iW iiiii 3^?^^*?*: E-I52ai| C4?57 I'&Tl _J«3 FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY SC5 DJvialoiJ Section SACRED HYM¥§ AND '-.PH (^ ' SPIRITUAL SONGS. FOR THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER-DAY SAINTS FOURTEENTH EDITION. S,A.LT I_..A.K:e CIT^ST: FOR SALE AT DESERET NEWS OFFICE, THE CHURCH BOOK DEPOT. PUBLISHED BY GEORGE Q. CANNON. 1871. PREFACE TO THH FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. The Saiiits in this country have been very desirous for a Hymn Book adapted to their faith and worship, that they might sing the truth with an understanding heart, and ex- press their praise, joy and gratitude in songs adapted to the New and Everlasting Cov- enant. In accordance with their wishes, we have selected the following Volume, which we hope will prove acceptable until a greater variety can be added. "With sentiments of high consideration and esteem, we subscribe ourselves your brethren in the New and Everlasting Cove- nant, Brigham Young, Parley P. Pratt, John Taylor. Manchester, 1840. PREFACE TO THE FOURTEENTH EDITION. The demand for the Hjmn Book has been so general that it has heen concluded to issue another edition, making the fourteenth which has been published. This edition is the first published in Utah Territory, and possesses one distinctive pecu- liarity—it is not only printed and bound at the Church Printmg Office, but the type m which it appears has been manufactured here. This issue differs from the two which precede it in one respect only, there hare been fourteen hymns added to the collection-, they, however, are placed in the last part of the book, so as not to interfere with the use of the other editions in common with this. That this little work may accomplish the object for which it is designed, and prove a source of joy and consolation to the Saints, is the earnest prayer of Tour brother, GEORGE Q. CANNON. Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, March 21, 1871. SACRED HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. HYMN 1. (L.M.) 1 The moniing breiikB, the shadows llee; Lo! Zion's standard is unfurled! The daAvnmg of a brighter day Majestic rises on the world. 3 The clouds of error disappear Before the rays of truth divine; The glory, bursting from afar, Wide o'er the nations soon will shine. 3 The Gentile fullness now comes in, And Israel's blessings arc at hand: Lo! Judah's remnant, cleansed from sin, Shall in their promised Canaan stand. B 6 4 JcMovah speaks ! let earth give ear, And Gentile nations tnm and live: His mighty arm is making bare, His eov'nant people to receive. 5 Angels from heaven and truth from earth Have met, and Ijoth have record borne: Thus Zion's light is bursting forth, To cheer her children's glad return. HYMN 3. (CM.) 1 Let every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice : Tlie trumpet of the Gospel sounds With an inviting voice. 3 Ho! all ye hungry, stamng souls, That feed upon the wind, And vainly strive with earthly toys To fill an emi)t3' mind ; 3 Eternal wisdom has prepared A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing apjietites The rich i)vovision taste. 4 Ho ! ye that pant for living streams. And pine away and die. 7 Here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. 5 Rivers of love and mercy here In a rich ocean join ; Salvation in ahundance flows, Like floods of milk and wmc. G The gates of glorious Gospel grace Stand open night and day: Lord, we are come to seek supiilies, And drive our wants away. HYMN 3. (8's & T's.) 1 Glorious thhigs of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God! He, whose word cannot be broken, Chose thee for his own abode. 3 On the Rock of Ages founded. What can shake thy sure repose! With salvation's wall surrounded, Thou may'st smile on all thy foes. 3 See! the streams of living waters, Springing from celestial love. Well supply thy sons and daughtere And all fear of drought remove. 8 4 Who can faint, while such a river Ever flows their thirst t'assuage ? Grace which, like the Lord the giver, Never fails from agc.to age. 5 Round each habitation hovering, See the cloud and fire appear. For a glory and a covering, Showing that the Lord is near! Thus deriving from their banner Light by night and shade by day. Sweetly they enjoy the Sj^irit, AYhich he gives them when they pra^'. 7 Blest inhabitants of Zion, Purchased with the Savior's blood ; Jesus, whom their souls rel}' on, Makes them Kings and Priests to God. 8 While in love his Saints he raises AYith Himself to reign as Kings ; All, as Priests, his solemn praises Each for a thank-oflTring brings. y Savior ! since of Zion's city I through grace a memJjcr am ; Though the world despise and pity, I Avill glory in thy name. 9 10 Fading are all worlcllj^ treasuree, With their boasted pomp and ehow; Heavenlj' joys and lasting i^leasures, None Init Zion^s children knoAV. HYMN 4. (L.M.) 1 The time is nigh, tliat happj' time, That great, expected, blessed daj', When conntless thousands of our race Shall dwell with Christ, and him obc5'. 2 -The prophecies must be fulfilled, Though earth and hell should dare oppose; The stone out of the mountain cut, Though unobserved, a kingdom grows. 3 Soon shall the blended image fall- Brass, silver, iron, gold and cla}'; And superstition's dreadful reign To light and liberty give waj\ 4 In one sweet sj'mphony of praise The Jews and Gentiles will miitc; And infidelity, o'ercome. Return again to endless night. 5 From east to west, from north to south, The Savior's kingdom shall extend. And every man in eveiy place Shall meet a V)rother and a friend. 10 HYMN 5. (CM.) 1 frreat is the Lord ! 'tis <;ootl to praise His high and holy name: Well may the Saints in latter days His wondrous love proclaim ! 2 To praise him let us all engage. That unto us is c;iven To live in this momentous age And share the light of heaven. 3 We'll praise him for our happy lot On this mueh-favored land, Where truth and righteousness arc taught B3' his Divine command. 4 We'll praise him for more glorious things Than language can express — The "Everlasting Gospel" brings The humble soul to l)liss. 5 The Comforter is sent again ; His power the Church attends, And with the faithful will remain Till Jesus Christ descends. 6 We'll praise him for a Prophet's voice, His people's steps to guide: 11 In this we do and will rejoice. Though all the world deride. T PruiBC him ! the time, the chosen time To favor Zion's come -, And all the Saints from every clime Will soon he gathered home. 8 The opening- seals announce the day, By Proi^hets long declared, When all, in one triumphant lay, Will join to praise the Lord. HYMN fi. (S.M.) See ! all creation joins To praise th' Etenial God : The heavenly hosts ])egin the song. And sound his name abroad. The sun with golden beams, And moon with silver ra3^8, The starry lights and twinkling flames. Shine to their Maker's praise. He built those worlds above, And fixed their wondrous frame; By his command they stand or move, And alwa3's sjieak his fame. IS The fleecj' clouds that rise, Or falliny: slio^vers, or 8now, The thunder ro]lait>' rouud the skies, His power and gh^y show. The broad expanse on high, With all the heavens aftbrd, The lightning's fire that streaks the skj'. Unite to praise the Lord. CHORUS. Bj^ all that shines above, His glory is expressed ; But Saints, who know his endless love, Should sing his praises liest. HYMN 7. (4-6's&2-8's.) 1 O happ3' souls, who pray Where God appoints to hear ! O happ3^ Saints, who pay Their constant service there ! AVe'll praise him still, And happy we Who love the way To Zion's hill. 13 2 No lainiiug heats l\v day, Nor blasts of eveninG; air, Shall take our health awa5% If God he with ub there. He is our sun, And he our shade To guard the head B3Miiy;ht or noon. 3 God is the only Lord, Our shield and our defence: With gifts his hands are stored • We draw our blessings thence. He will bestow On Jacob's race Peculiar grace. And glory too. HYMN 8. (7's.) 1 Praise to God, immortal praise. For the love that crowns our days ; Bounteous source of every joy. Let thy praise our tongues employ. 2 For the blessings of the field, For the stores the gardens yield, For the vine's enlivening juice, For the gen'rous olive's use. 14 3 Flocks that whiten all the plain, Yellow sheaves of ripened grain, (.!louils that droi> their fat'ning dews, Suns that tenn)'ratc warmth dift'iise. 4 All that Spring, with lx)unteous hand, Scatters o'er the smilmg land. All that liberal autumn pours From its rich o'erflowing stores. 5 Thanks to thee, our God, we owe, Source from whence all blessings flow ! And for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn i:> raise. HYMN 9. (CM.) 1 We're not ashamed to own our Lord, And worship him on earth ; We love to learn his holy word, And know what souls are worth. 2 When Jesus comes in burning flame, Then to reward the just, The world will know the only name In which the Samts can trust. 3 When he comes down from heaven to earth. With all his holy band, 15 Before creation's Becond l)irth, We hope with him to Btand. 4 Then will he give us a "new name," With robes of righteousness, And in the New Jerusalem Eternal haiipiness. IIYMN 10. (CM.) 1 Joy to the world ! the Lord will come And earth receive her King : Let every heart prepare him room And Saints and angels sing. 2 Rejoice! rejoice! when Jesus reigns, And Saints their songs employ ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains, Eepeat the sounding joy. 3 No more will sin and sorrow grow. Nor thonis infest the ground : He'll come and make the Messing flow Far as the curse was found. 