, 35; PTS, Je-Sp, 37; NBTS; ord, RefChAm, Cl Cayuga, Sp 26, 38; p, Canastota, NY, 38-9; ss. New Baltimore & Coeymans, 39-40; p, Saugerties, 40-55; p, Greenwich, 55-8; ss, 2d ch, Coxsackie, 59; ss, 2d ch, Schenectady, 59-60; chap, USArmy, 61-5; 1838-1839 98 asso ed, Interior, Chicago, 111, 70-1; ss, Bloomingdale, St Remy & Livingston, NY, 71-5; supt schls, Kingston, 71-5; res, Kingston; d, Kingston, NY, Oc 13, 1901. DD, RutU, 55. *Walsh, Hugh — b, NYCity, Ja 7, 1816; YaleU, 35; PTS, 36-7 ; phys, NYCity, 39-50; Fordham, Mass, 50; d, NYCity, Dc 1, 59. *Work, William Ramsey — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Oc 10, 1810; WashCPa, 34; tea; PTS, 36-7; WestTS; ord, Pby New Castle, Dc 3, 40; p. White Clay Creek, Del, 40-6; ss & prin, Pottstown, Pa, 48-58; ss. Trinity ch, Phila, 58-61 ; agt, BdPub, 61-3; agt, LincU, 4 yrs; agt, HowU, 6 yrs; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Dc 27, 82. *Wright, Edward Weekly — b, Lancaster, O, Ap 23, 1817; MialJ, 35; PTS, 35- 6; WestTS, 36-8; ss, Lafayette, Ind, 38-9; ord evang, Pby Logansport, Oc 5, 39; ss, Plymouth & Rochester, Ind, 39-40; p, Lafayette, 40-5; agt, BdEdu, 45-6; ss, Delphi, Ind, 46- p, 50-65; ill health; d, Allegheny, Pa, Sp 17, 66. DD. 48. 1839 *Atkinson, John Mayo Pleasants — b, Mansfield, Va, Ja 10, 1817; HSC, 35; UnTSVa; ss, Kent St ch, Winchester, Va, 38; PT.S, 39; res lict, 39-40; ss, Leb- anon, Va, 40-1; ord evang, Pby East Hanover, Je 5, 41; miss, Tex, 41-2; ss, Hous- ton, 43; p, Warrenton, Va, 43-50; p, Bridge St ch, Georgetown, DC, 50-6; pres, HSC, 57-83; d, Hampden-Sidney, Va, Ag 28, 83. DD. *Cambern, Henry Hambleton — b, Marion, Co Ky, Oc 9, 1811; PTS, 36-9; ord, Pby Salem, Ap 7, 40; p, Jeffersonville, Ind, 40-1; p, Charlestown, 43-52; ss, Bridgeton, 46-52; ss. Walnut St ch, Louisville, Ky, 52-4; ss, Rushville, 55- p, 56- 60; ss, Marshall, Mo, 60-3; fin agt, HanC, 63-4; ss, Covington, Ind, 64-6; ss, Attica, 66-9; ss. La Dore, Kan, 70-2; ss, Osage Mission, 73-6; ss, Catalpa, 77-8; ill health; res, Erie; d, Erie, Kan, Ag 9, 99. *Chamberlain, James Hageman — b, Salem, NY, Oc, 1811; UnC, 35; PTS, 36-9; hm miss; d, Ag 25, 41. *Dodge, John Varick — b, NYCity, Oc 14, 1815; YaleU, 35; PTS, 35-9; ord, Pby Vincennes, My 6, 40; p, Evansville, Ind, 40-50; ss, Terre Haute, 50; p, Jacksonville, 51-5; miss. 111, 55-7; ss. Canton, 57-9; ss. So Wheeling, Va, 59-60; chap, hosp, Evansville, Ind, 62-5; ill health; res, Evansville; d, Evansville, Ind, Sp 16, 1907. *Graham, Robert Craig — b, Wythe Co, Va, My 20, 1811; TuscC, 34; tea; PTS, 36-9; ord evang, Pby Lexington, Ag 21, 41; ss, Wytheville, Va, 41-2; ss. Rock .Spring, 48-9; ss. Cove Monk’s Corner & Galena, 49-56; tea. Max Meadow, 56-66; tea, Wytheville, 67-8; ss. Bland, 69-70; Wytheville, 70-2; ss. Pass Christian, La, 72-8; d, Memphis, Tenn, Mr 3, 78. *Happersett, Rees — b, Chester Co, Pa, J1 31, 1810; WashCPa, 36; PTS, 36- 9; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 16, 41; p, Havre de Grace, Md, 41-4; agt, Phila, Pa, 47-9; asso sec, BdHmMiss, 50-8; ss, Waynesburg, Pa, 58-9; p, Stockton, Cal, 62-6; d, Stockton, Oc 2, 66. DD, JefC, 56. Higbie, Daniel — b, Jamaica, NY, Fb 8, 1815; YaleU, 36; PTS, 36-9; ord. 1839 99 Pby Montrose, Sp 23, 40; ss, Mt Pleasant, Pa, 39- p, 42-6; ss. West Milford, NJ, 48-51; ss, Sparta, 51- p, 54-5; Petersburgh, Va, 55-7; res, Newark, 57-8; p, Wash- ingtonville, NY, 58-67; d, Spencer Springs, NY, Oc 21, 67. *Howell, John G — b, near Trenton, NJ, 1814; CNJ, 33; PTS, 36-9; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 39; ord, Pby Redstone, Je 26, 46; p, Kingwood, Va, 46- 56; d, Kingwood, 56. *Hoyt, Sherman — b, Stamford, Ct, Mr 21, 1807; tea; PTS, 36-9; ord, Pby North River, Oc 19, 40; p. Pleasant Valley, NY, 41-3; p. Pleasant Plains, 45-60; tea. Pleasant Plains, 60-3; ss, Westminster, 63-4; res. Pleasant Plains, 64-72; ss, Westminster, 72-3; hon re; Salt Point, 73-4; tea, Schultzville, 74-6; ss, Westmin- ster, 77-8; Pleasant Plains, 78-94; d, Acram, NY, Nv 26, 94. *Huntting, William — b, Southold, NY, Mr 13, 1810; AmhC, 25; tea; PTS, 36-9; ss, Greenport, NY, 40-2; ord evang, Pby Long Island (NS), My 3, 42; ss, Nanticoke, Pa, 43-4; ss, Orwell, Pa, 44-9; ss, Coshecton, NY, 50-2; ss. New Ver- non, NJ, 52- p, 53-5; Plainfield, NJ, 55-9; ill health; Stamford, Ct, 69-83; Green- port, NY, 83-91; d, Greenport, My 15, 91. *Lyon, David — b, Baskingridge, NJ, Ap 27, 1812; CNJ, 36; PTS, 36-9; ss, Knox, NY, 39-40; ord, Pby Albany, Fb 17, 41; ss, Northampton, NY, 40-5, p, 45-60; p, Mariaville, 60-76; p el, Northville, 76-9; ss, Esperance& West Milton, 80-5; ss, Esperance, 91-2; ss, Bapt ch, Sloansville, 92-3; d, Sloansville, NY, Mr 12, 1906. *McRee, William Frederick — b. North Carolina, 1815; JackC, 36; PTS, 36-9; ord, Pby South Alabama, Ap 5, 40; p, Selma, Ala, 40-4; res, Marion, 45-6; ss, Claiborne, 46-7; res, Tampico, Mex, 47-8; res. New Orleans, La, 48-9; ss & p, Camden, Ala, 49-56; ss, Bethel ch. Mobile, 57-9; ss. Chapel Mill, Tex, 59-60; res, Jackson, Ala, 60-1; d. Walker Springs, J1 6, 61. ♦Osborn, Robert— b, Cedarville, NJ, Ag 27, 1813; JefC, 34; PTS, 36-9; ord evang, Pby Greenbrier, Ap 10, 41 ; ss. Point Pleasant, Va, 39- p, 43-55; tea. Point Pleasant, 55-9; ill health; Cedarville, NJ, 59-78; d, Cedarville, J1 13, 78. ♦Owen, Joseph — b, Bedford, NY, Je 14, 1814; CNJ, 35; PTS, 35-9; ord evang, Pby Bedford, Oc 2, 39; miss, Allahabad, India, 40-68; pres, Allah Miss Coll; prof, AMTS; d, Edinburgh, Scot, Dc 4, 70. DD, CNJ, 64. ♦Petrie, James — b, Perthshire, Scotland, Je 22, 1814; CNJ, 36; PTS, 36-9; ord, Pby Hudson, Sp 30, 40; p. Liberty, NY, 40-52; p, Pluckamin, NJ, 52-6; Jersey City, 56-8; ss. Bethel, NY, 58-62; ss, Phillipsburg, NJ, 62-6; ss, Man- chester, 66-72; ss, Montana, 72-6; ss, Barclay, Pa, 76- p, 78-85; d, Plainfield, NJ, Mr 13, 86. ♦Platt, Joseph--!), Londonderry, Ire, My 8, 1810; CenCKy, 34; tea; PTS, 36-9; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Dc 10, 40; ss, Winchester, Ky; ss. La Grange, d'enn; ss, Shiloh, Paris, Palestine & West Urbana, 111; ss, Indiana ch, Ind, 55-6; ss, Farmington, 111, 57-9; ss. Camp Creek, 60-2; ss, Pittsfield, 62-4; ss, Lennox & Shiloh, 64-6; ss, Virginia, 66-7; hm miss, Franklinton, NC, 68-70; ss. Sugar Creek & Kirkland, Ind, 70-3; ss, Rock Creek, 73-4; ss, Bardolph, 74-8; res. loo 1839 Kansas City, Mo, 79-92; hon re, 92; res, Davenport, la, 92-1904; d, Daven- port, Je 11, 1904. *Ramsey, James Beverlin — b, Cecil Co, Md, My 20, 1814; LafC, 36; PTS, 36-9; res lict, 39-40; ord, 2d Pby New York, Fb 2, 41; p, West Farms, NY, 41-6; res. West Farms, 46-7; miss, Choctaw Indians; prin, Spencer Acad; res, NYCity, 50-1 ; ss, Croton Falls, 51-2; ss. New Monmouth, Va, 53- p, 54-8; p, 1st ch, Lynch- burg, 58-70; prin, Lynchburg Female Sem, 69-71; d, Lynchburg, Va, J1 23, 71. *Reeve, William Baldwin — b, Springfield, NJ, Ja 14, 1812; CNJ, 36; PTS, 36-9; ss. Canton, O, 39-41; ord evang, Pby Wooster, Je 23, 41; p. White Lake, NY, 42-8; ss, Westhampton, 49- p, 68-85; d, Westhampton, NY, Sp 10, 88. MD. *Twitchell, Jerome — b, Ohio; MiaU, 1836; PTS, 36-9; ord, Pby Louisiana, Oc 23, 41; prof. Planter’s Coll, La; p, 1st ch, Lafayette, La, 44-51; p, Houston, Tex, 55-6; shipwrecked. Gulf of Mexico, Ag, 56. *Worrell, Charles Flavel — b, Chester Co, Pa, Je 30, 1805; LafC, 36; PTS, 36-9; res lict, 39-40; ss, Knowlton & Blairsville, NJ, 39-40; ord evang, Pby New- ton, Dc 16, 41; ss. Upper Freehold (Perrineville), 41- p, 54-68; ss, New Egypt (Plumstead), 68-9; ss, Manasquan, 69- p, 72-81; d, Perrineville, NJ, Ja 27, 81. DD, LafC, 62. 20. *Baker, Richard Maxwell — b. Liberty Co, Ga, Ap 30, 1813; CNJ, 35; PTS, 36-9; ColTS; ord evang, Pby Hopewell, Nv 29, 40; ss, Apalachicola, Fla, 40-1; ss, Marianna, 41-2; ss, Quincy, 42-7; prin, Acad, Sparta, Ga, 47-9; ss, Madison, 49- 52; ss, Ebenezer ch (Sussex CH), Va, 52-3; ss & tea, Lafayette, Ga, 53-70; res, Lafayette; d, Lafayette, Ga, Je 11, 96. *Birge, Ebenezer Cross — b, Underhill, Vt, Je 5, 1810; PTS, 36-7; AubTS; ord. Northwestern Cong Asso, Ag 26, 40; p, Cong ch, E Berkshire, Vt, 40-2; p, Stockholm, NY; ss, Wilmington, 111, 51-4; ss, Burlington, 55; ss, Grafton; ss, Algonquin, 56-61 ; ss, Hampden, O, 61-2; ss, Jericho, Vt, 63-5; Underhill, 66-74; Londonderry, 74-81; d, Chicago, 111, My 28, 82. *Bonnell, William Wilson — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 10, 1809; WashCPa, 37; PTS, Je-Oc, 37; asst sec, BdHmMiss, 39-42; ord RefChUS, Cl Mercersburg, J1 10,42; p, Chambersburgh, Pa, 42-5; ss, Presb ch. Port Carbon, 45-6; ss. Central ch, Pottsville, 46-8; prin. Female Sem, Frankford, 49; d, Frankford, Pa, Dc 2, 49. *Carrell, John James — b, Tinicum, Pa, Mr 20, 1812; PTS, 36-8; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 19, 39; p, Oxford, NJ, 39-42; p. Harmony, 39-48; ss, Riegelsville, 48-53; p, 1st ch, Groveland, NY, 54-62; chap, USArmy, 62-4; ill health; res, Easton, Pa, 66-77; d, Easton, Je 21, 77. *Cary, Josiah Addison — b. West Brookfield, Mass, Mr 13, 1813; AmhC, 32; PTS, 35-6; UnTS, 36-9; ord evang, 3d Pby NY, My 13, 44; prof. Deaf & Dumb Inst, NYCity, 32-51; p. West RefChAm, NYCity, 50-1; prin. Deaf & Dumb Inst, Columbus, O, 51-2; d, Columbus, Ag 7, 52. 1839 lOI *Crawford, Robert — b, Paisley, Scotland, Nv 24, 1804; WmsC, 36; PTS, 36-7; tut, WmsC, 37-8; UnTS; ord Cong, Ag 20, 40; p, Cong ch. North Adams, Mass, 40-55; p, Presb ch, Crookville, Pa, 55-7; p, Cong ch, Deerfield, Mass, 58- 82, p em, 82-96; res, Clinton, Conn, 82-96; d, Clinton, Oc 26, 96. DD, JefC, 58. *Doak, Archibald Alexander — b, Washington Co, Tenn, J1 13, 1815; WashCTenn, 33; PTS, 35-9; ord, Pby Holston, Oc 5, 39; ss, Salem, 41; Leesburg, 42; prof & pres, WashCTenn, 40-50, 53-6; p, Zion ch, 55-6; prof, Anc Lang, ETennU, 56-7; prof. Class Lit, StewC, 59-61; Clarksville, 61-6; d, Clarksville, Tenn, My 26, 66. *Dundas, John Rankin — b, Erie Co, Pa, Je 30, 1815; WashCPa, 36; tut, WashCPa ; PTS, 37-9 ; ord, Pby Steubenville, Ap 7, 40 ; p, Richmond & Annapolis, O, 40-5; p, Mingo, Pa, 45-55; ss, Richmond, 55-7; p, Homeworth, O, 57-68; p el, Bethesda & Hanover, 68-71; agt, AmTrSoc; p el, Harlem Springs; d, Homeworth, O, Je 27, 89. DD, JefC, 61. *Fisher, Samuel Ware — b, Morristown, NJ, Ap 5, 1814; YaleU, 35; tea; PTS, 36-8; UnTS; ord, Pby Newark, Ap 16, 39; p. West Bloomfield, NJ, 39-43; p, 4th ch, Albany, NY, 43-7; p, 2d ch, Cincinnati, O, 47-58; pres, HamC, 58-66; p, Westminster ch, Utica, NY, 66-71; d. College Hill, O, Ja 18, 74. DD, MiaU, 52; LLD, NYU, 66; Mod, Gen Assem, 57. *Grier, Thomas — b, near Cannonsburg, Pa, 1812; JefC, 36; PTS, 36-9; lie, Pby Phila, Oc 16, 39; miss, Washington Co, Pa, 39-40; p el, Sidney, O, 40-1; d, Sidney, My 18, 41. *HalI, Isaac — b, Maryland, 1810; LafC, 36; PTS, 36-9; lie, Pby Newton, Ap 24, 39; ss, Bel Air, Md, 42-3; ss, Franklinville, 44-50; ss. Church Hill, 50-1; ss. Union City, O, 54-5; ss. Hill Grove, 59-60; d, Piqua, O, 85. “Harlow, James Madison — b. Shelter Island, NY, Oc 6, 1808; CNJ, 35; tea; PTS, 36-9; ord, 2d Pby Phila, J1 2, 39; p, Bensalem, Pa, 39-46; ss, Bristol, NJ, 45-50; ss, E Aurora, NY, 51-5; ss, Moscow, 55-62; ss, Bath, 62-7; ss, Tus- carora. Union Corners & Phelps, 67-70; p, Shortsville, 70-2; ill health; d, Shortsville, NY, Dc 13, 94. “Hunter, Moses Hoge — b, Martinsburgh, Va, Oc 5, 1814; YaleU, 36; PTS, 36-8; YaleUDS; ss, Meriden, Ct, 38; ss, Troy, NY, 38-9; ord evang, Pby Win- chester, Je 27, 40; ss, Loudoun St ch, Winchester, Va, 40-1; Cincinnati, O, 41-2; ord PEpis dea, Ag 14, 42; ord PEpis pr, Ja, 43; rec, Indianapolis, Ind, 42-4; rec. Ascension ch, Frankfort, Ky, 44-6; rec. Trinity ch, Monroe, Mich, 46; prin, Detroit, 47-62; chap, USArmy, 62-3; ss, Grosse Is, Mich, 65-70; ss, St Mark’s, Detroit, 70-5; rec, St Mary’s City, Md, 75-8; tea, Washington, DC, 78-9; rec, St Paul’s, King George, Va, 79-86; asst, St Timothy, NYCity, 86-93; asst. Port Tobacco, Va, 93-7; d. La Plata, Md, Ja 9, 99. “Hutchinson, Sylvander — b, Sutton, Mass, Mr 7, 1809; AmhC, 36; PTS, 36-9; tut, Franklin Coll, Athens, Ga, 38; d, Athens, Je 14, 38. “James Henry — b, Albany, NY, Je 3, 1811; UnC, 30; PTS, 35-7; Sweden- borgian; auth, Albany, NY; Cambridge & Boston, Mass, 66-82; d, Boston, Mass, Dc 18, 82. 102 1839 *McAuley, William Hall — b, Montgomery Co, NC, Dc 1, 1811; MiaU, 34; AndTS; PTS, 36-9; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Mr 25, 40; miss, Futteghur & Furrukhabad, India, 40-50; agt, BdForMiss, Ga & Ala, 51-2; ss, Uniontown, Ala, 53-67; ss. Shell Creek, 53-9; ss, Pisgah, 59-70; ss, Columbiana & Scott’s Grove, 70-3; ss, Shelby Iron Works, 73-6; ss, Stockton, Monroeville & Scotland, 77-85; d, Stockton, Ala, Je 21, 85. *Montgomery, John — b, Danville, Ky, Oc 6, 1810; CenCKy, 35; tut, do, 35- 6; PTS, 36-8; ord, Pby Transylvania, My 7, 40; ss, Harrodsburg, Ky, 38- p, 40-57; prin, Female Coll, Harrodsburg, 45-50; ss, 1st ch, Pettis, 57- p, 61-8; pres, WashCMd, 64-5; ss, Fulton, 64-5; ss, 1st ch, Sedalia, 65-8; p, 2d ch, Sedalia, 70-2; ss, Marshall, 72-3; ss, Brownville, 73-4; ss, 1st ch, Pettis & Longwood, 74-8; d, Longwood, Mo, Fb 10, 1899. DD, CenCKy, 58. *Platt, James Augustus — b, Utica, NY, Jl 25, 1816; HamC, 35; PTS, 36-8; stu med, Boston, Mass, 38-9; res, NYCity; farming. Mineral Point, Wis; Norris- town, Pa; d, Norristown, Mr 6, 1899. *Rankin, John Chambers — b, Greensboro, NC, My 18, 1816; UNC, 36; PTS, 36-9; ord evang, Pby Orange, Jl 17, 39; miss, India, 40-8; agt, BdFor Miss, 48-51; p. Basking Ridge, NJ, 51-95; p em, 95-1900; d. Basking Ridge, Ap 25, 1900. DD, CNJ, 67. *Reed, Villeroy Dibble — b, Granville, NY, Ap 27, 1815; UnC, 35; tea; tut, UnC; AubTS; PTS, 38-9; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 18, 39; p, 1st ch, Stillwater, NY, 39-44; p, 1st ch, Lansingburgh, 44-58; ss. Central ch, Buffalo, 58-9; ss. Calvary ch, Buffalo, 59-60; ss. Cohoes, 60-1; p, 1st ch, Camden, NJ, 61-84; p, Fraser, Pa, 87-9; ss, Zion ch, Phila, 93-7; d, Poughkeepsie, NY, Je 26, 1901. DD, UnC, 58. *Schenck, William Conover — b, Princeton, NJ, My 22, 1814; RutU, 35; PTS, 36-7; d, Princeton, NJ, Je 20, 54. *Snyder, Peter — b, Schoharie, NY, Oc 18, 1814; UnC, 36; PTS, 36-8; UnTS; ord evang, Pby Rockaway, Oc 15, 40; ss, Whippany, NJ, 40-2; ss. New Rochelle, NY, 42-3; p, Cairo, 43-8; p, Watertown, 48-63; d, Watertown, NY, Dc 13, 63. *Stanley, Hough P — b, Bristol, Ct, Ja 15, 1814; Oneid Inst, 36; AubTS; PTS, 38; ord Cong evang, Marshall, NY, Ap 8, 40; d, Chicago, III, Sp 28, 74. *Swartz, David W — Entered from Phila, Pa; JefC, 1835; PTS, 37-9; lie, Pby Phila, Oc 19, 39; lie revoked, Je 28, 42; lect, Phila, Pa. Wan Doren, William — b, Griggstown, NJ, Mr 14, 1814; CNJ, 35; tea; PTS, 36-7; prof, Columbia Coll, Mo, 36-7; prof, UMo, 37-43; prin, Lexington, Mo, 43-50; prof, WestmCMo, 50-62; tea, Najja City, Stockton & Visalia, Cal, 62-7; prin, Watsonville, 67-75; d, Watsonville, Cal, Dc 3, 77. *Wright, Thomas — b, Bennington, Vt, Oc 11, 1814; WmsC, 35; tea; PTS, 36- 8; AndTS, 38-9; ord, Pby Geneva, Jl 29, 40; ss, Wolcott, NY, 39- p, 40-56; agt, AmTrSoc, 56-60; ss, Fentonville, Mich, 60-4; supt miss & miss, AmSSUn, res, Fenton, 64-1909; d, Fenton, Mich, Oc 27, 09. 26. 1840 1840 103 *Allen, William Graham — b, Kentucky, 1813; CNJ, 35; PTS, 36-9; ord, Pby Muhlenburg, Sp 26, 42; p, Henderson, Ky, 42-4; res, Henderson, 44-7; ss. Cany Fork, 47-8; miss, Smithland, 48-9; res, Henderson, 50-1; ss, Morganfield, Olive Branch & Uniontown, 51-7; res, Uniontown, 57-8; ss, Cloverport, 59-60; ss, Pisgah, 60-1; res, Henderson, 61-3; res, Uniontown, 63-6; d, Oc 27, 67. *Boyd, John Newton — b. Minisink, NY, J1 19, 1814; UnC, 37; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Hudson, Nv 9, 40; p, Hempstead, NY, 40-52; p. Liberty, 52-8; p, Wash- ington, Pa, 58-67; ss, Circleville, NY, 67-70; ill health; d, Circleville, NY, Ap 14, 74. *Carter, William Blount — b, Elizabethtown, Tenn, Sp 11, 1820; WashC Tenn, 37; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Holston, Ap 4, 42; p, Rogersville & New Provi- dence, Tenn, 42-3; ill health; res, Elizabethtown, Tenn, 43-1902; d, Elizabeth- town, J1 21, 1902. *Edgar, Edward Blanchard — b, NYCity, Dc 21, 1816; CNJ, 35; PTS, 36- 40; ss, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 41; ord, Pby Hudson, My 3, 42; p, Mt Hope, NY, 42-50; p, Westfield, NJ, 50-73; ill health; res, Plainfield; d, Plainfield, NJ, Ja 10, 90. *Gilbreath, John Naylor — b, Rhea Co, Tenn, Sp 1, 1811; TuscC,35; PTS, 35-8, 39-40; ord evang, Pby St Louis, Ap 4, 41; ss, Bonhomme, Mo, 40-p, 43-5; ss, Des Peres, 40- p, 43-68; prin, Des Peres, 46-64; miss, SW Mo, 68-72; ss, New- port, 74-6; ss, Washington, 76-7; ss, Joachim, 77-8; ss, Des Peres, 78-80; d, Des Peres, Mo, Mr 7, 81. *Greene, James — b, Scituate, RI, Dc 6, 1810; .^mhC, .37; PTS, .37-40; miss, Tenn, 40-1; ord evang, Pby Nashville, My 28, 41; ss, Gallatin, Tenn, 41-3; ss, Shelbyville, Ky, 43-4; prof, Anc Lang, Madison Univ, Ind, 44-5; prin, Madison, 4.5-52; prin, Evansville, 52-3; sec & treas, RRCo, Indianapolis, 53; asst quart mast gen, State of Ind, 61-5; bus, Indianapolis, 66-93; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Dc 26, 93. *Gurley, Phineas Densmore — b, Hamilton, NY, Nv 12, 1816; UnC, 37; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Indianapolis, Dc 15, 40; p, 1st ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 40-9; p, 1st ch, Dayton, O, 50-4; p, NY Ave ch, Washington, DC, 54-68; d, Washing- ton, Sp .30, 68. DD; Mod, Gen Assem, 67. *Halsey, Leroy Jones — b, Goochland Co, Va, Ja 28, 1812; UNash, 34; tut, UNash, .35-7; PTS, 37-40; ss, Cahaba, Pisgah & Centre Ridge, .‘Ma, 41-2; ord, Pby Clinton, Mr 21, 43; p, Jackson, Mich, 43-8; p. Chestnut St ch, Louisville, Ky, 48-9; ss. South ch, Chicago, 111, 61-2; ed. Interior, 76; prof. Hist, Pas Theol & Ch Govt, McCTS, 59-81, prof em, act prof, Theol & NT Lit & Exeg, 81-3, act prof, Ch Govt, 83-92; d, Chicago, 111, Je 18, 96. DD, HanC, 53; LLD, SWPresbU, 80. *Imbrie, Charles Kisselman — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 15, 1814; CNJ, 35; tea; PTS, 36-40; tut, CNJ, .38-40; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ja 5, 41 ; p, 1st ch, Rahway, NJ, 41-.52; rec sec, BdForMiss, 57-70; ed, NY Evangelist, 69-70; p, 1st ch, Jersey City, NJ, .52-90, p em, 90-1 ; <1, Jersey City, Nv 20, 91. DD, CNJ, 60. 104 1840 ♦Kelly, David— b, Galway, NY, Ja 3, 1811; UnC, 37; UnTSVa; PTS, 38-40; ss, Trenton, NY, 41-2; ss, West Galway, 42-3; ss, Johnstown, 43; ss, Galway, 44- 5; ord evang, Pby Schuyler, Ap 3, 46; ss. Galena, 111, 46; ss, Tuscumbia, Ala, 47; ss, Byrne ch, 48-53; ss, Montpelier & Laurel, 53-5; ss. Rock Island, 111, 55; ss, Camden Mills, 56; ss, Cambridge, 57-60; ss, Morrison, 60-2; ss, Andover, 66-8; ss, Sigourney, la, 70-1 ; ill health; res. Rock Island, 111, 71-80; d. Rock Island, Fb 7, 80. ♦Leavenworth, Chauncey — b, Woodbury, Ct, Nv 6, 1808; UnC, 37; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Richland, Ap, 41; p, Mt Vernon, O, 41-4; p, Madison, Ind, 44-50; agt, BdHmMiss, 52-4; p, Richmond, Ind, 54-7; ss. Camp Creek, 57-9; ss, Carth- age, 111, 60-2; res, Macomb, 63-4; ss, Altona; res, Galesburg, 65-8; p el, Galesburg, 69-70; d, Galesburg, 111, Sp 23, 70. ♦McGee, William Charles — b, Paterson, NJ, Ag 15, 1816; CNJ, 36; tea; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 16, 41; p, Marksboro & Hardwick, NJ, 41-67; d, Warren Co, NJ, My 25, 67. ♦Phelps, Joshua — b, Westford, NY, Nv 16, 1812; UnC, 36; tea; PTS, 37- 40; ord evang, Pby Phila, Oc 11, 40; ss, Monticello,Fla,40- p, 41-2; ss, Tallahassee, 42-5; ss, Quincy, 45- p, 46-51; ss, Burlington, la, 52-3; Dubuque, 53-9; p, West- minster ch, Beloit, Wis, 59-61; p, Sacramento, Cal, 61-5; miss, San Francisco, 65-71; ss, Santa Barbara, 71- p, 72-3; res, Santa Barbara, 73-89; d, Santa Barbara, Cal, Ja 4, 89. DD, CenCKy, 56. ♦Reinhart, Edwin Harley — b, Chester Co, Pa, Sp 6, 1811; CNJ, 37; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Caledonia, Ja 6, 41; p, Vienna, NY, 41-7; p, Elizabethport, NJ, 47- 90; d. Orange, NJ, Oc 26, 90. ♦Riddle, William — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Nv 10, 1801; CNJ, 37; PTS, 37- 40; ord evang, Pby Raritan, Oc 5, 41; ss, Hopewell, Miss, 44-5; miss, Jaynesville, 45-9; miss & tea. Port Gibson, 49-58; miss, Sidon, 59-62; res, Scotland, 62-76; d. Kirn Greenock, Scotland, Dc 7, 76. ♦Taylor, Rufus — b, Hawley, Mass, Mr 24, 1811; AmhC, 37; PTS, 37-40;ord, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 10, 40; p, Shrewsbury, NJ, 40-52; p, Cong ch, Manches- ter, Mass, 52-7; ss, Presb ch, Hightstown, NJ, 58-62; dist sec, Am&ForChrUn, 62-72; ss, Borden town, 70- p, 74; ss, Franklin Co, Mass, 77-8; p. So Amboy, NJ, 79-83; d, Beverly, Ag 18, 94. DD, LafC, 63. ♦Teese, David — b, Co Donegal, Ire, Sp 17, 1814; PTS,37-40; ss, St Augustine, Fla, 40-1; ord, Pby Bedford, My 4, 42; p. Sing Sing, NY, 42-7; ss, Amherst, Va, 48- 53; ss. White Plains, NY, 53-70; ss, Amherst, Court House, Va, 70-82, 86; res, Elon, 70-94; d, Elon, Va, Dc 26, 94. ♦Tully, Andrew — b, Roxburgshire, Scotland, My 30, 1812; LafC, 37; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 24, 40; p. Lower Mt Bethel, Pa, 40-53; p. Upper Mt Bethel, 40-2; p. Harmony, 53-61; ss, Morrisville, 61-6; p. Wantage 2d ch, Beemer- ville, NJ, 66-73; p. Upper Mt Bethel, Pa, 73-80; d, Portland, Ap 5, 80. ♦Whitham, John Dement — -b, Ohio Co, WVa, Mr 22, 1815; WashCPa, 35; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Washington, Oc 12, 41; p. Unity & Wolf Run, Pa, 41-3; ss, Keene, O, 43- p, 44-5; p. Canal Fulton, 45-9; p, Mt Jackson, Pa, & Lowellsville, 1840 105 O, 49-57; ss, Keene & Paint Valley, O, 57-64; miss, UP ch, Pby Mansfield, 64-6; ss. Sugar Branch, 111, 66- p, 67-74; p, Fairfax & Florence, la, 74-82; ss, Fairfax, 83-4; ss, Elkhorn Valley, Neb, 84-8; res, Norfolk, 88-92; res, Olympia, Wash, 92-7; d, Olympia, Ja 14, 97. *Williams, Lewis W — b, Bellefonte, Pa, Ja 29, 1807; CNJ, 36; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Blairsville, My 12, 41; p, Indiana, Pa, 41-2, 43-4; prof, WashCTenn, 44- 5; ss, Greenville, 46-8; ss. Rock Island & Camden, 111, 48; tea, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 49-51; p. Lower Path Valley & Burnt Cabins, 52-5; p, Landisburg, Centre & Upper, 55-7; d, Landisburg, Pa, My 7, 57. *Wilson, Samuel Ramsey — b, Cincinnati, O, Je 4, 1818; HanC, 36; PTS, 37-40; asst, 1st ch, Cincinnati, O, 41-2; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Ap 27, 42; asso p, 1st ch, Cincinnati, 42- p, 46-61; p. Grand St ch, NYCity, 62-3; p. Mulberry ch, Ky, 64-5; p, 1st ch, Louisville, 65-80; p, 2d ch, Madison, Ind, 80-3; d, Louisville, Ky, Mr 3, 86. DD, MiaU, 56. *Wray, John — b, Co Donegal, Ire, 1800; PTS, 37-40; ord evang, Pby Phila, J1 18, 41; miss, Allahabad, India, 41-50; p, Beechwoods, Pa, 50-71; ill health; res, Brockwayville; d, Brockwayville, Pa, Ap 16, 83. 22. *Alward, Jonathan Pennington — b. Basking Ridge, NJ, J1 21, 1812; CNJ, 36; tea; PTS, 37-9; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Oc 7, 40; miss, WAfrica, 41; d. Cape Palmas, Africa, Ap 22, 41. *Bowen, Henry Franklin — b, Worcester Co, Md, Fb 17, 1813; JefC, 36; PTS, 37-40; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 3, 41; ss, Urbana & Monticello, NY, 50; ULouisv, 55, MD; lie surrend because of ill health, 60; phys. Miss, & La, 55- 61; surg, USArmyHosp, York, Pa, 62-5; phys, Crisfield, Md; d, Crisfield, My, 90. *Boyd, Philip Doddridge — b, Worcester Co, Md, Ap 13, 1817; JefC, 36; PTS, 37-8; tea; postmaster, Baltimore, Md; d, Baltimore, J1 19, 81. *Cooper, Samuel Milroy — b, Kishacoquillas, Pa, My 14, 1813; JefC, 36; PTS, 37-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 15, 40; p. Lick Run, Pa, 40-52; prin. Female Acad, Jacksonville, 52-3; ss, Clearfield, 53-5; ss. Lick Run, 55-9; ss. Little Valley, 59-60; d. East Kishacoquillas, Pa, Ag 16, 60. *Crocker, Asahel Buckingham — b, Cambridge, NY, Fb 8, 1813; UnC, 39; PTS, 38-40; lie, Pby Troy, Je 9, 40; miss, NY; ord RefChAm, Cl Schenectady, Sp 9, 42; p, 2d ch, Glenville, NY, 42-8; p. East Cong ch, NYCity, 48-50; d, Cambridge, NY, Ja 10, 50. *Damon, Samuel Chenery — b, Holden, Mass, Fb 15, 1815; AmhC, 36; tea; PTS, 37-8; AndTS; tea; ord evang, Andover Cong Asso, Sp 15, 41; chap, AmSeam FrSoc & ed. Friend, Honolulu, Haw Is, 42-85; d, Honolulu, Fb 7, 85. DD, WmsC, 67, AmhC, 68. ♦Dodd, Moses Woodruff -b, Bloomfield, NJ, Nv 11, 1813; CNJ, 37; PTS, 37-8; UnTS; publisher & bookseller, NYCity, 39-99; d, NYCity, Ap 8, 99. io6 1840 *Hammer, Henry — b, Wethersfield, Ct, Ja 7, 1815; AmhC, 37; PTS, 37-8; WestTS; tea, Uniontown, Pa, 41-2; ord evang, Pby Indianapolis, Ap 28, 43; miss, Indianapolis, 43; ss, Edinburg, Ind, 49-50; ss. Sugar Creek, 50-1; ss, Cong ch, Eastford, Ct, 53-4; ss, Wautoma, Wis, 55-7; ss. Friendship; res, Wautoma, 60-77; d, Wautoma, Wis, Dc 16, 77. *Hawley, Samuel Stebbins — b. South Salem, NY, Sp 26, 1815; CNJ, 34; PTS, 37-9; lie, Pby Bedford, Oc 7, 40; ill health; d, Fairfax CH, Va, Mr 7, 46. *Hogue, Aaron Alexander — b, Harrodsburgh, Ky, Sp 12, 1811; CenCKy, 37; tea; PTS, 38-40; miss, Greensburg & Munfordsville, Ky, 40-1; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Ap 5, 41; ss, Lebanon, Ky, 41-67; ss. Bethel, Union & Perryville; miss, BdPub, Danville, 67-74; res, Lebanon, 75; ss, Kirkwood, Craigsville, Va; Corydon, Ky; d, Memphis, Mo, Dc 6, 86. *Janvier, Levi — b, Pittsgrove, NJ, Ap 25, 1816; CNJ, 35; tea; PTS, 37-9; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, Dc 31, 40; miss, Futtehghur, Lodiana, Ambala & Sabathu, India, 41-64; d, Anandpoor, India, Mr 25, 64. *Jones, John — b. Liberty Co, Ga, Nv 7, 1815; UGa, 36; ColTS, 36-9; grad stu, PTS, 39-40; ord, Pby Georgia, 41; p el, Bryan, Ga, 40-3; ss, Darien, 43-7; p. Marietta, 48-53; p, 1st ch. Savannah, 53-4; ss, Walthourville, 55; ss, Washington, 56-7; p, Rome, 57-61; chap, CSA, 61-2; p, Griffin, Ga, 65-70; evang, Atlanta, 70-93; d, Atlanta, Ga, Nv 26, 93. DD, UGa, 76. *Labar, John Stinson — b, near Portland, Pa, Ag 10, 1807; CNJ, 37; PTS, 37-40; tea, Plainfield, NJ, 40; prin, Stewartsville, 40-9; prin, Hackettstown, 49- 56; prin, Beattystown, 57-61 ; res, near Hackettstown, NJ, 49-80; d, near Hacketts- town, Ap 29, 80. *Lord, Francis E — b. New York; UnC, 1837; PTS, 37-8; lie, 3d Pby New York, Je 29, 40; ord, Pby Geneva (NS), 42; p, Walworth, NY, 42-3; ss, Wayne, O, 45- p, 48-51; d, 56. *Loughridge, Robert McGill — b, Laurensville, SC, Dc 24, 1809; MiaU, 37; PTS, 37-8; tea; ss, Paynesville, Oxford & Elizabeth, Ala, 41-2; ord evang, Pby Tuscaloosa, Oc 15, 42; miss. Creek Indians, 42-62; ss. Round Top & La Grange, Tex, 62-7; ss. La Grange & Galatia, 67-9; ss. Port Lavacca & Victoria, 69-73; ss, Goliad, Helena & Escondido, 73-6; ss. Marlin, Kosse, Blue Ridge & Carolina, 76-80; ss, Wealaka & Okmulgee, Ind Ter, 80-6; ss, Tulsa & Red Fork, 86-92; ss, Mart ch, Waco, Tex, 92-4; d, Waco, J1 8, 1900. DD, MiaU, 86. *Lyman, Henry — b, Northampton, Mass; UnC, 1836; PTS, 37-8; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 27, 42; p, Galway, NY, 42-4; res, Watertown, Mass, 47-54; res, Boston, 55-64. *Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus — b, Lancaster, Pa, Ag 25, 1818; JefC, 36; PTS, 37-8; prof, FrankCInd, 39-50; ord, Luth Ministerium of Pa, Je 6, 55; prof, Anc Lang, PaC, 50-67; pres, MuhlC, 67-76; prof, Greek Lang & Lit, UPa, 76-88; pres, ThielC, Greenville, Pa, 91-3; res, Reading, Pa, 91-1901; d, Reading, Pa, Mr 21, 01. DD, PaC, 67; LLD, F&MC, & MuhlC, 87. *Owen, Griffith — b, Carmarthen, South Wales, Great Britain, Mr 1, 1810; 1840-1841 107 JefC, 37; PTS, 37-40; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 22, 40; p, Cohocksinck ch, Pa, 40-4; p, Uniontown, 45-7; p. South ch, Phila, 51-5; p, 3d ch, Baltimore, Md, 55-60; miss sec, Md, SSUn, 60-71; d, Baltimore, Md, Ja 14, 71. *Pinkerton, William — b, Sadsbury'ville, Pa, Sp 26, 1809; WashCPa, 36; PTS, 37-9; ord, Pby West Hanover, Oc 29, 42; p. Cove ch, Va, 42-56; p, Scotts- ville, 49-51 ; ss, Highbridge, 51- p, 53-6; p & tea, Collierstown, 56-8; tea, Midway, 58-61; ss, Fairfield, 58-66; ss, Mt Carmel, 58- p, 66-75; d, Midway, Va, Mr 13, 75. *Rcckwell, Elijah Frink — b, Lebanon, Ct, Oc 6, 1809; YaleU, 34; tea; PTS, 37-8; ColTS; ord, Pby Concord, Dc 15, 41; p, Statesville (Fourth Creek ch), NC, 41-50; prof, DavC, 50-68; pres. Concord Female Coll, Statesville, 68-70; prin, Statesville, 70-2; ss. Unity, Third Creek & Bethesda, 72-3; ss. Fifth Creek & Bethany; res. Cool Springs; d, Statesville, NC, Ap 15, 88. DD, UNC, 82. *Rogers, Ebenezer Platt — b, NYCity, Dc 18, 1817; YaleU, 37; PTS, 37-8; ord, Hampden Cong Asso, N\^ 4, 40; p, Cong ch, Chicopee Falls, Mass, 40-3; p, Northampton, 43-7; p, 1st Presb ch, Augusta, Ga, 47-53; p, 7th ch, Phila, Pa, 53-6; p, 1st RefChAm, Albany, NY, 56-62; p. South ch, NYCity, 62-81; d, Montclair, NJ, Oc 22, 81. DD, OglU, 53. *Smith, Charles Roane — b, Botetourt Co, Va, Fb 24, 1811; PTS, 38-9; UnTSVa; ss, Rutherford & Little Britain, NC, 41-2; ord evang, Pby Cherokee, Oc, 43; ss, Carmel & New Lebanon, Ala, 44-58; ss. Six Mile Creek & Fort Mill, SC, 58-61; ss, Scotland, Ark, 61-7; ss & tea. Red River Pby, La, 68-70; ss, Grenada, Miss, 71-2; d, Grenada, Fb 4, 72. *Smith, James M — b, Jamaica, NY, 1810; NYU, 32, MD; PTS, 37-8; UnTS; ord, 39; p. Upper Ten Mile & Mt Nebo, Pa, 39-43; ss, Bethlehem & North Branch, 43-4; p, Tarentum, 44-53; res. Grand Spring, Wis, 53-4; d. Grand Spring, 54. *Thompson, Lewis — b, Mercer Co, Ky, Oc 31, 1809; CenCKy, 36; PTS, 38- 40; miss, Pulaski Co, Ky, 39-40; ss & tea, Wahalak, 40-1; ss. Ft Madison, la, 42; ord evang, Pby Missouri, Je 3, 43; miss, “Platt Purchase,” 43-4; ss, Clatsop Plains, Ore, 46-68, ss, Bloomfield, Cal, 69-70; ss, lone City, 70-3; res, Sacramento, 73-7; colp, BdPub, Plumas Co, 74-5; ill health; res, Santa Clara, 77-89; Oakland, 89-97; d, Oakland, Cal, Oc 18, 97. *Woodbridge, John Morgan — b. Marietta, O, Ap 20, 1817; MiaU, 37; PTS, 37-9; bus. Marietta, O; d. Marietta, Fb 3, 71. 25. 1841 *Allen, James Madison — b, .Amelia CH, Va, Nv 13, 1814; CNJ, .38; PTS, 38-42; ord, Pby West Hanover, Nv 20, 42; p. Providence & Byrd, Va, 42-6; p, Byrd & Hebron, 46-53; agt, AmBSoc, .53-4; d, .Amelia Co, \’a, Oc 11, 54. *Brice, William Kirkpatrick — b, near Gettysburg, Pa, Nv 12, 1812; HanC, 38; PTS, 38-41 ; ss, Washington & Muddy Run, O, 42-3; ord, Pby Marion, Je 28, 43; p, Canaan, O, 43-9; ss, 'I'niro, 49- p, 50-69; d, Columbus Grove, O, J1 10, 70. *Colt, .Samuel Fisher b, Paterson, NJ, .Ap 19, 1817; LafC, 37; PTS, .3.8- io8 1841 41; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, Je 17, 41; ss. Mays Landing, NJ, 41-4; p, Wyalus- ing, Pa, 44-52; prin, Towanda, 52-7; ss, Wysox, 53-8; p, 2d ch, Pottsville, 58-64; chap, USArmy, 61-2; sec. Eastern Com on Freedm; ss, Troy, Pa, 65-6; prin, To- wanda, 66-70; ss, Wysox, 71-3; ss, Laporte, 73-86; d, Wysox, Pa, Dc 17, 93. MD. *Coney, Jeremiah Boice — b, Cambridge, NY, Dc 7, 1810; PTS, 38-41; ss. Upper Freehold, NJ, 41-2; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 4, 42; p, Hamilton & Union ch, Guilderland, NY, 42-3; p, Princetown, 43-8; d, Prinetown, NY, My 16, 48. *Coulter, David — b, Sussex Co, Del, Nv 8, 1808; LafC, 38; PTS, 38-41; ss, Auxvasse, Mo, 41-3; ord, Pby Missouri, J1 5, 43; p, Rochefort & Fayette, 43-8; ss. Round Prairie & Millersburg, 48-53; p. Round Prairie, 53- ss, 56-67; p, Hope- well, 56-67; ss, Columbia, 67-8; ss. Liberty & Bethel, 68-74; d. Liberty, Mo, Ag 20, 78. DD, WestmCMo, 74. *Davison, Isaac Snedeker — b, Cranbury, NJ, Ag 7, 1815; CNJ, 35; PTS, 38-41; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 16, 41 ; ss, Millville, NJ, 41-3; p, Fairmount, 43-7; p, 1st ch, Nyack, NY, 47-52; miss, NYCity, 52-4; p, 84th St ch, NYCity, 54-8; ss. New Lots, NY, 69- p, 70 & 76-7; prin, Brooklyn High Schl, 59-67; tea, Brook- lyn, 68-82; Yonkers, NY, 82-90; d, NYCity, Ap 28, 91. *Dickey, Samuel — b, Oxford, Pa, Ap 18, 1818; LafC, 36; PTS, 38-42; ord, Pby Donegal, Oc 9, 44; p. Union, Pa, 44-53; co-prin, Oxford Female Sem, 43-53; ill health; bus; Oxford, Pa, 53-84; d, Philadelphia, Ja 14, 84. *Dickson, Hugh Sheridan — b, Rathfriland, Co Down, Ireland, Nv 13, 1812; UnC, 39; PTS, 38-42; ord, Pby Louisville, My 5, 43; p, Bardstown, Ky, 42-4; p. Ft Wayne, Ind, 44-7; p, Westminster ch, Utica, NY, 48-58; ss, Washing- ton Heights, NYCity, 58-9; p, Lewisburg, Pa, 60-6; res, Phila, 66-87; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 17, 87. DD, HamC, 58. *Forman, Ezekiel — b. Mason Co, Ky, Je 20, 1819; CenCKy, 37; PTS, 38- 41 ; ss. Upper Blue Licks, New Hope & Sherburne Mills, Ky, 41-2; ord, Pby West Lexington, Sp 22, 43; p, Woodford, Ky, 43-7 ; p, Richmond, 48-60; tea, Richmond, 53-5; ss, Glasgow, 60-3; ss, Perryville, 63-5; p. Walnut Hill, & ss, Salem, 65-72; ss, Mt Pleasant & Boyers, 72-8; ss. Beard, 74-8; res, Richmond, Ky, 78-90; ss. Silver Creek; ss, Mem ch. New Orleans, La, 90- p, 91-8; d, Lexington, Ky, Ap 2, 1902. DD, CntlU. *Henderson, James Sebastian Hamilton — b, Frederick Co, Md, Sp 26, 1815; UnTS; PTS, 39-41; ord evang, Pby Nashville, Dc 17, 41 ; ss, Smyrna, Tenn, 41-3; ss, Augusta, Ky, 43-52; p. Big Spring, Pa, 52-62; res, Middlebrook, Md, 63-4; ss, Neelsville, 64-82; d, Germantown, Md, Ag 17, 82. *Lea, Thomas Dobyn — b, Leasburg, NC, Fb 4, 1815; CenCKy, 38; PTS, 38-41; ord, Pby E Alabama, Oc 23, 42; ss. Fort Claiborne, Ala, 41- p, 43; prin, Claiborne Sem, 42-4; p, Hannibal', Mo, 47-8; ss. New Hope & Morefield, Ky, 50- 2; ss, Bethesda, 52-3; ss, Greenville, Miss, 57-8; prin, Clinton, La, 57-9; prin, Montrose Acad, Miss, 60-6; res, Soddy, Tenn, 73-5; ill health; d, Sherman, Tex, Nv 4, 79. *Lowrie, Walter Macon — b, Butler, Pa, Fb 18, 1819; JefC, 37; PTS, 38-41; 1841 109 ord evang, 2d Pby New York, Nv 9, 41; miss, Singapore & Macao, Asia, 42-5; miss, Ningpo, China, 45-7; killed by pirates, Ag 19, 47. *McCay, David — b, Lewistown, Pa, Fb 17, 1816; JefC, 38; PTS, 38-41; ord, Pby Clarion, Sp 27, 42; p, Bethesda, Pa, 42-9; p. Concord & Callensburgh, 42-62; chap, USArmy, 61-2; d, Lewistown, Pa, Je 4, 62. *McIlvaine, Joshua Hall — b, Lewes, Del, Mr 4, 1815; CNJ, 37; PTS, 38-41; ss, 2d ch. Freehold, NJ ; ss, 1st ch, Paterson; ord, Pby Albany, Je 28, 42; p. Little Falls, NY, 41-2; p, Westminster ch, Utica, 43-8; p, 1st ch, Rochester, 48-60; prof, Bel Let, CNJ, 60-70; p. High St ch, Newark, NJ, 70-87; pres, EvelC, 88-97; d, Princeton, NJ, Ja 29, 97. DD. *McWilliams, James — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, J1 21, 1817; Kings Coll, Ire, 35; PTS, 38-42; ord, Pby Newton, Dc 6, 42; p, Oxford, NJ, 42-53; ss, Monroeton, 54-7; ss, Bethlehem, NY, 58-61; prin, Towanda, Pa, 61-6; ss, Barclay, 66-9; ss, Deckertown, NJ, 69-72; d, Deckertown, Ag 20, 73. *Nevius, Henry Van Dyke — b, Princeton, NJ, Fb 22, 1815; CNJ, 34; tea; PTS, 38-41; ss, Bladensburg, Md, 41-2; ord, Pby EHanover, Sp 23, 43; ss, Powha- tan, Va, 42- p, 43-8; prof. West Mil Inst, Georgetown, Ky, 49-50; ss, Georgetown, 49-53; prin, Sayre Inst, Lexington, Ky, 54-9; p, Hopkinsville, 59-67; p, 2d ch, Peoria, 111, 67-72; p, Westm ch, Jacksonville, 72-4; d, Peoria, 111, Ap 17, 93. DD, CenCKy, 72. ‘Sawyer, Robert Wood — b, Goshen, NY, My 16, 1813; CNJ, 38; PTS, 38- 41; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Sp 21, 41; miss, WAfrica; d, Settra Kroo, WAfrica, Dc 1, 43. ‘Scott, James D — -b, York Co, Pa, 1811; JefC, 34; rul eld; PTS, 38-41; lie, Pby New Castle, Ap 14, 41; tea; ss. Centre, Pa, 52-3; Slate Ridge, 53-5; d. Peach Bottom, Pa, Dc 8, 55. ‘Smith, William Addison — b. Bowling Green, Ky, Je 9, 1808; JackC, 36; PTS, 38-41; ord evang, Pby Muhlenburg, Sp 16, 43; tea & miss, Franklin, Scotts- ville & Morganfield, Ky, 42-5; tea & miss, Shawneetown, 111, 45; Oakland College, Miss; miss, Tex, 53; susp, Pby Western Texas, restored, 62; Bastrop, 17 yrs; ss. Unity, 75-6; ss, Comanche, 76; res, Des Peres, Mo, 81-7; d, Des Peres, Ag 4, 87. ‘Thompson, George Washington — b. New Providence, NJ, Oc 10, 1819; RutU, 37; PTS, 38-41; ord, Pby Northumberland, Je 22, 42; p. New Berlin, Pa, 42-7; ss, MifHinburg, 42-7; p. Lower Tuscarora, 47-64; d. Academia, Pa, Ja 28, 64. DD, JefC, 59. 20. ‘Allen, Archibald Cameron — b, Shelbyville, Ky, Mr 4, 1815; WabC, 38; PTS, 38-40; ord, Pby Kaskaskia, Ap 16, 42; p, Hillsboro, 111, 42-5; p, Tuscumbia, Ala, 45-8; p. Grand Gulf, Miss, 48-50; p, Terre Haute, Ind, 51-3; p, Hopewell, 53-8; miss, Indianapolis, 58-62; chap, USArmy, 62-5; Hamburgh, Ia;d, Indianap- olis, Ind, Ag 28, 83. ‘Bayless, John Clark — b, Louisville, Ky, Ja 7, 1819; CenCKy, 36; PTS, 38- I lO 1841 41; ord evang, Pby Louisville, Sp 23, 41; ss, Cloverport, Ky, 41-2; p, Jefferson- ville, Incl, 42-4; p, Covington, Ky, 44-54; miss & ss, Bethesda ch (Ashland), 54-66; miss, Grayson, 66-75; d, Grayson, Ky, My 23, 75. DD, CenCKy, 60. *Cleland, Thomas Horace — b, Mercer Co, Ky, Dc 19, 1816; CenCKy, 38; LaneTS; PTS, 40-1; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Nv 12, 41; ss. Bethel, Ky, 42-58; ss, Lebanon, 42-70; Lawrence, Kan, 71; ss, Stanford, Perryville, & Paint Lick, 72-5; ss, Richmond, 75-9; ss, Richmond & Bethel Union, Ky, 79-83; ss. Bethel Union, 86-7 ; p, Pewee Valley, 87-91 ; d, Pewee Valley, Ky, Ja 20, 92. DD, CenCKy, 68. *Cory, Jonathan — b, Westfield, NJ, Je 3, 1812; CNJ, 38; PTS, 38-40; tea, Mt Joy, Pa, 40; tea; miss, Freedm, AmMissAsso, 65-8; farming, Westfield, NJ, 68-88; d, Westfield, Oc 16, 88. *Diven, John Parkinson— b. Perry Co, Pa, Mr 26, 1807; PTS, 38-9; d. Perry Co, Pa, Ag 11, 39. *Doak, John Keith Whitfield — b, Washington College, Tenn, Sp 14, 1814; TuscC, 36; PTS, 38-41; ss. Cane Creek & Terrapin Creek, Ala, 42-3; miss, slaves, 44; v-pres, TuscC, 44; ord, Pby Holston, Oc 2, 47; ss. Old Providence & Rocky Spring, Tenn, 48; phys, Rushville & Greenville; d. Tunnel Hill, Ga, Je 26, 91. *Ewing, Charles Henry — b, Phila, Pa, Je 24, 1818; UPa; PTS, 38-9; ord evang, RefChAm, Cl Phila, Ja, 42; ss, Geneva, NY; ss, Annapolis, Md; p. Cape Island, NJ, 53-5; ss, Princeton ch. West Phila, Pa, 55-62; p, Eastburn ch, Phila, 60-5; p, Ridley, 72-6; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 15, 85. *Graves, Allen Truman — b, Saratoga Co, NY, Je25, 1809; MiaU, 37; PTS, 39-41; ss, Huntingdon, Tenn, 41-3; ord evang, Pby Western District, Ap 7, 43; ss, Trenton, Tenn, 43-51; ss. Bethel, Miss, 52-5; asst ed, Presb Herald, Louisville, Ky, 55-8; agt, USChrCom, 64; tea, Plainfield, NJ, 58-70; ill health; res. Plain- field, 70-8; d, Plainfield, NJ, Dc 5, 78. *Hoover, Thomas David — b, Washington, DC, 1817; ColbnU, 38; UnTS; PTS, 40-1; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Ap 18, 42; ss. Harper’s Ferry & Lovetts- ville, Va, 41- p, 42-6; tea, Darien, Ga, 46-50; tea, Princeton, NJ, 53-7; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, 57-67; d, Cincinnati, O, My 22, 67. *Janeway, William Richard — b, Phila, Pa, 1818; RutU, 37; PTS, 39; bus. New Brunswick, NJ ; d. New Brunswick, Ap 9, 81. *Lewis, James Reed — b, Monmouth Co, NJ, Fb 15, 1811; PTS, 38-9; d, Plainsboro, NJ, J1 23, 39. *McHarg, William Neill— b, Albany, NY, Oc 1, 1816; UnC, 38; PTS, 38-40; YaleUDS; ord, Pby Niagara, Oc 27, 42; p, Albion, NY, 42-50; p, Ithaca, 50-7; p, Lyons, 58-62; prof, Lat, HamC, 62-9; ss, Cong ch, Hamilton, 71-2; ss, Presb ch, Albion, 72-3; res. Blue Rapids, Kan, 73- ss, 77-96; res. Blue Rapids, 96-1901; Pueblo, Col, 01-4; d, Pueblo, Mr 30, 04. DD, HighU. *Robinson, Stuart — b, Strabane, Ireland, Nv 26, 1816; AmhC, 36; UnTSVa, 36-7; tea; PTS, 39-41; ord, Pby Greenbrier, Oc 8, 42; j), Kanawha Salines, Va, 41-7; p, Frankfort, Ky, 47-52; ss, Fayette St ch, Baltimore, Md, 52-3; p. Central 1841-1842 III ch, Baltimore, 53-6; prof, Ch Pol & Pas Theol, DanTS, 56-7; p, 2d ch, Louisville, Ky, 58-81; d, Louisville, Ky, Oc 5, 81. DD, CenCKy, 53; Mod, Gen Assem, 69. *Van Schelluyne, Cornelius — b, Albany, NY, 1818; UnC, 38; PTS, 38; ill health; d, Sp 25, 41. *Wadsworth, Charles — b, Litchfield, Ct, My 8, 1814; UnC, 37; tea; PTS, 39-41 ; ord, Pby Troy, Fb 17, 42; p, 2d ch, Troy, NY, 42-50; p. Arch St ch, Phila, Pa, 50-62; p. Calvary ch, San Francisco, Cal, 62-9; p, 3d RefChAm, Phila, Pa, 69-79; p, Immanuel ch, Phila, 79; p, Clinton St Immanuel ch, Phila, 79-82; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 1, 82. DD, NYU, 57. *Wilson, William Vandolah — b, Hunterdon Co, NJ, Nv 18, 1811; PTS, 38- 40; Burlington Theol Sem; ord Bapt, Ap 17, 41; p, Keyport, NJ, 41-53; ss, 2d ch, Middletown, 54; p. Port Monmouth, 54-92; ss, 1st ch, Middletown, 93; d. New Monmouth, NJ, Nv 13, 1908. DD, BuckU, 96. *Young, George — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 1, 1813; BrU, 38; PTS, 38-9; ord Bapt, Mr 10, 40; ss, Lambertville, Paterson, Sandy Ridge, Hightstown, Greenwich, Salem, Wurtsville, Princeton, Mansfield, Bethlehem, NJ ; ss, numerous Bapt churches. Pa; d, Norristown, Pa, Ap 10, 1893. 17. 1842 *Alexander, John Edmiston — b, near Lewistown, Pa, Je 2, 1815; JefC, 39; PTS, 39-42; ss, Indiana, Pa, 42; ord, Pby Lancaster, My 18, 43; p, Washington, O, 43-53; ss, Senecaville, 43-53; prin, Washington, 53-63; ss, Mt Pleasant, 57-60; prin, Hightstown, NJ, 63-72; prin, Elkton, Md, 72-4; tea & ss, Ridley Park, 75; ss, Greenville, Tenn, 75-7; ss, Salem, 78; pres, WashCTenn, 77-83; ss, Mt Leb- anon, 79-82; ss. Amity & Oakland, 82-9; d, Greenville, Tenn, Ap 5, 1902. DD, TuscC, 85. *Badeau, Richard Montgomery — b, NSalem, NY, Dc 31, 1810; CNJ, 39; PTS, 39-42; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Je 21, 42; ss. Summit Hill, Pa, 42-3; miss, Pby Sidney, O, 43-4; ss, Greenville, 44-7; ss, Eaton, 47-9; p, Lima, 50-3; miss, Lima, 53-70; ss. Eagle Creek, 70-1; Bryan, 70-2; Napoleon, 73-9; hon re, 79; res, Toledo, 79-1904; d, Toledo, O, Mr 5, 1904. *Beach, Horace — b, near Rockaway, NJ, Mr 9, 1815; CNJ, 39; PTS, 39-42; ord, Pby Louisiana, Ap 21, 44; p, Woodville, Miss, 44; d, Woodville, Sp 4, 44. *Bittinger, Edmund Coskery — b, Waynesboro, Pa, Mr 20, 1819; ColbnU, 39; PTS, 39-42; ss, Warrenton, Va, 43; ord, Pby Orange, Dc 11, 43; p, Washing- ton, NC, 43-6; miss, NY & Va, 46-50; chap, USN, 50-89; d, Phila, Pa, Ag 2, 89. *Brooks, Edward Flint--b, Halifax, Vt, Sp 27, 1812; WashCPa, 39; PTS, 39-42; ord evang, Pby Raritan, Oc 20, 42; ss, French Creek, Va, 43; ss, Riverhead, NY, 44-6; p, Cong ch. West Woodstock, Ct, 46-50; ss, Presb ch, Manchester, NJ, 50; p, Cong ch. Gill, Mass, 51-5; ss, Ct, 56; p, Mansfield, 59-66; p, Westminster, 66-7; ss, Paris, NY, 68-72; d, Elgin, III, Sj) 15, 72. *Bush, George Clinton — b, Brighton, NY, Sp 4, 1815; CNJ, 39; PTS, 39- 42; miss, Corunna, Mich; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 11, 45; ss. New I 12 1842 Egypt, NJ, 44-9; ss, Amboy & Jamesburg, 50; p, Stewartsville, 51-62; p, Hacketts- town, 62-6; p, Newtown, 66-76; ss, Edinboro, 76-9; ss. Saline, Mich, 80-2; ss, Brooklyn, 82-7; ss, Elwood, NJ, 88-90; d, Elwood, Ap 29, 90. *Connell, John Martin — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 22, 1819; UPa, 38; PTS, 39-42; lie, Pby Newcastle, Ap 14, 42; ss, Delaware Co, Pa; ss, Bladensburg & New Windsor, Md; killed, Burlington, NJ, Ag 29, 55. *Edwards, Jesse — b, Elmira, NY, Fb 21, 1819; CNJ, 39; PTS, 39-43; tut, CNJ, 41-4; ss, Northville, Mich, 44; ord evang, Pby Logansport, Oc 9, 45; ss, Delphi & Rock Creek, Ind, 45-6; ss, Monticello, 46-7; ss, 2d ch, Sparta, NY, 48- 50; ss, Portageville, 50-4; ss. Plover & Stephens’ Point, Wis, 54-9; prof, CarC, 59-61; ss. Plover, 61-5; d. Plover, Wis, Fb 6, 66. *Finley, Robert — b, Owego, NY, Sp 6, 1810; AmhC; PTS, 39-42; ord, Pby Steuben, Oc 4, 43; ss. Port Byron, NY, 42- p, 43-5; ss. Bethel, 46; tea, Rochester, 47; tea, Liverpool, 48-9; d, Liverpool, NY, J1 30, 49. *Ford, Charles Ebenezer — b, Woodbridge, NJ, Dc 2, 1809; CNJ, 39; PTS, 39-43; ord, Pby West Jersey, J1 18, 43; p, Williamstown, NJ, 43-68; ss, Clayton, 53-66; res, Newark, 69-70; res, Phila, Pa, 71-89; d, Phila, Je 4, 89. *Hageman, Charles Stedman — b, Harlingen, NJ, J1 20, 1817; RutU, 37; tea; PTS, 39-42; ord RefChAm, Cl Paramus, Sp 28, 42; p, Nyack, NY, 42-52; p, 2d ch, Poughkeepsie, 52-71; p. Freehold, NJ, 71-8; ss, Charlestown, NY, 84-5; ss, Presb ch, Blawett, NY, 85-9; ss, Norwood, NJ, 90-1; d, Riverdale, NY, Oc 20, 1901. DD, RutU, 62. *Miller, John — b, Princeton, NJ, Ap 6, 1819; CNJ, 36; PTS, 38-42; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 30, 43; p, Frederick City, Md, 43-8; p, 11th ch (W Arch St), Phila, Pa, 50-5; Va, 55-63; CSA, 62; p, 2d ch, Petersburgh, Va, 63-71; auth, Princeton, NJ, 71-9; p, ind “Old Church,” Princeton, 80-93; p, CumbP ch, Princeton, 93-5; d, Princeton, NJ, Ap 14, 95. *Moore, Thomas Verner — b, Newville, Pa, Fb 1, 1818; DickC, 38; agt, PaColonSoc; PTS, 39-42; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 21, 42; p, Carlisle, Pa, 42-5; p, Greencastle, 45-7; p, 1st ch, Richmond, Va, 47-68; ed, Centr Presb; p, 1st ch, Nashville, Tenn, 69-71; d, Nashville, Tenn, Ag 5, 71. DD, DickC, 53; Mod, Gen Assem, 67. *Noll, Frederick Myers— b, NYCity, Ja 20, 1811; CNJ, 37; PTS, 39-42; lie, Pby New York, Ap 19, 42; Jamaica, NY, 42-4; ord PEpis dea, 45, presbyter, 46; rec, Setauket, NY, 46-77; d, Setauket, NY, Fb 11, 80. ■^Owen, Roger — b, Carmarthen, South Wales, Great Britain, Oc 15, 1813; JefC, 39; PTS, 39-42; ord, Pby Madison, Sp 24, 43; p, 1st ch, Madison, Ind, 43-4; p, Columbia, Pa, 44-50; prin, Acad, Chestnut Hill, Phila, 51-6; ss. Chestnut Hill, Phila, 51- p, 54-84, p em, 84-90; d. Chestnut Hill, Phila, Pa, Ja 8, 90. DD, LafC, 71. *Sackett, Milton Augustine — b, Williamsport, Md, Fb 24, 1813; MiaU, 38; tea; PTS, 39-42; ord, Pby Sydney, J1 6, 43; ss. West Liberty & Stony Creek, O, 42- p, 43-4; p, Circleville, 45-52; tea, Kingston, 52-3; ss. Walnut Hills, 53- p. 1842 II3 54-8; ss, Mt Vernon, 58-61; tea, Urbana Inst, 63-6; tea, Columbia, Pa, 66-7; prin, Nottingham, O, 68-84; res, Cleveland; d, Cleveland, O, Ag 21, 96. *Schenck, William Edward — b, Princeton, NJ, Mr 29, 1819; CNJ, 38; law stu, 38-9; PTS, 39-42; miss, coal regions. Pa, 42; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 28, 43; p, Manchester, NJ, 43-5; ss, Hammond St ch, NYCity, 45- p, 47-8; p, 1st ch, Princeton, NJ, 48-52; supt, Cl\ Ext, Pby Phila, 52-4; ed, PresbBdPub, 62-70; cor sec, BdPub, 54-86; res, WPhila, Pa; Oakmont; d, Oakmont, Pa, Dc 14, 1903. DD, JefC, 59. *Smythe, William McKelvey — b, Belfast, Ireland; CNJ, 1839; PTS, 39- 42; ord, Pby SoAlabama, Nv 24, 44; p, Centre Ridge, Ala, 44-52; ss. Glebe St ch. Charleston, SC, 52; ss, Cahaba & Pisgah chs, Ala, 53-6; ss, Dayton & Linden, 56- 60; d, Dayton, Ala, Sp 2, 63. *Swan, George Washington — b, Knox Co, Tenn, My 12, 1801; MialJ, 39; PTS, 39-42; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 27, 42; chap, USN; d, Phila, Pa, Sp 22, 44. ‘Thompson, Henry Pendleton — b, Stanford, Ky, Sp 3, 1811; CenCKy, 39; PTS, 39-42; ss. New Providence, Ky, 42-3; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Dc 7, 43; miss, Pulaski, Rockcastle & Wayne Cos, Ky, 43-9; miss, SoKy, 49-50; ss, Lancaster ch, 51-2; ss, Sherburne, 56; res, Catawba, 59-91; ss, Falmouth, 61-2; ss. Concord, 66-71; res, Edmond, Okla Terr; d, Edmond, Dc 24, 93. ‘Thompson, William Sheridan — b, Northampton Co, NC, Oc 12, 1815; JefC, 39; PTS, 39-42; ord, Pby West Hanover, My 14, 42; p. Trinity, Va, 43-83; d. New Canton, Va, Oc 7, 89. ‘Townley, John Hamilton — b, Westfield, NJ, Mr 17, 1819; CNJ, 37; PTS, 39-42; ord, Pby Newton, J1 26, 43; p, Hackettstown, NJ, 43-51; p, Morristown, 51-5; d, Morristown, Fb 5, 55. ‘Van Artsdalen, Garret — b, near Newtown, Pa, Sp 11, 1816; CNJ, 39; PTS, 39-42; ss. Port Carbon, Pa, 42-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 22, 44; p, Titusville, NJ, 44-52; p, German Valley, 52-5; supt. Pub Schls, Morris Co, NJ, 53-4; ss. Union ch. Pa, 56-7; p. Shade Gap & Upper Tuscarora, 60-5; prin, Acad, Shade Gap, 64-5; deposed, Nv 11, 68; bus, Chicago, III, 69-81 ; d, Chicago, Ja 8, 81. ‘Venable, William Thomas — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Mr 3, 1820; CenCKy, 39; PTS, 39-42: ord evang, Pby Louisville, My 5, 43; ss, Hawesville & Cloverport, Ky, 43; d, Lexington, Oc, 43. ‘Webber, Henry — b, Chester Co, Pa, My 30, 1812; CNJ, 39; PTS, 39-42; ord, Pby Erie, Ja 20, 43; p, Greenville, Pa, 43-4; p, Pulaski, 45-53; p. Unity, 46-8; p, Hopewell, 49-53; p, Sharon, 53-5; p. North Sewickley, 56-65; p. Slipping Rock, 62-5; res. North Sewickley, 66-71; d. North Sewickley, Pa, Fb 24, 71. ‘Weeks, Samuel G — b, Strafford Co, NH, 1809; CNJ, 38; tea; PTS, 39-42; ord; ss, Leonidas, Mich, 42-3; ss. Haw Patch, Ind, 43-4; ss. Wolf Lake, Haw Patch & Warsaw, 44-6; d. Wolf Lake, Ind, My 21, 46. ‘Wells, Samuel Taggart — b, Greenfield, Mass, Ag 6, 1809; UnC, 39; PTS, 39-42; ord evang, 2d Pby New York, Oc 31, 43; agt, AmTrSoc, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1842 II4 42-55; agt, BdHmMiss, Dubuque, la, 55-60; agt, BdPub, Cal, 61-72; ss. Olivet ch, San Francisco, 76-7; ss, San Buenaventura, 78-81; res, San Buenaventura, Cal; d, San Buenaventura, Cal, My 29, 96. *Williams, Benjamin Haines — b, Elizabethtown, NJ, J1 19, 1817; CNJ, 37 ; tea; PTS, 39-42; ss, St Francisville, La, 42-4; ord, Pby Mississippi, 44; p. Pine Ridge, Miss, 44-54; p, Vicksburg, 54-5; d, Vicksburg, Miss, Sp 27, 55. *Young, Abraham Teator — b, Carlisle, NY, My 10, 1806; UnC, 39; UnTS; PTS, 40-2; ord, Pby Wyoming, Sp 20, 43; ss, EAurora, NY, 42- p, 43-7; ss, War- saw, 47-50; ss, Caledonia, 50-1; ss. Pavilion & EBethany, 51-7; ss, Charlotte, 57- 9; ss, Sackett’s Harbor, 59- p, 60-4; ss. Oaks Corners, 64-76; ss, Montgomery & Montoursville, Pa, 79-80; cy miss, Williamsport, Pa, 79-87; d, Cleveland, O, Nv 24, 93. 29. *Allen, Robert Welsh — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Mr 25, 1817; WabC, 39; PTS, 39-41; ss, Newcastle & Pleasureville, Ky, 41-2; ord evang, Pby Crawfordsville, Sp 30, 43; ss, Waveland & Bethany, Ind, 42-4; p, Frankfort & Jefferson, Ky, 44- 53; p, Pisgah, 53-7; p, 2d ch Jacksonville, 111, 57-68; miss, Decatur, 68-9; ss, St Charles, Mo, 69-70; ss, Murraysville, Manchester & Union, 70-2; p. Unity ch, res, Jacksonville, 111, 73-82; d, Jacksonville, J1 29, 82. DD, WabC, 81. *Baldwin, William Barlow — b. New Haven, Ct, Oc 5, 1818; YaleU, 37; PTS, 39-40, 41-2; ss. Pine Ridge, Miss; phys, Woodville, 44-53; d, Natchez, Miss, Nv 13, 53. *Ballintine, James — b, Lancaster, Pa, Ja 27, 1810; Rochl, 27; UnC; AubTS, 39-41; PTS, 41-2; ord evang, Pby Rochester, Nv 14, 43; ss. Gates, NY, 43- p, 50-62; res, near Rochester, 61-81; Le Roy, 81-91; d, Rochester, NY, My 4, 95. *Beers, Henry N — b. New York; NYU, 1839; PTS, 39-41; ord, Pby North River, Ag 6, 44; p, Malden, NY, 44-7; NYCity; d, NYCity, J1 12, 87. *Bergen, Henry — b. White Plains, NY, Ap 13, 1812; WmsC, 40; PTS, 40-1; ord evang, Cong, Ja 16, 42; p, Presb ch. Sugar Grove, 111, 43-6; ss, Jericho, Little Rock, Ottawa, Rushville, Somonauk & Ross Grove, 49-56; agt. Interior, Gales- burg, 70-4; d, Galesburg, 111, Ag 12, 74. *Buie, John W — b, Mississippi; OaklC; PTS, 40; prof, OaklC. *Chester, Charles Huntington — b, Norwich, Ct, Oc 14, 1816; PTS, 39-40; ord evang, Pby Albany, Oc 13, 42; ss, Greenfield, NY, 40-4; p, RefChAm, Schuy- lerville, 44-9; p, Presb ch, Niagara Falls, 50-5; ss. Oak’s Corners, 55-6; miss, AmHMSoc, Shortsville, 56-7; agt, BdPub, 57-61; ss, Havana, 61-71; ss, Dresden, 68-71; ill health; Geneva; d, Geneva, NY, Ap 4, 78. *Emerson, William Curdy — b, Abbeville Dist, SC, Oc 15, 1818; MadCAla, 38; ColTS, 38-41; grad stu, PTS, 41-2; ord, Pby S Alabama, Ja 24, 43; p, Nana- falia (Geneva), Ala, 43-8; ss, Starkville & Mayhew, Miss, 49-54; ss, Quitman, Philadelphus & De Kalb, 56-8; ss & miss Meridian, 58-67; miss, Rio de Janeiro, 1842 1 15 Brazil, 67-8; ss & miss, Santa Barbara, 69-75; d, Santa Barbara, Brazil, J1 12, 75. *Evans, Charles Alexander — b, Ballybay, Ireland, J1 7, 1816; BelfC, 39; PTS, 39-41; ord, Pby Luzerne, Nv 13, 43; ss, Northmoreland, Pa, 42- p, 43-6; ss, Scranton, 42-4; ss, Durham, NY, 47-8; p, RefChAm, Moresville, 48-52; p, Clive, 52-5; ss, Presb chs, State Line City & Lebanon, Ind, 59-62; ss, 2d ch. South Bend, 69-70; p, 1st ch, Iberia & prof. Anatomy, Cntl Coll, Central College, 0, 70- 3; res. South Bend, Ind, 73-89; d. South Bend, Ap 18, 89. *Fillmore, Isaac Otis — b. Sennet, NY, J1 15, 1816; UnC, 40; PTS, 40-2; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 15, 43; p, Cambridge, NY, 43-55; p, Batavia, 5.5-8; p. Park Central ch, Syracuse, 58-65; chap, USArmy; ss, Knowlesville, 66-70; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 70-2; ss, Jordan, NY, 73-4; ss. Green Island, 74-5; d. Green Island, NY, Oc 22, 75. DD, NYU, 67. *Hall, David Brainerd — b, Granville, NY, Mr 16, 1812; UnC, 39; PTS, 39-41; asst, Wallingford, Vt, 42; ord evang, PawletCongAsso, Ap 29, 46; ss, RefChAm, Columbia, NY, 44-8; ss, Cong ch, HarpersHeld, 48-9; miss. 111, 50; p, RefChAm, Cleveland, NY, 50-3; ss, Lawyersville, 53-4; ss, Princetown, 55-63, 65-9; res, Duanesburg, 69-98; d, Duanesburg, NY, My 1, 98. *Hall, John Parker — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 5, 1817; UPa, 36; tea; PTS, 41-2; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 10, 42; asst, Woodbury, NJ, 42-3; ss & tea. La, 44-7; ss & tea, St Clairsville, O, 49-51; tea, Phila, Pa, 51-2; UPa, .54, MD; tea, Bridgeton, NJ, 54-5; tea, Danville, Pa, .58-9; ss & tea. La, 60-1; lie surrendered, Ja 8, 76; phys, Phila, 61-86; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 7, 86. *Hewit, Augustine Francis — b, Fairfield, Ct, Nv 27, 1820; AmhC, 39; law stu; East Windsor Sem; PTS, 41 ; lie, Fairfield East Asso,Oc 12, 42; ord PEpisdea, 4.3; rec, St John Bapt ch, Baltimore, Md, 43-6; ord, RC pr, Mr 25, 47; Redemp- torist, .50; miss, .51-65; ed, Cath World, 69-74; auth; rec, St Paul's NYCity, 89- 97; d, NYCity, J1 3, 97. DD, AmhC, 77. *Jagger, Samuel Hampton — b, Southampton, NY, Ja 7, 1816; AmhC, 37; prin, Southampton Acad, 37-41; PTS, 41-2; ord, Pby North River, Ag 16, 42; p, Marlborough, NY, 42-69; ill health; res, Newburgh, 69-89; d, Newburgh, NY, Oc 17, 89. *Jewett, Sylvanus — -b, Ohio, 1809; HanC; WestTS; PTS, 39-40; ord, Pby Chillicothe, 53; p, Bainbridge, O, 52-3; ss, Roscoe, 111, 54-5; res, Taylorsville, la, 55-6; tea, SCharleston, O, 52-3; ss, Farley, la, 56-7; res, Epworth, 57-9; p. Rock Creek, 71-2; d. Grand Island, Neb, Ja 12, 72. *Kirkpa trick, John Edward — b. South Carolina; CNJ, 1839; PTS, 39-40; PEpis; res, Edinburgh, Scotland. *Lapsley, James Thomas — b, Mercer Co, Ky, Ja 18, 1819; CenCKy, 39; PTS, 39-41; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, My 6, 42; ss, Perryville, Ky, 42-3; ss, Greensburg & Bethel, 44-6; miss, Pby Transylvania, 46-7; p, Perryville, 48-9; presb miss, 49-.50; (), h'lemingsburg, .50-4; ss, Elizaville, .50-6; ss, Knob Nostcr& Warrensburg, Mo, .56-7; ss. Pleasant Hill, 57-60; ss. New Providence, Ky, 60-4; 1842 1 16 syn miss, Kentucky, 64-9; ss. Pleasant Hill, Mo, 70-2; p, Lebanon, Ky, 72-80; evang, res, Danville, 81-1910; d, Danville, Ky, Ap 25, 1910. DD, HighU, 73. *Lyon, William — b, Carlisle, Pa, Ag 3, 1819; DickC, 39; PTS, 39-40; ord, Pby East Hanover, Je 8, 43; p, Bethlehem ch, Va, 43-8; tea, Uniontown, Pa, 49- 50; tea, Richmond, Va, 52-3; ss, Amelia, 53-4; agt, BibSoc, Richmond, 54-62; d, Richmond, Va, Je 9, 62. *Malcom, Thomas Shields — b, Hudson, NY, Mr 23, 1821; Bril, 39; PTS, 39-41 ; ord Bapt, J1 8, 42; p, 2d Bapt ch, Louisville, Ky, 42-6; cor sec, AmBaptPub Soc, Phila, Pa, 46-63; ss, 5th, 11th, Berean & Chestnut Hill chs, Phila; ss, Lan- caster; ss, Harrisburg; ss, Vincent; ss, Willistown; p, Nicetown ch, Phila, 61-6; cor sec, PennaColonSoc, Phila, 66-86; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 6, 86. *McElwain, Andrew J — b, Simpson Co, Ky, Ap 11, 1814; rul eld, 38; PTS, 39-40; tea, Franklin, Ky, 39; tea, Logan Co, 40; d, Simpson Co, Ky, Sp 13, 40. *Merwin, Miles Tomlinson — b, Milford, Ct, Je 15, 1802; YaleU, 28; tea. New Haven, Ct, NYCity & Brooklyn, 28-39; UnTS, 39-41; grad stu, PTS, 41-2; ss, Erie Co, Pa, 42-5; ord, Pby Erie, Je 24, 46; p, Irvine, Pa, 46-9; p, Clearfield, Pike & Bradford, Pa, 49-53; ss, Tom's River, NJ, 54-5; res, Marianna, Fla, 55-7; res. New Haven, Ct, 57-8; ss, Phila, Pa, 58-63; d. New Haven, Ct, Ap 13, 65. *Parkhill, Charles C — b, Virginia; CNJ, 1839; PTS, 39-40. *Pettigrew, Samuel — b, Co Armagh, Ire, Ap 5, 1813; JefC, 37; WestTS, 37-40; grad stu, PTS, 41-2; ord, Pby Bedford, Nv 17, 42; p. Red Mills, NY, 42-4; ss & tea, Maline Creek, Mo, 44-9; prin. Female Sem, St Louis, 49-52; asso ed, St Louis Presb, 49-52; ss, Carlisle, 111, 53; ss, Maline Creek, Mo, 53-8; ss, Camden, Miss, 58-9; tea, St Louis, Mo, 59-61; hosp chap, Jefferson Barr, St Louis, 61-5; med stu, St Louis Med Coll, 65-8, MD; ill health; phys, St Louis & Whitehall, 111, 68-82; ss, Lebanon, Ore, 82-5; res, McMinnville, Ore, 85-8: hon re, 88; res, St Louis, Mo, 88-95; d, St Louis, Nv 21, 95. *Proctor, John Officer — b, Carlisle, Pa, Oc 30, 1818; DickC, 39; PTS, 39- 40; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, My 29, 44; ss, Williamsport & Hancock, Md, 43-53; p, Gerrardstown & Tuscarora, Va, 53-61; p, Dillsburg & Petersburg, Pa, 62-5; ss. Buck Creek, 65-6; p, Lexington & Belleville, O, 66-73; ss, Belleville, & Utica, 73-5; ss, Piketon, 76-7; ss, Chippewa & Holmesville, 78-9; res, Wooster, 77-1910; d, Mansfield, O, Sp 14, 10. *Ralston, James Grier — b, Chester Co, Pa, Dc 28, 1815; WashCPa, 38; PTS, 40-1; ss, Florence, Pa, 41; ss, Newark, Del, 41-2; prin, Oxford Female Sem, 41-5; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Dc 17, 45; prin. Female Sem, Norristown, Pa, 45-74, 77-80; d, Norristown, Nv 10, 80. DD, W&JC, 68; LLD, LafC, 66. *Senakerim, Der Minasian — Entered from Constantinople, Turkey; PTS, 39-41; Armenian ch; phys, Constantinople, *Walker, Richard — b, Chester Co, Pa, My 1, 1812; PTS, 39-41; ord evang, 3d Pby Phila, Ap 21, 42; ss, Womelsdorf, Pa, 42; p, Allentown & Catasauqua, 44- 59; ss, Tioga St ch, Phila, 59-62; tea, Allentown; miss, near Alburtis, 67-70; ss, Lock Ridge, 70-8; d, Allentown, Pa, My 10, 82. 1842-1843 II7 *Welton, Felix Branson — b, Hardy Co, Va, Fb 1, 1816; JefC, 38; UnTSVa; PTS, 41-2; withdrew; ill health; res, Front Royal, Va, & rul eld, 42-5; member Va legisl, 48-50, 56; justice of peace. Hardy Co, 30 yrs; res, Moorefield, WVa, & rul eld, 45-96; d, Moorefield, Oc 16, 96. ♦Willett, Joseph Tomb— b, Argyle, NY, J1 25, 1818; UnC, 40; PTS, 39-41 ; ord, Pby Champlain, Fb 9, 42; ss, 2d ch, Essex (Whallonsburg), NY, 41- p, 42- 54; ss, 1st ch, Essex, 54- p, 56-65; miss, Pby Grand River, Mich, 65-6; ss, St Louis, Mich, 66-75; ss, Emerson & Ithaca, 75-9; d. Terrace Park, O, J1 13, 84. ♦Williams, Louis Buchanan — b, Bellefonte, Pa, Dc 15, 1804; WashCPa, hon BA, 38; PTS, Ap-Ag, 40; WestTS; tea, Saltsburg, Pa; prof, WashCPa, 39- 40; BibAgt; tea; miss, Pennsylvania; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Dc 30, 88. ♦Wilson, Elijah— b, Phila, Pa, Nv 19, 1813; RutU, 38; AubTS; PTS, 41-2; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 12, 42; p. Head of Christiana & Newark, Del, 42-5; tea, Newark, 45-6; tea, Wilmington, 46-8; p, Wrightsville, Pa, 49-51; Wrightsville, Pa, 52-3; Media, Pa, 55-61; Camden, NJ, 61-3; Wrightsville, Pa, 63-4; Phila, 64-6; New Brighton, 66-75; p el, Oakland, O, 76-9; Jackson CH; Wrightsville, Pa; York; d, York, Pa, Dc 19, 93. 31. 1843 ♦Brown, Allen Henry— b, NYCity, Sp 23, 1820; ColU, 39; UnTS; PTS, 40-4; agt, AmTrSoc, 44-6; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, Ja 5, 48; ss. May’s Landing, NJ, 47-60; presb miss, Absecon, 60-70; ss, May’s Landing & Tuckahoe, 70-2; NYCity, 73; syn miss, NJ, 74-86; presb miss, Monmouth & West Jersey, 87-8; West Jersey, 89-1906; d, Montclair, NJ, Nv 5, 07. DD, CNJ, 05. ♦Craig, Adam — b, NYCity, Je 26, 1808; UnC, 40; NewbTS; PTS, 40-3; ord evang, Pby Steuben, Oc 3, 43; p, Windsor, NY, 43-54; prin, Acad, Winsdor, 54-5; ss, Esperance & Carlisle, 54-7; prin. Female Sem, Milford, Del, 57-9; ss, Hanover, 111, 59-61; p. Lime Springs, la, 61-70; ss, Frankville, 75-6; res. Lime Springs, 76-95; Hopkinton, 95-1900; d, Volga, la, Dc 29, 00. ♦Earp, Robert — b, Phila, Pa, Mr, 1818; UPa, 35; PTS, 40-3; lie, Pby Phila, Ja 3, 44; miss, NJ, 44-6; lie returned, Oc 6, 46; ill health; d, Cambridge, Mass, Dc 12, 1862. ♦Ewing, Fielding Nathaniel — b, Iredell Co, NC, Sp 29, 1811; UNash, 38; tea; PTS, 40-3; ord evang, Pby Muhlenburg, Ap 3, 46; ss, Morganfield & Casey- ville, Ky, 44-9; ss, Bloomington, 111, 50- p, 57-8; res, Chicago, 59-64; agt, NWTS, 62-3; ill health; res, Decatur, 111, 65-80; d, Decatur, Nv 25, 80. ♦Green, Joshua Fry — b, near Danville, Ky, Dc 25, 1820; CenCKy, 39; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Transylvania, J1 12, 44; p, Springfield, Ky, 44-5; ss. Pleasant Grove, 44-5; p, Paris, 45-7: ss. Little Rock, Ark, 47-52; syn miss. Ark, 52-4; d, Memphis, Tenn, Ag 1, 54. ♦Greer, James — b. Pleasant Valley, NY, J1 10, 1815; CNJ, 36; tea; PTS, 40-3; ord evang, Pby North River, Je 20, 43; ss, Constantine, Mich, 44-5; ss, Laporte, la, 46-7; ss & tea. Fort Wayne, 47-51; tea, Charlottesville, Va, 51-3; ii8 1843 prin, Presb Acad, Brownsburg, 53-9; prin, Montgomery Female Coll, Christians- burg, 59-61; ss & tea, Rome, Atlanta & Bethany, Ga, 61-6; ss, Taylorsville & Henderson, Ky, 67-8; Denmark, Tenn, 69; prin, VanRensselaer Acad, Ralls Co, Mo, 69-77; tea, Lexington, 78; pres, Richmond Coll, Bay Co, Mo, 78; tea, Lex- ington; d, Lexington, Mo, Mr 19, 90. *Hamed, Ashbel Green — b, Phila, Pa, My 25, 1817; UPa, 38; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Phila, My 1, 44; p. Summit Hill, Pa, 44-56; ss, Slatington, 56- p, 60-5; prin, Mauch Chunk, 56-60; agt, PaColonSoc, 66-7; prin, Luzerne Inst, Wyoming, 68-9; ss, Newton, 70- p, 71-7; miss. Grand Tunnel, 79-80; ss, Wells & Columbia, 80-1; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 16, 81. *Hornblower, William Henry — b, Newark, NJ, Mr 21, 1820; CNJ, 38; law stu; PTS, 39-43; miss, “Pines,” NJ, 43; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ja 30, 44; p, 1st ch, Paterson, NJ, 44-71 ; prof. Sacred Rhet, Ch Govt & Pas Theol, WestTS, 71-83; d, Allegheny, Pa, J1 16, 83. DD, RutU, 60. *Howell, Samuel Newell — b, NYCity, Oc 28, 1817; CNJ, 40; PTS, 40-4; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 24, 45; p, Clearfield & Curwensville, Pa, 45-7; agt, PaBibSoc, 47-51; ss, Litchfield, NH, 53; prin, Acad, Amsterdam, NY, 54-5; prin. Mystic, Ct, 55-7; prin. Sing Sing, NY, 58-64; prin, Reed’s Ferry, NH, 65-72; prin, Morristown, NJ, 74-80; prin, Watertown, Mass, 81; d, Watertown, Fb 24, 88. ’’“Hugbes, Daniel Lawrence — b. Cold Spring, NJ, Ja 8, 1820; JefC, 40; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Ja 10, 44; p. Little Valley, Pa, 44-8; p. Pine Grove, 48-53; p. Spruce Creek, 48-57; p. Sinking Valley, 53-7; ss, Glenwood, la, 57-64; ss, Plattsmouth, Neb, 58-64; ss, Des Moines, la, 64-6; p, Tipton, 66-9; p. New York, 67-9; RR miss, 69-70; ss. Union & Yankee Grove, 70-4; ss. Big Grove, 70-7; ss, Dysart, 76-9; ss. Tranquility, 79- p, 80-5; ss, Salem, 82-5; ss, Eldora, 86; ss, Petersburg, Pa, 87-91; ill health; d. Lake Charles, La, Fb 20, 1902. DD, W&JC, 90. ’^Hume, Jesse Wbarton — b, Nashville, Tenn, Mr 18, 1822; UNash, 38; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Nashville, Dc 2, 43; p, Gallatin, Tenn, 43-50; p, Shiloh, 47- 50; p, Tallahassee, Fla, 50-3; agt, OglU, 54; d, Smyrna, Tenn, Ag 16, 53. *Meek, Jobn Douglas — b, Jefferson, Co, Ky, Oc 9, 1814; CenCKy, 40; PTS, 40-3; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 5, 42; tea, Princeton, Ky; d, Princeton, Ja .30, 44. *Paull, Alfred — b, St. Clairsville, O, Ja 17, 1815; WashCPa, 38; PTS, 40-3; miss, Pby Washington, 43-4; ss, CapUna & Pipe Creek, O, 44-9; ord evang, Pby Washington, Ap 17, 50; ss, 3d ch. Wheeling, Va, 49-51; ss, 4th ch. Wheeling, 52- p, 53-65; p, Hestonville ch, Phila, Pa, 67-71; d. West Phila, Nv 18, 72. *Poage, Josiab Baird — b, Bath Co, Va, Je 25, 1813; MariC, 39; tea; PTS, 40-3; ord evang, Pby Greenbrier, Oc 4, 45; prin, Marshall Acad, Guyandotte, Va, 43-50; ss. Western & Burling chs, 43-50; ss, Mt Prairie & Pleasant Hill, Mo, 50-5; prin, Watson Sem, Ashley, & ss, Ashley, 55-60; miss & tea, Ashley, 60-73; ss. Eastern & Willow Brook chs, 72-3; tea. La Grange, 73-7; Red Oak, la, 77; ed, Occident, San Francisco, Cal, 78-84; d, San Francisco, Dc 18, 84. 1843 II9 *Porter, Robert Massengill — b, Nashville, Tenn, Ap 12, 1818; UNash, 36; HarvU, law dept, 39; PTS, 40-3; UPa, 45, MD; phys, Nashville, Tenn, 47-51; prof. Anatomy & Physiology, UNash, 51-6; d, Nashville, Tenn, J1 1, 56. *Porter, Thomas Conrad — b, Alexandria, Pa, Ja 22, 1822; LafC, 40; PTS, 40-3; ss, Monticello, Ga, 46-7; ord RefChUS, Cl of Lebanon, Nv 14, 48; p, 2d ch, Reading, Pa, 48-9; prof, NatSc, MarshC, 49-53; prof, F&MC, 53-66; prof, Bot, Zool & Geol, LafC, 66-97; p, 3d St ch, Easton, 77-84; res, Easton, Pa; d, Easton, Pa, Ap 27, 1901. DD, RutU, 65; LLD, F&MC, 80. *Rittenhouse, John Hughes — b, near Milton, Pa, Sp 25, 1815; JefC, 39; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Northumberland, Fb 6, 44; p, Derry & Washingtonville, Pa, 44-53; d, Washingtonville, Nv 9, 53. ^Rogers, John Murphy — b, Westmoreland Co, V'a, Mr 18, 1818; CNJ, 37; law stu; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 15, 44; p, Woodbury, NJ, 44-7; p, Middletown Point (Matawan), 50-67; res, Princeton, 67-71; p, Morrisville, Pa, 73-7 ; chap, NJ State Prison, Trenton, NJ, 78-93; d, Machodoc, Va, Nv 19, 99. *Rosseel, Joseph Alexander — b, Ogdensburg, NY, J1 19, 1817; AmhC, 39; PTS, 40-3; ss. Fort Covington, NY, 43-5; ord evang, Pby Ogdensburg, Ja 8, 45; ss, Evans’ Mills, NY, 46-54; ss, Neenah, Wis, 54- p, 57-61; ss, Orwell, Pa, 62-4; ss, Wysox, 64-70; ss, Mansfield & Covington, 70-2; miss. Portage City, Wis, 72-6; Towanda, Pa, 76-7; ss. Pleasant Mount & Uniondale, 78-81; ss. New Milford, 81-6; ss, Warren & Little Meadows, 86-8; res, Towanda; d, Towanda, Pa, Ap 29, 97. *Scribner, William--b, NYCity, Ja 20, 1820; CNJ, 40; PTS, 40-3; ss, Columbia, Pa, 43-4; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 13, 44; p, Stroudsburg, Pa, 44-9; ss. South Salem, NY, 50; p, Bridesburg, Pa, 52-4; p. Red Bank, NJ, 55-8; ss, 1st ch, Des Moines, la, 63; res, Plainfield, NJ ; d, Plainfield, Mr 3, 84. *Seelye, Edward Eli — b, Lansingburgh, NY, Sp 24, 1819; UnC, 39; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Troy, J1 16, 44; p, Stillwater, NY, 44-51; ss, Sandy Hill, 51-8; ss. Fort Edward, 54-8; p, 1st RefChAm, Schenectady, 58-64; d, Sandy Hill, NY, Ag 10, 64. DD, UnC, 59. *Stratton, Joseph Buck — b, Bridgeton, NJ, Dc 24, 1815; CNJ, 33; lawy, Phila, Pa; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Mississippi, Dc 31, 43; p, Natchez, Miss, 43-94, p em, 94-1903; d, Natchez, Miss, Oc 11, 03. DD, CNJ, 56. ♦Vanatta, Peter Rulison — b, Hackettstown, NJ, Ap, 1810; CNJ, 40; PTS, 40-3; lie, Pby Newton, Ap 27, 42; ss, Hubbard & Brookfield, O, 43-4; ord, Pby Marion, Sp 17, 45; p, Marion, 45-7; tea, Lafayette, Ind, 48-9; ss. Rock Creek, 49-50; res, Lafayette, 51-2; miss, Indianapolis, 56-7; miss, Salem, 111, 58-9; res, Indianapolis, Ind, 59-62; agt. Bib Soc, Lafayette, 62; d, Lafayette, Ind, Ag 16, 85. *Walsh, John Johnston — b, Newburgh, NY, Ap 4, 1820; UnC, 39; NewbTS; PTS, 40-3; ord evang, Pby North River, Je 20, 43; miss, Futtehghur, Mynpoorie & Allahabad, India, 43-73; p, Millerton, NY, 74-(); ill health; res, Amenia, 76-84; d, Amenia, NY, Fb 7, 84. DD. *Williams, Fenwick Taylor — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Sp 19, 1814; CNJ, 40; PTS, 120 1843 40-3; ord, Pby North River, Je 4, 44; p, Wappinger’s Creek (New Hamburgh), NY, 44-62; p. Cold Spring, 62-77; Poughkeepsie, NY ; ss. Highland Falls, 80-2; p, Monticello, 84-8; d. Bay Ridge, NY, My 7, 88. 25. *Cosby, Jowett Vernon — b, Staunton, Va, J1 8, 1816; HSC, 37; tea; UnTSVa; PTS, 42-3; ss. Manning’s Neck, NC, & Jerusalem, Va, 43; ord evang, Pby East Hanover, Sp 23, 43; ss, Southampton & Smithfield, Va, 43-7; ss, Bards- town, Ky, 47- p, 48-60; prin, Bardstown Female Acad, 48-60; ss, Midway & Clear Creek, 60-4; prin. Rose Hill Female Acad, 60-4; ss & prin. Female Acad, Bards- town, 64-77; d, Bardstown, Ky, Nv 14, 77. *Elliott, Charles — b, Castleton, Scotland, Mr 18, 1815; LafC, 40; PTS, 41; prin, Acad, Xenia, O, 43-5; LaneTS, 45-7; prof, Bel Let, UPitts, 47-9; prof, Gk, MiaU, 49-63; ord evang, Pby Oxford, Ap, 58; ss. College Corner, O, 61-3; prof. Bib Lit & Exeg, NWTS, 63-81; prof, Heb, LafC, 83-92; auth; d, Easton, Pa, Fb 14, 92. DD, OU, 61; LLD, HanC, 91. *Graley, Alfred Arthur — b, London, Eng, Ag 12, 1813; PTS, 40-2; ord, Pby Onondaga, Dc 25, 44; p, Cong ch, Lenox, NY, 44-56; ss, Pompey, NY, 57-63; ss, Manlius, 63-8; ss, Medina, 69-70; ss, Knowlesville, 70-2; ss & miss, Clarkson, 72-8; res, Clarkson, 78-1903; d, Brockport, NY, Ap 7, 05. *Grier, Smith F— b, Adams Co, Pa, Ag 31, 1819; JefC, 39; PTS, 41-3; ord, Pby Ohio, Ap 19, 43; p. Valley ch. Pa, 43-52; p. New Cumberland, WVa, 52-93; d. New Cumberland, Ja 10, 93. DD, RichC, 91. ■^Hunt, Horace B — b. New York; UnC, 1841; PTS, 40-1; lie, Pby Cincinnati, Ap 6, 43; d, Nashville, Tenn, 45. *Johnstone, Robert Alexander — b. Rowan Co, NC, Oc 15, 1814; CenCKy, 38; PTS, 40-42; ord, Pby Transylvania, Ag 18, 43; p, Lancaster, Ky, 44-5; ss. Paint Lick, 43- p, 44-65; agt, CenCKy, & DanTS, 65-75; evang, Danville, 75-86; d, Danville, Ky, Fb 13, 86. DD. *Lalor, Jeremiah De Klyn — b, near Trenton, NJ, Dc 30, 1812; CNJ, 40; PTS, 40-1; d, Trenton, NJ, Mr 8, 45. ■^Lowrie, John Marshall — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, J1 16, 1817; LafC, 40; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Newton, Oc 18, 43; p, Blairstown & Knowlton, NJ, 43-5; p, Wells- ville, O, 46-50; ss, Lancaster, 50- p, 51-6; p, Fort Wayne, Ind, 56-67; d. Fort Wayne, Sp 26, 67. DD, MiaU, 58. ■^Maclntire, Thomas — b, Reynoldsburg, O, Dc 25, 1813; FrankCO, 38; PTS, 41-2; lie, Pby Columbus, Sp 13, 43; tea, Ohiolnst Deaf & Dumb, Columbus, 38-45; supt, Tenn Inst D & D, Knoxville, 45-52; supt, Ind Inst D & D, Indianapo- lis, 52-79; supt, Mich Inst D & D, 79-82; supt, WPa, Inst D &D, Pittsburgh, 82-5; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Sp 25, 85. PhD. *McCauley, Charles Firey— b, Ringgold’s Manor, Md, Ja 5, 1816; YaleU, 38; tea; PTS, 40-1; MerTS; ord RefChUS, Cl Mercersburg, Je 11, 43; p, Mercers- 1843-1844 121 burg, Pa, 43-5; p, Middletown, Md, 45-55; p, 2d ch, Reading, Pa, 55-91, p em, 91-2; d, Reading, Je 19, 92. DD, F&MC, 72. *Miller, Linus Merrill — b, Rochester, NY, Oc 13, 1819; HamC, 40; PTS, 40-1; tea; ord, Pby Steuben, Oc 2, 44; p, Bath, NY, 44-51; p, Ogdensburg, 51- 1901; d, Ogdensburg, NY, Oc 16, 1901. DD,HamC, 65. *Mitchell, Edward Francis — b, Waldoborough, Me, My 15, 1817; BowC, 37; PTS, 40-1; d, Waldoborough, Me, Je, 41. ♦Mitchell, Janies Cake — b, Norfolk, Va, Mr 12, 1820; CNJ, 40; PTS, 40-2; ord, Pby West Hanover, Nv 6, 42; p, Bethany, Va, 42-50; p, Greensburg, Ala, 50-9; p, 2d ch, Mobile, 59-68; res. Mobile, 69-71; ss, Pulaski, Tenn, 71-3; p, 1st ch, Columbia, 73-88; d, Columbia, Tenn, Ja 15, 92. DD. ♦Murphey, Thomas Grier — b, Kent Co, Del, Mr 26, 1817 ; AmhC, 40; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby New Castle, J1 24, 44; ss, Dover, Del, 43- p, 44-61; chap, USArmy, 61-5; miss, Freedm, Amelia CH, Va, 66-77; d, Dover, Del, Ja 9, 78. ♦Robertson, David Forrest — b, Bannockburn, Scotland, Ap 24, 1813; tea; YaleU; PTS, 40-1; lie, NHartford Asso, Nv 5, 40; tea & miss, NYCity; sec, NYCity Miss Soc, 48-65; sec, NY Juvenile Guard Soc, 65-94; d, Plainfield, NJ, Oc 8, 94. ♦Smalley, John — b, Middlesex Co, NJ, Sp 18, 1813; LafC, 39; PTS, 40-3; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Nv 12, 44; ss, Muncy, Pa, 43-50; prin, Muncy Acad, 47-55; prin, Witherspoon Inst, Butler, Pa, 55-8; ss. Glade Run & Buffalo, 57-8; ss, Mt Vernon, la, 58-60; ss, Waverly, 58-66, hon re, 66; res, Waverly, 66- 79; d, Waverly, Pa, Ag 30, 79. ♦Trimble, William W — b, Augusta Co, Va, Dc 26, 1810; WashCVa, 40; PTS, 40-3; ord, Pby Lexington, Nv 3, 43; p. Old Oxford, Va, 43-8; prin, Presb Acad, Rockbridge Co, 48-53; p. Timber Ridge & Bethesda, 53-66; prin. Female Sem, Rockbridge Co, 60-3; ss, Mt Prairie & Lick, Mo, 66-8; ss. Concord, 68-79; ill health; d. Concord, Mo, J1 6, 84. ♦Van Zandt, Abraham Brooks — b, Albany Co, NY, Nv 17, 1816; UnC, 40; PTS, 40-2; ord, Pby North River, Je 29, 42; p, Matteawan, NY, 42;p, RefChAm, Newburgh, 42-9; p, Tabb St Presb ch, Petersburg, Va, 49-56; p. Central RefChAm, NYCity, 56-9; p, Montgomery, NY, 60-72; prof, Didac & Polem Theol, NBTS, 72-81; d. New Brunswick, NJ, J1 21, 81. DD, HSC, 54; LLD, CNJ, 75. 18. 1844 ♦Culbertson, Michael Simpson — b, Chambersburg, Pa, Ja 18, 1819; USMilA, 39; USArmy, 39-41; asst prof. Math, USMilA, 39-40; PTS, 41-4; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, My 29, 44; miss, China; p, Ningpo, 45-51; Shanghai, 51-62; d, Shanghai, Ag 25, 62. DD, NYU, 62. ♦Dodge, Richard Varick— b, Kaskaskia, 111, Ag 4, 1821; YaleU, 40; law stu; PTS, 41-4; ss, Princeton, Ind, 44-6; ord evang, Pby Vincennes, Je 16, 46; ss, Terre Haute, Ind, 46-9; p, 3d ch, Springfield, 111, 49-57; prof. 111 State Univ, 122 1844 54-5; p, 2d ch, Wheeling, Va, 57-62; ss, 3d ch, & prin, Wheeling, 62-4; p, 2d ch, Washington, Pa, 64-8; ss, 1st ch. Wheeling, WVa, 68-9; p, Madison, Wis, 69-72; p, 1st ch, San Francisco, 72-4; Chicago, 111, 78; ss, San Diego, Cal, 79-85; d, San Diego, Fb 26, 85. DD. *Doolittle, Henry Le Grand — b. South East, NY, Mr 11, 1819; PTS, 41-4; ord, Pby Wyoming, Je 17, 46; p, Scottsville, NY, 46-53; p, Troy, Pa, 54-6; p. Bald Eagle & Nittany, 56-60; Wheeling, WVa; ss, Groveland, NY, 64-7; ss, York, 67-9; ss, 2d ch, Wolcott, 69-70; ss, Huron, 70-1 ; d, Huron, NY, Sp 5, 71. *Elcock, Thomas — b, York Co, Pa, Oc 16, 1811; LafC, 41; PTS, 41-4; ord, Pby Sidney, Sp 18, 45; p, Covington, O, 45-52; ss, Gettysburg & Mt Jefferson, 45-52; ss, Delphos, 52-3; p. Van Wert & Delphos, 54-61; ss, Decatur, Flat Rock & New Salem, 01-6; ss, Shanesville, 66-70; ss, Shanesville, Harrison & Centre, 70-80; evang. Van Wert, O, 87-1905; d. Van Wert, Oc 18, 1905. *Giger, George Musgrave — b, Baltimore, Md, Je 6, 1822; CNJ, 41; PTS, 41-4; tut, CNJ, 44-6, prof, Gk, 47-54; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 15, 60; prof, Lat, CNJ, 54-65, lect on Archit, 65; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 11, 65. DD, JefC, 61. *Grier, Matthew Blackburne — b, Chester Co, Pa, J1 25, 1820; WashCPa, 38; tea; law stu; PTS, 41-4; ord, Pby Baltimore, Dc 3, 47; p, Ellicott’s Mills, Md, 47-52; p, Wilmington, NC, 54-61; ed, Presbyterian, Phila, Pa, 61-99; ss, Glou- cester City, NJ, 67-9; ss, Ridley Park, Pa, 75-84; res, Phila; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 23, 99. DD, LafC, 06. *Hepburn, Slator Clay — b, Milton, Pa, Oc 19, 1819; CNJ, 39; law stu; PTS, 41-4; ord, Pby Northumberland, Ja 21, 45; ss. Great Island, Pa, 44- p, 45-50; p, Hamptonburgh, NY, 50-95; d, Campbell Hall, Mr 27, 95. *Johnson, Daniel — b, Robeson Co, NC, Nv 5, 1813; CNJ, 38; tea; PTS, 41-4; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 26, 43; tut, CNJ, 40-4; ord, Pby Fayetteville, 45; prin, Cumberland Acad, NC, 44-7; ss, Mt Pisgah, 44-7; prin, Donaldson Acad, 48-56; ss, Barbacue & Galatia, 48-56; prin. Floral Coll, 58-05; ss, Laurin- burgh & Lebanon, 56-65; d. Floral College, NC, Mr 7, 68. *Knox, James — b. Rowan Co, NC, Ap 22, 1811; DavC, 41; tea; PTS, 41-4; tea & miss, Cloversport & Hawesville, Ky, 44-6; miss, Iredell Co, NC, 46-7; tea, Statesville Acad, 47-8; miss. Bibb & Shelby Cos, Ala, 48-9; tea, Loundsboro Acad, & miss, slaves, 49-59; ord, Pby ETexas, Oc 23, 60; ss, Cherokee, Tex, 00-2; tea & miss, Harrison & Panola Cos, 65-70; ss, Elysian Fields, 71-3; ss, Henderson & Harmony Hill, 73-81; res, Henderson; d, Henderson, Tex, Ja 1, 98. *Larkin, Earl Willis — b, Shaftsbury, Vt, My 16, 1812; UnC, 40; PTS, 41-4; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 26, 43; ord, Pby Rock River, Nv 3, 47; ss. Galena, 111, & ss & p. Rock Island City, 49-53; tea. Savannah & Lake Providence, La; Salem, Gainesville, Williamsburg & Hebron, Miss; d, Hebron, Dc 2, 87. *Loomis, Augustus Ward — b, Andover, Ct, Sp 4, 1816; HamC, 41; PTS, 41-4; ord evang, Pby Albany, My 16, 44; miss, China, Macao, Chusan & Ningpo, 44-50; miss. Creek Ind, Kowetah, 52-3; ss, St Charles, Mo, 53-5; ss. Lower Rock Island, Edwards & Millersburg, 111, 55-9; miss, Chinese, San Francisco, Cal, 59- 91; d, San Mateo, J1 26, 91. DD, HamC, 73. 1844 123 *McNair, Solomon — b, near Brownsburg, Pa, Ag 3, 1815; JefC, 40; PTS, 41-4; ord, Pby Donegal, My 8, 46; ss. Middle Octorara, Pa, 44- p, 46-53; p, Mans- field, NJ, 53-61; ss. Upper Mt Bethel, Pa, 62-4; p. Little Britain, Pa, 67-73; d, Little Britian, Dc 29, 73. *Parke, Nathan Grier — b. Slate Ridge, Pa, Dc 16, 1820; JefC, 40; PTS, 41-4; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, J1 7, 46; ss, Scranton, Pa; ss, Pittston, 44- p, 47- 94, p em, 94-1903; d, Glen Summit, Pa, Je 28, 1903. DD, W&JC, 84. *Steel, Robert — b, near Newville, Pa, Dc 17, 1813; JefC, 40; PTS, 41-4; ord, Pby Peoria, Oc 7, 45; p, Lewistown, 111, 45-8; d, Lewistown, Sp 27, 48. *Sterling, John Whelen — b. Black Walnut, Pa, J1 17, 1816; CNJ, 40; prin, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 40-1; PTS, 41-4; tut, CNJ, 41-4; ss, Tunkhannock, Pa, 45-6; ord evang, Pby Wisconsin, Oc, 46; prof. Math, CarC, 46-7 ; tea & miss, Waukesha, 47-8; prof. Math, Nat Phil & Astron, UWis, 48-68, Nat Phil & Astron, 68-74, Math, 74-84; d, Madison, Wis, Mr 9, 85. PhD, CNJ, 66; LLD. *Wells, John Dunlap — b, Whitesboro, NY, Oc 25, 1815; UnC, 38; prin, Huntsville, Ala; PTS, 40, 41-4; ss, Lenox chap. New Hamburgh, NY, 44; ss, “Lenox” chap, Madison Ave & 29th St ch, NYCity, 44-7; prin, parish schl 1st ch, NYCity, 47-9; ord, Pby New York, Ja 20, 50; p. So 3d St ch, Williamsburg (Brooklyn), NY, 50-1903; d, Brooklyn, Oc 31, 1903. DD, UnC, 64. 16. *Atkinson, Joseph Mayo — b, Mansfield, Va, Ja 7, 1820; CNJ, 41; PTS, 41- 3; ord, Pby Winchester, Ap 20, 45; ss, Shepherdstown & Smithfield, Va, 43- p, 45-9; p, Frederick, Md, 49-55; p, 1st ch, Raleigh, NC, 55-75; tea. High Schl, Raleigh, 75-7; p, 2d ch, Raleigh, 77-90; ss, Littleton & Geneva, 90-1; d. Warren- town, NC, Mr 6, 91. DD, UNC, 80. *Belville, Jacob — b, Hartsville, Pa, Dc 12, 1820; CNJ, 39; PTS, 41-3; ord, Pby Baltimore, Nv 20, 44; p, Taneytown & New Windsor, Md, 44-8; ss, Phoenix- ville. Pa, 48-9; p, Neshaminy, 49-57; prin, Hartsville, 51-63; p, Holmesburgh, 64-6; p, Mauch Chunk, 66-73; p, 1st ch, Pottsville, 73-94; res, Germantown, 94- 1907; d, Germantown, Pa, Mr 23, 1907. DD, LafC, 71. *Brown, Hugh Arbuthnot — b, St Clairsville, O, Dc 20, 1819; JefC, 40; PTS, 41-4; ord evang, Pby Logansport, Ap 16, 44; miss, Amoy, China, 45-8; ss, 1st ch, Logansport, Ind, 48-9; ss, Roanoke, Va, 49- p, 50-3; ss, Rockford, 111, 53-7; p, Hermon & Bethesda, Va, 57-1908; ss. Cub Creek, 70-1; ss. Providence, 75-8, 82- 5, 89-1907; ss, Lunenburg CH, 81-2; ss. Rough Creek, 82-97; ss, Wylliesburg, 85- 08; d, Saxe, Va,' Ap 18, 08. DD, HSC, 89. *Brown, Jonathan T — b. New Jersey; CNJ, 1841; PTS, 41-2; d, 44. *Byers, James — b, Annan, Scotland, Sp 25, 1816; Pictou Acad, Pictou, NS, Can, 37; tea; PTS, 43-4; ord, Pby Truro, Can, Je 28, 45; p, Shelburne, NS, 45- 52; p, Talamagouche, 53-9; p, Clifton, 60-79; d, Clifton, NS, Can, My 21, 79. *Crittenden, Lyman Boyce — b. North Adams, Mass, J1 9, 1816; Cenf'Ky, 40; PTS, 41-2; tea, Tallmadge, O, 43-4; ss, Northfield & Ncwburg, 45-6; ss, 124 1844 Knoxville, 46-8; ord evang, Pby Schuyler, Nv 17, 48; ss, Edwards, Pope’s River, Millersburg, 48-54; prin. Female Sem, Fairfield, la, 54-7; ss, Newton, 57-8; bus, Cincinnati, O; West Covington, Ky; Monongahela City, Pa; Phila; McKeesport; E Liberty; Pittsburgh; Allegheny City; ss, Corinne, Utah, 72; hm miss, Bozeman & Gallatin Valley, Mont, 73-8; supt, Gallatin Female Sem, Mont, 72-9; res, Hamilton; d, Belgrade, Mont, Je 12, 92. *Janvier, John — b, Odessa, Del, J1 31, 1811; CNJ, 40; tea; PTS, 41-4; Odessa, Del, 44-6; rul eld, Odessa, 56-66; bus, Oxford, Pa, 66-78; d, Oxford, Je 26, 78. *Knight, James M — b, Mississippi; OaklC, 1841; PTS, 41-4. *Lloyd, John — b, McConnellstown, Pa, Oc 1, 1813; JefC, 39; PTS, 41-4; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, My 7, 44; miss, Amoy, China, 44-8; d, Amoy, China, Dc 6, 48. *Lord, William Wilberforce — b, Madison Co, NY, Oc 28, 1819; UWest NY, 37; AubTS; PTS, 43-4; tut, AmhC, 47; ord PEpis dea, 48, pr, 50; rec, Christ ch, Vicksburg, Miss, 54-64; rec. Holy Trinity, Vicksburg; rec, St Paul’s, Charleston, SC, 64-70; chap, CSA; rec, Christ ch, Cooperstown, NY ; d, NYCity, Ap 22, 1907. DD, UAla, 59. *Lyon, John — b, Carlisle, Pa, J1 27, 1821; DickC, 39; PTS, 41-2; ord evang, Pby St Louis, Mr, 45; ss, Hillsboro, Mo, 45-6; ss, Monhomme & Feefee, 46- p, 47- 8; tea, Carlisle, Pa, 48-52; tea, Bedford, 52-3; tea, Carlisle, 55-8; tea, Allegheny City, 58-9; ss, Millerstown, 60-1; tea, Bedford, 61-6; tea. West Phila, 66-74; tea, Pittsburgh, 74-5; tea. East Liberty, 75-81; res. East Liberty, 82-5; Phila, 86-99; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 16, 99. *MahafIey, Samuel — b, Washington Co, Pa, Mr 25, 1816; JefC, 40; tea; PTS, 41-4; prof, DickC, 43; ss, Nottingham, Pa, 44-5; ss, Antrim, 46; ord evang, Pby St Clairsville, Sp 11, 46; pres, Madison Coll, O, 46-8; prin. Miller Acad, 48- 50; ss, Sharon & Freeport, 49-50; ss, Antrim & Freeport, 46-52; ss, Birmingham, 52-7; ss. Concord, O, 57- p, 57-61; ss, Freeport, 62-70; ss, Olive, 62-5; ss. West Carlisle & Jefferson, 74-5; ss, Mt Zion & High Hill, 76; res, Washington, O, 55- 87; d, Washington, O, Nv 17, 87. *Manwaring, Giles — b, Lyme, Ct, J1 20, 1814; UnC, 40; PTS, 42-4; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 6, 44; p, Tariffville, Ct, 45; ss, Camden, NJ, 46- p, 47-8; tea, Phila, Pa, 48-51; prin, Raymond Inst, Carmel, NY, 51-2; ss. Red Mills, 51-2; d, Carmel, Mr 13, 52. ■^Mercer, Alexander Gardiner — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 4, 1817; CNJ, 37; PTS, 42-3; ord PEpis, Dc 13, 46; prof. Mental & Moral Phil, UPa; Boston, Mass; rec, St John’s, Clinton, NY ; prof, Intel & Moral Phil, UPa, 54; rec. Trinity ch, New- port, RI, 55-60; asst. Trinity ch, Boston, Mass, 55-60; rec. All Saints chap, Newport, RI, 62-82; d, Newport, Nv 3, 82. DD, ColU, 59. ♦Morgan, Archibald M — b, Dallas Co, Ala, 1820; MadCAla; PTS, 41-3; ss, Fairview & Newbern, Ala, 43-6; ord, Pby So Alabama, Oc 19, 46; p, Newbern, Ala, 46-57; Washington, Ark, 57-8; d, Washington, Ark, Nv 18, 58. ♦Murphy, William John — b. County Antrim, Ireland, Nv 10, 1810; HamC, 1844-1845 125 41; PTS, 41-2; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 15, 45; p, Phillipsburg, Mt Pleasant & Fruit Hill, Pa, 45-7; ill health; dropped from roll, Pby Huntingdon, 70; farming, 111, 49-85; Barton Co, Kan, 85-92; d. Great Bend, Ag 28, 92. ’Stevenson, Samuel Harris — b, Iredell Co, NC, Oc 19, 1813; CenCKy, 38; bus, 39-41 ; PTS, 41-2; prin. Female Acad, Richmond, Ky, 43-6; prin. Female Sem, Danville, 46-54; DanTS, 53-5; ord, Pby Peoria, Sp 18, 56; ss, Clinton, 111, 55- p, 56- 7; ss, Randolph’s Grove (now Heyworth), 55- p, 56-63; p. Union Grove, 63-8; prin, Heyworth, 68-70; ss, Wapella, 69-70; ss, Watseka, 70-1; ss, Rantoul & Pells- ville, 72; ss, Jersey, 72-6; ss, Gardner, 77-9; ss, Verona, 78-9; ss, Atlanta, Elmwood & Wapella, 79-80; ss. Perry & Fairmount, 80-2; ss. Perry, 83-9, 93; res, McLean; d, Bloomington, 111, Fb 20, 99. ’Taylor, Chauncey Perkins — b, Athens, O, Dc 2, 1818; OU, 36; tea; LaneTS; tut, OU; PTS, 43-4; miss, Squan Beach, NJ, 44-5; ord evang, Pby Columbus, Ja 22, 46; ss, Mt Sterling, Midway & Scioto, O, 45-9; ss, Lancaster, 50; p, McArthur, 50-6; p. Fort Madison, la, 56-63; chap, USArmy, 63-6; tea, Jackson & Perrysburg, O, 67-77; p. Morrow, 77-9; ss, Augusta, NY, 79-82; ss. Eureka, Kan, 82-4; p, Conway Springs, 84-8; d, Conway Springs, Kan, Mr 6, 88. *Tha(t)cher, George Hornell — b, Hornellsville, NY, Je 4, 1818; PTS, 41-3; ord, Pby Albany, Sp 21, 43; p, Ballston Centre, NY, 43-7; demitted, J1 8, 56; bus, Albany; mayor, Albany; d, St Augustine, Fla, Fb 15, 87. 19. 1845 ’Bannatyne, Ninian — b. Isle of Bute, Scotland, Dc 23, 1814; LafC, 42; PTS, 42-5; ss, "Lenox” chap. New Hamburgh, NY, 45; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ja 13, 46; p el, F St ch, Washington, DC, 45-9; d, Fairfax Co, Va, Ag 13, 1849. ’Beach, Charles — b, Newark, NJ, Ap 9, 1819; WoodwCO, 40; tea; PTS, 42-5; ord, Pby Louisiana, My 17, 46; p, Woodville, Miss, 46-57; ss. South Plains, Va, 57-67; p. Snow Hill, Md, 68-71; p, Darnestown, 71-7; p, Sykesville, 77-81; d, Sykesville, Md, Mr 7, 81. ’Carpenter, Hugh Smith — b. New Utrecht, NY, Je 5, 1824; NYU, 42; PTS, 42-5; ord, 2d Pby New York, Oc 23, 45; p. Canal St ch, NYCity, 45-53; p, Cong ch, Portland, Me, 53-7; p, Westm Presb ch, Brooklyn, NY, 57-70; res, Brooklyn, 69-71; p, Howard ch, San Francisco, Cal, 72-4; res, Washington, DC, 75-6; p, Bedford Ave Cong ch, Brooklyn, NY, 78-87; res, Brooklyn, NY; d, Brooklyn, Mr 22, 99. DD, NYU, 73. ’Chamberlin, Nelson P— b. New York City, 1818; OaklC, 42; PTS, 42-5; lie, Pby New York, Ap 17, 45; ord, Pby Clinton, 47; ss, 1st ch, Madison Par, La, 47-50; miss & ss, Thibodeaux, 50-5; ss, Carrollton, 55- p, 56-7; res, Thibodeaux, 57- 8; ss, Thibodeaux, 58- p, 59-63; ill health; Wheeling, WVa, 68-9; d, Oc 17, 69. ’Cleland, Thomas Horace — b, Glasgow, Ky, Nv 16, 1821; CenCKy, 40; PTS, 42-5; ord, Pby Mississippi, 47; ss. Lake Providence & Pecan Grove, La, 45- Pi 47-54; ss, 2d ch, Natchez, Miss, 54-62; ss. Pine Ridge; ss. Union; prin, Fayette Female Sem, 66-7; Panola, Miss; ss & tea, Delhi, La, 71-8; d, Delhi, Fb 17, 78. DD, CNJ, 60. 126 1845 *Conkling, Timothy — b, New York; UnC, 1841; PTS, 42-5; lie, Pby NY, Ap 17, 39; lie withdrawn, 54; California. *Cook, Darwin— b, Orwell, Pa, Ap 1, 1815; LafC, 42; PTS, 42-5; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, Fb, 46; miss, eoal regions. Pa, 45-51; p, Rome, Pa, 51-8; p, Wyalus- ing eh, Merryall, 58-85, p em, 85-8; d, Stoekton, Pa, Sp 13, 88. *Drysdale, Walter Scott — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 8, 1823; UPa, 42; PTS, 42-5; ord, 3d Pby Phila, Ap 25, 48; ss, Mantua eh, Phila, Pa, 46- p, 48; see, PhilaTrSoe, 49; prin. Female High Sehl, Laneaster, 50-8; p. East Whiteland, 58-63; p, Down- ingtown, 61-3; ss. Mays Landing, NJ, 63; Bel Air, Md, 66; ss, Cairo, NY, 67-9; ss, Dundee, 71-2; ed, Phelps, 73-4; res, NYCity, 78-81 ; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 6, 82. *Fraser, Thomas — b, Dalkeith, Seotland, Nv 18, 1820; UnC, 41; PTS, 41-2, 43-5; ord evang, Pby New York, My 8, 46; hm miss, Wis, 45-52; ss, Newbern, NC, 52-3; p. Little Roek, Ark, 53-9; hm miss, Santa Rosa, Bodega, Tomales, Bloomfield & Two Roek, Cal, 59-67; ss, 1st eh, Portland, Ore, 67-8; syn miss, Syn of Paeifie, 68-83; prof, Syst Theol, SFTS, 86-92; ss, Makawo eh, Maui, Haw Is, 93; d, Oakland, Cal, Oe 25, 93. DD, UnC. *French, John B — b, Eden Bower, near Georgetown, DC, Sp 26, 1822; ColbnU, 41; PTS, 42-5; ord evang, Pby Baltimore, Je 9, 46; miss, China, 46-58; d at sea, Nv 30, 59. *Gready, William Postell — b. Charleston, SC, Je 5, 1817; YaleU, 42; PTS, 42-5; ss, Turkey Creek, Ga, 47; ord evang, Pby Hopewell, Ag 15, 47; ss. New Hope & Danielsville, Ga, 47-50; ss, Sandy Creek, 50-2; ss, Coneord, 52-3; res, Charlestown, SC, 53-4; ss, Eatonton, 54-5; ss. Green Street, 55-6; ss, Mt Zion, 56- 7; miss. Retreat & Tugalo, 57-63; ss, Richland & Tugalo, 65-9; ss, Greensboro, 72-4; ss, Toccoa & Hopewell, 74-81; d, Carnesville, Ga, Ja 28, 82. *HamiIl, Robert — b, Norristown, Pa, Ap 21, 1816; JefC, 39; tea, Lawrence- ville, NJ, 39-42; PTS, 42-5; ss, 1st ch, Norfolk, Va, 46; ord, Pby Huntingdon, My 6, 46; p. Sinking Creek & Spring Creek, Pa, 46-75; p, Spring Creek, 75-90, p em, 90-1900; res, Phila; d, Phila, Fb 15, 1900. DD, CNJ, 67. *Heroy, Peter Badeau — b, Mahopac Falls, NY, J1 16, 1815; LafC, 41; tea; PTS, 42-5; ord evang, 2d Pby New York, Oc 23, 45; ss, Delhi, NY, 45- p, 46-50; ss, Highland Falls, 50- p, 51-6; p, 2d ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 56-7; p, Bedford, NY, 57- 8; d, NYCity, Oc 16, 78. *Hughes, Samuel Kelso — b, near Lebanon, Ky, Ag 11, 1818; JefC, 42; PTS, 42-5; miss, Ky & Mo, 45-7; ss, Worthington & Liberty, O, 48-9; ord evang, Pby Marion, Oc 16, 49; ss. Liberty, 49-53; ss, Radnor, 49-55; p, Chesterville, ss. Harmony, 55-8; ss, Canaan, 59-61; ss, Mt Salem & West Unity, 61-2; ill health; res. West Unity, 62-78; d. West Unity, O, My 18, 78. *Johnston, William Hall — b. Rowan Co, NC, My 24, 1819; DavC, 40; PTS, 41, 42-5; ord, Pby Cherokee, Je 27, 46; ss, Lafayette & Pea Vine, Ga, 47-55; p, Chickamauga, Tenn, 48-56; d, Yorkville, SC, Je 19, 59. *Love, William — b. Remelton, Ireland, Nv 29, 1816; BelfC, 37 ; tea, NYCity; PTS, 42-5; ss, Hagerstown, Md, 45-6; ord, Pby Winchester, Oc 3, 46; p. Harper's 1845 127 Ferry, Va, 46-9; p & tea, Martinsburg, 48-9; p, Bethlehem, 50-2; tea, Richmond, 53-5; p, Sykesville, Md,. 55-6; d, Hagerstown, Ag 20, 56. *Lyon, David Calderwood — b, Oswegatchie, NY, Nv 7, 1809; UnC, 42; PTS, 42-5; ord, Pby Ogdensburgh, J1 5, 45; p, Covington, NY, 45-7; miss, Graf- ton, Wis, 48-50; ss. Mineral Point, 50-2; p, Bedford, NY, 52-7; syn miss, Wis, 57-8; ss, Winona, Minn, 59- p, 63-7; syn miss, Minnesota & Dakota; res, St Paul, 67-85; d, St Paul, Minn, My 10, 88. *MacMartin, Peter Arthur — b, Amsterdam, NY, Je 15, 1812; UnC, 39; tea; PTS, 41-2, 43-5; ord, Pby West Jersey, Dc 3, 56; tea, NJ, Md & Va; p. Cape Island, NJ, 56-7; p, Hillsboro, NC, 58-61; ss, Schenectady, NY; ss, Plainwell, Alamo & Lawton, Mich; ss, Winneconne, Wis; ss, Tekousha, Mich; ss, Plainwell, 77-9; ss. West Sebewa, 79-80; ss. Bad Axe, Ubley & Verona, 81-91; d, Plainfield, Mich, Mr 13, 96. *Miller, Samuel — b, Princeton, NJ, Ja 23, 1816; CNJ, 33; tut, CNJ, 35-6; lawy, Phila, Pa; PTS, 42-5; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 5, 44; ss, Mt Holly, NJ, 45- p, 50-73; prin, WJersey Coll Inst, Mt Holly, 45-57; ss, Columbus, 45- 65; ss, Tuckerton & Bass River, 58-62; res, Mt Holly, 73-8; p. Oceanic, 80-3; d, Mt Holly, NJ, Oc 12, 83. DD, CNJ, 64. *Mills, David — b, Cork, NH, Dc 21, 1814; WmsC, 41; PTS, 42-5; ord evang, Pby Columbia, Oc 21, 45; ss. Pine Grove, EUnion & Cherry Tree, Pa, 47-52; res, Newman’s Mills, 52-6; ss. Cherry Run, 56-8; susp for doctrinal views, Pby Salts- burgh, Oc 6, 58; farming, near Cherry Tree, Pa; d, Hammonton, NJ, Oc 9, 81. *Ne'well, George Washington — b, Montgomery Co, Pa, Nv 7, 1813; MarC, 41; PTS, 42-5; miss, “Pines,” NJ, 45-6; ord evang, 2d Pby Phila, Nv 5, 46; ss, Bensalem & Centerville, Pa, 46-7 ; colp, BdPub, Va, 47 ; ss, Orangeville, Rohrsburg & Brier Creek, Pa, 47-58; ss. Cedar Grove, 58-62; ss, Brodhead, 62-3; ss, Belle- ville, Wis, 63- p, 65-9; ss, Fruithill, Pa, 69-72; ss. Lone Tree & Elk Dale, Neb, 72- 8; ss, Salem, Mo, 78-80; ss, Carthage, 80-2; ss, Preston, Grace & Mt Moriah, 82- 7; d. Central City, Neb, Ag 16, 93. *Rice, John Holt — b, Petersburg, Va, J1 23, 1818; CNJ, 38; lawy, Rich- mond, Va; PTS, 42-5; cy miss. New Orleans, La, 46-7; ed. New Orleans Protestant, 46- 7; ord, Pby Florida, Ap 30, 48; p, Tallahassee, Fla, 48-50; p, Charlotte CH, Va, 50-5; agt, BdPub, Ky & Tenn, 55-6; p. Walnut St ch, Louisville, Ky, 56-61; ss. Lake Providence, La; ss, Brandon & Vicksburg, Miss; ed, Presb Index, Mobile, Ala, 65-8; p, 3d ch. Mobile, 67-8; ss, Franklin, Tenn, 69-74; ss. Mason, 74-6; evang, Pby Memphis; res. Mason, 75-8; d. Mason, Tenn, Sp 7, 78. DD, CenCKy, 60. ’‘Stebhins, James— b, Caldwell, NY, J1 18, 1813; UnC, 40; tea; PTS, 42-5; tea. Liberty Co, Ga, 45-6; ss, RefChAm, Fort Miller, NY, 46-8, 50-1; ord evang, Pby Burlington, Nv 3, 52; ss, Plattsburg & Plumstead, NJ, 52-6; res, Princeton, NJ, 57-78; ss, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, 71-5; hon re; res, Newark, NJ, 78- 92; d, Newark, Ja 12, 92. ‘Thompson, Alexander Ramsay — b, NYCity, Oc 16, 1822; NYU, 42; PTS, 42-5; asst, RefChAm, Brooklyn, NY, 45; asst, 8th St Presb ch, NYCity, 128 1845 45; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ja 14, 46; p, 1st ch, Morristow’n, NJ, 46-7; miss, Bedford, NY, 47-8; p, RefChAm, Tompkinsvalle, 48-51; p, Stapleton, 51-9; ss. South Cong ch, Bridgeport, Ct, 59-62; p, 21st St RefChAm, NYCity, 62-73; chap, NEng Hosp, NYCity, 63-5; chap, Roosevelt Hosp, NYCity, 73-90; p. North RefChAm, Brooklyn, NY, 73-84; d. Summit, NJ, Fb 7, 95. DD, NYU, 65. *Trumbull, David — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Nv 1, 1819; YaleU, 42; PTS, 42-5; ord evang, Cong, Norwdch, Ct, Je 13, 45; miss & p, Valparaiso, Chile, SA, 45-89; ed. The Neighbor, 47-51; The Record, 69-89; El Piedra, 69-89; d, Valparaiso, Chile, Fb 4, 89. DD, IndU, 66. *Wallace, Joseph William — b, Fayette Co, Ky, Nv 29, 1821; CenCKy, 40; tea; PTS, 42-5; ord, Pby WestLexington, Oc 14, 46; p, Mt Sterling, Ky, 46-50; ss, Versailles & Clear Creek, 50-6; miss, Jackson Co, Mo, 57-8; ss, Salem & High Grove, 58-61; tea, Fulton, 63-5; miss, Jackson Co, Mo, 66-7; ss, Lee’s Summit, 68-84; ss. Central Prairie (Wallace ch), 73-93; res, Independence; d. Independ- ence, Mo, Fb 8, 1904. *White, Ansley De Forest — b, Clarence, NY, Nv 4, 1817; CNJ, 42; PTS, 42-5; ord, Pby Fort Wayne, Sp 3, 45; ss. La Grange, Ind & Fawn River, Mich, 45-8; p, 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 48-64; tea, Princeton, 64-6; p, Clinton, 111, 68-70; p el, Breckinridge St ch, Buffalo, NY, 70-3; p, 5th ch, Trenton, NJ, 74-7; d, Trenton, Sp 23, 77. 27. *Andrews, Ebenezer Baldwin — b, Danbury, Ct, Ap 29, 1821; MariC, 42; PTS, 44-5; ord Cong, Ap 29, 46; p, Cong ch, Hoosatonic, Mass, 46-9; tea. South Cornwall, Ct, 49-50; p, 1st Cong ch. New Britain, 50-1 ; prof, MariC, 52-69; Geol Surv; ss, Lancaster, O, 80; d, Lancaster, Ag 14, 80. LLD, MariC, 70. *Boggs, John Marshall — b, near Cross Creek, Pa, Oc 20, 1818; FrankCInd, 40; prof, Lang, Towanda, Pa; grad stu, PTS, 44-5; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 9, 45; p, Paxton & Derry, 45-7; p, Millersburgh, O, 48-56; ss. Independence, la, 56- p, 57-69; fin agt, Lenox Inst, Hopkinton, 71-2; d. Independence, la, Sp 1, 72. *Bullions, Alexander Blyth — b, Argyle, NY, My 13, 1822; UnC, 42; PTS, 42-4; ord, Pby Long Island, Nv 5, 46; p, EastHampton, NY, 46-8; p, Waterford, 48-53; tut, Europe, 53-6; prof, Lang, CarC, 58-9; ed, Presbyterian, Phila, Pa, 60-1; ss, Cong ch, Sharon, Ct, 65- p, 68-79; res, Lansingburgh, NY, 79-82; d, Lansingburgh, My 16, 82. DD, WmsC, 71. *Christian, Levi Hunt — b, Albany, NY, Ag 1, 1817; CNJ, 40; tea, Fred- ericksburg, Va; PTS, 42-4; prin, Fredericksburg, Va; miss, Lewinsville & Fairfax, 45-8; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Oc 3, 46; p. Court St ch, Rochester, NY, 49-50; asso p, F St ch, Washington, DC, 50-1 ; p, 1st ch, Camden, NJ, 51-3; p el, Hamil- ton, O, 55; p. North ch, Phila, Pa, 55-64; d, Phila, Oc 23, 64. *Cook, Isaac Melancthon — b, Chillicothe, O, Mr 2, 1819; JefC, 41; PTS, 42; ord, Pby Beaver, Dc 17, 45; p. West Bridgewater, Pa, 45-54; d, West Bridge- water, Ja 10, 54. 1845 129 *Crawford, William Bradford — b, Perryville, Ky, Ap 10, 1817; MiaU, 40; PTS, 41-4; lie, 2d Pby New York, Ap 30, 44; ss, Bladensburg, Md, 44-5; Mt Vernon, Ky, 46-9; Harrodsburg, 49-60; lie reealled, Pby Transylvania, Sp 12, 61; res, near Louisville, 60-86; d, Louisville, Ky, Oe 31, 86. *Dorland, Luke — b, Wooster, O, Fb 11, 1815; MidC, 41; tea; UnTS; PTS, 43- 5; miss, Jaekson Co, Mo, 4.5-6; ord, Pby Riehland, Sp 8, 47; ss. Pleasant Hill (Ontario) & Lexington, O, 46- p, 47-55; ss, Mt Salem, 55-60; ss, Columbia City, la, 60-2; ss, Belleville, 0, 62-6; ss, Northfield, 66; ss&tea. Concord, NC, 67-87;tea & evang. Hot Springs, NC, 87-97; d, Springfield, 111, Nv 22, 97. DD, LafC, 84. *Grinnolds, Daniel T — b, Massachusetts; UnC, 1841; PTS, 42-3; PEpis; Jackson, Mich; d, Je 2, 68. DD. *Hickman, John Green — b, near Washington, Ky, Sp 24, 1819; PTS, 42-3; lawy; res, Maysville, Ky; d, Maysville, My 11, 1902. *Hoge, Moses Andrew — b, Columbus, O, Dc 15, 1818; OU, 38; tea. Deaf & Dumb Inst, Columbus, 39-44; grad stu, PTS, 44-5; ord, Pby Hocking, Je 24, 46; p, Athens, O, 46-.50; p, Zanesville, 51-2; p, 2d ch, Zanesville, 52-62; p, W'estmins- ter ch, Cleveland, 62-5; p. Walnut Hills ch, Cincinnati, O, 66-71; res, Zanesville, O, 71-92; d, Columbus, Ag 26, 92. DD, MiaU, 69. ♦Lesley, Peter (J P)— b, Phila, Pa, Sp 17, 1819; UPa, 38; PTS, 41-4; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 4, 44; colp, N & Cntl Pa, 46-7; ss, Cong ch, Milton, Mass, 47- .50; lie withdrawn. My 5, 48; topograph geol, Phila, Pa, .50-5; sec, AmIronAsso, 55-8; sec & libr, AmPhilosSoc, .58-84; ed, US Railroad & Mining Register; prof, Geol, UPa, 72-8, prof em; state geol. Pa, Phila; res, Phila, Pa; Milton, Mass; d, Milton, Mass, Je 1, 1903. ♦Lindsley, Aaron Ladner — b, Troy, NY, Mr 4, 1817; UnTS, 42-4; PTS, 44- 5; ord evang, Pby New York, My 7, 46; p el, Waukesha, Wis, 46-51 ; hm miss, Ozaukee, .51-2; p. South Salem, NY, .52-68; p, Portland, Ore, 68-86; prof, Prac Theol, SFTS, 86-91 ; d, Portland, Ore, Ag 12, 91. DD, NYU, 68; LLD, LafC, 89. ♦Logan, Robert — b, Augusta Co, Va, Fb 13, 1813; WashCVa, 40; tea; PTS, 42-3; ord evang, Pby Orange, Dc 5, 51; pres, Greensboro Female Coll, Ga, 52-4; tea, Orangeburg & Greenwood, SC, .54-5; ss. South Liberty, Ga, 5.5-7; ss. West Point, Long Cave, hibenezer, 57-65; ss, Philadelphia & McDonough, 67-72; res, Hawley, Tex, 78; Fort Worth; d. Fort Worth, Tex, Ja 6, 96. ♦Merrill, Franklin — b. Chesterfield, NY, Mr 22, 1818; PTS, 41-3, 44-5; ord, Pby Long Island, Nv 8, 49; p, Raynor .South ch, NY, 49-.53; p, Stillwater, 53-8; p, RefChAm, Schuylervilic, .58-61 ; d, Schuylervillc, NY, Ap 1, 61. ♦Mitchell, Jacob Delville — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 1, 1819; PTS, 42-5; ord, Pby Luzerne, Sp 24, 45; p, Kingston, Pa, 4.5-7; ss, Wyoming, 47- p, 49; p, 1st ch, Scranton, .50-3; prin, Presb Inst, Wyoming, .53-5; ss, Wyoming, 5.5-6; ss, Cong ch, Binghamton, NY, .58-63; evang, Washington, DC, 63-4; evang, Binghamton, NY, 64-6; res, Wellsboro, Pa, 67-77; Germantown, 78-90; Danbury, Ct, 91-4; Chambersburg, Pa; d, Chambersburg, Nv 3, 1900. DD, LafC, 60. ♦Monell, John D -b, Goshen, NY; UnC, 18.39; PTS, 42-3; lawy, NYCity; res, Goshen, NY; d, Washington, DC, Je 11, 95. 130 1845 *Moore, James G — b, near Johnsonburgh, NY, Nv 30, 1813; LafC, 42; PTS, 42-5; ord, Pby Luzerne, Ap 16, 45; p, Beaver Meadow, Pa, 45-8; ss, RefCh Am, Montague, NJ, 48-9; tea, Presb Acad, Blairstown, 49-51; Croton Falls, NY ; d, Philadelphia, Mo, My 28, 58. *Nellis, Peter S — b, New York; UnC, 1842; PTS, 42-3. *Phillips, Benjamin Thomas — b, NYCity, Ja 9, 1820; CNJ, 42; UnTS; PTS, 43-4; ord, Pby West Jersey, Dc 11, 44; p, Mays Landing, NJ, 44-5; ss, Manhattan ch, NYCity, 46-7; p, Rondout, NY, 47-61; chap, USArmy, 61-5; agt, US San Com, NYCity, 63; agt, Howard Miss, NYCity, 65-7; supt. Wander Home, Phila, Pa, 67-73; ss, Windham, NY, 74-6; p, Manchester, NJ, 76-91; d, Manchester, My 23, 92. *Pierson, David Harrison — b, Caldwell, NJ, Mr 8, 1818; CNJ, 40; tea; PTS, 42-4; ord evang, Pby Passaic, Oc 7, 57; ss, Lyon’s Farms, NJ, 57-9; ss, Westminster ch, Elizabeth, 68; prin, Elizabeth, 44-69; res, Elizabeth, 69-89; d, Elizabeth, NJ, Oc 30, 89. PhD, CNJ, 67. *Reiley, John Arndt — b, Durham, Pa, My 3, 1816; MiaU, 42; PTS, 42-4; ss. Port Carbon, Pa, 45; p, Knowlton & Blairstown, 45-54; p, Blairstown, 54-66; evang, E Feliciana, La, 66-78; d. East Feliciana, Sp 30, 78. *Rogers, Samuel Denison — b. New York, 1817; WmsC, 41; PTS, 42-5; PEpis; d, 53. *Scudder, Alexander McLean — b, Princeton, NJ, My 4, 1819; CNJ, 39; tea; PTS, 42-3; prin, Washington, Ga, 43-5; tut, Anc Lang, UGa, 45-6; prin, Athens, Ga, 46-86; rul eld, Athens, 58-92; d, Athens, Ga, Ja 23, 92. *Smith, John Paris — b, Chanceford, Pa, Ja 29, 1822; JefC, 42; PTS, 42-3; ss, Owensboro, Ky, 45; ord, Pby Louisville, Mr 5, 46; p, Bardstown, Ky, 46-7; ss, Vincennes, Ind, 47- p, 50-6; p, Richmond, 56-9; p, Hopewell, 59-64; d. Chance- ford, Pa, J1 4, 64. *Stevens, Joseph — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 26, 1819; LafC, 42; tut, LafC, 42-3; PTS, 43-4; ord evang, Pby Mississippi, My 17, 45; ss, Rodney, Miss, 45-51; prof. Math, OaklC, 45-51; p, Jersey Shore, Pa, 51-86, p em, 86-1901; d, Jersey Shore, Pa, Oc 2, 1901. *Watson, Thomas — b, Newbern, NC, Je 22, 1820; PTS, 42-4; ord, Pby St Louis, Nv 10, 44; p, Dardenne, Mo, 44-88; d, Dardenne, Je 3, 88. *Westcott, William Augustus — b, Goshen, NY, Sp, 1814; med stu; PTS, 42-5; ss, F St ch, Washington, DC, 45; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Sp 28, 47; ss, Ramapo, NY, 47; p, Florida, 49-60; res, Goshen, 60-8; p, Bloomingburgh, 68-71; p, Centreville, 71-6; d, Centreville, NY, Fb 23, 76. *Wilson, Andrew— b, Walkill, NY, Je 11, 1822; AmhC, 42; PTS, 42-3; tea. South, 45-6; farmer, Walkill, NY, 47-76; Montgomery, 76-8; d, Saratoga Springs, NY, Fb 27, 78. *Woodbridge, John — b, Sharon, Ct, My 9, 1824; UnC, 42; PTS, 42-4; ord, Pby Long Island, Nv 6, 45; p, Greenport, NY, 45-50; p, Saratoga Springs, 50-71; 1845-1846 I3I p, 2d ch, New Brunswick, NJ, 73-93; d, So Pasadena, Cal, J1 4, 1909. DD, UnC, 65. 29. 1846 *Anderson, David Smith — b, Delaware, O, Ja 1, 1817; MiaU, 43; PTS, 43- 6; ord, Pby Oxford, Ap 20, 47; p, Camden, O, 47-9; ss. Delta & Defiance, 49-53; prin, Maumee Presb Acad, 53-4; ss. Delta & Bryan, 54-64; ss. Delta, 64-8; ss, Manchester, 69-71; ss. Liberty, Worthington, Delhi & Middletown, 71-2; ss, America, Caledonia & Vilaridge, 111, 73-4; ss. Eagle Creek, O, 74-7; res, Delaware, 78-84; d, Perth Amboy, NJ, Ap 2, 86. *Anderson, Robert L — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 43-6; lie, Pby New Castle, Ap 12, 43; lie recalled, Pby Phila, J1 4, 48. *Buchanan, John Mairs — b. Fort Covington, NY, Dc 21, 1819; UnC, 43; PTS, 43-6; ord, Pby Ogdensburg; ss. North ch, Milwaukee, 48- p, 50-70; Williams- burgh, NY, 70-1; p, Ainslie St ch, Brooklyn, 71-7; res, NYCity, 78-94; d, NYCity, Ja 13, 94. DD, UnC, 65. *Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard — b, Aurora, NY, Ja 10, 1822; CNJ, 41; tea; PTS, 43-6; ss, Burlington, NJ, 46-9; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, My 4, 48; p, 3d ch, Trenton, NJ, 49-53; p, Market St RefChAm, NYCity, 53-60; p, Lafayette Ave Presb ch, Brooklyn, 60-90, p em, 90-1909; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 26, 1909. DD, CNJ, 66; LLD, CNJ, & RoanC, 97. *Farquhar, John — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, Sp 20, 1821; LafC, 41; PTS, 43-6; ord, Pby Donegal, Oc 2, 46; p. Lower Chanceford, Pa, 46-66; d. Lower Chance- ford, Sp 18, 66. *Giles, James Jennison — b. New York; UnC, 1843; UnTS; PTS, 44-6; St Johnsville; d, Oc 10, 46. *Goodman, Reuben Smith — b, Bolton, NY, Ap 30, 1818; NYU, 42; tea; PTS, 43-6; ss, Lodi (Gowanda), NY, 46-8; ord evang, 1st Pby New York, My 28, 48; ss, Cong ch, Clarkson, NY, 48-53; ss, Presb ch, Coldwater, Mich, 53- p, 54-60; ss. La Porte, Ind, 60-5; ss, Westminster ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 65- p, 68-71; ss, Kendallville, Ind, 71- p, 75-90; chap. Soldiers’ Home, Grand Rapids, Mich, 93-4; d. Grand Rapids, Ag 30, 94. *Green, William Henry — b, Groveville, NJ, Ja 27, 1825; LafC, 40; tut, LafC, 40-2; PTS, 43-6; tea. Math, LafC, 43-4; instr, Heb, PTS, 46-9; ss, 2d ch, Princeton, 47-9; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 24, 48; p. Central ch, Phila, Pa, 49-51; prof. Bib & Orient Lit, PTS, 51-9, Orient & OT Lit, 59-1900; d, Princeton, NJ,Fb 10, 00. DD, CNJ, 57, & UEdin, 84; LLD, RutU, 73; Mod, Gen Assem, 91. *Heacock, Joseph Smith — b, Gloversville, NY, Ag 9, 1818; UnC, 43; PTS, 43-6; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ap 18, 48; ss, Govane chap, Govanstown, Md, 47- p, 48-9; ss. Black Rock, NY, 49-51; ill health; Kingsboro, 53-6; Gloversville, 57-89; d, Gloversville, NY, My 31, 89. Kennedy, James Ferguson — b, Warren Co, NJ, Sp 27, 1824; Laf(', 39; 132 1846 med stu; PTS, 43-7; ss, Fayetteville & Waynesboro, Pa, 47-8; ord, Pby Luzerne, Dc 12, 48; p, Berwick, Pa, 48-50; ss, Fayetteville, 50-4; prin, Chambersburg, 51- 5; ss, Dickinson, 54- p, 55-9; tea, Chambersburg, 59-67; ss, Fayetteville, 64-74; prof, Anc Lang, WilsC, 69-76; res, Chambersburg, Pa; d, Chambersburg, Sp 6, 1901. DD, LafC, 72. *Lacy, Beverly Tucker — b. Prince Edward Co, Va, Fb 21, 1819; WashCVa, 43; PTS, 43-6; ord, Pby Winchester, My 16, 47; p, Winchester, Va, 47-51; agt, BdEdu, 51-2; p, Salem, 52-7; p, Frankfort, Ky, 57-61; ss, Fredericksburg, Va, 62-3; p, Wytheville, 65-6; p. Pine St ch, St Louis, Mo, 56-70; supt miss, SynMo, 70-3; p, Mexico, 73-8; agt, Tuscaloosa Inst, Ala, 79-80; ss, California, Longwood, Hughesville & Lamonte, Mo, 80-7; ill health; res, Georgetown, DC; cl, George- town, DC, Nv 3, 1900. DD, WestmCMo, 67. *Lorance, James Houston — b, Mt Pleasant, Tenn, Je 1, 1820; CNJ, 43; PTS, 43-6; ss, Whitesborough, Lacy Springs & Ebenezer, Ala, 46; ord, Pby Pal- myra, 49; p, 2d ch, Hannibal, Mo, 49-52; p, Courtland, 52-62; d, near Courtland, Ala, J1 1, 62. *Mattoon, Stephen — b. Champion, NY, My 5, 1815; UnC,42; PTS, 43-6; ord evang, Pby Troy, Fb 11, 46; miss, Siam, 46- p, 1st ch, Bangkok, 60-6; p, Ballston Spa, NY, 67-9; ss. New Hope, NC, 70-1; ss, 2d ch, Charlotte, 71-8; ss, Caldwell, Hopewell & Good Hope, 79-89; pres. Belli, 70-89; d, Marion, O, Ag 15, 89. DD. UnC, 70. *McCoy, David Ross — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 43-6; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, Dc 14, 48; ss, Millville, NJ, 48-50; res, Phila, Pa, 52-4; d, Ja 18, 54. *McMurray, Joseph — b, Newry, Ireland, My 6, 1817; UPa, 43; PTS, 43-6; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ja 6, 47; p, Mt P'reedom, NJ, 47-57; ss, Newportville & Bensalem, Pa, 57-()0; p, Gloucester, NJ, 60-6; ill health; Gloucester, 66-73; d, Gloucester, NJ, Je 12, 73. *McPheeters, Samuel Brown — b, Raleigh, NC, Sp 18, 1819; UNC, 41; law stu; PTS, 43-6; miss, Amelia & Nottoway Cos, Va, 46-8; ord evang, Pby East Hanover, Je 10, 48; p el, Amelia CH, Va, 48-51; p, Westminster (Pine St) ch, St Louis, Mo, 51-63; p. Mulberry ch, Ky, 68-70; d, Shelby Co, Ky, Mr 9, 70. DD. *Merrill, James — b, Massachusetts; UnC, 1843; PTS, 43-6; Bapt; d, 46. *Park, James — b, Knoxville, Tenn, Sp 18, 1822; ETennU, 40; bus, 40-3; PTS, 43-6; ord evang, Pby Knoxville, Oc 5, 48; ss. Pleasant Forest, Ebenezer & Lebanon, Tenn, 46-53; prin, Presb Acad, 49-50; co-prin, Knoxville Female Sem, 50-1; ss, 1st ch, Rogersville, 53-8; pres. Female Coll, Rogersville, 55-9; ss. Pleasant Forest & Cedar Spring, 59-66; prin, Tenn Schl Deaf & Dumb, 59-61 ; p el, 1st ch, Knoxville, 66- p, 76-1905; p em, 05-12; d, Knoxville, Tenn, J1 14, 12. DD, UTenn, 74; Mod, Gen Assem, 90. *Park, Oscar — b, Jerseytown, Pa, Ja 16, 1817; MariC, 43; PTS, 43-6; ord, Pby Rock River, Nv 3, 47; p, Albany, 111, 47-51; hin miss, Janesville, Wis, 54-6; p, Waukesha, 56-63; prof, CarC; p, Chatsworth, 111, 66-71; d, Chatsworth, Ja 25, 71. 1846 133 *Perkin, George Washington — b, Phila, Pa, Je 27, 1818; tea; MorTS; PTS, 44-6; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 8, 46; miss, Northmoreland, Pa, 46-8; tea, Leipers- ville, Del, 48-50; tea, Phila, Pa, 50-5; sub-agt, MorPublOff, 55-66; asst prof, MorTS, 55-8; bookseller, Bethlehem, 66-77; tea, Bethlehem, 77-84; res, Bethle- hem; d, Bethlehem, Pa, Dc 10, 93. *Potter, Ludlow Day — b. New Providence, NJ, Ja 3, 1823; CNJ, 41; tea; UnTS; PTS, 44-6; ord evang, Pby White Water, Nv 6, 48; ss, Brookville & Bath, Ind, 47-9; ss, Brookville & Metamora, 49- p, 51-4; prin, Dunlapsville, 53-5; prof, Glendale Female Coll, O, 56-65, pres, 65-1900; d, Glendale, O, Sp 27, 00. DD, HanC, 73. *Schenck, George Washington — b, near Princeton, NJ, Ja 4, 1813; CNJ, 31; tea; PTS, 34-6; tea, Stockport, NY; tea, Aurora; tea, Penn Yan; tut, UGa, 38; PTS, 44-6; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 8, 45; prin, Princeton, NJ, 45-9; d, Princeton, Sp 8, 49. *Scott, William McKendree — b, Jefferson Co, O, Oc 18, 1817; JefC, 41; law stu; PTS, 43-6; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Ap 30, 48; prof, Anc Lang, CenCKy, 47-54; p, Danville, Ky, 54-5; p, 7th ch, Cincinnati, O, 56-9; prof. Bib Lit & Exeg, NWTS, 59-61; d, Princeton, NJ, Dc 22, 61. DD, CenCKy, 56. *Smith, James — b, Scotch Valley, Pa, Sp 5, 1819; JefC, 43; PTS, 43-6; ord evang, Pby Clarion, Sp 1, 47; p el. Little Valley, Pa, 49-55; p, Bridgewater, 55-7; p, Mt Joy, 57-67; ill health; res, Hollidaysburg, 67-75; d, Hollidaysburg, Pa, (\' 4, 75. ♦Wurts, Edward— b, NYCity, Ag 9, 1810; YaleU, 32; bus, 32-8; PTS, 43-6; chap, slaves, Louisiana, 50-1; ord, Pby Mississippi, Ap 4, 52; ss, Rodney, Miss, 51- p, 52; ss. Bethel, 53; miss, slaves, Mississippi, 53-4; ss, Grand Gulf, 54-5; ss, Lake Providence, La, 55-9; ss, Portland .\ve ch, Louisville, Ky, 59-65; ss, Palatka, Fla, 66-70; res, Phila, Pa, 71-85; d, Phila, Je 9, 85. * Young, Philander Dickinson — b, Pottsdam, NY, .Ag 1, 1817; UnC, 42; tea; PTS, 43-6; ord evang, Pby Ogdensburg, Je 18, 46; ss. Galena, 111, 46; ss, Greenville, 47 ; ss, Edwardsville, Moro & Dr>' Point, 47-52; ss, Chester & Pleasant Ridge, 52-7; ss, Decatur, 57-8; miss, Decatur, 58-60; ss, Dwight, 60-5; ss, Wau- kesha, Wis, 65-6; ss, Delafield & Ottawa, 66-7; ss, Gilman, 111, 67-71; res, Gilman, 71-6; ss. Orange & .Anaheim, Cal, 76-8; res. Orange; d. Orange, Je 6, 99. 26. *Bowman, George Augustus — b, Bath, Me, Dc 3, 1820; BowC, 43; PTS, 43-6; BanT.S, 47; ord Cong, Ag 9, 48; p. South Cong Ch, Kennebunkp)ort, Me, 48-.54; ss, 15th St Presb ch, NA’City, 54-5; ss, Presb ch, Piscataquog, NH, 56-66; p, 1st Cong ch. South Windsor, Ct, 66-79; mem. Conn I.egisl, 83; tea. East Hartford, Ct, 84-1904; d, Waltham, Mass, J1 17, 06. *Bruen, Edward Baldwin— b, Newark, NJ, J1 17, 1823; UPa, 42; PTS, 43-5; UnTS, 45-6; ord, 4th Pby Phila, Je 25, 48; ss, 1st ch, Southwark, Phila, Pa, 46- p. 48-58; evang, Phila, 59-64; ss, Mantua (West Hope) ch, Phila, 64-8; evang, Phila, 69-73; ss, Logan Square ch, Phila, 74; ss, South St (.Atonement) ch, Phila, 74- [), 76-1909; p em, 09-12; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 15, 12. 134 1846 *Cheney, Samuel Willard — b, Milton, Vt, Dc, 1816; MidC, 40; PTS, 43-5; ord, Pby Transylvania, Nv 14, 45; p, Springfield, Ky, 45-54; ss, Winchester, 54-5; ss. Mulberry ch, 55- p 56-61; p & prin, Winchester, 61-70; prin, Clinton, Mo, 72-3; p, Sardis, Miss & ss, Coldwater, 73-6; d, Sardis, Miss, My 8, 76. *Crane, William Henry — b, near Elizabeth, NJ, Dc 1, 1818; tea; PTS, 43-4; tea; ord evang, Pby Florida, Oc, 48; ss, Marianna, Fla, 48; ss, Madison & Oak- land, 49-50; ss. Mineral Spring & Bainbridge, Ga, 51; ss, Euchee Valley, Fla, 52; prin, Phila Acad, Gadsden Co, 53; ss, Damascus, 54; prin, Bainbridge Acad, 54-5; ss & tea, lamonia, 55-8; miss, Pby Fla, 59-60; prin, Phila Acad, 61-5; prin, Quincy Acad, 66-8; supt, Gadsden Co schls, 69-70; miss, Quincy, 70-7; ss, Quincy, Smyrna, Eureka & lamonia, 78-93; d, Quincy, Fla, Nv 30, 94. *Goldsmith, William Henry — b, Monticello, NY, Ap 15, 1821; RutU, 42; PTS, 43-5; d, Scotchtown, NY, Sp 2, 45. *Irving, David — b, Annan, Scotland, Ag 31, 1821; tea; PTS, 43-6; ord evang, Pby Western District, My, 46; miss, India, 46-9; ss. North Salem, NY, 50-5; p, 1st ch, Morristown, NJ, 55-65; cor sec, BdForMiss, 65-85; d. Orange, NJ, Oc 12, 85. DD, CNJ, 63. ^ *Knighton, Frederick — b, Derby, England, Nv 15, 1812; CNJ, 37; law stu & tea; PTS, 43-6; ord, Pby West Jersey, Nv 1, 51; p, Gloucester, NJ, 51-2; tea, Camden, 52-4; prin, Belvidere, 54-5; p el, Oxford, 55-73; prin, Cranbury, 73-4; tea, Milford, Pa, 75-6; tea and evang, Stroudsburg, 77-88; d, Stroudsburg, Pa, Sp 9, 88. PhD, CNJ, 66; DD, Andalusia Coll, 69. *Kollock, Shepard — b, Hillsboro, NC, Ja 25, 1824; WesU, 43; PTS, 43-4; d, Elizabeth, NJ, Je 11, 46. *McCulloh, Samuel — b, Maryland; DickC, 1829; PTS, 43-5; lict, Pby Ar- kansas from 52-8; Jacksonport, Ark, 58; tea. Little Rock; d, 63. *Phillips, Charles — b, Harlem, NY, J1 30, 1822; UNC, 41; PTS, 43-4; tut. Math, UNC, 44-53; prof, Engin, UNC, 53-60; prof. Math, UNC, 60-8; ss. Chapel Hill, NC, 57-68; ord evang, Pby Orange, Ap 14, 66; prof. Math & Engin, DavC, 69-75; ss. Bethel; prof. Math, UNC, 75-9, prof em, 79-89; res. Chapel Hill, NC; d, Columbia, SC, My 10, 89. DD, UNC, 68; LLD, DavC, 76. *Rowell, Morse — b, Clarkson, NY, Ag 12, 1816; PTS, 43-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 9, 45; p, Manchester, NJ, 45-8; ss, Squan Village, 48- p, 50-6; SS miss of 5th Ave & 19th St ch, NYCity, 56-65; p, Alexander ch, NYCity, 65-8; p, Chelsea, 68-70; p, Manhattanville, 71-5; ss, Cong ch, Mt Sinai, NY, 75-80; d. Miller’s Place, NY, Fb 2, 86. *Schenck, Addison Van Court — b. New Brunswick, NJ, Sp 24, 1821; CNJ, 43; UnTS; PTS, 44-6; ord, Pby Upper Missouri, Ja 28, 50; ss, 1st ch, Lex- ington, Mo, 49- p, 50-3; tea, Lexington, 53-5; p, St Joseph’s, 55-7; pres. Linden- wood Female Coll, St Charles, 57-62; prof. Metaphysics & Rhet, WestmCMo, 62-5; p, Bedford, Pa, 66-8; p, Manayunk, 68-70; p, Kenderton (Tioga St) ch, Phila, 70-9; sec, PresbHistSoc, Phila, 80-3; p, Marinette, Wis, 83-7; res, Reeds- burg, Wis; res, Madison; d, Madison, Wis, Ja 8, 1903. DD. 1846 135 *Scudder, William Waterbury — b, Panditeripo, Ceylon, India, Sp 17, 1823; CNJ, 41; prin, Hackettstown, NJ, 41-3; PTS, 43-5; ord evang, Pby Elizabeth- town, J1 14, 46; miss, ABCFM, Ceylon, Batticotta, Chavagachery & Manepy, India, 46-57; miss, RefChAm, Arcot, Chittoor & Vellore, 57-73; p, Cong ch, Glastonbury, Ct, 73-84; miss, RefChAm, Madanapalle, India, 84-8; Palmaner, 88; prin, & prof Theol, Arcot Theol Sem, 88-94; res, Glastonbury, Ct; d, Glaston- bury, Mr 4, 95. DD, UnC, 67. *Searle, Jairus Clark — b, Southampton, Mass, My 31, 1819; AmhC, 42; PTS, 43-4; ord Cong, Unionville, Ct, Sp 6, 48; p, Cong ch, Unionville, Ct, 48-51; ill health; d, Southampton, Mass, Ap 26, 52. *Seeley, Augustus Horton — b, Charlton, NY, Sp 4, 1818; UnC, 43; PTS, 43-6; ord evang, Pby Albany, Je 3, 46; miss, India, 46-54; prof, Mt Kisco Acad, NY, 56-8; ss & prin. North Salem, 58-63; p, Smithfield, 63-85; res, Poughkeepsie, 85-91; Morristown, 91-8; Poughkeepsie, 98-1902; d, Belvidere, NJ, Nv 17, 02. *Sellars, Duncan — b, near Ivanhoe, NC, Mr 7, 1812; UNC, 40; PTS, 43-6; lie, Pby Fayetteville, 46; Black River Chapel, NC, 50-6; ss. Six Runs, 52-3; ss. Barbecue, 57-8; Harrington, NC, 56-8; Black River Chapel, 58-63; lie recalled, Oc 8, 64; ill health; farming; d, Raleigh, NC, Ja 10, 92. *Stark, Oliver Porter — b, Goshen, NY, Ag 8, 1823; CNJ, 43; PTS, 43-4; ord, Pby Indian, 51; p. Good Land ch, Choctaw Nat, 49-66; prin, Lamar Female Sem, Paris, Tex, 66-79; supt, Spence Acad, Choctaw Nation, 81-4; d. Nelson, Ind Ter, Mr 2, 84. ‘Stewart, Edward Farmer — b, Easton, Pa, Oc 16, 1819; LafC, 39; lawy, 42; PTS, 43-4; lie, Pby Newton, Ap 23, 45; ill health; lie ret, Oc 8, 51; bus; cus- tom house, ‘NYCity; ed, Somerset Unionist; pres, schl bd, Easton, Pa; bus, Eas- ton, 85-97; d, Easton, Pa, Fb 25, 1902. ‘Thomas, Thomas — b, Carmarthenshire, SWales, Great Britain, Je 1, 1812; LafC, 43; PTS, 43-4; ord evang, Pby Susquehanna, Sp, 47; ss, Welsh ch, Neath, Pa, 45-50; ss, Orwell Hill & Potterville, 50-3; ss, Friendsville & Silver Lake, 53-7; ss, Orwell Hill & Rome, 58-63; ss, Rushville, 63-6; ss, Rushville & Stevensville, 66-96; res, Wyalusing; d, Wyalusing, Pa, Je 16, 1904. ‘Van Dyke, Henry Jackson — b, Abington, Pa, Mr 2, 1822; UPa, 43; PTS, 4.3-4; ord, 3d Pby Phila, Je, 45; p, 2d ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 45-52; p, 1st ch, German- town, Pa, 52-3; p, 1st ch, (afterwards 2d ch), Brooklyn, NY, 53-91; d, Brooklyn, My 25, 91. DD, WestmCMo, 65; Mod, Gen Assem, 76. ‘Webber, Charles Wilkins — b, Russelville, Ky, My 29, 1819; PTS, 43; auth & ed, NYCity; Central America, 55-6; d, Nicaragua, Central America, Ap 11, 56. ‘Wilson, Thaddeus — b, Walkill, NY, Mr 8, 1824; AmhC, 43; PTS, 43-5; or'port, Mass, Sp 27, 1823; AmhC, 44; tea; PTS, 46-9; ord Cong, Ja 1, 50; p, Whitefield ch, Newburyport, Mass, 50-1; d, Newburyport, Mr 25, 51. *Evans, Richard Riley — b. Smith Co, Tenn, Je 4, 1818; CenCKy, 46; PTS, 46-9; tea; ord, Pby Western District, Sp 8, 50; p, Salem, Tenn, 50-70; p, German- town, 50-1903; d, Covington, Tenn, J1 2, 03. ‘Gardiner, Hugh Brodie — b, Burnbrae, Scotland, Mr 17, 1820; YalelJ, 42; PTS, 46-9; ord, Pby Rock River, Sp 20, 49; p. South ch. Galena, 111, 49-51; ss, Madison, Wis, 51-5; p, RefChAm, Coeyman’s & New Baltimore, NY, 56-60; p, Herkimer, 60-4; ss, Cong ch, Bergen, 64-7; agt, AmTrSoc, Schenectady, 67-70; p. Perry, 70-2; prin, Brooklyn, 72-3; d, Brooklyn, NY, J1 23, 74. ‘Goodhue, George Franklin — b, Deerfield, NH, Je 16, 1821; DartC, 41; lawy, Covington, Ky; PTS, 46-9; miss. May’s Landing, NJ, 50; ord, Pby Wis- consin, Je 13, 54; ss, Marengo, 111, 50- p, 54-7; p el. South East, NY, 59-65; d, South East, Nv 8, 65. ‘Graham, Alexander John b, Newark, NJ, Sp 7, 1825; CNJ, 45; PTS, 4.5-9; ord evang, Pby New York, Sp 24, 49; miss, Choctaw Indians, Spencer Acad, 49-.50; d, Lebanon Springs, NY, J1 23, 50. ‘Kirk, William Henry — b, Halifax, NS, Dc 5, 1818; UnC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord, Pby Raritan, My 9, 49; p, Salisbury, NJ, 49-53; p, Fishkill, NY, 54-6; p, 1st ch, Belvidere, NJ, .58-66; res. Orange; d. East Orange, NJ, Dc 22, 1900. ‘Lowrie, Reuben Post — b, Butler, Pa, Nv 24, 1827; NYU, 46; PTS, 46-9; tut, NYU, 49; prin, Wyoming, Pa, 49-51; miss, Choctaw Indians, Spencer Acad, 51-2; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, Mr 22, .54; miss, Shanghai, China, 54-60; cl, Shang- hai, Ap 26, 60. ‘Lyle, Joel Kenney — b, Paris, Ky, J1 17, 1824; CenCKy, 45; PTS, 46-9; NewtTI ; miss, Ohio, 50; asst, 1st ch, Lexington, Ky, .52-3; ord, Pby West Lexing- ton, .Ap 14, 53; I), Nicholasville, Ky, .53-5; agt, DanTS, 55-6; p, Horeb, 57-63; p, Hopewell, 57-68; prin, Lexington, 65-6; res, Lexington, 63-72; d, Lexington, Ky, Ap 19, 72. ‘McConnell, Joseph — b, Raphoe, Co Donegal, Ireland, Mr 17, 1820; CNJ, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Nv 13, 49; p, Mt Olive, NJ, 49-53; tea, .53-4; ss, Maysville & New Salem, .54-60; ss, Ellinton, 61; elk, quartermaster's dept, US.Army, 61-5; tea; d, Quincy, 111, Sp 22, 92. ‘McNeill, George b, Fayetteville, NC, Sp 4, 1.S27; UDel, 46; UnT.S; PTS, 1849 ISO 47-9; ord evang, Pby Fayetteville, J1 12, 50; ss, Ashboro, NC, 49-54; ss, Washing- ton, 54-5; prin, Osceola, Fla, 55-6; prin, Fayetteville, NC, 56-7; ed, NC Presby- terian, Fayetteville, 57-61; d, Fayetteville, NC, Ag 18, 61. *Moore, Ambrose Yeomans — b, Danville, Pa, Fb 8, 1823; CNJ, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord, Pby Lake, Ja 23, 50; ss. South Bend, Ind, 49- p el, 50-61; prin, Valpa- raiso, 61-2; chap, USArmy, 62-5; presb miss, Pby Lake, 65-6; p. Crown Point, 66- 9; p, Bloomington, 69-77; p. Upper Indiana, 78- p, 79-83; p el, Lexington, 83- 4; p, Bethlehem & West Union, 84-6; p, Hanover & Sharon Hill, 86-96; treas, HanC, 87-1904; d, Hanover, Ind, Ja 28, 1904. DD, HanC, 92. *Newton, Thomas Henry — b, Phila, Pa, Je 25, 1821; LafC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby Phila, Nv 13, 50; chap. Is of St Thomas, 49-53; chap, AmSeamSoc, St Louis, 55-9; miss. Mo, 59-62; p, Carlinville, 111, & prof, BlacC, 62-4; ill health; conchologist; d, Waverly, Va, Nv 19, 80. DD; LLD, 72. *Phillips, Bradley — b, Antwerp, NY, Ap 2, 1818; tea; UnC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 17, 49; ss, Horicon, Wis, 49-54; ss. Mineral Point, 54-7; ss, Chippewa Falls, 57-68; ill health; ss, Eau Claire, 68-72; memb & chap, Wis legisl, 73; ss, Hudson, 72-7; ill health; res, Minneapolis, Minn, 77-1904; d, Minneapolis, Nv 15, 04. *Ramsay, James Ross — b, Harford Co, Md, Ap 9, 1822; JefC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby Donegal, Je 20, 49; miss. Creek Ind; ss, Kowetah, 49-52; tea, 52-3; prin, Lancaster Co, Pa, 53-5; miss, Seminole Ind; ss. Oak Ridge ch, Mekko, Ark, 56-60; ss & tea, Salem & Falls City, Neb, 64-6; tea, Seminole Ind, 67- 73, 77-91 ; ss, Seminole ch, Wewoka, IndTerr, 67-73, 74-91 ; res. Delta, Pa, 91-4; hon re, 95; miss, Wewoka, IndTerr, 94-6; res, Delta, Pa, 96-1906; res, Bridgeton, NJ, 06-10; d, Newton, Je 10, 11. *Reeves, Henry — b, Bridgeton, NJ, Fb 5, 1823; CNJ, 44; tea; PTS, 46-9; ss, Ellesdie chap, New Hamburg, NY, 49; ss, Wappinger’s Falls, 49-50; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 12, 50; p, Belvidere, NJ, 50-8; ss, Fayetteville, Pa, 58-64; prin. Female Sem, Chambersburg, 58-64; prin. Woodland Sem, West Phila, 64-8; ed. Young Folks’ News, Phila, 68-75; ed. Our Monthly, Phila, 71-5; ss, Gloucester City, NJ, 69-81; ed. Grocer’s Price Current, Phila, 77-81; prin. Ivy Hall Sem, Bridgeton, NJ, 81-91 ; ss, Fairfield, 83-6; ss, 4th ch, Bridgeton, 92-5; p, Gloucester, 95-1901; d, Gloucester, NJ, Mr 13, 1901. PhD, CNJ, 86; DD, HanC, 97. ■^Reeves, Robert Hood — b, Bridgeton, NJ, Ap 25, 1825; CNJ, 46; PTS, 46-9; ss, Batsto, NJ, 49; ss. Sumption’s Prairie, Ind, 50; ss, Wrightsville, Pa, 51; ss. Church Hill, Md, 54; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 21, 54; p, Knowlton, NJ, 54-67; p, Hope, 54-66; Bridgeton, 67-70; ss, Sunville & Cooperstown, 71-3; ss, Indiana ch, Vincennes, Ind, 74-5; ss, Shiloh, Georgetown; d, Franklin, Ind, My 7, 75. *Reid, Alexander — b, Kirkmichael, Scotland, Ap 28, 1818; CNJ, 45; PTS, 45-9; ord evang, 2d Pby New York, My 13, 49; miss & supt, Spencer Acad, Choctaw Nat, 49-61; miss, Choctaw Nat, 61-9; Princeton, NJ, 70-7; miss, Atocha, Choctaw Nat, IndTerr, 80-2; miss, Freedmen, IndTerr, 82-4; d, Cam- bridgeport. Mass, J1 30, 90. ’•’Sanderson, David Davidson — b. Lost Creek Valley, Pa, Nv 15, 1821; PTS, 1849 151 46-9; ord, Pby South Alabama, Oc 20, 50; p. Fair View, Ala, 50-60; p. Friendship, 50-2; ss, Newbern, 55-60; ss, Greensboro, 67-72; ss. New Hope, 73-91; ss, Beth- Salem, 75-91; p, Eutaw, 60-91; d, Eutaw, Ala, My 15, 91. DD, UNC, 79. *Simanton, Ephraim — b, Richmond, Pa, Fb 26, 1822; LafC, 46; PTS, 46-9; miss. Pike Co, Pa, 49; ss, Andover, Tranquility & Allamuchy, NJ, 49-50; ord, Pby Newton, Dc 2, 51; ss, Danville, NJ, 50- p, 51-67; tea, Vienna, 67-8; res, Vienna, 67-80; res, near Hackettstown ; d, Hackettstown, NJ, Ja 24, 1905. *Simpson, George W — b, Churchtown, Pa, Je 1, 1821; LafC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby Donegal, Je 12, 49; miss, Corisco, Africa, 50-1; drowned, Corisco Bay, WAfrica, Ap 5, 51. *Smith, Thomas — b, near New Castle, Ky, Ap, 1827; GeoC, 46; PTS, 46-9; p, Bapt ch, Louisville, Ky, 49-50; d. New Orleans, La, Mr 6, 51. *Smith, Thomas Stuart Crowe — b, Maitland, NS, Can, Fb 7, 1821; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 24, 49; miss, “Pines,” NJ, 49-50; ss. Long Branch; tea. Port Richmond, Pa; tea, Elizabeth, NJ ; p, Havre de Grace, Md, 52-5; prin, Bel Air, & ss, Franklinville, 55-7; p. Chestnut Grove, 57-61; p. Bethel, 57-64; p & prin, Bel Air, & ss, Franklinville, 64-9; d, Bel Air, Md, J1 17, 69. *Stewart, John — b, Greenwich, NJ, Ja 19, 1827; LafC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby Wisconsin, Sp 6, 49; ss, Depere, Wis, 49-50; d, Depere, Ag 4, 50. *Taylor, Henry William — b, Athens, O, Dc 21, 1822; OglU, 42; PTS, 46-9; ss, Lancaster, O, 49; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Je 4, 50; ss, Piketon, O, 49- p, 50-1; p, Xenia, 51-5; ss, Eaton, 55-60; p el, Franklin, 60- p, 61-70; p el, Columbia St ch, Newport, Ky, 70- p, 71-6; ss, Falmouth & Canton, 77-8; ill health; res. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O, 78-91; d. Walnut Hills, Sp 16, 91. Wandewater, Albertus — b, near Bushwick, NY, Sp 21, 1821; CNJ, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby Susquehanna, Nv 5, 50; ss, Athens, Pa, 50-4; p, RefChAm, Spotswood, NJ, 54-67; p, Blenheim & Breakabeen, NY, 68-9; p, Oak- land, NJ, 69-72; Princeton, 72-3; tea, Yardville; tea & miss, Farmingdale, 76; ss. Mine La Motte, Mo, 76-9; d. Mine La Motte, Fb 28, 79. ♦Waldron, Charles Newman — b, Albany, NY, Dc 25, 1821; UnC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ss. East Hampton, NY, 49; ord, RefChAm, Cl Watervliet, Oc 3, 49; p. Cohoes, NY, 49-79; ss, Hillsdale, Mich, 2 yrs; d, Detroit, Mr 2, 88. DD, UnC, 71. ♦Wardlaw, Thomas De Lacy — b, Warrenpoint, Ire, Nv 1, 1826; BelfC, 44; PT.S, 46-9; ord, Pby Luzerne, Ja 29, 50; ss. Port Carbon, Pa, 49- p, 50-2; p, Paris, Ky, 54-8; p, Clarksville, Tenn, 58-67; phys, 65; prin. Female Sem, Shelbyville, 67-79; ss, Petersburgh, 68-71; ss, Bethsalem, 71-7; d, Shelbyville, Tenn, Ag 29, 79. MD; DD, StewC, 71. 33. ♦Baker, William Munford — b, Washington, DC, Je 5, 1825; CNJ, 46; PTS, 47-8; ss, Batesville, Ark, 49; ord evang, Pby Little Rock, 50; ss, Galveston, Tex, 50; p, Austin, 50-65; p, Zanesville, O, 66-72; p, Newburyport, Mass, 72-4; Boston, 74-81; p. South ch, Phila, Pa, 81-3; d, Boston, Mass, Ag 20, 83. DD. 152 1849 *Barr, John — b, Washington Co, Pa, Ap 11, 1823; JefC, 43; WestTS, 45-7; lie, Pby Washington, Sp 6, 48; grad stu, PTS, 48-9; ss, Carlisle, Ind, 49-51; d, J1 9, 51. *Benson, John — Grad stu, PTS, 48-9. *Beveridge, Andrew M — b, Greenwich, NY, Ja 20, 1820; JefC, 44; tea; PTS, 40-8; prill, Cambridge, NY, 48-50; ord evang, Pby Troy, Ja 15, 51; ss, Hoosick Falls, NY, 51-8; p, Lansingburgh, 58-83; d, Lansingburgh, NY, Ja 7, 89. DD, MaryvC, 80. *Boston, Thomas Cleland- b, near Lawrenceburg, Ky, Je 8, 1822; CenCKy, 46; PTS, 46-7; d, Lawrenceburg, Ky, Sp 0, 48. *Brown, Frederick Thomas — b. West Carlisle, O, My 16, 1822; CNJ, 45; GeneTS; PTS, 45-7; ord evang, Pby Logansport, Je 13, 48; ss, 1st ch, Dayton, O, 49; p, Madison, Ind, 50-3; ss, Cleveland, O, 53- p, 54-61; p, Georgetown, DC, 61-4; p. Central ch, Chicago, 111, 64-6; p. Central ch, St Paul, Minn, 07-73; agt, BdEdu, 73; p, Ann Arbor, Mich, 75-80; p, Manasquan, NJ, 81-93; d, Manasquan, Ja 11, 93. DD, LafC, 64. *Coon, Henry Perrin — b, Taghkanic, NY, Sp 30, 1822; WmsC, 44; UnTS; PTS, 47-8; MedDept, UPa, 49; phys, Syracuse, NY, 49-52; phys, bus, judge& mayor, San Francisco, Cal, 52-68; Europe; res, Mayfield; d, San Francisco, Cal, Dc 4, 84. *Davis, John — b, Sheffield, Pa, Ag 11, 1821; WashCPa, 45; WestTS, 45-8; grad stu, PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby Ohio, Nv 4, 51 ; p. Concord, Pa, 51-2; prin. Female Sem & Male Acad, New Brighton, 53-7; supt. Pub Instruction Allegheny, 5 yrs, prin. Classic & Math Acad, .A.llegheny, 57-84; res, .-\llegheny; Pittsburgh; d; East End, Pittsburgh, Pa, J1 17, 1903. *Dickson, Alexander — b, Rathfriland, Ireland, Dc 25, 1825; UnC, 46; PTS, 46-8; ord, RefCh.‘\m, Cl Watervliet, My 16, 49; p, Waterford, 49-52; p, 3d ch, Albany, NY, 53-60; ss, Dudley ch, Albany, 60-2; res, Lansingburg, 62-1904; d, Lansingburg, NY, Ja 1, 1904. DD, UnC, 77. *Dillard, William Dudley — b, near Lexington, Ky, Sp 30, 1822; GeoC, 45; Bapt Sem, Covington, Ky; PTS, 47-8; ord Bapt, My 27, 48; phys, Chicago, 111, 52-86; phys, Lexington, Ky, 86-8; d, Lexington, Sp 22, 88. *Donaldson, Joseph — b, Ireland; LafC, 1846; PTS, 46-8; lie, 2d Pby New York, Ap 19, 48; d. Commerce, Mich, 49. *Elliott, George — b, Wellsville, O, Oc 15, 1825; DuqU, 46; WestTS; PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 27, 49; p, Alexandria, Pa, 49-58; p el, Kishaco- quillas, 58-68; El Paso, 111, 68-9; p, 2d ch, Freeport, 69-72; p, McEwensville, Pa, 73-9; p, Watsontown & Warrior Run, 75-9; p, McConnellsburgh, Green Hill & Wells Valley, 80-3; p, Orbisonia, Robertsdale, 84-6; ss, Mapleton, 84-5; p, Newton Hamilton, 84-6; p. Pine Grove, Bald Eagle & Buffalo Run, 87-95; d, Buffalo Run, Pa, Mr 15, 95. *Garthwaite, William Styles — b, NYCity, Je 22, 1820; CNJ, 46; PTS, 1849 153 46-7; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ap 23, 50; p, Lyon’s Farms, NJ, 50-2; tea. Academia, Pa, 52-8; ss & tea, Hughsonville, NY, 58-60; tea, Manchester, Mo, 60-1; ss & tea, Batesville, Ark, 61-4; d, Batesville, Nv 14, 64. ■^Gibson, William Jay — b, Albany, NY, Mr 14, 1824; CNJ, 45; tea; PTS, 45-7; bus, Albany, NY, 48-77; Poughkeepsie, 77-88; res. Cottage City, Mass; d, 05. *Glen, Samuel— b. West Milton, NY, Nv 1, 1818; UnC, 44; PTS, 46-8; Castleton Coll, Vt, 51, MD; phys. New Village, NJ, 52-4; Broadway, 54-6; Washington, 56-78; d, Washington, NJ, J1 11, 78. *Grant, George W — b, Virginia; HSC, 1846; PTS, 46-7; lawy. *Huntting, Samuel — b, Southampton, NY, Nv 11, 1822; AmhC, 44; tea; PTS, 46-7; ord, Pby Long Island, Nv 1, 48; p. East Hampton, NY, 48-9; d. East Hampton, Sp 10, 49. *Jamison, Andrew Simpson — b, Buckingham Twp, Bucks Co, Pa, Fb 5, 1818; CNJ, 38; PTS, 46-7; tea, Trenton, NJ, 47-9; prin, Acad, Cheraw, SC, 50-1; prin, Acad, Augusta, Ga, 52-4; rul eld, Brownsburg, Pa; d, Brownsburg, Mr 20, 83. *Jones, Charles John — b, Deptford, Eng, Sp 23, 1818; LafC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby St Louis, Ja 9, 50; miss, boatmen, St Louis, Mo, 49-54; miss, sea- men, NYCity, 54-6; p. Mariner’s ch, NYCity, 56-63; chap. Sailor’s Snug Harbor, ■Staten Island, NY, 63-93; chap em; res, Stapleton, NY, 93-1901; Phila, Pa, 01-7; (1, Phila, Sj) 8, 07. DD, LafC, 80. *King, Frederick La Rue — b, Morristown, NJ, Ja 2, 1823; CNJ, 44; tea; PTS, 46-8; tut, CNJ, 47 & 55; ord evang, RefChAm, Cl Bergen, Oc 16, 55; ss, Hudson City, NJ, 55-7; ss, Presb ch, Wyoming, Pa, 58; p. North Haverstraw, NY, 59-66; ill health; Europe, 75-94; NYCity, 94-1905; d, NYCity, Oc 18, 05. ■^Knapp, James Christy — b, Hopewell, NJ, Je 28, 1818; AmhC, 45; tea; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 25, 49; ss, Gowanda, NY, 50-1; ss, Depere, Wis, 51-2; ss, Black Rock, NY, 52-3; chap. West Mil Inst, Ky, 53-4; prin, Perth Amboy, NJ, 54-5; prin, Luzerne Presb Inst, Pa, 55-6; ss, Warren, Pa, 56; d, Warren, Ag 7, 56. ■"Knight, Aaron Brightwell — b, Todd Co, Ky, Fb 24, 1824; CenCKy, 45; PTS, 46-9; ord Bapt, Sp 28, 50; ss, Ba|)t ch, Salem, Ky, & Clarksville, Tenn, 50; p, Burk’s Branch, 58- [), Clay Village, 60-1 ; p, Simpsonville, 71-81 ; res, Shelby- ville, Ky; d, Louisville, Ap 8, 99. 1)1). ♦Lundy, John Patterson — b, Danville, Pa, Fb 23, 1823; CNJ, 46; ITS, 46- 8; ord, 2d Pby New York, Fb 13, 49; p, Mt Pleasantville ch. Sing Sing, NY, 49- 51 ; ord PEpis presbyter, Oc 28, 55; rec. All Saints’ ch, Phila, Pa, 55-7; rec, himan- uel ch, Holmesburg, Pa, 57-65; rec, St Mark’s ch, Phila, 65; rec, St Stephen’s ch, Phila, 66-7; rec, Christ’s ch, Reading, (>8-9; rec, ch Holy .'KiJOstles, NYCity, 69- 77; auth, res, Phila, Pa, 77-92; d, Phila, Dc 11, 92. DD, ,‘\ndalusia Coll, 69. ♦Mackey, James Love — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Ja 26, 1820; ITS, 46-8; ord 154 1849 evang, Pby New Castle, My 8, 49; miss, Corisco, Africa, 49-65; d. New London, Pa, Ap 30, 67. ♦McGuire, Henry Logan — b, Dillsburg, Pa, Ag 9, 1820; MiaU, 46; PTS, 46-7; ord; p, Washington & Union, Ind, 50-2; ss, Richmond, 53; d, Richmond, Ind, Sp 4, 53. ♦McNair, William Wynkoop — b, Brownsburg, Pa, Sp 21, 1825; CNJ, 44; tea; PTS, 46-8; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 17, 49; miss. Fort Winne- bago (Portage), Wis, 49- p, 54-6; miss, Eau Claire, 56- p, 60-5; chap, USArmy, 65; Phila, Pa, 66-9; ss, Atlantic City, NJ, 70-2; p, 2d ch, Cedarville, 72-5; city miss, Newark, 75-81; p, Audenreid, Pa, 81-98; evang, ItalMiss, Phila, 98-1906; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 15, 06. ♦Moore, Joseph P — b, Pennsylvania; CNJ, 1846; PTS, 46-9; Oakland, Cal; d, Oakland, 87. ♦Murray, Isaac — b, Pictou, NS, Mr 24, 1824; tea, 47-8; PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby Prince Edward Is, Ja 16, 50; p. North New London & Cavendish, PE Is, 50-61; p, Cavendish & New Glasgow, 61-77; p. North & South New London, 77- 8; p. Prince St ch, Charlottetown, 78-82; p, Thorburn, Pictou, NS, 82-4; p, St Matthew’s ch, NSydney, 84-96; d. New Glasgow, NS, Dc 7, 1906. DD, QuUOnt, 76. ♦Pawling, William H — b, Danville, Ky; CenCKy, 1845; PTS, 47-8; ord, Pby Transylvania, Ap 27, 51; p, Pisgah, Ky, 51-2; ss, Columbia, 52-3; ss. Inde- pendence, Mo, 53-5; Savannah, 55-6; Independence, 56-7; ss, Harrisonville, 60-5; Danville, Ky, 57-65; ill health; res, Lexington, Ky, 83-94; d, Lexington, Ag 28, 94. ♦Russell, Hollis— b. Concord, Me, J1 6, 1817; YaleU, 44; YaleUDS; PTS, 47-8; ord Cong, 48; p, Presb ch, Schoolcraft, Mich, 48-50; d, Schoolcraft, Ag 13, 50. ♦Shive, John Robinson — b. Rowan Co, NC, 1819; DavC, 43; tea; PTS, 46-8; colp, NJ, 48; prin, Victoria, Tex, 49-54; d, Victoria, 54. ♦Stewart, George Dillon — b, Jenkintown, Pa, Dc 30, 1825; LafC, 45; tea, Trenton, NJ, 45-7; PTS, 47-9; ss. Conquest, NY, 49-51; ord evang, Pby Steuben, Ap 23, 50; p, Bath, NY, 51-9; ss. West Point & Sharon, la, 59-64; ss, Burlington, 64-70; p, Omaha, Neb, 70-7; p. Fort Madison, la, 77-1904; hon re, 04; d. Fort Madison, la, Ap 1, 10. DD, HanC, 72. ♦Stewart, William Bell — b, Venango Township, Butler Co, Pa, Oc 10, 1818; WashCPa, 44; WestTS; tea; PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, J1 28, 50; p el, Govane chap, Md, 49- p, 50-52; prin, Govanstown Female Sem, 53-5; ss. Chestnut Grove & Bethel, 53-4; prin, Mt Washington Female Coll, 55-7; prin, Raymond Coll Inst, NY, 57-9; prin, Peekskill, 59-60; p el, 1st ch, Pottstown, Pa, 60-4; dist sec, Am&ForChrUn, 64-70; p el, Cong ch, Spencerport, NY, 70-3; p el, Presb ch. Port Henry, 73-6; p. Fort Edward, 76-8; p el, 2d Cong ch, Coventry, 79-80; p el, Batchellerville, 82-3; sec, PaBranch AmTrSoc, 84-93; d. Fort Edward, NY, Ap 5, 1903. DD, HighU, 78. J 1849-1850 155 *Stirling, John F — Entered from Natchez, Miss; PTS, 1846-7; bus, Cali- fornia, 93. *Warder, Joseph Walter — b, Logan Co, Ky, Oc 13, 1825; GeoC, 45; Newt TI; PTS, 48-9; ord Bapt, Nv 17, 49; p, Frankfort, Ky, 49-51; Maysville, 51-6; Lexing;ton, Mo, 56-65; Atchison, Kan, 65-7; Kansas City, Mo, 67-70; Clinton, 70-4; p, Lawrence, Kan, 74-5; p, Louisville, Ky, 75-80; supt, BaptMiss, Ky; res, Louisville; d, Louisville, Ky, Fb 4, 1905. DD, WmJC, 72. *Wentworth, John Theodore — b, Greenfield, NY, Mr 30, 1820; UnC, 46; PTS, 46-7; lawy, Saratoga Springs, NY, 50-2; AubTS, 53-4; Chicago, 111, 54-6; Lake Geneva, Wis, 56-7; dist att, Walworth Co, 57-70; circuit judge, 75-84; justice of peace, Racine, 84-92; d, Racine, Wis, Fb 8, 93. *Williamson, Joseph Gilliard — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 17, 1824; tea; UDel, 46; UnTS, 46-8; PTS, 48-9; ord, 4th Pby Phila, Nv 21, 49; p, Bethlehem ch, Sidney, NJ, 49-1900; res, Sidney, 00-3; Plainfield, 03-6; d, Plainfield, NJ, J1 19, 06. *Wood, Charles — b, Salem, NJ, Sp 15, 1818; LafC, 46; PTS, 46-9; ord evang, Pby Phila, My 20, 49; ss, 1st ch, Houston, Tex, 49; ss, Washington, 49- 50; p, Fox Hill, NJ, 51-6; miss, Phila, Pa, 57-9; ss, Absecon & Leed’s Point, NJ, 61-4; p, Blackwoodtown, 64-7; cy miss. City Park Chap, Brooklyn, NY, 67-88; miss, Brooklyn, 89-92; asst p, 1st ch, NYCity, 92-5; res, Brooklyn, NY ; d, Brook- lyn, Je 4, 1900. *Yeomans, Edward Dorr — b. North Adams, Mass, Sp 27, 1829; PTS, 46-7; ss. New Columbia, Pa, 47-9; prin, Acad, Danville, Pa, 47-50; ord, Pby North- umberland, Nv 29, 54; p. Warrior Run, Pa, 54-8; p, 4th ch, Trenton, NJ, 59-63; p, St Peter’s ch, Rochester, 63-7; p, Central ch, Orange, NJ, 67-8; d. Orange, Ag 25, 68. DD, CNJ, 64. ■^Young, James R — b, Tuscarora, NY, Mr 30, 1824; CNJ, 46; PTS, 46-9; lie, Pby New York, Oc 10, 48; miss. Centre Moreland, Pa, 49-50; miss. Spring Creek, la, 50-1; ss & tea, Muscatine, 51; d, Muscatine, la, Sp,13, 51. 40. 1850 ■^Baker, Daniel Sumner — b, Washington, DC, Ja 7, 1823; CNJ, 46; tea; PTS, 47-50; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 4, 50; ord, Pby Louisiana, 52; ss, 3d ch. New Orleans, La, 50-2; tea. New Orleans, 52-3; ss, Carrolton, 53-5; ss, Grosse Tete, 55-8; ss, Providence, 58-60; ss. Red Lick, 58-63; USCustHse, New Orleans, 63-71; asst treas office. New Orleans, 73-6; SSmiss, BdPub, 83-92; res, Maryville, Tenn; d, Maryville, Nv 16, 1900. *Barr, Andrew — b, near Columbus, O, Ja 30, 1820; WashCPa, 47; PTS, 47- 50; ss, Ravenswood, Va; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 16, 52; ss, Shamokin & Elysburgh, Pa, 52-4; p, Truro, O, 54-6; ss, Crestline; ss, Wysox, Pa, 59-63; chap, USArmy, 63-4; d, Ap 11, 64. ’"Bishop, William — b, Whitburn, Scotland, Dc 9, 1823; lllC, 47; PTS, 47- .50; tea, IllC, .50-2; ord, Pby Madison, Dc 20, 53; prof, Gk, HanC, .52-8; ss, Han- over, Ind, 56-7; ss, Lawrence, Kan, 58-60; ss, Salina, 61-4; p, Highland, 64-9; 1850 156 pres, HighU, 64-6; ill health; ss, Independence, 75-7; res. Highland, 58-78; supt pub instruction, Kan, 70-4, 78-82; res, Salina, 78-1900; d, Salina, Kan, Je4, 00. DD, HighU, 73. *Brittain, John — b, Richmond, Pa, Ap 6, 1818; LafC, 47; PTS, 47-50; ss, Wyouna, Wis, 50-1; ord, Pby Wisconsin, Ja 10, 51; prin, Presb Acad, Portage City, Wis, 51-5; miss, Quincy, 55-6; d. Mineral Point, Wis, Dc 13, 56. *Burt, Nathaniel Clark — b, Fairton, NJ, Ap 23, 1825; CNJ, 46; PTS, 47- 50; ord, Pby Miami, Nv 1, 50; p, 1st ch, Springfield, O, 50-5; p, Franklin St ch, Baltimore, Md, 55-60; p, 7th ch, Cincinnati, O, 60-8; pres, Ohio Female Coll, 68-70; prin. Female Sem, Nice, France, 70-4; d, Rome, Italy, Mr 4, 1874. DD, HanC, 61. *Childs, Thomas Spencer — b, Springfield, Mass, Ja 19, 1825; NYU, 47; PTS, 47-51; ord, Pby Connecticut, Je 30 , 52; ss, 1st ch, Hartford, Ct, 51- p, 52-65; p, 1st Cong ch, Norwalk, 66-70; prof, HartTS, 71-8; ss, Windsor Locks, 74-8; prof, CWoos, 80-2; ss, Washington, DC, 82-90; ord PEpis pr, Sp 21, 90; asso rec. Trinity, Washington, 91-5; 1st archdea, Washington, 94-1900; asso rec, Christ ch, Washington, 96-7; rec, Chevy Chase, Md, 99-1909; d, Chevy Chase, Mr 21, 14. DD, NYU, 62. *Cochran, Andrew — b, Ripley, NY, Mr 9, 1817; JefC, 42; tea; PTS, 47-.50; ord evang, Pby Mohawk, Nv 25, 50; ss, Durhamville & Oneida \’alley, NY, 50-1; ss, Durhamville, 51- p, 54-70; ss, Oneida Castle, 54-86; d, Oneida Castle, NY, Sp 24, 86. *Colmery, Robert C — b, Washington Co, Pa, Ap 10, 1822; Wash C Pa, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord, Pby Richland, Je, 51; p, Mt \'ernon, O, 50-6; p, Wooster, 56-61; ss, Mendota, 111, 61- p, 62-9; p, Delavan, 69-71; p el, Frankfort, Ind, 71- p, 72-4; ss, Lexington, 74-5; ss. Upper Sandusky, O, 75- p, 77-85; ss, Cardington & Ashley, 85-92; d. Upper Sandusky, O, Ag 21, 96. *Dewing, Thomas Schofield — b, Fishkill, NY, Sp 16, 1827; WmsC, 47; PTS, 47-50; miss, “Pines,” NJ, 50-1; ord, Pby Wyoming, Oc 26, 52; p, Tuscarora, NY, .52-3; p, Andover, 111, 54-5; miss, Marshall Co, la, 55-6; ss, Warrenham, Pa, 56-7; p, Wyalusing, 57-60; ss, Southport, NY, 60-5; cy miss, Elmira, 65-6; p. Pike, 66-9; p, Shamokin, Pa, 71-3; p. Cold Spring, NJ, 74-9; res, Centreville, Md, 79-91; p el, Roseville, Cal, 91; d, Roseville, Fb 25, 91. *Gayley, Samuel Alexander — b, Castlederg, Ireland, Dc 11, 1822; LafC, 47; PTS, 47-50; miss, Whitehaven, Pa, 50-1; ord, Pby Northumberland, My 28, 51; p. Great Island ch, Lockhaven, Pa, 51-6; p. Lower West Nottingham, 56-93, p em, 93-1903; res, Wayne; d, Kensington, Md, My 15, 1903. DD, LafC, 84. *Graham, James Robert — b, Montgomery’, NY, J1 16, 1824; UnC, 1844; tea, 45-7; PTS, 47-50; ss. Falling Water, Tuscarora & Gerrardstown, Va, 50-1; ord, Pby Winchester, Oc 9, 51; prin, Winchester, Va, 63-6; p, Winchester, 51- 1900, p em; d, Winchester, \’a, Ap 8, 14. DD, HSC, 76; Mod, Gen Assem, 94. 'Harris, Adam — b, Franklin Co, Pa, 1825; JefC, 49; PTS, 47-50; ord, Pby 1850 157 Logansport, Nv 7, 50; p, 1st ch, Logansport. Ind, 50-2; p, 4th ch, Louisville, Ky, 52-3; ss, Cane Run, 53-4; d, Louisville, Ky, Sp, 85. *Hay, Lawrence Gano — b, Charlestown, Ind, Oc 7, 1823; MiaU, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 8, 50; miss, Allahabad, India, 50-7; agt, BdForMiss, 57-8; prin, Indianapolis, Ind, 59-63; ss, various chs, res, Indian- apolis, 59-85; pres, Coates Coll, Ind, 85-8; prin, Minneapolis, Minn, 89-95; d, Minneapolis, J1 27, 96. DD, OliC, 76. *Kennedy, Edward — b, Ballymoney, Ireland, Ag 15, 1819; LafC, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Ap 19, 51; ss, 1st ch. Prince William Co, Va, 50-3; miss. Cal, 53-5; ss, Berwick, Pa, 55-8; Osceola, 58; ss, Elkland, 58- p, 59-66; ss. Fall Brook, 66-70; ss, Barclay, 70-4; farming, Merryall; d, Merryall, Pa, Dc 13, 95. *King, David — b, Edinburgh, Scot, Fb 28, 1826; UnC, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord, Pby New York, Je 12, 50; p, 1st ch, Jersey City, NJ, 50-1; p, Stillwater, NY, 52- 3; d, Stillwater, NY, My 15, 53. *Littell, Luther — b. New Providence, NJ, Ap 21, 1824; CNJ, 44; tea; PTS, 47-.50; ord, Pby Hudson, .Sp 25, 50; p. Mount Hope, NY, 50-81 ; ss. Holt, Mich, 83-6; |) cl, Morrice, 86-91; ss, Mt Hope, NY, 91- i), 92-9; d. Mount Hoi)e, Dc 28, 99. *Logan, Samuel Crothers- -b, Hanover, Ind, Dc 21, 1823; HanC, 46; tea; PTS, 47-50; miss, Ind & Ky, 50; ord evang, Pby Lake, Ap 14, 51 ; miss, Constan- tine, Mich, 51- p, .53-7; p, 5th ch, Cincinnati, O, 57-9; ss, 7th ch, Cincinnati, 59-60; p el, Valparaiso, Ind, 60- p, 63-5; prin, Valparaiso Coll Inst, 60-4; sec. West FreedmCom, 64-5; sec, FreedmCom, 6.5-9; ss, 1st ch, Scranton, Pa, 68- p, 69-92, p em, 92-1907 ; d, Scranton, Sp 4, 1907. DD, HanC, 70; LLD, LivC, 93. *Loomis, Elihu — b, Huttonsville, Va, Oc 13, 1823; WmsC, 47; PTS, 47-.50; ord Cong, Oc 22, 51 ; ss, Cong ch, Pownal, Vt, 50- p, 51-2; ill health ; AndTS, ,53-4; ss, Littleton, Mass, 54-70; ss. Chesterfield, 111, 70-7; ss, Memphis, Mo, 77-81; ss. Bonne Terre, 81-2; res, Oakwood, 82-5; p. Chesterfield, Mass, 8.5-95; res, Center- ville; d, Centerville, Mass, Mr 2, 1920. *Orbison, James Henry- b, Huntingdon, Pa, Mr 23, 1.826; JefC, 46; PTS, 47-.50; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Je 12, ,50; miss, Ambala & Rawal Pindi, India, .50-69; d, Bellefonte, Pa, Ap 19, 69. *Parsons, Winfield Scott- b, Lenox, Mass, Je 21, 1823; LafC, 44; PTS, 47-.50; ord evang, Pby Buffalo (City), Ja 10, .51; ss, Lockport, NY, .50-2; tea, Trenton, NJ, ,52-4; tea, Saugerties, NY, 54-5; tea, Pottstown, Pa, .55-6; tea, Wilkes-Barre, .56-8; tea, Clifton Springs, NY, .58-61; tea, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 61-72; bus, Wilkes-Barre, 72-99; d. Bear Creek, Pa, Sp 12, 99. *Ripley, John Bingham b, Mahoning Co, O, Ap 18, 1824; JefC, 47; PTS, 47-.50; ss, Burlington, NJ, .50-2; ord, Pby Phila, Jill, .54; p. Mariner’s ch, Phila, Pa, .54-62; d, Phila, Fb 7, 62. *Rodger8, James Linn -b, Shippensburg, Pa, My 5, 1827; JefC, 47; PTS, 47-.50; ord, Pby Donegal, .“Xg 21, .51; p, Donegal, Pa, .51-2; p, Donegal & Mt Joy, 1850 158 52-6; ss, Sterling, 111, 66-7; prin, Female Sem, Springfield, O, 57-74; ss. Yellow Springs, 72-86; d, Springfield, O, Ja 21, 95. *Shannon, Isaac N — b, Jefferson Co, O, Fb 9, 1821; JefC, 46; PTS, 47-50; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 15, 51; p, 3d ch. New Brunswick, NJ, 51-3; ss, 1st ch, Terre Haute, Ind, 54-6; p el, Mt Vernon, O, 56-7; d, Coshocton Co, O, Mr 30, 58. *Simonton, William — b. Dauphin Co, Pa, Sp 12, 1820; UDel, 46; PTS, 47-50; ord, Pby Northumberland, My 27, 51; ss, Northumberland & Sunbury, Pa, 50- p, 51-4; ss, 1st ch, Williamsport, 54- p, 55-71; p, Piney Creek & Taney- town, Md, 73-90; p, Emmitsburgh, 73-97; res, Washington, Pa, 97-1906; d, Grennell Island, NY, Sp 21, 08. DD, UDel, 86. *Tadlock, James Doak — b, Greene Co, Tenn, Ag 4, 1825; WashCTenn, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord evang, Pby Holston, Nv 16, 50; prof, WashCTenn, 50-8; pres. Female Coll, Jonesboro, 58-63; ss, Jonesboro, 63-5; prin, Jonesboro, 65-7; ss & prin, Bristol, 67-8; ss, Paperville & Cold Spring, 77-85; pres, KingC, 68-85; ss, Columbia, 85-6; prof, EcclHist, ColTS, 85-98; d, Bristol, Tenn, Ag 26, 99. DD, HSC; LED, KingC. *Templeton, William Harris — b, Brandywine Manor, Pa, Oc 13, 1824; WashCPa, 45; tea, 45-7; PTS, 47-50; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Ag 13, 50; miss. Creek Indians, ss, Kowetah, 50-8; ss, Galum, 111, 58-67; ss. Cave Spring, 59-71; ss, Georgetown, 68-70; ss, Denmark, 68-72; ss. Oak Grove, 72-6; ss, Ver- gennes, 73-6; ss, Ava, 77-80; ss, Shiloh Hill, 78-9; ss. Walnut Hill, 78-82; res, Pinckneyville, 58-73, 77-1910; d, Pinckneyville, 111, Mr 27, 10. *Tully, David — b, Birgham, Scotland, Ag 29, 1818; UnC, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord, Pby Albany, Je 13, 50; p, Princetown, NY, 50-5; p, Ballston Spa, 55-66; chap, USArmy, 61-2; p, Belvidere, NJ, 66-72; p, 1st ch, Oswego, NY, 72-86; p, Media, Pa, 86-1901, p em, 01-16; d, Springfield, Pa, Oc 4, 16. DD, KingC, 83. *Valentine, Richard — b, near Lexington, Ky, Nv 13, 1823; CenCKy, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord, Pby Louisville, Nv 14, 51; ss. New Castle, Ky, 50- p, 51-67; pres, SmthfC, 65-7; p, 1st ch, Lexington, 67-9; ss, Hopewell, Bethel & Clear Creek, 69-74; ss, Augusta & Murphysville, 74-83; ss. Mason & Somerset, O, 83-8; ss, Georgetown, 88-96; ss, Milton, Kenova & Hamlin, WVa, 96-1901 ; d, Huntington, Mr 27, 08. *Wilson, James — b, Tattykeel, Ireland, Fb, 1821; LafC, 47; colp, Va, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord evang, Pby Mississippi, Oc 23, 52; miss, slaves, Natchez, Miss, 50-6; ss. Bethel & Concord, Tex, 56-8; tea, Wheelock, 58-64; ss, Wheelock 58-72; ss, Centreville, 66-72, 73-7; ss, Brazos, 72-1903; ss, Wheelock, 79-1903; ss, Leb- anon; d. Edge, Tex, Ag 24, 04. . 29. *Allen, Caleb Martin — b. South Hero, Vt, Ap 17, 1816; UVt; PTS, 47-8; miss, AmSSUn, 48-53; Titusville, Pa, 53-63; ed, Titusville Gazette, USdepcoll, 65-70; ord, Pby Fort Dodge, Ap 26, 72; miss. Canton, Dak, 72; Dell Rapids & Rock Rapids, la, 73; Plymouth Co ch, 74-5; Storm Lake & Pomeroy, 76-9; Derby 1850 159 & English, 80-1; Brown’s Valley, Minn, 82-3; Delano, 84; Pine City, 85-6; Ban- croft & Burt, la, 87-8; res, Sioux City; d, Sioux City, la, Mr 4, 1901. *Beall, Benjamin Leander — b, Lincolnton, Ga, Sp 18, 1827; OglU, 46; ColTS, 46-7; PTS, 48-9; ord evang, Pby Concord, Oc 4, 51; ss, Salem, Taylors- ville & Wilkesboro, NC, 50-4; evang & tea, Salisbury, 54-6; ss. Fishing Creek, SC, 56- p, 57-9; evang & tea, Lenoir, NC, 59-61; ss, Mocksville & Franklin, 61-4; miss, CSA, 64; ss. New Hope, 65-7; miss, Pby Concord, 67-72; ss, Taylorsville, 73-5; miss, Caldwell Co, 75-7; hm miss, Gainesville, Tex, 77-8; ss, Lenoir, NC, 79-82; evang. Concord Pby, 83-8; d, Greensboro, NC, Fb 14, 1913. *Blanchard, Edward — b, Truro, NS, Can, Oc 10, 1817; tea; PTS, 47-8; tea, TruC, Can; tea. Normal schl, Truro; farming, 73-1907; d, De Bert, NS, Canada, Oc 3, 07. *Brank, Robert Garland — b, Greenville, Ky, Nv 3, 1824; CenCKy, 46; lawy, Ky; New ATS; PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby West Lexington, My 5, .52; ss, Woodford & Harmony, .50- p. Harmony, .52-4; p, 2d ch, Lexington, Ky, 54-69; p. Central ch, St Louis, Mo, 69-95; d, St Louis, Ag 21, 1895. DD, CenCKy, 69. *Burgess, Robert — b, Poland, O, Ap 18, 1822; JefC, 45; PTS, 48-9; UPTheol Sem, Cannonsburg, Pa; tea, Columbia, Tenn, 50-1; ord evang, RefP, 53; ss, Austintown, O, 53-4; tea, Chicago, 111, 54; ss, Hartford & Mecca, O, 56; tea, Senecaville, 60-1 ; ss, Montrose, la, 67 ; ss. Woodbine & Denison, 68-71 ; d, Detroit, Mich, Dc 28, 92. ♦Candor, John Montgomery — b, Milton, Pa; CNJ, 1847; PTS, 47-9; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 13, 49. ♦Christopher, William Britton — b, Binghamton, NY, Ag 15, 1817; UnC, 47; PTS, 47-8; AubTS;ord, Susquehanna Cong Asso, Oc 16, 49; ss, Presb chs, Oneonta & Otega, Pa, 52-4; p, Lacon, 111, 54-9; p, 2d ch. Galena, 59-60; ss, Cong ch. Galena, 60-1; p, Mendota, 64-7; ed, Nat Prohib, Chicago, res, Iowa, 66-70; miss, Cheever, Kan, 71-4; ss, Cong ch, Wabaumsee, 74-5; ss, Presb ch, Wamego, 7.5-7; d, Binghamton, NY, Nv 7, 79. ♦Coe, Henry Isaac — b, Indianapolis, Ind, Ap 6, 1826; BrU, 46; PTS, 47-9; ord evang, Pby Indianapolis, Mr 14, 50; miss, Indianapolis, 50-2; p el. South ch. Galena, 111, 52- p, .53-6.5; sec, BdChExtens, 65-9; bus & ss, 69-1907; hon re, 07; ill health; d, Rolla, Mo, Ja 19, 16. ♦Davis, Thomas Kirby — b, Chambersburg, Pa, Fb 11, 1826; YalelJ, 45; tea, Bedford, Pa, 4.5-6; PTS, 46-9; ss, Fayetteville, Pa, 49-.50; tea, Chambersburg, 49-.50; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 2, .50; p, Bedford, & Schellsburg, Pa, .50-5; ss, 1st ch, San Francisco, Cal, 55; miss, Los .‘\ngeles, 55-6; ss, Stockton, 56-7; ss. Middle- town, Pa, .58- p, .59-62; ss, Minersville, 62-3; ss, Mansfield, O, 63- p, 65-7; prof, V'ermilion Inst, Hayesville, 67-71; ss, Hayesville & McKay, 67- p, 68-71; fin sec, CWoos, 71-5; ss, Mt Gilead, 75-6; ss, Loudonville & Perrysville, 7.5-9; p, West- minster ch, Wooster, O, 79-80; ss, Lexington, O, 80-3; ss. West Salem, 85; ss, Nashville, 85-6; libr & prof, CWoos, 77-1904, libr em; d, Wooster, O, Dc 24, 18. DD, ParsC & PaC, 80. ♦Dodd, Stephen Grover — b, Bloomfield, NJ, Mr 24, 1826; CNJ, 46; tea; i6o 1850 PTS, 48-50; tut, CNJ, 48-50; ord, New Haven Conso, Oc, 52; p, Cong ch, Mil- ford, Ct, 52-4; p, Spencer, Mass, 54-65; p, Middleborough, 65-70; p, St Johns, NB, 70-9; res. Salt Lake City, Utah, 79-95; Boise, Ida, 95-1912; d, San Diego, Cal, Dc 15, 1912. *Fletcher, James Cooley — b, Indianapolis, Ind, Ap 15, 1823; BrU, 46; PTS, 47-9; GeneTS, 49-50; agt, Am&ForChrUn, 50-1; ord evang, Pby Muncie, Fb 13, 51; miss, Am&ForChrUn & seamen’s chap, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 51-4; agt, BibSoc, Rio de Janeiro, 55-6; US, 56-62; agt, AmSSUn, Brazil, 62-3; agt, AmTrSoc, 68-9; US Consul, Oporto, Portugal, 69-73; miss, Naples, Italy, 73- 90; ss, Wilmington, Cal, 92; ss. La Crescenta, 93; res, Los Angeles; d, Los Ange- les, Cal, Ap 23, 1901. *Grundy, Robert Estine — b, Morganfield, Ky, Fb 3, 1828; CenCKy, 47; NewATS; PTS, 48-9; miss, Lebanon, Ky, 49-50; d, Paducah, Ky, Ja 6, 51. *Heaton, Austin Carpenter — b, Thetford, Vt, My 28, 1815; DartC, 40; tea, Alexandria, Va; PTS, 49-50; ord, Pby Winchester, Je 21, 51; p. Harper’s Ferry, Va, 51-4; ss, 3d ch, Baltimore, Md; p, Manokin, 55-80; p, Lewes, Del, 82-7; d, Middletown, Del, Dc 14, 87. DD, UDel, 77. *Kennedy, Thomas — b, Stewartsville, NJ, Nv 29, 1827; LafC, 46; PTS, 47-9; WestTS; d, Stewartsville, NJ, Dc21, 51. *Lyon, Isaac Lewis — b, Ogdensburgh, NY, Mr 9, 1822; UnC, 47; PTS, 47-50; ord evang, Pby Indianapolis, Mr 14, 50; evang, Indianapolis, Ind, 50; miss & ss, Dubuque, la, 50-1; Pittsburgh, Pa, 52; Sandusky City, la, 53; bus, Chicago, 111, 54-9; Mexico, 61-5; Detroit, Mich, 66-86; Redlands, Cal, 88- 1901 ; d, Redlands, Ja 2, 01. *Miller, Charles Addison — b, Christiansburg, Va, Nv 15, 1819; WashC\'a, 46; PTS, 47-8; UnTSVa; miss, Giles Co, Va, 49-51 ; ord evang, Pby Montgomery, Ap 27, 54; tea, Montgomery Acad, Va, 51-2; ss, Kimberlin, 53-62; ss. White House, 62-70, p, 71-93; d, Christiansburg, Va, Mr 26, 93. *Read, Henry Clay — b, Stanford, Ky, Ja 30, 1826; CenCKy, 47; PTS, 48- 50; ord, Pby Transylvania, Ap 9, 52; p, Glasgow, Ky, 52-8; prin, Columbia High Schl, 58-63; d, Columbia, Ky, Oc 23, 63. *Robb, Edward Clark — b, Gallatin, Tenn, 1820; UNash, 41; phys; UnTS; PTS, 48-9; phys, Clarksville, Tenn, 48-73; d, Lafayette, Ky, Nv 29, 73. *Root, Lucius Insley — b, Brutus, NY, Ag 16, 1820; UnC, 47; PTS, 47-9; ord, Pby Wisconsin, Je 30, 50; prof. Math & Nat Phil, CarC, 49-52; ss & p el. Saline, Mich, 53-6; ss & tea. Bay City, 56- p, 58-60; p, Ionia, 60-1 ; p, Medina, NY, 61-3; ss. Upper Alton, 111, 67-71; p, Shelbyville, 72-4; p, Greencastle, Ind, 74-6; ss, Edwardsville, 111, 76- p, 77-9; prof. Mental & Moral Sc, PardC, 79; d, Parkville, Mo, My 1, 79. ’•’Senour, Faunt Le Roy — b, Madison, Ind, Nv 5, 1824; HanC, 47 ; NewATS, 47-9; PTS, 49-50; LaneTS, 50-1; ord, Pby Muhlenburg, Oc 16, 51; p, Paducah, Ky, 51-5; p, 4th ch, Louisville, 55-61; tea. Female Sem, Louisville, 58-9; p, 1st ch, Rockford, 111, 62-6; prin. Coll Inst, & ss, Centreville, Ind, 66-8; p, 2d ch, 1850-1851 i6i Newport, Ky, 70-4; p, 7th ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 75-6; p. Central ch, Pittsburgh, 76-8; p. New Alexandria, 79-96; res, Titusville, 96-1910; d, Titusville, Pa, Ap 23, 10. *Smith, Henry Russel — b. Butternuts, NY, Dc 27, 1822; UnC, 44; tea; UnTS; PTS, 47-9; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Ap 27, 50; ss, Leesburg, Va, 49- 67; pres. Female Sem, Huntsville, Ala, 67-74; ss, Decatur, Ala, 68-74; ss. Walnut Grove & Beaver Creek, Va, 74-8; ss, Collierst'own & Oxford, 78-84; evang, Lex- ington Pby, 84-7; ss, Shemariah, Va, 87-91; ss, Beulah & Stony Run, 92-6; d. Sharp’s Wharf, Va, Ag 19, 96. *Thomas, John — b, Carnarvonshire, NWales, Great Britain, Je 14, 1821; UPa, 47; PTS, 47-9; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 9, 50; p el, Phoenixville, Pa, 49- p, 50-5; p, Derry & Washingtonville, 55-63; private, USArmy, 63; chap, USArmy, 63-5; p, Wanamia, 72-3; p, Frostburg, Md, 74-6; res, Bloomsburg, 76-80; Lamed, Kan, 79-85; ill health; d, Coolidge, Sp 29, 1908. *Welch, Thomas Rice — b, near Nicholasville, Ky, Sp 15, 1825; CenCKy, 46; tea & law stu; PTS, 47-9; miss, Warsaw, Ky, 46-50; NewATS; ord evang, Pby Arkansas, Ap 11, 52; ss, Helena, Ark, 52-9; p. Little Rock, 60-85; US Consul, Hamilton, Ont, 85-6; d, Hamilton, Ont, Can, Mr 25, 86. DD, CenCKy, 70; Mod, Gen Assem, 72. *Williams, Charles Foster — b, Newark, NJ, Ap 20, 1819; UNash, 48; PTS, 48-50; ord evang, Pby Nashville, My 23, 51; ss, Gallatin & Shiloh, Tenn, 50-3; ss, Tuscumbia, Ala, 53-6; ss, Ashwood, Tenn, 53-92; ill health; d, Ashwood, Tenn, Nv 5, 93. *Young, James Shelby — b, near Lebanon, Ky, Ja 28, 1827; CenCKy, 47; PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby Transylvania; d, Lebanon, Ky, Dc 2, 55. 25. 1851 *Annin, John Alexander — b. Liberty Corner, NJ, Sp 29, 1824; CNJ, 46; tea; PTS, 48-51; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Oc 8, 51; ss, Franklin, O, 51-2; ss, Cedarville, NJ, 52- p, 53-66; ss. Red Wing, Minn, 66-7; p. Lake City, 68-9; hm miss. Las Vegas, NMex, 69-80; ss, Rolla, Mo, 80- p, 81-1900; ss, Cuba, 80- 00; ss. Elk Prairie, 83-00; d, Rolla, Mo, Je 4, 03. *Barbour, Lewis Green — b, Danville, Ky, Sp 19, 1829; CcnC'Ky, 46; PTS, 47-9; tea, Boyle Co, Ky, 49-50; PTS, 50-1; ord, Pby Muhlenburg, Oc, 54; ss. Bowling Green, Ky, 52- p, 54-5; ss, Russelville, 52-5; tea, Lexington, Ky, 57-60; prin, Lexington, Mo, 60-5; tea, Lexington, Ky, 65-6; prin, Danville, 66-74; ss. Silver Creek, 72-7; prof, CntlU, 74-1901; res, Louisville, 03-7; d, Louisville, Ky, J1 17,07. DD, CenCKy, 76. ♦Barrett, Myron — b. North East, NY, Sp 9, 1816; YalelJ, 44; UnTS; PTS, .50-1; ss, Pontiac, Mich, 51-2; ord, Pby Detroit, Mr 9, 52; asst p, 1st ch, Detroit, Mich, 52-3; p, Newton, NJ, 54-9; ss, Stroudsburg, Pa, 60-1 ; ss. New Haven, Ct, 62-3; ss, Andover, NJ, 64-7; Newton, 67-76; d, Newton, NJ, My 8, 76. ■^Biggs, Henry Weed— b, Frankford, Pa, Mr 15, 1828; UCin, 45; PTS, 48-51; 1851 1 62 ord evang, Pby Crawfordsville, Ap 10, 52; miss, Lebanon, Ind, 51-3; ss, Prince- ton, 53-5; p, Morgantown, WVa, 55-64; p, Chillicothe, O, 64-92; res, Chillicothe; d, Chillicothe, O, Mr 8, 1906. DD, CWoos, 77. *Byers, John — b, Ireland; UGlas, 1847; PTS, 48-51; miss, Shanghai, China, 52-3; d, at sea, Mr 7, 53. *Clarke, Orlando — b, Geneva, Ind, Nv 6, 1824; IndU, 48; PTS, 48-51; YaleUDS; ss, Edinburg, Ind, 54-6; ss, Greenville, O, 57; ss, Troy, 58; ss, Ben- tonsport, la, 59; ss, Des Moines, 60-2; supt, la Inst for Blind, Iowa City, 62-4; St Louis, Mo, 64; ord Cong, St Louis, Ja 5, 65; ss, Cong ch, St Anthony, Minn, 65-6; ss, Lansing, la, 66-70; ss, Iowa Falls, 70-2; ss, Ottumwa, 73-5; supt, la Inst for Blind, Vinton, 75-6; d, Vinton, la, Ap 2, 76. *Davis, William Clark — b, Lawrenceville, NJ, Ja 7, 1821; LafC, 48; PTS, 48-51; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 5, 51; ss, Bass River, NJ, 51-2; ss, Nanticoke, Pa, 52-5; ss, Hanover, Pa, 55; tea, Wilkes-Barre, 55-9; ss. Canton, 59-60; colp, BdPub, 60-1; res, Lawrenceville, NJ, 63-5; Baker’s Basin, 67-9; Clarksville, 71-2; res, Lawrence Station ; Trenton ; d, Trenton, NJ, Sp 2, 04. *Edwards, John — b, Bath, NY, Ja 21, 1828; CNJ, 48; PTS, 48-51; ord evang, Pby Indian, Dc 11, 53; tea, Spencer Acad, Choct Nat, 51-3; ss, & supt, Wheelock, CN, 53-61 ; tea, CCySF, 62; ss, Gilroy & San Juan, Cal, 62-6; ss, Visalia & Tule River, 66-72; ss, Hollister & San Juan, 72-9; ss, Atoka, IndTerr, 83-4; ss, Wheelock, IndTerr, 84-93; res, Wheelock, 93-6; San Jose, Cal, 98-1903; d, San Jose, Fb 18, 03. *Fairbairn, Alexander — b, Co Cavan, Ireland, Ag 8, 1821; LafC, 48; PT.S, 48-51 ; ord evang, Pby Phila, Nv 4, 51 ; ss, Houston, Tex, 52- p, 53-4; ss, Hunts- ville, 55; ss & ed, Houston, 56; ss, Santa Rosa, Cal, 57-8; ss, Sacramento, 58-9; ss, V’asaville & Tremont, .59-64; ss, Napa, 64; ss, Fomales & Duncan’s Mills, 64-8; ss, Chico, 69-73; ss, Davisville & Tremont, 73-6; ss, Cambria, 76-81; ss, Carson City, 82-3; ss, Colusa, 83-6; ss, Fomales, 89-91; d, Williams, Cal, Fb 24, 98. *Finley, Jonathan Palmer — b, near Hayesville, 0, Sp 9, 1822; PTS, 48-51; ord evang, Pby Palmyra, Sp 5, 52; pres. Van Rensselaer Acad, Mo, 51-6; ss, Mt Horeb, Paris & Pleasant Hill, 56- p, 61-2; pres, WestmCMo, 62-4; ss, Brookfield & La Clede, 66-8; p, Brookfield, 68-86; prin, Acad, Brookfield, 72-89; d, Brook- field, Mo, Ja 25, 89. DD, HanC, 79. *Klink, Nathaniel Baker — b, Bethlehem, NY, Fb 25, 1823; UnC, 47; UnTS; PTS, 48-51; ss, Oneida Valley, NY, 51-2; ss. West Galway, 52-3; ord, Pby Albany, Fb 13, 54; ss, Ballston Spa, 53- p, 54-5; p, Fairmount, NJ, 55-9; ss, Sacramento, Cal, 60-1; tea, Vallejo, 61-2; ss, Vallejo, 61-83; ss, Santa Panlo & Hueneme, 83-4; ss. Redding, 86-9; ss. West Berkeley, 89-92; ss, Clements, 92-4; d, San Francisco, Cal, My 31, 95. *La Tourette, James Armour Moore — b, NYCity, Mr 23, 1825; NYU, 48; PTS, 48-51; ord, RefChAm, Cl NY, Oc 12, 51; p. Huguenot ch, Staten Island, NY, 51-5; ord PEpis pr, Columbus, O, 56; rec, St Paul’s, Columbus, 55-7; rec. Atonement, Cincinnati, 57-9; rec. Trinity, Potsdam, NY, 59-65; post chap. 1851 i63 USArmy, Governor’s Is, 2 yrs; Fort Garland, Col, 3 yrs; Fort Lyon, 7 yrs; Fort Union, NM, 12 yrs; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Sp 23, 91. *Laws, Samuel Spahr — b, Ohio Co, Va, Mr 23, 1824; MiaU, 48; PTS, 48-51 ; ord, Pby St Louis, Oc 9, 51; p. West ch, St Louis, Mo, 51-3; prof, WestmCMo, 53-5; ss, Augusta, 54-5; pres, WestmCMo, 55-61; ss. Concord, 57-8; res, NYCity, 63- 75; pres, UMo, 76-89; res, Kansas City, Mo; prof, ColTS, 93-8; lit wk, res, Washington, DC; d, Asheville, NC, Ja 9, 1921. LLD, WestmCMo, 71; MD, BelvMedC, 75; DD, W&LU, 94; LittD, MiaU, 14. *Mitchell, Stuart — b, Bucks Co, Pa, Nv, 1824; UPa, 48; PTS, 48-51; ord, Pby Genesee River, Oc 22, 52; p, Warsaw, NY, 52-5; ss, Newport & Kilbourn City, Wis, 55-63; ss, Groveland, NY, 63-4; dist miss, Wisconsin & Minnesota, 64- 8; ill health; ss, Altoona, Pa, 70-1; p, Bloomsburg, 72-88; p el, Mt Carmel, 88- p, 89-1901, p em; d, Mt Carmel, Pa, Dc 3, 03. DD, HanC, 78. *Overstreet, Robert Mitchell — b, Oldham Co, Ky, Dc 22, 1826; IndU, 48; PTS, 48-51; ord evang, Pby Indianapolis, Sp 17, 51; ss, Georgetown & Shiloh, Ind, 51-2; ss, Paris, 111, 52-3; ss, Newcastle & Hagerstown, Ind, 53-4; ss, George- town & Pleasant Hill, Tex, 54-66; ss. Prospect, Ind, 67-8; ss. Sandwich, III, 68-9; ss, Emporia, Kan, 69-71; presb miss, Pby Emporia, 71-7; p el. Lamed, 77-81; ss, Lyons, 81-2; agt, CEmpo, 84-8; ss, Beaver, OklaTerr, 87-94; res, Emporia, Kan; res, Anadarko, Okla; d, El Reno, Fb 27, 1915. *Somerville, William Crawford — b. County Tyrone, Ireland, Mr 12, 1815; LafC, 48; PTS, 48-51 ; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Oc 8, 51 ; ss, 1st ch, Galveston, Tex, 51-2; p, Huntsville, 52-4; adj prof, AusC, 52-9; ss, Columbia, 59-68; p, 1st ch, Houston, 68-70; ss, Cong ch, Newport, Vt, 70-3; ss, Coventry, 73-80; res, Coaticook, Que, Can; d, Coaticook, Sp 26, 99. DD, AusC, 91. *Wall, Edward [Barry] — b, Pictou, NS, Can, Nv 4, 1825; CNJ, 48; PTS, 48-51; ord evang, Pby Rochester City, Oc 7, 51; hm miss, Concpiest, NY, 51-2; ss, Warsaw, 52; ss, Kingsboro, 52- p, 53-62; chap, USArmy, 63-4; p el, Kingston, NJ, 64- p, 65-7; p el. New Hamburgh, NY, 69-70; prof, BelLet, StelTech, 70- 1906; res. South Orange, NJ ; d. South Orange, Dc 19, 15. ■^Wall, Thomas George — b, Pictou, NS, Can, Ag 24, 1823; CNJ, 48; PTS, 48-51; ord evang, Pby Winchester, Oc 17, 52; ss & p el, Warrenton, Va, 51-3; p, Newbern, NC, 54-61; agt, CNJ, 63; ss, Tenafly, NJ, 64- p, 67-73; prin, Engle- wood, 66-79; supt, Presb Hos]), NYCity, 79-91, chaj), 91-1902; d, NYCity, Ja II, 02. DD, CoeC, 93. *Wilson, Samuel Thomas — b, Loojt, Huntingdon Co, Pa, Nv 25, 1823; JefC, 48; PTS, 48-51; ord, Pby Rock River, My 10, 53; p, Camden Mills, (Milan), III, 53-4; p, 1st ch. Rock Island, 54-68; p, Galesburg, 69-70; pel, Birmingham, Pa, 70- p, 72-8; prin, Hollidaysburg, 79-80; ss, Petersburg, 79-80; p el, Lincoln, 111, 81; ss, St Augustine, Fla, 85-6; ss. Tarpon Sitring, 87; ss, Crystal River, 88; ss, Winterhaven, 89-93; d, Winterhaven, h'la, Oc 4, 93. DD, Westminster Coll, 111, 50. 19. 164 1851 *Barnes, Albert Henry — b, Morristown, NJ, Fb 11, 1826; YaleU, 46; YaleUDS; PTS, 50-1; ord, Pby Pennsylvania, Dc 6, 54; p, Lawrenceville, Pa, 54-60; prin, Phila, 61-70; Phila, 70-8; d, Phila, Pa, My 6, 78. *Caldwell, John Calvin — b, Nicolas Co, Ky, J1 15, 1822; HanC, 48; PTS, 48-50; ord, Pby Indianapolis, Je20, 51; ss, Shelbyville, Ind, 50- p, 51-6; ss, Still- water, Minn, 56-69; ss. Black River Falls, 69-70; p, Neshonoc (West Salem), Wis, 70-81 ; p. North ch, 81-5; ss. La Crescent & Hoka, Minn, 85-90; d. La Crosse, Wis, Ja, 2, 91. DD, GaleC, 81. *Campbell, James Smith — b, Ripley, O, My 7, 1827 ; MariC, 47 ; PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby Ripley, Mr, 50; ss, Scott, O, 50-3; ss, Ripley, 53; ss. Felicity & Cedron, 53-62; prin. South Charleston, 62-4; supt, pub schls, Delaware, 64-91; d, Dela- ware, O, Mr 4, 91. *Canfield, Isaac Washington — b, Morristown, NJ, Dc 27, 1823; CenCKy, 44; PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby Upper Missouri, 52; miss, De Kalb, Clinton & Caldwell Cos, Mo, 51-7 ; miss, Ray Co, 58-62; ss. Mulberry, Ky, 63; evang & tea, Westport, 64-7; p, Shiloh, Tenn, 68; p, Hebron, Ky, 69-74; res, Montevideo; d, Parsons, Kan, Ja 14, 99. ♦Cochran, Abram Gibson— b, Winhall, Vt, Fb 11, 1822; MidC, 47; PTS, 48-9; prin, Argyle Acad, NY, 50-3; ord, Pby Troy, Ja 4, 54; p & prin. Fort Miller, NY, 54-5; ss, Easton, prin, Schuylerville, 55-61; ss & prin, Fairfield, 61-3; prin, Easton, 63-5; ss, RefChAm, Easton, 63-70; ss, Gansevoort, 70-83; ss, Easton, 83- 8; ss. Middle Falls, 88-93; res. Middle Falls, 93-5; Schuylerville, 95-1902; d, Schuylerville, NY, J1 19, 02. ♦Cooper, David Mack — b, Detroit, Mich, Ap 18, 1827; UMich, 48; PTS, 48-9; ord, Pby Detroit, Mr 3, 53; ss, Saginaw City, Mich, 51- p, 53-9; p. Grand Haven, 59-64; ss, Albion, 66-74; evang, Albion, 75-7; res, Detroit, 78-1908; p, Mem ch, Detroit, 81-96, p em, 96-1908; d, Detroit, Mich, Ag 28, 08. DD, AlmaC, 92. ♦Crosby, Reuben Hall — b, Franklin Co, Mass; LafC, 1848; PTS, 48-9; colp, NC; d. North Carolina, 49. ♦Crowell, James McMullin — b, Phila, Pa, Je 9, 1827; CNJ, 48; tea; PTS, 49-51; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 3, 51; p. Upper Octorara, Pa, 51-7; p, 7th ch, Phila, 57-69; p, St Peter’s ch, Rochester, NY, 69-70; p. Woodland ch, Phila, 71- 82; sec, AmSSUn, 83-1908; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 4, 1908. DD, CNJ, 64. ♦De Freest, Derick — b. New York; WmsC, 1848; PTS, 48-9; tea; phys; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, 72. ♦Dobson, Augustus Theodore — b, Phila, Pa, Je 25, 1820; LafC, 48; PTS, 48-51; ss, Tunkhannock & North Moreland, Pa, 51-3; ord, Pby Long Island, Oc 30, 53; p, Moriches, NY, 53-69; p, Chester, Pa, 69-81; ss. Darby, 82-5; d, Quogue, NY, Ja 25, 91. ♦Farris, Robert Perry — b, St Louis, Mo, Sp 6, 1826; YaleU, 47; law stu; PTS, 48-50; LaneTS; ss, Bonhomme, Mo, 51-2; ord evang, Pby St Louis, Nv 14, 52; ss. Park Ave ch, St Louis, Mo, 52-3 ; p, 2d ch, Peoria, 111, 53-9; p el, St Charles, 1851 1 65 Mo, 60-8; agt, NWTS, 59-60; sec miss, Old Schl Syn Mo, 66-74; ed, St Louis Presb, 66-95; d, St Louis, Mo, Ag 28, 1903. DD, WestmCMo, 65; Mod, Gen Assem, 81. *Gourly, John — KxCTor; grad stu, PTS, 1850-1. *Husted, John Napier — b, Cedarville, NJ, J1 15, 1825; LafC, 48; PTS, 48- 51; ord, Pby Passaic, Je 29, 53; ss, Flanders, NJ, 52- p, 53-5; p, Zion, Md, 56-61; p, Bel Air & Franklin ville, 62-3; ss, Washingtonville ch. Pa, 64-6; p. Liberty, NY, 68-84; p el, Unionville, 85-91; p el, Milton, 92-4; res, Brooklyn, NY, 95-8; Freehold, NJ, 98-1904; d. Freehold, Je 4, 1904. *McDevitt, John — b, Ireland; QuUBelf, 1847; PTS, 48-50; lie, Pby New York, Ap 21, 52; Louisville, Ky, 53-5; ss, Taylorsville, 55-6; miss, Louisville, 61-3. *McKinley, Washington Dawson — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 27, 1826; UPa, 48; PTS, 48-51, res lict, 51-2; ord evang, Pby Mohawk, Sp 13, 52; ss, Oneida Valley, 52-3; ss, Tuscarora, 53-65; prof, Lat, Geneseo Acad, NY, 64-6; p, Moscow, 66-73; ss, Castile, 74-7; p. Pike, 78-82; res, Warsaw; ill health; d, Warsaw, NY, Nv 24, 1917. *Milligan, Josiah — b, Ohio Co, Va, Mr 13, 1821; JefC, 48; PTS, 48-50; ord, Pby Zanesville, Oc 14, 51; p, Rushville, O, 51-7; p, Princeton, 111, 57-72; miss, Tex, 72-4; evang, Princeton, 111, 74-87; Omaha, Neb, 87-91; d, David City, Dc 27, 91. DD, UOma, 91. *Milliken, Samuel John — b, Lewistown, Pa, Sp 27, 1826; CNJ, 47; PTS, 48-51; tea. Ft George Is, Fla, 50-1; ord evang, Pby Florida, Ap, 53; ss. Bain- bridge & Mineral Spring, Ga, 54-8; p, Quincy, Fla, 58-61; p, Newtown, Pa, 61-6; p. Academia, 66-70; p, Sunbury, 70-5; miss, Pby Phila North, 75-7; p, Ann Car- michael ch, Phila, 77-83; p. Fox Chase, Phila, 84-91; p, Titusville, NJ, 91-7; res, Tokyo, Japan; tea, Joshi Gakuin, Tokyo; d, Tokyo, Japan, My 15, 1900. *Montgomery, James Smith — b, Lincoln Co, Ky, Ag 25, 1824; CenCKy, 47 ; tea; New ATS; PTS, 50-1 ; ss. Big Springs, Ky, 51 ; ss & tea. Lake Providence, La, 52-4; ord evang, Pby Mississippi, Dc 12, 53; p, Yazoo City, Miss, 55-67; d, Yazoo City, Nv 17, 67. ^Morgan, John Jeptha Auteu — b, MeVeytown, Pa, Oc 14, 1823; LafC, 48; PTS, 48-50; ss, Berwick, Pa, 51-2; ord, Pby Long Island, Ja 20, 53; ss, South- ampton, NY, 52- p, 53-5; p, Bridesburg, Pa, 55-60; p, Henijistead, NY, 61-7; prin. Coll Inst, Hempstead, 67-70; ord PEpis, Ap 6, 70; rec, St Luke's, Altoona, Pa, 71-2; phys, Hempstead, NY; d, Cleveland, O. *Morton, Francis Richard — b. Prince Edward C'o, Va, Ag 20, 1828; CenC Ky, 47; PTS, 48-9; NewATS; miss, slaves. Miss, 51-2; ord, Pby Vincennes, Ap, 58; ss, Rockport, Ind, 57- p, 58; ss. Lower Indiana, 58-60; p. Upper Indiana, 60-8; ill health; ss. Parsons, Kan, 76-8; mem Kan legisl, 86-8; rul eld; res. Parsons, Kan; d. Parsons, Mr 11, 1907. ■^Murphy, Donaldson Caflery — b, Franklin, La, 1826; PTS, 48-9; ill health; d, Franklin, La, 51. *Noble, William Francis Pringle— b, Lancaster Co, Pa, My 7, 1827; LafC, 1851 1 66 47; tut, LafC; PTS, 48-51; ss, Zion, Md; ss, Lancaster, Pa; ss, Feefee, Mo; bus, Chicago, 111, 53-6; ord, Pby Potosi, Ap, 57 ; p, Bel Air, Md, 58-60; ss. Upper San- dusky, O, 60-1; ss, Penningtonville, Pa, 61-2; p. Upper West Nottingham, 62-3; chap, USArmy, 63-5; ss, Coleraine, Pa, 66-9; p, Penningtonville, 69-72; auth, Phila, 72-6; ss, Los Angeles, Cal, 77 ; ss, Pasadena, 77 ; d, Pasadena, Cal, Oc 27, 82. *Paynter, Henry Martyn — b, Williamsport, Pa, Mr 17, 1827; JefC, 47; WestTS, 47-9; PTS, 49-50; ord, Pby Mississippi, Sp 22, 51; p, Vicksburg, Miss, 51-4; p, Boonville, Mo, 52-62; evang. New Eng, Va & Ky, 63-70; p, 3d ch. Spring- field, 111, 70-4; evang, res, Chicago, 111, 74-93; d, Chicago, Ap 23, 93. *Peck, Thomas Ruggles Gold — b, Whitesboro, NY, Fb 28, 1827; YaleU, 48; PTS, 48-9; UnTS, 49-51; asso ed, NY Observer, 54; ord RefChAm, Cl NY, My, 54; p, Richmond, NY, 54-9; p. Huguenot ch. Charleston, SC, 59-65; p, RefChAm, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, 65-82; p, Presb ch, Waterville, 82-92; p. Port Jefferson, 94-1905; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 18, 05. *Perry, Talmon Cornelius — b, Bridgeport, Ct, Fb 13, 1826; YaleU, 46; PTS, 48-9; Windsor Theol Sem, East Windsor Hill, Ct; ss, Cong ch, Sedgwick, Me, 51-2; ss, Stanwich, Ct, 53; ss. Long Ridge, 53-4; ord evang, Pby New York, Nv 12, 56; ss, Cong ch, Windsor, Mass, 55-62; prof, Bdll, 69-72; tea, St Andrews, Can, 75-6; res. La Prairie, Quebec, Can; agt, FrEvangSoc, Can; ill health; res. Orange, Cal; d. Orange, My 30, 1909. *Potter, Daniel Fox — b, Augusta, Me, Fb 22, 1819; BowC, 41; law stu; BanTS, grad, 48; asst p, Cong ch, Houlton, Me, 49-50; grad stu, PTS, 50; ss, Monticello, Me, 50-1; ord Cong, Union, Me, Oc 26, 52; p el, Union, 51- p, 52-6; p, Topsham, 56-65; res, Topsham, 65-74; mem ME Legisl, 69-71; custom house, Portland, 79-83; res, Brunswick, 74-84; d, Brunswick, Me, Sp 17, 84. *Rankin, William Alexander — b, Shippensburg, Pa, Dc 30, 1829; JefC, 48; PTS, 48-51 ; ord, Pby Donegal, Dc 1 1 , 51 ; p. Marietta, Pa, 51-4 ; p el, Bridesburg, 54; ss, Churchville, & Bel Air, Md, 54-6; ss, Middletown, Del, 56-8; ss, Hanover, St ch, Wilmington; ss, Newark & Red Clay, 6 mos; ss, Warren, Pa, 66- p, 68-82; d, Warren, Pa, Ja 18, 92. *Rinker, Henry — b. Chestnut Hill, Pa, Ap 5, 1825; CNJ, 47; tea, Mt Holly, NJ, 47-8; PTS, 48-50; ord evang, Pby Albany, Fb 15, 53; miss, Pby Albany, 52-4; ss & tea, Windsor, NY, 54-6; ss, Burdett, 57-9; p & tea, Wyoming, Pa, 59-61; prin. Coll Inst, Newton, NJ, 61-3; chap, USArmy, 65; Newton, NJ, 65-75; p, Dickinson, Pa, 75-82; res, Plainfield, 84-95; Carlisle, 96-1910; d, Carlisle, My 14, 1910. *Shaw, Horatio Watson — b, Plainfield, Mass, Je 3, 1822; UMich, 48; PTS, 48-50; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 8, 50; miss, India, prin. Miss Coll, Allahabad, 50-5; prin, Logansport, Ind, 58-62; chap, USArmy, 62-3; ss, Dover & Clayton, Mich, 63-8; ss, Cong ch. White Cloud, 68-72; ss, Subetha, Kan, 72-9; ss, Binghamton, NY, 79-82; ss, Greene, 82-5; ss, Presb ch, Whitney Point, 86-9; ss, Worcester, 91-8; hon re; res, Worcester, 98-1910; d, Worcester, NY, My 14, 1910. *Sill, Amos H— b. New York; UnC, 1848; PTS, 48-51; lie, Pby Troy, Ja 6, 1851-1852 16/ 52; tea, Bel Air, Md, 55-6; p el, Churchville, 58; ss, Havre de Grace, 59-66; d, Baltimore, Md, 84. *Stevenson, David — b, Newry, Ireland, 1820; CNJ ; tea; PTS, 48-50; ord evang, Pby Indianapolis, Je 11, 51 ; ss, Knightstown, Ind, 51-2; p, 3d ch, Indianap- olis, 52-60; ss, Union, 62-3; res, Indianapolis, 63-6; ss, 8th ch, Indianapolis, 71-2; res, Indianapolis, 72-7; ss, Branchville, NJ, 77-80; p, Perth Amboy, 81-4; p, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NY, 85-6; p, Gloucester City, NJ, 89-95; res, Metuchen, 95-8; Phila, Pa, 98-9; Perth Amboy, NJ, 99-1901; d, Perth Amboy, Oc 25, 01. *Stewart, Samuel Robert — b, Harrisburg, Pa, My 1, 1825; UDel, 48; PTS, 48-50; lie, Pby Winchester, Sp 15, 54; ss. Central ch, Fairfax Co, Va, 54-6; lie re- voked, Sp 17, 56; tea, Martinsburg, 56-60; tea, Harrisburg, Pa, 60-2; Allegheny City, 62-79; d, Allegheny City, Pa, Ag 31, 79. *Uhlfelder, Sigismund — b, Markt Linkersheim, Bavaria, Ger, Sp 28, 1818; OaklC, 48; PTS, Ap, 48; UnTS, 50-3; ord evang, 3d Pby New York, Je 20, 53; ss. Lower Liberty, O, 53-5; ss. Marine, 111, 55-7 ; ss, Logansville, 57-9; ss, Sherrills’ Mount, la, 59-62; bookseller, NYCity, 62-84; d, NYCity, Je 26, 84. *Warden, William Jacob — b, Staunton, Va, Ag 26, 1823; Va Mil Inst, 43; law stu; PTS, 48-9; lie, Pby Lexington, Ag 28, 52; miss, Wardensville, Va; asst prof, Va Mil Inst; tea, Romney; tea, Clarke Co; miss, Washington; d, Washing- ton, Va, Mr 2, 94. *Webb, Edwin Bonaparte — b, Newcastle, Me, Ja 19, 1820; BowC, 46; BanTS, grad, .50; ord Cong, Augusta, Me, Sp 1 1, 50; grad stu, PTS, .50-1 ; p, Cong ch, Augusta, Me, 51-60; p, Shawmut ch, Boston, Mass, 60-85; d, Roxbury, Mass, My 20, 1901. DD. ‘Wilson, David Agnew — b, near Gettysburg, Pa, Dc 5, 1821; MarshC, 45; tea; MerTS; tut, MarshC, 48-9; PTS, 49-51; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Ap 9, 51; miss, Liberia, Africa; prin, Monrovia, 51-8; ss, 2d ch, Steubenville, O, 58-9; p, Potosi, Mo, 60-1 ; chap, USArmy, 61-3; p, Ironton, Mo, 64-9; supt schls. Iron Co, 68-9; warden, MoStatePris, 69-71; fin agt, Lindenwood Female Coll, St Charles, 71; p, Sullivan, 72-86, p, Birdseye Ridge, 72-83; p, Milan, 81-6; ss, Milnor, ND, 86; ss, Ironton, Mo, 87-8; Laclede, Grantsville, Bethel & Sedgwick, 88-9; ss, Minto & Forest River, ND, 90; fin agt, BrookC, 92-8; res, Milan, Mo; res, Macon, Mo; d, Macon, Nv 30, 1912. DD, LibC, 79. ‘Zahniser, George Wright — b, Mercer, Pa, Mr 19, 1823; JefC, 46; tut, JefC; PTS, 48-.50; ord, Pby Erie, Sp 7, 53; p, Conneautville, Pa, 53-9; p, Hunt- tingdon, 59-75; ss, 2d ch, Mercer, 77-80; d, Mercer, Pa, Je 12, 89. 37. 1852 ‘Baker, John Fabian — b. Liberty Co, Ga, Sj) 26, 1828; CNJ, 46; PTS, 49-52; ss, Beaver Meadow & White Haven, Pa, 52-4; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, My 8, 54; p el, Scranton, .54; Roswell, Ga, 54-5; ]) el, Augusta, 50; p el, Hinesville, 57; p, Hebron, Va, .58-61; Lexington, 02-3; Holcombe's Rock, 63-6; ss, Jerseyvillc, 111, 66-71; ss, Monroe City, 72-6; ss, Ashley, 76-9; ss. Hickory Plains, Ark, 79-85; d, Austin, My 9, 85. 1852 1 68 *Beattie, David — b, St Andrews, NY, Dc 27, 1828; UnC, 48; PTS, 48-9, 50-2; ord, Pby Hudson, Nv 4, 52; p, Scotchtown, NY, 52-94; d, Scotchtown, Je 19, 94. *Bittinger, Michael Henry — b, Georgetown, DC, Oc 14, 1826; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-52; tea, Lewinsville, Va, 52-3; ss,Pearisburg,53-5; ord evang, Pby Green- brier, My 10, 56; tea, Springfield, WVa, 63-4; tea, Centreville, 72-3; supt schls, Monroe Co, 74-5; ss, Centreville, 55- p, 70-1902, p em; res, Greenville, WVa; d, Greenville, Fb 22, 13. *Botsford, Alfred Pomeroy — b, Jordan, NY, Ap 21, 1827; UnC, 47; tea, Uniontown, Pa, 47-8; PTS, 48, 49-52; ss. Red Mills, NY, 52-4; ord, Pby North River, Ap 26, 54; ss, Hughsonville, NY, 53- p, 54-7; p. Port Byron, 57-61 ; p, 86th St ch, NYCity, 61-7; p. Port Jervis, 67-84; p, Wenonah, NJ, 84-96; hon re; res, Woodbury; d, Woodbury', NJ, Sp 4, 1925. DD, UnC, 97, LHD, 22. *Bronson, Elias Schryver — b, Yorktown, NY, Oc 22, 1825; tea; PTS, 49- 52; miss, Fairfax Co, Va, 52-3; colp, BdPub, 53-4; grad, Berkshire Med Inst, Pittsfield, Mass, 59; asst surg, USArmy, 63-5; ord evang, Pby West Virginia, Ap 20, 74; phys, res, French Creek, WVa; d, French Creek, Sp 10, 1902. *Bunting, Robert Franklin — b, near Hookstown, Pa, My 9, 1828; WashC Pa, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord evang, Pby Washington, Nv 9, 52; ss. La Grange & Columbus, Tex, 53-6; ss, 1st ch, San Antonio, 56-61 ; chap, CSA, 61-5; ss, 1st ch, Nashville, Tenn, 65- p, 66-8; p, 1st ch, Galveston, Tex, 68-80; ed, Texas Presb, 76-9; ss, 1st ch, Rome, Ga, 81- p, 84-5; fin agt, SWPresbU, 85-9; p, 1st ch, Gallatin, Tenn, 89-91; d, Lebanon, Dc 19, 91. DD, HSC, 65. *Burr, Henry Barnard — b, Hartford, Ct, J1 3, 1823; UnC, 49; PTS, 49- 52; ord evang, Pby Long Island, Nv, 53; ss, Freeport & Roslyn, NY, 52-5; NYCity, 55-6; Milwaukee, Wis, 57; ss, Belvidere, 111, 57-8; ss, Mexico, Mo, 58- 60; Ferguson, 60-2; ss, Maline Creek, 62-5; Baltimore, Md, 67; tea, Nealsville, 67-9; p, seamen’s ch, Wilmington, NC, 69-71; p, 2d ch, Wilmington, 71-3; sea- men’s chap, Galveston, Tex, 74-7; prin, Calvert Acad, 77-80; prin, Lewisville Acad, 80-1; ss, Texas; res, Dallas, 82-7; d, Dallas, Tex, Ja 20, 87. *Calvin, Joseph Hadden — b, near Coloness, -Ireland, Je 10, 1828; JefC, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord evang, Pby Tuscaloosa, Oc 1, 53; p, Bethsalem & Burton’s Hill, Ala, 54-9; prof, Lang, AusC, 59-60; prof, Gk, OaklC, 60-5, pres, 65-7 ; d, Oakland College, Miss, Fb 14, 67. DD. ’^Cattell, William Cassiday — b, Salem, NJ, Ag 30, 1827; CNJ, 48; PTS, 49-53; asso prin, “Edgehill schl”, Princeton, NJ, 53-5; ord, Pby Newton, J1 25, 56; prof, Gk & Lat, LafC, 55-60; p. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 60-3; pres, LafC, 63-83; cor sec, BdMinRel, 84-96; d, Phila, Pa, Fb 11, 1898. DD, HanC, & CNJ, 64; LLD, CWoos, 78. *Chamberlin, Albert — b. North East, NY, Ap 8, 1822; WmsC, 49; PTS, 49-52; lie, Pby North River, Ap 28, 52; ss, Ameniaville, NY, 53, 58-61; res, Ameniaville, 52-60; ss, Croton Falls, 58-61; res, Croton Falls, 60-1908; ss, Salem Centre, 78; d, Croton Falls, NY, Ja 10, 08. *Criswell, Robert Ancrum — b, Bellair, O, My 15, 1820; WashCPa, 49; 1852 169 PTS, 49-52; ord, Pby Sangamon, Nv 10, 53; p. North Sangamon ch. 111, 53-67; ss, Corel, 68-73; ss. Farmer’s City, 71-5; ss, Gibson City, 72-6; ss, Grandview (res. Normal), 71-81; miss, Willamina, Ore, 81-2; ss, Cooksvdlle & Mackinaw, 111, 83-8; ss, Colfax & Mackinaw, 88-90; res. Normal, 111; ill health; d. Normal, 111, Mr 12, 1912. *Crocker, James Norton — b. White Creek, NY, My 13, 1827; tea; PTS, 50-2; ord, Pby Albany, Sp 1, 52; p & prin, Carlisle, NY, 52-5; p & prin, Charlton, 55-67; ss, 2d ch, Saratoga Springs, 69- p, 71-5; prin, Saratoga Springs, 69-75; p el, 2d RefChAm, Schenectady, 76-8; ss, Mechanicsville, 78-9; syn supt, Syn Albany (later Syn NY), 80-97; d, Saratoga Springs, NY, Je 20, 97. DD, UnC, 86. *Cruikshank, Robert — b. North of Ireland, Mr 1, 1821; UnC, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord, Pby Long Island, Je, 53; ss & prin. Heliport, NY, 52- p, 53-4; prin, Stillwater, 54-8; ss & prin, Pottstown, Pa, 57-9; tea, Princeton, NJ, 69; ss & p. Savannah, Mo, 71-5; prin. Savannah, 73-5; prof, Gk & Lat, HighU, 75-6, pres, 76-82; ss. Savannah, Mo, 83; prof, CEmpo, 84-8; tea, Ellensburgh, Wash, 89; ss, Montesano & Wynooche, 90-4; res, Oakes, Colo, 94; ss, Oakes, Wray & Akron chs; d, Oakes, Colo, Dc 9, 1901. DD, WmsC, 69. *Emerson, Edwin — b, NYCity, J1 2, 1823; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord, Pby Carlisle, Sp 1, 52; p, Greencastle, Pa, 52-60; prof, Eng Lit, TroyU, 60-2; Paris, France, 63-7; London, Eng, 67-8; Dresden, Germany, 68-72; Munich, 72-94; Ithaca, NY, 94-7; Denver, Colo, 97-9; Paris, France, 1900; Tokyo, Japan, 01-8; d, Yokohama, Nv 4, 08. *Finney, Ebenezer Dickey — b, Churchville, Md, Sp 12, 1825; W^ashCVa, 49; PTS, 49-52; tea, Mississippi, 52-6; ord, Pby Mississippi, Ap 6, 56; p. Greenwood, Miss, 56-65; ss & tea. Hermitage & Hendersonville, Tenn, 66-9; ss, Aberdeen, Md, 70-1; ss, Fallston, 72-90; p, Bel Air, 71-95, p em; d, Baltimore, Md, Je 13, 1904. *Foresman, Robert Brown — b. White Deer Valley, Pa, Nv 9, 1822; LafC, 48; tea; PTS, 49-52; ss, M'ddleport, Pa, 52-4; ord, Pby Newton, My 30, 54; p. Lower Mt Bethel, Pa, 54-73; p. Yellow Frame, NJ, res, Johnsonburg, 73-89; evang, Phillipsburg, 90; res, Chicago, 111, 90-9; d, Englewood, Ag 18, 99. *Foster, Joseph Crane — b, Carmel, NY, J1 20, 1822; WmsC, 49; PTS, 49- 52; ss, Carmel, NY, 52-4; ord, Pby Bedford, Ja 2, 55; p. Red Mills, NY, 55-9; d, St Paul, Minn, J1 23, 60. ‘Harrison, William Andrew — b, Harrodsburg, Ky, Dc 4, 1824; BerC, 48; NewATS; PTS, 51-2; ord, Pby Nashville, Ap, 54; ss, Gallatin, Tenn, 53- p, 54-8; p, 1st ch, Knoxville, 58-63; miss, CSA, 63-5; p, Henderson, Ky, 65-70; p, Harrods- burg, 70-5; p, 3d ch, Knoxville, 75-1900; d, Knoxville, Ky, Mr 27, 00. DD, UTenn, 88. ‘Howell, Jesse Lawrence— b, Easton, Pa, Oc 8, 1826; LafC, 47; PTS, 49- 52; ord, Pby Bedford, Je 8, 53; ss, Dobb’s Ferry, NY, 52- p, 53-60; p, Stillwater, Minn, 60-6; p, Chatfield, 66-72; j). Lake City, 72-4; p, Bloomington, 74-5; d, Bloomington, Minn, My 5, 75. ‘Huntington, Joel— b, Chittenango, NY, Oc 27, 1822; UnC, 48; tut, UnC; 170 1852 PTS, 49-52; ord, Pby Milwaukee, 53; ss, Waukesha, Wis, 53-4; p, Milwaukee, 54; d, Albany, NY, Ag 12, 54. *Leps, Janies Henry — b, Hampshire Co, Va, My 23, 1823; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord, Pby Greenbrier, J1 19, 53; ss, Kanawha Salines, 52- p, 53-7; p, Parkers- burg, WVa, 57-61; chap, CSA, 62-5; ss, Frankford & Spring Creek, WVa, 65- p, 68-83; prin, Frankford High Schl, 72-5; evang, Seguin, Tex, 84-5; ss. Marlin, Kosse & Reagan, 86-9; d, Roanoke, Va, My 4, 89. *MaiTiner, George Kollock — b, Lewes, Del, Nv 9, 1821; WashCVa, 49; PTS, 49-52; ss, Cochecton, NY, 52; tea, Baskingridge, NJ ; tea. May’s Landing, ss. Fresh Pond, NY, 56-7; ord, Pby Susquehanna, Dc 17, 58; p, Warren, Pa, 58-61; ill health, Belvidere, NJ, 62-6; Trenton, 66-9; d, Trenton, NJ, Sp 5, 69. ^McFarland, Allan— b, Greenwich, NY, Ap 23, 1823; UnC, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord, Pby Rochester City, Ap 27, 53; p, Penfield, NY, 53-4; p, Brookfield, Ind, 54-6; ss, Cambridge City, 58; p, Palestine, 111, 59-68; chap, USArmy, 63-5; ss, Newton, la, 68; ss, Farmingdale, 111, 68- p, 71-7; p. Flora, 78-83; d. Flora, 111, Ap 3, 83. *McOueen, George — b, Schenectady, NY, J1 20, 1826; UnC, 49; PTS, 49- 52; ord evang, Pby Albany, Sp 27, 52; miss, Corisco, WAfrica, 52-9; d, Corisco, Africa, Mr 25, 59. *Mearns, John A — b, Ireland, 1828; BelfC; PTS, 49-52; ord, Pby Redstone, Oc 9, 52; p. Long Run, Pa, 52-4; d. Long Run, Je 3, 54. *Melick, Philip Weller — b, near Light Street, Pa, k'b 29, 1824; LafC, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, My 26, 55; ss, Lycoming & Penns- dale. Pa, 53-7; ss. Upper Mt Bethel, 57- p, 58-62; chap, USArmy, 62-3; evang, Berwick, Pa, 64-5; Light Street, 65-6; tea & bookseller, Elizabeth City, NC, 70- 1902; d, Elizabeth City, Fb 24, 02. *Moore, John Henry — b, Green Co, Ky, Ap 15, 1823; CenCKy, 49; NewATS; PTS, 50-2; ss, 2d ch, Hannibal, Mo, 52-3; ss, Clinton & Heyworth, 111, 53-4; ord evang, Pby Potosi, My 13, 55; ss, Brazeau, Mo, 54-7; ss, Atlanta, 111, 57-9; ss. Farm Ridge, 59-67; p. North Henderson, 67-76; p, Birmingham, la, 77-9; d, Birmingham, My 8, 80. ^Nassau, Joseph Eastburn — b, Norristown, Pa, Mr 12, 1827; LafC, 46; tut, LafC, 46-7; PTS, 49-52; tea, Lawrenceville, NJ, 52-3; prin, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 53-5; ss, Faggs Manor, Pa, 55; ord, Pby Genesee (River), Oc 24, 55; p, Warsaw, NY, 55-93, p em; d, Warsaw, NY, Fb 21, 94. DD, LafC, 72. *Price, Robert — b, Clairborne Co, Miss, Ja 16, 1830; OaklC, 49; PTS, 49- 52; ord, Pby Mississippi, Dc 13, 52; p, Rodney, Miss, 52-65; prof. Hist & Eng Lit, OaklC, 60-1; ss. Port Gibson, 63- p, 65-70; p, Vicksburg, 70-82; prof. Hist & Eng Lit, SWPresbU, 82-5, prof, Gen & Eccl Hist, 85-1912, prof em; res, Clarksville, Tenn; d, Clarksville, Dc 7, 16. DD, UMiss, 75. *Raffensperger, Edwin Bowman — b. East Berlin, Pa, Ja 20, 1824; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord, Pby Sidney, My 4, 53; ss, Urbana, O, 53-4; p, Bellefontaine, 54- 9; p, 1st ch, Toledo, 59-69; chap, USArmy, 61-3; fin sec, WmsC, 69-70; p, West- 1852 I7I minster ch, Cleveland, 70-3; p, Cumberland, Md, 73-7 ; ss & ed, American Pulpit, Phila, Pa, 78-81; p, Marion, O, 81-4; p, Muncy, Pa, 84-5; d, Muncy, My 1, 85, DD, HeidC, 84. *SalTord, Jefferson Price — b, Zanesville, O, Sp 22, 1823; OU, 43; tea; CovTS; PTS, 49-52; NewtTI; ss, Bethlehem, Va, 52-3; prof, Richmond, 52-5; ord, Pby New Lexington, Ky, Fb 9, 55; p, Frankfort, 55-7; p, Piqua, O, 57-62; p. New Albany, Ind, 62-7; dist sec miss, Ohio & Ind, 67-70; pres, Zanesville Acad, O, 71-2; ss, Uniontown & Roseville, O, 71-3; ss, Fairmount, 70-7; ss, Kirkersville, 74- 7; Zanesville, 78-81; d, Zanesville, O, J1 10, 81. DD, VVashCPa, 57. *Scott, James — b, Co Armagh, Ireland, Ag 1, 1825; UGlas, 48; PTS, 49-52; tea, Attleboro, Pa, 52-3; ord, 2d Pby Phila, Je 6, .54; p, Holmesburg, Pa, 54-61 ; d, Frankford, Ag 23, 61. *Taylor, Charles Henry — b. Candor, NY, Dc 6, 1823; UnC, 48; tut, UnC; PTS, 49-52; ord evang, Pby Albany, Oc 27, .52; miss, Esperance, NY, 52-4; p, Ballston Center, 54-60; p, Cambridge, 61-9; p, Le Roy, 70-8; p. Green Point ch, Brooklyn, 78-86; ill health; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 20, 92. DD, UnC, 71. *Vannuys, [James] Hervey Logan — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Nv 3, 1829; HanC, 48; PTS, 48-.50, 51-2; ord, Pby Lake, Je 16, 53; p, Goshen, Ind, .53-1903, pern; res, Goshen; d, Goshen, Ind, Fb 16, 11. DD, WabC, 81. *Wallace, Marcus Jediah — b, Cabarras Co, NC, Je 19, 1819; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-52; ord evang, Pby Eastern Texas, Ap 4, 53; ss, Jefferson & Hickory Hill, Tex, 53-5; ss. Hickory Hill & Smyrna, 55-60; ss, Marlbrook & Greenwood (Hope), Ark, 60-78; d, Hempstead Co, Ark, Je 21, 78. *Walsh, Henry — b, Dublin, Ire, Ag 5, 1824; PTS, 49-52; ss, Mt Carmel, Harmony & Mizpeh, NC, 52-3; ord, Pby Chickasaw, Ap 16, 54; p, Edmiston, Miss, 54-61; d, Horn Lake, Fb 14, 61. *Watts, Robert — b, Moneylane, Ireland, J1 10, 1820; tea; WashCVa, 49; PTS, 49-52 ; ord, Pby Phila, My 4, 53 ; ss, Westminster ch, Phila, Pa, 52- p, 53-63 ; asst ed. Home & For Record, 60-3; p, Gloucester St ch, Dublin, Ire, 63-6; prof, Theol, AsC, 66-95; d, Belfast, Ire, J1 26, 95. DD, WestmCMo, 64; LLD, W&LU, 84. ♦Whilden, Richard Furman — b. Charleston, SC, J1 5, 1826; CChas, 47; tea; FurTS; PTS, 50-2; ord Bapt, Dc 29, 53; ss, Bapt ch, .Amelia, SC, 52; ss, Longtown, 54-5; prin, Shurley’s Inst, 55; tea, Springville, 56-60; ss. Society Hill, 56-7; ss, Cheraw, Kingstree & Marion, 57-60; tea, Pineville, 61-3; tea. Orange- burgh, 63-4; tea & evang, Whilden Hall, 64-70; ss, Washington ch, 70-1, 76-7; ss, Welford, 82-3; ss, Cowpens, 87-8; ss, Columbus, NC, 8.8-9; res, O’Neal, SC;d, Greenville, Fb 4, 1905. *Winans, Jacob Watkins— b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ja 7, 1826; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-52; lie, Pby Elizabethtown, .Ap 20, 52; tea, Washington, DC, .53-5; d, Wash- ington, DC, J1 20, 55. *Woodhull, George Spafford— b, NYCity, J1 25, 1829; NYU, 48; tea, NYU, 48-9; UnTS, 49-.50; P I'S, .50-2; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, My 18, .53; ss. 172 1852 Point Pleasant, WVa, 53- p, 56-61; chap, USVol, 61-4; ss, Tinmouth, Vt, 65-8; ss, Cambridge, Wis, 68-70; prin, Flemington, NJ, 70-3; p el, Marinette, Wis, 74- p, 77-83; ss, Washington Ave ch. East Saginaw, Mich, 84-8; p, Marlette, 88-92; hon re; res, ESaginaw, 93-1906; res, Joliet, 111; d, Joliet, Sp 9, 1912. DD, NYU, 89. 40. ♦Armstrong, Hallock — b, Minisink, NY, Oc 31, 1823; LafC, 48; tea; PTS, 49-51; ss, Nanticoke; tea, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 51-3; ss & tea. Portage, NY, 53-6; ord evang, Pby Susquehanna, Ap 14, 57; miss & tea, Laporte, Pa, 56-9; miss & supt schls, Sullivan Co, 59-62; ss & tea, Monroeton, 62-4; chap, USArmy, 64-5; p, Monroeton, Pa, 65-81; ss. Wells & Columbia, 81-91; ss, Beecher’s Island ch. Nelson, Pa, 91-1901; d, Athens, Mr 12, 04. ♦Boyce, James Petigru — b. Charleston, SC, Ja 11, 1827; BrU, 47; PTS, 49-51; ord Bapt, Nv 30, 51; p, Columbia, SC, 51-5; prof, Theol, FurU, 55-9; prof, GreenTS, 59-88; d, Pau, France, Dc 27, 88. DD, ColbnU, 59; LED, Union Univ, Tenn, 72. ♦Burrows, Thomas Ashton — b, Franklin, 0, Mr 19, 1828; MiaU, 47; PTS, 49-50;. prof, WittC, prin. Female Sem, Cincinnati, 50-60; bus, Springfield; d, Springfield, O, My 7, 89. ♦Conover, Robert — b, Carlisle Station, O, J1 3, 1823; CenCKy, 49; PTS, 49- 51; LaneTS; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Nv 14, 52; p & prin. North Salem, Ind, 52-4; ss, 7th ch, Cincinnati, O, 55; ss, Cumminsville & Cheviot, 55-6; supt. Fe- male Sem, Bloomington, 111, 56-74; ss, Towanda, 56-78; ss, Clinton, 59-61; ss, El Paso, 61; ss, Lexington, 63-5, 78- p, 81-93; res, Bloomington, 111; d, Bloomington, Fb 25, 1908. ♦Cottingham, William White — b, Easton, Pa, Dc 6, 1824; LafC, 48; tut, LafC, 48-9; PTS, 49; tut, LafC, 49-51; prin, Haddonfield, NJ, 51; tut, LafC, 51-2; tea. South Easton, Pa, 52-3; supt. Pub Schl & prin. High Schl, Easton, 53- 1913; d, Easton, Pa, Mr 1, 13. LLD, LafC, 01. ♦Cramer, John Kearsley — b, Williamsport, Md, Sp 24, 1824; JefC, 48; PTS, 49-50; ss, Charlotte CH, Va, 52-3; ss, Washington, DC, 54-5; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 13, 59; p, Williamsport & Welsh Run, Md, 59-61; ss, Havre de Grace, 61- p, 63-6; p el, Churchville, 66-8; d, Cumberland, Md, Dc 19, 69. ♦Crawford, John — UnC, 1847; PTS, 49; Cold Creek, Ind; Taunton, Mass; d, 77. ♦Culbertson, Thaddeus Ainsworth — b, Chambersburg, Pa, Fb 18, 1823; CNJ, 47; PTS, 49-50; d, Chambersburg, Pa, Ag 28, 50. ♦Davis, Peter Seibert— b, Funkstown, Md, Mr 21, 1828; MarshC, 49 MerTS; PTS, 50-2; ord RefChUS, Cl Virginia, My 19, 53; asst, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 52; p, Winchester, Va, 53-7; tea & chap, Mt Washington Female Coll, Md, 57-9; p, Norristown, Pa, 59-64; p, 1st ch, Chambersburg, 64-76; ed. Messenger, Phila, 76-88; d, Wyoming, O, Ag 9, 92. DD, MarshC, 73. 1852 1/3 *Gaw, Thomas P — b, Pennsylvania; CNJ, 1849; PTS, 49-50; miss, Texas. *Harlan, George William — b, near Cadiz, Ky, Sp 7, 1824; IllC, 46; tut, me, 46-48; AndTS, 48-51; grad stu, PTS, 51-2; ss, Presb ch, Carrollton, Mo, 52-3; ss, Brazeau, 53-4; ss, Osceola, 54-8; ord, Pby Osage, Ap 20, 56; prin, Osceola, 58-9; asso prin. Pleasant Hill, 60-1; prin. Pleasant Hill, 61-3; prin, Elmwood Schl, Farmington, 65-8; ss, Farmington, 67-81; ss, Clark's Creek, 85-92; ss. Syenite, 92-1902; res, Farmington; d, Farmington, Mo, J1 11, 22. *Hofford, Martin Lowrie — b, near Doylestown, Pa, Ja 27, 1825; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-51; ss, Tamaqua, Pa, 51-2; ss, Beverly, NJ, 52; prin, Beverly, 52-62; ord evang, Pby Burlington, Ap 22, 62; prin, Allentown, Pa, 62-7; ss & p. Fair- view, NJ, 67-76; prin, Camden, 68-73; ss, Delanco, 71 ; ss, Riverton, prin Beverly, 73-6; prin, Doylestown, Pa, 76-7; ss, Morrisville, 77- p, 78-86; d, Beverly, NJ, Ja 9, 88. DD, HighU, 84. *Irvine, James Orr — b, Ireland; UGlas; PTS, 1849-50; lict, Pby Brooklyn (NS), 51. *Markham, Thomas Railey — b, Fayette, Miss, Dc 2, 1828; OaklC, 49; PTS, 49-52; YaleUDS; ColTS; ss, Vicksburg, Miss, 55-6; agt, SVVBSoc, Miss, 56; ord evang, Pby New Orleans, My 24, 57; chap, CSA, 62-5; ss, Lafayette ch, New Orleans, La, 57- p, 58-94; d. New Orleans, Mr 12, 94. DD, StewC, 73. *McNulty, John — b, Killala, Ire, Je 29, 1829; BelfC, 49; NewATS; UnTS; PTS, 51-2; ss, Donaldson, Pa, 52-3; ord evang, Pby Milwaukee, Fb 24, 54; ss, Richland City, Wis, 53-4; ss, Dekorra, 54-61; d, Dekorra, Wis, My 15, 61. *Mendenhall, James Kirk — b, Newberry Co, SC, Nv 20, 1827; BrU, 49; PTS, 50-2; NewbTS; ord Bapt, Oc 18, 52; p, Camden, SC, 52-60; p, Fernandina, Fla, 60-2; p. Bush River, Mt Zion & Enoree, SC, 63-70; agt, FurU, 70-1; p, Columbia, 72-3; dist sec, BaptMiss, 75-6; miss, Greenville, 77-90; d, Greenville, SC, J1 30, 96. *Moore, James Robertson — b, Columbiana Co, O, Ja 20, 1823; WashCPa, 47; PTS, 49-51 lie, Pby Washington, Je 16, 52; prin, Woodburn Female Sem, Morgantown, WVa, 52-63; d, Morgantown, Dc 12, 04. *Oakley, Lewis William — b, NYCity, Nv 22, 1828; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49; phys, Elizabeth, NJ, 52-88; d, Elizabeth, Mr 3, 88. *Paige, James Alexander — b. Ware Village, Mass, Oc 6, 1823; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-52; miss, Phila, Pa, NJ & Mo; ord, Pby St Louis, Nv 11, 55; p. Park Ave ch, St Louis, Mo, 55-61; ed, St Louis Presbyterian, 57-9; chap, USArmy, 62-5; hm miss, St Louis, 65-6; p. Calvary ch, Springfield, 66-71; p el, West- minster ch, Quincy, 111, 71-3; p, Rushville, 73-80; p, Nashville, 80-3; ss, Shakopee, Minn, 83-5; ss, Carlton, 86-1902; res, Minneapolis; d, Minneapolis, Minn, Mr 19, 12. *Rittenhouse, Joseph Menagh — b, Kingwood, NJ, Je 8, 1825; CNJ, 47; tea; PTS, 48-52; ord, Pby Donegal, Nv 10, 53; p, Strasburg, Pa, 53-9; p. Middle Octorara, 53-73; Nottoway CH, Va, 73-9; miss, Nottoway CH & Burkville, 79- 1901; res, Crewe, Va; d, Crewe, J1 20, 03. 174 1852-1853 *Squier, John — b, Bucklyvie, Scotland, Fb 16, 1823; LafC, 48; PTS, 49-50; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 25, 51; p. Port Deposit, Md, 51-61; p, Springfield (Sykesville), 62-7; ss. West River, 67-9; ss, Smyrna, 72-3; supt schls. Port De- posit, 68-92; d. Port Deposit, Md, Nv 26, 92. *Swan, Hugh — b, Ireland; JefC, 1849; PTS, 49-50. *Wade, Lewis Harvey — b, Connecticut Farms, NJ, Je 9, 1820; CNJ, 49; PTS, 49-50; ill health; res, Connecticut Farms; d, Connecticut Farms, NJ, Sp 10, 1911. ^Winters, Jacob — b, Cannonsburg, Pa, 1826; JefC, 45; PTS, 49-50; WestTS, 50-2; ord, Pby Greenbrier, 53; p, Parkersburg, WVa, 53-6; Macon City, Mo, 61; Palmyra, 63; ed, Trinidad Enterprise, 63-71; d, Trinidad, Colo, Je 20, 71. 24. 1853 *Armstrong, John — b, Oxford, Chester Co, Pa, Mr 11, 1825; WashCVa, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Ap 13, 53; miss, Platte City, Mo, 53-4; ss, Hazleton, Beaver Meadow & Weatherly, Pa, 54-64; ss, Muscatine, la, 64- p, 65-74; fin agt, ParsC, 74-5, prof. Hist & Moral Phil, 75-7, pres, 77-9; d, Fairfield, la, Ag 13, 79. DD, CenCKy, 79. *Babbitt, William Hampton — b, Mendham, NJ, Je 5, 1825; CNJ, 46; tea; PTS, 50-3; tut, CNJ, 50-5; ss, Bellefontaine, O, 54; ss, Deckertown, NJ, 54-6; ord evang, Pby Rockaway, Ap 25, 56; ss, 1st ch, Hoboken, NJ, 56- p, 57-67; p, Glendale, O, 67-81; asst p, 1st ch, Cleveland, 81-2; ss, Tecumseh, Mich, 82- p, 83-93; ss, Glen wood, Fla, 93-4; res, Cleveland, O; d, Cleveland, Je 27, 1907. *Baker, William Elliott — b. Liberty Co, Ga, Fb 20, 1830; CNJ, 50; ColTS; PTS, 51-3; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 18, 53; p, 2d ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 53-5; ss, Sacramento, Cal, 56-7; ss, Staunton, Va, 57- p, 59-8-1; ss, Roswell, Ga, 90-1906; d, Roswell, Ja 5, 06. *Blauvelt, George Mancius Smedes — b, Lamington, NJ, Dc 8, 1832; NYU, 50; tea; PTS, 50-3; ord, Pby Passaic, Sp 21, 53; p, Chester, NJ, 53-6; p, Racine, Wis, 56-9; p, Lyons Farms, NJ, 59-64; p, RefChAm, Tappan, NY, 64- 82; p, Easton, Pa, 82-8; p, Franklin Park, NJ, 89-1901; res, Roselle, NJ ; d, Roselle, J1 5, 11. *Botsford, Eli Clark— b, Jordan, NY, Oc 10, 1829; UnC, 47; tea; PTS, 50-3; ss, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, 52-3; ss. New Hamburgh, NY, 53; ord, Pby New York, Ja 26, 54; ss, 86th St ch, NYCity, 53- p, 54-60; d, NYCity, Dc 31, 60. *Cathcart, William — b, near McEwensville, Pa, Oc 19, 1823; UMich, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord, Pby Fort Wayne, Nv 23, 54; ss, Lagrange, Ind, 53- p, 54-64; d, Lima, My 17, 70. *Clemens, William — b. Wheeling, Va, Sp 13, 1825; WashCPa, 50; PTS, 50- 3; ord evang, Pby Washington, Je 14, 53; miss, Corisco, WAfrica, 53-62; d, at sea, Je 24, 62. *Cobb, Archibald Parritt — b, Parsippany, NJ, Nv 9, 1821; CNJ, 50; PTS, 1853 175 50-3; ord evang, Pby Newark, Ap 19, 54; tut, CNJ, 53-4; ss, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, 54; p. South ch, Phila, Pa, 55-61; p, Tennent ch. Freehold, NJ, 63-81; d, Tennent, NJ, Fb 26, 81. *Cornelison, Isaac Amada — b, Danville, Pa, Mr 7, 1829; CNJ, 50; PTS, 50-3; ss. Warrior Run, Pa, 53-4; ord, Pby Peoria, Sp 19, 55; p. Crow Meadow, 111, 55-8; ss. Low Point & Metamora, 55- p, 58-67; ss, Washington, 67-71; p el, Logan Square ch, Phila, Pa, 72-3; p, Washington, 111, 73-1911; d, Peoria, Mr 16, 11. DD, KxC, 98. *Davidson, John Edward — b, Fairfield Dist, SC, Je 16, 1827; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby Tombeckbee, Dc 17, 53; p, Minden, Ala, 54; d, Minden, Oc 30, 54. *Ellinwood, Frank Field — b, Clinton, NY, Je 20, 1826; HamC, 49; tea; AubTS, 51-2; PTS, 52-3; ord, 4th Pby Phila, Je 21, 53; p, 2d ch, Belvidere, NJ, 53- 4; p. Central ch, Rochester, 54-65; sec, ChErectCom, 66-70; MemCom, 70-1; cor sec, BdForMiss, 71-1907, sec em; lect, NYU, 86; prof, 87-1903, prof em; res, NYCity; d, Cornwall, Ct, Sp 30, 08. DD, NYU, 65, LLD, 94. *Forman, Aaron Parker- b, Ralls Co, Mo, Nv 12, 1827; CenCKy, 49; PTS, .50-3; ord, Pby Palmyra, Ap 2, 54; ss, 2d ch, Hannibal, Mo, 53- p, 54- 64; p, St Joseph, 64-70; ss. Pine St ch, St Louis, 71-2; p. Canton, Miss, 72-5; d, Cortland, Ala, Oc 14, 75. DD, WestmCMo, 68. *Gubby, James — b, Co Armagh, Ireland, My 14, 1820; CNJ, 50; PTS, 50- 3; ord, Pby St Louis, Dc 4, 53; p, Maline Creek, Mo, 53-7; colp, BdPubl, 57-8; ss. Providence, RI, 58-9; p, 3d ch, Jersey City, 59-61; chap, USArmy, 61-5; cy miss, Brooklyn, NY, 66-77; ss, West Side chap, NYCity, 77-8; d, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 18, 78. *Hempstead, Thomas — b, Windsor, NY, Ag 19, 1822; UDel, 48; PTS, 50-3; ss, RefChAm, Leeds, NY, 53; ss, Minden, La, 54-5; ss. New Preston, Ct, 57; ord evang, Pby Raritan, Oc 5, 58; ss. Deposit, NY, 58; ss, Bensalem, Va, 60-1; ss, Cannonsville, NY, 61-3; ss, Fairbury, 111, 63-7; freedm miss, Warrenton, NC, 68; ss, Windsor, NY, 69-70; ss, Cannonsville, 70-3; ill health; res, Fairbury, 111, 73- 7; ss, Fairbury, 77-9; res, Fairbury, 111; Cornwall & Windsor, NY; Susquehanna, Pa; Winchester, Va, & Fairbury, 111; d, Fairbury, 111, Ag 14, 86. *Hodge, Caspar Wistar — b, Princeton, NJ, Fb 21, 1830; CNJ, 48; PTS, 49-53; tut, CNJ, 50-1; tea, Princeton, NJ, 52-3; ord, Pby New York, Nv 5, 54; ss, Ainslie St ch, Williamsburgh, NY, 53- p, 54-6; p, Oxford, Pa, 56-60; prof, NT Lit & Bib Gk, PTS, 60-79, NTLit & Exeg, 79-91 ; d, Princeton, NJ, Sp 27, 91. DD, CNJ, 65; LLD, CNJ, 91. *Hodge, Samuel — b. Forks, Sullivan Co, Tenn, Je 7, 1829; WashCTenn, 50; PTS, 50-3 ; ord evang, Pby Montgomery, Sp 9, 54; hm miss. Walnut Grove & Rock Spring, Va, 53-5; ss & prin. New Providence, Tenn, 55-7 ; ss, Salem & Leesburg, 57- 64; prof, WashCTenn, 57-9; hm miss, Milo, la, 65-6; ss, llopkinton, 66-76; pres, LenC, 66-82; res. Lake Forest, 111, & West Union, la; d. West Union, Ja 4, 92. DD, IndU, 72. ♦Jones, William Evan-b, Manchester, England, Oc 24, 1827; UPa, 50; PTS, 50-3; ss, Gloucester City, NJ, 53-4; ord, Pby Troy, Je 22, 54; ]), Green 1853 176 Island, NY, 54-7; p, Caledonia, 57-9; p, Bath, 59-63; chap, USArmy, 63-5; p, Cedarville, NJ, 66-70; p, Tuscarora & Union Corners, NY, 70-3; p, Hartsville, Pa, 73-84; res, Phila; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 2, 1913. DD, CenCKy, 76. *Kaufmann, John Henry — b. Marietta, Pa, Ap 3, 1826; DickC, 49; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby Baltimore, Je 12, 54; ss. South ch, Baltimore, Md, 54- p, 55-60; p el, Madison, Ga, 60-2; p el, Rome, Ga, 63-4; Baltimore, Md, 64-5; p, Govane chap, Govanstown, 65-70; p el, Matawan, NJ, 71- p, 72-3; d, Matawan, Oc 27, 73. *Lowry, Andrew McClenahan — b, Northumberland Co, Pa, Je 21, 1820; WashCVa, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord, Pby Luzerne, Oc 9, 54; ss. Port Carbon, Pa, 53- p, 54-74; ill health; res, Watsontown, Pa; d, Watsontown, Nv 2, 1901. *Miller, David Magie — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Je 12, 1827; NYU, 50; PTS, 50-3; tea, Elizabeth, NJ, 53; ord, Pby Long Island, Ap 27, 54; p, Bridgehampton, NY, 54; d, Bridgehampton, Je 29, 54. *Mosher, William Collins — b, Phelps, NY, Ap 24, 1820; UnC, 45; tea; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 20, 53; ss, Stockton, Cal, 54-6; ss, Pontiac, Mich, 57-60; ss, Jackson, 60-1; ss, Watsonville & Mokelumne Hill, Cal, 61-5; prof, CCySF, 65-6; ss, Placerville, 66-7; freedm miss, Ga, 67-71; ss, Wilmington, Cal, 71-4; ss, Pasadena, 74-6; prin, Los Angeles, 76-8; Presb miss, Pasadena, 79-87; evang, 87-9; res, Pasadena, Cal; Los Angeles, 99-1904; Berkeley, 04-8; d, Berkeley, Cal, Ag 7, 08. *Mott, George Scudder — b, NYCity, Nv 25, 1829; NYU, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Oc 19, 53; p, 2d ch, Rahway, NJ, 53-8; p, Newton, 59- 69; p, Flemington, 69-95; res, EOrange; d, EOrange, NJ, Oc 16, 1901. DD, CNJ, 74. *Nevius, John Livingston — b, Ovid, NY, Mr 4, 1829; UnC, 48; tea; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My, 53; miss, Ningpo, China, 54- p, 56-60; miss, Japan, 61; miss, Tungchow, NChina, 61-4; US, 65-8; miss, Chefoo, China, 68-93; d, Chefoo, Oc 18, 93. DD, UnC, 69. *Osmond, Samuel McClurg — b. Lower Oxford, Pa, Ag 18, 1825; CNJ, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord, Pby Raritan, Je 22, 53; co-p, 1st & 2d chs, Amwell, NJ, 53-7; ss, Perry & Pittsfield, 111, 57-62; ss, Iowa City, la, 62- p, 63-79; p, Lawrence, Kan, 79-87; p, Elkton, Md, 88-93; res, Phila, Pa; chap, Presb Hosp, Phila, 99-1903; res, Topeka, Kan; d, Topeka, Ag 3, 1907. DD, IndU, 73. *Platt, James McClure — b, Athens, Pa, Dc 31, 1826; NYU, 47; tea; PTS, 50-3; ord, Pby Zanesville, Oc 19, 53; p, Zanesville, O, 53-67; p, Leetsdale, Pa, 67-9; p, Bath, NY, 69-84; d, Bath, Ap 14, 84. DD, NYU, 83. *Plumer, Alexander Roberts — b. South Berwick, Me, Je 25, 1827; DartC, .50; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Cong, Dc 13, 54; miss, Armenia, Turkey, Sivas, 55, Tocat, 56, Trebizond, 58-9; ss, Cong ch, Burlington, Me, 61-2; ss. Industry, 63-8; ss, Athens, 68-71; ss, Tremont, 71-8; ss, Kittery, 78-80; p. Gill, Mass, 80-3; p, Phillipston, 83-4; p. New Salem, 84-90; Warwick, 90-2; p, Granby, Vt, 92; res, Tremont, Me; d, De Land, Fla, Mr 7, 98. ‘Pratt, John Henry — b, Athens, O, Je 10, 1822; OU, 42; tea; PTS, 50-3; 1853 177 miss, West Spring Garden, Phila, Pa, 53-4; ord, Pby Hocking, Fb 14, 56; ss, Athens, O, 55- p, 56-68; p el, Marion, 68-71; ill health; res, Allentown, NJ, 71-91; Phila, Pa, 91-9; d, Phila, Oc 11, 99. DD, CWoos, 87. *Preston, Charles Finney — b, Antwerp, NY, J1 26, 1829; UnC, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby Albany, Je 15, 53; miss. Canton, China, 54-6, Macao, 56-8, Canton, 58-77; ss, 2d ch. Canton, 72-7; d, Hong Kong, China, J1 17, 77. *Sproull, Alexander W — b, Co Monaghan, Ireland, My 1, 1828; WashCVa, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby Georgia, Oc 30, 53; ss, 1st ch, Jacksonville, Fla, 53- 6; p, 1st ch, Chester, Pa, 56-73; p, 1st ch. Sag Harbor, NY, 73-83; syn miss, Jacksonville, Fla, 83-9; p, ch of Sea & Land, NYCity, 90-3; res, Bordentown, NJ ; res, Newton, 1903-12; d, Newton, NJ, Dc 13, 12. DD, W&LU, 85. *Williams, Edwin Theodore — b. Savannah, Ga, Mr 12, 1826; CNJ, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby Georgia, Je 26, 53; miss, Monrovia & Corisco, Africa, 54- 60; ss, Bryan Co, Ga, 62-3; p, Quincy, Fla, 63-6; d, Quincy, Ag 9, 66. *Witherow, Thomas Scott — b, near Emmittsburg, Md, Ag 18, 1827; JefC, 49; tea; UnTSVa; PTS, 52-3; ord, Pby Winchester, J1 14, 55; p, Washington, Va, 55- 60; ss, Mt Horeb, 61; dom miss. Nelson, Albemarle & Amherst Cos; agt, VaBibSoc, 80-5; res. Laurel Springs; d. Poplar Grove, Va, Nv 21, 1908. 31. *Bagby, Alfred — b, Stevensville, Va, Je 15, 1828; ColbnU, 47; tea, 48-50; PTS, 50-1; ord Bapt, Ja 2, 53; p, Bapt ch, Hicksford, 53-4; p, Mt Olivet, Va, 54-5; p, Mattaponi, 55-70; ss. West Point, 70- p, 74-90; prin, Chester Female Inst, 90-2; p, Enon, 90-1901 ; res, Swansboro; Richmond, Va; d, Richmond, Nv 14, 25. DD, GWU, 95. *Bardwell, Joseph — b, Hertford Co, NC, Nv 6, 1828; CNJ, 50; PTS, 50-1; ColTS; ss, Fr Prot ch. Charleston, SC, 53-5; ord, Pby Tombeckbee, Oc 20, 55; p, Aberdeen, Miss, 55-8; asso p, 1st ch Nashville,. Tenn, 58- p, 61; chap & miss, 02;-5; ss, Macon, Wahalak & Scooba, Miss, 65-7; p, Vicksburg, 67-9; ss, Macon, Wahalak & Scooba, 69-73; supt. Pub Edu, Miss, 76-7; p. Meridian, 73-85; p, Yazoo City, 85-8; prof, Ch Pol & the Sacraments, SWPresbU, 88-93; d, Starkville, Miss, Sp 28, 93. DD, DavC, 76. *Barr, James Scott — b. Rowan Co, NC, Sp 27, 1826; DavC, 47; tea; ColTS UnTSVa; PTS, 51-2; ss, Bethany & Mt Tabor, NC, 52-5; ord evang, Pby Ouachita, Ag 24, 56; ss, Camden & Mt Horeb, Ark, 56-7; ss, Mt Holly & Scot- land, 57-8; ss, Scotland & Three Creeks, 59-60; ss. Concord & Shiloh, NC, 60-5; evang & tea, Lincolnton, 65-7; ss, Dallas & Olney, 67-8; ss, Olney & Caldwell, 69; miss, Lincolnton, 70-2; d, Lincolnton, NC, Fb 2, 72. *Blair, Alexander Adams— b, Jonesboro, Tenn, My 16, 1829; WashCTenn, 50; PTS, 50-2; ord evang, Pby Holston, 52; ss. Camp Creek, Rogersville & Taze- well, 52-5; prof, WashCTenn, 52-6; prof, CaldC, 57; prof, ETennU; d, Grayson CH, Ky, J1 65. ♦Brown, William Young— b, near Anchor, (), Jl 22, 1827; JefC, 48; tea; 1853 178 PTS, 52-3; ord, Pby New Lisbon, Je 15, 53; p. New Lisbon, O, 53-6; prin, Ship- pensburg. Pa, 60-1; chap, USArmy, 61-5; ss, 7th St ch, Washington, DC, 63-4; p el, Buffalo, Pa, 65-6; p, Perryville, 66-70; p el, Denver, Col, 70- p, 72-3; p. Darby, Pa, 74-84; cor sec. Permanent Com on Temp, 84-6; ss, Conshohocken, Pa, 86-7; p. Port Chester, NY, 88-90; p el, Narberth, Pa, 92-6; ss, Boone, la, 98-1901; evang, Phila, Pa, 01-4; ss. Lower Merion, 05-7; asst p, Chambers- Wylie ch, Phila, 08-14; d, Phila, Pa, Fb 13, 14. DD, LafC, 83. *Butler, George W — b, Tennessee; UTor; PTS, 1850-3; ord; ss. Pleasant Grove, Tenn, 53-4; ss. Cedar Grove, 54-6; ss. Pleasant Forest, 56-7; Riceville, 57- 8; ss, Eucheeana, Fla, 59-62; Louisville, Ala, 62-3; Skipperville, 63-5. *C)eghorn, Elisha Burnham — b, De Kalb, NY, Sp 27, 1812; tea; PTS, 50-2; agt, AmColSoc, 53-5; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 3, 56; p. Island ch, Washing- ton, DC, 56-8; agt, SWBib Soc & ed. True Witness, New Orleans, La, 58-61; supt, Presb Pub House, New Orleans, 61-6; miss, NYCity, 66-72; bus, Cincinnati, O, 72-3; evang, Phila, Pa, 73-5; evang, NYCity, 75-8; ss, Conklinville & Day, NY, 78-9; Phila, Pa, 79-81; d, Phila, Dc 14, 81. *Crane, James Burnet — b, Middletown, Ct, Ja 26, 1819; YalelJ, 38; lawy; PTS, 50-3; ord Cong, Ja 11, 54; p, Cong ch, Middletown, Ct, 54-6; chap, USArmy, 63-5; Elizabeth, NJ, 66-8; d, Elizabeth, Sp 30, 68. *Cummins, John Lisle — b, Florida, NY, J1 17, 1820; PTS, 50-1; d, Keokuk, la, Fb 20, 52. *Curtiss, Booth Nathaniel — b, Ballston Centre, NY, Nv 29, 1823; UnC, 51; PTS, 50-1; farming; bus, Canajoharie, NY; bus, Bloomington, 111; rul eld, RefChAm; d, Litchfield, Mich, Je 24, 90. *Davidson, Andrew Fuller — b, Charlotte Co, Va, Ag 7, 1827; ColbnU, 50; PTS, 50-1; ord Bapt, 52; p. Concord, Bethlehem, Ebenezer, Clarksville, Liberty, Mt Horeb, Boydton & Ephesus, Va; res, Skipwith, Va; d, Finchley, J1 14, 1900. *Hardie, Henry— b, Raleigh, NC, Sp 18, 1823; UNC; PTS, 50-2; ColTS; lie, Pby Orange, J1 2, 53; miss, Virginia; Statesville, NC, 56-7; Martinsburg, Va, 58- 9; Woodstock, 59-61; elk, Raleigh, 61-5; agt, AmBSoc, NC, 65-8; d, Mt Jack- son, Va, Nv 23, 68. *Hendrick, John Read — b, Campbell Co, Va, Fb 10, 1827; CenCKy, 49; NewATS; PTS, 52-3; lie, Pby West Lexington, Sp 12, 52; ss, Frankfort, Ky, 59- 60; tea, Frankfort, 54-65; Newtown, 65-6; tea, Frankfort; d, Frankfort, Ky, Nv 28, 81. *Hopkins, Judson Hawley — b, NYCity, Sp 29, 1830; RutU, 50; UnTS; PTS, 51-3; ss, Cong ch, Greenwich, Ct, 53-4; Ravenswood, NY, 54-9; ord, Pby North River, Dc, 60; p, Newburgh, NY, 60-4; Ravenswood, 65-70; hm miss, Ravenswood, 70-2; res, Ravenswood, 72-92; res. Rye, NY; d. Rye, J1 11, 97. *Hughes, James Potter — b. Cape May, NJ, Dc 15, 1827; CNJ, 50; PTS, 50-2; tea, Luzerne Presb Inst, Pa, 52-5; prin, Edgehill schl, Princeton, NJ, 55-64; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, Sp 17, 64; prin. Cape Island, NJ, 64-5; prin, Logansport, Ind, 65-7; prin, Tipton, la, 67-8; ss. Bald Eagle, Pa, 68-70; prin, Bellefonte, 68- 1900; res, Bellefonte; d, Bellefonte, Pa, Fb 8, 20. 1853 179 *Johnstone, John — b, Scotland; UEdin; PTS, 1850-1. *Kirkpatrick, Jacob — b, Ringoes, NJ, Oc 6, 1828; CNJ, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby Raritan, Ap 30, 53; p, 3d ch, Trenton, NJ, 53-8; d, Ringoes, Oc 27, 59. *Kyle, Samuel Lee — b, Virginia; CNJ, 1850; PTS, 50-1; ed, Flatonia, Tex; ed, Cuero, 90; d, 93. *Laverty, William Willard — b, Clearfield, Pa, Je 15, 1828; WashCPa, 49; PTS, 50-1; ord, Pby Steubenville, Oc 5, 53; p. New Cumberland, O, 53-6; p. Big Spring, 54-6; ss, Wellsville & East Liverpool, 57-64; prin, Morgantown, WVa, 64-5; d, Morgantown, Oc 28, 65. *Loughry, Joseph Nelson — b, near Blairsville, Pa, Mr 28, 1826; WashCPa, 48; tea; PTS, 50-1; ord CumbP, Pby McMinnville, Ap, 52; ss, Sumner Co, Tenn, 54; ss, Lascassas, 58-63; ss, Murfreesboro, 63-5; ss, Lascassas, 65-92; res, Las- cassas; d, Lascassas, Tenn, Oc 10, 96. *Mahon, James Colwell — b, Shippensburg, Pa, Fb 3, 1821; PTS, 50-2; ord, Pby Peoria, Je 2, 58; ss, Washington & Carrollton, O, 53; ss, Hunterstown, Pa; ss, Lexington, 111, 58-60; ss, Millerstown & Buffalo, 60-1; miss, Blair & Hunt- ingdon cos. Pa; d, Shippensburg, Pa, Ja 15, 68. *Major, John Welsh — b, Galway, NY, Dc 20, 1824; UnC, 45; lie; PTS, 50- 1; ord, Pby Genesee River, My 9, 54; p, Caledonia, NY, 54-6; Georgetown, DC, 56-7; tea, Laurinburg, NC, 57-8; ss, Galway, NY, 58-62; Rochester, 64-7; Brook- lyn, 67-9; d. Palmyra, NY, My 10, 69. *McCulIoch, Robert — b, Co Cavan, Ireland, h'b 24, 1824; BelfC; tea; PTS, 48-51; tea, Dundaff, Pa, 51-2; PTS, 52-3; ord, Pby Zanesville, Dc 7, 53; p, Mt Zion, O, 53-5; evang, Cal, 55-65; ss, Yreka, Cal, 65-9; ss. Bodega, 69-72; ss, Healds- burg, 72-4; prin, Healdsburg, 72-7; ss. Bodega, 74-7; ss, Elko, Nev, 77-80; hm miss, Uintah, Utah, 80-1; demitted min, Oc 14, 91. *McKee, John Lapsley — b, Garrard Co, Ky, Fb 16, 1827; CenCKy, 50; tea; PTS, 51-2; DanTS; prin, prep schl, CenCKy, 53-5; ord, evang Pby Transyl- vania, Oc 6, 56; ss, Columbia & Ebenezer, Ky, 55-9; prin, Columbia, 55-9; ss, Keokuk, la, 59; ss. Chestnut St ch, Louisville, Ky, .59- p, 60-70; p, Pewee Valley, 71-2; ss, Danville, 72-6; v-pres & prof. Moral Phil, CenCKy, 72-97; ss, Lancaster, Ky, 98-1901 ; d, Danville, My 23, 02. DD, HanC, 66. *Milligan, William Vincent — b, Belmont Co, O, Ja 16, 1827; WashCPa, 49; tea; med stu; PTS, .50-2; ord, Pby Zanesville, My 10, .54; ss, Mt Pleasant, O, .53-6; tea, Cambridge, 71-4; ss, Cambridge, 53- p, 54-98, p em; res, Cambridge; d, Cambridge, O, Ag 6, 1919. DD, CWoos, 81. *Montgomery, John Watt — b, Caswell Co, NC, Oc 24, 1825; UnTSVa; PTS, 52-3; ord, Pby Orange, J1 3, 53; miss, Antioch & Pacolet chs, SC, 53-4; ss, Bethesda, 54-66; ss, Ocala, Fla, 66-70; ss, Flemington & Walthourville, Ga, 70- p, 73-90; ss, Dorchester, 90-3; ss. La Grange, Tex, 93-4; ss, Tanglewood & Dime Box, 93-6; ss, Winchester, 96-1900; ss, Giddings, 92-4; d, Giddings, Tex, Ja 23, 04. *Moore, Robert Vance- b, Ohio; CenCKy, 1848; PTS, .50-1; lie, Pby Cin- cinnati, Aj) 11, 53; Springdale, O, 54-55. i8o 1853-1854 *Paxton, James Wilson — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Dc 21, 1827; JefC, 48; PTS, 50-1; WestTS; lie, Pby Carlisle, Ap 14, 53; ss, Dickinson, Pa; lie surrendered (ill health), Oc 7, 57; lawy & real estate. Cannon Falls, Minn; St Paul; Redwood Falls; Oil City, Pa; Cumberland, Ind; Tacoma, Wash; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ja 8, 92. *Pierce, Samuel Everett — b, NYCity, Dc 12, 1826; CNJ, 50; PTS, 50-3; ord Bapt, Sp, 53; p, Bapt ch, Gloucester, Mass, 53-60; chap, USArmy, 61-3; bus. New Orleans, La, 65-6; Boston, Mass, 68-99; asso ed. Youth’s Companion; d, Boston, Mass, Ap 15, 99. *Ray, Charles — b, Calcutta, India, Mr 18, 1829; UnC, 49; tea; PTS, 50-3; ord evang, Pby Wyoming, J1 12, 53; ss, Piffard, NY, 53-5; ss, Seneca Falls, 55-6; p, Cah’ary ch, Rochester, 56-8; prin, Geneseo, 58-62; p, Wyoming, 62-70; ss, Dansville, 71; ss, Cong ch, Moravia, 71-7; ed & ss, Moravia, 76-82; p, Smithville Flats, 82-8; p, Rose, 88-90; res, Marion, 91-2; East Palmyra; ss, Marion, 93-6; d, Marion, NY, Fb 23, 1906. *Rippey, John — b, Geneva, NY, Nv 24, 1828; UnC, 51; NewbTS; PTS, 51- 3; ord AssoRef, Pby Saratoga, Ag 6, 56; p. West Kortright, NY, 56-66; p, UP ch, Cuylerville, 66-94; d, Cuylerville, NY, My 14, 94. DD, WestmCPa, 84. *Spayd, Henry Egidius — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 28, 1825; LafC, 48; PTS, 48-50, 52- 3; prin, Stewartsvdlle, NJ, 50-2; ord, Pby Raritan, J1 20, 53; p, Solebury, Pa, 53- 67; p, Forestville, 56-67; p, Strasburg, 67-70; p. Harmony (Phillipsburg), NJ, 70-84; ss. Plains, Pa, 85-1906; d, Wilkes-Barre, Sp 16, 06. *Staudenmayer, Lewis R — b, Germany, 1817; PTS, 50-1; Luth, NYCity; PEpis; rec. Trinity ch, Atchison, Kan, 57-60; rec. Trinity ch, St Augustine, Fla; tea, Lincolnton, NC; d, Lincolnton, Nv 30, 94. *Woods, Edgar — b. Wheeling, WVa, Dc 12, 1827; WashCPa, 43; lawy; PTS, 50-1; ord, Pby Washington, Oc 5, 53; p. Wheeling, WVa, 53-7; p, 1st ch, Colum- bus, O, 57-62; p, Charlottesville, Va, 66-77; prin, Charlottesville, 77-84; ss. South Plains, Bethel, Mt Harmony & State Ridge chs, 77-86; res, Charlottesville; cl, Charlottesville, Va, Ap 19, 1910. PhD, W&JC, 85. 34. 1854 *Barkley, Andrew Hannah — b, Jonesboro, Tenn, J1 25, 1829; WashCTenn, 51; PTS, 51-4; miss, Tennessee, 54-7; ord, Pby Knoxville, Sp 13, 55; p, Madison- ville, Tenn, 56-61; ss, Mt Zion & Bethel, Miss, 62-3; evang, Crawfordsville, 61-5; p. Bethel & Crawfordsville, 65-71; evang, Crawfordsville, 71-5; ss, Crawford, 75- 7; ss. Mason, 79-83; ss. Enterprise, 83-90; Okolona, 90; ss. West Point; ss. Unity, 90-3; ss, Lauderdale, 92-6; ss, DeKalb, 92-5; 2d ch. Meridian, 93-5; ss, Houston & Buena Vista, 96-1901; ss, Friendship & Oak Grove, 98-9; d, Crawford, Miss, Dc 9, 1905. *Cooper, Charles White — b, Washington Co, Pa, Mr 18, 1830; WashCPa, 49; law stu; PTS, 51-4; ord, Pby Michigan, Oc 25, 54; p, Pontiac, Mich, 54-6; p, Huntington South ch, Babylon, NY, 57-69; p, Marlborough, 70-4; prin. Bound Brook, NJ, 74-6; p el, Centreville, NY, 77-86; d, Centreville, My 16, 86. 1854 i8i *Foote, Charles Henry — b, Lenox, Mass, Je 17, 1825; WmsC, 49; PTS, 51-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 25, 54; p, 2d ch. New Brunswick, NJ, 54-7; p, Jersey\-ille, 111, 60-8; p, Cairo, 111, 68-71; p. No St Louis, Mo, 71-5; p. Walnut St ch, Evansville, Ind, 75-8; p, Ionia, Mich, 78-9; d, Ionia, Je 28, 80. DD, BlacC, 73. *Graham, John Conner — b, near Pittsburgh, Pa, J1 18, 1826; CenCKy, 50; tea; PTS, 51-4; ord evang, Pby New Orleans, Ap 12, 57; miss & tea, Covington, La, 56-7; ss, Moscow, Tex, 59-60; ss & tea, Amite City, La, 56-7; supt, Edu, Pike Co, Miss; p, Osyka, 70-88; p. Summit, 70-1901; p el, Bogue Chitto, 89-01; d. Summit, Miss, Mr 27, 01. *Jones, John — b, Manchester, England, Ap 18, 1830; UPa, 50; PTS, 51-4; ord, Pby Genesee River, Mr 3, 55; ss, Scottsville, NY, 54- p, 55-9; ss, Wyoming, 59-62; prin, Geneseo Synod Acad, 62-74; p. Walnut St ch, Louisville, Ky, 74-82; tea. Coll Inst, Princeton, 83-5; prin, Hastings Acad, WPhila, Pa, 85-7; prof. Mil Acad, Cayuga, NY, 87-90; d, Cayuga, Ja 4, 1891. DD, HamC, 72. *Junkin, Ebenezer Dickey — b, Milton, Pa, Fb 3, 1829; LafC, 47; tea; PTS, 51-4; ord, Pby Concord, Sp 28, 55; p. Prospect & Bethel, NC, 55-60; p. New Provi- dence, Va, 60-80; p, Houston, Tex, 80-91 ; d, Johnson City, Tenn, Ag 1, 91. DD, W&JC, 76. *Junkin, William Finney — b, Phila, Pa, My 1, 1831; WashC\'a, 51; PTS, 51-4; ord, Pby Montgomery, Je 3, 55; p. Falling Spring, Va, 55-67; p, 1st ch, Danville, Ky, 68-76; p. Glebe St ch (now Washington), Charleston, SC, 76-87; p, 1st ch, Montclair, NJ, 88-1900; d, Montclair, NJ, Ap 9, 1900. DD, WashCVa, 75; LLD, SWPresbU, 91. *Life, William — b. Highland Co, Va, Dc 22, 1817; WashCVa, 49; tea; PTS, 51-4; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Oc 3, 55; ss, Muncy, Pa, 54- p, 57-68; ss, Renovo & North Point, 68-9; prin. Rye, NY, 69-98; d, Pasadena, Cal, Ap 30, 98. *Loewenthal, Isidore — b, Posen, Prussia, 1826; LafC, 48; tut, LafC, 47; tea, Mt Holly, NJ, 48-50; PTS, 51-4; ord evang, Pby New York, Ap 18, 55; miss, Afghanistan, 55-64; d, Peshawur, India, Ap, 27, 64. *Mathers, Joseph Hamilton — b, Mifflintown, Pa, Ag 5, 1832; JefC, 50; PTS, 51-4; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 8, 56; ss, Richland City, Wis, 55-64; S’, Richland Center & Fancy Creek, Wis, 56-64; ss, McConnellsburg, Green Hill & Wells Valley, Pa, 65- p, 66-8; p, Logan’s Valley ch, Bellwood, 68-1907, p em; res, Bellwood; res, Mifflintown, 08-12; d, Mifflintown, Pa, Ag 31, 12. DD, W&JC, 92. ♦McMullin, Robert— b, Phila, Pa, Nv 30, 1832; UPa, 50; PTS, 51-5; ord ev’ang, Pby Phila, J1 27, 56; miss, India, Futtehghur, 57; killed, Cawnpore, India, Je 13. 57. *McMullin, Samuel Hildeburn — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 19, 1831; UPa, 49; PTS, 51-5; ord, Pby North River, Oc 16, 56; p. Calvary ch, Newburgh, NY, 56-60; p, Bel Air, Md, 60-1; p, Smithtown Branch, NY, 61-4; ss, Belmont Ave ch, Phila, Pa, 6.5-7; tea, Phila, 6.5-7; prof, Gk, MiaU, 67-70; prof, Ch Hist, DanTS, 70-2; p, 1st ch, Circleville, O, 73-82; p, Glendale, 82-9; d, Glendale, Fb 17, 92. DD, MiaU, 85. 1854 1 82 *Morse, Andrew Bigelow — b, Eaton, NY, Dc 8, 1830; HamC, 49, 50, MA; tea; PTS, 51-5; ss. Oyster Bay, NY, 54-5; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 6, 56; miss, Siam, 56-7; China, 57; ill health; Danbury, Ct, 58; Saratoga Springs, NY; Eaton, NY; USTreas Dept, Washington, DC, 64-6; Bur Mil Statistics, Albany, NY, 66-7; ss, Ballston Centre, 67-71; p, Wyoming, 71-80; res, Leroy, 81-5; ss, Marion, 85-6; res, Danbury, Ct; Santa Barbara, Cal, 06-14; d, Santa Barbara, Fb 2, 14. *Symmes, Joseph Gaston — b, Hamilton, O, Ja 24, 1826; HanC, 51; PTS, 51-4; ord, Pby Madison, Nv 3, 54; p, Madison, Ind, 54-7; p, 1st ch, Cranbury, NJ, 57-94; d, Cranbury, Je 23, 94. DD, HanC, 79. 14. *Barnard, Obadiah Holmes — b, Galway, NY, My 31, 1823; UnC, 49; PTS, 51-3; ord evang, Pby Niagara, Je 26, 55; ss. Gates, NY, 54-62; ss, North Bergen, 63-9; ss. Paw Paw, Mich, 69-73; ss, Monroe, 73-4; ss, Cassopolis, 74-8; ss, Ottawa, 111, 79-81; ss, Yorktown & Norwich, la, 85-6; d, Ottawa, 111, My 14, 90. *Blackburn, William Maxwell — b, Carlisle, Ind, Dc 30, 1828; HanC, 50; tea; PTS, 51-4; ord evang, Pby Lake, Sp 28, 54; ss. Three Riv'ers, Mich, 54-6; ss. Park ch, Erie, Pa, 56- p, 57-63; ss, 4th ch, Trenton, NJ, 63- p, 64-8; ss, Fullerton Ave ch, Chicago, 111, 69-71; prof. Bib & Eccl Hist, NWTS, 68-81; p. Central ch, Cincinnati, O, 81-4; pres, UND, 84-5; pres, PierU, 85-98; ss, Pierre, SD, 86-90, 92-4; d, Pierre, Dc 29, 98. DD, CNJ, 70. *Bosworth, Byron- -b. East Pharsalia, NY, Nv 14, 1823; HamC, 50; AubTS, 50-3; grad stu, PTS, 53-4; ss, Presb ch, Champlain, NY, 54-5; ss, Cong ch, Morris- ville, 55-6; ss, Homer, 56-7; ord, Pby Cayuga, Nv 5, 57; p, Cong ch, Kingston, Mass, 57-9; p, Henrietta, NY, 59-65; p, Presb ch, Victor, 65-6; ss, Phelps, 66; p, Cong ch, Phoenix, 66-7; p, Presb ch, Greenville, 67-76; p, Hammondsport, 76- 88; ss, various chs, Rochester; d, Hammondsport, NY, Nv 7, 1904. *Brown, Samuel Henry — WashCVa, 1848; PTS, 51-2; ord, Pby Greenbrier, Nv 23, 55; p, Frankfort, Va, 55-7; p. Spring Creek, 56-7; d, Frankfort, Va, Ag 1, 57. *Chapin, Henry Barton — b, Rochester, NY, Sp 14, 1827; YaleU, 47; tea; UnTS, 51-2; PTS, 52-3; ord evang, Pby New York, Oc 29, 54; cy miss, NYCity, 54-6; p, 2d ch, Steubenville, O, 56-8; p. 3d ch, Trenton. NJ, 58-65; tea, Princeton, 66; ss, 4th ch, NYCity, 68-9; ss, 84th St ch, NYCity, 69-71; ss. Canal St ch, NY City, 76-8; prin. Coll Schl, NYCity, 67-1903, prin em; res, NYCity; d. White Plains, NY, J1 7, 14. PhD, CNJ, 68, & DD, 91. *Collins, Charles Jewett — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Je 25, 1825; WmsC, 45; tea; tut, WmsC; UnTS; PTS; 51-4; prin. Female Inst, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 55; ord, Pby Northumberland, Dc 31, 56; p, Danville, Pa, 56-65; supt schls, Wilkes-Barre, 66-74; prin. Prep Schl, Princeton, NJ, 74-80; prin, Bradford Schl, Rye, NY, 80-4; res, NYCity; d, NYCity, Mr 19, 1906. *Crapster, William Tbomas — b, near Lisbon, Md, Fb 29, 1824; PTS, 51-4; HarvUTS; HarvU, 56; ord evang, Cong, Cambridge, Mass, Je 16, 57; evang. 1854 i83 Cambridge, Mass; Baltimore, Md; Charleston, SC; tea, Baltimore, Md; prin, Lisbon; ill health; res, Lisbon, 68-79; d, Lisbon, Md, Fb 5, 79. *Dietterich, Hiram Augustus — b, near Berwick, Pa, Ag 28, 1822; LafC, 51; PTS, 51-3; agt, AmBSoc, NC, 53-4; d, Chester Co, Pa, J1 25, 55. *Fleming, George Claudius — b, St Augustine, Fla, Oc 30, 1822; med dept, UPa; phys; Black Creek, Ga; PTS, 51-3; ord evang, Pby Florida, 55; miss. Wood- stock Mills, Fla, 53-6; ss, St Mary's, Ga, 56-7; d. Magnolia, Fla, 57. *Frierson, John Stephenson — b, Bigbyville, Maury Co, Tenn, Dc 27, 1829; CenCKy, 51; PTS, 51-3; ord, Pby Maury, Sp 30, 54; ss, Mt Pleasant, Tenn, 53- p, 54-96; d, Mt Pleasant, Ja 1, 96. *Gilmour, James — b. Paisley, Scotland, Dc 18, 1822; UnC, 50; PTS, 51-4; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 27, 53; prin, Princetown, NY, 53-5; prin, Ballston Spa, 55-67; prin, Fulton, 69-83; d, Fulton, NY, Dc 18, 85. *Hamilton, Alexander Renwick — b, near Buffalo, Pa, Oc 19, 1827; Wash CPa, 49; PTS, 51-3; ord, Pby Zanesville, Oc 16, 56; p, Uniontown & Brownsville, O, 56-9; p, Muskingum & Madison, 62-5; d, Dresden, O, Ag 30, 65. *Harbaugh, Fullerton Reck — b, Middletown, Md, Ap 22, 1829; CNJ, 51; PTS, 51-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 26, 53; p. Red Bank, NJ, 53-4; p, Bur- lington, 54-8; p, Hackettstown, 58-61; p, 6th ch, Phila, Pa, 61-9; p, 1st ch, Belvi- dere, NJ, 72-4; p. Red Bank, 74-97; d. Red Bank, NJ, Fb 22, 1900. *Huntington, Henry Smith — b, Camden, NY, Je 29, 1828; CNJ, 50; AndTS; PTS, 51-4; ord evang, Pby Troy, Nv 15, 58; ss, Caldwell, NY, 57-62; ss, lone City, Cal, 63-4; ss, Watsonville, 65-7; ss, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 68-9; ss, RefChAm, Owasco, NY, 69-70; ss. Calvary Presb ch. Auburn, 70- p, 71-4; p el, Caldwell, 76-9; evang. Lake George, 79-80; ord PEpis pr, Sp 28, 82; rec, St Matthias’ ch, E Aurora, NY, 81-3; rec. Trinity ch, Lancaster, 83-7; rec, Ch of the Epiphany, Suspension Bridge, 87-92; chap, Buffalo, 92-5; d, Buffalo, NY, Dc 22, 95. *Kelly, John— b, Ohio Co, WVa, Dc 9, 1822; WashCPa, 51; PTS, 51-4; ord evang, Pby Washington, Je 24, 54; tea. West Alexander, Pa, 54-5; p, Chandlers- ville & Mt Zion, 55-7; p. Salt Creek & Duncan’s Falls, O, 57-63; p, McConnells- ville, 63-70; ss. Central ch, Lima, 70-2; p el, Ada, 72- p, 73-5; p el. Savannah, 74- p, 75-84; ss, Middleport, 84-7; p, Belleville, 87-9; ss, Milford Centre & Carding- ton, 89-90; ss. Congress & Chester, 90-1; evang, 91-2; ss, Chandlersville, 92-4; res, Chandlersville, 94-1906; res, Lima, 06-7; d, Columbus, O, Sp 10, 07. *Layman, John McKnight- b, Piqua, O, My 25, 1826; MiaU, 51 ; LaneTS; PTS, 54-5; ss, Gilead, 54-5; tea, Maumee Presb Acad, 55-6; ord evang, Pby Maumee, Oc 17, 56; ss, Hicksville, O, 54-66; ss, Williams Center, 55-6; ss, Den- mark, 55-7; ss, Edgerton, 55-8; ss. Union, 57-65; ss, Antwerp, 66-7; evang, Piqua; do, Wooster; do, Piqua; prof, Heb, CWoos, 78-9; res, near Piqua, O; d, Piqua, Ja 13, 1907. *Leavitt, Edward Howe — b, Steubenville, O, Nv 18, 1829; WashCPa, 48; PTS, 51-2; WestT.S; ord, Pby Steubenville, Ag 9, 54; miss, Lahore, India, 55-7; 1854 184 gen agt, AmBSoc for Tenn, 58-61; p, Zanesville, O, 62-5; Cincinnati, 65-6; chap, USArmy, 66-70; ord PEpis, Fb, 79; res, Princeton, NJ ; d, Cincinnati, O, Je 22,88. *Lester, William Havens — b, Bridgehampton, NY, Dc 4, 1825; AmhC, 49; PTS, 51-4; ord, Pby Washington, Oc 4, 54; p. West Alexander, Pa, 54-1900, p em; res. West Alexander, 00-12; d. West Alexander, Pa, Nv 22, 12. DD, W&JC, 88. *Mateer, Joseph — b. Hill Head, Co Down, Ire, Ag, 1827; BelfC, 46; PTS, 51-2; WestTS; ord, Pby Clarion, Dc 6, 54; p. Licking & Leatherwood, Pa, 54-75; p, Sligo & Leatherwood, 75-81; p, Leatherwood & New Bethlehem, 81-3; d. New Bethlehem, Pa, Oc 1, 83. DD, W&JC, 73. *Mershon, Stephen Lyon — b. Laurel Co, Ky, Mr 4, 1827; CNJ, 50; PTS, 51-4; ord, Pby Long Island, Ap 25, 54; p. East Hampton, NY, 54-66; p, Cong ch, Birmingham, Ct, 66-9; p, RefChAm, Middle Bush, NJ, 69-74; d, Napanock, NY, Ap 12, 74. *Morrison, Robert — b, Greene Co, Pa, Mr 15, 1822; MiaU, 49; OxTS; NewATS; PTS, 53-4; asst ed, Presb Herald, 54-6; ord, Pby Louisville, Ap 18, 56; miss, Portland, Ky, 54-6; ss, Penn Run, 54-60; ed. True Presb, 62-4; ss, Waterford & North Liberty, O, 68- p, 71-6; prin, Waterford, 69-75; ss, Potosi, Mo, 77-80; Presb miss & ss, Aurora Springs, 81-90; colp, Syn Mo, Fulton, 91-9; d, Fulton, Mo, J1 27, 1902. *Moseley, Hillery — b, Courtland, Ala, My 28, 1830; OberC, 51; PTS, 51-4; ord evang, Pby Mississippi, Nv 26, 54; ss. Bayou Grosse Tete, La, 54; p, Jackson, 55; ss, Clinton & pres, Silliman Female Inst, 56-8; Palestine, Tex, 58-65; prin, Palestine Female Coll, 62-4; pres, WoodlCTx, 64-70; ss. Oak Island, 65-81; p, Georgetown, 82-3; d, Georgetown, Tex, Dc 2, 83. *Neil, Thomas B — b. South Carolina; SCC; PTS, 1851-2; ColTS; ord evang, Pby Georgia, 54; ss, Cong ch. Savannah, Ga, 54-5; Lawrenceville, 55-6; Newburgh, NY, 57-8; ss, Oakland, NC, 58-61; Phila, Pa, 70; Indianola, Tex, 73-5; bus, Ocala, Fla, 91. *Phillips, Alfred — b, Pulaski, Pa; UPa, 50; PTS, 51-3; d, Princeton, NJ, Oc 22, 53. *Sickels, William Walton — b, Indianapolis, Ind, Je 19, 1831; HanC, 50; tea; PTS, 51-4; miss. 111, 54; ord, Pby New Albany, Ja 30, 55; ss, Bedford, Ind, 54-8; ss, Knightstown & Greenfield, 58-9; ss, Shiloh, 61-5; ss, 7th ch, Indianapolis, 65-6; res, Indianapolis, 66-9; ss, 4th ch, Indianapolis, 70; bus, Indianapolis, 72-7; res, Indianapolis; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Nv 11, 1911. *Taylor, James Franklin — b, Penn Yan, NY, Nv 4, 1824; UnC, 52; Newb TS; PTS, 52-4; YaleUDS; ord Cong, Fb 4, 55; ss, Cong ch, Pekin, NY, 54-6; ss, Newark, 111, 57-9; miss. South Bend, Ind, 60; ss, Chelsea, Mich, 60-7; ss, Sauga- tuck, 68-77; ss, Ganges, 77-9; res, near Douglas; d, Douglas, Mich, Oc 1, 1903. *Taylor, Robert Francis — b. Bourbon Co, Ky, Dc 29, 1830; HanC, 51; NewATS; PTS, 52-3; ord evang, Pby Eastern Texas, Oc 20, 55; ss, Batesville, Ark, 54-6; ss, Dallas, Tex, 56-7; ss, Constantine, Mich, 57; ss, Vernon & Scipio, Ind, 57-60; ss, Macomb, 111, 60; ss, Rochester, Minn, 60-2; chap, USArmy, 62-3; ss, Colfax, Ind, 64-6; d, Vernon, Dc 19, 66. 1854-1855 1 85 *Wells, Joseph Greene — b, near Athens, O, Oc 29, 1821; HanC, 51; tea; PTS, 52-4; ord evang, Pby Potosi, My 13, 55; tea & evang. Cape Girardeau, Mo, 55-61; tea, St Anthony, Minn, 61-2; hm miss & ss, Hixton (Sechlerv'ille), Wis, 62- p, 78-91; res, Hixton; d, Sechlerville, Wis, Dc 10, 98. 28. 1855 *Batchelder, Joseph Mayo — b. Greenwood, NY, Sp 23, 1822; HanC, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby Des Moines, Ap 4, 56; p, Albia la, 56-78; ss, Osborn City, Kan, 78- p, 84-1901, p em; res, Fairfield, la, 02-5; d, Fairfield, Ap 2, 05. *Beggs, Joseph — b, near Dungannon, Ireland, Sp, 1830; LafC, 51; tea; PTS, 52-5; ord, 2d Pby Phila, My 17, 55; p, Roxborough, Pa, 55-68; p. Falls of Schuyl- kill, 59-94, p em; res, Germantown; d, Germantown, Pa, Ap 14, 99. DD, LafC, 82; LLD, WashCTenn, 93. *Bower, Edwin Rea — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Sp 5, 1826; CNJ, 51; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby North River, Oc 30,55; p, Wappinger's Falls, NY, 55-61; p, 2d ch, Springfield, O, 61-7; prof, Theol, LincU, 68-83; d, Lincoln University, Pa, Ap 7, 83. DD, CNJ, 79. *Cameron, Henry Clay — b, Shepherdstown, Va, Sp 1, 1827; CNJ, 47; tea, Virginia; PTS, 50-5; prin, "Edgehill,” Princeton, NJ, 51; tut, CNJ, 52-5; adj & asso prof, Gk, CNJ, 55-61; ord evang, Pby Phila, Fb 1, 63; instr, Fr, CNJ, 59-70, libr, 65-72, prof, Gk, 61-1904, prof em; d, NYCity, Oc 25, 1906. PhD, CNJ, 66; DD, RutU & CWoos, 75. *Carroll, Joseph Halsted — b, Brooklyn, NY, My 21, 1833; UPa, 51; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 30, 55; p, Jamesburg, NJ, 55-8; ss, Aiken, SC, 58-60; ss. South Cong ch. New Haver, Ct, 62-7; p, South RefChAm, New Haven, 67-9; p, Lee Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 69-71; p. East ch, Brooklyn, 72-6; p, Newburgh, 76-81; state lect on Temp, NY, 81-2; ss, Stillwater, Minn, 82-7; d, Stillwater, Ja 7, 87. DD, HSC, 68. *Crane, Elias Nettleton — b, Jamaica, NY, Ja 4, 1827; CNJ, 52; PTS, 52-5; ss, Southampton, NY, 55-6; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Ag 19, 56; p, New Vernon, NJ, 56-62; chap, USArmy, 63; agt, US Chr Com, 63-5; seamen’s chap, Norfolk, Va, 65-81; Navy Yard, Brooklyn, NY, 83-92; ill health; res, Elizabeth, NJ ; d, Elizabeth, My 26, 95. ’"Dodder, Edward Banning — b, near Newton, NJ, Ag 28, 1826; JefC, 52; WestTS; PTS, 54-5; ss, Taneytown, Md, 55; ss, Dun'eith, la, 56; ord evang, Pby Dubuque, Oc 7, 56; miss. Fort Dodge, la, 56-60; ss. Mount Vernon & Linn Grove, ()0-8; ss, Moingona, 68-70; p, Tipton, 70-3; ss, Centerville, 73-5; ss, Knoxville, 75- p, 76-9; ss, Wahoo, Neb, 79-85; ss, Ord, 85-7; ss, Ashton & Cozad, 92-4; miss, Pby Kearney, 95-8; d. Grand Island, Neb, J1 14, 98. ■"Edmonds, James M — b. Cold Spring, NJ, Je 1, 1827; JefC, 49; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby West Jersey, Oc 8, 56; hm miss, Absecon, NJ, 55-6; ss, Leed's Point, 56- 8; d, Absecon, NJ, Mr 23, 58. ■"Giltner, Henry Michael — b, Clark Co, Ind, Dc 30, 1827; HanC, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord evang, Pby Madison, My 23, 55; ss, Nebraska City, Neb, 55- p, ()0-4; 1855 1 86 ss, Pawnee City, 65- p, 69-71; p, Summit & Ebenezer, 72-5; ss, Aurora & Unity, 76- p, 78-84; ss, Verona, Union & Thornton, 84-7; ss, Marquette & Unity, 87-90; evang, Logan & Hamilton cos, 90-5; res, Broomfield, Neb; d, Aurora, Ap 7, 1903. DD, HastC, 95. *Gray, Thomas McKeen — b, Easton, Pa, Dc 14, 1830; LafC, 51; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby Long Island, Ap 23, 56; p, Bridgehampton, NY, 56-66; p, 2d ch, Mans- field, NJ; p, Huntington Valley, Pa; p, Cong ch, Derby, Ct; p, Presb ch. South Salem, NY; ss. North Salem; p. New Lebanon; d, Salem Center, NY, Dc 24, 83. *Hinsdale, Horace Graham — b, NYCity, J1 4, 1831; CNJ, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby Nassau, Nv 20, 55; p. Oyster Bay, NY, 55-8; p, 2d ch, Germantown, Pa, 58-62; p, Bridgeport, Ct, 62-77; p, 1st ch, Princeton, NJ, 77-95; ss, Hope ch, Lake- wood, 97-1905; ss, Holmanville, 06-7; res, Lakewood; d, Lakewood, NJ, Fb 9, 17. DD, UOma, 93. *Hopkins, Thomas Mayes — b. Red Oak, O, Nv 24, 1827; HanC, 52; PTS, 53-5; ord, Pby Miami, My 13, 56; ss. Pleasant Valley, O, 56-8; p, Bloomington, Ind, 59-69; p, Piqua, O, 69-76; p, Xenia, 76-80; p, 3d ch, Cincinnati, 84-6; p, Capitol Ave ch, Denver, Colo, 86-93; p el, Cheyenne, Wy, 93-5; p, York St ch, Denver, Colo, 96-1901; d, Denver, My 17, 01. DD, HanC, 85. *Kempshall, Everard — b, Rochester, NY, Ag 9, 1830; WmsC, 51; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby Buffalo, Ja 15, 56; p, Delaware St ch, Buffalo, NY, 56-7; ss, St Peter’s ch, Rochester, 57-8; ss, Batavia, 58-61; p, 1st ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 61-99; d, Elizabeth, Mr 31, 1904. DD, WmsC & CNJ, 70. *Law, Sidney Gibbs — b, Wilmington, NC, Ja 3, 1831; CNJ, 52; PTS, 52-5; ss, Osage, la, 56-7; ord, Pby Long Island, Oc 21, 58; p, Vernon Valley (French Pond), NY, 58-72; ss, Cong ch. Redding, Ct, 72-8; chap, NYCity Prison, 79-99; d, Brooklyn, NY, J1 19, 99. *Lubkert, Ernst Christian Henry — b, Gliickstadt, Holstein, Ger, Mr 28, 1830; Gliickstadt Gym, 47; KielU; PTS, 52-5; ord, Luth Syn, Virginia, Oc 7, 55; p, Bethlehem Luth ch, Richmond, Va, 55; p, St Matthew's ch, Baltimore, Md, 56- 8; p, 3d ch, Rhinebeck, NY, 59-61 ; p. Trinity ch, Rondout, 61-3; p, Mt Bethel, Pa, 63-4; p, Melrose, NY, 64-8; p, St John’s ch, Baltimore, Md, 68-70; ss, Ger Presb ch, Newburgh, NY, 70-2; chap & prof. Mil Inst, Weston, Ct, 72-4; ss, Cong ch, Weston, 73-8; ss, Luth ch, Melrose, 79-82; d, Melrose, NY, Fb 26, 82. *Malcom, Charles Howard — b, Boston, Mass, Nv 15, 1831; ULew; UEdin, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord Bapt, Phila, Pa, Nv 19, 55; p, 1st Bapt ch. Wheeling, Va, 55-6; p, 2d Bapt ch, Newport, RI, 56-76; ord PEpis dea, Dc 17, 79; pr. My, 81; sec, AmPeaceSoc, Boston, Mass, 76-80; sec. Am Ch Bldg Fund Comm, 80-94; rec, Roselle, NJ, 87-94; prof. Lit & Rhet, St Stephen’s Coll, Annandale, NY, 94- 8; res, Newport, RI; d, Newport, Ag 19, 99. DD, BtsC, 72. *Marshall, George — b, Co Derry, Ireland, 1830; UnC, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby New Castle, My 13, 56; p. Rock ch, Md, 56-61; d. Fair Hill, Fb 27, 61. *Mathes, Alfred Harvey — b, Greenville, SC, My 7, 1828; WashCTenn, 52; lawy; PTS, 52-5; ord evang, Pby Holston, Ap 28, 55; ss. Providence & Rocky Spring, Tenn, 57-66; ss. Fort Gaines, Ga, 66-71; ss, Freeport, Fla; ss, Apopka, 76-8; d, Apopka, Fla, Sp 4, 78. 1855 i87 *McCauley, Thomas — b, Franklin Co, Pa, Fb 28, 1828; CNJ, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby Long Island, Je 5, 55; p, Huntington, NY, 55-63; asst sec, BdEdu, 63-7; p, Hackettstown, NJ, 67-78; p, 3d ch, Chester, Pa, 78-93; evang, Atlantic City, NJ ; d. Cape May, J1 24, 1901. DD, NewWC, 87. *Morrow, Richard Heterick — b, Blair’s Mills, Pa, Ja 13, 1823; JefC, 51; tea; WestTS; PTS, 54-5; ord, Pby Cedar, Ap 14, 56; ss, 2d ch. Cedar Rapids, la, 55- p, 56-9; d, near Waterloo, Pa, Je 10, 59. *Mundy, Ezra F — b, Metuchen, NJ, J1 20, 1833; RutU, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby Long Island, Oc 15, 56; p, Smithtown, NY, 56-61; ss. North Salem, 63-8; prin. North Salem, 64-6; p. Port Chester, 68-77; evang. New Rochelle, 77-81; ss, Pleasantville, 79; p, Kingston, NJ, 81-6; ss, Salida, Colo, 88; ss. Grand Junction, 90; ss, Susquehanna, Pa, 91; evang, Metuchen, NJ, 91-3; bus, Everett, Wash, 94- 9; res, Lawrence, Kan, 99-1912; res. Ambler, Pa, 12-26; d. Ambler, J1 18, 26. *Pratt, Henry Barrington — b, near Darien, Ga, My 26, 1832; OglU, 51 ; tea; PTS, 52-5; ord evang, Pby Cherokee, Sp 27, 55; miss, Colombia, SA, Bogota, 56- 9; ss, Hillsboro, NC, 61-3; chap, CSA, 63-4; ss. Sugar Creek, NC, 64-6; ss, Hillsboro, 67-9; miss, Colombia, SA, 69-77; ss, Winnsboro, SC, 78-82; p, Lancas- ter, 83-6; Spanish translator, AmBSoc, res, Staunton, Va, 86-8; Tlalpam, Mexico, 88-90; NYCity, 91-3; evang, Mexico, Cuba & SWTexas, 93-9; p, Spanish Amer Congch, Brooklyn, NY, 1900-2; res, Hackensack, NJ ; d, Hackensack, Dc 11, 12. *Reardon, James Dickey — b, Oxford, Pa, Je 13, 1824; CNJ, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 19, 56; p, Sunbury & Northumberland, 56-63; miss, Pby Northumberland, 63-5; p, Mifflinbu g, 65-80; p. New Berlin, 65-79; res. Lock Haven, 81-6; ss, Montoursville & Linden, 84-5; p, Holland Run, & ss. Linden, 86; d. Lock Haven, Pa, Dc 31, 86. *Rendall, Isaac Norton — b, Utica, NY, Sp 30, 1825; CNJ, 52; PTS, 52-5; tut, CNJ, 54-5; ord evang, Pby Mohawk, Oc 10, 60; ss, Oneida Valley, NY, 58-64; ss. Emporium, Pa, 64-6; pres, LincU, 65-1906, pres em, 06-12, prof, Evang & Polem, 06-12; d, Lincoln University, Pa, Nv 15, 12. DD, LafC, 70. *Reynolds, Andrew Jackson — b, Cincinnati, O, J1 14, 1831; WoodwCO, 51 ; NewATS, 52-3; PTS, 53-5; ord, Pby Cincinnati, My 20, 56; ss. Pleasant Run, O, 55- p, 56-61; US ChrCom, 63-5; ss, Cumminsville, O, 61- p, 64-9; ss, SoSalem, 69; p, Lithopolis, 70-3; ss, Groveport, 73-4; ss, Eaton, 75-81; miss. Fort Wayne Pby, 81-2; ss, Decatur, Ind, 82- p, 83-6; ss, Albion, 86-9; ss, Monterey, O, 90-2; ss, Mt Carmel, 91-2; ss. Pleasant Run, 93-9; res, Norwood, Cincinnati; d, Cin- cinnati, O, Oc 25, 1908. *Skillman, Charles Hamilton- b. Bound Brook, NJ, Nv 30, 1833; RutU; med stu; PTS, .52-5; ord evang, Pby Albany, Ja 17, .56; ss, Rockwell’s Landing & Conklinville, NY, 5.5-60; evang, Eatonville, Ga, 60; d, Ap 19, 62. ■^Studdiford, Peter Augustus — b, Lambertville, NJ, Ap 2, 1828; CNJ, 49; tea; PTS, .52-5; ord, Pby Raritan, Je 12, .55; p, Milford & Holland, NJ, 55-9; p, RefChAm, Belleville, 60-6; p, Presb ch, Lambertville, 66-86; d, Lambertville, NJ, Or 11, 86. DD, CNJ, 74. ■^Westcott, Lorenzo- b, Fairton, NJ, J1 21, 1828; CNJ, .52; PTS, .52-5; ss. 1855 1 88 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 55; tut, CNJ, 56; ord, Pby Nassau, Oc 16, 56; p, Greene Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 56-8; p. Warrior Run, Pa, 59-65; prof, LincU, 65-72; prof, HowU, 72-9; d, Germantown, Pa, Je 5, 79. *White, John White — b, Saltsburg, Pa, Oc 31, 1828; WashCPa, 51; tea; WestTS; PTS, 54-5; agt, WestTS, 54; ord, Pby Carlisle, Dc 25, 55; p. Middle- town, Pa, 55-8; p, Milroy, 58-83; withdrew, 83; p. Free (Independ) Presb ch, Milroy, 83-1901; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 11, 01. ^Williamson, Robert Bruce — b, near Middleburg, Va, Mr, 1832; PTS, 51-, 2, 53-5; lie, Pby Phila, J1 7, 56; ss, Woodbridge, Miss; farmer; tut, Lat, ColbnU, 63-4; res, Washington, DC, & NYCity; d, NYCity, Ap 7, 92. *Wilson, Robert Fleming — b. West Kishacoquillas, Pa, Ap 22, 1825; JefC, 50; tea; WestTS; PTS, 54-5; ss, Bloomfield, Pa, 55; ss, Marion, la, 55-6; ord, Pby Redstone, Nv 20, 56; p, McKeesport, Pa, 56-67; ss, Logan’s Valley, 67-8; p el, Bedford, 68-78; ss, Everett (Bloody Run), 74-7; ss. Port Royal, 78- p, 79-86; res, Lewistown; d, Reedsville, Pa, My 24, 1905. *Woodhull, Gilbert Tennent — b, Manalapan, NJ, Fb 18, 1827; CNJ, 52; PTS, 52-5; tut, CNJ, 54-5; ss. May’s Landing & Tuckahoe, NJ, 56-7; ord, Pby North River, Nv 10, 57; p, Fishkill, NY, 57-67; prof, Gk& Lat, LincU, 69-71, prof, Gk, 71-98; d, Lincoln University, Pa, Fb 11, 1898. DD, CNJ, 81. 32. *Alcorn, William — b, Ireland; UPa, 1851; PTS, 52-3. *Barnes, George Owen — b. Paint Lick, Ky, Ap 22, 1827; CenCKy, 45; law stu; Mex War; bus; PTS, 52-4; ord, Pby Transylvania, 54; miss, Lahore, India, 57-65; ss, Stanford, Ky, 66- p, 68-71; susp, Pby Transylvania; independ evang, Ky; d, Sanibel, Fla, Ap 4, 1908. *Bourns, James Huston — b, Hamilton, O, Nv 24, 1827; HanC, 51; Lane TS; PTS, 53-4; ss, Lexington, O, 54; ord, Pby Oxford, 54; miss, Indian Terr, 54-6; p el. Harmony, O, 56- p, 57-8; p, Monroe, 58-60; ss. Bethel, 61-3; ss. New Paris, 63-6; p el, Eaton, 66-7; ss. Park Ridge, 111, 70-5; evang, Chicago, 76-9; res, Edison Park; d, Chicago, 111, My 2, 1906. *Brookes, James Hall — b, Pulaski, Tenn, Fb 27, 1830; MiaU, 53; OxTS; PTS, 53-4; ord, Pby Miami, Ap 20, 54; p, 1st ch, Dayton, O, 54-8; p el, 2d ch, St Louis, Mo, 58-64; p el, 16th (Walnut) St ch, St Louis, 64-97; ed. The Truth; d, St Louis, Mo, Ap 18, 97. DD, WestmCMo, 64, & UMo, 60. *Buckner, John Alexander — b, Burlington, Ky, Ag 15, 1832; CenCKy, 52; PTS, 52-3; UnTS, 54-5; miss, Brazil, 55-6; planter, Louisiana; CSA, 61-5; res, near Illawara, La; d, Illawara, Oc 22, 1903. *Crittenden, Samuel Worcester — b. North Adams, Mass, Fb 22, 1824; prin, Phila, Pa; lawy; UnTS; PTS, 53-4; UnTS; ord, Pby Bedford, Ap 29, 56; p, Gilead ch, Carmel, NY, 56-7; p, Clifton, SI, 58-9; ss. Darby Borough, Pa, 62- p, 63-5; bus supt, Presb Publ Com, 65-70; fin agt, Presb Hosp, NYCity, 71; cor 1855 i89 sec, Am & For Chr Un, 71-3; sec, Evang Alliance, 73-4; fin agt, Presb Hosp, Phila, Pa, 74-5; res, Phila, 75-84; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 1, 84. *Drake, Robert Thompson — New ATS; grad stu, PTS, 54-5; ord; p, Presb ch, Des Moines, la, 56-60; p, Troy, O, 60-6; ss, Miami City (Dayton), 70-1; ss, Dayton, 71-2; d, Dayton, O, Mr 19, 73. *Fiske, John Billings — b, Waterford, NY, Oc 18, 1828; UnC, 48; KalC, Th Dept; PTS, 52-3; ord Cong, Nv 15, 55; ss, Dexter, Mich, 55-64; ss, Webster, 65-6; ss. Grand Haven, 67-8; ss, Manistee, 69-71; p, Animosa, la, 72-89; p. Bonne Terre, Mo, 89-1902; res. Bear Lake, Mich; d. Bear Lake, Mr 15, 07. *Fraser, John — b, Nov'a Scotia; Pictou Acad, Pictou, NS, Can; PTS, 53-5. *Frothingham, Washington — b, Fonda, NY, Fb 28, 1822; bus; PTS, 53-5; ord, Pby Albany, Je 27, 57; ss, Guilderland, NY, 55- p, 57-62; ss, Bethlehem, 58-9; miss, Albany, 62; evang, ss. Tribes Hill, 71-1904; res, Fonda; d, Fonda, NY, Oc 20, 14. *Hall, David — b. Slate Lick, Pa, Dc 13, 1827; JefC, 50; prin; WestTS; lie; grad stu, PTS, 54-5; asst p, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 55-6; ord, Pby Allegheny, Nv 5, 56; p. Union & Brady’s Bend, Pa, 56-66; p, 1st ch, Mansfield, O, 66-74; p, 1st ch, Indiana, Pa, 74-1900; res, Annapolis Junction, Md, 00-15; d, Aspinwall, la, Sp 7, 15. DD, W&JC, 70. • • *James, David Mulford — b, Deerfield, NJ, Ag 30, 1825; LafC, 52; PTS, 52-3; tea; PTS, 54-5; ord, Pby Passaic, Oc 4, 54; p, Mt Olive, NJ, 54-69; p, Flan- ders, 56-67; p, Allen Township ch, res, Bath, Pa, 69-98; res, Easton; d, Easton, Pa, Nv 4, 1902. DD, WhitC, 92. *Jewett, Augustus David Lawrence — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Ja 12, 1830; WmsC, 52; PTS, 52-5; ord RefChAm, Cl Paramus, Sp 15, 57; p, Piermont, NY, 57-9; p, Presb ch, Throg’s Neck, 62-8; p, 1st ch. New Brunswick, NJ, 68-74; ss, Fordham, NY, 74-5; evang, NYCity; d, NYCity, Ap 29, 98. DD, RutU, 72. *Krider, Barnabas Scott — b, Mt Vernon, NC, Ag 17, 1829; DavC, 50; ColTS; PTS, 54-5; ord, Pby Concord, Ap 26, 56; p, Bethany & Tabor, NC, 56-7; p. Unity, 57-60; p, Franklin, 57-65; p, Thyatira, 60-5; d, Woodgrove, NC, Oc 20, 65. ■^Masters, Francis Robert— b, NYCity, J1 27, 1819; farming, Florida, NY, 41-.54; rul eld; PTS, 54-5; ord, Pby North River, J1 17, 55; p, Matteawan, NY, 55-72; d, Matteawan, My 27, 74. DD. *McKinney, Isaac Newton — b, Erie, Pa, Oc 20, 1828; JefC, 48; PTS, 52-3; WestTS; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Ap 14, 57; p. Montours, Pa, 57-60; prof, Lat, JefC, 60-1; ed. Family Treasure, 62-4; d, Sewickley, Pa, Nv 20, 64. ■^McKnight, William James— b, Mecklenburg Co, NC, Dc 24, 29; HanC, 51; PTS, 52-3; ColTS; DanTS; prof, AusC, 57-9; ord, Pby Transylvania, Ap 13, 60; ss. Harmony, Ky, 58-61; fin agt, CenCKy, 60; ss, Mt Pleasant, 60-7; prof. Belles Lettres, CenCKy, 60-4; ss, 1st ch, Danville, 61-7; p, 2d ch, Danville, 67-70; p, Avondale, O, 70-3; p, 1st ch, Springfield, 73-9; p, 1st ch. New Brunswick, NJ, 80-92; res, Washington, DC; d, Washington, DC, Fb 6, 1902. DD, HanC, 70. 190 1855 *Murdoch, Alexander Vernon — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Oc 23, 1827; UnC, 45; lawy; UnTS; PTS, 53-4; ord evang, Pby Chemung, Fb 25, 57; ss, Cong ch, Madison, NY; lawy, 58; d, Elmira, NY, Oc 25, 86. *Porter, Josephus Wray — b, Coleraine, Ireland, Sp 5, 1826; LafC, 52; PTS, 52-4; ss, Whitehaven, Pa, 55-7; ss, Weatherly, Eckly & Clifton, 55-7; ord, Pby Phila, Mr 19, 60; p, Charlestown, 60-70; p, Phoenixville, 60-76; p, 5th ch, Tren- ton, NJ, 78-80; p. Stanhope, 81-3; p, Woodsidech, Newark, 83-9; d, Newark, NJ, J1 16, 90. *Robinson, Charles Seymour — b, Bennington, Vt, Mr 31, 1829; WmsC, 49; tea; UnTS; PTS, 53-4; ord, Pby Troy, Ap 19, 55; ss. Park ch, Troy, NY, 54- p, 55-60; p, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NY, 60-8; Amer chap, Paris, France, 68-71; ed, Illust Chr Weekly, 76-7; p, Madison Ave ch, NYCity, 71-88; ss, Binghamton, 88; ss, Madison Ave RefChAm, NYCity, 88-9; ss, 1st Union Presb ch, NYCity, 89; ed. Every Thursday, 90-1 ; p, 13th St ch, NYCity, 90-2; p. New York ch, NYCity, 93-8; d, NYCity, Fb 1, 99. DD, HamC, 67; LED, LafC, 85. *Sawtelle, Benjamin Niles — b, Binghamton, NY, Dc 19, 1830; HanC, 52; PTS, .52-3; UnTS; ord, Pby Arkansas, Oc 12, 56; p, Batesville, Ark, 56-61; ss, Tuscumbia, Ala, 61- p, 70-2; prin. State Norm Schl, Tuscumbia; d, Tuscumbia, Ala, Fb 13, 72. *Symmes, Francis Marion — b, near Hamilton, O, Nv 18, 1827; HanC, 52; PTS, 52-5; ss. Pleasant, Ind, 55-6; ss, Jefferson, 55-5l; ord, Pby Madison, Nv 14, 56; p. Pleasant, Ind, 56-61; p, Vernon, 61-4; ss, Brazil, 64-5; ss, Bedford, 65-7; ss, Lebanon & Hopewell, 67-72; hm miss, Crawfordsville, 72-3; ss. Alamo, 72-5; ss, Romney, 72-7; ss, Dayton & Kirklin, 75-7; ss, Paoli & Orleans, 77-83; ss, Pitts- burgh, Kan, 83-5; ss, Florence, 85-7; ss, Derby, 87- p, 89-94; d, Pittsburgh, Kan, Sp 16, 1905. *Thompson, Samuel Thomas — b, Milroy, Pa, Oc 13, 1827; CNJ, 51; PTS, 51- 2, 53-4; miss, Palatka, Micanopy & Ocala, Fla, 54-5; ss, Wabash & Liberty, Ind, 56-7; Milroy, Pa, 5~-74; ord, Pby Northumberland, Je 4, 74; p el, Muncy, Pa, 73- p, 74-9; p, Shiloh ch, St Mary’s, 79-84; ill health, 84-9; ss. Crystal River, Fla, 89-90; p el. Lakeland, 90-2; ss. Tarpon Springs, 92-1900; res, Miami, Fla; d, Miami, Ag 7, 02. *Veeder, Peter Vrooman — b, Rotterdam, NY, Je 23, 1825; UnC, 46; tut, UnC, 46-8; prin. Ball Sem, Hoosick Falls, NY, 48-9; prin, Pittsburgh, Pa, 49-.52; prin, Germantown Acad, Phila, 52-3; PTS, 53-4; UHalle; UBer; WestTS; ord evang, Pby Albany, Ag 4, 57; ss, Kingsboro, NY, 57; ss, Sacramento, Cal, 58; ss, Napa, 57- p, 58-65; act pres. Union Coll, San Francisco, 65-71; prof, Phys, UTok, 71-9; p Union ch, Tokio, Japan, 72-9; prof, WUPa, 80-2; prof. Math, LkFC, 82-6; prof. Laurel Hall, San Mateo, Cal, 88-90; res, Berkeley; d, Berkeley, Cal, Ag 11, 1896. DD, UnC, 71. *Wheat, John Jackson — b, Copiah Co, Miss, Ag 2, 1826; CenCKy, 51; PTS, 52- 3; DanTS, 53-4; Meth; prof, Gk, UMiss, 65-87; pres eld, ME Ch; d, Grenada, Miss, Oc 31, 93. DD, LebU, 73. *Wyer, Henry Hartstene — b. May River, SC, J1 26, 1829; ColbnU, 52; PTS, 52-4; ord Bapt, Nv 4, 54; p, Bapt chs, Upperville & Ebenezer, Va, 54-6; p. Lynch- 1855-1856 I9I burg, 56-8; p, Oakland & Hopeful, 59-66; p, Warrenton, 66-71; prin. Female Inst, Warrenton, 67-71; p Broad Run & Carter’s Run, 71-86; ill health; res, Warrenton, 66-1901; d, Warrenton, Va, Fb 10, 1901. DD, URich, 86. *Young, John Newton — b, Hawkins Co, Tenn, Je 12, 1828; JefC, .52; NewATS, 52-3; PTS, 53-4; DanTS, 54-5; ord evang, Pby Upper Missouri, Nv 16, 56; ss, Albany, Mo, 56-66; ss. Union, 58-66; tea, Albany, 60-1; USArmy, 61; Mo State Senate, 65-7; ss, Fillmore, 66-71; ss, Salem, Neb, 73-4; p, Clinton & Marion, Kan, 75-8; ss, Neosho, Mo, 80-1; ss, Altamont, Mound Valley & Ripon, Kan, 82-4; ss. Elk City, Spring Dale & Mount Hope, 84-5; ss, Graham, Mo, 88; ss, Mizpah, 89-90; evang. Mound City, 91-5; res, Springfield; res. Eureka Springs, Ark; d. Eureka Springs, Ja, 10, 1912. 27. 1856 *Armstrong, Amzi Lewis — b, Newark Valley, NY, Ag 27, 1827; CNJ, 52; tea; PTS, 53-6; tut, CNJ, 56-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 20, 57; p, Dutch Neck, NJ, 57-1900, p em; res, Dutch Neck; d, Dutch Neck, NJ, Nv 23, 10. *Avery, Henry Root — b, Windham, NY, My 4, 1828; CNJ, 53; PTS, 53-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 24, 57; p, Squan Village, NJ, 57-8; hm miss, St Helens, Ore, 59; ss & prof, Corvallis, 60-1; ss. Pleasant Grove, & prof, MonCOre, 61-2; hm miss. Contra Costa Co, Cal, 62-5; supt schls. Contra Costa Co, 63-7; ss. Contra Costa ch, 65-72; hm miss. Bodega, 72-6; ss. Walnut Creek, 77-82; res, San Jose; d, San Jose, Cal, J1 22, 1901. *Baird, Henry Martyn— b, Phila, Pa, Ja 17, 1832; NYU, .50; UnTS; PTS, 5.5-9; tut, CNJ, 55-9; ord evang, Pby New York, Ap 19, 66; prof, Gk Lang & Lit, NYU, 59-1902; cor sec. Am & For Chr Un, 73-84; res, Yonkers, NY ; d, Yonkers, Nv 11, 1906. PhD, CNJ, 67; DD, RutU, 77; LLD, CNJ, 82. *Couch, Walter Varich — b, Westfield, NY, Fb 18, 1829; HamC, 51; tea; AubTS, 52-3; PTS, 54-6; ss, Moscow, NY, 56; ss, Cong ch, Sherman, 56-7; ord, Pby Genesee, Oc 22, 57; p, Presb ch. East Pembroke, NY, 57-60; ss, Ellicottville, 61-3; agt & dist sec, AmTrSoc, res, Rochester, 64-83; res, San Diego, Cal; d, San Diego, Dc 26, 1912. *Ford, Francis Fenelon — b, Newark Valley, NY, Nv 27, 1827; HamC, 51; UnTS; PTS, 54-6; ord evang, Pby Genesee, Oc, 57; ss, Leroy, 57-8; tea & ss, NY; p, Cong ch, Lewiston, Me, 71-2; p, 1st ch, Charlestown, Mass, 72-4; bus; res, Madison, Wis, 75; d, Kansas City, Mo, Ja 26, 86. *Gayley, Samuel Rankin — b, Creevy, Ireland, Oc, 1828; LafC, 53; PTS, .53-6; tut, LafC, 5.5; ord evang, Pby New Castle, J1 1, 56; miss, Shanghai & Tung- chow, China, 57-62; d, Tungchow, China, J1 29, 62. ♦Hall, Francis Bloodgood— b, NYCity, Nv 16, 1827; UnC, .52; PTS, 53-6; Hartford, Ct, 60-1; ord, Pby Albany, Fb 17, 62; p, Rockwell's Falls, NY, 62-3; chap, USArmy, 62-3; ss, 1st ch, Plattsburgh, 63; |), Peristrome Independ ch, Plattsburgh, 64-1903; d, Plattsburgh, NY, Oc 4, 03. ♦Hodge, John Aspinwall -b, Phila, Pa, Ag 12, 1831; UPa, 51; PTS, .53-6; ord, Pby Luzerne, Ap 22, 57; ss, Mauch Chunk, Pa, .56- [), 57-65; p, 1st ch. Hart- 192 1856 ford, Ct, 66-92, p em; prof, Eng Bib, LincU, 93-1901; d, Lincoln University, Pa, Je23, 01. DD, CNJ, 74. *Jennison, Joseph Fowler — b. Baton Rouge, La, Ag 13, 1830; CNJ, 52; PTS, 53-57; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 4, 57; p, Phoenixville, Pa, 57-9; ss, Vincennes, Ind, 59-61; p, Pontiac, Mich, 61-4; chap, 203d PaVol, 64-5; p, Holmesburg. Pa, 66-9; ss, Cong ch. Canton, Mass, 71-3; miss, Frankford, Pa, 75-6; ss, Lafayette Sq Presb ch, Baltimore, Md, 77-9; miss. Paradise ch, Catonsville, 79- p, 81-1905, p em; res, Baltimore; d, Baltimore, Md, Je 23, 11. *Lefevre, Jacob Amos — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Fb 14, 1830; PaC, 51; tut, PaC, 51-3; PTS, 53-6; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 26, 56; p, Franklin Sq ch, Balti- more, Md, 56-87; ill health; res, Baltimore, Md, 87-1901; Columbia, Mo; d, Columbia, Fb 22, 05. DD, HSC, 71. *Lewis, Joseph William — b, Huntsville, Ala, Ja 22, 1832; CenCKy, 54; ConcTS; PTS, 54-6; ord, St Louis ME Conf, Oc, 58; Dover Circ, 56-8; p, Boon- ville. Mo, 58-60; p, St Louis Circ, 60-6; p, Kansas City, 66-70; p, St Louis, 70; res. New Orleans, La; d, 1911. DD, CEmpo, 71. *Manning, Robert Smith — b. New Brunswick, NJ, Je 9, 1829; RutU, 53; PTS, 53-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 22, .56; p, Hamilton Square, NJ, 57-68; ss, Morrisville, Pa, 69-70; res, Trenton, NJ, 68-73; New Brunswick, 73-6; dropped from roll, Oc 4, 76; bus; d, Plainfield, NJ, My 19, 91. *McGilvary, Daniel — b, Moore Co, NC, My 16, 1828; tea; PTS, 53-6; ss, Carthage & Union, NC, 56-7; ord evang, Pby Orange, Dc 13, 57; miss, Bangkok, Siam, .58-61, Petchaburi, 61-7, Chieng Mai, Laos, 67-1911; d, Chieng Mai, Laos, Siam, Ag 22, 11. DD, UNC, 80; LLD, DavC, 06. *Mills, Charles Rogers — b, Guilford Centre, NY, Ag 21, 1829; LafC, 53; PTS, 53-6; ord evang, Pby Buffalo City, Je 25, 56; miss, Shanghai, China, .57-62, Tung Chow, 62-9, 71-95; ss, Nying Gya, 72-7; p, Tung Chow, 65-95; d, Tung Chow, China, Je 21, 95. DD, LafC, 82. *Morcock, William James — b, Beaufort, SC, Ja 13, 1831; Bril, 51; FurTS; PTS, 54-6; ord Bapt, Mr 29, 57; p, Ephesus Bapt ch, SC, 57-60; p, Smyrna, 60-6; prof, Monroe Female Coll, Ga, 67-9; p, Thomaston, Ga, 71-2; p, Cabaniss ch, res, Forsyth, 72-9; d, Forsyth, Ga, Je 5, 79. ‘Nixon, Jeremiah Howard — b, Kent Co, Del, Nv 27, 1829; CNJ, 51; PTS, 53-3; ord, Pby Troy, Je 26, 56; p, Cambridge, NY, 56-9; p, 1st ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 61-9; ss, 1st ch, St Charles, Mo, 72-5; pres, Lindenwood Female Coll, St Charles, 71-6; p. Central ch, Wilmington, Del, 76-88; p, Webster Grove, Mo, 89- 92; d, Webster Grove, Ap 22, 92. DD, LafC, 72. ‘Pearse, Jacob Lansing — b, Niskayuna, NY, Oc 5, 1829; UnC, 49; tea; PTS, 50-1; travel, 51-3; PTS, 53-6; ord, RefChAm, Cl Montgomery, Ag 19, 56; p, Hagaman’s Mills, NY, 56-9; p. East Williamsburgh, 59-60; p, 2d ch, Bethle- hem, 60-98; d, Delmar, NY, Nv 6, 98. *Sahler, Daniel Du Bois — b, Kingston, NY, J1 7, 1829; CNJ, 53; PTS, 53-6; ss, Dunleith, 111, 56-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 28, 58; p, Red Bank, NJ, 58- 1856 193 63; p, Cong ch, Sheffield, Mass, G4-9; Passaic, NJ ; p, Presb ch, Carmel, NY, 71- 82; d, NYCity, Nv 5, 82. *Sargent, John Haskell — b, Gloucester, Mass, Fb 8, 1828; DartC, 52; PTS, 53-6; ord evang, Pby Erie, Je 26, 61; ss. Perry, Pa, 60-4; ss, Newton, 64-9; ss, Osceola, 69-70; ss, Phillipsburg, 70-8; ill health; ss, Peru, NY, 80-8; d. Fort Wadsworth, NY, Oc 9, 90. *Statham, Francis Cummins — b, Greensboro, Ga, Oc 29, 1829; DartC 53; PTS, 53-6; lie, Pby Cherokee, Oc 11, 56; miss, Bellevue, Ga, 56-8; ord PEpis, dea, Nv 6, 59; miss, LI, NY, 59-62; asst rec, Brooklyn; asst rec, NYCity; d, England, 1893. *Stewart, Archibald Sinclair — b. Palatine, NY, My 3, 1823; CNJ, 52; tea; PTS, 53-6; ord evang, Pby Milwaukee, Oc 9, 57; hm miss. Port Washington, Ldva & Grafton, Wis, 56-61; p, Waldburg, NY, 61-70; p, LangclifT ch. Pleasant Valley, Pa, 71-6; d. Pleasant Valley, Pa, Ja 1, 76. *White, William Carter — b, Owego, NY, Ap 29, 1832; WabC, 52; tea; UnTS; PTS, 54-6; UBer, UHalle, UHeid, 56-8; ord evang, Pby Genesee Valley, J1 29, 61; ss, Cuba, NY, 60-2; prof, Rhet, WabC, 62-84; res. La Crescenta, 86-98; d. La Crescenta, Cal, Oc 22, 98. *Willard, Henry — b, Troy, NY, Sp 11, 1830; DartC, 51; tea; AndTS; PTS, 55-6; AndTS; ord Cong, Oc 20, 58; ss, Presb ch, Monroeville, O, 58-9; ss, Cong ch, Zumbrota, Minn, 59-63; p, Plainview, 63-80; hm miss, NDak, 80; ss, Mantorville, 111, 81-4; ss. Crystal Lake, 84-5; res, Chicago; d, Chicago, 111, Je 24, 1904. *Wilson, Jonathan — b, Beaver Co, Pa, Mr 24, 1830; JefC, 51; tea; PTS, 53-6; ord evang, Pby Beaver, Sp 9, 56; miss. Choctaws, 56-7; miss, Bangkok, Siam, .58-68, Chieng Mai, 68-76, Bangkok, 78-86, Chieng Mai, 88, Lampang, Laos, 89-91, Lakawn, 92-1911; d, Lakawn, Siam, Jc 3, 1911. DD, W&JC, 98. 24. *Blauvelt, Warren Scott — b, Lamington, NJ, Oc 14, 1834; PTS, 53-5; WmsC, 55-6; d, Lamington, NJ, My 30, 56. *Brown, Robert Alexander — b, Montreal, Can, Dc 13, 1830; tea; PTS, ,53- 5; ord, Pby Chicago, Dc 14, .56; p. North ch, Chicago, 111, 56-7; p, Hagerstown, Md, .58-61; ss, Hagerstown, 61-2; ss, Columbia, Pa, 63- p, 64-8; p. Trinity ch, Phila, 70-3; ss, Smyrna, Del, 74-5; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 21, 75. ‘Canfield, William Henry — b. New Jersey; CNJ, 18.50; PTS, 53-4; d, Princeton, NJ, 54. ‘Chaney, James McDonald— b, Salem, O, Mr 18, 1831; DesPI, 52; PTS, .53-6; ord, Pby Lafayette, Ap 4, .58; p, Waverly, Mo, .58-60; ji, Dover, 58-67; ss, Kansas City, 68-9; ss, Dover, 69-70; v-pres & pres. Female Inst, Lexington, 71-6; p. Pleasant Hill, 77-8.5; pres, Kansas City Ladies’ Coll, Independence, 85-91; tea & ss, Buckner, Houstonia, Corder, Blackburn, Pleasant Hill, Lanmnte & Hughes- ville; res. Independence, 91-1909; d. Independence, Mo, Sp 18, 09. DD, KingC, 85. 194 1856 *Clark, James Hutchinson — b, Reading, O, J1 12, 1832; MialJ, 53; PTS, 53-4; DanTS; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Ag 19, 57; p, Somerset & Pisgah, O, 57-8; ss. New Jersey, 58-61; agt, WestSeamFrSoc, 61-2; ss. Council Bluffs, la, 62- p, 63-6; ill health, Acton, Ind, 66-7; St Louis, Mo, 67-9; ss, Washington, 69-70; ss, Warrensburg, 70-2; sec. Mo SSConv, 72-3; ss, Olathe, Kan, 73-4; ss, 1st ch, Em- poria, 74- p, 75-9; p el, Newton, 79- p, 79-82; ss. Riverside, Cal, 82; ss, Santa Ana, 82-6; ill health, Kansas City, Mo, 86-91; ss. Mound Valley, Kan, 91-2; ss, Madi- son, O, 93; ss, Winchester, 93-5; p, Camden 95-7; ss, Cripple Creek, Colo, 98-9; res, Kansas City, Mo; d, Kansas City, Mr 31, 1900. *Galbraith, Robert Christy, Jr — b, Frankfort, O, Nv 30, 1833; MiaU, 53; PTS, 53-4; NewATS; ord, Pby Columbus, Je 10, 57; ss, Lancaster, O, 56- p, 57- 62; ss, Frankfort, Concord & Greenland, 62-4; p. Concord, 64-71; ss, Frankfort & Greenfield, 64-80; p, 3d ch, Chillicothe, 81-98; res, Chillicothe; d, Chillicothe, O, Nv 18, 1916. DD, ParsC, 85. *Gibbs, Jonathan Clarkson — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 21, 1831; DartC, 52; PTS, 53-4; ord, Pby Troy, J1 12, 55; p. Liberty St ch, Troy, NY, 55-9; p, 1st African ch, Phila, Pa, 60-6; freedm miss. Charleston, SC, 66; sec State Fla, 68-72; supt pub instruction. State Fla, 72-4; d, Tallahassee, Fla, Ag 14, 74. *Kerr, Samuel Cunningham — b, Ross Co, O, Mr 5, 1828; MiaU, 53; PTS, 53-5; NewATS; ss, Sigourney, la, 56-7; ss, Amanda, 57-8; ss, Dunlapsville, Ind, 59-60; ord, Pby Oxford, Nv 4, 62; p, Harrison, O, 62-5; ss, Williamsburg, 67-8; ss, St Mary’s, 69-71; ss, Bloomville, 71-2; ss, Mt Sterling, 73-6; evang & lit wk, Lyndon, 77-1904; d, Lyndon, O, Ja 27, 04. *Knox, William John — b, Augusta, NY, My 17, 1828; HamC, 52; tea; PTS, 53-4; tea; AubTS, 55-7; ss, Cong ch, Deansville, NY, 58-9; ss, Florence, 59-61; ord evang, Oneida Cong Asso, Je 28, 62; ss, Bridgewater & Winfield, 61-3; res, Khoxboro, 63-95; res, Ithaca; d, Ithaca, NY, Je 7, 1913. *Mackey, Elkanah Dare — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Sp 16, 1826; CNJ, 52; PTS, 53-6; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Ap 9, 56; p. Snow Hills, Pitts Creek & Newton, Md, 57-8; d. Princess Anne, Sp 6, 58. *Marshall, Alexander Stewart — b, Dayton, Pa, Ap 29, 1829; WashCPa, 53; WestTS; PTS, 54-5; ss, Ozaukee, Wis, 55-6; ord, Pby Cedar, Ap 11, 57; ss, Marion, la, 56- p, 57-96; d, Marion, la, Fb 3, 96. DD, LenC. *McCune, Robert Lewis — b, Mercersburg, Pa, Nv 26, 1826; MarshC, 48; prin; WestTS, 52-5; lie; ss, Bedford, Pa, 55; grad stu, PTS, 55-6; ord evang, Pby East Alabama, Oc 21, 56; hm miss, EAla Pby, 56-7; prin, Hodge’s Class Schl, Va, 58; ss, Lebanon, 58-9; ss. Front Royal, 59-60; ss. Montours, Pa, 61; ss, Carmi, 111, 62-5; ss. Shade Gap & Upper Tuscarora, Pa, 65-7; ss. Bethel ch, 67- p, 68-70; ss, Heuvelton, NY, 70-2; ss, Hamburg, la, 72-4; ss, StThomas& Rocky Spring, Pa, 74-5; ss, Fayetteville, 75-7; evang, res. Brasher Iron Works, NY ; d, Fredonia, Pa, Ap 3, 95. *McElroy, John McConnell — b, near Greenfield, O, Ja 21, 1830; JefC, 51; tea; PTS, 53-5; ord, Pby Des Moines, Dc 6, 55; ss, Kirkville, la, 55-7; p, Ot- tumwa, 55-69; prin, Ottumwa, 60-4; supt schls, Wapello Co, 64-5; ss, Richland, 1856-1857 195 69-70; p, Batavia, 70-83; ss, Kirkville, 83-4; miss, Ottumwa, 85-8; ss. East End ch, Ottumwa, 88-91; d, Ottumwa, la, Fb 20, 1908. DD, W&JC, 81. *McLean, Alexander — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Oc 1, 1833; HamC, 53; UnTS, 53-4, 55-6; PTS, 54-5; ord, Cong Conso Fairfield West, Ja 21, 57; p, Fairfield, Conn, 57-66; p, Presb ch, Buffalo, NY, 66-74; sec, AmBSoc, NYCity, 74-98; d, NYCity, Mr 19, 98. DD, HamC, 74. *Scarborough, William Bennet — b, Stockton, NJ, Fb 25, 1825; CNJ, 53; PTS, 53-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 2, 57; ss, Taneytown & New Windsor, Md, 56- p, 57-69; p, Madison ch, Adams Mills, O, 70-2; ss, Linton & Evan’s Creek chs, 72- p, 73-80; p, Otsego, 81-92; res, near Linton Mills; d, Linton Mills, O, Ap 16, 99. *Scovel, Henry Spencer — b, Lawrenceburgh, Ind, Sp 25, 1832; HanC, 53; PTS, 53-4; d. New Albany, Ind, My 15, 54. 16. 1857 *Cameron, John James — b, NY; UnC, 1854; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 1, 57; p. New Scotland, NY, 57-60; tea, Saratoga Springs, 60-1; d, USArmy, Va, My 15, 62. *Edgar, David — b. County Down, Ireland, Ag 30, 1831; CNJ, 54; PTS, 54- 7; ord, Pby New York, Je 10, 57; p. North Haverstraw, NY, 57-8; ss, Mariaville, 58-60; ss. Green Island, 61-6; miss, Albany, 66-8; ss, Napoleon, O, 68-71; ss. Upper Sandusky, 71-3; ss, Parma & Springport, Mich, 73-6; ss. Raisin, 76-9; ed. The Dexter Leader, 80-2; d, Dexter, Mich, Fb 4, 82. *Frothingham, James — b, Johnstown, NY, Sp 21, 1834; UnC, 53; civ eng; PTS, 54-7; ord evang, Pby Albany, Ag 4, 57; miss. Choctaws, 57-9; ss, Amster- dam, NY, 59-60; hm miss, Sheldon & Caledonia, Minn, 60-5; ss, Lansing, la, 65- p, 70-9; p el, Manchester, 80-2; ss, Morrison, 111, 82-6; p, Waukegan, 86-90; ss, 9th ch, Chicago, 90-3; ss, Harvey, 99-1903; city ed, Interior, 1900-10; hon re, 17; asso p. Highland Park ch, Chicago, 17-20; d, Chicago, 111, Dc 7, 20. ♦Gamble, Robert— b, Ramelton, Ireland, Je 18, 1834; CNJ, 54; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Donegal, Oc 17, 57; p, Leacock & Bellevue, Pa, 57-60; p. Union ch, Phila, 60-4; p. Upper West Nottingham, 64-7; p, Chanceford, 67-82; p, Mt Joy & Donegal, 82-6; p. Union ch, Phila, 86-90; ss, Pequea, 90-6; ill health; res, Bridgeton, Pa; d, Columbia, Ag 26, 1909. ♦Gordon, Jeremiah Smith — b, Greencastle, Pa, Ag 18, 1829; CNJ, 53; tea; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 17, 58; ss. Lower Path Valley & Burnt Cabins chs. Pa, 57- p, 58-1904; res, Fannettsburgh; d, F'annettsburgh, Pa, Mr 25, 04. ♦Harlow, Henry Addison — b. Plumb Island, NY, Nv 8, 1830; CNJ, 54; PTS, 54-7; ss. New Hamburg, NY, 57; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Fb 8, 58; ss, 2d ch. New Brunswick, NJ, 57- p, 58-65; agt, PTS, 65-6; p, Florida, NY, 66- 72; p, Monticello, 73-7; prin, Florida, 77-80; res, Goshen, 80-3; p el, Livingston Manor, NY, 83-8; p el, 2d ch, Mendham, NJ, 88- p, 89-94; hon re, 95; res, Nyack, NY; d, Nyack, Je 27, 1913. 1857 196 *Hepburn, Andrew Dousa — b, Williamsport, Pa, Nv 14, 1830; JefC, 51; UVa; PTS, 54-7; ss, Harrisonburg, Va, 57; ord, Pby Lexington, Oc 22, 58; p, New Providence, Va, 58-60; prof. Metaphysics & Rhet, UNC, 59-67; prof, Logic & Eng Lang & Lit, MiaU, 67-71, pres & prof, Phil and Lit, 71-3; prof. Mental Phil & Eng Lit, DavC, 74-7, pres, 77-85; prof, Eng Lang & Lit, MiaU, 85-1908; res, Oxford, 0; d, Oxford, Fb 14, 21. DD, HSC, 76; LLD, UNC, 81. *House, William — b, Houseville, NY, Dc 24, 1826; CNJ, 54; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Londonderry, Oc 7, 57; p, Londonderry, NH, 57-73; p el, Cong ch, Barrington, RI, 73- p, 74-86; asst p. Union ch. Providence, 86-8; asst p, Plymouth ch. Providence, 88-90; asst p. Beneficent ch. Providence, 91-7; d. Providence, RI, Ap 3, 98. *Hubbard, Joseph Welton — b, Geneseo, NY, My 11, 1827; HmaC, 50; lawy; UnTS; PTS, 55-7; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ag 5, 57; p, 2d ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 57-65; ss, Cape Island, 65- p, 66-7; ss, Le Roy, NY, 67-9; p, Dayton, NJ, 70-5; pres, NIllC, 75-7; p el, Cong ch, De Witt, la, 77-9; ss, Wilton Junction & Sugar Creek, 79-83; ss, Knoxville, la, 83-9; p, Mechanicsville, 89-96; p, Linn Grove, 96-9; res, Mt Vernon, 99-1907; d, Mt Vernon, la, Ap 29, 07. *Kehoo, John Leslie — b, Amsterdam, NY, My 3, 1828; UnC, 54; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 30, 57; p, Manalapan, NJ, 57-75; ss, Worcester, NY, 75-6; d, Albany, Nv 8, 76. *Large, James Kain — b, near Mt Pleasant, O, Fb 15, 1825; WestTS; PTS, 55-7; lie, 2d Pby Phila, Ap 22, 57; hm miss, Webster City, la, 57; p el. Prospect, 111, 57-8; d, Princeville, Mr 18, 58. *McElhinney, Samuel Alexander — b, Newville, Pa, Oc 15, 1828; CNJ, 53; PTS, 54-7; ss. May’s Landing, NJ, 57-60; prin, Newtown, Pa, 60-1; tea, St Paul, Minn, 62-4; ord evang, Pby Missouri River, Sp 23, 66; ss, Alton, la, 65-7; ss, Bedford, 67-9; p & tea, Mt Ayr, 70-4; d. Union City, la, Ja 29, 74. *McLaren, Donald — b, Caledonia, NY, Mr 7, 1834; UnC, 53; tea; NewbTS, 54-5; PTS, 55-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 1, 57; p, Tennent ch. Freehold, NJ, 57-62; chap, USN, 63-96; prof. Ethics, USN Acad, Annapolis, Md, 63-5; ss, Englishtown, NJ, 80-2; ss, Merchantville, 84-5; ss, Bethany ch, Brooklyn, NY, 87-90; agt, AmBSoc, Porto Rico, 1902-3; Havana, Cuba, 02-6; sec, VaBibSoc, Richmond, Va, 06-7; res, Princeton, NJ; d, Princeton, My 27, 20. DD, CWoos, 80. *McMillan, George Whitefield — b, York Co, Pa, Ag 19, 1827; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Albany, Nv 17, 57; p, Princetown, NY, 57-63; ss, Lithopolis, O, 63-6; p, Brunswick, 111, 67-70; ss, Butler, Mo, 70-3; p, Perrineville, NJ, 73-88; pres, RichC, 88-1915; hon re; res, Richmond; d, Richmond, 0, My 6, 17. DD, RichC, 88; PhD, CNJ, 88. *Mitchell, James Young — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 22, 1832; L’nC, 54; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Newton, J1 14, 57; p, Phillipsburg, NJ, 57-62; p. Temple ch, Phila, Pa, 62-76; p, 1st ch, Lancaster, 76-1907, p em; d, Lancaster, Pa, Fb 26, 08. DD, UnC, 81. *Mitchell, William Luther — b, Maury Co, Tenn, J1 11, 1828; JefC, 54; 1857 197 PTS, 54-7; ss, Burlington, la, 57-9; ord, Pby Hillsboro, Dc 22, 59; p, Hillsboro, 111, 59-64; d, Hillsboro, Fb 23, 64. *Ogden, Thomas Spencer — b, near Pennington, NJ, Ja 9, 1832; UMich, 53; UnTSVa; PTS, 54-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 18, 57; miss, Corisco, Africa, 57-61; d, Corisco, Africa, My 12, 61. *Powen, Walter — b, Hebron, NY, Ja 6, 1831; UnC, 52; law stu; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Donegal, J1 9, 57; p, Lancaster, Pa, 57-68; d, Lancaster, Ja 23, 68. *Seely, Anson Henry — b, Ballston Centre, NY, Ja 6, 1826; UnC, 53; PTS, 54-7; ord evang, Pby Albany, J1 6, 58; ss, Carlisle & Esperance, NY, 58-72; d, Esperance, My 21, 72. *Simonton, James Snodgrass — b. Dauphin Co, Pa, Mr 20, 1829; CNJ, 52; tea; PTS, 54-7; tut, CNJ, 54-6; tea, Princeton, NJ, 57-8; tut, Europe, 58-9; prof, Fernandez Coll, Brazil, SA, 62-5; Europe 65-7; prin, St Paul, Minn, 67-9; prof, W&JC, 69-1900, prof em; res, Washington, Pa; d, Washington, Dc 27, 21. *Taylor, Archibald Alexander Edward — b, Springfield, O, Ag 27, 1834; CNJ, 54; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Louisville, My 6, 58; ss, Portland, Ky, 57- p, 58-9; p, 1st ch, Dubuque, la, 59-65; p. Bridge St ch, Georgetown, DC, 65-9; p, Mt Auburn ch, Cincinnati, O, 69-73; ed. Our Monthly; pres, CWoos, 73-83, prof, Mental Phil, 85-7; ed. Mid Continent, St Louis, Mo, 88-91; ss, Ferguson, Mo, 89-91; ss, Westminster ch, Columbus, 0, 92- p, 93-9; d, Columbus, Ap 23, 1903. DD, CWoos, 72, LLD, 83. *Westervelt, William Ellison — b, Paterson, NJ, Ja 17, 1829; tea; PTS, 54-7; hm miss, Windham, Ct, 57; ord, Pby Newton, Ap 15, 58; p, Bloomsbury, NJ, 58-61; ss, 1st ch, Burlington, la, 61-4; chap, USChrCom, 64; p. South Amboy, NJ, 65-70; p. New Hamburgh, NY, 70-6; ss, Millerton, 77-9; US Census dept, NYCity, 80; p, Roxborough, Phila, Pa, 81-6; ss, Pby Phila North, 86-7; ss. Elm Ave miss, Phila, 87-9; p, Windham, NH, 90-6; ss, Norwood, NJ, 96-1900; d, Norwood, Mr 10, 1900. ♦Woodworth, Malcolm William — b. North White Creek, NY, Ja 31, 1832; UnC, 54; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Winchester, Sp 5, 57; p, Mt Hope & Piedmont, Va, 57-65; ss. Providence, 61-5; ss, Patterson’s Creek, WVa, 66-87; p, Davis, 87-93; ss. Holly Meadows, 93-5; ss, Beulah & Stoney Run chs, 98-1900; res, Allegany Co, Md, 00-2; Burlington, WVa, 02-3; d, Burlington, Fb 1, 03. 23. ♦Ainslie, George — Grad stu, PTS, 1856-8; <1, Rochester, Minn, J1 28, 85. ♦Bowman, Francis Henry — b, Charlotteville, Va, J1 9, 1833; OglU, 51; UVa, 54; UnTSVa; PTS, 55-6; ord evang, Pby Georgia, Mr 29, 57; ss, Cong ch, Riceboro, Ga, 57-9; ss, Presb ch, Greensboro, Ala, 59-62; p, Augusta, Va, 62-8; p el, Memphis, Teim, 68- p, 69-73; d, Memphis, Oc 6, 73. ♦Boyd, Charles — Entered from Albany, NY; C.NJ, 1854; PTS, 54-6; d, Princeton, NJ, Ap 13, 56. 