4 Rejoice ! rejoice in the Most High ! While Israel spreads abroad, Like stars that glitter in the sky. And ever worship God. 16 HYMN 11. Ofi's&2-8's.) 1 To Hiiu Avho made the world. The sun, the moon and Btars, And all that in them is, With days and months and years; To Him who died, That we might Uve, Our thanks and sonoe We freely give. 2 Our hope in things to come, The Spirit's quickening powers, Should turn our hearts to him. Who makes his hlessings ours ; That we may sing Of things ahove. And always know That God is love. 3 When he comes down from heaven. And earth again is blest, Then all his ransomed heirs Will find their promised rest. With all the just Then thej' ma}' sing, God is with us. And we with Hira. 17 HYMN 13. (L.M.) 1 Ere long the vail Avill rend in twain, The King descend Avith all his train ; The earth shall shake with awful fright, And all creation feel his might. 3 The angel's trumpet long shall sound. And wake the nations under ground : Throughout the vast domain of sj^acc 'Twill echo forth from place to place. Lift up your heads, ye Saints, in peace, -The Savior comes for your release ; The day of the redeemed has come-, The Sahits shall all be welcomed home. 1 Behold the Church ! it soars on high. To meet the Saints amid the sky, To hail the King in clouds of fire, And strike and tune th' immortal lyre. 5 llosanna ! now the trump shall sound, Proclaim the joys of heaven around, When all the Saints together join In songs of love, and all divine. 6 With Enoch here we all shall meet, And worship at Messiah's feet; Unite our hands and hearts in love, And reigu on thrones with Christ above. 18 7 The city that was seen of old. Whose Avails were jasper, streets were gold. We'll now inherit, throned in might, — The Father and the Son's delight. 8 Celestial croTvnis we shall receive, And glories great our God shall give; While loud hosaunas we'll proclaim. And sound aloud our Savior's name. 9 Our hearts and tongues shall join in one, To praise the Father and the Son ; While all the heavens shall shout again, And all creation say, Amen. HYMN 13. (S.M.) 1 Let sinners take their course. And choose the road to death ; But in the worship of my God I'll si>cnd ray daily breath. 2 My thoughts address his throne When morning brings the light; I seek his blessing every noon, And pay my vows at night. 3 Thou wilt regard my cries, O my Eternal God! While sinners perish in suri^rise. Beneath thine angry rod. 19 4 Because they dwell at case, And no sad changes feel, They neither fear, nor trust thy name, Nor learn to do thy will. 5 But I, with all my cares. Will lean upon the Lord ; I'll cast my burdens on his arm. And rest upon his word. 6 His arm shall well sustain The children of his lovc; The ground on which their safety Btands No earthly power can move. HYMN 14. (CM.) 1 Come, all ye Saints who dwell on earth, Your cheerful voices raise, Our great Redeemer's lovc to sing. And celebrate his praise. a His lovc is great, he died for us, Shall wc ungrateful be ? Since he has marked a road to l)liss, And said, Come, follow me. 3 The strait and narrow way we've found ! Then let us travel on. Till we, in the celestial world. Shall meet where Christ is gone. 20 4 And there weMl join the hearenly choir, And sing his praise above, While endless ages roll around, Ferfccted by his love. HYMN 15. (L.M.) 1 God spake the word, and time l)cgan; He si)ake, and gave his law to man ; IJis presence oft did Adam cheer, AVho loved the voice of God to hear. 2 But soon the happy scene Avas changed And they became from God estranged; They broke his law, and guilt and shame Their state of innocence o'ercame. 3 Impelled by fear, they vainly tried From God's all searchhig eyes to hide; His well-known voice liy them was heard, And tremblhigly they both appeared. 1 8o men, from that eventful da3-, Far from the God of heaven stray. Till near six thousand years have passed. And left a lifeless faith at last. 5 By faith the ancients sought the Lord, From time to time obtained his word : 21 Not only they, but bo may we, When faith and works do both agree. 6 From Adam to the present day, Many have sought a rightcouB way; And some have found the narrow road, And, Enoch-like, have walked with God, 7 (lod is unchangeable to save, Though men arc c^iangeful as the wave ; AVhile sinners take the downward road, The man of faith approaches God. {i Experience and the word agree — Draw nigh to God, he'll draw nigh thee ; Then, are they wise who do deny The works of faith beneath the sky V HYMN 1«5. (CM.) 1 Mortals, awake! Avith angels join, And chant the solemn la 3'; Love, joy and gratitude combine, To hail th' auspicious day. 5J In heaven the rai»turous song l»egan, And sweet seraphic fire Through all the shining legions ran, And swept the bounding lyre. V 22 3 The theme, the song-, the joy was new, To each angelic tongue ; Swift through the realms of light it flew, And loud the echo rung. 4 Dowai through the portals of the sky The pealing anthems ran, And angels flew with eager joy To bear the news to man. 5 Hark! the cherubic armies shout, And glory leads the song; Teaee and salvation swell the note Of all the heavenly throng. 6 With joy the chorus we'll repeat — "Glory to God on high; Good-will and peace are now complete ; Jesus was bom to die." 7 Hail! Prince of Life, for ever hail! Redeemer, brother, friend! Though earth and time and life should fail, Thy praise shall never end. HYMN 17. (4-11'B.) 1 O Jesus! the giver Of all Avc enjoy, Our lives to thy honor We wish to enii)loy ; ^Yith praises uncenshtg 23 We'll sing of thy name, Thy goodness incrcasmg, Thy love we'll proclaim, 3 With joy we remember The dawn of that day, When cold as December In darkness we lay ! The sweet invitation We heard with suq^riso, And witnessed salvation Flow down from the skies. o The wonderful name Of our Jesus we'll sing, j\nd publish the fame Of our Captain and King; With sweet exultation nis goodness we prove • His name is salvation, His nature is love. •i We now are enlisted In Jesus' blest cause, IHvmely assisted To conquer our foes : His grace will support us Till conflicts are o'er, He then will escort us To Zion's bright shorv, 24 HYMN 18. (CM.) 1 Beloved brethren ! sing His praise Who formed the Avorlds on high ; Who taught the planets Avhere to trace Their orbits through the sky. 3 O sing the fervor of his love, The wonders of his grace, W^ho sent the Savior from alx>ve To save a dying race. 3 In songs declare the works and ways Of our Eternal God, AVhose kingdom in these latter days Is spreading far abroad. 4 In Zion let his name he praised. Who has a feast prepared, The glorious Gospel standard raised, The ancient faith restored. 5 Swift heralds, the glad news to bear O'er land and ocean, fly ; And to the wond'ring world declare, The message from on high. fi Ye nations of the earth attend ! Let kings and i)rinces hear. And let the powers of darkness bend— McBsiah'B reign is near! 25 7 The Savior comcB ! Ye Saints, be pure, And fix your hearts on hioli ; Lift up your licads, rejoice, for j'our Redemption drawcth nigh. 8 Sine, brethren! sing, in strains divine; Let all your voices raise ; Let heaven and earth their anthems join Li these the latter days. HYMN 19. (CM.) 1 Jehovah, Lord of heaven and earth, Thy word of truth proclaim ! O may it spread from pole to pole, Till all shall know thy name. 2 We long to see thy church increase — Thy own new kingdom grow, That all the earth may live in peace, And heaven be seen below. 3 Roll on thy work in all its power ! The distant nations bring ! In thy new kingdom may they stand, And own thee God and King. 4 One general chorus then shall rise From men of every tongue. And songs of joy salute the skiosj From every nation sung! 26 HYMN 20. (L.M.) 1 Aviso! Jirise! with joy suitpj' The glory of the latter tla3' : Alreadj' has the dawn begun, Which marks at hand a risino- sun ! 2 Behold the waj'! ye heralds cry; Spare not, but lift yonr voices hit!,h ; ( Jonvey the sound from pole to pole — Glad tidhius to the captive soul. 3 Behold the way to Zion's hill, Where Israel's God delights to dwell! He fixes there his lofty throne. And calls the sacred place his own. 4 The north gives up— the south no more Keeps Imck her consecrated store : From east to west the message runs, And either India yields her sons. 5 Auspicious dawn! thy risuig ray With joy we view, and hail the day: Great Sun of Righteousness ! arise, And fill the world with glad surprise. 27 HYMN 21. (fi-S's.) 1 The Lord my pasture shall prepare. And feed me with a shepherd's eare; Ills presenee shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye- My noonday walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirstj'^ mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary, waud'ring steps he leads; Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. ?) Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread. My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord, art with me still; Thy friendly rod shall give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful shade. 4 Though in a T)are and rugged Way, Through devious, lonely wilds I stray. Thy presence shall my pains beguile ; The barren wilderness shall smile. With green and beauteous herbage crowned, And streams shall murmur all around. 28 HYMN 22. (CM.) 1 God movcB in a mysterious wayy His wonders to perform ; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of nevcr-failinfv skill, JTe treasures up his hright desio;ns, And works his sovereign will. .1 Ye fearful Saints, fresh courage take! The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercj^ and shall l)rcak In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace; Behind a fro'wniiug providence He hides a smiling face. ft His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. Blind unljclief is sure to err. And scan his Woi'k in vain ; God is his own intei'pi'eter, And he will make it plains 29 HYMN 3H. O'si^-fi's.) 1 Arise, O jrlorious Zion, Thou joy of latter clays, Whom countless Saints rely on, To gain a resting-place ; Arise, and shine in splendor, Amid the world's deep night; For God, thy sure defender. Is now thy life and light. 2 Let faithful Samts be rearing The city of our Lord, On mountain tops appearing, According to his word,— A sought-out habitation. By men of truth and faith, — A covert of salvation From igiaorance and death. ?i The Temple long expected Shall stand on Zion's hill, By willing hearts erected. Who love Jehovah's will: Let earth, her wealth bestowing, Adorn his holy seat ; For nations great shall flow ui, To worship at his feet. 30 4 What thouoh the world in malice Despise these init;hty things, We'll liuild the Royal Palace, To seiTe the King of khigs; Where holy men, anointed To know his sovereign Avill, Each ordinance appointed To save us, will reveal. 5 From Zion's favored dwelling The Gospel issues forth. The covenant revealing To gather all the earth ; And Saints, the message Imngmg To all the sons of men, With the redeemed, shall, singing, To Zion come again. O hear the proclamation, And fly as on the whid ! For righteous mdigixation Sliall desolate mankind ! Then, Zion, men shall prize thee, And how before thj' shrine; And the}' who now despise thee Shall own thy light divine. T Tlirough painful tribulation We walk the narrow roadj And battle with temptation. To gain that blest abode> 31 But patient, firm endurance, With o'loiy ill f>nr view — The Spirit's bri<>:lit a8sn ranee — Will bring' us conquerors throuuh. O grant. Eternal Father, That we may faithful l>e. With all the just to gather. And thy salvation see ! Then with the hosts of heaven We'll sing- th' immortal theme — To Him be glory given, Whose blood did us redeem. HYMN 24. (CM.) 1 O happy is the man who hears Instruction's wanung voice! And Avho celestial wisdom makes His early, onlj' choice I 2 For she has treasures greater far, Than east or west unfold ; And her rewards more precious are Than all their stores of gold. 3 In her right hand she holds to view, A length of happj^ days ; Riches, with splendid honors joined^ Are what her left displays. 32 4 She guides the young with innocence In pleaRUve'6 paths to tread ; A crown of glory slie l>estows Ul)on the hoary liead. 5 According as her la1x)rs rise, So her rewards increase ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. HYMN 25. (L.M.) 1 Peace, troubled soul! thou need'st not fear; Tliy great Provider still is near: Who fed thee last will feed thee still , Be calm, and seek to do his will. 2 The Lord, who built the earth and slcy, In mercy stoops to hear thj- cry; His promise all may freely claim — "Ask and receive, in Jesus' name," o Ilis stores are open all, and free, To such as trulj' upright be ; Water and bread he'll give for food, With all things else which he sees good. 4 The ravens daily doth he feed, And sends them food as they have need *, Although they nothing have in store. Yet as they lack he gives them more. 33 5 Then do not t;eek with anxious care What ye shall eat or drink or wear; Your heavenly Father Avill you feed ; He knows that all these things you need. 6 Without reserve give Christ your heart; Let him his righteousness iini>art; Then all things else he'll freely give ; With him you all things shall receive. 7 Thus shall the soul be truly Mest, That seeks in God his only rest; May I that happy person bo In time and in eternity. HYMN 26. (8's & 7's.) 1 Softly beams the sacred dawnhig Of the great Millennial morn, And to Saints gives welcome warning That the day is hasting on. ^ S])lcndid, rising o'er the mountanis, Glowing with celestial cheer, StreauJing from eternal fouiitains, Riiys of living light appeur, 84 3 Swiftly flee the clouds of darkness, Spcedilj'^ the mists retire ; Nature's universal blackness Is consumed by heaventy fire. i Yes, the fair sablxitic era, When the world will be at rest, Kapidly is drawing nearer; Then aU Israel will be blest. 5 Odors sweet the air perfuminij. Verdure of the purest green, — In primeval beauty blooramg, "Will our native earth ])c seen. G At the resurrection mommg. We shall all appear as one ; O what robes of bright adornhig, AVill the righteous then jiut on ! 7 Eye's not seen the untold treasures, Which the Father hath in store. Teeming with surpassing pleasures, Even life for evermore. 8 Mourn no longer, Saints l)eloved. Brave the dangers — ^no retreat; Neither let 3'our hearts be moved ; Scorn the trials you may meet. 35 HYMN 2T. (6-7's.) 1 Hark! ye mortals. Hist! be still Voices from Cumorah's hill Break the silence of the tomb, Tenetrate the dreadful gloom, Gently whisper, All is well ! Now's the day of Israel! 2 Now the Gentile reign is o'er ; Darkness covers earth no more: Now shall Zion rise and shhic — Fill the world with light divine -. Angels join — the tidings tell, Now's the day of Israel! 3 Thrones shall totter, Babel fall, Satan reign no more at all : Saints shall gain the victor}'. Truth prevail o'er land and sea, Gentile tyrants sink to hell, Now's the day of Israel! i Jesus soon shall come agahi ; Saints with him shall rise and reigii Heaven and earth in songs combhic- AU the worlds in chorus join ; Every tongxic the music swell, Now's the day of Isrjicl! 86 5 Ghastly dtath ehall conquered be, Zion reign, and Saints be free; Priests and Kings shall join in love, Fill the worlds below, a1x)ve, Singing anthems— All is well ! Now's the day of Israel! HYMN '38. (8— 8-elow, And find my way to heaven, HYMN 3D. (S.M.) 1 Come we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known ; Join in a song with s\a eet accord, And worbhip at his throne, 37 2 Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God ; But servants of the heavenly King May speak their joj^s abroad. 3 The God who rules on high, And all the earth sui*veys, — Who rides upon the stormy sky, And calms the roarhig seas, — 4 This mighty God is ours, Our Father and our Love: He will send down his heavenly powers, To earry us above. 6 There we shall sec his face. And never, never sin ; And, from the rivers of his grace Drink endless pleasures in. 6 Yes, and before we rise To that immortal state. The thoughts of such amazmg bliss Should constant joys create. 7 The men of grace have found Glory begun below ; Celestial fruit, on earthly ground, From faith and hope may grow. 38 8 Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry ; AVe're marching through ImmanuerB ground To fairer worlds on high. HYMN 30. (S's&Vs.) 1 What was witnessed in the heavens ? Why, an angel, earthward bound. Had he something with him bringhig? Yes— the Gospel— joyf»l sound ! It was to be preached in power On the earth, the angel said. To all men, all tongues and nations That upon its face are spread. 2 Had Ave not before the Gospel ? Yes— had sev'ral taught by men. Then what is this latter Gospel ? 'Tis the first one come a gam. This was preached by Paul and Tetcr, .And by Jesus Christ the Head; This W6 Latter Saints are preachhig— We their footsteps wish to tread. 3 Where ■s6''fcng-M's''e6t.n the Gospel? Did it never -f ftlfl' 'a^t-dy'^' •'■/■., Wliat' bfetkiii^ xit'' th^bfec" iieglktcd'^ ' ' God: Is 5tta;^iy-'i^^fe "ii^^ ''"^'''' u 39 Seek no crop where 'twas not planted, Nor a day where reie;ns the night; Now the sunshme bright is beaming, Let all creatures see aright. HYMN 81. (L.M.) 1 Happy the man who finds the grace, The blessings of God's chosen race. The wisdom coming from above, The faith that sweetly works by love. 2 Happy beyond description he Who knows, "The Savior died for me;" The gift unspeakable obtains, And heavenly understanding gains. 3 Wisdom divine! Who tells the price Of wisdom's costly merchandise? Wisdom to silver we prefer, And gold is dross compared to her. 4 Her hands are filled with length of days. True riches and immortal praise; Kichcs of Christ, on all bestowed. And honor that descends from God. 40 5 To i^urest joys she all invites, Chaste, holy, spiritual delights ; Her ways arc waj'^s of pleasantness, And all her flowery paths are peace. 6 Happy the man who Avasdom gains, Thi'ice happy who his guest retahis : He owns, and will for ever own, Wisdom and Christ and Heaven are one. HYMN 33. (L.M.) 1 Happy the souls who first believed, To Jesus and each other cleaved, Joined by the unction from above. In mystic fellowship of love. 2 Meek, simple foll'wers of the Lamb! They lived and spake and thought the same ; They joj^fully conspired to raise Their ceaseless sacrifice of praise. 3 With grace abundantl3' endued, A i:)ure, believing multitude; They all were of one heart and soul, And heavenly love inspired the whole. 41 4 Oh ! what an age of golden daj^s ! Oh ! what a ehoiee, pecnliar race ! Washed m the Lamb's all-clean smg hlood, Anointed Kings and Priests to God. 5 Where shall we wander now to find. Successors they have left behind ? The faithful whom we seek in vain, Are 'minished from the sons of men. 6 Ye diflferent sects, who all declare, "Lo! here is Christ! " or "Christ is there!" Your stronger proofs divinely give, And show me where true Christians live HYMN S3. (L.M.) 1 Jesus, from whom all blessings flow, Great Builder of thy Church below ! If now thy Spirit moves my breast. Hear, and fulfil thine own request ! 