1857 198 ♦Chandler, Frank— b, Newark, NJ, My 26, 1831; CNJ, 54; PTS, 54-7; ss, Ainslee St ch, Williamsburgh, NY, 56; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 19, 57; p. Freehold, NJ, 57-85; pres. Young Ladies’ Seni, Freehold, 83-8; ss, Asbury Park, 87- p, 88-94; d, Asbury Park, NJ, My 12, 94. DD, CNJ, 82. ♦Cuthbert, Lucius— b, Beaufort, SC, Sp 22, 1832; SCC, 53; PTS, 54-6; ord Bapt, My, 56; p, Bapt ch, Aiken, SC, 56-65; p. Charleston, 65-7; ss, Beech Island, Town Creek & Aiken; ss, Williston, Elko & Rosemary chs, 67-84; res, Aiken, SC; ss, Elko; d, Aiken, SC, Ja 16, 1906. DD, SCC, 91. *De Veuve, Prentiss — b, Staten Island, NY, J1 28, 1833; CNJ, 53; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 15, 57; p, Ewing, NJ, 57-64; p, 2d ch, Ger- mantown, Pa, 64-6; p, 2d ch, Pottsville, 67-8; p, Park ch, Newark, NJ, 68-79; Phila, Pa, 80; p, 1st ch, Dayton, O, 81-9; d. Palatine Bridge, NY, Sp 27, 89. DD, MiaU, 86. ♦Evans, Enoch Kraig — b, Shawangunk, NY, My 27, 1821; AmhC, 53; PTS, 54; UnTS; tea, Victoria, Quincy, Oquaka, 111; tea, Jerseyville, 67-77; tea, Bentonville, Ark, 77-8; tea, Bentonville, Mo, 78-9; ss, Lebanon, 79; d, Jerseyville, 111, Dc 18, 79. ♦Fine, Lambert Suydam — b, Ogdensburg, NY, Dc 10, 1832; HamC, 54; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 5, 58; p, Chambersburg, Pa, 58-60; ss, Penn Yan, NY, 59-61; ss, Sonora, Cal; ss. Liberty, O; ss, Paris Hill, NY; ss, Troy, Pa; d, Troy, Mr 5, 69. ♦Garritt, Joshua Bolles — b, Litchfield, Ct, Ja 23, 1832; HanC, 53; tea; NewATS, 54-5; PTS, 55-6; ss, Rockfield, Ind, 55; prof, Lat & Gk Lang, HanC, 56-62; ord evang, Pby Madison, Ap 8, 63; ss, Lancaster, Ind, 62-4; ss, Lexington, 63-4; US Chr Com, 64; ss, Hanover, 66-8, 73-5, 78-83, 85-6; prof, Gk Lang & Lit, HanC, 62-1906, prof em; res, Hanover, Ind; d, Hanover, Ag 31, 18. PhD, CWoos, 81; LLD, UKy, 09. ♦Gibson, John~b, Vermont; UChi, 1853; XenTS; PTS, 56-7; UP ch; lie, Pby Vermont, Sp 8, 58; d, Ryegate, Vt, Mr 8, 68. ♦Johnson, Charles Everett — b, Bradford, Mass, Mr 1, 1830; HarvU, 53; tea; PTS, 54-5; bus; res, Cincinnati, O, & Boston, Mass; res, Newton, Mass; Denver, Colo; d, Denver, Mr 19, 1910. ♦Kennard, Joseph Spencer — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 24, 1833; BuckU, 52; PTS, 54-6; agt, AmSSUn, Can, 56; ord Bapt, Phila, Dc 17, 56; p, 1st Bapt ch. Bridge- ton, NJ, 57-9; p, E St ch, Washington, DC, 59-62; ss. Calvary ch, Washington, 62; p, Woburn, Mass, 62-5; p, Albany, NY, 65-7; p, 10th ch, Phila, Pa, 67-71; p. Pilgrim ch, NYCity, 72-7; p, Grace ch, NYCity, 76-7; p. Central Square ch, Boston, Mass, 78-82; p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 82-7; evang, Chicago, 87-95; evang, Pittsburgh, Pa, 95-9; d, Phila, Oc 16, 99. DD, ColgU, 80. ♦Moore, William Lewis — b. New York, Mr 10, 1833; RutU, 54; PTS, 54-7; ord, Pby Luzerne J1 21, 57; p, Wyoming, Pa, 57-8; ss. West Milford, NJ, 59-60; ss, Sparta, 60-1; New Brunswick, 61-3; p. New Providence, 63-70; ss. Fort Lee, 72-4; p, RefChAm, Little Falls, 78-81; res, Jersey City, 82-9; NYCity, 89-1905; d, NYCity, Fb 14, 05. 1857-1858 199 *Roddick, George — b, Cariboo, NS, Ja 31, 1833; West River Theol Sem, NS, Can, 50-3; tea; PTS, 56-7; ord, Pby Pictou, NS, My 11, 58; p. West River ch, Durham, NS, 58-78; hm miss, Brandon, Manitoba, 79-1905; res, Pictou, NS, Can; d, Pictou, Fb 17, 10. *Scott, James Robinson — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Mr 3, 1832; CenCKy, 53; tea; PTS, 54-5; ill health; farming; res, Shelby Co, Ky; Champaign, 111; d. Champaign, Nv 23, 1911. *Walker, Robert C — WashCVa; tea; UnTSVa, 53-6; grad stu, PTS, 56-7; ord, Pby Lexington, Nv 9, 57; p. Union, Augusta Co, Va, 57-76; res, Augusta Co, 77-93; d, Augusta Co, Va, Fb 6, 93. *Wood, William Andrew — b. Rowan Co, NC, Nv 28, 1831; DavC, 52; tea; PTS, 54-6; ColTS; FreeChCEdin; ord, Pby Concord, J1 23, 59; p, Bethany, Tabor & Fifth Creek, NC, 59-60; p, Washington, 61-2; ss, Asheville, 62-4; ss. Fifth Creek, Third Creek & Unity, 64-9; p, Statesville, 69-1900; d, Statesville, NC, Ap 2, 00. DD, HSC, 79. 17. 1858 *Alexander, Henry Carrington — b, Princeton, NJ, Sp 27, 1835; CNJ, 54; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby Roanoke, Sp 3, 61; p, Charlotte CH, Va, 61-9; prof. Bib Lit & Interp NT, UnTSVa, 70-91; ss, Oakland, Md, & Terra Alta, WVa, 91-4; d, NYCity, Je 27, 94. DD, HSC, 70, LLD, 91. *Alexander, Robert — b, Belmont Co, 0, Je 15, 1837; WashCPa, 55; PTS, 55-8; FreeChCEdin; ord, Pby Donegal, Ag 7, 60; p. Little Britain, Pa, 60-6; p el, St Clairsville, O, 66- p, 67-99; ed, Presbyterian, Phila, Pa, 99-1901; d, Phila, Fb 27, 01. DD, FrankCO, 79. ♦Baker, Lewis Carter — b, Matawan, NJ, Dc 15, 1831; CNJ, 54; tut, BelC; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby Burlington, Mr 1, 60; p, 2d ch, Camden, NJ, 60-82; ed. Words of Reconciliation, Phila, Pa, 85-92; withdrew, 88; ord PEpis dea, Fb 15, 94; ord PEpis pr, Fb 21, 95; asst, Christ ch chap, Phila, Pa, 95-6; asst, Ch of the Atonement, Phila, 96-8; chap, Christ ch Hospital, Phila, 1901-12; res, Princeton, NJ; d, Princeton, Ap 6, 15. ♦Brewster, James Foster — b, Woodbridge, NJ, My 23, 1831; RutU, 53; tea; PTS, 54-5, 56-8; tea, Virginia, 55-6; ord, Pby Passaic, Oc 12, 58; p, Chester, NJ, 58-90; res. Summit, NJ; d. Summit, Ag 10, 97. ♦Brodhead, Augustus— b, Milford, Pa, My 13, 1831; UnC, 55; PTS, 55-8; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Je 4, 58; miss, India, 59-69, 70-6; ss, Mainpuri, 60-2; ss, Furrukhabad, 63-7; prof, Ch Hist, AIITS, & ed, Christ Treas, 72-5; p, 1st ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 81-7; d, Toronto, Canada, Ag 29, 87. DD, WUPa, 70. ♦Condict, Edward William— b, Morristown, NJ, Ja 17, 1833; CNJ, 53; PTS, 55-8; lie, Pby Passaic, Ap 14, 58; d, Morristown, NJ, Nv 28, 58. ♦Cowhick, John Young -b. Dauphin Co, Pa, Oc 17, 1827; AllegC, 51; PTS, 51; bus; tea; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby Donegal, My 6, .59; ss, Hopewell, Pa, 200 1858 58-9; p, Hopewell, Centre & Stewartstown, 59-75; ss, Cheyenne, WyTerr, 75- p, 79-82; d, Cheyenne, Wy, Je 18, 91. DD, WestC, 82. *Crane, Floyd Augustus — b, Goshen, NY, Sp 28, 1835; CN.J, 55; PTS, 55-8; ord evang, Pby Hudson, My 4, 59; hin miss, Callicoon, NY, 58-61; ill health, Goshen, 61-6; ss, Callicoon, 66-71; res, Goshen; oc s, 71-1915; d, Goshen, NY, Ap 20, 15. PhD, CNJ, 70. *Cunningham, William — b, Blairsville, Pa, Je 14, 1827; JefC, 52; tea; VVestTS; PTS, 56-8; ss, Blairsville, Pa, 58-9; ord evang, Pby Blairsville, Nv 5, 61; chap, USArmy, 61-2; ss, Princeville, 111, 63- p, 65-70; p, Fairfield & Union, Pa, 71-6; ill health; Blairsville, Pa, 77-9; d, Blairsville, Ap 21, 79. *Forbes, Anderson Oliver — b. Is of Hawaii, Haw Is, Ap 14, 1833; WashCPa, 53; PTS, 55-8; ord evang, Pby Phila, My 5, 58; p, Kaluaaha ch, Molokai, Haw Is, 58-68; p, Kaumakapili ch, Honolulu, 68-71; prof, Lahainaluna Coll, 71-4; p, 1st For Cong ch, Hilo, 74-80; cor sec, Hawaiian Board, 80-8; d, Colorado Springs, Colo, J1 8, 88. *Haines, Alanson Austin — b, Hamburg, NJ, Mr 18, 1830; civ eng; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby Lewes, Sp 22, 58; p, Buckingham & Eden, Md, 58-60; ss, Ama- gansett, NY, 60-2; chap, USArmy, 62-5; ss, North Hardyston, NJ, 65-90; d, Hamburg, Dc 11, 91. *Hamilton, Edward John — b, Belfast, Ireland, Nv 29, 1834; HanC, 53; PTS, 53-4, 56-8; NewATS; UnT.S; ord, Pby Nassau, Nv 25, 58; p. Oyster Bay, NY, 58-61; evang, Dromore, Ireland, 62; chap, USArmy, 63-5; p, Hamilton, O, 66-8; prof. Mental Phil, HanC, 68-79; act prof. Logic, Ethics & Pol Sc, CNJ, 82-3; prof. Intellect Sc & Hebrew, HamC, 83-91; lit wk, NYCity, 91-4; prof, Phil, White, 94-5; prof, Phil, llWash, 95-9; auth; res, Plainfield, NJ; res, Des Moines, la; d, Buffalo, NY, Nv 21, 1918. STD, WabC, & DD, MonC, 77; LED, HanC, 17. ♦Hedges, Charles EverU -b, Chester, NJ, Fb 4, 1836; CNJ, 55; PTS, 55-8; Pby Passaic, Ap 14, 58; ss, Croton Falls, NY, 58; d, Marysville, Cal, J1 12, 60. ♦Jackson, Sheldon— b, Minaville, NY, My 18, 1834; UnC, 55; PTS, 55-8; ord evang, Pby Albany, My 5, 58; miss. Choctaws, 58-9; hm miss. La Crescent, Minn, 59-64; p, Rochester, 64-9; supt, BdNatMiss, West Terr, 69-70, supt, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah & Montana, 70-82; bus mgr. Home Mission, NYCity, 82-4; supt, BdNatMiss, Alaska, 84; US genl agt, Edu, Alaska, 85-1909; d, Asheville, NC, My 2, 09. DD, HanC, 74; LLD, UnC & RichC, 97; Mod, Gen Assem, 97. ♦King, Albert Barnes — b, Morristown, NJ, Ja 29, 1828; CNJ, 55; UnTS; PTS, 57-8; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 22, 61; p. Oceanic, NJ, 61-2; ss, RefChAm, Gilboa, NY, 62-3; prin, Luzerne Presb Inst, 63-9; p, Presb ch, Wyoming, Pa, 63-72; ss, Charlotte, NY, 72-5; res, Elizabeth, NJ, 78-81; ss, Clarksville, NY, 82-3; res, NYCity, 84-6; Int Med Miss Soc, NYCity, 87-8; Europe, 89-90; res, Brooklyn, NY ; d, Brooklyn, Dc 18, 1914. ♦King, James Snowden— b, Albany, NY, Ag 20, 1832; CNJ, 55; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby New York, Ap 7, 58; p, Rockland Lake, NY, 58-60; d, Ossining, NY, Sp 16, 64. 1858 201 *McConaughy, Nathaniel — b, near Blairsville, Pa, Oc 11, 1825; WRU, 52; civ eng; tea; UnTS, 55-7; PTS, 57-8; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 12, 60; ss, Millville, NJ, 58- p, 60-6; ss, Swedesboro, 66-8; ss, Elwood, 68-72; ill health; civ eng; res, Somerville, NJ, 72-99; NYCity, 99-1911; d, NYCity, Dc 4, 11. *McDougall, James — b, Newark, Del, My 11, 1836; CNJ, 54; tea; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby Nassau, My 17, 59; p, Ainslie St ch, Brooklyn, NY, 59-66; tea, NYCity, 67-9; tea, Yonkers, 69-70; p, Babylon, 70-3; pres, YorkCI, 73-92; d, York, Pa, Oc 9, 92. PhD, CNJ, 68. *Nixon, George — b, NYCity, Nv 7, 1834; CCyNY, 54; civ eng; PTS, 55-8; ord, 2d Pby New York, Nv 10, 58; p. West Farms, NY, 58-75; p, Tremont, 75-1908, p em; res, NYCity; Yonkers; d, Yonkers, NY, Sp 28, 10. *Post, Henry Albertson — b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 2, 1835; CCyNY, 55; UnTS; PTS, 56-8; ord, Pby Troy, Ja 10, 60; ss, Warrensburgh, NY, 60-1; d, Warrensburgh, Nv 12, 61. *Roberts, William Charles — b, near Aberystwith, SWales, GB, Sp 23, 1832; CNJ, 55; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby Newcastle, Oc 13, 58; p, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 58-62; p, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 62-4; p, 2d ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 64-6; p, Westminster ch, Elizabeth, 66-81; cor sec, BdNatMiss, NYCity, 81-6; pres, LkFC, 86-93; cor sec, BdNatMiss, 93-8; pres, CenCKy, 98-1903; d, Danville, Ky, Nv 27, 03. DD, UnC, 71; LED, CNJ, 86; Mod, Gen Assem, 89. *Sickels, Edward Cook — b, Indianapolis, Ind, Ap 24, 1835; HanC, .54; NewATS, .54-5; PTS, 5.5-6; UBer, .56-7; PTS, .57-8; ss, Kirkwood, Mo, 58-62; ord evang, Pby St Louis, Sp 7, 62; ss, Dixon, 111, 62- p, 63-95, p em; tea, Dixon Sem, 64-5; tea. No 111 Normal Schl, 79-89; d, Dixon, 111, Sp 4, 1908. DD, LkFC, 90. *Simonton, Ashbel Green — b. Dauphin Co, Pa, Ja 20, 1833; CNJ, 52; PTS, 55-8; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Ap 14, 59; miss, Brazil, 59-67; ss, 1st ch, Rio de Janeiro, 62-7; d, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Dc 9, 67. *Spencer, Julius — b, St Louis, Mo, Mr 21, 1831; AmhC, 53; tea; PTS, 55-8; ss, Atchison, Kah, 59-60; ss, Caledonia, Mo, 60-3; ord evang, Pby Potosi, Ap 19, 63; ss & prin, Irondale, Mo, 65-75; ss, Marblehill, 72; supt, pub schls, Wabash Co, 73-5; p el. Prairie Home, 111, 75-7; res, St Louis, Mo, 78-81; ss. Cherry Tree & Bethesda, Pa, 82-6; ss, French Creek, WVa, 86-7; res. Grove City, Pa, 88-92; ss, Parma, O, 92-6; res, Cleveland, 97-9; Pittsburgh, Pa, 99-1903; d, Pittsburgh, J1 1, 03. *Stewart, Calvin Wilfred — b. Lower Chanceford, Pa, J1 4, 1830; JefC, .54; tea; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby Donegal, Je 24, 58; p. Union ch, Coleraine, Pa, 58-90; pres. White, 91-8; ss, Kent, Wash, 93-7; fin sec, WhitC, 98-1902; res, Tacoma, Wash; d, Tacoma, Oc 24, 11. DD, W&JC, 77. ♦Telford, Alexander— b, Troy, O, Ag 25, 1825; MiaU, 55; PTS, 55-8; ord, Pby Sydney, Oc 27, 58; p, Stoney Creek (Spring Hills), O, 58-73; ss. New Castle, Ind, 73-5; ss, Hastings, Minn, 7.5-8; ill health; p em; d, Hastings, Minn, Fb 22, 93. ♦Thompson, John Caldwell— b, Fagg’s .Manor, Pa, Mr 31, 1831; LafC, .55; 202 1858 PTS, 55-8; ss, Natchez, Miss, 59; ord, Pby New Castle, My, 60; p, Smyrna, Del, 60-4; p, Pottstown, Pa, 64-73; p, Hagerstown, Md, 73-8; p, 1st ch, Southwark, Phila, 79-80; p. So Broad St ch, Phila, 83-5; p, Scots ch, Phila, 85-93; ss, Grace ch, Jenkintown; asso p, Bethany ch, Phila, 96-1903; d, Phila, Pa, Je 6, 03. DD, LafC, 88. *WelIs, William Morgan — b, Cumberland, NY, Mr 29, 1830; CNJ, 54; PTS, 56-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 4, 58; p, Jamesburg, NJ, 58-69; asst prin. Freehold, 69-70; prin. Female Sem, Hightstown, 70-85; tea, Lambertville, 87-9; p, Un 1st ch, Amwell, 89-95; d, Ringoes, NJ, Ja 2, 95. *Woods, Alexander Miller — b, Lewistown, Pa, J1 12, 1831; CNJ, 50; tea; PTS, 57-8; ord, 2d Pby Phila, My 12, 59; p, Neshaminy ch, Hartsville, Pa, 59-69; p, Mahanoy City, 70-97; d, Mahanoy City, Pa, Nv 19, 97. 29. *Burtis, John Henry — New York; UnC, 1854; PTS, 55-7 ; miss, AmSS Un, Wis, 57-60; asso sec, AmSSUn, NYCity, 60-72; bus; res, Brooklyn, 73; bus; East Salem, NY, 84; d, Brooklyn, NY, 1903. *Denny, Harmar — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Je 15, 1833; MiaU, 52; PTS, 55; WestTS; English Coll, Rome, Italy; ord, RC pr, Nv 1, 60; London, Eng, 60; Pau, France; Pittsburgh, Pa; Frederick, Md, 71-2; Woodstock Coll, Md, 72-3; p, S Ignatius ch, Baltimore, Md, 73-83; p, St Francis Xavier, NYCity, 83-98; d, Woodstock, Md, Sp 4, 1908. *Ferrier, Edsall— b, Warwick, NY, Oc 30, 1831; LafC, 54; PTS, 54-5, 56-8; ord, Pby Hudson, My 10, 58; p. Amity, NY, .58-60; p, 2d ch, Florida, 60-5; prof, Eng Lang & Lit, WashCPa, 65-6; prof, PaC, 66-72; p, Mauch Chunk, Pa, 73-84; res, Easton, 83-1903; prof, Hebrew, LafC, 93-1903; d, Easton, Pa, Ja 31, 03. DD, LafC, 81; LLD, PaC, 01. *Johnston, Samuel Fulton — b, Stewiacke, NS, Can, Je 15, 1830; DalhU, 54; PTS, 55-6; colp, BdPubl, 56; West River Theol Sem, NS, Can; ord evang, Pby Truro, NS, Ag 17, 59; hm miss, NS, 58-9; miss, Tanna, New Hebrides Is, 60-1; d, Tanna, Ja 21, 61. *Lockwood, George Phillips — b. North Salem, NY; CNJ, 1855; PTS, 55-6; tea. Wheeling, WVa; d, 60. *Renz, Rudolph Augustus — b, Pennsylvania; CNJ, 1855; PTS, 55-7; d, Princeton, NJ, 57. *Shields, Edward Patrick — b. New Albany, Ind, Ag 31, 1833; MiaU, 54; NewATS, 54-7; ss, Bloomington, Ind, 56; grad stu, PTS, 57-8; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 2, 58; p, Pittsgrove, NJ, 58-70; p. Cape May, 71-84; p, Bristol, Pa, 84-97; hon re; res, Bridgeton, NJ; d, Bridgeton, Oc 19, 1917. DD, MiaU, 87. *Simonton, Thomas Davis — b, Hanover, Pa, Ja 25, 1831; PTS, 55; dentist, Harrisburg, Pa, 55-7; dentist, St Paul, Minn, 57-1906; d, St Paul, Dc 14, 07. DDS, Baltimore Coll of Dental Surgery, 52. 1858-1859 203 *Young, Charles Henry — Orange Co, NY; CNJ, 1855; PTS, 55-8; d, Princeton, NJ, 58. 9. 1859 *Adams, James Bailie — b, Boston, Mass, Oc 25, 1832; HanC, 56; PTS, 56-9; ss, Lancaster & Dupont, Ind, 59-60; ss. May’s Landing & Tuckahoe, NJ, 60-2; ss, Hubbard, Liberty & Brookfield, O, 63-4; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 25, 65; p, Guilderland, NY, 65-8; p, 2d ch, Amwell, NJ, 68-73; p, Georgetown & Cool Spring, Del, 73-80; ss, Portland & Upper Mt Bethel, Pa, 80-6; ss, Atco & Water- ford, NJ, 86-9; p el, Tamaqua, Pa, 89-90; ss. Crisp Memorial ch, Brooklyn, Md, 90-2; ss, Elwood, NJ, 93-1900; hon re; res, Elwood; d, Elwood, NJ, Nv 12, 11. *Anderson, Thomas Coulter — b, Butler Co, Pa, Ag 5, 1826; JefC, 55; tea; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Lewes, My 9, 62; p, Rehoboth, IVId, 62-4; p. Slate Lick, Pa, 65-8; p, Huntington Valley, 69-78; ss, Harmonsburgh & Evansburgh, 81-3; p, Pencader ch, Glasgow, Del, 83-91; d, Glasgow, Je 4, 91. ♦Bostick, Joseph Maner^b, Robertville, SC, My 19, 1835; FurU; PTS, 56- 9; ord Bapt, JI, 59; p, Bapt ch, Cheraw, SC, 59-66; p, Robertville, 66-9; p, & tea, Allendale, 70-2; ss. Beech Branch, 70-4; p, Robertville, 72-9; ss, Smyrna, 76-7; ss, Lawtonville, 78-9; p, Barnwell, 79-85; p, Robertville & Grahamville, 85-94; asso prin, Gaffney, SC; ss, Walterborough, 95-7; ss, Barnwell Co, 97-1900; ss, Robertville, Port Royal, 00-11; tes, Beaufort, SC; d. Savannah, Ga, Oc 19, 13. ♦Bridgman, Chester — b. West Hampton, Mass, Jl 3, 1833; .\mhC, 56; ColTS; PTS, 57-9; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ja 5, 60; ss, Woodstown & Swedes- boro, NJ, 59- p, 60-3; p, Cong ch, Ludlow, Mass, 64-6; ss, Medfield, 67-8; p, Presb ch, Williamstown, NJ, 69-71; p el. Upper Mt Bethel, Pa, 71-3; evang, Woodstown, NJ, 74-7; ss, Cong ch, Torringford, Ct, 78-9; ss, Greenfield Hill, 79-81; res, Woodstown, NJ, 81-7; Bordentown, Haddonfield, Merchantville, Woodstown, 1905-7; d, Phila, Pa, My 3, 07. ♦Bryson, Robert Caldwell — b. Spring Hill, Pa, Dc 3, 1828; LafC, 55; PTS, 55-6, 57-9; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 30, 59; p, Ashland & Gordon, Pa, 59-68; p, Pinegrove, 69-73; d, Pinegrove Mills, Pa, Ap 13, 73. ♦Caffrey, Philip Scott— b. Bethel, NY, Jl 30, 1830; CNJ, 54; PTS, 54-5, 57- 9; ord evang, Pby Oregon, Sp 8, 60; ss, Portland, Ore, 61-7; bus; res, Partlow, Va; d, Partlow. ♦Campbell, David Thompson — b, Sharon, Pa, Dc 6, 1829; JefC, 56; PTS, .56-9; ss, Niles & Liberty, O, 59-60; ord, Pby Iowa, Nv 20, 61; p. Morning Sun, la, 61-77; Co supt, pub schls, 75-6; ss, Columbus Junction, 77-9; ss, Wapello, 79-81; ss, Martinsburg, 82-8; res. Morning Sun, la; d. Morning Sun, Sp 8, 1908. ♦Clarke, Charles Russell— b, Albion, NY, Fb 29, 1832; CNJ, 53; PTS, 55-9; tut, CNJ, 55-7; ss, 2d ch, Princeton, NJ, 59-60; Rochester, NY, 60-1; ord evang, Pby California, Oc 1, 66; tea & evang, San Francisco, Cal, 62-70; ill health; d, San Diego, Cal, Ap 18, 72. ♦Darroch, John — b. Jura, Argyllshire, Scotland, Ja 1, 1829; CNJ, 54; tea; ColTS, 56-7; PTS, 57-9; ord, Pby Luzerne, Nv 15, .59; p, Weatherly, Pa. 59-61; 204 1859 p, Lochiel, Can, 61-5; UGlas, 65-6; p, Portree, Scotland, 67-93; ss. North Parish ch, Greenock, 94; ss, Sutherlandshire, 97; chap. Fort George, & ss, Sleat, Skye, 1900; ss, Campbelltown, 01; res, Kilmichael, Glassary, Scotland; d, Levenhall, Musselburgh, Sp 17, 16. *Davies, David Owen — b, St Louis, Mo, Oc 10, 1834; CNJ, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Sp 19, 61; p, 5th ch, Cincinnati, O, 61-3; ss, Carlisle, Ky, 63-4; p, Paris, 63-8; p, Clarksville, Tenn, 68-71; p el, Henderson, Ky, 71- p, 72-90; ill health; p, Fernandina, Fla, 93-6; ss, Prytannia St ch. New Orleans, La, 97-8; d. New Orleans, Ap 28, 98. DD, CenCKy, 81. *Davis, Robert Hamill~b, Coatesville, Pa, Mr 25, 1832; LafC, 52; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 4, 61; ss, Deerfield, NJ, 60- p, 61-75; prin. Female Sem, Lawrenceville, 75-83; p, Delaware, 85-9; p, Orangeville, Pa, 89-93; d, Orangeville, Dc 22, 93. PhD, LafC, 76. *De Votie, Noble Leslie — b, Tuscaloosa, Ala, Ja 24, 1838; UAla, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord Bapt, Nv 2, 59; p, Bapt ch, Selma, Ala, 59-61; drowned. Fort Morgan, Mobile, Fb 12, 61. *Duryea, Joseph Tuthill — b, Jamaica, NY, Dc 9, 1832; CNJ, 56; PTS, 56-9; tut, CNJ, 57-9; ord, Pby Troy, My 19, 59; p, 2d ch, Troy, NY, 59-62; p. Coll RefChAm, NYCity, 62-7; p, Classon Ave Presb ch, Brooklyn, 67-78; p, Centr Cong ch, Boston, Mass, 78-88; act prof, AndTS, 79-81; p, 1st ch, Omaha, Neb, 88-95; p, 1st RefChAm, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY, 95-8; d, Boston, Mass, My 17, 98. DD, CNJ, 66; LLD, UOma, 94. *Everitt, Benjamin Smith — b, Jamaica, NY, Oc 10, 1832; CNJ, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby West Jersey, June 22, 59; p, Blackwoodtown, NJ, 59-64; p, Stroudsburg, Pa, 64-9; p el, Montclair, NJ, 69; p, Jamesburg, 70-97; p el. New Gretna, 99-1902; ill health; res, Jamesburg; d, Jamesburg, NJ, Je 29, 10. DD, RichC, 91. *Farnham, John Marshall Willoughby — b. West Lebanon, Me, Sp 30, 1829; UnC, 56; tea; PTS, 56-9; ord evang, Pby Albany, My 3, 59; miss, Shanghai, China, 60-72; supt. Boys schl, 60-85; p, 1st ch, Shanghai, 66-71; Shanghai, 74-82, 84-1917; d, Shanghai, China, Fb 16, 17. DD, UnC & HillC, 79. *Finney, Henry Graham — b, near Milton, Pa, Sp 10, 1830; NYU, 55; PhilaTS; PTS, 57-9; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 27, 61; p, Gettysburg, Pa, 61-4; p el, Lycoming & Linden, 64- p, 65-7; p, Lycoming Centre, 65-75; p, Chillisquaque & Mooresburg, 75-88; p. Rocky Spring & St Thomas, 88-95; p. Shaver’s Creek, 95-9; p, Petersburg, 95-1900; ss. Bethel ch, 99-1900; ss, Cong ch, Williamsport, 00-4; res, Williamsport; d, Williamsport, Pa, My 27, 10. *Gibson, James — b, Ballybay, Ireland, Je 15, 1835; QuUBelf, 55, 57, MA; AsC, 55-7; PTS, 58-9; ord, Pby Strabane, Ire, Sp 26, 59; p, 1st ch, Strabane, Ire, 59-73; p. Free West ch, Perth, Scotland, 73-93, p em; ss, Nice, France, 93-4; res, Edinburgh, Scotland; d, Edinburgh, My 20, 1912. DD, Theo Fac Ire, 84. *Gilmor, John Scott — b, Ohio Co, WVa, Sp 2, 1830; JefC, 56; PTS, 56-9; ss. Upper Indiana ch, Ind, 59-60; ord evang, Pby Vincennes, Oc, 60; ss, Sullivan, Hopewell & Claiborne, Ind, 60-1; ss, Delhi, NY, 62; ss, Kennett Square, Pa, 62- 1859 205 p, 63-72; ss, Avondale, 70-2; p, Titusville, NJ, 72-4; evang, NYCity, 75; p. Freedom Plains, 76-80; evang, NYCity, 80-5; p. Stony Point, 85-90; ss. Congers, 90-7, p em; res, Haverstraw; d. Stony Point, NY, Mr 1, 1903. *Heydrick, David Melville — b, Flourtown, Pa, Nv 11, 1826; LafC, 56; PTS, 56-9; lie, Pby Phila, My 12, 59; cy miss, Brooklyn, NY, 59-64; agt, USChrCom, 64-5; City Park miss, Brooklyn, NY, 65-8; Bethlehem miss, Brooklyn, 68-1904; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 15, 04. *Hickok, Henry Franklin — b. New Haven, Vt, Fb 29, 1832; URoch, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord evang, Pby Troy, Je 15, 59; p, Sandy Hill & Fort Edward, NY, 59-69; p, 2d ch. Orange, NJ, 69-72; p. Central ch. Auburn, NY, 72-5; p, 2d (Brick) ch. East Orange, NJ, 75-95, p em; res, Vincennes, Vt; Burlington; d, Burlington, Vt, My 21, 1901. DD, URoch, 78. ^Kennedy, William Le Roy — b, Greene Co, .Ala, Sp 15, 1831; U.Ala, 55; tea; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Tuscaloosa, Mr 31, 60; p, Bethsalem & Burton's Hill, Ala, 60-3; chap, CSA, 61-2; ss, Hebron & New Hope, 63-7; ss, Tuscaloosa, 68-70; ss, Elyton & Birmingham, 70-3; ss, Indianola, Tex, 74-5; p, San Marcos & ss, Lockhart, 76-82; ss. Olivet, Carmel, Dry Creek & Hopewell, Miss, 82-3; p & chap. State Prison, Huntsville, Tex, 85-93; p, Cotulla, 93-4; ss, San Antonio, 94-5; chap. State Prison, Huntsville, 95-9; res, Beaumont, 99-1904; d, Beaumont, Tex, Ja 17, 04. *Lee, Henry Flavel— b, Putnam Valley, NY, J1 3, 1830; CNJ, 55; PTS, 56-9; ord, 2d Pby Philadelphia, Ap 26, 60; ss, Newtown, Pa, 59- p, 60-1; ss. South ch, Phila, 61-2; ss, Middletown, 64; USChrCom; p, Bristol, Pa, 65-7; ss, Logan Sq ch, Phila, 67; ss. Mariner’s ch & chap. Soldiers’ Home, Phila, 68-9; p, Thompsonville, Ct, 69-73; p, Pottstown, Pa, 73-80; chap. House of Correction, Phila, 80-4; p. Mariners’ ch, Phila, 84-1908, p em, 08-12; res, Pittsburgh; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, My 24, 12. *Little, James — b, Co Down, Ireland, Nv 30, 1830; CNJ, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Florida, Nv 12, 60; p, Jacksonville, Fla, 60-6; ss, Quincy, 67- p, 69-76; p, St Paul’s ch, Bowmanville, Can, 76-85; res, Toronto, Can, 86-90; p, West- minster ch, Richmond, Va, 90-2; ill health; res, Richmond; res, Belfast, Ire; d, Belfast, Je 6, 1915. "■Lower, Joseph Laney — b, Williamsburg, Pa, J1 14, 1829; JefC, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Lake, Dc 22, 59; p. Crown Point, Ind, 59-65; p, Salem, 59-61; ss. Upper Sandusky, O, 65-7; agt, CWoos&ss, Istch, Delaware, 67-8; p, Kingston, 68-70; p. Brown, 68-72; p. Union City, Ind, 72-4; p el, De Graff, O, 74-6; ss, Hardin, 76-7; hm miss, Thornton & Verona, Neb, 77-8; do. Harvard & Inland, 79-83; fin sec, HastC, 83-4; ss, Hartwell & Kenesaw, 85; ss, Wakefield, 86; ss. Union & Verona, 86-7; ss, Akron, Colo, 87-90; ss, Yuma, 89; ss, Valverde, 91-3; ss, Elbert & Elizabeth, 93; ss, Delta, 94-7; ss, Ridgway, 97-1901; ill health; ss, Arvada, Colo, 07-9; res, Kutch; d, Kutch, Colo, My 18, 15. DD, RichC, 97. "■Mackey, William Downing— b, Coleraine, Pa, Sp 23, 1829; UDel, 54; tea; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Lewes, Je 22, 59; p. Snow Hill, Md, .59-68; p, Bucking- ham & Eden, 68-70; ss, Christiana, Del, 70-3; asst. Head of Christiana, 73-5; ss. White ('lay ('reek, 75-85; prof, Anc Lang, UDel, 70-85; d, Newark, Del, Mr 4, 86. 2o6 1859 *Manly, Charles — b, Charleston, SC, My 28, 1837; UAla, 55; tea; ss, Robertville, SC, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord Bapt, Je 19, 59; p, Bapt ch & tea, Tusca- loosa, Ala, 59-71; p, Murfreesboro, Tenn, 71-3; pres, UnU, 71-3; p, Staunton, Va, 73-80; p, Greenville, SC, 80-1; p. Rocky Creek & Brushy Cr, 82-5; p, Belton, 82-98; p, Seneca, 86-98; pres, FurU, 81-97; tea, Anderson, 97-8; p & tea, Lexing- ton, Mo, 98-1903; p, Lexington, Va, 03-14; res, Chicago, 111; d, Gaffney, SC, My 1, 24. DD, WmJC, 72. *Marshall, William Rice — b, Guernsey Co, O, Ag 18, 1831; MuskC, 56; WestTS; PTS, 57-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 20, 59; p, 12th ch, Baltimore, Md, 59-65; p, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 65-70; fin sec, CWoos, 70-1; p, 1st ch, Dubuque, la, 71-4; d, Dubuque, Dc 26, 74. *Merrill, John Leverett — b, Haverhill, NH, My 29, 1833; DartC, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Donegal, Oc 31, 60; ss. New Harmony, Pa, 59- p, 60-5; prin, Lancaster, 65-6; p, Cong ch, Acworth, NH, 66-70; ss, Marlborough, 70- p, 71-86; p, Rindge, 87-91; p, Marbury, Vt, 91-1901; res, Reading, Mass; d, Boston, Ja 30, 13. *Morrison, William Thomas — b, NYCity, Dc 14, 1835; CNJ, 54; tea; PTS, 56-9; ord evang, Pby New York, Je 13, 59; miss, Ningpo, China, 60-5; Pekin, 68-9; d, Pekin, China, Dc 10, 69. *Nassau, Robert Hamill — b, Montgomery Square, Pa, Oc 11, 1835; CNJ, 54; tea; PTS, 56-9; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 17, 61; MD, Med Dept, UPa, 61; miss, Corisco, Africa, 61-4, Benita, 65-71, Ogove River, Africa, 74-91, Gaboon, 93-8, Batanga, 1900-2, Gaboon, 03, Batanga, 04-6; ss, Starke, Waldo & Hawthorne, Fla, 07-8; res. Ambler, Pa, 10-21; d. Ambler, My 6, 21. DD, UPa, 91. *Noerr, Moses — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 17, 1833; AmhC, 55; tea; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Dubuque, Je 19, 60; ss, Maquoketa, la, 59- p, 60-4; ss, Andrew, 59-64; p el, Bellevue, 64-6; ss, Arlington, 111, 66-8; ss, Beulah & Coal Valley, 68-70; p el, Paxton, 70-1; p, Milan, 71-7; ss, Beulah, 77-8; ss, Gilman, 78-80; p el, Decatur, Mich, 80-3; p, Hamburg, la, 83-7; p el, Leon, 87-91; ss, Dallas Center, 92-3; ss, Sidney, 93-6; ss, Hollister, Cal, 97; res, Kansas City, Kan; d, Kansas City, Ag 3, 1918. *Patterson, Isaac Matheson — b, Pictou, NS, Can, Nv 30, 1832; DalhU, 54; PresbC; PTS, 57-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 10, 59; ss. Deer Creek, Harmony, Md, 58- p, 59-60; ss, Franklin St ch, Baltimore, 60-1; p el, Annapolis, 61- p, 62-6; p, Emmittsburg & Piney Creek, 66-73; p, Milford & Holland, NJ, 73-89; p, Bloomsburg, Pa, 89-96; ss. Walnut Ave ch, Trenton, NJ, 96- p, 98-1903, p em, 03-21; res, Trenton; d, Trenton, NJ, J1 3, 21. *Patterson, Robert Mayne — b, Phila, Pa, J1 17, 1832; Cntl High Schl, Phila, Pa, 49; PTS, 56-9; law stu; ord, Pby Phila, Ag 25, 59; p. Great Valley, Pa, 59-67; p. South ch, Phila, 67-81; ed, Presb Journ, Phila, 81-93; p el. Great Valley, 82- p, 85-1906, p em; res, Malvern; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 5, 11. DD, CNJ, 79; LLD, LafC, 87. *Proctor, Robert — b, Chinquacousy, Ont, Can, Fb 17, 1830; CNJ, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Rock River, Nv 7, 59; p, 2d ch, Freeport, 111, 59-62; ss, 1859 207 Jordan, NY, 63-4; ss, Seneca St ch, Buffalo, 65-6; tea, Buffalo, 66-7; ss, Alden, 67-8; p. Polo, 111, 68-71; ss, 1st ch. Galena, 72; ss, Oregon, 73-4; ss, McComb City, Miss, 75-6; ME ch. Rock River Conf, 76; p. Walnut, 111, 77-8; p, Peca- tonica, 78-9; p, Englewood, Chicago, 79-80; p, Arlington Heights, 80-2; p, Plano, 82-3; p. Turner, 83-4; p, Mt Morris, 84-7; bus; res. Hot Springs, Ark, 87-1908; d. Hot Springs, Ja 19, 08. *Riedy, Owen — b, Lehigh Co, Pa, Sp 16, 1827; LafC, 56; PTS, 56-9; tea, SC, 59-60; grad stu, PTS, 61; miss & tea, Brooklyn, NY, 62; USArmy, 62-3; ord, eccl council. New Orleans, La, Ap 14, 64; chap, USArmy, 64-6; miss, Gretna, La, 66-72; p el, Milan St Ger ch. New Orleans, 72- p, 73-7; p el, Soniat St (Im- manuel) Ger ch. New Orleans, 77-97; d. New Orleans, Nv 4, 1904. *Rosser, William Ledyard — b, Nashville, Tenn, Nv 29, 1836; bus; PTS, 56-9; ord evang, Pby Memphis, My 20, 59; ss, Mt Vernon, Tenn, 59-61; adjut, cav, CSA, 61-2; chap, CSA, 64-5; ss, Franklin, Tenn, 65- p, 66-9; ss, Lewisburg & Cornersville, 70-1; ss. Hall ch, Walter Hill, 71- p, 72-9; ss, Hopewell & Stone’s River, 72-81; ss, Mt Vernon & Spring Creek, 80-1; p el, 2d ch, Nashville, 81- p, 82-3; p. Hall ch, 83-6; p, Smyrna, 83-7; ss, Mt Vernon, 86-94; ss. Spring Creek, 87-94; ss, Decherd, 87-91; ss, Woodbury, 91-4; ss. Cripple Creek, 93-4; p, Hender- sonville & Madison chs, 94-8; p, Madison, & ss. Hermitage, 98-9; d, Madison, Tenn, Ag 30, 99. ’•’Scott, Alexander — b, Washington Co, Pa, Je 16, 1826; JefC, 52; tea; PTS, 56-9, 62-3; ord evang, Pby San Francisco, Ap 29, 60; ss. Areata, Cal, 59-62; tea, Phila, Pa, 63-81; ill health; res, Washington Co, 81-4;tea, San Luis Obispo, Cal, 85-6; tea. Mills Coll, Cal, 86; prin, Sumner Acad, Wash, 87-9; tea, Sumner Acad, 90; tea, Merced, 91; prof, Gk, AlbanyC, 92-1905; res. New Concord, 0; d, Co- lumbus, Fb 16, 15. MA, MuskC, 56. ’•’Singleton, Horace Leonard — b, Portsmouth, Va, Dc 27, 1833; AmhC, 55; PTS, 56-9; ord evang, Pby Upper Missouri, Sp 15, 60; ss, Chillicothe, Mo, 60-1; p el, Broadway ch, Baltimore, Md, 62-3; p el, Bel Air, 63-4; Baltimore, 64-5; p el, 1st ch, Wilmington, NC, 65- p, 66-71; ed. Good News & Alliance, Baltimore, Md, 72-4; res, Baltimore; ss, St Charles, Mo, 85; ill health; res, NYCity, 86-1910; d, NYCity, J1 13, 10. ’‘Smith, Joseph Davis — b, Moyse, Ireland, My 30, 1828; JefC, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Donegal, Oc 30, 60; p. Slate Ridge ch, Peachbottom, Pa, 60-90; evang. Delta, Pa, 90-1906; d. Delta, Pa, Dc 21, 06. ’‘Taylor, William Howell— b, NYCity, Fb 11, 1834; YaleU, 55; PTS, 56-9; ss. Calvary ch, Rochester, NY, 59; ord, Pby New York, Fb 22, 60; p, 1st ch, Clifton, NY, 60-4; chap, USArmy, 65; p, 1st ch, Titusville, Pa, 65-9; p. Green Point ch, Brooklyn, NY, 69-76; p el, Aiken, SC, 77-9; p el, St Augustine, Fla, 79-83; p el, Summerville, SC, 83-6; NYCity & trav, 86-91; p, Walterboro, SC, 91-4; res. Savannah, Ga, 95-6; ill health; res, Summerville, SC; d, Richmond, Va, My 11, 1914. ’‘Weidman, Jacob— b, Lebanon, Pa, Dc 20, 1837; PaC, 56; PTS, 56-9; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, Ja 24, 60; ss, Tamaqua, Pa, 59; ss, Nanticoke & Ashley, 59-64; ss, Shickshinny, 63-4; ss, Downington, 65; asst, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 2o8 1859 66-7; p, Bristol, Pa, 67-73; p, Brainerd ch, Easton, 73-80; p. South ch, Bethlehem, 80-5; evang, Pottsville, 85-7; ss. White Haven, 88; p, Clifton Heights, 88-91; ss. Port Penn, Del, 91-3; hon re; res, Clifton Heights, Pa; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Mr 20, 1910. DD, PaC, 06. *Clark, James Hervey — b, NYCity, Mr 3, 1830; PTS, 56-9; ord, Pby Iowa, Sp 25, 59; p, Burlington, la, 59-62; chap, USArmy, 62-3; ss, Throop Ave ch, Brooklyn, 63; p. Pleasant Grove, NJ, 63-9; ss, Clarksville, 69-70; p, 1st ch, Cedarville, 70-4; ss, Nicholson, Pa, 74-5; ss, Abington, 75-6; ss, 3d ch, Paterson, NJ, 76-9; ss. Lake View, 78-83; ss, Ellendale, Dak, 83-5; ss, Gary, 86-7; p el, Alta, la, 88; p el, Pipestone, Minn, 89-91; p, Yates City, 111, 92-4; ss. Crow Meadow ch. La Rose, 95-7; ss, Methol, NY, 98-9; hon re; res, Minneapolis, Minn, 1902-25; d, Minneapolis, Ap 6, 25. *Heagen, John Wesley — b, Washington Co, Pa, Fb 25, 1832; JefC; PTS, 56-7; WestTS; lie, Pby Louisville, Ap 11, 62; res, Cloveport, Ky, 63-4; tea, Mt Washington, 65; ss. Cane Run & Plum Creek, 66-9; Lawrenceburg, 69; Eliza- bethtown, 70-7; ord, Pby Arkansas, Oc 7, 77; p, Dardanelle, Ark, 78-84; ss, Lamar, Mo, 85-90; ss, Blackburn & Maplewood, 93; ss, Maplewood & Saline chs, 94; ss, Alma & Saline, 95; ss, Montgomery City, 96; d. Little Rock, Ark, Mr 25, 97. *Hinsdale, Robert Graham— b, NYCity, Nv 2, 1833; CNJ, 56; PTS, 56-9; tut, CNJ, 58; ss, Kenosha, Wis, 58; ss, Derry, NH, 60; ord, Pby Troy, Sp, 60; p, 3d ch, Troy, NY, 60-2; ss, Freeport, LI, 62-4; tea. White Plains, 64-5; p el, Sun- bury. Pa, 65; ord PEpis dea, Ag 12, 66; rec, Emanuel ch, Racine, Wis, & prof, Chem & Geol, Racine Coll, 66-76; pres, HobC, 76-83; rec, Ch of the Redeemer, Biloxi, Miss, 83-9; d, Biloxi, Ja 9, 89. DD, HobC, 76. *Larimore, James Wilson — b, Steubenville, O, My 6, 1834; HSC; NYU; PTS, 56-8; ord, RefChAm, Cl Albany, Jl, 60; p, 3d ch, Albany, NY, 60-1; ss, Presb ch, Bladensburg, Md, 61-2; p, Mt Pleasant, la, 62-3; chap, USArmy, 63-5; ss, Chicago, 111, 65-72; ed & tea, Chicago, 72-89; ill health; bus; d, Chicago, My 30, 94. *Mayer, Gustav Wilhelm — b. Gross Siissen, Wurtemburg, Germany, Ap 26, 1835; CNJ, 57; PTS, 57-8; AlexTS; ord PEpis dea, Oc 2, 59; ord pr, Ja 19, 62; rec, St Luke's ch, Chartier's Creek, Pa, 61-4; rec. Spring Hill, Md, 64-6; miss, Elmira, NY, 66-7; rec, St Mark’s ch, Penn Yan, 67-70; miss, Cheyenne, WyT, 70-2; cy miss, San Francisco, Cal, 72-81; chap. Charity Hosp, NYCity, 81-92; rec, St Matthew’s (mission) ch, Newark, NJ, 92; res, Phila, Pa; d, Dc 18, 1905. *McCormick, Robert Warnock — b, Newtown- Ardes, Ireland, Dc 25, 1828; OglU, 56; PTS, 56-7; ColTS; ord evang, Pby Ogden, Dc 18, 60; ss, Heuvelton, NY, 60-3; ss. Fall Brook & Morris Run, Pa, 63-4; ss, Tuscarora, NY, 65- p, 67-9; ss, Waddington, 69- p, 70-9; d, Waddington, NY, Ja 31, 79. *Park, Charles Hopkins — b, Jerseytown, Pa, Jl 16, 1830; HanC, 55; PTS, 55-6, 57-8; ord, Pby Northumberland, Ja 18, 59; p, Chilisquaque & Mooresburgh, Pa, 59-71; p el, Circleville, NY, 71-2; p el, Ridgebury, 72-3; p, Circleville, NY, 73-94; ill health; d, Otisville, NY, Ap 25, 1901. 1859-1860 209 *Reily, William McClellan — b, York, Pa, Ag 8, 1837; PaC, 56; PTS, 56-8; MerTS; Germany; tut, MerTS, 61-4; ord RefChUS, Cl West Susquehanna, Oc 30, 64; p, Lewisburg, Pa, 64-8; p, Jonestown, 68-72; prof, Lang, Palatinate Coll, Pa, 72-83, pres, 83-4; pres, Allentown Female Coll, 84-92; res, Wyoming, Del; d, Wyoming, Nv 21, 92. PhD, F&MC, 80. ♦Salmon, James McMurtrie — b, Columbia Co, Pa, Ja 31, 1825; LafC, 56; PTS, 56-7; ord, Pby Northumberland, My 11, 59; ss, Berwick & Briar Creek, Pa, 58- p, 59-63; miss & ss. White Haven & Eckley, 63-70; p. White Haven, 71-3; ss, Bangor, 74- p, 77-88; ss, Alburtis, 88-90; ss. Middle Southfield, 90-1; ill health; res, Bangor; d, Bangor, Pa, Ap 11, 96. ♦Sutphen, John Crater — b, Somerset Co, NJ, Ag 12, 1834; CNJ, 56; PTS, 56-7; prin, Southampton, LI, NY, 57; MD, UPa, 59; phys. Liberty Corner, NJ, 59- 66; phys, Plainfield, 66-78; d, Plainfield, NJ, Ap 13, 78. ♦Taylor, De Witt Clinton — b, Minaville, NY, Sp 22, 1835; Cntl High Schl, Phila, Pa, 52, MA; PTS, 56-7; Bapt; bus; res, NYCity, Brooklyn, N\', 63-92; lit wk; res, Tyrone, Pa, 92-1916; d, Tyrone, Ja 15, 16. ♦Teitsworth, William Persing -b, Elysburg, Pa, J1 11, 1829; JefC, 54; tea; PTS, 54-5, 57-8; ss, Rohrsburg Orangeville, NY, 58-9; ss, Stroudsburg, Pa, 59-60; colp, Wis, 60; ord evang, Pby Genesee Valley, Sp 4, 60; ss, Alle- gany, NY, 60-3; ss, Arkport, 63-4; agt, USChrCom, 64-5; freedm miss, St Louis, Mo, 65; ss, Gillespie & Staunton, 111, 65-7; ss, Lebanon, 67-9; ss & prin, Clark City, Mo, 69-73; ss, Longmont, Colo, 73-5; ss, Fairplay, 76-7; ss, Rosita, 77-9; Silver Cliff, 79-80; ss, Sagnach & Del Norte, 80-1; ss. Dodge & Spearville, Kan, 81; ss. Sterling, 82; ss, McCune, Monmouth & Osage, 82-3; ss, Laceygne, 83-4; ss, Irving, 84-5; ss. Hardy, Neb, 85-9; ss, Dunsmair & Sisson, Cal, 89-90; ss, Gridley, 90-1; agt, AmTrSoc, Cal & Ore, 91-1914; d, Oakland, Cal, Sp 16, 15. ♦Visscher, Simon Greenleaf — b. Tribes Hill, NY, Fb 8, 1828; UnC, 55; prin; PTS, 56-9; lie, Pby Albany, My 5, 58; ss, Churchville, Md, 60-1; ss, Taberg, NY, 61-2; bus, Rome, 63-87; rul eld; d, Rome, NY, Dc 24, 87. 13. 1860 ♦Adams, Lyell Thompson — b, Monticello, NY, Dc 26, 1837; CNJ, 57; PTS, 57-60; lie, Pby Susquehanna; ss, Lawrenceville, Pa, 61-5; ss, Albion, NY, 65-9; US consul, Malta, 69-77, Geneva, Switzerland, 79-89, Horgen, 89-92; d, Horgen, Switzerland, My 24, 92. ♦Allen, Edward Brown — b, Schenectady, NY, Je 19, 1827; UnC, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Albany, Je 25, 61; p, Ballston Centre, NY, 61-6; rec, St John’s ch, Delhi, 68-9; rec. Trinity ch, Milford, Mass, 69-70; p. South East Presb ch, Brewster, NY, 71-1900; d, Albany, J1 5, 00. ♦Barnard, Joseph Harrison -b. Pleasant View, Pa, Fb 9, 1838; LafC, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 12, 60; p, Birmingham, Tyrone Logan's Valley, Pa, 60; p, Bellefonte, 61-6; p, Waukesha, Wis, 66-70; p, Kankakee, 111, 70-7; p, Muscatine, la, 77-84; |), 2d ch, Madison, Ind, 84-1904; res, Madison; d, Madison, Ind, .Aj) 25, 26. DI), HanC, 87. 210 1860 *Beekman, John Stottoff— b, Middlebush, NJ, Oc 19, 1833; CNJ, 57; UnTS, 57-8; PTS, 58-60; ss, Livingston, Ala, 60-1; ord, Pby Peoria, Je 10, 63; ss, Farmington, 111, 62- p, 63-6; p, French Grove, 66-9; ss & hm miss, Paola, Kan, 70; ss, 1st RefChAm, Somerset, 71-4; p, 1st ch, Amwell, NJ, 75-8; res, Princeton, NJ; ord PEpis dea. My 7, 87; ord pr, Mr 28, 88; rec. Federal Point, Fla, 86-8; rec. Green Cove Springs, 88-9; ss, Gainesville & Sanford; miss. New Smyrna, 91-4; d. Sea Breeze, Fla, J1 11, 1901. *Blauvelt, Isaac Alstyne — b, Lamington, NJ, Mr 31, 1839; CNJ, 57; tea; PTS, 57-60; ss, Cong ch, Guildhall, Vt, 59; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, My 8, 60; ss, Meyersville, New Egypt, 60-1; ss. New Egypt & Plattsburg, 61-2; ss, Plumsted & Plattsburg, 62-4; p, Clinton, 64-8; p, German Valley, 68-74; p, Roselle, 74-1910, p em; res, Elizabeth; d, Elizabeth, NJ, Nv 23, 27. DD, CNJ, 93. *Briggs, Marvin— b. North Castle, NY, Mr 11, 1827; NYU, 52; UnTS; tea, Fauquier Co, Va, 54-7; PTS, 58-60; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 18, 60; cy miss, NYCity, 60-3; evang, USArmy, 63-5; lie surrendered, Ap 18, 65; bus, NYCity, 65-79; Brooklyn, 79-1901; rul eld; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 24, 01. *Bryant, Edwin Green — b. South Bend, Ind, Je 15, 1836; WabC, 57; PTS, 57-60; ss, Cong ch, Gaysville, Vt, 60-1; ord evang, Pby Alton, Sp 30, 61; ss, Presb ch, Vandalia, 111, 61-2; ss, Durand, 62-4; ss, Hastings, Mich, 64-7; ss, Cong ch, Atkinson, 111, 67-9; ss. Garden Prairie, 69-71; ss, Presb ch. Flushing, Mich, 72-5; ss. Independence, 75-7; ss, Plymouth, 78-80; ss, Brighton, 81-4; East Jordan, 85-9; d. East Jordan, Mich, Dc 8, 89. *Butler, Francis Eugene— b, Suffield, Ct, Fb 7, 1825; YaleU, 57; PTS, 57-60; ss, Bedford Springs, Pa; ss, 2d ch, Cleveland, O; ord evang, Pby Passaic, Ap 16, 62; ss, Cong ch, Paterson, NJ, 62; chap, USArmy, 62-3; killed, Suffolk, Va, My 4, 63. *Collier, Edward Augustus — b, NYCity, Nv 21, 1835; NYU, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord evang, Pby North River, Nv 6, 60; ss, Cong ch, Saugerties, NY, 60-1; ss, Presb ch, Amenia, 61-4; p, RefChAm, Kinderhook, 64-1907, p em; res, Kinder- hook; d, Kinderhook, NY, Dc 3, 20. DD, NYU, 84. ♦Cook, Philip Barnes— b, Orwell, Pa, Ja 17, 1832; CNJ, 57; PTS, 57-60; miss, Greene Co, Ind, 60-1; ord evang, Pby Vincennes, Sp, 60; p. Scaffold Prairie, Ind, 60-3; chap, USArmy, 62-3; ss & tea, Bloomfield, Ind, 63-4; MD, Miami Med Coll, 66; phys, Nokomis, 111, 66-70; phys & agt, Indianapolis, Ind, 70-3; ss. White Haven, Pa, 73-5; phys & lect, Kingston, 75-83; phys, Le Raysville, 83-1907; d, Le Raysville, Pa, Ag 13, 07. ♦Craven, Hugh Long — b, Northampton, Pa, Ap 18, 1829; CNJ, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord evang, Pby Chippewa, Sp 15, 60; hm miss, Minn, 60-1; ss, St Charles, Minn, 61- p, 64-70; ss, Fremont, 61-70; ss, Utica, 61-75; hon re, St Charles, 75; became a “Beekmanite”; d, St Charles, Minn, Dc, 96. ♦Dinsmore, William Henry — b, Greene Co, Pa, My 31, 1833; CNJ, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 19, 61; ss. Silvers’ Springs, Pa, 60- p, 61-5; p, Mahanoy City, 66-9; p, Stroudsburg, 69-76; p, Deerfield, NJ, 76-7; d, Deer- field, My 26, 77. 1860 21 I *Feagles, Robert Stoutenburgh — b, Amity, NY, Dc 27, 1831; CNJ, 56; tea; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Rockaway, Oc 23, 60; p, 2d ch, Mendham, NJ, 60-9; p, Mt Olive, 69-70; ss, Sparta, 70-1; p, Mt Freedom, 71-9; ss, Morris Plains, 79-81; ss, EStroudsburg, Pa, & Lafayette & Papakating, NJ, 81-3; res, NDakota; p, Bethlehem ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 87-90; ss, St Croix Falls, Wis, 91-3; evang, res, Minneapolis, Minn, 94; ss. Mound RefChAm, Cutler, 111, 94-1902; ss. Fair- view, Prior Lake & Glendale, Minn, 02; res, Seattle, Wash, 03-9; d, Seattle, Nv 3, 09. ^Gregory, Daniel Seely — b, Carmel, NY, Ag 21, 1832; CNJ, 57 ; PTS, 57-60; tut, CNJ, 59-60; ord, Pby Rock River, Fb 23, 61; p el. South ch. Galena, 111, 60- p, 61-3; p, 2d ch, Troy, NY, 63-6; p el, 3d Cong ch. New Haven, Ct, 66- p, 67-9; p. South Salem, NY, 69-71; prof. Metaphysics & Logic, CWoos, 71-5; prof. Mental Sc & Eng Lit, 75-8; pres, LkFC, 79-87; ss, Morgan, Minn, 88-9; mng ed. Standard Diet, & specialist, NYCity, 90-4; auth & ed, Homelectic Rev, 95-1904; gen sec, AmBL, and ed, Bible Stu & Tea, NYCity; res. East Orange, NJ; d. East Orange, Ap 14, 15. DD, CNJ, 73; LLD, CWoos, 95. *Harrison, Samuel — b, near Bailieboro, Ireland, Dc, 1830; tea; PTS, 57-60; ord, 2d Pby Phila, Je 12, 60; p, 2d ch, Norristown, Pa, 60-1; ss, Plum- steadville, 62- p, 65-6; p, Washington & Derry, 66-7; p, Amwell United 1st, Ringoes, NJ, 68-75; med dept, UVa, 75-6 & NYU, 76-7; phys. Clover Hill, NJ, 79-82; Brownsburg, Pa, 82-4; ss. Little Meadows & Warren, 84; d, Warrenham, Pa, Nv 18, 84. *Henry, James Addison — b, Cranbury, NJ, Oc 28, 1835; CNJ, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Phila, Je 5, 60; p, Princeton ch, Phila, Pa, 60-1906; d, Asbury Park, NJ, Ag8,06. DD, CenCKy & W&JC, 77; LLD, W&JC, 05; STD,UPa,06; Mod, Gen Assem, 04. *Hooker, Elias Cornelius — b, Bennington, Vt, J1 19, 1832; WmsC, 57; PTS, 57-60; ss, Presb ch, Cambridge, NY, 60; ord Cong, Dc 11, 60; p, Cong ch, Newburyport, Mass, 60-4; p, 1st ch, Nashua, NH, 65-8; p, Stockbridge, Mass, 70-3; d, Stockbridge, Dc 5, 73. ♦Hyde, Charles McEwen— b, NYCity, Je 8, 1832; WmsC, 52; UnTS, .53-4; tea; PTS, 59-60; ord Cong, Ag 19, 62; p, Cong ch, Brimfield, Mass, 62-70; p, Haverhill, 70-5; pres. No Pacific Miss Inst, Honolulu, Haw Is, 77-99; d, Honolulu, Oc 13, 99. DD, WmsC, 72. ♦Johnson, Andrew Jackson — b, Pennsylvania; JefC, 1851; PTS, 57-60; ord evang, Pby New Orleans, Ap, 61; hm miss, Amite City, La, 61-2; Amite City, 65-6; Summit, Miss, 66-7; Covington, La, 67-8; demitted min, Dc 1, 68; phys, Dallas, Tex. ♦Kerr, James Witherspoon — b, Clarksville, Va, Nv 11, 1820; WRU, 49; phys, NYCity, 53-7; PTS, 57-60; ord evang, Pby Tombeckbee, Oc 18, 61; ss. Unity & Beersheba, Miss, 60-6; ss, Mayhew & Starkville, 66-7; ss, Okolona, 67-8; ss, Yazoo City, 68- p, 69-72; tea, Yazoo City, 70-3; p el, Monticello, Ark, 74-8; tea, Natchez, 80; ss, Geneva & Camilla, Ga, 81; ss, Valdosta & Bethany, 81-5; ss, Brandon, Miss, 86-92; res, Brandon; d, Brandon, Miss, Ja 15, 1901. ♦Kugler, John Backer — b, Lebanonvillc, NJ, Mr 5, 1832; CNJ, 57; PTS, 212 1860 57-60; ord, Pby Donegal, Je 12, 60; p, Strasburg, Pa, 60-5; p, Musconetcong Valley, NJ, 65-83; p, 1st ch, Hoboken, 83-90; p, Amwell 1st ch, Reaville, 90-1900; res, Clinton; d, Clinton, NJ, Oc 3, 12. *Mayne, James Stevenson — b, Revallagh, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ag 17, 1826; CNJ, 57; PTS, 57-60; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 7, 59; p el, Absecon, NJ, 60; d, Absecon, Ag 30, 60. *McMurray, John — b. New Conco*rd, O, Fb 24, 1829; HanC, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord evang, Pby Brazos, Ap 5, 61; ss. Chapel Hill, Tex, 60-1; ss, San Antonio, 62-3; ss & tea, Columbus, 64-5; ss, Lockhart, 66; ss & prin, Georgetown, 67-75; prin. Parson’s Female Sem, 76-8; ss, Taylor, 79-82; prin, Taylor Acad, 79-86; ss, Springtown, 87; ss, Baird & Windham, 88-9; ss, Cisco, Breckinridge & Clear Fork, 90-1; res, Georgetown; d, Georgetown, Tex, Ja 25, 1912. ♦Mitchell, David Henry— b, Hoboken, NJ, Mr 16, 1832; CNJ, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Nv 21, 60; p. Cedar Rapids, la, 60-2; chap, USArmy, 62-5; ss, Kirkwood, Mo, 66-7; p, Oskaloosa, la, 67-70; ss, Georgetown, Col, 70-4; Georgetown, 75-8; bus; res, Jacksonville, 111, 82-6; res, Chicago, 87-1910; d, Denver, Col, Je 2, 10. ♦Patterson, Joseph Alexander — b. Pleasant View, Pa, Ap 14, 1834; LafC, 56; prin; PTS, 57-60; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Je 12, 60; ss, Rockwell Falls & Conklingville, NY, 60-2; p. Lick Run, Pa, 62-4; d, Jacksonville, Dc 30, 64. ♦Prime, Wendell — b, Matteawan, NY, Ag 3, 1837; ColU, 56; UnTSVa; tea; PTS, 58-60; ord, Pby Michigan, Oc 23, 61; p, Westminster ch, Detroit, Mich, 61-7; p. Union ch, Newburgh, NY, 69-75; ed, NY Observer, 76-93; ill health; trav; d, Zurich, Switzerland, Nv 28, 1907. DD, UnC, 80. ♦Smith, Sanford Huntington — b, Newark, NJ, Dc 23, 1834; CNJ, 54; PTS, 57-60; asst, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 60-2; ss, 2d ch, Peoria, 111, 62-3; USChr Com, 63; ord, Pby Winona, Oc 27, 63; p. Red Wing, Minn, 63-5; p, Mendham, NJ, 66-9; p, Westfield, NY, 70-1; p, Adams, 71-3; d, Adams, NY, Mr 4, 73. ♦Stitt, William Christie — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 23, 1833; CNJ, 56; tea; PTS, 57-60; ss, Georgetown, DC, 60-1; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 13, 63; ss, Hagerstown, Md, 62- p, 63-6; p. Yellow Frame, NJ, 68-72; p, RefChAm, Piermont, NY, 72-87; p, Presb ch, Hazleton, Pa, 87-8; sec, AmSeamFrSoc, res, NYCity, 88-1904; d, NYCity, Ja 2, 04. DD, CNJ, 89. ♦Studdiford, Samuel Miller— b, Lambertville, NJ, Ja 24, 1835; CNJ, 56; tea; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, My 8, 60; p, 1st ch, Plainfield, NJ, 60-2; p, Stewartsville, 62-6; p, 3d ch, Trenton, 66-1902, p em; res, Trenton, NJ, 02-8; d, Trenton, J1 21, 08. DD, CNJ, 84. ♦Sutphen, Morris Crater — b, Bedminster, NJ, Dc 1, 1837; CNJ, 56; tea; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Phila, My 1, 60; co-p. Spring Garden ch, Phila, Pa, 60- p, 63-6; co-p, Scotch ch, NYCity, 66-72; Europe; Jacksonville, Fla; Morristown, NJ; d, Morristown, NJ, Je 18, 75. DD, CNJ, 71. ♦Thorburn, Alexander McAlister — b, Albany, NY, My 6, 1836; UnC, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 10, 60; p, Malta, NY, 60-4; chap, USArmy, 1860 213 64-5; p, Ogden, NY, 65-82; p, Marcellus, 82-7; p, Deckertown, NJ, 87-93; ill health; res, Syracuse, NY; d, Syracuse, My 1, 94. *Waterman, Alfred Tileston — b. Providence, RI, Dc 13, 1832; YaleU, 55; tea; UnTS, 57-8; PTS, 58-60; YaleUDS; ss, Cong ch, Plainfield, Vt, 60-1; ss, Fitchville, Ct, 62-3; ord Cong, Nv 9, 64; ss, Westfield, Ct, 63- p, 64-9; p, Ken- sington, 69-74; ss, Monroe, 74-6; ss, Marshall, Mich, 76-7; ss. Fort Scott, Kan, 77-8; p. Grand Blanc, Mich, 78-82; p, East Tawas, 82-4; p, Ovid, 84-6; p, Charle- voix, 86-7; p, Bancroft, 87-91; p, Hartford, 91-3; p, Baldwin, 93-5; res, Baldwin, 95-7; p, Nashville, 97-9; honorably dismissed, Sp 4, 1900; res, Washington, DC; d, Washington, Dc 29, 09. ♦Williamson, David McKnight — b, Troy, O, Sp 17, 1832; HanC, 57; PTS, 57-60; ord evang, Pby Logansport, Oc 3, 61; ss, Indian Creek & Mill Creek, Ind, 60-5; ss, Perrysburg, 65-75; ss, Duncan’s Falls & Rural Dale, O, 75-81; ss, Chand- lersville, 75- p, 76-81; d, Duncan’s Falls, O, Ag 24, 81. ♦Wood, Edward Payson — b, Amsterdam, NY, Ag 9, 1832; CNJ, 56; PTS, 56-60; lie, Pby Philadelphia, J1 2, 61; tea, Lawrenceville, NJ, 60-5; ill health, Princeton, 68-83; rul eld; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, Sp 27, 83; ss, Mt Ayer, la, 83- p, 85-9; d. Red Oak, My 4, 90. ♦Wood, John Rice — b, Lexington, Va, Je 18, 1835; CNJ, 56; PTS, 57-60; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 7, 59; ss, Madison, Ind, 60; d, Hanover, Sp 7, 60. ♦Yeomans, Alfred — b. North Adams, Mass, Dc 3, 1830; CNJ, 52; tea; law stu; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Newton, Dc 20, 60; p, Musconetcong Valley, NJ, 60-5; p el. Calvary ch, Rochester, NY, 65-6; p, Bellefonte, Pa, 67-8; p. Central ch. Orange, NJ, 69-89; d. Orange, Mr 20, 89. DD, CNJ, 78. 36. ♦Bartlett, Nathaniel Jabes — b, Hampstead, NH, Ap 23, 1834; WmsC, 57; Meth, 53-6; Cong, 57; PTS, 57-8; AndTS; bookseller, Boston, Mass, 59-1902; d, Andover, My 3, 02. ♦Chester, John— b, Hudson, NY, Ap 23, 1832; CNJ, 51; MD, UPa, 53; phys, Columbia & Abington, Pa, 54-8; PTS, .58-9; ord, Pby Burlington, Sp 14, 59; p, 1st St ch, Burlington, NJ, 59-64; p. Metropolitan ch, Washington, DC, 64-94; hon re; prof. Hist, NewWC, 78-80; chap, US Hosp for Insane, Washing- ton, DC, 68-1910; d, Washington, DC, Oc 4, 10. DD, CWoos, 74. ♦Coble, John Hannaer— b, Guilford Co, NC, Ap 14, 1829; UNC, 57; PTS, 57-8; ord, Pby Louisiana, Ja 1, 60; p, Bethany, Miss, 60-1; ss. Centre, NC, 62- p, 63-71; prin. Floral Female Coll, 70-2; ss, Laurinburg, 71- p, 79-88; d, Laurinburg, NC, Ja 15, 88. ♦Cochrane, William — b. Paisley, Scotland, Fb 9, 1831; HanC, 57; PTS, 57-9; ord, Pby New York, Je 7, 59; p, Scotch ch, Jersey City, NJ, 59-62; pres. Ladies’ Coll, Brantford, Can; p, Zion ch, Brantford, 62-98; d, Brantford, Can, Oct 17, 98. DD, HanC, 75. 214 1860 *Conkey, John Parsons — b, Martinsburgh, NY, J1 24, 1823; bus, 47-57; PTS, 57-8; ord, Pby Dubuque, Nv 25, 58; p, Bellevue, la, 58-62; ss & p el, Cape Island, 63-5; hm miss, Phila, Pa, 65-7; p, Shamokintown, 68-70; p, 6th ch, Phila, 70-2; p. Central ch, Wilmington, Del, 72-5; ss, 1st ch, Dubuque, la, 76- p, 78-82; d, Dubuque, J1 7, 90. DD, UDel, 76. *Moore, Samuel Miller — b, Norristown, Pa, Sp 15, 1834; LafC, 57; UnTSVa; PTS, 58-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Dc 6, 59; p, Pine Grove, Pa, 59-63; p. Bald Eagle, 60-2; p, Alexandria, 63-70; p, Tyrone, 70-87; res, Tyrone; d, Tyrone, Pa, Oc 14, 1895. DD, CW&M, 77. *Morey, Alexander Bullions — b, Mechanicville, NY, Nv 13, 1836; UnC, 56; PTS, 57-60; ord, Pby Indianapolis, My 2, 61; ss, Franklin, Ind, 60- p, 61-71; p, 5th ch, Cincinnati, O, 71-84; ss, Jacksonville, 111, 84- p, 85-1902; act p, 02-10; res, Jacksonville; d, Jacksonville, 111, Dc 13, 17. DD, IllC, 90. ♦Peek, Aaron— b. Orange, NJ, Je 7, 1836; CNJ, 57; PTS, 58-9; UnTS, 61-4; dist sec, AmSSUn & hm miss, Cleveland, O, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Cleveland, My 8, 68; p, Perth Amboy, NJ, 70-7; p, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NY, 78-81; evang, NYCity, 83-1901; d, NYCity, J1 3, 01. *Penney, John Gardiner — b, Tennessee; PTS, 57-8; Bapt. *Pering, John Dodds — b, Bloomington, Ind, Nv 27, 1835; IndU, 57; PTS, 57-8; NWTS, 59-61; tut, do, 61-2; ord, Pby Dubuque, Oc 23, 62; p, Foreston, la, 62-3; ss, Jessup & Barclay, 63-5; ss, Rock Run, 111, 66; agt, BdPub, Ind, 66-8; ss, Mt Eaton & Berlin, O, 68-9; agt, BdPub, Pby Columbus, 69; ss, Clay Centre, Kan, 71-4; agt, BdPub, Pby Topeka, 74-7; ss, Cheever, 77-80; prof, Lat & Gk, PkC, 81; ss. Oak Hill (Clay Centre), Kan, 86-96; treas. Clay Co BibSoc, 96-1900; res, Brookville, O; d, Brookville, Ja 2, 18. *Preston, Thomas Lewis — b, Lexington, Va, Je 2, 1835; WashCVa, 54; prof, WashCVa, 55-6; UnTSVa; PTS, 59-60; WestTS; ord evang, Pby Lexington, Ap 19, 61; p, Hebron, Va, 62-8; ss, Salem, 68-9; p, 1st ch, Richmond, 69-83; p, Lexington, Va, 83-95; d, Lexington, My 28, 95. DD, WashCVa, 72. *OuarIes, James Addison — b, Dunlora, Mo, Ap 30, 1837; WestmCMo, 58; PTS, 57-9; ord, Pby Missouri, Fb 15, 60; ss, Glasgow, Mo, 59- p, 60-6; ss, Lexing- ton, 66- p, 67-73; prin, Lexington, 70-3; p el. High St ch, St Louis, 73-4; ss. Prairie & Richmond, 75-6; pres, Eliz Aull Sem, Lexington, 77-86; prof. Moral Phil, W&LU, 86-1907; 86-1907; d, Lexington, Va, Ap 14, 07. DD, WestmCMo, 83; LLD, CntlU, 91. *Sherrard, Thomas — b, Co Antrim, Ireland, Dc, 1829; MiaU, 57; PTS, 57-8; AubTS; ord evang, Pby Alton, Ap 14, 61; ss, Centralia, 111, 60-4; ss, Brook- lyn, Mich, 65-74; d, Brooklyn, Ag 10, 74. *Thom, John Culbertson — b. Clarion Co, Pa, Ap 19, 1830; JefC, 53; tea; PTS, 57-9; ord, Pby Donegal, My 19, 59; p, Waynesburg, Pa, 59-65; p el. Pine St ch, St Louis, Mo, 65; d, St Louis, Nv 28, 65. 14. 1861 1861 215 ♦Alexander, Hugh Samuel — b, Little Valley, Pa, Ja 27, 1828; LafC, 55; PTS, 58-61; lie, Pby Phila, Ap 5, 60; ss, Aurora & Bensalem, Pa, 61; ss, New- market, O, 62; USChrCom, 62; prin, Columbia, Pa, 64-74; ill health; res, Cul- peper CH, Va, 74-80; prin. Eastern View Acad, Culpeper, Va, 85-1900; d, Cul- peper, Nv 27, 05. ♦Alexander, William — b, near Shirleysburg, Pa, Dc 18, 1831; LafC, 54-7; JefC, 58; PTS, 58-61; ss. Spruce Creek, Pa, 61; ord, Pby Northumberland, Je 10, 62; p, Lycoming, Pa, 62-3; ss, Waukesha, Wis, & pres, CarC, 63-5; p, Beloit, 65-9; p, San Jose, Cal, 69-71; pres, CCySF, 71-5; p, Centreville, 75-8; prof, NT Exeg, SETS, 71-6, Ch Hist, 76-1906; d, San Anselmo, Cal, Je 28, 06. DD, CWoos, 76; LLD, W&JC, 02. ♦Baird, John Taylor — b, Cincinnati, O, Dc 3, 1834; YalelJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; ss, Washington, O, 61-2; ss. Walnut Hills, 62-3; ss. Pleasant Run, 64; ord, Pby Missouri River, Je 27, 65; ss, Brownville, Neb 64- p, 65-75; p, Plattsmouth, 75-1905; res, Plattsmouth; d, Plattsmouth, Neb, Fb 1, 10. DD, UOma, 91. ♦Banks, David Stuart — b, Juniata Co, Pa, Je 10, 1832; LafC, 56; PTS, 58-61; ss, Altoona, Pa, 61-2; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Nv 17, 63; miss, Pby Huntingdon, 62-5; p, Brainerd ch, Easton, Pa, 65-73; p, 1st ch, Marquette, Mich, 73-82; p, Appleton, Wis, 83-6; miss. So shore. Lake Superior, 86-8; ss. Cal, 88-92; ss, 1st ch, Santa Cruz, 92-8; d, Santa Cruz, Cal, J1 13, 98. DD, LafC, 96. ♦Bayles, Lewis Condict— b, NYCity, Sp 26, 1838; CCyNY, 55; PTS, 58- 61; ord, Pby New York, Ap 23, 62; p, 84th St ch, NYCity, 62-4; d, San Francisco, Cal, Ag 11, 64. ♦Burrows, John — b, Nottinghamshire, England, Dc 25, 1831; LafC, 57; tea; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Raritan, Nv 26, 61; p, 2d ch, Amwell, NJ, 61-8; p, Milford, 68-73; p, 3d ch, Williamsport, Pa, 73-84; p, Olean, NY, 84-8; p, Chester, 89-94; d, Chester, NY, Ap 10, 94. DD, LafC, 86. ♦Cain, William Henry — b, Taneytown, Md, Nv 14, 1834; LafC, 58; PTS, 58-61; miss, Solano Co, Cal, 61-2; ss, lone City, 62-3; tea, Healdsburg, 63; ord evang, Pby Stockton, Ap 1, 63; ss, Bloomfield, 63-4; ss, Yreka & Scott’s Valley, 64-7; agt, San Francisco, 67-71; agt, AmSSUn, San Francisco, 71-2; SS miss, Westchester Co, NY, 73-4. ♦Carter, Samuel Thomson — b, NYCity, J1 22, 1840; NYU, 58; PTS, 58-61; UPSEdin, 61-2; ord, 2d Pby New York, Nv 13, 62; p, Westminster ch, Yonkers, NY, 62-7; p, 86th St ch, NYCity, 67-8; p, Huntington, LI, 68-1901; ed. Church Union, 96-00; hon re; res, Plainfield, NJ; d, Plainfield, Ja 9, 28. DD, NYU, 01. ♦Carter, Thomas~b, NYCity, Fb 6, 1839; NYU, 58; PTS, 58-61; NYCity, 61-3; ord, Pby Elizabethtown, Je 22, 63; p, Pluckamin, NJ, 63-72; ss, Boonton, 72- p, 73-94; d, Boonton, NJ, Nv 3, 94. ♦Clarke, John Peterson — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 9, 1824; LafC, 56; tea; WestTS; PTS, 60-1 ; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 2, 61 ; ss, Phillipsburg, Morris & Moshanon, 2i6 1861 Pa, 61-3; ss, Moshanon, 63-5; p, Doe Run, 66-8; ss. Little Valley, 68- p, 71-3; p, 2d ch, Mansfield & Danville, 73-81; p, Stillwater & Swartswood, 81-96; res, Hackensack, 96-1908; d, Hackensack, NJ, Fb 17, 08. *Cowan, John Fleming — b, Potosi, Mo, Mr 8, 1837; WestmCMo, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord evang, Pby Missouri, My 17, 63; ss, Auxvasse ch (Fulton), Mo, 61-1915; prof. Mod Lang & Heb, WestmCMo, 88-1912, prof em; d, Cal- wood. Mo, Ap 5, 15. DD, WestmCMo, 80. *Dod, Samuel Bayard — b, Princeton, NJ, Dc 3, 1838; CNJ, 57; Germany; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Hudson, Je, 62; p, Monticello, NY, 62-4; p, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 64-8; dir, StelTech ; res, Hoboken, NJ, 68-85; auth; res, E Orange; d, S Orange, NJ, Ap 19, 1907. *Dodd, Samuel — b, Co Down, Ireland, Ja 21, 1832; NYU, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord evang, Pby Ningpo, Nv 3, 61; ss, Yu-yiao ch, China, 63-5; ss, Ningpo, 65-6; supt, miss schl, Ningpo, 65-7; ss, Zong-yu & San-poh, 66-7; supt, miss schl, Hangchow, 67-78; ss, Bridgehampton, NY, 79-82; p, Stephentown, 84-94; d, Garfield, NY, Dc 7, 94. *Dunlap, Charles — b, Northville, Mich, Dc 31, 1832; MiaU, 55; tea; PTS, 58-61; ss, Lakeville, Mich, 62-3; ord, Pby Michigan, Ja 25, 65; ss. South Lyon, 64- p, 65-71; ss. Grand Ledge & Oneida, 71-2; ss, Sturgis, 72-4; ss, Waltham, 111, 74-9; ss, Osceola, la, 79-92; ss, Waukee, 92-8; ss, Minburn, 92-6, 97-8; ss, Adel, 92-9; res, near Grand Junction, Colo, 1902-7; d. Grand Junction, Je 21, 07. *Enders, Jacob Henry — b. Fort Hunter, NY, Nv 19, 1834; UnC, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord evang, Pby Albany, Oc 1, 62; ss, Kingsboro, NY, 62; chap, USArmy, 62-5; p, RefChAm, Lysander, NY, 66-9; ss, Chittenango, 69- p, 71-80; Europe, 78-9; asso p, Albany City Mission, 81-9; miss supt, Syn of Albany, res. Fort Hunter, NY, 89-99; d. Fort Hunter, Oc 6, 1901. *Freeman, Samuel Alden — b, Hanover, NH, Ja 25, 1838; LafC, 57; tea; PTS, 58-61; ord evang, Pby Monmouth, Oc 22, 61; ss, Manasquan, NJ, 61- p, 64-8; ss, Honeoye Falls, NY; 69- p, 72-91; p, Cong ch, Naperville, 111, 91-5; p, Presb ch, Lydonville, NY, 96-1908; p, Westernville, 08-23; hon re; res, Western- ville; d, Westernville, NY, Je 1, 24. DD, LafC, 89. *Galt, Sterling M — b, near Taneytown, Md, Fb 28, 1837; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 22, 62; p, Newark, Del, 62-5; d, Loveville, Oc 24, 65. ♦Gamble, Samuel Landis — b. Dry Run, Pa, Ag 10, 1828; JefC, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Albany, Ag 29, 61; p. New Scotland, NY, 61-7; ss, Hamilton- ville, 61-2; ss, 1st ch, Bethlehem, 63-7; p, Stillwater, 68-70; p, RefChAm, Guilder- land, 70-5; ss, 1st ch, Pekin, 111, 85-90; ss, Constantine, Mich, 90-1; ss, Presb ch, Gardner, III, 91-3; ill health; d. Riverside, III, Mr 18, 95. ♦Geddes, Williamson Nevin — b, Newville, Pa, Dc 28, 1836; JefC, 54; tea; PTS, 58-61; tea; ss. Charleston, WVa, 69-70; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 5, 71; p, Waynesboro, Pa, 71; prof, Lat & Math, HanC, 72-6; Hanover, Ind; tea, Wil- liamsport, Pa, 81-5; lit wk; res, Williamsport; d, Williamsport, Pa, My 16, 1913. PhD, F&MC, 87. 1861 217 *Harris, William — -b, Chester Co, Pa, Dc 20, 1831; UPa, 51; bus; NYCity & Phila; PTS, 58-61; chap, USArmy, 61-2; agt, USSanCom, 63; ord, Pby Sus- quehanna, Sp 6, 64; ss, Towanda, 64- p, 65-70; treas, CNJ, 70-85; d. Savannah, Ga, Mr 23, 85. *Hart, Charles Edward— b. Freehold, NJ, Fb 28, 1838; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord, 1st Pby New York, Dc 6, 63; ss, 40th St (Murray Hill) ch, NYCity, 61- p, 63-6; p. North RefChAm, Newark, NJ, 66-80; prof, Eng Lit, RutU, 80-97; prof. Ethics, Evidences of Christianity & Eng Bib, RutU, 97-1906, prof em; res. New Brunswick, NJ ; d. New Brunswick, Dc 15, 16. DD, RutU, 80. *Hill, Matthew La Rue Perrine — b. East Bloomfield, NY, Mr 11, 1834; WmsC, 58; AubTS; PTS, 59-61; ord, Pby Albany, Sp 19, 61; p. Little Falls, NY, 61-8; p, Gloversville, 68-70; p el, Jacksonville, Fla, 70-2; p el, Des Moines, la, 72-5; p el. Corning, NY, 75-82; ss, Santa Barbara, Cal, 82-5; Clifton Springs, NY, 85-7; St Paul, Minn, 87-1904; p, Westminster ch, St Paul, 95-6; d-, St Paul, Minn, Nv 22, 1904. DD, ParsC, 88. *Hodge, William Henry — b, Phila, Pa, Je 14, 1838; UPa, 57; PTS, 58-62; ord evang, Pby Phila Central, Ja 5, 64; p. Red Mills, NY, 64-8; Europe, 68-9; ss, Columbia Ave ch, Phila, Pa, 69- p, 70-91, p em; res. Chestnut Hill, Phila; d. Chestnut Hill, Pa, Mr 22, 1919. *Humphrey, Henry Augustine — b, Bloomfield, NY, 1832; UMich, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord evang, Pby Lake, Ap 7, 62; tea, Valparaiso, Ind, 61-3; ss, Salem, Wheeler & Hebron, 61-3; ss, Hudson, Wis, 63-5; d, Hudson, h'b 6, 65. *Hurd, Henry Martyn — b, Georgetown, NY, h'b 10, 1836; HamC, 57; PTS, 58-61; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 18, 60; ss. West Mendon, NY, 61-2; d, Mendon, Mr 2, 63. ♦Irvin, William— b, NYCity, Oc 28, 1833; RutU, 51; tut & prof, RutU; PTS, 59-61; ss. Oyster Bay, NY, 61-2; ord, Pby North River, Fb 18, 62; p, Rondout, NY, 62-7; p, 2d ch, Troy, 67-87; cor sec, BdNatMiss, 87-93; res. Oyster Bay, 89-1909; d, Berlin, Germany, Fb 22, 09. DD, CNJ, 73. ♦Janeway, Joshua Blackwood Howell — b, Rahway, NJ, My 16, 1837; CNJ, 57; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Raritan, My 7, 63; p, Amwell 1st ch, 'NJ, 63-4; chap, USArmy, 64-6; ss, Chambersburg, Pa, 66-7; ss, Pennington, NJ, 67-8; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, 68-9; Trenton, NJ, 69-70; Phila, Pa, 70-5; actuary, Presb Life Ins Co, Phila, Pa, 75-84; miss, Denver, Col, 84-6; ss, Emporia, Kan, 86-7; San Diego, Cal, 87-8; tea, NYCity, 89-1916; res, Boston, Mass; d, Boston, Ja 18, 20. PhD, NatU. ♦Jenks, William Albro — b, Bridesburg, Pa, My 27, 1836; LafC, 55; bus; PTS, .58-61; asst, 1st Cong ch, Roxbury, Mass, 61; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 10, 62; p, Titusville, NJ, 62-70; p, Bridesburg, Phila, Pa, 70-4; p. Central ch, Norristown, 7.5-81; p, Bald Eagle & Nittany, 84; d. College Hill, Easton, Pa, Mr 27, 8.5. ♦Johns, John Henry — b, Baltimore, Md, Oc 13, 1830; CNJ, .56; tut; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby New Castle, My 6, 62; ss. Rock & Zion chs, Md, 61- p, 62-83; d, Zion, My 7, 89. 2i8 1861 *Johnson, William Melancthon — b, Cambridge, NY, My 1, 1834; UnC, 58; tea; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Troy, My 1, 61; p, Stillwater, NY, 61-7; ss, 1st (Silliman Memorial) ch. Cohoes, 67- p, 68-1907; res, Troy; d, Troy, NY, Fb 5, 10. DD, UnC, 81. ♦Ketcham, Kneeland Platt — b, Babylon, NY, Sp 6, 1837; CNJ, 57; tea; PTS, 58-61; asst, 1st ch, Peekskill, NY, 61; ss, Franklinville, 61-2; ord, Pby Burlington, My 5, 63; ss, Tuckerton & Bass River, NJ, 62- p, 63-4; p, Allen- town, 64-71; p, 1st ch, Plainfield, 71-92; res, Plainfield, NJ; p, Freeport, NY, 94-1908; res, NYCity; ss, Rockledge, Fla, 14-6; res, Rockledge; d. Parry Sound, Fla, Sp 28, 18. DD, RutU, 69. *Love, David Rankin — b, near Glasgow, Scotland, My 15, 1831; CNJ, 58; tea; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Logansport, Oc 3, 61; p, Rossville, Ind, 61-4; ss, Danville, 111, 64-5; p el, Mackinaw, 65- p, 66-8; p el, Lexington, 65- p, 66-72; p el, Tolono & Philo, 72- p, 73-5; p el. Farmer City, 75-7; p el, Fowler, Ind, 77- p, 80-4; p, Greenfield, 84-8; ss. Greenwood, 88; p, Newton & Beulah, 88-97; ss, Frankfort, 98-9; hon re, 1901; res, Frankfort; d, Frankfort, Ind, Dc 30, 10. *Lowrey, John — b, Princeton, NJ, Mr 17, 1838; CNJ, 56; tea; PTS, 57-61; ord, Pby North River, J1 10, 61; p, Wappinger’s Falls, NY, 61-3; p. Sag Harbor, LI, 63-7; p, Throop Ave ch, Brooklyn, 67-73; p, Whitehall, 73-84; p, Hacketts- town, NJ, 84-95; d, Hackettstown, My 22, 95. *Lowrie, Newell Samuel — b, Montour Co, Pa, Ja 27, 1832; JefC, 58; WestTS, 58-60; PTS, 60-1; ord evang, Pby Erie, Oc 22, 62; ss, Conneautville, Pa, 60- p, 62-8; p, Gorham, NY, 68-86; ss, Cong ch, Reeds Corners, 68-79; hm miss. Holt Co, Neb; ss, O’Neill, 87-1900; hon re; res, Lincoln; d, Lincoln, Neb, Ja 27, 12. *Lusk, William, Jr — b, Wisconsin; UnC, 1858; AubTS; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Pataskala, 62; p, 2d ch, Newark, O, 62; ss. New Carlisle, 63; Plymouth, Ind, 63-4; PEpis, Granby, Ct, 79; rec, St John’s, North Haven, 82-1907; d. North Haven, Ct, Ja 17, 07. *McGinley, John Alexander — b, Fairfield, Pa, Nv 12, 1832; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Ag 12, 62; chap, USArmy, 62-3; tea. Acade- mia, Pa; tea, Reading; Europe, 70-1; res, Reading, Pa; d, Reading, J1 29, 1914. ’^McKinney, Robert Campbell — b, Livonia, Ind, Dc 7, 1832; IndU, 58; PTS, 58-61; ss. Union Mills Inst, 61-3; ord evang, Pby Lake, Ap, 62; ss, Coesse, Ind, 63-4; ss, Hebron, Salem & Tassinong, 64-7; ss, York & Walnut Prairie, 67-9; ss. Walnut Prairie & Marshall, 111, 69-70; ss, Orleans, Ind, 70-2; ss, Orleans & Livonia, 72-4; p, Brownstown, 74-8; ss, Scipio & Oak Grove, 78-80; ss, Norton, Kan, 80-1; ss, Idaho Springs, Colo, 81-2; p. Auburn, Kan, 83-5; ss, Adrian, 85-7; ss, Fort Bragg, Cal, 87-9; hon re; res. Fort Bragg; d. Fort Bragg, Cal, Je 17, 93. *McLean, John Knox — b, Jackson, NY, Mr 31, 1834; UnC, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord Cong, Je 5, 61; p, Cong ch. Fair Haven, Ct, 61-2; p, Framingham, Mass, 63-7; p, Springfield, 111, 67-72; p, Oakland, Cal, 72-95; lect, PacTS, 76-93, pres, 94-1911, pres em; res, Berkeley; d, Berkeley, Cal, Fb 16, 14. DD, KxC, 76. ’•’Moore, David W — b, Brandywine Manor, Pa, Oc 5, 1830; CNJ, 58; PTS, 1861 219 58-61; ord, Pby New Castle, My 8, 61; p, Lower Brandywine, Del, 61-72; chap, USArmy, 64; evang, McComb City, Miss, 72-3; p, McVeytown, Pa, 73-83; p, Kennett Square, 83-7; evang, Phila, 87-9; p, 2d (1st Bridgeport) ch, Norristown, 89-99; d, Norristown, Pa, Ja 11, 99. *Morrison, James McCommon — b, Coleraine, Pa, J1 21, 1832; UDel, 56; PTS, 56-7, 58-9, 60-1; p el. Upper West Nottingham, Pa, 62-3; tea. Spring Run Acad, Pa, 63-5; tea. Female Sem, Newburgh, 65-8; tea, Oregon, Mo, 69-72; ss, Rockport & Tarkio, 69-72; ss. Union & King’s City, 72-6; ord, Pby Platte, Ap 6, 76; ss, Shenandoah & Riverside, la, 77-80; ss. College Springs & Blanchard, 80-4; ss, Weston, Ore, 84-6; ss. Grass Valley, 86-93; ss, Monkland & Moro, 93-9; evang, Abany, 99-1906; hon re; res, Portland; d, Portland, Ore, Ag 29, 23. ♦Newkirk, Matthew— b, Phila, Pa, Sp 23, 1838; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 24, 62; p. Central ch, Downington, Pa, 62-8; p. North 10th St ch, Phila, 69-73; p, Bethlehem ch, Phila, 73-83; ill health, foreign trav, 83-6; p, Bethesda ch, Phila, 86-95; evang, 96-1902; ss, S Broad St ch, 03-5; asst p. West Hope ch, 06-10; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 24, 10. DD, LafC, 81. ♦Nimmo, Gershon Hatton — b, Melville, NY, Mr 23, 1834; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; reg, CNJ, 59-61; ord, Pby Lewes, Sp 26, 61; p, Lewes, Del, 61-70; p, Neshaminy ch, Hartsville, Pa, 70-91; p, Macalister ch, Torresdale, 91-8; d, Torresdale, Pa, Fb 24, 98. ♦Piper, James Alexander — b, Palestine, 111, Mr 1, 1833; HanC, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord evang, Pby Schuyler, Ap 6, 62; p el, Westminster ch, Quincy, 111, 61-70; p el, Clinton, 70- p, 71-4; p el. Charleston, 74- p, 75-99; ss, Ashmore ch; res. Charleston, 99-1903; d. Charleston, 111, Mr 14, 03. ♦Pomeroy, John Jay — b, Roxbury, Pa, Sp 8, 1834; LafC, 57; tea; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Lewes, Nv 28, 61; p, Dover, Del, 61-2; chap, USArmy, 62-4; ss, Mechanicsburg, Pa, 64; chap, USArmy, 64-5; p. Upper Octorara, Pa, 65-78; p, 1st ch, Rahway, NJ, 78-84; p. Central ch, Chambersburg, Pa, 84-9; d, Cham- bersburg, Dc 1, 89. DD, LafC, 85. ♦Proudfit, Robert Ralston— b, NYCity, Fb 4, 1836; RutU, 54; NBTS; PTS, 59-61; ord evang, 1st Pby New York, Je 16, 61; chap, USArmy, 61-5; miss & p, Weehawken, NJ, 65-9; Europe, 70-2; res. Highlands, NJ, 72-92; name dropped by request, Pby New York, Nv 14, 92; res, Morristown, 92-7; d, Mor- ristown, Fb 4, 97. ♦Randolph, Job Davidson — b, near Carlisle, Pa, My 16, 1831; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Raritan, My 16, 64; p, Kingwood, NJ, 64-7; p, Frenchtown, 64-82; p, Pittsgrove, 82-4; ss. South Amboy, 84-5; p, Penningtonville, Pa, 87-97; p, Christiana, 91-7; d, Atglen, Pa, My 23, 97. ♦Roberts, John Sinclair— b. NYCity, J1 25, 1838; CCyNY, 57; tea; PTS, 58-61; ord evang, 1st Pby New York, Je 16, 61; miss, China, 61-5; miss, Brooklyn, NY, 65-6; prof. Math & Astron, W&JC, 66-7; ss, Bellefonte, Pa, 67-8; ss, Glen Cove, NY, 68-9; tea, Bellefonte, Pa, 70-4; miss, China, 74-8; ill health; d, Morris Plains, NJ, Fb 20, 1900. ♦Ross, Robert Gaines— b, Warren Co, 0, Ja 13, 1832; HanC, 58; PTS, 220 1861 58-61; ss, Union Grove, 111, 61-2; ord evang, Pby Bloomington, Oc 18, 63; ss, Mahomet, 111, 62-6; ss, Jersey, 63-9; ss, Moro & Bayless, 69-70; ss, Bridgeport, Pisgah & Union, 70-6; ss. Pleasant Prairie, 76-81; ss, Baldwin, Plum Creek & Yankeetown, 81-8; ss, Hersman, 88-94; d, Lerna, 111, Mr 28, 1900. *Sanson, Thomas Alexander — b, Albany, NY, Oc 20, 1834; UnC, 58; tea; PTS, 59-61; ss, UP ch. Union Grove, Wis, 61-2; ord UP, Pby Iowa, Je 25, 62; p. Morning Sun, la, 62-4; p, Presb ch, Malta, NY, 65-7; p, Blairstown, NJ, 67-83; hm miss & supt schl for Indian girls, Muscogee, Ind Terr, 83-5; p, Argyle, NY, 85-9; ss, Axbow, 89- p, 90-5; ill health; res, Muscogee, Ind Terr; d, Mus- cogee, Sp 22, 1902. *Stewart, John Stevens — b, Jenkintown, Pa, Ap 1, 1835; CNJ, 56; tea, 56- 8; PTS, 58-61; tut, CNJ, 60-1; ord, Pby West Jersey, Fb 11, 62; p, Green- wich, NJ, 62-70; p, Towanda, Pa, 70-1910; res, Towanda; d, Towanda, Pa, Ap 1, 26. DD, HamC, 75. *Strong, Robert — b, Albany, NY, Nv 20, 1836; CNJ, 56; med stu; PTS, 57- 9, 60-1; ord, Pby St Paul, Oc 29, 62; ss, Westminster ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 61- p, 62-4; ill health; farming & bus, Westminster, Cal, 72-88; Pasadena, 88-1921 ; d, Pasadena, Cal, Mr 16, 21. *Taggart, Samuel B — b, Canonsburg, Pa, Mr 31, 1833; JefC, 56; RefPTS; PTS, 58-61 ; ord, Pby Vincennes, Sp 14, 62; ss, Sullivan, Ind, 62- p, 63-4; ss, Carlisle, 64; p, Kansas, 111, 65-9; p, Brazil, Ind, 70-3; ss, El Paso, 111, 73-4; ss, 1st ch, Bloomington, 75-7; ss. Upper Alton, 79-84; ss. New Hagerstown, O, 85; ss, Uhrichsville, 86-8; res. Upper Alton, 111, 89-1911; d. Upper Alton, Mr 21, 11. *Van Dyke, Joseph Smith — b. Bound Brook, NJ, Nv 1, 1832; CNJ, 57; tea; PTS, 58-61; tut, CNJ, 60; ord, Pby Newton, Oc 10, 61; p, Bloomsbury, NJ, 61-9; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, 69-96; ss, Asbury, 96-7; ss, Glassborough, 97-1900; res, Ilightstown; ss, Perrineville, 09-15; d, Hightstown, NJ, Nv 1, 15. DD, CNJ, 84. *Vannuys, James Harvey — b,' Hopewell, Ind, Dc 18, 1831; HanC, .58; PTS, 58- 61; ss, Kingston, Ind, 61-2; ord evang, Pby Rock River, Ap, 63; ss, Andover, III, 62-6; ss, Wilton Junction, la, 66; d, Franklinville, Nv 25, 66. *Wherry, John — b, near Shippensburg, Pa, My 23, 1837; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; tut, CNJ, 60-1; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Mr 16, 64; miss, Shanghai, China, 64-70, Chefoo, 70-2, Peking, 72-5, Tungchow, 78-80, Peking, 80-1919; d, Peking, China, Ja 22, 19. DD, CWoos, 92, & CNJ, 95. ♦Whiting, Samuel Place— b, NYCity, Ap 29, 1835; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; tea, NYCity, 63-4; ord evang, 2d Pby New York, Je 12, 64; p el, Mendocino, Cal, 64-70; ss, Santa Rosa, 70-2; ss. Olivet ch, San Francisco, 73-6; chap. Cal Mil Acad, 77; ss, Cloverdale, 78-84; ss, 1st ch, Healsburg, 85-7; ss, Fulton, 89-91; tea, Santa Rosa, 91-6; d, Santa Rosa, Cal, Ag 25, 1900. ♦Wilhelm, John C — b, near Fannettsburg, Pa, Fb 13, 1835; LafC, 57; tea; PTS, 58-61; ss & tea, Rome & Potterville, Pa, 61-3; ss & tea, Williamsport, Md, 63-4; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Dc 12, 64; private, USArmy, 64-5; chap, USArmy, 65; ss, York Sulphur Springs, Pa, 66; ss, Elwood, NJ, 67-8; tea, Shippensburg, Pa, 68-9; p, Schellsburg, 69-71; ss. Bethel & Shaver's Creek, 71- p, 72-7; ss. 1861 221 Petersburg, 77-9; ss, Saxton & Yellow Creek, 79-83; withdrew, Sp 6, 83; tea, Petersburg, 84; tea, Riddlesburgh, 85; p. Burnt Cabins ME ch, 86-7; Emporium Circuit, 88-9) p, Westport, 90-3; p. Mill Hall, 93-8; p, Utahville, 98-9; p, Benton, 99-1902; p, Jonestown ch (Fishing Creek), 02-5; p. Park Place & Delano, 05-7; res, Phila; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 10, 18.' *Williams, Edward Franklin — b, Uxbridge, Mass, J1 22, 1832; YaleU, 56; tea; PTS, 59-61; YaleUDS; NWTS; agt, USChrCom, 62-5; prin. Lookout Mt Inst, Tenn, 66-7; prin, HowU, 67; ord Cong, Oc 17, 66; ss, Cong ch, Rochdale, Mass, 67-9; ss. So Deerfield, 69; p. Tabernacle ch, Chicago, 111, 69-73; p, 47th St ch (South Cong), Chicago, 73-91; Europe, 91-3; lit wk, Chicago, 93-1902; p, Evanston Ave Cong ch, Chicago, 02-10, p em; d, Winnetka, 111, My 26, 19. DD, me, 81; LLD, WheaC, 01. *Wilson, Miles Cooper — b, Belleville, Pa, J1 12, 1829; JefC, 55; PTS, 58-61; lie, Pby Huntingdon, Je, 60; tea, Altoona, Pa, 62-3; tea, Selinsgrove, 63-4; ss. Licking & Leatherwood, 64-5; ss, Saxton & Yellow Creek, 65; ss. Little Valley, 67; tea, Liberty, 67-8; ss, Sioux City, la, 68; p el, Ickesburg & Blain, Pa, 69; ss, Sidney, la, 69-70; drowned, Sidney, Je 15, 70. *VVood, Francis Marion — b, Fairton, NJ, Je 23, 1834; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58-61; ss, Broadway ch, Cincinnati, O, 61; ss. Bethel ch, Toledo, 61-2; ord, Pby Miami, .Ag 22, 62; p. New Jersey, O, 62-9; p el, Clifton, 70-1; p, Marshall, Mich, 71-6; ss, Howard St ch, San Francisco, Cal, 76; p el, Oxford, O, 76-9; ss, Xenia, O, 80-3; ss. La Moure & Grand Rapids, ND, 83-4; Pby miss. North Dakota, 84-5; syn miss. North Dakota, 85-97; ss & asst supt. Mission Inst, Wellington, South .Africa, 97-1904; hon re; res, Wooster, O; d, Wooster, Ap 11, 11. 60. ♦Bachman, Nathan -b, Sullivan Co, Tenn, Dc 13, 1832; E&HC, .58; PTS, 58- 9; UnTS, 60-1; UnTSA'a; ord, Pby Holston, Ap 11, 63; ss, Kingsport, Tenn, 62-6; ss, 2d ch, Knoxville, 66-76; evang, Knoxville, 77-8; do, fonesboro, 79-87; do, Kno.\ville, 88-92; do, Sweetwater, 93-1914; d, Sweetwater, Tenn, Dc 3, 14. DD, SWPresbU, 89. ♦Bartlett, Dwight Kellogg^b, Utica, NY, Mr 30, 1832; UnC, 54; tut, UnC, 54-8; PTS, .58-9; ord, Pby North River, Dc 28, 59; p, Smithfield, NY, 59- 62; p, Stamford, Ct, 62-4; p, Plymouth Cong ch, Rochester, NA', 65-74; p, 2d RefChAm, .Albany, xNY, 74-81; d, NA'City, Ja 11, 81. DD, UnC, 75. ♦Carpenter, John Henry —b, Troy, NY, .Ag 2.5, 1836; CarC, 58; PTS, .58-60; NWTS, 60-1; ord evang, Pby Winnebago, Je 27, 62; ss, Horicon, Wis, 62-5; USChrCom, 64; ss, Bryan, 0, 65-7; ss. La Crescent, Brownsville & Hokah, Minn, 67-70; p, Marengo, 111, 70-4; ss, Lanesboro & Richland, Minn, 74-7; ss, Hokah, 77-81; ss. Paw Paw, 111, 81-4; ss. Spirit Lake, la, 84-8; ss, Shelby, 88- p, 89-95; ss, Clifton Heights, Des Moines, 95-7; p. Union ch, O’Leary, 98-1902; ss, Adair, 02-5; ss, Marne, 0.5-7; res, Lincoln, Neb; d, Lincoln, Oc 1, 25. PhD, UOma, 91, DD, 94. ♦Coleman, William Macon— b, Washington, DC, Ja 2, 1838; UNC, 58, 222 1861 i 92, MA; PTS, 58-9; ColTS; UHeid; CSA; reporter & ed, The Workingman’s Advocate, Chicago, 111, 65-7; ed, Daily Standard, Raleigh, NC, 67-9; att gen, NC, 68-9; US Consul, Stettin, Germany, 69-71; lawy, Washington, DC, 72-8; lit wk, res, Forestville, Md, 80-96; prin. Upper Marlboro, 87-8; tea. Washing- { ton, DC, 96-1900; ed. Southern Mercury, Dallas, Tex, 00-2; instr, GWU, 03-4; ^ prof, Intercontinental Univ, Washington; d, Washington, DC, Dc 6, 17. PhD, •! GWU, 04. } *Corbett, Henry Martyn — b, Bristol, RI, Dc 14, 1832; WestmCMo, 58; PTS, 58-60; ord, Pby Hillsboro, Ap 15, 61; ss, Sugar Creek, 111, 60-2; ss, Trenton, ■ 60-5; miss, E St Louis, 65-6; ss, Winfield, la, 66-70; ss, Munson, 111, 70-5; ss, ' Sharon, 75-7; hon re, 78; res. Nelson, Neb, 78-86; d. Nelson, J1 6, 86. *Curtis, Smith — b, Sherburne, NY, Dc 21, 1834; UnC, 58; PTS, 58-9; | LTnTS, 59-61; ord evang, Cong, Ja 16, 62; ss, Presb ch, Fostoria, O, 62-3; evang & tea, Fostoria, 63-4; tea, Georgetown & Beaver, Pa, 68-72; ed, Beaver Radical, j 72-3; elk. Ins Dept Pa, Harrisburg, 74-9; ed & prop. Daily Radical, Beaver, & Daily Argus, Rochester, 80-1919; d, Beaver, Pa, Mr 25, 21. *ElIiott, John Habersham — b, Beaufort, SC, J1 31, 1832; SCC, 51; law , stu; AlexTS; PTS, 58-9; SCTS; ord PEpis pr, Fb 14, 63; ss, Christ ch, Wiltown, t SC, 61-2; rec, Grace ch, Anderson, 63-5; rec, St Paul’s, Englewood, NJ, 67-8; f rec, St John’s, Cincinnati, O, 68-73; rec. Ascension ch, Washington, DC, 73-1902; d, Washington, DC, Ja 9, 06. STD, ColU, 71; LLD. *Forbes, Adam Gordon — b, Thurso, Scotland, Dc 29, 1829; Free Coll, ' Halifax, NS, 59; PTC; miss, NB, Can; grad stu, PTS, 60-1; ord, Pby Huron, Can, Dc 11, 62; p, Riversdale & Enniskillen, Ont, Can, 62-73; p, Kinloss & i Bervie, 62-82; ss, Minto, Forest River, Ardoch & Greenwood, NDak, 82-4; ss, * Sheldon, St Andrew’s & Lincoln, 85; ss, Mekenock & Gilby, 86; ss, St Andrew’s & Lincoln, 86; ill health; res, Minto, NDak; d, Winnipeg, Can, Ag 4, 97. i f *Frothingham, John — b, Johnstown, NY, Sp 9, 1827; bus; rul eld; PTS, , 58-60; ord evang, Pby Chippewa, Oc 27, 60; hm miss, Galesville, Wis, 60-9; •/ p el. Cedar Rapids, la, 69; d. Cedar Rapids, Mr 26, 69. *Fuller, Edward Thurston — b, Stamford, Ct, My 1, 1835; YaleU, 57; ■ PTS, 58-9; d, Huntington, NY, Nv 7, 59. *Fullerton, George Humphrey — b, Bloomingburgh, 0, Fb 27, 1838; MiaU, 58; WestTS, 58-60; PTS, 60-1; ss. South Charleston, O, 61; chap, USArmy, 61-2; *■ ord, Pby Columbus, My 4, 63; p el, Lancaster, O, 62- p, 63-4; p, 1st ch, Sandusky, ’ 64-7; p. Lane Sem ch, Cincinnati, 67-74; p, 2d ch, Springfield, 111, 74-9; p. Walnut Hills ch, Cincinnati, O, 79-86; p, 2d ch, Springfield, 86-91; p, 3d ch, Springfield, ‘ 91-1901; res, Springfield; d, Springfield, O, Mr 31, 18. DD, WabC, 83. *Geyer, Jacob Reasoner — b, Ohio; HanC, 1858; PTS, 58-60; NWTS; ord, Pby Logansport, Ap 15, 63; ss, Peru, Ind, 61-3; Richmond, 63-4; d, Kingston, NC, Ap 3, 65. *Guy, Edward Alexander — b, Hamilton Co, O, Ag 20, 1838; MiaU, 58; PTS, 58-60; GeneTS, 61; Plymouth Breth, 61; evang, NYCity, 62-6; Cincinnati, O, 66-8; NYCity, 69-70; Cambridge, Mass, 71-4; London, Eng, 74-5; Saratoga 1861 223 Springs, NY, 76; Cincinnati, O, 76-92; Chicago, 111, 92; Baltimore, Md, 93-9; Washington, DC, 99-1909; Jacksonville, Fla, 09-13; d, Jacksonville, Ja 26, 13. *Hays, George Washington — b, Macomb, 111, Je 8, 1837; McDC, 56; law stu; PTS, 58-9; NWTS, 59-61; Macomb, 111, 61-3; ss, Onaya, 111, 61; ord, Pby Chicago, My 10, 64; ss, Aurora, 111, 63- p, 64-8; ss, Carrollton & Washingjion, O, 68-71; ss, Salina, Kan, 71-3; ss, Winfield, la, 74- p, 75-8; p, Crawfordsville, 78-80; ss, Princeton & Le Claire, 81-2; ss. La Porte & Cedar Valley, 82-5; ss. Two Rocks, Cal, 85-96; ss, Bodya & Valley Ford, 96-1903; res, Berkeley; d, Berkeley, Cal, Je 7, 16. *Hervey, Dwight B — b, Martinsburgh, O, Je 4, 1834; JefC, 58; PTS, 58-9; WestTS; ord, Pby Richland, Ja 16, 62; p, Mt Vernon, O, 62-74; ss, Millwood, 71-3; p, Jersey, 74-5; p, Granville, 75-81; pres. Female Coll, Granville, 82-94: ss, Edinboro, Pa, 95- p, 96-1901; res. Perry, NY, 01; Payette, Ida, 01; d, Mt Vernon, O, Ja 20, 02. PhD, JefC, 90. *Hoge, Thomas — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 18, 1832; WUPa, 48; lawy; PTS, .58-60; lie, Pby Chicago, .Ap 12, 60; asst, 1st ch, Rockford, 111, 60; d, Chicago, 111, Je 28, 60. *Howe, Elijah Franklin b, Grafton, Mass, Sp 19, 1832; YaleH, 59; 5'aleLTDS; PTS, 60-1; ord Cong, Dc 24, 62; p el, 1st Cong ch. South Canaan, Ct, 61- p, 62-5; ss, Terre Haute, Ind, 65- p, 70-6; p, Newtonville, Mass, 76-82; ss, Peoria, 111, 82-7; d, Peoria, Ag 11, 87. Jamieson, James — Scotland; KenC; PTS, .58-9; expelled from L^nTS. *Jones, Franklin Chappell — b. New London, Ct, Mr 20, 1837; YaleU, 57; tut, BelC; PTS, 58-9; AndTS; ord Cong, Fb 4, 63; p, Cong ch, Franklin, Ct, 63-80; act p, Manitou, Colo, 82-3; tea, Manitou, 83-5; ss, Hydesville & Rohner- ville. Cal, 85-6; ch miss, Vailsburgh chap; res, Newark, NJ, 88-93; res, Roseville, NJ, 93-6; res, Norfolk, Mass, 96-8; p, Dover, 98-1901; res, Norfolk, 01-7; d, Norfolk, Mass, Dc 10, 07. *Kirby, William Wallace — b, Roslyn, NY, Je 12, 1830; LnC, 55; tea; PTS, 58-9; UnTS, 60-2; lie, Pby Nassau, My 6, 62; miss, NYCity, 62-3; tea; ss, Roslyn, NY, 70-1; ss, Westbury, 79; res, Roslyn; bus, NYCity; d, Roslyn, NY, Oc 14, 1901. *Lee, Samuel Orlando— b. New Village (Lake Grove), NY, .Ap 10, 1831; tea; PTS, 58-9; tea, Spencer .Acad, Choctaw Nat, 59-61; tea, .Amityville, NY, 62-5; tea, Omaha Mission, Neb, 65-9; tea. East Hampton, NY, 70-1; tea, comm schls, Suffolk Co, 73-6; tea, Mellville, 77-8; tea, Centreport, 78-80; tea, Ridge- wood, 80-1; tea. Crab Meadow, 81-2; insp customs, NYCity, 82-1908; res, Hunt- ingdon; d, Huntingdon, NY, Dc 31, 12. *MacKeracher, Charles MaePherson — b, Aberfeldy, Scotland, Fb 2, 1827; UEdin, 56; FreeChCEdin; grad stu, PTS, 60-1; ord, Pby Brockville, Can, Ag 22, 61; p, Gwillimbury & Bradford, 61-7; p, English River & Howick, 67-96; d, Howick, Can, Ag 5, 96. *Magie, David -b, Elizabeth, NJ, My 23, 18.37; CNJ, .56; tut; PTS, .57-60; ord, Pby Newark (NS), .Ag 14, 60; p, 1st ch, Mendhani, NJ, 60-5; p, 1st ch, 224 1861 Penn Yan, NY, 66-72; p, 1st ch, Paterson, NJ, 72-86; p. Church of the Redeemer, 86-1907, p em; res, NYCity; d, NYCity, Oc 3, 10. DD, HamC, 70. *McClure, James Baird — b, Indiana; HanC, 1858; PTS, 58-9; NWTS; ord evang, Pby Rock River, Sp, 64; ss, Fulton, 111, 61-6; Denver, Colo, 66-7; ed & agt, Chicago, 111, 67-76; ss. River Park, Chicago, 76; d, Chicago, J1 4, 95. ♦Millard, Nelson— b, Delhi, NY, Oc 2, 1834; UnC, 53; tut, UnC, 54-8; PTS, 58-9; UnTS, 59-60; Europe, 60-1; ord, Pby Newark, My 13, 62; p, 1st ch, Montclair, NJ, 62-7; p el. Olivet ch, Chicago, 111, 67-8; ss. Providence, RI, 69; p, 2d ch, Peekskill, NY, 70-2; p, 1st ch, Syracuse, 72-84; p, Broadway Cong ch, Norwich, Ct, 84-7; p, 1st Presb ch, Rochester, NY, 87-1900; Greece & Orient, 03; dropped from Pby, Rochester, Ap 11, 05; res, Rochester, NY. DD, UnC, 74. ♦Mitchell, Robert Jay — b, Hudson, NY, Sp 2, 1836; WmsC, 56; PTS, 58-9; lawy, Hudson, NY; USArmy, 61; lawy, NYCity; Chicago, 111, 71-3; Mifflinburg, Pa, 75-7; treas dept, Washington, DC, 77-88; lawy, Sheldon, NDak, 88-1900; d, Sheldon, Ap 12, 00. ♦Nixon, James Harris — b, Cedarville, NJ, Ja 30, 1838; CNJ, 58; PTS, 58; lawy, Millville, NJ, 63-88; asst atty general, Washington, DC, 89-95; judge, court of errors & appeals; circuit court; res, Millville, NJ, 95-1903; d, Millville, Nv 22, 03. ♦Polk, Joseph Littleton — b, Washington, DC, Ag 12, 1837; JefC, 56; prin, ENew Market, Md; PTS, 58-60; ord, Pby Lewes, Nv 28, 60; p, Pitt’s Creek, & ss, Rehoboth, Md, 60-77; prin, NewkC, 77-84; p, Fagg’s Manor, Pa, 85-1904; p. Doe Run, 04-5; d, Mortonville, Pa, My 29, 05. PhD, UDel, 80. ♦Pratt, Seth Parsons — b. New York; UnC, 1854; PTS, 58-60; ColTS; lie, Pby North River; d, Norfolk, Va, Ag, 90. ♦Thompson, Charles Lemuel — b, .Cooperstown, Pa, Ag 18, 1839; CarC, 58; PTS, 58-60; NWTS, 60-1; ord, Pby Winnebago, J1 1, 61; p, Juneau, Wis, 61-2; p, Janesville, 62-7; p, 1st ch, Cincinnati, O, 67-72; ed. Our Monthly, 70-1; p, 5th ch, Chicago, 111, 72-8; ed. Interior, 75-8; p, 3d ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 79-82; p, 2d ch, Kansas City, Mo, 82-8; p, Madison Ave ch, NYCity, 88-98; sec, BdNatMiss, 98-1914, sec em; res, NYCity; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Ap 14, 24. DD, MonC, 76 & PrU, 11; LLD, CarC, 07; Mod, Gen Assem, 88. ♦Truax, William Bloomer — b. Orange Co, Ind, Mr 7, 1829; HanC, 55; PTS, 58-9; NWTS; ord evang, Pby Chicago, My 3, 64; supt miss, AmSSUn, Chicago, 111, 61-7; gen agt, NWTS, 67-72; US Ind agt & miss. Ft Defiance, Ariz Terr, 72-7; tea; Paoli, Ind, 78-9; evang, Chicago, 111, 79-80; ss, Cherryvale & Neosho, Kan, 80-2; d, Perth Amboy, NJ, Fb 23, 85. ♦Voris, Cornelius Pleasant — b. Pleasant, Ind, Mr 14, 1827; HanC, 58; PTS, 58-60; NWTS; lie, Pby Madison, Ap, 60; ss, Lexington, Ind, 61-2; d, Lexington, Ag 4, 62. ♦Watson, Andrew — b, Oliverburn, Scotland, Fb 15, 1834; CarC, 57; tut, CarC; PTS, 58-9; AllegTS; ord evang, UP Pby Monmouth, My 15, 61; med stu, Phila, Pa, 60-1; miss, UP ch, Alexandria, Egypt, 61-7, Mousoura, 69-73, Cairo, 73-1916; d, Cairo, Egypt, Dc 9, 16. DD, FrankCO, 75; LLD, WestmCPa, 11. 1861-1862 225 *Wells, George — b, Illinois; McDC, 1853; PTS, 58-9; lawy, Central City, Neb; ed, Omaha, Neb. *Wheeler, John Emory — b, Alexandria, Va, Ap 14, 1840; RMC, 56; PTS, 58-9; ord evang, Pby E Mississippi, Oc 21, 65; p, Rodney, Miss, 66-8; tea, Vicks- burg, 68-72; ss. Independence, Mo, 75-86; p, Westminster ch, Sacramento, Cal, 87-90; act prof, Prac Theol, SETS, 91-2; ss, Merced, 92-5; ss, Mt Paran, Granite & Randallstown, Md, 97- p, 98-1905; d, Harrisonville, Nv 22, 05. DD, WestmCMo. *Adams, Robert Long — b, Cincinnati, O, Nv 25, 1834; HanC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, Pby Madison, Sp 28, 63; ss. Brown & Kingston, O, 63-5; ss, Mifflin, O, 65-6; ss. Summit & Long Grove, la, 66-8; ss, Andover & Osco, 111, 68-70; ss, Andover & Lynn, 70- p, 71-4; ss, Beulah & Coal Valley, 73-4; ss. Rem- ington & Rensselaer, Ind, 74-5; ss. Ref ch, Raritan, 111, 75-8; ss, Bethlehem & West Union, Ind, 78-82; ss, Bainbridge, Carpentersville & Putnamville, 82-3; ss, Crookston, Minn, 83-4; ss, Fulton & Albany, 111, 84-7; ss, Albany, Tex, 87- p, 89-90; ss, Portland & Upper Mt Bethel, Pa, 90- p, 91-5; ss, Omro, Wis, 97-9; ss, Schellsburg & Man’s Choice, Pa, 1900; ss, Brewster, Minn, 02; evang, Mil- waukee, Wis, 03-4; hon re; res, Minneapolis, Minn; d, Minneapolis, Mr 27, 14. *Burgster, Joseph Kingston — b, Courtland, Ala, My 4, 1835; CarC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, Pby Winnebago, Je 30, 64; ss. New Lisbon, Wis, 64-6; ss. Plover, 66-8; ss, Juneau, 68-70; p, Winneconne, 71-3; miss & evang, Wis; ss, Quincy & Elm Grove, DakT, 79-81; d, Jamestown, NDak, Ja 5, 92. *Carmichael, John Milton — b, Johnstown, NY, Nv 1, 1835; UnC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ss. South East Centre, NY, 62-3; ss. West Galway, 63-6; ord Cong, Ap 16, 67; asst p, Cong ch, Sparta, Wis, 67-76; p el, Presb ch, Marshalltown, la, 76-80; ss, Cong ch, Depere, Wis, 80-1; p, Caledonia, NY, 82-6; p el, Nunda, 88-99; res, Caledonia; d, Caledonia, NY, Je 8, 1917. *Cline, Enoch Clarke — b, Uniontown, NJ, Ja 3, 1835; LafC, 57; tea & law stu; PTS, 59-62; ss. Doe Run, Pa, 62-3; ord evang, Pby Newton, J1 7, 63; chap, USArmy, 63-5; ss, Oxford, NJ, 65- p, 66-86; p, Westminster ch, Phillipsburg, NJ, 87-1903, p em; res, Phillipsburg; d, Phillipsburg, NJ, Ag 20, 16. ’*Cobb, Sanford Hoadley — b, NYCity, Fb 4, 1838; YaleU, 58; tea; PTS, 59-62; ord RefChAm, Cl Schoharie, Mr 8, 64; p, Schoharie, NY, 64-71; p, Sau- gerties, 71-83; p, Westminster Presb ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 85-94; ss, Green- wich, Ct, 1900-1; ss, 1st ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 03-4; ss, RefChAm, Catskill, NY, 04-5; res, Cooperstown; d, Kansas City, Mo, Ap 27, 10. •Collier, Francis James — b, Steubenville, O, J1 21, 1838; JefC, 58; tea; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby Ohio, Ap 27, 64; ss. Centre, Pa, 63- p, 64-70; Europe, 71; p, Downingtown, Pa, 72-88; evang, Phila, 88-92; ss, Woodstown, NJ, 92-1909; res, Collingswood; d, Collingswood, NJ, Fb 15, 18. DD, OttC, 85. •Crawford, Henry Ellet — b. Orange Co, NC, Dc 1, 1832; HanC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby Madison, Oc 10, 63; ss. Pleasant & Crawford, Ind, 62- p, 63-5; d. Pleasant, Fb 5, 66. 226 1862 *Darrach, William Bradford — b, Manayunk, Pa, Sp 23, 1836; YaleU, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, Pby New York, Oc 17, 62; ss, Winneconne, Wis, 63-5; miss, Barnegat, NJ, 65-6; ss. Upper Mt Bethel, Pa, 68-71; p, Shickshinny, 71-6; ss, Orwell, 76-7; ss, Lehman & Northmoreland, 78-9; ss, Scott, 80-1; res, Walden, NY, 82-5; p, RefChAm, Kerhonkson, 86; res, Walden, 87-9; res, Fishkill, 90-03; ss, Mt Pleasant, Pa, 94; res, Newark, NJ, 95; Newburgh, NY, 96-9; Ambler, Pa, 1900-4; Newburgh, NY; d, Newburgh, J1 23, 09. *Edgar, Robert — b, Co Down, Ireland, J1 31, 1833; CNJ, 59; PTS, 59-62; ss. Lake George, NY, 62-3; ss, Swartswood, NJ, 64-5; ss, Nicholson, Pa, 65-6; ord evang, Pby Tioga, Ap 29, 67; ss. Union, NY, 66-7; ss, Toledo, O, 67-71; ss, Clayton, Mich, 73-4; p el, Deerfield, 75-8; p, Aledo, 111, 78-81; p, Davenport, la, 81-91; res, Davenport, 91-1900; d, Fordyce, Ark, Sp 1, 07. *Edie, James William — b, Baltimore, Md, Fb 27, 1831; WashCPa, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby New Castle, J1 29, 62; p, Penningtonville, Pa, 62-8; p. New Scotland & Bethlehem, NY, 68-70; p, Ebensburg, Pa, 70-3; d, Ebensburg, Sp 10, 74. *Forsyth, Walter — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Fb 7, 1833; JefC, .59; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby Lake, My 11, 64; ss. South Bend, Ind, 62- p, 64-71; p el, Finglewood, 111, 71- p, 73-85; ss, 60th St ch, Englewood, 88-9; d, Englewood, 111, Dc 29, 89. *Fowler, John — b, Holmesburgh, Pa, Nv 18, 1835; LafC, .59; PTS, 59-62; He, 2d Pby Phila, My 22, 62; miss, Vt, 62; ss, 2d ch, Norristown, Pa, 62-3; ss, Bensalem & Aurora, 63-6; d, Holmesburgh, Pa, Nv 30, 66. *Fox, Louis Rodman — b, Doylestown, Pa, Ja 10, 1834; lawy; PTS, 59-62; miss, Bustleton, NJ, 63-4; p el, Tuckerton, 64-5; ord evang, Pby Burlington, Ap 28, 64; p. North ch, Washington, DC, 65-71; asso p, 10th ch, Phila, Pa, 72- 4; Europe, 74-5; ss. Providence & Jacksonville, NJ, 76-81; p. Union ch (Cove- nant), Detroit, Mich, 81-90; ill health; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Dc 21, 94. *Grant, Kenneth James — b, Pictou, Nova Scotia, Can, Fb 2, 1839; TruC, 59; PTS, 61-2; ord evang, Pby Pictou, Nv 18, 62; p, Merigomish ch, 62-70; miss, San Fernando, Trinidad, West Indies, 70-1907; res, Halifax, NS, Can, 07-12; miss, Vancouver, BC, 12-7; res, Halifax; d, Halifax, NS, Can, Ja 1, 31. DD, QuUOnt, 93. *Herron, David — b, Newry, Ireland, Oc 26, 1832; UnC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, Pby Albany, Je 14, 64; ss, Luzerne & Conklingville, NY, 62; hm miss, Trempelleau Valley, Wis, 63-4; p, Northampton & Northville, NY, 65-70; p, Bethlehem, 70-9; p, Jefferson, 80-5; p, Norwood, NJ, 86-8; res, Northville, NY, 88-90; Broadalbin, 90-1908; d, Broadalbin, NY, Ja 8, 08. *Hodge, Francis Blanchard — b, Princeton, NJ, Oc 24, 1838; CNJ, 59; PTS, 59-63; ord, Pby New Castle, My 9, 63; p, Oxford, Pa, 63-8; p, 1st ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 69-1902, p em; d, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, My 13, 05. DD, CNJ, 83. *Hutchison, Sylvanus Nye — b, near Augusta, Ga, Dc 29, 1825; DavC, 45; lawy; rul eld; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby North River, Sp 17, 68; ss. Salt Point, NY, 67- p el, 68-72; p. Pleasant Plains, 72-83; p, 1st ch, Oxford, NJ, 83-1901; res, Belvidere; d, Belvidere, NJ, Ap 14, 10. 1862 227 *Kellogg, Alfred Hosea — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 10, 1837; CNJ, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord, 2d Pby Phila, Oc 22, 62; p, Brainerd ch, Easton, Pa, 62-5; p. University PI ch, NYCity, 65-70; ss, Scotch ch, NYCity, 71, 73; p. Central ch, Phila, Pa, 73-4; ss, Howard St ch, San Francisco, Cal, 74-5; p, Jefferson Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 82-3; Egyptologist, London, England; res, Bryn Mawr, Pa; Phila; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Ag 21, 1906. DD, LafC, 82. *Lenington, Robert — b, Delaware Co, Ind, Ja 27, 1833; JefC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby North Sangamon, J1 16, 62; p, Portuguese chs, Springfield & Jacksonville, 111, 62-7; miss, Brazil, South America, Brotas, 67-75; Rio De Janeiro, 75-90; ss, 1st Portuguese ch, Springfield, & 2d Port ch, Jacksonville, 111, 90; res, Jacksonville; d, Jacksonville, 111, Dc 26, 1903. *Lloyd, Charles Hooker — b. New Haven, Ct, Fb 21, 1833; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, 1st Pby New York, Ap 28, 62; miss, Amanzimtote, SAfrica, 62, Um- voti, 63-5; d, Umvoti, SAfrica, Fb 10, 65. ♦McClintock, John David— b, Nicholas Co, Ky, Fb 24, 1836; HanC, 58; PTS, 59-62; ss, Flemingsburg, Ky, 62-3; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, Ap 11, 64; ss, Huntington, WVa, 63- p, 73-6; ss, Catlettsburg, Ky, 65-73; p, Columbus, Miss, 77-81; d, Columbus, Dc 12, 81. DD, SVVPresbU, 79. *McDonald, James Smith — b, near Urbana, O, Fb 22, 1835; MiaU, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, Pby Sidney, Je 4, 62; hm miss. Areata, Cal, 62-4; ss, Sacramento, 64- p, 66-9; res. South Salem, O, 69-70; ss, San Diego, Cal, 70-2; ss, 1st Cong ch. Eureka, 72-6; ss, San Rafael, 75- p, 76-84; syn miss. Cal, 84-95; res, San Rafael; p, Dixon, 95-8; asst p, 1st ch, Oakland, 98-1902; ss, Richmond, 02-4; p, Corte Madera, 04-14; d, Corte Madera, Cal, My 13, 15. DD, MiaU, 91. *McKelway, John Ryan~b, Trenton, NJ, Ag 3, 1835; CNJ, 57; PTS, 58- 62; lie, Pby Raritan, Oc 2, 61; tut, CNJ, 60-2; tea, Salisbury, Md, 63-4; prin, Stewartstown, Pa, 64-6; prin, Bel .'Mr, Md, 67-70; d, Williamstown, NJ, .Mr 8, 71. ♦McMullin, Charles Tabele— b, Phila, Pa, Sp 19, 1839; UPa, 59; PTS, 59- 62; ss. Sand Lake, NY, 63-4; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, Nv 1, 64; ss, Leed’s Point, NJ, 64-6; ss, Somer’s Point, 65-71; ss, Absecon, 64- p, 67-71; elk, Bd Pub, 72-3; ill health; elk, BdPub, 81-7; treas, BdPub, 87-1906; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Ap 6, 1.5. ’"Merritt, James Long — b, Bellair, O, Oc 7, 1836; WashCPa, 59; PTS, .59-62; ord, Pby Rock River, Je 18, 63; ss. Middle Creek, O, 62- p, 63-5; ss. Port Washington, Wis, 65-8; ss & p el. New Cumberland & Cannonsburg, O, 69-70; ss, St Charles, Minn, 70-4; ss, Trinidad, Colo, 74-5; ss, W Las Animas, 75-80; d, Athens, O, Ag 23, 83. ■"MofFatt, David William — b, .Morris Plains, NJ, Ja 9, 1835; HanC, 58; tea & law stu; PTS, 60-2; ord, Pby Logansport, .'\|) 17, 63; ss, Jefferson, Ind, 62- p, 63-4; ss, Vernon, 64-6; p, 1st ch, Madison, 66-70; p. West St ch, George- town, DC, 70-2; p el, 1st ch. Ft Wayne, Ind, 72- p, 74-1905, p em; res, .Madison; d, .Madison, Ind, Sp 20, 20. DD, HanC, 81; LLD, UKy, 09. ■"Morrison, Rufus Anderson— b, Windham, NH, Mr 10, 1834; .AmhC, .59; 228 1862 PTS, 59-62; tea, Mount Joy, Pa, 62-7; elk, Int Dept, Washington, DC; asst exec, US Pat Office, 78-1903; d, Washington, DC, Dc 24, 03. *Morron, John Herschel — b, Wardsboro, Vt, J1 30, 1835; HamC, 59; PTS 59- 62; ss, Pompey Hill, NY, 62-3; ord evang, Pby Buffalo, Je 18, 63; ss. Brock- port, NY, 63-4; ss, 1st ch, Peoria, 111, 64- p, 65-70; p el, 4th ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 71-3; oc s, St Paul, Minn, Des Moines, la, Chicago, 111, 73-1923; chap. 111 State Reformatory, 02-11; res, Peoria; d, Peoria, 111, Fb 8, 23. DD, HamC, 04. ♦Proudfit, Alexander— b, NYCity, Ap 15, 1839; RutU, 58; NBTS; PTS, 60- 2; ord evang, 1st Pby New York, Sp 10, 62; chap, USArmy, 62-5; p, Fisler- ville (Clayton), NJ, 66-78; p, Hackettstown, 78-84; p, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 85-94; p, 1st ch, Springfield, O, 95-7; d, Springfield, Ap 2, 97. DD, LafC, 87. *SaImon, Clark — b. Light St, Pa, Ja 11, 1827; LafC, 58; tea; PTS, 59-62; ss, Wyalusing, Pa, 62-3; tea. Lock Haven, 64; ord evang, Pby Susquehanna, Ja 27, 66; ss, Orwell & Rome, 64-9; p, Meshoppen, 69-76; p, Mehoopany Creek, 71-6; ss. Prairie City, 111, 76-9; ss, Webb City, Mo, 79-83; d. Canton, Pa, Ja 28, 90. *SampIe, John Logan — b, Allegheny City, Pa, Nv 22, 1833; JefC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby Redstone, Ap 27, 64; ss. Round Hill, Pa, 63- p, 64-6; ss. Harmony, 66- p, 67-70; Europe, 71-2; p, Marion, Pa, 73-80; p el, Sandy Lake, 80- p, 81-2; evang, Wilkinsburg, 83-4; Sturgis, SDak, 85-97; Wilkinsburg, Pa, 98-9; Mahoningtown, 1900; Wilkinsburg, 01-8; New Castle, 08-9; Wilkinsburg, 09-10; New Castle, 11-7; Washington, 17-9; d. New Castle, Pa, J1 19, 19. *Sayre, Edward Hasley — b, Southampton, NY, Nv 21, 1838; AmhC, 58; tea; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, Pby Long Island, J1 15, 62; miss, Futtehghur, India, 63, Futtepore, 64-6, Etawah, 66-9; ss, Southampton, NY, 70; ss, Claremont & Ripley, Minn, 71-5; ss, Eyota & Chester, 71-2; ss. Dodge Centre, 72-3; ss, Stew- artville & Washington, 75-6; ss, Northwood, la, 76-8; ss, Wilson’s Grove, Cald- well & Dayton, 78-80; ss, Lime Spring, 80-1; ss, Clarksville, 83-4; ss. Garden Plain, 111, 84-7; ss, Newton, 85-7; ss, Brooklyn, Doddsville & Huntsville, 87-8; ss. New Salem & Fairmount, 88-9; ss, Appanoose & Pontoosuc, 89-93; ss. West Point, la, 93-6; ss. Camp Clark, Neb, 97-8; ss, Castle Rock, 97-1900; ss, Mina- tare, 1900; ss, Wyncote, Wyo, 02-4; ss. Riverside, Neb, 07-8; res, Gering; d, Gering, Neb, Ap 8, 26. *Spooner, Edward Horace — b. Petersham, Mass, J1 31, 1838; AmhC, 59; tea; PTS, 59-62; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 16, 61; USArmy, 63-5; MD, NYHMedC, 69; phys, Reading, Pa, 69-78; NYCity, 78-80; Brooklyn, 80-1906; res. Park Ridge, NJ ; d. Park Ridge, My 30, 20. *Starrett, William Aiken — b, Allegheny Co, Pa, Ja 3, 1834; JefC, 58; PTS, 59-62; prof, Leavenworth, Kan, 63; ord, Pby Leavenworth, Fb 6, 64; p, 1st ch, Lawrence, Kan, 64-70; supt, pub instruction, Douglas Co, 69-71; ed. Daily Tribune, Lawrence, 71; demitted ministry, Ap, 78; lawy, Chicago, 111; d, Chicago, Ja 6, 87. *Townsend, Henry Burman — b, Cleveland, O, Fb 22, 1840; UPa, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord, 2d Pby Phila, My 5, 63; ss, Conshohocken, Pa, 62- p, 63-7; p, 1st ch, Phillipsburg, NJ, 67-88; p, Elkhart, Ind, 88-99; Palestine; p, Bedford, 1862 22g Pa, 1902-9; evang, Phila, 09-12; Allston, Mass, 12-5; Phila, Pa, 15-9; Bedford, Mass, 19-23; d, Bedford, Ap 17, 23. *Wilcox, Timothy Keeler — b. North Greenwich, Ct, My 18, 1835; YaleU, 56; tea, Hartford, Ct, 56-9; tut, YaleU, 59-61; YaleUDS; PTS, 61-2; d, Chicago, 111, Fb 27, 63. * Wiley, George Martin — b, Putnam, NY, Dc 13, 1830; UnC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord UP, Pby Vermont, Oc 10, 63; p, Ryegate, Vt, 63-8; p. West Hebron, NY, 68-1901; d. West Hebron, Ap 15, 02. *WilIiams, Robert Hunter — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 29, 1834; UnC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby Baltimore, Sp 9, 62; p, Churchville, Md, 62-4; p, Frederick, 64-80; ss, Mt Paran & Granite chs, 80-2; p, Annapolis, 82-91; res, Baltimore, Md; d, Baltimore, Ag 18, 1904. DD, StJC. *Winterick, Albert John — b, Treves, Prussia, Ap 24, 1832; LafC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, Je 18, 62; miss, Germans, Luzerne Pby, 62-3; evang & tea. Cal, 63-4; p, Ger ch, Jeffersonville, NY, 64-9; p, Ger ch, Carlstadt, NJ, 69-71; p, Ger ch. Orange, 71-4; p, Elmira, NY, 75-7; p, Haverstraw, 75-7; p, Ger Ev ch. Trail Run, O, 78-80; res, Woodsfield, O, 77-88; p, Elberfeld & Tell City, Ind, 87-92; p, Ger Ev ch, Geneseo, 111, 92-9; p, Owensville, Mo, 99-1902; p, Tilsit, 02-5; res, Cleveland, 0; d, Cleveland, Mr 6, 20. *Wright, William Janes — b, Weybridge, Vt, Ag 3, 1831; UnC, 57; UnTS; PTS, 59-62; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Je 20, 63; chap, USArmy, 63-5; co-p, Ringoes, NJ, 65-7; p, Pomeroy, O, 68-71; stu, Europe, 73-5; ss, Wellsburg, WVa, 75; prof. Math, WilsC, 76-7; evang. Cape May, NJ; Burlington, Vt, 80; prof, Metaph, WestmCMo, 87-99; d, Fulton, Mo, Fb 26, 1903. PhD, UnC; DD, ShurC; LLD, WestmCPa. *Young, Josias Henry — b, Belfast, Ireland, Mr 1, 1837; UPa, 59; PTS, 59-62; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 10, 63; p, Sunbury, Pa, 63-5; agt, USChrCom, 65; p, Waynesburg, Pa, 66-9; bus, Indiana, Pa, 69-75; prof, Lang, State Norm Schl, Indiana, 75-81; prin, pub schls, Indiana, 81-2; bus, NYCity, 82-4; prin, pub schls, Indiana, Pa, 84-9; bus, 89-1900; prin, .Allegheny, 00-2; res, Indiana; d, Indiana, Pa, Sp 14, 19. 41. ♦Alexander, James McKinney — b, Waioli, Kauai, Haw Is, Ja 29, 1835; WmsC, 58; tea; PTS, 59; UnTS, 59-60; ord evang, Pby San Jose, Je 11, 65; ss, San Leandro, Cal, 65-70; ss, Centreville & .Alvarado, 70-2; miss, Makaowao, Maui, Haw Is, 72-4; Haiku, Maui, 74-6; res, Oakland, Cal; d, Oakland, .Ap 11, 1911. ♦Andrews, William Given — b, Kent, Ct, Oc 8, 1835; MariC, 55; tea; PTS, 59-61; tut, MariC, 61-2; ord PEpis dea, Sp 26, 62; presbyter, Ja 3, 64; asst, Princeton, NJ, 62-4; rec. Rocky Hill, 64-6; asst, Hamden, Ct, 66-7; miss, St Paul’s, New Haven, 68; rec. Ascension ch. New Haven, 68- min, 79-80; min. Trinity ch, Princeton, NJ, 80; rec, Christ ch, Guilford, Ct, 81-1906, rec em; res, Guilford, Ct; d, Guilford, Dc 23, 12. DD, MariC, 85. 230 1862 *Bowen, Littleton Purnell — b, near Berlin, Md, Je 5, 1833; Buckingham Acad, Berlin, Ind; tea & law stu; DanTS, 60-1; PTS, 61-2; ord, Pby Lewes, My 15, 64; ss, Milford, Del, 64-6; ss. Palmyra, Mo, 66-9; evang. Mo, 69-71; ss. Big Creek, 71-6; evang, Mo, 76-8; ss, Rehoboth & Pitts Creek, Md, 78-80; ss, Marshall, Mo, 80- p, 84-90; evang, Syn Mo, 90-2; ss, Shelbina & Lagrange, 93-5; ss, Monroe, La, 95-1901; lit wk; res, Marshall, Mo; ss, Rehoboth, Md, 08-12; res, Berlin, 12-33; d, Berlin, Md, Ap 8, 33. DD, WestmCMo, 84. *Consaul, Gansevoort De Wandeler — b, Schenectady, NY, Dc 11, 1841; AmhC, 59; PTS, 59-62; ss, RefChAm, Fort Plain, NY, 63-7; ord, RefChAm, Cl Montgomery, Je 23, 68; ss, Mohawk, NY, 67- p, 68-9; p, Herkimer, 69-77; ss, Amer ch, Geneva, Switz, 77; demitted min, Ap 15, 79; bus; res, Watertown, NY; d, Watertown, Ag 30, 98. *Converse, Francis Bartlett — b, Richmond, Va, Je 23, 1836; UPa, 56; PTS, 59-60; ss. Olivet ch. New Kent Co, Va, 61-2; ord, Pby East Hanover, Ap 25, 62; asso ed, Christian Observer, Louisville, Ky, 57; ed, 72-1907; d, Louisville, Ky, Sp 29, 07. DD, HSC, 96. *Conyers, Josiah B — b, Bath Co, Ky, Mr 4, 1812; MadU; Transylvania Univ, Lexington, Ky, 40, MD; phys, Quincy, 111, 40-7, Piqua, O, 47-53; ord, Nv 16, 53; p, St Mary's, O, 53-6; p, Zaneville, 56-9; grad stu, PTS, 61-2; p, Oneida, 111, 63-6; p, Berwick, 66-8; farming, Oneida, 69-70; d, Tabo, Mo, Ag 6, 70. *Craft, David — b, Carmel, NY, Oc 3, 1832; LafC, 57; tea; PTS, 59-60; ord, Pby Susquehanna, Ag 31, 62; chap, USArmy, 62-3; ss, Wyalusing & Terrytown Pa, 61- p, 62-91; p, Lawrenceville; ss, Antrim, 91-8; res, Angelica, NY, 99-1908; d, Angelica, Sp 17, 08. *Dixon, John Edgar — b, Columbia Co, Pa, J1 28, 1832; JefC, 59; PTS, 59-60; ColTS; WestTS; tea, St Paul, Minn; d, St Paul, Mr 13, 68. *Gallaudet, Samuel Harrison Smith — b, Maryland; JefC, 1859; PTS, 59-60; ColTS; ord; p, Dickinson, Md, 64-6; PEpis, Reading, Pa; rec, Christ ch, Pottstown, 68-9; miss, Texas, 70; Wytheville, Va; rec, St Andrew's ch, Balti- more, Md, 71; rec, Bel Air, Md, 75; miss, Christ ch, Greensburg, Pa, 83; rec, St Paul's, Ventura, Cal, 94; Trinidad, Colo, 1903; d. Ocean Park, Cal, 07. *Hassler, Charles William — b, Washington, DC, J1 16, 1838; ColbnU, 59; PTS, 59; paymaster, USN, 61-70; lawy, NYCity; d, Winsted, Ct, Fb 19, 88. *Life, George M — b, Crabbottom, Va, Fb 14, 1830; WashCVa, 59; UnTSVa; PTS, 61-2; ord, Pby Tioga, My 11, 63; p, Nichols, NY, 63-70; p. West Dubuque, la, 71-6; res, Traer; demitted ministry, 84; farming. Eureka, Kan, 84-1904; res, Wichita; d, Wichita, Kan, J1 23, 09. *Millikin, Joseph — b, Hamilton, O, Ja 28, 1840; MiaU, 59; PTS, 59-60; lie, Pby Oxford, Oc 7, 62; Europe; ord evang, Pby Oxford, Ap 10, 67; prof, Gk, MiaU, 69-70; Europe; prof, Fr, Ger & Eng, OU, 73-81; withdrew, Oc 20, 77, Pby Columbus; Florida; d, near Hamilton, O, Nv 11, 82. Tierce, George Ross — b, Homer, NY, Ja 16, 1838; MadU, 59; HamTS, 59-61; PTS, 61-2; ord Bapt, 64; ss, Bapt ch, Mexico, NY, 63- p, 64-5; p, Fulton, 65-8; p, Newark, 68-71; p, Oneida, 72-9; p, Evanston, 111, 79-84; p, Presb ch. 1862-1863 231 Terre Haute, Ind, 84-92; res, So Evanston, 111, 92-4; p, Belvidere, 94-1902; res, Belvidere; d, Buffalo, NY, Sp 25, 11. *Pope, Thomas Herbert — b, Newberry CH, SC, J1 4, 1839; FurU, 59; PTS, 59-60; ord Bapt, Je 14, 63; p, Bapt chs, Duncan’s Creek & Huntsville, SC, 63-4; p, Huntsville & Hurricane, 65-7; p. Bush River, 68-70; p. Greenwood, 72-5; d. Greenwood, SC, J1 8, 75. *Robinson, Joseph Haswell — b, Benningjon, Vt, Ja 30, 1836; CNJ, 59; PTS, 59-60; ord, Pby Troy, Ap 27, 63; p, 1st ch, Troy, NY, 63-4; p el, 1st ch, Williamsburg, 64- p, 65-6; p, Cornwall, 66-7; d, Cornwall, NY, Mr 4, 68. *Rolph, Jarvis Rogers — b, Huntington, NY, Sp 4, 1813; tea; Omaha miss. Neb; PTS, 59-60; rul eld; farming, Huntington, NY, 60-94; d, Huntington, Oc 3, 94. *Webster, Otis Benjamin — b, Derry, NH, Ja 3, 1834; CNJ, 59; PTS, 59-60; d, Chester, NH, Ja 26, 62. ■^Wilson, Luther Halsey — b, Sabathu, India, J1 17, 1837; tea; PTS, 59-61; chap, CSA, 63-5; ord evang, Pby Flint River, Sp 29, 66; ss, Whitney, Ga, 66-71; ss, Newton, 67-8; tea, Whitney, Ga, 69-71; ss, Bluffton, 71; ss. Friendship & West Point, 72-4; ss, Clarksville & Nacooche, 75; p, Yorkville, SC, 76-9; ss,kWhitney, Camilla, Newton & Fort Gaines, Ga, 80-1; ss, Marshall, Tex, 82-3; pres, Presb Female Coll, Tyler, 83-5; ss. Clarendon & Holly Grove, Ark, 85-7; evang, St Johns Pby, 88-90; ss. Clear Water, Lake Weir, Dunedin & Bloomingdale, Fla, 90-4; evang, Davidson College, NC, 94-5; evang, Chipley, Fla, 96-9; prin & p, Geneva, Ala, ’99-1901 ; prin & p, Dickey, Ga, 02-10; res, Dickey; d, Dickey, Ga, Ap 9, 14. ’"Wolfe, George Lewis — b, Lewes, Del, Nv 22, 1837; DanTS; PTS, 61-2; ord RefChAm, Cl Bergen, My 19, 74; ss. West River, Md, 62; Glasgow, Mo, 67- 8; ss, Madison, Va, 70; p. Central Ave ch, Jersey City Heights, NJ, 74-5; ss, Shemariah, 84-7; res, Clinton, Ala; ss, Carthage & Culdee, NC, 95; d, Carthage, Je 5, 96. 19. 1863 ’"Abernathey, John Jefferson — b, Dunlapsville, Ind, Sp 7, 1836; MiaU, 60; PTS, 60-3; prin. White Water Acad, Md, 63-4; lie, Pby Louisville, Ag 8, 66; ss, Pennsylvania Run, Ky, 64-9; ss. Big Bend, 67; tea. Bell Grove & Fdenwood, 68- 71; p el, Ridgwood, 69-72; d, Terre Haute, Ind, Oc 12, 73. ■"Baker, George Danielson — b, Watertown, NY, Nv 30, 1840; NYU, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord, Pby Watertown, Je 29, 64; p, 2d ch, Watertown, NY, 64-7; p, Oneida, 67-71; p, 1st ch, Detroit, 71-84; p, 1st ch, Phila, Pa, 84-1903; d, Phila, Dc 17, 03. DD, OliC, 7.5. Beinhauer, John Charles — b, Germany; CasU, 18.54; PTS, 62-3; ord, Pby Nassau, Oc 25, 63; p, F Williamsburg, NY, 63-6; deposed; — ■"Boyd, John Campbell b, Albany, NY, Mr 2, 1836; CNJ, 5.5; lawy; PTS, 60-3; ss, Caldwell, NJ, 63-4; ord evang, Pby Albany, Sp 27, 64; p, RefCh.Am, 232 1863 Fonda, NY, 65-70; p, Presb ch, Valatie, 72-7; p, Kingsboro, 78-82; ss, Sammons- ville, 83-91; ss, Auriesville, 83-98; ss, RefChAm, Fonda, 99-1901; d, Fonda, NY, Oc 12, 01. *Brittain, Theron — b. Lower Mt Bethel, Pa, Nv 19, 1833; CNJ, 60; PTS, 60-3; ss, Derry, Pa, 63-4; ss. Upper Mt Bethel, 64; ord evang, Pby Hudson, My 16, 65; ss, Cochecton, NY, 65- p, 72-5; ss, Ridgebury, 75-1900; hon re; res, Downsville; d, Downsville, NY, Nv 17, 20. *Brown, Walter Scott — b, Kirkmichael, Scotland, Dc 13, 1834; CNJ, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Sp 12, 63; cy miss. New Brunswick, NJ, 63-4; p. White Lake, NY, 64-7; ss, RefChAm, Fallsburgh, 67- p, 68-88; p el, Clarksville & Onesquethaw, 88-91; p, Presb ch. Sand Lake, 91-1910, p em; d, Averill Park, near Sand Lake, NY, Mr 8, 18. *Campfield, Nathan Perkins — b, Newark, NJ, Je 4, 1838; NYU, 59; tea; PTS, 60-3; ord, Pby Onondaga, My 2, 65; p, Cazenovia, NY, 65-8; d. Bellow’s Falls, Vt, Sp 7, 68. *Condit, Robert Aaron — b, Oswego, NY, My 19, 1837; CNJ, 59; tut, CNJ; law stu; NWTS, 60-1; PTS, 61-3; ord, Pby St Paul, Dc 27, 65; p, Westminster ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 65-7; Syria, 67-8; p, St Louis, Mo, 69-73; Peoria, 111, 73-4; Chicago, 74-5; prof, Gk, CoeC, 75-1906, prof em; res, Pasadena, Cal; d, Pasadena, J1 7, 08. DD, CoeC, 00. *Corbett, Hunter — b, Leatherwood, Pa, Dc 8, 1835; JefC, 60; WestTS, 60-2; PTS, 62-3; ord evang, Pby Clarion, Je 10, 63; miss, China; p, Chefoo, 66-1920; d, Chefoo, China, Ja 7, 20. DD, W&JC, 86; LLD, W&JC, 02; Mod, Gen Assem, 06. *Dean, Oliver Stone — b, Patterson, NY, Oc 13, 1835; LafC, 58; tea & prin; PTS, 61-3; ord Cong, J1 6, 64; ss, Cong ch, Roxbury, Mass, 63- p, 64-7; p, 1st ch, Kalamazoo, Mich, 67-73; ss, Plymouth ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 73-7; p, Milford, Mass, 77-83; p, Winthrop ch, Holbrook, 83-91; p el, Presb ch, Patter- son, NY, 93-1909; res, Passaic, NJ; d, Passaic, Ag 13, 27. DD, LafC, 88. *Dean, William Hawley — b, Patterson, NY, J1 9, 1833; LafC, 58; tea; PTS, 60-3; ss. Green Hill, Del, 63; ord, Pby Long Island, My 3, 64; ss, Amagan- sett, NY, 63- p, 64-6; ss, Cong ch, Bridgewater, Ct, 66- p, 67-71; ss. Orange, NJ, 71-5; ss, 1st Presb ch, Brooklyn, Cal, 75-80; p, Tucson, Ariz, 80; d, Tucson, J1 13, 80. *DonelIy, Samuel James — b. East Nottingham, Pa, Sp 23, 1829; BanTS; PTS, 60-3; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Oc 7, 63; ss, Hancock, Md, 63- p, 64-5; ill health; res, Covington, Ky, 66-8; d, Washington, DC, Nv 15, 68. *Ewing, Edward Cornelius — b, Walpole, NH, Dc 20, 1837; AmhC, 59; bus; BanTS, 60-2; PTS, 62-3; ord Cong, Nv 5, 63; p, Ashfield, Mass, 63-7; p, Enfield, 67-83; p. Maple St ch, Danvers, 83-99; ss. New Castle, NH, 1903-8; res, Roxbury, Mass; d. West Roxbury, Nv 5, 16. ♦Frame, John Selby — b. South Salem, NY, My 8, 1839; CNJ, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord, Pby Chicago, Nv 18, 63; p, Morris, 111, 63-70; p, Champaign, 70-4; d. Champaign, 111, Oc 13, 74. 1863 233 *George, Benjamin Young — b, Fulton, Mo, Ja 3, 1843; WestmCMo, 59; PTS, 59-60, 61-3; ord, Pby Londonderry, Ap, 64; p, 2d ch, Newburyport, Mass, 64-6; miss, Texas, 67; ss, Columbia, Mo, 67-70; prof, Lat & Heb, WestmCMo, 70-3; ss, Webster St ch, St Louis, Mo, 73-5; ss, Maline ch, Baden, 75-6; p, Cairo, 111, 76-83; p, Lewistown, 83-94; p, Elmwood, 95-1920; d, Elmwood, 111, Oc 14, 20. *Giddings, George Walter — b, Pittston, Pa, J1 3, 1832; YaleU, 60; PTS, 60- 3; USArmy, 64-5; tea; farmer; bus; Poughkeepsie, NY; d, Pittston, Pa, Ja 12, 81. *Greenleaf, Joseph — b, NYCity, Nv 9, 1838; ColU, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord, Pby New York, Oc 26, 63; p. Palisades, NY, 63-6; p, Bordentown, NJ, 66-71; p, Cong ch. New Canaan, Ct, 71-86; p, Presb ch, Washingtonville, NY, 86-98; d, Washingtonville, Fb 5, 98. *Harlow, Arthur — b, NY, 1834; UnC, 58; PTS, 60-3; ord, Pby Hudson, Sp 24, 63; p, Washingtonville, NY, 62-71; res. Blooming Grove, 72-3; d, Goshen, NY, Je 19, 73. *Hersman, Charles Campbell — b, near Lexington, Ky, Je 16, 1838; Westm CMo, 60; PTS, 60-3; prof, Anc Lang, CarC, 63-4; ss, 2d ch, Hannibal, Mo, 64-5; ord evang, Pby Palmyra, J1 28, 79; prof, Gk, WestmCMo, 65-87, pres, 80-7; prof, Heb & Gk Exeg, ColTS, 87-8; pres, SWPresbU, 88-91; prof. Bib Lit & Interp NT, UnTSVa, 91-1908, prof em; res, Richmond, Va; d, Richmond, Je 7, 24. DD, CntlUKy, 81; LLD, WestmCMo, 91. *Hodge, Edward Blanchard — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 5, 1841; UPa, 59; med stu; PTS, 60-4; ord, Pby Burlington, Ap 28, 64; p, Burlington, NJ, 64-93; cor sec, BdEdu, 93-1906; d, Phila, Pa, Je 15, 06. DD, CNJ, 92. *Jeffries, William Henry — b, Missouri; WestmCMo, 1860; NWTS; PTS, 61- 3; Princeton, NJ, 64-6; ord; ss, Carlinville, 111, 74-6; deposed, Ap 7, 77; res, Pittsburgh, Pa; d, near St Louis, Mo, Dc 22, 94. *Kennedy, James Buyers — b. Gap, Pa, Sp 8, 1839; CNJ, .59; PTS, 59-60, 61-3; ord, 2d Pby Phila, Oc 15, 63; p, Huntingdon Valley ch. Pa, 63-6; p, 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 66-85; ss, Ewing ch, Trenton, 85-6; ss, Bellevue, Pa, 86; ss, Hopewell, NJ, 87-9; ss, 1st ch, Williamsport, Pa, 89-91; ss, 4th ch, Trenton, NJ, 91-2; evang, Trenton; d, Trenton, NJ, Je 4, 1908. *Kenyon, Fergus Lafayette — b, Scotia, NY, Dc 4, 1833; CNJ, .59; PTS, 59-63; tut, CNJ, 61-4; ord, Pby Newark, Ag 2, 64; p. East Orange, NJ, 64-6; p, Elyria, O, 67-70; p, Cong ch, St Joseph, Mo, 70-8; p, Iowa City, la, 79-85; tea. Fort Dodge, 86-91; p, Albion, 111, 91-3; d, Albion, Mr 2, 1902. *Laverty, David Hull— b, Clearfield, Pa, Je 20, 1833; WashCPa, 60; WestTS; PTS, 62-3; ord, Pby Washington, Je 16, 63; p, Frankfort & Three Springs, Pa, 63-5; p, Rockhill, O, 6.5-7; ss, Cameron, WVa, & Wegee, O, 67-71; ss, Wegee, Pipe Creek & Bethel, 71-2; p, Barnesville, 72-4; p, Enon, Pa, 74-81; p, Crestline, O, 81-3; p, Wheatland ch, Scottsville, NY, 83-5; ss, Harrisville, Pleasant Valley & New Hope, Pa, 85-7; p el, Lonaconing, Md, 87- p, 88; p el, Lewes, Del, 90- p, 91; p, Rehoboth & ss. Coolspring, 91; ss, Lewes & Rehoboth, 92-3; p el. Cold Spring, NJ, 93- p, 94-1906; ss. Green Creek, 94-00; hon re, 06; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Je 27, 09. DD, NewWC, 90. 234 1863 *Marsh, William Blackmore — b, Truro, NS, Canada, Oc 26, 1844; CarC, 60; PTS, 60-4; agt, USSanCom, 64-5; ord evang, Pby Bloomington, Ap 25, 66; p el, Gilman & Piper City, 111, 65-7; p, Northfield & Bedford, O, 67-71; ss, Huron, NY, 71-3; p, Victor, 73-5; ss, Cong ch, Tallmadge, O, 75-86; p, Burton, 86-9; p, Springfield, 89-90; p, Columbus, 90-2; p, Ironton, 92-7; ill health; res, Columbus; d, Tallmadge, O, Ja 21, 29. MA, CNJ, 64; LLD, CarC, 26. *McAtee, William Alfred — b, Smithsburg, Md, Je 25, 1838; CNJ, 59; DanTS; PTS, 61-3; tut, CNJ, 61-5; ss, 7th ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 65-8; ord, Pby Washington City, My 10, 71; ss, 1st ch, Alexandria, Va, 68- p, 72-3; ss. Grove ch, Danville, Pa, 74-9; p, 5th ch, Chicago, 111, 79-80; ss, 1st ch, Madison, Wis, 82-92; p el, Grove ch, Danville, Pa, 92-1902; d, NYCity, My 30, 02. DD, CNJ, 88. *McBean, Alexander — b, Pictou, NS, Canada, Ap 22, 1827; PTS, 60-3; lie, Pby Halifax, Canada, 63; agt, AmTrSoc, Pa & Canada, 52-67; sec & supt, BrAm BkandTrSoc, 67-80; ill health; res, Winnipeg, Man, Can; d, Winnipeg, Nv 1, 99. *McKinney, Edmund — b, Warren, Pa, Ag 26, 1839; CenCKy, 60; PTS, 60-3; lie, Pby Cincinnati, Ap 2, 62; ss & tea, Boggstown & Acton, Ind, 63-4; MD, med dept, UPa, 66; phys, res, Keyport, NJ, 66-1914; d, Keyport, Dc 10, 14. *Milligan, John Linn — b, Ickesburg, Pa, J1 31, 1837; WashCPa, 60; PTS, 60-3; chap, USArmy, 63-5; ord, Pby Winnebago, Fb 21, 66; p, Horicon, Wis, 66-9; chap. Western State Penitentiary, Allegheny City, Pa, 69-1909; d, Newport, J1 12, 09. LLD, W&JC, 01. *OsIer, Jehu Thompson— b, Danville, Pa, Nv 12, 1832; CNJ, 60; PTS, 60-3; ss, Moyamensing ch, Phila, Pa, 64; ord evang. Central Pby, Phila, Ap 4, 65; hm miss, Florida, 65; ss, Hancock, Md, 65-7; p, Kingwood, NJ, 67-72; p, Bethle- hem, Pa, 72-5; Princeton, NJ, 75-81; ss. West Milford, 81- p, 82-1907; d, Jersey City, NJ, Oc 7, 07. *Parrot, William Joseph — b. New Orleans, La, Oc 8, 1837; MD; PTS, 60-3; ss, Abington, Pa, 65-7; ord evang, Pby Montrose, Ap 22, 68; ss, Addison, NY, 68-70; ss, Pontiac, Mich, 70-2; p, Cong ch, Marshall, 74; p, 1st Unit ch, St Paul, Minn, 74-8; p, 1st Cong (Unit) par, Arlington, Mass, 78-81; ill health; res, Brook- line, Mass. *Patterson, Benjamin Franklin — b, Orangeville, Pa, Mr 12, 1835; LafC, 60; PTS, 60-3; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 63; evang, Atsion, NY, 63-5; prin, Pottsville, Pa, 65-7; supt, pub schls, Pottsville, 67-1906; d, Pottsville, Pa, J1 9, 06. *Scofield, John Henry— b, Schuylerville, NY, Ag 14, 1833; CNJ, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord, Pby North River, J1 28, 63; p. New Hamburgh, NY, 63-8; p el, Dayton, NJ, 69-70; p, Amwell 1st ch, Reaville, 72-4; p, Kingston, 74-80; evang. East Hamp- ton, Mass, 80-4; p, Mt Olive, NJ, 84-1901, p em; res, Waverly, NY; d, Waverly, Sp 10, 09. *Sluter, George — b, St Louis, Mo, My 5, 1837; WestmCMo, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord, Pby Palmyra, Ag 27, 65; p, Rensselaer, Mo, 63-5; p, Webster St ch, St Louis, Mo, 65-70; p, 1st ch, Duluth, Minn, 70-1; p, Shelbyville, Ind, 71-81; p, Arlington, NJ, 82-93; ss, Stirling, 96-8; oc s. West ch, Newark, 98-1907; auth & lect. Psych; res, Stirling; d, Stirling, NJ, Ag 24, 08. 1863 235 *Strain, Alexander — b, Watervliet, NY, Je 29, 1838; CNJ, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord evang, Pby Winnebago, J1 30, 63; ss, Kilbourn City & New Lisbon chs, Wis, 63-4; d, Kinderhook, NY, Dc 23, 65. *White, Henry Humphrey — b, near Saltsburg, Pa, Je 9, 1835; WashCPa, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord evang, Pby Council Bluffs, Ap 9, 65; ss, Clarinda, la, 65; ss, Sidney, la, 65- p, 67-8; d, Sidney, Oc 24, 70. ♦Withrow, John Lindsay — b, Coatesville, Pa, Mr 19, 1837; CNJ, 60; PTS, 60-3; ord, 2d Pby Phila, My 22, 63; p, Abington, Pa, 63-8; p. Arch St ch, Phila, 68-73; p, 2d ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 73-6; p. Park St Cong ch, Boston, Mass, 76-87 ; p, 3d Presb ch, Chicago, 111, 87-98 ;p. Park St Congch, Boston, Mass, 98-1905, pern; res, Brookline; d, Brookline, Mass, Sp 24, 09. DD, LafC, 72; LLD, KxC, 96; Mod, Gen Assem, 96. ♦Wright, Washington Orr — b, Ballymoney, Ireland, Je 12, 1826; LafC, 57; tea; PTS, 60-3; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 15, 64; ss, Phillipsburg & Morris, Pa, 63- p, 64-8; ss, Milesburgh, Moshannon & Snow Shoe, 68- p, 70-83; ss, Buffalo Run, 78-80; ss, Morrisdale, Mines & Kylertown, 83-4; ss, Milesburgh, Lick Run & Hublersburg, 84-90; ss, Milesburgh, Moshannon & Snow Shoe, 90-9; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Ag 23, 00. 38. ♦Annan, William Wirt — b, Kishacoquillas Valley, Pa, Ag 21, 1835; PTS, 62-3; WestTS; lie, Pby Allegheny, Ap 14, 63; ill health; res, Allegheny, Pa; d, Allegheny, J1 15, 88. ♦Bartley, Joseph Dana — b, Hampstead, NH, Sp 17, 1838; WmsC, 59; tea; PTS, 60-1; tea, Blairstown, NJ, 61; prin, Duncannon, Pa, 62-4; Skaneateles, NY, 64-6; prin. High Sch, Newburyport, Mass, 66-8; prin. Concord, NH, 68-75; prin, Burlington, Vt, 75-81; prin, Bridgeport, Ct, 81-91; res, Malden, Mass; Burlington, Vt; d, Burlington, Oc 3, 1910. ♦Blair, Brice Benton — b, Dillsburg, Pa, Mr 9, 1839; JefC, 59; tea; PTS, 60-1; UnTSVa; chap, CSA, 62-5; ss, Kanawha Salines, WVa, 66; ord, Pby Green- brier, Oc 12, 67; p. Point Pleasant, 67-71; d, Shippensburg, Pa, Je 19, 71. ♦Carleton, Israel — b, Haverhill, Mass, Mr 13, 1832; WmsC, 57; tea; BanTS; PTS, 62; HartTS; ord Cong, Ag 13, 63; ss, Cong ch, Buckingham, Ct, 62- p, 63-5; hm miss, Utica & Breckenridge, Mo, 66-70; ss, Cong ch, Meadville, 71-6; ss, Stokes Mound, 72-82; Utica, 82-4; Lebanon, Ore, 84-1917; d, Lebanon, Ja 28, 17. ♦Comfort, David — b, near Hampden Sidney, V'a, J1 29, 1837; HSC, 58; tea; PTS, 60-1; UnTSVa; ord, Pby Florida, My 20, 66; ss, Valdosta & Bethany, Ga, 64- p, 66-73; d, Boston, Ja 22, 73. ♦Crawford, John Wesley — b, Lawrence Co, Ind, Nv 20, 1836; HanC, 60; PTS, 60-2; ord, Pby Dubuque, Oc 8, 63; ss, Franklinville, la, 62- p, 63-9; p, Vinton, 69- ss, 71-2; p el, Woodhull, 111, 72- p, 73-80; ss, 3d ch, Topeka & Bethel, 80- p, 82-3; ss, Wamego, 83- p, 86-8; .ss, Hoppinsville, 88-90; ss, Ellsworth, 90-4; res, Monett, Mo; d, Monett, My 13, 97. 1863 236 *Ferriday, William Calvin — b, Natchez, Miss, Nv 13, 1838; LafC, 59; PTS, 60-2; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Ap 9, 62; chap, USArniy, 62-3; p, Middletown, Pa, 63-4; ss, Newport, 64-6; Easton, 66-7; South Bethlehem, 68-79; dropped from roll, Sp 16, 79; res. Cedar Keys, Fla; d. Cedar Keys, Mr 27, 95. *Fullerton [Artemas] Thomas — b, Chillicothe, O, Nv 16, 1834; MiaU, 53; tea; lawy; PTS, 60-1; chap, USArmy, 61-2; ss. South Salem, O, 63-4; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Ap 24, 64; p. Walnut Hills ch, Cincinnati, O, 64-6; ss, 1st ch. Spring- field, O, 66- p, 67-70; prof, Rhet & Eng Lit, CWoos, 70-2; p. Park ch, Erie, Pa, 72-84; p, Washington St ch, Georgetown, DC, 84-92; res, Georgetown, DC, 92-4; res, Cincinnati, O, 94-1901; d. Walnut Hills, Ja 6, 01. DD, CWoos, 72. *Glover, Charles Parker — b, Trenton, NJ, My 15, 1837; CNJ, 59; PTS, 59- 60; tea, Oxford, NY; PTS, 61-3; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 25, 66; p. Harmony ch, Mt Airy, Md, 68-77; p. Pine Grove, 77-8; p, 2d ch. Wantage, Beemerville, NJ, 79-86; p, Ewing ch, Trenton, 86-97; res, Vailsburg; d, Vailsburg, NJ, Ap 5, 1904. *Hazard, Obadiah Howell — b, near Trenton, NJ, Je 11, 1826; PTS, 60-3; tea; ord evang, Pby Burlington, Ap 20, 64; ss, Bordentown, NJ, 63-5; p, 2d ch. New Brunswick, 65-8; p. Freedom Plains, NY, 68-75; p el. Highland Falls, 75-80; res. Bound Brook, NJ, 81-91 ; Perth Amboy, 91-6; Bound Brook, 96-1900; Trenton ; d, Trenton, NJ, Ap 4, 06. *Hutchison, George Andrew Gordon — b, Xenia, O, Nv 5, 1837; MonC, 62; PTS, 62-3; ord UP, Pby Chillicothe, Ap, 64; ss, Presb ch, Doddsville, 111, 67-8; ss, Brooklyn, 68-9; ss. West Point, la, 69-70; ss, Plymouth, Ind, 70-1; ss, Poynette, Wis, 71-3; ss. North Platte, Neb, 73-5; ss. Plum Creek, 73-6; p, Westminster ch. Eureka, Kan, 76-8; Denver, Colo; Grand Junction; ss, Woodbridge ch, San Fran- cisco, Cal, 82; p. Olivet & Mem chs, San Francisco, 84-6; ss, Colusa, 86-7; ss, Dallas, Ore, 87-9; ss, Dell Rapids, SDak, 89-91; p, Casselton, NDak, 91-4; ss. Grizzly Bluff, Cal, 94-7; ss. Ft Bragg, 97-9; ss, Oakdale, 1900-3; res, San Bernar- dino, 04-5; San Diego, 05-6; San Bernardino, 06-8; Highland Park, Los Angeles, 08-21; d, Oakland, Cal, My 13, 23. *Johnston, Thomas — b, Aghaghill, Ireland, Dc, 1836; QuUBelf, 60; PTS, 60- 3; ord, Pby Bailieborough, Ireland, Oc 22, 63; p, Bailieborough, 63-90; ill health; p. Trinity ch, Strandtown, Belfast, 92-5; p. Trinity ch, Helen’s Bay, 95-8; p. Trinity ch, Holywood, 98-1903; d, Bailieborough, Ireland, Sp 22, 03. *MacCracken, Henry Mitchell — b, Oxford, O, Sp 28, 1840; MiaU, 57; tea; XenTS, 60-2; PTS, 62-3; ss, 1st ch, Toledo, O, 62; ord, Pby Columbus, Nv 17, 63; p, Westminster ch, Columbus, O, 63-7; UWiirtenburg & UBer, 67-8; p, 1st ch, Toledo, 68-81; chanc, WUPa, 81-4; prof, Phil, NYU, 84, vice chanc, 85- chanc, 91-1910, chanc em; res NYCity; d, Orlando, Fla, Dc 24, 18. DD, WittC, 78, & NYU, 10; LLD, MiaU, 87. *Magill, Charles Beatty— b, Wellsville, O, Oc 3, 1840; MiaU, 58; WestTS, 58-61; lie; grad stu, PTS, 62-3; ord, Pby Fairfield, My 13, 64; p, Birmingham, la, 64; USChrCom, 64; d, Birmingham, la, Ag 27, 64. ’•’Marvin, Edward Payson — b, Bethany, NY, Dc 12, 1834; CenCKy, 60; 1863 237 PTS, 60-2; ord, Pby Buffalo City, Fb 9, 64; ss, Black Rock, NY, 62- p, 64-5; ss, 2d Ward ch, Lockport, 65-77; ss, Calvary ch, Lockport, 79-91; evang, 91-1913; d, Lockport, Je 16, 13. *Merwin, Almon Baxter — b, Brooklyn, NY, Je 25, 1835; YaleU, 57; UnTS; PTS, 60-2; UnTS, 62-3; tut. Deaf & D Inst, NYCity, 63-5; supt, AmSSUn, NIa, 65-6; tea & prof, Newark, NJ, 66-85; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 22, 1907. *Mister, Wilbur Fisk — b, Grenada, Miss, Mr 29, 1842; UMiss, 60; PTS, 60-1; ColTS, 61-2; ord eld, ME Conf, Memphis, Nv 18, 67; p, Trenton Sta, Tenn, 66; p, Grenada Sta, Miss, 67; p, Waverly, Mo, 68; p, Tipton & California, 69; prof, ArcaC, 70; prof. Female Coll, Murfreesboro, Tenn, 71; prof. Central Female Coll, Lexington, Mo, 72; tea. Mo & Tex, 73-80; prof. Grape Vine, Tex, 81; prof, Plano, 82-91; prof, Dallas, 91-2; prof. Polytechnic Coll, Fort Worth, 92-1906, prof em; res. Fort Worth, Tex; res, Dallas; d, Dallas, Tex, Je 28, 24. *Morison, Charles — b. New Orleans, La, Je 30, 1841; UPa, 60; PTS, 60-3; DSPEpisCh; ord PEpis dea. My 10, 65; rec, Opelousas, La; rec, St Mark’s ch, New Orleans; prin. New Orleans, 72-3; asst, St James’ ch, Phila, Pa, 77-80; asst rec, Amer ch, Paris, France, 80-2; rec, St Matthew’s, Sunbury, Pa, 83-1905, rec em; res, Sunbury, 06-9; d, Phila, Pa, Je 29, 09. *Morton, Henry Thomas — b, Farmville, Va, Nv 5, 1832; HanC, 53; New ATS; tea; ord, Pby Palestine, Sp, 59; PTS, 61-2; ss. West Salem, Ind; ss, Newton, 111; p, Bardstown, Ky; ss. Fort Smith, Ark; ss, Des Peres, Mo; p, Washington; p, Maryville & Rockford, Tenn; ss, Lebanon; supt, pub schls, Knoxville, 78; Bapt, Nv 11, 81; prin. Republican City, Neb; pres, ETennU; pres, M’Cune Coll, Mo; pres, Clarksburg Coll, Mo; d, Kansas City, Mo, Ja 6, 1906. ♦Pabody, Ezra Fitch— b, Vernon, Ind, JI 26, 1838; MiaU, 60; PTS, 60-1; USArmy, 61-3; bus, Vernon, Ind, & Minneapolis, Minn, 64-85; res. Lake Minne- tonka, 85-90; lay miss. Riverside Chapel, Minneapolis, 90-1915; ord, Pby Minne- apolis, Fb 7, 00; ss. Riverside Chapel, 00-3; d. Lake Minnetonka, Minn, Sp 21, 15. *Travis, William — b, Hancock Co, WVa, Ag 24, 1824; WashCPa, 49; tea; PTS, 60-2; ss, Andover, NJ, 62; prin, Newton Coll Inst, NJ, 63-8; prin, German- town Acad, Pa, 72-7; ord evang, Pby Phila, North, Nv 1, 77; ss, Springfield ch, Flourtown, Pa, 76-9; prin, Pembina, Dak, ss, Knox ch, Fisher’s Landing, Minn, 85-6; ss, Mekinock ch, res, Emerado, ND, 87-8; ss, Lafayette & N Yamhill, Ore, 89; ss, Selwood, 90; ss, Knappa, 91; SSmiss, Pby Portland; res, Portland, Ore, 92-1901; d, Portland, My 9, 1901. *Woods, John — b, Hamilton, O, Je 19, 1838; MiaU, 60; WestTS, 60-1; ord evang, Pby Oxford, Sp 25, 61; PTS, 62-3; chap, USArmy; p, Urbana, O, 64-8; p, Bloomingburg, 68-72; p el, 9th ch, Chicago, 111, 72-3; ss. Fort Wayne, Ind, 73-5; p, Chico, Cal, 75-6; ss. Cedar Falls, la, 77-8; ss. White Bear Lake, Minn, 79-80; ss. Pine City & White Bear, 81; ss, Andrew ch, Minneapolis, 82; ss, Wilmar & Diamond Lake, 83; p, Merriam Park, 84-91; prof. Mental & Moral Sc, MacalC, 90-1; ss, Newark, O, 92; p, Ludington, Mich, 93-1904; ss. New Carlisle, O, 05-10; hon re; res, Urbana; d, Urbana, O, My 6, 18. DD, MiaU, 89. 1864 1864 238 *Abbott, Pitson Joseph — b, Cobleskill, NY, Ag 11, 1833; UnC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 17, 66; ss, Sidney, NY, 64-8; ss, Chazy, 68-71; p, Jeffer- son, 72-4; ss, Cannonsville, 74-5; d. Centre Village, NY, My 11, 75. *Atwater, David Judson — b, Fairfield, Ct, Fb 18, 1841; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 25, 64; p, Ewing, NJ, 64-71; p, Bethlehem ch. Orange Co, NY, 73-91; d, Newburgh, NY, J1 27, 91. *Bates, Frederick — b, Baltimore, Md, My 26, 1836; UnC, 61; PTS, 61-4; lie, Pby Albany, My 3, 64; miss, Canada; New Scotland, NY, 70-1; East Nassau, 71-2; res, Conklingville, NY. *Beattie, Charles — b, Walden, NY, Mr 20, 1840; UnC, 59; tea; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby Hudson, Oc 3, 64; p, 2d ch, Middletown, NY, 64-1904; d, Middletown, NY, Ap 14, 04. DD, UnC, 93. *Bernard, Samuel — b, New London, PEI, Canada, Ap 7, 1831; TruC, 59, ThDept, 59-62; PTS, 63-4; miss, Pby Pictou, Nova Scotia, 66; ord, Pby York, New Brunswick, My 24, 67; p, Florenceville & Glassville, New Brunswick, 67-74; p, Noel, 74-81; d, Noel, NB, Can, Nv 24, 83. *Bishop, George Sayles — b, Rochester, NY, Je 28, 1836; AmhC, 58; tea; AndTS; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 16, 64; p, 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 64-6; p. Calvary ch, Newburgh, NY, 66-72; p, 2d (Brick) ch. Orange, NJ, 72-5; p, 1st RefChAm, Orange, 75-1906, p em; trav; res. Orange, NJ ; d. Orange, Mr 12, 14. DD, RutU, 77; pres, RefChAm, Gen Syn, 99. *Brooks, Peter Haverly — b, Glenville, NY, Dc 16, 1837; PTS, 61-4; ss, Tom’s River, NJ, 64-5; ord, Pby Albany, J1 13, 65; p. West Milton, NY, 65-9; p, Knowl- ton & Hope, NJ, 69-71; p, 1st ch, Susquehanna Depot, Pa, 71-89; presb miss, Lackawanna Pby, 89-1910; ss, Christ ch, Scranton, Pa, 10-20; d, Wilkes-Barre, Fb 27, 22. DD, UnC, 97. *Butler, Henry Edward — b, Essex, Vt, Fb 21, 1835; UVt, 61; AndTS, 61-2; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby Champlain, Ja 18, 65; p, Keeseville, NY, 65-81; p, Cong ch, Jacksonville, 111, 81-8; prof, Phil, AlmaC, Mich, 88-94; p, St John’s, 94-7; oc s, Mich, 98-1901; p, Desplaines, 111, 02-4; res, Chicago; d, Chicago, 111, Ap 25, 15. DD, HowU, 95. *Chambers, Andrew Gowdy — b. Bally warren, Ireland, Dc 1, 1820; MiaU, 53; prin & supt; PTS, 60-4; ord evang, Pby Sidney, Nv 21, 64; Seamen’s chap, NYCity, 65-6; tea, Cincinnati, O, 66; prin. Female Coll, Cincinnati, 67-8; prin. Freehold Inst, 69-90; d. Freehold, NJ, Oc 15, 91. ’''Coffin, Selden Jennings — b, Ogdensburg, NY, Ag 3, 1838; LafC, 58; tea; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Lehigh, Ja 6, 74; tut, LafC, 64-6, adj prof. Math, 66-72, prof. Math & Astron, 73-86, reg, 86-1904; res, Easton, Pa; d, Easton, Mr 15, 15. PhD, HanC, 76. ’"Conklin, Newton James — b, Mt Morris, NY, Nv 2, 1834; LafC, 61; PTS, 61-4; dist sec, AmTrSoc, 64-6; ord, Pby St Lawrence, J1 19, 66; p, Gouverneur, NY, 66-79; ss, Lakeville, NY, 79-83; distr sec, AmTrSoc, 83-93; ed, Rochester, NY, 94-1913; d, Rochester, Ja 4, 13. 1864 239 *Cowan, Edward Payson — b, Potosi, Mo, Ap 1, 1840; WestmCMo, 60; tea; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby St Louis, Je 7, 65; ss, Washington, Mo, 64- p, 66-7; p el, 6th St ch, St Joseph, 67-8; ss, Grace ch, St Louis, 68-70; p, Market Sq ch, German- town, Pa, 70-82; p, 3d ch, Pittsburgh, 82-92; cor sec, BdFreedm, 92-1903; cor sec & treas, BdFreedm, 03-18; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Dc 13, 18. DD, W&JC, 80. *Deruelle, Daniel — b, Washington, Pa, Ag 10, 1838; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-5; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, Ap 26, 66; ss, Weatherly, Pa, 65-71; ss, Beaver Meadow, 65-70; p el, Audenried, 66- p, 71-5; ss, Jeanesville, 71-4; ss, Beaver Meadow, 73-4; p, Hope, NJ, 75-9; p, Knowlton & Delaware, 75-84; ss, 2d ch (Westminster), Manchester, NH, 85-6; ss. So Bethlehem, Pa, 86-8; ss, Knoxville, Pa, 88-94; p. Cream Ridge & New Egypt, NJ, 94-7; d. New Egypt, Dc 20, 97. *Eddy, Clarence— b, Waterford, NY, Nv 17, 1839; YaleU, 61; YaleUDS; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby North River, Ap 5, 64; p, Cornwall, NY, 64-9; p. Wood- side ch, Newark, NJ, 69-75; p, Westminster ch, Troy, NY, 75-80; ss, Mt Clemens, Mich, 81-2; p, Cong ch, St Clair, 82-6; p. North Middleboro, Mass, 86-90; p el, Presb ch. South Denver, Colo, 91; d. South Denver, Ja 25, 91. *Foreman, John Preston — b, Ralls Co, Mo, Dc 18, 1840; WestmCMo, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby Palmyra, Ag, 64; ss. Lick Creek, Mo, 64-5; ss. Big Creek, 65-8; ss, Ashley, 68-9; ss, Glasgow, 69-72; ss. Liberty, 72-4; ss, Platts- burg, 76-82; d, Ralls Co, Mo, Je 10, 82. *Fueller, Charles — b, Steinchoenau, Bohemia, Austria, Mr 19, 1836; WestCMo, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Palmyra, Ag 27, 65; ss, Hannibal, Mo, 64-8; ss, Mexico, 68-72; ss, Oxford, 0, 72- p, 73-4; ss, Hillsboro, 111, 74-7; p el, Warrensburgh, 77- p, 7^-83; ss. Lake City, Colo, 83-5; ss, Gunnison, 83-90; ss, Pitkin, 90-4; Lake City, 94-8; Denver; San Diego, Cal; d, San Diego, Ja 8, 1904. *Howe, Samuel Henry — b, Flemingsburg, Ky, Dc 18, 1837; HanC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Vincennes, Oc 10, 65; p, Indiana ch, Ind, 65-67; p. Independence, Mo, 67-9; p, Cortland, NY, 70-2; p el, Georgetown, DC, 72- p, 79-83; p. Park Cong ch, Norwich, Ct, 83-1928; p em; d, Norwich, Oc 11, 30. DD, HanC, 77. *Howell, George Rogers — b, Southampton, NY, Je 15, 1833; YaleU, 54; PTS, 61-4; lie, Pby Long Island, Ap 18, 63; ss, Moscow, NY, 64-5; auth, South- ampton, 66; tea, Pottstown, Pa, 67; Southampton, NY, 67-9; tea, Lakeville, Ct, 70-1; tea, Mt Morris, NY, 71; asst libr, NY State Lib, 72-93; act libr, libr of genl lib. State Archivist; res, Albany, NY; d, Albany, Ap 5, 99. ♦Johnson, Thomas Scott — b, Greenville, NY, Fb 19, 1839; CarC, 60; tea; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 7, 64; USChrCom, 64; chap, USArmy, 64-7; ss. Assembly ch, Beaver Dam, Wis, 67- p, 72-1917, p em; d, Beaver Dam, Fb 11, 27. DD, CarC, 13. ♦Kellogg, Samuel Henry — b, Quogue, NY, Sp 6, 1839; CNJ, 61; tut. Math, CNJ, 63-4; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby Hudson, Ap 20, 64; miss, Futtehguhr, India, 65-71, Allahabad, 72-6; ss, 3d ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 76- p, 77; prof, Theol, WestTS, 77-86; ss. East Liberty ch, Pittsburgh, 81-2; ss, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, 84-6; p, St James' ch, Toronto, Can, 86-92; prof, Heb & DT Exeg, KxCTor, 92-3; 240 1864 miss, Landour, No India, 93-9; d, near Landour, India, My 2, 99. DD, CNJ, 77; LLD, CWoos, 92. *Kelly, Joseph Clark — b. Spruce Hill, Pa, Mr 31, 1838; JefC, 59; law stu; WestTS, 61-2; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby Winnebago, Fb 14, 65; p el, Cambria, Wis, 64- p, 65-7; p, Neenah, 67-70; p. Spruce Creek, Pa, 70-90; p, Williamsburg, 91-1907; res, Vandergrift; d, Sunbury, Pa, My 5, 22. *Ludlow, James Meeker — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Mr 15, 1841; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Albany, Ja 19, 65; ss, 1st ch, Albany, NY, 64- p, 65-8; p. Coll RefChAm, NYCity, 68-77; p, Westminster ch, Brooklyn, 77-85; p, 1st Presb ch. East Orange, NJ, 86-1908; res. East Orange; res, Norfolk, Conn; d, Norfolk, Oc 4, 32. DD, WmsC, 72; LHD, CNJ, 88'. *Martin, Moses Mellen — b, Peacham, Vt, Ap 8, 1834; MidC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Cong, Ag 24, 65; ss, Cong ch, Middletown, Vt, 64-5; ss, Prescott, Wis, 65-8; ss, Stoughton, 69-70; p, Mazomanie, 70-80; p. Three Oaks, Mich, 80-90; p, Albegan, 90-6; p, Ovid, 97-1902; d, Ovid, Mich, Sp 25, 02. DD, OliC, 92. *McCoy, John [Simeon] — b. New Castle, Del, Ja 30, 1839; JefC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Fb 21, 65; p, Smyrna, Del, 65-9; p, Broadway ch, Baltimore, Md, 70-4; p, Columbia, Pa, 74-82; p, Franklin, 82-7; p, Bellevue ch. Gap, 87-1908; res, Lancaster; d, Lancaster, Pa, Dc 3, 10. *Merrill, Benjamin — b, Haverhill, NH, Mr 25, 1835; DartC, 58; bus; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Je 7, 64; ss. Barton, Md, 64-6; ss, Cong ch, Pem- broke, NH, 66-72; ss, Au Sable Forks, NY, 70- p, 72-82; p, Swanzey, NH, 82-8; d, Swanzey, Nv 16, 88. *Mitchell, Samuel S— b, Clinton, NY, Ag 16, 1839; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Carlisle, Nv 15, 64; p. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 64-9; p. New York Ave ch, Washington, DC, 69-78; p, RefChAm, “Heights,” Brooklyn, NY, 78-80; p, 1st Presb ch, Buffalo, NY, 81-1904; lect, Eng Bib, PTS, 04-5; res, Buffalo, NY; d, Buffalo, Ja 7, 19. DD, CNJ, 75. *Myers, Joseph Henry — b. Congress, O, Dc 30, 1837; JefC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby Wooster, Je 28, 64; miss, Lodiana, India, 65-9; d, Lodiana, India, Nv 19, 69. *Newcomb, Homer Sackett — b, Kent, NY, Mr 17, 1829; DartC, 52; tea; PTS, 62-4; ord evang, Pby Connecticut, Ap 17, 67; ss, Cong ch. South Britain, Ct, 65- p, 67-72; p, Conyngham, Pa, 75-81; res, Patterson, NY; d, Patterson, Nv 8, 1911. *Orr, John — b. Kittanning, Pa, Ap 25, 1835; JefC, 60; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Saltsburgh, Dc 28, 64; p. Pine Run & Apollo, Pa, 64-72; ill health; bus, Kilbourne City, Wis, 72-82; Pittsburgh, Pa, 82-94; ss, Pittsburgh; ss. Pine Creek, 97-9; p, Allison Park, 1900-2; lit wk; res. Kittanning, Pa; d. Kittanning, Mr 29, 10. *Phelps, Willis Burt — b, Syracuse, NY, J1 6, 1836; CNJ, 60; tea; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Winnebago, Oc 19, 64; p, Kilbourne City, Wis, 64-70; p el. Independence, Iowa, 70- p, 71-80; ss, Peniel & Millersburg, 111, 80-4; ss, Marengo, la, 84-95; p, Sigourney, 95-1902; hon re; res. Independence; d, Independence, la, Sp 30, 18. 1864 241 *Pollock, George Crowe — b, Monaghan, Ireland, J1 13, 1834; LafC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Passaic, Nv 15, 64; p, Lyon’s Farms, NJ, 64-82; p, Mankato, Minn, 82-7; p, Fergus Falls, 87-93; p el, Litchfield, 93-1901; oc s, Marshall, Donnelly, Longfellow, Cedar Mills & Greenleaf; chap, Minn senate, 03; res, Litchfield; hon re, 09; res, Norwich, Ct; d, Boston, Mass, My 4, 27. DD, GaleC, 90. ’•’Rankin, Alexander — b, Henderson, Ky, Oc 10, 1838; UnC, 60; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Muhlenburg, Ap 20, 66; ss, Ridgewood, Ky, 66-7; ss, Marlon & Fredonia, 67-71; ss, Rockwell Falls & Corinth, NY, 72-94; ill health; res, Schenectady, NY; d, Schenectady, Oc 20, 1909. DD, UnC, 90. ’•’Rule, John — b, Middlesex Co, NJ, Sp 18, 1837; CenCKy, 61; DanTS, 61-2; PTS, 62-4; ss, Goshen, Ky, 65-6; ss, Millersburg & Carlisle, 66-8; ord, Pby Louisville, Sp 4, 69; ss, Goshen, 68- p, 69-81; ss, Westport, Ky, 81-5; ss, Lagrange, 82-3; hm miss, Goshen, 83-1919; res, Goshen; d, Goshen, Ky, Nv 26, 25. ’•’Shearer, George Lewis — b, Dillsburg, Pa, Oc 16, 1835; LafC, 57; tea; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, 2d Pby Phila, Oc 3, 65; dist sec, AmTrSoc, Phila, Pa, 64-5; dist sec, do, Richmond, Va, 65-8; asst sec, do, NYCity, 68-72; distr sec, do, NYCity, 72-1908; sec em; res, NYCity; res, Carlisle, Pa; d, Carlisle, Mr 10, 19. DD, LafC, 83. ’•’Smith, Ambrose Cephas — b, Wrightsvllle, Pa, Ag 21, 1841; JefC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Rock River, Ja 18, 67; ss, 2d ch. Wantage (Beemerville), NJ, 65-6; ss, 7th ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 66; ss, South ch. Galena, 111, 66- p, 67-89; pres, ParsC, 89-96; ill health; ss, 1st ch, Negaunee, Mich, 1901-4; res, Ishpeming; d, Ishpeming, Mich, Nv 1, 19. DD, LkFC, CenCKy, 85. ’‘Stevenson, James Murray — -b, Salem, NY, Mr 19, 1840; UnC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, 3d Pby New York, Oc 13, 64; p, 2d Presb ch, Jersey City, NJ, 64-71; d, Salem, NY, Oc 17, 71. ’‘Viele, James Pattison — b, Saratoga, NY, Mr 25, 1835; UnC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby Troy, Ja 29, 67; ss, Caldwell, NY, 65-7; ss, Pittstown, 67-9; p, RefChAm, Schaghticoke, 69-72; p, Presb ch. Middle Granville, 72-5; ss. Sand Lake, 76- p, 77-82; p, Vernon, 82-6; ss, Howard, Kan, 89-90; ss, Oxford & Mt Vernon, 91-4; ss, Florence, 94-6; ss, Quenemo, 96-9; p, RefChAm, Bacon Hill, NY, 99-1902; d. Lake George, NY, Je 3, 06. ’•Williams, Meade Creighton — b, Indianapolis, Ind, Dc 18, 1840; MiaU, 61; PTS, 61-4; ss, 2d ch, Circleville, O, 64; WestTS; ord, Pby Rock River, Ja 15, 66; p el. Sterling, 111, 65- p, 66-73; p el, Sandusky, O, 73-7; ss, Williamsport, Md, 78- p, 79-80; ss, Princeton, 111, 80- p, 81-92; ed. Mid Continent (merged into Herald & Presbyter), res, St Louis, Mo, 92-1906; d, Mackinac Island, Mich, Ag 22, 06. DD, CWoos, 82. ’•Wines, Casper Maurice — b, Phila, Pa, My 13, 1841; WashCPa, 59; PTS, 59-60, 62-4; ss, 1st RefChAm, Jersey City, NJ, 64; p el. Calvary ch, Newburgh, NY, 65-6; ord, Pby Rochester City, Mr 16, 66; p, 1st ch, Rochester, NY, 66-8; p. Harvard Cong ch, Brookline, Mass, 68-70; p, 4th ch, Hartford, Ct, 70-4; ord, PEpis presbyter. My 16, 75; rec, St Paul’s ch, Cleveland, O, 75-6; rec, St Paul’s ch, Yonkers, NY, 76-9; asst. Calvary ch, NYCity; ss, St Stephen’s, Phila, Pa; 242 1864 ss, Abington; rec, Cooperstown, NY, 83-4; asst, Trinity ch, Newark, NJ, 85-6; d, Chicago, 111, Ja 12, 88. *Witherow, Benjamin Howard — b, Fairfield, Pa, Fb 23, 1840; JefC, 59; bus; WestTS; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby Burlington, Ag 30, 64; p. Cream Ridge, NJ, 64-9; p, Columbia, Pa, 69-73; Shippensburg, Pa, 74-6; d, Shippensburg, Pa, Fb 7, 76. *Wylie, James Scrimgeour — b, Stillwater, NY, J1 26, 1839; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 23, 64; hm miss, Bloomfield, Cal, 64-6; p, San Jose, 66-8; d, Napa, Cal, Oc 28, 69. *Wylie, John — b, Stillwater, NY, Oc 2, 1842; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 23, 64; ss, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, 64-5; hm miss, Eugene City, Ore, 65-6; d, Eugene City, Ja 27, 66. *Wylie, Richard — b, Easton, NY, Mr 28, 1841; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 28, 64; p, Corvallis, Ore, 64-6; p, Napa, Cal, 66-1922, p em; d, Napa, My 21, 23. *Wynkoop, Theodore Stephen — b, Wilmington, Del, Nv 22, 1839; YaleU, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord, Pby Long Island, Oc 13, 64; p, 2d Presb ch, Huntington, LI, 64-8; miss, Allahabad, India, 68-76; p. Western ch, Washington, DC, 78-93; sec, British & For Bib Soc, Allahabad, India, 93-1912; trav; res, Princeton, NJ ; d, Greenport, NY, Ap 29, 23. 44. *Appleton, James Hervey — b. Sing Sing, NY, Ja 27, 1839; Cntl High Schl, Phila, Pa, 59; RochTS; PTS, 62-3; RochTS; ord Bapt, Je 21, 60; p, Bapt ch, Davisville, Pa, 59-60; p, Allentown, 65-8; p, 111th St ch, NYCity, 69-71; p, Wash- ington, DC, 73-5; ill health; ord PEpis dea, Nv 16, 79; ord presbyter, My 23, 80; chap, St. Barnabas House, NYCity, 80-2; res, Brooklyn; d, Brooklyn, NY, J1 15, 1915. *Baker, Alfred Brittin — b, Matawan, NJ, Ag 11, 1836; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-2; GenTS, 62-4; ord PEpis dea, J1 5, 64; ord pr, J1 5, 65; asst, Christ ch. New Bruns- wick, NJ, 65-6; rec, Princeton, 66-1914, rec em; res, Princeton; d, Princeton, NJ, J1 30, 28. DD, CNJ, 91. *Bodine, William Budd — b, near Mount Holly, NJ, Mr 10, 1841; CNJ, 60; tea; PTS, 61-2; KenCDS; ord PEpis dea, Jl, 64; asst, Emmanuel ch, Baltimore, Md, 64-5; rec. Memorial ch, Baltimore, 65-9; rec, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NY, 69-71; chap, KenC, 71-6; prof, Theol, KenCDS, 76-7; pres, KenC, 77-91; genl miss. Parochial Miss Soc, 91-2; rec, ch of Saviour, Phila, Pa, 93-1907; d, Mt Pocono, Sp 28, 07; DD, CNJ, 78. *Boies, Charles Alfred — b, Boston, Mass, Je 3, 1838; YaleU, 60; PTS, 61-2; AndTS; d, Keene, NH, My 14, 63. *Brace, Robert James — b, St Johns, Newfoundland, Jl 19, 1834; tea; PTS, 61-2; tea. May's Landing, NJ, 62-3; tea. Port Republic, 66-7; bus, Weymouth, 1864 243 67-71; bus, Camden, 71-4; US Int Rev, Camden, 74-87; bus; res, Trenton, 89- 1911; d, Trenton, NJ, Nv 1, 16. *Brace, William Henry — b, St Johns, Newfoundland, Ap 20, 1830; tea; PTS, 61-2; tea, Trenton, NJ, 59-67; supt of instruction, Mercer Co, 67-8; tea, Trenton, 68-74; prin. High Schl, Trenton, 74-99, prin em; res, Trenton; d, Trenton, NJ, Ag 31, 09. PhD, CNJ, 95. *Brown, William — b, Scotland; UTor, 1860; PTS, 61-3; bus; res, NYCity. *De Witt, John — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Oc 10, 1842; CNJ, 61; law stu; PTS, 61-3; UnTS; ord, 3d Pby New York, Je 9, 65; p, Irvington, NY, 65-9; p, Cntl Cong ch, Boston, Mass, 69-76; p, 10th Presb ch, Phila, 76-82; prof, Eccl Hist, LaneTS, 82-8; prof, Apol, McCTS, 88-92; prof, Ch Hist, PTS, 92-1912, prof em; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 19, 23. DD, CNJ, 77; LLD, HanC, 88. *Edwards, William Henry — b, Chester Co, Pa, Fb 5, 1835; PTS, 61-3; ord evang, Pby Wilmington, Fb 8, 65; hm miss. Ocean Co, NJ, 63-4; miss, Wilmington, Del, 64-5; tea & ss, Monticello, Ind, 65-6; ss, Kirklin ch, Ind, 66-7; miss, N Ind Conf ME ch, 67-72; prin, Georgetown, Del, 73-5; tea & asst p, Berlin, Md, 75-7; ss & prin, Harrington, Del, 77-86; p, Presb chs, Lewinsville & Vienna, Va, 86-95; ss, Clifton, 95- p, 96-1915; d, Clifton, Va, Je 17, 15. *Giles, Walter Harris — b, Rockport, Mass, Oc 26, 1837; AmhC, 61; PTS, 61-2; UnTS; ord evang, Cong, Ag 26, 64; miss, Caesarea, Turkey, 64-7; d, Con- stantinople, My 21, 67. *Herrick, Samuel Edward — b, Southampton, NY, Ap 6, 1841; AmhC, 59; tea; PTS, 61-3; ord, Pby North River, Oc 13, 63; p, Wappinger’s Falls, NY, 63-4; p, Broadway Cong ch, Chelsea, Mass, 64-71; p, Mt Vernon ch, Boston, 71-1902; d, Boston, Mass, Dc 4, 04. STD, AmhC, 78. *Honeyman, William Edgar — b. New Germantown, NJ, J1 26, 1839; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord evang, Pby Rockaway, Ag 23, 65: ss, Rockaway, NJ, 65-6; ss, Shenandoah, Pa, 66-9; p, Ashland, 69-70; ss, Wabasha, Minn, 71-3; ss, Long- mont, Colo, 73-4; tea, of Chinese, Napa, Cal, 75-9; res, Plainfield, NJ, 80-1918; hon re, 87; d. North Plainfield, NJ, Ap 1, 18. *Houghton, John Cephas — b, Harv'ard, Mass, Dc 26, 1836; AmhC, 61; BanTS; PTS, 62-3; UnTS, 63-4; agt, Boston Recorder, 66-7; ord Cong, Ja 15, 68; ss, Cong ch, Morrisville, Vt, 67-9; ss, Coventry, 69-70; ss. Island Pond, 70-2; ss, Stanwich, Ct, 73-5; ss, Benson, Vt, 76-9; p, Cornwall, 79-84; p, Prescott, Ariz, 86-7; p, Weybridge, Vt, 88-91; res, Middlebury, 83-1900; d, Middlebury, Vt, Nv 19, 00. *Kellogg, Charles Dor -b, Ann Arbor, Mich, J1 3, 1842; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-3; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 21, 63; p, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 63-7; p, RefChAm, Bacon Hill, NY, 67-72; p. Fort Miller, 68-72; p, Passaic, NJ, 72-9; ss, Presb ch. Fort Edward, NY, 79- p, 82-99; p, Sandy Hill, 80-1920, p em; res, Hudson Falls; d, Hudson Falls, NV', Ag 22, 23. *Lapsley, James Erasmus -b, Indiana, Pa, MrKi, 1839;()glU,61 ; P r.S,61-3; WestTS; ord evang, Pby Saltsburgh, Je 28, 64; ss. Bethel ch, Cleveland, O, 64-5; 244 1864 p el, Tiffin, 65-6; p el, Mattoon, 111, 66-70; ss, 1st ch, Terre Haute, Ind, 70- p, 71-2; p el, Aisquith St ch, Baltimore, Md, 72; d, Baltimore, Md, J1 5, 72. *Lawrence, William Appleton — b, Pepperell, Mass, Oc 26, 1834; AmhC, 61; PTS, 61-2; UnTS, 64-6; USChrCom, 62-4; ord evang, Middlesex N Cong Asso, J1 6, 66; sec. Children’s Aid Soc, Brooklyn, NY, 66-73; manufac chem, NYCity, 73-5; bus; d, Jamaica, NY, Nv 10, 21. *Little, Arthur — b, Boscawen, NH, My 24, 1837; DartC, 60; tea; AndTS; PTS, 62-3; ord Cong, Mr 16, 63; chap, USArmy, 63-5; p, 1st Presb ch, Bedford, NH, 66-8; p, 1st Cong ch. Fond du Lac, Wis, 68-78; p. New England ch, Chicago, 111, 78-89; p, 2d ch, Dorchester, Boston, Mass, 89-1912, p em; d. West Newton, Ap 11, 15. DD, DartC, 80. *Luther, Robert Maurice — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 31, 1842; Cntl High Schl, Phila, 59; PTS, 61-3; ord Bapt, Phila, Pa, Ap 4, 64; miss, Rangoon, Burmah, East Indies, 64-70; ss, 5th Bapt ch, Phila, Pa, 70-1; p, 1st ch, Bennington, Vt, 71-80; dist sec, AmBaptMissUn, 80-91; p. So Bapt ch, Newark, NJ, 91-9; prof, AmityTS; res. So Orange, NJ ; d, NYCity, Sp 28, 1903. DD, BuckU, 87. *Marshall, James — b. Grove, NY, Oc 4, 1831; YaleU, 57; law stu; tea, Syracuse, NY, 58-61; PTS, 61-2; ord evang, Pby Onondaga, Jl, 62; chap, USArmy, 62-6; UHeid, 67-8; NewC, 68-9; Syracuse, NY, 69-70; ss, Westminster ch, Troy, 71-2; p, 1st ch, Hoboken, NJ, 72-6; ss, Lebanon chap (De Witt Mem ch), NYCity, 76-83; ss, Munda, NY, Kendall, Pa, 83-7; pres & prof, CoeC, 87-96; d. Cedar Rapids, la, Sp 11, 96. DD, LenC, 87. *Merriam, George Franklin — b. Mason, NH, Oc 20, 1836; AmhC, 61; PTS, 61-2; UnTS, 62-4; ord Cong, Mr 9, 65; p, Cong ch. Mason (Greenville), NH, 65-99; NH State legisl, 73-5; ss. New Ipswich, 83-91, 96-7; res, Mt Kisco, NY, 1900-1; Greenville, Mass, 02-5; p, Deerfield, 05-6; res, Mt Kisco, NY; d, Mt Kisco, Ag 5, 12. *Morton, Joseph Lyman — b, Hatfield, Mass, Nv 15, 1833; YaleU, 57; tea, Stockbridge, Mass, 57-8; lawy, 60-1; PTS, 61-2; ord evang, Hampshire East Cong Asso, Ja 29, 63; p, Cong ch, Pittsfield, NH, 63-4; p, Waukegan, 111, 64-7; d, Waukegan, Dc 7, 67. *Smith, Roswell Delavan — b, Poundridge, NY, Dc 29, 1833; NYU, 59; PTS, 61-3; ord evang, Pby Connecticut, Jl 26, 64; ss, Cong ch. Long Ridge, Ct, 63; ss, N Stamford, 63-4; ss, Presb ch. South East, NY, 65-70; hm miss, Rutherford Park, NJ, 70-1; ss, 1st Union ch, Rutherford Park, 71-8; NYMedC, 80, MD; phys, NYCity & Brooklyn, 80-1910; d, NYCity, Mr 19, 10. *Smith, William Thayer — b, NYCity, Mr 30, 1839; YaleU, 60; tea; PTS, 61-2; UnTS; ill health, Hanover, NH, 64-74; instr, NH Coll Agri, Dartmouth, 74-6; MD, med dept, DartC, 78; NYU, 79; phys, Hanover, NH, 79; asso prof, DartC, 83-5, prof. Physiol, 85-1907, dean, med dept, 97-1909; d, Hanover, NH, Sp 17, 09. LLD, DartC, 97. *Snell, Moses Porter — b. North Brookfield, Mass, My 3, 1839; tea; AmhC, 61; PTS, 61-2; tea, Manchester, Vt, 62; USArmy, 62-5; HartTS, 65-7; hm miss, Hartford, Ct, 67; ord evang, Cong, My 10, 70; sec, YMCA, Hartford, Ct, 68-70; 1864-1865 245 US Treas Dept, 73-6; sec, YMCA, Washington, DC, 76-8; agt. Bib Soc, Wash- ington, 79-88; Post Office Dept, Washington, 81-1908; ss, Hermon, Md, 88-96; ss, Clifton, Va, 89-94; ss, Riverdale, Md, 97-8; d, Newton, NJ, Dc 31, 09. *Van Wagenen, William Mansfield — b, NYCity, Fb 14, 1842; ColU, 61; NBTS; PTS, 62-3; ord PEpis dea, Dc 18, 64; asst, ch Holy Trinity, NYCity, 64-6; d, NYCity, JI 25, 66. *Yale, Amos Sumner — b, Wellsville, NY, Mr 12, 1836; UnC, 61; PTS, 61-4; ord Cong, Je 8, 64; ss, Cong ch, Bainbridge, NY, 64-6; ss, Onondaga Valley, 66-7; ss, Madison, 67-9; p, Presb ch. Mineral Point, Wis, 69-71; bus, Syracuse, NY, 72-7; d, Syracuse, Fb 3, 77. 26. 1865 *Alexander, James McGregor — b, Bridgeport, O, Ap 8, 1840; WashCPa, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby St Clairsville, Je 20, 65; miss, Allahabad, India, 65-9, Mynpoorie, 69-82, Allahabad, 83-1900, Fatehpur, 00-1; ss, Lakeside, Cal, 04; res. Delta, Pa, 05-6; res, Los Angeles, Cal; d, Hollywood, Sp 8, 22. DD, RichC, 96. *Archer, James Glasgow — b, Allendale, Md, Ap 6, 1842; DickC, 61; tea; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 21, 65; p, Clearfield, Pa, 65-70; d, Clearfield, Ja 12, 70. *Bergen, George Spafford — b, Jersey Prairie, 111, Nv 1, 1844; IllC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 65; miss & prof, Eng Lit, Lahore, India, 66-7; supt, miss schls, Lodiana, 67-73; miss, Ambala, 73-88; res, NYCity; d, NYCity, Fb 20, 1919. Branch, Henry — -b, Richmond, Va, Ja 8, 1842; WashU, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 31, 65; p. Port Deposit, Md, 65-9; p. South RefChAm, New Haven, Ct, 69-72; p, Presb ch, Catoctin, Va, 72-81; p, Ellicott City, Md, 82-1909; ss. Relay, 86-94; agt, AmTrSoc, 10-1; oc s, Pby Baltimore, 12-22; res, Leesburg, Va, 23-31; hon re, 32; res, Leesburg, Va. DD, NewWC, 90. *Califf, Stephen Allen — b. East Smithfield, Pa, Fb 29, 1836; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby Susquehanna, My 14, 67; ss, Cong chs, W Newark & Speedsville, NY, 66-9; ss, Presb chs. Wells & Columbia, & N Wells, Pa, 70-2; tea, McIntyre, & ss, Mt Zion, 72-5; res, East Smithfield, 75-81; ss, Mt Zion, Pa, 81-4; ss, Cong ch. East Smithfield, Pa, 85-98; ss, Presb ch, Poundridge, NY, 98-1907; res. East Smithfield, Pa; d, Ulster, Oc 22, 17. *Cameron, Daniel William — b. Green Hill, NS, Canada, Mr 7, 1839; TruC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Prince Edward’s Island, Oc 22, 65; p, St Peters, PEI, 65-9; ss, Morrisville, Pa, 69-70; ss, Plattsmouth, Neb, 70- p, 70-3; ss, Cong ch, Moriah, NY, 73-6; p, Presb ch, Palmerston, Ont, 77-80; res. Central Falls, NY; p, Cong ch, Keswick Ridge, NB, 80-4; ss, Presb ch, Reading, Mass, 84- p, 86-7; ss. West Milton, 87- p, 89-90; p el, Cong ch, Cato, NY, 90-2; p el, Presb ch, Youngstown, 92-6; ord PEpis pr, Ja 25, 98; rec, Grace ch, Nunda, NY, 98; cur, St Anthony’s ch, Yonkers, 99-1901; d, Yonkers, NY, My 7, 01. PhD. 1865 246 *Coale, James Johnson — b, W Nottingham (Colora), Md, Je 3, 1836; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; tut, CNJ, 64-6; ss, Plattsmouth, Neb, 66; ord, Pby Balti- more, Ap 11, 67; p, Broadway ch, Baltimore, Md, 67-70; p. Sinking Valley, Pa, 70-93; p, Lower Spruce Creek, 71-93; prin, Acad, Mt Holly, NJ, 93-4; p, Toms River, 94-1905; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 26, 05. *Conn, Samuel — b, Steubenville, O, Mr 4, 1838; WashCPa, 57; tea; tut, WashCPa, 60-1; PTS, 61-2; chap, USArmy, 62-3; PTS, 63-5; ord, Pby Sangamon, J1 21, 67; p el, Decatur, 111, 66- p, 67-8; ss, Carrollton, O, 68-70; p, 1st ch. New Albany, Ind, 70-8; ss, 1st ch, St Paul, Minn, 78- p, 82-3; p, Beverly, NJ, 85-90; chap, Presb Hosp, Phila, Pa, 92-4; p, Los Gatos, Cal, 94-6; ss, 1st ch, Monterey, 98-1901; ss, Gilroy, 01-4; ss, Radnor ch, Wayne, Pa, 05-7; res, Wayne; d, Wayne, Pa, My 27, 14. DD, HanC, 75. *Davison, Robert Allen — b, Georgetown, Pa, Mr 16, 1840; WestmCMo, 61; tut, WestmCMo; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Hudson, May 16, 65; p, Monticello, NY, 65-9; p, Throgg’s Neck, 69-84; p, Greenbush, 84-93; p, St Georges, Del, 93-1900; p. Falls Church, Va, 00-18; d. Falls Church, Nv 7, 21. DD, WestmCMo, 04. *Day, William James — b, Paspebiac Bonaventure, Canada, Fb 20, 1840; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, Sp 21, 65; hm miss, Ashley, Nanticoke, 65-73; p, Ashley, Pa, 73-89; p, 1st ch, Plymouth, 89-96; p, Bennett ch, Luzerne, 97-1921; d, Luzerne, My 20, 21. *Dechert, Howard Porter — b, Reading, Pa, J1 25, 1836; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; miss, USArmy, 65-6; ord evang, 1st Pby NY, Ap 19, 66; ss. Falls Church & Lewisville, Va, 66-70; prin. Falls Church, 70-5; tea, Minnesota; Lincoln, Wis; d, Lincoln, Je 2, 87. *Ferguson, William Adams — b, Mt Jackson, Pa, Fb 27, 1838; JefC, 62; WestTS, 62-4; PTS, 64-5; ord, Pby Nassau, Oc 16, 65; p, Wallabout, NY, 65-7; p, 1st ch, Dubuque, la, 67-8; p, Waynesburgh, Pa, 69-72; p, Pitts Grove, NJ, 72-81; p, Marysville, O, 82-97; p, Harrison, 97-1901; p, Manchester, 01-4; p, Wilmington, 04-8; ss, Marseilles & Buck Creek, 09-10; ss, La Rue, IT, ss, Lee St ch, Marion, 12-3; ss, La Rue, 14-5; hon re; res, Rushsylvania; d, Rushsylvania, O, Ap 9, 26. DD, Oak Hill Coll, O, 1900. *Gates, Stephen Pratt — b, Chester, Ct, Ja 10, 1839; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Susquehanna, Sp 2, 66; ss. Canton, Pa, 65- p, 67-89; p, Beecher’s Is & Farmington chs. Nelson, 89-90; ss, Brandt, 90-5; d. Canton, Pa, Mr 27, 96. *Harkness, George — b. North Kortright, NY, Je 11, 1837; UnC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 26, 65; p, Princeton, NY, 65-9; p, Kingsboro, 69-77; p el, Medina, 77-9: ss, Potsdam, 79- p, 80-9; p, Rockford, 111, 89-93; p, Paris, 93-9; p el, Hillsboro, 111, 99-1903; ss, El Dorado, Kan, 03-6; ss. Sterling, 06-11; res, Wichita; d, Wichita, Kan, Mr 10, 15. DD, UnC, 12. *Hemstreet, Oliver— b, Carlisle, NY, Dc 8, 1838; UnC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby Benicia, My 13, 66; ss. Big Valley, Cal, 66-8; ss, lone City, 68-70; ss, Brooklyn ch, San Francisco, 70-2; p, Galway, NY, 72-9; ss, Mechanics- ville, 79-82; p, Johnsonville & Pittstown, 82-4; p. West End ch, Albany, 84-90; miss, Pby Baltimore, 90-3; ss, Hanover, Md, 93-4; sec & agt. Sab Assoc of Md, 1865 247 94-9; ss, Carlisle, NY, 1903-4; ss. Hector, 04-6; res, Wav'erly; d. Center Hill, Fla, Oc 30, 31. *Holliday, William Alexander— b, near Paris, Ky, Dc 30, 1841; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby North River, Nv 28, 66; p, Bethlehem ch. Orange Co, NY, 66-72; p, 1st ch, Belvidere, NJ, 74-84; pres, Bdll, 84-5; ss. Prospect Heights ch, Brooklyn, NY, 88- p, 89-97; lect, Presb Polity, HartTS, 1900-7; res, Plainfield, .NJ; d, Plainfield, Ja 21, 24. DD, CNJ, & LafC, 85. *James, William Henry — b, Deerfield, NJ, J1 16, 1833; LafC, 62; PTS, 62- 5; asst p, 7th ch, Cincinnati, O, 65-6; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Oc 2, 66; p. Spring- dale, O, 66-1903; d, Springdale, Fb 17, 03. DD, MiaU, 87. *Jeffers, Eliakim Tupper — b, Stewiacke, NS, Canada, Ap 6, 1841; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-5; AllegTS, 65-6; ord UP, Pby Phila, Sp 25, 65; p, UP ch, Oxford, Pa, 65-72; ss, 2d ch. New Wilmington, 73-83; pres, WestmCPa, 72-83; prof, Theol, LincU, 83-90; p, 1st Presb ch. Oil City, Pa, 90-3; pres, YorkCI, 93-1915; d, York, Pa, Nv 18, 15. DD, W&JC, 72, LTD, 02. *Jennings, Philip Sidney — b. Lower St Clair twp, Allegheny Co, Pa, Ag 25, 1839; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-5; WestTS, ord, Pby Ohio, Dc 26, 65; p, Temperance- ville. Pa, 65-9; p, Mt Washington ch, Pittsburgh, 66-83; ss, Mt Pisgah ch, Pitts- burgh, 77- p, 78-1903; p, Crafton, 85-92; d, Crafton, Pa, Ap 10, 03. DD, FrankCO, 96. *Marr, James Hervey — b, Lewisburgh, Pa, Ap 3, 1842; ULew, 60; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby San Francisco, Mr 21, 68; ss, Baltimore, Md, 65; ss, Clearfield & Harrisburg, Pa, 65-6; ss. La Crescent, Hokah & Brownsville, Minn, 66; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 67-9; ss, E Orange, NJ, 70-8; res, E Orange, NJ ; p. Beacon ch, Phila, Pa, 81-93; d. Point Pleasant, NJ, Je 3, 95. *McElroy, Solomon Clarke — b, St John, NB, Canada, Oc 8, 1840; NYU, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby Luzerne, Sp 21, 65; ss & tea, Schickshinny, Pa, 66-7; ss. Garden City, Minn, 67-8; ss. Blue Earth City, 68-9; ss, Waterford, NJ, 69-70; p, Whshingtonville & Derry, Pa, 70-1; ss, Shamokin & Elysburg, 72-4; p, Couders- port, 75-8; ss. Bowman’s Creek, 79-84; p, Bethany Centre, NY, 85-8; ss, Den- ton, 88-9; ss, Forestport & Alder Creek, 90-2; ss, West Milton, 93-6; res, Jones- ville; d, Ballston Spa, NY, .'\p 10, 1921. *Moore, William — b, near Larne, Ireland, Fb 25, 1838; KxCTor; PTS, 63- 5; ord, Pby Ottawa, Mr 28, 66; p. Bank St ch, Ottawa, Canada, 66-1902, p em; sec. Can Soc for Prevention of Consumption, 03-12; cy miss, Ottawa, 12-4; d, Ottawa, Can, Ja 17, 15. DD, HanC, 79; Mod, Gen Assem, 97. *Morey, Henry Martyn — b. West Bloomfield, NY, Mr 3, 1837; tea; UnC, 61 ; PTS, 61-2, 63-5; ord evang, Pby Rochester, J1 12, 66; asst, 1st ch. Fort Wayne, Ind, 65-6; ss, Pittsford, NY, 66-8; p, Westminster ch, Rochester, 68-74; p, 1st ch. South Bend, Ind, 74-9; p, 3d ch, Indianapolis, 79-83; ss, 2d ch, Lafayette, 83-4; ss, 1st ch, Geneva, N^’, 84-6; p, 1st ch, Marshall, Mich, 86-9; p, 1st ch Ypsilanti, 90-5; evang, 95-8; fin agt, .^mer Inland Miss; hon re; res, Ypsilanti, .Mich; d, Ypsilanti, Sp 25, 19. DD, UnC, 13. ■►Mudge, Lewis Ward— b, NYCity, Ja ‘29, 1839; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-6; 1865 248 tut, CNJ, 66-7; ord, 2d Pby NY, Ag 1, 67; p, Westminster ch, Yonkers, NY, 67-77; p, 2d ch, Princeton, NJ, 77-95; auth; ss. Central ch, Downingtown, Pa, 1901- p, 02-14; d, Phila, Oc 10, 14. DD, SUMont, 86. *Nichols, Gideon Parsons — b, Windsor, Mass, J1 30, 1837; UnC, 60; tea; PTS, 62-5; tea, Rochester Female Acad, NY, 65-6; ord evang, Pby Rochester, My 1, 67; p el, Victor, NY, 66-9; p el. Olivet ch, Chicago, 111, 69-71; p el, Im- manuel ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 71- p, 72-81; p el, 1st ch, Binghamton, NY, 81, p, 82-1906, p em; d, Binghamton, Sp 17, 08. DD, LkFC, 81. ♦Nightingale, James Chrystie — b, NYCity, Sp 22, 1836; NYU, 61; stu med; RefPTS; PTS, 64-5; ord evang, Pby New York, Oc 23, 66; ss. Canal St ch, NYCity, 65-7; ss, Islip, NY, 68-9; p, Smithville Flats, 69-74; p, Babylon, 74-80; ill health; res, NYCity, 80-3; Stamford, Ct, 83-95; d, Newark, NJ, Ag 17, 95. ♦Nourse, James Michael — b, Milroy, Pa, My 14, 1840; LafC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby Parkersburg, Oc 21, 66; hm miss. Mill Creek, W Va, 65-6; ss. Bethel & Sistersville, 67-70; p, Hughes River & Pennsboro, 70-4; p, Athens, O, 74-81; p, Middleport, 81-3; p & prin, Darnestown, Md, 83-5; p, Alexandria, Va, 85-90; p, Madison Ave ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 90-3; miss, 4th ch chap, Washington, DC, 94-5; p, Manassas, Va, 95-8; dean, NewWC, 98-9, pres, 99-1902; ss, Pby Washington City, 02-8; p, Vienna, Va, 08-14; ss, Lewinsville ch, Alexandria, Va, 14-8; hon re; res, Westminster, Md; d, Westminster, Nv 23, 22. ♦Orris, S Stanhope — b, near Ickesburg, Pa, Fb 19, 1832; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; tut, CNJ, 65-6; ord, Pby Huntingdon, My 30, 66; p. Spruce Creek ch. Pa, 66-9; Germany, 69-70; ss. Mission Chap, Coll RefChAm, NYCity, 70-1; prof, Gr, MariC, 73-7; prof, Gk Lang & Lit, CNJ, 77-1902; trav; res, Harrisburg, Pa; d, Harrisburg, Dc 17, 05. PhD, CNJ, 75; LHD, LafC, 89. ♦Parks, Joseph Jewett — b. Dauphin, Pa, Fb 13, 1835; LafC, 62; PTS, 62-5; lie, 2d Pby Phila, Ap 20, 64; prof, Irving Female Coll, Mechanicsburg, Pa, 65-7; ss, Monaghan ch, Dillsburg, 66-7; prin, Blairsville Ladies’ Sem, 67-78; eng dep, Tex Pac Ry, 79-1901; res, Brownsville, Pa; d. South Brownsville, Pa, Fb 1, 15. ♦Patton, Francis Landey — b, Warwick, Bermuda, Ja 22, 1843; KxCTor; UTor; PTS, 63-5; ord, Pby New York, Je 1, 65; p, 84th St ch, NYCity, 65-7; p, Nyack, NY, 67-70; p el. South ch, Brooklyn, 71; p el, Jefferson Park ch, Chicago, 111, 74- p, 79-81; prof, Theol, NWTS, 71-81; prof. Relations of Phil & Sc to Chr Rel, PTS, 81-8; pres, PrU, 88-1902, prof, Eth, 86-1913; pres, PTS, 02-13, lect. Theism, 88-1903, prof, Phil of Rel, 03-13, pres em, 13-32; res, Warwick, Bermuda, 13-32; d, Warwick, Nv 25, 32. DD, HanC, 72, YaleU, 88; LLD, CWoos, 78, HarvU, 89, UTor, 94, YaleU, 01, JHU, 02, UMd, 07, PrU, 13; hon MA, PrU, 96; Mod, Gen Assem, 78. ♦Pearce, Sketchley Morton — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 20, 1838; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; ss. La Crescent, Minn, 65-6; ord evang, Pby Chippewa, Ap 27, 66; ss. Upper West Nottingham, Pa, 66-8; ss, Wrightsville, 68- p, 71-4; hon re; res. Media, Pa, 75-89; d, Phila, Pa, J1 19, 91. ♦Ralston, Walter Walker — b, Lowellville, O, Ap 30, 1835; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 13, 65; p, Churchville, Md, 65-6; p, Uniontown, Pa, 67-72; p, Xenia, O, 72-5; p el, Bridgewater, Pa, 75- p, 79-82; p, Denison, O, 1865 249 82-8; p, Beulah, Pa, 88-93; p, Pitcairn & Wilmerding, 94-5; d, Walurbia, Pa, Dc 29, 95. DD, MuskC, 84. *Raymond, George Lansing — b, Chicago, 111, Sp 3, 1839; WmsC, 62; AubTS, 62-3; PTS, 63-5; ord, 3d Pby Phila, Ap 28, 70; ss, Darby Borough ch, Phila, Pa, 69- p, 70-4; prof, Orat, WmsC, 74-81; prof, Orat & /Esthetic Criticism, CNJ, 81-93; prof, /Esthetics, PrlJ, 93-1905; prof, /Esthetics, GWU, 05-12; res, Washington, DC; d, Washington, DC, J1 11, 29. LHD, RutU, 83; LittD, WmsC, 88. Read, Edward Griffin — b, Sharon, Ct, Nv 3, 1844; CNJ, 61, 65, M.\; PTS, 61-2, 63-5; tut, CNJ, 63-5; ord, Pby Dane, Oc 11, 65; p, 1st ch, Madison, Wis, 65-8; p, 3d ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 68-75; p, 2d Cong ch, Bennington, Vt, 76-82; p, 2d RefChAm, Somerville, NJ, 82-1908; ss, Wilson Mem Chap, Watchung, 10- p, 14-8; ss, Netherwood RefChAm, Plainfield, 18-9; chap, NJ Senate, 15-20; res, Plainfield, NJ, 20 — . DD, RutU, 95. •Remington, Charles William — b, Alden, NY, Dc 3, 1836; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Buffalo City, Je 27, 66; ss, Bethany, NY, 65- p, 66-8; ss, Corfu, 68- 73; ss. North Bergen, 74-83; miss, NDak, 83-6; ss, Williamson, NY, 86-7; ss, Wilson, 87-90; ss, Ellicottville, 90-1902; res, Buffalo; d, Buffalo, NY, Je 9, 08. •Roberts, Charles Dillard— b, Danville, Va, Fb 15, 1838; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, .Ap 19, 65; hm miss, Grafton, WWa, 65-6; ss, Ridley, Pa, 66-7; ss, Plattsmouth, Neb, 67-9; ss, Smartsville, Cal, 69-71; ss, Elko, Nev, 71-5; d, Smartsville, Cal, Oc 12, 75. •Scott, Robert — b, Co Donegal, Ireland, Dc 25, 1834; LafC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Oswego, Oc 25, 65; p, Smithville Flats, NY, 65-9; ss, Moriches, LI, 69- p, 70-2; ord PEpis pr, Ja 19, 73; rec, Hyde Park, Mass, 72-4; rec, Grace ch. West Farms, NY, 74-6; miss, Santa Barbara, Cal, 76; rec. Calvary ch, Santa Cruz, 76-9; rec, Roselle, NJ, 79-86; rec, Beatrice, Neb, 86-91; rec. Snow Hill, Md, 91-5; rec. Fort Edward, NY, 97-1901; rec, Middleville, 01-5; rec, Marianna & DeFuniak Springs, Fla, 06-8; res, Williamstown, Mass; d, Williamstown, Oc 14, 15. •Smith, George Lockwood — b. Pound Ridge, NY, Je 15, 1837; NYU, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Passaic, Oc 25, 65; p, 1st ch. Boiling Spring (Rutherford Park), NJ, 65-71; p, Ewing, 71-8; p, 1st ch, Cedarville, 79-83; p. Calvary ch, York, Pa, 83-98; p, Elmer, NJ, 98-1902; res, Cedarville, 02-12; ss, Pencader ch. Porters, Del, 13-7; res, Cedarville, NJ; d, Bridgeton, Mr 25, 28. •Van Allen, Charles Edwin— b. West Perth, NY, Je 21, 1835; UnC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Newton, Oc 31, 65; p. Middle Smithfield, Pa, 65-90; p, Delaware & Knowlton, NJ, 90-5; ss, Lafayette, 95-6; bus. Echo Lake, Pa, 97- 1917; res. East Stroudsburg; d. East Stroudsburg, Pa., .Ag 6, 19. DD, NatU, 95. ♦Van Pelt, Reuben Henry— b, Elizabeth, NJ, Mr 3, 1844; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord evang, Pby Winnebago, Fb 1, 66; ss, Juneau, Wis, 65-6; ss, N San- gamon, 111, 67-8; ss. Pleasant Hill & Cross Creek, 0, 68- p, 69; ss, Grov'e ch, Danville, Pa, 69- p, 70-4; p el, 1st ch, Mercer, Pa, 74-6; p el, Kingston, NY, 76-7; p, Trumansburg, 77-88; p, Lawrence, Kan, 88-93; ss, Hueneme, Cal, 94-1900; ss, Edinboro, Pa, 01-9; d, Edinboro, Mr 8, 09. 250 1865 *Van Syckel, Phineas Barber — b, New Village, NJ, Ap 15, 1837; LafC, 62; PTS, 62-5; ss, Columbus & Providence, NJ, 65-6; ord, Pby Long Island, Je 18, 67; p. Sweet Hollow ch, Melville, NY, 67-9; tea, Mattawan, NJ, 69-72; ss, Gibson & Ararat, Pa, 72-5; ss. Beech Creek, 75-7; res, Princeton, NJ, 80-93; bus; res, NYCity; d, NYCity, Ja 21, 1920. *Wines, Frederick Howard — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 9, 1838; WashCPa, 57; tut, do, 57-8; PTS, 58-60; ss. Calvary ch, Springfield, Mo, 60-1" chap, USArmy, 62-4; PTS, 64-5; ord, Pby Sangamon, Oc 29, 65; p, 1st ch, Springfield, 111, 65-9; sec, Bd Charities, Springfield, 111, 69-93, 96-1910; res, Springfield, 93-9; res, Washington, DC, 99-09; asst dir, US Census, 10; d, Springfield, 111, Ja 31, 12. LLD, KxC, 71, & UWis, 93. *Wright, John Elliott — b. La Fayette, Ind, Dc 17, 1842; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-5; WestTS, 66; ss, 1st ch, Delphi, Ind, 65; ss. Central ch, Allegheny City, Pa, 66; ord, Pby Allegheny City, Dc 27, 66; p, Manchester ch (2d ch), Allegheny, 66-8; p el, Greenville, 68- p, 69-74; p, 1st ch. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, 0, 74-8; p el, Madison, Wis, 78-82; p, Jefferson Park ch, Chicago, 111, 82-3; p. Market Sq ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 83-92; ss, 1st ch. Lock Haven, 93- p, 94-1901; res, Edgewood Park; chap, Markleton, 14-5; d, Markleton, Pa, Je 10, 15. DD, JefC, 85. *Young, Charles Ellis — b. New Jersey; CNJ, 1862; PTS, 62-5; p, Lambert- ville, NJ; d, Ag 24, 76. 44. *Anderson, Janies Marshall — b, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Sp 10, 1827; WmsC, 54; tea. Charleston, SC, & Ohio; PTS, 62-4; ord evang, Pby Cincinnati, Ap 19, 65; pres. Female Coll, College Hill, O, 65-9; prof. Math, WmsC, 69-70; p, 2d ch, Belvidere, NJ, 70-4; p, Matawan, 74-81; ill health, Brooklyn, NY; p. New Vernon, NJ, 84-9; p, Bismarck, NDak, 89-93; res, Duluth, Minn; d, Duluth, Ag 23, 1907. DD, WmsC, 04. *Beale, David J — b, Bealetown, Pa, J1 1, 1835; JefC, 61; WestTS, 61-2; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Ag 11, 64; ss. Middle Tuscarora, Pa, 63- p, 64-8; p, St George’s, Del, 69-72; p. Light St ch, Baltimore, Md, 72-83; p, Johnstown, Pa, 83-90; p, Frederick City, Md, 91-6; p, 1st ch. Northern Liberties, Phila, Pa, 96-8; res, Phila; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 19, 1900. DD, W&JC, 86. *Brown, Albert Hampton — b, Westmoreland Co, Pa, My 26, 1840; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-4; tea; USChrCom; d, Sp 24, 64. ♦Bryant, Albert— b, Troy, NH, Je 30, 1838; AmhC, 62; PTS, 62-4; AndTS; ord evang, Cong, Sp 20, 65; miss, Sivas, Turkey, 65-8; p, Everett, Mass, 69-74; p, Somerville, 75-80; p. Black Hills, Dak, 81-2; p, Worcester, Mass, 83-94; p, Scituate Centre, 99-1904; d, Scituate Centre, Mass, Sp 30, 04. ♦Dean, Benjamin Angier — b, Shrewsbury, Mass, Nv 4, 1838; AmhC, 62; PTS, 62-4; UnTS, 64-5; AndTS, 65-6; ord evang, Cong, J1 20, 66; ss, Cong ch, Zumbrota, Minn, 66-7; ss, Monticello, 67-9; ss, Garnaville, la, 69-71; ss, Sibley, 72-8; ss, Clarksville, Neb, 78-9; ss, Exeter, 79-83; p, Meriden, NH, 83-6; p, Har- 1865 251 risonville & Nelson, 86-8; p, Brentwood, 88-91; ss. South Medford, Mass, 91-5; ss, Colebrook, Ct, 95-1901; ss, Presb ch. South Wales, NY, 01-3; ss, Cong ch. North Hyde Park, Vt, 03-6; p, Vershire, 06-8; ss, Hartland, Ct, 08-9; ss. Center, Neb, 10-1; ss, Hildreth, 11-3; res, Berea, Ky; d, Berea, Dc 2, 21. *Dewing, John Richmond — b, Pennsylvania; PTS, 1863-4; d, Jl, 64. *Fairbanks, Francis Joel — b, Ashburnham, Mass, Sp 8, 1835; AmhC, 62; PTS, 62-3; UnTS, 63-4; ord Cong, Ag 31, 64; p, 1st Cong ch, Westminster, Vt, 64-71; ss, Ayer, Mass, 72-4; ss, Paxton, 74-7; ss. West Boylston, 77-85; ss, Sey- mour, Ct, 85-6; p, 2d ch, Amherst, Mass, 86-93; p, 1st ch, Royalston, 93-1909; p, 2d ch, Royalston, 09-20, p em; res. South Royalston; d, Merchantville, NJ, Sp 13, 27. *Fisher, John R — b, Cambridge, NY, Je 17, 1839; tea; PTS, 62-5; ord UP, Pby Argyle, Je 14, 66; ss, Hebron, 65- p, 66-74; p, 2d Presb ch, Jersey City, NJ, 74-83; p, 1st ch, S Orange, 84-93; ss. Brick ch, Ei Orange, 93; res, Newark; d, Denver, Colo, Fb 26, 1923. *Goodrich, George Dickinson — b. Ware Village, Mass, Ap 29, 1834; WmsC, 57; tea; PTS, 62-3; AndTS; ord evang, Cong, Sp 12, 65; p, Denver, Colo, 65-7; d, Hartford, Ct, Jl 26, 70. *Hendy, John Fenton -b, Co Wicklow, Ireland, Ag 23, 1837; CenCKy, 62; PTS, 62-4; DanTS; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Nv 20, 64; p, 2d ch, Covington, Ky, 64-5; p, Crittenden & Lebanon, 65-8; ss, 1st ch, Vincennes, Ind, 68- p, 70-2; p, 1st ch, Owensboro, Ky, 73-81; p, 1st ch, Emporia, Kan, 81-4; pres, CEmpo, 83-93; pres, OswC, 93-6; p, 1st ch, Jefferson City, Mo, 96-1907; hon re; res, Jefferson City; d, Jefferson City, Mo, Dc 14, 18. DD, CenCKy, 83. *Hosford, Frederick — b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 18, 1841; NYU, 62; PTS, 62-4; UnT.S; lie, 1st Pby New York, Oc 12, 64; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 7, 66. ^Johnson, James Renfrew — b, Coshocton, O, Fb 21, 1839; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-4; ill health; farming, Coshocton, O, 65-96; rul eld, 67-1918; d, Coshocton, O, Ag21, 18. *Jones, John — b, Llanerchymedd, N Wales, Great Britain, Ap 10, 1831; CNJ, 62; PTS, 62-5; ord, Pby Montreal, Canada, Jl 23, 65; p, Cote de Neizes ch, Montreal, Can, 65-6; [), Brockville, 66-70; p. Mile End Miss (Chalmer’s ch), Montreal, 72-4; bus, Montreal; d, Montreal Canada, Ag 13, 1901. *Kearns, John Edmund — b, Lewistown, Pa, Dc 4, 1835; JefC, 62; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Ja 9, 66; p el, Curwinsville, 65- p, 66-8; p, L-pper Tuscarora & Peru, 68-79; p el. Morning Sun, la, 79- p, 80-6; p, Rockville, Ind, 86-8; p, 1st ch. Cherry Vale, Kan, 88-91; p el, Minneapolis, Kan, 91- p, 92-4; d, Minneapolis, Kan, Dc 16, 94. ’•'Knight, Alva Aziza -b, Norwich, Mass, My 6, 1835; AmhC, 62; PTS, 62-3; lawy; judge; Jacksonville, Fla, 68-72; res, Seattle, Wash; d, Seattle, My 26, 1923. MA, AmhC, 65. ’^Morrivson, William John Phillips— b, Allahabad, India, Nv 21, 1839; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-2, 63-5; ord evang, Pby Columbus, My 8, 65; miss, Lahore, 252 1865 India, 66-9, Ambala, 69-80, Saharanpur, 80-2, Ambala, 84-92, Dehra, 93-1903; ill health; res, Clifton Springs, NY; d, Wooster, O, Oc 18, 04. *Norcross, George— b, Erie Co, Pa, Ap 8, 1838; MonC, 61; NWTS, 61-2; prof, MonC, 62-3; MonTS, 62-3; ss. North Henderson, 111, 63-5; PTS, 64-5; ord, Pby Warren, Je 6, 65; p. North Henderson, 111, 65-6; p, Galesburg, 66-8; p, 2d ch, Carlisle, Pa, 69-1909, p em; res, Carlisle; d, Carlisle, Pa, Mr 8, 15. DD, CNJ, 79. *Phipps, George Gardner — b, Franklin, Mass, Dc 11, 1838; AmhC, 62; PTS, 62; AndTS, 62-5; ss, Cong ch, Ashland, Mass, 65-8; ord Cong, Ja 23, 68; p, Wellesley, Mass, 68-78; p, Newton Highlands, 78-93; ss. Oak Hill chap, Newton, 1904-28; d, Newton Highlands, Mass, Dc 22, 28. *SIlver, David — b, near Hightstown, NJ, Sp 9, 1834; PTS, 62-4; ord Bapt, Hamburg, NJ, Fb 15, 65; p, Hamburg, 65-79; p, Croton, NY, 79-84; p. Upper Freehold ch, Imlaystown, NJ, 84; d, Imlaystown, Dc 22, 84. *Simes, Snyder Binns— b, Phila, Pa, Nv 17, 1842; PTS, 62-4; DSPEpisCh, 64-5; ord PEpis dea, Je 23, 65; asst, Epiphany ch, Phila, Pa, 65-8; ord PEpis pr, Ja 14, 67; rec, Gloria Dei ch, Phila, Pa, 68-1915; d, Falmouth Heights, Mass, J1 18, 15. *Smyth, George Hutchinson — b, Killydonelly, Co Antrim, Ireland, Mr 20, 1839; NYU, 62; WestTS, 62-3; PTS, 63-4; ord, Pby District of Columbia, Oc 16, 64; p, 6th ch, Washington, DC, 64-9; p. West ch, Wilmington, Del, 69-72; chap. House of Refuge, Randall’s Is, NYCity, 73-81; p, RefChAm, Harlem, NY, 81-91; ss, Mem ch, St Augustine, Fla, 92-3; res, Holyoke, Mass; d, Holyoke, My 4, 1911. DD, GeneC, 89. *Stone, Timothy Porter — b, Indiana; AmhC, 1862; PTS, 62-3; d, 64. ♦Thompson, John James — b, NYCity, Ag 31, 1836; CNJ, 55; lawy; PTS, 62-5, 72, 80-1; ord, Pby Alton, Sp 13, 83; ss, Montrose & Cameron, SDak, 84-5; ss, Santa Maria, Cal, 86; res, Princeton, NJ, 87; ss, Parma, Mich, 88-9; ss. La Moure, NDak; res, Sioux Falls, SDak, 89-90; evang, Princeton, NJ, 90-1; ss, Ber- nice, Pa, 91-2; ss. Galena, Kan, 92-3; res, NYCity; d, Middletown, NY, Je 7, 1925. ♦Thompson, Samuel Huston — b, Brookfield, Ireland, My 24, 1842; UGlas, 62; PTS, 62-4; ord, Pby Clogher, Ireland, Dc 29, 65; p, Maguirebridge, 65-9; p, 4th ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 69-70; p, 1st ch, Canandaigua, NY, 70-3; p, Lewisburg, Pa, 73-9; p. Central ch, Des Moines, la, 79-80; p, Govanstown, Md, 81-2; res, Baltimore, 83-5; res, St, Paul, Minn, 87-92; p. New Brighton, Pa, 93-6; ss, Waynes- burg, 97-8; p, Pontiac, Mich, 98-9; p. Red Bank, NJ, 00-9; res, Pittsburgh, Pa; d, Pittsburgh, Je 6, 23. DD, AmUHarri, 00. ♦Van Aken, Gulick— b, NYCity, Ap 22, 1840; NYU, 62; PTS, 62-3; UnTS; ord; 3d Pby Phila, Oc 16, 64; p, 1st ch, Southwark, Phila, 64-7; p, 2d RefChAm, Freehold, NJ, 67-71; p el, 1st Presb ch, Kingston, NY, 72; d, Brooklyn, Oc 20, 72. ♦Wyckolf, Joseph Campbell — b, Sparta, NJ, Mr 2, 1836; CNJ, 54; tea; PTS, 62-4; lie, Pby North River, Ap, 67; tea, Cranbury & Mt Holly, NJ, tea; New Canaan, Ct; tea, Wilmington, Del; tea. West Chester, Pa; prin, Kingston, NY, 64-9; prin, Elizabeth, NJ, 69-76; prin, Paterson, NJ, 76-82; ss, Westminster ch, Paterson, 78; ss, Berlin, Md, 82; prof, AlbanyC, 82-4; ord, Pby Jersey City, i I 1865-1866 253 Je 29, 82; ss, Newport, Ore, 83; prin, NY Mil Acad, Cornwall, NY, 84-90; tea. New Haven, Ct, 91-4; tea, Albany, Ore, 94-1900; supt schls. New Canaan, Ct, 00-15; res. Ambler, Pa; d. Ambler, Dc 31, 21. 26. 1866 *Alexander, Clifton Wrenshaw — b, Jefferson Co, Mo, Oc 5, 1838; DesPI, 61; tea; PTS, 63-6; ss. High Hill & Price’s Branch, Mo, 66-7; ord evang, Pby Potosi, Oc 5, 67; ss, Apple Creek & Brazeau, 67-76; ss, Apple Creek, 76-84; ss, Mobeetie, Tex, 85-6; d, Mobeetie, Mr 20, 86. *Anderson, Samuel Rutherford — b, Pictou, Ont, Canada, Dc 7, 1836; UMich, 62; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Phila, Ag 9, 66; p, Bensalem, Newportville & Aurora, Pa, 66-9; ss, Tuckerton & Bass River, NJ, 69-75; p, Fairton, 75-83; ss, Caldwell, Kan, 84- p, 85-8; ss, Clearwater, 89-93; ss, Indianola, 89-1902; ss, Brainerd, 93-02; d, Wichita, Kan, Sp 28, 02. *Barnes, William Guthrie — b, Fredericksburg, O, J1 31, 1841; JefC, 63; WestTS; PTS, 65-6; ord, Pby Long Island, J1 17, 66; p, Islip, NY, 66-7; p. Sag Harbor, 67-72; p. Fort Greene ch, Brooklyn, 73-4; p, S 4th St ch, Brooklyn, 74-8; res, Jacksonville, Fla; d, Fredericksburg, 0, Dc 9, 84. *Beairsto, John Keir — b, Malpeque, PEI, Canada, J1 5, 1840; TruC, 62; PTC; PTS, 65-6; ord, Pby St John, NB, Sp 30, 69; p, Saltsprings & Hammond River, NB, 69-76; ss, Hamilton, Bermuda, 77-8; hm miss. New Brunswick & Nova Scotia, 76-9; p, Carleton & Chebogue, Nova Scotia, 79-83; p, Glassville, 84-98; ss, St Martin’s, 98-9; p, Glassville, 99-1904; res, Glassville; d, Glassville, NS, Can, Ap 21, 12. *Benedict, Benjamin Gilbert — b, Patterson, NY, Dc 6, 1838; LafC, 59; tea; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Hudson, Oc 24, 66; p, Hopewell ch, Thompson Ridge, NY, 66-70; ss, RefChAm, Canastota, 70-1; ss, 2d Presb ch, Washingtonville, 71-5; tea, Brooklyn, 76-1901; res, Brooklyn; d, Brooklyn, NY, Dc 9, 12. ♦Butler, Henry Seymour — b, NYCity, Dc 19, 1840; CNJ, 62; tea; PTS, 63-6; tut, CNJ, 66; ord, Pby Burlington, Oc 23, 66; p, Columbus & Bustleton, NJ, 66-8; ss. South Salem, NY, 68; p, Clearfield, Pa, 69-84; p, Blairstown, NJ, 84-1907; ss, Huntsville & Helenwood, Tenn, 07-15; res, Washington, DC; d, Washington, DC, Sp 11, 23. DD, LafC, 85. ♦Cameron, John George — b. Green Hill, NS, Canada, Oc 28, 1846; Dalhll, 62; tea; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Prince Edward’s Island, Mr 14, 67; p, Tryon & Banshau, PEI, 67-73; p, Souris & Bay Fortune, 73-97; d, Murray Harbor North, PEI, Can, Ap 16, 97. ♦Campbell, William Oliver — b, Middlesex, Pa, Nv 14, 1841; JefC, 62; USArmy, 62-3; WestTS, 63-4; PTS, 64-6; ord evang, Pby Winnebago, Ap 16, 67; ss, Depere, Wis, 66- p, 68-9; p, Monongahela City, Pa, 70-85; p, Sewickley, 85- 1909, p em; res, Sewickley; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Ja 8, 26. DD, CWoos, 85. ♦Cleland, Thomas Hann— b, Mortonsville, Ky, Mr 31, 1843; CenCKy, 63; tea; DanTS, 63-5; PTS, 65-6; ord, Pby Missouri River, Ap 28, 67; ss. Council 254 1866 Bluffs, la, 66- p, 67-82; p, Westminster ch, Keokuk, 82-8; p. Calvary ch. Spring- field, Mo, 88-94; p, 1st ch, Duluth, Minn, 94-1906; dist sec, AmTrSoc, Chicago, 111, 06-8; p, 3d ch. New Albany, Ind, 08-13; ss, Rosedale ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 13; p, Knoxch, Minneapolis, 13-6; d, Minneapolis, Minn, Dc 14, 13. DD, CWoos, 82. *Cochran, Israel Williams — b, Foster’s Meadow, NY, Sp 11, 1841; NYU, 62; PTS, 62-4, 65-6; Europe, 66-7; ord, Pby Connecticut, J1 13, 68; p, Carmel, NY, 68-9; p, Mendham, NJ, 70-86; d, NYCity, Oc 29, 87. *Condit, William Cutter — b, Murphysville, Ky, Fb 2, 1841; CenCKy, 63; DanTS, 63-5; PTS, 65-6; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Nv 2, 66; ss, Catlettsburg, Ky, 66-7; p, Ashland, 66-1921, p em; res, Ashland; d, Ashland, Ky, Oc 7, 26. DD, CenCKy, 86. ■^Demarest, John Kay — b, near Hackensack, NJ, Oc 10, 1843; NYU, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby New York, Oc 16, 66; p. Palisades, NY, 66-70; p, Owensboro, Ky, 70-2; p, Westminster ch, NYCity, 72-4; Hackensack, NJ, 74-5; p, Gettysburg, Pa, 75-92; d, Hackensack, NJ, My 1, 92. DD, PaC, 89. ■^Depue, Moses Ayers — b, near Belvidere, NJ, Sp 23, 1840; LafC, 63; PTS, 63-6;ss, 1st ch, Easton, Pa, 66-7; ord, Pby Londonderry, J1 11, 67; p. East Boston, Mass, 67-9; ss, Lewisburg, Pa, 69-70; p. Pleasant Grove, NJ, 70-2; d, Easton, Pa, Oc 12, 72. ♦Elliott, John Calvin— b, Milton, O, J1 18, 1839; WRU, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Missouri River, J1 28, 67; ss, Nebraska City, Neb, 66- p, 67-9; prin, Otoe Univ, Neb, 69-70; ss, Guilford, O, 71-9; p, Milton, 79-91; p el. Central ch, Akron, 91- p, 95-7 ; ss, Hopewell, 97-1904; ss. North Bend, Ore, 04-6; ss, Grace ch, Albany, 06-10; hon re; res, Troy, NY; d, Troy, Sp 23, 20. ♦Paris, Salmon Coles — b, Triadelphia, (W)Va, Dc 31, 1891; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby West Virginia, J1 17, 66; ss, Buckhannon & French Creek, WVa, 66-8; supt and cy miss, Pittsburgh, Pa, 68-74; gen agt, PaBibSoc, 75-6; p el, Apple Creek, O, 76-8; ss, Holmesville, 78-9; p, Perrysville, 79-81; prin & tea, Frankfort Springs, 82-5; pres, RichC, 86-8; p, Richmond, 85-9; ss, Cameron, WVa, 90-1; sec, AmSSUn, Tenn, 91-2; hm miss, Starke, Fla, 92-7; hm miss. Chandler; res. Chandler, 97-1905; Wilkinsburg, Pa; d, Wilkinsburg, Mr 8, 06. DD, RichC, 89. ♦Feltch, Joseph Haskell — b, Newbury, Mass, My 20, 1837; WmsC, 63; UnTS, 63-6; PTS, 65; ord Cong, Je 29, 67; p, Cummington, Mass, 67-70; d, Ja 19, 70. ♦Forbes, John Franklin — b, Pictou, NS, Canada, Fb 2, 1834; UTor, 63; KxCTor; PTS, 64-6; ord, Pby Pictou, Fb 27, 67; p, Lochaber & Union Centre, NS, 67-85; p. West River & Green Hill, 86-94; p, St Andrew’s ch, Sydney, 94- 1904; d, Sydney, NS, Canada, Ja 4, 05. ♦Foster, Daniel Requa — b, Patterson, NY, Sp 22, 1838; CNJ, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Rochester City, Ag 1, 66; p, 1st ch, Phelps, NY, 66-9; ss, Pennington, NJ, 70- p, 71-86; p, Bethany ch, Trenton, 86-1900, p em; evang & pres, NJ Children’s Home Soc, Trenton, NJ, 01-15; d, Trenton, Oc 25, 15. ♦Hench, Thomas Hackett — b. Centre, Pa, Ap 5, 1840; CNJ, 61; HarvU, 1866 ^55 61-2; tea; PTS, 63-6; ss, Lenox, 111, 66-7; ss, Shiloh, 66-9; ss. Good Hope, 69-70; ord, Pby Iowa City, Dc 20, 71; p, Walcott, la, 71-5; p. Rock Island, 111, 75-8; p, Middletown, O, 79-83; p el, Connersville, Ind, 84-94; ss, Georgetown, O, 96-1904; ss, Cedron, Feesburg, Felicity & Higginsport, 04-15; res, Georgetown; ss, Went- worth & White Oak, Mo, 16-7; ss, Wentworth & Ritchey, 17-8; res, Georgetown, O; d, Georgetown, Ja 29, 28. DD, HanC, 93. *Irwin, Salathiel Milton — b. South Salem, O, Nv 23, 1836; HanC, 61; tea; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby Southwest Missouri, Nv 25, 66; ss. Little Osage, Mo, 66-7; ss & tea, Geneva, Kan, 67-73; ss, Neosho Falls, 67-70, 76-8, 82-5, 92-5, 05-7; ss, Ozark & Fairview, 74-6; ss. Liberty, 71-92, 97-1907; ss, Le Roy, 72-82, 87-90; ss, Carlyle, 82-5; p, Geneva, 73-1907; ss, Geneva, 07-16; d, Geneva, Kan, Mr 30, 16. *Jamieson, Alexander — b, Lancaster, Ont, Canada, Nv 5, 1839; QuUOnt, 63; do, ThDept; PTS, 65-6; lie, Pby Niagara, Canada, Je 13, 66; prin. Glengarry, Ont, 68-74; phys. New Edinburg, Ark, 78-80; prof, Chem, KCU, 82-4; d, Kansas City, Kan, Ja 12, 84. *Johns, Reading Beatty — b, Doylestown, Pa, Ap 9, 1840; LincU, 63; PTS, 63-6; ss, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, 65-6; ord evang, Pby Elizabethtown, Ap 18, 66; ss, Siloam ch, Elizabeth, 66-7; p, Madison St ch, Baltimore, Md, 67-8; p, Talcott St Cong ch, Hartford, Ct, 68-73; p, 1st African Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 73-9; p, Mt Zion Cong ch, Cleveland, O, 79-80; p, Shiloh Presb ch, NYCity, 82-5; p, AfrME ch, Bristol, Pa, 86-7; p, Reading, 87-8; p, Jackson St Cong ch, Nashville & Goodlettsville, Tenn, 88-9; p, Jackson St miss, 89-92; evang. Am Miss Asso, 92-1906; state evang, Cong ch; p, Dudley, NC, 08-12; p, Hope ch, Amherst, Mass, 13-5; res. Bricks, NC; d, Lawnside, NJ, Fb 5, 19. *Johnson, James Gibson — b. Providence, RI, Je 25, 1839; LfnC, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Londonderry, Dc 27, 66; p, 2d ch, Newburyport, Mass, 66-8; p, Cong ch, Rutland, Vt, 70-85; p, 2d ch. New London, Ct, 85-91; p. New Eng ch, Chicago, 111, 91-7; ss, St Louis, Mo; ss, Jersey City, NJ; p, FarmingJ:on, Ct, 99-1905; d, Washington, DC, Mr 23, 05. DD, MidC, 79. *Johnston, James William — b, Stewiacke, NS, Canada, Fb 11, 1833; UnC, 62; tea; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Connecticut, Oc 15, 66; p, Yorktown, NY, 66-75; ss, Idaho Springs, Colo, 77; ss. Central City, 77-80; ss, Mt Kisco, NY, 80-3; ss, Mariaville, 84-8; ss. Bethel, NC, 89-93; ss, Bethesda, 89-96; ss, Montpelier, 93-6; ss, Keyser, 92-6; ss, Shiloh, 94-5; res, Aberdeen, NC, 89-98; d, Aberdeen, Mr 19, 98. *Jones, Benjamin Townsend — b, Somerset Co, Md, Oc 28, 1841; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Lewes, My 6, 66; p, Berlin, Md, 66-7; p, Lewisburg, Pa, 67-72; p, 1st ch. West Chester, 73-83; prof. Sacred Rhet & NT & Eng Bib, LincU, 83-93; d, West Chester, Pa, Ja 26, 93. DD, LafC, 89. *Joss, Augustus Adolphus — b, Antwerp, Belgium, Ap 30, 1841; HanC, 63, PTS, 63-6; ss, Cambridge, Wis, 66-7; ss, Broadhead, 67-9; ord, Pby Dane, My 10; 69; ss, Cong ch. Fort Atkinson, 69-71 ; ill health; ss, Presb ch, Stevens Point, 73-6; ss, Cong ch, Zumbrota, Minn, 76-9; ord PEpis; Northfield; Stirling, 111, 84-9; rec. Little Falls, Minn, 89-99; rec, Bismarck, NDak, 99-1904; rec. Blue Earth City, Minn, 04-6; rec, St John’s, Lake Benton, 06-11; rec, ch Holy Communion, Red- wood Falls, 12-7; res, Minneapolis; d, Minneapolis, Minn, Ja 20, 21. 10 1866 256 *Knox, William White — b, Utica, NY, Dc 14, 1842; CNJ, 62; tea; PTS, 63-6; UnTS; ord, Pby Nassau, J1 28, 67; p, Woodhaven; ss, 1st ch, Springfield, NY, 67-9; p, 2d ch, Huntington, 69-81; p, 1st RefChAm, Bayonne, NJ, 81-93; p, 1st Presb ch. New Brunswick, 93-1917, p em; d. New Brunswick, NJ, My 3, 29. DD, RutU, 94. *Laurie, William — b, Wigtownshire, Scotland, Ag 19, 1832; UPa, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Newton, Je 6, 66; p, Stewartsville, NJ, 66-72; p, Penn Yan, NY, 72-5; ss, Watkins, 76; p, Bellefonte, Pa, 76-1905; evang, 06; ss, Milesburg & Lick Run; res, Bellefonte, Pa; d. Cape May, NJ, Dc 1, 08. DD, LafC, 86; LLD, WUPa, 98. *Lochead, John Sommerville — b. Cherry \’alley, NY, Ja 22, 1837; QuUOnt, 63, ThDept, 63-5; PTS, 65-6; ord, Pby Glengarry, Canada, Sp 16, 66; p, Matilda, Can, 66-8; p, Elgin, 68-76; p, Valleyfield, 76-8; p, Hullet & Londesborough, 78-84; p, Parkhill, 85-93; North Gower & Wellington, 93-1903; ss, West Missouri, 04; ss, Massey Station, 05; res, London; d, London, Ont, Can, Nv 5, 06. *Longmuir, Gavin — b, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Nv 1, 1840; WmsC, 61; bus; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Newark, My 22, 66; p, 1st ch, Morristown, NJ, 66-8; p. Am Union ch, Rome, Italy, 75-6; p. Am Un ch, Florence, 76-81; d, Florence, Italy, Oc 16, 82. *Maclean, Matthew Witherspoon — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Je 11, 1842; UGlas, 60, ThDept; QuUOnt, ThDept; PTS, 65-6; ord, Pby Guelph, Canada, Ag 15, 66; p, St Andrew’s ch. Paisley, Ont, 66-71; p. Mill St ch. Port Hope, 72-3; p, St Andrew’s, Belleville, 73-1904; res, Arlington Beach, Sask; d, Arlington Beach, Sask, Can, Nv 12, 07. *Martin, John Fountain — b. Cole Co, Mo, My 20, 1839; UMo, 62; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby West Texas, Nv 17, 66; ss, San Antonio, Texas, 66-72; withdrew, Ap 20, 72; Swedenborgian; tea, San Antonio; Galveston; ss, Cong ch, Joplin, Mo, 80-3; bus; d, Nv 28, 1921. *McCampbell, George Meriwether — b, Jeffersonville, Ind, Sp 9, 1841; HanC, 62; USArmy, 62; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Potomac, Sp 13, 66; p, 1st ch, Alexandria, Va, 66-8; ss. Brick ch Chapel, NYCity, 69; ss, Maysville, Ky, 69- p, 71-2; p. Spring St ch, NY, 72-6; ss, RefEpis ch Incarnation, Brooklyn, 76-8; p, Presb ch, S Salem, 79-82; p, Stapleton, 82-9; p, Middletown, O, 91-5; bus; p, Millvale, Pa, 01-9, p em; res, Sewickley; d, NYCity, Dc 15, 18. *McKee, Hugh Ware — b, Harrodsburgh, Ky, Dc 24, 1840; HanC, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Sp 4, 66; ss, Burkesville, Ky, 66-7; miss, Brazil, Rio Janeiro, 67-8; Sao Paulo, 68-70; ss, 1st Portuguese ch, Jacksonville & 2d Port ch, Springfield, 111, 70-2; p, 1st Portuguese ch, Springfield, 72-7; d. Spring- field, 111, My 11, 77. *Merwin, Alexander Moss — b, Norwalk, Ct, Sp 3, 1839; WmsC, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby North River, Je 14, 66; ss. Union ch, Valparaiso, Chili, SA, 66-7; co-p. Ref Chilian ch, Santiago, 67-8; p, Valparaiso, 68-85; ed, Valparaiso, 69-85; ss, 1st Presb ch, Santa Barbara, Cal, 86; ss, Lamanda Park, Alhambra & Calvary ch, Pasadena, 87-9; supt, Mex miss; res, Pasadena, Cal, 89-1905; d, Pasadena, Fb 2, 05. 1866 257 *Pires, Emanuel Nathaniel — b, Is of Madeira, Oc 19, 1838; HanC, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby Sangamon, My 4, 66; miss, Brazil, 66-9; p, 2d Portu- guese ch, Jacksonville, 111, 70-3; p. Central Port ch, Jacksonville, 73-87; ss, 2d Port ch, Springfield, 78-91; p, Un Port ch, Jacksonville, 87-96; d, Jacksonville, Mr 3, 96. *Pitkin, Paul Henry — b, Milford, O, Oc 30, 1841; WashCPa, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby Richland, Sp 11, 66; miss, Colombia, SA, Bogota, 66-72; miss, Mexico, 72-3; ss, Winnebago, 111, 73-4; ss, Cong ch, Farmington, NH, 75-7; p, Marshfield, Vt, 78-81; prin, Pitkin Schl of Languages, Springfield, Mass, 82- 1925; d, Springfield, Dc 6, 25. *Pomeroy, Stephen Wilson — b, Roxbury, Pa, Dc 16, 1836; LafC, 61; USArmy; PTS, 63-6; ss, 7th St (Covenant) ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 66-7; ord, Pby Carlisle, Nv 6, 68; p, McConnellsburg, Green Hill & Wells Valley, Pa, 68-71; p, Newton Hamilton, 71-8; p, Mt Union, 71-84; p, Shirleysburg, 78-84; p. Bald Eagle, Nittany & Beech Creek, 86-99; res, Harrisburg, d; Harrisburg, Pa, J1 5, 1912. *Radcliffe, Wallace — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ag 16, 1842; JefC, 62; AllegTS,62-4; PTS, 64-6; ord, Pby Phila, Ag 28, 66; p. Woodland ch, Phila, Pa, 66-70; ss, 1st ch, Reading, 71- p, 72-85; p. Fort St ch, Detroit, Mich, 85-95; p. New York Ave ch, Washington, DC, 95-1922, p em; res, Washington; d, Washington, DC, Je 7, 30. DD, LafC, 82; LLD, W&JC, 02, & GWU, 10; Mod, Gen Assem, 98. *Rathbun, Davis Lincoln — b. West Liberty, O, Ag 25, 1838; CntlCMo, 61; tea; DanTS, 63-5; PTS, 65-6; ord evang, Pby St Louis, Ap 5, 67; ss, Franklin, Mo, 66-7; p el, Frostburg, Md, 68-9; p. Chestnut Grove ch, Sweet Air, 70-85; p, Franklinville, 75-85; p & prin, Darnestown, 85-90; p. Falls Church, Va, 90-1900; ss, Gridley, Cal, 00-5; ss, 2d St mission, San Francisco, 05-6; ss, Cong chs, Sonoma Co, 07-8; hon re; res, Santa Rosa; d, Santa Rosa, Cal, Nv 21, 28. *Sanford, Elihu Turney — b. New Haven, Ct, Sp 22, 1839; UnC, 63; PTS, 63-6; ss, Luzerne, NY, 66-7; ord, Pby Saginaw, Ja 13, 69; p, WBay City, Mich, 69-70; ord PEpis dea, J1 20, 72; rec, Christ's ch, Albion, NY, 73-6; rec, St Paul's, Woodbury, Ct, 78-80; rec, Grace ch. New Haven, 81-90; rec, St John's, New Mil- ford, 90-5; d. New Milford, Ct, Ja 12, 95. *Sawtene, William Henry — b, Binghamton, NY, Je 17, 1834; HanC, 62; tea; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Chenango, Nv 13, 66; p, Nineveh, NY, 66-80; p, Athens, Pa, 82-1905; ss, Ulster & Ulster Village, 06-12; res, Binghamton, NY; d, Bing- hamton, Nv 5, 12. ♦Sayre, Sylvanus — b, Bridgeton, NJ, Mr 30, 1836; CNJ, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby Phila Central, My 7, 66; ss, Un ch, Valparaiso, Chili, 66-7; miss, Talca & Copiapo, 67-76; evang. Pa, 77-85; hm miss, Linkville, Ore, 85-7; hm miss, Oakland, 87-8; ss, Clatsop Plains, 88-1900; d, Warrenton, Ore, P'b 8, 00. ■♦Shearer, Frederic Eichelberger — b, Dillsburg, Pa, Mr 27, 1838; CNJ, 62; agt, USChrCom; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Long Island, Ag 15, 66; co-p, Southampton, LI, 66- p, 67-70; dist sec, AmTrSoc, San P'rancisco, Cal, 70-84; cd & pub, "Oc- cident,” San P'rancisco, 84-7; bus; res, Santa Rosa, 87-93; res, NYCity;d, NYCity, J1 20, 12. DD, HighU, 86. 1866 2 58 ♦Stead, Alfred Jenks— b, Bridesburg, Pa, Mr 28, 1843; NYU, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby Nassau, Ap 9, 67; ss, Richland Prairie, Minn, 67-71; ss, Chippewa Falls, Wis, 71- p, 72-4; ss, Geneseo, 111, 74-8; ss, Munson, 77-81; ss, Bloomington, Minn, 81- p, 82-93; ss, Holloway, Mich, 93-7; ill health; res, Wyandotte, 97-8; ss, Henrytown & Richland Prairie, Minn, 99-1903; d. Canton, Ag 3, 07. ♦Steen, William Service — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 7, 1841; UPa, 61; tea; PTS, 63-6; lie, Pby Phila Central, Oc 1, 66; miss, Bradford Co, Pa, 66-9; res, Phila, 69-79; ss, Wysox, 79-82; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 7, 81; res, Washington Co, 82- 4; Cranbury, NJ, 84-91; tea, Wayne, Pa, 91-6; supt, Presb Hosp, Phila, 96- 1912; d, Phila, Pa, Ag 12, 14. ♦Swinnerton, Henry Ulyate — b, Catskill, NY, Oc 4, 1839; CNJ, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby Passaic, Ap 25, 67 ; ss, Morrisville, Pa, 67-8; p. Cherry Valley, NY, 68-1906, p em; res, Penn Yan; d. Cherry Valley, NY, My 12, 27. PhD, UnC, 77. ♦Thomson, Eberle Willis — b, Decatur Co, Ind, Ja 25, 1839; HanC, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Iowa, Oc 1, 67; ss, Sharon, la, 66- p, 67-8; ss, 1st ch, Ottumwa, 68-9; ss, Rushville, Ind, 69-74; p, Kirkwood, 111, 74-87; p, Lebanon, Ky, 87-9; p, Marengo, 111, 89-93; ss, Jamestown, ND, 93- p, 94-6; p, Ripley, O, 96-1901; p. Upper Sandusky, 01-3; ss, Bloomingburg, 03- p, 04-9; res, Brookville; d, Brook- ville, O, Ap 16, 11. ♦Van Cleve, Robert Stansbury — b, Beaver Meadow, Pa, Oc 16, 1842; CNJ, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang, Pby Erie, Dc 14, 66; ss, Westfield, NY, 66- p, 68-9; p, Leetsdale, Pa, 70-86; ss. Chestnut St ch, Erie, 86-8, 90-1911; res, Erie; ss, Kear- sarge-Perkins ch, Erie, 18-20; d, Erie, Pa, Oc 13, 20. DD, GrovCyC, 95. ♦Vanderveer, David Newland — b, Florida, NY, Sp 22, 1841; UnC, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord. Cl of Ulster, My, 67; p, 1st RefChAm, Kingston, NY, 67-76; p. Union Park Cong ch, Chicago, 111, 76-9; p, RefChAm, Brooklyn, NY, 79-86; ill health; res, Greenport, NY, 87-99; NYCity, 99-1902; d, NYCity, Ap 9, 02. DD, UnC. ♦Westcott, Robert Raikes — b, Cedarville, NJ, Je 14, 1837; CNJ, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord, Pby Dane, Je 4, 67; ss, Swedesboro, NJ, 65; ss, Verona, Wis, 66-9; ss, Clarinda, la, 69- p, 70-9; p, Newton, la, 82-3; ill health; res, Clarinda; d, Clarinda, la, Ja 11, 97. ♦Wilkins, William Thomas — b, St John, NB, Canada, J1 15, 1843; UNB, 63; QuUOnt, ThDept; PTS, 65-6; ord, Pby St John, NB, Nv 7, 66; miss. Wood- stock, NB, 66-9; p, St Paul’s ch, Truro, NS, 69-72; p, St Andrew’s ch, Stratford, Can, 73-6; p, Knox ch, Belgrave, 78-82; p, St Andrew’s ch, Trenton, 83-1913; res, Trenton; d, Trenton, Can, Ja 28, 24. DD, QuUOnt, 22. ♦Wilson, Alexander Lafayette — b, 1840; WabC, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord evang. Pby Crawfordsville, My 9, 66; evang, Tenn; d, Madisonville, Tenn, Nv 24, 66, ♦Worden, James Avery — b, Oxford, O, Dc 10, 1841; MiaU, 61; USArmy; PTS, 63-6; ss, 1st ch, Lancaster, 0, 65; ord, Pby Mohawk, Fb 14, 67; ss, 1st ch, Oswego, NY, 66- co-p, 67-71; p, 2d ch, Steubenville, O, 72-8; supt. Sab Schl Work, BdPub, Phila, Pa, 78-80; sec. Sab Schl Work, BdPub, 80-7; supt. Sab Schl Work, 1866 259 BdPub, 87-1905; supt, Sab Schl Training, 05-17; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 24, 17. DD, LafC, 83; LLD, MiaU, 99. 54. *Cleveland, John Levi — b, Kenton Co, Ky, Sp 20, 1841; CenCKy, 63; PTS, 63-5; lie, Pby Ebenezer, Ap 17, 65; phys, Cincinnati, O, 68-1906; d, Cin- cinnati, Mr 18, 06. *Crowther, Thomas — b, Bridlington Quay, England, J1 7, 1840; CCyNY, 58; tea; PTS, 63-4; UnTS, 64-6; ord evang, Pby NY, Ag 7, 67; ss, Cong ch, Southfield, Mass, 67-71; p. South Cong ch, Pittsfield, 72-5; p, Mem Presb ch, Brooklyn, NY, 75-7; p, 1st ch, Brooklyn, 77; d, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 10, 77. *Forbes, John Irving — b, Phila, Pa, My 2, 1843; UPa, 61; PTS, 63-4; rec, PEpis ch of Nativity, So Bethlehem, Pa; d, Phila, 68. *Foster, Addison Pinneo — b, Henniker, NH, Sp 25, 1841; WmsC, 63; PTS, 63-5; AndTS; ord Cong, Oc 3, 66; p, Appleton St (Eliot) Cong ch, Lowell, Mass, 66-8; ss, 1st ch, Washington, DC; ss, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md; ss. Vine St ch, Cincinnati, O, 68-70; p, Malden, Mass, 70-2; p, Chelsea, 72-7; p, 1st ch, Jersey City, NJ, 77-80; p, Emanuel ch, Roxbury, Mass, 86-93; res, Roxbury, 93-6; Auburndale, 96-1904; New Paltz, NY, 04-7; d. New Paltz, Je 18, 07. *Hayt, Samuel Augustus — b, Fishkill, NY, Je 13, 1841; CNJ, 63; PTS, 63-4; UnTS, 64-5; UBer, 65-6; ord evang, RefChAm, Cl Albany, Oc 30, 67; p, 2d Presb ch, Belvidere, NJ, 68-70; p, Ballston Spa, NY, 70-6; p. Stone St ch, Watertown, 76-98; ss, Mayflower Cong ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 99-1900; res, Binghamton, NY, 00-1; Norfolk, Conn, 01-2; Mt Vernon, NY, 02-3; NYCity, 03- 4; libr, Watertown, 04-29; d, Watertown, NY, Fb 26, 29. DD, NYU, 87. *Keigwln, Albert Newton — b, Jeffersonville, Ind, Fb 20, 1840; Louisville Cioll Ky, 61 ; USArmy, 62-3; PTS, 63-4; DanTS; ord, Pby Rock River, My 27,67 ; pel, Fulton, 111, 66- p, 67-8; ss, Lyons, la, 68-9; p el, 2d ch. Cedar Rapids, 69-71; p, 1st ch, Southwark, Phila, Pa, 72-8; p. West ch, Wilmington, Del, 78-1904, p em; res, NYCity; d, NYCity, Mr 11, 20. DD, HanC, 96. Kingdon, John — Maryland; ColbnU, 1863; PTS, 63-4; — ♦Kingsbury, Josiah Weare — b, Underhill, Vt, Oc 2, 1838; DartC, 62; tea; PTS, 63-4; ord Cong, Je 28, 66; ss, Cong ch, Quechee, Vt, 65- p, 66-9; p, NWood- stock, Ct, 69-71; ss, 1st ch, Biddeford, Me, 71-2; p. North Reading, Mass, 72-7; asst p, Montague, 77-9; asst p. Rye, NU, 79-82; ss, Derby & West Charleston, Vt, 82-3; asst p, Deerfield, NH, 84-7; ss, Chichester & Epsom, 87-9; p. Middle- boro, Mass, 89-91; res, Braintree, 91-1900; d, Braintree, Mass, Ja 14, 00. ♦Littell, Levi Clark— b, Newark, NJ, Fb 1, 1831; tea; PTS, 63-4; WestTS, 04- 7; ord evang, Pby Fort Wayne, Dc 4, 67; ss, Millersburg & Ligonier, Ind, 67-8; ss, Waterloo City, 68-9; ss, John Knox ch. 111, 70-1; ss, Peoria, 71; ss, Lacon, 71-2; ss, Rushville, 72; ss. Fort Dodge, la, 72-4; ss, Winchester, 111, 74-6; ss, Taylorsville, 76-8; ss, Yates City, 79-80; ss, Pontiac, 80; ss, Cilman, 80-1; ss, 2d ch, Mt Vernon, 81-2; ss, Bardol[)h & Cood Hope, 83-5; ill health; res, Rushville; d, Rushville, 111, Oc 28, 1917. 26o 1866 *McGlathery, William — b, Montgomery Co, Pa, Nv 19, 39; AmhC, 62; tea; PTS, 63-4; DSPEpisCh, 64-6; ord PEpis dea, Je 20, 67; ord pr. My 21, 68; cur, St Luke’s, Phila, Pa, 67-8; rec, Lambertville, NJ, 68-9; rec, Towanda, Pa, 69-73; rec. Ascension ch. Fall River, Mass, 73-5; rec, Pittsfield, Mass, 75-83; rec, Grace ch, Middletown, NY, 83-9; res, Norristown, Pa; d, Norristown, Ap 18, 1911. *Merrill, James Griswold — b, Montague, Mass, Ag 20, 1840; AmhC, 63; PTS, 63-4; AndTS, 64-6; ord Cong, Ja 13, 67; ss, Cong ch. Mound City, Kan, 66- p, 67-9; p, Topeka, 69-71; supt missions, Kansas, 72-3; p, Davenport, la, 72-82; p, 1st ch, St Louis, Mo, 82-9; p, Payson Mem ch, Portland, Me, 89-94; ed, Christian Mirror & act p, Scarboro, 94-9; dean, FiskU, 99-1901, pres, 01-8; p, Somerset, Mass, 09-12; p. Lake Helen, Fla, 12-7; res. Mountain Lakes, NJ; d. Mountain Lakes, Sp 22, 20. DD, ShurC, 87, & AmhC, 03. ’•’Perry, David Brainerd — b, Worcester, Mass, Mr 7, 1839; YaleU, 63; PTS, 63-4; UnTS, 64-5; YaleUDS, 65-7; tut, YaleU, 65-7, 70-1; ord evang, Cong, J1 11, 72; ss, Aurora, Neb, 72; ss, Sutton & Harv'ard, 72-3; prof, Gk & Lat, DoaC, 73-1912, pres, 81-12; d. Battle Creek, Mich, My 21, 12. DD, YaleU, 98. *Pettengill, Samuel Barrett — b, Grafton, Vt, Fb 7, 1839; PTS, 63-5; AndTS; lie, Cong, 66; ss. Little Sioux, la, 67-8; ed, St Albans Messenger, 68-72; ed. Herald & Globe, Rutland, Vt, 72-9; ed, St Albans Messenger, 80-3; ed, Oregonian, Portland, Ore, 83-6; ed. Ledger, Tacoma, Wash, 87-90; ed, Everett Herald; res, Tacoma, 93; res, Saxton’s River, Vt; d, Saxton’s River, Oc 2, 1909. ’•’Reade, William Churchill — b, Hampden, Me, Nv 1, 1835; YaleU, 63; PTS, 63-4; AndTS, 64-6; ss, Cong ch, Westbrook, Ct, 67-8; ord Cong, Fb 10, 70; p. South Dennis, Mass, 70-4; p el, Milton, 76-8; ss, Candia, NH, 78-83; res, Beverly, Mass; d, Newton, J1 14, 1908. ’•'Somes, Arthur Hubbard — b, Meredith, NH, Ja 24, 1835; DartC, 62; tea; PTS, 63-5; ord Cong, Ag 18, 66; p. West Cong ch, Warren, Mass, 66-9; ss, Presb ch. South Bethlehem, Pa, 75- p, 76-7; ss, Warren, Mass, 77-82; supt schls, Barnstable, 82-8; res. West Warren, 88-90; p, Cong ch, Otis, 90-4; res, Otis; d, Otis, Mass, J1 30, 1913. ’•’Stewart, Thomas Calvin — b, Alexandria, Pa, J1 28, 1839; JefC, 63; WestTS; PTS, 65-6; ord, Pby New Lisbon, Je 19, 67; p. Liberty, O, 67-72; p, Niles, 67-76; ss. Concord & Jackson, 76-7; p el, Solon, 78-81; p, Brazil, Ind, 81-99; p. So Easton, Pa, 99-1900; d, Phila, Dc 16, 02. ’•‘Thomas, William George — b, Indian Creek, Monroe Co, Va, Sp 21, 1829; HanC, 60; NWTS, 60-2; ss, Salem, 111, 62-4; ord evang, Pby Haskaska, Ap, 64; ss, Lexington (Wild Cat), Ind, 64-5; grad stu, PTS, 65-6; ss. Stranger (Leaven- worth), Kan, 66-7; ss, Perryville (Perry), 67-8; ss, Waterville (Washington), 69-70; ss, Washington, 70-1; ss, Maryville, Mo, 72-3; p. Mound City, 73-4; ss, Minonk, 111, 74-7; Normal; ss, Greenleaf, Kan, 80-1; ss, Sharon & Adrian, Mo, 87-8; res, Kansas City, Mo; d, Kansas City, Dc 2, 1912. ’•’Torrence, Hugh Wallace — b. New Brighton, Pa, Fb 28, 1842; WashCPa, 63; PTS, 63-6; ord UP, Pby Phila, J1 30, 67; p, 6th UP ch, Phila, 67-70; p, 1st 1866-1867 26i Presb ch, Ovid, NY, 71-87; p, Kanawha ch. Charleston, VVVa, 88-95; d, NYCity, J1 4, 96. *Wright, John — b, Wilmington, Del, Nv 20, 1836; UnC, 63; PTS, 63-5; UnTS, 65-6; ord PEpis dea, Je 29, 66; ord pr, Je 20, 67; asst, St Andrew’s ch, Phila, 66-7; rec, St Andrew’s chap, 67-9; rec. Trinity ch. Bay City, Mich, 69-74; rec, St Matthew’s, Boston, Mass, 74-87; rec, St Paul’s, St Paul, Minn, 87-1914, rec em; d, St Paul, Minn, Sp 23, 19. DD, UnC, 91; LED, IllC, 05; LittD, MacalC, 14. 19. 1867 Baldwin, Theodore Ailing — b, Newark, NJ, Nv 1, 1843; CNJ, 63; tea; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Newark, J1 2, 67; miss, Constantinople, Turkey, 67-70; Magnesia ad Sipylum, 70-5; Constantinople, 75-80; Broussa, 80-1917; res. Orange, NJ. *Baldwin, William — b, Newark, NJ, Dc 11, 1841; CNJ, 62; stu; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby Peoria, Oc 15, 67; p, Delavan, 111, 67-9; ss, Cong ch, Mt Palatine, 69-71; ss, Loda, 72-3; ss, Presb ch, Hammonton, NJ, 74-5; ss, 2d ch, Newbur>'port, Mass, 76-8; res, Peoria, 111, 78-80; Tremont, 80-1901; Newark, 01-11; Washing- ton, DC, 14-25; Benton Harbor, Mich, 25-8; d, Peoria, 111, My 16, 30. *Beattie, George Arnot — b, Hebron, NY, Ja 3, 1843; UnC, 63; tea; USArmy; XenTS; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby Dayton, My 4, 69; ss. New Carlisle, O, 67- p, 69-71; ss, Muncie, Ind, 71-8; p, 2d ch, Newark, 78-80; p, Sedalia, Mo, 80-6; pres, Sedalia Univ, 82-4; p, 1st ch, Lansing, Mich, 86-8; ss, Dayton, River- dale & Bellbrook, O, 88-90; ss, Rushville, Ind, 90-7; ss, Bellbrook, O, 97-1900; ss, Norwood, 00-1; ss. Blue Ball, 01-4; oc s, Atlanta, Ga, 04-16; d, Atlanta, Sp 6, 16. DD, UnC, 13. *Bloombergh, Augustus Alexis — b, Uffenheim, Bavaria, Germany, Fb 13, 1835; UWurz, 54; tea; PTS, 64-7; tut, CNJ, 66-7; ord evang, Pby Lehigh, Ja 6, 74; prof. Mod Lang, LafC, 67-1905; d, Vevey, Switzerland, Nv 28, 06. PhD, MariC, 74. ’‘Butler, John — b. Old Wood, Ireland, 1837; UnC, 62; USArmy, 62-4; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Genesee River, Ag 10, 67; miss, Ningpo, China, 67- 85; d. Chin Kiang, China, Oc 11, 85. DD. *Camp, Edward Harrison — b, Newark, NJ, Dc 13, 1839; CNJ, 58; law stu; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby West Lexington, Ja 26, 68; p, 2d ch, Lexington, Ky, 68- 9; p, Troy, Pa, 70-2; p, Avondale, Cincinnati, O, 74-8; res, Newark, NJ; ss. Sag Harbor, NY, 83-4; d, Newark, NJ, Ag 19, 88. ♦Campbell, James Robinson — b, Sabathu, India, Fb 28, 1840; WmsC, 62; tea; PTS, 63-7; tea, NY Inst Deaf & D, 67-8; ord, Pby Hudson, Nv 30, 69; p, Ridgebury, NY, 69-70; ss. East Whiteland ch, Fraser, Pa, 71-2; p, Westford, NY, 72-3; p. May’s Landing, NJ, 73-81; p, Christiana, Del, 82-6; ss. Snow Hill, Md, 86-9; ss, Georgetown, Del, 89-90; p, ME chs, 91-5; deposed, Pby New Castle, My 16, 93; p, “Christian Church," Woodstock, \’a, 96-8; d, Woodstock, My 2, 98. 262 1867 ♦Carswell, James — b, Horton, Canada, Je 7, 1839; KxCTor, 64, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby Ottawa, Oc 17, 67; p, Ashton, Beckwith & Carleton Place, Can, 67-74; ss, Beckwith, 74-5; p, Aylmer, 75-9; p, Adelaide & Arkona, 80-3; p. Bond Head & Cookstown, 83-95; ss, Burk’s Falls, 95-8; ss, Manitoba, 98-9; p, Poplar Point & Meadow Lea, 99-1904; ss. Little Britain, 04-7; hon re; res, Collingswood East; d, Vancouver, BC, Can, Sp 25, 14. ♦Condict, Walter— b, Morristown, NJ, Mr 21, 1841; WmsC, 62; USArmy; tea; UnTS; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby Passaic, Sp 3, 68; p. Calvary ch, Newark, NJ, 68-72; Europe, 72-3; p. Little Falls, NY, 73-5; ss, Jamestown, 75-7; ss. Port Byron, 78-80; p. Red Wing, Minn, 80-1; p, Southampton, NY, 84-8; d, Jersey City, NJ, Oc 24, 88. ♦Conway, David — b. Caw, Co Londonderry, Ireland, My 29, 1832; NYU, 64; PTS, 64-8; p el, Andover, NJ, 68-71; ord, Pby Newton, Nv 21, 71; p, Asbury, 71-6; p el, Groveland, NY, 77; p. Snow Hill, Md, 77-83; p, Williamsburg, Pa, 83-9; p. Mount Joy, 90-9; d, Lancaster, My 9, 99. ♦Courtright, Calvin Whitefield — b, Lithopolis, O, Nv 15, 1839; MiaU, 63; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby Zanesville, Je 9, 68; p, Senecaville, O, 67-9; p, Bristol, 70-3; ss. Cross Roads, 73-4; tea, McConnellsville, 75-6; ss. Cross Roads, 77-85; p, Haysville, 85-8; p, Maywood, 111, 88-9; p el. What Cheer, O, 92-3; ss. Deep River, 94; res. Deep River, 95; res, Albany, Ore, 96; ss, Oakland, Yoncalla & Wilbur, Ore, 97; res, Oakland, Cal; d, Oakland, Dc 17, 1929. ♦Crozier, Hugh — b. Mono, Ontario, Canada, Dc 1, 1840; KxCTor, 64, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby Grey, Canada, Mr 24, 69; p, Holstein, Amos & Fairbairn, Ontario, 69-79; p. Port Perry & Prince Albert, 79-84; p. Grand Valley & So Luther, 84-99; p, Ashburn & Utica, 99-1909; res, Thamesford; d, Thamesford, Ont, Can, Ja 23, 28. ♦Dennis, James Shepard — b, Newark, NJ, Dc 15, 1842; CNJ, 63; law stu, HarvU, 63-4; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Newark, Sp 23, 68; asst. High St ch, Newark, NJ, 67-8; miss, Syria, Sidon, 69-71; prof, Theol, BeirTS, 73-91; ed & auth, 91-1914; res, Montclair, NJ ; d, Montclair, Mr 21, 14. DD, CNJ, 79 & UAber, 06. ♦Douglas, James Moffat — b, Linton Bankhead, Scotland, My 26, 1839; KxCTor, 64, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby Ontario, Oc 16, 67; p, Uxbridge, Canada, 67-72; p, Cobourg, 72-6; miss, Indore & Mhow, India, 76-82; p, Brandon, Mani- toba, Canada, 83-7; p, Moosomin, Manitoba, 90-4; ss, Knox ch, Winnipeg, 94-6; memb House of Commons, Canada, 96-1904; memb Senate, Canada, 04-20; res, Tantallon; d, Tantallon, Can, Ag 19, 20. ♦Edmondson, John Blair — b, Townsend, Canada, My 2, 1841; KxCTor, 64, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; ord evang,- Pby South Jersey, Ag 21, 67; ss, Waterford, NJ, 67-8; p, Columbus & Burklin, Ont, Can, 68-76; p, Almonte, 76-91; p, 2d ch, Belvidere, NJ, 91-1912; hon re; res, Belvidere; d, Belvidere, NJ, Ap 19, 18. ♦Parries, Francis Wallace — b, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, My 1, 1840; KxCTor, 64, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby Hudson, My 18, 68; ss, Otisville, NY, 67- p, 68-71; p, Dumfries St ch, Paris, Ont, 71-5; p, Knox ch, Ottawa, 75-93; p, Goldsboro, NC, 93-1909; d, Goldsboro, Ap 7, 09. 1867 263 ‘Gamble, Joseph — b, St Louis, Mo, Sp 6, 1842; JefC, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Je 9, 68; p, Avondale, 0 , 68-70; p. Poplar St ch, Cincinnati, 71-2; p, Wyoming, 72-80; p, Plattsburg, NY, 80-1907; ss, Plattsburg, 07-8; res, Plattsburg; d. Red Oakes, NY, Ag 8, 09. DD, UnC, 95. ‘Haughawout, Lefferd Lease — b. Lost Creek Valley, Pa, Dc 23, 1837; JefC, 63; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby Northumberland, My 26, 68; p, Centralia, Pa, 68-9; p, Washington, 71-5; p. Bald Eagle & Nittany, 75-83; p. Upper Tuscarora, Shade Gap & Peru, 84-9; ss, Beulah, 90-1; ss. Crystal River & Dunellan, Fla, 92- 6; ss, Kylertown, Pa, 96-1902; ss, Crystal, Fla; res, near Kishacoquillas, Pa; d, Phila, Nv 18, 06. ‘Hersman, William Matthew — b. Middle Grove, Mo, Ap 28, 1841; CenCKy, 64; PTS, 64-7; prof, WestmCMo, 68-9; ord, Pby Palmyra, Sp 25, 69; p, Memphis, Mo, 69- ss, 70-2; p, Berlin, Md, 72-82; asst p, St John’s, San Fran- cisco, Cal, 82-3; ss, San Luis Obispo, 83- p, 90-4; evang, res, St Martin; d, San Jose, Cal, Ap 4, 1903. *Heyl, Francis, Jr — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 26, 1845; UPa, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Phila, J1 10, 67; miss, Mynpoorie, India, 68-70, Allahabad, 70-81; res, Phila, Pa, 81-4; p el, Bensalem, 84- p, 85-91; p el, Eddington, 86- p, 87-91; res, Phila, 91-2; ss, 1st ch, Lower Merion, 93-6; ill health; res, Germantown, Phila; d, Germantown, Pa, Sp 5, 1914. ‘Hughes, Melancthon — b, near Loudonville, 0, Sp 19, 1843; MiaU, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Missouri River, Je 21, 68; ss, Bellevue, Neb, 67-9; ss, Corinne, Utah, 69-70; ss, Atlantic, la, 70-3; d, Santa Fe, NM, Nv 18, 73. ‘Jackson, Daniel Bull — b, Newburgh, NY, Mr 6, 1840; UnC, 59; tea; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby St Paul, Ja 17, 68; hm miss. Meeker & Randiyohi Cos, Minn, 67-72; ss. Lake Crystal & Madelia, 72-3; p. Black River Falls, Wis, 73-6; tea. Black River Falls, 76-7; ss. North Bend, 77-9; ss & tea, Janesville, 78-9; p el, Cong ch. Emerald Grov'e, 80-9; ss & presb miss, Bethany, Minn, 89-90; prin, Janesville Acad, 89-90; ss, Shakopee & Royalton, 90-1; asst supt. Children’s Aid Soc, Minn, res, Minneapolis, 92-9; d, Minneapolis, Nv 13, 99. ‘Johnson, Benjamin Pitcher — b. Union, NJ, Sp 6, 1837; CNJ, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Cleveland & Portage, Ja 13, 68; ss, miss chap 1st ch, Cleve- land, O, 67-8; ss, Batchelerville, NY, 68-71; UBer, 72; tea, Hackettstown, NJ, 73; tea, Saratoga, NY, 74-5; tea, Perth Amboy, NJ, 75-7; Oakland, Cal, 78; p el, Hopewell, NJ, 81-6; p, Woodstown, 86-92; tea, Bartow-on-the-Sound, NY, 93- 4; tea, NYCity, 95-1907; res, Newark, NJ; d, Newark, Dc 25, 18. ‘Jones, John Sparhawk— b, Phila, Pa, Je 5, 1841; UPa, 62; tea; PTS, 64-7; asst, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 67-70; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ja 10, 71; p. Brown Mem ch, Baltimore, 71-84; ill health; ss. Calvary ch, Phila, Pa, 93- p, 94-1910; d, Breadloaf, Vt, Ag 20, 10. DD, CNJ, 80, & UPa, 01. ‘Le Boutillier, George Thomas — b. Island of Jersey, Great Britain, Mr 5, 1837; WRU; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Burlington, Je 9, 67; p, Tuckerton & Bass River, NJ, 67-8; p, 2(1 ch, Hanover & Parsippany, 68-71; p, Bethany ch, Utica, NY, 71-2; ord PEpis dea. My 1, 73, pr. My 6, 74; hm miss, Epis Dioc Central NY, & tea, Oneida, 72-7; rcc, Grace ch, Watertown, NY, 77-9; hm miss. 1867 264 Colorado Springs, Colo, 79-83; hm miss, Dioc West NY, 83-9; gen miss, 89-1900; ill health; res. Kings Park; d. Kings Park, NY, My 23, 27. *Ledyard, Edward Denison — b, Phila, Pa, My 11, 1841; CNJ, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby North River, Ag 29, 67; p, Rondout, NY, 67-74; p, Mt Auburn ch, Cincinnati, O, 74-83; p, 2d ch, Steubenville, O, 83-95; p, 2d ch, Danville, Ky, 95; d, Danville, Ag 29, 95. DD, W&JC, 87. *Linn, John Manning — b, near Ickesburg, Pa, Fb 26, 1842; JefC, 63, MA; tea; PTS, 64-8; tea, Heb, PTS, 67-8; ord evang, Pby Rock River, Sp 30, 68; ss, Cedarville & Dakota, 111, 68-71; ss, Durand & Shannon, 71-2; ss, Lena, 72-5; p, Winnebago, 75-81; p. Harvard, 81-4; ss, Ellendale, NDak, 84-5; pres, GroC, 84-5; fin agt, LkFC, 85-6; p, Geneseo, 111, 86-91; pres, BuenVC, 92-4; p, Chicago Lawn ch, Chicago, 111, 94-5; p, 1st ch, Quincy, 95-6; ss. Inwood, la, 96-1900; p. Charter Oak, 00-2; p, Colfax, 02-3; ss, Panora, 03-4; p, Casey, 05-7; ss, 1st ch, Houghton, Mich, 07-10; p, Florence, Wis, 10-2; hon re; res, Arlington, Cal; d, Arlington, Je 1, 24. *Lippe, Charles Frederick William — b, Maltsch, Silesia, Prussia, Sp 11, 1835; St Elizabeth Gymn, Breslau, 52; bus; USArmy; DanTS, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby St Louis, Sp 16, 67; p, Salem, Mo, 67-75; p. New Frankford, 75-7; colp, 77-8; p, Ger ch, Salem, 77-8; p, Burton, 85-7; ss, Riley, Kan, 87-9; p. Mulberry, 89-93; p, Salem, Mo, 93-7; hon re; res. Clay Centre, Kan; d. Clay Centre, My 14, 21. *LittelL William Henry— b. Summit, NJ, My 2, 1840; CNJ, 63; PTS, 63- 4, 65-7; ord evang, Pby Elizabeth(town), Je 3, 67; hm miss, Atsion, NJ, 67-8; p, 1st ch, Brookhaven, Setauket, NY, 68-1904; d, Setauket, NY, Ag 6, 04. *Long, Thomas Scott — b, Chester Co, Pa, J1 29, 1838; LafC, 64; PTS, 64- 7; ord, Pby Donegal, My 7, 67; p, Pequea, Pa, 67-71; p, Greenwich, NJ, 71-86; p, Dayton, 86-1901; d, Dayton, NJ, Dc 22, 01. *MacDonald, Augustus — b, Jamaica, NY, Dc 24, 1841; CNJ, 62; tea; PTS, 64-7; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 18, 67; lie expired, Ap 23, 77; bus; res, Princeton, NJ; d, Princeton, Ja 27, 1906. *Millham, William Henry— b, Charlton, NY, Nv 30, 1840; UnC, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby Albany, Ap 21, 68; ss, Galway, NY, 67- p, 68-71; p, Livonia, 71-85; ss, Hillsdale, Mich, 86; d, Hillsdale, Ap 28, 88. *Milligan, George Macbeth — b, Wick, Scotland, Ag 11, 1840; QuUOnt, 62; tea; QuUOnt, ThDept, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby London, Canada, Fb 4, 68; p. Proof Line & Vanneck, Ont, 68-9; p. Central ch, Detroit, Mich, 69-76; p. Old St Andrews, Toronto, Can, 76-1910, p em; d, Toronto, Can, Mr 22, 28. DD, KxCTor, 94; LLD, QuUOnt, 03; Mod, Gen Assem, 04. *Moore, Robert John Orr — b, Ballinacannon, Ireland, Ap 1, 1836; UStAnd, 64; PTS, 64-7; hm miss, Stalybridge, England, 68; hm miss, Kells, Ireland, 68-9; ord, Pby Bailieborough, J1 2, 69; p, Carrickmachline, Ireland, 69-72; p, 3d ch, Garvagh, 72-81; p, Ringsend, 81-1911; d, Macosquin, Coleraine, Ire, J1 4, 24. *Morse, Richard Cary — b, Greenport, NY, Sp 19, 1841; YaleU, 62; tut; UnTS, 65-6; PTS, 66-7; ord evang, 3d Pby New York, Dc 21, 68; asst ed, NY 1867 265 Observer, 67-9; ed, Asso Monthly, 69-71; gen sec internat com, YMCA, 69-1915; consulting gen sec, YMCA, 15-26; d, Brooklyn, NY, Dc 25, 26. LLD, PaC, 18; DD, ColgU, 20. *Newman, Frederick Mayer — New York; UnC, 1864; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby New York, Dc 9, 68; p, 1st ch, Saratoga Springs, NY, 72-5; ss, Hamilton Union, 79; res, Albany, 80-1906; d, Albany, NY, Je 16, 06. *Nichols, Walter Smith — b, Newark, NJ, Nv 23, 1841; CNJ, 63; law stu; PTS, 64-7; lie, Pby Newark, Ap 17, 66; lie surrendered (ill health), Oc 11, 70; lawy, actuary & ed, NYCity & Newark, NJ ; res, Newark; d, Newark, NJ, Fb 9, 21. *Pierson, William Henry — b, Newburyport, Mass, Ja 12, 1839; BowC, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord Cong, Ja 1, 68; p, S Cong ch, Ipswich, Mass, 68-72; p, Broadway ch, Somerville, 72-81; p, 1st Unit ch, Fitchburg, 81-91; p, 1st ch, Somerville, Mass, 91-1909; res. West Somerville; d. West Somerville, Mass, Ag 7, 19. DD, BowC, 07. *Pritchard, James — b, Cavan, Ont, Canada, Oc 20, 1883; KxCTor, 64, 64- 6; PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby Kingston, Can, Oc 27, 68; p, Camden, Ont, 68-70; p, Knox, Parkhill & McGilvary chs, 70-2; p, Wingham, 72-6; p, Bluevale, 72-8; p, Manchester & Smith Hill, 78-86; p. Forest Hill, 86-98; res, Goderich, 98-9; d, Goderich, Can, Ja 29, 99. *Rose, Arthur — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ap 17, 1836; HanC, 64; PTS, 64-7; ss, Greenville, 111, 67-8; ord, Pby Bloomington, Je 23, 69; p. Union Grove, 111, 69-71; p, Princeville, 72-7; ss, Oxford, Wis, 77-80; ss. Cottage Grove & Pierce- ville, 80; ss. Eureka, 111, 80-2; p, Smithborough, Ireland, 83-1910; res, Belfast; d, Belfast, Ire, Oc 31, 26. DD, HanC, 10. *Russell, Joshua Lacy — b, Clifton, O, Sp 29, 1845; WittC, 64; PTS, 64-7; ss, Troy, O, 66; ord, Pby Miami, Ag 17, 67; p, Middletown, O, 67-72; p. Park ch, Dayton, 72-6; p. Spring Garden ch, Phila, Pa, 76-83; p, 2d ch, Altoona, 83-8; p, 1st ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 89-92; ill health; res, Germantown, Phila, Pa; Princeton, NJ, 92-5; p, 1st ch. Darby, Pa, 95-1906; d, Colwyn, Nv 24, 06. DD, WittC, 98. *Stebbins, Henry Hamlin — b, NYCity, Je 3, 1839; YaleU, 62; tea; UnTS, 65- 6; PTS, 66-7; ord, 4th Pby New York, Oc 8, 67; p, Riverdale, NY, 67-73; p, Grace ch, Oswego, 74-88; p. Central ch, Rochester, 88-1904; ss. West End ch, NYCity, 04-5; res, Rochester, NY; d, Rochester, Ag 19, 17. DD, HamC, 83. *Stokes, John Dunlap — b, Marion, O, Sp 17, 1839; WashCPa, 64; USArmy; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby Long Island, My 21, 67; p, 1st ch. East Hampton, NY, 67-1909, p em; res. East Hampton; d. East Hampton, NY, My 29, 21. DD, NYU, 01. ♦Thatcher, C(harles) Otis — b, Amsterdam, NY, Je 18, 1842; UnC, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Troy, Sp 18, 67; ss, Albia ch, Troy, NY, 67-8; ss, Tioga, Pa, 68-71; ss. Union, NY, 71-4; ss, Worthington, Minn, 75-7; ss, Owatonna, 77-9; p, Chittenango, NY, 80-7; p, Knoxboro, 87-9; p el, Whitesboro, 89-91; p, Morristown, 91-1902; res. Cranberry Lake; p, Glenfield & Martinsburg, 10-3; ss, Batchellerville, 14-5; d, Batchellerville, NY, Dc 30, 15. 266 1867 ‘Thomson, Henry Clifton — b, Hanover, Ind, Ag 3, 1844; HanC, 62; tut, HanC, 62-4; USArmy, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Crawfordsville, Sp 9, 68; ss, Goshen, Ind, 67; ss. Bethel & Union, 67-9; p, Waveland, & ss, Carpenters- ville, 69-72; miss & edu wk, Mexico, 72-92; ss, San Luis Obispo, Cal, 92-3; ss, Cambria, 94-8; ss. Grant’s Pass, Ore, 99; ss. Union, 99- p, 1900-1; tea, Albu- querque, NM, 01-7; ed, “La Aurora,” 02-4; hm miss, Taos, 08-9; miss, Porto Rico, 09-12; trav; tea, OccC, 17-21; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ag 15, 28. DD, HanC, 91. *Todd, James Samuel — b. Dauphin Co, Pa, My 3, 1841; MiaU, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Bellefontaine, Dc 17, 67; ss. Areata, Cal, 68-77; p, Healds- burg, 77-80; ss. Areata, 80- p, 95-1901; res. Areata; d. Areata, Cal, Je 8, 08. DD, MiaU, 98. *Vail, Richard Philip Hart— b, Troy, NY, Dc 28, 1843; WmsC, 64; PTS, 64-7; Europe & Orient; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 14, 69; p, Waterford, NY, 69-76; p, Stamford, Ct, 76-1902; Federation of Chs, NYCity, 02-6; bus, NYCity, 06-11; res, Williamstown, Mass; d, Williamstown, Ja 15, 12. DD, WmsC, 84. ‘Wherry, Elwood Morris — b. South Bend, Pa, Mr 26, 1843; JefC, 62; USArmy, 63; tea; PTS, 64-7; ord evang, Pby Donegal, My 8, 67; miss, Rawal Pindi, India, 68-9, Lodiana, 69-83; prof, Theol Sem, Sadaranpur, 83-8; dist sec, AmTrSoc, Chicago, 111, 89-98; miss, Lodiana, India, 98-1922; res, Cincinnati, O; d, Indiana, Pa, Oc 5, 27. DD, ParsC, 85; Mod, Gen Assem, India, 09. ‘Wilson, Henry Rowan, Jr — b, Futtehghur, India, Nv 22, 1844; JefC, 63; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby St Louis; ss, Kingston & Diamond Lake, Minn; ss, Gales- ville, Wis, 67-70; treas, BdChErec, NYCity, 70-86; Del Norte, Cal; d, 1927. ‘Wood, Charles Wiltshire — b, Green Bay, Wis, Dc 14, 1836; URoch, 64; PTS, 64-7; ord, Pby Rochester, Dc, 67; ss, Oakfield, NY; p. Green Island, 79-80; evang & cy miss, Troy, 80-90; evang, Brooklyn, NY, 91-2; p el, Mt Freedom, NJ, 92-5; p el, Fairmount, 96-7; ed, Hampton, Va, 98-1900; ed, Brighton, NY, 00-1; res, Rochester; d, Rochester, NY, Nv 21, 28. 50. ‘Appleby, James Frederick Ross — b, Kingsport, Tenn, Je 10, 1840; LafC, 64; PTS, 64-5; med dept, GeoU, 68, MD; phys, Washington, DC, 68-1907; d, Washington, DC, Sp 27, 07. ‘Blauvelt, Cornelius Ryckman — b, NYCity, My 6, 1843; NYU, 64; PTS, 64-6; UnTS, 66-7; ord RefChAm, Cl Long Island, My 6, 68; p, E New York, NY, 68-74; p. East ch, Newark, NJ, 74-6; ed. Sower & Gospel Field, 74-7; cor sec, BdPubl, RefChAm, 75-7; asst ed, Christian Intelligencer, NYCity, 77-9; p, Hyde Park, NY, 80-3; cor sec, AmSocComparRel, 90-1902; res, Nyack; d, Nyack, NY, Ag 12, 20. PhD, NYU, 91. ‘Carter, Clark — b, Boston, Mass, Oc 16, 1841; HarvU, 62; agt, USArmy, 62-4; PTS, 64-6; HartTS, 66-7; ord Cong, Fb 13, 68; ss, Cong ch, Neponset, Mass, 67- p, 68-9; ss, 1st ch, Rockville, Ct, 69; p. Great Falls, NH, 70-2; ss, 1867 26; Central ch, Lawrence, Mass, 72; p. South ch, Lawrence, 73-88; cy miss, Lawrence, 88- 1920; d, Andover, Mass, My 8, 20. *Chamberlain, George Whitehill — b, Waterford, Pa, Ag 13, 1839; UDel, 57; tea; UnTS, 59-61; bus; evang, Brazil, 62-6; ord evang, Pby Rio Janeiro, J1 8, 66; PTS, 66-7; ss, Rio Janeiro, Brazil, 68-9; p, Sao Paulo, 69-87; syn evang, Syn Brazil, 87-92; p, Bahia, 92-3; res, Bahia; d, Bahia, Brazil, Ag 2, 1902. ^Chamberlin, William Brown — b, Hanover, Ind, Ag 29, 1832; HanC, 64; PTS, 64-5; NWTS, 65-7; ord evang, Pby Indianapolis, Oc 20, 67; hm miss, Indianapolis, Ind, 67-70; p, 5th ch, Indianapolis, 70-2; p. Redwood Falls, Minn, 72- 5; ss, Hamburg, la, 75-6; p, 11th ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 77-81; ss, Humboldt, Kan, 81-6; p, Coffeyville, 86-91; ss & miss, Hanover, Ind, 91-1907; hon re; res, Hanover; d, Hanover, Ind, My 18, 09. *Clark, James Francis — b, Belv’idere, NJ, Sp 14, 1843; CNJ, 63; PTS, 64-5; ill health; d, Phila, Pa, Ag 7, 1919. *Cunningham, Thomas Beer — b, near Lattasburg, O, Nv 11, 1837; JefC, 63; tea, Canaan Acad, O, 63-4; PTS, 64-5; prin. High Schl, Wooster, O, 64-5; prin, Phila, Pa, 65-7; bus, 68-70; ed. Holmes County Republican, 70-92; post- master, Millersburg, O, 72-6; rul eld, 77-92; res, Millersburg, O; d, Millersburg, Ap 20, 92. *Gage, John Lambert — b, Roxabelle, O, Ap 17, 1842; MariC, 64; PTS, 64-6; NWTS, 66-7 ; ord evang, Pby S Minnesota, J1 15, 67 ; ss, Kasson & Claremont, Minn, 67-9; hm miss, Nebraska & Wyoming, 69-70; ss, Franklin, O, 70-4; p el, Georgetown, Colo, 74-5; hm miss, Trinidad, 75-8; p, Worthington & Dublin, O, 78-82; ss, Madelia & Lake Crystal, Minn, 83-7; p el, LaCrosse, Wis, 87-93; ss, Malcorn, la, 93-7; ss. New Sharon, 97-1901; res, Huron, SD; d, Huron, J1 22, 18. *Gill, William Hugh — b, Co Down, Ireland, Fb 27, 1841; JefC, 64; PTS, 64-5; WestTS, 65-7; ord, Pby Blairsville, Je 26, 67; p, Greensburg, Pa, 67-70; p el, 6th St ch, St Joseph, Mo, 70-2; p. Central ch, Allegheny, Pa, 72-7; p. West- field, NJ, 78-82; p, Oswego, NY, 83-5; p, Ev ch, Phila, Pa, 87-91; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Ag 11, 1904. DD, W&JC, 92. ♦Griffin, Edward Herrick — b, Williamstown, Mass, Nv 18, 1843; WmsC, 62; tea; PTS, 63-4; tut, WmsC, 64-5; PTS, 65-6; UnTS, 66-7; ord Cong, Fb 6, 68; p, Burlington, Vt, 68-72; prof, WmsC, 72-89; prof, Phil & dean, JHU, 89- 1915; res, Riverdale, NYCity; d, Riverdale, Ja 22, 29. DD, AmhC, 80; LLD, CNJ, 88, & WmsC, 05. ♦Harding, William Christy — b, Covington, Ky, J1 7, 1839; PTS, 64-6; ord evang, Pby Cincinnati, Oc 2, 66; hm miss, Greenleaf, Minn, 67-9; hm miss, Los Angeles, Cal, 69-71; p, Litchfield, Minn, 72-3; p, 1st ch, Emporia, Kan, 73- 4; ss, Greenville, Tenn, 74; ss & tea, Rogersville, 75-6; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Nv 25, 76. ♦Ingalls, Francis Theodore— b, Haverhill, Mass, Ja 3, 1844; WmsC, 64; PTS, 64-5; tea; AndTS; ord Cong, Dc 20, 70; p, Cong ch, Olathe, Kan, 70-2; p el, Atchison, 72-4; p, Emporia, 84-7; pres, Drury Coll, Springfield, Mo, 87-92; d, -Springfield, Ag 5, 92. DD, WmsC, & WashbC, 88. 268 1867-1868 *Kitchel, Cornelius Ladd — b, Plymouth Hollow (Thomaston), Ct, J1 5, 1841; YaleU, 62; bus; PTS, 64-5; YaleUDS, 65-7; ord Cong, Ap 13, 70; p, 1st Cong ch, Guilford, Ct, 70-3; bus, Altoona, Pa, 73-7; p, Cong ch, Salisbury, Ct, 77-83; ill health; res, Altoona, Pa; instr, Gk, YaleU, 87-1900; dir. Bureau of Self Help, YaleU, 00-9; d. New Haven, Ct, Fb 15, 29. *Knepper, Charles — b, Albany, Pa, Dc 3, 1834; JefC, 64; PTS, 64-6; MerTS; ord, RefChUS, Cl Illinois, Dc 29, 67; p, Foreston, 111, 67-70; p, Rimersburgh, Pa, 70-2; prin. Clarion Inst, Rimersburgh, 70-1; p, Mt Washington, Pa, 77-8; ed. Item (Carnegie Item), Mansfield Valley (Carnegie), Pa, 73-1903; d, Carnegie, Pa, Ap 3, 03. *Leutzinger, Henry — b, Nettstal, Switzerland, Ap 2, 1831; HamC, 64; PTS, 64-6; ord evang, Pby Guelph, Canada, Ja 2, 67; hm miss, Canada; do, Hessville & Helena, O; do. Colon & Sherman, Mich; res, Sturgis; d, Moddersville, Mich, J1 8, 13. *MacLennan, Alexander — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, Dc 25, 1835; KxCTor, 66; grad stu, PTS, 66-7; ord, Pby Owen Sound, Can, My 25, 69; p, Knox- Syden- ham ch, Hoath Head, Ont, 69-95; d, Owen Sound, Sp 12, 95. *Reid, William Henry — b, Johnstown, NY, Je 5, 1839; UnC, 64; PTS, 64-5; UnTS; ord PEpis dea, Je 20, 67 ; pr, Dc 6, 67 ; asst, St Ann’s, Brooklyn, NY, 67-9; rec, ch Mediator, Brooklyn, 69-74; rec. Ref Epis ch Incarnation, Brooklyn, 74-6; rec, ch Atonement, Brooklyn, 76; rec, ch Reconciliation, Brooklyn, 76-83; Presb; d, Cairo, Egypt, Dc 26, 88. *Sheldon, George William — b, Summerville, SC, Ja 28, 1843; CNJ, 63; UnTS, 63-5, 67 ; PTS, 66; tut, CNJ, 65-7 ; ord evang, Pby Elizabeth, My 5, 70; instr, UnTS, 67-73; auth & ed, NYCity, 73-86; bus; res, London, England, 91-1903; res. Summit, NJ, 03-14; d. Summit, Ja 28, 14. LHD, CNJ, 96. *Thomson, Alexander Scroggs — b. Big Spring (Springfield), Pa, Ap 28, 1834; JefC, 64; PTS, 64-6; WestTS; ord, Pby Allegheny, Nv 20, 67; p, Worthing- ton, Pa, 67-78; d, Worthington, Dc 4, 78. *Trask, John Low Rogers — b, Hampden, Me, Dc 19, 1842; WmsC, 64; PTS, 64-6; AndTS, 66-7; ord Cong, Dc 4, 67; p, 2d Congch, Holyoke, Mass, 67-83; p. Trinity ch, Lawrence, 84-8; p, Mem ch of Christ, Springfield, 88-1903; res, Springfield; d, Hartford, Ct, Mr 23, 16. DD, WmsC, 89. *Van Allen, Chauncey Elliot — b. West Perth, NY, Sp 22, 1838; UnC, 64; PTS, 64-7; lie, Pby Albany, Oc 10, 66; ord Bapt, Je 29, 76; p, Southfield ch. New Marlborough, Mass, 76-9; p. Cross River, NY, 79-84; p, Bennettsburgh, 84-8; p, Salisbury, 88-92; p, Stephentown, 92-6; p, Russell, Mass, 96-1900; d, Springfield, Ap 22, 07. *Aiken, Thomas Jefferson — b, Chester Co, Pa, Ap 1, 1841; LafC, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, 3d Pby Phila, Ap 27, 69; ss, E Whiteland & Reeseville, Pa, 68- p, 69-71 ; p, Reeseville, 71-4; p. Port Deposit, Md, 74-82; p, 2d ch, Chester, Pa, 82-5; p. Trinity ch, Berwyn, 85-1901; p, Paoli, 01-5; p, Malvern, 01-7; d, Berwyn, Pa, Oc 24, 09. 1868 269 *Archibald, Samuel — b, Musquodoboit, NS, Canada, Fb 23, 1839; DalhU, 65; PTC; PTS, 66-8; ord, Pby Halifax, Je 1, 70; p, Shelburne, NS, Can, 70-2; hm miss, chief elk, Govt Edu Office, Halifax, 74-9; farming, Manitoba, 79-84; res, Minneapolis, Minn, 84-94; bus, Halifax, NS, Can, 94-1911 ; d, Halifax, Ja 2, 11. *Burnet, Thomas — b, Thompsonville, Ct, Mr 23, 1840; NYU, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord evang, Pby Southern Minn, Fb 16, 70; ss, Oronoco, Minn, 69-80; p, Du Page, 111, 81-5; d, Manitou Springs, Colo, Ag 14, 85. *Calkins, Matthew Henry — b, Ballston, NY, Mr 15, 1842; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Raritan, Ag 20, 68; p, Solebury, Pa, 68-73; p, 2d (Central) ch. New Castle, 73-99; p, Mifflinburg & Buffalo, 1900-18; ss, Hartleton, 00-18; ss. New Berlin, 15-8; hon re, 18; res, Mifflinburg; d, Mifflinburg, Pa, Sp 20, 22. DD, GrovCyC, 92. ’Campbell, Alvin Cutler — b, Whiting, Me, Oc 6, 1836; AmhC, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Northumberland, Je 30, 68; p, Northumberland, Pa, 68-9; ss. North Point & Renovo, Pa, 69-72; p el, Pulaski, 72- p, 73-6; p, Montgomery, 76- 80; ss, Northumberland, 80-5; ss, Orbisonia; ss, Montgomery, 87-97; ss. War- rior Run, 87-1904; ill health; res, Northumberland; d, Northumberland, Pa, Ja 27, 10. *Capp, Edward Payson — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 12, 1837; UPa, 59; tea; PTS, 65-8; ord evang, Pby Phila Central, Ap 19, 69; miss, Tungchow, China, 69-73; d, Yoko- hama, Japan, Oc 26, 73. ’Carrington, John — b, Princeton, NJ, Ag 13, 1840; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-8; tea; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 26, 68; miss, Siam, 68-75; Bangkok, Siam, 69-72; Aynthia, 72-5; ss, Lehighton, Pa, 75-7; ss, Columbia & Sonora, Cal, 77- 8; p, Cong ch, Antioch, 78-81 ; ss, Presb chs, lone & Amador, 81-2; ss, Lebanon ch, San Francisco, 83- p, 86-9; ss, 2d ch, Bangkok, Siam, 90-3; agt, AmBSoc, 90- 1912; d, Bangkok, Siam, Oc 15,' 12. DD, PrU, 09. ’Coyle, Leonidas Edmond — b, Washington, DC, Mr 10, 1842; ColbnU, 62; tut, ColbnU ; bus; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ap 20, 70; p. West ch. Bridge- ton, NJ, 70-83; tea, Bridgeton; d, Bridgeton, NJ, Ap 12, 1906. ’Craig, George — b, Lisbon, NY, Dc 6, 1840; HamC, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord evang, Pby Albany, Oc 14, 68; p el, Luzerne & Corinth, NY, 68-71; ss, Conkling- ville & Dey Centre, 71-4; ss. Chili, 74-7; ss, Westernville, 77- p, 78-82; ss, Ossian, 82-4; ss, Reed's Corner, 84-6; ss. Port Austin, Mich, 86-8; res, Corinth, NY; d, Corinth, Ap 22, 1916. ’Cumming, Robert— b, Stellarton, NS, Can, Je 24, 1839; DalhU, 65; PTC, 65-7; PTS, 67-8; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Mr 16, 69; p, Richmond Bay, PEI, 69-72; p, Knox ch. New Glasgow, NS, 72-4; p, Glenelg, 74-81; p, Carmel ch, Westville, 81-1912; res. New Glasgow; d. New Glasgow, NS, Can, Nv 1, 19. DD, PTC, 12. ’Dewing, Charles Shumway — b, Warren, Pa, Dc 26, 1839; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord evang, Pby San Francisco, Oc 25, 68; ss, Columbia & Sonora, Cal, 68-9; ss, Alameda, 69-70; p el, Mendocino, 70-4; p. Union, NY, 74-84; p. Lower Tus- carora. Pa, 85-6; p. Union Sq ch, Somerville, Mass, 87-93; supt, Hm Miss in New Eng, 93-1900; ill health; d, San Jose, Cal, Oc 20, 01. 270 1868 *Dobbin, Thomas — b, Armagh, Ireland, My 1, 1840; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Genesee River, Oc 28, 68; p, Groveland, NY, 69-75; p el, Morristown, 75-88; p. Upper Path Valley, Va, 88-1900; d. Dry Run, Mr 23, 00. *Dripps, Joseph Frederic — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 19, 1844; NYU, 63; civ eng; PTS, 65-8; ss, 1st ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 68; ss. Am Prot ch, Montreal, Canada, 69; ord, 2d Pby Phila, Mr 7, 70; p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 70-9; res. Savannah, Ga; p, Clinton St ch, Phila, Pa, 82-6; p, Independ Presb ch. Savannah, Ga, 89-95; prop, Stevens Schl for Girls, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 96-1914; p. Church of the Redeemer, Germantown, 04-10; d, Germantown, Pa, Ja 31, 14. DD, LafC, 84, & JefMedC. ^Freeman, John Newton — b, Allahabad, India, J1 17, 1844; CNJ, 63; tea; PTS, 65-8; ord, 2d Pby New York, My 14, 68; p, 1st ch, Peekskill, NY, 68-76; p, 1st ch, Lockport, 76-81; p, Immanuel ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 82-9; p. Centre ch, Denver, Colo, 89-96; p. Calvary ch, Cleveland, O, 97-1901; evang, NYCity, 01-5; asso p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 05-9; res, Chicago; d, Chicago, 111, My 8, 21. DD, CNJ, 91. *Hall, Henry Rodney — b, Lewes, Del, Mr 17, 1843; CNJ, 63; tea; PTS, 63-5, 66-8; ord, Pby Burlington, My 4, 69; p, Columbus, NJ, 69-1908; res, Lewes, Del; d, Lewes, Fb 13, 18. *Hoyt, Alexander Stevenson — b. West Milton, NY, J1 24, 1839; UnC, 64; bus; PTS, 65-8; ord, RefChAm, Cl Saratoga, Oc 20, 68; p el, Greenwich, NY, 68-71; p el, Ballston Centre, 71- p, 72-83; p, Ogden Centre ch, Spencerport, 83-8; d, Spencerport, NY, Mr 25, 88. *Leggett, Theodore Augustus — b, Crawford, NY, Dc 20, 1845; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Hudson, Ap 29, 68; p. Cape May, NJ, 68-70; p, 1st ch, Harlem, NY, 70-1; p, Chester, 71-81; p. Calvary ch. West New Brighton, 81-1904, p em; d. West New Brighton, Nv 25, 06. DD, NYU, 97. *Lowrie, Matthew Bonsall — b, Blairstown, NJ, Ap 10, 1844; CNJ, 63; tea; agt, USChrCom; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Troy, Oc 30, 68; p. South (Woodside) ch, Troy, NY, 68-71; p, Onarga, 111, 71-2; p el, Galesburg, 72- p, 73-85; ss. Lake City, Minn, 86-8; ss, Anniston, Ala, 89-90; p, Boulder, Colo, 90-3; prof, NT Lit & Exeg, OmaTS, 91-1902, pres, 00-12, prof, Homil & Pas Theol, 02-12; res, Denver, Colo; d, Denver, My 15, 15. DD, KxC, 89. *MacCoy, James Sharon — b, Mercersburg, Pa, Sp 1, 1842; CNJ, 63; PTS, 65-8; ord evang, Pby Huron, Oc, 68; ss. Yellow Springs, O, 68-9; ss, 1st ch, Sandusky, 69-73; ss, Margaretta, 73-4; Sacramento, Cal, 75; hon re; res, San- dusky, O, 76-9; bus, NYCity; res, Washington, DC; d, Washington, DC, Dc 25, 23. *McClellan, Charles Henry — b. Wheeling, WVa, Nv 27, 1843; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby West Virginia, Oc 18, 68; ss, Pt Pleasant, WVa & Gallipolis, O, 68-9; Europe, 69-70; p, Barnesville, O, 71; p, Butler, Pa, 72-8; ill health; NYCity; Santa Barbara, Cal; p, Lakewood, 89-1900; res, Lakewood; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Mr 22, 16. DD, NYU, 94. *McGowan, James Alexander — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 5, 1843; LafC, 65; PTS, 1868 271 65-8; ord evang, Pby St Paul, Sp 15, 69; ss. Diamond Lake & Wilmar, Minn, 68-71 ; ss, Taylor’s Falls, Minn & St Croix Falls, Wis, 71-3; p, 2d ch, Stillwater, Minn, 73-6; ss, Shakopee, 76-81; ed, Phila Prot Standard; ss, 1st ch, Owantonna, 81- p, 83-5; ss, Gloucester, NJ, 85-8; ss, Monticello, NY, 89-96; p. Pine Plains, 97- 1904; p. Salt Point, 07-11; d. Salt Point, NY, Fb 3, 11. *McIlvaine, Jasper Scudder — b, Ewing, NJ, My 21, 1844; CNJ, 63; tea; PTS, 64-5, 66-8; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 13, 68; miss, Peking, China, 68-71, Tsi Nan Foo, 71-7, Tsi Ning Chow, 77-81; d, Chenanfoo, China, Fb 2, 81. *McKown, Samuel Hunter — b, Gerrardstown, WVa, Mr 20, 1842; WashCPa, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby New Castle, J1 8, 69; ss, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 68- p, 69-74; ss. East Liverpool, O, 76-8; ss. Mount Holly, NJ, 79-81; ss. Upper Lehigh, Pa, 81-3; ill health; hon re; res, Martinsburg, WVa; d, Martins- burg, Fb 8, 30. ♦Meeker, Benjamin Cory — b, Cranford, NJ, Oc 4, 1842; CNJ, 64; tea; PTS, 65-8; tut, CNJ, 67-8; ord, Pby Luzerne, Sp 29, 68; p, Tamaqua, Pa, 68-84; ss, Council Grove, Leroy & Big Creek, Kan, 84; ss. White City, Parkersville, Wilsie & Morris, 84-6; p. Eureka, 86-9; tea, Hot Springs Coll Inst, 89-92; ss. Las Cruces & Silver City, NM, 92-3; ss, El Paso, Tex, 93; ss, San Leandro, Cal, 93-4; ss. Las Cruces, NM, 94-8; ss, Clifton, Morenci & Metcalf, Ariz, 98-1901; ss, Florence & Casa Grande, 01-4; ss, Dexter, Hagerman & Lake Arthur, NM, 04-6; ss, Tucumcari, 07; ss, Socorro, 07-8; res, Emporia, Kan; d, Emporia, Sp 28, 24. ♦Miller, Franklin Ells — b. Pleasant Ridge, O, Fb 15, 1843; MiaU, 64; USArmy, 65-6; PTS, 64-5, 66-8; ord, Pby Newton, J1 14, 68; p, Asbury, NJ, 68-71; p, 1st ch, Easton, Pa, 71-87; p, 1st ch, Paterson, NJ, 87-1904; d, Paterson, Oc 4, 04. DD, MiaU, 91. Milligan, Joseph Robert — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, My 25, 1844; DartC, 62; bus; PTS, 65-8; bus, Pittsburgh, Pa, 70-9; sec, YMCA, Newark, NJ; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 2, 82; p, Gloucester City, NJ, 82-5; p. Rock & Zion, Md, 85-92; prin, Zion, 87-92; p, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 92-7; ss. Olivet ch, Wilmington, 98- 1901; p, St George’s, 01-20; hon re, 21 ; res, Ventfior, NJ, 25 — . DD, DartC, 95. ♦Murray, John Lovell — b, Zorra, Ont, Canada, Je 8, 1838; UTor, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Coburg, Oc 28, 68; p, Baltimore & Cold Springs, Can, 68-72; p, Woodville, 72-8; p, Kincardine, 78-1908; res, Toronto; d, Toronto, Can, Oc 22, 13. DD, PresbC, 98. Rankin, Edward Payson — b, Futtehghur, India, Ja 22, 1845; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-9; tut, CNJ, 67-9; prof, Lang, CarC, 69-70; tea, Princeton, NJ, 70-2; ord, Pby Mattoon, Nv 12, 72; p, Morrisonville, 111, 72-84; prof, Lang, CarC, 84- 5; p, Tuscola, 111, 85-90; p, Stevens Point, Wis, 90-5; ss, Toledo & Greenup, 111, 95- p, 96-7; p, Toledo, 96-8; ss, Shawano, Wis, 99-1901; p, Morrisonville, 111, 01-18; hon re, 18; res, Monrovia, Cal, 19 — . ♦Roberts, James — b, Montrose, Scotland, Dc 25, 1839; LafC, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby New Castle, My 28, 68; p, Coatesville, Pa, 68-85; p. Darby, Pa, 85- 95; p, 1st ch, Lambertville, NJ, 95-8; supt, Mercer Home, Ambler, Pa, 98-1906; d, Phila, Pa, Sp 27, 06. DD, LafC, 83. 272 1868 ♦Robinson, George— b, Argyle, NY, Mr 19, 1841; UnC, 61; AlIegTS, 61-2; USArmy, 62-5; PTS, 65-8; ss, Cong ch, Benson, Vt, 67; ss, Presb ch, Hobart, NY, 67; ss, 10th ch, Phila, Pa, 68; ord, Pby Donegal, Sp 8, 68; p, 1st ch, Lancaster, Pa, 68-74; ss, Duncannon, 74- p, 75-7; chap, USArmy, 77-87; supt schls, USArmy, St Louis, Mo, 87-9; chap, USArmy, 89-1905; res, Washington, DC; d, Wash- ington, DC, Ja 28, 20. DD, UnC, 99. ♦Sanson, John Ruthven — b, Florida, NY, Dc 28, 1840; UnC, 1865; XenTS, 65-6; PTS, 66-8; ord evang, Pby Albany, Je 10, 68; ss, Windsor, NY, 68-9; p, Charlton, 69-75; ss, Delanco, 77-9; ss, Fairview, 77-80; ss, Riverton, NJ, 77- p, 83-6; p, Gibson ch, Martinsburgh, Pa, 86-91; ss, Duncansville, 87-90; ss. Waterside & Yellow Creek, 90-1; p, Ro.xborough, 91-5; ss, Phila & vicinity, 95-9; p, Morrisville, 99-1901; ss, RefChAm, Harlingen, NJ, 01-3; ss, Griggstown, NJ, 03-20; d. Belle Meade, Dc 3, 20. ♦Sloss, Robert— b, NYCity, Nv 23, 1838; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-8; tut, CNJ, 67- 8; ord, Pby Indianapolis, Sp 13, 68; p, 3d ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 68-72; p, 14th St ch, NYCity, 72-5; p, Titusville, Pa, 75-7; p, 3d ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 77-9; p, Greensburgh, 79-85; d, Milwaukee, Wis, Sp 23, 85. DD. ♦Stuart, John Linton — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Dc 2, 1840; CenCKy, 61; tea; PTS, 65-8; ord evang, Pby Louisville, J1 5, 68; miss, Hangchow, China, 68-1913; d, Hangchow, China, Nv 24, 13. DD, SWPresbU, 06, & UOma, 07. ♦Swan, William — b. Fair Haven, Ct, Nv 3, 1841; WmsC, 63; tea; Law- renceville, NJ, 63-5; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Raritan, Je 2, 68; p, Stockton, NJ, 68- 78; p, Batavia, NY, 79-87; p, Lambertville, NJ, 87-94; ill health; p, Mac- kenzie ch. Snow Hill & Gunby ch, Md, 95-8; d. Snow Hill, Ag 13, 98. ♦Tracy, Thomas — b, Jewett City, Ct, Mr 15, 1842; HanC, 65; PTS, 65-8; ord evang, Pby Louisville, Je 28, 68; miss, Futtehghur, India, 68-1903; p, Ander- son, Cal, 05-8; res, Orland; miss, Dehra Dun, India, 11-29; d, Dehra Dun, Mr 9, 29. DD, HanC, 98. ♦Van Dyke, James Whalen — b. Bound Brook, NJ, Ag 7, 1838; CNJ, 64; tea; PTS, 65-8; ord evang, Pby Raritan, Ag 20, 68; miss, Petchaburi, Siam, 69- 75, Bangkok, 75-80; p, Sam Ray, 81-7; p, Stockton, NJ, 89-1903; res. Cran- berry; res. Ocean Grove; d. Ocean Grove, NJ, My 6, 23. ♦Yeomans, George Augustus — b, Easton, Pa, Je 30, 1845; QuUOnt, 63; tea; QuUOnt, ThDept, 64-5; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Hamilton, Sp 22, 69; p. Winterbourne, Ont, 69-76; p, Dunnville, 76-86; ss, Harrowsmith, 87-9; p, Wiarton, 89-93; ss, various chs, 93-1901; ss, Deseronto, 01-4; ss, Byng Inlet, 04-6; ss, Spanish Mills, 06-7; ss, Bala, 07- p, 08-11; d, Bala, Ont, Can, Ja 16, 11. 37. ♦Ferguson, James Alexander — b, Oswegatchie, NY, My 12, 1843; HamC, 65; PTS, 65-6; ss, Morristown, NY, 66-7; UnTS, 67-9; ss, Manhattanville, 68-9; ord, Pby Rockaway, My 18, 69; p, Hanover, NJ, 69-1909; d, Brooklyn, NY, Mr 17, 09. DD, NatU, 93, & Ferguson & Williams Coll, Abbeville, SC, 05. ♦Greene, Joseph Milton — b, Smithtown, NY, Ag 11, 1842; CNJ, 65; 1868 273 PTS, 65-7; UnTS, 67-8; ss, 6th Ave Mission ch, NYCity, 67; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 12, 68; p, 3d ch, Brooklyn, NY, 68-73; p. Calvary ch. West New Brighton, 73-81; miss, Mexico, 81-93; p. Fort Dodge, la, 93-9; miss, San Juan, Porto Rico, 99-1901; miss, Havana, Cuba, 01-4; ss, 1st ch, Havana, 05-17; res, Oconomowoc, Wis; d, Oconomowoc, J1 10, 21. DD, LkFC, 86. *Heberton, Edward Payson — b, Bath, Pa, Ag 12, 1830; CNJ, 50; law stu; PTS, 52-3; USN; US Coast Surv; PTS, 66-8; ord, Pby Chester, Ap 9, 68; p. Great Valley, Pa, 68-71; p, Duluth, Minn, 71-5; p, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 75-7; p, Deerfield, NJ, 77-80; p, Kenderton ch, Phila, Pa, 81-2; miss, Florida; d, Waldo, Fla, Ag 20, 83. *Herron, Robert Brown — b. Highland Co, O, 1832; HanC, 56; DanTS, grad, 61; ss, Manchester & West Union, O, 61-3; ord, Pby Chillicothe, 62; chap, USArmy, 63-4; ss. Pleasant Ridge, O; grad stu, PTS, 67-8; ss, Williamsburg, O, 5 yrs; ss. White Lick, Ind, 7 yrs; ss, Danville, 3 yrs; ss, Montesuma, la; ss. Independence, Kan, 3 yrs; d. Independence, Kan, Ap 1, 99. *Kincaid, William — b, London, Eng, Mr 8, 1841; OaklC, 65; OberTS; PTS, 65-6; OberTS; ord Cong, Oc 15, 67; ss, Cong ch, Rushville, NY, 67-70; p, 1st ch, Leavenworth, Kan, 70-6; p, 2d ch, Oberlin, O, 76-82; ss, Oswego, NY, 84-5; dist sec, ABCFM, NYCity, 85-8; sec, AmHMSoc, NYCity, 88-97; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 12, 97. DD, IndU. *Matthews, John Boyd — b, St Charles, Mo, J1 2, 1839; Watson Coll, Ashley, Mo, 65; PTS, 65-7; NWTS; ord, Pby Palmyra, Ag 30, 68; ss, Macon City & Callao, Mo, 67- p, 68-70; ss, Ashley, 70-6; Crow's Landing, Cal, 76-7; d. Crow’s Landing, Dc 31, 77. *McComb, Peter Hathaway Kemper — b, London, O, Nv 29, 1842; HanC, 64; tea; PTS, 65-8; ord, Pby Carlisle, Dc 16, 68; p. New Bloomfield, Pa, 68-70; p, Macomb, 111, 70-3; p el, Louisiana, Mo, 73-7; p, Webster Groves, 77-87; p, Bucyrus, O, 87-92; prof. Hist & Phil Sc, HanC, 92-1910, prof em; res, Kansas City, Mo; d, Kansas City, Dc 19, 17. DD, HanC, 00. *Menaul, John — b, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Dc 27, 1834; LafC, 65; stu med; PTS, 65-7; med dept, UPa, 67-8; ord evang, Pby North River, Nv 20, 68; miss, Corisco, West Africa, 68-70; hm miss. Fort Wingate, NM, 70-3; do. Fort Defiance, Ariz, 74-5; do. Laguna, NM, 76-89; do, Albuquerque, 90-1903; hon re; res, Hinton, Okla; d, Hinton, Ja 9, 12. ♦Morrison, William Hiram — b. New York, Ja 3, 1844; WmsC, 1865; PTS, 65-6; ColU, 77, LLB; lawy & bus, NYCity; bus, Stagbury, Barnstead, Surrey, Eng; d, Stagbury, Eng, .Jl 31, 1919. ♦Sturges, Arthur Pemberton — b, New York; ColU, 1864; PTS, 65-6; d, Princeton, NJ, 66. ‘Thompson, Frank — b, Knapton Wood, Queen's Co, Ireland, Dc 14, 1835; WmsC, 65; PTS, 65; UnTS, 65-6; HartTS, 66-7; ord Cong, Nv 12, 68; chap, YMCA, Springfield, Mass, 67-8; ss, Russell, 68; p. Foreign Cong ch, Hilo, Hawaii, Haw Is, 69-74; p, 1st Cong ch, Windham, Ct, 75-80; p, Cong ch, Wilton, 81-3; chap, AmSeamFrSoc, Valparaiso, Chile, 83-1906, chap em; res, Ansonia, Ct; d, Ansonia, Sp 26, 22. 274 1868-1869 ♦Walker, James Napoleon— b, Phila, Pa, Ag 7, 1841; LafC, 65, 69, MA; PTS, 65; tea, Phila, Pa, 65-92; prof, Eng & Lit, GirC, 92-1912; res, Phila; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 16, 29. ♦Whitney, Henry Mitchell — b, Northampton, Mass, Ja 16, 1843; USArmy, 62-3; YaleU, 64; agt, USChrCom; PTS, 65-6; AndTS, 66-8; ord Cong, My 12, 69; p, Cong ch, Geneva, 111, 68-71; ss, Presb ch, Beloit, Wis, 71-2; ss, Cong ch, Roscoe, 111, 76-81; prof, Eng, BelC, 71-99; libr, Branford, Ct, 99-1911; d. New Haven, Mr 26, 11. ♦Cairnes, William Glasgow — b, near Jarrettsville, Md, Fb 18, 1839; LafC, 65; tea; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby Burlington, Sp 14, 69; p. Cream Ridge & Plumstead (New Egypt), NJ, 69-71; p. Cream Ridge, 71-6; ss. Middle Octorara, Pa, 77- p, 78-1914; hon re; res, Bartville; d, Bartville, Pa, Sp 1, 18. ♦Clyde, John Cunningham — b. White Deer Valley, Pa, Oc 22, 1841; USArmy, 62-3; LafC, 66; PTS, 66-9; ss, Tioga, Pa, 68; ord evang, Pby Chariton, Oc 13, 69; hm miss, Centreville, la, 69-70; ss, Shenandoah, Pa, 70-2; p. East Whiteland & Charleston, 72-9; p, 1st ch, Bloomsbury, NJ, 79-1901; res, Easton, Pa; d, Easton, Ja 28, 15. DD, MaryvC, 85. ♦Eckard, Leighton Wilson — b. Savannah, Ga, Sp 23, 1845; LafC, 66; PTS, 66-9; ord evang, 2d Pby Phila, Je 17, 69; miss. Shantung, China, 69-74; p, Abing- ton. Pa, 75-91; p, Brainerd ch, Easton, 91-3; p, Brainerd Union ch, Easton, 93-1906; sec, PaBibSoc, 06-10; sec, AmBSoc, 10-18; res, Princeton, NJ; d, Prince- ton, Nv 15, 25. DD, LafC, 90. ♦Gibson, Robert Proudfit — b, Erin, NY, Sp 2, 1844; YaleU, 66; tea; PTS, 66-9; ss, Conklingville, NY, 70; ord evang, Pby Holston, Ap 7, 71; ss, Greeneville, Tenn, 71; p. Silver’s Spring, Pa, 72-5; ss, Middletown, 76-7; Hobart, NY, 78-9; Franklin, Pa, 80; hm miss, Louisville, Colo, 83-4; ss, Longmont, 84; ss, Croton Falls, NY, 85- p, 87-1917; res, Olean, 17-21; res. White Plains, 21-3; res. Pine Bluflf, NC, 23-32; d. Pine Bluff, Fb 4, 32. ♦Grant, William — b. East River, NS, Canada, Mr 22, 1844; DalhU, 66; PTS, 68-9; ord, Pby Pictou, Sp 27, 69; p, Earltown, NS, 69-75; p. West River, PEI, 76-8; p. Cow Bay, NS, 86-99; p. Grand River, 99-1906; d. Grand River, NS, Dc 18, 06. ♦Heberton, William Wilberforce — b, Berwick, Pa, Nv 9, 1846; LafC, 65; stu med; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 28, 69; p, Brandywine Manor, Pa, 69-73; p, Elkton, Md, 73-83; treas, BdMinRel, 85-1926; res, Wayne, Pa; d, Wayne, Mr 31, 33. DD, LafC, 07. ♦Hunt, Theodore Whitefield — b, Metuchen, NJ, Fb 19, 1844; CNJ, 65; tea; UnTS, 66-8; PTS, 68-9; tut, CNJ, 68-71; UBer, 71-2; adj prof, Rhet & Eng Lang, CNJ, 74-81; ord evang, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 17, 78; prof, Rhet & Eng Lang, PrU, 81-1918, prof em; d, Princeton, NJ, Ap 12, 30. PhD, LafC, 80; LHD, RutU, 90. Huntting, James Murdock — b, Westfield, NJ, Ag 21, 1846; NYU, 66; 1869 275 tea; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby Nassau, Oc 25, 71; ss, Melville, NY, 69- p, 71-4; p, 2d ch, Mendham,’NJ, 74-83; p, Andover, 83-93; evang, Hackettstown, 93-1906; dist supt, NJ ChildHomeSoc, 96-1906; ss. Bunker Hill, & p, Glassboro, 06-15; hon re, 15; res, Glassboro, NJ. *Kelso, Alexander Peebles — b, near Oakville, Pa, Oc 4, 1845; W&JC, 65; WestTS, 66-8; PTS, 68-9; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Ag 11, 69; miss, India, 69-87; prof, Theol & NT, Theol Sem of Syn of India, 87-93; miss, Dehra Dun, 93-1904; res, Ambala; d, Ambala, India, Dc 26, 15. *Krewson, Jacob Barnes — b, Moreland, Pa, Nv 3, 1838; CNJ, 66; PTS, 66-9; ord, 2d Pby Phila, My 20, 69; p, Forestville, Pa, 69-1912, p em; res. Forest Grove; d, Doylestown, Pa, Sp 19, 22. ‘Lockerby, Daniel Forbes — b, Cavendish, PEI, Canada, Ap 22, 1840; TruC, 63; tea; PTC, 64-5; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, J1 13, 69; p. Mill- stone ch, Perrineville, NJ, 69-72; p, Knowlton Hope & Delaware, 72-3; ss, Lehigh Ave ch, Phila, Pa, 73- p, 75-6; dropped from roll at own request, Ap 4, 76; lect & evang, Phila, 76-1920; res, Elkton, Md; d, Elkton, Ag 21, 23. *McChesney, William Edgar — b, Matawan, NJ, Fb 13, 1845; CNJ, 65; PTS, 66-9; ord evang, Pby Monmouth, J1 31, 69; miss. Canton, China, 69-72; d. Canton, China, J1 10, 72. *Murdock, John — b, Ballyclare, Ireland, Ag 26, 1840; UTor, 66; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby Long Island, My 20, 69; p, Islip, LI, 69-71 ; ill health; res, Jamaica, LI; Belfast, Ireland, 77-81; d, Belfast, Ireland, Fb 2, 81. *Neill, Heman Humphrey — b, Hatfield, Mass, Ag 28, 1842; AmhC, 66; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby Troy, Je 19, 69; p. Fort Edward, NY, 69-74; prof, Rhet, Orat & Eng Lit, AmhC, 74-1903, prof em; d, Amherst, Mass, Je 4, 1904. *Page, William Williamson — b, Pageland, \’a, Dc 3, 1840; HSC, 62; CSA; PTS, 66-9; ord, 1st Pby New York, My 7, 69; p. New York ch, NYCity, 69-91; GenTS, 90-2; ss, PEpis chs, Mt Vernon, Larchmont & Kingston, NY, 91-6; ord PEpis dea, NYCity, Ja 28, 93; rec, St John’s ch, Cornwall, 97-1920; d, NYCity, Je 14, 20. DD, HSC, 80. ‘Parker, Andrew H — b, Mifflintown, Pa, Mr 18, 1845; CNJ, 66; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Dc 7, 69; p. East Kishacoquillas, Pa, 69-99; d, Reedsvillc, Pa, Fb 1, 99. ‘Schenck, Isaac Van Wart — b, White Plains, NY, Dc 6, 1846; WestmCMo, 64; PTS, 64-5; tea; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 18, 69; p, Hamilton Square, NJ, 69-79; p, Eastburn Mariner’s ch, Phila, 80-3; ss. Green Hill ch, Phila, 83; p. Portage, Wis, 83-5; p, Mt Olivet ch, Brooklyn, NY, 85-9; p, Grace ch, Brooklyn, 89-92; p, Chr Ref ch, Newark, NJ, 94-9; ill health; res, Newark, d, Newark, NJ, Dc 15, 1913. DD, WestmCMo, 80. ‘Seiler, Galen Wilkins — b, Grantville, Pa, Ja 22, 1844; CNJ, 64; PTS, 66-9; ss, Cong ch, Gorham, Nil, 68; ss, Presb ch. Emporium, Pa, 69-70; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Je 15, 70; miss, Kolhapur & Ratnagiri, India, 70-1902; ss, Tustin, .Mich, 94-5; colp, .^niTrSoc, Hillsdale Co, Mich, 05-6; ss, Cong ch, Lawrence, 07-12; res, Hillsdale; d, Hillsdale, Mich, Ap 20, 20. 276 1869 *Strong, Charles Ruggles — b, Setauket, NY, Ja 12, 1844; YaleU, 64; law stu; PTS, 66-9; ord evang, Pby Long Island, Sp 19, 70; hm m!ss. Sing Sing, NY, 69-70; p, Roslyn, 71-7; res, Santa Barbara, Cal, 77-80; St Paul, Minn, 80-3; New Brunswick, NJ, 83-1903; res, Plainfield; d, Plainfield, NJ, Oc 20, 28. *Wallen, Samuel Smith — b, Bridgeton, NJ, Fb 24, 1840; CNJ, 65; tea; PTS, 66-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 15, 70; p. Middle Tuscarora, Pa, 70-6; ss. Middle Tuscarora, 76-7; Salem, NJ, 78; McCoysville, Pa, 79; p. Lick Run & Hublersburgh, 79-82; p. East ch, Washington, DC, 82-3; ss, Russell, Kan, 86-92; res, Clinton, Kan, 97-1900; Humboldt, 00-6; d, Humboldt, Kan, J1 14, 06. *Webster, William Stewart Cross — b, Baltimore, Md, Sp 12, 1844; CNJ, 64; tea; PTS, 66-9; ss, Paris, Ky, 69-70; ord, Pby Lehigh, Mr 19, 72; p, Weatherly, Pa, 72-5; evang, Elizabeth, NJ, 75-6; p. Port Jefferson, NY, 77-85; p, Islip, 85-97; p, Bronxville, 97-1903; p, Andover, NJ, 05-10; ss, Remsenburg, NY, 11-21; hon re, 21; d, Wayne, NJ, Je 4, 22. DD, CEmpo, 95. *Wood, Charles Seely — b, Cincinnati, O, Ap 19, 1845; MiaU, 66; PTS, 66-9; ss, Winneconne, Wis, 69-70; ord evang, Pby Winnebago, Nv 2, 70; ss, Stevens Point, Wis, 70-3; ill health; res, Cincinnati, O, 73-5; ss, Richwood & York, O, 75-6; ill health; hon re, 77; auth; res, Urbana; d, Urbana, O, Nv20, 1912. *Ziegler, George Frederick — b, Greencastle, Pa, Fb 2, 1843; AmhC, 66; PTS, 66-9; UBer, 69-70; HeidU, 70-1; tea, Greencastle, Pa, 72-86; tea, WilsC, 88-91; bus; farming; res, Greencastle, Pa; d, Greencastle, Ap 25, 1926. 23. *Adams, Joseph Bruce Williams — b, Washington, Ind, My 25, 1842; USArmy; LafC, 65; PTS, 66-7; NWTS; d, Princeton, NJ, J1 4, 72. *Baker, Henry — b, Pennington, NJ, Oc 1, 1844; WesU, 64; ord ME, 65; grad stu, PTS, 68-9; p, LInion ch, Covington, Ky, 69-71; p, 1st ch, Cleveland, O, 71-3; p, Akron, 73-6; p. Walnut Hills ch, Cincinnati, 76-9; p, St Paul’s ch, New- ark, NJ, 80-3; p, St James’ ch, NYCity, 85-7; p. Park Ave ch, Phila, Pa, 89-90; p, St Paul’s ch, Newark, NJ, 92-6; p, Christ ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1900-1; p, 1st ch. New Haven, Conn, 02-3; p, 1st ch, Middletown, 04-7; p, Patchogue, 08-9; d, Clifton Springs, NY, Mr 12, 11. DD, DePU, 88. *Bell, Newton Hervey — b, Kossuth, la, Ap 22, 1841; AmhC, 66; PTS, 66-7; BanTS; ord Cong, Ag 5, 68; p, Cong ch, Stafford Springs, Ct, 68-70; ss, Winchester, Ind, 70-1; ss, Owatonna, Minn, 71-3; miss, Mardin, Turkey, 73-6; ss, Schroon Lake, NY, 77; ss. Arcade, 77-9; ss, Nunda, 79-84; p. Highland Park ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 84-8; p, Moorhead, 88-91; miss, Minn, res, Minneapolis, 91-1902; d, Minneapolis, Sp 30, 02. *Bergner, Otto — b, Crimmitschaw, Saxony, Ja 12, 1843; CNJ, 66; PTS, 66-7; ss, Solebury (Thomson Mem), Pa, 67; tea, CCySF, 68-9; d, San Francisco, Cal, Je 29, 69. *Bookstaver, Adam Augustus — b, Crawford, NY, Nv 2, 1842; RutU, 66; PTS, 66-8; NBTS; ss, Cong ch, Duxbury, Vt, 68; ss, Presb ch, Islip, NY, 69-70; 1869 277 ord RefChAm, Cl Schenectady, Sp, 70; p, 2d RefChAm, Glenville, NY, 70-2; p. Central Ave ch, Jersey City Heights, NJ, 72; res, Searsville, NY, 72-84; Willard, 84-1900; Clark Summit, Pa, 00-5; d, Clark Summit, Ap 24, 05. *Brayton, George — b, Westernville, NY, Ja 8, 1844; AmhC, 66; UnTS; PTS, 67-8; UnTS; ord, 4th Pby New York, Je 29, 69; ss, Northfield, Minn, 68; p, Norwood, NJ, 69-71; p. Calvary ch, Newark, 72-3; d, Utica, NY, Je 19, 73. *Cole, Royal Merriman — b. Stark, NH, Fb 12, 1839; AmhC, 66; PTS, 66-7; BanTS, 67-8; ord evang, Penobscot Cong Asso, J1 31, 68; miss, Erzeroom, Turkey, 68-84, Bitlis, 84-1907; ill health; res. Forest Grove, Ore, 10-25; d. Forest Grove, Mr 12, 25. DD, AmhC, 08. *Cowan, Perez Dickinson — b, Knoxville, Tenn, Dc 26, 1843; AmhC, 66; UnTS, 66-7; PTS, 67-8; UnTS, 68-9; ord evang, 4th Pby NY, Ap 5, 69; ss, Rogersville, Tenn, 69-72; MA, ETennU, 70; ss. New Market, 69-71; pres. Female Coll, Rogersville, 71-2; ss, Jonesboro, 72-7; ed. Record, 73-5; Knoxville, 78; p el, Cong ch, Wellesley, Mass, 78- p, 79-90; Falmouth, 91-2; p, Presb ch, Canas- tota, NY, 92-1906; res. Summit, NJ, 06-23; d. Summit, Fb 10, 23. *Darling, Timothy Grenville — b, Nassau, Bahama Is, Oc 5, 1842; WmsC, 64; PTS, 66-8; UnTS; asst, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 70-3; ord, Pby Albany, Je 18, 73; p, 1st ch, Schenectady, 73-87; prof. Sacred Rhet & Pas Theol, AubTS, 87-90, Theol, 90-1906; d, Auburn, NY, Fb 3, 06. DD, WmsC, 79. *Fleming, Joseph Henderson — b. West Kishacoquillas, Pa, Je 18, 1841; WashCPa, 65; tea; PTS, 66-7; WestTS; ord evang, Pby Northumberland, Je 7, 71; ss, Centralia & Mt Carmel, Pa, 70-1; p, Kennedy Mem ch, Welsh Run, 73-91; d, Welsh Run, Pa, Sp 15, 91. *Halley, Eben — b, Salem, NY, Ja 7, 1845; WmsC, 64; PTS, 64-5, 67-8; ord Cong, Ja 13, 70; hm miss, Richmond, Vt, 65-7; p, 7th St Cong ch, Cincinnati, O, 70-8; p, Binghamton, NY, 78-86; p, 2d Presb ch, Troy, 86-95; d, Troy, NY, Je 8, 95. DD, WmsC, 86. Hood, George Alfred— b, Phila, Pa, J1 13, 1846; CNJ, 66; PTS, 66-8; AndTS, 68-9; ord Cong, Sp 30, 69; supt miss. Savannah, Ga, 69-70; ss, Cong ch, Cambria, NY, 70-2; ss, Fergus Falls, Minn, 72-7; p. Pilgrim ch, Minneapolis, 77-84; act p. Union ch, Minneapolis, 84-6; supt AmHMSoc, NWis, 86-8; sec, Cong Ch Bdg Soc for New Eng, res, Boston, Mass, 88-1907; supt, AmHMSoc, Colo, 07-10; oc s, Fairfield, la, 10-6; horticulturist. Piedmont Coll, Demorest, Ga, 16-8; res, Memphis, Tenn, 18 — . ♦Marcellus, Algernon — b, Amsterdam, NY, Mr 31, 1840; CNJ, 63; tea; bus; PTS, 66-7; WestTS; DanTS; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Ap 25, 69; ss, Hopewell & Bethel, Ky, 68-9; miss. Canton, China, 70-1; ss. New Eg;ypt, NJ, 72-5; ss, Archibald & Olyphant, Pa, 75-6; ss, Livingstonville, NY, 76-7; p, Berwyn, Pa, 79-85; p, Charlestown, 81-5; p, Atglen & Christiana, 85-7; ss, Snohomish, Wash, 87-8; ss, Oakland, Ore, 88-90; ss, Lebanon, 90-1; ss, Oakland, 91-4; d, Oakland, Ore, Nv 25, 96. ♦McDuffee, Samuel Valentine — b, Bradford, Vt, Ja 9, 1835; AmhC, 65; USArmy; PTS, 66-7; UnTS; BanTS; ord Cong, My 12, 69; ss, Cong ch, Wayne, 1869 278 la, 69-70; ss, Acworth, NH, 70-1; ss, Barton, Vt, 71-4; ss, Ludlow, Mass, 75-82; ss, Brimfield, 82-4; ss. Orange City, Fla, 84-90; ss, Thetford, Vt, 90-8; asst p, Hope ch, Springfield, Mass, 1900-4; d, Springfield, Mass, Fb 28, 04. *Owen, Henry James — b, Allahabad, India, Fb 14, 1846; CNJ, 66; PTS, 66-8; UBonn; Edinburgh, Scotland; ord, Pby Phila Central, Oc 16, 71; p, Rich- mond ch, Phila, Pa, 71-6; ss. South Salem, NY, 76-7; ill health; res, Colorado Springs, Colo, 77-8; d, Colorado Springs, Mr 31, 78. *Poage, Calvin Arbuckle — b, Marshall College, WVa, Ag 4, 1847; Watson Coll, Ashley, Mo, 65; tea; PTS, 66-8; NWTS, 68-9; ss, Westminster ch, Minnea- polis, Minn, 69; ss, Stillwater, 69; ss. Champaign, 111, 69-70; ss, Farmington, Minn, 70; ord, Pby St Louis, Sp 20, 71; ss, Carr Place ch, St Louis, Mo, 71; p, Washington & Pacific, 71-2; p el, Larkin St ch, San Francisco, Cal, 75-6; asst ed, Occident, San Francisco, 76-88; NYCity, 88-90; Auburn, Cal, 90-1; NYCity, 91-2; San Francisco, Cal, 92-4; d, San Francisco, 94. *Rea, John — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Dc 31, 1843; JefC, 65; WestTS, 65-8; grad stu, PTS, 68-9; ord, Pby Chester, My 6, 69; p, Downington, Pa, 69-72; hm miss. Port Townsend, Wash, 72-8; do, Oakland, Cal, 78-80; p el, Watsonville, 80-3; asst p, Cong ch, Oakland, 83-91; p, 1st Presb ch, San Francisco, 91-3; p, 1st Cong ch, San Francisco, 93-4; p, 1st Presb ch, Sausalito; p, Cong ch. Mill Valley; p, 1st Presb ch, Oakland, 96-7; d. Mill Valley, Cal, J1 5, 1920. *Remick, Ninian Beall — b, Williamsport, Md, Fb 14, 1844; CNJ, 66; PTS, 66-8; UnTS, 68-9; ord, Pby Troy, Oc 28, 69; p, 9th ch, Troy, NY, 69-90; p. North ch, Geneva, 90-1907; ss. Pine Hill, 07-11; res. Pine Hill, 11-7; d. Pine Hill, NY, Dc 2, 20. DD, CNJ, 99. *Robertson, James — b. Dull Appin, Scotland, Ap 24, 1839; UTor, 66; PTS, 66-8; UnTS, 68-9; ord, Pby Paris, Canada, Nv 18, 69; p, Norwich, Windham & E Oxford, Can, 69-74; p, Knox ch, Winnipeg, Man, 74-81; lect, Theol & Phil, Manic, 75-81; supt, hm miss, res, Winnipeg, 81-1902; d, Toronto, Can, Ja 4, 02. DD, PardC, 88. *Skinner, Benjamin Day — b, Paterson, NJ, Je 17, 1846; WmsC, 66; PTS, 66-7; ed & bus. Ft Wayne, Ind; bus; res, NYCity; d, 84. *Steen, Moses Duncan Alexander — b, near Blue Creek, O, Ap 24, 1841; MiaU, 66; XenTS; NWTS, 66-8; PTS, 68-9; ord evang, Pby New Albany, Sp 8, 70; ss, Worthington, O, 69-70; ss, Vevay, Ind, 70-2; p, Solon, 0, 72-3; p, Conneautville, Pa, 73-4; ss, Waterford, 74-5; ss, Ludlow, Ky, 75- p, 79-81; ss. Pleasant Ridge, O, 81-2; ss, Davisville, Cal, 82; ss, Troy, 111, 83; ss, Gunnison & Black Hawk, Colo, 83-5; ss, Snohomish, Wash, 85-6; ss. Bethel ch, Woodbridge, Cal, 86- p, 90-1902; ss, Tracy, 02-5; ss, Menlo Park, 05-7; ss, Mowrystown, O, 07- p, 08-10; evang, Worthington, O, 10-1; hon re, 11; res, Worthington, 11-24; d, Worthington, O, Je 22, 24. DD, SanJVC, 88; PhD, CWoos, 89. *Swoope, Francis McFarland — b, Augusta Co, Va, Ap 13, 1839; WashCVa, 60; CSA; UnTSVa, 65-7; PTS, 67-8; ColTS; lie, Pby Lexington, Ap 23, 69; ss, McDowell, Va; ss, Mingo Flats, WVa, 73-5; lie withdrawn, Sp 26, 79; ill health; res, near Monterey, Va. 1869-1870 279 ♦Thomson, William Jameson — b, New York City, J1 21, 1840; ColU, 66; PTS, 66-8; ord, Pby Westchester, Oc 15, 68; ss, Cong ch. West Stewartstown, NH, 67; p, Presb ch, Croton Falls, NY, 68-72; p, Cong ch, Seymour, Ct, 72-4; p, Newington, 75-9; p. So Glastonbury, 79-82; p. No Canaan, 82-4; d. East Canaan, Ct, Fb 24, 85. 23. 1870 ♦Alexander, George — b. West Charlton, NY, Oc 12, 1843; UnC, 66; tea; PTS, 68-70; ord, Pby Albany, Ja 20, 70; p. East Ave ch, Schenectady, NY, 70-83; prof, Rhet & Eng Lit, UnC, 77-83; p. University Place ch, NYCity, 83-1918; p, 1st ch, NYCity, 18-30; d, NYCity, Dc 12, 30. DD, UnC, 84, & LLD, 16. ♦Austin, John — b, Canada; UTor, 1867; PTS, 67-70; lie, Pby New Bruns- wick, Fb 2, 70. ♦Calkins, Lyman Darrow — b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 13, 1845; WmsC, 67; UnTS, 67-8; PTS, 68-70; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 21, 71; p, Muncy, Pa, 71-3; p. Park St Cong ch, Springfield, Mass, 73-83; ss, Presb ch. So Salem, NY, 83- p, 84-6; p. Trinity ch, Brooklyn, 86-9; ss, Cong ch. East Rockaway, 89-90; p, Presb ch. Far Rockaway, 90-1901; ss, Grace Ref Epis ch, Brooklyn, 02-3; ss. Ref Epis ch of the Reconciliation, Brooklyn, 02-5; ss, 1st Presb ch, Newtown, 06; ss. Bay Ridge, 06-7; res, Westfield, NJ, 07-17; d, Westfield, Fb 18, 17. DD, CEmpo, 00. ♦Chambers, Robert — b, Norwich, Ont, Canada, My 1, 1849; QuUOnt, 66; PTS, 66-7, 68-70; ord, Pby London, Ont, J1 5, 70; p, St Andrew’s ch. East Williams, Can, 70-6; p, St Andrew’s, Whitby, 76-9; miss, Erzroom, Turkey, 79-88, Bardezag, 91-1911, Scutari, 14; res, Newton, Mass, 14-7; d, Newton, Ap 2, 17. DD, QuUOnt, 97. ♦Cleland, Robert Wickliffe — b, Lebanon, Ky, Ja 26, 1846; CenCKy, 67; PTS, 67-70; ord, Pby Louisville, Je 16, 70; p, Warren ch, Louisville, Ky, 70-4; ss, Hopewell, 74-6; ss, Paris, 74-9; p, Nebraska City, Neb, 79-82; ss, Mt Sterling, Ky, 83; evang, Louisville Pby, 83-6; p, Owensboro, 86-9; ss, Monrovia, Cal, 89-92; ss, Azusa, 89- p, 94-1900; evang, 00-5; asst p, 1st ch. Long Beach, 05-9; ss, Mt Washington ch, Los Angeles, 09-19; d. Eagle Rock, Cal, Sp 21, 19. DD, OccC, 11. ♦Collins, George Green — b, California; OberC, 1865; PTS, 67-70; tea & ss, Lincoln Mission, Washington, DC; d, Washington, DC, Je 22, 71. ♦Curtis, William Warren — b, Charlton, NY, My 8, 1844; CNJ, 64; PTS, 64-5, 68-70; ord evang, Pby Albany, Je 15, 70; ss, Ballston Centre, NY, 70; ss, Lyndon & Osage City, Kan, 71-4; hm miss. Silver City, NM, 75-6; ss, Lyndon & Osage City, Kan, 76-80; p, Osage City, 80-4; ss. Belle Plaine, 84- p, 85-93; p, El Dorado, 93-9; p, Caldwell, 99-1909; hm miss. So Ariz, 10-1; res. Ft Worth, Kan, 11-20; hon re, 20; res. Eagle Rock, Cal, 21-7; d. Eagle Rock, Ap 17, 27. DD, CEmpo, 01. ♦Curtisfs], Augustus Elisha — b, Ballston Centre, NY, J1 16, 1847; UnC, 66; tea; PTS, 67-70; lie, Pby Albany, Je 9, 69; hm miss, Minn, 70; tea, Norwalk, Ct, 71 : tea, Saginaw, Mich, 71-7; prin, Adrian, 77-1912; d, .Adrian, Mich, Fb 10, 15. 28o 1870 *Dodd, Ira Seymour — b, Bloomfield, NJ, Mr 2, 1842; USArmy, 62-3; YalelJ, 67 ; PTS, 67-8, 69-70; UnTS, 68-9; ord evang, Pby Newark, My 11, 70; ss, Garnett, Kan, 70- p, 71-2; p, Winnebago City, Minn, 72-81; ss, Riverdale, NYCity, 82- p, 83-1916, p em; res, NYCity, 16-22; d, Wakefield, RI, Ag 3, 22. ♦Ennis, Robert— b, Perth Center, NY, Je 25, 1841; UnC, 67; PTS, 67-70; ss, Broadalbin, NY, 70-1; ord, Pby Westminster, Nv 16, 71; p, Pequea ch. So Hermitage, Pa, 71-5; ss & p el, Victor, NY, 75-7; p. West End ch, Albany, 78-83; ss, Madison, SDak, 83-6; ss, Pendleton, Ore, 86-7; ss, Jacksonville & Phoenix, 87-98; ss, Bandon, Coquille City, Myrtle Point & Willowdale, 98-1901; ss, Octoraro, Pleasant Grove & Marion, 01-4; ss, Phoenix & Jacksonville, 04-11; d, Jacksonville, Ore, Ap 9, 11. ♦Gilchrist, Robert— b, Lebanon, O, Ap 19, 1846; MiaU, 66; bus; PTS, 67-70; ord, Pby Lima, Ap 26, 71 ; ss, Delphos, O, 70- p, 71 ; d, Delphos, O, Dc 6, 71. ♦Gregory, Caspar Rene — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 6, 1846; UPa, 64; tea; Ref PTS (GS); PTS, 67-70, grad stu, 70-3; lie, Pby Central Philadelphia, Ap 12, 69; ULeip; asst ed, Theol Literaturzeitung, Leipzig, 76-84; p. Am chap, Leipzig, 78-9; privatdocent, ULeip, 84-9; extraordinary prof, LJLeip, 89-91, hon prof, 91-1917; auth & textual critic, German Army; killed in action in France, Ap 9, 17. PhD, ULeip, 76; DD, ULeip, 93, & UGlas, 01; LLD, UPa, 94, & YaleU, 01. ♦Hewitt, John Dunbar — b, Wysox, Pa, Dc 4, 1838; CNJ, 65; prin, Susque- hanna Coll Inst; PTS, 67-70; ord, Pby Raritan, Ap 12, 70; p, Kirkpatrick Mem ch, Ringoes, NJ, 70-7; hm miss, Helena, Mont, 77-8; p, Wichita, Kan, 79-89; p el, Arkansas City, 90-2; vice-pres, CEmpo, 92-8; d, Emporia, Kan, Mr 31, 98. DD, CWoos, 89. ♦Hoar, William John— b. Greenwood, Pa, Fb 11, 1845; CNJ, 67; PTS, 67-70; UnTS, 70-1; ss, Willmar & Diamond Lake, Minn, 71-2; ord evang, Pby St Paul, Fb 14, 72; hm miss. Port Townsend, Wash, 73-4; p. Cedar Grove, Pa, 75-1912; hon re, 12; res, Lancaster, 12-30; d, Lancaster, Pa, J1 21, 30. ♦Howell, John Beatty — b, Allentown, NJ, Mr 31, 1847; CNJ, 66; tea; PTS, 67-70; cy miss, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 70-3; ord evang, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 16, 73; miss, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 73-90; asst p, Burlington, NJ, 90-4; miss, Brazil, 94-6; ss, Tennent Memorial ch, Phila, Pa, 97- p, 1900-4; chap, Presb Hospital, Phila, 03-12; res, Newtown, Conn, 19-24; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Ja 23, 24. ♦Hubbard, Albert Wells— b, Cameron, NY, Oc 18, 1841; AmhC, 67; PTS, 67-70; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 70; ss, Dillsburg, Pa, 70- p, 71-2; ss, Hedgesv'ille & Elk Creek, NY, 72-3; miss, Sivas, Turkey, 73-99; d, Sivas, Turkey, Ap 13, 99. ♦Hughes, Jacob Van Renssalaer — b. Cape May, NJ, Sp 11, 1844; CNJ, 67; PTS, 67-70; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 70; tea, Bellefonte, Pa, 70-3; ss. Bald Eagle, 70- p, 73-7; ss, Buffalo Run, 74- p, 75-7; p, Kilbourn City, Wis, 77-81; postmaster, Kilbourn City, 82-6; p, Shawano, 86-94; ss, 1st ch, Merrill, 94- p, 95-1903; p el, Castlewood, SDak, 03- p, 04; d, Castlewood, Nv 5, 04. ♦Imbrie, William [Miller Kisselman] — b, Rahway, NJ, Ja 1, 1845; CNJ, 65; bus; PTS, 67-71; ord, Pby Jersey City, Oc 8, 73; p. Lake View, NJ, 73-5; 1870 28 1 prof, MG, 75-93; res, Lawrenceville, NJ, 93-1900; miss, Tokyo, Japan, 01-22; hon re, 22; res, Chicago, 111, 22-8; d, Evanston, Ag 4, 28. DD, CNJ, 84. *Lafferty, James — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 10, 1839; WashCPa, 60; lawy; PTS, 67-70; ss, Weston & Platte City, Mo, 70; ord, Pby Platte, Je 14, 71; ss, Oregon, Mo, 70- p, 71-2; ss, Sandy Lake, Pa, 72-3; ss, Nichols, NY, 74-5; ss, Shelbyville, Mo, 77; ss, Nokomis & Raymond, 111, 78-9; ss, Hardin & Belleview, 79-80; ss. Assumption & Moweaqua, 81-2; ss, Newton & Albany, 84-5; ss, Malta Bend & Salt Springs, Mo, 86; ss, Bolivar, 87; ss. La Clede & Bethel, 88; ss. Plain- view, Shipman & Brighton, 111, 89-91; ss, Moro, 92; p, Edwardsville,, 92-3; res. Marble Hill, Mo; ss. Marble Hill, White Water & Cornwall chs, 93-6; ss, Wash- ington & Pacific chs, 96-9; d, Washington, Mo, Ja 6, 99. *Logan, William Henry — b, Dillsburg, Pa, Ja 21, 1843; CNJ, 65; PTS, 67-70; ord evang, Pby Washington City, Ap 10, 72; hm miss, Gurley chap, Washington, DC, 71-4; ss, Millerstown & Newport, Pa, 75- p, 76-86; presb miss, Carlisle Pby, 86-9; presb miss, Pby Newcastle, 89-90; p, Manokin ch. Princess .'Xnne, Md, 91-1900; fin sec, WilsC, 00-1; presb miss, Pby Newcastle, 03-9; res, Wilmington, Del; d, Wilmington, Ag 26, 10. Lucas, James Joseph — b, Dublin City, Ireland, Ag 21, 1847; CenCKy, 65; YalelJ, 1866; PTS, 67-70; ord evang, Pby Transylvania, Sp 22, 70; miss, Alla- habad, India, 70-2, Mainpuri, 72-4, Farrukhabad, 74-81, Mainpuri, 82-4, Alla- habad, 84-92, Saharanpur, 93-7; ss, Westminster ch, Wooster, O, 97-8; miss, Saharanpur, India, 98-1900, Allahabad, 00-23; hon re, 23; res, Landour, Mus- soorie, 23 — . DD, CenCKy, 88. *MacKay, George Leslie — b, Oxford Co, Ont, Canada, Mr 22, 1844; KxCTor, 66; PTS, 67-70; FreeChCEdin; ord evang, Pby Toronto, Sp 19, 71; miss. Island of Formosa, 72-1901; d, Tamsui, Formosa, Je 2, 01. DD, QuUOnt, 80. *Maclean, John, Jr — b, Princeton, NJ, Ag 1, 1837; CNJ, 58; PTS, 67-70; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 13, 70; d, Hartford Co, Md, J1 27, 70. *McDonald, John Andrew — b, London, Ont, Canada, Oc 13, 1837; KxCTor, 67; PTS, 67-70; ord, Pby London, Can, Dc 19, 70; p, Dorchester, Ont, 70-6; p, Wallacetown, 76-80; p, Brigden & Bear Creek, 80-91; p, \’arna & Blake, 91-9; p, Richard’s Landing & Ophia, 99-1906; p, Knox ch. Little Current, 06-7 ; d. Little Current, Canada, Ja 6, 07. *Miller, Edward Rothesay — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 29, 1843; CNJ, 67; PTS, 67-71; ord evang, Pby Jersey City, Ap 16, 72; miss, Yokohoma, Japan, 72-4; miss, RefCh.