2 The few that truly call thee Lord, And wait thy sanctifying word, And thee their utmost Savior own, "Unite, and perfect them in one. 42 3 O ! let them all thy miud express, Stand forth thy chosen witnesses, Thy power unto salvation show, And perfect holiness below. 4 In them let all mankind behold How Christians lived in days of old — Mighty their envious foes to move — A proverb of reproach and love. 5 Call them into thj'^ wondrous light, Worthy to walk with thee in white ! Make ui? thy jewels, Lord, and show Thy glorious, spotless Church below. From every sinful wrinkle free. Redeemed from all iniquity. The fellowship of Saints made known. And, O my God, let me be one! 7 O ! may my lot be cast with these. The least of Jesus' witnesses ; O! that my Lord would count me meet To wash his dear discii>lcs' feet. 8 This only thing do I require, — Thou know'st 'tis all my heart's desire, Freely what I receive to give, The servant of thy Church to live. 43 9 A fter ray lowly Lord I go, And wait upon thy Saints below, Enjoy the grace to angels given. And serve the royal heirs of heaven. 10 Lord, if I now thy di'awings feel. And ask according to thy will, Confirm the prayer, the seal impart, And speak the ansAver to my heart. 11 Tell me — or thou shalt never go — "Thy prayer is heard ; it shall be so!" The word hath passed thy lips, and I Shall with thy people live and die. IIYMN 34. (CM.) 1 ITow will the Saints rejoice to tell And count their sufferings o'er, When they upon Mount Zion dwell. And view the landscape o'er. 2 There they will see, upon that land, Fair Zion from above, And meet with Enoch's holy band, And sing redeeming love. 3 There, no more sickness, pain, nor woe Shall mar their peaceful rest. For God shall wipe away their tears, And comfort the oppressed. 44 O may I sec that glorious daj' And join A^ith all the l)lest, To sing alond the Savior's praise, And enter into rest. HYMN 35. (S.M.D.) Ye simple souls who stray Far from the path of peace — That lonely, unfrequented way To life and happiness, — Why will ye folly love, And throng the downward road. And hate the wisdom from ahove, And mock the sons of God ? Madness and misery Ye count our life beneath, And nothing great or good can see, Or glorious in our death. As only born to grieve. Beneath your feet we lie, And utterly contemned we live. And unlamented die. So wretched and obscure. The men whom ye despise, So foolish, impotent and poor. Above your scorn we rise. 45 Wc, throngh the IToly Ghost, Can witness l)etter thhis2;s; For he, whose hlood is all our hoast, Hath made us Priests and Kings. Riches unsearchahlc In Jesus' love we know; And pleasures springing from the well Of life our souls o'erflow. The Si^irit we receive Of wisdom, grace and power-, And, though 'mid scenes of woe we live, Rejoicing evermore. Angels our servants are, And keep in all our ways ; And in their watchful hands the}' bear The sacred sons of grace ; Unto that heavenly bliss They all our steps attend, And God himself our Father is, And Jesus is our friend. With him we walk in white, We in his image shine; Our robes are robes of glorious light. Our rightemisness divine. 46 On all the kings of earth With pity we look doAm ; And claim, in virtue, of onr birth, A never-fadmg crown. fffMN 36. (2-6's &■ 4 & 3-6's & 4.) rwne,— "God Save the Queen." 1 Our God, we raise to thee Thanks for thy hlessing-s free AVe here enjoy In this far western land : A true and chosen band, Led hither by thy hand. Would sing for joy. 2 Bless thou our Prophet dear; May health and comfort cheer His noble heart: His words with fire impress On souls that thou wilt bless, Nor gold may they caress, But free impart. 3 So shall thy Idngdom spread, As by thy Prophets said, Prom sea to sea : As one united whole Truth bum in every soul. While hast'niug to the goal We long to see. 47 4 O may thy Saints be one, ]JkG Father and the Son, Nor disagree ; United heart and hand. So may they ever stand A firm and valiant l)and Eternally. TTYMN 37. (CM.) 1 Ye Saints who dwell on Europe's shore. Let not 3'^our hearts be faint; Let each press on to things before, And be indeed a Saint. 2 Although the present time may seem O'erspread with clouds of gloom, The light of faith will shed its gleam ' Until deliverance come. 3 Hold fast the things you have received, Be faithful in the Lord ; You know in whom you have believed— > He's faithful to his word. 4 Your l)rethren in America Are one in heart with you. And they are toiling night and day For Zion's welfare too. 48 5 They even now are driven forth To track the wilderness ; They leave the country of their birth For truth and righteousness. 6 But there's a day — 'tis near at hand — A day of joy and peace! That day will hi'eak oppression's band, And bring the Saints release. 7 Then, brethren, haste and gather up; We shall rejoice to meet: When we have drunk the bitter cup, We'll share a heavenly treat. 8 And even now the Lord bestows More, more than tongue can tell. Of that which from his presence flows : Yes, brethren, all is well. HYMN 38. (4-6's & 2-8's.) Let earth and heaven agree, — Angels and men be joined. To celebrate with me The Savior of mankind, A dore the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesus' name 49 Jesus ! transporting sound ! The joy of earth and hearen ! No other help is found, No other name is given, By which we can salvation have ; But Jesus came the Avorld to save. Jesus! harmonious name ! It charms the hosts above ; They evermore proclaim. And wonder at his lovc; 'Tis all their happhiess to gazc; 'Tis heaven to see our Jesus' face. His name the sinner fears ; But when from sin set free, 'Tis music in his ears — ■ 'Tis life and liberty ; New songs do then his lijis employ. And his glad heart e'en leax^s for joy. Stung by the scoi*pion, sin. My poor, expiring soul The balmy sound drinks hi. And is at once made whole. See there my Lord upon the tree ! I heai-, I feel, he died for me \ 50 6 O, unexampled love ! O, all redeeming grace ! How swiftly thou dost move To gave a fallen race ! What shall I do to make it known What thou for all mankind hast done! 7 O for a trumpet voice, On all the world to call, To l)id their hearts rejoice In him who died for all ! For all, my Lord was cruciiied ! For all, for all, my Savior died ! HYMN 39. (CM.) 1 Jesus, thou all-rcdccming Lord, Thy blessing we implore ; Oiien the door to i^reach thy word, The great, cflectual door. 2 Gather the outcasts in, and save From sin and Satan's power; And let them now acceptance have, And know their gracious hour. o Lover of souls, thou know'st to prize What thou hast bought so dear; Come, then, and in thy people's eyes, WitJi all thy wounds, appear, 51 HYMN to. (P.M) 1 Come, let us anew our journey i^ursue, Roll round with the year, And never stand still till the Master appear. His adorable will let us gladly fulfil. And our talents improve. By the patience of hojie and the labor of love. 2 Our life as a dream, our time as a stream, Glides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay. The arrow is flown, the moments arc gone, The Millennial year Presses on to our view, and eternity's here. 3 O that each in the day of his coming may say, "I have fought my way through — I have finished the work thou did'st give me to do." O that each from his Lord may receive the glad word, "Well and faithfully done; Enter into my joy and sit down on mj- thronc.'* 52 HYMN 41. (7's D.) 1 Who are these arrn3^e(l ui white, Brighter than the noonday sun, Foremost of the sons of light, Nearest the eternal throne? These arc they that horc the cross, Nobly for their master stood, Sufl"'rers m his righteous cause, FoU'wcrs of the dyhig God. 2 Out of great distress the3' came, Washed their robes, by faith Ijclow, In the blood of yonder Laml^ — Blood that Avashcs white as snow. Therefore arc they next the throne — Serve their Maker day and night: God resides among his own — God doth in his Samts delight. o More than conquerors at last, Here they find their trials o'er ; They have all their suff'rings past, Hunger now and thirst no more: No excessive heat they feel From the sun's directer ray; In a milder clime they dwell — Region of eternal day. 53 4 He Ibat on the throne doth reign; Them, the Lamb shall always feed, With the tree of life sustain, To the living fountains lead ; He shall all their sorrows chase. All their wants at once remove, Wipe the tears from every face. Fill u]) every soul with love. HYMN 42. (S.M.) 1 Spirit of faith come down, Reveal the things of God, And make to us the Godhead known, And witness with the blood. a 'Tis thine the blood t' apply. And give us eyes to see; Who did for every sinner die. Did surely die for me. 3 No man can truly say That Jesus is the Lord, Unless thou take the vail away, And breathe the living word. 4 Then, only then, we feel ■ Our int'rest in his blood, And cry, with joy unspeakable, '^Thou art my Lord, niy God!" 54 5 O that the -world might know The all-atonmg Lamb! Spirit of Faith! descend and show The virtue of his name. G The grace which all maj find, The saving power, impart ; And testify to all mankind, And speak in every heart. 