^m, Yokohoma, 75-9; lect, MG, ThDept, 77-9; prof, MG, 81-8; miss, Morioka, 88-1902, Tokyo, 02-14; res, Bryn Mawr, Pa; d. East Hampton, NY, Ag 7, 15. •Platter, James Edward — b, near Chillicothe, O, Sp 19, 1846; OWesC, 67; PTS, 67-70; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 26, 70; p, Sandy Hill, NY, 70-2; ss, Winfield, Kan, 73- p, 77-83; d, Winfield, Kan, Je 14, 83. •Riddle, David Hoge — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ja 27, 1846; W&JC, 67; WestTS, 67-9; PTS, 69-70; ord, Pby Washington City, .Ap 10, 71; p, Falls Church, Va, 282 1870 71-89; ss, Havre de Grace, Md, 90- p, 92-6; evang, Shippensburg, Pa, 96-1907; res. Falls Church, Va, 07-11; d. Falls Church, Dc 11, 11. DD, W&JC, 02. *Rodney, Caleb Hunn— b, Lewes, Del, Ap 26, 1842; CNJ, 67; tea; PTS, 67-70; ss. East Enfield, NH, 69; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, My 9, 71; ss, Absecon, Feed’s Point & Somer’s Point, NJ, 71-2; p, Marksboro, 72-8; p, Chesa- peake City, Md, 78-80; p. Plains ch. Pa, 80-4; p, Marple, 85-1905; ss, Fairville, NY, 05-6; res, Rochester; d, Rochester, NY, Oc 12, 14. *Seeley, George Augustus — b, Calcutta, India, Fb 28, 1847; CNJ, 67; PTS, 67-70; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 70; miss, India, Futtehghur, 70-6, Furrukhabad, 79-88; ss, Morristown, NY, 89-91; d, Morristown, Mr 22, 91. Shaw, Robert Philander — b. West Alexander, Pa, My 27, 1844; WashCPa, 65; law stu; tea; PTS, 67-70; ord, Pby Westminster, Nv 8, 70; p. Cedar Grove & Churchtown, Pa, 70-2; ss, Bedford, 72-4; p, Saginaw, Mich, 74-8; ss, Sturgis, 79-91; evang, Sturgis, 91-5; ss, Immanuel ch, Tacoma, Wash, 95-9; ss, West- minster ch, Tacoma, 1902; oc s, Tacoma, Wash, 03 — . DD, C PugS, 20. *Sherrill, John Saxton — b. Pike, NY, Fb 18, 1844; CNJ, 66, 69, MA; tea; PTS, 67-70; ord evang, Pby Long Island, My 3, 70; ss, Quenemo, Kan, 70-1; ss, Neosho Falls, 71- p, 72-5; p, Litchfield & Spring Grove, Minn, 76-86; ed, Minneapolis, 87-1907; hon re, 07; res, Seattle, Wash; d, Seattle, Wash, Ja 28, 33. *Smith, David Holmes — b, Truro, NS, Canada, Nv 15, 1844; DalhU, 67; PTS, 67-70; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 13, 70; bus, Truro, NS, 72-5; inspector schls, NS, 75; bus; res, Truro; d, Truro, NS, Fb 17, 1901. *Turner, John — b, Manchester, England, Nv 1, 1838; CNJ, 67; PTS, 67-70; ord, Pby Hudson, My 26, 70; p, Hopewell ch, Thompson Ridge, NY, 70-89; p, Deerfield, NJ, 93-6; res, Bridgeton; d, Bridgeton, NJ, Oc 22, 1906. ’•’Warrington, George — b, Dover, Del, Dc 13, 1842; AmhC, 62; tea; USArmy; PTS, 67-71, 98, BD; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 9, 71; p, Glassboro, & ss. Bunker Hill, NJ, 71; ss, Berlin, Atco & Waterford, 72-3; p. Bald Eagle & Nittany, Beech Creek, Pa, 73-4; p, Manalapan, NJ, 74-80; p, Birmingham, la, 82-8; ed, Beaver Falls, Pa, 88-91; p el, Fairfield, NJ, 93- p, 94-7; ss. Trout River & Penns- dale chs. Pa, 98-1900; res, Perth Amboy, NJ ; d, Perth Amboy, Sp 1, 1900. ’•’White, William Prescott — b. Honey Brook, Pa, Mr 22, 1840; AmhC, 67; PTS, 67-70; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Nv 2, 70; p, Plymouth, Pa, 70-83; p, Mt Airy, Phila, 83-92; fin sec, LincU, 92-1929; ed, Presb Journal, Phila, 94-03; asso ed, Westminster, Phila, 04-10; res, Phila; d, Phila, Pa, Fb 22, 29. DD, WashCTenn, 92. 35. ’•‘Baier, Leo — b, Diirrheim, Baden, Germany, Ap 11, 1845; WestmCMo, 66; tea; PTS, 67-8; ord evang, Pby Missouri, Sp 24, 69; ss, Glasgow, Mo, 68-9; ss, Hannibal, 69-71; pres, Hannibal Coll, 71-7; ss, miss ch, Hannibal, 73-4; ss, Shel- bina, 74-8; prin, Shelbina, 77; ss, Searcy Springs & pres, St John’s Coll, Little Rock, Ark, 78-81; d, Minneapolis, Minn, J1 8, 87. 1870 283 *Barclay, Thomas Dougall — b, York, NY, Je 5, 1846; MonC, 67; PTS, 67-8; YaleUDS; ord Cong, Hamilton, NY, Dc 31, 72; ss, Cong ch, Hamilton, 72-3; p, Kent, Ct, 73-9; prin, Kent Sem, 79-83; p, 2d ch, Centrebrook, Ct, 83-7; prin, Gilbert Acad, NY, 87-8; res, Kent; d, Kent, Ct, J1 20, 98. *Birch, George Washington Fleming — b, Claysville, Pa, Mr 26, 1837; WashCPa, 58; WestTS, 58-61; ord, Pby Sangamon, Ja 17, 62; p, 3d ch. Spring- field, 111, 62-9; grad stu, PTS, 69-70; ss, Carr Place ch, St Louis, Mo, 70; p, 2d ch, Lexington, Ky, 70-3; p, 3d ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 73-6; p, Bethany ch, NYCity, 79-1902; d, NYCity, Ap 26, 02. DD, CenCKy, 85; LLD, WVaU, 95. *Cook, Silas Parsons — b, Richmond, NH, Oc 18, 1845; HarvU, 67; PTS, 67-9; ord Cong, Je 24, 69; p, Cong ch, Marlborough, NH, 69-70; p, Windsor, Vt, 70-3; ss, Ludlow, 73-7; p, 3d ch, Chelsea, Mass, 79-89; p, Northfield, Mass, 89-94; res, Pittsfield; d, Pittsfield, Mass, My 15, 1926. *Green, Oliver Ormsby Maclean — b, Centreville, Pa, Je 22, 1845; CNJ, 67; PTS, 67-9; ColTS; ss, Peckvdlle & Oliphant, Pa, 70-1; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Oc 3, 72; ss, 1st ch, Alexandria, Va, 72-3; miss, Tokyo, Japan, 73-80; ill health; d, Dickinson, O, Nv 17, 82. *Keller, George Troxell — b, Easton, Pa, My 27, 1844; LafC, 66; tea; New- ton, NJ ; tut, LafC; PTS, 69-70; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 22, 72; p, Tunk- hannock. Pa, 72-80; p. South Bend, Ind, 80-8; d. South Bend, Ind, My 23, 88. *Myers, Alfred Edwards — b, NYCity, Dc 29, 1844; WmsC, 66; tea; NBTS, 67-8; PTS, 68-9; UnTS, 69-70; ord evang, RefChAm, South Cl Long Island, Oc 9, 70; ss, RefChAm, Bethany chap, Brooklyn, NY, 69-71; Europe, 71-2; ss, Bronxville, NY, 72- p, 73-6; act p, Owasco, 77-9; ss, Presb ch, Owasco, 79- act p, 80-5; ss, Scattergood (Memorial) ch, Syracuse, 86-7; ss. Rose Hill (Westmin- ster) ch, Syracuse, 86-92; asst p. Coll RefChAm, NYCity, 92-1915; d, Edgar- town. Mass, Sp 16, 15. ♦Neal, George Washington — b. New York; CNJ, 1865; PTS, 67-9; d, 77. ♦O’Brien, John Howard — b, Noel, NS, Canada, Sp 19, 1836; CNJ, 64; tea; PTS, 67-70; tut, CNJ, 68-70; prin, Princeton Acad, 70-2; prof. West Chester Norm Schl, 72-3; ord, Pby West Jersey, Oc 14, 73; p, Glassboro & Bunker Hill, NJ, 73-7; p, Wenonah, 73-83; ss, Swedesboro, 85-1907; ss, Billingsport, 85-1915; hon re; res, Clarksboro; d, Clarksboro, NJ, Sp 23, 15. ♦Partridge, John Warren — b, Princeton, Mass, Sp 23, 1843; YaleU, 67; PTS, 67-8; AndTS; ord. New Haven Cent Cong Asso, Fb 7, 71; p, Davenport Cong ch. New Haven, Ct, 71-4; p, 2d Presb ch, Scranton, Pa, 74-6; ss, San Diego, Cal, 77; ss, Greeley & Evans, Colo, 77-9; ss. Canon, 79-85; p. Fort Collins, 86-9; d. Fort Collins, Colo, Fb 25, 89. ♦Paxton, John Randolph — b, Canonsburg, Pa, Sp 18, 1843; JefC, 66; WestTS, 66-9; grad stu, PTS, 69-70; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je, 71; p, Churchville, Md, 71-4; p. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 74-8; p. New York .Ave ch, Washington, DC, 78-82; p. West ch, NYCity, 82-93; res, NYCity; d, NYCitv, Ap 11, 1923. DD, UnC, 82. ♦Rodgers, James— b, Hammond, NY, Oc 9, 1840; HamC, 65; tut; PTS, 1870-1871 284 67- 9; UnTS, 69-70; ord evang, Pby St Lawrence, Je 21, 71; ss, Hammond, NY, 71- 3; ss, Willmar, Minn, 73-5; ss, Farmington, Vermillion & Empire chs, 75-87; tea; ss, Farmington, Vermillion & Empire chs, 90-1910; res, Minneapolis; d, Minneapolis, Minn, J1 3, 18. 12. 1871 *Boal, James Welch — b, Boalsburg, Pa, J1 11, 1838; LafC, 68; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 4, 71; ss, Saxton & Yellow Creek, Pa, 71- p, 72-5; p el, Washington, 75- p, 76-87; p, Lycoming ch, Williamsport, 87-93; p. Port Carbon, 94-1904; evang. Centre Hall; d. Centre Hall, Pa, Sp 27, 08. *Brown, [James] Duncan — b, Hannibal, Mo, Je 6, 1844; PardC, 68; PTS, 68- 71; ord evang, Pby Osage, Ap 23, 72; ss, Warsaw & Sunny Side, Mo, 71-2; ss, Clarence & Shelbyville, 73-4; ss. Palmyra, 74-7; ss. Mound City & Craig, 77- p, & prin, 80-2; prof, HighU, 82-3; ss. Oak Grove & North ch, St Joseph, Mo, 83-5; pres, HighU, 85-9; pres, BrookC, 89-91; ss, Macon, Mo, 91-3; ss, Tarkio, 94-1902; hm miss, Arizona, 02-3; p, 1st ch, Mexico City, Mexico, 03-7; ss, 2d ch, St Joseph, Mo, 07-18; d, Santa Fe, NM, Fb 26, 18. DD, HighU, 86. *Chambers, Andrew — b, Killinchy, Co Down, Ireland, J1 25, 1843; QuUBelf, 64; tea; AsC, 68-70; PTS, 70-1; ord, Pby Castlemaine, Je 11, 72; p, Newstead, Victoria, Australia, 72-6; p, Penshurst, 77-81; p, Tatura, 82-07; hon re; d, Mel- bourne, Australia, Je 17, 25. *Christie, Robert — b, St Ninians, Scotland, Sp 20, 1837; MiaU, 66; tea; DanTS; PTS, 70-1; ord, Pby Louisville, My 8, 72; ss, Shelbyville, Ky, 71- p, 72- 3; p, 2d ch, Lexington, 74-9; p. College St ch, Louisville, 79-85; p, House of Hope ch, St Paul, Minn, 85-92; prof, Didac & Polem Theol, WestTS, 92-1912, prof, Apol, 12-23; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ja 8, 23. DD, HanC, 82; LLD, W&JC, 02. *Craig, Robert Houston — b, Ballinagashel, Ireland, Mr 31, 1842; tea, Ire- land, 59-68; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 27, 71; p, Otisville, NY, 71-84; p, Hawley, Pa, 84-8; p, Bennett, 88-92; p. Amity, NY, 92-1909; res, Plainfield, NJ; d, Plainfield, Sp 11, 13. LLD, GaleC, 00. *Dickey, Clement Cresson — b, Oxford, Pa, Ag 12, 1844; UPa, 66; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Nv 9, 71; p, Tompkins Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 71-2; prof, Heb, LincU, 72-8; p, Haddington (63d St) ch, Phila, Pa, 78-86; ill health; res, Colorado Springs, Colo, 86-93; d, Colorado Springs, Mr 8, 93. ♦Fahnestock, Alfred Hamilton — b, Warren, Pa, Fb 26, 1842; CNJ, 68; PTS, 68-71; tut, CNJ, 70-3; ord, Pby Syracuse, Ap 27, 75; p, 1st Ward ch, Syra- cuse, NY, 75-1916; d, Syracuse, Fb 21, 16. DD, WashCTenn, 94. ♦Foresman, Edwin Pember — b, Milesburg, Pa, My 1, 1841; LafC, 68; PTS, 68-71; ss, Chilisquaque & Mooresburgh, Pa, 71-2; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 10, 73; ss, Schellsburg, 72- p, 73-5; ss, Saxton & Yellow Creek, 75-8; p, Kylertown & Bradford, 78-83; ss, Hillsboro & Kelso, ND, 83-6; p, Fruithill ch, Ansonville, Pa, 87-93; p, Marion & Plumville, 93-1905; p. Manor Memorial & Crooked Creek chs, 05-12; p. Pine Run ch, Markle, 12-6; res, Oakmont; d, Oakmont, Pa, Sp 6, 23. ♦Fuller, Albert Cotton — b, Natchez, Miss, Ag 23, 1843; AmhC, 68; PTS, 1871 285 68-71; lie, Pby Passaic, Ap 20, 70; hm miss, Waseca & Janesville, Minn, 70; Europe, 71-4; bus, NYCity, 75-83; ord, Pby Jersey City, Nv 16, 83; p, Norwood, NJ, 83-4; d, Norwood, NJ, Fb 9, 84. *Gillespie, Samuel Lovejoy — b, Bloomingburgh, O, Ja 12, 1838; W&JC, 68; PTS, 68-71; ord evang, Pby Chillicothe, Fb 28, 71; miss, Gaboon, W Africa, 71-4; ss, Evangasimba, W Africa, 72-4; hm miss, Corinne, Utah, 74-7; do, Brig- ham City (Box Elder), 77-95; evang, Fairfield, la, 95-8; Washington CH, O, 98-1900; Dayton, 00-7; Utah Gospel Mission, 07-8; res, Los Angeles, Cal, 08-9; d, Los Angeles, Mr 10, 09. Glendenning, John Stuart — b, near Pittsburgh, Pa, Ag 17, 1849; W&JC, 68, 78, MA; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Jersey City, Oc 26, 71; p. Prospect Ave ch, Jersey City, NJ, 71-5; p, 1st Cong ch, Henry, 111, 75-84; bus; res, NYCity, 84-7; p, 1st Presb ch, Pratt, Kan, 87-93; p, 1st ch. Dodge City, 93-4; p, 2d ch, Topeka, 94-1910; oc s, Pby Topeka, 10-25; res, Topeka, Kan, 25 — . DD, CEmpo, 06. *Hageman, Samuel Miller — b, Princeton, NJ, J1 29, 1848; CNJ, 68; PTS, 68-71; ss. South St ch, Phila, Pa, 72; ss, 2d ch. New Brunswick, NJ, 73; ord Cong, Fb 6, 73; p, 1st Cong ch, Paterson, 73-6; p. Union Tabernacle independ ch, Brooklyn, NY, 76-1901; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 2, 05. *Laidlaw, Robert J — b, Esquesing, Ont, Canada, Dc 3, 1839; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Columbus, Sp 22, 71; p, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 72-5; p, Jefferson Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 75-8; p, St Paul’s ch, Hamilton, Ont, 78-95; d, “Elm Grove,” near Georgetown, Ont, Can, Oc 24, 95. LLD, GaleC, 87. *Lockwood, John Hoyt — b, Troy, NY, Ja 17, 1848; WmsC, 68, 71, MA; PTS, 68-71; ord RefChAm, Cl Cayuga, Nv 15, 71; p, Canastota, NY, 71-3; p. New England Cong ch, Brooklyn, 73-8; p, 1st ch, Westfield, Mass, 79-1906; res, Springfield; d, Springfield, Mass, Oc 20, 28. DD, WmsC, 20. ♦MacGregor, Donald— b, Utica, NY, Nv 30, 1844; YaleU, 68; PTS, 68-71; ss, Yorktown, NY, 70; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 24, 72; p. Park ch, Troy, NY, 72-1910; d, Troy, My 11, 10. ♦MacMartin, Malcolm— b, Jersey City, NJ, Sp 12, 1846; CNJ, 67; PTS, 68-72; res, NYCity; d, NYCity, Je 1, 1920. ♦McCullagh, Archibald — b, Armagh, Ireland, Ja 2, 1842; CNJ, 68; Europe; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Phila North, My 2, 71; p, 2d ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 71-8; p, Ross St ch, Brooklyn, NY, 78-90; p, Plymouth Cong ch, Worcester, Mass, 90-1900; res, Worcester; d, Worcester, Mass, Dc 12, 22. DD, NYU, 85; LLD, WashbC, 05. McCurdy, James Frederick — b, Chatham, NB, Canada, Fb 18, 1847; UNB, 66; tea; PTS, 68-72; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 11, 78; tut, Heb, PTS, 73-7; instr. Orient Lang, PTS, 77-82; UGot, 82-3; ULeip, 83-4; lect. Orient Lang, UTor, 86- , prof, 88-1914, prof em, 14 — ; res, Toronto, Ont, Can. PhD, CNJ, 78; LLD, UNB, 94. ♦McKay, Donald Gordon — b, Thurso, Scotland, 1832; QuUOnt, 65; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Bruce, Canada, Ag 13, 73; p. Port Elgin, Can, 73; d, Port Elgin, Can, Sp 21, 73. ■ 286 1871 *McKay, Kenneth — b, Hardwood Hill, NS, Canada, Je 20, 1844; DalhU, 68; tea; PTC, 68-70; PTS, 70-1; ord, Pby Pictou, Fb 22, 72; p, Richmond, NB, 72-88; p, Houlton, Me, 88-1910; res, Houlton; d, Houlton, Me, Mr 15, 14. *MiIler, John Henderson — b, Mansfield, O, My 11, 1845; WittC, 68; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Topeka, My 5, 72; p, Olathe, Kan, 71-2; p, 1st ch, Sedalia, Mo, 72-6; ss. Junction City, Kan, 76- p, 79-81; ss, 2d ch, Kansas City, Mo, 81-2; p, 4th ch, Kansas City, 83-8; p. Rich Hill, 89-98; p, Nevada, 98-1907; res, Kansas City; ss, 3d ch, Kansas City, 10; ss. Prospect Ave ch, Kansas City, 11- p, 12-5; d, Kansas City, Mo, Ap 19, 23. DD, HighU, 85. *Nicholson, Alexander Beaumont — b. Prince Edward’s Island; QuUOnt, 1867; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby British Columbia (Ch Scotland in Canada), Sp 1, 75; p, Lansdowne & Fairfax, Can, 77-8; asst prof. Classics, QuUOnt, 78-1906; prof, Compar Phil & Sanscrit, 02-6; d, Kingston, Can, Fb 28, 06. *Peacock, John — b, Ballymena, Ireland, Dc 30, 1844; CNJ, 68; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Phila North, Ap 28, 71; p, Holmesburg, Pa, 71-95; Phila; p, Macalester ch, Phila, 98-1906; d, Phila, Pa, Je 18, 06. DD, WashCTenn, 91. Richmond, John Morville — b, Ayr, Ont, Canada, My 13, 1848; tea; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Columbus, Ap 18, 72; p, Hoge ch, Columbus, O, 72-6; p, 1st ch, Ypsilanti, Mich, 76-81; p. Shady Side ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 81-8; p. Central ch, Louisville, Ky, 89-94; pres. Collegiate Inst & ss, 1st ch, Princeton, 94-1900; p, 4th ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 01-10; p, Ormond Union ch, Ormond, Fla, 10-23; res, Daytona Beach. DD, ParsC, 87. *Robbins, Edward Hyde — b, Baltimore, Md, Fb 7, 1848; CNJ, 68; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Chester, Ap 17, 72; p. Media, Pa, 72-86; ss, Fulton Ave ch, Baltimore, Md, 86- p, 87-1906; supt, Presb Hosp, Baltimore, 07-8; sec, Hm Miss, Pby Baltimore, 08-21; d, Baltimore, Md, Ja 26, 21. DD, NewWC, 04. *Russel, James Richard — b, Danville, Ky, Sp 6, 1847; CenCKy, 66; tea; PTS, 68-71; ord evang, Pby Colorado, My 15, 72; ss, Cong ch. North Wolfboro, NH, 70; ss. Assembly ch, Shelbyville, 71; ss, Helena, Mont, 72; ss. Deer Lodge, 72-9; ss, Butte, 76-83; supt schls, Butte City, 86-92; tea, Butte City, 92-8; libr, Butte, 99-1905; res, Butte; d, Butte, Mont, Mr 21, 28. PhD, GaleC, 02. *Sherrard, Thomas Johnson — b, Steubenville, O, Fb 25, 1845; W&JC, 68; NWTS; PTS, 69-71; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 11, 72; p, Mifflintown & Lost Creek, Pa, 72-5; p, Mifflintown, 75-80; p, Brookville, Pa, 80-3; p. Honey Brook, 83-9; p. Central ch, Chambersburg, 90-1902; res, Chambersburg, 02-5; d, Cham- bersburg. Pa, J1 10, 05. *Smart, John Gardiner — b, Baltimore, Md, Sp 30, 1840; AmhC, 68; PTS, 68-71; ss, Presb ch, Schagticoke, NY, 71; ord RefChAm, Cl Saratoga, My 15, 72; p, Greenwich, NY, 72-81; Europe & Orient, 81-2; ss, Westerlo, NY, 82-3; ss, Presb ch, Norwood, 83-5; p, Schoharie, 85-92; ed & pub, Washington County Post, Cambridge, NY, 93-1922; res, Cambridge; d, Cambridge, NY, Ja 21, 25. *Smeallie, Alexander Murray — b, Princetown, NY, Ja 31, 1843; UnC, 67; tea; PTS, 69-71; ord UP, Pby Delaware, Ja 30, 72; p, Kortright, NY, 72-88; p. North Kortright, 88-96; p, Northfield, 0, 1900-7; ss, Ontario & East Mansfield, 1871 28; 08-9; p, Martin, Mich, 10-2; ss, Beechview ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 13-5; res, Pitts- burgh; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ag 28, 23. *Smith, Edwin — b, Truro, NS, Canada, Mr 9, 1847; DalhU, 67; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Truro, Can, Oc 7, 71; p. Middle Stewiacke & Brookfield, NS, 71-93; p. Middle Musquodoboit, 94-1910; res, Vancouver, BC; d, Vancouver, Nv 21, 22. DD, PTC, 04. *Stewart, James Harris — b, Sidney, O, Oc 19, 1845; W&JC, 68; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Ag 15, 71; p, Perrysville, Pa, 71-7; p, Greencastle, 77-83; p, Brownville, 83-6; p, Castleton, NDak, 86-9; p, Redlands, Cal, 91-6; presb miss, Los Angeles, 98-1900; ss, Chinese ch, Los Angeles, 03-12; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Fb 12, 12. *Vollmer, Augustus Frederick — b, Liege, Belgium, 1836; ULiege, 56; UWurz; PTS, 68-71; Europe; tea, NYCity; Milwaukee, Wis, 72-5; Cincinnati; Texas; St Louis, Mo; Jacksonville, 111; Harvard Schl, Chicago, 82-93; d, Chicago, 111, Fb 18, 93. *Webster, Samuel Eyres — b, Chester Co, Pa, J1 26, 1848; PTS, 68-71; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 11, 71; p, Bellevue ch. Gap, Pa, 71-5; p, 1st ch, Mansfield (Washington), NJ, 75-80; p, 1st ch, Williamsport, Pa, 80-9; Bryn Mawr; ss, Eden Prairie & Shakopee chs, Minn, 92; ill health; dropped from Pby North- umberland, 98; Phila, Pa; Florida; bus; res, NYCity. *Wilson, Joseph Dick — b, Falkirk, Scotland, Je 14, 1843; W&JC, 68; NWTS; PTS, 69-71; ord, Pby West Jersey, Oc 11, 71; p, Millville, NJ, 71-3; d, Millville, NJ, Nv 26, 73. 34. *Arney, William James — b. Centre Hall, Pa, Mr 22, 1844; PaSC, 68, MA; PTS, 68-9; WestTS, 69-70; AubTS, 70-1; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 14, 72; p. Great Bend, Pa, 72-4; Phila, Pa, 75; Reading, 76-7; p, Blissfield, Mich, 78-83; ss, Cassopolis, 83-7; ss, Kane, Pa, 88-91; ss. Port Allegheny, 93-6; Mt Jewett, 97-1904; p, Chillisquaque & Mooreburg, Pa, 05-12; p, Atlantic, 13-4; hon re, 15; res. North East; d. North East, Pa, Mr 28, 30. *Burr, Charles Henry — b, Astoria, NY, Dc 19, 1847; WmsC, 68; PTS, 68-70; FreeChCEdin, 70-1; UBer, UHalle, ULeip, UZur, 71-3; p. Sing Sing, 73-4; ord, Pby Westchester, Mr 5, 74; p, Riverdale, NY, 74-8; evang, Cham- plain, 79; res, NYCity, 79-88; libr, WmsC, 88-1910; d, Williamstown, Mass, Nv 28, 10. *Campben, George Hay Stuart — b, on Indian Ocean, Nv 5, 1848; QuUBelf, 69; FreeChCEdin, 70; grad stu, PTS, 70-1; ord, Pby West Jersey, Nv 7, 71; p, Williamstown, NJ, 71-6; p, 1st ch, Phoenixville, Pa, 76-80; p. Port Richmond ch, Phila, 80-9; p, Disston Mem ch, Tacony, 89-90; ss. Port Penn, Del, 90-1; p, Danville, NJ, 91-5; p, 2d ch, Mansfield & Beattystown, 96-8; p. New London ch, Glen Riddle, Pa, 99-1902; res, WPhila, 02-8; d. West Phila, My 17, 08. DD, NatU, 95. 288 1871 *Chichester, William James — b, Baltimore, Md, Oc 20, 1849; BalCyC, 67; WestTS, 67-70; grad stu, PTS, 70-1; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 12, 71; p, 2d ch, Altoona, Pa, 71-8; p, 1st ch, Titusville, 78-80; p, 1st ch, Germantown, 80-5; p, 1st ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 87-97; p, 1st ch, Chicago, 111, 97-1903; d, Atlanta, Ga, Mr 23, 03. DD, LafC, 86. Dalrymple, Fuller Porter — b, Baptistown, NJ, Oc 26, 1844; CNJ, 67, 70, MA; tea; PTS, 68-9 tut, CNJ, 68-73; NWTS, 73-5; ss, Hudson, Mich, 74; ss, Muscatine, la, 75-6; ord, Pby Iowa City, My 2, 76; p, Muscatine, 76-7; ss, Chatfield, Minn, 78-84; ss, Shawnee, Pa, 85- p, 86-91; ss, Mehoopany, 91-2; pres, GaleC, 92-4; p, Chester, 111, 94-8; ss, Booneville, Ky, 98-1901; p, Mt Olive, NJ, 01-2; p, Shawnee, Pa, 02-11; Dover, NJ, 11-6; ss, Wharton & Berkshire Valley, 16-28; hon re, 28; res, Dover, NJ. ♦Davenport, Silas Augustus — b, Brooklyn, NY, Je 27, 1846; YaleU, 68; PTS, 68-70; UnTS, 71; ord evang, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 11, 71; miss & phys, Ningpo, China, 73-4; p. Port Carbon, Pa, 75-7; Landisburgh, 78-80; p. Middle Tuscarora, res, Honeygrove, 80-3; p, Aisquith St ch, Baltimore, Md, 83-8; ss, San Diego, Cal, 88-90; p. Middle & Lower Tuscarora, Pa, 90-8; p, Robertsdale & Sherman Valley, 99-1900; res, Cambridge, O; d, Cambridge, My 11, 28. ♦Gilbert, William Ball — b, Ohio; WmsC, 1868; PTS, 68-9; lawy, Portland, Ore, 71-92; circ judge, 92-1931; lect, Univ Ore Law Schl, Portland, 93-18; d, Portland, Ore, Ap 27, 31. LLD, WmsC, 98. ♦Hodgens, Samuel Graham — b, Cannonsburg, Pa, Nv 15, 1842; JefC, 61; JefMedC, 66; PTS, 68-9; phys. Sunbeam, 111, 69-73; d. Sunbeam, 111, Sp 16, 73. ♦Kendall, John Ludlow — b. New Providence, NJ, Dc 19, 1844; WRU, 68; PTS, 68-9; ord evang, Pby Otsego, Oc 20, 69; ss, Exeter & Fly Creek, NY, 69-71; ss, Arnot, Pa, 71- p, 72-4; p, Amenia, NY, 74-8; ss, Westm ch, Pough- keepsie, 78-9; res. New Providence, NJ, 80-2; p, Uniondale & Pleasant Mount, Pa, 82-8; ss. Trout River & Pennsdale, 88-92; p, Montoursville, 92-4; res. New Haven, Ct; d. New Haven, J1 8, 95. ♦Lawrence, Edward Alexander — b, Marblehead, Mass, Ja 16, 1847; YaleU, 68; PTS, 68-9; UHalle; UBer; tut, YaleU, 73; ord Cong, J1 17, 73; ss, Presb ch, Champlain, NY, 73-5; ss, 1st Cong ch, Poughkeepsie, 75-83; p, Syracuse, 84-6; ss. Sing Sing, 88-9; p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 89-93; d, Baltimore, Nv 10, 93. ♦Lowrie, James Gibson — b, Wellsville, O, Oc 28, 1846; CNJ, 67; supt, pub schls, Kendallville, Ind; PTS, 68-70; ss. Golden, Colo, 71-2; ord, Pby Col- orado, Mr 17, 72; ss. Central City, 72-3; ss, Colorado Springs, 73-6; p, Mt Sterling, 111, 76-85; p, Elkhart, Ind, 85-8; p, Niles, Mich, 88-1904; p, Ipava, 111, 04-11; res, Galesburg; d, Galesburg, 111, Mr 26, 27. DD, KxC, 94. McConnell, Samuel D — b, Westmoreland Co, Pa, Ag 1, 1845; JefC, 68; PTS, 68-70; WestTS; ord PEpis presbyter, Je 12, 72; miss, Waterford, Pa, 71-2; rec, St John’s, Erie, 72-4; rec, Christ ch, Watertown, Ct, 74-6; rec. Holy Trinity ch, Middletown, 76-82; rec, St Stephen’s, Phila, Pa, 82-96; rec. Holy Trinity ch, Brooklyn, NY, 96-1902; rec. All Souls’ ch, NYCity, 02-5; res, Easton, Md, 05—. DD, UPa, 87, & HobC, 97; LLD, W&JC, 02. 1871-1872 289 *Murray, David Lovell — b, Oxford, Co, Canada, Je 24, 1842; KxCTor, 68; tea; PTS, 68-70; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 70, revoked, Oc 5, 70; AubTS, 71-2; ord, Pby Buffalo, My 14, 72; p, Alden, NY, 72-6; ss. Saline, Mich, 77-8; SUSP, Pby Detroit, Fb 19, 79; reinstated, Ap 28, 86; p, Rockwood, Tenn, 88-9; SUSP, Dc 13, 92; phys, Croghan, NY; d, Lowvdlle, NY, J1 23, 1910. ♦Welch, Josiah— b, Holliday’s Cove, Va, Sp 3, 1841; W&JC, 68; PTS, 68-70; UnTS; ord evang, Pby Steubenville, Ap 26, 70; p. Salt Lake City, Utah, 71-6; d, Uhrichsville, O, Mr 18, 77. Woodman, Charles Henry — b, Newburyport, Mass, Oc 4, 1847; PTS, 68-9; AndTS; auth; res, Newburyport, Mass; bus, Denver, Colo;- 15. 1872 Campbell, Donald Kennedy — b, Pictou Co, NS, Canada, Ap 26, 1846; DalhU, 69; QuUOnt; PTS, 70-2; ss, Hestonville, Phila, Pa, 72; ord, Pby Balti- more, Oc 31, 72; p, Aberdeen, Md, 72-4; p, Leacock ch. Paradise, Pa, 74-6; p el, Joplin, Mo, 76-80; p, Wakeeney, Kan, 80-2; p, Louisiana, Mo, 82-3; p. Mason City, 111, 83-6; p, Litchfield, 86-90; p, Pontiac, 90-8; p, Watseka, 98-1900; ss. So Chicago ch, Chicago, 1900-1; p, Ottawa, 02-15; ss, Pby Bloomington, 16-27; hon re, 27; res, Bloomington, 111, 27 — •. ♦Colfelt, James Potter — b, Reedsville, Pa, Oc 7, 1843; PTS, 69-72; lie, Pby Phila North; Bedford, Pa; d, Bedford, Je 28, 1923. ♦Colfelt, Lawrence Maclay — b, Mifflin Co, Pa, Dc 22, 1849; W&JC, 69; PTS, 69-72; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 9, 72; p, Allentown, NJ, 72-4; p, 1st ch, Phila, Pa, 74-84; p, Oxford ch, Phila, 85-92; withdrew, Pby Phila, Nv 7, 92; res, Bedford, Pa, 92-5; prof. Ethics & coll p, PaSC, 95-8; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 12, 98; p, Oxford ch, Phila, 98-1906; ss, W Green St ch, Phila, 08-15; hon re, 31; res, Middletown, Va; d, Winchester, Va, Dc 30, 32. DD, HSC, 85. ♦Dale, Gerald Fitzgerald — b, Phila, Pa, J1 11, 1846; UPa, 67; tea; PTS, 69-72; ord evang, Pby Phila, My 5, 72; miss, Zahleh, Syria, 72-86; d, Zahleh, Oc 6, 86. ♦Dowsley, Andrew — b, Brockville, Ont, Canada, J1 21, 1844; UTor, 69; PTS, 69-72; ord, Pby Kingston, Fb 15, 75; miss, Lansdowne, Can, 76-7; miss, Madras, India, 77-80; miss, Ichang, China, 80-9; res, Campbellford, Ont, Can, 89-94; d, Campbellford, Ap 5, 94. ♦Durant, William — b, Albany, NY, Ag 21, 1846; YaleU, 68; Europe; PTS, 69-72; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 9, 73; p, 6th ch, Albany, NY, 73-82; p, 1st ch, Morris- town, NJ, 82-7; p. Boundary Ave ch, Baltimore, Md, 87-92; Europe, 92; p, 1st ch, Saratoga Springs, NY, 93-1908; res, W'ellesley, Mass; d, Wellesley, Mr 3, 14. DD, UnC, 94. ♦Elcock, Edward Payson — b, Covington, 0, Ag 20, 1847; W&JC, 69; PTS, 69-72; ss, Blanchard & Port McComb, O, 71; ord, Pby New Castle, My 7, 72; p. Port Deposit, Md, 72-3; ss, Bridgeville, Del, 73-5; p el. Gallon, O, 75- p, 76-95; p. Belle Center, 95-1903; p, Arundel Ave ch, Emporia, Kan, 03-7; p, 2go 1872 Oak St ch, Wichita, 07-10; p, 1st ch, Kingman, 11-3; p, 1st ch, Conway Springs, 14-8; hon re; res, Wichita; d, Wichita, Kan, My 4, 22. *Fraser, James — b, Perthshire, Scotland, Dc 8, 1838; KxCTor, 69, 69-71; PTS, 71-2; ord, Pby Chester, My 22, 72; p, Kennett Square, Pa, 72-5, 76-83; p. Las Vegas, NM, 84-9; supt, Spanish miss, NM, 89; p, Havre de Grace, Md, 90-1; p. Sparrow’s Point, 91-5; prof, Anc Lang, NewWC, 95-9; p, Monaghan (Dillsburg), Pa, 1900-01; pres, NewWC, 01-12; p. New Windsor, Md, 03-20; hon re; res. New Windsor; d. New Windsor, Md, Dc 10, 27. PhD, SyrU, 89; LLD, WashCMd, 07; DD, NewWC, 12. *Graham, Joseph Patterson — b. New Lisbon, O, My 12, 1847; W&JC, 69; PTS, 69-72; ord evang, Pby Washington, Je 14, 72; miss, Kolhapur, India, 72-5, Panalla, 76-9, Ratnagiri, 80-3, Kolhapur, 83-4, Ratnagiri, 84-5, Sangli, 87-1900, Miraj, 01-2, Kodoli & Kolhapur, 02-9, Miraj, 10-1, Kolhapur, 11-2, Islampur, 12-3, Sangli, 13-22; res, Pasadena, Cal; d, Pasadena, My 9, 27. DD, W&JC, 09. *Herron, Andrew — b, Harrison Co, O, Ag 20, 1849; W&JC, 69; PTS, 69-72; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, Oc 23, 73; ss. Pawnee City, Neb, 72-3; p. Walnut & Avoca, la, 73-7; ss, Wilton Junction & Sugar Creek, 77-8; ss, Albion, 79-87; ss, Sanborn, 87-91; p, Paullina, 91-1900; p. Walnut, 00-2; p, Elliott Creek ch, Bronson, 02-4; d, Brewster, Minn, Ja 26, 05. *Lamb, Ellis Watson — b, Virginia, Mr 11, 1845; la State Law Schl, 68; PTS, 69-72; ord evang, Pby Cedar Rapids, Je 15, 72; miss. Salt Lake City, Utah & Denver, Colo, 72; d, Marion, la, Ap 27, 73. *Langlotz, Karl Alexander Christian — b, Saxe Meiningen, Germany, Je 20, 1834; Saxe Meiningen Gym, 52; tea; Phila, Pa, 53-6; tea, Princeton, NJ, 56-69; PTS, 69-72; lict, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 10, 72; lie withdrawn, Ap 23, 77; tea, Princeton, NJ, 72-4; tea, music, Trenton; d, Trenton, NJ, Nv 25, 1915. *Magill, David — b, Dundrod, Ireland, Nv 30, 1850; QuUBelf, 68; PTS, 70-2; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 10, 72; d, Dundrod, Ire, Mr 14, 73. *McClean, Robert Finley — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Mr 13, 1845; PaC, 68; tea; PTS, 69-72; ss, Haddonfield, NJ, 72; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 3, 72; p, Waynesboro, Pa, 72-6; ss, McConnellsburg, 76-7; p el, McConnellsburg, Green Hill & Wells Valley, 77- p, 78-80; p. Dauphin, 80-4; p, Bloomfield & Shermansdale, 84-92; p, Muncy, 94-6; p. Dauphin, 99-1903; ss. Park Lane mission, Mechanicsburg, 05-6; res, Mechanicsburg; d, Mechanicsburg, Pa, My 13, 17. ♦McCracken, Clark Leal— b, Kortright, NY, Ja 28, 1848; UnC, 69; PTS, 69-72; NewbTS; ss, 6th UP ch, Phila, Pa, 72; ss, Steubenville, O, 72; ord UP, Pby Boston, Oc 28, 73; p, Thompsonville, Ct, 73-84; ss, Newton, Kan, 85; ss, Englewood, 111, 86; p. Rock Valley, la, 87-93; prin, Freedmen’s Inst, Henderson, NC, 93-8; d, Henderson, NC, Je 29, 98. ♦Mitchell, Gordon — b, Hayle, England, J1 341, 181; UnC, 69; PTS, 69-72; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 26, 72; p. South St ch, Phila, Pa, 72-4; p, Bethany, NY, 75-8; d, Plainville, Ct, Fb 5, 78. ♦Neill, Henry — b, Amherst, Mass, Ja 20, 1845; CNJ, 68; tea; PTS, 69-72; ord, Pby Troy, Je 4, 72; p, Schaghticoke, NY, 72-9; ss, Cazenovia, 79-80; p, 1872 291 Cong ch, Westfield, NJ, 81-6; p, Presb ch, Highland Park, 111, 86-95; p, Flint, Mich, 95-9; p el. Harbor Springs, 1902-4; p, Broadway ch, Baltimore, Md, 05-7; p, Windsor, NY, 07-8; d, Buffalo, NY, Sp 1, 08. *Potter, Joseph Lewis — b, Newark, NJ, Fb 22, 1848; CNJ, 67; tea; PTS, 69-72; ss, Hutchinson, Kan, 72-3; ord, Pby Cincinnati, My 11, 74; miss, Teheran, Persia, 74-1914; res, Weaversville, NC; d, Weaversville, Dc 26, 19. DD, CNJ, 94. *Scott, Edward Scofield — b. North Bend, O, Dc 13, 1842; MiaU, 70; DanTS; PTS, 70-2; ord, Pby Lima, Je 18, 72; p, Delphos, O, 72-82; p el, Broadway ch, Logansport, Ind, 82- p, 83-94; ss, Winona, 95-6; res, Indianapolis, 96-7; ss, Reedsburg, Wis, 97- p, 99-1903; res, Winona Lake, Ind, 04-6; sec, Winona Lake, 06-16; chap, Marion, 16-28; d, Evanston, 111, Ja 4, 29. DD, MiaU, 92. *Simpson, Isaac Smith — b, Merigomish, NS, Canada, Fb 29, 1844; DalhU, 68; prin; PTS, 69-72; ord, Pby St Johns, J1 16, 73; p, Nerepis, NB, 73-6; p. Upper Musquodoboit, 76-9; p. La Have, NS, 80-7; p el. Constable & Westville, NY, 88-9; ss, Nokomis, 111, 89-90; ss, Cambridge, Wis, 91-3; ss. Lucerne & Con- cord, Ind, 94-5; ss, Gary, SDak, 96-7; ill health, Minneapolis, Minn, & San Francisco, Cal, 98-1900; ss, Hardin ch. Council Bluffs, la, 00-3; ss, Rossville, 03-4; ss. Coal Valley, 111, 04-6; ss, Pontoosuc, 07-8; ss, Hannaford, NDak, 08-9; res, Chicago, 111; d, Chicago, Ag 20, 23. ♦Titus, Albert Clark— b, Trenton, NJ, Oc 9, 1847; CNJ, 69; PTS, 69-72; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 9, 72; p, Newport, Pa, 72-5; p, Andover, NY, 76-81; res, Trenton, NJ ; d, Trenton, My 1, 1905. 21. ♦Annand, Joseph — b. Gay’s River, NS, Canada, Ja 1, 1844; DalhU, 69; PTS, 69-70; PTC, 70-2; ss, Wallace, Pugwash & Gulf Shore, NS, 70; ss, Cocagne & Shediac, NB, 71; ord evang, Pby Lunenburg & Yarmouth, Je 23, 72; miss, Efate, New Hebrides, 73-6, Aneityum, 76-84, Tangoa, Santo, 87-1912; res, Hantsport, Can; d, Hantsport, Ja 28, 32. DD, PTC, 95. ♦Bean, William Smith — b, Augusta, Ga, Mr 18, 1849; UGa, 69; PTS, 69-70; ColTS, 70-2; ord, Pby Augusta, Je 1, 73; ss, Washington & Lexington, Ga, 72- p, 73-8; ULeip, 78-9; asst p, Augusta, 79; tea, Augusta, 80-4; p, Florence, SC, 84-7; p, Mt Zion, 87-93; ed. Southern Presb, 93-7; ss. Rocky Springs, SC, 93-9; ss, Mountville, 99-1901; ss. Shady Grove & Duncans Creek, 02-12; ss, Rockbridge, 02-14; ss, Duncans Creek & Rockbridge, 18-20; prof, German, PresbCSC, 93-11, prof, Eth & Psych, 99-11, act prof. Bib, 99-11, libr & asst prof, Eng, 11-20; d, Clinton, SC, Je 14, 20. DD, DavC, & PresbCSC, 93. ♦Benaugh, George — b, Co Down, Ireland, Oc 14, 1845; QuUBelf, 69; PTS, 69-70; NWTS, 70-2; AsC, 72-3; ord, Pby Lehigh, J1 25, 73; p. Summit Hill, Pa, 73-7; p, 4th ch, Phila, 77-80; p, Mifflintown, 80-5; p, Manchester, O, 88-90; p, Camden, NY, 90-1; ss, Chanute, Kan, 93-4; p, Lexington, 94-6; p, Knockbracken ch, Belfast, Ire, 98-1913; res, Belfast; d, Belfast, Ire, Dc 3, 19. DD, NewWC, 85. 292 1872 *Bergner, Herman William — b, Crimmitschau, Saxony, Germany, Oc 12, 1837; PTS, 69-70; d, Phila, Pa, Fb 27, 71. *Burt, James Clark — b, Vernon, Ind, J1 23, 1847; HanC, 67; PTS, 68-9, 70-1; ss, Demorestville, Can, 69-70; Germany; ss, Brookville, Ind, 71-4; ord, Pby New Albany, Nv 10, 74; ss, Vernon & Graham, Ind, 74-82; ss, McPherson, Kan, 82-4; ss, Huntington, Ind, 84-6; ss. North Vernon & Crothersville, 86-9; ss, Bethany ch, Whiteland, 89-95; evang, Indianapolis, 95-1905; evang, Irvington, 05-9; res. Fort Bragg, Cal; d, Seattle, Wash, Oc 19, 18. *Carr, Arthur Frederic — b, St Eleanor's, PEI, Canada, Nv 12, 1844; DalhU, 68; PTC, 68-9, 70-1; PTS, 69-70; ord, Pby Prince Edward’s Is, Oc 4, 71; p, Alberton, PEI, 71-89; p, Campbellton, NB, 89-1910; d, Campbellton, Fb 15, 10. DD, PTC, 04. *Cobb, William Henry — b, Rochester (Marion), Mass, Ap 2, 1846; AmhC, 67; tea; PTS, 69-70; AndTS, 70-2; ord Cong, Sp 18, 72; p, 4th Cong ch, Plymouth (Chiltonville), Mass, 72-6; ss, Medfield, 76-8; p, Uxbridge, 78-87; libr & asst treas. Am Cong Asso, 87-1923; res, Boston; d, Newton Centre, Mass, My 1, 23. DD, AmhC, 92. *Des Islets, Colbert Mousseau — b, Dayton, Pa, Dc 25, 1845; CNJ, 69; tea; PTS, 69-71; UnTS, 71-2; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 22, 72; p, Salem ch, Hamilton, Pa, 72-4; ss, Leon, la, 74-7; tea, Leon, 77-81; prof, Ula, 81-3; prof, BellvC, 83-5; ss, Belvidere, Neb, 85-9; prin, Cannonsburg, Pa, 89-92; prof, Latin, WUPa, 92-1909; res, Pittsburgh; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 9, 20. PhD, ColU, 74. *Elliott, John Willson — b, near Cannonsburg, Pa, Ag 28, 1850; W&JC, 69; PTS, 69-72; ill health; res, Wernersville, Pa; d, Wernersville, Dc 15, 1915. *French, John McClellan — b, Washington Co, Pa, J1 19, 1844; W&JC, 68; XenTS, 68-71; grad stu, PTS, 71-2; ord UP, Pby Rock Island, Je 27, 72; p, UP ch. North Henderson, 111, 72-5; p, 1st ch, Mercer, Pa, 75-80; p, Cleveland, O, 81-9; p, 1st ch, Omaha, Neb, 89-93; ss, 1st ch, Oakland, Cal, 93-9; d, Oak- land, Cal, Dc 4, 99. *Gage, Henry Bartlett — b, Frankfort, O, Je 15, 1845; MariC, 69; PTS, 69-70; ord evang, Pby Colorado, Sp 8, 72; ss, Colorado City & Colorado Springs, Colo, 70-3; p. Central City & Black Hawk, 73-6; ss, Colorado Springs, 76-9; p, Pueblo, 79-86; p el. Riverside, Cal, 86- p, 87-1900; p, Long Beach, 01-5; miss, Pby Los Angeles, 06-7; p el, Downey, 08-11; ss, Hope ch, Los Angeles, 11-3; ss, Arcadia, 14-5; hon re; res, Los Angeles; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ap 8, 17. DD, MariC, 02. *Griffin, Henry Lumpkin — b, Williamstown, Mass, Dc 1, 1848; WmsC, 68; tea; PTS, 69-70; YaleUDS, 70-3; ord Cong, Oc 1, 73; p. South Cong ch. New Britain, Ct, 73-7; Europe; tJBer, 78-80; p, Hammond St ch, Bangor, Me, 81-1904; ULeip; UMarb; OxU; lect, Compar Rel, BanTS, 07-17; p, 2d ch, Brewer, Me, 07-16; d, Bangor, Sp 27, 17. DD, WmsC, 06. *Matthews, Henry Martyn — b. New York; AmhC, 1869; PTS, 69-70; lawy, Chicago, 111, 73-1917; d, Chicago, Sp 25, 17. 1872-1873 293 *Moffat, James David — b, New Lisbon, O, Mr 15, 1846; W&JC, 69; PTS, 69-71; ord, Pby Washington, My 8, 73; ss, 2d ch. Wheeling, WVa, 71- asso p, 73- p, 75-82; pres, W&JC, 82-1915, pres em, 15-6; res, Washington, Pa; d, Wash- ington, Nv 4, 16. DD, HanC, 82, & CNJ, 83; LLD, WUPa, 97, UPa, 01, & MoVC, 06; Mod, Gen Assem, 05. *Murray, Thomas Chalmers — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Fb 18, 1850; WmsC, 69; UnTS; PTS, 71-2; UGreifs; UHalle; asso prof, Semit Lang, JHU, 76-9; d, Balti- more, Md, Mr 20, 79. *Park, William Henry — b, Ohio; CNJ, 1869; PTS, 69-70; WestTS, 70-1; d, Allegheny, Pa, Ja 11, 71. *Parry, Samuel — b, Lambertville, NJ, Mr 29, 1845; YaleU, 68; tea; PTS, 69-71; UnTS, 71-2; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 30, 73; p, Pluckamin, NJ, 73-1906; res, Somerville; d, Somerville, NJ, Sp 9, 15. *Rommel, William Cooper — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Dc 1, 1846; CNJ, 68; tea; PTS, 69-72; tut, CNJ, 71-2; ord evang, Pby Elizabeth, Je 20, 72; ss, Helena, Mont, 72-6; UnTS, 76-7; p, Gaston ch, Phila, Pa, 77-96; ill health; res, Phila, 96-1903; Elizabeth, NJ, 03-6; ss, Beverly, NJ, 07; ss, 1st ch, Ardmore, Pa, 08; ss, 1st ch. Hot Springs, Va, 08; res, Elizabeth, NJ, 08-19; ss, Westfield, 19-20; ss, Elizabeth, 20-1; ss. Crooked Lake, Fla, 21-6; res, Elizabeth, NJ, 26-30; d, Clifton Springs, NY, Oc 21, 30. *Stearns, Lewis French — b, Newburyport, Mass, Mr 10, 1847; CNJ, 67; law stu; PTS, 69-70; ULeip; UBer; UnTS; ord, Pby Jersey City, Oc 14, 73; p, Norwood, NJ, 73-6; prof, AlbnC, 76-9; prof, Syst Theol, BanTS, 80-92; d, Bangor, Me, Fb 9, 1892. DD, CNJ, 81. *Tolbert, William Henry — b, Ohio; MiaU, 1869; PTS, 69-70; bus, Craw- fordsville, Ind; d. Soldiers’ Home, Crawfordsville, Ind, J1 22, 1906. *Turner, Eli Marsh — b, near Clarksburg, WVa, Dc 24, 1844; CNJ, 68; PTS, 69-70; tut, CNJ, 69-73; tea, Clarksburg, WVa, 73-5; state senator, WVa, 77-81; pres, WVaU, 85-93; bus; res, Morgantown, WVa, 93-1908; d, Morgan- town, Mr 1, 08. LLD, W&JC, 86. Weir, Alexander Henry — b. New Brunswick, NJ, Ja 21, 1846; PTS, 69-70; civ eng, Johnstown, Pa; — ♦Winters, David — b, Co Monaghan, Ireland, Ja 4, 1842; KxCTor, 69, 69-70; PTS, 70-1; UnTS, 71-2; ord, Pby Jersey City, Ap 30, 72; p, 3d ch, Pater- son, NJ, 72-4; p, Westminster ch, Phila, Pa, 74-81; p, Olean, NY, 81-4; p, E Williamsport, Pa, 84-8; p, Wichita, Kan, 89-95; p, Kanahwa, WVa, 96-8; p, 1st ch, Middletown, NY, 98-1902; evang, Newburgh, 02-3; evang, Phila, Pa, 03-5; p, 1st ch. Darby, 05-21; d, Glenolden, Pa, Ja 31, 21. LLD, GaleC, 00. 23. 1873 ■♦Anderson, Charles Thomas — b, Canaan, Pa, Sp 26, 1849; CNJ, 69; tea; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Phila North, My 8, 73; p. Port Kennedy, Pa, 73-4; p, RefChAm, Peapack, NJ, 74-82; p, Presb ch, Hackensack, 82-7; p, Rockaway, 294 1873 87-92; ill health; p, RefChAm, Bound Brook, 96-1906; p, Greenwood Heights ch, Brooklyn, NY, 06-14; res, Somerville, NJ; d, Somerville, Mr 4, 32. *Asay, Charles Henry — b, near Burlington, NJ, Dc 13, 1842; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 29, 73; p, 2d ch, Amwell, NJ, 73-83; p, Christ ch, Lebanon, Pa, 83-96; p, Lycoming Center, 96-1901; ss. Bethel, 99-03; ss, Trout Run & Bodines, 03-6; res, Lititz; d, Brickerville, Pa, J1 30, 27. *Cary, Norman White— b, NYCity, Oc 29, 1849; YaleU, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord evang, Pby Phila, My 8, 73; ss, Hope Miss, Phila, Pa, 73-5; stu, UnTS, 75-6; p, 1st ch, St Paul, Minn, 76-8; ss, Bismarck, Dak, 78-9; ss, Perth Amboy, NJ, 79-80; tea, Phila, Pa; ss, Stillwater, Minn, 81-2; ss, 1st ch, Peekskill, NY, 82-3; p. Grand Forks, Dak, 83-4; ss. Darby, Phila, Pa, 84-8; stu, JHU, 89-91; tea, WilsC, 91-2; prof, Mich Mil Acad, Orchard Lake, Mich, 92-4; ss, Grosse Pointe, 94-8; sec, SSAsso, Detroit, 98-1904; sec, Presb Alliance, Detroit, 01-5; res, Detroit; d, Detroit, Mich, My 11, 28. *Cassatt, David Williams — b, near Hunterstown, Pa, My 21, 1844; PaC, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Clarion, Mr 31, 74; p, Reynoldsville, Pa, 74-6; ss, Perry- ville, 77-8; p, Perryville & Richland, 78-82; p, Emerson, la, 83-7; p. Woodbine, 87-9; p. Sac City, 89-91; p el, Vail, 91- ss, 94-5; p. Pine Creek ch, Winthrop, 95-8; p, Hazleton, 98-1901; ss, Platte Centre & Prairie Star, Kent, 01-3; field agt. Corning Acad, Corning, 03-5; res. Corning, 05-12; ss, Birmingham, 12-4; ss, Kossuth, 15-6; hon re; res. Corning; d. Corning, la, J1 7, 21. *Cross, John Miller — b, Baltimore, Md, Ja 2, 1846; CNJ, 67; tea; PTS, 70-4; lie, Pby Baltimore, Je 18, 72; tut, CNJ, 73-6; asst prof, Lat & Gk, JHU, 76- 81, reg, 76-80; tea, Lawrenceville, NJ, 81-5; prin. Golden Hill Schl, Kingston, NY, 85-94; res, Baltimore, Md; d, Catonsville, Ag 11, 28. *Davenport, David Merchant — b, Ironia, NJ, Ap 10, 1844; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Westminster, Ag 12, 73; p, Slateville, Pa, 73-88; ss, Sumner, Wash, 88- p, 90-6; prof. Hist, WhitC, 94; ss, Snohomish, 96-7; ss, 1st ch, Lebanon, Ore, 97-1904; miss p, 1st ch, Seattle, Wash, 04-11; d, Seattle, Fb 11, 13. DD, WhitC, 97. *Denton, James Macdonald — b, Jamaica, NY, Ja 4, 1846; NYU, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Monmouth, Nv 25, 73; p. Forked River, NJ, 73-5; ss. Forked River & Barnegat, 75-80; ss. Ocean Beach, 80-3; p. Ocean Beach (Belmar), 83-S; p, Yaphank, NY, 89-1921, p em; hon re, 21; d, Jamaica, Ja 15, 23. Dixon, John — b, Galt, Canada, Ja 25, 1847; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Boston, Je 19, 73; p, 1st ch. Providence, RI, 73-7; p, Westminster ch, Yonkers, NY, 77- 84; p, 1st ch, Trenton, NJ, 84-98; sec, BdHmMiss, 98-1923, sec em; res, Trenton, NJ. DD, LafC, 89. *Fullerton, John Quincy Adams — b, Allegheny City, Pa, Ap 25, 1845; USArmy, 61-4; CNJ, 69; bus; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 4, 73; p, Dillsburg, Pa, 73-9; p, Curwensville, 79-85; p, Apollo, 85-99; oc s, Princeton, NJ, 99-1904; p. United 1st ch, Amwell, 04-14, p em; d, Ringoes, NJ, Ap 18, 16. *Gemmill, William — b. Paisley, Scotland, Je 7, 1839; LafC, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 9, 73; p, Beulah, Pa, 73-87; ss, Houtzdale, 74- p, 79-87; p, Washington, Pa, 87-1910; d, St Cloud, Fla, Fb 2, 31. 1873 295 *Glendenning, Andrew — b, near Montreal, Canada, Fb 20, 1835; PTS, 70-3; ord evang, Pby Brockville, Jl 10, 73; miss, N Augusta, Ont, 73-5; miss, Manitoba, 75-6; p, Glenmorris, Ont, 77-8; p. Grand Bend, 78-81; ss. Elm River, Dak, 83; ss, Salisbury, Mo, 84; p, Glasco & Delphos, Kan, 85; p el. Willow Dale, 86- p, 87-88; p el, Cheever, 86- p, 87-90; ss, Manchester, 88-90; ss. Auburn, Wakarusa & Sharon, 91-2; miss. Downs, 93-4; res, Delphos, 95-6; ss. Eureka, SDak, 97-8; res, Breckenridge, Mo; d, Breckenridge, Ap 10, 1914. *Hawes, Edward Payson — b, Huntingdon, Pa, Nv 30, 1850; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Phila North, Oc 15, 74; p. Port Kennedy, Pa, 74-6; tea. Port Kennedy, 76-8; res, Sewickley, 80-4; d, Wernersville, Pa, Je 28, 86. ♦Henderson, William Johnstone — b, near Eldersridge, Pa, Oc 12, 1844; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je, 19, 73; p, Clarksville, NJ, 73-4; p. Middle Octorara, Pa, 74-6; p. Lower Valley, 77-83; p. Cream Ridge, NJ, 83-5; ss, 2d ch, Trenton, 85-6; p, RefChAm, Annandale, 87-90; bus, Glen Gardner; d, Glen Gardner, NJ, My 22, 99. ♦Henry, Benjamin Couch — b, Sharpsburg, Pa, Jl 9, 1850; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord evang, Pby Allegheny, Jl 9, 73; miss, China, 73; ss, 2d ch. Canton, China, 77-84; ss, 3d ch. Canton, 85-94; ss, Lin Po & Sheklung, 86-94; ss, Lienchow, 87- 90; ss, Kangham, 90-3; ss, 2d ch. Canton, 90-4; ss, Taikai, 91-4; ss. Lung Tam, 93-4; ill health; d, Morris Plains, NJ, Je 21, 1901. DD, NYU, 89. ♦Jones, George Edward — b. Lower Path Valley, Pa, Fb 7, 1842; USArmy; LafC, 69; PTS, 70-3; ss, Milford, Del, 72; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 19, 73; p. Lower Brandywine, Del, 73-7; p, Broadway ch, Baltimore, Md, 77-93; res, Baltimore; d, Baltimore, Md, Mr 16, 98. DD, NewWC, 87. March, Frederick William — b, Cheshire, Ct, Mr 6, 1847; AmhC, 67; tea; PTS, 70-3; ord evang, Phy Phila, My 22, 73; miss, Zahleh, Syria, 73-83, Tripoli, 83-1905; prof, BeirTS, 05-27; hon re; res, Beirut, Syria, 27 — . ♦McClure, James Gore King — b, Albany, NY, Nv 24, 1848; YaleU, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 10, 74; p. New Scotland, NY, 74-9; Europe, 80; p. Lake Forest, 111, 81-1905; act pres, LkFC, 92-3, pres, 97-1901; pres, McCTS, 05-28, pres em; d. Lake Forest, 111, Ja 18, 32. DD, LkFC, 88, PrU & YaleU, 06; LLD, me, 04, LkFC, 29. McCoIl, John — b, near Georgetown, Ont, Canada, Nv 16, 1845; UTor, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Chester, Jl 24, 73; p, Brandywine Manor, Pa, 73-87; p, Brighton, NY, 88-1904; p, Gorham, 04-15; hon re; res, Georgetown, Ont, Can. DD, GaleC, 90. ♦Mcllvain, James William — b, Baltimore, Md, Oc 29, 1850; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-4; ss, Mt Alto, Md, 75-6; ss. Dolphin St ch (Lafayette sq), Baltimore, 77; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 19, 78; p. South Bethlehem, Pa, 78-9; ss. Palisades, NY, 79- p, 80-2; ss, Hyattsville, Md, 83- p, 84-92; p, Annapolis, 92-7; ss, Roland Park, Baltimore, 98-1900; agt, MdTrSoc, Baltimore, 00-9; d, Baltimore, Md, Ag 7, 09. DD, SJC, 05. McLeod, Thomas Boyd — b, Castleblayney, Ireland, Jl 5, 1848; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Troy, Mr 19, 73; p, Sandy Hill, N\', 73-4; p, Batavia, 74-7; 1873 296 p, RefChAm, Hudson, 77-9; p, Clinton Ave Cong ch, Brooklyn, 79-1904; ss, 1st ch, St Louis, Mo, 05-7; ss, 1st ch, Binghamton, NY, 07-8; res, Williamstown, Mass, 08-25; res, Skyland, NC, 25—. DD, CNJ, 90. *MiIler, William Hamilton — b, Phila, Pa, J1 7, 1845; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-4; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 24, 74; p, Bryn Mawr, Pa, 74-1907; d, Bryn Mawr, Mr 10, 07. DD, CNJ, 89. *Parry, Thomas — b, Llan Rhuadyr, N Wales, Great Britain, Oc 10, 1844; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Kalamazoo, Dc 20, 75; p, Constantine, Mich, 73-7; ss, Ottawa, 111, 77-8; p, 1st ch. Providence, RI, 78-80; p. Central ch, Terre Haute, Ind, 80-4; p, Jefferson Park ch, Chicago, 111, 84-7; p el, Michigan City, Ind, 87-93; p, Frankfort, 93-6; p, Wilkinsburg, Pa, 96-1905; p, 1st ch, Wichita, Kan, 06-10; ss. Green Hill ch, Phila, 10; d. Cherry Tree, Pa, J1 1, 12. DD, GaleC, 90. ♦Peters, John Ellsworth— b, Newark, NJ, Fb 8, 1849; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3, 76-7, 82-3; ord, Pby West Virginia, Je 19, 73; p, Huntington, WVa, 73-4; ss, Corfu, NY, 74-6; ss, 2d ch, Cedarville, NJ, 77-9; ss, Asbury Park, 79-82; stu, CNJ, 82-6; ss. May’s Landing, NJ, 86-9; ss, Pleasantville, 89-90; ss, Elwood, 91-2; ss, Grace ch, Camden, 93-5; res, Camden; d, Camden, NJ, Ag 14, 26. ScD, CNJ, 86. ♦Planck, David Andrew — b, Flemingsburg, Ky, Ap 5, 1846; CenCKy, 69; DanTS, 69-70; UnTSVa, 70-1; miss, Ky, 71-2; PTS, 72-3; ord, Pby Mississippi, Oc 10, 73; p. Port Gibson, Miss, 73-89; ss, San Angelo, Tex, 89; p, Cntl ch. Mobile, Ala, 89-1919; hon re; d. Mobile, My 12, 23. DD, SWPresbU, 00. ♦Reid, John— b, St John, NB, Canada, Nv 19, 1850; NYU, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, My 6, 73; p. Lower Valley, NJ, 73-4; p, 3d ch, Pater- son, 74-6; p, 1st ch, Hoboken, 76-9; p, 1st ch, Yonkers, NY, 79-95; p. Fort St ch, Detroit, Mich, 95-9; p, Mem ch, Brooklyn, NY, 1900-4; d, Brooklyn, Dc 18, 04. DD, NYU, 88. ♦Roberts, William Henry — b, Holyhead, N Wales, Great Britain, Ja 31, 1844; CCyNY, 63; statistician, US Treas Dept, Washington, DC, 63-6; asst lib, Cong Library, Washington, 67-72; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Dc 5, 73; p, Cranford, NJ, 73-7; libr, PTS, 77-86; prof, Pract Theol, LaneTS, 86-93; ss, 2d ch, Cincinnati, O, 89-90; stat cl, Gen Assem, 84-1920; stat cl em; ss, 4th ch, Trenton, NJ, 94-9; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Je 26, 20. DD, WUPa, 84, LafC, 07; LLD, MiaU, 88; Mod, Gen Assem, 07. ♦Rosborough, James — b. Prince William, Canada, Ap 15, 1839; UNB, 69; tea; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Halifax, J1 23, 73; p, Musquodoboit Harbor, NS, 73-83; p, Shelburne, 83-7; p, Tubusintac & Burnt Church, NB, 88-92; p, Musquodoboit Harbor, NS, 92-1908; res. Prince William, NB; d. Prince William, Ja 23, 13. ♦Smick, William Adams — b, Perryville, Ky, Oc 5, 1845; PardC, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord evang, Pby Oregon, Nv 2, 73; hm miss, Roseburg, Ore, 73- ss, 74- p, 79-93; SSmiss, Pby Willamette, 94-1903; do, Pby Southern Oregon, 03-4; res, Roseburg, Ore, 05-7; ss, 1st ch. Myrtle Creek, 07-12; hon re; res, Roseburg; d, Roseburg, Ore, J1 27, 20. ♦Stanton, Horace Coffin — b, Wolfborough, NH, Ap 1, 1849; UnC, 67; 1873 297 tea; lawy; PTS, 70-3; ord evang, Pby Albany, Je 9, 74; ss, Batchellerville, NY, 73-6; ss, Northville, 74-5; p, 3d ch, Albany, 77-87; Europe; ss. Central ch, Denver, Colo, 88-9; ss, Bethany ch, Albany, NY, 89-90; act p, 2d ch, Kansas City, Mo, 91-9; ss, Colorado Springs, Colo, 90-1; p, 1st ch, Kansas City, Mo, 91-9; res, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Nv 16, 1925. PhD, BosU, 84; DD, BtsC, 97; STD, BosU, 02. *Stites, Winfield Scott — b. Cape May, NJ, Ag 9, 1847; CNJ, 69; WestTS, 70-2; PTS, 72-3; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Oc 2, 73; p, Wyoming, Pa, 73-7; p, 2d ch, Pittsburgh, 77-9; ss, Helena, Mont, 80-1; ss, 1st ch, Carbondale, Pa, 81-2; ss, Wyoming, 82- p, 84-7; ss, Luzerne, 87-8; ss. Long Branch, NJ, 88-90; ss, Shickshinny, Pa, 90-5; p, Wyoming, 95-1900; ss. Forty Fort, 03; ss, Maltby, 05; res, Wyoming, 95-14; res, Wilkes-Barre; d, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Mr 8, 23. *Temple, Asher Brown — b, Titusville, NJ, Je 10, 1844,- CNJ, 70; tea; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Geneva, Ap 17, 73; p, Seneca, NY, 73-1925, p em; res, Geneva; d, Geneva, NY, Sp 8, 26. DD, GaleC, 01. Waller, William Bradley — b, Berwick, Pa, Je 24, 1848; CNJ, 69; tea; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Phila North, Fb 19, 74; asst p, Norristown, Pa, 74-6; p. Green Ridge Ave ch, Scranton, 76-82; p. New Rochelle, NY, 82-1901; p, 1st ch, Greenwich, Ct, 01-11; trav, 11-6; res, Washington, DC, 16 — . Ward, George Kemp — b, Rochester, NY, Ja 9, 1848; CNJ, 69; tea; PTS, 70- 3; CNJ, 72, MA; ord, Pby Rochester, Je 4, 73; p, Dansville, NY, 73-98; ss, Emmanuel ch, Rochester, 99; ss, Watkins, 1900; ss, Lakeville, 06-7; bus, Bronx- ville, 78—. ♦Webster, Richard Boyd — b, Mauch Chunk, Pa, Je 2, 1846; CNJ, 69; civ eng; PTS, 70-3; ss, S Wilkes-Barre & Grant St chaps, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 72-85; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 2, 82; ss, S Wilkes-Barre chap, 85-8; p, Westminster ch, Wilkes-Barre, 88-1920, p em; d, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Dc 17, 25. ♦Whiting, Albert— b, Milton, NY, My 27, 1847; UnC, 69; PTS, 69-70, 71- 3; ord evang, Pby Perth, J1 30, 72; miss. Nankin, China, 73-8; d, Fai Yuen, China, Ap 25, 78. ♦Williams, Robert George — b, Festiniog, North Wales, Great Britain, J1 13, 1838; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, RefChAm, Cl New Brunswick, Ja 21, 74; p, Griggstown, NJ, 74-7; ss, Presb ch, Bradford, Pa, 77-9; p, Edinboro, 79-85; ss. Nelson, 85-8; p, Alexis, 111, 88-90; p, Cochranton & Milledgeville, 91-3; p. Fruit Hill & Kermoor, 94-1902; ss, Moshanon & Snow Shoe, 93-07; d, Moshanon, Pa, Je 5, 07. Wood, Charles— b, Brooklyn, NY, Je 3, 1851; HavC, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Buffalo, Nv 13, 73; p. Central ch, Buffalo, NY, 73-8; Europe; p, 4th ch, Albany, NY, 81-6; p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 86-97; p, 2d ch, Phila, 97-1908; p, Ch of the Covenant, Washington, DC, 08-28; res, Washington, DC, 28—. DD, CNJ, 89. 37. ♦Backus, Clarence Walworth — b, Schenectady, NY, Ap 20, 1846; USArmy, 64-5; UnC, 70; PTS, 70-3; ord evang, Pby Albany, Je 11, 73; ss, Northville, NY, 1873 298 73-4; ss, Northampton, 73- p, 74-6; p, Charlton, 76-83; p, Princetown, 83-4; p, Victor, 84-9; ss. Western Highlands ch, Kansas City, Kan, 89-91; ss. Grand View Park ch, Kansas City, 89- p, 90-6; ss, 1st ch, Argentine, 95- p, 96-1901; ss, Cong ch, Ivanhoe Park, Kansas City, Mo, 02-3; res, Kansas City, Kan; d, Kansas City, Mr 17, 20. DD, UOma, 93. *Baird, Isaac— b, Onslow, NS, Canada, Ag 22, 1841; ed; PTS, 70-1; UnTS; ord evang, Pby West Chester, Mr 3, 73; miss. Sing Sing, NY, 71-3; miss, Chip- pewa Indians, Odanah, Wis, 73-84; ss. Crystal Falls, Mich, 84-5; p, Ripon, Wis, 85- 6; p. New Mills, Can, 87-91; ss, Templeton, Cal, 91-9; ss, Cayucos, 99-1902; p. Walnut Creek & ss. Concord, 02-4; d. Walnut Creek, Cal, Nv 10, 04. ♦Butler, Edward Page — b, Clintonville, NY, Fb 14, 1848; UVt, 70; PTS, 70; HartTS, 70-3; ord Cong, Oc 20, 74; ss, Lyme, NH, 73- p, 74-89; p & ed. Church Work, Sunderland, Mass, 89-1908; p, Presb ch. Crescent City, Fla, 08-11; res, Sunderland, Mass; d, Sunderland, Ja 20, 12. ♦Condict, Lewis Elliot — b, Newark, NJ, Ja 16, 1848; YaleU, 69; PTS, 70-1; law stu; d, Newark, NJ, J1 12, 81. ♦Findley, William Luther — b. Prospect, Pa, Ag 23, 1843; WestmCPa, 63; tea; PTS, 70-2; UnTS; lie, Pby Newark, 72-6; lawy, NYCity; d, NYCity, Oc 12, 22. ♦Frackelton, William Scott — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Ap 19, 1845; UMich, 67; bus; PTS, 70-1; NWTS, 71-2; ord evang, Pby Colorado, My 14, 72; hm miss, Bozeman, Mont, 72-3; ss, Knoxville, la, 74-5; ss, Dexter, 76; ss, Glassboro, NJ, 77-9; Belfast, Ire, 80; p, Tullamore, 81-5; p, Randwick, NSW, Australia, 86- 96; p, Ann St ch, Brisbane, Queensland, 96-1912; d. Island of Jersey, Great Britain, Ja 31, 12. Henderson, William Rossman — b. New Castle, Ind, Oc 13, 1845; CNJ, 67; law stu; PTS, 70-1; NWTS, 74-6; ord, Pby Ottawa, Ap 13, 76; ss, Streator, 111, 75- p, 76; p, 2d ch, Danville, Ky, 76-9; p, Iowa City, la, 79-80; p, Harrods- burgh, Ky, 80-2; p, Glasgow Ave ch, St Louis, Mo, 82-3; ss, Holden, 83-5; prof, Lat & Gk, BellvC, 85-6; p, 2d ch, Omaha, Neb, 86-90; ed. Central West, 88-91; ss, Bellevue, 90-1; ss, Ferguson, Mo, 91-3; ed. Mid Continent, St Louis, 91-3; evang. So Cal, 94-8; Chicago, 111, 98-1902; ss, Louisiana, Mo, 03-4; ss, Memphis, 06-7; ss, Shelbina, Mo, 08-10; p, Greenville, Ky, 10-4; p, Sylvester, Ga, 14-5; p. Commerce, 15-8; p, Carrollton, 18-21; p at large, Pby Tuscaloosa, 21-8; hon re, 28; res, Minter, Ala. DD, CenCKy, 91. ♦Jackson, Samuel Macauley — b, NYCity, Je 19, 1851; CCyNY, 70; PTS, 70-1; UnTS, 71-3; ULeip; ord, Pby Jersey City, My 30, 76; p, Norwood, NJ, 76-80; prof, Ch Hist, NYU, 95-1912; auth & ed, NYCity; d, Washington, Conn, Ag 2, 12. LLD, W&LU, 92; DD, NYU, 93. ♦Kerfoot, Franklin Howard — b, Berryville, Va, Ag 29, 1847; ColbnU, 69; law stu; GreenTS; PTS, 71; CrozTS; ULeip; ord Bapt, My 2, 75; p, Midway & Forks, Elkhorn, Ky, 75-7; p, Eutaw Place ch, Baltimore, Md, 77-83; p. Strong Place ch, Brooklyn, NY, 83-6; p, Midway, Ky, 86-9; p, Hillsboro, 89-93; co-prof, Syst & Pas Theol, SBaptTS, 86-9, prof, 89-99; res, Atlanta, Ga; d, Atlanta, Je 20, 1901. DD, UNC, 79. 1873 299 *Macneill, Leander George — b, Cavendish, PEI, Canada, Ja 27, 1845; UEdin, 68; prof. Prince of Wales Coll, Charlottetown, PEI, Can, 68-70; UPSEdin; PTS, 70-2; ord, Pby Halifax, Nv 12, 72; p, Maitland, NS, 72-8; p, St Johns, NF, 78-86; p, St John, NB, 86-1900; ill health; hon re; res, St John; d, St John, NB, Can, Oc 14, 13. *McClelland, George Tiffany — b, Pardoe, Pa, Ja 26, 1844; MonC, 69; MonTS, 69-72; PTS, 72-3; ord UP, Pby Lake, My 5, 74; ss, Franklin, Pa, 73- p, 74-6; ss. Cherry Fork ch, O, 76; ss. Kittanning, Pa, 76-7; ss, Millersburg, O, 77-8; tea; ss, Presb ch, Mendocino City, Cal, 81-2; bus, San Francisco, 82-90; ss, Graf- ton, Emerado & Devil’s Lake, NDak, 91; ss, Doddsville, Brooklyne & Chester, 111, 92; ss. Galena, Baxter Springs & Louisburg, Kan, 93; ss, Trenton, 111, 93-4; ss, Greenfield, 94; dropped from roll, Pby St Paul, Oc 6, 96; bus, Butte, Mont, 96-1911; d, Butte, Ja 12, 11. *McIlvaine, James Hall— b, Utica, NY, Nv 13, 1846; CNJ, 66; tea; PTS, 70-3; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 26, 73; p, Beverly, NJ, 73-9; p. Summit, 79-83; p. Union Cong ch. Providence, RI, 83-8; p, ch of Covenant (united with Brick ch, 94), NYCity, 88-94; co-p. Brick ch, NYCity, 94-6; ord PEpis pr, Dc 20, 98; rec. Calvary ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1900-16; act rec, St Peter’s ch, Pittsburgh, 20-1; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Mr 14, 21. DD, CNJ, 88. *McKee, Edward — b, Kortright, NY, Ap 14, 1844; UnC, 69, 74, MA; tea; PTS, 70-2; NewbTS, 72-3; ss. New York, 73-4; ss, Winchester & Nortonville, Kan, 74-6; prin, Winchester, 74-6; ord UP, Pby Chillicothe, Ap 12, 77; p, Harshas- ville, O, 77-85; p, Marissa, 111, 85-94; prin, Marissa, 87-94; ss, Newton, la, 95-6; p, Youngstown, O, 96-7; pres, StutC, 98-1902; ss, Stuttgart, Ark, 98-14; d, Clarks- ville, Tenn, Nv 21, 25. *Millard, David Kirby — b, Wellington Co, Ont, Canada, Sp 10, 1842; KxCTor, 69, 69-70; PTS, 72-3; ord, Pby Columbia, Je 9, 73; p. Union ch. New Lebanon, NY, 73-4; p, Tecumseh, Mich, 76-80; ss, Barre Centre, NY, 81; d, Barre Centre, Ap 21, 81. *Morse, Oliver Cromwell — b, NYCity, Sp 18, 1847; YaleU, 68; UnTS; UBer; ULeip, PTS, 72-3; UnTS, 73-4; ss, Cong ch, Greenport, NY, 74-5; tea, 75-6; sec,YMCA, Schenectady, 76-8; do, Washington, DC, 78-81; do, Cleveland, 0, 81-4; ord evang, Pby St Lawrence, Je 18, 85; ss, 1st ch, Watertown, NY, 85-6; sec, YMCA, NY State, 86-7; sec & tea, YMCA Training Schl, 87-98; tea, RolC, 98-1904; v-pres and bus mgr. Bib Tea Training Schl, NYCity, 04-5; sec, AmBL, 05-7; bus; d, Melville, NY, My 5, 22. DD, RolC, 05. ■^Patterson, John Fulton — b, near Bellefontaine, O, My 27, 1842; MD, UPa, 65; phys; PTS, 71-2; XenTS; ord evang, UP Pby Phila, Sp 27, 72; miss, Damascus, Syria, 72-6; res, Xenia, O; d, Mr 23, 82. Tryor, Theodoric Bland — b, near Charlottesville, Va, J1 8, 1851; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70; CamU; law stu; d, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 15, 71. Schenck, Archibald Alexander — b, Princeton, NJ, Oc 2, 1850; CNJ, 69; PTS, 70-2; civ eng; res, Washington, DC. ■‘Stewart, James William— b, Mercer Co, Pa, Mr 26, 1848; WestmCPa, 69, 300 1873-1874 MA; tea; PTS, 71-2; lie UP, Pby Lake; prof, WestmCPa, 72-3; lawy, Cleveland, O, 75-1927; d, Cleveland, Nv 5, 27. LLD, WestmCPa. *Suplee, Thomas Danly — b. West Phila, Pa, Ap 17, 1846; CNJ, 70; UnTS, 70-1; PTS, 71-2; DSPEpis ch, 72-3; tut, 73-5; tea, Easton, Pa, 75-6; tea, Fari- bault, Minn, 76-7; prof. Mental Phil & Eng Lit, St Augustine Coll, Benicia, Cal, 77-9; prin. Trinity School, Tivoli, NY, 79-82; prin, Harcourt Place Schl, Gambler, O, 82-5; prin, Courtlandt Schl, Cornwall, NY, 85-90; tea, Sachs Colleg Inst, NYCity, 90-5; d, Phila, Pa, My 2, 28. *Thomas, William Davy — b, Carmarthenshire, S Wales, Great Britain, Ja 5, 1844; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-1; UnTS; ULeip; UBer; ord, Pby Topeka, Ap 30, 76; ss, Grace ch, Peoria, 111, 73-4; p, Westminster ch, Leavenworth, Kan, 76-7; p, 1st ch, Winona, Minn, 77-80; p. La Crosse, Wis, 80-9; miss, Syn Wis; res. La Crosse, 89-1909; pres, STeaC, 03-9; d. Camp Douglas, Wis, My 11, 09. PhD, UBer, 76; DD, GaleC, 93. *Urquhart, James — b, Oxford Co, Ont, Canada, My 21, 1840; PTS, 70-1; AubTS, 71-2; miss, 72-3; ill health; d, London, Ont, Can, Ja 10, 1912. ’•‘Ustick, Harlan Page — b, Fayette Co, O, Nv 26, 1847; MiaU, 70; PTS, 70-1; Hahnemann Med Coll, Phila, Pa, 81-3, MD; phys, Chicago, 111; Portland, Ore; Boise City, Ida; d, Boise City, Sp 26, 1917. *Vincent, Edward — b, Orono, Ont, Canada, Oc 16, 1845; PTS, 70-2; ord evang, Pby Ottawa, My 28, 72; miss. Prince Albert Miss, Saskatchewan R, 72- 4; p, Blackheath, Can, 74-80; ill health; ss, Shelbyville, O, 83-5; p, Nelsonville, 85-8; ss, St Charles, Mo, 88-9; ss, McConnellsville, O, 89-91; d, McConnellsville, Nv 16, 91. *Woodward, Jethro Bonney — b. Candor, NY, Oc 19, 1826; PTS, 70-2; ord, Pby Newton, My 2, 72; p, LaFayette, NJ, 72-82; p, E Stroudsburg, Pa, 82-6; ss, Prompton & Waymart, 86-7; ss, Mansfield, 88-9; ss, Covington, 89-93; ss, Knoxville, 97-8; res, Covington, 98-1902; Ferenvaugh, NY, 02-4; Arnot, Pa, 04-8; d, Covington, Pa, Mr 23, 08. *Wright, James Hervey — b. Lower Chanceford, Pa, Ag 29, 1846; LafC, 70; PTS, 70-2; WestTS; ord, Pby Mahoning, My 27, 73; p, Hubbard & Liberty, O, 73- 82; p, Centreville & Liberty, Pa, 82-7; p. West Sunbury & Coultersville, 87-92; p. Concord, 91-2; d, Augusta, Ga, Ja 18, 92. 26. 1874 *Ainslie, George — b, Meredith, NY, J1 29, 1840; UnC, 64; tea; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Troy, Je 24, 74; p, Argyle, NY, 74-81; ss. Garden Grove & Humeston, la, 81-2; ss. Red Oak, 82- p, 83-7; p, Mediapolis, 87-90; p, Dexter & Earlham, 90-3; ss, Rolfe, 93-7; p, Blairstown, 98-9; ss, Watkins, 98-1900; ss, Birmingham, 00-3; res. Cedar Rapids, la; d. Cedar Rapids, Ja 14, 11. *Barbour, Robert — b, Brooklyn, NY, Mr 23, 1850; ColU, 71; PTS, 71-4; FreeChC; ord, Pby Troy, J1 8, 79; p, Caldwell, NY, 79-86; asst p, Madison Ave ch, NYCity, 94-8; asst p, Mt Vernon, 98-9; ill health; d, Montclair, NJ, Mr 30, 26. 1874 301 *Battisby, John Rae — b, Kirkcudbright, Scotland, Ag 21, 1845; UTor, 70; KxCTor, 71, 71-3; PTS, 73-4; ord evang, Pby Chatham, Sp 27, 77; p, Chatham, Canada, 77-1909; d, Chatham, J1 4, 28. PhD, IllWesU, 87; DD, QuUOnt, 05. *Beattie, Robert Jackson — b, Essa, Ont, Canada, Je 14, 1847; KxCTor, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Troy, Ap 12, 75; p, Fort Edward, NY, 75-6; ss, Spencer, 76-8; p, 1st ch. Port Hope, Ont, 78-83; p, Knox ch, Guelph, 83-95; hm miss, Birmingham, Ala, 96-1900; ss. Government St ch. Mobile, 01; p, Kosciusko, Miss, 02-8; p, Sanford, NC, 08-11; d, Sanford, Sp 15, 11. Caldwell, John Livy — b, Rome, Ga, Ap 25, 1850; CNJ, 70; UnTSVa, 71-3; PTS, 73-4; ord evang, Pby North (Upper) Missouri, Dc 2, 75; ss. Independence, Mo, 74-6; ss. Pleasant Hill & Liberty, 75-6; p, 1st ch. Bowling Green, Ky, 76-91; p, 1st ch. New Orleans, La, 91-3; p, 1st ch. Pine Bluff, Ark, 93-1905; pres, Queen’s Coll, Charlotte, NC, 11-8; p, 1st ch. Bowling Green, Ky, 20-4; res, Charlotte, NC. DD, CentlU, & OgdC, 88. Curry, William Wallace — b, near Centreville, Pa, Dc 14, 1848; WestmCPa, 71; PTS, 71-3; AllegTS; ord UP, Pby Beaver Valley, Ap 14, 75; ss, UP chs, Warren & Connection, O, 74; p, East Palestine, O, 75-9; p, Bruce, Mich, 79-88; p, Alpina, 89-90; p, Marshall, 90-2; ss, Canaan Centre, NY, 93-6; p, Bethlehem & Voorheesville chs, Voorheesville, 97-1901; evang, Youngstown, 0, 02-28; evang, Atlanta, Ga, 28 — . “Hamilton, James Frank — b, Brownsville, O, My 31, 1847; CWoos, 71; PTS, 71-2; WestTS, 72-3; PTS, 73-4; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 9, 74; p, 2d ch, Newport, Ky, 74-7; ss, Washington, Ind, 76-7; p, Hoge ch, Columbus, O, 77-80; Brownsville, O, 81; p, Muskingum, 82-6; res, San Bernadino, Cal, 87; Redlands, 87-99; d, Redlands, Cal, Oc 9, 99. “Henry, Alexander — b, Germantown, Pa, Dc 29, 1850; CNJ, 70; tea; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Northumberland, Mr 3, 75; p, Lycoming ch, Newberry, Pa, 75-87; p, Hermon ch, Phila, 88-1905; sec, BdPub, 05-19; gen rep, SSMiss, 19-25; d, Germantown, Pa, J1 15, 25. DD, CoeC, 05, & TemU, 08. “Holland, William Jacob — b, Moravian Mission, Jamaica, West Indies, Ag 16, 1848; MorTS; AmhC, 69, 72, MA; tea; PTS, 71-4; ord, Mor ch. My 12, 72; ss, 2d ch, Phila, Pa, 72-3; ss, Presb ch. Chestnut Hill, Phila, 73; ss. Central Cong ch, Phila, 74; p, Bellefield Presb ch, Pittsburgh, 74-91; chanc, WUPa, 91-1901; dir, Carnegie Inst, Pittsburgh, 98-1922, dir em; zoologist, paleontolo- gist, auth; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Dc 13, 32. PhD, W&JC, 86; DD, AmhC, 88; LLD, DickC, 96, NYU, 97, UStAnd, 05; ScD, W&JC, 02. “Hubbard, William Henry — b, Clark Co, Ky, Ap 16, 1851; AmhC, 71; AndTS, 71-2; PTS, 72-4; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 29, 74; ss, Cong ch, Rutland, Mass, 74- p, 76; p. South ch, Merrimac, 76-83; p. South ch. Con- cord, NY, 83-5; ss, 2d ch, Holyoke, Mass, 85-6; p, 1st Presb ch. Auburn, NY, 86-1911; exec sec. Exec Com, Gen Assem, 11-3; d, NYCity, Ja 31, 13. DD, BereaC, 05; LLD, GaleC. Kelly, Joseph Thomas — b, Washington, DC, Sp 7, 1848; CNJ, 70, 73, MA; law stu; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Washington City, My 5, 74; p, 4th ch, W’ashington, DC, 74-1925, p em, 25 — ; res, Washington, DC. DD, GaleC, 01 & CEmpo, 31. 202 1874 *Lees, Andrew — b, Articlive, Co Londonderry, Ireland, FblO, 1835; CCySF, 71; SFTS, 71-3; PTS, 73-4; ord, Pby Chester, J1 8, 75; p. Darby, Pa, 75-6; p,Mus- grave chap, Phila, 76-80; p. Trinity ch, Phila, 81-3; p, Eng Presb ch, Chatham, England, 83-7; London, 88-90; res, London; d, Phila, Pa, Je 1, 1908. *Mack, William Edgar — b, Bowerstown, O, My 31, 1844; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Columbus, Sp 15, 74; p, Reynoldsburgh & Mifflin, O, 74-80; p, 1st ch. Cedar Falls, la, 81-4; p, 3d ch, Kansas City, Mo, 84-6; p, Burlington, Kan, 86-9; ss. Sterling, 89-91; ss. Council Grove, 91- p, 94-9; ss, Pittsburg, 1900; evang. Sterling, 01-2; ss, Pratt, 03-6; ss, Belleville, 07-9, ss. Sterling, 12-4; d, Chicago, 111, Ap 30, 19. DD, Cooper Mem Coll, Kansas, 98. *Marshall, Albert Brainerd — b, near Bryan, Pa, J1 10, 1849; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord evang, Pby Kittanning, Oc 14, 74; p, Morris, 111, 75-8; p. New Lisbon, O, 79-87; p, Liverpool, 87-94; p. Central ch, Des Moines, la, 94-1903; p, 1st ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 03-10; pres, OmaTS, 10-20; p, Clarinda, la, 20-5; lect, Yenching Univ, China, 25-6; p, Bellevue, Neb, 27-31; d, Creston, la, Oc 29, 31. DD, CWoos, 93; LLD, MacalC, 11. Martin, William Mutch — b, Fergus, Ont, Canada, My 31, 1850; KxCTor, 71, 71-2, BD; PTS, 72-4; ord, Pby Paris, J1 22, 75; p, Norwich & Wyndham, Can, 75-83; p, Caven ch, Exeter, 83-1908; res, London, Ont, 09-26; res, Welland, 27 — . *Mateer, Eugene Horace — b, near Altoona, Pa, Ag 24, 1844; CNJ, 71; PTS; 71-4; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 25, 74; p, Milford, Pa, 74-84; p, McVeytown, 84-1904; p, Pittsgrove ch, Daretown, NJ, 04-20; d, Trenton, Mr 17, 20. *Mayers, Henry Lewis — b, Millersburg, O, Dc 29, 1846; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby West Jersey, Oc 15, 74; p, Millville, NJ, 74-81; ss, Williamstown, 80; p, 1st ch. Kittanning, Pa, 81-1909; d. Kittanning, Ja 28, 09. DD, W&JC, 02. *McClain, Josiah — b, Allendale, 111, Oc 9, 1843; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord evang, Pby Cairo, My 13, 74; ss. Eureka, Nev, 74-6; ss, Carson City, 76- p, 77- 80; ss. Silver Cliff, Colo, 80-2; ss, Trinidad, 82-3; ss, Carson City, Nev, 83-5; ss, Ogden, Utah, 85-91; ss, Nephi, 91-2; ss, 3d ch. Salt Lake City, 92-1906; miss, Syn Utah, 06-14; hon re, 15; d. Salt Lake City, Oc 25, 25. McCrea, Thomas — b, Loughnease, Ireland, Fb 14, 1849; MageeC, 71, Th Dept, 71-2; PTS, 72-4; ord, Pby Magherafelt, My 29, 77; p, Bellaghy, Ire, 77- 1927; res, Bellaghy, 27 — . *Perry, Samuel Mustard — b. Cool Spring, Del, Sp 3, 1839; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Baltimore, Nv 3, 74; p, Ashland, Md, 74-89; p, Chesapeake City, 90-1907; d, Baltimore, Md, Ag 12, 22. *Pollock, John Findlater — b, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Ja 4, 1846; LafC, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Newton, Je 9, 74; p, 1st ch, Oxford (Belvidere), NJ, 74-83; p, Allentown, Pa, 84-1909, p em; d, Northampton, Sp 6, 30. DD, LafC, 05. *Reed, William Baird— b, Washington, Pa, J1 23, 1850; W&JC; PTS, 71-4; LafC, 76, MA; ord evang. Central Pby Phila, My 6, 74; hm miss, Cheyenne, WyT, 74-5; p. Upper Octorara, Pa, 75-8; p, Christ Chapel, Lebanon, 79-81; p, Helena, Mont, 82-3; ss, Pittsburgh, Pa, 84; ill health; d, NYCity, Ap 21, 31. 1874 303 *Richards, John Joseph — b, West River, NS, Canada, Ag 4, 1840; DalhU, 70; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Brockville, Can, Ag 10, 74; p, West Port, Ont, 74-80; p, Lyn, 80-9; d, Lyn, Ont, Sp 15, 89. *Springer, Thomas Love — b, Loveville, Del, Ag 25, 1849; LafC, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby Westminster, Dc 1, 74; ss. New Harmony, Pa, 75-6; p, Hopewell, 74-91; ss. Chestnut Grove & Ashland, 91- p, 92-4; p. Crisp mem ch, Brooklyn, 94- 8; p. Sparrow’s Point, Md, 99-1900; d, Baltimore, Ap 5 28. *Stuart, William Hunter — b, Carrickfergus, Ireland, Nv28, 1845; QuUBelf, 70; PTS, 71-4; ss, Greenville & Union Grove, 111, 74; evang, 74-7; ord, Pby Bruce, J1 11, 77; miss, Sault St Marie, Can, 77-8; miss, 78-83; p, Dromore West Ire, 83- 1921; d. New Castle, Co Down, Ja 22, 31. *Terrett, William Rogers — b, NYCity, J1 19, 1849; WmsC, 71; PTS, 71-4; ord, Pby North River, Je 10, 74; p, Amenia, NY, 74-6; ss, Cong ch, Saratoga Springs, 77-82; p, 2d Presb ch, Saratoga Springs, 82-8; prof. Hist, HamC, 89- 1902; d, Clinton, NY, My 4, 1902. DD, HamC, 88. *Watson, Andrew — b, Scotland; QuUBelf, 1870; PTS, 71-4. *Weaver, Willis — b, Fallston, Pa, Ap 25, 1846; WestTS, 71-3; PTS, 73-4; ord evang, Pby Mahoning, Ag 5, 74; miss, Bogota, Colombia, South America, 74-81; hm miss, Parkhill & Tahlequah, Ind Terr, 81-3; ss. Mound City, Mo, 83-5; ss. King City & Union, p. Union Star, 85-9; ss, Panora, la, 89-90; ss, Coon Rapids, & Dedham, 90-2; ss. New Point & Graham, Mo, 92-3; ss, Gallatin & Bethel, 95- 6; ss. New Point, 96-7; res. Elm Grove; res, Tarkio; res, Chicago, 111; d, Chicago, Ag 31, 1929. 28. *Caldwell, James Douglass — b, near Elizabeth, Pa, Sp 24, 1847; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-2; WestTS; ord evang, Pby Wooster, Sp 9, 74; ss, Cambridge, Tex, 75-8; d, Austin, Oc 14, 78. *Fisher, Simeon Whidden — b, St Mary’s, NS, Canada, Dc 18, 1843; KxCTor, 71, 71-2, 73-4; PTS, 72-3; ord, Pby Hamilton, Can, Oc 27, 74; p. Water- town & Burlington, Ont, Can, 74-7; p, Burlington, 77-9; p, Knox ch, Elora, 79- 83; p. West Flamboro ch, Christie, 83-1913; d, Vancouver, Can, Ja 26, 20. ■^Gush, Herbert James — b, England; LonU, 1857; PTS, 71-2. *Lawrence, Ananias — b, Bridgeton, NJ, Ja 30, 1839; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-2; ord ME, Mr 22, 1868; p. Port Monmouth, NJ, 64-7; p, Milltown, 67-70; p, Prince- ton, 70-2; p. Trinity ch, Trenton, 72-5; p. Freehold, 75-6; p, Millville, 76-9; p, Clayton, 79-82; p, Mt Holly, 82-5; p, St Luke’s ch. Long Branch, 85-6; p. Union ch, Camden, 86-90; p, Broadway ch, Salem, 90-3; p, 1st ch, Vineland, 93-5; p, Hamilton Ave ch, Trenton, 95-9; p. Commerce St ch, Bridgeton, 99-1903; p, Swedensboro, 03-5; p, Tom’s River, 05-10; d. Island Heights, NJ, Oc 15, 27. DD, DickC, 97. *McRobbie, Gilbert Grey — b, Puslinch, Canada, Fb 7, 1846; KxCTor, 71, 71-2, 73-4; PTS, 72-3; ord, Pby London, Nv 17, 74; p, Mandaumin, Can, 74-7; p. 304 1874-1875 Tilsonburg, 77-81; p, Ridgetown, 81-91; p, Shelburne, 91-9; p, Kemble, 99-1906; p. Nelson & Sixteen chs, Tansley, Ontario, 07-17; res, Vineland, 18-21; res, Hamil- ton, 22-32; d, Hamilton, Ont, Can, Nv 20, 32. ScD. *Murray, George Reed — b, Cannonsburg, Pa, Je 25, 1845; WestmCPa, 71; NewbTS, 71 3; PTS, 73-4; ord UP, Pby Des Moines, Oc 11, 76; p, Centreville, la, 76-9; p, Murray, Neb, 80-90; p, Thomas, Pa, 90-2; res, Houston; d, Houston, Pa, Mr 18, 31. *Rand, Lyman Fisk — b, Keene, NH, Je 16, 1848; OberC, 71; PTS, 71-3; AndTS, 73-4; ord Cong, Oc 13, 74; ss, Staffordville & Stafford St, Ct, 74-5; ss, Lyndeboro NH, 75-6; bus; res, Brooklyn, NY; d, Brooklyn, Oc 26, 28. *Van Cleve, Alexander Green — b, Ewing, NJ, Mr 5, 1848; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-2; bus; res, NYCity, 72-1922; d, Brooklyn, NY, Je 4, 22. Waller, David Jewett, Jr — b, Bloomsburg, Pa, Je 17, 1846; LafC, 70; tut, LafC, 70-1; PTS, 71-2; UnTS, 72-4; ord. Central Pby Phila, Nv 30, 74; p, Logan Sq ch, Phila, Pa, 74-5; ss. Collegiate ch, Orangeville, Rohrsburg & Raven Creek, 76-7; prin. State Norm Schl, Bloomsburg, Pa, 77-90; supt. Pub Instruction, Pa, 90-3; prin. State Norm Schl, Indiana, Pa, 93-1906; prin, State Norm Schl, Blooms- burg, Pa, 06-20; res, Bloomsburg, 20 — . PhD, LafC, 83; DD, UrsC, 92. *West, James Nephew — b. Sand Hills, Ga, Ap 5, 1823; UGa, 43; lawy; PTS, 71-2; d, Lexington, Ky, Ap 12, 75. ♦Wilson, Hugh Porter— b, Canfield, O, Ag 26, 1839; CNJ, 71; PTS, 71-2; WestTS, 72-4; ord' Pby Mahoning, Ap 24, 73; ss, Homeworth, O, 73- p, 74-6; ss, Mt Ayr, la, 76-8; ss. Prairie View, Caledonia, Reading & Goshen, & p, Mt Ayr, 78-83; ss, Axtell & Baileyville, Kan, 83-7; p, Clifton, 87-91; p, Effingham, 91-3; p, Enid, Okla, 93-4; North Pond Creek, 94-5; d, Jefferson, Okla, Oc 15, 95. ♦Yeisley, George Conrad — b, Baltimore, Md, Ja 21, 1849; CNJ, 70; miss; PTS, 71-3; ord evang, Pby Holston, Sp 6, 73; ss, Rogersville, Tenn, 73; asst p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 73-5; p, Hudson, NY, 75-1925, p em; d, Hudson, Oc 5, 29. DD, CNJ, 90. 12. 1875 ♦Bayne, Ernest Samuel — b, Londonderry, NS, Canada, Sp 12, 1848; DalhU, 71; tea; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Prince Edward Is, Ja 18, 76; p, Murray Harbor, PEI, 76-84; p. Middle Musquodoboit, NS, 84-90; p, Mabou & Port Hood, 90-1918; d, Antigonish, NS, Can, Fb 20, 18. Bell, Allan — b, London, Canada, Ja 20, 1852; UTor, 72; KxCTor, 72-3; PTS, 73-5; ord, Pby Manitoba, J1 14, 75; miss. Portage la Prairie, Mani, 75-88; p. Portage la Prairie & Burnside, 77-88; p, Beaver Dam, Wis, 88-91; p, Winona, Minn, 91-1901; p, Chatfield, 01-4; p, Florence, Colo, 04-8; oc s, 08-20; ill health; res, Denver, Col. DD, UChi, 92. ♦Bell, George Scott — b, Franktown, Va, Fb 25, 1848; tea; PTS, 72-5; ord evang, Pby Albany, Fb 16, 76; ss, Conklingville & Day, NY, 75-7; ss, Wrights- ville, Pa, 77- p, 78-87; p, Freeport, NY, 87-91; ss, Bradford, Pa, 93; ss, Shamokin, 1875 305 94-5; p, Bedford, 95-6; ss, Wachapreague & Bell Haven, Va, 96-7; p, Annapolis, Md, 97-1917; d, Germantown, Pa, Sp 10, 28. DD, StJC, 10. *Bridges, William James — b, Baltimore, Md, Je 22, 1835; PTS, 72-5; W&JC, 75; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Ap 20, 75; p, Greene Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 75- 90; p. West ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 90-1903; ss, 4th ch, Bridgeton, 03; p, Conklin, NY, 03-14; d, Binghamton, Dc 15, 14. *Carmichael, John A — b, London, Canada, Je 4, 1848; KxCTor, 72, 72-3; PTS, 73-5; ord evang, Pby Washington City, My 24, 75; ss, Hermon, Md, Man- assa & Prince William, Va, 75-7; p, Columbus & Brooklyn, Ont, 77-90; p, Knox ch, Regina, 90-1902; miss, Syn Manitoba, 02-11; d, Winnepeg, Can, Nv 11, 11. DD, Manic, 02. *Casey, John Joseph — b, Dublin, Ireland, Ag 25, 1844; StMCMon, 70; McGU, 71-2; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Montreal, Dc 12, 76; p, Elgin & Athelstane chs, Huntingdon, Can, 76-82; p, Taylor ch, Montreal, 82-5; d, Montreal, Can, Je 10, 85. *Chambers, James — b, Holbrook, Ont, Canada, Mr 1, 1851; CNJ, 72; PTS, 72-5; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 3, 75; ss, 1st Cong ch, Sherburne, NY, 75-82; p. Calvary ch, NYCity, 82-99; bus; res, Norwich, 99-1911; d, Norwich, NY, Je 10, 11. DD, UChi, 90. *Curtis, Solomon Warner — b, Cambridge, NY, Ap 15, 1847; CNJ, 72; PTS, 72-5; ord evang, Pby Troy, Ag 2, 75; miss, Santiago, Chili, SA, 75-7; ss, Talca, 77-80; ss. Conception, 80-5; ss, Valparaiso, 85; ss, Taos, NM, 86-91; ss. Las Vegas, 91-1902; d. Las Vegas, NM, Je 22, 02. *Decker, Isaac Davison — b, Fairmont, NJ, Ap 19, 1846; CNJ, 72; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Butler, Nv 1, 76; p, Fairvlew, Pa, 75-88; p, Karns City, 77-88; ss, Petrolia, 78-88; ss, Martinsburg, 83-8; p. Harmony, NJ, 88-93; ss. North Butler, Pa, 93-1903; ss. West Sunbury, 93- p, 96-03; ss. Pleasant Valley, 93-03; d. West Sunbury, Pa, Ja 3, 03. *DuVal, Frederic Beal — b, Bladensburg, Md, My 31, 1847; CNJ, 72, 75, MA; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 17, 75; p, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 75- 84; p, Westminster ch, Toledo, O, 84-8; p, Knox ch, Winnipeg, Mani, Can, 88- 1916; res, Winnipeg, 16-28; d, Winnipeg, My 15, 28. DD, CWoos, 86, & UTor, 08; Mod, Gen Assem, 08. ♦Frame, Walter Reuben — b. South Salem, NJ, Ja 26, 1849; CNJ, 72; PTS, 72-5; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 6, 75; ss, Kingston, Pa, 75-6; p. North ch, LaCrosse, Wis, 76-9; p, Hudson, 79-84; p, Stevens’ Point, 84-90; d, Stevens’ Point, Wis, Ja 29, 90. ♦Frazer, James — b, Glen William, Ont, Canada, Dc 21, 1849; KxCTor, 72; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Hamilton, Fb 8, 76; p, St Ann’s & Wellandport, Can, 76-9; p, Sulton, 79-99; p. Shoal Lake, Man, 99-1902; ss. Fair Oaks, Cal, 02-3; ss, Win- dermere, & Columbia Valley, BC, 03-5; ss, Roblin, Man, 05-6; ss, Sheho, Sask, 06-14; d. Foam Lake, Can, Mr 12, 20. ♦Goheen, Joseph Milliken — b. Rock Spring, Pa, Fb 16, 1847; CNJ, 72; 1875 3o6 PTS, 72-5; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Je 8, 75; ss, Pine Grove Mills, Pa, 75; miss, Kolhapur, India, 75-1906; res, Rock Spring, Pa; d, Wooster, O, Fb 11, 07. *Hoes, Roswell Randall — b, Kingston, NY, Fb 28, 1850; CNJ, 71; tea; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Monmouth, J1 1, 75; p, Mt Holly, NJ, 75-8; p. New Rochelle, NY, 78-81; chap, USN, 82-1921; d, Washington, DC, Oc 26, 21. Kieffer, William Thompson Linn — b, Mifflinburg, Pa, Sp 8, 1850; F&MC, 71; tea; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Baltimore, Nv 12, 75; p, Churchville, Md, 75-83; p, Mercersburg, Pa, 83-92; p, 3d ch, Washington, 92-5; p, Milton, 95-1913; prof. Pas Theol, LincU, 14-28; res, Milton, Pa. DD, LafC, 05. *Latimer, Thomas Davies — b, York Co, SC, Sp 8, 1844; ErskC, 71; tea; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Atlanta, Oc 3, 75; p, 3d ch, Atlanta, Ga, 75-6; ss, Jefferson City, Tex, 77-8; ss, Terrell & Will’s Point, 78-9; evang, South Florida, 79-80; p, Mayslick, Ky, 80-1; ss, Smyrna, 81-2; ss, Waverly, Tenn, 81-4; ss. Union City, 83; ss. College Hill, Miss, 84-5; ss, Corinth, 85-90; ss, Tupelo, 86-8; pres, Chicka- saw Female Coll, 90-1; ss, St Elmo, Tenn, 91-2; p, Cleveland, 92-3; ss, Denmark & Bethel, 93; pres. Bethel Springs Coll, 93-5; p, Macon, Miss, 95-1900; p. Spring- field, Ky, 04-6; ss, 1st ch. Metropolis, 111, 08; d. Charleston, Mo, Fb 25, 12. *Lawrence, Egbert Charles — b, Borodino, NY, Je 25, 1845; UnC, 69; tut, UnC; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Oc 28, 75; p, Grace ch, Brooklyn, NY, 75-6; AubTS, 77-8; p, 2d RefChAm, Schenectady, 78-80; prof, UnC, 78-82; p el. Thousand Isles, 82-6; p, Mt Vernon, 86-90; p el, Westhampton, 90- p, 91-1901; evang, 01-16; treas, HumSoc, 03-16; res, Schenectady, NY; d, Schenectady, Je 10, 16. PhD, NatU, 89. *Mann, Joseph William — b, Bethany, Ind, My 10, 1848; HanC, 72; PTS, 72-5; ord evang, Pby Crawfordsville, Sp 15, 75; ss, Covington & Veedersburg, Ind, 75; miss, NYCity, 76; ss, Sugar Creek & Prairie Centre, Ind, 76-8; ss, Newton & Beulah, 78-88; ss, Rockfield, 88-90; ss, Rossville, 111, 90-5; ss, Mansfield, 95-8; ss. Pawpaw, 98-1903; ss, Toledo, 03-5; ss, Philo, 05-11; ss, Cul de Sac, Ida, 11-4; ss, Omak, Wash, 15; d, Omak, Oc 24, 15. *McAlmon, John Alexander — b, Co Armagh, Ireland, Oc 2, 1842; KxCTor, 72; PTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Saugeen, Oc 12, 75; p, Markdale, Can, 75-7; p, Dresden, 77-9; p. Burns & Moore Line, 79-83; p, Dover & Chalmers, 83-6; ss, Parkston & Hope chap, SDak, 87; p, Dell Rapids, 88; ss, Alta, la, 89; p, Paulina, 89-91; ss, Clifton, Kan, 91-6; p el. Corning & Vermillion, 96- p, 97-8; ss, Volga, SDak, 1900- 2; ss, Herman, Norcross & Eldorado, Minn, 03; ss, Jasper, 04; ss, Galesburg & Broadlawn, NDak, 05; ss, Nemaha & Pilgrim, la, 07-8; d, Minneapolis, Minn, Je 5, 16. *Mc 73-6; ord, Pby New Castle, My 29, 77; p, St George’s, Del, 77; p, Parkersburgh, Va, 86-1902; res, Wyoming, Del, 03-4; Newark, 05; p el, p, Warner Mem ch, Kensington, Md, 06-15; p. Deer Creek Harmony ch, Darlington, 15-28; res, Wilmington, Del, 28 — . DD, MariC, 93. Smith, Jonathan Ritchie — b, Baltimore, Md, Je 23, 1852; CNJ, 72; law stu; PTS, 73-6; ord, Pby Westchester, Je 26, 76; p, 1st ch, Peekskill, NY, 76-98; p. Market Sq ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 1900-14; prof, Homil, PTS, 14-29, prof em; res, Englewood, NJ. DD, F&MC, 03. ’'Stark, Jacob Hill — b, Wald Uelversheim, Germany, My 11, 1848; DubqTS; tea; PTS, 73-6; ss. Hazel Green, Wis, 71-2; ss, Marion, 74-6; ord, Pby Dubuque, Oc 2, 76; ss, Augusta, la, 76; ss, Sherrill’s Mound, 76- p, 77-83; p, Waukon, 83-93; dropped, Pby Dubuque, Nv 1, 93; p, Ind Ref ch, Scotland, SD, 96-1908; d, Scotland, SD, J1 29, 08. *Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge — b, Lexington, Ky, Nv 5, 1851; CNJ, 71; Europe; ed; PTS, 73-6; ULeip, 76-7; ss. Concord ch, Ky, 75; ss, 1st ch. Day- ton, O, 76; ss, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 77-8; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, Ap 26, 79; instr, NT Lit & Exeg, WestTS, 78- prof, 79-87; prof, Didac & Polem Theol, PTS, 87-1921; d, Princeton, NJ, Fb 16, 21. DD, CNJ, 80; LLD, CNJ, & DavC, 92; LittD, LafC, 11; STD, LlUtrecht, 13. "Welsh, Edward Payson — b, Washington Co, Pa, My 10, 1844; MonC, 74; XenTS; PTS, 75-6; ord, Pby Colorado, Oc 13, 77; ss. Blooming Grove & Olives- burg, Colo, 76-7; hm miss, Malad City, IdaTerr, 78-9; ill health; d, Martinsburg, O, Nv 5, 83. 31. 1876 313 *Beekman, Abraham J — b, So Branch, NJ, Oc 21, 1838; UnTS, 70-2, 73-4; ord RefChAm, Cl Illinois, Nv 4, 74; ss, Norris, 111, 74-5; grad stu, PTS, 75-6; ss, Shokan & Shandaken, NY, 76-82; ill health; res, Matawan, NJ ; Allentown, 88-92; d, Elwood, NJ, Ap 4, 92. *Gowdy, George Edwin — b, Xenia, O, Dc 27, 1848; MialJ, 72; LaneTS, 72- 5; grad stu, PTS, 75-6; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Dc 8, 76; p, Greenfield, O, 76-8; p, Carlisle, 78-91; ss, Eaton, 91-6; p, Lebanon, 97-1914; d, Xenia, O, Fb 20, 19. DD, MiaU, 03. *KeUogg, Henry Martin — b. New Boston,. NH, Ap 2, 1851; DartC, 73; PTS, 73-5; UnTS, 75-6; ss, Cong ch, Hadley, Mass, 76-7; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, Ap 18, 78; p, 1st ch, Atlantic City, NJ, 77-80; p, Cong ch, Francestown, NH, 80-2; p, 1st ch, Greenwich, Ct, 82-6; p, 1st ch, Lebanon, 86-92; p, Wolcott, 93-7; ss. Wilder, Vt, 97-1900; ss, Mclndoe Falls, 00-2; p, Voluntown, Ct, 02-10; 2d ch, Coventry, 10-11; d, Coventry, Ct, J1 22, 11. Lane, Morgan — b, Canada; QuUOnt; PTS, 73-4; — *MacIntyre, Daniel Caswell — b, Duart, Ont, Canada, My 31, 1845; AlbC, 72; PTS, 73-4; UnTS; Free ChCEdin, 75-6; ord, Pby Hamilton, Can, Sp 3, 78; p, Beamsville & Clinton, Ont, 78-1910; d, Preston, Ont, Can, Dc 28, 13. PhD, IllWesU, 87. *McNinch, Thomas — b, near Turbutville, Pa, Ag 6, 1843; LafC, 73; PTS, 73- 5; UnTS; ss, Jacksonville & Hublersburg, Pa, 76-7; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 21, 78; p, Schellsburg & Man’s Choice, 78-82; ss, St Clairsville, 79-82; ss, Hitchcock & Crandon, SD, 82-9; ss, Kimball, 80-90; d, Kimball, SD, Ag 28, 90. ‘Richards, George Jer main Ely — b. Hector, NY, Sp 11, 1849; WRU, 72; tut, WRU; PTS, 73-5; UnTS, 75-6; ord, Pby Wisconsin River, Oc 10, 76; ss, Richland Centre, Wis, 76-7; ss, Delmar, Elwood & Lost Nation, la, 77-81; p, Gallipolis, O, 82-4; p, Murdock & Goshen, 85-91; ss, Greenville, 111, 91-1900; p, Kirkwood, 00-4; p, Mt Carmel, 04-8; ss, Greenview, 08-9; d, Greenview, 111, Je 6, 09. ‘Taylor, Charles Andrew — b. Freedom, O, Je 2, 1848; CNJ, 73; PTS, 73-5; ss, 1st ch, St Louis, Mich, 75-6; ord, Pby Saginaw, Ja 13, 76; ss, 1st ch, Mt Pleas- ant, Mich, 76-7; ss. Monument, Colo, 78-80; hm miss, Pueblo Indians, Fort Win- gate, NM, 80-4; ss, 1st ch, Timnath, Colo, 84- p, 85-90; evang, Syn 111, 91-3; p, 1st ch. Mason City, 93-6; p, 1st ch, Winchester, 96-9; evang, Lincoln, Neb, 99- 1902; p. La Salle, Colo, 02-5; ss. Goldfield, 05-7; ss, Fraser; res, Westminster, Colo; d, Westminster, Nv 25, 15. Ward, Samuel Lawrence — b, Oneida Lake, NY, Fb 21, 1850; WabC, 73, MA; PTS, 73-4; UnTS, 74-6; ord evang, Pby Logansport, Ag 5, 76; miss, Tabriz, Persia, 76-84; tea, Pasadena, Cal, 85; ss, Glendale, 85-6; miss, Tabriz, Persia, 86- 7, Teheran, 87-97; ss, Northfield, O, 98-1900; p, Wickliffe, 00-5; p, Glendale, Cal, 05-11; ss. Halfway, Ore, 14-5; ss, Tracy, Cal, 16-9; res, Los Angeles. DD, WabC, 04. ‘Westcott, James Stott — b, Ramapo, NY, Ja 21, 1848; PTS, 73-6; ss, Cen- terville, NY, 76; ord evang, Pby Winnebago, Oc 10, 77; ss, Horicon, Wis, 77-8; 314 1876-18T7 ss, Jenny, 79-80; supt schls, Lincoln Co, Wis, 80-1; elk. Circuit Court, Lincoln Co, 82-3; elk of city, Merrill, 83-6; Educ Com, YMCA, Washington, DC, 88-93; ss, Manassas, Va, 93-4; ss, Vienna, 1900-1, 03-4; d, Vienna, Va, Nv 25, 13. 10. 1877 *Adams, Lewis James, Jr — b, Madison, Ind, Ja 2, 1850; MonC, 74; PTS, 74-7; ss. Farm Ridge, 111, 77; ord, Pby Freeport, Ap 29, 78; ss, 1st ch. Galena, 111, 77- p, 78-87; p, 1st ch, Denison, Tex, 87-94; p. Calvary ch, Louisville, Ky, 94-1900; tea. Hist, OccC, 00-1; asso p, Immanuel ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 01-9; d, Los Angeles, Dc 2, 25. Adriance, Samuel Winchester — b, St Louis, Mo, Ja 9, 1853; DartC, 73; AndTS, 74-6; PTS, 76-7; ord, Pby North River, My 22, 77; p, “Lloyd” ch. High- land, NY, 77-80; p, Cong ch, Deering, Me, 80-4; p. Highland ch, Lowell, Mass, 84-91; gen sec, UnSocCE, 85-6; ill health; oc s; res, Winchester, Mass. *Allen, Arthur Huntington — b. New York City, Oc 20, 1851; YalelJ, 73; instr, UCal; PTS, 74-7; ss, 2d ch, Lexington, Ky, 77; ord, Pby Nassau, Ap 15, 79; ss, Islip, NY, 78- p, 79-85; p, Woodside ch, Troy, 85-1901; ss, Chestertown, 01; ss, Margaretville, 02; p, Brighton Heights RefChAm, New Brighton, 03-07; asso sec, Hm Miss, NY Syn, 11-23; d, NYCity, Ap 20, 23. *Anderson, Matthew — b, Greencastle, Pa, Ja 25, 1845; OberC, 74; PTS, 74-7; YaleUDS; ss. Temple St Cong ch. New Haven, Ct, 77-9; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Je 12, 78; ss, Gloucester Mission, Phila, Pa, 79-80; p, Berean ch, Phila, 80- 1928; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 11, 28. DD, LincU, 04. *Banta, Daniel Brewer — b, Franklin, Ind, Nv 24, 1847; HanC, 74; PTS, 74-7; ss, Shiloh, Ind, 79-80; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Ap 7, 81; ss, Lebanon, Ind, 80-7; ss, Dover, 82; ss, Hopewell, 83-95; ss, Elizaville, 87-92; ss. Sugar Creek, 92- 5; ss, Mt Moriah, Bethany & Spencer, 96-1913; d, Spencer, Ind, Nv 17, 13. *Boyd, Robert — b, Butler, Pa, Sp 18, 1849; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 27, 77; ss, Weston, Ore, 77-9; ss, Walla Walla, 77-85; p. West Elizabeth, Pa, 87-91; ss, 1st ch. Port Townsend, Wash, 91- p, 92-8; pres & prof. Moral Phil & Bib Lit, WhitC, 98-9; ss, Sumner, 98-1909; ill health; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Mr 18, 17. DD, WhitC, 10. *Boyd, Thomas McKeen — b, Stewartsville, NJ, Je 11, 1846; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 27, 77; hm miss, Waitsburg, Wash, 77-80; ss, Lewisburg, Ida, 80- p, 84-8; p, Pendleton, Ore, 88-90; ss, Seattle, Wash, 90-2; p, Watsonville, Cal, 92-4; ss, Bloomfield, Valley Ford & Bodega, 96-7; Point Arena, 98-9; ss, Oxnard, 99-1902; ss. Olivet ch, San Francisco, 02-3; ss, Oceanside (Carville), 03-6; d, San Francisco, Cal, Ja 25, 06. *Burroughs, George Stockton — b, Waterloo, NY, Ja 6, 1855; CNJ, 73; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Lehigh, J1 10, 77; p, Slatington, Pa, 77-80; p, 1st Cong ch, Fairfield, Ct, 80-4; p, 1st ch. New Britain, 84-6; p & prof, AmhC, 87-92; pres, WabC, 92-9; prof, OT Lang & Lit, OccC, 99-1901; d, Clifton Springs, NY, Oc 22, 01. PhD, CNJ, 84; DD, CNJ, 87; LLD, MariC, 95. *Cameron, Malcolm Crooks — b, St Thomas, Ont, Canada, Je 14, 1849; 1877 315 tea; PTS, 75-7; YaleUDS, 77-8, BD; ord, Pby Toronto, Mr 25, 79; p, IMilton, Ont, Can, 79-87; p, Knox ch, Harriston, 87-1908; hon re; d, Bolton, Ont, Can, Je 17, 09. *Chisolm, James Julius — b. Charleston, SC, Dc 8, 1852; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-7; FreeChCEdin; ss. Circular ch. Charleston, SC, 76; ss, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 77; ord, Pby Transylvania, Oc 19, 79; p, Harrodsburgh, Ky, 79-87; p, 1st ch, Winchester, 88-98; p, Natchez, Miss, 98-1915, p em; d, Natchez, Ag 10, 15. DD, CenCKy, 96. *Condit, Elbert Nevius — b, Stillwater, NJ, My 2, 1846; CNJ, 73; tea; PTS, 74-7; ord evang, Pby Newton, My 9, 77; hm miss, Astoria & Clatsop, Ore, 77-9; ss, Albany & prin, AlbanyC, 79-81; AlbanyC, 81-94; pres, OccC, 94-6; ss, Walla Walla, Wash, 96-1900; d, Walla Walla, Je 7, 00. *Cummings, John Wallace — b, Stillwater, O, Sp 13, 1847; CWoos, 73; tea; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 12, 78; p. Orange & Bethel, O, 78-1908; d. Nankin, Mr 1, 08. DD, CWoos, 95. *Davies, John Morris — b, Ebbw Vale, S Wales, Great Britain, Oc 16, 1848; MariC, 74; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Dayton, Nv 5, 78; ss, Osborne, O, 78-9; p, Brecks- ville, 79-81; p, Niles, 81-3; ss, Kingsville, 83-5; supt. Home Miss, Tenn, 86-90; ss, Caro, Mich, 90-1; p, Immanuel ch. Grand Rapids, 91-3; p el, Noblesville, Md, 92- p, 93-9; miss, Phila, 99-1901; p, 1st ch, Gloucester City, NJ, 01-21; hon re; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ag 16, 23. DD, TuscC, 88. *Deems, Edward Mark — b, Greensboro, NC, Ap 22, 1852; CNJ, 74; UnTS, 74-6; PTS, 76-7 ; ord, Pby Colorado, Oc 28, 77 ; p, Longmont, Colo, 77-9; ss. Church of the Strangers, NYCity, 80; ss, Westminster ch, NYCity, 79- p, 80-90; p, 1st ch, Hornellsville (Hornell), 90-1909; chap, AmSeamFrSoc Inst, NY, 09-13; chap. Sailors’ Snug Harbor, SI, 13-27; d, New Brighton, NY, Ag 7, 29. PhD, NYU, 93; DD, AlfU, 04. *Dewey, Finlay McNaughtan — b, St Remi, Canada, Sp 21, 1851; McGU, 74; MorrinC; PTS, 76-7; ord, Pby Quebec, Ag 9, 77; p, Richmond & Windsor Mills, Can, 77-86; p, Stanley St ch, Montreal, 86-1910, p em; d, Montreal, Can, Ap 14, 11. DD, PresbC, 09. Duflield, Howard — b, Princeton, NJ, Ap 9, 1854; CNJ, 73; tea; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby W’estminster, Je 26, 77; p, Leacock ch, Leaman Place, Pa, 77-80; p, Beverly, NJ, 80-4; p, Westminster ch, Detroit, Mich, 84-91; p, 1st ch, NYCity, 91- 1919, p em, 19 — ; res, NYCity. DD, CNJ, 88. Dulles, Joseph Heatly — b, Phila, Pa, My 27, 1853; CNJ, 73, 77, MA; prin, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 73-4; PTS, 74-7; ord evang, Pby Phila, Dc 9, 77; ss, Jenkin- town & Edge Hill, Pa, 77; ss, 1st ch, Nebraska City, Neb, 77-8; Europe, 78-9; p el, 2d ch, Belvidere, NJ, 80- p, 81-83; Europe, 83-5; libr, PTS, 86-1931, libr em, 31 — ; res, Princeton, NJ. *Kerr, Oliver Alexander — b. Centre Hill, Pa, Oc 24, 1848; CNJ, 71; tea; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Monmouth, Sp 4, 77; p, Bordentown, NJ, 77-99; bus; d, Bordentown, NJ, Oc 28, 26. *Ledwith, William Laurence — b, Brownsville, Pa, Mr 4, 1850; CNJ, 74; 1877 3i6 PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 27, 77; p, Bellevue ch. Gap, Pa, 77-83; p. South ch, Phila, 83-92; p, Tioga ch, Phila, 92-1904; d, Phila, Pa, Fb 28, 04. DD, CNJ, 94. Lloyd, John Elwy — b, Pont yr Allt Goch, NWales, Great Britain, Nv 5, 1848; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Boston, Je 5, 78; ss, Ryegate, Vt, 77- p, 78-9; p, Booneville, NY, 79-81; p, Nyack, 81-8; p, 12th St RefChAm, Brooklyn, NY, 88-1900; ill health; Europe; p, Flatbush ch, Brooklyn, NY, 06-16; res, Brooklyn, NY, 16 — . DD, GaleC, 00. *McMeen, William Harry — b, Springfield, O, Je 10, 1854; CWoos, 72; supt, pub schls, Fredericksburgh, 72-3; tut, CWoos, 73-4; UnTS, 74-5; PTS, 75-7; ord evang, Pby Colorado, My 9, 78; trav, 78-81; p, Milford Centre, O, 82-4; ss. Bain- bridge, Ga, 84-6; prof. Math, Charlotte, NC, 86-91; ss, 1st ch, Brunswick, Ga, 91- 2; ss, 1st ch, Tampa, Fla, 93; supt schls, Tampa, Fla, 94-6; trav; ss, Boston, Ga, 1901-3; prin, Selma Military Inst, Selma, Ala, 04-6; p, Mt Zion ch, St Charles, SC, 08-9; oc s, Ga & Md, 10-6; p, Churchville, Md, 20-1; d, Augusta, Ga, Ap 17, 26. *McNiece, Robert Gibson — b, Topsham, Vt, Ja 10, 1839; DartC, 67; tea & ed. Fort Wayne, Ind, 67-74; PTS, 74-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 27, 77; p. Salt Lake City, Utah, 77-97; dean, WestmCUtah, 97-1913; d. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oc 3, 13. DD, WabC & KxC, 83. *Moran, Ellsworth Elza — b, Forksburg, WVa, My 12, 1844; UWVa, 74; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 12, 77; p. Cream Ridge & Plumstead, NJ, 77- 83; p, Asbury Park, 83-7; ss, Ironton, 0, 87- p, 88-97; ss, Wellston & Glen Roy, 99-1900; Columbus, 01-5; ss, Fairmount, WVa, 06-9; d, Minneapolis, Minn, Ja 13, 2.5. *Nesbit, Achilles Wilkerson Waller — b, Fulton, Mo, Nv 16, 1852; Westm CMo, 72; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Missouri, Ag 24, 77; ss, Marshall, Mo, 77-80; trav; ss, Broadway ch, Sedalia, Mo, 82-7; ed, Occident, San Francisco, Cal, 87-93; ed. North & West Minneapolis, Minn, 93; d, St Louis, Mo, J1 6, 22. *Patterson, William Parker — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 6, 1848; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74- 7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 12, 77; p, Titusville, NJ, 77-9; p, Marple, Pa, 79- 84; p. New Castle, Del, 84-91; evang, Phila, Pa, 91-2; p el. Olivet ch, Harrisburg, 92- p, 93-5; p. Central ch, Downingtown, 97-1901; d, Downingtown, Pa, Fb 27, 01. *Peyton, Charles William — b, near Lewisburg, WVa, Fb 16, 1851; HighU, 73; tea; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Central Texas, Ap 14, 78; ss, Belton, Tex, 77-85; ss. Temple, 82-5; ss, Robison & Carolina chs, 85-90; ss. Marlin & Cosse, 90-3; ss, Gatesville & Unity chs, 93-4; ill health; evang, Belton, Tex, 94-6; ss. East Bank, WVa, 96-8; ss, Vernon, Tex, 99-1901; evang, Pby Ft Worth, 01-2; ill health; ss, Robison, Tex, 04-8; oc s; asso p. Temple, Tex, 12-32; d. Temple, Fb 20, 32. *Reid, John Graham — b, Spencer Acad, IndTerr, Ja 19, 1854; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-7; ord evang, Pby New York City, Ap 3, 77; ss, Boulder, Colo, 77- p, 78-81; supt, Presb miss, Colo & Wyo, 81-4; ss, Greeley, Colo, 84- p, 92-7; evang, Denver, Colo, 97-1920; evang, Burbank, Cal, 20-1; hon re; d, Spokane, Wash, Je 1, 30. 1877 317 Roseborough, James Williamson — b, Sardis, Miss, Fb 14, 1852; WoffC, 73; tea; PTS, 74-7; ss, Sandsprings & Springport, Miss, 77-8; ord, Pby N Missi- ssippi, Ap 16, 78; ss, Hernando, 79; ss. Long Creek, 80; ss, Hopewell, 78- p, 81; ss. Water V'alley, 78-9; Cape Girardeau, Mo, 82-5; p. Palmyra, 85-7; syn evang, Missouri, 87; ss, Columbus, Miss, 88- p, 89-94; syn evang, Missouri, 94-9; p, Union Springs, Ala, 99-1904; syn evang, Fla, 04-7; supt. Home Miss & evang, Pby Savannah, 08-18; ss. Locust Level, NC, 19-20; ss, Farmville, 21-2; ss. Crest- view, Fla, 22-5; res, De Land, 25 — . *Ross, James Henry Deming — b, Troy, NY, Ag 21, 1851; CNJ, 74; UnTS; PTS, 75-7; ord Cong, Newburyport, Mass, Fb 22, 78; p, 4th (Prospect St) Cong ch, Newburyport, 78-82; p. So Norwalk, Ct, 84-8; p, Franklin St ch. East Somer- ville, Mass, 88-93; res, Cambridge, 96-1907; d, Clifton Springs, NY, Dc 7, 07. *Scotland, Alexander — b, Tillicoultry, Scotland, Ap 1, 1848; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby W'est Jersey, Oc 30, 77; p, Williamstown, NJ, 77-9; ss, Longmont, Colo, 79-81; ss, Ouray, 81-2; phys; d. Evergreen, Colo, J1 5, 93. *Scott, David — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 13, 1849; CNJ, 73; ULeip; PTS, 74-7; ord evang, Pby New York, Je 24, 77 ; miss, Teheran, Persia, 77-9; d, NYCity, Ap 2, 79. Thompson, James Winfield — b, Plimpton, O, Ag 23, 1848; CWoos, 74; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 12, 78; ss, Shelby, O, 77- p, 78-85; ss. Great Bend, 85- p, 87-91; p, Sterling, 93-4; p, Marion, 95-1904; p, Dodge City, 04-7; ed. Spirit of the West, Topeka, Kan, 07-11; ss. Liberty & Perr\% 11-3; ss, Oakland, 13-6; p, Holcomb, 16-21; hon re, 21; res. Dodge City. DD, PhiSC, 95. *van Dyke, Henry [Jackson] — b, Germantown, Pa,Nv 10, 1852; CNJ, 73, 76, MA; tea; PTS, 74-7; UBer; ord evang, Pby Brooklyn, Mr 19, 79; p, Cong ch, Newport, RI, 79-82; p. Brick Presb ch, NYCity, 83-1900, 02, 11; prof, Eng Lit, PrU, 00-23, prof em, 23-33; auth;US min to Netherlands, 13-7; res, Princeton, NJ ; d, Princeton, NJ, Ap 10, 33. DD, CNJ, 84, Harv’U, 93, YaleU, 96; LLD, UnC, 98, W&JC, 02, WesU, 03, UPa, 06, Univ Geneva, Switz, 09; DCL, OxU, 17; Mod, Gen Assem, 02. *Vedder, Albert Fulton — ^b, Schenectady, NY, .Ag 4, 1848; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Albany, Mr 6, 78; p. West Milton, NY, 78-84; deposed, Pby Albany, Je 17, 84; dentist, NYCity; d, NYCity, Ap 23, 05. ‘Warren, Edward Leroy — b, Louisville, Ky, J1 20, 1852; CenCKy, 73; CNJ, 74; DanTS, 74-6; PTS, 76-7; ord evang, Pby Louisville, Oc 25, 77; UEdin, 77-8; p. Olivet chap, Louisville, Ky, 79-88; p, Clifton ch, Cincinnati, O, 88-93; evang, Louisville, Ky, 93-6; p, Immanuel ch, Louisville, 96-1901 ; libr, KyTS, 02-25, libr em, 25-31; res, Louisville; d, Louisville, Ky, Ag 13, 31. DD, CenCKy, 88. ‘Whiteford, Matthew Mackie— b, Kilbirnie, Scotland, Mr 11, 1840; WabC, 67; tut, WabC, 69-75; PTS, 75-7; ord, Pby Muncie, Oc 16, 77; p, Peru, Ind, 77-83; stu, Glasgow & Edinburgh, Scot, 83-5; ss, Raymond, 111, 85-6; p. Two Ridges, O, 86- 90; prof, BelC, 90-1; ss, Amanda, 91-2; p, Crockett, Cal, 92-3; p, Warren, 111, 93-6; p, Sioux City, la, 96-8; ss, Scotland, SDak, 98-1901; ss. Hurley, 01-4; ss, Salem, 04-8; hon re, 10; res, Macon, Mo, 10-21; res, Toledo, O; d, Toledo, Je 27, 32. 1877 3i8 *Wikoff, Harry Holmes— b, Titusville, NJ, Oc 26, 1853; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74- 7; ord evang, Pby Winnebago, Oc 10, 77; ss, 1st ch, Juneau, Wis, 77-9; ss, 1st Cong ch, Sonoma, Cal, 80-9; p, 4th Cong ch, San Francisco, 89-95; field sec, CongChBldgSoc, Pac Dist, 95-1918; d, Oakland, Cal, Dc 23, 18. *Wittenberger, Joseph — b, Gratz, Austria, Mr 5, 1845; DubqTS; ord, Pby Milwaukee, Je 10, 73; PTS, 74-7; ss, Ger ch, Beloit, Wis, 77- p, 79-82; ss, Platts- mouth. Neb, 82-5; ss. Meridian ch, Alexandria, 85-94; res, Alexandria, 94-1910; d, Alexandria, Neb, Oc 14, 10. 38. *Adams, Robert— b, Eatonton, Ga, Mr 24, 1852; UGa, 73; tea; ColTS, 74-5; PTS, 75; ss, Midway & Bethel, SC, 76-7; ord, Pby Augusta, Je 24, 86; p, 2d ch, Macon, Ga, 87-89; ss & p, Americus, 89-95; p, Laurens, SC, 95-1907; pres, Presb CSC, 07-9; p. Bethel ch. Clover, SC, 09-14; p, Pendleton, 14-23; d, Griffin, Ga, Ag 8, 30. DD, PresbCSC, 04. Backus, J Bayard — b, Schenectady, NY, Sp 20, 18.53; UnC, 74; PTS, 74-5; UnTS, 75-6; lawy; res, NYCity, 78—. Cook, Milton Lewis — b, Rome, Pa, Je 2, 1851; LafC, 73; tea; PTS, 74-7; ord evang, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 18, 77; hm miss, Missoula, Mont, 77-82; ss, Wysox, Pa, 82-3; p, Phillipsburg, 83-5; p, 1st ch, Wyalusing, & ss, Herrick, 85- 1925; ss, Camptown, 93-25; ss. Lime Hill, 96-25; hon re, 26; res, Wyalusing, Pa. *Crawford, Angus — b, Cobourg, Canada, Je 5, 1850; UTor, 74; PTS, 74-5; DSPEpisCh; asst, PEpis Mem Chap, 22d & Spruce, Phila, 76; ord PEpis pr, Ja 12, 77; rec, Mt Holly, NJ, 76-87; prof, Heb & OTLit, AlexTS, 87-1900, dean, 00- 20; d, Washington, DC, Sp 10, 24. DD, RoaC, 93 & AlexTS, 16. *Cryor, Samuel Silonas — b. Rock Island, 111, Nv 9, 1850; OberC, 73; tea; PTS, 74-6; NWTS, 76-7; ord, Pby Freeport, Oc 31, 77; p, Warren, 111, 77-80; ss. Rock Island, 111, 81- p, 82-6; ss, 3d ch, Cincinnati, 87- p, 88-90; p, Albert Lea, Minn, 90-7; p, Westm ch, San Francisco, Cal, 97-9; p, Dixon, 111, 1900-11; ss, Oregon, 12-4; p, El Paso, Tex, 14-20; oc s, Spokane, Wash, 20-5; d, Spokane, Fb 24,25. PhD, CWoos, 91; DD, UChi, 94. *Ewalt, John Adams — b, Howland, O, Ja 25, 1846; OberC, 74; PTS, 74-6; NWTS, 76-7; ord, Pby Ottawa, My 10, 77; p. Park ch, Streator, 111, 77-82; p, London, O, 82-1900; ss, Norwood ch, Cincinnati, 00-2; p, Winchester, 02-7; p, Loveland, 07-15; p, Ranier Beach ch, Seattle, Wash, 16-7; ss, Miflin ch, Gahanna, O, 18-27; d, Oakland, Cal, Je 5, 27. DD, CWoos, 98. *Henderson, Roderick— b, John O'Groat, Scotland, Fb 15, 1848; KxCTor, 74; PTS, 74-6; ord evang, Pby Florida, Oc 6, 78; ss. Centre Point & Turkey Creek, SC, 79-81; p, Portsmouth, Va, 81-4; evang. Savannah, Ga, 84; p, Anderson St ch. Savannah, 84-5; d. Savannah, Ga, Oc 27, 85. *Herdman, William Close — b, Pictou, NS, Canada, Dc 16, 1851; DalhU, 74; QuUOnt, Th Dept; PTS, 75-6; PTC; lie, Pby Pictou, My 28, 77; tea & oc s. Nova Scotia, 77-1907; res, Halifax, 07-28; d, Halifax, NS, Can, J1 17, 28. 1877-1878 319 *Huggart, Thomas S — b, Co Armagh, Ireland, Ap 13, 1845; WestmCPa, 74; PTS, 74-7; prin, Salem Acad, O, 77-84; ord, Pby Marion, Dc 2, 84; p, Ostrander, O, 84-6; p, Lancaster, 86-9; p, Shelby, 89-98; tea. Port Royal, Pa, 99-1902; tea. South Salem, O, 02-10; ss, Pisgah ch, Lyndon, 10- p, 11-18; d, Lyndon, O, Nv 19, 18. *Jamieson, Robert Addison — b, Middletown, Pa, Sp 14, 1848; WestmCPa, 74; PTS, 74-5; AllegTS, 75-7; ord, UP Pby Westmoreland, Sp 3, 78; p. Union, Pa, 78-88; p, Apollo, 78-1918; d, Apollo, Pa, J1 8, 31. *Marquand, Allan — b, NYCity, Dc 10, 1853; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-6; UnTS, 76- 7; UBer, 77-8; lie, Pby New York, My 7, 77; Fell, JHU, 78-81 ; tut, CNJ, 81-2; lect, CNJ, 82-3; prof, Art & Archaeol, CNJ, 83-1924; d, NYCity, Sp 24, 24. PhD, JHU, 80; LHD, HobC, 85. *Nesbit, James Harvey — b, Allegheny Co, Pa, Oc 27, 1839; MuskC, 74; WestTS, 74-5; PTS, 75-6; WestTS, 76-7; ord, Pby Saginaw, Sp, 79;evang, Com- ber, Mich, 79-81; res, Bridgeville, Pa, 82-87; demitted, 87; d, Petersburg, Va, Ja 24, 29. Nicholas, Walter Douglass — b, Mendham, NJ, Dc 12, 1852; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-5; UnTS; ord. Central Pby Phila, My 10, 77; p. Temple ch, Phila, Pa, 77- 80; p, 1st ch, Albany, NY, 80-90; San Francisco, Cal, 90-94; p, Palo Alto, 94-97; dropped from Pby San Jose, Ap 3, 1907; — *Pierce, John Owen — b, Carthage, Ind, Oc 15, 1845; WestmCMo, 73; PTS, 74-6; UnTS; ord, Pby Chillicothe, J1 24, 77; p, 3d ch, Chillicothe, O, 77-80; p, Mona, 81-3; p, Frankfort, 81-8; ss, Greenland, 83-8; ss, Wilmington, 89-93; ss, St Clair Ave ch, Columbus, 94-8; ss, Wapakoneta, 98-1900; ss, Midway ch, Colum- bus, 00-2; d, Columbus, O, Je 5, 02. Richards, Charles Lewis — b, Schenectady, NY, Sp 3, 1851; WRU, 74; PTS, 74-5; UnTS, 75-7; ord evang, Pby Cleveland, Je 13, 77; hm miss, Bozeman, Mont, 77-83; hm miss, Fort Benton, 83; ss, Superior, Wis, 83-5; p, Negaunee, Mich, 85-8; p, Newbury, 88-91; p, Baraboo, Wis, 91-1900; p, Kilbourn, 00-5; p, Poynette, 05-17; p, Lowville, Wis, 17-27; hon re; res, Poynette, Wis. *Todd, Francis Makemie — b, Troy, Pa, Ag 4, 1839; LafC, 63; bus; PTS, 74-7; ord, Pby Washington City, Oc 27, 78; ss, Manassas, Va & 1st ch, Prince William & Clifton, 78-88; jf, Manassas, 88-91; ss, Monroeton, Pa, 91- p, 92-95; ss. Mine Hill & Berkshire Valley chs, NJ, 95-8; d, Whitesville, Nv 18, 98. 16. 1878 *Barbour, John — b, Danville, Ky, J1 12, 1849; CenCKy, 71; law stu; bus; PTS, 75-8; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, Ap 26, 79; hm miss, Greenup, Ky, 78-9; p, 22d St ch, Louisville, 79-81; p el, Paxton, 111, 82-4; p, Bement, 84-8; p, Mankato, Minn, 88-93; p. So Highlands ch, Birmingham, Ala, 93-8; p, Maysville, Ky, 99- 1925; ss, Prestonsburg, 26-9; d, Pikeville, Ky, Nv 14, 29. DD, CntlU, 96; LittD, CenCKy, 19. Bigger, Eber Elam — b, Toccopola, Pontotoc Co, Miss, Nv 15, 1848; UMiss, 12 320 1878 75; UnTSVa, 75-6; PTS, 76-8; ord evang, Pby North Mississippi, Ap 11, 79; ss, Byhalia, Miss, 78-80; ss, Alabama St ch, Memphis, Term, 80-1; ss, Salem & Wal- nut Hill, Ky, 81- p, 82-5; p, Augusta & Sharon, 85-91; p, Washington, NC, 91-4; p, Corsicanna, Tex, 94-1902; ss, Forney & Lancaster, 03-04; p, Mexia, 04-9; p, Waxahachie, 09-15; p, Coalgate, Okla, 15-7; res, Clearwater, Fla. *Browne, Hugh Mason — b, Washington, DC, Je 12, 1851; HowU, 75; PTS, 75-8; FreeChCEdin; lie, Pby Washington, My 20, 78; ss, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, 76-9; prof, LibC, 83-6; tea, Washington, DC, 86-97; tea, Hamp- ton Inst, Hampton, Va, 97-1901; prin. High Schl, Baltimore, Md, 01-2; prin, Inst for Col Youth, Cheyney, Pa, 02-13; d, Phila, Oc 30, 23. *Campbell, John P — b, Caledonia, NY, Ag 4, 1850; CNJ, 75; PTS, 75-8; tut, CNJ, 76-7; ord evang, Pby Rochester, Oc 29, 78; ss. Faith miss, Baltimore, Md, 78-86; p. Faith ch, Baltimore, 86-1918, p em; res, Baltimore, 18-27; d, Cale- donia, NY, Nv 6, 27. DD, NewWC, 96. *Cecil, Russell — b, Monticello, Ky, Oc 1, 1853; CNJ, 74; tea; PTS, 75-8; FreeChCEdin; ord, Pby West Lexington, Nv 13, 79; p, Nicholasville, Ky, 79-85; ss. Central ch, Maysville, 85- p, 86-9; p, 1st ch, Selma, Ala, 89-1900; p, 2d ch, Richmond, Va, 00-25; d, Richmond, Je 15, 25. DD, SWPresbU, 93, &CNJ, 95; Mod, Gen Assem, 11. Chidester, Samuel Willis — b, Doylestown, O, Sp 27, 1853; CWoos, 75, 78, MA; PTS, 75-8; ord evang, Pby Wooster, Je 25, 79; miss p, Immanuel ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 78-82; p, Grace ch, Milwaukee, 82-91 ; asst p. Central ch, Denver, Colo, 92-3; p, Waukegan, 111, 93 — DD, CWoos, 1909. *Clark, Bennington F[itz] Randolph — b, Lewisburg, Pa, Oc 13, 1852; UPa, 72; bus; PTS, 75-8; lie, Pby Phila, My 6, 78; UPa, 94, MD; phys; prof, Phila Polyclinic, Phila, 94-1911; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Sp 3, 28. *Eaton, James Smith — b. Cross Roads, Pa, Nv 18, 1849; AllegC, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby New Castle, My 20, 79; p. Barren Creek Springs & Rockawalk- ing chs, Mardella Springs, Md, 79-81; prin. Barren Creek Springs, 80-7; prin. Laurel, 87-90; tea, Mardella Springs, 90-7; d, Sharptown, Md, J1 9, 99. *Eddy, William King— b, Beirut, Syria, Mr 13, 1854; CNJ, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord evang, Pby Westchester, J1 12, 78; miss, Sidop, Syria, 78-1906; d, Bussa, Syria, Nv 4, 06. Ely, George Wells — b, Hamilton Square, NJ, Ap 11, 1848; YaleU; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 30, 78; p, Wyoming, Pa, 78-82; p, Columbia, 1883-1921, p em, 21 — ; res. New Rochelle, NY, 25 — . *F*arrar, James McNall — b. Candor, Pa, Je 16, 1853; WestmCPa, 75, 1904, MA; PTS, 75-8; ord, UP, Pby Wheeling, Dc 10, 78; p, Harrisville, O, 78-84; p, 4th ch, Phila, Pa, 84-90; p, 1st RefChAm, Brooklyn, NY, 90-1916; act p, Lewis Ave Cong ch, Brooklyn, NY, 17-9; d, Mahwah, NJ, Je 22, 21. DD, WestmC Tenn, 91; LLD, UrsC, 09. Flickinger, Robert Elliott — b. Port Royal, Pa, Dc 3, 1846; W&JC, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Chester, Je 5, 79; p. Doe Run, Pa, 79-82; p. Walnut & 1878 321 Marne, la, 82-6; p, Fonda, 86-1902; ss. Calvary, Gilmore City & Plover, 03-4; supt. Oak Hill Industrial Acad, & ss, Oakhill ch, Valliant, Okla, 05-12; hon re, 12; res, Rockwell City, la. DD, BuenVC, 29. *Gallagher, George Washington — b, Peekskill, NY, Ja 25, 1849; CNJ, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord evang, Pby Westchester, My 6, 78; ss, Ogden, Utah, 78-80; ss. Eureka, Nev, 80-1; p, Westside Unitarian Ch, NYCity, 81-6; lect, & prof. Coll of Oratory, NYCity, 83-8; p, 4th Cong ch, Keene, NH, 85-9; p, Bethany ch, Montpelier, Vt, 89-93; p, Atkinson Mem ch, Tacoma, Wash, 93-5; p, Dickinson, ND, 95-7; p, 1st ch, Brainerd, Minn, 97-1900; p, 1st Free ch, Lockport, NY, 00-5; p, Geddes, SD, 05-10; p, Plainview, Neb, 10-2; p, Presb ch, Hartington, 13-4; d, Baltimore, Md, J1 17, 21. LED, Nashville Coll of Law, 03, & AmCLaw, 04. Grimke, Francis James — b. Charleston, SC, Nv 4, 1850; LincU, 70; agt, LincU; law stu; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Washington City, J1 7, 78; p, 15th St ch, Washington, DC, 78-85; ss, Laura St ch, Jacksonville, Fla, 85-9; p, 15th St ch, Washington, DC, 89 — . DD, LincU, 88. Henderson, John Robert — b, Newville, Pa, Nv 15, 1852; LafC, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Huntingdon, J1 9, 78; p, Bedford & Everett, Pa, 78-81; p, Lyons Farms, NJ, 82-90; p, Mifflintown, Pa, 90-5; p, Abington, 95-8; res, Wyncote, 99- 1902; p, Georgetown, & ss. Cool Spring, Del, 03-12; p, Rockville, Md, 13-22, p em, 22 — ; res, Georgetown, Del. Inglis, George Brown — b, Edzell, Scotland, Oc 11, 1854; UEdin, 74; Free ChCEdin, 74-6; PTS, 76-8;ord, Pby Clutha, New Zealand, Je 30, 80; p, Dunedin, New Zealand, 80-3; p, Ashburton, 93-1913; p, Auckland, 14-20; res, Auckland, New Zealand, 20 — . *Jewell, Stanley Day — b, Wellsburg, NY, Oc 27, 1853; UnC, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Chemung, My 14, 78; p. Big Flats, NY, 78-90; ss, Rome, Kan, 91; p, Coffeyville, 91-8; p, Butler, Mo, 98-1906; p, Fredericktown, 08-16; d, Frederick- town. Mo, Ja 14, 16. DD, UnC, 05. Kirk, James Wollaston — b, Fairview, Pa, Nv 22, 1849; CWoos, 75, 78, MA; PTS, 75-8; ord evang, Pby Erie, Ap 9, 79; ss, miss chap, Germantown, Pa, 78-80; p, Ashbourne, Pa, 80-2; p, Leverington Ave ch, Phila, Pa, 82-99; hm miss. Eagle, Alaska, 99-1902; evang, Alaska, 02-4; hm miss. Ft Wrangell, 04-5, Juneau, 05-6; hm miss, Alaska, & US, 06-7; p, Mahoning ch, Danville, Pa, 07-20, p em; res, Norwalk, O. DD, CWoos, 11. *Macleod, Alexander William — b. North River, Onslow, NS, Canada, Fb 19, 1848; DalhU, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Truro, Sp 11, 78; p, Parrsboro, NS, 78-81; p. West River & Hermon, 81-5; p, Thorburn & Sutherland’s River, 85-98; d, Thorburn, NS, Can, Ap 26, 98. PhD, SyrU, 85. Macmillan, John — b, Maghera, Ireland, Nv 10, 1852; QuUBelf, 75; AsC, 75-6; PTS, 76-8; ord, Pby Strabane, Je 26, 79; p, Sion ch, Strabane, Ire, 79-80; p, Dundalk, 80-92; p, Cooke Centenary ch, Belfast, 92-1930, p em; ed, Irish Temperance League Journal, 93-06; res, Belfast, Ire. DD, Presb Theol Fac, Belfast, 11; Mod, Gen Assem, 11. McElmoyle, John — b, Co Antrim, Ireland, Mr 2, 1858; CNJ, 75; PTS, 75- 322 1878 8; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 23, 79; p. Marietta, Pa, 79-82; ss, Kenderton ch, Phila, 83- p, 84-6; p, Tioga ch, Phila, 87-91; p, Elkton, Md, 93-1924; hon re, 24; res, Wayne, Pa. DD, StJC, 07. *McLean, Hector Alexander — b. Port Hill, PEI, Canada, My 28, 1848; CNJ, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 9, 78; p, Dillworthtown, Pa, 78-81; ss. Central City, Neb, 81-2; ss. Lone Tree, 83; p, Drawyers ch, Odessa, Del, 84-8; p, Forks of Brandywine, Pa, 89-1914; d, Coatesville, Ap 29, 17. *Moore, David Ross — b. Rising Sun, Ind, Ja 9, 1850; MialJ, 71; PTS, 71-2; LaneTS, 72-4; PTS, 77-8; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Ap 15, 74; ss, Venice, O, 74-8; ss, Brookyille, Ind, 78-80; ss, Frankfort, 80-1; p, Brookville, 81-6; p, Logan, O, 86- 98; p. South Salem, 98-1907; ss. Bond Hill, 07- p, 08-14; ss, Dunlapsville ch. Liberty, Ind, 15-25; res, Oxford, O, 25-32; d, Oxford, Ja 8, 32. DD, MiaU, 91. *Robinson, Joseph Carle — b, Belmont Co, O, Dc 27, 1849; HighU, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Palmyra, Ap 6, 79; ss, Shelbyville & Clarence, Mo, 78-82; p, Westminster ch, Worthington, Minn, 82-5; p. White Bear Lake, 85-1918; hon re, 21; d, Portland, Me, Sp 7, 30. *Rubinkam, Nathaniel Irwin — b, near Hartsville, Pa, Fb 19, 1851; CNJ, 74; UHalle, 74-5; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 30, 78; p. West Pittston, Pa, 78-80; p, 2d RefChAm, Phila, 80-5; p el, Presb ch, Jamestown, NY, 85- p, 86-8; UBer; UBasle; p. University Cong ch, Chicago, 111, 93-9; withdrew, 99; lect. Lit, UChi, 93-1910; lect, Rubinkam Asso, Chicago, 1903-9; lect. Central Unitarian Soc, Chicago, 09-19; d, Chicago, 111, Sp 29, 19. PhD, UBasle, 91. *Shields, Calvin Rice — b. Bowling Green, Ky, Sp 21, 1849; CNJ, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord evang, Pby Highland, My 5, 78; ss. Union, Ore, 78- p, 82-5; ss, Lostine, Joseph and Shiloh, 85-9; ss, Mizpah ch, Portland, 89- p, 90-4; evang, Portland, 95-6; ss. Union, 97-8; ss, Davenport & Larene, Wash, 99-1900; ss. Bethel ch, Spokane, 01- p, 02-5; ss, Oxnard, Cal, 06; p, Dayton Ave cl., Los Angeles, 07-15; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Nv 13, 23. Stevenson, Robert Montgomery — b, Danville, Ky, J1 17, 1848; WabC, 75; NWTS, 75-7; PTS, 77-8; ord, Pby Bloomington, Je 10, 78; p, Renovo, Pa, 78-9; ill health; ss, Georgetown, Colo, 81-3; ss, Bozeman, Mont, 83- p, 84-9; ss, Westminster ch, Sacramento, Cal, 90- p, 91-7; p, 1st ch, Madison, Ind, 97-1900; p, 2d ch, Omaha, Neb, 00-3; v-pres, BellvC, 02-5; pres, WestmCUtah, 05-12; ss, 1st ch. Salt Lake City, Utah, 12-3; p. Fair Oaks & Orangevale, Cal, 13-9; ss, 1st ch, Bozeman, Mont, 20; asst p, 1st ch, Berkeley, Cal, 22-8; hon re, 28; res, Berk- eley, 28 — . DD, WabC, 00. *Swiggett, Edward Toner — b, Cincinnati, O, Sp 27, 1850; PTS, 75-8; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Dc 11, 79; p. Morrow, O, 79-1907; p, Reading-Lockland ch, Lockland, 07-15; p. Trinity ch, Cincinnati, 17-29; d, Cincinnati, O, Dc 23, 29. DD, MiaU, 00. *Westervelt, William Gorham — b, Newburgh, NY, Fb 26, 1851; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74, 75-8; ord evang, Pby Winona, Oc 9, 78; ss. La Crescent & Caledonia, Minn, 78-9; ss, Caledonia, Houston & Sheldon, 79-80; ss, Ord & Myra Valley, Neb, 80-1; ss, Millerton, NY, 81-5; ss, Milton, 85- p, 86-92; ss, Esperance, 92- p, 1878 323 93-1902; ss, Lafayette, NJ, 02-4; p, Beemerville, 04-14; res, Poughkeepsie, NY, 14-30; cl, Poughkeepsie, Je 19, 30. ‘Workman, David R — b, Belmont Co, O, Sp 13, 1851; CWoos, 75; PTS, 75-8; NWTS; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 23, 79; p. New London, Pa, 79-83; p, Put- nam ch, & tea, Zanesville, O, 83-9; p, Leacock ch. Lea man Place, Pa, 89-1920; d, Leaman Place, Pa, Ap 6, 20. DD, CWcos, 99. ‘Wright, John Newton — b, Lyndon, O, Fb 8, 1852; CWoos, 75; PTS, 75-8; ord evang, Pby Chillicothe, My 1, 78; miss, Tabriz, Persia, 78-85; Salmas, 85-96; Tabriz, 96-1910; res, Wooster, O, 11-23; d, Wooster, J1 25, 23. DD, CWoos, 92. 31. Ballard, Frank Otis — b, Athens, O, Mr 22, 1852; OU, 73; CWoos, 74; PTS, 75-6; UnTS, 76-7; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, My 8, 78; p, Corning, la, 78-83; p, Austin, 111, 83-93; p. Memorial ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 93-1917; prof, Eng Bib, HanC, 17-31; res, Hanover, Ind. DD, NYU, 96. Black, John Graeme — b. Centre Township, O, My 6, 1847; KenC, 74, 83, MA; PTS, 74-6, 77; FreeChCEdin; supt schls, St Clairsv'ille, O, 77-80; ord. Pby St Clairsville, Oc 6, 80; ss. Rock Hill & Wegee, 78- p, 80-3; p. Rock Hill & Colebrook, 83-6; pres, FrankCO, 86-7; prof, Geol & Math, CWoos, 87-1922; ss, Wayne, O, 88-1901; res, Wcxjster, O, 22 — . DD, HurC, 15. ‘Bocher [Booher], Marcus De La Fayette — b, Kingsport, Tenn, Fb 26, 1850; PTS, 75-6; AubTS, 76-8; ord, Pby Monroe, Ag 3, 79; p, Reading, Mich, 79-82; ss. Grand Rapids, 82-5; res. Grand Rapids, 86-1924; d. Riverside, Mich, Sp 7, 24. ‘Ferguson, Marshall Beatty — b. Tiffin, O; CWoos, 1874; PTS, 75-7; d. Tiffin, O, Mr 3, 77. ‘Ferris, George Henry — b, Hillsdale, Mich, Dc 26, 1853; CNJ, 74; Fell, CNJ ; PTS, 75-6; tut, CNJ; AubTS; ord evang, Pby Geneva, Ap 17, 78; miss, Kolhapur, India, 80-94; d, Kolhapur, Mr 7, 94. Fitzpatrick, James — b, Roger’s Hill, NS, Canada, Nv 16, 1846; DalhU, 75; PTS, 75-7; ss, St James ch, NB, 77; asst p, St John’s, NF, 77-8; ord, Pby Pictou, Fb 4, 79; p, Saltsprings, NS, 79-92; p, Underwood & Centre Bruce, Ont, 92-1903; p. West New Annan, NS, 04-19; res. River John, 19 — . ‘Hathaway, Israel W — b, Milan, O, Mr 20, 1838; PTS, 76-8; ord evang, Pby Brooklyn, Mr 4, 79; ss, Westminster ch, Jersey City, NJ, 79- p, 80-97; sec, AmSabUn, 97-1903; d, Pasadena, Cal, Je 16, 03. DU, MaryvC, 92. ‘Hawkins, John Andrew — b. Green Castle, Ind, Mr 16, 1852; AsbC, 74; PTS, 75-6; UnTS, 78-80; DrewTS, 82-3, BD; stock raiser, Greencastle, Ind, 83- 93; ord UnB, Sp, 9.3; p, Galton, III, 93-6; pres & coll p, Westfield Coll, 111, 96- 1902; p, Casey, 02-3; presiding eld. Lower Wabash Conf, 03, 09 11,12; p. New Goshen, Ind, 09-10; p, Bethlehem, 12-5; res, Greencastle, 15-24; d, Greencastle, Ind, Ja 16, 24. PhD, IllWesU, 89, DD, 00. 324 1878-1879 *Kerlinger, Charles Cyrus — b, Logansville, Pa, Ap 28, 1851; PaC, 75; PTS, 75-6; WestTS, 76-7; tea, Andersonburg & Uniontown, Pa, 79, 82; ed, Stewartstown News, Pa, 90-1; ed. Valley Echo, East Palestine, O, 93; rul eld; bus, Dunbar, Pa, 94-1904; res, York, 04-17; d, York, Pa, Dc 31, 17. *Lehman, Adolph — b. Savannah, O, Nv 6, 1847; CWoos, 75; PTS, 75-8; WestTS; ord, Pby Zanesville, Mr 4, 80; ss, Dresden & Adam's Mills, O, 78- p, 80-7; p, Nottingham, 87-1902; ss, Stillwater, 98-02; ss. Beech Springs, 02-3; p, Springdale, 03-14; d, Springdale, O, Sp 16, 17. DD, CWoos, 95. *Mundy, Frank Jarvis — b, Metuchen, NJ, Je 21, 1852; RutU, 74; PTS, 75-8; ColTS; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Sp 24, 79; p, Stirling, NJ, 79-80; ss, Cong ch. East Weymouth, Mass, 82-3; ss, 2d ch, Bennington, Vt, 84; p, 1st ch, Lynn, Mass, 84-9; p, 1st Presb ch. North Liberties, Phila, Pa, 90-1; p, 1st ch, Spokane, Wash, 92-4; p. Olivet ch, Atlantic City, NJ, 95-1902; res, Atlantic City, 02-3; p, Jefferson Park ch, Chicago, 111, 04-5; p, 2d ch, Dallas, Tex, 06-7; res, San Monica, Cal, 08-9; ss, Hollywood, 09-10, 14-7; ss, Los Angeles, 18-9; hon re, 21; res, Pasadena, 19-32; d, Pasadena, Cal, J1 9, 32. *Thompson, Thomas Milton — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, My 26, 1852; CWoos, 75; PTS, 75-6; WestTS, 76-8; ord, Pby Butler, My 15, 78; ss, Martinsburg & New Salem, Pa, 77- p, 78-82; p. North Washington, 80-3; p, Freeport, 83-90; p, Sharps- burg, 90-1910; p, 3d ch, Uniontown, 10-7; ill health; d, Bellevue, Pa, Ja 16, 19. DD, CWoos, 97. *Webster, Thomas Johnston Clarkson — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 16, 1853; MercC, 74; XenTS, 74-7; PTS, 77-8; ord UP, Pby San Francisco, Ap 10, 79; p, Santa Ana, Cal, 79-93; ill health; mining eng, Pasadena; d, Pasadena, Cal, Ja 15, 29. *Young, Samuel Hall — b, Butler, Pa, Sp 12, 1847; CWoos, 75j PTS, 75-6; WestTS, 76-88; ord evang, Pby West Virginia, My 5, 78; miss. Fort Wrangel, Alaska, 78-88; ss. Long Beach & Wilmington, Cal, 88- p, 89-90; ss. Lake View ch, Chicago, 111, 91; ss. Calvary ch, Chicago, 91-2; ss. Cedar Falls, la, 92- p, 93-5; ss, Westm ch, Wooster, O, 96-7; miss, Dawson City, Alaska, 97-8, Eagle & Ram- part, 98-9, Nome & Teller, 99-1900; supt, Presb miss, Alaska, 01-12; spec rep, BdHmMiss, NYCity, 12-21, 25-7; miss, Alaska, 21-5; d, Clarksburg, WVa, Sp 2, 27. DD, CWoos, 99. 14. 1879 *Alexander, Joseph Kirkwood — b, Martin’s Ferry, O, Dc 10, 1852; LafC, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Mankato, Oc 18, 79; p, Jackson, Minn, 79-83; ss, Sig- ourney & Keota, la, 83-4; p, Keota, 84-91; p. Morning Sun, la, 91-9; p, Santa Paula, Cal, 99-1900; p, Libertyville, la, 00-2; p, New London, 02-7; p, Bloomfield, 07-11; hon re; d, Vineland, NJ, Nv 16, 21. *Alexander, William Addison — b, Kosciusko, Miss, Ja 19, 1857; UMiss, 75; tut, UMiss; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Central Mississippi, Oc 12, 79; p, Lexington, Miss, 79-81; ss, Franklin, 79-81; ss, Yazoo City, 81-4; p. Canton, 84-92; ss, Madi- son, 85-92; prof. Bib Lit, SWPresbU, 92-1909; d, Memphis, Tenn, Nv 15, 09. DD, DavC, 96. 1879 325 *Anderson, William Frederick — b, Peapack, NJ, Ja 17, 1855; RutU, 75; tea; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, J1 15, 79; p, Chatham, NJ, 79-81; asst p, RefChAm, Fordham, NY, 81- p, 87-93; d, Fordham, J1 24, 93. *Barkley, James Morrison — b, near Statesville, NC, Nv 22, 1846; CSA; CNJ, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Newark, My 9, 79; p, Wickliffe ch, Newark, NJ, 79-82; p el, Hillsdale, Mich, 82- p, 83-5; State sec, YMCA, Mich, 85-7; p, 3d Ave (Forest Ave) ch, Detroit, 87-1916; d, Detroit, Mich, Ag 18, 22. DD, AlmaC, 99, LLD, 12; Mod, Gen Assem, 09. Bright, John Henry — b, Eaton, O, Nv 15, 1850; HanC, 76, 84, MA; PTS, 76-9; ord evang, Pby Neosho, Nv 17, 79; ss, Chanute & Thayer, Kan, 79-80; p, Chanute, 80-5; ss, Marion, 85- p, 86-94; p, Hopewell ch, Frankfin, Ind, 94-1900; ss, Mt Vernon & Ozark Prairie, Mo, 01-2; p, Clinton, 03-4; p. La Harpe, Kan, 05- 10; p, Arundel Ave ch, Emporia, Kan, 10-2; p evang, Emporia & Wichita Pbys, 12-3, ss. Cedar Point & Florence, 13-4; ss, Arundel Ave ch, Emporia, 14-8; ss, Burrton, 18-9; ss. White City, 19-21; hon re, 21; res, Whittier, Cal. ^Campbell, Zephaniah Beale — b, Waynesburg, Pa, Nv 25, 1849; CW’oos, 75; PTS, 76-9; ord evang, Pby Wooster, Je 25, 79; ss, Lima, O, 79; ss, Ada & New Stark, 80-90; ss, Ada, 90-1900; res, San Antonio, Tex, 00-4; chap & fin sec. West- ern Coll for Women, Oxford, 0, 04-10; d, Columbus, O, Ag 27, 19. DD, OU, 93. *Clendenin, Frank Montrose — b, Washington, DC, Sp 17, 1853; ColbnU, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Cairo, J1 9, 79; p, Grace Presb ch, Nashville, 111, 79-80; ord PEpis pr, Dc 18, 81; rec, St George’s ch, Belleville, O, 81-4; rec, Grace ch, Cleve- land, O, 84-7; rec, St Peter's ch. West Chester, NY, 87-1917, rec em; d, Chappa- qua, NY, Ag 19, 30. STD, NasH, 93. *Condit, Isaac Hiram — b, Stillwater, NJ, Sp 8, 1848; CNJ, 73; PTS, 75-9; ord evang, Pby Newton, Je 11, 79; ss. Pleasant Grove & Lebanon, & tea, Albany, Ore, 79-81; ss, 1st ch, Albany, 81-5; p, Marshall St ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 85-90; p, 1st ch. Stanhope, 90-4; p, Hagerstown, Md, 94-6; ss, Stillwater, NJ, 96-9; p. Holly Beach, 1900-1; p. Yellow Frame ch, Newton, 01-16; evang, Stillwater, 16- 30; d, Stillwater, NJ, Mr 5, 30. *Culp, Daniel Wallace — b, Unionville, SC, Fb 29, 1852; Bdll, 76; PTS, 76- 9; ord evang, Pby Fairfield, Dc 5, 79; ss, Pitts, Mt Pisgah & Sloan Chap, SC, 79-80; p, 3d ch, Jacksonville, Fla, 81-6; p, Cong chs, Florence, Ala & Nashville, Tenn, 88-90; UMich; Medical Coll, Columbus, O, 90-1; phys, Nashville, Tenn, 91- 2, Augusta, Ga, 92-4, Palatka, Fla, 94-1907, Plant City, 07-11, Augusta, Ga, 11-8; d, Augusta, Oc 11, 18. ‘Cunningham, Charles Eugene — b, Franklin, Tenn, Nv 12, 1856; StewC, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Oc 3, 79; p, Madison Ave ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 79-89; p, Yazoo City, Miss, 89-1910; d, Yazoo City, Ap 18, 10. DD, SWPresbU, 95. Dresser, Elliot Lawrence — b, Hillsdale, Mich, My 21, 1850; CNJ, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord evang, Pby Monroe, Nv 18, 79; ss, Cong ch, Shopiere, Wis, 79-83; ss, Huron, O, 83-5; ss. Artesian, SD, 85-90; ss. Canton, 90-2; p, 2d ch, Flandreau, 92- 7; ss, Divernon, 111, 97-1902; ss, Mayflower chap, Cleveland, O, 02-3; ss, Genoa & Five Corners, NY, 03-20; hon re, 20; res, Cleveland, O, 20 — . 1879 326 *Dulles, Allen Macy — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 19, 1854; CNJ, 75; tea, Princeton, NJ ; PTS, 76-9; ULeip & UBer, 79-81; ord, Pby Detroit, Dc 1, 81; p, Trumbull Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 81-7; p, 1st ch, Watertown, NY, 87-1904; p, 2d ch. Au- burn, 05-16; prof. Theism & Apol, AubTS, 04-30; d. Auburn, Nv 13, 30. DD, HamC, 01. *Findley, Thomas Maskell — b, Mahoning, Pa, Sp 29, 1847; MonC, 74; prin; PTS, 76-9; ss, Keyport, NJ, 79-80; ord, Pby Des Moines, Je 22, 80; p, In- dianola, la, 80-3; ss. Blunt & Canning, & pres, PierU, 83-5; ss, 9th St ch, St Paul, Minn, 85-7; p, 2d ch, Duluth, 88-98; evang, Pby St Cloud, 98-1925; d, Spicer, Minn, Fb 22, 28. DD, MacalC, 21. *Flinn, Harvey Wilson — b. Holly Springs, Miss, Je 5, 1850; UMiss, 74; tea; ColTS, 77-8; PTS, 78-80; ord, Pby Tombeckbee, Oc 28, 80; p, Okolona & West Point, Miss, 80-2; ss. Moss Point & Hansboro, 82-3; p, Carrollton ch. New Orleans, La, 83-9; p, Bessemer, Ala, 89-1901; p. West End, Birmingham, 01-7; ss, Hope- well, 07-8; p el, Lamberts Point ch, Norfolk, Va, 10-1; d, Centreville, Tenn, Ja 3, 18. *Hunter, William Andrew — b, Cincinnati, O, My 7, 1852; HanC, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Schuyler, Dc 9, 79; p, Wythe ch, Warsaw, 111, 79-84; p, Clinton, 111, 84-99; p. Ft Collins, Colo, 99-1901; p, Vincennes, Ind, 01-6; p, Spokane, Wash, 07-8; p, 1st ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 08-10; p el, Covina, 10-1; p, Chico, 12-3; p. Calvary ch, Fresno, 13-6; ss, Westm ch, Fresno, 16-8; p, Garvalia ch, San Gabriel, 18-20; hon re, 20; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Dc 7, 22. DD, BlacC, 93. *Kimball, William Eugene — b, Frankfort, NY, J1 12, 1846; HamC, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord evang, Pby Omaha, Sp 17, 79; ss, Madison, Creston & Humprey, Neb, 79-83; p, Madison, 83-96; ss, Warnerville, 87-93; p, Geneseo, 111, 96-9; p, 1st ch, Adams, NY, 00-10; p, Sawquoit, 10-23; hon re, 23; d, Whitesboro, Je 14, 26. DD, No Neb Coll, 93. *Louderbough, William Vanzandt — b, Newportville, Pa, Mr 11, 1851; CNJ, 75; tea ; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby New Castle, Sp 24, 79; p, Drawyers ch, Odessa, Del, 79-82; p, 1st ch. Northern Liberties, Phila, Pa, 82-3; p, 1st ch, Salem, NJ, 83-1919; d, Salem, My 18, 19. *Marquis, William Stevenson — b, Kenton, O, Oc 2, 1853; IllWesU, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Bloomington, Oc 8, 79; p, Minonk, 111, 79-84; p, Broadway ch. Rock Island, 84-1913, p em; Western rep, Gen Assem Com for Every Mem Plan, 14-9; exec. New Era Mvmt, 19-26; d, Montclair, NJ, Ag 19, 29. DD, KxC, 95. *McCaban, Jobn Moore — b, Ballycastle, Ireland, Sp 22, 1850; LafC, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord evang, Pby Phila, My 11, 79; ss, Delano, Minn, 79-80; p, Poynette, Wis, 80-3; hm miss, Caledonia, Minn, 83-7; ss, Faulkton, SD, 87-91; ss, Bloom- field, la, 91-3; res, St Paul, Minn; ss. Canton & Crystal, ND, 95-6; ss, Bostwick & Ruskin, Neb, 98-9; ss, Foley, Minn, 00-1; res, St Paul; d, Phoenix, Ariz, Ap 26, 20. *McClure, Alexander Doak — b, Lewisburg, Tenn, J1 9, 1850; CNJ, 74; tea; PTS, 75-7, 78-9; ord, Pby North Mississippi, Ap 15, 78; ss, Fayetteville, Tenn, 77; ss, Oxford, Miss, 77-80; p, Bardstown, Ky, 80-2; p. Highland ch, Louis- 1879 327 ville, 82-8; p, Maryland Ave ch, Baltimore, Md, 88-91; p, St Andrew’s, Wilming- ton, NC, 91-1920; d, Mt Olive, Ap 6, 20. DD, DavC, 01. *McKenzie, Duncan — b. Lock Lomond, NS, Canada, Sp 1, 1852; DalhU, 76; PTC, 76-7; PTS, 77-9; ord, Pby Pictou, J1 23, 79; p, Earltown, NS, 79-86; p, Lochiel, Ont, 86-1907; p. Wood Island, PEI, 07-11; miss, Los River & Lake View, Can, 13-23; d, Guelph, Ont, Can, Ag 17, 24. *McPherson, Simon John — b, Mumford, NY, Ja 19, 1850; CNJ, 74; tut, CNJ ; PTS, 75-7; Europe, 77-8; PTS, 78-9; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Sp 24, 79; p, 1st ch, E Orange, NJ, 79-82; p, 2d ch, Chicago, 111, 82-99; prin, Lawrenceville Schl, Lawrenceville, NJ, 99-1919; d, Lawrenceville, Ja 9, 19. DD, KxC, 83, & CNJ, 96. *Park, Clearfield — b, Phillipsburg, NJ, Oc 8, 1856; LafC, 76; UnTS; PTS, 78-9, ord, Pby West Jersey, Nv 19, 79; p, Millville, NJ, 79-94; ill health; p, RefChAm, Woodstock, NY, 96-1904; ss. West Hurley, 98-04; d, Woodstock, NY, Ja 14, 04. *Rice, Harry Vernon — b, Fulton, NY, Oc 25, 1852; LafC, 77; UnTS; PTS, 78-9; ord, Pby Mankato, Oc 8, 79; ss, Flandreau, DT, 80; p el, Carson City, Nev, 81; ss, Cambria, Cal, 81-2; ss, lone, 82-4; ss. Union, Ore, 86; p. Port Townsend Bay, Wash, 87-97, res, Quilcene, 97-1904; res, Santa Barbara, Cal, 04-9; d, Santa Barbara, Fb 27, 09. *Robertson, Daniel James — b, Stratford, NY, Mr 10, 1850; UnC, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord evang, Pby Steuben, Sp 23, 79; p, Canisteo, NY, 79-84; ss, Thayer, Kan, 85-9; d, Thayer, Oc 26, 89. *Robinson, Edward Patten — b. Dauphin, Pa, Ag 19, 1850; CNJ, 76; PTS, 76-9; res. Dauphin, Pa, 79-84; ord, Pby Buffalo, Ap 30, 85; p, Clarence, NY, 85-6; ss. Orchard Park, 86- p, 90-1904; ss, Derry ch. Dauphin, Pa, 05-06; ss. East Avon, NY, 06-9; p el, Sodus Centre, 09-11; p el, Knowlesville, 11-3; res. Dauphin, Pa, 13-7; res, Harrisburg, 17-28; d, Harrisburg, Pa, Oc 17, 28. Smith, John Andrew Livingston — b. Cross Roads, Pa, Mr 12, 1853; CNJ, 76; WestTS, 76-7; PTS, 77-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 24, 79; p, English- town, NJ, 79-81; ss, Payson, Utah, 81-7; supt, Hungerford Acad, Springville, 87-92; supt, Acad, Logan, 92-.3; ss, American Fork, 93-6; evang, Stewartstown, Pa, 96-1901; evang & ss, York, 01-26; hon re, 26; res, York, 26 — . ♦Stull, William Clark— b, Milford, NJ, Sp 29, 1850; LafC, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 28, 79; p. East Whiteland ch, Frazer, Pa, 79-86; p. Bethel, Md, 86-92; p, Leesburg, Fla, 92-5; res. Forest Hill, Md; d. Forest Hill, Ap 29, 97. ♦Thomas, Welling Evan — b, Orwell, Pa, Ja 25, 1852; LafC, 75; tea; UnTS, 76-7; PTS, 77-9, ord, Pby Marion, Oc 9, 79; p, Ashley, O, 79-83; p. Brown ch, Kilbourne, 79-84; ss, Kingston, 8.3-4; p, Marion, 84-1901; p, Lewisburg, Pa, 01- 15; d, Lewisburg, Nv 16, 15. DD, CWoos, 01. ♦Thornton, Norbury Willet— b, Millersburg, 111, Nv 20, 1852; MonC, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord, Pby Iowa City, Oc 2, 79; p. West Liberty, la, 79-84; prin, Gene- seo Coll Inst, 84-97; ss, Munson, 111, 90-7; ss, Buffalo Prairie, 97-1903; ss, Keiths- 1879 328 burg, 04- p, 07-10; p, Pisgah ch, Orleans, 10-2; field sec, William & Vashti Coll, 111, 12-4- prin, Geneseo, 14-22; d. Long Beach, Cal, Sp 7, 29. *Woodbridge, William Gould — b. Baton Rouge, La, J1 23, 1845; CNJ, 65; bus; tea; ColTS, 76-8; PTS, 78-9; ord, Pby Tombeckbee, J1 17, 79; p. Enterprise & ss, Philadelphia & Bethel, Miss, 79-80; p el. Hot Springs, Ark, 80-1; ss, Mem- phis, Tenn, & Natchez, Miss, 81-2; ss, Warrenton, Va, 82-3; p, 5th ch, Chicago, 111, 84-8; ss, Mattituck, NY, 89-91; p, Griffin, Ga, 91-1901; p el, Kirkwood, 01-5; ss, Hope, 02-4; p, Avondale ch, Birmingham, Ala, 05-12; ill health; res, Tacoma, Wash, 12-7; res, Seattle, 17-22; d, Seattle, Wash, Mr 29, 22. DD, ErskC, 99. 31. *Blinn, William Henry — b. New Orleans, La, Ag 21, 1848; CNJ, 75; PTS, 76-7; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 6, 77. Chambers, William Nesbitt — b. North Norwich, Ont, Canada, Fb 22, 1853; CNJ, 76; PTS, 76-8; UnTS, 78-9; ord Cong evang, Sherburne, NY, Sp 11, 79; miss, Erzeroom, Turkey, 79-99, Adana, 99-1924; res, Beirut, Syria. DD, PrlJ, 15, & QuUOnt, 15. *Cline, John Wesley — b. Harmony, NJ, J1 7, 1832; LafC, 58; DrewTS; BosUST; PTS, 77-8; lie, Pby Newton, Ap 10, 78; lie recalled, Ap 12, 82; res. Har- mony, NJ, 78-92; Phillipsburg, 92-3; Phila, Pa; Belvidere, NJ ; d, Belvidere, Mr 11, 1904. *Conger, Arthur Bloomfield — b, Dobbs’ Ferry, NY, Mr 2, 1854; CNJ, 76; PTS, 76-9; ord PEpis pr, Je 8, 79; rec. Holy Cross ch, Perth Amboy, NJ, 79-80; rec, Woodside ch, Newark, NJ, 80-2; rec, ch Good Shepherd, Radnor, Pa, res, Rosemont, 83-1912; rec, St Paul’s ch, Centreville, Md, 13-6; ill health; res. Villa Nova, Pa, 16-20; d, .Spring Lake, NJ, Sp 5, 20. *Farrar, John Alexander — b. Candor, Pa, Mr 3, 1851; WestmCPa, 75; tea; PTS, 76-8; d. New Wilmington, Pa, Nv 29, 80. *Frost, Charles Noble — b, Detroit, Mich, Mr 1, 1855; CNJ, 75; hm miss, Detroit, Mich; PTS, 76-8; FreeChCEdin, 78-9; ord, Pby Saginaw, Mr 5, 80; p, Lapierre, Mich, 80-7; p, Westm ch. West Bay City, 87-8; ss, Delaware Water Gap, Pa, 88; ss, 1st ch, Detroit, Mich, 88-9; p, 1st ch, Victor, NY, 90-6, p, Bath, 96-1911; p. Central ch, Avon, 11-21; hon re, 21; d, Avon, NY, Ja 11, 29. DD, HamC, 08. *Heebner, Alfred — b. Port Carbon, Pa, Ag 27, 1851; LafC, 76; PTS, 76-8; ord ME, 82; p. Chapmans, Pa, 82-4; p, Glendon, 84-7; p, Birdsborough, 88; p, Mt Pleasant Ave ch, Germantown, Phila, 89-91; p, Simpson Mem ch, Phila, 92-5; p, Shenandoah, 96-7; p, St John’s ch, Phila, 98-1900; p, Port Richmond, Phila, 01- 2; p, Tacony, 03-5; p, Fitzwater St ch, Phila, 06-7; p, Mt Carmel ch, Phila, 08- 10; p, Schuylkill Haven, 11; p, Ridge Ave ch, Roxboro, Phila, 12-5; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 16, 16. *Jordan, Louis Henry — b, Halifax, NS, Canada, J1 27, 1855; DalhU, 75, 78, MA; PTS, 76-8; UnTS, 78-9; UEdin, 81, BD; ULeip; ord, Pby Halifax, Dc 7, 82; 1879-1880 329 p, St Andrew's ch, Halifax, NS, Can, 82-5; p, Erskine ch, Montreal, 85-90; lect, Ch Polity, PresbC, 87-9; trav, 90-1; UBer, 91-2; OxU, 92-3; p, St James Sq ch, Toronto, Can, 93-1900; UBer; lect, Compar Rel, CamU, 02; res, Oxford, Eng, 02-9; trav; d, London, Eng, Oc 4, 23. *Porter, Will McNite — b, Shirleysburg, Pa, Ja 18, 1849; MonC, 76; PTS, 76-8, NWTS; ss, Oneida, 111, 79-80; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Oc 21, 80; p, Linn Grove, la, 80-5; p, Alamosa, Colo, 86-7; ss. Black Hawk, 87- p, 88-91; p. Nelson, Neb, 91-1905; p, Delphos, Kan, 05-12; p, Ong, Neb, 14-5; ss, Kaysville & Clinton, Utah, 15-7; hon re, 17; d. Salt Lake City, J1 27, 22. Powell, Arthur Chilton — b, Dayton, O, J1 22, 1854; AmhC, 76; PTS, 76-7 ; DSPEpis Ch, 77-9; ord PEpis pr. My 13, 80; rec. Riverside, Cincinnati, O, 79-82; rec, St John’s ch, York, Pa, 82-8; rec, Grace ch, Baltimore, Md, 88-1913; rec, St Mary's ch, Baltimore, 13-30; res, Baltimore, Md, 30 — . DD, StJC, 06. *Salmond, Charles Adamson — b, Arbroath, Scotland, Je 13, 1853; UEdin, 75; FreeChCEdin; PTS, 77-8; ord, Pby Aberdeen, Ag 21, 79; p. Cults, Aberdeen, Scot, 79-81; p, St Matthew’s Free ch, Glasgow, 81-7; p, Rothesay, 87-90; p. So Morningside (United) Free ch, Edinburgh, 90-1920, p em; ill health; res. Rose- bank, Aberdeenshire; d, Rosebank, Scotland, J1 7, 32. DD, FrU, 02. *Thomas, Jacob W — b, Camden, Ind, My 22, 1850; WittC; PTS, 77-8; ord Ev Luth Synod Northern Illinois, Oc 21, 78; p, Spencer, Ind, 93-4; p, Lanark, 111, 96; p, Mt Morris, 1901; p, Readsburg, O, 05; p, Bloomdale, 06-8; p. Upper San- dusky, 09-12; p, Findlay, 13-7; p, Lynchburg, 18-9; d, Camden, Ind, Oc 24, 22. Wardlaw, De Lacey — b, Paris, Ky, Nv 5, 1856; CNJ, 76; PTS, 76-7; UnTS Va; ord evang, Pby Nashville, Je, 80; miss, Pernambuco, Brazil, 80-2; Ceara, 82-1901; lect & tea. Bell Buckle, Tenn; res, Miami, Fla. 13. 1880 Beach, Sylvester Woodbridge — b, Woodville, Miss, J1 24, 1852; CNJ, 76; PTS, 76-7, 78-80; ss. West ch, Washingjion, DC, 79; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 26, 80; p, 12th ch, Baltimore, Md, 80-7; p, 1st ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 87-1902; p to stu, Latin Quarter, Paris, France, 02-5; asso p, American ch, Paris, France, 03- act p, 04-5; p, 1st ch, Princeton, NJ, 06-22, p em, 22 — ; res, Princeton, NJ. DD, CWoos, 14. ♦Blayney, Francis Scott — b, Iberia, O, J1 31, 1852; CWoos, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Omaha, Ap 20, 81; ss. North (2d ch) Omaha, Neb, 81-6; act pres & prof. Mental, Moral & Polit Sc, BellvC, 83-4; p, Hebron, 86-9; pres, BellvC, 87-90; p, Abilene, Kan, 92-1921; tea, Abilene, 95-8; prof, Eng Lit, CEmpo, 98-01; prof. Mental, Moral & Polit Sc, 01-5; d, Abilene, Kan, J1 9, 21. PhD, BellvC, 88 & UOma, 90; DD, CEmpo, 07. ♦Campbell, Robert Erskine — b. Cross Hill, SC, Sp 9, 1855; NewbC, 76; tea; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Louisville, Nv 14, 80; p, Warren chap, Louisville, Ky, 80-2; ss, Morgansfield, 82-3; p, 1st ch, Florida, NY, 84-8; asst, PEpis ch, Utica, 87-8; ord PEpis pr, Je 23, 88; rec, Grace ch, Waterville, NY, 88-90; rec, Borden- town, NJ, 90-3; res, Boston, Mass; rec, Christ ch, Bordentown, NJ, 96-1900; rec. 330 1880 Epiphany ch, Bellevue, Pa, 00-3; cy miss, NYCity, 03-7; rec, Washington, NJ, 07-8; rec, St Agnes’ ch, Washington, DC, 08-9; rec, St Andrew’s ch, Jacksonville, Fla, 13-5; d, Kissimmee, Mr 14, 20. DD, NewbC, 06. *Cooder, Charles Lowell — b. New Richmond, O, Je 30, 1854; CWoos, 77; NWTS, 77-8; PTS, 78-80; CNJ, 82, MA; ord, Pby Westminster, My 10, 81; p, Pequea, Pa, 81-5; p, Christ ch, Lebanon, 85-8; ord PEpis pr. My 5, 89; rec, Christ ch, Pottstown, 89-1900; rec, St Paul’s ch, Rahway, NJ, 00-11; rec, St John’s ch, Camden, 11-4; chap. City Mission, Newark, 14-30; d, Newark, J1 7, 31. DD, CWoos, 05. *Creighton, James Alexander — b, Coshocton, O, Mr 24, 1848; Forest Acad, 73; tea; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Paducah, Sp 26, 80; p, Columbus, Ky, 80-1; ss, Farmington, Mo, 81-8; ss, Abilene, Colorado & Sweetwater, Tex, 89-90; ss, Abilene & Anson, 90-1; evang, Abilene, 91-2; p el, Waxahachie & ss. Lone Elm, 92; evang, Navarro Co, 93-8; ss, Montgomery City & Benton City, 97-8, finan agt, Gainsville Female Coll, Tex; d, Ennis, Tex, Sp 3, 09. *Darlington, James Henry — b, Brooklyn, NY, Je 9, 1856; NYU, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord PEpis pr, Nv 26, 82; asso rec, Christ ch, Brooklyn, 81- rec, 83-1905; archdeac. Northern Brooklyn, 96-8; lect, NYU, 02-3; consec, bp of Harrisburg, Pa, Ap 25, 05; res, Harrisburg; d, Kingston, NY, Ag 14, 30. PhD, CNJ, 84; DD, NYU, 95; LLD, StJC, 05, & DickC, 07. *Eniott, James Calhoun — b. New Wilmington, Pa, Ja 15, 1858; WestmCPa, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Monmouth, J1 29, 80; p, Keyport, NJ, 80-2; bus. Key- port, 82-91; bus, Brooklyn, NY; ord PEpis pr. My 28, 99; rec, St John’s ch. Long Island City, 99-1900; rec, St Paul’s ch, Newburgh, 00-15; d, Newburgh, NY, Sp 25, 15. *Gilkerson, John Campbell — b, Saltsburgh, Pa, Sp 12, 1853; WestmCPa, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Ft Dodge, Ap 29, 81; ss. Battle Creek & Mapleton, la, 80-2; p. Calliope, 83-91; ss, Seward, Neb, 91-2; p, Milo, la, 92-6; p, Fairfax, Mo, 96-8; ss, Churdon, la, 98-9.; d, Churdon, Oc 19, 99. *Greene, William Brenton, Jr — b. Providence, RI, Ag 16, 1854; CNJ, 76; tea; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Boston, Je 3, 80; p, 1st ch, Boston, Mass, 80-3; p, 10th ch, Phila, Pa, 83-92; Stuart prof. Relation of Phil & Sc to Chr Rel, PTS, 92-1903, Apol & Chr Ethics, 03-28; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 16, 28. DD, CNJ, 91. *Hume, James Creighton— b. Fair Hill, Md, Fb 28, 1850; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord evang, Pby Westminster, Nv 18, 80; hm miss, Lancaster, Pa, 80-2; ss. Fair Hill, Md, 83; p, Babylon, NY, 84-8; ss. Fair Hill, Md, 89; ss, Northport, NY, 90-1; res, NYCity, cy miss, 96, evang, 96-7; miss, RefChAm, Danish West Indies, 98-9; p, Bushwich ch, Brooklyn, NY, 1900-2; res, Brooklyn, 05-16; ill health; tea; bus; res, Elkton, Md; d, Elkton, Dc 28, 28. PhD, ColU. *Jenkins, David Dyffrynog — b, Merthyr Tydfil, S Wales, Great Britain, My 9, 1850; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-80; YaleUDS, 80-1, BD; ord, Pby Baltimore, Nv 29, 81; p, 1st ch, Frostburg, Md, 82-5; ill health; ss, Smithdale Flats, NY, 04-5; res, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 05-28; d, Wilkes-Barre, Ag 4, 28. *Jones, John Richard — b, Carnarvon, N Wales, Great Britain, Dc 25, 1880 331 1855; PTS, 77-80; ord WelshP, Pby South Pa, My 28, 82; p, Ebensburg, Pa, 83-8; p, Presb ch. Manor Sta, 88-90; p, Ararat & Gibson, 90-6; p, Livermore, 96-9; ss. Yellow Creek, O, 99-1901; ss, Morningside ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 03-4; evang, Pittsburgh; hon re, 06; res, Pittsburgh, 06-27; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, 27. *Jones, Richard Richard — b, Carnarvon, N Wales, Great Britain, Sp 29, 1847; PTS, 77-80; ord WelshP, Pby Ohio, My 20, 86; miss, Ohio, 82-92; p, Danielsville, Pa, 92-4; hm miss, Luzerne & Lackawanna Cos, Pa, 94-6; NYCity, 96; miss, Iowa, 96-1901; res, NYCity, 01-6; d, Windgap, Pa, Ag 17, 06. Landes, George Anderson — b, Milroy, Pa, Fb 17, 1850; PaC, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Je 9, 80; miss, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 80-1, Botucatu, 82-5, Curityba, & Parana, 86-1923; hon re, 23; res, Pasadena, Cal. Laughlin, David— b, Baltimore, Md, Sp 6, 1856; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Monmouth, Sp 6, 80; p, Manalapan, NJ, 80-6; p, Hagerstown, Md, 87- 92; p, Mt Kisco, NY, 92-5; res, Baltimore, Md, 95—. DD. *Laughlin, John Hood — b, Newville, Pa, Mr 23, 1854; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-80; hm miss, Cleveland, O, 80-1; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Ap 13, 81; miss. Shantung, Tungchow, Chefoo, Wei Hsien & Chi Ning Chow, China, 81-1904; supt, Chinese miss. Cal, 04-18; d, Berkeley, Nv 16, 18. *Mateer, Robert McCheyne — b, Petersburg, Pa, Fb 8, 1853; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-80; ss, Urbana & Nevada, O, 80-1; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Ap 13, 81; miss, Weihsien, China, 84-1920; ill health; d, Weihsien, China, Sp 5, 21. DD, MonC, 12. *Porter, James Boyd — b, Riceville, Tenn, Oc 16, 1854; MaryvC, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Kingston, Sp 12, 80; ss, Washington & Caledonia, Tenn, 80-1; miss, Kanazawa & Osaka, Japan, 81-3, tea, Kanazawa, 83-8, evang, Osaka, 88- 90, Kyoto, 90-9; ss. Union, Pisgah & Centre chs, Ind, 1900-3; ss. West Lebanon, Marshfield & State Line chs, 03-4; p, Delaware, NJ, 04; d, Delaware, Sp 30, 04. *Potter, Thomas Chalmers — b, Dunlapsville, Ind, Sp 16, 1854; HanC, 74; bus; PTS, 77-80; ord evang, Pby Brooklyn, My 3, 80; ss, Denison & Vail, la, 80-1; ill health; p, 1st ch, Amwell, NJ, 88-90; p. Cedar Falls, la, 91-4; ill health; p, Pencader ch, Glasgow, Del, 99-1910; d, Doylestown, Pa, Oc 14, 28. DD, HanC, 02. *Pritchard, Hugh— b, Liverpool, Eng, Fb 12, 1850; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord evang, WPresb, Pby New York, Nv 23, 82; p, Alexander Chap, NYCity, 80-1913; d, NYCity, Dc 26, 17. ♦Queen, Sylvanus Rockafellow — b, Clinton, NJ, Fb 4, 1848; LafC, 74; tea; UnTS; PTS, 79-80; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 6, 80; p, Titusville, NJ, 80-7; p, 2d ch, Norristown, Pa, 87-8; tea, Phila, 88-9; prof, Chester, Pa; ss, Glen Riddle, Pa, 89-91; tea; NYCity, 91-2; p, 1st ch, Otisville, NY, 92-5; asst p, 1st ch, Phila, Pa, 96-8; p, Mizpah ch, Phila, 98-1906; d, Jersey City, NJ, Sp 3, 14. Rankin, John Joseph— b, Newark, NJ, Ag 12, 1854; WmsC, 76; UnTS, 77-9; PT.S, 79-81; res, Newark, NJ; hm miss, Denison, Casey & Adair, la, 81-3; ord, Pby Buffalo, Nv 7, 83; p, Clarence, NY, 83-4; ss, RefChAm, Bronxville, 332 1880 85- p, 86-8; p, Penfield & Winterburn, Pa, 88-93; p, Hawley, 93-1900; p, Elm- hurst, 00-1; ill health; bus, Scranton, Pa, 01-16; res, Clarks Summit, Pa. ♦Ridout, Samuel— b, Annapolis, Md, Oc 22, 18.55; StJC, 73; USN; PTS, 76- 7, 78-80; ord evang, Pby Baltimore, Ja 14, 81; ss, Asso Ref ch, Baltimore. Md, 80-2; res, Greenville, Md; dropped from roll of Pby Baltimore at own re- quest, 83; joined Plymouth Brethren, 83; miss, US, Can & Eng, 83-1930; d, Baltimore, Md, Fb 22, 30. ♦Rowland, Samuel James— b. West Kortright, NY, Nv 17, 1852; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 6, 80; p, Dayton, NJ, 80-2; p, Fayetteville, NY, 83-4; p, Clinton, NJ, 84-1927; d, Clinton, J1 22, 30. DD, GaleC, 00, & CoeC, 18. ♦Stevenson, Alexander Russell — b, Baltimore, Md, Dc 29, 1856; CNJ, 76; tea; UnTS, 77-9; PTS, 79-80; ord, Pby Lehigh, Dc 7, 80; p, Brainerd ch, Easton, Pa, 80-8; p, 1st ch, Schenectady, NY, 88-1921, p em; d, Schenectady, Ja 15, 29. DD, UnC, 00. Tillett, Wilbur Fisk— b, Henderson, NC, Ag 25, 1854; RMC, 77; PTS, 77- 80; CNJ, 79, MA; ord dea, ME Conf Virginia, Nv 18, 83; ord eld, Nv 25, 85; p, Danville, Va, 80-2; chap & instr, VanU, 82-3, prof, Syst Theol, 83- , dean of Theol Faculty, 86-1919, dean em, 19—. DD, RMC, 86, & WesU, 09; LLD, SWU, 03; STD, NWU, 07. ♦Wilson, George Porter — b, near McClellandtown, Pa, Sp 9, 1853; W&JC, 77; WestTS, 77-8; PTS, 78-80; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 14, 80; p, Lexington, Ky, 80-4; p, Lafayette Park ch, St Louis, Mo, 84-9; p, 1st ch, Kansas City, Mo, 89-90; p. Arch St ch, Phila, Pa, 91-7; p, Hagerstown, Md, 97-8; p, Northminster ch, Washington, DC, 99-1911; p. Little Redstone ch, Fayette City, Pa, 11-8; ss, Franklin ch. Smock, 16-8; oc s, Lexington, Ky, 18-22; d, Lexington, Oc 14, 22. DD, W&JC, 89. Woolverton, William Hoppock — b, Stockton, NJ, Ja 25, 1855; CNJ, 76; tea; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 4, 83; p, Pocomoke City & ss, Re- hoboth, Md, 83-6; p, 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 87-91; ss, Bedford, Pa, 92-4; p. Boon- ton, NJ, 94-1901; ss, Stockton, 12-7; ss, Lawrenceville, 18-9; ss. College Hill, Easton, Pa, 19; ss, 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 21-2; ss, Pennington, 22-3; ss. Olivet ch, Easton, Pa, 24; ss, Lambertville, NJ, 26-7; res, Stockton, NJ, 27 — . DD, StJC, 17. Zenos, Andrew C — b, Constantinople, Turkey, Ag 13, 1855; RobC, 72; tea, UAthens, 74-6; PTS, 77-80, Fell Heb, 80-1; ss, Elmer, NJ, 80; ord, Pby Lacka- wanna, Sp 29, 81; p. Harmony ch, Brandt, Pa, 81-3; prof, Gk, LkFC, 83-8; prof, NT Exeg & Lit, HartTS, 88-91; prof. Bib & Eccl Hist, McCTS, 91-4, Bib Theol, 94-1902, Eccl Hist, 02-14, Hist Theol, 14- , dean, 20 — . DD, CNJ, 88; LLD, CWoos, 12. 29. ♦Archibald, Frederick William — b, Truro, NS, Canada, Ag 23, 1854; DalhU, 77; PTS, 77-9; UEdin; ord, Pby Wallace, NS, Ja 14, 81; p, Amherst, NS, 81-2; ill health; p, Knox ch, St Thomas, Ont, 85-7; d, Toronto, Can, Nv 11, 89. PhD, BosU, 85. 1880 333 Barnes, George Gilbert — b, Churchville, Md, Oc 6, 1854; CNJ, 77-83, MA; PTS, 77-80; ord, Pby Wellsborough, Dc 15, 80; p, Kane, Pa, 80-2, p el, Bridge- ville, Del, & Federalsburg, Md, 82-3; p el, Kane, 85-7; ss, Humboldt, Neb, 87- p, 89- 90; ss. No Hardiston ch, Hamburgh, NJ, 90-8; ss, Wichita Falls & Henrietta, Tex, 99-1900; ss, Upsonville, Pa, 01; p, Meshoppen & Mehoopany, 01-7; p, Elm- hurst, 07-14; res, Glenarm, Md. *Brewster, Charles Alexander — b, Columbia, Me, Ja 20, 1847; CNJ, 68; lawy; PTS, 77-80; ord evang, Pby Newark, Je 17, 80; p. Memorial ch, Newark, NJ, 80-3; p el. Cape Island ch. Cape May, 85- p, 86-91; ss. Eagle’s Mere, Pa, 91; PEpis miss, Florida, 91-2; ord PEpis pr, Dc 21, 92; ss, St John’s ch. Eagle’s Mere, Pa, 92; rec. Trinity ch, Vineland, NJ, 92-1900; miss, Florida, 00-7; Europe, 08; res, NYCity, 08-23; d, Hendersonville, NC, Sp 10, 23. *Brownlee, James Lawrence — b. Due West, SC, J1 28, 1855; ErskC, 74; ErskTS, 75-7; ColTS, 77-8; grad stu, PTS, 79-80; ord, Pby South Carolina, Oc 27, 80; p, Honea Path, Midway & Williamston, SC, 80-2; ss, Edwards, 82-5; ss, 1st ch, Decatur, Ala, 87-9; p, 1st ch. Union Springs, 89-98; p, 1st ch, Cov- ington, Tenn, 98-1902; p, 1st ch, Albany, Ca, 02-12; p el, Madison, 13- p, 14-6; p, Senatobia, Miss, 16-9; d, Birmingham, Ala, Nv 5, 21. ♦Duvall, Edward Harry— b, Ridgeville, Md, Ag 27, 1849; PTS, 77-9; lie, Pby Baltimore, Ap 9, 79; ss, Absecon, NJ, 79; d, Baltimore, Md, J1 16, 80. ♦Frazer, William John — b, Paoli, Ind, Mr 22, 1853; IndU, 74; law stu; PTS, 77-9; ord, Pby New Albany, Ap 6, 81; ss, Worthington, Ind, 80; ss & p, Bedford, 81-6; ss, Shelbyville, 111, 86-90; p, Paris, 90-3; p, Brazil, Ind, 93-1901; p, Elkhart, 01-7; ss, Oxford, O, 07-20; d, Oxford, Fb 18, 20. DD, HanC, 98. Gibson, James King — b, Decatur, O, Oc 30, 1845; USArmy, 64; MiaU, 69; LaneTS, 69-72; ord, Pby Portsmouth, Je 13, 72; p, Jackson, O, 72-9; grad stu, PTS, 79-80; p, Troy, 0, 80-5; ss, Hardin, 86-90; p. South Charleston, 90- 1915; chap. State Mil Home, Dayton, 15-30; res, Dayton, O, 30—. DD, MiaU, 97. Green, Thomas Edward — b, Shippensville, Pa, Dc 27, 1857; McKC, 75, 78, MA; tea; PTS, 77-9; ord, Pby Cairo, Fb 5, 80; p, Mt Carmel, 111, 80; ss, Effingham, 80-1; p, Sparta, 81-3; p, 8th ch, Chicago, 83-6; ord PEpis pr, Fb 22, 87; rec, St Andrew’s, Chicago, 111, 87-9; rec, Grace ch. Cedar Rapids, la, 89-1903; lect, Sociol & Econ, 03- ; lect, Carnegie Foundation, 14-18, Am Peace Soc, 13- , Am Red Cross (Natl Dir Speaking Service) 17 — ; res, Washington, DC. DD, GrisC, 90; MA (hon’y), UPitts, 16; LittD, StJC, 31. ♦Hazlett, Dillwin McFadden — b, Elderton, Pa, Ja 4, 1852; CNJ, 72; WestTS, 72-5; ord, Pby Kittanning, My 11, 75; miss, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 75-9; grad stu, PTS, 79-80; ss. Plum Creek, Neb, 80-1; ss, Rome, O, 82-5; miss, Fernandez de Taos, NMex, 85-6; ss, Asbury, NJ, 86-7; ss, Shenandoah, Pa, 87-8; ss. Upper Alton, 111, 88-9; asst ed. The Mid-Continent, St Louis, Mo, 89-1902; evang & lect; res, St Louis, Mo, 02-31; d, St Louis, Mr 3, 31. ♦Kurtz [Kutz], Henry David — b, Reading, Pa, Fb 12, 1844; WittC, 63; ord Luth, 70; YaleUDS, 73, BD; p, Cong ch, Findlay, O, 75-7; New Haven, NY, 77-9; grad stu, PTS, 79-80; rec’d, Pby New Brunswick, Mr 30, 80; evang, NYCity, 334 1880 80; res, Syracuse, NY, 81-3; dentist, Worcester, Mass, 83-6; do, Allentown, Pa, 86-1910; d, Phila, Ag 7, 10. *Kyle, John Merrill — b, Cedarsville, O, My 19, 1856; CWoos, 77; PTS, 77-8; WestTS, 78-80; ord, Pby Wooster, Oc 5, 80; p, Fredericksburgh, O, 80-2; miss, Rio Janeiro, Brazil, 83-90, Nova Friburgo, 91-1907; ill health; hm miss, Cong Bd, Lowell, Mass, 09-18; d, Lowell, J1 1, 18. DD, CWoos, 92. *Lane, Ashbel Green — b, Fairview, O, My 22, 1850; MariC, 77; PTS, 77-9; ord, Pby St Clairsville, Oc 8, 79; ss, Woodsfield, Buchanan & New Castle, O, 79-80; ss, Arlington, Cal, 80-1; p, Morristown, O, 82-3; p, Crestline, 83-6; p. Mason City, 111, 86-91; p el, Cheyenne, Wyo, 91-3; p, Fremont, O, 93-1905; p, 1st ch, Alton, 111, 05-12; ss, 1st ch, LaGrande, Ore, 12-4; d, LaGrande, Mr 29, 14. DD, ONU, 04. *Macleod, John Wilson — b, Onslow, NS, Canada, Ap 23, 1853; DalhU, 76; tea; PTS, 77-9; PTC; ord evang, Pby Halifax, Dc 20, 80; miss, Princetown, Trinidad, WI, 81-6; d, Tunapuna, WI, Ap 1, 86. *Martin, Samuel Albert — b, Canonsburg, Pa, Nv 1, 1853; LafC, 77; WestTS, 76-7, 78-9; NewC, 77-8; grad stu, PTS, 79-80; ss, Woodberry, Md, 80-1; p el, Annapolis, 81; ord, Pby Westminster, Ja 9, 82; p, Christ ch, Lebanon, Pa, 82-5; prof, LincU, 85-95; pres, WilsC, 95-1903; act prof, Homil, PTS, 02-3; pres. Pa Coll for Women, Pittsburgh, 03-6; prin. State Norm Schl, Shippensburg, 07-13; prof, Phil, LafC, 13-21; d, Easton, Pa, Mr 26, 21. DD, LafC, 92. *McAlpine, Robert Brown — b, Coosa Co, Ala, Ja 25, 1848; DavC, 71; ColTS, 70-3; UVa, 74-6; ord, Pby South Alabama, My 12, 77; p, Uniontown & Dayton, Ala, 76-9; grad stu, PTS, 79-80; p el, Goldsboro, NC, 80-2; p, Columbus, Miss, 82-7; ss, Livingston & Boligee, Ala, 88-9; prof, Theol, Stillman Inst, Tusca- loosa, 89-98; p, Gadsden, 99-1903; p. East Tuscaloosa, 08-10; ss, 2d ch, & North- port ch. Bethel, 11-3; oc s, Tuscaloosa, 13-20; d, Tuscaloosa, J1 5, 20. *McClurkin, John Knox — b, Sparta, Illinois, Nv 23, 1853; WestmCPa, 73; instr, WestmCPa, 74; prof, Geneva Coll, O, 74-5; PTS, 77; AllegTS, 77-9; prof, WestmCPa, 75-83; ord RefP, Pby Phila, Oc 9, 84; p, 2d ch, Phila, Pa, 84-7; prof, AllegTS, 87-91; p, UP ch, Shadyside, Pittsburgh, 91-1923; d, Pittsburgh, Nv 9, 23. DD, WestmCPa, 87, LLD, 19; Mod, Gen Assem, 06. *McMurdy, David Benjamin — b, Kortright, NY, My 2, 1850; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-9; prin, Andes Coll Inst, Andes, NY, 79-80; UnTS, 81-3; ord, Pby North River, My 22, 83; p. Highland Falls, NY, 83-90; p, Lynn, Mass, 91-1902; ss. New Bedford, 03-5; p, Sodus, NY, 06-20, p em; d, Sodus, J1 27, 24. DD, LafC, 21. Morrison, James Knox — BosUST; PTS, 77; — *Porter, Daniel Clark — b, Leonardsburg, O, Sp 9, 1849; CWoos, 76; tea; PTS, 77-9; UEdin; ss, Martinsburgh, O, 80-1; ord, Pby Monmouth, J1 13, 81; p, Mt Holly, NJ, 81-7; d, Mt Holly, Ag 11, 87. Roberts, John Parry — b. Calamus, Wis, My 9, 1850; CNJ, 77; PTS, 77-9; tea, Columbus, Wis, 81-3; bus, 86-1910; res, Cambria, Wis, 10 — . 1880-1881 335 *Sale, Alexander Montgomery — b, Abbeville, SC, Nv 16, 1854; tea; bus; PTS, 77-9; ColTS; ord, Pby Harmony, My 7, 81; p, Camden, SC, 80-3; ss. Brown’s chap, Coosaw, 83-4; ss, Bodyton & Chase City, Va, 84-5; p, Cleveland, Tenn, 87-8; ss, Sumter Co, SC, 89-91; d, Sumter, SC, Ap 14, 91. *Taylor, John Leroy — b, Bethlehem, Ind, Oc 2, 1850; WabC, 76; PTS, 77-8; LaneTS; ord evang, Pby Denver, Oc 9, 80; ss, Greeley, Colo, 80-2; ss, Waverly, NY, 82-9; p, Wyoming, O, 89-1902; p, Asbury Park, NJ, 02-9; d, Asbury Park, J1 12, 09. PhD; DD. *Turner, Frank Newcomb — b. Port Carbon, Pa, Sp 30, 1852; LafC, 77; PTS, 77-8; res. Port Carbon, 78-80; Rendville, O, 80-3; bus, Pottsville, Pa, 84-92; res. Port Carbon, 83-1901; d. Port Carbon, Pa, Dc 6, 01. *Wilson, Samuel Graham — b, Indiana, Pa, Fb 11, 1858; CNJ, 76; WestTS, 76-9; grad stu, PTS, 79-80; ord evang, Pby Kittanning, J1 1, 80; miss, Tabriz, Persia, 80-1916; prin, Mem Theol Schl, Tabriz, 82-16; d, Tabriz, Persia, J1 2, 16. DD, WUPa & GrovCyC, 1906. *Wishard, Luther Deloraine — b, Danville, Ind, Ap 6, 1854; CNJ, 77; UnTS, 77-8; PTS, 78-9; coll sec, YMCA (Internat Com), 77-88; coll sec, YMCA (World’s Com), 88-92; for sec, YMCA (Internat Com), 92-9; res, NYCity; founder & sec. Forward Mvmt in For Miss of Cong chs, 99-1902; founder. Young People’s Miss Mvmt, 01, chairman, 03-25; d, Indianapolis, Ind, Ag 6, 25. 25. 1881 Ainslie, John Alexander — -b, Goodwater, IT, Je 6, 1854; BelC, 1877; tea; PTS, 78-81; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Mr 30, 81; miss, ABCFM, Mardin & Mosul, Turkey, 81-92; miss, BdForMiss, Mardin & Mosul, 92-8; p, Washing- ton, Minn, 98-1906; ss, Jordan, 98-04; ss, Cummingsville, 01-6; ss, Oxnard, Cal, 06-8, p, 08-13; ss, Danville, 13-8; ss, Quilcene, Wash, 18- , p, 19-22; res, San Gabriel, Cal. *Allen, Adolos — b, Iowa City, la, Dc 12, 1855; WmsC, 78, 87, MA; PTS, 78-81; ord, Pby Jersey City, Je 23, 81; p, Claremont ch, Jersey City Heights, NJ, 81-4; p, 3d ch, Williamsport, Pa, 85-92; co-p, 1st ch, Washington, DC, 94-6; co-p, 1st ch, Reading, Pa, 97-1900; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, NJ, 00-14; chap. Sailors’ Home & Inst, NYCity, 14-6; oc s, NJ & Pa, 16-27; d, Scranton, Pa, Ja 25, 27. *Barr, Preston — b, Taylorsville, Pa, Je 16, 1854; CNJ, 78; PTS, 78-81; ss, Lanesboro & Henrytown, Minn, 81-2; ord, Pby Winona, Ap 26, 82; p, Newton- Hamilton & Petersburgh, Pa, 82-4; ss, Cong ch, Ludlow, Mass, 84-6; res, Lee, 87-91; ord PEpis pr, Nv 30, 88; rec, St George’s ch, Lee, 88-91; rec, St Mary’s ch. North East Harbor, Me, 91-3; rec, St Luke’s ch, Tacoma, Wash, 94-6; rec, St Luke’s ch, Chatham, NY, 96-7; rec, Christ ch & St Matthew’s ch, Enosburgh Falls, Vt, 98-1900; rec, St Martin’s ch. New Bedford, Mass, 01-4; supt schls, Lee, 05-8; rec, St John’s ch, Wilkinsonville, 10-26; d, Clinton, NC, Nv 7, 27. *Bent, Rufus Howard — b, near Parkesburg, Pa, Sp 23, 1850; UPa, 78; UnTS; PTS, 79-81; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 1, 82; p. Edge Hill, Pa, 82-4; p, Cedarville, NJ, 84-9; chap, Presb Hosp, Phila, Pa, 90-2; miss, Shanghai, China, 1881 336 92- 1900; ss, People’s ch & Central miss, St Louis, Mo, 01-3; p, Bernice, Pa, 03-8; p, Christ ch, Scranton, 08-10; p. Emporium, 10-4; p. West Fayette ch, MacDougall, NY, 15-6; p. Olivet ch, Jamestown, 17-8; ss. Southwestern ch, Phila, Pa, 19-21; sec, Phila Bib Soc, 24-32; d, Phila, Pa, J1 10, 32. PhD. Cairns, John Andrew — b. Upper Freetown, PEI, Canada, Ag 13, 1854; DalhU, 78; PTS, 78-81; CNJ, 81, MA; ord, Pby Halifax, Dc 6, 82; p. Upper Musquodoboit, NS, 82-7; p, Scotsburn, 87-98; p, Barney’s River, 98-1902; ss, Langbank & Golden Plain, Sask, Can, 02-12; res, Langbank, 12 — . Clarke, Harrison — b, near Sharon Springs, NY, Ap 24, 1850; CNJ, 76; tea; PTS, 78-81; ord, Pby Washington City, Ap 24, 83; p, Vienna & Lewinsville, Va, 82-4; p, 2d Amwell ch, Mt Airy, NJ, 84-9; prin, Acad, Corning, la, 89-90; prin. Normal School, Morris, 111, 90-1; p. New Hope ch. Coal City, 91-9; res, Boulder, Colo, 99-1910; ss, Milliken, 10-1; ss, Cimarron, Kan, 11-2; res, Denver, Col, 12—. Cone, Herbert Dunbar — b, Gustavus, O, Je 1, 1856; WRU, 78; PTS, 78-81; Ss, Coudersport, Pa, 81; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 25, 82; p, Bedford, Pa, 82-3; p, Ripley, NY, 83-7; p. Palmyra, 87-9; ss, 1st Cong ch, Spencerport, 89-90; asst min, St Paul’s PEpis ch, Akron, 0, 90-1; ord PEpis pr, J1 8, 91; rec, Christ ch, Warren, O, 91-5; rec, Christ ch, Bridgeport, Ct, 95-1904; rec, Grace ch, Nutley, NJ, 04-12; asst rec. Holy Trinity ch, Phila, Pa, 12-6; archdea, Erie, 16-8; rec, St Peters ch, Salisbury, Md, 18-22; rec, St Paul’s ch, Windsor, Vt, 22-4; rec, St Paul’s ch, Clinton, NC, 24-8; res, Baltimore, Md. ♦Everett, Charles— b, Dutch Neck, NJ, My 19, 1854; RutU, 78; PTS, 78-81; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 14, 81; p, Englishtown, NJ, 81-92; p, 1st ch, Belmar, 93- 1923, p em 23-30; res, Princeton; d, Princeton, Sp 15, 30. DD, RuthC, 96. George, John Lyall — b, Halifax, NS, Canada, J1 13, 1857; DalhU, 78; PTS, 78-81; ord, Pby Pictou, Dc 20, 81; p, Sherbrooke & Goldenville, NS, 81-7; p, St James’ ch, Dartmouth, 87-91; p, John St ch, Belleville, Ont, 91-5; travel; p, Calvin ch, Montreal, 97-1909; act libr, PresbC, 09-10; p, Lachute, Que, 12-20; res. New Glasgow, NS. Hawthorne, William Cope — b, Pennsylvania; UMich, 1866; MeadTS; PTS, 79-81; hm miss, Hawley, Pa, 81; grad stu, AndTS, 88-9; ord Cong, Alton, NH, Nv 6, 89; p, Chester Centre, Mass, 92; — ♦Herr, Charles — b. Harper’s Ferry, WVa, Oc 20, 1856; CNJ, 75; law stu; PTS, 78-81; ord evang, Pby Washington City, Ap 6, 81; asst p. Central ch, Baltimore, Md, 81-2; p, Mansfield, O, 83-5; p, 1st ch, Jersey City, NJ, 86-1915, p em; d, Bryn Mawr, Pa, Dc 5, 23. DD, CNJ, 92. ♦Hough, William Aspy — b. Polo, 111, Nv 22, 1855; CNJ, 78; PTS, 78-81; ord, Pby Highland, Je 9, 81; hm miss, Fillmore, Utah, 81-3; ill health; tea & farming. Highland, Kan, 83-7; hm miss, Payson, Utah, 87-91; colp, AmTrSoc, Salt Lake City, 91-7; ss, Malad City, Ida, 97-1903; colp, AmTrSoc, Boise, 03-4; ss, Mendocino, Cal, 04-8; ss. Walnut Creek, 08-11; ss, Grace ch, Oakland, 11; ss. Faith chap, Berkeley, 11-2; hm miss, Richmond, 12-8; p, Downey, 18-20; oc s & colp, AmTrSoc & AmBSoc, Berkeley, 20-8; d, Oakland, Cal, Sp 8, 28. 1881 337 Irving, David Olyphant — b, Morristown, NJ, Nv 24, 1856; CNJ, 78; PTS, 78-82; ss, Warrensburg, NY; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, My 4, 82; p. Bethel ch. East Orange, NJ, 82 — ■. Jacobus, Melancthon Williams — b, Allegheny City, Pa, Dc 15, 1855; CNJ, 77; PTS, 78-81; UGot, UBer, 81-4; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 15, 84; p, Oxford, Pa, 84-91; prof, NT Exeg, HartTS, 91-1929, prof em, 29- ; act p. Center Cong ch, Hartford, Ct, 99-1900; act pres, HartTS, 02-3, dean of faculty, 03-27; res, Hartford, Conn, 27—. DD, LafC, 92, & YaleU, 10. Kruse, William Teuton— b, NYCity, Oc 17, 1856; CNJ, 78, 81, MA; PTS, 78-81; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 6, 81; p, Wayne, Pa, 81-9; p, Middletown ch, Elwyn, 89-1924, p em 24 — ; res. Media, Pa. *Marr, George Augustus — b, Lewisburg, Pa, Mr 26, 1856; ULew, 77; law stu; PTS, 78-81; UnTS; ord Cong, Milltown, NB, Can, Oc 24, 82; ss, Milltown, 82-3; ss, Presb chs. Warrior Run, Washingtonville, Derry & New Columbia, Pa, 82-6; ill health; res, Phila; ss, Leiper Mem’l ch, Swarthmore, Pa, 1900-14; d, Swarthmore, Ja 28, 24. *Matthews, William Taylor — b, Wolfsville, NC, Ja 10, 1856; ErskC, 78; ColTS, 78-80; PTS, 80-1; ord, Pby Bethel, Oc 14, 81; p, Zion & Olivet, SC, 81-4; p. Greenwood, SC, 85-92; evang, Pby SC, 92-4; p, 1st ch, Pensacola, Fla, 94-6; ss, Westminster, SC, 96-7; chancellor, PresbCSC, 97-1900; p. Hickory, NC, 00-3; supt, hm miss, Okla, 03-12; p. Marietta, Okla, 12-5; supt, hm miss, Pby Paris, 15-7; ss. Commerce, Tex, 17-9; d. La Fayette, Fb 26, 20. *McDannold, William Gaw — ^b, Marion Co, Mo, Je 19, 1858; WabC, 78; PTS, 78-81; ord, Pby Carlisle, Nv 1, 81; p, Middletown, Pa, 81-4; ss, Augusta, Ky, & Cedron, O; p, Westminster ch, St Louis, Mo, 86-9; d, St Louis, Ap 29, 90. *McEachron, Willard Scoullar— b, Argyle, NY, Mr 17, 1855; CNJ, 78; PTS, 78-81; ord, UP Pby Argyle, Dc 27, 81; p. West Hebron, NY, 81-1929; d, Hebron, NY, Dc 9, 29. DD, WestmCPa, 05. *Molfat, John P — b, Elizabethtown, Ind, Ap 28, 1853; HanC, 77; PTS, 77-82; p el, Weatherly, Pa, 82- p, 84-95; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 17, 84; p, Wash- burn St ch, Scranton, 95-1907; p, 2d ch. New Albany, Ind, 07-11; ss, W Wash- ington St ch, Indianapolis, 11-22; d, Indianapolis, Dc 8, 22. DD, FrankC, 99. *Moore, Thomas Verner — b, Richmond, Va, Nv 23, 1856; SWPresbU, 76; VanU; UEdin; FreeChCEdin, 78-80; PTS, 80-1; UGot, UBer, 81-2; ord, Pby Mon- tana, Ag 3, 83; p, 1st ch, Helena, Mont, 83-98; p, Westm ch, Omaha, Neb, 98- 1906; prof, Syst Theol, SFTS, 06-26; d, San Jose, Cal, My 22, 26. DD, KxC, & BellvC, 03. ♦Neville, William Gordon— b, Oconee Co, SC, J1 2, 1855; AdgC, 78; ColTS; PTS, 80-1; p, Ninety-Six & Cokesburg, SC, 81-5; ord, Pby South Carolina, Ap 9, 82; p. Concord ch, Blackstock, SC, 86-90; p, Frankfort, Ky, 90-3; p, Yorkville, SC, 93-1905; pres, PresbCSC, 05-7; d, Clinton, SC, Je 8, 07. DD, DavC, 04; I.LD, see, 05. Pearson, William Lazarus — b, Coonsboro, NC, J1 4, 1849; EarlC, 75; tea; PTS, 77, 78-81; Fell, Heb, UBer, 81-3, ULeip, 83-5, PhD; recorded, min. 1881 338 Soc Friends, Ja, 82; min, Soc Friends, 82; min, Indiana & Ohio, 85-6; p, Minne- apolis, Minn, 86-7; prof. Mod Lang, PennC, 87-91, Bib Lit & Exeg, 91-1906; prof. Bib Lit & Exeg, FndsU, 06-17; organizer. Council of Church Colleges, Kan, 16-22; voluntary agt. Bib Schl, FndsU, 19 — ; res, Pasadena, Cal. *Schenck, Harris Rogers — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 27, 18.56; CNJ, 76; tea; PTS, 77- 81; ord, Pby Westchester, Je 7, 81; p, Mahopac Falls, NY, 81-7; p, Mt Kisco, 87- 92; p. Falling Spring ch, Chambersburg, Pa, 92-8; d, Bronxville, NY, Je 20, 98. *Van Meter, John Stonestreet — b, near Lexington, Ky, Sp 13, 1845; W&LU, 69; lawy; DanTS; PTS, 80-1; ord, Pby West Lexington, Oc 30, 81; p, Cynthiana, Ky, 81-5; p, 1st ch. Hot Springs, Ark, 85-93; p, Richmond, Mo, 93-8; evang, Pby Arkansas, 98-9; p, Clinton, Mo, 99-1901; p el, Monrovia, Cal, 01-2; ill health; d, NYCity, Mr 8, 04. Wilber, Francis Allen— b, Elyria, O, Je 14, 1855; CWoos, 77; tea; PTS, 78- 81; ord, Pby Bloomington, Oc 4, 81; p, Onarga, 111, 81-7; p, Mt Vernon, O, 88- 1905; stu p, UKan, 05-11; ss, 2d ch, Kansas City, Mo, 11-3; p, Wilson Mem ch, Columbus, O, 13-7; res, Worthington, O, 27 — . DD, CWoos, 96. *Williams, Daniel — b. Green Lake Co, Wis, Dc 11, 1851; UMinn, 78; PTS, 78-81; ord, Pby Red River, Oc 12, 81; hm miss. Grand Rapids, Dak Terr, 81-2; ss, Bathgate, Hamilton & Glasston, 82-6; ss, Sanborn, la, 86-7; ss, Esther- ville, 87-9; ss, Bancroft, Burt & Armstrong, 89-92; ss, Armstrong, la, 92-3; sec, BuenVC, 1906-17; d, Chicago, 111, My 4, 26. DD, BuenVC, 10. 27. *Alexander, Edgar Willis — b, St Clairsville, O, Nv 6, 1857; WestmCPa, 78; PTS, 78-9; Ohio Med Schl, Cincinnati, 79-81; med miss, Hamadan, Persia, 82-91; phys. Wheeling, WVa, 92-1910; d. Wheeling, J1 7, 10. *Allen, Lyman Whitney — b, St Louis, Mo, Nv 19, 1854; WashU, 78; PTS, 78-80; ord, Pby St Louis, Je 12, 82; ss, Windsor Harbor ch, Kimmswick, Mo, 81-3; ss, 1st ch, De Soto, 83-5; p el, Carondelet ch, St Louis, 85-9; p. South Park ch, Newark, NJ, 89-1916; d, Newark, Ja 27, 30. DD, CWoos, 97. *Bell, John Vernon — b, Mifflin Co, Pa, Sp 26, 1855; CNJ, 78; PTS, 78-9; UnTS, 79-81; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 5, 81; p, Penfield & Winterburn, Pa, 81-4; p, Bethany ch, Du Bois, 84-1926; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ag ?3, 31. DD, UPitts, 10. Brush, Frank Spencer — b, Zanesville, O, Je 7, 1857; MariC, 78; PTS, 78- 80; LaneTS, 80-1; ord, Pby Bloomington, Oc 14, 81; p, 1st ch, Bloomington, 111, 81-6; p. Las Vegas, NMex, 88-92; p, Los Gatos, Cal, 92-4; p, Alameda, 94- 1914; p, Northbrae ch, Berkeley, 14-24; ss, Berkeley, 24-8; hon re; res, Berkeley, Cal, 28—. ^Cunningham, William Luke — b, Alnwick, England, Mr 4, 1847; PTS, 79- 80; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 8, 80; p, Hamilton Square, NJ, 80-8; RuthC, 88, BA; YaleUDS, 88-9; p, 1st ch. Point Pleasant, NJ, 89-97; d. Point Pleasant, Oc 5, 97. DD, CWoos, 91. 1881 339 *Donaldson, Edward Kirk — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 28, 1842; USArmy; PTS, 78-81; ord evang, Pby Phila Central, Mr 17, 81; p el, Delanco & Fairview, NJ, 81; p, Jacksonville & Providence, 81-6; p, 1st United ch, Amwell, 86-8; p, Titus- ville, 88-91; p, Shawnee, Pa, 91-4; p. Stanhope, NJ, 94-1900; p. Lower Marion, Pa, 00-3; d, Gladwyne, J1 10, 03. *Evans, Edward Charles — b, Wrexham, N Wales, Great Britain, Oc 29, 1844; CNJ, 76; Class Fell, OxU, 76-7; PTS, 78-9; ord WelshP, Pby Southern Pa, Ap 27, 78; p, Shenandoah, Pa, 78-9; prof, LkFC, 79; p, Remsen, NY, 79-82; p, Cincinnati, O, 82-6; ss, Remsen, NY, 87-1912; d, Remsen, Oc 23, 12. DD, HamC, 10. *Hays, William Gilbert McDill — b, near Aledo, 111, Sp 20, 1853; MonC, 78; PTS, 78-9; XenTS, 79-81; ord UP, Pby Le Claire, Je 28, 81; p, Elvira, la, 81-6; hm miss & prin, Acad, Waitsburg, Wash, 86-95; hm miss, Olympia, 95-8; hm miss, Pullman, 98-1904; p, Pullman, 04-15; d, Pullman, Wash, Ag 16, 16. DD, WestmCPa, 94. *Henderson, John [Murray] MacNeil — b, Oquawka, 111, Nv 16, 1853; MonC, 78; PTS, 78-9; tea, Illinois, Iowa, & Kan; lit wk; d. Green Acres, Wash, Ag 15, 25. Knight, Edward Hooker — b, Hebron, Ct, Oc 22, 1854; AmhC, 76, 79, MA; tea; HartTS, 77-80; grad stu, PTS, 80-1; ss. East Granville, Mass, 82-3; ord Cong, J1 25, 83; p. Park St ch. West Springfield, 83-92; tea, Hartford Schl Rel Pedagogy, Hartford, Ct, 92-1927, dean, 04-27, dean & prof em 27 — . DD, HartTS, 07. *Laughlin, Robert Johnson — b, Guernsey, O, Oc 3, 1855; CWoos, 78; PTS, 78-80; UnTS, 80-1; ord evang, Pby Bellefontaine, Je 6, 81; hm miss, Ne- v'ada & Wyandotte, O, 81-2; ss, Warren chap, Louisville, Ky; miss, Albina, No Portland & Sellwood, Ore; p, St John’s ch, Portland, 85-7; res, Portland, 87-9; Crooks, O, 89-90; d, Portland, Ore, Ap 6, 91. *Long, Jay Henry — b, Honeybrook, Pa, Ag 12, 1853; CNJ, 76; tea; PTS, 76-8, 80-1; ord, Pby Red River, Oc 6, 85; ss, Hallock, Minn, 85-6; ss, Ladoga, 86-7; ss, Currie, 87-8; Slayton, 88-98; demitted, 92; law'y; rul eld; res, Mankato, Minn, 99-1906; lawy, Brainerd, 07-13; d, Brainerd, Minn, Ag 28, 13. Lowry, Houston Walker — b, Coitsville, O, Ja 2, 1854; WestmCPa, 78; PTS, 78-9; WestTS, 79-81; ord, Pby Kittanning, J1 12, 81; p, Parker's Landing, Pa, 81-5; p, 1st ch, Wellsville, O, 85-98; p, 1st ch, Wooster, 98-1904; p, 1st ch, Akron, 04-14; ss, Carlsbad, NM, 14-23; ss, Bosworth Rd, Cleveland, O, 23-9; hon re, 29; res, Poland, O. DD, CWoos, 03. ♦Marling, Arthur Wodehouse — b, Newmarket, Canada, Ja 27, 1855; UTor, 79; KxCTor; UnTS, 78-9; PTS, 79-80; AubTS, 80-1; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 1, 80; miss, Gaboon, W Africa, 80-96; d, Angom, W Africa, Oc 12, 96. ♦McDowell, Isaac Murray -b, Truro, NS, Canada, Mr 19, 1853; DalhU, 78; PTS, 78-9; d, Parrsboro, NS, Can, Dc 23, 79. Robertson, George Francis — b, near Greenville, Tenn, Je 11, 1853; DavC, 340 1881 78; PTS, 78-80; ord, Pby Ouachita, Sp 21, 80; p, Washington & Columbus, Ark, 80-2; ss, Taylorsville & Cane Run, Ky, 82-3; evang, Holston Pby, 83-4; p, Rogers- ville, Tenn, 84-7; p, Morristown, 87-90; p, Dalton, Ga, 90-2; evang. Synod Ala, 92-5; p, Elizabethtown, Ky, 95-7; p, Uniontown, Ala, 97-1902; p, Paris, Tex, 02-4; fin sec, Presb Coll for Girls, Tex, 05-6; p, Steele Creek, NC, 07-8; evang, Charlotte, 09-10; p, Forney & Wills Point, Tex, 11-3; ss, Midway ch, Dallas, 11-2; p, Marion, Ala, 14-8; ss, Pineville, NC, 18-20; ss. Fort Mill, 19; ss. Banks & Six Mile Creek, 20; p, Windsor Ave ch, Bristol, Tenn, 22-3; hon re, 23; res. Clover, SC. *Senior, Francis Marion — b, Circleville, O, Oc 17, 1856; CWoos, 78; PTS, 78-80; d, Dresden, O, Ja 16, 80. Slemmons, William Emmet — b, Cadiz, O, Dc 1, 1855; CNJ, 77; PTS, 78-80; WestTS, 87; ord, Pby Erie, Dc 13, 87; p, 2d ch, Mercer, Pa, 87-1901; p, 1st ch, Washington, Pa, 01 — . Stewart, Thomas McCants — b. Charleston, SC, Dc 28, 1853; USC, 75; lawy; tea; lie AfrME, Conf SC, Oc 13, 77; asst p, Orangeburg, SC, 78; PTS, 78-80; ss, Pisgah ch, Princeton, NJ, 78-9; ord eld, AfrME, My, 80; p. Bethel ch, NYCity, 80-2; prof, Liberia Coll, Africa, 83-5; lawy, Brooklyn, NY; lawy, Honolulu, Hawaii, 98-1905; lect, England, 05; lawy, Monrovia, Liberia, W Africa, 06 — . *Stine, Isaac James — b, Bedford Co, Pa, Ag 10, 1829; HeidTS, 68; ord, Melancthon Lutheran Synod, Sp 5, 59; Luth chs, Sharpsburg & Bakersville, Md, 59-60; Lunenburg, NS, 60; PTS, 80-1; d, Leavenworth, Kan, Sp 1, 86. Straus, Thomas Chalmers — b, NYCity, Oc 9, 1857; MariC, 77; PTS, 78-9; UnTS, 79-81; ord, Pby Hudson, Ap 25, 81; ss, Plymouth, Leighton & Olivet, la, 80; p. Stony Point, NY, 81-4; p. Cold Spring, NY, 84-96; p, 2d ch, Peekskill, 96-17; oc s; prof. Hist, Peekskill Acad, Peekskill, NY, 18 — . *Swan, Peter — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 21, 1851; WestmCPa, 78; PTS, 78-80; AllegTS, 80-1; ord UP, Pby Keokuk, Ap 24, 82; p, Burlington, la, 81-92; p, North Bend, Neb, 93-1904; p, Traer, la, 04-9; d, Traer, Mr 31, 09. DD, MonC, 04. *Wilber, Henry Peachey — b, Elyria, O, Je 14, 1855; CWoos, 77; tea; PTS, 78-9; ss, St Lawrence, SDak, 83-4; prof, Lat, PierU, 85-6; stu, UnTS, 86-8; ord, Pby Central Dakota, Oc 5, 88; p. Rapid City, SDak, 88-92; ss, San Fernando & Newhall, Cal, 93-8; prof, Lat, OccC, 98-9; p, Santa Monica, 1900-7; ss, Coronada, 09-14; ss. La Crescenta, 20-1; d, Santa Monica, Mr 11, 27. DD, CWoos, 03. *Williamson, John Fremont — b, Sidney, NJ, Ap 11, 1856; LafC, 78; PTS, 78-9; UnTS, 79-81; ord, Pby Nassau, Ja 24, 82; p, Glen Cove, NY, 82-8; p, Kingston, 88-99; res, Clinton, NJ; p, RefChAm, Annandale, 1902-3; d, Annan- dale, NJ, Dc 4, 03. 24. 1882 1882 341 Alexander, Walter Lowrie — b, Martin’s Ferry, O, JI 23, 1857; LafC, 77; PTS, 77-9; hm miss & evang, Volga, SDak, 79-81; PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby Wash- ington, Sp 13, 82; ss, Madison, SDak, 82-3; ill health; p. Bethel & Beallsville, O, 85-9; p, Rock Hill & Coal Brook, 90-1909; p, McComb & Blanchard, O, 09-18; p, 2d ch, Findlay, 18-27; hon re; res, Findlay, O, 27 — . *Beattie, Thomas Gumming — b, Scotchtown, NY, Jl 23, 1854; CNJ, 78; tea; UnTS, 79-80; PTS, 80-2; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 27, 82; p, Chester, NY, 82-8; ss. Las Animas, Col, 88-90; p, Albuquerque, NM, 90-1903; asso p, 1st ch, Pasa- dena, Cal, 04; ss. Calvary ch, Pasadena, 05-8; p, Garvalia, 09-13; d, Pasadena, Sp 22, 13. ♦Breed, William Pratt— b, Phila, Pa, Fb 7, 1858; UPa, 78; PTS, 79, 80-2; UnTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 13, 83; p, Fairview, Pa, 83-9; p, Milton, 90-5; d, Tryon, NC, Fb 12, 95. ♦Bryant, Robert Alfred — b, Francestown, NH, Mr 19, 1842; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Newton, Oc 16, 82; p, Danville, NJ, 82-9; p, Asbury, 89-96; supt, Mem Hall, Witherbee, NY, 96-1903; field sec, BibStuPubCo, Boston, Mass, 03-6; ss, Cong ch, Hanson, 06-11; ss, Lunenburg, 12-5; d, Brookline, Mass, Sp 21, 18. Buntin, William Henry — b, Coffeyville, Miss, Mr 23, 1855; UMiss, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord CumbP, Pby Oxford, Jl, 82; prin. Pub Schl, Harrison Sta, Miss, 83; ss, Harrison Sta, 84-6; CumbU, 86-7; ss. West Point, 87; ss. Union City, Tenn, 88; ss, Memphis, 88-90; ss, Macon, Miss, 90-2; ss, Brooksville, Starkville & Cliftonville, 92-4; prof, Lat & Greek, Fern Coll, & Male Acad, West Point, 94-9; UEdin, 99-1900; prin, Male Acad, West Point, Miss, 00-2; ss, Bethlehem & Endora, 02-7; p, Rockdale, Texas, 07-9; p, Waurika & Hastings, Okla, 09-10; p, Kemp, Tex, 10-3; tea, TrinU, 13-4; oc s, Dallas, 14-21; res, Dallas, Tex. ♦Cross, Craig Boyd — b, Oxford, Pa, My 18, 1854; CNJ, 75; tea; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Westminster, Ag 29, 83; p, Chanceford, Pa, 83-9; p, Christ ch, Lebanon, 91-1901; res, Oxford, 01-4; p, Dickinson, 04-6; evang, Oxford, 07-28; d, Oxford, Ja 2, 28. ♦Elsing, William Thaddeus — b, Irnsum, Holland, Je 8, 1852; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; UBer; ord, Pby Chicago, My 10, 82; p, De Witt Memorial ch, NYCity, NY, 83-1923; d, Merano, Italy, Jl 24, 27. DD, UnC, 12. ♦Fisher, Charles MacQueen— b, Peoria, 111, Oc 4, 1855; MonC, 79; NWTS, 79-81 ; PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby Peoria, Oc 14, 82; miss, Osaka, Japan, 83-91 ; ss, Grand- view ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 91-4; ss, Mizpah ch, Phila, Pa, 94-5; ss, 1st ch, Tustin, Cal, 95-6; p, Grandview ch, Los Angeles, 95-1902; p, Monrovia, 03-7; p. South Pasadena, 07-16; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Je 2, 21. DD, MonC, 10. Foster, William Keller— b. Centre Hall, Pa, Sp 3, 1858; PaSC, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 3, 82; p. Sinking Creek, Pa, 82-4; p, Buffalo & New Berlin, 85-90; p, Mechanicsburg, 90-8; p, Watsontown, 98-1906; p, Jen- kintown, 06-20; p, Montrose, 20-5; res, Penney Farms, Fla. Gardner, John Helenus — b, Hammond, NY, Ap 22, 1857; HamC, 78; 342 1882 PTS, 78-80, 81-2; tea; ord, Pby St Lawrence, Oc 9, 83; p, 2d ch, Oswegatchie, NY, 82-92; p. Fort Covington, 92 — . *Ghormley, David Owen — b, Huntsville, O, J1 26, 1848; CWoos, 76; tea; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Bellefontaine, My 8, 82; p, 3d ch, Portland, Ore, 82-94; p, Moscow, Ida, 94-1901; miss, Syn Washington, 01-11; presbyterial evang, 11-9; d, Tacoma, Wash, Je 9, 20. DD, CWoos, 98. ♦Greene, Richard Janies Arnold — b, NYCity, Nv 21, 1856; CNJ, 78; PTS, 79-83; asst p, 1st ch, Trenton, NJ, 83-4; ss, Murray Hill ch, NYCity, 85; stu, UnTS, 85-6; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 15, 86; p, Grace ch, Jenkintown, Pa, 86-94; res, Princeton, NJ, 94-1907; ss. White Plains, NY, 1907-8; d, Newport, RI, Ja 31, 31. Groeneveld, Eiko Johann — b, Bunde, Germany, Ap 22, 1857; LenC, 79; NWTS, 79-81; PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby Chicago, My 15, 82; p. Deer Lodge, Mont, 82-8; prof, MontC, 83-8; p, 1st ch, Butte, 88—. DD, LenC, 93. ♦Halsey, Abram Woodruff— b, Elizabeth, NJ, Mr 22, 1853; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Oc 10, 82; p. Spring St ch, NYCity, 82-99; sec, BdForMiss, NYCity, 99-21; d, NYCity, Ap 20, 21. DD, PrU, 98. Harlow, Samuel Allen — b, Kingston, NY, Ap 6, 1857; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Oc 15, 82; ss, 1st ch, Helena, Mont, 82-3; p, Mantua ch, Phila, Pa, 83-5; p, ch of the Pilgrims chap, Brooklyn, NY, 85-8; p, Whitefield Cong ch, Newburyport, Mass, 88-92; p, 4th Presb ch, Trenton, NJ, 92-4; ss & p, Salem St Cong ch, Worcester, Mass, 94-6; ss. West Boylston, 96-1901; p, Grafton, 01-17; p. Canton, 18 — . ♦Hunt, William Homer — b, Dundas, Ont, Canada, Nv 11, 1856; UTor, 80; KxCTor; PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby Kingston, Can, Dc 30, 84; miss, Carlow & Mayo, Ont, 84-5; ss, Waltboro, 85-6; Toronto, 86; tea. High School, Dunnville, Ont, Can, 87-9; stu, Paris, France, 90-1; tea, Grimsby, Ont, Can, 91-3; tea, Smithville, 94-5; tea, Omemee, 96-7; d, Omemee, Dc 21, 97. ♦Jones, Richard Thomas — b, Penllwyn, Cardiganshire, S Wales, Great Britain, Mr 25, 1855; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Phila Central, Je 8, 82; p, Susquehanna Ave ch, Phila, Pa, 82-1923; d, Phila, My 17, 23. DD, RuthC, 95. Kerr, Alexander James — b, near Sligo, Ireland, Fb 19, 1854; CNJ, 79, 82, MA; UnTS, 79-81; PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby Chicago, My 15, 82; miss, Chinese, Cal, 82-92; p, 1st ch, Princeton, Ind, 92-5; p, Broome St Tabernacle, NYCity, 95-1902; p, Mem ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 02-17; p. Freedom Plains ch. La Grangeville, NY, 17-24; p, Scotchtown ch. Orange Co, 24 — ; res, Middletown, NY. ♦Kerr, John Thompson — b, York Furnace, Pa, Je 28, 1853; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 14, 82; p, Lamington, NJ, 82-6; p, 3d ch, Elizabeth, 86-1917; ill health; d, Elizabeth, NJ, Dc 24, 21. DD, CWoos, 10. Lee, Charles — b. Central College, O, Sp 15, 1857; OWesU, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Columbus, Oc 4, 82; ss, Worthington & Dublin, O, 82-3; p. Central College, 83-5; p el, Carbondale, Pa, 85- p, 86-1926; hon re, 28; res, Westerville, O. DD, OWesU, 09. 1882 343 *Leeper, James Luther — b, Frankfort Springs, Pa, Je 7, 1855; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Washington, Sp 13, 82; p, Claysville, Pa, 82-6; p, 1st ch, Reading, 86-9; p, 2d Westminster ch. Fort Wayne, Ind, 89-1901; sec. Com on Vacancy & Supply, Syn Ind, 00-2; ed, Leeper SS Lesson Helps, 01-6; ss, 1st ch, St Joseph, Mo, 05; ss, 2d ch, Newark, NJ, 06; lit wk; ss, 1st ch, St Joseph, Mo, 20-1; ss, Roanoke, Va, 21; d, Roanoke, Ap 8, 22. DD, HastC, 97. MacKubbin, Henry Albert — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 2, 1856; UPa, 78; PTS, 78-9, 80-2; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 1, 82; p, Grace ch, Jenkintown, Phila, Pa, 82-6; p, 1st ch, Coatesville, 86-95; p, Westminster ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 95-8; p, 1st ch, Lambertville, 98-1910; p, ch of the Redeemer, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 10-9; ill health; oc s; res, Phila, Pa. *MacNair, Theodore Monroe — ^b, Dansville, NY, Fb 24, 1858; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Rochester, Nv 15, 83; miss, Japan, 83-15; prof, MG, 96-15; d, Tokyo, Nv 21, 15. Mangasarian, Mangasar Mugurditch — b, Mashgerd, Turkey in Asia, Dc 28, 1859; RobC, 76; Marsovan Theol Sem, Turkey; ord Cong, Nv 3, 78; p, Marsovan, Turkey, 78-80; PTS, 80-2; p. Spring Garden ch, Phila, Pa, 82-5; resigned Pby Phila, Oc 12, 85; independent preacher, Phila, 85-9; lect, Soc EthCult, Chicago, 111, 92-7; p. Independent Rel Soc, 00-25, p em; res. Piedmont, Cal. Martin, Chalmers — b, Ashland, Ky, Sp 7, 1859; tea; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; Heb Fell, PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 17, 83; miss. North Laos, Siam, 83-6; asst to p, Lawrenceville, NJ, 88; p, 1st ch, Moorestown, 89-91; p, 1st ch. Port Henry, NY, 91-2; instr, OT, PTS, 92-1900; instr, Heb, PrU, 92-00; ss, Burlington, NJ, 93-4; ss, 2d ch, Princeton, 96-7; pres. Pa Coll for Women, Pittsburgh, Pa, 00-3; ss, Westminster ch, Wooster, O, 07-9; ss, San Mateo, Fla, 29-30; prof, OT Hist & Lit, CWoos, 03-29, prof em; res, Wooster, O, 29 — . DD, PrU, 01. *Martin, Henry George — b, Ballybay, Ireland, Ag 14, 1854; MonC, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Baltimore, J1 15, 83; p, Govanstown, Md, 83-1902; p. West Grove, Pa, 05-10; p, Rehoboth, Md, 12-8; ill health; d, Rehoboth, Md, Ja 5, 31. *McLachlin, Archibald Gillespie — b, Elgin Co, Ont, Canada, Je 11, 1849; tea; UTor, 79; KxCTor, 79-81; PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby Lindsay, Can, Dc 12, 82; p, Leaskdale & Zephyr, Ont, 82-90; p, Knox ch, Harrington, 92-1905; act p. North Easthope, 20-30; d, Stratford, Ont, Can, Fb 15, 30. Montgomery, Richard — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 7, 1856; UPa, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Phila North, Dc 19, 82; asso ed, Presb Journal, Phila, Pa, 87-91, 93; p, Ashbourne, 82-1928; p em, 28—; res, Wyncote, Pa. STD, UPa, 19. *Morrison, Donald— b, Kintore, Ont, Canada, Sp 5, 1850; Toronto Normal Schl, 72; McGU; tea; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 14, 82; ss, Sebewa, Mich, 82-5; p, Sunfield, 82-5; ss, Tekonsha, 85-8; ss, Evart, 88-91; p. Iron Mountain, 91-8; act p, 1st ch. Calumet, 98-9; ss, Tekonsha, 99-1903; ss. Spring Grove, Ind, 03-5; p, Romney, 03-8; j), Toledo, la, 08-10; p, Alden, Minn, 344 1882 10-3; p, Kasson, 13-5; ss, Centerburg, O, 15-8; ss, Cass City, Mich, 19; d, War- saw, Ind, Ja 9, 25. DD, NIllC, 02. ♦Morrison, Robert— b, Lahore, India, My 24, 1855; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Dayton, My 12, 82; miss, Lahore, India, 83-4, Rawal Pindi, 84-92; prof, Theol Sem, Saharanpur, 92-4; miss, Lahore, 94-8, Ferozepur-Kasur, 98- 1903; ill health; p, Penfield, Pa, 05-11 ; p. Big Run, 11-7; d. New Orleans, La, Ap 22, 22. ♦Overman, Leslie Lemond — b, Hillsboro, O, Fb 11, 1853; CWoos, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Portsmouth, Nv 8, 82; ss, Winchester & Sardinia, O, 82-3; ss, McNeilly, Tenn, 84-7; asst p, Talladega, Ala, 87-8; ss. So Pittsburg, Tenn, 88-9; p, Montgomery, O, 87-94; p. Page Boulevard ch, St Louis, Mo, 94-6; asst p, Lafayette Park ch, St Louis, 96-7; asst p, 2d ch, St Louis, 97-8; asst p, Hollond Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 98-1901; asst p. Arch St ch, Phila, 01-9; asso p, Richardson Mem ch, Phila, 13-4; d, Hillsboro, O, Sp 14, 17. ♦Pauli, George Alfred — b. Wheeling WVa, J1 12, 1857; CNJ, 78; bus; PTS, 79-80, 81-2; UnTS, 80-1; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 10, 82; p, 1st ch, Dela- ware City, Del, 82-8; p, Westminster ch, Bloomfield, NJ, 88-1906; trav, 06-8; p. Upper Montclair, NJ, 08-12; d. Upper Montclair, Ja 10, 12. DD, MaryvC, 04. Pressly, Mason Wiley — b. Coddle Creek, NC, J1 24, 1859; ErskC, 79; ErskTS; PTS, 81-2; ss, 116th St UP ch, NYCity, 81-2; ord AssoRefP, Pby Frost, Nv 18, 82; p, Chester, SC, 82-6; p. North UP ch, Phila, Pa, 86-9; res grad, 89-90; p, Bovina Centre, NY, 90-2; p, Sewickley, Pa, 92-5; p, 1st ch, Hamilton, O, 95-6; act p, CumbP ch, Kirksville, Mo, 97; med stu, Kirksville Coll, Osteop & Surg, Mo, 97-8, 99, MD; prof. Northern Inst Osteop, & ss, Grace Presb ch, Minne- apolis, Minn, 99; ed. Journal of Osteopathy, prof. Coll Osteop, & phys, Phila, Pa; res, Tampa, Fla. Shaw, Wilfred Weaver — b, Belfast, Ireland, Fb 16, 1859; QuUBelf, 79, 80, MA; AsC, 79-80; FreeChCEdin, & UEdin, 80-1; PTS, 81-2; OxU, 82-3; ord, Pby Belfast, Oc 5, 83; miss, China, 83-91; ss, Voorheesville, NY, 92; ss. Archbald, Pa, 93; p. Port Deposit, Md, 94-1902; p, Govanstown, 02-09; p. University ch, Seattle, Wash, 09-10; p, Mt Washington ch, Baltimore, Md, 12-22; hon re, 22; res, Catonsville, Md. DD, W&LU, 19. ♦Skinner, Joseph Henry — b, Winchester, Ky, Ag 31, 1855; CenCKy, 76; tea; ULeip; DanTS; PTS, 80-2; ord, Pby Paris, Sp 24, 82; p, 1st ch, Paris, Tex, 82-92; p, Talladega, Ala, 92-4; d, Clark Co, Ky, J1 5, 94. ♦Steans, William Irwin — b, Mifflinburg, Pa, Mr 20, 1854; LafC, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Oc 10, 82; p, Washburn St ch, Scranton, Pa, 82-91; p, Mahoning ch, Danville, 91-1902; ss, Westminster ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 03; p, Westfield, NJ, 03-19; d, Westfield, Dc 16, 19. DD, LafC, 99. ♦Stewart, Archibald Thompson — b, Chanceford Township, Pa, Nv 29, 1850; LafC, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Lehigh, Sp 19, 83; ss, Centralia, Pa, & p, Ashland, 83-9; p. Marietta, 89-1904; p, Latta Mem ch, Christiana, Pa, 06-22; hon re, 22; d, Christiana, Nv 3, 24. ♦Thomas, Rowland S — b, Llansawil, S Wales, Great Britain, Ap 24, 1844; 1882 345 PTS, 79-82; ord WelshP, Syn Pa, Oc 20, 83; p, Taylorsville, Pa, 83-5; p, Nanti- coke. Pa, 85-90; p, Penderyn & Ystradfellte, S Wales, 93-4; evang & auth, Aber- cynon, S Wales, 94-1923; d, Abercynon, Je 4, 23. Velte, Henry Christian — b, Wehrheim, Prussia, My 15, 1857; LenC, 79; NWTS, 79-81; PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 14, 82; miss, Saharanpur, India, 82-4; Ambala, 84-6; miss & tea, Forman Christian Coll, Lahore, 86-1903; Fell, Punjab Univ, 88; prof, NT Lit, Ch Hist & Gov, Theol Sem, Saharanpur, 04-25; grad stu, PTS, 20-1; field sec, Presb Miss, Dehra Dun, India, 26 — . DD, LenC, 15; Mod, United Ch of Northern India, 29-32. Wardlaw, Albert Goodal — b. Fort Valley, Ga, Ja 20, 1856; EmU, 79; PTS, 79-82; PrU, 82, MA; ord ME, Dc 5, 86; p, Danville, Va, 82; p, Richmond, 83; p, Culpeper, 84-5; p, Augusta, Ga, 86-7; p, Atlanta, 88-9; reed by Pby Atlanta, Dc 6, 89; ss, 1st ch, Macon, Ga, 90; p, Laurens, SC, 90-5; p, Westminster ch, Charleston, 95-1902; p, 1st ch. Union, 02-9; p, Greer, 11-23; res, Columbia, SC. DD, PresbC, SC, 06. *Woodbridge, Samuel Isett — b, Henderson, Ky, Oc 16, 1856; RutU, 76; tea; ColTS, 79-80; PTS, 80-2; ord, Pby Charleston, Oc 7, 82; miss, Chin-Kiang, China, 82-1902, Shanghai, 02-26; d, Shanghai, China, J1 23, 26. DD, WestmCMo, 10. 41. Barkley, William Craig— b, Danville, Ky, J1 1, 1852; CenCKy, 75; NWTS; PTS, 81-2; Centropolis, Kan; bus, Lexington, Ky, 89 — . *Brandt, Gustav Adolph— b, Brandt, Pa, Mr 6, 1857; CNJ, 79; PTS, 79-82; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 19, 82; ss, Mellette, Northville & Warner, •SDak, 82-3; ss, Aberdeen, 83-6; p, Roscoe, 86-9; p. West Duluth, Minn, 88-93; p, Barnum, 93-4; joined Plymouth Brethren, 95; evang, Barnum, Minn, 95-1917; d, Barnum, Nv 16, 17. Candor, Thomas Howard — b. Rock Island, 111, Ja 20, 1854; MonC, 76, 79, MA; MonTS, 75-6; NWTS, 76-8; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, My 16, 78; p, Clarence, la, 78-9; ss, Brooklyn, la, 79-81; grad stu, PTS, 81-2; miss, Bogota, Colombia, SA, 82-6; p el, Farmington, 111, 86-8; miss, Bogota, SA, 88, Barran- quilla, 88-93; deputy & vice consul, Barranqullla, 89-93; miss, Bogota, 93-1915; Barranquilla, 15-23; hon re, 23; evangelistic wk for Mexicans, Los Angeles, Cal, 23-6, Pasadena, 26 — . DD, MonC, 23. Cashman, William Nesbitt — b, Pennsylvania, 1855; GirC, 71; PTS, 79-80, 85; ill health; res, Norristown, Pa. Chesnut, Nathaniel — b, Rowlandville, Phila, Pa, Ap 16, 1853; CNJ, 78; PTS, 78-9, 80-1; res, Phila, Pa; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Ap 14, 82; p. Pawnee City, Neb, 82-5; ss, Missouri Valley, la, 86-7; p, Seward, Neb, 88-91; p, Fremont, 92-1900; p. Central ch, Kansas City, Kan, 01-3; p. Eureka Springs, Ark, 05-7; p, Lyons, Kan, 08-13; p, Wrightsville, Pa, 14 — . ♦Ferguson, Francis Lloyd— b, Marion Co, Mo, Fb 14, 1856; WestmCMo, 1882 346 78; NWTS, 79-81; grad stu, PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby Palmyra, Je 21, 82; p. Palmyra, Mo, 82-4; p, Prytania St ch. New Orleans, La, 84-90; p. West ch, St Louis, Mo, 91- 1903; d, St Louis, Mr 12, 03. DD, WestmCMo, 92. *Fullerton, George Stuart — b, Futtehghur, India, Ag 18, 1859; UPa, 79; PTS, 79-80; YaleUDS, 80-3; lie, Cong Ch, 82; instr, UPa, 83-5; prof, Phil, UPa, 85-1903; ord, PEpis pr. My 5, 88; prof, Phil, ColU, 03-17; lect, Vassar Coll, Poughkeepsie, NY, 17-25; d, Poughkeepsie, Mr 23, 25. PhD, MulhC, 92, LLD, 00. Hanna, Albert J — b. New Athens, O, Je 18, 1859; FrankCInd, 79; PTS, 79-81; AllegTS, 81-2; ord UP, Pby Wheeling, Oc 21, 82; p, Buchanan Hill, WVa, 82-4; ss, Miltonvale, Kan, 84-5; p. Sterling, 85-7; p, Hoopeston, 111, 88-95; p, Minden, Neb, 96-7; p, Jonathan’s Creek, O, 97-1904; p. Piper City, 111, 06-11; ss, Byesville, 0, 12-4; ss, Marshall St ch, Portland, Ore, 14-23; hon re, 27; res, Portland, Ore. *Kershner, George William — b, Oley, Pa, Oc 31, 1851; F&MC, 74; tea, Ashland, Pa, 74-9; PTS, 79-81; LanTS, 81-2; ord, RefChUS, Cl E Pennsylvania, Ag 6, 82; p, Stroudsburg, Pa, 82-8; p, Fayette, NY, 88-1900; p. Centre Hall, Pa, 00-3; bus, NYCity, 03-29; d, NYCity, Je 6, 29. MacDonald, Arthur — b, Caledonia, NY, J1 4, 1856; URoch, 79, 83, MA; PTS, 79-80; UnTS, 80-3; HarvUTS, 83-5; JHU, UBer, ULeip, UParis, UZur, UVa, 85-8; docent in criminology, ClkU, 89-91; specialist, sod pathology, US Bur Edu, 92- 1903; auth & sod pathologist, Washington, DC, 04 — . *Macdougall, Donald — b, Horisary, Inverness, Scot, Ag 4, 1854; Harley House, London, Eng, 79; PTS, 80-1; YaleUDS, 81-2; ss, Moores & Beekmantown, NY, 82; ord, Pby Champlain, Fb 3, 83; p. Black Brook, NY, 83-4; UnTS, 84-5; p, Taunton, Mass, 86-93; p. New Bedford, 93-6; evang. New Zealand, 96-7; evang, Phila, 97-1900; ed. The Caledonian, NYCity, 1900-20; d, NYCity, Mr 31, 20. Mateer, Horace Nelson — b, Adams Co, Pa, Dc 12, 1855; CNJ, 77;tea; PTS, 79-80; UPa, 83, MD; prof, Biol, CWoos, 86—. PhD, CWoos, 86. Ohgimi, Motoichiro — b, Tokyo, Japan, Ja 15, 1845; HopeC, 79; PTS, 79-80; NBTS; ord, RefChAm, Cl Albany, My 23, 82; ss, Kojimachi ch, Tokyo, Japan, 83-7; lect, UnTSTokyo, 83-7; act prof, Agric Coll, Tokyo, 87-8; prof, Steele Coll, Nagasaki, 90-6, pres, 93-6; prof, Nagoya Theol Sem, Nagoya, 97-1902; p, 2d ch, Nagoya, 98-1902; p, Shiba ch, Tokyo, 02-7; p, Makusa ch, Tokyo, 03-7; prin, Schl for the Blind, 05-19; p, Koishikawa, Tokyo, 08-17; res, Tokyo, Japan. *Putnam, Glenn Howard — b,' Glenn, NY, Ja 31, 1853; CenCKy, 78; Dan TS, 78-9; NWTS, 79-80; UnTS, 80-1; grad stu, PTS, 81-2; ord, Pby Des Moines, Oc 12, 82; p, Allerton & Lineville, la, 82-5; ss, Trenton, Mo, 85-8; ss, Seymour, la, 88-9; ss, Centerville, 89-92; Unitarian; dropped from roll, 92; p. Unit ch, Carthage, Mo, 92-5; p, Princeton, 111, 95-9; p, Cong ch, Nora, 99-1903; p, Humeston, la, 03-9; p, Blairburg, 09-10; p, Mt Pleasant, 10-3; p, Di-xon, 111, 19-22; d, Dixon, My 31, 25. PhD, CNJ, 91. Shaw, Thomas Ellwood — b, Middletown, O, Ag 11, 1840; tea, OskC, 78; MeadTS; PTS, 79-80; bus, Middletown, O; England; — 1882-1883 347 *Todd, Thomas S Naylor — b, Franklin Co, 0, Sp 27, 1854; MariC, 77; tea; LaneTS, 79-80, 81-2; PTS, 80-1; ord, Pby Montana, Fb 24, 83; p, Wickes, Mont, 83-4; ss. Bethel, Md, 84-5; ss, Franklin, Ind, 86; ss, Edinburgh, 87-9; p, Indianap- olis, 89-91; res, Indianapolis, 91-2; res, Franklin, 93-6; ss, Elizabethtown, 96-1904; ss, Scipio, 98-04; p. Providence ch, Lawrenceburg, 04-10; ss, Lewisville & Ebenezer, 11-2; ss, Otisco, 13-20; d, Franklin, Ind, Ap 5, 20. *Viser, Edmund Dillahunty — b, Oxford, Miss, Ag 26, 1858; SWPresbU, 79; PTS, 79-81; SWPresbU; ss, Zion, Tenn, 88; ord, Pby St Johns, My 11, 89; p, Dunedin, Fla, 89; ss, Montpelier, Geneva & Laurel, 90-1; ss & p el. Pine Ridge, Greenwood & Carmel, Miss, 91-3; evang, Washington, 93-4; ss, Waycross, St Mary’s & Waynesville, Ga, 94-5; d, Osceola, Va, Dc 27, 95. 17. 1883 Beattie, Lee William— b, Cornwall, NY, Sp 12, 1858; UnC, 79; PTS, 79-80, 81-3; tea; ord, Pby North River, Sp 23, 83; asst p, Goshen, NY, 83-5; p, Cambridge, 85- 93; p, 1st ch, Mankato, Minn, 93-9; Europe, 00-1; supt, Madison Sq Ch House, NYCity, 01—. DD, UnC, 13. *Brown, Hubert William — b, Cleveland, O, Fb 10, 1858; UMich, 79; tea, Ypsilanti, Mich; PTS, 80-4; ss. Point Pleasant, NJ, 83-4; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 9, 84; miss, Mexico, 84-1905; prof, Tlalpam Sem, City of Mexico, 92-1905; act p. Union Ev ch, Mexico City, 92-5; res, Clifton Springs, NY, 1905-6; d, Clifton Springs, Fb 15, 06. DD, W&JC, 04. *Caldwell, George Marcellus — b, Caldwell, Mo, Sp 26, 1848; WestmCMo, 76; tea, 76-8; HamC, 80; PTS, 80-3; ss, Warrensburg, Md, 83-4; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, My 5, 85; ss. Pilot Grove, la, 84-6; ss, Eustis, Bethel & Olivet chs, Kan, 86- 90; ss, Fairmount & High Prairie, 91; evang, St Louis, Mo, 92, Topeka, Kan, 93, Goodland, 94; ss, Benton, Ark, 95; res. Little Rock, 97; res, Carthage, Mo, 98; ss, Grace & Madison, 99; dropped, Pby Missouri, at own request, Sp, 1902; res, Tucson, Ariz; d, Fb 19, 31. ♦Clarke, William George— b, Adrian, Mich, Ap 13, 1861; NWU; ChiTS, 80- 2; PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Chicago, Je 20, 84; p, Waukegan, 111, 84-5; p el. Riverside, 85-7; grad stu, PrU, 87-8; p, Campbell Park ch, Chicago, 111, 88-95; ss. People’s Service, Chicago, 95-6; demitted, 97; lawy; secular wk. People’s Institute, Chicago, 96-1910; d, Chicago, 111, My 26, 10. ♦Davis, John D — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Mr 5, 1854; CNJ, 79; UBonn, 79-80; Europe, 80-1; PT.S, 81-3: instr, Heb, PTS, 83-4; Heb Fell, ULeip, 84-6; instr, Heb, PTS, 86-8; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Ap 26, 87; prof, Heb & Cognate Lang, PTS, 88-92, Semit Philol & OT Hist, 92-1900, Orient & OT Lit, 00-26; d, Phila, Pa, Je 21, 26. PhD, CNJ, 86; DD, PrU, 98; LLD, W&JC, 02. ♦Dickey, Hervey Simpson — b, York Co, Pa, Oc 15, 1853; LafC, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby Sioux City, Oc 17, 83; hm miss, Livermore, la, 82-4; d, Chester Co, Pa, Je 29, 84. ♦Dickson, James Stuart — b, Honesdale, Pa, J1 19, 1859; UPa, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 9, 83; p, Dayton, NJ, 83-6; p. Woodland ch, 348 1883 Phila, Pa, 86-1905; sec, Bd Schls & Colleges, 05-9; d. East Orange, NJ, Ap 1, 1909. DD, NYU, 05. *Dustan, John Francis — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Mr 13, 18.56; DalhU; PTS, 80-3; UEdin, 83-4; ord, Pby Truro, Can, Nv 11, 84; p, St Paul’s ch, Truro, NS, 84-7; p, Knox ch, Brandon, Man, 87-8; p, St John’s ch, Bridgewater, NS, 89-91; p. Grove ch, Halifax, 91-1911; d, Bridgetown, NS, Can, Je 10, 15. Evans, Evan Rees — b, Llangwnlle, S Wales, Great Britain, J1 4, 1856; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby Rochester, Oc 3, 83; p el, 1st & 2d chs, Sparta, NY, 83-6; p el, Evart, Mich, 86-8; p el, Canaseraga, NY, 88-98; p, Atlanta, 98-1912; p, Ludlowville, 12-6; p, Windsor, 16-21; p, Conklin, NY, 21-5; hon re, 25; res, Dansville, NY. PhD, LkFC, 94. Forbes, William Oscar — b, Berrien Springs, Mich, Sp 2, 1852; tea; LkFC, 80, 84, MA; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby Oregon, Mr 19, 84; hm miss, Albina, Ore, 83-4; ss, 1st ch, Albina, 84- p, 86-93; presb miss, Pby Portland, 93-6; syn miss, Syn Oregon, 96-7; p, Forbes ch (1st ch, Albina), Portland, 97-1902; SS miss, Pbys Central Washington & Walla Walla, 02-10; presb miss, Pby Seattle, 10-2; syn miss, Syn Washington, 12-7; regional miss, Syns Oregon & Washington, 17-24; dist field sec. Dept SSMiss, 24-30; dist field sec em, 30 — ; res, Los Angeles, Cal. DD, JasC, 09, & LkFC, 24. *Hays, Andrew Thomas — b, Emmitsburgh, Md, Dc 22, 1856; LafC, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 2, 83; p, Berlin, Md, 83-6; d, Berlin, Md, Nv 30, 86. Holmes, William Parker, Jr — b, Belfast, Ireland, My 17, 1860; QuUBelf, 1881; AsC, 80-2; PTS, 82-3; lie, Pby Belfast, My 27, 84; res, Larne, Co Antrim, Ire. *Ingram, George Harvey — b, Richland Co, O, Ag 12, 1856; CNJ, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby West Jersey, Sp 26, 83; ss. Holly Beach & Green Creek, NJ, 83-5; p, Nanticoke, Pa, 85-8; p, 5th ch, Trenton, NJ, 89-1904; p. Walnut Ave ch, Trenton, 04-22; exec sec, Trenton Council of Churches, 16-30; res, Trenton; d, Trenton, NJ, Fb 17, 30. Jennings, William Beatty — b, Bennettsville, SC, Sp 26, 1859; DavC, 80; PTS, 80-3; CNJ, 82, MA; ord, Pby Bethel, Nv 17, 83; p, 1st ch. Rock Hill, SC, 83-7; p, 1st ch, Macon, Ga, 87-95; p. Central ch, Louisville, Ky, 95-8; p, 1st ch, Detroit, Mich, 98-1906; p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 06—. DD, CenCKy, 96. *Kavanagh, [John] Francis Edge — b, NYCity, My 7, 1858; PTS, 80-3; AndTS; ord RefChAm, Cl Poughkeepsie, Ag 13, 83; p, Hyde Park, NY, 83-4; p, Presb ch, Wappinger’s Falls, 84-5; HarvU, 87-9; ss. Independence, Kan, 89-90; ss. Hunter, NY, 90-2; tea. Polytec Inst, Brooklyn, 92-3; instr, UrsC, 94-6; lect, Phil, NYU, 99-1903; dropped from roll at own request, Dc 10, 00; ed; lit wk; lect; res, Bronxville, NY; d, Bronxville, Nv 8, 32. PgD, NYU, 07; PhD, UPa. *Lindsay, Henry Drennan — b, Calhoun’s Mills, SC, Oc 12, 1859; Ersk C, 79; ColTS, 79-80; PTS, 80-1, 82-3; sec, YMCA, Cleveland, O, 81-2; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 11, 83; p, Thompson Mem ch, Brownsburgh, Pa, 83-4; p, 1st ch, Wil- mington, Del, 84-8; p, Brainerd ch, Easton, Pa, 88-91; p, Jamestown, NY, 91-4; 1883 349 p, North ch, Allegheny, Pa, 94-1906; pres. Pa Coll for Women, Pittsburgh, 06-14; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ja 18, 14. DD, LafC, 95. *Lowrie, James Walter — b, Shanghai, China-, Sp 16, 1856; CNJ, 76; tea; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby New York, Je 3, 83; miss, Peking, China, 83-91; ss, Long- mont, Colo, 92-3; miss, Paotingfu, China, 94-1911; Shanghai, 11-29; hon re, 29; d, Paotingfu, China, Ja 27, 30. DD, PrU, 05. McArthur, John Arthur — b, Kincardine, Ont, Canada, Mr 12, 1856; QuUOnt, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 25, 83; ss, Mt Idaho, Ida, 83; ill health; tea, 85; ss, Rathdrum, Ida, 86; ss, Davenport, Wash, 86-93; ss, 1st ch. New Whatcom, 93-5; ss, Waterville, 95-8; ss, Fairfield, 98-1900; ill health; res, Entiat, Wash. *McGarvey, William Closson — b, Trenton, NJ, Nv 30, 1854; CNJ, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby Newton, Je 25, 83; p, 2d ch, Belvidere, NJ, 83-8; p. West Ave ch, Buffalo, NY, 88-96; p el, Tonawanda, 98-1906; p el, Alden, 06-10; res, Buffalo; d, Buffalo, NY, Nv 30, 28. *McMillan, Hugh Hugh — b, Lochiel, Ont, Canada, Je 5, 1855; QuUOnt, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 25, 83; hm miss, Moscow, Ida, 83-4; do, Davenport, Wash, 84-6; ill health; bus, San Diego, Cal, 86-1927; d, Seattle, Wash, Fb 9, 31. *Myers, Robert Henry — b, Cavan, Ont, Canada, Mr 7, 1857; UTor, 80; KxCTor, 80-1; PTS, 81-3; ord, Pby Paris, Dc 27, 83; p, Norwich, Ont, Can, 83-94; p. East ch, St Paul, Minn, 94-8; p, Emerado, NDak, 98-1902; p, Knox ch, Minto, 02-6; evang, Pby Pembina, 06-7; ss, Milton, NDak, 07-9; presb evang, Bismark, 10-8; ss. La Moure, 19-25; ss, Enfield, 111, 25-8; oc s. Hillside ch. Orange, NJ, 28-9; d, NYCity, J1 8, 29. *Ness, William Henry — b, Innisfil Township, Ont, Canada, Ag 23, 1852; UTor, 80; KxCTor; PTC; PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Oc 31, 83; p, Gibson & Ararat, Pa, 83-8; p. Riverside ch, Portaupique, NS, Can, 89-99; d, Stroud, Ont, Can, Ag 13, 1902. Orbison, John Harris — b, Rawal Pindi, India, Ag 31, 1859; CNJ, 79; tea; PTS, 80-3; UPa, 86, MD; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Sp 23, 86; miss & prof, Christian Coll, Lahore, India, 87-1907, dist miss, 08-28, city evang, 28-32; hon re; res, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India. *Paden, William Mitchell— b, Vanceville, Pa, Dc 3, 1854; CNJ, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 20, 84; p, Hollond Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 84-97; Paris, France, 95-6; p, 1st ch. Salt Lake City, Utah, 97-1912; supt, Nat Miss, Syn Utah, 12-31; d. Salt Lake City, Utah, Sp 16, 31. DD, UrsC, 96. Parkhill, James William— b, Mt Carroll, 111, Nv 26, 1855; CNJ, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby Freeport, Ap 24, 84; p, Cedarville & Rock Run, 111, 84-5; tea. Coll Inst, Groton, SDak, 85-7; tea, Redfield Coll, 87-9; ss. Long Beach, Cal, 90-1; prof, OccC, 89- pres, 96-7; p, Carbondale, 111, 98-1905; prof & dean, LenC, 07-14; dean, BuenVC, 14-7, field sec, 17-20; NER wk, 20-3; p, Pierceton, Ind, 23-7; ss. New Smyrna, Fla, 27-9; ss. Crystal River, 29 — . DD, LenC, 07. Paxton, James Dunlop — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, J1 26, 1860; CNJ, 80; UnTS, 350 1883 80-1; PTS, 81-3; ord, Pby Albany, Fb 29, 84; p, East Ave ch, Schenectady, NY, 84-9; Europe; p. West Spruce St (10th) ch, Phila, Pa, 91-6; stu wk, Paris, France, 96-8; p, House of Hope, St Paul, Minn, 99-1902; p, 1st ch, Lynchburg, Va, 04-29; res, Lynchburg, Va, 29 — . DD, CWoos, 99. *Richmond, George Law — b, Thompsonville, Ct, Ap 3, 1853; NYU, 80; PTS, 80-3; ord, Pby North River, Oc 10, 83; p. Little Britain, NY, 83-9; p, Main St (1st) Cong ch, Amesbury, Mass, 90-9; p, 1st Presb ch, Boonton, NJ, 1901-17; ill health; d. East Orange, NJ, Ap 22, 19. DD, NYU, 10. *Skinner, James William — b, Versailles, Ky, Oc 11, 1855; CenCKy, 80; DanTS, 80-2; PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Vincennes, Sp 12, 83; miss, Terre Haute, Ind, 83-4; p, Moffatt St ch, Terre Haute, 84-6; p, Morrison, 111, 87-1902; p. Ft Collins, Colo, 02-7; evang. Ft Collins, 07-10; ss, 1st ch, Brownsville, Tex, 11-2; pres, Texas Mexican Indus Inst, Kingsville, 12-31; d, Kingsville, Tex, Oc 24, 31. DD, CenCKy, 98; Mod, Gen Assem, 26. 28. *Ballantyne, James — -b, Stratford, Ont, Canada, Ag 22, 1857; UTor, 80; KxCTor, 80-1, 82-3; PTS, 81-2; UEdin; ULeip; ord, Pby London, Ap 7, 85; p, Knox ch, London, Ont, Can, 85-94; p, Knox ch, Ottawa, 94-6; prof, Ch Hist & Ch Govt, KxCTor, 96-1921; d, Toronto, Can, Dc 21, 21. DD, ManiC, 06, QuUOnt, 07; Mod, Gen Assem, 20. *Bergen, Paul David — b, Bellefontaine, O, J1 19, 1860; LkFC, 80; PTS, 80-2; NWTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Iowa, Ag 18, 83; miss, Chi Nan Fu, China, 83-91; JHU, 92-3; ss. South Waukegan, III, 93-4; miss, Chefoo, Shantung, China, 94-8, Tsingtan, 98-1901, Tengchow, 01-2; pres. Shantung Union Coll, China, 01-13; d, Unionville, Conn, Ag 8, 15. DD, LkFC, 03. *Bishop, Edward Thomas — b, Athens, Ga, Fb 22, 1860; UGa, 1879; stu law, UGa, 80; PTS, 80-1; d, Athens, Ga, Oc 20, 81. *Gibson, John — b, Markham, Ont, Canada, Ag 8, 1856; UTor, 79; KxCTor; grad stu, PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Toronto, Sp 26, 84; miss, Demerara, SA, 84-8; d, Demerara, SA, Nv 26, 88. *Gowdy, William Fishell — b, Xenia, O, Dc 4, 1853; WittC, 80; PTS, 80-2; LaneTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Je 19, 83; p, Batavia, O, 84; ss, Mt Carmel, 84; p, Ripley, 85-6; p. New Carlisle, 87-90; p el, Noblesville, Ind, 91-2; ss, Madeira, & p. Pleasant Ridge, O, 93-1902; ss, 4th ch, Cincinnati, 03- p, 09-11; ss, Venice, 18; p, 4th ch, Cincinnati, 19-23, p em, 23-6; d, Cincinnati, O, Je 15, 26. Hammond, William Alexander — b. New Athens, O, My 20, 1861; FrankCO, 80; PTS, 80-2; CNJ, 82, MA; HarvU, 85; lect, KingsC, 85-8; stu, ULeip & UBer, 88-91; tut, CornU, 91- prof, 92-1930, dean. University Faculty, 20-30; consultant in Phil, Library of Congress, 30—; res, Washington, DC. MA, KingsC, 87; PhD, ULeip, 91. *Hunter, Robert— b, Phila, Pa, Dc 1, 1851; CNJ, 84, 1901, MA; RefPTS (GS), 71-4; ord RefP, Pby Illinois, My, 74; p, Coulterville, III, 74-81; grad stu, 1883 351 PTS, 82-3; p, Kensington Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 83-1918; asso sec, BdMinRel, 18-25; d. Ocean City, NJ, J1 11, 25. DD, WashCTenn, 88. Kingsley, Robert Francis — ^b, London, England, Mr 17, 1857; UnTS; PTS, 80-1;— MacKenzie, James Arthur — ^b. Green Hill, NS, Canada, J1 27, 1854; DalhU, 78; PTC, 79-82; grad stu, PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Wallace, Sp 19, 82; p, Oxford, NS, 82-90; p, Pugrwash, 82-95; p, Acadia ch, Acadia Mines, 95-8; p, Thorburn & Sutherland’s River chs, Thorburn, NS, 98-1911; p, Elmsdale & Nine Mile River, 11-9; p. West River & Green Hill, 19-23; res, Alma, NS, Can. *Mathis, Joseph Julius — b. Rock Hill, SC, Ap 12, 1856; HSC, 80; PTS, 80-1; ill health; d, Camden, SC, Dc 27, 84. ♦McClelland, Hugh R— b, Pardoe, Pa, My 22, 1846; MonC, 67, 70, MA; AllegTS, 67-9; ord UP, Pby Mercer, Oc 27, 70; p, Mt Jackson, Pa, 70-85; grad stu, PTS, 82-3; p, Sparta, 111, 86-8; Presb; evang, Allegheny, Pa, 90; NYCity, 91; Holyoke, Mass, 92; p. Lake View ch, Paterson, NJ, 92-1908; p, Pleasantville, 08-18, p em; d, Pleasantville, NJ, Je 28, 18. PhD, WestmCPa, 91. ♦McCurdy, Irwin Pounds — b, near Livermore, Pa, Mr 23, 1856; tea; LafC, 80; PTS, 80-2; ord, Pby Baltimore, J1 8, 81; p & tea, Frederick City, Md, 81-4; stu, JHU, 82-3; ed. Southwestern Observer, 85-7; fin sec, LafC, 91-2; p. South- western ch, Phila, Pa, 84-95; p el, St Andrew’s ch, Boston, Mass, 96; p el. Green- port, NY, 97; p el, Shrewsbury, NJ, 97; p, 5th ch, Kansas City, Mo, 97-9; ss, 00-3; p, Lansford, Pa, 10-4; d, Jannette, Pa, Dc 26, 16. DD, NewWC, 85; LittD, LafC, 90; LD, HanC, 90; PhD, BellvC, 90; ScD, Chicago Coll, 111, 90; LHD, MaryvC, 91; HLD, LenC, 91; PhilolD, GrovCyC, 91; LLD, RuthC, 98; DCL, PcU, 08; STD, KCU, 08; JUD, PcU, 09. Miles, William Horner — b, W Middlesex, Pa, My 27, 1861; WestmCPa, 80; PTS, 80-1; prin, Greenville, Pa, 81-2; supt schls, Linesville, 82-3; supt, Barnes, 83-4; supt, Morris, Minn, 84-6; bus, 86-1931; res, Minneapolis, Minn. ♦Miller, Henry — b, Pontotoc, Miss, Fb 10, 1855; UMiss, 77; prin, 77-80; PTS, 80-1; UnTSVa, 81-2; ss, Lawrenceburg, Ky, 82-3; ss, Versailles, 83-4; ss, Owingsville, 84; ord, Pby Transylvania, Mr 15, 85; p. New Providence, Ky, 85-90; p, 1st ch, Middlesborough, 90-7; evang, Syn Ky, 97-8; p, Mt Sterling, 99-1900; p, Bethesda & Rockbridge Baths, Va, 01-11; d, Rockbridge Baths, Fb 6, 11. Muller, [John] Edwin — b, Columbia, SC, Ja 9, 1858; UnC, 79; tea; PTS, 80-1; ColTS, 82-4; ord, Pby Charleston, Oc 19, 84; p, Orangeburg, SC, 84-8; p, Westminster ch, Louisville, Ky, 88-1901; prof. Church Hist & Pol, LouisvPTS, 93-01; p, 1st ch, Lexington, 01-18; p, Camden, SC, 18-26; res, Columbia, SC. DD, WestmCMo, 95. Price, Wesley Frank — b, near Lumberton, NC, Nv 9, 1854; HarvU, 80; PTS, 80-1; AndTS, 83; ord Cong, NYCity, Oc 22, 85; p, Madison Ave ch, NYCity, 85-7; res, Monte Vista, Col; — ♦Ramsey, Hugh Henry — b. Morning Sun, O, Fb 10, 1855; CWoos, 77; tea; PTS, 80-1; d, Cedarville, O, Sp 6, 81. 13 352 1883 Reid, David Collins — b, West Hebron, NY, Je 16, 1857; CNJ, 80; PTS, 80-2; miss, Milan, Mich, 82-3; YaleUDS, 83-4, BD; ord Cong, J1 29, 84; hm miss, 2d ch, Brainerd, Minn, 84; p, Monticello, 85-8; p. Spring Valley, 89-94; p, Lei- cester, Mass, 94-1904; p. Wood Memorial ch, Cambridge, 05-6; p, Stockbridge, 07-13; p, Enfield, Conn, 13-9; p, Easton, Mass, 19-22; oc s & industrial recon- struction wk, 22 — ; res, Quincy, Mass. Robinson, Joseph Millen — b, Baillie, NB, Canada, Dc 24, 1849; DalhU, 73; lawy; PTC; PTS, 81-2; PTC; ord, Pby Wallace, Ag 14, 83; p, St Andrew’s ch, Springhill, NS, 83-8; p, St John’s ch, Moncton, NB, 88-1901; p, St Andrew’s ch, Rossland, BC, Can, 01-2; p, 2d ch, Dubuque, la, 02-4; p, Westminster ch, Dubuque, 04-6; p, 2d ch, Steubenville, O, 06-12; p, Westm ch, Steubenville, 12-9; res, Wellsburg, WVa, 19-21; hon re, 31; res, NYCity. LLD, GaleC, 01; DD, LenC, 06. *Shore, Godfrey — b, Hull, England, Ja 1, 1844; ord, Wesl Meth (Engl), My, 71; Wesl Meth ch, Canada, 74-80; PTS, 80-1; p, Presb chs, Lansdowne, Fairfax & Sanbury, Ont, 84; p, St Stephen, NB, 85-90; p, Carleton, 90-3; ill health; miss, Portsmouth & Collingsby, 97-1901; d, Portsmouth, Canada, Mr 31, 01. Sinnott, William Isidore — b. Mobile, Ala, Nv 24, 1855; UMiss, 77; tea; PTS, 80-2; UnTSVa, 82-3; ss, Jamestown & Cumberland, Va, 82-3; ss, Phila- delphia, Miss, 83-4; ord, Pby Chickasaw, Ja 28, 84; ss, Hopewell & Tallahatchie, Miss, 83- p, 84-7; ss. Banner, 83-7; ss, 2d ch, Birmingham, Ala, 87-9; ss. North Birmingham, South Highland ch, Birmingham & Jasper, 88-9; evang, Colum- biana, 89-91, p, 91-1904; evang, Calera, 89-03; do, Harpersville, 89-91, 94, 97-8; do, Childersburg, 89-91, 94; do, Wilsonville, 90-3; p. Piedmont & Carmel, 91-3; evang. Piedmont, 00-3; do, Carmel, 00-4; do, Munford & New Lebanon, 94-1904; do, Oxmoor, 96-7; do, Montevallo, 97-00; ss, Centreville & Blocton, 05-12; ss. Lake City, SC, 12- p, 13-22; ss, L^nion & Central, 12- p, 13 — ; res, Salters Depot, SC. Wallace, Homer Hugh — b, Raymilton, Pa, Mr 16, 1854; WestmCPa, 80; PTS, 80-1; AllegTS, 81-3; ord UP, Pby Caledonia, My 7, 84; p, Beulah ch, Mumford, NY, 84-6; p. West 44th St ch, NYCity, 86-1926, pern, 26 — ; res, Glen Rock, NJ. DD, WestmCPa, 17. *Watt, Robert — b, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Sp 22, 1852; PkC, 80; PTS, 80-1; NWTS, 81-3; ord, Pby Bloomington, Oc 9, 83; p, Fairbury, 111, 83-5; ss, Oxford, Neb, 86-7; ss. Harmony & Orleans, 87; ss, Orleans & Stamford, 88; ss, Aurora, 89; p, Carbondale, 111, 90-7; ss. Grand Tower, 97-1912; res, Murphysboro; d. Normal, 111, My 3, 24. *Webb, Samuel Green — b, Worcester, Mass, J1 2, 1860; WmsC, 80; AubTS, 80-1, 82-3; PTS, 81-2; NYU, 86, MD; ord, Pby Chester, Dc 5, 86; ss, Barnegat & Forked River, NJ, 85; ss. Wild Rice, NDak, 87; p. New Gretna, NJ, 88-96; tea, Lakewood, NJ, 96-1901; ss, W Mantoloking, 00-1; prin, Webb Schl, Lake- wood, 01-20; d, Lakewood, NJ, J1 19, 20. 24. 1884 1884 353 Bates, Charles Philorman — b, Constantine, Mich, Ap 5, 1860; WabC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Kalamazoo, Sp 10, 84; ss, Plainwell, Mich, 84- p, 87-90; ss. Holly, 90-5; p, Sault Ste Marie, 95-1902; p, Cedarville & Dakota, 111, 02; ss, St Louis, Mich, 02-4; ss, Hibbing, Minn, 04- p, 06-9; p. Rush City, 09-14; p, Farmington, 14-9; p. Forest Park, 111, 19-24; p. Dimondale, Mich, 24 — . *Boyd, Robert Patterson — b, near Fairfield, Pa, Nv 12, 1848; LafC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord evang, Pby Westminster, Dc 28, 84; miss. Southern Ida, 85-1909; ill health; d, Los Angeles, Cal, J1 27, 10. *Brown, Lewis Franklin — b. New Oxford, Pa, Dc 9, 1857; F&MC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ss. Lost Creek ch, McAlisterville, Pa, 84-7; ord, Pby Northumberland, Je 5, 88; ss, Washingtonville & Derry, Pa, 87- p, 88-98; ss. New Columbia, 98-9; p. Bald Eagle, Nittany & Beech Creek chs, 99-1907; ss, Montoursville, 07-8; ss. Great Conewago ch, Gettysburg, 10-4; p. White Haven, 15-8; d. White Haven, Pa, Oc 29, 18. *Campbell, James Irvine — b, Co Armagh, Ireland, Ag 7, 1853; LafC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 18, 84; p. Lower Mt Bethel, Pa, 85-7; p, Mon- roeton, 87-9; p el, Tioga, 89-91; p, Cumberland St ch, Brooklyn, NY, 91-3; p, Missoula, Mont, 93-4; ss, Chehalis, Wash, 95-6; p el. New Gretna, NJ, 96-8; evang, Phila, Pa, 99; p, Dickinson, 1900-3; p el, Brunswick, Md, 04; p, RefChAm, Hastings, NY, 04-5; p, Presb ch. Freedom Plains, NY, 06-8; res, Hasbrouck Heights, 08-16, tea, 16-7; d. West Hoboken, NJ, Dc 6, 17. *Clark, James Buchanan — b, Westmoreland Co, Pa, Oc 28, 1855; W&JC, 80; WestTS, 80-1; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 9, 84; p. New London, Pa, 84-6; ss, Clifton Heights, 86-7; p. Lower Mt Bethel, 88-92; p, 2d ch, Amwell, NJ, 93-1902; p, Dayton, 02-21; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 18, 22. Edwards, Charles Eugene — b, Phila, Pa, My 1, 1860; HanC, 79, MA, 82; tea; WestTS, PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 5, 85; p, Miffiinburg & Hartleton, Pa, 85-90; p. Port Allegheny, 90-1; p, Sharpsville, 93-5; p, Charleroi, 95-7; supt, Allegheny, 1900-1; p, Shenandoah, 02-5; evang, Princeton, NJ, 06; ss, Lathrop, Mo, 07-10; ss, Ironton, 10-1; ss, Washington & Union, 12-3; p. Unity ch, Iowa City, la, 13-5; supt miss, Pby Redstone, 16-8; evang, Denver, Col, 18-9, Ben Avon, Pa, 20—. DD, HanC, 13. *Edwards, Chauncey Theodore — b, Phila, Pa, My 15, 1862; HanC, 79; tea & bus; WestTS, 81-3; PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 25, 84; p, Tom’s River, NJ, 84-8; p, Coudersport, Pa, 88-96; p, 1st ch, Peoria, 111, 97-1903; ss, Portville, NY, 03-6; p, 1st ch, Beloit, Wis, 07-10; Bib Exten wk, BelC, 10-2; p. Bay Ridge ch, Brooklyn, NY, 12-4; tea & lit wk, Phila, Pa, 14-8; p, Huntington Valley, Pa, 18-28; d, NYCity, Nv 1, 28. DD, HanC, 00, & CentlUKy. Ellis, Edwin Murray — b, Walden, Vt, Ag 17, 1853; CNJ, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, Ap 16, 84; ss, Stevensville, Corvallis & Victor, Mont, 84-7; ss, Stevensville & Victor, 87-91; SSmiss, Pby Montana, 91-3; SSmiss, Syn Montana, 93-1924; SSmiss, Detroit, Mich, 25-6, Pasadena, Cal, 27-8, Rock- ville Center, NY, 29-31; res, Rockville Center, 31 — . 354 1884 Forman, Henry — b, Lahore, India, Ja 24, 1860; CWoos, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 2, 84; miss, Allahabad, India, 84-8; prof & miss, Saharanpur, 88-93; miss, Fatehgarh, 93-9; do, Etah, 99-1902; do, Jhansi, 04-12; do, Gwalior, 15-24; prin, Maharaja’s Schl for the sons of the chiefs, 21-4; res, Columbus, O. DD, CWoos, 95. *Fracker, George Herbert — b, Zanesville, O, Ap 14, 1853; CWoos, 78, 81, MA; tea; WestTS, 80-1; tea; UnTS, 82-3; PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Ft Dodge, My 1, 86; ss, Ashton, la, 85-90; ss, Vail, 90-1; prof, Anc Lang, Buen VC, 91-1900, French & Ger, 00-20, French & Span, 20-30; d. Storm Lake, la, Fb 18, 32. DD, CWoos, 06, & LLD, Buen VC, 23. ♦Gibson, James Richard — b, Delhi, NY, Ag 28, 1856; UnC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 17, 84; p. Lower Valley, NJ, 84-9; p. Lower Valley, 90-3; ill health; bus, Newark, 94-1909; d, Califon, NJ, Fb 9, 09. ♦Gregory, Caspar Robue — b, Oneida, NY, Dc 13, 1860; CNJ, 80; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Nv 11, 84; p. Memorial ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 84-91; d, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Dc 2, 91. Hall, Alexander — b, Bailieborough, Ireland, Sp 16, 1854; TrinCDub, 81; AsC, 82-3; PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Dublin, Oc 21, 86; p. Great Brunswick St ch, Dublin, Ire, 86-9; p, Drogheda, 89—. Haymaker, Edward McElwain — b, Murrysville, Pa, Ag 21, 1859; LafC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Phila Central, My 16, 84; miss, Mexico, 84-7; miss, Guatemala, CA, 87-1903; ill health; miss, Guatemala, CA, 12 — . DD, LafC, 26. ♦Henning, John James — b. North Argyle, NY, J1 28, 1855; UnC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Albany, Ja 20, 85; p, Princetown ch, Rynex Corners, NY, 85-93; p. Green Island, 93-1910; d. Green Island, NY, Je 10, 10. Hickey, Samuel Ingraham — b, Rochester, NY, Mr 13, 1855; bus; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Westminster, J1 12, 84; p, Bellevue ch. Gap, Pa, 84-5; asso p, Throop Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 85-6; dropped from Pby Brooklyn, Oc 4, 86; ed, 91; res, NYCity; — Hickman, George Matlack — b. West Chester, Pa, Dc 21, 1857; W&JC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 24, 84; p. Marietta, Pa, 84-8; p, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 88-92; p, Immanuel (Memorial) ch, Tacoma, Wash, 92-3; p, 1st ch, Bradford, Pa, 94-1906; p, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 06-10; p, 1st ch, Home- stead, Pa, 10-8; res, Glen Moore, Pa. DD, W&JC, 06. ♦Hillhouse, James Steele — b, Laurensville, SC, J1 25, 1854; CNJ, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Cherokee, Sp 26, 84; ss, Chickamauga, Tunnel Hill & Spring Place, Ga, 84-6; ss, Cartersville, 86-93; syn evang, SynGa, 93; p, Vicksburg, Miss, 93-1920; d, Vicksburg, Ap 9, 20. DD, SWPresbU, 02. ♦Hood, Frank Carter — ^b, Greensburg, Ind, Fb 22, 1858; IndU, 81; LaneTS, 81-2; PTS, 82-4; ord, Pby White Water, Oc 3, 84; ss. New Castle, Ind, 84-91; p. East WashingJ:on St ch, Indianapolis, 91-6; p el, Columbus, 96-1900; p el. East Washington St ch, Indianapolis, 01-7; p, 1st ch, Madison, Ind, 07-14; presb evang, Franklin, 19-23; p, Southport, 23-7; hon re, 27; d, Franklin, Ind, Ja 15, 31. DD, WabC, 09. 1884 355 Hoover, Robert Henry — b, Hampstead, Md, Sp 23, 1853; LafC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 10, 85; ss, McConnellsburg, Pa, 84- p, 85-94; ss, 2d ch, Perryville, Md, 95- p, 96 — . *Hutchison, Samuel Gulick — b, Richmond, Pa, Dc 15, 1854; LafC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Lehigh, Sp 17, 84; p el, Tamaqua, Pa, 84; p, Stroudsburg, 85- 1916; ill health; oc s, 16-7; ss, Bedford Park ch, NYCity, 17-8; d, Chicago, 111, Mr 7, 19. *Inglis, Thomas Edward — b, Hamilton, Canada, Nv 15, 1857; UTor, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 2, 84; miss, Mainpuri, India, 86-92; p, Bergen Point RefChAm, Bayonne, NJ, 93-7; p, 1st ch, Yonkers, NY, 97-1900; ill health; d, Boulder, Col, Dc 31, 02. *Janvier, Caesar Augustus Rodney — b, Abington, Pa, Ja 5, 1861; CNJ, 80; tea; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 84; ss, 5th ch, Trenton, NJ, 83- p, 84-7; miss, Fatehgarh, India, 87-95; ss, Farukabad, 88-90; ed, Indian Standard, 93-6; ed, Christian Treasury, 95-1901; ss, Jamna ch, Allahabad, 96- 1901; p el, Hollond Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 01- p, 02-13; pres, EwingChrC, Allahabad, India, 13-28; d, Allahabad, Nv 3, 28. DD, UrsC, 11. *Kolb, John Benjamin — b, Tamaqua, Pa, Dc 6, 1850; LafC, 80-1; PTS, 81-4; ord evang, Pby Lehigh, Je 10, 84; miss, Bahia, Brazil, 84-6; Larangiers, 86- 92, Bahia, 93-1900, Sao Paulo, 00-1, Florianapolis, 02-7, Guarapuava, 07-11, Campos, 12-4, Guarapuava, 14-20, Ponta Grossa, Parana, 20-1; d, Ponta Grossa, Brazil, Ja 13, 21. Laidlaw, Walter — b, Norval, Ont, Canada, Mr 7, 1861; UTor, 81; PTS, 81-4, 84, 85-6; UBer; ord, Pby Albany, My 25, 86; p, Jermain Mem ch. West Troy, NY, 86-92; pres, Fairhaven, Wash, 92-3; asst. Collegiate RefChAm, NYCity, 94-5; exec sec. Fed Chs & Chr Organizations, NYCity, 95 — . PhD, NYU, 96. *MacLaren, Donald Campbell — b, Tennent, NJ, J1 13, 1859; CNJ, 79; tea; PTS, 81-4, GSGreen Fell, Heb, 84-5; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ja 14, 85; miss, Brazil, 85-90; ill health; tea. Polytech Inst, Brooklyn, 96-9; tea, NYCity, 99-1912; act pres, McKenzie Coll, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 12-5; tea, NYCity, 15-8; founder, UnionTS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18; res, Rio de Janeiro, 18-24; volunteer prof, UnionTS, Rio de Janeiro, 25-8; d. New Rochelle, NY, Oc 24, 30. DD, NYU, 27. ♦Marshman, David McGill— b, near Nashville, O, Sp 1, 1850; CWoos, 81; WestTS, 81-3; PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 19, 84; ss, Royalton, Minn, 84- 6; ss, Shakopee, 86- p, 87-8; ss, 1st ch, Montpelier, 0, 88- p, 89-95; p. Fall River Mills, Cal, 98-1901; ss, Tehama & Red Bank, 02-4; ss, Richmond, Kan, 04-5; ss, Fort Bragg, Cal, 05-7; ss. Crescent City, 07-8; ss, Tehama, 13-8; hon re, 21; res, San Jose, 18-25; d, Yosemite National Park, Cal, Ag 13, 25. ♦McDowell, Thomas Rankin — b. New London, Pa, Oc 22, 1855; UDel, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 16, 84; p. Lower Brandywine ch, Wilmington, Del, 84-9; p. Upper Octorara ch, Parkesburg, Pa, 89-1905; ss, Toughkenamon, 05-6; p, Avondale, 06-28; d, Avondale, Pa, Ap 19, 28. ♦McTavish, Alexander — b, Valderson, Ont, Canada, Sp 17, 1847; QuUOnt, 1884 356 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Brandon, Ag 12, 84; miss, Indian Head, Manitoba, 84-5; miss. Charter & Humesville, 85- p, 86-94; p, Treherne, 95-8; ss, Cornduff, 98-1904; ss, Shiho, 04-5; ss, Macdonald, 05-10; p, Bradwardine & Tarbolton, 13-3; ss. Eyebrow, 14-7; miss. Golden Plains, Miss, 17-8; d. Portage la Prairie, Can, Fb 16, 22. Meikle, William — b. New Glasgow, NS, Canada, Ja 4, 1856; QuUOnt, 81; PTS, 81-4; evang, Canada, 84-96; ord, Pby Westminster, Can, Oc 14, 96; p, Van- couver, BC, 96-9; evang. Cal & Can, 98-1901; p. Glace Bay, Cape Breton, 01-6; evang, Syn Toronto & Kingston, 06-9; p, St Andrew’s ch. Areola, Sask, 09-12; p, St Paul’s ch, Tuxford, 12-4; ill health; p, UnChCan, Clyde River, NS, 29-31; res. Moose Jaw, Sask, Can. Mewhinney, William James — b, Stapleton, SI, NY, My 3, 1862; ClLkC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby West Jersey, Nv 6, 84; p, Hammonton, NJ, 84-6; ss, Whippany, 86- p, 87-91; p. Pleasant Grove, 91-6; ss, Schooley’s Mountain, etc, 96-8; p, Andover, 98-1901; p, Oxford, 01-6; p. South ch, Easton, Pa, 06-11; res, Easton, 12-27; res. Royal Oak, Mich, 28 — . Miller, William — b, Stratford, Ont, Canada, Oc 26, 1857; UTor, 81; KxC Tor; PTS, 82-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 2, 84; ss, 1st ch, Sioux Falls, SDak, 84-5; p, Luverne, Minn, 85-7; p, Petersburg, 111, 87-91; p, Westminster ch, Des Moines, la, 91-2; p, Creston, 93-6; ss, Des Moines, 96-1905; ss. Grimes, 06-8; ss, Hartford, 08-9; ss, Waukee, 10-4; ss, Adel, 14-7; ss, Winterset, 17-8; p. Ft Des Moines ch, Des Moines, 19-26; ss, do, 28-30; ss, Hartford, 31-2; res, Des Moines, la, 32—. *Muir, John Adams — b. Black Rock, Md, Mr 10, 1856; LafC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Nv 3, 84; p, Newton ch. Bald Mount, Pa, 84-6; ss, Abington ch, Waverly, 84-6; ss. Pen Argyl, 86-8; p, Bangor, 86-1912; d, Bangor, Pa, Ap 22, 13. *Parsons, Willis Edwards— b, Keokuk, la, Oc 26, 1857; OliC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Lansing, Nv 11, 84; ss, Albion, Mich, 84- p, 87-93; p, Danville, 111, 93- 1904; pres, ParsC, 04-13; dean, Louis B Parsons, Jr Schl of Eng Bib, 14-27; d, Tryon, NC, Oc 27, 31. DD, OliC, 02. *Patton, Robert Braden — b, near Cadiz, O, Sp 13, 1854; CWoos, 81; PTS, 81-4; UBer, 84-5; ord UP, Pby Muskingum, Ag 17, 86; p, Jonathan’s Creek, Mt Perry, O, 86-7; ss, 1st ch, Columbus, 87- p, 92-1900; ss, Fair Ave ch, Columbus, 00-9, 13-9; editorial wk, Columbus, 10-2; res, Columbus, 19-24; d, Columbus, O, Fbl,24. DD, FrankCO, 05. *Preston, William Kent — b, Nashville, 111, Oc 27, 1852; WabC, SO; tea; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 17, 84; ss. May’s Landing, NJ, 83; p. Port Penn, Del, 84-5; p, Neshaminy of Warwick ch, Hartsville, Pa, 85-1903; p, Ly- coming Centre & Linden chs, Hepburnville, 03-8; p, Elysburg & Rush, 08-13; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 3, 13. Reynolds, Clarence Guest — b. Pleasant Run, O, Ap 18, 1859; CWoos, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 20, 84; p, Winnebago City, Minn, 84-9; p, Good- rich Ave ch, St Paul, 89-95; p, 1st ch, Joliet, 111, 95-1908; p, Oakland Heights ch, 1884 357 Asheville, NC, 08-12; p, Madison Ave ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 12-21; chap, US Vet Hosp, NYCity, 21-9; hon re, 29; res, Elizabeth, NJ. DD, CWoos & CoeC, 06. Schlosser, Henry — b, Schenectady, NY, Fb 22, 1856; UnC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 14, 84; p, Ridley Park, Pa, 84-5; p, Quogue & Westhampton Beach, NY, 85-91; p, Aurora, 91-8; p, St Peter, Minn, 98-1903; ss, Cong ch, Weston, Conn, 06-7; ss. No Stamford, 08-12; ss. West Avon, 12-4; ss, Oakville, 14-6; ss, Guilford, 16-29; res, Madison, Conn. Josiah — b, Lansingburg, NY, Nv 28, 1856; UnC, 81; PTS, 81-4; ord, Pby Troy, Nv 1, 87; ss, 3d ch, Troy, NY, 87-9; ss. Bay Road 90-1; ss, Masonville, 92-5; ss, Jefferson, 97-9; p, Wassaic, 1902-3; p el, Howard, 03-4; ss, Dresden, 05-9; ss. Central ch, Mayfield, 10-3; p el, Brooklin, Pa, 15; p. Sinking Creek & Milesburg, 17-8; p, Shenandoah, 18-20; d, Schenectady, NY, Oc 8, 21. van Dyke, Paul — b, Brooklyn, NY, Mr 25, 1859; CNJ, 81; PTS, 81-4; UBer, 84-5; ord, Pby Geneva, Mr 22, 87; p. North ch, Geneva, NY, 87-9; instr, Ch Hist, PTS, 89-92; p, Edwards Cong ch, Northampton, Mass, 92-8; prof. Hist, PrU, 99-1929, prof em, 29 — ; sec, American U Union, Paris, France, 18-9; res, Princeton, NJ. DD, WmsC, 98; LHD, Marquette Univ, Milwaukee, Wis; LittD, Toulouse Univ, France. *Willert, John Christian — b, Galt, Ont, Canada, Ja 12, 1856; KxCTor, 81, 81- 2; PTS, 82-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 30, 84; ss, Summerville & La Grande, Ore, 84-9; ss, Centralia, Wash, 89-90; p, 1st ch, Puyallup, 90-1; p. Calvary ch, Tacoma, 91-9; evang, Pby Olympia, 99-1912; d, Washougal, Wash, Fb 14, 15. ♦Wills, David, Jr— b, Laurens, SC, J1 12, 1860; CNJ, 81; SFTS, 81-2; PTS, 82- 4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 28, 84; p, Kirkpatrick Mem ch, Ringoes, NJ, 84-6; p. Spring Garden St ch, Phila, Pa, 86-7; p, Pennington, NJ, 87-94; p, Grace ch, Oswego, NY, 94-1910; p, Astoria, 11-22; d, Astoria, NY, Nv 22, 22. DD, HamC, 08. ♦Woods, Matthew Cooper — b, Clearfield, Pa, My 31, 1856; LafC, 80; PTS. 81-4; ord, Pby West Jersey, Oc 29, 84; p, Merchantville, NJ, 84-7; p. Upper Octorara ch, Parkesburg, Pa, 87-9; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 20, 89. 43. ♦Cheatham, Alfred Johnson — b, near Athens, Ga, Ap 12, 1854; ArkC, 81; tea; UnTS, 81-3; PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Ouachita, Oc 27, 84; p, Hope, Ark, 84-94; p, Potosi, Mo, 94-1903; p, Fordyce, Ark, 03-18, p em, 18-9; d, Arkadelphia, Ark, Dc 27, 19. ♦Darling, Andrew Drummond — b, Andes, NY, Ja 15, 1855; UnC, 81; PTS, 81-2; d. Cabin Hill, NY, Oc 30, 82. ♦Davies, John Rumsey — b, Abergavenny, England, Ag 9, 1855; LafC, 81; PTS, 81-3; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Dc 10, 83; p, Langcliffe ch, Avoca, Pa. 83-7; Pi Tyrone, 87-93; p, 4th Ave ch, NYCity, 93-8; p, Bethlehem ch, Phila, Pa, 98-1918; gen sec, Bd Min Rel & Susten, 18-9; d, Phila, Pa, Mr 15, 19. DD, LafC, 93. 1884 358 *Doggett, William Thorington — b, Guilford Co, NC, J1 7, 1853; EarlC, 78; tea; PTS, 81-3; ord, Pby Central Dakota, My 7, 85; ss. Blunt, SDak, 85-6; ss. Crystal Falls, 86-7; ss. White & Volga 87-8; ss, Danville, Va, 88-90; p, Shelton Memorial ch, Danville, 90-1908; ss, Spring Hill & Mt Carmel, 08-27; d, Danville, Va, Ap 23, 27. *Engstrom, John Peter — b, Hoganas, Sweden, Nv 11, 1855; HanC, 81; LaneTS, 81-2; PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby New Albany, Ap 5, 83; p, Mt Carmel, Ind, 83- 5; ss, Waveland, 86- p, 87-90; ss, Lebanon, 91-3; ss. Poplar Bluff, Mo, 93-5; ss, Parke Mem ch, Evansville, Ind, 95-1902; p, Oskaloosa, la, 02-5; evang, 05-7; ss, Lansing, la, 07-9; d, Lansing, Ag 4, 09. Johnson, Samuel Myrtle — b, near Ft Wayne, Ind, J1 8, 1860; ParsC, 81; PTS, 81-2; NWTS, 82-4, BD; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, My 1, 84; p. Corning, la, 84- 6; ss. Central ch, Denver, Colo, 86-7; ss, 23d Ave ch, Denver, 87- p, 88-93; ss. Railroad Chap, Chicago, 111, 94-5; p. Highland Park, 95-7; p, 1st ch, Austin 98-1902; evang, Christian Conquest Mvmt, 02-15; govt service, Washington, DC, 15—. PhD, PrU. *Kerr, George — b, Grafton, Mass, Dc 22, 1856; UEdin, 81; PTS, 81-2; UPSEdin; ord UP, Pby Boston, Ap 14, 86; ss, Chicopee, Mass, 85- p, 87-1903; d, Chicopee, Fb 9, 03. Miller, Jacob Franklin — b, Bristol, Pa, Nv 7, 1855; LincU, 74; tea; LincUTS, 78-80; PTS, 81; ss, AfrME Conf Baltimore, 81-3; ord, AfrME Conf, Sp, 83; p, Conf West Kentucky, 83-6; Conf West Arkansas, 86-94; Conf Northeast Texas, 94-5; Conf Missouri, 95-7; pres, Greenville C, Greenville, Tenn, 97-8; Conf Tennessee, 97-9; Conf West North Carolina, 1900-07; Conf Tennessee, 07-8; tea, Lenoir, NC, 08-12; ss, Burdick, Ky, 19-21; ss, Pineville, 21-4; ss. Camp Nelson, 24 — ; res, Nicholasville, Ky. STD, Paul Quinn Coll, Waco, Tex. *Smith, Thomas Corwin — b, Amelia, O, Nv 27, 1842; UnChrC, 66; supt schls, Owensville, 69-71, Hagerstown, 71-3, & Wayne Co, Ind, 73-5; prof, UnChrC, 68-71, pres, 75-82; PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, Oc 10, 83; p, Shenandoah, la, 83-7; p, Clarinda, 87-1901; evang, 02-3; p, Springville, Utah, 04-7; ss, Englewood ch, Denver, Col, 07-8; ss, 1st Ave ch, do, 08-9; ss. Highland Park ch, do, 13-4; hon re, 18; d, Denver, Col, Ja 17, 23. DD, UnChrC, 91. Sneath, Isaiah Witmer — b, Mountville, Pa, Ag 22, 1855; LebVC, 81; PTS, 81; YaleUDS, 81-4; ord, UnB, Fb 27, 84; p, Salem ch, Baltimore, Md, 84-5; prof, LebVC, 85-7; p. Wood Mem Cong ch, Cambridge, Mass, 87-99; p, 1st ch, Franklin, 99-1904; p. Grand Ave ch. New Haven, Ct, 04-12; p, Wollaston, Mass, 12—. PhD, BosU, 92; DD, LebVC, 22. *Spencer, William Herbert — b. Great Village, NS, Canada, Je 6, 1855; DalhU, 81; PTS, 81-2; PTC, 82-4; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Oc 2, 84; p, Georgetown, PEI, 84-8; p, Montague, 84-1901; p, St Peter’s Road, 01-5; p. Cove Head & Brackley Point Road, 01-14; p, Waterville, NS, 14-8; augmentation agt, Gen Assem, 18-21; p, St Matthew’s ch, St John, NB, 21-4; d, Charlottetown, PEI, Ap 2, 29. Sterling, Charles Gordon — b, Madison, Wis, Dc 29, 1859; UWis, 80; tea; PTS, 81; McCTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Madison, Sp 29, 86; miss. Pine Ridge Agency, 1884-1885 359 SDak, 86-91; p, Lowe Ave ch, Omaha, Neb, 91-5; instr, OmaTS, 91- prof, OT Lit & Exeg, 93-6; ss, 3d ch (Sinclair Memorial), Cedar Rapids, la, 98- p, 99-1904; asst bus mgr, Iowa Presbyterian, 04-5; prof, Eng Bib, Winona Inst, Indianapolis, Ind, 05-7; p, Garrett & Waterloo, 08-9; field rep, Nat Chr Asso, 09-10; ss, Albany, Alexander & Waterloo, Ind, 11; field rep, Nat Ref Asso, 11; p, Elmira, 111, 12-3; p. Eureka, 13-6; ss. Dearborn & Nankin, 17; p, Bethany, 18; p, Franklin Ave ch, Lansing, 18-20; miss & asso supt, Chicago Hebrew Miss, 20-9; ss. Eureka, 111, 29-30; ss. Bethel, 30- ; prof, Bib Introd, Detroit Bib Inst, Detroit, Mich, 31 — . PhD, UOma, 92. *Wadsworth, Charles, Jr — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 21, 1860; UPa, 80; PTS, 83; YaleUDS, 83-4; asst. North Broad St ch, Phila, Pa, 84-7; ord, Pby Phila Central, Sp 16, 86; p, Plymouth Cong ch, Worcester, Mass, 87-9; p. North Broad St Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 90-1907; pres, BdEdu, 09-24; res, Phila; d, Sanford, NC, Mr 18, 25. DD, LafC, 95. *Walker, William — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Mr 17, 1846; PTS, 81-3; LaneTS, 84- 7; ord evang, Pby Saginaw, Ap 11, 88; ss, Calkinsville & Coleman, Mich, 87-8; ss, Sedan & Elk City, Kan, 89-90; ss, Falmouth & New Concord, Ky, 91-3; ss, Aurora, Ind, 93-6; ss, Pickford, Mich, 96-1900; ss. Port Austin, 00-3; ss, Harris- ville, 03; ss, Taymouth, 04-7; ss, Lowry City, Mo, 07-9; ss, Luther, Wyo, 09; res, Campbellsburg, Ky, 09-16; d, Campbellsburg, Ap 26, 16. 14. 1885 Armstrong, Andrew Campbell — b, NYCity, NY, Ag 22, 1860; CNJ, 81, Fell, 81-2, MA; PTS, 82-5; UBer, 85-6; asso prof, Ch Hist, PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby New York, Fb 7, 87; instr, CNJ, 87-8; prof, Phil, WesU, 88-1930, prof em, 30 — ; res, Middletown, Conn. PhD, CNJ, 96; LHD, WesU, 30. Coan, Frederick Gaylord — b, Urumia, Persia, My 23, 1859; CWoos, 82; WestTS, 82-3; PTS, 83-5; ord, Pby Columbia, J1 16, 85; miss, Salmas, Persia, 85- 6, Urumia, 86-1916, Hamadan, 20-3; lect, NER, 16-20; miss, Persia, 29-31; res, Minneapolis, Minn, 31 — . DD, CWoos, 04, & WmsC, 25. Cobb, Roderick Provost — b, Buckingham Court House, Va, Mr 31, 1859; F&MC, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Newton, My 19, 85; p. Harmony, NJ, 85-8; p, Merchantville, 88-91; ord PEpis dea, Dc 15, 91; ord pr. My 24, 92; rec, St Paul’s ch, Rahway, NJ, 92-1900; rec, Christ ch, Troy, NY, 00-6; rec, St Paul’s ch, Doylestown, Pa, 06-10; prin. Cathedral Schl, Orlando, Fla, 10-20; oc s, Mait- land, 22 — . Elder, Thomas Dougall — b, Pattersonville, NY, J1 7, 1859; UnC, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Chester, Je 10, 85; ss, Unionville, Pa, 85-6; p el, Northumber- land, 86-8; p. New Hamburgh, NY, 88-98; p, Montgomery, 98-1911; p. Green Island, 11-31, p em, 31 — ; res, Ballston Spa, NY. Fay, Charles Edward — b, Northampton, NY, Ap 9, 1860; UnC, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Champlain, J1 29, 85; p, Mineville, NY, 85-7; ss, Unadilla, 88-96; p, Cong ch, Newport, Vt, 96-8; ss. Floral Ave Presb ch, Binghamton, NY, 99- 1905; ss, Holland Patent, 05-9; p, Morristown, NY, 09-18; p, Champlain & Rouses Pt, 18-25; hon re, 25; res, Au Sable Forks, NY. 36o 1885 Frost, George Canfield — b, Detroit, Mich, Oc 30, 1860; CNJ, 81; bus; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Kalamazoo, Dc 29, 85; p. Three Rivers, Mich, 85-90; p, Honeoye Falls, NY, 92-7; p. Calvary ch, Rochester, 97-1908; p, Holley, 08-11; p, Oriskany, 11-31; hon re, 31; res, Utica, NY. *Gilman, Frank P[atrick] — b, Scottsburg, NY, Dc 14, 1853; CNJ, 79; prof. Natural Sc, UWash, 80-2; PTS, 82-5; ord evang, Pby Rochester, Sp 29, 85; miss, Hainan, China, 85-1918; d, Hoihow, Hainan, Dc 4, 18. Goloknath, Henry — b, Jallunder, India, Dc 6, 1862; CNJ; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 85; miss, Umballa Canton, India, miss, Lahore, 96-7, dist supt, Philaur, 97-1920, Jullundur, 20 — . *Gordon, Janies Alexander — b, Fannettsburg, Pa, Oc 19, 1861; CWoos, 82, 85, MA; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 10, 85; ss, Crookston, Minn, 85; ss, Decatur, Mich, 86-9; HarvUTS, 89-90; ss. Van Wert, O, 90- p, 91-1912; p, 1st ch, Winona Lake, Ind, 14-9; ill health; d, Winona Lake, Ind, Ja 9, 32. DD, CWoos, 02. *Greene, George Francis — b. North Greenbush, NY, Je 5, 1858; CNJ, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Elizabeth, My 14, 85; p, 1st ch, Cranford, NJ, 85-1925, p em, 25-6; d, Cranford, NJ, Nv 19, 26. DD, PrU, 02. Hallock, Gerard Benjamin Fleet — b, Holliday’s Cove, WVa, Ja 28, 1856; CNJ, 82, 1901, MA; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Rochester, Oc 12, 85; p, 1st ch. Wheat- land, NY, 85-90; asst p. Brick ch, Rochester, 90-1931, em, 31 — . DD, RichC, 96. *Hallock, Robert Crawford — b, Holliday’s Cove, WVa, Nv 9, 1857; CNJ, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 16, 85; p. Old Tennent ch, Tennent, NJ, 85- 9; p, Southampton, NY, 89-92; p. Park Cong ch, Brooklyn, 93-6; p. Stone Presb ch, Clinton, 96-1906; bus, Porto Rico, 07-8; p, Scottsville, NY, 08-17; p, Dundee, 17-22; ss, Havana, Cuba, 22; p, Valatie, NY, 22-8, p em, & hon re; d, Valatie, Je 24, 32. PhD, NYU, 88; DD, RichC, 00. Hanna, William Girdwood — b, Holmesville, Ont, Canada, Oc 1, 1853; UTor, 81-2; PTS, 82-85; UnTS; ord, Pby Bruce, Can, Ja 14, 86; p, Tara, Ont, Can, 86-9; p, Uxbridge, 89-97; p. Mount Forest, 97-1907; sec, Ontario Lord’s Day Alliance, 07-14; p, Cookstown, Ont, 14-6; lect. Tor Bible Coll, 16-26; hon re, 26; res, Toronto, Ont, Can. ’•’Harlan, Richard Davenport — b, Evansville, Ind, Nv 14, 1859; CNJ, 81; tut, CNJ; PTS, 82-6; ord, Pby New York, Ap 1, 86; p, 1st ch, NYCity, NY, 86- 90; stu, UBer, 91; trav; p, 3d ch, Rochester, NY, 94-1901; pres, LkFC, 01-6; spec’l repres, GWU mvmt, 07-10; res, Washington, DC; d, Washington, DC, Ja 14, 31. DD, PrU, 02; LLD, UnC, 04. ’•'Herold, Julius Adolphus — b, Berlin, Germany, Mr 27, 1861; F&MC, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Mahoning, Ap 27, 86; ss, 2d ch, Youngstown, O, 85-6; p. Green Hill ch, Phila, Pa, 86-91; p, 1st ch, Williamsport, 91-7; instr, German, De Lancey Schl, Phila, 98-1901; p. Green Hill ch, Phila, 99-1904; p, Logan Mem ch, Audubon, NJ, 04-6; p, Lewes, Del, 07-14; p, Wicomico ch, Salisbury, Md, 15-6; d. Ocean City, Ag 15, 16. Hinds, Herbert Calvin — b, Cassayuna, NY, Je 22, 1857; UnC, 82; PTS, 1885 36 1 82-5; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 23, 85; ss. Park Place chap, Schenectady, NY, 85-6; ss, 2d & Emmanuel chs, Amsterdam, 86-7; p, 2d RefChAm, Schenectady, 87-91; p, 9th ch, Troy, 91-7; evang, Albany, 98-1902; p. State St ch, Schenectady, 03-10; asst p. Calvary ch, Cleveland, 11; ss, Cleveland, 17-9; res, Cleveland, 13-5, 19 — . PhD, HurC, 01. ^Hobson, Benjamin Lewis — b, Lexington, Mo, J1 31, 1859; CntlU, 77; tea; JHU; UnTS, 82-3; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Lafayette, Sp 10, 86; p, Springfield, Mo, 86-7; UBer, 88-90; p. Crescent Hill ch, Louisville, Ky, 91-3; prof, Apol & Miss, McCTS, 93-1917, prof em; d, Chicago, 111, J1 16, 18. DD, CntlU, 94, LED, 12. Langhill, Paul Franklin — b, Pictou, NS, Canada, Ap 4, 1853; QuUOnt, 81, Th Dept, 81-2; PTS, 83-5; ss. Stony Brook, NJ, 84; ord, Pby St John, Oc 27, 85; hm miss, Hampton, NB, 85-7; asst p, St Andrew’s ch, Winnipeg, Man, 87-8; ss, Qu’ Appelle Sta, NWT, 88-90; 1st ch, Vernon, BC, 90-5; p, Knox ch. Bridge- burg, Ont, 95-7; p, St Andrew’s ch, Martintown, 97-1906; p, Knox ch, Vars, 06-7; p. Carp, Ont, 07-12; p, Fingal, 13-8; p, Burnside, Mani, 20-4; p, UnChCan, Burnside, 26-7; p, Greenridge, 28-9; p. Great Falls, 29 — . *Lowe, Edson Allaway — b, Keokuk, la, Ap 10, 18.59; ColbnU, 82; WestTS, 82-3; PTS, 83-5; ord, Pby Westminster, Fb 8, 87; p, 4th St ch, Lebanon, Pa, 87-9; ss, 1st ch, Lima, O, 89-90; p, Ottawa, O, 90-2; miss, Santiago, Chile, 93- 1900; prof, Inst International, Santiago, Chile, 93-1900; d, Santiago, Chile, Ag 11, 00. Matzinger, Philip Frederick — b. Tiffin, O, Nv 13, 1861; CalvC, 80; tea; Sheboygan Theol Sem, Wis; LanTS; PTS, 84-5; ord, Pby Winona, Ap 1, 86; ss, Preston, Minn, 85-6; ss, Christ chap, Chicago, 111, 87-94; ss, Harvey, 94; UChi, 95-6, 97-8; ss. Onward ch, Chicago, 111, 95-7; p, Campbell Park ch, Chicago, 98-1909; p, St Paul’s Ev ch, Chicago, 10-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; ss, Santa Ynez, Cal, 20-1; p el, Santa Maria, 22-5; p, St James ch, Orosi, 27-30; ss, Salada Beach, 31-. McEwan, William Leonard — b, Frankfort, Ky, Oc 17, 1859; CenCKy, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 12, 85; p, Rodney St ch, Wilmington, Del, 85-92; p, Webster Groves, Mo, 92-4; p, 3d ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 94-1932, p em, 32 — ; res, Pittsburgh, Pa. DD, CenCKy, 94 & WUPa, 95; LED, CWoos & MaryvC. *McFarland, Everett Orr — b, Connoquenessing, Pa, Sp 24, 1861 ; WestmCPa, 82; YaleUDS, 82-4; PTS, 84-5; ord, Pby Chester, Nv 5, 1885; p. Darby 1st ch, Glenolden, Pa, 85-91; p, Bethany ch, Newark, NJ, 91-1902; bus, NYCity, 02-13; res, De Kalb Junction, NY; ss. Oxbow, 20-3; ss, Theresa, 25-8; d, Watertown, NY, Dc 18, 28. ’"Mclnnis, John — b, Owen Sound, Ont, Canada, Ja 13, 1854; UTor; tea; PTS, 83-5; ord, Pby Owen Sound, Oc 13, 85; p, St Vincent & Sydenham, Ont, Can, 85-91; p, Knox ch. Flora, 91-9; p, Thamesville, 99-1912; p, Cayley, Alberta, 12-3; [), Granum, 13-8; [), Cilayburn, BC, 18-20; res. New Westminster, 20-9; d. New Westminster, BC, Can, Aj) 15, 29. Murray, Samuel Crothers— b, Botsford, NB, Canada, J1 26, 1857; Mt.AU, 1885 362 81; tea; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Brandon, Oc 13, 85; p, Neepawa, Man, 85-93; p, St Paul’s ch. Port Arthur, Ont, Can, 93-1911; supt, Hm Miss, Syn Manitoba, 11-20; p. High Bluff & Prospect, 20-4; p. Prospect & Oakland, 24-8; res, Kelwood, Mani, Can. DD, ManiC, 09. *01yphant, Vernon Murray — b, Shanghai, China, Dc 8, 1860; CNJ, 80, grad stu, 80-2; PTS, 82-5; lie, Pby New York, My 11, 85; ill health; miss, NYCity; d, NYCity, Dc 14, 93. Overstreet, William Thomas — b, Woodford Co, Ky, Dc 11, 1861; CenCKy, 82, 85, MA; PTS, 82-5; ss, Campbellsville, Ky, 85-7; ss, Wildwood, Fla, 88; ord, Pby Louisville, Ap 25, 89; p, Stuart Robinson Mem ch, Louisville, Ky, 89-92; p. Pleasant Grove ch, Beechland, 93-1908; p, Perryville, Ky, 01-18; p, Burnside, 18-24; p, Fernandina, Fla, 24 — . Perkins, James Coffin — b, Sacramento, Cal, Ap 30, 1853; UCal, 74; ColU law sch; lawy, 76-82; PTS, 82-5; ord Cong, My 29, 85; miss, Aruppukottai, Madura District, India, 85-1915; p, Cong & ME ch (Community), Schroon Lake, NY, 16-22; p, Cong ch, Cornwall, Vt, 22; p, Presb ch, Warrensburgh, NY, 22-4; res, Princeton, NJ, 24-9; res, Oberlin, O, 29—. *Snyder, Edward — b, St Ann’s, Ont, Canada, Mr 12, 1848; KxCTor, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 7, 85; p, Stockton, NJ, 85-9; p, Youngs- town, NY, 89-92; p, Scipioville & Scipio, 93-6; evang, 96-8; p, 1st ch. Wantage, NJ, 98-1902; p. North Hardyston, 02-5; p. Harmony, 05-10; d, NYCity, Ja 23, 11. Van Alen, George Leslie — b, Newburgh, NY, Ja 28, 1861; CNJ, 81, 84, MA; bus; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 6, 85; ss, 1st ch, Watson- town. Pa, 84- p, 85-94; ss, Montgomery, Pa, 85-7; p, Mt Airy ch, Germantown, Phila, 94-6; Europe; p, 1st ch, Blackwood, NJ, 98-1905; p. Chambers Memorial ch, Rutledge, Pa, 06-21; res, Swarthmore, Pa. Vos, Geerhardus — b, Heerenveen, Netherlands, Mr 14, 1862; Amsterdam Gym, 1881; CalvTS, 81-3; PTS, 83-5; Fell, Heb, UBer, 85-6, UStras, 86-8, PhD; prof, Theol, CalvTS, 88-93; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 94; prof. Bib Theol, PTS, 93-1932, prof em, 32- ; res. Roaring Branch, Pa, 32 — . DD, LafC, 93. Wilds, John Thomas— b, Jonesboro, Tenn, J1 24, 1857; CNJ, 80; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby New York, Oc 26, 85; p, 7th ch, NYCity, 85—. Wisner, Oscar Francis — b, Wilton Junction, la, Sp 25, 1858; CWoos, 81; WestTS, 81-3; tea; PTS, 84-5; ord evang, Pby Wooster, Sp 23, 85; miss. Canton, China, 85-94; ss, Pomeroy & Gilmore City, la, 94-5; ss, Santa Monica, Cal, 95- p, 96-8; pres. Canton Chr Coll, China, 98-1907; tea, CWoos, 08-12; field survey wk, Bd Hm Miss, 12-4; ss, Adrian, Ore, 15-6; interp of Chinese, Immigra- tion Off, San Francisco, Cal, 17-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; supt, Coalinga, 21-3; Americanization wk. Cement, 23-4; tea, & dean. Coll of Arts & Sc, LingnanU, Canton, China, 26-8; res, Berkeley, Cal. DD, CWoos, 00. Withington, Irving Platt — b, Kingston, NJ, Je 5, 1858; CNJ, 80, 83, MA; PTS, 82-5; UnTS, 85-6; ord, Pby St Paul, Dc 14, 86; ss, Taylor’s Falls, Minn, 86; p, St Croix Falls, Wis, 86-91; ss, Bethany ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 91; ss. 1885 363 House of Faith ch, Minneapolis, 86-92; ss, Bethany, Elim & St Louis Park, Minneapolis, 93-7; asst p, Mizpah-Central, NYCity, 98-1906; phys, NYCity, 06- ; prof. Dermatology, NYHMedC, 16 — . MD, NYHMedC, 06. Woods, David Walker, Jr — b, Lewistown, Pa, Dc 28, 1860; CNJ, 82, 84, MA; WestTS, 82-3; PTS, 83-5; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 8, 86; p, Disston Me- morial ch, Tacony, Pa, 86-9; p, Wakefield ch, Germantown, 89-92; res. Lewis- town; tea, 94-5; p, Gettysburg, 96-1911; ill health; p. Lower Marsh Creek ch, Gettysburg, Pa, 13—. 34. *Bain, James — b, Greenock, Scotland, Ap 20, 1852; UGlas, 81; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Saginaw, Sp 22, 85; p, Harrisville, Mich, 85-6; evang, Pby Saginaw, 87- 8; ss, Hillsdale, NY, 90-2; ss, Ashland & East (2d) Windham chs, 92-3; ss, Ashland & Big Hollow chs, 93-4; ill health; bus; res, Perth Amboy, NJ ; d, NYCity, Ja 18, 01. *Bancroft, William Henry — -b, Phila, Pa, Ag 7, 1858; Med Dept, UPa, 82; PTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 11, 86; p, Chichester Mem ch, Boothwyn, Pa, 86-92; p, Bethany ch, Thurlow, 92-1900; p, Buckingham ch, Berlin, Md, 00-11; lit wk, res, Chester, Pa, 11-4; p. Olivet ch, Moores, 15-8; d, Chester, Pa, Ja 15, 21. ^Bartholomew, Harvey Eugene — b, Beersville, Pa, Je 19, 1861; F&MC, 81; PTS, 82; asst supt schls. South Bethlehem, Pa, 83-4; lawy, Denver, Colo, 85-1917; d, Denver, J1 3, 17. *Beers, Robert Welsted — b, Easton, Pa, Dc 3, 1860; LafC, 80, 84, MA; colp, Fla, 80-2; PTS, 82-4; ss. White Haven, Pa, 81-2; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 30, 84; p, Elkton, Md, 84-7; p, Corry, Pa, 87-8; p, 6th ch, Cincinnati, O, 88- 9; p, 1st ch, Waterford, NY, 90-1905; p, Broadway Cong ch, Somerville, Mass, 05-17; p. Union English-speaking ch, Peiping, China, 18-20; p, Cong ch, Reading, Mass, 21-3; p, Wollaston, 24-5; p. Federated ch, Topsfield, 26-30; d, Hathorne, Mass, Nv 21, 31. Carson, George Stephen — ^b, Sussex, NB, Canada, Mr 26, 1856; DalhU, 82; PTS, 82-4; UPSEdin; ord, Pby Pictou, Sp 15, 85; p, Knox ch, Pictou, NS, Can, 85-1907; ed. The Presbyterian Witness, 07-25; ed. The New Outlook, 25-8; res, Toronto, Can. DD, PTC, 15. *Cross, Henry Webster— b, Urbana, O, Dc 5, 1862; HopeC, 80; tea; LaneTS; PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Zanesville, My 15, 85; p, Jersey, O, 85-7; tea & rep, Minne- apolis, Minn, 87-8; ss, Oronoco & Chester, 88-9; p, Urbana, O, 89-92; ss, Ton- togany & Dunbridge, 92-4; ss. Metropolis, 111, 94; d, Colorado Springs, Colo, Dc 22, 94. *Davies, Thomas— b, Nantyclawdd, Wales, Great Britain, Sp 29, 1859; Univ Coll, Aberystwyth, Wales; PTS, 82-3; Wales; lie; d, Conwil, Carmarthen- shire, Wales, Ag 16, 87. Ford, Erastus Edmund -b. New London, Ct, J1 22, 1858; UnC, 82; PTS 82-3; broker, NYCity;- 1885 3^4 *Gerrior, John Paul — b, Pictou, NS, Canada, Mr 13, 1853; BanTS, 81-2; PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Fb 3, 87; p, Stratford, Ont, Can, 88-9; evang, NS & NB, 89-90; p at large, Pby Winona, 91-2; ss, Washington & Stewartville, Minn, 93-6; ss, Shandon & Pleasant Valley, Cal, 97- p, 98-1902; ss, Westm ch, Berkeley, 02-3; syn miss, NCal & Nev, 02-5; p, Elmhurst ch, Oakland, 05-20; d, Oakland, Cal, Ap 26, 20. *Gillingham, Henry Clay — b, Lahaska, Pa, My 24, 1857; UDel; PTS, 82-4; ord, Pby Winnebago, Nv 12, 84; ss, Westfield, Wis, 84-5; ss, Logan, la, 85-7; ss, Oakdale, Cal, 87-8; ss, Modesto, Cal, 88-91; ed. Village Record, West Chester, Pa, 91-1913; d. West Chester, Dc 17, 13. ♦Herbener, John Henry— b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 10, 1862; HSC, 82; UnTSVa; PTS, 83-4; ord, Pby Savannah, Ja 7, 86; p, Thomasville, Ga, 86-92; p. College St ch, Louisville, Ky, 92-5; p, Northville, Mich, 96-1900; demitted, Ap 16, 01; bus, 01-31; d, Norfolk, Va, Nv 24, 31. ♦Hughes, Hugh — b, Anglesea, Wales, Dc 11, 1853; PTS, 82-5; ord WelshP, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, My 9, 86; p, Ashley, 86-99; p, Bangor & Wind Gap, 99-1906; d, Brynrefail, Anglesea, NWales, Nv 6, 08. ♦Lewis, Rees Hughes — b, Cynythog, N Wales, Great Britain, Ap 25, 1858; lie, PTS, 82-5; ord WelshP, Syn New York & Vermont, Je 1, 87; p, Betws Garmon, Carnarvonshire, N Wales, 88-1919; d, Oc 17, 19. ♦Mackenzie, James Cameron — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, Ag 15, 1852; LafC, 79, 87, MA; prin, Wilkes-Barre Acad, Pa, 78-82; PTS, 82-3; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 21, 85; head master, Lawrenceville schl, NJ, 82-99; dir. Tome Inst, Port De- posit, Md, 99-1901; dir, Mackenzie Schl, Dobbs Ferry, NY, 01-14; d, Dongan, NY, My 10, 31. PhD, LafC, 92. ♦Orr, James Graham — b, near Cincinnati, O, J1 25, 1853; Med Coll, O, 75; phys, Cincinnati, 75-81; lie Bapt, My, 81; PTS, 82-3; LaneTS, 83-5; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 21, 85; ss, Bennington & Culver, Kan, 84; p el, Kansas & ss. Grand View, 111, 86-8; ss. Prairie du Sac & Lima, Wis, 89; p. Prairie du Sac, 90-1; demitted Sp 21, 92; phys, Cincinnati, O, 92-3; res, California, 93-4; d, Covington, Ky, Ap 6, 94. ♦Richardson, Wilson Gaines — b, Maysville, Ky, Dc 9, 1825; UAla, 44; tea, UAla, 44-9; trav; prof, UMiss; rul eld; civil war; prof, CntlU; PTS, 82-4; ord, Pby Memphis, Sp 5, 84; p, Stanton & Dacyville, Tenn, 84-6; d, Stanton, J1 5, 86. Roberts, Edward — b, Llidiardan, N Wales, My 19, 1858; PTS, 82-4; ord WelshP, Syn New York & Vermont, Je 5, 84; p. Middle Granville & Granville, NY, 84-95; p, Venedocia, O, 95-1913; sec of Missions, 13-29; hon re, 29; res, Madison, Wis, 29 — . ♦Schermerhorn, Herman Morris — b, Fonda, NY, Fb 14, 1859; YaleUDS, 80-3; grad stu, PTS, 84-5; ord Cong, Amesbury, Mass, Sp 10, 85; p, Amesbury, 85-9; d, Amesbury, Mass, Ja 24, 89. ♦Smith, Henry Wilson — b, Williamstown, Mass, Fb 25, 1849; WmsC, 69, 72, MA; instr, WmsC, 69-73; prof. Elocution & Rhet, BosUST, 75-7; prof, do. 1885-1886 365 Adelphi Acad, Brooklyn, NY, 77-8; PTS, 83-5; instr. Elocution, PTS, 78-1926; d, Princeton, NJ, Mr 9, 26. Smith, William Wilberforce — b, Ontonagon, Mich, Ap 22, 1858; LafC, 80, MA, 83; tea; PTS, 81-2, 83-4; tea, Lawrenceville, NJ, 82-5; prin, Englewood, 85-95; bus, NYCity & San Francisco, Cal, 95-1904; prin, Berkeley Schl, NYCity, 04-5; pres, CoeC, 05-8; dir, Schl of Commerce & Finance, JasMU, 09—. LED, LafC, 05. West, Albert Marshall — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Je 24, 1859; WUPa, 82; WestTS; PTS, 83-4, grad stu, 85-6; WestTS, 84-5; hm miss & ss, Casey & Adair, la, 86; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, Ap 24, 87; hm miss & ss. Canton, SDak, 87-8; do, Spirit Lake, la, 88-90; Europe; p, Hebron & Mt Olivet, Pa, 92-3; ss, Zion ch, Coggon, la, 95-1902; res, Chicago, 111, 03-8; prof, Chicago, 09 — . Wilson, Jesse Craig — b, Warsaw, Ind, Dc 29, 1859; UMinn, 82; PTS, 82-3; hm miss, Montana, 86; ss, Wickes & Boulder Valley, Mont, 86-7; McCTS; ord, Pby Neosho, Oc 29, 89; ss, Yates Center & Toronto, Kan, 89-90; miss, Chile, SA; p. Union ch, Santiago, Chile, 90-8; ss. Onward Presb ch, Chicago, 111, 99-1902; ss, Bloomfield, la, 02-6; p, Benson, Neb, 06-12; ss, Raymond, 12-9; ss, Palmdale, Cal, 19-29; hon re, 29; res, Palmdale, Cal, 29 — . *Work, Jeremiah — b, Marion Center, Pa, Je 22, 1855; WestmCPa, 82; PTS, 82-4; AllegTS, 84-5; ord UP, Pby Big Spring, Nv 16, 86; p, Tuscarora & Concord, Pa, 86-91; prin, UP Mission Coll, Norfolk, Va, 91-6; prof, Theol, KxvC, 97-1906; ss. Tranquility, O, 08-10; p, Olanthe, Kan, 10-3; v pres & prof. Bib, TarkC, 13-29; d, Tarkio, Mo, Mr 27, 29. DD, WestmCPa, 02. Zhelascoff, Constantine — b, Omarchovo, Bulgaria, J1 1856; Theol Inst, Samokove; DrewTS; PTS, 82-3; — 24. 1886 *Boyd, John Hardgrove — b, Jackson, Miss, Ja 19, 1861; SWPresbU, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Central Miss, Oc 26, 86; p, Durant & Winona, Miss, 86-9; p, Laudervale St ch, Memphis, Tenn, 89-93; p, 2d ch, Charlotte, NC, 93-5; p, 1st ch, Evanston, 111, 95-1907; p, 1st ch, Detroit, Mich, 08-11; p, 1st ch, Portland, Ore, 11-9; prof, Homil & Miss, McCTS, 20-2; d, Chicago, 111, Ja 12, 22. DD, DavC, 94. Burgess, Thomas Peterson — b, Brewington, SC, J1 14, 1860; DavC, 83; ColTS; PTS, 85-6; ord, Pby Charleston, Oc 17, 86; p, Ebenezer ch. Charleston, SC, 86-92; p, Midway, Salem, Stone Mountain & Lithonia, Ga, 92-5; p, Madison, 95-9; p. Ninety-six, SC, 99-1903; p, Edgefield, 03-11; p, York, 11-3; p, Crawfords- ville, Ga, 13-7; p, Clinton, 17-22; p, Ingleside & Stone Mountain, 22-30; hon re, 30; res, Decatur, Ga. Countermine, Daniel Morrison ~b, Duanesburg, NY, Dc 8, 1848; UnC, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Albany, My 27, 86; p, Batchellerville, NY, 86-9; ss, Fowlerville, 89-99; ss, 1st ch, Piffard, 93-6; ss, Emmanuel ch, Rochester, 99-1900; p. Olivet ch, Troy, 00—. Craven, Charles Edmiston -b, Newark, NJ, Nv 23, 1860; CNJ, 81, 84, 1886 366 MA; tea, York, Pa; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 15, 86; p, Birmingham, Pa, 86-8; p. Central ch, Downingtown, 89-94; ss, Mattituck, NY, 95-1913; head master. Craven Schl, Mattituck, 13-20; act p, Westfield, NJ, 20-1; ss. South ch, Montclair, 22-8; hon re, 28; res, Montclair, NJ, 28 — . DD, UPitts, 09. *Custer, Morvin — b. Six Points, Ind, Ja 4, 1860; UrsC, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 2, 86; p, Elmer, NJ, 86-9; p, Ashley, Pa, 89-1902; evang, Newburgh, NY, 02-3; p, 1st ch, Charleroi, Pa, 04-8; ss, Bethany ch, Muskogee, Okla, 08-11; p, Mt Vernon, Mo, 11-2; p, Raymore, 13-6; p, Oneida, 111, 16-20; res, Oneida; d, Oneida, 111, J1 21, 30. Denman, Mark Austin — b. Amity, Pa, Ag 3, 1858; W&JC, 82; PTS, 82-4, 85-6; ord, Pby Troy, Ap 21, 85; p, Melrose, NY, 86-8; p, RefChAm, Bacon Hill, 88-91; p, Canajoharle, 91-7; p, Chatham, 97-1901; p, 12th St ch, Brooklyn, 01-4; p, Memorial Cong ch, Springfield, Mass, 04-11; trav & lect; res, Glendale, Cal. Dickie, Henry — b. Upper Stewiacke, NS, Canada, Nv 15, 1862; DalhU, 83; PTS, 83-6; FreeChCEdin, 86-7; UBer, 87-8; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Nv 7, 88; p, Summerside, PEI, Can, 88-93; stu, UChi, 93-4, MA; p, Windsor, NS, 94-1904; stu, CamU, 04-5; stu, Toronto, Can, 05-6; p, Woodstock, Ont, Can, 06-9; p, 1st ch, Chatham, 09-20; p, Robertson ch, Edmonton, Alberta, 20-4 ;ss, Brantford & Toronto, 24-5; p, UnChCan, Georgetown, Ont, 25-9; p, Elora, 29 — . DD, PresbC, 07. Edwards, George — b. Plover, Wis, Sp 28, 1855; CNJ, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Des Moines, Sp 8, 86; ss. White Sulphur Springs, Mont, 86-90; ss. Lewis- town, 90-5; ss, Stanford, 95-7; ss, Boston Heights (Great Falls), 98; ss. Central ch, Helena, 99-1901; SSmiss, Pby Great Falls, 01-6; evang, Pby Great Falls, 07-8; SSmiss, 08-12; p, Grace ch. Great Falls, Mont, 13-4; ss. Moccasin & Kolin, 15-6; ss, Windham & Lehigh, 17; ss. Carter & Pleasant Valley, 18; presb miss, 19; ss, Immanuel & Coffee Creek, 20-1; ss, Fergus, Roy & Kolin, 22-3; hon re, 23; res. Great Falls, Mont. Fergusson, Edmund Morris — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 7, 1864; UPa, 83, 86, MA; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 8, 86; ss, Pleasantville, NJ, 86-7; p, Absecon, 86-7; asst ed, SS Times, Phila, Pa, 87-9; p, 1st ch, Phillipsburg, NJ, 89-92; gen sec, NJ SS Asso, 92-09; edu supt of SS Miss, BdPub, 09-16; gen sec, Md SS Asso, 16-9; survey of RelEdu, Inter ch Wld Mvmt, 19-20; gen sec. Council RelEdu, Mass, 20-2; spec prof, BosU, Wellesley Coll & TenCChrEdu; auth & lect, 22 — ; res, Swarthmore, Pa. DD, PkC, 14. Finney, William Parker — b, near Natchez, Miss, Sp 9, 1861; CNJ, 83, 86, MA; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 10, 86; p. Cream Ridge, & Plum- stead ch. New Egypt, NJ, 86-92; p, 1st ch, Moorestown, 92-1910; prof, Eng Lit, LincU, 10-26; mgr. Dept Hist, PresbChUSA, 26-31; hon re, 31; res, Phila, Pa. DD, CumbU, 10. *Fraser, William — b, Dundee, Canada, Nv 25, 1859; McGU, 83; PresbC, 83-4; PTS, 84-6; ord, Pby Troy, Ap 21, 86; ss. Middle & South Granville, NY, 86-8; ss, Salem, 88- p, 89-93; ss, Champlain, 93-1912; d, Champlain, NY, Fb 17, 12. Frazer, William Matheson — b, Chatham, NB, Canada, Ap 17, 1857; DalhU, 83; PTS, 83-6, 86-7; ss, 1st ch, Eufaula, Ala, 87-8; ord, Pby Halifax, My 1886 367 29, 89; p, Annapolis & Bridgetown, NS, Can, 89-91; miss, Coburg Road Miss, Halifax, 93-5; p, Coburg Road (Chalmers) ch, do, 95-7; oc s & bus, 97-1914; p, Greenock ch, St Andrews, NB, 14-25; oc s, 25-8; ill health; res, Halifax, NS, Can. Hanna, Dwight Corwin — b. Savannah, O, Dc 7, 1859; CWoos, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 1, 86; p, Thompson Mem ch, Brownsburg, Pa, 86- 90; pres, Carthage Coll Inst, Carthage, Mo, 90-2; p, Westm ch, Carthage, 92-6; p, 2d ch, Springfield, 111, 96-9; p, Levering;ton ch, Phila, Pa, 99-1920; p, 1st ch, Gilbertsville, NY, 20-30; res, Aurora, O. DD, CWoos, 11. Harsha, Albert Kendrick — b, Dixon, 111, Je 28, 1860; CNJ, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Nassau, Ap 19, 86; p, Roslyn, NY, 86-8; p. Highland Park ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 89-96; p. Mesa ch, Pueblo, Colo, 97-1904; union evang wk, 19 — ; res, Kirkwood, Mo. Hibben, John Grier — b, Peoria, 111, Ap 19, 1861; CNJ, 82, 85, MA; UBer, 82- 3; PTS, 83-6; ss, 2d ch, St Louis, Mo, 86; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 19, 87; p. Falling Spring ch, Chambersburg, Pa, 87-91; instr. Logic, CNJ, 91-2, Logic & Psych, 92-4, asst prof, Logic, 94-7; prof. Logic, PrU, 97-1912, pres, 12-32, pres em, 32 — ; res, Princeton, NJ. PhD, CNJ, 93; LLD, LafC, 07, RutU, 12, UPa, 12, YaleU, 13, BrU, 14, UPitts, 17, HarvU, 17, UTor, 19, McGU, 21; LittD, ColU, 12. Hill, Alexander — b, Ballymena, Ireland, Ag 27, 1862 ; QuUBelf, 81 ; PTS, 81-2, 83- 6; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 6, 86; p. Liberty Corner, NJ, 86-9; ss, Warrensburg, NY, 89; p, 1st RefChAm, Rotterdam, 89-1932, p em, 32 — ; res, Pattersonville, NY. *Irvin, Alexander Macy — b, near Danville, Ky, Nv 15, 1860; CenCKy, 82; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Platte, Ja 29, 88; ss. Mound City, Mo, 87-90; ss, Bed- ford, Ind, 90-1903; ss, Corydon, 04-9; ss. North Vernon, 10-6; ill health; d, Indi- anapolis, Ind, Ja 24, 19. DD, CenCKy, 02. *Junkin, Charles Irvin — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 24, 1857; UPa, 77; lawy; PTS, 83-6; asst p, 1st ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 86-9; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 10, 89; p. Grant St ch, Wilkes-Barre, 89-95; chap. Young People’s Asso Home, NYCity, 95-7; p. West Side ch, Englewood, NJ, 98-1905; asst p, 10th ch, Phila, Pa, 06-7; chap & asst supt, Presb Hosp, Phila, 07-9; hon re, 11; res, Lexington, Va; d, Lexing- ton, Ja 19, 27. *Karner, George Newell— b, Allentown, NJ, Nv 8, 1856; CNJ, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Boston, Je 15, 86; ss, Westminster ch, Manchester, NH, 86- p, 87- 90; p. West End ch, Albany, NY, 90-1902; bus, 02-10; p, Cong chs. South- field & Mill River, Mass, 10-2; d. Mill River, J1 26, 12. *Landis, Evan Mohr — b, Colebrookdale, Pa, Nv 12, 1858; CNJ, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 5, 86; prof, Heb & Hist, UrsC, 86-7; ss. Poncho Springs, Colo, 87-8; ss, Neodesha, Kan, 88-9; ss. Holt & Dimondale, Mich, 89-90; ss. Linden, 90-3; p, Avoca, la, 94-6; ss, Randolph, 96-7; ss, Still- water, Okla, 97-8; ss, Sallisaw, 98-1905; ss. Cedar City & Parowan, Utah, 05-6; ss, Connell, Wash, 06-8; ss. Sunset, 08-10; ss, Kennewick, 10-4; ss. Trout Lake, 14-6; ss, Ilwaco, 16-8; ss. Acme, 19-22; ss, Quilcene, 22-4; hon re, 24; d. River- side, Cal, Mr 5, 29. 1886 368 *Lumpkin, Joseph Hiram — b, near Rome, Ga, My 3, 1856; DavC, 83; ColTS, 83-5; PTS, 85-6; ord, Pby Bethel, Dc 1, 86; p, Richburg & p el. Cedar Shoals, SC, 86-7; p, Senatobia, Miss, 87-91; p, Hernando, 87-90; p, Sardis, 90-1; p, 3d ch, Memphis, Tenn, 91-7; sec, Bd Edu, Presb Ch in US, 97-1904; oc s, res, Memphis, Tenn; ss, Glen View ch, Memphis, 17-27; d, Memphis, Tenn, My 6, 29. DD, SWPresbU, 01. *MacNair, Wilmer — b. Stone Ridge, NY, Sp 23, 1858; RutU, 81; tea; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 13, 87; ss, Westminster ch, York, Pa, 86- p, 87-90; prof, WhitC, 90-2; ss, Kent, Wash, 92-4; p, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 94-7; ss, RefChAm, Pottersville, 98-1904; p, Lyonsville, NY, 04-12; p, Marbletown, 04-15; p, Holmdel, 15-22; d. West Asheville, NC, Dc 30, 29. Makely, George Nathan — -b, Albany, NY, Oc 24, 1855; WmsC, 83, 86, MA; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 12, 87; asst p, Burlington, NJ, 86-7; evang, 87-8; p, Langcliffe ch, Avoca, Pa, 88-93; p, Cumberland St ch, Brooklyn, NY, 93-6; asst p, RefChAm on the Heights, Brooklyn, 96-1900; p, 2d Presb ch. Cedar Rapids, la, 00-1; ss, Cong ch, St Paul, Minn, 01-2; p, Knox & Warrendale chs, St Paul, 02-8; p. Little Valley & Burnham, Pa, 08-11; p, Manayunk ch, Phila, 11-20; p, 2d ch, Delhi, NY, 20-2; p, Camden, 22-5; ss, Greencastle, Pa, 27; oc s; res, Chambersburg, Pa. Martin, Paul — b, Ashland, Ky, Ap 21, 1862; PrU, 82, hon MA, 14; bus; PTS, 83-6; Fell, Heb, UBer; UHalle; ord, Pby Omaha, My 10, 88; p, Knox ch, Omaha, Neb, 88-9; p. Palisades, NY, 90-9; promoter, Ecumen Miss Conf, 1900; agt. Canton Chr Coll, China, 01-2; lit wk; reg & sec of the Faculty, PTS, 06-32, em, 32 — ; res, Princeton, NJ. McKee, James Lapsley — b, Louisville, Ky, Ja 14, 1864; CenCKy, 83, MA; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Transylvania, Sp 29, 86; miss, Ky, 86-8; asst p, Chil- licothe, O, 88-9; supt, SSmiss, Ky, Tenn & Va, 89-90; grad stu, McCTS, 90-1; syn miss, Ky, 91; ss, 2d ch, Richmond, Ky, 91-6; syn miss, Ky, 92-3; evang, 96-7; evang & asso p, 3d ch. New Albany, Ind, 97-1900; p, 5th ch, Kansas City, Mo, 00-9; p, 1st ch, Wichita Falls, Tex, 09-16; evang, 16-7; war service, 17-8; field speaker. New Era Mvmt, 19; evang, 19-22; oc s, 22 — ; res, Kansas City, Mo. DD, PkC&CenCKy, 08. Milburn, Joseph Anthony — b. New Castle, England, Nv 30, 1858; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Winnebago, J1 13, 87; p, 1st ch. Fond du Lac, Wis, 86-90; p, 2d ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 90-1901; p, Plymouth Cong ch, Chicago, 111, 01-16; res, NYCity. DD, WabC, 91. *Miller, William Hunter — b, Gerrardstown, WVa, Ja 23, 1858; LafC, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Champlain, J1 7, 86; p, Chateaugay, NY, 86-7; ss, Finley- ville & p, Mingo, Pa, 88-90; p, St Paul, Neb, 90-3; ss, Turkey Creek, 90-1; ss, Farwell, 92-3; ss, Chateaugay, NY, 94-8; p, Beaver City, Neb, 99-1902; ss, Oakland, Md, & Terra Alta, WVa, 03-4; ss, Enon Valley, Pa, 05- p, 07-15; ss. Little Beaver, WVa, 07-11; ill health; res, Martinsburg, WVa; d, Gerrardstown, Fb 22, 25. *Moore, Daniel Stuart — b, Priestland, Ireland, My 7, 1861; MageeC, 83; tea; AsC, 83-5; PTS, 85-6; ord, Pby Lehigh, Dc 14, 86; p, Delaware Water Gap, 1886 369 Pa, 86-9; p, Hamilton Square, NJ, 89-93; p. South ch, (Scots ch) Phila, Pa, 93- 1928; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 11, 28. DD, RuthC, 97. Oehler, James Cornelius — b, Caldwells, NC, Sp 13, 1857; DavC, 83; tea; ColTS, 83-4; PTS, 84-6; ord, Pby Mecklenburg, Oc 1, 86; ss, Hendersonville, NC, 86-7; p, Aiken, SC, 87-98; p, Taylor, Tex, 98-1908; p, 1st ch, Palestine, 08-28; p, 2d ch, Palestine, 28 — *Ottman, Ford Cyrinde — b, Seward, NY, Ag 15, 1859; LafC, 83; PTS, 83-4; FreeChCEdin & ULeip, 84-5; PTS, 85-6; ord, Pby Newark, My 12, 86; p, Mem ch, Newark, NJ, 86-1903; p, 1st ch, Stamford, Ct, 03-9; e.xec sec, Nat Service Commission, 17-29; d, Stamford, Dc 15, 29. DD, LafC, 05. Paden, Thomas Ross— b, Vanceville, Pa, Ja 16, 1859; CNJ, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby St Paul, Nv 9, 86; ss, Buffalo & Rockford, Minn, 86-9; evang, Syn Minn, 90-1; ss. Lake Crystal & Amboy, 91-5; p. Pigeon Creek ch. Pa, 95-1900; p, West- minster ch, Pittsburgh, 00-8; p, 1st ch, Mankato, Minn, 08-25; p, Bryn Mawr, Minneapolis, 25-9; ss, Aldrich Ave ch, Minneapolis, 29-30; ss, Lexington Park- way ch, St Paul, 30—. DD, MacalC, 18. Russell, James Cummings — ^b, Danville, Pa, J1 15, 1857; CNJ, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Chemung, Sp 21, 86; p, Horseheads, NY, 86-93; p, 2d ch, Cam- den, NJ, 93-9; p, Oneonta, NY, 99 — DD, RuthC, 98. *Smiley, Francis Edward — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 11, 1858; UPa, 83; PTS, 83-6; FreeChCEdin; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 30, 86; p, Wharton St ch, Phila, Pa, 86-9; evang. Great Britain & America, 89-95; p, 23d Ave ch, Denver, Col, 95-1901; evang, 01-20; p, Aurora ch, Denver, Col, 20-7, p em, 27-30; d, Denver, Col, J1 8, 30. DD, HighU, 02. Stonelake, Charles Albert — b, Newark, NJ, Sp 20, 1856; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Newark, Oc 10, 86; asst p, Throop Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 86; p el, Cong ch, Aquebogue, 86-97; bus, Newark, NJ, 97-1923; hon re, 31; res, Sayville, NY. *Symmes, Frank Rosebrook — b, Madison, Ind, Oc 24, 1856; CNJ, 81; tea; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 13, 86; p, Fairfield ch, Fairton, NJ, 86-90; p. Old Tennent ch, Tennent, 90-1919, p em, 19-28; d. Freehold, NJ, Mr 22, 28. DD, CntlCIa, 24. Thompson, Joseph Addison — b, Ross Grove, 111, Fb 8, 1860; MonC, 82, 85, MA; tea; AllegTS, 83-5; PTS, 85-6; ord UP, Pby Garnett, Ap 7, 87; p, Chetopa, Kan, 87; pres, TarkC, 87-1930, pres em, 30 — ; res, Tarkio, Mo. DD, WestmCPa, 91; LLD, CedC, 17; Mod, Gen Assem, 01. Touzeau, John Goodwin — b, Guernsey, Channel Is, Great Britain, Ap 13, 1850; W&JC, 83; PTS, 83-6; ss, Estherville, Swan Lake & Scotch Settlement, la, 86; ord, Pby Kittanning, My 11, 86; miss, Bogota, US Colombia, 86-9; miss, Medellin, 89-1907; miss, to Mexicans, Pby Los Angeles, Cal, 07-10; res, Pasadena, Cal. *Van Cleve, Benjamin Grier — b, Webster Mills, Pa, Mr 6, 1853; W&JC, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Little Genesee, Je 10, 86; p, Andover, NY, 86-9; p, Milford & Holland chs, NJ, 89-96; p el, Canaan Centre ch, Canaan Four Corners, NY, 96; ill health; d, Princeton, NJ, Sp 26, 1898. 370 1886 Wagner, Milton N— b, Carlisle, Pa, My 27, 1858; DickC, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Omaha, My 28, 87; p, 1st ch, Osceola, Neb, 86-8; bus, Carlisle, Pa, 88 — . 39. Bates, Samuel Columbus Marion — b, Cloverport, Ky, J1 10, 1862; PkC; LaneTS, 82-5; PTS, 85-6; ss, Washington, Mo, 86-7; ord, Pby Kansas City, Nv 3, 87; ss. Knob Noster, Mo, 87-8; p, Carlisle, Ind, 88-90; ss, Kirklin, 90-2; p, Monroe, O, 92-6; p, Reiley, 96-8; p, Brownstown, Ind, 98-1902; p, Oakland City, 02-4; ss, Harrison, O, 04-7; ss, Lee St ch, Marion, 07-11; p, West Liberty, 11-4; p at large, Athens, 14-6; p. West Salem, 16-21; p, McArthur, 21-3; p, Bainbridge, 23-8; hon re, 28; res, Penney Farms, Fla. PhD, CWoos, 94. Clark, Edward Everett — b, near Holliday’s Cove, WVa, J1 17, 1861; MariC, 83; LaneTS, 83-4, 85-6; PTS, 84-5; ord, Pby Whitewater, Nv 10, 86; p, Cam- bridge City, Ind, 86-7; ss, 1st ch, Berkeley, Cal, 87-8; ss, Salinas, 88-90; ss, 1st ch, Monterey, 90-4; ss, Fruitvale, 94- p, 95-9; p, Elmhurst, 99-1905; p, Placer- ville, 06-18; ss, Mill City, Ore, 18-9; p. Community ch, Lomita, Cal, 19-25; res. Eagle Rock, Cal. *Clemens, William Cowan — b, Maryville, Tenn, My 21, 1863; MaryvC, 82; LaneTS, 82-5; ord, Pby Kingston, Ag 23, 85; grad stu, PTS, 85-6; prof, Gk, TuscC, 86-95; prin, Acad, Harlan, Ky, 95-1902; ss, Hodgenville & Pennsylvania Run, 02-3; ss & prin. High Schl, Columbia, 03-6; prin, Harold McCormick Schl, Elizabethton, Tenn, 06-18; ss & instr. Math, TuscC, 18-23; ss & tea, Lat, Green- ville, Tenn, 23-8; d, Greenville, Sp 19, 28. DD, MaryvC, 22. ♦Edwards, Rees W — b, Cincinnati, O, Sp 3, 1856; CWoos, 83; LaneTS, 83-4, 85-6; PTS, 84-5; ord, Pby Bellefontaine, Dc 23, 86; p. Spring Hills, O, 86-91; ss. West Liberty, 86- p, 87-91; p, Riverdale ch, Dayton, 91-4; p, 1st ch, Ottawa, 94-1902; p. Calvary ch. Canton, 02-8; evang, Mont, 08-11; evang, Pby Fla, 12-21; d, Jacksonville, Fla, Oc 10, 21. ♦Evans, Robert William — b, Bwlch-y-Maen, N Wales, My 26, 1862; PTS, 83-6; ord WelshP, Syn Minnesota, Je 24, 94; p, 1st ch, Winifred, SDak, 92-4; p, 2d ch, Williamsburg, la, 94-6; evang, Wales, 96-8; evang, Trenton, Neb, 98-1904; evang, Presb ch, Colorado, 04-7; res, Greeley, Col; d, Greeley, Fb 10, 32. ♦Fergusson, James Duncan — b. Reach, Ont, Canada, Mr 3, 1859; MorrinC, 80, ThDept, 80-3; ord, Pby Quebec, Oc 9, 83; hm miss, Kennebec Road, Can, 83-5; grad stu, PTS, 85-6; p, Windsor Mills & Lower Windsor, Quebec, Can, 86-91; miss, Chicoutimi, 91-2; p. Burns & Brooksdale, Zorra, Ont, 93-1905; p, Monkton, Ont, 05-19; d, Windsor Mills, Quebec, Can, J1 31, 22. Fergusson, John Moore — b, Doune, Scotland, Mr 5, 1863; UEdin, 83, MA; PTS, 83-5; NewC, 85-7; ord, Pby Liverpool, Nv 29, 88; p, Rockferry, Cheshire, Eng, 88-90; p, St Andrew’s ch, Woolwich, 90-8; p, St George’s ch, Southend-on- Sea, 98-1911; p, Christ ch, Wallington, London, 11-20; p, Camberwell ch, London, 20-3; p, Christ ch, Dulwich, London, 20-8; ss, Orpington, Kent & St Marks ch, Greenwich, 31; res, London, England. Mod, Gen Assem, 32. 1886 371 *Harries, John Edward — b, Pwllceffyl, So Wales, Dc 14, 1856; TrevC, 83; PTS, 83-6; ord WelshP, Syn Penna, Oc 16, 86; p, Bangor, Pa, 86-9; ill health; p, Blaengarw, Glamorganshire, So Wales, 90-2; p, Penybont, Radnorshire, 92-4; p, Watton ch, Brecon, Brecknockshire, 94-1908; p. North St Cong ch, Ferndale, Rhondda Valley, Glamorgan, 08-14; d, Ferndale, Wales, Ap 22, 14. Hood, Robert — b, Indiana, Pa, J1 18, 1856; WestmCPa, 79; AllegTS, 79-82; ord UP, Pby Keokuk, Dc 12, 82; p, Keota, la, 82-5; grad stu, PTS, 85-6; p. Center Ridge & Indian Creek, la, 86-90; p, Blanchard & Page Center, 90-3; p, Quimby, 93-7; p, Eskridge, Kan, 97-1904; p. Gas City, 04-7; p, Buckingham, la, 07-9; p, Saxman, Kan, 09-11; p. Orchard, Neb, 11-4; p, Lebanon, Ind, 14-9; p. Sterling, Kan, 19-20; p, Pueblo, Col, 20-1; p. Sterling, 20-6; p. Cutler, 111, 26-9; p. Sterling, 29 — . PhD, WestmCPa, 97. Hope, Samuel Rainey — b, Lowrysville, SC, J1 1, 1859; DavC, 82; ColTS, 82- 5; grad stu, PTS, 85-6; ord, Pby Enoree, Nv 2, 88; p, Unionville, SC, 89-92; miss, Nagoya, Japan, 92-3, Takamatsu, 94-5, Tokushima, 96-9, Tokushima, 02, Toyohashi, 03-7; res, Chester, SC, 08-9; p, Richburg, Cedar Shoals & Fort Lawn, 10-1; p, Mullins & ss, Dumbarton ch, Dillon, 12-5; p. Fork, 12-3; ss, Corinth ch, & p, Walterboro, 16-21; ss, Wilton ch, Yonge’s Island, 16-8; ss, Stoney Creek ch, McPhersonville, 18- p, 21-2; p, Madison, NC, 23-6; res, Ashville, 26 — . Hughes, John Michael — b, Bryn Engan, N Wales, Great Britain, Eb 20, 1858; Liverpool Inst, Eng, 72; Clynog Schl, Wales, 79-82; PTS, 83-4; ord WelshP, Pby Oneida, Je 4, 85; ss, Fairhaven, Blissville & Farnamsville, Vt, 85-7; p, Col- umbus City, la, 87-90; ss, Seattle, Wash, 90-4; p, 2d ch, Emporia, Kan, 94-1905; p, Seattle, Wash, 05-14; ill health, p, Tonoka, Alberta, Can, 20-7; res, Seattle, Wash. Hulst, Henry — b, Ferwerd, Netherlands, Je 25, 1859; HopeC, 83; PTS, 83- 4; UMich, 88, MD; phys. Grand Rapids, Mich, 88 — . Jones, Robert — b, Pentre-Estyll, So Wales, Great Britain, Je 18, 1860; TrevC; PTS, 83-5; Eng mission. So Wales; cur, Ch of Eng; — *Lowry, Thomas McCall — b, Yorkville, SC, Mr 17, 1855; ErskC, 74; tea; ColTS, 74-7, BD; ord, Pby Tombeckbee, Ja 29, 79; p, Aberdeen, Miss, 79-82; ss, Eufaula, Ala, 82-5; grad stu, PTS, 85-6; p, 2d ch, Augusta, Ga, 86-91; sec. For Miss, Syn Georgia, 91-3; fin agt, ColTS, 93-5; p, Shelby, NC, 96-1900; p, 3d ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 00-10; p, Alabama St ch, Memphis, 11-25; d, York, SC, Fb 2, 27. DD, KingC, 02. ♦Macdonald, John Alexander — b, Hopewell, NS, Canada, Nv 2, 1849; miss & tea, Trinidad, West Indies, 74-7; DalhU, 77-9; PTC, 79-81; miss. New Brunswick, Can, 81-2; AndTS; PacTS, 84-5; ord. My 31, 85; p, Lincoln, Cal, 85; grad stu, PTS, 85-6; oc s, NS, Can, 87-90; d, Hopewell, NS, Can, Ja 29, 90. ♦McMurray, William Hutchison — b, Noblestown, Pa, Ja 1, 1858; Westm CPa, 83; PTS, 83-4; AllegTS, 84-6, 87-8; AllegC; ord UP, Pby Steubenville, J1 10, 88; ss, Oakland, WVa, 88-90; p, Toronto, O, 88-98; p, Knoxville ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 99-1912; ss, Woodville ch, Pittsburgh, 13; ss, Alliance, O, 14-8; d. Alliance, Fb 11, 18. ♦Millar, David— b, Perth, Scotland, Mr 7, 1845; UGlas, 81; PTS, 83-4; 372 1886 QuUOnt, ThDept; ord, Pby Ottawa, Dc 6, 87; p, Quebec, Can, 87-90; miss, Pby Toronto, 90-2; p, Knox ch, Brussels, Ont, 92-5; miss, Coboconk & Kinmount, 95-6; miss. Stony Mountain, Man, 99-1900; miss. Puce, Reneaud Line, Belle River & Elmstead, 00-1; d, 06. Phipps, Robert Jackson — b, Kennerdell, Pa, Ja 31, 1859; LafC, 83, 86, MA; PTS, 83-5; WestTS, 85-6; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 8, 86; p, Montour ch. Beech Cliff, Pa, 86-9; ss, 1st ch, Oberlin, Kan, 89- p, 91-3; p, 1st ch, Manhattan, 93-1900; p, 1st ch, Hebron, Neb, 00-4; p, 1st ch, Hiawatha, Kan, 04-12; p, 1st ch, Watonga, Okla, 12-3; p, 1st ch, El Reno, 13-9; p, 1st ch, Pocatello, Ida, 19-23; p, 1st ch, Littleton, Col, 23-31; res, Denver, Col. DD, CEmpo, 07. *Ralston, John Jay — b, McVille, Pa, My 19, 1857; CNJ, 82; tea; AllegTS, 82- 4, 85-6; PTS, 84-5; hm miss, 86-8; do. Pa, 88-9; ord UP, Pby Beaver Valley, Oc 8, 89; p, Porterville & Mountvllle, Pa, 89-1906; ill health; p. Coin, la, 09-12; p. Shannon City, 13-6; d. Shannon City, la, Ja 4, 17. Red, William Stuart — b. Gay Hill, Tex, Fb 12, 1860; AusC, 82; tea; PTS, 83; ColTS, 84-5; AusPTS, 85-6, tut, 86-8; ord, Pby Central Texas, Ap 8, 87; ULeip, 88-9; p, Navasota, Tex, 90-2; chap, A&MCTex, 92-4; ed, Texas Presby- terian, Houston, 94-7; ss, Columbia & Velasco, 95; ss. Hardy St ch, Houston, 96; p, Hempstead, 97-1908; stu, FreeChCGlas, 08-9; p, Mexia, Tex, 09-20; ss. Bee Coves, 20-3; hon re, 23; res, Austin, Tex. DD, AusC, 07. *Reid, Benjamin Palmer — b, Reidville, SC, Ag 7, 1860; DavC, 79; tea; PTS, 83-4; ColTS, 84-5; ss, Antioch, Mt Tabor & Woodruff, SC, 85-6; ord, Pby Bethel, My 7, 87; ss, Bethesda ch, Guthriesville, SC, 86- p, 87-93; ss, Kershaw, Heath Springs & Beaver Creek, 93-5; ss, Clemson Coll, & p, Pendleton, 95-1900; evang, Syn SC, 00-1; ss, Mt Calvary, 01- p, 03-8; ss. Woodruff & Mountain Shoals, 01-7; ss. Old Fields, 01- p, 06-7; ss, Mt Vernon, Enoree, & Campobello, 07-8; ss. Old Antioch, 04-13; ss, Fulton, SC, 07-13; p, Antioch & Nazareth, 09-13; d, Reidville, SC, Dc 4, 13. Stevenson, Robert Scott — b, Bellefontaine, O, Ja 15, 1859; IndU, 63; PTS, 83-4; McCTS, 84-6; ord, Pby Bellefontaine, My 31, 86; ss, Madison, SDak, 86- p, 87-90; ss, Eureka Springs, Ark, 90- p el, 91-3; p, Carmi, 111, 93-1906; p, Greenville, 06-12; oc s, Pby Marion, 12-28; res, Hollywood, Cal. Tamura, Naomi — b, Osaka, Japan, Ag 9, 1859; MG, 78; ord, 1st Pby Tokyo, Dc 19, 79; p, 1st ch, Tokyo, Japan, 79-82; AubTS, 82-5; grad stu, PTS, 85- 6; p, 1st ch, Tokyo, Japan, 86 — . *Updike, Hartley Titus — b, Pennington, NJ, Oc 19, 1860; CNJ, 83; PTS, 83- 5; UnTS, 85-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ja 17, 87; ss. Poplar Bluff, Mo, 86- 8; ss. La Grange & Canton, 88-9; p, Lebanon, 111, 89-91; ss, Blair, Neb, 91-2; ss, Livonia, Ind, 93-7; bus, Trenton, NJ, 97-1923; d, Zolfo, Fla, Dc 28, 23. Waddell, William Alfred — b. Bethel, NY, Fb 5, 1862; UnC, 82; civ eng; PTS, 83-5; reg, UnC, 85-6; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Ap 2, 87; ss, San Pedro, Cal, 86- p, 88-90; prof & dean, Mackenzie Coll, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 91-8; p & evang, Bahia, 99-1904; evang, Ponte Nova, Bahia, 05-14; pres, Mackenzie Coll, Sao Paulo, 14-27; pres, Curso Universities, Schl of Lit, Barnery, 27 — . PhD, UnC, 94, DD, 10. 1886-1887 373 *WiIson, James Marquis — b, New Wilmington, Pa, Mr 23, 1858; CNJ, 81; tea; McCTS, 83-4, 85-6; PTS, 84-5; ord, Pby Omaha, Je 6, 86; p, Castellar St ch, Omaha, Neb, 86-99; prof, Eng Bib, OmaTS, 94-7; p, Boulder, Colo, 99-1902; p, Westminster ch, Seattle, Wash, 02-11; p, Wilmette, 111, 11-7; p. North ch, Omaha, Neb, 18-26; pres, OmaTS, 21-3; v pres & prof, Homil, Pas Theol & Eng Bib, 24-31; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Fb 19, 32. DD, UOma, 92. *Wright, Arthur Silas — b, Decatur, NY, Mr 7, 1858; UnC, 82, 86, MA; tea; PTS, 83-5; ULeip, 85-7; jr prof. Mod Lang, UnC, 87-93; prof. Mod Lang, Case Schl, Cleveland, O, 93-1924; ill health; d, Dc 2, 28. LHD, UnC, 21. 27. 1887 Bedinger, Daniel Everett — b, Richwood, Ky, Mr 24, 1863; CntlU, 83; farming; PTS, 84-7; CNJ, 87, MA; ss, Crittenden & Lebanon, Ky, 87-8; p, Cali- fornia, ME Circuit, 89-90; ord dea, Ky Conf ME Ch So, Sp 6, 91; p. Highland Sta, 90-4; p, Williamstown, 94-5; p, Crittenden & Verona, 96-8; p, Campton, 1900-1; p, Erlanger, 01-2; res, Richwood, Ky; p. Port Royal, 13-4; p, Walton, 14-6; p, Petersburg Circuit, 16-8; p, Taylorsport, 18-28; Pentecostal Mission, Cincinnati, O, 28-32; res, Walton, Ky, 32 — . *Bell, George Brinton McClellan — -b. New Brunswick, NJ, Sp 13, 1862; RutU, 83; tea; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Phila Central, Ja 9, 88; p, Patterson Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 88-1932; d, Phila, Oc 28, 32. *Benson, Louis FitzGerald — b, Phila, Pa, J1 22, 1855; UPa, 74; lawy; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Phila North, My 10, 88; p, ch of Redeemer, Germantown, Pa, 88- 94; ed. Journal of Presb Hist Soc, Phila, 1903-11; ed & auth, hymnology; res, Germantown, Phila, 95-1930; d, Phila, Pa, Oc 10, 30. DD, UPa, 96. Bittinger, John Baugher — b, Monroe Co, WVa, Mr 13, 1861; HSC, 83; tea; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Lexington, Je 3, 88; ss, Tygart’s Valley & Mingo Flats chs, Huttonsville, WVa, 87- p, 88-96; ss. Seven Mile Ford, Va, 96-9; p. Rich Valley, & ss, Chatham Hill & Saltville, 96-1914; p, Jefferson City & Strawberry Plains, Tenn, 14-9; p, Gerrardstown & Bunker Hill, WVa, 19 — . DD, KingC, 14. Blake, John Dayton— b, Freemont, fa, Nv 13, 1861; NYU, 84; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 25, 87; p. Red Clay Creek & ss, Stanton, Del, 88—; res, Marshallton, Del. *Boggs, William Lawrence — b. Liberty, SC, J1 11, 1857; ColTS, 84-6; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Harmony, Oc 7, 87; p. Liberty Hill & Beaver Creek, SC, 87-90; p. Center Point, Antioch, Mt Tabor & Woodruff, 90-7; evang, Pby Enoree, 97-8; p, Wellford, SC, 98-1907; prof, Ment & Mor Sc, Chicora Female Coll, Green- ville, 02-7; ss, Reedy River, 12-24; cir mgr, Presbyterian Standard, 07-24; d, Greenville, SC, J1 2, 24. *Boyce, Lester Smith— b, Stratford, O, Dc 21, 18.55; OWesU, 84; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Steuben, Sp 13, 87; p, Almond, NY, 87-9; p, Beaver City, Neb, 89- 93; evang, Pby Hastings, 93-4; p, Hiawatha, Kan, 94-9; p, Newark, O, 99-1906; p, Findlay, 07-1 1 ; p, Parkch, Dayton, ll-20;d, Dayton, O, Je 9, 20. DD, CWoos, 09. 374 1887 Brodhead, Claude Ross — b, Mainpuri, India, Ja 13, 1861; CNJ, 83; tea; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Phila North, Oc 20, 87; p, 1st ch. Lower Merion, Pa, 87-90; p, Norriton & Lower Providence chs, Norristown, 90-1902; miss & supt, Navajo Indian schl, Jewett, NM, 02-6; ss, Indian ch. Laguna, 07-13; tea. Bib Training Schl for Indians, Phoenix, Ariz, 13-20; ss, Indian ch, Phoenix, 15-20; ss, Covelo, Cal, 20-1; asso p, 1st ch, Monrovia, 25 — . Brown, Eliphalet Winslow — b, Urbana, III, Je 19, 1859; CWoos, 84; PTS, 84-7; CNJ, 87, MA; ord, Pby Newton, Je 7, 87; p, Greenwich ch, Stewartsville, NJ, 87-92; p, Malvern, la, 93-1900; cy miss, Minneapolis, Minn, 00-1; ss. Spirit Lake, la, 01-8; p, Knoxville, 08-11; p. Olivet ch. Cedar Rapids, 11-9; p, Mechan- icsville, 19-28; p, Kenwood Park ch. Cedar Rapids, 28—. DD, LenC, 20. Butt, Daniel McClellan— b, York, Pa, Fb 15, 1862; LafC, 84, 87, MA; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 13, 87; ss, Britton, SDak, 87- p, 90-1915; supt, hm miss, Syn of SDak, 15-22; ill health; res, Huron, SDak. DD, HurC, 09. Butt, Jacob Scott — b, York, Pa, Fb 15, 1863; LafC, 84, 87, MA; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 13, 87; ss. Blunt, SDak, 87-8; ss, Groton, 88- p, 89-1915; p, Bloomsbury, NJ, 15-9; p, Belleville, Pa, 19-31; res, Allentown, Pa, 31—. DD, HurC, 09. *Cheek, Francis Jacobs — b, Danville, Ky, Fb 19, 1857; CenCKy, 76; tea; JHU; UMich, law schl, 83; lawy; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Transylvania, Oc 8, 88; ss, 1st ch, Paris, Ky, 87- p, 88-1903; ss, 1st ch, Sharpsburg, 91-03; p. Covenant ch, Louisville, 03-10; supt, synodical hm miss, Syn of Ky, 10-22; p at large, Danville, Ky, 22-3; d, Danville, Nv 14, 23. DD, CenCKy, 99. Clark, David Scott — b. Prospect, Pa, Oc 18, 1859; MtUnC, 84, 85, MA; PTS, 83-5; FreeChCEdin; UPSEdin, 85-6; PTS, 86-7; ss, 3d ch, Camden, NJ, 87-8; ord, Pby Phila North, My 13, 89; p, Wissinoming, Phila, Pa, 89-94; asso p, Mutchmore Mem ch, Phila, 94-9; p. Bethel ch, Phila, 1900—. DD, MtUnC, 08. Curtis, Frederick Stiles — b, Norwalk, Conn, Oc 11, 1861; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Phila, Je 16, 87; ss, Tenafly, NJ, 87; miss, Hiroshima, Japan, 88-93, Yama- guchi, 93-1902, Kyoto, 02-7, Seoul, Korea, 07-12, Ryuzan, 12-3, Taider, 13-5, Shimonoseki, 15-28; res. New Haven, Conn. Everds, John William — b, Visguard, Germany, J1 7, 1858; UDubq, 84; DubqTS, 84-6; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Iowa, Sp 22, 87; p, Ger ch, Mt Pleasant, la, 87-93; p, Germania & Ramsay, 94-5; p el. Burton, 111, 96-8; ss, Stephenville, Tex, 99-1904; p, Meriden & Larrabee, la, 05-7; res, Cherokee, la, 08-9; p, Carroll, 09-12; p, Eldorado, Kan, 13-4; evang. Independence, la, 15-6; ss, Hazleton, 17-8; p, Fonda, 19-20; p. Maxwell, 21-3; p, 1st ch, Hospers, 24-8; ss, 1st ch. New Sharon, 29-30; ss. Unity ch, Clarksville, 31 — . *Fitzgerald, David Bruce — b, Martin’s Ferry, O, My 17, 1862; W&JC, 84; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Dc 1, 87; p. Deer Creek Harmony ch. Level, Md, 87-90; p, Makemie Mem ch. Snow Hill, 90-3; p, Immanuel ch, Cincinnati, O, 93-1907; p. Market St ch, Lima, 07-9; ss. Morrow, 11-4; ss. Bethel, 15-6; p, Unionville, Mo, 16-9; d, Unionville, Ja 2, 19. *Fox, Herman Christian— b, Phila, Pa, Mr 9, 1860; MuhlC, 84; PTS, 1887 375 84-7; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 13, 87; p, Clinton St Emmanuel ch, Phila, Pa, 87-91; ss. Harper Mem ch, Phila, 91- p, 92-1900; p, 1st ch. Freehold, NJ, 00-6; p el. Trinity ch, Tucson, Ariz, 06-7; p, Greenport, NY, 08-12; p. Providence ch, Scranton, Pa, 12-9; p. North ch, Denver, Col, 19-21; p. Holly Beach ch, Wildwood, NJ, 24-7; d, St Petersburg, Fla, Fb 18, 27. DD, RuthC, 96. *Fraser, Chalmers — b, Jacksonville, Fla, Sp 28, 1856; DavC, 82; bus; ColTS, 84-5; PTS, 85-7; ord, Pby Cherokee, Ap 27, 88; ss. Marietta, Ga, 87-8; ss, Ringgold, 87- p, 88; p. Olivet ch, McConnellsville, SC, 89-91; p, Georgia Ave ch, Atlanta, Ga, 91-9; p, Lancaster, SC, 99-1911; p, Gainesville, Ga, 11-2; d, Gainesville, Oc 8, 12. DD, PresbCSC, 05. Fulton, William Pomeroy — b, Dinsmore, Pa, Oc 4, 1856; OWesU, 81; prin & supt, pub schls, Thornville, O, 81-4; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Phila North, Oc 13, 87; p, Huntingdon Valley, Pa, 87-90; p, 9th ch, Phila, 91-1908; pres, Presb Ministers’ Fund, 01-9; supt, Ch Extension, Pby Phila, 05 — ; res, Phila, Pa. DD, RichC, 99, & HeidC, 04. *Gardner, William — b, Fayetteville, NY, Mr 26, 1861; AmhC, 84; HartTS, 84-6; PTS, 86-7; McCTS, 87-8; ord, Pby West Chester, Ap 18, 88; ss, Fulton, 111, 89-90; p, St Peter, Minn, 91-2; ss, Westminster ch, Des Moines, la, 92-4; p, Hanover, 111, 94-8; ss. Wells, Minn, 98-1901; ss, Cong ch, Windsor, Wis, 01-5; ss, Rio, 05-7; ss, De Witt, la, 07-10; ss, Dunlap, 10-2; Am Schl Osteo, Kirksville, Mo, 12-3, 15, DO; Osteopath, Grundy Center & Cedar Falls, la, 19-32; d. Cedar Falls, Je 24, 32. *Giboney, George William — b, Vernon, Ind, Dc 5, 1858; HanC, 84; NWTS, 84-5; PTS, 85-7; ord, Pby New Albany, My 17, 87; ss, Lebanon, Ore, 87- p, 88-90; ss, Oregon City, 90- p, 91-4; p, 1st ch, Spokane, Wash, 94-1908; res, Spokane, Wash; d, Portland, Ore, Dc 18, 11. DD, HanC, 02. *Gillespie, George — b, Haddington, Scotland, Oc 5, 1842; CWoos, 84; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Wooster, My 12, 87; ss, Yaquina Bay, Ore, 87-92; ss, Dallas, 92-5; ss, Marshfield, 95-1900; ss, Curry County, 00-4; ss. Mill City, 04-10; res, Ambler, Pa; d, Phila, Pa, Sp 22, 18. ‘Hamilton, William Beeson — b, Uniontown, Pa, Sp 10, 1864; W&JC, 83; tea; WestTS, 84-6, 87-8; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Washington, Sp 16, 88; miss, China, 88-1912; Amer consul agt, 05; prof, Theol Coll, Tsingchowfu; d, Tsing- chowfu, China, Je 1, 12. DD, W&JC, 08. ‘Hayes, Isaiah Potter — b, Johnstown, Pa, Nv 16, 1855; tea; PTS, 84-7; ord, Alleg Conf Un Breth, Oc 1, 83; p, 7th St (Covenant) Presb ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 87-91; p, Wrightsville, 91-1902; p, Bloomfield & Shermansdale, 03-23; hon re, 23; res, Westville, NJ ; d, Westville, Ap 10, 26. ‘Herring, Hubert Clinton — b, Lowville, Wis, Oc 30, 1859; farming; McCTS, 84-6; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Fort Dodge, Sp 21, 87; ss, 2d ch, Sioux City, la, 87-90; p, Winterset, 90-4; p, Hyde Park, Chicago, 111, 94-8; p, 1st Cong ch, Omaha, Neb, 98-1907; gen sec, Cong Hm Miss Soc, 07-20; d, Marthas Vineyard, Mass, 20. DD, TabC, 00. Holmes, Samuel Van Vranken — ^b, Brooklyn, NY, Mr 23, 1862; WmsC, 83, MA; UBer, 83-4; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Otsego, Dc 21, 87; p, Richfield Springs, 188T 376 NY, 87-92; asso p, 1st ch, Washington, DC, 92-3; p, Westminster ch, Buffalo, NY, 93-1932, p em, 32- ; res, Buffalo, NY. DD, WmsC, 03. Huston, William Rankin — b. New London, Pa, Dc 4, 1860; UDel, 84; PTS, 84-8; CNJ, 86, MA; ord, Pby Phila North, Ja 23, 90; ss. Summit chap, Germantown, Pa, 88-94; p, 1st ch, Clifton Heights, 94-1919; ss, Nottingham, 19- 20; ss. New London, 20-2; ss, Mendenhall, 22-5; ss. New London, 25 — . Hyland, Charles Augustus — b, Warren Co, Miss, Nv 11, 1861; ColTS, 84-5; PTS, 85-7; ord, Pby New Orleans, My 6, 88; ss, Edwards, Miss, 87-8; p, 3d ch. New Orleans, La, 88-93; ss, El Paso, Tex, 93-5; ss. Highland Park, Tenn, 96-8; p, East Lake, Ala, 98-1902; ss, Jeanerette, La, 03-4; evang, Pby New Orleans, 05-6; ss, Morgan City, 07-15; ss, Centerville, 07-10; oc s, Pby New Orleans, 15-24; ss, Westwego, 24-8; ill health; res, Yokema, Miss. Jack, Albert Elmer — b, Greensburg, Pa, Sp 21, 1861; LkFC, 84; PTS, 84-7; CNJ, 87, MA; UBer, 87-8; ill health; instr, LkFAcad, 111, 91-3; HarvU, 95-6; prof, Eng Lit, LkFC, 93-1906; bus; res, Waukegan, 111. Lafferty, John Wilson — b, near Charlotte, NC, Dc 4, 1862; DavC, 83; tea; ColTS, 84-5; PTS, 85-7; ord, Pby Lexington, Dc 10, 87; p. Union, Va, 87-90; ill health; ss. Central ch, Clarksburg, W\'a, 93-4; ss, Hot Springs, Va, 94; ss, Olivet Chap, Staunton, 94; ss, Glen Elk & Glenwood, Charleston, W\'a, 95; p. Piedmont, 96-7; ss, Berkeley Springs, WVa, & Williamsport, Md, 97-8; ss, Fredericksburg, Va, 99; ss. Belle Haven & Powelton, 99; ss. Back Creek & Thyatira, NC, 99; p. East Jacksonville, Fla, 1900-1; p, Marianna, 01-4; Eatonton, Ga, 04-5; ss, Quitman, 05-6; p, McKinnon ch, Concord, NC, 06-9; p, Summer- ville, SC, 09-14; oc s; p, Brandon, Miss, 17-9; ss. Lake City, Fla, 19; tea, Cham- berlain Hunt Acad, Port Gibson, Miss, 19-20; p. So Broad St ch, Rome, Ga, 20- 30; ss, Sardis ch, Coosa, 20-31; ss. Silver Creek ch, Lindale, 20-31; ill health; res, Rome, Ga, 31 — . *Landis, Henry Mohr — b, Colebrookdale, Pa, Mr 9, 1857; CNJ, 83; UBer, 83-4; PTS, 84-7; instr, NTS, 86-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 88; prof. Psych & Logic, MG, 88-93, NT, 93-1919, 20-1; ill health; d, Karuiuzawa, Japan, Sp 6, 21. *McCoy, John— b, Chillicothe, O, Oc 20, 1861; CWoos, 84; PTS. 84-7; Fell, Heb, UBer, 87-8; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Ag 20, 88; ss, Faulkton, SD, 88-90; ss, Ellendale, ND, 90-2; ss, Mem ch, Appleton, Wis, 92- p, 93-1906; ed, Wisconsin Presb Review, 03-6; p, 1st ch, Eau Claire, 06-8; p, 1st ch, Stillwater, Minn, 08-15; editorial wk, Milwaukee Journal & Kaukauna Times; d, Appleton, Wis, Ja 19, 25. McLeod, Norman — b, Flodden, PQ, Canada, Sp 27, 1858; McGU, 83; Morrin Coll Sem, 83-5; PTS, 85-7; ord, Pby Champlain, Sp 13, 87; p, Beekman- town, NY, 87-93; ss, Mineville, 93- p, 94-1905; ss, Esperance, 05-9; p. New Scotland, 09-13; ss, Galway & W Galway chs, Albany, 13-21; ss, Princetown ch, Albany, 21-2; oc s, 22 — ; res, Schenectady, NY. McQueen, Glenroie — b, Evansburg, Pa, Ja 13, 1856; AllegC, 82, 85, MA; law stu; tea; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Newton, My 26, 87; p. Wantage 2d ch, Beemer- ville, NJ, 87-8; ss, Ogden Center ch, Spencerport, NY, 88-90; p. Calvary ch, Rochester, 90-2; p, Princeton, 111, 92-6; p, Virginia, 96-8; p, Nashville & ss, 1887 377 Oak Grove, 98-1901; ss, Brooklyn, Doddsville & Huntsville, 01-2; p, Waterville & Haskins, O, 02-4; p, Lexington, O, 04-6; p at large, Pby White Water, Ind, 06-11; p. New Richmond, O, 11-2; p, Amsterdam, 12-4; p. Oak Ridge ch, Wells- ville, 14-9; p, Newcomerstown, 19-26; p, Woodside ch, Newark, 26 — . DD, Allege, 92. Mishoff, Ivan Demeter — b, Loftcha, Bulgaria, Sp 24, 1857; CNJ, 84, 87, MA; PTS, 84-7; stu med, Chicago, 111, 87-9; ord, Pby Elizabeth, My 9, 89; med miss, Bulgaria, 89-90; hm miss, Milwaukee, Wis, 90-1; phys, Milwaukee, 91 — . LLD, GaleC, 91. Morgan, William Edward — b, Carnarvon, N Wales, Great Britain, h'b 7, 1864; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Peoria, Mr 22, 88; ss. Sac City, la, 89; ss. Jack- son, Minn, 92; ss. Canton, SD, 93; ss, Castlewood & Brantford, 94; p el, Shawano, & ss, Stockbridge Ind’n ch, Wis, 95; ss, Delafield & Stone Bank, 96-8; ss, Ton- togany & Deverna, O, 99-1900; ss, Washington Ave ch, Saginaw, Mich, 02; ord PEpis pr, Dc 2, 03; rec, St James’ ch, Vincennes, Ind, 03-7; rec. Trinity ch, Peru, 07-9; rec, Granville, NY, 09-12; rec. New Haven, Conn, 12 — . PhD, NewWC, 98. *Morrison, William — b, Co Donegal, Ireland, Oc 5, 1863; MageeC, 84; FreeChCGlas, 84-5; AsC, 85-6; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Phila Central, Ap 11, 87; ss, Mizpah & Sellwood chs, Portland, Ore, 87-8; bus & oc s, Hazleton, Pa, 88-90; miss, Del, 91; ord PEpis pr, Mr 9, 92; asst rec, St Paul’s ch, Washington, DC, 92-3; asst rec, St Andrew’s ch, NYCity, 93-4; rec. All Saints’ ch, Brooklyn, 94-1910; police chap, NYCity, 11-2; asso rec, St Anne’s ch, Brooklyn, 12-3; d, Letterkenny, Ire, Ja 4, 15. *Nevin, Charles Wordsworth — b, Boston, Mass, Fb 27, 1857; UPa, 79; bus; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 27, 87; p, Riverton, NJ, 87-9; asso ed, SS Times, 89-91; p, Clifton Heights, Pa, 92-3; p, Scots’ ch, Phila, 94-5; p. So Broad St ch, Phila, 96-1902; res, Riverton, NJ; d, Riverton, Nv 14, 08. *01iver, Charles Alexander — b, Baltimore, Md, Dc 25, 1858; UPa, 82-4; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Phila North, My 12, 87; p, Roxborough, Pa, 87-90; p, Westm ch, York, 90-1932; d, Phila, Pa, Sp 10, 32. DD, Blue Ridge Coll, New Windsor, Md, 26. *Paden, William Calvin — b, Canonsburg, Pa, Ja 19, 1855; MuskC, 80, MA; tea; CWoos; PTS, 84-7; ord evang, Pby Zanesville, Sp 14, 87; ss, Moseley miss, Chicago, 111, 87-8; ss, Manilla & Schaller, la, 88; ss, Manilla & Manning, 88-90; p, Schaller & Early, 90-2; lect, 92-3; ss, Baldwin & Black Jack, 93-6; RefP; ss, Wahoo, Neb, 96-1900; ss, Billings, Okla, 00-9; tea. Clay Co, Kan, 09-13; ss, Cherokee & Weir, Kan, 13-6; ss, Otterville & Littleton, la, 16-21; ss. Pine Creek, 21-3; ss, Bloomfield, 23-7; hon re, 28; res. Clay Center, Kan; d. Clay Center, Kan, Fb 12, 33. DD, MuskC, 30. Tarliman, Benjamin Franklin —b, Haverstraw, NY, Je 19, 1855; bus; libr, YMCA, Brooklyn, NY, 80-3; UnTS, 84-5; PTS, 85-7, 95-6; ord, Pby North River, My 24, 87; [), Salt Point, NY, 87-9; ss. Shelter Island, 90-5; p, Haver- straw, NY, 97-1902; |), Mineola, 02-4; ss, hdushing, 04-7; res, Tenafly, NJ; d, Tenafly, J1 22, 25. 1887 378 *Parsons, William Thomas — b, Still Pond, Md, Mr 27, 1863; WashCInd, 82; PTS, 84-7; ord evang, Pby Pembina, Oc 12, 87; ss, Ardoch & Greenwood, ND, 88-90; ss. Tower City, 91; ss, Buffalo & Tower City, 92; ss. Union, NY, 94- p, 95-1901; p. Broad Ave ch, Binghamton, 01-3; d, Binghamton, NY, Ap 28, 03. *Pomerene, Da Costa— b, Berlin, O, Ap 1, 1861; CNJ, 84; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Mahoning, Oc 3, 88; p, Salem, O, 88-90; d, Harrisburg, Pa, Je 24, 92. *Riley, Samuel Rutledge — b, Laurens, SC, Sp 30, 1862; AdgC, 82; tea; ColTS; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby South Carolina, Oc 2, 87; p, Cokesbury & ss, Honea Path, Mt Carmel & Troy, SC, 87-8; p, Zion ch, Lowrysville, 88-91; d, Lowrys- ville, SC, Ja 9, 91. *Rudd, Edward Huntting— b. Sag Harbor, NY, Je 17, 1860; CNJ, 83; UEdm; NewC; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Albany, Oc 25, 87; p, 6th ch, Albany, NY, 87-91; p, 1st ch, Albion, 91-7; asst p, Madison Sq ch, NYCity, 97-9; p, 1st Cong ch, Dedham, Mass, 1901-9; d, Dedham, J1 8, 09. *Russell, Edgar Webster — b, London, Eng, Ap 16, 1860; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Chester, My 19, 87; p, Nottingham, Pa, 87; d, Nottingham, Ag 2, 87. Shaw, Angus Robertson — b, Haywood, NC, Dc 6, 1858; tea; UnTSVa, 84-6; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Fayetteville, Sp 28, 87; p, Carthage ch, Fayetteville, NC, 89-90; evang, Pby Fayetteville, 90-2; evang, Pby Central Texas, 92-3; p, 2d ch, Waco, Tex, 93-6; p. Main St ch, Cleburne, 96-7; p, Henderson, NC, 97- 1902; p, 1st ch, Portsmouth, Va, 02-5; p, 10th Ave ch, Charlotte, NC, 05-13; prof, Syst Theol, SWPresbU, 13-7; oc s, 17-9; act prof, Syst Theol, KyTS, 19-20; oc s, 20 — ; res, Charlotte, NC. DD, DavC, 09. *Sinclair, Brevard Davidson — b, Charlotte, NC, Oc 31, 1859; lawy; WestTS, 84-5; HartTS, 85-6; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Rochester, My 25, 87; p, Fowlerville, NY, 87-9; p, Newburyport, Mass, 89-92; p. Calvary ch, Seattle, Wash, 93; p el, Placerville, Cal, 95; Epis; deposed. My 10, 15; res, Sacramento, Cal; d, Los Angeles, My, 31. Skinner, William Franklin — b, Cambridge, NY, Ap 13, 1856; Ula, 81; bus; tea; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby St Lawrence, J1 19, 87; p, 1st ch, Gouverneur, NY, 87-1929, p em, 29 — . *Thompson, Thomas — b, Argyll, Scotland, Sp 24, 1859; KxCTor, 84; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Fort Dodge, Sp 21, 87; ss, Denison, la, 87; p, Mansfield 2d ch & Beattystown, NJ, 88-91; p. Mountain Top & Sugar Notch, Pa, 91-2; p, Elmer, NJ, 92-8; trav; p el, Whitestone, NY, 99; d, Minsi, Pa, Oc 1, 99. Waddell, Alexander — b, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Ap 17, 1859; UPa, 84; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Phila North, Fb 13, 88; p, Conshohocken, Pa, 88-9; p. Union ch, Phila, 91-1912; res, Phila, 12-24; ss, Richmond ch, Phila, 25-9; res, Phila, Pa, 29 — . *Waller, Elmer Briton — b, Walden, NY, Mr 8, 1859; UnC, 82; tea; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby Holston, Ag 31, 87; p & prin, Elizabethton, Tenn, 87-91; prof. Math, MaryvC, 91-1905, dean, 05-13; d, Maryville, Tenn, Mr 29, 13. *Watson, John Gilchrist — b, Scranton, Pa, Ja 13, 1861; LafC, 84; UnTS, 1887 379 84-6; PTS, 86-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, My 12, 87; ss, Sumner, Wash, 87-8; evang & tea, Hamadan, Persia, 88-1902; ss. Highland & Wrights, Cal, 02- p, 04-6; evang, 06; ill health; bus. Eureka, Cal, 07-20; res, Berkeley; d, Berkeley, Cal, Dc 1, 31. Watson, William Scott— b, NYCity, Dc 29, 1862; CCyNY, 82; bus; PTS, 84-7; ord, Pby New York, Je 11, 88; miss, Syria, 89-92; interpreter & inspector, US Immigration Service, NY City; res, Woodcliff, NJ. *Williamson, Albert Barnes — b, Sidney, NJ, Fb 16, 1858; LafC, 84; UnTS, 84-5; PTS, 85-7; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 16, 87; p, Paxton ch & ss, Derry ch, Har- risburg, Pa, 87-95; p, Delaware Water Gap, 95-1908; p, Bloomsbury, NJ, 08-15; d, Bloomsbury, J1 25, 15. *Wilson, Benjamin Frank — b, near Mayesville, SC, Mr 12, 1862; DavC, 84, MA; ColTS, 84-5; PTS, 85-7; UBer; ord, Pby Enoree, Oc 13, 87; p, 1st ch, Spartanburg, SC, 87-90; pres. Converse Coll, Spartanburg, SC, 90-1902; p, 1st ch, Harrisonburg, Va, 05-31; tea. Bib, Hist & Lit, State Tea Coll, Harrison- burg, 32; d, Harrisonburg, Va, My 24, 32. DD, WoffC, 02. *Woodhull, George Edmund — b. Point Pleasant, WVa, Oc 17, 1860; CNJ, 84; PTS, 84-7; hm miss. West Plains, Mo, 87-8; ord, Pby New York, Sp 30, 88; miss, Osaka, Japan, 88-95; d, Tokyo, Japan, Oc 11, 95. 57. Baldwin, James Mark — b, Columbia, SC, Ja 12, 1861; CNJ, 1884; ULeip; UBer; PTS, 85-7; tut, CNJ; lie, Pby Chicago, Ap 30, 88; prof, Phil, LkFC, 87-9; prof, UTor, 89-93; prof, Exper Psych, PrU, 93-1903; prof, Phil & Psych, JHU, 03-9; NatU of Mexico, 09-13; lect & auth; res, Paris, France. PhD, PrU, 89; ScD, OxU, 00, UGeneva, Switz, 09; LLD, UGlas, 01, & SCC, 05. *Caldwell, Robert Ernest — b, Greensboro, NC, Oc 18, 1858; UNC, 78; tea; law stu; UnTSVa, 81-4; ord, Pby Louisville, Dc 7, 84; p. South Side ch, Frank- fort, Ky, 84-6; grad stu, PTS, 86-7; ss, Vicksburg, Miss, 87-8; p. Highland ch, Louisville, Ky, 88-92; p, 1st ch, Winston, NC, 93-1904; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 3, 04. DD, CntlU, 01. Cooter, James Thomas — b, Monticello, Mo, Dc 2, 1858; WabC, 84; PTS, 84-6, 90-1; MeCTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Neosho, Je 12, 88; ss, Baxter Springs, Kan, 87- p, 88-90; ss, Lamar & Chucky Vale, Tenn, 91-3; pres, WashCTenn, 91-1908; ss, 2d ch, Johnson City, 93-4; ss, Mt Lebanon & Chucky Vale, 95; ss, Mt Lebanon, 97-8, 1900-1; ss, Salem, 04; ss, Arlington, Col, 10-2; pres, WashC Tenn, 12-23, pres em, 23—; res. La Junta, Col. DD, WabC, 03. *Forman, John Newton — b, Amritsur, India, J1 11, 1863; CNJ, 84; PTS, 84-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Sp 19, 87; miss, India, ss, Farukhabad ch, Fut- tehghur, 87-1901, miss, Etah, 03-5, Saharanpur, 06, Mainpuri, 07-17; d, Pitts- burgh, Pa, Nv 24, 17. Fulton, John Mayhew — b, Dinsmore, Pa, Fb 8, 1859; CWoos, 84; PTS, .84-5; MeCTS, 85-7; ord, Pby Fort Wayne, Ap 25, 87; p, 2d ch. Fort Wayne, 1887 38o Ind, 87-8; p, Willow Creek ch, Argyle, 111, 89-91; p, Lake View ch, Chicago, 91-5; p, Westm ch, Grand Rapids, Mich, 96-1902; p, Central ch, St Paul, Minn, 03-5; asso sec, Gen Assem Perm Com on Temp, Phila, Pa, 96-1911; ss, Knox ch, Calgary, Can, 15-7; res. Pacific Palisades, Cal. DD, CWoos, 96. *Furneaux, Hugh Joseph — b, St Johns, Newfoundland, Ap 9, 1849; DalhU; PTC, 83-6; ord, Pby New Mexico, Ap, 88; grad stu, PTS, 86-7; ss. Las Cruces, NM, 88; hm miss, Lordsburg, 89; hm miss, Clifton, Ariz, 90-1; ss. Junc- tion City & Aztec, NM, 92; hm miss. La Plata, 93-4; ss. Pacific Beach & Point Loma, Cal, 94-7; ss, Del Mar, 96; ss, Somis & Saticoy, 98; ss, Simi & Somis, 99; ss, San Pedro & Wilmington, 1900; evang & SS miss. Sierra Madre, Cal, 01-9; ss, Coalinga, 09-10; ss. West Side ch. Oil Fields, 10-1; colp, Fresno, 12-3; ss, 1st ch, Sonora, 14-7; ss, 1st ch. Big Oak Flat, 17-20; hon re, 20; res, Sonora, Cal; d, Columbia, Cal, Fb 8, 26. Grier, John McDill — b, Steele Creek, NC, Sp 5, 1861; ErskC, 82; tea; ErskTS, 83-4; LInTS, 84-5; PTS, 85-6; hm miss, 86-7; ord, AssoRefP, 1st Pby, Oc 19, 87; p. King’s Mountain, NC, 88-91; ss, Brevard & Davidson River, 91-2; p, Ramah & Bethel, 92-1906; p, 1st ch, Washington, 06-8; p, 1st ch. Concord, 08-22; ss, Newton, 22-3; ill health; res, Lenoir, NC. DD, DavC, 04. *HofEmeister, Charles Chalmers — b, near Rogersville, Tenn, Sp 6, 1858; KingC, 84; UnTSVa; ColTS; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Red River, Nv 11, 86; ss, Evansville, Minn, 86-7; ss, Axtell, Kan, 87-90; ss, Alton, la, 90; ss, Lamar, Mo, 91- 2; ss, Harper, Kan, 92-4; ss. Cottonwood Falls, 94-5; ss, Brookings, SD, 95-6; ss. Lake Crystal, Minn, 96-9; ss, Lakefield, 1900-2; ss, Thorpe, 02-3; ss, Olivia, 04-5; ss, Nacogdoches, Tex, 11-2; ss, Jefferson, 12-4; d, Jefferson City, Tex, Sp 20, 16. *Howell, Charles James, Jr — b, Poughkeepsie, NY, Ag 15, 1855; CNJ, 84; PTS, 84-5; AubTS; ord, Pby Syracuse, Oc 2, 88; ss, Amboy, NY, 88-91; p. La Grange, 111, 91-4; asso p. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 94-1900; p, Longmont, Col, 01-7 ; res, Auburn, NY ; oc s; p, Amboy, NY, 14-8; d, Camillus, NY, Dc 5, 18. *Hughes, Richard Cecil — b, Springdale, O, Fb 14, 1861; CWoos, 84; PTS, 84-5; McCTS, 85-7; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, My 17, 87; p, Sidney, la, & ss, Anderson, 87-91; act pres & prof, TabC, 91, pres, 97-1901; pres, RipC, 01-9; sec, univ wk, BdEdu, 09-20; d, Chicago, 111, Oc 9, 20. DD, CWoos, 00. *Johnston, Edgar Francis — b, Milton, O, Ja 19, 1859; AmhC, 84; PTS, 84-5; WestTS, 87; ord, Pby Allegheny, J1 12, 87; p, Leetsdale, Pa, 87-90; p, Philipsburg, 90-2; pres, Mary Holmes Sem, West Point, Miss, 92-6; prof, GrovCyC, 96-7; tea. North Jackson, O, 98-9; tea, Wooster, 99-1900; p, Schells- burgh & Mann’s Choice, Pa, 01-7; pres, Mary Holmes Sem, West Point, Miss, 08-26, pres em; d, Youngstown, O, Ag 15, 26. DD, GrovCyC, 04. *Jones, U S Grant — b, Newark, O, Je 16, 1864; CWoos, 84; PTS, 84-5; WestTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Wooster, Sp 19, 88; miss, Ferozepur, India, 90-1, Lahore, 92- 4, Lodiana, 94-1904, Dehra Dun, 04-6; ss, Hicksville, O, 08-9; miss, Rupar & Lodiana, India, 09-16, Jullundur, 17; d, Jullundur, India, Dc 22, 19. Jones, William Owen — b, Alberllefenny, N Wales, Great Britain, J1 29, 1860; PTS, 84-5; Carnarvon, Wales; — 1887-1888 38 1 McMillan, John — b, Crinan, Ont, Canada, My 14, 1860; PTS, 84-5; Manic, ThDept; McCTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 21, 90; miss, Gaboon, Africa, 90-3; p. White River ch. Auburn, Wash, 94-7; ss, Chickasaw, Okla, 97-8; ss, Geary & Calumet, 99; ss. Spring Valley ch, Garber, Okla, 01-2; ss. Rising Sun & Concord, Ind, 06; p el, Brighton, 111, 07; p. Tower Hill, 08-9; res, Pitts- burgh, Pa, 09-15; res. Ambler, 15-7; res, Saginaw, Mich, 18 — . MD; PhD. Mebane, William Nelson — b, Greensboro, NC, Je 10, 1860; DavC, 83, 97, MA; tea; ColTS, 83-5; act prof, DavC, 85; PTS, 85-6; tea; ss, Pulaski City, Va, 88-9; ss. Drapers Valley, 89; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, Sp 11, 89; ss. Union ch, Greenup & Vanceburgh, Ky, 89-94; UChi, 00, PhD; ChiTS, 94-7, BD; prof, Gk & German, FredC, 97-9; prof, Lat & Mod Lang, HanC, 1900-2; prof, Gk & Lat, KingC, 04-5; p, Collierstown, Va, 06-8; ss, Punta Gorda, Fla, 08-9; tea, 09-14; p, Phoebus, Va, 22-3; res, Dublin, Va. *Moore, William Long — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 1, 1864; MageeC, 83; AsC, 84-5, 86-7; PTS, 85-6, 87-8; ord, Pby Champlain, J1 17, 88; ss, Mineville, NY, 88; Ballenacannon, Ire; UPSEdin, 93-4; evang, UP ch, Scot, 94-9; p, Presb ch, Frenchtown, NJ, 1900-4; p, Ann Carmichael Mem ch, Phila, 04-26; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 15, 26. *Mullen, Henry Addison — b, Wilmington, Del, Je 10, 1859; PTS, 84-5; LaneTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Birmingham, 89; ss, 1st ch, Thomas, Ala, 90-3; ss, Alamosa, Col, 96; ss, Eastonville & Peyton, 97; res, Colorado City, 99-1904; p el, 1st ch, Purcell, Okla, 05-6; p, Pocatello, Ida, 08-11; p, Butte, Mont, 13-4; p, Elsinore, Cal, 14-6; d. Riverside, Cal, Dc 13, 16. DD, HighU, 14. *Ordway, Smith— b, Jasper, NY, Sp 28, 1854; CNJ, 84; PTS, 84-5; AubTS, 88; ord, Pby Steuben, Ap 18, 88; ss, Pompey Hill, NY, 88-90; ss. Marathon, 90-4; p, Westm ch, Syracuse, 94-5; p, Sodus, 95-1905; p, Pittsford, 05-11; p, Kilburn Mem ch, Newark, NJ, 11-6; p, Moravia ch. West Pittsburgh, Pa, 17-8; ss, Lewiston, NY, 18-23; ss, Modeltown, 20-3; hon re, 23; res. Auburn, NY; d. Auburn, Oc 26, 27. DD, PcU, 23. Rogers, Lewis Goold — b, Albion, NY, Mr 14, 1863; WmsC, 83; tea; PTS, 84-5; ord Cong, Je 15, 87; p, 1st Cong ch. Arcade, NY, 87-88; p, Albany, Ore, 89-90; p, Derby, NY, 90-2; p, Fitch Memorial ch, Buffalo, 92-1904; p, Plymouth ch, Buffalo, 04 — . *Simmons, James, Jr — b. Lake Geneva, Wis, Oc 16, 1858; BelC, 83; tea; PTS, 84-6; UBer, 86-9; instr, la Coll Academy, 89-92; prof, laC, 92-1900; d, Denver, Col, Nv 19, 00. 20. 1888 *Allen, Marcus Marshall — b, near Lexington, Ky, Ag 24, 1862; CenCKy, 84, 88, MA; tea; PTS, 85-6, 87-8; DanTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Lake Superior, Ag 7, 88; ss, Bessemer, Mich, 88-94; ss. So Superior, Wis, 94-5; ss, Ironwood, Mich, 95; p, Ishpeming, 95-1915; pres, Ky Coll for Women, Danville, Ky, 15-22; ss, Cald- well Group, 15-30; ss. Harmony ch, Ky, 30-3; res, Danville, Ky; d, Danville, Ky, Ja 15, 33. DD, CenCKy, 15. 382 1888 Cady, Putnam — b, Auriesville, NY, My 13, 1863; CNJ, 85; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Chippewa, J1 10, 88; p, 1st (Hammond Ave) ch. West Superior, Wis, 88- 97; p, Emanuel ch, Amsterdam, NY, 98-1912; lect. Archaeology, UnC, 07-10; p. Upper Montclair, NJ, 12-7 ; art lect, NYCity, BdEdu, 13-7 ; p, 1st ch, Kingston, NY, 17-31; p, RefChAm, Fonda, 31—. DD, UnC, 08. Cannon, James, Jr — b, Salisbury, Md, Nv 13, 1864; RMC, 84; PTS, 85-8; CNJ, 89, MA; ord ME, Norfolk, Va, Nv 20, 92; p; Charlotte Circuit, Va, 88-9; p, Newport News, 89-91; p, Central ch, Portsmouth, 91-2; p, Farmville, 92-4; ed. Southern Methodist Recorder, 93-1904; pres. Fern Inst, Blackstone, 94-1917; ed, Baltimore & Richmond Chr Advocate, 04-18; elected bp. My, 18; chmn, Bd Temperance & Social Service, 14 — ; res, Washington, DC. Cobb, Henry Evertson — b, Hopewell, NY, Mr 25, 1863; RutU, 84; tea & bus; PTS, 85-8; ord RefChAm, Cl Saratoga, Je 5, 88; p. North ch. West Troy, NY, 88-1902; asso p. Collegiate ch, NYCity, 02- p, 31—. DD, NYU, & RutU, 01; STD, ColU, 30. Decker, William Harrison — b, Johnsonburg, NJ, Nv 5, 1856; LafC, 85, 88, MA; PTS, 85-8; ss. River Hebert, NS, Can, 86; ord, Pby Albany, Je 20, 88; ss, Madison Ave ch, Albany, NY, 87- p, 88-93; p, Lewistown, Pa, 93-1903; p, 1st ch, McKeesport, 03-9; p, Nanticoke, 09-26; hon re, 26; res. Forty Fort, Pa. Dixon, Henderson McCamie — b. Query, NC, Sp 18, 1860; PTS, 85-8; ord evang, Pby Charleston, Ap 21, 89; evang, Pby Charleston, 89-91; p, Monroe, NC, 91-1902; p, McColl, SC, 02-7; prof. Moral Sc, So Presb Coll, Red Springs, NC, & p, Philadelphus ch, 05-24; ill health; res, Augusta, Ga. Duncan, George Stewart — b, Albany, NY, Mr 2, 1860; WmsC, 85; PTS, 85-8; Heb Fell, PTS; OxU; UBer; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 21, 88; p, Dickinson ch, Mooredale, Pa, 88-90; p, Westminster ch, Harrisburg, 90-6; prof, Semit Lang & Lit, HowU, 96-1900; p, Eckington ch, Washington, DC, 96-1900; UMarb, 01; UBer, 02; prof, Semit, Roich Gymnasium, Berlin, Germany, 03-8; Fell & lect, JHU, 10-8; prof, Egyptology & Assyriology, AmU, 18- ; annual lect, Amer Inst of Archaeology, 30 — ; dean, YMCA Schl Rel, Washington, DC, 31 — . PhD, DickC, 94. Eckels, Charles Edmund — b, near New Kingston, Pa, Ag 15, 1861; DickC, 85; tut; stu; PTS, 87-8; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 12, 88; miss, Ratburi, Siam, 89- 90, 93-4, 98-1900, Petchaburi, 90-3, 94-8, Nakawn Sritamarat, 00-24, 27-8, Nau, 24-5, Prae, 25-7; res, Carlisle, Pa, 28 — . Ellett, Frank G — b, Stillwater, NJ, Mr 6, 1860; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Lan- sing, Oc 31, 88; ss. Hasting, Mich, 88-9; ss. Concord, 89-91; p, Caro, 91-5; cy miss, Detroit, 95-1900; p, Wyandotte, 00-3; ss, Trenton, 03-4; ss, Parma, 05-7; ss. Holt, 07-9; newspaper wk, 09 — ; res. Mason, Mich. *Fisk, Charles Ezra — b, Vincennes, Ind, Nv 9, 1863; LenC, 84; tea; McCTS, 85-6; PTS, 86-8; ord evang, Pby Rock River, Sp 19, 88; ss, Brooklyn, Md, 88-90; ss. Spirit Lake, la, 90-1; ss, Dysart, 91-3; ss, Hopkinton, 93-4; p, Alta, 94-8; lect. Hist, BuenVC, 95-7; ss, Dover, Colfax & Hazelrigg, Ind, 98-9; stu, WabC, 98- 1900; p, Centralia, III, 01-4; evang. 111, 04-5; ss, Viola, 05- p, 08-13; p. Grand 1888 383 Ridge, la, 13-7; ss, Newton, 18-9; p, Rushville, 20-3; ss, Frankfort, Mo, 23; ss, Louisiana, 23-5; d, Louisiana, Mo, Sp 25, 25. PhD, WabC, 01. *Gabrielian, Mugurdich Choghauji — b, Sivas, Asia Minor, Turkey, Ja 27, 1857; WheaC, 82-4; PTS, 84-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 26, 88; JefMedC, 89-92, MD; phys, Phila, Pa, 92-5, Forestgrove, 95-1900, Pineville, 00-5, Pipersville, 05-10; p, Carversville, 11-4; phys, Pipersville, 14-7; res, Phila, 17-25; d, Phila, Pa, J1 7, 25. *Giboney, Thomas Jefferson — b, Vernon, Ind, Ja 4, 1861; HanC, 85; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Fort Wayne, Je 4, 88; p, Columbia City, Pierceton, & ss, Troy, Ind, 88-91; ss, Westm ch. Big Rapids, Mich, 91; d. Big Rapids, My 30, 91. Gordon, Malcolm Roland — b, Acton, Ont, Canada, Sp 4, 1855; ManiC, 85, ThDept, 86-7; PTS, 87-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 88; ss, Groton, SD, 88-9; p, RefChAm, Schaghticoke, NY, 89-92; p, Scotia, 93-1901; miss, Keneton, Man, Can, 02-4; tea & miss, Ryley, .'\lberta, 04 — . *Greigg, David Butchard — b, Creswell, la, Mr 26, 1861; WabC, 85; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 88; p, 12th ch, Baltimore, Md, 88-97; p el, Mem ch. Bay City, Mich, 99-1900; p el, Peotone ch, Chicago, 111, 01; p, Roseland ch, Chicago, 02-3; res, Chicago, 03-14; d, Chicago, 111, Nv 5, 14. PhD, GrovCyC, 95, DD, 96. Howk, John Simonson — b. New Albany, Ind, My 28, 1863; AsbU, 83, 86, M.A; lawj'; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 19, 88; p, Pitt’s Creek ch, Pocomoke City, Md, 88-98; ss, Rehoboth, 88-98; p. East Palestine, O, 98-9; p, 1st ch, Jeffersonville, Ind, 99-1908; evang, Pby New Albany, 08-9; p, Hanover, Ind, 09-16; inst, Gk & Lat, HanC, 10; p, Bethany ch, Vincennes, 16-8; p, Parke Mem ch, Evansville, 18-29; ss, Olympia ch, Hobe Sound, Fla, 30; ss, Lagro & Liberty ch, Wabash, Ind, 30 — ; res, Lagro, Ind. DD, DePU, 96. Hyde, Amasa Lewis — b, Baltimore, Md, Je 5, 1856; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 16, 88; p, Jacksonville & Providence, NJ, 88-90; p. State Ridge ch. Delta, Pa, 90 — ; res, Cardiff, Md. *Johnston, Walter — b, Ballygawley, Ireland, Fb 22, 1863; QuUBelf, 84; AsC, 84-5; MageeC, 86-7; PTS, 87-8; ord, Pby Lake Superior, Ap 10, 89; ss, Gladstone, Mich, 88-9; ss, Oregon, Wis, 91-2; ss, Belleville, 92; p el, Phillips, 93; p, Ironwood, Mich, 94-9; p, Manitowoc, Wis, 99-1901; p, Logansport, Ind, 01-10; p, Crawfordsville, 10-8; p. Charleston, 111, 18-25; d, Antigo, Wis, J1 28, 25. DD, WabC, 13. *Langdon, William Marvin — b. South Orange, NJ, Dc 25, 1861; CNJ, 84; PTS, 84-8; ord evang, Pby New York, Sp 30, 88; ss, Minnewaukan, ND, 87; miss, Peking, China, 88-91; ill health; ss, Monterey & Sugar Hill, NY, 91-2; book dealer; res. West Asheville, NC, 10-28; d. West .Asheville, My 29, 28. *Lee, John Lloyd — b, Crestline, O, J1 3, 1859; CWoos, 85; WestTS, 85-6; PTS, 86-8; FreeChCEdin; ss. Central ch, Baltimore, Md, 88; ord evang, Pby Wooster, Sp 19, 88; p, Wharton St ch, Phila, Pa, 89-91; p, Oliver ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 91-4; p, 1st ch. East Liverpool O, 95-9; p, Westm ch, NYCity, 1901-6; d, Asbury Park, NJ, Dc 1, 06. PhD, CWoos, 90. 14 384 1888 Leeper, S Harper, Jr — b, Frankfort Springs, Pa, Fb 5, 1860; CNJ, 85, MA; PTS, 85-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, Sp 3, 89; p, Mt Holly, NJ, 89-95; p, Coatesville, Pa, 95-1901; ill health; ss. Grand View chap, Wernersville, 01-2; p. Media, 02-29, p em, 29 — . *Lott, Albert Franklin— b. Holt, Mich, Ap 17, 1858; WabC, 85; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Lansing, Oc 30, 88; ss, Delhi & Dimondale, Mich, 88-9; ss, Link- ville. Ore, 89-90; p. Independence, '91-2; p, Glen Moore, Pa, 93-6; p, Landisburg, Upper, & Buffalo, 98-1902; p, Newport, 02-9; p, Marksboro, NJ, 09-13; res, Haddon Heights, 13-20; p, Springfield ch, Flourtown, Pa, 20-2; res, Ambler, 22-9; d, Phila, Pa, My 13, 29. Marshall, James Trimble — b. Saline, Mich, Ag 9, 1865; LafC, 85, 88, MA; WestTS, 85-6; PTS, 86-8; FreeChCEdin, 88-9; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 13, 89; p. Lower Brandywine, Del, 89-94; p, Warner Mem ch, Kensington, Md, 94-1905; p, 2d ch. Oak Park, 111, 05-8; p, Georgetown ch, Washington, DC, 08-30, p em, 30 — ; res, Kensington, Md. DD, ErskC, 07. McEIroy, Samuel Addison — b, Louisville, Ky, Nv 30, 1860; CenCKy, 87; tea; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby So Alabama, Nv 4, 88; p, Eufaula, Ala, 88-91; p. Cape Girardeau, Mo, 91-9; p, Cynthiana, Ky, 99-1907; p, Lancaster, Tex, 07-12; p, Itasca, 12-21; p, Idabil, Okla, 21-9; res, Houston, Tex. DD, CenCKy, 98. McKee, Samuel Lee — b, Columbia, Ky, Oc 11, 1859; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Je 11, 89; ss, Erankfort, O, 90; p el. Fort Dodge, la, 91; ss. La Crosse, Wis, 92-8; ss. West Salem, 98-1922; res, Versailles, Mo, 22 — . McLeod, John Matheson — b, Valleyfield, PEI, Canada, J1 22, 1860; DalhU, 85; PTS, 85-8; CNJ, 87, MA; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Ag 21, 88; p. New London, North, & Kensington, PEI, 88-95; p. New Mills, NB, 95-1912; p, St Peters Bay, PEI, 13-28; res, Charlottetown, PEI, 28 — . Murray, David Ambrose — b, Montgomery Co, NY, Mr 23, 1861; MonC, 85, MA; PTS, 85-8; CNJ, 87, MA; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, J1 3, 88; miss, Japan, 88-92; p el, Ridgeway Ave ch, Chicago, 111, 93-4; ss. Perry, la, 95; ss. West End, Ottumwa, 96-7; ss. East End, Ottumwa, 97-1902; miss, Yamaguchi, Japan, 02-3, Osaka, 03-10, Tsu, 11-9, Tokyo, 19-22; asso prof. Bib & Rel, MonC, 25—; res, Santa Monica, Cal. DD, CoeC, 02. Pierson, George Peck — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ja 14, 1861; CNJ, 82; tea; PTS, 85-8; ss, Dickinson ch, Cumberland Valley, Pa, 87; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 21, 88; miss, Japan; tea, Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan, 88-90; tea & evang, Chiba, 90-2; evang, prov Chiba, 93-4; evang, prov Hokkaido, cities of Otaru, Sapporo, Ashigawa & Nokkeushi, 94-1928; hon re, 28; res, Elizabeth, NJ, DD, PrU, 12. Richards, Thomas Davis — b, near Rising Sun, Md, Ag 29, 1857; CWoos, 85, 88, MA; WestTS, 85-6; PTS, 86-8; ord, Pby Washington City, J1 24, 88; p, Boyd’s Sta, Md, 88-96; p, Neelsville, 88-1918; evang. Mountain Lake Park, 19—. DD, CWoos, 10. Richmond, Charles Alexander — b, NYCity, NY, Ja 7, 1862; CNJ, 83, 88, MA; tea; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Buffalo, Oc 5, 88; p, 1st ch. East Aurora, NY, 88-94; p, Madison Ave ch, Albany, 94-1909; pres, UnC, 09-29, pres em, 29—; 1888 385 res, Washington, DC. DD, HamC, 04; LLD, RutU, 09, NYU, 10, PrU, 15, UPitts, 19, GWU, 21, UStAnd, 24. *Robinson, William Henry — b. West Hebron, NY, Sp 15, 1861; CNJ, 85; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Emporia, Oc 16, 88; p, Perkins ch, Wichita, Kan, 88-92; p, Paola, 92-3; ill health; res. West Hebron, NY; Cambridge; d, Roxbury, Mass, J1 11, 96. Swezey, George Silliman — b, Victor, NY, Dc 5, 1859; URoch, 84; tea; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Emporia, My 8, 89; p, Peabody, Kan, 89-93; p el, Westfield, NY, 93- p, 94-9; p. East Palestine, O, 1900-1; p, Niles, 01-7; ss, Ripley, 09-18; ss. Calvary ch, Lockport, 19-27; res, Buffalo, 27 — . Taylor, Hugh — b, Iowa City, la, Ag 9, 1862; PkC, 85, MA; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Platte, Ag 5, 88; miss, Lakawn, Laos, Siam, 88-1909, Nan, 09 — . DD, PkC, 02. *Tufts, William Mann — b, Halifax, NS, Canada, Ag 26, 1864; DalhU, 85; PTS 85-8; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Can, Oc 3, 88; p, Bedeque & Summer- field, PEI, 88-92; p, St Paul’s ch, Hawkesbury, Can, 92-6; p, Sharon ch, Stellarton, NS, 96-1908; lect, PTC, 07-8; p. Union Sq ch, Somerville, Mass, 08-10; p, 1st ch, Boston, 11-8; d, Boston, Mass, Je 13, 18. BD, PresbC, 95, DD, 01. Waite, Abbott Lee Richmond — b, Salisbury, Md, My 7, 1860; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 12, 88; p, Beulah ch, Ramey, Pa, 88-9; p, Chillisquaque, Pottsgrove & Mooresburg, 89-91; p, Woodstock ch, NYCity, NY, 91-1903; chap, Lincoln Hospital, NYCity, 01-13; ss, Mineola, LI, 03-4; ss, Riverdale, Md, 13-5; Bd Edu, NYCity, 15-26; res. Little Silver, NJ. Wallace, Edwin Sherman — b, Butler Co, Pa, Oc 3, 1864; W&JC, 85; PTS, 85-8; CNJ, 88, MA; ord, Pby Aberdeen, Ja 20, 89; p, Aberdeen, SD, 88-93; Am Consul, Jerusalem, 93-8; p, 1st ch, Greensburg, Pa, 99-1907; res, Ardmore, Pa, 07-10; bus, Pittsburgh, 10-31 ; p, Hoboken ch, Blawnox, 31 — . DD, W&JC, 06. ‘Wicker, James Mclver — b, Moore Co, NC, Dc 28, 1855; CNJ, 85; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Lehigh, Fb 12, 89; p, Shenandoah, Pa, 89-91; p, Carmel ch. Edge Hill, 91-7; evang, NC, 97; ss, Puritan ch, Phila, Pa, 97- p, 1906-9; p, St Paul, NC, & ss, Mt Tabor ch. Red Springs, 09-14; p, Asheboro, & ss, Worthville, 16-7; res, Sanford, 17-21; d, Sanford, NC, Ag 3, 21. ‘Wiggins, James Clark — b, Shelocta, Pa, Nv 7, 1859; McCTS, 85-7; PTS, 87-8; ord, Pby Neosho, Je 13, 88; tea, Wickes, Mont, 88-93; ss. Walker & Rowley, la, 94-6; ss, Ness City, Kan, 1900; ss, Carwood & Leoti, 01-2; ss, Leoti, Beulah & Carwood, 03-5; d, Leoti, Kan, Mr 28, 06. 37. ‘Barr, Thomas Edward — b, Bedford, Ind, Ap 21, 1860; LkFC, 85; PTS, 85-6; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 28, 86; p. Snow Shoe & Moshannon, Pa, 86-7; p, 1st ch, Beloit, Wis, 87-90; p, 1st ch, Racine, 90-2; p el, 1st ch, Kalamazoo, Mich, 92-3; ss, 1st Cong ch, Kalamazoo, 93- p, 94-7; ss, Christ ch, Elmhurst, 97-8; bus, 98-9; ss, “People’s Pulpit,’’ Milwaukee, Wis, 1900-12; p, Lawrenceville, Pa, 13-8; 386 1888 p, Apple Creek, O, 18-22; p el, Osceola, Neb, 22-7; res, Omaha; d, Omaha, Neb, Fb 14, 31. Brewer, Daniel Chauncey — b, Boston, Mass, Sp 14, 1861; BosU Law Schl, 83; WmsC, 86; PTS, 86-7; lawy, Boston, Mass, 88 — ; res. Harvard, Mass. Cartledge, Samuel Jackson — b. Bold Spring, Ga, My 9, 1864; UGa; PTS, 85-6; ColTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Athens, My 29, 89; p, Gainesville, Ga, 89-94; p, Washington, 94-1901; p, Anderson, SC, 01-6; p, Chester, 06-10; p. Central ch, Athens, Ga, 10 — . Clark, Victor Fremont — b. West Haven, Vt, Ag 20, 1856; TabC; bus; ChiTS, 80-2; ord Cong, J1 10, 83; p, Millburn, 111, 83-7; grad stu, PTS, 87-8; p, David City, Neb, 88-92; p, Holdrege, 92-7; p, Livingston, Mont, 97-1903; p, Neligh, Neb, 03-9; p, Ashland, 09-12; field sec, DoaC, 12-5; p, Beatrice, 15-23; p. Community ch, Diller, 23-7; p, Lebanon, Mo, 27-31; res, Penney Farms, Fla, 31-. Coffin, Frank Stewart — b, Mt Stewart, PEI, Canada, Oc 15, 1859; DalhU, 85; PTS, 85-7; PTC; ord, Pby Halifax, My 1, 90; miss. Bay of Islands, Newfound- land, 90-1 ; p, Waterville & Lakeville, NS, Can, 91-3; p, Low'er Stewiacke, 93-1903; p, Georgetown, PEI, 03; miss, Manitoba & Alberta, 04-5; p. Crossfield, 08; p. Harbor Grace ch, St Johns, NF, 09-13; p, Charlottetowm, PEI, 14; hm miss. West Covehead, 15; p. Harbor Grace ch, St Johns, NF, 16-24; p, UnChCan, Bridgev'ille, 26; res, Mt Stewart, PEI, 28 — . Crane, Oliver Turnbull — b, Huron, NY, Nv 14, 1855; YalelJ, 79; law stu; bus; PTS, 86-7; stu, Syria; lawy, Helena, Mont, 90- ; libr. State Law Library, Mont, 1901-5; master in chancery, US Circuit Court, 05-19; asst elk. Supreme Court, Mont, 19 — ; res, Helena, Mont. Ebel, Oscar Robert— b, NYCity, NY, Je 25, 1865; PTS, 85-6; Allegheny, Pa;— *FitzSimons, James Henry — b, Belfast, Ireland, Sp 19, 1864; QuUBelf, 85; AsC; PTS, 86-7, 88-9; AsC; ord, Pby Magherafelt, Ire, Sp 17, 89; miss, China; d, Newchang, China, Dc 20, 90. *Kirkpatrick, James — b, Ballynagashel, Ireland, Oc 18, 1866; MageeC, 85; AsC, 85-6; PTS, 86-7; DSPEpisCh, 87-90; ord, Epis dea, Dioc Pennsylvania, Je 12, 92; asst rec. Trinity ch, Coatesville, Pa, 92-3; ord PEpis pr. My 20, 94; rec, St George’s ch. West End, Pittsburgh, Pa, 94-6; rec, Epiphany ch, Louisville, Ky, 96-1903; rec, St Luke’s ch. Anchorage, 03-5; rec. Holy Trinity ch, Collington, Md, 05-15; rec, St John’s ch, & Chap of the Redeemer, Bethesda, 16-26; d, Bethesda, Md, Je 23, 26. Knox, Charles Rhodes— b, Clinton, NY, Oc 10, 1861; CNJ, 85; PTS, 85-6; bus, NYCity, 87-92; tea, Cornwall, 92-1900; Mexico City, Mex, 01-3; tea. Lake- wood, NJ, 04-9; tea, Utica, NY, 11-9; tea, Toms River, NJ, 19 — . *Knox, John — b, Norristown, Pa, Nv 18, 1860; LafC, 85; PTS, 85-8; ord, Pby Arizona, Oc 18, 88; ss. Tombstone, Ariz Terr, 88-9; ss, Trenton, Mo, 89- p, 90-3; p, Sayre, Pa, 93-8; p, Spencer, NY, 98-1908; p, Painted Post, 08-26; ss. Big Flats, 27-8; hon re, 31; res. Corning, 29-32; d, Corning, NY, Nv 26, 32. 1888-1889 387 Mason, William Alexander — b, East River, NS, Canada, Fb 7, 1854; DalhU, 78; PTC, 77-80; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Fb 9, 81 ; p. New London, PEI, Can, 81-7; grad stu, PTS, 87-8; p, Georgetown, PEI, Can, 88-97; p. Kempt, NS, 97-1903; p. Port Hill, PEI, 03-11; hon re, 21; res, Edmonton, Alberta. Maxwell, Sydney Lurton — b, Stewartstown, Ire; QuCGal, 1883; PTS, 85-6; ord pr, Epis Ch, Ireland, 90; rec, Mountrath, Ire; rec, Ardcanny, 1908; — *McLean, Andrew — b. Grey Co, Man, Canada, Je 30, 1859; ManiC, 85, ThDept; grad stu, PTS, 87-8; ord, Pby Lake Superior, Ag 2, 88; p, Manistique, Mich, 88-92; d, Waukesha, Wis, Je 22, 92. *Morgan, Morgan John — b, Carnarvon, N Wales, Great Britain, J1 19, 1861 ; Llandovery Coll, So Wales, 82; PTS, 85-6; ord, WelshP, Pby Plymouth, 90; p. Sugar Notch & Carbondale, Pa, 90-1908; res, Phila; d, Phila, Pa, 17. *Reed, Elmer Ellsworth — b, Fairfield, la, Ja 1, 1862; ParsC, 84; McCTS, 84-5, 87-8; farming; PTS, 86-7; ord, Pby Iowa, Ap 12, 88; p, Kirkville, la, 88-91; ss, Griswold, 91- p, 92-5; p, Atlantic, 95-1900; pres, BuenVC, 00-6; pres, LincC, 06-15; pres, WestmCMo, 15-26; d, Fulton, Mo, Ag 14, 26. DD, ParsC, 02; LLD, CEmpo, 20. Rochelle, Ford Winfield— b, Sparta, NJ, Je 28, 1857; CNJ, 85; PTS, 85-8; bus, Princeton, NJ, 88-96; bus, Chester, 96 — . Walker, Charles Carroll — b. New Centreville, Pa, Dc 16, 1856; DrewTS, 79-82; tea; ill health; PTS, 86-7; ss, ME ch. Valley Forge, Pa, 84; ss. Wayside Presb ch, Glen Riddle, Pa, 93-5; tea, Williamson Schl, Williamson, 92-4; prin, Wallingford, 94-5; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 1, 95; p, Glen Riddle, 95-8; ss, Burrton, Kan, 99-1900; ss, Absecon, NJ, 01-2; ss, Glassboro & Bunker Hill, 02-5; ss. Constable & Westville, NY, 07; ss. Calvary ch. Highland Park, Pa, 08; ss. Key- port, NJ, 08-9; ss, Swedesboro, 12-6; ss, ME ch, Atglen, Pa, 16; ss, Snyder Ave ch, Phila, 17-8; tea, Cambria Co, Pa, 18-24; oc s; res, Keyport, NJ. DD, OskC, 20. Wardlaw, Patterson — b. Liberty Hill, SC, Nv 20, 1859; ErskC, 80; UVa, 82; tea; PTS, 85-6; tea, Pendleton, SC, 80-1; tea, Seneca, 82; tea. New Berne, NC, 82-3; tea, Winnsboro, SC, 83-5; tea, Darlington, 86-7; tea, Columbia, 87-9; supt schls, Darlington, 89-94; prof. Pedagogy, SCC, 94—. LLD, ErskC, 06; LittD, PresbCSC, 24. ♦White, Charles Turner — b, Salem, NY, Oc 19, 1862; farming; stu; PTS, 85; lie UP, Pby Argyle, Je 27, 88; miss, Argyle Pby, 88-93; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 19, 93; ss, Hebron, NY, 93-1905; lit wk, 05-9; ss, Hebron, 09-28; d, Salem, NY, Ag 6, 28. 20. 1889 Adriance, Harris Ely — b, Poughkeepsie, NY, h'b 18, 1861; WmsC, 83; travel; bus; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby West Chester, Fb5, 90; p, Pelham Manor, NY, 90-5; settlement wk. East Side, & j), Ch of the Son of Man, NYCity, 98 — ; res, Englewood, NJ. 1889 388 *Barber, Samuel— b, Mifflinburg, Pa, My 30, 1862; LafC, 86, 89, MA; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 88, MA; ord, Pby Pueblo, Oc 21, 89; ss. Rocky Ford, Col, 89-91; ss, 1st ch. Delta, 91-3; ss. Slippery Rock, Pa, 93- p, 94-8; p, Princeton & Hermon, 98-1900; ss, Curwensville, 00- p, 01-15; p. West Kishacoquillas ch, Belleville, 15-9; p, Logans Valley ch, Bellwood, 19-24; d, Bellwood, Pa, My 16, 24. *Beattie, James Anderson — b, Westerkirk, Scotland, J1 4, 1861; UGlas, 85; PTS, 85-7, 88-9; FreeChCGlas, 87-8; ord, Pby London, Can, Sp 22, 89; p. South Delaware & Tempo, Ont, Can, 89-90; p, 1st RefChAm, Pekin, 111, 90-2; p. Trinity ch, Amsterdam, NY, 92-4; miss, Chittoor, Madras, India, 94-1915; drowned, Lusitania disaster. My 7, 15. *Blackwell, Alvin — b, Pennington, NJ, Sp 26, 1859; CNJ, 84; tea; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby New Castle, J1 9, 89; p, Bridgeville, Del, & Federalsburg, Md, 89-92; ss. Middle Smithfield ch. North Water Gap, Pa, 92- p, 93-1932; d. East Stroudsburg, Pa, My 12, 32. Bradley, Walter Hensill — b, O'Fallon, Mo, My 17, 1865; WestmCMo, 86; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 88, MA; ord, Pby Alton, Sp 23, 90; p. College Ave ch, Alton, 111, 90-1911; instr, ShurC, 91- prof, 92-5; prof, BlacC, 95-12; p, 1st ch, Girard, 12-4; p, Casper, Wyo, 15-20; p. Lake George, NY, 22 — . PhD, BlacC, 1900; DD, WestmCMo, 03. Bryan, James Alexander — b, Kingstree, SC, Mr 20, 1863; UNC, 85; tea; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby North Alabama, J1 28, 89; p, 3d ch, Birmingham, Ala, 89 — . Bryce, William Ellsworth— b, Cincinnati, O, Oc 31, 1865; CenCKy, 86, 89, MA; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 89, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 17, 90; asst p, Bur- lington, NJ, 89-90; p el, 4th ch, Louisville, Ky, 90-1; ss. Assembly ch, Shelby- ville, 92- p, 93-1904; p, 1st ch, Denison, la, 04-7; p, 1st ch, Ashland, O, 07-17; ss, Winter Haven, Fla, 17; field sec, CWoos, 18-22; oc s & lit wk; res, Wooster, O, 22—. DD, BuenVC, 10. *Chapman, William Young — b, Botsford, NB, Canada, Ag 21, 1859; MtAU, 83; tea; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 88, MA; ord, Pby Lehigh, Sp 23, 89; p. Olivet ch, Reading, Pa, 89-96; p, 1st ch, Franklin, 96-1901; p, Lafayette Ave ch, Buffalo, NY, 01-5; p, Roseville Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 05-24; pres, BloomTS, 24-6; d, Newark, NJ, Oc 26, 26. DD, MtAU & CWoos, 04. Compton, Charles Randolph — b, Glendale, O, Oc 30, 1860; CWoos, 86, 89, MA; LaneTS,' 86-7; PTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Montana, Oc 13, 89; ss, Dillon, Mont, 89-90; ss. Anaconda, 90-1; ss, 1st ch, Sandusky, O, 91-2; p, Minden, Neb, 92-4; ss, Fredericksburg, O, 94- p, 95-1903; field sec, CWoos, 04-16, reg, 16-8, reg em, 16 — ; res, Wooster, O. PhD, CWoos, 03. *Fullerton, Edward Grier — b, Landour, North India, J1 14, 1863; UPa, 83; US Signal Service; PTS, 86-9; ord Cong, Je 13, 89; asst p, Plymouth Cong ch, Worcester, Mass, 89-90; p. Park ch, Worcester, 90-1; p. Park St ch, Bridgeport, Conn, 91-1904; p, 1st Presb ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 04-10; ill health; d, Hartford, Conn, J1 5, 11. PhD, YaleU, 96; DD, LafC, 04. Green, James Preston — b. Converse, Mo, Je 11, 1860; WabC, 86; PTS, 86-7, 88-9; UnTS, 87-8; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 9, 89; p. Light St ch, Baltimore, 1889 389 Md, 89-92; Europe; p, Bennett ch, Luzerne, Pa, 93-4; p, Hamilton, Mo, 96-8; p, Hamilton, O, 98-1901; p, Ripley, 01-5; p, Georgetown, 05-7; p el. North Cabanne ch, St Louis, Mo, 07-8; p, Palacios, Tex, 10-2; p. La Porte, 12-4; ss, Houston Heights, Houston, 14-7; oc s, Houston & Bragos, 17 — ; res, Houston, Tex. PhD, MtHopeC, 1900. Harvey, Joseph Chalmers — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 3, 1863; LafC, 86, MA; PTS, 86-7, 88-9; ULeip, 88; FreeChCEdin; UPSEdin; ord, Pby Phila North, Ja 27, 90; p, Macalister Mem ch, Torresdale, Pa, 90-1 ; p, Uhrichsville, O, 92-4; ss, Roxborough, Pa, 96-8; miss, Collingswood, NJ, 1900-3; ss. Woodland Ave ch, Camden, 04; oc s, 04-12; ss, Camden, 12-3; ss, Newtown, Pa, 13-5; oc s, 15-20; p, Lower Merion ch, Gladwyne, 20-31; res, Newtown, Pa, 31 — . Hodge, Hugh Lenox — b, Mauch Chunk, Pa, My 25, 1864; CNJ, 86, 89, MA; PTS, 86-9; tea & travel; ord, Pby Chester, Dc 30, 91; p, Oxford, Pa, 91-5; p. Central ch, Erie, 95-1908; p, 1st ch, Sewickley, 10-9; YMCA, war service, 18-9; ss. Hill Head ch, Glasgow, Scot, 19-20; ss, Langside Hill, Glasgow, 20; ss, St Johns Wood ch, London, Eng, 20-1; ss. Free St George’s ch, Edinburgh, Scot, 21; ss, 3d ch, Trenton, NJ, 21-2; ss. Trinity ch, Wimbledon, London, Eng, 22-3; p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 24 — . DD, UPitts, 11. *Hodge, Richard Morse — b, Mauch Chunk, Pa, My 25, 1864; CNJ, 86, 89, MA; PTS, 86-9, 89-90; LfnTS, 90; ord, Pby Milwaukee, Sp 18, 90; p, Westm ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 90-2; ss, Wallingford, Pa, 93; ss, Ch of the Covenant, River- ton, NJ, 93- p, 94-5; prof. Bib Lit & dean. Miss Training Schl, & prof, FredC, 95-8; supt. Bib Inst for Chr Workers, Nashville, Tenn, 98-1901; dir, extension courses, UnTS, 01-7; lect, Bib Lit, ColU, 02-19; d, NYCity, My 16, 28. DD, UNash, 01. ’•'Hough taling, Paul Albert — b. So Rondout, NY, Dc 12, 1858; UVa, 85; AlexTS, 86-8; PTS, 88-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 31, 89; p. Calvary ch, Riverton, NJ, 89-94; p, Cong ch, Sayville, NY, 94-6; p, Irving Ave Presb ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 99-1901; ill health; res, Riverton; d, Riverton, NJ, Ap 13, 19. ♦Howell, James William — b, Amherst Co, Va, Oc 10, 1858; RMC, 84; evang, ME Conf Va; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 89, MA; ord eld. So ME Conf Va, Nv 17, 89; p, Martinsville, Va, 89-91; p, Nevada, Mo, 91-3; p, Kansas City, Springfield & Boonville, 95-9; p, Marshall, 99-1903; p, Lexington, 03-6; p, San Angelo, Tex, 07-11; ill health; d. Hot Springs, Ark, Nv 1, 15. Irvine, Samuel Linn — b, Ickesburg, Pa, Je 13, 1862; RoanC, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 89; ss, Sunville, Sugar Creek Mem, Sugar Creek, & Cooperstown, Pa, 89-94; p. Lower Brandywine ch, Greenville, Del, 94-1903; hm miss, Hobart, Okla, 03-4; ss, Sapulpa, Okla, 04-6; p. Highland & North Bend chs. Street, Md, 06-23; p. White Clay Creek ch, Newark, Del, 25-9; ss, Christiana ch, Newark, Del, 24 — . Jones, Benjamin Canfield — b, Lewisburg, Pa, Mr 21, 1869; LincU, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Chester, Dc 4, 89; p, 1st ch. Port Hope, Ont, Can, 90-2; p, Westm ch. West Chester, Pa, 92-5; p. North ch, Erie, 95-1908; p, ch of Redeemer, Paterson, NJ, 08-15; bus, NYCity, 17-28; res, Wayne, Pa. DD. Kelley, Alford— b, Baltimore, Md, Ap 6, 1859; CNJ, 86, 89, M.‘\; PTS, 390 1889 86-9; ss, Nicholson, Pa, 89-90; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 15, 90; p, Mooredale, Pa, 90-3; p, Malvern, 94-7; p, Frazer, 94-1905; p, Westm ch, Erie, 06-7; field sec, Anti-Saloon League, 07-10, dist supt, 10-4; field sec. Dauphin Co, No License League, 14-5; p, Manassas, Va, 15-8; p, Clifton Station, 15-9, ss, 19-20; field sec, Anti-Saloon League, Phila, 20; ill health; oc s, 20 — ; res. West Chester, Pa. *Killie, Charles Andrews — b, Marshall, 111, Mr 9, 1857; bus; PTS, 86-9; ss, Pleasantville & Absecon, NJ, 87; ss. East Trenton, 88-9; ord evang, Pby Washington City, Je 4, 89; miss, Ichou-fu, Shantung, China, 89-99, Peking, 99-1902, Paotingfu, 03-12; ill health; lect; d, NYCity, J1 16, 16. Kinter, William Alexander — b, Indiana, Pa, Ag 9, 1863; W&JC, 86; WestTS, 86-7; PTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Allegheny, Sp 19, 89; p. Providence ch, Alle- gheny, Pa, 89-1905; p, 1st ch, Ambridge, 05-14; ss, Rockledge, Fla, 16-7; ed staff, Presb Banner, 17-24; ill health; ss, Glenwood, Fla, 28 — . DD, GrovCyC, 21. Linton, John Cunningham — b. Caw, Garvagh, Ireland, Ag 1, 1864; MageeC, 85; AsC, 86-8; PTS, 88-9; ord, Pby Pembina, Oc 9, 89; ss, Milton & Osnabrock, ND, 89-92; ss, Oakes & Hudson, 92-4; p, Waukonda, SD, 94-5; ss. Hartley, la, 95-6; p, Cleghorn & Meriden, 97-1904; p, 2d ch, Flandreau, SD, 04-12; p, Miami, Okla, 12-23; res, Miami, Okla, 23—. Lopez-Guillen, Jose Maria — b, Madrid, Spain, Mr 19, 1858; Neuchatel Coll, Switzerland, 76; miss, Spain; miss, Chile; PTS, 86-9; UnTS; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 89; Span miss, NYCity, 90-2; ss. Span Cong ch, NYCity, 92- p, 98-1900; agt, AmBSoc, Cuba, 00-5; ord PEpis dea, Dioc Cuba, My 13, 06, ord pr, Ja 13, 07; miss, Cuba, 06 — ; res, Oriente, Cuba. Mack, Edward — b. Charleston, SC, J1 16, 1868; DavC, 86, 87, MA; PTS, 86-7 ; ColTS, 87-8; PTS, 88-9; ss, 1st ch, Charlotte, NC, 89; ord, Pby Albemarle, Nv 21, 89; p, Washington, NC, 89-90; GS Green Fell, Heb, UBer, 90-1; ss, 1st ch, Charlotte, NC, 91; ss, Goldsboro, 91-2; ss, 1st ch, Charlotte, 92-3; asst p. Central ch, St Louis, Mo, 93- p, 95-7; p, 1st ch, Norfolk, Va, 97-1901; p, 1st ch, Shreve- port, La, 01-4; prof, Heb & OT Lit, LaneTS, 04-15; instr, Bible, UCin, 13-5; prof, Heb & OT Interp, UnTSVa, 15—. DD, HSC, 98; PhD, UCin, 24; LLD, DavC, 24. *Mallmann, Jacob Edward — b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 29, 1858; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Oc 23, 89; ss. Olivet chap, Brooklyn, NY, 88-90; p, Newtown, 90-5; p. Shelter Island, 96-1919; d, Riverhead, NY, Mr 19, 21. *McClenaghan, Samuel John — b, Fairfield, Pa, Mr 17, 1862; CNJ, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, My 9, 89; p. Pleasant Grove, NJ, 89-91; ss, Elmwood chap. East Orange, 91-9; p, Oakland Heights ch, Asheville, NC, 99-1904; p. Ft Sanders ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 04-7; p, Jamesburg, NJ, 07-13; supt of miss, Syn of NJ, 13-22; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 27, 22. McGilvary, Evander Bradley — b, Bangkok, Siam, J1 19, 1864; DavC, 84; tea; PTS, 86-9, NT Fell, 89-90; CNJ, 88, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 30, 89; ss, Elmwood chap. East Orange, NJ, 90-1; miss, Chiengmai, Laos, Siam, 91-4; asst prof, Psych & Log, UCal, 94-9; prof. Moral Phil, CornU, 99-1905; prof, Phil, UWis, 05-. PhD, UCal, 97. Mcllwaine, William Beauregard — b, Lancaster Co, SC, Ap 17, 1862; 1889 391 DavC, 84; tea; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 88, MA; ord, Pby Bethel, Sp 18, 89; miss, Kochi, Japan, 89-1932; res. Heath Springs, SC, 32 — . DD, DavC, 20. McMillan, Kinley — b, Lawrence Co, Pa, Mr 14, 1866; CWoos, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Wooster, Nv 4, 89; asso p. Central ch, Baltimore, Md, 90-2; p. Light St ch, Baltimore, 92-6; p. Central ch, McKeesport, Pa, 96-1912; p, Sheriden ch, Pittsburgh, 12-24; YMCA, war service, 18-9; stu p, UPitts & Carnegie Inst Tech, Pittsburgh, 24-32; ss, Herron Ave ch, Pittsburgh, 32—. McWilliams, Thomas Samuel — b, Shelbyville, Ky, Nv 22, 1866; CenCKy, 86, 89, MA; DanTS, 86-8; PTS, 88-9; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Je 11, 89; p, 1st ch, Chillicothe, O, 89-92; p, Amer ch, Montreal, Can, 92-1902; p. Calvary Presb ch, Cleveland, O, 02-14; stu, ColU & UnTS, 15-7; prof. Comp Rel, WRU, 17 — . DD, CenCKy, 99. *Moore, James Scott — b, Bloomington, 111, Je 10, 1861; W&JC, 86; McCTS, 86-7; PTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Geneva, Oc 1, 89; p, Seneca Castle, NY, 89-92; ss, Alden, 93-1905; ss. Centenary ch, Spokane, Wash, 06; ss, Westm Cong ch, Spo- kane, 06-7; bus, 07-11; ss, Gardenville, NY, 11; ss, Colchester ch, Downesville, 14-9; d, Buffalo, NY, J1 6, 19. *Moore, William Hayes — b, Colora, Md, Ap 19, 1861; WestmCPa, 86; PTS, 86-9; ss, Berlin, NJ, 88; ord, Pby Chester, Je 5, 89; p. New London, Pa, 89-90; p, Doylestown, 90-7; p, 1st ch, Santa Fe, NM, 97-1901, 02-4; d, Pueblo, Col, Fb 6, 04. Nicholson, Alfred — b, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, Fb 2, 1863; DalhU, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Newark, Je 7, 89; p, NPark ch, Newark, NJ, 91-3; p. Middle Valley, 93-8; p. East End ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 98-1903; bus, NYCity, 03-7; ss. Van Nest chap, NYCity, 07-9; ss, Hunts Point chap, NYCity, 09-11; bus, NYCity, 11-. *Potts, Thomas Newsom — b, Cortlandt, Va, Je 1, 1863; RMC, 82; evang, Va Conf ME Ch, South, 83-4; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 90, MA; ord dea, ME Conf Va, Nv 21, 89; p, Berlin, IVId, 89-90; p, Ettrick ch, Petersburgh, Va, 90-1; p. Trinity ch, Salisbury, Md, 91-5; ord eld, ME Conf, Va, Nv 27, 93; ed. Eastern Shore Meth, 93-5; p. Park Place ch, Richmond, Va, 95-9; p, Mt Vernon ch, Danville, 99-1901; p, Farmville, 01-3; p, Salisbury, Md, 03-7; p. Park Place ch, Norfolk, Va, 07-11; supt. Eastern Shore Dist, Va Conf, 11-4; sec. Miss, Va Conf, 14-21; p, Blackstone, Va, 21-6; p. Trinity ch, Newport News, 26-7; d, Newport News, Va, J1 6, 27. DD, StJC, 95; PhD, FrankCO, 98. ♦Pridgeon, Charles Hamilton — b, Baltimore, Md, Je 7, 1863; LafC, 86; PTS, 86-7, 88-9; FreeChCEdin; UPSEdin; ULeip;ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 10,90; p, Canonsburg, Pa, 90-1901; p, Wylie Ave ch (The Evangelization Soc), & pres, Bible Inst, Pittsburgh, 01-32; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, J1 21, 32. ♦Reynolds, George— b. Red Wing, Minn, My 6, 1864; CNJ, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Grand Rapids, Oc 23, 89; p, Immanuel ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 89-91; p, 1st ch, Richfield Springs, NY, 92-8; p. Overbrook ch, Phila, Pa, 98-1902; p, 2d ch, Kansas City, Mo, 02-11; p, 1st ch. New Rochelle, NY, 13-30, p em, 30-2; res, Tyringham, Mass; d. Winter Haven, Fla, Dc 30, 32. DD, PkC, 14. 392 1889 Sheppard, Donald Fraser — b, Liberty Co, Ga, My 9, 1859; DavC, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Mecklenburg, My 27, 90; p, Swannonoa, NC, 90-1; ss, Daisy, Ga, 91-1912; ss, McGregor & Aimwell chs, Lyons, & Sadie ch, Vadalia, 12-21; p, Aimwell ch, Daisy, 22-31; ill health; hon re, 32; res, Daisy, Ga. *Smith, Francis Edgar — b, Baldwyn, Miss, Ag 17, 1859; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ap 16, 89; city miss, Hope Inst, Baltimore, Md, 89-90; ss. Faith chap, Washington, DC, 91; p, 2d ch. New Rochelle, NY, 92-1902; p. Port Jervis, 02-6; bus; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 20, 11. Stewart, Kensey Johns — b, Annapolis, Md, Dc 29, 1859; LafC, 86, 89, MA; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 12, 89; p, Slateville ch, Delta, Pa, 89-1904; p, Mt Joy & Donegal, 04-13; p, Carrollton & Harlem Springs, O, 13-24; p, Yellow Creek ch, Wellsville, 24-9; ss. Longs Run ch, Calcutta, 24-7; p. Inde- pendence, 29 — ; res, Brecksville, O. DD, LafC, 23. *Stinson, William Charles — b, NYCity, Ap 24, 1859; BuckU, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 14, 89; p, Manalapan, NJ, 89-90; p, Cong ch, Wanwatosa, Wis, 91-2; p, Plymouth ch. Providence, RI, 93-5; p, 1st Presb ch, Chillicothe, O, 95-1900; p, Bloomingdale RefChAm, NYCity, 00-10; p, 1st ch, Chillicothe, O, 13-7; p. Red Bank, NJ, 17-9; Red Cross, war wk, 18-9; ss, Kirk- patrick Mem ch, Ringoes, NJ, 22-4; d, Ringoes, Fb 14, 27. DD, CWoos, 1900. Thompson, Alfred Whidden — b, Durham, NS, Canada, Sp 16, 1863; DalhU, 85; tea; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 88, MA; ord, Pby Pictou, My 30, 89; hm miss, Trenton, NS, Can, 89-90; miss, Couva, Trinidad, BWIndies, 91-1911; p, Knox ch, Pictou, NS, Can, 11-8; port chap, St John, NB, 18-9; ss, Knox ch, Perth, Ont, 20; p, Westm Un ch, St Catharines, Ont, 20-31; p. Queen St ch. Ft Erie, 31—. Wainwright, Louis Cathell— b. Princess Anne, Md, Mr 24, 1864; WestC, 83, 89, MA; tea; PTS, 86-90; CNJ, 89, MA; ss. New Castle, Wyo, 90-1; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 12, 92; p, Tamaqua, Pa, 92-4; p, Lewes, Del, 94-1903; SSmiss, Deer Lodge, Mont, 03-4; p, Greenwich, NJ, 04-10; p, Fannettsburg, Pa, 10-2; p. East Mauch Chunk, 12-7; p, Irvin Mem & Vienna chs, Vienna, Va, 17-25, ss, 28-9; res, Vienna, Va. *Weaver, Edward Ebenezer — b. Canton, O, Je 10, 1864; CWoos, 85; bus; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 25, 89; ss, Ridgely St ch, Baltimore, Md, 89- p, 93-1901; p, 1st ch, Harrodsburg, Ky, 01-4; p, 2d ch, Richmond, 04-7; Fell, ClkU, 07-8, 10, PhD; evang & tea, Worcester, Mass, 08-10; ss, Bedford, NH, 08-12; ss, 1st ch, Waltham, Mass, 13- p, 15-21; sec, Waltham, 22-6; res. Water- town, 26-31; d, Watertown, Mass, Je 25, 31. *Wheeler, Franklin Taylor — b. Fawn Grove, Pa, Fb 15, 1860; W&JC, 86; WestTS, 86-7; PTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, J1 9, 89; p, Irvona & Coalport, Pa, 89-93; ss, Glen Hope, 92-3; p. New Bloomfield & Shermansdale, 94-1902; p. Big Spring ch, Newville, 02-32, p em, 32-3; d, Carlisle, Pa, Mr 18, 33. *White, Henry Alexander — b, Greenbrier Co, WVa, Ap 15, 1861; W&LU, 85, 85-7, PhD; UnTSVa, 87-8; PTS, 88-9; ord evang, Pby Lexington, Ag 30, 89; prof. Hist, W&LU, 89-1902; ss, Buena Vista, Va, 89-90; ss. Timber Ridge, 90-3; 1889 393 ss, Collierstown, 94-6; ss, Oxford, 98-9, 1900-1; prof, NTLit & Exeg, ColTS, 02-26; d, Columbia, SC, Oc 10, 26. DD, CntlU, 91; LLD, DavC, 09. 45. *Bell, Robert Agnew McEwen — b, Saintfield, Ireland, Ja 14, 1847 ; QuUBelf, 83; MageeC, ThDept, 84-7; grad stu, PTS, 88-9; ord, Pby New Castle, J1 11, 89; p, Delaware City, Del, 90-1; ord PEpis pr, 94; cur, Ballyhalbert, Ire, 93-7; rec, Ballyscullion, Toomebridge, Co Antrim, 98-1922; d, Belfast, Ire, Fb 23, 22. *Blake, Charles William — b, Peru, Ind, Je 22, 1857; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 16, 90; ss, Caldwell ch. Lake George, NY, 89- p, 90-1909; p, Grace ch, Wichita, Kan, 09-13; p, Madisonville, O, 13-27; hon re, 28; res, Penney Farms, Fla; d, Chatahoochie, Oc 29, 32. ‘Chapman, James Thompson — b, Cumberland Co, Pa, Mr 25, 1818; LafC, 44; PTS, 86-8. ‘Craig, William Poyntz — b, Keokuk, la, Oc 6, 1862; ParsC, 81; bus, 81-2; NWTS, 82-5; ord, Pby So Dakota, Oc 6, 85; ss, Sioux Falls, SD, 85- p, 87-8; grad stu, PTS, 88-9; p el, Caro, Mich, 90-1; ss, Pueblo, Col; ss, Pomona, Cal, 91- p, 92-6; ill health; d, Chicago, 111, J1 14, 97. Curry, Joseph Ellsworth — b, Bloomington, Ind, Ap 22, 1862; UKan, 86, 88, MA; NewC, 86-7; PTS, 87-8; XenTS, 88-9; ord UP, Pby Sidney, My 7, 89; p, Huntsville & Northwood, O, 89-94; chap, NJ State Home for Boys, 1913-30; p, Presb ch, Cranbury, NJ, 94 — . Fisher, Howard — b. Wheeling, WVa, Ja 21, 1866; HanC, 86; PTS, 86-7; McCTS, 87-9; ord, Pby New Albany, Je 19, 89; miss, Ferozepur, India, 91-3, Ambala City, 96-8; res, NYCity, 98-1901; phys, Washington, DC, 01 — . MD. Fleming, Matthew Corry — b, Xenia, O, Je 24, 1864; CNJ, 86; PTS, 86-7; Cin Law Schl, 89; lawy, NYCity, 90 — . ‘Goerlitz, Gothard Waldemar— b, Herrnhut, Saxony, Germany, J1 4, 1850; Niesky Gym, Silesia, 62-70; Theol Coll of Gnadenfeld, 70-3; tea, 73-81; ord, German Moravian ch, 81; tea & asst p, Gnaden, 81-4; IndU, 87; PTS, 87-8; asst p, German Presb ch, Newark, NJ, 86-93; p. State of Neb, Brazil, SA, & Baltimore, Md, 93-8; prin, German Schl, Santa Cruz, Brazil, 98-9; ill health; res. Bethel, Germany, 99-1931; d. Bethel, Mr 15, 31. Hogue, Robert Murray — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 16, 1866; UPa, 86; grad stu, PTS, 86-7; YaleUDS, 87-9; res, Phila, Pa. ‘Holter, Burgess Dyer — b, Syracuse, O, Je 9, 1855; LkFC, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Chester, J1 30, 89; p. Calvary ch, Rutledge, Pa, 89-90; p. Olivet ch, Moore, 90-3; p, Harmonsburg & Conneautville, 93-1901; hm miss. Ozone, Tenn, 02-5; ss, Elizabeth, WV'a, 05-9; p, Barlow & V'eto, O, 09-11; p, Fairview, Pa, 12; p, Springfield, 12-21; p. Licking & Sligo, 21-6; d, Bethlehem, Pa, Ap 30, 26. Hurley, Edwin Patrick — b, Limerick, Ireland, Mr 28, 1857; Mt Melleray 394 1889 Sem, 78-81; St Patrick’s Coll, Carlow, Ire, 84; PTS, 88-9; Wellington, NZ; St Patricks Church Hill, Australia. Johnston, William — b, Toronto, Ont, Canada, J1 19, 1855; tea; PTS, 86-7; NETS, 88-90; ord RefChAm, Cl Bergen, Je 26, 90; p, 1st ch, Guttenberg, NJ, 90-1; p, 2d ch, Lodi, 91-8; p, Hawthorne & North Paterson, 98-1900; p, 1st ch, Peapack, 01-3; ss, Presb chap, Dundee Lake, NY, 08-10; p, Sparta, NJ, 10-7; ss, Perrineville, 19-22; hon re, 22; res, Princeton, NJ. “Kennedy, Richard Marcus — b, Greenville, Tenn, Ag 26, 1864; SWPresbU, 85; UnTSVa, 85-6, 87-8; ss. Spring Hill, Tenn, 86-7; PTS, 88-9; ord, Pby Co- lumbia, Oc 9, 89; p, Zion ch, Tenn, 89-92; p, Franklin, 92-5; ill health; d. Fort Reed, Fla, Mr 11, 96. Killen, Thomas Sinclair — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ja 9, 1865; QuUBelf, 85; AsC, 85-8; grad stu, PTS, 88-9; ord, Pby Bailieborough, Ire, Fb 18, 91; p. Trinity ch, Bailieborough, Ire, 91-—; p, Seafin, 1925 — . “McLoy, John Bernard — b, Co Derry, Ireland, Ja 1, 1852; Coll of France; Scots Coll, Rome, Italy, 74; ord RC pr; Presb; grad stu, PTS, 88-9; Philippine Is; Mexico; St Peter the Apostle RC ch, Laredo, Tex, 14-22; d, Laredo, Fb 2, 22. “Morrison, William Taylor — b, Jeffersontown, Ky, J1 10, 1861; HanC, 86; PTS, 86-9; CNJ, 88, MA; YaleUDS, 90; elk, US Pension Office, Washington, DC, 90-1929; d, Washington, DC, Mr 28, 29. Plummer, William Franklin — b. Independence, Pa, Dc 21, 1862; W&JC, 86, MA; PTS, 86-7; WestTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Redstone, Sp 27, 89; p, Dunlap’s Creek ch, Merrittstown, Pa, 89-94; p, Duquesne, 95-7; p, Glenshaw, 97-1911; p, Fairview ch, Thomas, 11-2; p. Flushing, 0, 12-7; p, 4th ch, Washington, Pa, 17-29; res, Penney Farms, Fla. “Rowe, Edgar Healy — b, Westmoreland Co, Va, Sp 17, 1857; tea; UVa, 79-80; agt, AmBSoc; tea. Bowling Green, Va, 78-84; p, ME ch, Murfreesboro, NC, 84-6; PTS, 86; p, Boydton, Va, 86-7; prin, Sem, Bowling Green, 88-94; ord, ME Conf Va, South, Nv 19, 90; pres, Wesleyan Fern Coll, Macon, Ga, 94-6; pres. Southern Sem, Bowling Green & Buena Vista, Va, 96-1919; res, Milton; d, Richmond, Va, Ap 7, 27. Shaw, George Clayton — b, Louisburg, NC, Je 19, 1863; LincU, 86; PTS, 86-7; AubTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Cape Fear, Ap 25, 89; ss, Simpson ch, Henderson, NC, 89-96; ss, Oxford, 89- p, 97 — ; prin, Oxford, 92 — . DD, LincU, 1905. Sloan, Thomas Wiley — b, Newberry Co, SC, Nv 20, 1864; ErskC, 86; ErskTS, 86-8; PTS, 88-9; ord AssoRefP, 2d Pby, Ap 12, 90; ss, Troy, SC, 89- p, 90-4; p, Charlotte, NC, 94-5; p, Troy, SC, 95-9; p, Abbeville, 1900-2; p, 1st Presb ch, Greenville, 02-32, p em, 32 — . DD, DavC, 07. “Thompson, George Edward — b. Oil City, Canada, My 11, 1863; LkFC, 86; PTS, 86-9; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 25, 89; p. Olivet ch, Wilmington, Del, 89-94; p, 2d Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 94-9; p, Westm ch, Hamilton, O, 99-1903; ss, Monte Vista, Col, 03- p, 04-6; ss, Lamar, 06; d, Denver, Col, Dc 5, 06. “Torrens, Arthur — b, Upperlands, Ireland, Nv 22, 1867; MageeC, 86, Th 1889-1890 395 Dept, 86-7; PTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Dungannon, Mr 24, 91; p. Garland ch, Dungan- non, Ire, 91-1905; p, Buccleuch-Greyfriars Free ch, Edinburgh, Scot, 05-12; p, Wagga Wagga, Australia; p, Newcastle; p, Strathfield ch, Sydney; p, Claremont. 27-30; d, Claremont, Australia, Mr 22, 30. *Towler, Lewis Howell — b, Jackson, O, Oc 20, 1860; CNJ, 86; PTS, 86-8; bus; res, Pontiac, Mich; d, Chicago, 111, Je 25, 97. *Young, Samuel Edward — b. Deep Cut, O, Je 6, 1866; WestmCMo, 83-6; PTS, 86-8; UnTS, 88-9; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 89; p, Westm ch, As- bury Park, NJ, 89-94; p. Central ch, Newark, 94-8; p, 2d ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 98-1908; p, Bedford ch, Brooklyn, NY, 08-27; d, Brooklyn, NY, Mr 28, 27. DD, W&JC, 03. 24. 1890 Adams, Crofton Craigs — b, Eden, O, Ag 17, 1864; CWoos, 87, 90, MA; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 12, 90; p, 1st ch, Smyrna, Del, 90-5; agt. The Presbyterian, Phila, Pa, 95-6; p, Bedford, 97-1901; ss, Vesta & Wabasso, Minn, 01-2; fin sec, AlbLC, 02-3; p, Delhi, Minn, 03-8; p, Vanderburgh Mem ch, Minneapolis, 08-12; ss, Crosby, 12-6; ss, Maine, 16-23; ss. Maple Plain, Long Lake & Crystal Bay, 23 — ; res. Maple Plain, Minn. ♦Alien, William, Jr— b, Phila, Pa, Ja 2, 1864; UPa, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Chester, My 29, 90; p, Fairview ch, Glenmoore, Pa, 90-2; p, 1st ch. Ambler, 92-4; p, 1st ch, Pennington, NJ, 94-1904; p, 1st ch, Haddonfield, 04-15; d, Had- donfield, NJ, Fb 18, 15. ♦Anderson, Neal Larkin — b, Yorkville, SC, J1 15, 1865; DavC, 85, 87, MA; tea; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Tuscaloosa, Nv 6, 90; p, Marion, Ala, 90-1; ss. Central ch, Montgomery, 91- p, 92-1907; p, Winston-Salem, NC, 08-16; pres, AusPTS, 16-7; p. Independent ch. Savannah, Ga, 17-30; evang, 30-1 ; d, Montgomery, Ala, My 19, 31. DD, DavC, 04. ♦Annin, William Alexander — b, Cedarville, NJ, Sp 22, 1860; CNJ, 83; bus; tea; PTS, 87-90; tea, Boonville, Mo, 90-9; supt schls, Boonville, 99-1903, Macon, 03-8; tea, St Louis, 08-22; d, St Louis, Mo, Fb 26, 22. Bannerman, William Sullivan — b, Chatsworth, Ont, Canada, Fb 2, 1856; Norm Schl & Tea Coll, Toronto, Ont, 74; prin, 75-7; St Catherines Col- legiate Inst, 77-9; UTor, 80-1; tea; PTS, 87-90; CNJ, 90, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 90; miss, Gaboon, Africa, 90-1, Ogowe River, 92-3, Gaboon, 94-5, 97; hm miss, Juneau, Alaska, 99-1900, Sitka, 00-7; p, Titusville, NJ, 09—. ♦Baskerville, Henry Coleman — b, Bueno Vista, \’a, Fb 28, 1850; UGa, 67; tea, Gk-& Math, 67-8; stu, UnTSVa, 68-70; ord, Pby Chesapeake, Dc 5, 72; ss, Rappahanock, Va, 72; p. Laurel, Md, 73-5; lawy; ss, Crookston, Minn, 83; ss. North Platte, Neb, 83-5; ss. Central City, 86-7; p. Broken Bow, 88-9; PTS, 89-90, 96-7, BD, 1911-2; p. Sinking Creek & Spring Mills, Pa, 91-3; evang, Goodes Ferry, Va, 95-6; tea; ss, Alzada, Mont, 98-9; p, Nashville & Camp Crook, SD, 98-1900; ss, Carmel & Spearfish Valley, 01- p, 02-4; p, Edgemont, 05-6; p. New London, Minn, 06-7; p, Harrison & Spicer, 08; p, Royalton & 1 loldingford, 09-10; d, Trenton, NJ, Je 30, 12. PhD, CWoos, 03. 1890 396 Bryant, Seelye — b, Sivas, Asia Minor, Dc 11, 1866; AmhC, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord Cong, Lancaster, Mass, Oc 1, 90; p, Cong ch, Lancaster, Mass, 90-5; p, Scituate, 96-9; p. Canton, 99-1902; p, Middlefield, 03-7; p. Olivet ch, Springfield, 07-11; p. Union ch, Winthrop, 11-3; p, Bethany ch. So Attleboro, 13-7; p, Sayles Mem ch, Saylesville, RI, 17-21; reporter, Pawtucket Times, Pawtucket, 21-5; asst, Christ PEpis ch, Lonsdale, 25-7; rec, Ch Holy Spirit, No Providence, 27-9; rec, Ch of the Advent, Pawtucket, 29 — . Bull, Kent Melancthon — b, Orwell, Pa, Ap 19, 1861; LafC, 86, 90, MA; PTS, 86-8, 89-90; ss, Nottingham, Pa, 89; ord, Pby Chester, My 28, 90; p, Not- tingham, Pa, 90-5; ss. Trinity ch, Church Hill, Md, 95-7; ss, 1st ch, Worton, & Grace ch, Kennedyville, 95-1904; ss, Westm ch, Georgetown, 02-4; p, Stewarts- town. Pa, 04-14; p, Toughkenamon & Unionville, 14-8; ill health; farming, 18 — ; res, Kennett Square, Pa. Campbell, Henry Martyn — b. Congress, O, My 6, 1861; CWoos, 87, 93, MA; WestTS, 87-8, 98; PTS, 88-90; ord, Pby Ozark, Sp 13, 90; ss, Monett, Mo, 90-1; p, 4th ch, Kansas City, 91-4; p, Cote Brilliante ch, St Louis, 94-1901; ss. Mesa ch, Pueblo, Col, 01- p, 02-6; p, 1st ch, Phcenix, Ariz, 06-15; p, 1st ch, San Jose, Cal, 16-22; sec. Men’s wk, BdEdu, 22-9; ss, Stege, Cal, 29-30; oc s, San Jose, 30-1; oc s, Santa Barbara, 30-2; res, San Jose, Cal. DD, CWoos, 10. Campbell, Richard Jamieson — b, Newtown, Crommelin, Ireland, Nv 22, 1865; QuUBelf, 86; AsC, 86-7; MageeC, ThDept, 88-9; PTS, 89-90; ord, Pby East Oregon, Dc 11, 90; ss, Joseph, Ore, 90-1; ss, Menlo Park, Cal, 91-2; ss, Felton, 92-4; ss, Forbes ch, Portland, Ore, 95-7; ss, 1st ch, Cosmopolis, Wash, 97-8; ss, Centralia, 98-9; p el. Calvary ch, Tacoma, 99-1901; ss, 1st ch, Men- docino, Cal, 01-4; p, 1st ch, Blasdell, NY, 05-11; p, 2d ch, Lockport, 11-3; p, Kamsock, Sask, Can, 13-4; p, Sydney, NS, 16-7; voluntary miss wk; res, Toronto, Ont, Can. Carrington, Wilmot Albert — b, Washington, DC, J1 11, 1865; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87-8, 89-90; FreeChCEdin, 88-9; ord, Pby Washington City, Je 19, 90; miss, Brazil, 90-2; ss, Takoma, DC, & Kensington, Md, 92-3; asst p, Westm ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 93; p, 2d ch, Wyalusing, Pa, 93-8; p. Forest City, 98-1900; p. Middle Granville, NY, 00-6; p, Bainbridge, 06-8; p, Marathan, 08-10; p, Galeton, Pa, 10-2; p, Akron, NY, 12-5; p, Manlius, 15-8; p, Holland Patent, 18-23; p, Woonsocket, RI, 23-30; hon re, 30; res, Orlando, Fla. *Carson, Robert Henry — b, Ballybay, Ireland, 1866; QuUBelf, 85; AsC; FreeChCEdin, 87-8; PTS, 89-90; ord, Pby Troy, Ap 22, 90; p, Stillwater, NY, 90-9; p, Grace ch, Brooklyn, 99-1929; d, Brooklyn, NY, J1 25, 29. Cummings, George McLean — b, Baltimore, Md, J1 26, 1862; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87-90; Edu Dept, YMCA, Phila, Pa, 90-1; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ja 3, 92; ss, 1st ch. New Castle, Wyo, & 1st ch, Edgemont, SD, 92-3; ss, Clarence, la, 93-8; PTS, 98; McCTS, 99; p, Linn Grove ch, Mt Vernon, la, 99-1901; p, Ida Grove, 01-5; p. Garden Mem ch, Washington, DC, 05-31; res, Washington, DC, 31 — . Dunlap, Edward Payson — b, Monongahela, Pa, Ja 13, 1863; CWoos, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Kansas City, Nv 7, 90; ss, Linwood ch, Kansas City, Mo, 90- p, 91-3; p. Wood River, Neb, 93-5; p. East Jordan, Mich, 96-1902; ill health; bus; res, Jordan, Mich. 1890 397 Eddy, George Tryon — b, Belvidere, III, Nv 22, 1863; CNJ, 86; tea; PTS, 87-90, NT Fell, 90-1; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 90; p, Beverly, NJ, 91-5; asst p & ss, Washington & Compton Ave ch, St Louis, Mo, 95-7; ss, Boonville, 97, 1901; p, 1st ch, Huntington, NY, 01-9; p, Wyoming, NJ, 10-23; univ p, ColU, 23-8; p. Cape Vincent, NY, 28-31; hon re, 32; res, Newton, NJ. *Erskine, James Samuel Edwin — b, Le Claire, la, Dc 10, 1858; MonC, .81, 84, MA; tea; AllegTS, 82-3; ill health; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 17, 90; p, Hopewell ch, Thompson Ridge, NY, 90-1915; d, Thompson Ridge, Ag 9, 15. Everitt, Frank Bateman — b, Stroudsburg, Pa, Mr 8, 1866; CNJ, 86; tea; PTS, 87-90; ord evang, Pby' Monmouth, My 9, 90; ss, 4th ch & Waldron Ave Mission, Kansas City, Mo, 90-1; ss. East Trenton ch, Trenton, NJ, 91- p, 99- 1901; supt. Young People’s Assn wk, 5th Ave ch, NYCity, 01-3; p. Centre ch. New Park, Pa, 03-11; ss, Allentown Mission, 11-3; p, Westm ch, Allentown, 13-5; field sec. Laymen’s Miss Mvmt, 15-6; p, 1st ch, Lewisburg, 16-29; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, NJ, 29 — . Fraser, Fenwick Williams — b. Lower South River, Antigonish, NS, Canada, Ag 6, 1865; St Fr Xavier Coll, 86; tea; PTS, 87-90; CNJ, 90, MA; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 11, 90; p, Langhorne, Pa, 90; YaleUDS; HarvUTS; p, 1st ch, Columbus, Ind, 92-6; ss, Morris Man, Can, 97-8; p, Crookston, Minn, 98- 1900; p, Jackson, Mich, 01-10; p, Massillon, O, 10-20; p, Poland, 20-30; res, Youngstown, O. BD, YalelJ, 91. *Fraser, Frank Leonard — b. New Glasgow, NS, Canada, Fb 5, 1866; UMani, 86; ManiC, ThDept, 87-8; PTS, 88-90; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 90; ss, Boissevaine, Can, 91; ss, Caraguet, NB, 91; ss, Hallock, Minn, 92-4; p, Crookston, 94-8; ss, Marshall, 98- p, 99; p, Luverne, 1900-3; p, Los Gatos, Cal, 03-8; p. Blue Earth, Minn, 08-10; p, Kennewick, Wash, 10-2; ss, Cresswell, Ore, 13-4; ss, Grace ch, Albany, 15; p, Kelso, Wash, 16-8; ss, Sunnyside 1st ch, Ken- newick, 19-21; d, Kennewick, Wash, Ap 30, 25. Gardner, Murray Hamish — b, Hammond, NY, Ag 28, 1862; HamC, 84; tea; PTS, 87-90; ss, Martinsburg, NY, 90-3; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 8, 91; ss, Glen- dale, NY, 92-3; p, Horseheads, 94-1905; p, SE Center ch, Brewster, 05 — . Gibbons, William Futhey — b, Lenape, Pa, Dc 31, 1859; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 13, 90; p, Stella ch. Forty Fort, Pa, 90-6; p, Dunmore, 96-1910; BuckU, 02, MA; res, Clark’s Summit, 10-8; prof. Journalism, PaSC, 18 — . Hedges, Charles Sumner — b, Newark, NJ, Mr 6, 1867; LincU, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ja 27, 91; ss, Augusta, Ga, 91-2; ss, Ebenezer 1st ch, Rome, Ga, 93-1901; res, Dallas, Tex, 02-6; — *Jessup, William — b, Beirut, Syria, Ap 26, 1862; CNJ, 86; tut; PTS, 87-90; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 90; miss, Zahleh, Syria, 91-1915; prof, Theol, BeirTS, & sec of the Mission, 15-20; d, Beirut, Syria, Dc 12, 20. DD, TemU, 17. Johnson, Andrew Fulton — b, Harvey, NB, Canada, Ag 6, 1866; UNB, 86; tea; PTC, 87-9; PTS, 89-90; ord evang, Pby St John, Can, My 29, 90; ss. Riverside, Alma, Kincardine & Florenceville, NB, Can, 90-2; miss, Indians, Pine 398 1890 Ridge Reservation, SD, 92-1928; gen miss, Sioux Indians, ND, SD, Minn, & Mont, 28 — ; res, Mitchell, SD. *Jungeblut, Johann Friedrich — b, Brakelsiek, Germany, Nv 9, 1859; DubqTS, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord evang, Pby Milwaukee, Sp 17, 90; hm miss, Milwau- kee, Wis, 90-1; ss, 1st German ch, Milwaukee, 91-5; ss, Alexandria, Neb, 95-1900; ss, Arcadia, la, 00-1; ss, Alexandria, Neb, 01-3; ss, RefChUS, Eureka, SD, 03-4; p, Hope ch, Lodi, Cal, 05-31; d, Lodi, Dc 19, 31. Levengood, Janies Charles — b, Honeybrook, Pa, Ja 9, 1866; YorkCI, 86; AubTS, 86-9; PTS, 89-90; ord, Pby Phila North, My 7, 91; ss. Lower Merion, Pa, 90- p, 91-2; UGies & UBer, 92-3; ss, Greenwich, NJ, 94- p, 95-1900; p, Langhorne, Pa, 00-3; p, Greenway ch, Phila, 03-6; asst p, Westminster-Greenway ch, Phila, 06-11; ss, Berwyn, 11- p, 12 — . *Lynn, John Edward — b, Kilsyth, Ont, Canada, Nv 23, 1850; McGU; prof, Lat & Fr, LebVC, 84-7 ; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Lehigh, Oc 7, 90; p, 2d ch, Pottsville, Pa, 90-4; ss, Bergen, NY, 94-1907; p, Berlin, Ont, Can, 10-6; p, Kitchener, 17-25; p, UnChCan, Kitchener, 26-8; d. Kitchener, Can, Sp 2, 31. ♦MacGinnes, Charles Ellsworth— b, Joy, 111, Sp 24, 1864; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87-90; NYU, 92, PhD; ord, Pby Troy, Ap 22, 90; asst p. Olivet ch, Lansingburgh, NY, 90- p, 91-8; p, 1st ch, Whitehall, 99-1913; p, Hoosick Falls, 14-27; d, Hoosick Falls, NY, Mr 30, 27. MacLean, James Thomas — b, Baddeck, NS, Canada, Nv 12, 1859; PkC, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 18, 90; p. Little Britain, Pa, 90-1901; p, 4th ch, Chester, 01-2; p. Green Hill ch, Wilmington, Del, 02-5; p. Crystal River, Fla, 05-8; p el. Lakeland, 08-9; p el, St Petersburg, Fla, 09-12; p, 1st ch, Clearwater, 12-4; p. Bethel ch, Clearwater, 14 — . *McCuish, John Berridge — b. Loch Lomond, NS, Canada, My 18, 1858; PkC, 87; PTS, 87-90; NYU, 92, PhD; ord, Pby St Louis, My 2, 92; ss, Lee Ave ch, St Louis, Mo, 92-3; Fell, HarvU, 93-4; ss, 1st ch Fulton, 94-5; ss, Westm ch, Pueblo, Col, 95-6; ss. North ch, Denver, 96- p, 97-9; ss, 1st ch, Leadville, 99- p, 1900-7; prof, Phil & Ethics, WestmU, 07-9; p, Newton, Kan, 10-5; d, Newton, Ap 21, 15. DD, PkC, 08. McLeod, Malcolm James — b, Eldon, PEI, Canada, My 24, 1865; DalhU, 87; PTS, 87-90; CNJ, 90, MA; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 20, 90; p, Toughkenamon, Pa, & ss, Unionville, 90-1; McCTS, 93; p, Chester, 93-9; prof, LincU, 99-1901; p, 1st ch, Pasadena, Cal, 01-10; p, St Nicholas Collegiate ch, NYCity, 10 — . DD, WmsC, 98. MacMillan, John — b, Longland, Londonderry, Ireland, Dc5, 1865; MageeC, 87, ThDept, 87-9; PTS, 89-90, 96-8, BD; ord, Pby Puget Sound, Nv 6, 90; p. White River, Wash, 91-6; PrU, 98, MA; ss. Ocean City, NJ, 99-1900; ss, Westm ch, Atlantic City, 00- p, 01-21; res, Shelbyville, Ind, 21-3; trav, 23-4; p, Westm ch, Atlantic City, NJ, 26—. *Mason, Robert William — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Mr 3, 1855; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby St Louis, Ja 19, 91; p, De Soto, Mo, 91-1901; p, Salida, Col, 01-5; d, Salida, Fb 21, 05. 1890 399 *Miller, Edward de Moss — b, Gerrardstown, WVa, Je 12, 1862; CNJ, 86; Mental Sc Fell, PrU; PTS, 87-90, 92-3; ord, Pby Phila North, Ap 28, 91; p, Huntingdon Valley, Pa, 91-2; ss, RefChAm, Newburgh, NY, 93-4; res, Germany, 95-9; res, Gerrardstown, WVa; d, Gerrardstown, WVa, Fb 19, 21. PhD, UBer, 98. Miller, Hugh — b, Stratford, Ont, Canada, Nv 18, 1859; KxCTor, 87-8; PTS, 88-90, 90-1, 93-4; ss. Pleasant Plains, NY, 90; ss, Camden, NJ, 91-2; ss. Grimes, la, 92; ord, Pby St Cloud, Nv 22, 92; ss. Spring Grove, Minn, 92-3; ss. Port Kennedy, Pa, 94-8; ss, Lansfords, 99-1903; ss, Florence, Kan, 05; ss, Carvers- ville. Pa, 05- p, 06-9; oc s, Phila, 09-10; ss. Forest Grove, 11-4; miss wk, Phila, 14-8; ss. Harmony, NJ, 18-22; res, Phillipsburg, NJ. Moore, John Wallace — b. Sugar Creek, NC, My 18, 1866; DavC, 86; tea; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Mecklenburg, My 22, 90; miss, Kochi, Japan, 90-8, Susaki, 98-1909; ss, Hagerman, Pilot Point & Roanoke, Tex, 10-3; miss Susaki, Japan, 13-20, Takamatsu, 22 — . *Murchie, William — b, Jacquet River, NB, Canada, Dc 16, 1860; UNB, 86; tea; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby St John, My 29, 90; miss, Scotch Settlement, NB, Can, 90; NewC; miss, Binscarth, Man, 91-2; ill health; d, St John, NB, My 21, 94. Nelson, William Francis Springer — b, Phila, Pa, J1 17, 1863; MtUnC, 88, 90, MA; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Phila, My 9, 90; ss, Sturgis, SDak, 90-1; p, Langhorne, Pa, 92-5; p. Ambler, 95-1900; asso p, Oxford ch, Phila, 00-5; p, Clayton, NJ, 05-12; p, Santa Maria, Cal, 12-6; dist miss, Pby Santa Barbara, 16 — ; res, Santa Barbara, Cal. *Oates, Luther Albertus — b, Shelby, NC, Ja 17, 1865; DavC, 87; PTS, 87-91; ord, Pby New Castle, My 26, 92; p, Delaware City, Del, 92-1900; p. Falling Spring ch, Chambersburg, Pa, 00-3; p, 1st ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 03-9; d, Phila, Pa, Nv 15, 09. Parker, Albert George — b, Oswego, NY, Ap 30, 1863; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 27, 90; p. Highland, Md, 90-1900; p, 1st ch, Stewartstown, Pa, 00-4; evang, Berwyn, Md, 04-7; p, 1st ch, Olney, 111, 07-12; p, Bethel ch, Peoria, 12-6; p. Camp Point, 16-7; p. Camp Creek ch, Macomb, 17-9; p, Gardner, Kan, 19-23; p, Conneautville, Pa, 23-7; p. Paw Paw, 111, 27-31; res. Paw Paw, 31 — . Paterson, Allan McDonald — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Ap 3, 1858; KxCTor, 86; hm miss, Ont, Can, 86-7; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Troy, Je 3, 91; p, Mechanics- ville, NY, 91-1908; p, 1st Cong ch, Shelburne, Mass, 08-9; p. Old South Presb ch, Newburyport, 09-26; p, Woodbury Heights, NJ, 26 — . DD, OskC, 17. *Paton, Lewis Bayles — b, NYCity, Je 27, 1864; NYU, 84, 93, MA; tea; Europe; PTS, 87-90; Heb Fell, UBer; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Ap 13, 90; instr, HartTS, 92-3, asso prof, OT Exeg & Crit, 93-1900, prof, 1900-32; dir. Am SchlOrientStud & Research, Jerusalem, Palestine, 03-4; d, Hartford, Conn, Ja 24, 32. PhD, UMarb, 97; DD, NYU, 06. *Phraner, Stanley Ketcham — b. Sing Sing, NY, My 26, 1860; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby West Chester, J1 24, 90; miss, Cheung Mai, Laos, 91-4; d, Singapore, Straits Settlements, Ja 15, 95. 400 1890 *Polk, Samuel — b, Pocomoke City, Md, Dc 27, 1866; LafC, 86; tea; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 8, 90; p, Chanceford, Pa, 90-3; ss, Gainesville, Tex, 93-6; p, Eddington, Pa, 96-1904; p. West Nottingham ch, Colora, Md, 04-12; p, Lawrenceville, NJ, 12-23; YMCA, war service, 18-9; d, Lawrenceville, NJ, Ja 12, 23. ♦Rankin, Robert Joshua — b. Long Green, Md, My 24, 1866; LafC, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 8, 90; p. Pine Grove ch, Sunnyburn, Pa, 90-3; p, Lafayette Sq ch, Baltimore, Md, 93-4; d, Baltimore, Md, Je 5, 94. Remington, Arthur William — b, Hillsdale, NY, Dc 13, 1863; CNJ, 86; tea; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Columbia, Ap 23, 90; ss, Canaan Centre & Canaan Four Corners, NY, 90-2; ss, Grace Cong chap, Holyoke, Mass, 92-8; p, Presb ch, Hyde Park, 98-9; p. Beacon ch, Phila, Pa, 99-1905; ss. Freehold, NJ, 05- p, 06-10; p, Cong ch, Amherst, NH, 12-5; p, Ivoryton, Conn, 21-8; p. Federated ch, Had- lyme, 29 — . Smith, Frank Hyatt— b. Auburn, NY, J1 22, 1857; CNJ, 87, 90, MA, UnTS, 87-9; PTS, 89-90; lie, Pby Albany, Ap 15, 90; ord Cong, Fb 18, 91; p. North Ave ch, Cambridge, Mass, 91-5; ss, Phila, Pa, & Silver Creek, NY; ss; Park Presb ch, Buffalo, 96-1910; lect. Lit, UBuff, 05-7, 10-2; p, Kenmore, 13-23; lect, auth & oc s, 23 — ; res, Williamsville, NY. Smith, William Hawley Perry — b. Grand Ledge, Eaton Co, Mich, J1 15, 1860; HopeC, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 11, 90; p, Stewartstown, Pa, 90-1900; ss, Orangeville & Johnsonburgh, NY, 00-1; farmer & oc s; res, Wyoming, NY. Thompson, John Henry — b, Bemis Heights, NY, Ap 28, 1862; HamC, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Troy, Ap 22, 90; p. Goodwill ch, Montgomery, NY, 91 — . Trompen, Jacob N — b, Vriesland, Mich, Ap 23, 1863; CalvC, 86; CalvTS, 86- 8; PTS, 88-90; ord ChrRef, Cl Hackensack, Ag 19, 91; p, Ramsey, NJ, 91-1907; miss. Cl Hackensack & Hudson, 07; p at large, Cong chs, Colorado, 08-20; p. People’s Tabernacle, Denver, Col, 21-2; p, Eastlake, 23 — . Warne, Daniel Ruby — ^b, Catletts, Va, Ja 20, 1861; tea; PTS, 87-90; ss. East Trenton chap, Trenton, NJ, 89-90; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 7, 90; p, Kingston, NJ, 90-8; p, Ewing ch, Trenton, 98-1915; p, Lawrenceburg, Ind, 15-8; p, McConnellsville, O, 18-24; p, McArthur & Hamden, 24-7; hon re, 28; res, Trenton, NJ. Whitaker, Charles Hurlbut — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 7, 1862; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87- 90; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 8, 90; p, Avondale & West Grove, Pa, 90-3; ss, RefChAm, Lower Walpack, Pa, 93- p, 94-1900; UnTS, 97-9, BD; ss, Presb ch, Bordentown, NJ, 00- p, 01-11; asst p. West Hope ch, Phila, Pa, 11-8; ss. Green Hill, 18-22; ss, M. Y. Smith ch, Elkins Park, 22-9; res, Jenkintown, Pa. ♦Williams, James Wilson — b, Radnor, Pa, Dc 11, 1863; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Lehigh, Oc 7, 90; p, Ashland, Pa, 90-1; p, Dunmore, 91-5; asso p, 2d ch, Phila, 97-1904; p, Abington, 04-18; d, Abington, Pa, Mr 3, 18. Wylie, Samuel Beattie — b, Belfast, Ireland, Je 22, 1865; QuUBelf, 85; AsC, 85-8; PTS, 89-91; ss. Deer Creek ch, Harmony, Md, 90-1; ss, Alexander 1890 401 chap, NYCity, 91-2; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 92; p, 1st ch. New Castle, Del, 92-1922; res, Wilmington, Del. 54. Alexander, James Addison— b. New Bedford, Pa, Ap 23, 1862; WestmCPa, 86; tea; PTS, 87-8; AllegTS, 88-90, BD; ord UP, Pby Wheeling, Je 10, 90; p. New Athens & Harrisville, O, 90-4; p, 2d ch, Washington, Pa, 94-1900; p, 1st ch, Cambridge, Mass, 00-6; p, 1st ch, Crafton, Pa, 06-13; supt of Missions, Syn Pittsburgh, 13 — ; res, Pittsburgh, Pa. DD, FrankCO, 15. Allison, Matthew Gay — b, Windsor, NS, Canada, Ag 27, 1865; DalhU, 86; Europe; PTS, 87-9; CNJ, 89, MA; UnTS, 89-90; ord, Pby St John, My 29, 90; ss, St Martins, NB, Can, 90-3; UChi, 93-4, BD; p, Bloomington, Ind, 94-1906; sec, YMCA, & lect, IndU, 06-7; stu p, UWis, 07-29; exec sec, Bd Control, Presb Stu Center Foundation, 29 — ; res, Madison, Wis. Barackman, Samuel Plyra — b, Linesville, Pa, Nv 22, 1860; WestmCPa, 87; PTS, 87-9; AllegTS, 89-90; ord UP, Pby Steubenville, Oc 23, 90; p, UP ch, Salineville, O, 90-1901; ss, Sioux City, la, 01-3; p, Trenton, 0, 03-8; p, Meadville, Pa, 08-12; ss, Portersville & Mountville, 13-4; p, Jersey City, NJ, 15-6; p. West New York, 17-. Bishop, Arthur Fenn — b, Athens, Ga, Je 22, 1866; UGa, 84; tea; farming; PTS, 87-8; ord, Pby Montana, Oc 14, 88; p. Deer Lodge, Mont, 88-9; LaneTS, 88-90; p. Bond Hill, O, 90-2; UBer, 92-3; ss. Calvary ch, Avondale, Cincinnati, O, 93; p. Trinity ch, Avondale, 93-5; p, 1st ch, Denison, Tex, 96-1906; p, 1st ch, Austin, 06-16; p. Central ch, Portland, Ore, 16-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; evang, 19-29; tea, Beaver Coll, Jenkintown, Pa, 29-31; evang, 31 — ; res, Athens, Ga. DD, TrinU, & AusC, 11. Coffin, Fulton Johnson — b. Mount Stewart, PEI, Canada, J1 25, 1861; DalhU, 86; PTC; PTS, 87-9; CNJ, 89, MA; ord, Pby St John, Nv 13, 89; miss, Couva, Trinidad, BWI, 89-93; Fell, UChi, 94-8; prof, OT, Schl Rel Edu, Spring- field, Mass, 98-1903; prin, Presb Theol Coll, San Fernando, Trinidad, BWI, 03-27; res, Charlottetown, PEI, Can. DD, PTC, 20. Doughty, James Walter — b, Circleville, O, Mr 4, 1863; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 90; miss, Yamaguchi, Japan, 90-2, Hiroshima, 93-1902; sec, NYBibSoc, 02-6; member Ceylon Commission, 06-7; lect, 08-13; PrU, 11, MA; evang. Citizens Union, NY, 13-9; p, Hope Ref ch. Union City, NJ, 19— . *Evans, Peter Gray — b, Bethesda, N Wales, Great Britain, My 1, 1861; PTS, 87-90; ord WelshP, Syn New York, Je 4, 91; p, Dodgeville, Wis, 91-5; p, Jackson, O, 95-8; p, 2d ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 99-1900; p, Dodgeville, Wis, 00-4; p, Scranton, Pa, 04-11; p, Montreal, Can, 13-4; p, Vancouver, BC, 14-6; p, Lyme Valley ch, N Vancouver, 16; p, Moneta, Cal, 17-21; d, Moneta, J1 5, 21. Griffith, John — b, Blaenllywernog, Wales, My 19, 1860; TrevC, 86; ord WelshP, J1 27, 87; miss, Owen Sound, Ont, Can, 88-9; grad stu, PT.S, 89-90; Wales; ss, Oregon, Wis, 94; ss, Scranton, Pa, 96; ed, Scranton, Pa;— 402 1890 Gulick, Nelson Joseph — b, Broadalbin, NY, Mr 18, 1861; UnC, 87; PTS, 87 ; ill health; ord Cong, East Albany, NY, Ja 24, 88; ss, East Albany, NY, 88-92; p, Northumberland RefChAm, Bacon Hill & Gansevoort, NY, 92-5; p, Cong ch, Phoenix, 96-9; p, St Luke’s ch, Elmira, 99-1900; p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 00-3; res, Germantown, Pa, 04 — . Hays, Charles Elliott— b, Ottawa, 111, Mr 30, 1867; CNJ, 86; PTS, 87-8; Mifflintown, Pa; USArmy, War Dept, Washington, DC; resigned from USArmy, Ja 6, 97;— *Heaney, James — b, Anticur, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ja 25, 1859; QuUBelf, 86; AsC, 86-8; PTS, 89-90; ss, Danville, NJ, 90-1; ord, Pby Huntingdon, My 5, 92; p. State College & Spring Creek, Pa, 92-5; p, 1st ch, Shamokin, 95-8; ill health; d, Phila, Pa, Sp 8, 1901. Heuver, Gerald [Gerrit] Dirk — b, Marie, Netherlands, Ag 10, 1861; LkFC, 87; McCTS, 87-8, 89-90; PTS, 88-9; ord, Pby Milwaukee, My 12, 90; p, Perse- verance ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 90-5; ss, Libertyville, 111, 95-1900; p, Wenona, 00-9; p. Galena, 09-17; ss, Rockford, 17-29; p, Ipava, 29 — . PhD, UChi, 00. Hudnut, William Herbert — b, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 24, 1864; CNJ, 86; PTS, 86, 87-9; UnTS, 89-90; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 17, 90; p, 1st ch. Port Jervis, NY, 90-5; p, Grace ch, Brooklyn, 95-9; p, 1st ch, Youngstown, O, 99 — . DD, CWoos, 06, LLD, 29. *Johnson, James Adam — b, Harvey, NB, Canada, Ag 9, 1860; UNB, 82; grad stu, UNB; PTC; ord, Pby Pictou, My 3, 87; PTS, 87-8; ss, Demarara, British Guiana, 88; d, Demarara, Nv 18, 88. *Latimer, Robert Milton — b, Abbeville Co, SC, Je 28, 1857; NewbC, 86; tea; SWPresbU, ThDept, 87-8; PTS, 88; ColTS, 89-90; ord, Pby East Texas, Nv 26, 89; p, Carolina & Kentyre, SC, 90-3; p. Pea River, Ala, 93; p. Pleasant Ridge, Oak Grove & Carrollton, 93-4; p, Monterey, Va, 95; p, Collierstown, 95-7; ed, Chr Companion, Birmingham, Ala, 98-1904; bus, Birmingham, 04-18; d, Birming- ham, Ala, Mr 2, 18. DD, RuthC, 95. *Lippincott, Charles Augustus — b. Piedmont, WVa, JI 30, 1865; W&JC, 87; PTS, 87-8; UnTS, 88-9; McCTS, 89-90; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 30, 90; p, 1st ch, Joliet, 111, 90-5; asso p, 2d ch, Chicago, 95- act p, 99-1901; p, 1st ch, Flint, Mich, 01-11; p, 1st ch, South Bend, Ind, 12-9; bus; d. South Bend, Ind, Mr 14, 29. DD, W&JC, 12; LLD, Univ Notre Dame, Ind, 22. Macbeth, Roderick George — b, Kildonan, Man, Canada, Dc 21, 1858; UMani, 82, MA; ManiC, ThDept, 88-90; lawy; PTS, 87-8; ord, Pby Rock Lake, Je 29, 91; p. Carman, Manitoba, 91-2; p, Augustine ch, Winnipeg, 92-1900; p, 1st ch, Vancouver, BC, 00-5; p, Paris, Ont, 05-14; p, Vancouver, BC, 14 — . DD, WestmH; LLD, UMani. Matthews, Paul Clement — b, Glendale, O, Dc 25, 1866; CNJ, 87; PTS, 87-8; GenTS, 88-90, BD; ord PEpis dea, Je 22, 90; asst rec. Advent ch. Walnut Hill, Cincinnati, O, 90-1; ord PEpis pr, Oc 18, 91; mem, Asso Mission, Omaha, Neb, 91-5; rec, St Luke’s ch, Cincinnati, O, 96-1904; dean, St Paul’s Cathed, Cincinnati, 04-13; dean, Cathed Our Merciful Saviour, Faribault, Minn, 13-5; prof, Seabury Divin Schl, Faribault, 13-5; bp of NJ, 15 — ; res, Princeton, NJ. 1890 403 DD, Seabury Divin Schl, Faribault, Minn, 15, PrU, 16, TrinC, 17; STD, GenTS, 16. Montgomery, Theophilus Eugene — b, Seymour, Ind, J1 27, 1862; HanC, 84, 88, MA; McCTS, 84-7, BD; ord, Pby Fort Wayne, Oc 17, 87; p, Hunting^ton, Ind, 87-9; grad stu, PTS, 89-90; ss. Alliance, Ky, 92-4; p. Olivet ch, Wilmington, Del, 94-7; p, John Knox ch, Jersey City, NJ, 98-1901; p, Woodridge, 02-3; ss, Westminster ch. Salt Point, NY, 03-6; p, Otego, 06-7; ss. East Moriches, 08-10; ss, Ashland, 10-1; p. New Hampstead ch, Rockland Co, 12-4; ss, Smithville Flats, 14-5; ss, Cannonsville, 15; ill health; ss, 1st United ch, Amwell, NJ, 26-31; res, Ringoes, NJ. Moorhead, Joseph — b, Derbrough, Ireland, Sp 2, 1866; RoyU, 87; AsC, 87-8; PTS, 88-9; FreeChCEdin; UEdin, 89-90; ord, Pby Ballymena, Ire, Oc 7, 90; p, 1st ch, Broughshane, Ire, 90-1900; p, Groomsport, 00-3; UGot, 03-4; UBer, 04; tut, Oxford Correspond Coll, 05-8; p, 1st & 2d Anaghlone chs. Ban- bridge, Ire, 05 — . Penrose, Stephen Beasley Linnard — b, Germantov/n, Pa, Dc 20, 1864; WmsC, 85; tea; instr, WmsC; PTS, 87-8; YaleUDS, 88-90, BD; ord Cong, Dc 4, 90; p, Dayton, Wash, 90-4; ss. Central ch, Honolulu, Hawaii, 94; pres & prof, Phil, WhitmC, 94 — . DD, RipC, 02, WmsC, 05; LED, WmsC, 19. Phillips, David Gardiner, Jr — b, Louisville, Ga, Ap 12, 1869; ErskC, 87; ErskTS; PTS, 88-90; ss, Boston, Fla, 89-90; ord AssoRefP, 2d Pby, Ap 11, 91; p. Prosperity, SC, 91-2; p, Bartow, Fla, 92-6; p, Bradley, SC, 96-1901; p, Atlanta, Ga, 01-6; p, Newberry, SC, 06-8; p, Chester, 09-10; p, Shiloh ch, Lancaster, 11; p, Chester, 12-22; p, 1st ch, Charlotte, NC, 23-7; p, Spartanburg, SC, 28 — . DD, ErskC, 08. *Ricketts, Joseph Browne — b, Plummer, Pa, Sp 23, 1860; WestmCPa, 87; PTS, 87-8; AlIegTS, 88-90; ord UP, Pby Wheeling, Nv 18, 90; p, Belmont & McMahon’s Creek, O, 90-8; p, Wilmerding, Pa, 98-1908; p, Aleda, III, 09-10; p, Lisbon, O, 10-8; d, Salem, O, Ap 13, 19. *Sage, Charles Henry — b, Berlin, Conn, Je 9, 18.59; sec, YMCA, St Johns- burg, Vt, 80-5; NYCity, 85-6; Oshkosh, Wis, 86-7; Neenah, 87; hm miss. West Merrill, 87; PTS, 87; bus, Denver, Col, 88; res, Cleveland, O; d, Cleveland, Ja 20, 1902. Snodgrass, John Allan — b, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, Oc 7, 18.53; UEdin, 82; ord, Pby Kingston, Can, My 1, 88; miss, Demorestville, Ont, 88; miss, Consecon & Hillier, 88-9; grad stu, PTS, 89-90; Rusness miss, Estab Ch Scot, Kirkwall, Scot; Rosehall miss. Par of Creich, 1905; Canada; — Twinem, Leonard — b. Round Bottom, O, Sp 4, 1860; MariC, 87; PTS, 87-8; tea; ord, Pby West Virginia, Oc 13, 89; p, Fairmont, WVa, 89-90; ss. Wheeling Valley ch, Maynard & Short Creek ch, Adena, O, 90- p, 91-1900; p, Orrville, 00-7; ss, Shreve, 07-10; ss, Doylestown, O, 11; res, Wooster, 12-5; p. Two Ridges ch, Steubenville, 1.5-7; p, Jewett, 18-9; res, Wooster, 20-9; res, Akron, O, 29 — . Voorhies, William Sinclair b, Jersey City, NJ, Ja 26, 1862; LafC, 87, 404 1890-1891 MA; PTS, 87-90; ord, Pby West Jersey, J1 1, 90; p, Elmer, NJ, 90-2; p, 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 92-1902; ss, Yardville, 02-4; p, Milford, 04-9; p, Thompsonville, Conn, 09-16; ss, Lyndhurst, NJ, 18-20; p, Garfield, 21-3; p, Eddington, Pa, 23 — . DD, UChi, 95. 27. 1891 Adams, John Erskine — b, Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, Fb 10, 1867; CNJ, 87; ColTS; PTS, 89-91; ss, Cong ch, Lyme, Mass, 89-90; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 18, 91; p, Ross St ch, Brooklyn, NY, 92-1915; asst p. Central ch, Brooklyn, 15-22; p. Park Cong ch, Brooklyn, 22-31 ; ill health; res, Mt Vernon, NY. *Beattie, Robert Hezekiah — b, Bethlehem, NY, Nv 10, 1864; CNJ, 85; tea, SyrProtC, 85-9; PTS, 89-91; tut, CNJ, 90-1; ord RefChAm, Cl Orange, Je 24, 91; p, Newburgh, NY, 91-1903; p, 1st Presb ch, Austin Sta, Chicago, 111, 03-19; asst p, 2d ch, Chicago, 20; pres, Presb Tr Schl, Chicago, 19-23; dir, Rel Edu, 1st ch, Ithaca, NY, 23-8; do, Binghamton, 28-9; res, Buffalo; res, Elmira; act p. Broad St ch, Columbus, O, 31-2; d, Chicago, 111, Nv 14, 32. *Caldwell, William — b, near Sardis, Miss, J1 29, 1865; SWPresbU, 88; PTS, 88-91; miss, ‘‘Hope Institute,” Baltimore, Md, 91-1900; ord, Pby Balti- more, My 29, 94; ss, Libertyville, 111, 1900-2; p, 1st ch. Ft Worth, Tex, 04-15; d. Ft Worth, Mr 18, 15. PhD, UChi, 04. *Campben, Stuart McAlpine — b, Pictou, Ont, Canada, J1 13, 1859; KxC, 88; McCTS, 88-9; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Newark, My 27, 91; p, Lyons Farms (Elizabeth Ave) ch, Newark, NJ, 91-4; p. Emerald Ave ch, Chicago, 111, 94-1904; p, 2d ch, Evanston, 04-7; p, 1st ch, Galesburg, 07-21; p, Macon, Mo, 22-6; d, Macon, Dc 30, 26. DD, KxC, 01. *Corwin, James Dennison — b, Harreysburgh, O, Je 27, 1867; AdelC, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord evang, Pby Cleveland, Ap 15, 91; p. South ch, Cleveland, O, 92; d, Cleveland, O, Sp 26, 92. Cowan, Hector William— b, Hobart, NY, J1 12, 1863; CNJ, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Otsego, My 10, 91; ss, Tina, Mo, 91; ss, Hope chap, St Joseph, 91-4; prof, Phys Cult, UKan, 93-8; ss. Spring Hill & Stanley, Kan, 98-1900; ss, Gardner, 00- p, 01-3; p el, Bethesda ch, Buffalo, NY, 03-4; prof, Phys Cult, Norm Schl, Potsdam, 04-6; res, Hobart, NY. *Edgar, William Jobn Brown — b, NYCity, Oc 13, 1867; XenTS, 87-9; PTS, 90-1; ord UP, Pby Argyle, Dc 29, 90; p, South Argyle, NY, 90-3; p, 1st ch, Phila, Pa, 93-1914; p, Presb ch, Jamesburg, NJ, 14-21; ss, 1st ch, Titusville, Pa, 21-2; d, Wildwood, NJ, Ag 4, 22. Elliott, Joseph Nicbol — b, Ontario, Canada, Dc 25, 1866; UTor, 89; KxCTor, 88-9; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Chester, Je 15, 91; p, Bethany ch. So Chester, Pa, 91-2; p, 60th St ch, Chicago, 111, 92-7; p. Union City, Ind, 97-9, p, Muscatine, la, 99-1911; p, 2d ch, Bloomington, 111, 11-7; exec sec, Syn of 111, 17-24; sec, BdPens, 24-7; p, 1st ch, Anna, 111, 27-31; res. Long Beach, Cal. DD, CoeC, 05, & IllWesU. Erdman, Charles Rosenbury — b, Fayetteville, NY, J1 20, 1866; CNJ, 86; 1891 405 tea; PTS, 87-9, 90-1; trav; ord, Pby Phila North, My 8, 91; ss. Overbrook ch, Phila, Pa, 90- p, 91-7; p, 1st ch, Germantown, 97-1906; prof, Pract Theol, PTS, 05 — ; p, 1st ch, Princeton, NJ, 24 — ■. DD, CWoos, 12, PrU, 25; LLD, DavC, 24; Mod, Gen Assem, 25. Evans, Albert — b, Steuben, NY, Ja 28, 1861; PTS, 84-5; HamC, 89; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 21, 91; p, 3d ch, Camden, NJ, 91-2; p, Waverly ch, Baltimore, Md, 92-6; p, Westm ch, Rochester, NY, 96-1903; p. Metro- politan ch, Washington, DC, 03-8; p, 1st ch, Lockport, NY, 08-14; p, Kanawha ch. Charleston, WVa, 14-24; field sec, Bd Chr Edu, 24-7; hon re, 27; res, Wash- ing;ton, DC. DD, HamC, 05. Gilkeson, Charles David — b, near Staunton, Va, Je 30, 1863; W&LU, 85; tea; UnTSVa, 88-90; PTS, 90-1; ord, Pby Lexington, J1 5, 91; p, Beverly, WVa, 91-8; ss, Lambert’s Point ch, Norfolk, Va, 99-1901; p, Richlands & Clifton, WVa, 01-4; p, Moorefield, 04-17; supt & hm miss, Pby Winchester, 17 — ; res, Win- chester, Va. DD, D&EC, 21. *Grier, Mark Brown — b. Due West, SC, Ja 3, 1867; ErskC, 85; JHU, 85-6; tea; ErskTS, 88-9; PTS, 89-91; ord evang, Pby So Carolina, J1 21, 92; miss, Shanghai, China, 93, Tsing-Kiang-Pu, 94-5, Su Ch’ien, 96-7, Hsuchoufu, 98-1916; d, Due West, SC, Ja 6, 17. Hanna, Jay Calmar — b. Savannah, 0, Ap 9, 1863; CWoos, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Ozark, J1 14, 91; ss. Ash Grove, Cave Spring & Willard, Mo, 91-2; ss, King City & Albany, 92-5; ss, Cameron, 95-6; p, Maroa, 111, 96-1902; ss, Purcell, Okla, 02-3; ss. Pond Creek, Okla, 03-5; ss, Osceola, Mo, 05-7; p. Forest, O, 07-12; p, Lincoln, Kan, 12-4; p, Decatur, Ind, 15-8; p, Beverly, O, 18-23; ss, Osceola, Mo, 25-8; hon re, 30; res, Glendale, Cal. Hodge, Samuel Colgate — b, Hartford, Conn, Ap 28, 1867; CNJ, 88, 91, MA; PTS, 88-91; UBer, 91-2; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 26, 93; ss, Tunkhannock, Pa, 92- p, 93-1904; p, 5th ch, Trenton, NJ, 04-11; p, Brainerd Union ch, Easton, Pa, 11-3; prof. Bib, LincU, 14-8; p, 1st ch. West Chester, Pa, 18-28; prof. Bib, LincU, 28—. Holden, Louis Edward — b, Rome, NY, Ap 30, 1863; BelC, 88, 91, MA; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Madison, My 22, 91; instr. Oratory, BelC, 91- prof, 92-9; pres, CWoos, 99-1915; travel, 15-6; asso sec, BdChErect, 16-7; asso sec, BdEdu, 17-9; pres, JasMU, 20-4; v pres, BelC, 24-33; res, Beloit, Wis. DD, BelC, 99; LLD, LkFC, 00, & W&JC, 03. Inglis, Robert Scott — b, Montreal, Canada, My 25, 1867; W&JC, 88; West TS; PTS, 89-91 ; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, My 19, 91 ; p, 1st ch, Crawfordsville, 111, 91-4; p,'lst ch, Jackson, Mich, 94-1901; p, 3d ch, Newark, NJ, 01—. DD, W&JC, 06. ♦Jackson, Frederick Wolcott, Jr — b, Newark, NJ, Je 1, 1867; CNJ, 87; ColU; PTS, 88-91; asst, Wickliffe ch, Newark, NJ, 91-2; ord, Pby Newark, Je 1, 92; miss, Chefoo, China, 92-4; asst p. Old Stone ch, Cleveland, O, 95; p, Scotch ch, Jersey City, NJ, 96-1900; ss, Dorland Mem ch. Hot Springs, NC, 00-6; stu, Ger- many & Italy, 06-7; Italian Settlement wk, NYCity, 08; prof, Eng, NTS, 08-17; YMCA, war service, 17-9; survey supervisor, Interch Wld Mvmt, 19-20; oc s, 20; 1891 4o6 volun miss, Egypt, 29-30; act agency sec, AmBSoc, Cincinnati, O, 30-1; res, Glen Ridge, NJ ; d, Lakeville, Conn, Sp 12, 32. *Jenkins, Daniel Edwards — b, Flintshire, N Wales, Great Britain, Dc 13, 1866; MelU, 88; Ormond Divinity Hall of Melbourne, Australia, 88-9; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 18, 91; p. New London, Pa, 91-6; pres & prof. Mental & Moral Sc, ParsC, 96-1900; prof, Didac & Polem Theol, OmaTS, 00-27; d, Trenton, NJ, Nv 24, 27. PhD, W&JC, 97; DD, WUPa, 06. Jones, Daniel Cothi — b, Cwrt, So Wales, Great Britain, Je 10, 1866; TrevC, 86; PTS, 88-92; ord, Pby La Crosse, My 15, 91; ss, 2d ch, Eau Claire, Wis, 92-4; p. Rice Lake, 94-8; ss. Iron Mountain, Mich, 98-1900; p, Manitowoc, Wis, 00-5; p, London, O, 05-8; p, 1st ch. La Crosse, Wis, 08-16; p, 1st ch, Neenah, 17-32; res, Appleton, Wis, 32 — . *Jones, Livingston French— b, Tuckerton, NJ, Je 1, 1864; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 6, 91; p, Delanco, NJ, 91-2; miss & tea, Killisnoo, Alaska, 92-4; miss, Juneau, 94-1914; ss, Caldwell, Ida, 15-9; ss. Halfway, Ore, 1921; ss, Fairmead, Cal, 21-5; res, Fresno; d, Fresno, Cal, Oc 27, 28. Kerr, James Robert — b, Bocabee, NB, Canada, Fb 14, 1866; UNB, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 12, 91; p, 1st ch, Hopewell, NJ, 91-1900; p, 1st ch. Honey Brook, Pa, 01-7; p, 1st ch, Darby, 07-20; p, 1st ch, Haddon Heights,. NJ, 20 — . *Killen, Samuel McCausIand — b. Comber, Co Down, Ireland, Sp 4, 1863; RoylJ, 86; AsC, 85-6, 87-9; PTS, 89-90, 90-1; asst master, Saltaire Grammar Schl, Shipley, Eng, 14-6; asst master, Streatham, London, 17-8; master, Eaton House Schl, Hull, 18-20; tea, Victoria Park Schl, Manchester, 21-7; ill health; d. North- wood, Eng, Fb 12, 29. Kirk, Robert Hutchinson — b, Phila, Pa, My 12, 1863; CNJ, 88, 90, MA; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 14, 91; p. Union ch, Coleraine, Pa, 91- 1905; p. Olivet ch, Reading, 05-7; p, 2d ch, McKeesport, 07-12; p. Central ch, McKeesport, 12-20; p. Central ch, Massillon, O, 20-8; p. Round Hill ch, Eliza- beth, Pa, 28—. *Kretzinger, George William — b. Sycamore, 111, Dc 15, 1853; CNJ, 78; PTS, 79-80; tea, Litton Springs, Cal, 82-7; v prin. Laurel Hall, San Mateo, Cal, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby San Jose, Nv 8, 91; p, 1st ch, Haywards, Cal, 91-3; d, Haywards, Cal, Fb 15, 93. MacGillivray, John Kinnon — b, Saugeen Twp, Ont, Canada, Je 6, 1857; tea, 74-82; bus, 82-3; asst supt edu, Winnipeg, Can, 83-8; UMani, 87; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Bruce, Can, My 19, 91; miss. Gore Bay, Manitoulin Is, Ont, Can, 91-3; Tarbutt, Algoma, 93-5; p, Ontonagon, Mich, 95-7; evang, Pby Lake Superior, 96-8; p. Detour, Mich, 98-9; p, Southfield, 99-1900; p. Independence & Waterford Centre, 00-2; SSmiss, Central, Ore, 02-5; SSmiss, Utah, 05-7; ss & tea, Ferron, 07-10; SSmiss, Pby Twin Falls, Ida, 10-7; Lewiston, Mont, 17-9; field worker, Syn New Eng, 19-25; ss, Springville, NS, Can, 25-7; ss, Waterloo ch, Polk, Pa, 27- p, 28-32; ss, Mt Pleasant ch, Stoneboro, 27-32; chap. State Inst Feeble Minded, Polk, 27-32; p, Ashfield, Ont, Can, 32 — ; res, Lucknow, Can. MacLeod, George Bishop — b, Murray River, PEI, Canada, Fb 16, 1860; 1891 407 DalhU, 88; CNJ, 90, MA; PTS, 88-91, 94-5; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Can, Sp 8, 91; p, Covehead, PEI, Can, 91-4; p, Newcastle, Ont, 95-1900; p, Westville, NS, 00-2; p, Truro, 02-9; p. Deer Park ch, Toronto, Ont, 09-19; ill health; res, Toronto, Ont, Can. *Mann, James R — b, Baltimore, Ont, Canada, Sp 27, 1861; UTor, 89; KxC Tor, 88-9; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Lehigh, Oc 7, 91; p, Ashland, Pa, 91-4; p. Scotch- town, NY, 95-1901; ss, St Andrew’s ch, Sault Ste Marie, 02; p. Sturgeon Falls, Ont, 03-8; p. Auburn, & Smith’s Hill, 08-12; p. Port Elgin, 12-20; d, Coboconk, Can, Mr 10, 24. • Mayes, George Gregg — b, Mayesville, SC, Sp 18, 1866; SCC, 88; PTS, 88-91; CNJ, 91, MA; ord, Pby So Carolina, Je 6, 91; p, Walhalla & ss. Bethel & Ebenezer, SC, 91-7; ss, Richland, 95-7; P, Edgefield, & ss, Trenton, Johnston & Ropers, 97-9; p, 2d ch, Greenville, 99-1904; fin agt, Chicora, Col, 04; p. Concord ch, Blackstock, SC, 05-10; supt, Hm Miss, Syn SC, 10-5; p, Sion ch, Winnsboro, 15 — . DD, PresbCSC, 23. McArn, Archibald Hugh — b, Cheraw, SC, Sp 21, 1865; DavC, 88; UnTS Va, 88-9; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Albemarle, J1 18, 91; ss, Wilson, NC, 91-2; p, 1st ch, Cheraw, SC, 93 — . DD, PresbCSC, 20. McNichol, William — b. New Mills, NB, Canada, Ag 9, 1861; UNB, 88, 91, MA; PTS, 88-91 ; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 11, 91 ; p, Jacksonville & Providence, NJ, 91-2; p. Upper Londonderry, NS, Can, 92-5; p. Union ch, Hopewell, 95-1907; p, Humesville, Man, 07; p, Thessalon, Ont, 07-10; p, Claresholm, Alberta, 10-4; p, Lethbridge, 14-5; p. High River, 15-27; p, Elnora, 27-9; p. Carbon, 29 — . *Mickey, Wilbur Clayton— b, Shelby, O, Ja 3, 1864; CWoos, 87; tea; PTS, 88-91; CNJ, 90, MA; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 30, 91; p, Thompson Mem ch, Brownsburg, Pa, 91-5, & p. New Hope, 93-5; p, Shickshinny, 95-1902; p, Bethany ch, Cleveland, O, 02-22; ss, Westm ch, Dayton, 22-3; ss, Germantown, 23-4; d, Germantown, O, Ja 30, 27. DD, CWoos, 12. *Porter, William Salter — b, Apalachicola, Fla, Nv 8, 1860; UPa, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Savannah, My 19, 92; p, Waycross & ss, St Mary’s, Ga, 92-5; p, Milton & Bagdad, Fla, 95-9; ss, McColl, Carolina, Clio & Tatum, SC, 99-1902; p, Summerton, Pinewood & Jordan, 02-10; p, Townville, Roberts Rural Sta & Sandy Springs, 11-3; p, Jonesville, Mt Tabor, Lockhart & Pacolet, 13-21; p, Georgetown, 21-6; d, Washington, Ga, Fb 5, 30. ’•'Pulham, Thomas Wright — b, Carrick-on-Suir, Co Tipperary, Ireland, Je 5, 18.50; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Newark, My 6, 91; p, Fairton, NJ, 91-3; p. Olivet ch, Baltimore, Md, 93-1911 ; p, Vancouver, BC, Can, 11-4; p. Olivet ch, Baltimore, Md, 14-21, p em; d, Baltimore, J1 26, 23. *Rioseco, Pedro — b, Puerto Principe, Cuba, Ja 27, 1863; CNJ, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 23, 91; p, Piney Creek & Taneytown, Md, 91-6; ss, Stonega, Va, 98-9; SSmiss, Cuba, 99-1905; hm miss, Cuba, 05-6; agt, AmBSoc, Havana, 06-8; res, Phila, Pa; ss. Cedar Parkch, Phila, 18-20; d, Phila, Pa, My 14, 27. Robinson, W Courtland— b, Delhi, NY, Nv 13, 1865; CNJ, 88, MA; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Boston, My 20, 91; p. Park St ch, Portland, Me, 91-2; p. Stone 1891 4o8 ch, Clinton, NY, 92-6; p, Potsdam, 96-1902; p. Central ch, Syracuse, 02-7; p, Northminster ch, Phila, Pa, 07-20; p, 1st ch, Delhi, NY, 20-30; ed. The Presb, 30—; res, Delhi, NY. DD, SyrU, 06. ♦Rogers, Conway Blizard — b. Fort View, Ireland, Mr 26, 1865; QuUBelf, 88; AsC; PTS, 90-1; ss. La Grange & Canton, Mo, 91-2; ss. Holly Park ch, San Fran- cisco, Cal, 93-4; ord evang, Pby Sacramento, Oc 16, 94; ss. Elk Grove, 94-5; ss, Ventura, 95-1906; p, 1st ch, Hayward, 06-18; d, San Francisco, Cal, Ja 13, 18. ♦Rutherford, William Starrit — b, Coleraine, Ireland, Ap 15, 1866; QuU Bell, 88; AsC; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Stockton, Oc 4, 91; ss, Grayson & Tracy, Cal, 91-2; d, London, Eng, Mr 1, 93. Thomson, William McCulloch — b, Durham, NS, Canada, Ap 3, 1862; tea; QuUOnt, 88; PTS, 88-91, 1919-20, BD; CNJ, 90, MA; ord, Pby Halifax, Can, My 12, 91; miss. Kempt & Walton, NS, 91-2; p, Bedeque, PEI, 92-4; UEdin, 94-5; UMarb, 95; p. New St Andrew’s ch. New Glasgow, NS, 97-1906; p. Grey- friars’ ch. Port of Spain, Trinidad, 06-19; ed, Trinidad Presb, 10-9; YaleUDS, 20; research wk, YaleU, 20-2; do, ColU, 22-4; p, Presb ch, Sydney, NS, 25 — . DD, PresbC, 30. Tolson, Henry Walter — b, Mirfield, England, J1 13, 1863; CNJ, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 16, 91; p. Port Carbon, Pa, 91-3; p. East Aurora, NY, 94-9; p, Kingsboro ch, Gloversville, 1900-12; p, Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pa, 12-22; p, Westm ch, Washington, DC, 22 — . Vardell, Charles Graves — b. Charleston, SC, Fb 12, 1860; DavC, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Albemarle, Je 21, 91; p. New Bern, NC, 91-6; pres. So Presb Coll & Conserv Music (Flora Macdonald Coll), Red Springs, 96-1930, pres em & prof. Bib, 30 — ; res. Red Springs, NC. DD, DavC, 04. Way, Edgar William — b, Walthourville, Ga, Nv 12, 1863; UGa; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Savannah, Dc 1, 91; p, Walthourville, Ga, 91-5; p, 1st ch, Gaines- ville, Fla, 95-1902; p, 1st ch, Dalton, Ga, 02-6; p, 1st ch, Fernandina, Fla, 06-11; evang, Pby Suwannee, 11-4; p. So Jacksonville, Fla, 14-8; ss, E Jacksonville, 18- p, 19-28; p at large, Pby Suwannee, 28-9; p, St Johns Park, Jacksonville, Fla, 29-. DD, DavC, 31. Waygood, Walter Henry — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Ag 15, 1865; LafC, 88, MA; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Phila North, My 12, 91; p, Morrisville, Pa, 91-2; p. State St ch, Schenectady, NY, 92-1903; p, Carmel ch. Edge Hill, Pa, 03-8; p, Lafayette Sq ch, Baltimore, Md, 08-11; supt, AmBSoc, Phila, Pa, 11-8; rel wk, war service, 18-9; pres, Phila Schl for Chr Workers, 20-1; p. East Stroudsburg, 21-31; res, Wyncote, Pa. DD, LafC, 15. ♦Williams, Charles Barnes — b, Uniontown, Pa, Fb 2, 1865; CNJ, 88; PTS, 88-90, 90-1; ColTS, 89; WestTS, 89-90; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 10, 91; p, Carversville, Pa, 91-4; p, Thompson Mem ch, Brownsburgh, 94-5; p, Welling- ton, 111, 95-7; p, Lexington, 97-8; ord PEpis pr, Je 2, 01; asst, St Peter’s ch, Phila, Pa, 00; DSPEpisCh, 00-1; asst rec, Ch of the Advocate, Phila, 00-3;, rec. Calvary ch, Rockdale, 03-5; rec, St George’s ch. West Phila, 05-7 ; rec, St Andrew’s ch, Yardley, 07-13; res. Fort Washington, Pa; d, St Johnsbury, Vt, Nv 17, 28. PhD, IllWesU, 00. 1891 409 ♦Williams, Frank Edwin — b, Raleigh, Md, Nv 30, 1865; WesU, 86; tea, Chesapeake City, Md, 86-8; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby New Castle, My 7, 91; ss, West St ch, Georgetown, DC, 91-2; p. Boundary Ave ch, Baltimore, Md, 92-1903; ed Elkton, 03-20; mem, Md State Sen, 14-8; d, Elkton, Md, Dc 4, 20. ♦Woodruff, Frank Stiles — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ja 29, 1863; CNJ, 85; tea, AmUBeirut, 85-8; PTS, 88-91; ord evang, Pby Elizabeth, Je 29, 91; prof, Eng Lit, Syr Prot Coll, Beirut, Syria, 91-2; d, Elizabeth, NJ, My 26, 93. ♦Young, John Newton, Jr — b, Fillmore, Mo, J1 1, 1867; PkC, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby Platte, My 20, 91; miss, Peking, China, 91-3; d, Peking, Fb 18, 93. 46. Bates, William Ezra — b, Ottawa, 111, Ja 19, 1861; LkFC, 88, 91, MA; McCTS, 87-9; ord, Pby Mankato, Oc 9, 89; ss, Delhi, Minn, 89-90; PTS, 90-1; p, Winnebago City, Minn, 91-1903; ill health, travel, 03-5; p, Vashon, Wash, 06-11; ss, Montesano, 12-4; p. So Tacoma, 14-8; sec & chief examiner. Civ Service Com, 24 — ; res, Tacoma, Wash. Bishop, William Samuel — b, Northampton, Mass, Ag 26, 1865; RutU, 87, 91, MA; NBTS; PTS, 89-90; GenTS, 90-1, 94, BD; ord PEpis pr, Dc 18, 91; rec, Christ ch miss (St Barnabas’ ch), Denver, Col, 91-2; rec, St Barnabas’ miss, Glenwood Springs, Col, 92-4; asst rec, St John’s chap, NYCity, NY, 94-1902; prof, Theol & act prof, Phil, Univ of the South, Sewanee, Tenn, 02-13; lect, Theol, GenTS, 07-8; asst rec, Grace ch. Orange, NJ, 14-20; cur, St Thomas’ ch, Washington, DC, 21- vie, 29 — . STD & DD, GenTS, 05. ♦Blake, Robert William — b. Decorah, la. My 21, 1864; CNJ, 87; Fell Classics, CNJ, 87-8; PTS, 88-91; lie, RefChAm, Cl Bergen, 91; instr, Gk, CNJ, 90-4; stu, ULeip & UErl, 94-6; prof, Lat, W&JC, 96-9; prof, Lat, LehU, 99-1921; d. So Bethlehem, Pa, Ja 27, 21. Boyd, Andrew Adam — b, Coleraine, Ireland, Je 13, 1860; QuUBelf, 87; AsC, 87-90; grad stu, PTS, 90-1; ord, Pby Kansas City, Dc 17, 91; ss. Knob Noster & Salem, Mo, 91-9; ss. Central ch, Sedalia, 99- p, 1900-9; ss, 2d & Poplar St chs. Pine Bluff, Ark, 10-1; ss, 2d & Alexandria Mem chs. Pine Bluff, 12-20; res. Pine Bluff, 20—. Clarke, James Alexander — b, Moshanon, Pa, Dc 15, 1864; LafC, 86; tea, Spencer Acad, Choctaw Nation, Ind Terr, 86-7; prin. Chestnut Level Acad, Pa, 87-8; PTS, 88-90; prin, Parkesburg, Pa, 90-1; lie, Pby Newton, Ap 15, 91; prin, Coatesville, Pa, 91-3; CNJ, 96, MA; prin, Berwyn, Pa, 93-1901; tea, Phila, 01 — . res, Devon, Pa. Dean, Henry Glen — b, Schenectady, NY, Dc 13, 1866; UnC; PTS, 88-90; AubTS; ord evang, Pby Niagara, Je 13, 92; ss, Lyndonville, NY, 92-5; ss, Peru, 97-1900; ss, Galway & W Galway, 02-4; p. Tribe’s Hill, 06-13; res, Schenectady, 14—. FitzSimons, William Jamison — b, Toorne, Ireland, My 1, 1867; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 29, 91; p, Westm & Grace chs, Kent Co, Md, 410 1891 91-2; p, Zion & Rock chs, Cecil Co, 93-1901; PEpis; rec, St Mary's, Tuxedo, NY, 01-10; trav; res, London, Eng. ♦Fraser, John, Jr— b, Phila, Pa, Je 17, 1861; CNJ, 88; PTS, 88-9; d, Phila, Oc 31, 89. Freeman, Horace Nutman — b. West Orange, NJ, Ap 14, 1864; XenTS, 86-9; PTS, 89-90; WestmCO, 90-1; ord UP, Pby Big Springs, Ag 18, 91; p. Stone Valley ch, McAlevy’s Fort, Pa, 91-1916; ss, Bear Creek, Kan, 17-9; ss, Duquoln, 19-22; ss, Four-Mile & Idana, 23; ss, Chekaskia, 27; res, Sterling, Kan. Garrison, James Mack — b, Mecklenburg Co, NC, My 1, 1860; ErskC, 88; ErskTS, 88-90; grad stu, PTS, 90-1; ss. Prosperity & Blanche Asso Ref Presb chs, Tenn, 91-2; ord, AssoRefP, 1st Pby, Ap 27, 92; p. King’s Mountain, NC, 92-1907; ss, Fayetteville, Tenn, 08-13; ss, Anderson, SC, 13-22; p. King’s Mountain, NC, 22—. DD, ErskC, 15. ♦Hattori, Ayawo — b, Numazu, Japan, Fb 9, 1864; MG, 82; PTS, 88-9; SFTS, 89-91; ord, 2d Pby Tokyo, Japan, Fb 11, 92; p, Ushigome ch, Tokyo, 89- 94; prin, Toyama & Okayama, 94-1903; bus, Seattle, Wash; member, House of Commons, res, Himeji, Japan; d, San Francisco, Cal, Ap 1, 14. Hunter, Robert John — b, Millbrook, Ont, Canada, My 15, 1861; QuUOnt, 88; PTS, 88-9; KxCTor, 89-91; ord, Pby Chatham, Sp 1, 91; p, Rldgetown, Can, 91-8; p, Greeley, Col, 98-1911; p, Coeur d’Alene, Ida, 11 — . DD, WestmU, 11. ♦Jacobs, James Ferdinand — b, Clinton, SC, Oc 6, 1868; PresbCSC, 87; bus; PTS, 88-9; ColTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Enoree, Ap 18, 93; ss. Rocky Springs, SC, 93; fin agt & prof, Bib Lit & Phil, PresbCSC, 91-8; ed. Southern Presby- terian, 98-1905; mgr, Rel Press Adv Syndicate, Clinton, SC, 00-31; d, Clinton, SC, Je 7, 31. Kenworthy, Truman Cooper — b, Grinnell, la, Mr 17, 1863; PennC, 88, MA; PTS, 88-9; recorded. Friends, Oskaloosa, la, Mr 25, 89; min, Hubbard, la, 89-93; min, Des Moines, 93-4; min, Oskaloosa, 94-1903; min, Damascus, O, 03-8; min, Spiceland, Ind, 08-9; min, Richmond, 09-14; gen supt, Ind Yearly Meeting, 14-7; evang \vk, 17-22; oc s, 22 — ; res, Richmond, Ind. Mackenzie, Thomas Hanna — b, Sewickley, Pa, Nv 18, 1867; MonC, 88, MA; XenTS; PTS, 90-1; ord UP, Pby New York, Dc 16, 90; p. Pine Bush, NY, 90- 6; p. Deer Park RefChAm, Port Jervis, 96-1905; p. Flushing, 05 — . DD, RutU, 12. ♦Maxwell, Joseph Edgar — b, near Berlin, O, Ap 6, 1856; CNJ, 84; bus, 83-8; PTS, 88-91 ; ord, Pby Wooster, Sp 28, 91 ; ss, Berlin, O, 91-4; ss, Millersburg, 91- p, 92-4; ss, Hinsdale, 111, 95; ULeip; p, American-British ch, Leipzig, Germany, 97-1904; prof, NT Lit, CWoos, 04-6; prof, Bib Instruction, OccC, 06-7; prof, Phil, CEmpo, 07-9; res, Cleveland, O, 10-4; Washington, DC, 15-6; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Nv 16, 17. DD, CoeC, 05. Milligan, Robert Henry — b, Listowel, Ont, Canada, Fb 14, 1868; ManiC, 88; PTS, 88-90; ss, Hillsboro, ND, 90-1; McCTS, 91-2; ord, Pby Chicago, J1 21, 92; p, Libertyville, 111, 92-3; miss, Kamerun, W Africa, 93-4; p. South Salem, O, 96-8; miss, W Africa, 98-1904; ss, Lebanon, Ind, 06- p, 07-9; act p, 1st ch, Wilkes- 1891-1892 4II Barre, Pa, 09-10; p, Immanuel ch, Tacoma, Wash, 12-7; p. Rose City Park ch, Portland, Ore, 17-20; p, Mt Kisco, NY, 24-7; sec, AmBSoc, Upper Andes Agency, SA, 27-31; ill health; res, Chicago, 111. DD, WhitC, 15. *Reinsberg, Charles Hermann — b, Cottbus, Germany, Oc 15, 1866; NieskyC, Silesia, 85; tea; PTS, 88-90; GenTS, 90-1; asst, Crafton, Pa, 91; ord PEpis pr, Sp 30, 91; rec, Grace Miss, White Sulphur Springs & St Andrew’s Castle, Mont, 91-3; miss, Billings, 93; rec, Calvary miss. Red Lodge, 93-5; miss, NJ & NY, 95- 1900; miss, Nome, Alaska, 00; MD, Coll Phys & Surg, NYCity, 00; miss phys, NYCity, 01-13; d, NYCity, Ag 25, 13. Sinclair, Robert Colin Havelock — b, Carleton Place, Ont, Canada, Je 19, 1864; QuUOnt, 88, 92-4; PTS, 88-90; McCTS, 90-1; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 5, 91; p, Mem ch. Bay City, Mich, 91-2; p, Oliver’s Ferry, Ont, Can, 94-9; p, Fene- lon Falls, 99-1907; p, Inverness, Que, 07-10; p, Richmond, Ont, 10-2; p, St Louis de Gonzaque, Que, 13-6; p, Kenmore, Ont, 16-20; p, Fitzroy Harbor, 20-2; p, Aultsville, 20-4; hon re; res, Aultsville, Ont. Smith, John William — b, Turnersville, Pa, Oc 12, 1859; WestmCPa, 79; AlIegTS; ord UP, Pby Lake, My 15, 83; p. Oil City, Pa, 83-5; p, Xenia, O, 86-90; grad stu, PTS, 90-1; p, Presb ch, Warren, Pa, 91-1930; res, Phila, 30 — . DD, GrovCyC. Templeton, William Craig — b, Pinckneyville, 111, Ag 15, 1863; PkC, 88; PTS, 88-90; ord, Pby Neosho, Ap 7, 91; ss, Quenemo, Kan, 91-4; p, Chanute, 94- 7; p, Monett, Mo, 97-1902; p, Kirksville, 02-12; p, Emporia, Kan, 12-8; p, Winfield, 18-26; p. Dodge City, 26 — . PhD, McKC, 98; DD, PkC, 08. Vance, Selby Frame — b, Oneida, 111, Nv 17, 1864; LkFC, 85, 88, MA; tea, LkFC, 85-8; PTS, 88-90; ss. Ash Grove & Lockwood, Mo, 90; McCTS, 90-1; ord, Pby Neosho, My 12, 91; ss, Girard, Kan, 91-3; UBer, 93-5; prof, Gk, ParsC, 95- 1900; prof, Eng Bib, CWoos, 00-5; prof, Ch Hist, LaneTS, 05-10, Eng Bib, 10-21; prof, NT Lit & Exeg, WestTS, 21-. DD, ParsC, 02; LLD, CumbU, 15. *Warne, William Walter — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ag 23, 1861; PierU, 88; PTS, 88-91; ord, Pby So Dakota, Ap 22, 91; hm miss, Chilkat Indians, Alaska, 91-1901; ss, Hanna City & Limestone, 111, 01-2; p. Florid & ss, Granville, 02-4; ss, Norwich, ND, 04-10; ss, Douglas, Ryder & Hiddenwood, 05; ss, Belfrey & Washoe, Mont, 10-1; ss, Rolette, ND, 12-3; res, Norwich; d, Norwich, ND, Sp 6, 27. ♦Wyckoff, Walter Augustus — b, Mynpooree, India, Ap 12, 1865; CNJ, 88, F'ell, Soc Sc, 94-5; PTS, 88-9; lect, Sociol, PrU, 95-8, asst prof, Econ, 98-1908; d, Princeton, NJ, My 15, 08. Alexander, Maitland — b. New York City, Ap 8, 1867; CNJ, 89, MA; McCTS, 89-90; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 14, 92; ss. Long Branch, NJ, 91- p, 92-6; p, Harlem ch, NYCity, 96-9; p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 99-1929, p em, 29 — . DD, LafC, 96; LLD, UKy, 15, CWoos, 16; Mod, Gen Assem, 14. Blessing, Frank Fenton — b, Slingerlands, NY, Dc 12, 1864; UnC, 89; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Albany, Dc 13, 92; evang, Scarborough, NY, 92- p, 95-1901; 412 1892 p, Lebanon ch, Buffalo, 04-8; sec, UrsC, 08-10; res, Buffalo, NY, 11-3; p, 6th RefCh, Albany, 15-22; res, Albany, 23-6; rec, PEpis Ch of Messiah, Rensselaer, 27—. *Brannen, Denton William — b, Zebulon, Ga, Sp 25, 1869; PresbCSC, 89; ColTS, 89-91; PTS, 91-2; ss, Milledgeville, Ga, 92; ord, Pby Augusta, Nv 23, 92; p, Milledgeville, Ga, 92-1919; field sec, Interch Wld Mvmt, Ga, 19-20; p, 1st ch, Moultrie, 20-3; d, Moultrie, Ga, Fb 21, 23. DD, DavC, 11. Calhoun, John — b, McKeesport, Pa, Sp 22, 1863; CNJ, 86; bus; PTS, 89-92; ord evang, Pby Redstone, Ap 23, 92; asst p, 1st ch, Germantown, Pa, 92-6; p, Mt Airy ch, Phila, 96 — . DD, UrsC, 09. *Cameron, Leroy Learned — b, Albany, NY, Ja 19, 1869; UnC, 89; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Albany, Ap 20, 92; ss, Chestertown, NY, 92-4; p, 1st ch, St Paul, Minn, 94-5; ill health; d, Albany, NY, Ag 4, 96. *Colson, Louis Glancy — b, Batchellerville, NY, Nv 2, 1862; HamC, 87; gen sec, YMCA, New Castle, Pa; ss, Mayfield, NY ; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Albany, Ap 20, 92; p, 1st ch. Pen Argyl, Pa, 92-3; p, Walcott Mem ch. New York Mills, NY, 93-1913; p, Camden, 14-9; sec, YMCA, South Bend, Ind, 20-3; p, Holland Patent, NY, 23-9; d, Utica, Nv 10, 29. *Conger, Sidney Seabury — b, NYCity, Dc 17, 1867; bus; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Boston, J1 19, 92; p, 1st ch, Portland, Me, 92-4; p, Wyoming, NJ, 94-8; p, 1st ch, Cooperstown, NY, 98-1910; ss, Mexico City, Mex, 11-5; p, Balboa, Panama Canal Zone, 17-8; Red Cross wk, 18-9; d, NYCity, My 6, 20. Cooper, Alexander Porter — b, Fair Haven, O, Fb 3, 1866; MaryvC, 89; LaneTS, 89-91; PTS, 91-2; ord, Pby Portsmouth, My 25, 92; ss. Hot Springs, SD, 92-3; ss, Wyoming, la, 93- p, 94-1903; p el, Lansing, 03-5; ss, Mechanics- ville, 05-11; ss. Miller, SD, 11-7; ss, Plankinton, 17-22; ss, Cozad, Neb, 22-7; p, Wakefield, 28-9; ss. Park Forest ch, Omaha, 29; p, Cozad, 29 — . Dobbins, Hugh Trowbridge — b, Jackson, Cal, Ag 13, 1866; CNJ, 88, Fell, Classics, 88-9, MA; SFTS, 89-90; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Oakland, Sp 13, 92; ss, Grayson & Tracy, Cal, 92-3; NT Fell, UBer, 93-4; p, 1st ch, Virginia City, Nev, 95-6; p, 1st ch. Eureka, Cal, 96-9; p, 1st ch, Colusa, 1900-18; bus, 18 — ; res, Berkeley, Cal. Ettlich, Carl Georg Hans — b, Berlin, Germany, Nv 30, 1863; NYU, 87-8; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 12, 92; ss, Weehawken, NJ, 91-2; p, Hopewell, Pa, 92-1919; p. Center ch, Loysville, 19 — . Ferguson, William Hays — b. West Ely, Mo, Oc 25, 1865; WestmCMo, 89; McCTS, 89-91; PTS, 91-2; ord, Pby Missouri, Je 21, 92; ss, Montgomery City, Mo, 92-3; ss, California, Mo, 93-6; ss, St Charles, 96-1900; p, Durango, Col, 00-7; ss, Denver, 07-9; hm miss, Burley, Ida, 09-10; ss. Mound City, Mo, 10-9; p, Greenfield, 19-27; res, Penney Farms, Fla. FitzSimon, Edmond Watson — b, Toomebridge, Ireland, Ap 16, 1866; Eng Civil Service; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 22, 92; p, Harmony ch. Deer Creek, Md, 92-6; TrinCDub, 96-9; p, Wallingford, Pa, 99-1908; Epis; res, Tuxedo Park, NY, 09; rec. Midhurst, Sussex, Ireland. 1892 413 Foster, Sterling Johnson, Jr — b, Union Springs, Ala, Oc 22, 1867; SWPresbU, 89; PTS, 89-90, 91-2; UnTSVa, 90-1; ord, Pby Columbia, My 30, 92; p, Mt Pleasant, Tenn, 92-3; UEdin, 93-4; Europe & Palestine, 94; UBer, 94; p, Idlewild ch, Memphis, Tenn, 95-1903; p. South Highland ch, Birmingham, Ala, 03—. DD, SWPresbU, 03. Fulmer, Llewellyn Stover — b, Durham, Pa, Oc 1, 1866; CNJ, 89; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Phila North, My 10, 92; p, Abington, Pa, 92-4; p, Lafayette Sq ch, Baltimore, Md, 95-1901; p, 1st ch, Montclair, NJ, 01-13; p, 1st ch. East Cleveland, 0, 13-21; bus, 21 — ; res. Ambler, Pa. DD, CWoos, 07. Gemmill, Benjamin McKee — b. New Park, Pa, Oc 24, 1866; LafC, 89; McCTS, 89-90; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 12, 92; ss, Buckley & Westm chs, Anacortes, Wash, 92-3; p, 1st ch, Cresson, Pa, 93-1905; asst pres, Kendall Coll, Muskogee, Ind Ter, 05; mem of staff. The Presbyterian, Phila, Pa, 04-8; prof. Bib & Phil, Beaver Coll, Jenkintown, 27-31; p, Hartsville, Pa, 08-. PhD, NewWC, 04; DD, LafC, 22. *Hutcheson, David — b, Killycannon, Co Armagh, Ireland, Nv 2, 1867; QuUBelf, 90; BanTS, 88-90; PTS, 91-2; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 27, 93; p, Har- rington & Felton, Del, 92-5; d, Ireland, 1900. Hymes, Hamilton Andrew — b, Darlington, SC, Ap 19, 1863; USC, 86; lawy; UnTSVa, 89-91; PTS, 91-2; ord, Pby Memphis, J1 24, 92; p, Idlewild ch, Memphis, Tenn, 92-4; p, Webster Groves ch, St Louis, Mo, 94-6; p, 1st ch, Clinton, 96-8; IllWesU, 1902, MA; p, 2d ch. New Albany, Ind, 98-1907; p, Grace ch, Evansville, 07-25; res, Evansville, 25 — . PhD, IllWesU, 05; DD, WestmCMo, 08, USC, 09. Hyndman, Matthew James — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 9, 1868; UPa, 89; RefPTS (GS), 89-90; PTS, 90-2; CNJ, 91, MA; ord, Pby Phila, My 31, 92; p, Ch of Evangel, Phila, Pa, 92-1907; p. Olivet ch, Phila, 07-8; p, Olivet-Covenant ch, Phila, 08—. DD, UrsC, 16. ♦Jennings, Clarke Alexander Buckner — b, Laurens Co, SC, Fb 16, 1868; PresbCSC, 89; ColTS, 89-90; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Enoree, Oc 9, 92; p, Unionville, SC, 92-1901; ss, Becca, & p, Nazareth, Antioch & Centre Point, 02-8; drowned near Reidville, SC, My 25, 08. Lyman, Charles Wood— b. New Orleans, La, Nv 25, 1868; SWPresbU, 89; UnTSVa, 89-91; PTS, 91-2; ss, Prytania St ch. New Orleans, La, 91; ord, Pby Louisiana, Je 8, 92; p. Lake Charles, La, 92-9; chap, USArmy, 98; bus. New Orleans & Patterson, La, 99-1903; farmer. Branch, 03-5; postmaster, Rayne, 05-14; bus & oc s, Crowley, La, 16 — . Marshall, Thomas Chalmers— b, Wilkinsburg, Pa, Oc 20, 1868; LafC, 88, 91 MA; UEdin; WestTS; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Mankato, Je 13, 93; ss. Lake Crystal & Amboy, Minn, 92-3; ss, Auburndale & Winter Haven, Fla, 94-6; ss, Palatka, 96-7; ss, Ojai, Cal, 97- p, 1900-2; ord PEpis, pr, Fb 24, 04; cy miss, Los Angeles, 04-9; rec, St Mark’s miss, Los Angeles, 07-9; arch dea. Diocese of Los Angeles, 11-20; rec, St Pauls ch, Pomona, 15-8; rec, St Athanasius ch, Los .Angeles, 18-27; sec & chap, Hosp Good Samaritan, Los Angeles, Cal, 12—. 414 1892 *McIntyre, Joseph — b, West Troy, NY, Mr 2, 1866; UnC, 88; PTS, 88-92; ord, Pby Phila North, Sp 15, 92; p. Port Kennedy, Pa, 92-4; ss, Voorheesville, NY, 94-5; p, 1st RefChAm, West Glenville, 95-9; p. Cold Spring, 99-1902; p, Bloomingburg, 03-6; res, Bloomingburg; d, Scotia, NY, Je 17, 09. McKee, Thomas Parker — b, Clintonville, Pa, Je 12, 1867; CWoos, 89; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 12, 92; p. New Harmony ch, Chanceford, Pa, 92-9; p. New Harmony ch, Brogueville, 99-1911; p. New Harmony ch, Parke, 12-3; p, Hamilton Square, NJ, 14-22; p. West Nottingham ch, Colora, Md, 22-8; p, Georgetown, Del, 28 — . *Mershon, Albert Lincoln — b, Newark, NJ, Ag 3, 1866; CNJ, 87; tea, Northfield, Mass, 87-9; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 22, 92; p, Wyalus- ing. Pa, 92-3; p, RefChAm, Bound Brook & Annandale, NJ, 93-8; p, Astoria, NY, 98-1906; prof. Bib, Ch Hist & Gk, AsbC, 06-7; ss. Faith & Bethany Chapels, Washington, DC, 07-8; tea, NYCity, 08-20; d, Brooklyn, NY, J1 15, 20. *Morrison, Thomas Maxwell — b, Fredericksburg, Va, Nv 21, 1867; LafC, 88; LincU, 88-9; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 9, 92; asst p, Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 92-3; p, Shenandoah, 94-8; p, Mahanoy City, 98-1908; p, Mem ch, Bellona, NY, 08-18; p, 1st ch, Johnson City, 18-27; d, Binghamton, NY, My 10, 27. Onque, Samuel John — b, Jersey City, NJ, Mr 8, 1870; LincU, 88; PTS, 88- 92; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 92; tea, Immanuel Train Schl & High Schl, Aiken, SC, 92-3; ss, Immanuel miss, Aiken, 93; ss & tea, Laurens, 93-5; ss & tea, Jetersville, Va, 95-1902; ss & tea, Southampton, NY, 02-6; ss & tea, Mor- rillton. Ark, 06-12; supt, Richard Allen Acad, & ss. Pine Bluff, 12-4; ss, Beaver Dam ch. Grant, Okla, 14-6; ss, Wilson chap, Muskogee, 16-8; bus, 17-23; ss, Tullahassee, 23-9; ss, Mt Olive ch, Okmulgee, 29 — . Perkins, Frederick — b. Lock Haven, Pa, Sp 12, 1865; HamC, 89, 92, MA; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 23, 92; p, Ulster & Ulster Village chs. Pa, 92-4; p. Broad Ave ch, Binghamton, NY, 94-1900; ill health; civ eng, Ga, 01; hm mis, Pby Macon, 02; p, Bainbridge, Ga, 03-5; p, RefChAm, Lodi, NY, 05-9; p, St Johnsville, 09-17; p, Presb ch. New Berlin, 17-20; ss. Broad Ave ch, Bing- hamton, 20-5; ss, Georgetown, Del, 25-8; ss. New Berlin, NY, 28-9; oc s, 29-30; ss. Marathon, 30- p, 31 — . Price, William Albert — b. Sunny Brook, Md, Ja 26, 1864; LafC, 89, 92, MA; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ag 4, 92; p. Bethel, & ss. North Bend & White Hall, Md, 92-1905; p. Covenant ch, Baltimore, 05-14; p. Grove ch, Aber- deen, 14-23; p. Highland & North Bend, 23 — ; res. Street, Md. DD, WMdC, 25. Rand, Edwin Watson— b, Phila, Pa, Fb 18, 1864; CNJ, 89, 92, MA; PTS, 89- 93; tea, Princeton, NJ, 93-1902; asst libr, PTS, 02-4; prin, Rand Colleg Schl, Trenton, NJ; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 16; tea; p. Coral Gables, Fla, 26-7; p, Miami Beach, 28 — . Robertson, James Marion — b, Thorold, Ont, Canada, Ja 10, 1866; Westm CPa, 88; tea; AllegTS; PTS, 90-2; ss. White Lake, NY, 92; ss. Bethel, 92-4; lay reader. Liberty, 94; PEpis dea, Warren, Pa, 95; ord pr, Dc, 95; rec, Emmanuel ch. Emporium, Pa, 96-1910; rec, St Thomas’ ch, Amenia Union, NY, 11-23; rec, Emmanuel ch. Emporium, Pa, 23 — . 1892 415 Sharpe, Robert H — b, Oakville, Pa, Oc 3, 1862; CWoos; tea, Pittsburgh; prin, Newville, Pa; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Jersey City, Je 21, 92; p, Newfoundland ch. Oak Ridge, NJ, 92-1907; bus, Hammonton, 08-18; tea, Baltimore, Md, 18 — . *Shedd, William Ambrose — b, Urumia, Persia, Ja 24, 1865; MariC, 87; miss tea, Urumia, Persia; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Athens, Je 23, 92; miss, Urumia, Persia, 92-1918; d, Siam Kala, Persia, Ag 7, 18. DD, MariC, 07. Shewmaker, William Orpheus — b, Mitchellsburg, Ky, Oc 2, 1869; CntlU, 89; PTS, 89-92; evang, Breathitt Co, Ky, 92; ord, Pby West Lexington, Sp 21, 93; ss, Jackson, Twin Creek & Irvine Mem chs, Ky, 92-6; p, Georgetown, 96- 1902; ed. Southern Evangelist, 99-1903; p, Pisgah, 03-12; ss, Cong ch, Vernon Center, Conn, 12-3; prin. Union Acad, Anna, 111, 14-7; p, Presb ch, Albion, 17-21; p, Columbia, Mo, 21-3; ss, Grenada, Miss, 24; prof. Bib & Rel Edu, Queen's Coll, Charlotte, NC, 24-5; prof. Bib, SW, 25—. PhD, HartTS, 14; DD, CenCKy, 27. Terhune, John Alvin — b. Saddle River, NJ, Dc 24, 1865; CNJ, 89, 92, MA; PTS, 89-93; ord, Pby North River, Je 20, 93; p, Hughsonville, NY, 93-1901; p, Millerton, 01-12; ss. Auburn St Cong ch, Paterson, NJ, 13; p. Community ch, Ridgewood, 13-27; p, RefChAm, Hohokus, 13-31, p em, 31 — . *Troub, George Bailey — b. Honey Brook, Pa, Fb20, 1863; LafC, 89; McCTS, 89-90; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 6, 92; p, Petersburg, Bethel & Shaver’s Creek, Pa, 93-4; trav; tea. Honey Brook, Pa, 95; ss, Hicksville, O, 96-1900; ss. Grand Ridge, 111, & Milton, la, 01-4; ss. Olivet ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 06-7; d, Indianapolis, Ag 29, 07. PhD, IllWesU, 03. *Van Dyke, George Bergen Westcott — b, Bloomsbury, NJ, Sp 3, 1865; CNJ, 88, 92, MA; tea; PTS, 89-92; ord evang, Pby Monmouth, My 12, 92; ss, Hope chap, Watertown, NY, 92-4; p, 1st ch, Perth Amboy, NJ, 94-8; p, Hammon- ton, 98-9; p Lowville, NY, 99-1904; ss. Old Forge, 04-5; p. Upper Lehigh, & ss, Sandy Run, Pa, 05-12; p, Moosic, 12-28; d, Moosic, Pa, Ap 3, 28. Waddell, John Milligan — b, near Wheeling, WVa, Ag 9, 1863; CNJ, 86; tea. Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, Pa, 86-9; PTS, 89-90, 91-2; ColTS, 90-1; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Sp 6, 92; p. Amity ch, Dravosburg, Pa, 92-6; p, 1st ch, Clearfield, 96-1904; p, Doylestown, 04-7; p, Kanawha ch. Charleston, WVa, 07-13; p, Bellevue ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 13-20; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p & tea, Blairstown, NJ, 20-8; tea. North China American Schl, Tungchow, China, 30-1, prin, 31-2; res. Mill Valley, Cal, 32—. ♦Williams, Calvin Scott — b, Ann Arbor, Mich, Oc 7, 1861; UMich, 83, 1908, MA; tea, Santiago, Chile, SA, 84-8; OberTS, 89-90; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Detroit, Je 17, 92; ss, Evart, Mich, 92; miss, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 92-1911; tea, Span- ish, Hollywood, Cal, 11-29; d, Hollywood, Cal, Ja 26, 29. 38. ♦Adair, William Cummins — b, McAlevy’s Fort, Pa, Dc 14, 1863; WestmC Pa, 88; AllegTS, 89-90; PTS, 90-1; XenTS, 91-2; ord UP, Pby Big Spring, Ag 30, 92; p, Tuscarora & Concord, Pa, 92-1906; p, Lyndon, Kan, 07; p, Bristol, Col, 11-8; p, Roberts, 18-21; p, Weiser, Ida, 21-3; ss, Walton, Kan, 23-8; d, Burlington, Wash, Oc 9, 30. 1892 4i6 *Aiken, Henry Osgood — b, Fitzwilliam, NH, Ag 16, 1864; DartC, 87; tea; PTS, 89-90; prin, High Schl, Northfield, Vt, 90-1; instr, Lat, Hill Schl, Potts- town, Pa, 91-4; instr, Lat, DartC, 96-7; d, Hanover, NH, Je 2, 97. *Atkins, Alexander Harrison — b, Greensboro, Ala, Je 15, 1860; SoU, 87; tea; ColTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Tuscaloosa, Nv 30, 90; p, Fairview ch, Scott’s Sta- tion, Ala, 90-1; grad stu, PTS, 91-2; p, Gainesville, Ala, 92-8; p, Antioch & Centre Point chs, Reidville & Moore, SC, 99-1902; p, Zion & Uriel chs, Lowry- ville, 02-33; res, Florence; d, Florence, SC, Mr 18, 33. DD, Ula, 17. *Axer, William Crittenden — b, Baltimore, Md, Ja 19, 1861; bus; PTS, 89- 92; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 20, 92; ss, Norton & Calvert, Kan, 92-3; ss, Clinton, 93-8; ss. Port Huron, Mich, 98-9; ss, Emerson & Sioux City, Neb, 99- 1901; d, Emerson, Neb, Sp 1, 01. *Ayers, Walter Howard — b, Canterbury, NH, Ap 26, 1845; DartC, 68; UnTS, 68-71; ord Cong, J1 16, 72; ss. Bethel, Me, 71; ss, Winooski, Vt, 72; ss, Castleton, 73-4; p, Lebanon, NH, 74-5; Europe, 75-7; ss, Hudson, Wis, 77-8; ss. La Salle, 111, 79-81; evang, Chicago, 81-4; ss, Albert Lea, Minn, 84-5; evang, Chicago, 111, 85-8; p, 2d Presb ch, Belvidere, NJ, 88-90; ss, Downsville, NY, 90- 1; grad stu, PTS, 91-2; ss, Cong ch, Lebanon, Mo, 93-4; ord PEpis dea, Ja 22, 95; chap, St Luke’s Hosp, Chicago, 111, 96; rec, St Philip’s ch, Ardmore, Okla, 97; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Dc 26, 26. Banks, Andrew — b, Mifflintown, Pa, Mr 21, 1867; PrU, 89; PTS, 89; prin, Mifflintown, Pa, 90-1; lawy, Mifflintown, Pa. Barr, William Marshall — b, Gugranwala, India, Je 12, 1865; WestmCPa, 88; tea; AllegTS; PTS, 90-1; AllegTS; lie UP, Pby Argyle, Ap 7, 91; asst p, 8th UP ch, Phila, Pa, 92-3; ss. Providence, RI, 94; p. Central Ealls, RI, 94-9; p, Lebanon ch. West Middlesex, Pa, 1900-12; p. Liberty ch, Hubbard, O, 13-4; p el, Lisbon, NY, 15-23; p, Delancey, 24 — . Berry, George Titus— b, Valatie, NY, My 20, 1865; CNJ, 87, 90, MA; tea, Glendale, O, 87-9; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Newark, Je 16, 92; ss, 2d ch, Troy, NY, 92; trav, 93; ss, 2d St ch, Troy, 94- p, 95-1900; asst sec, Ch Federation, NYCity, 01-4; field sec, Amer McAll Assn, 05-30; res, Englewood, NJ. *Coulson, George — b, Cecil Co, Md, Je 17, 1855; CNJ, 78; lawy; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Jersey City, Oc 28, 92; ss, Perryville, Md, 92- p, 94-5; evang, Paterson, NJ, 95-1911, 16-7; p, Albion Place chap, Paterson, 11-4; d, Paterson, NJ, Ja 31, 22. Davis, Charles Edgar — b, Titusville, NJ, Je 10, 1861; CNJ, 84; lawy; PTS, 89-92; lie, Pby Monmouth, Ap 13, 92; asst. Middle RefChAm, NYCity, 92-3; asst, PEpis ch of the Holy Communion, NYCity, 94; lay reader, Prosser & Sunnyside, Wash, 94; lawy, Boice City, la; lawy, NYCity; — Drew, Monroe — b, Howell, Mich, Nv 3, 1863; OliC; MeCTS; PTS, 89; UnTS, 89-90; ord, Pby Albany, My 28, 90; p. New Scotland, NY, 90-3; ss. Fair- field & Rockford, Wash, 93; ss. No Yakima, 93-6; p, Westm ch, Portland, Ore, 96-8; p, Columbus Junction, la, 99-1902; susp, Pby Iowa City, Dc 22, 02; ss. 1892 417 Menlo Park, 10; p, San Leandro, 10-27; p. Hillside ch, Oakland, 27 — ; res, San Leandro, Cal. Fraser, Donald — b. New Glasgow, NS, Canada, Mr 29, 1864; DalhU, 87; tea; PTS, 89-90; PTC, 90-2; ord, Pby Halifax, Je 1, 92; p. Gore & Kennetcook, NS, Can, 92-4; p, Hampton, Hammond River & Rothesay, NB, 94-7; p, St Andrew’s ch, Richibucto, 97-1904; p, St Andrew’s ch, La Have, NS, 04-6; p. Riverside, Port au Pique & Bass River, 06; ill health; p, Malbow ch, Hillsboro, 19-20; oc s, 21-3; p, Sunnybrae, NS, 24-5; oc s, UnChCan, Stellarton, 26-30; res, Stellarton, Can. Gibson, William — b, Strabane, Ireland, Nv 7, 1864; UEdin, 85; NewC; trav; PTS, 89-90; NewC, 90; ill health;— Groce, William Oscar — b, Greenville, SC, Oc 7, 1866; TallaC, 88; ed; ColTS; PTS, 88-90; p el, Brunswick, Ga; — *Hamill, James Macafee — b, Ballymoney, Co Antrim, Ireland, Dc 26, 1866; QuUBelf, 89; AsC; PTS, 90-1; NewC; ord, Pby Derry, My 23, 93; p, Mag- heramason. Ire, 93-6. Horne, Robert — b, Ontario, Canada, Sp 30, 1860; McCTS, 88-91; ss, Con- way, ND, 90; grad stu, PTS, 91; ss, Hamlet & Perryton, 111, 91-3; ord, Pby Rock River, Je 28, 92; ss, Jefferson, 111, 94; ss, Cleghorn & Mt Pleasant, la, 95-7; res, Braidwood, 111, 98; ss, Morgan & Evan, Minn, 99-1902; ss, 20th Century ch. Thief River Falls, 03; ss, Union ch, Utica & Lewiston, 04-7; ss, Wilmot, SD, 08-9; ss, Langford, 10; ss, Kirkville, la, 12-4; ss, Garden Plains, 111, 15-7; ss, Whitewood, SD, 18; ss, Parkertown ch, Rendall, Minn, 21-4; ss, Mora, 25; ss, 1st ch, Osakis, 26-9; hon re, 29; res, Wahkon, Minn. Ketchum, George Sloman — b, Momence, 111, Mr 7, 1866; CrozTS, 86-9; PTS, 89-91 ;— ■^Lambader, Frank, Jr — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 7, 1864; UPa, 84, Law Schl, 84-6; lawy, Phila, 86-9; PTS, 89-91; ord RefChUS, Cl Phila, Ja 31, 92; p, St Paul’s ch, Baltimore, Md, 92-3; ill health; dean, TemU, 93-7; prof, Ger, Barnard Schl, NYCity, 97-1901; atty, Iriternat Textbook Co, Scranton, Pa, 02-24; Red Cross, war service, 18-9; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 11, 24. PhD, TemU, 94. Lee, William Porter — b, Crestline, O, Dc 19, 1865; MacalC, 89; PTS, 89-92; CNJ, 91, MA; ord, Pby St Paul, Je 8, 92; ss, Westside ch, Germantown, Pa, 92- p, 93—. PhD, CWoos, 1903; DD, MacalC, 10. Macfarlane, James Anderson — b. Clarendon, Pontiac Co, Quebec, Can- ada, Ja 11, 1861; McGU, 85, 88, MA; PresbC, 85-8; NewC & FreeChCEdin, 88-9; ord, Pby Montreal, J1 8, 89; p, Valleyfield, Que, 89-90; grad stu, PTS, 91-2; ss, Zion ch, Hull City, Que, 92-3; p, McKay ch, Ottawa City, Can, 93-8; lect, Eng Bib, Can Bible Inst, 98-1904; ss, Shawville, Que, 04-5; ss, St Andrew’s ch, Que, 05-6; p, St Andrew’s ch, Levis, 06-9; supt. Missions & SS wk, Syn Montreal & Ottawa, 09-11; prin, Shawville Acad, Que, 12-4; p, Campbells Bar, 17-20; tea, Prot Principles for Orange Order, 20-4; p, Pendleton, Ont, 27-31; hon re, 31; res, Bristol, Que, Can. MacLurg, Alexander — b, Templemoyle, Ireland, Mr 3, 1869; QuUBelf, 89; 1892 4i8 AsC, 89-90, 92-3; RoyU, 90, MA; PTS, 90-1; ord, Pby Strabane, Dc 6, 93; p, Ardstraw, Ire, 93-1913; p, Cowan Ave ch, Toronto, Ont, Can, 13-8; p, Washington, Pa, 18-23; p, Kelowna, BC, Can, 23-6; p, Sligo, Ire, 26-9; p, Tobermore, Belfast, 29 — . BD, Univ Winnipeg, Can, 21. Macnab, James — b, Crieff, Scotland, Ag 4, 1865; UEdin, 89; PTS, 89-90; AubTS, 90-1; SSmiss, Pby Black Hills, 91-3; ColTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Black Hills, Sp 19, 94; ss, Nashville, SD, 94-7; ss, Beaver City & p, Stamford, Neb, 97-8; ill health; ss. Union Star, Glen & Bodarc, Neb, 04-5; res, Roseburg, Ore. McAfee, French — b. Port Royal, Pa, Fb 3, 1864; HarvU, 83-8; BosUSTh, 88- 9; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Austin, Oc 31, 91; ss, Steubenville, Tex, & stations, 90- 4; ss, Albany & sta, 94-1901; p, Portland, Me, 01-5; p. Port Royal, Pa, 05-13; p, Taylor St ch. Fort Worth, Tex, 13-6; ss, Barnesboro, Pa, 17-8; p, Patton, & ss, St Benedict, 18 — ; res, Patton, Pa. *Nicholas, Henry Irvin — b, Hanoverville, Pa, Ap 13, 1854; law stu; bus; tea, 82-9; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 9, 92; p, Neshaminy of War- minster ch, Hartsville, Pa, 92-1901; ss, De Land, Fla, 01-2; ss, Daretown, NJ, 02-3; p. Summit Hill, Pa, 03-27; d, Coaldale, Oc 26, 27. Pelton, De Witt Lincoln — b, Washington, la, Dc 10, 1866; CoeC, 88; PTS, 89-91; UnTS; ord, Pby St Lawrence, Je 30, 92; p, Adams, NY, 92-5; HarvU, 95-6; p, 1st ch, Bloomington, 111, 96-9; ord PFpis pr, Nv 11, 00; asst rec, St Thomas’ ch, NYCity, 00-4; rec, St James’ ch, Fordham, NYCity, 04—. PhD, NYU, 95; DD, CoeC, 13. *Pumphrey, William Henry — b, Cadiz, O, Mr 1, 1854; IllWesU, 78; McCTS, 78-80; ord, Pby Peoria, Oc 9, 80; p. La Rose, 111, 80-3; p, Fureka, 83-5; p. Central ch, Kansas City, Kan, 85-8; p, Garnett, 88-91; grad stu, PTS, 91-2; p. Fox Chase, Phila, Pa, 92-1902; ill health; bus. Corpus Christi, Tex, 03-6; p at large, Pby Peoria, 06-28; d, Peoria, 111, J1 27, 28. PhD, IllWesU, 87. Rush, Tillman Schnodgrass — b, Montana, NJ, Ap 1, 1863; ed; PTS, 89- 90, 90-2; lie, Pby Morris & Orange, Je 21, 92; ss, Fairmount, NJ, 91-3; ss, Georgetown, Del, 94-5; ord, Pby Newcastle, My 9, 95; p, Georgetown & Cold Spring, Del, 95-7; p, Livonia, NY, 97-8; ss, Warrensburg, 99-1901; ss, Cannons- ville, 02-3; ss. Green Creek ch, NJ, 03-7; ss, Tuckahoe & Green Creek chs. Laurel Springs, 07-8; ss, Stratford, 09-12; ed, Stratford, 12-4; res, Stratford, 14-6; dropped without prejudice, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 19, 27; hm miss, Payson, Ariz, 16-27; res, Payson; — Sandin, Carl Laurentius — b, Linkoping, Sweden, Mr 27, 1863; PTS, 89-90;— Shumaker, E[lmer] Ellsworth — b, Muncy, Pa, Sp 15, 1862; HarvU, 89; PTS, 89-90; GenTS; ord PFpis dea. My 23, 91; rec, Zion ch, Manchester, Vt, 91- 2; UBer, 92-3; ord Cong, Fb 27, 94; p. Mound City, 111, 93-6; prof. So Colleg Inst, & p, Albion, 96-8; YaleU, 98-9; p. North ch, Newburyport, Mass, 99-1902; p. Covenant ch, Chicago, 111, 03-6; act p. Wood Memorial ch, Cambridge, Mass, 08-10; p, Shawmut ch, Boston, 11-4; lect, 15-20; p, 1st Cong ch, Adams, Mass, 21-6; auth; res, Cambridge, Mass. PhD, YaleU, 02. 1892-1893 419 *Smiley, Franklin — b, Carlisle, Pa, Ap 24, 1867; DickC, 87; law stu; PTS, 89-90; lie, Pby Carlisle, Je 16, 91; ss, Cannonsville, NY, 91; MeCTS, 91-2; d, Chicago, 111, Mr 15, 92., *Stewart, Walter Lee — b, Natchez, Miss, Ag 10, 1866; SWPresbU, 89; PTS, 89-91; ord, Pby Mississippi, Ap 9, 92; p, Brookhaven, Miss, 92-5; tea, Brookhaven, 92-3; ss, 1st ch, Gainsville, Tex, 95-6; d, Natchez, Miss, Oc 26, 97. Thompson, Archibald — b. Cold Springs, Ont, Can, Nv 12, 1864; VicC, 89; PTS, 89-90; QuUOnt, ThDept; ord, Pby Regina, J1 13, 92; hm miss, Gains- boro, NWT, Can, 92-3; hm miss, Douglas, Man, 93-5; p, Chatsworth, Ont, 95-8; p, Hepworth, 98-1905; p, Rothsay, 05-9; p, Camden ch, Newburgh, Ont, 10-6; p, Queensboro ch, Eldorado, 19-21; res, Thorndale, 22-7; res, Glasgow, NS, 28-9; res, Oakville, Ont, 29—. Thwing, Edward Waite — b, Boston, Mass, Fb 11, 1868; PTS, 89-92; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 1, 92; miss, Kanghan, China, 92-4; asst p, Fati ch, & prof, Theol Schl, Canton, 95-8; asst p. Lien Chou, 98-9; supt, Chinese Miss & p, Honolulu, Hawaii, 01-9; ed. The Friend, Honolulu, 02-9; Oriental sec, Internat Ref Bureau, 09-20; miss supt, Ch of the Open Door, Los Angeles, Cal, 21-4; supt. Childrens Bib Study Union, Los Angeles, 25-7; asso p, 1st Fundamental ch, Los Angeles, 27 — . *Wilkinson, William Alfred— b, Florence, SC, Fb 2, 1868; USC, 89; PTS, 89- 90; d, Bishopville, SC, Je 25, 90. 34. 1893 *Bell, John — b, Preston, England, Fb 28, 1869; QuUOnt, 90, ThDept; KxCTor; PTS, 92-3; ord, Pby Bruce, Can, Fb 15, 94; p. West Arran & Dublane chs, Burgoyne, Ont, 94-9; d, Burgoyne, Ja 27, 99. *Bigelow, George Hooper — b, San Francisco, Cal, Sp 25, 1865; CNJ, 90; PTS, 90-3; bus. West Roxbury, Mass, 93-4; ss. Cal, 94-5; ord, Pby Sacramento, Ap 6, 95; p, lone. Cal, 95-8; ill health; ss, San Luis Obispo, 1900-2; ss, Pleasonton, 02- p, 03; d, San Francisco, Cal, My 12, 03. Blackburn, Robert Marshall — b, Albany, NY, Ja 28, 1868; WmsC, 89; PTS, 89-93; ord, Pby Albany, Je 13, 93; p. New Scotland, NY, 93-7; p, 1st ch. Long Branch, NJ, 97-1901; p, 1st ch, Reading, Pa, 01 — . Bradley, Robert, Jr — b, Williamsburg Co, SC, Ag 27, 1866; USC, 90; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Aberdeen, Oc 4, 93; p, Keota & La Fayette, la, 95-8; p. West Liberty, 99-1901; p, Shawano, Wis, 02-3; p, Danville, 111, 04-8; p, Meridan, la, 09-10; p, Lansing, 11-2; p, Orosi, Cal, 13-7; p, 1st ch, Stratford, 18 — . *Campbell, James Wills — b. Congress, O, Mr 6, 1864; CWoos, 90; PTS, 90- 3; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 24, 94; p. Pine Grove ch. Pa, 94-7; p. Chestnut Grove, Md, 98-1905; p, Bethany ch. Fort Wayne, Ind, 05-7; d. Fort Wayne, Fb 7, 07. *Clark, Byron Currie — b, Clarkton, NC, Fb i7, 1870; DavC, 90; UnTSVa, 90-1; PTS, 91-3; ord, Pby East Hanover, Oc 5, 93; p, Makemie & Onancock chs. 420 1893 Accomac, Va, 93-6; ss, Powellton, 93-6; p, Mt Washington, Md, 96-1907; p, 1st ch, Salisbury, NC, 07-25; d, Salisbury, Mr 31, 31. DD, 05. Collins, Addison Berg— b, Phila, Pa, Ja 11, 1868; CNJ, 90, 93, MA; PTS, 90-3; ss, Mt Airy, Phila, Pa, 92-3; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 16, 94; p, Lewisburg, 94-1901; ed, 01-2; ss. Covenant ch, Phila, 02- p, 03-8; editorial & supply wk, 09-10; p, 1st ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 10-26; oc s, 28-30; p, Logan Mem ch, Audubon, NJ, 30 — . DD, MtHopeC, 99. Crawford, Alexander Robert — b, Paris, France, Nv 29, 1868; QuUBelf, 90, 94, MA; AsC, 90-2; PTS, 92-3; ord, Pby Belfast, Ap 5, 95; miss, Kirin, Man- churia, China, 95-1913; dean. Residences for Students, Irish Presb ch, QuUBelf, 14-21; res, Belfast, Ire. Dickens-Lewis, William Frederick — b, Shrewsbury, England, Dc 20, 1870; LkFC, 90, 95, MA; McCTS, 90-2; PTS, 92-3; ord, Pby New Castle, My 16, 93; p, Rodney St ch, Wilmington, Del, 93-1909; p, 5th ch, Kansas City, Mo, 09-11; p, 1st ch, Findlay, O, 11-7; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Cleveland Heights, O, 17—. DD, HanC, 08. *Dixon, Thomas Freeman — b, Mt Washington, Md, Nv 7, 1870; BalCyC, 90; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ap 25, 94; p, Mt Paran & Granite, ss, Ran- dallstown, Md, 94-7; p, Frederick, 97-1919; YMCA, war service, 18-9; sec, Syn Council, Syn Kentucky, 23-8; d, Randallstown, Md, Fb 2, 29. DD, Frederick Coll, Frederick, Md. Dunlop, James John — b, NYCity, Ap 20, 1870; CCyNY, 89; AllegTS, 89- 91; PTS, 91-3; ord, Pby Long Island, My 12, 93; p, Greenport, LI, NY, 93-7; p, Roxbury ch, Boston, Mass, 97-1910; p, 4th Cong ch, Hartford, Conn, 10-27; p, Ottawa, 111, 28 — . DD, LenC, 06. Flack, Ebenezer — b, Landragee, Ireland, Dc 7, 1869; QuUBelf, 90; AsC, 90- 1; PTS, 91-3; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 13, 93; p. White Haven, Pa, 93-7; p, Ply- mouth, 97-1902; p, Latrobe, 02-8; p, Washburn St ch, Scranton, 08-18; p, 1st ch, Newburgh, NY, 18-20; p, Kingston, Pa, 20 — . DD, FrankCO, 06. *Freed, Joseph Kratz — b, near Salfordville, Pa, Ag 4, 1865; LafC, 90, 93, MA; UnTS, 90-2; hm miss, Edmond & Huron, Okla, 92; PTS, 92-3; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 7, 93; p. Providence & Jacksonville, NJ, 93-7; p, 1st ch, Franklin Furnace, 97-1901; p, Scott ch, Sherman, Pa, 01-8; p, Bernice, NJ, 08-23; p, Beattystown, & 2d ch, Mansfield, 23-31; d, Easton, Pa, Ap 5, 31. *Fretz, Thomas Robertson — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 23, 1866; LafC, 90; PTS, 90-3, 98-9, BD; ord, Pby Lehigh, Ap 19, 93; p. South Bethlehem, Pa, 93-5; p, Bement, 111, 95-8; tea, 1900-15; d. East Orange, NJ, Dc 3, 15. Gamon, Robert Isaacs — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 24, 1867; UPa, 90; PTS, 90-3; CNJ, 92, MA; ord, Pby West Jersey, Oc 24, 93; p, 1st ch, Cedarville, NJ, 93-6; ss, Milford & Holland, 96- p, 97-1904; ss, Oakland Heights ch, Asheville, NC, 04-7; p. Ft Sanders ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 07-14; supt Miss, Syn Tenn, 14 — ; res, Knoxville, Tenn. DD, TemU, 05. Gilmore, Alexander — b, Ballyvenox, Co Derry, Ireland, Nv 12, 1863; Brisbane Coll, Queensland, Australia, 87-90; PTS, 90-3; ss. La Grace, SD, 92; 1893 421 ord, Pby New Castle, Je 8, 93; p, Bridgeville, Del, 93-5; ss, Farmington, 94-5; p, Hamptonburgh ch, Campbell Hall, NY, 96-1901; p, Odebolt, la, 01-4; p. Wal- nut, 04-5; p. West Branch, 05-7; evang, Dalhart, Tex, 07-8; ss, Perth & Mayfield, Kan, 08-10; p. Cottonwood Falls, Kan, 11-6; p, Hope, College Hill, & Romona, 16-7; p, Spearville, 17-9; p, Hepburnville & Trout Run, Pa, 19-21; p, Lansford, 21—. Hamilton, Joseph — b, Livermore, Pa, Ap 15, 1870; WashCPa, 90, 93, MA; WestTS, 90-1, 93-4; PTS, 91-3; ord, Pby Washington, Sp 11, 94; asst p, 1st ch, Parkersburg, WVa, 94-8; NewC, 98-9; p, Marshall, Mich, 99-1903; p. Memorial ch, Newark, NJ, 03-7; p. Upper Buffalo, Pa, 09-15; p. East Buffalo, 15-9; ss, Mt Pleasant, 19-20; act stu p, W&JC, 29-30; res, Washington, Pa. Haring, Harry Walter — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 16, 1866; CNJ, 90, 93, MA; PTS, 90-3; ss, Narberth, Pa, 91-2; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 16, 93; p, 1st ch, Delanco, NJ, 93-1903; p, Mem ch, Lancaster, Pa, 03 — . DD, RichC, 00. *Harrison, Thomas John — b, Churchill, Castleblayney, Ireland, Dc 12, 1867; RoyU, 92; AsC; PTS, 92-3; ord, Pby Rathfriland, Ire, My 26, 96; p el, 2d ch, Rathfriland, Ire, 95-1931; oc s; d, Belfast, Ire, My 7, 32. *Hays, Wilbur La Fayette — b, near Mattoon, 111, Ap 16, 1861; BlacC, 89; PTS, 89-91, 92-3; ss, Williams, la, 91-2; ord, Pby S Dakota, Oc 12, 93; ss, Alex- andria, SD, 93-4; ss, Ontonagon, Mich, 94-5; ss, Tekonsha, 95-7; p, Newberry, 97-1902; p, Crandon, Wis, 02-3; p, Cooksville, 111, 03-4; ill health; res, Cooksville, 111; d, Birmingham, Mich, Fb 19, 11. PhD, GaleC, 99. Hitchcock, Walter Alexander — b, Baltimore, Md, Dc 25, 1866; StJC, 90; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Albany, Je 29, 93; p, Charlton, NY, 93-1900; p, Bethany ch, Utica, 00-3; ss, Ballard ch, Seattle, Wash, 03-4; p, 1st ch, Ellensburg, 04-10; p, Grangeville, Ida, 10-1; supt, Anti-Saloon League, Seattle, Wash, 11-8; asst p, 1st ch, Seattle, 18-9; p. Union ch. Potlatch, Ida, 19-27; p, 1st ch, Friday Harbor, Wash, 27—. Hudson, Waddy Hampton — b, near Hudson’s Mills, SC, Fb 9, 1867; FurU, 90, MA; PTS, 90-3; CNJ, 93, MA; ord, Pby Enoree, Je 29, 93; miss. Sin Chang, China, 94-5, Kiahing, 96-8, Kashing, 99 — . DD, DavC, 14, FurU, 22. *Kerswill, William Deas — b, Adelaide, Ont, Canada, My 10, 1863; UTor, 90; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Chester, Ap 24, 94; prof, Heb & Hist, LincU, 93-1905; d, Oakville, Ont, Can, Sp 6, 05. DD, PresbC, 02. Knox, James Thomas McClure — b. Wheeling, WVa, J1 16, 1866; Frank CInd, 88; WestTS; LaneTS; PTS, 92-3; ss, Marion Centre, Pa, 92; ord, Pby New Castle, My 24, 93; p. Port Deposit, Md, 93-4; p, Watsontown, Pa, 94-7; p, 1st ch, Cairo, 111, 98-1905; p. Miles City, Mont, 05-8; p, Minneapolis, Kan, 08-10; ss, Marchfield, Ore, 10-2; p. Lamed, Kan, 12-20; p, Maroa, 111, 20-4; p. Mason, Mich, 24-7; p, Couper Mem ch, Marshall, NC, 27 — . PhD, FrankCO, 95. Lathem, Abraham Lance— b, Beaver Co, Pa, My 26, 1866; WestmCPa, 90; WestTS; PTS, 91-3; ss, Riceville, NC, 91; ss, Duncansville, Pa, 92; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 13, 93; p, Gibson Mem ch, Martinsburg & Duncansville, Pa, 93-5; p, N 10th St ch, Phila, Pa, 95-1904; p, 3d ch, Chester, 04—. PhD, CWoos, 01. 422 1893 Leland, Dean Richmond — b, Pendleton Centre, NY, Ag 23, 1866; HamC, 89; tea; PTS, 90-3; CNJ, 91, MA; ord, Pby Niagara, Dc 7, 93; p, 2d ch, Lockport, NY, 93-5; ss, Tyler Place ch, St Louis, Mo, 98-1903; tea. Bib & Hist, Mil Acad, Peekskill, NY, 03-9; univ p, UNeb, 09 — DD, HamC, 16. *Lindemuth, Louis August — b. Wheeling, WVa, Oc 22, 1863; WVaU, 89; McCTS; PTS, 90-3; CNJ, 92, MA; ss, French Creek, WVa, 91-2; ord, Pby Lacka- wanna, Oc 31, 93; p, Moosic, Pa, 93-8; p, 1st ch, Akron, O, 98-1904; p, Willoughby, 04-6; p, Mannington, WVa, 06-9; res. New Rochelle, NY; d. New Rochelle, Mr 15, 25. Lowrie, Walter— b, Phila, Pa, Ap 26, 1868; CNJ, 90, 93, MA; PTS, 90-3; NT Fell, UGreifs & UBer, 93-5; Fell, Chr Archceol, Am Sch Class Stud, Rome, Italy, 95-6, 99-1900; ord, PEpis pr, Dc 27, 97; asst rec, St James ch, Phila, Pa, 96-8; miss. City Miss, Phila, 98-9; rec. Trinity ch, Southwark, Phila, 03-4; asst rec, Emmanuel ch, Boston, Mass, 04-5; rec. Trinity ch, Newport, RI, 05-7; rec, St Paul’s Amer ch, Rome, Italy, 07-31, rec em, 31 — ; lect; res, Princeton, NJ. DD, PrU, 31. MacBride, Henry — b, Belfast, Ireland, Fb 23, 1865; RoyU, 88; AsC, PTS; 92-3; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 25, 93; res, Standtown, Co Down, Ire; p, Ballywater ch, Belfast, 95 — . MacClements, Samuel Ross — b, Newton Limavady, Ire, Mr 21, 1866; tea; QuUBelf, 90; PTS, 90-3; ss, Narberth, Pa, 92; ord, Pby Phila North, My 11, 93; p. Oak Lane, Pa, 93-5; p, Pittston, 95-7; p, Toronto, Ont, Can, 97-9, p; Rutherford, NJ, 99-1908; res, Colorado Springs, Col; p, Asbury Park, NJ, 10-2; ill health; lawy; res, Rumson, NJ. PhD, McKC, 95. *MacFarland, William — b, Castlederg, Co Tyrone, Ire, Dc 31, 1867; QuU Belf, 90; AsC, 90-2; PTS, 92-3, 94-5; ord, Pby New Castle, My 27, 95; p. East Lake ch, Wilmington, Del, 95-7; p, Ann Carmichael Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 97-1903; p, 2d ch, Chester, 03-9; p, Hebron Mem ch, Phila, 09-15; res, Castlederg, Ire; d, Fintonia, Co Tyrone, Ire, Mr 25, 28. *MacIntosh, David Charles — b. Midstream, NS, Canada, J1 13, 1862; DalhU, 90; PTS, 90-4; ord, Pby Dubuque, Oc 10, 94; p, Hopkinton, la, 94-1907; prof, NT Gk, LenC, 95, Theism, 96, 1902, 04, 06; ss, Aubudon, la, 07-9; p. Lake- side ch. Storm Lake, 09-12; p, Shenandoah, 12; d, Shenandoah, la, Dc 12, 15. DD, LenC, 03. Martin, Ernest Douglas — b, Dayton, O, Nv 30, 1864; CenCKy, 85; MD, NYU, 90; UnTS, 89-90; DanTS, 90-1; PTS, 91-3; CNJ, 93, MA; ord, Pby Transyl- vania, Je 6, 93; miss, Lahore, India, 93-1900; hm miss. Wisdom, Mont, 02-3; ord, PEpis pr, Ja 25, 06; min. Gas City, Ind, 04-6; ill health; res, Indianapolis, Ind. *Meek, Charles Clinton — b. West Liberty, la, Oc 30, 1860; MonC, 90; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 26, 93; miss, Fatehgarh, India, 93-5; ss, Laurens, NY, 96; ss, Humboldt, Neb, 97-8; ss. Falls City, 99; ss, Fairmont & Sawj'er, 1900-1; p, UP ch, Monroe, la, 02-5; miss, Chicago, 111, 05-7; ss. Union Presb ch, Letts, Ind, 08-12; p, Castillar ch, Omaha, Neb, 12-7; ss, Orleans, 18-23; p, Hepburnville & Trout Run, Pa, 23-7; hon re, 29; res, St Petersburg, Fla; d, St Petersburg, Mr 14, 33. 1893 423 Nicholas, Vanderveer Van Arsdale — b, Marengo, la, Sp 2, 1866; CNJ, 90; PTS, 90-3; ss, Lebanon, Pa, 92; ord, Pby Chester, Je 22, 93; p. Old Doe Run ch, Mortonville, Pa, 93-1904; ss, 1st ch, Forsyth, Mont, 04-7; p, Kennett Square, Pa, 08-15; p, 1st ch. Midland, Mich, 16 — . *Ossewaarde, James — b, Zeeland, Mich, J1 22, 1869; HopeC, 90; PTS, 90-3; NewC, 93-4; ord RefChAm, Cl Illinois, Oc 3, 94; p, 2d ch, Pella, la, 94-8; p, Bethany ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 98-1902; chap, USArmy, 02-20; d, Alcatraz, Cal, Ja 3, 20. *Poppen, Jacob — b, Drenthe, Mich, Ap 17, 1858; KalC, 82; tea; bus; Calv TS, 90-1; PTS, 91-3; ord RefChAm, Cl Holland, Ja 17, 94; p, Jamestown, Mich, 94-5; ss, Leonia, NJ, 95-6; prof, OT Lit & Exeg, MG, ThDept, 96-7; p. East Overisel, Mich, 98-1902; p, Wortendyke, NJ, 02-8; prin, Cordell Acad, Cordell, Okla, 08-10; p, Centerville ch, Athema, NJ, ll-4;p. East Overisel, Mich, 15-7; ill health; d, Fairview, SD, Mr 5, 20. PhD, CNJ, 96. Ramsey, Robert McClellan — b, Phila, Pa, Je 4, 1865; UPa, 90, 93, MA; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Great Falls, Dc 10, 93; ss. Great Falls, Mont, 93- p, 94-6; hm miss, Vailsburg Mission (Killburn Mem ch), Newark, NJ, 97- p, 98-1901; p, Kingpvood, WVa, 01-10; p, Newport, Pa, 10-7; p, Kirkwood ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 19-26; p. Doe Run ch, Coatesville, Pa, 26-32; res. Lake Mary, Fla. PhD, OskC, 12. *Reid, Albert— b, Englishtown, NJ, Fb 23, 1864; CNJ, 90; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ap 24, 94; p, Glassboro & Bunker Hill, NJ, 94-5; p, Irving Ave ch, Bridgeton, 95-8; p, Kingston, 98-1904; ss, Jupiter, NC, 04-9; p. Temple, Okla, 09; d. Temple, Nv 19, 09. Robinson, George Livingston — b. West Hebron, NY, Ag 19, 1864; CNJ, 87, 90, MA; tea, SyrProtC, 87-90; PTS, 90-3; Heb Fell, UBer, 93-4, & ULeip, 94-5, PhD; ord, Pby Boston, Ja 22, 96; p, Roxbury ch, Boston, Mass, 96; prof, OT Lit & Exeg, KxCTor, 96-8; prof, do, McCTS, 98-1915, Bib Lit & Eng Bib, 15—; res, Chicago, 111. DD, GrovCyC, 06; LLD, MacalC, 12, & CWoos, 16; STD, KxCTor, 15. *Robinson, James — b, Sloanstown, Ireland, Oc 6, 1864; RoylJ, 90; PTS, 90-3; ord evang, Pby New Castle, My 16, 93; p, 1st ch. Summit Hill, Pa, 93-7; p. Olivet ch, Reading, 97-1904; p, 1st ch, Bethlehem, 05-32; d, Bethlehem, Pa, Je 10, 32. DD, MorC. Sailer, Tbomas Henry Powers — b, Phila, Pa, My 23, 1868; CNJ, 89; PTS, 90-3; UPa, 93-5, PhD; instr, Heb, UPa, 95-1902; edu sec. Home Dept, BdForMiss, 02-12; hon edu adviser, BdForMiss, 12- ; asso in Edu, Teachers Coll, ColU, 14-27; hon sec. Miss Edu Mvmt, 28 — ; res, Englewood, NJ. *Sibbet, Lowry Witherspoon — b, Caledonia, O, J1 21, 1863; tea; CNJ, 90; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 12, 93; hm miss, Waterville, Wash, 93-5; ss, Lewiston, Ida, 95-7; miss, Nez Perces Indians, South Ida, 97; d, Hamilton, Mont, Oc 6, 97. Sproul, Nathaniel John — b, Dufferin Co, Ont, Canada, J1 31, 1868; QuUOnt, 91, ThDept; PTS, 91-3; CNJ, 93, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 11, 424 1893 93; p, Englishtown, NJ, 93-1900; p, 1st ch, Dunellen, 00-3; p, 1st ch, Quincy, Mass, 03-8; p, 1st ch, Newport, RI, 08-18; p, 1st RefChAm, Somerville, NJ, 18-24; p, 1st Presb ch, Salem, 24-31; res, San Marino, Cal. DD, LenC, 14. *Stoetzer, Herman Goethe — b, Tambach, Saxony, Germany, J1 10, 1863; UWVa, 89; tea; PTS, 90-3, 93-4; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ja 5, 94; p, Dickinson ch, Mooredale, Pa, 94-9; p, 1st ch, Fairmont, VVVa, 1900-25, p em, 25-31; d, Fair- mont, WVa, Je 9, 31. *Taylor, Andrew Todd — b, Finvoy, Co Antrim, Ireland, Dc 2, 1865; GrovCyC, 89; tea; WestTS, 90-1; PTS, 91-3; PrU, 1901, MA; ord, Pby Wash- ington, My 15, 93; p, Mt Prospect, Pa, 93-6; p, Gaston ch, Phila, 96-1908; p. Cooks ch, Toronto, Can, 08-12; p, 3d ch, Trenton, NJ, 12-6; p, 1st ch, York, Pa, 16-9; d, York, Dc 21, 19. DD, GrovCyC, 06. *Teis, Edward Barth— b, Buffalo, NY, Oc 17, 1866; tea; PTS, 90-91, 92-3, 94-5; McCTS; ord, Pby Kendall, Oc 14, 93; hm miss. Soda Springs, Ida, 93-4; p, Cong ch, Joplin, Mo, 96-7; ss, Presb ch, Platte City, 97-9; ss, Columbus, Kan, 99-1901; hm miss, Hobart, Okla, 01; ss, Anadarko, 01-7; evang, Pby FI Reno, Anadarko, 07-12; ss, 1st ch, Chickasha, 13- p, 14-6; ill health; d, Parkville, Mo, Mr 1, 19. Thomas, James — b, Raleigh, NC, Ap 23, 1865; UNC, 86; tea; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby North River, Oc 26, 93; asst p, Poughkeepsie, NY, 93-5; p, Wilson, NC, 96- 1905; p, Shelby, 05-12; p, Clinton, 12-7; p, Fatonton, Ga, 17 — . Zeigler, Oscar Woodward — b, Baltimore, Md, Mr 4, 1866; JHU, 90; CNJ, 91, MA; PTS, 90-3, 93-4; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 11, 97; p. Barton, Md, 97- 1901; Fpis miss, St Andrew’s ch. Clear Spring, 03-4; erd PFpis pr, Ap 4, 05; rec, St George's ch, Perryman, Md, 04-7; asst rec, Christ ch, Baltimore, 07; rec, Durham, 07; rec. All Faith ch, Baltimore, 07-12; rec, St Marks ch, Balti- more, 12-5; asst, St Thomas ch. Garrison Forest, 15-25; asst, Christ ch, Baltimore, 25-31; res, Baltimore, Md, 31 — . 49. *Armstrong, Eugene McClellan — b, Marcellus, NY, Oc 25, 1865; PTS 90-2; AubTS; d, Denver, Col, Dc 14, 93. *Bettex, Paul Frederic Gabriel — b, Combremont, Switzerland, Ja 8, 1864; Gym Stuttgart, Germany, 83; UParis, 83-6; tea, Dundalk, Ire; PTS, 90-2; WestTS; tea, Santiago, Chile; ord Cong, 92; Salvation Army, NY, 93-4; Buenos Ayres, Brazil, 94-1902; evang. South America, 02-3; lie, Texas Holiness Assn, 03; tea, Texas HolinessU, 03-4; tea. Central HolinessU, Penial, Tex, 06-7; eld & asst p, Christian Assembly, Denver, Col, 08-9; miss, China, 09-16 (Pentecostal Miss); d, Shatau, China, J1 28, 16. Bovard, George Washington — b, Branchton, Pa, Ag 11, 1860; WestmCPa, 90, MA; PTS, 90-1; XenTS, 91-3; ss, Geneseo, Kan, 92; ss, Croswell, Mich, 92; ord UP, Pby Sidney, Ap 5, 93; ss, Greeley, Col, 93; p. North Argyle, NY, 93-1903; p. Brown Ave ch, Frie, Pa, 03-10; p, Wooster, O, 10-2; p, Hamilton, 12-9; p, Atlantic Ave ch, McKeesport, Pa, 19-24; p, Johnstown, 24-5; ss, Monessen, 26 — . 1893 42 5 Camp, Daniel Ivens — b, Perrineville, NJ, Fb 7, 1862; PTS, 89-91, 92-3; CNJ; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 17, 93; p, Tuckahoe, NJ, 93-6; p, Deerfield, 96-1905; p. Upper Path Valley ch. Dry Run, Pa, 05-23; p, Grenloch, NJ, 23-32; res. Dry Run, Pa, 32 — . Cheatham, Adolphus Whitfield — b, near Oxford, NC, Sp 11, 1870; DavC, 90; UnTSVa, 90-2; PTS, 92-3; ord, Pby Alton, Nv 1, 93; p, Chester, 111, 93-4; ord PEpis pr, Nv 3, 95; rec, St Paul’s ch, St Louis, Mo, 94-7; asst min, St Peter’s ch, St Louis, 97-8; rec. Holy Trinity ch, Nashville, Tenn, 98-1900; rec. New Whatcom, Wash, 01-4; rec, St Paul’s ch, Bellingham, 05-12; rec, Wilson, NC, 15-8; rec, Lexington, 20-3; rec, McKeesport, Pa, 23-4; rec, Demopolis, Ala, 25-8; rec. Shady Ave & Walnut St chs, Pittsburgh, Pa, 29 — . *Clark, George Wheeler — b, Rupert, Vt, Ja 17, 1868; WmsC, 90; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Pueblo, Ap 26, 92; p, Pueblo, Col, 92-4; p, Florence, 94-5; ill health; d, Troy, NY, Ja 7, 96. *Dewar, William — b, Annan, Ont, Canada, J1 1, 1863; UTor, 86; tea; PTS, 90-2; KxCTor; lie, Pby Owen Sound, May 10, 93; res, Annan, Ont, Can; hm miss, Pby Red River, Baker, Minn, 95; do, Mani, Can, 95-6; ord, Pby Brandon, Ja 21, 96; p. North & South Plympton, Mani, 97-9; hm miss, Mani, 1900-8; p, Toronto, Ont, 09-11; p, Halbrite, De Vile & Whiterock, 12-3; p, Ogema, Sask, 14-20; p, Dubue, Grayson & Stockholm, 21-6; p, UnChCan, Stockholm & Grayson, 26-7; p. Success, Sask, 27-8; res, Indian Head; d, Indian Head, Can, My 29, 32. *Drew, Henry Warthman — b,^rooklyn, NY, Ag 17, 1869; bus; PTS, 90-3; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 5, 93. Dunham, Warren Benyew — b. Liberty Corner, NJ, Fb 4, 1863; CNJ, 90, 1900, MA; PTS, 90-2; ord, Pby Indianapolis, Oc 13, 92; ss. Tabernacle Presb ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 92- asso p, 93-9; p. Greenwood, 99-1903; LaneTS, 03-4; ss, Harrison, 0, 03-4; p, 1st ch, Hillsboro, 04-9; res, Powhatan, Va, 10-7; res. Red Hill, 18-21; tea, Woodlawn, Md, 23 — . Edwards, John Roddey — b, near Rock Hill, SC, My 30, 1867; ErskC, 88; ErskTS; lie, AssoRefP, 2d Pby, Sp, 90; PTS, 92-3; ss, Bartow, Fla, 93; miss, Rio Verde, Mexico; ill health; ss, Lexington, Va, 1910-3; p, Fayetteville, Tenn, 14-24; p. Shady Grove ch, Monticello, Ark, 25 — . French, Charles Carroll — b, Monmouth, III, Dc 26, 1865; MonC, 89; JHU, 89-90; PTS, 90-1; AllegTS, 91-3; ss, Albia, la, 92; ord UP, Pby Argyle, Oc 17, 93; p. East Greenwich, NY, 93-1902; ss, Fresno, Cal, 02-5; p. North Henderson ch, Norwood, 111, 06-11; p. South Henderson ch, Gladstone, 11-7; chairman. Dept of Survey, 19-20; p, Chartiers Cross Roads ch, Washington, Pa, 24—. ’"Gallwey, Neptune Blood William — b. The Curragh, Co Kildare, Ireland, Fb 10, 1861; PTS, 90-1; MeCTS, 91-3; ord, Pby Chicago, Oc 18, 93; asso p. Olivet Mem cli, Chicago, 111, 93- p, 94-8; ss. Central ch miss, Chicago, 98-9; ord PEpis pr, Ap 6, 01; rec. Trinity ch, Menlo Park, Cal, 01-4; rec, Ch of St Matthew, San Mateo, 04-10; d, San Mateo, Cal, Ap 10, 04. Gillespie, George Elliott -b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ag 1, 1867; CNJ, 89; PTS, 1893 426 89-92; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 27, 92; p. Cream Ridge & New Egypt, NJ, 92-4; p, Bedford ch, Brooklyn, NY, 94-6; p, 1st ch. Port Jervis, 96-1902; p, Coates- ville. Pa, 02-23; p, Brookline, Mass, 23-7; p, Woodbury, NJ, 27—. DD,TemU, 30. *Howell, David — b, Macon, Mich, Je 20, 1843; MichAgrC, 65, 86, MS; tea; supt schls, 74-90; PTS, 90-1; ord evang, Pby Monroe, Sp 9, 91; ss, Petersburgh & Deerfield, Mich, 91; syn miss, Syn Michigan, 92, supt, HmMiss & SS wk, 07-11; res, Lansing Mich; d, Lansing, My 28, 16. DD, AlmaC, 10. *Huniphrey, William Henry — b, Hudson, Wis, Mr 25, 1868; MacalC, 90; PTS, 90-1; McCTS, 91-3; ss, 1st ch, Brainerd, Minn, 91; ss, 1st Cong ch. New Richmond, Wis, 92; ord, Pby Cincinnati, J1 6, 93; p, 1st ch, Delhi, O, 93-1902; ss, 1st ch, Ashland, Wis, 02- p, 03-7; d, Ashland, Wis, Ja 24, 07. *Keney, Israel Webster — b, Boston, Mass, Mr 17, 1856; HarvU, 79, Law Schl, 82-5; YaleUDS, 90-1; PTS, 91-2; MBI; lawy, Boston, Mass; d, Boston, Oc 2, 27. Little, Lacy Le Grand — b, Little’s Mills, NC, Ag 6, 1868; UNC, 89; PTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Fayetteville, Sp, 94; p. Pee Dee & Wadeville, NC, & ss, Mt Carmel & Sharon, 94-5; p, Ellerbe Springs, 95; evang & tea, Kiangyin, China, 95-1928; res, Mangum, NC. DD, DavC, 26. MacBride, Robert Irwin — b, Liverpool, England, J1 29, 1865; NYU, 90, 1900, MA; PTS, 90-1; UnTS, 91-3; ord, Pby Chemung, Je 7, 93; p. Sugar Hill & Monterey, NY, 93-4; p, Cooperstown, 94-8; p, 3d RefChAm, Albany, 98-1900; p, Bethany Presb ch, Trenton, NJ, 00-3; p, 1st ch, Rensselaer, NY, 03-7; p. Stony Point, 07-17; p, Collingswood, NJ, 17-23; p. Hillside, 23-31; p, Avenel, 31 — . PhD, NYU, 15. Macdonald, Isaac Hunter — b, Barvas, Scotland, Sp 16, 1862; ManiC, 87; ThDept, 89, BD; UEdin, 93-4; grad stu, PTS, 92-3; ord, Pby Brandon, Ag 21, 90, p, McGregor, Man, Can, 93-5; p, Glamis, Ont, 95-9; p, Glencoe, 99-1912; p, Kintore, 12-27; chap, British Army, 18-9; p, Wallacetown, 27—. PhD, IllWesU, 03. MacKay, Donald Dundas — b, Montrose, PEI, Canada, Sp 27, 1862; Manic, 89, 94, MA, ThDept, 88-91, BD; ord, Pby Rock Lake, Can, Je 8, 91; p. Crystal City, Man, 91-2; grad stu, PTS, 92-3; ss. Grand Rapids, Minn, 93-5; p, Brainerd, 95-8; p, Grace ch, Minneapolis, 99-1908; dean, WhitC, 08-10, pres, 10-7; lect & oc s, 18-9; v pres, & prof, Phil, HastC, 20—. DD, MacalC, 06. McKelvey, Joseph Orr — b, Coxsackie, NY, Oc 1, 1866; NYU, 89; PTS, 90; UnTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Jersey City, Je 6, 93; ss, Warren chap, N Plain- field, NJ, 93-1923; YMCA, war service, 18; res, Claremont, Cal. Millar, Charles Caven — b, McKeesport, Pa, Je 9, 1864; WestmCMo, 89; WestTS, 89-92; grad stu, PTS, 92-3; ord, Pby Allegheny, Je 22, 93; miss, Merida, Mexico, 94-5, San Juan Bautista, 95-6, Coyoacau, 96-1907; p, 1st ch, Dunbar, Pa, 08-11; p, 1st ch, Tamaqua, 11-21; p, Mahoning ch, Danville, 21-5; p at large, Pby Butler, 25 — ; res, Butler, Pa. DD, WestmCMo, 02. *Moore, Henry McKnight — b. New Brunswick, NJ, Mr 31, 1864; ColU, 89; UnTS, 90-2; PTS, 92-3; miss, Phila, Pa, 93-7; asso p. Arch St ch, Phila, 97-1901; 1893-1894 427 ord PEpis pr, Je 2, 01; asst rec, St Philips ch, Phila, 01-2; asst rec, St Marys ch, Phila, 02-4; rec, Ch of Reconciliation, (Ch of the Mediator) Phila, 04-14; special preacher, St Philips ch, Phila, 14-5; d, Lambertville, NJ, Ag 18, 15. *Putnam, Homer — b. Lower Onslow, NS, Canada, Ap 28, 1865; DalhU, 89; tea; PTS, 90-2; PTC, 92-3; ord, Pby Egerton, Can, Je 1, 93; p, St Columbia’s ch, Hopewell, NS, 93-7; d, Hopewell, Can, Je 15, 97. Ray, George Henry, Jr — b, Nottaway Co, Va, My 31, 1867; RMC, 89; lie, Ashland Meth Conf, Nv 11, 87; PTS, 90-1; BosUST, 91-3; p, Smithville, Va, 93-5; ord, Pby West Hanover, Sp 15, 95; ss, Amherst, Va, 95- p, 96-1908; ill health; res, Amherst, Va. Simpson, Louis Randal — b, Booneville, Mo, Ag 3, 1860; WestmCMo, 87; UnTS, 90-2; PTS, 92; ord evang, Pby Saginaw, Dc 13, 91; ss, Hillman, Long Rapids & Fairfield, Mich, 92-4; deposed; ss, De Kalb, Miss, 06-8; ss, Ripley, 08-10; ss, Pontotoc, 11-3; p, Aliceville, Ala, 13-7; p, Andalusia, 17-20; ss, Nitro, WVa, 20-1; ss, Cynthiana, 21-2; ss, Cuthbert, Ga, 23-7; p. Central City, Ky, 27-8; p el, Corder, Mo, 29; res, Bradenton, Fla, 30—. Smalley, Matthew John — b, Butler Co, Pa, My 30, 1859; WestmCPa; XenTS; AllegTS, 87-8; ord UP, Pby Monongahela, Je 11, 88; p, Mt Washington ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 88-90; p, Iberia, O, 91-2; grad stu, PTS, 92-3; p, Knox Presb ch, NYCity, 93-4; res, NYCity, 94-6; Waterbury, Conn, 97; Cong; — Speer, Robert Elliott— b, Huntingdon, Pa, Sp 10, 1867; CNJ, 89; sec. Stud Vol Mvmt; PTS, 90-1; ss, Bellefonte & Pottstown, Pa, 91; YaleU, 1900, MA; sec, BdForMiss, 91 — ; res, NYCity. DD, UEdin, 10; LLD, RutU & CWoos, 16, OttC, 26; LittD, JuniC, 20; Mod, Gen Assem, 27. *Suyama, Biniiro — b, Nagaoka, Echigo, Japan, Sp 24, 1866; Doninsha Coll, 1886; MG, ThDept, 86-9; lie, 1st Pby Tokyo, My 1, 89; grad stu, PTS, 92-6; prof, MG, ThDept. Todd, David Ripley — b, Johnstown, Wis, My 13, 1866; CNJ, 89, MA; PTS, 90-2; lie, Pby Winona, 91; law stu, 92-4; lawy, NYCity, 94-9; bus, 99-16; ill health; 16-21; bus. Cal, 21-3; res, Altadena, Cal. Wilson, Edgar Morrison — b, Onarga, 111, My 3, 1868; LkFC, 89; tea; PTS, 90-1; MeCTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Chicago, Sp 12, 94; miss, Ratnagiri, India, Kolhapur, Sangli, Kodoli, Islampur, 94-1928; ill health, 28-30; miss, Kodoli, India, 31 — . V"oung, Edward Crawford — b, Colemanville, Pa, Fb 24, 1864; LafC, 90, 93, MA; PTS, 90-2; DrewTS, 92-3, BD; ord ME eld, Sp 27, 97; p. Trinity ch, Cleveland, O, 93-8; p, Le Roy, 98-1900; p, Presb ch. South New Lyme, 00-3; p, Lorain, 03-7; asst p, 2d ch, Cleveland, 07-19; p, Congch, North Ridgeville, 20 — . 32. 1894 Bosserman, Curtis Orris — b, Newport, Pa, Sp 21, 1869; CNJ, 91, 94, MA; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 29, 94; ss, Warfordsburg & Buck Valley, Pa, 93; p. Covenant ch, Harrisburg, 94-1908; p, Shippensburg, 08-15; p, 1st ch. Cape May, NJ, 1.5—. 428 1894 *Boyer, Jacob Twyman — b, Campbellsburgh, Ky, Fb 6, 1866; CenCKy, 90; tea; DanTS, 91-3; PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Louisville, Je 25, 94; ss, Cowgill, Polo & Dawn, Mo, 94-5; ss, Osceola & Vista, 96- p, 97-1900; p el, Holden, 00-2; p el. Cook Ave ch, St Louis, 02-7; ss, 3d ch, Louisville, Ky, 08-11; ss, Madison, Ind, 11- 6; p, Waveland, 16-23; p, Bethany, 19-23; p. Flora, 24-7; d, Logansport, Ind, Sp 30, 27. DD, HanC, 15. Brownlee, Arthur Audley — b, Lawrence Co, Pa, Dc 24, 1867; CNJ, 89, 93, MA; tea; PTS, 91-4; bus, Chicago, 111. Byrd, William Alfred — b, Winnsboro, SC, Je 8, 1867; Bdll, 91; PTS, 91- 4; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 94; p, Ebenezer, NC, 95-1903; ss, Westm ch. Cotton Plant, Ark, 03-9; p. Trinity ch, Rochester, NY, 09-18; p, Lafayette ch, Jersey City, NJ, 18-28; p, Cong Community ch, Jersey City, 28 — . DD, Bdll, 12; LLD, UCol, 25. Carnahan, Reynolds G — b, Banksville, Pa, Oc 17, 1865; WUPa, 90; tea; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Lamed, Ag 21, 94; p, Halstead, Kan, 94-7; ss, Arlington, 97-9; p, Bennet & Panama, Neb, 99-1902; p, Panama, 02-3; p, Decatur, Divide Center & Silver Creek, 03-5; p. Diagonal, la, 05-8; p, 2d ch, Ardmore, Okla, 08-9; p, Conway Springs, Kan, 09-10; p, Cucamonga, Cal, 10-2; p, Ardmore, Okla, 12-3; p, Pickneyville & Galum, 111, 13-4; p, Wabash & Pizgah chs, Allendale, 14-6; p. Inwood, la, 16-9; p. Wall Lake, 19-23; p, Richards, Mo, 23-5; p, Checotah & Eufaula, Okla, 25-7; p, Neola, la, 27-9; p, Scrubgrass & Alleghany chs. Pa, 29 — ; res, Emlenton, Pa. Casselberry, William Winfield — b. Spring City, Pa, Ag 31, 1861; CNJ, 91, 94, MA; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 31, 94; ss, Toms River, NJ, 92- 3; ss, Haddonfield, 93- p, 94-1904; p, Dunellen, 04-9; p, Collingswood, 09-12; asst p. West Lake ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 16-7; asst p. West Adams ch, Los Angeles, 17-9; ill health; gen sec. Lord’s Day Alliance, Cal, 25 — ; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Colclough, William Frederic — b, Newcastle-under-Lyme, England, Ap 3, 1870; McGU, 90; Cong Sem, Montreal; PTS, 93-4; ss, Bernice, Pa, 94; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 23, 95; ss. Greenwood, & p, Monroeton, Pa, 95-1901; p, Elkland & Osceola ch, Elkland, 01-9; p, Hammondsport, NY, 09-18; ord PEpis pr, Dc 20, 19; rec, St David’s ch, Bangor, Pa, 19-20; rec, St Stephen’s ch, Cata- sauqua, 21 — . *Copeland, John — b, Ballykelly, Co Down, Ireland, Ag 1, 1867; QuUBelf, 91; AsC, 91-2; PTS, 92-4; PrU, 94, MA; ord, Pby Phila, My 14, 94; ss, Dickinson, ND, 94-5; ss, Kasson, Minn, 95-7; p. East ch, St Paul, 97-1904; UnTS, 05, BD; ss, Cornwall, NY, 07-8; res, NYCity, 08-12; asst p, Rutland Sq ch, Dublin, Ire, 12- 4; ch^, British Army, 14; p, St Andrew’s ch, Hebburn, Eng, 15-20; p, Livings- ton, Scotland, 20-8; p, Edzell ch, Angus, 28-31; d, Angus, Scotland, Dc 14, 31. PhD, UMinn,*03. Crane, Louis Burton — b, Mt Sterling, 111, Ap 23, 1869; CNJ, 91, 94, MA; PTS, 91-5; NT Lit Fell, UErl, UBer, UGies, 95-6; ord, Pby Schuyler, Sp 9, S6; ss, 1st ch, Princeton, NJ, 96-9; p, Calvary ch, Buffalo, NY, 99-1902; prof, NT Lit & Exeg, ChiTS, 02-5; p, Brainerd Union ch, Easton, Pa, 06-10; p, Westm ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 10—. DD, K.xC, 16. 1894 429 *Curtis, Lowndes Waldeheaur — b, Lime Stone Springs, SC, Ja 15, 1867; PTS, 91-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ja 29, 95; miss, Lakawn, Laos, 95-9; asst p, St Andrew’s ch, Wilmington, NC, 1900; p el, Avondale, Ala, 00-2; p, Wartrace, Tenn, 02-3; p el, Gatesville & Unity, Tex, 04-6; p, Hamlef, NC, 06-7; evang, Pby Fayetteville, 07-12; evang, Pby Macon, 12-8; supt, Hm Miss & SS extension, Pby E Hanover, 18-30; d, Richmond, Va, Oc 11, 30. DD, HSC, 26. Dunlop, William James — b, Cooktown, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Oc 19, 1869; RoyU, 91; AsC; PTS, 92-4; ord pr, Ch Eng, 1902; cur, St Paul’s ch, Belfast, Ire; cur, St Stephen’s ch, Belfast. *Everitt, William Littell — b, Montclair, NJ, Nv 8, 1869; CNJ, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 15, 94; p, Meshoppen & Mehoopany, Pa, 94-7; p, Light St ch, Baltimore, Md, 97-1905; d, Baltimore, Ap 5, 05. Farr, James McCullough, Jr — b, NYCity, Ap 27, 1869; CNJ, 90; bus; PTS, 91-4; asst p, Bethany ch, Phila, Pa, 94-5; ord, Pby Phila, Ja 15, 95; asst p. Collegiate RefChAm, NYCity, 95-7; asst p. Brick Presb ch, NYCity, 97-1901; p, Christ ch, NYCity 01-11; p, 1st ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 11-24; chap, USArmy, 18- 9; asso p. Brick ch, NYCity, 25 — . DD, LafC, 11. *Gage, Raymond Hilliard — b, Dover, NJ, Ag 31, 1869; YaleU, 91; CNJ, 93, MA; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Oc 12, 94; miss, Vailsburg chap. South Orange, NJ, 94-6; p. Memorial ch, Wenonah, 96-32; d, Wenonah, NJ, Dc 20, 32. DD, LafC, 17. *Gillespie, Samuel — b, Rajkote, India, Dc6, 1869; QuUBelf, 91; AsC, 91-3; PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Belfast, Nv 12, 95; miss, Ahmedabad, W India, 95-7, Deesa, 97-1902, Gogha, 02-8, Surat, 08-9, Ahmedabad, 09-15, Garantij, 15-9, Ahmedabad, 19- 20, Rajkote, 20-8; d, Surat, India, Mr 2, 28. *Gillingham, Oscar A — b, Lahaska, Pa, Fb 3, 1868; LincU, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 17, 94; p. Port Penn, Del, 94-9; PTS, 99-1900; ss, Drawyers ch, Odessa, Del, 98-1900; ss, Oberlin, Kan, 00-4; p, 2d ch, Johnstown, Pa, 04-9; p, Darnestown, Md, 09-21; ss, Boyds, 09-26; p, Neelsville ch, German- town, 21-6; d, Neelsville, Md, Mr 26, 26. *Graham, Malbone Watson — b, Bellevue, la, Ja 16, 1867; CNJ, 89; tea; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Dubuque, Oc 3, 94; miss, Bogota, Columbia, SA, 95-1904; ss, 2d ch, Jonesboro, Tenn, 04-5; miss, Barranquilla, Columbia, SA, 05-8; ill health; p, Williams, O, 09-12; ss, Ukiah, Cal, 14-5; instr, Spanish, UCal, 15-26; prof. So American Spanish, UMich, 26-8; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ap 16, 29. DD, LenC, 06. Hallock, William Allen — b, Holliday’s Cove, WVa, Nv 1, 1867; CNJ, 91; PTS, 91-4, 94-5; ss. Gates ch, Rochester, NY, 93; p, Groveland, NY, 95-9; ss. Memorial ch, Rochester, 1900; ss, Emmanuel ch, Rochester, 00- p, 01-7; p, 1st ch, Honeoye Falls, 07-12; p, Williamson, 12-7; YMCA, war service, 17-9; YMCA Commission, wk with Rumanian Army, 19-21; p, Grace ch, Rochester, NY, 21-31; oc s, 31 — ; res, Rochester, NY. Hamilton, Wallace Maxwell — b. Church Hill, Tenn, Mr 13, 1871; Wash CTenn, 91; CNJ, 93, MA; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Sequoyah, J1 5, 94; p, Tahlequah, 430 1894 Okla, 94-8; p, Eckmansville, O, 98-1901; p, Coshocton, 01-9; p, 1st ch, Sioux City, la, 09-23; p, 1st ch, San Diego, Cal, 23 — . DD, TuscC, 08. Harmon, Willard Platt — b, Gloversville, NY, Oc 4, 1864; ColU; bus; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 5, 94; p, Rockwell Falls ch, Luzerne, NY, 94-9; asst p. Central Cong ch, Brooklyn, 99-1902; asst p, Plymouth ch, Brooklyn, 02-6; p, 1st ch, Riverhead, 08-17; p. Central Cong ch, Niagara Falls, NY, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Ticonderoga, 19 — ; sec, NY State Cong Conf, 14—; res, Ticonderoga, NY. Hathaway, Harle Wallace — b, Norwalk, O, Oc 24, 1866; CNJ, 90, 94, MA; tea; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Oc 5, 94; p, Madison Ave ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 94-1903; bus, Newark, 02-6; bus, Phila, Pa, 06; act p, Eastminster chap, German- town, 07-11; p. Covenant ch, Phila, 11-25; exec sec, Pby Phila North, 25 — ; res, Phila, Pa. Heilert, Frederick — b. Bay, Mo, Sp 29, 1863; UDubq, 90; DubqTS, 90-2; PTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Fort Dodge, Dc 11, 94; ss, Arcadia, la, 94, p, 95-8; ss, Mor- ganville. Mulberry Creek, Idana & Oak Hill, Kan, 98-1903; hm miss, RefChUS, SD, 03-6; ss, Presb chs. West Granville & Richfield, Wis, 06-9; p. Independent ch, Dubuque, la, 09-18; p, RefChUS, Loveland, Col, 19-22; p. New Berlin, Wis, 22 — ; res, Waukesha, Wis. Hill, Frank Webster — b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 20, 1865; NYU, 86; law stu; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Dc 3, 94; ss, Lebanon, NY, 95-1900; p, 1st ch, Victor, 01-28; p. East Side ch, Rochester, 28 — . Hughes, Stanley Carnahan — b, Ross, Butler Co, O, Nv 12, 1867; CNJ, 89; tea; McCTS, 91-2; PTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Whitewater, Dc 4, 94; p, 2d ch, Richmond, Ind, 94-1900; p, Christ ch, Lebanon, Pa, 00-2; ord PEpis pr, Nv 15, 04; asst rec, St Luke’s ch, Altoona, Pa, 04-5; rec, Ch of the Good Shepherd, Nor- wood, O, 05-6; asst rec. Trinity ch, Newport, RI, 06- rec, 07 — ; canon, St John’s Cathedral, Providence, RI, 30 — . Johnson, Oliver — b. New Bordeaux, SC, J1 30, 1866; ErskC, 88; tea; PTS, 91-4; ord, AssoRefP, 1st Pby, Oc 18, 94; ss, 1st ch, Charlotte, NC, 94; p, Neely’s Creek, Lesslie, SC, 94-1908; p, Winnsboro, 08 — . DD, TuscC, 04. *Johnston, George Leslie — b, London, Ont, Canada, Mr 15, 1864; UTor, 91; PTS, 91-4; UHalle, 94-5; ord, Pby Kingston, Nv 28, 95; p, Marmora, Ont, Can, 95-8; p. North Bay, 99-1910; ss, Hornings Mills & Primrose, Ont, 10-2; p, Pickering & Brougham, 13-4; d. Brougham, Ont, Can, Fb 18, 14. Jordan, Charles Grant — b, Harlansburg, Pa, Dc 25, 1867; WestmCPa, 91; McCTS; PTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Shenango, My 14, 95; p. West Middlesex & Pulaski, Pa, 95-6; p, Ironton, O, 97-1900; p, 1st ch. East Liv'erpool, 00-3; evang. Volant, Pa, 03 — . DD, WestmCPa, 05. Justema, Herman Samuel — b. Grand Haven, Mich, Nv 26, 1868; HopeC, 90; PTS, 90-2, 93-4; CNJ, 92, MA; ss, Castlewood, SD, 92-3; ord, Pby Albany, Fb 5, 95; ss, Northville, NY, 94- p, 95-6; p. Marine City, 96-9; p, Birmingham, 99-1902; ss, Watertown, SD, 02-3; p el. West ch, Merrill, Wis, 03-4; p, ME ch, Wautoma, 05-6; p, Burlington, 06-8; p, Columbus, 08-12; p, Stoughton, 12-6; 1894 431 p, New London, 16-7; p, Fox Lake, 17-9; p. Elk Horn, 19-21; p, Waukau, 21-4; ill health; res. Riverside, Cal. Kennedy, Phineas Barbour — b, Kennedysville, NJ, Je 14, 1867; CNJ, 91, 94, MA; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 15, 94; ss. Forest City & Carbon- dale, Pa, 94-6; p. Forest City, 96-7; p, 1st ch, Asbury, NJ, 98-1900; p. South ch, Easton, Pa, 00-5; p, Southwestern ch, Phila, 05-7; miss, Kortcha, Albania, 07 — . King, Harry Bell— b, Claysville, Pa, Fb 1, 1870; W&JC, 91; PTS, 91-4; CNJ, 94, MA; ss, Crawfordsville, la, 93; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 10, 95; asst p. Market Sq ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 95-1906; p. Calvary ch, Harrisburg, 06-14; p, Paxton ch, Paxtang, Harrisburg, 14 — . Knipe, Isaac McGay— b, NYCity, Fb 3, 1867; CCyNY, 86; bus; XenTS, 91-3; PTS, 93-4; ord UP, Pby Des Moines, Ja 29, 95; p. Service, la, 95-1900; ss, 3d ch, Des Moines, 00-5; p. Belle Center, O, 05-10; p, 1st ch, Newark, NJ, 10-8; p, Fairpoint & Uniontown, O, 18-22; p. East 187th St ch, NYCity, 22 — . Kremers, Harry — b, Zeeland, Mich, Sp 17, 1868; HopeC, 90; PTS, 90-2; ss, Raymond & Bradley, SD, 92-3; PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Winona, J1 17, 94; ss, Fremont, Minn, 94- p, 95-1901; ss, Utica, 94- p, 95-6; ss, Rushford, 96- p, 97-01; ss, Algona, la, 01-4; p, Logan, 04-10; asst p, 1st ch. Cedar Rapids, 10-4; prof. Bib, Miss & RelEdu, CoeC, 14 — , dean of men, 23 — . DD, CoeC, 26, HopeC, 27. Labaree, Robert McEwen — b, Urumia, Persia, Ja 2, 1867; MariC, 88; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Ap 16, 94; p, Wallingford, Pa, 95-9; p, Doyles- town, 99-1904; miss, Urumia, Persia, 04-16; ss, Asbury Park, NJ, 16-7; prof, LincU, 17—. MA, ColU, 25; DD, MariC, 18. Lukens, Frank — b, McKeesport, Pa, Sp 10, 1868; CNJ, 90, 91, MA; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 5, 94; p, 1st ch, Burlington, NJ, 94 — . DD, Haste, 27. MacGillivray, Alexander James — b, Bruce Co, Ont, Canada, Sp 10, 1866; Manic, 91; PTS, 91-4; CNJ, 93, MA; ord, Pby Oklahoma, Oc 31, 94; hm miss, Ponca City, Okla, 94-5; ss, Guthrie, 95-6; p. New St James ch, London, Ont, Can, 97-1906; p, St John’s ch, Vancouver, BC, 06-11; p, Knox ch, Guelph, Ont, 13—. DD, WestmH, 11. Mackay, Duncan Oliver — b, Fairfield, Cal, J1 1, 1869; DalhU, 90; PTS, 90-1; SFTS; miss. Maple Creek, Alberta & Swift Current, Assiniboia, Can, 91-2; PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Halifax, J1 11, 94; miss, Chebogue & Carleton, NS, 94-8; ill health; miss, Chebogue & Carleton, 99-1900; ss, Malcolm, la, 00-2; ss, Clayton & Cadmus, Mich, 02-4; ss, Mem ch, Rome, O, 04- p, 05-9; p, Kingsville, 10-21; prof, Halifax, NS, Can, 22-7; ss, Presb ch, Elmsdale, NS, 28 — . Marden, William Edwin — -b, Piermont, NH, Je 26, 1865; DartC, 86; tea; bus; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Phila North, My 31, 94; p, Morrisville, Pa, 94-5; p, Voorheesville, NY, 95-7; p. West Green St ch, Phila, Pa, 97-1902; p, Woodside ch, Troy, NY, 02-26; oc s, 26—; res, Durham, NH. ’Martin, Daniel Hulshizer — b, Doylestown, Pa, Fb 24, 1865; LafC, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 28, 94; p, Wissahickon, Phila, Pa, 94-1908; 432 1894 p, Ch of Covenant, Cynwyd, 08-18; res, Pasadena, Cal, 18-24; d, Pasadena, Nv 4, 24. DD, WheaC, 20. Martin, James Wright — b, Castlewellan, Co Down, Ireland, Sp 17, 1863; QuUBelf, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Northumberland, Je 6, 94; p, Orangeville, Pa, 94-1902; p. Canton, 02-5; p, Hackettstown, NJ, 06-31, p em, 31 — . PhD, MtHopeC, 00. *Matheson, James Alexander — b, Maryborough, Australia, Nv 21, 1864; CNJ, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 16, 94; p, Manalapan, NJ, 94-1901; p. Freedom Plains, NY, 01-3; p, Delanco, NJ, 04-9; p, Quincy, Mass, 09-14; p, Allentown, NJ, 14-32; d, Allentown, Nv 30, 32. Maugeri, Giacomo — b, Catania, Italy, Mr 5, 1861; NTS; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 26, 94; UnTS, 95-6; evang, Waldensian ch, Modica, Italy, 97; p, Vittoria, 97-8; p, Messina, 98; evang, Lecce-Brindisi-Nardo, 98-9; evang, Falerna, 1900; p, Lusa, 00-3; p, Sampierdarena, 03-4; p, Falerna, 04-7; p, Siracusa, Italy; presb miss, Pittsburgh, Pa, 20-3; p, Pittsburgh, 24-7; res, Brooklyn, NY, 29-. *McClatchey, Thomas — b, Drumrainey, Co Down, Ireland, Oc 23, 1857; RoylJ, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Huntingdon, J1 2, 94; p, Winburn & Kylertown, Pa, 94-5; dropped from Pby Huntingdon, Oc, 1900; Ireland; d. South Africa. McEwen, George Anderson — b, Rinton, Dumbartshire, Scotland, Sp 16, 1864; GaleC, 89; OmaTS; SFTS; PTS, 93-4; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 94;— Moore, Eliot Henry — b, Norwell, Mass, Ap 11, 1865; NYU, 91; PTS, 91-4; CNJ, 93, MA; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 15, 94; p, Fergus Falls, Minn, 94-9; p. Red Wing, 99-1904; p, 1st ch, St Paul, 04-12; p, Bethany ch, Minneapolis, 13-22; field sec, WhitC, 22; field sec, CEmpo, 23-4; asst supt, Nat Miss (Minn), 24-31; syn evang, 31 — ; res, Anoka, Minn. Moore, George Edward — b, Perryville, Ky, My 13, 1862; CenCKy, 84; DanTS, 89-92; ss, McArthur & Wilkesville, O, 92-3; PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 5, 95; ss, Saylersville, Ky, 95-1904; hm miss, McGoffin Co, Ky, 05 — ; res, Saylersville, Ky. *Osborn, Conover Samuel — b, Osbornville, NJ, Oc 6, 1862; NJNormSchl, 89; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Oc 22, 94; p, Chester, NJ, 94-1904; p, Glassport & Port Vue, Pa, 04-10; p, Mt Freedom, NJ, 11-8; d, Mt Freedom, My 27, 18. *Palmer, Francis — b, Baltimore, Md, Ja 10, 1866; CNJ, 90; PTS, 91-4, 94-5; ord, Pby Phila North, Dc 20, 94; p. Summit ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 95-9; p, 2d ch, Columbus, O, 99-1901; p, 1st ch, San Jose, Cal, 02-5; p. Prospect St ch, Trenton, NJ, 05-22; p, Grace ch, Jenkintown, Pa, 22-8; d, Jenkintown, Oc 26, 28. Pierson, Delavan Leonard — b, Waterford, NY, Oc 27, 1867; CNJ, 90, 94, MA; Europe; PTS, 91-4; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap24, 94;ed, Northfield Echoes, 94-1904; supt, Bedford Bib Schl, 95-15; resigned license, 96; rul eld; editorial writer. Record of Chr Work, 1904-6; do, Sunday School Times, 07-14; do, West- minster Teacher, 15; ed. Miss Rev of the World, 91 — ; res. Upper Montclair, NJ. 1894 433 Roddy, Joseph Stockton — b, Mt Pleasant, Pa, Je 10, 1864; CNJ, 91, 94, MA; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Des Moines, Je 28, 94; p, Dexter & Earlham, la, 94-6; p. Olivet ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 96-1908; bus; evang, 08-9; asst p. Arch St ch, Phila, 09- act p, 13- asst p, 14; pres & tea. New Bloomfield Acad, New Bloomfield, Pa, 10- 6; p, Olyphant, 14-7; ss, RefChAm, Southampton & Northampton, 17-21; p, 1st Presb ch, Gloucester City, NJ, 21 — ; prof, Edu & Psych, Beaver Coll, Jenkintown, Pa, 29 — ; res, Gloucester City, NJ. PhD, UChi, 03. *Rowan, William James — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 18, 1864; LafC, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 22, 94; p, Broadway ch, Baltimore, Md, 94-9; p, 1st ch, Newark, Del, 99-1920; instr, Rhet & Oratory, UDel, 02-20; d, Newark, Del, My 28, 20. PhD, NewWC, 1896. Taylor, Robert Howard — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 18, 1860; sec, YMCA, Phila, 85-8; sec, YMCA, Trenton, NJ, 88-9; WabC, 89-91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Balti- more, Je 8, 94; p, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 94-1901; evang, 01-2; p, 1st ch, Cannons- burg. Pa, 02-6; p, 1st ch, Oxford, 06-12; gen sec. Brotherhood of Andrew & Philip, 12-6; gen sec. Family Altar League, 16-9; evang, 19-22; Welfare Service Counselor, 22-4; evang, 24; res, Chicago, 111. Tenney, Samuel Mills — b, Crockett, Tex, Oc 25, 1871; SWPresbU, 91, MA, ThDept, 91-2; ord evang, Pby Eastern Texas, Sp 15, 93; PTS, 93-4; ss, Longview, Tex, 94- p, 95-9; ss, 1st ch, Houston, 99; ss. Sulphur Springs, 99-1900; p, 2d ch, Houston, 00-6; evang, Pby Paris, 06-7; ss, Winnsboro & Troup, Tex, 07-10; ss. Rusk, 10-23; ss, Brunswick, 17-24; ss, Lufkin, 18-22; promoter. His- torical Foundation, Texarkana, 24-6; curator. Historical Foundation, Presb & Ref Chs, Montreat, NC, 26 — . DD, AusC, 18. Toensmeier, Emil Simon — b, Toledo, O, Ja 17, 1870; CWoos, 91 ; PTS 91-4; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 23, 94; p, 4th St ch, Lebanon, Pa, 94-6; p, Coudersport, 97-1907; p, Niles, O, 08-20; exec sec, Mahoning Pby, Youngstown, 20-6; p, Circleville, 26 — . *Wasson, Samuel Carson — b, Ballymena, Ireland, Ap 8, 1865; CNJ, 91, 92, MA; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 8, 94; p, Churchville, Md, 94-1909; p, Govanstown, 09-15; d, Baltimore, Md, Nv 16, 15. *Weisley, Albert James — b, Catasauqua, Pa, Dc 22, 1865; LafC, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 15, 94; p, Avoca, Pa, 94-6; p, Tyrone, 96-1903; p, 3d ch, Trenton, NJ, 03-11; p. Green Ridge ch, Scranton, Pa, 11-28; d, Easton, Ja 28, 29. DD, LafC, 07. *Welty, Henry Sylvester Chester — b, Allentown, Pa, Ja 29, 1869; LafC, 91; PTS, *91-4; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 3, 94; p. Lost Creek ch, McAlistersville, Pa, 94-1901; p, Portland & Upper Mt Bethel, 01-3; p, 4th ch, Kansas City, Mo, 04-5; p, Portland, Pa, 05-17; p, Hokendauqua, 18-30; d, Allentown, Pa, Oc 9, 31. ♦White, Charles Louis — b, Lattas, O, Ja 13, 1866; WVaU, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Parkersburg, Oc 1, 94; p, Clarksburg, WVa, 94-8; d, Morgantown, WVa, Ag 17, 99. White, DeWitt — b, Albany, Athens Co, O, Nv 4, 1864; WVaU, 91; WestTS, 91-2, 94-5; PTS, 92-4; prin, Sistersville, WVa, 95-6; ss. West Bend, la, 97-8; ord. 434 1894 Pby Fort Dodge, Ap 14, 98; ss, Westminster & Eliott Creek, 98-1902; ss, Ana- mosa, 03-6; ss, Princeton & Le Claire, la, 06-10; p, Derby, 11-5; p. Fort Des Moines, 15-8; p, Clifton Heights ch, Des Moines, 18 — . White, Prescott Cushing — b, Athens Co, O, Nv 4, 1864; WVaU, 91; West TS, 91-2; PTS, 92-4; ord, Pby West Virginia, Oc 4, 94; p, Weston, WVa, 94-1904; dropped from roll at own request, Pby Grafton, Sp 10, 04; lawy, Morgantown, WVa, 06-20; city recorder, Morgantown, 20-1, city treas, 21 — . LLB, WVaU, 06. Wray, John — b, Buckna, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ap 5, 1871; MageeC, 91, ThDept, 91-2; PTS, 92-4; ss, Mt Zion, la, 94; ord, Pby Minnedosa, Ag 6, 95; hm miss. Basswood, Yorkton & Pierson, Can, 95-7; ss. Sterling, Steele, Glencoe & Williamsport, ND, 97-1903; rancher, 03-5; bus, Hazleton, ND, 05-13; farming, 13-23; res, Chicago, 111, 26-30; farming, 30 — ; res. Poplar Grove, 111. Young, Arthur Thomas — b, Filmore, Mo, My 5, 1869; PkC, 90, 94, MA; PTS, 90-2, 93-4; CNJ, 94, MA; ss, Ruskin & Oak, Neb, 92-3; ord, Pby Niobrara, Ap 16, 96; AubTS, 96-7; p el. East Pembroke, NY, 97-1903; p, Ballston Spa, 03-15; p, Hamlet, NC, 16-24; ss, Garyville, La, 25-7; res. Hot Springs, Ark. 61. *Alexander, William — b, Charlotte, NC, Dc 31, 1866; LafC, 89; tea; PTS, 91-2; prof, Lat, Presb Coll of the Southwest, Del Norte, Col, 92-3; tea, Harrison Schl, NYCity, 94-5; tea. Military Acad, Peekskill, 95-6; prin, Williamsport, Pa, 96-7; bus; d, Buffalo, NY, Nv 15, 97. Alter, Robert Lemon — b, Freeport, Pa, Oc 14, 1866; WestmCPa, 90; West TS, 90-3; grad stu, PTS, 93-4; CNJ, 94, MA; ord, Pby Butler, Oc 2, 94; p. North Washington ch. North Hope, Pa, & Concord & New Salem, 94-1903; ss, Prine- ville. Ore, & prof, Pendleton Acad, 03-4; p, Sandy Lake & Sheakleyville, Pa, 04-8; prin, Harlan Acad, Harlan, Ky, 08-9; pres. No Washington Inst, 09-13; pres. Barker Memorial Sem, Anniston, Ala, 13-20; pres, Ingleside Sem, Burke- ville, Va, 20-. DD, WestmCPa, 27; PhD, GrovCyC, 06. *Boger, James Monroe — b. Concord, NC, Dc 28, 1865; Bdll, 90, Th Dept, 90-1; PTS, 91-4; d. Concord, NC, Ap 24, 94. *Bro'wn, Bailie — b, NYCity, Ap 20, 1869; PTS, 91-3; ss, 1st ch, Weehawken, NJ, 92-3; Manic, ThDept, 93-4; AubTS, 94-5; NewWC, 94; lie, Pby St Lawrence, Je 13, 95; ss, 1st ch, Sacket’s Harbor, NY, 94-6; ss, 1st ch, Sioux Falls, SD, 96; MD, Nat Horn Med Coll, 97; ss, 1st ch, Cheyenne, Wyo, 97; ss, Cong chs. Lisle & Centre Lisle, NY, 98-9; MD, Eclect Med Coll, NYCity, 1900; phys, Putnam, NY, 00-3; phys, Jersey City, NJ, 03-12; d, Jersey City, Ja 12, 12. PhD, NatNorU, 94. Campbell, John — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Je 10, 1863; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Philadelphia, My 14, 94; asst p, Old Pine St ch, Phila, Pa, 94-5; ss, Oberlin, Kan, 95- p, 96-7; ss. Summit Hill, Pa, 97- p, 98-1902; ss, Preble, NY, 02-6; evang, Phila, Pa, 06-7; p, Magdalena, NMex, 07-10; p, St Cloud, Minn, 10; ss, Sartell, 11; ss, Dorland Memorial ch. Hot Springs, NC, 12-4; p, Biloxi, Miss, 15-30; hon re, 31; res. New Orleans, La, 32 — . 1894 435 Craighead, James Reese Ewing — b, Elders Ridge, Pa, Oc 5, 1868; Westm CPa, 91; PTS, 91-2; McCTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Kittanning, Je 26, 94; p. Cherry Tree, Pa, 94-7; ill health, Indiana, Pa, 97-8; ss, Plackwell, Okla, 98- p, 1901-04; p, Anna, 111, 04-10; pres. Union Acad, Anna, 111, 03-10; p, Carbondale, 12-7; p, Eswego, 17-30; p, Creston, la, 31-2; ss. West Lebanon, & Elder’s Ridge ch, Odri, Pa, 32 — ; res, Saltsburg, Pa. Fehlandt, August Frederick — b, Mazomanie, Wis, J1 4, 1869; UWis, 91; PTS, 91-2; YaleUDS, 92-4, BD; ord Cong, Nv 19, 94; p, Le Mars, la, 96-7; p, Creston, 111, 97-1901; p. Lone Rock, Wis, 01-4; p. West Salem, 04-9; p. Grand Forks, ND, 09-10; p, Michigan & Lakota, 10-4; prof, Econ & Soc, RipC, 14- ; p. Green Lake, Wis, 14 — . Gilchrist, George Edward — b. Fond du Lac Co, Wis, Ja 14, 1868; PierU, 91; PTS, 91-3; ss, Manchester & Bancroft, SD, 93-5; ord, Pby Central Dakota, Ap 17, 95; ss. Union & Lake chs, SD, 95-6; ss, Gary, 97-9; ss, Clifton & Ashford chs, Minn, 99-1900; res, Arago, Minn. Hayes, Andrew Williamson — b, Butler Co, Pa, Je 14, 1864; WaynC, 90; WestTS, 90-3; ss, Conneaut Lake & Harmonsburg, Pa, 92; ss, Duquesne, 93; grad stu, PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Blairsville, Ap 17, 94; p, Beulah & Cross Roads, Pa, 94-1900; p, Bismarck, NDak, 02-6; p, Lexington, O, 07-15; p, Somerset, Pa, 16—. "'Hilton, Hugh — b, Dallaghy, Ireland, Fb 12, 1866; RoyU, 89; PTS, 91-2; AsC; lie, Pby Coleraine, My 1, 94; d, Portstewart, Ire, 1907. "“Hutchinson, Alden Clark — b, Antrim, NH, Nv 1, 1867; BtsC, 91; PTS, 91; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 12, 91. Inglis, John — b, Wroxeter, Ont, Canada, Je 2, 1869; W&JC, 91; WestTS, 91-2; PTS, 92; lie, Pby Washington, Dc 12, 93; MD, Med Dept, OU, 95; MD, RushMedC, 96; miss phys, Peking, China, 98-1907; phys, Denver, Col, 07—. "“Ishimoto, Sanjuro — b, Omura, Hizen, Japan, Nv3, 1862; MG, 82, ThDept; tea; rul eld & lay preacher; grad stu, PTS, 93-5; d, Princeton, NJ, Nv 2, 95. "■Johnston, Thomas — b, Coleraine, Ireland, Ap 13, 1870; MageeC, 91, Th Dept, 91-2; PTS, 92-3; ill health; lie, Pby Phila, My 13, 95; ss, Tamaqua, Pa, 95-6; d, Dunbar, Ire, Je 1, 96. Kindley, Bradley Wilson — b, b'rederick Co, Md, Fb 11, 1862; WestmTSMd; PTS, 92; p, MP ch. Greenwood, Del, 92; p, Cumberland, Md, 93-5; p. Pipe Creek, 96-1901; p, Centreville, 02-4; p, Seaford, Del, 05-7; p, Cumberland, Md, 08-9; Md SS Asso, 10-4; p, Bel Air, Md, 15-8; p, Nicholas Mem ch, Odenton, 18-9; p, Linthicum Heights, 20-3; p. Delta, Pa, 24-7; res, Bel Air, 28—. "Leverett, William Josiah — b, Binghamton, NY, Ja 11, 1870; YaleU, 91; PTS, 91-2; AubTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Binghamton, Sp 19, 94; miss, Kiung-chow, China, 94-6, Nodoa, 96-1923; ill health; hm miss, Huntsville, Tenn, 27-9; d, Knoxville, Tenn, Dc 28, 29. "Mahon, Alexander Wylie — b, Londonderry, NS, Canada, Nv 6, 1853; DalhU; tea; PTC, 80-3, 93, BD; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Can, Oc 4, 83; 1894 436 p, St Peter’s PEI, 83-93; grad stu, PTS, 93-4; p, Greenock ch, St Andrews, NB, Can, 95-19M; asst p, St Andrews, Toronto, 14-24; d, Toronto, Can, Ag3, 30. Mann, Alexander Jesse — b, Baltimore, Ont, Canada, My 29, 1866; UTor, 91; PTS, 91-2; KxCTor, 92-4; ord, Pby Toronto, Oc 14, 94; p, Smithville, Ont, Can, 94-9; p, Eramosa, 99-1906; p. West Lome, 06-8; p, Woodville, 08-12; grad stu, KxCTor, 12-3; p, Brussels, 13-21; p. New Market, 21-5; p, UnChCan, Keswick, 25-31; ill health; hon re, 31; res. Kitchener, Ont, Can. McCullough, William Guppies — b, Loughbrickland, Co Down, Ireland, Ag 26, 1869; QuUBelf, 88; AsC, 89-92; lie, Pby Banbridge, Ire, Je 9, 92; grad stu, PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Banbridge, 95; asst, Mullingar, Ire, 96-1904; p, St Margaret’s, Hawick, Scot, 05 — . McNinch, Hugh — b, Grovania, Pa, Je 9, 1865; CNJ, 91; PTS, 91-2; Oma TS, 92-4; ord, Pby Omaha, Ap 19, 94; p. Red Oak, la, 94-9; p, Ackley, 99-1907; p, Fowler, Cal, 07-15; ss, 1st ch, Turlock, 16-8; p, Bethany ch, Los Angeles, 19-24; ss, 1st ch, Sanger, 25; p, San Juan Capistrano, 26 — . DD, LenC, 06. Mead, George Whitfield— b, Norwalk, O, My 27, 1865; OberC, 91; PTS, 91-2; UnTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Huron, Ap 13, 94; asst p, Madison Ave ch, NYCity, 94-8; p, 1st ch, Newport, RI, 98-1906; p, 2d ch, Wilkinsburg Sta, Pittsburgh, Pa, 06-10; ill health; lect, NYCity, 12-7; act prof, Eng Lang & Lit, BerC, 17-9; war wk, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Bel Air, Md, 19-26; pres, Florida Chautauqua, Keystone Heights, Fla, 26-30; prof, Econ & Soc, TuseC, 29 — . PhD, HeidC, 03; DD, BerC, 19. *Montgomery, John — b. New Stark, O, Dc 10, 1862; ONU, 87; supt schls. Belle Center, O, 87-90; PTS, 91-3; CNJ, 92; ord, Pby Lima, Je 6, 93; ss, Paulding, O, 93-4; p, 1st ch, Newark, 94-9; p, 1st ch, Findlay, 99-1906; p, Piqua, 06-17; d, Piqua, O, Oc 23, 17. DD, ONU, 01. *Moore, Henry Walter — b, Colora, Md, Sp 19, 1865; WestmCPa, 85; PTS, 91-3; ord UP, Pby Caledonia, Je 14, 93; p, Caledonia, NY, 93-5; ss, El Paso, Tex, 96-1905; d, El Paso, Nv 19, 05. *Morrow, James William — b, Rathfriland, Co Down, Ireland, My 25, 1869; QuUBelf, 90; AsC, 90-3; grad stu, PTS, 93-4; miss, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Can, 94- 6; p, St Johns ch. Medicine Hat, 96-1918; p. Riverside ch. Medicine Hat, 20-4; p. Riverside & Pashey, Alberta, 24-7; p. Riverside & Walsh, 27-9, p em; d. Medicine Hat, Alberta, Can, Fb 4, 32. Newell, William Reed — b. Savannah, O, My 22, 1868; CWoos, 91; PTS, 91; ill health; res. Kinsman, O; WestTS; ss, Bethesda Cong miss, Chicago, 111, 95- 6; asst supt, MBI, 95-9; Bible tea & evang, 97 — ; res. Deland, Fla. Pearson, Thomas Warner — b. Slippery Rock, Pa, Fb 28, 1866; LafC, 90; WestTS, 90-3, 1925, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Chester, Ap 24, 94; p, Dilworthtown, Pa, 94-1901; p, Leesburg & Center chs. Volant, 01-9; p. North Warren, 09-12; p, Sanford ch, Erie, 12-4; p. Rocky Grove ch, Franklin, 14-21; p, Hopedale, O, 21 — . *Person, Hiram Grant — b, Batchellerville, NY, Sp 17, 1866; WmsC, 91; grad stu, PTS, 91-2; AubTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Syracuse, Sp 26, 94; p, Chittenango, 1894 437 NY, 94-8; p, Seneca Falls, 98-1906; p, Eliot Cong ch, Newton, Mass, 07-23; d, Guillaumes, France, Ag 20, 23. DD, WmsC, 16. Prentice, Sartell, Jr — b, Albany, NY, Sp 30, 1867; AmhC, 91; McCTS, 91- 2, 93; PTS, 92; UnTS, 93-4; ord RefChAm, Cl Raritan, Nv 24, 94; p, Potters- ville, NJ, 94-7; p. Fifth Ave Presb ch, Newark, 98-1904; p, RefChAm, Nyack, NY, 04-24; Red Cross chap, USArmy, 18-9; res, NYCity. DD, OliC, 11. *Scott, George Elmer — b, Newark, NY, Ja 21, 1863; CNJ, 88; PTS, 91-3; ill health; d, NYCity, My 12, 1908. *Scott, James Skinner — b, London, Ont, Canada, Ja 10, 1866; UTor, 91; PTS, 91-2; Manic, ThDept; lect, Phil, ManiC, 92-3; ord, Pby Guelph, Dc 14, 97; p, Hespeler, Ont, Can, 97-9; p, St Andrew’s ch, Brantford, 99-1904; p, St Andrew’s ch, Sarnia, 04-5; d, London, Ont, Can, Oc 11, 05. Shawhan, Harry Hubert — b, Sigourney, la, Dc 13, 1866; tea; PTS, 91-3; ord, Pby Oklahoma, My 17, 93; ss, Ardmore, Okla, 93-4; p, Durango, Col, 94-5; evang, 97; ss, Snohomish, Wash, 97-8; LlChi, 99; ss. Central ch, Kansas City, Kan, 99-1900; ss, Petoskey, Mich, 1900- p, 01-4; p, Danville, 111, 04-11; p, 1st ch, Kansas City, Kan, 11-6; evang, 16-20; ill health; res, San Gabriel, Cal. DD, PkC, 16. Sheradan, Gregory Avac — b, Marash, Turkey, Sp 23, 1862; Cntl Turkey Coll, Aintab, 88; tea; PTS, 91-2; UnTS, 92-4; miss to Armenians, Olivet chap, NYCity, 92- 3; bus & tea, NYCity; ord, Pby Boston, Dc 17, 1906; p, Cong ch. West Barn- stable, Mass, 06-7; ss, Everett, 07-8; p, Tamworth, NH, 09-12; p, Central ch, Attleboro Falls, Mass, 13-6; p. Woods Hole, 16-7; ss, Presb ch, Waltham, 17; ss, Galway & West Galway, 18; p, Cong ch. New Braintree, 19-26; ss, Presb ch. Forest City, Pa, 26; ss. Trinity ch, Manlius, NY, 26; ss, St Andrew’s ch. Prince Edward Is, Can, 26-7; res, Winchester, Mass. *Stevenson, John Sinclair — b, Rathgar, Dublin, Ireland, Fb 4, 1868; OxU, 90; NewC & UEdin, 90-3, BD; grad stu, PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Dublin, Oc 23, 94; miss, Surat, India, 95, Shuradabad, 95, Deesa, 96-7, Parantij, 97-1905, Rajkot, Kathiawar, 07-19, Parantij, Bombay, 22-3; res, Dublin, Ire; d, Dublin, My 8, 30. Way, Wilson Spencer — b, Savannah, Ga, Ap 12, 1869; UGa, 90; PTS, 91-2; res. Savannah, Ga; bus, San Jose, Costa Rica; bus. Winter Park, Fla. ^ Woodford, Burton Hadley — b, Syracuse, NY, Mr 18, 1871; HamC, 91, 98, MA; PTS, 91-2; McCTS, 92-4; AubTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Emporia, Nv 7, 95; p, Oxford, Kan, 95-6; p, Cong ch, Dayton, Wyo, 96-1900; Normal Schl, Oswego, NY, 00-1; prof, Lang, Okla Inst Tech, Tonkawa, Okla, 02-5; prof, Lang, Durant Coll, Durant, 05-7; prof, Gk & Mod Lang, PhillU, 07-10; prof, TexChrU, 11-2; tea, Enid, Okla, 15-6; prof. Mod Lang, JasC, 16-7; do, PhillU, 19-20; do, CntlCIa, 20-1; do, TayU, 21-2; do, JnFlC, 22-7; do, KCU, 27-8; grad stu. Municipal Univ, Wichita, Kan, 29-32, MA; res, Wichita, Kan. Young, James William — b, Caraquet, NB, Canada, My 25, 1862; bus; PTS, 91-2; res, Caraquet, NB, Can; — 36. 43^ 1895 1895 *Barackinan, Franklin John — b, Linesville, Pa, Ap 23, 1865; GrovCyC, 90; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Duluth, Oc 22, 95; p, 1st ch, Sandstone, Minn, 95-8; p, 1st ch, Redwood Falls, 98-1902; bus. Northern Minn, 02-4; ss, 1st ch, Blackduck, 04-6; p. Twentieth Century ch. Thief River Falls, 06-7; p, 1st ch, Blackduck, 07-11; presb evang, Pby Duluth, 11-8; d, Duluth, Minn, Oc 16, 18. Barackman, Rufus Luther — b, Linesville, Pa, Ja 28, 1863; GrovCyC, 92, 1906, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Winona, Sp 24, 95; p, Claremont, Minn, 95-6; p, Westm ch, St Paul, 96-1900; p, 1st ch, Marshall, 00-3; p, Bedford, la, 03-6; p, 1st ch, Sioux Falls, SD, C6-11; p, 1st ch. Sac City, la, 11-4; v pres & instr. Bib, BuenVC, 14-5; p. Community ch. Thief River Falls, Minn, 15-21; p, 1st ch, Lincoln, Kan, 21-6; p, 1st ch, Litchfield, Minn, 26-30; res, Chicago Heights, 111. DD, BuenVC, 14. Bartlett, Maitland Vance — b, Milwaukee, Wis, Nv 8, 1869; CNJ, 91, 92, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Nv 30, 96; p, Stella ch. Forty Fort, Pa, 96-9; ss, 1st ch, Princeton, NJ, 1900- p, 01-4; ss. Laurel Springs, 06; p. West Farms ch (later Brick Mem), NYCity, 07-29; oc s; res, NYCity. *Bennett, Robinson Potter Dunn — b, Newport, RI, Nv 11, 1869; CNJ, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Newark, My 29, 95; p, Lyons Farms, NJ, 95-1900; p. Sum- mit ch, Germantown, Phila, 00-19; d. Bar Harbor, Me, Sp 15, 19. DD, LafC, 18. Biederwolf, William Edward — b, Monticello, Ind, Sp 29, 1867; CNJ, 92, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord evang, Pby Logansport, Sp 11, 95; NTFell, UBer, 95-6; chap, USArmy, 98; p, Broadway ch, Logansport, Ind, 98-1901; ed. Family Altar; evang, 01-30; dir, Winona Lake Bib Conf, 18- ; dean, Winona Lake Schl Theol, Ind, 20- ; p. Royal Pionciana Chapel, Palm Beach, Fla, 31 — ; res, Monti- cello, Ind. DD, BobJC, 30, NBaptTS, 31. Bixler, Cassius Edwin — b, Eshcol, Pa, Oc 10, 1862; CNJ, 92, 95, MA; ChiTS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord, Pby Fort Dodge, Sp 11, 95; p, Armstrong, la, 95-6; miss, Brazil, 96-1906, Estancia, Sergipe, 07-14, Ponte Nova, Bahia, 14 — . Boddy, James Marmaduke — b, Wrightsville, Pa, Sp 2, 1866; LincU, 90; LincUTS, 90-2; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Oc 22, 95; ss, Siloam ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 95-7; p. Liberty St ch, Troy, NY, 97-1906; MD, AlbanyMedC, 05; tea. Cotton Plant, Ark, 06; ss, Allison ch, Little Rock, 07-8; ss, Zion ch, St Paul, Minn, 08-9; phys, Minneapolis, 10 — . Boving, Charles Brasee — b, Harrisonville, Mo, Nv 26, 1871; WestmCMo, 91, 95, MA; McCTS, 91-3; ord, Pby Lafayette, Sp 12, 93; p, Lamar, Mo, 93-8; PTS, 94-5; evang, Pby Lafayette, 98-9; p, Webb City, Mo, 99-1905; p, Han- nibal, 05-11; pres, WestmCMo, 11-4; p, Coates St ch. Bowling Green, Ky, 14-8; p, Moberly, Mo, 18-24; p, Sidney St ch, St Louis, 24-7; field rep, Bd Pens, 27 — ; res, Pittsburgh, Pa. DD, WestmCMo, 09. *Bradshaw, Archibald Harmon — b, Indianapolis, Ind, Ag 18, 1870; FrankCInd, 90; bus; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Indianapolis, Je 4, 95; asst p. Marble Collegiate RefChAm, NYCity, 95-1903; DSPEpisCh, 03-4; asst p, Epis ch of Atonement, Phila, Pa, 03-5; ord PEpis pr, My 25, 05; asso rec, Ch of Atonement, 18 9 5 439 Phila, 05-6; rec, Calvary ch, Conshohocken, Pa, 06-10; rec, Trinity ch, Easton, 10-23; d, Clifton Heights, Pa, Je 8, 23. Broening, George Hertzog — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 30, 1872; NewWC, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Phila North, My 21, 95; p, Wissinoming ch, Phila, Pa, 95-1900; p, Millville, NJ, 00-2; p, Ashley, Pa, 02-12; p, Fewsmith Memorial ch, Newark, NJ, 13-22; p, Greenfield ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 23-31; res, Pittsburgh. PhD, NewWC, 98. Brown, Nathan Thomas — b, Millport, O, Ag 7, 1866; CNJ, 91, 94, MA; tea; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Phila North, Ag 6, 95; p, Carversville, Pa, 95-1900; p. Ambler, 00-6; p, Dutch Neck, NJ, 06-20; p, Reedsville, Pa, 20-31; res, Belle- ville, Pa. PhD, RichC, 97, DD, 01. *Butler, Courtlandt Patterson — b. Pound Ridge, NY, Nv 4, 1868; CNJ, 92, 95, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 6, 96; p. Calvary ch, Riverton, NJ, 96-1900; p, 1st ch, Lakewood, 00-27, p em, 27 — ; res, Hackettstown; d, Hackettstown, NJ, Mr 13, 33. DD, HamC, 16. *Byers, Vernon Clyde — b, Knobnoster, Mo, 1870; CEmpo, 92; McCTS, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Oc 8, 95; p, Peckville, Pa, 95-7; p, Colfax & Homer, 111, 1901-2; res, Madison, Wis, 02-5; dropped from Pby St Louis, Je 19, 05; res, Denver, Col; d, Denver, Col, Nv 12, 26. Chambers, Richard Franklin — b, Darrtown, O, Mr 7, 1861; MtHBSchl, 88-92; BanTS, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Iowa, Nv 19, 95; ss, Kirkville, la, 95-8; ss, 1st ch, Newton, 98-1906; p, 1st ch. Redwood Falls, Minn, 06-9; p, Jackson, 10-3; p, Griswold, la, 13-9; p, Clarence, 19-24; p, Adair, 24-7; ss, Gris- wold, 28 — . Coburn, David E — b, Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada, Je 13, 1870; UNB, 92; CNJ, 94, MA; PTS, 92-5; miss, Otisfield & Casco, Me, 95-8; ord Cong, Oc 1, 96; miss, Kingsport, NS, Can, 98-1902; miss, Presb chs, 02-3; miss. Kempt & Walton, 03-7; p. Upper Musquodoboit, NS, 07-14; p, Londonderry, 14-5; PTC, 15, BD; p, Toney River, 15-6; p. Upper Musquodoboit, 16-26; p, Bradalbane, PEI, 26-9; p, Sheffield, Maugerville, NB, 29 — . Craven, John Burroughs — b. Upper Makefield, Pa, Nv 7, 1866; LafC, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Phila North, My 25, 95; p. Grant St ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 95-. Davis, William Hildrup — b, Lancaster, Pa, Oc 11, 1866; QuUOnt, 92, MA, ThDept, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Phila North, Je 13, 95; p, Ch of the Re- deemer, Germantown, Pa, 95-1900; p, 1st ch, Victor, Col, 01-4; ss. South Broad- way ch, Denver, 04-6; p. Fountain (now Park Hill) ch, Pueblo, 06-14; p, 1st ch, Humboldt, Kan, 14-20; p, 1st ch, Cherryvale, 20 — . Denlinger, Henry Kreider — b, Gordonville, Pa, Sp 25, 1866; CNJ, 90, 92, MA; tea; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Newark, My 16, 95; p, Caldwell, NJ, 95-9; p, 2d ch, Bloomington, 111, 99-1905; p, 1st ch. New Castle, Pa, 05-7; p. High St ch, Newark, NJ, 07-9; p. Holy Apostles Epis ch, NYCity, 09-18; head. Hist Dept, Conn Agr Coll, Storrs, Conn, 20 — . DD, BlacC, 05. Dobson, Frederick Fee — b, Borylesville, Tenn, Dc 27, 1869; WashCTenn, 440 1895 92; UnTS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord, Pby Sequoyah, Je 12, 95; hm miss, Okla & Ind, 95-9; p. College Corner, Ind, 99-1905; p, Farmington, 111, 05-7; p el, Elwood, Ind, 07; p, Tracy, Minn, 07-16; p, Chatfield, 16-8; p. Broken Arrow, Okla, 18-20; p, Monette, Mo, 21-3; p, Oswego, Kan, 23 — . DD, TuscC, 08. *Donehoo, James Ramsey — b, Allegheny, Pa, Nv 27, 1867; W&JC, 89; law stu; WestTS, 91-2; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Mankato, Nv 5, 95; p. Wells, Minn, 95- 8; ss. West Middlesex, Pa, 1901; p, Austin, 02-6; p, Knoxville, 06-11; p, Arnot, 10-2; d, Arnot, Pa, Ja 10, 12. *Dougall, Arthur— b, Glenville, NY, Nv 20, 1868; UnC, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 10, 95; p, Buckingham ch, Berlin, Md, 95-1900; p, RefChAm, Fort Plain, NY, 00-3; p, 1st Presb ch, Canandaigua, 03-4; p, 1st ch, Elmira, 04-9; d, Elmira, NY, Oc 17, 09. Downes, Richard — b, Manchester, England, Je 3, 1864; CNJ, 90-2; PTS, 92-5; ss, Atco & Waterford, NJ, 92-5; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 12, 96; p, Har- rington & Felton, Del, 96-9; p. Mount Joy & Donegal, Pa, 99-1904; ss, Bolton, Eng, 05-6; p, Holderness Road ch, Hull, 06-9; p, Byker, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 09- 17; p, Maryport Cumberland, 17-27; p, Silott Cumberland, 27-8; res, St Annes-on-Sea, Eng. Dunham, James Henry — b, Bedminster, NJ, J1 31, 1870; CNJ, 91, 94, MA; McCTS, 91; PTS, 92-5; UBer, 95-6; ord, Pby Monmouth, Dc 15, 96; p, Mt Holly, NJ, 96-1912; UPa, 10-3, PhD; tea, Haverford Schl, Pa, 14-5; lect. Ethics & Logic, TemlJ, 14-5; dean & prof, Phil, Coll Liberal Arts & Sciences, 15 — ; res, Phila, Pa. LLD, F&MC, 23. Edmiston, George Lee — b, Greenville, Mo, Oc 7, 1868; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Lafayette, My 12, 96; p, Odessa, Mo, 96-7; ill health; p, Nevada, Mo, 10-1; res, Nevada, Mo, 12 — . Funk, William Godshalk — b. New Britain, Pa, Sp 20, 1865; LafC, 92, 95, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 12, 96; ss, Duryea, Pa, 95- p, 96- 1902; p. Unity, 02-7; ss. Forest City & Archibald, 08-11; p. Plains, 11-7; p, 1st ch, Monroeton, 17-26; p, Nicholson, 26-30; hon re, 30; res, Wysox, Pa. Gaston, John Montgomery — b. East Liverpool, O, Sp 12, 1868; CNJ, 92, 95, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 11, 95; p. Forest Grove, Pa, 95- 8; p, Hazlewood, 98-1904; p. Friendship Ave ch, Pittsburgh, 04-10; BdFreedm, 10 — ; BdNatMiss, Div Miss for Colored People, 23 — ; res, Pittsburgh, Pa. DD, CWoos; LLD, JCSU, 26. Gillette, John Morris — b, Nodaway Co, Mo, Ag 9, 1866; PkC, 92; SFTS, 92-3; AubTS, 93-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Platte, My 21, 95; ss, Perry & Bethel, Kan, 95; ss. Dodge City, 95-7; prof, Bible Norm Schl, Springfield, Mass, 98-9; prin, Chodron, Neb, 99-1900; pres. Fern Acad, Jacksonville, 111, 01-3; prof, Soc & Hist, State Norm Schl, Valley City, ND, 03-7; prof, Soc, UND, 07 — . PhD, ChiTS, 98, & UChi, 01. Graham, Loyal Young, Jr — b, Philadelphia, Pa, Je 6, 1874; NewWC, 92; McCTS, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Phila North, Dc 22, 96; p, Narberth, Pa, 96- 1910; p, 1st ch, Rahway, NJ, 10-22; p. Central ch, Newark, 22 — . 1895 441 Harris, William, Jr — b, Princeton, NJ, Je 21, 1870; CNJ, 92, 93, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 95; miss, Chiengmai, Laos, Siam, 95 — ; ss. Lampoon ch, 97-8; prin. Prince Royal’s Coll, Chiengmai, 99—. Hickman, Frank Dos Passes — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 10, 1866; PkC, 92; SFTS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord, Pby Platte, My 21, 95; miss, Cameroun, West Africa, 95-1920; lect. For miss, 22-3; p, Augusta & Knoxboro, NY, 23-7; p, Augusta, 27-8; p, Peru, 28-30; res, Berwyn, Pa. ThB, AubTS, 28. *Hickman, Norman'Keer — b, Troy, Kan, Nv 5, 1868; HighU, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Highland, Ap 10, 95; ss. Silver Cliff, Col, 95; d. Silver Cliff, Nv 13, 95. Hill, Horace Paynter — b. Delta, Miss, Mr 9, 1849; bus; PTS, 92-5; ss. Cen- tral miss, Camden, NJ, 90-2; ss, 1st ch. Holly Beach, 93; ss, 1st Independent ch, Phila, Pa, 93-5; ord, Pby West Jersey, Oc 3, 95; p, Grace ch, Camden, NJ, 95- 1907; ill health; oc s; Red Cross, war wk, 18-9; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Hoffman, John Washington — b, Noblestown, Pa, J1 11, 1867; W&JC, 92, 95, MA; YaleUDS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord dea, ME ch, Sp 27, 96; p. New Cum- berland, WVa, 97-9; p, Sheridan, Pa, 99-1900; ord ME eld, Oc 13, 01; p, Cali- fornia Ave ch, Allegheny, 00-6; p, Crafton, Pittsburgh, 06-13; p, Duluth, Minn, 13-6; pres, OWesC, 16-28; ill health; res, San Marino, Cal. DD, W&JC, 10, LLD, 17; LLD, TemU, 23. Hort, Francis Simons — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 22, 1870; bus; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby New Jersey, Je 27, 95; ss, Ashland & Centralia, Pa, 95- p, 96-8; p, 1st ch. South Bethlehem, 98-1913; p, Calvin ch, Phila, 13-9; supt, NatMiss, Pby Lehigh, 19 — ; res, Bethlehem, Pa. Howie, Robert Pollock — b, Jarrow-on-Tyne, England, Ap 14, 1865; CNJ, 92, 93, MA; PTS, 92-5; ss, Columbus, NJ, 98-9; ss, Ruskin & Deshler, Neb, 99- 1901; ord, Pby Hastings, 00; ss. Hausen, 01-4; p. Pleasant Grove, NJ, 06-12; ss, Benton, Pa, 12-3; p, Chillisquaque & Mooresburg, 13-6; tea, 16 — ; res, Allamuchy, NJ. Hudson, Wilton Tyler — b, Greenville Co, SC, Oc 31, 1868; FurU, 91; tea; PTS, 92-5; lie, Pby Enoree, Oc 3, 95; bus, Greenville, SC, 95 — . Innes, John William — b, Brooksdale, Ont, Canada, Ja 16, 1867; MonC, 92; AllegTS, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Ft Dodge, My 15, 96; p, Algona, la, 96-7; Nqvada, 97-9; p, Monticello, 99-1911; p, Ames, 11-22; sec, ChrEdu, Minneapolis, Minn, 22-5; special repre, Chr Edu, Milwaukee, Wis, 25-32; do, Evanston, 111, 32—. DD, CoeC, 06. ■"Jack, William McDougald — b, Airdrie, Co Lanark, Scotland, My 28, 1860; LafC, 92; PTS, 92-5, 1906-7, BD; Heb Fell, FreeChC, 95-6; ULeip, 96-1900, PhD; ss, American-English ch, Leipzig, Germany, 96-7; tea, Leipzig, 97-8; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 3, 1901; p, Birmingham, Pa, 01-4; Sorbonne, Paris, 04-5; ss, Franklin St ch, Baltimore, Md, 06; ss, Scotchtown, NY, 07-9; ss, Chazy & Beekmantown, 09-10; p, Schaller, & ss. Pilgrim ch, .Storm Lake, la, 13-7; d, Schaller, la, Ja 2, 17. Janssen, Neelo Frerichs — b, Uttum, Hanover, Germany, Je 7, 1866; Dubq TS, 91; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Edmonton, Can, 96; p. South Edmonton, Can, 96-7; 442 1895 p, Beaver Lake, 97-8; p, RefChUS, Fargo, ND, 1905; dropped from RefChUS, Cl Omaha, 09; — Kiser, Aaron Ellsworth — b, Wilton, la, Dc 1, 1865; ParsC, 92, 95, MA; PTS, 92-3, 94-5; McCTS, 93-4; ord, Pby Corning, Sp 13, 95; p, Hamburg, la, 95-8; p. State Center, 98-1905; p, Malvern, 05-10; p, 1st ch, Creston, la, 10-1; field sec, la Const Amend Assn, 11-2; field repre, Bd Hm Miss, Syn la, 12-6; ss. Red Oak ch, Creston, 16-7; ss. Champion Hill ch, Creston, 17-22; gen field worker, Pby Western la, laBdNatMiss, 22 — ; res, Creston, la. DD, ParsC, 12. Laird, John Baker— b, Mt Nebo, Pa, Fb 14, 1866; LafC, 92, 95, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 20, 95; p, Frankford ch, Phila, Pa, 95 — . DD, LafC, 1903. Life, Robert Henry — b. Crab Bottom, Va, My 14, 1866; CNJ, 89; bus; PTS, 91-3; tea, Lawrenceville, NJ, 93-4; PTS, 94-5; ord Cong, Oc 25, 95; asst, p, Edwards ch, Northampton, Mass, 95-8; asst p, 1st Presb ch, Utica, NY, 98-1900; p, Cong ch, Haydenville, Mass, 04 — . Lilly, George Alexander McAuley — b, Phila, Pa, J1 18, 1867; Union Miss Training Inst, Brooklyn, NY, 91, 91-2; PTS, 92-5; hm miss. Lone Tree & Crow Creek, Greeley, Col, 95-6; ord, Pby Boulder, Ap 23, 96; ss, Immanuel ch. Slack, & 1st ch. Wolf, Wyo, 96-1901; ss. Wall St, & Sunset, Col, 01; ss, Hastings, 03-4; PTS, 05-6; ss, Redmond, Laidlaw & Sisters, Ore, 06-11; ss, 1st ch, Tygh Valley, 12-4; ss, Wapato, Wash, 14-7; ill health; res, Seattle, Wash. Loux, Edward Augustus — b, Frenchtown, NJ, Dc 27, 1869; LafC, 92, 95, MA; PTS, 92-5; McCTS, 96; UChi, 97; ss, res, NYCity, 97-1902; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 6, 02; p, 1st ch, Plymouth, Pa, 02-5; p, 1st ch, Berwick, 05-14; p. Ninth ch, Troy, NY, 14-27; ss, 1st ch, Troy, 27-8; p, 1st ch, Waterford, 28 — . DD, LafC, 17. *MacDonald, Janies Ross — b, Hopewell, NS, Canada, Dc 11, 1852; PTS, 92- 5; ord, Pby St John, Oc 14, 95; p, Fairville, NB, Can, 95-6; p, Barney’s River, 97-8; p, Caledonia, 98-1905; p. Sheet Harbour, NS, 05-11; ill health; d, Elmsdale, Can, Ap 23, 12. *McCleary, Charles Warner — b, Crawfordsville, la, Nv 22, 1867; ParsC, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord evang. My 28, 95; miss, Ebolewoe (Elat), W Africa, 96-1901; ill health; Elat, 02-3; d, Elat, Cameroon, W Africa, Je 30, 03. McConaughy, Ira — b, Linton, Des Moines Co, la, Nv 7, 1864; HastC, 90; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Je 27, 93; ss, 1st ch, Bennet, Neb, 98-9; ss. Blue Hill, 99-1902; ss, Fairmount, 02-6; ss. Lead, SDak, 06-7; ss, Fairmount, Wyo, 07-8; farming & bus; res, Thermopolis, Wyo, 09 — . McKinney, Charles Spurgeon — b. West Sunbury, Pa, Oc 27, 1869; Westm CPa, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Mankato, Je 9, 96; ss, Canby, Minn, 96-1902; ss, Rockwell City, la, 02-4; ss, Canby, Minn, 04-11; ss. Prospect, Pa, 12-8; oc s, Weston, 19-22; p, Houston, Minn, 22-4; p, Caledonia, 24—. *McMullan, Hugh Scott — b, Banbridge, Co Down, Ireland, Nv 27, 1871; QuUBelf, 92; NewC, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord, Pby Connaught, Fb 7, 99; ss. Con- 1895 443 nemara Mission, Ire, 96-9; p, Hollymount, 99-1905; p, Wexford, 05-25; d, Wex- ford, Ire, Ja 12, 25. *Medd, Thomas Hogett — b, Bowes, England, Ap 30, 1868; HeidC; UrsC, 92; UrsSTh, 92-3; PTS, 93-5, 97-8, BD; ord, Pby West Jersey, Oc 21, 95; p, Atco, NJ, 95-7; p, Gretna, Can, 98-9; ColTS; ss, Easley, Pickens & Liberty, SC, 1901-2; ill health; NBTS; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 8, 1905. Mochel [Mogel] Levi Schade — b, Tulpehocken, Pa, Ap 26, 1860; CNJ, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Oc 8, 95; ss, Delmar Junction, la, 95-6; ss, Farley, 96-9; ss, Chehalis, Wash, 99-1901; ss, Toledo, 01-5; ss, Summerville, Ore, 05-7; ss, Woodburn, 07-10; ss, Albany, 10-4; ss, Gervais & Donald, 14-8; ss, Aurora, 18-9; res, Woodburn, Ore. Moore, William — b, Phila, Pa, J1 9, 1857; bus; LaneTS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 22, 95; p, Lakehurst, NJ, 95-1926; ss, Holmanville, 99-1907, 19-26; res, Germantown, Phila, Pa. Mudge, Lewis Seymour — b, Yonkers, NY, Ag 24, 1868; CNJ, 89, 90, MA; Experimental Sc Fell, CNJ, 89-90; PTS, 90-2, 94-5; instr, EvelC, 90-4; instr, CNJ, 92-4; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 9, 95; p, Beverly, NJ, 95-9; p, 1st ch, Tren- ton, 99-1901; ill health; lect, Princeton, 06-8; p, 1st ch, Lancaster, Pa, 08-14; p. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, 14-21; stat cl, Gen Assem, 21 — ; res, Phila, Pa. DD, F&MC, 10; LLD, LafC & UDubq, 23; Mod, Gen Assem, 31. *0’Neill, David James — b, Quebec, Canada, Mr 31, 1867; bus; PTS, 92-5; lie, Pby Phila North, Ap 17, 94; miss, Germantown, Pa, 96-8; tut & trav in Europe, 98; drowned off “The Lizard,” Oc 14, 98. *Parker, John Walter — b, Edinburgh, Ind, Sp 29, 1867; CNJ, 92; PTS, 92-5; ord evang, Pby Muncie, Oc 14, 95; ss, Greensburg, Ind, 95-1900; ill health; act p, 1st ch, Indianapolis, 02; d, Converse, Ind, Ag 23, 02. Sawyers, Mott Randolph — b, Unionville, la, J1 5, 1870; ParsC, 90; law stu; PTS, 91-2, 93-5; ss, Unionville & Moulton, la, 95; ss, Moulton, 96; ss, 1st ch, Centerville, 97; UnTS, 98-9; sec, Iowa Anti-Saloon League, 99-1902; ord, Pby Des Moines, Ap 22, 03; ss, Mt Ida ch, Davenport, la, 02-12; sec, YMCA, Davenport, & oc s, 12-4; p, Avondale ch, Cincinnati, O, 14-6; evang, 16-7; YMCA, war service, 17-9; ss, 1st ch, Centerville, la, 19- p, 20—. PhD, West UnC, 13; DD, ParsC, 14. Schall, William Main — b, Phila, Pa, J1 23, 1871; NewWC, 92; MeCTS, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Phila, My 28, 95; p el, Puritan ch, Phila, Pa, 95-7; p, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 98-1901; ss, 2d ch, Flandreau, SD, 02-3; ss. Bay Ridge chap. Ft Hamilton, NY, 04-5; ss, Breesport, 06-8; p. Holy Trinity ch, Phila, Pa, 09-11; ss, 1st ch of Lower Merion, Gladwyn, 12-5; chap, Presb Chap, Phila Gen Hosp, 16 — ; res, Phila, Pa. Shelley, John Paul — b, Bethlehem, Pa, Je 29, 1862; FindC, 88, 90, MA; UAthens; tea; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Erie, Sp 12, 95; p. North Warren, Pa, 95-9; p, 1st ch, Kane, 99-1908; p, 1st ch, Canastota, NY, 09-14; p, 1st ch. Wood Lawn, Pa, 14-5; p. Chestnut St ch, Erie, 15-25; ss, 1st ch, Jamestown, 29 — ; res, Erie, Pa. Shields, William Hamill — b, Darctown, NJ, Ja 30, 1870; CWoos, 92; 444 1895 PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Detroit, Dc 13, 95; p. Calvary ch, Detroit, Mich, 95-1900; p, 1st ch, Middletown, O, 01-10; p, 1st ch, Hillsboro, 10-7; p, 1st ch, Mt Vernon, 17-26; p, 1st ch, Norwalk, 26 — . DD, CWoos, 13. Smiley, U Franklin— b, Phila, Pa, Sp 12, 1868; CNJ, 92, 93, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Boulder, Sp 23, 95; p, 1st ch. Fort Collins, Col, 95-6; p, Holmes- burgch, Phila, Pa, 96-1902; p, Westm ch. Cedar Rapids, la, 02-7 ; p, 2d ch, Camden, NJ, 07-12; p. West ch, Wilmington, Del, 12-22; p, Dormont ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 22—. DD, LenC, 05. Taylor, John William — b. West Brownsville, Pa, Ag 28, 1869; W&JC, 92; YaleUDS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; bus, 95—; Vance, John Riddle — b, Mahoningtown, Pa, Nv 1, 1860; CNJ, 87, 93, MA; bus; PTS, 92-5; MBI, 93; ord, Pby Fort Dodge, My 14, 96; ss, Gilmore City, la, 95-6; ss, Pomeroy, la, 95- p, 96-1900; p, Armstrong, 00-1; ss. Hills & Iowa City, 02-3; p, Columbus Junction, 03-7; ss. Table Grove & Vermont, 111, 07-8; ss, Brooklyn & Huntsville, 08-10; p, Clayton, 10-7; ss, Jackson St ch, Macomb, 17-9; p evang, Pby Rushville, 19-23, stat cl & treas, 17 — ; res, Macomb, 111. DD, OskC, 20. Van Ness, John — b, Johnsonburg, NJ, Nv 9, 1866; CNJ, 92, 95, MA; tea; PTS, 92-5; MBI; ord, Pby Washington City, J1 3, 95; p, Takoma Park, DC, 95-1902; p, Holmesburg ch, Phila, Pa, 02-8; asso sec, AmBibSoc, 08-10; p, Narberth, Pa, 10 — . DD, Pike’s Peak Bible Sem, Manitou, Col, 31. Van Nuys, Walter Lowrie — b, Franklin, Ind, Je 19, 1870; WabC, 91, 1906, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Olympia, Oc 2, 95; ss, Ridgefield, Woodland, & Wilkeson, Wash, 96-7; p. Centenary ch, Spokane, 97-9; p. La Grande, Ore, 1900-3; p, 1st ch, Pendleton, 04-11; p. United ch, Parkdale, 11-6; p, 1st ch, Prineville, 16-20; field rep, BdChrEdu, 20 — ; res, Portland, Ore. DD, AlbanyC, 30. Voorhees, Frank — ^b, Anthony, NJ, Ja 27, 1869; RutU, 92, 95, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Nassau, Ja 28, 96; p, Greenlawn, NY, 96-8; ss, Waukee & Min- burn, la, 98-9; p, Cong ch. Baiting Hollow, NY, 1900-11; p, Jamesport, 11-6; p, Mt Sinai, 16 — . *Walker, William Levi— b, Charlotte, NC, Nv 25, 1869; DavC, 92; ColTS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord, Pby Enoree, Oc 31, 95; p, 3d ch, Greenville, SC, 95-8; p. Piedmont, 98-1900; p, Bapt ch, Quitman, Ga, 01-2; p, Vineville ch, Macon, 03-5; p, 1st ch, Rome, 13-7; p, 1st ch, Danville, Ky, 18-24; p, 1st ch, Elyria, O, 24-6; d, Charlotte, NC, J1 12, 26. Ward, Clement Edwin Babb — b. Coffee, Ind, Je 6, 1869; CEmpo, 92, MA; CNJ, 95, MA; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Boulder, My 13, 96; p, 1st ch. Fort Morgan, Col, 96-8; ss, 1st ch. Grand Junction, 98-1901; gen field sec, YPSCE, 01-5; p. Relay, Md, 05-6; p, 1st ch, Bridesburg, Phila, Pa, 08-11; p, Olmstead Ave ch, NYCity, 11-4; founder & dir. League for the American Home, Inc, & Ward Progressive Home Schls; res, Glendale, Cal. ♦Wight, Calvin— b. New Hamburgh, NY, Sp 8, 1861; trav; CNJ, 92; ChiTS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord evang, Pby North River, Je 1, 95; miss, Chinan-fu, China, 95-9; d, Chinan-fu, J1 13, 1899. 1895 445 Wight, Edward Van Dyke — b, New Hamburgh, NY, My 13, 1869; CNJ, 92, MA; ChiTS, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby North River, Je 4, 95; p, Wayne, Neb, 95-7; p, Hastings, 97-1906; prof, HastC, 97-07, pres, 02-7; p, Westm ch (Webb-Horton Mem ch), Middletown, NY, 07 — . DD, HastC, 04. Williams, Clarence Russell — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 15, 1870; UPa, 92; YaleUDS, 92-3, 95-6; CNJ, 95, MA; PTS, 93-5; ord, Pby Phila North, My 18, 97; p. Lower Merion, Pa, 97-1900; UChiDS, 00-01, BD; lect. Bib, 01-17; YaleU, 09-12, PhD; USArmy, 18-9; prof. Hist, StStephC, 19-21; act asso prof, AmHist, RutU, 21-2; grad stu, ColU, 22-3; head. Dept Hist, UVt, 23-7; prof. Hist, UPR, 27-8; Libr of Congress, 28 — ; res, Washington, DC. 70. Bennett, Richard Heber — b, Blackstone, Va, Mr 12, 1866; RMC, 85; asso Prof, RMC, 85-6; prin, Woodbourne Acad, Trevilians, Va, 86-8; RMC, ThDept; p, Washington St ME ch, Richmond, Va, 89-92; ord ME dea, Nv 15, 91; PTS, 92-3; p. Trinity ME ch, Richmond, Va, 93; p. Calvary ch, Baltimore, Md, 93; ord ME eld, Nv 18, 94; p, Granby St ch, Norfolk, Va, 94-5; p, McKendree ch, Norfolk, 95-9; p, St James ch, Richmond, 99-1901; p, Epworth ch, Norfolk, 01-2; pres eld, Richmond, 02-3; prof, Mor Phil & Eng Bible, RMC, 03-7; supt, Anti-Saloon League, Va, 06, 08; p. Court St ch, Lynchburg, Va, 07-11; miss sec, ME Ch South, 11-4; sec, Min Supply & Training, 14-26; sec, RelEdu, 18-26; pres. Lander Coll, Greenwood, SC, 27 — . DD, HSC, 05. Berry, Edward Payson — b, Valatia, NY, Je 29, 1867; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Troy, My 14, 96; p, Hoosick Falls, NY, 96-1910; p, Mem ch, Springfield, Mass, 11 — . Blewitt, Charles James — b, NYCity, Sp 26, 1873; ColU, 92; PTS, 92-3; UnTS, 93-5; NYU, 95, MA; ord Ch of God, Je 14, 1912; general oversight Eastern Churches of God, 98 — ; pres, Ch of God Missionary Home, 1.5 — ; res, NYCity. *Boteler, Robert Harley — b, Elizabeth, Tex, Ap 7, 1859; PTS, 92-3; LouisvPTS ; ord, Pby New Albany, My 26, 96; ss, Crothersville, Ind, 97; ss, Pardeeville & Rocky Run, Wis, 99; ss, Couillardvllle, 1900-3; ss, Sackwaukee, 04-5; ss. Sherry, 06-7; ss. Burton Mem & Liberty chs, Quincy, 111, 08-9; ss. New Salem & Baylis, 09-10; ss, Dell Rapids, SD, 10-1; p. Providence, O, 11-2; ss. New Sharon, la, 12-4; ss, Hazleton, Pa, 14-5; ss. Nemo, SD, 16-7; d, Greenfield, Okla, Mr 7, 18. Byers, James — b, Derrylaghan, Ireland, Ap 17, 1868; MageeC, 91; PTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Bismarck, Oc 7, 96; ss, Mandan, NDak, 97-8; ss, Ogden, Utah, 99; ss, Sumpter, Ore, 1900-5; ss. Goldfield, Nev, 06- p, 08-9; ss, Reno, 10-3; ss, Elko, 14; p, Lamoille, 15-9; res, Lamoille, 20-4; res, Elko, 25 — . ♦Dalzell, Charles— b, Laporte, Cal, Mr 14, 1865; LSU; McCTS, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Erie, Sp 12, 95; p. Garland & Pittsfield, Pa, 95-7; ss, Pittsburg, 97-1900; Europe, 99; ss, 2d ch. Pine Creek, Pa, 00-2; ss, Allison Park, 02-3; Europe, 03; ss, Allison Park, 04; p. Lower Marsh Creek ch, Fairfield, 05-13; p. Baiting Hollow Cong ch, Calverton, NY, 13-8; ss, White Lake & Mongaup Valley Presb ch, 20-1; d, NYCity, Fb 19, 22. 446 1895 *Gerrie, George — b, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Ap 21, 1868; UTor, 92; PTS, 92-3; McCTS, 93-5; ord evang, Pby Fargo, Ap 22, 97; ss, Milnor, ND, 97-8; ss, Fulda, Minn, 98-1901; ss, Dundee, 99-1900; Kinbrae, 00-1; ss, Claremont & Ripley, 01-3; ss. Venture, 03-4; ill health, Scotland, 04-5; d, Chicago, 111, Dc 25, 05. Harter, Otis — b, Johnson’s Corner, O, Oc 16, 1870; HeidC, 92; UrsSTh; PTS, 93-4; ord, Pby St Clairsville, Je 9, 96; p, Morristown, O, 96-9; p, Creston, 99-1901; p, Fredericktown, & ss, Waterford, 01-9; p, Delphos, 10-8; p. Olivet ch, Lima, 18 — . Hibshman, Henry Eberly — b, Waynesboro, Pa, Ja 31, 1871; CWoos, 92; PTS, 92-4; ord RefChUS, Cl Carlisle, Fb 25, 97; p, Zion’s ch, Newbury, Pa, 97-8; p, 1st Presb ch, Alexandria, NJ, 98-9; res, Vineland; dropped from Pby New Brunswick, Ap 11, 1906; res, Troy, NY; bus, Camden, NJ. Hinke, William John — b, Dierdorf, Germany, Mr 24, 1871; CalvC, 90, 93, MA; instr, Lat & Gk, CalvC, 90-2; UrsSTh, 92-4; grad stu, PTS, 94-5; instr, Heb, UrsSTh, 95-7 ; ord RefChUS, Cl Lehigh, Ap 26, 96; p. Trinity ch, Allentown, Pa, 96-7; prof, OT Lit & Exeg, UrsSTh, 97-1907; asst prof, OT dept, AubTS, 07-9, prof, Semit Lang & Rel, 09 — ■, libr, 23 — . PhD, UPa, 06; DD, HeidC, 06. *Knipe, James Nelson — b, NYCity, Ap 15, 1864; PTS, 92-3; PhilaTS, 93-5; ss, UP ch, Octoraro, Pa, 92-5; ord UP, Pby Phila, Ag 12, 95; p, Octoraro, 95-7; ss, Fairhill ch, Phila, 97- p, 1902-5; p, Albany, NY, 06-23; ill health; d, Albany, Fb 1, 24. Littell, William Archibald — b. Service (Murdocksville), Pa; CoeC, 1891; XenTS, 91-4; PTS, 94; ord UP, Pby Steubenville, Je 10, 95; p, Wellsville, O, 95-8; p, Bloomington, Ind, 99-1901; p, Wooster, O, 02-8; p, Paterson, NJ, 09-17; p, 1st Presb ch, Perth Amboy, 17-8; p, UP ch, Greeley, Col; oc s; res, Denver, Col. DD, ColC, 13. *Lyle, Edward Hays — b, Monroe City, Mo, Je 7, 1867; WestmCMo, 88, 99, PhD; prof. Synod Coll, Fulton, Mo, 88-92; PTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Pueblo, Oc 30, 94; ss. La Junta, Col, 94- p, 95-6; p, 2d ch, Colorado Springs, 97-1904; prof, Texas Presb Coll, Milford, Tex, 04-5; p, Lancaster, 05-7; p, 1st ch, Cleburne, 07-20; pres, Okla Presb Coll for Girls, Durant, Tex, 21-2; d, Dallas, Tex, Oc 26, 22. Martindale, Charles O’Neale, Jr — b, Columbia, SC, Dc 3, 1868; USC, 89; tea; ColTS, 89-92, BD; SCC, 91-3, MA; ord, Pby Harmony, Ap 7, 93; p. Pine Tree & Turkey Creek & Liberty Hill, SC, 93-4; grad stu, PTS, 94-5; MBI, 95; p, Tuskegee & La Place, Ala, 96-1900; ss, Cedartown, Ga, 00; p, Newman & ss, Turin, 00-6; p, Courtland, Ala, 06-7; p, Brownsville, Tenn, 07-9; prof, Rel Ped, Sociology, Evang & Miss, PresbBibTrSchl, & ss. West Nashville, 09-12; p, 1st ch, Crowley, La, 12-6; dean, Arcadia Parish BibTrSchl, La, 13-6; p, Amite, Kent- wood, etc, 16-9; p, Reidville, Nazareth & Antioch, SC, 19-24; dean & organizer, LaPresbTrSchl, Clinton, La, 22; p, Vidalia, Aimwell & Sadie, Ga, 24-8; ss, Morgan City, La, 28-. PhD, IndCntlU, 25, & DD, 26. McAulay, Kenneth J — b, English Town, NS, Canada, Je 14, 1861; ParsC, 92, 95, MA; PTS, 92-3; McCTS, 93-5; ss, Ord, Neb, 94; ord, Pby Iowa City, My 5, 95; p, Crawfordsville, la, 95-9; p, Burt, 99-1903; p, Ladoga, Ind, 03-4; 1895 447 ill health; p, Fulton, 111, 09-18; YMCA, war service, 18-9; oc s, 18-24; city schls, Los Angeles, Cal, 24 — . Mcllwain, William Erskine — b. Union Co, NC, Fb 19, 1848; ErskC, 72; tea; ColTS, 72-5, BD; ord, Pby Mecklenburg, Je 18, 75; p, Hopewell, NC, 75-81; evang, Pby Mecklenburg, Haywood Co, 81-3; ss, Gastonia, 84- p, 86-91; evang, Syn Alabama, 91-4; grad stu, PTS, 94-5; LouisvPTS, 95-6; p, Pensacola, Fla, 96-1901; fin agt, Syn North Carolina, 01-2; supt, Home Miss, Presb Ch US, 02-3; founder & pres, Ala Presb Coll, Anniston, Ala, 02-8; ss. Banks, NC, 10-6; p, Knox ch, Pensacola, Fla, 17-22; pres. Palmer Coll, De Funiak Springs, Fla, 22-4; p em, Mcllwain Mem ch, Pensacola, 27 — . DD, PresbCSC, 06. McMillan, Uriah Watson — b, Jackson Centre, Pa, J1 7, 1866; WaynC, 91; ord CumbP, Pby Pennsylvania, Sp 17, 91; ss. Windy Gap, Pa, 91-2; ss, Penn Manor, 92-3; PTS, 92-3; UnTS; WestTS, 93-5; p, McKeesport, Pa, 94-7; p, Louisville, Ky, 97-1906; p, Hazelwood ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 07-10; p, Mt Prospect Presb ch. Hickory, 10-3; p. Old Concord, 13-8; p, Glenshaw, 18-23; ill health; res, Pittsburgh, Pa. DD, WaynC, 10. Middlekauff, Benton — b, Adeline, 111, Sp 24, 1864; DrewTS; lie, Troy ME Conf, 91; PTS, 92-3; PEpis Sem, Phila, Pa; Meth; — Palmer, John Carpenter — b, Madison, Ind, Dc 17, 1868; HanC, 88, 94, MA; MeCTS, 88-91; ord, Pby New Albany, Ap 15, 91; ss, Hill City, SD, 91-4; grad stu, PTS, 94-5; p, Emmanuel chap, NYCity, 95-1912; p, Washington Heights ch, Washington, DC, 12 — . DD, HanC, 08. Patton, George Stevenson — b, Nyack, NY, Mr 13, 1869; CNJ, 91; Ger- many; PTS, 92-5; asst Prof, Bibl Instr, PrU, 95-9; UBer, 97-8; CamU, 98-9; asst prof. Moral Phil, PrU, 99-1902, prof. Moral Phil, 02-14; dir, Edu, Bermuda, 14-24; mem. Colonial Parliament, Bermuda, 16 — ; res, Warwick, Bermuda. Rankin, Emmet Wollen — b, Paola, Kan, Je 10, 1868; PkC, 88, 91, MA; MeCTS, 88-91; p el. Three Rivers, Mich, 91-2; ord, Pby Platte, Fb 1, 92; ss, Marshall, Mich, 92-4; grad stu, PTS, 94-6; p el, Manitowoc, Wis, 96-9; ss, Shawano, 1900; p el, Cedarville & Dakota, 111, 01; bus; sec. Federal Council Chs of Christ in America, NYCity, 16-8; YMCA, war service, 18-21; bus mgr, & dir. Orphanages, Caneasus, NER, 21-6; p, Presb ch, Baldwin, NY, 26-8; p, Cong ch. New Gloucester, Me, 28-30; p. South Bridgeton, 30 — . Renick, Edward Lee — b. Falling Spring, W\'a, J1 6, 1860; PTS, 92-3, 93-5; ord, Pby Ozark, Sp 20, 95; SSmiss, Pby Ozark, 95-1917; ss, Williamsburg, W\"a, 18; ss, Conway ch, Ridgetop, Tenn, 18; p, Fairview & Brighton, Ala, 19; ss, Hartzelle group, Bessemer, 19-21; ss, Bethany group, Melrose, Tenn, 22; ss. No Gadsen, Ala, 24-6, 27-8; ill health; res, Jacksonville, Ala. Roberts, William Lloyd — b. Green Point, LI, NY, Je 1, 1871; NYU, 92; PTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Monmouth, Nv 13, 96; p. Cream Ridge & New Egypt, NJ, 96-8; ed, Minneapolis, Minn; asst p, Oswegatchie 1st ch, Ogdensburg, NY, 1901-3; San Juan, PR, 04-5; Cleveland, O, 06-7; p, Willoughby, 07-10; res, Ridge- wood, NJ ; — Rogers, Frank Earnest — b, Rockford, Ala, Ag 27, 1865; OxC, 92; PTS, 16 1895 448 92-3; ColTS, 93-6, 97-8; ord, Pby Lexington, Dc 9, 96; hm miss, Norton, V’a, 99-1900; ill health, 01-3; p, Lafayetts, La, 04-7; miss, Birmingham, Ala, 08; p el, Sheffield, Ala, 09; miss, Florence, 10-2; miss, Guntersville, 14; res, Guntersville, 15-6; miss, Collinsville, 18-9; ill health; res, Fort Payne, 22 — . Roundtree, Irwin William Langston — b, Lowndes Co, Ga, Sp 15, 1855; LincU, 86; DrewTS; ord ME, Suffolk, Va, 83; PTS, 92-4; Trenton, NJ, 95-7; New Brunswick, 97-8; Burlington, 98; pres eld, NJ AME Conf, 98-15; res, Tren- ton, NJ, 98 — . *Rudolph, Robert Livingston — b, NYCity, Dc 29, 1865; NYU, 92; TSRefEpisCh, 92-4, 98, BD; grad stu, PTS, 94-5; ord. Ref Epis, Ap, 95; asst p, 1st ch, NYCity, 95-1903; prof, Syst Theol, Bib Theol & Ethics, TSRefEpisCh, 03-30; consecr, Bp-Coadjutor, Ref Epis Syn NY & Phila, Ja 12, 09; bp; dean, TSRefEpisCh, 25-30; d, Dorset, Vt, Sp 16, 30. DD, NYU, 06. Schock, Lafayette Henry— b. Tiffin, O, J1 24, 1872; CWoos, 92; PTS, 92-4; McCTS, 94-5, BD; ord, Pby Platte, Sp 27, 95; p, Breckenridge, Mo, 95-7; ss. Church of the Covenant, St Louis, 99; ss, Breckenridge, 99-1900; ss, Lathrop, 00-2; p, 1st ch, Virden, 111, 02-7; ss, Tolono, 07-10; ss. Lake Nebagamon, Wis, 10-2; ss, Beaver Dam, 12-4; p, Delhi, Minn, 14-6; p, Dawson, 16-9; p, Jackson, 19-26; p. Morning Sun, la, 26-8; p, Slayton, Minn, 28 — . Smitt, Wolter Wagter — b, Zwolle, Holland, Ja 14, 1869; KampGym, 92; UBonn; TSRefCh; PTS, 94-5; Assen, Holland; — *Stephens, George Herbert — b. Heart Lake, Pa, My 7, 1866; CNJ, 91; PTS, 92-3; instr. Ethics & Logic, LafC, 94-7; d, Dc 26, 31. Thomas, John Stanly — b. New Bern, NC, Ap 8, 1871; tea. Coll Inst, New Bern, 90-2; PTS, 92-3; McCTS, 93-4; MBI, 94; ord, Pby Wilmington, Ap 8, 98; p, 5 chs, res, Burgaw, NC, 98; asst p, St Andrew’s ch, Wilmington, 98-9; p, Suffolk, Va, 99-1901; p, Gonzales, Tex, 01-4; ss, Montgomery, Ala, 04; p, San- ford, Fla, 04-7; p, De Funiak Springs, 07-9; p. Community ch, Garyville, La, 09; p. Big Spring, Tex, 10-1; p, 1st ch, El Dorado, Ark, 11-9; p, Scotland ch. Junction City, 19-21; prin, Scotland Acad, & p, Orrwood & Abbeville, Miss, 22-4; p-evang, Pby North Miss, 24-7; p, J E Jones Mem ch, Mt Pleasant, Tenn, 27-9; p, 1st ch, Tuscaloosa, Ala, 29 — . Tiffany, Ernest Livingston — b, Dansville, NY, Oc 21, 1863; LaneTS, 87-8; MD, Eclectic Med Coll, Cincinnati, O, 92; PTS, 93-4; AubTS, 94-5; ord, Pby Otsego, Oc 3, 95; p, Guilford, NY, 95-9; p. East Guilford, 95-7; ss, Chateaugay, 99-1900; ss, Wilson, 00-3; temperance lect. Prohibition Party, 03-11; NY State supt. Prohibition Party; res, Syracuse, NY, 12-3; res, Westfield, 13-5; — Trefz, Edward Charles Frederick — b, Indianapolis, Ind, Ja 2, 1870; MidlC, 9^; PTS, 92-4; ord Ev Luth, Synod Kansas, Sp 29, 95; p, 1st English Luth ch, St Joseph, Mo, 94-7; ed, Daily Herald, St Joseph, 96-9; p, Kountze, Mem ch Omaha, Neb, 99-1903; p, 1st Cong ch, Binghamton, NY, 03-5; ed. Examiner, Omaha, Neb, 05-6; lect, Sheldon Schl, Chicago, 08; bus, Chicago, 111; res. La Grange, 111; organization counsellor, res, Los Angeles, Cal. Weston, Albert Edward — b, Northampton, England, Nv 9, 1863; ord, Pby Choctaw, Mr 8, 91; ss, Atoka & Cadda, Okla, 91-2; PTS, 92-3; p, Farmingdale, 1895-1896 449 NJ, 93-1901; p el, Bethlehem ch, Clinton, NY, 02; ss, Rockwell’s Falls & Conk- lingville, 03-4; p, Titusville, NJ, 04-5; p, Atoka, Okla, 05-11; p. South Side ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 12; ss, Hemet, Cal, 13; p, 2d ch, Providence, RI, 15; ss. Ft Gibson, Okla, 16; ss, Tulsa, Okla, 17; YMCA, Colorado Springs, Col, 19; ss, Ramah Monument Group, Pby Pueblo, 20; Disciples Ch; ss. Union ch, Encinitas; res, Oceanside, Cal. *Wielenga, Gerrit — b, Amsterdam, Holland, Ap 5, 1872; KampGym, 90; Kampen Theol Sem, Holland, 90-4; grad stu, PTS, 94-5; ord RefCh, Cl Leyden, Holland, Nv 25, 95; p, Katwijk-aan-den-Rijn, Holland, 95-9; p. Delft, 99-1909; p, Zwolle, 09-16; p, Rotterdam, 16-24; d, Rotterdam, Holland, Dc 7, 24. *Wright, Howard Milton — b, Monroeville, NJ, Oc 13, 1863; UrsC; PTS, 92- 5; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Oc 8, 95; p. Mountain Top, Pa, 95-6; ss, Stevensville & Rushville, 96-1900; ill health; ss, French Creek, WVa; d, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Oc 28, 01. Yarbro, David Nathaniel — b, Paducah, Ky, Ag 14, 1864; SWPresbU, 92, 93, MA, ThDept, 91-3, BD; ord, Pby Central Texas, Sp 16, 93; ss, Cameron, Tex, 93-4; PTS, 94-5; p, Eufaula, Ala, 95-1900; evang, Pby Tuscaloosa, 00-1; p, Smyrna, Tenn, 01-6; p, Monticello, Ga, 06-9; p. New Monmouth ch, Lexington, Va, 09-19; p, Pittsylvania group, 19 — ; res, Chatham, Va. 36. 1896 Andrews, Fred Eral — b, Bergen, NY, Dc 16, 1867; URoch, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Washington City, 96; ss, Ballston, Va, 96-8; PrU, 98, MA; ss, Fowler- ville, NY, 99-1904; p, McVeytown, Pa, 04 — . Ayers, Thomas Henry — b, Winnsboro, SC, Dc 22, 1868; BdlT, 93, MA; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 28, 96; prof, Brainerd Inst, Chester, SC, 96-9; p, Carmel ch, Chester, 96-1921; p, Birmingham, Ala, 21-4; prin. Miller Mem Acad, 21-4; p, Orangeburg, SC, 21 — ; prin, Frazor Acad, Bamberg, 28 — ; res, Chester, SC. DD, JCSU, 13. Bailey, John Crooks, Jr — b, Greenville, SC, Ag 8, 1870; CitSCMilC, 90; tea; bus; PTS, 92, 93-6; ord, Pby Harmony, Oc 9, 96; p, Tirzah,& Wedgefield, SC, 96-1907; p, Summerton, 96-1900; p, Pinewood, 00; p, Hebron & Hephzibah, 01-7; p. Liberty, Central & Carmel, 07-19; p, Ebenezer, Hopewell & Tirzah chs, York Co, 19 — . Barr, Alfred Hamilton— b, Geneseo, III, Sp 3, 1868; CNJ, 89, 92, MA, hon- orary; tea; WestTS, 92-3; ss, Auburndale, Fla, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Detroit, Oc 6, 96; p, Jefferson Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 96-1911; p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 11-23; prof, McCTS, 23-. DD, AlmaC, 10. Barrier, Thomas Franklin — b, Lexington, NC, Fb 14, 1865; CEmpo, 93; PTS, 93-6; CNJ, 95, MA; ss, Mayfield & Argonia, Kan, 93; ss. Pleasant Unity & Bethany, 94; ss, 1st ch. Dodge City, 95; ord evang, Pby Emporia, Nv 6, 96; ss. Endeavor & Bethel chs, Wichita, 96-7; ss, 1st ch, Oberlin, 97-8; ss. Endeavor & Bethel chs, 98-1901; p, 1st ch. Cottonwood Falls, 01-3; p, 1st ch, Blackwell, Okla, 03-7; p el,Tst ch, Pawhuska, 07-8; prof, HKC, & ss, Dawson, 08-13; prof. 450 1896 WestmCMo, 13-4; p, 1st ch, Yates Center, Kan, 14-8; p, 1st ch. Liberal, 18-22; ss, 1st ch, Toronto, 22-7; p, 1st ch, Vinita, Okla, 27-30; ss, Skiatook, 30 — . DD, CEmpo, 21. Blackburn, Charles Stanley — b, Chicago, III, Dc 2, 1870; PeirlJ, 91-2; McCTS, 92-4; hm miss, Kerkhoven, Clara City & Grove City, Minn, 94-5; PTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Central Dakota, Je 3, 96; miss, Urumia, Persia, 96-1904; p, Bapt chs, Hopewell, Lebanon & Salem, SC, 04-5; p, Seneca & Salem, 05-8; p, Seneca & Walhalla, 11-4; p, 1st ch, Greer, 14-6; p, Hendersonville & East Hendersonville, NC, 17-9; p, Fairview, 19-21; bus, & oc s, 22 — ; res, Greenville, SC. *Brown, John Alexander — b, Newtownards, Co Down, Ireland, Ap 18, 1865; NewWC, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 14, 96; p, 1st ch, Williamstown, NJ, 96-9; p, 1st Van Voorst RefChAm, Jersey City, 99-1905; lect, NYCity, 03-6; p, 1st ch, Clinton, NJ, 06-7; p, 1st ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 07-17; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Presb ch, Clayton, NJ, 21-2; p, Richland ch. Wheeling, WVa, 22-3; d. Wheeling, WVa, Oc 19, 23. *Brown, Kenneth — b, Hamilton, Ont, Canada, Ap 8, 1866; CNJ, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 25, 96; ss, Chehalis & Olympia, Wash, 97-8; ss, Lewistown, Mont, 99; p, Glidden, la, 1900-3; ss, Lawrenceville, 111, 04-5; ss. Calvary ch, Dawson, NM, 06-8; hm miss, Tex, 08-12; p, El Paso, 12-5; p, Cor- coran, Cal, 15-7; ss, Santa Ynez, 17-9; res, Portland, Ore, 19-29; d, Portland, Ag 2, 29. Byers, Robert Paterson — b, Gananoque, Ont, Canada, J1 15, 1871; QuUOnt, 93; PTS, 93-6; CNJ, 95, MA; ord, Pby Montreal, Je 3, 97; p, Avoca, Can, 97-8; PresbC, 99, BD; p, Blasdell, NY, 1900-4; p, Bethany ch, Williamsport, Pa, 05-8; p, Mandaumin, Ont, Can, 09-15; res, Toronto, Can. *Calvin, Edward McCullough — b, Wilmington, 111, Dc 1, 1868; GrovCyC, 85-8; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Olympia, Sp 26, 96; ss. Carbonado, Wash, 96-7; p. Miles City, Mont, 97-1905; p, Chester, 111, 06-9; p, Westm ch, Anacortes, Wash, 09- 17; d, Seattle, Wash, Je 9, 17. DD, BlacC, 12. Cameron, James Daniel — b, Riverton, NS, Canada, Sp 25, 1859; CNJ, 93, 95, MA; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Binghamton, Nv 3, 96; ss, Masonville, NY, 96- 1902; p, Meridale, 02-3; ss, Worcester, 03-7; p, Corinth, 07-10; p, Lonsdale, RI, 10- 4; ss, Londonderry, NH, 14-8; p, Antrim, 18-24; p. Cream Ridge & New Egypt, NJ, 24-32; hon re; res, Trenton, NJ. Cargin, James Alexander — b, Dromore, Ireland, Ja 31, 1872; QuUBelf, 93; AsC, 93-4; FreeChCEdin, 94-5; PTS 95-6; ord, Pby Clogher, Ire, Dc 14, 98; asst p, Ballygawley, 98-1906; p, Ballyalbany ch, Monaghan, 06 — . . Colyn, Leonard — b, Pella, la. My 29, 1869; CntlCIa, 92; CalvTS; PTS, 93-6; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby Des Moines, Ap 21, 97; p. Laurel, la, 97-1900; p. Pleasant Hill, Wis, 00-2; p, Culbertson, Mont, 02-4; ss, Chester, 04-6; p, May- nard, Minn, 06-9; p. Alpha, 09-14; ss, Hollister, Ida, 14-5; SS miss, Pocatello, 15-6; evang, Pella, la, 16-8; ss. Browns Valley, Minn, 18-22; p, Stratford, Wis, 22-3; ill health; res, Santa Ana, Cal. Crane, William Seymour — b, Dobbs Ferry, NY, Fb 18, 1866; PTS, 93-6, 1896 451 1901-2; ord, Pby Genesee, Oc 22, 96; ss. Pike, NY, 96-1901; p, Bellona, NY, 02-7; p. Port Byron, 07-23; p, Dry'den, 23 — . *Crawford, Oliver — b, Dunbreen, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Mr 22, 1869; QuUBelf; MageeC; NewC, & UEdin, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; RoylJ, 96; AsC, 96-7; asst. Crescent ch, Belfast, Ire, 97-9; UBer, 1900-2; ord, Pby Omagh, J1 24, 02; p, Roodepoort, Transvaal, S Africa, 02-4; Ire; ss, Imersaid chap, Buchanan Parish, Scotland, 06-7; asst p, St Mary’s ch, Glasgow, 07-9; asst p, 1st ch, Ayr, 09-13; p, Culross, 13-9; d, Culross, Fb 7, 20. *Davis, Edmund McMillan — b, Knoxville, Tenn, Je 21, 1869; UTenn, 90, 90-2; instr, UTenn, 91-3; UnTSVa, 93-5; PTS, 95-6; prof, Heb Hist & Lit, UTenn, 96-7; ord evang, Pby Asheville, Nv 12, 97; hm miss. Western, NC, 97-1902; ss, McDonough chs, Ga, 02-5; d, McDonough, Ga, Ag 6, 05. *Davis, Luther — b, Phillipsburg, NJ, Ja 8, 1871; LafC, 92; tea; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 7, 96; p, Paxton ch, Paxtang, Pa, 96-1901; p, Graham Mem ch, Coronado, Cal, 02-6; p, 1st ch, Petaluma, 06-7; p, 1st ch, Blairstown, NJ, 08-9; d, Easton, Pa, Fb 15, 09. *De Young (formerly De Jong), John Lukas — b, Roseland, 111, Dc 12, 1872; HopeC, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, RefChAm, Cl Dakota, Nv 1, 96; p. Orange City, la, 96-7; ill health; d, San Diego, Cal, Fb 6, 98. Doran, Thomas Corwin — b, Baltimore, Md, Ap 4, 1868; NewWC, 93; PTS, 93-6; lie, Pby Baltimore, Oc 7, 96; dropped from roll, Oc 6, 1903; bus, Baltimore, Md; — *Dugan, George — b, Co Down, Ireland, Fb 13, 1872; CNJ, 91; sec, YMCA, Nyack, NY, 91-3; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Philadelphia, My 21, 96; p, Bethesda ch, Phila, Pa, 96-8; p, 9th ch, Troy, NY, 98-1903; p, Fullerton Ave ch, Chicago, 111, 04-7; p, Collingw'ood Ave ch, Toledo, O, 07-10; p, 4th ch, Albany, NY, 11-20; p, 3d ch, Trenton, NJ, 20-1; d, Trenton, NJ, Oc 14, 21. DD, CWoos, 09. *Dunn, John Tatham — b, Elmira, NY, J1 10, 1869; MariC; CNJ, 92; MeCTS, 92-3; UGot, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Sp 22, 96; asst p, 2d ch, Scranton, Pa, 96-8; insp customs, Brunswick, Ga, 98-9; lawy, Scranton, Pa, 99-1923; dropped from Pby Lackawanna, Ap, 1901; d, Scranton, Pa, Ja 31, 23. Eddy, G Sherwood — b, Leavenworth, Kan, Ja 19, 1871; YaleU, 91, 1916, MA; sec, YMCA, NYCity, 91-2; UnTS, 92-4; trav sec, stu vol mvmt, 94-5; PTS, 95-6; stu sec, YMCA, India, 96-1912; sec, YMC.^, Asia, 12-20; auth & lect; res, NYCity. LLD, CWoos, 16. Ellerson, Lawrence Brooks — b, Cheraw, SC, Nv 30, 1869; Bdll, 93, 98, MA; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Fairfield, Sp 23, 96; ss. Manning, SC, 96-8; prin & ss, Beaufort, 98-1901; ss, Laura St ch, Jacksonville, Fla, 01-9; prin & p, Birmingham, Ala, 09-16; prof, JCSU, 16-8; p, 13th Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 18—. DD, Bdll, 10. Ester, Alexander — b, Drumadarragh, Co Antrim, Ireland, Je 10, 1865; LafC, 93, 96, MA; ss, Andover, NJ, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Chester, Je 1, 96; p, Westm ch. West Chester, Pa, 96-1901; p, Cooke’s ch, Toronto, Can, 01-8; p evang, Pby Phila North, 08-10; p, Grace ch, Calgary, Can, 10-9; p, Robertson ch, V’ancouver, BC, 19 — . DD, LafC, 22. 452 1896 Everitt, Franklin Carver — b, McEwensville, Pa, Sp 28, 1870; CEmpo, 93, 99, MA; PTS, 93-6; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby Highland, Sp 30, 96; ss, Troy, Kan, 96-8; ss, Frankfort, 98- p, 99-1901; p, Delevan, 111, 01-7; p, Oberlin, Kan, 07-10; p, Phillipsburg, 10-5; p, Osborne, 15-9; p, Caldwell, 19-22; fin agt, CEmpo, 22-3; p, Olathe, Kan, 23-30; p, Bushnell, 111, 30—. DD, CEmpo, 19. *Faris, Wallace Somerville— b, Chicago, 111, My 15, 1869; LkFC; LSU, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord evang, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 19, 96; miss. West Shantung Mission, China, 96-7, Ihsien, 97-1907; d, Ihsien, China, My 13, 07. Freund, Will L— b, Phila, Pa, Ja 5, 1874; CNJ, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 21, 97; p, Brooklyn, Pa, 97-9; p, Hanover ch, Wilmington, Del, 1901-5; res, Princeton, NJ, 07-26; res, Atlantic City, 26 — . Gailey, Robert Reed — b, Pylesville, Md, Nv 26, 1869; LafC, 93; McCTS, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; sec, PhiladelphianSoc, PrlJ, 96-7; ord, Pby Westminster, J1 15, 97; sec, Stu Vol Mvmt, 97-8; sec, YMCA, Tientsin, China, 98-1907; sec, "Prince- ton work in Peking,” & tea, 07-32; res, Peiping, 32 — . Gratz, Humphrey Gilbert — b, Waasis Station, NB, Canada, Ja 1, 1863; DalhU, 92; tea; PTS, 93-6, 1904-5, BD; CNJ, 95, MA; ord, Pby Pictou, Ag 10, 96; miss, Andover & Tobique, NB, Can, 96-9; p, Alberton, PEI, 99-1906; miss, Noelton, etc, 06-11; oc s & farming. Sunny Slope, Alberta, Can, 11 — . Hallock, Henry Galloway Comingo — b, Holliday’s Cove, WVa, Mr 31, 1870; CNJ, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord evang, Pby Steubenville, Ap 21, 96; miss, Hang- chow, China, 96-1902, Shanghai, 02- ; prof, Homil, & dean, Univ China, ThDept, Chenju, Shanghai, 25-7; SS wk, Shanghai; res, Shanghai, China. PhD, RichC, 96. Harris, Walter William — b, Cochranville, Pa, Je 2, 1869; LafC, 93, 96, MA; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Holston, Sp 20, 96; p, Kingsport & Reedy Creek chs, Kingsport, Tenn, 96-8; ss, 1st ch, Superior, Neb, 98-9; p, 1st ch, Axtell, 99-1901; p, Elysburg & Rush chs, Elysburg, Pa, 01-6; p, Thompson Mem ch, Browns- burg, 06-23; p. East Greene ch, Wesley ville, 23-5; p, St Georges & Port Penn, Del, 25 — ; res, St Georges, Del. Herrman, Henry White — b. Yellow Springs, O, Sp 25, 1863; bus; asst. Marble Collegiate RefChAm, NYCity, 92-4; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Monmouth, Nv 12, 96; ss, Hope & Holmanville chs, Lakewood, NJ, 95- p, 96-7; p, Brewster, Southeast Center ch, Brewster, NY, 97-1900; bus, 01 — ; res, Whitestone, NY. Hibbard, David Sutherland — b, Olive Furnace, O, Oc 31, 1868; CEmpo, 93; PTS, 93-6; CNJ, 95, MA; ord, Pby Emporia, My 12, 96; p, Lyndon, Kan, 96-9; miss, Manila, PI, Iloilo; pres, Silliman Inst, Dumaguete, PI, 1901-30, pres em, 30- ; prof. Union Sem, Manila, 31 — . PhD, HanC, 10; DD, CEmpo, 14. Hogg, William Charles — b, Bellaghy, Co Derry, Ireland, Ag 24, 1873; MageeC, 93, ThDept, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby New Castle, My 12, 96; p, 1st ch, Bridgeville & Farmington, Del, 96-9; p, Waynesboro, Pa, 99-1900; p, 3d ch, Chester, 00-3; FreeChCGlas, 03-4; p, 1st ch, Williamsport, Pa, 05-23; p, RefChAm, Ridgewood, NJ, 23—. Hudson, William Mestrezat — b, Newtown, Pa, Fb 26, 1872; WaynC, 92, 1896 453 98, PhD; CNJ, 93, 1926, MA; McCTS, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Redstone, Oc 22, 96; p, Carmichael’s, Pa, 96-1901; p, Clarksburg, WV'a, 03-8; pres, WaynC, 08-11; pres, BlacC, 12—. DD, HKC, 08; LLD, IllC, 27. *Huston, Samuel Craig — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 11, 1869; CNJ, 92; tea; PTS, 93-6; FreeChCGlas; UEdin; ss, Chambers-Wylie Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 97; trav; ss, Tompkins Ave Cong ch, Brooklyn, NY, 1900; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 1, 01; art critic & lit wk, Phila, Pa, 00-17; d, Phila, Dc 24, 17. Jackson, Henry Ezekiel — b, Coatesville, Pa, Fb 21, 1869; LafC, 93, MA; PTS, 93-6; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 24, 96; p, Swarthmore, Pa, 96-1907; p, Cong ch. Upper Montclair, NJ, 07-15; social eng. Fed Dept Interior, Washington, DC, 15-20; pres, Nat Community Bd, 20-4; pres. Social Engineering Inst, NYCity, 24 — ; res, Ridgefield, Conn. “Jamison, Albert Clark — b, Baltimore, Md, Ja 10, 1871; BalCyC, 91; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Baltimore, Fb 9, 97; p. Sparrows Point, Md, 96-8; ss, Beaver City, Neb, 98-9; ss, St Edward, 99-1900; ss, Whaleyville & Ocean City, Md, 00-5; p, Kennedyville, 05-6; p. East Lake ch, Wilmington, Del, 06-7; ss, Ravens- wood, WV'a, 08- p, 12-4; d, Ravenswood, Ap 4, 14. Jamison, Archibald Balloch — b, Baltimore, Md, Ja 9, 1871; NewWC, 93; CNJ, 95, MA; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 30, 96; p, Brunswick, Md, 96-8; ss, Stamford, Neb, 98-1900; ss. Church of the Covenant, Omaha, 00-1; ss, Plymouth & Webster chs. North Bend, 01-3; ss, Nichson, Pa, 03-4; p, Lafayette, NJ, 04-11; p, Alexandria 1st ch, Milford, NJ, 11-7; p, Cochecton & Lake Huntington, NY, 18-21; p, Manassas, Va, 21-3; p, Hempstead ch. New City, NY, 23-9; p. Cherry Valley, 29-32; p, Durham, 32—. “Jennings, Franklin Cornwell — b, Laurens Co, SC, Nv 26, 1873; PresbCSC, 92, 92-3; ColTS, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Phila North, My 22, 96; p, Morris- ville. Pa, 96-8; p, Hanover ch, Wilmington, Del, 98-1900; p, Wakefield ch, Ger- mantown, Pa, 00-6; d, Reidville, SC, Fb 4, 07. Johnson, George — b, Edinburgh, Scotland, J1 4, 1872; UPa, 93, 1911, PhD; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Phila, My 26, 96; miss, Chilpancingo, Mex, 96-1902; prof, Syst Theol, LincU, 02 — ; lect, Apol, PTS, 23-8; dean, LincU, 08—. Johnson, William Hallock — b, NYCity, Dc 3, 1865; PrU, 88, 97, MA; Un TS, 91, 1901-2; PTS, 94-7, BD; ord, Pby West Chester, Sp 1, 97; prof. Logic & Psych, CenCKy, 97-01; instr, NT Lit & Exeg, DanTS, 97-01; ColU, 02, PhD; prof, Gk & NT Lit, LincU, 03- act pres, 25-6; ss, Ashmun ch, Lincoln University, Pa, 26—; pres, LincU, 26—. DD, CenCKy, 14. Johnstone, Walter Hastings — b, Phila, Pa, Ja, 16, 1871; LafC; BanTS; PTS, 95-6; lie, Pby Phila, My 18, 96; bus, Phila, Pa, 96—. Krieger, William John — b, Waukon, la, Dc 25, 1869; UDubq, 93; PTS, 93- 6; ord, Pby Aberdeen, Sp 30, 96; ss, Roscoe, SD, 97- p, 1900-1; ss. West Granville, Wis, 01-4; p. West Granville & Richfield, 04-5; prin, Scotland Acad, Scotland, SD, 05-9; p. Independent Ref ch, Tripp, 09 — . Luce, Henry Winters — b, Scranton, Pa, Sp 24, 1868; YaleU, 92-1913, MA; UnTS, 92-4; sec, Stu Vol Mvmt, 94-5, 96-7; PTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Lackawanna, 454 1896 My 20, 97; miss & prof, Shantung Chr Univ, China, 97-17; miss & v pres, Peking Univ, 19-27, v pres em, 27- ; stu, ColTS & UnTS, 27-8; prof. Missions, HartTS, 28—. DD, CWoos, 20. Magee, James Henry — b, Dublin, Ireland, Fb 6, 1870; TrinCDub, 92; New C, 92-3, 94-5; PTS, 95-6; lie, Pby Dublin, My 12, 99; Kingston, Ire, 1900; Belfast, 01- 2; dropped from Pby Dublin, 03; sec. Royal Statistical Soc, London, Eng; solicitor, Dublin, Ire. *Magill, Chauncey Byron — b. Cross Creek, Pa, Ja 1, 1868; ONU, 93; McC TS, 93-5; PTS, 95-7; ord, Pby Lima, Ap 12, 97; ss, Paulding, 0, 96- p, 97-1901; p, Mem ch, Troy, NY, 02-10; p. State St ch, Schenectady, 10-6; d, Schenectady, NY, Je 25, 16. *McClung, John Louis — b, Franklin, WVa, Dc 25, 1867; W&LU, 90-1; JHU, 92- 3; UnTSVa, 93-5; PTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Chesapeake, Sp 2, 96; ss, Culpepper & Greenwich, Va, 96-1901; ss. Paint Lick, Ky, 01-2; evang, Pby North Mississippi, 02- 4; lawy & bus, Salem, Va, 04-21; d, Salem, Va, Ap 27, 21. *McCullagh, Archibald, Jr— b, Phila, Pa, Sp 30, 1873; UPa, 92, 92-3; PTS, 93- 6; lie, Pby Brooklyn, Ap 15, 95; trav, 96-9; bus, NYCity, 99-1904; travel, 04-6; supt schls, Bayamon, Rio Grande, PR, 06; ill health; d, NYCity, Sp 11, 11. McKnight, William Clark — b. Cape May, NJ, Ag 5, 1870; UPa, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Dc 14, 96; p, McCandless Ave ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 96-8; p, Greenport, NY, 98-1908; p, Deerfield, NJ, 08-10; p, Nottingham, Pa, 10; p. West Grove, 11-2; asst p, Detroit, Mich, 13-5; p, Birmingham, 15-24; p, Eastminster ch, Detroit, 25-30; res, Detroit, Mich. Mecklin, John Moffatt — b. Poplar Creek, Miss, Ja 21, 1871; SWPresbU, 90, 92, MA; tea, SWPresbU, 91-2; UnTSVa, 92-4; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Cherokee, 96; p, 1st ch, Dalton, Ga, 96-7; stu, GerUnivs, 97-1900; instr, LafC, 01-2; Steu- benville prof, Gk, W&JC, 02-5; prof, Philos, LafC, 05-13; prof, Phil, UPitts, 13-20; prof, Soc, DartC, 20 — . PhD, ULeip, 99; LLD, SW, 25. Mitchell, Charles Anderson — b, Springfield, O, Ja 18, 1864; BellvC, 92, 1902, PhD; PTS, 92-3; prof, Gk, BellvC, 93-4; PTS, 94-6, 97-8, BD; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby Omaha, Oc 12, 96; prof, Gk, BellvC, & ss, Bellevue, Neb, 96-7; prof, Gk & Phil, BellvC, 98-1902; prof, UOma, 10-2; prof, Anthro, BellvC, 12-9; prof, NT, Lay Workers Schl, Bellevue, Neb, 27-30; prof, NT Lit & Exeg, OmaTS, 02 — ; res, Bellevue, Neb. DD, BellvC, 06. Moody, Hugh Gage — b. Cam, Co Derry, Ireland, Dc 16, 1871; MageeC, 93; RoyU, 94; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 7, 96; p, Landisburg, Pa, 96-7; p, Juniata ch, Altoona, 97-1901; p, 1st ch, Derry, 01-5; miss, Rajaburi, Siam, 05-7; p, 1st ch, Mt Sterling, Ky, 08-11; p, Windber, Pa, 11-6; p. Grove ch, Danville, 16-9; supt, Northumberland Pby, 19 — ; res, Selinsgrove, Pa. *Moore, James, Jr — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 1, 1866; LafC, 93, 96, MA; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 12, 96; p, 1st ch, Weatherly, Pa, 96-1903; p, Westm ch, Phillipsburg, NJ, 03-21; ill health; d, Phillipsburg, NJ, My 15, 28. Morley, William Sands — b, Oskaloosa, Kan, Ja 14, 1869; CEmpo, 93; 1896 455 PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Emporia, My 12, 96; instr. Math, CEmpo, 96-1900; grad stu, UBer, 00-1; UChi, 01-2; prof. Math, UIda, 02-16; p, Harris Memorial ch, Ashtabula, O, 18 — . ScD, CEmpo, 02. *Morrow, William Henry — b, Greensboro, NC, Ja 14, 1869; Bdll, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 30, 96; ss. Brook Chapel, Hillburn, NY, 96- 1900; ss, Willard ch. Union, SC, 00-1; ss, 2d ch, Lexington, NC, 01-2; ss. Brook Chapel, Hillburn, NY, 02-6; elk, USN Yard, NYCity, 06-8; ss, Lafayette ch, Jersey City, NJ, 07; ss, Siloam ch, Elizabeth, 07-8; d, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 28, 08. Mudge, William Leroy — b, Yonkers, NY, Ja 25, 1872; CNJ, 92, 93, MA; tea; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Chester, Je 24, 96; p, 1st ch, Phoenixville, Pa, 96-1904; p, 1st ch, Lewistown, 04-15; p. Falling Spring ch, Chambersburg, 15-28; exec sec. Pa Council of Chs, 28 — ; res, Harrisburg, Pa. Neely, David Torrence — b. Honey Grove, Pa, Je 13, 1869; CNJ, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Ap 15, 96; p, Milroy & Little Valley, Pa, 96-1901; p, Aisquith St ch, Baltimore, Md, 01-14; p, Knox ch, Cincinnati, O, 14-9; ss. Independence, O, 26-9; ss, Forestdale ch, Cleveland, O, 29-31; res, Cleveland, O. *Noel, Lucian Doty — b, Lancaster, Ky, Mr 11, 1868; CenCKy, 88; law stu; tea; KyTS, 93-4; DanTS, 94-5; PTS, 95-6; ss, Mt Carmel, 111, 96; ord, Pby Austin, Ap 7, 97; p, Taylor, Tex, 97-8; ss, 1st ch, Lebanon, Ky, 98-1901; p, Howard, Kan, 02-4; ss, St Paul ch, Charlotte, NC, 04-6; ss, Barnard, Saltville & Harmony, Kan, 07-8; ss, 1st ch, Reno, Nev, 08-9; ss. Sterling, Cal, 10-11; ss, Shorb Avenue ch, Los Angeles, 13-4; ss, Lankershim, 14-5; hon re; d. Camp Meeker, Cal, Oc 28, 19. Pattison, James — b, Co Antrim, Ireland, 1866; Brisbane Divinity Hall, Australia, 87-91; ord, Pby Brisbane, Nv 11, 91; PTS, 94-6; p, Langhorne, Pa, 97- 1900; organizer, Cairns ch. North Queensland, Australia, 01-2; p, Akaroa, NZ, 03-5; p, Warpukuran, 05-11; evang, NZ, 11-2; p, Stratford, 12-6; p, Somervell ch, Auckland, 16-29; p, Pukekohe, 29 — . *Price, Samuel Dobbins — b, Newark, NJ, J1 27, 1869; NYU, 93; ss, Bruce St (West) ch, Newark, NJ, 93-8; PTS, 93-7, BD; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby New- ark, Ap 12, 96; p, 1st ch, Shrewsbury, NJ, 98-1906; p. Calvary ch, Camden, 06-17; sec, Wld SS Asso, 17-32; res, Montclair; d, Montclair, NJ, My 17, 32. DD, NYU, 17. Rutherford, John Marshall — b, Cochranville, Pa, Je 9, 1870; LafC, 93, 96, MA; PTS, 93-6; ss. East Waterford (Middle Tuscarora), Pa, 94-5; ord, Pby Chester, My 7, 96; p, Toughkenamon & Unionville, Pa, 96-1900; p, Wissinoming, 00-6; p, Manasquan, NJ, 06-12; p, Westm ch, Phila, Pa, 12-5; p, Waynesboro, 15—. Schall, Charles — b, Macon, Ga, Mr 23, 1869; PTS, 93-7; ord, Pby Lehigh, Fb 25, 97; p. College Hill ch, Easton, Pa, 97-1909; p, 1st ch, Greensburg, 09-21; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Wayne, Pa, 21—. Schmalhorst, William Luther — b, Conway, Mo, Ag 20, 1870; DruC, 93; MeCTS, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Ozark, Sp 16, 96; miss, Concepcion, Chile, 1896 456 97-8; prof, Eng, Inst Engles, Santiago, 98-9; miss, Copiapo, 99-1901; miss, Val- paraiso, 02-4; p. Chestnut Grove ch, Baldwin, Md, & ss, Fallston, Md, 05-8; p, Neshaminy of Warwick ch, Hartsville, Pa, 08-10; p, Bridesburg, Phila, 10-5; p. Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati, O, 15 — . *Semple, Walter Hart — b, Mt Holly, NJ, Dc 9, 1868; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 23, 96; miss, Zacatecas, Mex, 97-1900, Chilpancingo, 00-2, Mexico City, 03-7; bus; ch sec. Fort Washington ch, NYCity, 16-8; asso p, 18-22; p, Manasquan, NJ, 23-5; d. Orange, NJ, Ag 14, 25. Shedd, Ephriam Cutler — b, Charlotte, NC, Ag 20, 1872; MariC, 93; PTS, 93-6; lie, Pby Athens, Sp 15, 96; ss, Homer, 111, 96-7; asst, 1st ch, Wichita, Kan, 98; PrU, 1900, MA; instr, Lat & Gk, Lewis Acad, Wichita, 98-1901; instr, Lat & Gk, Heathcote Hall, Rye, NY, 01-18, bus mgr, 15-8; bus, 18-21; tea, Hope- well, Va, 21-3; bus, 23—; res, Chicago, 111. Speigel, William Leonard Jr — b, Newport, Ky, Oc 28, 1869; CNJ,93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Cincinnati, J1 10, 96; p, Knox ch, Hyde Park, Cincinnati, O, 96- 1900; bus, Cincinnati, 00; ss. Central ch, Cincinnati, 05-7; ss, 1st ch, Cincinnati, 07- p, 12- co-p, 19-21; res, Denver, Col, 21-31; — Sterenberg, James — b, Fulton, 111, My 6, 1870; HopeC, 93; PTS, 93-6; HarvUTS, 96-7, MA; ord, RefChAm,Cl Dakota, Sp 29, 97; p. Orange City, la, 97-9; prof, Gk, BellvC, 1903-9, dean, 03-6, v pres, 07-9; UMun,07, PhD; prof, Latin, OliC, 09-14; prof, Gk & Bib Lit, KxC, 14-27, prof, Gk & Ancient Civilization, 27 — . Stuart, Albert Emerson — b, Franklin, NY, Nv 9, 1866; HamC, 91, 94, MA; UnTS, 91-2; tea, 92-4; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Phila North, My 28, 96; p. Oak Lane ch, Phila, Pa, 96-1900; p, Chanceford, 00-10; p, Neshaminy of Warwick ch, Hartsville, 10-23; p. Upper Octorara ch, Parkesburg, 23—. Stuart, James — b, Drumquin, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Oc 18, 1869; QuCGal, 89-92; MageeC, 92-5; PTS, 95-6; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 21, 96; lie expired, 1901 ;— *Te Winkel, William Van den Berge — b, Oostburg, Wis, Dc 2, 1870; HopeC, 93; PTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Kalamazoo, J1 7, 97; p. White Pigeon, Mich, 97-9; p, 2d ch, Bellaire, O, 99-1904; p, Oakland ch, Springfield, 04-6; p. Brick ch. Perry, NY, 06-18; p, Canastota, 18-31; d, Canastota, NY, Mr 11, 31. Thompson, John — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ap 12, 1872; QuUBelf, 93; AsC, 93-4; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 12, 96; p. Upper Mt Bethel & Portland, Pa, 96-9; asst p, Albert St ch, Belfast, Ire, 99-1900; ss, Killymurris, 01; act chap, H M Garrison, Dublin, 02; p. Birr, 02-6; p, Clontibret, 06 — . Watson, Robert — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, My 5, 1865; UNB, 93; PTS, 93-6; CNJ, 96, MA; ss, Gaston Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 95; ord, Pby Chester, Je 4, 96; p, Oxford, Pa, 96-1905; GaleC, 01, PhD; p, 2d ch, Cincinnati, O, 05-7; instr. Pas Theol, LaneTS, 06-10; p, Ch of the Covenant, Cincinnati, 07-15; p, 2d ch, NYCity, 15-23; prof, BosU, Schl Rel Edu, 23-7; prof, Soc & NT, Gordon Coll, Boston, 23- ; p, 1st ch, Boston, Mass, 23-9; exec sec. Lord’s Day League, New England, 29 — ; res, Boston, Mass. DD, CedC, 06; DD, W&JC, 15; LLD, CedC, 23. 1896 457 Westervelt, John A — b, NYCity, Je 27, 1857; ord Chr Ref, Cl Hackensack, Nv 14, 80; p, NYCity, 80-8; p, Ridgewood, NJ, 88-92; hm miss, 92-3; PTS, 93-6; p, 3d ChrRef ch, Paterson, NJ, 96-1927; asso ed. Banner of Truth, 98; superannuated, 27; oc s; res, Glenrock, NJ. 74. Appel, John Bridge — b. South East, NY, Dc 9, 1866; F&MC, 84; tea; lawy; PTS, 93-5; ord, Pby West Chester, My 25, 96; p, Gilead ch, Carmel, NY, 96-8; ss, Wilson, 98-1900; ss, Malden, 02; ss, RefChAm, Kiskatom, 02-4; ss, Gardiner, 04-6; p, 2d ch. Port Jervis, 06; lawy; res, Gardiner, NY. *Breed, Frank Denison — b, Dundee, Mich, Dc 16, 1868; CEmpo, 93, 96, MA; ss, Reece, Hamilton, & Neal, Kan, 93; PTS, 93-5; McCTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Emporia, My 12, 96; ss. Garden City, Kan, 96; ss, Florence, Cedar Point & Clem- ents, 96-7; ss, Riley & Sedalia, 97-9; p, Burlingame, 1900-1; ss, Madison & Leroy, 02; ins agt & ss, Elmendaro, 02-5; US mail service, Emporia, Kan, 05-21; ill health; d, Emporia, Kan, Ja 4, 24. Caesar, George Elias — b, Mayesville, SC, Oc 15, 1867; Bdll, 93; PTS, 93-5; LincUTS, 95-7, STB; LincU, 97, MA; ord, Pby Chester, Je 11, 97; ss, Lexington, NC, 97-9; prof, Conyers, Ga, 99-1903, prin & ss, 03-11; ss, Dalton, 11-23, super- numerary prin, 19-23; ss, Little Rock, Ark, 23 — . *Currie, Samuel — b, Gorticloughan, Ireland, Ap 19, 1869; RoyU, 93; NewC, 93-4; PTS, 94-5; AsC, 95-6; ord, Pby Cavan, Ire, Ap 6, 97; p, Clones, 97-1924; d. Clones, Ag 2, 24. Dickey, George Vernon — b. Rock City, 111, My 12, 1864; ParsC, 90; PTS, 90-1; preaching, 91-2; CNJ, 92-5; ord, Pby Louisville, Oc 16, 98; p, Taylorsville, Ky, 98- ss, 99-1900; p, 4th ch, Louisville, 00-3; p, Salem, Ind, 03; asst. Central ch, Brooklyn, NY, 05; ME ch; res, Brooklyn, NY, 05-6; — Donaldson, John — b, Newry, Co Down, Ireland, Je 9, 1851; RoyU, 94; PTS, 94-5; res, Belfast, Ire. Duncan, Millard Fillmore — b, Grayson, Ky, Ag 24, 1866; CntlU, 85; UnTSVa, 86-7; LaneTS, 87-8; ord, Pby Paducah, Oc, 89; evang, 90-1; ss. Jack- son, Ga, group, 92-3; ss, Forsythe, 94-5; grad stu, PTS, 95-6; ss, Forsythe, Ga, 96-8; res, Atlanta, 99-02; res, Phila, Pa, 05-7; — Eckard, James Macintosh Longstreth — b, Cheefoo, China, My 23, 1870; UPa, 91; UEdin; UPSEdin; PTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 15, 95; p, Volga, SDak, 96-7; p, Northumberland, 98-1903; evang, Easton, 04-5; p, Hope ch. Lake- wood, NJ, 06; p. Plains ch. Miner’s Mills, Pa, 07-8; p, Amer ch, Frankfurt, Ger, 08-9; p, Surburban ch, Scranton, Pa, 11-2; p, Smyrna, Del, 13-23; p, Beemerville ch, Sussex, NJ, 24-6; ss. Center Hill, Fla, 27; res, Atlantic City, NJ, 29; ss. Barton, Md, 30-1; p, Pleasant Plains ch, Staatsburgh, NY, 32 — . Goff, Francis Lee — b, Blissfield, Mich, Sp 11, 1860; MaryvC, 78-81; sec, Tenn YMCA & SS Assn, 83-4; p el. New Hope & Concord, Tenn, 84; ord, Pby Western District, Ap 24, 85; p, Humbolt, Tenn, 85-7; p, Morrisonville, 111, 87-9; LaneTS, 89-90; p, Millville, O, 90-1; p, Afton, la, 92-5; grad stu, PTS, 95-6; |), 1896 45^ Moberly, Mo, 96-9; p el, Hopkinsville, Ky, 99-1904; p, Eustis, Fla, 04-7, p em; prof, Presb Coll, Eustis, Fla, 05-7; p, Carlinville, 111, & prof, Theol, BlacC, 08-10; p, Clifton Heights ch, St Louis, Mo, 12-4; p, Rockhill ch, St Louis, 14-31; ill health; res, Potosi, Mo. MA, Presb Coll, Eustis, Fla, 07; DD, WestmCMo, & CumbU, 15. Hamilton, Frederic Atherton — b, Lebanon, Ind, J1 25, 1870; HanC, 93; LouisvPTS, 93-4; PTS, 94-5; ord evang, Pby Louisville, Sp 25, 95; miss, Mexico City, Mex, 96; evang, Louisville, Ky, 97; ss, Alexandria, Ind, 98-9; ss, Buffalo, NY, 1900-1; ss, Akron, 02-3; p. Oxbow, 04-5; p, 5th ch, Toledo, O, 06-7; p, 3d ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 07-8; Gary, Ind; res, Bellbrook, O. *Hammalian, Jacob H — b, Marash, Asia Minor, Dc 12, 1869; PkC, 93; PTS, 93-5; farming; bus; d, Yettem, Cal, Je 6, 1922. Hiille, Ernst Hermann — b, Berlin, Germany, Ag 26, 1870; Friedrich Wilhelm Gym, Berlin, 88; UHalle, 88-9; UTueb, 89; ULeip, 89-90; UBer, 90, 91-2; UGreifs, 93, 94-5; cand, LInion Ch of Prussia, Mr 27, 93; lect, Theol, Greifswald, J1 10, 95; grad stu, PTS, 95-6; asst, Libr, Royal Library, Berlin, Ger, 98-1900, Library of Oriental Lang, UBer, 00-3; libr. Royal Library, Berlin, 03-4; prof, Chinese Imperial Inst, Peking, China, 04-9; libr. Royal Library, Berlin, 09- ; dir. Eastern Asiatic Dept, Prussian State Library, 22- , Oriental Dept, 31 — . Jennings, William Mason — b, Indianapolis, Ind, My 1, 1865; WabC, 90; UnTS, 91-2; WestTS, 92-4; ord, Pby Winona, J1 17, 94; p, Kasson, Minn, 94-5; grad stu, PTS, 95-6; ss. New Castle, Ind, 96-9; ss, Brookings, SDak, 1900- p, 02-6; ss, Marion, la, 06-9; p. Blue Earth, Minn, 09-16; p. Nelson Memorial ch, Columbus, 0, 17-23; p, Mt Gilead, 23-5; p, St Mary’s 26 — . DD, WabC, 07. Johnson, John Quincy — b, Nashville, Tenn, My 30, 1865; FiskU, 90; HartTS, 90-3; ord Cong, Je 18, 93; prof. Math, Normal & Indust Inst, Tuskegee, Ala, 93-4; AME; pres, Allen Univ, Columbia, SC, 94-5; grad stu, PTS, 95-6; ss, Princeton, NJ, 95-6; p, St John’s ch, Montgomery, Ala, 97-9; p, St John’s ch, Birm- ingham, 1900-1; p, St Paul’s ch, Nashville, Tenn, 01-3; pres eld, Shelbyville Dist, 03-6; pres eld, Columbia Dist, 06-10; p, Woodforks Chap, Shelbyville, 10-1; pres eld. North Nashville Dist, 11-5; p, St Paul’s Chap, Columbia, 15-6; p, St Andrew’s Chap, Memphis, 16-22; p, St Peter’s ch, Clarksville, 22-3; p. Bethel ch, Nashville, 23-4; p, St Paul’s ch, Lexington, Ky, 24-6; p, Payne Chap, Nash- ville, Tenn, 26-8; p. New Tyler Chap, Memphis, 28-30 p, Quinn Chap, Paris, 30-1; dean. Turner Coll, Memphis, Tenn, 32 — . MA, Turner Coll, Memphis, Tenn, 15; DD, MorBrU, 1899. Kelly, John Franklin — b, Blairstown, la, Je 21, 1868; CoeC, 93; PTS, 93-4; SETS, 94-6; MD, Omaha Med C, 99; phys, Nebraska, 99-1903; ord, Pby Omaha, Oc 19, 03; med miss, Hoichow, Is of Hainan, China, 03-17; supt & p, Chinese ch & Mission, Los Angeles, Cal, 20 — . Kelly, Theodore Vincent — b, Watkins, la, Oc 25, 1870; ParsC, 93; McCTS, 93-4, 95-6; PTS, 94-5; ord, Pby St Cloud, Oc 14, 96; p. Brown Valley, Minn, 96-8; ss, Ely, 98-9; ss, Caledonia, 99-1901; dropped from Pby Winona at own request, Oc 8, 02; farming, Perth, Kan, 02-8, tea, 08-10; prin, Eads, Col, 10-2; 1896 459 supt, SS Union, 12-22; ss, Reece, Kan, 22-3; ss, Trileume, 23-4; ss, Oxford, 24-7; ss, Ness City, 27-8; ss, Bucklin & Meade, 28—; res, Bucklin, Kan. Killen, Henry Sinclair — b. Comber, Co Down, Ireland, Nv 25, 1866; LkFC; stu law; McCTS, 93-5; PTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Denver, Je 25, 96; p. Highland Park ch, Denver, Colo, 96-1900; evang, Denver, 00-25; evang, Olympia, Wash, 25—. *Link, Luther — b, Vineville, Macon, Ga, Mr 7, 1859; MerU, 77; bus; UnTSVa, 81-4; ord, Pby Savannah, Ap 28, 85; grad stu, PTS, 95-6; ss, various times, Quitman & Climax, Ga; Reidville, SC; Richmond, Ala; Perdue Hill & Brewton, & Willington, SC; Lamar & Newport, Mo, 1901; Washington, Ark, 01; Ponlan & Ft Valley, Ga; ss, Leesburg; d, Macon, Ga, Fb 15, 15. MA, MerU. Maclaughlin, William — b, Limavady, Ireland, Mr 4, 1871; MageeC; McCTS, 93-4; PTS, 94-6;— *MacLean, Hew Brydon — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 9, 1867; L^Pa, 87; lawy, Phila, Pa; PTS, 93-4; lawy, Phila, Pa; d, Phila, Dc 1, 1903. McAdie, Robert Cecil Melville — b, Watten, Caithness, Scotland, J1 9, 1869; UEdin, 92; McCTS; PTS, 94-5; ss, Seymour, Lampasas & Laport, Tex, 96-7; ss. Two Rock, Cal, 98-9; USArmy, Philippines & China, 99-1902; ord, Pby Austin, Ap 9, 03; miss, Porto Rico, 03-5; p. Mineral Wells, Tex, 05-10; p, Fort Worth, 11-2; p, Marshall, Mo, 12-6; p, Jefferson City, 16-7; USArmy, 17-9; p, Marysville, Cal, 20-3; p, Warrensburg, Mo, 25-8; ill health; res, Oakland, Cal. BD, BerkDS, 20, STM, 29. McAfee, Joseph Ernest — b, Louisiana, Mo, Ap 4, 1870; PkC, 89; UnTS, 89-90; AubTS, 91-3; supt, PkC, 93-5; grad stu, PTS, 95-6, 97, BD; prof, Gk, PkC, 96-1900, chap & prof. Ethics, 00-6; asso sec, BdHmMiss, NYCity, 06-14, sec, 14-7; sec, AmerMissAssn, 18-20; community counselor. Extension Div, UOkla, 20-3; dir, community service. Community ch, NYCity, 24 — ; res. Summit, NJ. LLD, PkC, 25. McCormick, William — b, Co Antrim, Ireland, J1 20, 1859; NY State Norm Schl, Geneseo, NY; Free Meth; p, UP ch, Stamford, Ont, Can, 92-9; grad stu, PTS, 95-6; res, Stamford, Ont, 1900-1; Greigsville, NY, 02-3; Castile, 04-7; Nunda, NY, 08-25; res, Brockport, 26 — . McWilliams, James Lowry — b, Shelby Co, Ky, Ja 16, 1872; CenCKy, 93; DanTS, 93-5; PTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Portsmouth, Sp 10, 96; ss, Eckmansville & Mt Leigh, O, 96-8; ss, Wilmington, 98-1903; ss, Parnassus, Pa, 03-5; ss, Kingston, O, 05; farmer, 05 — ; res, Sabina, O. *Morgan, Benjamin Jones — b, Scranton, Pa, Fb 22, 1869; PTS, 93-4; NewWC, 94; AubTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Hudson, Oc 5, 97 ; p, Circleville, NY, 97-1901 ; p. Stanhope, NJ, 01-4; ss, Springfield, NY, 05; p, Fowlerville, 06-9; p, Nunda, 10-1; ill health; d, Washington, NJ, Mr 8, 13. PhD, GaleC, 1899. Prentice, William Kelly— b, NYCity, Oc 28, 1871; CNJ, 92, MA; tea; PTS, 93-4; instr, Gk, PrU, 94-7; UHalle, 1900, PhD; asst prof, Gk, PrU, 00-5, prof, 05—. Preston, Thomas James b, Jefferson, Tex, My 2, 1872; TrinlJ, 93; ord. 1896 460 CumbP, Pby Tehuacana, Dc 3, 92; ss, Alvarado, Tex, 93; PTS, 93-4; LebTS; UnTS; miss, Changteh, Hunan, China, 97-1912, Siangtan, 13-20, Changsha, 21-7; p. Federated ch, Patterson, Cal, 28 — . *Roddy, George Black— b, Mt Pleasant, Pa, Fb 27, 1866; CNJ, 86; Classic Fell, CNJ, 86-7; instr, Lat, CNJ, 87-9, Gk 89-90; UnTS, 90; UBer, 91-2; Amer Class Schl, Athens, Greece, 92-3; PTS, 93-4; prin, Bloomfield Acad, Bloomfield, Pa, 94-5; act prin & sec. New Bloomfield Acad, New Bloomfield, Pa, 05-6; lawy. New Bloomfield, Pa, 98-1910; d. New Bloomfield, Pa, Sp 5, 10. ♦Sails, Albert Childs— b, Burke, NY, Ap 8, 1869; DartC, 93; PTS, 93-5; AubTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Champlain, Oc 27, 96; ss, 1st ch, Guilford Center, NY, 98- p, 1902-13; ss. East Guilford, 04-13; d, Guilford, NY, Sp 21, 13. ♦Sanford, Gustavus Ulysses — b. Fable Rock, Neb, Ap 27, 1866; WesU, 93; PTS, 93-5; ill health; d, Thompson, Pa, Sp 27, 97. Shirey, Norman ClilTord — b, Holden, Mo, Ag 16, 1872; HanC, 93; LaneTS, 93-4; PTS, 95; McCTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Fargo, Je 23, 96; ss, Ellendale, ND, 96-8; ss, Minnewaukan, 98-9; p. Blue Ball, O, 1900-1; ss, Paoli, Ind, 01-5; p. College Corner, O, 05-6; dist supt, Ind Anti-Saloon League, 06-13; p, Bement, 111, 13-9; sec & dist supt, Wis Anti-Saloon League, 18-24; p, Northminster ch, Milwaukee, VVis, 24—. ♦Shirey, William Bertram — b, Tabor, Ind, Oc 15, 1865; HanC, 93; PTS, 93-4; McCTS, 94-6; ord, Pby Chippewa, J1 17, 96; p. Hurley, Wis, 96-7; ss, Kent, la, 96-1901; ss. New Salem, 111, 02-3; p. New Paris, O, 03-5; p, Eaton, 05-9; ss. Savannah, 111, 09-10; p el. Downs, 11-2; p, Carrollton, 13-6; SSmiss, Alton, 16-7; SS supt Edu, Syn Mich, 18-21; field repre, RelEdu, Mich, 22-4; d, Ann Arbor, Mich, Oc 28, 24. ♦Simmons, James Dickinson — b, Hagerstown, Md, Fb 12, 1874; LafC, 93; PTS, 93-5; UnTS, 95-7; UChi, 95-7; tea, 97-9; ord, PEpis pr Je 10, 1900; rec, Scarsdale, NY, Elizabethtown, Portland, Me, Boston, Mass, Brooklyn, NY, Burlington, NC, & Phila, Pa; ed, NYCity, 07-8; rec, Ch of the Incarnation, York, Pa, 08-10; res, NYCity, 10-4; rec, St Stephens ch, Ferguson, Mo, 16-8; rec, Mt Calvary ch, St Louis, 18-26; d, St Louis, Mo, Ag 2, 30. Stevens, Charles Smith — b. Cape May, NJ, J1 26, 1869; CNJ, 91; jour- nalist; PTS, 93-4; AubTS, 94-5; DanTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Phila, Je 14, 96; asst. Calvary ch, Phila, Pa, 96-7; ss. Long Beach, Cal, 98-1900; p. Central ch, Los Angeles, 00-3; p, 1st ch, Wilmington, Del, 04-7; res, Phila, Pa. Tanaka, Kansaburo — b, Wakamatsu, Japan, Mr 28, 1859; Bapt; PTS, 93-4; instr, Tokio High Schl, Tokio, Japan, 94-5; tea, Kumamoto, 95-6; tea, Niigata, 96-7; instr. High Schl, Mei, 97-1901; translator. Foreign Dept, Tokyo, 02-4; instr. High Schl, Mei, 04-7; res, Hakonomori, Tochigi, Shimozuki, Japan ; — Taylor, Charles Francis — b, Scotch Plains, NJ, My 8, 1872; PTS, 93-5; UnTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Jersey City, Je 18, 96; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, NJ, 97-1900; ss. Pilgrim Cong chap, Brooklyn, NY, 00-3; Presb hm miss, NM, 03-4; evang, 04-5; p, RefChAm, Herkimer, NY, 05-7; p, Cong ch, Westport, Ct, 08-13; p, 2d ch, Greenwich, 13-7; res, NYCity. 1896-1897 461 Thomson, Herbert — b, Crawfordsville, Ind, Oc 10, 1872; WabC, 92, 1902, MA; asst libr, WabC; PTS, 93-4; AubTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Nv 10, 98; ss, 1st ch, Wilbur, Wash, 98- p, 99-1901; p, 1st ch, Everett, 03-9, 12-4; p, 1st ch, Alemeda, Cal, 14-21; p, 1st ch, San Rafael, 21-8; res, Berkeley, Cal. DD, WabC, 18. ‘Tillar, John Thomas Westbrook — b, Selma, Ark, Sp 26, 1872; HendxC, 91; LebTS, 93-4; PTS, 94-5; ord CumbP, Pby Bartholmew, Nv 4, 98; Tillar, Ark; New Hope; Rose Hill & Spring Hill; Center & Watson; d, Tillar, Ark, Oc 8, 1900. Van der Meulen, John Marinus — b, Milwaukee, Wis, Ap 12, 1870; HopeC, 91, 1927, MA; tea; PTS, 93-5; McCTS, 95-6; ord, RefChAm, Cl Michigan, Je 7, 96; p, 2d ch, Kalamazoo, Mich, 96-9; p, 1st ch. Grand Rapids, 99-1901; hm miss supt, Okla, 01-3; prof. Psych & Pedagogy, HopeC, 03-7, prof. Psych, & p, Hope ch, Holland, Mich, 07-9; p, Hamilton Grange ch, NYCity, 09-12; p, 2d Presb ch, Louisville, Ky, 12-7; p, 1st ch. Oak Park, 111, 17-20; pres, Louisv PTS, 20-30, prof, Sys Theol, 30-. LLD, SW, 21. Whitfield, Andrew Lucas — b, Eatonton, Ga, Ja 12, 1866; ord CumbP, Pby Georgia, Oc 21, 89; p. Poplar Grove & Midway, Ark, 90; ss. Clarendon, 93; PTS, 93-4; LebTS, 94-5, BD, 96; ss, Franklin, Tenn, 95; p el, Harrisonville, Mo, 95-6; bus, 96-8; p el, Jefferson, Tex, 98-9; ss, Presb ch, Crawfordville & Sparta, Ga, 99-1902; p, 1st ch. Pawnee, Okla, 02-3; prin, Acad, Harlan, Ky, 03-5; ss, Mt Carmel, Ky, 06; pres, Male & Fern Coll, Columbia, Ky, 06-7; p, Henderson, Tex, 07-10; pres, Reynolds Coll, Tex; prof, ArkC, 10-3; p, Thomas & Henryetta, Okla, 13-7; p, E Itally, Tex, 17-8; p. Lock Spring & Dauphin, Mo, 19-25; p, Dyer, Tenn, & ss, Steelville, Mo, 25-9; ss, Galum ch, Pinckneyville, 111, 29-32; res, Redfield, la. PhD, IndCntlU, 05. 40. 1897 Addy, John Gilmore — b, NYCity, Fb 6, 1872; bus; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Newton, J1 19, 98; p. Yellow Frame, NJ, 98-1900; asst p, RefChAm, Ctiurch-on- the-Heights, Brooklyn, NY, 00-2; p, 1st ch, Hoboken, NJ, 02-3; evang, Brooklyn, NY, 03-5; ss. Locust Valley, 05-6; p, Woodlawn ch, Brooklyn, 06 — . Alexander, Addison Gladden — b, Princeton, NJ, Nv 13, 1865; bus; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Boston, Je 14, 97; ss. Fall River, Mass, 97; ss, Argonia & Free- port, Kan, 98-1900; ss, Kirkville & Wilson, la, 00-3; ss. Belle Plaine, Kan, 03- p, 04-9; p, Harper, 09-16; p, Coldwater, 16-20; p. Community ch, Wichita, 20-4; p, Brotherhood ch, Wichita, 24-30; oc s; res, Wichita, Kan. Armstrong, William Park — b, Selma, Ala, Ja 10, 1874; CNJ, 94, 96, MA; PTS, 94-7, 99; UMarb, 97; UBer, 97-8; UErl, 98; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 2, 1900; instr, NTLit, PTS, 99-03, prof, NTLit & Exeg, 03-. DD, TemU, 15. *Baird, Edward John — b, Londonderry, Ire, Mr 18, 1870; CntlUKy, 94; LouisvPTS, 94-6; PTS, 95-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Nv 5, 97; p. Deer Creek ch. Harmony, Md, 97-99; p, Roslyn, Mich, 1904; p. Trinity ch, Sunnyside, 05; p, Grace ch, Sheffield, Ala, 06; p, Lyonville, \'t, 07;“ p, Palmerton, Pa, 08; p. 462 1897 North East Harbor, Me, 09-10; res, Oklahoma City, Okla, 11; res, Columbus, 0, 16. Barnes, James Allison — b, Cambridge, O, Oc 11, 1869; OttC, 94; PTS, 94-5; LaneTS, 95-6; PTS, 96-7; ord, Pby Columbus, Sp 22, 97; p, Amanda, Greencastle & Greenfield chs, O, 97-9; p. West Broad St ch, Columbus, 99-1902; stu, Europe, 02-5; p, Bolton Ave ch, Cleveland, O, 05-9; res, Santa Barbara, Cal, 10-2; Wesley Hills, Mass, 15-23; Beverly Farms, 23-8; Paris, France, 29-30; res, Boston, Mass, 30 — . Beidler, Francis Walker — b, Chester Valley, Pa, Fb 23, 1871; MacalC, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Phila North, My 13, 97; p, Centennial ch, Jeffersonville, Pa, 97-1900; p, Worcester, Mass, 00-2; ss, Foley & St George, Minn, 03-5; ss, Del Norte, Cal, 07-10; suspended; res, San Francisco, Cal; — Brockway, Julius Writer — b, Orangeville, O, Nv 19, 1869; ThielC, 90; bus; WestTS, 94-5; PTS, 95-7; ord, Pby Lehigh, Nv 2, 97; p, Slatington, Pa, 97-1901; p, Fairview, 01-6; ss, Sanford ch, Erie, 05-11; p, 1st ch, Apollo, 11-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p. West End ch, Albany, NY, 19 — . Byrant, George Washington — b, Jersey City, NJ, Je 9, 1873; CoeC, 94; PTS, 94-7; PrU, 97, MA; ord, Pby Grand Rapids, J1 19, 97; p, Immanuel ch, Grand Rapids, Mich, 97-9; prof, Lat, CoeC, 99- , dir. Athletics, 99-1904, 05-16, exec V pres, 30 — . DD, HastC, 18. Bullock, William — b, Dunoon, Scotland, Fb 28, 1869; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Newark, My 19, 97; p. Pen Argyle, Pa, 97-1911; p, Englishtown, NJ, 11-9; p, Harrison, NY, 20 — . *Christian, Harvey Steele — b, Carlyle, Kan, Dc 14, 1870; CEmpo, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Emporia, Dc 23, 97; p, Florence, Kan, 97-1900; d, Florence, Dc 15, 00. Coleman, James Carpenter — b, Goshen, NY, Dc 7, 1872; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Hudson, Ap 19, 98; ss. Deer Lodge, Mont, 1900-01; civil ser wk. King’s County; res, Brooklyn, NY. Culver, William Henry — b, Washtenaw Co, Mich, Je 20, 1865; CNJ; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Lake Superior, Ap 26, 98; p, Stoney Creek, Mich, 98-1900; ss, Brighton, 01; res, Detroit, 02-8; — Davidson, Harold Sidney — b, Wolfville, NS, Canada, Ag 28, 1870; AcaLI, 94; Manic, ThDept, 94-5; PTC, 95-6; PTS, 96-8, BD; PrU, 98, MA; ord, Pby Halifax, My 16, 98; p, Gordon Mem ch, Bridgetown, NS, Can, 98-1903; UBer, 03-4; ULeip, 04-6, PhD; lect, Semit Lang, ColU, 07-9; p, Cong ch, Loudon, NH, 10-1; p, Lisbon, 12-8; p, 1st ch, Albuquerque, NM, 18-22; p, 1st ch, Porterville, Cal, 22-9; p, 1st ch, Cloverdale, 30—. Dickey, Samuel— b, Oxford, Pa, Nv 27, 1872; CNJ, 94, 96, MA; PTS, 94-7; UBer, UMarb, UErl, UJenna, UAthens, 97-9; Instr Gk, LincU, 99-1900; prof, Classical & Hellenistic Gk, 01-3; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 10, 00; adj prof, NTLit & Exeg, McCTS, 03-23; vis prof, NT, UChiDS, 25; instr, Edu, LincU, 31 — ; res, Oxford, Pa. 1897 463 Dodd, William Henry — b, Hangchow, China, Nv 14, 1869; CNJ, 93; tea; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 27, 97; p. Holly Beach, NJ, 97-8; p, Gar- field, NY, 1900-4; p, Princetown, 04-5; withdrawn; Chr Sci; bus, 05 — ; res, Troy, NY. Dunkel, Joel Ambrose — b, Circleville, O, Ap 20, 1871; HeidC, 94; McCTS, 94-5; PTS, 95-7; ss, 1st ch. Green Springs, O, 97; tea; ord, Pby Muncie, Ap 12, 98; p, 1st ch, Jonesboro & 1st ch. Gas City, Ind, 98-9; p, 1st ch, Elwood, 99-1903; p, Warren Ave ch, Saginaw, Mich, 03-18; p. Tabernacle ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 18—. MA, PrU, 09; PhD, OskC, 11; DD, AlmaC, 14. Ecker, Harry Schwartz — b, near New Windsor, Md, Sp 30, 1874; NewWC, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 26, 97; p, Frostburg, Md, 97-1908; p. Olivet ch, Reading, Pa, 08 — . Elmer, Theodore Allen — b, Fairton, NJ, Nv 14, 1871; LafC, 94; PTS, 94-7; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ap 20, 97; prof, Jaffna Coll, Ceylon, 97-1902; prof, LafC, 03-5; prof, Anatolia Coll, Marsovan, Turkey, 05-15; dir, orphanage wk, NFR, 16-28; dir. Near Fast Foundation, Beirut, Syria, 30 — . Everitt, Benjamin Howard — b, Jamesburg, NJ, Dc 28, 1873; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ag 5, 97; p, Titusville, NJ, 97-1903; p, 1st ch, Peekskill, NY, 03-20; exec sec, Pby Westchester, 20 — ; res, Ossining, NY. Frame, Cleveland— b, Phila, Pa, J1 22, 1868; CNJ, 94, 96, MA; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 22, 97; p, Pequea, Pa, 97-1908; p, 1st ch, Malvern, 08-22; YMCA, war service, 17-8; p, Holmesburg, 22 — . Fraser, Alexander — b, Strathpeffer, Scotland, Dc 1, 1862; CFmpo, 94; PTS, 94-7; PrU, 97, MA; ord, Pby London, Can, J1 27, 97; p. Barns ch, Mosa, Ont, Can, 97-9; ss, UnFreeCh, Kingussie, Scot, 1900; miss. Highlands, 00-3; p, Broadford, Skye, 03-9;p,Fst ch. Small Isles, 09-ll;p, Mull Fst ch, Salen, 11-6; p, Applecross, Ross-shire, 16-7; p, Glenshiel, 17-29; p, Dannet, Thurso Caithness, 29-32; res, Invergordon, Ross-shire, Scot, 32 — . Fulton, George — b, Pulaski, Pa, Oc 3, 1868; CenCKy, 93; tea; PTS, 94-7; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 1, 97; p, 4th St ch, Lebanon, Pa, 97-1900; p, Waynesboro, 1900-11; tea, Phil, Psych & Bib, Irving, Coll, Mechanicsburg, ' 17-29; p, Mechanicsburg, 11 — . DD, CenCKy, 19. *Gibson, George Martin — b, Castlereagh, Ireland, Je 16, 1870; QuUBelf, 92; AsC, 94-6; PTS, 96-7; ord, Pby Olympia, Oc 14, 97; ss, Sprague Memorial & Westminster chs, Tacoma, Wash, 97- p, 98-1901; ss, Clinton, BC, Can, 01-2; ill health; d, Ireland, My 25, 26. Gibson, Zera Montgomery — b. Bruin, Pa, Ja 24, 1865; CWoos, 93, 97, MA; bus; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 26, 98; p, Roxborough ch, Phila, Pa, 98-1919; p, Drexcl Hill, 19-26; res, Phila, Pa. PhD, GrovCyC, 12. *Gubler, Charles Ernst— b, St Charles, Mo, Ag 29, 1869; WabC; IndU, 93; PTS, 93-7; ord, Pby Chester, Je 11, 97; p, Fairview ch, Glen Moore, Pa, 97-9; d, West Chester, Pa, Mr 26, 99. *Guichard, George Louis— b, Allegheny, Pa, Ag 11, 1864; FrankCO, 94; 1897 464 WestTS, 94-5; PTS, 95-7; ord, Pby Winona, Nv 3, 97; ss, Lewiston, & p, Utica, Minn, 97-8; ss. Grayling, Mich, 98-1900; p. Pinconning, 98-9; ss, Decatur, 00-1; p, Gladstone, 02-4; ss, Sebring, O, 04-5; ss, Roachdale, Ind, 06-8; p, Denver, 08-10; ss, Cambridge City & Hagerstown, 11-2; p, Reading, Mich, 13-5; p, Trenton, 15-6; d, Ann Arbor, Mich, Oc 25, 26. *Hopper, Charles Grant — b, Phila, Pa, Je 30, 1869; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 18, 98; p, Georgetown, Del, 98-1900; p. West Park ch, Phila, Pa, 1900-32; d, Phila, Dc 10, 32. Howell, Joseph — b, Phillipsburg, NJ, Je 26, 1868; LafC, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 27, 97; p, 1st ch, Hamilton Square, NJ, 97-1913; p. South ch, Easton, Pa, 13-21; p, 1st ch, Windsor, NY, 21-8; p, 1st ch, Elmer, NJ, 28-. Hunt, William Brewster — b, Ottawa, 111, Oc 2, 1869; LkFC, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Ottawa, J1 8, 97; miss, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 97-1905; miss, Chair- yung, Korea, 05—. Hunter, Joseph — b, Castlerock, Ireland, Ap 27, 1873; MageeC, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Lehigh, Nv 1, 97; p, Tamaqua, Pa, 97-9; p, Berwick, 99-1905; p. Fifth Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 05-31; pres, BloomTS, 31 — . DD, TuscC, 27. Hynson, John Leonard Lindale — b, Henderson, Md, Ja 15, 1869; DickC, 92, 95, MA; tea; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 28, 97; p. Pine Grove, Pa, 97-1903; p, 4th St ch, Lebanon, 03 — . DD, ColoC, 26. Jack, Robert Bonner — b, Danville, Pa, Sp 27, 1872; CNJ, 94, 96, MA; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Chester, Je 29, 97; p. New London, Pa, 97; p, Hazleton, 97—. DD, LafC, 28. Jenkins, Paul Burrill — b, Joliet, 111, Ag 25, 1872; CNJ, 94, 1906, MA; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Kansas City, Oc 21, 97; p, Linwood ch, Kansas City, Mo, 97-07; p, Immanuel ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 07-22; chap, USArmy, 17-8; ill health; oc s; res, Williams Bay, Wis. DD, CarC, 08. *Kajiwara, Cho Hachiro — b, Aizu, Japan, Sp 17, 1870; PTS, 93-7; tea; Japan; ord, Pby Philadelphia, My 19, 97; prof. No Japan Coll, ThDept, Sendai, 1900-27; d, Sendai, Japan, Ag 24, 27. *Keigwin, Ernest Farwell — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 9, 1874; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Phila, My 18, 97 ; p, Scots ch, Phila, Pa, 97 ; d, Wilmington, Del, Oc 8, 97. Laughlin, Cowden — b, Barnesville, O, Mr 26, 1868; PrU, 92, 1901-2, PhD; instr. Math, ParsC, 92-3; instr, Gk, KenC, 93-4; PTS, 94-7, BD; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 20, 97; NT Fell, HarvUTS, 97-8, BD; UGot, 98-9; UBer, 99-1900; prof, NT Lit & Gk Exeg, PacTS, 02-6; bus, Seattle, Wash, 06-9; instr, Ger, Acad of NWU, 11-6, Acad of LkFC, 16-7; master, Shuttuck Schl, Faribault, Minn, 18-20, 21-3; instr, Ger, UMinn, 20-1; bus, 23—; res, Vashon, Wash. Lusk, William Brown — b, Knockahollet, Ireland, J1 23, 1869; MageeC; QuUBelf; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 4, 97; presb miss, Pby Champlain, 97-1907; RoyU, 07; PrU, 07-8; asst rec, St Mary’s PEpis ch. Tuxedo, NY, 08; cur, Ch of Incarnation, NYCity, 08-9; miss, St Huberts’ ch, Lake Placid, 1897 465 NY, 09-10; rec, Ch of St Luke the Beloved Physician, Saranac Lake, 10-5; rec, St Stephen’s ch, Ridgefield, Conn, 15 — . MacHenry, William Worthington — b, Oxford, Pa, Ja 16, 1874; LincU, 94; PTS, 94-7; ss, 1st ch, Woodstock, Minn, 97-8; ord, Pby Mankato, Oc 12, 98; ss, 1st ch, Jasper, 98-1900; ss, 1st ch, Northport, Wash, 00-2; ss, 1st ch, Har- rington, 02-5; ss. Calvary ch, Enumclaw, 05-6; ss, 1st ch, Ashland, Ore, 07-11; ss, 1st ch. Baker, 11-7; p, Mt Tabor ch, Portland, 17-24; p, Woodland Park ch, Seattle, Wash, 24-31; p, 1st ch, Centralia, 31—. Macmillan, Kerr Duncan — b. Mount Forest, Ont, Canada, Mr 17, 1871; UTor, 94; PTS, 94-7, BD; instr, OT, PTS, 97-1900; lie, Pby Lindsay, J1 11, 99; UBer, 00-03; instr, Semit Philol, PTS, 03-7, Ch Hist, 07-13; pres. Wells Coll, Aurora, NY, 13—. STD, HobC, 14. McBride, Clifford— b, Terre Haute, Ind, Mr 18, 1874; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-7; ss, Cicero, Ind, 97-8; ord, Pby Indianapolis, My 10, 98; asst p, 2d ch, Indianapolis, 98-1901; p, Collinsville, 111, 03-5; res, Elkhart, Ind. *McKee, John Archibald — b, Waynesville, 111, Oc 12, 1871; WabC, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Je 28, 97; ss, Waveland, Ind, 97-9; miss, Bangkok, Siam, 99-1902; p. East Jordan, Mich, 03-6; ss, Redford ch, Detroit, 06-7; field sec. Northwestern Agency AmBSoc, Chicago, 111, 07-13; d, Newburg, Ind, Mr 31, 13. McKinney, William Thomas — -b, Fredericktown, O, Sp 9, 1869; CWoos, 94; PTS, 94-7; ss, Doylestown, 0, 97-8; ord, Pby Wooster, Ap 13, 98; ss, 4th ch, Toledo, 99; p, Erie & La Salle, Mich, 99-1903; p, De Graff, 0, 03-8; p, Monte- zuma, Ind, 09-10; ss, Bicknell, 11; ss. Bourbon, 12; p, Alexandria, 13-4; p, Johns- town, O, 15-8; p, Clifton, 18-20; p, Antwerp, 20-2; p, Hopewell & Millersburg, 22-5; p, Shacouville & West Chester, 25-30; p, Petersburg, Ind, 30 — . Melkonian, Samuel Melkon — b, Tarsus, Turkey, J1 10, 1871; St Paul’s Inst, Tarsus, 93; AmTrSoc, 93-4; PTS, 94-7, 1913-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 4, 97; lect, 97-8; tea, St Paul’s Inst, Tarsus, Turkey, 98-1919; p, Prot ch. Tarsus, 19-22; p, Armenian Ev ch, Alexandria, Egypt, 22 — . Minassian, Mushegh Minas — b, Adrianople Turkey, Mr 17, 1868; PTS, 91-2; tea, Phila, Pa; PTS, 93-5, 96-7;— Montgomery, Edgar Hersman — b, Hersman, 111, Oc 26,1869; KxC, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Schuyler, Oc 1, 97; p, Bardolph, 111, 97-8; ill health; ss, Glenwood Springs, Col, 98-9; p. Camp Creek ch, Macomb, 111, 99-1902; p, Warsaw, Ind, 02-9; p, 1st ch, Aurora, 111, 09-18; p, 1st ch, Piqua, O, 18-28; mgr, Ohio Presb Homes, 28 — ; res, Sidney, O. DD, KxC, 16. Moore, Samuel Williams — b, Hopewell, NC, Nv 16, 1872; DavC, 93; tea; PTS, 94-7; PrU, 97, MA; ord, Pby Abingdon, My 14, 99; ss, Pocahontas, & Graham, Va, 97-1908; ss, Bramwell, WVa, 99-1908; p, Williamson, 08-10; p, 1st ch, Bluefield, 10-. DD, DavC, & HSC, 25. ■^Morrison, Charles Frederick — b, Ambala, Punjab, India, Ag 7, 1871; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-7, BD, 1901-2; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 20, 97; Hosp 1897 466 Corps, USArmy, 98-1901; tea, ND, 02-4; miss tea, Illagan, Philippine Is, 05-6, Pasig, 06-8; tea, Springdale, Wash; d, Birmingham, Ala, Fb 22, 18. *Mount, Harry Newland — b, Montgomery Co, Ind, Dc 24, 1871; WabC, 94, 97, MA; PTS, 94-7; PrU, 97, MA; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Je 28, 97; ss, Oxford, Ind, 97-8; ss, Connersville, 98-1903; p, Eugene, Ore, 04-12; p, Portland, 12-6; p, Chicago Heights, 111, 16-28; p, Stanford, 29-32; d, Stanford, 111, Sp 25, 32. DD, WabC, 09. *Mulholland, Isaac Stanley — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 5, 1869; LafC, 94; PTS, 94-7 ; lie, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 9, 96; ill health; d, Monte Vista, Col, Oc 27, 97. Nelson, Samuel Banks — b, Belfast, Ireland, J1 16, 1867; RoyU; AsC; PTS, 91-2, 96-7; ord RefP, Pby Phila, J1 25, 92; p, 6th ch, Phila, Pa, 92-3; p, Puritan ch, Phila, 93; p. Green Hill Presb ch, Phila, 94-6; p, Woonsocket, Mass, 98-9; p, Rondout, NY, 1900-1; p, St Peter’s ch, Rochester, 01-6; p, Knox ch, Hamilton, Ont, Can, 06-7; p. Park Ave Cong ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 08-15; p, Knox Presb ch, Hamilton, Ont, Can, 14 — . DD, WashCTenn, 96. *Potter, Dwight Elwood — b, Ann Arbor, Mich, Nv 3, 1869; UKan, 92; tea; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Oakland, Ap 19, 99; p. Union St ch, Oakland, Cal, 99-1907; asst sec, BdForMiss, 07-8; d, San Francisco, Cal, Nv 24, 08. Rendall, John Ballard — b, Lincoln University, Pa, Sp 9, 1873; LincU, 92, 92-3; PTS, 93-7; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 20, 97; p, Penningtonville & Christiana, Pa, 97-1901; p, Westminster ch, Mifflintown, 01-4; p, 1st ch, Sharon, 04-6; p, Westminster ch, Greensburg, 06-12; p, 1st ch, Muscatine, la, 12 — . DD, ParsC. *Stout, James Coffin — b, Irvington, NY, Nv 25, 1869; RutU; tea; PTS, 94-7, 09-10, BD; ord RefChAm, Cl New York, Je 23, 98; p, Brighton Heights ch. New Brighton, NY, 98-1902; p, Mem Presb ch, St Augustine, Fla, 03-9; UBer, 11-2; p, American ch, Berlin, Ger, 11-2; prof, CliHist, BibS, 12-30; d, Bronxville, NY, Mr 14, 30. DD, CWoos, 25. *Symmes, Joseph Gaston, Jr — b, Cranbury, NJ, My 3, 1870; CNJ, 92; PTS, 92-3, 94-7; tea, Radford, Va, 93-4; ord, Pby Monmouth, Nv 30, 97; p, Jacksonville & Providence, NJ, 97-1904; p. Lower Valley & Cokesbury, 04-8; p, 1st ch, Mendham, 08-16; d, Mendham, NJ, Ap 5, 16. Trull, George Harvey— b, Elizabeth, NJ, My 5, 1873; JHU, 94; PTS, 94-7; PrU, 97, MA; ord, Pby New Castle, J1 13, 97; p. East Lake ch, Wilmington, Del, 97-1903; asst p, 5th Ave ch, NYCity, 03-7; SS sec, BdForMiss, 07-18, sec, BdForMiss, 18 — ; res, Elizabeth, NJ. Tysse, Gerrit — b, Zaandam, Netherlands, Ja 2, 1870; HopeC, 94, 97, MA; PTS, 94-7; ord RefChAm, Cl Illinois, Sp 22, 97; p, Leighton, la, 97-1903; p. East Williamson, NY, 03-11; p. North Holland, Mich, 11-9; hm miss, 19 — ; res, Holland, Mich. Van de Erve, John — b, Willemstad, Netherlands, Sp 30, 1870; HopeC, 95; WestTSMich, 94-5; PTS, 95-7, BD; ord RefChAm, Cl Michigan, Je 28, 97; ss, Grace ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 97- p, 98-1901; prof. Math, CoeC, 01-2; p. South Presb ch. Galena, 111, 03-7; ss, 1st ch, Libertyville, 07-11; UChi, 10, MS; Rush MedC; 11, MD; prof. Physiology & Phar, AlaSchlMed, Mobile, Ala, 11-3; prof. 1897 46; Physiology & Phar, & asso dean, Marquette Schl Med, Milwaukee, Wis, 13-9; prof. Physiology, Medical Coll, Charleston, SC, 19- ; p, Fr Prot ch. Charles- ton, 27 — . Van Kersen, William John — b, Kalamazoo, Mich, Nv 25, 1873; HopeC, 94; PTS, 94-7; ord RefChAm, Cl Illinois, Sp 16, 97; p, Raritan, 111, 97-1902; p, 2d ch, Pella, la, 02-10; dist sec, BdForMiss, RefChAin, 10 — ; res, Holland, Mich. DD, HopeC, 25. *Van Osten, Henry Stewart — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 14, 1864; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Chester, Je 15, 97; p, Chichester Mem ch, Boothwyn, Pa, 97-1905; p, Kirk- patrick Mem ch, Ringoes, NJ, 05-8; ss, Anderson & Llanerch, Pa, 09-11; p, Dillworthtown, 19-23; d, Dillworthtown, Pa, Nv 25, 23. Wailes, George Handy — b, Salisbury, Md, Ag 22, 1866; CNJ, 94, 96, MA; PT.S, 94-7; ord Pby Philadelphia, Dc 14, 97; p, Scots ch, Phila, Pa, 97-1908; prof, Heb, TemU, 06-26, Heb & Gk, 26- ; prof, Gk, UrsC, 08-19; ss. Calvary ch. Highland Park, Pa, 16-24; prof, Heb & Gk, TSRefEpisCh, 19- ; vis prof, Heb, PTS, 29 — ; res, Phila, Pa. DD, UrsC, 13. Waldo, Alfred Frederick — b. Linden, Mich, Ja 6, 1870; LkFC, 94; PTS, 94-7; CNJ, 96, MA; ord, Pby Petoskey, Ja 6, 97; p, Havre de Grace, Md, 97-1900; p, Lebanon, Pa, 00-3; p. Central ch, Chambersburg, 03-13; prof. Dept Eng Bible, WilsC, 05-13; p. Riverside, 111, 13 — . White, Israel Losey — b, Ithaca, NY, Ap 18, 1872; CNJ, 89-90, 93-5; PTS, 93-4, 94-7, BD; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Je 17, 97; p, Whippany, NJ, 97-1904; p, 1st ch, Newark, 04-7; editorial staff, Newark Evening News, 07 — ; res. Summit, NJ. Williamson, Charles Robb — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, J1 8, 1865; UTor, 93; gen sec, YMCA, UTor, 93-4; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Chester, Dc 28, 97; p. New London, Pa, 97-1901; p. West Chester, 01 — . PhD, CWoos, 03. Williamson, Jesse Philander — b. Greenwood, SD, Mr 10, 1872; YankC, 92; McCTS, 93-4; OmaTS, 95-6; PTS, 96-7; ord, Pby Central Dakota, Ap, 98; ss. Blunt & Onida, SD, 97-1900; ss, Kimball, 00-1; ss, Platte, 02-5; ss, Alpena, 06-8; ss. Blunt, 09-10; ss, Onida, 11-3; tea, Santee, Neb, 13-8; gen miss, Indian jMiss, Wagner, SD, 18-27; ss, Onida, 27 — . *Wood, Clinton Tyler — b, Carisle, O, Ja 15, 1869; CNJ, 92, 95, MA; tea, Princeton Prep Schl, 92-4; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Dayton, J1 6, 97; prof, Bibl & Hist Theol, Miss Inst, Wellington, Cape Colony, SAfr, 98-1905; prof. Hist Theol, 05-13; prof. Miss, CWoos, 12-26; d, Boston, Mass, Ja 23, 32. *Woody, Clarence Elmer — b, Thorntown, Ind, Je 19, 1867; PennC, 92; tea; PTS, 94-7; ss, Pby Pueblo, 97-9; ss, Boyle chap, Colorado Springs, Col, 99; d, Indianola, la. My 13, 99. Young, George Douglass b, NYCity, Oc 30, 1864; NYU, 87; bus; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby Binghamton, Oc 8, 97; p, Owego, NY, 97-1910; p, 1st ch. Tiffin, O, 10-26; p, 1st ch. North Baltimore & Van Buren, 27-31; res, Fostoria, O. DD, HeidC, 24. 07. 1897 468 Bamford, John — b, Portrush, Ireland, Mr 4, 1872; QuUBelf; PTS, 94-5; AubTS, 96-8; ord Cong, J1 15, 98; p, Eaton, NY, 98-1901; ss, Fairton, NJ, 01-3; ss. Western Highlands Presb ch, Kansas City, Kan, 03- p el, 05- p, 06-9; p, Westm ch, Des Moines, la, 12-3; ss, Belmont & Burke, NY, 14-5; p el. Brother- hood ch, Kansas City, Kan, 16-7; federated p. Blue Mound, 17-20; ss, St Joseph, Mo, 21;p el, 1st ch, Barnesville, O, 22- p, 23-5; p, Northminster ch. Spring- field, 26 — . Brassfield, Harvey Denglee — b, S Easton, Pa, J1 15, 1870; LafC, 91; tea; PTS, 94-5; SFTS; ord, Pby Oakland, Oc 28, 97; p. Union St ch, Oakland, Cal, 97-8; Anti-Saloon League, 98-9; withdrew from Presb Ch, 99; tea, Oakland, Cal, 1900-11, V prin, 11-8, prin, 18 — . Bucher, John Calvin — b, Dillsburg, Pa, Ag 31, 1865; CNJ, 90, 94, MA; instr, SyrProtC, 90-4; PTS, 94-5; tea, Mohegan Lake Schl, Mohegan, NY, 95- 1903; prin, Peekskill Mil Acad, Peekskill, 03 — . Clarke, Samuel James — b, Crossgar, Ireland, Je 28, 1872; AsC, 94-5, 96- 7; RoyU, 95; PTS, 95-6; asst p, Windsor ch, Belfast, Ire, 98; asst p, Clifton- ville ch, Belfast, 99-1900; ord, Pby Strabane, Ire, Fb 26, 01; p, 2d ch, Newton- stewart, 01-2; p, Ballyblack, Newtownards, 02-8; p, Ballycairn, Lisburn, 08-31; res, Belfast, Ire. *Cloud, Charles Alvin — b, Wabash, Ind, Je 25, 1870; WabC, 94; PTS, 94-5 ; McCTS, 95-7; ord, Pby Muncie, Sp 14, 97; ss, Shiloh, New Hope & Hopewell, Ind, 97-1901; ss, Sturgis, SD, 01-3; ss, Edwardsburg, Mich, 04-5; ss, Sheldon, 111, 06-9; dismissed to No Ind ME Conf, Ap 12, 10; ss, Amboy, Ind, 10-3; ss, Syracuse, 13-5; ss, Avilla, 15-7; ss. La Fontaine, 17-8; ss, Frankton, 19-20; ss. Highland Ave ch, Marion, 20-2; ss, Burket, 22-3; p. Inwood, 24-7; p, White- water & Middleboro, 27-9; p, Dublin, 29; d, Dublin, Ind, Oc 22, 29. Comin, John — b, Rix’s Mills, O, My 10, 1869; MuskC, 86, 90, MA; tea; UBer, 92-4; PTS, 94-5; AndTS, 95-6; ord Cong, Andover, Mass, Je 8, 96; p, Chamberlain, SD, 96-9; p. North Park ch, Des Moines, la, 99-1908; p. New London, Wis, 08-12; p, 1st Presb ch. Three Rivers, Mich, 12-8; supt, Nat Miss, Syn Mich, 18 — ; res, Detroit, Mich. DD, AlmaC, 24. *Curry, Thomas Walter Farrar — b. Grand Ridge, 111, Oc 30, 1871; LkFC, 94; PTS, 94-5; NWU, 98, MD; phys, Streater, 111, 98-1911; ill health; d, 27. Gilmour, Robert Harvey — b, Mountjoy, Omagh, Ireland, Fb 14, 1873; QuUBelf, 93; AsC, 93-4; PTS, 95-6; AsC; ord, Pby Belfast, Ire, Mr 21, 1900; miss, Buffalo Lake, Moosejaw, Sask, Can, 00-1; p, Buffalo Lake Falls, 01-3; p. Dauphin, Man, Can, 03-8; p. New Denver, BC, 09-10; p, Whitewood, Sask, 11-6; p, Kinistino, 17-8; p, Carlyle, 19-21; p, Crystal City, Man, 22-5; p, 3d ch, Portglenone, Donegal, Ire, 27 — . Goodale, George William — b. Cedar Falls, la, J1 27, 1873; BakerU, 93; tea; McCTS, 94-5; PTS, 95-7; med stu; phys, San Francisco, Cal, 00 — . *Hall, William— b, Co Cavan, Ireland, Dc 25, 1866; QuUBelf, 84; AsC, 88-91; ord, Pby Magherafelt, Sp 17, 91; p, Maghera, Ireland; grad stu, PTS, 96-7, BD; p, Islington ch, Liverpool, Eng, 99-1906; p, 1st ch, Coleraine, Ire, 06-8; d, Coleraine, Ire, Je 19, 08. 1897 469 Hanna, Robert Kennedy — b, Ballymena, Ireland, Oc 8, 1872; QuCGal, 94; AsC, 94-5; PTS, 95-6; NewC, 96-7; ord, Pby Belfast, Ire, Fb 24, 98; p. White- abbey, Ire, 98-1914; p, Adelaide Rd ch, Dublin, 14—. MA, TrinCDub, 26; DD, UGlas, 27; Mod, Gen Assem, 27. “Harris, Homer William — b, Canaseraga, NY, Nv 17, 1870; LkFC, 94; PTS, 94; tea, Rome Free Acad, Rome, NY, 94-1901, prin, 01-18; d, Rome, NY, Ag 9, 18. Hunter, Robert Junius — b, Derita, NC, Fb 15, 1867; DavC, 89-93; tea; PTS, 93-5; LouisvPTS, 96-7; ord, Pby Concord, My 4, 1901; p. Rocky River, NC, 01-8; ss. Canton, 08-20; p, Beulah, Ky, 20-5; p. West Avenue ch, Gas- tonia, NC, 25 — . Jerrow, Moore Getty — b, Coleraine, Ireland, Sp 6, 1866; PTS, 94-5; WestmCPa, 98; XenTS, 98-1900; ord UP, Pby Stamford, J1 11, 01; p, Walten, Ont, Can, 01-3; p, N Kortright, NY, 03-5; p, Fairview, la, 05-7; ss, Presb ch, Deep River, 07-9; ss, Ellsworth & North Jackson, O, 10-4; ss, Lansingville UP ch, Youngstown, 15-6; p, Conneaut Lake, Pa, 17-9; p. Bethel ch, Enon Valley, 20-4; p, Antrim & Londonderry, O, 25-6; p. High Ridge & McMahons Creek, 27 — . Jones, Thomas Edmund Hill — b, Moybrick, Ireland, Ja 24, 1869; QuUBelf, 94; FreeChCEdin, 94-5; PTS, 95-6; AsC, 96-7; lie, Pby Dromore, Je 1, 97; p, Killymurris ch, Glarriford, Belfast, Ire, 98-1912; ord, Pby Belfast, My 24, 98; deputy wk, 12-9; p, Deerness, Scotland, 19-20; lect & lit wk, 20-6; p, Portsoy, 26-9; p. Parish ch, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, 29 — . King, William John — b. Port Hope, Ont, Canada, Ja 6, 1864; RMC; UnTSVa, 93-6; grad stu, PTS, 96-7; ord, Pby Norfolk, Oc 9, 97; p, York River, Va, 97-1905; phys dir, CW&M, 00-5; p. Rocky Spring & Williamsville, 05-8; p. College ch, Hampden-Sidney, Va, 08-17; p, Gerrardstown, Bunker Hill & Clearbrook, 17-8; p, Leesburg, 18-25; p. Belle Haven, 26-31; ill health; res, Newport News, Va. DD, HSC, 23. Laird, Francis Harvey — b, Walden, Vt, J1 3, 1866; ColU; PTS, 94-6; ord, Pby West Jersey, Nv 5, 96; p, 4th ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 96-9; p, Portland & Upper Mt Bethel, Pa, 99-1901; p, 1st ch, Bethlehem, 01-4; p, Fayetteville, NY, 04-9; p. Olivet ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 09-14; p. West Barnet, \’t, 14 — . Martin, Frank Hale — b, Dungannon, Ireland, Oc 10, 1871; RoyU, 94; AsC, 94-5; PTS, 95-6; UEdin, 96-8, BD; ord, Pby Perth, Sp 19, 1900; p, St Paul’s ch, Perth, Scot, 00-12; p, St Matthew’s ch, Edinburgh, 12 — . McCurdy, Allen Woodend — b, Steubenville, O, Je 23, 1873; .AmhC, 93; PTS, 94-7; ord, Pby New York, Ja 1, 1904; asst p, 1st ch, NYCity, 04-5; asst, Rutger’s Riverside ch, NYCity, 05-8; p, Morningside ch, NYCity, 09-18; res, NYCity. “McGaffin, Alexander — b, Banbridge, Ireland, Fb 15, 1870; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-5, 96-7; ord, Pby Schuyler (Rushville), Oc 12, 97; p, 1st ch. Mount Sterling, 111, 97-9; p, 2d ch, Brooklyn, NY, 99-1903; p, 1st ch, Lockport, 04-8; p, Euclid Ave ch, Cleveland, O, 08-27; ss, Montrose, Pa, 27-8; d, Buffalo, NY, Ag'^13, 29. DD, WRU, 11. 4/0 1897 ♦Mudge, Charles Ogden— b, Yonkers, NY, Sp 26, 1870; CNJ, 92; PTS, 92-3, 94-7; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, J1 29, 97; ss, 1st ch, Montpelier, Ida, 97- p, 98-1902; tea & p, Ojai ch, Nordhoff, Cal, 03-6; sec, PrU Asso of Prep Schls, Princeton, NJ, 0,5-7; res, Downingtown, Pa, 07-13; ss, Dundee Lake, NJ, 14-7; p, Hammonton, 17-27; d, Phila, Pa, Je 4, 31. Noon, Henry Shore — b, Needham, Mass, Ap 10, 1873; YaleU, 94; PTS, 94; NYU Law Schl, 95-6; BosULawSchl, 96-97, LLB; lawy; res, Seattle, Wash. *Price, Henry Butler — b. Port Gibson, Miss, My 3, 1864; SWPresbU, 87, ThDept, 85-7; ord evang, Pby Central Mississippi, J1 19, 87; miss, Nagoya, Japan, 87-9; Tokushima, 89-96; grad stu, PTS, 96-7; miss, Tokushima, Japan, 97-8; Kobe, 98-1905; d, Tokyo, Japan, Je 26, 06. Reherd, Herbert Ware — b, Geneseo, 111, Ag 23, 1869; ParsC, 93, 97, MA; tea; PTS, 94-5; McCTS, 95-7; ord, Pby Rock River, Ap 13, 97; p, Milan, 111, 97-1901; p, Bethany ch, Detroit, Mich, 01-6; p, 1st ch, Waterloo, la, 06-13; pres, WestmCUtah, 13 — . DD, ParsC, 11. Robinson, Charles Alexander — b. West Hebron, NY, 1871; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-5; Europe, 95-6; JHU, 96-7; instr, Lat, PrU, 97-1903; prin, Peekskill Mil Acad, Peekskill, NY, 03—. PhD, PrU, 05. Sherrard, Robert Maurice — b, Bucyrus, O, Oc 1, 1869; W&JC, 91, 94, MA; tea, Chambersburg, Pa; PTS, 94-5; tea, Lat & Gk, State Norm Schl, Indiana, Pa, 95-9; prin, 11th Ward Schls, Allegheny, 99-1905; prin, Hiland Sub- District Schls, Pittsburgh, 05-12; asso supt, pub schls, Pittsburgh, 12 — . PgD, DuqU, 25. Steckel, Samuel Wilbert — b, Durham, Pa, J1 16, 1866; NewWC, 93; McCTS, 93-4; PTS, 95-7; ord, Pby West Jersey, Nv 17, 97; p, Pleasantville, NJ, 97-1904; ss, Absecon, 97-9; p, Hebron Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 04-9; p, 1st ch. Provi- dence, RI, 09-13; ss, Greenwich ch, Phila, Pa, 13-4; p. Falls of Schuylkill, Phila, 14-7; ss, 1st ch, Marion, O, 18-9; p el, St Matthew's Luth ch, Reading, Pa, 19-20; p, M Y Smith Mem ch, McKinley, Pa, 21-2; p, Westm Presb ch, Atlantic City, NJ, 23-6; p. Community ch, Atlantic City, 26-31; p. Community ch, Everglades, Fla, 31-2; res, Atlantic City, NJ. DD, Blue Ridge Coll, New Windsor, Md, 17. Stevenson, Nathaniel — b, Glarryford, Ireland, Sp 28, 1867; QuCGal, 88- 90; QuUBelf, 90-1; MageeC, 91-2, ThDept, 92-3; PTS, 94-6; ManiC, ThDept, 97; ord, Pby Glenboro, Can, Nv 3, 97; p, Elgin, Man, Can, 97-9; miss, Glenora miss field, 99-1900; p, Gretna, 00-1; ss, Blythefield, 01- p, 03-5; p, Elva, 06-7; p, Rathwell, 07-10; p, Latona, Ont, 11-3; p, Innerkip, 13-9; p. North St, 19-22; p, Appin, 22-5; p, Ailsa Craig, 25-8; p, St Davids, Toronto, Can, 28 — . Tower, William Hogarth — b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 1, 1871; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-5; UnTS, 95-7; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 19, 97; p, S Framingham, Mass, 98- 1905; p, Milton, NY, 05-6; bus, 06-24; act p. Mine Hill, NJ, 27-9; res, Mont- clair, 29—. Woods, David Junkin — b, Newcastle, Pa, Ag 9, 1868; W&JC, 90, 97, MA; civ eng, 90-3; UnTSVa, 93-6; grad stu, PTS, 96-7; ss, Berryville, Va, 97; ord, Pby Ft Worth, Dc 6, 97; evang, Texas, 97-8; ss, 1st ch. Charleston, WVa, 98; 1897-1898 4/1 p, Blacksburg, Va, 99-1918; p, 1st ch, Covington, Va, 18-21; p, 1st ch, Clinton, SC, 21— DD, HSC, 11. 30. 1898 Bone, William John — b. Ft Washington, Pa, Nv 20, 1865; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-8; ss. Wells & Columbia, Pa, 96; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 25, 98; ss. Mission, Wash, 98-1901; ss, Wenatchee, 98- p, 04-5; p, Stockton, NJ, 05-7; p. Terra Alta, WVa, 07-11; p, Newton, Pa, 11-31; p, Smyrna, Del, 31 — . Boppell, Charles Jacob — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 2, 1871; W&LU, 95; YaleUDS, 95-6; PTS, 96-8; ord, Pby Phila, Je 6, 98; miss, Gaboon, Africa, 98-9; ss, Beulah & Stony Run, Va, 1900-2; ss, Philippi & Belington, WVa, 02-5; ss, Alma, Wash, 06-7; sec, EWash & NIdaho SSAssn, 07-11; p, Monroe Park ch, Spokane, Wash, 11-6; ss, 1st ch, St Maries, Ida, 16-8; p, Omak, Wash, 18-21; ss, Waterville, 21-4; p. West Side ch, Seattle, 24 — . Bradford, Charles Clay — b, Lissan, Co Derry, Ireland, Ag 21, 1869; BelfC; PTS, 95-6, 97-8; UBuff, LLB; ord, Pby Boulder, Nv 3, 99; ss, Burrton, Kan, 01-2; p el, Homer, Mich, 02-5; ss. Garland, Pa, 06-8; ss, Fairview, Mont, 11-3; ss, Wetonka, SD, 14-5; ss, Brownley, Sask, Can, 16-8; ss, Glen Ewen, 19-20; p, Rounthswaite, Man, 21-4; p, Lenore, 24-6; p, Appin, Ont, 26-31; ill health; res, Appin, Ont, Can. Branch, Charles Henry Hardin — b, Loudoun Co, Va, Ag 6, 1875; JHU, 95; PTS, 95-8; PrU, 98, MA; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 15, 99; p, 1st ch, Collins- ville, 111, 99-1902; p. Maxwell St ch, Lexington, Ky, 02-7; p. Union St ch, Hop- kinsville, 07-15; p, 1st ch, Texarkana, Ark, 15-23; p, Hyde Park ch, Tampa, Fla, 23-. DD, AusC, 16. Brown, Thomas Towson — b. Sweet Air, Md, Mr 9, 1869; LafC, 95, 98, MA; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Washington City, Je 6, 98; Terra Alta, WVa, 99-1901; p. Relay, Md, 02-3; p. Grove ch, Aberdeen, 05-13; res, Hampstead, 13-25; p, Taneytown, Emmitsburg & Piney Creek, 26 — ; res, Taneytown, Md. Brucklacher, Andrew Joseph — b, NYCity, Ja 13, 1875; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 24, 98; p, 1st ch, Worcester, Mass, 99-1900; p, Lefferts Park ch, Brooklyn, NY, 01-14; ColU, 14, DDS; asst prof. Chemistry, Coll of Dental & Oral Surgery, ColU, 14-23; res, Brooklyn, NY. *Bruins, Henry Martin — b, Brandon, Wis, Fb 20, 1873; HopeC, 95; PTS, 95-8, BD; NT Fell, HarvUTS, 98-9; NewC, 99-1900; ord RefChAm, Cl Illinois, Ap 25, 01; p, 1st ch, Pekin, 111, 01-4; ss, 1st Presb ch, Albert Lea, Minn, 04-7; p, 1st RefChAm, Milwaukee, Wis, 07-17; p, 2d ch, Pella, la, 17-26; d, Milwaukee, Wis, Fb 18, 31. Buchanan, Augustus Sherman--b, Lawrence Co, 111, Ja 8, 1863; tea; supt schls, Keensburg, 111, 90-1; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Sp 25, 98; ss, Montezuma, & p, Ladoga, Ind, 98-9; p. Bethel ch, Shannondale & Darlington, 99-1902; p, Fowler, 02-5; ss, Cairo, III, 05- p, 0(j-13; p, Indianapolis, Ind, 14-24; p, Lansing, Mich, 27-30; act p, Westm ch, St Petersburg, Fla, 31; p, Bridgeport, 111, 32-. 472 1898 Bucher, George Hough — b, Mechanicsburg, Pa, J1 11, 1874; DickC, 95; CNJ, 95, MA; PTS, 95-8, 1928-9, ThM; ord, Pby Fargo, Oc 11, 98; ss, Wheatland & Chaffee, ND, 98-1900; p. Upper Path Valley, Pa, 01-4; p, 1st ch, Pennington, NJ, 04-22; p. New Wilmington, Pa, 22-8; ss, Berlin, NJ, 28-9; p, Mizpah ch, Phila, Pa, 29 — . Campbell, William Irwin — b, McKeesport, Pa, Je 11, 1870; tea; ColbnU, 93, LLB; NewWC, 86; PTS, 95-8; PrU, 98, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 7, 98; p, Kirkpatrick Mem ch, Ringoes, NJ, 98-1905; p, 2d ch, Princeton, 05-10; p, 1st ch, Washington Court House, O, 10-3; p, Sherwood ch, Washington, DC, 13-9; p, 1st ch, Ossian & Elhauon, Ind, 19-22; p, 1st ch, Paoli, 22-5; p, St Paul’s ch. Laurel Springs, NJ, 25-30; p, 1st ch, Atlantic Highlands, 30 — . Candee, Charles Lucius — b, Milwaukee, Wis, Ja 16, 1874; CNJ, 95, MA; PTS, 95-8; asst p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 99-1900; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ja 30, 01; p. Calvary ch, Riverton, NJ, 01-7; ss, American ch, Frankfurt-on-Main, Ger, 07-8; p, Westm ch, Wilmington, Del, 09-25; exec sec, Wilmington Council chs, 29 — ; res, Wilmington, Del. DD, UDubq, 16. Carle, William Merritt — b, Glasco, NY, J1 4, 1870; CEmpo, 94; PTS, 94- 6, 97-8; ord, Pby Emporia, Nv 25, 98; ss, Logan, Kan, 96-7; miss, Hoonah, Alaska, 98-1904; hm miss, Artesia, Dexter & Hagerman, NM, 04-5; ss, Burlingame, Sharon & Praire Center, Kan, 05-6; ss, Hope, College Hill & Ramona, 06-9; p, 2d ch, Flynn & Marlette, 09-11; hm miss. Weed, Cal, 11-3; do, Merrill, Ore, 13-4; ill health; res, Twentynine Palms, Cal. ■^Carter, Ray Harrison — b, Phila, Pa, J1 19, 1870; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 16,98;asst p. Walnut St ch, Phila, Pa, 99-1903; p. Falling Spring ch, Chambersburg, 03-5; miss, Ferozepore, UP, India, 05-11, Moga, Punjab, 11-26; d, Moga, India, Dc 26, 26. Cobb, James Walter — b, Chester Co, Miss, Oc 30, 1872; SWPresbU, 96, MA, ThDept, 95-7; ss, Ebenezer & Summertown, Tenn, 96; ss, Ackerman, Weir, Beth Salem & Mt Zion, Miss, 97; PTS, 97-8; ss, Carrollton & Teoc, 98; ord, Pby Central Mississippi, Ja 3, 99; ss, Winona, 98- p, 99-1900; p, Morrilton, Ark, 00-6; ss, Westm ch, & p. Central ch. Little Rock, 06-10; evang, 10-1; p, Courtland, Ala, 11-2; p. Missionary Ridge ch, Chattanooga, Tenn, 12-6; p. Stamps & Lewis- ville, Ark, 16-8; p, 1st ch, Blytheville, 19-25; hm miss supt & evang, Pby Paris & Congaree, 25-9, evang, Pby Lafayette, 29-31; ss, Boonville, Mo, 31; ss, Bethany & Bee Spring, Tenn, 31 — . DD, ArkC, 25. Condit, Charles Beach — b. West Orange, NJ, Je 7, 1872; CNJ, 95; PrU, 97, MA; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Elizabeth, J1 7, 98; p. Liberty Corner, NJ, 98-1907; p. Trinity RefChAm, Newark, 07-17; asst p. North ch, Newark, 17-20; p. 2d ch, Irvington, 20-2; ss, St Andrew’s Presb ch. New Glasgow, NS, 25-6; p, St James’ ch, Sherbrook, 26-9; res, West Orange, NJ. *Conrow, Lester Morris — b. Long Branch, NJ, Dc 31, 1872; PrU, 95; PTS, 95- 8; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 20, 98; ss. Corning, la, 98-9; ss, Chestertown, NY, 1900-1; p, Lamington, NJ, 01-6; NewC, 04-5; p. New Bedford, Mass, 06-16; p, Greencastle, Pa, 16-26; p, Grace Ref ch, Brooklyn, NY, 27-32; d, Brooklyn, Ja 11, 32. DD, LafC, 20. 1898 473 Cooke, William Brown — b, Havre de Grace, Md, My 18, 1873; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-9, BD; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 17, 1900; p, 1st ch, Steelton, Pa, 00-10; ss, 1st ch, Manila, PI, 10-4; ss. Market Sq ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 14-5; ss. Olivet ch, Harrisburg, 16; ss. Summit ch, Phila, 16-7; ss, 1st ch, Lewistown, 17-8; p. Falls of Schuylkill ch, Phila, 18-30; evang, Staunton, Va, 30—. Crowe, Alvin Nelson — b, Newton, Kan, Nv 30, 1872; CWoos, 95, 98, MA; LaneTS, 95-7; PTS, 97-8; ord, Pby Steubenville, Je 7, 98; ss. Swan Lake, Depew, Hoprig & Maple Hill, la, 98-9; WestTS; tea, Harlem Springs, O, 1900-1; p, Mt Eaton & Dalton, 01-4; ss, Hayesville, 04-7; ss. South New Lyme, 07- p, 08-12; ss, Acton, Ind, 12-4; p, Indiana & Upper Indiana, 14-8; p, Richmond & East Springfield, O, 18-21; p, Deersville, Feed Springs & Lima, 21-3; supt schls, Macks- burg, 23-4; p, McConnellsville, 24-9; p, Mt Zion, High Hill & Chandlersville, 29 — ; res, Chandlersville, O. Davidson, Roland — b, Tidnish, NB, Canada, Ja 19, 1864; MtAU, 95; PTC, 95-7; PTS, 97-8; ord, Pby Lunenburg & Yarmouth, J1 13, 98; p, Carleton & Chebogue, NS, Can, 98-9; p. Riverside, Alma & Hopewell Cape, NB, 01; p. West Richmond Bay, PEI, 03-5; p, Elmsdale & Nine Mile River, NS, 06-10; p. Grand Falls, NB, 12-5; p, Richmond Bay East, PEI, 16-23; p, Douglastown, NB, 24-5; p, UnChCan, Douglastown, 26; p, Stanley, 27-31; res, Stanley, 31 — . *Devor, David Harry — b, Ashland, O, Nv 28, 1871; CWoos, 95; McCTS, 95-6; PTS, 96-8; ord evang, Pby Wooster, My 13, 98; ss, Ellendale, ND, 98-9; miss, Batanga, W Africa, 99-1901; Lolodorf, 01-2; d, Lolodorf, W Africa, Ja 17, 02. Elliott, Walter McKee— b. Union Mills, Ind, Fb 11, 1871; WabC, 95, 1903, MA; PTS, 95-8; ss, Montague, Mich, 97; ord, Pby Indianapolis, Oc 9, 98; p, Grace ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 98-00; ss. Union & p, Ladoga, 00-3; ss, Lima, 03-7; p. Auburn, 08-11; p, Peoria, 111, 11-8; p, Belleville, 18-9; bus, 19-21; p, Garrett, Ind, 21-7; p, Bluffton, 27 — . Everett, Jay Carroll — b, Turin, NY, Ja 30, 1871; CEmpo, 94; bus; PTS, 95-8; PrU, 98, MA; ord, Pby Osborne, Nv 10, 98; ss, Colby & Oakley, Kan, 98- 1901; ss, Calvert & p, Norton, 01-3; p, Wakeeney, 03-9; p, 3d ch, Topeka, 09-13; p, Paola, 13-9; asst p, 1st ch, Topeka, 19-22; p. Lamed, 22-30; p, Min- neapolis, 30 — . DD, CEmpo, 15. Frame, John Selby — b. Champaign, 111, Nv 29, 1872; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-8; lie, Pby Troy, Ap 19, 98; UMarb, 98; UBer, 98-9; NY Law Schl, 1900-1; lawy, Fargo, ND, 01-31, bus, 31—. FurnajieU, Demeter Nicola — b, Bansko, Macedonia, Oc 10, 1866; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 10, 98; p, Kustendil, Bulgaria, 99- 1906; p, Haskovo, 06-7; p, Philippopolis, 07-11; p, Sofia, 11-31; pres, & tea, Theol & Apol, Ev Bib Sem, Samokov, 31 — . Harrison, Norman Baldwin — b, Caldwell, NJ, Dc 14, 1874; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-8; ss, Knox Creek, Ky, 97; ord, Pby Newark, My 17, 98; ss, Sheldon, ND, 98-9; ss, Skagway, Alaska, 99-1902; ss, Haines, 03-4; p el, Skagway, 04-6; ss. Central chap, Pittsburgh, Pa, 07-8; p. South side ch, Pittsburgh, 08-11; p. University ch, Seattle, Wash, 11-21; evang. Pacific Northwest, 21-4; p. Memorial 474 1898 ch, St Louis, Mo, 24-9; p, Oliver ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 29 — . DD, WestmC- Mo, 25. Haynes, Selden Long — b, Lexington, Mo, Ja 1, 1874; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-8, BD, Fell, Heb, PTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Utica, Nv 9, 99; p, Hancock, NY, 1900-5; p; Watkins Glen, 05-9; p, Kingston, Pa, 09-19; sec. New Era Mvmt, 19-24; sec, Bd Pensions, 24 — ; res, Chicago, 111. DD, CEmpo, 31. Hibbard, Frederick Jay — b, Syracuse, NY, Dc 29, 1869; PTS, 95-8; ss, Erie & Ayr, ND, 96; ss. Tower City & Buffalo, 97; ord, Pby Fargo, Je 29, 98; ss. Tower City & Buffalo, ND, 98- p, 1900-5; ss. Hunter, Galesburg & Broad- lawn, 05-7; p, Langdon, 07-17; p, Crookston, Minn, 17 — . Hostetter, Henry Burns — b, Ladoga, Ind, Je 11, 1867; WabC, 94, 1902, MA; UnTS, 94-5; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Sp 22, 98; p, Oxford & Boswell, Ind, 98-03; p, Westm ch. South Bend, 03-17; p, 3d ch. Fort Wayne, 17-25; exec sec, Syn Ind, 25 — ; res, Indianapolis, Ind. DD, HanC, 28. Jordan, Samuel Martin — b, Stewartstown, Pa, Ja 6, 1871; LafC, 95, 98, MA; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Westminster, Ag 30, 98; miss & prin, Teheran, Persia, 98- 1925; pres, AmCTeh, 25—. DD, LafC, 16. Koehler, Harvey Wilson — b. South Bethlehem, Pa, Oc 2, 1869; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 19, 98; p, Shenandoah, Pa, 98-1901; p, Mt Union, 01-6; p, Mapleton & Newton Hamilton, 01-4; p, Atglen, 06-9; p, 2d ch, Chester, 09-17; p, Atglen, 17-22; p, Malvern, 22-33; p. Holmes, 33 — . *Kratz, Marcius Wilson — b, Hilltown, Pa, J1 26, 1868; LafC, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 22, 98; ss, Galesburg, ND, 98-9; ss, Mandan, 99-1901; ss, Hoxie, Kan, 02; reg, LafC, 04-5; ill health; bus, Phila, Pa, 05-8; tea, 13-6; USN Reserve, Key West, Fla, 17-21; bus, 21-5; d, Washington, DC, Fb 7, 25. Lee, Walter Scott— b, Crestline, O, Ja 6, 1870; LafC, 95; PTS, 95-8; ss, Newcomerstown & Bakersville, O, 96; ord, Pby Genesee, Ap 12, 98; miss, Barranquilla, Colombia, SA, 98 — ; res, Bogota, Colombia, SA. Lockhart, Robert John— b, NYCity, Dc 22, 1874; CCyNY, 95; WestTS, 95-6; PTS, 96-8; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Sp 27, 98; p. Firth, Neb, 98; ss. Differ, 99- p, 1900-1; ss, Marion, NY, 01-3; p, Shickshinny, Pa, 03-6; lect; p, Nichols, NY, 06-10; ss. Rock Stream, 12-5; ss. Bethel, 15-7; p, Merridale, 17-23; p, Mahanoy City, Pa, 23 — . Lukens, Victor Herbert — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Mr 24, 1873; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-8, 1910-4; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Oc 14, 98; asst p, 1st ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 98-1903; p, Stone St ch, Watertown, NY, 03-10; p, 3d ch, Phila, Pa, 14-22; p. Trinity ch, S Orange, NJ, 22 — . MacCullough, Russle Hindman — b, Rowlandsville, Md, Oc 1, 1873; LafC, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Neosho, Sp 14, 98; ss, Richmond & Princeton, Kan, 98; ss, Derby & Clearwater, 99-1901; ss. White City, 01- p, 02-3; p. Smith Center, 03-10; ss, St Pauls ch, San Francisco, Cal, 10-1; ss, Blairstown, la, 11-3; p, Delmar, 13-6; p, Northminster ch, Waterloo, 16-9; ss. Federated ch, Stanley, 19-23; ss, Holgate, O, 23-30; prof. Math, DefiC, 23 — . 1898 475 Master, Henry Buck — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Oc 28, 1871; CNJ, 95, 96, MA; PTS, 95-8, BD; ord, Pby Buffalo, Ap 11, 99; asst p, 1st ch, Buffalo, NY, 99-1904; ss, 1st ch. Fort Wayne, Ind, 06- p, 08-19; YMCA, war service, 18; gen sec, BdPens, 19 — ; res, Devon, Pa. DD, HanC, 17, LafC, 30; LED, JasMU & UDubq, 22. McCombe, John Warren — b, Londonderry, Ireland, My 18, 1872; UDur, 95; DanTS; PTS, 97-8, 03-4, BD; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Nv 1, 99; p. Forty Fort, Pa, 99-1901; p, Glenolden, 02-3; p, Bensonhurst ch, Brooklyn, NY, 04-5; res, Brooklyn, 06-7; res, Hartford, Conn, 08-9; res. So Glastonbury, 10-2; dropped from roll, Pby Brooklyn, Ja 27, 13; res, Scotland; — McCrone, Hugh Baldwin — b, Phila, Pa, My 14, 1873; TSRefEpisCh, 94- 5; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby West Jersey, J1 7, 98; p, Logan Memorial ch, Audubon, NJ, 98-1900; p, Schoonmaker Memorial ch, Stillwater, NY, 00-4; p, 1st ch, Manayunk, Phila, Pa, 04-10; p, Wakefield ch, Germantown, 10-22; p, 1st ch. Fort Collins, Col, 22-5; p. Chambers Memorial ch, Rutledge, Pa, 25 — . DD, OskC, 23. McKay, William Roderick — b, Springville, NS, Canada, Ag 8, 1871; DalhU, 96; PTC, 94-6; PTS, 96-8, 01-2, BD; ord, Pby Halifax, My 24, 98; p, Gove & Kennetcook, NS, Can, 98-1901; miss, Kongmoon, Kwang Tung Prov, China, 02 — . Mehan, James — b, Lisnamurrican, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ja 31, 1871; QuUBelf; PTS, 95-8; lie, Pby New Brunswick, My 10, 98; — Murdoch, Harvey Short — b, Okolona, Miss, Ap 12, 1871; ColoC, 93; libr, ColoC; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Oc 14, 98; ss, Cumberland St chap, Lafayette Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 98-1902; hm miss, Ky, 02-3; ss. Mission, Buckhorn, Ky, 03-7; founder & pres, WithC, 03- ; p, Presb ch, Buckhorn, 07 — . DD, CenCKy, 20. Murdock, William Clarence — b, Murray River, PEI, Can, Ja 28, 1870; -DalhU, 96; PTC, 95-6; PTS, 96-8; PrU, 98, MA; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, My 31, 98; p, Tyne Valley, PEI, Can, 98-1902; hm miss, Melfort, Sask, 02-5, Orrwold, Man, 05-6; ManiC, 06-7, BD; p, Beulah, Man, 07-15; p, Bredenburg, Sask, 15-9; p, Elrose, 19-24; p, Watson, 24-9; p, Canora, 29—. ♦Neill, John Campbell— b, Belfast, Ireland, J1 3, 1872; CCyNY, 95; PTS, 95- 8; ord evang, Pby New York, Oc 27, 98; ss, Romeyn chap, NY City, 98-9; d, NYCity, My 3, 1899. Payson, George Phillips — b, NYCity, Ag 28, 1872; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Newark, Ja 18, 99; p, Wyoming, NJ, 99-1909; ss, Katonah, NY, 10-5; res. White Plains, 16 — . Russell, Daniel — b, Manchester, la, Mr 23, 1873; LenC, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Binghamton, Sp 27, 98; p, Hancock, NY, 98-9; p, Harlem ch, NYCity, 99-1904; evang, Pittsburgh, Pa, 05-9; p, Irvington, NY, 11-6; p, Rutgers ch, NYCity, 17-. DD, LenC, 06. ♦Sankey, James Alvan — b, near Cambridge, O, Ja 14, 1867; CEmpo, 95; ss, Cottonwood Falls, Kan, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 7, 98; p. Cotton- wood Falls, Kan, 98-1901; ed, Kansas Endeavor Monthly, 00-1; ss, Peabody, 476 1 898 01- p, 02-3; p, Grace ch, Peoria, 111, 03-10; d, Denver, Col, Oc 28, 11. DD, CEmpo, 10. Serafini, Vincent — b, Riccia, Campobasso, Italy, Ap 7, 1875; NTS; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 6, 98; miss to Italians, Trenton, NJ, 98 — . Shaver, Elmer Clifton — b, Shannondale, Ind, Sp 21, 1867; WabC, 95; PTS, 95-8, 1903-4; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Nv 10, 98; asst p. New York Ave ch, Washington, DC, 98-1901; UnTS, 01-2; asst p. Park ch, NYCity, 01-2; p & instr, Winona Agr & Tech Schl, Winona, Ind, 02-3; asst p. Park ch, NYCity, 04-12; asst p, Rutgers ch, NYCity, 12-4; field sec. Lords Day Alliance, 14-25; sec, Symes Foundation, 25 — ; res, NYCity. Simons, Thomas Jay — b, Virden, 111, Fb 21, 1868; IllC, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Erie, My 16, 99; ss. New Lebanon, Pa, 98-1902; ss, Milledgeville, 99-01; p, Sandy Lake, 99-03; ss, Georgetown ch, Sheakleyville, 03; tea, Sandy Lake, 02- 3; p. Greenwood, Ind, 03-8; p, Vevay, 08-11; p, Bluffton, 11-8; p. Miller, SD, 18-28; p, Dillon, Mont, 28 — . Sinclair, Peter Frederick — b, Melbourne, Ont, Canada, Oc 6, 1871; UTor, 95, 97, MA; KxCTor, 95-7; PTS, 97-8; ord, Pby Lindsay, Can, Ag 28, 1900; p, St Andrews’ ch, Sonya, Ont, Can, 00-5; asst p, St Andrew’s ch, Winnipeg, Man, 05-7; p. North Broadview ch, Toronto, 09-14; oc s, Canada, 15-20; bus & Welfare wk, 20 — ; res, Toronto, Ont, Can. Smith, Alexander — b, Clydesdale, NS, Canada, Oc 15, 1867; DalhU, 95; PTS, 95-8; lie, Pby New Brunswick, My 10, 98; tea, Canada; — *Smith, Walter Everett — b, Bridesburg, Phila, Pa, Je 28, 1874; NewWC, 95; PTS, 95-9, BD; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ap 26, 1900; p. May’s Landing, NJ, 99-1902; miss, Fusan, Korea, 02-12, Pyeng Yang, 12-6; YMCA, war service, 17-8; master, Blair Acad, Blairstown, NJ, 18-9; bus, 19-26; p. Olivet ch, Wil- mington, Del, 26-32; d, Wilmington, J1 6, 32. DD, Blue Ridge Coll, New Windsor, Md, 22. Stanton, Richard E — b, Chillicothe, O, Ap 2, 1873; CenCKy, 94; DanTS, 94- 5; PTS, 96-8; bus, 98-1900; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Ap 11, 00; ss, Hartford, 00-3; ss, Adel, 03-4; p, Rockford, O, 05-8; p, Decatur, Ind, 08-11; supt, Anti- Saloon League, South Bend Dist, 11-3; p, Lansing, Mich, 13-6; p, Inglewood, Cal, 16-20; p. West Adams ch, Los Angeles, 20-6; res, Los Angeles, Cal. *Stevenson, Josiah Thomas — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 31, 1875; AllegTS, 95-6; PTS, 96-8; ord, Pby West Jersey, Dc 8, 98; p, Atco, NJ, 98-1903; ss, Waterford, 98-01; ss, Glassboro, 98-00; p, Keyport, 03-5; p. Beacon ch, Phila, Pa, 05-11; tea, Phila, 11-29; d, Avalon, NJ, Sp 28, 29. Stewart, James Monroe — b, Philadelphia, Pa, Nv 23, 1869; OU; LaneTS, 95- 6; PTS, 96-8; ord, Pby Hastings, Sp 28, 98; ss, Culbertson, Neb, 98-1902; ss. Champion, 01-2; dropped from roll, Pby Hastings, J1 22, 02; Unit; Grand Junction, Col;— Van Horsen, Nathan Frederick — b, NYCity, Je 3, 1872; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-6, 97-8; ord, Pby Westchester, Oc 24, 99; ss, Carmel, NY, 98- p, 99, 1903; bus, 04; ss, Bedford, NY, 04-5; bus, Boston, Mass, 06-11; exec pres. Prospect 1898 477 Union, Cambridge, 11-5; grad stu, HarvU, 13-4; asst supt, Parker Mem, & supt. Boys’ wk, E E Hale House, Boston, 17-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; sec, YMCA, Boston, 19-29; Cambridge, Mass, 29—. Van Note, Eugene Monroe — b, Farmingdale, NJ, Oc 12, 1871; lawy; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 18, 98; p, Tuckerton, NJ, 98-1908; p, Glen Moore, Pa, 08-15; p, Highland Falls, NY, 15—. Vater, Williamson Dunn — b, Lafayette, Ind, My 17, 1868; PurU, 91, 94, MS; journalist, Lafayette, Ind, 91-5; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Ft Wayne, Oc 4, 98; p, Albion, Ind, 98-9; p. Gas City & Jonesboro, 99-1904; p, Oxford, 04-5; p, Attica, 05-9; p. North ch, St Louis, Mo, 09-13; p. Grants Pass, Ore, 13-6; ss, Collinsville, 111, 16-8; p, Southampton ch, St Louis, Mo, 18-20; SSBd miss. 111, 20-2; p. Manor ch, St Louis, Mo, 22-6; XenTS, 22-4, ThM, 27, ThD; ss. Grand Tower, Ava, & Campbell Hill, 111, 26-7; dir, RelEdu, 1st ch, Santa Monica, Cal, 27; p. Lakeside, 27 — . Wallace, Robert Burns — b, Derry Co, Ireland, Nv 4, 1867; UPa, 96; RefPTS(GS), 96-7; PTS, 97-8; ord, Pby Phila, My 24, 98; p, Grace ch, Phila, Pa, 98-1903; p. Trinity ch, Phila, 03-21; instr, TemU, 23 — . DD, TemU, 04. *Williams, Henry Cummings — b, near Muskogee, Okla, Oc 4, 1873; HanC, 95; PTS, 95-8; ord evang, Pby Sequoyah, Je 13, 98; ss, Nowata, Okla, 98-9; ss. Fort Gibson, 98-1901; d, Muskogee, Okla, Mr 17, 1903. 60. *Brodnax, James Maclin — b. Mason, Tenn, Ag 20, 1867; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-5, 96-8; rep, Stu Vol Mvmt, 95-6; sec, YMCA, UVa, 98-9, coll p, 99-1900; ord, Pby Ebenezer (South), Dc 16, 1900; p, Richmond & Union chs, Ky, 00-2; d. Southern Pines, NC, J1 22, 1904. Caldwell, Walter Lindsay — b, Sardis, Miss, Oc 17, 1871; SWPresbU, 90; tea; travel; SWPresbU, ThDept, 93-5; ord, Pby Memphis, Oc 17, 95; asso p, 3d ch, Memphis, Tenn, 95-6; grad stu, PTS, 97-8; p, 3d ch, Memphis, 98-1911; p. Woodland St ch, Nashville, 11—. DD, SW, 12. Cleland, Frank Barbour — b. Council Bluffs, la, Ag 23, 1872; DruC, 93; law stu, NWU; McCTS, 95-6, 97-8; PTS, 96-7; ord, Pby Duluth, Ag 29, 98; p. Anaconda, Mont, 98-1901; p. New Providence ch, McAfee, Ky, 03-8; p. Anchorage, 08-10; asst p, 2d ch, St Louis, Mo, 10-4; demitted ministry, 14; bus, Longmont, Col, 18 — . Coontz, John Walker — b, Paris, Mo, Mr 4, 1872; Scarritt Coll, Neosho, Mo, 95; PTS, 95-8; lie, ME Ch So, Ap 26, 90; p, Holden, Mo; Hammond PI ch, Kansas City; p, Oakhurst ch, Kansas City, 05-10; p. Doctor Fry Memorial ch, St Louis, Mo, 11-2; p, Webb City, Mo, 13-6; p, Cairo, 111, 18-9; p. Little Rock, Ark, 20-3; p, 1st ch, Sedalia, Mo, 24-6; stu p, Grace Univ, Tulsa, Okla, 28; p, Lawton, 29 — . Dexter, Daniel Weaver— b, Elmira, NY, Mr 12, 1872; CNJ, 95; PTS, 95-6; ChiTS, 96-8; PrU, 98, MA; p, 1st Cong ch. Port Washington, Wis, 99; stu. 1898 478 Germany, 1900; ord Cong, Mr 19, 01; p, 1st ch, Norwich, NY, 01-7; horticulturist. White Salmon, Wash, 08-15; bus; res, Galesburg, 111, 16 — . Elwood, Robert Arthur — b, Newburgh, NY, Nv 27, 1873; bus; RefPTS (GS), 95-6; PTS, 96-7 ; USArmy, 98; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ap 28, 99; p, Absecon, NJ, 99-1901; p. Olivet ch, Wilmington, Del, 01-5; lect; p, 1st ch, Leavenworth, Kan, 05-7; evang; res, Absecon, NJ, 07 — . *Gaston, Joseph — b, Glarryford, Cornark, Co Antrim, Ireland, Fb 25, 1873; MageeC, 95, 96-7; PTS, 95-6; AsC, 97-8; NewC, 98-9; asst p. Trinity ch, Cork, Ire, 1900-1; asst p, Cavan, 01; asst p, Cairn-Albana, 01-2; ord, Pby Donegal, Ire, Oc 22, 02; p, Pettigo, 02-7; p, Drumkeen ch, Newbliss, 07-24; oc s, 24-8; d, Maralin, My 24, 28. Goff, Warren Frederick — b, Blis^field, Mich, Ag 22, 1865; BlacC, 93; ss. White Hall, 111, 93-5; PTS, 95; McCTS, 96-8; ss, Douglas Park, Chicago, 111, 96-8; ord, Pby Chicago, J1 21, 98; p, Cabery, 98-1902; ss, Manteno, 02- p, 03-8; p, Cambria, Wis, 08-13; p, Dexter, la, 13-8; p. Fort Madison, 18-30; res, Cambria, Wis. DD, ParsC, 21. Harris, Charles Willis — b. Sugar Grove, Pa, Mr 16, 1873; LafC, 95, 97, MA; PTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Fargo, Ag 30, 98; ss, Mapleton, ND, 98-9; p, Lisbon, 99-1903; ss, Minot, 03-5; p, Bismarck, ND, 05-16; p, Bozeman, Mont, 16-20; coll p, BloomingJ:on, Ind, 20-7; p & prof, Rel, LafC, 27 — . DD, JasC, 12. Hogg, James Alexander — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ja 19, 1871; QuUBelf, 95; PTS, 96-7; druggist, Bangor, Ire. Irwin, Joseph Max — b, luka. 111, Ja 9, 1872; So 111 Coll, Enfield, 111, 95; ord CumbP, Pby McLin, J1 15, 95; PTS, 95-8; ss, Princeton, NJ, 95-8; withdrew from ministry, 98; stu, Med Dept, WashU, 98-1902, MD; phys, St Augustine, Fla, 02—. Johnson, Harris Clubb — b, Lawrenceville, 111, Nv 18, 1867; HanC, 95, 1904, MA (hon); PTS, 95-6; DanTS, 96-7; McCTS, 97-8; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, Sp 14, 98; p, Rossville & Pleasant Hill, Ind, 98-1900; p, Mitchell, 00-4; p, Monte- zuma & Dana, 04-6; supt, Anti-Saloon League, Fort Wayne, 06; p, Montpelier, 06-8; p, Cabden, 111, 09-10; p. College Corner, O, 10-2; p, Rankin, 111, 12-5; p, Bridgeport, 15-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p. Cutler, Ind, 19-21; p, Wessington, SD, 21-4; p, Stanford, 111, 24-6; p, Whiteland, Ind, 26-8; p, Morenci, Ariz, 28-9; p. Union City, Ind, 29 — . King, John George — b, Delhi, NY, My 2, 1872; WestmCPa, 95; XenTS, 95-7, 97-8; PTS, 97; ord UP, Pby Delaware, Je 28, 98; hm miss. Rock Rift, NY, 98-9; FreeChCEdin & NewC, 99-1900; p, Neil Ave ch, Columbus, O, 00-27; p, 1st Presb ch. Ft Lauderdale, Fla, 27 — . DD, TarkC, 19. *Laughlln, Edward Reed — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Nv 6, 1870; CNI, 94; PTS, 94-8; asst p. Calvary ch, Phila, Pa, 99-1902; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 12, 01; p. Lower Marsh Creek, Pa, 02-4; asst p, Hope ch, Phila, Pa, 06- asso p, 08- 9; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Mr 21, 09. *Layson, William Humboldt — b, Gravely Ford, Nev, Ag 10, 1860; PacC, 80, 83, PhD; lawy, 83-97; asst atty genl, California, 91-5; SFTS, 95-7; PTS, 97; 1898 479 UnTS, 97-8; ss, Corinth, NY, 98; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Ap 13, 99; ss, Santa Ana, Cal, 98-1900; asst p, Immanuel ch, Los Angeles, 01; ss, Sandusky, O, 04; ss, Astoria, Ore, 05; ss, 3d Cong ch, San Francisco, Cal, 05-6; ss. Park Cong ch, Berkeley, 06; ss, Grace Presb ch, Berkeley, 06-9; d, San Francisco, Cal, Mr 8, 09. DCL, St Charles Coll, 87; LLD, Central Normal Coll, 91. MacColl, Donald— b, Caledonia, NY, J1 12, 1868; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-5; gen sec, YMCA, Syracuse, NY, 96-7; state sec, YMCA, NJ, 97-1901; vice-pres, BibleTeaTrSchl, NYCity, 01-4; bus, 04-7; field worker, Christodora settlement, NYCity, 07-11; bus; field sec, BibS, 15-20; ord, Pby Brooklyn-Nassau, Ja 12, 21; asst p. Prospect Heights ch, Brooklyn 20- p, 25 — . MA, NYU, 25; DD, CEmpo, 27. MacConnell, Jay Herbert — b, Cranford, NJ, Fb 24, 1872; HamC, 95; PTS, 95-6; AubTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Syracuse, Je 29, 99; p, Jamesville, NY, 99- 1901; asst p, 1st ch, Wichita, Kan, 01-2; ss. Calvary ch, Wichita, 02-6; p, Hebron, Neb, 06-10; p. Cedar Bluffs, 10-1; p. Fair Haven, NY, 11-2; p, Danforth Cong ch, Syracuse, 12-9; ss, 1st ch, Norwich, 19-24; ss. Federated ch, Schoharie, 24-31; p. Forest Ave Cong ch, NYCity, 31 — . Mason, Benjamin Allen — b, Albia, la, Nv 25, 1871; ParsC, 94; McCTS, 94-5; CNJ, 96; PTS, 96-7; tea, BellvC, 97-1900; lawy; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Mason, William Hammersley — b, Chetopa, Kan, Dc 31, 1871; PkC, 95, 98, MA; PTS, 95-6; AubTS, 96-8; ord, Pby Syracuse, Je 30, 98; p, Mem ch, Syracuse, NY, 98-1900; ss, 4th ch, Galveston, Tex, 00-2; asst p, 1st ch, Leven- worth, Kan, 02-4; ss, Bethlehem ch, Chicago, 111, 04-7; p, 1st ch, Hamilton, O, 07-10; p, 1st ch, Xenia, 10-3; p, 1st ch, Alma, Mich, 13-8; p, Warren Ave ch, Saginaw, 18-30; ss, 1st ch, Alpena, 30 — . DD, PkC, 26. McClenahan, William Lorimer — ^b. Morning Sun, la, J1 3, 1868; TarkC, 92; tea; AllegTS, 94-7; grad stu, PTS, 97-8, BD; ord UP, Pby College Springs, Sp 22, 98; miss, Alexandria, Egypt, 98-1908, Mansura, 08-12, Maadi, 12 — . McDowell, John — b. Dairy, Scotland, Sp 24, 1870; CNJ, 94; ss, 5th Ave ch miss, NYCity, 94-5; UnTS; PTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Carlisle, Dc 22, 96; p, 1st ch, Steelton, Pa, 96-9; p, 2d Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 99-1905; p. Park ch, Newark, NJ, 05-15; p. Brown Mem ch, Baltimore, Md, 15-20; Rel wk dir, war wk Coun, YMCA, 17-8, for war industries, 18-9; sec, BdNatMiss, 20 — ; res. East Orange, NJ. DD, CWoos, 15, PrU, 16; LLD, OccC, 32. McNair, William Irving — b, Danville, 111, My 15, 1868; sec, YMCA, 91-5; PTS, 95-6; UChi; UVa; sec, YMCA, UVa, 96-8; lie, Pby Louisville, Sp 7, 97; sec, YMCA, Louisville, Ky, 98-1930; res, Mattoon, 111. *Morell, David Ernest — b, Dungannon, Ireland, Nv 13, 1870; RoyU, 92; PTS, 95-6; McCTS, 1906-7; ord, Pby Pueblo, J1 12, 07; p, 1st ch, Durango, Col, 07-9; p, Berwyn, 111, 09; ill health; d, Chicago, 111, Ja 10, 10. Musi, Charles Albert Saint — b, Italy, Ap 29, 1870; National Univ, Naples, Italy, 87; NTS, 95; PTS, 95-8; lie, Pby Lehigh, Ap 9, 98; Italy;— Nisbet, Charles Richard— b, Macon, Ga, J1 24, 1871; UGa, 93; lawy, Macon, Ga, 94-5; PTS, 95-6, 97-8; ss, Toccoa, Ga, 96-7; ord, Pby Macon, Nv 1898-1899 4S0 15, 98; p, Bainbridge, Ga, 98-1900; p, Kirkwood, 00-1; p, Westm ch, Atlanta, 01-6; p. Woodland St ch, Nashville, Tenn, 06-11; p. Trinity ch, St Louis, Mo, 11-2; p. Central ch, Kansas City, 12-7; p, Caldwell Mem ch, Charlotte, NC, 27—. DD, SWPresbU, 10. Rutnam, Samuel Christmas Kanaga — b, Velanai, Jaffna, Ceylon, Ja 20, 1869; Madras Chr Coll, India, 92; tea; Kolhapur, India; tea, Belgaum; lect, Eng, 94-5; PTS, 95-7; tea, Thurburn Girls High Schl, Ceylon, 98; educator & ed, Colombo, Ceylon, 98-1909;— Scott, Joseph Landor — b, Castlecaulfield, Dungannon, Ireland, Dc 28, 1873; MageeC, 93, ThDept, 93-4; PTS, 95-6; asst p, Naas, Ire, 96-7; RoyU, 97; FreeChCEdin; asst p, Rutland Sq ch, Dublin, Ire, 98-1900; ord, Pby Dublin, Ag 27, 00; p, Stellenbosch, Cape Colony, So Africa, 00-3; p, Germiston, Trans- vaal, 03-12;— Toennes, William — b, Rostringhausen, Germany, Ap 16, 1870; CalvC, 94; UrsSTh, 94-7; grad stu, PTS, 97; ord RefChUS, Cl Wyoming, Ja 31, 98; p, Grace ch, Hazleton, Pa, 98 — . *Vance, Edward Elbridge— -b, Grandville, 111, J1 23, 1872; LkFC, 95; McCTS, 95-6, 97-8; PTS, 96-7; ord, Pby Bloomington, Ap 21, 98; p, Corksville, 111, 98-99; ill health; ss, Deming, NM, 00-1; d, Denver, Col, Fb 17, 02. Wallace, James McGill— b, Phila, Pa, J1 21, 1872; NewWC, 95; PTS, 95- 6; McCTS, 96-9; asst, 3d ch, Chicago, 111, 97-9; ord, Pby Bloomington, J1 27, 99; p, Tolono, 111, 99-1901; p, Huntingdon Valley, Pa, 02-6; p, Sherwood ch, Phila, 06-10; p. Delta, 10-4; p, Aisquith ch, Baltimore, Md, 14 — . DD, Blue Ridge Coll, New Windsor, Md, 21. *Wishard, Frederick — b, Franklin, Ind, J1 11, 1872; PkC, 1895; WestTS, 95-7; ss, Montpelier, Ida, 97; PTS, 97-8; Indiana Dental Coll, 1901; dentist, Indianapolis, Ind; d, 18. 31. 1899 Alison, Alexander, Jr — b, London, Canada, Ag 28, 1874; HamC, 96, 99, MA; PTS, 96-9; ss, Penn Valley, Pa; ord, Pby Phila North, My 11, 99; p. South- western ch, Phila, 99-1905; p. West ch, Wilmington, Del, 05-12; p, Hyde Park ch, Chicago, 111, 12-7; p, 1st ch, Bridgeport, Conn, 17—. DD, HamC, 25. Barr, George Williamson — b, Curragh, Co Londonderry, Ireland, My 31, 1868; PTS, 96-1900; ord, Pby Choctaw, Sp 18, 00; ss, 1st ch, McAlester, Okla, 00- p, 04-6; fin sec, Indianola Coll, 06; evang, Pby Ardmore, 07-9; res, McAlester, Okla, 13-30; res, Guthrie. Beattie, Robert Brewster — b, Middletown, NY, Sp 19, 1875; UnC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Nv 23, 99; p. Broad Ave ch, Altoona, Pa, 99-1903; p, 1st ch, Franklin, 03-12; p, Munn Ave ch. East Orange, NJ, 12 — . DD, UnC, 17. Berger, Edward — b, Tuttlingen, Germany, J1 15, 1869; DickC, 96, 1925, MA; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 10, 99; p, Keyport, NJ, 99-1902; p. 1899 481 Susquehanna, Pa, 03-8; p. East Side ch, Toledo, O, 08-12; p, Graham Manor ch, Coronada, Cal, 15-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; sec, YMCA, Mobile, Ala, 19-21; lect, 21-8; ill health; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Bloch, Harry William — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 17, 1867; CNJ; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Phila, My 31, 99; p, 1st ch. Salt Lake City, Utah, 99-1902; p, Bethany ch, Chester, Pa, 02-6; p, Middletown, 06-9; p. Fox Chase, 09-23; p, St Marys, 23 — . DD, OglU, 26. Boyd, James Oscar — b, Rahway, NJ, Oc 17, 1874; NYU, 95; Butler Fell, NYU, UErl, 95-6; PTS, 96-9, BD, GS Green Fell, 99-1900; PrU, 05, PhD; ord, Pby New York, Je 3, 00; instr, OT Lit, PTS, 00-7, asst prof. Oriental & OT Lit, 07-15; p, Ch of the Redeemer, Paterson, NJ, 15-21; YMCA, war service, 18-9; sec, Arabic-Levant Agency, AmBSoc, 21-6; sec, Levant Agency, 26 — ; res, Vienna I, Austria. DD, NYU, 15. *Brearley, Edward Swayne — b, Lawrenceville, NJ, Ap 9, 1871; CNJ, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Fargo, Ja 16, 1900; ss, Mapleton, ND, 00; ss, Enderlin, Lucca & Sheldon, 01-2; ss, Mandan, 02-7; evang, Pby Bismarck, 08-9 ;p, Hopewell, NJ, 09-27; ill health; d, Lawrenceville, NJ, My 13, 29. Briggs, Henry Clay— b, Brooklyn, NY, My 4, 1872; PrU, 96, 98, MA; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Brooklyn, J1 13, 1900; asst p, 1st RefCh, Brooklyn, NY, 1900-1; St James’ PEpis ch, Callicoon, 01-2; ord, PEpis presbyter. My 25, 02; organist & choirmaster; instr, voice culture, CCyNY ; res, Brooklyn, NY. Bronson, Edwin Henry — b, Baltimore, Md, Ap 20, 1873; CNJ, 96; PTS, 96-9, BD, Archibald Robertson Scholar & NT Fell, 99-1900; ord, Pby Long Island, Ap 29, 02; ss, Bellport, NY, 02-4; p, Vienna & Lewinsville, Va, 04-6; p. Port Carbon, Pa, 07-8; p. White Haven, 08-10; p, Carteret, NJ, 10-4; p, Lower Valley ch, Califon, 14-20; p, Columbus, 20-2; p, Belvidere, 22-5; p, Andover, 25- 8; p, 1st ch, Swedesboro, 28 — . LLD, Centennial Univ, 21. Brooke, Lewis Samuel — b, Ludington, Mich, Fb 13, 1873; AlmaC, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 15, 99, ss. Elk Rapids, Mich, 99-1901; p, Howell, 01-19; ss. Mason, 20; p, Milford, 20-6; p, Mem ch, Detroit, 26— . DD, AlmaC, 16. Campbell, Colin Donald — b, Donnegan, Ont, Canada, J1 26, 1868; QuUOnt, 96; PTS, 96-9, BD; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Kootenay, Je 30, 99; ss, Strathcona, BC, Can, 99; ss, Rossland Mines, 1900; p, Stayner, Ont, 01-2; miss. New Denver, BC, 02-3; p, Hign River, Alberta, 03-4; tut; PTS, 1904-5; Fell, NT Dept, UChi, 05-6; instr. Norm Schl, Toronto, Can, 06-7; dist sec, Canadian BibSoc, Edmonton, Alberta, 08-12; superv ch extension & p, Westmont cn, do, 12-6; p, Balmoral, Man, 16-7; p, Melfort, Sask, 17-8; tea. Saskatoon, Sask, 18-9; v-prin, pub schl, Regina, do, 19 — . Cleaveland, Winheld Miller— b, Oxford, O, J1 7, 1872; MiaU, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Solomon, Ap 15, 1900; p, Herington, Kan, 99-04; p, 3d ch, Topeka, 04-8; p, 1st ch, Joplin, Mo, 08-20; asso sec, BdForMiss, 20-4; syn exec, Syn 111, 24-8; do, Syn of Pa, 28—; res, Harrisburg, Pa. DD, MiaU, 11. Combrink, Charles Edward — b, Carrollton, III, Nv 22, 1870; WabC, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 98, MA; ord, Pby Ft Wayne, Dc 14, 99; ss, Troy & Highland, 1899 482 & p, Pierceton, Ind, 99-1903; p, Ossian & Elhanan, 03-9; p, Murphysboro, III, 09- 16; p, 12th St cfi, Alton, 16-21; p, Brookston, Ind, 21-4; p. Union City, 24-6; p, Richwood, O, 26 — ; ss, Ostrander, 29 — ; res, Richwood, O. Craig, Samuel G— b, Dekalb Co, 111, Je 1, 1874; PrU, 95, 1900, MA; PTS, 96-00, BD; ord, Pby Blairsville, Dc 27, 00; p, Ebensburg, Pa, 00-9; UBer, 10- 1; p. North ch, Pittsburgh, 12-5; asso ed, Presbyterian, 15-8, contributing ed, 19-25, ed, 25-30; ed, Christianity Today, 30—; res, Princeton, NJ. DD, SW, & GrovCyC, 23. Crawford, Josiah Hughes — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 1, 1870; PrU, 96, 1900, MA; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 25, 99; p. Cream Ridge & New Egypt, NJ, 99-03; p, Mem ch. Fox Chase, Phila, Pa, 03-9; p. Central ch, Wilmington, Del, 09-20; p, Franklin St ch, Elmira, NY, 22 — . Crothers, William Heber — b, Greenfield, O, Ag 1, 1873; CWoos, 94; prof, Gk & Lat, BellvC, 94-6; PTS, 96-9; asst p, 1st ch, Greenfield, O, 99-1900; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Ap 11, 00; p, 1st ch. Ft Morgan, Col, 00-9; hm miss, Logan, Utah, 09-13; BdEdu, Assembly’s Com Evang, 13-8; asso sec, Gen Bd of Edu, New York, 18-24; p. New Providence ch, Maryville, Tenn, 24 — . DD, CWoos, 21. Dickson, Spencer Cole — b, Scranton, Pa, Fb 7, 1873; Upa, 95, 96, MA; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, Nv 28, 99; p, Point Pleasant, NJ, 99-1907; p. West Mantoloking, 01-7; p, Hopewell, 07-9; p, Bloomsburg, Pa, 09-18; p, Vineland, NJ, 18 — . Douglas, John Walkup— b, Albion, SC, Nv 9, 1876; USC; PTS, 96-7, 98-1900; AllegTS, 97-8; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 30, 01; p, Roland Park ch, Baltimore, Md, 01 — . Dunham, James Harvey — b, Jackson, NY, Nv 19, 1872; UnC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Troy, Je 2, 99; ss, Chestertown, NY, 99-1900; p. Ft Edward, 00-8; p, Westm ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 08-9; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p. Western ch, Washington, DC, 09 — . DD, UnC, 31. Dyer, William Henry — b, Westerlo, NY, Oc 30, 1859; PTS, 93-4, 96-9; asst p, Holland Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 95-6; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 19, 99; p, Audenreid, Pa, 99-1903; p, Landisburg, 03-9; p, Millerstown, 09-17; p, Blackwood, NJ, 17-21; res, Landisburg, Pa. *Eakins, John Burns — b, Foxborough, Killala Co, Mayo, Ireland, Dc 14, 1863; tea, Londonderry, 89-95; MageeC, 94, ThDept, 94-7; ss, Bethany Hall, Londonderry, Ire, 95-8; PTS, 98-9; ord, Pby St Clairsville, Oc 3, 99; p, 1st ch, St Clairsville, O, 99-1908; p, Punxsutawney, Pa, 08-15; d, Punxsutawney, Mr 24, 15. PhD, RichC, 01; DD, FrankCO, 06. *Emerson, Luther James — b, Rochester, Vt, Ja 29, 1854; UnC, 83; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Ap 16, 02; evang, Pittsburgh, Pa, 03-5; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ap 26, 10. ‘Ferguson, John Albert — b, Eversley, Ont, Canada, Sp 9, 1871; tea; UTor, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Kootenay, Ag 1, 99; miss, Selkirk Mts, BC, Can, 99-1901; p, Glenarm, Ont, 02-10; p, Belgrave, 10-5; p, Novall, 15-22; p, Winthrop, 22-7; d, Richmond, Ont, Can, Fb 13, 31. 1899 483 French, John Calvin — b, Washington, Pa, J1 14, 1874; WaynC, 9.5; CNJ, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Columbia, Ap 19, 1900; p, Cairo, NY, 00-4; p. French- town, NJ, 04-19; p, Carmichaels, Pa, 19-22; evang, Dunn’s Station, 22-8; ss, Ellsworth & Cokeburg, 28-30; ss, Mt Pleasant ch, Washington, Cokeburg & Ellsworth, 31 — ; res, Dunn’s Station, Pa. Fulton, Hugh Kerr — b, Lancaster, Pa, Ap 18, 1875; F&MC, 95, 99, MA; LanTS, 95; tea; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 24, 99; p, Perrineville, NJ, 99-1908; p, Canterbury ch, Cornwall, NY, 08-18; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p. North- minster ch, Washington, DC, 20-9; ss, France Mem ch, Rawlins, Wyo, 29—. Gantz, Albert Dale — b, Chicago, 111, Oc 25, 1872; BalCyC, 98; JHU, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby New York, Oc 22, 99; p, Scotch ch, NYCity, 99-1901; p, 1st ch, Walla Walla, Wash, 01-5; fin sec, Soc for Providing Evang Relig Lit for the Blind, NYCity, 05-10; p. New Hamburg, NY, 10-1; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Williamsbridge ch, NYCity, 11 — . Graham, Thomas Jackson — b, Madison, Ind, J1 10, 1876; HanC, 96, 99, MA; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby New Albany, My 22, 99; hm miss, Nowata, Okla, 99-1900; ss. West Union, la, 00-4; p, 1st ch, Richmond, Ind, 04-14; p, 1st ch, Fargo, ND, 14-8; supt, SDist AmerSSUn, 18-21; promotion wk, BdChrEdu & BdMinRel, 23-30; supply & promotion wk, 18 — ; res, Louisville, Ky. DD, HanC, 14. "'Grant, William Middleton — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, Ap 28, 1870; NewWC, 96; AubTS, 96-7; PTS, 97-9; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Sp 6, 99; ss, Utica, Neb, 99; p, Circleville, NY, 1900-6; p. White Haven, Pa, 06-8; p, Mill Hall, 08-9; d, Baltimore, Md, Dc 24, 09. Hall, Ernest Freeman — b, Biddeford, Me, Mr 7, 1868; UMich, 94; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 9, 99; p. So Amboy, NJ, 99-1900; asst p, 5th Ave ch, NYCity, 00-2; miss, Fusan, Korea, 03-5; Seoul, 05-9; sec, BdForMiss, 09 — ; res, NYCity. DD, OccC, 14. "‘Harnish, Walter Keller — b, Alexandria, Pa, Ap 8, 1869; F&MC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Nv 23, 99; p, Lower & Middle Tuscarora, Pa, 99-1903; p, Spring Creek, Pine Grove & Buffalo Run, 03-14; p, Sinking Valley & Lower Spruce Creek, 14-32; d, Tyrone, Pa, Nv 27, 32. Harrington, Marshall — b, Logan, O, My 12, 1871; PrU, 93, 98, MA; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Lima, Oc 3, 99; p, Rockford, O, 99-1905; p, Marysville, 05-10; p, Dansville, NY, 10-7; sec Evang, Syn NJ, 17-27; asst p, 1st ch, Newark, 27-30; p, Central ch, Dayton, O, 30—. DD, BlacC, 21. "■Hench, Elmer Ethridge Ellsworth — b, Eshcol, Pa, My 13, 1861; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 7, 99; p, 1st ch, Walsenburg & La Veta, Col, 1900-4; ss, Waitsburg, Wash, 04-5; ss, Bethany, 05-7; p, Palouse, 07-9; p, Knox ch, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Can, 10-5; p, Brighton, Mich, 15-20; p, Ubly & Fraser, 20-5; ss, 1st ch, Black Diamond, Wash, 25-8; d, Everett, Fb 18, 30. Hilton, John George — b, Belfast, Ireland, Oc 31, 1868; UnC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Albany, Je 13, 99; ss. White City, Kan, 99-1901; p, Mankato, 02-3; p, Beloit, 03-9; p, Concordia, 09-13; p, Webb City, Mo, 13 — . DD, Westin CMo, 22. 484 1899 Jacobs, Thornwell— b, Clinton, SC, Fb 15, 1877; PresbCSC, 94, 95, MA; tea; PTS, 96-9; PrlJ, 99, MA; ord, evang, Pby Roanoke, Ag 25, 99; ss, Martins- ville, Va, 99; p, 1st ch, Morganton, NC, 1900-2; vice-pres, Thornwell Coll for Orphans, Clinton, SC, 02-4; ed, Taylor-Trotwood Magazine, Nashville, Tenn, 04; pres, OglU, 09—. LittD, PresbCSC, 26; LLD, ONU, 14. Janeway, George Jacob — b. New Brunswick, NJ, Oc 29, 1874; RutU, 95, 99, MA; NETS, 95-7; PTS, 97-9; New Brunswick, NJ ; ill health; res. New Bruns- wick, NJ. *Kennedy, Edward Loudoun — b. East Mauch Chunk, Pa, Mr 28, 1871; LafC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ja 31, 1900; p, Warrenham & Little Meadows, Pa, 99-05; p, Everett & Wells Tannery, 05-8; p, Saxton, Schellsburg & Mann’s Choice, 08-9; p. Wells Valley, 09-11; p, Bigler & Pine Grove, 11-4; p. Mill Village, 14-5; p, Shirleysburg & Orbisonia, 15-8; p. Linden, 18; p, Portland & LIpper Mountain Bethel, 21-30; d, Easton, Pa, My 6, 30. Klaer, Harvey — b, Milford, Pa, Dc 31, 1874; LafC, 96, 99, MA; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 98, MA; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 1, 99; ss. Olivet miss, Easton, Pa, 98-9; p. Olivet ch, Easton, 99-1913; p. Covenant ch, Harrisburg, 13-24; sec. Fed Chs, Harrisburg, 20-4; asso dir Evang, Bd Nat Miss, 24 — ; res. East Orange, NJ. DD, LafC, 26. *Kline, Nelson Burrett — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 29, 1868; YorkCI, 95, 95-6; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Aberdeen, J1 19, 99; ss, Garry, SD, 99-1901; ss, Langford, 01-2; p, 1st ch, Gary, 02-4; p, Armagh & Seward, Pa, 04-8; p, Fairton, NJ, 09-10; p, 2d ch. Fort Collins, Col, 10-3; p, Spangler & ss, Marstella & Emigh, Pa, 14-7; p, Fairton, NJ, 18-22; p, Penningtonville ch, Atglen, Pa, 22-9; d, Atglen, Ag 11, 29. *Linton, Samuel Thomas — b, Crosshill, Co Londonderry, Ireland, Dc 12, 1873; UStAnd, 95, ThDept, 95-8; Original Secession Hall, Glasgow; PTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 5, 99; p. East Kishacoquillas ch, Reedsville, Pa, 99-1901; p, Ridley Park, 01-16; d, Ridley Park, Ja 10, 16. Lowrie, Clinton Woods — b, Gorham, NY, Ja 16, 1873; BellvC, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Niobrara, Oc 4, 99; ss, Madison, Neb, 99-1900; UEdin, 00; OxU, 01; ss, 1st ch, Lincoln, Neb, 01; ss, Holdredge, 02; p, Clouquet, Minn, 03-13; p, Westm ch, Des Moines, la, 14-6; USArmy, 18-9; p, Bethany ch, Detroit, Mich, 16-25; p, Fullerton Ave ch, Chicago, 111, 25-8; ss, 1st ch, Aurora, 28-9; p. Baker Park ch, Seattle, Wash, 29 — . *Lowrie, Walter — b. Warrior’s Mark, Pa, Dc 31, 1872; CNJ, 94; tea, Alle- gheny Inst, Roanoke, Va, 94-5; PTS, 96-9; ord evang, Pby Huntingdon, Je 6, 99; asst. Central ch, NYCity, 99-1901; drowned. Fort Green Bay, Newport, RI, Ag 29, 01. *Manifold, Samuel Dougherty — b. Frosty Hill, York Co, Pa, Mr 3, 1871; LafC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Westminster, Oc 17, 99; p, 1st ch, Strasburg, Pa, 99-1915; d. Woodbine, Mr 13, 15. Manifold, William James — b. New Freedom, Pa, Mr 12, 1870; LafC, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Lehigh, Nv 9, 99; p, Tamaqua, Pa, 99-1902; ss, Ashton, 111, 02-4; ss, Yates City, 04-8; ss, Wilson Creek, Wash, 08-11; ss. 1899 4^5 Seattle, 11-3; ss, Quilcene, 13-8; ss, Waitsburg, 18-9; p, Polock, SD, 19-23; ss, Plover, la, 23-7; p, Troy Grove, 111, 27-31; evang, Earlville & Mendota, 31 — ; res, Mendota, 111. * Martin, Samuel — b, Leeds, NY, J1 13, 1869; LafC, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 98, MA; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Nv 23, 99; p, Windber, Pa, 99-1908; p. State College, 08- 30, p em, 30 — ; res. State College, Pa. DD, LafC, 29. McKean, Frank Chalmers — b, Evans, Col, J1 7, 1874; LenC, 94; tea; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 1902, MA; ord, Pby Dubuque, Sp 20, 99; p, 1st ch, Holton, Kan, 00-5; p, 1st ch, Salina, 05-10; p, 1st ch, Winfield, 10-3; p. Central ch, Des Moines, la, 13-24; p, 1st ch, Spokane, Wash, 24-30; p, W Hollywood, Cal, 31 — . DD, LenC, 07. McNeill, Joseph — b, Inverkip, Scotland, Je 5, 1870; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 27, 99; ss, Piercefield, NY, 1900-3; p, Beresford, Roselind & Little Louris, Can, 08-9; ss, Loveland, Col, 14-5; ss,' Estes Park, 15-6; res, Stamford, Neb; YMCA, war service; ss, Pratt City & Wylam, Ala, 21-6; p, Livingstone, Que, Can, 27—. Miller, Charles Henry — b, Greenvdlle, Pa, Ap 26, 1870; LafC, 96, 98, MA; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 1900, MA; ord, Pby Lehigh, Fb 9, 1900; p, 1st ch, Catasauqua, Pa, 00-16; p. Highland Park ch, Denver, Col, 16-25; p. Calvary ch, San Diego, Cal, 29-. Milner, John — b, Cahaba Valley, Ala, Dc 11, 1872; UAla, 96; PTS, 96- 9; ord, Pby Cherokee, Ap 13, 1900; p, Roswell, Ga, 00-1; ill health; res, Columbi- ana, Ala, 02-7; p, Sylacauga, 07-8; p. So Macon ch, Macon, Ga, 09-10; miss, Ensley, Ala, 10; miss, Wylam & Brighton, 11-5; miss, Fairview ch, Birmingham, 15; p, Wylam, 16-20; ill health; ss, Columbiana, Ala, 24-30; cy miss, Birmingham, 31-. Morley, George Raymond — b, Oskaloosa, Kan, Sp 24, 1875; CEmpo, 96, 99, MA; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 5, 99; ss. Corning & Vermillion, Kan, 99-1900; ss. Spring Hill & Stanley, 00-1; p, Edgerton, 01-3; p, Ellinwood, 03-5; p, Mankato, 05-8; p. La Junta, Col, 08-10; ss, Penrose, 10-4; p, Elizabeth, 14-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; oc s, Denver, 19-24; p, Leadville, 24-7; p. Community ch, Buena Vista, 27-8; p, Milliken, 28; oc s, Denver, 28 — . Odell, Owen Davies — b, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 22, 1876; Mason Coll, Birming- ham, Eng, 95; ss, Langhorne, Pa, 95-6; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Dubuque, Sp 20, 99; p, 2d (Westminster) ch, Dubuque, la, 99-1902; p, 2d ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 02-21; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Sewickley, Pa, 21 — . DD, WabC, 12. Patton, Charles Edgar — b, Altoona, Pa, Ag 25, 1869; PrU, 96, 98, MA; PTS, 96-9; asst p, Bethany ch, Phila, Pa, 98; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 6, 99; miss. Canton, China, 99-1901, Yeung Kong, 01-7, Ko-Chau, 08-19, v-chairman & exec sec, China Council, Shanghai, 20 — . Reeve, Edward Charles — b, Hopkinton, la, Je 12, 1874; tea; LenC, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Kearney, Sp 13, 99; ss. North Loup & Mira Valley, Neb, 99-1901; p, Disston Mem ch, Tacony, Phila, Pa, 02-9; p, Clearfield, 09- . DD, LenC, 10. Robinson, Richard Lee — b, Lancaster, SC, Oc 31, 1872; ErskC, 92; tea. 1899 486 McConnelsville, SC, 92-3; prin, Oak Hill, Ala, 93-6; PTS, 96-9; ss, AssoRefP chs, Louisville & Millersburg, Ky, 98; ord AssoRefP, 1st Pby, Oc 12, 1900; ss, Camden, Ala, 99-09; p, Lancaster, SC, 09-10; pres. Woman’s Coll, Due West, SC, 10-28, prof. Ethics, 11-24; v-pres, dean, &*prof. Bib Lit, ErskC, 28 — •. DD, ErskC, 11. Seyfert, William Tecumseh Sherman — b, Reading, Pa, Je 2, 1868; LafC, 96, 99, MA; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 1903, MA; ord, Pby Philadelphia, My 29, 00; p, Berkeley Springs, WVa, 00-2; asst p, 2d ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 03-5; p, Weatherly, Pa, 05-11; ss, Lockridge ch, Alburtis, 12; p, Palmerton, 13; p, Renovo, 14-23; ill health; res, Reading, Pa. *Sidebotham, Richard Henry — b, Biggleswade, Bedford, England, Oc 14, 1874; AlmaC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 18, 99; miss, Taiku, Korea, 99-1900, Fusan, 00-7; d, Lapeer, Mich, Dc 3, 1908. Simanton, Thomas McCauley — b, Vienna, NJ, Ap 24, 1872; LafC, 96, 99, MA; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Elizabeth, J1 7, 99; p. Lower Valley ch, Califon, NJ, 99-1903; p, RefChAm, Peapack, 03-13; p, Presb ch, Chester, 13- 20; p. Pleasant ville, 20 — . Snitcher, Homer Clay — b, Greenwich, NJ, J1 2, 1869; PrU, 96, 98, MA; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 22, 99; p, 1st ch, Berthoud, Col, 99-1903; ss. Laurel Springs, NJ, 03-4; p, 2d ch, Wyalusing, Pa, 04-22; p. Camp Hill, 22 — . Sonne, August Whitman — b, Idar, Prussia, Germany, Ja 7, 1870; WabC, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Vincennes, J1 27, 99; p, Sullivan, Ind, 99- 1902; p, Greencastle, 02-7; p, Vincennes, 07-10; p, Flemington, NJ, 10-22; p. West ch, Wilmington, Del, 22-6; p, 2d ch, Portland, Me, 26-30; p, Elmwood ch. East Orange, NJ, 30 — . DD, WabC, 21. Spriggs, Samuel Robert — b, Sydling, Dorsetshire, England, Nv 25, 1871 ; CNJ, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Otsego, Ap 27, 99; miss. Point Barrow, Alaska, 99-1908; ss. Bethel, NY, 09-14; ill health; res, Asbury Park, NJ. Stone, Franklin Dudley — b, Negaunee, Mich, Ap 22, 1870; WabC; CNJ; PTS, 96-9, 1900, BD; lie, Pby Lake Superior, Sp 16, 99; PrU, 1900, MA; p. Thief River Falls, Minn, 00-2; p, Woonsocket, SD, 02; ed, Estelline, 02-7; ed, Harting- ton. Neb, 07-14; probation officer. Cedar Co, 14 — ; res, Hartington, Neb. Taggart, Thomas Reber — b, Hazleton, Pa, Ag 13, 1869; BuckU, 96; ss. Trout Run & Bodines, Pa, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 24, 99; p, Bridgeville, Del, 99-1902; ss. Lower Providence ch, Norristown, Pa, 02- p, 03-7; ss, Lewistown, Mont, 07-8; p, Ebensburgh, Pa, 10-3; ss, 1st ch, Cedarville, NJ, 14- 6; ss, Groton, SD, 16-9; ss, Salem, NJ, 20-4; p, 1st ch. Pitman, 24 — . ■"Vail, Harry Burl — b, Logan, O, Dc 26, 1870; CWoos, 96; PTS, 96-9; PrU, 99, MA; ord, Pby Athens, Sp 13, 99; ss, ,Belpre, O, 99-1902; p, Delhi, 02-7; p. South Salem, 07-12; p, Juniata ch, Altoona, Pa, 12-6; p. Calvary ch. Canton, O, 16-20; p. Sterling, Col, 20-3; p, Maderia, O, 24-7; p, Ironton, 27-32; d, Ironton, O, Mr 2, 32. Watson, Charles Roger — b, Cairo, Egypt, J1 17, 1873; CNJ, 94; instr, OU, 94-5; instr, CNJ, 95-6; PTS, 95-6, 98, 99; instr, Lawrenceville, NJ, 96-7; AllegTS, 97-8; miss, 5th Ward, Allegheny, Pa, 99-1900; ord UP, Pby Allegheny, 1899 487 Jl 26, 00; p, 1st ch, St Louis, Mo, 00-2; cor sec, UP BdForMiss, Phila, Pa, 02-16, hon sec, 16-22; sec & pres el, AmUCairo, 14-22, pres, 22 — . DD, PrU, 31. ♦Wells, William Henry— b, Reading, Pa, Dc 12, 1871; LafC, 96, 99, MA; PTS, 96-9; ss, Westm ch. West Chester, Pa, 97-8; ord, Pby Phila North, Jl 11, 99; p, 1st ch, Olney, Phila, 99-1932; d, Phila, Pa, Dc 28, 32. DD, LafC, 21. Whittles, Thomas Davis — b, Bardsley, Lancashire, England, Dc 27, 1873; WaynC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Mankato, Oc 11, 99; ss, Woodstock, Minn, 99-1900; ss, Grandin, ND, & Hendrum, Minn, 00-3; p, Fergus Falls, 03-9; p. North East, Pa, 09-16; supt. Logging Camp Miss, BdHmMiss, 16-8; ss, Duluth, Minn, 18-25; p, 1st ch, Eau Claire, Wis, 25 — . DD, WaynC, 16, LittD, 30. ♦Wiersum, Harry John — b, Chicago, 111, Je 14, 1874; HopeC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord evang, RefChAm, Cl Wisconsin, Jl 21, 99; miss, Bahrein & Muscat, Arabia, 99-1900; Busrah, 00-1; d, Busrah, Arabia, Ag 3, 01. Williams, George Franklin — b, Summersettle, Mich, Dc 17, 1870; UOma, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Omaha, Sp 20, 99; p, Bancroft, Neb, 99-1902; p, Seward, 02-5; p, Lexington, 05-9; res. North Platt, 09-12; p, Columbus, 12-5; p, Shelton, 15-8; sec, YMCA, Houston, Tex; res, Kingsville, Tex. ♦Wilson, Gilbert Livingstone — b, Clifton, O, Oc 5, 1868; WittC, 96; PTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Red River, Oc 11, 99; p, Moorhead, Minn, 99-1902; ss, Mandan, ND, 02-4; p, Langdon, 04-7; p, Shiloh ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 07-17; p, Stillwater, 17»20; prof, Soc, MacalC, 20-5; oc s, Minn, 25-7; p, Lexington Parkway ch, St Paul, Minn, 27-30; d, St Paul, Je 9, 30. 68. ♦Annand, Edward Ernest -b, Halifax, NS, Canada, Oc 8, 1870; DalhU, 93; SFTS, 95-8; grad stu, PTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Stockton, Oc 22, 99; hm miss, Columbia & stations. Cal, 99; miss. Harmony & North River, Can, 1902-3; p, Coburb Road ch, Halifax, 03-6; FreeChCGlas, 06-7; p, Plumas ch, Mani, Can, 08-12; p, Mekewin, 12-7; p, Binscarth, Foxwarren & Bayfield, 17-22; miss. Car- son, 22; p, Loisevaine, 23-5; p, Dundalk & Ventry, Ont, 25-30; p. Port Perry & Utica, 30-2; d, Toronto, Can, My 8, 32. Baumgarten, Hoffman Thompson — b, Dansville, NY, Ja 5, 1872; HamC, 96; PTS, 96-7; McCTS, 97-9; lie, Pby Steuben, Ap 17, 1900; lie revoked at own request, Ap 16, 01; bus & tut, 01-22; stu. Eastern Coll of Chiropractic, Newark, NJ, 22-4, D of Chir; chiropractor, 24 — ; res, Hornell, NY. Boyle, Robert Alexander — b, Gallonie, Co Derry, Ireland, Nv 11, 1865; MageeC, 87; AsC; PTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, Nv 2, 99; p, Hagerstown, Md, 99-1916; p, Wicomico ch, Salisbury, 16-30; p, 1st ch, Catasauqua, Pa, 30 — . Choate, Alfred — b, London, England, Ag 21, 1872; Drexellnst, Phila, Pa, 96; RefPTS(GS), 96-7; PTS, 97-8;— ♦Clayton, Francis Treadway — b, Brooklyn, NY, Jl 3, 1875; NYU, 96; PTS, 96-7 ; UnTS, 1900; ord, Pby Rochester, My 10, 1900; asst p, 3d ch, Rochester, NY, 00-3; p, 1st Cong ch, Willamstown, Mass, 04-9; dean & prof, Phil & Eng Lit, 1899 488 RolC, 09-11; stu, HarvU, 11-2; prin, Proctor Acad, Andover, NH, 12-9; asst supt schls, Concord, 19-23; d. Concord, NH, J1 29, 23. *Crossland, George Edwin — b, Zanesville, O, Mr 29, 1871; WRC; CWoos; PTS, 96-7; ord Cong, Ja 16, 1900; act p, Owassa, Mich, 97-8; p, Cincinnati, la, 99-1900; p, Olivet ch, Kansas City, Mo, 00-2; p, Aurora, 02-3; d, Aurora, Mo, Dc 6, 1903. Doty, William Furman — b, Brooklyn, NY, Dc 1, 1870; CNJ, 96; PTS, 96-7, 01-2; miss & US Govt tea, St Lawrence Is, Alaska, 97-8; hm miss, Enderlin & Lucen, ND, 98-9; miss & tea, St Lawrence Is, Alaska, 99; miss, Tahiti, Society Is, 1900; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Sp 23, 02; Am consul, 02 — ; res, Newcastle-on- Tyne, Eng. Dunn, Alexander — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, Dc 17, 1870; ManiC, 96, ThDept, 96-7; PTS, 97-8; ord, Pby Winnipeg, Can, Oc 11, 98; p, Shuswap, Can, 99; p, Moyie, 1900; p, Morissey, BC, 02-3; p, St Andrew’s, Calgary, 07; miss, Indore, India, 08-12; supt, Hm Miss, New Westminster, BC, Can, 13-6: res. New Westminster, 17 — . Ferguson, George Osman — b, Peoria, III, Sp 11, 1863; IllWesU, 94; Garrett Bib Inst, Evanston, 111, 95; PTS, 96-7; — Frith, William Barnes— b, NYCity, Sp 14, 1871; NYU, 96; PTS, 96-8; AubTS, 98-1900; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 20, 00; ss. Brasher Falls, NY, 00-1; ss, Manchester, SD, 02-5; p, Amwell, NJ, 05-12; p, Munsey, Pa, 12-4; p, Tioga, 14-7; p, Pembroke, NY, 17-8; ss, Deerville, O, 18-27; ss, Breakabeen, NY, 27 — . Fruit, Walter Richard— b, Clarksville, Pa, Sp 24, 1875; MtUnC, 96; PTS, 96-7; BosUST, 97-9, STB; ss, Sidnaw, Mich, 99-1900; p, St Ignace, 00-2; ord ME eld, Sp 8, 01; p, Painesdale, 02-4; p, Houghton, 04-9; p, Preston ch, Detroit, Mich, 09-14; p. Holmes Mem ch, do, 14-7; dist supt, Detroit Dist, 17-20; p. Grand River Ave ch, Detroit, 20-3; p, Court St ch, Flint, 23-31; dist supt, Detroit Dist, 31 — . DD, MtUnC, 14. Giboney, Ezra Peabody — b, Vernon, Ind, Ja 25, 1875; HanC, 96, 1902, MA; PTS, 96-7; WestTS, 97-9, BD; ord, Pby Walla Walla, Oc 5, 99; ss, Lewis- ton, Ida, 99-14; Europe & Palestine; p, 1st ch. Great Falls, Mont, 04-14; p, Madrona ch, Seattle, Wash, 14-8; YMCA, war service, 18-21; asst p, 1st ch, Seattle, Wash, 21-9; exec sec. Am White Cross, 29-30; ss, Foster, Wash, 30- p, 31 — ; res, Seattle, Wash. DD, MontC, 14. Gordon, William Eli — b, Scroggsfield, O, Ap 4, 1864; tea; bus, Omaha, Neb, 90-2; RichC, 96, 99, MA; PTS, 96-7; XenTS, 97-9; ord UP, Pby College Springs, Nv 21, 99; p, York, Mo, 99-1903; p, Morgan Hill, Cal, 03-9; ss. East Side ch, Everett, Wash, 14-7; p, Ewart, la, 17-9; ss, Des Moines, 19-20; p, Hepburn, 20-8; ss. Pretty Prairie, Kan, 30 — . Gould, Franklin Lewis — b, Scotland Co, Mo, Nv 3, 1870; ord CumbP, Pby Mackinaw (Lincoln), Ag 26, 94; ss, Girard, 111, 95-6; LincC, 96, 1914, MA; PTS, 96-8; ss, Plainsboro, NJ, 96-8; CumbU, ThDept, 98-9, BD; ss, Cumber- land, O, 99-01; ss, Leroy, 111, 01-2; ss. Blue Mound, 02-4; ss, Boonville, Ind, 04-6; ss, Allerton, 111, 06-8; ss, Herrin, 08-9; ss. Fancy Prairie, 09-12; ss, Chatam, 1899 4^9 12-3; ss, Cisco, 13-4; ss, Table Grove, 14-6; ss, Timewell, 16-20; ss, Allerton, 20-2; ss, Greenfield, 22-5; p. Flora, 25-8; p, Warsaw, 28 — . Hamilton, John Sherman — b, Ada, O, Dc 20, 1870; AdaC, 95; PTS, 96-7; ord, Pby Lima, Ap 13, 98; ss, Shreve, O, 99-1901; ss, E Liverpool, 02; p. New Cumberland, WVa, 03-4; evang, E Cleveland, O, 05-24; evang, Winona Lake, Ind, 25 — . Jamieson, Samuel Dawson — b, Inverness, Que, Canada, Fb 5, 1864; McGU; PresbC, 95-8; grad stu, PTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Bruce, Oc 28, 99; p. West Arran & Dunblane, Can, 99-1902; p, Newbury & Wardsville, Ont, Can, 02-9; p, Thornbury & Heathcote, 10-20; p, Windham & Delhi, 21-5; p. Tilbury East, Valetta Dov’er & New St Andrew’s chs, res. Merlin, 26-31; res. Merlin, Ont, 32—. *Jamieson, William John — b, Inverness, Que, Can, Mr 28, 1861; PresbC, 90; ord, Pby Quebec, Oc 23, 90; miss, India, 90-8; grad stu, PTS, 98-9; deputation miss work, 98-1900; p. Oil Springs & Oil City, Can, 00-6; miss. Prince’s Town, Trinidad, BWI, 06-15; d. Prince’s Town, Nv 20, 15. PhD, GaleC, 02. Jones, George Wesley — b, Petersburg, Va, My 2, 1871; RMC; PTS, 96-7; ord ME dea, Nv 15, 96; ord eld, Nv 20, 98; p. Cape Charles, Va, 97-9; p. Trinity ch, Norfolk, 99-1903; p. Park Place ch, Norfolk, 03-7; p. Clay St ch, Richmond, 07-9; p, McKendree ch, Norfolk, 09-12; presiding eld, Norfolk dist, 13-7; p, Mem ch, Lynchburg, 17-8; p. Monument ch, Richmond, 18-21; Richmond dist, 21-5; Norfolk dist, 25-9; Richmond dist, 29-31; p, Mt Vernon ch, Danville, 31 — . Jopling, Robert Ware — b, Bedford City, Va, My 11, 1870; W&LU, 93; bus, 93-5; UnTSVa, 95-8; grad stu, PTS, 98-9, BD; PrU, 99, M.^; ord, Pby Montgomery, Oc 7, 1900; p, Glen Wilton & Galatia, Va, 00-6; p. Red Springs, NC, 05-11; p. University ch, Austin, Tex, 11-20; p, 1st ch, Lancaster, SC, 20—. *Kistler, Adolphus — b, Schussenried, Wiirtemberg, Germany, Je 18, 1864; SWPresbU, 90; UnTSVa, 90-2; ord, Pby St Louis, Sp 28, 92; evang, Madison, 111, 92-3; p, Festus, Mo, 92-8; grad stu, PTS, 98-9; p, Brownsburg & New Hope, Pa, 99-1900; p, Albany, Tex, 00-2; p, Barberton, O, 02-4; Europe, 04-5; p. Cape Girardeau, Mo, 05-10; p. Central ch, Bristol, Tenn, 10-7; p, 1st ch, Vincennes, Ind, 17-25; d, NYCity, Dc 20, 25. DD, KingC, 13. Lampe, William Edmund — b, Frederick, Md, My 23, 1875; PrU, 96, 98, MA, 1907-8, PhD; PTS, 96-8; LanTS, 98-9; ord RefChUS, Cl Maryland, Ja 5, 1900; miss & prof. North Japan Coll, Sendai, Japan, 00-5; miss, Sendai, 05-7; sec. Laymen’s Miss Mvmt, Phila, Pa, 08-16; sec, Un Miss & Stewardship Com, 14-26; exec sec. Exec Com Gen Synod, 26 — ; res, Phila, Pa. Logan, Charles Alexander — b, Shelbyville, Ky, Nv 14, 1874; CntlU, 93; tea, Jackson, Ky, 93-6; LouisvPTS, 96-7, 98-9; PTS, 97-8; ord, Pby West Lex- ington, J1 2, 99; p, Jackson, Ky, 99-1901; ss, Wilmore, 01-2; miss, Tokushima, Japan, 02 — . DD, WestmCMo. Lower, William Barnes — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 9, 1868; BellvC, 92, 97, .M.A; prin, High Schl, Bellevue, Neb, 92-.5; OniaTS, 95-8; grad stu, PTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Phila North, My 10, 99; p, 1st ch, Bridgeport, Pa, 99-1901; p. Calvary ch, 490 1899 Wyncote, 01-17; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Holy Trinity ch, Phila, 17 — . DD, LenC, 04. Magee, Carl Ambrose — b, Plain Grove, Pa, Dc 2, 1871; GrovCyC, 95; PTS, 96-7; lie UP, Pby Butler; lie recalled, Pby Lima, Oc 19, 1903; McKees- port, Pa; Phila; — Magee, Samuel George — b. Plain Grove, Pa, Ap 26, 1869; GrovCyC, 95; WestTS; PTS, 96-7; lawy, Bartlesville, Okla; res. Slippery Rock, Pa, 1923—. McElroy, Robert McNutt — b, Perryville, Ky, Dc 28, 1872; PrU, 96, Fell in Hist, 97, MA, Fell in Soc Science, 97-8, instr, AmHist, 98-1901; PTS, 96-7; asst prof. Am Hist, PrU, 01-9, prof, 09-25; prof. Am Hist, OxU, 25 — . PhD, PrU, 1900; LLD, St John’s Univ, Shanghai, China, 21; MA, OxU, 25. Merrell, Vincent Palen — b, Lynchburg, Va, Oc 4, 1874; HSC, 92-4; PTS, 96-7; sec, YMCA, USArmy, 98; UnTSVa, 98-1901; ss, Greenwich Group, Va, 01-2; ss, Thomasville Group, Ala, 02; ord, Pby Paducah, Sp 18, 03; p, Prince- ton Group, Ky, 02-5; p, Prattville, Ala, 05-7; p. Vine St ch, Birmingham, 07-12; p, Lebanon, Ky, 12-9; YMCA, war service, 18-9; ss, Hinton, WVa, 19-20; p, Jefferson City, Tenn, 20-1; p, Henderson, Ky, 21-4; p, Frankfort, 24-8; p, Cynthiana, 28 — . Norton, William — b, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 28, 1867; PTS, 96; bus mgr & sec, Bible Inst Colp Assn, Chicago, 111, 97- ; dept ed. The Moody Bib Inst Monthly, 1900 — ; res, Chicago, 111. Pratt, Harry Hey — b, Salem, 111, Dc 14, 1867; ss, Lincoln, Kan, 95; CEmpo, 96, 97, MA; ss, Oberlin, Kan, 96; PTS, 96-7; SFTS, 97-9; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 7, 99; Penningtonville ch, Atglen & Latta Mem ch, Christiana, Pa, 1901-2; p, Forbes ch, Portland, Ore, 02-16; res, Portland, Ore. *Roberts, Robert Peters — b, Conway, NWales, Je 5, 1867; UEdin; TrinC Dub; HamC, 96; PTS, 96-7; Wales; Epis; cur, Bangor-is-y-Coed; rec, Lland- doget; d, Llanddoget, Wales, 1906. ■"Robson, George McCrea — b, Craigadick, Co Derry, Ireland, Je 8, 1865; TrinCDub, 91, 91-3; PTS, 96-7; Int Corr Schl, Scranton, Pa, 97-1901; d, Clinton Forge, Va, J1 12, 01. ■"Santilli, Felix dei Baroni — b, San Lorenzo di Beffi, Aquila, Italy, Nv 25, 1865; Aquila Coll, Italy, 89; tea, Italy, 90-3; miss & tea, Hazleton, Pa, 93; miss & tea, Roseto, 93-5; PTS, 95-6, 97-8; NTS; miss, Phila, Pa, 96-8; ord, Pby Lehigh, Oc 19, 98; ss, Phila, 98-1904; ss, 1st Italian Presb ch, Phila, 1904-7; prof, Italian, Berlitz Schl of Lang, Phila, 00-3; prof, Italian, Teachers’ Inst, Phila, 03-6; evang, Pby Chester; res, Phila, 07-11; res, Chester, 12-31; d, Chester, Pa, Mr 7, 31. ■"Scott, John Thomas — b. Island Creek, O, J1 16, 1865; RichC, 92, instr. Math, 88-96, 1901, PhD; PTS, 97-9; ord, Pby Steubenville, Je 15, 99; p, Buffalo Run, Bald Eagle & Lick Run, Pa, 99-02; p, Frankfort Springs, 02-6; p, Lamington ch, Somerville, NJ, 06-14; p, Jeffersonville, Pa, 14-9; p, 1st ch, Philipsburg, 19-26; d, Philipsburg, Je 2, 26. Scott, Robert George — b. King, Ont, Canada, Oc 13, 1866; UTor, 96; 1899-1900 401 PTS, 96-7; KxCTor, 97-9; ord, Pby Portage La Prairie, Sp 15, 99; miss, Mac- donald, Man, Can, 99; p. Dauphin, 1900-3; miss, Sifton, 03-8; Manitoba Med Coll, 06-10, MD; miss, Wakaw, Sask, 08-10; med miss, Wakaw, 10—. DD, KxCTor, 25. Simons, Enos Ray — b. Byberry, Pa, Mr 7, 1871; GeneC, 93-4; CNJ, 95; PTS, 96-7; West Ky Coll, Mayfield, Ky, 97, hon BA; evang; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 18, 1901 ; p, Warfordsburg & Buck Valley, Pa, 01-2; p, Sutersville & Mt Vernon, 04-7; p. Great Valley ch, Malvern, 07-10; p, 3d ch, Phila, 10-3; p, 2d ch, Camden, NJ, 13-7; YMCA, war service, 17-9; supt. Welfare wk, Albert Barnes Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 19-22; p, 1st ch, Elmer, NJ, 22-8; ill health; res, Phila, Pa. Simpson, James — b, Dubuque, la, Ja 13, 1858; PTS, 96-7; bus; — Sterrett, Walter Brooks — b. Oil City, Pa, Ap 25, 1876; W&JC, 95, 98, MA; tea; WestTS, 96-7; PTS, 97-8; tea, Parkersburg, WVa, 1901; ord, Pby Parkers- burg, Oc 14, 02; p, Beulah & Elizabeth, WVa, 02-5; p, Winfield, 05-7; dropped from roll, Ap 10, 07; tea, 06—; res, Carnegie, Pa. Stough, Charles D -b, Ponca, Neb, Nv 23, 1874; MidK', 96; PTS, 96-8; bus; res, Spokane, Wash. Tibbals, Edward Lester— b, NYCity, Ap 10, 1871; PTS, 95-8; UnTS, 98- 1900; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 10, 00; p, Homecrest ch, Brooklyn, NY, 00 — . Vaughn, Arthur Peirce — b, Marion, la, Oc 23, 1877; LenC, 93, MA; trav; OmaTS, 96-7; PTS, 98; ord, Pby Pueblo, Je 14, 99; p. Hooper, Col, 99-1901; p, Lamar, Col, 02-4; miss, Japan, 04-7; instr, MG, ThDept, 04-5; do, Imper Norm Schl, Sapporo, 07; instr. Hist & Soc, UIda, 07-9; ss. Las Cruces, NM, 09-10; ed & pub. Pacific Presbyterian, San Francisco, Cal, 10-4; p, El Montecito ch, Santa Barbara, 14-7; Chatauqua wk, 17; p, 1st ch, Salem, Mo, 17-8; ss, 1st ch. Fort Myers, Fla, 19; ss, Manhattan ch, El Paso, Tex, 23-4; ss, Arcadia, Fla, 24-5; p. Union Cong ch, Avon Park, 26 — . DD, LenC, 08. Vroom, John Harry — b, Scranton, Pa, Sp 14, 1868; tea; PTS, 96-8; ss, 1st ch miss, Camden, NJ, 96; auth & lect; res, Kensington, Phila, Pa. White, Samuel Ernest Paul — b, Ashland, O, Ja 1, 1870; CWoos, 96; PTS, 96-7; McCTS, 97-9, MA; ord, Pby St Cloud, Je 29, 99; p, Harrison, Minn, 99-1902; ss, Kerkhoven, Murdock, Lauriston & Pennock, 02-3; p, Lakefield, 03-5; p, Bemidji, 05-15; p. Central ch, Longmont, Col, 15-20; Logging Camp Missions, Wash, 20-7; p, Onalaska, 27 — . DD, CWoos, 15. Williams, William Henry— b, NYCity, My 27, 1876; CCyNY, 96; PTS, 96- 9; ord, WelshP, Pby New York, Oc 21, 99; p, Ebensburg & N Ebensburg, Pa, 99-1904; p, 1st Cong ch. New Cambria, Mo, 04-7; p, Welsh Presb ch, Cincinnati, O, 08-17; p. Warrior Run, Pa, 17-21; p, Carmel ch, Pittsburgh, 21 — . 43. 1900 Asmus, Theodore John — b. Galena, 111, Sp 1, 1872; UDubq, 97; DubqTS, 97- 9; PTS, 99-1900; ord, F’by Niobrara, Nv 13, 00; ss, Coleridge, Neb, 00-1; ss, Monroe, 01-3; ss, Osmond, 03-4; ss, Bronson, la, 04-5; p, Hull, 05-8; p, Carson, 492 1 900 08-12; p, Hamburg, 13-5; p, Osceola, Neb, 16-8; res, Le Mars, la, 18-21; res, Sioux City, 22 — . Brenneman, Frank Solomon — b, Mercer Co, Pa, My 5, 1872; PrU, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby West Jersey, J1 5, 00; p, Greenwich, NJ, 00-3; p, Taren- tum. Pa, 03-6; p, Concord ch, Carrick, 06-11; p. Bethel ch, Washington, 11-6; p, Sturgis, Mich, 16-7; YMCA, war service, 18-9; bus, 19 — ; res. New Castle, Pa. Brown, Henry Seymour — b, Rochester, NY, Nv 2, 1875; UTex, 97; PTS, 97- 1900; asst p. South Park ch, Newark, NJ, 00-2; ord, Pby Newark, Fb 21, 01; asst p. Tabernacle ch, Phila, Pa, 02-3; p, 1st ch, E Aurora, NY, 03-6; p, 1st ch. East Cleveland, O, 06-12; p, Lakeview ch, Chicago, 111, 12-8; supt, ChExtenBd, Pby Chicago, 18 — ; res, Chicago, 111. DD, BlacC, 17. Carson, Walter Fay — b, Phila, Pa, My 14, 1872; YorkCI, 93-7; PTS, 97- 1900; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 3, 00; p, Moshannon & Snow Shoe, Pa, 00-3; p, Milesburg, 00-4; ss. Lick Run ch, Nittany, 03-4; ss, Stevensville & Victor, Mont, 05-8; bus; p. East Park ch, Phila, Pa, 10-2; p. Bald Eagle ch, Bellefonte, & Lick Run ch, 12-8; p, Holmesburg, Phila, 18-21; ss, Perkiomen Ave ch, Reading, 25- p, 26-7; bus, 22 — ; res, Phila, Pa. Carver, John Edward — b. Primrose, la, Mr 1, 1871; LkFC, 97; PTS, 97- 1900; PrU, 00, MA; ss, Oakes, ND, 98-99; ord, Pby Utah, Je 14, 00; p, 1st ch, Ogden, Utah, 00 — . DD, LkFC, 30. Caughey, Rudolph — b. Coal Valley, 111, Nv 11, 1874; UKan, 96; tea; PTS, 97-1900; PrU, 00, MA; ord, Pby Emporia, Oc 10, 00; ss. Oak St ch, Wichita, Kan, 00-3; ss, Marion, 03-8; p, 1st ch. Pawnee City, Neb, 09-11; p, Westm ch, Lincoln, 12-8; p, Roswell, NM, 19-26; syn exec, NM, 27-30; ss. Community ch, Crockett, Cal, 30 — . Clagett, Dudley Malcolm — b. Palmyra, Mo, Dc 31, 1875; WestmCMo, 95; PTS, 97-8, 99-1900; LouisvPTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Lafayette, Je 8, 00; p, Longwood & Mt Olive, Mo, 00-3; p, Broadway ch, Sedalia, 03-10; p, Westm ch, St Joseph, 10-8; p, 1st ch, Junction City, Kan, 18-24; dist sec, Gen Coun, Presb Ch USA, St Louis, Mo, 24-30; p, Western Highlands ch, Kansas City, Kan, 30 — . DD, PkC, 14. Clagett, Thomas Anderson — b, Richmond, Va, Ag 21, 1873; SWPresbU, 95, ThDept, 96-7; LouisvPTS, 95-6; ord, Pby Arkansas, Ag 6, 97; hm miss, Pby Arkansas, 97-8; ss, 1st ch, Tallahassee, Fla, 98-9; PTS, 99-1900; hm miss, Pby Kansas City, 00-1; MBI, 02; ss, Monroe City, Mo, 02-3; ss. Eureka Springs, Ark, 03-4; p, Kingman, Kan, 04-5; ss, Goul City, 06; ss, Pentoga, Mich, 07-8; p, Appleton City, Mo, 09; ss, Tonkawa, Okla, 10; ss, Raymore, Mo, 11; ss, Oregon, 12-20; p, Garden City, Kan, 21-2; Ratnigirie, India, 23; res, Kansas City, Mo, 24-6; field sec, UTulsa, 27-8; ss, Tulsa, Okla, 30-1; ss, Kansas City, Mo, 31—. Culp, Gordie Jacob — b, Wintersville, O, Sp 8, 1872; RichC, 95; tea, Rich- mond, O, 96-7; PTS, 97-1900; PrU, 02, MA; ord, Pby Chester, My 10, 00; p, Fairview ch, Glen Moore, Pa, 00-3; p, 1st ch, Bound Brook, NJ, 03-18 p, 1st ch. New Brunswick, 18 — . PhD, NYU, 14; DD, RutU, 21. *Curry, David Stewart — b, Coleraine, Ireland, Je 27, 1874; RoyU, 98; PTS, 98- 1900; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 00; p, 1st ch, York, Pa, 00-7; p, 1st 1900 493 ch, Cortland, NY, 08-12; p. Friendship Ave ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 12-5; p, Clarinda, la, 16-9; p, Mt Union, Pa, 19-24; d, Mt Union, Ag 2, 24. Davis, Allen Seymour — b, Omaha, Neb, Nv 2, 1874; CEmpo, 97, 1900, MA; PTS, 97-1900; ss. Cedar Point, Kan, 98; ss, Russell, 99; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 5, 00; ss, Lyndon, Kan, 00-3; asst p, 1st ch, Wichita, 03-6; p. Garden City, 06-13; p, McAlester, Okla, 14-9; p, Stillwater, 19 — DD, CEmpo, 20. *Dick, Robert James — b, NYCity, Je 28, 1866; PrU; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 21, 00; hm miss, Claremore, Okla, 00-1; p. South Amboy, NJ, 01-3; YMCA wk; d, Elizabeth, Ap 16, 13. Diehl, Charles Edward — b, Charles Town, WVa, My 18, 1875; JHU, 96; tea; PTS, 97-1900; PrU, 00, MA; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 29, 00; p. Crescent Springs & Independence, Ky, 00-5; p, 1st ch, Greenville, Miss, 05-7; p, 1st ch, Clarksville, Tenn, 07-17; pres, SWPresbU, 17 — . DD, SWPresbU, 10; LED, DavC, 26. Diehl, Frederick — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Ap 9, 1875; DickC, 97, 1900, MA; PTS, 97-00; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 30, 00; presb evang, Pby Ebenezer, 00-2; p, Robert Kennedy Mem ch, Greencastle, Pa, 02-3; p. Piedmont, WVa, 03-4; p, Robert Kennedy Mem ch, Greencastle, Pa, 04-9; p, Middletown, 09-11; rec, St Paul’s PEpis ch, Wellsboro, 12-5; USArmy, 18-9; rec, John’s Mem ch, F'arjnville, Va, 15 — . DD, HSC, 25. Dobson, Roy Calvin — b. Limestone, Tenn, Oc 10, 1875; WashCTenn, 97; PTS, 97-8, 99-1900; PrU, 00, MA; McCTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Portsmouth, Sp 19, 00; p. West Union, O, 00-1; asst p, 2d ch, St Louis, Mo, 01-5; p, 1st ch, Blooming- ton, 111, 05-10; p. Highland Park, 10-7; YMCA, war service, 17-9; sec. Inter Ch Wld Mvmt, 19-20; bus, 20-1; exec sec, Pby St Louis, 21-7; p, 1st ch, St Louis, Mo, 27—. *Douglas, Davison McDowell — b, Blackstock, SC, Je 20, 1869; DavC, 95; LouisvPTS, 95-6; ColTS, 97-8; PTS, 99-1900; ord, Pby Asheville, Je 21, 00; p, Brevard & Davidson River, NC, 00-4; p, Maryland Ave ch, Baltimore, Md, 04-11; pres, PresbCSC, 11-27; pres, USC, 27-31; d, Columbia, SC, Ag 1, 31. DD, DavC, 12; LLD, SWPresbU, 24. Eakins, James McEldowney — b, Frankfort Sta, 111, Sp 19, 1871; LkF.C, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Schuyler, Je 22, 00; p, 1st ch, Mt Sterling, 111, 00-4; p. Emerald Ave ch, Chicago, 04-9; p, Warsaw, Ind, 09-17; chap, USArmy, 17-8; p, Mem ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 18-24; p. West ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 24 — . Erdman, Paul — b, Morristown, NJ, Mr 10, 1873; PrU, 94, 1900, MA; prin. Prep Dept, SyrProtC, 94-7; UnTS, 97-8; PTS, 98-00; ord evang, Pby Morris & Orange, Ap 10, 00; miss, Sidon, Syria, 00-5; miss, Tripoli, 05-7; miss, Zahleh, 07-22; managing ed. Mission Press, Beirut, Syria, 22 — . Erickson, Alfred—b, Stelton, NJ, Sp 18, 1873; RutU, 97, 1900, MA; PTS, 97-00; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 10, 00; p. Normal, Ky, 00-4; ss, Hampton ch, Catlettsburg, Ky & Kenova, WVa, 00-4; prin, Phelps Acad, Phelps, Ky, 04-27; p, Peter Creek ch, Phelps, 04-27; [), Campbcllsville, 27 — . Ess, Franz Xaver — b, Harthausen, Prussia, Germany, Dc 11,1856; UHalle, 494 1 900 83; PTS, 97-1900, BD; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Je 26, 00; dropped from roll of Pby, Oc 17, 07; — Farrell, John B Stewart — b, Cincinnati, O, Fb 2, 1869; WabC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; PrU, 00, MA; ord, Pby Vincennes, Sp 18, 00; p, Oakland City, Ind, 00-1; p, Westm ch, Peoria, 111, 02-6; p, Greencastle, Pa, 06-14; evang, 15; p, 1st ch, Centralia, 111, 16-26; p, 1st ch, Olney, 26 — . Ferguson, James — b, Newtownards, Co Down, Ireland, Fb 12, 1870; RoyU, 97 ; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Phila, Je 11, 00; p, Richmond ch, Phila, Pa, 00-7; p, Stewartsville, NJ, 07-17; YMCA, war service, 18; p. Community ch, Nitro, WVa, 18-20; p, Buckhannon, 20-9; ss, Bosworth Rd ch, Cleveland, O, 29-31; res, Lyndhurst, O. Frank, Matthew Henry — b. Mason, O, Je 4, 1866; CWoos, 89; prin, Acad Cntl Coll, Central College, O, 89-91; prin, Toulon, 111, 91-4; prin. Prep Dept, WashbC, 94-7; LaneTS, 97-9; ss, Milford, O, 98-9; PTS, 99-1900; ord, Pby Potosi, Sp 26, 00; pres, Elmwood Sem, Farmington, Mo, 00-1; p, Oakland & Bethel, Kan, 01-3; travel, 03-5; p, Columbus, Kan, 05-6; p, Canadian, Tex, 06-7; asso mgr, CentrLycBur, Kansas City, Mo, 07-9; field sec, CEmpo, 09-11; do, Tex Edu Bd, 11-3; ss, Canadian, Tex, 13-5; ss, 1st ch, Rawlins, Wyo, 15-7; ill health; bus, Wooster, O, 17 — . *Graham, Samuel Thompson — b, Scarva, Co Down, Ireland, Dc 5, 1886; SETS; CPac, 99; PTS, 99-1900; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 13, 00; p, Dutch Neck, NJ, 00-6; PrU, 05; p, Elizabeth Ave ch, Newark, 06-10; p, Tennent Memorial ch, Phila, Pa, 10-3; d, Phila, Je 11, 13. Grant, David Kenzie — b, Riverton, NS, Canada, Dc 22, 1869; DalhU, 88, 91, MA, 95, LLB; PTS, 98-1900; ord, Pby Red River, J1 25, 01; p, Stephen & Argyle, Minn, 01-3; p, Parrsboro, NS, Can, 03-8; p, St Andrews, Bermuda, 08-11; p, Clinton, Ont, Can, 11-4; p. Olds, Alberta, 14-7; p, Middleton, NS, 17-20; p, Yarmouth, 20-5; p, Maitland, 25-6; inspector in chief under NS Temperance Act, 26-30; res, Halifax, NS. Greenway, Walter Burton — b, Broylesville, Tenn, Ag 18, 1876; Wash- CTenn, 97; UnTS, 97-9; PTS, 99-1900; ss, Bethany miss, Elizabeth, NJ, 98-00; ord, Pby Newark, Je 20, 00; p, Elizabeth Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 00-5; p, West- minster ch, Jersey City, 05-11; p, Gaston ch, Phila, Pa, 11-9; sec, Assem Com Evang, 19-22; p, Bethany Temple ch, Phila, 22-8; pres, Beaver Coll, Jenkintown, Pa, 28 — . DD, WashCTenn, 10; LED, MuskC, 31. Hallett, Robert Lee— b, Milford, Del, Sp 25, 1871; PrU, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 18, 01; p, Drawyer’s ch, Odessa, Del, 01-10; p. Ward Ave ch, Altoona, Pa, 10 — . Hills, Leander Corning — b. Highland, Kan, Nv 2, 1874; HighU, 95, M.'\; tea; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Highland, My 20, 00; miss, Dumaguete, PI, 00-1; Iloilo, 01-2; asst p, 1st ch, Colorado Springs, Col, 02-3; ss, Evanston, Wyo, 03-7; p, 1st ch, Cheyenne, 07-16; p, Capitol Heights ch, Denver, Col, 16-26; p, Wheeler Memorial ch, Omaha, Neb, 27 — . DD, HighU, 10. Kirkwood, Robert Ogilvie — b, Yonkers, NY, Nv 29, 1868; PrU; PTS, 1900 495 97-1900; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 23, 01; p, 2d ch, Lexington, Ky, 01-5; p, 1st ch, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O, 05-9; p, 1st ch, Middletown, NY, 09 — . DD, CntlU, 06. Klaasse, Jacob— b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Sp 19, 1869; AlmaC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 16, 00; p, Mariaville, NY, 00-2; evang. Grand Rapids, Mich, 03; p el, Warren, 111, 04; p, Otisville & ss, Mt Hope, NY, 04-6; res. Grand Rapids, Mich, 08-13; p, Clarence, NY, 14-5; p, Mapleton ch. Lock- port, 16-9; res. Grand Rapids, Mich, 20 — . Latimer, Clair Brown — b, Springfield, O, Ja 9, 1873; CWoos, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Red River, Nv 6, 00; p, Euclid, Minn, 00-1; p, Wheaton, 01-2; p, Moorhead, 02-4; p el, 5th ch, Minneapolis, 04-5; ss, 1st ch, Spokane, Wash, 05; p, Wheaton, Minn, 05-9; p, Winnebago, 09-12; p, 1st ch, Kelso, Wash, 12-5; ss, Atwater, Minn, 16; ss, Raymond, Wash, 17-21; p. White Bear, Minn, 22-6; ss, Oakland, Cal, 27; p, 1st ch, Chow Chilla, 28-30; res, Middletown, Cal. Lawrence, Edwin Percy — b, Elba Center, Knox Co, 111, Dc 1, 1871; KxC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Fargo, Dc 18, 00; ss, Galesburg, ND, 00-2; p, Oakes, 02-6; p, Minot, 06-9; p, Casselton, 09-12; p, Roswell, Ida, 12-7; p, Kennelworth ch, Portland, Ore, 17; p, Klamath Falls, 17-21; p, Medford, 21-9; p, Caldwell, Ida, 29 — . _ Lewis, Robert Lee — b. Charleston, SC, Mr 9, 1873; CChas, 97; PTS, 97- 1900; ord, Pby Vincennes, Ap 11, 01; ss, Rockport, Ind, 00- p, 01-2; ss, Ellsworth, Wis, 02-6; ss, 1st ch, Hastings, Minn, 06-10; ss, Corvallis, Mont, 11-3; res, Ann Arbor, Mich, 14 — . •Liggett, William Heberton — b. West Brandywine Twp, Chester Co, Pa, Ag 22, 1870; PrU, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 12, 00; p, Evansville & Ashby, Minn, 00-6; ss, Garfield & Carlos, 06; p. Crystal Bay, Long Lake & Maple Plain, 06-10; p, Appleton City, Mo, 10-3; p, Au Sable Grove ch, York- ville. 111, 13-5; ss, Hannibal, NY, 16-7; farming; d, Brandywine Manor, Pa, Sp 11, 22. Loetscher, Frederick William — b, Dubuque, la. My 15, 1875; PrU, 96, 1901, MA, 06, PhD; tea, Lawrenceville Schl, NJ; PTS, 97-1901, 1900, BD; New- berry Scholar; UBer, 01-2; UStras, 02-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 19, 03; instr, Ch Hist, PTS, 03-7; p, Oxford ch, Phila, Pa, 07-10; prof, Homil, PTS, 10-3, Ch Hist, 13-. DD, LafC, 14; LLD, UDubq, 18. Long, George Irving — b. North Salem, NY, Ag 2, 1870; PkC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Chester, My 15, 00; p. West Grove & Avondale, Pa, 00-1; p, Cherokee, la, 01-8; p, 2d ch, San Jose, Cal, 08-17; YMCA, war service, 18; sec, YMCA, San Francisco, 19-32; ss, 1st ch, Modesto, 32 — . Lybyer, Albert Howe — b, Putnamville, Ind, J1 29, 1876; PrU, 96, 99, MA; tea; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Indianapolis, J1 14, 00; prof. Math, RobC, 00-6; Austin Fell, HarvU, 07-9, PhD; asso prof, Med & Mod Eng Hist, OberC, 09-11, prof, 11-3; asso prof. Hist, UIll, 13-6, prof, 16 — . MacDonald, William Joseph — b, Arnprior, Ont, Canada, Je 13, 1873; UTor, 95; hm miss, Muskoka, Algoma & Lanark Co, Ont; UnTS, 97-9; PTS, 99- 1900 4o6 1900; ord, Pby Boston, Je 7, 00; p, 1st ch, Hyde Park, Mass, 00-4; prof. Applied Christianity, Boston Evangelical Inst, 01-3; p. South RefChAm, Brooklyn, NY, 04-17; instr, OT Int, Union Miss Tr Inst, Brooklyn, 06; p, Presb ch, Springfield Gardens, NY, 17-21; p, Sound Beach, Conn, 21-31; res, Avon, NJ. Marshall, Alexander William — b, Fitzray Harbor, Ont, Canada, Sp 25, 1868; YorkC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Je 15, 00; miss. West India, 00-6; ss, 1st ch, San Luis Obispo, Cal, 07; ss, Cayucos & Morro, 07-9; ss, Templeton & Margareta, 09-10; miss, Kolhapur, India, 10 — . Mathis, Harvey Gilbert — b, Osage Co, Kan, Mr 31, 1873; CEmpo, 97, 1904, MA; PTS, 97-00; ss. Hill City, Kan, 98; ss, Garnett, 99; ord, Pby Neosho, Je 12, 00; p, Garnett, Kan, 00-2; p, Chanute, 03-11; p. Clay Center, 11-9; p, lola, 19-32; p, 1st ch. Great Bend, 32 — . DD, CEmpo, 18. ♦McCague, James Alexander— b, NYCity, Nv 1, 1871; PrU, 97; PTS, 97- 1900; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Dc 14, 00; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 00-2; ss, Cumberland St chap, Brooklyn, 02-6; asst p, 1st ch, NYCity, 06-12; p, Bethany Congch, NYCity, 12-30; p. Forest Ave ch, NYCity, 30-1; ill health; res, NYCity, 31-3; d, NYCity, Fb 2, 33. *McCreery, John Brower — b, Chetopa, Kan, Ja 3, 1873; bus; UMich, 97; PTS, 97-1901, BD; Secretary Scholar, 98-01; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Dc 12, 01; ss, 1st ch, Chestertown, NY, 01-4; ss, 1st ch. South Wales & Griffen Mills, 04-11 ; ss, Gardonville & Sloan, 11-9; ss, Gardonville, 19-27 ; d, Buffalo, NY, J1 4, 27. McKinney, William Kerr — b, Whitehills, Co Antrim, Ireland, My 29, 1876; RoyU, 97; MageeC, ThDept, 96-7; PTS, 97-8, 99-1900; hm miss, Adiron- dack Mts, 98-9; ord, Pby West Jersey, J1 10, 00; p, 1st ch, Hammonton, NJ, 00-2; p, 1st ch, Bridgeport, Pa, 02-10; p. Grove ch, Danville, 10-6; p, 1st ch, Belfont, 16-21; p, Westfield, NJ, 21-. DD, MaryvC, 30. McMullen, Charles Bell — b, Greenville, Pa, Ap 14, 1871; TarkC, 94; PrU, 96, 1901, MA, 09, PhD; prof, Lat & Gk, Hayward Coll, Fairfield, 111, 96-7; PTS, 97-1901, BD; prof, Phil & Psych, TarkC, 01-24; instr, Phil, PrU, 06-7; prof, Phil, CenCKy, 24—. McNab, George — b, London, England, My 6, 1856; PkC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Solomon, Ap 12, 01; ss, Lincoln Center, Kan, 00-3; p, Mahomet, 111, 03-4; ss, Stamford, Neb, 04-7; ss, Lebanon & Wilsonville, 07-8; ss, Shelton, 08-9; ss. Cedar Point & Clements, Kan, 09-12; p, Axtell, 13-4; ss, Arapahoe, Col, 14-9; ss. South Park, 19-21; ss, Hoberg & Zion, Mo, 21; ss, McCune & Osage, Kan, 21-3; ill health; res, Kansas City, Mo. Mitchell, Frederick William — b, Devonshire, England, Oc 5, 1867; Grov CyC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Neosho, Sp 12, 00; p, Moran, Kan, 00-2; p. La Harpe, 00-3; ss. Redding, Cal, 03-5; p, Anaheim, C5-16; p. Cypress Park ch, Los Angeles, 16-26; p, Hope ch, Los Angeles, 26 — . Mitchell, John — b, Twp Quilly, Moneymore, Co Derry, Ireland, Je 23, 1865; MageeC, 96; AsC; PTS, 99-1900; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 2, 00; p, Felton & Harrington, Del, 00-2; p, Houtzdale, Madera & Beulah, Pa, 02-25; p, Clymer & E Union, 25-31; ill health; res. Garden City, Minn. 1900 497 Montgomery, James Shannon — b, Magherafelt, Co Derry, Ireland, Ag 17, 1873; QuUBelf, 98; AsC, 97-9; PTS, 99-1900; ord, Pby Athens, My 21, 00; ss, Syracuse, O, 00-1; ss. New Matamoras, 01-2; p. Crab Apple & Bannock, 03-5; p, Eatonton, Ga, 06-11; p, Bramwell, WVa, 11-4; p. Cape Charles, \'a, 14-24; p, Buena Vista, 24-8; p, Leesburg, 29 — . Morgan, Minot Canfield — b, Princeton, NJ, Sp 17, 1876; PrU, 96, 1900, MA; PTS, 96-7, 98-1900; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Oc31,00;asstp, 10th ch, Phila, Pa, 00- 1; p. Far Rockaway, NY, 01-3; p. Central ch. Summit, NJ, 03-17; p. Fort St ch, Detroit, Mich, 17-26; asso p. Fifth Ave ch, NYCity, 26-32; res, NYCity, 32 — . DD, LafC, & SWU, 17. *Nichols, Francis Young — b, Pekin, 111, Mr 22, 1873; BellvC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Dubuque, Sp 19, 00; ss, Littleton & Otterville, la, 00-3; p, 1st ch. Savannah, 111, 03-9; p, Oelwein, la, 09-14; chap & instr, Bib, PkC, 14;d, Clinton, Mo, Mr 20, 18. *Nye, Harry Apgar — b, Scranton, Pa, Oc 4, 1876; LafC, 97; PTS, 97-1900, BD; NT Fell, UEdin & OxU; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 5, 04; p, Peckville, Pa, 04-14; d, Scranton, Ja 2, 14. Ossewaarde, John — b, Zeeland, Mich, J1 12, 1873; HopeC, 97; PTS, 97- 1900; ord, RefChAm, Cl Grand River, Sp 6, 00; p. New Era, Mich, 00-4; p, Grandville, 04-8; p, Albany, NY, 08-11; p. East Williamson, 11-8; p, Leighton, la, 18-22; p, 2d ch, Marion, NY, 22-8; miss. Cl East & West Sioux, 28-30; res, Zeeland, Mich, 30—. Pittman, Charles Read — b, McConnellsburg, Pa, J1 2, 1874; LafC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Lehigh, Ap 22, 00; miss, Tabriz, Persia, 00 — . Poppen, Klaas — b, Dreuthe, Mich, Mr 28, 1864; UMich, 97; PTS, 97-1900, BD; ord, HollChrRef, Cl Hackensack, Sp 19, 00; p, Englewood, NJ, 00-2; p, Mon- sey, NY, 02-4; p, 2d ch, Englewood, 111, 04-8; p, Harrison, SD, 08-10; hm miss, Everett, Wash, 10-1; p. Burton Heights ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 11-3; p, Madi- son Ave ch, Paterson, NJ, 13-23; p, Bradley, Mich, 23-5, p em, 25 — ; res, Holland, Mich. Pringle, Alexander — b, Co Meath, Ireland, J1 1, 1869; PkC, 97; PTS, 97- 1900; ord, Pby Platte, My 13, 00; hm miss, Stockett, Mont, 00-1; p, Kalispell, 01- 6; hm miss, Juneau, Alaska, 06-7; p, Leadville, Col, 08-12; p & evang, Kalispell, Mont, 12-5; ss. Cut Bank, 16-7; ss, Harrington, Wash, 18-21 ; agt, Spokane, 24; asst supt, Spokane, 25-9; res, Spokane, Wash. Rauch, Charles Matthias — b, Romney, Ind, J1 15, 1873; WabC, 97; PTS, 97-1900; PrU, 00, MA; asst p, 2d ch, St Louis, Mo, 00-1; ord, Pby St Louis, J1 1, 01; p, Cote Brilliante ch, St Louis, 01-13; p, 1st ch, Mt Pleasant, la, 13-8; p, 1st ch, Rockwell City, 18-21; prof. Ethics, Psych & Phil, laWesU, 15-7; p, Brookline ch, Chicago, 111, 21—. DD, laWesU, 16. Reeve, John Thomas — b, Swinford, Leicestershire, England, J1 12, 1872; LenC, 97; PTS, 97-8, 99-1900; McCTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Oc 10, 00; p. Basking Ridge, NJ, 00-12; p, 4th ch, Phila, Pa, 12-8; p, 1st ch, Lancaster, 18-23; p. South ch, Syracuse, NY, 23—. DD, LenC, 10. 1900 498 Reimer, Edward Franklin — b, Mt Bethel, Pa, Ja 28, 1873; LafC, 97, 1900, MA; PTS, 97-1900, 08-9, BD; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 31, 00; p, 1st ch, Letiighton, Pa, 00-5; p, Collingswoocl, NJ, 05-8; p, Bedford, Pa, 10-2; p. Marietta, 12-4; p, 1st ch, Berwick, 14-7; dir. Army Auditorium So War Camps, 17-8; exec dir, Swarthmore Chautauqua, 18-20; asst State dir. Pa, Inter Ch Wld Mvmt, 20; Natl sec, NER, 20-4; Natl exec sec. Boy Rangers Am, 25-6; Natl ed. Boy Scouts Am, 26-30; asso dir. Every Mem Canvass, 30-2; ed of Lit, Gen Coun, Presb Ch USA, 30-: res, NYCity. Sheddan, William Boyd — b. Liberty Twp, Montour Co, Pa, Ap 8, 1867; tea; BuckU, 90-5, PhB; prin, Potts Grove Acad, Pa, 95-6; prin, High Schl, McEwensville, 96-7; asst prin, Milton, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Newton, Ja 30, 01; p, 1st ch, Oxford, Pa, 01-4; asst libr, PTS, 04-31, libr, 31 — . Sperbeck, Henry Cook — b, Hadley, Mass, Nv 21, 1871; NewWC, 97; I^TS, 97-1900; ord, Pby West Jersey, Fb 14, 01; p. Bunker Hill, NJ, & 1st ch, Glassboro, 01; p, West Grove & Avondale, Pa, 01-4; p, 1st ch. Port Carbon, 04-6; p, 1st ch, Watsontown, 06-13; stu, Pittsburgh Chiropractic Coll, 14-5, DChir; ss, Lamington, NJ, 15-9; p, Monaghan ch, Dillsburg, Pa, 19-22; naturo- path, 22 — ; res, Meyersdale, Pa. Stuchell, William Torrence — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ap 11, 1872; NewWC, 90; National Univ, Law Schl, Washington, DC, 92, LLB; HarvU, 94; journalist, 94-5; lawy, 95-7; UnTS, 97-9; PTS, 99-1900; ord, Pby Jersey City, J1 2, 00; p, Claremont ch, Jersey City, NJ, 00-3; p, 2d ch, Rahway, 03-12; lect, 12-5; p, E Cong ch, Cleveland, O, 15-21; p. Central ch, Atlanta, Ga, 21-3; p, Claremont Presb ch, Jersey City, NJ, 23 — . DD, NewWC, 12. Taylor, Huston— b, Paris, Ky, My 31, 1873; CenCKy, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby St Paul, J1 11, 00; asst p. House of Hope ch, St Paul, Minn, 00-3; p, Waterville, NY, 03-5; p, 1st ch, Carthage, Mo, 05-10; p, Mt Hor ch, Rochester, NY, 11-2; p, Pittsford, 12-3; p, Chicago, 111, 14-5; sec, Detroit, Mich, 16; res, Detroit, 17 — . Thomas, Benjamin — b, Bangor, Wis, Ap 16, 1869; UWis, 93, 99, MS; prin, Cuba City & Winneconne, Wis; PTS, 97-1900, BD; UBonn, 00-1; UStras, 01-2; ord, Pby Monroe, Nv 10, 02; ss, Pby Monroe & Pby Springfield, 02-5; p. Prospect ch, Dunlap, 111, 05-8; p, Galesville, Wis, 08-15; p. Rush City, Minn, 15-6; p, Cedarville, NJ, 16-20; p, Winburne, Pa, 20-3; p, Johnsonburg, 23-5; p, Seville, O, 25-9; p, Lodi, Wis, 32; p, Galum ch, Pinckneyville, 111, 32 — . Ure, Herbert — b, Newark, NJ, Sp 15, 1874; PrU, 96, 1900, MA; journalist; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Newark, Nv 20, 00; asst, Mt Carmel, Pa, 00-5; p. Covenant ch, Williamsport, 05-16; p, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 17-20; p, Woodbury, NJ, 20-6; asso prof. Bib, WilsC, Chambersburg, Pa, 26-7; p, Athens, 27-31; res, Athens, 31 — . Van den Burg, Louis — b, Chicago, 111, Fb 12, 1878; HopeC, 97, 1900, MA; PTS, 97-1900; ord RefChAm, Cl Paramus, Ja 29, 01; p, Mahwah, NJ, 01-4; p, Spencer Mem ch, Brooklyn, NY, 04-14; p, 1st ch, Paterson, NJ, 14 — . *Walker, Hugh — b, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, J1 30, 1868; UNeb, 97; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Hudson, Oc 11, 00; p, Ridgebury, NY, 00-2; p. Green- 1900 499 wich ch, Stewartsville, NJ, 02-26; ss, Ridgebury, & Denton ch, New Hampton, NY, 27- p, 28-32; d, Middletown, Dc 28, 32. Wilkie, John Richard — b, Lancaster, Mo, Fb 7, 1871; CenCKy, 98; DanTS, 96-8; PTS, 98-1900; PrU, 00, MA; ord, Pby Hudson, Oc 7, 00; p, Union- ville, NY, 00-4; p, Lincoln St ch, Wichita, Kan, 04-6; prof, Gk & prin, Acad, CEmpo, 06-11; p. Galena, Kan, 11-3; p, Oswego, 13-6; supt, Emporia Welfare Assn, 16-23; ss, Bethany Cong ch, Emporia, 20-3; stu, UCal, 23-5; visit prof, Internat Coll, Izmir, Turkey; prof, Classical Lang, WhittC, 25 — . *Young, James G — b, Ballymoney, Ireland, Nv 23, 1865; NewC, 96-7; AsC, 97-8; PTS, 98-1900; ord, Pby Chester, Fb 6, 01; p, Unionville & Tough- kenamon. Pa, 01-4; grad stu, McCTS, 04-5; ss, Hesperia, Mich, 05-7; p, Elmira & ss, Boyne Falls & Parker, 07-14; p, Diamondale, 14-8; d, Diamondale, Ap 10, 18. *Zeigler, Jesse Reinhart — b, Mercer, Pa, Mr 6, 1877; CNJ, 96; tea; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 19, 00; p, Stella ch, Maltby, Pa, 00-2; p, Great Island ch. Lock Haven, 02-6; ss, American ch, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 06; FreeChCGlas; p, 1st ch, Frankfort, Ky, 07-15; p, 1st ch, Indiana, Pa, 15-8; p, Hyde Park ch, Chicago, 111, 18-20; d, Chicago, Dc 23, 20. DD, GrovCyC, 14. 69. Ahrenbeck, William Theodore — b, Navasota, Tex, Ap 15, 1872; A&MC Tex, 91; bus; AusPTS, 93-5; SWPresbU, ThDept, 95-6; ord, Pby Central Texas, Nv 20, 96; p, 2d ch, Waco, Tex, 96-9; grad stu, PTS, 99-1900; p, Huntsville, Tex, 00-1; p, Cucro, 01-8; p, Ada, Okla, 08-9; p, Huntsville, Tex, 09-13; p, Hempstead & Giddings, 14-6; p, Crowley, La, 16-26; p, Bellairc ch, Houston, Tex, 26-8; p, Hempstead, 29-30; res, Houston, Tex. Alison, John — b, Dundee, Scotland, Sp 19, 1872; HamC, 92, 95, MA; McCTS, 92-5; ord, Pby West Chester, Oc 26, 95; p, Immanuel chap, 1st ch, Yonkers, NY, 95-9; grad stu, PTS, 99-1900; p, 1st ch. Deposit, NY, 00-5; p. North ch, Binghamton, 05-8; p, Pt Breeze ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 08-20; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, 1st ch, Holyoke, Mass, 20 — . DD, HamC, 08. Baker, George Fenner — b, Newport, Pa, Sp 23, 1873; BuckU, 97; PTS, 97-8; AubTS, 98-9, 1901-2; ord, Pby Carlisle, Dc 2, 02; p, Ontario, NY, 03-4; p. Great Conewago & Petersburg, Pa, 08-14; p, Ringoes, NJ, 14-26; ss, Bellport, NY, 26-7; ss. South Haven, 27-30; ss, Yaphank, 30 — . *Blackwood, Irvin Aiken — b, Freeport, 0, Ja 14, 1869; GeneC, 94; prof, Gk, Amity Coll, College Springs, la, 94-7; PTS, 97-8; RefPTS, 98-1900; ord, RefP, Pby New York, Nv 1, 00; p, 4th ch, NYCity, 00-7; ColU, 08, MA; UnTS, 09, BD; p, Evans, Col, 07-11; tea; oc s, 11-22; p. Little Beaver Presb ch. New Galilee, Pa, 22-3; d. New Galilee, Mr 13, 23. *Cowan, John Hamilton — b, Pittston, Pa, Je 11, 1872; PrU, 97; PTS, 97-8; AubTS, 98-1900; miss wk, 01-3; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 16, 03; p, Win- burne. Pa, 03-5; p, Fairview, WVa, 05-8; ill health; d, Fulton, Mo, Oc 30, 21. Fickland, Renty William — b, Effingham Co, Ga, Dc 15, 1857; PTS, 97-9; AME Church South; — 500 1900 *Haight, Samuel Carleton — b, Yonkers, NY, Mr 21, 1871; CCyNY, 92; Rensselaer Polytech Inst, 92-3; cy surv, NYCity, 94-7; PTS, 97-8; AubTS, 98-1900; ord, Pby Genesee, Oc 23, 00; p, Oakfield, NY, 00-2; cy Surv, NYCity, 02-3; tut Math, CCyNY, 04-5, Hist, 05-26; d, NYCity, Mr 25, 26. Harkness, Norris William — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 17, 1874; CNJ, 96; PTS, 97-1901; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Nv 13, 01; p, 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 01-9; p, 1st ch, Easthampton, NY, 09-30; res, Leesburg, Va. Horne, Charles Ellsworth — b. Amity, Pa, Fb 20, 1876; WaynC, 97; ord CumbP, Pby Pennsylvania, Ag 20, 97; PTS, 97-9; ss, Monmouth Junction, NJ, 97-9; asst prof. Math, WaynC, 99-1901, iun prof, 01-5; HarvU; Fell in Sem Philol, UChi, 05-7, PhD; tea. Math, Acad, Morgan Park, 111, 07-8; tea. Math & Germ, Univ Schl, Louisville, Ky, 08-9; prof. Math, WestmU, 09-16, dean, 10-6; dean, PkC, 16-8; prof. Math, UPR, 18-20, dean. Coll Agri & Engin, 20-6, prof. Math, 26 — . Hunter, David Francis — b, Derita, NC, Mr 22, 1868; DavC, 94; tea; PTS, 97-8; LouisvPTS, 98-9; McCTS; prin, high schls, 99-1904; bus, 04 — ; res, Charlotte, NC. Kirkpatrick, Robert Foster — b, Opelika, Ala, Sp 8, 1877; DavC, 97; PTS, 97-8; LTnTSVa, 98-1900, BD; ord, Pby Bethel, Sp 22, 00; p, LInion, Salem & Lebanon, SC, 00-2; p, 1st ch, Wapanucka, Okla, 03-4; p. Highland ch, Austin, Tex, 04-8; field sec, UnTSVa, 08-10; p, Monroe, NC, 10-2; p, Chelsea Ave ch, Memphis, Tenn, 12-7; p. West End ch, Atlanta, Ga, 17-21; p, 1st ch, Anderson, SC, 21—. DD, Cede & DavC. Leech, James Clair — b. New Lebanon, Pa, Ja 7, 1873; GrovCyC, 97; PTS, 97-8; McCTS, 98-1900; ord, Pby Indianapolis, My 1, 01; p, Greenfield, Ind, 01-3; p, Elwood, 04-6; p. West Division St ch, Chicago, 111, 07-8; p el, Zelienopole, Pa, 10; bus; — Little, Charles Howie — b, Charlotte, NC, Sp 28, 1872; DavC, 96; tea; PTS, 97-8; LouisvPTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Potosi, Sp 25, 01; p. New Madrid, Mo, 01-6; p, Stanley, Machpelah, Unity & Castanea, 06-13; p. Amity, Sharon & Carmel, NC, 13-23; p, Sharon, 23 — . Lunn, George Richard — b, Lenox, la, Je 23, 1873; BellvC, 97; PTS, 97-8; UnTS, 99-1901, BD; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Oc 27, 1901; asso p, Lafayette Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 01-3; p, 1st RefChAm, Schenectady, 04-9; p, United Peoples’ ch, Schenectady, 09-17; Congress, USA, 17-9; mayor, Schenectady, 12-4, 16-8, 20-2; Lt Gov, NY, 22-4; memb. Public Service Commiss, NY, 24 — ; res, Albany, NY. DD, UnC, 05. McCall, John Vallandingham — b, Waco, Tex, Ap 11, 1864; W&LU, 86, MA; tea; prof, Gk & Math, AusC, 88-90; UnTSVa, 90-3; ord evang, Pby Dallas, Oc 14, 93; ss, Wichita Falls group, Tex, 93-5; ss. Mineral Wells, 95-7; p, Cleburne, 97-1906; grad stu, PTS, 99-00; p, Gainesville, Tex, 06-14; p, Hillsboro, 14-8; supt, Hm Miss, Pby Paris, 18-9; p, Hugo, Okla, 19-22; ill health; p, Eastminster ch, El Paso, Tex, 24-31; p, Sanderson, 31 — . DD, AusC, 17. *McIlhatton, William — b, Kilraughts, Ballymoney, Ireland, Fb 27, 1874; 1900 SOI RoylJ, 97; AsC, 97-8; PTS, 98-9; AsC; ord, Pby Tyrone, Ap 24, 1907; p, Brigh ch, Stewartstown, Co Tyrone, Ire, 07-21; Presb Theol Fac, 11, BD; p. Arrow- town, NZ, 21-9; p, Clarkesbridge & 1st ch, Newtonhamilton, Ire, 29-31; d, Mr 7, 31. McKnight, Robert James George — b. Slippery Rock, Pa, J1 9, 1878; GeneC, 96; Ref PTS, 96-9; grad stu, PTS, 99-1900, BD; prin, Acad Music, Mercer, Pa, 02-4; ord RefP, Pby Pittsburgh, My 25, 03; p, Middletown & Adamsville, Pa, 03-5; fell, UChi, 05-7, PhD; instr, Oxford Boys’ Schl, Chicago, 111, 06-7; instr. Mil Acad, Morgan Park, 07-9; p, Wilkinsburg, Pa, 09-16; prof, RefPTS, 16-28, pres, 28 — . DD, GeneC, 18. Mitchell, Archie Albert — b, Clinton, 111, Ag 12, 1870; W&JC, 97; PTS, 97-8; OmaTS, 98-9; AubTS, 00-1; ord, Pby Hastings, Sp 25, 1901; p, Axtell, Neb, 02-3; ss, Gothenberg, 04-5; ss. Broken Bow, 04-8; oc s, 08 — ; ill health; res, Emporia, Kan. Moment, John James — b, Orono, Ont, Canada, Fb 1, 1875; CNJ, 96; PTS, 97-8; tea, Lawrenceville Schl, Lawrenceville, NJ, 98-1906; HartTS, 04-6, BD; asst p, 1st (Munn Ave) ch. East Orange, NJ, 06-8; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Fb 10, 07; asso p, Bergen RefChAm, Jersey City, 08-11; p. High St Presb ch, Newark, 11-8; p. Crescent Ave ch, Plainfield, 18 — . DD, W&JC, 24. Morrison, Samuel Wallace — b, Glassinerin, Ireland, Ag 20, 1876; RoyU, 97; AsC, 97-8, 1908, BD; PTS, 98-9; ord, Pby Coleraine, Je 19, 1901; p, Agladowey, Coleraine, Ire, 01 — . Mudge, Frederick Pooley — b, Yonkers, NY, Je 14, 1875; CNJ, 96; PTS, 96, 97-9; ill health; bus; asst p, 1st ch, Decatur, 111, 15-6; asst p. South St ch, Morristown, NJ, 16-7; asst p, 1st ch, NYCity, 17-21; p, 1st ch, Clyde, NY, 21-9; p, Sparta, NJ, 29—. Noetling, George C — b, Altamont, 111, J1 1, 1875; PkC, 97; PTS, 97-8; AubTS, 98-1900; ord, Pby Otsego, Je 11, 00; p, Buel, NY, 00-2; p. East Palmyra, 02-3; p, Greenfield, Ind, 03-6; p. Unity, Pa, 06-8; p, Bergen, NY, 08-12; p, Lewis- ton, 12-7; p, Williamson, 17-26; p, Irondequoit ch, Rochester, 26-31; p, Mt Morris, 31 — . Oastler, James — b, Parry Sound, Ont, Can, J1 19, 1876; BellvC, 97; PTS, 97-9; AubTS, 1900-01; ss. Parish, NY, 01-2; ord, Pby Brooklyn, J1 9, 02; p, Wyckoff Heights ch, Brooklyn, 02-9; p. Calvary ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 11-29; p, 1st ch, Greenwich, Conn, 30 — . Pierce, Albert Winthrop — b, Detroit, Mich, Fb 1, 1872; JBSU, 98; PTS, 97-9; ColTS, 99-1900, BD; ord evang, Pby South Florida, Dc 6, 00; p, Dade City, Fla, & ss, Leesburg, 00-3; ss, Clearwater, 04-5; prof, Lat & Gk, Presb Coll of Florida, Eustis, Fla, 05-10; ss, Fitzgerald & Douglas, Ga, 10-11; p. Green Cove Springs, Fla, 11—. Ranson, Arthur Jones — b, Huntersville, NC, Ag 26, 1873; ErskC, 93; ErskTS, 93-5; BibS; ord AssoRefP, Pby Tenn & Ala, Nv 10, 95; p. Prosperity, Tenn, 95-1901; PTS, 99-00; p, Corsicana, Tex, 01-5; p, Spartanburg, SC, 05-9; miss, India, 10-29; p. New Albany, Miss, 30 — . 502 1900-1901 Russell, John — b, Morayshire, Scotland, Fb 6, 1870; ManiC; PTS, 97-8; Manic, ThDept, 99; ord, Pby Rock Lake, Nv 2, 99; miss. Plum Caulee, Man, Can, 99-1900; p, Macdonald, 00-4; p. High Bluff, 04-9; p. Oxbow, Sask, 09-19; p, Brodereck, 19-26; p, Sperling, Mani, 26-9; p, Dugald, 29 — . Sauerbrunn, Louis Fred — b, Brooklyn, NY, J1 6, 1877; BloomC, 97; UnTS, 97-8; PTS, 98-1900; ord RefChAm, North Cl Long Island, Nv 12, 01; p, Newtown, NY, 02-4; p, Glen, 05-6; p, 1st ch, Ghent, 06-8; p, Schodack Land- ing, 08-13; p, Presb ch, Chester, 13-6; p, RefChAm, North Branch, 16 — . Schoonmaker, Robert Dalzell — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Je 24, 1873; PrlJ, 93-7; PTS, 97-00; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Nv 6, 01; tea, Burke Co, NC, 02-11; bus; res, Plainfield, NJ. Stirling, Robert Fulton — b, Wooster, O, Fb 14, 1872; PrU, 97, 99, MA; PTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 9, 00; p. Deer Creek ch. Harmony, Md, 00-6; p. Dauphin, Pa, 06-17; p, Heilwood, 17-9; p, Marple ch, Broomall, 19-30; ill health; res, Rosemont, Pa. Stofflet, James Peter — b, Farmersville, Pa, Dc 13, 1872; LafC, 97; UnTS, 97-9; PTS, 99-1900; ss, 1st ch. Wood Ridge, NJ, 98-01; ord, Pby Jersey City, Oc 11, 00; p. Grand St RefChAm, Jersey City, 01-3; p, Jersey City, 03-12; p, 1st Presb ch, Ridgefield Park, 12-27; p. West ch, Newark, 27 — . Ward, Samuel Isham — b. Coffee, Ind, Ag 22, 1873; CEmpo, 95; PTS, 95-6, 97-8, 99-1900; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 5, 00; ss. Spring Valley, Okla, 00; ss, Gunnison, Col, 00-2; ss, Payson, Utah, 02-4; ss, Watonga, Okla, 05-7; ss, El Centro & El Monte, Cal, 08-9; ss, Plainville, Kan, 09-12; ss. Smith Center, 12-5; ss, Glasco & Saltville, 15-8; ss, Roxbury, 18-23; ss, Oakley, 23-4; ss, Corwin, 24-7; ss, Carlton & Mt Pleasant, 27-8; ss, 1st ch, Dwight & Welcome ch, Alta Vista, 28-. Young, Leon Decatur — b. Highland, Kan, Dc 2, 1872; HighU, 97; PTS, 97- 9; McCTS, 99-1900; ord, Pby New Albany, Sp 5, 00; p, Charlestown, Ind, 00-1; p, Washington, la, 02-8; p, Beatrice, Neb, 08-14; p, 1st ch, Lincoln, 14-20; p. City Temple, Dallas, Tex, 20-5; p. Abbey ch, Dallas, 25 — . DD, BellvC, 10; LLD, HastC, 16. 32. 1901 *Anderson, James Kenelm — b, Covington, Ky, Ja 16, 1878; LkFC, 97; PTS, 98-1901; ill health; res, near Oshkosh, Wis; d, Oshkosh, Wis, Dc 25, 12. Aoki, Cbojuro — b, Tokyo, Japan, Mr 2, 1870; MG, 90, ThDept, 90-3; Doshisha Sem, 95-6; PTS, 97-8, 99-1901, BD; PrU, 02, MA; Garrett Bibl Inst, Evanston, III, 98-9; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 3, 01; prof, Theol, Doshisha Univ, Kyoto, Japan, 01-4; dean. Girls’ Schl, do, 02-4; p, 1st ch, Kobe, 04; prof, Phil, Kobe-Jogakuin, 04-, prof, Theol, Kwansu-gakuin Sem, Kobe, 05-, prof, Theol, Dendo-jogakko, Kobe, 06-, prof, Theol, Kobe Theol Schl, 07 — ; p, 1st ch, Kobe, 04 — . Armstrong, George Alexander — b, NYCity, Dc 23, 1876; PrU, 98; PTS, 98- 1901; ord, Pby New York, Nv 24, 01; asst p, 2d Scotch ch, NYCity, 01-3; 190 1 503 NewC, 03-4; p, 1st ch, Brockport, NY, 04-8; p, Silliman Memorial ch, Cohoes, 08-24; p, 1st ch, Plattsburg, 24 — . Bower, Samuel Aethel — b, Mooresburg, Pa, Sp 22, 1876; LafC, 96, 1900, MA; bus; tea; PTS, 98-1901, 03-4, BD; ord, Pby Northumberland, Oc 1, 01; p, Montgomery, Pa, 01-3; p, Monaca, 04-9; p, 2d ch, Johnstown, 10-1; p. North- minster ch, Washington, DC, 11-8; p. Olivet ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 18-29; p. Temple ch, Phila, 29 — . Burrell, David De Forest — b, Chicago, 111, Je 29, 1876; YaleU, 98; PTS, 98- 1901, BD; asst p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 01-2; WHGreen Fell, PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 8, 03; instr, NT, PTS, 03-4; p. La Porte, Ind, 04-8; p, 1st ch, S Orange, NJ, 08-18; p, UDubq, 18-20; p, Westm ch, Dubuque, la, 20-3; p, 1st ch, Williamsport, Pa, 23 — . DD, UDubq, 18. Burrows, Leo Reid — b, Waterford, Ireland, Nv 1, 1875; PTC, 97-8; PTS, 98-1901; ss, Greenville RefChAm, Jersey City, NJ, 01-2; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 16, 02; p, Presb ch. Harmony, NJ, 02-4; p. New Milford, Pa, 04-7; p, Nanticoke, 07-9; ss, St Andrew’s ch, St Johns, NewFoundland, Can, 09-10; p, 1st ch. Grand Rapids, Minn, 10-3; p, Mem ch, Appleton, Wis, 13-21; chap, USArmy, 18; p, 1st ch, Cushing, Okla, 21-6; oc s, 26-8; p, Westm ch, Jamestown, NY, 28 — . DD, People’s National Univ, Atlanta, Ga, 23. Chapman, William Hyde — b, Brooklyn, Pa, Sp 28, 1867; CenCKy, 1900; DanTS, 96-1900; PTS, 00-1; ord, Pby Kendall, Ag 19, 01; ss, Idaho Falls, Ida, 01- p, 02-3; ss, Anaheim, Cal, 03-5; p, Santa Maria, 05-7; ss, Harriman, Tenn, 07-10; p, Wallace ch, Atlanta, Ga, 11-2; p, Gordon St ch, Atlanta, 12; p, Bruns- wick, 13-8; ss, Lebanon & Union chs, Winnsboro, SC, 19; p, Westm ch, Macon, Ga, 21-4; p, St Elmo, Tenn, 24; res, Atlanta, Ga, 27-30; hon re, 31; res, Decatur, Ga. Countermine, James Willard — b, Schenectady, NY, Nv 25, 1867; ParsC, 93, 96, MA; tea; PTS, 98-1901 ; ord, Pby Sioux City, Sp 25, 01 ; p, Morningside ch, Sioux City, la, 01-6; p. Sac City, 06-10; p. Cottage Grove Ave ch, Des Moines, 10-5; supt, Hm Miss, Porto Rico, 15-7; YMCA, war service, 17-8; p, 1st ch, Olympia, Wash, 18-20; prof, OT, Honolulu Theol Sem, Hawaii, 20-8; prof, Bib, Rel & Phil, White, 28-. DD, BuenVC, 10. Cunningham, Henry — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 17, 1871; LafC, 98, 1901, MA; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 25, 01 ; asst p. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 01-8; p, 1st ch, Millerstown, 08-9; p, Southminster ch, Phila, 09-10; p, Eastlake ch, Wilmington, Del, 10-8; YMCA, war service, 18; p, Langhorne, Pa, 18 — . Downie, Seth Russell — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Nv 12, 1872; PrU, 98, 1900, MA; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 10, 01; p. Great Conowago, Pa, 01-5; p. Walnut St ch, Bath, 05-10; p, Taneytown, Md, 10-9; p, Frostburg, 19-22; p, Sunnyburn, Pa, 22-6; res, Gettysburg, Pa. Duer, James Marquis— b, Pisgah, 111, Je 5, 1873; IllC, 95; stu & miss worker; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Springfield, Je 16, 01; p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 01-3; p, Hillsboro, 03-7; stu p, Urbana, 07-8; p, Wausau, Wis, 08-14; ss, Montrose, Miss, 15-7; p, Clarksville, Tenn, 18-22; p, 1st ch, Clinton, la, 22—. DD, lllC, 21. 504 1901 Euwer, Norman Logan — b, Allegheny, Pa, Fb 27, 1877; GeneC, 98; Ref PTS, 98-9; PTS, 99-1901; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Ag 19, 01; miss, Persia, 01-10; supt. Am Boys’ Schl, Hamadan, 02-10; p, Jackson Center, Pa, 10-5; chap & act pres, Irving Coll, Mechanicsburg, 15-7; asst p, 2d ch, St Louis, Mo, 17 — . DD, WestmCMo, 29. Evans, Silas— b, Scranton, Pa, Fb 12, 1876; RipC, 98; PTS, 98-1901, BD; PrU, 00, MA; ord, Pby Hastings, Sp 15, 01; p, Hastings, Neb, & prof, Phil, Haste, 01-3; p, Parkville, Mo, 03-9; prof, Phil, PkC, 03-9; prof, Heb & Gk, UWis, 09-10; pres, RipC, 11-7; pres, OccC, 17-21; ss, 1st ch, San Diego, Cal, 21; pres, RipC, 21 — . DD, CarC, 11, MidC, 13; LLD, Lawrence Coll, Appleton, Wis, 12. Filson, Maurice Alexander — b, Rockdale Mills, Pa, Dc 15, 1874; LafC, 98, 1901, MA; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Dc 14, 02; p, Staplehurst, Neb, 02-4; p, Tama, la, 04-6; asst libr, LafC, 06 — . Graham, Henry Thomson — b, Madison, Ind, Mr 7, 1877; HanC, 98, 1901, MA; PTS, 98-1901, 06-7, BD; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 27, 01; p, 1st ch, Englishtown, NJ, 01-10; p, Knightstown, Ind, 10-3; fin sec, HanC, 13-7; p, Westm ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 17 — . Gregory, Carey Ellis — b, Warfordsburgh, Pa, Ja 5, 1874; CWoos, 97; asst sec, YMCA, Youngstown, O, 97-8; PTS, 98-1901; PrU, 00, MA; ord, Pby In- dianapolis, Oc 1, 01; p, Brazil, Ind, 01-4; ss, Phelps, NY, 04-8; p, Dansville, 08-10; hm miss, NC, 10-2; p, Morganton, 12-9; p, Bath, NY, 19-22; p, Morganton, NC, 22—. Griffith, Hugh Williams — b, Edeyrn, Carnarvonshire, N Wales, Mr 12, 1870; RipC, 98; ord WelshP, Syn Wisconsin, Oc 26, 98; PTS, 98-1901, BD; p, Gaylord Ave ch, Plymouth, Pa, 01 — . Hodge, Caspar Wistar — b, Princeton, NJ, Sp 22, 1870; CNJ, 92, 94, PhD; HeidU; UBer; instr, Phil, PrU, 95-7; asso prof. Ethics, LafC, 97-8; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Sp 18, 02; instr, NT, PTS, 01-2, asst. Dogmatic Theol, 01-7, asst prof, Didac & Polem Theol, 07-15, prof, Dogmatic Theol, 15-21, prof, Syst Theol, 21 — . Hollinger, Daniel Wilson — b, Huntsdale, Pa, Dc 3, 1877; DickC, 98; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 11, 01; p. New Hope, Pa, 01-6; p, 1st ch, Parkesburg, Pa, 06-14; p, Bethany ch, Trenton, NJ, 14 — . Hyink, Martin — b, Milwaukee, Wis, J1 5, 1876; HopeC, 98, MA; PTS, 98- 1901; ord, Pby Kearney, Sp 23, 01; ss. North Loup, Neb, 01-4; ss. Charter Oak, la, 04-5; p. Inwood, 05-10; ss, Lemmon, SD, 12-23; p, Castlewood & Bemis, 23 — . James, Edward Rutter — b, Stanley, England, Mr 6, 1872; PrU, 98, 1900, MA; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 6, 01; p. Freehold ch, Charl- ton, NY, 01-7; p, Greenbush ch, Rensselaer, 07-17; superv prin. Pub Schls, Saugerties, 17-22; p, RefChAm, Canajoharie, 23 — . Johnson, William Brower — b. Spring City, Pa, Oc 11, 1875; UrsC, 98; PTS, 98-1902, BD; PrU, 02, MA; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 24, 02; p, 1st ch, Hampton- burgh, NY, 02-13; p, 1st ch, Phillipsburg, NJ, 13-7; YMCA, war service, 17-20; p, Cong ch, Norfolk, Conn, 20-31; soc serv. New Britain, 31 — . DD, TabC, 24. 1901 505 Koontz, Thomas Grier — b, Oakville, Pa, My 6, 1875; PrU, 98, 1901, MA; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Westminster, J1 26, 01; p. Little Britain, Pa, 01-5; p, Westm ch, Baltimore, Md, 05-13; p, 2d ch. Wheeling, WVa, 13-8; chap, USArmy; sec. New Era Mvmt, 18-21; p, 1st ch. Oil City, Pa, 21 — . DD, UMd, 12; LLD, COz, 24. Lamb, John Henderson — b, Bellefonte, Pa, Fb 16, 1873; CEmpo, 98; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Osborne, Oc 7, 01; p, Phillipsburg & Long Island, Kan, 01-3; p, Lyndon, 03-4; miss, Manila, PI, 04-9; p, Rossville, Kan, 09-11; miss, Manila, PI, 11-5; p, Waverly, Kan, 15-8; p, Oswego, 18-22; p, Lawton, Okla, 22 — . DD, CEmpo, 22. Leeds, Harry — b, Brooklyn, NY, J1 2, 1868; bus; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 21, 01; p, Amwell 1st ch, Reaville, NJ, 01-3; ss, Nez Perce, Ida, 03-5; ss, Payette, 05- p, 06-8; p, Mizpah ch, Portland, Ore, 09-16; p, Colton Cal, 17-27; p, Forbes ch, Portland, Ore, 27 — . Lingle, Thomas Wilson — b. Mill Bridge (China Grove), NC, Dc 11, 1871; DavC, 98; prin, Plainview Acad, Rowland, NC, 93-4; CornU, 94-6; UStras, ULeip, 97-8, MA, PhD; UnTSVa, 98-1900; PTS, 00-1; prof, Phil & Hist, Mac- kenzie Coll, S Paulo, Brazil, 01-4; prof, BlacC, 04-5; ord, Pby Alton, Sp 24, 05; pres, BlacC, 04-8; field agt, DavC, 08-11, prof. Mod Lang, 08-25; welfare wk & lect, French Army, 17-9; prof, European & Ancient Hist, DavC, 25 — . ♦Long, William Henry— b, Truxton, NY, J1 15, 1871; AlmaC, 98; PTS, 98- 1901; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 16, 01; ss. Elk Rapids, Mich, 01-4; p, Ludington, 04-9; p, Mt Pleasant, 09-12; p, Brooklyn, 14-20; p. Mason, 20-4; p, Deckerville, & Bridgehampton, 24-6; d. Port Huron, Fb 11, 26. McAllister, James Alexander — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Mr 7, 1873; PaC, 98, 1901, MA; PrU, 07, MA; PTS, 98-1901, 09-10, BD; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Nv 10, 01; hm miss, Isabela, Porto Rico, 01-6; hm miss, Cabo Rojo & Marico & prof, Syst Theol, Hist & Exeg, Presb Theol Training Schl, Mayagiiez, 06-12, pres, 12-9; pres, Rio Piedras Theol Sem, 19 — . DD, GetC, 23. McDermott, Herbert — b, Rogersville, Tenn, My 5, 1874; PrU, 98, 1901, MA; PTS, 98-01; ord, Pby Philadelphia North, J1 29, 01; p. Port Kennedy, Pa, 01-18; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Harlingen, Tex, 19-26; p, Donna, 26 — . Nevin, James — b. Bush Mills, Co Antrim, Ireland, My 18, 1871; QuCGal, 95; PTS, 98-1901; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 01; dropped from roll, Oc 17, 07;— Newton, Frederic Janvier — b, Lahore, India, My 27, 1876; PrU, 97, 99, MA; PTS, 97-9, 1900-1; hm miss, Pby St Lawrence, 99-00; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 23, 01; ss, Grangeville, Wash, 01-3; miss, Jullundur City, Punjab, India, 03-16, Moga, 16-9, Ambala City, 20-2, Ludhiana, 23-32, Khanna, 32—. Piercy, Samuel Kempton— b, NYCity, Mr 17, 1877; HamC, 98, 1901, MA; PT.S, 98-01, BD; NT Fell, UI^‘i|), 01-2; ord, Pby Brooklyn, JI 17, 02; ss. Borough Park ch, Brooklyn, NY, 02; p. Union ch, Newburgh, 03-11; p, 1st ch, Crawfordsville, Ind, 11-5; p, 1st ch, Waterloo, NY, 15-8; p, 1st ch. White Plains, 18-25; p, 1st ch, Allentown, Pa, 25—. DD, HamC, 23. 5o6 1901 Richardson, Robert Cameron — b, London, England, Dc 1, 1870; ParsC, 98; PTS, 98-1901; PrU, 01, MA; ord, Pby Corning, Je 7, 01; miss, Ratnagiri, India, 01-3, Miraj, 03 — . DD, ParsC, 27. Richelsen, John Theophilus — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 14, 1878; PTS, 96-7, 99-1901; UTenn, 99; ord, Pby Kendall, Ag 29, 01; ss. Soda Springs, Idaho, 01-2; p. Salt Lake City, Utah, 02-4; p. New Cumberland, W\’a, 04-8; asst p, Allison Park, Pa, 08-16; p, 1st ch, Bradford, 16-22; p, Kenmore ch, Buffalo, NY, 22-9; res, Buffalo, NY. DD, BloomTS, 1.5. Rourke, George McClelland — b, Glen Moore, Pa, Dc 5, 1871; PkC, 98; PTS, 98-1901; ss, Hamilton, Mont, 01; ord, Pby Sioux City, Ap 23, 02; p, 1st ch. Sac City, la, 02-6; p, 1st ch, Marion, O, 06-12; p, 1st ch, Springfield, 13-8; p, 1st ch. Long Beach, Cal, 18 — . DD, PkC, 17. Segelken, Charles Benjamin — b, Baltimore, Md, Je 10, 1869; NewWC, 98; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 25, 01; p, Monaghan ch, Dillsburg, Pa, 01-9; p, Derry ch, Hershey, 09-10; p, 1st ch, Steelton, 11-23; p, 1st ch, Haverhill, Mass, 23-6; p, 1st ch, Donegal & Mt Joy, Pa, 26 — . DD, Blue Ridge Coll, New Windsor, Md, 22. *Shannon, Thomas Berry — b, Bealeton, Va, Dc 23, 1871; LafC, 98; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Sp 27, 01; p, Kilburn Mem ch, Newark, NJ, 01-11; d, Newark, Oc 14, 11. Steckel, William Eugene — b, Allentown, Pa, Dc 23, 1874; MuhlC, 98, 1901, MA; PTS, 98-01; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Oc 3, 01; p, Milroy & Little Valley, Pa, 01-5; p, Burnham, 04-5; p. Marietta, 05-8; p, Doylestown, 08-20; p, Merriam Park ch, St Paul, Minn, 21-9; p, Muncie, Ind, 29 — . DD, UDubq, 25. Stevens, John Bartlett — b, Holton, Mich, Ag 12, 1874; AlmaC, 98; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 16, 01; ss, 1st ch, Superior, Wis, 01-2; ss. Twin Bridges, Mont, 02-5; p, Philipsburg, 05-9; p. Northern Light ch, Juneau, Alaska, 09-16; grad stu, UCal, 16-7; geologist; res. Fellows, Cal. Strock, Linius Lehmann — b. Sterling, 111, Fb 20, 1873; UChi, 97; tea; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 18, 01; p, Hopewell, NJ, 01-4; p, Bethany ch, Trenton, 04-13; p, 1st ch, Marion, O, 13-23; p, Punxsutawney, Pa, 23-8; p, Ballston, Va, 28 — . DD, CWoos, 16. Stuart, William — b, Assen, Holland, Je 20, 1875; CalvC, 98; PTS, 98-1901, BD; GS Green Fell, Heb, ULeip, 01-2; ord ChrRef, Cl Iowa, Nv 12, 02; hm miss, la, Minn, Mont, 02-5; p. Sully, la, 05-8; p, 3d ch, Roseland, Chicago, 111, 08-15; p, Lagrave Ave ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 15-25; tea. Bib & Ch Hist, Grand Rapids Chr High Schl, Grand Rapids, Mich, 25 — . Swain, James Ramsay — b, Marlboro, NJ, Sp 8, 1872; CNJ, 94, sec, YMCA, 94-5; instr, SyrProtC, 95-8; PTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ja 22, 01; p, RefChAm, Flushing, NY, 01-5; p. Woodland Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 05 — ; prof, Ch Hist & Chr Miss, TemU, 28-. DD, CoeC & PkC, 27. Van Ess, Jacob — b. New Holland, Mich, Je 8, 1877; HopeC, 98, 1901, MA; PTS, 98-01; hm miss, Immanuel Mission, Irving Park RefChAm, Chicago, 111, 01-2; ord, RefChAm, Cl Albany, Ag 7, 02; p, Knox & 2d ch, Berne, NY, 02-4; 1901 507 p, Bacon Hill & Fort Miller, 04-9; p, Schoharie, 09-11; p, Delmar, 11-21; syn miss, Albany, 21-6; p, 1st ch, Catskill, 26—. Wyatt, Harvey Lee — b, Wilmington, Del, Ja 13, 1876; PrU, 98, 1900, MA; PTS, 98-01; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Je 5, 01; p, Bethlehem ch, Phila, Pa, 01-2; p, Calvin ch, Phila, 03-11; p, Westm ch, Jersey City, NJ, 12—. 44. Clarke, John Davenport — b, Hobart, NY, Ja 15, 1873; LafC, 98; PTS, 98; lawy, NYCity; res, Fraser, NY. Coates, Jordan Tyler Lyell — b, Hanover, Va, My 30, 1867; BellvC, 98, 1901, MA; McCTS, 98-00; PTS, 00-1; ord, Pby St Cloud, Je 19, 01; ss, Kingston, Minn, 01-2; ss. Cottonwood, 02-3; presb miss, Pby Minnewaukan, Devil’s Lake, ND, 03-9; p, Rolette, 09-12; p, Warroad, Minn, 12-3; ss, Kelliher, 13-6; SS miss. Devil’s Lake, ND, 16-9; do, St Cloud, Minn, 19-24; asst syn supt, NatMiss, St Cloud, 24-. ' Cochrane, Sameul — b, Ballymoney, Ireland, My 13, 1878; RoyU, 98; PTS, 98-9; h'reeChCEdin, 99-1901; ord, Pby Belfast, Ire, Ap 29, 02; p, Sinclair Seamen’s ch, Belfast, Ire, res, Cliftonville, Belfast, 02 — . Deggendorf, John Ernest — b, St Louis, Mo, Sp 21, 1867; WestmCMo; LouisvPTS, 94-7; ord evang, Pby West Lexington, Je 12, 97; evang, George- town, Ky, 98-9; ss, Troy, Wentzville & Olivet, Mo, 1900; grad stu, PTS, 00-1; ss, Osborne & Kill Creek, Kan, 01-5; ss, 1st ch, Howard, 06- p, 09-12; ss, Ponca City, Okla, 13- p, 18-9; res, Ponca City, 19-20; deposed, J1 14, 20; — Eaton, John Benjamin — b. Princes End, England, Dc 24, 1864; CornC, 1894; YaleUDS, 94-5; PTS, 98-9; DrewTS, 1900-1; Amer Coll of Med & Surg, 05, MD; ValparU, 05, PhD; ord ME, 01; p. Steamboat Rock, la, 01-2; p, Whitten, 02-4; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Gilmour, John — b, Omagh, Co Tyrone, Ire, Ag 10, 1875; QuUBelf; PTS, 98-9; RoyU, 1900; AsC, 00-2; p. Trinity ch, Cork, Ire, 04-5; sec, Hibernian Bible Soc in Ire, 06-9; ord, Un Free Ch Scotland, Pby Cupar Fife, Dc 31, 09; asst p. Woodlands ch, Glasgow, 09; p, Kingskettle, Fife, 09-20; p, Holyrood Abbey ch, Edinburgh, 20 — . Grubbs, Henry Alexander — b, De Haven, Pa, Ja 17, 1867; W&JC, 90; WestTS, 90-3; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 13, 93; p, Lebanon, Pa, 93-7; ss, 1st ch, Vandalia, 111, 98-9; p, Wayne Ave ch, Dayton, O, 99-1900; grad stu, PTS, 00-01, BD; p, Havre de Grace, Md,01-3;ed, Presb Journal, Phila, Pa,03-4;mng ed, West- minster, Phila, 04-5; p, Westminster ch, Harrisburg, 06-11; p, Wallbrook ch, Baltimore, Md, 11-21; p, Garrett Memorial ch, Oakland, 21-6; p, 1st ch, Water- ford, Pa, 26-31; res, Skaneateles, NY. Hart, John Wesley — b. Auburn, 111, Ag 12, 1873; LincC, 96; ord CumbP, Pby Sangamon, Sp 6, 96; ss, Ridgway, 111, 96-8; PTS, 98-1900; CumbU, ThDept, 01-2, BD; p, Sherman, Tex, 02-5; ss, Goodlettsville, Tenn, 06-8; p, Albion, 111, 08-11; p. Junction City, Kan, 11-7; asso p, Topeka, 17-8; YMCA, war service. 5o8 1901 18-9; ss, Rossville, Kan, 19-20; p, Baxter Springs, 20-5; p, Nevada, Mo, 25-6; p, Phillipsburg, Kan, 26 — . Huecker, Samuel — b, Covington, Ky, Ap 3, 1876; DubqTS, 97-9; PTS, 98-1900; LaneTS, 00-1; ord, Pby Marion, Sp 30, 01; ss. Brown, Kingston & Berlin chs, O, 01-7; OVVesU, 05, 06, MA; p, Pemberville, 07-18; p, 1st ch, Bryan, 18-20; p. Market St ch, Lima, 20-30; p, 1st ch, Batavia, 30 — . Liggett, John Albert, Jr — b, Rahway, NJ, Oc 29, 1875; RutU, 98; PTS, 98-9; res, Rahway, NJ ; res, Korbel, Cal. Lindsay, Archie Thompson — b, Fayetteville, Tenn, Oc 16, 1877; ErskC, 98; ErskTS, 98-9; PTS, 99; AllegTS, 1900-1; ord AssoRefP, 1st Pby, Sp 27, 01; p, Pisgah, NC, 01-14; pres, Linwood Female Coll, Gastonia, 02-23; p, Lindsay Mem ch, Memphis, Tenn, 24-31; ss, Lindsay Mem Presb ch, Memphis, 32 — . Macintosh, Charles Daniel — b. Sunny Brae, NS, Canada, Mr 10, 1868; DalhlJ, 95; PresbC, 94-7; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Je 4, 97; ord miss, Welsford, NB, Can, 97-1900; grad stu, PTS, 00-1; p, Kennetcook & Gore, NS, 02-10; p. River John, 12-3, 19-24; p, UnChCan, Eel River, Dalhousie Jet, 26-7; stu p, St John’s Univ, Dalhousie, NB, Can, 28 — . Mairet, Louis Ariste Jean — b, Neuchatel, Switzerland, My 22, 1868; Neuchatel Univ, Switz, 87; ME Sem, Pueblo, Mex; PTS, 98-9; — Malcolm, Thomas Walker — b, Dundee, Scotland, Nv 10, 1873; CarC; MeCTS, 98-1900; PTS, 00-1; ord, Pby Sioux City, Sp 16, 01; p, Manila, la, 01-3; p, Ridgeway Ave ch, Chicago, 111, 03-6; p. Painted Post, NY, 07-8; p, St Andrew’s ch, Detroit, Mich, 08-14; p, Arlington Hills ch, St Paul, Minn, 14-9; p, Mt Olivet ch, Brooklyn, NY, 19 — . Marks, Harvey Blair — b, Chester, W\’a, Je 9, 1874; W&JC, 98, 1902, MA; PTS, 98-9; WestTS, 99-01, 27, STB; ord, Pby Erie, J1 2, 01; p, Utica, & Memorial ch. Sugar Creek, Pa, 01-5; p, Linton, Ind, 05-6; ss, Williamsport, 06-7; asso rec, St Peter’s Epis ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 08-10; vie, St Mark’s & Ch of the Advent, Pittsburgh, 10-4; rec, St James’ ch, Cheboygan, Mich, 14-6; act canon, St Paul’s Cathedral, Detroit, 17; SS wk. Pa & NJ, 17-9; rec, Christ ch, Danville, Pa, 19-20; rec. Trinity ch, Chambersburg, 20-3; rec, St Philip’s ch. West Warwick, RI, 23 — . Mauch, Harry Crist — b, Donegal Twp, Lancaster Co, Pa, Ja 7, 1877; LincU, 98; PTS, 98-9;— Mayo, George Pickett — b, Hague, \’a, Sp 3, 1876; RoanC, 98; PTS, 98-9; PrU, 99, MA; AlexTS, 99-1902; ord PEpis pr, Je 20, 30; asst. Ivy, Va, 02-3; miss. Mission Home, Va, 03-10; supt. Blue Ridge Indus Schl, Bris, Va, 10-21;rec, Monu- mental ch, Richmond, 21-7; supt. Blue Ridge Indus Schl, Bris, Va, 27 — . DD, RoanC, 17. *Nesbit, Harry— b, Clarksburg, Pa, Ja 22, 1861; W&JC, 91; WestTS, 91-4; ord, Pby Washington, My 15, 94; p, Westminster ch, Burgettstown, Pa, 94-1900; grad stu, PTS, 00-1, BD; p, Christ ch, Bayonne, NJ, 01-12; p, Connecticut Farms, NJ, 12-28; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Oc 5, 29. Parkinson, Gilbert Gordon — b, Camargo, Tenn, Dc 12, 1868; ErskC, 91; 1901-1902 509 tea, Troy, SC, 91-3; ErskTS, 93-5; ord AssoRefP, 2d Pby, Oc 28, 95; hm miss. Little Rock, Ark, 95-1900; grad stu, PTS, 00-01; prof, Homil & Hist, ErskTS, 01- ; ed, AssoRef Presbyterian, 05-10; p, Bethlehem ch. Due West, SC, 11-20; sec, AssoRefP BdForMiss, 10-30; chairman, 30 — ; res. Due West, SC. DD, ErskC, 09. Reavis, James Overton — b, Florida, Mo, Dc 8, 1878; WestmCMo, 96, 98, MA; LouisvPTS, 97-9, BD; ss. South Fork & New Hope chs, Santa Fe, Mo, 99; ss, Hamilton, Mont, 99-1900; ord, Pby Palmyra, Ap 12, 00; grad stu, PTS, 00-1, BD; NYU, 00-1, M^; ss, 1st ch, Louisville, Ky, 01-2; p, 1st ch, Dallas, Tex, 02-5; sec, BdForMiss, PresbChUS, Nashville, Tenn, 06-11; p, 1st ch, Columbia, SC, 11-4; use, 14, LLB; prof, Eng Bib, Horn & Pas Theol, ColTS, 14-20; sec, Bd ForMiss, 20 — ; res, Dallas, Tex. DD, AusC, 08; LLD, PresbCSC, 16. Simpson, Edwin Wilcox — b, Newcastle, Pa, Oc 28, 1870; HSC, 94; tea; hm miss, Indian Ter, 95-6; tea; MeCTS, 98-9; PTS, 99-1900, 30-1, ThM; PrU, 00, MA; UnTSVa, 00-1, BD; ord, Pby North Mississippi, My 7, 02; hm miss, Pby No Miss, 00-2; miss, Kolhapur, India, 02-13, Ratnagiri, 13-7, Urun-Islam- pur, 17—. DD, HSC, 22. Smead, Edgar Mason — b, Owego, NY, Oc 13, 1870; PrU, 95, 1901, MA; AubTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Geneva, J1 1, 98; ss, Naples, NY, 98-1900; grad stu, PTS, 00-1, BD; p, Milford, Pa, 01-5; p, Montgomery & Warrior Run, 06-8; p. Union City, 08-17; p, Olean, NY, 17-9; p, Bethlehem ch, Buffalo, 19 — . PhD, Grov CyC, 13. Smith, Sidney William — b, Rectortown, Va, Je 8, 1869; Wayland Sem; ord, Bapt, 92; PTS, 98-1901;— Strodach, Paul Zeller — b, Norristown, Pa, Mr 27, 1876; MuhlC, 96, 99, MA; MtATS, 96-9, 1918, BD; ord Ev Luth, My 29, 99; p, Ch of the Saviour, Trenton, NJ, 99-1901; grad stu, PTS, 00-1; asst p, St John’s ch & ss, Ch of the Good Shepherd, Easton, Pa, 01-5; p, 1st ch, Washington, Pa, 05-7; p. Trinity ch. Canton, O, 07-12; p, Grace ch, Roxboro, Phila, Pa, 12-21; p. Trinity ch, Norris- town, 21-7; lit ed, UnLuthCh, PubHse, 27 — ; res, Phila, Pa. DD, MuhlC, 22. Werner, Frank— b, Phila, Pa, Ag 2, 1861 ; TemU, 97; PTS, 97-1901 ; ord, Pby North River, Oc 8, 01; p, Hughsonville, NY, 01-4; p. Liberty Corner, NJ, 07-11; p, Mt Calvary ch, Phila, Pa, 11-27; ill health; res, Phila, Pa. 25. 1902 Atwood, James Willard — b. Elm Springs, Ark, Je 14, 1875; Span war; ColTS, 99-1901; PTS, 01-2; ord, Pby Atlanta, J1 20, 02; p, Georgia Ave ch, At- lanta, Ga, 02-3; p, Cuthbert & Fort Gaines, 03-4; p, Attalla, Ala, 04-5; p. Laurel, Miss, 05-6; supt hm miss & evang, Pby Savannah, 07; p, Waycross, Ga, 08; p el, Carrollton & ss. La Grange & Owenton, Ky, 09; p. Clarendon, Ark, 10; evang. Bowling Green, Ky, 11; p, Courtland, Ala, 13-5; evang, Montgomery, 15; p, 1st ch, Ballinger, Tex, 17-8; res, Dallas, 20 — . Beale, Wilson Thomas Moore — b, Baltimore, Md, Sp 27, 1876; PrU, 99, MA, 1903; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Phila, My 22, 02; p, Zion & Rock, Md, 02-6; 510 1902 p, Wicomico ch, Salisbury, 07-14; p, East Side ch, Paterson, NJ, 14-23; p. Oak Lane ch, Phila, Pa, 23 — . DD, StJC, 22. Bieber, Herbert Walter — b, Kutztown, Pa, Sp 16, 1875; LafC, 94, MA; tea; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Chester, Je 17, 02; p. New London, Pa, 02-6; p, Bradford, 06-12; p, Tyrone, 12-9; p, Cynwyd, 19 — . DD, LafC, 16. Boggs, Henry Alford— b, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 24, 1875; PrU, 99; PTS, 99- 1902; ord, Pby Phila North, My 27, 02; asst p, Princeton ch, Phila, Pa, 02- p, 07—. Campbell, Walter Jenkins — b, London, Ont, Canada, Ag 20, 1876; PrU, 99; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby New York, Je 15, 02; p, Suffern, NY, 02-6; state sec, YMCA, NY, 06-11, Pa, 11-4; prof, Soc & dir. Town & Country Dept, Internat YMCA Tr Schl, Springfield, Mass, 14-28, v pres, 28 — . *Crandall, Fred Alonzo— b. So Bristol, NY, Mr 31, 1869; LkFC, 99; PTS, 99-1902; ord evang, Pby Minnewaukon, J1 10, 02; hm miss, ND, 02-3; ss, Ply- mouth, 111, 03-4; ss. Grimes & Ridgedale, la, 04-5; ss, Union Twp ch, Le Mars, 05-6; ill health; res, Sioux City, la, 06-16; d, Willard, NY, Oc 28, 22. *Curtis, Edwin Ernest — b. Oil City, Pa, My 20, 1872; PrLT, 1899; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby W'estminster, Je 11, 02; p. Chestnut Level, Pa, 02-11; p, Westm ch, Harrisburg, 11-8; d, Harrisburg, Pa, Oc 27, 18. Doane, Clarence Eugene — b. East Cleveland, O, Ap 24, 1874; KenC, 97; UGot & UBer, 98-9; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Pembina, Ag 28, 02; p, Neche, ND, 02-3; ss, Pembina, 03-4; p. Pine Plains, NY, 04-10; p, Chanceford, Pa, 10-2; p, Cong ch, Cleveland, O, 12-4; p, Strongsville, 14-24; oc s, Cleveland, 24-30; p. North Fairfield, 30-2; p. Wading River, NY, 32 — . Dodd, Albert Baldwin — b, Jacksonville, 111, Fb 5, 1877; WestmCMo, 98; farming; PrU, 1902, MA; PTS, 99-02, BD, GS Green Fell, Heb, 02-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 3, 03; miss, Weihsien, China, 03-4; miss, Tsinanfu, Shan- tung Prov, & prin, Clara Linton Hamilton Acad for Boys, 04-18; edu & evang wk, 12-9; prof, NChina Theol Sem, Weihsien, 19-22; do & ss, Ch for Lepers, Tenghsien, Shantung, China, 22 — . DD, WestmCMo, 26. Doltz, Paul — b. Young America, Minn, Sp 23, 1875; MacalC, 99; PTS, 99-1902, BD; PrU, 02, MA; ord, Pby Minneapolis, J1 8, 02; miss evang, Iloilo, PI, 02-16; tea & v pres, Silliman Inst, Dumaguete, 16-26, evang, 26-30, field sec & tea, Silliman Inst, 30 — . DD, MacalC, 20. Edge, Walter Warren — b, Mt Tabor, SC, Sp 20, 1876; PresbCSC, 99; ColTS, 99-1901; PTS, 01-2; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 20, 02; p, Morganton, NC, 02-5; p, Flemington, Ga, 05-6; p, Davis, WVa, 06-10; p. Laurel, Md, 10-2; p, Manasquan, NJ, 12-5; p, Brainerd ch, Easton, Pa, 15-25; p, 1st ch, Lancaster, 25—. DD, LafC, 23. Edson, George Clements — b, Downsville, NY, Dc 7, 1877; MacalC, 99; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 15, 02; p, Carversville, Pa, 02-4; p, Amagansett, NY, 04-7; p. Noble St ch, Brooklyn, 07-11; sec, BdEdu; prof, Lat & Gk, WaynC, 24—. MA, NYU. 1902 51 1 Erdman, Walter Collins — b, Chicago, 111, Nv 8, 1877; PrU, 99, 1902, MA; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Phila North, Ja 13, 03; asst p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 02-4; trav, 04-5; SS sec, BdForMiss, NYCity, 05-6; miss, Taiku, Korea, 06-24, Pyeng Yang, 24-9, instr, OT, Presb Theol Sem, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 11-22, prof, 22-9; res, Germantown, Phila, Pa. DD, HurC, 25. Ferrell, Dudley Hays — b, Cincinnati, O, Ja 29, 1879; TarkC, 99; PTS, 99-1902; PrU, 02, MA; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 5, 02; p, Slatington, Pa, 02-4; p. Unity Unit ch, Natick, Mass, 04-6; p. Unity ch, Brockton, 06-18; p, Ch of the Messiah, Montreal, Can, 18-20; p. Unit ch, Lynn, Mass, 20-7; Relief Com, Grand Lodge of Mass, AF&AM, 27-31; p, 2d ch, Boston, Mass, 30 — . Fisher, Alzo John — b, Cleves, la, Ag 20, 1876; CoeC, 99; PTS, 99-1902; ord evang, Pby Waterloo, My 27, 02; miss. Canton, China, 02-4, Shek Lung, 04-17, Canton, 17-27, sec, Nat Child Welfare Asso of China, 28-9, asso gen sec, Kroongtung Syn, 29-32, gen sec, Gen Assem, Ch of Christ, China, 32 — ; res, Shanghai, China. DD, CoeC, 17. Forsyth, Henry Hazlett — b, Sewickley, Pa, Je 14, 1877; UPitts, 98; trav; PTS, 99-1902; NewC; FreeChCGlas; ord, Pby Allegheny, Dc 28, 03; p, Ben Avon, Pa, 03-22; p, Kingshighway ch, St Louis, Mo, 22-6; p, 6th ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 26 — . DD, WestmCMo, 20; LLD, MoVC, 23. Giffen, Bruce Johnston — b. Ramie, Egypt, Mr 5, 1878; ErskC, 97; tea; PrU, 98-9; XenTS, 99-1901; PTS, 01-3, BD; ord, Pby Wheeling, My 15, 03; miss, UP ch, Egypt, 03-6; ss, Torrihgton, Wyo, 06-8; ss, Presb ch, Nyssa, Ore, 08-10; p, Parma, Ida, 10-6; p, McMinnville, Ore, 16-9; p, Vernon ch, Portland, 19-20; chap, Wheatland Hosp, Wheatland, Wyo, 20; p, UOre, 20-7; p. Cedar Falls, la, 27—. Guy, Thomas Rodgers — b. Honey Brook, Pa, Oc 16, 1871; LafC, 98; tea; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Chester, J1 8, 02; miss, Tsinanfu, Shantung, China, 02-5; ss, Rigby & Poplar, Ida, 08-9; tea & hm miss, 09-25; ss, Omaha, Neb, 26; ss, Des Moines, la, 26-9; ill health; res, Clarinda, 29 — . Harmon, Harold Charles — b, Hoosick Falls, NY, Ja 26, 1873; PrU, 99; PTS, 99-1902, 08-9; ord, Pby Chillicothe, Oc 7, 02; p, Bainbridge, O, & ss, Bourne- ville, 02-4; p, Cairo, NY, 04-6; p. West ch, Newark, NJ, 06-18; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, 1st ch, Cambridge, NY, 19 — . Hata, Shokichi — b, Yamaguchi, Japan, Fb 4, 1872; WabC, 99; PTS, 99-1903, BD; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 6, 03; p, Daimachi ch, Tokyo, Japan, 03-6; lect, MG, ThDept, 03-6, prof, Theol, 06-10; p, Japanese ch, Pasadena, Cal, 10-2; p, Japanese ch. Riverside, 12-4; p, Japanese ch, Salinas, 14-20; p, Japanese ch, Stockton, 20-3; p, Japanese ch, San Francisco, 23 — . DD, WabC, 30. Hillis, Lewis Bradley — b, Towanda, Pa, Oc 5, 1876; CEmpo, 1899; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 3, 02; miss, Amer ch, Manila, PI, 02-9; ss & p el, Millburn, NJ, 09-11; asst p, 1st ch, Newark, 11-5; Univ p, Berkeley, Cal, 15-24; UCal, 20, MA; gen dir. Dept of Recruiting, BdChrEdu, 24-7, gen dir, Stu Aid, 25-7, act sec, Div of Edu, 25-7; stu p. Synod Cal, 27—; res, Berkeley, Cal. DD, CEmpo, 20. IB 512 1902 Irvine, Howard Clarke — b, Oelwein, la, Dc 11, 1879; LenC, 99; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Pembina, Ag 28, 02; ss, Glenila, ND, 02-3; ss, Edinburgh & Knox, 03-4; p, Osnabrock & Soper, 04-6; p, Leeds, 06-7; p, Jesup, la, 07-13; p, Bellevue, 13-6; p, Peniel ch, Monticello, 16-20; p. Union ch, Quasqueton, 20-1; p, Alton, 21-5; p, Birmingham, 25 — . Janies, Joseph Eakins — b, York, Ala, Ap 11, 1876; OxC, 98; tea; ColTS, 99-1900; PTS, 00-2, 03-4, BD; ord, Pby Atlanta, Nv 11, 02; p, I/iman Park ch, Atlanta, Ga, 02-3; p. Central ch, Anderson, SC, 04-9; p, Aveleigh ch, Newberry, 09-11; p, Uniontown, Ala, 12-6; p, Marian, Tex, 17-20; p, 1st ch, Gonzales, 21-7; p. Southeast ch, Kansas City, Mo, 29; p, Trenton, Tenn, 31—. Johnson, Weston T — b, Monroe, Mich, Ag 6, 1874; AlmaC, 99; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Detroit, My 27, 02; miss, Asahigawa, Japan, 02-3, Sapporo, 03-16, Tokyo, 16-8; sec, BdForMiss, Pacific Dist, 18 — ; res, San Francisco, Cal. DD, AlmaC, 22. Jones, Ebenezer Edwin — b. Fox Lake, Wis, Sp 2, 1877; RipC, 99; PTS, 99-1902, BD; PrU, 01, MA; ord WelshP, Syn Wisconsin, Je 13, 03; p, Jackson, O, 02-6; ss, Cong ch, Lyons, Colo, 06-7; ss, Presb ch, Idaho Springs, 07-10; p, Welsh Presb ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 10-4; p, Columbus, O, 14-22; dist sec, W^elsh synods, 22-30, exec sec, 30 — ; res, Columbus, O. Kellogg, Augustus Clark — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ag 24, 1870; PrU, 93; NYLawSchl, 94-6, LLB; lawy, 93-9; AubTS, 99-1901; PTS, 01-2; ord, Pby Long Island, Oc 14, 02; ss, 1st ch. East Moriches, NY, 02-7; ss, Cairo, 08-9; p, Dela- ware & Knowlton chs, Delaware, NJ, 10 — . Kreager, Frank Sidle — b, Gratiot, O, Ja 19, 1873; OWesC, 98, 99, MA; LaneTS, 99-1901; PTS, 01-2; ord, Pby Lima, Oc 22, 02; p, 1st ch, Celina, O, 02- 5; p. Forest Ave ch, Dayton, 05-17; res, Dayton, O. Lacy, John McDowell Alexander — b, Sedalia, Mo, Ja 18, 1877; ColbnU; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Savannah, Sp 19, 02; p, Hazlehurst & Trinity, & ss, Douglass, Ga, 02-3; p. Royal Oak, & ss. Rural Retreat, Va, 03-9; p, Norton, 09-10; p, Hinton, WVa, 11-8; USArmy, 19; evang, Washington, DC, 20-6; p, Davis Memorial ch, Elkins, WVa, 27 — . Mitchell, Thomas William— b, NYCity, Fb 23, 1875; UWis, 99; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Waterloo, My 27, 02; miss, Hengchow, China, 02-3, Chenchow, 03- 23, Siangtan, 23—. DD, CEmpo, 30. Paist, Benjamin Franklin, Jr — b, Parkesburg, Pa, My 29, 1878; UrsC, 99; PTS, 99-1902, BD; PrU, 02, MA; WHGreen Fell, Ch Hist, PTS, 02-3; WH Green Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, UErl, 03-4; UZur, 04; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 29, 03; p, Langhorne, Pa, 03-18; p, 1st ch, Hillsboro, O, 18-22; p, 1st ch, Lancaster, 22 — . DD, UrsC, 32. Polk, Thomas McKean — b, Pocomoke City, Md, Ap 17, 1876; LafC, 96; PTS, 96-8; tea; PTS, 1901-3; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 9, 03; ss, Joseph, Ore, 03-5; ss, Brownsburg, Pa, 05; p. Doe Run, 05-8; p, Mortonville, 08-11; p, Olyphant, 11-3; p, Ashley, 14-20; p, Richboro, 21; p. Middle Spring ch, Shippensburg, 25—. Preston, John Fairman — b, Fernandina, Fla, Ap 30, 1875; FurU, 98; 1902 513 tea; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Enoree, Ap 18, 03; field sec, “Forward Movement”, ExComForMiss, 02-3; miss, Mokpo, S Chulla Province, Korea, 03-6, Kwangju, 07-12, Soonchun, 13 — . DD, OglU, & KingC, 26. Purcell, Jonathan Wesley — b. Gate City, Va, Ap 4, 1866; ord ME, Ag 30, 91; p. White Church, Kan, 89-90; p, Kickapoo, 90-1; p. Freeman, Mo, 91-2; p, Westport, 92-5; p. Blue Springs, 95-7; KanSTeaC, 97; p, Bunceton, Mo, 97-9; PTS, 99-1903, BD; PrU, 02, MA; p, Presb ch, Manalapan, NJ, 02-3, 05; HartTS, 03-4; hm miss, Victor, Colo, 04; p, Keyser, WVa, 05-7; p, 1st ch, Santa Fe, NM, 07-9; Monticello, Ark, 09-10; p, 1st ch, Palatka, Fla, 10-5; p, 1st ch, Faison, NC, 15-22; p, 1st ch, Casa Grande, Ariz, 22-5; p, Norwood ch, Jacksonville, Fla, 25-30; p, 1st ch. Palmyra, Mo, 31 — . PhD, Providence Univ, Oak Hill, O, 03; DD, TemU, 10. Reeves, Nathaniel Smith — b, Millville, NJ, Ap 22, 1875; PrU, 99, 1901, MA; PTS, 99-02, BD; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 29, 02; p, 1st ch, Alexandria, NJ, 02-3; p, Westminster ch, Devil’s Lake, ND, 04-7; p. Piedmont ch, Portland, Ore, 07-8; p, 1st ch, Dallas, 08-10; p. Palisades, Col, 10-2; p, Loveland, 12-4; p. New Providence, NJ, 14-20; p. State St ch, Hackensack, 20-2; supt & lect, Swarthmore Chautauqua Assn, 22-4; field sec. Lord’s Day Alliance US, 24-7; do, NY State, 27-8; p, Madison Ave ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 28 — . Russell, George Jeffrey — b, Montclair, NJ, Ap 5, 1878; PrU, 99, 1901, MA; PTS, 99-02, BD; ord, Pby Newark, My 14, 02; FreeChCEdin, 02-3; asso p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 03-9; p, 1st ch, Southampton, NY, 09-18; chap, USArmy, 18-9; field sec, Natl Service Com, Presb ch, 19-21; ss, Ch of the Puritans, NYCity, 21-3; p, 2d ch, NYCity, 23—. DD, AlbanyC, 31. ’"Searight, Henry Brown — b, Nashville, Tenn, Ag 27, 1878; SWPresbU, 98; UnTSVa, 98-1901; PTS, 01-2, BD; ord, Pby Cherokee, Sp 12, 02; p, Acworth, Midway, & Mars Hill, Ga, 02-8; p, Washington, NC, 08-29; d, Washington, Oc 8, 29. DD, CentlU, 27. Simmons, Frank Erdman — b. My 4, 1875; YaleU, 99; PTS, 99-1902; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Newark, Dc 11, 02; asst p. So Park ch, Newark, NJ, 03-4; asst p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 03-7; p, American ch, Frankfort, Ger, 07-8; trav & study, 08-9; p, Westm ch, Brooklyn, NY, 09-27; p, Spencer Memorial ch, Brooklyn, 27 — . DD, SW, 30, Stark, George Shippen — b, NYCity, Je 30, 1876; LincU, 99; PTS, 99- 1902, BD; ord, Pby Elizabeth, My 7, 03; ss, Siloam ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 02-5; p, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, 05-19; p, Siloam ch, Brooklyn, NY, 20 — . ♦Terry, Eliphalet Bradford — b, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 1, 1866; YaleU, 88; bus & lawy; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Nv 29, 03; hm miss, ND, 03; evang, Brooklyn, NY, 04-22; d, Brooklyn, Oc 9, 22. Van Ess, John — b. North Holland, Mich, Ag 10, 1879; HopeC, 99, 1902, MA; PTS, 99-02; ord, RefChAm, Cl Wisconsin, J1 1, 02; miss, Arabia, 02-11; prin, American Schl for Boys, Basrah, Iraq (Arabia), 11 — . DD, CntlCIa, 18. Vogelsonger [Fogelsonger], Harry Milton — b, near Shippensburg, Pa, Nv 10, 1872; F&MC, 97; tea; PTS, 99-1902; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, Je 9, 02; 514 1902 asst p, Bethlehem ch, Phila, Pa, 02-4; p, 1st ch, Slatington, Pa, 04-10; p, 1st ch, Rochester, Minn, 10-6; p, Biddle Mem ch, Carlisle, Pa, 16-20; p, 1st ch, New- port, 20 — . Young, Charles Van Patten — b, Middletown, O, Nv 10, 1876; CornU, 99; PTS, 99-1902; lie, Pby Northumberland, Ap 21, 02; ss, Luth ch, Washington, DC, 02; p, Eastminster Presb ch, Erie, Pa, 02-3; Springfield YMCA Training Schl, 04; tea, Phys Culture, CornU, 04—. 42. *Augur, Walter Baker — b, Leyden, NV, Nv 5, 1874; MacalC, 99; PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 22, 02; ss, Pikeville, Ky, 02-3; prof, do, 02-3; ss, Burkesville, 03-4; prin, Alexander Coll, 03-4; ss. Lake Crystal, Minn, 04; p, Kerkhoven, 05-6; ill health; ss. Storm Lake & Nemaha, la, 12-3; ss, Jasper, Minn, 13-4; ss, Utica, & Lewiston, 14-5; evang, 25-8; d, St Peter, Minn, Nv 18, 28. Clark, Ralph Elmo — b, St Paul, Minn, Je 15, 1875; MacalC, 99; MeCTS, 99-1900, 01-2; PTS, 00-1; ord, Pby Mankato, My 23, 02; p, Fulda, Minn, 02-4; p, Wabasso, 05-7; p, St Peter, 07-11; tea, Alberta, Can, 11-20; ss, Whitehall, Wis, 20-3; ss, Reedsport, Ore, 23-6; prin, do, 26-7; ss. Independence, 27-8; ss, Fairmount ch, Eugene, 29 — . Evans, Thomas St Clair — b, Indiana Co, Pa, My 6, 1872; PrU, 97; sec, Philadelphian Soc, PrU, 1900-1, 15-8; sec, Christian Assn, UPa, 01-15; TSRef EpisCh; PTS, 99-00; YMCA, war service, 18-9; sec, Stu Christian Assn, UMich, 19-21; DVBAssn, 21-8; exec sec. The Univ Rel Conf, UCLA, 28 — . Friend, William Nathaniel — b, Oakland, Cal, Ap 5, 1870; UCal, 96; lawy; SETS, 99-1900; PTS, 00-1; ord, Pby Denver, Dc 6, 01; p. Golden, Col, 01- 9; p, Howard ch, San Francisco, Cal, 09-13; res, Oakland, Cal. Good, Thomas Roseberry — b, Sunderland, Eng, Mr 29, 1869; PTS, 99- 1900, 01-4; ord, Pby Denver, J1 27, 04; p, Mt Sterling, 111, 04-7; miss, Yokohoma, Japan, 08-14; p. Union ch, Schenectady, NY, 1.5 — . Graham, William Forrester — b. Sandwich, 111, Dc 25, 1875; TarkC, 97; tea; PTS, 99-1900; AllegTS, 00-2; ord UP, Pby College Springs, Oc 29, 02; p, Adams, la, & ss, Prescott, 02-4; p, St Charles, 05-8; p, Westchester, 08-12; ss, 2d ch, Bellingham, Wash, 12-5; p, Winchester, Kan, 15-7; p, Hepburn, la, 17-9; p, Dunbar, Neb, 19-22; p, Murray, 22-7; p, Allerton, la, 27—. Kellmayer, Egidius — b, Kirweiler, Bavaria, Germany, Mr 15, 1874; NTS, 97; UnTS, 97-8; PTS, 98-1902; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 12, 04; ss, Osborne Memorial ch, Cedarville, NJ, 04-5; p, Titusville, 05-8; p, Bethany ch, Chester, Pa, 08-16; p, 1st Cong ch, do, 16-8; bus, 18-28; p, Presb ch, Sutersville, 28-30; p, Holland Patent, NY, 30 — . *Logan, William John — b, Dundrain, Co Donegal, Ireland, Sp 21, 1876; RoyU, 99; PTS, 99-1900; AsC, 00-2; asst, Rutland Square ch, Dublin, Ireland, 02- 4; ord, Pby Letterkenny, J1 28, 04; asst p, 1st ch, Letterkenny, 04-25; p, Ballyshanny, 25-32; d, Ballyshanny, Ire, Mr 31, 32. 1902 515 Lowrie, William James — b, Gorham, NY, Fb 29, 1876; UNeb, 96-9; SS miss, 99; PTS, 1900-1; McCTS, 01-2; ord, Pby Duluth, J1 22, 02; p. High- land ch, Duluth, Minn, 02-6; p, Westm ch, Duluth, 02-8; p, 1st ch, Brainerd, Minn, 08-20; p, 1st ch, Windom, 20 — . McClenahan, John Wallace — b, Olena, 111, Ap 25, 1874; TarkC, 95; tea; AllegTS, 98-1901; grad stu, PTS, 01-2; ord UP, Pby Allegheny, Oc 20, 02; p, 8th ch, Chicago, 111, 02-9; ss. East Side ch, Gary, Ind, 09-14; p. Little York, 111, 14-8; p, 8th ch, Chicago, 18-26; ss. Little York & Henderson, 26 — . McIntosh, Andrew Duncan — b, Troy, Kan, Nv 14, 1880; HighU, 99; PTS, 99-1900; tea, Watertown, Conn; — Mitchell, Charles Burrell — b, Brunswick, Me, Oc 9, 1870; lawy; bus, Albany, NY, 95-9; PTS, 99-1901; ord, Pby Albany, Je 20, 01; ss. Cedar St chap, Montclair, NJ, 00-5; ss. Good Will chap, NYCity, 05-6; p, 1st ch, Haddon Heights, NJ, 08-10; lawy; — Mitchell, Charles Godfrey — b, Baltimore, Md, Nv 10, 1869; UDel, 99; PTS, 99-1900; miss, Adirondack Mts, 00-3; ord, Pby St Lawrence, Sp 29, 03; ss, Rossie, NY, 03-5; ss, Howard, 05-10; p, Middleport, 10-2; p, Avonmore, Pa, 12-8; p, Jackson Center, 18-23; p, Bellville, O, 23-6; p. Bethel ch, Bellaire, 26—. Mitchell, David Russell — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ja 25, 1872; MageeC, 99; PTS, 99-1900; FreeChCEdin, 00-1; AsC, 01-2; ss. Blarney ch, & asst. Trinity ch, Cork, Ire, 02-4; asst. High ch, Linlithgow, Scot, 04; asst, Viewforth ch, Edinburgh, 04-5; ord, Pby Ballymena, Ap 4, 05; p, 1st ch, Broughshane, Ire, 05-19; chap, British Army, 14-9; p, St Andrew’s ch, Alexandria, Egypt, 19-23; asst p, St Columbas ch, London, Eng, 23-6; p, Aberfeldy, Scot, 26-30; p, Penninghaine ch, Newton-Stewart, 30 — . Morton, Charles Hay — b, Winchester, Ky, Sp 14, 1876; PrU, 99; UParis, 99-1900; KyTS, 00, 01-2, BD, 05-6; PTS, 00-1; ord, Pby La Fayette, Sp 30, 02; p. Sweet Springs & Prairie, Mo, 02-5; ss, Brank Memorial ch, St Louis, Mo, 06; p, Ferguson, 06-10; p, Memphis, 10-5; p, Centerville, la, 15-9; p. Cape Girardeau, Mo, 19 — . DD, W’estmCMo, 29. Nicely, William Emerson — b, Dayton, Ind, Dc 22, 1873; PrU, 98; PTS, 99-1900; Int Cor Schl, Scranton, Pa, 00-3; med stu, UPa, 03-7; phys, Meth Hosp, Phila, Pa, 07-9; prof, UMiss Med Schl, 09-13; do, UTenn, 15-7 ; med dir, Waukesha Spa, Ind, 20—. *Pickney, Henry Hammond — b. Charleston, SC, Ja 11, 1860; USC; p, AfrME ch, Jersey City, NJ, 85-7; ord AfrME, Ap 24, 87; p, Rahway, 87-90; p, Jersey City, 90-2; p. Snow Hill, 92-4; p, Gouldtown, 94-6; p, Burlington, 96-8; p, Bordentown, 98-9; stu, TSRefEpisCh; PTS, 99-1901; p, Princeton, NJ, 99-01; presiding eld, Trenton Dist, 01-5; asst ed, Christian Recorder, 00-6; presiding eld, Newark Dist, 05-7; p, Elmira, NY, 07; presiding eld, Conf NY, 07; ss, Salem, NJ ; d, Camden, Ap 2, 20. ♦Richardson, John MacLaren— b, Geneva, NY, Sp 16, 1876; PrU, 99; PTS, 99-1901; AubT.S, 01-2; ord, Pby Geneva, My 30, 02; p, Chittenango, NY, 02-5; |), East Genesee ch, Syracuse, 05-8; ji, 1st ch, Bridgeport, Conn, 09-17; d, Bridgeport, Ja 11, 17. 1902-1903 5i6 Robbins, Howard Chandler — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 11, 1876; YalelJ, 99; PTS, 99-1900; EpisTS, 00-3, BD; ord PEpis pr. My 28, 04; cur, St Peter’s ch, Morris- town, NJ, 03-5; rec, St Paul’s ch, Englewood, 05-11; rec, Ch of the Incarnation, NYCity, 11-7; dean, Cathedral St John the Divine, NYCity, 17-29; prof. Pas Theol, GenTS, 29—. DD, WmsC, 16, MidC, 27, YaleUDS, 28, TrinC, & Epis TS, 31. Russell, Samuel Burnside — b, Mullertown, Co Down, Ireland, Mr 23, 1873; QuUBelf, 98; AsC, 98-1900; grad stu, PTS, 01-2; ord, Pby Erie, Sp 10, 02; p. East ch, Bradford, Pa, 02-3; p, Hillsburg, Ont, Can, 03-5; p, Erskine ch, Hamil- ton, 05-25; asso p. Centenary United ch, Hamilton, Ont, Can, 25-6; p, Wesley United ch, Hamilton, 26 — . Sentelle, Mark Edgar — b, Greeneville, Tenn, Oc 6, 1874; DavC, 94; tea; YaleU, 98-9, MA; PTS, 99-1901; ord, Pby Lexington, Sp 10, 01; ss, Sutton, WVa, 01-2; p. Big Spring, Tex, 02-3; prof, Phil, DavC, 03 — , dean of stu, 20 — . DD, KingC, 05; LLD, PresbCSC, 25. Steketee, John Bastian — b, Holland, Mich, Fb 11, 1877; HopeC, 98; bus; PTS, 99-1900; bus; tea, Harrison, SD, 04-5, 07-8; WestTSMich, 05-7; ord. Ref ChAm, Cl Illinois, My 25, 09; p, Raritan, 111, 09-15; p. New Salem, & Clarksville, NY, 15-8; p, Flatbush ch, Saugerties, 18-22; miss. Cl Ulster, 22 — ; res, Kingston, NY. Vance, J(ames) Milton — b, Lexington, 111, My 21, 1875; LkFC, 96; tea, 96-9; PTS, 99-1900; McCTS, 01, 02-3, 09, BD; ord evang, Pby Madison, Ap 29, 03; McCTS, Blackstone Fell, Gk, UMarb, 03, UBer, 04, UJena, 04-6, PhD; AmRedCrossCom, Palestine, 18-9; prof, Rel, CWoos, 06- , act dean, 08-9, dean of men, 21-30. Woods, Henry McKee — b, Columbus, O, Ag 14, 1857; UVa, 77; tea, 77-8; prof, OdgC, 78-80; UEdin & FreeChCEdin, 80-1; UnTSVa, 81-3; ord, Pby West Hanover, Oc 29, 83; miss, Chinkiang, China, 84-7, Tsing Kiang Pu, 87-1904; evang & act p, Hwaianfu, 04-25; grad stu, PTS, 01-2; res, Ventnor, NJ. DD, HSC, 1893, & LLD, 25. 24. 1903 Barnhill, Oliver Paul — b. La Grange, Ky, Mr 24, 1878; CenCKy, 1900; PTS, 00-3; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 26, 03; asso p. Memorial ch, Brooklyn, NY, 03-4; p, 1st ch, Edgewater, Stapleton, NY, 04-16; asso p. Marble Collegiate ch, NYCity, 16-23; chap, USRC; p, Fordham Manor RefChAm, NY City, 23—. DD, AlfU & CenCKy, 19. Bossert, Frank Goess — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 3, 1879; UPa, 99, grad stu, Har- rison Scholar Philos, 99-1900, MA; PTS, 00-3, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Monmouth, Oc 15, 03; p. Cream Ridge & New Egypt, NJ, 03-9; p. Mount Joy & Donegal, Pa, 09-18; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Roxborough, Phila, Pa, 19—. *Brewer, Wesley Corwin — b, Vinton, la, Ja 17, 1879; CoeC, 1900; PTS, 00-3, BD; GS Green Fell, Heb, UBer, ULeip; ord, Pby Des Moines, Nv 29, 04; ss, 1st ch, Colfax, la, 04-5; p, Stillwater, Okla, 05-11; prof, lang dept, Fairmount 1903 517 Cong Coll, Wichita, Kan, 11-2; p, 1st ch, Douglas, Ariz, 12-20; d, Douglas, Ag 26, 20. Brown, Benjamin Mickle — b, Chicago, 111, Je 20, 1871; UTex; bus; PTS, 99-1900, 01-3; Tramp mission, Trenton, NJ, 00-1; bus, Cleveland, O, 03-6; ord evang, Pby Cleveland, Sp 16, 06; sec, BdForMiss, Chicago, 111, 06-7; evang, Chi- cago, 07-8; p. Onward ch, Chicago, 08-13; evang, 13-26; p. Gospel Loop ch, Chicago, 111, 26 — . Brown, John — b, Ballykeel, Co Down, Ireland, J1 13, 1870; HastC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Superior, Canada, Je 3, 03; miss, Canada, 03-15; ill health; res. Verdant Valley, Alberta, Can. Brown, Samuel Robert — b, Waltersburg, Pa, Dc 6, 1876; CWoos, 99; PrU, 1900; AubTS, 00-1; UnTS, 01-2; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Rochester, J1 14, 03; p, 1st & 2d chs, Sparta, NY, 03-6; p, Orwell, O, 06-9; p, Somerset, NY, 09-11; p, Ells- worth, Pa, 11-4; p, Berwindale, 14-5; p, Warrensburg, NY, 15-9; p, Milesburg, Pa, 20-4; p, Laboratory ch, Washington, 24-9; p. Spruce Creek ch, Pennsylvania Furnace, 29 — . Davenport, Harry — b, NYCity, My 17, 1876; WesU, 1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Utica, Nv 22, 04; p, Westernville, NY, 03-5; UnTS, 05-6; p, Cong ch, Bridgewater, Conn, 07-10; govt elk, Washington, DC, 10-27, NYCity, 27 — . Davis, Edwin Emerson — b, NYCity, Fb 14, 1872; bus; LaneTS, 1900-2; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Cleveland, Je 24, 03; p, Mayflower ch, Cleveland, O, 03-5; evang, 05-6; p, Roswell, NM, 06-8; res, NYCity; — Demaree, Victor Barr — b, Franklin, Ind, Dc 13, 1865; HanC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Indianapolis, My 11, 03; ss, Healdsburg, Cal, 03-4; p. Redding, 05-7; miss, Dubuc, Sask, Can, 07; ss. Manor, 07-10; ss. West Bend, la, 10-1; p, Earlham, 11-7; p. Grand Junction, 17-20; p, Armstrong, 20-4; p. Poplar Bluff, Mo, 24-30; act p, Macon, 30 — . De Free, John James — b. Spring Lake, Mich, Fb 29, 1876; HopeC, 99; bus; PTS, 1900-3; ord, Pby Sioux City, Nv 2, 03; p, Alta, la, 03-7; p, Denison, 07-13; p, Knox ch, Sioux City, 13-8; YMCA, war serv'ice, 18-9; p, Paola, Kan, 19-27; p, Le Mars, la, 27 — . DD, CEmpo, 25. Faivre, Joseph Zepherin— b. Center, Del, J1 29, 1872; PTS, 1900-3; ord, Pby Chester, Nv 16, 03; ss. South East ch, Brewster, NY, 03-4; p. Freedom Plains, 04-6; ss, 1st ch, Lansing, la, 06-7; p, Unionville, NY, 07-9; p, Irving Ave ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 09-11; p, Nottingham, Pa, 12-6; p, Amity, NY, 18-9; p. Palisades, 21-32; res, Nyack, NY, 32—. Falconer, James — b, Truro, NS, Canada, Oc 29, 1869; CPac, 1900, 02, MA; SFTS, 00-2; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby San Jose, Oc 15, 03; ss, Menlo Park, Cal, 03-5; p, Hollister, 05-10; p, Santa Clara, 10-8; p, Berkeley, 18-27; p, Cuper- tino, 27 — . DD, CPac, 18. Ferguson, John McClellan — b, Daretown, NJ, Dc 30, 1871; LaneTS, 99-1900, 01-2; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Arizona, Ap 24, 04; hm miss, Mayer, Ariz, 04-5; SSmiss, Pby Portland, 06-9; YMCA wk; res, Phila, Pa. 1903 5i8 Frank, Howard Moody — b, Mason, O, Fb 27, 1879; WashbC, 99; PTS, 99-1901, 02-4, BD; ss, Baldwin & Black Jack, Kan, 01-2; hm miss, ND, 03; ord, Pby Topeka, Je 1, 04; hm miss, Alaska, 04-7; ss, Higgins, Tex, & Goodwin, Okla, 07-8; p, Memphis, Tex, 08-11; p, 1st ch. Rapid City, SD, 11-2; hm miss. Clover, 12-4; SSmiss, Wichita Falls, Tex, 14-6; supt. Settlement Hse wk, Dallas, 16-7; asso p. City Temple, Dallas, 18-23; supt, Reynolds Presb Orphanage, Albany & Dallas, 23-6; asst p. West ch, St Louis, Mo, 26-8; asst p, 1st ch, Wausau, Wis, 28-30; p, 3d ch, Topeka, Kan, 30 — . Grimes, Mills Strong — b, Nunda, NY, Mr 4, 1874; MacalC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; PrlJ, 03, MA; ord, Pby Rochester, My 15, 03; p, Roseland, NJ, 03-4; p, Ogden ch, Spencerport, NY, 04-7; p, 1st ch, Madelia, Minn, 07-10; p. White Salmon, Wash, 10-5; syn miss, Adirondacks, NY, 15-6; p. Forest ch, Lyons Falls, 16-9; chap, USArmy, 18-9; vocational adv, US Veterans Bureau, Balti- more, Md & Boston, Mass, 19-23; p, Biddle Mem ch, Carlisle, Pa, 23-5; field sec, NER, Washington, DC, 25-7; p. White Haven, Pa, 27 — . Hall-Ouest, Alfred Lawrence — b, NYCity, My 13, 1879; AugC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Oc 11, 03; asst p, Puritans ch, NYCity, 04; asst p, 1st ch, Lancaster, Pa, 04-5; p, Blackduck, Minn, 06-7; p, 3d ch, St Joseph, Mo, 07-9; p, Odessa, 09-11; ss, Parkville, 11-2; prof, Phil, WestmCMo, 12-3; asst prof, Edu, UIll, 13-4; prof, Edu Psych, UVa, 14-7; prof, Edu, UCin, 17-23; Fell, ColU, 23-4; dir, extension wk, UPitts, 24-5; lect, 25-30; prof, NYU, 30 — . Hare, David Henry — b, Alexis, 111, Mr 15, 1870; CEmpo, 99; PTS, 99-1903; PrU, 02, MA; ord, Pby Southern Oregon, Ag 27, 03; p, 1st ch. Myrtle Point, & Willowdale, Ore, 03-5; asst p, 1st ch, Portland, 05-7; p, 1st ch, Tillamook, 07-8; p, Moscow, Ida, 08-18; ss, Davenport, Wash, 18-9; p, Caldwell, Ida, 19-22; supt, Hm Miss, Ida Syn, 23-9; supt, Natl Miss & syn exec, Ida & Utah Syn, 29 — ; res, Caldwell, Ida. DD, CEmpo, 25. *Heron, James — b, Ramelton, Ireland, Ja 22, 1863; CedC, 99; RefPTS(GS), 99-1902; PTS, 02-3, 21-2; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 16, 03; p. Port Royal, Pa, 03-5; ss, Sturgis, SD, 05-6; ss. Vale, 06; trav, 06-7; ss, Kylertown, Bigler & Peale, Pa, 07-9; ss, la & Can, 09-21; d, Oc 14, 24. Hutchison, Stuart Nye — b. Pleasant Plains, NY, My 20, 1877; LafC, 1900, 03, MA; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Newton, Je 26, 03; asst p. South Park ch, Newark, NJ, 03-4; p, 1st ch, Steubenville, O, 04-6; p, 1st RefChAm, Newark, NJ, 06-10; p, 1st Presb ch, Norfolk, Va, 10-21; p. East Liberty ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 21—. DD, HSC, 16. Landsborough, John Robert — b, Seaforth, Ont, Canada, Ap 7, 1871; tea; MacalC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Southern Oregon, Oc 15, 03; p. Olivet ch, Glendale, Ore, 03-5; p, 1st ch, Oregon City, 05- p, 06-17; p, Vernon ch, Portland, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Nampa, Ida, 19-22; p, Westm ch, Ana- cortes. Wash, 22-5; p, Emmanuel ch, Oakland, Cal, 25 — . MacDonald, Alexander Oren — b, near Teeswater, Ont, Can, Oc 12, 1867; UMani, 1900; PTS, 00-5, 04, BD; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 4, 05; p, Kingston, NJ, 06-9; res, Trenton, 10-8; p, Roslin, Ont, Can, 21-4; p, St Andrew's ch, Fergus, 26 — . 1903 519 MacLeod, William — b, Assynt, Scotland, Sp 15, 1874; UEdin, 1900; AubTS, 00-2; PTS, 02-3; NewC, 03-4; ord, Pby Tongue, Scot, Oc 5, 04; p, Melness, Scot, 04-8; p, Stratherrick, & Foyers, 08-12; p, Whiting Bay, 12-4; p, Lochgelly, 14-9; p. Fort William, 19-22; p, Cowcaddens ch, Glasgow, 22-6; p. Port Bannatyne, 26 — . PhD, KCU, 04. Matheson, Donald Morrison — b. Prince Edward Island, Canada, Je 2, 1871; PTS, 1900-3; ord, Pby Boston, My 26, 03; p, 1st ch, Haverhill, Mass, 03- 5; p, St John ch, Stellarton, NS, Can, 05-7; p, 1st UP ch, Lowell, Mass, 07-8; p, Presb ch. Lions Head, Ont, 10; p, Allenford, 11-5; p, Stellarton, 16-24; p, UnChCan, Port Morien, St Johns, 26-7; p. New Waterford, NS, 28 — •. McBath, Walker Eugene — b, Knoxville, Tenn, Nv 21, 1874; UTenn, 98; bus; PTS, 00-3; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Washington City, Je 8, 03; miss, Quez- altenango, Guatemala, CA, 03-15; ss, Washington College, Tenn, 15-6; ss. Hot Springs, NC, 16-8; elk, US Govt, Washington, DC, 18-26; ed, US Dept Agr, do, 26—. McCartney, Albert Joseph — b, Northwood, O, J1 3, 1878; UWis, 1900; WestTS, 00-1; PTS, 01-3; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Shenango, Sp 15, 03; p. West- field ch, Mt Jackson, Pa, 03-7; FreeChCGlas & Mansfield Coll, Oxford, Eng, 04- 5; p, 1st ch, Sharon, Pa, 07-11; p, Kenwood Ev ch, Chicago, 111, 11-27; p, Santa Monica, Cal, 27-30; p. Covenant 1st Presb ch, Washington, DC, 30 — . DD, UPitts, 11. McClure, James Alexander — b, Spottswood, Va, Dc 12, 1872; W&LU, 99; UnTSVa, 99-1902, BD; PTS, 02-3, BD; ord, Pby Winchester, Je 3, 03; p. Front Royal & Nineveh, Va, 03-6; p, Buena Vista, 06-8; p, Henderson, NC, 08-12; p, 2d ch, Petersburg, Va, 12-24; p, 1st ch, St Petersburg, Fla, 24 — . DD, W&LU, 20. McDowell, Samuel — b, Avoca, Pa, Fb 12, 1873; PrU, 1900, 02, MA; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Detroit, Oc 29, 03; p, 1st ch, Wyandotte, Mich, 03-6; ss, Douglass chap, Lee Park, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 06 — . Miller, Henry Wilson — b, Trevorton, Pa, Dc 13, 1872; F&MC, 1900, 03, MA; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Chester, Sp 8, 03; p, Bridgeville, Del, 03-5; p. Light St ch, Baltimore, Md, 05-19; p, Westm ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 19-32; p, 1st ch, Strasburg, 32 — . *Murray, Walter Rue — b, Tsinan-fu, Shantung, China, Sp 1, 1877; CWoos, 99; tea; PTS, 1900-3; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 8, 03; p, Havre-de-Grace, Md, 03-9; p, Holmesburg, Pa, 09-17; YMCA, war service, 17-8; killed in action. Chateau Thierry, France, J1 16, 18. Neibel, Charles Lewis — b, Dayton, O, Mr 24, 1874; PrU, 00; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Dayton, My 18, 03; asst p. East Liberty ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 03-7; p. Eastern ch, Washington, DC, 08-11; p, Mt Auburn ch, Cincinnati, O, 12-7; war wk, 18-9; res, Houston, Tex, 22-6; ss, Scranton, Pa, 27; res, NVCity, 28-31; res, Houston, Tex, 31—. Nevius, Warren Nelson —b, Glen Ridge, NJ, Je 25, 1877; PrU, 99, Exper Sc Fell, PrU, 99-1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Monmouth, J1 13, 03; p. South 520 1903 Amboy, NJ, 03-7; p, Attica, NY, 07-16; dir, Rel Edu, North Ave ch. New Rochelle, 16-24; prof. Ethics & Bib, WilsC, 24 — . DD, LafC, 26. Newell, John— b, Belfast, Ireland, J1 19, 1865; bus; ColoC, 1900; SETS, 00- 1; AubTS, 01-2; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby St Paul, Fb 23, 04; asst p. House of Hope ch, St Paul, Minn, 03-5; trav; ss, 3d ch, Springfield, O, 06- p, 07-18; res, Kenmore, Rathgor, Ire, 18 — . *Noordewier, John Gezon — b, Holland, Mich, Ja 7, 1877; UMich, 99, 99-1900; PTS, 00-3, 15-6, BD; ord, Pby Fargo, Ag 18, 03; ss, Courtenay, ND, 03-4; p, Milton, 04-6; p. La Moure, 07-9; p. Calvary ch, Riverton, NJ, 09-12; p. New London, Pa, 12-9; p. Union ch, Oxford, 19-23; p, 1st ch, Washington, NJ, 23-4; d, Lancaster, Pa, Dc 14, 24. Park, John Edgar — b, Belfast, Ireland, Mr 7, 1879; NewC, 1900-1; AsC, 01- 2; RoyU, 1902; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby St Lawrence, My 27, 03; ss. Stark & Sterling Pond, NY, 03-4; p, West Parish Cong ch, Andover, Mass, 04-7; p, 2d ch. West Newton, 07-26; prof, BosUSTh, 25-6; pres, Wheaton Coll, Norton, Mass, 26 — . DD, Tufts Coll, Tufts College, Mass, 23; LLD, WesU, 27. Rath, Charles Edward — b, Ackley, la, Dc 16, 1876; LkFC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; PrU, 02, MA; ord evang, Pby Waterloo, My 28, 03; miss, Maasin, PI, 03—. Roberts, Harry Baldwin — b, Cincinnati, O, Ap 11, 1879; CenCKy, 1900; LaneTS, 00-1; PTS, 01-3; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Nassau, Je 2, 03; p. Ocean Side, NY, 03-5; trav; p. Borough Park, Brooklyn, 06-9; p. Union Cong ch, Tuckahoe, 09-12; p, Yorktown Presb ch, 12-28; p, Franklin, Mass, 29 — -. BD, UnTS, 08. Robinson, Robert — b, Calderbank, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Fb 20, 1867 ; NYU, 92; PTS, 92-4, 02-3, 03-4, BD, 05-6, 07-9; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 15, 94; ss, 1st ch. La Salle, Col, 94-7; p, Lebanon ch, San Francisco, Cal, 97-8; p, Wrights & Highland, 98-1902; p. New Gretna, NJ, 02-5; p, 1st ch, Oxford, 05-12; instr, Heb, LafC, 08-14; p, Arlington, Va, 12-5; p, Asbury, NJ, 15 — . Sanders, Henry Peter — b, Baltimore, Md, Fb 1, 1877; CNJ, 1900; AubTS, 00-1; PTS, 01-3; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 18, 03; p, Piney Creek & Taneytown, Md, 03-7; ss, Reems Creek, Brittains Cove, & Beech, NC, 07-12; p, Yellow Creek ch, Wellsville, O, 12-7; p, Loveland, 17-9; p, Ludlow, Ky, 19-25; ss, Delroy & New Harrisburg, New Cumberland Group, 25-9; p, Scio, O, 29 — . *Schleich, Augustus Taylor — b, Amanda, 0, Oc 6, 1871; HanC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Lehigh, Oc 20, 03; p, Ashland, Pa, 03-5; p. Providence ch, Alle- gheny, 05-12; p, Hawthorne Ave ch, Crafton, 12-25; d, Crafton, Pa, Mr 31, 25. Seeley, Boudinot, Jr — b, San Francisco, Cal, Ag 2, 1877; WmsC, 1900; UnTS, 00-2; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 20, 03; p. East Lake ch, Wil- mington, Del, 03-6; ss, Wakefield ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 06- p, 07-11; p. Rose City ch, Oregon City, Ore, 11-5; supt, Portland, 17-20; hm miss, & supt, Portland, 22-4; p, Wakefield ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 25; res, Portland, Ore, 25—. Sharp, William James — b. Canton, SD, Fb 22, 1874; MacalC, 1900; SFTS, 00-2; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Puget Sound, J1 22, 03; ss, Kent, Wash, 03-4; ss, Fri- day Harbor, 04-5; field sec, CESoc, Ore & Wash, 05-6; p, Sprague Memorial ch. 1903 ^21 Tacoma, Wash, 06-10; p, 1st ch, Ellensburg, 10-8; p, Centralia, 18-24; p, Westm ch, Tacoma, 24 — . Smith, Ralph Melvin — b, Viola, 111, Fb 3, 1871; HastC, 1900; SFTS, 00-2; PTS, 02-3; pres, Poynette, Wis, Acad, 03-6; ord, Pby Madison, J1 25, 05; pres. Northwest Collegiate Inst, 06-7; ss, 1st ch. Silver City, NM, 07-8; supt. South- western Presb Sanatorium, Albuquerque, 08; ss, 1st ch. Silver City, 08-9; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Thompson, David Alphaeus — b, St Paul, Minn, Mr 13, 1872; MacalC, 1900; PTS, 00-3, BD; PrU, 02, MA; ord, Pby Portland, Oc 6, 03; p, Sellwood ch, Portland, Ore, 03-11; p, 1st ch, Olympia, Wash, 11-6; p, Mizpah ch, Portland, Ore, 16-22; YMCA, war service, 17-9; exec sec, Syn Ore, 22 — ; res, Portland, Ore. DD, MacalC, 24. Van Nuys, Ezra Allen — b, Franklin, Ind, J1 21, 1877; FrankCInd, 1900; PTS, 00-3; PrU, 02, MA; ord, Pby Ft Wayne, Je 1, 03; p, 1st ch, Goshen, Ind, 03-19; asso sec, Gen Assem Com, men’s wk, 19-20; asso p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 20-2; p. Calvary ch, San Francisco, Cal, 22 — . DD, WabC, 19. Viehe, Paul Gustavus — b, Freelandsville, Ind, Oc 15, 1879; tea; EdenTS, 99-1902; PTS, 02-3; ord, Ger Evang Syn NA, My 17, 03; ss, Cong ch, Chokio, Minn, 03-4; ss. Lake Benton, 04-6; ss, Halifax, Mass, 06-8; p, Farmington, 111, 08- 10; p, Downers Grove, 10-5; p. Rock Rapids, la, 15-9; p, Muscatine, 19-21; p. Clarion, 21-3; p, Glencoe, Minn, 23-8; p, Kingsley, la, 28 — Wallace, Isaac Emmons — b. Sale Creek, Tenn, Ja 5, 1879; KingC, 1900; ColTS, 00-2; PTS, 02-3; p el, Goodhope & Providence, SC, 03-4; ord, Pby Bethel, Sp 22, 04; p. Heath Springs & Liberty Hill, SC, 04-8; p, Pelzer, 09-12; p, Seneca, 13-22; supt, Anderson, 23-4; ss, Pegram St ch, Charlotte, NC, 25-6; p. Plaza ch, Charlotte, 27 — . Whallon, Walter Lowrie — b, Vincennes, Ind, Sp 23, 1878; HanC, 99, 1903, MA; commandant. Mil Acad, Bunker Hill, 111, 99-1900; McCTS, 00-1; PTS, 01-3; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 23, 03; p. Broad Ave Presb ch, Altoona, Pa, 03-10; p. Central ch, Zanesville, O, 10-25; p, Roswell Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 25 — . DD, HanC, 16. Whitenack, George Minor, Jr — b. Greenwood, Ind, Sp 21, 1874; WabC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 17, 03; p, Wrightsville, Pa, 03-6; p. State College, 06-7; p, Westminster ch, Youngstown, 0, 07-13; p. Bethel ch, Knightstown, Ind, 14-9; p, 1st ch, Salem, 0, 19-21; p, Doylestown, Pa, 21 — . Wilson, Gibson— b, Bluffton, Ind, Oc 26, 1872; WabC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Ft Wayne, Je 1, 03; ss, Pierceton & Troy, Ind, 03-9; p. Remington, 09- 10; p, Oxford, 10-5; p, Bremen, O, 15-23; p, Rushville, Ind, 23 — . Wilson, Raymond Hiram — b, Danville, Pa, Ag 19, 1873; DickC, 94, 97, MA; prin, High Schl, Danville, Pa, 94-1900; PTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Phila, Ja 11, 04; asso p. Walnut St ch, Phila, Pa, 03-10; p, Bellevue ch. Gap, 10-7; p, Cong ch, Southport, Conn, 17-21; p, Presb ch, Duncannon, Pa, 21 — . .50. 522 1903 *Bachman, Robert, Jr — b, Fayetteville, NY, Je 14, 1877; PrU, 99; PTS, 1900-02; UnTS, 03-4; settlement wk, NYCity, 04-6; supt men’s wk, St Bartholo- mew’s Parish House, do, 06-7; Bureau Municipal Research, do, 08-11; ord, PEpis pr. My 18, 13; asst rec, Grace ch, NYCity, 11-4; asst rec, St James ch, do, 14-6; rec, St Paul’s ch, Portsmouth, RI, 16-20; rec, St James ch. Great Barrington, Mass, 20-1; d, NYCity, Nv 28, 21. Berkhof, Louis — b, Emmen, Holland, Oc 13, 1873; CalvC, 97; CalvTS, 97-1900; grad stu, PTS, 02-4, BD; ord, ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids West, Sp 23, 00; p, Allendale, Mich, 00-2; p, Oakdale Park ch. Grand Rapids, 04-6; prof, NT Theol, CalvTS, 06-26, Dogmat Theol, 26 — . *Edgar, John Boggs — b. New Bloomfield, Pa, Sp 29, 1878; PrU, 1900; PTS, 00-1; bus. Charleston, WVa, 02-9; d. Charleston, Sp 5, 09. Flexer, Arthur George — b, Dorneysville, Pa, Dc 17, 1874; MulhC, 96, 1900, MA; PTS, 00-1; p, UnEv ch, Hernden, Pa, 02-5; ord eld, EPennsylvania Un Ev Conf, Fb 25, 06; p, Grace ch, Lancaster, Pa, 05-9; p. Trinity ch, Reading, 09-10; p, Mauch Chunk, 10-3; p, Shamokin, 13-8; p, Harrisburg, 18-21; p, Allen- town, 21-6; p, Reading, 26-31; p, Schuylkill Haven, 31 — . Gilmour, Abram David Pollock — b, Helensburgh, Scotland, Oc 5, 1876; HSC, 96; tea, Charlottesville, Va, 97-8; UnTSVa, 98-1901; ord, Pby Cherokee, Je 11, 01; p, Windsor Ave ch, Bristol, Tenn, 01-5; PTS, 02-3; fin agt, UnTSVa, 05, asst prof, Heb, 06-10; p, Chester, SC, 10-6; p, 1st ch, Spartansburg, 16-22; p, 1st ch, Wilmington, NC, 22 — . DD, W&LU, 09. Graham, Henry Sandford — b, Monmouth, England, Je 13, 1868; UnWestm C; ord, Pby Rio Grande, Mr 27, 95; p, Ch of Covenant, Baltimore, Md, 96-1900; PTS, 00-1; p, Sudbury, Can, 01-7; p, Madoc, 07-14; p, St Andrew’s ch, Marsham, 14-22; p, St Andrew’s ch, Puce, 22-6; p, St John’s ch, Grimsby, 26 — . Heberling, James Struthers — b, Mauch Chunk, Pa, Ja 19, 1876; LafC, 1900, 03, MA; PTS, 00; supt, Wm T Carter Junior Republic, Redington, Pa, 00- 24; prof. Child Helping, Wm T Carter Found, UPa, 24 — . LittM (hon), LafC, 26. Huffer, Samuel Wilbur — b, Muncie, Ind, Oc 17, 1874; HanC, 1900, 05, MA; McCTS, 00-1, 02-3; PTS, 01-2; ord, Pby Schuyler, Sp 24, 03; p, Clayton, 111, 03-6; p. Liberty, Ind, 06-11; p, Portland, 11-7; bus, 17-27; p. Calvary ch, Orlando, Fla, 27-9; field rep, PresbChUS, Com Chr Edu, 29-30; p, Corydon, Ind, 30—. ’''Huss, Charles Francis — b, Waynesburg, Pa, Je 30, 1876; WaynC, 96; WestTS, 96-9; ss, Jefferson, Pa; ord, Pby Redstone, Oc 10, 99; p. East McKees- port, Pa, 99-1902; ill health; grad stu, PTS, 02; d, Waynesburg, Pa, Nv 23, 1902. Johnson, Leonard Zachariah — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Je 17, 1870; tea; LincU, 98, 1901, MA; LincUTS, 98-1901, STB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 31, 01; p, Witherspoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, 01-5; grad stu, PTS, 02-4, BD; PrU, 04, MA; p, Madison St ch, Baltimore, Md, 05-18; prof, Eng, HowU, 18 — •. DD, LincU, 06. Keith, Henry James — b. Smith’s Falls, Ont, Canada, Sp 10, 1875; McGU, 1899, 99-1900; PTS, 00-1; PresbC, 01-3, 04, BD; lect, Classics, PresbC, 01-3; 1903 523 ord, Pby Lanark & Renfrew, Can, Sp 20, 04; sec. Bib Study in India under Internat Com YMCA, NY, 04-7; p, Knox ch, Peterborough, Ont, Can, 07-14; p, Westm ch, Edmonton, Alberta, 15-8; p, St Andrew’s ch, Winnepeg, Mani, 19-24; p, St Andrew’s Un ch, Winnepeg, 26 — . Leetch, Robert Graham — b, Washington, DC, Ja 23, 1877; LafC, 1900; PTS, 00-3; PrU, 02, MA; ord, Pby Nassau, Fb 11, 04; p. Far Rockaway, NY, 04-12; p. Community ch, Derby, 12-22; p, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 22 — •. DD, LafC, 25. Meeker, John — b, Tamaqua, Pa, Mr 15, 1876; CWoos, 96; prof. Sc & Gk, Brookfield Coll, Mo, 96-9; SFTS, 99-1902; grad stu, PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Rio Grande, Oc 5, 03; p, Portales, NM, 03-6; ss, Alamogordo, 06-9; ss, Mt Pleasant, Utah, 09-14; ss, American Fork, 14-21; ss, Myton, 21-3; p, Herrin, III, 23-8; p. Assumption, 28-32; p, Anadarko, Okla, 32 — . Myers, Charles Franklin — b, Lexington, Va, Ja 11, 1876; W&LU; UnTS Va, 99-1902; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Kanawha, Nv 13, 03; ss, Williamson, WVa, 04- 9; p. Bream Mem ch. Charleston, 09-16; p, 1st ch, Greensboro, NC, 16 — . DD, W&LU, & DavC, 18. Oldenburg, Ernst August — b, Hamburg, Germany, Nv 25, 1867; MacalC, 1900; PTS, 00-1; McCTS, 01-3; ord, Pby Madison, My 21, 03; p, Richland Center, Wis, 03-6; p, Dallas Centre, la, 06-7; p, Valparaiso, Ind, 07-9; p. East St Paul ch, St Paul, Minn, 10-3; p, Hastings, Neb, 14-6; p, Watertown, SD, 18-9; p. Rock Creek ch. Burrows, Ind, 20-1; p, Earl Park, 22-6; ss, McLeansboro, 111, 28-9; ss, Cloverdale, Ore, 30; ss, Mt Laki ch, Klamath Falls, 31-2; res, Med- ford, Ore, 32 — . Phillips, Mark LeRoy — b. Sand Springs, Miss, Fb 23, 1876; SWPresbU; UnTSVa, 99-1902; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Chickasaw, Je 26, 03; p. New Hope ch, Corinth, Miss, 03-4; ss, Louisville, Ky, 04-5; KyTS; p. East Lakech, Birmingham, Ala, 05-6; p, Taylorsville, Ala, 06-10; p, McCool, Miss, 10; p, Taylorsville, Ala, 10-20; hm miss & evang, N Miss, 20 — ; res, Taylor, Miss. Reiter, Howard Roland — b, Phila, Pa, Je 8, 1871; PrU, 98, 1900, MA; PTS, 1900-3; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Je 30, 03; phys dir, WesU, 05-10; do, LehU, 10—. Scott, Charles Ernest — b, Alma, Mich, Je 22, 1876; AlmaC, 98; Fell, UPa, 98-9, MA; PTS, 99-1900, 01-3; HarvUTS, 00; Fell, UMun, 00-1; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 28, 03; evang, Pby Saginaw, Grayling, Mich, 03-5; p, 1st ch, Albion, 05- 6; miss, China, 06 — ; res, Tsinan, Shantung, China. Singer, Joshua Norton — b, Newport, Pa, Fb 27, 1873; LafC; UnTS, 97-8; evang. New England, 98-1900; ss, Moonachie RefChUS, Rutherford, NJ, 01-2; PTS, 01-2; Europe, 02; ss, Dundee Lake Presb chap, Paterson, 02; asst, Judson Mem Bapt ch, NYCity, 03-4; bus & evang work, NYCity; — Taylor, Homer White — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Sp 11, 1874; PrU, 1900; PTS, 00-3; ss. Tiffany & Morris, NDak, 03; ord, Pby Oakes, My 30, 04; p, Edgeley, NDak, 04; p, 1st ch, Blackwood, NJ, 05-6; res, Pittsburgh, Pa; p el, U|)per Octorara ch, Parkesburg, Pa, 13-6; res, Remsenburg, NY, 23-6; ss, Mariaville, 27; res, NYCity; ss. Flushing, NY, 32—. 524 1903-1904 Tenney, William Collins — b, Crockett, Tex, Sp 3, 1873; SWPresbU, 95 LouisvPTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Paris, Sp 24, 98; ss, Elysian Fields, Mineola Bethesda ch. Smith Co, Big Sandy ch & Elderville ch, Gregg Co, Tex, 98-1900 p, Ladonia, 00-4; ss. Cooper, 02-3; p, Bartlett, 04-6; p, Clarksville, 06-9; ss Detroit, 07-9; ss. Blossom, 09; p, Mansfield & ss, Frierson & Oxford, La, 11 ss, Elysian Fields, Tex, 12-3; ss, Winsboro, 12; ss, Oxford & Grand Cane, 14 ss, Arcadia, La, 14-5; ss, Smyrna ch, Longstreet, 15-8; ss. Rocky Mount, 18 p, Oakdale, 20-3; p el, Monroeville, & dom miss, Ala, 24-5; ss. La Grange, Tex, 26; res, Austin, 26 — . Travis, Thomas — b. Gee Cross, Cheshire, England, Je 18, 1875; WesU, 1900; PTS, 00-1; UnTS, 01-4, 03, BD; ColU, 01-4; NYU, 04-7, PhD; ord Cong, Oc 27, 04; p. Pilgrim ch, Montclair, NJ, 04 — ■. Vance, Robert Little — b, Drumatoland, St Johnston, Ireland, Ja 25, 1879; MageeC, 1900, ThDept, 00-2; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Red River, Oc 6, 03; p, Maine, Minn, 03-9; ss, Ballaton, 10-3; ss, McLeansboro, 111, 14-6; p, Grayville, 17-8; p. Lake Park, la, 19-22; p, Dallas Center, 22-30; p, Ashland, Kan, 31 — . Ware, Edward Newell — b, Richmond, Ky, J1 2, 1860; IllWesU, 87; McCTS, 86-9; ord, Pby Bloomington, Ap 10, 89; p, Florence, Wis, 89-96; ss, Morrisonville, 111, 96; p, Bedford, la, 97-1902; grad stu, PTS, 02-3; p. Endeavor ch, Chicago, 111, 03-11; chap, USArmy, 18-21; chap, Presb Hosp, Chicago, 111, 12— DD, RichC, 04. Wray, James — b, Raphoe, Ireland, Mr 3, 1877; MageeC, 1900, ThDept; PTS, 02-3; ord, Pby Red River, Ap 2, 04; p. Western ch, Fergus Falls, Minn, 04-11; ss, Rushmore, 12-4; ss. Round Lake, 14-6; ss, Lohrville, la, 16-8; p el, Menlo, 18-20; p, Traer, 20-4; ss, Dana, 24-7; ss, Atkins, 27-9; ss, Hazleton, 29 — . 25. 1904 Blair, Herbert Edgar — b, Salina, Kan, Sp 27, 1878; PkC, 1901; ss, LeRoy, Kan, 01; PTS, 01-4, 21-2, ThM; PrU, 04, MA; ss, Belvue, Kan, 02; ord, Pby Platte, My 18, 04; asst p, 10th ch, Phila, Pa, 04; miss, Syen Chyun, Korea, 04-8, Kangkai, 08-12, Taiku, 13 — . ,j, Bowlby, Harry Laity — b, near Asbury, NJ, Ja 26, 1874; PrU, 1901, 03, MA; PTS, 01-4; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 28, 04; p, 1st ch, Altoona, Pa, 04-13; gen sec. Lords Day Alliance of the US, 13 — ; res. East Orange, NJ. DD, WashCTenn, 17. Brooks, William Elizabeth — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 9, 1875; WestmCPa, 1900; PTS, 01-4; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Huntingdon, J1 21, 04; p. East Kishacoquillas ch, Reedsville, Pa, 04-9; p, 1st ch, Allentown, 09-24; chap, USArmy, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Morgantown, WVa, 24 — . DD, LafC, & UDubq, 16, *Brown, Hugh — b, Banbridge, Ireland, Dc 2, 1874; CliffC, 96; evang, London, 96-1901; PTS, 01-5, BD; ord, PresbCh, Scotland, 1911; stu, UEdin; asst p, St Stephens ch, Edinburgh, 05-11; p, Strathmiglo ch, Scotland, 11-23; chap, British Army, 15-9; d, Strathmiglo, Scot, Je 18, 23. Burslem, George Ashworth — b, Manchester, England, J1 25, 1875; 1904 525 FrAmC, 1900; tea; PTS, 01-4, 13-4; ss, Shippensburg, Pa, 04; ord, Pby Baltimore, Fb 6, 05; p, Hampden ch, Baltimore, Md, 05-12; p, Plainsboro, NJ, 13-20; p, Dover, Del, 21 — . Campbell, Harry Milton — b. Plain Grove, Pa, Sp 7, 1876; GrovCyC, 1901; WestTS, 01-3; PTS, 03-4; ord, Pby Kittanning, Sp 27, 04; p, Freeport, Pa, 04-5; p, Mt Union, 06-10; p, 1st, Mt Lebanon, Pittsburgh, 11-8; p, Dormont, 18-21; p. Darby, 21-2; asst p, 4th ch, Pittsburgh, 24 — ; res, Mt Lebanon, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Carmichael, Donald Stewart — b. River Louison, NB, Canada, Nv 16, 1873; tea. New Brunswick, Can, 91-4; Ontonagon, Mich, 94-5; AlmaC, 1901; PTS, 01-4; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 19, 04; ss, Pembina, ND, 04; p. Holly, Mich, 04-6; ss, Hopewell & Hebron chs, Dandridge, Tenn, 06-8; ss, Allanstand, NC, 08-11; p. Bad Axe, Mich, 11-6; p, Houghton, 16-9; p. Trinity ch, Detroit, 19-25; p, Calvin ch, Detroit, 25-31; res, Detroit, Mich. Doak, Alexander Hunt — b, Russellville, Tenn, Nv 14, 1879; KingC, 99; miss, Tenn & NC; ColTS, 1901-3; PTS, 03-4; ord, Pby Holston, Ag, 04; p, Jones- boro, Tenn, 04-6; p. Mulberry ch, Shelbyville, Ky, 06-12; p, Wilmore, 13-21; ss. None Such ch, Wilmore, 13- p, 16-21; p, Georgetown, 21-7; p, 1st ch. Middle- boro, 27 — . Dobson, Dean Newton — b. Limestone, Tenn, Fb 19, 1880; WashCTenn, 1901; PTS, 01-2, 03-4; McCTS, 02-3; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Chester, Je 22, 04; p, Glen Moore, Pa, 04-7; p, Logans Valley ch, Bellwood, 07-11; p, Elizabeth Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 11-6; p, Towanda, Pa, 18-24; res, San Diego, Cal, 24-30; p, Cntl RefChAm, Maplewood, NJ, 32 — . DD, WashCTenn, 19. *Foote, Greer Alvin — b, Pennsville, O, Mr 20, 1873; tea; WittC, 1901, Th Dept, 01-3; PTS, 03-4; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 2, 04; p, 1st ch, Delaware City, Del, 04-7; prin, pub schls. Silver Plume, Col, 07; p, 1st ch, Glenwood Springs, 07-12; d, Glenwood Springs, Col, Ja 12, 12. Fowlie, Alfred John — b, Exeter, Ont, Canada, Dc 14, 1873; QuUOnt, 1901; PTS, 01-4; ord, Pby Kamloopo, Can, Nv 22, 04; p, Princeton, BC, Can, 04-6; p, Waubashene, Ont, Can, 06-11; p, Camilla, 12-9; res, Colingwood, Ont, 20-7; p, Almonte, 31 — . Hickok, Ralph Kiddoo — b, Humboldt, Neb, Ja 14, 1880; CWoos, 99; prof. Math, Haste, 99-1901; PTS, 01-4, BD; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 24, 04; asst p. University PI ch, NYCity, 04-7; p, 1st ch. East Aurora, NY, 07-12; dir, Rel Edu, 1st ch, Brooklyn, 12-4; prof. Bib Lit, Wells Coll, Aurora, 14-31; pres. Western Coll, Oxford, O, 31—. DD, CWoos, 23. Howard, Henry George — b, Lundy’s Lane, Ont, Canada, Nv 22, 1877; UTex, 97, Fell in Gk, 97-9; PTS, 99-1901, Fell, Heb, 03-4, BD; ss, Evarts, SD, 01-2; ss, Cokeville & Cumberland, Wyo, 02-3; ord, Pby Kendall, J1 14, 04; ss, Cokeville & Cumberland, 04-5; tea, Gerard Inst, Sidon, Syria, 06-7; miss, Kodoli, Kolhapur, India, 07 —. Howerton, George Monroe — b, Greenville, SC, Ag 14, 1877; FurC, 1900; bus; PTS, 01-4; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Harmony, Oc 9, 04; p, Bethune, Pinetree, 1904 526 Turkey Creek & New Hope, SC, 04-7; ss, Lincolnton, & p, Crawfordville, Ga, 07-11; p, Hartwell & Royston, 11-7; p, 1st ch, Catlettsburg, Ky, 17-22; p. Central ch, Portsmouth, O, 22-9; p, 1st ch. Ft Pierce, Fla, 29 — . *Isett, William Clement — b, Osceola, Pa, Mr 21, 1873; LafC, 1901; PTS, 01-4; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Hudson, My 11, 04; p, 1st ch, Florida, NY, 04-6; miss, China, 06-11; p, 1st ch, Millville, NJ, 11-5; p, Atchison, Kan, 15-6; p, 1st ch, Kansas City, Mo, 16-20; YMCA, war service, 18; sec. Stewardship Inter Ch Wld Mvmt, 19-20; ss. Riverside & Redlands, Cal, 20-1; edu wk, Santa Monica, 21-2; ss. Union ch, Los Angeles, 22-9; dir. Religious Dramas, Ch Federation LA, 29-32; d, Los Angeles, Fb 21, 32. Johnston, Matthew Foster — b, Belfast, Ireland, Sp 20, 1873; IllWesU, 1904; PTS, 01-4; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 10, 04; p, 1st ch, Hopewell, NJ, 04-7; p, Morrisania ch, NYCity, 07 — . Markarian, Jacob [Hagop] — b. Tarsus, Turkey-in-Asia, Dc 15, 1872; LafC, 1901; PTS, 01-4; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 18, 05; p. Old Forge, Pa, 04-6; p, Uniondale, 06-9; ss, 1st ch, Windham, NY, 09-19; ss. Old Forge, Pa, 19-32; tea, 17—; res, Scranton, Pa. *Marple, William Wallace Sutton — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 14, 1870; UPa; Ref PTS(GS); PTS, 1903-4; ord, Pby Phila, Je 27, 04; evang, Mt Calvary Mission, Chambers-Wylie Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 04-10; p, 1st ch, Hammonton, NJ, 11-7; miss, Fairbanks, Alaska, 17-20, Anchorage, 20-4, Sitka, 25-7; ss. Charleston, Wash, 27-9; p, Bremerton, 29-31; d, Bremerton, Wash, Oc 25, 1931. MA, ColU, 25. McClenaghan, Henry — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 2, 1873; UNeb, 1901; PTS, 01-4; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Kearney, Sp 9, 03; ss. Crystal & Hoople, ND, 04-6; p, Madison, Neb, 06-13; p. Rapid City, SD, 13-5; p. Primrose, Neb, 15-21; bus & oc s, 21-6; ss, German Presb ch, Hastings, 26; ss, Edgar, 27; p, Minatare, 27-8; ss, Dix, 29-31; ss, Kenesaw, 31 — ; res, Hastings, Neb. McFarland, Edward Frost — b. Water Valley, Miss, Oc 7, 1878; OccC, 1901; SFTS, 01-2; PTS, 02-4; ss, Boston, Ga, 03; ord, Pby Los Angeles, J1 12, 04; miss, Taiku, Korea, 04-27; ss. Eureka Springs, Ark, 28; ill health; ss, 1st ch, Bend, Ore, 30—. Mclntire, Charles Curtis — b. Cherry Fork, O, Sp 30, 1878; PkC, 1901; PTS, 01-4, BD; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Newark, My 1, 04; p, Ypsilanti, Mich, 05-7; p, Westminster ch. Salt Lake City, Utah, 07-10; exec sec, Presb Laymen’s For Miss Mvmt, Syn la, 11-2; ill health, 12-20; p, Vinita, Okla, 20-2; spec Bib lect, 22-8; evang, penal institutions, 28 — ; res, Detroit, Mich. DD, Northern Univ, Long Branch, NJ, 29. Meacham, John Baxter — b, Linwood, NC, Fb 11, 1875; DavC, 1901; ColTS, 01-3; PTS, 03-4; ord, Pby West Lexington, Oc, 04; p, Mt Sterling & Spring- field, Ky, 04-8; p, Ripley, O, 08-11; p, 1st ch, Rushville, Ind, 11-4; p, 1st ch, Moultrie, Ga, 14-20; p, 2d ch, Birmingham, Ala, 20-6; bus, & oc s; ss, Fairview ch, Birmingham, 29 — . Morrill, Guy Louis — b, Boston, Mass, Ag 22, 1873; MIT, 96; civ eng, Boston; PTS, 1900-4; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Lackawanna, J1 5, 04; p, Moosic, 1904 527 Pa, 04-8; p, Canandaigua, NY, 08-17; p, Edgehill, Pa, 17-9; sec. New Era Mvmt, 19-24; dir. Stewardship, Gen Council, 25-30, sec, BdChrEdu, Phila, Pa, 30 — . Nesbit, Edwin Clyde — b. New Concord, O, Fb 21, 1878; MuskC, 1900; LaneTS, 01-2; PTS, 02-4; ord, Pby Marion, Oc 16, 04; p, Corinth ch. Mechanics- town, O, 05-9; p, 1st ch, Martins Ferry, 09-18; p, Northminster ch, Springfield, 18-25; p, Lafayette Park ch, St Louis, Mo, 25 — . DD, WestmCMo, 31. Nicholas, George Wilcox — b, Govans, Baltimore, Md, Ap 12, 1877 ; MorgC ; Stillman Inst, Tuscaloosa, Ala, 99-1901; PTS, 01-4; ss, Madison St ch, Baltimore, Md, 04; miss, Birmingham, Ala, 04-5; ord, Pby Louisville, My 10, 06; miss, Louis- ville, Ky, 05-14; — ^ Raynal, Charles Edward — b. Savannah, Ga, Mr 17, 1877; SWPresbU, 1903, ThDept, 01-3; ss. East Lake, Ala, 02; ss, Wylam, 03; PTS, 03-4; ord evang, Pby North Alabama, Oc 21, 04; p, Westminster chap, 1st ch, Birmingham, Ala, 04-6; p, St Paul ch, Charlotte, NC, 06-9; p, 1st ch, Statesville, 09 — . DD, DavC, 14. Rendall, Hugh Watson — b, Lincoln University, Pa, Ag 4, 1880; LincU, 1900; LincUTS, 00-1; PTS, 01-4; PrU, 03, MA; ord, Pby Chester, My 12, 04; ss, Erie, Pa, 04-5; p, 1st ch, Ellwood City, 05-9; p, St John’s ch, Devon, 09-16; chap, USArmy, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Mendham, NJ, 16 — . Robinson, Harold McAfee — b, Shelbyville, Mo, Mr 1, 1881; PkC, 1901; PTS, 01-4, BD, 09-11; WH Green Fell, Heb, ULeip, 04-5; ord, Pby St Paul, J1 13, 05; p, Milroy, Pa, 05-9; sec. Centennial Com, PTS, 11-3; p. Market Sq ch, Germantown, Phila, 13-7; prof. Bib, & p, LafC, 17-9; sec, BdPub, 19-23; sec, Bd ChrEdu, Phila, Pa, 23-7, admin sec, 27 — . DD, LafC & PkC, 19, UDubq, 20. Russell, Edward Johnson — b, Middletown, O, J1 31, 1871; CNJ, 94; tea. Prep Schl, Princeton, NJ, 95-6; tea, Jno C Green Schl, Lawrenceville, 96-1901; PTS, 01-4; ord, Pby Chester, My 16, 04; p. Calvary ch. West New Brighton, NY, 04-19; p, Oxford, Pa, 19 — . *Saxton, Elmer Wylie — b, Florence, Pa, Je 9, 1878; WestmCPa, 1901; West TS, 01-2; PTS, 02-4; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 24, 04; p, Christ ch, Lebanon, Pa, 04-5; d, Lebanon, Je 13, 05. Sidebotham, Charles Wesley — b, Biggleswade, England, Dc 5, 1875; AlmaC, 1901; PTS, 01-4; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 19, 04; ss, Harting- ton. Neb, 04-6; ss, Brooklyn, Mich, 06-14; p, Grace ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 14-21; p. East Jordan, Mich, 21 — . Spaan, Cornelius — b, Pella, la, Dc 19, 1871; HopeC, 99; SFTS, 99-1900; PTS, 00-1, 03-4; ord RefChAm, Cl Iowa, Oc 12, 04; miss to Indians, Ft Sill, Okla, 04-5; p, Cordell, 05-13; tea, Acad, Cordell, 06-11; p, Grace ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 11 — . Thomas, John Rogers -b, Radnor, O, Mr 26, 1878; RipC, 1901; PTS, 01-4; ord WelshP, Syn Wis, Je, 05; p, Youngstown, O, 04-6; p, Oakland, Pitts- burgh, Pa; p, 1st Cong ch, Ebensburg, 22 — . Triplett, John Edwin, Jr — b, Cynthiana, Ky, Oc 14, 1879; IISC, 1900; 1904 528 bus; PTS, 01-4; PrlJ, 03, MA; ord, Pby New York, Je 20, 04; asst p, Scotch ch, NYCity, 04-6; p, Bedford Park ch, do, 06-8; p, Woodbury, NJ, 09-20; p, N Tenth St ch, Phila, Pa, 20-3; p, Girard Ave ch, Phila, 23 — . DD, RichC, 12. Verkuyl, Gerrit — b, Nieuw Vennep, Holland, Sp 18, 1872; PkC, 1901; PTS, 01-4, BD; PrU, 03, MA; NT Fell, ULeip, 04-6, PhD; UBer, 06; ord, Pby Phila North, Nv 13, 06; p, Wissinoming ch, Phila, Pa, 06-8; Edu supt, Wis, Minn & 111 Synods, 08-29; field rep. Leadership Training, Wheaton, 111, 29 — . DD, PkC, 21. Yerkes, Carroll Harvey — b. Fox Chase, Phila, Pa, Ag 18, 1876; LafC, 1901; PTS, 01-4, 20-1, 25-6; PrU, 03, MA; hm miss. Starkweather, ND, 03; ord, Pby Chester, My 19, 1904; miss, Ichou-fu, W Shantung, China, 04-6; miss, Yihsien, 06-26; ss, Carbondale, Pa, 26; ss, RefEpis ch, Ventnor, NJ, 27; ss, Presb ch. Ambler, Pa, 27-8; p. New Providence, NJ, 28 — . DD, LafC, 21. 36. Albertyn, Johannes Rudolph — b, Middleburg, Cape Colony, So Africa, Ag 6, 1878; SAfrC, 99; StellTS, 99-1903; grad stu, PTS, 03-4, BD; trav sec, Stu Chr Assn, So Afr, 04-6; ord, Pby George, Mr 3, 06; p, Willowmore, Cape Colony, 06-26; p, Kimberley, 26 — ■. *Beckering, William — b, Rosario, Argentine Republic, SA, Oc 6, 1871; MacalC, 1901; PTS, 01-2; WestTSMich, 02-4; ord RefChAm, Cl Wisconsin, Je 17, 04; p, Greenleafton, Minn, 04-7; p, Oostburg, Wis, 07-11; p, 3d ch, Pella, la, 11-5; d, Pella, Oc 11, 15. *Behner, Edwin William — b, Liverpool, O, Ap 16, 1864; BaldU; ss, Ev Assn ch, Circleville, O, 91-3; p, Gibsonburg, 93-5; ord Ev Assn, Sp, 94; p, Oakdale ch, Cleveland, 95-7; p, Benton Ridge, 97-9; p, Warren, Pa, 99-1901; PTS, 01-3; p, Presb ch, Pemberville, O, 03-6; ss, Malden, Mo, 07-9; p. Poplar Bluff, 09-18; p, 1st ch, Jefferson City, 19-22; p, Rolla, 22-4; d, Rolla, Mo, Sp 9, 24. Blair, Robert Andrew — b, Drumsteeple, Co Derry, Ireland, Mv 11, 1875; GeneC, 1901; PTS, 01-3; RefPTS, 03-4; ord RefP, Pby Ohio, Oc 17, 04; p, Utica, O, 04-7; miss, Tak Hing Chau, West River, So China, 07-9; field sec. For Miss Bd, 09-13; hm miss wk & ed, 13-7; p. Rose Point, Pa, 17-23; p, Parnassus, 23 — . Brown, William — b, Dromore, Co Down, Ireland, Sp 13, 1871 ; WestmCPa, 95; AllegTS, 95-8; ord UP, Pby Delaware, Dc 12, 99; ss. Rock Rift & Mundale, NY, 99-1901; p, Mundale, 01-3; grad stu, PTS, 03-4; p, Clinton, Mass, 05-17; p. Providence, RI, 17 — . DD, WestmCPa, 29. Browne, David — b, Creevy, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Dc 24, 1868; RoyU, 91, 93, MA; AsC, 91-3; NewC, 93-4; Schl Castlederg, Ire, 95-6, 09-11; Schl Omagh, 98-9; asst master. Academic Inst, Coleraine, Ire, 99; asst master, Presb Coll, Sandymount, Dublin, 1902; asst p, Ballyhobridge, 03; asst, Belmont ch, Belfast; Presb Theol Fac, 02, BD; grad stu, PTS, 03-5; miss, Fillmore, Assa, Can, 04; ord, Pby Algoma, My 25, 05; miss, Tarbutt & Silver Water, Ont, 05-6; res, Creevy, Castlederg, Ire. 1904 529 *Duncan, John Jacob — b, Shippensburg, Pa, Nv 24, 1860; HSC; UnTSVa, 95-8; PTS, 1903-4; ord, Pby Lima, My 2, 05; p, McGuffey, O, 05; p, Mansfield, 111, 05-6; d, Chicago, 111, Nv 24, 06. Edgar, Samuel — b, Rathfriland, Co Down, Ireland, Ja 21, 1872; GeneC; SSmiss, Weld Co, Cal, 99-1900; RefPTS, 00-3; grad stu, PTS, 03-4, 16-7; ord RefP, Pby Colorado, Je 9, 04; p. La Junta, Colo, 04-7; miss, Latakia, Syria, 07-15; ss, Wyman, la, 15-6; ss, Greeley, Colo, 17-8; Am Red Cross, Palestine, 18-9; miss, Syria, 19-22; p, Eskridge, Kan, 22-5; p, Santa Ana, Cal, 26 — . DD, GeneC, 30. Elliott, Alfred Orrin — b, Strattonville, Pa, Nv 21, 1877; UNeb, 1901; PJTS, 01-2; McCTS, 02-4; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Ap 7, 04; p. Canton, 111, 04-18; p, Brooklyn Heights ch, San Diego, Cal, 18-32; p, Covina, 32 — . Fisher, George Curtis — b, near East Liverpool, O, Ja 21, 1872; CWoos, 1900; WestTS, 00-3; Newberry Scholar, grad stu, PTS, 03-4, BD; ord, Pby Red Stone, Je 27, 04; p, Mt Pleasant & Youngwood, Pa, 04-8; p, Latrobe, 08-21; p. Highland ch, Pittsburgh, 21 — . DD, CWoos, 22. Hackett, John Thomas — b, Gibsonton, Pa, Ja 18, 1867; W&JC, 91; Charleroi, Pa; WestTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Parkersburg, Oc 7, 95; p, Kingwood, WVa, 95-7; p, 1st ch, Monaca, Pa, 97-1903; grad stu, PTS, 03-5, 04, BD; p, 1st ch, Cedarville, NJ, 05-8; p, Charleroi, Pa, 08-14; p, Wissahickon, 14-9; p, Irving Ave ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 20 — . Hays, Herbert Eugene — b. Walnut Grove, Mo, Ag 12, 1875; DruC, 99; PTS, 1901-3; SETS, 03-4; ord, Pby San Francisco, My 29, 04; p, Westminster ch, San Francisco, Cal, 04-6; p, 3d ch. Salt Lake City, Utah, 07-10; p. Centennial ch, Oakland, Cal, 10-7; p. West Hollywood ch, Los Angeles, 17-22; ill health; p, 1st ch, Douglas, Ariz, 28 — . DD, DruC, 31. Kempf, Julius Andrew — b, Rochester, NY, Ja 18, 1874; GeneC, 1900; RefPTS, 00-3; grad stu, PTS, 03-4; ord RefP, Pby New York, Sp 4, 04; BibS, 17- 8, 27-8; miss, Tak Hing Chow, West River, China, 04 — . Koehler, Norman Elias — b, Weatherly, Pa, Oc 24, 1876; PrU, 99; PTS, 1900-3; ord, Pby Fargo, Ap 15, 04; ss, Wheatland, Chaffee, Embden, ND, 04-6; ss. Hunter & Blanchard, 06-11; p, Minnewaukan, 11-5; p, Rolla, 15-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Athens, Pa, 19-27; p. New Florence, 27 — . Matthews, Carl Stanley — b, Winnsboro, SC, Sp 18, 1873; DavC, 95, MA; tea; PTS, 01-2; UnTSVa, 02-4, BD; ord, Pby West Hanover, Ap 14, 05; p, Madison, Rapidan & Orange, Va, 05-7; p, Pulaski, 07-18; p. Central ch, Bristol, 18- 21; p, 1st ch, Shelbyville, Ky, 21-8; p, 1st ch, Lumberton, NC, 28—. DD, DavC, 30. McCollough, Beatty Zentz — b, Kirkville, la, Nv 12, 1878; UMich, 1900; PTS, 01-2; McCTS, 02-4; ord, Pby Iowa, Ap 20, 04; ss, Billings, Mont, 04-11; p, Santa Fe, NM, 11-7; ss. Trinity ch, Tucson, Ariz, 17-20; ill health; res, Alhambra, Cal. McKee, Phineas — ^b, Tullyard, Co Down, Ireland, Fb 1, 1880; RoyU, 1901; AsC, 01-2; PTS, 02-3; NewC & UEdin, 03-4; asst, Rutland Sq Presb ch, 530 1904 Dublin, Ire, 04-6; ord, Pby Ballymena, Ag 14, 06; p, Clough, Co Antrim, 06-13; p, Downshire Rd ch, Newry, Ire, 13 — . Meade, Samuel Clilf^b, Chester, Pa, Ap 29, 1875; TemU, 94-6; PTS, 1901-2; RochTS, 02-4; ord Bapt, Je 12, 04; p, 1st Bapt ch. Pavilion, NY, 04-5; ss, 1st ch, Wycombe, res, Newtown, Pa, 07-8; bus. Park Ridge, 111, 08-15, NY City, 15-7, Elmira, NY, 18-27, Detroit, Mich, 27-9, Chicago, 111, 29 — . Mitchell, Alexander — b, Lonsdale, RI, Fb 19, 1876; TSRefEpisCh, 1900-1; PTS, 01-2; AllegTS, 02-4; ord UP, Pby Allegheny, J1 7, 04; p, Valencia, Pa, 04-6; p, 1st ch. Providence, RI, 06-11; p, Delancey, NY, 13-4; p, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 15-6; p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 17-20; sec, NER, Md, 20-2; deputy regional exec. Boy Scouts of America, 22-5; Bldg Fund Campaign Dept, BdNatMiss, 26-32; p, Presb ch. Clarendon Hill ch. West Somerville, Mass, 32 — . PhD, GrovCyC, 10. *01inger, Stanton — b, Huron, Kan, Dc 27, 1868; UKan, 95; McCTS, 95-7; OmaTS, 97-8; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, My 26, 98; p, Carson, la, 98-1901; ss, Sharon & Macedonia, 01; p, St Paul, Neb, 02-3; grad stu, PTS, 03-4, BD; p. Great Bend, Kan, 05-7; p, Coffeyville, 07-11; p, UKan, 11-7; pres, BuenVC, 17-20; d, NYCity, J1 24, 21. PhD, UKan, 20. *Powel, Richard Franklin, Jr — b, Rogersville, Tenn, Fb 20, 1874; UNash, 99; tea; ColTS, 01-2; PTS, 02-3; d, Eatonton, Ga, Ag 8, 03. Pressly, David Peden — b, Troy, Tenn, Ja 8, 1881; ErskC, 01; ErskTS, 01-3; grad stu, PTS, 03-5, 04, BD; ord AssoRefP, Pby Memphis, Je 8, 03; p, Russell- ville, Ark, 05-8; p, Brighton, Tenn, 09-13; p, Hudson Heights, NJ, 14-20; p, Elsberry, Mo, 21-4; prof. Bib & Eng Lit, Forest Park Coll, St Louis; p, UP ch, Pattersonville, NY, 29 — . *Rust, Hendrik Jacobus — b, Malmesbury, Cape Colony, S Africa, Je 8, 1878; VicCSAfr, 99; StellTS, 99-1903; grad stu, PTS, 03-4, BD; asso p, Graaff Reinet, SAfr, 04-5; ord, RefChSAfr, Ap 15, 05; trav sec, CEUnion, 05-6; d, Moorreesburg, So Africa, Sp 20, 06. Topping, William Hayes— b, Adel, la, Ag 30, 1873; HanC, 1901; PTS, 01-4; ord, Pby St Louis, Ap 18, 05; p, Jennings, Mo, 04-7; ord Bapt, Ap 18, 07; ss, McCausland Ave Presb ch, St Louis, 08; p, Benton, Pa, 08-10; p, Audubon, NJ, 10-3; asst p, Norristown, Pa, 13-7; p. Palisades, NY, 17-9; p, Mem ch, Troy, 19-23; p, Riverdale, Md, 23-6; p, Germantown, 26-31; res, Berwyn, Md. Van Houte, Gerrit — b, Almelo, Netherlands, Ap 2, 1878; HopeC; PTS, 1901-2;— Watson, John Walter — b, Fairpoint, O, Nv 12, 1878; FrankCO, 1900; AllegTS, 00-3; grad stu, PTS, 03-4; ord UP, Pby Chartiers, Dc 20, 04; p. West Middleton, Pa, 04-11; p, 2d ch. East Liverpool, O, 11-4; p, Parnassus, Pa, 14-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p. Oil City, Pa, 19-24; p, 2d ch, Pittsburgh, 24-7; p. Concord ch, Pittsburgh, 28 — . DD, CedC, 24. Weir, Valentine Alexander — b, Armstrong, la, Fb 14, 1876; CoeC, 1901; PTS, 01-2; McCTS, 02-4; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, My 10, 04; ss, Delmar, la, 04-5; p, Randolph, Neb, 05-9; ss, Dalton, 09-11; ss, Crook, Col, 11-4; p, Hawarden, 1904-1905 531 la, 11-5; ss, Padroni, Col, 16-9; ss, Whitewood, SD, 19-21; ss, Springwater Circuit, Estacada, Ore, 21-4; ss, Cong ch, Clackamas, 25 — ■. *Wright, Willis — b, near Des Moines, la, Dc 14, 1861; EclecMedInst, Cin- cinnati, 82; phys. Lane, Kan; MD, UDenv, 88; phys, NYCity; IliffST, 98-1900; ill health; PTS, 01-2; d, Princeton, NJ, Ag 29, 02. *Yamada, Kenzo — b, Wokayama, Japan, Je 21, 1866; MG, ThDept, 87-9; Eigakkwai Coll, Tokyo, 99; PTS, 1901-4; ord, Pby Tokyo, Dc, 06; p, Mito, Japan, 05-7; p, Miname ch, Osaka, 07-10; p, Formosa Miss, Formosa, 10-1; p, Aiki, 14-6; p, Wakamatsu, 16-20; p, Tengachaya ch, Osaka, 20-31; d, Osaka, Japan, Oc 22, 31. 29. 1905 Allis, Oswald Thompson — b, Wallingford, Pa, Sp 9, 1880; UPa, 1901; PTS, 02-5, BD; GS Green Fell, Heb, 05-7; PrU, 07, MA; UBer, 07-10, 13, PhD; ord, Pby Philadelphia, My 31, 14; instr, Semit Philol, PTS, 10-22, asst prof, 22-9; prof, OT Hist & Exeg, WestmTS, 29-30, OT, 30—. DD, HSC, 27. Barrett, Charles Wilson — b, Lyndon, O, Mr 5, 1878; CenCKy, 98; tea, Alexander Coll, 98-9; prin, Acad, S Salem, O, 99-1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Indianapolis, My 9, 06; p. Clay City, Ind, 06-11; p, Vevay & ss. Pleasant Twp, 12-4; res, Indianapolis, Ind, 14 — . Baxter, Thomas George — b, near Dover, Del, Nv 30, 1871; USArmy, 98; UDel, 1900; prin. High Schl, Newark, Del, 00-2; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 22, 05; p. Lower Path Valley ch, Fannettsburg, & Burnt Cabins, Pa, 05-8; p. Pine Grove, 08-21; p, Washington ch, Allenwood, 21-30; p, 2d ch, Wyalusing, 30—. Brewer, George Allen — b, Kingston, Ont, Canada, Dc 11, 1876; CWoos, 1902; McCTS, 02-3; PTS, 03-5; ord, Pby Columbus, My 16, 05; p, 1st ch, Col- umbus, O, 05-10; p, 1st ch, Coshocton, 10-4; p, Holland Mem ch, Phila, O, 14-5; p, 1st ch, Duluth, Minn, 15-21; p, Grosse Point Mem ch, Detroit, Mich, 21-8; p, 1st ch, Piqua, O, 28 — . DD, AlmaC, 20. *Bruins, Berend — b, Bellingwolde, Netherlands, Sp 16, 1868; bus; HopeC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord RefChAm, Cl Pella, Nv 8, 05; p, Tully & Bethlehem chs, Taintor, la, 05-7 ; p, 2d ch. Little Falls, NJ, 07-11 ; p, 1st ch. North Yakima, Wash, 11-3; ill health; d. Oak Harbor, Wash, Je 1, 14. Chapin, Dwight Chauncey — b, Tung Cho, China, Nv 23, 1878; OccC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 05, MA; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Sp 27, 05; ss. Union chap, Capistrano, Cal, 05-6; miss, Paoting-fu, China, 06-9; ill health, 09-12; hm miss. Fort Defiance, Ariz, 12-4; ss, Brawley, Cal, 14-6; p, Santa Paula, 16-20; p, 4th ch, Spokane, Wash, 20-7; p. East Grand Blvd ch, St Louis, Mo, 28 — . Cleeland, Earl Cubbison — b, Harrisville, Pa, Nv 14, 1879; W&JC, 1902; PTS, 02-5, 06, BD; ord, Pby Butler, Je 6, 05; asst p, Classon Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 05-6; asst p, Scotch ch, NYCity, 06-7; tea. Canton Christian Coll, China, 07-8; bus, 08-15; rcc, St Andrew's & St James’ chs, Seattle, Wash, 15-7; chap, USArmy, 17-9; asst rec, Holy Trinity ch, NYCity, 19-20; do, Ch Transfiguration, 1905 532 NYCity, 20-1; do, St Luke’s Chap, 21-2; rec, Grace ch, Hastings-on-Hudson, 22-9; Scottish & Gaelic antiquarian & genealogist, NYCity, 29 — . De Free, Henry Peter — b, Zeeland, Mich, Mr 14, 1881; HopeC, 1902; PTS, 02-5, BD; ord RefChAm, Cl Pella, J1 26, 05; p. Bethel ch, Pella, la, 05-7; miss & tea, Kulangsu, Amoy, China, 07 — . DD, HopeC, 31. Dodd, William Rufus — b, Jacksonville, 111, Nv 7, 1875; WestmCMo, 95; tea & farming; PTS, 1902-5; ord, Pby Emporia, Sp 20, 05; ss, Florence, Kan, 05-7; p, Gardner, 07-10; ss, Monett, Mo, 10-2; p, Delphos, Kan, 12-4; p, Enid, Okla, 14-20; p, Leavenworth, Kan, 20-2; ss & p, St Louis, Mo, 22-8; evang, Wheaton, 111, 28-30; p, Chicago, 30 — . Dudley, Chester Haviland Crane — b, Marion, Kan, Ag 25, 1879; CEmpo, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Emporia, Oc 12, 05; p, Garnett, Kan, 05-9; tea, Keene, NH, 10-4; res, Emporia, Kan. Evans, Frederick Walter — b, Corsica, Pa, J1 17, 1880; W&JC, 02, 06, MA; WestTS, 02-4; PTS, 04-5; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 20, 05; p. Union, Lan- caster Co, Pa, 05-6; p, 1st ch, Steubenville, O, 06-11; p, Montview Blvd ch, Denver, Col, 11-4; p, 1st ch. Council Bluffs, la, 14-9; p, Harlem-New York ch, NYCity, 19-26; p, Ch of the Redeemer, Paterson, NJ, 26-9; p, 2d ch, Troy, NY, 29—. DD, BellvC, 15. Finney, Harry Glenn — b, Gabon, O, Dc 7, 1875; CWoos, 1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Minneapolis, Je 26, 05; asst p, Westm ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 05-8; p, Westm ch, Hamilton, O, 08-17; p, 1st ch, Marion, la, 17-25; p. Central ch, Fayetteville, Ark, 25 — . DD, CoeC, 21. *Fleming, Roy Chalmers — b, Arkansas City, Kan, Ag 1, 1881; CEmpo, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Emporia, My 15, 05; p, Kingman, Kan, 06-8; p. Lamed, 08-12; d. Lamed, Kan, Je 12, 12. Foster, Samuel Turner — b, Cincinnati, O, J1 28, 1880; BosU, 1903; PTS, 03-5; ord, Pby Boston, Je 19, 05; p, 1st ch, Haverhill, Mass, 05-7; p, 1st RefP ch, Hopkinton, la, 08-12; p, 1st Presb ch, Hopkinton, 12-3; p, Westm ch. Cedar Rapids, 13-20; p, Benedict Mem ch. New Haven, Conn, 20-6; p, 1st ch, Carbondale, Pa, 26 — -. DD, LenC, 12. Grigg, Albert White— b, Phila, Pa, Nv 4, 1880; UPa, 1902; PTS, 02-5, 06-7; ord, Pby Phila North, My 17, 06; p. New Hope, Pa, 06-7 ; p, Barnesvdlle & Forsyth, Ga, 08-9; p, Lancaster, NY, 15; p, Bethlehem ch, Buffalo, 16; res, Glen Cove, 18-21; res. Ocean Grove, NJ. Hammond, Edward Francis — b, Millersburg, O, J1 25, 1877; BellvC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Council Bluffs, Je 13, 05; ss. Lynch, Neb, 05-9; hm miss, Norfolk, Neb, 09-10; p, Norfolk, 10-3; p el. Gibbon, 15-20; p. Red Oak, la, 21-7; p. North ch, Omaha, Neb, 28 — •. *Handley, Lorin Andrew — b, Franklin, Ind, Fb 12, 1881; HanC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Indianapolis, My 22, 05; prof, Ment & Mor Sc, CEmpo, 05-7; prof. Bib & Phil, OccC, 07-10; lect, BibILA, 10-2; pres, Bd PubWks, Los Angeles, 12-20; d, Lodi, Cal, Sp 20, 20. 1905 533 Harris, John William — b, Dripping Springs, Tex, Ja 12, 1876; PkC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Mr 27, 05; p. Pond Creek, Okla, 05-6; hm miss, San German, PR, 06 — ; pres. Polytechnic Inst of Porto Rico, San German, 12 — . LLD, PkC, 20. *Horn, James Frederick — b, Galatz, Roumania, Ap 14, 1880; WabC; PTS, 1902-5, BD; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Oc 3, 05; p, Whippany, NJ, 05-8; ss, Flan- ders, 12-7; res, Morristown, 18-32; d, Morristown, NJ, Oc 27, 32. MD. Hutchison, William Merritt — b, near Parker's Landing, Pa, Oc 7, 1876; PkC, 1901; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Oklahoma, Dc 14, 05; ss, Cleveland, Okla, 05-6; ss, Geary, 06- p, 08-10; p, Helena, 11-5; ss, Beaver, 16; SSmiss, Enid, 17-8; cy miss, Enid, 19-20; evang, Enid, 21; p, Sutter Ave ch, St Louis, Mo, 23-5; dropped from roll, Pby St Louis, Mr 11, 29; miss wk, St Louis, 27 — . Kerr, Howard Jekis — b, Decatur, O, Ja 5, 1881; CEmpo, 1901; newspaper wk, 01-2; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Emporia, Oc 11, 05; p, Ottawa, Kan, 05-9; chap & prof, Eng Bib, PkC, 09-16; p, Brooklyn ch, Oakland, Cal, 16-21; ex sec, Pby Denver, Denver, Col, 21-7; p, Hillsboro ch, Nashville, Tenn, 28 — . DD, CEmpo, 17. Knight, Lucian Lamar — b, Atlanta, Ga, Fb 9, 1869; UGa, 88; ed, Atlanta, Ga, 88-1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Chesapeake, Nv 13, 05; asso p. Central ch, Washington, DC, 05; auth; ed, Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta, Ga, 08-13; compiler, Ga state records, 13-25; res, St Simons Is, Ga. LLD, UGa; LittD, KingC. Macartney, Clarence Edward — b. North wood, O, Sp 18, 1879; UWis, 1901; newspaper wk, 01-2; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Jersey City, Oc 26, 05; p, 1st ch, Paterson, NJ, 05-14; p. Arch St ch, Phila, Pa, 14-27; p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, 27 — . DD, GeneC, 16; Mod, Gen Assem, 24. Machen, J(ohn) Gresham — b, Baltimore, Md, JI 28, 1881; JHU, 1901, grad stu, 01-2; PTS, 02-5, BD; PrU, 04, MA; NT Fell, UMarb, & UGot, 05-6; instr, NT, PT.S, 06-14, asst prof, NT Lit & Exeg, 14-29; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 23, 14; YMCA, war service, 18-9; prof, NT, WestmTS, 29 — . DD, HSC, 21; LittD, WheaC, 28. Mackay, William Alfred — b. West Branch, River John, NS, Canada, Je 26, 1875; DalhU, 1901; miss, BC, 01-2; PTS, 02-5, BD; PrU, 05, MA; ord, Pby Prince Edward Island, Nv 28, 05; p, Elmsdale, PEI, Can, 05-8; p, Wick & Green- bank, 08-18; p, Streetsville, 18-25; p, UnChCan, Streetsville, 25-9; p, Creemore, 29 — . *Mackintosh, Finlay Grant — b, Millstream, Pictou Co, NS, Canada, Jl 20, 1877; DalhU, 1901; PTS, 02-5; UBer, 06-8; tea, Presb Coll, Egypt, 08-9; ord, Pby Truro, My 10, 10; p. Economy & Five Islands, Can, 10-2; p, Sackville, NB, 12-20; field wk, Pictou Acad Found, 20-3; organiz wk, Presb Assn, Maritime Prov, 23-4; dean, PicAcad, 25-30; d, Pictou, NS, Can, Sp 15, 30. Martin, Ivan Gochnauer — b, Lancaster, Pa, Ag 22, 1878; PrU, 1902; PTS, 02-3, 04-5; OmaTS, 03-4; ord, Pby North River, Oc 24, 05; p, Hughsonville, NY, 05-7; p, Milton, 07-11; p, Montgomery, 11-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p. Port Jefferson, NY, 19-20; chap, USArmy, 20 — . 534 1905 McCormick, William Love — b, Sewellsville, O, Nv 21, 1875; FrankCO, 1901; tea; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Westminster, My 23, 05; p, Slate- ville ch. Delta, Pa, 05-9; p, 1st ch, Cambridge, O, 09-14; p, 1st ch, Akron, 14-9; p, Bethlehem ch, Phila, Pa, 19 — . DD, MaryvC, 23. McCoy, William — b, Belfast, Ireland, Mr 11, 1875; asst. Free Pub Lib, Belfast, Ire; ParsC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Ap 14, 05; p, Krugers- dorf, Transvaal, SAfrica, 05-8; FreeChCGlas, 08-9; asst p, St Andrew’s, London West, 09-10; p, Centerville, la, 10-4; asso p, Kenwood ch, Chicago, 111, 14-6; YMCA, war service, 16-9; p, Boyle, Ire, 20-1; ss, Herrin, III, 21-3; p. Bellflower, Cal, 23-7; p. Pacific Beach, 27 — . DD, ParsC, 30. McMillin, Walter Frazer — b, Dunlap, Kan, Dc 23, 1879; WestmCMo, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby St Louis, Oc 19, 05; ss. Oak Hill ch, St Louis, Mo, 05-8; p, Lafayette Park ch, St Louis, 08-22; p. Central North Broad St ch, Phila, Pa, 22-9; p, Knox ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 29 — . DD, COz. Meeker, William Cory — b, Tamaqua, Pa, Oc 22, 1879; CWoos, 1901; farm- ing & trav; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 30, 05; miss, Medellin, Columbia, SA, 05-7; p, Edgerton & Black Jack, Kan, 07-10; p, 2d ch, Topeka, 10-3; p, 1st ch, Herrin, 111, 13-8; p, 1st ch, Pana, 18-22; p, 1st ch, Belleville, 22-9; p, Westm ch, Jacksonville, 29 — . Morgan, Thomas — b, Tredegar, S Wales, Mr 20, 1879; LafC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 05, MA; ord, Pby Newark, Je 15, 05; p. Cedar Ave ch, Montclair, NJ, 05-13; p, Pleasantville, NY, 13-9; YMCA, war service, 18-9; asst p, Broadway Tabernacle Cong ch, NYCity, 19-25; p, 2d Ave ch, NYCity, 25 — ; res, Mont- clair, NJ. Mulock, Edwin McCord— b, Smithboro, NY, Nv 1, 1876; PrU, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Clarion, Sp 27, 05; chap, acad, Mercersburg, Pa, 05-6; p, Paxton ch, Paxtang, Pa, 06-12; p, Ypsilanti, Mich, 13-5; bus, Detroit, Mich, 16-21; probation officer, Detroit & Wayne Co, 21-3; bus, Detroit, Mich, 23 — . Munson, William Cooper — b, Bucyrus, O, Oc 7, 1870; ous; PrU, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Steubenville, Ap 17, 06; p, Waynesburg & Bethlehem ch, Malvern, O, 05-8; p, Shelby, 08-14; syn wk, O, 14-8; p, Frankfort & Concord, 18-21; syn wk, O, 21-6; syn exec, WVa, 26 — ; res, Parkersburg, WVa. Nesbitt, John Allison — b, Colora, Md, Fb 11, 1878; LafC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 26, 05; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Catonsville, Md, 05—. *Peale, John Rogers — b. New Bloomfield, Pa, Sp 17, 1879; LafC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord evang, Pby Carlisle, My 15, 05; miss. Lien Chou, China, 05; killed. Lien Chou, China, Oc 28, 05. Rambo, Harold Sibley — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 2, 1880; PTS, 1902-5; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 30, 05; p, Absecon, NJ, 05-6; ss, Leeds Point, 05-6; p, Haddon Heights, 06-7; asst p, Scotch ch, NYCity, 07-8; ss. Home St chap, NYCity, 08-20; p, Adams Mem ch, NYCity, 20 — . Reed, Charles Frederic — b, Brogueville, Pa, Ag 7, 1878; PrU, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Great Falls, Oc 10, 05; ss, Fort Benton, Mont, 05-7; ss. 1905 535 Gridley, Cal, 07-8; p, 1st ch, Visalia, 08-9; p, Oakland, 09-17; p, VVoodburn, Ore, 17-8; p, Salem, 18-9; p, VVoodburn, 19-21; — Richards, Parke — b. Ransom, Pa, Ag 1, 1875; tea; LafC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 18, 05; asso p, 1st ch, Detroit, Mich, 05-6; p, Plymouth, Pa, 06-10; p, 1st ch, Waverly, NY, 10-7; p, 1st ch. Beacon, 17-23; p, Lawrenceville, NJ, 23 — . Schaeffer, Joseph Henry — b, Baltimore, Md, Fb 16, 1879; PrU, 02, 04, MA; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Newark, Oc 5, 05; asst p. So Park ch, Newark, NJ, 05-7; ss, Broadway ch, Baltimore, Md, 07-8; p, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 08-24; p, 1st ch, Barrington, 25 — . South, Arthur Lonson — b, Charlton, NY, Nv 21, 1876; UnC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 05, MA; ord, Pby Parkersburg, Oc 3, 05; p, Pennsboro, WV'a, 05-6; ss. Sugar Grove & Pleasant Grove, 06-12; p, Clymer & Rayne, Pa, 12-8; p, Ripley, O, 18-20; p. West Elizabeth, Pa, 20-2; AubTS, 24-7, 28, ThB; p, Finleyville, Pa, 22 — . Stewart, Joseph Yerkes — b, Abington, Pa, Dc 13, 1868; tea; PTS, 1902-5; ord, Pby Chester, My 19, 05; ss, 1st ch, Malad City, Ida, 05-11; p. Woodland, Wash, 11-5; ss. Weed, Cal, 15-8; ss, Whiteson, Ore, 18-23; ss, Marion & Mehama, 23 — ; res, Albany, Ore. Stewart, Leon — b. Mound Valley, Kan, Nv 9, 1876; GrovCyC, 1901; tea; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 4, 05; p, Burnham, Pa, 05-8; p, 1st ch, Apollo, 08-11; p, Hazelwood ch, Pittsburgh, 11-6; p, 1st ch, McKeesport, 16-21; p, 4th ch, Pittsburgh, 21-6; p, 1st ch. Fort Collins, Col, 26 — . DD, GrovCyC, 17. *Streubel, Clarence Emmanuel — b, Newton, NJ, Ja 2, 1876; PrU, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Fb 6, 05; ss. Ozone, Tenn, 05-6; ss, Cale- donia, 06-9; p, Flanders, NJ, 09-11; p, Monroeton, Pa, 11-5; ss, Castile, NY, 16-7; p, Livingston Manor ch, Livingston, Pa, 19-20; d. West Sunbury, J1 26, 20. Von Krug, Karl Louis — b, Bloomingburg, O, Oc 2, 1879; PrU, 1901, 05, MA; instr, Lat & Gk, School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, Pa, 01-2; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Cleveland, Dc 18, 05; p, Linndale ch, Cleveland, O, 05-8; p. East Stroudsburg, Pa, 09-15; asst p, Christ ch, Madison, Wis, 15-6; p, Westm ch, Madison, 16-20; chap, USArmy, 18-20; bus, Madison, Wis, 20 — . Ward, Warren Ray — b, Hackettstown, NJ, Sp 28, 1876; PrU, 1902; PTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Newton, Oc 4, 05; p, Minerva & Still Fork, O, 06-10; p, Mt Gilead, 10-5; p, Westm ch, Phila, Pa, 15 — . Weisley, Joseph Laubach — b, Catasauqua, Pa, Oc 14, 1881; MuhlC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Hudson, Oc 9, 05; ss, Unionville, NY, 05-6; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p. Forty Fort, Pa, 06 — ; res, Kingston, Pa. Williams, William Daniel — b, Prentig, W'ales, Great Britain, Ag 20, 1871; bus; RipC, 1900, 04, MA; ord, Cong Ass’n Webster City, la, Oc 14, 01; p, Cong ch, Popejoy, la, 01-2; PTS, 02-5; p, Wentworth, Bethel & Colman, SD, 05-8; ss, Lemmon, 08-12; ss, Malad City, Ida, 12-4; ss, Gomer, O, 14-8; p, Poynette, Wis, 18-22; p, Parkside ch, Madison, 22-5; p, Chicago Lawn ch, Chicago, 111, 25 — . 48. 536 1905 Aasgaard, Johan Amd — b, Albert Lea, Minn, Ap 5, 1876; StOC, 98; SUnNorLuthCh, 98-1901; ord United Norwegian Luth, Je 16, 01; p, De Forest, Wis, 01-11; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; prof, SUnNorLuthCh, 06-7; ed. United Lutheran, 07-8; pres, Concordia Coll, Moorhead, Minn, 11-25; p, Salem Lutheran ch, Fargo, ND, 11-25; pres, Norwegian Luth Ch of Am, 25 — ; res, Minneapolis, Minn. DD, WittC, 10. Bethel, Martin Luther — b, Lincoln University, Pa, Oc 24, 1878; LincU, 1901, 04, MA; LincUTS, 01-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; ord, Pby Chester, Ap 20, 05; ss, Washington Ave ch, Macon, Ga, 05, 06; asst prin, Bible & Manual Tr Inst, Albany, 05; ss, Moores chap, Albany, 06-10; SSmiss, Okla & Ark, 10-3; instr, Tuskegee Inst, Ala, 13 — . DD, LincU. Boat, James Hamill — b, Allenwood, Pa, My 15, 1880; LafC, 1902; PTS, 02-4; McCTS, 04-6; ord, Pby Chicago, My 2, 06; ss, Hinckley & Wabasso, Minn, 06-8; ss, Jasper, 08-13; p, Slatington, Pa, 13-5; p, Millville, NJ, 15-7; sec, YMCA, Wilmington, Del, 17-24; p. New Vernon, NJ, 24 — . BD, DrewTS, 30; MA, DrewU, 31. Boyd, Thomas Wallace — b, Maghera, Ire, Oc 13, 1871; MageeC, 1900-1; McCTS, 01-2; PTS, 02-3; ss, Virginia City, Nev, 10-3; res, Oakland, Cal, 13-28; res. Piedmont, 28 — . Condon, Walter Avis — b, Cedarville, O, Fb 2, 1879; CedC, 1900; bus; XenTS, 01-4; ord UP, Pby Xenia, My 19, 04; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; p. Tran- quility, O, 05-7; p. Clarion, la, 07-10; p, Trenton, O, 10-6; p, Presb ch, Uhrichs- ville, 16-30; p, Ada, 30 — . *Corson, Alexander — b, Seaville, NJ, Nv 1, 1879; PrU, 1902; DrewTS, 02-3, 04-5, BD; PTS, 03-4; p. Beach Haven, NJ, 05-7; ord ME, Mr 15, 07; p. West Collingswood, 08-10; p, Paulsboro, 11-2; p, 1st ch, Millville, 13-5; p, Broadway ch, Camden, 16-8; dist supt, Camden Dist, 19-24; p. Centenary Tabernacle, Camden, 24-8; p, Princeton, 29-32; dist supt, Trenton Dist, 32-3; d, Phila, Pa, Ja 9, 33. DD, DickC, 22. Coyle, Thomas — b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 17, 1869; AmhC, 92; UnTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Puget Sound, Sp 12, 95; hm miss, Wenatchee, Wash, 95; p, Everett, 95-1903; hm miss, Alaska, 03-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; ss, Westhampton, Beach, NY, 05—. Davis, John Thomas — b, Elizabeth City, NC, Fb 3, 1876; WFC, 1900; lawy; PTS, 02-3; ord, 1st Bapt ch, Blairsville, Pa, Oc 14, 03; p, 1st Bapt ch, Blairsville, Pa, 03-18; sec, YMCA, Blairsville, 19-20; res, Blairsville. De Leeuw, Cornelius — b, Nieuwdorp, Holland, Ja 8, 1876; CalvC, 1901; CalvTS, 01-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Illinois, Dc 17, 05; p, Douglas Park ch, Chicago, 111, 05-10; p, 1st ch, Pella, la, 10-9; p, 1st ch, Sioux Center, 19-24; p, 1st ch, Lansing, 111, 24 — . *Eagleson, Edwin Lamont — b, Leesburg, Pa, h'b 16, 1874; WestmCPa, 99; tea; AllegTS, 1901-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; ord UP, Pby Muskingum, My 22, 06; p, Fairview & Sand Hill, O, 06-8; p, Uniontown, 08-12; p. West Middle- town, Pa, 12-27; d. Wheeling, WVa, Je 11, 27. 