7 Inspire with living faith — "Which whosoe'er receives, The witness m himself he hath, And consciously believes; 8 The faith that conquers all, And doth e'en mountains move, And saves all who on Jesus call, And perfects them m love. HYMN i-3. (CM.) 1 Come, Holy Ghost, t)ur hearts inspire ; Let us thine influence prove ; Source of the old prophetic fire — Fountain of light and love. 2 Come, Holy Ghost ; for moved by thee, The Prophets wrote and spoke : Unlock the truth, thyself the key-, Unseal the sacred book, 55 3 Exi)and thy wings, celestial dove, Brood o'er our nature's night; On our disordered spirits move, And let there now be light. 4 God, through himself, we then shall know, If thou withhi us shine ; And sound with all thy Saints below, The depth of love divine. HYMN 44. (6-8's.) 1 Inspirer of the ancient seers, Who wrote from thee the sacred i:)agc, The same through all succeedmg years, To Tis in our degen'rate age, The spirit of thy word impart. And breathe the life into each heart. 2 "While noAv thme oracles wc read With earnest prayer and strong desire, O let thy Spirit now proceed. Our souls to waken and inspire; Our weakness help, our darkness chase, And guide us by the light of grace ! 3 Whene'er m error's paths we rove, The living God through sin forsake, Our conscience by thy word reprove, Convince and brino- the wand'rers back; Deep wounded by the Spirit's sword, And then by Gilead's balm restored. 4 The sacred lessons of thy grace, Transmitted through thy word, repeat; And train us up in all thy "ways. To make us in thy will complete ; Fulfil thy love's redeeming plan, And bring us to a perfect man. 5 Furnished out of thy treasury, O may we always ready stand To help the souls redeemed by thee, In what their various states demand, — To teach, convince, correct, reprove, And build them up hi holiest love ! HYMN 45. (L.M.) 1 Author of faith. Eternal Word, Whose spirit breathes the active flame, Faith, like its finisher and Lord, To-day as yesterday the same. 3 To thee our humble hearts aspire, And ask the gift unspeakable; Increase in us the kindled fire— In us the work of faith full}]. 57 a By failli we know tliec strong to savc- Save us, a present Savior thou ! Whatc'er we liope, hy faith we have, Future and past subsisting now. 4 To him that in thy name believes Eternal life with thee is given ; Into himself he all receives— Pardon and holmess and heaven. 5 The things unlcnoAvn to feeble sense, Unseen by reason's glimm'ring ray, With strong commanding evidence, Their heavenly origin display. 6 Faith lends its realizing light, The clouds disperse, the shadows fly, The invisible appears in sight, And God is seen by mortal eye. HYMN 40. (T'S ) 1 Give us room that we may dAvell, Zion's children cry aloud -, See ttieir numbers how they swell ! How they gather like a cloud ! 58 2 O ! how bright the mommg seems — Brighter from so dark a night; Zion is, like one that dreams, Filled with wonder and delight ! 3 Lo! thy snn goes down no more; God himself will be thy light: All that caused thee grief before Buried lies m endless night. 4 Zion, now arise and sliine! Lo, thy light from heaven is come! These that crowd from far are tliine ; Give thy sons and daughters room. HYMN 47. (P.M.) 1 Come, come, ye Saints, no toil, nor labor fear. But with joy wend your way; Tliough hard to you this journey may appear, Grace shall be as your day. 'Tis better far for us to strive, Our useless cares from us to drive: Do this, and joy your hearts will swell — All is well ! aU is well ! 2 Why should we mourn, or thmk our lot is hard ? 'Tis not SO; all is right 1 59 Why should we tlimk to earn a great reward , If wc now shun the fii!;ht? Gird up your loins, fresh eourage take, Our God will never us forsake; And soon we'll have this talc to tell- All is well! all is well! We'll find the place which God for us pre- pared, Far away in the West; Where none shall come to hurt, nor mak c afraid: There the Saints will he blest. We'll make the air with music ring,— Shout praises to our God and King: Above the rest these words we'll tell- All is w-ell ! all is well ! And should we die before our journey's through, Happy day ! all is well ! We then are free from toil and sorrow too • With the just we shall dwell. But if our lives are spared again To see the Saints, their rest obtain, O, hoAV we'll make this chorus swells- All is well ! all is well ! 60 ITYMN 48. (L.M.) 1 O Lord ! responsive to th j call, 111 life or death, whatever befall, Our hopes for bliss on thee depend; Thou art our everlasting Friend. 2 Though life be short, and trials seem To darken its protracted gleam, — Though friends forsake, and foes contend. Thou art our everlasting Friend. 3 Death may distract our present joj'^, And all our brightest hojies destroy, Yet these will in the future tend To prove thee still our faithful Friend. 4 O let thy Spirit with us dwell, That we in future worlds may tell How we overcame, and, in the end, Made thee our everlasting Friend! HYMN 49. (8's & 7's.) SAveetly may the blessed Spirit, On each faithful bosom shine ; Ma}'- we every grace inherit: Lord we seek a boon divine; 61 2 Since thou tak'st delight in giving, We would gladly ask and have; Gratefully each gift receiving, In his name who died to save. 3 We would seek t' obtain His favor, Which is better far than gold ; May his gospel prove the savor Of a life that's ne'er been told. 4 Passing honors, transient pleasures. Boasting joys forever flown; Ma}^ we seek to lay up treasures Where decay shall ne'er be known. 5 Savior, to assist our weakness, Let thy grace sufficient be ; Bless with wisdom and with meekness, Till we full salvation see. HYMN 50. (C.]\r.) 1 My God, the spring of all m}^ joj'S^ Tlie life of my delights. The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights! 2 In darkest shades, if thou appear, My dawnmg is begun ; Thou art my soul's bright morning star^ And thou my rising sun. • 62 3 The op'ning heavens around me shhie With beams of sacred bliss, If Jesus shows his mercy mine, And whispers, I am his ! 4 My soul would leave this heavy claj'' At that transporting word ; Run up with joy the shining waj'. To see and praise my Lord. 5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death, I'll break through every foe ; The wings of love and arms of faith Would bear me conq'ror through. IIYMN 51. (L.M.) 1 Great God, indulge my humble claim ; Tliou art my hope, my joy, my rest; The glories that compose thy name Stand all engaged to make me blest. 2 Thou great and good, thou just and wise, Thou art my Father and my God ; And I am thiuc, by sacred ties, Thy sonj thy servant, bought with blood. 63 3 With early feet I love t' appear Among thy Saints, and seek thy face; Oft have I seen thy glory there, And felt the power of sovereign grace. 4 I'll lift my hands, I'll raise my voice. While I have hreath to pray or praise: This work shall make my heart rejoice Throughout the remnant of my daj^s HYMN 52. (8-7' s.) 1 Where the voice of friendship's heart. Sounding like a sweet toned bird ; Where the holy notes inspire With devotion's pure desire; Where fond actions speak the soul; Where true love finds no control; Where the sons of God agree, There may all the faithful be. 2 W^hcrc the weaiy find a home; Where the wild deer fearless roam ; Where the mellow fruit-tree grows ; Where the golden haiTcst flows ; Where the bee, the grape and kme Yield their honey, milk and wine ; Where the curse from earth shall flee, There may all the faithful be» 64 Where the Temple-lJock is laid ; Where no foe shall e'er inAade ; "Where tlie Friesthood's power shall claim All that heareu and earth can name; Where the judge hj^ justice rules; Where the eouns'llors are not fools; Where the poor shall judgment see, There maj^ all the faithful he. Where the dew-distilling hills Drop their fatness in the rills ; Where the river, lake and stream AVith their finny myriads teem ; Where the shade trees round the fold Shield from heat and winter's cold ; Where all nature sings with glee, There may all the faithful be. TIYMN 5.3. (S's, 7's, ct 4.) 1 Lo! the mightj' God appearing, From on high Jeliovah speaks ! Eastern lands the summons hearing. O'er the west his thunder breaks. Earth behold him — Universal nature shakes! 65 Zioii, all its lit^lit unfolding, God in glory shall display, Lo! he comes! nor silence holding, Fire and clouds prepare his wa}' •, Tempests rouiid him Hasten on the dreadful day. 3 To the heavens his voice ascend hi g. To the earth beneath he cries ; Souls immortal now descendhig, Let the sleeping dust arise! Rise to judgment; Let thy throne adorn the skies. <4 Gather first my Sahits around me. Those who to my covenant stood— Those who humbly sought and found Through the dymg Savior's blood. Blest Redeemer ! Dearest sacrifice to God ! 5 Now the heavens on high adore him, And his righteousness declare ; Sinners perish from before him, But his Saints his mercies shave. Just his judgment: God, hiraBcl? the judge, Is tl^ere, 66 IIYMN 54. (8's & 7'K.) 1 Should 3^011 feel inclined to censure Taults j'-ou may in others view, Ask your own heart, ere you venture, If that has not failings too. 2 Let not friendly vows he hroken, Kather strive a friend to gain ; Many a word m anger spoken Finds its passage home again. 3 Do not, then, hi idle pleasure, Trifle with a brother's fame ; Guard it as a valued treasure, Sacred as your own good name. 4: Do not form opinions blindly ; Hastmess to trouble tends ; Those of whom we've thought unldndly, Oft become our warmest friends. HYMN 55. (6-8'6.) I'U praise my Maker while I've breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers. My days of praise shall ne'er be past While life and thought and being last, Or immortality endures, 67 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God, he made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train. His truth forever stands secure; He saves the oppressed, he feeds the poor, And none shall find his promise vaui. 8 The Lord pours eyesight on the blind; The Lord supjiorts the fainting mind; He sends the labormg conscience peace, He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless, And grants the prisoner sweet release. 4 I'll praise him while he lends me breath, And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my noisier powers; My days of praise shall ne'er be past. While life and thought and beuig last, Or immortality endures. HYMN 56. (L.M.) 1 Praise ye the Lord ! 'tis good to raise Your hearts and voices in his praise; His nature and his wox'ks invite To make this duty our delight. Q8 2 He formed the stars, those heavenly flames, He counts their numbers, calls their names ; His wisdom's vast, and knows no bound, — A deep where all our thoughts are drowned. 3 Sing to the Lord — exalt him high. Who spreads his clouds along the sky ; There he prepares the fruitful rain. Nor lets the drops descend in vain. 4 He makes the grass the hills adorn. And clothes the smiling fields with com ; The beasts with food his hands supx)ly, And the young ravens when they cry. 5 And Saints are lovely in his sight; He views his children with delight; lie sees their hope, he knows their fear. And looks and loves his hnagc there. HYMN 57. (P.M.) 1 Away with our fears! the glad morning appears, When an heir of salvation was bom ! From Jehovah I came, for his glory I (im, And to him I with Bpiging vetwm, 69 2 With thanks I rejoice in thy Fatlieriy choice, Of my state and condition below ; If of parents I came who honored thy name, 'Twas thy wisdom appointed it so. o I sing of thy grace from my earliest (\a.ys, Ever near to allure and defend ; Hitherto thou hast been my prescn-er from sin, And I trust thou wilt save to the end. i Oh, the infinite cares and temptations and snares, Thy' hand hath conducted me through; Oh, the blessings bestowed by a bountiful God, And the mercies eternally ncAv. 5 What a mercy is this, what a haven of Idiss, How unspeakably hajipy am 1 ! Gathered into the fold, with thy people en- rolled, With th}^ people to live and to die. 6 All honor and praise to the Father of grace, To the Spirit and Son I return; The business pursue he hath made me to do, And rejoice that 1 ever was born. P 70 HYMN 58. (P.M.) I O Saints, have you seen, o'er yon mountain's proud height, The day-star of promise so brilliantlj^ l.tcam- ing? Its rays shall illumine the world with its light: And theensigTi of Zion exultingly streaming All nations hivitcs to walk in its light. And jom to maintain the i>roud standard of right : The Standard of Zion ! O long may it wave O'er the land of the free and Uie home of the brave. 3 Our motto is peace, and the triumph of right; And we joyfully hail the Millennial dawning, When man can emerge from a long dreary night And bask in the sunbeams of Ziou's bright morning, The white flag so rare, still floating in air, Proclaims 'mid the mountains that peace is now there: Let the Standard of Zion eternally wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. 71 3 Though earth and its treasures should melt in the fire ; The planets be riven with the trumpet's loud thunder; The sun-light of heaven wax dim and expire, And th(! vail of eternity parted asunder; Yet firm and unshaken the truth shall remain , And the heirs of the Priesthood for ever shal I reign : And the Standard of Zion eternally wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. HYMN 59. (P.M.) 1 O say what is truth ? 'Tis the fairest gem That the riches of worlds can produce; And priceless the value of truth will be when The proud monarch's costliest diadem Is counted but dross and refuse. 5 Yes, say, what is truth ? 'Tis the brightest prize To which mortals or Gods can aspire: Go search in the depths where it glitteringlies. Or ascend in pursuit to the loftiest skies, 'Tis an aim for the noblest desire. il The sceptre may fall from the despot's grasp When with winds of stem justice he cope« 72 But the pillar of truth will endure to the last, And its firm-rooted bulwarks outstand the rude blast And the wreck of the fell tj^rant's hopes. 4 Then say what is truth? 'Tis the last and the first, ¥or the limits of time it steps o'er: Thoug-h the heavens depart and the earth's fountains burst, [worst, Truth, the sum of existence, will weather the Eternal, unchanged, evermore. Hl'MN 60. (CM.) 1 Father how wide thy 2;lory shines ! How high thy wonders rise ! Known through the earth by thousand signs— By thousands through the skies. 3 Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power. Their motions speak thy skill, And on the wings of every hour We read thy patience still. 3 But when we view thy strange design To save rebellious worms. Where justice and compassion join In their divinest forms ; 73 4 There the whole Deity is known, Nor dares a ereature guess Which of the glories brightest shone, The justice or the grace. 5 O may I hear some humble part In truth's immortal song; Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, And love command my tongue. IIYMN Gl. (P.M.) 1 XJp, awake, ye defenders of Zion ! The foe's at the door of your homes ; Let each heart be the heart of a lion. Unyielding and proud as he roams. Remember the wrongs of Missouri; Forget not the fate of Nauvoo : When the God-hating foe is before ye, Stand firm, and be faithful and true. 3 By the mountains our Zion's surrounded; Her warriors are noble and brave ; And their faith on Jehovah is founded. Whose power is mighty to save. Opposed by a proud, boasting nation, Their numbers, compared, may be few ; But their union is known through creation, And they've always been faithful and true. 74 Shall we bear with oppression for ever ? Shall we tamely submit to the foe, While the ties of our Icmdred they sever ? ShaU the blood of the Prophets stiU flow ? No! The thought sets the heart wildly beating; Our vows, at each pulse we renew, Ne'er to rest till our foes are retreating. While we remain faithful and true! 4 Though, assisted by legions uifcrnal. The plundering wretches advance. With a host from the regions eternal ! We'll scatter their hosts at a glance ! Soon "the Kingdom" will be independent; In wonder the nations will view The despised ones in glory resplendent ; Then let us be faithful and true ! HYMN 62. (2-8' s & G.) 1 Hail ! bright millennial day of rest, When earth's restored and Saints are blest, Secured from Bab'lon's doom: Gathered afar from every clime, To spend that blissful, happy time. Where vernal pastures bloom. 75 3 There tyranny no more shall reio:n, Nor famished children beg in vain For what their fathers toiled ; Nor proud men spurn the poor man's lot — Alike they'll share, and envy not What former av'rice spoiled. 3 There equity and truth will shine, And all revere God's laws divine, Nor fear oppressor's wrong; Each shall possess his dwelling fair, And eat the fruits the vineyards bear, Rejoicing all day long. 4 O heavenly paradise of joy ! Where meek ones live without annoy, Far, far from Gentile strife ; Where God and angels love to dwell With the redeemed, whose anthems swell The song of endless life. 5 God 1 preserve thy Saints t' endure, That we th}' blessings may secure Within thy promised rest; Then shall our tongues, in ceaseless praise, Extol thy name through endless days On earth when it is blest. 76 HYMN 03. (2-8^s & 6.) 1 O happy home ! O blest abode ! Where Samts communion hold with God, AVithont a doubt or fear; When shall I reach thy fertile plains, Ascend the mount where virtue oains A more exalted sphere. 2 In Babj'lon I loathe to staj' ; Dire are the evils day by day Within her precincts dark. Truth's brighter rays expose the night, Each honest mmd receives the light, And presses towards the mark. .S No love but Heaven's would I receive — No other doctrines e'er believe. Than those by Jesus taught. I'd trace the path his footsteps trod— The only way that leads to God -. All other waj's are nought. 4 Come, sacred power, exert thy sway To guide in the celestial 'W&y, Tradition to forsake. My Savior's footsteps to pursue, Each selfish principle subdue, To righteousness awake. 77 5 Let friends or kmdred, near and dear, Exert their power, no servile fear Shall e'er my spirit bind ; Though now afteetions Avai'mer rise In souls enlii^htened from the skies, And blest with Jesus' mind. For he hath said (Avhose lips divine To nought hut truth did e'er incline — Jesus our only theme,) Whoe'er their kindred better love Than me, my heart can ne'er approve, Nor Avorthy will esteem. 7 But those who in my i-ighteous cause Are firm, nor seek the world's applause, My glory shall partake. Then, brethren, sisters, patient share His sufferings ; this will us prepare. And sinners perfect make. HYMN 64. (L.M.) 1 Shall I, for fear of feeble man, The Spirit's course in me restrain ? Or, undismayed in deed and word, Be a true witness for my Lord ? 78 2 Awed 1)3'- a mortars frown, shall I Conceal the word of God most high ? How then before thee shall I dare To stand, or how thine auger bear ? 3 Shall I, to soothe th' unholy throng, Soften thy truths and smooth my tongue. To gam earth's gilded toys, or flee The cross, my God, endured by thee? 4 What then is he whose scorn I dread, Whose wrath or hate makes me afraid ? A man— an heir of death— a slave To sm — a bubble on the wave. 5 Yea, let men rage, since thou wilt spread Thy shadowing wings around my head, Since, in all pain, thy tender love Will still my sure refreshment prove. 