1905 537 Espey, John Morton — b, Allegheny, Pa, J1 10, 1881; CWoos, 1902; PTS, 02-3; WestTS, 03-5; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, My 10, 05; miss, Shanghai, China, 05 — . Galbraith, William Frederick — b, Camilla, Ont, Canada, J1 20, 1874; AusC, 99, 05, MA; UnTSVa, 99-1900, 01-3, BD; tea, 00-1; ord, Pby Dallas, Sp 26, 03; p, 1st ch, Ennis, Tex, 03-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; evang, Okla- homa, 05-7; field sec, AusC, 07-8; p. Oak Cliff ch, Dallas, Tex, 08-18; p, 1st ch, Texarkana, 18-9; sec. Stewardship Com, Gen Assem, 19-22; asst p, 1st ch, Dallas, Tex, 22-4; p, 1st ch, Denton, 24 — . DD, AusC, 15. - *Griswold, Latta — b, Lancaster, O, Fb 4, 1876; PrU, 1901, Archaeol Fell, 01-2, MA; PTS, 02-4; GenTS, 04-5; asst min. Trinity PEpis ch, Newport, RI, 05-6; ord PEpis pr. My 24, 06; vie, St Colomba’s ch, Newport, 06-15; clerical master, St George’s schl, Newport, 06-15; asst. Trinity par, NYCity, 15-7; rec. Trinity ch, Lenox, Mass, 17-31; d, Edinburgh, Scotland, Ag 15, 31. Hamborszky, Paul Ferdinand Bela — b, Besztereze, Hungary, Dc 30, 1881; EperGym, 1900; PTS, 02-4; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 18, 05; miss, Bloomfield, NJ, 05-7; p, Magyar Ev Ref ch. New Brunswick, 07; — Hogg, Alfred Alexander James — b, Bellaghy, Co Derry, Ireland, Oc 7, 1886; MageeC, 1902; PTS, 02-3; LaneTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Parkersburgh, My 14, 07; ss, Schwamb Mem ch. Charleston, WVa, 06-8; p. Fruit Hill, Pa, 08-12; p, Ravenna Blvd ch, Seattle, Wash, 12-7; chap, USArmy, 17-8; p. Export, Pa, 18-27; p, Presb ch, Newcastle, NB, Can, 28 — . Hubbard, John Aljoe — b, Murray, la, Sp 27, 1876; ss, Ossian, NY, 1901-2; PTS, 02-3; ss, 2d ch, Princeton, NJ, 03; prof, Eng Bib, Boydton Inst, Boydton, Va, 03-7; prin, do, 04-7; ss, Ossian, NY, 06; ord, Pby Rochester, Oc 14, 07; ss, Ossian, NY, 07-8; evang, Honeoye Falls, 08-9; ss. East Avon, 09-10; p, 1st Cong ch, Dallas, Tex, 10-2; prin, Toccoa Falls Inst, Toccoa Falls, Ga, 12-5; chap & tea, Martha Berry Schl, Mt Berry, 15-20; tea, BibILA, 20 — . DD, EvTC, 31. Huizinga, Arnold Van C(outhen) P(iccardt) — b, Tolbert, Groningen, Netherlands, Sp 10, 1874; GroningenU, 96; Netherlands Navy; tea. Mod Lang, Victoria Coll, London, Eng, 96-8; YaleUDS, 04, BD; grad stu, PTS, 04-5; PrU, 05, MA; ord Cong, Ashville, NY, Ag 1, 05; prof, French, Ula, 05-6; prof, French, TrinC, 06-7, prof Ger, 07-8; p, Thompson, Conn, 08-9; lect & lit wk, 09—; res, Thompson, Conn, 09 — •. Laird, Melvin Robert — b, Maysville, 111, Ag 7, 1877; IllC, 1901; tea; PTS, 02-3; MeCTS, 03-5; ord, Pby Madison, Je 8, 05; p. Prairie du Sac, Wis, 05-11; p, 1st ch, Marshfield, 11-3; p, 1st ch, Lincoln, 111, 13-8; pres, LincC, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Westni ch, Omaha, Neb, 19-24; res, Marshfield, Wis. Leslie, William Hutchman — b, Gibsonia, Pa, Fb 27, 1870; W&JC, 95; WestTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Shenango, Ap 19, 98; p, Ellwood City, Pa, 98-1904; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; p, Christ ch, Lebanon, Pa, 05-12; p, Greenloch, NJ, 12-22; p, Woodstown, 23-7; res, Phila, Pa, 28 — . Mabon, William Thomas — b, Bovina, NY, Sp 25, 1871; GeneC, 97; XenTS, 97-1900; ord UP, Pby Garnett, My 9, 01; p, Garnett, Kan, 01-4; grad 538 1905 stu, PTS, 04-5; p, Media, 111, 05-9; p, Bellefontaine, O, 09-18; p, Dayton, 18-27; p, Springfield, 27 — . *Mackay, Alexander Leonard — b, Balmoral Mills, NS, Canada, Ap 6, 1869; DalhU, 97; PTC, 96-9; ss, Dundas, PEI, Can, 1900; ord, Pby Truro, My 1, 00; p. Riverside ch. Port au Pique, Can, 00-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; p, Wallace, NS, Can, 05-15; ill health; d, Pictou, Can, Ja 5, 24. Malan, Daniel Gerhardus — b, Paarl, S Africa, Mr 23, 1880; VicCSAfr, 1900; tea; StellTS, 01-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; U Utrecht, Holland; ord, DRefChSAfr, Oc 28, 06; p, Wellington, S Africa, 06-18; p, Capetown, 18-21; p, Paarl, 21-30; prof, NT, Prac Theol, & Science of Miss, StellTS, 30 — . Marsh, Fred Raymond — b, Oxford, O, Oc 16, 1878; BowC, 99; tea; PTS, 02-4; PrU, 04, MA; SETS, 04-5, BD; ord, Pby Denver, Ag 9, 05; ss, Wray, Colo, 05-7; p, 1st Cong ch. Winter Park, Fla, 07-8; prof, Gk & Bib, RolC, 07-8; p, 1st ch, Houston, Tex, 08-13; p. Union ch, Tavares, Fla, 14-6; p. Union ch, Jack- sonville, 16-20; p. Union ch, Tavares, & 1st ch, Tangerine, 20 — . DD, RolC, 17. McQuoid, Thomas Newton — b, near Millport, O, Mr 25, 1871; GrovCyC, 96, 1902, MA; AllegTS, 96-9; ord UP, Pby Illinois, Je 27, 99; grad stu, PTS, 1904-5, BD; p, Coulterville, 111, 1899-1910; supt Miss, Syn 111, 10-1; p, 2d ch, Youngstown, O, 11-6; ss, Fowler, Cal, 16-7; p, Lakewood, 17-9; p, Schenectady, NY, 19—. DD, GrovCyC, 31. Nelson, John — b, Utica, Pa, Oc 4, 1876; GrovCyC, 99; tea; bus; AllegTS, 1901-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; ord UP, Pby Phila, Ap 20, 06; ss, Wharton Square ch, Phila, Pa, 06-12; phys, Phila, 12 — . Paul, Barnett McLeod — b, Coulterville, 111, Dc 21, 1876; CedC, 1900; RefPTS(GS), 00-4; ord RefP, Pby Western, My 4, 04; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; p, Hopewell Presb ch. New Bedford, Pa, 07-19; bus & oc s, 19-25; p, Lawrence- ville ch, Pittsburgh, 25 — . Perold, Jan Gabriel — b, Paarl, Cape Colony, S Africa, J1 18, 1877; Vic CSAfr, 99; tea; StellTS, 1900-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; ss, DRefChSAfr, Observatory, Cape Town, S Africa, 06; ord, DRefChSAfr, Cl S Africa, J1 25, 06; asst p, Paarl, 06-7; p, Victoria West, Cape Colony; p, Lichtenburg, Transvaal; p, Mooirivier; hon re, 23; res, Paarl, CP, SAfr, 23 — . Pires, Emanuel Gonceicao — b, Jacksonville, 111, Nv 19, 1880; IllC, 1902; PTS, 02-5; PrU, 04, MA; ord, Pby Springfield, My 25, 05; ss, Divernon, 111, 05-9; p, Taylorville, 09-13; p, 1st ch, Fostoria, O, 13-8; p. Central ch, Erie, Pa, 18-22; p. Calvary ch, Chicago, 111, 22-32; p, Uniontown, Pa, 32 — . PhD, GrovCyC, 18; DD, IllC, 23. Rinker, Richard Albert — b, Weatherly, Pa, Dc 11, 1874; UrsC, 1900; UrSTh, 00-3; ord, Pby Phila North, Ja 19, 04; p. Lower Merion, Pa, 03-6; grad stu, PTS, 04-6, BD; p, 1st ch, Pittston, Pa, 06 — . Russell, Andrew — b, Bristol, Que, Canada, Nv 25, 1860; McGU, 91; PresbC, 90-3; ord, Pby Glengarry, Je 5, 93; p, Lunenburg & Pleasant Valley, Ont, 93-1900; p, Chesterville, 00-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; p, Lauder, Man, Can, 06-10; p, Wainwright, Alberta, 10-4; p, Hanley, Sask, 14-6; p, St Andrew’s 1905 539 Coll, Reading, 16-7; p, Nokomis, 17-21; p. Manor, 21-5; Frobisher, 25-30; res, Bristol, Que. Senouye, Paul Hironari — b, Ichigo, Takata, Japan, Ja 16, 1870; MHI; rul eld; SFTS; grad stu, PTS, 1904-6, 07, BD; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 14, 06; p, Morioka ch, Tokyo, Japan, 07-8, p, Riogoku ch, 08-9, p, Kanda ch, 09-17, p, Azabu ch, 17 — . Smith, Harry Parker — b, Verona, Pa, Mr 8, 1878; MuskC, 1901; AllegTS, 01-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5; ord UP, Pby Conemaugh, Oc 20, 05; ss, 2d ch, Altoona, Pa, 05-9; ss. Mays, Ind, 10; res, Verona, 11-5; p, Buffalo & Worthington, Pa, 16-8; p, Woodlawn, 19-28; p, Aliquippa, 28 — . Stubblebine, Albert Newton — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 29, 1870; UrsC, 96; UrSTh, 96-9; ss, 1st Schwenkfeldian ch, Phila, Pa, 98-1900; ord, RefChUS, Cl Lancaster, Nv 4, 00; p, St Paul’s ch, Quarryville, Pa, 00-4; ss, 1st Presb ch. Northern Liberties, Phila, 04-5; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; p. Central ch, Newark, NJ, 05-18; p, 2d ch, Dallas, Tex, 18-9; USArmy, 19-20; p, 1st ch. Ranger, Tex, 20-3; WestTS, 23-4; p. Central ch, Tarentum, Pa, 24 — . *Tattrie, George Phillips — b. River John, NS, Canada, J1 21, 1869; DalhU, 94; PTC, 93-6; ord, Pby Rock Lake, J1 14, 96; miss. La Riviere, Man, Can, 96-8; miss, Gainsboro, Sask, 98-1902, Lauder, Man, 02-3, Regina, North Sask, 03-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; p. New Carlisle, Que, Can, 05-11; p, Tabusintac, NB, 11-21; p. Union ch, O’Leary, PEI, 21-7; d, O’Leary, Mr 9, 27. Tracy, Leland Howard — b, Sacramento, Cal, Fb 26, 1878; UCal, 1900; tea, Yamaguchi, Japan; PTS, 02-3; SFTS, 03-5; ord, Pby Oakland, My 29, 05; hm miss, Aguadilla & Moca, Porto Rico, 05-9; ord PEpis pr, 11; St Mary’s ch. Chihuahua, Mex, 10-1; GenTS, 11-2, BD; dean, St Andrew’s Sem, Mex, 12-5; pr in charge, Epiphany ch, Honolulu, 15; vie, St Clement’s ch, Honolulu, Hawaiian Is, 16- rec, 18-20; rec. Cathedral of St Mary & St John, Manila, Cuba, 22-4; pr in charge, St John’s ch, San Francisco, Cal, 26-7; rec, St Luke’s ch, Los Gatos, Cal, 28-30; res, Los Gatos, Cal, 30 — . Van Peursem, John — b, Maurice, la, Ag 30, 1877; HopeC, 1902, MA; PTS, 02-4; WestTSMich, 04-5; ord RefChAm, Cl Grand River, Je 7, 05; p, Coopersville, Mich, 05-8; p. Trinity ch, Chicago, 111, 08-12; p. Trinity ch, Hol- land, Mich, 12-8; p, 2d ch, Kalamazoo, 18-22; p, 1st ch, Zeeland, 22 — . Wallace, William Smart — b, Huntsville, O, Nv 5, 1870; MonC, 95; AllegTS, 96-9; ord UP, Pby Illinois, Southern, Dc 5, 1900; p, Hopewell, 111, 00-3; p. Cutler, 00-4; grad stu, PTS, 04-5, BD; res, Huntsv’ille, O, 06; ss, Wash- ington Place ch. East St Louis, 111, 07-11; p, Moline, 12; ss, ‘2d ch, Springfield, O, 13-8; res, Huntsville, O, 19 — . Younger, Thomas — b, St John’s, Newfoundland, Ja 1, 1876; BlacC, 1901; tea; PTS, 02-3; miss. Western Canada, 03-6; MeCTS, 06-8; ord, Pby Fort Wayne, My 12, 08; p, Ligonier, Ind, 08-15; p, Greencastle, 15-7; p, Amsterdam, O, 18-25; p, Arnot Un Free ch, Kennoway, Fifeshire, Scotland, 25 — . 38. 540 1906 1906 Allen, Louis Chowning — b, Chestnut Grove, Ky, Sp 25, 1881; CenCKy, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Louisville, Ja 27, 07; p. Calvary ch, Louisville, Ky, 07-8; ss, Chelsea, Okla, 09-11; ss, Wray, Col, 12-3; p, James E Memorial ch, Phila, Pa, 14-20; p, 1st Bapt ch, Haddon Heights, NJ, 27-31; res, Phila, Pa. Allison, Roy Melville — b, Hopedale, O, Ap 10, 1878; W&JC, 1902; law stu, HarvU; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ss, Pby Fargo, ND, 05-6; ord, Pby Lamed, Dc 12, 06; ss, Meade, Kan, 06-7; ss, Bucklin & Kingsdown, 06-11; miss, China, 12 — ; res, Tenghsien, Shantung, China. Anderson, George Ralph — b, Fairton, NJ, Mr 5, 1880; CEmpo, 1902; ss, Indianola, Kan, 02-3; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ss, Russell, Kan, 04; ss. Hill City, 05; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 1, 06; ss, Tahlequah, Okla, 06; p. Calvary ch, Wichita, Kan, 07-14; p, 1st ch, Alva, Okla, 14-6; p, 1st ch, Cherryvale, Kan, 16-20; p. Prospect Ave ch, Kansas City, Mo, 20-4; p, 1st ch, Concordia, Kan, 24 — . DD, CEmpo, 28. Arms, George Wells— b. Media, Pa, My 6, 1881; PrU, 1904; PTS, 03-6; ord evang, Pby Portland, J1 10, 06; p, Annabel ch, Portland, Ore, 06-8; p, Vernon ch, Portland, 08-11; evang, Pbys Pendleton & Grande Ronde, 11-2; p, North ch, Denver, Col, 12-4; p. New York ch, NYCity 14-5; p, Harlem-New York ch, 15-8; p, Westm ch, Steubenville, O, 18-21; p, 1st ch, Duluth, Minn, 21-9; p, Bed- ford ch, Brooklyn, NY, 29 — ■. DD, CWoos, 20. *Axtell, Paul Dickson — b, Clyde, O, Je 5, 1882; CWoos, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 16, 06; asst, Mizpah chap. Central ch, NYCity, 06-9; asst, Sewickley, Pa, 09; d. Homestead, Ja 17, 09. Bennett, Walter Leopold — b. Port Hope, Ont, Canada, Ag 22, 1880; QuUOnt, 1903; ss. Silver Water, Manitoulin Is, Can, 01; ss, Mt Lehman, BC, 02; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Syracuse, Oc 2, 06; p, Jamesville, NY, 06-8; p, East End ch, Bradford, Pa, 08-10; p. West End Cong ch, Bridgeport, Conn, 10-4; p, 1st Presb ch, Canastota, NY, 14-7; p, 1st Cong ch, Norwich, 17-8; Bd Social Service, PresbChCan, 18-20; p, 1st RefChAm, Syracuse, NY, 20-5; tea, Syracuse, 25-8; rec, Trinity PEpis ch, Lowville, 28 — •. Bovard, Charles Edward — b, Tarentum, Pa, Ag 6, 1877; GrovCyC, 1903; PTS, 03-4; WestTS, 04-5; PTS, 05-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Allegheny, Je 19, 06; ss. Wisdom, Mont, 06-7; p. Central City, Neb, 07-10; p, Waukesha, Wis, 10-25; p, Rockledge, Fla, 25-30; p, Westm ch, St Petersburg, 30-1; ill health; res. Lakeland, Fla. DD, GrovCyC, 15. Brank, Rockwell Smith — b, St Louis, Mo, J1 18, 1875; UVa, 99; lawy, St Louis, Mo, 99-1902; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby St Louis, Je 17, 06; p, Brank Mem ch, St Louis, 06-10; p. Independent ch, Savannah, Ga, 10-7; p. Central ch. Summit, NJ, 17 — . Brown, James Bedford — b, near Jacksonville, 111, Mr 27, 1876; HastC, 99; PrU, 1900, 05, MA; PTS, 00, 03-6; instr, SyrProtC, 00-3; asst, 1st ch, Prince- ton, NJ, 04; ord, Pby Hastings, Je 11, 06; ss, Scottsbluff, Neb, 06-7; miss, Tripoli, .Syria, 07-10; p, 1st ch, Alliance, Neb, 10-3; p, 1st ch, Gordon, 13-7; p, 1st ch, 1906 541 University Place, 17-23; field rep, HastC, 23-5; p. Federated ch, Aurora, 25 — . DD, HastC, 25. *Burns, Thomas — b, Dudley, England, Oc 2, 1875; LafC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 31, 06; p, Lehighton, Pa, 06-7; p, Florida, NY, 07-13; p. West Side ch, Wichita, Kan, 13-8; p, Grandview Park ch, Kansas City, 18-20; p, Olathe, 21-4; d, Olathe, Kan, Ag 31, 24. *Carey, Edgerton Samuel — b, Mt Pleasant, Dundalk, Ireland, Ap 7, 1874; WesU, 1900; KxCTor, 00-1; AsC, 02-3; PTS, 05-6; ord, Pby Winona, Oc 9, 06; p. Blooming Prairie, Minn, 06-9; p, Hayfield, Minn, 09-16; p, Onslow & Bethel, la, 16-9; d, Hayfield, My 8, 20. ’"Cleland, Thomas Horace — b, Shelbyville, Ky, My 19, 1882; OccC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; lie, Pby Los Angeles, J1 11, 05; trav sec, YMCA, colleges of Pacific Coast; res. Long Beach, Cal, 06-7; d. Long Beach, Cal, Je 15, 1907. Clemmer, William Arthur — b. West Alexandria, O, Je 4, 1877; HeidC, 1903; HeidTS, 03-4; PTS, 04-6; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 3, 07; ss, Ashland, 06- p, 07-10; p, Mt Vernon, O, 11-6; p, Grace ch, St Louis, Mo, 17-24; p, Hannibal, Mo, 27; res, Chicago, 111, 28; susp. My 1, 28; res, San Pedro, Cal. Daniel, Leroy Landis — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Dc 2, 1881; PrU, 1903, 05, MA; PTS, 03-6; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, NewC, 06-7; UMarb, 07; trav, Europe, 07; ord, Pby Utica, My 13, 08; p, Mt Vernon ch, Vernon, NY, 08-10; p, Wyoming, Pa, 10-2; p, 1st ch. Providence, RI, 12-8; p, Wyckoff Heights, Brooklyn, NY, 18—. DD, OskC, 23. Davies, John Morton — b. Cottonwood Twp, Brown Co, Minn, Oc 2, 1877; MacalC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Duluth, J1 10, 06; p. Grand Rapids, Minn, 06-10; p, 7th ch, Chicago, 111, 11-7; p, Carmi, 18-21; p. Federated ch, Potoka, Ind, 21-3; p. West Lebanon & Marshfield, 23-6; p. Great Conewago ch, Gettysburg, Pa, 26 — -. Donnan, Raymond Curtis — b, Troy, NY, Je 5, 1881; UnC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Troy, Sp 17, 06; ss, Chester ch, Chestertown, 06-7; lawy, Schen- ectady, NY, 09 — •. Fisher, Charles Allen — b, Lebanon, Pa, Oc 15, 1874; LebVC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 05, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 26, 06; p, Manalapan, NJ, 06-9; p, 2d ch. Providence, RI, 09-13; p, 1st ch, Worcester, Mass, 13 — . DD, LebVC, 27. ’"Harrison, Bert B — b. East Rochester, O, Sp 18, 1880; CWoos, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Shenango, Oc 4, 06; p, W Middlesex, Pa, 06-9; p, Gerard, O, 09-12; p, Fairview ch, Thomas, Pa, 13-9; p, McDonald, 19-25; p, 1st ch. Ford City, 25-7; ill health; d. Ford City, Pa, Mr 26, 28. ♦Jenkins, Robert Craig— b, Phila, Pa, Dc 18, 1875; FrankCInd, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Chester, Je 11, 06; p, Chichester Mem ch, Boothwyn, Pa, 06-10; p. Bethel, White Hall, Md, 10-6; p. Sparrows Point, 16-7; p, 2d ch, Camden, NJ, 18-21; p, Williamstown, 21-6; p. Southwestern ch, Phila, Pa, 27-8; d, Phila, Ap 3, 28. 542 1906 Kellogg, Edwin Henry — b, Allegheny, Pa, My 9, 1880; PrU, 1902; tea; PTS, 03-6, BD; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Sp 30, 06; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UBer, 06-7; miss, Mainpuri, UP, India, 07-8; adj prof. Bib Hist, DickC, 12-3; p, 2d ch, Carlisle, Pa, 09-16; lect, WilsC, 14-5; stu, HartTS, 16-8, PhD; asst prof. Bib Hist & Lit, Conn Coll, New London, Conn, 18-21; prof, Phil & Rel, Skidmore Coll, Saratoga Springs, NY, 21 — . Lamberton, Clark Diven — b, Humboldt, Neb, Je 18, 1881; DickC, 1902; tea, prep schl, DickC, 02-3; PTS, 03-6; lie, Pby Carlisle, My 29, 06; Fell Chr Archseol, Amer Schl Class Stu, Rome, Italy, 06-8; UBer, 07; Fell in Classics & lect Archaeol, UP, 08; prof, WRU, 11 — . *MacLeod, Fraser Lochland — b. Middle River, BC, Canada, Ja 13, 1876; PrU, 1904; PTS, 03-4, 05-6; UnTS, 04-5; ord, Pby New Castle, My 14, 06; p. Green Hill ch, Wilmington, Del, 06-8; ill health; d, Colorado Springs, Col, Ag 19, 11. *McBride, Hugh Charles — b, Belfast, Ireland, Sp 11, 1879; NewWC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby New Castle, My 17, 06; p. White Clay Creek ch, Newark, Del, 06-9; p, Disston Mem ch, Tacony, Phila, Pa, 09-15; d, Phila, Pa, Fb 4, 15. DD, NewWC, 12. *Moore, Lynford Lardner — b, Charlotte, NC, Ap 22, 1869; DavC, 89; tea; JefMedC, 89-93, MD; hosp wk, 93-5; PTS, 95-6; med miss, China, 97-1904; UnTSVa, 04-5; PTS, 05-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Lexington, J1 21, 07; p, Bethany ch, Craigsville, Va, 06-11; p, Taylorsville, NC, 11-25; d. Montreat, Ag 11, 25. Morris, Robert Hugh — b, Bluffton, Ga, Ag 9, 1876; EmU, 96; ord, Pby Suwannee, Dc 1, 01; p, Ocala, Fla, 01-2; ss, Barnesville, Ga, 02-3; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 05, MA; p, Elmer, NJ, 04-6; p. Oak Lane ch, Phila, Pa, 06-8; p, 1st ch, Evans- ton, 111, 08-11; p. Central North Broad St ch, Phila, Pa, 11-7; p, 1st ch, Stamford, Conn, 17-21; p, 1st ch, Haddonfield, NJ, 21—. DD, NWU, 09; LLD, CoeC, 29. *Newkirk, John Martin — b, Wenona, 111, Oc 2, 1879; UCal, 1903; PTS, 03- 06; PrU, 06, MA; ill health; d, Phoenix, Ariz, Ap 1, 10. Odell, Edward Albert — b, Hernwood, Md, Dc 2, 1879; PrU, 1903, 06, MA; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Baltimore, JI 16, 06; hm miss, Porto Rico, 07-16; supt. Miss, Cuba, 16-23; dir, dept West Indies, BdNatMiss, 23 — ; res, NYCity. Pearson, Manford Alpheus — b, Waverly, Kan, Je 26, 1876; CoeC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Neosho, Sp 19, 06; ss, Altamont & Mound Valley, Kan, 06-7; ss, Chetopa, 07-8; ss, Toronto, 08-9; ss. Liberal, Kans, 09-10; ss. Selling & Helena, Okla, 10; hm miss, Cherokee Indians, 11 — ; res, Westville, Okla. Phillips, Arthur — b, Johnstown, Pa, Ja 11, 1880; LafC, 1900; PTS, 00, 04- 6; tea, 01-4; ord, Pby Phila North, Ag 5, 05; p, Neshaminy of Warwick ch, Hartsville, Pa, 04-7; p, Beverly, NJ, 07-20; UPa, 13-5, MA; p, Richardson Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 20-8; tea, UPa, 28-31; consulting psychol, 31 — ; res, Phila, Pa. DD, LafC, 23; PhD, UPa, 30. Phillips, Cecil — b, near Glen Rock, Neb, Dc 26, 1876; HastC, 1903; PTS, 03-4, 05-6; OmaTS, 04-5; ord, Pby Hastings, Je 6, 06; ss, Minatare, Neb, 06-10; 1906 543 p, Blue Springs, 10-2; p, Panama, 12-5; p, Wamego, Kan, 15-9; p, McPherson, 19-21; McPherC, 20, MA; p, Forsythe, Mont, 21-3; p, Whiteson, Ore, 23-5; p. Trinity ch, Portland, 25 — . Rendall, Humphrey Jones — b, Lincoln University, Pa, Ag 31, 1882; LincU, 1901; PrU, 03, 05, MA; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Chester, Je 7, 06; p, Marple, Pa, 06-11; p, Irwin, 11-4; p, 1st ch, Clinton, la, 14-21; res, Morrison, 111. DD, LenC, 24. Rhodes, Harry Andrew — b. East Brook, Pa, Sp 11, 1875; tea, 93-1901; GrovCyC, 03; PTS, 03-4, 05-6, 24-5; PrU, 06, MA; WestTS, 04-5, 16-7; ord, Pby Washington, Sp 19, 06; p. Cross Creek, Pa, 06-8; ColU, 24-5; miss, Seoul, Korea, 08 — . DD, GrovCyC, 25. Richardson, Donald William — b, Blackstock, SC, Je 13, 1879; tea; DavC, 1902; NC State Scholarship, JHU, 02-3; PTS, 03-6, BD; instr, Lat, PrU, 04-5, MA; Alum Fell, NT Lit, UBer & UMarb, 06-7; ord, Pby Enoree, Oc 17, 07; p, Mt Tabor ch, Greer, SC, 07-10; miss, China, 10-8; prof, Nanking Theol Sem, 18-27; prof. Miss & Comp Rel, UnTSVa, 28 — . DD, DavC, 18. Robinson, Thomas — b, Welland, Ont, Canada, Mr 4, 1882; PacC, 1904; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby St Lawrence, Oc 25, 06; ss. Faith chap, Watertown, NY, 06-7; ss. Spring Valley ch, Salem, Ore, 07-8; ss, Tillamook, 08-10; ss. Smith Mem ch, Fairview, Ore, 10-4; p, 1st ch, Wilson, Pa, 15-20; p, 1st ch, Girard, O, 20-4; p, 1st ch, McMinnville, Ore, 24-8; p. Federated Com ch, Oakland, 28—. BD, WestTS, 15. Ronald, Hugh Norman — b, Marlette, Mich, Nv 22, 1878; AlmaC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 29, 06; p, Plymouth, Mich, 06-10; p. Thorn- town, Ind, 10-21; p, Portland, 22 — . Rowan, Thomas — b, Drumadonald, Co Down, Ireland, Je 4, 1870; MtHBSchl, 98-1903; PTS, 03-6, 07-8; PrU, 08, MA; ord evang, Pby Boston, Oc 2, 06; Ireland, 06-7; IndCntlU, 08, BA; miss. Can, 08-9; miss, Ireland, 09-10; p, Vinecash, Ire, 10-23; p, Benburb, 23 — . Sawtelle, Alvin Converse — b, Nineveh, NY, Mr 11, 1879; LafC, 1900, 03, MA; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 22, 06; p. Little Britain, Pa, 06-8; p. North ch, Binghamton, NY, 08-18; p, 2d ch, Paterson, NJ, 18-28; p, 1st ch. Bay City, Mich, 30 — . Stratton, Paul — b, Millville, NJ, Ja 7, 1876; bus; PrU, 1903, 05, MA; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby North River, My 25, 06; p, 1st ch, Matteawan, NY, 06-8; p. Dayspring ch, Yonkers, 08-16; p. State St ch, Schenectady, 16-22; ss. North ch, Rochester, 30-1; bus, Rochester, 31 — . DD, COz, 26. Tappan, David Stanton, Jr — b, Mt Pleasant, la, Oc 18, 1880; W&JC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 05, MA; ord, Pby Columbus, Je 21, 06; miss, Kiungchow, Hainan Is, China, 06—. BD, SFTS, 28. Updegraff, David Benjamin — b, Mt Pleasant, O, J1 17, 1878; YaleU, 1903; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Buffalo, Je 2, 06; asst p, Lafayette Ave ch, Buffalo, NY, 06-7; miss, Kolhapur, India, 07-22, Nipani, 23 — . DD, OccC, 31. 544 1906 Van der Naald, Henry — b, Hospers, la, Sp 27, 1879; HopeC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord RefChAm, Cl Dakota, Sp 15, 06; p. North Yakima, Wash, 06-10; p, Sheldon, la, 10-22; p, Cicero, 111, 22 — . Walker, Olney Kinkead — b, Correctionville, la. My 27, 1882; CoeC, 1903; PTS, 03-6, BD; PrU, 05, MA; UnTS, 06-7; Vienna, Austria, 07-9; YaleUDS, 09; ord, Pby San Francisco, Nv 4, 10; ss, Grace ch, San Francisco, Cal, 09-12; p, California, Pa, 12-5; p, Aspinwall, 15-23; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p. Union ch, San Dimas, Cal, 28-31; res, San Dimas. Welmers, Thomas Evert — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Sp 12, 1874; HopeC, 1903, 06, MA; PTS, 03-6, BD; GSGreen Fell, OT Lit, PTS, 06-7, UBer, 07-8; tea. Northwestern Classical Acad, Orange City, la, 08-10, head master, 10-20; prof, Gk, HopeC, 20 — , reg, 25 — . Welsh, Edward Burgett — b, Lincoln, Tenn, Mr 28, 1881; CWoos, 1901; tea, Nashville, 111, 01-2; hm miss, Pby Union, 02-3; PTS, 03-6, BD; Gelston- Winthrop, Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, LIErl, 06-7 & UBasle, 07; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 19, 07; p. East Lake ch, Wilmington, Del, 07-10; p, 1st ch. Oil City, Pa, 10-7; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, 1st ch, Ridgeway, Pa, 19-24; ss, Bellmore, NY, 24-6; ColU, 25, MA; p, 1st ch, Coraopolis, Pa, 27 — . Williamson, Robert Clement — b, Raymore, Mo, Fb 28, 1883; PkC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Chester, My 10, 06; p, Kennett Square, Pa, 06-7; ss, Drexel & Sharon, Mo, 07; p, 1st ch, Nevada, 07-10; p, Broadway ch, Sedalia, 10-7; p, Tyler Place ch, St Louis, 17-25; p, FTpper Montclair, NJ, 25 — . DD, WestmCMo, 21. Wilson, Alfred Lee — b, Greenfield, O, Fb 12, 1882; CW'oos, 1903; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 05, MA; ord, Pby Chillicothe, My 11, 06; ss, 1st ch, Westhope, ND, 06-7; asst p, 1st ch, St Louis, Mo, 07-9; p, Wyoming ch, Cincinnati, O, 09-20; p, 1st ch. Canton, 20-8; p, Kenwood Interdenom ch, Chicago, 111, 28 — . Wood, Ernest Glen — b, Chicago, 111, Je 16, 1871; WmsC, 92; tea; asst sec. Children’s Aid Soc, Chicago, 111, 93-4; McCTS, 94-5; tea; ill health, Florida, 1900-4; PTS, 04-6; ord, Pby Columbia, Je 20, 06; p, 1st ch, Hillsdale, NY, 06-9; ss, Hillsdale, Spencertown & Austerlitz, 09-12; McCTS, 12-3; asst p, 2d ch, Chicago, 111, 13-5; p, Immanuel chap, Yonkers, NY, 15-9; ss. South Salem, 19-30; ss. South Salem & Pound Ridge, 30 — . Wright, John — b, Carclinty, Co Antrim, Ireland, Fb 9, 1876; PkC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Platte, Je 17, 06; miss, Gaboon, W Air, 06-10, Benito, 10-9; miss & tea, Santee, Neb, 20-4; miss, White Rock, NC, 24-6; tea & stu p, Normal Tr Schl, Santee, Neb, 26 — . Zandstra, Sidney — b, Meedhuizen, Groningen, Holland, Ja 25, 1883; HopeC, 1903; PTS, 03-6, Newberry Scholar, 06-7, BD; miss, Ellis Is, NY, 07-18; CoIU, 07-8, 09, PhD; instr, Semit, ColU, 09-11; ord, RefChAm, Cl Passaic, J1 25, 09; p, Lodi, NJ, 10-2; p. Little Falls, 12-8; bus, Paterson, 18 — . *Zugg, Frank Richards— b. Bantam, O, Mr 11, 1876; PkC, 1903; PTS, 03-6; ord, Pby New Albany, Je 15, 06; ss, Charlestown, Ind, 06-7; prof. Economics, 1906 545 Hist & Phil, AlbanyC, 07-10; ss, Marshfield, Ore, 10-1; p, Washington, Kan, 11-4; stu, Edinburgh, Scotland, 14-5; p, Horton, Kan, 15; d, Horton, Dc 2, 15. 50. Allen, Charles Ethelbert — b. New Bern, Ala, J1 28, 1879; SWPresbU, 03, ThDept, 03-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6; tea, AusC, 06-19; prof. Hist, CenCKy, 19— . Allen, Elliott Douglass — b, Wineman, Ky, Fb 14, 1874; CntlU, 99; Louisv PTS, 99-1902; ord, Pby Kendall, Oc 11, 03; ss, Springwater, Bethel & 1st ch, Clackamas, Ore, 03-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6; ss. Magnolia, Ark, 06-7; evang, Clif- ton, Tex, 08; p, Waco, 09-10; ss, Boyd Mem ch, Acquilla, 09; ss, Hamilton, 09-11 ; res, Austin, 11-9; ss, Hyde Park ch, Austin, 16; reporter, El Paso, Tex. Angus, Samuel — b, Craigs, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ag 27, 1881; RoylJ, 1902, 03, MA; PTS, 03-6; instr, Gk & Lat, Chautauqua, 06; HartTS, 06-7; instr, NT Gk, HartTS, 07-10; UMarb, 08; UBer, 10-1; UEdin, 11-3; chap to Scotch ch, Algiers, Algeria, 11-2; ord, Pby Sydney, Mr 27, 15; act prof, NT Interp, WestTS, 20- 1; vis prof, NT, YaleU, 27; vis prof, Phil of Rel, ColU, 29-31; prof, NT, St Andrew’s Coll, Univ Sydney, Australia, 14 — . PhD, PrU, 06; LittD, QuUBelf, 23; DD, UGlas, 24, QuUBelf, 29. Baillie, Allan Davis — b. Woodlands, Can, Oc 12, 1883; PrU; PTS, 1903-4; ord, Pby Philadelphia, J1 11, 05; p, Genevan ch, Phila, Pa, 05-6; ss, Litchfield, 111, 06-7; ss, Amagansett, NY, 07-9; ill health; p, Punxsutawany, Pa, 11; p, Eddington, 13; — Bean, James Wilson — b, Burlington, la, Ap 19, 1882; ParsC, 1902; Oma TS, 02-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; ord, Pby Iowa, J1 23, 06; p, Winfield, la, 06-9; p, Mem ch, Cherokee, 09-13; p, 1st ch, Hastings, Neb, 13-8; act pres, CEmpo, 18; p, Dayton Av'e ch, St Paul, Minn, 18-28; p, 1st ch. Canton, O, 29 — . DD, ParsC, 14. Boyd, Robert -b, Newtownhamilton, Co Armagh, Ireland, Sp 10, 1882; RoyU, 1902; PTS, 03-5; AsC, 05-6; lie, Pby Armagh, J1 3, 06; deputation sec, BdMiss, Ire, 06-9; miss, India, 09-21 ; convener of For Miss, 21 — ; res, Belfast, Ire. ’"Branch, James Bennett — b, Polkton, NC, Ag 2, 1882; ThornC, 1901; ColTS, 01-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, Fell, Sem Philol, 06-7, 09, BD; ord, Pby Con- cord, Ja 30, 08; p. Front St ch, Statesville, NC, 08-9; ed, Clinton, SC, 10-7; supt, Willington, 20-9; supt, McCormick, 30-1; d, McCormick, SC, J1 8, 31. ■"Buckhout, Nathan White — b. State College, Pa, Dc 28, 1878; PaSC, 99; PTS, 1903-4; bus; d. State College, Pa, Dc 26, 07. Gillie, David Petrus — b, Wellington, Cape Colony, S Africa, Oc 29, 1877; VicCSAfr, 1900; tea, Worcester, Cape Colony, 01; StellTS, 02-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; ss, Beaconsfield, Kimberley, S Africa, 06; ord DRefChSAfr, Cl Tulbagh, Mr 8, 07; ss, Worcester, Cape Colony, 07; p, Laingsburg, 07-13; p, Brandfort, 13-20; p, Johannesburg, 20-6; p, Ventersburg, 26-9; p, Johannesburg, 29—. 546 1906 Edgar, Andrew James — b, Jersey City, NJ, Oc IG, 1877; bus; PrU, 1903; PTS, 03-4; bus, NYCity, 04—. Forrer, Samuel Henry — b, DeWitt, Ark, Sp 21, 1876; UKy, 98; ord. Disc of Christ, Ag 15, 1900; BosUST, 03-4; p, 4th Ave ch, Columbus, O, 04-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6; p, 1st Presb ch, Norwalk, O, 06-9; p. Park ch, Erie, Pa, 09-19; p, Jefferson Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 19 — . PhD, GrovCyC, 15; DD, AlmaC, 24. Frank, Adam Garfield — b. Mason, O, Je 28, 1881; WashbC, 1901; tea; PrU; 01-2, MA; PTS, 03-4; LaneTS, 05-6; ord, Pby Dayton, Ap 11, 06; ss, Mt Pleasant, Utah, 06-7; p, Canadian, Tex, 07-8; ss, Brigham, Utah, 08-19; UnTS, 12-3, BD, ss, Kaysville, Utah, 19-22; p, Oakland ch, Topeka, Kan, 22 — . Fulcher, George Sprague Palmer — b, Bothwell, Ont, Canada, Je 12, 1880; CEmpo, 1902; hm miss, Toronto & Reece, Kan, 02-3; PTS, 03-4; ord, Pby Topeka, My 10, 06; p, Gardner & Edgerton, Kan, 04-6; p, Oswego, 06-9; p, Jef- ferson City, Mo, 09-13; p. Exposition Park ch, Dallas, Tex, 13-7; p. Fort Scott, Kan, 17-21; p, Okmulgee, Okla, 21-5; p, Monmouth, 111, 25 — . DD, CEmpo, 19. George, William Henry — b, Northwood, O, Ag 18, 1878; GeneC, 1900; MarvU, 02; RefPTS, 02-5; grad stu, PTS, 0.5-6, 10, BD; ord RefP, Pby Iowa, Sp 6, 06; p, Vernon, Wis, 06-7; prof, Econ & Phil, & pres, GeneC, 07-16; prof, UCal, 21-4; prof, Pol Sc, UWash, 24-30; dean. Coll of Arts & Sc, Univ Hawaii, Honolulu, 30—. PhD, HarvU, 21. Giardina, Joseph — b, Linosa, Sicily, Ap 30, 1880; Girgenti Lyceum, Italy, 97; Girgenti Theol Sem, 97-1901; tea, Girgenti Ginnasio, 97-1901; ord RC pr, Nv 2, 02; St Thomas Coll, Girgenti, 01-4, SThM & JCM; p, St Augustine’s RC ch, NYCity, 04-5; grad stu, PTS, 06; Presb; miss, Italian Bapt ch, Hartford, Conn, 06; ord evang, Pby Newark, Ap 30, 08; miss, Italian Presb miss, Montclair, NJ, 06-12; BloomTS, 07-8; ch miss, John Hall Mem, NYCity, 12-22; ColU, 18, MA; UnTS, 17-20, BD; ss, Italian miss, Berwick, Pa, 22-31; res, Chicago, 111. Gibson, Andrew — b, Raphoe, Co Donegal, Ireland, Ap 20, 1880; RoyU, 1905; tea. Royal Schl, Raphoe, 02-3; PTS, 03-4; FreeChCEdin, 05-6, BD; ord, Pby Limavady, Ire, Ja 31, 07; p, Dungiven, Ire, 07-12; p. Hill St ch, Lurgan, 12-5; chap, British Army, 15-9; p. Hill St ch, Lurgan, 19-27; p, Cavendish Rd ch, Leeds, Eng, 27-30; p. Trinity ch, Cork, Ire, 30 — . *Gwynn, Edmund Janes — b, Cumberland City, Md, Je 22, 1862; IllWesU, 87, 92, PhD; ord, ME ch, 88; pres, Scio Coll, NY, 1900; pres. Keystone Univ, Martinsburg, Pa, 03; grad stu, PTS, 05-6; p, Presb ch, Elmer, NJ, 07-19; ill health; d. Roaring Spring, Pa, Je 18, 22. DD, IllWesU, 93; LLD, UPa, 09. Hair, Thomas Johnston — b, Chicago, 111, Ap 11, 1879; UChi, 1903; PTS, 03; bus, Chicago, 111, 04 — . Hancock, Charles Frederick — b, Jacksonville, Ark, Nv 3, 1877; ArkC, 1901; tea; AusPTS, 02-5, BD; UTex, 05, 26, MA; ss, Lovejoy & Groton, Tex, 03-5; ss, Madill & Marietta, Okla, 05; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; ord, Pby Meridian, Oc 21, 06; miss, Chinkeang, China, 07-22; stu p, A&MCTex, 24-6; ss, 1st ch, Weatherford, Okla, 26-30; p evang, Pby Paris, 30—; res, Hallsville, Tex. *Hodges, Samuel Edgar — b, Charlotte, NC, Ja 3, 1875; DavC, 1902; tea; 1906 547 PTS, 03-4; KyTS, 04-6; ord, Pby Louisville, Ag 12, 06; p, Bloomfield, Ky, 06-7; p, Uniontown, Ala, 08-9; p, 1st ch, Anniston, 10-31; d, Anniston, Ala, Mr 7, 31. DD, AlaC, 20. Hosack, Hermann Marshall — b, Blairsville, Pa, Dc 17, 1871; W&JC, 95; WestTS, 95-8; ss, White Lake, SD, 97; ord, Pby Allegheny, J1 12, 98; p, Aspin- wall & Hoboken, Pa, 98-1902; hm miss. Teller, Alaska, 02-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; p. Midland & Bethlehem, Pa, 06-9; p. New Salem ch. Smiths Ferry, 09-15; p, Newell, W\’a, 15-23; p, Hiland ch, Perrysville, Pa, 23-9; pres, Margaret Barber Sem, Anniston, Ala, 29 — . Kelly, Jonathan Glutton — b. West Liberty, Pa, Dc4, 1866; GrovCyC, 92; WestTS, 92-3, 94-6; ss. Winter Haven, Fla, 94; ss, Harlansburg, Pa, 95; ord, Pby Butler, Je 9, 96; miss. Canton, China, 96-8; p, Ellsworth, O, 99-1901; p, Juniata, Pa, 01-3; p, Harlansburg, 03-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; p, Cochranton, Pa, 06-8; ss, Wilson Mem ch & prin, Wilson Mem Acad, Inez, Ky, 08-10; ss, Leetonia, O, 10-2; p, Darlington, Pa, 12-5; p, Heilwood & Nebo, 15-7; p, Cowans- ville & Midway, 18-22; p, Coitsville, 0, 22-30; evang & oc s, East Palestine, 30 — . Kilgore, Harry Wheeler — b, near New Athens, O, Ag 26, 1871; FrankCO, 97, 1900, MA; WestTS, 97-1900; ss, Crestview ch, Callery, Pa, 01; ord, Pby Redstone, Oc 8, 01; p, Rehoboth ch. Belle Vernon, Pa, 01-4; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; p, Fairchance, Pa, 06-9; p. Long Run ch, Irwin, 09-26; p, Sewickley ch. West Newton, 21-6; p. New Salem, 26 — . Kriel, Laurens Matthys — b, Robertson, Cape Colony, S Africa, Oc 10, 1874; VicCSAfr, 1901 ; StellTS, 01-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; ord, DRefChSAfr, Cl Capetown, Mr 22, 07; p, Rondebosch, Capetown, .S Africa, 07-10; p, Weden- burg, CP, 10-21; p, Utrecht, Natal, 21 — . Lategan, Daniel — b, Breede River, Worcester, Cape Colony, S Africa, Fb 23, 1880; VicCSAfr, 1901, 04, MA; StellTS, 02-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; LonU, 05, BD; Utrecht Univ, 07, PhD; ord DRefChSAfr, Cl (Ring) of Colesburg, Ap 3, 08; p, Phillipstown, S Afr, 08-21; instr. Miss Inst, Wellington, CP, 22-5; p, Nu Bethesda; ill health; p, Nu Bethesda, 28-30; prof, Ch Hist, StellTS, 31 — . Lloyd, John Richard— b. Oak Hill, O, Nv 26, 1870; CWoos, 95, 98, MA; McCTS, 95-6; LaneTS, 96-8; ord, Pby Lima, My 16, 98; ss, Scott, & p. Convoy, O, 98-1902; p, Wapakoneta, 02-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; ss, Ashley, & p, Radnor, O, 07-10; p, Richwood, 10-23; p, Belle Center, 23 — . McGregor, George — b, Mauchline, Scotland, Nv 13, 1861; McGU; PresbC, 9.5-1900, BD; ord, Pby Whitby, Ap 30, 1901; p, Pickering, & Brougham, Out, 01-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6; p, Aylmer East, Que, Can, 06-10; p, Harrow, Ont, 11-5; ss. New Leskeard & Norwich, Ont, 15-9; war service; p, St Louis, Que, 21-4; p, Prescott, Ont, 25-8; res, Prescott, Can. Naude, Willem Johannes— b. New Bethesda, Cape Colony, S Africa, My 27, 1879; VicCSAfr, 1900; StellTS, 02-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; ord, DRefChSAfr, Northern Ring of Orange River Colony, Mr 2, 07; p, Kroonstad, S Africa, 07-8; p, Aliwal, North Cape, 08 — . Nesbit, John Pratt — b, Macedonia, O, Ag 27, 1864; MonC, 90, 93, M.A; 1906-1907 548 XenTS, 90-3; ord UP, Pby Monmouth, Sp 28, 93; p. La Prairie, 111, 93-1900; p. Morning Sun, la, 00-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; ss, Fairhill, Pa, 06-7; p. College Springs, la, 07-15; p, Sparta, 111, 15-22; p, Princeton, Ind, 22 — . DD, SterC, 13. Newman, Charles Everett — b, Everet’s, Va, My 30, 1874; ElonC, 99, 1908; MA; tea; PTS, 03-4; ord, EVirginia Christ Conference, Oc 31, 02; p, “Christian” ch, Durham, NC, 05-6; p, Henderson, 05-13; p, Hillsboro ch, Raleigh, 13-6; p. Union ch, Virgilina, Va, 16 — . Peacock, Chauncey Hulbert — b, Phila, Pa, Je 29, 1880; LafC, 1903; PTS, 03-4; bus, Phila, Pa, 04— *Reid, Frank Abdon Lunsford — b, Mecklenburg Co, NC, Dc 4, 1877; UNC, 1902; tea; PTS, 03-4; KyTS, 04-6; ord, Pby Lafayette, Oc 30, 06; p, 1st ch, Lee’s Summit & Mem ch, Wallace, Mo, 06-10; d, Sharon, NC, Je 23, 11. Springer, Francis Edwin — b. New Shefif.eld, Pa, J1 2, 1872; MtHopeC, 98, 99, MA; McCTS, 98-9; WestTS, 99-1901; ord, Pby Mahoning, My 13, 01; p. Mineral Ridge & North Jackson, O, 01-3; p. New Bedford, Pa, 03-5; grad stu, PTS, 05-6, BD; p, Caldwell, Ida, 06-11; chap, USArmy; prof, Phil & dean, Edu, Clda, 10—. LLD, Clda, 26. Stevens, George Phifer — b, Monroe, NC, Dc 9, 1879; UNC, 1902, 03, MA; PTS, 03-4; KyTS, 04-6, BD; ord, Pby Mecklenburg, Oc 14, 06; p, Marsh- ville, NC, 06-8; miss, Sutsien, Ku, China, 09-10; Hsuchowfu, Ku, 10-8; tea, Mateer Mem Inst, Tenghsien, Sung, 18-29; tea, N China Theol Sem, do, 23-9; evang, Tsengkiangfu, Ku, 29-30, Yencheng, Ku, 31 — . *Stewart, Robert Ewing — b, Bellbrook, O, Dc 15, 1857; IndU ; XenTS, 86-8; ord UP, Pby Kansas City, Dc 12, 88; p. North Cedar ch, Dennison, Kan, 88-90; ss, San Jose, Cal, 91; p, Horton, Kan, 92-3; p. New Florence & West Fairfield, Pa, 94-6; p, Albany, NY, 97-1905; grad stu, PTS, 05-6; res. East Craftsburg, \'t; Poughkeepsie, NY; Caldwell, Kan; NYCity; d, Poughkeepsie, NY, Je 13, 23. Wilkinson, William John — b, N Stamford, Ct, Nv 29, 1875; CW&M, 1901; instr, CW&M, 01-2; PTS, 02-3, 04-5; UnTS, 05-6; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 26, 07; p, 1st ch, Pottstown, Pa, 07-11; dean, WashCPa, 12-8; USArmy, Edu Corps, 18-9; lect. Hist, WesU, 19-23; prof. Hist, UVt, 27-8; do, ColbyC, 23-7, 28—. MA, ColU, 14, WesU, 20; LLD, WashCPa, 23; PhD, ColU, 25. 36. 1907 Bates, Isaac Crane — b, Newark, NJ, Oc 31, 1878; NYU, 1902; PTS, 02-4, 05-7; ord, Pby Albany, Sp 15, 08; ss, Batchellerville, NY, 08-10; p, Princetown, NY, 10-2; p. Pleasant Plains, 12-5; ill health, res, Newark, NJ. Bazata, Charles Frank — b, NYCity, Dc 1, 1879; OccC, 1904; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Westminster, Nv 4, 07; p, 1st ch, Wrightsville, Pa, 07-13; p, San Fran- cisco, Cal, 14-6; p, 6th ch, Newark, NJ, 16 — . Beatty, Frank Ernest — b, Greenfield, O, Sp 18, 1880; CWoos, 1904; McCTS, 04-5; PTS, 05-7; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Pby Chillicothe, J1 29, 07; ss. 1907 549 Craigmont, Ida, 07-10; p, Palouse, Wash, 10-1; p, Lidgerwood ch, Spokane, 11- 7; p, 1st ch, Wenatchee, 17 — . DD, WhitC, 22. Beebe, Lyle Jerome — b, Kankakee, 111, Dc 27, 1881; PkC, 1904; PTS, 04-7, BD; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Nv 19, 07; asst p, 1st ch, Clearfield, Pa, 07-8; miss, Nang Leh ch, Chiengrai, Siam, 09-13, Papau ch, 14-5, Phrae, 15-6, Chien- grai, 17, Chiengrai ch & evang wk, Yunnan, China, 18-22, Yuankiang, Yunnan, 23-5, Kiulungkiang, China, 25 — . Brinkema, Bernard Jacob — b, Webster City, la, Mr 29, 1879; HastC, 1904; PTS, 04-7; PrlJ, 06, MA; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 27, 07; p. Rock & Zion, Md, 07-13; p, 1st ch, Milton, Pa, 13-8; p, 1st ch, Middletown, O, 18-23; p, 1st ch, Champaign, 111, 23-31; p, Westm ch, Omaha, Neb, 31 — . DD, HastC, 20. Brownback, Oscar Davis — b, Parkerford, Pa, Ja 27, 1878; UrsC, 1904; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 07, MA; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, ULeip, 08-9; ord, Pby Wells- boro, Ap 20, 10; p. Port Allegheny, Pa, 10-2; p, Honeoye Falls, NY, 12-28; p, Summerville, 28 — . BD, AubTS, 17. Busch, Albert Christian — b, Alton, 111, J1 21, 1877; HamC, 1903; PTS, 03- 7; ord, Pby North River, J1 15, 07; p. Cold Spring, NY, 07-10; p, 2d ch, Tren- ton, NJ, 11-5; p, Logans Valley ch, Bellwood, Pa, 16-8; p. Calvary ch, Wilkins- burg, 19 — . Clark, Howard Albert — b, Bridgeton, NJ, Oc 17, 1879; LafC, 1904; PTS, 04- 7; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 14, 07; p. Flagstaff, NM, 07-12; hm miss, Ariz, 12- 21; ss, Greenwich, NJ, 21-4; p, Deerfield, 25 — . Clark, William Monroe — b, Greensboro, Ala, Sp 5, 1881; SWPresbU, 1900; tea; PTS, 04-7, BD, 21; PrU, 06, MA; ord evang, Pby Ebenezer, J1 23, 07; WH Green Fell, Bib Theol, UBer, 07-8; UCin, 16-7; ss. So Frankfort, Ky, 08-9; miss, Chunju, Korea, 09-22, Seoul, 22 — . DD, SW, 23. Compton, Samuel James Moore — b, Ballymena, Ireland, Mr 6, 1881; RoyU, 1904; PTS, 04-7, BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, UBer & UHalle, 07-8; asst p, Fitzroy Ave ch, Belfast, Ire, 08-10; ord, Pby Route, Ire, Ag 2, 10; p, St James’ ch, Ballymoney, 10-2; p, St Andrew’s ch, Kingston, Ont, Can, 12-5; chap, Canadian forces, 15-9; p, St Andrew’s ch, Kilmarnock, Scotland, 19-25; p, St George’s ch, Southend on Sea, England, 25-7; p, St John’s ch, Edinburgh, Scotland, 27 — . Creighton, John Wallis — b, Creighton, Mo, Ja 16, 1882; WestmCMo, 1904; PTS, 04-5, 06-7; KyTS, 05-6; ord, Pby Kansas City, My 14, 07; miss, Yeung Kong, China, 07-16; tea, Noyes Mem Schl, Yeung Kong, 16-7; miss treas, SChina Miss, 16-8; prin, True Light Middle Schl, Canton, 17-28; prof. Miss & Compar Rel, CWoos, 28—. F^hD, UMo, 17. *Culp, Raymond Beatty — b, Richmond, O, Sp 28, 1878; RichC, 1904; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Oc 29, 07; p, 1st ch, Shickshinny, Pa, 07-16; p, Mauch Chunk, 16-23; p, Immanuel ch, Harrisburg, 23-9; d, Harrisburg, Pa, Ap 19, 30. Davies, Howell David — b, Oshkosh, Wis, Ja 7, 1882; RipC, 1904; PTS, 04-7, BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, UHeid, 07-8; Bib Alii- 550 1907 ance Fell, UWis, 08-12; p, 1st Cong ch, Wauwatosa, 12-25; p, 1st ch. The Dalles, Ore, 25-7; regional sec. The Commission on Miss, 27 — ; res, Chicago, 111. Dudley, Albert Cassell — b. Crystal Springs, Miss, J1 22, 1883; SWPresbU; UnTSVa, 1903-5; PTS, 06-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Dc 23, 07; p, Relay, Md, 07-15; JHU; p. Central ch, Lafayette, Ind, 15-20; p, 1st ch, Englewood, Chicago, 111, 20-8; p, 1st ch, Memphis, Tenn, 28 — . Dunlap, George Williamson — b, Springville, la, Ja 20, 1879; CoeC, 1904; PTS, 04-7, 23-4; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, My 18, 07; miss, Cebu, PI, 07 — . DD, CoeC, 16. Eames, Charles Moseley — b, Jacksonville, 111, Mr 29, 1881; IllC, 1904, 23, MA; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Springfield, My 16, 07; miss, Tsining, Shantung, China, 07 — . DD, IllC, 29. Eckels, Arthur Raymond — b, Lenox, la, Mr 22, 1877; CoeC, 1904; PTS, 04-7, 21-2; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Pby Chester, Ap 18, 07; p. New London, Pa, 07-11; tea, Anacortes, Wash, 11-2; p. Port Townsend, 12-4; p, Bryn Mawr Park ch, Yonkers, NY, 14-8; YMCA, war service, 17-9; p. Old Tennent ch, Tennent, NJ, 19-22; p, Plainsboro & Monmouth Jet, 22 — . Elliott, Newell James — b, Farmington, 111, Ag 29, 1882; UNeb, 1904; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 31, 07; miss, Aguascalientes, Mex, 07-8; p. Union Ev ch, Mexico City, 08-10; miss supt, San Luis Potosi, 11-3, Coahuila, Neuvo Leon & Durango, 14-5, Yucatan, Campeche & Tobasco, 15-6, \Yra Cruz, Tobasco & Chiapas, 16-23; p. Southwest ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 23 — . LLD, Clda, 32. *Fellstrom, Arthur Abram — b, Moline, 111, Oc 10, 1881; SimpC, 1904; PTS, 04-7 ; ord, Pby Newark, Oc 17, 07 ; asst p. South Park ch, Newark, NJ, 07-10; ss, RefChAm, Elmendorf Chapel, Harlem, NYCity, 10-1; res, NYCity; d, Jack- sonville, Fla, Ap 11, 29. Ferry, Ebenezer Thomas — b, Kilton, England, Ja 28, 1871; ManiC, Th Dept, 1902; MacalC, 03; PTS, 04-5, 06-7; ord, Pby Minneapolis, Je 3, 07; p, Morrisville, Pa, 07-9; res, Indianapolis, Ind, 10-4; p, Claremont, Minn, 14; p, Fergus Falls, 15-21; p, Davenport, Wash, 22; res, Worland, Wyo, 22 — . Finney, John Clark — b, Churchville, Md, Ag 6, 1882; PrU, 1903, 06, MA; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Dc 12, 07; p. Forest Park ch, Baltimore, Md, 07-23; asst p. Brown Mem ch, Baltimore, 23-8; asso p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 28—. Freeman, Robert — b, Edinburgh, Scotland, Ag 4, 1878; ord, Bapt, Buffalo, Fb 9, 1900; p, Springboro, Pa, 99-02; ss, Sanford Presb chap, Erie, 02-4; AllegC, 04; PTS, 04-7; ss, Lafayette Ave ch, Buffalo, NY, 06- p, 07-10; p, Pasadena ch, Pasadena, Cal, 11—. DD, AllegC, 12, PrU, 22; LittD, CWoos, 28. Graham, Roscoe — b, Lisbon, O, Fb 7, 1883; CWoos, 1904; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Wooster, My 28, 07; ss, Portville, NY, 07-11; p, Barberton, O, 11-3; p. West Cong ch, Akron, 13-24; p, Plymouth ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 24 — . Hodgson, John — b, Aspatria, England, Nv 5, 1874; LafC, 1904; PTS, 04- 7; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 22, 08; p, Meshoppen & Mehoopany, Pa, 08-10; ss, Ambrose, ND, 11-3; res, Ambrose, 14-22; res, Westby, Mont, 23 — . 1907 551 Johnston, William Wallace — b, Steubenville, 0, Fb 9, 1879; LafC, 1904; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 07, MA; ord evang, Pby West Jersey, My 14, 07; miss, Tsinanfu, Shantung, China, 07-15; Tsining, 15-23; ill health; bus, 25-8; p, Congch, Ramona, Cal, 28-30; p, 1st Presb ch, Santa Maria, 30 — . *Joseph, Lloyd Annesley — b, Colombo, Ceylon, My 19, 1879; RoyC, 98; bus; PTS, 04-8, BD; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Dutch RefChCeylon, Oc 7, 08; p, Wolfen- dahl ch, Colombo, 08-20; d, Colombo, Ceylon, Oc 20, 20. Knox, Robert — b, Giddings, Tex, Mr 3, 1880; UTex, 1903; tea; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 05, MA; ord, Pby Brazos, J1 8, 07; miss, Mokpo, Korea, 07-11, prin, Acad, Kwangju, 19-24; miss, Kwangju, 11—. DD, DanBC, 24. Lee, Theron — b. Central College, O, Ag 5, 1883; LafC, 1904; PTS, 04-7, BD, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, 07-8, UBer, 08-10; ord, Pby Philadelphia North, Nv 14, 11; asst p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 11-4; p, Lambertville, NJ, 14-25; p. Central ch, Zanesville, O, 25-30; p, Wakefield ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 30—. Linton, Josiah Marshall — b, Wissahickon, Phila, Pa, Sp 5, 1880; UPa, 1904; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Pby Buffalo, Ja 30, 08; p, Bethany ch, Buf- falo, NY, 08-15; p, Disston Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 15 — ; res, Tacony, Phila, Pa. Mackie, Joseph Bolton Cooper — b, Frankford, Phila, Pa, Sp 5, 1882; GeneC, 1904; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 20, 07; asst p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 07-9; p, Carmel ch, Edgehill, 09-17; p, 1st ch, Haddonfield, NJ, 17-21; p, Northminster ch, Phila, Pa, 21 — . DD, GeneC, 22. Mark, Robert Wilson — b, Kilrea, Co Derry, Ireland, Ja 13, 1880; PTS, 1904-7; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Oc 10, 07; p, Woodbridge, NJ, 07-18; p, 3d ch, Elizabeth, 18-27; p, 1st ch, Cleveland, O, 27 — . DD, TuscC, 28. McCallie, Henry Douglas — b, Chattanooga, Tenn, '\p 16, 1881; UVa, 1904; tea; UnTSVa, 04-5; PTS, 05-7; ord evang, Pby Knoxville, Je 12, 07; ss. Lookout Mountain, Tenn, 07; miss, Mokpo, Korea, 07-26; ill health; bus; res, Chattanooga, Tenn. McClusky, Harry Garfield — b, Boonville, NY, J1 4, 1880; PkC, 1904; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Niobrara, Oc 29, 07; p. Laurel, Neb, 07-14; p, Plattsmouth, 14 — . McDowell, James Norris — b, Calvert, Md, jl 9, 1881; LafC, 1904; PTS, 04-7, 11-2, BD; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 24, 07; p, Pitts Creek ch, Pocomoke City, Md, 07-9; ss, Claremore, Okla, 09-11; p, 1st ch, Collingswood, NJ, 12-7; evang, 17-8; ss, Brainerd ch, Elwood, 18-21; evang, Gen Assem Evang Com, 21-5; evang, 25 — ; res, Audubon, NJ. Miller, Henry Winter — b, Wellington, Kan, Nv 19, 1879; CEmpo, 1902; bus; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Oklahoma, Dc 10, 07; ss, Tonkawa, Okla, 07-9; ss, 1st ch, Tahlequah, 09-11; ss, 1st ch. Ft Gibson, 11-3; ss, Robertson Mem ch, Haskell, 13-7; ss, 1st ch, Atoka, 17-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; ss, 1st ch, Chand- ler, Okla, 19-20; Boy Scout Exec, .^da, 20 — . Ostrom, Henry Conrad — b, Lockport, 111, Dc 4, 1876; .AugC, 1895; stu music, Leipzig, Ger, 95-7; tea, music, 97-1904; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 07, MA; sec. 55^ 1907 Layman’s Miss Movement, Presb Ch US, 07-10; ord, Pby Missouri, Ja 15, 11; miss, Japan, 11 — ; stu, UEdin, 20-1; stu, UParis, 30-1; prof, KobeTS, 24 — . DD, WestmCMo, 20. Press, William Carson — b, Belfast, Ireland, Mr 20, 1869; WestmCPa, 1904; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Pby Mahoning, Sp 23, 07; chap, USArmy, 17-9; p. Evergreen ch, Youngstown, O, 07 — . DD, WestmCPa, 29. Roberts, St^cy Lippincott — b, Brownsburg, Pa, Fb 18, 1881; LafC, 1904; PTS, 04-7; PrU, 06, MA; ord, Pby Phila, Je 11, 07; miss, Syenchun, Korea, 07-20, Pyeng Yang, 20 — ; tea, Presb Theol Sem, Korea, Pyeng Yang, 13- , pres, 24 — . DD, LafC, 24. Shiffler, Harry Clarence — b, Fulton, Mo, J1 25, 1880; WestmCMo, 1904, 11, MA; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Missouri, Oc 13, 07; p. Nine Mile ch, Williamsburg, Mo, 07-11; p, Bethany ch, Muskogee, Okla, 11-9; p, 1st ch, McAlester, 19-28; p. Highland Park ch, Des Moines, la, 28 — . DD, UTulsa, 24. Small, John Ethophilus Gratten — b, Barbadoes, BWI, Mr 30, 1879; tea; HowUSRel, 1904-6; PTS, 06-7; UnTS, 07; ord, Pby Washington, Ap 14, 08; ss, Mt Pisgah ch, Laurens, SC, 08-9; — Stormzand, Martin James — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Dc 26, 1879; news- paper wk; AlmaC, 1904; PTS, 04-7, Alum Fell, NT Lit, 07-8, BD; ord, Pby Saginaw, Oc 8, 07; newspaper & social settlement wk. Grand Rapids, Mich, 08-9; tea, 10-5; prof. Psych & Edu, State Norm Schl, Wis, 15-7; asst prof, Edu, UWis, 17-9; prof, Edu, IHIl, 19-20; asso prof, Edu, USoCal, 20- prof, 23-6; prof, Edu, OccC, 26—. PhD, UChi, 20. Vandervelde, Conrad — b, Brandon, Wis, Dc 9, 1879; RipC, 1904; PTS, 04-7, BD; PrU, 06, MA; tea. Bib & Hist, HastC, 07-9; ord, Pby Hastings, Ap 28, 08; tea, WestmCMo, 09-11; tea, CEmpo, 11 — , dean, 16 — . DD, RipC, 19. Van Tries, William Potter — b, Pennsylvania Furnace, Pa, Ja 29, 1879. PrU, 1903; tea; PTS, 04-7 ; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 10, 07 ; asst p, 6th ch, Newark; NJ, 07-8; p. Trinity ch, Berwyn, Pa, 08-11; p. Broad Ave ch, Altoona, 11-6; p, 1st ch, Parkesburg, 16-23; p, 2d ch, Chester, 23-6; p, 1st ch, Rumson, NJ, 26-9; p, Ch of the Redeemer, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 29 — . Voskuil, Henry John— b. Cedar Grove, Wis, Fb 10, 1880; MacalC, 1904; CalvTS, 04-5; PTS, 05-7; ord RefChAm, Cl Newark, Je 8, 07; miss, Amoy, Fukien, China, 07-21, Tungan, 21-5, Siokhe, Fukien, 25 — . 44. Arnold, Charles Augustus — b, Ghent, NY, Ag 19, 1874; HastC, 96; OmaTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Kearney, 99; p, Ord, Neb, 99-1903; p, Schuyler, 03-6; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; ss, St Paul, Minn, 07-8; asst p. House of Hope, St Paul, 09-10; p, Grace ch, Kansas City, Mo, 10-30; p, Dayton Ave ch, St Paul, Minn, 30—. Baker, Elisha Monroe — b, Selbyville, Del, J1 15, 1877; UDel, 1901; UTex, 03, LLB; PTS, 05; lawy, Dallas, Tex, 06 — . 1907 553 Barnes, Edward David — b, Minneapolis, Kan, Mr 28, 1880; PkC, 1904; PTS, 04-5; AubTS, 06-8; ord, Pby Kansas City, Je 24, 08; p, Bethany, Mo, 08-10; p, Galion, O, 12-5; p, Granville, 15-8; chap, Ilion, NY, 19; p, Ilion, 20 — . Bingham, William Sylvester — b. Slippery Rock, Pa, Ag 22, 1879; Westm CPa, 1900; tea; PTS, 04-5; ss, Vernon & North Logan, Col, 05-6; SFTS, 06-7; "WestTS, 07-8, ThB; ord, Pby Steubenville, Sp 15, 08; p, Rayland, O, 08-13; asst p, Columbus, 13-6; p. Plain Grove, Pa, 16-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; supt, Delaware, O, 19-25; p, Punta Gorda, Fla, 25-9; p, Euclid, Pa, 29 — . Brouwer, Jacob George — b. New Holland, Mich, Ap 29, 1880; HopeC, 1904; PTS, 04-5; WestTSMich, 06-7; ord RefChAm, Cl Pella, My 28, 07; p, Otley, la, 07-10; p, Shawnee, Okla, 10-1; p, Lynden, Wash, 11-6; p, Grandville, Mich, 16-9; p, Detroit, Mich, 19-20; p, Immanuel ch. Grand Rapids, 20-30; p, 1st ch, Chicago, 111, 30-2; p. Trinity ch. Orange City, la, 32 — . Brownlee, Edwin Darnall — b, Plainville, Ga, ^p 18, 1884; UGa; bus; SWPresbU, ThDept, 04-6; ss, Gunterville, Ala, 05; ss, Ingleside, 06; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; ord, Pby Atlanta, Je 25, 07; p. Rock Spring ch, Atlanta, Ga, 07-12; p, 1st ch, Sanford, Fla, 13 — . DD, RolC, 24, & DavC, 24. Clarke, Robert — b, Kilrea, Co Derry, Ireland, J1 15, 1872; GeneC, 98; RefPTS, 98-1901; ord RefP, Pby Iowa, Je 18, 02; grad stu, PTS, 06-7, BD; p, 1st ch, Chicago, 111, 01-9; asst to pres, GeneC, 09 — . DD, GeneC, 22. *Coburn, William Franklin — b, Montpelier, Vt, Dc 25, 1856; DartC, 77-8; tea; YalelJDS, 79-81; AndTS, 81-2; ord Cong, My 30, 82; p, 1st Cong ch, Boulder, Colo, 82-3; p, Centralia, Kan, 83-4; p, Hennepin, 111, 84-6; evang, 86-1921; ord evang, Bapt, NYCity, Fb 1, 91; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; d, Dc 4, 21. *Cook, William Arthur — b, Santa Fe, Monroe Co, Mo, Ja 7, 1870; UnTSX^a, 91-4; ord, Pby Palmyra, Sp 24, 94; ss, Auxvasse & Concord, Mo, 94-8; WestmC Mo, 98; p, Senatobia, Miss, 98-1900; instr, PkC, Lat & Gk, 00-6; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; prof, Gk, BerC, 07-8; prof, Phil & Gk, ArkC, 08-10; prof, Phil & Edu, MonC, 10-2; p, 1st ch, El Centro, Cal, 13-5; prof, Phil & Edu, PkC, 15-6; prof, Edu & instr, Rel Edu, PkC, 16-30; d, Parkville, Mo, Nv 4, 30. PhD, GrovCyC, 12. Dunning, John Wirt — b, Corunna, Mich, Oc 11, 1882; AlmaC, 1904; PTS, 04-5; McCTS, 05-7; ord, Pby Monroe, My 15, 07; p, 1st ch, Tecumseh, Mich, 07-10; p, 1st ch, Portsmouth, O, 10-6; p, 1st ch, Kalamazoo, Mich, 16 — . DD, AlmaC, 22. Forrester, Andrew Madison — b, Moreland, Pa, Sp 11, 1873; BuckU, 98; UMich, 1901; lawy. Las Cruces, NM, 01-3; PTS, 04-6; ord, Pby Otsego, Oc 25, 06; p, Margaretville, NY, 06-11; p, 1st ch, Dellie, 11-9; p at large, Pbys Bing- hamton & Otsego, 19-27; field exec, Syn of Ohio, 27 — ; res, Columbus, O. Forsythe, John — b, Tyllybane, Co Antrim, Ireland, My 11, 1880; QuCGal, 1904; PTS, 04-6; AsC, 06-7; HartTS, 07-8; UMarb, 08; ord, Pby Tyrone, Ire, Ja 7, 09; p, Moneymore, Co Tyrone, 09-12; p, Castlebar, 12-20; p, Tartaraghan, 20—. Fowler, Owen .Stephen— b, Fairview, WVa, Ap 18, 1872; W&JC, 99, 1909, 1907 554 MA; tea; WestTS, 99-1903; ord, Pby Parkersburg, Oc 1, 03; ss, Sugar Grove & Pleasant Grove, WVa, 03-4; p, Canfield, O, 04-7; grad stu, PTS, 06-7, BD; ss. West Union & Ninevah, Pa, 07-8; ss. New Salem, 08-9; p, Hopedale & Beach Spring, O, 09-17; p, Delmont, Pa, 17-23; p, Bakerstown, 23-7; p, Claysville, 27 — . Fulton, Marcus Scott — b, Dungiven, Co Derry, Ireland, Mr 6, 1881; QuUBelf, 1904; NewC, 04-6; lie. Free Ch of Scotland, Nv 6, 06; grad stu, PTS, 06- 7, BD; ss, Bellport, NY, 07-8; ord, Pby Pictou, J1 21, 09; p, Sharon ch, Stel- larton, NS, Can, 09-14; p, Simcoe, 18-9; p, Chalmer’s ch, Toronto, Ont, 19-25; p, Zion ch, Charlottetown, PEI, 26-31; p, 1st ch, Chatham, Ont, 31 — . Hagiwara, Shinko — b, Isobe, Usui Gumma, Japan, Oc 6, 1870; TohG, 91, ThUept, 91-4; ord. Cl Tohoku, Ap 22, 96; p, Nihon Christ ch, Sendai, 96-7; p, Koji Machi ch, Tokyo, 98-1902, 08-11; p, Japanese Presb ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 03-5; MeCTS, 05-6; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; p, Nihon Christ ch, Sendai, Japan, 12 — . Klugh, David Simpson — b. Greenwood, SC, Je 1, 1868; Atlanta Bapt Coll, Ga, 90, ThDept, 90-2; tea; ord Bapt, Sp 19, 89; p, Morris Bapt chap. Greenwood, SC, 90-3; p. Cross Roads ch, Vendery, 90-1902; p. Union ch, Augusta, Ga, 93-02; PTS, 06-7; p. Bright Hope ch, Princeton, NJ, 02-10; p, Immanuel ch. New Haven, Conn, 10-8; p. People’s ch, Boston, Mass, 19 — . Kromminga, Diedrich Hinrich — b, Oldersum, Hannover, Germany, Oc20, 1879; CalvC, 99-1903; CalvTS, 03-6; ss, George, la, 04; ss, Emden, Minn, 05; ss, Wellsburg, la, 06, grad stu, PTS, 06-7; ss, Ridott, 111, 07; ord ChrRef, Cl Ost- friesland, Oc 16, 1907; hm miss, Grundy Center, la, 07-8; p, Bunde ch, Clara City, Minn, 08-11; p, Lafayette, Ind, 11-4; p, Ackley, la, 14-6; ss, & instr, GrunC, Grundy Center, 16-22; p, Peoria, 22-6; p, Neland Ave ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 26-8; prof, Ch Hist, CalvTS, 28—. Manus, Siegfried Gerjet — b, Ridott, 111, Sp 7, 1878; UDubej, 1903; Dubq TS, 03-4; PTS, 04; DubqTS, 04-6; ord, Pby Southern Dakota, Je 13, 06; p, Ger- mantown ch, Lennox, SD, 06-8; hm miss, Sioux Falls, 08-9; p. Willow Lakes, 09- 10; p, Germantown ch, Lennox, 10-6; p, Forreston Grove ch, Forreston, 111, 16 — . DD, UDubq 28. Many, Daniel James, Jr — b, Albany, NY, My 11, 1860; HamC, 80, 83, MA; prin; AubTS, 83-6; ord, Pby Albany, Je 12, 86; p, Esperance, NY, 86-91; p, Hamilton Union ch, Guilderland, 91-1900; p, Westminster ch, Manchester, NH, 00-7; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; asso p. Faith chap, 1st ch, Watertown, NY, 07-10; p, 1st ch, Rensselaer, 10-8; p, Vischer Ferry, 18-21 ;p, Brunswick, 21-4; p, Williams- town, 24-9; hon re, 29; res Poughkeepsie, NY. *Matthews, Leonard Walker — b, Matthews, NC, J1 20, 1878; PresbCSC, 1902; tea; PTS, 03-4; UNC, 1905; PTS, 05-6; PrU, 06, MA; UnTSVa, 06-8, BD; ord, Pby Cherokee, Ap 8, 09; p, Rome, Ga, 09-11; ss, Alpine ch, Longview, Tex, 12-3; p, Lufkin ch, 13-7; evang. Central ch, Houston, 17-8; p, 1st ch. La Grange, 18-20; ss, Pecos & Midland, 20-1; p, Silsbee, 21-2; d, Silsbee, Tex, Ag 15, 22. McBride, James Lloyd — b, Romulus, Mich, Sp 23, 1882; AlmaC, 1904; PTS, 04-5; MeCTS, 05-7; ord, Pby Saginaw, Ap 11, 07; p, 2d ch, Duluth, Minn, 07- 9; p, Rodgers Park ch, Chicago, 111, 09-13; miss, Alaska, 13-8; chap, USArmy, 18— 1907 555 McCartney, Robert Harlan — b, New Sheffield, Pa, Ag 11, 1879; Westm CPa, 1904; PTS, 04-5; AllegTS, 05-7; ord UP, Pby Westmoreland, Je 3, 07; p, Jeanette, Pa, 07-8; p, 1st ch, Woodville, 08-11; p, 1st ch, Burgettstown, 11-7; p, 1st ch, Sharon, 17-31; p, 1st Presb ch, McKeesport, 31 — . DD, WestmCPa, 24. McLeod, William C — b, Kinloss, Ont, Canada, My 29, 1874; UMani, 1904; ^ PTS, 04-6; KxCTor, 06-7; ord, Pby Bruce, Can, Ja 30, 08; p. Port Elgin, Ont, Can, 08-11; p, Montreal, Que, 11-4; p, UnChCan, London, Ont, Can, 26 — . McNeill, Charles Chamberlain — b, Fayetteville, NC, Sp 25, 1879; W&LU, 1903; pastoral wk. Savannah, Ga, 03-4; PTS, 04-5; tut; state coll sec, YMCA, Va, 06-8; do, UTex, 08-11; KyTS, 11-3, BD; p. Spring Hill, Tenn, 13-6; p, Galla- tin, 16-7; YMCA, war service, 17-9; p, Gallatin, Tenn, 19-20; p. East Dallas ch, Dallas, Tex, 20-4; agt, PresbChUS, 24-5; act prof, Ch Hist, ColTS, 25-7; sec, Bd Trustees, Converse Coll, Spartanburg, SC, 27-30; agt, Min Annuity Fund, 30-1; evang, Washington, DC, 31 — . DD, W&LU, 26. Moffett, Robert Renwick — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 11, 1881; TSRefEpisCh, 1904; ord, RefEpis; rec, Grace ch, Phila, Pa; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; rec, Grace ch, Scranton, Pa, 08-9; — Mori, Katsushiro — b, Shono, Ise, Japan, Mr 1, 1873; bus; MG, ThDept; PTS, 1904-5; evang, Takaoka, Tosa, Japan, 05-9; — Newell, George Edwards — b, Chester, Pa, Mr 22, 1877; PkC, 1904; PTS, 04- 6; AubTS, 06-7; ord, Pby St Joseph, Je 18, 07; p. King City, Mo, 07-10; p, 3d ch, Kansas City, 10-8; p, 1st ch, Hastings, Neb, 18-28; p, 1st ch, Wichita, Kan, 28— DD, PkC, 14. Osborne, Plummer Nathaniel — b, Plumer, Pa, Ag 18, 1867; GrovCyC, 1902; supt pub schls, Scottdale, Pa; PTS, 04-5; WestTS, 05-7; ord, Pby Erie, Je 4, 07; p, Eastminster ch, Erie, Pa, 07-11; p. East End ch, Bradford, 11-21; p. Rocky Grove, 21-7; chap. Rock View Penitentiary & ss, Buffalo Run ch, Bellefonte, 27-30; res, Bradford, Pa. Lamme, Charles Wilson — b, El Paso, 111, Ap 20, 1880; PkC, 1903; nied stu; PTS, 04-6; PrU, 06, MA; RushMedC, 06-10, MD; laboratory asst, Anatomy, UChi, 07-8; interne, Chicago, 111, 10-1; phys, Chicago, 11-3; med miss, Tabriz, Persia, 13 — . Pratt, Charles Henry— b, Saltville, Va, Ja 20, 1881; KingC, 1902; UnTSVa, 02-5, BD; ord, Pby East Hanover, Oc 22, 05; p, Hoge Mem ch, Richmond, Va, 05- 6; PTS, 06-7; sec. Laymen’s Miss Mvmt, Nashville, Tenn, 07-12; PrU, 09, MA; miss, Korea, 12-6; sec. Inter Ch Wld Mvmt, 17-9; sec, Presb Ch US Com on For Miss, 17-20; p, Trinity ch, Montgomery, Ala, 20-4; prof. Miss & Rel, Louisv PTS, 24—. DD, KingC, 18, LLD, 23. Rankin, Henry — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 29, 1885; bus; TSRefEpisCh, 1903-6, 07, BD; ord RefEpis, Je 3, 06; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; p, Presb chs, Flemington & Bryan Neck, Ga, 07-11; p, Dorchester & Walthourville, 11-21; p, Walterboro & McPhersonville, SC, 21-31; p, Summerton & Pinewood, 31 — . Terry, Claude Porter— b, Waterville, NY, Mr 20, 1879; SyrU, 1904; PTS, 04-5; AubTS, 06-8; ord, Pby Utica, My 13, 08; ss, 1st ch. West End, Syracuse, 190T-1908 556 NY, 08-9; p, East Genesee ch, Syracuse, 09-13; asst p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 13-4; p, 1st ch. Wheeling, WVa, 14-9; res, Syracuse, NY, 19 — . Thompson, Wade Hampton — b, Anderson Co, SC, Nv 18, 1876; DavC, 1900, 01, MA; tea; PTS, 04-5; tea & farming, Anderson, SC. Trousdale, Otis Murphey — b, McCains, Tenn, Nv 16, 1874; CumbU, 01, 04, LED, BD; ord CumbP, Pby Columbia, Ap 16, 04; ss, Arrington St ch, Nash- ville, Tenn, 03-5; UnTS, 05-6, BD; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; ss, Cong ch, Manasquan, NJ, 05-7; p, Odell Ave Presb ch, Marshall, Mo, 07-8; UEdin, 08; OxU, 09; p, 1st RefChAm, Newark, NJ, 10-23; p, 1st Presb ch, Columbia, Tenn, 24-7; p, 1st ch. New Orleans, La, 27 — . DD, CumbU, 16. Tuuk, Edward Jacob — b, Muskegon, Mich, Ap 17, 1878; CalvC, 98-1903; CalvTS, 03-6; grad stu, PTS, 06-7; ord ChrRef, Cl Illinois, Ag 19, 07; p, Oostburg, Wis, 07-11; p. Old Colonial ch, Holland, Mich, 11-9; p, 2d ch, Englewood, 19-29; res, Chicago, 111. Watanabe, Isamu Lebbi — b. Saga Hijen, Japan, Ja 15, 1876; Monoyama High Eng Coll, Japan, 97; TrinDS; Epis; Presb; ord, Pby San Francisco, My 1, 1904; res, San Francisco; grad stu, PTS, 06-8, 07, BD; — *Wilcox, Herbert Augustus — b. North Adams, Mich, Ja 24, 1879; AlmaC, 1904; PTS, 04-5; d, Gladwin, Mich, J1 16, 1905. Wolff, Albert Negley — b, Hagerstown, Md, Dc 27, 1879; LafC, 1904; PTS, 04-6; ord, Pby Duluth, Nv 7, 06; p, Scanlon, Minn, 06-7; ss. Mount Iron, 07-8; ss. Calvary ch, Louisville, Ky, 08-9; p, Bardstown Road, 09-12; p, Wray, Colo, 12-9; p. South Broadway, Denver, 19-30; p. Central ch, Waco, Tex, 30 — . BD, KyTS, 12. Wood, William Carleton — b, Farmington, NY, Ap 24, 1880; PennC, 1905; PTS, 05-6; min, Soc Friends, My 23, 07; prof. Bib Lit & Exeg, PennC, 06-8; HartTS, 08-9, BD, 09-11, PhD; p, Winthrop Center, Me, 11-4; p, Plymouth Cong ch, Hartford, Conn, 14-5; p & tea, Pickering Coll, Newmark, Can, 15-7; p. Friends’ ch. Fall River, Mass, 17-8; prof, Rel & Phil, WhittC, 18-24; dir, Rel Edu, Holliston Ave ME ch, Pasadena, Cal, 24-6; asso prof. Bib & Rel Edu, CPac, 26-31; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Yano, Isaburo — b, Imabari, lyo, Japan, Nv 7, 1875; TohG, 97, ThDept, 97-1900; UnTS, 05-6; grad stu, PTS, 06-8, BD; lie, ChrCh, Japan, Sp, 00; evang, Sakata, 00-2; evang, Kakuda, 02-5; prof, TohG, 13 — . 40. 1908 Anderson, Harold Charles — b, Hopkinton, la, Fb 28, 1882; Ula, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord evang, Pby Dubuque, My 29, 08; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UBer, 08; asst p, 1st ch, Davenport, la, 09-10; miss, Estancia Sergipe, Brazil, SA, 10-1, Ponta Nova, Bahia, 11-2; Bahia City, Bahia, 12-9, Caetete, Bahia, 19-24, Bahia City, 24-6; Recife Theol Sem, Pernambuco, 26-30; Caetete, Bahia, 30-2, Con- deuba, Bahia, 32 — . Armentrout, James Sylvester — b. Limestone, Tenn, J1 14, 1887; WashC 1908 557 Tenn, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord evang, Pby Holston, My 15, 08; WH Green Fell, Semit Philol, PTS, 08-9, BD; p. New Hope, Pa, 09-11 ; asst p, 1st ch, Lancaster, 11-4; asst p. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, 14-7; YaleU, 30-1; UPa, 30, MA; dir. Leader- ship Training, BdChrEdu, 17 — ; res, Phila, Pa. ^ Armstrong, Oscar Vance — b, Huttonsville, WVa, Ja 29, 1876; W&LU, 1905; PTS, 05-8; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Pby Lexington, Oc 27, 08; ColU, 21, MA; miss, China, 08 — ; res, Hsuchowfu, Kiangsu, China. *Beatty, Reading Karns — b, near Doylestown, Pa; WestTS, 1905-7; PTS, 07- 8; ord, Pby Aberdeen, Je 15, 09; p, Mellette & Mansfield, SD, 09-10; ss. Harmony & Linwood, Kan, 10-2; p, Nickleville, Pa, 12-4; d, Germantown, Phila, Pa, Dc 5, 14. Betts, Albert Deems — b, Shiloh, SC, My 28, 1882; WoffC, 1905; PTS, 05-8; PrU, 07, MA; asst p, ME ch, Princeton, NJ, 07-8; p, Eatontown, NJ, 08-9; DrewTS, 08-9, BD; p, Gaffney, SC, 09; p. Union, 09-10; p, Conway, 10-4; ord, ME, Nv 30, 13; p, Clio, 14-7; pres, Paine Coll, Augusta, Ga, 17-21; p, Whaley St ch, Columbia, SC, 21; p, Beaufort, 21-4; dir, Rel Edu, SC Conf, 24-30; p. Broad St ch, Sumter, 30 — . Buyers, John McCauley — b, Mifffintown, Pa, Ag 13, 1876; YorkCI, 93-4, 1904-5; bus; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 19, 08; p, Tuckerton, NJ, 08-13; ss, Fairview, Pa, 15-7; ss. Forks of the Brandywine, 17-9; ss. Cedar Grove, 19- p, 21 — . Campbell, Edward Irvin — b, Ansonville, Pa, J1 14, 1884; LafC, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord evang, Pby North River, Je 22, 08; asst p, 1st ch, Newburgh, NY, 08-10; miss, Philippine Is, 10-3; p. New Hartford, NY, 13-24; p, Pleasant- ville, 24 — . Cook, Welling Thomas — b, Missoula, Mont, Sp 16, 1881; LafC, 1905; PTS, 05-8, 16-7, BD; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 30, 08; miss, Chungju, Korea, 08- 17, Andong, 17-8, Moukden, Manchuria, 18-20, Sinpin, 20 — . Crawford, William — b, Penicuik, Scotland, My 31, 1875; AmhC, 1905; HartTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-8; ord, Pby New Castle, Dc 9, 08; p. Port Deposit, Md, 08-13; p, Greenhill ch, Wilmington, Del, 13-7; p. Dayspring ch, Yonkers, NY, 17— *Diehl, John Maclay — b, Cashtown, Pa, Dc 26, 1880; PaC, 1904; GetTS, 04- 5; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 14, 08; ss, 1st ch, Belfield, ND, 08-9; p, McConnellsburg & Greenhill, Pa, 09-13; p, Robert Kennedy Mem ch. Green- castle, 13-9; p, 2d ch. East Liverpool, O, 19-21; d. East Liverpool, Mr 30, 21. Fickes, George Herman — b, Mt Rock, Pa, Dc 11, 1878; tea; LafC, 1905; PTS, 05-8; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Pby Rochester, Je 5, 08; p, Grace ch, Rochester, NY, 08-12; p, Dewey Ave ch, Rochester, 12-22; tea, LafC, 22-3; dir, Rel Edu, Pby Chicago, 23-6; tea & dir of Personnel, LafC, 26 — . PhD, NWU, 28. Field, Lloyd Baker — b, Augusta, Ga, Ap 4, 1883; SWPresbU, 1905; PTS, 05- 8; ord, Pby Atlanta, Oc 8, 08; p, Conyers, Ga, 09-10; p, Smyrna ch, Lithonia, 10; p el, Warren, Ark) 13; res, St Louis, Mo, 14; deposed, 14; — 558 1908 *Garrett, Willis Otis — b, Mansfield, O, Mr 12, 1883; GeneC, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Duluth, Oc 13, 08; p, Coleraine & Bovey, Minn, 08-13; p. Lake- side ch, Duluth, 13-6; bus; YMCA, Hachita, NM, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Miami, Fla, 19-31; d, Miami, Sp 1, 1931. DD, GeneC, 22. Garrison, Ralph Alden — b, Hopewell, NJ, Sp 28, 1878; PrU, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Minnewaukan, Oc 28, 08; p, Bisbee & Egeland, ND, 08-10; p, Broomall, Pa, 11-9; p. Rosewood Ave ch, Toledo, O, 19-22; p, 1st ch, Oconto, Wis, 22-8; p, Mem ch, Appleton, 28 — . Gibbons, Herbert Adams — b, Annapolis, Md, Ap 9, 1880; UPa, 1902; bus; PTS, 05-8, BD; PrU, 07, MA; OxU, 08; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, St Paul’s Inst, Tarsus, Turkey, 08-9; Sorbonne, Paris, 09-10; ord, Pby Phila- delphia, My 11, 08; prof, Phil, St Paul’s Inst, Tarsus, Turkey, 08-9; ss, ,Wesl- Me.th ch, Paris, France, 09-10; prof, Pol Econ & Hist, RobC, 10-3; Fell & instr. Hist, PrU, 13-4; war correspondent, 14-9; writer & lect; prof. Army War Coll, Washington, DC, 19 — ; res, Princeton, NJ. PhD, PrU, 14; I.ittD, UPa, 20. Glenn, James Johnston — b. Rock Ford, Pa, Sp 19, 1877; AlbrC, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 17, 08; p, Dickinson, Pa, 08 — ; res, Carlisle, Pa. *Harris, Henry — b, Newark, NJ, Fb 14, 1879; PrU, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Newark, J1 2, 08; p, Roseland, NJ, 08-19; p, Morris Plains, 19-28; d, Morris Plains, NJ, Ap 23, 28. Hemphill, Wesley Lynn — b, Riverton, NJ, Sp 2, 1886; UPa, 1904, 04-5, MA; PTS, 05-8, BD; Classics Fell, UPa, 08-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 14, 08; miss, India, 09-15; p. Pine Plains, NY, 16-21; YMCA, war service, 18; p, Leacock ch, Leaman Place, Pa, 21 — ; tea, Leaman Place, 23 — . PhD, UPa, 16. Holdcroft, James Gordon — b, Chicago, 111, Ag 31, 1878; PkC, 1903; sec to Dr Underwood, Seoul, Korea, 03-5; PTS, 05-8, 22-3, ThM; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 29, 08; ss, 1st ch, Cooperstown, NY, 08-9; miss, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 09-25, Seoul, 26—. DD, PkC, 22. Holderby, William Matthew— b, Chester, 111, My 24, 1880; UIll, 02-5; MBI, 05; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 29, 08; p, 1st ch Northern Liberties, Phila, Pa, 08-13; So Side ch, Pittsburgh, 14-5; field sec, Nat Ref Assn, 15-6; p, 2d ch, Dallas, Tex, 16-7; chaplain, war service, 17; sec. Family Altar League, 18-21; gen dir, Christian Family Crusade, 21 — ; res, Springville, Cal. Hood, James Willard — b, Boston, Mass, Ap 19, 1885; HarvU, 1906; PTS, 05-8; PrU, 07, MA; ord UP, Pby Allegheny, Dc 17, 08; p, Allison Park, Pa, 08- 10; p, Brookline ch, Pittsburgh, 10-21; p, Johnstown, NY, 21 — . Hunter, Stuart McKlveen — b, Griswold, la, Sp 7, 1883; BellvC, 1905; OmaTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-8; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Omaha, Sp 15, 08; prof, Eng & Lit, Presb Coll, Fla, 08-10; ss, Falk, Ida, 11-4; p, Emmett, 14-7; prof, Eng, BellvC, 17-9, dean, 18-9; asst prof, Eng, CarlC, 19 — . Kane, George, Jr— b, Baltimore, Md, Nv 30, 1878; PrU, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 19, 08; p. South Amboy, NJ, 08-15; p, Logan Memorial ch, Audubon, 15-29; ss, McDowell Memorial ch, Phila, Pa, 30 — . 1908 559 *Lewis, John Wythe — b, Louisville, Ky, Mr 24, 1881; NYU, 1906; UnTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-8; ord, Pby Newark, Sp 18, 08; miss, Aguadilla, Porto Rico, 08-9; asst p, 1st ch, Lancaster, Pa, 10; p. Union ch, Coleraine, 10-5; p, Waynesburg, 15-7; ill health; d, Lancaster, Pa, Nv 8, 17. MacDonald, Kenneth Piercy — b, Carleton, Neb, Nv 16, 1881; UNeb, 1904; agt, 04-5; McCTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-8; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Nebraska City, My 26, 08; Alum Fell, NT Lit, UBer, 08-9; miss, Legaspi, PI, 09 — . Macmillan, Jason Leon — b, Cedarville, O, Ap 5, 1882; TarkC, 1905; HartTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-8; ord RefChAm, Cl North Long Island, Dc 2, 08; p. Oyster Bay, NY, 08-11; p, Abingdon, Va, 11-6; p, Johnson City, Tenn, 17-25; p, Norfolk, Va, 25 — . DD, CedC, KingC, & TuscC. Marbet, Arthur Jacob— b, Solothurn, Switzerland, Nv 26, 1876; Columbia Coll of Expression, NYCity, 1903; tea, Rochester Coll, Ind, 03-5; PTS, 05-9; 08, BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, UBer, 09-10; ord, Pby Iowa City, Ja 19, 11; asst p, 1st ch, Davenport, la, 10-1; p, Brookston, Ind, 11-2; p, Wilmington, O, 12-8; p, Greenville, 18-20; p, Buffalo ch, Cumberland, 20-4; p, Kane, Pa, 24 — . McBride, David Laughlin — b, Salineville, O, Sp 4, 1878; WestmCPa, 1904; AllegTS, 04-6; PTS, 07-8; ord UP, Ap 12, 10; p, Hanover, 111, 17-21; p. College Springs, la, 21-3; Presb; supt, Minneapolis, Minn, 27 — . Metzger, James Albert — b, Altoona, Pa, Mr 2, 1880; UrsSTh, 1904, 06-7; NBI, 05; PTS, 07-8; ord Bapt, Altoona, Pa, Ja 29, 09; ss. Calvary Bapt ch, Al- toona, 09; — *Mulholland, Robert Howard — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Sp 21, 1882; GeneC, 1903; civ eng, 03-5; AllegTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-8; ord UP, Pby Beaver Valley, Je 23, 08; p. New Castle, Pa, 08-12; p, 2d ch, Pittsburgh, 12; d, Pittsburgh, Oc 6, 12. Ralston, Delmer Bell — b, Monongahela, Pa, Ja 17, 1880; PkC, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Helena, Sp 27, 08; ss, Harlowton, Mont, 08-9; ss, O’Neill, Neb, 10-1; ss, Chelsea, Okla, 12; ss, Calcedonia, Minn, 16; ss, Olathe, Kan, 17; ss, Chillicothe, Mo, 18; ss. Unity ch, Harveys, Pa, 20; p, Sandy Lake & Fairfield, 22; p, Bethany ch, Mercer, 25; res, Cleveland, 0. Rice, Claton Silas — b. Magnolia, la, Nv30, 1883; BellvC, 1905; PTS, 05-8; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Omaha, Je 15, 08; hm miss, St George, Utah, 08-9; prof, Presb Coll Fla, 09-10; hm miss, St George, Utah, 10-1; ss, Myton, 11-2; p. Cedar City, 13-8; p. New Plymouth Cong ch, Ida, 19-23; asst supt, Cong chs, Ida, 23-6, supt, Utah & Ida, 26-9, supt, Mont, 29 — ; res, Billings, Mont. •Russell, Gordon Macgregor — b, Oyster Bay, NY, Ap 30, 1880; PrU, 1901, 06, MA; tea; PTS, 05-8; BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UBer, 08-9; ord, Pby Nassau, Dc 6, 09; ch miss, Garwood, NJ, 09-14; asst p, Bethlehem ch, Phila, Pa, 14-7; YMCA, war service, 17-9; p, Merchantville, NJ, 20-33; d, Mer- chantville, Ja 28, 33. Shafer, Glenn McMeen — b, Watson, O, Mr 3, 1884; HeidC, 1903; reporter, 03-5; PTS, 05-8; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Maumee, Dc 14, 08; p, Bryan, O, 08-11 ; p. Clarion, Pa, 11-7; p, 2d ch, Carlisle, 17 — . DD, DickC, 26. 56o 1908 Thompson, Le Roy — b, Monticello, Ark, Ag 18, 1879; W&LU, 1904; tea; PTS, 05-8; PrU, 07, MA; ord, Pby Pine Bluff, Je 11, 08; ss. Broken Arrow, Okla, 08-11; p, Alva, 11-4; p, Hope, Ark, 14-9; p, Alva, Okla, 19-27; p, Roswell, NM, 27—. Todd, Chester Warren — b, Dashville Falls, NY, Sp 22, 1881; CWoos, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Wellsboro, Oc 16, 08; p, Coudersport, Pa, 08-10; p, 1st ch, Mt Union, 10-9; p, 1st ch, Sunbury, 19 — . BD, SusqueU, 29; ThM, EvLuthTS, 32. Toms, John Ulverston Selwyn — b, near Gawler, So Australia, Oc 26, 1878; WheaC, 1905; PTS, 05-8, 24, ThM; ord, Pby West Jersey, J1 2, 08; p, Swedes- boro, NJ, 08; miss, Taiku, Korea, 08-10, Seoul, 10-23; p, Brownsburg, Pa, 24-8; p, Woodstown, NJ, 28 — . Warlord, Lester Port — b, Brooklyn, NY, Je 21, 1881; NYU, 1905; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Minnewaukan, Oc 27, 08; p, Cando, NDak, 08-11; ss, Minneapolis, Minn, 12-5; p, Bemidji, 16 — . Warrington, Ernest William — b, Georgetown, Del, Dc 16, 1883; UDel, 1905; PTS, 05-8; PrU, 07, MA; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Ap 21, 08; ss. Pilot Rock, Ore, 08-14; p. Federated ch. Freewater, 14-6; p, Roseburg, 16-21; YMCA, war service, 18-9; gen sec, YMCA, Ore State Agr Coll, Corvallis, 21-6; stu, ColU, 26-8; dir. Dept Rel, Ore State Agr Coll, Corvallis, 28 — . White, John McCahan — b, Sligo, Ireland, Ag 7, 1882; PrU, 1905, 07, MA; PTS, 05-8, BD; ord, Pby Columbia, My 20, 08; ss, Spencertown, NY, 07- p, 08-9; p, Elkland, Pa, 10-5; p, Galeton, 15-8; p, Moores, 18-25; res, Chatham, NY, 25 — . Williamson, Dewitt Clinton — b, Mercer, Pa, Oc 3, 1877; BellvC, 1905; OmaTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-8; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Nebraska City, My 26, 08; p, Wilson Mem ch, Ord, Neb, 08-13; p, Wilsonville, 13-8; p, Washington, Kan, 18-20; p, Hebron, Neb, 20-2; p, Ord, 27-30; res, Ord, Neb. Winnemore, John Louis — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 14, 1878; PrU, 1905, 07, MA; PTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Phila North, Nv 12, 08; p, Wissinoming ch, Phila, Pa, 08-12; p, Bethany ch, Williamsport, 13-4; p, Nichols, NY, 14-6; p, Gorham, 17-20; p. Bethel & Linden chs, 22-9; res, Williamsport, Pa. 42. *Allen, Frank Benjamin — b, near Carbondale, 111, Ag 2, 1878; PkC, 1905; PTS, 05-6; McCTS, 06-8; ord, Pby Ewing, Oc 27, 08; p, Nashville, 111, 08-9; ss, Garwood, Tex, 10-1; ss, Drexel & Sharon, Mo, 11-2; p el, 5th ch, Springfield, 111, 12-3; ss, Boeuff, Mo, 13-4; ss. Home Heights ch & Wellston Misson, 14-6; p at large, Pby Cairo, 111, 16-8; d, St Louis, Mo, Dc 9, 18. Baldinger, Gustavus Walter — b. New Martinsville, WVa, My 15, 1880; WestmCPa, 1903; asst sec, YMCA, Washington, DC; PittsTS, 04-7; grad stu, PTS, 07-8, BD; ord, UP, Pby Argyle, J1 21, 08; p, Cambridge, NY, 09-17; p, 1st ch, Steubenville, O, 17-24; p. So Kortright, NY, 24 — . *Bates, William — b, Strabane, Ireland, My 10, 1885; MageeC, 01-4, Th 1908 56i Dept, 07-8; AsC, 04-5; PTS, 06-7; res, Strabane, Ire, 08-9; ord, Pby Ahoghill, Ag 29, 12; p. Grange ch, Toome Bridge, 13-25; p, Bainbridge Rd ch, Dromore, 25- 30; p, Faughanbale ch, Eglinton, 30-1; d, Londonderry, Ire, Mr 24, 31. Benson, Clarence Herbert — b, Minneapolis, Minn, Ag 13, 1879; UMinn, 1900-3; MacalC, 02-5; PTS, 05-8; ord RefChAm, Cl Schoharie, Ag 4, 08; p, Lawyersville & Howe’s Cave, NY, 08-9; p, Bethany Presb Chap, Harrisburg, Pa, 09-11; p, 1st Ref Ch, Buffalo, NY, 11-7; p, Bethlehem Presb ch, Buffalo, 17-9; p. Union ch, Kobe, Japan, 19-22; ss, Cong ch. Winter Park, Fla, 22; tea, MBI, 22 — ; ed. Moody Bible Inst Monthly, 26 — ; res, Wheaton, 111. Blackwood, Andrew Watterson — b. Clay Center, Kan, Ag 5, 1882; tea; HarvU, 1905; PTS, 05-6; XenTS, 06-8; ord UP, Pby Wheeling, My 12, 08; hm miss wk, 08-11; p, 6th UP ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 12-4; vis prof, OT, XenTS, 12-3; p, 1st Presb ch, Columbia, SC, 14-21; lect, ColTS, 20-1; p, Indianola ch, Columbus, O, 21-5; prof, Eng Bib, LouisvPTS, 25-30; prof, Homil, PTS, 29 — . DD, use, 18. Carpenter, James Berry — b, near Anderson, SC, Ag 19, 1879; PresbCSC, 1900; instr, Clinton, SC; KyTS, 01-4; ord, Pby Upper Missouri, J1 6, 04; p, Waldron Ave ch, Kansas City, Mo, 04-5; p, Lawson, Mo, 05-7; grad stu, PTS, 07- 8; dist supt, SS & Young People’s wk, Richmond, Va, 08-9; p, Ruston, La, 09-12; ss. Central ch, Oklahoma City, Okla, 12-3; p. Evergreen ch, Memphis, Tenn, 13-27; p. Central ch. Mobile, Ala, 27 — . DD, SWPresbU, 24. Caskey, Henry Thayer — b, Sioux Falls, SDak, Fb 26, 1880; PkC, 1904; PTS, 05-6; AubTS, 06-7; SFTS, 07-8; ord, Pby Benicia, Ap 21, 08; ss. Point Arena, Cal, 08-9; ss. Concord, 10-2; res, Oakland, Cal. Ferguson, John Bohn — b, Camden, O, Je 10, 1879; MiaU, 1903; tea; PTS, 05-7; PrU, 07, MA; MeCTS, 07-8, BD; ord, Pby Fort Wayne, Je 26, 08; p, Howe, Ind, 08-12; p, Hopewell ch, Franklin, 12-31; p. Union ch, Manila, PI, 22-4; ill health, 24-5; p, Hopewell ch, Franklin, Ind, 26-30; p, Irvington ch, Indianapolis, 30 — . DD, MiaU, 24. Gillingham, Clinton Hancock — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 29, 1877; bus; MaryvC, 1905, 07, MA; PTS, 05-6; KyTS, 06-8, BD; ord, Pby Union, Sp 29, 07; reg & prof, OT Hist & Lit, MaryvC, 07-11, prof, Eng Bib, 11-26, prof. Bib & Rel Edu, 26- 9; pres, Tennent Coll of Chr Edu, Phila, Pa, 29 — . DD, MaryvC, 19. Harrison, William Wirt — b, Richmond, Va, Ja 30, 1877; WestmCMo, 98; LouisvPTS, 98-1901; ord, Pby Pine Bluff, Oc 2, 01; p, Helena, Ark, 01-3; p. Greenwood, Miss, 03-7; grad stu, PTS, 07-8; p, 2d ch, St Joseph, Mo, 08-10; p, McLemore Ave ch & ss, Morris Ave ch, Memphis, Tenn, 15-7; p, 1st ch. Ft Smith, Ark, 18-25; p, 1st ch, York, SC, 26 — . Hayes, Luther Newton — b, Soochow, China, Ap 19, 1883; CWoos, 1905; PTS, 05-7; tea, Soochow, China, 07-8; YMCA, sec, China, 08-19, nat sec, 21-6, gen sec, 27-32; edu dir, YMCA, Providence, RI, 32 — . Jackson, David Ellsworth — b, Rushville, 111, Nv 17, 1881; PkC, 1905; PT.S, 05-6; KyTS, 06-8, BD; ord, Pby Duluth, Je 30, 08; p, Hinckley, Minn, 08- 12; p, Ipava, 111, 12-8; p, Britton, SD, 18-25; p, Missoula, Mont, 25 — . MA, DD, OskC, 17. 562 1908 Knight, James Carnahan — b, Ottumwa, la, Nv 16, 1875; CNJ, 1896; athl instr, UWash, 1902-5; PTS, 05-6; Caldwell, Ida;— Leitch, John George — b. Magazine, Scotland, Ag 14, 1877; PTS, 1905-6; KyTS, 06-8, BD; ord, Pby Duluth, Je 24, 08; p, Duluth Heights & Highland Park chs, Duluth, Minn, 08-9; p, Duluth Heights & Westminster chs, 09-11; p, 1st ch, Nevada, la, 11-7 ; p, 1st ch. Lake City, 17-25; p, McClintock Community ch, Sioux City, 25-30; p, Denison, 30 — . DD, BuenVC, 23. Malan, David Johannes — b, Wellington, Cape Colony, S Africa, Sp 1, 1882; VicCSAfr, 1900-3; StellTS, 03-6; grad stu, PTS, 07-8, BD; ord, DRefCh SAfr, Oc 3, 09; p, Queenstown, SoAfr, 09-16, p. Darling, 16 — . McMillan, James Steen — b, Londonderry, Ireland, J1 22, 1873; MageeC, ThDept, 1905-6; AsC, 06-7; PTS, 07-8; KxCTor, 08-9; p, Tartaraghan ch, Portadown, Ireland, 15-9; p, Drumquin ch, Newtownstewart, 19-21; p. Hill- town ch, Rathfriland, 28 — . Mizokuchi, Etsuji — b, Yakkwanmura, Buzen, Japan, Fb 5, 1872; TzG, 92-4; evang, Tosa, Japan, 94-7; Eiwagakko Sem, 97-8; evang, Tosa, 99-1904; PTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Naniwa, Ap 24, 08; prof, KobeTS, 07- , p, Shinko ch, Kobe, Japan, 08 — . DD, DavC, 14. Needels, George Thornton — b. Gentry Co, Mo, Mr 6, 1878; PkC, 1905; PTS, 05-6, 08, BD; KyTS, 06-8; ord, Pby Lamed, Oc 7, 08; ss, Meade, Kan, 08-9; miss, Navajo Indians, NM, 09-13; ss, Cokeville, Wyo, 14-6; ss, Arapahoe, 17-21; res, Arapahoe, 22-4; — Nethery, Thomas George — b, Ord, Neb, Sp 23, 1883; BellvC, 1905; PTS, 05-6; OmaTS, 06-8; UGlas, 08-9; ord, Pby Kearney, Sp 15, 09; p, Chariton, la, 09-10; p. Green River, Utah, 10-6; p, Richfield, 16-9; p, Council Bluff, la, 19-24; asso p, Warsaw, Wis, 24-5; p, Sutter Ave ch, St Louis, Mo, 25 — . Olney, Norman Percival — b. Cedar Rapids, la, Ag 5, 1879; CoeC, 1900-4; ss, Troy, Lebanon & Cheques!, la, 1904-5; PTS, 05-6; OmaTS, 06-8; ord, Pby Omaha, Je 16, 08; p, Walthill & Winnebago, Neb, 08-9; ss. Colon & Marietta, 10-5; ss, Panama, 15-7; ss, Rushville, 17-21; p, Dalton, 21-4; p, Lakin, Kan, 24-7; ss, Bucklin & Meade, 27-8; bus, 28-30; p. Harper, Kan, 30-1; ss. Chase, 31 — . Platter, Robert Irwin — b, Winfield, Kan, Je 11, 1880; bus; PTS, 1905-6; LaneTS, 06-8, BD; ord, Pby Portsmouth, Je 30, 08; p, Winchester, O, 08-11; p. Auburn, Ind, 11-5; p, Shreve, O, 15-20; p, Rittman, 20-8; p. May St ch, Cincin- nati, 28 — . *Power, Robert John — b, Banbridge, Ireland, Dc 9, 1880; QuUBelf; NewC, 1904-5; PTS, 06-7; lie, Pby Long Island, Ap 15, 08; ss. Brook Haven, NY, 07-8; ord, Pby Halifax, J1 27, 08; p. Avenue Rd ch, Halifax, NS, Can, 10-7; res, Toronto, 18-20, 22-9; p, St Andrew’s ch, St Johns, NF, 21-2; d, Dublin, Ireland, My 6, 31. Retief, Jacobus Arnoldus — b, Graaff Reinet, Cape Colony, S Africa, Je 30, 1876; VicCSAfr, 99; Boer army; prisoner of war, St Helena; tea; StellTS, 1903-6; grad stu, PTS, 07-8, BD; ord DRefChSAfr, Fb, 09; miss, Mvera, Nyasa- land, 09-21, Mkhoma, 21 — . 1908 563 Robinson, Eugene Harvey — b, Clay, la, Je 3, 1882; ParsC, 1904; bus; PTS, 05-7; ord, Cong Council, Clay, la, Sp 18, 08; ss. Union Cong ch. Crested Butte, Col, 07-8; ss, Lakeview, 08-9; McCTS, 08-9; p, Paonia, 09-12; p, Presb c1i, Gunnison, 14-7; p, 1st ch, Fort Morgan, 17-20; bus; Fort Morgan, 20 — ■. Scarinci, Giovanni Arthur — b, Forano, (Sabina) Italy, Ap 29, 1880; PTS, 1904-7; ord evang, Pby Phila, Je 3, 08; p, 2d Italian Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 09-14; ord, PEpisCh, 16; PEpis City Mission, Phila, Pa, 16-21; asst, St John the Evan- gelist, Phila, 21-31; asst, St Francis of Assisi, Phila, 31 — . Shaw, Augustus Worth — b. Lumber Bridge, NC, Ja 16, 1881; DavC, 1905; PTS, 05; UnTSVa, 06-8; ord, Pby Maryland, Oc 29, 08; p, Rockville, Md, 08-9; p, Pittsboro, Jonesboro, St Andrews & Buffalo, 09-13; p, Armstrong Mem ch, Norfolk, Va, 13-8; p, Mebane, NC, 18-24; p, Anderson Mem ch, Martinsville, Va, 25-7; p. Unity ch. Fort Mill, & ss, Allison Creek ch, SC, 28 — . Sholl, Charles Stillman — b, Gainesville, Ala, Ja 4, 1874; SWPresbU, 1894, ThDept, 94-6, BD; ord, Pby North Alabama, J1 1, 96; p, Avondale, Ala, 96-1900; p, Brownsville, Tenn, 00-7; grad stu, PTS, 07-8; p. Canal St ch. New Orleans, La, 08— DD, SWPresbU, 21. Sholl, William Nace — b, Gainesville, Ala, Nv 25, 1882; SWPresbU; tea; UnTSVa, 1903-6; ord, Pby Cherokee, Oc 9, 06; p. La Fayette, Ga, 06-7; grad stu, PTS, 07-8; p, 1st ch, Nampa, Ida, 08-9; p, Jasper, Ala, 09-11; p, Decatur, 11-20; chap, USArmy, 18; p, Bryan, Tex, 20; p, 1st ch, Decatur, Ala, 20-1; p, 1st ch, Bryan, Tex, 21-5; p, Durant, Okla, 25 — . Sloan, George Solomon — b, Lyons, Neb, Sp 22, 1884; BellvC, 1905; PTS, 05-6; OmaTS, 06-7, 08-10; ord, Pby Omaha, Ap 19, 10; hm miss, Nebraska & Iowa, 06-14; Uintah Mission, Utah, 14-8; p, Miami, Ariz, 18-24; p, 1st Cong ch, Pocatello, Ida, 24-9; p, 1st Cong ch, Billings, Mont, 29 — . DD, PacU, 30. Stearns, Edwin Ira — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Sp 15, 1862; UPa, 99; lawy, Phila, Pa, 99-1905; PTS, 05-7; ord, Pby Phila North, My 23, 07; p. Ambler, Pa, 07-9; p, Matawan, NJ, 09-12; supt, NJ Anti-Saloon League, 11-4; Nat lect, AntiSLAm, 15-8; Liaison sec, war service, 18-9; asso nat sec. New Era Mvmt, 19-20; p, 1st Presb ch, Caldwell, NJ, 21—. Swan, Hugh Douglas — b, Buncrana, Ireland, Je 20, 1881; RoyU, 1904; NewC, 04-5; PTS, 05-6; UEdin, ThDept, 06-7; ord, Pby Perth, My 12, 10; asst p, Selkirk, Scot, 07-9; asst p, Portobello, 09-10; p, Redgorton, Perthshire, 10-5; chap, British Army, 15-8; p, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, 15 — BD, Presb Theol Fac, Belfast, Ire, 12. Wiedinger, John Baptist — b, NYCity, Je 24, 1882; NYU, 1902; Schl of Pedagogy, NYU, 02-3; tea, NYCity, 02-4; TSRefEpisCh, 04-7; ord. Ref Epis dea. My 22, 07; min, St Paul’s Ref Epis ch, Woodlawn Heights, NYCity, 07; grad stu, PTS, 07-8, BD; p, Westm Presb ch, Camden, NJ, 14-20; ch miss. West Side chap, Newark, 20-7; res, Newark 28; — Wilson, Matthew Hale— b, Columbus, O, Je 16, 1882; BellvC, 1904; McCTS, 04-5; OmaTS, 05-7; ss, Lambert, Neb; ss, Pender; ss, Newton; ss, Coon Rapids, la; grad stu, PTS, 07-8, BD; ord, Pby Nebraska City, My 26, 08; UKan, 13, MA; prof. Psych, PkC, 08 — . 1908-1909 564 Woodfin, William Moses — b, Christiana, Tenn, Dc 28, 1878; ss, CumbP ch, Jerusalem, Tenn, 1901-2; UNash, 1903; ss, Three Forks, 01-4; ss. Center, 02-6; LebTS, 03-6; ord CumbP, Pby Lebanon, Sp 14, 04; ss, Tullahoma, Tenn, 04-7; grad stu, PTS, 07-8, BD; p, Presb ch, Swarthmore, Pa, 08-15; asso sec, BdTemp, 15-9; p, 1st ch, Homestead, Pa, 19-24; p, 3d UP ch, Pittsburgh, 24 — . DD, CumbU, 23. Woody, John Waldo — b, Oskaloosa, la, Mr 18, 1879; GuilC, 1901; tea; p. Blue River Friend’s ch, Salem, Ind, 03-5; recorded. Blue River Friends’ Meeting, Ag 13, 04; PTS, 05-6; UnTSVa, 06-8, BD; p. Friends’ ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 08-11; prof. Bib Lit & Phil, Wilmington Coll, O, 11-8; bus, 21-7; p. Oak Hills Friends’ ch. High Point, NC, 27-30; res, High Point, NC. DD, UnTSVa, 26. Yatsu, Zenjiro — b, Iwanuma, Japan, Mr 6, 1876; TohG, 99, ThDept, 99- 1902; evang, Koriyama, Iwashiro, Fukushima ken, Japan, 02-6; ord, Pby San Francisco, Dc 11, 06; asst p, Japanese ch, San Francisco, Cal, 06-7; grad stu, PTS, 07-8, BD; HartTS, 08-9, STM; p, Akila, Japan, 09-12; prof. Central Theol Sera, Kobe, 12 — . *Angus, Harry Baremore — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Oc 11, 1883; RutU, 1905; bus; PTS, 06-9; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 16, 09; p. Peck Mem Chap, Washington, DC, 09-16; p, McDowell Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 16-9; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 30, 19. *Baskerville, Charles Edward — b. Central City, Neb, J1 15, 1887; BellvC, 1906; McCTS, 06-7; PTS, 07-9, BD; ord, Pby Omaha, Dc 5, 09; p, Bellevue, Neb, 09-21; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, PTS, 10-1; p, 1st ch, V’ancouver, Wash, 22-9; d, Vancouver, Sp 29, 29. DD, BellvC, 20. Bodry, John — b, Degh, Hungary, Ag 4, 1869; PGym, 91; tea; HeidTS, 1904-5; PTS, 05-7; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Nv 19, 07; miss to Hungarian immi- grants, Winburne, Pa, 07-8; PTS, 08-9; tea, Hungary, 09-17; — Calverley, Edwin Elliott — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 26, 1882; PrU, 1906, 08, MA; PTS, 06-9; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 29, 08; miss of RefChAm, Arabia, 10-30; instr, HartTS, 30—. PhD, HartTS, 23. Cheek, Francis Powell — b, Danville, Ky, Ag 26, 1884; CenCKy, 1904, 05, MA; tea; PTS, 06-9, BD; Alum Fell, NT Lit, UBer & UMarb, 10-1; ord, Pby Transylvania, Dc 28, 11; prof, Eng Bib, TrinU, 11-5; prof, NT, LaneTS, 15-21; stu, UnTS, 21-2; prof, Rel, CenCKy, 22—. DD, CenCKy, 19. Corum, Jesse Maxwell, Jr — b, Paris, Tenn, Ja 10, 1880; VanU, 1906; LebTS, 06-7; PTS, 07-9, BD, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, UMarb, 12-3; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Je 25, 09; ch miss. West chap. Orange, NJ, 09-19; p, 1st ch, Norristown, Pa, 19 — . DD, COz, 26. Daugherty, James — b, Phila, Pa, My 7, 1872; WestmCPa, 1906; PTS, 06-7, 08-9; AllegTS, 07-8; p, Presb ch. Harmony, NJ, 14-9; p. Holly Beach ch, Wildwood, 21; p, Wildwood, 22-4; p, Susquehanna Ave ch, Phila, Pa, 24 — . Dickson, John Martin — b, Holstein, Ont, Canada, My 20, 1875; McGU; CongCCan, 1906-7; PTS, 07-9; p, Presb ch, Duart, Ont, Can, 09-10; p, Blenheim, 1909 565 11-2; p, Guilds, 13; p, Palmerston, 14; p, Fenwick, 15-8; p, St Davids, 19-26; p, Dutton, 27 — . Farber, Benjamin Franklin — b, Thorntown, Ind, J1 13, 1882; HanC, 1905; tea, 05-6; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Phila, North My 11, 09; asst p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 09-10; p, 1st ch, Plymouth, Mich, 10-7; asst p. Woodward Ave ch, Detroit, 17-9; YMCA, war service, 18; p, 6th ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 19-26; p, 4th ch, NYCity, 26 — . DD, W&JC & GrovCyC, 24. Ferry, Asa John Harris — b, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, Dc 18, 1880; MacalC, 1905; tea; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 09, MA; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 9, 08; p, Bethany Tabernacle, Phila, Pa, 08-21; p, Edgewater ch, Chicago, 111, 21 — . DD, MacalC, 19. Frater, Robert William — b, Guelph, Ont, Canada, J1 14, 1877; HarvU; AllegTS, 1905-7; PTS, 07-9; mechanical eng; res, Cleveland, O. Gaunt, Harold Garfield — b, Gilford, Mich, Mr 10, 1882; AlmaC, 1906; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Saginaw, My 11, 09; p, 1st ch, Wheaton, Minn, 09-12; p, 2d ch. East Liverpool, O, 12-6; p, 1st ch, Moundsville, WVa, 16-25; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p. Olivet ch, Atlantic City, NJ, 25 — . DD, D&EC, 26. Gwinn, Clyde Wallace — b, Greenville, WVa, Nv 30, 1879; YorkC, 1905; tea, York, Neb, 05-6; PTS, 06-7; KyTS, 07-8; PTS, 08-9; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Sp 13, 09; ss, Hubbell, Neb, 09-10; ss, Overton, 10-1; ss, Guthrie Centre, la, 11-2; supt & tea. Neb, 12-9; ss, Hubbell, 19-21; tea, Marionville, Mo, 21-2; tea, Verdun, Neb, 22-5; prof, Bryson Coll, Fayetteville, Tenn, 25-7; prof, D&EC, 27-31; prof, Mansfield State Tea Coll, Pa, 31 — ■. MA, UNeb, 26; PhD, George Peabody Coll, Nashville, Tenn, 30. Hallman, Harold Everett — b. Ambler, Pa, Ap 10, 1882; HamC, 1905, 17, MA; PTS, 05-7, 08-9; p. Ocean View, Del, 09-12; ord, Pby Newcastle, Oc 5, 09; p, Immanuel ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 12-21; p, 1st ch, Newark, Del, 21 — . Hansel, Ernest — b, Frohburg, Sax, Germany, Ap 30, 1881; NTS, Acad Dept, 1905; NTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-10, 17-8, BD; ord, Pby Hudson, Oc 4, 10; p. Amity, NY, 10-2; ss. Liberty 12-3; p, Tuckerton, NJ, 13-7; p, Ashland, Pa, 18-29; p, Lehighton, 29 — . Ilsley, Le Roy Christian — b, Elgin, 111, Ap 1, 1885; CoeC, 1906; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 08, MA; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UBer, 09-10; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Sp 28, 09; p. Perry, la, 10-2; p, Stillwater, Okla, 12-6; p, Knoxville, 111, 16-20; p, Holyoke, Col, 20-2; p, Edmond, Okla, 22-6; ss, Fraser & West Portal, Col, 27-9; ss, Penrose, 29-31; ss, Hartford, la, 32 — . Keller, Claudius Argyle — b. Sulphur Springs, O, Sp 23, 1882; HeidC, 1906; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 09, MA; ord, Pby Alton, J1 6, 09; p, 1st ch, Sandusky, O, 09-16; grad stu, WestTS, 16-7, BD; p, 1st ch, Charleroi, Pa, 18-20; p, 2nd Cong ch, Ashtabula, O, 20 — . Kieffer, William Miles — b, Churchville, Mfl, Ag 13, 1882; LafC, 1904; asst prin, Milton, Pa, 04-6; PTS, 06-9; ord, Pby Northumberland, My 18, 09; 566 1 909 p, Green Hill ch, Wilmington, Del, 09-12; p, 1st ch. Freehold, NJ, 12-21; p, 1st ch, Llanerch, Pa, 21—. King, James Norman — b, Fairgrove, Mich, J1 31, 1880; AlmaC, 1905; ss. Flushing, Mich, 05-6; PTS, 06-9, BD; ord, Pby Maumee, Je 18, 10; p, Hicks- ville, O, 11-2; p el, Uhrichsville, 13-5; p. Olivet ch, Lima, 17; chap, USArmy, 18-9; ss, Wapakoneta, O, 21-3; ss, Beaver Dam & Bluffton, 24 — Midkiff, Harry Preston — b. Hazel Green, la, Nv 4, 1883; LenC, 1906; PTS, 06-9, WH Green Fell, Bib Theol, 09-10, BD, UBer, 10-1; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Dubuque, Je 16, 09; miss, Brazil, 12 — ; res, Lages, Santa Catharina, Brazil. ThD, UDubq, 31. Montgomery, Walter Ernest — b, Belfast, Ireland, Mr 25, 1882; QuUBelf, 1905; PTS, 06-9, BD; ord, Pby London North, Sp, 09; miss, Formosa, Japan, 09 — •. Niedermeyer, Frederick David — b, Decatur, 111, Fb 14, 1881; UIll, 1904; tea; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Cairo, Je 2, 08; asst p. Central ch, NYCity, 09-12; p, Adams Mem ch, NYCity, 12-9; p, 1st ch, Perth Amboy, NJ, 19 — . DD, COz, 25. *Niehoff, John Ursinus — b. Archbold, O, Dc 16, 1882; HeidC, 02-6; PTS, 1906-9; ord, Pby Steubenville, Nv 4, 09; p, 2d ch, Wellsville, O, 09-13; p, Toronto, 13-6; d, Toronto, Ag 22, 16. Rentz, George Snavely — b, Lebanon, Pa, J1 25, 1882; PaC, 03, 06, MA; prin, 03-6; PTS, 06-9; ord, Pby Northumberland, My 18, 09; asst p. South Park ch, Newark, NJ, 09-10; p, Robert Kennedy Mem ch, Welsh Run, Pa, 10-3; p, Derry ch, Hershey, 13-6; asst p. Market Sq ch, Harrisburg, 16-7; chap, USN, 17 — Rice, William — b, Durham Co, Ont, Canada, Oc 28, 1870; McGU; PTS, 1906-9; ord, Pby Whitby, Dc 8, 09; p, Ashburn, Ont, Can, 09-13; p, Brigden, 13-6; farmer, Ridgeville, 16 — -. Schnebly, Daniel Clifton — b, Brethedsville, Md, Ap 13, 1882; F&MC, 1906; PTS, 06-7, 08-9; LanTS, 07-8; p, Glen Campbell & Arcadia, Pa, 09-11; ord, Pby Kittanning, Ja 20, 10; p. Central ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 11-3; p, Heilwood & Nebo, 13-5; p, Patton & St Benedict, 15-7; p, Hookstown & Mill Creek, 17-23; p, Mahoning;town ch. New Castle, 23 — . *Schwenke, Clarence Henry — b, Logan, O, Mr 4, 1881; CWoos, 1903; tea, Syria, 03-6; PTS, 06-9; ord evang, Pby New Castle, Oc 6, 08; p, Matteawan, NY, 09-11; d, Matteawan, Nv 21, 11. Shepherd, William Frederick — b, Ballyroney, Co Down, Ireland, Mr 22, 1885; RoyU, 1906; AsC, 06-7; PTS, 07-10, BD; asst p. Great Victoria St ch, & Duncairn ch, Belfast, Ire, 10-1; ord, Pby Ahoghill, Dc 5, 11; p, Portglenone, 11-30; p, Raphoe, 30 — . Sidebotham, Robert Simpson — b, Causand, England, Oc 7, 1882; PrU, 1907; PTS, 07-9; ord, Pby Petoskey, My 24, 09; p, Warroad, Minn, 09-12; p at large, Pby Adams, 12-3; p, Stevens, 13-5; p. East Jordan, Mich, 15-9; p, Manistique, 19-26; p. Tiffin, O, 27 — . *Smalley, Royal Jesse — b, Mt Auburn, la, Sp 28, 1882; CornC, 1905; tea; 1909 567 PTS, 06-9, BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, 09-10; PrU, 09, MA; d, Trenton, NJ, Ap 21, 10. Smith, Herbert Booth — b, Des Peres, Mo, Ag 7, 1883; WashU, 1905; tea, 05-6; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Rochester, J1 8, 09; p. North ch, Rochester, NY, 09-11; p, 2d ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 12-6; p, Immanuel ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 16 — . DD, OccC, 18. *Stuart, Alexander — b, Maymacullen, Co Armagh, Ireland, Ag 18, 1880; MageeC; NewC, 06-7; AsC, 07-8; PTS, 08-9; ord, Pby Newry, My 21, 13; p, Bessbrook, Ire, 13-7; chap, British Army, 17; killed in action, Oc 24, 17. *Taylor, James Clark — b. East Craftsbury, Vt, J1 19, 1882; PrU, 1905; tea, 05-6; PTS, 06-9; ord, Pby Duluth, Sp 29, 09; ss, Ely, Minn, 09-10; d, Col- orado Springs, Colo, Je 2, 10. Tevis, Charles Chrisman — b, Holden, Mo, Dc 24, 1881; WestmCMo, 1906; PTS, 06-9; ord, Pby Northumberland, Nv 8, 09; p, Montoursville & Linden, Pa, 09-16; PrU, 12, MA; ch miss. Peck Mem Chap, Washington, DC, 16-8; oc s, 18-9; ss, Cairo, WVa, 19-20; p, Foster Mem ch, Youngstown, O, 21 — . Thompson, Alexander, Jr — b, Thompson Ridge, NY, Mr 6, 1882; HamC, 1906; PTS, 06-9; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 23, 09; p. Little Britain, Pa, 09-15; p, Westfield, NY, 15-21; p. North ch, Geneva, 21 — . Weld, William Ernest — b, Marysville, 0, Ja 21, 1881; CWoos, 1903; tea, Syria, 03-6; prof, Ewing Chr Coll, Allahabad; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 09, MA; ord, Pby Marion, J1 20, 09; India, 09-18; prof. Economics, ColU, 19-29; dean. Coll Arts & Sc & prof. Economics, URoch, 29 — . PhD, ColU, 20; LLD, CWoos, 27. Whitmarsh, David Carothers — b. Savannah, 0, My 20, 1885; W&JC, 1906; PTS, 06-9; PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby St Clairsville, Nv 2, 09; p, Buffalo ch, Cumberland, O, 09-12; p, Mahoningtown ch. New Castle, Pa, 12-6; p, 1st ch, Barnesville, O, 16-21; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, 1st ch, McKeesport, Pa, 21-9; sec, Christian Laymen’s Assn, Pittsburgh, Pa, 29-32; p, Sheraden Com- munity ch, Pittsburgh, 32 — . Yates, William Oswald — b, Zelienople, Pa, My 10, 1884; NewWC, 1906; PTS, 06-9; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 26, 09; miss, Siam, 09-14; p. Olivet ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 15-6; p, Westm ch, Allentown, 16-21; p, Swissvale, 21 — . Yourd, Robert Wilson — b, Carnegie, Pa, Sp 6, 1884; WestmCPa, 1905; tea; AllegTS, 06-8; PTS, 08-9; ord UP, Pby Allegheny, Je 22, 09; p, UP ch, Leetsdale, Pa, 09-10; p. Brown Ave ch, Erie, 12-9; p, 1st ch, Kansas City, Mo, 20; p, 1st ch, Altoona, Pa, 22; p. North Ave ch, Baltimore, Md, 24; p. Unity, Pa, 25—. 39. Black, Luther Scott — b, Thurmont, Md, Oc 11, 1866; PaC, 88; GetTS, 88-91, BD; ord Ev Luth, Syn Allegheny, Sp, 91; p. Trinity ch, Juniata, Pa, 91-3; p. College ch, Gettysburg, 93-6; p, St Pauls ch, Johnstown, NY, 96-1902; p, St Matthew’s ch, Reading, Pa, 02-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9; p. College Hill Presb ch, Easton, Pa, 09 — . 568 1909 Bowman, Edward Stouffer — b, Benevola, Md, J1 31, 1866; LebVC, 90; ord UnB, Fb 27, 92; p, Greencastle, Pa, 90-4; p, Mechanicsburg, 94-1900; p, Harrisburg, 00-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9; asst p, Bethany Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 08- 9; p. Oak St UnB ch, Dayton, O, 09-11; p, Emmanuel Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 11 — . DD, Western C, Westfield, 111, 10. Cameron, Robert Alexander — b, London, England, Dc 15, 1882; MBI, 1906; PTS, 06-7; McCTS, 07-9; ord, Pby Corning, My 20, 09; p, Clarinda, la, 09- 12; p, Victor, Mont, 12-5; p. Anaconda, 15-9; p, Billings, 19-24; p, Aberdeen, Wash, 24 — . Gargin, William Moore — b, Londonderry, Ireland, Sp 27, 1881; TrinCDub, 1905; trav; PTS, 06-7; FreeChCGlas, 07-9; ord, Pby Dublin, Nv 20, 12; miss, Kurin, Manchuria, 13-22; p, Stranford & Ardglass, Ire, 23 — . Carmichael, Oliver Walthall — b, Haralson, Ga, Oc 27, 1883; ErskC, 1904; ErskTS, 05-7; ord AssoRefP, 1st Pby, Sp, 07; grad stu, PTS, 08-9, BD; p, Lan- caster, SC, 07-8; ss, Elsberry, Mo, 09-10; ss, Tampa, Fla, 10-8; p, Neelys Creek ch, Lesslie, SC, 18 — . Crothers, John Young — b, Greenfield, O, Fb 1, 1881; ColoC, 1905; OmaTS, 05-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9, BD, 26-7, ThM; ord, Pby Boulder, Jl, 09; miss, Korea, 09 — ; res, Andong, Korea. Fee, Alfred Ernest — b, Belfast, Ireland, Je 13, 1882; PTS, 06-7; AsC, 08-10; QuUBelf, 10; asst p, 1st ch, Portadown, Ire, 12-4; ord, Pby Deer, Ag 26, 14; p, Saltoun Place ch, Fraserburgh, Scotland, 14-8; p. United Free ch, Alford, 18-22; p, Eglinton-Elgin ch, Glasgow, 22 — . *Finney, Samuel Guy — b, Blythedale, Pa, Nv 22, 1883; GeneC, 1905; RefPTS, 05-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9, BD; ord, Pby Walla Walla, Oc 1, 09; hm miss, Othelo, Wash, 09-10; p, Tillamook, Ore, 10-1; d, Redlands, Cal, Dc 31, 11. Ghysels, James Marinus — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Sp 21, 1885; CalvC, 1905; CalvTS, 05-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Hackensack, Sp 5, 09; p. Prospect St ch, Passaic, NJ, 09-13; p. Grand Haven, Mich, 13-9; p, 9th St ch, Holland, 19-24; p, 12th St ch. Grand Rapids, 24-7; p, Lafayette, Ind, 27—. Greer, John Carson — b, Kilmount, Co Cavan, Ireland, My 18, 1884; QuUBelf, 1905; RoyU, 06, MA; PTS, 06-8; AsC, 08-9; ord, Pby Dromore, Ire, Sp 9, 09; asst p, Duncairn ch, Belfast, 09; p, 1st ch, Dromore, 09-12; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p. Strand ch, Londonderry, 12 — . Griffith, Gwilym Oswald — b, Penmaenmawr, Carnarvonshire, No Wales, Ja 17, 1882; ShrewC; asst sec. United Kingdon Alliance, Birmingham, Eng, 1903-4; p, Marcott & Barrowden Bapt ch, Rutland, Eng, 04-5; PTS, 06-9; — Halsey, Jesse — b, Southampton, LI, NY, My 3, 1882; PTS, 1906-8; ord, Pby Nassau, Je 6, 10; war wk, Moscow, Russia, 18-9; p, 7th ch, Cincinnati, O, 14—. DD, CWoos, 27. Hutchison, Thomas Johnston — b. Rock Hill, SC, Oc 16, 1883; DavC, 1904; bus; p, 2d ch, Charlotte, NC, 05-6; PTS, 07-8; ColTS, 06-7, 08-10, BD; 1909 569 ord, Pby East Alabama, J1 21, 10; p. Auburn, Ala, 10-9; supt, hm missions, Pby Holston, 19-24; fin agt, Plumtree Schl for Boys, 24-5; stu p, Oxford, Miss, 25-9; Bibs, 29-32, BRE; res. Rock Hill, SC. Johnston, Archibald Anderson — b. New Galilee, Pa, Ag 18, 1882; GeneC, 1903; civ eng, 03-4; UEdin, 04-5; RefPTS, 05-8; ss, St John, NB, Can, 08; grad stu, PTS, 08-10, 12, BD; PrU, 10, MA; ord RefP, Pby New York, Oc 20, 10; p, Walton, NY, 10-6; prof, GeneC, 16-8; USArmy, Edu Corps, 18-9; prof, GeneC, 19-20, act pres, 20-1, pres, 21-3; stu, UWis, 25-6; prof, CWoos, 23 — . DD, WestmCPa, 22. Jones, Rolland Lee Register — b, Tenn, Dc 6, 1884; WashCTenn, 1905; PTS, 05-7; LebTS, 07-8;— Keith, William Neely — b, Wood Hill, Pa, Dc 1, 1879; LafC, 1905; PTS, 05, 06-7; AlbanyMedC, 07-10; ColU, 10-3; interne, Knickerbocker Hosp, NYCity, 13-5; RobC, 15-6; Dept Health & hosp wk, NYCity, 16-8; med miss, ME, Java, 18-20; phys, 20-7; stu, TayU; mountain wk, Ky State Bd of Health, 27 — ; res, Inez, Ky. Lyle, David Miller — b, Uniontown, O, Ag 26, 1872; FrankCO, 1895; WestTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Redstone, Je 2, 98; p, Leisenring, Pa, 98-1900; p, Mt Pleasant, 00-7; ss, Devon, 07-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9, BD; ss, Hutchinson, Kan, 09-11; p. Cripple Creek, Colo, 11-3; ss. Culver, Pa, 13-8; p. West Middlesex, 18-23; p, Cresson, 23-8; p, Bethany ch, Johnstown, 28 — . *MacConnell, Edward Shields — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Ja 13, 1882; CWoos, 1905; PTS, 06-7; drowned in Absecon Bay, near .Atlantic City, NJ, .Ag 6, 1907. McNeill, Frederick — b, Tyne V'alley, PEI, Canada, Sp 24, 1877; Mt.AU; BanTS, 1905-8; ord, E Maine ME Conf, .Ap 19, 08; grad stu, PTS, 08-9; p. Sweet Air Presb ch, Md, 09-11; p, Chester, Me, 11-2; p, Windham, NH, 12-3; p, Granite- ville, Vt, 14-6; p, Cong ch. East Millinocket, Me, 17-20; evang, logging camps. Me, 20 — ; res, Mattawamkeag, Me. Megaw, William Rutledge — b, Carrowdore, Co Down, Ireland, Ja 19, 1885; QuUBelf, 1905; PTS, 06-7; .AsC, 07-9; ord, Pby Ahoghill, .Ap 5, 10; ed, “Daybreak”; p. Trinity ch, .Ahoghill, Ire, 10-29; p, St Johns ch, Newtownbreda, Belfast, 29 — •. Millison, Albert Newton — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 23, 1858; Cntl High Schl, Phila, 80; ord ME Conf, Phila, 85; p, 4th Presb ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 1902-3; evang, Phila, Pa, 03-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9; Pittsburgh, Pa, 09-15; Phila, 15-24; — Morrow, Samuel Melville — b, Blanchard, la, .Ap 29, 1881; TarkC, 1904; tea; RefPTS, 05-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9, BD, 20-1, Th.M; ord RefP, Oc 12, 10; PrU, 10, M.A; p, Syracuse, NY, 10-2; p. New Alexandria, Pa, 12-4; ss, Delbure, Can, 15; ss, Walton, NY, 16-7; ss, UP ch, Colorado Springs, Col, 17-8; ss, Pueblo, 18-9; ss, Brookings, SD, 21-2; p, 1st ch, Lincoln, Neb, 23-30; p, Hodge Presb ch, Trenton, Mo, 31 — . *Peth6, Karoly — b, Bojt, Bisharomeyze, Hungary, Nv 8, 1873; Teacher’s Coll, Debrecen, 94; tea, Resicza-Banya, 94-8; tea, Hernad-Shurdok, 98-1905; PTS, 05-7; ill health; d, Phila, Pa, Ap 15, 08. 570 1909-1910 Reeve, Shirley Henry — b, Hopkinton, la, Dc 27, 1883; LenC, 1905; bus- PTS, 06-7; tea. West Union, la, 07-8; bus, Tacony, Pa, 08 — . Reynolds, Paul Leon — b. Rock Island, 111, Mr 26, 1878; bus; W&JC; Xen TS, 1906-7; PTS, 07-8; AllegTS, 08-9; lie UP, Pby Kiskiminetas, Ap 13, 09; p, Worcester, Pa, 15-6; p, Greensboro, Vt, 18; p, Chester, WVa, 19; ss, Cambridge, Mass, 20; ss. New Kingston, NY, 21-3; p, Worthington & Buffalo, Pa, 24-6; p. North Argyle ch, Argyle, 28 — . Riha, William Wordsworth — b, NYCity, Ap 14, 1883; UMd, 1905; NTS, 06; PTS, 06-7; phys, Bayonne, NJ. Steele, John Calvin — b, Marmont, Pa, Nv 29, 1877; LafC, 1901; WestTS, 02-5; ss, Ryder, ND, 04; ord, Pby Blairsville, J1 14, 05; p, Cresson, Pa, 05-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9, BD; p. Export, Pa, 09-19; p, Vanport & Bethlehem, 19 — . Steffens, Jacob Julius — b, Blendon, Mich, J1 6, 1878; HopeC, 1904; tea; PTS, 06-8; UnTS, 08; rec, St Alban’s ch, Chicago, 111, 12-8; rec, St Matthew’s ch, Evanston, 19 — . *Sullivan, John Wesley — b, Ag 23, 1859; Cane Hill Coll, Ark, 1884; ord, CumbP, Pby Arkansas, Ag 9, 84; tea; CumbU, ThDept, 87-90; ss. West Plains, Mo, 93; ss, Harrisonville, 1901; ss, Centreview, 02-4; ss, Richards, 05-7; grad stu, PTS, 08-9; d, Princeton, Oc 7, 09. PhD, CumbU, 1900. Underwood, Judson Leolin — b, St Paul, Minn, Fb 6, 1866; MacalC, 90; instr, Mackenzie C, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 90-2; SSmiss, Pby St Paul, 92-3; MeCTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Red River, Ap 7, 96; ss. Camp Creek ch, Macomb, 111, 96- p, 98-9; hm miss & ss, Aquadilla, Porto Rico, 1900-6; ss, & pres, Theol Train Schl, & ed. La Voz Evangelica, Mayagiiez, 06-8; grad stu, PTS, 08-9, BD; miss, Mayagiiez, Porto Rico, 06-11; p, Hutchinson, Kan, 11-2; p, Ashland, 12-4; p, Axtell & Effing- ham, 14-8; field sec, ParsC, 18-22; miss, Dumaguete, PI, 22- ; tea, Silliman Inst & Silliman Bib Schl, 29 — . DD, ParsC, 21. Whallon, Albert Kitchel — b, Vincennes, Ind, Ag 7, 1884; HanC, 1905; tea, Marquette, Mich, 05-6; PTS, 06-7 ; Rhodes Schol, OxU, 07-10; LaneTS, 10-11 ; miss, Paoting, Hopei, China, 11 — . DD, HanC, 29. 31. 1910 Baker, Henry— b, Brooklyn, NY, Ag 27, 1880; BanTS, 1907-8; PTS, 08-10; AubTS, 10, ThB; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Ja 3, 11; p, Ballston Centre, NY, 11-9; p. Deposit, 19 — . Bishara, Kalil Asaph — b, Mt Lebanon, Syria, My 1, 1877; HobC, 1907; PTS, 07-10, BD; ColU, 07; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ja 8, 11; p, Roslyn, Md, 10-4; p, 1st ch, Bedford, Pa, 14-9; p, Syrian Prot ch, Brooklyn, NY, 19 — . Blocher, Harry Haiber — b. New Carlisle, O, Mr 13, 1881; CWoos, 1907; PTS, 07-11, BD; PrU, 10, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 30, 11; p, 1st ch. Free- hold, NJ, 11-2; p, 1st ch. Royal Oak, Mich, 14-6; p. Forest Ave ch, Zanesville, O, 18-21; p. Firestone Park ch, Akron, 21-3; p. Nelson Mem ch, Columbus, 23-7; p, Wyoming, 27 — . 1910 571 Braskamp, Otto A — b, Alton, la, Oc 19, 1885; GrinC, 1907; PTS, 07-10; ,PrU, 08, MA; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 10, 10; miss, China, 11-28; ss, Northmin- ster Chapel, Washington, DC, 29-30; p, 1st ch, Luverne, Minn, 30 — DD, CEmpo, 29. Bready, Stuart— b, Phila, Pa, Ja 4, 1884; PrU, 1907, 09, MA; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby No Phila, Je 8, 10; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Washington, DC, 10-1; p, American ch, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 12-3; act cur, St John’s PEpis ch, Georgetown, DC, 14-5; bus; res, Phila, Pa. Brokenshire, Charles Digory — b. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O, Ja 20, 1885; Marie, 1907, MA; ss, Presb chs. Beech Grove & Watertown, O, 04-7; PTS, 07-10, BD, WH Green Fell, Semit, 10-2; ord, Pby Albany, Je 26, 11; PrU, 12-3; UHeid, 13-4; p, American ch, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 14-5; ss. Bond Hill ch, Cincinnati, 0, 16; act p, 1st Cong ch, Stanton, Mich, 18-23; prof. Bib Lit & Rel Edu, AlmaC, 15 — . Browne, Frederic Zollicoffer — b, Kosciusko, Miss, Dc 27, 1878; UMiss, 1911; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 11, 10; PrU, 11, MA; p, 1st ch, Starkville, Miss, 11-8; ss, 1st ch, Tampa, Fla, 18-9; p, 1st ch (J J White Mem), McComb, Miss, 18-22; prof, Ch Hist, EvTC, 25-8; p, 1st ch, Texarkana, Tex, 22—. DD, EvTC, 29. Buchanan, William Douglass — b, St Louis, Mo, Dc 2, 1884; CWoos, 1907; MeCTS, 07-8; PTS, 08-10; ord, Pby Alton, Oc 10, 10; asst p. So Park ch, Newark, NJ, 10-2; asst p, 23rd St ch, NYCity, 12-4; p. No St Louis, Mo, 14-8; p, 1st ch, Kansas City, 18-26; p. Central ch, Huntington, NY, 26-7; p. South ch, Yonkers, 27—. DD, CWoos, 26. Davis, Claude King — b, Waterloo, Kan, Dc 27, 1885; FairmC, 1907; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Southern Utah, My 11, 10; miss, Nephi, Utah, 10-3; p, Spring- ville, 13-6; p. Harper, Kan 16-21; p, Caney, 21-4; p, Atchison, 24 — . Dickson, Reid Stuart — b, Hoboken, NJ, Ja 26, 1885; UPa, 1906; asst prof & coach, MaryvC, 06-7; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Je 21, 10; p. New Providence, NJ, 10-3; p, Lewistown, Pa, 15-23; YMCA, war service, 17-9; western sec, BdMinRel, 23-5; asso sec, BbPens, 25—; res, Phila, Pa. DD, Move, 32. Downs, Francis Shunk — b, Dover, Del, Je 3, 1885; LafC, 1906; law stu, UPa, 06-7; PTS, 07-10, BD; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 19, 10; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, JHU, 12-3; p. Calvary ch, Baltimore, Md, 10-8; p. Market Sq ch, Germantown, Pa, 18-22; p, 1st ch, Tyrone, 22-5; sec, BdForMiss, 25-32; p, 1st ch, Berkeley, Cal, 32 — . DD, LafC, 26. Elsea, Richard Matthews — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 5, 1884; HamC, 1907; PTS, 07-10; prin, Caldwell, NJ. Ferguson, David Kennedy — b, Covington, Ky, J1 31, 1885; WestmCMo, 1906; bus; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby St Louis, Je 13, 10; p, 1st ch, Terrell, Tex, 10-6; p, Barbee Mem ch. Excelsior Springs, Mo, 16-7; p, 1st ch, Marshall, 17 — . DD, WestmCMo, 29. Hayman, Herbert Harry — b, Moravia, la, Ap 3, 1877; CVV'oos, 1906; tea. 57^ 1910 Clda, 06-7; PTS, 07-10; ord evang, Pby Wooster, My 12, 10; ss, Burley, Ida, 10-1; tea, Clda, 11— DD, CWoos, 26; LLD, Clda, 26. Hoffman, Clarence Sidney — b, Gratz, Pa, Je 11, 1883; AlbrC, 1907; PTS, 07-10, 19-20, BD; PrU, 09, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 11, 10; miss, Syenchun, Korea, 10 — . Hyde, James Lewers — b, Glenfield, Pa, Jl 11, 1876; PrU, 1905; prin, Tuscarora Acad, Academia, Pa, 05-6; PTS, 06-10; ord, Pby Huron, Nv 10, 10; p, McCutchenville & Melmore, O, 10-8; ss. Hot Springs, NC, 18-20; ss. Walnut & Pine Creek, 20 — . Hyde, Wesley Middleton, Jr — b. West Middlesex, Pa, Fb 11, 1881; PrU, 1907; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Huntingdon, My 10, 10; ss, Orleans & Stamford, Neb, 10; miss, Bushnell, 10-1; ss, Huntsville & Zanesfield, O, 12-5; p, Trenton, 15-9; p, Pomeroy, 19-22; miss, Reems Creek Field, NC, 22 — ; res, Weaverville, NC. Jewell, Stanley Hamilton — b, Athens, Tenn, Dc 11, 1881; MaryvC, 1907; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 29, 10; p. Barton, Md, 10-6; p. Piedmont, Mo, 16-7; ss. Barton, Md, 17-23; p. Belle Vernon, Pa, 23-9; p, Merrill, Ore, 29 — . Jones, William Bryn — b, Arthog, No Wales, Je 15, 1880; LafC; ord WelshP, Pby Western Pennsylvania & Ohio, Oc 15, 1906; p, Ebensburg & No Ebensburg, Pa, 05-7; PTS, 07-10; p, Delaware Water Gap, Pa, 10-5; p, Willmar, Minn, 15-9; p, Rochester, 19-21; p. Pilgrim Cong ch, Madison, Wis, 23 — . DD, JasC, 18. Kullmar, Frederick Adam — b, Jamesburg, NJ, Fb 28, 1886; RutU, 1907, 31, MA; PTS, 07-10, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 17, 10; p, Church- ville, Md, 10-4; p, Lewes, Del, 15-9; p. Bethel ch, Jarrettsville, Md, 19-26; p, Warner Memorial ch, Kensington, 26 — . Landes, Philip Sheeder — b, Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil, SA, Je 22, 1883; CWoos, 1907; PTS, 07-10, 22-3, ThM; miss, Matto Grosso, Brazil, 12 — . Leukel, George Allen — b, Shrewsbury, NJ, Oc23, 1886; RutU, 1907, 11, MA; PTS, 07-10; UBer, 10-1; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 4, 11; p, Ashland, Pa, 11-5; p. Little Britain Presb ch, Nottingham, 15-21; YMCA, war service, 18; p, Kennett Square, Pa, 21 — •. Lilburn, Hugh Jordan — b, Ballynahinch, Co Down, Ireland, Sp 8, 1879; Harley House, London, Eng; PTS, 1907-10; ord, Pby Dromore, Ire, Oc 23, 13; p, Magheragall, Ire, 13-28; miss. New Zealand, 28 — . *Limerick, Frederick Buck — b, Phila, Pa, Je 24, 1882; PrU, 1905; Ref PTS, 07-8; PTS, 08-10; ord, Pby North River, Je 20, 10; asst p, 1st ch, Newburgh, NY, 10-2; p. Calvary ch, Braddock, Pa, 12-6; p, Ridley Park, 16-8; d, Ridley Park, Oc 6, 18. Lindsay, Marcus Everett — b, Peoria, Neb, Ag 17, 1884; BellvC, 1907; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Kendall, Oc 10, 10; ss. Soda Springs & Montpelier, Ida, 10-2; p, Bethany ch, Boise, 12-5; p, 1st ch, Pocatello, 15-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Nowata, Okla, 19-23; p, Grace ch, Wichita, Kan, 23-8; p, 1st ch, Clarks- ville, Ark, 28-30; p, Grace ch, Wichita, Kan, 30 — . DD, COz, 28. 1910 573 Lonsinger, Jesse Sanfort — b, Walhonding, O, Je 6, 1881; ONU, 1906; PTS, 06-10; ord, Pby Phila, Mr 16, 11; p, Ontario ch, Phila, Pa, 10 — . Mackie, Alexander — b, Frankford, Phila, Pa, Sp 26, 1885; PrlJ, 1907, 09, MA; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Nv 14, 10; p, Sherwood ch, Phila, Pa, 10-1; p, Tully Mem ch, Sharon Hill, 11 — . DD, ParsC, 25. McCleary, Boyd — b, Amsterdam, NY, My 4, 1883; WmsC, 1907; PTS, 07-10, BD; ord, Pby New York, Je 19, 10; asst p, 2d ch, NYCity, 10-2; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, ULeip, 12-3; p. Palmyra, NY, 15-21; YMCA, war service, 17-8; p, Bellaire, O, 21 — . DD, D&EC, 31. McClure, Samuel Hall — b, Bellefonte, Pa, Ag 24, 1879; DickC, 98; AllegTS, 1906-7; PTS, 07-10; miss, China, 10-7; bus, Erie, Pa, 17 — . McMartin, David — b, Claremont, Minn, J1 11, 1881; MacalC, 1907; KyTS, 07-8; ord, Pby Winona, Oc 10, 07; PTS, 08-10; PrlJ, 10, MA; ss. Round Lake, Minn, 10-1; p, 1st ch, Leadville, Colo, 11-9; syn exec, Cheyenne, Wyo, 19-23; p, Mizpah ch, Portland, Ore, 23-9; p. Central ch, Merced, Cal, 29 — . McWilliams, Wallace Waddell — b, Carthage, Mo, Ja 3, 1879; WestmCMo, 1906; PTS, 06-10; ord, Pby Carthage, Je 27, 10; p, Burlington, Kan, 10-2; p, Immanuel ch, Cleveland, O, 12-4; p, Marion, NY, 14-21; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Weedsport, NY, 21-3; p, Dolgeville, 23 — . Muller, Hugo Arthur— b, Phila, Pa, Mr 8, 1884; UPa, 1907; PTS, 07-10; PrU, 10, MA; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 18, 10; miss, Persia, 10 — ; asso prin, American Boys Schl, Rezaieh, Persia, 10- prin, 18 — . Nauman, Carl Brandt — b, Circleville, O, Dc 25, 1884; AdelC, 1907; PTS, 07-10, BD, 28-9, ThM ; ord, Pby Columbus, Sp 20, 10; miss, Taiho Amhwei, China, 10-3, Yencheng, Honan, 13-7, Hungtung, Shansi, 17-25, Changteh Hunan, 25-9; ss, Carlisle, NY, 29- p, 30 — . Orr, John — b, Carrowreagh, Mosside, Co Antrim, Ireland, Je 28, 1884; CWoos, 1907; PrU, 09, MA; ord, Pby Wooster, My 12, 10; PTS, 07-10, BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Did & Pol Theol, 10-1; UBer, 11-3; p, 1st ch, Middleport, O, 13-9; p, 1st ch, Howell, Mich, 20-8; ss, Hopewell ch. New Bedford, Pa, 30-1; asst prof. Bib, WestmCPa, 28- prof, 31 — . PhD, IJPitts, 31. Perez, William Carlos — b, Merchantville, NJ, Nv 4, 1881; LafC, 1907; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby West Jersey, Fb 20, 10; p, Milroy, Pa, 10-1; p, Branchville, NJ, 11-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Bridgeport, Pa, 19 — . Phillips, Charles Lynch — b, Hudson Heights, NJ, Mr 22, 1885; Clkl^, 1907; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Newton, Je 10, 10; ss. New Providence, NJ, 10; miss, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 10 — . Rogers, William Fenna — b, Pottsville, Ark, Nv 29, 1881; OuaC, 1907; KyTS, 07-8; PTS, 08-10; ord, Pby Washburn, Oc 16, 10; PrU, 10, MA; p. Spring- dale, Ark, 10-2; p, Higginsville, Mo, 12-3; tea, Hope, Ark, 13-4; tea, ArkC, 14-5; p, 1st ch, Warren, 15-31; YMCA, war service, 18; p, 1st ch, Clarksville, Ark, 31— DD, ArkC, 29. Simpson, Thomas Henny Smyth— b, Londonderry, Ireland, Je 20, 1884; 574 1910 MageeC, 1907, ThDept, 07-8; PTS, 08-10; ord, Pby Bellingham, Sp 11, 10; p, Concrete, Wash, 10-2; miss. Logging Camps, 12-4; p, 1st ch, Aberdeen, Wash, 14-7; chap. Logging Camps, Saginaw, Mich, 17-9; Interch Wld Mvmt, 19-20; p, 1st ch, Olympia, Wash, 20-8; p, Ravenna Boulevard ch, Seattle, 28 — . Stonesifer, Joseph Ross — b. Palmyra, Pa, J1 27, 1875; DlckC,98, 1926, MA; ord, Ch of God Eldership East Pennsylvania, Oc 17, 98; p, Chambersburg, Pa, 98-1901; p, Steelton, 01-3; p, Mechanicsburg, 03-8; PTS, 08-10; p, 1st Presb ch, Wilmington, Del, 10-9; p, 1st ch, Stroudsburg, Pa, 19 — . Thompson, James Moore — b. North Hope, Pa, Ja 26, 1886; GrovCyC, 1905; prin, Homeville, Pa, 05-6; prin, Glenshaw, 06-7; PTS, 07-10; p. Old Forge, Pa, 10-6; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ja 20, 11; p, Foster Mem ch, Youngstown, O, 16-21; p, Cameron, WVa, 21-6; p. Lake Mary, Fla, 26 — . Thompson, William Clarence — b, Cambridge, O, Ap 17, 1881; CWoos, 1907; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 17, 10; p, East Kishacoquillas ch, Reedsville, Pa, 10-9; p. Grove ch, Danville, 20-3; p, 1st ch, Bellefonte, 24 — . Van Peursem, Gerritt Dick -b, Maurice, la, Mr 7, 1880; HopeC, 1907, MA; PTS, 07-10; ord RefChAm, Cl West Sioux, Ag 15, 10; miss, Bahrein, Arabia, 10-7, Muscat, 17-31, Bahrein, 32 — . Waggoner, Ralph Alden — b, Oxford, Neb, Fb 4, 1885; PkC, 1907; PrlJ, 09, MA; PTS, 07-10, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, 10-1, BD; UHeid, UBer, 11-2; ord, Pby Monmouth, Nv 1, 10; p, Cuyler ch, Brooklyn, NY, 12-6; p, 1st ch, Columbus, Kan, 16-21; p, 1st ch, Kirksville, Mo, 21-9; p, Broadway ch, Sedalia, 29—. DD, PkC, 29. Walker, Raymond Chester — b, Vicksburg, Pa, Sp 30, 1883; ss, Un Ev ch, York, Pa, 1902-3; ss. White Deer, 03; AlbrC, 1904; ss, Mechanicsburg, 04-7; ord elder, Un Ev Conf Central Pennsylvania, Mr 9, 07; PrU, 10, MA; PTS, 07-10, 11, BD; ss, Presb ch, Grenloch, NJ, 09-11; p, 2d ch, Pottsville, Pa, 11-30; p. Market Square ch, Harrisburg, 30 — . Wolf, Joseph Harold — b, Glen Rock, Pa, Ap 1, 1885; PaC, 1906, 09, MA; PTS, 07-10; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 10, 10; p, Monaghan ch, Dillsburg, Pa, 10-8; p, 1st ch, Mt Carmel, 18 — . Wright, Horace Kepler — b, Easton, Pa, Mr 15, 1886; BridgC, 1905; prin, Mayland, Va, 05-6; tea, Md Collegiate Inst, Union Bridge, Md, 06-7; PTS, 07-11, 12, BD; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Sp 28, 11; p, 1st ch, Sayre, Pa, 11-5; miss, Vengurla, India, 15-24, Ahmednagar, 25 — . 46. Amos, William Harvey — b. Marine, Minn, Ja 12, 1875; MacalC, 1907; PTS, 07-8; ss, Howard Lake, Minn, 08; OmaTS, 09-11; ord, Pby Omaha, Ap 17, 11; p, Ida Grove, la, 11-3; p, Millard Ave ch, Portland, Ore, 13-8; asst supt, Hm Miss, Oregon Syn, 18-21; Logging Camp miss, 21-2; SS miss, 22-5; asst p, 1st ch, Seattle, Wash, 26-9; bus, 29 — ; res, Seattle, Wash. Best, James — b, Finvoy, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ja 2, 1880; TarkC, 1905; 1910 575 XenTS, 05-8; ord UP, Pby College Springs, Je 16, 08; grad stu, PTS, 09-10, BD; p, Peebles, O, 08-13; p, Troy, NY, 13-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, 1st ch, Cambridge, O, 19-25; p, 1st ch, Steubenville, 25-8; p, 1st ch, VVilkinsburg, Pa, 28— DD, MuskC, 27. *Buxton, Wilson Riley — b, Elbinsville, Pa, Je 19, 1861; UMich, 88-9; HarvUTS, 90-2; ord Cong, My 2, 94; p. South Acton, Mass, 95-1900; p. Little Compton, RI, 00-5; p, Millis, Mass, 05-9; grad stu, PTS, 09-10; p, Kirkpatrick Mem Presb ch, Ringoes, NJ, 10-4; p, Cong ch. South Ashburnham, Mass, 14-6; p, Buxton & Bar Mills, Me, 17-8; res, Brookfield, Mass, 16-9; res, Worcester, 19-29; d, Worcester, Mass, Je 18, 29. Cantrall, Charles McKee — b, Waynesville, 111, Ag 4, 1869; DanTS, 95-8; ord, Pby Neosho, Oc, 98; ss, Kan & Neb, 98-1909; CEmpo, 02; grad stu, PTS, 09-11, 10, BD, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, 11-2; FreeChCGlas, 12-3; PrU, 12, MA; coll field sec, 15-8; superv, Edu, AEF, Great Britain, 18; head, dept Phil & Psych, WVaU, 19-23; act prof, Theol & Apol, NBTS, 23-4; p. Fort Hamilton Parkway Cong ch, Brooklyn, NY, 25-7; chap & master. Silver Bay Boys’ Schl, NY, 27-8; ColU, 27, MA; prof, Phil, MuskC, 28—. DD, CEmpo, 17. Dressier, Arthur Joseph — b, Stella, Neb, Dc 16, 1881; BellvC, 1907; Oma TS, 07-8, 09-10; PTS, 08-9, 11-2, BD; ord, Pby Omaha, Ap 20, 10; ss, Payson, Utah, 10-1; ss, Gooding, Ida, 12-3; p, Bennett, Neb, 14-7; ss. Nelson, 17-9; p, Belleville, Kan, 19-23; p. Golden, Col, 23-6; p, Bloomfield, Conn, 26-31; prof, Rel Edu, JasC, 31— PhD, HartTS, 30. Fisher, James — b, Reading, Pa, Je 10, 1880; PkC, 1907; McCTS, 07-8; PTS, 08-9; McCTS, 09-10; ord, Pby Aberdeen, Nv 20, 10; p, Mina, SD, 10-4; p, Langford, 14-8; p, Raymond, 18-25; p, Danvers, 111, 25-30; p. Olivet ch, Dan- ville, 30 — . Grim, Harry Pierce — b, Bridgeton, NJ, My 18, 1873; DickC, 94-5; p. Woodruff & Rosenhayn, NJ, 97-8; p, Roadstown,99-1900;p,Anglesea& Wildwood, 99-02; ord ME, Mr 12, 05; p, Winslow, NJ, 02-3; p, Pointville & Wrightstown, 03-5; p. Wall, 05-6; p, Hopewell, 06-14; grad stu, PTS, 09-10; p, Tuckahoe, NJ, 14-6; p, Woodlynne, 16-8; p. Highlands, 18-25; p, Keansburg, 25-6; p, Asbury & Camden, 26-8; p, Barnegat, 28-30; p, Seabright, 30-1; p. Mays Landing, 31 — . Harbinson, Stewart Clark — b, Altnamackin, Co Armagh, Ireland, Sp 19, 1881; RoyU, 1907; PTS, 07-8; UnTS, 08-9; ord, Oc 14, 14; PEpis, 15-22; Presb, 22;— ♦Hardin, Edward King — b, Abbeville, SC, Je 29, 1884; WoffC, 1904; tea; ss, Hibben ME ch, Mt Pleasant, SC, 05; ss, York Circuit, ME Conf, SC, 05-7; lie ME, J1 14, 05; PTS, 07-8; miss evang, SC, 08-9; VanU, 09-10; ss, St John’s ch, Orangeburg, SC, 10; asso prof. Psych & Bib, WoffC, 10-1; p. Rock Hill, 10-3; p, Mt Vernon PI ch, Washington, DC, 13-8; p. Central ch, Asheville, NC, 18; d, Asheville, Oc 16, 18. DD, WoffC, 15. ♦Hope, Ainsworth— b, Winterset, O, My 4, 1870; MuskC, 94; XenTS, 95-8; ord UP, Je 7, 98; p, Milroy & Richmond, Ind, 98-1902; p. South Argyle, NY, 02-8; grad stu, PTS, 09-10; res, Cambridge, NY, 09-11; res, Cleveland, O, 11-3; p, 1st UP ch, Cedar Rapids, la, 15-7 ; ss, Clinton, NY, 17-22; d, Clinton, Nv 16, 22. 20 1910-1911 576 *Jones, Morris Samuel — b, Llanberis, No Wales, Dc 29, 1882; ord WelshP, Pby Eastern New York & Vermont, Sp 8, 1907; PTS, 07-8; ss, Calv Meth ch, Ebensburg, Pa, 08-9; p. Alliance, O, 09-13; p, Remsen, NY, 13-8; p, Hebron Welsh ch, Chicago, 111, 19-26; d. Palmyra, O, Nv 28, 26. Leishman, James — b, Edinburgh, Scotland, Dc 2.5, 1872; Chr & Miss Alliance Miss Training Inst, NYCity; ord, Christian & Miss Alliance, Ap 7, 97; p, Binghamton, NY, 97-1901; p, Scranton, Pa, 01-5; p, Buffalo, 05-7; PTS, 07- 10; ss, Presb chs, Plainsboro & Monmouth Junction, NJ, 07-10; ord evang, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 14, 09; p, Dunmore, Pa, 10-9; asst p, Pasadena ch, Pasadena, Cal, 19 — . DD, OccC, 27. Marsh, Arthur Ernest — b, Lambeth, SE, London, England, Sp 29, 1877; asst, Westm Chap, London, 1904-7; PTS, 07-8; asst, Westm Cong ch, London, Eng, 08 — . McCullough, William James — b, Hopkinton, la, J1 10, 1882; LenC, 1903; RefPTS, 03-6; ord RefP, Pby Rochester, Je 20, 07; p, Lisbon, NY, 07-9; grad stu, PTS, 09-10; p, Presb ch, Pocomoke City, Md, 10-3; res, Regina, Sask, Can, 14-28; p, Haines City, Fla, 29 — . *Nielson, William Parker — b, Northport, Ala, Ap 4, 1879; lIAla, 1901; tea, 02-3; KyTS, 05; p, Paris, Tex, 05-8; p. Central ch, Oklahoma City, Okla, 08- 9; grad stu, PTS, 09-10; p. Trinity ch, Montgomery, Ala, 10-4; p, Eastminster ch, Kansas City, Mo, 14-9; ill health; p, Idlewild ch, Memphis, Tenn, 21-5; d, Memphis, My 22, 25. DD, Anniston C, Ala, 15. Trompowsky, Edmond von — b, Florianopolis, Santa Catharina, Brazil, Dc 5, 1870; SaoPTS, 1900-2; tea, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 03-7; PTS, 08-9; — Waite, Joseph Raymond — b. Warrior’s Mark, Pa, Oc 21, 1883; PrU, 1907, 09, MA; PTS, 07-9, 15-6; hm miss. Notch Hill, BC, Canada, 08; do, ND, 09; do, Ariz, 09-12; do. Cal, 12-4; ColU, 14-5; ord, Pby Columbia, Dc 4, 16; p, Valatie, NY, 16-22; asst p, Northminster ch, Phila, Pa, 22-9; p, Scots ch, Phila, 29—. *West, James Robertson — b, Pontotoc, Miss, Ap 6, 1881; AusC, 1902; UTex, 02-5; AusPTS, 02-5; ord, Pby Central Texas, Nv 7, 05; p, Wortham, Frost, & Purdou, 05-6; p, Maysfield, Zion & Rosebud, 06-7; p, Lonoke & Brinckley, Ark, 08-9; grad stu, PTS, 09-10; ss, Zion & Monroe, Miss, 10-1; tea, Chickasaw Coll, Pontotoc, 10-1; d, Newton, Miss, Oc 4, 11. Yanagisawa, Taiji — b, Shinano, Japan, Oc 10, 1881; WasU, 99; ed; PTS, 1907-8; UnTS, 08;- 19. 1911 Allsup, Herbert Justin — b, Bolton, England, Ap 6, 1884; CWoos, 1908; LaneTS, 08-10; PTS, 10-1; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 10, 11; p. East Trenton, NJ, 11-5; p. Central ch, Canonsburg, Pa, 15-9; p, 1st ch. South Amboy, NJ, 19-24; p, 1st ch, Franklin, 24 — . DD, COz, 31. Allured, Paul Johnson — b, Evart, Mich, My 27, 1885; AlmaC, 1907; asst sec, YMCA, Ann Arbor, Mich; PTS, 08-11; ord, Pby Detroit, My 11, 11; 1911 577 r miss, China, 11-6; YMCA, war service, 16-7; chap, USArmy, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Ubly, Mich, 19-21; p, Westm ch, Lansing, 21-6; p, 1st ch, Cass City, 26 — . Barrows, Joseph Vaill — b, Papinsville, Mo, Ja 4, 1886; WestmCMo, 1908; KyTS, 08-10; PTS, 10-1 ;ord, Pby Kansas City, Je 26, 11; miss, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, 11-3, Moga, 13-4, Rupar, 14-6, Ferozepur, 16-31, Kasur, 31 — . Bell, James Hall — b. Round Rock, Tex, Je 19, 1886; AusC, 1908; PresbC, 08-10; PTS, 10-1; ss, Presb Ch US, El Paso, Tex, 24; asst p, Presb Ch USA, San Diego, Cal, 26; res, San Diego, 27 — . Bennett, Lauren Gates — b. Kinsman, O, Je 15, 1879; WestmCPa, 1905; tea, 05-8; PTS, 08-11; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 18, 11; p, Morrisv'ille, Pa, 11-3; p. Basking Ridge, NJ, 13 — . Boyle, David Hamilton Moore — b, Clarinda, la, Ja 5, 1875; CEmpo, 1908; McCTS, 08-9; PTS, 09-11; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby Wichita, Je 12, 11; p. Oak St ch, Wichita, Kan, 11-4; p, 1st ch, Bellville, 14-9; field sec. Western Dist, New Era Mvmt, 19-20; p, 1st ch. Baker, Ore, 20-1; p, 1st ch, Nampa, Ida, 21-5; p, 1st ch, Clarkston, Wash, 25-8; p. Community ch. Bellflower, Cal, 28—. Braskamp, Bernard — b, Alton, la, Fb 18, 1887; UMich, 1908; HartTS, 08-9; PTS, 09-11; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 14, 11; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Washington, DC, 11-3; p, Gurley Mem ch, Washington, DC, 13-20; p, Gunton-Temple Mem ch, Washington, DC, 20—. DD, HanC, 30. Buck, Harry Woodin — b, Berwick, Pa, Dc 30, 1883; AlbrC, 1908; PTS, 08-11; p, Mifflin, Pa, 11-4; p, York, Pa, 14-6; ord, Un Ev, Mr 6, 15; p, Scranton, 16-7; p, 1st Presb ch, Wellston, O, 17-20; p, 2d ch, Portsmouth, 20-1; p. Highland Park, Minneapolis, Minn, 21 — . Chase, John Wallace — b, Derinda Center, 111, Fb 7, 1878; CoeC, 1907; PTS, 07-9, 10-1; PrU, 10, MA; ord, Pby Great Falls, Oc 6, 11; p, Culbertston, Mont, 11-3; p, Greene, la, 13-9; p. Grimes, 19-23; p, Lytton, 23-5; p. Deep River, 25-6; bus, Hesperia, Mich, 26 — . Easly, Harvey Edwin — b, Londonville, O, Nv 20, 1882; HeidC, 1908; McCTS, 08-9; PTS, 09-11; ord, Pby St Cloud, Oc 11, 12; p el. New London, Minn, 13; p. Sandstone, 15-6; asst p, \'irginia, 17; p. East Park ch, Waterloo, la, 18-9; p, 1st ch. Green Bay, Wis, 20-30; field sec, Minneapolis, Minn, 31; res, Minneapolis, Minn. Elder, Frank Ray — b, Albia, la, Ap 3, 1885; MonC, 1906; prin, 06-7; PrU, 07-8; PTS, 08-11; ord UP, Pby Des Moines, Je 20, 11; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, AmARome, 11-2; p, Hanover, 111, 13-6; UChiDS, 17; p, 1st ch, Chicago, 16-8; p, 1st ch, Wilkinsburg, Pa, 18-28; p, Presb ch of the Covenant, Cincinnati, O, 28 — . DD, MonC, 26. Evans, David Reese — b, Plymouth, Pa, Sp 3, 1880; LafC, 1908; PTS, 08-11; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 1, 11; p, Athens, Pa, 12-8; p, Wellsboro, 18-22; p, Bellefonte, 22-3; p, Kearney, NJ, 23-7; p, 1st RefChAm, Somerville, 27 — . 1911 5/8 *Giles, Henry Edgar — b, Roney’s Point, WVa, My 5, 1883; MuskC, 1908; PTS, 08-11; ord, Pby Wheeling, Je 19, 11; p, Newell, WVa, 11-3; p. Prospect St ch, Ashtabula, O, 13-9; p, Hope ch, Portland, Ore, 19-21 ; d, Portland, Ag 16, 21. Hoag, Raymond Clarence — b, Camden, NJ, Ja 26, 1883; PrU, 1906; PTS, 08-11; ord, Pby Albany, Je 30, 11; p. Freehold ch, Charlton, NY, 11-7; p, Palatka ch, Gaastra, Mich, 17-8; p, Pluckemin, NJ, 18-24; p. Central ch, Mayfield, NY, 24-7; p. Forest ch, Lyons Falls, 27-32; p, Cedarville, NJ, 32 — . Horst, George Philip — b, Detroit, Mich, Ja 26, 1884; AlmaC, 1908; PTS, 08-11; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby Detroit, My 11, 11; p. Beacon ch, Phila, Pa, 11-5; p, 2d ch, Portsmouth, O, 15-21; chap, USArmy, 17-9; dir, dept men’s wk, Bd ChrEdu, 21-31; p, 1st ch, Wichita h'alls, Tex, 31 — . DD, WashCTenn, 16. Kubo, Tetsu — b, Hiroshima, Japan, Ja 16, 1884; KwG, 1908; PTS, 08-11; prof, Luth Sern, Kumamoto, Japan; p, Ch of Christ, Kobe; prof. Govt Schl, Osaka; prof, Luth Sem, Kumamoto. Meyer, Herman Lewis — b. Green Island, NV’, Ag 24, 1884; UnC, 1908; PTS, 08-11; ord, Pby Troy, Nv 14, 11; ss, 1st ch. New Salem, ND, 12-4; p, 1st ch, Bottineau, 15-8; p, Ligonier, Ind, 19-21; p, Danville, 111, 23-4; p, Lowell- ville, O, 25—. Motter, William Arthur — b, Watkins, la, Oc 11, 1885; CoeC, 1908; PTS, 08-12, BD; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Je 18, 12; miss, Bellingham, Kan, 12-5, Sky Kornish, Wash, 12-3, Clearbrook & Maple Falls, 13-4, Mt Balter ch. Con- crete, 14-5; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Cincinnati, O, 15-7; ss, Washington, Ind, 17-8; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Cincinnati, O, 18-21; p. North ch, Cincinnati, 21-7; asso p, Ch of the Covenant, Cincinnati, 27-9; p, Kenmore ch, Buffalo, NY, 29—. Pratt, James Albert — b, Tyrone, Pa, Fb 5, 1881; GrovCyC, 1907; PTS, 07, 08-11; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 20, 11; p, Jeffersonville, Pa, 11-4; p, Mechanic- ville, NY, 14-23; ss. Home St ch, NYCity, 23-4; field rep, BdPens, 24 — ; res, NYCity. Rodman, Charles Rutherford — b, San Francisco, Cal, J1 12, 1879; WhitC, 1907; surv; PTS, 08-11; p. Rolling Bay, Wash, 12-3; res, Seattle, 13-6; — *Ruland, Charles Moody — b, Rockton, 111, Fb 14, 1882; UVt; USArmy; DrewTS, 1908-9; PTS, 09-11; ill health; ord, Pby St Cloud, Nv 14, 11; p. Green- leaf & Spring Grove, Minn, 11-2; p, Crosby & Deerwood, 12-3; d, Crosby, Minn, J1 8, 13. Stevenson, Frank Herbert — b. Grand Island, Neb, Ap 15, 1883; PomC, 1901-2; bus; PTS, 08-11; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, My 24, 11; asst p, 1st ch, Pitts- burgh, Pa, 11-2, asso p, 12-5; p, Ch of the Covenant, Cincinnati, O, 15-27; lect. Pas Theol, WestmTS, 29-31, lect, Homil, 30-1; res, Princeton, NJ. DD, HanC, 20. Stukes, Samuel Guerry — b, Manning, SC, Oc 1, 1887; DavC, 1908; PTS, 08-11, 12-3, BD; PrU, 10, MA; lie, Pby Harmony, Je, 11; YaleU, 16-7; USArmy, 18; prof, Agnes Scott Coll, Decatur, Ga, 13 — . Sullenberger, Linn Perry — b, Ponca, Neb, Oc 12, 1887; BellvC, 1908; 1911 579 PTS, 08-9, 10-1; OmaTS, 09-10; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby Niobrara, My 15, 11; miss, Guatemala, Central America, 11-8; ss, Osmond, Neb, 18-21; miss, Guate- mala, CA, 21 — . DD, HastC, 29. Townley, David — b, Londonderry, Ireland, Dc 13, 1882; RoyU, 1909; MageeC, ThDept, 08-9; PTS, 09-11; ord, Pby Wichita, Je 12, 11; p, 1st ch, Derby, Kans, 11-4; p, 1st ch, Lyons, 14-20; p, 1st ch, Abilene, 21 — . Wagner, David Denman — b. Cedar Rapids, la, Nv 17, 1880; CoeC, 1908; PTS, 08-11; PrU, 10, MA; ord, Pby Dubuque, Nv 7, 11; p. Walker & Cono Center, la, 11-2; oc s. Cedar Rapids, 12-3; ss, Atkins & Newhall, 13-7; p, Dela- ware, 17-8; p, Coggon, 18-23; p, Meridale, NY, 24 — . White, Neil Oliver — b, Dunedin, New Zealand, Nv 4, 1879; Otago Univ, NZ, 1904-7; KxCNZ, 07-8; KxCTor, 08-9; PTS, 10-11; ord, Pby Pembina, Je 15, 11; p, Knox ch, Minto, ND, 11-4; p, St Andrews ch, Waipukurau, NZ, 14-6; chap, NZArmy, 16-7; p, Riccarton, 18-23; p, Helensville, 23-7; p, Dar- gaville, 27 — . 27. Burns, Samuel Sutherland — b, Ottawa, Canada, Sp 18, 1864; QuUOnt, 94, ThDept, 94-7; ord, Pby Brockville, Je 13, 1904; grad stu, PTS, 10-1; p, Brockville, Ont, Can, 12-7; p, Verdun, Que, 20-6, p, Chalmers UnChCan, Ver- dun, 26 — . Chafer, Rollin Thomas — b, Downers Grove, 111, Mr 1, 1868; New Lyme Acad, O, 1888; OberC, 88-91; NY Schl of Art, 96-9; bus; p, Cong ch, Westminster West, Vt, 08-10; ord Cong, Ap 2, 09; grad stu, PTS, 10-2; p, 4th ch, Greenville, SC, 13-5; field rep, ColTS, 15-6; YMCA, war service, 17-8; trav. Bib Conf Wk, 18-24; sec & reg, EvTC, 24 — , prof. Bib Interp, 26 — . ThM, EvTC, 25. Chapin, Roy Vinet — b, Kingston, O, Ag 12, 1884; CWoos, 1908; PTS, 08-9; LaneTS, 10-2; ord, Pby Marion, Sp 17, 12; ss, Caldwell, Ky, 12-5; p el, Columbia & Union, 15-6; ss, Manchester, O, 16-7; p. Seaman & Eckmansville, 17-20; p, Gettysburg, 20-2; p, Mitchell, Ind, 22-7; p, Milan, Mich, 27-32; p, Mackinaw City, 32 — . Ciletti, Ludovico — b, Castelluccio, Valmaggiore, Italy, Oc 10, 1884; Univ Benevento, Italy; RC Sem, Troia, 1903-6; ord, RC pr, Je 23, 05; PTS, 08-9; — Davis, Asahel Judd — b, near Piqua, Kan, Nv 11, 1880; KCU, 1907; bus; PTS, 08-9; ss, Buffalo Hart, 111, 22-8; YMCA wk, 09 — ; res, Springfield, 111. *D’Zilva, Lynden Columb Lorain — b, Colombo, Ceylon, .‘\g 9, 1883; RoyC, 1902; tut, Wesl Miss Coll, Colombo, Ceylon; NBTS, 08; PTS, 08-10; d, Princeton, NJ, Ap 24, 10. Erskine, Gordon Douglas — b, Ilolywood, Ireland, Mr 28, 1887; QuUBelf, 1908; PTS, 08-10; AsC, 10-1; asst [), 1st ch, Londonderry, Ire, 11-3; asst p, Eitzroy Ave ch, Belfast, 13-4; ord, Pby Londonderry, Ag 6, 14; p, Maghera- mason ch, Londonderry, 14-24; p. Trinity ch, Cork, 24-30; p, Rosemary St ch, Belfast, 30 — . BD, Presb Theol Fac, Belfast, 18. 58o 1911 Ferguson, Port La Fayette Alexander — b, Prescott, la, Ap 8, 1873; TarkC, 1900; PTS, 07-9; bus, Hollywood, Cal. Geddes, Henry L — b, Rathfriland, Ireland, Ja 24, 1880; CWoos; PTS, 08; WestTS, 08-11, STB; ord, Pby Cleveland, Je 16, 11; p. North Springfield, O, 11-2; p. North ch, Cleveland, 13-7; ss, Cleveland, 18; res, Toledo, 20-1; p el, Deshler, 22- p, 23-4; p, Delphos, 24-7; p, Logan, 28 — . Haus, Luther Raymond — b, Milton, Pa, Ja 5, 1876; SusqueU, 1902, ThDept, 02-5, BD; ord EvLuth, My 20, 05; grad stu, PTS, 10-1, 12-3; p, Tren- ton, NJ, 12-8; p, Elmer, 19-23; p, Mt Jackson, Va, 24-6; p, Stewartsville, 27 — . Hobart, Walter Mell — b, Dickson, 111, J1 13, 1883; MacalC, 1908; AubTS, 08-9; PTS, 09-10; supt schls, Buffalo, ND, 11-3; exec sec. Ministers’ Casualty Union, 13 — ; res, Minneapolis, Minn. Houston, William Robert — b, Ballymacilcurr, Ireland, Oc 4, 1879; PTS, 08-11 ; ord, Pby Lehigh, Sp 27, 11 ; p, Penn Argyl, Pa, 11-4; p, Susquehanna, 14-6; p, Chester, 16-28; p, Dundalk, Md, 29 — . Hudson, Harry Summers — b, near Flemingsburg, Ky, Oc 4, 1880; CenCKy, 1907; tea, Maysville, Ky, 07-8; PTS, 08-9; KyTS, 09-11, BD; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Nv 14, 11; p, Sharpsburg, Ky, 11-6; p, Lancaster, 16-26; evang, Syn Ky, 26-7; p. Union ch, Louisville, Ky, 27 — . lijima, Nobuta — b, Isesaki, Gumaken, Japan, J1 28, 1885; MG, 1907; KobeTS, 07-10; grad stu, PTS, 10-2; BibS, 12-3; ord, Pby Naniwa, Ap 27, 17; p, Christ ch, Gifu, Japan, 13-24; prof, Osaka Theol Sem, 25-7; p, Christ ch, •Sakai, 24 — . Keet, Barend Bartholomeus — b, Alice, CP, S Africa, Je 20, 1885; SAfrC, 1905, 07, MA; StellTS, 07-10; grad stu, PTS, 10-1; FreeUAmster, 11-3, ThD; ord DRefChSAfr, Pby Paarl, Mr 25, 14; asst p, N Paarl, S Africa, 14-6; p, Graaff, Reinet, 16-9; prof, Dogniat & Ethics, StellTS, 19 — . Kishinami, Tsunezo — b, Fukushima-Ken, Japan, Ja 4, 1876; TohG, 1903, ThDept, 03-6; sec, YMCA, Sendai, Japan, 06-7, Port Arthur, Manchuria, 07-8; PTS, 08-11, 10, BD; PrU, 11, MA, 14, PhD; prof, Phil, KwG, 15—. Limper, Henry Williams — b, Tinley Park, 111, Ag 30, 1885; BaldU, 1907; NWU, 09, MA; GarBibI, 07-9; PTS, 09-11; prof, Ger, SWC, 12-6; tea, Indian- apolis, Ind, 16-8; tea. Orange, NJ, 18-9; bus, 19—; res, Garwood, NJ. *Losey, Leon Artemus — b. Nelson, Pa, My 28, 1880; PrU, 1907; MBI, 07-8; PTS, 08-9; ss, Esperance, NY, 09-10; ord, Pby Albany, My 31, 10; AubTS, 10-2; p. Auburn, NY, 11-5; p, Preble, 15-8; p, Byron, 18-9; sec. Inter Ch Wld Mvmt, 19-20; ss, 1st ch. Basin, Wyo, 20-2; p, Terry, 23; d, Terry, Wyo, J1 8, 23. Noehren, Arthur Gromann — b, Milwaukee, Wis, Nv 1, 1885; NYU, 1906-8; UnTS, 08; Aberystwyth Coll, Wales, 09; PTS, 09-11;- Patton, Washington Erwin — b, Bloomfield, Neb, Fb 22, 1886; BellvC, 1908; PTS, 08-9; OmaTS, 09-11; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 19, 11; ss, Payson, Utah, 11-4; ss. La Grange, Wyo, 14-7; ss, Lingle, 17-9; ss, Stew'art, 19-21; ss. Midwest, 23-4; ss, Lingle, 28-9, p, 32 — . 1911 58i Piscator, August — b, Herbron, Nassau, Germany, Oc 13, 1876; Calvin Coll, Cleveland, O, 99; UrSTh, 99-1901; ord RefChUS, Cl Phila, Oc 11, 01; p, Bethlehem ch, Glassboro, NJ, 01-3; p, Slatington, Pa, 03-9; grad stu, PTS, 10- 11; p, St John’s ch, Phila, Pa, 09 — . Ratsch, Paul Edmond — b, near Leipzig, Germany, Ag 21, 1881; CoeC, 1908; PTS, 08-11; ord, Pby Helena, J1 11, 11; p. White Sulphur Springs, Mont, 11- 3; p, Belgrade, 13-7; p, Kenilworth ch, Portland, Ore, 17-9; p, Millwood ch, Spokane, Wash, 19-23; p, Cashmere, 23-8; p, Lidgerwood ch, Spokane, 28 — . Rhee, Syngman — b, Seoul, Korea, Mr 26, 1875; GWU, 1907; HarvU, 07- 8, 09, MA; PTS, 08-9; PrU, 10, PhD; founder, Korean Nat Stu Mvmt; founder, Kor Chr Inst & Kor Chr Ch, Honolulu, Hawaii; lect for Nationalistic Mvmt; head of Kor Commission, Washington, DC, 32 — . Stafford, Le Roy Hahn — b, North Lima, O, Oc 31, 1885; HeidC, 1906; HeidTS, 06; newspaper wk; PTS, 08-10; ord Cong, Mr 30, 14; UChi, 17-8, PhD; Cong miss; res, Seattle, Wash; — Stewart, Harris Johnston — b, Dharmsala, India, J1 14, 1884; WestmCPa, 1904; tea, India, 04-7; PTS, 08-9; PrU, 09, MA; PittsTS, 09-11; ord UP, Pby Mercer, Ag 17, 11; miss, India, 11 — ; prof, Gujranwala Theol Sem, India, 22 — . ThB, PittsTS, 30; DD, WestmCPa, 30; STM, BibS, 31. ^Suzuki, Tadashige — b, Nakamura, Japan, My 26, 1878; Sapporo Imperial Univ, 1904; SFTS, 05-8; ord, Pby San Francisco, Ag 20, 08; miss, Salinas, Cal, 08- 9; miss, Ogden, Utah, 09-10; grad stu, PTS, 10-1; evang, Japan, 11-24; d, Sapporo, Oc 21, 24. Talmage, Franklin Crane — b. New Orleans, La, Ja 6, 1887; TulU, 1908; SWPresbU, 08-10; grad stu, PTS, 10-11; ord, Pby New Orleans, Oc 18, 11; ch miss. New Orleans, 11; p, Amite, 11-3; p, Covington, Slidell & Madisonville, 13-9; ss, Covington & Madisonville, 19-24; p, Kirkwood ch, Atlanta, Ga, 24 — . Tanis, Edward James — b, Paterson, NJ, Fb 16, 1887; CalvC, 1908; CalvTS, 07-10; ord ChrRef, Je, 08; grad stu, PTS, 10-1; p, Kenosha, Wis, 10-2; p, Broadway ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 12-9; p, 1st ch. Grand Rapids, 19-27; p, 2d Englewood ch, Chicago, 111, 28 — . Thomas, Eli Adolphus — b, Ozark, Ala, Nv 17, 1881; SWPresbU, 1907, 07-9, BD; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Oc 17, 09; p, Moorefield & Mayslick, Ky, 09-10; grad stu, PTS, 10-1, BD; p, 1st ch, Cedartown, Ga, 11-3; p. East Point, 13-4; ss. East & South Macon, 14-6; ss, Pby Atlanta, 16-7; YMCA, war service, 17-8; p, Capital View ch, Atlanta, Ga, 17-21; p, Oakhurst ch, Atlanta, 21-2; ss, Midway & Salem, 22-5; ss, Salem, 22 — . Thompson, Moses Andrew — b, Londonderry, Ireland, Nv 14, 1884; MageeC, 05-7, ThDept, 07-10; grad stu, PTS, 10-11; ord, Pby Ahoghill, Ag 13, 12; p, Killymurris ch, Glarryford, Belfast, Ire, 12-25; p, Mountpottinger ch, Belfast, 26 — . van der Merwe, Jacobus Alwyn — b, Calvinia, CP, South Africa, Je 11, 1881; V’icCSAfr, 1906; StellTS, 07-10; grad stu, PTS, 10-1, BD; trav sec, Chr 1911-1912 582 Endeavor Mvmt, SAfr, 12-3; ord DRefChSAfr, Fb 13, 14; p, Laingsburg, 14-29; evang, Calvinia, CP, SAfr, 29 — . Van Dyke, Frank — b, Le Mars, la, Oc 10, 1880; lie Bapt, Le Mars, la, 99; UDenv; PTS, 1908-9;— 32. 1912 *Axford, John Hall— b, Selma, Ala, My 8, 1889; DavC, 1908; PTS, 08-12; ord, Pby Tuscaloosa, Je 14, 12; ss, Demopolis, Ala, 12- p, 13-9; ss, Faunsdale, 13-8; YMCA, war service; bus; d, Birmingham, Ala, Mr 6, 29. Barr, Harry William, Sr — b, Amanda, O, Ap 3, 1882; CWoos, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Dayton, Je 17, 12; p, Bradford, O, 12-5; ss, Oakland Park & Crestview chs, Columbus, 15-9; p, 1st ch, Urbana, 19 — . DD, COz, 22. Bell, Howard James — b. Auburn, NY, Ag 26, 1887; LafC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby Washington City, Nv 10, 12; asst p, 4th ch, Washington, DC, 12-5; p, 1st ch, Freeland, Pa, 15-8; p, 2d ch, Chester, 18-23; p. West Hope ch, Phila, 23— DD, LafC, 25. Berry, Paul Sturgeon — b, Cleveland, O, Ja 26, 1884; WRU, 98; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 10, 12; p, Glen Richey, Pa, 12-5; trav, 15-20; ss, Jemez Springs, NM, 20 — . Bird, Remsen DuBois— b, NYCity, Ja 3, 1888; LafC, 1909; PTS, 09-12, BD; ord, Pby North River, Je 26, 12; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, UBer, 12-3; instr, PTS, 13-5; prof, Ch Hist, SFTS, 15-21; pres, OccC, 21 — . DD, LafC, 19. *Borden, William Whiting — b, Chicago, 111, Nv 1, 1887; YaleU, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord Moody Ch, Chicago, Sp 21, 12; appointed miss, China, 12; d, Cairo, Egypt, Ap 9, 13. Buyers, William Buchanan — b. Honey Brook, Pa, J1 27, 1880; PrU, 1904; tea, 04-9; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Chester, Je 17, 12; miss, Hyden, Ky, 12-23; p, Latta Mem ch, Christiana, Pa, 23 — . Carver, Wallace Harper— b, Phila, Pa, Je 13, 1888; PrU, 1909; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby North River, Je 5, 12; p, 1st ch. Beacon, ‘NY, 12-7; p, 2d ch, Rahway, NJ, 17-27; p, Northminster ch, Evanston, 111, 27-30; p, 1st ch, Colorado Springs, Col, 30 — . DD, COz, 30. Clark, Eldred James— b, Stamford, Neb, Dc 14, 1880; LSU, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby St Cloud, Je 9, 12; p, Paynesville, Minn, 12-4; p. Pine City, 14-9; dir, Rel Edu & Mus, Federated Ch, Janesville, Wis, 19-20; p, Hallock, Minn, 20-4; p. Terra Bella, Cal, 24 — . Claudy, John William — b, Baltimore, Md, Sp 16, 1889; W&LU, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, My 20, 12; asst p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 12-5; asst p, Watson Mem ch, Pittsburgh, 15-24; dir. Bur Delinquents & Defectives, BdChrEdu, 24-6, Dept Moral Welfare, 26-8; sec, Pittsburgh CouneChsof Christ, 28-31; gen supt, Rockview Prison Farm, Westn State Penitentiary, 31 — ; res, Bellefonte, Pa. DD, W&LU, 24. 1912 583 Darley, Frederic Fleck — b, Fontanelle, la, Mr 11, 1884; WestmU, 1909; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 11, MA; ord evang, Pby Newark, My 14, 12; miss, Venezuela, SA, 12-25; oc s, Denver, Col, 25-7; p, 1st ch. Silver City, NM, 27 — . Dickson, Thomas Sinclair — b, Phila, Pa, Je 1, 1888; UPa, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Ap 9, 12; p, Ridgeview ch. West Orange, NJ, 12-4; asst p, Immanuel ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 14-6; p, Juniata, Pa, 16-20; YMCA, war service, 17-8; asso p, 1st ch, Johnstown, Pa, 20-3; p, 1st ch. New Kensington, 23-8; p, 1st ch, Warren, 28 — . Edwards, David Reed — b, Newark, NJ, Fb 25, 1888; LafC, 1909; PTS, 09-12, BD; ord, Pby Newark, My 17, 12; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, PTS, 12-3; PrU, 13, MA; miss, Santiago, Chile, SA, 13-4, Curico, 14-6, Santiago, 17-9, Taltal, 20-4, Valparaiso, 24 — . DD, WashCTenn, 19. *Elsing, Warren — b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 29, 1884; PrU, 1908; PTS, 09-10, 11-2; UnTS, 10-1; ord evang, Pby New York, Ap 14, 12; p, Galeton, Pa, 13-5; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, NJ, 15-8; p. Van Nuys, Cal, 19-22; p, 1st ch, Patterson, 22-5; p, 1st ch, Exeter, 25-30; d, Cincinnati, O, Je 4, 30. Evans, Hugh Ivan — b, Delaware, O, My 6, 1887; CWoos, 1909; PTS, 09-12; BD; ord, Pby Athens, My 14, 12; p, 1st ch, Gallipolis, O, 12-7; p, 1st ch, Marys- ville, 17-21; p, 2d ch, Portsmouth, 21-3; p, Westm ch, Dayton, 23 — . DD, CWoos, 25. *Foster, Nathaniel Rue — b, Imlaystown, NJ, Je 13, 1884; LafC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 3, 12; p, Cuyler ch, Brooklyn, NY, 12; d, Somer- ville, NJ, Je 17, 12. *Frarey, John Harvey — b, Blythe, Ont, Can, Sp 4, 1879; PTS, 1909-12; ord, Pby Adams, Oc 4, 12; p, Blackduck, Minn, 12-7; p. Blue Earth, Minn, 17-23; p, Worthington, 23-30; miss p, Hallock, Northcote, Stephen & Argyle, 30-2; d, Hallock, Minn, Ja 17, 32. Griffith, Shannon August — b. Green Co, Pa, Ag 1, 1886; FindC, 1909, 12, MA; PTS, 09-10, 11-2; McCTS, 10-1; ord, Ch of God, Je 10, 10; p, 1st ch, Goodland, Ind, 12-5; p, 1st ch, Gibson City, 111, 15-7; chap, USArmy, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Jackson, Mich, 19 — . Gross, John H — b, Mt Pleasant, Pa, Je 7, 1884; FindC, 1906, 12, MA; UPitts, 12; tea, 06-9; WestTS, 09-11; PTS, 11-2; ord, Pby Dayton, Je 11, 12; p, Covington, O, 12-6; p. Marietta, 16-21; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, P't Scott, Kan, 22-.5; treas, Bd Pens, Phila, Pa, 25 — . DD, CEmpo, 24. Hess, William Samuel — b, Carroll Co, Md, Ap 16, 1888; NewWC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 27, 12; p, Nicholson, Pa, 12-3; p, Olyphant, 13-4; asso p, Westm ch, Wilkes Barre, 14-8; p, WTstm ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 18-25; [), Hager.stown, Md, 25 — . DD, AlmaC, 21. Huffman, Frank Harl b, Freeland, O, Je 17, 1882; OWesC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 11, MA; ord, Pby Newcastle, J1 17, 12; p, W Nottingham ch, Colora, Md, 12-7; tea. Bib, W Nottingham Acad, Colora, 12-7, i)rin, 17-8; [), Babcock Mem ch, Baltimore, 18-26; p. West Side ch, Englewood, NJ, 26 — . 1912 584 Jones, Olin McKendree — b, Spring Arbor, Mich, Fb 12, 1885; BelC, 1909; PTS, 09-10, 11-2; McCTS, 10-1; ord, Pby Central Washington, Ja 21, 13; p, 1st ch, N Yakima, Wash, 13-7; ColU, 18, MA; p, 4th ch, Phila, Pa, 18-28; p, Glen Avon ch, Duluth, Minn, 28 — . PhD, ColU, 27. Louderbough, John Janvier — b, Salem, NJ, My 30, 1885; PrU, 1907, 09, MA; tea, 07-9; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 19, 12; asst p, 1st ch, New- burgh, NY, 12-4; p. West Side Park Chap, Newark, NJ, 14-8; p, Holland Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 18-25; stu, BibS, 26-7; p, 1st Cong ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 27 — . MacKay, Henry Joseph — b, Boston, Mass, My 14, 1865; McGU, 1906-8; PresbC, 09-10; PTS, 10-2; p. South Hill ch. South Vancouver, BC, Can, 13-8; p, Delia, Alberta, 19-21; dir, Rel Edu, Dovercourt Rd ch, Toronto, Ont, 24-6; do. Centennial Un ch, Toronto, 26-8; p, Davenport Rd ch, Toronto, 28 — . McCIung, Arthur James — b, Greely, Neb, J1 6, 1888; DoaC, 1909; Oma TS, 09-11; PTS, 11-2; ord, Pby Omaha, Nv 7, 12; p, Benson ch, Omaha, Neb, 12-8; YMCA, war service, 18; p, Westm ch, St Joseph, Mo, 19-26; p. Calvary ch, Springfield, 26 — . DD, MoVC, 23. McConkey, Frederick Paul — b. Grove City, Pa, Fb 2, 1887; GrovCyC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 12, 12; p. Centre ch. New Park, Pa, 12-5; p. Grove City, 15-20; p, Gaston ch, Phila, 20-7; p, Immanuel ch, Detroit, Mich, 27 — . DD, GrovCyC, 25. McKee, Robert Sproule — b, Indianapolis, Ind, Je 21, 1888; WestmCMo, 1908; tea; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 19, 12; p. Mays Landing, NJ, 12-4; p, Wyoming, Pa, 14-20; p, 1st ch, Weatherford, Tex, 20-3; p, Carlsbad, NM, 24-5; p, Westm ch, El Paso, Tex, 26-9; p. Clarendon, 29 — . Meinders, Hans John — b, Ostfriesland, Germany, Sp 22, 1877; HopeC, 1909, 12, MA; WestTSMich, 09-10; PTS, 10-2, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Mankato, Dc 30, 12; ss, Lismore & Hardwick, Minn, 12-4; ss, Castlewood, SD, 16-7; ss, Beaver Creek, Minn, 18-23; ss, Barnston, Neb, 23- p, 24-6; ss. Auburn, Kan, 26 — . *Moodie, Robert Thomas — b, Perth, Ont, Can, Ag 23, 1871; McGU, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Superior, J1 14, 13; p. White River, Can, 13-5; p. Mount Pleasant & Burford, 15-20; ill health; res, Gravenhurst; d, Gravenhurst, Can, Ja 21, 29. Muyskens, John — b, Alton, la. My 30, 1885; GrinC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord RefChAm, Cl Ulster, J1 2, 12; p. Port Ewen, NY, 12-5; p, Piermont, 15-7; asst p, 2d Presb ch, Newark, NJ, 17-8; p, 1st ch. Red Bank, 18-27; p, 1st ch. Wheeling, WVa, 27-30; p, Grace ch, Jenkintown, Pa, 30 — . DD, D&EC, 29. Northwood, Arthur — b, Franklin, NJ, Je 18, 1886; PrU, 1909, 11, MA; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 12, 12; p. Chestnut Level, Pa, 12-20; p, Elizabeth Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 20 — . DD, MaryvC, 21. Perpetuo, Antonio Honorio — b, Sp 27, 1883; CWoos, 1909; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Wooster, My 20, 12; EvTC, ThM; ss, Vienna ch, Warren, O, 12-6; tea, Lorain, 16-8; tea, El Paso, Tex, 18-20; prof, Semit, AusPTS, 20-3; p, Georgetown, 20-3; prof, Semit, EvTC, 24-8; dean, BobJC, 29 — ; p, Panama City, Fla, 32 — . DD. 1912 585 Shafer, Irving Jonathan — b, Reading, Pa, Ap 15, 1887; LafC, 1909; PTS, 09-12, BD; ord, Pby Lehigh, J1 10, 12; p, 1st ch, Weatherly, Pa, 12-8; p. Calvary ch, Camden, NJ, 18-24; asso p, 1st ch, Camden, 24-6; p. South ch, Elmira, NY, 26—. Smythe, Langdon Cheves McCord — b. Charleston, SC, Fb 7, 1883; UVa, 1904, 04-5, MA; tea; PTS, 09-12, BD; ord, Pby Charleston, Je 12, 12; Alum Fell, NT Lit, HeidU, 12-3; YMCA, war service, 18-9; miss, Japan, 13 — ; res, Nagoya, Japan. DD, PresbCSC, 22. Stewart, William — b, Ballymena, Co Antrim, Ireland, Mr 7, 1878; PrU, 1909; PTS, 09-13, BD; p, Bangor, Pa, 12-4; ord, Pby Lehigh, Ja 13, 13; p, Donora, 14-26; p, St James’ & St John’s chs, Chatham, NB, Can, 26-8; ss, Middletown ch. Middle Island, NY, 29 — . Strock, Henry Blaine — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Ja 24, 1887; PaC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 18, 12; p, Allentown, NJ, 12-4; asst p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 14-8; asso p, Westm ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 18-22; p, 1st ch, Greensburg, Pa, 22 — Taxis, Alfred Levis— b, Phila, Pa, Mr 4, 1889; PaC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ap 9, 12; p, Havre de Grace, Md, 12-3; hm miss, Zillah, Wash, 13-4; p, Anabel ch, Portland, Ore, 14-6; p. Olivet ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 16-8; dir, Rel Wk, USN, 18-20; ss. Cedar Park ch, Phila, Pa, 20-7; bus, 23-30; p, Huntingdon Valley, Pa, 30 — . DD, Pikes Peak Bib Sem, Manitou, Col, 32. Vale, Roy Ewing — b, Ewington, O, My 18, 1885; TuscC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 29, 12; p, 1st ch, Lambertville, NJ, 12-3; p, 2d RefChAm, Somerville, 13-7; p, 2d Presb ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 17-21; p, 1st ch. Oak Park, 111, 21-30; p. Woodward Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 30 — •. DD, WashC Tenn, 17; LLD, MaryvC, 22. Whitener, Henry Carroll b, Newton, NC, Oc 31, 1885; DavC, 1909; PTS, 09-12; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Kings Mountain, J1 9, 12; miss, Japan, 12-24; p, Frazer, Pa, 25-9; miss, Albuquerque, NM, 29 — . 39. Aston, Arthur — b. Wall, England, Sp 20, 1886; CoeC, 1907; PTS, 07-8, 10-1; PrU, 08-9, 12, MA; tea, 09-10; McCTS, 11-2; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Je 12, 12; tea, CoeC, 12-4; tea, SimpC, 14-5; p. Relay, Md, 15-22; bus; res. Arbutus, Md. ’•'Barnard, Daniel Francois — b, Montague, South Africa, Ag 6, 1884; VicCSAfr, 1905; StellTS, 08-11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2, BD; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, PTS, 12-3; ord DRefChSAfr, Ag 19, 13; p. Observatory, 13-4; d, Ronde- busch, SoAfr, Oc 30, 14. Benbow, Earl William — b. Fort Madison, la, Oc 5, 1886; CoeC, 1909; PTS, 09-11; PrU, 11, MA; McCTS, 11-2, BD; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Ap 12, 12; p, Onslow & Bethel chs, Onslow, la, 12-6; p, Hcrsman, 111, 16-9; p, 1st ch, Grundy Center, la, 19-25; p, 3d ch, Sioux City, 25-30; p, UWash, 30 — . 586 1912 ♦Blignault, Jan Hendrik — b, Calitzdorp, CP, SoAfr, Ja 16, 1882; VicCSAfr, 1907; StellTS, 08-11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; ord DRefChSAfr, Ja 25, 13; p. Smith- field, SoAfr, 13-23; d. Cape Town, Je 27, 23. Crain, Anderson — b, Hoguestown, Pa, Fb 17, 1870; OccC, 1900-1; LaneTS, 01-3; WittC, ThDept, 03-4; ord, Pby Dayton, 04; p, Oberlin, Kan, 05-6; ev^ang, Bellevue, Neb, 07-8; ss, Acworth, NH, 10-11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; p, Carpen- teria. Cal, 14-20; p, Mt Shasta ch. Weed, 20-9; p, Nashes, Wash, 29-30; ss, Emmanuel ch, Spokane, 30 — . Dykstra, John Albert — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Je 10, 1886; HopeC, 1909; PTS, 09-10; NETS, 10-1; asst p. Groves ch, Weehawken, NJ, 11-2; ord RefChAm, Cl Green, Oc 12, 12; p, 1st ch, Catskill, NY, 12-8; p, Hamilton Grange ch, NYCity, 18-9; p. Central ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 19 — . DD, HopeC, 24. Ferguson, Edwin Percival — b, Jamaica, British West Indies, Fb 23, 1877; tea; HowU, 07-11, BD; lie, Pby Washington City, Je, 11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; ss, Jericho, NJ, 12; Jamaica, BWI; — Findlay, Harry John — b, Millersburg, O, Ag 17, 1882; CWoos, 1908; WestTS, 09-10; PTS, 10-1; MeCTS, 13-4; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 9, 14; ss, Fairfax, Mo, 14-8; p, Roanoke ch, Kansas City, 18-26; p, 1st ch, Shenandoah, la, 26-9; p, Morningside ch, Sioux City, 29 — . DD, BuenVC, 30. Fitzwater, Perry Braxton — b. Hardy Co, WVa, Sp 8, 1871; BridgC, 93-6; tea; MBI, 98-9; XenTS, 1902-5; prof. Bib, ManchC, 05-11; ord, UnB, 09; prof. Bib, Lordsburg Coll, Cal, 11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; prof. Bib, MBI, 13 — . DD, MuskC, 09. Fourie, Louis Johannes — b, Fouriesburg, So Afr, Oc 12, 1882; VicCSAfr, 1905-6; StellTS, 08-11; FreeUAmster, 12; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; ord, DRefChSAfr, Ag 1, 13; p, Jeppestown, Transvaal, SAfr, 13-21; p, Middleburg, CP, 21 — . Fraser, James Wallace — b. Las V^agus, NM, Mr 26, 1889; NewWC, 1909; PTS, 09-11, 12-3; WestTS, 13-4, STB; ord, Pby Kittanning, My 28, 14; p, Plym- ville. Pa, 14-8; p, Ellicott City, Md, 19-20; p, Ebenezer & Clarksville, Pa, 20-4; p, Gerard, 24-6; p. New Bethlehem, 26 — . DD, Blue Ridge Coll, New Windsor, Md, 23. Gordon, William Parks — b, Hanover, Ind, Mr 25, 1882; MonC, 1905; XenTS, 06-9; ord LiP, Pby Delaware, Je 22, 09; p. West Delhi ch, Delhi, NY, 09-11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2, BD; p, Colona, Pa, 12-4; p, Farrell, 14-8; p, Lebanon ch. West Middlesex, 18-21; prin, Frenchburg, Ky, 21-6; prin & p, Greenville, Tenn, 26-31; p, Stanton, 31 — . MA, MonC, 08. Gouwens, Teunis Earl — b. South Holland, 111, J1 13, 1886; HopeC, 1909, 12, MA; PTS, 09-10; NETS, 10-3, BD; UnTS, 13-4; ord RefChAm, Cl New York, My 28, 13; asso p. Fort Washington, 13-5; p. Community ch. Mountain Lakes, NJ, 15-21; p, 2d Presb ch, Louisville, Ky, 26 — . DD, CenCKy, 24. Green, Harry — b, Atwood, 111, J1 4, 1878; DrakeU, 1910; PTS, '*10-1; p. Disc Christ ch, Boone, Mo; p. Liberal; p, Ozark; p. Galena; p, Cabool, 25-6; p, Mansfield, 26 — ; res, Springfield, Mo. 1912 587 Greer, Baxter Dixon Dodderidge — b, Anna, Tex Dc 28, 1880; AusC, 1905; AusPTS, 05-8, BD; ord, Pby Western Texas, J1 7, 08; p. Pine St ch, San Antonio, Tex, 08-11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2, BD; prof, Bib & Phil, DanBD, 12-20; p, San Saba, Tex, 13-22; p, 1st ch. Temple, 22-8; p, Highland Park ch, San Antonio, 28—. DD, DanBC, 16. Hillis, Earl Douglas — b, Bain bridge, Ind, Je 4, 1883; OccC, 1909; McCTS, 09-10, 11-3; PTS, 10-1; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Je 24, 13; ss, Mem ch. Bell, Cal, 13-20; bus, Los Angeles, 20-5; ss, 1st ch. Bishop, 25 — . Hoeksema, Gerrit — b, Westerwytwert, Holland, Dc 20, 1886; CalvC, 1903-8; CalvTS, 08-11; ord ChrRef, Je 2, 11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; p, Ellsworth, Mich, 12-3; p. Bethel ch. Grand Rapids, 13-26; p, 3d Roseland ch, Chicago, 111, 26—. Hood, Solomon Porter — b, Lancaster City, Pa, J1 30, 1853; LincU, 73, 77, MA; tea; LincUTS, 78-81, BD; ord, Pby Chester, Je 6, 81; asst p, Shiloh, NY, 80-4; prin, Beaufort Norm Acad, 84-9; miss, Haiti, West Indies, 89-93; p, Morris Brown ME ch, Phila, Pa, 93-5; p, Lamott ch, Phila, 95-7; p, Reading, 97-1902; p, Frankfort, 02-6; p, Harrisburg, 06-9; p. Orange, NJ, 09-12; grad stu, PTS, 11- 2; p, ME ch, Trenton, NJ, 12-7; dist supt, 17-21; UnTS, 19-20; res, Waco, Tex. DD, Livingston Coll, Salisbury, NC, 00, & LincU, 02; LLD, LincU, 23. Joubert, Daniel Stephanus Burger — b, Murraysburg, CP, South Africa, Sp 3, 1885; VicSAfr, 1907; StellTS, 08-10; grad stu, PTS, 11-2, BD; ord, DRef ChSAfr, Nv 13, 12; asst p, Worcester, SAfr, 12-3; asst p, Potchefstroom, 14-5; sec, Brit & For Bib Soc, Cape Town, 16-21; p. Cape Town, 21-5; p, Wellington, 25—. Kerr, Edgar Davis— b, Charlotte, NC, Nv 17, 1881; DavC, 1904; ColTS, 04-7, BD; ord, Pby East Alabama, Sp 15, 07; p. Highland Park ch, Montgomery, 07- 10; p, Waynesville, NC, 10-1; grad stu, PTS, 11-2, BD; p, Newberry, SC, 12- 27; prof, Heb, ColTS, 15—. DD, PresbCSC, 22. Kuiper, Rienk Bouke — b, Garrelsweer, Holland, Ja 31, 1886; UChi, 1907; IndU, 07-8, MA; CalvTS, 08-11; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, PTS, 11-2, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Zeeland, Jl, 12; p, Overisel, Mich, 12-4; p. West Leonard ch. Grand Rapids, 14-7; p, Sherman St ch. Grand Rapids, 17-23; p, 2d ch, Kalamazoo, 23-5; p, Lagrave Ave ch. Grand Rapids, 25-9; prof, Syst Theol, WestmTS, 29-30; pres, CalvC, 30 — . McCown, Ross Samuel — b, Fayetteville, Tenn, Ap 26, 1880; WestmCPa, 1906; sec, YMCA; PTS, 09-10; McCTS, 10-2; ord, Pby Mattoon, Ap 9, 12; (), Kansas, 111, 12-7; p, Pontiac, 17-24; p, Beatrice, Neb, 24 — . DD, HastC, 31. McWilliams, John Rose — b. West Moreland Co, Pa, Fb 23, 1882; Grov CyC, 1909; PTS, 09-11; McCTS, 12-3, BD; ord, Pby Flint, My 7, 13; p, 1st ch, F'enton, Mich, 13-9; p, Bedford Ave ch, Detroit, 19 — . Meeter, Harm Henry— b, Chicago, 111, Ap 29, 1886; CalvC, 1908; CalvTS, 08- 11; grad stu, PTS, 11-3, BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, 1’ reeUAmster, 13-6, ThD; ord, ChrRef, Ja 11, 17; [), Neland Ave ch, Grand Rapids, Mich, 17-26; prof. Bib, CalvC', 26 — . 588 1912 Miyoshi, Tsutomu — b, Kochi, Japan, J1 1, 1879; MG, ThDept, 1902-4; OmaTS, 08-9; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Manchuria, Nv 11, 12; p, Darien, Manchuria, 12-27; p, Fujiniicho ch, Tokyo, Japan, 27 — . Mulder, Jacob — b. Crisp, Mich, Nv 27, 1884; CalvC, 1906-8; CalvTS, 08-11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids East, Sp 1, 12; p. West Side ch, Cleveland, O, 12-5; p, Luctor, Kan, 15-21; p, Sheldon, la, 21-5; p, Everett, Wash, 25-8; p. Monarch & Granum chs, Alberta, Can, 28 — . Nicol, William — b, Robertson, CP, South Africa, Mr 23, 1887; VicCSAfr, 1906; StellTS, 08-10; FreeUAmster, 10-1; grad stu, PTS, 11-2, BD; gen sec, Stu Chr Asso, SAfr, 12-3; ord, DRefChSAfr, Ag 8, 13; p, Johannesburg, 13 — . Paist, John Brook — b, Collegeville, Pa, Fb 4, 1887; UrsC, 1908; PTS, 09-10; bus, Lansdowne, Pa, 10 — . Papperman, Gustav Adolph — b, Baltimore, Md, Oc 22, 1882; UDel, 1909, 13, MA; PTS, 09-11; McCTS, 11-3, BD; ord, Pby Muncie, My 13, 13; p, Winchester, Ind, 13-4; p, 1st ch, Lockport, NY, 14-20; exec sec, Pby Buffalo, 20-4; p, Westminster ch, Decatur, 111, 24-31; p, Irving Park ch, Chicago, 32 — . DD, WabC, 23. Phipps, Charles Henry — b, Greensboro, NC, Ap 18, 1884; DavC, 1908; UnTSVa, 08-11, BD; grad stu, PTS, 11-2, BD; ord, Pby Orange, Je 18, 12; p, Thomasville & Ashboro, NC, 12-4; p. Windy Cave, Va, 14-9; p, Martinsville 19-24; p, Princeton, WVa, 24-9; ss. Mount Horeb, Va, 29 — . Rath, Christian Gottlob — b, Neuffen, Germany, Ja 19, 1874; NWC & EvTS, 99-1901; ord Ev, Ap 30, 04; p, 2d ch, Baltimore, Md, 02-6; p, Salem ch, Baltimore, 06-11; p, St John’s ch, Trenton, NJ, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 11-3; p, St Paul’s ch, Phila, Pa, 14-23; p, St John’s ch, Brooklyn, NY, 23-30; p. Trinity ch, North Bergen, NJ, 30 — . Rentoul, Alexander Theodore — b, Darlington, England, Nv 21, 1886; QuUBelf, 1909; AsC, 09-10; PTS, 10-1; YMCA, war service, 17-9; ord, Pby Castledanson, Oc 15, 20; p, Castledanson, Ire, 20-31; p, Ballycarry, 31 — . Roos, Johannes Daniel — b, Helderberg, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Sp 10, 1882; VicCSAfr, 1906; tea; StellTS, 08-10; FreeUAmster, 11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; ord, DRefChSAfr, Ja 17, 13; p, Zwartequs, 13 — . Rutherford, John Milton — b, Walton, NY, Oc 15, 1879; GeneC, 1908; RefPTS, 08-11; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; FreeChCGlas, 12-3; ord, Pby Kansas, Nv 6, 14; p, Billings, Okla, 14-20; p, Almonte, Ont, Can, 22 — . Shaw, Glenn Harvey — b. Elk Creek, Neb, My 14, 1882; TemU, ThDept, 1906-11, BD; PTS, 11-2; ord, Pby Reserve, Sp 12, 12; ss, Kadoka, SD, 12-4; ss. Elm Springs, 14-6; ss, Wasta, 17-9; res, Wasta, 19-21; surv, Sturgis, 21 — . Shaw, Petrus Johannes Bekker — b, Wolmaransstad, Transvaal, South Africa, Dc 28, 1879; VicCSAfr, 1905-7; StellTS, 08-10; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; ord DRefChSAfr, Ja 11, 13; p, Kakamas, CP, 13 — . Talmage, John Van Neste — b, Newark, NJ, Dc 30, 1884; TulU, 1907; 1912-1913 5^9 SWPresbU, ThDept, 07-9; PTS, 09-10; ord, Pby New Orleans, J1 15, 10; miss. Korea, 10 — ; res, Kennan Koshu, Korea. Thut, Albert Bechtol— b, Bluffton, O, Ja 17, 1878; ONU, 1904; PTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Monmouth, J1 18, 12; p. Memorial ch, Cherokee, la, 14-27; p, Clarinda, 27 — . Vale, Claire Fremont — b, Ewington, 0, J1 31, 1887; WashCTenn, 1909; PTS, 09-11; UPa, 16, MD; surgeon; USArmy, Med Corps, 18-9; res surgeon. Receiving Hosp, Detroit, Mich, 19-22; instr. Dept Surg, Detroit Coll Med & Surgery, 20-4, asst prof. Clinical Surg, 24-8, asst prof, Surg, 28 — . vanRooyen, Gert Cornelis — b, Ladybrand, So Africa, Ja 21, 1880; VicC SAfr, 1905-7; StellTS, 08-10; grad stu, PTS, 11-2; asst p, Pretoria, SAfr, 12-4; ord, DRefChSAfr, Nv 21, 13; p, Machadodorp, Transvaal, 14-24; p, Durban, Natal, 24 — . Van Strien, David — b, Grand Rapids, Mich, Dc 11, 1886; HopeC, 1909; PTS, 09-10; NETS, 10-2; ord RefChAm, Cl Michigan, My 21, 12; miss, Japan, 12-20; p, Rockaway, NJ, 20-2; p. Community ch, Woodcliff, 22 — . 41. 1913 Barbor, Robert Linus — b, Dillsburg, Pa, My 9, 1883; GrovCyC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, J1 11, 13; p, Stirling, NJ, 13-7; p, 1st ch, Woonsocket, RI, 17-22; p. Clarendon Hill ch. West Somerville, Mass, 22-31; p, Westm ch, Bridgeport, Conn, 31 — . Bell, William Jefferson — b, Fergus Falls, Minn, Nv 14, 1888; MacalC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Red River, My 13, 13; dir, exten wk, Syn Minn, 13-31; grad stu, UnTS, 20; asst supt & field rep, exten wk, Syn Minn, St Paul, 31 — . Bicknell, Luther Moore — b, Parkerville, Kan, Oc 7, 1884; PkC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Olympia, Ag 22, 13; hm miss, Dupont, Wash, 13-5; do, Seattle, 15; p, Mount Holly, NJ, 15-8; p, Plymouth, Mich, 18-9; ill health; p, 1st ch. Winter Haven, Fla, 20-4; p, Madison Ave ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 24-8; asso p. Central ch, Brooklyn, NY, 28-30; p, 1st ch, Goshen, 31 — . *Boardman, Walter Palmer — b, Lancaster, Pa, Nv 7, 1887; F&MC, 1909; MIT, 09-10; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Westminster, Dc 17, 13; ss. Little Falls & Sartell, Minn, 14-5; ss, Buffalo, ND, 15-6; p, Mapleton & Newton Hamilton, Pa, 16-9;’p, Paulsboro, NJ, 20-3; p. Forked River & Barnegat, 23-33; d, Barnegat, NJ, Mr 18, 33. Browne, George Francis — b. Bowling Green, O, Je 4, 1887; CWoos, 1909; AmBSoc, 09-10; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Cincinnati, My 19, 13; miss. Shantung, China, 13 — ; res, Chefoo, China. Campbell, Hilton Roy — b, Toronto, Can, My 5, 1883; LafC, 1910; PTS, 10-3, BD; ord, Pby Brooklyn, My 16, 13; p, St Albans, NY, 13-5; ss, Mineville, 15-6; p. Emporium, Pa, 16-7; p, Allenford, Ont, Can, 17-9; p, Dungannon, 20-3; p, Thompson Ridge, NY, 23-6; p, Oakwood ch, Toronto, Can, 26-8; p, Brigden, Ont, 28-31; p, Knox ch, Windsor, 31 — . PhD, IndCntlU, 16. 590 1913 Chaffee, Arthur Russell — b, Morristown, NJ, Mr 25, 1888; UnC, 1910; PTS, 10-3, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, 13-4, BD; PrU, 15, MA; UPa, 15-6; ord, Pby St Lawrence, Je 3, 13; p. New Egypt & Cream Ridge, NJ, 14-6; chap & tea, Asheville Schl for Boys, Asheville, NC, 16-7; p, Morris Plains, NJ, 17-9; prin, Madison & Roselle Park, 19-24; bus, 24 — ; res, Roselle Park, NJ. Conger, Alexander Millspaugh — b, Albany Co, NY, Fb 18, 1887; RutU, 1910; PTS, 10-3, BD; PrU, 13, MA; ord RefChAm, Cl Poughkeepsie, Oc 20, 14; p, New Hackensack, NY, 14-8; YMCA, war service, 18; asst p, 2d Presb ch, Newark, NJ, 20-4; p, Washingtonville, 24 — . Conrad, Warren John — b, Reading, Pa, Fb 17, 1888; LafC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby New York, Je 15, 13; asst p, 2d ch, NYCity, 13-5; p, 1st ch. Liberty, 15-20; p, Lycoming ch, Williamsport, Pa, 20-5; p. Covenant ch, Harrisburg, 25 — . • Curry, Albert Bruce, Jr — b, Gainesville, Fla, Fb 25, 1887; DavC, 1907; Bibs, 09-10; UnTSVa, 10-2; PTS, 12-3; ord, Pby New York, My 23, 15; prof, BibS, 13-25; YMCA, war service, 17-9; vis prof, OberTS, 27-8; asso prof, Prac Theol, UnTS, 28—. Dauerty, James Shackelford — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 12, 1887; LafC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, J1 16, 13; p, 1st ch, Columbus, NJ, 13-8; p, 1st ch, Moorestown, 18 — . ThB, ThM, DSPEpisCh, 31. Duncan, William Allen — b. Pleasant Hill, Mo, My 14, 1888; WestmCMo, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Lafayette, Je 14, 13; p, Lamar, Mo, 13-9; p, 1st ch, Aurora, 19-25; p, Coates St ch, Moberly, 25 — . Eisenberger, William Albright — b, Columbia, Pa, My 4, 1884; AlbrC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Washington City, Je 10, 13; p, Berwyn, Md, 13-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; sec, YMCA, Washington, DC, 19-23; asst p. New York Ave ch, Washington, DC, 23-4; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Washington, DC, 24-9; p, 1st ch, Cumberland, Md, 29 — . *Ely, John Calvin, Jr— b, Xenia, O, J1 17, 1889; W&JC, 1909; WestTS, 09-10; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Olympia, J1 22, 13; p. Mineral, Wash, 13-5; p, Westm ch, Mifflintown, Pa, 15-7; p, Bethany ch, Lancaster, 17-8; chap, USN, 18-9; d, NYCity, Fb 13, 19. Engle, Carroll Anderson — b. Harpers Ferry, WVa, Fb 14, 1884; W&LU, 1907; tea, 07-10; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Fort Worth, Je 8, 13; p, 1st ch, Sweetwater, Tex, 13-20; p, Greenville, 20-1; p, 1st ch, Keyser, WVa, 21-4; p. Central ch, Clarksburg, 24-5; p, Greenville, Tex, 25-9; p, 1st ch, Williamson, WVa, 29—. DD, OskC, 24. Fowler, Arthur Boughton — b, Cohocton, NY, J1 26, 1883; PrU, 1907; instr, 07-10; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Buffalo, Je 26, 13; miss, Tripoli, Syria, 13-20; p, Randall Mem Bapt ch, Williamsville, NY, 21-4; p, Hamburg, 24-6; co-dir, Radost Bib Schl, Warsaw, Poland, 26-7; p. Cherry Creek, NY, 27-8; p, Indiana, Pa, 28-31; tea, EvTS, Jersey City, NJ, 31 — . Hagen, John Francis — b, Stapleton, NY, Nv 1, 1890; MorC, 1910; MorTS, 10-1; PTS, 11-3, BD; ord, Pby Westminster, My 15, 13; p, Chanceford 1913 591 ch, Woodbine, Pa, 13-8; chap, USN, 18-20; p, Cornwall, NY, 20-5; chap, NY Mil Acad, Cornwall-on-Hudson, 20 — . Hellyer, Henry Leon — b, Odessa, Russia, Ja 15, 1880; WestmCMo, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ss, Mizpah Jewish Mission, Phila, Pa, 15-7; miss wk; res, Haddon- field, NJ, 22-32; res, Warsaw, Poland, 32 — . Herrmann, Jesse — b. New Philadelphia, O, Fb 6, 1884; PrU, 1910, 11, MA; PTS, 11-3; UBer & UMarb; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Ja 12, 15; p, 1st ch, Asbury Park, NJ, 14-6; p, Avondale ch, Cincinnati, O, 16-28; p, 2d ch, Lex- ington, Ky, 28 — . PhD, PrU, 14. Jamieson, Roy Wherry — b, Scot Co, la, Mr 2, 1887; MonC, 1910; PTS, 10-1, 12-3; PittsTS, 11-2; PrU, 13, MA; ord UP, Pby Phila, Oc 21, 13; ss, Tioga Tab, Phila, Pa, 13-6; p, Martins Ferry, O, 17-20; p, Columbus City, la, 20-4; instr. Bib, Columbus Jet, 21-4; ss & instr. Bib, Burlington, 24 — . Kawakami, Isamu — b, Tokyo, Japan, My 25, 1885; WasU, 1908; tea; PTS, 10-3; evang; p, Shinsakai Presb ch, Tokyo, Japan; ill health; res, Tokyo, Japan. Kircher, Carl Edward — b, Scranton, Pa, J1 23, 1888; PkC, 1909; PTS, 09-13; PrU, 13, MA; p, Immanuel ch, Evansville, Ind, 13-5; ord, Pby Vincennes, Ap 20, 14; p. Hays, Kan, 15-6; evang, Emporia, Kan, 16-28; p, Leitch ch, Detroit, Mich, 28-31; p, Eastminster ch, Detroit, 31 — . *Kway, Zung-ziang — b, Shanghai, China, Dc 8, 1885; St John’s Univ, Shanghai, 1908; PTS, 09-13; d, China, 16. Mabon, William Sydney — b, York, PEI, Can, Oc 20, 1868; UTor, 1910; PTS, 10-4, BD; ord, Pby Peterborough, Ap 30, 15; p, Pontypool, Ont, 15-7; p. Blind River, 17-9; oc s, Ont, 19-22; ss, Clyde River, NS, 24-5; ss, McLellans Brook, 25; ss. Barneys River, 26; ss, Waymart, Pa, 28; ss, Sherman, 29-31; res. Deposit, NY. Maier, Frederick — b, St Louis, Mo, Fb 26, 1887; WestmCMo, 1909; tea; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Neosho, Sp 9, 13; p, 1st ch. Galena, Kan, 13-6; p, 1st ch, Caldwell, 16-9; p. West Side ch, Wichita, 19-26; p, 1st ch, Arkansas City, 26 — . DD, CEmpo, 24. *Mason, Frank Edgar — b, Greenville, Tenn, J1 14, 1890; RutU, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Newark, Je 3, 13; ss. Port Angeles, Wash, 13; ill health; d, Albuquerque, NM, Fb 20, 22. McMillan, William MacKay — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Ag 28, 1887; QuU Bell, 1911; AsC, 10-2; PTS, 12-3; ord PresbChEng, Sp 14, 21; asst p, Limerick, Ire, 14-5; war service, 16-8; asst p, Glasgow, Scotland, 19-20; p, Devon, 21-5; p, Gateshead-on-Tyre, 25-9; p, Tyrone, Ire, 29 — . McQueen, John Alexander — ^b, Cheraw, SC, Fb 27, 1883; DavC, 1905, 08, MA; tea, 05-7; instr, 08-10; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Concord, Sp 25, 13; asst p, 1st ch. Concord, NC, 13-4; p, Peedee, SC, 14-21; p. Orange, Va, 21-3; p, Rockingham, NC, 23-6; prof, Gk, ArkC, 26-8; prof. Bib & Rel Edu, WestmCMo, 28 — . 592 1913 Mulligan, William Orr — b, Belfast, Ireland, Oc 27, 1881; UMani, 1911; Manic, ThDept, 10-2, 17, BD; PTS, 12-3; ord, Pby Halifax, J1 17, 13; DalhU, 14, MA; p, Bedford, NS, Can, 13-21; British YMCA, war service, 17-8; p, St James’ ch, Charlottetown, PEI, 21-5; p, St Andrew’s ch, Sydney Mines, NS, 25-9; p, Melville ch, Westmount, Quebec, 29 — . LLB, UMani, 16. Neilly, Andrew Hutchinson — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 30, 1888; UPa, 1907-10; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Newark, Je 4, 13; ch miss, 1st Tabernacle, Newark, NJ, 14-9; p, Waverly ch, Baltimore, Md, 19-30; p, Dewey Ave ch, Rochester, NY, 31—. Niles, Frank Sergeant — b. Nelson, Neb, J1 5, 1888; PrU, 1909; tea; PTS, 10-3, BD; ord, Pby Newark, Ap 15, 13; miss, China, 13-30; p, Georgetown ch, Washington, DC, 30 — . Patterson, Robert Mead, Jr — b, Nashville, Tenn, Ja 14, 1888; VanU, 1909; bus; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 23, 13; asst p, 3d ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 13-6; p, Shelbyville, Tenn, 16-7; p, 1st ch, Waynesburg, Pa, 17-21; p, 1st ch, Ossining, NY, 21 — . DD, WaynC, 29. Pellegrin, Harold Francis — b, Anaheim, Cal, Mr 14, 1888; OccC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 13, MA; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Ag 12, 13; asst p, Brown Mem ch, Baltimore, Md, 13-4; p, Aberdeen, 14-9; dir, NER, Md, Del & DC, 19-29; p, 1st ch, Watervliet, NY, 30 — . Pfeiffer, Erwin Gordon — b. Black Wolf, Wis, Oc 1, 1887; MissHseC, 1912; MissHseTS, 09-12; ord RefChUS, Cl Sheboygan, Je 7, 12; PTS, 12-3; UPitts, 13-4; WestTS, 13-4, BD; p, 1st ch, Clarence, NY, 15-8; res, Oshkosh, Wis, 22-6; p, Zion & Salem chs, Greenwood, 26 — . Pugh, William Barrow — b, Utica, NY, Ja 20, 1889; UPa, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Phila, Dc 14, 15; p. Beacon ch, Phila, Pa, 15-28; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, 1st ch, Chester, Pa, 29 — . Rendall, James Hawley — b, Oxford, Pa, Dc 12, 1888; PrU, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Chester, Ap 24, 13; p, Clarks Summit, Pa, 13-6; p, Kennett Square, 16-21; chap USArmy, 17-9; p, Beverly, NJ, 21 — . Riggs, James Forsyth — b, Cranford, NJ, Ap 24, 1883; PrU, 1907, 12, MA; tea, 07-10; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Je 19, 13; asst p, Lafayette Ave ch, Brooklyn, NY, 13-9; p, Christ ch, Catskill, 19-24; p, 1st ch. Little Falls, 24-9; dir, Edu & Pub, BdNatMiss, NYCity, 29 — . Ritter, Walter Lowrie— b, Phila, Pa, My 5, 1888; UPa, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 12, 13; p. Amity, NY, 13-6; p, 1st ch. New Hamburg, 16-8; p. Calvary ch, Wyncote, Pa, 18-23; prof. Sacred Lit, Beaver Coll, Jenkintown, 20-3; p. Union Tab, Phila, 23-6; p, 4th ch, Pittsburgh, 26-33; p, 1st ch, Altoona, 33 — . PhD, OskC, 17. Russell, James Rodney — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, J1 17, 1887; CWoos, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 13, MA; ord, Pby Olympia, J1 23, 13; p, 1st ch, Montesano, Wash, 13-6; ss, Kennett Square, Pa, 17-9; p. Central ch, Downingtown, 19 — . Russum, William Abel Rogniat — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Sp 15, 1889; RutU, 1913 593 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord evang, Pby Elizabeth, Je 18, 13; ch miss, Paterson, NJ, 18-9; asst p, 1st ch, Brooklyn, NV', 19-21; p, Cornwall, 21-5; res, Elizabeth, NJ, 25-30; tea, Elizabeth, 30 — . Smith, Frederick — b, Bangor, Co Down, Ireland, Nv 24, 1888; RoyU, 09; PTS, 09-10; AsC, 10-1; PTS, 12-4, BD; ord, Pby Toronto, Je 2, 14; asst p, Dublin, Ire, 14-5; asst p, Belfast, 15-6; YMCA, war service, 16-7; chap, Eng Army, 17-8; p, Hull, Eng, 18-9; prin. Gold Coast, WAfr, 20-1; trav sec, Sudan Un Miss, Ire, 21-2; p. Fort Augustus, Scotland, 22-4; p, Glencraig, 24-6; p, Canonbie Dun- friesshire, 26-9; p. Alien, 29-31; p, Fairmount-Taylor ch, Montreal, Can, 31-3; res, Montreal, Can. Stephens, Llewellyn Walter — b, St Louis, Mo, Ag 16, 1881; PrU, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Mr 24, 13; p, Oceanside, NV, 17-20; res. Ocean- side, 20 — . Stoneton, Clinton E — b, Mauch Chunk, Pa, Je 19, 1885; LafC, 1910; PT^, 10-3; ord, Pby Jersey City, Fb 17, 14; ss, Edgewater, NJ, 14-6; p, Totowa ch, Paterson, 16 — . Stuart, Henry Cook — b, Killycairn, Ireland, Dc 18, 1889; QuUBelf, 1906- 7; MageeC, 07-9, ThDept, 10-1; AsC, 11-2; PTS, 12-3; ord, Pby Newry, Sp 8, 15; p, Donaghmore, Ire, 15-20; p, Matamata, New Zealand, 21-3; p, Tuakaw, 23-8; p, VVaverley, 28 — . Thomson, William Kelty Cruickshank — b, Ansonia, Conn, Ag 28, 1889; PrU, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Lamed, Sp 17, 13; p, Irwin Mem ch, Hutchinson, Kan, 13-4; p, Linndalech, Cleveland, O, 14-7; p, Orwell, 17-20; p, 5th ch, Trenton, NJ, 20-32; p, 1st ch, Miami, Fla, 32 — . Torrey, Reuben Archer, Jr — b, Minneapolis, Minn, Sp 16, 1887; LafC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 12, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 21, 13; asst p, Dewitt Mem ch, NYCity, 12-3; miss, China, 13 — ; res, Tsinan, Shantung, China. Ver Straate, John — b, Lima, Wis, Sp 2, 1882; CarC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Olympia, Je 18, 13; ss, Kapowsin, Wash, 13-5; p. Cedar Grove, Wis, 15-25; p, Sault Ste Marie, Mich, 25 — . DD, CarC, 30. Waltz, Jacob William — b, Baltimore, Md, .Ap 25, 1881; AlbrC, 1908; ord UnEv, Mr 14, 10; PTS, 10-3; p, Bloomsburg, Pa, 24; p, Richland, 25; p, Blooms- burg, 26 — . 48. *Babbitt, Joseph Woodman — b, Morristown, NJ, .Ag 3, 1877; ColU, 1907- 10; PTS, 10-3; PrU, 13, MA; ord, Pby North River, My 15, 13; UnTS, 13-6; p. Calvary ch, Newburgh, NA', 12-25; p. Olivet ch, NYCity, 25-31; asst p, Coven- ant-lst ch, Washington, DC, 31-3; d, Washington, DC, Fb 3, 33. Bausch, Robert Augustus — b, Womelsdorf, Pa, Mr 9, 1887; .AlbrC, 1909; PTS, 10-1; LanTS, 11-3; ord RefChUS, Cl Lancaster, Je 8, 13; p, Hummelstown, Pa, 13-7; p, St Paul's ch, Sellersville, 17-23; p. Trinity ch, Pottsville, 23 — . 594 1913 Blakely, Warren Andrew — b, Clinton, SC, Ja 3, 1874; ErskC, 95; ErskTS, 96-8; ord AssoRefP, Dc 1, 1898; p, Prosperity & Orrville, Ala, 1898-1906; grad stu, PTS, 12-3, BD; res, Clinton, SC. Bradford, Arnold Travers — b, Knockadoo, Ireland, Ja 23, 1881; RoyU, 1910; PTS, 10-1; bus, Chicago, 111, 11 — . Bransby, Charles Carson — b, Manchester, England, Sp 24, 1879; Munici- pal Schl Tech, Manchester, Eng; UPitts; civ eng; WestTS; PTS, 12-3; ord, Pby Otsego, Je 12, 13; p, 1st ch, Margaretville, NY, 14-7; p, 2d ch. Auburn, 17-21; p, Homewood ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 21-8; p, 1st ch. Council Bluffs, la, 28 — . DD, Salem Coll, WVa, 27. Brown, Robert Hall Morrison — b, Charlotte, NC, Dc 7, 1872; DavC, 94; lawy; UnTSVa, 98-1901; ord, Pby Memphis, Ap, 02; p, Goodman, Miss, 03-6; p, Jeanerette, La, 06-12; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; ss, Sumner & Charleston, Miss, 15-6; res, Charlotte, NC, 21 — . *Casseday, Walter James — b, Phila, Pa, Ap 2, 1867; CCyNY, 83-5; PTS, 1910-1; bus; d, 1930. Connell, John — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, J1 17, 1884; W&JC, 1910, 13, MA; PTS, 10-2; WestTS, 12-3, 16, STB; ord, Pby Washington, Ap 22, 13; p. Farming- ton & Scotch Ridge chs, Colerain, O, 13-4; p, 1st ch. New Martinsville, WVa, 14-8; asst p, Westm ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 18- asso p, 22-6; p, Grace ch, Minne- apolis, 26-31; p, 1st ch, Jamestown, NY, 31 — . DD, W&JC, 27. Ferwerda, Floris — b, Franeker, Friesland, Holland, Ja 29, 1871; HopeC, 97, 1900, MA; NBTS, 97-1900; ord RefChAm, Cl Bergen, Oc 3, 00; p. Palisades, NY, 01-3; p, Cloytesville, 04; p, Hillsborough, NJ, 05-11; grad stu, PTS, 12-3, BD; p, Hamptonburgh Presb ch, Campbell Hall, NY, 14-6; p, Dover, Del, 17-21; p, Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pa, 22-7; p, Daretown, NJ, 28 — . Frost, Ellinwood Alden — b, Attica, NY, J1 28, 1884; UTor, 1903-6; civ eng; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby New York, Ap 30, 14; bus, Orillia, Ont, Can, 14 — . Grotefend, Friedrich Wilhelm Hugo — b, Sulingen, Germany, Oc 16, 1866; EdenTS, 97-9; ord RefChUS, J1 2, 99; p. New Baden, III, 99-1900; p. Red Bird, 00-1; p. Corning, NY, 01-2; p. Auburn, 02-4; p, Rochester, 04-10; p, Trenton, NJ, 10-3; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; p, Schenectady, NY, 13-6; p, Buffalo, 16-21; p, Washington, Tex, 21-4; p. Chamois, Mo, 24-9; p, Okeene & Loyal, Okla, 29 — . Hamilton, George Leonard — b, Humboldt, Tenn, Je 4, 1883; TrinU, 1909; UnTS, 09-10; PTS, 10-1; ord, Pby Dallas, 12; ss, Merkel, Tex, 12-3; p, Athens, Ala, 15-8; p. Park City ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 18-9; lawy; res, Sherman, Tex. Hanson, Anton Martin — b, Bergen, Norway, Ap 15, 1876; ord, Chr Ch, Ag 28, 04; Palmer Coll, Albany, Mo, 1904-9; tea; p, Norfolk, Va, 10-2; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; p, Cong ch. Excelsior, Minn, 14-7; p, Owatonna, 18-25; p, Glendale, Cal, 26— Hindman, William Blake — b, Joliet, 111, Je 4, 1888; LafC, 1910; PTS, 10-2; McCTS, 12-3; ord, Pby Columbus, My 8, 13; p, 1st ch, Worthington, O, 13-7; p, 2d ch, Bloomington, 111, 17-21; p, 1st ch, Aurora, 21-8; p, 1st ch, Union- town, Pa, 28 — . DD, LafC, 25. 1913 595 Irwin, Chester Martindale — b, Oxford, Pa, My 8, 1886; PrlJ, 1910; PTS, 10-1; McCTS, 11-3; ord, Pby Fort Wayne, My 8, 13; p, Lima ch, Howe, Ind, 13-6; p, 1st ch. Sterling, III, 16 — . Jacobs, Benjamin Franklin — b, Marion, Ky, Fb 20, 1875; CumbU, ThDept, 1903-6; ord, CumbP, Pby Princeton, Ap 5, 05; p, Mifflin ch, Columbus, O, 06-12; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; p, Leon, la, 14-6; p, Millersburg, O, 16-8; p, Logan Square ch, Chicago, 111, 18-21; p. Kings, 21-5; p. Grand Ridge, 25-30; ss, Leon, la, 31— Kaufman, John Warren — b, Mt Carmel, Pa, Ap 28, 1882; LebVC, 1906; UrSTh, 06-7; ord UnB, Oc 4, 08; stu, UPa, 08-10; p, 1st ch, Phila, Pa, 08-10; p, St Johns ch. Lane Co, 10-2; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; p. Lower Path Valley Presb ch, Fannettsburg, Pa, 13-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; sec, AmSSUn, Phila, 19-20; asst p, Carmel ch. Edge Hill, 20-3; p, Roslyn, 23-9; p, Richardson Mem ch, Phila, 29— Kennedy, Walter Armstrong — b, Sharon, SC, My 20, 1877; ErskC, 1904, 06, MA; tea, 04-5; ErskTS, 05-7; ord AssoRefP, Oc 30, 07; ss, Pressly Mem ch, Statesville, NC, 07-10; p. Prosperity ch, Fayetteville, Tenn, 10-2; grad stu, PTS, 12-3, BD; p, Hopewell ch, Covington, Ga, 13-8; prin, Blackstock, SC, 20-4; p, Blackstock, 18 — . Kerr, Gilbreth Lawson — b, Troutman, NC, Dc 28, 1877; ErskC, 1900; tea, 00-2; ErskTS, 02-4; ord AssoRefP, Je 15, 04; p, Millersburg, Ky, 04-9; p. Hickory Grove, 10-2; grad stu, PTS, 12-3, BD; p, Boyce Mem ch. Kings Mountain, NC, 13-21; p, Spartansburg, SC, 22-30; ss, Laurens & Ora, 30-1; p, Salisbury, NC, 31 — . Lloyd, Starr Hanford — b, Chicago, 111, J1 14, 1887; HamC, 1906-9; PTS, 10-2; McCTS, 12-4; ord, Pby Chicago, My 3, 14; p, Neodesha, Kan, 14-5; p, Erie, 15-6; p, Blairstown, la, 16-7; chap, USN, 18-21; p, Carmi, 111, 22-4; p, Olyphant, Pa, 24-6; p, Jeffersonville, Ind, 27-9; p, Oconto, Wis, 29 — . Lyle, Robert Knox — b, Muckamore, Co Antrim, Ire, Je 22, 1884; TrinCDub, 1910, 13, MA; PTS, 10-11; FreeChCGlas, 11-2; AsC, 12-3; ord, Pby Dublin, Nv 26, 13; miss, Manchuria, 13-9; p, Enniscorthy ch, Co Wexford, Ire, 20-7; p, Greystones ch, Co Wicklow, 27 — . MacBrayne, Ralph Julius — b, Lowell, Mass, Fb 13, 1883; Lowell Textile Schl, Lowell, Mass; PTS, 1910-1; res, Lowell, Mass. McCammon, James — b, Banbridge, Ireland, Je 12, 1886; TrinCDub, 1910; PTS, 10-2; miss, Presb Ch Ire, Newchwang, China, 15 — . Mircse, Alexander — b, Pake, Hungary, Ag 14, 1889; RefGym, Szekelyud- varhely, 1908; RefTS, Kolozsvar, 08-12; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; p, Bridgeport, Conn, 13-4; p, NYCity, 14-6; ord HungRef, Nv 18, 17; p, Detroit, Mich, 16-9; p, Flint, 19-22; p, East Chicago, Ind, 22 — . Offield, Robert Long — b, P2mmett, Tenn, My 18, 1882; KingC, 1905; AusPTS, 07-9, BD; ord, Pby Western Texas, Ag 15, 09; p, Allen Memorial ch, Edna, Tex, 09-12; grad stu, 12-4, BD; McCTS, 15-6; ss, Fleming Mem ch, Fairmount, WVa, 18; p, St Clair Ave ch, Columbus, O, 20—. 1913 596 Ohno, Nao Chika — b, Tokyo, Japan, Nv 2, 1878; MG, 1905; AubTS, 06-10; ord, Pby Cayuga, Fb 27, 10; p, Los Angeles, Cal, 11-2; grad stu, PTS, 12- 3, BD; p, Minatogawa Presb ch, Kobe, Japan, 13 — . Payne, George Merriman — b. Crass Rock, NC, Sp 7, 1883; MaryvC, 1910; PTS, 10-2; McCTS, 12-3; ord, Pby Rushville, Sp 25, 13; p, Mt Sterling, 111, 13-5; p, Noblesville, Ind, 15-9; p, Winchester, 19 — . Pressly, James Patterson — b. Due West, SC, Ag 25, 1882; ErskC, 1903; tea, 03-5; ErskTS, 05-7; ord AssoRefP, 2d Pby, Oc, 07; p, Moreland, Ga, 07-10; grad stu, PTS, 12-3, BD; p. Due West, SC, 10 — . DD, ErskC, 27. Richardson, Frank Mackey — b, Sherman, Tex, Mr 13, 1886; PTS, 10-3; p. Bells Circuit, Tex, 13-4; p, Alvord, 14-6; ord ME eld, Mr 28, 16; SMethU, 17, BA, Th Dept, 17-8, BD; p, Hutchins & Wilnier, Tex, 16-8; p, Dallas, 18-22; p, Kavanaugh & Greenville, 22-3; p, Wichita Falls, 23-6; p, 1st ch, Paris, 26-30; p, Dallas District, 30 — . Robinson, Ralph Jay — b, Troy, SC, Sp 26, 1886; ErskC, 02-6; instr, Assuit Coll, Eg>'pt; PTS, 10-1; bus; res, Baltimore, Md. Sahler, William Louis— b. High Falls, NJ, J1 18, 1875; LafC, 1901; NBTS, 01-4; ord RefChAm, Cl Hudson, Je 15, 1904; p, Germantown, NY, 04-10; p, Harlingen, NJ, 10-24; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; p, 2d ch. Freehold, NJ, 24 — . Steiner, John Franklin — b. Pandora, O, Oc 6, 1884; MBI, 1908-10; McCTS, 10-1; PTS, 11-3; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 21, 13; miss, Nodoa, Hainan Is, China, 13-24, Hoihow, Hainan Is, 24 — . Stevenson, William Hartin — b. Broad Creek, Va, Ja 27, 1884; ErskC, 1904; tea, 05-6; ErskTS, 07-8; ord AssoRefP, J1 16, 08; p, Veelys Creek ch, Leslie, SC, 08-16; grad stu, PTS, 12-3, BD; ss, Spartanburg, Columbia & Pros- perity, SC, 16-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, Clinton, SC, 19-24; p. White Oak, 24-8; p, Wedgefield Group Presb chs, Sumter Co, 28 — ; res, Dalzell, SC. *Stoops, William James — b, Newry, Ireland, Nv 28, 1887; QuCGal, 1909; tea; PTS, 10-2; AsC, 12-3; lie, Pby Newry, My 21, 13; asst p, Ballysillan, Ire, 13- 4; asst p, Newtownards, 14; ill health; d, Belfast, Ire, Ja 18, 19. *Thomson, Frederick Clifton — b, Pasadena, Cal, Fb 26, 1890; OccC, 1910; PTS, 10-3; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Sp 26, 13; ss, Hope ch, Los Angeles, 13-4; ss. Goldfield, 15-7; chap, USArmy, 17-9; res, NYCity, 19-20; actor, 21-8; d, Los Angeles, Dc 25, 28. Victor, John — b, Budapest, Hungary, Je 4, 1888; Budapest Univ, 1912; grad stu, PTS, 12-3; sec. Young People’s Wk, Budapest, Hungary; prof, Phil & Psych of Rel, Budapest Theol Sem, 25 — . Watson, William Charles — b, Orwell, NY, My 15, 1878; PTS, 10-3; p, Frankfort & Ocean View, Del, 13-5; p, Montoursville, Pa, 15-8; ord, Pby St Lawrence, Je 5, 13; p, Bethany ch, Williamsport, Pa, 15 — . White, Benjamin Franklin — b. Hickory Grove, SC, My 26, 1876; ErskC, 98; tea; AllegTS, 99-1902; ord UP, Pby Wheeling, Ag 4, 02; p, Moundsville & Buchanan Hill, WVa, 04; p, Franklinville, NY, 05-8; p, Connellsville, Pa, 09-11; 1913-1914 597 grad stu, PTS, 12-3; p, 1st ch, Jersey City, NJ, 14-6; res, Pittsburgh, Pa, 18-20; evang. Long Branch, NJ, 20-3; evang. Ocean Grove, 24 — . Wilkins, Ivan Luro — b, Vasil, O, Ap 21, 1890; OSU, 1910; PTS, 10-1; McCTS, 12-4, BD; ord, Pby Columbus, My 15, 14; p, Amanda, O, 14-8; p, Paulding, 18-22; asst p. Covenant ch, Springfield, 22-31; ss, Patterson Mem ch, Dayton, 31 — . 39. 1914 Barnard, Edward Raymond — b, Hamilton, Ont, Can, Ag 6, 1881; LafC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby Newark, Je 2, 14; p. Highland Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 14-7; p, 1st ch, Hanover, 17-23; p. Central ch, St Petersburg, Fla, 23 — . Berry, John Clement — b, Kansas City, Kan, Fb 10, 1886; OccC, 1908; bus, 08-11; PTS, 11-4, 21-2, ThM; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Ag 14, 14; asso p, Mt Airy ch, Phila, Pa, 14-6; p, Drexel Hill, 16-8; asst sec, YMCA, Phila, 18-20; field sec, AubTS, 20-1; p, Ridgeview ch. West Orange, NJ, 22-3; field rep, BdChr Edu, 23-7; p, Delphos, O, 28 — . Butz, Arthur Nelson — b, Allentown, Pa, Ap 20, 1891; MuhlC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby North River, Je 15, 14; p, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY, 15-6; p, 1st ch, Catasauqua, Pa, 16-24; p. Prospect St ch, Maplewood, NJ, 24 — . DD, Tusc C, 32. Byerly, Robert Crane — b, Millersville, Pa, Dc 29, 1882; F&MC, 1907; tea, Syria, 07-10; PTS, 10-11, 12-4; ord, Pby Westminster, My 24, 14; miss, Tripoli, Syria, 14-5, Sidon, 1.5 — . Carlile, John Snyder — b, Brockton, Mass, Ap 10, 1886; PkC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; p, Moorestown, NJ, 15-8; p. Forest Hill ch, Newark, 19-29;res, NYCity,30 — . Day, Raymond Pue — b. Fawn Grov'e, Pa, Mr 25, 1886; NewWC, 1911; PT.S, 11-4; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 26, 14; ss, Gunby Mem ch, Stockton, Md, 14-6; p, Nottingham, Pa, 16-9; prin, do, 17-9; ss, Gunby Mem ch, Stockton, Md, 19- 24; tea, 19-24; p, 1st ch, Smithfield, Pa, 24-30; tea, York Run, 25-30; UPa, 29, MA; p. Crisp Mem ch, Baltimore, Md, 30 — . Elder, Earl Edgar — b, Albia, la, Mr 23, 1887; MonC, 1908; tea, Egypt, 08-11; PTS, 11-4, BD; PrU, 13, MA; ord UP, Pby Des Moines, Je 16, 14; miss, Egypt, 1.5 — ; instr, Arabic, AmerU, Cairo, 22 — . DD, MonC, 30; PhD, HartTS, 30. Folke, Erik Torsten — b, Yuncheng, Shansi, China, Fb 28, 1891; Nya Elementarskolan, Stockholm, 1911; PTS, 11-5, BD; Alum Fell, NT Lit, Univ Upsala, Sweden, 15-6; miss, Swedish miss, China, 18-20; ord pr, Swed Nat Ch, Dc 19, 20; asst p, Sodermanland, Sweden, 21-6; asso p, St John's ch, Stockholm, 21- p, 32—. Hittinger, Raymond Solt — b, Latimer Mines, Pa, Ag 6, 1887; LafC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby Potomac, Oc 1, 14; p, Bath, Pa, 17-9; p, 1st ch, Bethlehem, 20- 9; p, Logan Valley ch, Bellwood, 30 — . Irwin, John Henry — b, Coatcsville, Pa, Je 3, 1886; PkC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; 598 1914 PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Chester, Je 18, 14; p, Sisseton, SD, 14-25; p, Britton, 25—. Kidd, William Cummings — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 25, 1889; LafC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby Philadelphia North, Je 11, 14; p, 1st ch, Morrisville, Pa, 14-6; PrU, 16, MA; p, Hope ch, Lakewood, NJ, 16—; tea, Lakewood, 20- prin, 24 — . EdD, RutU, 32. Lyle, John McElderry — b, Dunadry, Co Antrim, Ireland, My 31, 1888; TrinCDub, 07-11; FreeChCGlas, 11-2; PTS, 12-4; miss. Broach, Bombay, India, 15—. Marsh, Wallace Henry — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ap 12, 1881; MaryvC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 18, 14; p, Whitehall, NY, 15-20; p, Troy, 21-3; sec, Albany, 23-30; res, Buffalo, 30 — . McCIemments, Albert Frederick — b. New York Mills, NY, Ap 8, 1888; ColgU, 1910; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 20, 14; miss, Brazil, 14-20; p, Ch of Lakes, Inlet, NY, 20-2; p, 1st ch, Oakfield, 22-9; p, Emmanuel ch, Rochester, 29 — . McConnell, James Chauncey — b, Leesburg, Pa, J1 2, 1882; GrovCyC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; PrU, 13, MA; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 25, 14; p, Clayton, NJ, 14-7; p, Westm ch, Miflflintown, Pa, 17-25; p, Flemington, NJ, 25-30; p, J R Miller Mem ch. Upper Darby, Pa, 30 — . Miller, Karl Palmer — b, Princeton, Ky, Oc 30, 1889; HanC, 1910; PTS, 11-4; PrU, 13, MA; ord, Pby Princeton, Je 4, 14; p, Tipton, Ind, 14-7 ; p, Plymouth, Mich, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 17-8; p. Mariners ch, NYCity, 19-23; stu, ColU, 19-22; p, 1st ch, Franklin, Ind, 23-9; grad stu, UColo, 29-30; p, Westm ch, Seattle, Wash, 30—. DD, HanC, 27. Moore, John Warner — b, Boston, Mass, Je 18, 1886; YaleU, 1908; tea, 08-11; PTS, 11-4, BD; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 5, 14; asst p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 14-6; p, Ogden Mem ch, Chatham, NJ, 16-7; chap, USN, 17 — . Napp, James Elias — b, Kalamazoo, Mich, Ja 9, 1887; KalC, & UChi, 1908; tea, 08-11; PTS, 11-5, BD; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 14, 14; miss, NM, 15-6; tea, Kolhapur, India, 16-7, prin, 17-20, Sangli, 20-3; edu supv, Kolhapur, 23 — . DD, KalC, 31. Peters, John Brandon — b, Campbell Co, Va, Ap 12, 1887; LIRich, 1909; p, ME ch, Wachapreague, Va, 09-11; PTS, 11-4; PrU, 13, MA; ord ME, 16; asst p, Blackstone, Va, 14; p. Cottage Place ch, Portsmouth, 14-5; p. Black- stone, 15-6; p, Grace ch, Richmond, 16-7; chap, LfSArmy, 17-9; p, Grace ch, Cambridge, Md, 19-21; p. Trinity ch, Salisbury, 21-3; p, 1st ch, Mansfield, La, 23-5; p, 1st ch. New Orleans, 25-31; p, Druid Hills ch, Atlanta, Ga, 31 — . DD, CentC, 29. Riddle, Robert Leonard — b. Whittles Depot, Va, Dc 25, 1886; DavC, 1911; UnTSVa, 11-3; ord, Pby New Castle, My 26, 14; p. Ocean City, Md, 14-8; PTS, 13-5, BD; Prll, 15, MA; p, Franklin Sq ch, Baltimore, Md, 18-23; p, Towson, 23-9; p, Kenwood ch, Raspeburg Sta, Baltimore, 29 — . 1914 599 Robinson, Robert Hunter — b, Newton, la, Dc 28, 1889; MonC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Rushville, Je 24, 14; asst p, Lancaster, Pa, 14-5; miss, India, 15-25; p, Creston, la, 25-8; prof. Miss, BibS, 28 — ; p, Yonkers, NY, 29— BRE, BibS, 29. Sauerwein, Charles William Herman — b, St Louis, Mo, Je 12, 1884; MissHseC, 1911; MissHseTS, 12-3; PTS, 13-4; ord RefChLFS, Cl Illinois, Oc 29, 14; p, 1st ch, Edinburg, 111, 14-5; p, 1st ch, Olney, 15-9; p, Zion ch, Louisville, Ky, 19-23; p. Cross ch, Berne, Ind, 23-9; p, Ev Ref ch, Plymouth, 29 — . Soltau, Theodore Stanley — b, Launceston, Tasmania, J1 14, 1890; NWU, 1909; civ eng; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 14, 14; miss, Syenchun, Korea, 14-7, Kangkai, 17-8, Moukden, 18-9, Chungju, 21 — . ‘Troutman, Homer Adam — b, Millersburg, Pa, Je 26, 1885; AlbrC, 1910; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Ap 14, 14; p. Fruit Hill & Kermoor, Pa, 14-9; p. West Grove, 19-25; p, Chichester Mem ch, Boothwyn, 25-8; d, Chester, Pa, Oc 7, 28. Voris, Paul Culbertson — b. Pleasant Township, Ind, Sp 26, 1887; HanC, 1911; PTS, 11-4; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby New Albany, My 12, 14; p, 1st ch, Hinckley, Minn, 14-8; p, 1st ch. Two Harbors, 18-21; asst supt, NatMiss, Syn Minn, 21-4; p, 1st ch, Winnebago, 24-30; p, 1st ch, Litchfield, 31 — . DD, HanC, 28. ‘Watt, James — b, Lancaster, Pa, Je 27, 1888; F&MC, 1910; tea, 10-1; PTS, 11-4, 22-3; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Westminster, My 24, 14; miss, India, 14-22; d, Lancaster, Pa, Je 1, 23. Wells, Arthur Forest — b, St Louis, Mo, Nv 1, 1887; ElmC, 1905-9; EdenTS, 09-10; PTS, 11-4, BD; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 19, 14; ch miss, Garwood, NJ, 15-8; p, Curby Mem ch, St Louis, Mo, 18-24; p, Northminster ch, Balti- more, Md, 24 — . ‘Wichers, John — b, Zeeland, Mich, Mr 11, 1888; HopeC, 1910; PTS, 11-4, BD; PrU, 13, MA; lie RefChAm, Cl Holland, J1 22, 14; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UEdin, 14-5; ill health; d. Canon City, Col, Ap 9, 18. 28. Blunk, Conrad Frederick Ernst — b, Rostock, Ont, Can, Mr 2, 1888; WagMemLuthC, 03-8; MtATS, 08-11; ord Luth, Oc, 11; UpsC, 12-3, 14, BA; grad stu, PTS, 13-4, BD; p. South Williamsport, Pa, 13-5; p. Blossom, NY, 15-9; med stu, ColU, 19-23, MD; phys, NYCity. Boyd, Ward Franklin — b, Marinette, Wis, Oc 7, 1885; UWis, 1911; PTS, 11-2; MeCTS, 12-4, BD; ord, Pby Winnebago, My 12, 14; p, Carthage, 111, 14-9; p, Jamestown, ND, 19-26; p. Great Falls, Mont, 26 — . DD, JasC, 25. Braden, Samuel Ray — b, Derby, Kan, Je 18, 1888; CEmpo, 1910; supt schls; PTS, 11-2; ord, Pby Emporia, My 27, 13; miss, China, 13-5; p. Cotton- wood Falls, Kan, 15-7; MeCTS, 17-9, BD; stu p, Columbia, Mo, 19-24; dean, BlacC, 24-5; act pres & dean MoVC, 25-8; p, 1st ch, Mc.‘\lester, Okla, 28 — . PhD, UMo, 24. 6oo 1914 Brooks, Frederick Emerson — b, Livingston Co, Mo, Je 1, 1886; State Tea Coll, Kirksville, Mo, 1913; PTS, 11-2; McCTS, 12-3; UnTS, 14-5; ord, Pby Brooklyn-Nassau, Fb 23, 15; p, Mineola, NY, 15-7; sec, YMCA, 17-9; p, Hyland, Kan, 19-21; p, Mem ch, Marysville, 22-6; asst p, 1st ch, Topeka, 26-9; p, Grace ch, Kansas City, Mo, 29 — . Brown, Allan Hill — b, Tipton, la, Ap 19, 1887; MacalC, 1911; PTS, 11-2; sec work, 12-3; McCTS, 13-5; ord, Pby Ottawa, J1 6, 15; p, 1st ch. Sand- wich, 111, 15-7; p, 1st ch, Wheaton, Minn, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18; sec, NER, Ind, 18-9; sec. Inter Ch Wrld Mvmt, 19-20; fin sec, AlmaC, 20-1; p, 1st ch, Georgetown, O, 21-3; p, Westm ch, Dayton, 24-8; p. Prospect ch, Ashtabula, 28—. Brown, Andrew — b, Banbridge, Ireland, J1 2, 1871; LaneTS, 1907-10; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, My 18, 10; grad stu, PTS, 13-4; p, Atglen, Pa, 14-7; p, 2d ch, Newtownhamilton, Ire, 19-25; p, Tyne Valley, PEI, Can, 27-8; p, Springhill, NS, 29 — . Caruthers, Guy Franklin — b, Strasburg, Pa, Fb 9, 1883; TemU, 1906-10, Schl Theol, 10-2; PTS, 12-3; ord PEpis, 16; rec, St John’s PEpis ch, Westfield, Pa, 16-9; rec, St Paul’s ch, Columbia, 19-31; res, Columbia, 31 — . Cordova, Charles Cordova — b, Cordova, NM, Ja 28, 1888; TuscC, 1910; tea; PTS, 11-2; McCTS, 12-4; ord, Pby Chicago, My 6, 14; ss, & hm miss. Las X'egas, NM, 15-9; ss, Monrovia, Cal, 19-22; hm miss. Las Vegas, NM, 22-5; ss. Divine Saviour ch, El Paso, Tex, 25-31; res, Chimayo, NM. Crabb, Cecil Van Meter — b. Eminence, Ky, J1 26, 1889; CenCKy, 1910, 10- 1, MA; PTS, 12-3; KyTS, 13-4, BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Memphis, Ja 1, 16, p, Brownsville, Tenn, 15-9; p. Central ch, Oklahoma City, Okla, 19-23; p, Clarksdale, Miss, 23 — . DD, SW. Cremeans, Walter Rollo — b. Lick Creek, III, Je 30, 1885; LincC, 1911; PTS, 11-2; McCTS, 12-4, BD; ord, Pby Rock River, My 19, 14; p, 1st ch, Mor- rison, 111, 14-7; p, 1st ch, Greeley, Col, 17-21; p, W’estm ch, Springfield, 111, 21 — . DD, LincC, 22. Davenport, Jay Furber — b, Freeport, 111, Ja 7, 1888; BelC, 1911; PTS, 11- 2; McCTS, 12-4; ord, Pby Freeport, Ap 15, 15; p. Flora, Ind, 15-8; miss, Cuba, 18-21; ss, Bethany Un ch, Rockford, 111, 21-6; miss, Caracas, Venezuela, 26 — . Davis, Oma Grier — b, Wilmar, Ark, J1 20, 1885; ErskC, 1911; ErskTS, 10- 2; ord, AssoRefP, Pby Arkansas, Je 14, 12; p. Prosperity, SC, 12-3; grad stu, PTS 13-4, BD; p. Cotton Plant, Miss, 14-6; p, Dardanelle, Ark, 16-8; evang. Blue Mountain, Miss, 18-22; supt Missions, Miss, 22-4; hm miss, Ripley, 24-6; ss, Rockville, Md, 26-7; miss, Baltimore, 27-9; GWU, 31, MA; supt Miss, Pby La, 29 — ; res, Jennings, La. DD, ArkC, 32. Dodds, Harold Willis— b, Utica, Pa, Je 28, 1889; GrovCyC, 1909; PTS, 11- 2; PrU, 14, MA; UPa, 17, PhD; instr, Econ, PurU, 14-6; asst prof, PolSc, WRU, 19-20; sec. National Municipal League, 20-8; ed. National Municipal Review, 20 — ; prof, Pol, PrU, 27 — . LLD, GrovCyC, 31. Graves, Clifford Hendry Marion — b, Atkinson, Neb, Fb 20, 1888; YaleU, 1914 6oi 1911; PTS, 11-4; ord, Pby Huntington, Ap 24, 14; p, Burnham, Pa, 14-5; p, Summerville, 15-6; p, Springville, NY, 16-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; bus, Denver, Col, 19-21; p. Brush, 21-o; bus, Denver, 23-30; p, Clayton Community ch, Denver, 30 — . Harris, Albert Grady — b, Pineville, NC, J1 2, 1888; ErskC, 1911; PTS, 11- 2; UnTSVa, 12-4; ord, Pby Albemarle, Oc 11, 14; p, 1st ch, Greenville, NC, 13- 7; p, 2d ch, Birmingham, Ala, 17-9; chap, USArmy, 18-9; bus, 20-3; p, 1st ch, Seneca, SC, 23-9; p, 1st ch, Milledgeville, Ga, 29 — . Heemstra, Jacob — b. Orange City, la, Ja 2, 1888; HopeC, 1910; supt, 10-1; PTS, 11-2; WestTSMich, 12-4; HopeC, 13-4, MA; ord, RefChAm, Cl Illinois, Sp 2, 14; p. Trinity ch, Chicago, 14-8; prof, CntlCIa, 18-28; pres. Northwestern Junior Coll, Orange City, la, 28 — •. *Hitchcock, Pieter Cornelius — b, Richmond, Cape Colony, South Africa, Mr 31, 1882; VicCSAfr, 1907-9; StellTS; ord, Pby Hartebeest-Fontin, My 18, 13; grad stu, PTS, 13-4, p, Barberton, SAfr, 14-22; d, Barberton, Oc 13, 22. Hodgin, Angus James — b, Red Springs, NC, Sp 28, 1885; UNC, 1911; PTS, 11-2; McCTS, 12-4; ord, Pby Chicago, My 3, 14; ss, Rockingham, NC, 14- 5; evang, 15-6; rep, Chr Observer, 16-7;YMCA, war service, 17-9; sec, YMCA, Birmingham, Ala, 19-21; do, Richmond, Va, 21 — . Huey, William Ellis — b, Rosemark, Tenn, Dc 20, 1884; ErskC, 1911; tea; ErskTS, 10-3; grad stu, PTS, 13-4, BD; ord AssoRefP, J1 25, 13; p, Zion ch, Havana, Ark, 14-9; res, Havana, 19 — . Kriel, Jacobus Petrus — b, Lydenburg, Transvaal, South Africa, My 4, 1872; Gill Coll, Somerset East, 1893; StellTS, 93-7; ord DRefChSAfr, Sp 17, 98; grad stu, PTS, 13-4, BD; p, Kuilsriver, CP, SoAfr, 15 — . Kuiper, Herman — b, Garrelsweer, Holland, Dc 18, 1889; UChi, 1910; CalvTS, 10-3; Alum Fell, NT Lit, PTS, 13-4, BD, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, 14-5; ord ChrRef, Cl Sioux Center, Fb 27, 16; p. Rock Valley, la, 16-23; p, Oakdale Park ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 23-5; FreeUAmster, 25-8, ThD; p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 28 — . *Leitch, Andrew Charles — b, Drumcree, Portadown, Ire, Oc 19, 1885; QuCGal, 04-8; AsC, 1908-11; PTS, 11-3; ill health; d, Belfast, Ire, Ja 26, 19. Lloyd, Peter Lewis — b, Cwmtwrch, Wales, Mr 8, 1885; MariC, 1906-10; PTS, 11-2; ord Cong, Ag 26, 12; ss. Spring Brook, Pa, 12-4; ss, Binghamton, NY, 14-6; ss, Presb ch, Guilford, 16-9; ss, Prompton, Pa, 19-23; p, Wyalusing, 23-30; p, Margaretville, NY, 30 — . Mackay, Callum Nicholson Miller — b, Torbreck, Scotland, Nv 14, 1878; Bib Training Inst, Glasgow, 1902-4; LaneTS, 07-10; ord, Pby Transylvania, Ap 13, 10; ss, Hannaford, ND, 10-1; MuskC, 11-2, BA; ss, 1st ch, Greenport, NY, 12- 3; grad stu, PTS, 13-4, BD; PrU, 16, MA; chap, British Army, 16-9; p. West Kilbride, Scotland, 19-20; asst p, Alboa, 21-2; asst p, St Andrew’s ch, Pretoria, SAfr, 23-5; ss, Mayfair ch, Johannesburg, 25; p, Boksburg, 25-8; p, St Andrew’s ch, Levis, Que, Can, 30 — . 6o2 1914 Maxwell, Bertram W — b, Odessa, Russia, Ja 1, 1891; Real Gym, Odessa; BloomTS, 11-2; PTS, 12-3; McCTS, 13-4; ord, Pby Chicago, My 3, 14; p, 5th ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 15-8; chap, USArmy; res, Topeka, Kan, 20-1; tea. Elbow Lake, Minn, 21 — . McCahon, George — b. Fort Worth, Tex, Je 16, 1881; LafC, 1911, 14-5; PTS, 11-3; ord, Pby Liverpool, Ja 7, 15; miss, Chincheu, China, 15-9; res, Belfast, Ire, 20-4; p, Presb Ch Ire, Ballymote, 24-9; p, Orritor ch, Cookstown, 29 — . Mcllroy, Albert Dawson Crawford — b, Belfast, Ireland, Fb 25, 1890; TrinCDub, 1911, 15, MA; AsC, 11-2; PTS, 12-3, 16-7, BD; asst p, Belfast, Ire, 14-6; ord, Pby Toronto, Ap 24, 19; asst p, Cookes ch, Toronto, Can, 18-22; p, 7th UP ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 22-4; p, McDowell Mem Presb ch, Phila, 24-9; p, Tabor ch, Phila, 30 — ; prof, Gk & Bib Crit, Pa Bib Schl, Phila, 25 — . Mcllroy, John Brooks — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ag 9, 1886; TrinCDub, 1911, 14, MA; AsC, 11-2; PTS, 12-3, 16-7, BD; asst p, Belfast, Ire, 13-6; ord Pby Toronto, Sp 10, 18; p, Cowan Ave ch, Toronto, Can, 18-24; p. North ch, Pitts- burgh, Pa, 24—. DD, W&JC, 31. Murray, Percy Norman — b, Neepawa, Manitoba, Can, Mr 31, 1886; UMani, 1909; ManiC, ThDept, 10-3; grad stu, PTS, 13-4, BD; ord, Pby Wey- burn. My 27, 14; p, Dummer, Sask, Can, 14-8; p, Erskine ch, Killarney, Mani, 18-22; p, UnChCan, Glenboro, 22-9; p, Elgin, 29-30; p, St Paul’s ch, Boissevain, 30—. *01dland, John Ambrose — b, Webster, Pa, Ag 20, 1877; GrovCyC, 1908; WestTS, 08-11; ord, Pby Steubenville, My 25, 11; p, Unionport & Annapolis, O, 11-3; grad stu, PTS, 13-4; res, Pittsburgh, Pa; p, Terra Alta, WVa, 17-8; d, Spencer, Mr 6, 18. Papay, Steven — b, Bolcske, Hungary, Sp 14, 1888; RefFogymnasium, Kiskimhalas, 1898-1906; Ref Theol Acad, Budapest, 06-10; UBasle, ThDept, 10- 1; ord RefCh, Hungary, Sp 20, 12; grad stu, PTS, 13-4; res, Bolcske, Hungary. Peck, Edwin Griffin — b, Youngstown, O, Oc 12, 1885; MBI; ME; PTS, 11- 3; bus, Detroit, Mich, 13 — . Porfirio, Domenico Antonio — b, Roccavivara, Italy, Ag 18, 1887; RC Sem, Italy, 1906, MA; BibS, 10-1; PTS, 11-2; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 9, 12; ss, Burlington, NJ, 12-6; ss, Asbury Park, 16-20; ch miss, Middletown, NY, 20-5; ss, Rochester, 25 — . Rankin, John Chambers — b, Tuscola, 111, Fb 7, 1888; PkC, 1910; PTS, 11-2; AubTS, 12-5, ThB; ord, Pby Otsego, Je 9, 15; p, Unadilla, NY, 15-9; ss, Middlefield Center, 19-21; ss, Uniondale & Forest City, Pa, 21-2; p, Laurens, NY, 22-7; p, Worcester, 27—. Robertson, Albion Lorenza — b, Hulbert, Okla, Sp 12, 1889; HKC, 1911; PTS, 11-2; McCTS, 12-4; ord, Pby Muskogee, Oc 28, 14; ss, Chelsea, Okla, 14-7; tea & p, Indian Tr Schl, Okla, 17-9; p, Fairfax, 19-26; p, Springdale, Ark, 26-9; tea, do, 29-31; stu, Tahlequah, Okla, 31 — . Shea, George Hopkins — b. Chrome, Pa, Fb 29, 1888; LincU, 1911; PTS, 11-3, 14; WestTS, 14; p. Middle Octorara ch, Quarryville, Pa, 15 — . 1914 6o3 Sheppard, Albert Samuel — b, Swansea, South Wales, Great Britain, My 31, 1882; HurC, 1911; PTS, 11-3; PrU, 13, MA; WestTS, 13-4; ord, Pby Kittanniny, Ap 14, 14; p, 1st ch, Leechburg, Pa, 14-6; p, Elizabeth Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 16-8; p, 1st ch. Forest Hills, NY, 18-26; prof, Hist, NYU, 26—; res. Forest Hills, NY. PhD, NYU, 31. Shield, Friederick Kienholz — b. La Crosse, Wis, Mr 23, 1868; MissHseC, 8.5- 8; sec, YMCA, Baltimore, Md, 88-92; NBTS, 92-5; ord RefChAm, Cl Hudson, Je 25, 95; p, Livingston, NY, 96; ss, Linlithgo, 99-1901; p, Dashville Falls, 02-3; p. New Hurley, 04-5; p, Wayne St ch, Jersey City, NJ, 06-8; p. Long Branch, 09; p. Highland Park, 10-9; grad stu, PTS, 13-4; asso p. Memorial ch, Bogota, NY, 20-2; ss, Teaneck, 22-3; cl miss, Bogota, 24-9, Teaneck, 30-1; syn miss, Wyckoff, NJ, 31— Shotwell, DeForest Norris — b. East Orange, NJ, Nv 11, 1885; W&JC, 1911, 14, MA; PTS, 11-2; McCTS, 12-4; ord, Pby Rock River, Je 22, 14; p. Spring Valley ch, Morrison, 111, 14-6; ss. Carmen, NC, 16-9; ss. White Rock, 19-20; ss, Owen Creek ch, Charlestown, Ind, 20-2; p el, West End ch, Ottumwa, la, 22-7; p, 1st ch. Rice Lake, Wis, 27-30; p, Williams Mem & Westm chs, Sioux City, la, 30 — . Sifton, Alexander — b, Edinburgh, Scotland, Ag 20, 1891; UGlas, 1910, MA; PTS, 11-2; KyTS, 12-3; ord, Pby Muhlenberg, Nv 1, 14; p. Central City, Ky, 14-6; p, Brewton, Ala, 16-8; p, Knox ch. Charleston, SC, 18-22; p, Oxford 1st ch, Belvidere, NJ, 22 — . Slack, John William — b, Bangor, Pa, Ja 6, 1882; AlbrC, 1908; p. Port Carbon, Pa, 09-13; PTS, 11-2; ord UnEv, Mr, 13; p, Phila, Pa, 13-5; CrozTS, 14-5, BD; p, Ashland, Pa, 15-7; p, Presb ch, Hyattsville, Md, 17-9; p, Ada, O, 19-24; p, Towanda, Pa, 24-7; p, 1st ch, Johnson City, NY, 27 — . DD, ONU, 24. Slater, Orlo Donald — b. West Point, 111, Sp 25, 1886; CarthC, 1911; PTS, 11-2; McCTS, 12-4, BD; ord, Pby Rushville, Ap 15, 14; p, Hazelwood Park ch, Duluth, Minn, 14-7; ss, Elvaston, 111, 17-26; p, 1st ch, Alexis, 26 — . Stewart, William Hall — b, Toomebridge, Co Antrim, Ireland, Oc 11, 1890; QuUBelf, 1911; AsC, 11-2, 13-4; PTS, 12-3; ord, Pby Coleraine, Ap 4, 17; asst. College Sq ch, Belfast, Ire; asst. White Abbey ch, Belfast; asst, 1st Antrim ch, Belfast; res, Edinburgh, Scot. White, William Robert — b, Kilkeel, Co Down, Ireland, Sp 22, 1890; QuUBelf, 1911; PTS, 11-3; chap, British Army; bus, Belfast, Ire. *Whitteker, Elliott Huff — b, Cincinnati, O, Ja 4, 1879; UCin, 1900-1; LaneTS, 01-4; ord, Pby Athens, Je 22, 04; p, Beverly, O, 04-6; ss, Adams Mills, 06-8; p, Fayette & Kunkle, 08-10; p, 1st ch, Carlisle, Ind, 11; ss, Greenup, 111, 11-3; grad stu, PT.S, 13-4; ss, Ireton, la, 14-5; ss. Mount Pleasant ch, Marcus, 1.5- 7; p, Meriden, 17-8; d, Meriden, la, Fb 5, 18. Witt, Edmond Talmage — b, Stoyestown, Pa, Oc 29, 1885; LafC, 1911; PTS, 11-2; McCTS, 12-4; ord, Pby Logansport, Oc 29, 14; p. Pine St ch, Ham- piond, Ind, 14-7; p, 6th ch, Cincinnati, O, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, 1st ch, 1914-1915 6o4 Calumet, Mich, 19-22; p, 1st ch, Vinita, Okla, 22-7; oc s, 27-8; p, St Paul’s ch, St Louis, Mo, 28 — . DD, OskC, 25. 46. 1915 Baskerville, Robert Walker — b. Center Hall, Pa, My 21, 1892; PrU, 1912, 14, MA; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Westminster, J1 20, 15; p, 1st ch, Strasburg, Pa, 15-8; p, 1st ch, Conemaugh, 18-20; newspaper corres, Trenton, NJ, 20-1; p, 1st ch, Deerfield, 21-4; p, Alderbrook ch, Astoria, Ore, 24-5; prof, Eng & Lit, AlbanyC, 25-6; tea, do, Olympia, Wash, 26-7; ss. Gig Harbor, 27-8; stu, UWash, 27-8; bus, Chicago, 111, 28-9; p, Fauntleroy Cong ch, Seattle, Wash, 29 — . Bergen, Hansen — b, Shokan, NY, Ag 21, 1888; HurC, 1912; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Seattle, Oc 15, 15; p, Brighton ch, Seattle, Wash, 15-7; asst p, 1st ch, Seattle, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Madrona ch, Seattle, 19-21; p, 1st ch, Ellensburg 21-9; p, Stella ch. Forty Fort, Pa, 29 — . Emmons, Peter Kenneth — b, Monmouth Junction, NJ, My 9, 1892; PrU, 1912; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 17, 15; p. Bridge St ch, Catasauqua, Pa, 15-6; p, 1st ch, Stroudsburg, 16-9; p, 1st ch, Trenton, NJ, 19-27; p, Westm ch, Scranton, Pa, 27 — . Franklin, Samuel Floyd — b, Wilmington, Del, Je 7, 1891; PrU, 1912, 14, MA; PTS, 12-5, BD; ord, Pby New Castle, My 12, 15; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, NYU, 15-6; asst p. Prospect St ch, Trenton, NJ, 16-7; p. Stony Point, NY, 17-20; p. Liberty, 20-3; tea, Danville, Ky, 23-5; asso prof, Rel, MacalC, 25—. PhD, NYU, 25. Frasca, Michele — b, Montella, Italy, Fb 16, 1888; UPa, 1912; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 17, 15; miss p. Ambler, Pa, 15-7; UPa, 15-6, MA; miss p, Rochester, NY, 17-24; miss p, Schenectady, 24 — . Ghiselin, Charles, Jr — b, Shepherdstown, WV’a, Oc 24, 1892; W&LU, 1912; PTS, 12-5; ss, 1st ch, Ballinger, Tex, 16; miss, Taichow, China, 17-27; res, NYCity, 32—. Hand, Ralph Wesley — b, Tremont, Pa, J1 29, 1881; AlbrC, 1908; pastoral work, 07-12; ord UnEvCh, Fb 26, 11; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; p, Presb ch, Riverdale, Md, 15-8; p, Neelsville ch, Germantown, Pa, 18-20; p. Centre ch. New Park, 20-9; p. Dry Run, 29 — . Hartmann, Henry Michael — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 2, 1887; TemlJ, 1912; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 16, 15; ss, Miami, Ariz, 15-7; p, Bristol, Pa, 18-29; p, Chateaugay, NY, 29 — . Ischy, John Wesley — b, Hannibal, O, Fb 1, 1885; LebVC, 1912; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 10, 15; hm miss, Pby Bismark, 15-6; ss, 1st ch, Lisbon, ND, 16-7; USArmy, 17-9; p, Dell Roy & New Harrisburg, O, 20-3; ill health; res, Windermere, Fla. Jacobs, Melvin Clay — b, Yorkana, Pa, Dc 8, 1885; UrsC, 1912; PTS, 12-5, BD; PrU, 14, MA; ord UnEvCh, Mr 12, 12; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, HarvU, 15-6; ss & tea, Washington College, Tenn, 16-9; ss, Ridgebury, NY, 1915 6o5 19-22; p, Chester, 22-4; ss, Amity, 24-6; prof, WhitmC, 26 — ; ss, Umapine, Ore, 28—. Jones, Burwell Walter — b, Teloga, Ga, Ag 14, 1889; TrinU, 1912; PTS, 12-5; PrlJ, 15, MA; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 13, 15; p, Slateville ch. Delta, Pa, 15— . Jordan, Walter Edward — b, Emporia, Va, Oc 28, 1888; RMC, 1912; PTS, 12-6, BD; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ap 15, 15; ss. West Collingswood, NJ, 15-6; asst p, Bethany ch, Phila, Pa, 16-20; p, Calvin ch, Phila, 20 — . Keen, Paul Edwin — b, Yorkana, Pa, Ag 24, 1888; AlbrC, 1912; PTS, 12-6, BD; PrU, 15, MA; ord UnEvCh, Mr 9, 16; ss, Grace Ev ch, Wrightsville, Pa, 16- p, 17-22; p. State College, 22-4; PaSC, 23-5, MS; p, Myerstown, 24-7; prof, Eng Bib, AlbrC, 24-7; prof, NT, EvTS, 27—. Kennard, Joseph Spencer, Jr — b, Ossining, NY, Ap 28, 1890; HarvU, 1913; PTS, 13-6, BD; miss, Tokyo, Japan, 20-6, Himeji, 26-8, Mito, 28 — . ♦Kennedy, Joseph Elliott — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Je 11, 1889; PrU, 1911; bus, 11-12; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Providence, Je 21, 15; p, 1st ch, Lonsdale, RI, 15-7; p, 1st ch, Lowell, Mass, 17-23; d, Lowell, Je 10, 23. Koontz, Jacob Vanderbilt — b, Oakville, Pa, My 16, 1885; LafC, 1912; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 13, 15; asst p, LInion ch. Canal Zone, Panama, 15-6; p, 1st ch, Mannington, WVa, 17-25; p, 1st ch, Pikeville, Ky, 25-9; tea. Bib, PikevC, 26-8; p, 1st ch, Emlenton, Pa, 29 — . Kruse, W Roberts— b, Elwyn, Pa, Mr 8, 1890; PrU, 1912; McCTS, 12-4; PTS, 14-5, 17-8, BD; ord, Pby Chester, My 10, 15; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Cincinnati, O, 15-20; USArmy, 18; p. West 2d Ave ch, Columbus, O, 21-3; sec wk, OSU, 24-5; instr, WNottingham Acad, Colora, Md, 25-6; bus; res. Spring- field, Pa, 27—. Larrick, Asa Richard — b, Hayfield, Va, Sp 14, 1884; W&LU, 1907; tea, 07-10; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Yellowstone, Ja 6, 16; ss, 1st ch, Ismay, Mont, 15-8; ss, 1st ch. Plant City, Fla, 18 — . DD, W&LU, 29. LaRue, Jacob Servis — b, Ringoes, NJ, Oc 16, 1883; LafC, 1911; PTS, 11- 12, 13-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Oc 5, 14; ss, Roslyn, Wash, 15-8; ss, Boyle Mem Center, St Louis, Mo, 18-9; dir, Rel Edu, 1st ch, Schenectady, NY, 19-21; p, 1st ch, Hudson Falls, 21 — . Leishman, William — b, Edinburgh, Scotland, Dc 13, 1884; MissTrl, 1907; PTS, 10-5; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 13, 15; p, Stewartstown, Pa, 15-21; p. East Lake, Wilmington, Del, 21-3; p, Lewes, 23 — . Lindsay, John David — b, Cavan, Ireland, Je 5, 1889; LafC, 1912; PTS, 12- 5; ord, Pby New Castle, My 19, 15; p, 1st ch, Shippensburg, Pa, 15-24; p, 1st ch, Findlay, 0, 24 — . Lytle, James Pollock — b, Hanover, Ind, Oc 16, 1891; MonC, 1912; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord UP, Pby Hudson, Je 18, 15; p, 2d ch, NYCity, 15-23; p, 1st ch, Xenia, 0, 23 — . 6o6 1915 Mackay, John Alexander — b, Inverness, Scotland, My 17, 1889; Aberdeen Univ, 1912, MA; Theol Schl of the Free Presb Ch of Scotland, Inverness, 10-1, Wick, 12-3; PTS, 13-5, BD; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, Univ Madrid, 15-6; ord, Pby Inverness, Ag 1, 16; prin, Anglo-Peruvian Coll, Lima, Peru, 17-25; prof, Phil, Nat Univ, Peru, 25; lect & auth, SA Fed YMCA, 26-32; sec, BdForMiss, NYCity, 32 — . LittD, Nat Univ, Peru, 18. Melrose, Paul Cunningham — b, Kiungchow, Hainan Island, China, Oc 12, 1891; LenC, 1912; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 15, MA; ord, Pby Dubuque, Je 10, 15; ColU, 15-6; Ula, 25-6; miss, Nodoa, Hainan, China, 16 — . Northacker, Howard Arlington — b, Scranton, Pa, Dc 4, 1888; AlbrC, 1912; PTS, 12-6, BD; ord, Pby North River, Je 17, 18; p, Newtown ch, Elm- hurst, NY, 19 — . Osuna, Juan Jose — b, Caguas, Porto Rico, Je 24, 1884; PaSC, 1912; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Northumberland, Ap 25, 15; miss, Porto Rico, 15-7; tea. Poly- technic Inst of Porto Rico, San German, 17-8; YMCA, war service; stu, ColU, 19-22, MA; prof, Edu, UPR, 22-8, dean. Coll of Edu, 28—. PhD, ColU, 23. *Othen, Richard Charles Theodore — b, Matara, Ceylon, India, Ap 2, 1884; Richmond Coll, Ceylon, 1901-3; tea; PTS, 11-5; BD; PrU, 13, MA; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UEdin, 15-6; ord, Pby Battleford, Sp 6, 16; miss, Canada, 17-8; p, Robertson Mem ch, Winnepeg, 18; d, Winnepeg, Can, Nv 25, 18. Plaxco, Moffatt Ross — b, Lancaster, SC, My 9, 1889; ErskC, 1910; tea; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord AssoRefP, Je 15, 15; p, Abbeville, SC, 15-24; p, Louisville, Ga, 24 — . Porter, Eliot — b, Ness City, Kan, Oc 23, 1889; UKan, 1911; law stu, 11-2; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 26, 15; p, Harlowton, Mont, 15-6; USArmy, 16-9; p, Harlowton, Mont, 19-22; p, UKan, 22-4; UChi, 24-6, PhD; p, Lincoln, 111, 27-9; asst ed, BdChrEdu, Phila, Pa, 29 — . Ritter, Hezekiah Cotesworth, Jr — b. Cope, SC, Nv 21, 1889; USC, 1910; tea; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 15, MA; ord, Pby North Bay, Oc 20, 15; p, Rosseau & Hekla chs, Ont, Can, 15-6; prof, OT Lit, Nanking Theol Sem, China, 17-23; act prof. Bib & Miss, DukeU, 24-5; evang & edu wk, Meth Miss, Harbin, Manchuria, 26-7; p, MEch, Inman, SC, 28-9; p. Green St ch, Columbia, 30-1; sec, BdChrEdu, ME Ch South, Greenville, 32 — . STM, BosU, 27. Russell, Robert McWatty, Jr — b, Caledonia, NY, Ag 27, 1889; WestmCPa, 1911; tea, 11-2; PTS, 12-5; PrLI, 15, MA; ord UP, Pby Mercer, Je 14, 15; YMCA, war service, 16-7; chap, USN, 17-8; p. Home St Presb ch, NYCity, 19-22; p, Larchmont Ave ch, Larchmont, NY, 22 — . DD, WestmCPa, 29. Schaaf, Nevin Henry — b, Huntington, Ind, Je 20, 1890; HeidC, 1912; CntlTS, 12-3; PTS, 13-5; PrU, 15, MA; ord RefChUS, Cl Phila, Sp 12, 15; p, St Andrew’s ch, Phila, Pa, 15-6; p, Grace ch. Fort Wayne, Ind, 16-22; p, Presb ch, Wabash, 22-9; p, Avondale ch, Cincinnati, O, 29-31; res. Fort Wayne, Ind. Shear, Hiram Ray — b, Putnam, NY, J1 4, 1889; WestmCPa, 1911; tea, 11-2; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 14, MA; ord UP, Pby Argyle, J1 13, 15; ss, Putnam, NY, 1915 6o7 16- p, 17-20; p, Dalton, O, 20-3; p & supt, Frenchburg Acad, Frenchbiirg, Ky, 23-9; p. West Park ch, McKees Rocks, Pa, 29 — . Smith, Leon Edgar — b, Troup Co, Ga, Oc 25, 1884; ord, Chr Ch, Oc 5, 1905; ElonC, 10; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 15, MA; p, 1st ch, Huntington, Ind, 15-9; p, Chr Temple, Norfolk, Va, 19 — ; act pres, ElonC, 31 — . DD, ElonC, 26. Troupe, John Franklin — b, Milroy, Pa, Ap 24, 1890; SyrlJ, 1911; JHU, 11- 2; PTS, 12-5; PrU, 15, MA; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 25, 15; p. Centre ch. New Park, Pa, 15-20; p, 1st ch, Fremont, O, 20-7; p, Giddings ch, St Louis, Mo, 28-30; p, 2d ch, Wilkinsburg, Pa, 30 — . DD, OskC, 25. Walker, Elmer — b, Trenton, NJ, Sp 8, 1887; LafC, 1905-7; bus, 08-11; PTS, 11-5; ord, Pby Chester, My 13, 15; p. Central ch, Downingtown, Pa, 15-9; chap, USArmy; p, Ewing ch, Trenton, NJ, 19 — . White, Maurice Seal — b, Phila, Pa, J1 5, 1888; UPa, 1909; bus; PTS, 12- 5, BD; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 18, 15; p. Union ch, Lancaster, Pa, 15-8; p, Annapolis, Md, 18-9; asst p, 4th ch, NYCity, 19-21; UnTS, 19-21; p, 6th ch, Washington, DC, 21-3; p. Highlands Community ch, Washington, DC, 23-5; p, Cong ch, Capitol Heights, Md, 25 — . 37. Anderson, Alexander Graham — b, Charlotte Co, \’a, Dc 5, 1884; VaPolyl, 1907; civ eng, 07-9; UVa, 09-10; UnTSVa, 10-3; ord, Pby Albermarle, Ap 16, 14; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD, 17-8; p, Eatonton, Ga, 15-6; p. North Bergen, NY, 18-21; p, Tullahoma, Tenn, 21-3; p, Romney, Ind, 23-8; p, Bethany ch. White- land, 28-31; ss, Laurens, SC, 32 — . *Argo, James Kelley — b, Ironton, O, Fb 17, 1857; Nat Normal Univ, Lebanon, O, 81; DrewTS, 81-4; ord ME, Oc 2, 89; p, Palestine, O, 84-5; p, Jerome, 85-6; p, Burlington, 86-7; p, Portland, 87-9; p, Miflin & McKendree, 89-91; p, ChrEvLuth ch. Gallon, 91-3; p, Presb ch. Belle Centre, 93-5; p, 2d ch, Findlay, 95-8; ss, Columbus Grove, 99-1900; p, Auburndale ch, Toledo, 02-4; p, Brighton ch, Zanesville, 04-6; p, Chicago, 111, 06-8; p, Hyattsville, Md, 09-12; p, Glen Campbell & Arcadia, Pa, 13-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; ss, Lauderdale, Fla, 15-6; ss. Green Hill ch, Phila, Pa, 17; p. Cherry Valley, NY, 17-20; d, Tampa, Fla, Je 6, 21. Bailey, Charles Robert — b, Greenville, SC, Ag 30, 1885; Furll, 1905; use, 12-4, MA; ColTS, 11-4, BD; lie, PresbChUS, Ap 9, 14; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; p, Menlo, Summerv'ille & Lyerly, Ga, 16-7; p. Laurel Hill, NC, 18-24; p, Romney, WVa, 24 — . Beitler, Samuel Wilmer — b, Phila, Pa, My 21, 1877; bus; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Phila, My 10, 15; p, 1st ch, Sayre, Pa, 15-7; p, 1st ch, Ingram, 17-23; p, 1st ch, Butler, 23 — . DD, HastC, 28. Bouwsma, John Gets — b, Muskegon, Mich, Nv 18, 1890; CalvC, 1911; CalvTS, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord ChrRef, .'^g 26, 15; p, Sullivan, Mich, 15-9; p. Rusk, 19-21; p, Jenison, 21-7; p, Graafschap, 27-31; p. South Holland, 111, 31—. 21 6o8 1915 Bradley, William Roy — b, Neosho Falls, Kan, J1 21, 1889; CEmpo, 1912; PTS, 12-4; SFTS, 14-5; ord, Pby Emporia, Je 15, 15; p, 1st ch, Madison, Kan, 15-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, 1st ch, Horton, Kan, 19-20; chap, USArmy, 20 — . *Coleman, William Carithers — b, Beaver Falls, Pa, Ja 30, 1889; UPitts, 1909; ColU, 10-1, MA; RefPTS, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; ord RefP, Pby Ohio, Ag 31, 15; p, Jonathans Creek ch. White Cottage, O, 15-8; USArmy; killed in action, Oc 7, 18. Cooke, John Johannes — b, Friesland, Holland, Dc 6, 1889; CalvC, 1910; PTS, 12-3; p, Schuyler, Neb, 19-21; res, Denver, Col; — ♦Cooper, Clarence— b, Chicago, 111, Oc 24, 1885; CalvC, 1908-10; CalvTS, 10-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; stu, CalvC, 15-6; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids East, Ja 4, 17; p, Willard, O, 17-21; d, Chicago, 111, Je 18, 21. Cortas, George — b, Baskinta, Mt Lebenon, Syria, Ap 4, 1879; PTS, 1912;— Dimmock, Thomas Herbert — b, Darien, Ga, Nv 26, 1888; DavC, 1910; bus; UnTSVa, 11-4, BD; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Savannah, Je 10, 15; p, Lafayette & New Jamestown chs, Norfolk, Va, 15-7; p, Lafayette & Armstrong Mem chs, Norfolk, 17-9; p, Armstrong Mem ch, Norfolk, 19-25; p, Oxford, NC, 25-8; p, 2d ch, Newport News, Va, 28 — . ♦Doyle, Cullen Parrish — b, Finleyville, Pa, Ja 25, 1891; FrankCO, 1912; PTS, 12-4; ss, Milton, NY, 14; d, Summerville, Pa, Ja 30, 15. Dysart, William Edmund — b, Superior, Neb, J1 10, 1885; BellvC, 1911; OmaTS, 11-4; ord, Pby Hastings, My 30, 14; grad stu, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, PTS, 14-5, BD; p, Bethany & Kellar chs. Neb, 15-9; ss, Barneston, 19-22; p, Belden, 22-4; p, Beaver City, 24-32; p, 1st ch, Bridgeport, 32 — . Hay, Samuel Hutson — b. Liberty Hill, SC, Nv 16, 1883; DavC, 1906; tea, 06-7; ColTS, 07-10, BD; ord, Pby Pee Dee, My 10, 10; p, Marion, SC, 10- 6; grad stu, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, PTS, 14-5, BD; p, 1st ch, Mooresville, NC, 16-20; p, 1st ch, Morristown, Tenn, 20 — . DD, KingC, 25. ♦Heyns, Herman — b, Allendale, Mich, Nv 16, 1889; CalvC, 1911; CalvTS, 11- 4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Zeeland, Ag 4, 15; miss. Cl Zeeland, 15-8; p, Noordeloos, Mich, 19-20; p. East Paris, 20-1; d. Grand Rapids, Mich, My 8, 21. Hinkamp, Paul Eugene — b, Milwaukee, Wis, Oc 30, 1885; HopeC, 1907, 13-4, MA; tea, 07-11; McCTS, 11-4, BD; ord, Pby Milwaukee, Ap 22, 14; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; p, 1st ch, Sheboygan, Wis, 15-8; prof. Bib & Phil, HopeC, 18-22, prof, Phil, 22-9, prof. Bib & Bib Lit, 29 — ; ss. Central Park Ref ch, Holland, Mich, 21-3; ss, Cong ch, Hartford, 28-31; ss, Amer Ref ch, Hamilton, 31 — . Holt, Olen Severin — b, Strandvik, Norway, Mr 21, 1875; StOC, 1904; tea, 04-6; SUnNorLuthCh, 06-9; PrU, 09-10, MA; ord United Norwegian Luth, Je 5, 10; p. Banks, ND, 10-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; Univ Oslo, 15-9; p, Fillan, Norway, 20 — . 1915 6og Ishikawa, Tetsu — b, Neito, Ibaraki, Japan, Dc 25, 1885; WasU, 1907; UPa, 10-1; PTS, 12; tea;— Jahn, August Edward — b, Elgin, 111, My 8, 1881; HurC, 1912; lie, Ap 7, 10; PTS, 12-3; bus, Fargo, ND, 13 — . Jones, Drury Lacy — b, Fairfield, \’a. My 4, 1889; FredC, 1909; tea; UnTSV'a, 11-4, BD; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Kings Mountain, Ag 1, 15; p, Dallas & Hephzibah, NC, 15-7; p, Hope Mills, Big Rockfish & Sherwood, 18—. Kagawa, Toyohiko — b, Kobe, Japan, J1 12, 1888; MG, 1905-7; KobeTS, 07-10; lie, Naniwa Presb Syn, Osaka, Japan, 09; p, Kyureidan, Kobe, 09-14, 16-23; p, Honjo Mission, Tokyo, 23-6; grad stu, PTS, 14-6, BD; leet & auth; ord, Ch of Christ, Japan, 17; evang & soeial worker, Tokyo, Japan, 17 — . DD, PTC, 29. *Kerr, Daniel — b, Craignamaddy, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ja 8, 1892; QuUBelf, 1912; PTS, 12-3; M'CMageeC, 13-4; British Army 14-5; killed, Dardanelles, J1 6, 1915. Lease, Leslie Lewis — b, Frederiek, Md, De 24, 1887; Presb Training Sehl, Baltimore, Md, 1911-2; PTS, 12-5, 30-1; ord RefEpis, J1 21, 15; miss, Lalitpur, India, 15-30; p, Presb eh, Winburne, Pa, 31 — . Lemon, William Philip — b, Cardiff, Wales, Great Britain, Fb 14, 1882; HurC, 1912; PTS, 12-4; PrU, 14, MA; UnTS, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Newark, Ap 8, 15; p. Calvary eh, Newark, NJ, 15-21; p, Andrew eh, Minneapolis, Minn, 21-31; p, 1st eh, Iowa City, la, 31 — . DD, HurC, 29. *Linden, Samuel McCullagh — b, Dunkald, Ireland, Sp 30, 1891; TrinC Dub, 1912; M’CMageeC, 12-3, 14-5; PTS, 13-4; lie, Pby Dublin, Ja 24, 17; British Army, 16-7; killed, Ypres, Belgium, J1 31, 17. Linn, John Sheridan — b, Hazlettville, Del, Sp 8, 1888; LafC, 1911; instr, 11-2; PTS, 12-3; tea, Westfield, NJ, 13-4, aet supt, 14-5, prin, 15-6; superv prin, Bay Shore, NY, 16-8; ColU, 18, MA; see, YMCA, 18-9; supt sehls, Patehogue, NY, 19—. McCracken, William Henry — b, Dysart, Ireland, J1 10, 1879; HurC, 1912; PTS, 12-3; WestTS, 13-5, STB, BD; ord, Pby Washington, My IS, 15; p, .^vella. Pa, 15-7; miss, Nenagh, Ireland, 19; p, Cushendall & Carnlough, 20-6; p, PresbChCan, Almonte, Ont, 26-30; p, Walkerton, 31 — . McFadden, Ralph S — b. New Athens, O, Oe 23, 1886; FrankCO, 1908; XenTS, 08-11; ord UP, Pby Cleveland, Ja 18, 12; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; p, 3d ch, St Louis, Mo, 15-7; p, 1st ch, Kansas City, 18-9; p, 1st ch, New'burgh, NY, 21 — . McKinney, Thomas — b. Convoy, Co Donegal, Ireland, Ja 25, 1890; M’C MageeC, 1912, ThDept, 12-3, 14-5; PTS, 13-4; TrinCDub, 14-5, MA; ord, Pby Clogler, J1 27, 17; p, Glenhoy, Ire, 17-23; p, Killyeea, 23 — . McNeill, Daniel Archie— b, Antioch, NC, Dc 8, 1883; DavC, 1911; UnTS Va, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Norfolk, J1 25, 15; asst p, 1st ch, Norfolk, Va, 15-7; Y.MCA, war service, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Mangum, 6io 1915 Okla, 19-21; p, Pulaski Heights ch, Little Rock, Ark, 21-3; ss. Park Ave ch, Nor- folk, Va, 23; p, Claiborne Ave ch. New Orleans, La, 23-8; p, Covington, 29 — . Miller, George Fonseco McKinnon — b. Clarendon, Jamaica, BWI, Je 26, 1886; Mico Coll, BWI, 1905-6; tea; HowUSRel, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; ord, Pby Topeka, Oc 6, 15; p. Calvary ch, Topeka, Kan, 16-8; ss. Green Grove ch, Springfield, Mo, 18- p, 20-8; p, Hope ch, Chicago, 111, 28-9; p. Brown Mem ch, Chicago, 31 — . Morgan, William Thomas — b, Wales, Great Britain, Mr 29, 1877; PTS, 1912-3; YMCA, war service, 18-9; ss, 1st ch. Port Carbon, Pa, 18-30; p, 1st ch. Pleasant Plains, NY, 30-1; evang; res, NYCity. Ogiri, Keiki — b, Okayama, Japan, Fb 5, 1882; WasU, 1908; SFTS, 13-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-6, 15, BD; res, Tokyo, Japan; — Rogers, James — b, Ballywater, Co Down, Ireland, Ja 21, 1891; QuUBelf, 1912; PTS, 12-3; FreeChCGlas, 13-4; AsC, 14-5; ord, Pby Belfast, Nv 23, 15; miss, Gujarat, India, 15 — . Ross, Arthur Basil — b, St Andrews, Scotland, Dc 19, 1868; Mc(7U, 98; CongCCan, 96-9; ord Cong, Ap 14, 99; p, Keswick Ridge, NB, Can, 99-1902; p, Frome, Ont, 02-5; p. West Glover, Vt, 05-10; p. West Wareham, Mass, 10-1; p. West Charleston, Vt, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; p, Essex, NY, 15-7; p. East Fairfield, Vt, 17-20; p, Johnson, 20-4; p, Franklin, 24-8; p. New Haven, 28 — . Ross, Cyril — b, Peebles, Scotland, Ap 24, 1867; McCTS, 93-7; ord, Pby St Paul, My 4, 94; miss, Tusan, Korea, 97-1902; PkC, 06; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; PkC, 22, MA; miss, Syenchun, Korea, 02 — . *Ross, John Elliott — b. Smith Center, Kan, Ja 29, 1883; CEmpo, 1912; PTS, 12-4; PrU, 14, MA; WestTS, 14-6; ord, Pby Osborne, Sp 19, 16; miss, Ludhiana, India, 16-8, Saharanpur, 18-23; UChi, 23-4; d, Kasur, India, Ja 15, 25. Ruff, Thomas Bowyer — b, Lexington, Va, My 27, 1887; W&LU, 1912; UnTSVa, 11-4, BD; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Montgomery, Je 23, 15; p. Piedmont, Va, 15-9; p, Severn & Gloucester, 19-22; p, Severn, 22-5; p, Brookneal, Hat Creek & Roanoke, 25-9; p, LaCrosse Mem ch, Phoebus, 29 — . Sellers, John Albright — b, Wayne Co, O, Ja 13, 1867; AlbrC, 89; p, Birdsboro, Pa, 91-4; p, Bethany ch, Bethlehem, 94-5; ord L^nEv, Mr 3, 95; p, Landsdale, 95-9; p, Trappe, 99-1901; p, Columbia, 01-5; p, Hazleton, 05-8; p, Pottsville, 08-12; p. Park St Ch, Harrisburg, 12-5; grad stu, PTS, 14-7; p. Pilgrim Presb ch, Trenton, NJ, 15-7; p, Garwood, 18-25; ill health; bus, Elizabeth, NJ, 25—. *Shaw, William Hilton — b, Walton, NY, J1 15, 1887; CWoos, 1909; tea, 09- 10; RefPTS, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5; ord, Pby Lehigh, Dc 3, 16; p, Lansford, Pa, 16-8; chap, USArmy, 18-20; d, Putnam, NY, Mr 21, 29. Smith, Roy — b, Greer, SC, Oc 21, 1888; DavC, 1910; prin, Stovall, NC, 10- 1; UnTSVa, 11-4, BD; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord, Pby Roanoke, Ag 26, 15; p, The Hollow, Patrick Co, Va, 15-25; p, Franklin, WVa, 25-7; p, Franklin, Ruddle & Upper Tract chs, Gallaway, Va, 27 — •. 1915-1916 6i I Speer, Thomas Alexander — b, Letterkenny, Ireland, Ag 6, 1890; TrinC Dub, 1912; M’CMageeC, 12-3, 14-5; PTS, 13-4; ord, Pby Tyrone, Je 27, 16; asst p, Newtownards, Ire, 15-6; p, 1st ch, Stewartstown, 16-25; p, Waiuku, New Zealand, 26-30; p, Waiwoa, Hawk's Bay, 30 — . Taxis, Harry Morgan — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 12, 1889; PaC, 1911; tut, 11-2; PTS, 12-5; PrlJ, 15, MA; ord, Pby West Jersey, Fb 12, 15; p, Scoonmaker Mem ch, Stillwater, NY, 15-7; p. Green Hill ch, Phila, Pa, 17-9; asst p, 1st ch, Haddon- field, NJ, 19-23; prin, Woodbury, 19 — Telford, George McAllister — b, Toccoa, Ga, Sp 23, 1883; UGa, 1905; UnTSVa, 05-8, BD; ord, Pby East Hanover, Oc 25, 08; p, Pryor Mem ch, Crewe, Va, 08-9; p. Commerce, Ga, 09-12; p. Broad St ch, Rome, 12-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; p, Pisgah, Ky, 15-20; p. Upper Long Lane ch, Abbeville, SC, 20-6; p, Abbeville ch, Abbeville, 26 — . Tinkham, Frank Louis — b, Onandaga Co, NY, My 12, 1884; CoeC, 1909; athletic dir, WestmCMo, 09-11; do, DanBakC, 11-2; PTS, 12-3; athletic dir, WestmCPa, 13-5; do, Chinese Gov Schls, 15-7; bus, China, 17-8; YMCA, war service, Siberia, 18-20; bus, China, 21-5; instr, Phys Edu, Venice, Cal, 26 — . Van Baalen, Jan Karel — b. The Hague, Holland, Ap 8, 1890; KampGym, 1909; Kampen Theol Sem, Holland, 09-14; grad stu, PTS, 14-6, BD; ord ChrRef, Dc 7, 16; p, Ada, Mich, 16-20; p, Munster, Ind, 20-6; p. Pease, Minn, 26-9; p, 12th St ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 29 — . Van de Kieft, John Martin — b, Elot, Holland, My 5, 1890; CalvC, 1911; CalvTS, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Sioux Center, Oc 4, 15; p, Platte. SD, 15-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p. Prairie City, la, 19-21; p, 14th St ch, Holland, Mich, 21-5; p, Oakdale Park ch. Grand Rapids, 25 — . Veldman, Richard — b, Groningen, Holland, Ap 16, 1889; CalvC, 1909-11; CalvTS, 11-4; ord ChrRef, 14; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, 16-7, BD; p. Prospect Park, Holland, Mich, 18-20; p. Prospect Park, Paterson, NJ, 20-7; p. West Leonard St ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 27 — . Williamson, Adam Cluness — b, Brockton, Mass, Ap 3, 1889; WestmCPa, 1911; PTS, 12-4; PrU, 14, MA; ord, Pby Mercer, My 16, 14; HarvU, 14-8, MD; phys. Western Pa Hosp, Pittsburgh, Pa, 24 — . Willson, James Burt — b, Allegheny, Pa, Ja 5, 1891; UPitts, 1909; prin, 10-1; RefPTS, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 14-5, BD, GS Green Fell, OT Lit, 15-6; PrU, 16, MA; ord RefP, Pby New York, Ap 4, 18; p, Montclair, NJ, 18-9; p, Wilkins- burg. Pa, 19-29; ss, Youngstown, O, 30-1; p. Millers Run ch, Cecil, Pa, 32 — . Workman, Robert DuBois — b, Zanesville, O, Je 7, 1885; CWoos, 1909-12; PTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 13, 15; chap, USN, 15 — 51. 1916 Ackerman, Charles Mellinger— b, Frackville, Pa, Mr 11, 1885; F&MC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 16, MA; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 20, 16; ss, Ridgebury & Denton, NY, 16-8; p, Raniapo ch, Hillbiirn, 18-22; p, 1st ch. Port Jervis, 22-9; p. Central ch, Haverstraw, 29 — . 6i2 1916 Baltz, William Sagehorn — b, Whitford, Pa, J1 13, 1880; HavC, 1901; engineering & farming, 01-13; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 22, 16; p, Pequea ch. Honey Brook, Pa, 16 — . Barber, Louis VanValzah — b. Delta, Col, Oc 2, 1892; PkC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 17, MA; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Ap 10, 16; p. Spring Creek, Pa, 16-9; p, Nittany, 20-5; p, Benton, 25 — . ♦Blanton, Clifton Osee~b, Baity, Va, Dc 1, 1886; RMC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 18, 16; p, Ewing, NJ, 16-8; p. Bound Brook, 18-29; d. Bound Brook, NJ, Dc 14, 29. Brackbill, Moses H— b. Gap, Pa, Ag 8, 1890; F&MC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Phila North, Fb 1, 17; asst p, Doylestown, Pa, 16-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; Bd Hm Miss, NC, 19-21; p, Hopewell, NJ, 21-6; ill health; ss, Kreutz Creek ch, res, Lancaster, Pa, 28 — . Brookhouse, John H — b, Elberfeld, Germany, Fb 20, 1896; MissHseC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 28, 16; p, Connowago ch, Hunterstown, Pa, 16-7; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Washington, DC, 17-8; p. Peek Mem ch, Wash- ington, DC, 18-9; ill health; UMich, 29; Detroit Coll Law, Mich, 29-32; instr & prin. House of Correction, Detroit, Mich, 20-8, Probation & Domestic Relations, 28—. Bryan, Robert Raymond — b, Hookstown, Pa, Mr 21, 1899; WestmCPa, 1910; tea, 10-3; PTS, 13-6; ord UP, Pby Lake, Je 16, 16; p, 1st ch, Erie, Pa, 16-22; chap, USArmy, 18; p, Shadyside ch, Pittsburgh, 22-3; p. Central ch, Omaha, Neb, 23-30; p, Presb Ch of the Messiah, Paterson, NJ, 30 — . DD, SterC, 23. Caldwell, A(dam) Brown — b, Williamsport, Pa, J1 2, 1890; LafC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 15, MA; ord, Pb}^ New Brunswick, My 9, 16; asst p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 16-8; p. Calvary ch, Baltimore, 18-22; p, Walbrook ch, Balti- more, 22 — . Campbell, Archibald — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 28, 1890; UWash, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Seattle, Oc 24, 16; miss, Kangkei, Korea, 17-23; trav sec, Stu Yol Mvmt, 24-5; UPa, 24, MA; miss, Kangkai, Korea, 25 — . Campbell, John Randolph — b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 21, 1883; SyrU, 1912, 12-3, MA; DrewTS, 13-5; PTS, 15-6; ord, Pby Brooklyn-Nassau, Dc 7, 16; p, Cuyler ch, Brooklyn, NY, 16-22; ss, Ridgebury & Denton, 22-6; p, Liverpool, 26-31; p, Dexter & Brownville, 31 — . Capers, Thomas Stacy — b, Arcadia, La, Oc 1, 1888; MerU, 07-8, 12-3; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Jersey City, Mr 7, 17; p, 1st ch, Maywood, NJ, 17-8; asst p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 18-22; p, Hollidaysburg, 22 — . Centanni, Angelo Maria — b, Calabritto, Italy, Ja 11, 1888; LafC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 16, MA; ord, Pby Phila, My 14, 16; ss, Italian ch, Hazleton, Pa, 16-8; ss, 1st Italian ch, Phila, 19 — . Chedister, Edwin Stanley — b, Rockaway, NJ, Je 16, 1889; RutU, 1911; PTS, 11-2, 14-6; ord, Pby Hudson, Je 22, 16; p, Hopewell ch, Thompson Ridge, NY, 16-8; p, Unionville, 18-9; p, Branchville, NJ, p, 20-4; Rosedale, & ss, Glen 1916 6i3 Morris ch, Richmond Hill, NY, 24-5; p, Pluckemin, NJ, 25-32; PTS, 32-3; res, Princeton, NJ. Davies, William Henry — b, Liverpool, England, Fb 18, 1885; RipC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 15, MA; ord, Pby New Castle, My 31, 16; p, Georgetown, Del, 16-8; p. North East, Md, 19-21; p, Nottingham, Pa, 22 — . Diehl, Samuel Reynolds — b, Cashtown, Pa, Mr 15, 1892; PaC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 22, 16; p, 1st ch, Hawley, Pa, 16-8; p, 1st ch, Sayre, 18-21; p, 1st ch, Plymouth, 21-7; p, 1st ch, Martinsburg, WVa, 27 — . DD, D&EC, 30. Donnelly, Harold Irvin — b. Salt Lake City, Utah, Ja 23, 1892; CWoos, II, 12, MA; instr, Lat & Gk, Wooster Acad, O, 11-3; PTS, 13-6, Alum Fell, NT Lit, 19-20, BD; PrU, 20, MA; ord, Pby Wooster, My 16, 16; field sec, CWoos, 16-7; sec, YMCA, war service, 17; stu sec, YMCA, 18; USArmy, 18-9; Sorbonne, Paris, 19; stu sec, YMCA, UOre, 20-1; dir. Boys’ Wk, BdChrEdu, 21-5, asst dir. Intermediate & Senior Pub, 25-8, gen dir, Edu Research, 28-31; prof, ChrEdu, PTS, 31— PhD, UPa, 31. Hanzsche, William Thomson — b, Baltimore, Md, J1 28, 1891; W&LU, 1913; UnTSVa, 13-5; PTS, 15-6, grad stu, 16-7, BD; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ap 17, 17; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UChi, 17-8; p. Upper ch, Alton, 111, 18-9; p, Union Tab, Phila, Pa, 19-22; ed, Presb Mag, 29 — ; p. Prospect St ch, Trenton, NJ, 22—. DD, W&LU, 28. Harper, Fred Lee — b, Cumberland, O, Sp 30, 1889; MuskC, 1912; tea, 12- 3; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 16, MA; ord, Pby Springfield, J1 11, 16; p, 1st ch, Maroa, III, 16-9; p, 1st ch, Fredericktown, O, 19-23; p, Bethany ch, Cleveland, 23-32; p, 1st ch, Geneva, NY, 32 — . Hayes, Warren Hiram — b, Coalport, Pa, Fb 22, 1892; OttC, 1913; PTS, 13- 6; PrU, 16, MA; ord, UnB, Ag, 16; miss, Tokyo, Japan, 16-24; UChi, 21-2; p, 1st ch, Braddock, Pa, 25-30; p, 1st ch, Wilkinsburg, 30 — . Hess, Newman Warren — b, Slatington, Pa, Oc 22, 1887; AlbrC, 1910; tea, 10-3; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 15, MA; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 17, 16; p, 1st ch, Ash- land, Pa, 16-7; war relief wk, Russia & France, 17-9; asst p, Roseville Ave ch, Newark, NJ, 20-1; p, St Cloud ch. West Orange, 21-4; p, Woodlawn Heights ch, NYCity, 24—. Janvier, Ernest Paxton — b, Fatehgarh, India, Fb 1, 1890; PrU, 1911, 16, MA; tea, Ewing Chr Coll, Allahabad, India, 11-3; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Phila, Nv 19, 16; asst p, 3rd ch, Phila, Pa, 18-9; tea, Phila, 19-20; miss, Katra, Alla- habad, India, 20—. PhD, UPa, 21. ‘Landis, Paul Fisher— b, Phila, Pa, Mr 6, 1890; LafC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Chester, My 10, 16; p, Bethany ch, Menands, NY, 16-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; ch miss, NYCity, 19-25; dir, boys’ wk, BdChrEdu, Phila, Pa, 25-8; p, Ashbourne ch, Elkins Park, 28-30; d, Elkins Park, Pa, Fb 13, 30. Lewis, Charles Henry — b, near Jacksonville, 111, Sp 4, 1886; OccC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby San Joaquin, J1 21, 16; miss, China, 16 — ; res, Paak Hok Tung, Kwangtung, China. 1916 6i4 *McMullen, Alexander Clifford — b, Appleton, Wis, Oc 20, 1886; CarC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 16, MA; ord, Pby Chippewa, Sp 13, 16; p, Bayville & West Allis, Wis, 17-21; p, Rockville, Ind, 21-4; p. Iron Mountain, Mich, 24-7; d. Iron Mountain, Mr 11, 27. Montgomery, Edwin Fleming — b, Gonzales, Tex, Sp 21, 1892; AusC, 1913; PTS, 13-6, BD; PrU, 16, MA; ord, Pby Suwannee, Oc 20, 16; p, McIntosh & Micanopy chs, Fla, 16-9; UEdin, 19-21; p, Westm ch, Jacksonville, Fla, 21-6; p, 1st ch. Lake City, 26 — . Patterson, Thomas Arthur — b, Carmichaels, Pa, Ja 31, 1886; WaynC, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Chippewa, Oc 12, 16; ss, Itasca & Allouez chs, Wis, 16-8; p, Armagh & Seward chs. Pa, 18-21; p. Coal Brook, O, 21-30; p, Freeland, Pa, 30—. Porter, Arthur Reno — b, Pulaski, Pa, Ap 2, 1890; WestmCPa, 1911; tea, 11-3; WestTS, 13-4; PTS, 14-6, 19-20; PrU, 16, MA; ord, Pby Mahoning, My 23, 16; p, Poland, O, 16-9; p, Greenfield, Pa, 19; p, English ch. Marietta, Pa, 21-7; p, Drexel Hill, 27—. Ramsay, Mebane — b, Augusta, Ky, Sp 8, 1892; UOma, 1913; PTS, 13-6, BD, 16-7; PrU, 15, MA; ord, Pby Omaha, My 25, 15; ch miss, Watchung, NJ, 15-7; YMCA, war service, 17-9; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, PTS, 19-20; p. Calvary ch, Staten Is, NY, 20 — Rusk, George Yeisley — b, Baltimore, Md, Ja 10, 1891; JHU, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Jersey City, Je 4, 18; UnTS, 19-20; ss, Cong ch, York Beach, Me, 23-4; asst prof, Syst Theol, BanTS, 24-5; prof, Phil & Psych, Commonwealth Coll, Mena, Ark, 29—. PhD, NYU, 22. Steyn, Hendrik Pieter Marthinus — b, Utrecht, Natal, S Africa, Sp 9, 1886; VicCSAfr, 1912; PTS, 13-6; ord DRefChSAfr, J1 14, 17; p, Steytlerville, CP, SAfr, 17-22; gen sec, British & For Bib Soc, Cape Town, 22 — . Tomshany, Aladar T — b, Kisberegna, Hungary, My 16, 1890; HeidC, 1913; CntlTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-6; p, Hamilton, O, 16-7; ord RefChUS, Cl Miami, Ja 22, 17; p, Presb ch, Cairo, 111, 17-8; p, Westm ch. Bay City, Mich, 18-24; p. Battle Creek, 24 — . Tucker, William LeGrand — b. Church Road, Va, Ja 27, 1889; RMC, 1911; asst prin; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 15, MA; Japan edu wk, 17-8; war relief wk, Siberia, 19-22; ord UP, Pby Hudson, Ap 27, 22; p, 1st ch, Jersey City, NJ, 22-8; asst p. Old 1st Presb ch, Newark, 28 — . *Wilke, Henry Fredderick — b, San Francisco, Cal, Sp 1, 1886; CPac, 1912; UCal, 12-3; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby North River, J1 7, 16; asst p, Harlem ch, NYCity, 16-8; chap, USN, 18-9; p. Redeemer ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 19-30; d, Germantown, Fb 1, 30. *Winn, Merle Clayton — b, Kanazawa, Japan, Ag 28, 1890; KxC, 1913; PTS, 13-6, 22-3, ThM; ord, Pby Peoria, J1 15, 16; miss, Wakayama, Japan, 16-8, Kanazawa, 18-22; miss, Kanazawa, Japan, 23-8; d, Germantown, Phila, Pa, Ja 17, 28. 1916 6i5 Wylie, David Roswell — b, NYCity, Ja 3, 1889; NYU, 1911; bus, 11-3; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Binghamton, Je 25, 16; asst p, 1st ch, Cortland, NY, 16-8; chap, USN, 18-9; p, Bethany ch, NYCity, 18 — . DD, COz, 30. Wysham, William Norris — b, Baltimore, Md, Sp 10, 1890; LafC, 1913; PTS, 13-6, 24-5; PrU, 15, MA; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 16, 16; p. Tapper Lake, NY, 16-7; YMCA, war service, 18-9; grad stu, JHU, 19; asst p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 19-20; act sec, BdForMiss, 23-5; miss, Teheran, Persia, 20 — . 36. Bodder, Howard Edgar — b, Durham, Pa, Ag 23, 1876; UrsC, 1900; UrsSTh, 00-3; ord RefChUS, Cl Philadelphia, Fb 2, 04; p, St John’s ch, Phoenixville, Pa, 04-6; p, 1st ch, Lebanon, 06-9; p. Trinity ch, Norristown, 09-15; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; p, 2d Presb ch, Bridgeton, NJ, 16 — . Brand, Allan Degraffenreid — b, Lexington, Ky, Ap 16, 1859; UMich, 1891, 1905-8; surv, Phila, Pa, 11; PTS, 13-4;— Breakey, James Carlyle — b, Lisburn, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ag 5, 1891; QuUBelf, 1913; AsC, 12-3, 14-5; PTS, 14-5; YMCA, war service, 18-9; ord, Pby Comber, Dc 12, 19; p, 2d ch. Comber, Ire, 19-27; p. Abbey ch, Dublin, 27 — . ■^Brubaker, Ary Nevin — b, Lebanon, Pa, Nv 6, 1889; UrsC, 1913; PTS, 13-5; YaleUDS, 15-6; ord RefChAm, Cl Carlisle, Ag 16, 16; p, Landisburg, Pa, 16-8; p. New Oxford, 18; d. New Oxford, Pa, Oc 12, 18. Campbell, Charles Soutter — b. Cedar Rapids, la, Ag 2, 1887; YaleU, 1909; tea; NewC, 13-4; PTS, 14-5; YaleUDS, 15-7, BD; bus. New Haven, Conn. Casper, August Alfred — b, Scranton, Pa, Ja 7, 1889; BloomTS, 1907-13, 23-4; PTS, 14-5; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Je 25, 16; ss, 1st ch, Bethany, Pa, 16-8; ss, 1st ch, Batchellerville, NY, 18-24; p, 1st ch, Jeffersonville, 24-6; p, 1st ch. West Milton, 26 — ; res, Ballston Spa, NY. Coffey, Harry Scott — b, Stuarts Draft, Va, Dc 6, 1889; W&LC, 1912; PTS, 13-4; CanST, 14-5; p, Fairfield, Va, 14-9; ord ME, Mr 30, 19; p, Elkton, Va, 19-24; p, Roanoke, 24-8; p, Woodstock, 28-31; p, Keyser, WVa, 31 — . *de Villiers, William Robertson — b, Petrusville, South Africa, Oc 8, 1887; VicCSAfr, 1908; tea; StellTS, 12-5; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; ord DRefChSAfr, Jl, 17; p, Maclean, CP, 17-9; d, Maclean, SoAfr, Sp 18, 19. Dickey, Robert Steen — b, Draperstown, Co Derry, Ireland, Je 19, 1890; TrinCDub, 1913; M’CMageeC, 13-4, 15-6; PTS, 14-5; ord, Pby Magherofelt, Nv 1, 17; miss, Gujaret & Kathiawar, India, 18 — . MA, TrinCDub, 26. Dosker, Richard John — b, Holland, Mich, Sp 1, 1889; CenCKy, 1912; KyTS, 12-5, BD; ord, Pby Louisville, Ja 5, 16; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; miss, Japan, 16-26; sec. Young People’s Dept, BdForMiss, 27-30; ColU, 31, MA; res, Rockville Center, NY. DD, CenCKy, 25. Evanns, Abner Joseph — b, Urumia, Persia, Jl 10, 1897; L^rumia Coll, Persia, 1911; PTS, 13-5; Persia. 6i6 1916 Farley, Samuel — b, Armagh, Ireland, J1 19, 1881; DalhU, 1912; PTC, 12- 3; PTS, 13-5; ord, Pby Barrie, Nv 30, 16; ss, PresbChCan, Craigleigh, & p, Collingwood, Ont, Can, 17-24; p, 1st ch, Regina, Sask, 26 — . Fulton, Charles Darby — b, Kobe, Japan, Sp 5, 1892; PresbCSC, 1911; use, 13-4, MA; ColTS, 12-5, BD; ord, Pby Enoree, Je 25, 15; grad stu, PTS, 15- 6, BD; miss, Kobe, Japan, 18-9; miss, Okasaki, 19-26; exec sec. Comm For Miss, Nashville, Tenn, 26 — . Gaar, Joel Russell — b, Winnfield, La, Je 4, 1876; WestmCTex, 1901; ord ME, Ag 21, 02; WestmTSMd, 02-4, BD; grad stu, JHU, 04-6, 09-12; p. Calvary ch, Baltimore, Md, 04-13; p, Denton, 13-5; grad stu, PTS, 15-6; p, Presb ch, Hagerstown, Md, 16-24; p. Sparrow's Point, 28 — . Graham, James Richard — b, Co Donegal, Ireland, Ap 19, 1887; TrinC Dub, 1912, 18, MA; PTS, 13-5; UEdin, 15-6; ord, Pby Maitland, Dc 21, 16; p, Whitechurch, Ont, Can, 16-8; chap, Canadian Army, 18-20; p, Francis, Sask, 20-2; p, St Andrew’s ch, Assiniboia, 23-5; p, St Paul's ch. Prince Albert, 25-30; p, St Andrew’s ch, Sherbrooke, Que, 30 — . BD, UMani, 20. Greyvenstein, Jan Hendrik Jacobus — b. Barely East, So Afr, Sp 17, 1887; VicCSAfr, 1909-10; StellTS, 10-3; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, 17, BD; UChi, 16- 20, PhB, MA, PhD; ord, DRefChSAfr, Je 20, 20; p, Stellenbosch, 20-1; p, Tulbach, 21-7; p, Bloemfontein, 27 — . Harrison, William John — b, Belfast, Ireland, J1 8, 1889; M’CMageeC, 1910-3, ThDept, 14-5; PTS, 13-4; AsC, 15-6; ord, Pby Carrickfergus, Oc 6, 17; p, 1st ch, Ballyeaston, Ire, 16-31; p, Crumlin Rd ch, Belfast, 31 — . Henderson, Elmer Alexander — b. Lake Mills, la. My 14, 1887; LuthC; bus; LuthTS, 1912-5; grad stu, PTS, 15-6; ord, Norweg Luth, J1 22, 17; p, St Cloud, Minn, 17-25; p, Whitewater, Wis, 25 — . Jamison, Sidney King — b, Newtownhamilton, Ireland, Sp 24, 1884; QuU Belf, 1912; AsC, 13-4; PTS, 14-5; ord, Pby Dromore, J1 19, 18; p, 1st ch, Dromara, 19—. King, Owen Grove — b, Thornville, O, Ap 14, 1882; HeidC, 1905; CntlTS, 06-9; ord, RefChUS, Oc 17, 09; p, Paris & Robertsville, O, 09-10; p, 1st ch, Fostoria, 10-6; grad stu, PTS, 15-6; p. Hough Ave ch, Cleveland, O, 17-25; ss. Noble Rd Presb ch, Cleveland Heights, O, 28 — . Lamb, James Hart, Jr — b, Moorestown, NJ, Ja 1, 1893; AlexTS, 1912-3; PTS, 13-4; DSPEpisCh, 14-5; rec. Trinity ch, Tyrone, Pa, 15-6; Trinity Ch, Jersey Shore, 17-8; ord PEpis pr, Je 14, 18; asst, St Luke’s ch, Altoona, Pa, 18-9; vie, Ch of Our Saviour, Jenkintown, 20-2; Ch of Our Merciful Saviour, Penns Grove, NJ, 23-5; rec, Christ ch, Bridgeport, Pa, 25 — . Lewis, Roy Leslie— b, Millville, NJ, J1 30, 1888; F&MC, 1912; tea; PTS, 13- 5; PrU, 16, MA; ord ME, Mr 19, 16; p, Groveville, NJ, 13-6, chap USN, 16 — ; res, Washington, DC. Lindsay, Ralph Wilson — b, Sumner Co, Kan, Oc 14, 1884; SterC, 1912; prin, 12-3; PTS, 13-4; PittsTS, 14-6; UPitts, 14-6, MA; ord UP, Pby Arkansas 1916 6i7 Valley, J1 14, 16; p. College Hill ch, Wichita, Kan, 16-21; p, 9th Ave ch, Mon- mouth, 111, 21-9; p. Parkland Presb ch, Flint, Mich, 29 — . DD, SterC, 23. MacKean, James Alexander — b. West LaHave, NS, Can, Dc 12, 1871; DalhU, 190.5; PTC, 02-5; ord, Pby Prince Albert, Je 21, 05; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; p, Onslow & Belmont, Can, 17; p, Springside, NS, 19-26; p, Sheffield, NB, 26-9; p. Lower Musquodoboit, NS, 29-31; ill health; res, Truro, NS, Can, 31 — . Martin, Ralph Laughlin — b, Dharmsala, India, Ag 31, 1891; MuskC, 1912; PTS, 13-5; PittsTS, 15-6; ord LIP, Pby Monongahela, J1 19, 16; p, 8th ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 16-8; res, Farrell, 22-3; res, Pittsburgh, 24 — . McComb, Kemper Grier — b. Chestnut Hill, Phila, Pa, My 7, 1889; LafC, 1912; Bibs, 12-3, 14-6; PTS, 13-4; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 7, 16; p, 1st ch, Barrington, NJ, 16-8; sec. Council Rel Edu, Somerset Co, 18-23; do, Essex Co, 23-9; field sec, BibS, 29; dir, Rel Edu, Broad St ch, Columbus, O, 29 — . Mikkelson, Otto August — b, NYCity; WagMemLuthC, 1912; MtAT.S, 12- 5; ord Luth, 15; grad stu, PTS, 15-6; p, Farmington-Victor, NJ, 15-8; Unit, 18;— Moore, Joseph Moses — b, Reedsville, NC, Je 1, 1888; Bdll, 1913; PTS, 13- 4; Meharry Med Coll, Nashville, Tenn, MD; phys, Chicago, 111. Morrow, Winfield S — b, Lawrence Co, Pa, J1 17, 1861; GeneC, 86; prin, 86-7; McCTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Ottawa, Je 12, 90; p, Earlville, 111, 90-2; p el, Rankin, 93-4; p, Minonk, 94-1902; evang, Chicago, 02-3; ss, Immanuel ch, Evansville, Ind, 03-4; ss, Winiconne, Wis, 04-8; p, Bluffton, O, 08-11; ss, Burley, Ida, 12-3; ss, Rushville, Neb, 13-4; ss, Nichelville, Pa, 14-5; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; p, Sodus Center, NY, 16-20; p, Nottingham, Pa, 20-6; evang, res. Stony Brook, NY, 26—. Nickerson, Elbert Jerome — b, Inman, Neb, Ag 12, 1885; CoeC, 1908; tea; OmaTS, 10-3; ord, Pby St Joseph, Je 17, 13; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; p, Norfolk, Neb, 17-9; p, Wahoo, 21 — . *Roach, Charles Brown — b. Canton, O, Ap 20, 1886; MtUnC, 1909; DrewTS, 09-12; NYU, 11-2, MA; ord ME, 13; p, Ashville, NC, 13-4; p, Bristol, Tenn, 14-5; grad stu, PT.S, 1.5-6; p, Wesley ch, Trenton, NJ, 15-7; p, Pointville & Wrightstown, 17-8; d, Pointville, Oc 10, 18. Ross, David Charles — b. Blue Mountain, NS, Canada, My 14, 1867; DalhU, 1900; PTC, 00; ord, Pby Truro, Je 25, 00; p, Londonderry, NS, 00-4; p, Trenton, 04-13; p, Stewiacke, 13-25; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; [>, Imperoyal, NS, 25-30; p, Kingston, 30 — •. Ruys, John Henry — b. Spring Lake, Mich, .'\g 5, 1885; Calv’C, 1911; CalvTS, 12-5; grad stu, PTS, 15-6; ord ChrRef, 1.5; p, Rotterdam, Kan, 16-20; miss. Cl Pacific, 20-2; Post Office Dept; res, Sioux Falls, SD. Shields, Lewis Edmund — b, Sharpsville, Ind, Je 7, 1884; Merion Normal Coll, Ind, 1901-3; MBI, 10-2; UChi, 12-3; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Muncic, Sp 8, 16; p, 2(1 ch. Providence, RI, 16-23; p, 1st ch, Lowell, Mass, 23 — . Somers, Harry Lee — b, Westmoreland Co, NB, Can, Ag 29, 1889; UNB, 6i8 1916-1917 1913; PTS, 13-5; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 26, 16; p, Yardville, NJ, 16-8; p, Bergen, NY, 18-22; p, Canisteo, 22 — . Stehman, Earl Landis — b, Rohrerstown, Pa, Mr 18, 1889; F&MC, 1912; PTS, 13-6; PrU, 16, MA; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Oc 11, 16; p, Meshoppen, Pa, 16- 8; asst p. Grove City, 18-9; p. East Butler & North Butler, 19-23; p, 1st ch, Avella, 23-8; p. Central ch. South Brownsville, 28 — . Stephens, Bart Dannelly — b, Louisville, Ala, Ag 1, 1888; Ala Polytechnic Inst, Auburn, 1909; VanlJ, ThDept, 09-12, BD; p, Kenbridge, Va, 12-5; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; p. Colonial Beach, Va, 16-7; ord MESo, Nv, 17; chap, USN, 17— . Uhler, John Earl— b. Media, Pa, Je 20, 1891; JHU, 1913; PTS, 13-4; tea. Western Ky State Teachers Coll, Bowling Green, Ky, 14-7; instr, Eng, JHU, 17-28; prof, Eng, LaSU, 28— PhD, JHU, 17. Vogt, Frederic Karl — b, Brownville, NY, Sp 4, 1891; WagMemLuthC, 1911; MtATS, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 15-6, BD; PrU, 15, MA; ord Luth, Syn NY & NEng, 16; p. Holy Communion ch, Utica, NY, 16-21; p, Concordia ch. Water- town, 21 — . *Vorperian, Mugurdich Sarkis — b, Malatia, Turkey, Asia, Ag 24, 1868; Euphrates Miss Coll, Harpoot, 94; tea, do, 94-1913; PTS, 13-4; tea, Euphrates Miss Coll, 14-5; d, Malatia, Turkey, J1 5, 15. Wenderoth, Fred, Jr — b. Fort Smith, Ark, Nv 27, 1891; Carlisle Mil Acad, Arlington, Tex; PTS, 13-4; — Williams, William Charles Roberts — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, My 2, 1891; PrU, 1913; PTS, 13-6; ord, Pby Atlanta, J1 15, 17; USArmy, 17-9; oc s, Los Angeles, Cal, 19-20; tea, Bordentown, NJ, 20-1; p, 1st ch, Bordentown, 20 — . Yee, Using Linn — b. Shantung, China, Ag 1, 1885; Tengchow Coll, Shan- tung, 1904; United Theol Sem, Shantung, 12-4; ord, Pby Ysmanfos, 14; grad stu, PTS, 15-7, BD; p, Tsinan, Shantung, China. 43. 1917 Avery, George Anthony, Jr — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 20, 1892; UPa, 1913; PTS, 13-4, 15-7, BD; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Oc 28, 17; asst p, Bethany Temple, Phila, Pa, 18-9; asst p, Hope ch, Phila, 20- p, 28 — . Axtell, Robert Stockton — b, Celina, O, Nv 27, 1891; CWoos, 1914; WestTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-7; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, My 14, 17; asst p, Franklin St ch, Baltimore, Md, 17-20; p, Aurora, NY, 20-5; p, 1st ch. New Brighton, Pa, 26—. Baird, John — b, Muscatine, la, Je 5, 1886; UPa, 1911; bus; PTS, 13-7; ord, Pby Iowa City, Sp 11, 17; bus, Muscatine, la, 18 — . Baldwin, Harold Harvey — b, Chester, Vt, Ap 28, 1889; MacalC, 1914; SFTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-7; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 17, 17; asst p. Pine St ch, Harris- burg, Pa, 17-22; p, 1st ch, St Cloud, Minn, 22 — . 1917 6ig Batten, Joseph Minton — b, Smithfield, Va, My 25, 1893; RMC, 1912, MA; instr, Randolph-Macon Acad, 12-4; PTS, 14-7, BD; PrU, 18, MA; ord ME, Dc 9, 18; p. So Princess Anne, Va, 18-9; p, Denby Station, 19-20; instr, Ferrum Training Schl, Ferrum, 20-3; prof. Bib & Ch Hist, Scarritt Bib Schl, Kansas City, Mo, 23-4; prof, Ch Hist, Scarritt Coll, Nashville, Tenn, 24 — . PhD, UChi, 30. Beery, Vincent Dee — b, Minneapolis, Minn, Mr 16, 1887; CWoos, 1913; tea, 13-4; PTS, 14-7, BD; ord, Pby Athens, Ap 15, 17; p, 1st ch, Gallipolis, O, 17-20; p, 1st ch, Middleport, 20-3; p, Bethany ch, Johnstown, Pa, 23-8; staff member. Dept Bldg Fund Campaigns, BdNatMiss, Phila, 28-33; p, Patterson Mem ch, Phila, 33 — . Brown, Frederick Warner — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, J1 27, 1893; HeidC, 1914, 17, MA; CntlTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-7; PrU, 17, MA; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 17, 18; tea; head, dept Hist & Pol, D&EC, 19-20; instr, dept of Speech, Ufa, 20-1, research associate in Psych, 21-2; prof, English Speech, Hokkaido Imperial Univ, Sapporo, Japan, 22-5; asst prof. Spoken Eng, Smith Coll, Northampton, Mass, 26-7; dir. Dept, Information & Statistics, National Com Mental Hygiene, NYCity, 27— Carey, Gervas Albert — b, Jonesboro, Ind, J1 20, 1883; recorded. Friends, Travers City, Mich, Jl, 1905; p, Onaway, Mich, 04-6; p, Manton, 06-8; p. Long Lake, 08-10; p. North Wichita, Kan, 10-12; FndslJ, 14, BA; instr, do, 14-6; PTS, 16-8, BD; dean. Bib Schl, FndslJ, 18-25; p. Long Lake, Mich, 25-7; p, Newberg, Ore, 27-9; p. Friends Mem ch, Seattle, Wash, 29 — . Carruthers, John Franklin Bruce — b. Ft Scott, Kan, Ag 31, 1889; PrU, 1912, 17, MA; asst p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 12-4; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 18, 17; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Washington, DC, 18-9; p & prof. Bib, LafC, 19-24; prof, Rel Edu, OccC, 24-6, lect. Archaeology, 26-8; lect. Archaeology, UCal, extension faculty, 27-8; research asst to pres, USoCal, 30 — ; dir, Schl Internat Relations, Los Angeles, Cal, 30 — ; res, Pasadena, Cal. DD, LafC, 24. deKlerk, Peter William Abraham — b. Cape Colony, South Africa, Ag 23, 1870; Miss Inst, Wellington, 05-8; lie DRefChSAfr, Oc 2, 09; PTS, 14-7; p, Mosselbaai, CP, SoAfr. deVilliers, Dirk Christian — b. My 17, 1879; Miss Inst, Wellington, South Africa; lie DRefCh.SAfr, 1907; PTS, 14-7; p, Maitland, CP, SoAfr. Dimmitt, Luther Mason — b, Kansas City, Mo, Sp 27, 1889; PTS, 13-7, 22, ThM; ord, Pby Kansas City, Sp 17, 17; WestmCMo, 18-20, BA; sec, YMCA, Corvallis, Ore, 20-1; Life Work sec, Louisville, Ky, 21-2; stu p, UTex, 22-4, MA; prof, UTex, 24-6; asst ed, BdChrEdu, Phila, Pa, 26-7; asst prof, DukeU, 28-30; gen dir. Dept Edu Research, BdChrEdu, Phila, Pa, 30 — . Dow, Alfred James Henry — b. West Taieri, New Zealand, Sp 15, 1889; Otago Univ, 1913; PTS, 14-8, BD; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ja 26, 17; p, Ashcroft, BC, Can, 18-9; p, Waiwera South, New Zealand, 19-25; p, Lawrence, 25-9; p. Trinity ch, Timaru, 29 — . Fells, Earnest Edward— b. Falls Church, Va, Nv 28, 1892; ClklJ, 1914; PTS, 14-7; PrU, 17, MA; ord, Pby Utica, Je 6, 17; p, 1st ch, Boonville, NV', 620 1917 17-21; AubTS, 21, BD; p, Chambers Mem ch, Rutledge, Pa, 22-4; p. Orchard Park, NY, 24-30; p, 1st ch. East Hampton, 30 — . Fraser, Charles Frederic — b, Salem, NY, Sp 12, 1891; DartC, 1914; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby New York, Je 17, 17; asst p, 2d ch, NYCity, 17-8; p. North ch, Cortland, 18-21; p, Fayetteville, 21-7; asst p, 1st ch, Oneonta, 27- p, 28 — . Gebhard, Henry Edwin — b. Red Lion, Pa, Fb 23, 1893; UrsC, 1914; PTS, 14-7; PrU, 17, MA; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 16, 17; p, Frankford, Del, 17-8; p, RefChUS, Duquesne, Pa, 19-22; p, Salina, 22-4; p, Catasauqua, 24-30; supt, Bethany Orph Hm, Womelsdorf, 30 — . Hayes, John David — b. Shantung, China, Fb 23, 1888; PrU, 1910; OxU, 11-4, BA; NewC, 14-6; PTS, 16-7; ord, Pby Shenango, Je 14, 17; miss, Peking, China, 17—. Henderson, Samuel Clarence — b, Shippingport, Pa, Ja 13, 1887; GrovCyC, 1912; prin, 12-4; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Beaver, Ap 17, 17; miss, Santiago, Chile, SA, 17—. Ketchledge, Raymond Anthony — b, Brainerds, NJ, Nv 18, 1891; LafC, 1914; PTS, 14-7; PrU, 17, MA; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 15, 17; p. Camp Hill, Pa, 17-21; p, 2d ch, Trenton, NJ, 21-9; p, 1st ch, Johnstown, NY, 29 — . Laird, Harold Samuel — b, Newcastle, Pa, Ag 8, 1891; LafC, 1914; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, My 17, 17; p, Arlington ch, Baltimore, Md, 17-9; p, J Addison Henry Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 19-24; p, 1st ch, Lewistown, 24-7; p, Collingswood, NJ, 27 — . Miller, Frank Lewis — b. East Moriches, NY, J1 25, 1892; MaryvC, 1914; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Je 24, 17; p, Stirling, NJ, 17-20; ColU, 27-8, MA; chap, USArmy, 18 — ; res, Washington, DC. Olewiler, Howard Lower — b, York, Pa, Ap 3, 1893; LebVC, 1914; PTS, 14-7; PrU, 17, MA; ord, Pby Westminster, Oc 1, 17; p, Bellevue ch. Gap, Pa, 17-9; asst p, 1st ch, Wilkinsburg, 19-23; p. Forest Hills ch, Wilkinsburg, 23-7; p, 1st ch, Marion, O, 27 — . Owen, Joseph Archibald — b, Tanglewood, Tex, Nv 4, 1886; AusC, 1913; hm miss, 13-4; AusPTS, 14-6; PTS, 16-7; ord, Pby Abilene, Je 11, 17; p, 1st ch, Strawn, Tex, 17-9; p, Matthews Mem ch, Albany, 19-23; p, 1st ch, Slayton, 23-5; p, Matthews Mem ch, Albany, 25 — . Richmond, Harry Walker — b, Baltimore, Md, J1 31, 1890; JHU, 1914; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ap 16, 17; asst p. Grove City, Pa, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Havre de Grace, Md, 19-20; asst p, Westm ch, Baltimore, 20- ss, 20-3; dir, Lackawanna Fndship Hse, Lackawanna, NY, 20 — . Rossouw, Servaas Hofmeyr — b, Montaga, So Africa, Ja 11, 1890; VicCSAfr, 1913; PTS, 14-7; UChi, 17-8, MA; KyTS, 18-20, ThD; ord. DRefCh SAfr, My 28, 20; p. Cape Town, SAfr, 20-1; p, Senekaly, 21-6; p, Albetinia, 26-9; p, Swellendan, 30 — . Seel, Edward George — b, Etna, Pa, Sp 5, 1887; GrovCyC, 1912; asso 191T 621 prof, Ger, MaryvC; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Butler, Ap 10, 17; miss & prin, Santiago, Chile, SA, 17—. Shultz, Irvin Sturger — b, Shrewsbury, Pa, Oc 8, 1885; ord UnEv, Mr 3, 1911; GrovCyC, 13; WestTS, 13-4; ss, Spencer, WVa, 14-5; PTS, 15-7; PrU, 17, MA; p. West Collingswood, NJ, 17-22; p. Trinity ch, Phila, Pa, 22 — . Stewart, James Kirkpatrick — b, Cleveland, O, Sp 2, 1890; MaryvC, 1914; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 16, 17; ss. Cascade par, Cle Elum, Wash, 17-9; PTS, 19-20, BD; p, Milford, NJ, 20-4; p, 1st ch, Mechanicville, NY, 24 — . Ulrich, Harry Edwin — b, Harrisburg, Pa, J1 1, 1889; LebVC, 1913; PTS, 14-7 ; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 5, 17; p, Milroy, Pa, 17-9; p, Bethany ch, Lancaster, 19-29; p, 1st ch. West Chester, 29 — . Van Dyck, David Bevier — b, Johnsonville, NY, Ag 21, 1892; RutU, 1914; PTS, 14-8, BD, 24-5, ThM; PrU, 16, MA; ord, Pby Columbia, Ap 17, 17; ss, Dunmore, Pa, 18-9; asst p. Central ch, NYCity, 19; miss, Nanking, China, 19-20, Hwaiguan, Anhwei, 20 — . 30. Achor, Roy William — b, Russiaville, Ind, Nv 3, 1889; MBI, 1914; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Muskogee, J1 18, 17; ss, Coweta & Porter, Okla, 17-8; asst p, 1st ch, Muskogee, 18-9; ss, Woodburn, Gervis & Willamette, Ore, 19-26; p, 1st ch, Roseburg, 26-9; p, 1st ch, Oregon City, 29 — . Allison, Milton Myers — b, Canonsburg, Pa, My 7, 1889; ColU, 1910-3; PTS, 13-7; ord, Pby Blairsville, J1 20, 17; p, Trafford, Pa, 18-20; p, Lawrence- ville ch, Pittsburgh, 21-4; p, Wellsburg, WVa, 25-31; res, Rennerdale, Pa. Anderson, Frank Pearson — b, Westminster, SC, Dc 2, 1892; PresbCSC, 1913; UnTSVa, 13-6, BD; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; ord, Pby Enoree, My 20, 17; p. Woodruff, SC, 17; YMCA, war service, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, Americus, Ga, 19-22; p, 1st ch, Gadsden, Ala, 22-5; p, 1st ch, Fort Smith, Ark, 25 — . DD, PresbCSC, & ArkC, 28. Arya, Yatiraj Surendranath — b, Madras, India, 1883; City Coll, Calcutta, 1902-6; Braham Theol Coll, Calcutta, 06-7; HarvUTS & AndTS, 13-4; PTS, 14-6;— ♦Bannerji, Indu Prakas — b, Calcutta, India, Ag 21, 1884; UNeb, 1914; PTS, 14-5; d, Lusitania disaster. My 7, 15. Best, Harry — b, Millersburg, Ky, Dc 23, 1880; CenCKy, 1901; instr. State Schls for Deaf, Neb, Wash, & Ala, & NY Inst of D&D; GWU, 02, MA; Gallaudet Coll, Washington, DC, 02, MA; ColU, 08, MA; PTS, 14-5; res worker, Univ Settlement, NYCity, 12-9; prof, Soc, UKy, 19—. LLB, NYLaw Schl, 12; PhD, ColU, 14. *Bilkert, Henry Arjen — b, Kalamazoo, Mich, Je 24, 1892; llopeC, 1914; PTS, 14-5; NBTS, 14-6; WestTSMich, 16-7; ord KcfChAm, My 17, 17; miss. 622 1917 Bahrein, Persia, 17-20, Amara, Mesopotamia, 20-2, Bagdad, 22-3, Ashar & Basrah, 24-9; killed by Arab tribesmen, Basrah, Ja 21, 29. Cloyd, Alva Lee— b, Howard Co, Mo, Nv 28, 1877; tea; UMo, 1914; KyTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-7; ord, Pby Hudson, Nv 19, 17; YaleUDS, 17-8, BD; p. South Centreville, NY, 17-9; p, St John’s ch, Ballarat, Australia, 20-3; ill health; p, Mentone, Melbourne, 25 — . Cook, Charles Dean — b. Little Rock, Ark, Ap 12, 1880; PkC, 1904; AubTS, 04-7; ord, Pby Rochester, Je 5, 07; p, Moscow, NY, 07-10; p. Cherry Valley, 10-4; p, Atco, NJ, 15-6; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; p, Paoli, Pa, 17-20; suspended Pby Chester, J1 12, 20; — DeGroot, William — b, Niezyl, Holland, Ja 8, 1872; CalvC, 94; CalvTS, 94-7; ord ChrRef, Oc 26, 97; p, Hospers, la, 98-1901; p, Borculo, Mich, 01-3; p, Graafsehop, 03-9; p, 16th St Ch, Holland, 09-13; miss. Cl Pella, 13-4; p, Leota, Minn, 14-6; grad stu, PTS, 16-8, BD; UChi, 18-9, PhD; instr, GrunC, 19-20; p, Oostburg, Wis, 20-6; p, Racine, Wis, 26-9; p. Calvary ch, Alto, 29-31; res, Grundy Center, la. Garner, James Samuel, Jr — b, Darlington, SC, Ap 9, 1891; PresbCSC, 1913; ColTS, 13-6, BD; USC, 13-6, MA; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; ord, Pby Pee Dee, Je 10, 17; p, Mullins, SC, 17-25; p, 1st ch, Mebane, NC, 25-7; p, 1st ch, Bennettsville, SC, 27 — . Gaston, David Finis, III — b. Boiling Springs, Ala, Ag 27, 1885; MaryvC, 1909-14; KyTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-7; ss, Lyndhurst, NJ, 17-8; ss, Selma & Gaston- burg, Ala, 20-3; ss, Dixon Mills & Goshen, 23-5; CumbU, 26-7, BA, 27-8, LLB; lawy, Lebanon, Tenn, 28 — . Gibson, William — b, Edinburgh, Scotland, Fb 7, 1888; MBI, 1914; lie ME, My, 12; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 16, 17; p, Felton, Del, 18-9; p, Georgetown, 20-3; p. New Castle, 24 — . Gilliam, Otis Levi — b, Smithfield, Va, Fb 5, 1892; RMC, 1913; tea, 13-4; CanST, 14-6, BD; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; YMCA, war service, 17-8; ord ME, Oc 13, 18; p, Melfa, Va, 18-9; p, St Andrew’s ch, Salisbury, Md, 19-20; p, Cam- bridge, 20-1; p, Waverly, Va, 21-5; p, Oxford ch, Suffolk, 25-7; p. Ocean View ch, Norfolk, 27-9; p, Decatur St ch, Richmond, 29-31; p, Clarksville, 31 — . Graham, Robert — b, Moosic, Pa, J1 21, 1887; NBl, 1913; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 15, 17; p, Great Bend ch, Halsted, Pa, 17-21; p, Ashley, 21— Graham, Robert George — b, Verona, Pa, Ap 6, 1887; GeneC, 1911; RefPTS, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; tea & oc s, 17-22; tea, 22-5; stu, ColU, 26-7; bus, 27-9; AmTrSoc, 30 — ; res, NYCity. Hosoi, Tobey Rutei — b, Kamakura, Japan, Ag 24, 1885; law stu, Tokyo, 1907-10; CCySF, 10-2; MBI, 12-3; HeidC, 13-4; CntlTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-7; news- paper correspondent; res, Tokyo, Japan. Irshay, Andrew — b, Tisza-Vjlak, Hungary, Mr 15, 1889; MeCTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-6; journalist; publisher, Wilbur Herald, 26-30; radio broadcasting, 30 — ; res, Trenton, NJ. 1917 623 Jewell, James Porter — b, Big Flats, NY, Je 18, 1887; MaryvC, 1910; KyTS, 10-1; ord, Pby Iron Mountain, Je 8, 14; PTS, 14-5; p, Fredericktown, Mo, 18-20; p, Corwin, Kan, 21-4; p. Spring Hill, 25; p, Bartlett, 26; p, 1st ch, Kipp, 27-8; p, 1st ch, Bennington, 29 — . Jordan, Leon M Fornataro — b, Colliano, Italy, Ap 17, 1885; BloomTS, 1908-13; PTS, 14-7; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Oc 4, 17; ch miss, Ital Miss, Bernards- ville, NJ, 17-8; miss, Eveleth, Minn, 19-22; ss, St John the Divine ch, Des Moines, la, 22-3; ss. Rowers, Mont, 23-4; ss, Hilger, 24-5; ss, Cokeville, Wyo, 25-7; ss. Forest River, ND, 27-8; ss, VVishek, 28-31; ss, Stirurn, 31 — . Kilgus, George John — b, Newark, NJ, Ap 9, 1890; UPa, 1914; PTS, 14-7; McCTS, 17-8; ord, Pby Newark, Je 4, 18; ss, Hollister, Ida, 18-9; ss. Interior, SD, 19-20; ss, Hazleton, la, 20-1; ss, Paton & Dana chs, 21-2; ss, Crawfordsville, 22-3; ss, Delia, Kan, 22-4; evang, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 25-7; ss. Shelter Island, NY, 27—. Kitterer, Armin Albert — b, Parkville, Mo, Fb 13, 1890; EdenTS, 1908-11; ord Ev Liith, 11; HeidC, 15; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; res, Cleveland, O. Kroodsma, Robert — b, Vriesland, Mich, Dc 3, 1890; HopeC, 1914; PTS, 14-5; WestTSMich, 15-7, MA; ord RefChAm, Cl Cascades, Dc 19, 17; p, Man- hattan, Mont, 17-8; p, Clymer Hill, NY, 19-22; p, Allegan, Mich, 22-5; ss, Presb ch, Roslyn, Wash, 25-7; tea, Thorp, 27-8; bus, Yakima, 28 — . Lancaster, Richard Venable — b, Ashland, Va, Ag 31, 1888; RMC, 1909; tea, 09-10; UnTSVa, 11-3, BD; ord, Pby Winchester, Sp 13, 13; p. Falling Waters, & Tomahawk, WVa, 13-6; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; p, Mem ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 17-22; USArmy, 18-9; ill health; p, Fredericksburg, Va, 25 — . Lawson, Francis William — b, McCook, Neb, Je 15, 1891; OccC, 1912; grad mgr, OccC, 12-4; PTS, 14-5; personnel dir, NYU, 15-29; bus, Los Angeles, Cal, 29—. Lin, Tien Lau — b, Foochow, China, My 7, 1889; SWC, 1914; PTS, 14-6; — MacDonald, Rosmond May — b, Carlton, Neb, My 1, 1886; UNeb, 1909; YaleU, 11, MA; YaleUDS, 09-11; UnTS, 11-2, BD; ord, Pby Minot, Je 17, 12; p, Crosby, ND, 13-4; ss, Avoca, la, 14-6; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; p, Deshler, Neb, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p, 1st ch, Springfield, Mass, 20-5; p, Cong ch, Atlantic, 25 — . McKenzie, William Henry Purvis — b, Pukerau, New Zealand, Dc 19, 1888; Otago Univ, NZ, 1914; PTS, 14-5; war service, Palestine & France, 15-9; relief wk, Syria, 19-20; gen sec, StuChrMvmt, Australia, 21-2; ord, Pby New Zealand, Nv 11, 23; p, Leeston, NZ, 23-5; gen sec, NZ Stu Chr Mvmt, 25-6; tea, Rangiora, 26-7; tea. Port Lincoln, So Australia, 28-32; prin, Hamilton Coll, Victoria, 32 — . McMurray, John Addison — b, Comanche, Tex, J1 14, 1883; DavC, 1909; ColTS, 10-2, BD; ord, Pby Bethel, Oc 13, 12; p, Bethesda ch, Guthries, SC, 12-6; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; p. Highland ch, Fayetteville, NC, 17-22; p, Abbeville, SC, 22-6; p, Ocala, Fla, 26 — . 