6 Savior of men, thy searching eye Doth all my inmost thoughts descry ; Doth aught on earth my wishes raise. Or the woi'ld's pleasures, or its praise? 1 The love of Christ doth me constrain, To seek the waud'ring souls of men; With, cries, entreaties, tears to save, To snatch them from the gaping grave. 70 S For this let men revile my name:', No cross I shun, I fear no shame — All hail reproach ! and welcome pain ! Only thy terrors, Lord, restrain. 9 My life, my blood, I here i^i'esent, if for thy truth they may be spent: Fulfil thy sov'rcign counsel, Lord ; Thy will be done, thy name adored. 10 Give of thy strength, O God of power: Then let winds blow, or thunders roar, Thy faithful witness will I he-. 'Tis fixed — I can do all through thee. HYMN 65. (8's & 7's.) 1 Glorious things are sung of Zion, Enoch's city seen of old. Where the righteous, being perfect. Walked with God in streets of gold ; Love and virtue, faith and wisdom, Grace and gifts were all combined ; As himself each loved his neighbor ; All were of one heart and mmd. 80 There they shniinecl the power of Satau, And observed celestial laws, For m Adam-ondi-Ahman Zion rose where Eden was. When beyond the power of evil, So that none could covet wealth, One continual feast of blessings Cro"«Tied their da3's Avith j^eace and health. Then the towers of Zion glittered. Like the sun in yonder skies, And the wicked stood and trembled. Filled with wonder and suri^rise; Then their faith and works Avere perfect, Lo, they followed their great Head ; So the city went to heaven, And the world said, Zion's fled ! When the Lord returns with Zion, And we hear the watchmen cry, Then we'll surely be united. And we'Jl all see eye to eye ; Then we'll mingle with the angels. And the Lord will bless his ovm ; Then the earth will be as Eden, And we'll know as we are kuoAni. 8J HYMN 66, (CM.) 1 How are thy servants blest! O Lord, How sure is their defense ! Eternal wisdom is their 2:uide, Their help. Omnipotence. 3 In foreign realms and lands remote, Supported by thy eare, ' Through burning climes they pass unhurt, And lireathe in tainted air. 3 When by the dreadful tempest borne High on the broken wave, They know thou art not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save. 1 The storm is laid, the winds retire, Obedient to thy will ; The sea, that roars at thy command. At thy command is still. 5 In midst of dangers, fear and death. Thy goodness we'll adore ; We'U praise thee for thy mercies past. And humbly hope for more. 82 HYMN 67. (2-8's&7.) 1 Before all lands in east or west, We love the land of Zion best; With God's choice gifts 'tis teeming. There Prophets, Seers, as of old. The mysteries of heaven unfold, Through holy Priesthood streaminir. 3 'MongZiou's homesteads joys abound. True souls of worth are gathered round Their Prophet and their head; No tyrant there shall dare to reign ; God will their rights and laws maintain, Till on to glory led. 3 Before all people, east or west. We love the saints of God the best — A race of noble spirits : Then let us with God's laws comply, That when his Saints are raised on high, Their joys we may inherit. 4 We'll gladly join with heart and hand, A chosen, true, devoted band. To conquer Satan's pow ers : To endless life we'll onward press, For God will all our wrongs redress, And victory shall be ours. 83 HYMN 68. (P.M.) 1 What thoiii>li the Gcutilcs -wildly rage And the black war clouds o'er us lower; 'Tis with our God they madly A^age A war, and seek to overthrow his power; Like surges dashing 'gainst the rock In wild confusion, — vain the shock; Satan, thy reign is o'er! 2 While in its infanc3% in vam They sought to crush the genu of truth ; And shall they now their purpose gain When in the vigor of its youth ? No, lirethrcn, no! though hosts comlunc In dread array, — God's arm divine Will shield us from their wrath ! 3 Though few wc seem, yet, glorious thought, With God and angels we are one! In the same cause for which they fought, Undaunted, we are battling on; Assured of triumph in the end — That soon our foes shall humbly bend, And victory be won ! 4 Then let us still on God depend, And on his promises rely That Zion's cause he will defend, Our hopes confirm, our foes destroy ; 84 With truth withhi and God overhead, We knoAV' no fear, wc feci no dread, — The reigii of peace is nigh ! HYMN 69. (4-6's & 3-8's.) 1 O Lord, our Sovereign King, Our infant charge now hless ; Him to thee now we bring, O grant him now thy grace. And to us. Lord, may grace be given To train this ffift of thine for heaven. A gift of richest worth, On us thou hast bestowed, O may he, from his birth, Follow the Lord his God ; Sustained hy grace divine, may he Be taught, O Lord, our God, by thee. Thou art his Father, Lord ; His spirit, pure and free, Obedient to thy word, Kejoiced in heaven with thee. O may the spirit thou hast given. Return unsullied back to heaven. 85 HYMN 70. (8's&7's.) 1 We have met, dear friends and brethren, Our respects to pay to one Who has left this world of sorrow, And to g'lorj now ha* gone. 3 Since our friend has gone to glory, Though we moum, yet we'll rejoice For he sought the way to heaven. And made Jesus Christ his choice. 3 To all those who sleep in Jesus, Death is sweet and has no sting; But to haughty, stubborn sinners, Death, of terrors is the king. i Then, poor sinners, stop and ponder Well your steps as you pass on ; Lest you end your days in sorrow. When your fancied joys are gone. HTMN 71. (C.M.D.) I The Gospel standard high is raised On Zion's sacred shore ; Kcjoice, ye Saints, our God be praised, Satan's long reig-n is o'er: The bright Millennium dawns at last. The faithful shall be free, Christ will reward their trials past With immortality. 2 Earth, to proud loveliness restored, Shall echo back the strains From thousand heavenly choirs poured, When Christ in triumph reians : Refulgent in the beams of love The Savior's presence given, The Saints on earth, with Saints aliove, Shall share the rest of Heaven. HYMN 73. (S.M.) 1 Lord, make thy mercy known To all who here reside ; Let heaven's blessing rest upon And with them all abide. 3 My Master and my God Has sent me forth to bless. And preach to all his Holy Avord, And dwell with sons of peace. 3 A son of peace dwells here — ■ Thy grace to him ])e given. On earth may he thy law revere, And dwell with thee in heaven. HYMN 73. (6-8's.) 1 Captain of Israel's host, and Guide Of all who seek the land above, Beneath the shadow we abide — The cloud of thy protecting lovel 87 Our strength thy grace, our rule thy word, Our end the glory of the Lord. 3 By thy unerring Spirit led, We shall not in the desert stray; We shall no other guidance need, Nor miss oiir providential way ; As far from danger as from fear. While love, almighty love is near. IIYMN 74c. (6-8's) 1 When quiet in my house I sit. Thy books be my companion still; My joy thy saymgs to repeat, Talk o'er the records of thy will, And search the oracles divine, Till every heart-felt word be mine. 3 O may thy gracious word divine Subject of all my converse ])C; So will the Lord his foU'wer joui, And walk and talk himself with me ; So shall my heart his presence prove, And bum with everlasthig love. 3 Oft as I lay me down to rest. Oh may thy reconciling word Sweetly compose my weary breast. While on the bosom of my Lord I sink in blissfiil dreams away, AutI visions of eternal day. 88 4 Rising to sing my Savior's i? raise, Thcc may I publisli all daj^ long ! And let tliy precious Avord of grace Ylow from my heart and fill my tongue ; Fill all my life with purest love, And join me to the Church above. HYMN 75. (8's & T's.) 1 Go, yc messengers of heaven, Chosen by divine command ; Go and publish free salvation To a dark, benighted land. 2 Go to island, vale, and mountain, To fulfil the great command ; Gather oat the sons of Jacob, To possess the promised land. 3 When your thousands all are gathered, And their prayers for you ascend. And the Lord has crowned with blessings AH the labors of your hand, 4 Then the song of joy and transport Will from every land resound » Then the heathen, long iu darkness, 3.7 their Savior Trill l)c croyrned, 89 HYMN 7G (L.M.) 1 From all iliat dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise: Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every land, by cverj^ tongue. 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends thy word ; Thy pi-aise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. TTYMN •77. {V. M.) Israel, awake from thy long silent slumber, Shake off the fetters that bound thee so long;— Chains of oppression ! we'll break them asunder, [song! ^nd join with the ransomed in victory's Arise! for the time has come, Israel must gather home, High on the mountains the Ensign we see ; Eali'n is the Gentile power, Soon will their reigii be o'er, I'yrants must rule no morCj Israel is Free ! 90 2 Tremble, ye nations of Gentiles, for 3^ondei* The hosts of the despot, in battle array, With engines of war shake the earth with their thnnder, — The bright sword is drawn and the sheath thrown away! Sound the alarm of war, Throngh nations near and far, Let its dread tones be heard o'er land and sea. Zion shall dwell in peace, Israel will still increase. Liberty ne'er shall cease, Israel is Free! Come to the land of the moiintain and prairie. Gather in strength to our home in the west; ¥i*cc are her sons as the breeze round the aerie, — Birth-place of Prophets and home of the blest. Come, let us haste away, Here we'U no longer stay ; [see. Zion, thy beauties we're yearning to Saints raise the heavenly song. Join with the ransomed throng. Angels the notes prolong, Israel is Free ! 