624 1917 Middents, Dirk Henry — b, Kamrar, la, Dc 3, 1891; UDubq, 1913; Dubq TS, 13-6; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; ord, Pby Waukon, Ap 17, 16; p. Steamboat Rock, la, 17-8; p. State Center, 18-22; p. East Park ch, Waterloo, 22-4; p, Don- nellson, 24-6; p, 1st ch, Augusta, 111, 27-30; p, Sunnyside ch. South Bend, Ind, 30—. Neuberg, Maurice Joseph — b, Stashow, Prussia, Ag 15, 1888; WheaC, 1914; PTS, 15-6; DrewTS, 15-7, BD; ColU, 17-8, MA; UnTS, 17-8; p, Cong ch, Hampton, NH, 18-9; p, ME ch. Port Morris, NJ, 19-20; ord ME, 20; asst prof, UOkla, 20-2; UChi, 22-3; p, Tottenville, NY, 23-5; tea, Chicago Normal Coll, 111, 25-6; prof, IllWesU, 26-7; prof, WittC, 27—. PhD, UChi, 25. Nilsen, Karl Gustav — b, Trysil, Norway, Oc 10, 1883; AugsC, 1909; Theol Schl, Bielefeld, Germany, 09-10; AugsTS, 10-1; LuthTS, 11-2, 25, STM; ord. Nor Luth, Je 9, 12; p. Slater, la, 12-6; DesMC, 15, MA; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; ULouisv, 17-8; SBaptTS, 18-20, ThD; p, Emmettsburg, la, 18-21; p, Osage, 21-6; field miss, Chicago, 111, 26-8; p, Parkside ch, Chicago, 26-30; bus, Chicago, 27—. *Paul, David — b, Maghera, Co Derry, Ireland, My 12, 1893; LafC, 1914; PTS, 14-6; AsC, 16-7; British Army, 17-8; killed in action, St Quentin, Prance, 18. Poppen, Henry Albert — b. Prairie View, Kan, 1890; HopeC, 1914; PTS, 14-5, 24-5, ThM; WestTS, 15-7, STB; YMCA, war service, 17-8; ord RefChAm, Cl Iowa, Ag, 17; miss, Kulangsu Amoy, China, 18 — . Prince, Stanley Rogers — b, Nauwigewauk, NB, Can, My 11, 1884; PresbC, 16; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; ord, Pby St John, Dc 5, 17; p, Christ ch. Fort Kent, Me, 17-20; p, St Paul’s ch, Woodstock, NB, 20-5; ss, Samuel Davies ch, Hanover Co, Va, 25-32; res. Old Church, Va. ThD, UnTSVa, 30. Razey, James Lester — b, Fb 14, 1890; NatBI; BibS, 1913-4; PTS, 14-6; — Reinecke, Herman Taudte — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 9, 1892; W&JC, 1915; PTS, 14-6; PrU, 16, MA; McCTS, 16-7; ord, Pby Sioux City, Je 14, 17; asst p, 1st ch, Sioux City, la, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18-9; p. Park Ave ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 20-4; asst p, 3d ch, Pittsburgh, 24-30; asst dir. Dept Bldgs & Prop, BdNat Miss, Chicago, 111, 30 — . DD, CedC, 30. Ruprecht, Mark Henry Waltner — b, Columbus, 0, Oc 8, 1893; MorC, 1914; MorTS, 14-6, BD; grad stu, PTS, 16-7; ord RefChUS, Dc, 17; p. Wills Creek, Pa, 17-8; bus; res, Bethlehem, Pa. Sarkiss, Henry Jewel — b, Bourdour, Armenia, Sp 15, 1894; Internal Coll, Smyrna, 13-4; PkC; PTS, 14-5; UDubq; McCTS, 17-9, BD; ord, Pby Flint, Je 10, 19; p, Richmond, & ss, Cambridge City, Ind, 21-2; p, Mt Sterling, 111, 23-5; p, Carbondale, 26-9; UIll, 28-31, MA; p, Monticello, 30-2; stu, NWU, 32—; res, Decatur, 111. Sessler, Dietrich — b, Aplington, la, Nv 18, 1888; UDubq, 1914; PTS, 14-5; McCTS, 15-7; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 23, 17; p el, Waukee, la, 17-8; ill health; ss. Unity ch, Clarksville, la, 32 — . Sichterman, Nicholas Sikkie — b, Coopersville, Mich, Ja 29, 1885; HopeC, 1917-1918 625 1914; PTS, 14-5; NETS, 15; McCTS, 15-7; ord, Pby Rock River, Ap 11, 17; p, 1st ch, Elwood, Ind, 17-21; p, Grace ch, Indianapolis, 21-4; p, 1st ch. Port Huron, Mich, 24 — . *Smart, Daniel Stevenson — b, Schoharie, NY, Ag 24, 1890; AnihC, 1914; PTS, 14-6; ord UP, Pby Argyle, J1 25, 17; sec, YMCA, RutU, 16-7; YMCA, war service, 17-8; chap, USArmy, 18; killed in France, Oc 15, 18. Spotts, Milton Arthur — b, Milton, Pa, J1 3, 1884; SusqueU, 1908, 08-10, 11, MA; ord Luth, Oc 16, 10; grad stu, PTS, 16-7; Nat Serv Com, 17-8; chap, USN, 18-24; SS miss. New Mexico, 24-5; hm miss, Taos, NM, 25-30; res, Taos, NM, 30—. Stoner, Jacob Rush — b, Mercersburg, Pa, My 15, 1875; PaC, 1901, 05, MA; GetTS, 01-3; YaleU, 04-5; lie, Pby Boulder, Oc 11, 05; HarvU, 06-7; PTS, 16-7; McCTS, 18; auth & lect; evang, Boulder, Col, 26 — . Stratemeier, Klaas Jacob — b, Loquard, Eastfriesland, Germany, J1 24, 1888; UDubq, 1913; DubqTS, 13-6; ord, Pby George, Ap 19, 16; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD, 17-8; p, Bethany ch, Portland, Ore, 18-24; p, Hanover ch, Glenvdl, Neb, 24-8; p, 1st German Presb ch, Grundy Center, la, 28 — ; prof, German, GrunC, 32—. ThD, UDubq, 28. Suzuki, Seiji — b, Kamogum, Shizuskaken, Japan, Ag 9, 1889; NoJapanC, 1908-11, ThDept, 11-4; grad stu, PTS, 16-7; tea, Tokyo, Japan, 17 — . *Willson, Robert Ewing — b. Morning Sun, la, J1 4, 1879; GeneC, 1905; RefPTS, 05-8; ord, Pby Iowa, Sp 10, 08; miss, Mercine, Asia Minor, 08-14; SS, Southfield Ref ch, Birmingham, Mich, 15-6; grad stu, PTS, 16-7, BD; p, Southfield Ref ch, Birmingham, Mich, 17-9; miss, Mercine, Asia Minor, 19-23; d, Mercine, Fb 18, 23. 47. 1918 Anderson, Howard Elmer — b, .'\lmira, la, Sp 22, 1891; Ula, 1911; YMCA; PTS, 15-8, 24-5, ThM; ord, Pby Des Moines, Sp 18, 18; miss, India, 18 — ; res, Khanna, Punjab, India. Anderson, Reuben Walter — b, St Paul, Minn, My 19, 1890; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Joaquin, J1 18, 18; p, 1st ch, Lindsay, Cal, 18-20; p, 1st ch, Slatington, Pa, 21-2; p, 1st ch. New Bedford, Mass, 23-30; p, 1st ch, Carlisle, Pa, 30 — . Arneal, John Franklin — b. Liberty, Neb, Mr 24, 1888; SterC, 1915; PTS, 15-8; ord UP, Pby Caledonia, My 31, 18; p, Caledonia, N\', 18-21; p, 1st ch, Baltimore, Md, 21 — . Arner, Charles — b, Lehighton, Pa, Ag 29, 1881; AlbrC, 1913; PTS, 15-8; ord UnEv; p, Quakertown, Pa, 24; p, Barnesville, 25-8; p, Shenandoah, 28-31; p. Tower City, 31 — . Brown, Linus Ephriam — b. Vestal Center, NY, Oc 8, 1890; PkC, 1915; PTS, 15-9, BD; ord, Pby Lehigh, .Ap 16, 19; PrU, 19-20; ss, -Avalon, -Mo, 20-4; p, Unionville, 24-8; asst p, 1st ch, Bethlehem, Pa, 28-30; p, Portland 8: Mt Bethel chs, 30 — . 626 1918 *Bruere, William Bowen — b, Bombay, India, Ag 15, 1892; MtUnC, 1914; tea; DrewTS, 15-6; PTS, 16-8; ord ME, 16; p. Old Bridge & Spottswood, NJ, 16-8; miss, India, 18-22; d, Bombay, India, J1 20, 22. Bucher, John Russell — b, Shepherdstown, Pa, Fb 3, 1890; FindC, 1913; tea, 13-5; PTS, 15-8, 20-1, ThM; ord, Ch of God, Oc 5, 18; p, Mechanicsburg, Pa, 18-21; PTS, 20-1, ThM; p, Middletown, Pa, 21-5; prof, Gk & Bib, FindC, 25—. Buschman, Leonard Victor — b, McGirks, Mo, Sp 15, 1893; WestmCMo, 1915; KyTS, 15-6; PTS, 16-8; PrU, 18, MA; ord, Pby Elizabeth, My 9, 18; p, 1st ch, Woodbridge, NJ, 18-25; p, Tyler Place ch, St Louis, Mo, 25-9; p. Central ch, Buffalo, NY, 29 — . DD, WestmCMo, 27. Bush, Harry Oswald — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 17, 1889; MaryvC, 1915; PTS, 15-8, 20-1, ThM; ord, Pby Phila North, My 20, 18; p, 1st Alexandria ch, Milford, NJ, 18-23; tea, Mt Pleasant, 19-20; prin, Milford, 22-3; p. Kinsman, O, 24-30; ]), Uhrichsville, 31 — . Carmichael, Patrick Henry — b, Goodwater, Ala, My 4, 1889; MerlJ, 09, BPharm; UAla, 1915; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Tuscaloosa, J1 1, 19; p, Alabama Ave & Valley Creek chs, 18-20; p, Montevallo ch, 20 — ; asso prof. Bib & Rel Edu, AlaC, 21— PhD, NYU, 30; DD, SW, 30. Carruthers, William James Gordon — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ag 14, 1891; ONU, 1915; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Newark, Ap 18, 18; p, 1st ch, Maywood, NJ, 18-20; p. Chestnut Level, Pa, 20-31; p. Faith ch, Baltimore, Md, 31 — . Coffman, David Rhea — b, Scotland, Pa, Sp 27, 1893; LafC, 1915; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 11, 18; p, 1st ch. Port Kennedy, Pa, 18-20; p, Perkiomen Ave ch, Reading, 20-3; asst p, Westm ch, Steubenville, O, 23-6; p, 1st ch. Long Branch, NJ, 26 — . *Cornuene, Ralph Dudley — b, Madisonville, O, Oc 30, 1892; UCin, 1915; LaneTS, 15-6; PTS, 16-8; ord, Pby Cincinnati, My 15, 17; miss, India, 18-31; d, Fatehgarh, India, Fb 19, 31. Cruikshank, Burleigh Edmund — b, Montreal, Can, Je 4, 1890; W&JC, 1915; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Washington, Dc 11, 17; p, Ogden Mem ch, Chatham, NJ, 18-21; asst p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 21-2; p, Westm ch, Steubenville, O, 22-7; p, St Paul’s ch, Phila, Pa, 27—. DD, W&JC, 28. Deininger, Charles Frederick — b, Newark, NJ, My 16, 1890; UrsC, 1915; PTS, 15-8, WH Green Fell, S.emit Phil, 18-20, BD; PrU, 20, MA; ord, Pby Newark, Ap 17, 18; asst p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 18-9; ss, 1st ch. Mays Landing, NJ, 19- p, 20-2; instr, OT, PTS, 29-31; p, 1st ch, Glenolden, Pa, 22 — . Hallenbeck, Wilbur Chapman — b, Brooklyn, NY, Dc 9, 1892; OccC, 1915; PTS, 15-8; YMCA, 17-8; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Je 9, 18; chap, USArmy, 18-9; sec, 1st ch, San Diego, Cal, 19; p, 1st ch, Selma, 20-3; Goodale Med Serv Org, San Francisco, 23-4; miss, Pby San Francisco, 24-5; sec, Oakland Council chs, 26-7; Inst Soc & Rel Research, 25-6, 28 — ; res, NYCity. BD, SFTS, 30. Henderson, Harold Hayes — b. Fort Wayne, Ind, Nv 23, 1893; UWash, 19 1 8 627 1915; PTS, 15-6, 17-8; SFTS, 16-7; ord, Pby Seattle, J1 16, 18; miss, Taiku, Korea, 18—. MA, ColU, 24. *HoIzinger, Charles Henry — b, Allentown, Pa, Je 19, 1889; p, Refton, Pa, 1910-2; p, Mt Clare, 12-3; p. West Lebanon, 13-4; LebVC, 16; PTS, 15-8, BD; p, Presb chs, Jacksonville & Bustleton, Pa, 16-8; ord UnB, Oc 7, 18; p, Lancaster, Pa, 18-28; d, Lancaster, Fb 2, 28. DD, LebVC, 27. Horn, George Garrison — b, McComb, O, Mr .30, 1890; CWoos, 1914; tea, 14- 5; PTS, 15-8, Alum Fell, NT Lit, 20-1, ThM; ord, Pby Marion, My 2, 18; asst p. West Hope ch, Phila, Pa, 18-20; lect, Theol, Bib.S, 29-30; p, 1st ch, P'ree- hold, NJ, 21—. Johnston, William Harrison — b, Phila, Pa, Je 9, 1890; LafC, 1915; PTS, 15- 8; ord, Pby Phila, Je 23, 18; asst p, Susquehanna Ave ch, Phila, Pa, 18-20; p, Woodbury Heights, NJ, 20-2; p, Carmichaels, Pa, 22-6; p. Great Bend ch, Hallstead, 26 — . Lewis, George Bowers — b, Wilmington, Del, Ja 20, 1884; MacalC, 14-5; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Denver, Ap 27, 19; p, Burdett, Col, 19-20; ss, Eckley, 20-1; evang, 21 — ; res, St Louis, Mo. Long, Ward Willis — b, Spencerville, O, Ap 8, 1889; TayU, 1915; PTS, 15-8; PrU, 18, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 7, 18; asst p, 1st ch, Akron, O, 18-9; p, Forbes Mem ch, Portland, Ore, 19-21; p, 1st ch, Salem, 21-5; p, 1st ch. Stock- ton, Cal, 25 — . DD, TayU, 31. Lyter, Thomas Bowman— b, Mountville, Pa, J1 28, 1892; LebVC, 1914; bus; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 10, 18; p, Channford ch. Woodbine, Pa, 18-21; p, Washington Park ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 21 — . McNeill, Joseph — b, Germantown, Phila, Pa, J1 20, 1893; HavC, 1915; ord, Pby Philadelphia North, My 20, 18; ss. Blue Springs, Neb, 18; USArmy, 19; miss, Cameroun, West Africa, 19-32, Rio Benito, Guinea Espanola, WAfr, 32 — . Miller, William McElwee — b, Middlesboro, Ky, Dc 12, 1892; W&LU, 1912, 13, MA; prof & dir, Rel Work, Marion, Ala, 13-4; PTS, 14-6, 17-9, BD; ord, Pby Lexington, My 8, 16; trav sec. Internal Com, YMCA, 16-7; HartTS, 24; miss, Teheran, Persia, 19 — . Paynter, Russell — b. Drawbridge, Del, Ja 1, 1894; UDel, 1915; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 18, 18; p, Woodbury Heights, NJ, 18-9; p, McDowell Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 19-23; p, Collingswood, NJ, 23-7; p, Gaston ch, Phila, Pa, 27-30; p, Mem ch, St Louis, Mo, 30 — . Robinson, Stewart MacMaster — b, Clinton, NY, J1 21, 1893; PrU, 1915, 18, MA; PTS, 15-8, BD; ord, Pby Phila, Ja 24, 18; chap, USArmy, 18-9; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Cleveland, O, 19-21; p, 1st ch, Lockport, NY, 21-8; p, 2d ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 29 — DD, TuscC, 29. Shrum, Reuben Welty— b, Irwin, Pa, Nv 22, 1886; BuckU, 1908, 18, MA; tea, 08-15; PTS, 15-8; ord UP, Pby Westmoreland, Ap 9, 18; chap, USN, 18—; res, Washington, DC. DD, BuckU, 29. Teener, James Woodruff — b, Cumberland, O, Oc 22, 1892; MuskC, 1915; 628 1918 PTS, 15-8, BD; Gelston-Winthrop F'ell, Didac & Poleni Theol, 18-fl, grad stu, 19-20; ord, Pby St Clairsville, Sp 16, 18; PrU, 20, MA; UChi, 30-1; prof. Bib, PkC, 20—. Weaver, John Franklin — b, Jefferson, Pa, Je 29, 1888; WaynC, 1915; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Washington, Dc 11, 17; p, Barnegat, NJ, 18-9; p, Manas- quan, 20-1; p. Sparrows Point, Md, 22-7; p. Relay, 29 — . 30. Acosta, Antonio — b, Sabana Grande, Porto Rico, Oc 28, 1893; OskC, 1918; Ev Sem, Porto Rico, 11-6; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; lie, Pby Porto Rico, Sp 12, 16; oc s; De Paul Univ, Porto Rico, 22-5, LLB; lawy, Mayaguez, Porto Rico, 25 — . Alexander, Clayton Brown — b, Matthews, NC, Ag 28, 1889; DavC, 1919; KyTS, 15-7; PTS, 17-8; UNC, 23, MA, 30, PhD; prof. Hist & Govt, RuthC, 19- 26; prof. Hist, Catawba Coll, Salisbury, NC, 26-31; res, Salisbury, 31 — . Atiyeh, Anise Elias — b, Tripoli, Syria, Sp 7, 1890; BloomTS, 1910-1; MaryvC, 15; PTS, 15-7; Syria;— Barnhouse, Donald Grey — b, Watsonville, Cal, Mr 28, 1895; BibILA, 1913-5; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 9, 18; p, Grace ch, Phila, Pa, 26; p el, 10th ch, Phila, 27- p, 28 — . Barny, Frederick Jacob — b, Basil, Switzerland, Ja 1, 1873; RutU, 94; NBTS, 94-7; ord RefChAm, Je 13, 97; grad stu, PTS, 1917-8, BD; miss, Busrah, Arabia, 97-1926, Bagdad, Iraq, 26-31, Kuwait, Arabia, 31 — . Bouma, Clarence — b, Harlingen, Holland, Nv 30, 1891; CalvC, 1914; CalvTS, 14-7; grad stu, PTS, 17-8, BD, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, 18-9; PrU, 19, MA; HarvU, 19-21, ThD; UBer, 21-2; ord ChrRef, Cl Hudson, Ja 11, 23; p, Hope Ave ch, Passaic, NJ, 23-4; prof, Syst Theol, CalvTS, 24-6, Eth & Apol, 26—. Caldwell, Daniel Templeton — b, Huntersville, NC, Je 27, 1892; DavC, 1914; UnTSVa, 14-7, BD; ord, Pby Albemarle, Je 26, 17; grad stu, PTS, 17-8, BD; p, Immanuel ch, Wilmington, NC, 18-25; p, 2d ch, Petersburg, Va, 25 — . *Calhoun, Nathaniel Nelson — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 1, 1894; TSRefEpisCh, 14-7; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; ord RefEpis, Je 8, 19; p, UP ch, Wilmington, Del, 20- 4; p, Presb ch, Carney's Point, NJ, 24-7; d, Carney’s Point, Ja 10, 27. Chilton, Charles George Eric — b, Swindon, England, My 5, 1885; CliffC, 1909-11; evang, England & Western Can, 08-11; evang, Eng, 12-4; PTS, 15-8; ss, Presb ch, Croton Falls, NY, 16-9; MaryvC, 19-21; ss, Bapt ch, Warner, NH, 21- 2; ss, Cong ch, Norton, Mass, 22-3; ss, Bapt ch, Danielson, Conn, 23-4; Gordon Coll of Theol & Miss, Boston, Mass, 21-4, ThB, 29, BD, 32, STM; p, Norwood, RI, 24-6; ord Bapt, Ap 29, 25; BrU, 25-7, PhB; ss, Elmwood Ave ch. Providence, RI, 27-9; Conf wk. New Eng, 29-31; p, Sheldonville, Mass, 32 — . *Condict, Anton Hodenpyl — b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 17, 1890; CornU, 1909- 11; bus; PTS, 15-6;^d, NYCity, Mr 3, 16. 1918 629 *Craig, Matthew Peden — b, Paisley, Scotland, Nv 22, 1873; UGlas, 88-9, 1904-5; FreeChCGlas, 05-6; ord Bapt, Can, Nv 6, 06; p, Windham & Delhi chs. Can, 08-12; p, Bothwell & Cairo chs, 12-6; PTS, 16-7; p, Dungannan & Port Albert chs. Can, 18-9; asst p, Carronshore, Scotland, 20-5; d. Paisley, Scotland, Sp 26, 25. Davis, Roy Lee — b, Monticello, Ark, Ag 21, 1892; ErskC, 1915; PTS, 15-6; ErskTS, 16-7, BD; ord AssoRefP, Pby Arkansas, Je 6, 17; p. New Edinburg & Hickory Springs chs. Ark, 17-8; USArmy, 18-9; tea, Egypt, 19-21; dir, Edu, NER, Russia, 21-3; p. Charleston, Ark, 23-5; dir, Rel Edu, Syn of Ark, 25-7; do, NER, Russia & Syria, 27-9; p, 1st ch, Wynne, Ark, 30 — . Evans, Richard Hugh — b, Corris, Wales, My 8, 1886; BlacC, 1912-3; Atlanta Theol Sem, Atlanta, Ga, 14-5; PTS, 15-6; YMCA, 16-9; bus, 19 — ; res, Phila, Pa. Evans, Stanley Richards — b, Moosic, Pa, J1 11, 1891; GrovCyC, 1915; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 17, 18; p, Fannettsburg, Pa, 19-22; p, Wyoming, 22-4; p, Florida, NY, 26 — . Fopma, Samuel — b, Spannum, Holland, Ja 5, 1887; CalvC, 1914; CalvTS, 14- 7; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids West, Sp 4, 18; p, Lamont, Mich, 18-20; p, Arlene, 20-6; p, Noordeloos, 26 — . Gibson, John — b, Belfast, Ireland, Nv 28, 1892; QuUBelf, 1911-4; AsC, 15- 6; PTS, 16-7; WestmH, 17; ord, Pby V'ermilion, Dc 27, 17; p. Union Bay, BC, Can, 18-9; p. Rosebud, Alberta, 21-3; p, Leslieville, 23-4; p, Hillsdale, Ont, 25-9; p. Pleasant Heights, Alberta, 30-1; USask, 31, BA; grad stu, PTS, 32-3; res, Toronto, Can. Gillis, Edward— b, Omaha, Neb, Je 13, 1891; UCal, 1914; PTS, 15-6; tea; prin, Beaumont, Cal. Gould, Aylmer Brooks — b, Louisville, Ky, J1 6, 1875; CenCKy, 97; McCTS, 97-1900; ord, Pby Chicago, Je 6, 1900; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; miss, Ambala, Punjab, India, 1900 — . Groen, Watze — b, Zeeland, Mich, Sp 23, 1893; UMich, 1914; CalvTS, 14-7; UMich, 17, MA; grad stu, PTS, 17-8, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Muskegon, J1 26, 18; p, 1st ch. Grand Haven, Mich, 18-24; p, Creston ch. Grand Rapids, 24-6; p, Rehoboth, NM, 26-7; p, 1st ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 27 — . Hardy, Harry Eugene — b, Chicago, 111, .Ag 9, 1893; BiblLA, 1912-4; PTS, 15-6; bus; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Harney, Mary Stewart — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 28, 1881; PTS, 1915-6; W'estTS, 16-20; sec, YWCA, Pittsburgh, Pa; res, Sewickley, Pa. Holloway, Ernest Duncan — b, Mt Carmel, Miss, Nv 19, 1891; UMiss, 1914; UnTSV'a, 14-7, BD; grad stu, PTS, 17-8, BD; USArmy, 18; ord, Pby Lafayette, Ag 2, 18; p, Higginsville, Mo, 18-22; p, McComb City, Miss, 22-7; p, Monroe, La, 27 — . ‘Hughes, James Charles — b, Edinburgh, Scotland, J1 5, 1874; W&JC, 1908-9; WestTS, 09-12; ord, Pby Baltimore, J1 5, 12; p. Olivet ch, Baltimore, 1918 630 Md, 12-4; p, Pegram ch, Charlotte, NC, 15-6; ss, Williams Mem & Seversville chs, 16-7; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; p, Pilgrim ch, Trenton, NJ, 18-23; hm miss, NM, 25- 6; d, Roswell, Oc 16, 26. Hydanus, Joseph Stuart — b, Kollum, Friesland, Holland, Sp 13, 1891; UChi; WheaC; MBI, 13-5; PTS, 15-6; McCTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap, 20; ss, Grayville, 111, 20-1; evang, Brooklyn, NY, 21-7; evang, Chicago, III, 28-31; p, Tustin, Cal, 31 — . Iwasaki, Shintaro — b, Osaka, Japan, Fb 13, 1883; Tokyo Theol Schl, 1904-6; BanTS, 08-11, 15, BD; MidC, 13, BA; HarvU, 13-4, MA; YaleUDS, 14-6, 17, STM; HartTS, 16-7, 19, PhD; lie Cong, Ap 2, 17; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; Tokyo, Japan. Kauffman, John Elijah — b, Gapsville, Pa, Ap 20, 1884; DefiC, 1913, ThDept, 10-3, 15, BD; ord, Chr Conf, Northwestern, O, Sp 23, 10; BuckU, 15, MA; p, Lewisburg, Pa, 13-5; p, Somerset, Mass, 15-7; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; p, 1st ch, Columbus, NJ, 18-20; p, 1st ch, Piqua, 0, 20-6; p, 1st ch, Dayton, 26- 8; ss, Cong ch, Wabash, 28-30; p, Oran, 31-2; bus, 28 — ; res, Dayton, O. DD, DefiC, 23. Kennedy, Thomas Elmer — b, Ripley, Ont, Can, Mr 2, 1890; McGU, 1915; KxCTor, 15-6; PTS, 16-7; PresbC, 17-8; ord, Pby Maitland, Dc 30, 18; p, Cranbrook & Ethel, Ont, Can, 18-23; p. Temple Hill, 23-6; p. Mount Brydges, 26- 9; p, Carluke & Binbrook, 29 — . Kircher, Clarence Albert — b, Alexandria, Ind, Dc 10, 1895; CEmpo, 1915; PTS, 15-7; DubqTS; McCTS; ord, Pby Kearney, Sp 4, 18; p, 1st ch, St Paul, Neb, 18-24; p, Barbee Mem ch. Excelsior Springs, Mo, 24-7; p, Cadillac Blvd ch, Detroit, Mich, 27 — . Knight, Lewis Hubert — b, Conway, Mo, Mr 12, 1887; UTulsa, 1914; PTS, 15-7; ord, Pby Cimarron, Ap 17, 18; ss, Yates Center, Kan, 19-20; p, Sedan, 20-3; p, Marion, 111, 23-5; p. Canton, 25-8; p, Dover, NJ, 28-30; p, Hoosick Falls, NY, 30— Kortkamp, Richard Lee — b, Hillsboro, 111, Ag 18, 1891; LkFC, 1913-4; UWash, 14-5; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 17, 18; p, Lonsdale, RI, 18-9; ss, Leadville, Col, 20; tea, Phoenix, Ariz, 20-1; ss, Virden, 111, 21-3; XenTS, 23-4; p, DuPage ch, Plainfield, 111, 25-7; ss, St James ch, Chicago, 27-30; UChiDS, 27- 30, PhB; p, 1st Cong ch, Saugatuck, Mich, 30 — . Liu, Kwang Ching — b, Peking, China, Ja 15, 1876; Peking Univ, 98; ord No China ME Conf; pastoral wk; PTS, 15-7; — McMillan, Leighton Gaines — b, Stockton, Ala, Mr 19, 1887; PrlJ, 1910; PTS, 16-7; p, Naomi Makemie ch, Onancock & Makemie ch, Accomac, Va, 18; chap, USArmy; asst p, Franklin St ch, Baltimore, Md; asst p. West Hope ch, Phila, Pa; p, 1st ch, Mt Lebanon, 26-31; res. Mobile, Ala. Mordecai, Trevor Popkin — b, Llan Trissant, Wales, Great Britain, Ap 2, 1888; Pontypridd Coll; lie Cong ch, Wales, 1907; BanTS, 14-5; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 25, 18; p. East Lake ch, Wilmington, Del, 18-21; tea, Jenkintown, Pa, 22-7; p, 1st ch, Birmingham, Ala, 27-31; — 1918 631 Narita, Ryota — b, Tsuruoka, Japan, Ag 26, 1872; TohG, 1901-4, ThDept, 06-7; ord, Pby San Joaquin, Nv 5, 1913; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; p, Japanese Presb ch, Hanford, Cal, 18-20; p, Presb ch, Morioka, Japan, 20-30; p, Japanese Chr ch, Shanghai, China, 30 — . Nelson, Ralph W — b, Chelsea, Kan, Ja 1, 1888; PhillU, 1915; ord, ChrCh, J1 6, 15; UKan, 15-6, MA; PTS, 16-7; YaleUDS, 17-8, BD; p. Oak Park, 111, 20-3; prof, Phil, Culver-Stockton Coll, Canton, Mo, 24-7; do, PhillU, 27 — . PhD, UChi, 31. Nichols, David Jonathan — b, Sayville, NY, Ja 18, 1885; MBI, 1913-5; PTS, 15-6; ord Cong, Nv 13, 17; p. Lake Grove, New Village, Center Each & Farmingville, NY, 16-9; — Patterson, James Hastings — b, Arbroath, Scotland, Ap 9, 1883; MBI, 1912-4; PTS, 14-5, 16-8; ord, Pby Newberryport, Dc 21, 17; p, Bradenton, Fla, 18-22; p, Quitman, Ga, 23-5; p. South Jacksonville, Fla, 25 — . Rodgers, Howard — b, Allegheny, Pa, Je 17, 1889; GrovCyC, 1915; PTS, 15-6; WestTS, 16-8, STB; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 29, 18; asst p. Market Sq ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 18-21; p, Natrona, 21-4; p, Emsworth, 25-31; p, Greenfield ch, Pittsburgh, 32 — . MA, GrovCyC, 16; STM, WestTS, 28. Roeandt, August — b, Fellin, Esthonia, Dc 21, 1888; BaldWC, 1916; Bos UST, 16-7, STB; grad stu, PTS, 17-9, BD; ord ME, Ap 13, 19; p. Olivet Mem ch, NYCity, 19—. Sexton, John William — b, Gateshead-on-Tyne, England, Dc 17, 1882; PkC, 1915; PTS, 15-7, 19-20; res, Phila, Pa, 23-5; ss. Grant City, Mo, 26-7; ss, Stockton, 31; res, Stockton, 31 — . Snyder, Daniel Lester — b. Levels, WVa, Mr 15, 1886; RMC, 1915; PTS, 15-7; PrU, 17, MA; ord ME, Mr 28, 17; p, Burlington, W\’a, 17-8; p, Strasburg, V'a, 18-21; p. Front Royal, 21-5; p, Emory ch, Washington, DC, 25-9; p, Wash- ington St ch, Alexandria, \'a, 29-31; Trinity ch, Baltimore, Md, 31 — . Song, Hum Joo — b, Seoul, Korea, Oc 22, 1885; RoanC, 1914; PTS, 15-6; PrU, 15, MA; bus, Los Angeles, Cal, 16 — . Soper, Austin — b, Passaic, NJ, Sp 13, 1884; CEmpo, 1916; PT.S, 15-8; tea, San Diego, Chile, 19-21; res, Los Gatos, Cal, 22 — . Strickler, Herbert Johnson — b, Waco, Neb, Fb 7, 1892; CEmpo, 1915; PTS, 15-7; McCTS, 19; ord, Pby Emporia, Oc 14, 19; miss, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India, 19-20, Khanna & Rupar, 20-1, Ferozepur, 21-3, Kasur, 23-5, Shahdara, 26—. MA, UKan, 26. Strong, Theodore — b, Evanston, 111, Je 24, 1892; YaleU, 1914; PTS, 15-8; instr. Math, Park Schl, Baltimore, Md, 22-8; instr. Country Day Schl, St Louis, Mo, 28-30; bus, 31 — ; res, Chatham, NJ. Tester, George — b, Wellingborough, Northampton, England, Oc 4, 1881; Toronto Bib Coll, Can, 1905-7; PTS, 15-6; lie, Pby New Brunswick, My 9, 17; ss, Fullerton, Pa, 15-6; ss. Champion, Neb, 16; ss, Bucklin, Mo, 19; oc s, California; res, Victoria, BC, Can. 1918-1919 632 *Twinem, Paul DeWitt — b, Harrisville, O, Mr 5, 1894; CWoos, 1915; PTS, 15-7; PrU, 17, MA; YMCA, war service, 17-8; ord, Pby Houston, J1 13, 18; Hart TS, 18-9, BD; miss, Nanking, China, 19-23; d, Nanking, China, Sp 23, 23. Van Dyke, Paul Shepherd — b, Marshall, Mo, Fb 27, 1893; WestmCMo, 1914; KyTS, 15-7; grad stu, PTS, 17-8; ord, Pby Lafayette, Je 5, 18; p. Bay Min- ette, Ala, 19-21; p, Stockton, 20; ss, Stockton & Cottage Hill, 21 ; miss, Gifu, Japan, 23-6, Okasaki, 27-30; p, Kerrville, Tex, 31 — . Vecere, Nunzio — b, S Elia a Pianisi, Italy, Nv 21, 1882; Benevento Sem, 1904; PTS, 15-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 11, 16; hm miss, Mt Carmel ch, Trenton, NJ, 14 — . Wade, DeForest — b, Pelzer, SC, Sp 7, 1890; ErskC, 1914; bus; PTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 18, 18; ss. Olivet ch, Easton, Pa, 18-9; p, Manassas, Va, 19- 20; p, 1st ch, Welsh, WVa, 20-4; p. Olivet ch, Easton, Pa, 24 — . Watson, Hugh — b, Co Down, Ireland, Nv 18, 1878; ord Bapt, Canada, My 16, 1906; Lebanon Univ, Lebanon, O, 17; LaneTS, 13-7; grad stu, PTS, 17-8, BD; res, Glasgow, Scotland; — White, Arthur Jennings — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 15, 1890; UPa, 1911; bus; PTS, 15-6; ill health; res, Washington, DC. Wilkinson, John — Alberarder, Ontario, Can, Ap 11, 1890; UTor, 1915; KxCTor, 15-6, 17-8; PTS, 16-7; ord, Pby Toronto, Ap 11, 18; p, Maryfield, Sask, Can, 18-22; p, Gainsboro, 22-7; p. Plenty, 27 — . 53: 1919 Beltman, Henry — b. Orange City, la, Dc 1, 1893; HopeC, 1916; PTS, 16-9, BD, 26-7, ThM; ord RefChAm, Cl East Sioux, Sp 23, 19; prin, Hull, la, 19-20; miss, China, 20-6; miss-deputation wk, USA, 26-8; p, 2d ch. Grand Haven, Mich, 28-31; p, Hope ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 31 — . Blakely, Hunter Bryson, Jr — b, Lancaster, SC, Ap 27, 1894; ErskC, 1914; tea, 14-6; PTS, 16-9; PrU, 18, MA; ord AssoRefP, Pby Second, Je 7, 19; p, Louisville, Ky, 19-25; KyTS, 20-1, BD; SBaptTS, 24-5, ThD; p. United ch (Presb), Harrodsburg, 25-7; prof, NT Lit, ColTS, 27-30; p, 1st ch, Staunton, Va, 30—. DD, HSC, 31. Bowman, John Wick — b, Brownsvnlla, Pa, Ag 3, 1894; CWoos, 1916; PrU, 19, MA; PTS, 16-20, BD; ord, Pby Redstone, Dc 30, 19; miss, Punjab, India, 20- 6; SBaptTS, 26-7, 30, PhD; prof, NT & v-prin. United Theol Coll, Saharanpur, India, 27 — , ed. United Ch Rev, 29 — . Brumbaugh, Roy Talmage — b, Pipersville, Pa, Ap 15, 1890; PaC, 1912; tea, 12-6; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Philadelphia, My 15, 19; p, Harris St ch, Atlanta, Ga, 20-3; p, Coatesville, Pa, 23-9; p, Bethany ch, Phila, 29-30; p, Istch, Tacoma, Wash, 30 — . DD, GetC, 30. *Carey, Thomas Derby — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Mr 11, 1894; LafC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; PrU, 18, MA; ord, Pby Troy, Oc 1, 19; p. Fort Edward, NJ, 19-22; p, 1st ch, Watervliet, NV, 22-3; d, Watervliet, Fb 18, 23. 1919 633 Cost, Harry Fulton — b, Erwin, Pa, My 4, 1892; W&JC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Blairsville, Dc 10, 18; p. Light St ch, Baltimore, Md, 19-26; p, Ligonier, Pa, 26-30; p, 1st ch, Newport, RI, 30 — . Davidson, Dwight Brooker — b. New Rumley, O, Nv 30, 1894; CWoos, 1916; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Detroit, My 7, 19; asst p. Woodward Ave ch, Detroit, Mich, 19-22; Rocky Mountain Hse, Alberta, Can, 22-3; p, Mt Prospect ch. Hickory, Pa, 23-7; WestTS, 24-6; p, 1st ch, Barnesville, O, 27 — . Dillener, Leroy Young — b, Troy, la, Je 8, 1892; PkC, 1915; PTS, 15-6, 17-20, BD; ord, Pby St Joseph, Sp 11, 18; asst p, Doylestown, Pa, 19-20; miss, Persia, 20-5; p, 1st ch, Woodbridge, NJ, 25-7; p, 1st ch, Eatontown, 27 — . Doran, Hubert Frank — b, London, England, Dc 1, 1885; bus, 1903-14; p, ME, EMaine Conf, 14-6; PTS, 16-20; ord ME, Mr 16, 19; p, Groveville, NJ, 20-3; p, Fairfield, Cal, 23-6; p, Hughson, 26-8; p, San Leandro, 28 — . Edmunds, Horatio Spencer — b, St Louis, Mo, Oc 31, 1894; WestmCMo, 1916; UnTSVa, 16-7; PTS, 17-9; PrU, 19, MA; ord, Pby St Louis, My 8, 18; p, Broadway ch, Sedalia, Mo, 19-23; p, 2d ch, Roanoke, Va, 23 — . DD, HSC, 26. Eells, Hastings — b, Absecon, NJ, Je 9, 1895; ClkU, 1916; PTS, 16-9, BD; PrU, 18, MA; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, Yalell, 19-21, PhD; ord, Pby Worcester, Oc 5, 20; UBrus & Univ Ghent, Belgium, 21-2, 28-9; p, 1st ch, Paoli, Pa, 23-5; prof. Hist, OWesC, 25 — . Gehman, John Luke — b, Martindale, Pa, Dc 27, 1889; BuckU, 1914; tea, 14-6; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 2, 19; PrU, 20, MA; p. Calvary ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 20-2; p, 1st ch, Lebanon, O, 22-4; p, 1st ch. Independence, Kan, 24—. DD, COz. Click, Curtis Morgan — b, Hamilton, Mo, Dc 10, 1892; PkC, 1915; tea, 15-6; PTS, 16-20, BD; ord, Pby Lehigh, Ap 16, 19; p. Lock Spring, Mo, 20-3; p, Hope ch, St Joseph, 23-6; ss, 1st ch, Craig, 26-8; p, 1st ch, Albia, la, 28-31; p, Mem ch, Roosevelt, NY, 31 — . Grier, Joseph Lee — b, Lincoln Co, Mo, Oc 6, 1893; ErskC, 1912; tea; 12-6; PTS, 16-9; PrU, 19, MA; ord AssoRefP, Pby Memphis & Louisville, Je 11, 19; p, Mt Zion & Elsberry chs, Elsberry, Mo, 19-23; p, Old Providence ch, Spotts- wood, Va, 23-31; p, Louisville, Ky, 31 — -. Hamilton, Floyd Eugene — b, Batavia, NY, Ap 3, 1890; CWoos, 1916; PTS, 16-9, BD, 25-6, ThM; ord, Pby Wooster, My 12, 19; miss & prof. Bib, Un Chr Coll, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 19 — . Hathaway, Francis Ogden — b, Cannonsville, NY, Oc 26, 1887; LafC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Binghamton, Ap 22, 19; p, Stockton, NJ, 19 — . Helsman, Franklin Benjamin— b, Bernice, Pa, Je 20, 1893; GrovCyC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ja 6, 19; tea, 19-22; p, Nicholson, Pa, 22-6; p, Peckville, 26-9; p, Brookings, .SD, 29 — . *Henderson, Lloyd Putnam — b. La Grande, Ore, Ag 8, 1895; UWash, 1916; PTS, 16-9, 26-7, ThM; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ja 20, 20; p, Elmer, NJ, 20; miss, Syen Chun, Korea, 20-1, Sinpin, Manchuria, 21-32; d, .Sinpin, Oc 15, 32. 1919 634 Howenstein, John Calvin — b, Lima, 0, Fb 22, 1890; MiaU, 1913; Miss Trl, 14-5; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Lansing, My 20, 20; p, Holloway, Mich, 20-1; p. Elder’s Ridge, Pa, 21-4; p. North Warren, 24-9; ss, Croton Falls, NY, 29 — . Jenkins, Finley DuBois — b. New London, Pa; CWoos, 1916; OmaTS, 16-7; PTS, 17-20, 19, BD; UBer; ord, Pby Omaha, Je, 20; tea, Syst & Polem Theol, KyTS, 20-1; instr, Syst Theol, PTS, 21-9; res, Princeton, NJ. KlefTman, Albert Henry — b, Scotland, Pa, My 29, 1896; LebVC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; PrU, 19, MA; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 17, 19; p, Fulton Ave ch, Bal- timore, Md, 19-27; ss. Lakeland ch, Landsdowne, 24-7; p. West ch, Wilmington, Del, 27 — . PhD, Milton Univ, Baltimore, Md, 31. Logan, Robert Lee — b, Philadelphia, Pa, Nv 15, 1894; LafC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; PrU, 19, MA; ord, Pby Phila North, Je 6, 18; p, 1st ch, Frenchtown, NJ, 19- 21; p, 1st ch, Quincy, 111, 21-9; p, 2d ch, Peoria, 29 — . Lohr, Herbert Martin — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Je 22, 1890; AlbnC, 1914; bus, 15- 6; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby St Louis, Nv 20, 19; p, Berkeley, 111, 19-22; ChiLuthTS, 21-2, BD; p, 2d ch, Joliet, 22-7; asso sec, Gen Council, 111 Syn, 27-32; p, Austin Manor ch, Chicago, 111, 32 — . McColloch, Harry Van — b, Emporia, Kan, Dc 12, 1892; UKan, 1916; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Topeka, Ap 14, 20; p, 1st ch, Garuthersville, Mo, 20-3; p, 1st ch, Richmond, 23-7; p, 1st ch, California, 27-9; p, 1st ch, Memphis, 29 — . McKnight, William Quay — b, Hillsboro, Ind, J1 24, 1892; WabC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; ord ChrCh, Ag, 19; BosU, 26, MA; miss, Japan, 19 — •; res, Sendai, Japan. Murray, Thomas — b, Belfast, Ireland, My 27, 1888; HKC, 1916; PTS, 16- 9; ord, Pby Tulsa, J1 17, 18; p, Tuckerton, NJ, 19; ss. Upper Mt Bethel, & Portland, Pa, 20; p, Bristow, Okla, 21-6; p, 1st ch. Holly, Col, 27; p, 1st Ave ch, Denver, 28 — . Neely, Harry Campbell — b. Woodbine, Pa, Ap 10, 1893; LafC, 1916; PTS, 16-20, BD, 24-5, 28-9, ThM; ord, Pby Westminster, Nv 19, 18; PrU. 20, MA; miss, Cameroun, WAfr, 20 — ; res, Lolodorf, Cameroun, WAfr. STD, BibS, 29. Nesbitt, Ralph Beryl — b, Tunnelton, Pa, Dc 15, 1890; PrU, 1914; tea; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Sp 15, 19; Stu Vol Mvmt, 19-20; miss, India, 20- 31; ColU, 27, MA; asst p. Central ch. Summit, NJ, 31 — . Ness, John Harrison — b, York, Pa, Oc 23, 1891; LebV’C, 1915; PTS, 16-9; ord UnB, Oc 12, 19; p, 1st ch, York, Pa, 19-31; supt, PaConf, 31 — ; res, York, Pa. DD, LebVC, 26. *Orwig, Samuel Earl — b, Houtzdale, Pa, Je 24, 1892; GrovCyC, 1914; prin, 14-6; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Ap 8, 19; tea. Bib, LafC, 21-9; d, Easton, Pa, Mr 11, 29. Pitzer, Robert Claiborne — b, Denver, Col, Dc 1, 1879; PTS, 1912-4, 18-9; ord, Pby Westminster, My 17, 15; p. Cedar Grove ch. East Earl, Pa, 15-8; p, 1st ch, Delaware City, Del, 19-24; p, Christ ch, Lebanon, Pa, 24-30; p. Faith ch, Irvington, NJ, 30 — . 1919 635 Reifsnyder, Thomas Bancroft — b, Newark, NJ, Fb 7, 1896; LafC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; tea, LincU, 20; ord, Pby Newark, Oc 1, 18; miss, Coyoacan, Mexico, 23—. Rule, Andrew Kerr — b, Melbourne, Australia, Oc 24, 1893; UNZ, 1916, MA; PTS, 16-9, BD; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 21, 19; prof, Phil & Edu, FriendsU, 19-21; prof. Bib & Phil, IllC, 23-7; prof, Ch Hist & Apol, LouisvPTS, 27— PhD, UEdin, 23. Schweitzer, Frederick — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 1, 1890; PrU, 1915, 16, MA; PTS, 16-9, 20-4, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Phila North, My 29, 18; chap, USN, 18; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, NJ, 19-24; p, Ridley Park, Pa, 24 — . DD, COz, 28. Thompson, Yancy Samuel — b, Greensboro, NC, Dc 5, 1888; JCSU, 1916; PTS, 16-9, 23-4, ThM; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 21, 19; p. Trinity ch, Bloom- field, NJ, 17-24; p, Grace ch, Gary, Ind, 24-7; p, Christ Cong ch. Orange, NJ, 28 — . PedD, Pikes Peak Bib Sem, Manitou, Col, 31. Underwood, Charles Alfred — b, Phila, Pa, J1 12, 1888; PTS, 1916-9; PrU, 20; sec of evang wk, Akron Federation of Chs, O, 20-1; bus, 21-2; tea, Columbus, O, 22-4; ord, Pby Columbus, Oc 7, 24; ss, Reynoldsburg, 24- p, 24-5; SusqueU, ThDept, 31-2, BD; p, Lycoming ch, Williamsport, Pa, 2.5 — . Van Eaton, J Plumer — b, Salem, Ore, Je 18, 1890; ColoC, 1910-2, 24-5; asst p, Colorado Springs, Col, 12-5; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 9, 19; miss, Chile, SA, 19 — ; res, Santiago, Chile. Walenta, Paul Herman — b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 6, 1894; MissHseC, 1916; PTS, 16-20, BD; ord, Pby Baltimore, J1 1, 20; p, Havre de Grace, Md, 20-4; p. Park Ave ch, Norfolk, Va, 24-7; p, Fulton Ave ch, Baltimore, Md, 27 — . Welker, Herman Clare — b, Blain, Pa, Mr 14, 1886; HastC, 1909; tea & supt, 09-16; PTS, 16-9, 22-3, ThM; ord, Pby Butte, Sp 3, 18; p, 1st ch, Morrill, Neb, 19-22; ss, 1st ch, Guthrie Center, la, 23-8; ss. Light Mem ch, Sydney, Neb, 28-30; p, 1st ch, Brighton, Col, 30 — . Williams, Thomas Arthur — b, Fullerton, Pa, Nv 24, 1890; LafC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Lehigh, J1 19, 18; p, Shickshinny, Pa, 19-21; p, Westm ch, Phillipsburg, NJ, 21-7; p. North ch, Binghamton, NY, 27-31; p, Wicomico ch, Salisbury, Md, 31 — ■. Wilson, J Christy — b, Columbus, Neb, J1 22, 1891; UKan, 1914; bus; PTS, 16-9, 25-6, ThM; PrU, 19, MA; ord, Pby Lehigh, J1 19, 18; miss, Tabriz, I’ersia, 19 — ■. *Yeatts, Earl Raymond — b, York, Pa, Fb 22, 1894; UrsC, 1916; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Champlain, Sp 25, 19; p, Burke, NY, 19-20; d, Burke, Dc 11, 20. Yeh, James Yunlung — b, Chekiang, China, Fb 8, 1891; Nanking Theol Sem, China, 1913-4; CWoos, 16; PTS, 16-9, BD; p, Hangchow, China, 19 — . 43. 1919 636 Anschutz, Charles Walker — b, Cincinnati, O, Mr 12, 1867; WhittC, 93, ThDept, 93-6, BD; ord Luth, Oc 9, 96; p. North Manchester, Ind, 96-8; p, Johns- town, Pa, 98-1909; p, Ardmore, 09-19; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; res, Phila, Pa, 21-6; p. Covenant Presb ch, Phila, 26 — . DD, WhittC, 16. Aoyoshi, Katsuhisa — b, Tokushima, Japan, Dc 16, 1885; Greek Catholic Coll, Tokyo, Japan, 1904, ThDept, 02-4; PTS, 16-8; tea, Tokyo, Japan, 18 — . Becker, William J — b, Waukon, la, Dc 23, 1893; MissHseC, 1915; MissHseTS, 15-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9; ord RefChUS, Cl Kansas, Oc 13, 20; p, 1st ch, Holton, Kan, 20-9; p. New Basel ch, Elmo, 29 — . Bouma, Hessel — b, Harlingen, Holland, Oc 6, 1884; CalvC, 1912; CalvTS, 12-3; McCTS, 13-5; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 28, 15; p, 1st ch, Fairgrove, Mich, 15-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9; p, 1st Ref ch, Paterson, NJ, 19-22; p. Bethel ChrRef ch, Paterson, 22-8; p, 14th St ch, Holland, Mich, 28 — . Brotemarkle, Robert Archibald — b, Tonaconing, Md, Nv 12, 1892; PrU, 1916, 18, MA; PTS, 16-8; ord, Pby New Castle, Ap 15, 18; chap, USArmy, 18-9; UPa, 23, PhD; p, Mt Holly, NJ, 19-25; prof, UPa, 26—; res, Mt Holly, NJ. Chandler, Horace Edward — b, Scranton, Pa, My 16, 1884; BrU, 1906; instr, 06-8; tea. Physics, Shantung Chr Univ, China, 08-15; evang wk, Weihsien, Shantung, 15-6; PTS, 16-8; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Mr 27, 18; WestTS, 25-6, STB; miss, Tsingtao, Shantung, China, 18 — . Davis, Levi Wright — b, Winnsboro, SC, Ap 7, 1884; JCSU, 1911; miss, Okla; HowU, 15-8, BD; ord, Pby Washington City, My 12, 18; grad stu, PTS, 18-9; asst p. West End ch, & asst prin, Presb Acad, Arkadelphia, Ark, 19-22; ss, Hopewell ch, Morrilton, 22-6; prin, Presb Acad, Arkadelphia, 26 — . Goris, George — b, Lafayette, Ind, Fb 22, 1895; CalvC, 1918; CalvTS, 15-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids West, Ag 17, 19; p, Eastmanville, Mich, 19-21; p, Grand Haven, 21-7; UnTS, 27-8, STM, 28-30, ThD; p, Englewood, NJ, 27-30; p. Fuller Ave ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 30 — . Guss, Uriah Abraham — b, Mifflin, Pa, Sp 30, 1880; SusqueU, 98, 1902, MA, ThDept, 03-5, BD; ord Ev Luth, Oc 1, 05; p. Trinity ch, McKeesport, Pa, 11-4; p, St John’s ch. Boiling Springs, 14; grad stu, PTS, 18-9; p, 1st Presb ch, Northport, NY, 19-24; p, 1st ch, Steelton, Pa, 19 — . *Hartzell, Jacob Lott — b, Gettysburg, Pa, Ag 15, 1879; TrinC, 1908; HartTS, 08-9; LaneTS, 09-11; ord, Pby Westchester, Ap 18, 11; grad stu, PTS, 18-9, 30-1; miss, Muang Nan, Siam, 12-3, Lakawn, 13-23, 24-7, Prae, 23-4, 27-30; d, Pittsburgh, Pa, Je 14, 31. . Hendrickson, Edward Shields — b, Lawrenceville, NJ, Ap 20, 1895; PTS, 1916-8; USArmy; farming; McCTS, 23-5; miss, West Gary, Ind, 24-5; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 28, 25; p, Mt Sterling, O, 25-8; p, Milton ch, Rittman, 28 — . Hunt, James Gallaway — b, Cambridge, NY, Ag 9, 1870; MonC, 93; AllegTS, 94-7; ord UP, Pby Argyle, Sp 10, 97; miss, Egypt, 97-1917; prof, NT Exeg & Lit, Cairo Theol Sem, 08-17; grad stu, PTS, 18-9; prof. Miss & Compar Rel, PittsTS, 20-6; do, CWoos, 26-7; p, 1st ch. Mount Vernon, O, 27 — . DD, MonC, 06. 1919 637 Laubenstein, Paul Fritz — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Mr 17, 1892; DickC, 1915, 22, MA; UPa, 15-6; PTS, 16-7; UnTS, 17-20, BD, 24-5, STM; ord UnLuthCh, East Pa Synod, Je 28, 20; chap & prof. Bib, FiskU, 20-4; asst prof. Bib, OberC, 26-7; asst prof, Rel, ConnC, 28 — . Lewis, Leroy Chester — b, Pagetown, O, Nv 30, 1891; TayU, 1912; p, Marion Circuit, O, 13-5; GarBibI, 15-6, 19, BD; PTS, 16-8; ord ME, 18; p. Browns Mills, NJ, 17-8; p, English ch, Cawnpore, India, 19-22; supt, Gonda Dist, Lucknow Conf, 22-3, evang, 23-4; p, Gilboa, O, 25-6; p, Montezuma, 26-9; p. New Washington, 29-31; p, Hayesville, 31 — . MacGuire, Donald — b. Mineral Rock, NS, Can, Nv 20, 1883; McGU, 1910-4; pastoral wk; PTS, 16-8; — Martin, Harold Ray — b, Lima, O, Ag 18, 1894; WabC, 1916; PTS, 16-7; McCTS, 17-9, BD; ord, Pby Logansport, Ap 18, 18; p, Winamac, Ind, 19-22; Gary Neighborhood Hse, Gary, 22-5; p, 43d Ave ch, Gary, 24-30; p, 2d ch, Bloomington, 111, 30 — . Mellott, William Franklin — b, Sipes Mill, Pa, Ag 14, 1888; CWoos, 1916; PTS, 16-7; WestTS, 17-9, STB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 14, 19; p, Southminster ch, Cumberland, Md, 19-21 ; p, Bellville, O, 21-2; dir, Rel Edu, Stanley McCormick Schl, Burnsville, NC, 22-4; bus, 24-8; hm miss. Blue Ridge Acad, \'a, 28 — ; res. The Hollow, Va. Newland, LeRoy Tate — b, Galva, la, Mr 7, 1885; DavC, 1908; KyTS, 08-11, BD; ord, Pby Wilmington, Je 22, 11; grad stu, PTS, 18; UnTSVa, 26, ThM; miss, Kwang-ju, Korea, 11-4, Mokpo, 14-8, Kwang-ju, 19 — . Pace, Ernest J — b, Columbus, O, Nv 11, 1879; OttC, 1905; ord, UnB, Sp 12, 05; miss, Philippine Is; BoneTS, 10-1; PTS, 16-7; instr, MBI, 17-22; Bib tea, Chr Laymen’s Assn, Pittsburgh, Pa, 22-3; p. Canton, O, 23-4; evang, 24 — ; res, Orlando, Fla. DD, OttC, 20. *Post, Benjamin — b, Allendale, Mich, Fb 16, 1890; CalvC, 1915; CalvTS, 15- 8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9; ord ChrRef, Cl East Friesland, Sp 9, 19; p, Wright, la, 19-20; d, Wright, Nv 26, 20. Roberts, John Rhys — b, Granville, NY, Ap 2, 1889; Marion Normal Coll, Ind, 1912, LLB; RipC, 16; PTS, 16-9; ord, Pby Welsh Prairie, Oc 11, 19; p, \dne St ch, Johnstown, Pa, 19-26; p, Westmont ch, Johnstown, 26 — . Rowland, Reginald — b, Clinton, NJ, Dc 20, 1894; PrU, 1915, 18, M.'\; PTS, 16-8; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 22, 18; HartTS, 18-9, STB; asst p, 2d ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 19-20; asst p. New York Ave ch, Washington, DC, 20-2; p. Tea- neck ch. West Englewood, NJ, 22 — . Schultze, Henry— b, Sully, la, J1 18, 1893; CalvC, 1915; CalvTS, 15-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9, BD; YaleUDS, 19-20, BD; prof, Edu & Psych, GrunC, 20-4; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids East, Fb 8, 24; p, Sherman St ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 24-6; prof, NT, CalvTS, 26—. Selby, Howard Williams — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 28, 1891; DickC, 1913; PTS, 16- 7; ord ME, Ap, 18; bus, Springfield, Mass, 17-25; bus, West Palm Beach, Fla, 25— . 638 1919-1920 Selby, Raymond — b, Petersburg, Incl, Sp 21, 1879; IndU, 1911; tea & pastoral wk, NewtTI, 16-7; lie Bapt, J1 27, 1900; bus, Boston, Mass; — Squires, Charles William — b. Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Ja 26, 1875; MtAU, 1900; ord ME, Newfoundland, Je 28, 1900; p, Sound Island, 00-2; HarvUTS, 02-3, MA, 03-5; p, Andover, NB, Can, 05-7; p, St John, 07-10; p, Campellton, 12-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9, BD; p, Presb ch, Lehighton, Pa, 19-23; p, Lynn, Mass, 23 — . STD, WestTC, 20; DD, PresbC, 23. Steinberg, Victor — b, Buffalo, NY, Ap 8, 1895; MissHseC, 1916; PTS, 16- 7, 19-20; MissHseTS, 17-9; ord RefChUS, Cl Wichita, Je 13, 20; p. White- water, Kan, 20-3; p. Marietta, Pa, 24-8; p, Martinsburg, 28 — . BD, LanTS, 25. Tezuka, Takeshi — b, Nagano-Ken, Japan, Oc 19, 1879; Seisoku Coll, Tokyo; PTS, 16-7; tea & lay preacher, 12 — ; res, Dairen, Manchuria. Tomida, Tokumaru Mitsuru — b, Nagoya, Japan, Nv 5, 1883; MG, 1905-7, ThDept, 07-8; KobeTS, 08-10; p, Kobe Presb ch, Kobe, Japan, 09-12; ord, Pby Nanawa. Sp 24, 12; p, Tokushima, Japan, 12-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9; p, Shiba ch, Tokyo, Japan, 20 — . Verduin, Henry — b. New Holland, SD, Ap 25, 1889; CalvC, 1918; CalvTS, 15-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Sioux Center, Sp 28, 19; p, Pure- water, SD, 19-21; p, Detroit, Mich, 21-6; p. Grand Rapids, 26 — . Von Gruenigen, Arthur Rudolph — b, Nashville, Tenn, Nv 27, 1894; MissHseC, 1915; MissHseTS, 15-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9, BD; ord RefChllS, Cl Kansas, J1 27, 19; p, Grace ch, Abilene, Kan, 19-30; p, St John’s ch, Tipton, la, 30—. Weaver, Earl Crosby — b, Kossuth, Pa, Je 15, 1881; OttC, 1910; p. Park Ave ch, Johnstown, Pa, 10-6; ord UnB, 13; PTS, 16-7; p, 1st ch, Johnstown, Pa, 17- 23; p, Wilkinsburg, 23-30; p, Somerset, 30 — . DD, OttC, 21. Wenzlick, Roy Willis — b, St Louis, Mo, Je 13, 1894; WestmCMo, 1916; PTS, 16-8; dir, V’ocational Guidance Dept, YMCA, St Louis, Mo, 19-25; bus, 25 — ; res, St Louis, Mo. Wyngaarden, Martin — b, Oostburg, Wis, J1 4, 1891; UWash, 1915; CalvTS, 15-8; grad stu, PTS, 18-9, BD; PrU, 19, MA; UPa, 20-2, PhD; YaleU, 22-3; ord ChrRef, Cl Pella, Mr, 24; prof, OT, & reg, CalvTS, 24—. Zuse, Clayton Hill — b, Sams Creek, Md, Dc 15, 1889; LebVC, 1916; PTS, 16-7; lie UnB, 13; p. Mount Wolfe, Pa, 19-20; p. Lake Odessa, Mich, 21-3; p, Wyoming Park, 24; p, Hastings, 25-8; p, Moline, 29; — - Bancroft, William Wallace — b, Chester, Pa, Fb 6, 1893; TemU, ThDept; UrsC, 1919; PTS, 16-8, 19-20; UPa, 21, MA, 21-3; asso prof, Eng & Phil, UrsC, 25—. Bennett, Augustus Eugene — b, Augusta, Ga, My 25, 1885; LincU, 1910; LincUTS, 17-8; PTS, 18-20; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 14, 20; p, Wither- spoon St ch, Princeton, NJ, 20-9; p, Trinity ch, Rochester, NY, 29 — . 1920 639 Boand, Arthur Victor — b, Kansas City, Mo, Mr 23, 1894; WestmCMo, 1916; PTS, 16-8, 19-20; PrU, 18, MA; ord, Pby Upper Missouri, Ag 1, 18; p, 1st ch, Mt Pleasant, Utah, 20-6; ColU & UnTS, 26-7; p. Beacon Hill ch, San Antonio, Tex, 27 — . Braunlein, John Howard — b, Baltimore, Md, Ag 13, 1890; PaC, 1917; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 24, 20; p, Ridgely St ch, Baltimore, Md, 21 — . Brownlee, Joseph McClung — b, Wytheville, Va, My 1, 1892; UPa, 1913; tea, 13-7; PTS, 17-21, ThM; ord PEpis pr. My 22, 21; asst rec. Calvary ch, Germantown, Pa, 20-7; rec, St George’s, Olyphant, 27-9; rec, St Barnabas, Read- ing, 29-30; rec. Holy Apostles, Saint Clair, 30 — . Clark, Robert Lorenzo, Jr — b. New Park, Pa, J1 6, 1895; YaleU, 1917; PTS, 17-20, BD, 25-6, ThM; ord, Pby Westminster, Mr 29, 20; miss, Kerrobert, Sask, Can, 20; p. Calvary ch, Braddock, Pa, 21-4; p, Westminster ch, Trenton, NJ, 24-9; p, 1st ch, Indiana, Pa, 29 — . STD, BibS, 28. Conditt, Marion Uri — b, Marion, Ky, Dc 6, 1892; UKy, 1917; PTS, 17-20; USArmy, 18-9; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UEdin, 20-1; Bethel bei Bielefeld Theol Sem, & UBer, 21; ss, Marion, Ky, 23-4; ord, Pby Dallas, Oc 18, 25; p, 1st ch, Mesquite, Tex, 25-9; instr, TrinU, 25-6; p, Arlington Heights ch. Ft Worth, Tex, 29—. PhD, UEdin, 23. Davis, Michael Farry — b, Eatontown, NJ, Sp 6, 1893; DickC, 1917, MA; PTS, 17-20; ord ME, Mr 21, 20; p. Mount Joy, Pa, 20-4; p, Parkside ch, Chester, 24-6; p. West Grove, 26-8; p, St Peter’s ch, Reading, 28-32; p, Jenkintown, 32 — . Devanny, Earl Hannum — b, Lincoln, 111, Ap 23, 1894; LkFC, 1916; PTS, 16-7, 18-20, GS Green Fell, OT, 20-1, ThM; USArmy, 17-8; ord, Pby Springfield, My 10, 20; p, Mattituck, NY, 21-4; p. Covenant ch, Buffalo, 25 — . Fleming, Harry Davis — b, Menno, Pa, Ja 1, 1884; W&JC, 1916; PTS, 16- 7, 19-21, ThM; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 21, 20; ss, Belleville, Pa, 21-2; p. Spruce Creek ch, Franklinville, 24-6; asst p, 1st ch, Lancaster, 26-30; res, Belle- ville, Pa, 30 — . Gulick, Joseph Isaac — b. White House, NJ, Sp 22, 1890; LafC, 1917; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 20, 20; ss. Soda Springs, Ida, 20-3; p, Idaho Falls, 23—. Gurley, Alvin Bartlett — b, Washington, DC, Oc 25, 1891; YaleU, 1916; YaleUDS, 16-7; PTS, 17-8, 19-20; ord, Pby Phila North, My 22, 18; asst p, 2d ch, Phila, Pa, 20 — . Hewitt, Theron — b, Williamsburg, Pa, My 15, 1891; UChi, 1918; McCTS, 17- 8; PTS, 18-21, BD; ord, Pby North River, J1 12, 20; p, Burnham, Pa, 22-8; asst p, 1st ch, Haddonfield, NJ, 28-31; ss, Ashland, 31 — . Johnson, Gibson Reid — b, Moundsville, WVa, Ap 20, 1894; MuskC, 1916; asso prof. Speech, MuskC, 16-7; PittsTS, 17-8; PTS, 18-20; PrU, 20, MA; Gelston- Winthrop Fell, Didac & Polem Theol, UEdin, 20-2, PhD; ord UP, Pby Musk- ingum, Sp 14, 20; asst p. North Berwick, Scot, 21-2; prof. Bib, MuskC, 22-9; dean, Schl of Bib, ParsC, 29 — . 22 640 1920 Kalajian, Herbert Sarkis — b, Tomuza, Ceasarea, Turkey, Ag 1, 1890; CWoos, 1917; PTS, 17-21; bus; res, Princeton, NJ, 21 — . Machemer, Paul Adam Gehr — b, Tacony, Pa, Ap 14, 1894; PrU, 1916; PTS, 16-7, 18-20; YMCA, war service, 17-8; ord, Pby Phila North, My 17, 20; p, Cochranville, Pa, 20-2; p, Bethany ch, Chester, 23-5; p, 1st ch, Paoli, 25 — . Magner, Alan Kenneth — b, Toronto, Can, Ag 14, 1891; AcaU, 1913; PTS, 14-6, 19-20, 25-6; ord, Pby London North, Eng, Ap 9, 18; p, Milroy, Pa, 20- 3; p, 1st ch, Pennington, NJ, 23 — . McGill, Fred Tennyson — b. Hickory Grove, SC, Ag 10, 1892; ErskC, 1914; tea; PTS, 17-20; ord AssoRefP, Pby Cawtawba, Je 12, 20; miss, India, 21- 2; p. Greenwood, SC, 23-8; p. Liberty Springs, 28 — ; res. Cross Hill, SC. Mummert, Donald Beales — b, Bigmount, Pa, Oc 18, 1894; LafC, 1917; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Northumberland, Oc 14, 20; p, Montgomery, Pa, 20-2; asst p, 1st ch, Lancaster, 22-7; ss, Williamsport, 28; ss, Slatington, 29; asst p, 1st ch, Lancaster, 29-30; oc s, 30 — ; res, Harrisburg, Pa. Prichard, Paul — b, Brooklyn, NY, J1 5, 1893; OccC, 1917; PTS, 17-20, BD; PrU, 21, MA; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Oc 4, 21; p. Calvary ch, San Diego, Cal, 21-4; p, Redlands, 25-8; p, UP ch. Riverside, 30-1; p, Grace Presb ch, Los Angeles, 32 — . Saunders, John Rouzie — b, Jamaica, Va, Ag 31, 1890; RMC, 1915; prin, 15-7; PTS, 17-20; PrU, 20, MA; ord ME, Sp 28, 24; dir, Porto Alegre Coll, Brazil, SA, 21-5; p, Santa Maria, 25-7; p. Central ch, Porto Alegre, 29-31; tea & p, Pedras Braucas, 31-2; p, Sant'Anna do Livramento, 31 — . Schaumburg, Ludwig Conrad — b, Nieduzwchen bei Carsil, Germany, Ap 7, 1891; MBI, 1913-5; PTS, 15-7, 19-20; ord, Pby Butler, Ap 13, 20; miss, Mexico, 21 — ; res, Campeche, Mex. Stevenson, Alpheus Waldo, Jr — b, Narberth, Pa, Je 5, 1893; UPa, 1917; YMCA, war service, 17; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Ap 5, 20; miss, Concepcion, Chile, SA, 24-6; miss, Santiago, 28 — . Stocker, Mortimer Menville — b, Honesdale, Pa, My 19, 1895; LafC, 1917; PTS, 17-20; PrU, 19, MA; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 19, 20; ss, Mont- pelier, Ida, 20-1, 22-3; Alum Fell, NT, UBer, 21-2; p, Oregon City, Ore, 23-9; p, Albany, 29 — . Stuart, Joseph Clyde — b. Wake Co, NC, Oc 4, 1889; ElonC, 1912; prin; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby East Miss, 19; ss, Okolona, Miss, 18-9; p, Berwick, Pa, 20-30; WestTS, 31-2; p, Blairsville, 30 — . Thomas, Coovirt Richard — b, Brandonville, WVa, Oc 6, 1887; FindC, 1918; ord The Churches of God, Sp 3, 17; WestTS, 18-9; PTS, 19-20; YaleUDS, 20-1, BD; p, 1st Presb ch, Bedford, NH, 21-2; p, 1st ch, Condit, O, 22-4; p, 1st ch, Ada, 24-7; p, 1st ch, Jackson, 27-32; res, Columbus, 32 — . MA, FindC, 24. Unger, James Kelly — b, Kosciusko, Miss, Ap 9, 1893; UMiss, 1915; tea, 15-7; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby North East Mississippi, Ag 13, 20; miss, Kwangju & Soonchun, Korea, 21 — . 1920 641 Voorhis, John Winfield— b, NYCity, Fb 7, 1896; PrU, 1917, 19, MA; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 7, 20; p, 1st ch, Paoli, Pa, 20-2; asst p. Market Sq ch, Harrisburg, 22- ss, 26-8; asso prof, Bib & Rel Edu, PkC, 28-32; instr, NT Gk & Bib Theol, PTS, 32—. Woltz, Russell Harrison — b, Hamden, O, Ap 26, 1892; CWoos, 1916; colp, 16-7; PTS, 17-20; ss, Manti, Utah, 20-1; ord, Pby Southern Utah, Ap 13, 21; p, Celina, O, 21-3; p, Middlepoint, 23-5; p, Edgerton & Lost Creek, 25-7; p, Lithopolis, Madison & Greencastle, 27-9; p, Reynoldsburg, 29 — . Wu, Andrew Veetch — b, Yu Yao, Chekiang, China, Fb 7, 1894; CWoos, 1916; PTS, 16-8, 19-20; PrU, 20, MA; YMCA, war service, 18-9; cy miss, Hang- chow, China, 20-2; dean, Hangchow Chr Coll, 22-8; gen sec, Nat Child Wei Asso, Shanghai, 29 — . 30. Achtemeier, Arthur Reinhold — b, Harbine, Neb, Sp 28, 1895; MissHseC, 1916; MissHseTS, 16-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord, RefChAm, Cl Wichita, J1 11, 20; p. Trinity ch, Cheney, Kan, 20-3; UNeb, 25-7; p, St Mark’s ch, Lin- coln, Neb, 24 — . Baskerville, William Ernest — b. Broken Bow, Neb, My 4, 1890; MacalC, 1911; YMCA; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby St Paul, My 12, 20; hm miss, lumber camps, 20-3; bus; p, Lebanon, Ore, 26-7; bus, 27-9; lect & oc s. Ore & Wash, 29-31; p, Cong ch, Sidney, Mont, 31 — . Boyce, William Walkup, Jr — b, Gastonia, NC, Nv 20, 1888; ErskC, 1909; ErskTS, 09-11; ord, AssoRefP, Pby Memphis-Louisville, Oc 27, 11; ss, Memphis, Tenn, 11-2; miss, Mexico, 12-3; ss, Lancaster, SC, 14-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; p, Mooresville, NC, 20-4; miss, Rio Verde, Mex, 24-6; p, Sardis ch, Charlotte, NC, 26-30; p, 1st ch, Charlotte, 30 — . Brown, James Walker — b, Kobe, Japan, Ag 13, 1890; DavC, 1912; prin, 12-5; ColTS, 15-8, BD; ord, Pby Cherokee, Sp 17, 18; p, 2d ch, Rome, Ga, 18; YMCA, war service, 18-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; sec, YMCA, Boys’ wk, Bucharest, Roumania, 20-7, gen sec, 27 — . Chesnut, James Lyons — b, Coulterville, 111, J1 11, 1897; CedC, 1918, 19, MA; RefPTS(GS), 16-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord RefP, Pby Ohio, Sp 25, 19; p, 7th ch, Phila, Pa, 19-21; p, 1st Presb ch, Covington, O, 21-6; p, 3d ch. Fort Wayne, Ind, 26-32; p, Richmond, Ind, 32 — . DD, CedC, 28. De Jong, Frederick Henry — b, Maurice, la. My 28, 1893; HopcC, 1916; WestTSMich, 16-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord, RefChAm, Cl West Sioux, Je 1, 20; res, McKee, Ky. *De Roos, Frank — b, Franeker, Holland, Ag 20, 1890; HopeC, 1916; WestTSMich, 16-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord, RefChAm, Cl Michigan, J1 20, 20; p, Bethany ch, Kalamazoo, Mich, 20-1; d, Mitchell, SD, Ag 10, 21. Doherty, David Linton — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 28, 1892; CedC, 1918, BD; RefPTS(GS), 14-7; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; ord, RefP, Dc 31, 19; p, Beemerville Presb ch, -Sussex, NJ, 20-1; p, 0?iford, 21-4; p, Milford & Holland, 24 — . 642 1920 Elliker, Ruben R — b, Melbourne, la, Ag 12, 1894; MissHseC, 1915; MissHseTS, 15-8; ord RefChUS, Cl Ursinus, Mr 2, 19; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; p, Tamms, 111, 20-1; p, Decatur, Ind, 21-6; p, Robertsville, O, 26-9; p, Waukon, la, 29-31; p. Gallon, O, 31 — . Ellis, Charles Calvert — b, Washington, DC, J1 21, 1874; JuniC, 98; prof & V pres, JuniC, 98-9; asso p, 1st Brethren ch, Phila, Pa, 99-1900; IllWesU, 02, MA; prin, 02-4; UPa, 07, PhD; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; prof, Phil & Psych, JuniC, 07-17, V pres & prof, Edu, 17-30, pres, 30 — . DD, JuniC, 25. Fenn, Courtenay Hughes — b, Clyde, NY, Ap 11, 1866; HamC, 87, MA, 90; AubTS, 87-90; ord, Pby Buffalo, Je 10, 90; p, Tonowanda, NY, 90-3; miss, Peking, China, 93-1900; act sec, BdForMiss, 01-2; trav sec, Stu Vol Mvmt, 02-3; miss, Peking, China, 03-27; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; lect. Missions, PTS, 19-20, 27-30; act sec, BdForMiss, 28 — ; res, Montclair, NJ. DD, HamC, 05. Creeling, Roy Herman — b, Omaha, Neb, Sp 28, 1896; UOma, 1917; OmaTS, 15-7; PTS, 17-8; ill health; res, Omaha, Neb. Grether, Marcus— b, Poland, Ind, Ja 20, 1892; HeidC, 1916; CntlTS, 16- 7; PTS, 17-8, 19-20; ord RefChUS, Cl Heidelberg, My 6, 18; p, 1st ch, Lincoln, Neb, 20-3; p, Tipton, la, 23-5; YMCA, Chicago, III, 26-8; asst p, 1st Presb ch. Oak Park, 29—. Grier, Robert Calvin — b. Due West, SC, Oc 12, 1889; ErskC, 1910; tea; ErskTS, 13-5; ord AssoRefP, 2d Pby, Ap 5, 1915; p, Louisville, Ky, 15-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; p, Columbia, SC, 19-21; pres, ErskC, 21 — . DD, PresbCSC, 22. Hamilton, Buford Lindsay — b. Harms, Tenn, Fb 17, 1893; ErskC, 1912-4, 15-6; MBI, 16-7; ErskTS, 17-9; ord, AssoRefP, 2d Pby, Je, 19; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; miss, Montgomery, Punjab, India, 20 — . Hawthorne, William — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 4, 1886; CedC, 1909; McCTS, 09-12, BD; ord, Pby Phila, My 21, 13; asst p, McDowell ch, Phila, Pa, 13-4; ss. Union Tabernacle ch, Phila, 13, asst p, 15-8; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; p, 1st Presb ch, Bloomsbury, NJ, 20-2; p, 1st ch, Prattsburg, NY, 22-8; p, Oakwood Ave ch, Troy, 28 — . Holwerda, Gerhardus James — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Nv 11, 1895; CalvC, 1919; CalvTS, 16-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord ChrRef, Sp, 20; p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 20-4; McCTS, 21-2; UChiDS, 22-3; p, 1st ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 24-6; instr, USoCal, 26—. MA, USoCal, 30, PhD, .32. Kakuda, Keigaku — b, Joboji Ninohe, Iwate Ken, Japan; NoJapanC, 1910, ThDept, 10-4; grad stu, PTS, 19-21; NewtTI, 22, BD; tea, Eng & Bib, Kwanto Gakuin, Yokohama, Japan, 22-3; do, Shinjo Middle Schl, Yamagata, 23-5; lie, PresbRefChJapan, My 12, 26; tea, NoJapanC, 25-31; res, Joboji Ninohe, Iwate Ken, 31 — . Keena, John Barr — b, Urmiah, Persia, Fb 20, 1890; CWoos, 1917; PTS, 17- 8; USArmy, 18-9; bus; res, Cincinnati, O. Kuite, John— b, Holland, Mich, Mr 3, 1892; HopeC, 1916; WestTSMich, 1920 643 16- 9; grad stu, PTS, 19-21, BD; ord, RefChAm, Cl Chicago, Oc 20, 21; p, 1st ch, Gano, Chicago, 21 — . Masselink, William — b, Meservey, la, J1 4, 1895; GrundyC, 17, ThDept, 17- 8; PTS, 18-9, 20-1, ThM; SBaptTS, 21-2, ThD; ord ChrRef, Jl, 22; p. La Fayette, Ind, 22-5; p, Holland, Mich, 25-8; p. Grand Rapids, 28 — . McCarroll, Walter — b. West Bloomfield, Mich, Mr 9, 1873; GeneC, 95; tea; RefPTS, 96-8; ord RefPresbChIre, Pby Eastern, Ja, 99; p, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, 99-1903; miss, Larnaca, Cyprus, 03-19; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; Bibs, 27-8; p, 2d RefP ch, NYCity, 20 — . DD, GeneC, 20. Moes, Herman — b, Chicago, 111, Jl 3, 1890; CalvC, 1919; CalvTS; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord, ChrRef, Cl Illinois, Sp 20, 20; p, Chicago, 111, 20-3; p, Waupun, Wis, 23-30; p. Pease, Minn, 30 — . Neale, James Ralph — b, Kimbolton, O, Sp 12, 1885; MuskC, 1910; miss, Assuit, Egypt; XenTS, 11-4; ord UP, Pby Sidney, Jl 10, 14; p, Piqua, O, 14-9; YMCA, 17-8; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; p, UP ch. New Wilmington, Pa, 20 — . DD, MuskC, 30. *Rhea, Howard David — b, Bloomington, 111, Ja 22, 1895; IllWesU, 1917; PTS, 17; sec, YMCA, Bloomington, 111, 18-9; lawy, 19-24; d, Bloomington, 111, Jl 24, 24. Seaman, Charles LeRoy — b, Axtel, Kan, Nv 4, 1891; CEmpo, 1917; PTS, 17-8; McCTS, 18-20; ord, Pby Osborne, My, 20; ss, Mina & Uniontown, SD, 20-1; ss, Leoti & Parks, 22-3; tea, DeBeque, Col, 23-4; bus, 26-31; farming, Osborne, Kan, 31 — . *Skala, Jaroslav — b, Nosislav, Moravia, Ja 25, 1890; UPa, 1915-7; PTS, 17-20; d, NYCity, Jl 28, 25. Steigenga, Joseph J — b, Zeeland, Mich, Jl 15, 1894; CalvC, 1916; CalvTS, 17-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Sioux Center, Sp 29, 20; p, Lebanon, la, 20-4; p, 1st ch. Grand Haven, Mich, 24-7; p, Lee St ch. Grand Rapids, 27 — . Stuck!, Frank Emanuel — b. Black River Falls, Wis, Jl 5, 1895; MissHseC, 1916; MissHseTS, 16-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord RefChUS, Ag 1, 20; p, Hillsdale, Ore, 20-2; p. La Crosse, Wis, 22-30; p, Waukon, la, 30 — Suzuki, Kichisuke — b, Yamagata, Japan, Nv 11, 1888; NoJapanC, 1907, ThDept, 07-10; p, Ch of Christ, Taira, Japan, 10-7; ord, Ch of Christ, Ap 13, 14; p, Japanese Union ch, Pasadena, Cal, 17-8; CntlTS, 18-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; p, Japanese Ch of Christ, San Francisco, Cal, 20-1; p, Akita, Japan, 21-3; p, Japanese Presb ch, Hanford, Cal, 23-6; p, Japanese Ref Miss, W Los Angeles, 26—. Van Dyke, Martin— b, Paterson, NJ, Fb 22, 1893; PrU, 1915, 19, MA, 20-4, PhD; prin; PTS, 17-9, 20-1, ThM; CalvTS, 19-20; ord ChrRef, Cl Sioux Center, Sp 10, 24; p. Inwood, la, 24-7; p, Sherman St ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 27-31; p. Highland, Ind, 31 — . Van Haitsma, Lambert — b, Vriesland, Mich, My 13, 1888; CalvC, 1916; 1920-1921 644 CalvTS, 16-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Muskegon, Ag 1, 20; p, Rudyard, Mich, 20-4; p, Cutlerville, 24-9; p, Portland, 29 — . Welty, Sylvanus Roy — b, Bluffton, O, Ag 1, 1893; BlufC, 1917; PTS, 17-8; McCTS, 18-20, BD; ord, Pby Kalamazoo, Je 25, 20; p, 1st ch, Buchanan, Mich, 20-1; asst p. Calvary ch, Cleveland, O, 21-3; solicitor, PikevC, 23-4; agt, Lima Rescue Miss, O, 24-5; law'y, Fort Wayne, Ind, 25 — . White, Frank Decatur — b, Nadil, Mo, Mr 4, 1895; GorC, 1916-8; ord Bapt, Sp 22, 18; grad stu, PTS, 19-20; res, Boston, Mass, 21-5; — Wilson, Charles Ellsworth — b, near Bowen, 111, My 23, 1894; DesMLT, 1917; PTS, 17-8; ord, Pby Des Moines, Mr 9, 19; p, 1st ch, Hartford, la, 22-3; p, 1st ch, Osceola, 24-5; ss, Stringtown, 26-8; p, 1st ch, Ada, 28 — . Wright, Leigh Orville — b, Scotia, Neb, Mr 11, 1894; CWoos, 1915; miss, Utah & Ida, 15-6; prin, 16-7; miss, BdNatMiss, 17; PTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Kendall, Sp 18, 18; p at large, Pby Portsmouth, 20; asst p. Covenant ch, Springfield, O, 20-2; ss, Portsmouth, 22-3; p, Pierpont, 23-7; p, Home Heights ch, St Louis, Mo, 27-30; XenTS, 27-30, ThB; p, Giddings ch, St Louis, Mo. 30 — . DD, WestmCMo, 32. *Yff, Peter — b, Amsterdam, Holland, Oc 17, 1893; UChi, 1916; CalvTS, 16-9; grad stu, PTS, 19-20, BD; ord ChrRef, Cl Hudson, Sp 12, 20; p, Rochester, NY, 20-3; p, Lodi, NJ, 23-5, p em, 25-6; d. Grand Rapids, Mich, Mr 29, 26. 37. 1921 Ardis, Edward John — b, Lindenwold, NJ, Oc 25, 1896; PrU, 1927; BerkDS, 16-7; USArmy, 18; PTS, 19-21, ThB, 24-6, ThM; ord, Pby West Jersey, May 15, 21; asst p, 1st ch, Decatur, 111, 21-2; p, Blackwood, NJ, 22-3; asst p, Haddonfield, 24-5; ss. Trinity ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 28; p. Silver Spring ch, Mechanicsburg, 28 — . Buchanan, John Dales — b, Xenia, O, Ag 23, 1893; MonC, 1915; tea; PTS, 16-7, 19-21, ThB; YMCA, 17-8; PrU, 21, MA; ord UP, Pby Monmouth, Je 7, 21; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UEdin, 21-3; prof. Bib & Rel, MonC, 23 — . DD, TarkC, 30. Cameron, George Bruce — b. White Haven, Pa, Ap 19, 1888; UMani; Canadian Army; bus; PTS, 18-21; ord. Independent Ev ch, Philippine Is, JI 12, 21; tea. Union Theol Sem, Manila; agency sec, AmBSoc, Philippine agency, 21 — ; res, Manitoba, Can. Erdman, Calvin Pardee — b, Overbrook, Pa, Ag 16, 1893; PrU, 1915, 21, MA; instr, OccC; PTS, 16-8, 19-21, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 22, 18; chap, USArmy, 18; asst p, 4th ch, Chicago, 111, 21-2; asst p, Pasadena, Cal, 26-7; prof. Bib Lit, OccC, 22 — . Paries, Henry Gerhart — b. Chestnut Hill, Pa, Je 1, 1894; UPa, 1915, grad stu, 15-7; DSPEpisCh, 15-7; MtATS, 17-8; PTS, 18-21, ThB, 21-2, ThM; ord, Pby Phila North, My 5, 22; miss, Peking & Shuntehfu, China, 22-7; UnTSVa, 27-32, ThD; res. Chestnut Hill, Pa. 1921 645 Foreman, Kenneth Joseph — b, Fort Edward, NY, Sp 4, 1891; DavC, 1911; tea & bus; USN, 18; UnTSVa, 18-9; PTS, 19-21, ThB, Alum Fell, NT, 21-2, ThM; ord, Pby Asheville, Sp 7, 21; tea, Ger & Bib, DavC, 22-4, prof. Bib & Phil, 24—. Grier, Mark Brown — b, York, SC, J1 12, 1895; ErskC, 1914; tea; USArmy, 18; PTS, 18-21, ThB ; UEdin, 21-2; ord, AssoRefP, 2d Pby, Nv 12, 22; p, Doraville, Ga, 22-5; p, Kannapolis, NC, 25-30; p. Coddle Creek, 25-32; p. Old Providence ch, Spottswood, Va, 32 — . Hoover, Horace Emery — b. Providence, Md, Ap 21, 1896; GrovCyC, 1918; PTS, 18-21, ThB; PrU, 20, MA; ord, Pby Syracuse, Je 8, 21; Dir Rel Edu, South ch, Syracuse, NY, 21-4; p, Birmingham, Pa, 24 — . Kirts, Paul Ruskin — b, Lancaster, O, My 2, 1892; CWoos, 1916; tea; PTS, 17- 8, 19-21, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 28, 21; asst ed, Bd Chr Edu, Phila, Pa, 21 — . Lehman, Chester Kindig — b, Millersville, Pa, Nv 5, 1895; Hesston Coll, Hesston, Kan, 1919; F&MC, 21, MA; PTS, 19-21, ThB; instr. Bib, Eastern Men- nonite Schl, Harrisonburg, Va, 21- prof, 22- dean & reg, 22 — ; ord, Mennonite, J1 27, 29; stu, UnTS\’a, 32; p. Middle dist, Va, 29 — ; res, Harrisonburg, Va. Lutz, Roland Bruce — b, Phila, Pa, Je 29, 1897; PrU, 1918, 21, MA; US Army, 18; PTS, 18-21, ThB; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Je 7, 21; p. Temple ch, Phila, Pa, 21-5; p. Faith ch, Baltimore, Md, 25-8; p, Abington, Pa, 28 — . Morsey, Thomas Marshall — b, Warrenton, Mo, Ag 31, 1893; OccC, 1915; BibILa, 15-6; SFTS, 18-20; PTS, 20-1, ThB; ord, Pby Huntingdon, My 23, 21; tea & p, Birmingham, Pa, 21-3; dean, John Brown Schl, Siloam Springs, Ark, 23- 5; ss, Siloam Springs, 25-9; pres, Harv'ester Mission, Los Angeles, Cal, 29 — ; res, Pasadena, Cal. Richards, Andrew — b, Leith, Scotland, Ja 13, 1894; MaryvC, 1918; PTS, 18- 21, ThB; ord, Pby Chattanooga, Mr 16, 21; p. New Gretna, NJ, 21-3; p, Belmar, 24-6; p, Harlem-New Yorkch, NYCity, 26-32; prof, Homil & Past Theol, NatBI, 29-32; p, 2d Cong ch, Dorchester, Boston, Mass, 32 — . DD, MaryvC, 30. Slater, John Edwin — b, Ontario, Can, Ag 11, 1887; WheaC, 1917; BibS, 17-20; PTS, 20-1, ThB, GS Green Fell, OT Lit, 21-2, ThM; PrU, 22, MA; p. New Hempstead, NY, 22-3; ord, Pby Hudson, Ap 17, 23; tea, TuscC, 23-6; tea. Bibs, 26-7; tea, ParsC, 27-30; tea, NatBI, 30-2; tea, BloomC & BIooniTS, 32 — . Snyman, Dwight Randolph — b, Kamoga District, So Africa, Ap 5, 1891; VicCSAfr, 1916; StellTS, 18-20; USAfr, 19, BD; PTS, 20-1, ThB, ThM, WH Green Fell, Bib Theol, 21-2; ord, DRefChSAfr, Ap 3, 24; p, Woodstock, So Africa, 24- 7; p, Stellenbosch, 27—. ThD, SBaptTS, 23. Talbott, Howard Davis — b, Marengo, la, Ja 12, 1892; MoVC, 1917; McC TS, 17-8; ord, Pby Kansas City, My 20, 18; chap, USArmy, 18-9; PTS, 19-21, ThB; asst p, Ch of the Covenant, Washington, DC, 20-2; p, 1st ch, Pottsville, Pa, 22-9; p, Dundee ch, Omaha, Neb, 29 — . DD, Mo\’C, 29. Townley, John — b, Londonderry, Ireland, Dc 16, 1888; CEmpo, 1917; PTS, 1921 646 17-8, 19-21, ThB, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Syst Theol, 22-3, ThM; PrU, 20, MA; ord, Pby Emporia, Sp 18, 18; p, Middletown, Del, 21-6; p. Point Pleasant, NJ, 26—. Welch, Stefanus Francois — b, Voyburg, CP, So Africa, Dc 20, 1887; VicCSAfr, 1908; tea; StellTS, 18-20; PTS, 20-1, ThB, 21-2, ThM; SBaptTS, 23, ThD; ord, DRefChSAfr, Ag 25, 23; p, Kenhardt, CP, 23-30; p, Ottosdal, Trans- vaal, 30 — . 18. Almy, Warren Wright— b, Norfolk, Va, My 20, 1892; JHU, 1916-8; PTS, 18-9; asst p, Westm Presb ch, Baltimore, Md, 19; p, Mechanicsville & New Castle, Pa, 21-3; tea; res, Baltimore, Md. Braam, Leonard Marion — b, Pella, la. My 18, 1894; CntlCIa, 1917; West TSMich, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; ord, RefChAm, Cl Kingston, Oc 31, 21; p, Rochester ch. Accord, NY, 21-7; p, Fairfield, NJ, 27-9; p, Lawyersville, NY, 29—. Breen, Quirinus — b. Orange City, la, Mr 3, 1896; CalvC, 1917; CalvTS, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20; ord Chr Ref, Cl Grand Rapids West, My, 21; p, 12th St ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 21-4; bus, 24-6; p, 1st Presb ch, Downers Grove, 111, 26-31; prof. Hist, HillC, 31— PhD, UChi, 31. Collins, Clifford Wesley — b. North Edgecomb, Me, J1 27, 1892; TSRef EpisCh, 1916-9; ord, RefEpis, Je 8, 19; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; PomC, 23; stu p, Cong ch. Orange, Conn, 24-7; YalelJ, 28, MA; HartTS, 29-32; stu p, 1st Univ ch, Danbury, Conn, 27-30; ss, Cong ch, Southwick, Mass, 30; p, Asso Cong ch, Baltimore, Md, 30 — . Connery, David Percival — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ja 8, 1898; QuUBelf, 1918; British Army, 18-9; AsC, 19, 20-1; PTS, 19-20; ord, Pby Raphoe, Ja 2, 24; p, Raphoe, Ire, 24-9; p, Glenwherry, 29 — . Curry, Samuel Russell — b, Marissa, 111, Oc 20, 1888; MonC, 1913; Pitts TS, 13-6; ord UP, Pby Cleveland, Ap 11, 16; ss. Boulevard ch, Denver, Col, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; asst p, Bethlehem ch, Phila, Pa, 21-3; p. South Side ch, Pittsburgh, 23-7 ; p, 1st ch, Ashland, Ky, 27 — -. deWet, Hendrik Adrian — b, Manana, Transvaal, So Africa, Fb 25, 1890; X'icCSAfr, 1914-6; StellTS, 17-9; grad stu, PTS, 20-1; ord, DRefChSAfr, Ap 28, 22; p, Boksburg, Transvaal, 21; p, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, 21-2; Pieter- maritzburg West, 22-6; p, Rossville, CP, 26-8; p, Lusaka, North Rhodesia & Southern Congo, CAfr, 28-30; p, Christiana, Transvaal, SAfr, 30 — . Falls, Monroe Oates — b, Pottsville, Ark, Ja 4, 1897; COz, 18; UArk; USArmy; ErskTS, 1919-20, ThB; ord, AssoRefP, Pby Arkansas, Sp 14, 20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; SBaptTS, 21-2; ss, Mesquite, Tex, 22-3; p, Clinton, Mo, 23-7; p, Paola, Kan, 27-9; res, Fayetteville, Ark. Foster, Henry Moses — b, Cumberland, Miss, Ap 24, 1873; USGrantU, Athens, Tenn (now U of Chattanooga), 96-8; tea; law stu, 1905-8; ord, Pby 1921 647 Olympia, Ap 18, 16; PTS, 18-20; ss, Rawlins, Wyo, 20-1; ss, Waverly, Tenn, 21-2; p. East Springfield, Pa, 22-7; p, Yatesboro, 27 — . *Fujisawa, Sadao — b, Iwate-ken, Japan, Fb 8, 1896; Tokyo Gakuin, 1916; MG, 16-9; PacSRel, 19-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-2, ThM; d, NYCity, Ag 28, 22. Harms, Abraham John — b, Hillsboro, Kan, Je 29, 1894; McPherC, 1917; tea; ord, Mennonite Breth, Sp 9, 17; PTS, 18-9; YaleUDS, 19-21, BD; UChi, 21-2, MA; prof. Hist, TabC, 22-3; p, Bapt ch, Lorraine, Kan, 23-5; KanCy BaptTS, 25, ThD; p. Oak St Bapt ch, Burlington, la, 25-7; prof, Chr Edu, No Bapt Sem, Chicago, 111, 27 — . Hibma, Tiede — b, Sexbierum, Holland, J1 13, 1890; HopeC, 1917; WestTS Mich, 17-8, 19-20; NBTS, 18-9; grad stu, PTS, 20-1; ord RefChAm, Cl West Sioux, Je 29, 21; cl miss, 21-3; p, Pella ch, Adams, Neb, 23-6; p, Churchville, Minn, 26-9; agt, Holland, Mich, 29 — . Hook, Cornelius Henry — b. Lake View, la. My 23, 1893; UDubq, 1917; DubqTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Dubuque, My 22, 20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; p, 1st ch, Rochester, Minn, 22-4; p, Steven, 25-6; p, Arlington Hills ch, St Paul, 28— Hospers, Henry O — b, Clymer, NY, Ag 17, 1894; HopeC, 1916, MA; bus; WestTSMich, 18-20, BD; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; ord RefChAm, Cl Montgomery, Sp 26, 21; p, Christ ch, Utica, NY, 21 — . Houck, John Walter— b, York, Pa, Fb 9, 1895; FindC, 1918; PTS, 18-20; YaleUDS, 20-1; ord Cong, Je 22, 22; p, Bapt ch, Danielson, Conn, 21-3; UnTS, 23-5; asso p, NY Ave ME ch, Brooklyn, NY, 23-4; p. Pilgrim Cong ch, NY City, 24—. Imamura, Yoshitaro — b, Himeji, Hyogo Ken, Japan, Sp 20, 1883; WasU, 03-5; newspaper wk, 05-9; KobeTS, 09-12; p, Toyohashi, 12-3; ord, Pby Naniwa, Nv 26, 14; p, Takamatru, 14-9; grad stu, PTS, 20-1; p, Sumiyoshi, Japan, 22; prof, KobeTS, 22-8; prof, Chuo-Shingako, 28 — . King, Louis Robert — b, Blackmonton, Miss, Nv 19, 1890; ULouisv, 1916; KyTS, 13-6, BD; ord, Pby Central Mississippi, Je 16, 16; p. Nine Mile ch & Auxvasse, Mo, 16-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1; p, Farmington, Mo, 21-4; p, Acker- man, Miss, 24-5; p. Perry, Mo, 25-7; p, Higginsville, 27 — . Lewis, Henry — b, Liverpool, England, Sp 18, 1886; RipC, 1915; UChi, 15-6; UWis, 16-7; PTS, 18; ord, Pby Madison, Ap 16, 18; p, Ellendale, ND, 22; p, Westm ch, Madison, Wis, 23-4; p, Carmi, 111, 25 — . Lono, Mikkel — b, Roldal, Norway, Ag 12, 1891; LuthC, 1917; LuthTS, 17- 20; ord NorwegLuth, My 30, 20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; p, Kasson, Minn, 23; p, Maddock, ND, 24-8; p, Tacoma, Wash, 29 — . Lyuh, Wopn Hong — b, Seoul, Korea, Sp 1, 1891; CWoos, 1918; PTS, 18- 9; social wk, Seoul, Korea. Masselink, George Henry — b, Meservey, la, J1 4, 1895; CalvC, 1914-6; Ula, 16-7; GrunC, 17-8; PTS, 18, 21-2; asst instr. Psych, UMich; stu, McCTS, & asst, Presb ch. La Grange, 111, 32 — . 648 1921 Matear, Charles — b, Victoria, Australia, Ag 9, 1878; MelU, 1909-10; Ormond Theol Coll, Victoria, 11-3; ord, Pby Hamilton, Australia, Dc 30, 13; stu p, Dartmoor-Strathdownie, 13-5; YMCA, war service, 16-7; UGlas, 18-9, MA; oc s, Scotland, Ireland, & England, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; miss, Wardner, BC, Can, 21; p, Oteramika, New Zealand, 22-3; p. Port Ahuriri, 23-7; p, St Andrew’s ch, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 27 — . McKinley, Howard Wesley — b. Beacon, NY, Fb 9, 1894; TSRefEpisCh, 15-9; ord RefEpis, Je 18, 19; p, Ch of the Corner Stone, Newburgh, NY, 19-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1; p, Steele Memorial Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 21-5; p, 1st ch, Beacon, NY, 26 — . Miller, Henry — b. Eureka, SD, Fb 23, 1895; MissHseC, 1918; MissHseTS, 18-9, 20-1; PTS, 19-20; ord RefChUS, Cl St Joseph, Nv 13, 21; p, Bethany ch, Terre Haute, Ind, 21-2; p, Grace ch, Buffalo, NY, 22-6; ill health; p, 1st Presb ch, Gardenville, NY, 28-30; p, St Andrew’s RefChUS, Lancaster, Pa, 30 — . Miller, William McClanahan, Jr — b, Fincastle, \’a, J1 18, 1891; CenCKy, 1911; UnTSVa, 11-4; p, Parkton & Lumberbridge, NC, 14-7; ord, Pby Fayette- ville, Ap 15, 15; chap, USN, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20; p. Olivet, Va, 21 ; p, Forney, Tex, 21-2; SFTS, 22-3, BD; p, Dupont, Wash, 24-5; p. Spring Creek, Va, 25-6; p. Black Diamond, Wash, 27-30; p, Moses Lake ch, Neppel, Wash, 30 — . Nagasawa, Masao — b, Niigata, Japan, Ag 4, 1888; MG, 1914-6; AubTS, 17- 20, BD; grad stu, PTS, 20-1; res, Tokyo, Japan. Newlands, Hugh MacLeod — b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ag 4, 1892; TSRef EpisCh, 1912-5; ord RefEpis, Nv 8, 16; p, Ch of the Corner Stone, Newburgh, NY, 15-6; p, Ventnor, NJ, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1; p, Wynnfield UP ch, Phila, Pa, 22— Newman, William Lee — b, Boston, Ky, Nv 26, 1893; CenCKy, 1914; prin, 14-6; KyTS, 16-9, BD; ord, Pby Fort Worth, Sp 10, 19; ss, Stamford, Tex, 19-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; p, Radford, Va, 21 — . Owen, Robert Hugh — b. North Wales, Great Britain, Sp 5, 1888; RipC, 15- 8; PTS, 18-21; ord, Syn Wisconsin, Je 11, 21; p. Bethel & Nazareth chs, Columbus, Wis, 22-4; p. Assembly ch, Beaver Dam, 25-30; p, Franklin Ave ch, Lansing, Mich, 30-32; res, Lansing, Mich. Phillips, Lorenzo Daw — b, Alto, Tex, Fb 28, 1885; CumbU, 1918; PTS, 18- 9; ord, Pby Dallas, 21; p, Mt Zion ch, Philadelphia, Tenn, 24; ss, Toqua ch, Vonore, Tenn, 25-8; ss. Sale Creek, 29 — . Potter, Ernest Cooper — b, Athens, Pa, Ap 28, 1891; SD State Coll, Brook- ings, 1915; PTS, 18-21; ord, Pby Northumberland, J1 13, 21; p, Mansfield, Pa, 23-5; p, Wolcott, NY, 26-8; p, Katonah, 29—. Purdy, Willard Glenn — b, Elgin, 111, Oc 16, 1892; CoeC, 1916; supt schls, 16- 7; sec, YMCA, 17-8; USN, 18-9; PTS, 19-21; ord, Pby Newark, J1 1, 21; p, Grace ch, Montclair, NJ, 21 — . DD, CoeC, 26. Robinson, William Childs — b, Lincolnton, NC, Dc 4, 1897; RoanC, 1917; ColTS, 17-20, BD; USC, 19, MA; ord, Pby Greenbrier, J1 1, 20; grad stu. 1921-1922 649 PTS, 20-1, ThM; p, Gettysburg, Pa, 21-6; GetTS, 25; HarvUTS, 26-8, ThD; prof, Ch Hist, Polity & Apol, ColTS, 26 — . DD, RoanC, 28. Rozeboom, Richard Albert — b, Fulton, 111, My 18, 1888; CalvC, 1917; CalvTS, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM, 21-2; ord ChrRef, Cl Sioux Center, Ag 29, 22; p, Purewater, SD, 22-9; p, Crookston, Minn, 29 — . Scott, Alfred Eric — b, Portrush, Co Antrim, Ireland, My 10, 1895; QuUBelf, 1917; AsC, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM; asst p, Clifton St ch, Belfast, Ire, 21-2; ord, Pby Letterkenny, J1 11, 23; p, Ramelton, Ire, 23 — . Tope, Joseph Ernest — b, Leesville, Mo, Sp 2, 1881; Mo\’C, 1914; McCTS, 14-6; ord, Pby Sheridan, Ja 18, 18; ss. Belfry, Mont, & ss. Bear Creek & Gillette, Wyo, 18-20; PTS, 20-1; res, Joliet, Mont, 22-3; p, Casper, Wyo, 28-31; res, Casper, 31 — . Van Beek, Johannes — b, Amersfoort, Holland, Oc 24, 1884; CalvC, 1920; CalvTS, 17-20; grad stu, PTS, 20-1, ThM, 21-2; oc s, 22-3; UChiDS, 22-5; ord ChrRef, Sp, 23; PrU, 23, MA; p. Oak Lane, 111, 23—; instr, NT Gk & Phil, Chicago Evening Bib Schl & Chicago Chr Jr Coll, 32 — . Wylie, Samuel James — b, Belfast, Ireland, Sp 17, 1897; QuUBelf, 1918; AsC, 18-9; PTS, 19-20; Cong ch, Ire & Eng; ord, Presb Ch, Ire, 28; res, Drunahoo, Londonderry, Ire. Adams, Raymond David — b. West Creek, NJ, My 31, 1897; DickC, 1918, 21, MA; PTS, 18-22, ThB; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 23, 21; p. Calvary ch, Harris- burg, Pa, 21-4; p. Grove ch, Danville, 24-30; LouisvPTS, 30-1, ThM; ss, Milton Ave Ref ch, Louisville, Ky, 30-1; prof. Bib, ArkC, 31 — . *Alexander, Clark Conrade — b. Cottage Grove, Tenn, Dc 30, 1892; DukeU, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, J1 12, 21; p, Dutch Neck, NJ, 22-3; p, 1st ME ch, Tupelo, Miss, 23-6; prof, Bib & Rel Edu, BirSoC, 26-9; pres, Louisburg Coll, NC, 29-31; p, 1st ME ch, Clinton, 31-2; d, Clinton, NC, Ja 21, 32. Baird, William Martyn, Jr — b, Seoul, Korea, Fb 7, 1897; CWoos, 1919; McCTS, 19-20; PTS, 20-2, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 22; asst p, 1st ch. New Rochelle, NY, 22-3; BibS, 28-9, STM; miss, Chair- yung, Korea, 23 — . Bruggeman, Walter — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 13, 1895; UPa, 1917; USArmy; PTS, 19-22, ThB & ThM; ord, Pby Chester, Je 27, 21; p, Chichester Mem ch, Boothwyn, Pa, 21-5; DSPEpisCh, 27; p, Cong ch, \’entnor, NJ, 25 — . Butler, David Campbell — b, Clifton, Tex, Nv 19, 1899; AusC, 1918; tea; PTS, 19-20, 21-2, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; UnTSVa, 20-1; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, ChHist, UEdin, 22-3; Univ Montpellier, France, 23; ord, Pby Brazos, Sp 11, 23; stu p. College Station, Tex, 23-4; miss, Shuntung Mission, China, 24-9; prof, E Tex State Tea Coll, Commerce, 29 — . PhD, UEdin, 29. Carruthers, Donald Wallace — b, Beatrice, Neb, Dc 3, 1892; PrU, 1915; 1922 650 sec, Princeton Wk in Peking, China, 15-9; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby Carlisle, Ap 11, 22; stu p, PaSC, 22 — . Chamberlain, William Douglas — b, near Glasgow, Ky, Ja 27, 1890; CenCKy, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby Vincennes, J1 24, 22; instr. Bib, LafC, 22-3; ss. Walnut St ch, Bath, Pa, 22-3; p, 1st ch, Carteret, NJ, 23-4; stu p, UCal, 24-6; prof. Bib & Rel Edu, TrinU, 26-8; SBaptTS, 28-31, PhD; asso prof, Gk NT, LouisvPTS, 28-30; prof, 30 — . DD, CenCKy, 30. DeWitt, George James — b, Fillmore Township, Mich, Ag 8, 1898; HopeC, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB, 22-3, ThM; ord, Pby Phila North, Oc 3, 22; asst p, Doylestown, Pa, 22-3; p, RefChAm, Pompton Lakes, NJ, 23-31; p, Mem Presb ch, Dover, 31 — . Eubank, Weaver Keith — b. Dew, Freestone Co, Tex, Je 17, 1890; CumbU, 1916; ss, Carthage, Mo, 16-7, p, 17-9; ord, Pby Carthage, Ap 11, 17; PTS, 19-22, ThB, 22-4, ThM; PrU, 24, MA; BibS, 24-7; p, Jamesburg, NJ, 22-7; p, Knox ch, Kearney, 27-31; p. Ninth ch, Phila, Pa, 31 — . DD, CumbU, 31. Galbreath, William Henry — b. Street, Md, Mr 23, 1898; LafC, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB; ord, Pby Rochester, Je 14, 22; asst p. Central ch, Rochester, NY, 22-4; p, Shippensburg, Pa, 24 — . Gerlinger, Charles — b, St James, Minn, Ja 3, 1892; MacalC, 1917; US Army; CamU, 18-9; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 21, MA; ord, Pby Red River, My 11, 21; p. Thief River Falls, Minn, 22-5; UnTS, 31; p, Fergus Falls, Minn, 25-33; p, 1st Cong ch, Sioux Falls, SD, 33 — . Gordon, Livingstone Albert — b, Burlington, la, Ap 30, 1894; UNeb, 1917; tea; USArmy; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord UP, Pby Hudson, J1 13, 22; miss, Cairo, Egypt, 22-4, Tanta, 24-5, Alexandria, 25 — . Hassler, Charles Victor — b, Allentown, Pa, Fb 25, 1896; AlbrC, 1918; Bibs, 18-20; PTS, 20-2, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Westminster, My 18, 22; p. Wood- bine, Pa, 22-5; p. Canton, 25-30; p. Media, 25 — . Hilscher, Harris Gregg — b. Sandwich, 111, Sp 28, 1897; CEmpo, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB, 22-3, ThM; PrU, 21, MA; ord, Pby Nebraska City, Je 13, 22; BibS, 28-9, STD; miss, Tengchow, Shantung, China, 23 — . Hood, Harvey Allen — b, Sioux City, la, Oc 7, 1893; BuenVC, 1918; LIS Army; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby Sioux City, Je 21, 22; p, Logan, la, 22-4; p. Calvary ch, San Diego, Cal, 25-8; p. Community chs, Palmdale & Littlerock, 29 — . Hopper, Orion Cornelius — b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 5, 1889; USN; LafC, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB; UnTS; BibS; ord, Pby Brooklyn-Nassau, My 14, 22; asst p. Central ch, Brooklyn, NY, 22; instr. Bib & Rel, LafC, 22-3; asst p, 1st ch, Cranford, NJ, 23- p, 25-9; p, Mem ch, Newark, 29 — . Huggenvik, Theodore — b, Mandal, Norway, Oc 22, 1889; StOC, 1915; UChi, 15-6, MA; ChiLuthTS, 17; LuthTS, 17-8; tea & pastoral wk; PTS, 21-2, ThB, ThM; ord, Norwegian Luth, Ag 6, 22; p. Trinity & Our Saviour's chs, Westbrook, Minn, 22-6; prof, Rel, StOC, 26 — . 1922 651 Kilpatrick, Willis Brown — b, Minden, Neb, Nv 24, 1894; MonC, 1918; USArmy; PTS, 19-22, ThB, 23, ThM; ord, Pby Otsego, My 23, 22; p. East Meredith Presb & West Kortright UP chs. East Meredith, NY, 22-5; p. Calvary Presb ch, Newburgh, 25-8; BibS, 27-8, STD; p, 1st ch, Greenfield, O, 28—. MacEwen, Thomas Taylor — b, Washington, DC, Oc 23, 1897; GWU, 1919; MBI, 17-8; bus; PTS, 19-22, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Washington City, J1 12, 22; p, Grace ch, Phila, Pa, 22-5; UPa, 23-4, MA; p. Trinity ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 25-7; ss, Colchester ch, Downsvllle, NY, 28-30; p. Laurel Springs, NJ, 30 — . Marousek, Edmund Lee — b, Sioux City, la, Oc 11, 1889; BuenVC, 1918; USArmy; PTS, 18-22, ThB; ord, Pby Sioux City, Je 21, 22; p, 1st ch, Dows, la, 22-4; p, 1st ch, Jefferson, 24 — . May, Philip Jonathan — b, Newark, NJ, Ap 17, 1892; UrsC, 1919; YMCA, war service, 19; PTS, 19-22, ThB, 28-9, ThM; ord, Pby Newark, My 9, 22; ss, 1st ch, Dillon, Mont, 22-4; Alliance Francaise, Paris, France, 24-5; miss & prof, Dager Bib Sem, Lolodorf, Cameroon, WAfr, 24 — . Melcher, Harold Porter — b, Martinsburg, WVa, Ap 14, 1895; UPa, 1917; USArmy; PTS, 19-22, ThB; ord, Pby Phila North, Mr 29, 22; p, Cedarville, NJ, 22-3; p, Cliveden ch, Germantown, Pa, 23 — . Miller, Cedric Verdi — b, Hagerstown, Md, Sp 6, 1887; MaryvC, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB, 24-5; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 16, 22; p, Swedesboro, NJ, 22-4; EBaptTS, 26-7; p, 1st ch, Blackwood, NJ, 24-32; instr. Bib Inst Pa, 25 — ; prof. Bib & Rel Edu, WoodbC, 31 — , dean, 32 — . Morita, Paul Shunsak — b, Osaka, Japan, Mr 3, 1895; MG, 1915-8, Th Dept, 18-21; PTS, 21-2, ThB, 22-3, ThM; UnTS, 23-4; prof, Tokyo Theol Sem, Japan, 25-8; prof, Musashi Prep Schl to the Imperial Univ, 28-9; dean, Ferris Sem, Yokohama, 29 — . Muthard, Raymond Elias — b, Slatington, Pa, J1 14, 1891; AlbrC, 1912; bus; PTS, 19-22, ThB; ord, Pby West Jersey, J1 16, 22; ss, Atco, NJ, 20- p, 22-3; p, Frostburg, Md, 23-5; p. Sugar Grove, Pa, 25-7; p. Harbor Creek, 27-9; p, Elkland, 30 — . Muyskens, John Dick — b, Alton, la, Fb 13, 1894; HopeC, 1914; tea; miss. So India, 15-9; PTS, 19-22, ThB, ThM; ord RefChAm, Cl East Sioux, Ag 8, 22; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UEdin, 22-3; miss, Madanapalle, India, 23 — . Ogden, Robert Francis — b, Ashland, Ky, Ag 11, 1897; CenCKy, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB, 22-3; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby Ebenezer, Sp 29, 22; ColU, 23-4, 29-30; UnTS, 30, ThM; miss, Tripoli, Lebanon, Syria, 24 — . *Oyer, Noah — b, Metamora, 111, Ap 11, 1891; Hesston Coll, Kan, 1919; tea, Hesston Coll, Bib Dept, 19-20; PTS, 20-2; ord, Mennonite, Sp 20, 23; dean & head, GoshC, BibDept, 24-31; d, Goshen, Ind, Fb 25, 31. Palmore, Peyton Lee — b, Richmond, Va, Ja 15, 1895; HSC, 1917; tea; USArmy, 18-9; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, ME, Oc 23, 21; miss, Oita City, Japan, 23-4, Himeji City, 24-8; YaleUDS, 28-9; miss, Tokuyama Cho, 652 1 922 Yamaguchi Ken, Japan, 29-32; miss supt, Hiroshima Dist, 32 — ; res, Tokuyama Cho, Japan. Phillips, Richard Carll — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 31, 1894; WMdC, 1919; Westm TSMd, 19-21; PTS, 21-2, ThB; p, Christ MP ch, Haddonfield, NJ, 20-1; p, 1st ch, Manasquan, 21-3; ord, MP, Eastern Conf, Oc 8, 22; p, Bethany ch, Somers Point, 23-9; DrewTS, 30-2; p, Roseland, 29 — . Powel, William Armstrong — b, Morristown, Tenn, Mr 6, 1896; MaryvC, 1916; tea, 16-7; USArmy, 17-9; PTS, 19-22, ThB, 24-5; ord, Pby Holston, Je 20, 22; PrU, 24, MA; p, 1st ch, Yardville, NJ, 22-6; p, Conshohocken, Pa, 26 — . Spratt, David John— b, Phila, Pa, Dc 28, 1892; LafC, 1919; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 3, 22; hm miss, Utah, 22-3; p, Watchung Ave ch, Plainfield, NJ, 23 — . Walter, James Roy — b, Saltsburg, Pa, Mr 2, 1894; GrovCyC, 1918; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby Blairsville, My 18, 22; p. Community ch, Powell, Wyo, 22-7; p, 1st ch, Fremont, O, 27 — . Walton, Donald James — b, Hawarden, la, Ja 30, 1896; MornC, 1917; USArmy, 17-9; PTS, 19-22, ThB; ord, Pby New York, My 4, 22; BibS, 28-30, STM; p, DeWitt Mem ch, NYCity, 22 — . Webb, William Anderson, Jr — b, Baltimore, Md, J1 7, 1895; GrovCyC, 1919; USArmy, 18-9; PTS, 19-22, ThB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 27, 22; p, Avon- more, Pa, 22-30; p, Olivet ch, Harrisburg, 30 — . Wefer, William Francis— b, NYCity, Ag 22, 1895; LafC, 1917; YMCA, war service, 17-8; USArmy, 18-9; PTS, 19-22, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My[28, 22; p, 1st ch, Dayton, NJ, 22-7; p. Good Shepherd ch, NYCity, 27—. 36. Beecher, Stuart Knapp — b, Wyoming, Pa, Ag 24, 1895; CWoos, 1917; USArmy, 17-9; PTS, 19-20; bus; res, Rochester, NY. Beisheim, Arthur Karl — b, Rochester, NY, Ja 29, 1898; MissHseC, 1918, ThDept, 18-21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ord, RefChUS, Cl Toledo, J1 2, 22; p, Zion ch, Sherwood, O, 22-3; p, 2d ch, Cleveland, 23-5; p. Mineral City, Waynes- burg & Salem chs, 25-7; p, St John’s & Emmanuel chs, Bluffton, 27 — . Boehme, Harry— b, Phila, Pa, Fb 28, 1889; UPa, 1910-2, Law Schl, 13-5; lawy; ord Bapt, My 1, 15; PTS, 19-22; p el. Prospect ch, Dunlap 111, 25; res, Dunlap, 26-7; — ■ Campbell, William Patrick — b, Clifton, O, Dc 19, 1893; YaleU, 1916; tea; PTS, 19-20; tea, Kingsley Schl, Essex Fells, NJ, 23-4; ill health; res. New Haven, Conn. Chung, James — b. South Pyeng Ahn, Korea, Ja 9, 1888; Union Chr Coll, Pyeng Yang, 1911; tea; BibILA, 15-7; SETS, 17-21, BD; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM, 22-3; v gen sec, SS Asso, Seoul, Korea, 24 — . 1922 653 Gumming, William Cooper — b, Wilmington, XC, Fb 11, 1895; DavC, 1918; UnTSVa, 18-21, BD; ord, Pby Wilmington, Je 5, 21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ss, Smithfield, XC, 22-3; miss, China, 23-4; edu %vk, China, 24-7; p, 1st ch, Henderson, XC, 27 — . deWet, Hendrik Christolfel — b, Schildskloof, Caledon, So Africa, My 3, 1894; VicCSAfr, 1912; StellTS, 14-7; ord DRefChSAfr, My 3, 18; miss wk among Europeans, British & German EAfr, 18-21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; SBaptTS, 22-3, ThD; p, Xorthern Rhodesia, SAfr, 24-7; p, Bloemfontein, 27 — . Dodds, Alfred McAlpine — b, Portaferr>-, Co Down, Ireland, Ja 11, 1896; QuUBelf, 1919; AsC, 18-21; PTS, 21; McCTS, 21-2, BD; ss. Port Alice, Can, 22; asst p, Rutland Square ch, Dublin, Ire, 23-4; asst p, Kingstown ch, 24-5; asst p, 1st ch, Bangor, 25; ord, Pby Letterkenny, Dc 30, 25; p, Trinity ch, Letterkenny, 25-31; p. College Square ch, Belfast, 31 — . *Edgar, Marshall Lowndes — b, Jersey City, XJ, Ag 28, 1895; PrU, 1917; YMCA, war service, 17-9; PTS, 19-21; ill health; d, Berkeley, Cal, Ap 14, 28. Frierson, William Crosland — b, Anderson, SC, Je 2, 1893; DavC, 1918; UnTSVa, 18-21, BD; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ord, Pby Greenbrier, Oc 11, 22; hm miss, Leslie, WVa, 22-3; p, Blackey, Ky, 23-7; asso p, 1st ch, Johnson City, Tenn, 27-31; SBaptTS, 31-2; res, Abingdon, Va. Fujimoto, Yasumi — b, Kumandto, Japan, Xv 27, 1882; MG, 1905-8, ThDept, 08-11; ord, Pby Xaniwa, Ap 27, 17; grad stu, PTS, 21-2; p, Muroran, Japan; p, Sakai; p, Kanazawa; p, Japanese ch, Watsonville, Cal; p, Seattle, Wash; p, Yamakuchi, Japan. Goeree, Peter Charles James — b, Wagenborgen, Holland, Xv 12, 1889; CalvC, 1918; bus; CalvTS, 18-21, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; PrU, 23, MA; ss, Berne, XV', 23-4; ord, RefChAm, J1 26, 24; ss, Berne, XY, 23- p, 24-9; p, Beaverdam, XV', 24-9; examiner. Exec Dept, State of XV', 29 — ; res, .-Vlbany, XV'. Groves, Walter Alexander — b, Germantown, Pa, Mr 10, 1898; LafC, 1919; PTS, 19-22; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby Phila Xorth, Sp 28, 22; instr. Bib, LafC, 22-4; UPa, 22-5, PhD; miss, Teheran, Persia, 25 — . Hamilton, Charles Robert — b, Lebanon, Ind, Je 18, 1872; HanC, 93, 96, MA; McCTS, 93-6; ord, Pby Dubuque, Je 18, 96; p, 1st ch, Manchester, la, 96-9; p, Kenmore ch, Buffalo, XV', 99-1907; miss, Philippine Is, 07-30; tea. Dept Ch Hist & Theol, L^nion Theol Sem, Manila, PI, 22-3, 29-30; grad stu, P'TS, 21-2, ThM; act pres, Silliman Inst, Dumaguete, 30—. DD, HanC, 13. Hershey, Warren Hoover — b, Gordonville, Pa, Fb 12, 1882; F&MC, 1909; DrewTS, 11-5, BD; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ord, Pby Xew Brunswick, My 11, 22; p, Hamilton Square, XJ, 22-4; p. West Grove, 26-8; p, Upper Darby, 29-31; res, Millersville, 31 — . Hoff, Ernest Gockley — b. Spring Creek, la, Je 18, 1890; PomC, 1915; BethBibS, 10-1, 16-8, BD; instr, BethBibS, 18-9, 20-1; instr, Gk, La Verne Coll, Cal, 19-20; UChi, 20-1, M.-V; ord. Brethren, Mr 27, 21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; asso prof. Bib Interp, BethBibS, 22-8; ed, Elgin, 111, 28 — . PhD, UChi, 28. 654 1922 Hutchison, Ralph Cooper — b, Florissant, Col, Fb 27, 1893; LafC, 1918; HarvU, 18-9, MA; USArmy; PTS, 19-22; ord, Pby Lehigh, Ap 18, 22; UPa, 22-4, PhD; dir, Rel Edu, 1st ch, Norristown, Pa, 22-4; sec. Young People’s Wk, BdChrEdu, 24-5; prof & dean, AmCTeh, 25-31; pres, W&JC, 31—. DD, LafC, 30. Jordan, Herbert Joseph — b, Beverly, NJ, My 31, 1892; MaryvC, 1918; USArmy; PTS, 19-22; ord Pby Monmouth, My 18, 22; p, Littlefield, Tex, 22-5; p, Benson, Ariz, 26-7; p, Garrett, Ind, 27 — . Kagin, Edwin — b, Kalterherberg, Baden, Germany, Fb 16, 1879; CenCKy, 1904; KyTS, 04-7, BD; ord, Pby Louisville, Ap 17, 07; miss, Chung Ju, Korea, 07-20; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; PrU, 23, MA; BosU, 23-6; asst p, 1st ch, Worcester, Mass, 23-6; asso prof, Rel Edu, MacalC, 26 — . Kossack, Benjamin William — b, McGregor, la, Dc 16, 1893; UDubq, 1918; DubqTS, 18-21; ord, Pby Dubuque, Ap 21, 21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; p, Blanchard ch, h'indlay, O, 23-5; p, Slate Lick & Sraders Grove chs, Freeport, Pa, 26-9; p, Newell, WVa, 30; p. Crooked Creek ch, Kelly Station & Appleby Manor Mem ch. Ford City, Pa, 31 — . Leich, Frederick William — b, Jackson, Wis, Je 13, 1871; MissHseC, 85-9; UWis, 93; tea; McCTS, 94-7, BD; ord RefChUS, Cl St Johns, Je 20, 97; p, 1st ch. New Phila, O, 97-1901; p, 1st ch, Cleveland, 01-7; p, 1st ch, Akron, 07-12; p, 1st ch. Gallon, 12-3; supt, Fairview Park Hosp, Cleveland, 13-8; p, 1st ch. Gallon, 18-21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; prof, Syst Theol, CntlTS, 21 — . DD, HeidC, 21. Martin, Jesse Penney — b, Elizabeth, Pa, Oc 15, 1873; W&JC, 96, 1900, MS; AllegTS, 96-9; ord UP, Pby Monongahela, J1 15, 1900; ss, Roney’s Point, WVa, 99-1900; p, 2d ch, Verona, Pa, 00-2; ill health; ss, Swissvale, Pa, 03-4; p, Bethesda ch, Elizabeth, 04-9; p, 1st Presb ch, East McKeesport, 09-10; p, Hyde Park ch, Denver, Col, 10-7; chap, USArmy, 17-9; bus, 20-1; grad stu, PTS, 21-3, ThM; PrU, 23, MA; p, Forrestville ch, Forrest Grove, Pa, 23-31; tea & chap, Beaver Coll, Jenkintown, 25-32; ill health; res, Tuscon, Ariz, 32 — . PhD, la Chr Coll, 08; DD, UDenv, 15. *Mathews, Joseph Francis — b, Dundalk, Ireland, Nv 25, 1880; Royll, 1902; Collegio des Irlandais, Paris, France, 03-8; RC pr. Ire & America; grad stu, PTS, 21-2; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 24, 22; p, Reedsport, Ore, 22-3; p, Gervais & Aurora, 23-6; res, Los Angeles, Cal; d, Los Angeles, Mr 24, 33. DD, 29. Mclver, James Vance — b, Sanford, NC, J1 27, 1895; Bdll, 1919; PTS, 19-20; LincU, 20-1; McCTS, 21-3, BD; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 8, 23; p, Capital St ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 23-8; p, Bethany ch, Englewood, NJ, 28 — . McMaster, Lendrick — b, Fulham, London, Eng, Fb 13, 1892; Victoria Coll, Wellington, NZ, 15-6, 17-8; Canterbury Coll, Christchurch, 14-5, 16-7; Knox Coll, Dunnedin, 18-20; PTS, 20-1; ord, Pby Wellington, NZ, Mr 27, 23; p, Brooklyn, NZ, 23-5; p, St Peter’s ch, Christchurch, 26 — . Miller, Edmund Fred — b, Jefferson City, Mo, Mr 4, 1894; WestmCMo, 1918; PTS, 19-22; ord, Pby Brooklyn, Je 6, 22; p, Brooklyn, NY, 22-3; p. Wake- 1922 655 field ch, Germantown, Pa, 28-9; p, Tyler Place ch, St Louis, Mo, 31 — . DD, WestmCMo, 32. *Mizuki, David Tatuzo — b, Ukiha, Fukuoka, Japan, Fb 6, 1892; OWesC, 1919; PTS, 19-20; lect; res, Cleveland, O; d, Colorado Springs, Col, Oc 20, 24. Moor, Arthur Prichard — b, Atlanta, Ga, Je 17, 1899; JBSU, 1919; PTS, 19-21; PrU, 21, MA; OxU, 21-4, BA; ColU, 25-6; UnTS, 25-6; trav sec, YMCA, 26-8; YMCA, NYCity, 28-30; prof. Music, MiaU, 30—. *Plesscher, Johannes Gerhard — b, Lincoln Center, la, Dc 1, 1895; CalvC, 1914-6; MissHseTS, 16-7; GrunC, ThDept, 17-20; tea, GrunC, 20-1, 23-6; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ord ChrRef, Cl East Friesland, Je 6, 26; p, Ridott, 111, 26-7; d, Ridott, 111, Ap 30, 27. Porter, Walter James — b, Cannonsville, NY, Sp 2, 1896; PkC, 1923; USArmy; PTS, 19-20; UChi, 25, MA; tea; res. Flushing, NY. Rholl, Arthur Helmer — b. Fertile, la, Je 24, 1893; RedWEvS, 1915, 16-7; tea; LuthTS, 18-20; ord, Norwegian Luth, Dc 19, 20; ss. Thief River Falls, Minn, 20; asst p, Brooklyn, NY, 20-1; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ss, Worcester, Mass, 22; UHalle, 22-3; Hart TS, 23-4, 28,PhD; p, Sioux City, la, 24-9; pres, RedWEvS, 29—. Sanidad, Calixto Camcam — b, Nawacan, Philippine Is, Oc 12, 1890; CoeC, 1919; PTS, 19-20; McCTS, 20-2, BD; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 11, 22; asso stu p, Cebu, PI, 22-8; prin & p, Bohoh, 28-9, dir & p, 29-30; ss, Cebu, 30; asso p, Tagbilaran, Bahol, 31- p, 32 — Schmuck, Francis John — b, Laredo, Tex, Mr 30, 1893; MissHseC, 1914- 7; ord RefChUS, Cl German Phila, J1 10, 17; p, Bethlehem ch, Glassboro, NJ, 17- 9; p, 1st ch, Olney, 111, 19-21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2; p, St Paul’s 5th ch, Balti- more, Md, 22-9; p. Trinity ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 29 — . Smith, Angus Charles Stewart — b, Beeton, Ont, Can, My 14, 1894; UTor, 1919; PTS, 19-21; KxCTor, 21-2; ord, Pby Maitland, Oc 5, 22; p, Armow, Ont, 22-5; miss. Valley River, Mani, 25; p, UnChCan, Port Robinson, Ont, 26-8; p, Oneida, 28-31; p, Rothsay, 31 — . Solimene, Michael Salvatore — b, Bisaccia, Italy, Mr 18, 1893; ColgU; URoch; RochTS, 16-20, BD; ord, Bapt, Sp 12, 19; p, Batavia City, Miss Soc, Batavia, NY, 16-20; grad stu, PTS, 21-2; p, St John’s Italian Bapt ch, Trenton, NJ, 20-7; p, Kenosha & Racine, Wis, 27 — . Spoelhof, Charles — b, Fairlawn, NJ, Ja 20, 1897; CalvC, 1920; CalvTS, 18- 21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ord, ChrRef, 22; p, Oskaloosa, la, 22-6; p, Lodi, NJ, 26—. Tanto, John — b, Kajdacs, Hungary, Fb 18, 1892; Ref Gym, Debrecen, 1910; Budapest Theol Sem, Hungary, 10-2; UBasle, ThDept, 13-4; Univ Utrecht, ThDept, 12-3, 17, 18, 19-20; Hungarian Army, 14-6; ord, Hungarian RefCh, Dc 22, 16; grad stu, PTS, 21-2; p, Tiszalucz, Hungary, 23-7; p, Megyaszo, 27 — . Thomson, John Harold — b, Sprakers, NY, Dc 15, 1895; RutU, 1918; 1922-1923 656 USArmy; Univ Montpellier, France; PTS, 19-23; ord, Pby Carlisle, Oc 23, 23; asst p. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 23-9; p, 1st ch. Little Falls, NY, 29 — . Wengert, Stanley Alleman — b. Pine Grove, Pa, Sp 8, 1897; UPa, 1919; PTS, 19-20; prin, 20-4; supervising prin, Ellsworth, Pa, 24 — . White, Bonner Dale— b, Chester, SC, Sp 14, 1894; ErskC, 1915; tea; YMCA, war service, 17-8; XenTS, 18-21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2; BibS, 22-3; ord UP, Pby Central Illinios, Je 9, 21; miss, Chichawatni, Punjab, India, 23-31; ss, AssoRefP ch. Ora, SC, 31 — . White, Francis Torbit — b, Blackstock, SC, My 21, 1896; ErskC, 1917; USArmy; ErskTS, 19-21; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ord, AssoRefP, J1 23, 22; p, 2d ch, Gastonia, NC, 22 — . Work, Samuel Alvin — b. East Mahoning Twp, Pa, J1 30, 1877; MonC, 1901, 13, MA; ss, Fairmount, Pa, 02-4; ord UP, Pby Westmoreland, Je 2, 04; AllegTS, 04; miss, Egypt, 04-29; grad stu, PTS, 21-2, ThM; ss, Murrysville, Pa, 29-30; p, 7th ch, Pittsburgh, 30 — . 42. 1923 Baird, Richard Hamilton — b, Pyeng Yang, Korea, Sp 1, 1898; CWoos, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 20, 23; miss, Kangkai, Korea, 23 — . Campbell, Kenneth — b, Seattle, Wash, Ag 14, 1898; UWash, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; PrU, 23, MA; ord, Pby Seattle, J1 3, 23; p. Black Diamond, Wash, 23; UnTS, 28; miss, Yunnan, China, 23-8, Peking, 29, Hwaiyuan, 29 — . Cassady, Maynard Lamar — b, Greenland, WVa, My 11, 1897; ord, Ch of Brethren, Ap 7, 1918; JuniC, 19; PTS, 20-3, ThB; PrU, 23, MA; Gelston- Winthrop Pell, Ch Hist, UTueb, 23-4; UBer, 24; instr. Eat, JuniC, 24-5; sec, YMCA, CW&M, 25-7; ColU, 27-9; exec sec, Cornell United Rel Wk, CornU, 29-31; asst prof, Rel, URoch, 31 — . Conser, Forest Olen — b, Hanover Twp, O, Ag 10, 1895; MtUnC, 22; USN, 18-20; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Philadelphia North, Mr 17, 23; miss, Sangli, India, 23-8, Islampur, 30 — . Gumming, Bruce Alexander — b, Baltimore, Md, J1 22, 1899; KyWesC, 1917; tea, 17-20; UnTSVa, 20-2; PTS, 22-4, ThB, ThM; PrU, 24, MA; ss. Calvary ch, Baltimore, Md, 24- p, 25-7; ord, Pby Potomoc, Mr 5, 25; miss, Mokpo, Korea, 27 — . Davis, Harold Edgar — b, Zion Grove, Pa, Nv 5, 1895; AlbrC, 1919; BibS, 19-22; ord, Un Ev Ch, Mr 3, 22; PTS, 22-3, ThB, ThM; miss, China, 23-7; p. Is & So Amenia Presb chs, Wassaic, NY, 28-32; p, 1st ch, Ramsey, NJ, 32 — . Derbyshire, George McDonald — b, Paterson, NJ, My 16, 1895; CoeC, 1919; Ula, 19-20, MA; ord, Bapt, Dc 30, 19; PTS, 20-3, ThB; p, Pella, la, 23-6; p. University ch, Des Moines, 26-9; BerkBaptDS, 32, STM; p, 1st ch, Berkeley, Cal, 29—. 1923 657 Druckenmiller, Fred Wilson — b, Pine Grove, Pa, Dc 21, 1896; AlbrC, 1919; Bibs, 19-21; PTS, 21-3, ThB, 23-5, ThM; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 10, 23; p, Mt Airy, NJ, 23-4; p, Englishtown, 24-8; p. Union, 28 — . Dudley, William Ewart — b. Quarry Bank, England, Ja 9, 1892; HurC, 1919; PTS, 19-20; BibS, 20-2; PTS, 22-3, ThB, ThM; ord Cong, My 6, 24; p, Plainview, Neb, 24-7; PacSRel, 27-8, MA; stu p. Calvary ch, Oakland, Cal, 28-9; p, Castana, la, 29-31; p, Blencoe, 31 — . Dykhuizen, Peter George — b, Lafayette, Ind, Mr 21, 1893; UMich, 1920; CaIvTS, 20-2; PTS, 22-3, ThB, 23-4, ThM; PrU, 24, MA; ord UP, Pby Cedar Rapids, Nv 4, 24; p, 1st ch. Cedar Rapids, la, 24-7; p, 1st ch, Cincinnati, O, 27 — . Edwards, Albert Gallatin — b, St Louis, Mo, June 21, 1894; YaleU, 1915; PTS, 15-7, 22-3, ThB; YMCA, war service, 17-9; tea, American High Schl, Teheran, Persia, 19-22; ord, Pby St Louis, Oc 23, 23; WestmTS, 30-1; miss, Moeiil, Iraq, Mesopotamia, 24-6, Hillah, 26 — . Goshorn, Chalmers Holmes — b, McNeal, Pa, Ag 3, 1893; tea; CWoos, 1920; USArmy; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 7, 23; p, Newton, Hamilton & Mapleton, Pa, 23-30; p, Osceola Mills, 30 — . Graf, Charles Earl— b. National Park, NJ, Je 6, 1897; W&JC, 1919; tea, 19-20; PTS, 20-3, ThB, 23-4, ThM; PrU, 23, MA; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 21, 23; p, Faggs Manor ch, Cochranville, Pa, 23-7; p, 2d ch, Chester, 27 — . Hoffman, Harmon Leslie — b. Cottage Grove, Tenn, Mr 9, 1893; TrinCNC, 1919; PTS, 20-3, ThB; p, ME ch. South, Raspeburg, Md, 23-4; p. Evergreen, Ala, 24-5; p, Luray, Va, 26-7; p, Lovingston, 30 — . Hubbard, John Boyce— b, Winnetka, 111, J1 27, 1897; UMich, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Detroit, My 14, 23; p, 1st ch. Iron River, Mich, 23-4; p, 1st ch, Escanaba, 24-8; asst rec, St Luke’s PEpis ch, Evanston, III, 28-31; ree, St Mary’s ch. Park Ridge, 31 — . Johnson, William David — b, Dubuque, la, Oc 31, 1895; UDubq, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby St Louis, Ag 2, 22; p, Dallas, Tex, 23-5; p, 1st ch, Oskaloosa, la, 26-9; p, Carondelet ch, St Louis, Mo, 29 — . Joldersma, Jacob Henry — b, Muskegon, Mich, Fb 25, 1893; CalvC, 1920; CalvTS, 20-2; PTS, 22-3, ThB, 23-5, ThM; PrU, 25, MA; ord RefChAm, Cl Rochester, J1 2, 25; p, Sodus, NY, 25-30; p. West Sayville, 30 — . Jowe, Frank Knox — b, Paotingfu, Hopei, China, Nv 14, 1894; Yenching Univ, 1917; evang, China, 17-9; BibS, 19-21; PTS, 21-4, 23, ThB; PrU, 23, MA; evang & p, Peiping, China, 24-8; field sec, AmBSoc, Peiping, 28 — . Key, Ralph William — b, Butler, Pa, Sp 30, 1896; ThielC, 1918; bus; BibS, 19-22; PTS, 22-3, ThB, ThM; miss, Punjab, India, 23-6; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Sp 27, 27; p, Farmingdale, NJ, 26-8; p, 1st ch, Garfield, 28-32; p, Harlem-New York ch, NYCity, 32 — . Klauser, Benjamin — b, Eperjes, Hungary, Nv 21, 1895; UDubq, 1920; DubqTS, ‘20-2; PTS, 22-3, ThB; ord, Pby Dubuque, Ap 22, 24; p, 1st ch, Nichols, NY, 24—. 658 1923 Leber, Charles Tudor — b, Baltimore, Md, Nv 11, 1898; JHU, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Mr 4, 23; p, Westm ch, Trenton, NJ, 23-4; p. Forest Park ch, Baltimore, Md, 24-8; p. Green Ridge ch, Scranton, Pa, 28 — . Lee, George Kim — b. Canton, China, Ja, 1891; OccC, 1919; PTS, 19-20, 21-3, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 23; tea, Ch Hist, Union Theol Coll, Canton, China, 23-5; p, Wong Sar ch. Canton, 25-7; dist supt. Canton, 27-9; tea. Govt Schl, Peking, 29-30; newspaper wk, San Francisco, Cal, 30-1; p. Holt Chinese Presb ch, Portland, Ore, 31 — . Little, Henry, Jr — b, Mishawaka, Ind, Sp 4, 1896; AmhC, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; PrU, 23, MA; ord, Pby Ozark, Dc 27, 22; field rep, BdNatMiss, 23-4, dir. Young People’s wk, 25-6; ss, Northminster ch, NYCity, 26-8; p, 1st ch, Kirkwood, Mo, 28 — . DD, WestmCMo, 30. Livesay, Joe Hunger — b. Spring Creek, WVa, Fb 15, 1896; W&LU, 1919; PTS, 20-3, ThB, 30-1, ThM; PrU, 23, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 23, 23; miss, Chairyung, Korea, 23 — . Loehlin, Clinton Herbert — b, Brooklyn, NY, My 14, 1897; UMinn, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB, 29-30; PrU, 23, MA; ord, Pby St Paul, Je 1, 23; miss, Moga, Punjab, India, 24-9; dist miss, Ludhiana, 30 — . Lynn, John K — b, Milton, Pa, My 13, 1893; CWoos, 1920; LaneTS, 20-1; McCTS, 21; PTS, 21-3, ThB, 24-5, ThM; ord, Pby Washington City, Je 13, 23; p, Riverdale, Md, 23-4; p, Bridesburg ch, Phila, Pa, 24 — . Lyon, Ouinter Marcellus — b, Washington, DC, Je 10, 1898; ord. Brethren, Ap 24, 18; GWU, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; PrU, 23, MA; p. Terra Alta, WVa, 23; ed, Ashland, O, 23-30; instr, Phil, OSU, 30 — . Macinnes, David Sutherland — b, Hallock, Minn, Ag 5, 1898; SyrU, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; PrU, 22, MA; ord, Pby Syracuse, Ag 10, 23; p, 1st ch, Marcellus, NY, 23-30; p, 1st ch, Delhi, 30—. Martin, David Paulin — b, Los Gatos, Cal, Sp 1, 1893; AlbanyC, 1920; SFTS, 20-1; PTS, 21-3, ThB; ord, Pby Southern Oregon, Ag 8, 23; miss, Yama- guchi, Japan, 24 — . McConaughy, Nathaniel Upham — b, Phila, Pa, Nv 21, 1894; BowC, 1917 ; USArmy; bus; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Newark, My 2, 23; p, Stambaugh, Mich, 23-7; p, 1st ch. Iron Mountain, 27 — . Meek, Theodore Charles — b, Laurens, NY, Ja 22, 1896; PrU, 1918; bus; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 26, 23; asst p. So 3d St ch, Brook- lyn, NY, 23-4; asst p, Collingwood Ave ch, Toledo, O, 24-5; p, Mahoning ch, Danville, Pa, 25-30; p, Bethany ch, Lancaster, 30 — . Moore, Leopold Paul, Jr — b, Phila, Pa, J1 17, 1898; UrsC, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Ap 17, 23; miss, Metet, WAfrica, 24-5, Edea, 25-6, Sakbayeme, 26 — . Myers, LeRoy — b, Benwood, WVa, Nv 15, 1891; W&JC, 1920; McCTS, 20-1; PTS, 21-3, ThB; ord, Pby Mahoning, Oc 2, 23; p, Struthers, O, 24-5; p. Central ch, Canonsburg, Pa, 27-30; p, Hewitts ch. Rice’s Landing, 31 — . 1923 659 Osborne, Clifford Pierson — b, Chester, NJ, Mr 2, 1896; RutU, 1917; USArmy, 17-9; PTS, 19-23, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Je 19, 23; instr, LincU, 23-4, asst prof, 24-6; tea, Moses Brown Schl, Providence, RI, 26-7; asst prof, LincU, 27-8, prof, 28-9; UChi, 29-31, PhD; lect, Phil, ColU, 32; instr, Phil, UChi, 33—. Park, Julian Suph — b, Seoul, Korea, My 25, 1894; BaldWC, 1918; YMCA, war service, 18-9; PTS, 19-23, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Sp 24, 24; p, Hollidaysburg, Pa, 26-7; p, Martinsburg, 27—. Pierce, Walter Weston — b, Ponca City, Okla, Sp 28, 1895; PkC, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Chicago, Oc 6, 25; W Edgewater Miss, Chicago, 111, 25-6; p, Merrill, Wis, 26-7; asst p, 1st ch, Passaic, NJ, 28-9; chap, USN, 29 — . Reed, Glenn Patterson — b, Cecil, Pa, Ja 8, 1899; WestmCPa, 20; PTS, 20-3, ThB; PrU, 23, MA; ord UP, Pby Chartiers, J1 10, 23; miss, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Africa, 23-9; ss, Pullman, Wash, 29-30; miss, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Africa, 30 — . Rider, Paul Lanterman — b, Hamilton, Mont, Dc 3, 1896; OccC, 1920; PrU, 23, MA; PTS, 20-1, 22-3, ThB, WH Green Fell, Bib Theol, 23-4, ThM; SETS, 21-2; ord, Pby Westchester, Je 17, 24; p, Onondaga Hill, NY, 25-8; p, Elmhurst, Pa, 28-30; p. South ch, Rochester, NY, 30-2; stu, UChi, 32-3; res, Chicago, 111. Riester, George Julius — b, St Louis, Mo, Ja 9, 1896; USArmy; 1918; PkC, 20; PrU, 23, MA; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 22, 23; p, 1st ch, Woodbury Heights, NJ, 23-5; p, 1st ch. Port Jefferson, NY, 2.5 — . Riggs, Wilfred Paul — b, Streator, 111, Dc 5, 1893; USArmy; WaynC, 15-6; MaryvC, 16-7; UPa, 19-20; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby Chester, Je 1, 22; p. New Lon- don, Pa, 22-5; p, Havre de Grace, Md, 25-8; p. Crisp Mem ch, Baltimore, 28-30; p, 2d ch, Pottsville, Pa, 30 — . Robb, Joseph Wallace— b, MacDonald, Pa, Dc 19, 1892; W&JC, 1917; USArmy; PTS, 19-23, ThB; ord, Pby Cumberland Mountain, Ap 23, 24; ss. Lancing, Tenn, 24 — . Roberts, Edward Howell — b. Middle Granville, NY, Ag 1, 1895; UWis, 1919, 19-20, MA; PTS, 20-3, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Madison, Je 14, 23; asst p, 1st ch. New Rochelle, NY, 23; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UCal & USoCal, 25-6; edu wk, Los Angeles, 26-30; instr, Syst Theol, PTS, 30 — , reg & sec of the Faculty, 32 — . Seymour, Otto Cleveland — b, Daniphan, Mo, Je 22, 1891; USArmy, 1917- 8; UTulsa, 20; PTS, 20-3, ThB; PrU, 23, MA; ord, Pby Tulsa, Sp, 23; Gelston- Winthrop Fell, Syst Theol, UEdin, 24-5; p, 1st ch, Tahlequah, Okla, 23-32; p, 1st ch, Joplin, Mo, 32 — . Shoffstall, Elvin Haupt — b, Lancaster, Pa, Ag 13, 1897; F&MC, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Pembina, Dc 3, 23; hm miss, Sarles, Calvin & Hannah, ND, 23-5; LafC, 25-6, MA; p, Dunlaps Creek ch, Merrittstown, Pa, 26 — . Talbott, George Harold — b, Marengo, la, Fb 8, 1894; USArmy, 1917-9; 66o 1923 PrU, 22; PTS, 19-23, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Kansas City, Je 20, 21; p, Cliveden ch, Germantown, Pa, 21-3; p, 1st ch, Passaic, NJ, 23 — . DD, MoVC, 30. Thwing, John Burton — b, Galesburg, 111, Ja 10, 1897; ValparU, 1920; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Chicago, Ag 20, 24; p, Clement ch, Chicago, 111, 23-5; p. Calvary ch, Braddock, Pa, 25-7; PTS, 26-7, ThM; ss. Dauphin, Pa, 27-9; E BaptTS, 27-31, ThD; p, Beacon ch, Phila, Pa, 29 — . Truitt, John Galloway — b, Summerfield, NC, Je 15, 1891; ord, NC & Va Chr Conf, Nv 23, 16; ElonC, 17, MA; PTS, 20-3, ThB; p, 1st Chr ch, Norfolk, Va, 23-8; p, 1st ch, Dayton, O, 28 — . Wingerd, Mark — b, Chambersburg, Pa, Ap 9, 1893; LebVC, 1918; USN, 18-9; PTS, 19-23, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby St Clairsville, Sp 21, 23; ss. West Brooklyn ch, Warnock, O, 23-9; p. Community ch, Allison Park, Pa, 29 — . Woods, Joseph Milliken, Jr — b, Lewistown, Pa, Je 6, 1896; PrU, 1918; USArmy; bus & tea; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Huntingdon, Je 7, 23; p, Lower Tuscarora ch. Academia, Pa, 23-5; tea, Tsinfu, Shantung, China, 25-6; p. Lower Tuscarora ch. Academia, Pa, 27-30; p, 1st ch, Phoenixville, 30 — . Yeaworth, Irvin Shortess — b. Relay, Md, Ja 14, 1899; JHU, 1920; PrU, 22, MA; PTS, 20-3, ThB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 2, 23; Alum Fell, NT, UBer, 23-5; asst p, Amer ch, Berlin, Germany, 23- p, 24-6; p, 1st ch, Olyphant, Pa, 27-9; p, 1st ch, Aurora, 111, 29-33; p. Homestead, Pa, 33 — . 50. Barker, Lincoln — b, St Louis, Mo, My 21, 1899; WestmCMo, 1920, 22, MA; PTS, 20-1; instr, WestmCMo, 21-3; prof, Phil & Psych, ArkC, 23-31, dean, 25-9; res, NYCity. Bender, Harold Stauffer — b, Elkhart, Ind, J1 19, 1897; GoshC, 1918; instr, Hesston Coll, Hesston, Kan, 18-20; GarBibI, 22, BD; PTS, 21-3, ThM; PrU, 23, MA; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UTueb, 23-4; UHeid, 30; prof. Bib & Ch Hist & libr, GoshC, 24-, dean, 31 — . Bruinooge, Jacob Harry — b, Sheboygan, Wis, Ag 23, 1894; CalvC, 1919; CalvTS, 19-22; grad stu, PTS, 22-4, 23, ThM; SBaptTS, 24-5, 26, ThD; ord ChrRef, Cl Muskegon, Dc 15, 26; p, E Muskegon, Mich, 26 — . Cheo, Hsiao Chen — b, Luchowfu, Anhwei, China, Oc 3, 1894; Univ Nanking, 1920; PTS, 20-2; p, Wuhu, Anhwei, China, (Un Chr Miss Soc), 23 — . Crossland, Edgar — b, Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng, Fb 14, 1878; BanTS, 1905-8, BD; ord, Cong ch, Je 4, 08; p, Dexter, Me, 08; BowC, 10; HarvUTS, 10-1, STB; AndTS, 10-1, STB; p. South Acton, Mass, 11-4; p, 1st Presb ch, Barre, Vt, 14-9; p, St Paul’s ch, Boston, Mass, 19-22; BosUSRelEdu, 21, MRE; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; p, Woodstock Presb ch, NYCity, 23 — . *Curry, Conrad Kreider — b, Swatara Sta, Pa, Ja 18, 1896; LebVC, 1916; USArmy; bus; PTS, 20-1; tea, Hummelstown, Pa, 22-9; p, Brunnerville, 22-3; p, Lickdale, 23-9; ord Un Breth, Sp 28, 28; d, Swatara Sta, Pa, Dc 10, 29. 1923 66 1 Daroczy, Alexander — b, Puspokladamy, Hungary, Oc 28, 1899; Debrecen Gym, 1910-8; UDeb, ThDept, 18-22; ord, Pby Franstibiscen, Ag 29, 22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; p. Free Hungarian Ref ch, McKeesport, Pa, 23 — . Dawson, Frederick Harold — b, Caldwell, Kan, Dc 21, 1895; PkC, 1920; USArmy, 18-9; PTS, 20-2; ord, Pby Wichita, My 21, 23; miss, Iloilo, Philippine Is, 24-5, Tacloban, Leyte, 26-9, Catbalogan, Samar, 29-31; ss, 1st ch, Canadian, Tex, 31 — . Djang, Fang— b, Nanking, China, Dc 16, 1894; Univ Nanking, China, 1918; tea & pastoral wk, 18-20; PTS, 20-2; sec, NatChrCouncil, 24-8; prin, Chr Middle Schl, Nanking, China, 28 — . ‘Eichlin, Roy D — b, St Thomas, Ont, Can, Nv 10, 1873; McMaster Univ, Toronto, 1901, ThDept, 01-2; UChiDS, 02-3, BD; ord Bapt, Sp 28, 03; p, Wash- ington, la, 03-5; p, Presb ch, Sanborn, 05-7; p, Knox ch, Sioux City, 07-13; pres, BuenVC, 13-7; p, Rolfe, la, 17-9; p. Perry, 19-22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; p. Cedar Falls, la, 23-7; p, Nevada, 27-8; d, Nevada, la, Oc 29, 28. DD, ParsC, 14. Emura, Kanichi — b, Miyoshimachi, Hiroshimaken, Japan, Oc 10, 1890; WasU, 1908-10; Tokyo Shingakusha, Japan, 10-4; asst p, Nippon Christ ch, Tokyo, 13-4; p, Nagoya, 14-6; ord, Nippon Christ ch, Je 5, 17; ed & lit wk, 16-21; SFTS, 21-2; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; p, Japanese Presb ch, Seattle, Wash, 23-6; prof, Tokyo Shingakusha, Japan, 26-9; p, Nippon Christ ch, Yamaguchi, 31 — . Euwema, Johann Ralph — b, Chicago, 111, Sp 6, 1895; CalvC, 1920; CalvTS, 19-22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; ord RefChAm, Cl Dakota, Oc 23, 23; p, Sandham Mem ch, Monroe, SD, 23-6; UChiDS, 26-7; p, 1st ch, Alton, la, 27 — -. Fjeldstad, Oliver Gerhard — -b. Granite Falls, Minn, Ap 11, 1896; StOC, 1918; USArmy; LuthT-S, 19-22; ord, Norwegian Luth, Sp 4, 22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; asso p, Zion ch, Brooklyn, NY, 22-6; p, St Timothy ch, Chicago, III, 26—. Fowle, James Luther — b, Washington, NC, Oc 14, 1897; DavC, 1918; UnTSVa, 18-22, BD; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; ord, Pby St Louis, Oc 14, 23; p. Central ch, St Louis, Mo, 23-9; p, 1st ch, Chattanooga, Tenn, 29 — . DD, DavC, & WestmCMo, 28. Fuller, Graham— b. Ft Collins, Col, J1 22, 1883; Col Agr Coll, Ft Collins, Col, 1903; McCTS, 10-4; ord, Pby Boulder, Nv 6, 14; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; miss, Bangkok, Siam, 15 — . Geiger, Linwood Townsend — b, Pottstown, Pa, Ap 8, 1898; JuniC, 1920; PTS, 20-3; tea, Pottstown, Pa, 23-4; p, Mattituck, NY, 24-5; ColU, 24-5; UnTS, 25, STB; ord, Pby Niagara, Je 6, 25; sec, YMCA, Niagara Falls, NY, 25-7; field sec. League of Nat Asso, Boston, Mass, 27-8; p, Mt Calvary ch, Phila, Pa, 28—. Hay, Fred Jay — b. Liberty Hill, SC, Sp 4, 1892; DavC, 1914; tea; ColTS, 16-9, BD; ord, Pby Kings Mountain, Ag 10, 19; p. Kings Mountain, NC, 19-22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; ]), Dillon, SC, 23—. 662 1923 Krebs, Lucas Theodore — b, Bay, Mo, Ap 15, 1891; US Army; ord, Pby Dubuque, Ap 12, 1921; UDubq, 22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3; stu s & p, Lansing, la, 21-4; p, 3d ch, Dubuque, la, 25 — . Krebs, Paul Samuel — b, Campbell, Neb, Nv 13, 1894; UDubq, 1920; DubqTS, 19-22, BRE; ord, Pby Dubuque, Ap 19, 22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; p, Waukon, la, 23-9; p, 12th St ch, Alton, 111, 29 — . Kulik, Jan — b, Hodslavice, Czechoslovakia, Sp 3, 1898; Valasske Mezerici Gym; JnHusTS, 1919-22; PTS, 22-3; ord Czech Breth Ev Ch, Dc 13, 25; vie, Nebuzely, 26- min, 27 — . *Kunkel, Walter Lewis — b, Hanover, Ind, Oc 18, 1885; HanC, 1907; McC TS, 08-11; ord, Pby New Albany, Ap 19, 11; p. Camp Creek ch, McComb, 111, 12-4; ss, Shawneetown, 15-6; ss, 2d ch, Danville, 17-20; ss, Rushville, Ind, 21-2; ill health; grad stu, PTS, 22-3; bus, Cincinnati, O, 23-31; d, Cincinnati, Fb 8, 31. Lake, Leo Clarence — b, Sharon, Kan, Sp 7, 1886; ColoC, 1908; tea, Turkey; MeCTS, 12-5; p, Chalmers, Ind, 13-6; ord, Pby Chicago, My 3, 15; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; miss, Japan, 16 — ; res, Sapporo, Japan. Lee, Syung-Whee — b. North Korea, Japan, Fb 19, 1888; UnChrC, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 1913; tea; SFTS, 19-22, BD; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; ord, Korea, Oc 11, 25; tea. Bib, Soong-Sill Coll, 24-8; p. West Gate ch, Pyeng Yang, 25-9; prof, Pyeng Yang Theol Sem & tea, Astron, Union Chr Coll, Pyeng Yang, 29 — . Louw, Andries Adriaan — b, Morgenster, Great Zimbabwe, SAfr, J1 6, 1895; VicCSAfr, 1916; StellTS, 18-21; ord, DRefChSAfr, J1 1, 22; asst p, Bloem- fontein North, SAfr, 22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM ; miss, Morgenster, S Rhodesia, SAfr, 24—. McConnelee, Earl Collins— b, Delaney, NY, Fb 25, 1895; MuskC, 1918; USArmy, 18-9; XenTS, 19-22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; ord UP, Pby Phila- delphia, Ap 16, 23; miss, Sialkot, Punjab, India, 24-32; ss. Calvary ch, Mesita, & ss, 1st ch. La Jara, Col, 32 — . McKeever, David Barber — b, Easton, Pa, Nv 18, 1896; LafC, 1920; PTS, 20-1; tea, Newburgh, NY, 23 — . *McPeek, Charles Emerson — b, Moundsville, W\'a, Oc 6, 1886; UVa, 1900-5, MD; phys, Chicago, 111, 05-20; PTS, 22-3; phys, NYCity, 21-6; d, NY City, Dc 29, 26. Nickell, William Paul— b. Gap Mills, WVa, J1 22, 1897; E&HC, 1917; UnTSVa, 17-20, BD; ord, Pby Albemarle, Sp 22, 20; asst p, Howard Mem ch, Tarboro, NC, 20-2; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM ; p, Alderson, WVa, 23-8; p, Thomp- son Valley & Liberty Hill chs, Tazewell, Va, 28 — . Prins, Tunis Wayenberg — b, Sioux Center, la, Ag 7, 1895; HopeC, 1920; PTS, 20-1; NBTS, 21-3; ord, RefChAm, Cl Monmouth, Je 6, 23; p, Rockaway ch, Whitehouse Station, NJ, 23-6; p, Herkimer, NY, 27 — . *Purdy, Jason G — b, Sardinia, O, Mr 18, 1897; MaryvC, 1919; tea; PTS, 22- 3; PrU, 23, MA; ord, Pby Portsmouth, My 28, 23; miss, Chung Ju, Korea, 23- 6; d, Seoul, Korea, My 14, 26. 1923 663 Ross, John Allen — b, Belfast, Ireland, My 3, 1899; QuUBelf, 16-20; PTS, 20-1; ord, Pby Ahoghill, Dc 13, 28; p, Churchtown, Ireland, 29-32; p, Dungiven, 32—. Rowe, Harry Fleming — b, Salem, Pa, J1 12, 1869; GrovCyC, 94; DrewTS, 94-7, BD; p. Liberty St ch, Rome, NY, 97-8; miss, Wuhu, China, 98-1900; asst p, Nanchang, 1900-1; dist supt, Wuhu, 1900-4; ord, ME, China, 1900; dean, Fowler Schl Theol, Nanking Dist, 04-9; act pres, Wm Nast Coll, Kiukiang, 09-11; prof, Ch Hist, Nanking Theol Sem, 11- , act pres, 18-20, pres, 20-30; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; p, McLeod, Cal, 30— DD, GrovCyC, 16. Sayers, Joseph Clark — b, Catskill, NY, Sp 16, 1897; SyrU, 1929; YMCA sec; PTS, 20-3; ord, Pby Columbia, My 17, 23; p, Croton Falls, NY, 24-8; p, 1st ch. East Syracuse, 29 — . *Sellman, Ray Appleton — b. South Lyon, Mich, J1 20, 1889; UMich, 1913; tea; lie, ME, 14; p, Wesleyan ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 14-20; PTS, 20-1; d, Princeton, NJ, Mr 13, 21. Smith, Alvin Woodrow — b, Winchester, Kan, Oc 28, 1894; GeneC, 1916; RefPTS, 16-9; ord RefP, Pby Kansas, J1 10, 19; miss & tea, Cyprus, 19-22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3; ss, Stafford, Kan, 23-4; p, Barnet, Vt, 25 — . Van Lunen, Herman — b, Friesland, Kolburn, Holland, Ag 12, 1893; CalvC, 1920; CalvTS, 19-22; grad stu, PTS, 22-4, 23, ThM; HarvUTS; p, Cong ch, Ballard Vale, Mass, 27-9; ord Cong, Sp 26, 30; p. North Chelmsford, Mass, 30 — . Vender, Melvin Robert — b, Kinde, Mich, Oc 15, 1890; AlmaC, 1920; PTS, 20-1; asst p. Calvary ch, Detroit, Mich, 21-2; asst p & dir, Rel Edu, Fort St ch, Detroit, 22-8; ord, Pby Detroit, Oc 5, 25; NWU, 29, MA; dir, Rel Edu, Central ch, Kansas City, Mo, 29-31; p, 1st ch, Stockbridge, Mich, 31 — . Vineze, Charles — b. Doge, Hungary, Dc22, 1898; Gym Kisvarda, Hungary, 1911-8; Ref Theol Sem, Sarospatak, 18-22; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; p. Free Magyar Ref ch, Carteret, NJ, 23-9; ord, RefChHungary, Sp 14, 25; p. Free Mag- yar Ref ch, Perth Amboy, NJ, 29 — . STD, Royal Hungarian Univ, Debrecen, Hungary, 31. Wartena, Lambertus — b, Aalten, Holland, My 10, 1900; UDubq, 19-22, BA & BD; ord, Pby Dubuque, Ap 16, 21; ss, Volga, la, 21-2; grad stu, PTS, 22-3, ThM; p, Califon, NJ, 23-6; UPa, 28-31, MA; p, Wissahickon ch, Phila, Pa, 26—. Weir, William Wilbur — b, Winchester, Kan, Fb 26, 1893; GeneC, 1916; tea, Amer Acad, Larnaca, Cyprus, 16-20; PTS, 20-2; PrU, 22, M A; lie, RefP, My 22; miss dir, Amer Acad, Larnaca, Cyprus, 22 — . Wood, Daniel Taylor — b, Edinburgh, Scotland, Ap 25, 1886; SETS, 1919- 22; ord, Pby San Francisco, My 4, 24; grad stu, PTS, 22-3; p, Livermore, Cal, 23-4; p, Carluke, .Scot, 25-6; p, PresbChCan, 26-9; ss, Hunterville, NZ, 29-30; — 41. 664 1924 1924 Ainley, Charles Howard, Jr — b, Des Moines, la, Sp 17, 1896; USoCal, 1920; YMCA; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby San Joaquin, J1 28, 24; miss, Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mex, 24-8; miss, Latin Am Prayer Fellowship, Mexico City, Mex, 29 — . Altfather, Alton Bowman — b, Berlin, Pa, My 4, 1899; ValparU, 1920; tea, 20-1; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby Washington City, My 14, 24; p. Falls Church, Va, 24 — . Alwynse, William Martin — b, Muskegon, Mich, Ap 27, 1890; McCTS, 1921-2; PTS, 22-4, ThB, 24-5, ThM; UChi, 23; ss, Dunconville & Morea, 111, 26-7; ss, Somerville, Ind, 28-9; ord UP, Pby Rock Island, Oc 3, 28; ss, Mt Perry, O, 29-31; SBaptTS, 31-2; res, Louisville, Ky. Amos, William Davies — b, Brownsville, Pa, Sp 25, 1892; AlmaC, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB; PrU, 24, MA; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 26, 24; ss. Liberty Corner, NJ, 24- p, 26—. Baskerville, Arthur Paige — b. Camp Crook, SD, Ag 20, 1899; PrU, 1920; SFTS, 21-2; PTS, 22-4, ThB; lie, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 21, 24; p. Community ch. Lake Grove, Ore, 25-6; p, 1st ch, Marshfield, 29-30; res, Seattle, Wash, 30 — . Botty, John — b, Szolnocska, Hungary, Dc 25, 1895; HeidC, 1921; CntlTS, 21-2; PTS, 22-4, ThB; PrU, 24, MA; ord RefChUS, Cl Tiffin, J1 3, 24; p, Hun- garian ch, Conneaut, O, 24-5; grad stu, ColU, 25-6; p, Hungarian Presb ch, Lackawanna, NY, & dir. Boys’ Wk, Lackawanna Friendship Hse, 26 — . Cameron, Edwin Ray — b, Ipava, 111, Ag 5, 1897; PkC, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB, 24-5, ThM; PrU, 24, MA; ord, Pby Peoria, My 18, 25; p, 1st ch, Gothen- burg, Neb, 25-9; p, 1st ch. Sterling, Col, 29 — . Crowell, John Beverly — b, Carteret, NJ, Nv 11, 1899; RutU, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB, 26-7, ThM; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Ja 28, 24; dir, Rel Edu, 1st ch, Norristown, Pa, 24-6; p, Hope Mem ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 27 — . Cutler, Henry Lewis — b, Germantown, Pa, Ag 5, 1898; UPa, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 3, 24; p, 1st ch, Mauch Chunk, Pa, 25-6; p. Calvary ch, Wyncote, 27 — . Evans, David Hobart — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, J1 4, 1896; BuckU, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby Chester, My 8, 24; ss. Doe Run & Modena chs. Pa, 23- p, 24-6; AmU, 26-8, MA; tea, Washington Bib Inst, 27-9; p, 1st ch, Hyatts- ville, Md, 26 — ; tea, HowUSchlRel, 29 — . Evans, John Lloyd — b, Scott, O, My 8, 1899; CWoos, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby Athens, Je 16, 24; p, Nelsonville, O, 24 — . Getz, Clarence Edward — b. Linden, Pa, J1 3, 1894; AlbrC, 1920; BibS, 20-3; ord, UnEvCh, Mr, 23; PTS, 23-4, ThB, ThM; p, Christ Presb ch, Trenton, NJ, 24-8; p, 1st ch, Dunellen, 28 — . Gieser, Elmer Paul — b. Highland Park, 111, Sp 1, 1895; WestUnC, 1920; ss. Union Twp Presb ch, la, 19-20; ord, UnEv, Mr 20, 20; BibS, 20-3; asst p. West End Presb ch, NYCity, 22-3; PTS, 23-4, ThB, ThM; p. Cedar City, Utah, 24- 7; bus, 27-9; p, 1st ch, Hereford, Tex, 29 — . 1924 665 Glassey, John Randolph — b, Ft Morgan, Col, Oc 19, 1895; HastC, 1921; NYU, 22, MA; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby Boulder, Oc 20, 24; prof. Bib, HastC, 24 — ; ss. May Community ch, Minden, Neb, 25- p, 31 — ; res, Hastings, Neb. Hammond, George Bradley — b, Detroit, Mich, My 4, 1893; UMich, 1916; arch; PTS, 21-4, ThB, 27-8; ord, Pby Detroit, Je 20, 24; miss, Mexico, 24-9; chap, Asheville Schl for Boys, NC, 29-31; p. Canton, 31 — . Harper, Charles Roy — b, Edgerton, Kan, Mr 18, 1895; MonC, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby Boulder, Je 10, 24; miss & tea, Cuyaba, Matto Grosso, Brazil, SA, 25-8, Baruery, Sao Paulo, 28 — . Homrighausen, Elmer George — b, Wheatland, la, Ap 11, 1900; Miss HseC, 21; MissHseTS, 21-3; PTS, 23-4, ThB; ord EngRefCh, Cl Chicago, J1 7, 24; p, 1st ch, Freeport, 111, 24-9; DubqTS, 25-30, 28, ThM, 30, ThD; ButlerU, 31, MA; p, Carrolton Ave ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 29 — . DD, MissHseC, 32. Johnson, John Edward — b, Dubuque, la. My 2, 1899; UDubq, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby St Louis, Ja 21, 24; chap, USN, 24—. Layman, Andrew Stephen — b, Millwood, Ky, Ap 10, 1898; PkC, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB; PrU, 24, MA; ord, Pby Transylvania, Je 18, 24; ss. Marrow- bone, Ky, 24-5; WH Green Fell, Semit, UEdin, 25-6; asst p, 1st ch. So Orange, NJ, 26-8; p, Jamesburg, 28 — . Leavens, Paul Joseph — b, Knoxville, Tenn, My 4, 1897; OccC, 1920; PrU, 20-1; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby Santa Barbara, J1 27, 24; miss, Mexico, 24-8; res, Santa Paula, Cal, 28 — . Long, Abram Miller — b, Bellegrove, Pa, J1 23, 1895; LebV’C, 1917; tea, 17-21; PTS, 21-4, ThB; PrU, 24, MA; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 14, 24; p, Tabor ch, Phila, Pa, 24-9; p, 4th ch, Phila, 29 — . PhD, Milton Univ, Baltimore, Md, 31. Lyon, John Thomas — b, Hobart, NY, Je 16, 1894; PTS, 1920-4, ThB; NYU, 24; ord, Pby Otsego, Je 5, 24; p, Gaastra, Mich, 24-7; asst p, Delhi, NY, 27-9; p, 1st ch, Unadilla, 29 — . McClellan, Harvey Hutcheson — b, Starkville, Miss, Mr 9, 1897; SterC, 1918; tea; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord UP, Pby Garnett, Je 18, 25; stu, UPitts, 24-5; miss, Sudan, Afr, 25-30; p el, Bovina, NY, 31 — . McClure, Hugh Cameron — b, Cartter, 111, Ja 26, 1897; CWoos, 1920; tea; XenTS; PTS, 22-4, ThB; ord Pby Pueblo, Sp 10, 24; p. Bay \’illage, O, 24-8; p. Slippery Rock, Pa, 28 — . Metzler, Burton — b, Nappanee, Ind, Ja 20, 1894; ManchC, 1920; ord Ch of the Brethren, Sp 20, 17; BethBibS, 18-22, BD; PTS, 23-4, ThB; SBaptTS, 24-5, 28, PhD; prof, Theol, BethBibS, 25 — . Miller, Philip Sheridan — b, Stettlersville, Pa, Oc 19, 1896; MorC, 1920; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord Bapt, Sp 12, 22; UPa, 27, MA; instr, Lat & Edu, LincU, 24-9, prof, Lat, 29~. Mitchell, William McFarlane — b, Stamford, Conn, Ja 1, 1898; LafC, 666 1924 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB, 30-1; ord, Pby Connecticut Valley, My 2, 24; p, Westm ch, Allentown, Pa, 24-6; p, 1st ch, Northport, NY, 26 — . Morris, Cecil Van Horne — b, Clifton Forge, Va, Ap 28, 1897; RMC, 1920; tea; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord MESouth, Cuba Conf, Fb, 27; p, Cardenas, Cuba, 25-8; p, Habana, 28; p, Santa Clara, 28-31; p, Camaguey, 31 — . Namkung, Hyek — b, Pyengchon, Korea, J1 1, 1891; bus & tea; Presb Theol Sem, Korea, 1918-21; ord, Pby Chunnam, Korea, Je 9, 21; PTS, 22-4, ThB, ThM; UnTSVa, 24-5; asst prof, Presb Theol Sem, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 25-7, prof, 27— DD, UnTSVa, 29. Nicely, Harold Elliott — b, Beirut, Syria, Dc 24, 1900; UChi, 21; PTS, 21-4, ThB; PrU, 24, MA; ord, Pby Muncie, My 15, 24; CamU, 24-5; sec, Phila Soc, Princeton, 25-6; p, Westm ch, Wilmington, Del, 26-30; p. Central Brick ch. East Orange, NJ, 30 — . Potts, James Manning— b, Hutford Co, NC, J1 14, 1895; RMC, 1917, 19- 20, MA; PTS, 21-4, ThB, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, 24-5, ThM; p, Amelia, Va, 26-7; p, Berryman ch. So Richmond, 27-31; ord MESouth, Oc 20, 29; p. Trinity ch. So Petersburg, 31 — . Russell, John Clement — b, Atlanta, Ga, J1 14, 1897; GaSTech, 1919; UnTSVa, 21-2; PTS, 22-4, ThB; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 4, 24; p, Eastlake ch, Wilmington, Del, 24-7; p, MP ch. Harpers Ferry, WVa, 27-8; p. Liberty, NC, 28-9; p, Greenville, SC, 29-30; p, Creswell, NC, 30 — . Shelling, Edwin Luke — b, Allentown, Pa, Ap 24, 1896; LafC, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB, 28-9, ThM; ord, Pby Washington City, Oc 24, 24; p, Arlington, Va, 24-7; p. Clarendon, 24-8; p. Deer Creek Harmony ch, Darlington, Md, 29 — . Simpson, Henry Pierce — b, Abington, Va, J1 15, 1896; URich, 1919; ord Bapt, Oc 19, 19; tea; PTS, 21-4, ThB, 28-30; p. Federated ch, Townshend, Vt, 24-6; p. New Monmouth, NJ, 26-30; p, Mt Carmel, NY, 30 — . Smith, William Kyle— b, Sao Paulo, Brazil, SA, My 11, 1895; UVa, 1921; PTS, 21-4, ThB; ord, Pby East Hanover, My 13, 24; stu p, UVa, 24-30; sec, YMCA, UVa, 30—. Statler, Foster Boyd — b, Windber, Pa, Ap 23, 1895; JuniC, 1920; PTS, 20- 4, ThB; p, Morrellville ch, Johnstown, Pa, 24-6; ord Ch of the Brethren, Ap 13, 26; p, Huntingdon, Pa, 26 — . Van Til, Cornelius — b, Grootegast, Holland, My 3, 1895; CalvC, 1922; CalvTS, 21-2; PTS, 22-4, ThB, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Syst Theol, 24-5, ThM; PrU, 24, MA, 27, PhD; ord ChrRef, Sp 25, 27; p. Spring Lake, Mich, 27-8; instr, Apol, PTS, 28-9; prof, Apol, WestmTS, 29 — . Zutrau, Morris— b, NYCity, Ja 4, 1894; PkC, 21; PTS, 21-4, ThB; PrU, 24, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 29, 24; p. Pilgrim ch, Trenton, NJ, 24-7; dir, Daniel Community Center, San Francisco, Cal, 27 — . 38. 1924 667 Arthur, Joseph — b, Glasgow, Scotland, Je 26, 1888; Canadian Army, 16; UMani, 1921; PTS, 21-2; ManiC, ThDept, 22-4; ord PresbChCan, Ap 6, 24; p, Kerrobert Union ch, Kerrobert, Sask, Can, 24 — . Baxter, Thomas — b, Larkhall, Scotland, Nv 1, 1889; CWoos, 1921; PTS, 21; McCTS, 21-4; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 23, 24; p, Coldwater, Mich, 24-8; p. Willow Creek ch, Argyle, 111, 29 — . Bradshaw, Hugh Elmer — b, Scranton, Tex, Fb 16, 1895; DanBakC, 1920; KyTS, 20-3, BD; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; ord, Pby Muhlenburg, J1 8, 24; p, Bevier, Ky, 24-6; p, Mizpah ch, Paducah, 26-30; p, 1st ch, Mansfield, & ss, Oxford & Smyrna chs. La, 30 — . Bryan, Wilhelmus Bogart, Jr — b, Washington, DC, Oc 9, 1898; PrU, 1920, 23, MA; PTS, 21-4; ord, Pby Washington City, Je 9, 24; asst p, 1st ch, Princeton, NJ, 24-31; dir, Princeton Westm Foundation, 30 — ; res, Princeton, NJ. Clark, Edward Murray — b, Richwood, O, Ja 26, 1900; CEmpo, 21; PTS, 21-3; ss. Walnut Valley & Cambridge chs, Kan, 23-4; p, Caney, 24-7; p, El Reno, Okla, 27-32; stu, UOkla, 32— Cochrane, William Lyons — b, Derry, Ireland, Sp 10, 1900; TrinCDub, 22; M’CMageeC, ThDept, 21-2; PTS, 22-3; ord, Pby Omagh, Dc 14, 28; p. Drum- quin, Ire, 29 — . Couwenhoven, Isaac — b. South Holland, 111, Ag 9, 1893; CalvC, 1920; CalvTS, 20-3; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; ord ChrRef, Cl Pella, Dc 17, 24; p, Tracy, la, 24-31; p, McBain, Mich, 31 — . Dodds, Joseph LeRoy — b. Grove City, Pa, My 7, 1891; GrovCyC, 1912; tea, 12-4; WestTS, 14-7, ThB; ord Pby Beaver, Ap 17, 17; grad stu, PTS, 23-4; miss, India, 17 — ; res, Saharanpur, India. Dykhouse, Herman Harry — b, Kalamazoo, Mich, Dc 25, 1894; CalvC, 1921; CalvTS, 20-3; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; ord ChrRef, 24; p, Eastmanville, Mich, 24-9; p, Jamestown, 29 — . Fendrich, Joseph Lowrey, Jr — b, Toledo, O, Mr 23, 1897; ColU, 1927; chap, USN; PTS, 21-4; ord, Pby Phila North, My 10, 22; p, 1st ch. Chestnut Hill, Phila, Pa, 22-4; p, 2d ch, Elizabeth, NJ, 24-7; p. Central ch, Brooklyn, NY, 27-31; p, Wilshire ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 31 — . DD, UDubq, 28, LLD, 32. Flurkey, William Henry — b, Greenville, O, Ag 9, 1893; Northwestern Coll, Watertown, Wis, 1918; EvTS, 18-21; ord Ev, Ap 7, 21; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; p, Hickville, O, 24-5; p. Grove Presb ch, Aberdeen, Md, 25-33; res, Princeton, NJ. Fuller, Paul Harrison — b. Ft Collins, Col, Sp 6, 1894; OccC, 1920; bus; USArmy; BibILA, 20-2; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Ap 12, 22; PTS, 22-3; miss, Bangkok, Siam, 23 — . Furuta, Chiyokichi — b, Hiroshima, Japan, Fb 24, 1891; McCTS, 1919-22; grad stu, PTS, 23-4; ord Ev Asso, Hawaiian Bd, My 17, 25; miss, Lihue, Kauai, Japan, 24 — . 668 1924 Giffin, William John — b, Cambridge, O, Ag 6, 1883; MuskC, 1911; tea; XenTS, 12-5; ord UP, Pby Argyle, Sp 14, 15; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; p, 6th ch, Cleveland, O, 24-8; p, Morning Sun, la, 29 — . Graf, Elisabeth Helen — b, Elmer, NJ; UPa, 1920; tea; PTS, 21-3; res, Chester, Pa. Hahn, Seung Kon — b, Pyeng Yang, Korea, Ja 28, 1881; Union Chr Coll, Pyeng Yang, 1912-3; ord, Pby Pyeng Yang, Ja 6, 13; Presb Theol Sem, Korea, 07-12; BibILA, 17-8; PTS, 21-2; p, Korean ch, Chicago, 111, 28-9; res, Phila, Pa. Hanabusa, Yoshio — b, Ujiyamada, Japan, J1 20, 1891; MG, 1910-2, ThDept, 12-4; lie, Nihon-Kiristo-Kyokwai, Je 1, 16; p, Muroran, 16-8; asst libr, MG, 19; tea, Ozu, 20-2; tea, Kanto-Gakuin, 22-3; grad stu, PTS, 23-5, ThM; prof, MG, 25—. Hillhouse, Joseph Newton — b, Cartersville, Ga, Ja 25, 1891; PrU, 1924; PTS, 21-2; URich, 24-5, MA; UnTSVa, 24-7, BD; ord, Pby Central Mississippi, Je 15, 27; miss, Pby Phoenix, Ariz, 27 — . Holtrop, Elton John — b, Ferrysburg, Mich, Je 6, 1896; CalvC, 1920; CalvTS, 20-3; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; ord ChrRef, Cl Muskegon, Dc 3, 24; hm miss. Cl Muskegon, 24-8; WRU, 29-31, M.^; p. West Side ch, Cleveland, O, 28— Inori, Kunishichi — b, Kagoshima, Japan, Ag 1, 1890; MG, 1911-3; Tokyo Shingakusha, 13-8; SETS, 20-1; PTS, 21-4; ord, Pby San Francisco, Ag 2, 25; asst p, Japanese Union ch, San Francisco, Cal, 24-5; asst p, Cong ch, Santa Barbara, 25-9; p, Presb ch, Salina, 29 — . Kawamata, Giichi — b, Mishima, Japan, Ap 25, 1886; Tokyo Higher Commer Schl, 1906-8; Tokyo Shingakusha, 08-11; KxCTor, 22-3; grad stu, PTS, 23-4; asst p, Japanese Chr ch, NYCity, 24- p, 29 — . Kennedy, Renwick Carlisle — b, Newberry, SC, Oc 1, 1900; ErskC, 21; ErskTS, 21-3, BD; grad stu, PTS, 23-5, 24, ThM; ord AssoRefP, Pby Arkansas, J1 30, 25; ss, Russellville, Ark, 25-7; p, Camden, Ala, 27 — . Kim, Kwan Sik — b, Seoul, Korea, Sp 5, 1888; Poseung Law Coll, Korea, 1907; tea, 08-12; evang, 12-5; Presb Theol Sem, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 15-20; grad stu, PTS, 23-6, ThM; PrU, 25, MA; KxCTor, 22-3; ord, Pby Korea, My 10, 20; p, Kyeng Heung, Korea, 20-2; act prin. Girls Higher Common Schl, Hamheung, 26-8; act prin. Boys Acad, Hamheung, 28-32, prin, 32 — . Lee, William Colin — b, Belfast, Ireland, Oc 18, 1894; QuUBelf, 1913-4; TSRefEpisCh, 17-21; ord RefEpis, 20; TemU, 22-3; grad stu, PTS, 23-4; p. Chestnut Hill Presb ch, Phila, Pa, 26 — . Liu, Chi Fung— b. Shantung, China, Je 13, 1898; UChi, 1921; PTS, 21-2; res, Enhsien, Shantung, China; — Loft, Ernest Edmund — b, Twickenham, Middlesex, Eng, Ja 19, 1890; MaryvC, 1921; PTS, 21-3; ord, Pby Rushville, My 29, 23; p, 1st ch, Dillon, Mont, 23-7; p, 1st ch, Cleveland, Okla, 27-8; evang, 28-32; p, 1st ch, Harriman, Tenn, 32 — . 1924 669 Longmire, Alfred Menefee — b, Monroe City, Mo, My 16, 1898; WestmC Mo, 1921; lie Disc of Christ, Ag 8, 21; PTS, 21-3; rel edu wk; res. West Somer- ville, Mass. Lu, Paul Chi Chen — b, Paoming Szechuan, China, J1 26, 1893; Hangchow Chr Coll, 1914-8; ColU, 20, 21, MA; PTS, 21-2; res, Paoming, Szechuan, China. Lundquist, Harold Leonard — b, Minneapolis, Minn, Nv 1, 1894; UMinn, 1917, LLB; USArmy; MBI, 18, 20-1; bus, 19-20; PTS, 21-2; MBI, 22-4; ord. Moody ch, Chicago, Sp 1, 25; tea & asst dean, MBI, 24 — . Martin, Thomas James — b, Co Down, Ulster, Ireland, Oc 10, 1899; PTS, 1922-3; AsC, 23-4; ord, Pby Dromore, Oc 16, 24; TrinCDub, 24, BA, 30, MA; miss, Manchuria, No China, 24-9; p. West ch, Wooler, Northumberland, Eng, 30—. McAfee, Wallace Taylor — b, Parkville, Mo, Oc 19, 1897; UCal, 1921; PTS, 21-2; SETS, 22-4, BD; ord, Pby San Francisco, Ap 24, 24; evang, Nanking, China, 24-8; p. Community ch. Palm Springs, Cal, 28-31; YaleUDS, 31 — . McKinney, David — b, Co Donegal, Ireland, Fb 28, 1900; TrinCDub, 22, 25, MA; PTS, 22-3; AsC, 23-4; asst p, McCuiston Mem ch, Belfast, Ire, 24-5; ord, Pby Templepatrick, Mr 5, 25; p, Dundrod ch, Belfast, 2.5 — . Merritt, Royal McKnight — b, Brooklyn, NY, Ag 28, 1884; Bril, 1907; bus, 07-18; PTS, 21-3; MeCTS, 23-4, BD; miss, NYCity, 26-7; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ja 27, 26; ss. Sea & Land ch, NYCity, 28 — . Miller, Theodore Evan — b, Chester, Pa, Ap 9, 1899; LafC, 1921; PTS, 21-2; instr. Sc & Math, AmUCairo, 22-5; WestTS, 25-8, STB; ord, Bapt, My 13, 28; UPitts, 30, MA; asst p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 26 — . Nagai, Muraji — b, Hiroshima Ken, Japan, Oc 25, 1883; MG, ThDept, 1918-21; PTS, 21-2; MeCTS, 22-4; res, Osaka, Japan. Olsson, Joseph Emanuel — b, Stockholm, Sweden, Je 13, 1887; miss, China, 1910-20; PTS, 21-3; BrU, 25, 27, MA; YaleUDS, 27, BD; ord, PEpis, Sp 18, 28; miss, China, 28 — ; res, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Pavlinec, Karel — b, Brno, Morairs, Czechoslovakia, Oc 17, 1902; Brno Gym, 21; JnHusTS, 21-2; PTS, 22-3; MeCTS, 23-5; ss, Hubbart Mem ch, Chicago, 111, 2.5-6; ord Czech-brethren Ev Ch, 26; vie, Prusenovice, Moravia, Czecho- slovakia, 26 — ; min, 30 — . Reeder, Charles Vincent — b, near London, O, J1 11, 1890; OWesU, 1912; WestTS, 12-5, BD; FreeChCGIas, 1.5-6; ord, Pby Marion, Ap 14, 15; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; miss, China, 16 — ; res, Weihsien, Shantung, China. Shirai, Keikichi — b, Niigata City, Japan, My 15, 1882; Tokyo Shinga- kusha, 1906-9; ord, Pby Tokyo, Oc 11, 09; p, Hakodate, 09-12; p, Niigata, 12-5; p, Kumamoto, 15-20; SFTS, 20-1; MeCTS, 21-3, BD; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; prof, Tokyo Shingakusha, 24-6; p, Dairen, Manchuria, 26 — . Showalter, Clarence Ernest — b, Milwaukee, Wis, Sp 28, 1900; CarC, 21; PTS, 21-2; MeCTS, 22-4; ord, Pby Milwaukee, My 1, 24; p, Cornell, Wis, 24-6; p, 1st ch, Superior, 27-32; p, 1st ch, Chicago Heights, 111, 32 — . 670 1924-1925 Smit, Albert Henry — b, Nyeveen, Holland, Oc 23, 1888; CalvC, 1921; CalvTS, 20-3; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; ord ChrRef, 24; miss, China, 25 — . Swann, George Rogers — b, Danville, Va, My 23, 1899; FurU, 1920; UVa, 20- 1, MA; PTS, 22-3; UnTSVa, 23-4, BD; prof, Eng, Ewing Coll, Ewing, 111, 24-5; CrozTS, 26-7, ThM; prof, Phil & Psych, BakerU, Baldwin, Kan, 29-30; head, Eng Dept, ElonC, 30-1; do, OuaC, 31 — . PhD, UPa, 29. Takashi, Kazuo — b, Osaka, Japan, Je 9, 1896; KobeTS, 1918; SETS, 20-3, BD; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; p, Dairen, Manchuria. Thomas, David Hugh — b. Dawn, Mo, J1 22, 1888; PkC, 1915; AubTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Cayuga, Ap 19, 18; grad stu, PTS, 23-4; miss, China, 18 — •; res, Kachek, Hainan Is, China. Vander Roest, Jan Cornelisse — b, Ysselstein, Holland, Mr 25, 1883; MBI, 1915-7; TulU; ULouisv; ColU; OmaTS, 19-20; McCTS, 20-1; UChiDS, 21- 2; KyTS, 22-3, BD; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; lie, Pby Louisville, Ap 10, 23; UnTS, 28-30; Holland. Wildasin, John Edwin — b, Littlestown, Pa, Fb 7, 1896; USArmy, 1917-9; UrsC, 20; CntlTS, 20-3, BD; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; ord RefChUS, Cl To- hickon, Oc 5, 24; p, Hilltown, Pa, 24 — . Willets, George LeRoy — b, Huntington, NY, Nv 17, 1897; USArmy, 1918-9; LafC, 21; PTS, 21-4; PrU, 24, MA; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 26, 24; p, 1st ch, Catasauqua, Pa, 24-8; p, 1st ch, Columbus, O, 28 — . Wilson, Wilbur Fisk — b, Rochester, NY, My 13, 1871; NWU, 96; miss & tea, Nanking, China, 96-1927; UnTS, 01-2; ord ME, 06; grad stu, PTS, 23-4; res, Arcadia, Cal, 27-9; p, Pleasant Valley, Conn, 29 — . Zylstra, Gerben— b, Pella, la, Sp 18, 1895; CalvC, 1921; CalvTS, 20-3; grad stu, PTS, 23-4, ThM; ord ChrRef, Cl Pella, Mr 25, 25; ss, Alamosa, Col, 24- p, 25—. 49. 1925 Arnold, Jay Hartzell — b. Zenith, Pa, Ja 6, 1896; LebVC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Abingdon, Ap 22, 26; miss, Calvin, Va, 25-6; p. Green Hill ch, Wilmington, Del, 26-32; p, Westm ch, York, Pa, 33 — . Baird, Herbert Nelson — b, Rochester, NY, My 1, 1899; URoch, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Utica, Je 8, 25; p, Ch of the Lakes, Inlet, NY, 25-8; p, 1st ch, Whitesboro, 28 — . Bennett, Elbert Lansing — b, Washington, DC, J1 1, 1899; PrU, 1922, 25, MA; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Phila North, My 13, 25; p, Wappingers Falls, NY, 25-6; asst p, 1st ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 26-8; p, 2d ch, Altoona, 28 — . Bensinger, Guy Arthur — b, Ashland, Pa, Ja 26, 1894; LafC, 1920; USArmy, 17-9; PTS, 21-5, ThB, 29-30; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 7, 24; p, Dutch Neck, NJ, 24 — . Boyer, Walter Stanley — b, Easton, Pa, Oc 26, 1898; LafC, 1922; PTS, 1925 671 22-5, ThB; miss, China, 25-7; prof. Bib, & Coll p, AlbrC, 27-9; ord UnEvCh,Fb 26, 28; BosU, 30, MA; p, Broadway ch, Pawtucket, RI, 29 — . Brahams, Raymond Irving — b, Chicago, 111, Sp 18, 1899; OccC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Je 28, 25; p. Community ch. Laguna Beach, Cal, 25 — ■. Campbell, Robert McVey — b, Greenhurst, Md, My 9, 1898; WestmCPa, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord UP, Pby Phila, Ap 20, 25; p, Allegheny ch, Pitts- burgh, Pa, 25-9; p. Morning Sun, O, 30 — . Cannon, James, III — b, Farmville, Va, Nv 30, 1892; DukeU, 1914; PTS, 15-7, 24-5, ThB, ThM; PrU, 17, MA; prof, TrinCNC, 19-25; YMCA, war service, 18-9; chap, USArmy; prof. Hist Rel & Miss, DukeU, 25 — . Coffman, Aubrey Reherd — b, Lacy Springs, Va, Mr 10, 1892; BridgC, 1915, 19, MA; BethBibS, 15; ord Ch of the Brethren, Je 17; tea, BridgC, 18-20; PTS, 23-5, ThB; p, Coventry ch, Pottstown, Pa, 20-6; tea, MtMorC, 26-32; ss, Girard, 111, 32-3; p, Martinsburg, Pa, 33 — . ThM, BethBibS, 30; ThD, EvTC, 31. Cotton, John Paul — b. Cottonwood, Minn, Ja 4, 1901; CWoos, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, My 12, 25; DrewTS, 25-7, ThM; p. Mine Hill ch, Dover, NJ, 25-7; UBer, 27-8; ColU & UnTS, 28-30; res, Bethlehem, Pa. DeWaard, John Jacob — b. South Holland, 111, Dc 30, 1893; CalvC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Milwaukee, J1 9, 25; p, 1st ch. Cedar Grove, Wis, 25 — . Dubbel, Silas Earl — b, Waynesboro, Pa, Fb 3, 1889; HarvU, 1912, 13, MA; tea, Eng, JuniC, 15-7; USArmy; PTS, 22-5, ThB, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, 2.5-6, ThM; asst prof, Eng, JuniC, 26 — ; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 20, 30; ss. Wells Valley ch. Wells Tannery, Pa, 31 — . Gapp, Samuel Vogt — b, Emaus, Pa, Ap 11, 1902; MorC, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; tea, MorC, 25-6; Alum Fell, NT Lit, UBer, 26-7; instr, Eng, UPa, 27-9; tea, Phila, Pa, 29 — . Hangen, Emerson Grabill — b, Lebanon, Pa, Ap 26, 1901; AlbrC, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 4, 25; chap, USN, 2.5—. Ice, Lloyd George — b, Lawrence, Kan, Oc 4, 1895; PkC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, 27-8; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Kansas City, Je 2.5, 2.5; p, Tamaqua, Pa, 25 — . Jamison, Milo Fisher — b, Richmond, Kan, Mr 21, 1899; OccC, 1921; PTS, 21-2, 23-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 2, 24; asst p, 1st ch, Hollywood, Cal, 2,5-8; act p, UP ch, Pasadena, 28-9; exec dir, Univ Bib Clubs, 29 — ; act p. University Presb ch, Los Angeles, 31 — . ! Johnson, Woodbridge Odlin, Jr — b, Taiku, Korea, Je 15, 1900; OccC, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 2.5, MA; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Je 28, 25; p, 1st ch, Stellarton, NS, Can, 2.5-6; prof. Bib, WestmCMo, 27-8; p, 1st ch, Phoenix, Ore, 28-9; ill health; res, Los Angeles, Cal. 23 6y2 1925 Kempers, John R — b, Sioux Center, la, Fb 19, 1900; HopeC, 21; prin; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord RefChAm, Cl West Sioux, Je 25, 25; miss, Mexico, 25 — ; res, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mex. Kerchner, George Franklin, Jr — b, Breinigsville, Pa, Ap 26, 1900; HeidC, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Toledo, Sp 29, 25; p, West Unity & Kunkle, O, 25-7; prof. Hist & Bib, D&EC, 27-32; p. Silver Creek, NY, 32— Magill, William Thomas — b, Bayonne, NJ, Dc 16, 1897; MaryvC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby West Jersey, Nv 18, 24; p, 1st ch, Cedarville, NJ, 25-8; p. Pilgrim ch, Trenton, 28 — . Masselink, Edward Johann — b, Meservy, la, My 1, 1901; GrunC, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB, ThM, WH Green Fell, Bib Theol, 25-6; SBaptTS, 26-7, 28, PhD; ord RefChAm, Cl Grand Rapids, Sp 6, 27; p. Trinity ch, Grand Rapids, Mich, 27-9; p, ChrRef ch. Burton Hgts, Grand Rapids, 29 — . Melcher, Charles Porter — b, Martinsburg, WVa, J1 10, 1900; UPa, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Phila North, My 13, 25; p, 1st ch, Manteno, 111, 25 — . Minich, John McMillan — b, Helena, Mont, My 21, 1897; UWash, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Seattle, My 17, 25; p. South ch, Easton, Pa, 25 — . Mitchell, Thomas Harvel — b, Boston, Ky, J1 14, 1889; MaryvC, 1915; tea; USArmy; PTS, 22-5, ThB; hm miss, NC, 25-7; ord, Pby Concord, Fb 8, 27; p, Indian Trail-Siler chs. Union Co, NC, 27-31; p, 1st ch. Mineral Ridge, O, 31 — . Morgan, Barney Newton — b, Lawrence Co, Mo, Oc 16, 1894; USArmy, 1917-9; PkC, 20; PTS, 20-1, 23-5, ThB; PrU, 24, MA; tea & ss, Everton, Mo, 21- 3; ord, Pby Carthage, J1 25, 25; prof. Bib, & dean. Polytechnic Inst of Porto Rico, San German, 25-9; supt, Bd Chr Wk, Santo Domingo, 29 — . Morris, Jarvis Scobey — b, Wilmar, Ark, Je 18, 1902; PkC, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB, 25-6, ThM; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 29, 25; p, Kirk- patrick Mem ch, Ringoes, NJ, 25-6; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UBer, 26-7; p. Am ch, Berlin, 26-7; p. Central ch, Russellville, Ark, 27-9; prof, Rel Edu, Polytechnic Inst of Porto Rico, San German, 29-32; grad stu, UnTS, 32-3; res. New York City. Newhouse, William Darst — b, Lebanon, Mo, Sp 25, 1898; PkC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Tulsa, Je 24, 25; miss, Lodorf, Cameroun, WAfr, 25-6; p, Bafia, 26-9; p, Metet, WAfr, 30 — . Newton, Merritt Dewey — b, Gretna, Va, Nv 16, 1898; HSC, 1921; PTS, 22- 5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Greenbrier, Nv 3, 25; miss p. Old Stone ch, Lewisburg, WVa, 25-7; p, Mary Spears Mem ch, Hitchins, Ky, 27-9; p, Bensalem Group, Hemp, NC, 29 — . Paik, Larke-June George — b, Kwak San, Korea, Mr 9, 1895; PkC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; YaleU, 25-7, PhD; ord, Pby Kansas City, J1 21, 27; prof, Rel & Hist, Chosen Chr Coll, Seoul, Korea, 27 — . Pinkerton, Marshall Sproul — b, Sparta, 111, Mr 22, 1899; MonC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Alton, Je 3, 25; PresbTSChi, 32, MA; miss, Etah, India, 25 — . 1925 673 Reeve, Warren Scott — b, Princeton, NJ, Ap 20, 1900; PrU, 22, 25, MA; PTS, 22-5, ThB; CamU, 25-6; ord, Pby Syracuse, Oc 8, 26; p, Pennside ch, Reading, Pa, 26-7; miss, Tokyo, Japan, 27-8, Osaka, 28 — . Rhoad, Edwin M — b. East Hanover, Pa, Ap 3, 1893; LebVC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB, 29-30, ThM; ord UnBreth, Oc 2, 25; p, 1st ch, Ephrata, Pa, 25 — . Schodeld, Joseph Anderson, Jr— b, Warren, Pa, Oc 23, 1897; UPa, 1922; PTS, 22-5. ThB; ord, Pby Otsego, Oc 29, 25; p, Hobart, NY, 25-30; p, Gouver- neur, 30 — •. Sexton, Hardigg — b, Rockport, Ind, Ap 20, 1895; MiaU, 1918; USArmy, 18-9; bus; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Dayton, Ap 19, 25; asst p, Westside ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 24-7; p. Hunting Ridge ch, Baltimore, Md, 27—. Sharpe, Charles Newton, Jr — b, Knoxville, Tenn, Sp 27, 1901; MaryvC, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Union, Je 4, 25; p, 1st ch, Sevier- ville, Tenn, 25-7; p, 1st ch, Cookeville, 27-9; p, 1st ch, Carbondale, 111, 29 — . Shipman, Benjamin Burnis — ^b, Carrollton, Ark, Sp 12, 1892; MoVC, 1921; OmaTS, 21-2; PTS, 23-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Ozark, Sp 8, 25; ss, Ashgrove, Mo, 25-6; asst p, Albuquerque, NM, 26-7; p, Brookfield, Mo, 27 — . Thrush, Wilbur James — b, Shippensburg, Pa, Je 9, 1897; LafC, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB, 25-7, ThM; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Je 5, 2,5; p, Amwell 2d ch, Lambertville, NJ, 25-8; p, 2d ch, Belvidere, 28 — . Warner, Doyle Donovan — b, Greenville, Ohio, Je 20, 1900; HeidC, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, RefChUS, 25; Beaver Creek, 0, 25-6; Xenia, 26-7; Green- ville, 27-9; Dayton, 30 — . Young, Theodore Cuyler— b, Moosic, Pa, Ag 16, 1900; CWoos, 22; PTS, 22-5, ThB; PrU, 25, MA; ord, Pby Wooster, My 15, 25; asst p, 1st ch, Cortland, NY, 2.5-7; miss, Resht, Persia, 27 — . 39. Allen, Edward Monington — b, Dover, NJ, My 23, 1899; LafC, 1922; PTS, 22-3; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 23-4; dir, Calhoun, Schl Calhoun, Ala, 24-7; ColU, 27-9, MA; lect, CCyNY, 28-30; prin, Mohegan Lake Schl, NY, 30 — . Baird, Philip Pollock — b, Chicago, 111, Ja 1, 1897; UOkla; bus; PTS, 1922-4; GenTS, 25; ord, PEpis pr, J1 10, 27; rec, Ch of the Advent, Medfield, Mass, & St Paul’s ch, Millis, 27; rec. Holy Trinity ch. South River, NJ, 30; rec, St Paul’s ch. Riverside, Conn, 30 — . Baker, Pinckney Martin — b, Chillicothe, Tex, Dc 18, 1898; TrinU, 1922; PTS, 22-4; ord, Pby Waco, Nv 4, 24; p, 1st ch, Forreston, Tex, 24-5; AubTS, 2.5-6; p, Arlington Hgts ch. Forth Worth, Tex, 26-7 ; p, 3d Ave ch, Corsicana, 27 — . Birkel, Augustus Henry — b, Witten, Germany, Nv 17, 1885; ColU, 17-8; RochTS, 16-8; McCTS, 18-9; ord, Pby Rochester, Je 4, 19; grad stu, PTS, 24-5; miss, Hengchow, Hunan, China, 19 — . 674 1925 Boehr, Peter J — b, Henderson, Neb, Ap 6, 1886; BethC, 1913; McCTS, 13-5; ord, Mennonite, Sp, 15; grad stu, PTS, 24-6, ThM; miss, N China, 15—; res, Kaichow, Hopei, China. Bojthe, Alexander — b, Izsa, Zupa Nitranska, Czechoslovakia, Ag 3, 1901; Ref Coll, Papa, 1915-9; Ref Theol Sem, Papa; Waldeusien Sem, Rome, Italy; BloomTS, 24; ord RefChUS, Cl Middle Hungarian, Sp 28, 24; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; res, Izsa, Zupa Nitranska, Czechoslovakia. Brillhart, Norman Craley — b, Yoe, Pa, Je 6, 1899; AlbrC, 1921; PTS, 22; UPitts, 25, MA; HarvU, 25; tea, Reading, Pa, 25 — . Bruen, Henry Munro — b. Summit, NJ, Oc 26, 1874; CNJ, 96; UnTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Newton, My 17, 99; grad stu, PTS, 1924-5; miss, Taiku, Korea, 99—. Bryan, George Plumer — b, Chicago, III, Je 10, 1900; PrU, 21; BibS, 21-2; PTS, 22-4; bus, Phila, Pa, 24—. Carlson, Harold Milford — b, Chicago, 111, Mr 20, 1898; NPkTS, 1917-20; p, Swedish Miss ch, Batavia, 111, 20-4; WheaC, 24; ord Swedish Miss Cov, Je 20, 24; grad stu, PTS, 24-6, ThM; p, Bethesda ch, Rockford, 111, 26 — . Chen, Chen-Yuan — b, Peking, China, Dc 26, 1886; Union Bib Inst, Peking, 1914-7; Peking Univ, 24; grad stu, PTS, 24-6; PrU, 26, MA; evang, Presb ch, Peiping, China, 26-30; tea, Presb Mission, Peiping, 26 — . Cotton, James Harry — b, Stephen, Minn, Je 9, 1898; CWoos, 1921; PTS, 21- 4; PrU, 26, MA; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 19, 24; asst prof, Phil, CWoos, 26-8; Joseph Cook lect, China, Korea, Japan, India, 31-2; p. Broad St ch, Columbus, O, 28— DD, CWoos, 29; PhD, PrU, 31. Dick, Anthony White — b, Sumter Co, SC, Ag 20, 1900; PresbCSC, 21; ColTS, 21-4, BD; USC, 23-4, MA; ord, Pby Congaree, Je 13, 24; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; p. West Point, Ga, 25-7; p, Moultrie, 27-32; p, Fayetteville, NC, 32—. Dodds, Walter Alexander — b. Sterling, Kan, Fb 11, 1899; UDenv, 1922; PTS, 22-4; McCTS, 24-5; ord, Pby Chicago, My 1, 25; miss, Shanghai, China, 2.5-30; NWU, 31, MA; p, 43d Ave ch, Gary, Ind, 30— Dykstra, John M — b, Onderdendam, Holland, Mr 22, 1895; CalvC, 1922; CalvTS, 21-4; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; ord ChrRef, Cl Orange City, Oc 21, 25; p, Bejou & Crookston chs, Minn, 25-9; p, 1st ch, Sioux Center, la, 29 — . Frens, Richard J — b, Freemont, Mich, Ja 19, 1898; CalvC, 1922; PTS, 22- 4, 25-6, ThM ; ord ChrRef, 25; p, Oostburg, Wis, 26-30; p, Hanford, Cal, 30 — . Gale, Robert Francis — b. Carver, Minn, Mr 24, 1895; MacalC, 1921; PTS, 22-3; UnTS, 23-4; ord, Pby St Paul, Je 17, 30; p, Shakopee, Minn, 30—. Grier, Paul Livingston, Jr — b. Due West, SC, Sp 19, 1897;ErskC, 1919; ErskTS, 22-4, BD; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; ord AssoRefP, J1 1, 25; p. Ora, SC, 25-9; ss. Greenwood, 29-31; p, Sardis ch, Charlotte, NC, 31 — . 1925 675 Grissett, Finley McCorvey— b, Garland, Ala, My 18, 1889; AlaPolyl, 1908; bus; ColTS, 17, BD; ord, Pby Macon, Ap 19, 17; ss. Lower Peach Tree, Ala, 17-9; ss. Broad St ch. Mobile, 19-20; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; miss, Came- roun, W Afr, 20 — ; res, Kribi, Cameroon, W Afr. Guenther, J(acob) Jarden — b, Phila, Pa, J1 12, 1886; HavC, 1908; UPa, 12-4; YMCA, war service; PTS, 22-3; asst rec, Ch of the Saviour, Phila, Pa, 24-5; DSPEpisCh, 25, STB; ord PEpis presbyter, Je 7, 25; asso rec, St Paul's ch. Overbrook, Phila, Pa, 26-9; DSPEpisCh, 28, STM; rec. Trinity ch, Swarthmore, Pa, 29—; dir & tea, Rel Edu, Ulverston Schl, Swarthmore, 31 — . Holtrop, Oren — b. Spring Lake, Mich, Ap 16, 1898; CalvC, 1922; CalvTS, 21-4; grad stu, PTS, 24-6, 25, ThM; PrU, 26, MA; SBaptTS, 26-7; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids, Sp 29, 27; p. East Side ch, Cleveland, O, 27 — . Hsiao, Theodore Encheng — b, Yungsin, Kiangsi, China, Oc 4, 1898; Yale-in-China, 1921; PTS, 22-3; ColU, 22, MA; NYU, 24, PhD; tea, Shanghai Bapt Coll, China, 25-6; prof, Edu, Amoy Univ, 26-7; sec. Ministry For Affairs, Chinese Nat Gov, 27, commissioner, Hunan, 27-8; sec & dir. Bureau International Information, 29; lect, Peking Natl Univ & Peiping Nat Nor Univ, 30-1; dir. Dept For Lang & prof, Edu, Peking Nat Univ, 31 — . Huissen, Christian — b, Krabbendyke, Holland, Ja 27, 1896; CalvC, 19-22, 25, BA; CalvTS, 22-3, 24-5; PTS, 23-4; ord ChrRef, Cl Sioux Center, Dc 15, 25; p, Hull, la, 25-9; p, 1st ch, Englewood, 111, 29 — . Irwin, William Steinmetz — b, Phila, Pa, My 31, 1894; JuniC, 1913-7; USArmy, 17-9; PTS, 22-6; ord, Pby Chester, My 26, 25; p, 1st ch, Beloit, Kan, 26-30; chap, Kansas State Dept, Am Legion, 30-1; p, Milford, Del, 32 — . Khoobyar, Stephen Odishoo — b, Urumia, Persia, Ap 27, 1895; Urumia Coll, 1912, ThDept, 14-7; lie, Urumia, 17; pastoral wk, Urumia chs, 15-8; elk & interp, 18-21; evang, Tabriz, 21-4; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, 31-2; evang, Tabriz, Persia, 25 — . Knappen, Marshall Mason — b, Sioux Falls, SD, Ja 6, 1901; CWoos, 21; OxU, 21-3; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; ord Cong, Ag 4, 25; asst instr. Hist, CornU, 25-7; instr. Hist, UChi, 27-8; p, 1st ch, Redfield, SD, 28-9; instr. Hist, NYU, 29; demitted min, 29; instr. Hist, UChi, 29-30, asst prof, Eng Hist, 30 — . MA, OxU, 27; PhD, CornU, 27. Kovacs, Charles — b, Kezdivarsarhely, Hungary, Ja 9, 1893; Ref Sem, Budapest, 1911-5; Univ Budapest, 15-7; lie, Transylvanian ch district, Hungary, Je 29, 20; asst min. Ref ch, Deva, Hungary, 17-8; Nagyened, 18-20; Arad, 20-3; UnTS, 23-4; grad stu, PTS, 24-6; WestTS, 26-7, STB; ord, J1 31, 27; p, Hun- garian Ref ch, Hilmerville, Ky, 25-6; p, Tonawanda, NY, 27 — . Logan, Victor William— -b. Fort William, Out, Can, Ag 21, 1901; TrinCDub, 23, 26, MA; PTS, 23-4; AsC, 24-5; asst p, McQuiston Mem ch, Bel- fast, Ire, 25-7; asst p, Cooke Centenary ch, Belfast, 27-8; ord, Presb Ch Eng, Dc 6, 28; p. Trinity ch, Ramsey, Isle of Man, 28 — . Lutley, Albert French — b, Shanghai, China, Oc 25, 1900; St John’s Coll, 676 1925 CamU, 22; PTS, 23-4, grad stu, 24-5, ThM; Ch of Eng; miss, Chengtu, Szechuen, China. Marshall, George Washington — b, Amesville, O, Ag 20, 1865; WestmCMo, 92, 95, MA; McCTS, 92-5; ord, Pby Palmyra, Ap, 95; miss. Canton, China, 92- 1915; ss, Lemoure, Cal, 15-8; YMCA, war service, 18-20; grad stu, PTS, 24-5; miss. So China, 20 — ; res, Canton, China. McGill, Ebenezer Brady — b. Kings Creek, SC, Je 25, 1892; USC, 1914-7; USArmy; ErskTS; ord, AssoRefP, Pby Arkansas, Oc 24, 20; grad stu, PTS, 24-5; ss, Bushnell, Fla, 28-31; p, Brooksville, 31 — . McMurray, Carl Walker — b, Lancaster, SC, Oc 20, 1896; PresbCSC, 1920; USN, 18-9; ColTS, 21-4, BD; USC, 23, MA; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; ord, Pby Atlanta, J1 7, 25; asst p, 1st ch, Atlanta, Ga, 25-6; p, Morningside ch, Atlanta, 25 — . Mears, Joseph Alexander — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Dc 31, 1894; MuskC, 1915-8; USArmy, 17-8; PittsTS, 19-22; ord UP, Pby Omaha, Oc 9, 22; p. So Omaha, Neb, 22-4; grad stu, PTS, 24-5; p, Reedurban ch. Canton, O, 25-6; sec, YMCA, Pittsburgh, Pa, 26-30; p, 1st ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 30 — . Miller, Arthur LeMoine — b, Frankfort, Ind, Sp 2, 1899; IndU, 1922; PTS, 22-4; McCTS, 24-5; ord, Pby Crawfordsville, My 5, 25; stu p, IndU, 25-6; stu p, UWis, 26-9; p, 1st ch, Laramie, Wyo, 30 — . Nygren, Ruben Theodore — b, Canby, Minn, Fb 27, 1899; No Park Coll, Chicago, 111, 1918-20, ThDept, 17-20; Union Theol Coll, Chicago, 20-1, ThB; ord Swedish Ev, Je 3, 21; grad stu, PTS, 24-5; ss, Pilgrim Swedish Cong ch, Brooklyn, NY, 25-6; p, Fitchburg, Mass, 27 — . Ohkawa, Jinshiro — b, Kagawa, Japan, Nv 3, 1892; MG, 1914, ThDept, 17; lie, Japanese Presb Ch, Ap, 18; PTS, 22-5; res, Takamatsu, Japan. Radcliff, Edward — b, Yonkers, NY, Dc 12, 1898; ColU, 1919; YMCA sec, 19-22; PTS, 22-5; PrU, 25, MA; p. West 44th St ch, NYCity, 25-30; ord UP, Pby Hudson, Je 24, 26; prof. Bib, RobC, 30 — . Ramsburg, Harold Dixon — b, Woodstock, Va, Nv 16, 1898; UOma, 1922; PTS, 22-3; BibS, 23-5; p. Friend’s ch, Yorktown Heights, NY, 23-4; asst p, Harlem-New York ch, NYCity, 24-5; dir, Rel Edu, Brooklyn, 25-7; ord, Pby Omaha, Ap 19, 26; dir, Rel Edu, Titusville, Pa, 27-9; dir, Dupont Community Hse, Dupont, 29 — ; res, Avoca, Pa. Reed, Arthur Grove — b, Fayoun, Egypt, My 2, 1904; MuskC, 22; PTS, 22-3; bus; res, Alexandria, Egypt. Stabley, Rufus Rhodes — b, Dallastown, Pa, Ja 8, 1901; LebVC, 22; lie, UnB, Oc 1, 21; PTS, 22-3; p, Dallastown, Pa, 25-7; tea, Wayne, Pa, 27 — . Stewart, David Rankin — b, St Louis, Mo, Mr 22, 1897; CCyNY, 1921; PTS, 21-5; ord, Pby Chester, Je 17, 24; p, Fairview ch, Glen Moore, Pa, 24 — . Sugden, William Herbert — b, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, Je 11, 1898; BuckU, 1922; PTS, 22-5, ThB; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 15, 25; CamU, 25-6; p, Westm ch, Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 26 — . 1925 677 Truitt, Howard Early — b, Summerfield, NC, Ap 28, 1885; ElonC, 1911, 12, MA; Chr Bib Inst, 12; ord Chr Ch, Nv 25, 15; p. Lost Creek, O, 14-5; p, Hagerstown, Ind, 15-7; p, Coshocton, O, 17-22; PTS, 22-3; McCTS, 23-4; p, Waverly, Va, 24-6; p, Waynesboro, 26 — . Van Cleve, Hiram Hunter — b, Waynesburg, Pa, Oc 29, 1900; MBI, 21; PTS, 22-5; ord, Pby Butler, Sp 22, 25; p, Unionville & Muddy Creek, Pa, 25-8; p. North Liberty & Center chs, 25 — ; res. Grove City, Pa. Van Dyck, Ezekiel Deyo — b. New Paltz, NV, Fb 15, 1858; NYU, 80, 83, MA; UnTS, 80-3; ord, Pby Albany, Ja 15, 84; p, Carlisle, NY, 84-90; p, Johnsonville, 90-3; grad stu, PTS, 1924-5, ThM; p, Greenville, NY, 93-1928; res, Brooklyn, NY. Van Dyken, Albert — b, Muskegon, Mich, Mr 20, 1895; CalvC, 1922; PTS, 22-4; CalvTS, 24-6, ThB; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids East, Sp 23, 26; p. East Paris, Mich, 26-30; p, Wyoming Park, 30 — . Vasady, Bela — b, Arad, Hungary, Dc 30, 1902; RC Gym, 12-20; Ref Theol Sem, Debrecen, Hungary, 20-2; CntlTS, 22-4, BD; ord RefChUS, Western Hungarian Cl, My 7, 24; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; prof, Rel Phil & Edu, Ref Theol Sem, Papa, Hungary, 25-8; prof, Dogmat, Eth & Rel Phil, Ref Theol Sem, Sarospatar, 28 — , dean, 30 — . ThD, UDeb, 27. Vernon, William Ward — b, Morristown, NJ, J1 3, 1899; ColU, 1919-22; PTS, 22-3; UnTS, 23-4; demitted ministry; bus, Provincetown, Mass, 31 — . Wachtel, Alvy Edgar — b. Mound City, Mo, Sp 14, 1886; Neb Wesleyan Univ, Lincoln, 1918; lie ME, NC Conf, Dc 2, 20; PTS, 22-3; tea, Kingswood Schl, Leesburg, Va; — Weisbecker, Homer George — b. Ft Wayne, Ind, Ja 20, 1893; MaryvC, 1920; dir, men’s & boys’ wk. Pine St ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 20-2; PTS, 22-4; McCTS, 24-5; ord, Pby Ft Wayne, My 3, 25; miss, Bangkok, Siam, 25-30; phys dir, YMCA, Ft Wayne, Ind, 30-1; ss, Oxford, 32 — . Wernecke, Herbert Henry — b, Newton, Wis, J1 24, 1895; MissHseC, 1917; MissHseTS, 17-9; WestTSMich, 19-20; ord RefChAm, Cl Pleasant Prairie, •My 12, 20; p, Baileyville, 111, 20-4; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; p, Blawenburg, NJ, 24-7; prof, Ch Hist, CntlTS, 27—. ThD, SBaptTS, 27. Williams, Thomas Duke — b, Jacksonville, Fla, Sp 5, 1898; UFla, 1920; bus; KyTS, 21-4, BD; ord, Pby Louisville, Jl, 24; grad stu, PTS, 24-5, ThM; p. Anchorage, Ky, 24-9; p, Augusta, 29 — •. *Wold, Oscar Rudolph — b, Sibly Co, Minn, Ag 11, 1874; RedWEvS, 89-91; Concordia Coll, Moorhead, Minn, 93-4; tea, 91-3; ChiLuthTS, 94-8, 1908, BD; ord Luth, Je 16, 98; miss, Hupeh, China, 98-1905; prof, Theol, RedWEvS, 07-8; miss, Fancheng, Hupeh, China, 09-12; grad stu, PTS, 24-5; pres. Union Luth Theol Sem, Shekow, Hupeh, 13-28; d, Hupeh, Oc 11, 28. Zi, Benjamin Dung-Hwe — b, Swatow, China, Mr 31, 1899; St John’s Univ, China, 1922; PTS, 22-4; HartTS, 24-5, BD, 26-30, PhD; ord, Pby Swatow, My, 26; v prin, Presb Theol Coll, Swatow, China, 31- prin, 32 — . 54. 678 1926 1926 Akimo, James Kim — b, Honolulu, Hawaii, Sp 2, 1894; Honolulu Coll, 1914; HartTS, 17-9; BibS, 19-21; PTS, 21-2, 25-6, ThB; pastoral & edu wk, Honolulu, Hawaii, 26 — . Allen, Frederick Hadley, Jr — b, Davenport, Neb, Fb 19, 1901; UNeb, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; PrlJ, 26, MA; ord, Pby So Utah, J1 28, 26; ss, Payson, Utah, 27-8; p, Avon, NY, 28—. Anderson, Llewellyn Kennedy — b, Beauharnois, Que, Can, Ap 11, 1900; McGU, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; PrU, 26, MA; miss, Bafia, Cameroon, WAfr, 26 — . Boughton, James Flint — b, Madison, Ga, Je 4, 1894; AsbC, 1916; tea; CamU, 19-20; HarvU, 20-1; PTS, 24-6, ThB, 28-9, ThM, 31; PrU, 26, MA; ord ME, Ap 10, 26; res, Delanco, NJ. Brenner, Sam Ralph — b, Cincinnati, O, Dc 2, 1897; MissHseC, 1923; MissHseTS, 23-5; PTS, 25-6, ThB, 30-2; ord RefChUS, Cl So West Ohio, Je 15, 26; p, 1st ch. Rising Sun, & St John’s ch, Florence, Ind, 26-30; p, St Paul’s ch, Milltown, NJ, 30-2; p, Christ ch, Bethlehem, Pa, 32 — . Coyle, Thomas Law — b, Everett, Wash, Dc 3, 1902; CWoos, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; PrU, 26, MA; HarvU, 26-7; ord, Pby Long Island, Sp 15, 27; ss, St James’ ch, Truro, NS, Can, 26-8; asst p, Mt Airy ch, Phila, Pa, 28-9; p, 1st ch, Milton, 29 — . Daley, Oscar Levi — b, Scranton, Pa, Dc 17, 1899; ColgU, 1922; PTS, 23-6, ThB; PrU, 26, MA; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 25, 26; asst p, 2d ch, NYCity, 26-7; p, 1st ch, Islip, NY, 28—. Dilts, William Henry — b, Wernersville, Pa, Fb 11, 1897; CWoos, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 24, 26; UnTS, 26-7; UEdin, 31-2; p, 1st ch, Matawan, NJ, 26 — . Dyett, Edmond Granger — b, Buffalo, NY, Sp 11, 1902; CornU, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Phila, Oc 4, 26; ss, Bedford, NY, 26-7; miss, Guatemala, Mexico, 27-9; p. Community ch, Wanakah, NY, 29-30; ColU, 30-1, MA; stu, UParis, 31-2; res, NYCity. French, Clarence Ford — b. Black River, NY, Mr 18, 1897; TayU, 1922; p. Home Park ch, Marion, Ind, 22-3; PTS, 23-6, ThB; p, Lincolnville, 26-7; p, Scottsburg, NY, 27-30; ord ME, Oc 14, 28; p, Greigsville, NY, 30-2; p, Lima & Hemlock, 32 — ; res. Hemlock, NY. Gilmore, Lawrence Blair — b, York, NY, Fb 7, 1899; GeneC, 1920; tea; PTS, 23-6, ThB; PrU, 26, MA; ord, Pby Steuben, Je 14, 26; SBaptTS, 26-8, ThD; p, Emmanuel ch (Independent), Morristown, NJ, 28 — . Groah, William Jennings — b. Port Republic, Va, Sp 20, 1898; RMC, 1921; tea, 21-3; PTS, 23-6, ThB, WH Green Fell, Semit Philol, 26-7, ThM; p, St James’ ch, Churchville, Va, 27-9; ord ME, Sp 30, 29; p, Franklin, WVa, 29 — . Hawkins, William Edward, Jr — b, Waco, Tex, J1 24, 1891; Polytechnic Coll, Ft Worth, Tex, 1911; VanU, ThDept, 11-3; p, Emmett Circuit, Tex, 13-5; 1926 679 ord ME, Nv 19, 15; evang, Tex, 16-7; p, Weatherford St ch. Ft Worth, 17-8; USArmy, 18-9; evang, Tex, 19-23; p, Robert Lee Circuit, 23-5; PTS, 25-6, ThB; dropped from roll, Nv, 26; radio evang; res. Ft Worth, Tex, 27 — . Howard, Joseph Adolph — b, Ja 15, 1898; RutU, 1920; tea; PTS, 22-6, ThB; ord, Pby Northumberland, Ap 18, 26; p, Montgomery & Montoursvllle, Pa. 26—. Jackman, John Earl — b, Beatrice, Neb, Ap 23, 1900; CWoos, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Steubenville, Sp 15, 25; p. Holmes, Pa, 26-30; p, 1st ch, Springfield, 26 — . Jessen, Christian Schriver — b, Aalestrup, Denmark, Nv 19, 1891; WheaC, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Long Island, Ap 14, 26; p, Circleville, NY, 26 — . Kenrick, Harold Emile — b, Kaukana, Wis, Fb 6, 1897; TayU, 1923, 23-4; PTS, 24-6, ThB; p, Savona, NY, 26-30; ord ME, Oc 14, 28; p, Clarence, NY, 30-1; p, Addison, 31-2; p, Sanborn, 32 — . King, Warren Edward — b, Laurelton, Pa, Oc 9, 1899; AlbrC, 1921; tea; PTS, 22-6, ThB; ord, Pby Lehigh, Oc 8, 26; p, 1st ch. Port Carbon, Pa, 26-30; p. Calvary ch, York, 30 — . Klaer, Alfred Lee — b, Easton, Pa, Oc 14, 1902; LafC, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Carlisle, Sp 10, 26; tea. Bib, LafC, 26-9; ss, Bangor, Pa, 27-9; ss, Cong ch, Patchogue, NY, 29; ss, Bapt Emanuel ch, Ridgewood, NJ, 29-30; UnTS, 29- 30, MA; ColTS, 29-30, MA; p, UMich, 30—. Lange, Stanley Charles — b, Cincinnati, O, Dc 30, 1896; MaryvC, 1922; IISN; tea, 22-3; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ja 24, 26; p, Chelsea ch, Atlantic City, NJ, 26-8; p, Moosic, Pa, 28 — . Latham, Lenn Learner — b, Hartford, Conn, Dc 17, 1901; UMich, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; PrU, 26, MA; ord, Pby Saginaw, Oc 1, 26; asso p, Warren Ave ch, Saginaw, Mich, 26-8; p. Calvary ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 28-32; p, Troub Mem ch, Indianapolis, 32 — . McAliley, John Richard — b, Milan, Tenn, Sp 29, 1900; CumbU, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB, 30-1; PrU, 26, MA; ord, Pby West Tennessee, Je 15, 26; p, 1st ch, Winchester, Tenn, 26-7; p, 3d St ch, St Joseph, Mo, 27-9; p, Christ ch, Trenton, NJ, 29-31; p, Dayton, 31 — . McCall, William Alexander — b. Providence, RI, Sp 3, 1897; LafC, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Providence, My 18, 1926; miss, Beirut, Syria, 27-9, Tripoli, 29 — . McKee, Paul Harper — b, Clarkson, O, Sp 30, 1898; CWoos, 1921; PTS, 21-3, 25-6, ThB; instr, AmUBeirut, 23-5; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 16, 26; asst p, & ss, Westm ch, Steubenville, O, 26-7; asst p, St Paul’s ch, Phila, Pa, 27-8; p, 1st ch. New Philadelphia, O, 28-32; p, 1st ch, Latrobe, Pa, 32 — . McPherson, Norman Spurgeon — b, Greenport, LI, NY, Je 13, 1899; ColU, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord Bapt, Ja 11, 27; p. Calvary ch, Norwich, NY, 27—. 68o 1926 Neff, Charles Harnish — b, Alexandria, Pa, Mr 4, 1902; F&MC, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB, 28-9; PrU, 26, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 25, 26; p, Tennent, NJ, 26—. Orange, John Alexander — b, NYCity, Sp 15, 1897; ColU, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Long Island, Ap 20, 26; p, 1st ch, Lehighton, Pa, 26-8; ss, Stuart Ave ch, Malverne, NY, 29- p, 30 — . Park, Hyung Nong — b, Pyuck-Tong, North Pyung-Su, Korea, Ap 29, 1897; Univ Nanking, China, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB, ThM; SBaptTS, 26-7; asst p, 4th ch, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 28-9, asso p, 29-31; tea. Bib, Soong Sil Acad & Union Chr Coll, Pyeng Yang, 28-31; ord, Pby Pyeng Yang, J1 4, 29; asst prof, Presb Theol Sem, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 31 — . Pilgrim, Eugene Wesley — b, Chicago, 111, Ap 2, 1896; TayU, 1923, Th Dept, 23-4; PTS, 24-6, ThB; p, Mt Morris, NY, 26-31; ord ME, Oc 14, 28; p. No Delaware ch, Buffalo, NY, 31 — . Sampson, James Raymond — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 2, 1894; LafC, 1922; USN; PTS, 22-6, ThB; lie, Pby Philadelphia, Je 21, 26; asst, Rel Edu, J Addison Henry ch, Phila, Pa, 26-30; res, Phila, 30 — . Steele, Robert Denham — b, Chicago, 111, Ja 26, 1901; CWoos, 22; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, My 19, 26; ss, Ridgebury, Denton & Centerville, NY, 26-7; ss, Webb Horton Mem ch, Middletown, 27-8; UEdin, 28-9; p, Herron Ave ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 29-31; asst p, Shadyside ch, Pittsburgh, 31 — . Stevens, Franklin Warren — b, Germantown, Pa, J1 19, 1899; UPa, 1922; MissTrl, 22-3; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Philadelphia North, Je 11, 26; p, 1st ch, Delaware City, Del, 26 — . Sutherland, Samuel Herbert — b, Santa Rosa, Cal, Sp 4, 1900; OccC, 22; Boys' Wk, YMCA, Pasadena, Cal; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Los Angeles, J1 23, 26; p, Grace ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 26-31; University Bible Clubs (Interde), Los Angeles, 31 — . Tamminga, Garrett Simon — b. West Sayville, NY, Ag 7, 1900; UDenv, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB, 31-2, ThM ; ord, Pby Denver, Ja 27, 27; UnTS, 29, 31 ; p, 1st ch. Golden, Col, 27 — . Thomas, Claude Henry — b, Wright Twp, Mich, My 26, 1900; WheaC, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord Bapt; miss, China, 26 — ; res, Changtze, Shansi, China. Tibbs, Albert Elias — b, Columbus, Ga, Oc 22, 1901; FurU, 22; SBaptTS, 23-4; PTS, 25-6, ThB; ord Bapt, J1 14, 25; p, Amite ch. Denim Springs, La, 26- 7; UEdin, 27-8; p, Zachary, La, 28-9; p, Carrolton Ave ch. New Orleans, 29 — ; prof, Rel Edu, Bapt Bib Inst, New Orleans, 30 — . Turkington, William David — b. Acme, Wash, Ap 25, 1893; AsbC, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; PrU, 26, MA; ord ME, Mr 7, 26; p, Lakehurst, NJ, 24-7; prof, NT Lang & Lit, AsbTS, 27 — . vanden Bosch, Ernest Dewey — b. Grand Haven, Mich, My 1, 1898; HopeC, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 26, 26; p, Weatherly, Pa, 26-30; p, Neshaminy Warwick ch, Hartsville, 30 — . 1926 68 1 Van Patten, Lowell Anderson — b, Sterling, Kan, Sp 5, 1899; SterC, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB, 27-8, ThM; ord, Pby Lamed, Je 3, 26; asst p, Westm ch, St Louis, Mo, 26-7; XenTS, 28-30; ss. Overlook ch, St Louis Co, Mo, 28 — . Viernes, Alvarico Daboda — b, Villanueva, Philippine Is, Fb 19, 1893; UnTSVa, 1922-4; PTS, 25-6, ThB; ord, Pby Dumaguete, Ap 3, 27; p. Island Siquijor, PI, 27-8; ULouisv, 31, BA; LouisvPTS, 30-1, ThM; p, Villanueva, PI, 31—. Wallace, Eunace Artemas — b, Ozan, Ark, Ag 7, 1902; COz, 23; lie, Pby Little Rock, Sp 19, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ss, Ottawa, Kan, 28-9; res, Avenel, NJ, 30—. Wessels, August Herman — b, Wellsburg, la, Nv 2, 1898; UDubq, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Westminster, My 15, 26; p, Shannford ch. Woodbine, Pa, 26-30; stu, LouisvPTS, 30-1; ss, St Luke’s Ref ch, Jeffersonville, Ind, 31; ss. Mulberry ch, Shelbyville, Ky, 31; stu, SBaptTS, 31-33; p, Mt Leigh & Eckmans- ville chs, O, 32 — ; res. Seaman, O. *Williams, Jay Corner — b, Rome, NY, Je4, 1897; HamC, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Oneida, Je 13, 26; p, Salem ch, Oshkosh, Wis, 26-9; p, 1st Welsh ch, Milwaukee, 29-32; d, Milwaukee, Wis, My 21, 32. Wilson, Robert Allan Newton — b, Pueblo, Col, Sp 27, 1898; MaryvC, 1923; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 27, 26; asst p, Westfield, NJ, 26-8; p, Grace ch. Little Rock, Ark, 28-9; ss, Rosedale Gardens ch, Plymouth, Mich, 29-30; p, Weatherly, Pa, 30 — . Wright, William Clarence — b, Los Angeles, Cal, Dc 6, 1901; USoCal, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; PrU, 26, MA; ord, Pby Monmouth, My 23, 26; p, 1st ch. Mount Holly, NJ, 26-30; p, 1st ch, Birmingham, Mich, 31 — . Zoerner, William August Hugh — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Ja 3, 1901; HopeC, 23; PTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, Pby Grand Rapids, Ap 19, 26; miss, Lahore, India, 26-7, Kasur, 27-30, Ambala City, 30 — . 46. Anderson, Robert Alexander — b, Bluefield, WVa, Oc 10, 1896; AsbC, 1921; p. Prairie View, Kan, 21-2; p, Alto, Ind, 22-3; PTS, 23-5; p, Navesink, NJ, 24- 6; ord ME, 27; p, Central ch. Point Pleasant, NJ, 27-30; p, Morganville, 31 — . Apostol, John — b, Kunszentmiklos, Hungary, Ap 9, 1903; Ref Gym Kunszentmiklos, 12-20; Ref Theol Sem, Budapest, 20-3; UDeb, ThDept, 23-5; PTS, 25-8, 26, ThM; ord RefChUS, Ap 14, 26; asst p, Tahitotfalu, Hungary, 29; asst p, Nagzkoros, 29-30; asst p, Pesterzsebet, 30-1; asst p, Pecel, 31-2; miss, Sao Paulo, Brazil SA, 32 — . Bohn, Ernest J— b, Woodford, Co, 111, J1 31, 1894; GoshC, 1923; PTS, 23-5; GarBibl, 25-6, BD; ord, Mennonite, Ag 15, 26; lict, Tirkilwa ch, Souderton, Pa, 25- p, 26—. Bronkema, Frederick — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, J1 24, 1898; CalvC, 1922; 682 1926 CalvTS, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; HarvU, 26-8, ThD; oc s, 28-9; ord RefChAm, Fb 5, 30; p, Prattsville, NY, 30 — ; ss, S Gilboa, 31 — . Buffat, Roy Samuel — b, Knox Co, Tenn, Je 7, 1897; MaryvC, 1923; PTS, 23-4; KyTS, 24-6; ord, Pby Union, Ap 13, 26; ss, Caledonia, Tenn, 26-9; p, 1st ch, Herrin, 111, 29 — . Bush, Sargent — b, Irvington, NJ, J1 8, 1893; PrU, 1917; USArmy, 17-9; ColU, 19-20; soc serv, 20-2; bus, 22-3; PTS, 23-6; ord, Pby Elizabeth, My 6, 26; p, 1st ch, Slatington, Pa, 26-31; p, Fleming;ton, NJ, 31 — . Campbell, Albert Walter — b, NYCity, Sp 14, 1901; HamC, 23; PTS, 23-5; bus & tea, 25-6; PrU, 27, MA; evang, 27-8; ord, Pby Westchester, Ja 28, 29; ss. Home St ch, NYCity, 29-31; evang, 1st Century Chr Fellowship, 31 — ; res, Ossin- ing, NY. Clark, Edward Maurice — b, Eden Prairie, Minn, Je 24, 1891; MacalC, 1915; SFTS, 15-8, BD; ord, Pby San Francisco, Mr 24, 18; UEdin, 19-20, PhD; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; miss, Kobe, Japan, 20 — . Cotterman, Athel Dale — b, Thornville, O, Mr 6, 1898; CapU, 1919; OSU, 20, MA; EvLuthTS, 21-5; lie, EvLuth, Je, 25; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; SBapt TS, 26-8; UMich, 27, MA; asst prof, Gk & Rel Edu, LuthC, 28-30, asso prof. Classical Lang, 30 — . Dale, Jesse Miller — b, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Je 9, 1901; ErskC, 22; PittsTS, 22-5, BD; lie UP, Pby Monongahela, Mr 24, 25; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; tea, Presb Jr Coll, Maxton, NC. DeJong, Jacob Arie — b. New Sharon, la, J1 28, 1898; PTS, 23-4; CntlCla, 27; WestTSMich, 24-6, ThB; ord RefChAm, Cl Pella, Sp 16, 26; p, Leighton, la, 26—. Dendy, Marshall Bertrand — b, Hartwell, Ga, Je 22, 1897; USC; ColTS, 21-2, 23-4; p, Faunsdale, Ala, 24-5, 26-7; ord, Pby Tuscaloosa, Sp 20, 25; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; p, Wylam ch, Birmingham Dist, Ala, 27-8; p, Haleyville, 28 — . Ewing, Joseph Marquis — b, Jamesburg, NJ, Je 22, 1901; PrU 23, 26, MA; PTS, 23-6; ord, Pby Northumberland, Ap 22, 26; dir, Rel Edu, 1st ch, Norristown, Pa, 26-8; p, 1st ch. Ambler, 28 — . Feher, Michael — b, Mehtelek, Hungary, Nv 12, 1900; Ref Gym, Debrecen, 20; UDeb, 20-3; NBTS, 23-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; ord, RefChAm, Cl New Brunswick, Je 16, 25; p, Beszterec, Hungary, 26-7; p, Hungarian Ref ch, Mon- treal, Can, 27 — . Goergizian, Arsen Aghajan — b. Van, Turkey, Asia, Je 19, 1889; Anatolia Coll, Marsovan, 1909; asst prin; Alliance Sem, Berlin, 12; p, Armenian Ev ch. Van, Turkey, 13-4; asst p, Bakou, Russia, 15-6; p, Tabriz, Persia, 17-8; p, Bagdad, Mesopotamia, 18-9; p at large, Armenia, 20-2; ord. Western Persia Miss, Nv 11, 22; p, Tabriz, Persia, 22-3; PTS, 23-4; gen sec, Armen Dem Liberal Party, Boston, Mass, 24-5; UnTS, 25-7, 31-2; p, Armenian Presb ch, Grantwood, NJ, 25 — . Gray, Alexander — b, Waxahachie, Tex, Ag 3, 1888; AusC, 13, 14, MA; 1926 683 UnTSVa, 14; AusPTS, 14-7, BD; ord, Pby Brazos, My 11, 17; prof, AusC, 18-25; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; p, Itasca, Tex, 26 — . Greyling, Eben-Haezer — b, Andover, CP, South Africa, Nv 30, 1898; UStell, 1919; StellTS, 21-4; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM ; SBaptTS, 26-7, ThD; ord, DRefChSAfr, Sp 30, 27; p, Tulbagh, SAfr, 27—. Grier, William James — b, Ramelton, Ireland, Nv 18, 1902; QuUBelf, 23; PTS, 23-5; AsC, 25-6; asst p, Richview Presb ch, Belfast, 26; supt, Ev Book Shop 26— ; ord Irish Ev ch, J1 20, 29; p, Lisburn Rd & Botanic Ave chs, Belfast, 29 — . Griffiths, Hall McAllister — b, San Francisco Cal, Ja 16, 1900; UCal, 22; PTS, 23-5; ord, Pby Cape Breton, Nv 9, 25; p, 1st ch, Glasgow, NS, Can, 26; p. West Branch ch, Scotsburn, 27-9; p, Hollond Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 31 — . Hargroves, Vernon Carney — b, Nansemond Co, Va, Sp 4, 1900; PrU, 22; SBaptTS, 23-5; ord Bapt, My, 24; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; PrU, 27, MA; p, Weather- ford Mem ch, Richmond, Va, 28-32; p, 2d ch, Germantown, Phila, Pa, 32 — . Hill, Ned — b, Columbia, Mo, Ag 7, 1890; p, Lakenan, Mo, 12-6; p, St Joseph, 16-8; ord ME, Ag24, 18; USArmy, 18-9; p. Rock Port, Mo, 19-23; TarkC, 20-3; PTS, 23-6; p. Bowling Green, Mo, 26-30; evang. Mo Conf, Bowling Green, 30—. Hopkins, Martin Armstrong — b, Nashville, Tenn, Oc 23, 1889; SWPresb U, 1912; UnTSVa, 12-5, BD; ord, Pby Upper Missouri, Oc 7, 15; p, 2d ch, St Joseph, Mo, 15-7; tea, China, 17-9, prin, Chinkiang, Boys’ Acad, 19-21; evang, Lutsien, Kiangsu, 21-7; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; prof, No China Theol Sem, 27 — ; res, Tenghsien, Shantung, China. Hosier, Paul Melville — b, Hancock Co, O, Oc 23, 1885; AlfU; FindC; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, My 29, 1908; miss, Kwong Tung & Kwang Sai Prov, China, 08-11; miss, French Indo China, 11-5; asst p. West ch, Wilmington, Del, 16-7; ss, Almond, NY, 17-8; YMCA, war service, 18-9; ch miss. West Orange chap. West Orange, NJ, 19-20; miss. Canton, China, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; p. Ocean City, Md, 26-7; p. East Lake ch, Wilmington, Del, 28-30; p, Schooley’s Mt, NJ, 31-2; p. Pleasant Grove ch. Port Murray, 32 — . Kamps, Jacob R--b, Zeeland, Mich, Ag 18, 1898; HopeC, 1922; CalvTS, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; ord ChrRef, Ag 18, 26; miss, China, 26-7; miss, Rehoboth, NM, 27 — . Kees, William John — b, Evanston, 111, Fb 19, J902; NWU, 23; PTS, 23-4; mail carrier, Waukegan, 111, 26 — . Kikuchi, Kenji — b, Watari, Japan, Fb 28, 1898; TohG, 1918-20, ThDept, 20-3; SETS, 24-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Sp 23, 26; p, Japanese ch, Wintersburg, Cal, 26 — •. Koert, John Leonard — b, Rotterdam, Holland, Oc 24, 1896; CalvC, 1921; CalvTS, 20-3; ord ChrRef, Cl Zeeland, Dc 21, 23; miss, ('1 Zeeland, 23-6; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; p. East Palmyra, NY, 28 — . Kooistra, Jacob George — b, Yorkville, NY, Ja 7, 1894; US.Xrmy, 1918-9; 684 1926 CalvC, 21; tea; PTS, 23-4; tea, 24-30; CalvTS, 24-5, 30-2, ThB; lie, ChrRef, Sp, 30; res. Grand Rapids, Mich. Leeder, George Brown — b, Woodlyn, Pa, Ja 1, 1898; LafC, 1923; PTS, 23-6; ord, Pby Chester, Je 15, 26; miss, Lahore, India, 27-8, Ludhiana, 28 — . Leiphart, Elmer Elwood — b, Yorkana, Pa, Fb 28, 1895; UrsC, 1919; CntlTS, 19-22, BD; ord RefChUS, Cl Phila, Je 7, 22; p, Pleasantville ch. Eureka, Pa, 22-8; grad stu, PTS, 25-7, ThM; p. Faith ch, Phila, Pa, 28 — . Lynch, Henry Arthur — b, Pottsville, Ark, Ap 17, 1885; COz, 1918; Lane TS, 16-20; ord, Pby Amarillo, Oc 26, 20; p. Hale Center, Kan, 20-1; ss. Garland, Tex, 21-2; ss. Green City, Mo, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM ; p, Geneseo, Kan, 26—. Markle, George LaClede — b, Ellwood City, Pa, Ap 12, 1896; CedC, 1925; RefPTS(GS), 21-4; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; ord, Pby Shenango, Fb 23, 26; chai), USN, 27—. McKee, Samuel Clark — b, Ningpo, China, Nv 5, 1884; OccC, 1907; SFTS, 07-8, 18, BD; AubTS, 08-10; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Sp 27, 10; miss, Hunan Prov, China, 10-25; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; miss, Hyden, Ky, 26 — . McKee, William Hugh — b, Rochester, NY, J1 31, 1898; URoch, 1922; RochTS, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; ord, Pby Rochester, My 19, 26; p, Ch of the Covenant, Baltimore, Md, 26-8; chap, Monroe Co Penitentiary, NY, 29-30; ColgRochDS, 29-30, BD; bus, Rochester, 28 — . Montgomery, William Edgar — b, Findlay, O, Je 26, 1901; CWoos, 23; PTS, 23-5; UnTS, 25-7, BD; ColU, 25-7, MA; ord, Pby Dayton, Je 12, 27; min, Rel Edu, 1st ch, Binghamton, NY, 27-32; p. Mount Auburn ch, Cincinnati, O, 32—. Mulder, Dirk H — b, Berta, Holland, Fb 23, 1893; GrunC, 1920-3; PTS, 23-4; WestTS, 24-6; ord RefChAm, My 18, 26; p, Newton Zion ch, Fenton, 111, 26-30; p, Portage, Mich, 30 — . Muzsnai, Ladislas — b, Christesti-Mureseui, Roumania, Oc 31, 1897; Ref Gym, Muras-Tirgul, 1916; Ref Sem Cluj-Kolozsvar, 16-20; ord, RefCh Transyl- vania, Je 28, 21; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; asst prof, NT, Kolozsvar Theol Sem, Hungary, 26-8; tea & p, Budapest, 28 — . Nakazawa, Toyobei — b, Kofu, Japan, Dc 30, 1883; Tokyo Shingakusha, Japan, 1908-10, ThDept, 10-3; ord, Pby Tokyo, Oc, 13; p, Nippon Christ ch, Uyeda, 13-6; p, Fusan, Korea, 16-8; p, Shizuoka, 18-25; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM ; p, Japanese Union ch, Pasadena, Cal, 26-8; p, Japanese Cong ch, San Diego, 28 — . Nelson, Byron Christopher — b, Madison, Wis, Dc 28, 1893; UWis, 1917; USArmy; ChiLuthTS, 19-20; LuthTS, 20-2; ord, Norweg Luth, Je 4, 22; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; p, Norweg Luth ch, Perth Amboy, NJ, 27 — . Nichols, Gosford Samuel — b, Columbia, Mo, Sp 21, 1893; MornC, 1923; PTS, 23-4; p, Sidney, la, 23; p. Browns Mills, NJ, 24-5; ord ME, 25; res, Des Moines, la. 1926 685 Press, Gabriel Guenther — b, Jackson, Mo, Je 25, 1871; ElmC, 90; Eden TS, 90-3; ord, Ev Syn of NA, J1 9, 93; p, West Burlington, la, 93-5; miss, Ozark Mts, 95-6; p, Wichita, Kan, 96-9; p, Denver, Col, 99-1903; p, Hollowagville, 111, 03-10; p, Dalton, 10-3; p, Peoria, 13-5; p, Cincinnati, O, 15-25; grad stu, PTS, 25-7; p, Trenton, NJ, 25-9; p, Hamilton, O, 29 — . Price, William Albert, Jr — b, Jarrettsville, Md, Fb 11, 1900; JHU, 22; PTS, 23-6; ill health; res. Street, Md, 26 — . Purdy, Ray Foote — b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 9, 1898; PrU, 1920; tea & bus; PTS, 23-5; gen sec, YMCA, PrU, 24-7; ord, Pby Brooklyn-Nassau, My 11, 28; evang, 1st Century Chr Fellowship, NYCity, 27-32; ss, St Andrew’s ch, Pretoria, Transvaal, SAfr, 32 — . Rahn, Earl Fox — b, Sassamansville, Pa, Oc 4, 1897; PrU, 21; tea; PTS, 23-4; MtATS, 24-6; ord, UnLuth, Je 10, 26; p, Ch of the Redeemer, Lancaster, Pa, 26-8; asso p, Ch of the Reformation, Rochester, NY, 28-32; p, Ch of the Incarnation, Phila, Pa, 32 — . Reed, Charles Herford — b, Phila, Pa, Dc 4, 1900; WMdC, 23; p, Wesley Chapel, Rock Hall, Md, 23-5; WestmTSMd, 25, STB ; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM ; ord MP, Oc 5, 25; p. South Amboy, NJ, 25-6; p. Fair Haven, 26-7; p, Westheight ch, Kansas City, Mo, 27-30; Kansas City Bapt Theol Sem, 28, ThD; p, Westville, NJ, 30—. Rees, William H Warren — b, Covington, Ky, J1 23, 1893; ord ME, Sp, 1914; CPugS, 16; p, ME ch, Puget Sound Conf, 11-9; ss, Kapowsin, 20-1; ord, Pby Central Washington, Oc 3, 21; p, Wapato, 21-3; PTS, 23-5; p, Milford, NJ, 23-5; p, Mattituck, NY, 25-31; ss, Sunray, Tex, 31 — . Remaly, Mervyn Wilson — b, Mazeppa, Pa, Agl, 1892;USArmy; IndCntlU, 1922; PTS, 22-6; ord, Pby Northumberland, My 15, 25; ss, Elysburg & Rush, Pa, 24-7; p, Jersey Shore, 27 — . Rettew, Chester Elijah — b, Columbia, Pa, Oc 4, 1890; LebVC, 1912; BoneTS, 12-5, BD; ord UnB, Oc, 15; p, Halifax, Pa, 15-7; p. New Holland, 17-20; miss, Philippine Is, 20-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; p, 1st ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 26-9; p, St Mark’s ch. Mount Joy, 29 — . Roberts, David Worth — b, Wilmington, NC, Sp 4, 1897; DavC, 1921; UnTSVa, 23-4, BD; ord, Pby East Hanover, Je 8, 24; asst p, 2d ch, Richmond, Va, 24-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM ; asso p, 3d ch. New Orleans, La, 26- p, 27 — . Rottschafer, William O — b, Holland, Mich, Mr 29, 1898; HopeC, 1923; PTS, 23-5; bus. Grand Rapids, Mich, 24 — . Rozendal, John Renze — b. Summit, 111, Dc 29, 1899; CalvC, 1922; Calv TS, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM ; UChiDS, 26-7 ; ord ChrRef, Cl Orange City, Mr 23, 28; p, Hawarden, la, 28 — . Rubingh, John — b, Graafschap, Mich, Mr 18, 1895; CalvC, 1925; CaIvTS, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; UnTSVa, 26-7; ord ChrRef, Cl Sioux Center, Oc 30, 27; p, Holland Center ch, Lodgepole, SD, 27 — . Shum, Tsun Chiu — b. Canton, China, Sp 30, 1882; Chr .Alliance Bib Schl, 686 1 92 6 Wuchow, 1906-9; ord, Pby West China, Mr 1, 16; PTS, 23-4; ss, Chinese ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 28; res, Reno, Nev. Shute, Clarence — b, Chicago, 111, J1 30, 1903; AsbC, 23; ColU, 25, MA; asst prof, Eng, AsbC, 25-7; prof. Psych & Edu, Trevecca Coll, Nashville, Tenn, 27- 30; stu, George Peabody Coll for Teachers, Nashville, 29-30; ColU, 30-2; prof, Chr Edu, NatBI, 30 — . Smart, Thomas — b, Galachick, Scotland, Nv 21, 1895; PrU, 1924; PTS, 23-4; instr, Eng, LincU, 24-5; PresbTSChi, 25-8, BD; ord, Pby Detroit, Je 17, 28; NWU, 30, MA; p, 1st ch, Rensselaer, Ind, 28 — . Smetanka, Bohumil — b, Bukovina, Czechoslovakia, Ag 10, 1902; Chrudimi Gym, 1922; JnHusTS, 22-4; Fac de Theol Prot, 24-5, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; ord RefChBohemBreth, Mr 27, 27; vie, Sloupnice, Czechoslovakia, 27 — min, 28- 30; min, Chrudimi, 30 — . Sobrepena, Enrique Calica — b, Bauang, La Union, Philippine Is, Mr. 2, 1899; MacalC, 1925; PTS, 23-5; ord, Pby Brooklyn-Nassau, Oc 18, 25; DrewTS, 25-6, BD; p. United ch, & prof. Union Theol Sem, Manila, PI, 26—. Mod, UnEvCh, PL Solla, Andrew George — b, Morcone, Italy, My 1, 1894; LineJefU, 1925; BloomTS, 23; ord, Pby Phila, My 7, 23; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; ss, ch of Our Saviour, Bristol, Pa, 23 — . Sprunt, James — b. Rock Hill, SC, Ja 24, 1901; DavC, 22; UnTSVa, 23-5, BD; ord, Pby Charleston, Ap 23, 25; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; p. Chase City, \^a, 26-30; p, Knox ch, Norfolk, 30 — . Stuckey, Melvin Atwood — b, Paris, O, Je 7, 1899; AshC, 1924; ord Breth- ren Ch, J1 9, 22; AshTS, 24-6, BD; PTS, 23-5, grad stu, 26-7, ThM; prof, Homil, Prac Theol & Ch Hist, AshTS, 27—. Terrell, Irby D — b, Clayton Co, Ga, Mr 4, 1892; PresbCSC, 1916; USC, 19, MA; ColTS, 16-9, BD; ord, Pby Norfolk, Je 29, 19; asst p, 1st ch, Norfolk, Va, 19-22; p. Ocean View ch, Norfolk, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; ss, 1st ch, Kinston, NC, 27-8; p, Buena Vista, Va, 28 — . Thompson, William Wallace — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 4, 1901; TSRefEpisCh, 22- 5; ord RefEpis, Je 14, 24; rec, Grace ch, Havre de Grace, Md; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, 29-30; p, Presb ch, Elkton, Md, 31 — . Timmer, Gerrit — b, Herried, SD, My 25, 1892; HopeC, 1918; WestTS Mich, 18-21, BD; tea, Orange City, la, 21-5; ord RefChAm, Cl Dakota, Nv 1, 23; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; p, 2d ch, Jamestown, Mich, 26-9; p, Abbe ch, Clymer, NY, 29—. Toku, Noriyoshi — b, Kagoshima, Japan, Mr 16, 1892; Kobe Kwansei Gakuin, Japan, 1915, ThDept, 15-8; ord ME, Mr 18, 23; grad stu, PTS, 25-7, ThM, 26; res, Los Angeles, Cal. Walker, George — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ag 20, 1893; QuUBelf, 1923; PTS, 23- 4; ord, PresbChEng, N\' 20, 29; p. Park ch, Middlesbrough, York, Eng, 29 — . 1926-1927 68; Wallace, Thomas Avery — b, Ava, Mo, Oc 24, 1893; JnFlC, 1923; lie ME, Ap 19, 21; PTS, 23-4; p. Union, NJ, 25; res, Ava, Mo; — Weaver, William Merval — b, Madera, Pa, Sp 27, 1899; TemU, 1923; PTS, 23-6; ord, Pby Westminster, Ap 25, 26; p. Pine Grove ch, Sunnyburn, Pa, 25 — . Wernecke, Gilbert Oscar — b, Newton, Wis, Dc 15, 1897; MissHseC, 1923; MissHseTS, 23-4, 25-6; PTS, 24-5, 26-7, ThM; ord, RefChUS, Cl Sheboygan, Je 13, 26; p, Carrothers, O, 27-30; p, Campbellsport, Wis, 30 — . Westphal, George Clarence — b, Jamaica, BWI, Fb 24, 1903; MorC, 23; MorTS, 23-5, BD; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; ord, Moravian ch, My 30, 26; p, Ephraim, Wis, 26-31; p, Indianapolis, Ind, 31 — . Whittemore, Norman Clark — b, Brooklyn, NY, Je 7, 1870; YaleU, 92; UnTS, 92-5; YaleUDS, 95-6; ord, Pby Westchester, J1 12, 96; miss, Korea, 96- 1924; grad stu, PTS, 25-6; tea, HartTS, 26-9; miss, Seoul, Korea, 29 — . Wilson, Parks Watson — b, Maysville, Ga, Sp 2, 1898; PresbCSC, 1920; ColTS, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; p, 1st ch, Ashland, NJ, 25-6; p. West Ave ch, Charlotte, NC, 27-8; ord, Pby Bethel, Ap 14, 29; asst p, 2d ch, Memphis, Tenn, 29-31; p, Harrisonburg, Va, 32 — . Ylvisaker, Johannes Wilhelm — b, Robbinsdale, Minn, Ap 18, 1900; LuthC, 21; LuthTS, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; ord, NorwegLuth, Ag 29, 26; p, Northwood & Shell Rock chs, Northwood, la, 26 — . Youn, Ha Young — b, Wiju, Korea, Ag 6, 1889; Union Theol Sem, Pyeng Yang, 1920; ord, PresbCh, Korea, Ag, 22; p. New Town Kusyung, Korea, 22-3; p, Wiju, 23-4; grad stu, PTS, 25-9; p, 1st ch, Singishu, Korea, 29 — . Young, William Wylie — b, Ellsworth, O, Ag 10, 1898; CWoos, 1921; BibS, 22-3; PTS, 23-6; p, 2d ch, Cranbury, NJ, 24-9; ord, Pby Wooster, Je 17, 25; p, 3d ch, Toledo, O, 29 — . Yusuf ji, Habib — b, Uyjain, India, 1895; GorC, 1919-23, ThB; ColgU, 25; lie, Bapt, My 13, 25; grad stu, PTS, 25-6, ThM; prof. Hist of Rel, Leonard Theol Coll, Jubbulpore, India, 26 — . 75. 1927 Alison, Valentine Smith — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 25, 1901; HamC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Connecticut Valley, My 16, 27; p, 1st ch, Springfield, Mass, 27 — . Allen, Harry Warren — b, Minneapolis, Minn, Dc 6, 1900; UWash, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Pictou, Jl 5, 27; p, St Andrew’s ch, Westville, NS, Can, 27-31; p, 1st ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 31 — . Armstrong, Klair Long— b, Coatesville, Pa, Nv 2, 1898; LafC, 1921; PTS, 21-2, 25-7, ThM; tea, AmUCairo, 22-5; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Chester, Je 17, 27; miss, Tabriz, Persia, 27 — . Bowman, Karl Watson— b, Brownsville, Pa, Mr 31, 1901; CWoos, 24; 688 1927 PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Redstone, Je 12, 28; miss, India, 29 — ; res, Dehra Run, UP, India. Butler, James Wright, Jr — b, Clifton, Tex, Ag 1, 1902; PrU, 23; bus, 23-4; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Westchester, Oc 6, 27; p, Mt Kisco, NY, 27 — . Christensen, Bernhard Marinus — b, Porterfield, Wis, Oc 21, 1901; AugsC, 22; AugsTS, 22-5; lie, LuthFreeCh, Je 11, 25; prof. Bib & Hist, Oak Grove Sem, Fargo, ND,25-6; PTS, 26-7, ThB,ThM; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UBer, UGot, 27-8; asst p, Bethany Luth ch, Brooklyn, NY, 26-7; asst p. Trinity ch, Brooklyn, 28-30; Hart TS, 28-9, PhD; prof, Phil, AugsC, 30-1; prof, Theol, AugsTS, 31 — . Cooley, Gladstone Paul — b, Middletown, Va, Ag 28, 1899; LebVC, 1924; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Newton, J1 20, 27; p, 1st ch, Bloomsbury, NJ, 27—. Darling, John Herrick Hiram — b, Petersburg, Ind, Mr 8, 1900; WRU, 23; PTS, 23-7, ThB, 30-1; ord, Pby Monmouth, J1 6, 27; p, 1st ch, Lakewood, NJ, 28—. Dickson, James Ira — b, Dalzell, SD, Fb 24, 1900; MacalC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Toronto, My 26, 27; miss, PresbChCan, Formosa, Japan, 27 — . Duff, Clarence Walker — b, Mt Jackson, Pa, Je 1, 1899; WestmCPa, 1922; tea; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Shenango, Je 22, 27; ss, Pennside ch, Reading, Pa, 27; miss. Hosanna, Kambata, Southern Ethiopia, 27 — . Ellis, Calvert Nice — b, Chicago, 111, Ap 16, 1904; JuniC, 23; ord, Ch of the Brethren, My 31, 22; PTS, 24-7, ThB;, PrU, 27, MA; act prof, Eng Bib, WilsC, 27-8; grad stu, YaleU, 28-31; asst prof. Bib, JuniC, 31 — . Fowler, Frederick Curtis, II — b, Denver, Col, Dc 2, 1901; PrU, 24, 27, MA; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Seattle, Ag 12, 27; p, English ch. Marietta, Pa, 27-30; p, 1st ch. Mount Union, 30 — . Fowler, Paul Main — b, Storry Co, la, Sp 2, 1901; laSC, 24; MeCTS, 24-5; PTS, 25-7, ThB; ord, Pby Des Moines, Oc 27, 28; p, Winterset, la, 27-31; p, Knox ch, Sioux City, 31 — . Fuller, Whitman Hamilton — b, Geneva, NY, Mr 14, 1900; AusC, 23; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Toronto, J1 14, 27; p, St Andrew’s ch, Markham, & St James’ ch, Stooffville, Ont, Can, 27 — . Ginter, John Henry — b, Lancaster Co, Pa, Sp 26, 1896; AlbrC, 1924; PTS, 24-7, ThB, 31, ThM; ord UnEv, My 10, 25; p, 1st Presb ch, Hopewell, NJ, 28—. Goertz, John Philip Henry — b, NYCity, J1 18, 1901; AmhC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Brooklyn-Nassau, Sp 28, 27; p, RefChAm, Port Ewen, NY, 27—. Good, Reynolds Edward — b, Salladasburg, Pa, Ap 16, 1903; PaSC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Northumberland, Ap 20, 27; p, Mizpah ch, Phila, Pa, 27-8; miss, Matto Grosso, Brazil, SA, 28 — . 1927 689 Gwynne, John Harold — b, Carmichaels, Pa, Je 6, 1899; CWoos, 1924; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Blairsville, Je 14, 27; p, 1st ch, Windber, Pa, 27—. Harrison, Everett Falconer — b, Skagway, Alaska, J1 2, 1902; UWash, 23; BibILA, 23-4; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby St Louis, My 23, 27; p. River John, NS, Can, 27-8; instr, Heb & OT, EvTC, 28-30; miss, Hunan Bib Inst, Changsha, China, 30 — . Haynes, Irving Merritt — b, Niagara Falls, NY, Ap 14, 1902; OccC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Niagara, Ap 19, 27; p, Wappingers Falls, NY, 27 — . Helwig, Frederic William — b, Denver, Col, Mr 20, 1899; PkC, 1924; PTS, 24-5, 26-7, ThB; LaneTS, 25-6; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 21, 27; p, Califon, NJ, 27—. Hostetter, Meyer Moyer — b, Lebanon, Pa, Mr 12, 1903; Leb\’C, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; YaleUDS, 27-8; ord, Pby Chester, Je 28, 28; TemU, 28-30, STD; p, Faggs Manor ch, Cochranville, Pa, 28 — . Jones, Edward Henry — b, Wales, la, Oc 22, 1903; OccC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 15, 27; p, Gettysburg, Pa, 27-31; p, State College, 31 — . Kinsler, Arthur Rutter, Jr — b, Germantown, Pa, Dc 30, 1902; MaryvC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB, 28, ThM; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 11, 27; res, Haddon- field, NJ, 28-30; ss. North ch, Cleveland, O, 31 — . Krecker, Joseph Willard — b, Friedensburg, Pa, Nv 6, 1898; AlbrC, 1920; BibS, 20-1, 24-6; tea, St Clair, Pa, 21-4; PTS, 26-7, ThB, ThM; p, Grace ch, Williamsport, Pa, 27-31; ord UnEv, Mr 4, 29; p, Christ ch, York, Pa, 31 — . Landon, Kenneth Perry — b, Meadville, Pa, Mr 27, 1903; WheaC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Erie, My 9, 27; miss, Trang, Siam, 27 — . Laurie, James Woodin — b, Bellingham, Wash, Sp 10, 1903; CoeC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Oc 6, 26; p, 2d ch, Rahway, NJ, 27—. Maclay, Charles Wylie — b, Shippensburg, Pa, Sp 2, 1900; LafC, 23; PTS, 23- 7, ThB; ord, Pby Carlisle, My 23, 27; ss, Fannettsburg, Pa, 25- p, 27 — . MacRae, Allen Alexander — b. Calumet, Mich, Fb 11, 1902; OccC, 22, 23, MA; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Je 28, 27; UBer, 27-9; instr, Semit Phil & OT Crit, WestmTS, 29-30; asst prof, OT, 30 — . McComb, John Hess — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 7, 1898; UPa, 1923; reporter; PTS, 24- 7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Newark, Ja 10, 27; p. Calvary ch, Newark, NJ, 27-9; p. Forest Park ch, Baltimore, Md, 29 — ; lect, Homil, WestmTS, 31 — . McDowell, Quincy Alonzo — b, Wolfcreek Twp, Pa, Ap 1, 1899; GrovCyC, 1923; prin, 22-4; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord UP, Pby Butler, Je 17, 27; p, Caledonia ch, PEI, Can, 27-9; p, St Andrew’s ch, Syndey Mines, NS, 29 — . McKim, William Robert — b, Beaver Falls, Pa, Ap 19, 1896; GeneC, 1920; 690 1927 USArmy, 17-9; bus; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Beaver, Ap 18, 27; p. Calvary ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 29 — •. Miller, Robert Arthur — b, Fostoria, O, Je 28, 1898; HeidC, 1924; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord RefChUS, Sp 18, 27; p, Sycamore, O, 27-8; evang, Mich, 28; prof, Peniel Bib Inst, Dayton, O, 28 — . Morledge, Joseph Scott — b, Cumberland, O, Mr 3, 1901; GrovCyC, 22; tea, 22-4; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Washington, Je 2, 27; p, Mt Prospect ch. Hickory, Pa, 27-30; p, 3d ch, Washington, 30 — . Murray, John — b, Creich, Scotland, Oc 14, 1898; UGlas, 1923, MA; Theol Hall, Free Presb Ch, Scotland, 23-4; PTS, 24-7, ThB, ThM; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Syst Theol, UEdin, 28-9; instr, Syst Theol, PTS, 29-30; instr, Syst Theol, WestmTS, 30 — . Peters, Victor Wellington — b, Kansas City, Mo, Sp 29, 1902; USoCal, 24; PTS, 24-8, ThB, ThM; ord ME, Korea, Sp 28, 30; evang, Seoul, Korea, 28 — , asst supt, Seoul City Miss, 31 — . Rian, Edwin Harold — b, Minneapolis, Minn, Ap 27, 1900; MBI, 1921; UMinn, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 13, 27; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, UBer, 27-8; asst p, 1st ch, Westfield, NJ, 28-31; field rep, WestmTS, 31 — . Riddick, Roland Parker — b, Nimmo, Va, Ap 7, 1902; RMC, 22; tea, 22-3; PTS. 23-7, ThB, ThM; p, Urbanna, Va, 27-31; ord ME, Oc 21, 28; p, Franktown, Va, 31—. Sanders, Albert Janies — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Ag 15, 1900; WheaC, 24; PTS, 24-7,' ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 28, 27; miss, Tacloban, Leyte, Philippine Is, 27-9, Catbalogan, Samar, 29 — . Shaw, Samuel Benjamin — b, Brockway, Pa, Oc 22, 1900; GrovCyC, 23; tea, 23-4; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord, Pby Westminster, My 26, 27; p, Hopewell ch. Laurel, Pa, 27 — . Simpson, John Francis Minor — b, Mahoningtown, Pa, J1 5, 1891; HSC, 1911-4; Boys’ Wk, YMCA; USArmy; PTS, 24-8; ss, Oxford & Pugwash, NS, Can, 30; ss, Knox ch, Morden, Mani, 30-1; ord, Pby Edmonton, Dc 8, 31; ss, Westm ch, Chauvin, Alberta, 31 — . Stonehouse, Ned Bernard — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Mr 19, 1902; CalvC, 24; PTS, 24-7, ThB, ThM; Alum Fell, NT, FreeUAmster, 27-8, 29, ThD; UTueb, 28-9; ord, Pby Phila, Ap 3, 32; instr, NT, WestmTS, 29-30, asst prof, NT, 30 — . Van Horn, Charles Ferdinand, Jr — b, Phila, Pa, Oc 1, 1890; PTS, 1924-7; ord, Pby Chester, Je 28, 27; p. Honey Brook, Pa, 27-32; p, South Amboy, NJ, 32—. Van Peursem, William — b, Orange City, la, Ag 26, 1901; GrunC, 21-4; PTS, 24-7; CalvTS, 27-8; ord, ChrRef, Sp 4, 28; p, Zutphen, Mich, 28-32; p, Sher- man St ch. Grand Rapids, 32 — . Van’t Hof, William— b, Alton, la, Mr 24, 1899; HopeC, 1924; PTS, 24-7, ThB; ord RefChAm, Cl East Sioux, Je 29, 27; p, Mariners Harbor, NY, 27 — . 1927 691 West, Donald Kirkland — b, Craig, Mo, Oc 16, 1902; CoeC, 24; PTS, 23-7, ThB; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Ja 2, 27; asst p, 2d ch, Kansas City, Mo, 27-8; asst p, 2d ch, Rahway, NJ, 29-30; miss, Weihsien, Shantung, China, 30 — . Williams, Floyd Revell — b, Louisville, Ky, Nv 22, 1905; CumbU, 24; PTS, 25-7, ThB; ord, Pby Louisville, J1 3, 27; PrU, 27, MA; ss, Washington St ch, Winchester, Ky, 27-9; prof, Gk & Lat, CumbU, 29-31; stu, VanU, 31-2; res, Louisville, Ky, 32 — . Woodbridge, Charles Jahleel — b, Chinkiang, China, Ja 24, 1902; PrU, 23; tea, Univ, Nanking, China, 23-4; PTS, 24-7, ThB; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 13, 27; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UBer, 27-8; UMarb, 28; p, 1st ch. Flushing, NY, 28-32; miss, French Cameroun, WAfrica, 32 — . 48. Arpee, Edward — b, Constantinople, Turkey, My 14, 1899; PrU, 1922; tea, 22-4; PTS, 24-7; p, New Hope ch. Coal City, 111, 27-30; ord, Pby Chicago, Ja 31, 28; tea, LkFAcad, 30 — . Bachtell, Ray William — b, Medina, O, Ag 10, 1881; OccC, 1908; AubTS, 08-9; SFTS, 09-11; ord, Pby Los Angeles, My 15, 11; grad stu, PTS, 26-7; miss, Chringrai, Siam, 11 — . Blevins, Ernest I — b, Mansfield, Mo, Oc 4, 1896; JnFlC, 1923; BibS, 23-4; PTS, 24-5; p, ME chs. Crosswick & Ellisdale, NJ, 26-7; p, Franklinville, 27-8; p, Heislerville, 28-9; tea, Murphy Coll Inst, Severville, Tcnn, 29-30; p, Fingley, la, 30— . Buswell, Karl Porter- b, Watertown, Wis, Ja 22, 1898; UMinn, 1920; instr, Canton Chr Coll, China, 20-3; YMCA sec, Jerusalem, Palestine, 25-7; PTS, 24-5; SFTS, 27-9, BD; ord, Pby Benicia, Ap 10, 29; asst p, Immanuel ch, Los Angeles, Cal, 29-32; p. Trinity ch, Tuscon. Ariz, 32. — Douglass, Clarence Wilson — b, Cambridge, O, Nv 28, 1858; PTS, 1924-5; miss, Shanghai, China, 98-1932; hon re, 33; res, Pasadena, Cal, 33 — . Fulton, Austin Alfred — b, Deanfield, Londonderry, Ireland, Oc 17, 1901; UDubl, 24, 29, BD, 30, MA; M’CMageeC, 24-5; PTS, 25-7; AsC, 27-8; asst p, Westbourne ch, Belfast, 28-9; ss, Scarva St ch, Bainbridge, 29-30; ord, Pby Deny, J1 27, 30; miss, Manchuria, 31 — . Genso, John Frederick — b, Baltimore, Md, Ja 28, 1884; PTS, 1924-5; miss, Seoul, Korea, 08 — •. Hall, John Morgan — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 1, 1897; MaryvC, 1924; PTS, 24-6; tea & prin. Highland Schl, Guerrant, Ky, 30 — . Hay, Ellis Walker — b, Roanoke, Va, Nv 23, 1902; HeidC, 24; PTS, 24-6; YaleUDS, 26-7, BD; asst j). Trinity Ref ch, Detroit, Mich, 27-9; ord, RefChUS, My 27, 28; asso p, 1st Cong ch, Toledo, O, 29-31; p, 1st ch, Indianapolis, Ind, 31— . 692 1927 Kerchner, John Frederick — b, Breigusville, Pa, Ja 5, 1902; HeidC, 24; PTS, 24-6; res, Macungie, Pa; — Klosterboer, John Meyer — b, Weener, Germany, J1 21, 1891; UDubq, 1918; DubqTS, 18-20; McCTS, 20-1, BD; ord, Pby Dubuque, Ap 21, 21; ss. Stout, la, 21-2; ss, tea, SD, 23-4; ss, Riley, Kan, 24-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-8; p, Waukon, la, 29 — . Knappen, Laurence Stevens — b, Sioux Falls, SD, Fb 23, 1898; UWis, 1920; bus; PTS, 24-5; res. Orange, NJ. Kohler, Fillmore Thurman — b, Yoe, Pa, Fb 9, 1888; LebVC, 1910; BoneTS, 10-3, BD; ord UnB, Oc 12, 13; p, Duncannon, Pa, 13-7; p. West Fair- view, 17-9; p, Lemoyne, 19-22; p, Keedysville, Md, 22-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; p. Mount Wolf, Pa, 27 — . La Motte, Louis Cossitte — b, Columbia, SC, Mr 3, 1902; PresbCSC, 22; use, 22-5; ColTS, 22-5, BD; ord, Pby North Alabama, Nv 15, 25; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; p. Fort Payne, Ala, 25-9; p, 1st ch, Waycross, Ga, 29 — . Land, Edward Roy — b, Lott, Tex, My 8, 1900; DanBakC, 22; tea, 22-3; farming, 23-4; PTS, 24; res, Santa Anna, Tex, 25 — . Lange, Ulrich — b, Abberode, Harz, Germany, My 2, 1902; Halberstadt Gym, 20; UGreifs, 20-2; UMarb, 22; UHalle, 22-3; ord, Ev Ch, My 23, 26; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; ss, Wansleben, Germany 27; p. to German seamen, Methil, Scotland, 28; p, Saxdorf, Germany, 29 — . Lee, Calvin — b, Kwangtung, China, Nv 13, 1898; BiblLA, 1922-3; WheaC, 24; PTS, 24-5; miss, Wuchow, South China, Lee, Eugene Winfred — b. Canton, SD, Fb 28, 1894; StOC, 1916; USArmy, 17-9; tea, 16-21; LuthTS, 21-4; dean of men, Luth Norm Schl, Canton, SD, 24-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; p. Community ch, Hempstead, NY, 26-7; ord Nor- weg Luth, Nv 6, 27 ; ColU, 27-8; p, St Paul’s ch, St Maries, Ida, 28-30; p, Klamath ch, Klamath Falls, Ore, 30 — . Lier, Earle Gerhardt — b, Ashby, Minn, J1 28, 1898; UMinn, 1922-4; PTS, 24-7; Potomac Univ, Washington, DC, 28, ThDept, 27-8, ThD; ord PEpis pr, Mr 1, 28; vie, Epiphany chap, Washington, DC, 27-9; cur, Ch of the Incarnation, NYCity, 29-32; rec, Christ ch, Tarrytown, NY, 32-3; rec, St George’s by-the- River, Rumson, NJ, 33 — . Love, Clarence Young — b, York, SC, Je 3, 1877 ; ErskC, 1900; tea; PittsTS, 03-6, BD; ord UP, Pby Rock Island, Je 4, 07; p, Aledo, 111, 07-8; p, Charlotte, NC, 08-9; p, Des Moines, la, 10-3; MonC, 12, MA; p, Janesville, Wis, 13-8; p, Paxton, 111, 18-9; p, Plainfield, 19-22; p, Salineville, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; p, Newville, Pa, 25 — . Love, William Edmund — b, Memphis, Tenn, My 28, 1898; PrU, 1922; Coll of Phys & Surg, NYCity, 22-3; UPa, Med Schl, 23-4; PTS, 24-5; tea, Lake Mohonk, NY; res, NYCity. Mabuce, John Oberlin — b, Bessville, Mo, Sp 24, 1896; McKC, 1923; p. 192 7 693 St Louis, Mo, 23-4; ord ME, Sp 28, 24; PTS, 24-5; DrewTS, 25-7, BD; p, Addi- son, NY, 27-30; p, Grace ch. Corning, 30 — . McConnell, Harry Waldron — b, Cadiz, O, Ja 11, 1892; FrankCO, 1916; WestTS, 16-8; AubTS, 19-20; ord, Pby Kittanning, Oc 10, 20; p, Penfield, Pa, 23; p, Mt Clemens, Mich, 24; grad stu, PTS, 26-7; p, Grace ch, Camden, NJ, 27-32; p, Waterloo, NY, 32 — . Milton, John Peterson — b, Gowrie, la, Sp 4, 1897 ; GusAdC, 1918; YaleU, 19-20; AugTS, 20-3, BD; ord Luth, Je 10, 23; p, Zion ch, Anoka, Minn, 23-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; tea, AugTS, 28-31; p, 1st ch, St Paul, Minn, 31 — . Mollenauer, Ernest James — b, Montra, O, Ja 25, 1899; CapU, 1921; bus, 22- 4; EvLuthTS, 25-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; ord, Luth Joint Syn Ohio, Dc 1, 26; p, Bethlehem ch, NYCity, 26-7; p, St John's ch, Shenandoah, Pa, 27-30; p, St John’s ch, Syracuse, NY, 30 — ■. Nelson, Roscoe Thomas — b, Havana, Ark, Dc 2, 1893; ErskC, 1915; prin, 15-6; ErskTS, 16-8; ord AssoRefP, Pby Arkansas, Je 10, 18; p, Bethany ch, Gun- town, Miss, 18-20; prin, Havana, Ark, 20-2; p. White Oak ch, Newnan, Ga, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; p, Rosemark ch, Kerrville, Tenn, 25 — . Oguri, Jonathan Jozo — b, Tokyo, Japan, Mr 12, 1902; MG, 20-3, ThDept, 23- 6; grad stu, PTS, 26-8, ThM; PrU, 28, MA; sec, Japanese Chr Asso, NYCity, 29- 30; p, Oguri Biblical Study Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 32 — Osborn, Lester Glen — b, Milton, Wis, My 26, 1894; USN, 1917-8; UCal, 23; AlfTS, 23-4; p. Seventh Day Bapt Ch, Nile, NY, 23-5; PTS, 25-6; AubTS, 26-7; ord. Seventh Day Baptist, J1 2, 27; p, 1st ch, Verona, NY, 26-30; evang, 30- 1; act p, Los Angeles, Cal, 32 — . Peelen, Jacob H -b, Sioux Center, la, Ap 2, 1901; HopeC, 23; WestTS Mich, 24-5, 26-7, ThB; PTS, 25-6; ord, RefChAm, My 17, 27; .ss, Presb ch, Mc- Bain, Mich, 27-8; dir. Gospel Mission, McBain, 28 — . Reid, William, Jr — b, Aberdeen, Scotland, Kb 8, 1903; LafC, 24; PTS, 24-5; bus. West Orange, NJ, 25 — . Rizzo, Samuel Sydrack — b, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Fb 17, 1903; Atheneu Valenciano Gym, 21; Presb Sem Campinas, 21-5, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Minas, Brazil, Dc, 25; asst p, Sao Paulo, 25-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; miss, Portu- guese Mission, NYCity, 28-9; miss, Newark, NJ, 29 — . Rutgers, William Henry — b. Firth, Neb, Oc 28, 1898; CalvC. 1923; Calv TS, 23-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; FreeUAmster, 27-9, ThD, 30; ord ChrRef, Dc 7, 30; p, Grundy College ch, Grundy Center, la, 30 — •, pres, Grundy Jr Coll, 30—. Schenck, Lewis Bevens — b, Greensboro, NC, Je 21, 1898; DavC, 1921; UnTSVa, 21-4, BD; asst p, 1st ch & prof. Bib, Marshall Coll, Huntington, W\'a, 24- 6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; ord Pby Norfolk, Ap 22, 24; asso prof. Bib & Rel Edu, DavC, 27 — . Schermerhorn, Charles Maxton — b, Blair, 111, Je 30, 1901 ; PkC, 24; PTS, 1927 694 24-5; ss, Creighton & Urich, Mo, 25-6; SFTS, 26-7, 28-9; Presb Orphanage, San Anselmo, Cal, 27-30; San Francisco Juvenile Court, 30 — . Smucker, Jesse Norman — b, Smithville, O, Oc 30, 1892; GoshC, 1918; ord Oak Grove Mennonite ch. My 7, 16; NER, 19-20; tea, 22-4; asst p. Oak Grove Mennonite ch, Smithville, O, 16-29; HartTS, 29-31, BD; p, Cong ch, Winchester, Conn, 29-31; OberTS, 31-2; p. Oak Grove Mennonite ch, Smithville, O, 31 — •. Stamps, Drure Fletcher — b, Carrollton, Ga, Nv 11, 1885; MerU, 1911; SBaptTS, 11-4, ThM; ord, Bapt, Je 14, 11; p. Pope, Tenn, 16; p, Nashville, 17-8; grad stu, PTS, 26-7; miss, Chinkiang, China, 28-9, Hwanghsien, 29 — . Steen, Peter Lambert — b, Paterson, NJ, Nv 18, 1902; CalvC, 23; CalvTS, 23- 6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids, West, Ja 22, 28; p, Decatur, 111, 28-30, p em, 30 — ; res, Paterson, NJ, 30 — . Stewait, Archibald G — b, Alexis, 111, Je 15, 1870; MonC, 96; McCTS, 96-9; ord, Pby Aberdeen, Oc 11, 99; p, Raymond, SD, 99-1901; p, Viola, 111, 01-2; p. Blunt & Onida, SD, 02-4; p, Livermore, la, 04-7; p. Garden Plain & Newton, 111, 08-13; p, Edgington, 13-9; ss, Oquawka, 20-2; ss, Wadena, la, 23-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7; p, Rowley, la, 27 — . Strassburger, Ernest J — b, Sheboygan, Wis, J1 18, 1899; MissHseC, 1923; MissHseTS, 23-6, BD; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM; ord RefChUS, My 4, 27; p, Emanuel Ev Ref ch, Woodhaven, NY, 27 — . Swaim, Joseph Carter— b, Selma, Ala, Je 23, 1904; W&JC, 25; PTS, 25-6; WestTS, 24-5,26-7, STB, 28-9, STM; ord, Pby Union, Sp 19, 28; instr, AmU Beirut, 28-9; UEdin, 29-31, PhD; p, 1st ch, Staten Island, NY, 31 — . *Thompson, George Rutan — b, New Wilmington, Pa, Nv20, 1903; MonC, 24; PTS, 24-6; lie, Pby Des Moines, Sp 15, 26; d, Garrett, Ind, Sp 23, 26. Vejnar, John Blahoslav — b, Bojmany, Czechoslovakia, Je 18, 1899; Gym Caslav, 1918; UHalle, 21-2; UGlas, 22-3; JnHusTS, 23, ThB; asst p, Hradeckra- love, Caslov, 24-5; ord Czech-Breth Ev Ch, Ja 18, 25; grad stu, PTS, 26-7, ThM ; p, Bukovka, Czech, 25 — . Watters, John — b, Milford, Co Donegal, Ireland, Oc 28, 1901; TrinCDub, 25; Ref Presb Theol Hall, Belfast, 24-5, 27; PTS, 25-6; ord RefPresbCh, Ire, Oc 26, 27; p, Bailiesmills & Knockbracken, Lisburn, Ire, 27 — Whitney, Augustus Dodge, Jr — b, Germantown, Pa, Nv 29, 1904; TSRefEpisCh, 22-5, 28, BD; UPa, 25-6; ord RefEpis, My 20, 26; grad stu, PTS, 27-8; asst p, Bethany Presby ch, Phila, Pa, 29-30; p, 1st ch, Camden, NJ, 31 — . Wilson, Elwin Leander — b. Bethel, Me, Ap 13, 1898; BtsC, 1924; PTS, 24- 6; BosUST, 26-7, STB; p. West Scarborough, Me, 26-30; ord ME, My 1, 27; p, Westbrook, Me, 30 — . Wood, Elmer Donovan — b, Spartanburg, SC, Ag 29, 1902; PresbCSC, 22; use, 22-4; ColTS, 22-5, BD; ord, Pby Enoree, 25; p. Villa Rica, Ga, 25-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7; p. Great Falls, SC, 27-8; p, Montgomery, Ala, 28-30; hm miss. Mobile, 30-1; do, Monroeville, 31 — . 1927-1928 695 Young, Raymond Alfred — b, Moreland, Ga, Sp 15, 1884; ErskC, 1906; ErskTS, 07-9, BD; ord AssoRefP, Nv 6, 09; p. Kings Mountain, NC, 09-12; p, Fayetteville, Tenn, 12-27; res, Bryson Coll, Fayetteville, 24-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-7; p, 1st ch, Troy, Ala, 27-32; p. Central Steel Creek ch, Charlotte, NC, 32 — . DD, Bryson Coll, Fayetteville, Tenn, 29. Young, Samuel Gordon Leslie — b, Belfast, Ireland, Dc 8, 1903; QuUBelf, 24; PTS, 24-5, 26-7; KxCTor, 27-8; AsC, 29-30; ord, Pby Ballymena, Je 25, 30; p, Wellington St ch, Ballymena, Ire, 30 — . Zeleny, Eugen — b, Prerov, Czechoslovakia, Fb 5, 1903; Hodonin Real- school, 22; JnHusTS, 22-3, 24-5, 28-9; Fac deTheolProt, 25-6; grad stu, PTS, 26-8, ThM; ord Czech-Breth Ev Ch, Je 23, 29; min, Trnovany u Teplic, Czech, 29 — . 49. 1928 Best, Melvin Louis — b, Enon Valley, Pa, Nv 2, 1897; MissTrl, 1918-9, 20-1; C&NC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Ap 10, 28; ColU & UnTS, 28-9; asst p, 1st ch. South Orange, NJ, 28 — . Bode, Cornelius Hugo — b, Renville, Minn, My 4, 1903; GrunC, 23; PTS, 24-8, ThB, ThM; CalvTS, 28-9; ord ChrRef, Oc 12, 29; hm miss, Mt Lake, Minn, 29- 32; p, Monroe ch, Aplington, la, 32 — . Boettner, Loraine — b, Watson, Mo, Mr 7, 1901; TarkC, 25; PTS, 25-8, 'I'hB, 28-9, ThM; prof. Bib, PikevC, 29 — . Brackett, William Oliver — b, Sherman, Tex, Ap 5, 1901; UMo, 24; tea, 24- 5; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Kansas City, My 18, 28; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, UEdin, 28-30; asso p, Westport ch, Kansas City, Mo, 30 — . Braun, Herbert — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 4, 1902; UPa, 24; PittsTS, 25-7, ThM; PTS, 27-8, ThB ; ord UP, Pby Phila, My 11, 28; p. Dales Mem ch, Phila, Pa, 28 — . Broomall, Wick, Jr — b, Elyton, Ala, Ja 31, 1902; MaryvC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB, Alum Fell, NT Lit, 28-9, ThM ; PrU, 28, M A; ord, Pby Birmingham, Ag 14, 29; ss, Montevallo, Ala, 29-30; prof. Bib Intro, Semit Lang & OT Exeg, EvTC, 30— . Bucher, George Hale — b, Carlisle, Pa, Ap 22, 1902; WestmCPa, 25; PTS, 25- 8, ThB; ord, Pby Shenango, Ap 17, 28; p. Trinity ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 28 — . Cheigh, Yun Kwan — b, .Syen Chun, Korea, Je 4, 1889; Union Chr Coll, Pyeng Yang, 1918-22; HurC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; HartTS, 28-31; res, Pyeng Yang, Korea. Conning, Gordon Russell — b, Baltimore, Md, My 17, 1904; JHU, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ap 18, 28; GS Green Fell.OTLit, UEdin, 28-9; prof. Bib & Rel, CEmpo, 30-2; asst libr, PTS, 32 — . Coulter, Harry Michael— b, Phila, Pa, Ap 15, 1895; WheaC, 1924; PTS, 24-6, 27-8, ThB; KxCTor, 26-7; ord, Pby Brandon, Nv 27, 28; p, Knox ch, Nee- pawa, Mani, Can, 28 — ■. 1928 6g6 Cox, John Everett — b, Barnegat, NJ, Ap 29, 1900; WheaC, 23; miss, Hyden, Ky, 23-5; PTS, 25-8, ThB ; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 26, 28; asst p, Bethany ch, Phila, Pa, 28-9; p, 1st ch, Lewistown, Mont, 29 — . Custis, William Keith — b, Dayton, O, J1 9, 1904; CWoos, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Dayton, My 27, 28; p, Riverdale, Md, 28 — . Ewing, Rhea McCurdy — b, Lahore, India, Dc 23, 1902; PrU, 24; tea, India, 24-5; PTS, 25-8, ThB; PrU, 28, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 16, 28; miss, Ambala City, India, 28-9, Ludhiana, Punjab, 29 — . Freeman, David — b, Poland, Nv 12, 1901; GWU, 25; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, My 13, 27; PTS, 25-8, ThB, Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Syst Theol, 29-30, ThM; p, Elsmere, Del, 28-9; p, Grace ch, Phila, Pa, 30 — . Gregory, John Dysert — b, Brazil, Ind, Fb 15, 1903; HamC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Utica, Ja 10, 28; UEdin, 28-9; asst p, Ch ol the Covenant, Wash- ington, DC, 29-30; p. Olivet ch, Utica, NY, 30 — . Hanessian, Alexander Minass — b, Hadjan, Cilicia, Turkey, 1895; St Paul’s Coll, Tarsus, Cilicia, 1915; tea; PTS, 25-8, ThB; — Hunt, Bruce Finley — b, Pyeng Yang, Korea, Je 4, 1903; RutU, 24; PTS, 24- 5, 26-8, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 25, 28; miss, Chungju, Korea, 28 — . Jansz, Neville Bertram — b, Colombo, Ceylon, J1 17, 1895; RoyC, 07-17; Law Coll, Colombo 18-22; United Theol Coll, Bangalore, India, 25-6; PTS, 26-8. ThB; res, Colombo, Ceylon. Jones, William James — b, Liverpool, England, Sp 28, 1901; WheaC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; PrU, 28, MA; ord Bapt, Mr 26, 28; prof, DesMU, 28; gen sec. League of Ev Stu, Wheaton, 111, 28 — . Keiper, Dewey Howard — b, Woodbury, Pa, Ja 27, 1898; JuniC, 1924; ord Ch of the Brethren, Je 20, 20; PTS, 24-8, ThB, ThM; p. Calvary ch, Phila, Pa, 25- 9; p, Woodberry ch, Baltimore, Md, 29 — . Kinsler, Francis — b, Germantown, Pa, Ja 13, 1904; MaryvC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 11, 27; miss, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 28 — . Laverty, Lawson Schwartz — b, Harrisburg, Pa, J1 4, 1891; DickC, 1915, 16, MA; tea, 16-24; ord, Pby Binghamton, Oc 7, 21 ; PTS, 25-8, ThB, ThM ; evang, Harrisburg, Pa, 20 — . Loetscher, Lefiferts Augustine — b, Dubuque, la, J1 24, 1904; PrU, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB, 28-9, ThM; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 25, 28; asst p, 1st ch, Reading, Pa, 29 — . MacLeod, Alexander Napier — b, Ningpo, China, Dc 3, 1901; WheaC, 23; PTS, 24-8, ThB, ThM; PrU, 27, MA; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Je 20, 27; asst prof. Hist, WheaC, 28-9; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UEdin, 29-30; p, Ichow, Shan- tung, China, 31-3; prof. No China Theol Sem, Tenghsien, Shantung, 33 — . Meekhof, Mynerd — b, Lucas, Mich, My 17, 1897; UWash, 1925; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Seattle, Je 24, 28; p, Sumner, Wash, 28 — . 1928 697 Neff, George Karl — b, Tuscumbia, Ala, Ag 19, 1901; MaryvC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Huntsville, My 16, 28; p, Inglenook ch, Birmingham, Ala, 28—. Parsons, Charles Francis — b, Stockbridge, Mass, Dc 16, 1900; HopeC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Steuben, Je 12, 28; p, 1st ch, Andover, NY, 28-30; p, 1st ch, Branchville, NJ, 30 — . Paulson, Erick Edwin — b, Boyd, Minn, Ap 12, 1898; HamlU, 1920; tea, 20-1; BibILA, 21-3; p, Underwood, Minn, 24-5; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby St Cloud, Oc 11, 28; ss, Foley & Sartell, Minn, 28 — . Pike, Wilbur Nye — b. Green Bay, Wis, Ja 17, 1893; AsbC, 1924; p, Toms River, NJ, 24-6; PTS, 25-8, ThB, 28-30, ThM; ord ME, Mr 13, 27; p. Little Silver, NJ, 29-31; p, St George’s ch, Camden, 31 — . Rein, Edward Rudolph — b. Sugar Grove, Pa, Sp 23, 1897; UMinn, 1924; PTS, 24-8, ThB; PrU, 28, MA; ord Bapt, Oc 12, 25; ss, Pitts Creek Presb ch, Pocomoke City, Md, 27- p, 28-31; p, Wallingford. Pa, 32 — . Rhoad, William Otterbein — b. Pine Grove, Pa, Ag 17, 1903; LebVC, 25; BoneTS, 25-6; PTS, 26-8, ThB; ord, UnB, East Pa Conf, Sp 27, 28; p, Lingles- town. Colonial Park, Pa, 28-30; WestmTS, 30-1; ss, Kensington, PEI, Can, 31 — . Roach, Harry Robert — b, Fairview, WVa, Nv 19, 1902; CWoos, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB, 30-1; ord, Pby Wheeling, Ap 16, 28; asst p, 1st ch, Norristown, Pa, 28-9; p, 1st ch, Englishtown, NJ, 29-33; p. Turtle Creek, Pa, 33 — . Schoenborn, Karl Herman Julius — b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 19, 1900; LafC, 24; PTS, 24-8, ThB, 30-1; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 20, 28; p, Dayton, NJ, 28-30; p, 1st ch, Shadyside, O, 31 — . Schofield, Ellwood Mearle — b, Brooklyn, NY, J1 19, 1904; NYU, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; PrU, 28, MA; ord Bapt, My 6, 27; WH Green Fell, Semit Phil, UBer, 28-9; SBaptTS, 29-30; prof, NT Lit & Exeg, EvTC, 30-1; p, Presb ch, Clinton, NJ, 31 — . Schroer, Reuben John — b. New Knoxville, O, Ag 11, 1904; MissHseC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord RefChUS, Je 3, 28; p, 1st ch, Goshen, Ind, 28-30; p, 1st ch, Lima, O, 30 — . Smith, Philip Mason — b, Eastport, Me, Fb 25, 1901; TemU, 24; TSRef EpisCh, 25-7; PTS, 27-8, ThB; ord, Pby Cleveland, J1 2, 28; p, 1st ch, Pierpont, O, 28-31; p, Martinsburg ch. Bruin & Petrolia, Pa, 31 — . Stewart, Roy James — b. West Point, PEI, Can, Mr29, 1894; MuskC, 1926; PittsTS, 25-6; PTS, 26-8, T1 B; ord UP, Pby Boston, Ap 9, 27; p, 1st ch, Branch- ville, NJ, 27-9; p, Guthrie, Ont, Can, 29-31; p, St Andrew’s ch, Westville, NS, 31—. Stuart, Marion Francis — b, Perry, Mo, Mr 9, 1905; WestmCMo, 25; KyTS, 25-7; PTS, 27-8, ThB; ord, Pby Long Island, Je 26, 28; p, 1st ch, Setauket, NY, 28-33; p, Brookfield, Mo, 33—. Tribble, Oil Hoyt — b, Dawson Springs, Ky, Oc 12, 1902; CWoos, 25; PTS, 698 1928 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 28, 28; p, 1st ch, Ellicott City, Md, 28-31; p, Cong ch, Higganum, Conn, 31 — . Trout, Joseph Paul — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 14, 1901; LafC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; ord, Pby New Castle, Je 1, 28; p, Manokin ch. Princess Anne, Md, 28 — . Underhill, Irvin Winfield, Jr — b, Gabon, O, Ap 8, 1896; UPa; MtATS, 1925-6; PTS, 26-8; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Je 18, 28; miss, Sangamalina, Cam- eroun, WAfrica, 29 — . Varhaug, Ralph Norman — b, Chicago, 111, Dc 28, 1903; WheaC, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB, 28-9; ord Norweg Danish Ev Free Ch Asso, Ag 7, 28; miss, Caetete, Brazil, SA, 30 — . Vos, Johannes Geerhardus — b, Princeton, NJ, Fb 4, 1903; PrU, 25; PTS, 25-8, ThB; RefPTS, 28-9; ord RefP, Pby Pittsburgh, Mr 25, 29; p. Miller’s Run ch, Cecil, Pa, 29-30; miss, Heilungkiang, China, 30 — . Wooley, Paul— b. Providence, RI, Mr 16, 1902; PrU, 23; PTS, 23-5, 27-8, ThB, ThM; WestmColl, Cambridge, Eng, 25-6; ord, Moody ch, Chicago, Nv 14, 26; UBer, 26; gen sec. League of Ev Stu, 28-9; instr, Ch Hist, & reg, WestmTS, 29-30, asst prof & reg, 30 — . Yeomans, Edward Gearhart — b, Washingtonville, NY, Ap 24, 1899; UPa, 1924; PTS, 24-8, ThB; PrU, 28, MA; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Ap 24, 28; p, Nottingham, Pa, 28-30; p, Mahoning ch, Danville, 30 — . 45. Alam, John Theodore — b, Winnebago, Neb, Nv 11, 1902; HastC, 25; PTS, 25-6; miss, RefChAm, Duke, NM, 26-7; lie, Pby Boulder, Ap 18, 28; Life Work Dept, Presb Ch USA, Goodrich, Col, 27—. Anderson, John G — b, Clarksville, Tex, Fb 17, 1888; TrinU, 1907-11; sec, YMCA; LaneTS, 15-8; ord, Pby Cincinnati, Mr 18, 18; YMCA, war service, 18-9; p, 1st ch, Eastland, Tex, 20-1; ss, Garwood, 22; p, Unionville, Mo, 23; p, Carrollton, 25-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8; ss, Dexter, NM, 30 — . Aoki, Fukuitsu — b, Ono, Shimauo, Japan, Oc 4, 1891; Shinshu Agri Coll, 1906-9; Rikko Inst, Tokyo, 10-2; BibS, 23-6; grad stu, PTS, 27-9, 28, ThM; res, Ono, Japan; — Bird, Ulmer Smith — b, Sanco, Tex, Nv 11, 1900; Simmons Univ, Abilene, 24; lie, ME, Sp, 22; dir, St Paul’s ME ch, Abilene, 24-5; PTS, 25-6; p, ME ch. Panhandle, Tex, 26-8; stu & stu p, SMethU, 28-30; evang. Coke Co, Tex, 31-2; prin, Panhandle, 32 — . Bizer, Ernst — b, Tailfingen, Balingen, Germany, Ap 29, 1904; UTueb, 23-4; IJMarb, 24-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, 29, ThM; p, Balingen, Germany, 29 — . Blake, Howard Carson — b, St Louis, Mo, Fb 19, 1904; PrU, 24; tea, 24-5; PTS, 25-6, 27-8; OxU, 27; ord, Pby Kansas City, My 21, 28; evang wk, 1st Cen- tury Chr Fellowship, 28 — ; res, Washington, DC. 1928 699 Bradley, Gail Gosper — b, Toledo, O, Dc 19, 1900; PkC, 25; PTS, 25-6; bus. Corpus Christ!, Tex, 26 — . Brandt, Rolf Didrik — b, St Paul, Minn, Mr 29, 1902; LuthC, 24; LuthTS, 24-7, 29, BD; ord NorwegLuth, Je 5, 27; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; p, Cornell, Wis, 28-31; UMinn, 32, MA; res, St Paul, Minn, 32 — . Carvell, Douglas John — b, Ganhati Assan, India, Mr 28, 1901; MissTrl, 19-20; WheaC, 24; PTS, 25-6; tea & bus, 26-8; clerk, USArmy, Carlisle Barracks, Pa, 28—. DeHaan, John Henry — b, Harrison, SD, JI 17, 1901; CalvC, 24; CalvTS, 24- 7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; ord ChrRef, Oc 21, 28; p, Bauer ch, Hudsonville, Mich, 28—. DeVries, Nicholas — b, Bafifo, Holland, Dc 21, 1892; CalvC, 1926; CalvTS, 23-6; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids West, Ag 3, 26; miss, China, 26-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; hm miss. Cl California, Alemeda, Cal, 28 — . Dorn, Robert Clifton — b, Atlanta, Ga, Sp 21, 1905; OglU, 25; PTS, 25-7, 29-30, ThM; ColTS, 27-8, BD; ord, Pby Brazos, Jl 29, 28; asst p, 2d ch, Houston, Tex, 28-9; PrU, 30, MA; dir, Rel Edu, 1st ch, Topeka, Kan, 30-1; p, 1st ch, Dal- hart, Tex, 31 — . Douglas, Rhodas Clyde — b, Pensacola, Fla, Oc 3, 1891; UFla, 1913; tea; UnTSVa, 15-8, BD; ord, Pby St Johns, Nv 12, 18; ss. Palmetto, Fla, 18-9; miss, Hashing, China, 19-27; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; ss, Westm ch, Jacksonville, Fla, 28 — ; ss, Mayport, 30 — . England, Stephen Jackson, (III) — b, Salida, Col, Oc 1, 1895; ord Chr Ch (Disciples), Dc 23, 1917; p, Macksville, Kan, 19-21; PhillU, 25, MA, ThDept, 25- 6, BD; asst prof, PhillU, 25-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; YaleU, 28-9; asso prof, PhillU, 29 — . Feely, Walter James — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 9, 1901; LafC, 22-5; PTS, 25-7; EvTC; ord, Pby Helena, Ap 17, 28; ss, Manhattan, Mont, 27-31 ; res, Dallas, Tex, 31— Fischer, George — b, Gossengrun, Czechoslovakia, Dc 16, 1890; Staats- Realschule, 1908; bus & Army; EvTC, 24-7, ThB, ThM, 29, ThD; grad stu, PTS, 27- 8, ThM; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 20, 28; p, 1st ch. Stanhope, NJ, 28 — . Fisk, Alfred Grunsky — b, San Francisco, Cal, Mr 22, 1905; OccC, 25; PTS, 25-6; UnTS, 26-8, BD; ord, Pby Connecticut Valley, My 14, 28; UEdin. 28- 30, PhD; p, Portalhurst ch, San Francisco, Cal, 30 — . Foster, Howell Samuel — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 4, 1899; TSRefEpisCh, 1923-7; ord RefEpis, Mr 22, 28; grafl stu, PTS, 27-30; p, Grace ch. East Falls, Pa, 26 — . Gear, Felix Bayard — b, Huttonsville, WVa, Jl 17, 1899; D&EC, 1923; UnTSVa, 23-6, BD; ord, Pby Tygart’s Valley, Ag 31, 26; asso p, Beckley, WVa, 26- 7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; UEdin, 29-30; p, Columbia, Miss, 28—. Gosselink, George — b, Pela, la. My 25, 1900; CntKTa, 18; edu miss, Basrah, Iraq; PTS, 2.5-7; WestTSMich, 27-8, ThB; ord RefChAm, Cl Ulster, Jl 24, 28; p, Rochester ch. Accord, NY, 28-9; miss, Basrah, Iraq, (.Arabia), 29 — . 700 1928 Greyling, Elizabeth Hermina — b, Vlakteplaats, So Africa, Sp 28, 1898; UStell, 1920; PTS, 25-6; res, Andover, CP, SAfr. Hamilton, Charles Granville — b. Homestead, Pa, J1 18, 1905; BerC, 25; PTS, 25-6; p, Carlyle, Kan, 27-9; ord, Pby East Mississippi, Ja, 29; p, Pleasanton, Kan, 30—. Higgins, Howard David — b, NYCity, Ag 23, 1903; TSRefEpisCh, 21-4, BD; ord, RefEpis, Nv 28, 24; ColU, 27; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; rec, 1st ch, NYCity, 28 — ; lect, Syst Theol, TSRefEpisCh, 30 — . Irwin, John Mark — b, Westphalia, Kan, Mr 28, 1899; CEmpo, 1923; tea, 23-5; PTS, 25-7; PresbTSChi, 28-9, BD; ord, Pby Topeka, My 1, 29; p. Delta, Col, 29—. Jones, Roy Emery — b. Auburn, la, Sp 8, 1886; BuenVC, 1912; OmaTS, 12-5; ord, Pby Sioux City, My 12, 15; p, Vail, la, 16-7; p, Larabee, 18-9; p, Meriden, 20-2; p. Lake Park, 23-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8; p. East ch, Trenton, NJ, 29-30; p, 1st ch, Tracy, Minn, 30 — . Kerr, Daniel Estabrook — b, Grundy Center, la, Ag 28, 1902; CoeC, 24; ath coach, 24-5; PTS, 25-8; PrU, 28, MA; ord, Pby Waterloo, Ap 17, 29; p, 1st ch, Mediapolis, la, 28 — . Kester, Howard Anderson — b, Martinville, Va, J1 21, 1904; LynchC, 25; PTS, 25-6; stu & YMCA sec, VanU, 26-7, BD; sec. Youth Section, Fellowship of Reconciliation, NYCity, 27-9; sec. Fell of Recon, Southern states, 29 — ; res, Nashville, Tenn. Kopf, Carl Heath — b, Buffalo, NY, Ag 6, 1902; PrU, 25; PTS, 25-6; asst p, Eliot Cong ch, Boston, Mass, 26-8; BosUST, 27-30, STB; ord Cong, Nv 15, 28; p, Crombie St ch, Salem, 28 — . Kuykendall, William Floyd — b, Belegrade, Neb, J1 19, 1900; HastC, 23; McCTS, 23-4; tea, 25-6; PTS, 26-8; PrU, 28, MA; ord, Pby Hastings, Sp 13, 28; p, 1st ch, Estes Park, Col, 28 — . Larson, Rudolph Hartwig — b, Ellendale, Minn, Ja 28, 1902; AugsC, 24; AugsTS, 24-5, 26-7; PTS, 25-6; ord Luth Free ch, J1 3, 27; ss, Immanuel ch. Clan- william, & Bethel ch, Erickson, Mani, Can, 27-30; ss, Luth chs, Brandon, Alex- andria & Ashby, Minn, 30 — . Leach, Frederick Harold — b, Detroit, Mich, Dc 30, 1901; WheaC, 24; EvTC, 24-7, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; prof, Ch Hist, EvTC, 28—. Lohrenz, Henry Wiens — b, Harvey Co, Kansas, Fb 2, 1878; ord, Menno- nite Brethren Ch, Ap 28, 1907; McPherC, 08; UKan, 11, MA; pres, TabC, 08-31; PTS, 25-6; SBaptTS, 26-7, ThB; pres, Tabor Bib & Miss Schl, 30-2; asst prof, Biol & Bib, BethC, 32 — . DD, NBaptTS, 29; Mod, Gen Conf Mennonite Breth Ch, 21, 24, 30. Long, Jacob Avery — b, Salona, Pa, Mr 25, 1896; Messiah Bib Coll, Grant- ham, Pa, 1916-7, 20-1; DickC, 25; PTS, 25-7; ord, Pby Phila North, My 17, 27; p, New Hope, Pa, 27-31; p, Thompson Mem ch, Carversville, 28-31; p, Newton, 31—. 1928 701 McFarland, James Alfred — b, Gorton, Ireland, Ap .30, 1904; TrinCDub, 25; M’CMageeC, 25-6; PTS, 26-7; ord, Pby Belfast, Ap 28, 31; p, Toberkeigh & Croaghmore chs, Stranocum, Belfast, Ire, 31 — . Miller, Raymond Clinton — b, Allentown, Pa, J1 17, 1897; MuhlC, 1922; GetTS, 22-4; GetC, 22-4, MA; YaleUDS, 24-5, BD; ord UnLuth Ch, Je 3, 25; p, Riegelsville, Pa, 25-31; grad stu, PTS, 27-9, ThM; p, Lyons-Bernville par, Lyon Station, Pa, 31 — . Moore, George Coit — b, Sherman, Tex, Ag 29, 1883; AusC, 1902; bus; UnTSVa, 05-8, BD; ord, Pby Dallas, Oc 29, 1908; p. Pilot Point, Tex, 08-9; p, Waskom, 10-1; p, San Benito, 11-6; p. Trinity, 16-20; YMCA, war service, 18; p, Nacogdoches, 20-5; p, Livingston, 25-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; p, Mt Pleasant, Tex, 29 — . Muranaka, Tsunenobu — b, Kanazawa, Japan, Ja 15, 1899; MG, 1919-22, ThDept, 22-5; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM ; ord Presb Ch Japan, 31 ; p, Cotenyama ch, Tokyo, 29 — . Nodtvedt, Magnus — b, Westby, Wis, Ag 21, 1893; StOC, 1917; USArmy; ColU, 19-20, MA; tea; LuthTS, 22-5; ord NorwegLuth, J1 5, 25; p, Washington ch, Duncombe, la, 25-6; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; prof, Ch Hist & Bib, Con- cordia Coll, Moorhead, Minn, 26-32; p, St Olaf ch. Fort Dodge, la, 32 — . Potmesil, Bohumil — b, Zizkov, Czechoslovakia, Nv .30, 1903; Gym, Prague, 14-22; JnHusTS, 22-5, BD; FreeChCEdin, 26-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; ord, Czech Breth Ev Ch, Dc 23, 28; p, Bohuslavice, Czechoslovakia, 29 — . Powers, Raymond Allen — b, Washington, Pa, Ap 6, 1904; lie Bapt, My, 23; PTS, 25-6; CWoos, 27-30; HarvU, Law Schl, 30-1; bus, 30; tea, Eng & Lit, Washington, Pa, 31 — . Rogers, Grafton Dulany — b, Baltimore, Md, Ag 11, 1902; DavC, 25; PTS, 2.5-6; res, Baltimore, Md. Rowe, Clifford— b, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 12, 1904; NYU, 25; PTS, 25-8; PrU, 28, MA; ord Bapt, My 6, 27; p. Olivet ch, Trenton, NJ, 28 — . Snitker, Harold John — b. Crystal Lake, la, Ja 12, 1901; MissHseC, 25; MissHseTS, 25-7; PTS, 27-8; ord RefChUS, Cl Ursinus, Sp 30, 28; p, Genoa Bluff, la, 28-30; p, Jerusalem ch, Buffalo, NY, 30 — . Song, Chang Keun — b, Kyeng Hung, Korea, Oc 5, 1898; IJTok, 1921-3; UnTSTokyo, 23-6; grad stu, PTS, 27-8; WestTS, 28-30; lliffST, 30-1, ThD; tea & asst p, San Chung Hyen ch, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 31 — . Sovocool, Leslie Raymond- -b, Graceham, Md, Nv 7, 1902; MorC, 25; MorTS, 2.5-7, BD; grad stu, PTS, 27-9, 28, ThM; lie RefChUS, Cl Mar>'land, Oc 29, 29; BrU, 31-2; ss. Universalis! ch. Valley Falls, RI, 31 — . Steelman, Andrew Jackson, III — b, Pleasantville, NJ, Ag 6, 1902; RutU, 25; PTS, 25; bus; res, Atlantic City, NJ. Stewart, Robert Bowman — b, Newark, NJ, My 8, 1898; ColU, 1924; PTS, 25-8; ord, Pby Newton, Je 29, 28; p, 1st ch, Belvidere, NJ, 28-31; p, .5th Ave ch, Newark, 31 — . 702 1928-1929 *Swisher, Harold Patterson — b, Kirkwood, Pa, Ja 29, 1891; PaSC, 1913; PTS, 25-7; res, Kirkwood, Pa; d, Kirkwood, J1 19, 30. Szikszay, Zoltan — b, Maramarosszinget, Hungary, Ag 18, 1902; Francis Joseph Univ, Budapest, Hungary, 22-4; LanTS, 25-7; PTS, 27-8; demitted minis- try; photographer; — • Talbot, John Clarence — b, Wooster, O, J1 5, 1900; CWoos, 24; PTS, 25-9; ord, Pby Wooster, J1 3, 29; UnTS, 30-1, STB; ss, Providence & Jacksonville chs, Burlington, NJ, 28 — . Toedtman, William Henry — b, Miamisburg, O, Mr 25, 1900; CapU, 23; tea; EvLuthTS, 24-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; ord EvLuth, Ap 22, 28; p, St Luke’s ch, Baltimore, Md, 28-32; p. Miller’s ch, Hickory, NC, 32 — . Tsuchiyama, Tetsuji — b, Kumamoto, Japan, Oc 15, 1885; PasU, 1915, ThDept, 15-6; DrewTS, 16-8, BD; ord Free Meth, Ag 17, 18; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; p, 3d ch, Osaka, Japan, 23-32; prof. Free Meth Theol Sem, Osaka, Japan, 18-9, pres, 19 — . DD, PasU, 31. Turner, William Redd — b, Columbus, Ga, Dc 7, 1897; UGa, 1918-22; UnTSVa, 24-7; grad stu, PTS, 27-8; ord, Pby Orange, J1 8, 28; p, Springwood ch, Greensboro, & Bethel ch, McLeansville, NC, 29-30; p, Piedmont & Stony Creek, & ss, 2d ch, Burlington, & Shiloh, 31 — . Whittier, Chester Eugene — b, Farmington, Minn, Sp 8, 1894; UMinn, 1917; USArmy, 17-9; McCTS, 20-3, BD; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 24, 23; grad stu, PTS, 27-8; miss, WAfr, 23 — ; res, Lolodorf, Cameroun, WAfr. Willson, Hugh Latimer — b, Germantown, Pa, Ag 5, 1904; HavC, 25; PTS, 25-6; DSPEpisCh, 26-8, STB; ord PEpis pr, Je, 28; Fell, Eccles Hist, 28-30, STM; UPa, 29, MA; Amer Oriental Schl of Research, Jerusalem, Palestine, 30-1; Fell, Eccles Hist, DSPEpisCh, 31-2, instr, Gk, 31 — . Wilson, Anne Elizabeth — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Nv 10, 1897; Swarthmore Coll, Pa, 1916; tea; Deaconess Theol Sem, Phila, Pa, PTS, 25-6; res, Swarthmore, Pa. Wishard, Charles Scoville — b, Indianapolis, Ind, J1 22, 1901; WmsC, 25; PTS, 25-6; OxU, 27; NewC, 27-8; ord, Pby Indianapolis, My 24, 28; evang, 1st Century Christian Fellowship, 28 — ; res, Summit, NJ. Yaeck, Milton Arthur — b, Watertown, Wis, Sp 23, 1904; MorC, 25; Mor TS, 25-7, BD; grad stu, PTS, 27-8, ThM; ord Moravian, Oc 21, 28; p, Glenwood Community ch, Madison, Wis, 28-9; p. Trinity ch, Utica, NY, 29 — . Yun, Tchi Young — b, Seoul, Korea; WasU, 1923; tea; PTS, 25-0; AmU ; res, Seoul, Korea. 59. 1929 Austin, Philip Henry — b, Greenville, Pa, Ag 29, 1897; UPitts, 1923; engineering, 23-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Erie, My 8, 29; p. North Warren, Pa, 29-31; p, 1st ch, Athens, 32 — . 1929 703 Bergen, John Herman — b, Franklin, Ind, Oc 27, 1901; FrankCInd, 22; tea, 22-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Indianapolis, Je 17, 29; Alum Fell, NTLit, UEdin, 29-30; p. New Carlisle & Osborn, O, 31 — . Bogar, Charles — b, Ujfehsito, Hungary, Sp 22, 1898; F&MC, 1925; Bloom TS, 26-8; PTS, 28-9, ThB; asst p. South Norwalk, Conn, 29-30; ord HungRef, My, 30; p, Pocahontas, Va, 30 — . Bowman, Lloyd Sharon — b, Halifax, Pa, Dc 31, 1895; Leb\'C, 1926; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord UnB, Ja 12, 30; miss. Sierra Leone, WAfr, 29 — . Bulbulian, Theodoret Hagop — b, Aintab, Turkey, Je 3, 1897; MidC, 1925; PTS, 26-9, ThB; MBI; Beirut, Syria. Burruss, Charles Carroll — b, Easton, Md, Mr 30, 1903; RMC, 25; tea; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord MESo, Oc 1, 29; GWU, 30-2, MA; p, Bethesda, Md, 29 — . Chrisman, Charles Dana — b, Montclair, NJ, J1 24, 1903; HarvU, 25, Law Schl, 25-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; grad stu, UPa, 30-2; ord, Pby Chester, Fb 19, 31; WestmTS, 31-2; instr, LincU, 29- asst prof, 30 — . Conaway, Frielie Ernest — b. Corning, la, Oc 5, 1902; CornC, 24; instr, 24-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Je 13, 29; p, Chichester Mem ch, Boothwyn, Pa, 29 — . Cropp, Frederick William, Jr — b, Mingo Junction, O, Dc 23, 1904; CW'oos, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Steubenville, Ap 16, 29; asst p, 1st ch. Wheeling, W\^a, 29- p, 31 — . Dickey, Charles Lively — b, Plano, Tex, My 11, 1905; TrinU, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Dallas, Je 30, 29; p, Mesquite, Tex, 29 — . Drummond, Winslow Shaw — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 24, 1902; CWoos, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Phila, Mr 13, 29; asst p, St Paul’s ch, Phila, Pa, 29-32; p. Calvary ch, Upper Darby, 32 — . Faucette, Albert Franklin — b. Stamps, Ark, Dc 4, 1900; OccC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Northumberland, J1 30, 29; p, Watsontown, Pa, 29 — . Fesenko, Michael — b, Krarnowadsk, Russia, Dc 1, 1900; Russian Army; Ref Gym, Ekaterinodar, 18; Polytechnic Univ, Ruban, 19-21; Ukrania Poly- technic Univ, 23-5; BloomTS, 25-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Newark, My 8, 29; evang, Toronto, Can, 29 — . Fuller, David Otis — b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 20, 1903; WheaC, 25; instr, 25-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord Bapt, Ap 12, 29; j), Chelsea ch, .Atlantic City, NJ, 29 — . Gapp, Kenneth Sperber — b, Nazareth, Pa, J1 27, 1905; MuhlC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; PrU, 29, MA; instr, Gk & Lat, GetC, 29-30, asst prof, Gk, 30-1; stu, PrU, 31—. Gray, Wayne Wallace — b, Winona, Miss, .Ag 23, 1904; SW, 26; KyTS, 26-7; PTS, 27-9, ThB; ord, Pby Pine Bluff, J1 24, 29; p. Clarendon, .Ark, 29 — . Green, George Henry — b, Richmond, .Mo, Oc 20, 1903; WcstmCMo, 26; 24 704 1929 PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Hannibal, Sp 19, 28; p, 1st ch, Wray, Col, 29-30; p, So Broadway ch, Denver, 30 — . Han, Yung Chik — b, Syun An, Korea, Dc 29, 1903; CEmpo, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ill health; res, Denver, Col, 29-32; res, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 32 — . Harris, Joseph Rowland — b. East Palestine, O, Nv 23, 1903; CWoos, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Wooster, My 20, 29; p, Mansfield & Tioga, Pa, 29 — . Hine, Lowell Camp — b, Steubenville, O, Je 2, 1904; Clda, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Jersey City, Je 18, 29; p, Warren Point ch. East Paterson, NJ, 29—. Hodgson, James Barker — b, Crayke, Yorkshire, England, Fb 25, 1892; WesU, 1926; PTS, 26-9, ThB ; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Ap 21, 29; Daniel W Poor Schol, BdChrEdu, UMarb, 29-30; p, 1st ch, Williamsburg, la, 31 — . Hunter, William Russell — b, Iowa City, la, Je 30, 1904; Ula, 25; bus; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Iowa City, My 16, 29; p, 1st ch, Donnellson, la, 29 — . Ingles, James Wesley — b, Dunoon, Scotland, Sp 15, 1905; WheaC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; PrU, 29, MA; tea. Stony Brook, NY, 29— Jongewaard, Lawrence Harold — b. Orange City, la. My 10, 1901 ; MuskC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Waterloo, Je 2, 29; p, Roslyn, Pa, 30 — . King, Marchant Askren — b, Priam, Minn, Fb 7, 1903; OccC, 25; tea; PTS, 26-9, ThB; PrU, 29, MA; ord, Pby Phila North, My 22, 29; asst p. Mount Airy ch, Phila, Pa, 29-30; p, Westm ch, Newburgh, NY, 30 — . Little, Harvey Ganse — b, Springfield, Mo, Je 23, 1904; WabC, 25; asst p, St Paul’s ME ch, NYCity, 25-8; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Oc 16, 29; asst p. Brown Mem ch, Baltimore, Md, 29 — . Long, Luther Craig — b, Wilkinsburg, Pa, Ap 17, 1904; UPitts, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Ap 1, 29; p, Huntingdon Valley, Pa, 29-30; p, Benedict Mem ch. New Haven, Conn. 30-32; p. Independent Presb ch. New Haven, Conn, 32 — . Macinnis, William Montague — b, Santa Clara, Cal, Mr 16, 1904; OccC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB, 29-30, ThM ; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Je 18, 29; p, 1st ch, Succasunna, NJ, 29 — . Mahy, George Gordon, Jr — b, Scranton, Pa, Dc 23, 1902; UPa, 24, 26, MA; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 16, 29; dean, WithC, 29 — ; asso p, Buckhorn, Ky, 30 — . Martin, William James — b, Cathkeel, Co Antrim, Ireland, My 25, 1904; TrinCDub, 27, 30, MA; PTS, 26-9, ThB; UBer, 29-30; ULeip; res, Leipzig, Germany. Maxwell, George S — b, Punjab, India, Fb 8, 1906; WestmCPa, 26; Alleg TS, 26-7; PTS, 27-9, ThB; ord, Pby Wheeling, J1 2, 29; asst p, Vance Mem ch. Wheeling, WVa, 29-31; p, 1st ch, Waynesburg, Pa, 31 — . McLaughlin, Willard John — b. Corning, NY, J1 6, 1900; TayU, 24, 25, 1929 705 MA; p, Gaines, Pa, 25-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB;ord ME, Mr 11, 28; p, Schultz Mem ch, Cranbury, NJ, 27-30; stu, DrewTS, 29-30; p, Pennsauken ch, Merchantville, NJ, 30-1; pres’ asst, TaylJ, 31-2; miss, Madras, India, 32-3; p, Richmond Town ch. Bangalore, 33 — . Metzeling, Richard Vernon — b, Colombo, Ceylon, J1 16, 1901; RoyC, 13- 21; Law Coll, Colombo, 22-3; United Theol Coll, Bangalore, India, 25-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Ceylon, Ag 23, 29; p, DutRefCh, Wolvendaal, 29-30; p, Wellewatter, Dehiwala, 31 — . Mussen, Richard Murray — b, Caledonia, Ont, Can, J1 22, 1903; OccC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB, 29-30, ThM; ord, Pby Rochester, Je 8, 31; p, 1st ch, Honeoye Falls, NY, 31—. Myers, David Kearns — b, Aurora, III, Je 10, 1903; WheaC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Yellowstone, Je, 29; ss, Whatford City, Mont, 29-31; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UEdin, 31-2; p, Fairview, Mont, 29 — . Pool, Gerard Clarence — b, Kalamazoo, Mich, Sp 16, 1902; HopeC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord RefChAm, Cl Passaic, Sp 6, 29; p, 1st ch, Lincoln Park, NJ, 29—. Potts, Edgar Allan— b, Como, NC, Ag 28, 1903; RMC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; lie, MESo, My 29, 26; ss, Lawrence Road chap, Trenton, NJ, 27-9; miss, UnChCan, Alberta, 29-30; p, ME ch, Cradock, Va, 30 — . Ramage, Merle Field — b, Venango, Pa, Je 23, 1902; CWoos, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Great Falls, Oc 11, 29; p, Harlem, Mont, 29-32; p, Manhattan, 32—. Reed, John Benedict, Jr — b, Chambersburg, Pa, Fb 17, 1901; LebVC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, UnB, Oc 8, 29; p, Biglerville, Pa, 29-31; p, Keedysville, Md, 31— Reeves, Lucius Milam — b, Tupelo, Miss, Fb 6, 1906; EmU, 25; PTS, 26-9, ThB; p, Beauregard, Miss, 29-30; ord ME, Nv 16, 30; p. Pearl River Ave ch, McComb, Miss, 30 — . Rohrbaugh, James Leander — b, North Lima, O, Ja 20, 1906; CWoos, 25; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 16, 29; p, Ismay, Mont, 29 — . Shipps, Hovrard Fenimore — b, Delanco, NJ, My 7, 1903; AsbC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; p, Silverton, NJ, 28-30; ord ME, Mr 9, 30; p, Neptune City, NJ, 30 — . Shultz, Paul Theodore, Jr — b, St Croix, DWI, Ap 14, 1906; MorC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; PrU, 29, MA; EpisTS, 29-30, BD; ord PEpis pr, Ja 18, 31; asst, St James’ ch, Chicago, 111, 30-3; pr in charge, Emmanuel ch & Ch of Our Saviour, Brooklyn, NY, 33 — . St Denis, Frederic George — b, Vancouver, BC, Can, Ag 19, 1903; UBC, 21-3, 24-6; WestmH, 23-4; PTS, 27-9; ord, Pby Kootenay, Sp 11, 29; miss. Trail, BC, Can, 29-30; p, 1st ch. Trail, 30 — . Taylor, George Edward — b, Camden, NJ, .-Vp 13, 1898; UPa, 1926; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord ME, Mr 13, 27; p, Pemberton, NJ, 28-32; p, Pennington, 32 — . 7o6 1929 Taylor, Robert Thomas — b, Sullivan, 111, Ag 29, 1904; JasMU, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Springfield, My 16, 29; UnTS, 29-30; asst p, 1st ch, Newark, NJ, 27-31; p, 1st RefChAm, Tarrytown, NY, 31 — . Turner, Joseph Donaldson Edmiston — b, Lincoln University, Pa, Mr 30, 1904; LafC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Chester, My 10, 29; p, Avondale, Pa, 29—. Van Dyke, George Malcolm — b, Lowville, NY, My 7, 1901; PrU, 23; tea, Beirut, Syria, 23-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; PrU, 29, MA; ord, Pby Jersey City, Je 28, 29; p, 1st ch. Palisades Park, NJ, 29 — . Visser, John Arthur — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Je 16, 1901; CalvC, 22; tea, 22-3; Columbia Coll of Expression, Chicago, 111, 23-4; prof, TarkC, 24-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 16, 29; p, 1st ch, Montrose, Pa, 29—. Voelkel, Harold— b, Phila, Pa, Fb 14, 1898; HurC, 1926; PTS, 26-9, ThB; PrU, 29, MA; ord, Pby Chester, My 15, 29; miss, Andong, Korea, 29 — . Wall, Peter Ferdinand — b. Mountain Lake, Minn, Je 21, 1897; WheaC, 1925; prin, Sanborn, Minn, 25-6; PTS, 26-9, ThB, 30-1; ord, Pby Elizabeth, My 3, 29; p, 1st ch, Garwood, NJ, 29-32; p, 1st ch, Chester, NY, 32 — . Webster, Lewis Hammond — b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 16, 1905; CornU, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; res, Washington, DC. West, Irving Adams — b, Craig, Mo, Ag 28, 1904; CoeC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, My 26, 29; p, 1st ch, Harrisburg, 111, 29 — . Wilson, Kenneth Willard — b, Los Angeles, Cal, Fb 11, 1904; OccC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Sp 25, 29; SETS, 29-30, STM; miss, Ichow, Shantung, China, 30 — . Zuse, De Witt Philo — b, Greenmount, Md, Mr 30, 1905; LebVC, 26; PTS, 26-9, ThB, 29-30, ThM; ord UnB, Oc 8, 29; p, Frederick, Md, 30 — . 55. Bayard, Charles Oliver — b, Phila, Pa, Ja 14, 1903; TSRefEpisCh, 22-5; ord RefEpisCh, My 20, 26; grad stu, PTS. 28-9; EBaptTS, 30-2, ThB; p, Ch of the Reconciliation, Phila, Pa, 25 — . Boyce, Wallace L — b. Carmen, Okla, Fb 4, 1898; UOkla, 1922; tea; AsbTS, 25-6, 27-8, BD; PTS, 26-7; ord ME, Oc 19, 30; p. Selling, Okla, 28 — . Buchanan, William Gumming — b, Glasgow, Scotland, J1 18, 1865; HSC, 87, 88-9, BL; UnTSVa, 88-91, BD, 1919-20; ord, Pby East Hanover, Sp 13, 91; ss, Arkadelphia, Ark, 91; grad stu, PTS, 28-9; miss, Japan 91 — ; res, Gifu, Japan. DD, HSC, 20. Burd, David Clarence — b, Pennington, NJ, J1 6, 1887; BibS, 1909-12, 26-8; CCyNY, 12-3; dir. Boys’ Wk, Ch of Ascension, NYCity, 12-6; ss. North Haledon, NJ, 16-21; USoCal, 22-3; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Nv, 22; asso p, 1st ch. 1929 707 Albuquerque, NM, 23-6; ss, North Haledon, NJ, 26-9; grad stu, PTS, 28-9; p, Westm ch, Paterson, NJ, 29-30; p. Federated ch, Farmington, NM, 30 — . Buyer, John Franklin — b, Columbia, Pa, Fb 10, 1902; ElizC, 26; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Steuben, Ap 23, 29; p, 1st ch, Canaseraga, NY, 29 — . Cameron, Emory Cloe — b, Springfield, Mo, Ag 1, 1894; ord Disciples of Christ, Ja, 1917; PhillU, 24, 26, MA; PTS, 26-8; p, Winfield, Kan, 28-30; asso prof, OT, Tex Chr Univ, Ft Worth, Tex, 30 — . Cover, Howard William — b, Highspire, Pa, Je 20, 1878; FindC, 1909, 21, MA; ord Church of God, Oc 8, 07; p, Columbia, Pa, 09-12; grad stu, PTS, 28- 9; miss, Bogra, Bengal, India, 12 — . Edmunds, Leland Nicholas — b, Sumter, SC, Dc 11 1899; PresbCSC, 1922; tea, Shanghai, China, 22-5; UnTSVa, 25-7, BD; ord, Pby East Mississippi, Ag 25, 27; p, Amory, Miss, 27-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; asst p, 1st ch, Asheville, NC, 30 — . Flotten, Joseph Bernard — b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 30, 1904; WagMem LuthC, 26; PTS, 26-7; MtATS, 27-9; ord UnLuth, Je 8, 1929; ColU, 29-32; p, Ch of Good Shepherd, Brooklyn, NY, 29-31; p, Ch of the Resurrection, St Al- bans, 31 — . Hoogstra, Jacob Tunis — b, Paterson, NJ, Ap 19, 1900; CalvC, 25; CalvTS, 25- 8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Syst Theol, UTueb, 29- 30; ord ChrRef, Cl Hackensack, Oc 16, 30; UnTS, 31-2; p, Englewood, NJ, 30 — . Irwin, Noel Patterson — b, Portadown, Ireland, Dc, 9, 1903; WheaC, 26; PTS, 26-7; SBaptTS, 27-9, ThM; ord Bapt, Je 6, 29; p, 1st ch, Alexandria, Ind, 29- . Jack, Hugh — b. Downhill, Ireland, Je 12, 1896; TrinCDub, 1927; PTS, 27-8; PresbC, 28-9; ord PresbChCan, Ag 16, 29; p, Biggar, Sask, Can, 29-31; p. Red Deer, Alberta, 31 — . Jackson, George — b, Belfast, Ireland, Dc 1, 1899; QuUBelf, 1926; AsC, 26- 7; PTS, 27-8; AsC, 28-9; asst p. Crescent ch, Belfast, Ire, 29-30; asst p, Mac- rory Mem ch, Belfast, 31; ord, Pby Ballymena, Sp 8, 31; p, Glenarm & Car- nalbana, 31 — ; res, Glenarm, Ire. Julier, Charles Wayne — b, Cincinnati, O, Sp 17, 1902; WestmCMo, 26; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Newton, Sp 29, 31; p, Beemerville ch, Sussex, NJ, 32 — . Kim, Chai Choon — b, Kyeung-Heung, Korea, Sp 26, 1901 ; AoyamaGakuin, ThDept, Japan, 25-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; WestTS, 29-31, STB, 32, STM; res, Pittsburgh, Pa. Kim, Seung Lak — b, Pyeng Yang, Korea, My 22, 1904; Union Chr Coll, Korea, 24 ; UnTSTokyo, 24-7; grad stu, PTS, 28-30, ThM ; YaleUDS, 30-1 ; EvTC, 30- 1, ThD; SBaptTS, 31-2; PhD; res, Pyeng Yang, Korea. Kohlschmidt, Walter — b, Hofgusmar bei Cassel, Germany, Sp 3, 1901; UMarb, 25; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; ord GerLuth, J1 24, 27; p, Menterade, Thuringen, Germany, 27 — . 7o8 1929 Lantz, Glenn Otto — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, My 11, 1893; GetC, 1916; USArmy & bus; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Sp 12, 28; p, Frenchtown, NJ, 28-31; p, 4th ch, Trenton, 31 — . Latsky, Peter Sterrenberg — b, Wynberg, CP, SAfr, Oc 21, 1903; UStell, 24; tea; StellTS, 26-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; trav sec, SAfr, 29-30; ord DRefChSAfr, Sp 4, 30; p, St Stephen’s ch. Cape Town, 30 — . Law, Ashley Taswell — b, Benoit, Miss, Oc 9, 1894; Pa Acad of Fine Arts, Phila, Pa, 1913-5; BibILA, 24-6; PTS, 26-7; res, Benoit, Miss. Lockhart, Robert Cash — b, Gainesville, Tex, Mr 9, 1904; MaryvC, 24-6; PTS, 26-7; p, Avenel, NJ, 27; sec, YMCA, Mercer Co, 27-9; ColU, 29-31; house master. Sheltering Arms, NYCity, 29 — . Louw, Daniel Johannes — b, Vosburg, CP, South Africa, Ag 3, 1902; UStell, 23, 27, MA; StellTS, 25-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; SBaptTS, 29-31, PhD; ord, DRefChSAfr, Ja 31, 31; p, Citrusdal, CP, SAfr, 31 — . Luben, Barnerd Maurice — b, Jasonville, Ind, Dc 21, 1904; HopeC, 26; WestTSMich, 26-7, 28-9, ThM; PTS, 27-8; ord RefChAm, Cl Muskegon, Je 26, 29; miss, Japan, 29 — ; prof, MG, 31 — . Lukens, Horace Churchman — b, Burlington, NJ, Je 2, 1904; PrU, 26; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je27, 29; asst p. Central ch, Brooklyn, NY, 30 — . McCorkle, William Hart— b. Rock Hill, SC, My 29, 1900; CitSCMilC, 22; tea & bus; UnTSVa, 25-8, BD; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; ord, Pby Knoxville, Je 29, 29; asst p, 1st ch, Knoxville, Tenn, 29- p, 31 — . Meeter, John Edward — b, Hammond, Ind, Oc 8, 1901; CalvC, 24; lie, ChrRef, Je, 25; CalvTS, 24-7, ThB; HarvdJTS, 27-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; ss, Griggstown, NJ, 29-30; FreeUAmster, 30-2; instr, OT Theol, PTS, 33 — . Nagy, Bela — b, Tiszolcz, Hungary, Mr 3, 1904; Ref Gym, Hodmezovasar- hely, 24; Theol Fac, Count Stephen Tisza Univ, Debrecen, 24-6; CntlTS, 28, BD; p, Hungarian Ref Ch, Middletown, O, 27-8; ord RefChUS, My 20, 28; grad stu, PTS, 28-9; asst p. Old ch, Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary, 29-31; tea, Rel, State Girl’s High Schl, & asst p, New ch. Hodmezovasarhely, 31 — . Olson, Christian Gunerius — b, Brainerd, Minn, Ap 6, 1901; AugsC, 26; AugsTS, 25-6, 28-9; PTS, 27-8; HartTS, 29-30, STM; ord Luth Free Ch, Je 15, 30; p, Lamberton, Minn, 30 — . Oshita, Yasuo — b, Kagawaken, Japan, Dc 21, 1895; KwG, 1922; p, Oka- yama, Japan, 22-5; ord ME, Japan, Mr 22, 25; p, Takamatsu, 25-7; p, Bakers- field, Cal, 27-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; p. Union ch, Santa Maria, Cal, 29 — . Palmer, Bennett William — b, Bonita, Tex, Ja 7, 1904; EmU, 25; PTS, 26-7; p. Port Tampa City, Fla, 28-30; lie, ME, 30; BosUST, 30-1, STB; res, Punta Gorda, Fla. Phipps, Paul Anderson — b, Manhattan, Kan, Ag 7, 1903; UDenv, 26; PTS, 26-8; IlifTST, 28-9; lie, lay-reader, PEpis, Oc 19, 31; St George’s ch, Engle- wood, Col, 32 — ; res, Denver, Col. 1929 709 Poling, Paul Newton — b, Dallas, Ore, J1 10, 1902; ss, ME ch, Holbrook, Ariz, 22-3; p, Rickreall, Ore, 23-5; WillaU, 24-5; Kimball Schl Theol, Salem, Ore, 24- 5; ord Ev, Oregon Conf, Ap, 25; p, Monmouth, Ore, 25-6; PTS, 26-8; ss, Ch of The Strangers, NYCity, 26; p, Presb ch, Belmar, NJ, 26-30; p. Bound Brook, 30—. Porte, Robert Fowler — b, Locktown, NJ, Je 16, 1889; ss, Sergeantsville, 1910-1; stu p. Pioneer, O, 13-6; ord. Brethren, Nv 9, 13; AshC, 14; p, Brighton, Ind, 14-6; p, Dallas Center, la, 16-22; DrakeU, 18-21, BD; p. Pleasant Hill, O, 22-5; p, Louisville, 25-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; DrewTS, 29-31, MA; ss, Breth chs, Sergeantsville & Pittstown, NJ, 28-31; p, South Bend, Ind, 31 — . Retief, Malcolm Wilhelm — b, Knysna, CP, So Africa, Je21, 1904; UStell, 25, 28, MA; StellTS, 26-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; SBaptTS, 29-30, PhD; ord, DRefChSAfr, Dc 6, 30; miss, Madzi, Woyo, N Rhodesia, SoAfr, 31, Broken Hill, 31—. Rhodes, Joseph Bernard — b, Yunuan-ju, China, ^Mr 3, 1903; UTor, 25, 25- 6, MA; PTS, 26-7; KxCTor, 28-9; ord, Pby Huron, My 10, 29; p, Exeter, Ont, Can, 29 — . Rikkers, Henry — b. Rock Valley, la. My 25, 1900; CalvC, 25; CalvTS, 25-8, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; ord ChrRef, Cl Grand Rapids West, Sp 15, 29; p, Godwin Heights ch. Grand Rapids, Mich, 29 — . Roe, Kelmer Nelson — b. Canton, SD, Ag 31, 1900; LuthC, 25; LuthTS, 25- 8, ThB; ord NorwegLuth, Je 3, 28; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; tea, LuthC, 29—. Roof, Gorman — b. Pen Argyl, Pa, Oc 12, 1902; LafC, 26; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Lehigh, Ap 16, 29; p, 1st ch, Phillipsburg, NJ, 29 — . Schneider, Theodore Jacob — b, Cosby, Mo, My 9, 1903; UWis, 26; PTS, 26- 7; LanTS, 28-30, BD; ord RefChUS, Cl Schuylkill, My 18, 30; p. New Ring- gold, Pa, 30 — ; res, McKeansburg, Pa. Seibert, Theodore Charles — b, Bloomfield, NJ, Dc 16, 1892; MidC, 14-7; LaneTS, 1923-7; ord, Pby Newton, Sp 15, 27; UCin, 29; grad stu, PTS, 28-9; RutU, 29-30; p, Danville ch. Great Meadows, NJ, 27 — . Sekiguchi, Kumakichi — b, Tokamachi, Japan, Mr 28, 1888; NoJapanC, 1914, ThDept, 14-7; evang, Japan, 17-26; SETS, 26-7, BD; ord, Pby San Fran- cisco, Ap 3, 27; PacSRel, 27-8, MA; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; miss, Modesto, Cal, 29-30; tea, Huntington Beach, 30 — . Sihler, Ernest George William — b. Decorah, la, Fb 22, 1900; LuthC, 21; tea, 21-3; LuthTS, 23-6, ThB; ord NorwegLuth, J1 19, 26; p, Newell, SD, 26-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; p, Clearbrook, Minn, 29 — . Smith, Walton Lawrence — b, Nashville, Tenn, J1 1, 1891; SWPresbU, 1918, ThDept, 16-7; UnTSVa, 17-8, BD; ord, Pby Abingdon, Sp 4, 18; asso p, & hm miss worker, Norton, Va, 18-20; asst, Wyndale, 20; ss, Grundy, 20-1; tea & ss, Grundy, 20-1; p, Warrenton & Litchfield, 22-6; p. Laurel, Md, 27-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; tea, Selmer, Tenn, 30-1; p, Bethesda ch, Allisona, New Hope ch, Franklin, & Harpeth ch, Nashville, 32 — . 710 1929-1930 Sodeyama, Shinichiro — b.Sherone Ajigatamura, Japan, Ja 17, 1886; UTok, 1908-10, ThDept, 10-3; pastoral wk, Japan; McCTS, 17-20; ord, Pby Chinze, Japan, Dc 10, 22; grad stu, PTS, 28-9; Japan, 20 — . Steen, Ernest Bennet — b, Clinton, Minn, J1 31, 1901; LuthC, 23; LuthTS, 23-6; ord NorwegLuth, J1 11, 26; AugTS, 27-8, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; p, Mahnomen, Minn, 26-31; p, Williston, ND, 31 — . Stephens, John Underwood — b, Brooklyn, NY, Mr 27, 1901; PrU, 24; tea, China, 24-6; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Brooklyn-Nassau, Ap 7, 29; p, 1st ch. Sand Lake, NY, 30 — . Stevenson, Theodore Dwight — b, NYCity, Oc 2, 1903; PrU, 25; tea. Can- ton Chr Coll, China, 25-6; PTS, 26-7; JHU, 27-31, MD; interne, St Luke’s Hosp, NYCity, 31-3. Van Zandt, Earl Burton — b, Mechanicville, NY, Mr 22, 1904; UnC, 26; PTS, 26-9; ord, Pby Boston, Sp 26, 29; p, Hyde Park ch, Boston, Mass, 29 — . Ward, Robert Martin Cargill — b, Wilkinsburg, Pa, J1 2, 1901; GeneC, 24; Ref PTS, 24-7; UEdin, 27-8; grad stu, PTS, 28-9, ThM; ord RefP, Pby New York, Sp 10, 29; p, 1st ch, Newburgh, NY, 29 — . Banks, Henry Clay— b, Phila, Pa, Mr 27, 1905; LafC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 9, 30; p, Peckville, Pa, 30 — . Barnett, James McClure — b. New Bloomfield, Pa, Ap 9, 1904; UPitts, 26; tea; PTS, 27-30, ThB; PrU, 30, MA; ord, Pby Potomac, My 25, 30; p. Tow- son, Md, 30 — . Barnett, Norman Edgar — b. Kittanning, Pa, Mr 22, 1904; CWoos, 24-7; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Carlisle, Nv 20, 30; asst p, Bethany chap, Harrisburg, Pa, 31-2; res, Harrisburg, 32 — . Braden, Harold James — b, Georgetown, Pa, Je 26, 1900; CWoos, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 28, 30; p, Bellevue ch. Gap, Pa, 30 — . Broman, Adolph Franklin — b, Duluth, Minn, Mr 21, 1899; UMinn, 1922; MBI, 23-5; pastoral wk. Central ch, Austin, Minn, 25-7; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Winona, Sp 17, 30; p, Slackwood Community ch, Trenton, NJ, 29-30; Westm TS, 30-1; p, Rhawnhurst ch, Phila, Pa, 31 — . Brunk, Menno Jacob — b, Greenmount, Va, Oc 3, 1892; ElizC, 1926; tea; lie, Mennonite, Ag 25, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB, ThM; tea. Eastern Mennonite Schl, Harrisonburg, Va, 30-1; res, Harrisonburg, Va, 31 — . *Cannaday, John Williams — b, Floyd, Va, Dc 24, 1904; RoanC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Sp 24, 1930; p, Olivet ch, Baltimore, Md, 30-1; d, Atlantic City, NJ, Ag 19, 31. Coyle, Alexander Thompson — b, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 4, 1905; HarvU, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; PrU, 30, MA; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Syst Theol, UEdin, 1930 7II 30-1; ord, Pby Long Island, J1 14, 31; p, St Paul’s ch. Cottage City, Brentwood, Md, 32—. Crane, Frederick Barnard — b, Bellona, NY, Oc 9, 1905; LafC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Chester, My 8, 30; p, Penningtonville ch, Atglen, Pa, 30-1; p, Gettysburg, 31 — . Dickson, Joseph Craig — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Dc 30, 1905; WestmCPa, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Lehigh, My 17, 30; p, Ashland & Centralia, Pa, 30 — . Dye, James Willard — b, Broadacre, O, J1 17, 1904; CWoos, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Steubenville, My 22, 30; asst p, 1st ch, Tyrone, Pa, 30-2; p, West Kishacoquillas ch, Belleville, 32 — . Eubank, Brandsford — b, Brownwood, Tex, Ag23, 1897; A&MCTex, 1922; tea; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 17, 30; miss, Yihsien, Shan- tung, China, 30 — . Fegley, Daniel LeRoy — b, Lykens, Pa, Sp 23, 1901; LebVC, 27; PTS, 27- 30, ThB; ord UnB, Sp 26, 30; p, Zion ch, Allentown, Pa, 30 — . French, Arthur Edward, Jr — b, London, England, Oc 12, 1902; WestmC Pa, 26; tea; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, My 16, 30; miss, Nodoa, Island of Hainan, China, 30 — . Harris, William Glen — b, Crafton, Tex, Mr 11, 1906; TrinlJ, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB, 30-1, ThM; ord, Pby Abilene, Je 24, 29; p. West Trenton, NJ, 29 — . Hays, John Ross — b, Emmitsburg, Md, Oc 3, 1905; LafC, 27; PTS, 27-30, I'hB; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ap 26, 31; asst p. Green Ridge ch, Scranton, Pa, 30—. Highberger, John Kistler — b, Connellsville, Pa, Je 18, 1905; W&JC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB, 31-2, ThM; ord, Pby Blairsville, Je 18, 30; asst p, 1st ch, Pitts- burgh, Pa, 30-1; res, Greensburg, Pa. Hollister, Luther Merriman — b. North Kingsville, O, Ja 2, 1904; CWoos, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; PrU, 30, MA; ord, Pby Hudson, My 7, 30; p, Stoney Point, NY, 30—. Holloway, Thomas Thornton, Jr — b, Dallas, Tex, J1 30, 1904; SMethU, 26; PTS, 26-31, 30, ThB, 32, ThM; res, Dallas, Tex. Hunter, John Andrew, Jr — b. West Middlesex, Pa, Sp 11, 1905; Westm CPa, 24; tea; PTS, 27-30, ThB; NewC, 30-1; ord UP, Pby Chartiers, Oc 13, 31; p, Denora, Pa, 31 — . Inglis, John Cockins — b, Columbus, (), Nv 10, 1903; W&JC, 25; PTS, 27-.30, ThB; ord, Pby St Louis, J1 1, 1930; asst p, Webster Groves, Mo, 30-1; p, Jefferson St ch, St Charles, 31 — . Jenson, Christian Morris — b, Mandale, Norway, J1 25, 1895; BiblL.A, 1919; CWoos, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; res, Wheaton, 111, 30—. Kepler, Kenneth McLellan — b, Soochow, Kiangsu, China, Oc 15, 1905; 712 1930 PrlJ, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Morris & Orange, Ap 8, 30; miss, Hunan, China, 30-2, Weihsien, Shantung, 33 — . Koning, John Willard — b. Cedar Grove, Wis, Ja 25, 1906; CarC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Milwaukee, My 15, 30; miss, Cameroun, WAfr, 30 — . Korteling, Arthur Kollen — b, Clinton, Okla, Je 27, 1906; CoeC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; PrlJ, 30, MA; ord, Pby Cedar Rapids, Je 15, 30; ss, 2d ch, Lincoln. Neb, 30-1; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, UBer & UMarb, 31-2; p, Fairgrove & Akron, Mich, 33 — . Kuman, Alexander — b, Touste, East Galicia, Ap 15, 1901; UBer, 23-5; PTS, 26-7, 28-30, ThB; grad stu, NYU, 27-8; ord, Pby Newark, Ap 15, 30; p, Pickford, Mich, 30 — . Lukens, John Nevius — b, Burlington, NJ, Nv 26, 1901 ; PrU, 25; tea, Syria, 25-7; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 24, 30; asst p, Sewickley, Pa, 30-2; p, 1st ch, Portsmouth, O, 32 — . McPhail, Matthews Ewing — b. Grand Saline, Tex, My 31, 1904; TrinU, 25; bus; PTS, 27-30, ThB, 31, ThM; ord, Pby Paris, Ag 21, 29; ss, Bethlehem ch, Clinton, NJ, 29- p, 30 — . Morrow, Clair Archie — b. Gentry, Ark, Ja 31, 1901; OccC, 24; bus; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 20. 30; p, Belmar, NJ, 31 — •. Mouw, Gerritt E — b. Orange City, la. My 6, 1907; CntlCIa, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 16, 30; ss, Channing & Sagela, Mich, 30-1; ss, Florence, Wis, 31 — . Nicholas, Philip — b, Salonica, Greece, Dc 25, 1898; USN, 1917-9; PkC, 27; PTS, 27-30. ThB; ord, Pby Phila, Je 26, 30; p, Ashbourne ch, Elkins Park, Pa, 30—. Rickabaugh, Paul Elwood — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Oc 23, 1903; WheaC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB, 32-3; ord, Pby Lehigh, Sp 19, 30; p. Port Carbon, Pa, 30—. Scheidemantle, Harry John — b. Ell wood City, Pa, Sp 15, 1904; MuskC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby St Clairsville, Je 12, 30; p. Concord ch, Belmont, O, 30—. Shepherd, Russell William — b, Saginaw, Mich, Ja 20, 1900; AlbnC, 25; DrewTS, 27-8; NBTS, 28-9; PTS, 29-30, ThB; ord, Pby Lackawanna, J1 9, 30; p, 1st ch. Canton, Pa, 30 — . Skinner, William Sherman — b, Gouverneur, NY, Fb 3, 1906; ColgU, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB, 30-1, ThM; ord, Pby St Lawrence, Je 1, 30; Alum Fell, NT Lit, UBer, 31-2; p, 1st ch, Bethlehem, Pa, 33—. Stumpf, Paul Louis — b, St Louis, Mo, Mr 28, 1907; WheaC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Alton, Sp 23, 30; p, 1st ch, Collinsville, 111, 30 — . Sweazey, George Edgar — b. Salt Lake City, Utah, Mr 17, 1905; WestmC Mo, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; PrU, 30, MA; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, UBer, 30-1, PhD; ord, Pby Newark, Je 27, 32; p. 2d ch, Danville, Ky 32 — . 1930 713 Takeda, Kohei — b, Iwateken, Japan, Ja 16, 1896; KobeTS, 1914-9; ord, Pby Naniwa, Ap 8, 26; grad stu, PTS, 27-30, ThB; p, Nagoya, Japan, 31 — . Tignor, Robert Max — b, Groveton, NH, My 18, 1905; CWoos, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Marion, Je 9, 30; p, Olivet ch, Elkins Park, Pa, 29 — . Ulmschneider, George William — b, NYCity, Fb 5, 1898; SBaptTS, 1927-9, ThB; PTS, 29-30; ord. Pby Elizabeth, Ap 23, 30; p, Roscoe, NY, 31 — . Ulrich, Clarence Erb — b, Penbrook, Pa, Ag 19, 1903; LebVC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB, 32-3; ord, UnB, Sp 23, 30; p, Shoemakersville, Pa, 30 — . Usner, Merlin Frederick — b. New Orleans, La, Sp 2, 1902; MaryvC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby New Orleans & Jefferson, My 19, 29; ss, 1st ch, Aber- deen, Ida, 30-1; ss, 1st ch. New Smyrna Beach, Fla, 31 — ; res, Coronado Beach, Fla. Warren, Oliver Jenkins — b, Charleston, SC. Nv 21, 1903; CChas, 26, 27, MA; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Albany, Je 24, 30; p, Roessleville ch, Albany, NY, 30—. Wood, Robert Harvey — b Louisville, Ky, Ja 11, 1905; MaryvC, 27; PTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Chattanooga, Je 12, 30; p, 1st ch. Spring City, Tenn, 30-1; p. Bethel ch, Kingston, 30-1; p, 1st ch, Pekin, 111, 31 — . 44. Alexander, Hasell Norwood — b, Huntersville, NC, Sp 18, 1889; DavC, 1910; tea; USArmy; bus; ColTS, 21-4, BD; ord, Pby Central Mississippi, Ag 17, 24; p, Raymond & Brandon, Miss, 24-9; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; p, Delhi & Tallulah, La, 31 — . Allen, Samuel James — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 23, 1899; Pa Military Coll, Chester, 1922-6; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Philadelphia, My 18, 32; p. Community ch, Jordan, Mont, 20-31; res, Jordan, 31 — . Alves, Luis Rodrigues — b, Tiete, S Paulo, Brazil, SA, Ap 2, 1901; Atheneu Valenciano, 21; PresbTS, Campinas, Brazil, 21-3, 24-5, ThB; ord, Pby East of St Paul, Ja 24, 26; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; p, S Carlos, S Paulo, Brazil, 25 — . Anderson, James Weldon — b, Lawrys, SC, Je 23, 1892; Military Coll of SC, Charleston, 1914; tea, 14-7; USArmy, 17-9; ColTS, 20-3, BD; ord, Pby Athens, Je 28, 23; p, Toccoa, Ga, 23-5; p, Hapeville, & Jonesboro, 25 7; ss, Mt Pleasant ch, Cornwell, SC, 27-8; ss, Oakland Ave ch. Rock Hill, 29; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; BibS, 31-2; res, McConnellsville, SC. Arendt, Samuel Edward — b, Monmouth, 111, My 14, 1900; MonC, 26; PTS, 27-31; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Oc 2, 30; p, Amwell 2d ch, Lambertville, NJ, 30-2; p, 5th ch, Trenton, 32 — . Atkinson, Henry Shepard — b, Harpoot, Turkey, Nv 4, 11K)4; PrU, 27; PTS, 27-9; ord, Pby Yellowstone, Je 21, 29; p. Treasure Co ch, Hysham, Mont, 29-32; WestmTS, 31-2; p, 1st ch, Wildwood, NJ, 32 — . 714 1930 Bear, James Edwin, Jr — b, Chinkiang, Kiangsu, China, Ja 17, 1893; FredC, 1912; W&LU, 15, MA; tea, 12-8; USArmy, 18-9; UnTSVa, 19-22, BD. 22-3, ThM; ord, Pby Lexington, Ap 18, 22; miss, Nanking, China, 23-4, prin, Chin- kiang, Ku, 24-6, evang, 26-7, tea, Mareer Mem Inst, Tenghsien, Shantung, 27-8, evang, Chinkiang, 28-9; grad stu, PTS, 29-30; ss. Read Mem ch, Richmond, Va, 30—. Blackstone, William Treman — b, Ithaca, NY, Nv 1, 1904; USoCal, 27; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Sp 6, 31; miss, Chenchow, Hunan, China, 31 — . Boda, Joseph — b, Kajdacs, Hungary, Ja 25, 1905; PGym, 24; Theol Acad, Papa, Hungary, 24-6; UBer, 26-7; CntlTS, 27-9, BD; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; ord RefChUS, Cl Southwest Ohio, My 19, 29; tea, Rel, pub schls, Veszprem, Hungary, 31 — . Boerman, Jacob C — b, Borculo, Mich, Sp 21, 1899; CalvC, 1927; PTS, 27-8; CalvTS, 28-9; WestTSMich, 29-30, ThB; ord RefChAm, Cl Kalmazoo, Oc 4, 30; p. Three Oaks, Mich, 30 — . Bowen, Henry Pancoast — b, Rutledge, Pa, Ag 11, 1903; WMdC, 26; WestmTSMd, 26-7; PTS, 28-9; ord ME, Oc 15, 28; p. Lake Como, NJ, 27-9; p. Fair Haven, 30 — . Brink, Ebenezer Cobb — b, Elizabeth, NJ, Mr 18, 1905; HamC, 27; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Lackawanna, My 2, 30; p, 1st ch, Hawley, Pa, 30 — . Brynestad, Lawrence Emil — b, Ellendale, Minn, Ap 7, 1898; StOC, 1921; tea; LuthTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, NorwegLuth, Je 6, 20; p, Redfield, SD, 26-9; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; p, NYCity, 29—. Carlisle, Thomas — b, Kilgreel, Co Antrim, Ireland, Ag 30, 1900; TrinCDub, 28; PTS, 28-9; AsC, 29-30; ord, Pby Rathfriland, Je 11, 31; res, Castlewellan, Co Down, Ire, 31 — . Castillo, Americo del — b, Isabela, Porto Rico, Sp 8, 1898; Ev Sem, Rio Piedras, PR, 1926-7; HastC, 29; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; PresbTSChi, 30-1, MA; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 23, 31; p, Mexican ch, Morenci, Ariz, 31-3; res, Tucson, Ariz, 33 — . Commons, Harold Taber — b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 29, 1905; WmsC, 27; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord Bapt, Je 5, 30; p, 1st ch, Atlantic City, 30 — . DeVelde, Everett Clark — b, Chicago, 111, My 19, 1906; WheaC, 27; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Westminster, My 18, 30; p. Center ch. New Park, Pa, 30 — . Diehl, Chester Arthur — b, Grundy Center, la, Je 4, 1905; WheaC, 27; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Yellowstone, J1 20, 30; p, 1st ch, Forsythe, Mont, 30-1; p, Holland & Woodstock, Minn, 31 — . Douglass, George William — b, St James, Minn, Ap 4, 1903; CWoos, 22-6; PTS, 27-9; bus, Princeton, NJ, 30— Dunbar, Edward Capen — b, Hopkinton, NH, Mr 30, 1894; ColbyC, 1930 715 1915-7; USArmy, 17-8; bus; NewtTS, 19-22, BD; ord Bapt, Je 15, 22; p, 1st ch, Norwich, Conn, 22-8; grad stu, PTS, 29-30; p, Flemington, NJ, 28 — . Elsea, Elmer Chrisman — b, Marshall, Mo, Ja 20, 1905; WestmCMo, 27; McCTS, 27-8; NVVU, 28-9; PTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Kansas City, My 21, 30; dir. Travel Inst of Bib Research, Jerusalem, Palestine, 30-2; ColU 32 — . Fricke, Charles Henry, Jr — b, Chicago, 111, Ap 8, 1905; GoshC, 27; PTS, 27-8, 32-3; BibS, 29-32, STB; ord Bapt, Ap 8, 32; p. Mountainside Union chap, Westfield, NJ, 30—. Geitner, Emil William — b, Newark, NJ, Je 3, 1906; UpsC, 27; ss, Wal- lington, NJ, 25-8; BloomTS, 28-30, BD; PTS, 27, grad stu, 30-2, ThM; ord, Pby Jersey City, Je 13, 29; ss. Union ch. Cedar Grove, NJ, 28 — . Geyer, Otto — b, Stuttgart, Germany, Mr 14, 1904; Pre-Theol Schl, Schoental & Urach, 18-22; UTueb, ThDept, 22-6; ord EvLuth, Mr 11, 26; cur, Stadtkirche, Treudenstadt, 26-7; cur, Friedenskirche, Stuttgart, 27-9; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; tea, UTueb, ThDept, 30—. Gibson, Frederick Lawrence — b, Crisfield, Md, Ap 23, 1892; WMdC, 1914; bus; PTS, 27-30; trav evang among Mormons, 30 — ; res. Palm Beach, Fla. Gleason, Chauncey Holland — b, Crawfordsville, Ind, My 1, 1901; PrU, 22-6; PTS, 26-30; ord, Pby Dayton, Sp 22, 30; ss, 1st Federated ch, Holmes- ville, O, 30-1; p, Bainbridge, Bourneville & North Fork chs, O, 32 — . Glenn, Robert Edward — b, Londonderry, No Ire, Dc 6, 1905; Foyle Coll, Londonderry, 17-9; Coleraine Academical Inst, Coleraine, 20-3; bus; PTS, 27-8; res, Henryville, Ind, 28 — . Graham, George Faulk — b, Spokane, Wash, Fb 24, 1905; WhitmC, 27; PTS, 27-8; tea, AmUBeirut, 28-32; tea, Acad, Deerfield, Mass, 32 — . Haines, Charles Huston — b, Germantown, Pa, J1 5, 1898; PrU, 1921; act gen sec, PrU Chr Asso, 21-2; instr. Canton Chr Coll, China, 22-4; PTS, 24-5, 27-8, 29-30; evang, 1st Century Chr Fellowship, 30 — ; res, Germantown, Phila, Pa. Hayashi, Masao — b, Narita-Machi, Chiba-Ken, Japan, Fb 5, 1900; MG, 23, ThDept, 23-6; lie, Christ Ch Japan, Ap 9, 26; AubTS, 27-9, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 29-30; res, Narita-Machi, Chiba-Ken, Japan. *Hill, Howard Adams — b. Golden City, Mo, Ag 3, 1905; PkC, 27; PTS, 27-8; d, Alberton, PEI, Can, J1 8, 28. Hotchkiss, Herbert Vinton — b, Ithaca, NY, Fb 10, 1894; UPa, 1914; CornU, 16-7; tea, CornU, 14-25; USArmy, 17-9; PrU, 26, MA; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Bapt, Dc 5, 29; p. Spruce St ch, Phila, Pa, 30 — . Johnson, Charles Edward — b, Virginia, Minn, Oc 3, 1904; StOC, 27; PTS, 27-8; LuthTS, 28-30, ThB; ord NorwegLuth, Je 22, 30; p, Bainville, Mont, 30 — . Johnson, Russell Foster — b, Columbiana, Ala, Aj) 13, 1906; BirSoC, 26; PTS, 27-9; ColTS, 30-2, BD; ord, Pby Cherokee, Ag 5, 32; miss, Pby Bir- mingham, 28-32; res, Cartersville, Ga. 1930 yi6 Johnston, Geoffrey Deane — b, Dublin, Ireland, Nv 24 1906; UDubl, 28; M’CMageeC, 27-8; PTS, 28-9; asst p, Montpottinger ch, Belfast, Ire, 29- 30; asst p, 1st ch, Bangor, 30-1; AsC, 31-2; ord, Pby Paris, Ap 12, 32; p. Central Presb ch, Brantford, Ont, Can, 32 — ■. Kik, Jacob Marcellus — b, Phillipsland, Holland, Dc 24, 1903; HopeC, 27; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Miramichi, Oc 29, 30; p, Bass River & West Branch, NB, Can, 30 — . Klein, Harold Henry — b, Pella, la, Dc 19, 1901; CntlCMo, 25; NBTS, 25-8; ord RefChAm, Cl Phila, Je 29, 28; grad stu, PTS, 29-30; p, Addisville, Pa, 28—. Lair, Howell Portman — b, Horton, Kan, My 29, 1885; CEmpo, 1906; tea, 06-7; McCTS, 07-9, 12-3, BD; ord, Pby Highland, Je 16, 13; instr, Syr ProtC, 09-12; miss, Hainan, China, 14-5, Shantung, 15-32; UnTS, 21-2, STM; grad stu, PTS, 29-30; miss, Tsinan, China, 32 — . DD, CEmpo, 23. Lee, Allen Clarence — b, Dunn, NC, Nv 25, 1903; AsbC, 27; lie ME, Ap 21, 26; PTS, 27-8; p, Montgomery, Ala, 26-9; p, Pollard, 29 — . Lee, Kyu Yong — b, Young-hyeung, Korea, My 2, 1892; Honolulu Theol Sem, Hawaii, 25-7; PTS, 27-8; PresbTSChi, 28-31, MA; tea. Women’s High Bib Inst, Won San, Korea, 31 — . Lomas, Donald Franklin — b. Green Bay, Wis, My 26, 1905; CarC, 26; tea; PTS, 27-8; PresbTSChi, 28-30, BD; ord, Pby Winnebago, Sp 9, 30; asst p. Prospect St ch, Trenton, NJ, 30 — . Lyttle, David McCay — b, Garvagh, Co Derry, Ireland, J1 27, 1898; TrinCDub, 1928, 32, MA; PTS, 28-9; AsC, 29-30; ord, Pby Rathfriland, Ag 8, 30; p, Ballyroney, Co Down, Ire, 30 — . Marsden, Robert Samuel — b, Phila, Pa, Mr 27, 1905; UPa, 27; PTS, 27- 9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Phila, Je 25, 30; p, Middletown, Pa, 30 — . Meyers, Clement Bricker — b, Mercersburg, Pa; LebVC; tea; PTS, 27-30; ord, Pby Lackawanna, J1 9, 30; ss, Dushore, Pa, 30 — . Miller, Henry — b, Clark Co, Ala, Mr 29, 1889; TemU, 1925-6; p. River- side, NJ, 25-30; ord ME, Mr 10, 29; grad stu, PTS, 29-30; p. Trinity ch, Trenton, NJ, 30—. Ockenga, Harold John — b, Chicago, 111, J1 6, 1905; TaylJ, 27; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; UPitts, 30-2; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Ja 28, 31; asst p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 30-1; p. Point Breeze ch, Pittsburgh, 31 — . Okada, Goshaku — b, Fukui-ken, Japan, Mr 28, 1900; Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, 22-5, ThDept, 25-8; lie, Ev Ch, Tokyo, Mr 20, 25; NYU, 28-9; BibS, 28- 9, 30-1; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; prof, Ch Hist, Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, 31— Peterson, Ralph Stewart — b, Preston, Minn, Sp 5, 1903; Clda, 27; PTS, 27-8; SETS, 28-30, BD; ord, Pby Walla Walla, Sp 17, 30; ss, Waitsburg, Wash, 30- 2; p, Phoenix, Ore, 32 — . 1930 7^7 Porter, Robert Alexander — b, Londonderry, Ireland, Je 12, 1906; TrinCDub, 27; PTS, 27-8; med stu, QuUBelf, 28—. Pressly, William Lawrence — b, Statesville, NC, Sp 19, 1903; ErskC, 25; tea; ErskTS, 27-9, BD; grad stu, PTS, 29-30, ThM; ord AssoRefP, Je 2, 31; p. Greenwood, SC, 31 — . Primus, John Cornelius — b, Wellsburg, la, Ag 9, 1901; MacalC, 25; tea; PTS, 27-8; UMinn, 28-30; instr. Hist & Govt, Grundy Jr Coll, Grundy Center, la, 30 — . Pringle, Joseph Everett — b. Auburn, Neb, Nv 4, 1902; GrovCyC, 27; PTS, 27-8; EvTC, 28-31, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Butler, Sp 8, 31; ss. Park ch, Waterford, Pa, 31 — . Rickabaugh, Clyde Edward — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Fb 15, 1902; LebVC. 26; PTS, 26-7, 28-30; p, 1st UnB ch, Tremont, Pa, 27-8; CrozTS, 30-1, BD, ord, Pby New Castle, Oc 15, 30; p. White Clay Creek ch, Newark, Del, 30 — ; Rickert, Van Dusen, Jr — b, Pottsville, Pa, Fb 16, 1902; PrU, 23, 24, MA; PTS, 27-9; ill health; tea, Washington, DC, 31 — . Roskamp, Arend — b, Kanawka, la, J1 2, 1898; CalvC, 1927; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Pictou, Sp 28, 30; p, 1st ch, Hopewell, NS, Can, 30 — . Shizuoka, Tadahito — b, Kayashima, Japan, Dc 16, 1901; PasU, 27; PTS, 27-8; p, Japanese ch, San Bernardino, Cal. Stevenson, Donald Day — b, NYCity, Oc 2, 1903; YaleU, 25; NewC, 27-8; PTS, 28-9; PresbTSChi, 29-30, BD; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 30, 30; tea, Lingnan Univ, Canton, China, 30 — . Szebik, Charles — b, Lebeny, Hungary, J1 6, 1904; PGym, 25; Univ Pecs, 25-7; UTueb, 27-8; UBer, 28; grad stu, PTS, 28-9; MtATS, 29-30; YaleUDS, 31-2, BD; ord UnLuth, J1 5, 31; p, 1st Hungarian ch, Bridgeport, Conn, 31 — . Thomson, Herbert Fergus — b, Macao, China, Dc 3, 1899; McGU, 1912, 13, MA; Bibs, 13-4; PTS, 27-8; ord, Pby New Brunswick, My 21, 28; miss. Canton, China, 14 — . Todd, Ralph Wesley— b. White Hall, 111, Ag 9, 1905; AsbC, 26; tea; PTS, 27-9, 30-1, ThM; WestmTS, 29-30; ord ME, Mr 8, 31; p, Richwood, NJ, 31 — . Traill, Charles Bayard — b, Frederick, Md, Fb 11, 1903; F&MC, 25-7; DSPEpisCh, 27-8; PTS, 28-30; ord PEpis pr. My, 31; rec, St Mark’s ch, Phila, Pa, 31-2; rec, Grace ch, Wilmington, Del, 32 — . Vining, Robert Lucius — b, Maplecrest, NY, Je 16, 1907; CWoos, 27; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; ord, Pby Northumberland, J1 25, 30; p, 1st ch, Mifflinburg, Pa, 30 — . Welbon, Henry Garner — b, Seoul, Korea, Sp 28, 1904; MaryvC, 27; PTS, 27-8, 29; WestmTS, 29-31; ord, Pby Philadelphia, Sp 30, 31; p. Head of Christiana ch, Newark, Del, 31 — ; ss, Pencader ch, Newark, 31 — . 7i8 1930-1931 Welsh, Evan Draper — b, Princeton, 111, Sp 3, 1904; WheaC, 27; PTS, 27-9; ord, Pby Minneapolis, Dc 23, 29; p, Bethany ch, Minneapolis, Minn, 29 — Westby, Wilhelm Henry — b, Fairdale, ND, Nv 21, 1900; StOC, 23; LuthTS, 23-6, ThB; ord, NorwegLuth, Ag 8, 26; asst p, 1st ch, Fargo, ND, 26-9; gradstu, PTS, 29-30, ThM ; YaleUDS,30-l; SBaptTS, 31-2; res, Sioux City, la, 32 — . White, Ralph Manson — b. Hickory, Pa, My 12, 1899; PkC, 1913; UChiDS, 20-1; PTS, 27-8; miss & tea, Soochow, Kiangsu, China, 13 — . Ylf, Thomas — b, Amsterdam, Holland, Oc 31, 1906; CalvC, 27; PTS, 27-8; CalvTS, 28-30, ThB; ord ChrRef, Sp 19, 30; p. North Blendon ch, Hudsonville, Mich, 30—. Yun, Inku — b. So Kyunsang, Korea, Nv 1, 1903; MG, 23-6, ThDept, 26-9; grad stu, PTS, 29-30; ThM; UEdin, 30-1, res, Kyunsang, Korea, 31 — . Zentgraf, Ernest William, Jr — b, Stapleton, NY, Je 20, 1904; CornU, 27; PTS, 27-9; WestmTS, 29-30; miss, China, 30-2; res, Stapleton, NY, 32 — . 69. 1931 Ancker, Mitchell Thaddeus — b, Phila, Pa, Ag 17, 1903; UPa, 25; bus, 25-8; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Phila North, Fb 4, 32; p, Delaware Water Gap, Pa, 31-2; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Syst Theol, UBer, 32 — . Anderson, Robert Milton — b, Bridgeboro, NJ, Ap 4, 1903; AsbC, 27; AsbTS, 26-7; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord ME, 31; p. Bethel ch, Phila, Pa, 30-1; p. Spring City, 31 — . Aston, Frederick Alfred — b, Sopockinie, Poland, Ap 10, 1899; UDubq, 1929; DubqTS, 28-9; PTS, 29-31, ThB; PrU, 31, MA; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 15, 31; NY Jewish Evangelization Soc, 31 — ; res, NYCity. Bassett, Ralph Conrad — b, Phila, Pa, My 28, 1906; MorC, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; PrU, 31, MA; ord Moravian ch, Je 28, 31; p, Winston-Salem, NC, 31—. Bhagwat, Prabhakar Govind — b, Ahmednagar, India, Sp 16, 1897, Fergusson Coll, Poona, India, 1923; tea; PTS, 28-31, ThB; PrU, 31, MA; ColU, 31-2; miss. Western India Mission, India, 32 — . Billingsley, Richard Thomas — b, Versailles, O, J1 18, 1907; OWesU, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby New Castle, Nv 12, 31; p. Ocean City, Md, 31 — . Blair, Roy — b. Paisley, Scotland, Je 28, 1906; CWoos, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; PrU, 31, MA; ord, Pby Redstone, Je 22, 31; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Apol, NewC, 31-2; p, Mt Pisgah ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 32 — . Boardman, Edwin, Jr — b, Phila, Pa, Je 2, 1892; AshC, 1915-9; ord Brethren, Ja 2, 16; p, Hudson, la, 19-21; PTS, 21-2, 29-31, ThB, 31-2, ThM; miss, SA, 22-4; p. Terra Alta, WVa, 24-5; p, 1st ch, Waterloo, la, 25-9; laSTC, 29, BA; PrU, 31, MA; p, Macalester Mem Presb ch, Torresdale, Pa, 29 — . 1931 719 Bucher, Robert Young — b, Pennington, NJ, Ag 1, 1906; WestmCPa, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Shenango, Je 9, 31; res, Harrisburg, Pa, 31 — . Cobb, Thomas Spencer — b, Mansfield, O, Ag 17, 1903; KalC, 24; bus; PTS, 28-31, ThB, 31-2; ss, Matawan, NJ, 31-2; asst, Madison Ave ch, NYCity, 32—. Comfort, Clarence Ransom, Jr — b, Maplewood, Mo, My 27, 1906; WestCMo, 28; LouisvPTS, 28-9; PTS, 29-31, ThB; ord, Pby St Louis, Je 1.5, 31; p, Hackettstown, NJ, 31 — . Duncan, Calvin Alexander, Jr — b, Knoxville, Tenn, Nv 13, 1904; UAriz, 27; bus; EvTC, 28-30; PTS, 30-1, ThB; ord, Pby Pecos Valley, J1 8, 31; p. Com- munity ch, Superior, Ariz, 31 — . Evans, William Crudden — b, Baltimore, Md, Fb 16, 1903; VV&JC, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Je 12, 31; p, 1st ch, Slatington, Pa, 31—. Franklin, Wilbur Mitchell — b, Bangkok, Siam, Ap 14, 1907; MaryvC, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Holston, Je 7, 31; asst p, 1st ch, Norristown, Pa, 31-2; Alum h'ell, NT Lit, UBer, 32-3; appointed miss, Siam. Hale, Henry Ewing, III— b, NYCity, Oc 12, 1906; PrU, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB, 31-2, ThM; ord, Pby Southwest Florida, Nv 16, 32; ss, Punta Gorda, Fla, 32—. Harold, Harold Gordon — b, St Joseph, Mo, Ap 10, 1905; MaryvC, 27; asst prin, 27-8; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Dayton, Je 1, 31; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, UEdin, 32-3; p, 1st ch, Mt Holly, NJ, 31 — . Huenink, De Loyd — b. Cedar Grove, Wis, Oc 18, 1900; CarC, 23; tea, 23-8; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Milwaukee, Je 18, 31; p, Manistique, Mich, 31— Imrie, John Mark — b, Toronto, Can, J1 21, 1888; BerC, 1914; HartTS, 14-5; OberTS, 15; Canadian Army, 15-9; bus, 19-21; miss, Sakboyeme, Edea, Cameroun, W Afr, 22-6; PTS, 26-7, 30-1, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 13, 27; miss, Edea, Cameroun, W Afr, 27 — . Mikkelson, Wallace Gerhardt — b, Willmar, Minn, Ag 16, 1901; UMinn, 27; asso p, Minneapolis, Minn, 27-8; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord ME, Oc 4, 31; p, Ada, Minn, 31 — . Mirtz, Orville Edward — b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Dc 28, 1902; WestmCPa, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Red Stone, Je 23, 31; miss, Kiungchow, Hainan Is, China, 31— Morrow, William Warren — b, McComb, Miss, Air 28, 1903; AsbC, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB, 32, ThM; ord ME, Mr 8, 31; p, Schultz Mem ch, Cranbury, NJ, 30—. Pellow, William Johnston — b, Pukekohe, New Zealand, J1 20, 1903; AuckU, 26; KxCNZ, 27-9; PTS, 29-31, ThB, ThM; ord, Pby Saskatoon, Uc 16, 31; p, St Andrews ch, Wilkie, Sask, Can, 31 — . 720 1931 Perkins, Franklin Elwood, Jr — b, Delanco, NJ, Oc 25, 1905; UPa, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord ME, Mr 8, 31; DrewTS, 31 — ; p, New Egypt, NJ, 31 — . Prugh, Charles Maurice — b, Dayton, O, Je 6, 1906; HeidC, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UBer, 31-2; ord RefChUS, Cl Southwest Ohio, Nv 20, 32; p, Zions ch, Decatur, Ind, 32 — . Rogan, William Ferdinand — b, Brownwood, Tex, My 20, 1904; TrinU, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Brownwood, Je 11, 31; p, Andover, NJ, 31 — . Romig, Arthur Mathes — b, Taianfu, Shantung, China, Oc 7, 1907; CWoos, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Wooster, Ap 20, 31; miss, Yuankiang, Yunnan, China, 31 — Terry, Duane Richard — b, Olympia, Wash, Oc 7, 1904; OccC, 27; PTS, 27- 9, 30-1, ThB; instr, Lingnan Univ, Canton, China, 29-30; stu, UChiDS, 31-2; res, Chicago, 111, 32 — . Thompson, William Clarence — b, Tarentum, Pa, Sp 30, 1904; MuskC, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Sp 18, 31; p, Beechwoods & Sugar Hill chs. Pa, 31 — ; res. Falls Creek, Pa. Weaver, David Williams — b, Parkesburg, Pa, Nv 23, 1905; W&JC, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; Alum Fell, NT Lit, UEdin, 31-2; ord, Pby Lehigh, Ap 20, 33; p, Mauch Chunk, Pa, 33 — . Wickard, Clyde Duane — b, McKeesport, Pa, Ja 17, 1906; CWoos, 28; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Redstone, Je 22, 31; asst p, 1st ch, Warren, & ss. Sugar Grove, Pa, 31-2; p, E Kishocoquillas ch, Reedsville, 32 — . Willard, Warren Wyeth — b, Marshfield Hills, Mass, J1 12, 1905; BrU, 27; p, Smithfield, RI, 25-7; ord Bapt, Fb 4, 27; p, Forrestdale, Mass, 27-8; PTS, 28- 31, ThB; p. South Bapt ch. Providence, RI, & tea, Ch Hist, Providence Bib Inst, 31 — . Wriggins, John Trevithick — b, Newark, NJ, Nv 1, 1899; MaryvC, 1928; PTS, 28-31, ThB; ord, Pby Lehigh, Oc 6, 1931; p, Westm ch, Allentown, & 1st ch, Hokendauqua, & ss, Ferndale ch, Fullerton, Pa, 31 — . 32. Anderson, William Christian — b, Waterloo, 111, Ag 9, 1901; ElmC, 21-4; EdenTS, 24-7; ord Ev, Je 19, 27; p, St John’s ch, Waterloo, 111, 27-30; grad stu, PTS, 30-2; p, St Paul’s ch, Trenton, NJ, 30 — . Angus, William Robertson, Jr — b, NYCity, Oc 4, 1901; RutU, 22; HartTS, 22-5, ThB; ord RefChAm, Cl Bergen, J1 15, 25; grad stu, PTS, 30-1; miss, Amoy, China, 25 — . *Atanasov, Samuel — b, Todorack, Macedonia, Je 15, 1907; Amer Gym, Samokov, 28; PTS, 28-30; d, Princeton, NJ, Fb 14, 30. Bagnal, Isaac Moultrie — b, Manning, SC, Sp 10, 1905; PresbCSC, 27; ColTS, 27-30, BD; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord, Pby Piedmont, Oc 6, 31; res, Honea Path, SC, 31 — . 1931 721 Bartel, Paul Henry — b, Taninsgfu, Hopeh, China, J1 19, 1904; TabC, 28; PTS, 28-9; MissTrl, 29-30; ord, Krimmer Mennonite Breth, Nv 2, 30; miss, Lungton, Szechuan, China, 30 — . Bartell, Earnest Cosma — b, Tarentum, Pa, J1 1, 1903; PrU, 27; gen sec, Philadelphian Soc, PrU, 27-8; PTS, 28-9; coach & instr, Eng, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH, 29 — . Baxter, Richard — b, Fannettsburg, Pa, Sp 11, 1908; SusqueU, 28; PTS, 28; res, Allenwood, Pa. Bordeaux, William Harllee — b, Wilmington, NC, My 14, 1906; DavC, 27; bus; PTS, 28-9; WestmTS, 29-31; ord, Pby Wilmington, My 29, 32; p. Com- munity ch. Old Greenwich, Conn, 32 — . Botha, Louis Laurie Nel — b, Greytown, Natal, South Africa, Oc 29, 1901; UStell, 26, 27-8, MA; StellTS, 28-30, VDM; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord, DRefChSAfr, Ap 2, 32; p, Middleburg, Transvaal, So Afr, 32; p, Ladysmith, 32 — . Bruce, John Wallace — b, Belfast, Ireland, Ap 9, 1905; TrinCDub, 30; M’CMageeC, 28-9; PTS, 29-31; lie, Pby Belfast, My 11, 32; res, Belfast, Ireland, 32 — . Carlough, Winfield Arthur — b, Suffern, NY, Sp 17, 1910; CWoos, 28; PTS, 28-9; bus, Ramsey, NJ, 29 — . Coray, Henry Warner — b, Pittston, Pa, Je 23, 1904; WheaC, 26; tea, 26-8; PTS, 28-9; WestmTS, 29-31; ord, Pby Lackawanna, Ja 12, 32; p. West Pittston ch, Pittston, Pa, 32 — . Cureton, Charles Ladd, Jr — b, Pickens, SC, Ja 15, 1901; FurU, 24; tea, 24-5; ColTS, 25-8, BD; ord, Pby Enoree, Je 24, 28; p, Inman & Clifton, SC, 28-30; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; p, 1st ch, Hammonton, NJ, 31 — . Darsie, William Watters — b. West Homestead, Pa, Oc 2, 1901; UPitts, 24; MBI, 24-5; ord, Pby Parkersburg, Mr, 26; p. Charleston, WWa, 26-8; PTS, 28-30; p, 1st ch, San Pedro, Cal, 30 — . Davis, Calvin Grier — b, Wilmar, Ark, Sp 15, 1906; DavC, 27; PTS, 28-9; UnTSVa, 29-31; ord, Pby Pine Bluff, Je 21, 31; asst p, Grace Covenant ch, Richmond, Va, 31 — . Day, Chapin Walker — b, Tehuacana, Tex, Dc 16, 1905; WMdC, 26; tea; PTS, 28-9; ColU, 32, MA; tea, Caldwell, NJ, 30—. DeRuiter, Peter W — b. South Holland, 111, Dc 13, 1900; HopeC, 28; PTS, 28-9; WestmTS, 29-31; ord, Pby Chester, Oc 12, 31; p, Nottingham, Pa, 31—. Ditzler, Harold Edward — b, York, Pa, Ap 7, 1907; SusqueU, 28; PTS, 28-9; LanTS, 29-31; stu s, Buffalo Valley RefChUS, Lewisburg, Pa, 29- p, 31; ord RefChUS, Cl West Susquehanna, My 19, 31; UEdin, 31-3; asst, h'ree St George’s West ch, Edinburgh, Scot, 32 — . Eppard, Alfred Winfield — b, Martinsburg, WVa, Nv 11, 1906; LafC, 722 1 931 28; PTS, 28-9; lie, Pby Carlisle, Sp 22, 30; WestmTS, 29-31; UEdin, ThDept, 31-2; res, Chambersburg, Pa, 32 — •. Grams, Roy Henry — b, Watertown, Wis, Nv 26, 1906; MorC, 28; MorTS, 28-30, BD; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord Moravian, Nv 22, 31; p, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis, 31 — . Gregg, Alva Mayes — b, Lowrys, SC, Fb 5, 1905; PresbCSC, 27; tea, 27-8; PTS, 28-31; lie, Pby Bethel, Dc 29, 30; ColTS, 31-2, BD; res. Rock Hill, SC, 32—. Guichelaar, John — b. Prairie View, Kan, Ja 10, 1907; CalvC, 27; CalvTS, 27-30, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord ChrRef, Cl Wisconsin, Nv 5, 31; p, Birnamwood, Wis, 31 — , Hanna, Alexander Carson — b, Phila, Pa, J1 12, 1888; ColgU, 1910; ColgTS, 10-3, BD; UChiDS, 13-4, MA; ord Bapt, India, Oc, 16; George S Green Fell, OT, PTS, 30-1, ThM; miss, Burma, India, 14 — . Haugen, Abner Sigmond — b. Harmony, Minn, J1 17, 1902; StOC, 26; tea, 26-8; PTS, 28-9; ss. Our Saviour’s Luth ch, Staten Island, NY, 29-30; tea, Speech, StOC, 29 — . Hewett, Clyde Ernest — b. Plum Run, Pa, Ja 31, 1897; ord Fv, Mr 7, 1920; AlbrC, 26; p. State College, Pa, 26-8; PTS, 28-30; p, Locktown, NJ, 28-31; AlbrC, ThDept, 30-1, BD; res, Mechanicsburg, Pa, 31 — . Hoose, Earl Albion — b. Canton, Pa, Je 27, 1886; BosU; DrewTS, 1912-5, BD; ord MF, Mr 28, 15; grad stu, PTS, 30-1; miss, China, 15 — ; res, Peiping, China. Ishwardas, Bernard Chandra — b, Lahore, India, Mr 15, 1900; Forman Chr Coll, Lahore, 24; No India United Theol Coll, Saharanpur, 24-6, BD; ord, Pby Ludhiana, India, Ap 2, 26; p. United ch, Ludhiana, India, 26-9; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; NYU, 31-2; Chr edu wk, India, 32— Johnston, Thomas Richard — b, Belfast, Ireland, J1 2, 1907; QuUBelf, 29; AsC, 28-9; PTS, 29-30; res, Belfast, Ire;— Julier, Bessie — b, Nashville, Tenn, Ag 13, 1902; WheaC, 27; PTS, 28-9; res, Sussex, NJ. Juren, Blahoslav Benjamin — b, Libenice, Czechoslovakia, Nv 5, 1903; Czech Gym, Brno, 22; JnHusTS, 26-8; WestTS, 29-30; grad stu, PTS, 30-1; res, Louny, Czechoslovakia. Kato, Kenzo — b, Aomori, Japan, Nv 16, 1900; Keio Univ, Tokyo, 24-6; HarvU, 27-8; PTS, 28-9;— King, Walter Bertram — b, Phila, Pa, Fb 28, 1905; AshC, 28; PTS, 28-9; SBaptTS, 29-32, ThM; ord, UnB, Ag 28, 32; p, 1st ch. Clay City, Ind, 32 — . Koons, Edwin Wade— b, McLean, NY, Ap 22, 1880; CoeC, 1900; AubTS, 00-3; ord, Pby Syracuse, My 23, 03; grad stu, PTS, 30-1; miss, Seoul, Korea, 03 — . Krug, Adolph Nicholas — b, Homberg, Germany, Oc 4, 1873; AmhC, 1903; CWoos, 17, MA; miss, Batenga, West Africa, 03-4, Ffulen, 04-5, Flat, 05-16; 1931 7^3 tea, MtHBSchl, 17-20; PTS, 28-9; miss, Benito, Spanish Guinea, SAfr, 20-4, Foulassi, 25 — . Lueken, Rudolf Friedrich Theodor — b, Bardewisch, Germany, Ag 6, 1907; Goethe Gym, Frankfurt am Main, 26; UMarb; UGot; UBer; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; lie Ger Ev Ref Ch, Germany, Ag 14, 30; p, Heringen, 31 — . MacKay, Malcolm — b, Rome, O, Sp 15, 1906; DalhU, 27; PTS, 28-9; WestmTS, 30-2; res, Phila, Pa, 32 — . McCleary, Raymond — b, Newry, Ireland, Sp 24, 1902; McMU, 28; PTS, 28-9; VicC, 29-31, BD; ord UnChCan, Je 7, 31; asst p. Metropolitan ch, Toronto, Can, 31 — . McCuen, Ralph Burtsall — b, Glen Lock, Pa, Mr 2, 1896; F&MC, 30; TernU, 1928, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord ME, Mr 13, 32; p, Harrisburg, Pa, 31— Meintire, Carl Curtis — b, Ypsilanti, Mich, My 17, 1906; PkC, 27; bus; PTS, 28-9; ord, Pby West Jersey, Je 4, 31; res, Detroit, Mich, 31 — . Meiring, Arnoldus Mauritius — b, Graaf Reinett, CP, South Africa, My 21, 1906; UCape, 26, 27, MA; StellTS, 28-30; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord DRefChSAfr, Jl, 32; asst p, Rondebosch, CP, 32 — . Miyoshi, Toshio — b, Fukuoka, Japan, Mr 5, 1903; Tokyo Gakuin, 20-3; Seinan Gakuin, 23-6; ord, Bapt, Japan, Mr 27, 26; SBaptTS, 28-30, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; res, Seinan Jogakuin, Kokura, Japan. Moedt, John Jans, Jr — b, Nieuwebrug, Friesland, Holland, Jl 15, 1898; HopeC, 1928; PTS, 28-9; WestTSMich, 29-31, ThB; ord RefChAm, Cl Wisconsin, Je 17, 31; p, Racine, Wis, 31 — . Moffett, James McKee — b, Pyeng Yang, Korea, Fb 28, 1905; CWoos, 23-5; Have, 25; HurC, 26-7; PTS, 28-31; BibS, 31-2; bus & rel edu wk, 32-; res, NYCity. Moore, Boude Chambers — b, Kobe, Japan, My 13, 1897; AusC, 1918; USArmy; UnTSVa, 21-4; ord, Pby Mecklenburg, Je 14, 24; grad stu, PTS, 30-1; miss, Nagasaki, Japan, 24-6, Kurume, 27 — . Noji, Kiyoshi — b, Watari, Japan, Fb 15, 1899; TohG, 1925; PacSRel, 28-30, BD; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord, Pby Los Angeles, Je 9, 31; p, Japanese ch, Salem, Ore, 31 — . Ohkawa, Tadashi — b, Takamatsu, Japan, Je 11, 1898; MG, 1919, ThDept, 19-22; ord Japanese Chr Ch, Oc 1, 22; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; prof, Taihoku Theol Coll, Formosa, Japan, 22 — . Olsen, Stanley Leonard — b, Rowlands, Pa, Nv 15, 1904; CCyNY, 27; PTS, 28-9; BibS, 29-30; LuthTS, 30-2; res, Brooklyn, NY, 32—. Ooms, William— b, Chicago, 111, Dc 28, 1896; HopeC, 1928; PTS, 28-9; WestmTS, 29-31, ThB; ord, PresbChCan, Ja 21, 32; p, Oxford & Pugwash, NS, Can, 31 — . 724 1931 Pacquing, Isabelo — b, Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippine Is, Nv 19, 1898; WheaC, 1929; GarBibl, 29; PTS, 29-30; res, Sta Maria, Ilocos Sur, PI, 30 — . Porter, David — b, Knocknamuckley, Portadown, Ireland, Je 6, 1895; TrinCDub, 1929; PTS, 29-30; AsC, 30-1; ord, Pby Ahoghill, Je 30, 31; p. Trinity ch, Ahoghill, Ire, 31 — . Porter, George Scott — b, Worthington, Minn, Ja 3, 1903; laSTC, 27; OmaTS, 27-30, ThB; ord, Pby Sioux City, Je 3, 30; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; p, 1st ch, Belfry-Bear Creek, Mont, 31 — . Rainey, John Joseph Adams — b, Gillistown, Toomebridge, Ireland, Oc 20, 1905; TrinCDub, 29; M’CMageeC, 28-9; PTS, 29-30; AsC, 30-1; asst p. Old Park Road ch, Belfast, Ire, 31 — . Saito, Henry Yoshiharu — b, Okayama, Japan, Ja 3, 1897; HeidC, 1927; CntlTS, 27-30, BD; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord RefChUS, Cl Northwest Ohio, My 17, 31; p, 1st ch, San Francisco, Cal, 31 — . Schaeffer, Robert Rex — b. Ford City, Pa, Oc 20, 1899; PaSC; PTS, 28; res, Phila, Pa; — Schuurmann, John Frederick — b, Campen, Ostfriesland, Germany, Ja 24, 1903; CalvC, 27; CalvTS, 27-30, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM ; ord ChrRef, Cl Ostfriesland, Sp 27, 31; p, Lincoln Center ch, res, Grundy Center, la, 31 — . Shaub, Robert Coleman — b, Harrisburg, Pa, Mr 9, 1893; XenTS, 1922-5; ord UP, Pby Southern Illinois, My 8, 25; grad stu, PTS, 30-1; asst libr, PTS, 31-2; p. Little York, 111, 33 — •. Sipos, Stephen — b, Szentes, Hungary, Fb 18, 1907; Szentesi Allami Fogymnazium, Hungary, 17-25; Ref Theol Acad, Budapest, 25-30; ord, Magyar Ref Egyhaz, Sp 12, 30; grad stu, PTS, 30-2, ThM; ss, Hungarian ch, Perth Amboy, NJ, 31-2; ss, Windber, Pa, 32; grad stu, PrU, 32-3; res, Szentes, Hungary. Skelton, Kenneth Throckmorton — b, Waynesburg, Pa, Ag 5, 1906; WaynC, 28; PTS, 28-9; PaSC, 32, MA; tea. Mount Morris, Pa, 31 — . Snell, Gerard Hallock — b, Brooklyn, NY, Ag 15, 1906; GWU, 28; PTS, 28-9; WestmTS, 29-31; ord, Pby Washington City, Ap 15, 31; asst p, Ch of Covenant, Cincinnati, O, 31 — . Sperling, Tod Brumbaugh — b, Phila, Pa, Sp 13, 1906; MorC, 28; PTS, 28-9; WestmTS, 29-31; ord, Pby Phila, J1 5, 31; asst p, 1st ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 31-2; p, Westm ch, Milwaukee, Wis, 32 — . Takagi, Shiro — b, Inanachi, Shinshu, Japan, Mr 7, 1894; MG, 1920, ThDept, 20-3; p, Yonezawa City, Tohoku, 23-9; ord, Ch of Christ, Japan, Ap 26, 28; LanTS, 29-30, BD; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; p, Kunsan City, Chosen, Japan, 31 — . Tanaka, Goji — b, Mihara-machi, Japan, J1 5, 1899; KobeTS, 1921-6; p, Kochishi, Japan, 26-30; ord Ch of Christ, Japan, My, 29; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; WestmTS, 31-2; res, Phila, Pa, 32— 1931-1932 72 5 Ten Hoeve, Thomas — b, Friesland, Holland, Ag 25, 1899; HopeC, 1927; NETS, 27-30, BD; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord RefChAm, Cl New Brunswick, Ja 27, 32; p. Rocky Hill, NJ, 29-32; p. New Brooklyn ch, Brooklyn, NY, 32 — ■. Todd, Rolla B — b. White Hall, 111, Ag 9, 1905; AsbC, 26; tea, Apopka, Fla, 26-8; PTS, 28-9; UTex, 32, MA; tea, San Antonio, Tex, 29 — . Turpin, Harold Willard— b. Brush, Col, Je 12, 1905; HastC, 27; PTS, 28-9; ord, Pby Denver, J1 10, 31; p, Rochester, Ind, 31 — . • Warner, Howard Ely — b, Cheshire, O, My 17, 1898; p, ME ch, Albany, NY, 1920-4; OU, 23-6; ord, Pby Athens, Ap 21, 26; OWesU, 27; PTS, 28-30; p, Alexander Presb ch, Athens, O, 25 — . Whisenhunt, Roy Chase — b. Hickory, NC, Ja 24, 1904; LRC, 27; CntlTS, 27-31, BD; grad stu, PTS, 30-1, ThM; ord RefChUS, Cl North Carolina, Je 28, 31; p, Salisbury, NC, 31 — . Wideman, Charles Edgar — b, Cass Lake, Minn, J1 26, 1902; TayU, 28; PTS, 29-30; WestmTS, 30-2; p, Amwell ch, Ringoes, NJ, 31 — . Witty, Robert Gee — b, Glasgow, Ky, Oc 6, 1906; WillaU, 28; Kimball Coll of Theol, Salem, Ore, 26-8; PTS, 28-9; p, Davenport, Fla, 29-30; ord ME, Ap 26, 31; p. Tarpon Springs, Fla, 31 — . Yamada, Maki — b, Mito, Japan, Sp 26, 1907; Tokyo Shingakusha, Tokyo, Japan, 27, ThDept, 27-30; grad stu, PTS, 30-2, ThM; p, Japanese ch of Christ, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, Japan, 32 — . 70. 1932 Annich, Russell Wilford— b, Phila, Pa, Sp 17, 1906; MaryvC, 29; SFTS, 29-.30; PTS, 30-2, ThB, 32-3; ord, Pby Philadelphia, J1 17, 32; res, Phila, Pa. Arcularius, Philip du Buisson — b, Montclair, NJ, My 11, 1902; YalelJ, 21-3, 23, 24-5; bus; AubTS, 29-30; PTS, 30-3; res, Princeton, NJ. Berger, Robert Birdsey — b, Horton, Kan, Oc 31, 1904; WestmCMo, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB, 32-3; ord, Pby Iron Mountain, My 27, 32; ss, Kingston, NJ, 31- p, 32—. Blake, Eugene Carson — b, St Louis, Mo, Nv 7, 1906; PrU, 28; tea, P'orman Chr Coll, Lahore, India, 28-9; NewC, 29-30; PTS, 30-2, ThB; ord, Pby West Jersey, Ap 19, 32; asst p, St Nicholas Collegiate Ref ch, NYCity, 32 — . Brushwyler, Vincent — b, Newark, NJ, J1 28, 1903; WheaC, 29; bus; PresbTSChi, 30-1; ord Bapt, Je 10, 30; p. Community ch, Norwood Heights, NJ, 29-31; PTS, 31-2, ThB; p, Ev Bapt ch, Newark, NJ, 31 — . Clark, Percy Eugene Wendall — b, Hamburg, NY, Oc 23, 1902; WheaC, 28; PTS, 28-32, ThB; ord, Pby Chicago, Sp 12, 32; miss, Anking, Anhwei, China, 32 — . Clever, Alton Claude — b. Echo, Pa, Je 25, 1905; GrovCyC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Kittanning, Sp 13, 32; p, 1st ch, Pinellas Park, Fla, 32 — . 1932 726 Colman, Samuel— b, Phila, Pa, Mr 3, 1901; WestmCPa, 1929; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Lehigh, Je 16, 32; p. Bridge St ch, Catasauqua, Pa, 32 — . Corbin, John Crawford — b, Passaic, NJ, Ja 20, 1905; VVheaC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Carlisle, J1 14, 32; p, Derry ch, Hershey, Pa, 32 — . Courtenay, Walter Rowe — b, St Thomas, Ont, Can, Sp 25, 1902; MaryvC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Winnebago, Sp 27, 32; p, 1st ch, Neenah, Wis, 32 — . Dale, John Taylor, Jr — b, Rio Verde, Mexico, Ap 6, 1906; ErskC, 28; bus; PTS, 29-32, ThB; miss, AssoRefP, Tamazunchale, Mexico, 32 — . Duvall, William Jackson — b, Mobile, Ala, Ag 25, 1907; AsbC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ss, Hedding ME ch, Belmar, NJ, 30-2; ord ME, Mr 6, 32; p, Barns- boro & New Sharon, NJ, 32 — ; res, Collingswood, NJ. Eastwood, Walter Holmes — b, Manchester, England, Ap 13, 1906; ParsC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB, 32-3; ord, Pby Iowa City, Sp 21, 32; p, 1st ch, Iselin, NJ, 32—. Englert, Donald Marcus Charles — b, Allentown, Pa, Oc 10, 1909; MuhlC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; PrU, 32, MA; Alumni Fell, NT Lit, UBer & UMarb, 32-3; res, Allentown, Pa. Fell, Harry Ingram — b, Unionville, Pa, Ja 13, 1909; MaryvC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB, 32-3; lie, Pby Chester, Sp 27, 32; res. West Chester, Pa. Hewlett, Tolbert Dwight— b, Patton, Pa, J1 1, 1907; W&JC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Westminster, Je 14, 32; p, Stewartstown, Pa, 32 — . Jennings, Harvey Leonal — b, Centerville, Pa, Fb 22, 1907; WaynC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby New Brunswick, Ap 14, 32; p, Frenchtown, NJ, 32 — . Johnson, Roswell Park — b, Lincoln University, Pa, Ag 15, 1907; PrU, 28; NewC, 29-30; UMarb, 30; YaleUDS, 30-1; PTS, 31-2, ThB; ord, Pby Chester, Je 10, 32; p, Yeadon, Pa, 32 — . Kell, James Garrett— b, Phila, Pa, Ap 10, 1906; LafC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ss. New Gretna, NJ, 30-2; ord, Pby Carlisle, Je 30, 32; p, Westm ch, Harrisburg, Pa, 32 — . Knoll, Lee Elbert — b, Dumont, la, Dc 26, 1898; WhitC, 1929; bus; PresbTSChi, 29-30; PTS, 30-2, ThB; ord, Pby Spokane, Sp 16, 32; p, Monroe Park ch, Spokane, Wash, 32 — . Lenz, Albert William — b, Newark, NJ, Ag 15, 1909; BloomC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Newark, My 2, 32; Gelston-Winthrop Fell, Ch Hist, UBer, 32-3; res, Newark, NJ. Lime, John Clayton — b, Port Carbon, Pa, Sp 2, 1905; W&JC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Monmouth, Je 30, 32; p, Delanco, NJ, 32 — . McAdoo, William Alexander — b. Kittanning, Pa, Oc 10, 1905; DickC, 27; tea; PTS, 30-2, ThB, 32-3; lie, Pby Carlisle, Ap 11, 32; res, Carlisle, Pa. McCahan, Eugene Harold — b, Huntingdon, Pa, Mr 4, 1902; JuniC, 29; 1932 72/ PTS, 29-32, ThB; lie, Pby Huntingdon, Je 6, 32; ss. Arch Spring, Spruce Creek & Center Line chs. Sinking Valley, Pa, 32- p, 33 — . Nevin, John Campbell — b. Homestead, Pa, J1 14, 1904; WestmCPa, 24; tea; bus; PTS, 29-32; ord UP, Pby Monongahela, Mr 22, 32; p, 5th ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 32 — Niederhaus, Raymond A — b, Hastings, Neb, Fb 2, 1906; UNeb, 28; bus; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Hastings, Fb 2, 33; p, German ch, Campbell, Neb, 33—. Overholser, Carlton Wayne — b. Diagonal, la. My 28, 1908; ParsC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Corning, Je 21, 32; ss, Sharpsburg, la, 33 — . Patton, Millard Harmer — b. Chestnut Hill, Pa, Ap 20, 1905; TemU, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Phila North, J1 14, 32; p. Cedar Manor, NY, 30-2; p, 1st ch. Green Island, 32 — . Phifer, William Everette, Jr — b, Brookhaven, Miss, My 13, 1909; DavC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Monmouth, Ap 12, 32; ss, Pierce Mem ch, Farm- ingdale, NJ, 31 — . Platt, Charles Alexander — b, Kansas City, Mo, Fb 22, 1908; UMo, 29; PTS, 29-32; ord, Pby Kansas City, Je 7, 32; asst p, Webb Horton Mem ch, Middletown, NY, 32 — ■. Ramaker, Gerald — b. Prairie View, Kan, Mr 19, 1908; CalvC, 28; instr, Grundy Center Jr Coll, la, 28-9; PTS, 29-32, ThB; UPa, 32-3; res, Grundy Center, la. Ridings, Alva Lorin — b, Tacoma, Wash, Ag 16, 1906; UCal, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby San Francisco, Dc 12, 32; asst p, 1st ch, Berkeley, Cal, 32—. Rude, Buckley Stephens — b, Enid, Okla, Ap 7, 1907; PhillU, 28; ss, Ringwood, Okla, 28-9; PresbTSChi, 29-30; PTS, 30-2, ThB; GS Green Fell, OT Lit, UBer, 32-3; res, Enid, Okla. Satow, Masao William — b, San Mateo, Cal, Fb 14, 1908; UCal, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; exec sec, Japanese Branch, YMCA, Los Angeles, Cal, 32 — . Schottke, Earl Frederick — b, Cleveland, O, Ag 15, 1905; HeidC, 28; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord RefChUS, Nv 6, 32; p, St John’s ch, Germantown, O, 32 — . Shiroma, Jiro — b, Okinawa, Japan, My 3, 1890; WheaC, 1929; bus; PTS, 29-32, ThB; Naha, Japan, 32 — . Shockey, Richard George — b, Paulton, Pa, Oc 20, 1906; GrovCyC, 28; WestTS, 28-30; PTS, 31-2, ThB; ord; p, Presb ch. Big Run, Pa, 32—. Tiffany, Frank Leslie— b, Salem, SD, J1 7, 1898; WhitC, 1929; MeCTS, 29-30; PTS, 30-2, ThB; ord, Pby Spokane, Je 10, 32; p, Ellendale, ND, 32 — . Tull, Albert Lee— b, Oxford, Md, Ag 1, 1903; MaryvC, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Baltimore, Ap 19, 32; p. Cow Creek, Ky, 32 — . 728 1932 Van Orden, Muriel Joy — b, Clinton, NJ, Ag 25, 1905; Radcliff Coll, Cambridge, Mass, 28; PTS, 28-32, ThB, ThM; res, Frenchtown, NJ, 32 — . White, Rowland Hughes — b. Hickory, Pa, Ap 1, 1906; CWoos, 28; tea; PTS, 29-32, ThB; ord, Pby Elizabeth, Je 2, 32; p, Delaware Water Gap, Pa, 32 — . Webster, Leonard — b, Durant, Okla, Je 21, 1906; East Central State Teacher’s Coll, Ada, Okla, 29; PTS, 29-32, ThB; lie, Pby Saskatoon, Sp 20, 32; ss, PresbChCan, Olds, Alberta, Can, 32 — . 42. Acton, Alexander Archibald — b, Co Lambton, Ontario, Can, Ap 6, 1887 ; QuUOnt, 1912; QuTC, 12-4, 16, BD; ord, Pby Kingston, My 14, 14; grad stu, PTS, 31; p, Belvidere, NJ, 32 — . Ayers, Harman Allen— b, Kankaku, 111, Mr 19, 1900; SW, 29; PTS, 29-30; res, Vicksburg, Miss. Bahman, Mohammad Etemad Moghaddam — b, Teheran, Persia, Dc 30, 1908; Amer Coll, Teheran, 29; PTS, 29-31; tea, Teheran, Persia, 31 — . Bannan, Edward Joseph — b, Gowran, Kilkenny, Ireland, Ja 28, 1884; Civil Service Coll, Dublin, 1901-2; Miss Tr Schl, London, Eng; PTS, 29-30; miss, Changteh, Hunan, China, 30 — . Bossard, Lester — b, Phillipsburg, NJ, Oc 9, 1905; RutU, 28; NBTS, 28-31, BD; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; ord RefChAm, Cl Philadelphia, My 28, 31; stu s, Cloverhill, NJ, 29- p, 31 — . Boyce, William Moore — b, Lancaster, SC, Sp 17, 1902; ErskC, 23; ErskTS, 25-7, BD; tea, 23-5; p, Statesville, NC, 23-5; ord, AssoRefP, Second Pby, My 10, 27; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; p, Doraville, Ga, 27 — . Chang, Hsueh Rung — b, Weihsien, Shantung, China, Ap 3, 1899; Shan- tung Chr Univ, 1912-6; No China Theol Sem, Tenghsien; ord, Pby Ankiu, Shan- tung, Oc 28, 25; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; res, Tenghsien, Shantung, China. Chapman, Ernest Newell — b, Oakland, Cal, Nv 18, 1888; UCal, 1911; MissTrl, 12-3; SFTS, 13-5; YMCA, war service, 15-7; ord, Pby San Francisco, Ag 26, 17; grad stu, PTS, 31-2; miss, Japan, 17 — ; res, Isada, Shingu, Wakayama Ken, Japan. Cho, Seung Hak — b, Chang Yeun, Korea, My 14, 1902; lie, Pby Hwang Hai, Nv 25, 29; Presb Sem, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 1930; MacalC, 31; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; stu, ColU, 32— Conrad, Edward George — b, Baltimore, Md, Oc 24, 1904; MaryvC, 28; PresbTSChi, 28-31, BD; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 28, 31; p, Hawley Memorial ch. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa, 32 — . Corkey, William Barnett Harold — b, Ballymena, Ireland, Je 1, 1908; QuUBelf, 28; AsC, 29-30; ord, Pby Belfast, Nv 13, 32; miss, China, 32 — . Czegledy, Alexander — b, Magysallo, Hungary', Je 16, 1909; Benedictine 1932 729 Gym, Gyor, 20-7; Theol Sem, Transdanubian Syn, 27-8, Cisdanubian Syn, 28-9; CntlTS, 29-31, BD; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; res, Budapest, Hungary. Decke-Cornill, Hans — b, Breslau, Germany, Sp 9, 1909; Luisen Gym, Berlin, Germany, 20-7; UHalle, 28-9; UBer, 29-30; HartTS, 30-1; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; res, Berlin, Germany. DeGroot, John Henry — b, Passaic, NJ, J1 30, 02; CalvC, 26; UMich, 26-7, MA; CalvTS, 27-30, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; p, VVallington chap, VVallington, NJ, 32 — ; res, Passaic, NJ. De Jong, Peter Albert — b. New Sharon, la, Oc 6, 1900; CntlCIa, 28; WestTSMich, 28-31, ThB, ThM; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; ord, RefChAm, Je 30, 32; p. Peoples Park ch, Paterson, NJ, 32 — . Dewey, Leland Greaves — b, Clayton, NY, Je 3, 1907; UnC, 28; bus; PTS, 29-30; UnTS, 30-2; res, Schenectady, NY, 32 — . Dick, Roy Harry — b, Berwick, Pa, Ap 17, 1892; AlbrC, 1914-5; DickC, 15-6; stu p, Carlisle, Pa, 15-9; ord EvCh, Mr 8, 18; p, Altoona, 19-22; BibS, 22-3; p, Scranton, Pa, 23-8; PTS, 29-30; p, Baltimore, Md, 28-32; res, Glen Rock, Pa, 32 — •. Dunlop, James — b, Ballymena, Ireland, Ag 6, 1906; TrinCDub, 29; M’CMageeC, 29-30; PTS, 30-1; AsC, 31-2; asst p. Green Island ch, Co Antrim, Ire, 32—. Felder, Karl Sigmund — ^b, Voitzberg, Styria, Austria, Oc 20, 1898; UDubq, 1925; PresbTSChi, 28-31, BD; ord, Pby Chicago, Ap 23, 31; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; res, Chicago, 111, 32-3; res, Indianapolis, Ind, 33 — . Fillmore, Robert Fitch — b, Mooers, NY, J1 21, 1907; AsbC, 29; VVestmTS, 29-31; PTS, 31-2; p, ME chs, Lyon Mountain & Standish, NY, 32 — . Fjelstul, Casper Theodore — b, Ridgeway, la, Je 11, 1904; LuthC, 28; LuthTS, 28-31; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; res, Ridgeway, la. Fricke, Theodore Paul — b, Detroit, Mich, Dc 21, 1904; CapU, 26; Ev LuthTS, 26-9, BD; ord Amer Luth, Je 21, 29; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; p, Zion Luth ch, St Marys, O, 32 — . Gaillard, Albert — b, Oran, Algeria, Africa, Ag 25, 1909; Montpellier Coll, France, 26, 28, LLB, ThDept, 27-31, ThB; grad stu, PTS, 31; res, Montpellier, France. Graham, Joseph Chambers — b, Momeen, County Donegal, Ireland, Mr 10, 1907; TrinCDub, 30; M’CMageeC, 29-30; PTS, 30-1; AsC, 31-2; lie, Pby Raphoe, Je 16, 32; res, Momeen, Ire, 32 — . Griffing, Augustus Hooey — b. Orange, NJ, Dc 24, 1906; ColU, 29; PTS, 29-31; ss. Grand St Chap of 2d Presb ch, Rahway, NJ, 30-2; res. Summit, NJ. Hamill, Daniel — b, Ballymoney, Ireland, Fb 22, 1892; WaynC, 1919; WestTS, 19-22; ord, Pby Pittsburgh, Je 1, 22; p, McKinley Park ch, Pittsburgh, Pa, 22-6; p, 1st ch. Mount Gilead, O, 27-31; grad stu, PTS, 31-2; res, Dunn’s Station, Pa, 33 — . 730 1932 Hyers, Alonzo Melvin — b, Toms River, NJ, Oc 27, 1905; AsbC, 29; PTS, 29- 30; NatBI, 30-2; ord Bapt, Je 3, 32; EBaptTS, 32-3; p. Seaside Heights, NJ, 33—. Jackson, Samuel Allen — b, Phila, Pa, Je 19, 1901; bus; RefPTS, 28-9; TSRefEpisCh, 29-31; ord, Pby Philadelphia North, Sp 23, 31; ss. Holmes, Pa, 30- 1; grad stu, PTS, 31-2; p. New Hope & Brownsburg, Pa, 31 — . Jacobson, Erling Ralph — b, Bonduel, Wis, Ja 22, 1901; StOC, 23; supt schls. Masked, Neb, 23-6; LuthTS, 26-8; ord NorwegLuth, Je 10, 28; p. Lake Andes, SD, 28-31; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; p, St Paul English Luth ch, Mis- soula, Mont, 32 — . Kim, In Chyoon — b, Chyul San, Korea, J1 27, 1886; Union Chr Coll, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 1911; tea, 11-8; Presb Sem, Pyeng Yang, 21-5; ord, Pby Pyeng Yang, Dc, 26; PresbTSChi, 29-31, BD; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; Korea. Marsh, Charles Stewart, Jr — b, St Louis, Mo, Oc 27, 1908; PhillU, 28, 29, MA; PTS, 29-30; YaleUDS, 30-1, BD, 31-2; ord Disciples of Christ, My 21, 28; res, Enid Okla, .32 — . Moore, Matthew — b, Ardstraw, Ireland, Nv 24, 1907; M’CMageeC, 29-30; TrinCDub, 30; PTS, 30-1; AsC, 31-2; lie, Pby Strabane, My 3, 32; asst p, 1st ch, Ballymoney & Drumreagh, Ire, 32 — . Moss, Mervyn Elroy — b, Irvona, Pa, Nv 15, 1896; CoeC, 1923; MeCTS, 23-6, BD; miss, Persia, 26-31; grad stu, PTS, 32; ord, Pby Kittanning, Je 18, 32; miss, Rezaieh, Persia, 32 — . Redmond, John Beverly, Jr — b, Pickens, Miss, Je 11, 1906; LincU, 29; PTS, 29-30; sec, Witherspoon St YMCA, Princeton, NJ, 29 — . Sargis, Arthur David — b, Yonkers, NY, Je 11, 1903; MaryvC, 28; SETS, 29-30; ss. Synod Ky, 31-2; PTS, 30-1, 32-3; res, Phila, Pa. *Scheifele, Harvey Byron — b, Ja 4, 1893; Marion Coll, Ind, 1929; lie, Mennonite, Breslau, Ont, Can, Jl, 25; PTS, 29-30; d. Kitchener, Ont, Can, Ja 14, 32. Scherpenisse, Isaac — b. Grand Rapids, Mich, Mr 27, 1896; USArmy, 1918-9; HopeC, 23; WestTSMich, 23-6; ord, RefChAm, Cl Rochester, Jl 8, 26; p. Tyre, NY, 26-32; grad stu, PTS, 32, 32-3; res, Princeton, NJ. Sinclair, Hugh James— b, Enid, Okla, Ja 7, 1907; PhillU, 28, 29, MA; ord Central Chr Ch, My 28, 28; PTS, 29-30; YaleUDS, 30-1, BD; p, 1st Chr ch. New Kensington, Pa, 31 — . Smith, Robert Clyde — b, Newtown, Pa, Sp 17, 1896; TemU, 1924; asst p, 1st ch, Haddonfield, NJ, 25-8; TSRefEpisCh, 26-8, BD; ord, Pby West Jersey, My 11, 27; p, 1st Presb ch, Wildwood, NJ, 28-31; grad stu, PTS, 31-2; p, 1st ch, Blackwood, NJ, 32 — . Spatz, Edgar Elwood — b, Dallastown, Pa, Je 30, 1890; OttC, 1914; BoneTS, 14-7, BD; lie, UnB, Oc 9, 14; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; p, Paris, 111, 32—. 1932 731 *Stoddart, Cleland Walters — b, Fulton, Mo, Je 12, 1906; LafC, 29; PTS, 29-31; d, Keokuk, la, Ag 16, 31. Strauss, Preston Franklin — b, Freemansburg, Pa, Ag 7, 1885; F&MC, 1909; prin, Emmitsburg, Md, 09-12; ColU, 15, MA; UnTS, 12-5; ord, RefChAin, Cl Long Island North, Je 11, 15; p, Steinway, NY, 12-25; ed, Somerset Church News, 26-9; grad stu, PTS, 31-2, ThM; p, Harlingen, NJ, 25 — . Thatcher, John Howard, Jr — b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 27, 1908; PkC, 29; PTS, 29-30; ColU, 30-2; res, Merrick, NY. Ulrich, Miriam Daugherty — b, York, Pa, Ag 19, 1905; LebVC, 27; PTS, 29-30; res, Shoemakersville, Pa, 30 — . Van Farowe, Edward — b, Allendale, Mich, J1 16, 1894; CalvC, 1920; CalvTS, 20-2; ord, ChrRef, Cl Ostfriesland, Oc 15, 22; p, Wright, la, 22-6; p, Ireton, 26-8; grad stu, PTS, 31-2; p, Prinsburg, Minn, 28 — . Yeramian, Arsham George — b, Ada-bazar, Constantinople, Turkey, Fb 18, 1897; Turkish Army, war service; Am NER; bus; NEU, 29; PTS, 29-31; GorC, 31-2, BD; p, Armenian Ev ch, Chelsea & Lynn, Mass, 30 — . 46. -O - ABBREVIATIONS If a College. University or Seminary bears the same name of the town in which it is located, the name of the latter is not given. If the only change in the name of an institution is the change from "College” to “University", or vice versa, the institution is listed here only as it is known at the present time. ABCFM American Board of Commission- ers for Foreign Missions. Acad Academy. AcaU Acadia University. Wolfvillc. N. S.. Can. act acting. AdaC Ada College. O. (Now ONU). AdelC Adelbert College of WRU. Cleve- land. O. AdgC Adger College. Walhalla. S.C. adj prof adjunct professor. AdrC Adrian College. Mich. AfrME African Methodist Episcopal. agt agent. AlaC Alabama College. Montevalla. Ala. AlaPolyl Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Anniston, Ala. AlbanyC Albany College. Ore. Albany Albany Medical College of Union MedC U. N.Y. AlbC Albert College. Belleville. Ont. Can. AlbLC Albert Lea College. Minn. AlbnC Albion College, Mich. AlbrC Albright College. Myerstown, Pa. (Now at Reading. Pa). AlexTS Alexandria Theological Semi- nary, Va. AlfTS Alfred Theological Seminary, N.Y. AIfU Alfred University, NY. AllC Allahabad College, India. Allege Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. AllegTS Allegheny Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Later PittsTS). AllTS Allahabad Theological Seminary, India. AlmaC Alma College. Mich. AmARome American .Academy, Rome. Italy. AmBL American Bible League. AmBSoc American Bible Society. AmCLaw American College of Law, Wash- ington, D.C. AmColonSoc American Colonization Society. AmCTeh American College of Teheran, Persia. A&MCTex Agricultural &Mechanical College of Texas, College Station. Tex. AmEduSoc .American Education Society. Am&ForChr American & Foreign Christian Un Union. AmhC Amherst College, Mass. AmHMSoc American Home Missionary So- ciety. AmityTS Amity Theological Seminary, New York, N.Y. AmSeamFr American Seamen’s Friend So- Soc ciety. AmSSUn American Sunday School Union. AmTrSoc American Tract Society. AmU American University, Washing- ton. D.C. AmUBeiruf American University, Beirut, Syria. AmUCairo American University, Cairo, Egypt. AmUHarri American University of Harri- man. Tenn. AndTS Andover Theological Seminary, Cambridge, Mass. (Now An- dover-Newton, Newton Cen- tre, Mass). ArcaC Arcadia College, Mo. ArkC Arkansas College, Batesvillc. Ark. AsbC Asbury College. Wilmore, Ky. AsbTS Asbury Theological Seminary. Wilmore. Ky. AsbU Asbury University. Greencastlc, Ind. (NowDePU). AsC Assembly's College, Belfast. Ire. AshC Ashland College, O. asso p associate pastor. AssoRef Associate Reformed. Asso Ref P Associate Reformed Presbyterian. asso sec associate secretary. asst assistant. asst min assistant minister. asst p assistant pastor. asst rec assistant rector. AubTS Auburn Theological Seminary, N.Y. AuckU Auckland University. New Zea- land. AugC Augustana College, Rock Island, III. AugsC Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minn. 734 ABBREVIATIONS AugsTS AugTS AusC AusPTS auth b BakerU BalCyC BaIdU BaldWC BanTS Bapt BdChErect BdChrEdu BdEdu BdFoiMiss BdFreedm BdHmMiss Bdll BdMinRel BdNatMiss BdPens BdPub BeirTS BelC BelfC BellvC BclvMedG BerC BerkBaptDS BerkDS BethBibS BethC BibILA Bibs BibSoc BirSoC BlacC Augsburg Theological Seminary, Minneapolis, Minn. Augustana Theological Seminary. Rock Island, 111. Austin College, Sherman. Tex. Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Tex. author. born. Baker University, Baldwin, Kan. Baltimore City College, Md. Baldwin University, Berea. O. (Now BaldWC). Baldwin-Wallace College. Berea, O. Bangor Theological Seminary, Me. Baptist. Presbyterian Board of Church Erection. Presbyterian Board of Christian Education. Presbyterian Board of Educa- tion. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Presbyterian Board of Freed men. Presbyterian Board of Home Mis- sions. Biddle Institute, Charlotte, N.C. (Now jeSU). Presbyterian Board of Minis- terial Relief & Sustentation. Presbyterian Board of National Missions. Presbyterian Board of Pensions. Presbyterian Board of Publica- tion & Sabbath School Work. Beirut Theological Seminary. Syria. Beloit College, Wis. Belfast College, Ire. Bellevue College, Neb. Bellevue Medical College. New York, N.Y. Berea College. Ky. Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, Cal. Berkeley Divinity School. Mid- deltown. Conn. Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chi- cago, 111. Bethel College, McKenzie, Tenn. Bible Institute. Los Angeles, Cal. Biblical Seminary, New York, N.Y. Bible Society. Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. Blackburn College, Carlinville.lll. BloomC Bloomfield College, N.J. BloomTS Bloomfield Theological Seminary, N.J. BlufC Bluffton College, O. BobJC Bob Jones College, College Point, Fla. BoneTS Bonebrake Theological Seminary, Dayton, O. BosU Boston University. Mass. BosUST Boston University School of Theology, Mass. BowC Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. bp bishop. BRE Bachelor of Religious Education. Bridge Bridgewater College, Va. BrookC Brookfield College, Mo. BrU Brown University, Providence. R.I. BtsC Bates College, Lewiston. Me. BuckU Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. BuenVC Buena Vista College, Storm Lake, la. bus business. ButlerU Butler University. Indianapolis. Ind. CaldC Caldwell College, Tenn. CalvC Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. CalvTS Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Mich. CamU Cambridge University, Eng. CanST Candler School of Theology, At- lanta, Ga. CapU Capital University. Columbus, O. CarC Carroll College. Waukesha. Wis. CarlC Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. CarlTS Carlisle Theological .Seminary, Pa. (Now LanTS). CarthC Carthage College. 111. CasU Cassel University. Germany. CChas College of Charleston. S.C. CCyNY College of the City of New York. CCySF College of the City of San Fran- cisco, Cal. Cede Cedarville College. O. CEmpo College of Emporia, Kan. CenCKy Centre College, Danville, Ky. CentC Centenary College of Louisiana. Shreveport, La. ch church, chanc chancellor, chap chapel, chaplain. ChiCMed& Chicago College of Medicine & Sur Surgery. 111. ChiLuthTS Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary. 111. ChiTS Chicago Theological Seminary. 111. ABBREVIATIONS 735 ChosenChrC Chosen Christian College, Seoul, COz College of the Ozarks, Clarks- Korea. ville. Ark. ChristC Christ College, London, Eng. CPac College of the Pacific, Stockton, ChrRef Christian Reformed. Cal. Clda College of Idaho, Caldwell, Ida. CPugS College of Puget Sound. Tacoma, CitSCMilC The Citadel, The Military Col- Wash. lege of S.C., Charleston, S.C. CrozTS Crozer Theological Seminary, civ eng civil engineer. Chester, Pa. Cl Classis. eSA Confederate States .Army. CliffC Cliff College, Eng. CumbC Cumberland College, Princeton, elk clerk. Ky. ClkU Clark University, Worcester, CumbP Cumberland Presbyterian. Mass. CumbU Cumberland University, Leba- ClLkC Clear Lake College, Lakeport, non, Tenn. Cal. cur curate. C&NC Carson & Newman College, Jeff- CW&M College of William & Mary. erson City, Tenn. Williamsburg, Va. CNJ College of New Jersey. (Now CWoos College of Wooster, O. Princeton Univ). CntlCIa Central College, Pella, la. d died. CntlCMo Central College, Fayette, Mo. DakWesU Dakota Wesleyan University, CntlTS Central Theological Seminary, Mitchell, S.D. Dayton, O. DalhU Dalhousie University, Halifax, CntlU CentralUniversity, Richmond, Ky. N.S.. Can. CntlUKy Central University, Danville, Ky. Dan Bake Daniel Baker College. Brown- CntlWesC Central Wesleyan College, War- wood, Tex. renton. Mo. DanTS Danville Theological Seminary, CoeC Coe College, Cedar Rapids, la. Ky. (Later merged with Louisv ColbnU Columbian University, Washing- PTS). ton, D.C. (Now GWU). DartC Dartmouth College, Hanover, ColbyC Colby College. Waterville, Me. N.H. ColgRoch Colgate-Rochester Divinity DavC Davidson College, N.C. DS School, Rochester, N.Y. dea deacon. ColgTS Theological Seminary, Colgate D&EC Davis & Elkins College, Elkins, University, Hamilton, N.Y. W.Va. (Now ColgRochDS). DefiC Defiance College, O. ColgU Colgate University. Hamilton, DenU Denison University, Granville. O. N.Y. dep deputy. Coll College. DePU De Pauw University, Greencastle, CoIoC Colorado College, Colorado Ind. Springs, Colo. DesMU Des Moines University, la. ColonSoc Colonization Society. DesPI Des Peres Institute, St. Louis. colp colporteur. Mo. ColTS Columbia Theological Seminary, DickC Dickinson College, Carlisle. Pa. S.C. (Now at Decatur, Ga). dioc diocesan. ColU Columbia University, New York, dir director. N.Y. dist sec district secretary. comm commissioner. DoaC Doane College, Crete. Neb. com schls ConcTS common schools. Concord Theological Seminary, DrakcU Drake University, Des Moines, la. Dutch Reformed Church. South Africa. Cong CongCCan N.H. Congregational. Congregational College of Can- DRefCh SAfr ada, Montreal, Quc. DrewTS Drew Theological Seminary. ConnC Connecticut College, New Lon- Madison, N.J. don, Conn. DrewU Drew University, Madison, N.J. co-p co-pastor. DruC Drury College, Springfield, Mo. CornC Cornell College. Mt. Vernon, la. DSPEpisCh Divinity School of the Protestant CornU Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Episcopal Church, Philadel- cor sec corresponding secretary. phia. Pa. CovTS Covington Theological Seminary, DubqTS Dubuque Theological Seminary, Ky. la. 736 ABBREVIATIONS DukeU Duke University, Durham. N.C. FreedmCom Freedmen's Committee. DuqU Duquesne University. Pittsburgh, Freedm miss Freedmen's mission or mission- Pa. ary. DV'BSAssn Daily Vacation Bible School As- FreeU Free University of Amsterdam, sociation. Amster Holland. FurTS Furman Theological Seminary. EarlC Earlham College, Richmond. Ind. Greenville, S.C. (Now SBapt EBaptTS Eastern Baptist Theological TS). Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. FurU Furman University, Greenville, ed editor. S.C. EdenTS Eden Theological Seminary, Web- ster Groves, Mo. GaleC Gale College. Galesville, Wis. E&HC Emory & Henry College, Emory. Gar Bib I Garrett Biblical Institute, Evans- Va. ton. III. ElizC Elizabethtown College, Pa. GaSTech Georgia School of Technology, ElmC Elmhurst College, 111. Atlanta. Ga. ElonC Elon College, N.C. gen general. em emeritus. Gen Assem General Assembly. EmU Emory University. Atlanta, Ga. GeneC Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa. EngRefCh English Reformed Church. GeneTS Geneva Theological Seminary, EperGym Eperjes Gymnasium, Hungary. Switzerland. EpisTS Episcopal Theological School, GenTS General Theological Seminary. Cambridge. Mass. New York, N.Y. ErskC Erskine College, Due West, S.C. GeoC Georgetown College. Ky. ErskTS Erskine Theological Seminary, geol geologist. Due West, S.C. GeoU Georgetown Univ’ersity, Wash- ETennU East Tennessee University, Knox- ton, D.C. ville, Tenn. (Now UTenn). GetC Gettysburg College, Pa. evang evangelist. GetTS Lutheran Theological Seminary. EvelC Evelyn College, Princeton, N.J. Gettysburg, Pa. EvLuth Evangelical Lutheran. GirC Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa. EvLuthTS Evangelical Lutheran Theologi- GorC Gordon College of Theology & cal Seminary, Columbus. O. Missions. Boston, Mass. EvTC Evangelical Theological College. GoshC Goshen College, Ind. Dallas. Tex. grad stu graduate student. EvTS Evangelical Theological Semi- GreenTS Greenville Theological Seminary. nary, Naperville. 111. S.C. (Now SBaptTS). GrinC Grinnell College, la. Fac de Faculte de Theologie Protestant, GrisC Griswold College, Davenport, la. TheolProt Paris. GroC Groton College, S.D. FairmC Fairmount College, Wichita, Kan. GrovCyC Grove City College. Pa. FChrC Forman Christian College. La- GrunC Grundy College. Grundy Centre. hore, India. la. Fell Fellow. GtsC Gates College. Neligh, Neb. FemSem Female Seminary. Guile Guilford College, Guilford Col- FindC Findlay College. 0. lege. N.C. fin sec financial secretary. GusAdC Gustavus Adolphus College. St. FiskU Fisk University. Nashville, Tenn. Peter, Minn. F&MC Franklin & Marshall College, GWU George Washington University. Lancaster. Pa. Washington, D.C. FndsU FriendsUniversity, Wichita, Kan. ForEvSoc Foreign Evangelical Society. HamC Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. FrAmC French American College, Spring- HamlU Hamline University, St. Paul. field. Mass. Minn. FrankCInd Franklin College, Ind. HamTS Hamilton Theological Seminary, FrankCO Franklin College, New Athens, O. N.Y. (Now ColgRochDS). FredC Fredericksburg College, Va. HanC Hanover College, Ind. FreeChC Free Church College, Edinburgh, HanTS Hanover Theological Seminary, Edin Scotland. Ind. (Now PresbTSChi). FreeCh Free Church College, Glasgow, HartTS Hartford Theological Seminary, CGIas Scotland. Conn. ABBREVIATIONS 737 HarvU Harvard University, eambridge. JnFlG John Fletcher Gollege, Univer- Mass. sity Park. la. HarvUTS Harvard University Theological JnHusTS John Huss Theological Seminary, School, eambridge, Mass. Prague. Gzechoslovakia. HastC Hastings eollege. Neb. JuniG Juniata Gollege, Huntingdon, Pa. Have Haverford eollege. Pa. HeidC Heidelberg eollege. Tiffin, O. KalG Kalamazoo Gollege, Mich. HeidTS Heidelberg Theological Seminary, KampGym Kampen Gymnasium. Holland. Tiffin, O. (Later merged with KanSTeaG Kansas State Teachers’ Gollege, LanTS). Emporia, Kan. HeidU Heidelberg University, Germany. KGU Kansas Gity University, Kan. HendxC Hendrix Uollege, Uonway, Ark. KenG Kenyon Gollege, Gambier, O. HighU Highland University, Kan. KenGDS Kenyon Gollege Divinity School, HillC Hillsdale Uollege, Mich. Gambier. O. HKC Henry Kendall Uollege, Tulsa, KielU Kiel Univer.sity, Germany. Okla. (Now UTulsa). KingG King Gollege. Bristol, Tenn. hm miss home mission or missionary. KingsG King’s Gollege, Windsor. N.S.. HobC Hobart Uollege, Geneva, N.Y. Gan. HollChrRef Holland Ghristian Reformed. KobeTS Kobe Theological Seminary, Ja- hon re honorably retired. pan. HopeC Hope Gollege, Holland, Mich. KwG Kwansei Gakuin, Kobe. Japan. Iiosp hospital. KxG Knox Gollege. Galesburg, 111. HowU Howard University, Washington. KxGNZ Knox Gollege, Dunedin, New D.G. Zealand. HowUSRel Howard University School of Re- KxGTor Knox Gollege, Toronto, Out., ligion, Washington, D.G. Gan. HSC Hampden-Sidney Uollege, Va. KxvG Knoxville Gollege, Tenn. HiimSoc Humane Society. KyTS Presbyterian Theological Semi- HurC Huron Gollege, S.D. nary of Kentucky, Louisville. (Now LouisvPTS). laC Iowa Gollege, Grinncll, la. (Now KyWesG Kentucky Wesleyan Gollege, GrinG). Winchester, Ky. laSC Iowa State Uollege, Ames, la. laSTC Iowa State Teachers’ Uollege, LaG Louisiana Gollege, Baton Rouge, Gedar Falls, la. La. (Now LaSU). laWesU Iowa Wesleyan University. Mt. LafG Lafayette Gollege. Easton. Pa. Pleasant. la. LaGG La Grange Gollege, Mo. IliflfST Iliff School of Theology, Denver, LaneTS Lane Theological Seminary, Gin- Golo. cinnati, O. (Now merged with me Illinois Gollege, Jacksonville, 111. PresbTSGhi). IllWesU Illinois Wesleyan University, LanTS Lancaster Theological Seminary, Bloomington, III. Pa. IndCntlU Indiana Gentral Univer.sity, In- LaSU Louisiana State University. Baton dianapolis, Ind. Rouge, La. IndU Indiana University. Blooming- lawy lawyer. ton, Ind. LobTS Lebanon Theological Seminary, instr instructor. LebVG Tenn. Lebanon Valley Gollege, Annvillc, .Tacke Jackson Gollege, Golumbia, Tenn. Pa. Jase Jamestown Gollege. N.D. lect lecturer. JasMU James Millikin University, De- legist legislator, legislature. catur. III. LehU Lehigh University, Bethlehem. JBSU John B. Stetson University, Dc Pa. Land, Fla. LenG Lenox Gollege, Hopkinton, la. jesu Johnson G. Smith University, LibG Liberia Gollege, Monrovia. Gharlotte, N.G. Africa. Jefe Jefferson Gollege, Ganonsburg, libr librarian. Pa. (Now W&JG). lie licensed. JefMede Jefferson Medical Gollege, Phila- lict licentiate. delphia. Pa. LincG Lincoln Gollege, 111. JHU Johns Hopkins University. Balti- LineJefU Lincoln Jefferson University, more, Md, Hammond, Ind. ABBREVIATIONS 738 LincU Lincoln University. Lincoln Uni- versity, Pa. LincUTS Lincoln University Theological School, Lincoln University, Pa. lit literary. Live Livingstone Uollege, Salisbury, N.e. LkFC Lake Forest Uollege, 111. LonU London University, Eng. LouisvPTS Louisville Presbyterian Theologi- cal Seminary, Ky. LRC Lenoir Rhyne Uollege, Hickory, N.e. LSU Leland Stanford. Jr., University, Stanford University, Ual. Luth Lutheran LutliC Luther Uollege, Decorah, la. LuthTS Luther Theological Seminary. St. Paul. Minn. LyncliC Lynchburg Uollege, Va. MacalC Macalestcr Uollege, St. Paul, Minn. Made Madison Uollege, S.U. MadeAla Madison Uollege, Ala. MadU Madison University, N.Y. (Now UolgU). Mageee Magee Uollege, Londonderry, Ire. Manche Manchester Uollege, North Man- chester, Ind. Manie Manitoba Uollege, Winnipeg. Man., Uan. Mare Marion Uollege, Mo. Marie Marietta Uollege, O. Marshe Marshall Uollege. Lancaster, Pa. (Now F&MU). Maryve Maryville Uollege, Tenn. MaryveKy Maryville Uollege, Ky. MBI Moody Bible Institute, Uhicago, III. Meexs McUormick Theological Semi- nary, Uhicago, 111. (Now Presb TSUhi). McDe McDonough Uollege, Macomb. 111. McGU McGill University, Montreal. Que., Gan. McKe McKendree Uollege, Lebanon, 111. M'e Mageee M'Urae Magee Uollege, London- derry, Ire. McMU McMaster University, Toronto, Gan. McPliere McPherson Uollege, Kan. ME Methodist Episcopal. MeadTS Meadville Theological Seminary, Pa. (Later at Uhicago, 111). med medical. MelU Melbourne University, Australia. mem member. Merce Mercersburg Uollege, Pa. MerTS Mercersburg Theological Semi- nary, Pa. MerLt Mercer University, Macon, Ga. Meth Methodist. MG Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan. MiaU Miami University, Oxford, O. MichSNG Michigan State Normal Uollege, Ypsilanti, Mich. MidU Middlebury Uollege, Vt. MidlU Midland Uollege, Atchison, Kan. (Now at Freeport, Neb). min minister. miss mission or missionary. MissG Mississippi Uollege, Glinton, Miss. MissHseU Mission House Uollege, Plymouth, Wis. MissHseTS Mission House Theological Semi- nary, Plymouth, Wis. MissTrl Missionary Training Institute. Nyack, N.Y. MIT Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Boston. Mass. mng managing. Mod Moderator. MonU Monmouth Uollege. 111. MonUO Monmouth Uollege. O. MonUOre Monmouth Uollege, Ore. MontU Montana Uollege, Deer Lodge. Mont. MonTS Monmouth Theological Seminary. 111. (Later XenTS). Mor Moravian. MorBrU Morris Brown University, .\t- lanta, Ga. MorU Moravian Uollege, Bethlehem, Pa. MorgU Morgan Uollege, Baltimore, Md. MornU Morningside Uollege, Sioux Gity, la. MorrinU Morrin Uollege, Que., Gan. MorTS Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem, Pa. MoVG Missiouri Valley Uollege, Mar- shall. Mo. MP Methodist Protestant. MtATS Lutheran Theological Seminary, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. MtAC Mt. Allison University. Sackville, N.B., Gan. MtHBSchl Mt. Hermon Boys' School, Mass. MtHopeU Mt. Hope Uollege, Rogers, O. MtMorU Mount Morris Uollege. 111. MtUnU Mt. Union Uollege, Alliance, O. MuhlG Muhlenberg Uollege, Allentown, Pa. MuskU Muskingum Uollege, New Uon- cord, O. NasH Nashota House, Wis. NatBI National Bible Institute, New York, N.Y. NatNorU National Normal University, Lebanon, O. NatU National University. Uhicago, 111. ABBREVIATIONS 739 NBaptTS NBI NBTS NebWesU NER NEU NewATS NewbC NewbTS NewC NewtTI NewWC Nine NIndNS NoJapanC NorwU NPkTS NTS NVVC NVVTS NVVU NYHMedC NYU OaklC OberC OberTS OccC OgdC OglU one OmaTS ONU Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. Chicago, 111. Nyack Bible Institute, N.Y. New Brunswick Theological Seminary, N.J. Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, Neb. Near East Relief. Northeastern University. Boston, Mass. New Albany Theological Semi- nary, Ind. (Now PresbTSChi). Newberry College, S.C. Newburgh Theological Seminary. N. Y. New College, Edinburgh, Scot- land. Newton Theological Institution, Newton Centre. Mass. (Now Andover-Newton Theological Seminary). New Windsor College, Md. Northern Illinois College, Ful- ton, 111. Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind. North Japan College. Sendai, Japan. Norwich University, Northfield, Vt. North Park Theological Semi- nary, Chicago. 111. Newark Theological School, N.J. (Now BloomTS). Northwestern College. Naper- ville, 111. Theological Seminary of the Northwest, Chicago, 111. (Now PresbTSChi). Northwestern University, Evans- ton. 111. New York Homeopathic Medical College, New York, N.Y. New York University, N.Y. Oakland College, Oakland College. Miss. Oberlin College, O. Oberlin College Graduate School of Theology, O. Occidental College, Los .Angeles, Cal. Ogden College, Bowling Green, Ky. Oglethorpe University. Atlanta. Ga. Olivet College. Mich. Omaha Theological Seminal y. Neb. Ohio Northern University, Ada. O. ord ordained. org organized. OskC Oskaloosa College. la. OSU Ohio State University, Columbus, O. OswC Oswego College, Kan. OttC Otterbein College, Westerville, 0. OU Ohio University, Athens. O. OuaC Ouachita College, Arkadelphia, .Ark. OWesC Ohio Wesleyan College, Dela- ware. O. 0.xC Oxford College. Ala. O.xTS Oxford Theological Seminary, O. (Later XenTS). O.xU O.xford University. Eng. P pastor. PaC Pennsyivania College, Gettys- burg. Pa. (Now GetC). PacC Pacific College. Newberg, Ore. PacSRel Pacific School of Religion, Berke- ley. Cal. PacTS Pacific Theological Seminary. Berkeley. Cal. (Now PacSRel). PacU Pacific University. Forest Grove, Ore. par parish. PardC Pardee College, Louisiana. Mo. ParsC Parsons College, Fairfield, la. PaSC Pennsylvania State College. State College. Pa. PasU Pasadena University, Cal. Pby Presbytery. PeU Potomac University, Washing- ton, D.C. p el pastor elect. p em pastor emeritus. PennC Penn College, Oskaloosa, la. PEpis Protestant Episcopal. PGym Papa Gymnasium, Hungary. PhilaTS Philadelphia Theological Semi- nary, Pa. (Later XenTS). PhillU Phillips University, Enid. Okla. PhiSC Philander Smith College, Little Rock, .Ark. phys physician. PierU Pierre University. S.D. PikevC Pikeville College. Ky. PittsTS Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Pa. (Now PittsXenTS). PittsXenTS Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary. Pittsburgh, Pa. PkC Park College. Parkville, Mo. PomC Pomona College. Claremont. Cal. pr priest. pres president. Presb Presbyterian. PresbC Presbyterian College. Montreal, Que., Can. PresbChCan Presbyterian Church of Canada. 740 ABBREVIATIONS PresbCSC Presbyterian College of South RoyU Royal University, Dublin, Ire. Carolina, Clinton, S.C. rul eld ruling elder. presb evang presbyterial evangelist. RushMedC Rush Medical College, Chicago, PresbHistSoc Presbyterian Historical Society. III. PresbHosp Presbyterian Hospital. RuthC Rutherford College, N.C. presb miss presbyterial missionary. RutU Rutgers University, New Bruns- PresbTSChi Presbyterian Theological Semi- nary of Chicago. 111. wick, N.J. prin principal. SAfrC South African College, Cape T own, prof professor. So. Afr. prop proprietor. SanJVC San Joaquin Valley College, PrU Princeton University. N.J. Woodbridge, Cal. PTC Presbyterian Theological College, Halifax, N.S., Can. SaoPTS Sao Paulo Theological Seminary. Brazil. PTS Princeton Theological Seminary, N.J. SBaptTS Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. pub schls public schools. see South Carolina College, Colum- PurU Purdue University, Lafayette. bia, S.C. Ind. schls SchuylC schoois. Schuylkill College, Reading, Pa. QuCGal Queen's College. Galway, Ire. SCTS South Carolina Theological Semi- QuTC Queen’s Theological College, nary, Camden, S.C. Kingston, Ont., Can. sec secretary. QuUBelf Queen’s University, Belfast, Ire. SETS San Francisco Theological Semi- QiiUOnt Queen’s University, Kingston, nary, San Anselmo, Cal. Ont., Can. ShrewC ShurC Shrewsbury College, Eng. Shurtleff College, Alton. 111. RandC Randolph College, Ga. SimC Simmons College, Boston, Mass. RC Roman Catholic. SimpC Simpson College, Indianola, la. rec rector. SMethU Southern Methodist University. RedWEvS Red Wing Evangelical Seminary. Dallas, Tex. Minn. SmthfC Smithfield College, Ky. Ref Reformed. SoDSC South Dakota State College, RefCliAm Reformed Chiircli in America, Brookings, S.D. (Dutch). SoU Southern University, Greensboro, RefChU.S Reformed Church in the United Ala. States, (German). ss stated supply. RefEpis Reformed Episcopal. SSmiss Sunday School mission, mission- RefP Reformed Presbyterian. ary. RefPTS Reformed Presbyterian Theologi- stat cl stated clerk cal Seminary. Pittsburgh, Pa. STeaC State Teachers’ College, La RefPTS Reformed Presbyterian Theologi- Crosse, Wis. (GS) cal Seminary (General Synod), Cedarville, O. StelTech Stevens Institute of Technology. Hoboken, N.J. RefTSPapa Reformed Theological Seminary, Papa, Hungary. StellTS Stellenbosch Theological Semi- nary, So. Afr. reg registrar. SterC Sterling College, Kan. res residence. StewC Stewart College, Clarksville, RichC Richmond College, 0. Tenn. RichCVa Richmond College. Va. StJC St. John’s College. Annapolis, RipC Ripon College, Wis. StMC Md. St. Mary’s College, Md. RMC Randolph-Macon College, Ash- land, Va. StMCMon St. Mary’s College, Montreal, Que., Can. RoanC Roanoke College, Salem, Va. stoc St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. Robe Robert College, Constantinople. Turkey. StStephC St. Stephen s College, .Annandale, N.Y. Rochl Rochester Institute, N.Y. StLl student. RochTS Rochester Theological Seminary, stu s student supply. N.Y. (Now ColgRochDS). StutC Stuttgart College, Ark. RolC Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla. SUMont State University of Montana, RoyC Royal College, Colombo, Ceylon. Missoula, Mont. ABBREVIATIONS SUnNor Seminary of the United Nor- LuthCh wegian Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minn. supt superintendent surv surveyor. SusqueU Susquehanna University, Selins- grove. Pa. SW Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn. SwarC Swarthmore College, Pa. swe Southwestern College, Winfield. Kan. Swedenb Swedenborgian. SWPresbU Southwestern Presbyterian Uni- versity, Clarksville. Tenn. (Now SW). SWU Southwestern University, George- town, Tex. Syn Synod. syn evang synodical evangelist. syn miss synodical missionary. SyrProtC Syrian Protestant College, Beirut. (Now AmUBeirut). SyrU Syracuse University. N.Y. TabC Tabor College, la. TallaC Tallapoosa College, Ga. TarkC Tarkio College. Mo. TayU Taylor University, Upland, Ind. tea teacher. TemU Temple University. Philadel- phia. Pa. TenCChr Tennent College of Christian Edu Education, Philadelphia, Pa. TexChrU Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Tex. ThDept Theological Department. ThielC Thiel College, Greenville, Pa. ThornC Thornwell College. Clinton. S.C. TohG Tohoku Gakuin, Sendai, Japan. TranC Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky. treas treasurer. TrevC Trevecca College, Wales. TrinC Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. TrinCDub Trinity College, Dublin, Ire. TrinCNC Trinity College, Chocowinty, N.C. TrinDS Trinity Divinity School, Osaka, Japan. TrinU Trinity University, Waxaliachie, Tex. TroyU Troy University. N.Y. True Truro College, N.S.. Can. TSRefCh Theological Seminary of the Re- formed Church, Holland. TSRef Theological Seminary of the Re- EpisCh formed Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, Pa. TulU Tulane University, New Orleans. La. TuscC tut TzG UAber UAIa UAriz UArk UAthens UBasle UBC UBer UBonn UBrus UBuff UCal UCape UChi UChiDS UCin UCLA UCol UDfb UDel UDenv UDubl UDubq UDur UEdin UErl UFla UGa UGies UGlas UG6t UGreifs UHalle UHeid Ula UIda UIll 741 Tusculum College, Greeneville, Tenn. tutor. Tozan Gakuin, Nagasaki, Japan. University of Aberdeen, Scotland. University of Alabama, Univer- sity, Ala. University of Arizona, Tuscan, Ariz. University of Arkansas, Fayette- ville, Ark. University of Athens, Greece. University of Basle, Switzerland. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C., Can. University of Berlin, Germany. University of Bonn, Germany. University of Brussels, Belgium. University of Buffalo, N.Y. University of California. Berke- ley, Cal. University of Cape Town, So. Afr. University of Chicago, 111. University of Chicago Divinity School. 111. University of Cincinnati. O. University of California at Los Angeles, Cal. University of Colorado. Boulder, Colo. University of Debrecen, Hun- gary. University of Delaware, Newark, Del. University of Denver, Colo. University of Dublin, Ire. University of Dubuque, la. University of Durham, Eng. University of Edinburgh, Scot- land. University of Erlangen, Ger- many. University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. University of Giessen, Germany. University of Glasgow, Scotland. University of Gbttingen, Ger- many. University of GreifswaUl, Ger- many. University of Halle. Germany, University of Heidelberg. Ger- many. State University of Iowa, Iowa City. la. University of Idaho, Moscow. Ida. University of Illinois. Urbana, III. 742 ABBREVIATIONS UJena University of Jena. Germany. UPa University of Pennsylvania. UKan University of Kansas. Lawrence Philadelphia. Pa. Kan. UParis University of Paris. France. UKy University of Kentucky. Lexing- UPitts University of Pittsburgh. Pa. ton. Ky. UPR University of Porto Rico. Rio LUeip University of Leipzig. Germany. Piedras. P.R. ULew University of Lewisburg. Pa. UpsC Upsala College. East Orange. N.J. (Now BuckU). UPSEdin United Presbyterian Seminary. U Liege University of Liege. Belgium. Edinburgh. Scotland. ULouisv University of Louisville. Ky. URich University of Richmond. Va. UMani University of Manitoba. Winni- URoch University of Rochester . N.Y. peg. Man.. Can. UrsC Ursinus College. Collegeville. Pa. UMarb University of Marburg. Germany. UrsSTh Ursinus School of Theology. Col- UMd University of Maryland. Balti- legeville, Pa. (Now CntlTS). more. Md. USAfr University of South Africa, Cape UMich University of Michigan. Ann Town, So. Afr. Arbor. Midi. USArmy United States Army. UMinn University of Minnesota. Min- USask University of Saskatchewan, Sas- neapolis. Minn. katoon, Can. UMiss University of Mississippi. Uni- use University of South Carolina. versity. Miss. Columbia. S.C. UMo University of Missouri. Colum- USChrCom United States Christian Com- bia. Mo. mission. UMun University of Munich. Germany. USCongr United States Congress. UNash University of Nashville. Tenn. USMilA United States Military Academy, UnB United Brethren. West Point, N.Y. UNB University of New Brunswick. USN United States Navy. Fredericton. N.B.. Can. USoCal University of Southern Califor- UnC Union College. Schenectady. N.Y. nia, Los Angeles, Cal. UNC University of North Carolina. UStAnd University of St. Andrew's Scot- Chapel Hill. N.C. land. UnChCan United Church of Canada. UStell University of Stellenbosch, So. Afr. UnChrC Union Christian College. Merom. UStras University of Strassburg, Ger- Ind. many. UND University of North Dakota. UTenn University of Tennessee, Knox- Grand Forks. N.D. ville, Tenn. UNeb University of Nebraska. Lincoln. UTex University of Texas, Austin, Tex. Neb. UTok University of Tokyo, Japan. UnEv United Evangelical. UTor University of Toronto, Ont., Can. UnEvChPI United Evangelical Church. Phil- UTueb University of Tuebingen, Ger- ippine Islands. many. UnFreeCh United Free Church. UTulsa University of Tulsa, Okla. Unit Unitarian. UVa University of Virginia. Char- Univ University. lottesville, Va. UnSocCE United Society of Christian En- UVien University of Vienna, .Austria. UnTS deavor. Union Theological Seminary. UVt University of Vermont, Burling- ton, Vt. Mpw Vnrlf M V. UnTSTokyo Union Theological Seminary. UWash University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Tokyo. Japan. UnTSVa Union Theological Seminary. UWis University of Wisconsin, Madi- Richmond. Va. son, Wis. UnU Union University. Jackson. Tenn. UWurz University of Wurzburg, Ger- UnWestmC United Westminster College. Lon- many. don. Eng. UZur University of Zurich, Switzerland. UNZ University of New Zealand. UOkla University of Oklahoma. Nor- ValparU Valparaiso University, Ind. man. Okla. VanU Vanderbilt University, Nashville, UOma University of Omahg. Neb. Tenn. UOre University of Oregon. Eugene. VaPolyl Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Ore. Blacksburg, Va. UP United Presbyterian. vie vicar. Vice VicCSAfr WabC WagMem LuthC WashbC WashCInd WashCMd WashCPa WashCTenn WashCVa WashU WasU WaynC Welsh P WesI Meth WestC VVesTC WestEduSoc WestmCMo WestmCO WestmCPa WestmC Utah WestmCTex WestmH WestmTS Westm TSMd WestmU WestScam b'cSoc WestTS WestTS Mich WestUnC ABBREVIATIONS 743 Victoria College. Coburg, Out., Can. WesU Wesleyan University, Middle- town, Conn. Victoria College, Stellenbosch, WFC Wake Forest College. N.C. So. Afr. WForMiss Soc West Foreign Missionary So- ciety. Wabash College, Crawfordsville. WheaC Wheaton College, 111. Ind. Wagner Memorial Lutheran Col- White Whitworth College, Tacoma, Wash. lege, Rochester, N.Y. (Now at Staten Island. N.Y.). WhitmC Whitman College, Walla Walla. Wash. Washburn College, Topeka, Kan. WhittC Whittier College. Cal. Washington College, Ind. Washington College. Chester- WillaU Willamette University, Salem. Ore. town. Md. Washington College. Pa. (Now WilsC Wilson College. Chambersburg, Pa. W&JC). Washington College, Washing- WithC Witherspoon College, Buckhorn, Ky. ton College, Tenn. Washington College. Lexington, Witte Wittenberg College, Springfield, O. Va. (Now W&LU). Witte Mo Wittenberg College. Mo. Washington University. St. Louis, Mo. W&JC Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, Pa. Waseda University. Tokyo, Japan. W&LU Washington & Lee University. Lexington, Va. Waynesburg College. Pa. Welsh Presbyterian. (Now merged WMdC Western Maryland College. West- minster, Md. with Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.) WmJC William Jewell College. Liberty. Mo. Wesleyan Methodist. Western College, Westminster. WmsC Williams College, Williamstown. Mass. Md. Wesleyan Theological College, WoffC Wofford College, Spartanburg, S.C. Montreal, Can. WoodbC Woodbury College, N. J. Western Education Society. WoodlCTx Woodland College, Tex. Westminster College, Fulton. Mo. Westminster College, Westmins- WoodwCO Woodward College. Cincinnati, O. ter. O. Westminster College, New Wil- WRU Western Reserve University. Cleveland, O. mington, Pa. Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah. WUPa Western University of Pennsyl- vania, Pittsburgh. Pa. (Now UPitts). Westminster College, Tex. Westminster Hall, Vancouver, \\’\’aU West Virginia University. Mor- gantown, W.Va. B.C., Can. Westminster Theological Semi- nary, Philadelphia. Pa. XenTS Xenia Theological Seminary, O. (Now PittsXenTS). Westminster Theological Semi- nary, Westminster, Md. Westminster University. Denver. YaleU Yale University. New Haven. Conn. Colo. Western Seamen’s Friend So- YaleUDS Yale University Divinity School. New Haven, Conn. ciety. YankC Yankton College. S.D. Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa. YMCA Young Men's Christian .Asso- ciation. Western Theological Seminary, YorkC York College. Neb. Holland, Mich. YorkC I York Collegiate Insti ute. Pa. Western Union College, Le Mars, la. YPSCE Young People's Society of Chris- tian Endeavor. INDEX OF DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES FACULTY AND OFFICERS PAGE Adams, William vii Aiken, Charles Augustus xxi, xxvi Alexander, Archibald viii, xx, xxvi George xii, xix .Tames Waddell xx Joseph Addison xx Maitland vii, viii, xii Samuel D xviii Allen, Moses x Solomon xvii Allis, Oswald Thompson xxiii Anderson, Robert M xvi Armstrong, Andrew Campbell, Jr xxiii William P xvi, xxii Atwater, I,yman H xv, xvii Auchincloss, Hugh x Babcock, Guilford C xix Backus, John C vii, viii, xi Bailey, Latimer xii Baker, George D vii, viii, xii Barber, George C x Barnes, Albert x Barr, Albert 11 xiii Bayard, Samuel viii, xv, xvi Beach, Sylvester W viii, xiii Beatty, John xvi Beaver, James A xii Belknap, Aaron B xii Robert Lenox xviii Benson, Gustavus S xviii Bethune, Daivie viii Bevan, Matthew L viii, xi Biggs, Thomas J x Bird, Remsen DuBois xxiv Blackwood, Andrew W xxii Blatchford, .Samuel viii Blythe, James ix Boardman, Henry A x Booth, Henry M xviii Robert R vii, xii Boyd, James Oscar xxiii John Y xiii Samuel Bradford, Thomas ix Brank, Rockwell S xiii Breckenridge, John x, xx Breed, William P xviii Brown, Isaac V xvi James xvii Brownell, Silas B viii, xii PAGE Brownson, Marcus A xiii Bruce, M. Linn xiii Bryant, John F xvii Burrell, David de Forest xiii, xxiv David James xxiv Caldwell, Elias B ix Joseph ix Campbell, John N x Joseph X Carnahan, James xv Carter, Robert xi Cathcart, Robert viii Cattell, William C vii, viii, xi Central Hanover Bank and Trust Co. ..xvi Chambers, Talbot W xxv Chester, John ix William x Clark, John F x Joseph ix Collier, D. L xi Colwell, Stephen xvii Comfort, David ix, xvi David xi Condit, John xvi Conning, Gordon R xxvi Converse, John H xiii, xv, xviii Cooley, Eli F xvii Cotton, Jes.se T.ee xxiv J. Harry xix Craig, Samuel G xiii Crane, Elias W x Lewis B xiii Craven, Elijah R xi Cross, Jo.seph xix Cuyler, Cornelius C x Davidson, Robert xi Davies, John R viii, xiii Davis, John D xxi Davison, John R xi Day, Henry xi Deininger, Charles Frederick xxiv DeWitt, John xii, xxi Dickey, John M viii, xi Dickson, James M xi J. Stuart xiii Reid S xiii Dixon, John xvi, xviii Donald.son, James xi, xvi, xvii Donnelly, Harold Irvin xxii 746 DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES. FACULTY AND OFFICERS PAGE Du Bois, William L xii Duffield, Howard xii Dulles, Joseph Heatly xxvi Duncan, John M x Dunkel, J. Ambrose xix Duryca, Joseph T xii Dwight, Henry ix Edwards, Jonathan xvii Elmer, Ebenezer xvr Lucius Q. C xvii Ely, Ezra Stiles x Emmons, Peter K xix Engles, William M xi Erdman, Charles R xiii, xxii Erskine, Ebenezer xii Ewing, Charles xv, xvi J. C. R XXV Farber, Benjamin F xix Fenn, Courtenay H xxvi Ferry, Asa J xix Findlay, John K xii Fine, John viii, xi Finley, Robert ix Finney, John M. T xiii, xix Fisk, Ezra Flagler, Henry M xviii Flinn, Andrew ix Ford, Gabriel H xvi Foster, Andrew xi Fox, Edward J xix John xiii, xv, xviii Freeman, Jonathan ix Frelinghuysen, Theodore x, xvii Fuller, Ezra B xi Gehman, Henry Snyder xxvi Gilbert, Eliphalet W x Goble, Jabez G xvii Gosman, Abraham . viii, xii. xv, xvii, xviii, xxiv Grant, Ebenezer ix Green, Ashbel vii, ix, xvi Caleb S xviii Charles E xv, xviii Elmer Ewing xv, xviii Henry W xv, xvii Henry W xviii James S viii, xvi John C xvi, xvii William Henry xx, xxvi Greene, George F xiii William Brenton, Jr xii, xxii Gregory, Dudley S xvii GriflPjn, Francis B xviii Gummere, Barker xii Gurley, Phineas D y.i Guthrie, Donald xiii Hageman, John F xvii Hale, George xv, xvii Haley, Charles T Hall. James John Halliday, David M Hamill, Hugh H Robert Samuel M Harlan, Richard D Haslett, William Hatfield, Edna Henry, Alexander J. Addison Joseph Herron, Francis Hillyer, Asa Hinman, Harvey D Hippie, Frank K Hodge, Archibald Alexander Caspar Wistar Caspar Wistar Charles Edward B Edward B Francis B Henry W Hoge, William J Holden, Edward P Hornblower, Joseph C How, Samuel B Hubbard, Austin Osgood Hutchison, Stuart Xye Hyde, E. Francis PAGE xviii ix xi, xvii xviii viii, xii xii XV, xvii xii ix xxvi ix, xvi xiii xvii ix ix xiii xviii xxi xxi xxii XX ... .xiii, xviii xiv xii xiii xi xix ix xvi xxiii xiv, xix xiii, xvi, xviii Inglis, Janies ix Robert S xiii Irvin, William xii Jackson, F. Wolcott xviii Jacobus, Melancthon W xxiv Janeway, Jacob Jones vii, viii, ix, xvi Thomas L viii, xi, xv, xvii Janvier, C. A. Rodney xiii, xviii Jenkins, Finley Du Bois xxiv Jennings, W. Beatty xix Johnson, George xxv Robert G x, xvii William Hallock xix Johnston, John ix Jones, Joseph H xi Samuel Beach xi Jowett, J. H xiii Junkin, George xi George xii Kempshall, Everard xii Kennedy, John S xviii Robert Lenox xvii Kerr, Robert P xiii Ketler, Weir C xix Kirkpatrick, Andrew xv, xvi DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES. FACULTY AND OFFICERS 747 PAGE Knapp, Shepard xx Knox, William W xviii Krebs, John M vii, xi Kuizenga, John E xxiii Laird, John B vii, xix Lanning, Kenneth H xix William M xii, xv, xviii Lansing, Dirck C ix Lamer, John B xix Latta, John E ix William x Leftwich, James T xii Lenox, James x, xvii Robert ix, xvii Lewis, William Mather xix Zechariah x Libbey, William xviii Linn, John M xxiv Loetscher, Frederick W viii, xviii, xxii Loos, George W., Jr xvi I.ord, Daniel xi Eleazer x T.owrie, Samuel T viii, xii Lyon, Adrian xix Macartney, Clarence E Macdonald, James M Machen, J(ohn) Gresham Mackie, Alexander Maclean, John Macmillan, Kerr Duncan Magie, David William F Maitland, Alexander Manson, John T Marling, Alfred E Marsh, Spencer S Martin, Chalmers Paul Paul C Samuel Samuel Albert Mason, Cyrus Massey, George V Matheson, Kenneth G Mathews, Charles H McAuley, Thomas McCarter, Robert McCartney, Albert Joseph . . . . McClelland, Alexander McCook, John J McCosh, James McCulloch, William P McCurdy, James Frederick..,. McDowell, Benjamin John viii, John William A xiii . . . . XV, xvii xxiii xix vii, viii, xi xxiv . . . xi, xviii xix xviii . . . .xiii, xix xix . . . . xiii, xix ....... xxiv xxvi xix X xxv X . . . .xiii, xix xix . . . xiii, xviii vii, X X xix XVI xiii xii xvi xxiv xviii . ix, XV, xvi . . . . xvi, xix X PAGE McElroy, Joseph x, xvii McEwan, William L xiii, xv, xix McGill, Alexander Taggart xxi McKnight, John ix McLean, Daniel V xi McMullin, John ix McNeeley, Robert xvi McPhail, G. Wilson xi Meeter, John Edward xxv Milledoler, Philip vii, ix Miller, Samuel vii, ix, xx Samuel xii Minton, Henry Collin xiii Mitchell, Alexander W viii, x Samuel S xxv Moffat, James Clement xxi Moore, Henry D xviii William G xix Morgan, Minot C xiv, xix Morris, Edmon xxiv Mudge, Lewis Seymour xiii, xix Lewis W xix Murdoch, Harvey S xix Murray, James O .xii, xv, xviii John xxiv Logan C xii Nicholas x, xvii Musgrave, George W vii, x Neill, William ix Neilson, James xvii John ix Nevin, John Williamson xxiii Nevius, John S viii Nevins, William x Newkirk, Matthew xi, xviii Nichols, H. S. Prentiss viii, xiii Nicol, Alexander R xix Niebuhr, Charles C xvi George H xvi Nixon, John T xii Nott, Eliphalet xix Oates, VV^hitney Jennings xxv Olmsted, George T xvi Osbcrn, Andrew R xxvi Palmer, Benjamin M x Paton, Thomas C. M xii Patterson, John F xiii Patton, Francis L xii, xviii, xx, xxi Paxton, William M xi, xxi Pennington, Samuel H xv, xvii William xvii Perkins, Elisha H viii, xiii Perrine, Matthew L. R ix Phillips, Lewis W. R xi, xv, xvii William W vii. x, xvii IMatt, Ebenezer xi Jonas xvii 748 DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, FACULTY AND OFFICERS PAGE Plumer, William S . . . xi Pollock, James xviii Porter, William A xviii Post, James II xv, xix Potts, George x Stacey G xi Price, Daniel xvii Pugh, William B xvi, xix Purves, George Tybout xii, xxi Radcliffe, Wallace xiii, xix Ralston, Robert ix Randolph, Bennington F xii Rankin, William xvii Raven, John Howard xxv Rellstab, John xix Rice, Benjamin H x John H ix Nathan L xi Richards, James ix, xvi Roberts, Edward Howell xxv, xxvi William Henry xxvi Robinson, Harold McAfee xix, xxvi W. Courtland xiii Robson, Frank H xix Rockwell, J. Edson xi Rodgers, John R. B ix Romeyn, John B ix Rudy, Raymond E xxiii Russell, Joshua T x Rutgers, Henry ix Sanford, Joseph x Schenck, Ferdinand Schureman xxv William C viii William E viii, xi Scott, John xii, xviii William xvii Scudder, Edward W xvii Sharswood, George xi Shaub, Robert C xxvi Sheddan, William B xxvi Shippen, William xvii Sinclair, John xviii Skidmore, William L xii Skinner, Thomas H x Smith, Henry Wilson xxiv Smith, Joseph T vii, viii, xii J(onathan) Ritchie xxii J. Willison xiv, xix Thomas U xi Snodgrass, William D vii, viii, x Southard, Samuel L xv, xvi Speece, Conrad ix Speer, Robert E xiii, xix Sprague, William Buell x Spring, Gardiner vii, ix Squier, Job xvii Sterry, George E xiii Stevenson, Frank H xiv PAGE Stevenson, J(oseph') Ross xiii, xix, xx, xxii William P xix Stockton, Horace xvii Stone, Levi P xii, xviii Stratton, Morris H xiii Strong, Benjamin viii, ix, xvi Stryker, William S xviii Stuart, Robert L xvii Studdiford, Peter Augustus xviii Samuel M xviii Symington, Alexander xi Synnott, Thomas W xv, xviii Thomas, Frederick S x Thompson, G. W xi Thomson, John xi Tooker, Nathaniel xviii Trunkey, John xii Tucker, Mark x Vail, David W xvii Van Cleve, John ix, xvi van Dyke, Henry ,..xii Van Dyke, Henry J viii, xii van Dyke, Paul xxiv Van Pelt, Reuben xvii Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt viii, xi, xvii Van Til, Cornelius xxiv Vermilye, Jacob D xvi, xviii Voorhees, Robert xvii Voorhis, John W xxv Vos, Geerhardus xxii Wailes, George Handy xxvi Wallace, Sherman Leroy xxv Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge xxi Ethelbert D vii, xii Weed, Henry x Welch, Ashbel xii Wells, John D xviii Whallon, Walter T xix Wheeler, Donald xxiii Wheelock, William A xii White, Ambrose x Wilbert Webster xxv Whitehead, Ira C xi Wickes, Eliphalet x Wikoff, James Holmes xv, xviii Williamson, John Finley xxiii Wilson, Hugh N xi James P ix Robert Dick xxii Robert G ix Witherspoon, Jere xiii Wood, Charles xviii Woodhull, George S xvi John vii, ix John T X, xvii Yeomans, Alfred xii, xviii Zwemer, Samuel M xxii INDEX OF ALUMNI The numerals indicate the year of graduation. If the number is preceded by an obelus (t) the record of the alumnus will be found in the second alphabetical list under the year indicated. In this group are placed the graduate students, the special students and those who did nut take the full course and receive the certificate of graduation. Aasgaard, Johan Arnd tl90S Abbott, Caleb tl837 Pitson Joseph 186-1 Abernathey, John Jefferson 1863 Achor, Roy William tl917 Achtemeier, Arthur Reinhold tl920 Ackerman, Charles Mellinger 1916 Acosta, Antonio tl918 Acton, Alexander Archibald tl932 Adair, Robert tl829 William Cummins tl892 Adams, Crofton Craig 1890 Erastus Homer tl826 James Bailie 1859 John Erskine 1891 Joseph Bruce 1826 Joseph Bruce Williams tl869 Lewis James, Jr 1877 Lyell Thompson 1860 Raymond David 1922 Robert tl877 Robert Long 1862 Addy, John Gilmore 1897 Adger, James tl836 John Bailey tl832 Adriance, Harris Ely 1889 Samuel Winchester 1877 Agnew, John Holmes tl827 John Robinson tl832 William Donland tl848 Ahrenbeck, William Theodore tl900 Aiken, Henry Osgood tl892 Thomas Jefferson 1868 Aikman, Alexander tl826 Ainley, Charles Howard, Jr 1924 Ainslie, George 1874 George tl857 John Alexander 1881 Akimo, James Kim 1926 Alam, John Theodore tl928 Albertyn, Johannes Rudolph tl9()4 Alcorn, William tl855 Alden, Joseph tl831 Alexander, Addison Gladden 1897 Alexander, Clark Conrade 1922 Clayton Brown tl918 Clifton Wrenshaw 1866 Edgar Willis tl881 George 1870 Hasell Norwood tl930 Henry Carrington 1858 Hugh Samuel 1861 James Addison tl890 James McGregor 1865 James McKinney tl862 James Waddell tl824 John Edmiston 1842 Joseph Kirkwood 1879 Maitland 1892 Robert 1858 Samuel Davies 1847 Samuel Rannels 1827 Stephen tl83S Thomas tl817 Thomas 1821 Walter Lowrie 1882 William 1861 William tl894 William Addison 1879 William Clarke 1876 William Patterson tl831 Alison, Alexander, Jr 1899 John tl900 Valentine Smith 1927 Allen, Adolos 1881 Archibald Cameron tl841 Arthur Huntington 1877 Caleb Martin tl850 Charles Ethelbert tl906 Edward Brown 1860 Edward Derick tl837 Edward Monington tl925 Elliott, Douglas tl906 Frank Benjamin tl908 Frederick Hadley, Jr 1926 Harry Warren 1927 James Madison 1841 John Newton tl835 750 INDEX OF ALUMNI Allen, Louis Chowning 1906 Lyman Whitney tl881 Marcus Marshall 1888 Robert Welsh tl842 Samuel Adams 1830 Samuel James tl930 William, Jr 1890 William Graham 1840 William Youd tl836 Allis, Oswald Thompson 1905 Allison, Matthew Gay tl890 Milton Myers 11917 Roy Melville 1905 Allsup, Herbert Justin 1911 Allured, Paul Johnson 1911 Almy, Warren Wright tl92l Alrich, William Picclees 1828 Alter, Robert Lemon tl894 Altfather, Alton Bowman 1924 Alves, Luis Rodrigues tl930 Alward, Jonathan Pennington tl840 Alwynse, William Martin 1924 Amos, William Davies 1924 William Harvey tl910 Ancker, Mitchell Thaddeus 1931 Anderson, Alexander Graham tl915 Charles Thomas 1873 Davjid Smith 1846 Frank Pearson tl917 George Ralph 1906 Harold Charles 1908 Howard Elmer 1918 James Kenelm 1901 James Marshall tl865 James Weldon tl930 John G tl928 Llewellyn Kennedy 1926 Matthew 1877 Neal Larkin 1890 Reuben Walter 1918 Robert Alexander tl926 Robert L 1846 Robert Milton 1931 Samuel Rutherford 1866 Thomas Coulter 1859 William Christian 1'l93i William Frederick 1879 Andrews, Ebenezer Baldwin 11845 Fred Earl 1896 Lorrin tl825 Silas Milton 1831 Wells tl817 William Given tl862 Angus, Harry Baremore 1909 Samuel tl906 William Robertson, Jr tl931 Annan, John Ebenezer tl829 William 1827 William Wirt tl863 Annand, Edward Ernest tl899 Annand, Joseph tl872 Annich, Russell Wilford 1932 Annin, John Alexander 1851 William Alexander 1890 Anschutz, Charles Walker tl919 Aoki, Chojuro 1901 Fukuitso tl928 Aoyoshi, Katsuhisa tl919 Apostol, John tl926 Appel, John Bridge tl896 Appleby, James Frederick Ross tl867 Appleton, James Hervey tl864 Apthorp, George Henry 1832 William Perkins 1832 Archer, James Glasgow 1865 Archibald, Frederick William tl880 Samuel 1868 Arcularius, Philip du Buisson 1932 Ardis, Edward John 1921 Arendt, Samuel Edward tl930 Argo, James Kelley tl915 Armentrout, James Sylvester 1908 Arms, Clifford Smith tl827 George Wells 1906 Armstrong, Amzi Lewis 1856 Andrew Campbell 1885 Eugene McClellan tl893 George Alexander 1901 Hallock tl852 John 1853 Klair Long 1927 Oscar Vance 1908 Richard tl831 William Christian 1876 William Jessup tl821 William Park 1897 Arneal, John Franklin 1918 Arner, Charles 1918 Arney, William James tl871 Arnold, Charles Augustus tl907 Jay Hartzell 1925 Arpee, Edward tI927 Arthur, Joseph 1'1924 Arya, Yatiraj Surendranath tl917 Asay, Charles Henry 1873 Ashbridge, George W 1826 Asmus, Theodore John 1900 Aston, Arthur tl912 Frederick Alfred 1931 Atanasov, Samuel tl931 Atiyeh, Anise Elias tl918 Atkins, Alexander Harrison tl892 Atkinson, Henry Shepard tl930 John Mayo Pleasants 1839 Joseph Mayo tl844 Atwater, Charles tl837 David Judson 1864 Atwood, James Willard 1902 Augur, Walter Baker tl902 Aurand, Henry tl827 INDEX OF ALUMNI 751 Austin, John 1870 Philip Henry 1929 Avery, George Anthony, Jr 1917 Henry Root 1856 Axer, William Crittenden tl892 Axford, John Hall 1912 Axtell, Daniel Cook 11826 Henry tlS30 Paul Dickson 1906 Robert Stockton 1917 Ayers, Harman Allen 11932 Samuel Brittain 1837 Thomas Henry 1896 Walter Howard 11892 Ayres, Rowland 11847 Babbitt, Amzi 11821 Joseph Woodman 11913 William Hampton 1853 Babcock, Orville 11848 Baber, James 11821 Bachman, Nathan 11861 Robert, Jr 11903 Bachtell, Ray William 11927 Bachus, Clarence Walworth 11873 J. Bayard 11877 John Chester 1835 Jonathan Trumbull 1830 Badeau, Richard Montgomery 1842 Bagby, Alfred 11853 Bagnal, Isaac Moultrie 11931 Bahman, Mohammad E. Moghaddam. 11932 Baier, Leo 11870 Bailey, Charles Robert 11915 John Crooks, Jr 1896 Winthrop 1847 Baillie, Allan Davis 11906 Bain, James 11885 Baird, Edward John 1897 Henry Martyn 1856 Herbert Nelson 1925 Isaac 11873 John 1917 John Taylor 1861 Philip Pollock 11925 Richard Hamilton 1923 Robert 1822 Thomas R 11833 William Martyn, Jr 1922 Baker, Alfred Brittin 11864 Daniel Sumner 1850 Elisha Monroe 11907 George Danielson 1863 George Fenner 11900 Henry 11869 Henry 1910 John Fabian 1852 John Wycliffe 1835 Lewis Carter 1858 Pinckney Martin 11925 Baker, Richard Maxwell 11839 William Elliott 1853 William Munford 11849 Balch, John Tennant 1838 Thomas Bloomer 11817 Baldinger, Gustavus Walter 11908 Baldwin, Caleb Cook 1847 Curtis Chittenden 11826 Harold Harvey 1917 James Mark 11887 John Abeel 1834 Theodore Ailing 1867 William 1867 William Barlow 11842 Balentine, Hamilton 1848 Ballantine, Henry 11883 Ballantyne, James 11883 Ballard, Frank Otis 11878 Ballintine, James 11842 Baltz, William Sagehorn 1916 Bamford, John 11897 Bancroft, William Henry 11885 William Wallace 1920 Banks, Andrew 11892 David Stuart 1861 Henry Clay 1930 Bannan, Edward Joseph 11932 Bannard, William 1847 Bannatyne, Ninian 1845 Bannerji, Indu Prakas 11917 Bannerman, William Sullivan 1890 Banta, Daniel Brewer 1877 Barackman, Franklin John 1895 Rufus Luther 1895 Samuel Plyra 11890 Barber, Daniel Montgomery 11827 Louis van Valzah 1916 Samuel 1889 Barbor, Robert Linus 1913 Barbour, John 1878 Lewis Green 1851 Robert 1874 Barclay, Thomas Dougall 11870 Bard, Isaac 11820 Bardwell, Joseph 11853 Barker, Lincoln 11923 Barkley, Andrew Hannah 1854 James Morrison 1879 William Craig 11882 Barnard, Daniel Francois 11912 Edward Raymond 1914 John 11816 Joseph Harrison 1860 Obadiah Holmes 11854 Barnes, Albert 1823 Albert Henry 11851 Edward David 11907 George Gilbert 11880 George Owen 11855 James Allison 1897 752 INDEX OF ALUMNI Barnes, James Charles tlSlS William Guthrie 1866 Barnett, James McClure 1930 Norman Edgar 1930 Barnhill, Oliver Paul 1903 Barnhouse, Donald Grey tl913 Barny, Frederick Jacob tl918 Barr, Alfred Hamilton 1896 Andrew 1850 David tl848 George Williamson 1899 Harry William 1912 James Scott tl853 John tl849 Joseph Welch tl833 Preston 1881 Thomas Edward tl888 Thomas Hughes 1838 William Marshall 41892 Barrett, Charles Scudder 1876 Charles Wilson 1905 Gerrish 41827 Myron 1851 Barrier, Thomas Franklin 1896 Barrows, Eleazer Storrs 41817 Joseph Vail 1911 Bartel, Paul Henry 41931 Bartell, Earnest Cosma 41931 Bartholomew, Harvey Eugene 41885 Bartlett, Charles L 41834 Dwight Kellogg 41861 Maitland Vance 1895 Nathaniel Jabes 41860 Bartley, Joseph Dana 41863 Barton, William Bryant 1820 Baseora, Ellery 1833 Baskerville, Arthur Paige 1924 Charles Edward 1909 Henry Coleman 1890 Robert Walker 1915 William Ernest 41920 Bassett, Ralph Conrad 193! Batchelder, Joseph Mayo 1855 Bates, Charles Philorman 1884 Frederick 1864 Isaac Crane 1907 Lemuel Phelps 41823 Samuel Columbus Marion 41886 William 41908 William Ezra 41891 Batten, Joseph Minton 1917 Battisby, John Rae 1874 Baugher, Henry Lewis 41829 Baumgarten, Hoffman Thompson.... 41899 Bausch, Robert Augustus 41913 Baxter, Richard 41931 Thomas 41924 Thomas George 1905 Bayard, Charles Oliver 41929 Bayles, Lewis Condict 1861 Bayless, John Clark 41841 Samuel Martin 1837 Bayne, Ernest Sam.uel 1875 Bazata, Charles Frank 1907 Beach, Charles 1845 Horace 1842 Sylvester Woodbridge 1880 Beairsto, John Keir 1866 Beale, David J 41865 Wilson Thomas Moore 1902 Beall, Benjamin Leander 41850 Bean, James Wilson 41906 William Smith 41872 Bear, James Edwin, Jr 41930 Beattie, Charles 1864 David 1852 George Arnot 1867 James Anderson 1889 Lee William 1883 Robert Brewster 1899 Robert Hezekiah 1891 Robert Jackson 1874 Thomas Gumming 1882 William Quigley 41821 Beatty, Charles Clinton 1822 Frank Ernest 1907 Reading Karns 1908 Becker, William J 41919 Beckering, William 41904 Bedinger, Daniel Everett 1887 Beebe, Lyle Jerome 1907 Beebee, Levi Swift 41834 Beecher, Jacob 41826 Stuart Knapp 41922 Beekman, Abraham J 41876 John Stottoff I860 Beers, Henry N 41842 Robert Welsted 41885 Beery, Vincent Dee 1917 Beggs, Joseph 1855 Behner, Edwin William 41904 Beidler, Francis Walker 1897 Beinhauer, John Charles 1863 Beisheim, Arthur Karl 41922 Beitler, Samuel Wilmer 41915 Belden, Henry 41838 Bell, Allan 1875 George Brinton McClellan 1887 George Scott 1875 Howard James 1912 James Hall 1911 John 1893 John Vernon 41881 Newton Hervey 41869 Robert Agnew McEwen 41889 William Gilmor 41838 William Jefferson 1913 Beltman, Henry 1919 Belville, Jacob 41844 John Latta , 41830 INDEX OF ALUMNI 753 Bement, William tl833 Benaugh, George tl872 Benbow, Earl William tl912 Bender, Harold Stauffer tl923 Benedict, Alanson 1824 Benjamin Gilbert 1866 Bennett, Augustus Eugene 1920 Elbert Lansing 1925 Lauren Gates 1911 Richard Heber tl895 Robinson Potter Dunn 1895 Walter Leopold 1906 Bensinger, Guy Arthur 1925 Benson, Clarence Herbert tl908 John tl849 Louis FitzGerald 1887 Bent, Josiah tl825 Rufus Howard 1881 Bergen, George Providence 1849 George Spafford 1865 Hansen 1915 Henry 41842 Jacob F 41833 John Herman 1929 Paul David 41883 Berger, Edward 1899 Robert Birdsey 1932 Bergner, Herman William 41872 Otto 41869 Berkhof, Louis 41903 Bernard, Samuel 1864 Berry, Edward Payson 41895 George Titus 41892 John Clement 1914 Paul Sturgeon 1912 Robert Taylor 41838 Bertron, Samuel Reading 41831 Best, Harry 41917 James 41910 Melvin Louis 1928 Bethel, Martin Luther 41905 Bethune, George Washington 41826 Bettex, Paul Frederic Gabriel 41893 Betts, Albert Deems 1908 William Rowland Spalding 41831 Beveridge, Andrew M 41849 Bhagwat, Prabhakar Govind 1931 Bicknell, Luther Moore 1913 Bieber, Herbert Walter 1902 Biederwolf, William Edward 1895 Bigelow, George Hooper 1893 Bigger, Eber Elam 1878 Biggs, Henry Weed 1851 Thomas Jacob 41818 Bilkert, Henry Arjen 41917 Billings, Silas 41833 Billingsley, Richard Thomas 1931 Bingham, William Sylvester 41907 Birch, George Washington Fleming.. 41870 Robert 41837 Bird, Remsen Du Bois 1912 Ulmer Smith 41928 Birge, Ebenezer Cross 41839 Birkel, Augustus Henry 41925 Birnie, George Jamieson 41875 Bishara, Kalil Asaph 1910 Bishop, Alexander Hamilton 1835 Artemas 41822 Arthur Eenn 41890 Edward Thomas 41883 George Brown 1832 George Sayles 1864 William 1850 William Samuel 41891 Bissell, Samuel Burr Sherwood 1834 Bittinger, Benjamin Franklin 1847 Edmund Coskery 1842 John Baugher 1887 Michael Henry 1852 Bixler, Cassius Edwin 1895 Bizer, Ernst 41928 Black, John Graeme 41878 Luther Scott 41909 Blackburn, Charles Stanley 1896 Robert Marshall 1893 William Maxwell 41854 Blackstone, William Treman 41930 Blackwell, Alvin 1889 Blackwood, Andrew Watterson 41908 Irvin Aiken 41900 Blain, William 41815 William James 1848 Blair, Alexander Adams 41853 Brice Benton 41863 Herbert Edgar 1904 Robert Andrew 41904 Roy 1931 Tyrrell 1837 William Cochran 41821 Blake, Charles William 41889 Eugene Carson 1932 Howard Carson 41928 John Dayton 1887 Robert William 41891 Blakely, Hunter Bryson, Jr 1919 Warren Andrew 41913 Blanchard, Edward 41850 Blanton, Clifton Osee 1916 Blatchford, Henry 41815 John 41823 Blauvelt, Cornelius Ryckman 41867 George Mancius Smedes 1853 Isaac Alstyne 1860 Warren Scott 41856 Blayney, Francis Scott 1880 Blessing, Frank Fenton 1892 Blevins, Ernest 1 41927 Blewitt, Charles James 41895 Blignault, Jan Hendrik 41912 Blinn, William Henry 41879 754 INDEX OF ALUMNI Bloch, Harry William 1899 Blocher, Harry Haiber 1910 Blodgett, Gaius Mills tl837 Bloodgood, Abraham Lynott tl837 Bloombergh, Augustus Alexis 1867 Blunk, Conrad Friedrich Ernst tl914 Blythe, Joseph William tl831 Samuel Davis tl827 Boal, James Hamill tl905 James Welch 1871 Boand, Arthur Victor 1920 Boardman, Edwin, Jr 1931 George Smith 1819 Henry Augustus 1833 Walter Palmer 1913 Bocher, Marcus De La Fayette tl878 Boda, Joseph tl930 Bodder, Howard Edgar tl916 Boddy, James Marmaduke 1895 Bode, Cornelius Hugo 1928 Bodine, William Budd tl864 Bodry, John 1909 Boehme, Harry tl922 Boehr, Peter J tl925 Boerman, Jacob C tl930 Boettner, Loraine ,,,,. 1928 Bogar, Charles 1929 Boger, James Monroe tl894 Boggs, George Washington tl831 Henry Alford 1902 John Marshall tl84S Thomas Marshall tl838 William Lawrence 1887 Bogle, John Alexander tl847 Bohn, Ernest J tl926 Boies, Artemas tl818 Charles Alfred tl864 Bojthe, Alexander tl925 Bond, Lewis 1825 Bone, William John 1898 Bonnell, William Wilson tl839 Bookstaver, Adam Augustus tl869 Booth, Henry Alson 1849 Lebbeus tl816 Boppell, Charles Jacob 1898 Bordeaux, William Harllee tl931 Borden, William Whiting 1912 Bossard, Lester tl932 Bosserman, Curtis Orris 1894 Bossert, Frank Goess 1903 Bostick, Joseph Maner 1859 Boston, Thomas Cleland tl849 Bosworth, Byron tl854 Boteler, Robert Harley tl895 Botha, Louis Laurie Nel tl931 Botsford, Alfred Pomeroy 1852 Amos tl831 Eli Clark 1853 Botty, John 1924 Boughton, James Flint 1926 Bouma, Clarence tl918 Hessel tl919 Bourns, James Huston tl855 Bouwsma, John Oets tl915 Bovard, Charles Edward 1906 George Washington tl893 Boving, Charles Brasee 1895 Bowen, Henry Franklin tl840 Henry Pancoast tl930 Littleton Purnell tl862 Bower, Edwin Rea 1855 Samuel Aethel 1901 Bowers, John 11836 Bowlby, Harry Laity 1904 Bowman, Edward Stouffer tl909 Francis 11824 Francis Henry tl857 George Augustus tl846 John Wick 1919 Karl Watson 1927 Lloyd Sharon 1929 William Robert tl826 Boyce, Henry A tl832 James Petigru tl852 Lester Smith 1887 Wallace L tl929 William Moore tl932 William Walkup, Jr tl920 Boyd, Andrew Adam tl891 Andrew Hunter Holmes 11836 Charles tl857 Charles LeRoy tl828 James Oscar 1899 James Robert 1826 John Campbell 1863 John Hardgrove 1886 John Newton 1840 Philip Doddridge tl840 Robert 1877 Robert tl906 Robert Patterson 1884 Thomas McKeen 1877 Thomas Wallace tl905 Ward Franklin tl914 William 1876 Boyer, Jacob Twyman 1894 Walter Stanley 1925 Boyle, David Hamilton Moore 1911 Robert Alexander 11899 Braam, Leonard Marion tl921 Brace, Jonathan tl83S Robert James tl864 William Henry tl864 Brackbill, Moses H 1916 Brackenridge, James G tl831 Brackett, William Oliver 1928 Bradbury, Elbridge tl837 Braden, Harold James 1930 Samuel Ray tl914 Bradford, Arnold Travers tl913 INDEX OF ALUMNI 755 Bradford, Arthur Bullus tl834 Charles Clay 1898 William J tl825 Bradley, Gail Cosper tl928 Robert, Jr 1893 Walter Hensill 1889 William tI838 William Roy tl9l5 Bradner, Thomas Scott 1849 Bradshaw, Archibald Harmon 1895 Hugh Elmer tl924 Brahams, Raymond Irving 1925 Brainerd, Davis Smith tl837 Branch, Charles Henry Hardin 1898 Henry 1865 James Bennett tl906 Brand, Allan Degraffenreid tl916 Brandt, Gustav Adolph tl882 Rolf Didrik tl928 Brank, Robert Garland tl850 Rockwell Smith 1906 Brannen, Denton William 1892 Bransby, Charles Carson tl913 Brasefield, Harvey Denglee tl897 Braskamp, Bernard 1911 Otto A 1910 Braun, Herbert 1928 Braunlein, John Howard 1920 Bray ton, George tl869 Isaac tl836 Bready, Stuart 1910 Breakey, James Carlyle tl916 Brearley, Edward Swayne 1899 William 1825 Breck, Robert Levi tlR48 Breckenridge, John tl822 Robert Jefferson tI83t Breed, Frank Denison tl896 William Pratt 1847 William Pratt 1882 Breen, Quirinus tl921 Brenneman, Frank Solomon 1900 Brenner, Sam Ralph 1926 Brewer, Daniel Chauncey tl88S George Allen 1905 Wesley Corwin 1903 Brewster, Charles Alexander tl880 James Foster 1858 Brice, William Kirkpatrick 1841 Bridges, William James 1875 Bridgman, Chester 1859 Briggs, Henry Clay 1899 Marvin 1860 Bright, John Henry 1879 Brillhart, Norman Craley tl925 Brink, Ebenezer Cobb tl930 Brinkcma, Bernard Jacob 1907 Brinsniadc, Horatio Nelson tl825 Bristol, Cyrus Beecher 1830 Brittain, John 1850 Brittain, Theron 1863 Brockway, Julius Writer 1897 Brodhead, Augustus 1858 Claude Ross 1887 Brodnax, James Maclin tl898 Broening, George Hertzog 1895 Brokenshire, Charles Digory 1910 Broman, Adolph Franklin 1930 Bronkema, Frederick tl926 Bronson, Edwin Henry 1899 Elias Schryver 1852 Brooke, Lewis Samuel 1899 Brookes, James Hall +1855 Brookhouse, John H 1916 Brooks, Edward Flint 1842 Frederick Emerson tl914 Peter Haverly 1864 William Elizabeth 1904 Broomall, Wick, Jr 1928 Brotemarkle, Robert Archibald +1919 Brouwer, Jacob George tl907 Brown, Abraham Rezeau tl832 Albert Hampton tl865 Allan Hill tl914 Allen Henry 1843 Andrew tl914 Bailie tl894 Benjamin Mickle 1903 Eliphalet Winslow 1887 Frederick Thomas tl849 Frederick Warner 1917 Henry tl830 Henry Seymour 1900 (Browne) Hope tl831 Hubert William 1883 Hugh 1904 Hugh Arbuthnot tl844 James Bedford 1906 James (Duncan) 1871 James Walker +1920 John 1903 John Alexander 1896 Jonathan T +1844 Joseph 1835 Kenneth 1896 Lewis Franklin 1884 Linis Ephriam 1918 Nathan Thomas 1895 Richard +1825 Robert Alexander +1856 Robert Hall Morrison +1913 Samuel +1833 Samuel Henry +1854 Samuel Robert 1903 Theodore Sedgwick +1848 Thomas +1838 Thomas Towson 1898 Walter Scott 1863 William +1836 William +1864 756 INDEX OF ALUMNI Brown, William tl904 William Young tl853 Brownback, Oscar Davis 1907 Browne, David tl904 Frederic Zollicoffer 1910 George Francis 1913 Hugh Mason 1878 Brownlee, Arthur Audley 1894 Edwin Darnall tl907 James Lawrence tlSSO Joseph McCIung 1920 Brubaker, Ary Nevin tl916 Bruce, John Wallace tl931 Bruchhaus, Albert (see Brookhouse, John H.) 1916 Brucklacher, Andrew Joseph 1898 Bruen, Arthur Newell tl875 Edward Baldwin tl846 Henry Munro tl925 Bruere, William Bowen 1918 Bruggeman, Walter 1922 Brugh, William Irwin 1848 Bruinooge, Jacob Harry tl923 Bruins, Berend 1905 Henry Martin 1898 Brumbaugh, Roy Talmage 1919 Brunk, Menno Jacob 1930 Brush, Frank Spencer tl881 Brushwylcr, Vincent 1932 Bryan, Edward Denis 1837 George Plumer tl925 James Alexander 1889 Robert Raymond 1916 Wilhelmus Bogart, Jr tl924 Bryant, Albert tl865 Alfred tl835 Edwin Green 1860 George Washington 1897 Robert Alfred 1882 Seelye 1890 Bryce, William Ellsworth 1889 Brynestad, Lawrence Emil tl930 Bryson, Robert tl831 Robert Caldwell 1859 Samuel tl827 Buchanan, Augustus Sherman 1898 John Dales 1921 John Mairs 1846 William Gumming tl929 William Douglass 1910 Bucher, George Hale 1928 George Hough 1898 John Calvin tl897 John Russell 1918 Robert Young 1931 Buck, Harry Woodin 1911 Buckhout, Nathan White tl906 Buchnall, James tl825 Buckner, John Alexander tl855 Buettell, Michael Christopher 1876 Buffat, Roy Samuel tl926 Buie, John W tl842 Buist, Edward Tonge tl831 Bulbulian, Theodoret Hagop 1929 Bull, Kent Melanchthon 1890 Norris tl813 Ralph tl832 Bullions, Alexander Blyth tl845 Bullock, Joseph James tl837 William 1897 Bumstead, Samuel Andrews tl825 Buntin, William Henry 1882 Bunting, Robert Franklin 1852 Burd, David Clarence tl929 Burgess, Robert tl850 Thomas Peterson 1886 Burgster, Joseph Kingston 1862 Burnet, Thomas 1868 Burns, Samuel Sutherland tl911 Thomas 1906 Burr, Charles Henry tl87I Henry Barnard 1852 Burrell, David De Forest 1901 Burroughs, Benjamin tl83l George Henry 1876 George Stockton 1877 George Washington tl847 Burrowes, George 1835 Burrows, John 1861 Leo Reid 1901 Thomas Ashton tl852 Burruss, Charles Carroll 1929 Burslem, George Ashworth 1904 Burt, James Clark tl872 Nathaniel Clark 1850 Burtis, Artliur tl832 John Henry tl85R Burtt, John tl824 Busch, Albert Christian 1907 Buschman, I.eonard Victor 1918 Bush, George tlS23 George Clinton 1842 Harry Oswald 1918 Sargent tl926 Stephen ^ 184R Bushnell, Wells tl825 Buswell, Karl Porter tl927 Butler, Courtlandt Patterson 1895 David Campbell 1922 Edward Page tl873 Francis Eugene 1860 George W tl853 Henry Edward 1864 Henry Seymour 1866 James Wright, Jr 1927 John 1867 Zebulon 1826 Butt, Daniel McClellan 1887 Jacob Scott 1887 Butts, Daniel Bradford 1829 INDEX OF ALUMNI 757 Butts, Joshua 18.35 Butz, Arthur Nelson 1914 Buxton, Wilson Riley tl910 Buyer, John Franklin tl929 Buyers, John McCauley 1908 William Buchanan 1912 Byerly, Robert Crane 1914 Byers, James tl844 James tl89S John 1851 Robert Paterson 1896 Vernon Clyde 1895 Byrd, William Alfred 1894 Cady, Putnam 1888 Caesar, George Elias tl896 Caffrey, Philip Scott 1859 Cahoone, William, Jr tl827 Cain, William Henry 1861 Cairnes, William Glasgow 1869 Cairns, John Andrew 1881 William Douglass tl826 Cake, James Mitchell (see Mitchell, J. C.) tl843 Caldwell, A(dam) Brown 1916 Daniel Templeton tl918 George Marcellus 1883 Hugh tl824 James Douglass tl874 John Calvin tl851 John Livy 1874 John Watson tl831 Robert Ernest tl887 .Samuel Craighead 1876 Walter Lindsay tl898 William 1891 Calhoun, John 1892 Nathaniel Nelson tI918 Califf, Stephen Allen 1865 Calkins, Lyman Darrow 1870 Matthew Henry 1868 Calverley, Edwin Elliott 1909 Calvin, Edward McCullough 1896 Joseph Hadden 1852 Cambern, Henry Hambleton 1839 Cameron, Daniel William 1865 Edwin Ray 1924 Emory Cloe tl929 George Bruce 1921 Henry Clay 1855 James Daniel 1896 John George 1866 John James 1857 Leroy Learned 1892 Malcolm Crooks 1877 Robert Alexander tl909 William tl647 Camp, Daniel Ivens tl893 Edward Harrison 1867 Henry Bates tl834 Camp, Phineas tl816 Campbell, Albert Walter tl926 Alexander tl824 Alfred Elderkin tl824 Alvin Cutler 1868 Archibald 1916 Benjamin Harbison tl835 Charles Soutter tl916 Colin Donald 1899 David Thompson 1859 Donald Kennedy 1872 Duncan Alexander tl832 Edward Irvin 1908 George Hay Stuart tl871 George Washington tl824 Harry Milton 1904 Henry Martyn 1890 Hilton Roy 1913 James tl825 James tl828 James Irvine 1884 James Robinson 1867 James Smith tl851 James Wills 1893 John tl894 John P 1878 John Randolph 1916 Kenneth 1923 Randolph tl835 Richard Jamieson 1890 Robert B tl823 Robert Erskinc 1880 Robert MeVey 1925 .Samuel Davis 1835 Stuart McAlpine 1891 Walter Jenkins 1902 William Graham tl828 William Henry tI831 William Irwin 1898 William Oliver 1866 William Patrick tl922 Zephaniah Beale 1879 Campfield, Nathan Perkins 1863 Candee, Charles Lucius 1898 Isaac Newton 1828 Candor, John Montgomery tl850 Thomas Howard tl882 Canheld, Isaac Washington tl851 Oren Kasson 1838 William Henry tl856 Cannaday, John Williams 1930 Cannon, James, Jr 1888 James III 1925 Cantrall, Charles McKee tl910 Capers, Thomas Stacy 1916 Capp, Edward Payson 1863 Carey, Edgerton Samuel 1906 Gervas Albert 1917 Thomas Derby 1919 Cargin, James Alexander 1896 758 INDEX OF ALUMNI Cargin, William Moore tl909 Carle, William Merritt 1898 Carleton, Israel tl863 Carlile, John Snyder 1914 Carlisle, Thomas tl930 Carlough, Winfield Arthur tl931 Carlson, Harold Milford tl925 Carmichael, Donald Stewart 1904 John A 1875 John Milton 1862 Oliver Walthall tl909 Patrick Henry 1918 William Millar 1829 Carnahan, Reynolds G 1894 Carpenter, Hugh Smith 1845 James Berry tl908 John Henry tl861 Carr, Arthur Frederic tl872 Carrcll, Benjamin tl837 James Wilson 1848 John James tl839 Carrington, John 1868 Wilmot Albert 1890 Carroll, Daniel Lynn 1827 Joseph Halsted 1855 Carruthers, Donald Wallace 1922 John Franklin Bruce 1917 William James Gordon 1918 Carson, George Stephen tl885 Robert Henry 1890 Walter Fay 1900 Carswell, James 1867 Carter, Clark tl867 Ray Harrison 1898 Samuel Thomson 1861 Thomas 1861 William Blount 1840 Cartledge, Samuel Jackson tl888 Caruthers, Eli Washington 1820 Guy Franklin tl914 Carvell, Douglas John tl928 Carver, John Edward 1900 Wallace Harper 1912 Cary, Josiah Addison tl839 Norman White 1873 Casey, John Joseph 1875 Cashman, William Nesbitt tl882 Caskey, Henry Thayer tl908 Casper, August Alfred tl916 Cassady, Maynard Lamar 1923 Cassat, David Williams 1873 Casseday, Walter James tl913 Casselberry, William Winfield 1894 Cassels, John Baker tl834 Castillo, Americo del tl930 Cathcart, William 1853 Cattell, Thomas Ware tl848 William Cassiday 1852 Caughey, Rudolph 1900 Cecil, Russell 1878 Centanni, Angelo Maria 1916 Chafer, Rollin Thomas tl911 Chaffee, Arthur Russell 1913 Chamberlain, George Whitehill tl867 Hiram tl826 James Hageman 1839 Jeremiah 1817 Remembrance 1819 William Douglas 1922 Chamberlin, Albert 1852 Nelson P 1845 William Brown tl867 Chambers, Andrew 1871 Andrew Gowdy 1864 James 1875 Richard Franklin 1895 Robert 1870 Talbot Wilson tl838 William Nesbitt tl879 Chandler, Frank tlS57 Horace Edward tl919 Chaney, James McDonald tl856 Chang, Hsueh Rung tl932 Chapin, Augustus Lyman tl822 Dwight Chauncey 1905 Henry Barton tl854 Roy Vinet tl911 Chapman, Epaphras tl819 Ernest Newell •i'1932 James tl848 Janies Thompson tl889 William Hyde 1901 William Young 1889 Chase, John Wallace 1911 Cheatham, Adolphus Whitfield tl893 Alfred Johnson tl884 Chedister, Edwin Stanley 1916 Cheek, Francis Jacobs 1887 Francis Powell 1909 Samuel Best tl84S Cheigh, Yun Kwan 1928 Chen, Chen-Yuan tl925 Cheney, Samuel Willard T1846 Cheo, Hsiao Chen tl923 Chesnut, James Lyons tl920 Nathaniel tl882 Chester, Alfred tl821 Charles Huntington tl842 John tl860 William tl819 Chestney, James tl823 Chevalier, Nicholas Washington.... 1837 Chichester, William James tl871 Chidester, Samuel Willis 1878 Childs, Thomas Spencer 1850 Chilton, Charles George Eric tl913 Chipman, Richard Manning tlS35 Chisolm, James Julius 1877 Cho, Seung Hak tl932 INDEX OF ALUMNI 75') Choate, Alfred tl899 Chrisman, Charles Dana 1929 Christensen, Bernhard Marinus 1927 Christian, Harvey Steele 1897 Levi Hunt tl845 Christie, Robert 1871 Christmas, Joseph Stibbs 11824 Christopher, William Britton tlSSO Chung, James tl922 Ciletti, Ludovico tl911 Cillie, David Petrus tl906 Clagett, Dudley Malcolm 1900 Thomas Anderson 1900 Clark, Bennington F(itz) Randolph.. 1878 Byron Currie 1893 David Scott 1887 Edward Everett tl886 Edward Maurice tl926 Edward Murray tl924 Eldred James 1912 George Wheeler tl893 Howard Albert 1907 James tl834 James Augustus tl837 James Buchanan 1884 James Francis tl867 James Hervey tl859 James Hutchinson tl85('i John T tl830 Luther tl825 Percy Eugene Wendell 1932 Ralph Elmo tl902 Robert Lorenzo, Jr 1920 Thomas March tl836 Victor Fremont tl888 William Monroe 1907 Clarke, Charles Russell 1859 David Duncan tl834 Harrison 1881 James Alexander tl891 John Davenport tl901 John Peterson 1861 Orlando 1851 Robert tl907 Samuel James tl897 William George 1883 Claudy, John William 1912 Clayton, Francis Treadway tl899 Joshua Anderson tl825 Cleaveland, Winfield Miller 1899 Cleeland, Earl Cubbison 1905 Cleghorn, Elisha Burnham tl853 Cleland, Frank Barbour tI898 Robert Wickliffe 1870 Thomas Horace tl841 Thomas Horace 1845 Thomas Horace 1906 Thomas Hann 1866 Clemens, William 1853 William Cowan tl886 Clemmer, William Arthur 1906 Clendenin, Frank Montrose 1879 Cleveland, John Levi tl866 Richard Falley tl829 Clever, Alton Claude 1932 Cline, Enoch Clarke 1862 John Wesley tl879 Cloud, Charles Alvin tl897 Cloyd, Alva Lee tl917 Clyde, John Cunningham 1869 Coale, James Johnson 1865 Coan, Frederick Gaylord 1885 Coates, Jordan Tyler Lyell tl901 Cobb, Archibald Parritt 1853 Henry Evertson 1888 James Walter 1898 Roderick Provost 1885 Sanford Hoadley 1862 Thomas Spencer 1931 William Henry tl872 Coble, John Hannaer tl860 Coburn, David E 1895 William Franklin tl907 Cochran, Abram Gibson tl851 Andrew 1850 Israel Williams 1866 William Porter 1827 Cochrane, Samuel tl901 William tl860 William Lyons tl924 Cocke, Stephen F tl832 Codwise, Alexander H tl826 Coe, Henry Isaac tl850 John Rodgers 1820 Philimon Elmer tl838 Coffey, Harry Scott tl916 Coffin, Frank Stewart tl888 Fulton Johnson tl890 Selden Jennings 1864 Coffman, Aubrey Reherd 1925 David Rhea 1918 Coit, Joseph Howland tI825 Thomas Winthrop tl825 Colclough, William Frederic 1894 Cole, James Lawrence 183b Royal Merrinian tl869 Thomas tl827 Coleman, James Carpenter 1897 William Carithers tl91S William Macon tl861 Colfelt, James Potter 1872 Lawrence Maclay 1872 Collier, Edward Augustus 1860 Francis James 1862 Collins, Addison Berg 1893 Briton Estol tI828 Charles Jewett tl854 Clifford Wesley tl921 George Green 1870 William H tl824 760 INDEX OF ALUMNI Colman, Samuel 1932 Colmery, Robert C 1850 Colson, Louis Glancy 1892 Colt, Samuel Fisher 1841 Colton, Asa Smith tl831 Colyn, Leonard 1896 Combrink, Charles Edward 1899 Comfort, Clarence Ransom, Jr 1931 David tl863 Comin, John tl897 Comingo, Henry G tl836 Commons, Harold Taber tl930 Compton, Charles Randolph 1889 Samuel James Moore 1907 Conaway, Frielie Ernest 1929 Condict, Anton Hodenpyl tl918 Edward William 1858 Lewis Elliot tl373 Walter 1867 Condit, Charles Beach 1898 Elbert Nevius 1877 Isaac Hiram 1879 John Howel 1835 Jonathan Bailey tl831 Robert Aaron 1863 William Cutter 1866 Conditt, Marion Uri 1920 Condon, Walter Avis tl905 Cone, Herbert Dunbar 1881 Coney, Jeremiah Boice 1841 Conger, Alexander Millspaugh 1913 Arthur Bloomfield tl879 Sidney Seabury 1892 Conkey, John Parsons tl860 Conklin, Newton James 1864 Conkling, Nathaniel tl821 Timothy 1845 Conn, Samuel 1865 Connell, John tl913 John Martin 1842 Connelly, Henry tl832 Connery, David Percival tl921 Conning, Gordon Russell 1923 Conover, Obadiah Miller 1849 Robert tl852 Conrad, Edward George tl932 Warren John 1913 Conrow, Lester Morris 1898 Consaul, Gansevoort DeWandeler . . . . tl862 Conser, Forest Olen 1923 Converse, Amasa tl826 Charles Sydney 1876 Francis Bartlett tl862 John Kendrick tI832 Conway, David 1867 Conyers, J. B tl862 Cooder, Charles Lowell 1880 Cook, Charles Dean tl917 Darwin 1845 Isaac Melancthon 11845 Cook, Milton Lewis tl877 Phillip Barnes 1860 Silas Parsons tl870 Welling Thomas 1908 William Arthur tl907 Cooke, John Johannes tl915 William Brown 1898 Cooley, Gladstone Paul 1927 Coon, Henry Perrin tl849 Coons, George Washington tl838 Coontz, John Walker tl898 Cooper, Alexander Porter 1892 Archibald tl831 Charles White 1854 Clarence tl915 David Mack tl851 Samuel Milroy tl840 Cooler, James Thomas tl887 Copeland, John 1894 Coray, Henry Warner tl931 Corbett, Henry Martyn tl86! Hunter 1863 Corbin, John Crawford 1932 Cordova, Charles Cordova tl914 Corkey, William Barnett Harold.... tl932 Cornelison, Isaac Amada 1853 Cornuelle, Ralph Dudley 1918 Corson, Alexander tl905 Corss, Charles Chapin 1834 Cortas, George tl915 Corum, Jesse Maxwell, Jr 1909 Corwin, James Dennison 1891 Cory, Benjamin 1834 Jonathan tl841 Joseph 1834 Cosby, Jowett Vernon tl843 Cossit, Pearl Steel tl847 Cost, Harry Fulton 1919 Cotterman, Athel Dale tl926 Cottingham, William White tl852 Cotton, James Harry tl925 John Paul 1925 Couch, Walter Varich 1856 Coulson, George tl892 Coulter, David 1841 Harry Michael 1928 Countermine, Daniel Morrison 1886 James Willard 1901 John Donnan 1876 Courtenay, Walter Rowe 1932 Courtright, Calvin Whitefield 1867 Couwenhoven, Isaac tl924 Cover, Howard William tl929 Covert, John 1815 Cowan, Edward Payson 1864 Hector William 1891 John Fleming 1828 John Fleming 1861 John Hamilton tl900 Perez Dickinson tl869 INDEX OF ALUMNI 761 Cowhick, John Young 1858 Cox, Elmer H tl832 John Everett 1928 Coxe, William 1828 Coyle, Alexander Thompson 1930 Leonidas Edmond 1868 Thomas tl905 Thomas Law 1926 Coyner, David Holmes tl831 Crabb, Cecil Van Meter tl91-4 Craft, David tl862 Craig, Adam 1843 George 1868 Matthew Peden tl918 Robert Houston 1871 Samuel G 1899 William Poyntz tl8S9 Craighead, James Reese Ewing tl894 Crain, Anderson tl912 Cramer, Eliphalet tl836 John Kearsley 11852 Crandall, Fred Alonzo 1902 Crane, Elias Nettleton 1855 Elias Winans tl820 Floyd Augustus 1858 Frederick Barnard 1930 James Burnet tl853 Louis Burton 1894 Oliver Turnbull tl888 Simeon Harrison tl826 William Henry tl846 William Seymour 1896 Crapster, William Thomas tl854 ('raven, Charles Edmiston 1886 Elijah Richardson tlS4R Hugh Long 1860 John Burroughs 1895 Crawford, Alexander Robert 1893 Angus tl877 Henry Ellet 1862 Gilbert tl824 James 1826 John tl852 John Wesley tl863 Josiah Hughes 1399 Oliver 1896 Robert tl839 Thomas McCausland 1848 William 1908 William Bradford tl845 Creigh, Thomas tl831 Creighton, James Alexander 1880 John Wallis 1907 Cremeans, Walter Rollo tl914 (Viswell, Robert Ancrum 1852 Crittenden, I-yman Boyce tl844 Samuel Worcester tl855 Crocker, Asahel Buckingham tl840 James Norton 1852 Cropp, Frederick William, Jr 1929 Crosby, Cyrenius +1823 Reuben Hall +1851 Cross, Andrew Boyd +1834 Craig Boyd 1882 Henry Webster +1885 John Miller 1873 Crossland, Edgar +1923 George Edwin +1899 Crothers, John Young +1909 William Heber 1899 Crowe, Alvin Nelson 1898 George Condie 1848 John Finley +1816 Crowell, James McMullin +1851 John +1838 John Beverly 1924 Crowther, Thomas +1866 Crozier, Hugh 1867 Cruikshank, Burleigh Edmund 1918 Robert 1852 Cruikshanks, John +1815 Cryor, Samuel Silonas +1877 Culbertson, Michael Simpson 1844 Thaddeus Ainsworth +1852 Culp, Cordie Jacob 1900 Daniel Wallace 1879 Raymond Beatty 1907 Culver, William Henry 1897 Citmings, Abijah Preston +1835 Cumming, Bruce Alexander 1923 Robert 1868 William Cooper +1922 Cummings, George McT.ean 1890 John Wallace 1877 Cummins, John Lisle +1853 Cunningham, Alexander Newton.... 1830 Charles Eugene 1879 Henry . . 1901 John K 1828 John Whitfield 1830 Joseph P 1821 Thomas Beer +1867 William 1858 William Luke +1881 William Madison 1834 Cureton, Charles Ladd, Jr +1931 Curran, Richard Augustus 1837 Currie, David +1826 Samuel +1896 Curry, Albert Bruce, Jr 1913 Conrad Kreider +1923 David Stewart 1900 Joseph Ellsworth +1889 Samuel Russell +1921 Thomas Walter Farrar +1897 William F +1823 William Wallace 1874 Curtis, Edwin Ernest 1902 Frederick Stiles 1837 Harvey +1834 762 INDEX OF ALUMNI Curtis, Lowndes Waldeheaur 1894 Smith tl86] Solomon Warner 1875 William Warren 1870 Curtiss, Augustus Elisha 1870 Booth Nathaniel tl853 Custer, Morvin 1886 Philander Montgomery 1847 Custis, William Keith 1928 Cuthbert, Lucius tl857 Cutler, Henry Lewis 1924 Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard 1846 Czegledy, Alexander tl932 Dale, Gerald Fitzgerald 1872 James Wilkinson tl835 Jesse Miller tl926 John Taylor, Jr 1932 Daley, Oscar I^vi 1926 Dalrymple, Fuller Porter tl871 Dalton, Pleasant Hunter 11847 Dalzell, Charles tl895 Damon, Samuel Chenery tl840 Dana, Gideon tl835 John J tl834 William Coombs tl835 Danforth, Joshua Noble tl821 Daniel, Leroy Landis 1906 Darley, Frederic Fleck 1912 Darling, Andrew Drummond tl884 Charles Chauncey 1823 George 1S49 John Herrick Hiram 1927 Timothy Grenville tl869 Darlington, James Henry 1880 Darrach, Samuel Fisher tl822 William Bradford 1862 Darroch, John 1859 Daroczy, Alexander tl923 Darsie, William Watters tl931 Dauerty, James Shackelford 1913 Daugherty, James, Jr 1909 Davenport, David Merchant 1873 Harry 1903 Jay Furber 11914 Silas Augustus tl871 David, Henry John tl847 Davidson, Andrew Fuller 11853 Dwight Brooker 1919 Harold Sidney 1897 John Edward 1853 Robert 1831 Roland 1898 Davie, John Thomas Marshall 1829 Davies, David Owen 1859 Howell David 1907 John LeRoy 1826 John Morris 1877 John Morton 1906 Davies, John Rumsey tl884 Thomas tl885 William Henry 1916 Davis, Allen Seymour 1900 Asahel Judd tl911 Calvin Grier tl931 Charles Edgar 11892 Claude King 1910 Edmund McMillan 1896 Edwin Emerson 1903 Harold Edgar 1923 Jesse Brooks 1849 John tl849 John D 18S3 John Kirby 1848 John Thomas tl90S Levi Wright tl919 I.uther 1896 Michael Farry 1920 Oma Grier tl914 Peter Seibert tr852 Robert Hamill 1859 Roy Lee 11918 Samuel S 1819 Thomas Kirby tl850 William Clark 1851 William Hildrup 1895 Davison, Isaac Snedeker 1841 John Sutton tl848 Robert Allen 1865 Dawson, Frederick Harold tl923 Day, Chapin Walker tl931 Raymond Pue 1914 William James 1865 Dayton, Ezra Fairchild tl833 Dean, Benjamin Angier tl865 Henry Glen tl891 Oliver Stone 1863 William Hawley 1863 Dechert, Howard Porter 1865 Decke-Cornill, Hans tl932 Decker, Isaac Davison 1875 William Harrison 1888 Deems, Edward Mark 1877 De Forest, William Brintnall 11834 De Freest, Derrick tl851 Deggendorf, John Ernest tT901 DeGroot, John Henry tl932 William tl917 DeHaan, John Henry 11928 Deininger, Charles Frederick 1918 De Jong, Frederick Henry 11920 Jacob Arie tl926 Peter Albert 11932 deKlerk, Peter William Abraham.... 1917 Delavan, George Edwin tl832 De Leeuw, Cornelius tl905 Demaree, Victor Barr 1903 Demaresl, John Kay 1866 INDEX OF ALUMNI 763 Dendy, Marshall Bertrand tl926 Denlinger, Henry Kreider 1895 Denman, Mark Austin 1886 Dennis, James Shepard 1867 Denniston, Goldsmith tl824 Denny, Harmar tl858 Denton, James Macdonald 187.3 Jonas tl837 De Peu, John C 1847 De Free, Henry Peter 1905 John James 1903 Depue, Moses Ayers 1866 Derbyshire, George McDonald 1923 De Roos, Frank tl920 Deruelle, Daniel 1827 Daniel 1864 De Ruiter, Peter W tl931 Des Islets, Colbert Mousseau tl872 Devanny, Earl Hannum 1920 De Velde, Everett Clark tl930 De Veuve, Prentiss tl857 deVilliers, Dirk Christian 1917 William Robertson 11916 Devor, David Harry 1898 DeVotie, Noble Leslie 1859 De Vries, Nicholas tl928 Dewar, William tl893 De Waard, John Jacob 1925 de Wet, Hendrik Adrian tl921 Hendrik Christoffel tl922 Dewey, Finlay McNaugbtan 1877 Leland Greaves tl932 Dewing, Charles Shumway 1868 John Richmond tl865 Thomas Schofield 1850 De Witt, Abraham 1832 George James 1922 John tl864 Dexter, Daniel Weaver tl898 De Young, John Lukas 1896 Dick, Anthony White tl925 Robert James 1900 Roy Harry tl932 Dickens-Lewis, William Frederick.... 1893 Dickerson, Jonathan tl825 Dickey, Charles Lively 1929 Clement Cresson 1871 George Vernon tl896 Hervey Simpson 1883 John 1830 John Miller 1827 Robert .Steen tl916 .Samuel 1841 Samuel 1897 Dickie, Henry 1886 Dickinson, Austin tl820 Richard William tI826 Dickson, Alexander tI849 Hugh Sheridan 1841 Dickson, James Ira 1927 James Stuart 1833 John Martin 1909 Joseph Craig 1930 Reid Stuart 1910 Spencer Cole 1899 Thomas Sinclair 1912 Diehl, Charles Edward 1900 Chester Arthur tl930 Frederick 1900 John Maclay 1908 Samuel Reynolds 1916 Diell, John tl832 Dietterich, Hiram Augustus tl834 Dillard, William Dudley tl849 Dillener, Leroy Young 1919 Dilts, William Henry 1926 Dimmitt, Luther Mason 1917 Dimmock, Thomas Herbert tl915 Dinsmore, Francis Braddock tl847 Thomas Hughes 1847 William Henry 1860 Ditzler, Harold Edward tl931 Diven, John Parkinson tl841 Dixon, Henderson McCamie 1888 John 1873 John Edgar tl862 Thomas Freeman 1893 William Edward tl838 Djang, Fang tl923 Doak, Alexander Hunt 1904 Archibald Alexander tl839 John Keith Whitfield tl841 Doane, Clarence Eugene 1902 Dobbin, Tbomas 1863 Dobbins, Hugh Trowbridge 1892 Dobson, Augustus Theodore tl851 Dean Newton 1904 Frederick Fee 1895 Roy Calvin 1900 Dod, Albert Baldwin tl829 Samuel Bayard 1861 William Armstrong 1847 Dodd, Albert Baldwin 1902 Ira .Seymour 1870 Moses Woodruff tl840 Samuel 1861 Stephen Grover tl850 William Henry 1897 William Rufus 1905 Dodder, Edward Lanning 1855 Dodds, Alfred McAlpine tl922 Harold Willis tl914 Joseph LeRoy tl924 Walter Alexander tI92S Dodge, John Varick 1839 Richard Varick 1844 Doggett, William Thorington tl884 Doherty, David Linton tl920 764 indp:x of alumni Holtz, Paul 1902 Honaldson, Edward Kirk tl8Sl John tl896 Joseph tl849 Honan, Peter 1830 Honehoo, Janies Ramsey 1895 Honelly, Samuel James 1863 Donnan, Raymond Curtis 1906 Donnelly, Harold Irvin 1916 Doolittle, Henry Le Grand 1844 Horace 1829 Doran, Hubert Frank 1919 Thomas Corwin 1896 Horland, Luke tl845 Dorn, Robert Clifton tl928 Horrance, John 1826 Dosker, Richard John tl916 Doty, William Furman tl899 Dougall, Arthur 1895 Dougherty, Peter 1837 Doughty, James Walter tl890 Douglas, Davison McDowell 1900 James Moffat 1867 John Walkup 1899 Rhodas Clyde tl92S Douglass, Clarence Wilson tl927 George William tl930 James Walter 1822 Orson tl821 19ow, Alfred James Henry 1917 Downer, Edwin 1822 Downes, Richard 1895 Downie, Seth Russell 1901 Downs, Francis Shunk 1910 Dow’sley, Andrew 1872 Doyle, Cullen Parrish tl915 Drake, Robert Thompson tl855 Dresser, Elliott Lawrence 1879 Dressier, Arthur Joseph tl910 Drew, Henry Warthman tl893 Monroe 11892 Dripps, Joseph Frederic 1868 Druckenmiller, Fred Wilson 1923 Drummond, Winslow Shaw 1929 Drysdale, Walter Scott 1845 Dubbel, Silas Earl 1925 Dll Bois, Robert Patterson tlS36 Dudley, Albert Cassell 1907 Chester Haviland Crane 1905 William Ewart 1923 Duer, James Marquis 1901 Duff, Clarence Walker 1927 Duffield, Henry tl824 Howard 1877 John Thomas tl847 Dugan, George 1896 Dulles, Allen Macy 1879 Joseph Heatly 1877 Dunbar, Edward Capen tl930 Duncan, Calvin Alexander, Jr 1931 George Stewart 1888 John Jacob tl904 Millard Fillmore tl896 William Allen 1913 Dundas, John Rankin tl839 Dunham, George tl824 James Harvey 1899 James Henry 1895 Warren Benyew tl893 Dunkel, Joel Ambrose 1897 Dunlap, Charles 1861 Edward Payson 1890 George Williamson 1907 John A 1835 Robert tl831 Robert White 1837 Dunlop, James tl932 James John 1893 William James 1894 Dunn, Alexander tl899 John Tatham 1896 Robinson Potter 1848 Dunning, John Wirt tl907 Durant, William 1872 Duryea, Joseph Tuthill 1859 Dustan, John Francis 1883 Du Val, Frederick Beal 1875 Duvall, Edward Harry tI880 William Jackson 1932 Dye, James Willard 1930 Dyer, William Henry 1899 Dyett, Edmond Granger 1926 Dykhouse, Herman Harry tl924 Dykhuizen, Peter George 1923 Dykstra, John Albert tl912 John M tl925 Dysart, William Edmund tl9I5 D’Zilva, Lynden Columb Lorain.... tl911 Eagleson, Edwin Lamont tl905 Eakins, David William 1847 James McEldowney 1900 John Burns 1899 Eames, Charles Moseley 1907 Earp, Robert 1843 Easly, Harvey Edwin 1911 Eastman, William tl829 Eastwood, Walter Holmes... 1932 Eaton, James Smith 1878 John Benjamin tl901 Sylvester tl819 Ebel, Oscar Robert tl888 Echlin, Roy D tl923 Eckard, James Macintosh Longstreth. tl896 James Read tl835 I^ighton Wilson 1869 Eckels, Arthur Raymond 1907 Charles Edmund 1888 INDEX OF ALUMNI 765 Ecker, Harry Schwartz 1897 Eddy, Clarence 1864 G. Sherwood 1896 George Tryon 1890 William King 1878 Edgar, Andrew James tl906 David 1857 Edward Blanchard 1840 John Boggs tl903 John Todd tl816 Marshall Lowndes tl922 Robert 1862 Samuel tl904 Samuel Miller tl848 William John Brown 1891 Edge, Walter Warren 1902 Edie, James William 1862 Edmiston, George Lee 1895 Edmonds, James M 1855 Edmondson, John Blair 1867 Edmunds, Horatio Spencer 1919 Leland Nicholas tl929 Edson, Ambrose tl824 George Clements 1902 Edwards. Albert Gallatin 1923 Charles Eugene 1884 Chauncey Theodore 1884 David Reed 1912 George 1886 James Cooke tl833 Jesse 1842 John 1851 John Roddey tl893 Rees W tl886 Tryon tl833 William Henry tl864 Eclls, Earnest Edward 1917 Edward 1847 Hastings 1919 James Henry tl832 Eisenberger, William Albright 1913 Elcock, Edward Payson 1872 Thomas 1844 Elder, Earl Edgar 1914 Frank Ray 1911 Thomas Dougall 1885 Ellcrson, Lawrence Brooks 1896 Ellett, Frank G 1888 Elliker, Ruben R tl920 Ellinwood, Frank Field 1853 Elliott, Alfred Orrin tl904 Charles tl843 George tl849 James Calhoun 1880 Jared Leigh tl834 John Calvin 1866 John Habersham tlS61 John Wilson tl872 Joseph Nichol 1891 Elliott, Newell James 1907 Samuel Edward 1876 Walter McKee 1898 Ellis, Calvert Nice 1927 Charles Calvert tl920 Edwin Murray 1884 Elmer, Theodore Allen 1897 Elsea, Elmer Chrisman tl950 Richard Matthews 1910 Elsing, Warren 1912 William Thaddeus 1882 Elwood, Robert Arthur tl898 Ely, David DeForest tl832 Elias Peck ’ +1834 George +1838 George Wells 1878 John Calvin, Jr 1913 Jonathan Trumbull +1835 Samuel Rose +1834 Emerson, Edwin 1852 John Edwards 1849 Luther James 1899 William Curdy +1842 Emmons, Peter Kenneth 1915 Emnra, Kanichi +1923 Enders, Jacob Henry 1861 England. Stephen Jackson, ITT +1928 Engle, Carroll Anderson 1913 Englert, Donald Marcus Charles.... 1932 English, James Theodore 1835 Engstrom, John Peter +1884 Ennis, Robert 1870 Eppard, Alfred Winfield +1931 Epstein, Tobias +1330 Erdman, Calvin Pardee 1921 Charles Rosenbury 1891 Paul 1900 Walter Collins 1902 Erickson, Alfred 1900 Ernst, Frederick Steinman 1837 Erskine, Ebenezer 1848 Gordon Douglas +1911 James Samuel Edwin 1890 E.sler, Alexander 1896 Kspey, John Morton +1905 Thomas +1828 Ess, Franz Xaver 1900 Estabrook, Joseph +1820 Ettlich, Carl Georg Hans 1892 Eubank. Bransford 1930 Weaver, Keith 1922 Euwema, Johann Ralph +1923 Euwer, Norman I.ogan 1901 Evanns, Abner Joseph +1916 Evans, Albert 1891 Charles Alexander +1842 David Hobart 1924 David Reese 1911 Edward Charles +1881 766 INDEX OF ALUMNI Evans, Enoch Kraig tl857 Evan Rees 1833 Frederick Walter 1905 Hugh Ivan 1912 John Lloyd 1924 Peter Gray tl890 Richard Hugh tl918 Richard Riley 1849 Robert William tl886 Silas 1901 Stanley Richards tl918 Thomas St. Clair tl902 William Crudden 1931 Everds, John William 1887 Everett, Charles 1881 Jay Carrol! 1898 Everitt, Benjamin Howard 1897 Benjamin Smith 1859 Frank Bateman 1890 Franklin Carver 1896 William Littell 1894 Ewak, John Adams tl877 Ewing, Alexander 1831 Charles Henry tl841 Edward Cornelius 1863 Fielding Nathaniel 1843 John T tl829 Joseph Marquis tl926 Rhea McCurdy 1928 Fahnestock, Alfred Hamilton 1871 Fairbairn, Alexander 1851 Fairbanks, Francis Joel tl865 Fairchild, Ashbel Green tl816 Faivre, Joseph Zepherin 1903 Falconer, James 1903 Falls, Monroe Oates tl921 Fanshaw, William Henry Melvin.... tl833 Farber, Benjamin Franklin 1909 Faries, Henry Gerhart 1921 Faris, Salmon Coles 1866 Wallace Somerville 1896 Farley, Samuel tl916 Farnham, John Marshall Willoughby. 1859 Farouhar, John 1846 Farr, James McCullough, Jr 1894 Farrar, James McNall 1878 John Alexander +1879 Farrell, John B. Stewart 1900 Farries, Francis Wallace 1867 Farris, Robert Perry +1851 Faucette, Albert Franklin 1929 Fay, Charles Edward 1885 Feagles, Robert Stoutenburgh 1860 Fee, Alfred Ernest +1909 Feely, Walter James +1928 Fegley, Daniel LeRoy 1930 Feher, Michael +1926 Fehlandt, August Frederick +1894 Felder, Karl Sigmund +1932 Fell, Harry Ingram 1932 Fellstrom, Arthur Abram 1907 Feltch, Joseph Haskell 1866 Fendrich, Joseph Lowrey, Jr +1924 Fenn, Courtenay Hughes +1920 Fentress, William Henry 1876 Ferguson, David Kennedy 1910 Edwin Percival +1912 Francis Lloyd +1882 George Osman +1899 James +1832 James 1900 James Alexander +1868 John Albert 1899 John Bohn +1908 John McClellan 1903 Marshall Beatty +1878 Port LaFayette Alexander +1911 William Adams 1865 William Hays 1892 Fergusson, Edmund Morris 1886 James Duncan +1886 John Moore +1886 Ferrell, Dudley Hays 1902 Ferriday, William Calvin +1863 Ferrier, Edsall +1858 Ferris, George Henry +1878 Ferry, Asa John Harris 1909 Ebenezer Thomas 1907 Ferwerda, Floris +1913 Fesenko, Michael 1929 Fessenden, Thomas Kendall +1837 Fickes, George Herman 1908 Fickland, Renty William +1900 Field, Lloyd Baker 1908 Fillmore, Isaac Otis +1842 Robert Fitch +1932 Filson, Maurice Alexander 1901 Findlay, Harry John +1912 Findley, Thomas Masked 1879 William +1834 William Luther +1873 Fine, Lambert Suydam +1857 Finley, David H +1831 Jonathan Palmer 1851 Robert 1842 Finney, Ebenezer Dickey 1852 Harry Glenn 1905 Henry Graham 1859 John Clark 1907 Samuel Guy +1909 William Parker 1886 Fischer, George +1928 Fisher, Alzo John 1902 Charles Allen 1906 Charles MacQueen 1882 George Curtis +1904 Howard +1889 INDEX OF ALUMNI 767 Fisher, James tl910 John R tl865 Samuel Ware tl839 Simeon Whidden tl874 Fisk, Alfred Grunsky tl928 Charles Ezra 1888 Harvey tl829 Fiske, John Billings tl85S Fitch, Charles tl821 Fitzgerald, David Bruce 1887 Fitzpatrick, James tl878 FitzSimon, Edmond Watson 1892 FitzSimons, James Henry tl888 William Jamison tl891 Fitzwater, Perry Braxton tl912 Fjeldstad, Oliver Gerhard tl923 Fjelstul, Casper Theodore tl932 Flack, Ebenezer 1893 Fleming, Archibald tl832 George Claudius tl854 George Mervin 1876 Harry Davis 1920 John tl832 Joseph Henderson tl869 Matthew Corry tl889 Roy Chalmers 1905 Fletcher, James Cooley tl8S0 Flexer, Arthur George tl903 Flickinger, Robert Elliott 1878 Flinn, Harvey Wilson 1879 Flotten, Joseph Bernard tl929 Floyd, Moses tl833 Flurkey, William Henry tl924 Folke, Erik Torsten 1914 Foote, Charles Henry 1854 Greer Alvin 1904 William Henry tl821 Fopma, Samuel tl91S Forbes, Adam Gordon tl861 Anderson, Oliver 1858 Cochran 1831 John Franklin 1866 John Irving tl866 William Oscar 1883 Ford, Charles Ebenezer 1842 Erastus Edmund tl885 Francis Fenclon 1856 Jesse Franklin tl836 Foreman, John Preston 1864 Kenneth Joseph 1921 Stephen tl834 Foresman, Edwin Pember 1871 Robert Brown 1852 Forman, Aaron Parker 1853 Charles William tl847 Ezekiel 1841 Henry 1884 John Newton tl887 Fornataro, I.eone Marian (see Jordan, Leon M. F.) tl917 Forrer, Samuel Henry tl906 Forrest, William tl847 Forrester, Andrew Madison tl907 Forsyth, Henry Hazlett 1902 Walter 1862 Forsythe, John tl907 Foster, Addison Pinneo tl866 Daniel Requa 1866 Henry Moses tl921 Howell Samuel tl928 Joseph Crane 1852 Julius 1837 Nathaniel Rue 1912 Samuel Turner 1905 Sterling Johnson 1892 William Keller 1882 Fourie, Louis Johannes tl912 Fowle, James Luther tl923 Fowler, Arthur Boughton 1913 Frederick Curtis, II 1927 John 1862 Owen Stephen tl907 Paul Main 1927 Philemon Halsted 1836 Fowlie, Alfred John 1904 Fox, Herman Christian 1887 John 1876 Louis Rodman 1862 Frackelton, William Scott tl873 Fracker, George Herbert 1884 Frame, Cleveland 1897 John Selby 1863 John Selby 1898 Reuben 1831 Walter Reuben 1875 Francis, Amzi tl824 Frank, Adam Garfield tl906 Howard Moody 1903 Matthew Henry 1900 Franklin, Samuel Floyd 1915 Wilbur Mitchell 1931 Frarey, John Harvey 1912 Frary, Jesse Loring tl834 Frasca, Michele 1915 Fraser, Alexander 1897 Chalmers 1887 Charles Frederic 1917 Donald tl892 Fenwick Williams 1890 Frank Leonard 1890 James 1872 James Wallace tl912 John tl855 John, Jr tl89] Thomas 1845 William 1886 Frater, Robert William 1909 Frazer, Edward A tl830 26 768 L\DEX OF ALUMNI Frazer, James 1875 William John tl880 William Matheson 1886 Freed, Joseph Kratz 1893 Freeland, Daniel Niles 1847 Freeman, David 1928 Horace Nutman tl891 John Conger tl875 John Edgar 1838 John Newton 1868 Robert 1907 Samuel Alden 1861 French, Arthur Edward, Jr 1930 Charles Carroll tl893 Clarence Ford 1926 John B 1845 John Calvin 1899 John McClellan tl872 Frens, Richard J tl925 Fretz, Thomas Robertson 1893 Freund, Will L 1896 Fricke, Charles Henry, Jr tl930 Theodore Paul tl932 Friedman, David (see Freeman, David) 1928 Friend, William Nathaniel tl902 Frierson, John Stephenson tl854 William Crosland tl922 Fries, Henry Conrad tl836 Frith, William Barnes tl899 Frome, John Harry (see Vroom, J. H.) tl899 Frontis, Stephen tl823 Frost, Charles Noble tl879 Ellinwood Alden tl913 George Canfield 1885 Frothingham, James 1857 John tl861 Washington tl8S5 Fruit, Walter Richard tl899 Fueller, Charles 1864 Fujimoto, Yasumi tl922 Fujisawa. Sadao tI921 Fulcher, George Sprague Palmer. . . . tl906 Fuller, Albert Co-tton 1871 David Otis 1929 Edward Thurston tl861 Graham tI923 Paul Harrison tl924 Whitman Hamilton 1927 William tlS29 Fullerton (Artemas) Thomas tl863 Edward Grier 1839 George Humphrey tl861 George Stuart tl832 John Quincy Adams 1873 Matthew Lind tl824 Fullinwider, Peter Hunter tl830 Fulmer, Llewelyn Stover 1892 Fulton, Austin Alfred tl927 Charles Darby tl916 Fulton, George 1897 Hugh Kerr 1899 John Mayhcw tl887 Marcus Scott tl907 William Pomeroy 1887 Funk, William Godshalk 1895 Furnajieff, Denieter Nichola 1898 Furneaux, Hugh Joseph tl887 Furuta, Chiyokichi tl924 Gaar, Joel Russel tl916 Gabrielian, Mugurdich Choghauji . . . . 1888 Gage, Henry Bartlett tl872 John Lambert tl867 Raymond Hilliard 1894 Gailey, Robert Reed 1896 Gaillard, Albert tl932 Galbraith, Robert Christy, Jr tl856 Robert Craig tl837 William Frederick 41905 Galbreath, William Henry 1922 William Morrison tl838 Gale, George Washington 41817 Robert Francis 41925 Gallagher, George Washington 1878 Joseph Steele 41833 Gallaudet, Samuel Harrison Smith.. 41862 Theodore 1829 Galloway, John Mason 41836 John Smith 41830 Samuel 41834 Samuel 41833 Gallwey, Neptune Blood William.... 41893 Galt, Sterling M 1861 Gamble, Joseph 1867 Robert 1857 Samuel Landis 1861 Gamon, Robert Isaacs 1893 Gantz, Albert Dale 1899 Gapp, Kenneth Sperber 1929 Samuel Vogt 1925 Gardiner, Hugh Brodie 1849 Gardner, John Helenus 1382 Murray Hamish 1890 William 1887 Garner, James Samuel, Jr 41917 Garrett, Willis Otis 1908 Garrison, James Mack 41891 Ralph Alden 1908 Garritt, Joshua Bolles 41857 Garthwaite, William Styles 41849 Gaston, Daniel 41838 David Finis, III 41917 John Montgomery 1895 Joseph 41898 Gates, Stephen Pratt 1865 Gaunt, Harold Garfield 1909 Gaw, Thomas P 41852 Gayley, Samuel Alexander 1850 INDEX OF ALUMNI 769 Gayley, Samuel Rankin 1856 Gaylord, Samuel W tl834 Gear, Felix Bayard tl928 Gebhard, Henry Edwin 1917 Geddes, Henry tl911 Williamson Nevin 1861 Gehman, John Luke 1919 Geiger, Linwood Townsend tI923 Geitner, Emil William tl930 Gemmill, Benjamin McKee 1892 William 1873 Genso, John Frederick tl927 George, Benjamin Young 1863 John Lyall 1881 William Henry tl906 Gerlinger, Charles 1922 Gerrie, George tl895 Gerrior, John Paul tl885 Getz, Clarence Edward 1924 Geyer, Jacob Reasoner tl861 Otto tl930 Ghiselin, Charles, Jr 1915 Ghoimley, David Owen 1883 Ghysels, James Marinus 1‘l9n9 Giardina, Joseph tl906 Gibbons, Herbert Adams 1908 William Futhey 1890 Gibbs, Jonathan Clarkson tl856 Giboney, Ezra Peabody tl899 George William 1887 Thomas Jefferson 1838 Gibson, Andrew tl906 Frederick Lawrence tl930 George Martin 1897 James 1859 James King tI8S0 James Richard 1884 John tl857 John tl883 John tl918 Luther S 1343 Robert Proudfit 1869 William tl892 William tl917 William Jay tl849 Zera Montgomery 1897 Giddings, George Walter 1863 Giescr, Elmer Paul 1924 Giffin, Bruce Johnston 1902 William John tl924 ffiger, George Musgravc 1844 Gilbert, Eliphalet Wheeler tl816 William Ball tl871 Gilbreath, John Naylor 1840 Gilchrist, Adam tl830 George Edward tl894 Robert 1870 Gildersleevc, Benjamin tl819 Giles, Henry Edgar 1911 Giles, James Jennison . 1846 Walter Harris tl864 Gilkerson, John Campbell 1880 Gilkeson, Charles David 1891 Gill, William Hugh tl867 Gillespie, George 1887 George Elliott tl893 James Houston 1830 Samuel 1894 Samuel Lovejoy 1871 Gillette, John Morris 1895 Gilliam, Otis Levi tl917 Gillingham, Clinton Hancock tl903 Henry Clay tl885 Oscar A 1894 Gillis, Edward tl9I8 Levin Irving tl818 Gilman, Frank P(atrick) 1885 Gilmor, John Scott 1859 Gilmore, Alexander 1893 Lawrence Blair 1926 Gilmour, Abram David Pollock tl903 James tl854 John tl901 Robert Harvey tl897 Giltner, Henry Michael 1855 Gintner, John Henry 1927 Glassey, John Randolph 1924 Gleason, Chauncey Rolland tl930 Glen, Samuel tl849 William Renwick 1848 Glendenning, Andrew 1873 John Stuart 1871 Glenn, James Johnston 1908 Robert tl818 Robert Edward tl930 Glick, Curtis Morgan 1919 Glover, Charles Parker tl863 Godwin, Parke tl838 Goeree, Peter Charles James tl922 Goergizian, Arsen Aghajan tl926 Goerlitz, Gothard Waldemar tl8S9 Goerlz, John Philip Henry 1927 Goff, Francis Lee tl896 Warren Frederick tl89S Goheen, Joseph Milliken 1875 Goldsmith, John 1819 William Henry tl846 Goloknath, Henry 1885 Good, Reynolds Edward 1927 Thomas Roseberry tl902 Gcodale, George William 41897 Goodhue, George Franklin 1849 Goodman, Eldad White 1823 Reuben Smith 1846 Goodrich, Butler, Jr 41837 Chauncey Enoch 1828 George Dickinson 41865 Hiram Plummer 1826 770 INDEX OF ALUMNI Goodsell, Dana tl830 Gordon, James Alexander 1885 Jeremiah Smith 1857 Livingstone Albert 1922 Malcolm Roland 1888 William Eli tl899 William Parks tl912 Goris, George •. tl919 Goshorn, Chalmers Holmes 1923 Gosman, Abraham 1847 Gosselink, George tl928 Gould, Alymer Brooks tl918 Franklin Lewis tl899 Gourly, John tl851 Gouwens, Teunis Earl tl912 Gowdy, George Edwin tl876 William Fishell tl883 Graf, Charles Earl 1923 Elisabeth Helen tl924 Graff, James Johnson tl833 Graham, Alexander John 1849 George Faulk tl930 Henry Sandford 41903 Henry Thomson 1901 James Richard 41916 James Robert 1850 John Conner 1854 John Joseph 41875 Joseph Chambers 41932 Joseph Patterson 1872 Loyal Young, Jr 1895 Malbone Watson 1894 Richard 41831 Robert 41917 Robert Craig 1839 Robert George 41917 Roscoe 1907 Samuel Lyle 1818 Samuel Thompson 1900 Thomas Jackson 1899 William Armstrong 1848 William Forrester 41902 Graley, Alfred Arthur 41843 Grams, Roy Henry 41931 Granger, Arthur 41831 Grant, David Kenzie 1900 George W 41849 John Lodor 41826 Kenneth James 1862 William 1869 William Middleton 1899 Gratz, Humphrey Gilbert 1896 Graves, Allen Truman 41841 Clifford Hendry Marion 41914 Gray, Alexander 41926 Thomas McKeen 1855 Wayne Wallace 1929 Gready, William Postell 1845 Greeling, Roy Herman 41920 Green, George Henry 1929 Harry 41912 Jacob , 41815 James Preston 1889 Joshua Fry 1843 Lewis Warner 41833 Oliver Ormsby Maclean 41870 Thomas Edward 41880 William Henry 1846 Greene, Abijah Emmons 41836 George Francis 1885 James 1840 Joseph Milton 41868 Richard James Arnold 1882 William Brenton, Jr 1880 Greenleaf, Joseph 1863 Greenway, Walter Burton 1900 Greer, Baxter Dixon Doddridge 41912 James 1843' John Carson 41909 Gregg, Alva Mayes 41931 Samuel 41826 Gregory, Carey Ellis 1901 Caspar Rene 1870 Caspar Robue 1848 Caspar Robue 1884 Daniel Seely 1860 Edward E 41823 John Dysert 1928 Oscar Hubert 41831 Greigg, David Butcbard 1888 Grether, Marcus 41920 Gretter, John Augustus 41834 Greyling, Eben-Haezer 41926 Elizabeth Hermina 41928 Greyvenstein, Jan Hendrik Jacobus.. 41916 Grier, Isaac 1833 John McDill 41887 John Walker 41819 Joseph Lee 1919 Mark Brown 1891 Mark Brown 1921 Matthew Blackburne 184 4 Paul Livingston, Jr 41925 Robert Calvin 41920 Smith, F 41843 Thomas 41839 William James 41926 Griffin, Edward Herrick 41867 Henry Lumpkin 41872 Nathaniel Herrick 41837 Griffing, Augustus Hooey 41932 Griffith, Gwilym Oswald 41909 Hugh Williams 1901 John 41890 Shannon August 1912 Griffiths, Hall McAllister 41926 Grigg, Albert White 1905 Grim, Harry Pierce 41910 INDEX OF ALUMNI Grimes, Mills Strong 1903 Grimke, Francis James 187S Grinnolds, Daniel T tl84S Grissett, Finley McCorvey tl925 Griswold, Datta tl903 Groah, William Jennings 1926 Groce, William Oscar tl892 Groen, Watze 1'191S Groeneveld, Eiko Johann 1882 Gross, John H 1912 Grosvenor, Cyrus Pitt tl823 Grotefend, Friedrich Wilhelm Hugo.. tl913 Groves, Walter Alexander tl922 Grubbs, Henry Alexander tl901 Grundy, Robert Caldwell 1835 Robert Extine tl850 Gubby, James 1853 Gubler, Charles Ernst 1897 Guenther, J(acob) Jarden tl92S Guichard, George Louis 1897 Guichelaar, John tl931 Guild, Charles Beatty Green 11836 Guiteau, Sheridan tl832 Gulick, Alexander tl838 John Woodhull tl848 Joseph Isaac 1920 Nelson Joseph tl890 Peter Johnson tl828 Gunn, Lewis Carstairs tl836 Gurley, Alvin Bartlett 1920 Phineas Densmore 1840 Gush, Herbert James tl874 Guss, Uriah Abraham tl919 Guy, Alexander 1834 Edward Alexander 41861 Thomas Rodgers 1902 Gwinn, Clyde Wallace 1909 Gwynn, Edmund Janes 11906 Gwynne, John Harold 1927 Hackett, John Thomas 41904 Hadden, Joseph Baker 1838 Hagaman, Abraham 41830 Hageman, Charles Stedman 1842 Samuel Miller 1871 Hagen, John Francis 1913 Hagiwara, Shinko 41907 Hague, William 41829 Hahn, .Seung Kon 41924 Haight, Samuel Carleton 41900 Haines, Alanson Austin 1858 Charles Huston 41930 Hair, Thomas Johnston 41906 Hale, George 1838 Henry Ewing, III 1931 Hall, Alexander 1884 Baynard Rush 1823 Charles 41827 David 41355 771 Hall. David Brainerd 41842 Ernest Freeman 1899 Francis Bloodgood 1856 George 41835 George 41848 Henry Rodney 1868 Isaac 41839 John Henry 41848 John Morgan 41927 John Parker 41842 Robert 41826 William 41897 Hallenbeck, Wilbur Chapman 1918 Hallett, Robert Lee 1900 Halley, Eben 41869 Halliday, David Moffat 41837 Hallman, Harold Everett 1909 Hallock, Gerard Benjamin Fleet 1885 Henry Galloway Comingo 1896 Robert Crawford 1885 William Allen 1894 Hall-Quest, Alfred Lawrence 1903 Halsey, Abraham Oothout 41826 Abram Woodruff 1882 Jesse 41909 Job Foster 41826 Leroy Jones 1840 Hamborszky, Paul Ferdinand Bela.. 41905 Hamill. Daniel 41932 Hugh 41830 James Macafee 41892 Robert 1845 Hamilton, Alexander Renwick 41854 Buford Lindsay 41920 Charles Granville 41928 Charles Robert 41922 Edward John 1858 Floyd Eugene 1919 Frederic Atherton 41896 George Leonard 41913 James Frank 1874 John .Sherman 41899 Joseph 1893 Wallace Maxwell 1894 William Beeson 1887 Hammalian, Jacob H 41896 Hammer, Henry 41840 Hammond, Edward Francis . . 1905 George Bradley 1924 William Alexander 41883 Hamner, James Garland 41823 Hampartzoumian, Sarkiss (see Sarkiss, Henry Jewel) 41917 Hampson, George Washington 41831 Han, Kyung Chik 1929 Hanabusa, Yoshio 41924 Hancock, Charles Frederick 41906 Hand, Aaron Hicks 1837 Ralph Wesley 1915 772 INDEX OF ALUMNI Handley, Lorin Andrew 1905 Handy, Isaac William Ker tl838 Hanessian, Alexander Minass 1928 Hangen, Emerson Grabill 1925 Hanks, Festus tl832 Hanna, Albert J tl882 Alexander Carson tl931 Dwight Corwin 1886 Jay Calmar 1891 Robert Kennedy tl897 William Girdwood 1885 Hansel, Ernest 1909 William Forde 1848 Hanson, Anton Martin tl913 Hanzsche, William Thomson 1916 Happer, Andrew Patton, Jr 1876 Happersett, Reese 1839 Harbaugh, Fullerton Reck tl854 Harbinson, Stewart Clark tl910 Harbison, James Brown 1847 Hardie, Henry tl853 Hardin, Edward King tl910 Harding, Nehemiah Henry Fitz tl829 William Christy tl867 Hardy, Harry Eugene tl918 Hare, David Henry 1903 Hargroves, Vernon Carney 11926 Haring, Harry Walter 1893 Harkness, George 1865 Norris William tl900 Harlan, George William 11852 Richard Davenport 1885 Harlow, Arthur 1863 Henry Addison 1857 James Madison tl839 Samuel Allen 1882 Harmon, Harold Charles 1902 Willard Platt 1894 Harms, Abraham John tl921 Harned, Ashbel Green 1843 Harney, Mary Stewart 11918: Harnish, Walter Keller 1899 Harold, Harold Gordon 1931 Harper, Charles Roy 1924 Fred Lee 1916 Harries, John Edward tl886 Harrington, Marshall 1899 Harris, Adam 1850 Albert Grady tl914 Charles Willis 11898 Edward (M. T.) 1822 Henry 1908 Homer William 11897 John Montgomery 1831 John William 1905 Joseph Rowland 1929 Thompson Stelle 1821 Walter William 1896 William 1861 Harris, William, Jr 1895 William Glen 1930 Harrison, Bert B 1906 Elias tl817 Everett Falconer 1927 George Justus 1847 James tl831 Jeptha tl824 Norman Baldwin 1898 Samuel 1860 Thomas John 1893 William Andrew 1852 William John tl916 William Wirt tl908 Harsha, Albert Kendrick 1886 Hart, Charles Edward 1861 Tchabod Andrus tl830 John Seely tlS34 John Wesley tl901 Harter, Otis tl895 Hartmann, Henry Michael 1915 Hartzell, Jacob Lott tl9l9 Harvey, Joseph Chalmers 1889 Hassinger, Peter tl827 Hassler, Charles Victor 1922 Charles William 41862 Hata, Shokichi 1902 Hatch, Lemuel Durant 41819 Hathaway, Francis Ogden 1919 Harle Wallace 1894 Israel W 41878 Hattori, Ayawo 41891 Hauenstein, John C. (see Howenstein, John C.) 1919 Haugen, Abner Sigmond 41931 Haughawout, Lefferd Lease 1867 Haus, Luther Raymond 41911 Hawes, Edward Pay son 1873 Hawkins, John Andrew 41878 William Edward, Jr 1926 Hawley, Samuel Stebbins 41840 Hawthorne, James 1828 William 41920 William Cope 1881 Hay, Ellis Walker 41927 Fred Jay 41923 Lawrence Gano 1850 Samuel Hutson 41915 Hayashi, Masao 41930 Hayes, Andrew Williamson 41894 Hervey Holcomb 41827 Isaiah Potter 1887 John David 1917 Luther Newton 41908 Warren Hiram 1916 Haymaker, Edward McElwain 1884 Hayman, Herbert Harry 1910 Haynes, Irving Merritt 1927 Selden Long 1898 INDEX OF ALUMNI 773 Hays, Andrew Thomas 1883 Charles Elliott tl890 George Washington tl861 Herbert Eugene tI90'l John Ross 1930 Wilbur I,a Fayette 1893 William Gilbert McDill tl881 Hayt, Samuel Augustus +1866 Hazard, Obadiah Howell +1863 Hazlett, Dillwin McFadden +1880 Heacock, Joseph Smith 1846 Heagen, John W^esley +1859 Heaney, James +1890 Heard, George Felix +1832 Hearon, Elias +1847 Heaton, Austin Carpenter +1850 Heberling, James Struthers +1903 Heberton, Alexander +1826 Edward Payson +1868 William Wilberforce 1869 Heckman, George C 1848 Hedges, Charles Evert 1858 Charles Sumner 1890 Heebner, Alfred +1879 Heemstra, Jacob +1914 Heilert, Frederick 1894 Heine, George Colborne 1876 Helfenstein, William Eeonard +1826 Hellyer, Henry Leon 1913 Helm, James Isbell 1836 Helme, Samuel Pease 1837 Helsman, Franklin Benjamin 1919 Helwig, Frederic William 1927 Hempbill, Wesley I.ynn 1908 Hempstead, Thomas 1853 Hemstreet, Oliver 1865 Hench, Elmer Ethridge Ellsworth.... 1899 Thomas Hackett 1866 Henderson, Elmer Alexander +1916 Harold Hayes 1918 Isaac James 1837 James Sebastian Hamilton 1841 John (Murray) MacNeil +1881 John Robert 1878 Lloyd Putnam 1919 Roderick +1877 Samuel Clarence 1917 William 1821 William Johnstone 1873 William Rossman +1873 Hendrick, John Read +1853 Hendrickson, Edward .Shields +1919 Hendy, John Fenton +1865 Henning, John James 1884 Henry, Alexander 1874 Benjamin Couch 1873 James +1875 James Addison I860 James Vernor 1821 Henry, Robert 1827 Symmes Cleves +1818 Thomas Charlton +1817 Hepburn, Andrew Dousa 1857 Slater Clay 1844 Herbener, John Henry +1885 Herdman, William Close +1877 Herold, Julius Adolphus 1885 Heron, James 1903 Heroy, Peter Badeau 1845 Herr, Charles 1881 Herrick, Samuel Edward +1864 Herring, Hubert Clinton 1887 Herrman, Henry White 1896 Herrmann, Jesse 1913 Herron, Andrew 1872 David 1862 John 1876 Robert Brown +1868 Hershey, Warren Hoover +1922 Hersman, Charles Campbell 1863 William Matthew 1867 Hervey, Dwight B +1861 William +1829 Hess, Newman Warren 1916 William Samuel 1912 Heuver, Gerald (Gerrit) D'rk +1890 Hewett, Clyde Ernest +1931 Hewit, Augustine Francis (Nathaniel A.) +1842 Hewitt, John Dunbar 1870 Theron 1920 Hewlett, Tolbert Dwigbt 1932 Heydrick, David Melville 1859 Heyl, Francis, Jr 1867 Heyns, Herman +1915 Hibbard, David .Sutherland 1896 Frederick Jay 1898 Hibben, John Grier ....• 1886 Hibma, Tiede +1921 Hibshman, Henry Eberly +1895 Hickey, .Samuel Ingraham 1884 Hickman, Frank Dos Passon 1895 Gary +1833 George Matlack 1884 John Green +1845 Norman Kter 1895 Hickok, Henry Franklin 1859 Rali)h Kiddoo 1904 Iligble, Daniel 1839 Higgins, Howard David +1928 Highberger, John Kistler 1930 Hill, Alexander 1886 Frank Webster 1894 Horace Paynter 1895 Howard Adams +1930 Matthew La Rue Perrine 1861 Ned +1926 William +1828 774 INDEX OF ALUMNI Hill, William Wallace tl838 Hillhouse, James Steele 1884 Joseph Newton tl924 Hillis, Earl Douglas tl912 Lewis Bradley 1902 Hills, Leander Corning 1900 Hilscher, Harris Gregg 1922 Hilton, John George 1899 Hugh tl894 Hindman, William Blake tl913 Hinds, Herbert Calvin 1885 Hine, Lowell Camp 1929 Hinkamp, Paul Eugene tl915 Hinke, William John tl895 Hinman, Chester 11827 Hinsdale, Charles James tl821 Horace Graham 1855 Robert Graham tl859 Hitchcock, Pieter Cornelius tl914 Walter Alexander 1893 Hittinger, Raymond Solt 1914 Hoag, Raymond Clarence 1911 Hoar, William John 1870 Hobart, Walter Mell 1'1911 Hobby, Thomas tl838 Hobson, Benjamin Lewis 1885 Hodge, Archibald Alexander 1847 Caspar Wistar 1853 Caspar Wistar 1901 Charles 1819 Edward Blanchard 1863 Francis Blanchard 1862 Hugh Lenox 1889 John Aspinwall 1856 Richard Morse 1889 Samuel 1853 Samuel Colgate 1891 William Henry 1861 Hodgens, Samuel Graham tl87l Hodges, Samuel Edgar i'1906 Hodgin, Angus James tl914 Hodgson, James Barker 1929 John 1907 Hoeksema, Gerrit tl9l2 Hoes, John Cantine Farrell tl835 Roswell Randall 1875 Hoff, Ernest Gockley tl922 Hoffman, Clarence Sidney 1910 Harmon Leslie 1923 John Washington 1895 Hoffmeister, Charles Chalmers 11887 Hofford, Martin Lowrie tl852 Hoge, Moses Andrew tl845 Thomas tl861 Hogg, Alfred Alexander James tl905 James Alexander tl898 William Charles 1896 Hogue, Aaron Alexander tl840 Robert Murray tl889 Holdcroft, James Gordon 1908 Holden, Louis Edward 1891 Holderby, William Matthew 1908 Holiday, Solomon F 1830 Holland, William Jacob 1874 Holley, Platt Tyler tl831 Holliday, William Adair tl832 William Alexander 1865 Hollinger, Daniel Wilson 1901 Hollister, Luther Merriman 1930 Holloway, Ernest Duncan tl918 Thomas Thornton, Jr 1930 Holmes, James 1'1826 Samuel Van Vranken 1887 William Parker, Jr 1883 Holt, Olen Severin tl915 Holter, Burgess Dyer tl889 Holtrop, Elton John tl924 Oren tl92S Holwerda, Gerhardus James tl920 Holzinger, Charles Henry 1918 Homrighausen, Elmer George 1924 Honeyman, William Edgar tl864 Hood, Frank Carter 1884 George Alfred tl869 Harvey Allen 1922 James Willard 1908 Robert tl886 Solomon Porter tl912 Hoogstra, Jacob Tunis 1'1929 Hook, Cornelius Henry tl921 Hooker, Elias Cornelius 1860 Herman tl82S Richard 1'1837 Hooper, William tl815 Hoose, Earl Albion tl931 Hoover, Horace Emery 1921 Robert Henry 1884 Thomas David tl841 Hope, Ainsworth tl910 Matthew Boyd 1834 Samuel Rainey tl886 Hopkins, Erastus 1833 Henry Harvey 1832 Judson Hawley tl853 Martin Armstrong tl926 Samuel Miles tl837 Thomas Mayes 1855 Hopper, Charles Grant 1897 Orion Cornelius 1922 Horn, George Garrison 1918 James Frederick 1905 Hornblower, William Henry 1843 Horne, Charles Ellsworth tl900 Robert tl892 Horst, George Philip 1911 Hort, Francis Simons 1895 Hosack, Hermann Marshall tl906 Hosford, Frederick tl865 INDEX OF ALUMNI 775 Hosier, Paul Melville tl926 Hosoi, Tobey Rutei tl917 Hospers, Henry O tl921 Hostetler, Henry Burns 1898 Meyer Moyer 1927 Hotchkiss, Herbert V'inton tl930 Houck, John Walter tl921 Hough, Stanley Parmelee (see Stanley, H. P.) tl839 William Aspy 1881 Houghtaling, Paul Albert 1889 Houghton, John Cephas tl864 House, William 1857 Houston, Samuel Rutherford tl834 William Robert tl911 How, Samuel Blanchard tl815 Howard, Charles Wallace tl834 Henry George 1904 Joseph Adolph 1926 Howe, Elijah Franklin tl861 Samuel tl83S Samuel Henry 1864 Samuel Storrs tl834 Howell, Charles James, Jr tl887 David tl893 George Rogers 1864 James William 1889 Jesse Lawrence 1852 John Beatty 1870 John G 1839 Joseph 1897 Lewis Dunham tl826 Samuel Newell 1843 Howenstcin, John Calvin 1919 Howerton, George Monroe 1904 Howie, Robert Pollock 1895 Howk, John Simonson 1888 Hoyt, Alexander Stevenson 1868 Otto Smith i.. tI817 Sherman 1839 Hsiao, Theodore Encheng tl925 Hubbard, Albert Wells 1870 Austin Osgood tl833 John Aljoe tl903 John Boyce 1923 Joseph Welton 1857 William Henry 1874 Hudnut, William Herbert tl890 Hudson, Harry Summers tl9Il John 1822 John Paris 1832 Waddy Hampton 1893 William Mestrezat 1896 Wilton Tyler 1895 Huecker, Samuel tl901 Huenink, DeLoyd 1931 Huey, William Ellis tl914 Huffer, Samuel Wilbur tl903 Huffman, Frank Harl 1912 Huggart, Thomas S tl877 Huggenvik, Theodore 1922 Hughes, Daniel Lawrence 1843 Hugh tl885 Jacob Van Renssalaer 1870 James Charles tl918 James Potter tl853 John Donahey 1828 John Michael tl886 Levi 1847 Melancthon 1867 Richard Cecil tl887 Samuel Kelso 1845 Stanley Carnahan 1894 Watson 1829 William tl830 Huissen, Christian tl925 Huizinga, Arnold Van C(outhen) P(iccardt) tl905 Hulin, George Hunter tl831 Hull, David tl835 Hulle, Ernst Hermann tl896 Hulst, Henry tl886 Hume, James Creighton 1880 Jesse Wharton 1843 Robert Wilson 1837 Humes, Thomas William tl835 Hummer, Michael tl833 Humphrey, Chester tl831 Henry Augustine 1861 William Henry tl893 Hunt, Bruce Finley 1928 Holloway Whitefield tl822 Holloway Whitefield tl823 Horace B tl843 James Gallaway tl919 Samuel tl838 Theodore Whitefield 1869 William Brewster 1897 William Homer 1882 Hunter, David Francis tl900 John Andrew, Jr 1930 John H tl828 John M. K tl847 Joseph 1897 Moses tl819 Moses Hoge tlS39 Robert tl883 Robert John tl891 Robert Junius tl897 Stuart McKlveen 1908 William Andrew 1879 William Russell 1929 Huntington, Cyrus tl847 Henry Smith tl854 Joel 1852 Jonathan tI830 Joshua tl835 Leverett Israel Foote 1815 776 INDEX OF ALUMNI Huntting, Janies Murdock tlS2S Janies Murdock 1869 Samuel tl849 William 1839 Hurd, Henry Martyn 1861 Hurlbut, Joseph tlS24 Hurley, Edwin Patrick tl8S9 Huss, Charles Francis tl903 Husted, John Napier tlS51 Huston, Samuel Craig 1896 William Pankin 1837 Hutcheson, David 1892 Hutchings, Samuel tl831 Hutchinson, Alden Clark tlS94 Eleazar Carter tl830 John Russell tl829 Sylvander tl839 Hutchison, George Andrew Gordon.. tl863 Ralph Cooper tl922 Samuel Gulick 1884 Stuart Nye 1903 Sylvanus Nye 1862 Thomas Johnston tl909 William Merritt 1905 Hutton, Abraham Bloodgood tl822 Mancius Smedes 1826 Hydanus, Joseph Stuart tl918 Hyde. Amasa Lewis 1888 Charles McEwen 1860 James Lewers 1910 Oren tl825 Wesley Middleton, Jr 1910 Hyers, Alonzo Melvin tl932 Hyink, Martin 1901 Hyland, Charles Augustus 1887 Hymes, Hamilton Andrew 1892 Hyndman, Matthew James 1892 Hyndshaw, James Bailey 1824 Hynson, John Leonard Lindale 1897 Tee, Tvloyd George 1925 lijima, Nobuta tl9Il TIsley, Le Roy Christian 1909 Imamura. Yoshitaro tl921 Imbrie, Charles Kisselman 1840 William (Miller Kisselman) 1870 Imrie, John Mark 193J Ingalls, Francis Theodore tl867 Ingersoll, John Franklin tl837 Ingles, James Wesley 1929 Inglis, George Brown 1878 John tl894 John Cockins 1930 Robert Scott 1891 Thomas Edward 1884 Ingram, George Harvey 1883 Innes, John William 1895 Inori, Kunishichi tl924 Irshay, Andrew tl917 Irvin, Alexander Macy 1886 Irvin, William 1861 Irvine, Howard Clarke 1902 James Orr tl852 Samuel Linn 1889 Irving, David tl846 David Olyphant 1881 Irwin, Chester Martindale tl913 John Henry 1914 John Mark tl928 John Wilson tl830 Joseph Max tl898 Noel Patterson tl929 Salathiel Milton 1866 Thomas William tl827 William Steinmetz tI925 Ischy, John Wesley 1915 Isett, William Clement 1904 Tshikawa, Tetsu 11915 Tshimoto, Sanjuro tl894 Ishwardas, Bernard Chandra tl931 Iwasaki, Shinlaro tl91S Jack, Albert Emler 1887 Hugh tl929 Robert Bonner 1897 William McDougald 1895 Jackman, John Earl 1926 Jackson, Daniel Bull 1867 David Ellsworth tl903 Frederick Wolcott, Jr 1891 George tl929 Henry Ezekiel 1896 Samuel Allen tl932 Samuel Macauley tl873 Sheldon 1858 Jacobs, Benjamin Franklin tl913 James Ferdinand tl891 Melvin Clay 1915 Thornwell 1899 Jacobson, Erling Ralph tl932 Jacobus, Melancthon Williams 1838 Melancthon Williams 1881 Jadownicky, David Christian Bernard. tl826 Jagger, Samuel Hampton tl842 Jahn, August Edward tl915 James, David Mulford tl855 Edward Rutter 1901 Henry tl839 Joseph Eakens 1902 Robert Wilson tl817 William tl819 William Henry 1865 Jamieson, Alexander 1866 James tl861 Robert Addison tl877 Roy Wherry 1913 Samuel Dawson tl899 William John tl899 Jamison, Albert Clark 1896 INDEX OF ALUMNI 777 Jamison, Andrew Simpson 11849 Archibald Balloch 1896 David 1876 Milo Fisher 1925 Sidney King tl916 Janeway, George Jacob 1899 Joshua Blackwood Howell 1861 Thomas Leiper 1827 William Richard tl841 Janssen, Neelo Frerichs 1895 Jansz, Neville Bertram 1928 Janvier, Caesar Augustus Rodney.... 1884 Ernest Paxton 1916 John tl844 Levi tl840 Jeffers, Eliakim Tupper 1865 Jeffries, William Henry 186.5 Jenkins, Daniel Edwards 1891 David Dyffrynog 1880 Finley Du Bois 1919 Paul Burrill 1897 Robert Craig 1906 Jenks, William Albro 1861 Jennings, Clarke Alexander Buckner.. 1892 Franklin Cornwell 1896 Harvey Leonal 1932 Philip Sidney 1865 Samuel Carnahan 1827 William Beatty 1883 William Mason tl896 Jennison, Joseph Fowler 1856 Jenson, Christian Morris 1930 Jerome, Aaron Brainerd 1838 Allen Murray tl838 Jerrow, Moore Getty tl897 Jessen, Christian Schriver 1926 Jessup, William 1890 Jewell, James Porter tl917 Stanley Day 1878 Stanley Hamilton 1910 Jewett, Augustine David I.awrence.. tl855 Sylvanus tl842 Johns, John tl819 John Henry 1861 Reading Beatty 1866 Johnson, Andrew Fulton 1890 Andrew Jackson 1860 Arthur tl875 Baker tl830 Benjamin Pitcher 1867 Charles Edward tl930 Charles Everett tl857 Daniel 1844 Daniel B 1821 George 1895 Gibson Reid 1920 Harris Clubb tl898 Henry Parkhurst tl847 James Adam tl890 Johnson, James Gibson 1866 James Renfrew tl865 John Edward 1924 John Quincy tl896 Leonard Zachariah tl903 Obadiah Meeker tlS35 Oliver 1894 Roswell Park 1932 Russell Foster tl930 Samuel Myrtle tl884 Theodore tl835 Thomas Scott 1864 Weston T 1902 William Brower 1901 William David 1923 William Hallock 1896 William Melancthon 1861 Woodbridge Odlin, Jr 1925 Johnston, Archibald Anderson tl909 Edgar Francis tl387 Geoffrey Deane tl930 George Leslie 1894 James Harvey 1824 James William 1866 Matthew Foster 1904 Samuel Fulton tl858 Thomas tl863 Thomas tl894 Thomas Richard tl931 Walter 1888 William tl889 William Hall 1845 William Harrison 1918 Williajn Wallace 1907 Johnstone, John tl853 Robert Alexander tl843 Walter Hastings 1896 Joldersma, Jacob Henry 1923 Jones, Benjamin Canfield 1889 Benjamin Townsend 1866 Burwell Walter 1915 Charles Colcock tl830 Charles John tl849 Daniel Cothi 1891 Drury Lacy tl915 Ebenezer Edwin 1902 Edward Henry 1927 Franklin Chappell tl861 George Edward 1873 George Wesley tl899 John tl840 John 1854 John tl865 John Richard 1880 John Sparhawk 1867 John Wynne 1876 Joseph Huntington tl825 Livingston French 1891 Morris Samuel tl9I0 778 INDEX OF ALUMNI Jones, Olin McKendree 1912 Richard Richard 1880 Richard Thomas 1882 Robert tl886 Rolland Lee Register tl909 Roy Emery tl928 Samuel Beach 1836 Thomas Edmund Hill tl897 U. S. Grant tl887 Warren G tl834 William Byrn 1910 William James 1928 William Evan 1853 William Owen tl887 Jongewaard, Lawrence Harold 1929 Jopling, Robert Ware tl899 Jordan, Charles Grant 1894 Herbert Joseph tl922 Leon M. Fornataro tl917 Louis Henry tl879 Samuel Martin 1898 Walter Edward 1915 Joseph, Abner (see Evanns, Abner Joseph) tl916 Lloyd Annesley 1907 Joss, Augustus Adolphus 1866 Jcubert, Daniel Stephanils Burger.. tl912 Jowe, Frank Knox 1923 Judd, Gideon Noble tl818 Julier, Bessie 71931 Charles Wayne tl929 Jungeblut, Johann Friedrich 1890 Junkin, Charles Irvin 1886 David X tl834 Ebenezer Dickey 1854 William Finney 1854 Juren, Blahoslav Benjamin tl931 Justema, Herman Samuel 1894 Kagawa, Tayohiko tl915 Kagin, Edwin tl922 Kajiwara, Cho Hachiro 1897 Kakuda, Keigaku tl920 Kalajian, Herbert Sarkis 1920 Kamps, Jacob R tl926 Kane, George, Jr 1908 Karner, George Newell 1886 Kato, Kenzo tl931 Kauffman, John Elijah tl918 Kaufman, John Warren tl913 Kaufmann, John Henry 1853 Kavanagh, (John) Francis Edge.... 1883 Kawakami, Isamu 1913 Kawamata, Giichi tl924 Kearns, John Edmund tl865 Keen, Paul Edwin 1915 Keena, John Barr tl920 Kees, William John tl926 Keet, Barend Bartholomeus tl911 Kehoo, John Leslie 1857 Keigwin, Albert Newton tl866 Ernest Farwell 1897 Keiper, Dewey Howard 1928 Keister, George tl875 Keith, Henry James tl903 William Neely tl909 Kell, James Garrett 1932 Kellar, Isaac tl818 Keller, Claudius Argyle 1909 George Troxell tl870 Kelley, Alford 1889 Israel Webster tlS93 Kellmayer, Egidius tl902 Kellogg, Alfred Hosea 1862 Augustus Clark 1902 Charles Dor tl86^ Edwin Henry 1906 Henry Martin tl876 Samuel 1837 Samuel Henry 1864 Kelly, David 1840 John tI854 John Franklin tl896 Jonathan Clutton tl906 Joseph Clark 1864 Joseph Thomas 1874 Theodore Vincent tl896 Kelso, Alexander Peebles 1869 Kemble, Aaron A tl838 Kempers, John R 1925 Kempf, Julius Andrew tl904 Kempshall, Everard 1855 Kendall, John Ludlow tlS7l Kennard, Joseph Spencer tl857 Joseph Spencer, Jr 1915 Kennedy, Algeron Sidney tl830 Duncan 1838 Edward 1850 Edward Loudoun 1899 George Washington tl830 James Buyers 1863 James Ferguson 1846 John Herron 1823 Joseph Elliott 1915 Phineas Barbour 1894 Renwick Carlisle tl924 Richard Marcus tlS89 Thomas +1850 Thomas C tl822 Thomas Elmer tl918 Walter Armstrong i’1913 William Le Roy 1859 Kenrick, Harold Emile 1926 Kent, Aratus tl823 Kenworthy, Truman Cooper tl891 Kenyon, Fergus Lafayette 1863 Kepler, Kenneth McLellan 1930 Ker, Jacob Walter Eliezer tl83.S INDEX OF Kerchner, George Franklin, Jr 1925 John Frederick tl927 Kerfoot, Franklin Howard tlS73 Kerlinger, Charles Cyrus tl878 Kerr, Alexander Janies 1882 Daniel tl91S Daniel Estabrook tl928 Edgar Davis tl912 George tl884 Gilbreth Lawson tl913 Howard Jekis 1905 James tl824 James Robert 1891 James Witherspoon 1860 John Thompson 1882 Oliver Alexander 1877 Samuel Cunningham tl856 Kershner, George William tl882 Kersville, William Deas 1893 Kester, Howard Anderson tl928 Ketcham, Alfred tl831 Kneeland Platt 1861 Ketchiedge, Raymond Anthony 1917 Ketchum, George Sloman tl892 Key, Ralph William 1923 Khoobyar, Stephen Odishoo tl925 Kidd, William Cummings 1914 Kidder, Thomas tl834 Kieflfer, William Miles 1909 William Thompson Linn 1875 Kik, Jacob Marcellus tl930 Kikuchi, Kenji tl926 Kilgore, Harry Wheeler tl906 Kilgus, George John tl917 Killen, Henry Sinclair tl896 Samuel McCausland 1891 Thomas Sinclair tl889 Killie, Charles Andrews 1889 Kilpatrick, Abner Williamson tl816 Willis Brown 1922 Kim, Cbai Choon tl929 In Chyoon tl932 Kwan Sik tl924 Seung Lak tl929 Kimball, William Eugene 1879 Kincaid, William tl868 Kindley, Bradley Wilson tl894 King, Albert Barnes 1858 Charles Barrington 1848 David 1850 Frederick La Rue tl849 Harry Bell 1894 James Norman 1909 James Snowden 1858 John George tl898 'Louis Robert tl921 Marchant Askren 1929 ■'Owen Grove 11916 ALUMNI 77') King, Robert Rufus tl822 Walter Bertram tl931 Warren Edward 1926 William John tl897 Kingdon, John tl866 Kingsbury, Josiah Weare tl866 Kingsley, Robert Francis tl883 Kinne, Ezra Denison 11828- Kinsler, Arthur Rutter, Jr 1927 Francis 1928 Kinter, William Alexander 1889 Kirby, William Wallace tl861 Kircher, Carl Edward 1913 Clarence Albert tl918 Kirk, Edward Norris 1825 James tl847 James Wollaston 1878 Robert Hutchinson 1891 William Henry 1849 Kirkpatrick, Jacob tl853 - James tl888- John Edward tl842 Robert Foster tI900 Kirkwood, Robert Ogilvie 1900 Kirts, Paul Ruskin 1921 Kiser, Aaron Ellsworth 1895 Kishinami, Tsunezo tl911 Kistler, Adolphus tl899 Kitchel, Aaron tl832 Cornelius Ladd tlSO” Kitterer, Armin Albert tl9I7 Klaasse, Jacob 1900 Klaer, Alfred Lee 1926 Harvey 1899 Klauser, Benjamin 1923 Kleffman, Albert Henry 1919 Klein, Harold Henry tl930 Kline, Nelson Burrett . . . . 1899' Klink, Nathaniel Baker 1851 Klosterboer, John Meyer tl927 Klugh, David Simpson tl907 Knapp, James Christy tl849 Knappen, Laurence Stevens tl927 Marshall Mason tl925 Knepper, Charles tl867 Kniffin, William Clark tl825 Knight, Aaron Brightwell tl849 Alva Aziza tl865 Edward Hooker tl881 James Carnahan . . tl908 James M tl844 Lewis Hubert tl918 Lucian Lamar 1905 Knighton, Frederick tl846 Knipc, Isaac McGay 1894 James Nelson tl89S Knoll, Lee Elbert 1932 Knott, James W tl838 Knox, Charles Rhodes . . . 11888 780 INDEX OF ALUMNI Knox, James tl830 James 1844 James Thomas McClure 1893 John 1823 John tl888 Robert 1907 William John tl856 William White 1866 Koehler, Harvey Wilson 1898 Norman Elias tl904 Koert, John Leonard tl926 Kohler, Fillmore Thurman tl927 Kohlschmidt, Walter 11929 Kolb, John Benjamin 1884 Kollock, Shepard tl84f- Koning, John Willard 1930 Kooistra, Jacob George tl926 Koor.s, Edwin Wade tl931 Koontz, Jacob Vanderbilt 1915 Thomas Grier 1901 Kopf, Car! Heath tl928 Korteling, Arthur Kollen 1930 Kortkamp, Richard Lee tl918 Kossack, Benjamin William tl922 Kovacs, Charles tl925 Kratz, Marcius Wilson 1898 Kreager, Frank Sidle 1902 Krebs, Adolph 1876 John Michael tlS32 Lucas Theodore tl923 Paul Samuel tl923 William George tl824 Krecktr, Joseph Willard 1927 Kremers, Harry 1894 Kretzinger, George Williams 1891 Krewson, Jacob Barnes 1869 Krider, Barnabas Scott tl855 Krieger, William John 1896 Kriel, Jacobus Petrus tl914 Laurens Matthys tl906 Kromminga, Diedrich Hinrich tl907 Kroodsma, Robert 11917 Krug, Adolph Nicholas tl931 Kruse, William T^nton 1881 W. Roberts 1915 Kubo, Tetsu 1911 Kugler, John Backer 1860 Kuiper, Herman tl914 Rienk Bouke tl912 Kuite, John tl920 Kulik, Jan tl923 Kullmar, Frederick Adam 1910 Kuraan, Alexander 1930 Kumanovsky, Alexander (see Kuman, Alexander) 1930 Kunkel, Walter Lewis tl923 Kurtz, (Kutz), Henry David tl880 Kuykendall, William Floyd tl928 Kway, Zungziang 1913 Kyle, John Merrill tl880 Samuel Lee tl853 Labar, John Stinson tl840 Labaree, Robert McEwen 1894 Lacy, Beverly Tucker 1846 John McDowell Alexander 1902 Lafferty, James 1870 John Wilson 1887 Laidlaw, Robert J 1871 Walter 1884 Lair, Howell Portman tl930 Laird, Francis Harvey tl897 Harold Samuel 1917 John Baker 1895 Matthew 1833 Melvin Robert tl905 Robert MacMordie tl823 Lake, Leo Clarence 11923 Lalor, Jeremiah DeKlyn tl843 Lamb, Ellis Watson 1872 James Hart, Jr tl916 John Henderson 1901 Lambader, Frank, Jr tl892 Lamberson, Samuel Lewis tl831 Lambert, Amos Boardman tl837 Lamberton, Clark Diven 1906 Lamme, Charles W tl907 LaMotte, Louis Cossitte tl927 Lampe, William Edmund tl899 Lancaster, Richard Venable tl917 Land, Edward Roy tl927 Landes, George Anderson 1880 Philip Sheeder 1910 Landis, Evan Mohr 1886 Henry Mohr 1887 Paul Fisher 1916 Landon, Kenneth Perry 1927 Lansborough, John Robert 1903 X^ane, Aaron D 1819 Ashbel Green XlSBO Cornelius Rutser 1847 George W tlS30 Morgan tl876 I.angdon, William Marvin 1888 Lange, Stanley Charles 1926 Ulrich tl927 Langhill, Paul Franklin 1885 Langlotz, Karl Alexander Christian.. 1872 Lanneau, John Francis tl832 Lansing, John Van Schaick tl824 Lantz, Glenn Otto tl929 Lapsley, James Erasmus 11864 James Thomas tl842 Joseph Woods tl848 Robert Armstrong 1821 I-arge, James Kain 1857 Larimore, James Wilson tl859 Larkin, Earl Willis 1844 INDEX OF ALUMNI 781 Lamed, Sylvester tl817 Larrick, Asa Richard 19 IS Larson, Rudolph Hartwig tl92S La Rue, Jacob Servis 1915 Lategan, Daniel tl906 Latham, Lenn Learner 1926 Lathem, Abraham Lance 1893 Lathrop, Alvin tl826 Latimer, Clair Brown 1900 Robert Milton tl890 Thomas Davies 1875 La Tourette, James Armour Moore.. 1851 Latsky, Peter Sterrenberg tl929 Latta, William Wilson 1835 Laubenstein, Paul Fritz 11919 Laughlin, Cowden 1897 David 1880 Edward Reed tl898 John Hood 1880 Robert Johnson tl881 t.aurie, James Woodin 1927 William 1866 Laverty, David Hull 1863 Lawson Schwartz 1928 William Willard tl853 Law, Ashley Taswell tl929 Sidney Gibbs 1885 Lawrence, Ananias tl874 Edward Alexander tlS71 Edwin Percy 1900 Egbert Charles 1875 Samuel tl823 William Appleton tl864 Laws, vSamuel Spahr 1851 Lawson, Francis William tl917 Layman, Andrew Stephen 1924 John McKnight tl854 r.ayson, William Humboldt tl898 Lea, Thomas Dobyn 1841 Leach, Frederick Harold tl928 Leake, Lemuel Fordham tl819 Learning, Joseph Falkinburge tl837 Lease. Leslie Lewis 11915 I.eavens, Paul Joseph 1924 Leavenworth, Chauncey 1840 Leavitt, Edward Howe tl854 Leber, Charles Tudor 1923 Le Boutillier, George Thomas tl867 Ledwith, William Laurence 1877 I.edyard, Edward Denison 1867 Lee, Albert tl875 Allen Clarence tl930 Calvin tl927 Charles 1882 Charles G tl837 Eugene Winfred tl927 (Jeorge Kim 1923 Henry Flavel 1859 John I.loyd 1888 Lee, Kyu Yong tl930 Lewis Hersey 1848 Samuel Orlando tl861 Syung-Whee tl923 Theron 1907 Walter Scott 1898 William Cclin 11924 William Porter tl892 Leech, James Clair tl900 Leeder, George Brown tl926 Leeds, Harry 1901 Leeper, James Luther 1882 S. Harper, Jr 1888 Lees, Andrew 1874 Leetch, Robert Graham tl903 Lefevre, Jacob Amos 1856 Leggett, Theodore Augustus 1868 Lehman, Chester Kindig 1921 Lehmann, Adoljih tl878 Leich, Frederick William tl922 Leiphart, Elmer Elwood tl926 Leishman, James ... tl910 William 1915 Leitch, Andrew Charles tl914 John George tl908 Iceland, Dean Richmond 1893 Lemon, William Philip 1'1915 L.enington, Robert 1862 Lenz, Albert William 1932 Leps, James Henry 1852 Leslie, Peter (J, P.) tl845 William Hutchman 11905 Lester, William Havens tl854 Leukel, George Allen 1910 Leutzinger, Henry tl867 Levengood, James Charles 1890 Leverett, William Josiah tl804 Lewers, James tl834 Lewis, Charles Henry 1916 George Bowers 1918 Henry tl92l James Reed tl841 John Nevin tl835 John Nitchie tl831 John Wythe 1908 Joseph William 1856 Leroy Chester tl919 Rees Hughes tl885 Robert Lee 1900 Roy I.eslie tl916 William Frederick Dickens (see Dickens-Lewis) 1893 I.eyburn, George William tl834 Lier, Earle Gerhardt tl927 Ivife, George AT tl862 Robert Henry 1895 William 1854 r.iggett, John Albert, Jr... tl901 William Hebertnn 1900 Lilburn, Hugh Jordan 1910 782 INDEX OF ALUMNI Lilly, George Alexander McAuley.... 1895 Robert Hervey 1831 Lime, John Clayton 1932 Limerick, Frederick Buck 1910 Limper, Henry William tl911 Lin, Tien Lan tl917 Lindemuth, Louis August 1893 Linden, Samuel McCullagh tl915 Lindsay, Archie Thompson tl901 Henry Drennan 1883 John David 1915 Marcus Everett 1910 Ralph Wilson tl916 Lindsley, Aaron Ladner tl845 Lindsly, Silas Condit tl831 Lingle, Thomas Wilson 1901 Link, Luther tl896 Linn, John Manning 1867 John Sheridan 11915 Linton, John Cunningham 1889 Josiah Marshall 1907 Samuel Thomas 1899 Lippe, Charles Frederick William..,. 1867 Lippincott, Charles Augustus tl890 Littell, Levi Clark tl866 Luther 1850 William Archibald tl895 William Henry 1867 Little, Arthur tl864 Charles Howie tl900 Elbridge Gerry 1848 Hervey Ganse 1929 Henry, Jr 1923 James 1859 Lacy Le Grand tl893 Littlejohn, Abram Newkirk tl848 Liu, Chi Fung tl924 Kuang Ch’ing ■1‘191S Livesay, Joe Bunger 1923 Lloyd, Charles Hooker 1862 John 11844 John Elwy 1877 John Richard tl906 Peter Lewis tl914 Starr Hanford tl913 Lochead, John Sommerville 1866 Lockerby, Daniel Forbes 1869 Lockhart, Robert Cash tl929 Robert John 1898 Lockridge, Andrew Y tl830 Lockwood, Benjamin tl834 George Phillips 1'1858 Jesse 11833 John Hoyt 1871 Lewis Conger 11838 Loder, Achilles Lysander tl875 Lodor, John tl825 Loehlin, Clinton Herbert 1923 Loetscher, Frederick William. 1900 Lefferts Augustine 1928 Loewenthal, Isidor 1854 Loft, Ernest Edmund tl924 Logan, Alexander 1826 Charles Alexander tl899 Eusebius 1826 James Henry 1826 Robert tl845 Robert Lee 1919 Samuel Crothers 1850 Victor William 11925 William Henry 1870 William John tl902 Lohr, Herbert Martin 1919 Lohrenz, Henry Wiens tl928 Lomas, Donald Franklin tl930 Long, Abram Miller 1924 Abram Worman 1876 George Irving 1900 Jacob Avery 11928 Jay Henry tl881 Luther Craig 1929 Thomas Scott 1867 Walter Raleigh tl836 Ward Willis 1918 William Henry 1901 Longmire, Alfred Menefee tl924 Longmuir, Gavin 1866 Lono, Mikkel tl921 Lonsinger, Jesse Sanfort 1910 Loomis, Augustus Ward . . . 1344 Elihu 1850 Harmon tl836 Lopez-Guill6n, Jos^ Maria 1889 Lorance, James Houston 1846 T.ord, Daniel Minor tl833 Francis E tl840 William Wilberforce 1'1844 Willis tl836 Loring, Josephus B tl829 Losey, Leon Artemus tl911 Lott, Albert Franklin 18S8 Louderbough, John Janvier 1912 William Vanzandt 1879 X.oughridge, Robert McGill tlS40 Loughry, Joseph Nelson tl853 Loundsbury, Thomas tl822 Louw, Andries Adriaan tl923 Daniel Johannes tl929 Loux, Edward Augustus 1895 Love, Clarence Young tl927 David Rankin 1861 Robert 1831 William 1845 William Edmund tl927 Lovejoy, Elijah Parish tl834 Lowe, Benjamin Johnson 1818 Edson Allaway 1885 Lower, Joseph Laney 1859 William Barnes . . tl899 Lowrey, John ; 1861 INDEX OF ALUMNI 783 Lowrie, Clinton Woods 1899 James Gibson +1871 James Walter 1883 John Cameron +1833 John Marshall +1843 Matthew Bonsall 186S Newell Samuel 1861 Reuben Post 1849 Walter 1893 Walter 1899 Walter Macon 1841 William James +1902 Lowry, Andrew McClenahan 1853 Houston Walker +1881 Lewis A +1848 Thomas McCall +1886 William 1826 Lu, Paul Chi Chen +1924 Luben, Barnerd Maurice +1929 Lubkert, Ernst Christian Henry 1853 Lucas, James Joseph 1870 Luce, Henry Winters 1896 Ludlow, Henry Gilbert +1824 James Meeker 1864 Lueken, Rudolf Friedrich Theodor.. +1931 Lukens, Frank 1894 Horace Churchman +1929 John Nevius 1930 Victor Herbert 189S Lumpkin, Joseph Hiram 1886 Lundquist, Harold Leonard +1924 I^undy, John Patterson +1849 Lunn, George Richard +1900 Lusk, William 1826 William, Jr 1861 William Brown 1897 Luther, Robert Maurice +1864 Lutley, Albert French +1925 Lutz, Roland Bruce 1921 Lybyer, Albert Howe 1900 Lyle, David Miller +1909 Edward Hays +1895 Joel Kenney 1849 John +1836 John McElderry 1914 Robert Knox +1913 Lyman, Charles Wood 1892 Henry +1840 Lynch, Henry Arthur +1926 Lynn, John Edward 1890 John K 1923 Lyon, Aaron Woodruff +1828 David 1839 David Calderwood 1845 George Armstrong +1828 Hervey 1827 Isaac Lewis +1850 James Adair 1836 John +1844 John Thomas 1924 Lyon, Quinter Marcellus 1923 William +1842 Lyons, Luke 1821 Lyter, Thomas Bowman 1918 Lytel, James Pollock 1915 Lyttle, David McCay +1930 Lyuh, Woon Hong +1921 Mahon. William Sydney 1913 William Thomas +1905 Mabuce, John Oberlin +1927 Macartney, Clarence Edward 1903 Macauley, John Magoffin 1837 Macbeth, Roderick George +1890 MacBrayne, Ralph Julius +1913 MacBride, Henry 1893 Robert Irwin +1893 MacClements, Samuel Ross 1893 MacColl, Donald +1898 MacConnell, Edward Shields +1909 Jay Herbert +1898 MacCoy, James Sharon 1868 MacCracken, Henry Mitchell +1863 MacCulley, Samuel +1847 MacCullough, Russle Hindman 1898 MacDonald, Alexander Oren 1903 Arthur +1882 Augustus 1867 Macdonald, Isaac Hunter +1893 James Ross 1895 John Alexander +1886 MacDonald, Kenneth Piercy 1908 Rosmond May +1917 Macdonald, William Joseph 1900 Macdougall, Donald +1882 MacEwen, Thomas Taylor 1922 MacFarland, William 1893 Macfarlane, James Anderson +1892 MacGillivray, Alexander James 1894 John Kinnon 1891 MacGinness, Charles Ellsworth 1890 MacGregor, Donald 1871 MacGuire, Donald +1919 Machemer, Paul Adam Gehr 1920 Machen, J(ohn) Gresham 1905 MacHenry, William Worthington (Ward W.) 1897 Macinnnes, David Sutherland 1923 Marinnis, William Montague 1929 Macintire, Thomas +1843 Macintosh, Charles Daniel +1901 MacIntyre, Daniel Caswell +1876 Mack, Edward 1889 Eli Thornton +1834 William 1834 William Edgar 1874 Mackay, Alexander Leonard +1905 Callum Nicholas Miller +1914 MacKay, Donald Dundas +1893 Mackay, Duncan Oliver 1894 784 INDEX OF ALUMNI MacKay, George Leslie 1870 Henry Joseph 1912 Mackay, John Alexander 1915 MacKay, Malcolm tl931 Mackay, William Alfred 1905 MacKean, James Alexander tl916 MacKenzie, James Arthur tl883 Mackenzie, James Cameron 11885 Thomas Hanna tl891 MacKeracher, Charles MacPherson.. tl861 Mackey, Elkanah Dare tl856 James Love tl849 William Downing 1859 Mackie, Alexander 1910 Joseph Bolton Cooper 1907 Mackintosh, David Charles 1893 Finlay Grant 1905 MacKubbin, Henry Albert 1882 MacLaren, Donald Campbell 1884 Maclaughlin, William 11896 Maclay, Charles Wylie 1927 MacLean, Hew Brydon tl896 James Thomas 1890 Maclean, John tl822 John, Jr 1870 Matthew Witherspoon 1866 MacLennan. Alexander tl867 MacLeod, Alexander Napier 1928 Macleod, Alexander William 1873 MacLeod, Fraser Lochland 1906 George Bishop 1891 Macleod, John Wilson tlSSO MacLeod, William 1903 MacLurg, (McClorg) Alexander tl892 MacMartin, Malcolm 1871 Peter Arthur 1845 Macmillan, Jason Leon 1908 John 1873 MacMillan, John 1890 Macmillan, Kerr Duncan 1897 Macnab, James tl892 MacNair, Theodore Monroe 1882 Wilmer 1886 Macneil, Leander George tl873 MacRae, Allan Alexander 1927 Magee, Carl Ambrose tl899 James Henry 1896 Samuel George tl899 Magie, David tl820 David tl861 Magill, Charles Beatty tl863 Chauncey Byron 1896 David 1872 Seagrove William tl834 William Thomas 1925 Magner, Alan Kenneth 1920 Magraw, James Cochran tl839 Magruder, Thomas Perry Wilson 1837 Mahaffey, Samuel tl844 Mahon, Alexander Wylie tl894 Mahon, James Colwell tI853 Joseph tl831 Mahy, George Gordon, Jr 1929 Maier, Frederick 1913 Mairet, Louis Ariste Jean tl901 Major, John Welsh tl853 Makely, George Nathan 1886 Malan, Daniel Gerhardiis tl905 David Johannes 11908 Malcolm, Thomas Walker 11901 Malcom, Charles Howard 1855 Howard tl82i Thomas Shields tl842 Malin, David tl837 Mallmann, Jacob Edward 1889 Mangasarian, Mangasar Mugurditch. 1882 Manifold, Samuel Dougherty 1899 William James 1899 Manly, Basil, Jr 1847 Charles 1859 Mann, Alexander Jesse tl894 James R 1891 Joseph Rich 1847 Joseph William 1875 Manning, Robert Smith 1856 Manton, Daniel Eddy 11835 Manus, Siegfried Gerjet tl907 Manwaring, Giles tl844 Many, Daniel James, Jr tl907 Marbet, Arthur Jacob 1908 Marcellus, Algernon tl869 March, Frederick William 1873 John Charles 1829 Marden, William Edwin 1894 Mark, Robert Wilson 1907 Markarian, Jacob (Hagop) 1904 Markham, Thomas Railey tl8S2 Markle, George LaClede tl926 Marks, Harvey Blair tl901 Marling, Arthur Wodehouse tl881 Marousek, Edmund Lee 1922 Marple, William Wallace Sutton.... 1904 Marquand, Allan tl877 Marquess, William H 11838 Marquis, William Stevenson 1879 Marr, George Augustus 1881 James Hervey 1865 Joseph tl834 Phineas Barbour tl834 Marriner, George Kollock 1852 Marsden, Robert Samuel tl930 Marsh, Arthur Ernest tl910 Charles Stewart, Jr tl932 Fred Raymond tl905 Wallace Henry 1914 William Blackmore 1863 Marshall, Albert Brainerd 18/4 Alexander Stewart tl856 Alexander William 1900 George 1855 INDEX OF ALUMNI 785 Marshall, George Washington tl925 James tl864 James I tl822 James Trimble 1888 Samuel Vance 1825 Thomas Chalmers 1892 William L tl826 William Rice 1859 Marshman, David McGill 1884 Martin, Adolphus K tl847 Chalmers 1882 Daniel Hulshizer 18-94 David Paulin 1923 Ernest Douglas 1893 Frank Hale tl897 Harold Ray tl919 Henry George 1882 Ivan Gochnauer 1905 James Wright 1894 Jesse Penney tl922 Job Henry +1828 John Fountain 1866 Moses Mellen 1864 Paul 1886 Ralph Laughlin +1916 Samuel 1899 Samuel Albert +1880 Thomas +1833 Thomas James +1924 William James 1929 William Mutch 1874 Martindale, Charles O’Neale, Jr +1895 Marvin, Edward Payson +1863 Uriah +1847 Mason, Benjamin Allen +1898 Cyrus +1827 Ebenezer +1825 Erskine +1827 Frank Edgar 1913 John +1832 Robert William 1890 William Alexander +1888 William Hammersley +1898 Masselink, Edward Johann 1925 George Henry +1921 William +1920 Master, Henry Buck 1898 Masters, Francis Robert +1855 Matear, Charles +1921 Mateer, Eugene Horace 1874 Horace Nelson +1882 Joseph +1854 Robert McCheyne 1880 Mathers, Joseph Hamilton 1854 Mathes, Alfred Harvey 1855 Archibald Alexander +1837 Benjamin C +1836 Matheson, Donald Morrison 1903 James Alexander 1894 Mathews, Joseph Francis +1922 Mathis, Harvey Gilbert 1900 Joseph Julius +1883 Matthews, Carl Stanley +1904 Henry Martyn +1872 John Bojd +1868 John Daniel 1831 Leonard Walker +1907 Paul Clement +1890 Salmon Leonard +1835 William Caldwell 1830 William Taylor 1881 Mattoon, Stephen 1346 Matzinger, Philip Frederick 1885 Mauch, Harry Crist +1901 Maugeri, Giacomo 1894 Maxwell, Bertram W +1914 George S 1929 Joseph Edgar +1891 Sydney Lurton +1888 May, Philip Jonathan 1922 Mayer, Gustav Wilhelm +1859 Mayers, Henry Lewis 1874 Mayes, George Gregg 1891 Mayne, James Stevenson 1860 Mayo, George Pickett +1901 McAdie, Robert Cecil Melville +1896 McAdoo, William Alexander 1932 McAfee, French +1892 Joseph Ernest +1896 Robert William +1875 Wallace Taylor +1924 McAliley, John Richard 1926 McAllister, James Alexander 1901 McAlmon, John Alexander 1875 McAlpine, Robert Brown +1880 McArn, Archibald Hugh 1891 McArthur, John Arthur 1883 McAtee, William Alfred 1863 McAulay, Kenneth J +1895 McAuley, William Hall +1839 McBath, Walker Eugene 1903 McBean, Alexander 1863 McBride, Clifford 1897 David Laughlin 1908 Hugh Charles 1906 James Lloyd +1907 McCachran, Robert 1827 McCague, James Alexander 1900 McCahan, Eugene Harold 1932 John Moore 1879 McCahon, George +1914 McCall, John Vallandingham +1900 William Alexander 1926 McCallie, Henry Douglas 1907 McCammon, James +1913 McCampbell, George Meriwether 1866 McCarroll, Walter +1920 McCartney, Albert Joseph 1903 Robert Harlan +1907 McCasliii, David Rinehart +1875 786 INDEX OF ALUMNI McCauley, Charles Firey tl843 Thomas 1855 McCay, David 1841 McChesney, William Edgar 1869 McClain, Josiah 1874 McClatchey, Thomas 1894 McClean, Robert Finlay 1872 McCleary, Boyd 1910 Charles Warner 1895 Raymond tl931 McClellan, Charles Henry 1868 Harvey Hutcheson 1924 McClelland, George Tiffany tl873 Hugh R tl883 McClements, Albert Frederick 1914 McClenaghan, Harry 1904 Samuel John 1889 McClenahan, John Wallace tl902 William Lorimer tl898 McClintock, John David 1862 McCIung, Arthur James 1912 John Alexander tl826 John Louis 1896 Samuel Milligan 1835 McClure, Alexander Doak 1879 Benjamin tl848 Hugh Cameron 1924 James Alexander 1903 James Baird tl861 James Gore King 1873 Samuel Hall 1910 McClurkin, John Knox tl880 McCluskey, John tl82S McClusky, Harry Garfield 1907 McCoIl, John 1873 McColloch, Harry Van 1919 McCollough, Beatty Zentz tl904 McComb, John Hess 1927 Kemper Grier tl916 Peter Hathaway Kemper tl868 McCombe, John Warren 1898 McConaughy, Ira 1895 Nathaniel 1858 Nathaniel Upham 1923 McConkey, Frederick Paul 1912 McConnelee, Earl Collins tl923 McConnell, Harry Waldron tl927 James Chauncey 1914 Joseph 1849 Samuel D tl871 McCorkle, William Hart tl929 McCormick, Robert Warnock tl859 William tl896 William Love 1905 McCown, Ross Samuel tl912 McCoy, David Ross 1846 John 1887 John Brice tl838 John (Simeon) 1864 William 1905 McCracken, Clark Lea! 1872 William Henry tl915 McCrea, Thomas 1874 McCreary, James Black tl828 McCreery, John Brower 1900 McCrone, Hugh Baldwin 1898 McCuen, Ralph Burtsall tl931 McCuish, John Barridge 1890 McCullagh, Archibald 1871 Archibald, Jr 1896 McCulloch, Robert tl853 McCulIoh, Samuel 11846 McCullough, John tl833 John Williamson tl828 William Cupples tl894 William James tl910 McCune, Robert Lewis tl856 McCurdy, Allen Woodend tl897 Irwin Pounds tl883 James Frederick 1871 McDannold, William Gaw 1881 McDermott, Herbert 1901 Thomas tl833 McDevitt, John tl351 McDonald, James Smith 1862 John Andrew 1870 Samuel Higgins 1834 McDougall, James 1858 McDowall, Ebenezer tl834 Isaac Murray tl881 John Roberts tl831 McDowell, James Norris 1907 John 11898 Quincy Alonzo 1927 Samuel 1903 Thomas Rankin 1884 William Anderson tl815 McDuffee, Samuel Valentine tl869 McEachron, Willard Scoullar 1881 McElhinney, Samuel Alexander 1857 McElmoyle, John 1878 McElroy, George Whitefield tl83S John McConnell tl856 Robert McNutt tl899 Samuel Addison 1888 Solomon Clarke 1865 William Craig tlS33 McElwain, Andrew J tl842 McEwan, William Leonard 1885 McEwen, George Anderson 1894 James 1834 McFadden, Ralph S tl915 McFarlan, Alexander tl82l McFarland, Allan 1852 Edward Frost 1904 Everett Orr 1885 Francis tl820 James Alfred tl928 McFarlane, William i tl817 McFarren, Samuel tl827 INDEX OF ALUMNI 787 McGaffin, Alexander tl897 McGarvey, William Closson 1883 McGaughey, Johnston 1875 McGee, William Charles 1840 McGeoch, James tl834 McGill, Ebenezer Brady tl925 Fred Tennyson 1920 McGilvary, Daniel 1856 Evander Bradley 1889 McGinley, John Alexander 1861 McGlathery, William tl866 McGowan, James Alexander 1868 McGregor, George tl906 McGuire, Henry Logan tl849 McHarg, William Neill tl841 Mcllhatton, William tl900 Mcllroy, Albert Dawson Crawford.. tl914 John Brooks tl914 Mcllvain, James William 1873 Mcllvaine, Charles Petit tl820 Isaac 1827 James Hall tl873 Jasper Scudder 1868 Joshua Hall 1841 William Brown 1828 Mcllwain, William Erskine tl895 Mcllwaine, William Beauregard 1889 Mclnnis, John 1885 Mclntire, Carl Curtis tl931 Charles Curtis 1904 Sloan tl832 ^Iclntosh, Andrew Duncan tl902 Donald tl827 McIntyre, Joseph 1892 Mclver, James Vance tl922 Mcjimsey, John Wilkins tlS25 William tlR23 McKay, Donald Gordon 1871 Kenneth 187! William Roderick 1898 McKean, Frank Chalmers 1899 McKee, David Davies tl836 Edward tl873 Hugh Ware 1866 James Lapsley 1886 John Archibald 1897 John Lapsley tl853 Joseph tl833 Paul Harper 1926 Phineas tl904 Robert Sproule 1912 Samuel Clark tl926 Samuel Lee 1888 Thomas Parker 1892 William Hugh tl926 McKeever, David Barber tl923 McKelvey, Joseph Orr tl893 McKelway, John Ryan 1862 McKenzie, Duncan 1879 William Henry Purvis tl917 McKim, James Miller tl834 William Robert 1927 McKinley, Daniel tl826 Howard Wesley tl921 Washington Dawson tl851 McKinney, Charles Spurgeon 1895 David tl824 David tl924 Edmund tl838 Edmund 1863 Isaac Newton tl855 John tl824 Robert Campbell 1861 Thomas tl915 William Kerr 1900 William Thomas 1897 McKnight, Robert James George.... tl900 William Clark 1896 William James tl855 William Quay 1919 McKown, Samuel Hunter 1868 McLachlin, Archibald Gillespie 1882 McLanahan, Samuel 1876 McLaren, Donald 1857 John Finlay tl828 Malcolm Neil tl828 McLaughlin, Willard John 1929 McLean, Alexander tl856 Andrew tl888 Daniel Veech tl830 Ephraim Thornton 1835 Hector Alexander 1878 John Knox 1861 McLeod, David 1875 John Matheson 1888 Lewis 1'1S26 Malcolm James 1890 Norman 1887 Thomas Boyd 1873 William C tl907 McLoy, John Bernard tlS89 McMartin, David 1910 McMaster, Lendrick tl922 McMeen, William Harry 1877 McMillan (McMillen), George White- field 1857 Hugh Hugh 1883 James Steen tl908 John tl887 Kinley 1889 Lehighton Gaines tl9l8 Uriah Watson tl895 William MacKay 1913 McMillin, Walter Frazer 1905 McMullan, Hugh Scott 1895 McMullen, Alexander Clifford 1916 Charles Bell 1900 McMullin, Charles Tabele 1862 Robert 1854 Robert Burns tl836 788 INDEX OF ALUMNI McMullin, Samuel Hildeburn 1854 McMurdy, David Benjamin tl880 McMurray, Carl Walker tl925 John 1860 John Addison tl917 Joseph 1846 William Hutchison tl886 McNab, George 1900 McNair, John tl832 Solomon 1844 William Irving tl898 William Wynkoop tl849 McNeeley, James G tl823 McNeely, Lewis tl848 McNeil, Dugald tl875 McNeill, Charles Chamberlain tl907 Daniel Archie tl9lS Frederick tl909 George 1849 James Hipkins 1848 Joseph 1899 Joseph 1918 McNichol, William 1891 McNiece, Robert Gibson 1877 McNinch, Hugh tl894 Thomas tl876 McNulty, John tl852 McPeek, Charles Emerson tl923 McPhail, Matthews Ewing 1930 McPheeters, Samuel Brown 1846 McPherson, Norman Spurgeon 1926 Simon John 1879 McQueen, George 1852 Glenroie 1887 John Alexander 1913 McQuien, John tl875 McQuoid, Thomas Newton tl905 McRee, William Frederick 1839 McRobbie, Gilbert Gray tl874 McRoberts, Sidney Smith 1831 McTavish, Alexander 1884 McVean, James tl821 McWilliams, James 1841 James Lowry tl896 John Rose tl912 Thomas Samuel 1889 Wallace Waddell 1910 Meacheu, John Baxter 1904 Mead, George Whitfield tl894 Meade, Samuel Cliff tl904 Mearns, John A 1852 Mears, Joseph Alexander tl925 Meban, James 1898 Mebane, William Nelson 1837 William Nelson tl887 Mecklin, John Moffatt 1896 Medd, Thomas Hogett 1895 Meek, Charles Clinton 1893 John Douglas 1843 Theodore Charles 1923 Meeker, Benjamin Cory 1868 John tl903 William Cory 1905 Meekhof, Mynerd 1928 Meeter, Harm Henry tl9l2 John Edward tl929 Megaw, William Rutledge tl909 Megie, Burtis Cunningham tl838 Meikle, William 1884 Meinders, Hans John 1912 Meiring, Arnoldus Mauritius tl931 Melcher, Charles Porter 1925 Harold Porter 1922 Melick, Philip Weller 1852 Melkonian, Samuel Melkon 1897 Mellott, William Franklin tl919 Melrose, Paul Cunningham 1915 Menaul, John tl868 Mendenhall, James Kirk tlS52 Mercer, Alexander Gardiner tl844 Merrell, Samuel Lewis tl848 Vincent Palen tl899 Merriam, George Franklin tl864 Merrick, James Lyman tl833 Merrill, Benjamin 1864 Franklin tl845 James 1846 James Griswold tl866 John Leverett 1859 Merritt, James Long 1862 Royal McKnight tl924 Mershon, Albert Lincoln 1892 Stephen Lyon tl854 Merwin, Alexander Moss 1866 Almon Baxter tl863 Miles Tomlinson tl842 Metzeling, Richard Vernon 1929 Metzger, James Albert 1908 Metzler, Burton 1924 Mewhinney, William James 1884 Meyer, Herman Lewis 1911 Meyers, Clement Bricker tl930 Mickey, Wilber Clayton 1891 Middents, Dirk Henry tl917 Middlekauff, Benton tl895 Midkiff, Harry Preston 1909 Mikkelson, Otto August tl916 Wallace Gcrhardt 1931 Milburn, Joseph Anthony 1886 Miles, Milo North i‘1835 William Horner tl883 Millar, Charles Caven tl893 David tl886 Millard, David Kirby tl873 Nelson tl861 Miller, Arthur LeMoine tl925 Cedric Verdi 1922 Charles Addison tl850 Charles Henry 1899 David Magie 1853 INDEX OF ALUMNI 789 Miller, Edmund Fred tl922 Edward DeMoss 1890 Edwin Rothesay 1870 Frank Lewis 1917 Franklin tills 1868 George Fonseco McKinnon tl915 George Frederick 1847 Henry 1 188.1 Henry tl921 Henry tl930 Henry Wilson 1903 Henry Winter 1907 Hugh 1890 Jacob Franklin tl884 James Edwin 1848 John 1842 John Henderson 1871 Karl Palmer 1914 Linus Merrill tl843 Philip Sheridan 1924 Raymond Clinton tl928 Robert Arthur 1927 Rodney Augustus tl825 Samuel 1845 Samuel James tl82.8 Theodore Evan tl924 William 1884 William Hamilton 1873 William Hunter 1886 William McClanahan, Jr tl921 William McElwee 1918 William Young tl837 Millham, William Henry 1867 Milligan, George Macbeth 1867 John Linn 1863 Joseph Robert 1868 Josiah tl8Sl Robert Henry tl891 William Vincent tl8S3 Millikin, Joseph tl862 Samuel John tl851 Millison, Albert Newton tl909 Mills, Charles Lewis tl838 Charles Rogers 1856 David 1845 James Helme tl817 Robert tl834 Miln, George Crichton tl875 Milner, John 1899 Milton, John Peterson 11927 Minassian, Mushegh Minas 1897 Mines, Flavel Scott tl831 Thomas Joseph Addison tl825 Minich, John McMillan 1925 Mircse, Alexander tl913 Mirtz, Orvil Edward 1931 Mishoff, Ivan Dcmeter 1887 Mister, Wilbur Fisk tl863 Mitchell, Alexander tl904 Andrew Dinsmore 1847 Mitchell, Archie Albert tl900 Charles Anderson 1896 Charles Burrell tl902 Charles Godfrey tl902 David Henry 1860 David Russell tl902 Edward Francis tl843 Frederick William 1900 Gordon 1872 Jacob Delville tl845 James Cake tl843 James Young 1857 Jacob Duche tl830 John 1900 John Andrew 1830 Robert Jay tl861 Samuel S 1864 Stuart 1851 Thomas Harvel 1925 Thomas William 1902 William Luther 1857 William McFarlane 1924 Mitchelmore, John tl824 Miyoshi, Toshio tl931 Tsutomu tl912 Mizokuchi, Etsuji tl908 Mizuki, David Tatuzo tl922 Mochel, (Mogel) Levi Schade 1895 Moderwell, William tl818 Moedt, John Jans, Jr tl931 Moes, Herman tl920 Moffat, Hector tl827 James David tl872 John P 1881 Moffatt, David William 1862 Moffett, James McKee tl931 Robert Renwick tl907 Mollenauer, Ernest James tl927 Moment, Alfred Harrison 1876 John James +1900 Monell, John D +1845 Monfort, David +1817 Monteith, John +1816 William John 1835 Montgomery, Edgar Hersman 1897 Edwin Fleming 1916 James .Shannon 1900 James Smith +1851 John 1830 John +1839 John +1894 John L +182.8 John Watt +1853 Richard 1882 Samuel +1828 Theophilus Eugene +1890 Walter Ernest 1909 William Edgar +1926 Moodie, Robert Thomas 1912 .Moody, Hugh Gage 1896 790 INDEX OF ALUMNI Moor, Arthur Prichard tl922 Moore, Ambrose Yeomans 1849 Boude Chambers tl931 Daniel Stuart 1886 David Ross 1878 David W 1861 Eliot Henry 1894 George Coit tl928 George Edward 1894 Henry McKnight tl893 Henry Walter tl894 James, Jr 1896 James G tl84S James Robertson tl852 James Scott 18S9 James Wilson tl827 John Henry 1852 John M tl825 John Wallace 1890 John Warner 1914 Joseph Moses tl916 Joseph P tl849 Joshua 1821 Leopold Paul, Jr 1923 Lynford Lardner 1906 Matthew tl932 Robert John Orr 1867 Robert Vance tl853 Samuel Miller tl860 Samuel Williams 1897 Thomas Verner 1842 Thomas Verner 1881 William 1865 William 1895 William Hayes 1889 William Lewis tl857 William Long tl8S7 Moorhead, Joseph tl890 Moran, Ellsworth Elza 1877 Morcock, William James 1856 Mordecai, Trevor Popkin tl918 Morell, David Ernest tl898 Dunbar tl834 Morey. Alexander Bullions 11860 Henry Martyn 1865 Morgan, Archibald M tl844 Barney Newton 1925 Benjamin Jones tl896 Gilbert 1813 John Jeptha Auteu tl851 Minot Canfield 1900 Minot Spaulding 1875 Morgan John tl888 Nicholson Ross tl820 Thomas 1905 William Edward 1887 William Thomas tl9l5 Mori, Katsushiro tl907 Morison, Charles tl863 Morita, Paul Shunsak 1922 Morledge, Joseph Scott 1927 Morley, George Raymond 1899 William Sands 1896 Morrill, Guy Louis 1904 Morris, Cecil Van Horne 1924 Henry tl828 Jarvis Scobey 1925 John Gottlieb tl828 Robert Desha 1838 Robert Hugh 1906 Morrison, Alexander Gamble tl827 Charles Frederick 1897 Donald 1882 Elam J tl824 James Knox tl880 James McCommon 1861 John Hunter 1837 Robert tl854 Robert 1882 Rufus Anderson 1862 Samuel Wallace tl900 Thomas Maxwell 1892 William 1887 William Hiram tl86S William John Phillips tl865 William Newton tl834 William Taylor tl889 William Thomas 1859 Morron, John Herschel 1862 Morrow, Clair Archie 1930 James B tl825 James William tl894 Richard Heterick 1855 Samuel Melville tl909 Thomas tl334 William Henry 1896 William Warren 1931 Winfield S tl9I6 Morse, Andrew Bigelow 1854 Oliver Cromwell tl873 Richard Cary 1867 Morsey, Thomas Marshall 1921 Morton, Charles Hay tl902 Francis Richard tl851 Henry Thomas tl863 John Ballard tl838 Joseph Lyman tl864 Moseley, Hillery tl854 Moser, John Reid tl828 Mosher, William Collins 1853 Moss, Mervyn Elroy tl932 Mott, George Scudder 1853 Motter, William Arthur 1911 Moule, John 1837 Mount, Harry Newland 1897 Mouw, Gerritt E 1930 Mudge, Charles Ogden tl897 Frederick Pooley tl900 Lewis Seymour 1895 Lewis Ward 1865 INDEX OF ALUMNI 791 Mudge, William Leroy 1896 Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus.... tl840 Muir, John Adams 1884 Mulder, Dirk H tl926 Jacob tl912 Mulholland, Isaac Stanley 1897 Robert Howard 1908 Mullen, Henry Addison tl887 Muller, Hugo Arthur 1910 (John) Edwin tl882 Mulligan, William Orr 1913 Mulock, Edwin McCord 190.S Mummert, Donald Beales 1920 Mundy, Ezra F 1853 Frank Jarvis 41878 Munson, William Cooper 1905 Muranaka, Tsunenobu tl928 Murchie, William 1890 Murdoch, Harvey Short 1898 Murdock, Alexander Vernon 41855 John 1869 William Clarence 1898 Murphey, Thomas Grier 41843 Murphy, Archibald Alexander 41875 Donalson CafTery 41851 Greenbury D 41830 Thomas 1848 William John 41844 Murray, Chester Paul 1875 David Ambrose 1888 David Lovell 41871 George Reed 41874 Isaac 41849 John 1875 John 1927 John Alexander 4182S John Lovell 1868 Nicholas 41829 Percy Norman 41914 .Samuel Crothers 1883 Thomas 1919 Thomas Chalmers 41872 Walter Rue 1903 Musgrave, George Washington 41828 Musi, Charles Albert Saint 41898 Mussen, Richard Murray 1929 Mustard, Cornelius Hopkins 41829 Muthard, Raymond Elias 1922 Muyskens, John 1912 John Dick 1922 Muzsnai, Ladislas 41926 Myers, Alfred Edwards 41870 Charles Franklin 41903 David Kearns 1929 Joseph 1824 Joseph Henry 1864 LeRoy 1923 Robert Henry 1883 Nagai, Muraji 41924 Nagasawa, Masao 41921 Nagy, Bela 41929 Nakazawa, Toyobei 41926 Namkung, Hyek 1924 Napp, James Elias 1914 Narita, Ryota 41918 Nassau, Charles William 41825 Joseph Eastburn 1852 Robert Hamill 1859 Naude, Willem Johannes 41906 Nauman, Carl Brandt 1910 Neal, George Washington 41870 Neale, James Ralph 41920 Needles, George Thornton 41908 Neely, David Torrence 1896 Harry Campbell 1919 Neff, Charles Harnish 1926 George Karl 1928 Negley, Theodore Shields 1876 Neihel, Charles Lewis 1903 Neil, Thomas B 41854 William 1826 Neill, John Campbell 1898 Henry 1872 Heman Humphrey 1869 Neilly, Andrew Hutchinson 1913 Nellis, Peter S 41845 Nelson, Alexander (Kirkpatrick).... 41835 Byron Christopher 41926 John 41905 Ralph W 41918 Roscoe Thomas 41927 Samuel Banks 1897 William Francis Springer 1890 Ne.sbit, Achilles Wilkerson Waller.. 1877 Edwin Clyde 1904 Harry 4190! James Harvey 41877 John Pratt 41906 Nesbitt, John Allison 1905 Ralph Beryl 1919 Ness, John Harrison 1919 William Henry 1883 Nethery, Thomas George 41908 Neuberg, Maurice Joseph 41917 Neville, William Gordon 1881 Nevin, Charles Wordsworth 1887 Edwin Henry 41837 James 1901 John Campbell 1932 John Williamson 1826 Nevins, William 1819 Nevius, Henry \'an Dyke 184! John Livingston 1853 Warren Nelson 1903 Newbold, John Smith 41819 Newcomb, Homer Sackett 1864 Newell, George Edwards 41907 George Washington 1845 792 INDEX OF ALUMNI Newell, John 1903 William Reed tl894 Newhouse, William Darst 1925 Newkirk, John Martin 1906 Matthew 1861 Newland, Le Roy Tate tl919 Newlands, Hugh MacLeod tl92l Newman, Charles Everett tl906 Frederick Mayer 1867 William Lee tl921 Newton, Frederick Janvier 1901 Merritt Dewey 1925 Thomas Henry 1849 Nicely, Harold Elliott 1924 William Emerson tl902 Nicholas, George Wilcox 1904 Henry Irvin tl892 Philip 1930 Vanderveer Van Arsdale 1893 Walter Douglass tl877 Nichols, David Jonathan tl918 Francis Young 1900 Gideon Parsons 1865 Gosford Samuel tl926 Walter Smith 1867 Nicholson, Alexander Beaumont 1871 Alfred 1889 Nickell, William Paul tl923 Nickerson, Elbert Jerome tl916 Nicol, William tl912 Nicoll, Robert Alexander ^1833 Niederhaus, Raymond Adam 1932 Niedermeyer, Frederick David 1909 Niehoff, John L'rsinus 1909 Nielson, William Parker tl910 Nightingale, James Chrystie 1865 Niles, Frank Sergeant 1913 Henry Edward 1848 Mark A. Haskell tl834 Nilsen, Karl Gustav tl917 Nimmo, Gershon Hatton 1861 Joseph 1826 Nisbet, Charles Richard tl89S Nixon, George 1858 James Harris tl861 Jeremiah Howard 1856 Noble, Jonathan Harris tl829 Mason tl831 William Francis Pringle tl85] Nodtvedt, Magnus 1'1928 Noehren, Arthur Gromann tl911 Noel, Lucian Doty 1896 Noerr, Moses 1859 Noetling, George C 11900 Noji, Kiyoshi 1‘1931 Noll, Frederick Myers 1842 Noon, Henry Shore tl897 Noordewier, John Gezon 1903 Norcross, George *1865 Northacker, Howard Arlington 1915 Northwood, Arthur 1912 Norton, William tl899 Nott, John tl826 Nourse, James 1827 James Michael 1865 Nyce, Benjamin Markley *1836 Nye, Harry Apgar 1900 Nygren, Reuben Theodore tl925 Oakley, Lewis William *1852 Oastler, James *1900 Oates, Luther Albertus 1890 O’Brien, John Howard tl870 Ockenga, Harold John tl930 Odell, Edward Albert 1906 Owen Davies 1899 Oehler, James Cornelius 1886 Officer, Thomas *1848 Offield, Robert Long tl913 Ogden, Augustus Oliver Barnet tl831 Benjamin *1821 Joseph Meeker 1826 Robert Francis 1922 Thomas Anderson 1826 Thomas Spencer 1857 Ogiri, Keiki tl9l5 Oguri, Jonathan Jozo *1927 Ohgimi, Motorchiro *1882 Ohkawa, Jinshiro tl925 Tadashi *1931 Ohno, Nao Chika *1913 Okada, Gosaku *1930 Oldenburg, Ernst August *1903 Oldland, John Ambrose tl914 Olewiler, Howard Lower 1917 Olinger, Stanton tl904 Oliphant, David *1816 Oliver, Charles Alexander 1887 John Campbell 1875 Olmstead, James Munson *1822 Lemuel Gregory tl837 Olney, Norman Percival *1908 Olsen, Stanley Leonard *1931 Olson, Christian Gunerius tl929 Olsson, Joseph Emanuel tl924 Olyphant, Vernon Murray 1885 O’Neill, David James 1895 Onque, Samuel John 1892 Ooms, William tl931 Orange, John Alexander 1926 Orbison, James Henry 1850 John Harris 1883 Ordway, Smith tl887 Orr, James Graham tl885 John 1864 John 1910 Robert Wilberforce tl837 Orris, S. Stanhope 1865 INDEX OF ALUMNI 793 Orton, Azariah Giles 1820 Orwig, Samuel Earl 1919 Osborn, Conover Samuel 1894 Lester Glen tl927 Michael tl822 Robert 1839 Osborne, Clifford Pierson 1923 Plummer Xathaniel +1907 Oshita, Yasuo +1929 Osier, Jehu Thompson 18f3 Osmond, Jonathan 1848 Samuel McClurg 1853 Ossewaarde, James 1893 John 1900 Ostrom, Henry Conrad 1907 Osuna, Jose 1915 Othen, Richard Charles Theodore.... 1915 Ottman, Ford Cyrinde 1886 Overholser, Carlton Wayne 1932 Overman, Leslie Lemond 1882 Overstreet, Robert Mitchell 1851 William Thomas 1885 Owen, Griffith +1840 Henry James tl869 Joseph 1839 Joseph Archibald 1917 Xathan Merritt tl847 Robert Hugh +1921 Roger 1842 Thomas tl836 Oyer, Xoah 1922 Pabody, Ezra Fitch 11863 Pace, Ernest J ■f'1919 Packard, Theophilus +1826 Pacquing, Isabelo I tl931 Paden, Thomas Ross 1886 William Calvin 1887 William Mitchell 1883 Page, William Williamson 1869 Paige, James Alexander tl852 Paik, Lark-June George 1925 Paine, James tl830 John Chester tl836 Paisley, John 1838 Moses Fuller 1876 Paist, Benjamin Franklin 1902 John Brook +1912 Palmer, Bennett William +1929 Francis 1894 John Carpenter +1895 Palmore, Peyton I..ee 1922 Papay, Steven +1914 Pappernian, Gustav Adolph tl912 Parish, Consider tl832 Park, Charles Hopkins tl8S9 Clearfield 1879 Harrison Greenough +1831 Hyung-Xong 1926 Park, James 1846 John Edgar 1903 Julian Suph 1923 Oscar 1846 William Henry +1872 Parke, Xathan Grier 1844 Parker, Albert George 1890 Alvin Hellet +1825 Andrew H 1869 Francis +1847 John Walter 1895 Parkhill, Charles C +1842 James William 1883 Parkinson, Gilbert Gordon +1901 Parks, Joseph Jewett 1865 Parliman, Benjamin Franklin 1887 Parmelee, James Hill +1815 Parrot, William Joseph 1863 Parry, Samuel +1872 Thomas 1873 Parsons, Charles Francis 1928 William Thomas 1887 Willis Edwards 1884 Winfield Scott 1850 Partridge, John Warren +1870 Parvin, Theophilus +1821 Paterson, Allan McDonald 1890 Paton, Lewis Bayles 1890 Patterson, Andrew Oliphant +1821 Benjamin Franklin 1863 Isaac Matheson 1859 James Hastings +1918 John Cunningham +1838 John Fulton +1873 Joseph Alexander 1860 Matthew Boyd +1829 Xicholas +1817 Robert Mayne 1859 Robert Mead 1913 Thomas Arthur 1916 William Parker 1877 Pattison, James 1896 Patton, Charles Edgar 1899 Francis Landey 1865 George Stevenson +1893 Millard Harmer 1832 Robert Braden 1884 Washington Erwin +1911 William +1822 Paul. Barnett Mcl.eod +1905 David +1917 Pauli, Alfred 1843 George Alfred 1882 Paulson, Erick Edwin 1928 Pavlinec, Karel +1924 Pawling. William H +1849 Paxton, James Dunlop 1883 James Wilson +1853 John Randolph +1870 794 INDEX OF ALUMNI Paxton, William Miller 1848 Payne, George Merriman tl9I3 James Brisbin 1835 Paynter, Henry Martyn tl85l Russell 1918 Payson, George Phillips 1898 Peabody, James A tl833 Peacock, Chauncey Hulbert tl906 John 1871 Peale, John Rogers 1905 Pearce, Sketchley Morton 1865 Pearse, Jacob Lansing 1856 Pearson, Manford Alpheus 1906 Thomas Warner tl894 William Lazarus 1881 Peck, Aaron tl860 Edwin Griffin tl914 Isaac 11826 Simeon tlSIO Thomas Rnggles Gold tl851 Peebles, John tl82-1 Peelen, Jacob H 11927 Peers, Benjamin Orrs tl825 Peet, Stephen tl826 Pellegrin, Harold Francis 1913 Pellow, William Johnston 1931 Pelton, DeWitt Lincoln tl892 Penick, Daniel Allen 1824 Penney, John Gardner tl860 Penrose, Stephen Beasley Linnard... tl890 Perez, William Carlos 1910 Pering, John Dodds tl860 Perkin, George Washington 1846 Perkins, Franklin Elwood, Jr 1931 Frederick 1892 Henry tl820 James Coffin 1885 Perold, Jan Gabriel tl905 Perpetuo, Antonio Honorio 1912 Perry, David Brainerd tl866 Samuel Mustard 1874 Talmon Cornelius tl851 Person, Hiram Grant tl894 Peters, Absalom tl819 John Brandon 1914 John Ellsworth 1873 Victor Wellington 1927 Peterson, Charles W. (see Lamme, Charles W.) tl907 Ralph Stewart tl930 Petho, Karoly tl909 Petrie, James 1839 Pettengill, Samuel Barrett tl866 Pettigrew, Samuel tl842 Peyton, Charles William 1877 Pfeiffer, Erwin Gordon 1913 Phelps, Joshua 1840 Philo Fuller tl831 Willis Burt 1864 Phifer, William Everette, Jr 1832 Phillips, Alexander H tl829 Alfred tl854 Arthur 1906 Benjamin Thomas tl845 Bradley 1849 Cecil 1906 Charles ; tl846 Charles Lynch 1910 David Gardiner, Jr tl890 David H tlS19 Lorenzo Daw tl921 Mark Le Roy tl903 Richard Carll 1922 Phipps, Charles Henry tl912 George Gardner tl865 Paul Anderson tl929 Robert Jackson 11886 Phraner, Stanley Ketcham 1390 Pickands, James Dinsmore 1828 Pierce, Albert Winthrop tl900 George Ross tl862 John Davis tl825 John J 1820 John Owen tl877 John Tappan tl835 Samuel Everett tl853 Walter Weston 1923 Piercy, Samuel Kempton 1901 Pierson, David Harrison tl845 Delavan Leonard 1894 George Peck 1888 (Pearson) William Henry 1867 Pike, Wilbur Nye 1928 Pilgrim, Eugene Wesley ‘ 1926 Pinckney, Henry Hammond tl902 Pinkerton, John 11848 Marshall Sproul 1925 William tl840 Pinkney, William tl834 Pinney, John Brooke 1832 Piper, James Alexander 1861 Pires, Emanuel Conceicao tl905 Emanuel Nathaniel 1866 Pirnie, Peter Martin tl84S Piscator, August tl911 Pitcher, William tl836 Pitkin, Paul Henry 1866 Pittman, Charles Read 1900 Pitzer, Robert Claiborne 1919 Planck, David Andrew 1873 Platt, Adams Wakeman 1820 Charles Alexander 1932 Isaac Watts 1818 James Augustus tl839 James McClure 1853 Joseph 1839 Platter, James Edward 1870 Robert Irwin tl908 INDEX OF ALUMNI 795 Plaxco, Moffatt Ross 1915 Plesscher, Johannes Gerhard tl922 Plotts, John tl83-1 Plumer, Alexander Roberts 1853 William Swan tl827 Plummer, William Franklin tl889 Poage, Andrew W tl818 Calvin Arbuckle tl869 Josiah Baird 1843 Poling, Paul Newton tl929 Polk, David tl836 Joseph Littleton tl861 Samuel 1890 Thomas McKean 1902 Pollock, George Crowe 1864 John Findlater 1874 Pomerene, Da Costa 1887 Pomeroy, John Jay 1861 (Pumroy) John Nevin tl830 Stephen Wilson 1866 Pool, Gerard Clarence 1929 Pope, Thomas Herbert tl862 Poppen, Henry Albert tl917 Jacob 1893 Klaas 1900 Porfirio, Domenico Antonio +1914 Porte, Robert Fowler +1929 Porter, Alexander +1836 Arthur Reno 1916 Daniel Clark +1880 David +1931 Eliot 1915 George Seott +1931 James Boyd 1880 Jeremiah +1831 John Jermain +1847 Josephus Wray +1855 Robert Alexander +1930 Robert Massengill 1843 Thomas Conrad 1843 Walter James +1922 William Augustus +1824 William Salter 1891 Will McNite +1879 Post, Benjamin +1919 Henry Albertson 1858 Reuben 1818 Potmesil, Bohumil +1928 Potter, Daniel Fox +1851 Dwight Elwood 1897 Ernest Cooper +1921 Joseph Lewis 1872 Ludlow Day 1846 Thomas Chalmers 1880 Potts, Edgar Allan 1929 George +1822 James Manning 1924 Thomas Newsom 1889 William Stevens +1828 Powel, Richard Franklin, Jr +1904 William Armstrong 1922 Powell, Arthur Chilton +1879 Walter 1857 Power, Robert John +1908 William R +1831 Powers, Raymond Allen +1928 Pratt, Charles Henry +1907 Harry Hey +1899 Henry Barrington 1855 Horace Southworth +1821 James Albert 1911 John Henry 1853 John Wood +1848 Nathaniel Alpheus 1823 Seth Parsons +1861 Silas +1816 Prentice, Sartell, Jr +1894 William Kelly +1896 Press, Gabriel Guenther +1926 William Carson 1907 Pressley, Samuel Patterson 1824 Pressly, David Peden +1904 James Patterson +191L Mason Wiley 1882' William Lawrence +1930 Preston, Charles Finney 1853 David R 1828 John Fairman 1902 Thomas James +1896 Thomas Lewis +1860 William Kent 1884 William R 1836 Price, Henry Butler +1897 Jonathan +1819 Robert 1852 Samuel Dobbins 1896 Wesley Frank +1883 William Albert 1892 William Albert, Jr +1926 Prichard, Paul 1920 Pridgeon, Charles Hamilton 1889 Prime, Edward Dorr Griffin 1838 Samuel Irenaeus +1833 Wendell 1860 Primus, John Cornelius +1930 Prince, Stanley Rogers +1917 Pringle, Alexander 1900 Joseph Everett +1930 Prins, Tunis Wayenbcrg +1923 Printz, George 1828 Pritchard, Hugh 1830 James 1867 Proctor, John Officer +1842 Robert 1859 Proudfit, Alexander 1862 John Williams +1326 Robert Ralston 1861 Prugh, Charles Maurice 1931 796t INDEX OF ALUMNI Pryor, Theodoric Bland tl873 Theodorick tl833 Pugh, William Barrow 1913 Pulham, Thomas Wright 1891 Pumphrey, William Henry tl892 Pumroy, John (see Pomeroy, J. N.)* tlS30 Purcell, Jonathan Wesley 1902 Purdy, Jason G tl923 Roy Foote tl926 Willard Glenn tl921 Purves, George Tybout 1876 Purviance, George Dugan tl838 James 11835 Putnam, Glenn Howard tl882 Homer tl893 Quaries, James Addison tl860 Quay, Anderson Beaton tl830 Queen, Sylvanus Rockafellow 1880 Quilhot, Joseph tl833 Quillin, Ezekiel 1837 Radcliff, Edward tl925 Radcliffe, Wallace 1866 Raffensperger, Edwin Bowman 1852 Rahn, Earl Fox tl926 Rainey, John Joseph Adams tl931 Ralston, Delmar Bell 1908 James Grier tl842 John Jay tl886 Walter Walker 1865 Ramage, Merle Field 1929 Ramaker, Gerald 1932 Rambo, Harold Sibley 1905 Ramsay, James Ross 1849 Mebane 1916 Ramsburg, Harold Dixon tl925 Ramsdell, Charles Benjamin tl875 Ramsey, Hugh Henry tl883 James Beverlin 1839 Robert McClellan 1893 William tl826 Rand, Edwin Watson 1892 Lyman Fisk tl874 Randolph, Job Davidson 1861 Rankin, Alexander 1864 Edward Payson 1868 Emmet Wollen 41895 Henry 41907 Henry Van VIeck 1847 John Chambers 41839 John Chambers 41914 John Joseph 1880 Robert Joshua 1890 William Alexander 41851 Rannells, John G 41824 Ranson, Arthur Jones 41900 Rath, Charles Edward 1903 Christian Gottlob 41912 Rathbun, Davis Lincoln 1866 Ratsch, Paul Edmond 41911 Rauch, Charles Matthias 1900 Ray, Charles 41853 George Henry, Jr 41893 Raymond, Albert Rhamanthus 41834 George Lansing 1865 Raynal, Charles Edward 1904 Razey, James Lester 41917 Rea, John 41869 Read, Charles Henry 41835 Edward Griffin 1865 Henry Clay 41850 Hollis 41829 Reade (Reed), William Churchill.... 41866 Reardon, James Dickey 1855 Reavis, James Overton 41901 Red, William Stuart 41886 Redmond, John Beverly, Jr 41932 Reed, Arthur Grove 41925 Charles Frederic 1905 Charles Herford 41926 Elmer Ellsworth 41888 George Joseph 41847 Glenn Patterson 1923 John Benedict, Jr 1929 Villeroy Dibble 41839 William Baird 1874 Reeder, Charles Vincent 41924 Rees, Henry Kollock 1847 William H. Warren 41926 Reeve, Edward Charles 1899 John Thomas 1900 Shirley Henry 41909 Warren Scott 1925 William Baldwin 1839 Reeves, Henry 1849 Lucius Milam 1929 Nathaniel Smith 1902 Robert Hood 1849 Reherd, Herbert Ware 41897 Reid, Albert 1893 Alexander 1849 Benjamin Palmer 41886 David Collins 41883 Frank Abdon Lunsford 41906 John 1873 John Graham 1877 Samuel 41826 William, Jr 41927 William Henry 41867 Reifsnyder, Thomas Bancroft 1919 Reiley, John Arndt 41845 Reily, William McClellan 41859 Reimer, Edward Franklin 1900 Rein, Edward Rudolph 1928 Reinecke, Herman Taudte 41917 Reinhart, Edwin Harley 1840 Reinsberg, Charles Hermann 41891 INDEX OF ALUMNI 797 Reiter, Howard Roland tl903 Remaly, Mcrvyn Wilson tl926 Remick, Ninian Beall tl869 Remington, Arthur William 1890 Charles William 1865 Rendall, Hugh Watson 1904 Humphrey Jones 1906 Isaac Norton 1855 James Hawley 1913 John Ballard 1897 Renick, Edward Lee tl895 Rentoul, Alexander Theodore tl912 Rentz, George Snavely 1909 Renz, Rudolph Augustus tl858 Retief, Jacobus Arnoldus tl903 Malcolm Wilhelm tl929 Rettew, Chester Elijah tl926 Reynolds, Andrew Jackson 1855 Clarence Guest 1884 George 1889 John Van Liew tl838 Paul Leon tl909 Rhea, Howard David tl920 Rhee, Syngman tl911 Rhoad, Edwin M 1925 William Otterbein 1928 Rhodes, Harry Andrew 1906 Joseph Bernard tl929 Rholl, Arthur Helmer tl922 Rian, Edwin Harold 1927 Rice, Archibald Alexander 1847 Claton Silas 1908 Harry Vernon 1879 Henry Leffler 1821 John Holt 1845 John Jay tl833 Nathan Lewis tl832 William 1909 Richards, Andrew 1921 Benjamin Wood tl818 Charles I^ewis tl877 Elias Jones tl838 George Jermain Ely tl876 John Joseph 1874 Parke 1905 Thomas Davis 1888 Richardson, Donald William 1906 Frank Mackey tl913 John MacLarcn tl902 Richard Higgins 1847 Robert Cameron 1901 Wilson Gaines tl885 Richelsen, John Theophilus 1901 Richmond, Charles Alexander 1888 George Law 1883 Harry Walker 1917 John Morville 1871 Rickabaugh, Clyde Edward tl930 Paul Elwood 1930 Rickert, Van Dusen tl930 Ricketts, Joseph Browne tl890 Riddick, Roland Parker 1927 Riddle, David Hoge 1870 David Hunter 1828 Robert Leonard 1914 William 1840 Rider, Paul Lanterman 1923 Ridgely, Greenbury William tl825 Ridings, Alva Lorin 1932 Ridout, Samuel 1880 Riedy, Owen 1859 Riester, George Julius 1923 Riggs, James Forsyth 1913 Joseph Lewis tl836 Wilfred Paul 1923 Riha, William Wordsworth tl909 Riheldaffer, John Gillin 1848 Rikkers, Henry tl929 Riley, Henry Augustus 1832 Samuel Rutledge 1887 Rinker, Henry tl851 Richard Albert tl905 Rioseco, Pedro 1891 Ripley, John Bingham 1850 Rippey, John tl853 Rittenhcuse, John Hughes 1843 Joseph Menagh +1852 Ritter, Hezekiah Cotesworth, Jr 1915 Walter Lowrie 1913 Rizzo, Samuel Sydrack +1927 Roach, Charles Brown +1916 Harry Robert 1928 Robb, Edward Clark +1850 Joseph Wallace 1923 Robbins, Edward Hyde 1871 Howard Chandler +1902 Roberts, Charles Dillard 1865 David Worth +1926 Edward +1885 Edward Howell 1923 Harry Baldwin 1903 James 1868 John Parry +1880 John Rhys +1919 John Sinclair 1861 Robert Peters +1899 Stacy Lippincott 1907 William Charles 1858 William Dayton 1876 William Henry 1873 William Lloyd +1895 Robertson, Albion Ixjrenza +1914 Daniel James 1879 David Forrest +1843 George Francis +1881 Henry Martyn 1848 James +1869 James Marion 1892 798 INDEX OF ALUMNI Robertson, Xoel tl826 Samuel tl8l5 Robinson, Charles Alexander tl8')7 Charles Seymour tl855 Edwin Patten 1879 Eugene Harvey tl90S Ceotfge 1868 tteorge Livingston 1893 Harold McAfee 190>1 James 1875 James 1893 John P tl828 Joseph Carle 1878 Joseph Haswell tl862 Joseph Millen tl883 Phineas tl824 Ralph Jay tl913 ifttchard Lee 1899 Robert 1903 Robert Hunter 1914 Samuel E 1834 Stewart MacMaster 1918 Stuart tl841 Tbomas 1906 W. Courtland 1891 William Childs tl921 William Henry 1888 Robson, George McCrea tl899 Rochelle, Ford Winfield tl888 Rockwell, Elijah Frink tl840 Roddick, George tl857 Reddy, George Black tI896 Joseph Stockton 1894 Rodgers. Howard tl918 Jatmes tl870 James Linn 1850 Ravaud Kearney 1818 Rodman, Charles Rutherford 1911 Rodney, Caleb Hunn 1870 Roe, Kelmer Nelson tl929 Roeandt, August tl918 Rogan, William Ferdinand 1931 Rogers, Charles William tl834 Conway Blizard 1891 Ebenezer Platt tl840 Frank Earnest tl895 Grafton Dulany tl92S James tl915 John Murphy 1843 Joseph 1848 Lewis Goold tl887 Samuel Denison tl845 William Fenna 1910 Rohrbaugh, James Leander 1929 Rolph, Jarvis Rogers tl862 Romig, Arthur Mathes 1931 Rommel, William Cooper tl872 Ronald, Hugh Norman 1906 Rood, Anson tl82S Roof, Gorman tl929 Roos, Johannes Daniel tl912 Roosevelt, Washington tl832 Root, Lucius Insley tl8S0 Rosamond, James tl838 Rosborough, James ................ 1873 Rose, Arthur 1867 RoSeborough, James Williamson 1877 Rcskamp, Arend tl930 Ross, Arthur Basil tl915 Cyril tl915 David Charles tl916 James Henry Denting 1877 John tl816 John Allen tl923 John Elliott tl915 Robert Gaines 1861 Rosseel, Joseph Alexander 1843 Rosser, William Ledyard 1859 Rossouw, Servaas Hofmeyr 1917 Rottschafer, William O tl926 Roundtree, Irwin William Langston. tl895 Rourke, George McClelland 1901 Rowan, Thomas 1906 William James 1894 Rowe, Clifford tl928 Edgar Healy tl889 Harry Fleming tl923 Rowell, Morse tl846 Thompson 1847 Rowland, Jonathan Maltby tl829 Reginald tl919 Samuel James 1880 Rowse, Mark Rogers 1875 Roy, Robert tl823 Rozeboom, Richard Albert tl921 Rozendal, John Renze tl926 Rubingh, John tl926 Rubinkam, Nathaniel Irwin 1878 Rudd, Edward Huntting 1887 Rude, Buckley Stephens 1932 Rudolph, Robert Livingston tl895 Ruff, Thomas Bowyer tI915 Ruffner, William Henry tl848 Ruland, Charles Moody 1911 Rule, Andrew Kerr 1919 John 1864 Rumer, Henry 1876 Ruprecht, Mark Henry Waltner.... tl917 Rush, Tillman Schnodgrass tl892 Rusk, George Yeisley 1916 Russel, James Richard 1871 Russell, Alexander Gatherer 1875 Andrew tl905 Daniel 1898 Edgar Webster 1887 Edward Johnson 1904 George Jeffrey 1902 Gordon Alacgregor 1903 INDEX OF ALUMNI Russell, Hollis tl849 James Cummings 1886 James Rodney 191.1 John tl900 John Clement 1924 Joshua Lacy 1867 Robert McWatty, Jr 1915 Samuel Burnside tl902 Russum, William Abel Rogniat 1913 Rust, Hendrik Jacobus tl904 Rutgers, William Henry tl927 Rutherford, John ^Marshall 1896 John Milton tl912 William Starrit 1891 Rutnam, Samuel Christmas Kanaga.. tl898 Rutter, Lindley Charles tl830 Ruys, John Henry tl916 Ryerson, Martin (Wiggins) tl847 William Martin tl87S Sackett, Milton Augustine 1842 Safford, Henry 1820 Jefferson Price 1852 Sage, Charles Henry tl890 Sahler, Daniel Du Bois 1856 William Louis tl913 Sailer, Thomas Henry Powers 1893 Saito, Henry Yoshiharu tl931 Sale, Alexander Montgomery tl880 Sails, Albert Childs tl896 Salmon, Clark 1862 Ebenezer Putney tl830 James McMurtrie tl859 Salmond, Charles Adamson tl879 Sample, John Logan 1862 Sampson, James Raymond 1926 Sanders, Albert James 1927 Henry Peter 1903 Sanderson, David Davidson 1849 Sandin, Carl Laurentius tl892 Sanford, Elihu Turney 1866 Gustavus Ulysses tl896 Joseph 1823 Sanidad, Calixto Camcam tl922 Sankey, James Alvan 1898 Sanson, John Ruthven 1868 Thomas Alexander 1861 Santilli, Felix dei Baroni tl899 Sargent, John Haskell 1856 Sargis, Arthur David tl932 Sarkiss, Henry Jewel tl917 Satow, Masao William 1932 Sauerbrunn, Louis Fred tl900 Sauerwein, Charles William Hermann 1914 Saunders, John Rouzie 1920 Stephen tl813 Savage, Amos 1825 .Sawtelle, Alvin Converse 1906 Benjamin Niles tl855 799 Sawtelle, William Henry 1866 Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose tl832 Robert Wood 1841 Sawyers, Mott Randolph 1895 Saxton, Elmer Wylie 1904 Sayers, Joseph Clark tl923 Sayre, Edward Halsey 1862 James Maltby tl837 Sylvanus 1866 Scarborough, William Bennet tl856 Scarinci, Giovanni Arthur tl908 Schaaf, Nevin Henry 1915 Schaeffer, Casper tl825 Joseph Henry 1905 Robert Rex tl931 Schaffer, Samuel tl827 Schall, Charles 1896' William Main 1895 Schaumburg, Ludwig Conrad 1920' Scheidemantle, Harry John 1930 Scheifele, Harvey Byron tl932' Schenck, Addison Van Court tl846' Archibald Alexander tl873 Elias Samuel 1837 George Washington 1846' Harris Rogers 1881; Isaac Van Wart 1869' Lewis Bevens tl927 William Conover tl839 William Edward 1842 Schermerhorn, Charles Maxton tl927 Herman Morris tl885 Scherpenisse, Isaac tl932 Schleich, Augustus Taylor 1903 Schlosser, Henry 1884 Schmalhorst, William Luther 1896 Schmuck, Francis John tl922 Schmucker, Samuel Simon tl820 Schnebly, Daniel Clifton 1909 Schneider, Theodore Jacob tl929 Schock, Lafayette Henry tl895 Schoenborn, Karl Herman Julius.... 1928 Schofield, Ellwood Mearle 1928 Joseph Anderson, Jr 1925 Schoonmaker, Robert Dalzell tl900 Schottke, Earl Frederick 1932 Schroer, Reuben John 1928 Schultze, Henry tl919 Schuurmann, John Frederick tl931 Schuyler, William Cushing tl834 Schweitzer, Frederick 1919 Schwenke, Clarence Henry 1909 Schofield, Alanson 1833 John Henry 1863 Scotland, Alexander 1877 Scott, Alexander 1859 Alfred Eric tl921 Charles Ernest tl903 David 1877 27 800 INDEX OF ALUMNI Scott, Edward Scofield 1872 George Elmer tl894 James 1852 James D 1841 James Long 1838 James Robinson tl857 James Skinner tl894 John Thomas tl899 John Work tl832 Joseph Landor tl898 Robert 1865 Robert George tl899 William tl821 William Anderson tl836 William McKendree 1846 Scovel, Alden 1829 Henry Spencer tl856 Sylvester tl825 Scram, William H tl834 Scribner, William 1843 Scudder, Alexander McLean tl845 John Beatty tl835 William Waterbury tl846 Seaman, Charles LeRoy tl920 Searight, Henry Brown 1902 Searle, Jairus Clark tl846 Moses Coleman 1824 Thomas Coleman tl815 Sears, Charles Cushman tl831 Seel, Edward George 1917 Seeley, Augustus Horton tl846 Boudinot, Jr 1903 George Augustus 1870 Seely, Amos Warren tl831 Anson Henry 1857 Seelye, Edward Eli 1843 Segelken, Charles Benjamin 1901 Seibert, Theodore Charles tl929 Seiler, Galen Wilkins 1869 Sekiguchi, Kumakichi tl929 Selby, Howard Williams tl919 Raymond tl919 Sellars, Duncan tl846 Sellers, John Albright tl915 Sellman, Ray Appleton tl923 Semple, Walter Hart 1896 Senakerim, Der Minasian tl842 Senior, Francis Marion tl881 Senour, Faunt Le Roy tl850 Senouye, Hironari tl905 Sentelle, Mark Edgar tl902 Serafini, Vincent 1898 Sessions, John tl824 Sessler, Dietrich tl917 Sexton, Hardigg 1925 John William tl918 Seyfert, William Tecumseh Sherman. 1899 Seymour, Otto Cleveland 1923 Shafer, Glenn McMeen 1908 Shafer, Irving Jonathan 1912 Shannon, Isaac N 1850 Thomas Berry 1901 Sharon, James C tl833 Sharp, William James 1903 Sharpe, Charles Newton, Jr 1925 Robert H 1892 Shaub, Robert Coleman tl931 Shaver, Elmer Clifton 1898 Shaw, Angus Robertson 1887 Augustus Worth tl908 George Clayton tl889 Glenn Harvey tl912 Horatio Watson tl851 Petrus Johannes Bekker tl912 Robert Philander 1870 Samuel Benjamin 1927 Thomas Ell wood tl882 Wilfred Weaver 1882 William Hilton tl915 Shawhan, Harry Hubert tl894 Shea, George Hopkins tl914 Shear, Hiram Ray 1915 Shearer, Frederic Eichelberger 1866 George Lewis 1864 Shedd, Ephraim Cutler 1896 William Ambrose 1892 Sheddan, Samuel Sharon tl834 William Boyd 1900 Sheldon, David Sylvester tl834 George William tl867 Shelley, John Paul 1895 Shelling, Edwin Luke 1924 Shepherd, Russell William 1930 William Frederick 1909 Sheppard, Albert Samuel tl914 Donald Fraser 1889 Sheradan, (Sherajan) Gregory Avac. tl894 Sherman, Henry tl832 Sherrard, Robert Maurice tl897 Thomas tl860 Thomas Johnson 1871 Sherrill, John Saxton 1870 Sherwood, Jonathan Hervey tl838 Shewmaker, William Orpheus 1892 Shield, Frederick Kienholz tl914 Shields, Calvin Rice 1878 Charles Woodruff 1847 Edward Patrick tl85S Lewis Edmund tl916 William Hamill 1895 Shiffler, Harry Clarence 1907 Shiland, Andrew tl848 Shinn, James Gallaher 1847 Shipman, Benjamin Burnis 1925 Shipps, Howard Fenimore 1929 Shirai, Keikichi tl924 Shirey, Norman Clifford tl896 William Bertram tl896 INDEX OF ALUMNI 801 Shiroma, Jiro 1932 Shive, John Robinson tl849 Shizuoka, Tadahito tl930 Shoap, John tl834 Shockey, Richard George 1932 Shoffstall, Elvin Haupt 1923 Sholl, Charles Stillman tl908 William Nace tl908 Shore, Godfrey tl883 Shotwell, DeForest Norris tl914 Showalter, Clarence Ernest tl924 Shrum, Reuben Welty 1918 Shultz, Irvin Sturger 1917 Paul Theodore, Jr 1929 Shumaker, (Shoemaker) E(lmer) Ellsworth tl892 Shum, Tsun Chiu tl926 Shute, Clarence tl926 Sibbet, Lowry Witherspoon 1893 Sibley, Charles S tl837 Sichterman, Nicholas Sikkie tl917 Sickels, Edward Cook 1858 William 1827 William Walton tl8S4 Sidebotham, Charles Wesley 1904 Richard Henry 1899 Robert Simpson 1909 Sifton, Alexander tl914 Sihler, Ernest George William tl929 Sill, Amos H tl851 Sillcocks, Joseph 1837 Silliman, Alexander Perry 1848 Silver, David tl865 Simanton, Ephraim 1849 Thomas McCauley 1899 Simes, Snyder Binns tl86S Simmons, Frank Erdman 1902 James Dickinson tl896 James, Jr tl887 Simons, Enos Ray tl899 Thomas Jay 1898 Simonton, Ashbel Green 1858 James Snodgrass 1857 Thomas Davis tl858 William 1850 Simpson, Edwin Wilcox tl901 George W 1849 Henry Pierce 1924 Isaac Smith 1872 James tl899 John Francis Minor 1927 Louis Randal tl893 Theodore William tl834 Thomas Henry Smyth 1910 Sinclair, Brevard Davidson 1887 Hugh James tl932 Peter Frederick 1898 Robert Colin Havelock tl891 Singer, Joshua Norton tl903 Singleton, Horace Leonard 1859 Sinnott, William Isidore tl883 Sipos, Stephen tl931 Skala, Jaroslav tl920 Skelton, Kenneth Throckmorton tl931 Skillman, Charles Hamilton 1855 Skinner, Benjamin Day tl869 James William 1883 Joseph Henry 1882 William Franklin 1887 William Sherman 1930 Slack, John William tl914 Slater, John Edwin 1921 Orlo Donald tl914 Slemmons, William Emmet tl831 Sloan, George Solomon tl908 Thomas Wiley tl889 Slocum, John Jay tl833 Sloss, Robert 1868 Sluter, George 1863 Small, John Ethophilus Gratten 1907 Smalley, John tl843 Matthew John tl893 Royal Jesse 1909 Smart, Daniel Stevenson tl917 John Gardiner 1871 Thomas tl926 Smead, Edgar Mason tl901 Smeallie, Alexander Murray 1871 Smetanka, Bohumil tl926 Smick, William Adams 1873 Smiley, Francis Edwards 1886 Franklin tl892 U. Franklin 1895 Smit, Albert Henry tl924 Smith, Alexander 1898 Alvin Woodrow tl923 Ambrose Cephas 1864 Angus Charles Stewart tl922 Aristides Spyker tl833 Charles Roane tl840 David Holmes 1870 Edward Dunlop 1826 Edwin 1871 Francis Edgar 1889 Frank Hyatt 1890 Franklin Gillett tl822 Frederick 1913 George Archibald tl824 George Lockwood 1865 George Whitefield Lawrence.... tl823, Gilbert Livingston 1835 Harry Parker tl905 Henry H. (see Huntington, H. S.) tl8S4 Henry Russel tl850 Henry Wilson tl885 Herbert Booth 1909 Isaac tl829 James tl820 802 INDEX OF ALUMNI Smith, James 1846 James M tl840 John tl826 John Andrew Livingston 1879 John Cross tl829 John Faris tl845 John William tl891 Jonathan Ritchie 1876 Joseph tl820 Joseph Davis 1859 Leigh Richmond 1875 Leon Edgar 1915 Leonidas L tl834 Philip Mason 1928 Ralph tl836 Ralph Melvin 1903 Rapin Ellsworth 1837 Reuben tl816 Robert Clyde tl932 Robert Hobart tl831 Roswell Delavan tl864 Roy tl913 Samuel Buchanan tl828 Sanford Huntington 1860 Sidney William tl901 Thomas 1849 Thomas Corwin tl884 Thomas Stuart Crowe 1849 Walter Everett 1898 Walton Lawrence tl929 William Addison 1841 William Hawley Perry 1890 William Kyle 1924 William Thayer tl864 William Wilberforce tl883 Smitt, Wolter Wagter tl895 Smucker, Jesse Norman tl927 Smyth, George Hutchinson tl865 Thomas tl831 Smythe, Langdon Cheves McCord... 1912 William McKelvey 1842 Sneath, Isaiah Witmer tl884 Snell, Gerard Hallock tl931 Moses Porter tl864 Snitcher, Homer Clay 1899 Snitker, Harold John tl928 Snodgrass, John Allan tl890 William Davis tl818 Snowden, Ebenezer Hazard tl825 Snyder, Daniel Lester tl918 Edward 1885 Peter tl839 Snyman, Dwight Randolph 1921 Sobrepena, Enrique Calica tl926 Sodeyama, Shinichiro tl929 Solimene, Michael Salvatore tl922 Solla, Andrew George tl926 Soltau, Theodore Stanley 1914 Somers, Harry Lee tl916 Somerville, William Crawford 1851 Somes, Arthur Hubbard tl866 Song, Chang Keun tl928 Hum Joo tl91S Sonne, August Whitman 1899 Soper, Austin tl918 South, Arthur Lonson 1905 Southworth, Constant tl818 Sovocool. Leslie Raymond tl92S Spaan, Cornelius 1904 Spatz, Edgar Elwood tl932 Spayd, Henry Egidius tl853 Speer, Robert Elliott tl893 Thomas Alexander tl915 Spees, Shubael Granby tl837 Spencer, Julius 1858 William Herbert tl884 Sperbeck, Henry Cook 1900 Sperling, Tod Brumbaugh tl931 Spetnagel, Richard (see Stanton, Richard) 1898 Spiegel, William Leonard 1896 Spoelhof, Charles tl922 Spooner, Edward Horace 1862 Spotswood, John Boswell 1833 Spotts, Milton Arthur tl917 Sprague, William Buell tl819 Spratt, David John 1922 Spriggs, Samuel Robert 1899 Springer, Francis Edwin tl906 Thomas Love 1874 Sprole, William Thomas tl830 Sproul, Nathaniel John 1893 Sproull, Alexander W 1853 Sprunt, James tl926 Squier, John tl852 Squires, Charles William tl919 Stable}-, Rufus Rhodes tl925 Stafford, Le Roy Hahn tl911 Stahl, Nicholas Frederick tl875 Stamps, Drure Fletcher tl927 Stanley, Adino tl835 Hough P tl839 Stanton, Benjamin Franklin tl815 Horace Coffin 1873 Richard E 1898 Stark, George Shippen 1902 Jacob Hill 1876 Oliver Porter tl846 Starrett, William Aiken 1862 Statham, Francis Cummins 1856 Staffer, Foster Boyd 1924 Staudenraayer, Lewis R tl853 St. Denis, Frederic George 1929 Stead, Alfred Jenks 1866 Steans, William Irwin 1882 Stearns, Edwin Ira tl908 Lewis French tl872 Stebbins, George 1823 INDEX OF ALUMNI 803 Stebbins, Henry Hamlin 1867 James 1845 Steckel, Samuel Wilbert tl897 William Eugene 1901 Stedman, James Owen tl836 Steel, Robert 1844 Samuel tl825 Steele, John Calvin tl909 Robert Denham 1926 Steelman, Andrew Jackson, III tl928 Steen, Ernest Bennet tl929 Moses Duncan Alexander tl869 Peter Lambert tl927 William Service 1866 Steffens, Jacob Julius 11909 Stehman, Earl Landis tl916 Steigenga, Joseph J tl920 Steinberg, Victor tl919 Steiner, John Franklin tl913 Steinheiser, Clinton Emanuel (see Stoneton, Clinton E.) 1913 Steketee, John Bastian tl902 Stephens, Bart Dannelly tl916 George Herbert tl895 John Underwood tl929 Llewellyn Walter 1913 Sterenberg, James 1896 Sterling, Charles Gordon tl884 John Whelen 1844 William 1835 Sterrett, David tl831 Walter Brooks tl899 Stevens, Charles Smith tl896 Franklin Warren 1926 George Phifer tl906 John Bartlett 1901 Joseph tl845 William Augustus tl829 Stevenson, Alexander Russell 1880 Alpheus Waldo, Jr 1920 David tl851 Donald Day tl930 Frank Herbert 1911 James Murray 1864 John Sinclair tl894 Josiah Thomas 1898 Nathaniel tl897 Paul Eugene tl837 Robert Montgomery 1873 Robert Scott tl886 Samuel Harris tl844 Theodore Dwight tl929 William Hartin tl913 Stewart, Archibald G tl927 Archibald Sinclair 1856 Archibald Thompson 1832 Calvin Wilfred 1858 Charles Samuel tl821 Daniel 1838 Stewart, David Rankin tl925 Edward Farmer tl846 George Dillon tl849 Harris Johnston tl911 James Harris 1871 James Kirkpatrick 1917 James Monroe 1898 James William tl873 John 1849 John Stevens 1861 Joseph Yerkes 1905 Kensey Johns 1889 Leon 1905 Robert Bowman tl928 Robert Ewing tl906 Roy James 1928 Samuel Robert tl851 Thomas Calvin tl866 Thomas McCants tl881 Walter Lee tl892 William 1912 William Bell tl849 William Hall tl914 Steyn, Hendrik Pieter Marthinus. — 1916 Still, Josiah 1884 Stine, Isaac James tl881 Stinson, William Charles 1889 Stirling, John F tl849 Robert Fulton tl900 Stites, Winfield Scott 1873 Stitt, William Christie 1860 Stocker, John tl834 Mortimer Menville 1920 Stockton, John tl826 Stoddart, Cleland Walters tl932 Stoetzer, Herman Goethe 1893 Stofflet, James Peter tl900 Stokes, John Dunlap 1867 Stone, Franklin Dudley 1899 Timothy Porter tl865 Wheelock Sylvan tl832 Stonehouse, Ned Bernard 1927 Stonelake, Charles Albert 1886 Stoner, Jacob Rush tl917 Stoneroad, Joel 1830 Stonesifer, Joseph Ross 1910 Stonestreet, John tl838 Stoneton, Clinton E 1913 Stoops, William James tl913 Stormzand, Martin James 1907 Stough, Charles D tl899 Stout, James Coffin 1897 Strain, Alexander 1863 Strassburger, Ernest J tl927 Stratemeier, Klaas Jacob tl917 Stratton, Daniel tl837 James tl334 Joseph Buck 1843 Paul 1906 804 INDEX OF ALUMNI Straus, Thomas Chalmers tlSSl Strauss, Preston Franklin tl932 Street, Robert tl83S Streubel, Clarence Emmanuel 1905 Strickler, Herbert Johnson tl91S Strock, Henry Blaine 1912 Linius Lehmann 1901 Strodach, Paul Zeller tl901 Strong, Caleb tl838 Charles Ruggles 1869 Ephraim tl836 Robert 1861 Salmon 1818 Theodore tl918 Thomas Morris JISIP Stuart, Albert Emerson 1896 Alexander 1909 David Todd tl836 Henry Cooke 1913 James 1896 James Henry tl825 John tl833 John Linton 1868 Joseph Clyde 1920 Marion Francis 1928 Samuel Davies tl838 William 1991 William Hunter 1874 Stubblebine, Albert Newton tl905 Stuchell, William Torrence 1900 Stuckey, Melvin Atwood tl926 Stucki, Frank Emanuel tl920 Studdiford, Peter Augustus 1855 Peter Ogilvie tl321 Samuel Miller 1860 Stukes, Samuel Guerry 1911 Stull, William Clark 1879 Stumpf, Paul Louis 1930 Sturges, Arthur Pemberton tl86S Sugden, William Herbert tl925 Sullenberger, Linn Perry 1911 Sullivan, John Wesley tl909 Suplee, Thomas Danly tl873 Sutherland, Samuel Herbert 1926 Sutphen, John Crater tl859 Morris Crater 1860 Suyama, Binjiro tl893 Suzuki, Kichisuke tl920 Seiji tl917 Tadashige tl911 Swaim, Joseph Carter tl927 Swain, James Ramsay 1901 Swan, Benjamin Lincoln 1836 George Washington 1842 Hugh tl852 Hugh Douglas tl908 Peter tl881 Samuel tl823 William 1868 Swann, George Rogers tl924 Swartz, David W tl839 Sweazey, George Edgar 1930 Swezey, George Silliman 1888 Swift, Elisha Pope tl816 Swiggett, Edward Toner 1878 Swinnerton, Henry Ulyate 1866 Swisher, Harold Patterson tl928 Swoope, Francis McFarland tl869 Symmes, Francis Marion tl855 Frank Rosebrook 1886 Joseph Gaston 1854 Joseph Gaston, Jr 1897 Szebik, Charles tl930 Szikszay, Zoltan tl928 Tadlock, James Doak 1850 Taggart, Samuel B 1861 Thomas Reber 1899 Takagi, Shiro tl931 Takahashi, Kazuo tl924 Takeda, Kohei 1530 Talbot, John Clarence tl928 Ward Dean tl837 William Kendall tl826 Talbott, George Harold 1923 Howard Davis 1921 Taliaferro, Charles Champe tl832 Talmage, Franklin Crane tl911 Jehiel tl816 John Van Neste tl912 Peter Stryker 1848 Tamminga, Garrett Simon 1926 Tamura, Naomi tl886 Tanaka, Goji tl931 Kansaburo tl896 Tanis, Edward James tl911 Tanto, John tl922 Tappan, David Stanton, Jr 1906 Winthrop tl848 Tattrie, George Phillips tl905 Taxis, Alfred Levis 1912 Harry Morgan tl915 Taylor, Andrew Todd 1893 Archibald Alexander Edward.... 185? Charles Andrew tl876 Charles Francis tl896 Charles Henry 1852 Chauncey Perkins tl844 DeWitt Clinton tl859 George Edward 1929 Henry William 1849 Homer White tl903 Hugh 1888 Huston 1900 James Clark 1909 James Franklin tl854 Jeremiah 1847 John tl847 INDEX OF ALUMNI 805 Taylor, John Leroy tl880 John Orville tl833 John William 1895 Robert Francis tl854 Robert Howard 1894 Robert Thomas 1929 Rufus 1840 Samuel tl825 William Howell 1859 Teener, James Woodruff 1918 Teese, David 1840 Teis, Edward Barth 1893 Teitsworth, William Persing tl8S9 Telford, Alexander 1858 George McAllister tl915 Temple, Asher Brown 1873 Templeton, William Craig tl891 William Harris 1850 Ten Hoeve, Thomas tl931 Tenney, Samuel Mills 1894 William Collins tl903 Terhune, John Alvin 1892 Terrell, Irvy D tl926 Terrett, William Rogers 1874 Terry, Claude Porter tl907 Duane Richard 1931 Eliphalet Bradford 1902 James Pease tl838 Tester, George tl918 Tevis, Charles Chrisman 1909 Te Winkel, William Van den Berge.. 1896 Tezuka, Takeshi tl919 Thatcher, C(harles) Otis 1867 George Hornell tl844 John Howard tl932 Thayer, Foster tl831 Thom, John Culbertson tl8£0 Thomas, Benjamin 1900 Claude Henry 1926 Coovirt Richard 1920 David Hugh tl924 Eli Adolphus tl911 Enoch tl836 Jacob W tl879 James 1893 John tl850 John Rogers 1904 John Stanley tl895 Rowland S 1882 Thomas tl846 Welling Evan 1879 William Davy tl873 William George tl866 Thompson, Alexander, Jr 1909 Alexander Ramsay 1845 Alfred Whidden 1889 Archibald tl892 Charles tl825 Charles Lemuel tl861 David Alphaeus 1903 Thompson, Frank tl863 George Edward tl889 George Rutan tl927 George Washington 1841 Henry Pendleton 1842 James Moore 1910 James Winfield 1877 John tl829 John 1896 John Caldwell 1858 John Henry 1890 John James tl86S Joseph Addison 1886 Le Roy 1908 Lewis tl840 Moses Andrew tl911 Oren Cook tl833 Robert Gordon tl833 Samuel Huston tl865 Samuel Thomas tl855 Thomas 1887 Thomas Milton tl878 Wade Hampton tl907 William Clarence 1910 William Clarence 1931 William Sheridan 1842 William Wallace tl926 Yancy Samuel 1919 Thomson, Alexander Scroggs tl867 Eberle Willis 1866 Frederick Clifton tl913 Henry Clifton 18o7 Herbert tl896 Herbert Fergus tl930 John Harold tl922 William Jameson tl869 William Kelty Cruickshank 1913 William McClure tl832 William McCulloch 1891 Thorburn, Alexander McAlister 1860 Thornton, Norbury Willet 1879 Thrush, Wilbur James 1925 Thut, Albert Bechtol tl912 Thwing, Edward Waite tl392 John Burton 1923 Tibbals, Edward Lester tl899 Tibbs, Albert Elias 1926 Tiffany, Ernest Livingston tl895 Frank Leslie 1932 Tignor, Robert Max 1930 Tillar, John Thomas Westbrook.... tl896 Tillett, Wilbur Fisk 1880 Timmer, Gerrit tl926 Tinkham, Frank Louis tl915 Titus, Albert Clark 1872 Todd, Andrew 1821 Chester Warren 1908 David Ripley tl893 Francis Makemie tl877 George Thomson 1835 806 INDEX OF ALUMNI Todd, Isaac 1830 James Samuel 1867 Ralph Wesley tl930 Richard Kimball tl847 Rolla B tl931 Thomas S. Naylor tl882 Toedtman, William Henry tl928 Toennes, William tl898 Toensmeier, Emil Simon 1894 Toku, Noriyoshi tl926 Tolbert, William Henry tl872 Tolson, Henry Walter 1891 Tomcsanyi, Aladar (see Tomshany, A. T.) 1916 Tomida, Tokumaru Mitsuru tl919 Toms, John Ulverston Selwyn 1908 Tomshany, Aladar T 1916 Tope, Joseph Ernest tl921 Topping, Evert Marsh tl837 William Hayes tl904 Torrence, Hugh Wallace tl866 Torrens, Arthur tl889 Torrey, Reuben Archer, Jr 1913 Touzeau, John Goodwin 1886 Tower, William Hogarthe tl897 Towler, Lewis Howell tl889 Townley, David 1911 John 1921 John Hamilton 1842 William tl834 Townsend, Henry Burman 1862 Tracy, Leland Howard tl90S Thomas 1868 William tl836 Traill, Charles Bayard tl930 Trask, John Low Rogers tl867 Travis, Thomas tl903 William tl863 Trefz, Edward Charles Frederick.... tl895 Tribble, Oil Hoyt 1928 Trimble, Joseph tl823 William W tl843 Triplett, John Edwin, Jr 1904 Trompen, Jacob N 1890 Trompowsky, Edmond von tl910 Troub, George Bailey 1892 Troupe, John Franklin 1915 Trousdale, Otis Murphey tl907 Trout, Joseph Paul 1928 Troutman, Homer Adam 1914 Truax, William Bloomer tl861 Truitt, Howard Early tl925 John Galloway 1923 Trull, George Harvey 1897 Trumbull, David 1845 Tsuchiyama, Tetsuji tl928 Tucker, William Le Grand 1916 Tufts, William Mann 1888 Tull, Albert Lee 1932 Tully, Andrew 1840 Tully, David 1850 William Kelly 1875 Turbitt, John tl837 Turkington, William David 1926 Turner, Eli Marsh tl872 Frank Newcomb tl880 James Blythe tl822 John 1870 Joseph Donaldson Edmiston 1929 William Redd tl928 Turpin, Harold Willard tl931 Tuuk, Edward Jacob 11907 Twinem, Leonard tl890 Paul DeWitt tl918 Twitchell, Jerome 1839 Tyler, Benjamin tl836 Tysse, Gerrit 1897 Uhler, John Earle tl916 Uhlfelder, Sigismund tl851 Ulmschneider, George William 1930 Ulrich, Clarence Erb 1930 Harry Edwin 1917 Miriam Daugherty tl932 Umsted, Justus Thomas 1848 Underhill, Irvin Windfield, Jr 1928 Underwood, Charles Alfred 1919 Judson Leolin tl909 Unger, James Kelly 1920 Updegraff, David Benjamin 1906 Updike, Hartley Titus tl886 Ure, Herbert 1900 Urmston, Nathaniel Massie 1826 Urquhart, James tl873 Usher, Francis Clements tl836 Usner, Merlin Frederick 1930 Ustick, Harlan Page tl873 Vail, Harry Burl 1899 Richard Philip Hart 1867 Vale, Claire Fremont tl912 Roy Ewing 1912 Valentine, Richard 1850 Van Aken, Enoch 1833 Gulick tl865 Van Alen, George Leslie 1885 Van Allen, Charles Edwin 1865 Chauncey Elliot tl867 Van Artsdalen, Garret 1842 Vanatta, Peter Rulison 1843 van Baalen, Jan Karel tl915 Van Beek, Johannes tl921 Vance, Edward Elbridge tl898 J(ames) Milton tl902 John Riddle 1895 Robert Little ■t'1903 Selby Frame tl891 Van Cleve, Alexander Green tl874 Benjamin Grier 1886 Hiram Hunter tl925 INDEX OF ALUMNI 807 Van Cleve, Robert Stansbury 1866 Van Court, Alexander 1838 John Harriotte 1820 Van de Erve, John 1897 van de Kieft, John Martin tl913 Vanden Bosch, Ernest Dewey 1926 Van den Burg, Louis 1900 van der Merwe, Jacobus Alwyn tl911 Van der Meulen, John Marlnus tl896 Van der Naald, Henry 1906 Vander Roest, Jan Cornelisse tl924 Vanderveer, David Newland 1866 Vandervelde, Conrad 1907 Vandewater, Albertus 1849 Van Doren, William tl839 Van Dyck, David Bevier 1917 Ezekiel Deyo tl925 John Brevoort 1829 Van Dyke, Frank tl911 George Bergen Westcott 1892 George Malcolm 1929 van Dyke, Henry (Jackson) 1877 Van Dyke, Henry Jackson tl846 Henry Nevius tl875 James Whalen 1868 Joseph Smith 1861 Martin tl920 van Dyke, Paul 1884 Van Dyke, Paul Shepherd tl918 Van Dyken, Albert tl92S Van Eaton, J. Plumer 1919 Van Ess, Jacob 1901 John 1902 Van Farowe, Edward tl932 Van Haitsma, Lambert tl920 Van Horn, Charles Ferdinand, Jr... 1927 Van Horsen, Nathan Frederick 1898 Van Houte, Gerrit tl904 Van Kersen, William John 1897 Van Lunen, Herman tl923 Van Meter, John Stonestreet 1881 Van Ness, John 1895 Van Note, Eugene Monroe 1898 Van Nuys, Ezra Allen 1903 Vannuys, (James) Hervey Logan.... 1852 James Harvey 1861 Van Nuys, Walter Lowrie 1895 Van Orden, Muriel Joy 1932 Van Osten, Henry Stewart 1897 Van Patten, Lowell Anderson 1926 Van Pelt, Reuben Henry 1865 Van Peursem, Gerrit Dick 1910 John tl903 William 1927 Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt tl833 van Rooyen, Gert Cornelius tl912 Van Santvoord, Cornelius tl833 Van Schelluyne, Cornelius tl841 Van Strien, David tl912 Van Syckel, Phineas Barber 1865 Van’t Hof, William 1927 Van Til, Cornelius 1924 Van Tries, William Potter 1907 Van Wagenen, William Mansfield.... tl864 Van Zandt, Abraham Brooks tl843 Earl Burton tl929 Vardell, Charles Graves 1891 Varhaug, Ralph Norman 1928 Vasady, Bela tl925 Vater, Williamson Dunn 1898 Vaughn, Arthur Peirce tl899 Vecere, Nunzio tl918 Vedder, Albert Fulton 1877 Veeder, Peter Vrooman tl855 Vejnar, John Blahoslav tl927 Veldman, Richard tl915 Velte, Henry Christian 1882 Venable, Henry Isaac tl834 William Thomas 1842 Vender, Melvin Robert tl923 Verduin, Henry tl919 Verkuyl, Gerrit 1904 Vermilye, Thomas Edward tl825 Vernon, William Ward tl925 Ver Straate, John 1913 Victor, John tl913 Viehe, Paul Gustavus 1903 Viele, James Pattison 1864 Viernes, Alvarico Dadoda 1926 Vinal, Job P tl819 Vincent, Edward tl873 Vineze, Charles (Karoly) tl923 Vining, Robert Lucius tl930 Viser, Edmund Dillahunty tl882 Visscher, Simon Greenleaf tl859 Visser, John Arthur 1929 Voelkel, Harold 1929 Vogelsonger (Fogelsonger), Harry Milton 1902 Vogt, Frederic Karl tl916 Vollmer, Augustus Frederick 1871 von Gruenigen, Arthur Rudolph.... tl919 Von Krug, Karl Louis 1905 Voorhees, Frank 1895 Voorhies, William Sinclair tl890 Voorhis, John Winfield 1920 Voris, Cornelius Pleasant tl861 Paul Culbertson 1914 Vorperian, Mugurdich Sarkis tl916 Vos, Geerhardus 1885 Johannes Geerhardus 1928 Vosburgh, Jacob Evert tl815 Voskuil, Henry John 1907 Vroom, John Harry tl899 Wachtel, Alvy Edgar tl92S Waddell, Alexander 1887 John Milligan 1892 William Alfred tl886 Wade, De Forest tl918 808 INDEX OF ALUMNI Wade, Lewis Harvey tl852 Wadsworth, Charles tl841 Charles, Jr tl884 Waggoner, Ralph Alden 1910 Wagner, David Denman 1911 Milton N 1886 Wailes, Benjamin Morris tl847 George Handy 1897 Wainwright, Louis Cathell 1889 Waite, Abbott Lee Richmond 1888 Joseph Raymond tl910 Waldo, Alfred Frederick 1897 Frederic Augustus tlSSl Waldron, Charles Newman 1849 Walenta, Paul Herman 1919 Walker, Charles Carroll tl888 Elmer 1915 Elnathan G tl848 George tl926 Hugh 1900 James Napoleon tl868 Olney Kinkead 1906 Raymond Chester 1910 Richard tl842 Robert C tl857 William tl884 William Levi 1895 Wall, Edward (Barry) 1851 Peter Ferdinand 1929 Thomas George 1851 Wallace, Benjamin John tl853 Edwin Sherman 1888 Eunace Artemas 1926 Homer Hugh tl883 Isaac Emmons 1903 James McGill tl898 Joseph William 1845 Marcus Jediah 1852 Robert Burns 1898 Thomas Avery tl926 William Smart tl905 Waller, David Jewett tl837 David Jewett, Jr tl874 Elmer Briton 1887 William Bradley 1873 Wallen, Samuel Smith 1869 Walsh, Henry 1852 Hugh tl838 John Johnston 1843 Walter, James Roy 1922 Walton, Donald James 1922 Waltz, Jacob William 1913 Ward, Clement Edwin Babb 1895 Ferdinand De Wilton tl834 George Kemp 1873 John William tl825 Robert Martin Cargill tl929 Samuel Isham tl900 Samuel Lawrence tl876 Warren Ray 1905 Warden, William Jacob tl851 Warder, Joseph Walter tl849 Wardlaw, Albert Goodall 1882 De Lacey tl879 Patterson tl888 Thomas DeLacy 1849 Ware, Edward Newell tl903 Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge. 1876 William Christian tl821 Warford, Lester Port 1908 Warne, Daniel Ruby 1890 William Walter tl891 Warner, Doyle Donovan 1925 Howard Ely tl931 Warren, Edward Leroy 1877 Oliver Jenkins 1930 Warrington, Ernest William 1908 George 1870 Wartena, Lambertus 1'1923 Washburn, Samuel tl832 Wasson, Samuel Carson 1894 Watanabe, Isamu Lebbi tl907 Waterbury, Daniel 1821 Jared Bell tl825 Waterman, Alfred Tileston 1860 Watson, Andrew tl861 Andrew 1874 Charles Roger 1899 Henry Phelps tl829 Hugh tl918 James Clemson tl830 John Gilchrist 1887 John Walter tl904 Robert 1896 Samuel Lytle 1826 Thomas tl845 William Charles tl913 William Scott 1887 Watt, James 1914 Robert tl883 Watters, John tl927 Watts, Robert 1852 Way, Edgar William 1891 Wilson Spencer tl894 Waygood, Walter Henry 1891 Wayne, Benjamin 1848 Weatherby, James tlS25 Weaver, David Williams 1931 Earl Crosby tl919 Edward Ebenezer 1889 John Franklin 1918 Martin tl833 William Merval tl926 Willis 1874 Webb, Edwin Bonaparte tl851 Samuel Green tl883 William Anderson, Jr 1922 Webber, Charles Wilkins tl846 Henry 1842 Webster, Charles 1817 INDEX OF Webster, Leonard 1932 Lewis Hammond 1929 Otis Benjamin tl862 Richard 1834 Richard Boyd 1873 Samuel Eyres 1871 Thomas Johnston Clarkson tl878 William Stewart Cross 1869 Weed, Henry Rowland 1815 Weeks, Samuel G 1842 Wefer, William Francis 1922 Weich, Stefanus Francois 1921 Weidman, Jacob 1859 Weinermann, Boris (see Maxwell, Bertram W.) tl914 Weir, Alexander Henry tl872 Valentine Alexander tl904 William Wilbur tl923 Weisbecker, Homer George tl925 Weisley, Albert James 1894 Joseph Laubach 1905 Welbon, Henry Garner tl930 Welch, Josiah tl871 Thomas Rice tl850 Weld, William Ernest 1909 Welker, Herman Clare 1919 Welles, Henry Hunter tl848 Thomas Norton tl834 Wellhoelter, Arthur William Henry (see Wells, A. F.) 1914 Wells, Arthur Forest 1914 Daniel 1837 George 1838 George tl861 John Dunlap 1844 Joseph Greene tl854 Newell Woolsey 1875 Samuel Taggart 1842 William Henry 1899 William Morgan 1858 Welmers, Thomas Evert 1906 Welsh, Edward Burgett 1906 Edward Payson 1876 Evan Draper tl930 Welton, Felix Branson tl842 Welty, Henry Sylvester Chester.... 1894 Sylvanus Roy tl920 Wenderoth, Fred, Jr tl916 Wengert, Stanley Alleman tl922 Wentworth, John Theodore tl849 Wenzlick, Roy Willis tl919 Wernecke, Gilbert Oscar tl926 Herbert Henry tl925 Werner, Frank tl901 Wessels, August Herman 1926 West, Albert Marshall tl885 Donald Kirkland 1927 Irving Adams 1929 James Nephew tl874 James Robertson tl910 ALUMNI 809 Westby, Wilhelm Henry tl930 Westcott, James Stott tl876 Lorenzo tl855 Robert Raikes 1866 William Augustus tl845 Westervelt, John A 1896 William Ellison 1857 William Gorham 1878 Weston, Albert Edward tl89S Westphal, George Clarence tl926 Whallon, Albert Kitchel tl909 Walter Lowrie 1903 Whann, William tl830 Wheat, John Jackson tl855 Wheeler, Franklin Taylor 1889 John Emory tl861 Melancthon Gilbert tl829 Wherry, Elwood Morris 1867 John 1861 Whilden, Richard Furman 1852 Whisenhunt, Roy Chase tl931 Whitaker, Charles Hurlbut 1890 White, Ansley De Forest 1845 Arthur Jennings tl918 Benjamin Franklin tl913 Bonner Dale tl922 Charles Louis 1894 Charles Turner tl888 David tl835 De Witt 1894 Francis Torbit tl922 Frank Decatur tl920 Franklin Walter 'tl830 Henry tl827 Henry Alexander 1889 Henry Humphrey 1863 Israel Losey 1897 John McCahan 1908 John White 1855 Maurice Seal 1915 Nathan Grier 1833 Neil Oliver 1911 Prescott Cushing 1894 Ralph Manson tl930 Robert McCrea +1837 Rowland Hughes 1932 Samuel Ernest Paul +1899 William Carter 1856 William Codner +1831 William Prescott 1870 William Robert +1914 Whlteford, Matthew Mackie 1877 Whitenack, George Minor, Jr 1903 Whitener, Henry Carroll 1912 Whitfield, Andrew Lucas +1896 Whitham, John Dement 1840 Whiting, Albert 1873 George Backus* +1827 Russel +1828 Samuel Place 1861 810. INDEX OF ALUMNI Whitmarsh, David Carothers 1909 Whitney, Augustus Dodge, Jr tl927 Henry Mitchell tl868 Whitteker, Elliott Huff tl914 Whittemore, Norman Clark tl92() Whittier, Chester Eugene tl928 Whittles, Thomas Davis 1899 Whitworth, Frederick Harrison tl873 Wichers, John 1914 Wickard, Clyde Duane 1931 Wicker, James Mclver 1888 Wickes, Thomas tl837 Thomas Scudder tl819 Wideman, Charles Edgar tl931 Wiedinger, John Baptist tl908 Wielenga, Gerrit tl895 Wiersum, Harry John 1899 Wiggins, James Clark 1888 Wight, Calvin 1895 Edward Van Dyke 1895 Joseph Kingsbury 1848 Wikoff, Harry Holmes 1877 Wilber, Francis Allen 1881 Henry Peachey tl881 Wilbur, Backus 1816 Wilcox, Herbert Augustus tl907 Timothy Keeler 1862 Wildasin, John Edwin tl924 Wilds, John Thomas 1885 Wiley, George Martin 1862 Wilhelm, John C 1861 Wilke, Henry Fredderick 1916 Wilkie, John Richard 1900 Wilkins, Ivan Luro tl913 William Thomas 1866 Wilkinson, John tl918 Josiah Burnett tl825 William Alfred tl892 William John tl906 Willard, Henry 1856 Warren Wyeth 1931 Willert, John Christian 1884 Willets, George LeRoy tl924 Willett, Joseph Tomb tl842 Williams, Albert tl833 Alfred Smith tl847 Benjamin Haines 1842 Calvin Scott 1892 Charles Barnes 1891 Charles Foster tl850 Clarence Russell 1895 Daniel 1881 Edward Franklin 1861 Edwin Theodore 1853 Fenwick Taylor 1843 Floyd Revell 1927 Frank Edwin 1891 George Franklin 1899 Henry Cummings 1898 James Wilson 1890 Williams, Jay Gomer 1926 Lewis W 1840 Louis Buchanan tl842 Mason Deane tl847 Meade Creighton 1864 Robert George 1873 Robert Gordon 1847 Robert Hunter 1862 Thomas Arthur 1919 Thomas Duke tl925 William Charles Roberts tl916 William Daniel 1905 William Henry 1826 William Henry tl899 Williamson, Abraham tl821 Adam Cluness tl915 Albert Barnes 1887 Alexander 1822 Charles Robb 1897 David McKnight 1860 Dewitt Clinton 1908 James tl821 Jesse Philander 1897 John Fremont tl881 Joseph Gilliard tl849 McKnight 1825 Moses 1828 Robert Bruce 1855 Robert Clement 1906 Wills, David, Jr 1884 Willson, Hugh Latimer tl928 James Burt tl91S Robert Ewing tl917 Wilson, Alexander Lafayette 1866 Alfred Lee 1906 Andrew tl845 Anne Elizabeth tl928 Benjamin Frank 1887 Charles Ellsworth tl920 David Agnew tl851 Edgar Morrison tl893 Elijah tl842 Elwin Leander tl927 George Porter 1880 Gibson 1903 Gilbert Livingstone 1899 Henry M 1848 Henry Rowan tl833 Henry Rowan, Jr 1867 Hugh tl822 Hugh Nesbit tl834 Hugh Porter tl874 J. Christy 1919 James 1850 James Marquis tI886 Jesse Craig tl885 Jonathan 1856 Joseph Dick 1871 Joseph Ruggles tl84S Kenneth Willard 1929 INDEX OF ALUMNI 811 Wilson, Lewis Feuilleteau 1833 Luther Halsey tl862 Matthew Hale tl908 Miles Cooper 1861 Nicholas Arrowsmith 1826 Parks Watson tl926 Raymond Hiram 1903 Robert Allan Newton 1926 Robert Fleming 1855 Samuel tl831 Samuel Graham tl880 Samuel Marshall tl836 Samuel Ramsey 1840 Samuel Thomas 1851 Thaddeus tl846 Wilbur Fisk tl924 William J tl825 William Vandolah tl841 Winans, Jacob Watkins 1852 Winchester, Samuel Cover tl830 Wines, Caspar Maurice 1864 Frederick Howard 1865 Wingerd, Mark 1923 Winn, Merle Clayton 1916 Winnemore, John Louis 1908 Winterick, Albert John 1862 Winters, David tl872 Jacob tl852 Wishard, Charles Scoville tl928 Frederick tl898 Luther Deloraine tl880 Wisner, Benjamin Blydenburg tl821 Oscar Francis 1885 Witherow, Benjamin Howard 1864 Thomas Scc^tt 1853 Withington, Irving Platt 1885 Withrow, John Lindsay 1863 Witt, Edmond Talmage tl914 Wittenberger, Joseph 1877 Witty, Robert Gee tl931 Wold, Oscar Rudolph tl925 Wolf, Jacob tl826 Joseph Harold 1910 Wolfe, George Lewis tl862 Wolff, Albert Negley tl907 Woltz, Russell Harrison 1920 Wood, Charles tl849 Charles 1873 Charles Augustus tl875 Charles Seely 1869 Charles Wiltshire 1867 Clinton Tyler 1897 Daniel Taylor tl923 Daniel Thompson tl829 Edward Payson 1860 Elmer Donovan tl927 Ernest Glen 1906 Francis Marion 1861 George Warren tl837 Wood, Halsey Augustus 1815 Henry tl826 James tl825 Jeremiah tl826 John Rice 1860 Robert Harvey 1930 William Andrew tl857 William Carleton tl907 Woodbridge, Charles Jahlecl 1927 Henry Hopkins tl834 Jahleel 1835 John tl845 John Morgan tl840 Jonathan Edwards tl835 Samuel Isett 1882 Sylvester 1834 William Channing tl819 William Gould 1879 Woodfin, William Moses tl908 Woodford, Burton Hadley tl894 Woodhull, George Edmund 1887 George Spafford 1852 Gilbert Tennent 1855 Richard tl829 William Henry tl825 Woodman, Charles Henry tl871 Woodruff, Frank Stiles 1891 William B tl837 Woods, Alexander Miller 1858 David Junkin tl897 David Walker, Jr 1885 Edgar tl853 Henry McKee tl902 James Sterrett tl817 John tl863 Joseph Milliken, Jr 1923 Matthew Cooper 1884 William Harvey 1847 Woodward, George Henry tl834 Henry tl818 James Wheelock 1830 Jethro Bonney tl873 John W tl830 Woodworth, Malcolm William 1857 Woody, Clarence Elmer 1897 John Waldo tl903 Woolley, Paul 1928 Woolsey, Theodore Dwight tl824 Woolverton, William Hoppock 1880 Worden, James Avery 1866 Work, Jeremiah tl885 Samuel Alvin tl922 William Ramsey tl838 Workman, David R 1878 Robert Du Bois tl915 Worrell, Charles Flavel 1839 William Boyce 1830 Worthington, Albert 1830 Wray, James tI903 812 INDEX OF ALUMNI Wray, John 1840 John 1894 Wriggins, John Trevethick 1931 Wright, Arthur Silas tl886 Edward 1835 Edward Weekly tl838 Horace Kepler 1910 Howard Milton tl895 James Hervey tl873 John tl866 John 1906 John Elliott 1865 John Newton 1878 Leigh Orville tl920 Theodore Sedgwick 1828 Thomas tl839 Washington Orr 1863 William Clarence 1926 William Janes 1862 Willis tl904 Wu, Andrew Veetch 1920 Wurtz, Edward 1846 Wyatt, Harvey Lee 1901 Wyckoff, James tl832 Joseph Campbell tl865 Walter Augustus tl891 Wyer, Henry Hartstene 1’1855 . Wylie, David Roswell 1916 James Scrimgeour 1864 John 1864 Richard 1864 Samuel Beattie 1890 Samuel James tl921 Wyly, Samuel Young 1838 Wyngaarden, Martin tl919 Wynkoop, Stephen Rose.... tl837 Theodore Stephen 1364 Wysham, William Norris 1916 Yaeck, Milton Arthur tl928 Yale, Amos Sumner tl864 Yamada, Kenzo tl904 Maki 1931 Yanagisawa, Taiji tl910 Yano, Isaburo tl907 Yarbro, David Nathaniel tlS95 Yates, William Black tl832 William Oswald 1909 Yatsu, Zenjiro tl908 Yeatts, Earl Raymond 1919 Yeaworth, Irvin Shortess 1923 Yee, Hsing Linn tl916 Yeh, James Yunlung 1919 Yeisley, George Conrad tl874 Yeomans, Alfred 1860 Edward Dorr tl849 Edward Gearhart 1928 Yeomans, George Augustus 1868 Yeramian, Arsham George tl932 Yerkes, Carroll Harvey 1904 Yff, Peter tl920 Thomas tl930 Ylvisaker, Johannes Wilhelm tl926 Youn, Ha Young tl926 Young, Abraham Teator 1842 Arthur Thomas 1894 Charles Ellis 1865 Charles Henry tl858 Charles Van Patten 1902 Daniel tl823 Edward Crawford tl893 George tl841 George Douglass 1897 George Drummond 1837 James G 1900 James R tl849 James Shelby tl850 James William tl894 John tl824 John Clarke tl827 John Newton tl855 John Newton, Jr 1891 Josias Henry 1862 Leon Decatur tl900 Philander Dickinson 1846 Raymond Alfred tl927 Samuel Edward tl889 Samuel Gordon Leslie tl927 Samuel Hall tl878 Theodore Cuyler 1925 William Wylie tl926 Younger, Thomas tl905 Yourd, Robert Wilson 1909 Yun, Inku tl930 Tchi Young tl92S Yusufji, Habib tl926 Zahniser, George Wright tl851 Zandstra, Sidney 1906 Zeigler, Jesse Reinhart 1900 Oscar Woodward 1893 Zeleny, Eugen tl927 Zenos, Andrew C 1880 Zentgraf, Ernest William, Jr tl930 Zhelascoff, Constantine tl885 Zi, Benjamin Dung-Hwe tl92S Ziegler, George Frederick 1869 Zoerner, William August Hugh 1926 Zugg, Frank Richards 1906 Zuse, Clayton Hill tl919 De Witt Philo 1929 Zutrau, Morris 1924 Zylstra, Gerben tl924 I r C,:-; •c*. r fe. 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