91 HYMN 78. (C.M.D.) O Lord, do thou thy gifts bestow On these adoi>ted ones; And let thy Spirit largely flow, And own them as thy sons. E'en as ihy })romise was of old, One Spirit they should hare, That all thhigs past it should unfold, With present light to save. 2 In dreams and visions of the night. Revealing things to come, Unfolding wisdom's purest light. Of Zion's happy home ; New tongues declaring heavenly power, And light t' intei-pret plain, Tliat Sahits may know hi this dread hour, Thy gifts are come again. 3 Give faith to realize the same. With truth thy Saints inspire. And own thy j^eople's faith to claim All else their hearts desire. Let wisdom, knowledge, truth and love Lead them in thy commands, That they may prove thy gifts divine, B3' laying on of hands. 92 HYMN 79. (S.M.) 1 For the strength of the hills we bless thee, Oar God, our fathers' God; Thou hast made thy children mighty. By the touch of the mountam sod ; Thou hast led thy chosen Israel To freedom's last abode; — For the strength of the hills we bless thee, Our God, our fathers' God. 3 At the hands of foul 0]ipressors, We have borne and sufiered long ; Thou hast been our heli? in wealcness, And thy strength has made us strong; 'Mid ruthless foes outnumbered, Our weary steps we trod ; For the strength of the hills we bless thee, Our God, our fathers' God, ?> Thou hast led us here in safety, Where thy mountain bulwark stands, As the guardian of the loved ones Thou hast brought from many lands; For the rock and for the river, For the valley's fertile sod, For the strength of the hills we l>less theCj Our God, our fathers' God. 9^ 4 The wild bird swiftly dartetli On his qnany from the hci^j:hts, And the red untutored Indian Seeks here his rude delights ; But we, for thy communion Have sought the mountahi sod : !For the strength of the hills Ave hless thee, Our God, our fathers' God. We are Avatehers of a heacon Whose light must never die ; AVe are guardians of an altar 'Midst the silence of the sky: The rocks yield founts of courage, Struck forth as hy thy rod : For the strength of the hills Ave liless thee, Our God, our fathers' God. 6 For the shadow of thy presence, Round our camp of rock o'erspread ; For the kanyon's rugged defiles. And the beetlmg crags o'erhead ; For the snows and for the torrents, For the free heart's burial sod; For the strength of the hills we bless thee, Our God, our fathers' God. 94 HYMN 80. (8's.) 1 This God is the God we adore, Our faithful, unchangeable friend, Whose love is as large as his power, And knows not beginning nor end. 2 'Tis Jesus, the first and the last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe homd: We'll praise him for all that is jiast. And trust him for all that's to come. HYMN 81. (8's, 7's & 4.) 1 Men of God! go, take your station?; Darlcness reigns throughout the earth; Go, proclaim among all nations, Joyful news of heavenly birth; Bear the tidings Angels brought again to earth. 2 Of the Gospel not ashamed, As the power of God to save ; Go, and let it be proclaimed To the free-boni and the slave- Blessed freedom. Such as Zion's children have. 3 When exposed to fears and dangers, Jesus will his own defend : Bora afar 'midst foes and strangers, Jesus will appear your friend. And his presence Shall be with you to the end. 95 HYNM 83. (8's, 7's & 4.) 1 O'er the gloomy bills of darkness, Look, my soul, he still and gaze; All the promises do travail With a glorious day of grace; Blessed Jubilee ! Let thy glorious morning dawn. 2 Let the Lidian and the Negro, Let the rude Barharian sec That divhie and glorious conquest Once obtained on Calvary; Let the Gospel Soon resound from pole to pole. 3 Kingdoms -wide, that sit in darkness, Grant them, Lord, the glorious light; And from eastern coast to western, May the morning chase the night — -■ Chase the darkness From their long benighted eyes. 4 Fly abroad, thou might}^ Gospel, Win and Conquer, never cease; So Immanuel's fair dominions Shall extend, and still increase, Till the Kingdoms Of the world are all his own. 96 HYMN 83. (L.]\r.) 1 Come hither, all 3'e weary souls ; Ye heavy-laden shiners, eome; I'll give 3^ou rest from all your toils, And raise you to m3' heavenlj' home. 2 They shall fmd rest that learn of me — ■ I'm of a meek and lowlj' mind ; But passion rages like the sea, And pride is restless as the wind. 3 Blest is the man Avhoso shoulders take My yoke, and hear it with delight: My yoke is easy to his neck, My grace shall make the hurden light. 4 Then, Lord, we huml)l3' venture near. By unbelief and guilt opprest; Henceforth, thine cas3^ 3'oke we'll l>ear, And seek in thee the promised rest. HYMN Si. (C.M.D.) 1 AVhen sickness clouds the soul with griefj And wastes this mortal frame. Thine ord'nance brings our woes reliefj Through faith in thy great name. 97 Auolntccl with the holy oil, And by thy servants blest, Wc wait upon thy promised aid In all that wc request. 3 If shi has brought thy scourging rod, May wc thy chastening prove. And Icam, from all wc sufTer here, Thy precepts more to love. But should the Enemy of man Distracting cares intrude, Give faith to overcome the ill. And triumph in the good. 3 When darkness and temptations come, And worldly cares arise. And sickness, poverty and death Our fondest hopes surprise, O let thy Spirit's Ught impart Ilenewmg strength divhic. That wc may rise above them all. And know that wc arc thine. HYMN 85. (L.M.) 1 Before Jehovah's glorious throne, Tc nations bow with sacred joy: Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy, 98 2 His sov'rcign power, Anthoiit our aid, Made us of clay and formed us men; And when like wand'ring sheej) we strayed. He brought us to his fold again. 3 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs ; High as the heavens our Toices raise; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues. Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 4 Wide as the world is thy command, Vast as eternity thy love ; Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand. When rolling years shall cease to move. HYMN 80. (L.M.) 1 Dark is the human mind,'wiien bound In unbelief's degrading thrall; Sunken the soul that scorns the sound Of truth's ennobling, saving call. 2 Lord, give us faith that we may rend The monster's clutch from every breast — A faith by which we may ascend From truth to truth, to reach thy rest. 3 Faith that shall pierce doubt's thickest gloom And see thy glory shining clear; Faith that thi'ough life, and '^^ond the tomb, f^hall find thy promised blessmgs near, HYMN. 87 (S's it 7's.) 1 Satan's empire long has flonrished, Satan's power has miglit}'' groAvn -, Nations bend beneath his sceptre. Princes bow before his throne : Sons of Zion, np! arouse you! Satan's might must be o'ertlirown. 2 Buckle on Jehovah's armor; Truth's the weapon, faith's the shield-, Endless lives await the victor; God is with us ; sin must yield : On, and fear not! earth's redemption Waits the issue of the field HYMN 88. (P. M.) 1 Go! ye Gospel heralds, go! To the lands of darkness go. And to every clime proclaim Tliat Christ will come on earth to reii!;n — And then we'll go, we'll go to Zion's land. 2 In a gallant ship Ave ride, Sent to spread the Gospel wide. And its glorious tidings roll O'er the earth, from pole to pole — • Aud then we'll go, we'll go to Zion's land, 100 Come, yc faithful Saints, aud sing Sacred son^s to Zion's Kin^': Take the crown so freely given, Presented h}"- the Lord of heaven ; And then sit down, sit down with Christ the Lamb. HYMN 80. (7's.) 1 Lord, we come before thee now, At thy feet we humbly bow -, Do not tlion onr suit disdain ; Shall wc seek thee. Lord, in vain ' 2 In thmc OAvn apjiointed waj-, Now we seek thee; here wc stay: Lord, from hence we would not go, Till a blessing thou bestow. 3 Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace afford -, Comfort those who weep and mouni, Let " the time of love " return. •4 Grant we all ma}^ seek and find Thee, our gracious God and kind ; Heal the sick, the captive free, Let us all rejoice in thee, 101 HYMN 90. (L.M.) 1 Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell, Bj faith and loye, in every breast ; Then shall we know and taste and feel The joys that cannot be expressed. 2 Come, fill our hearts with inward strength ; Make our enlarged souls possess, And learn the height and breadth and length And dejjth of thine unmeasured grace. 3 Now to the God whose power can do More than our thoughts or wishes know, Be everlasting honors done. By all the Church, through Christ his Son. HYMN 91. (CM.) 1 Come, Thou desire of all thy Saints, Our humble strains attend, While, with our praises and complaints, Low at thy feet we bend. 2 When we thy wondrous glories hear, And all thy euifrings trace, What sweetly awful scenes appear! What rich, unbmiruted grace! H 102 Jj How should oiii" songs, like those above, With warm devotion rise ! How should our souls, with wings of love, Mount upward to the skies ! 4 But ah ! the song, how cold it flows ! How languid our desire ! How faint the sacred passion glows, Till thou the heart inspire ! 5 Come, Lord, thy love alone can raise In us the heavenly flame ! Then shall our lips resound thy praise, Our heai'ts adore thy name. HYMN 93. (8's & 7's.) 1 Lo ! the Gentile chain is broken ; Freedom's banner waves on high: List, ye nations ! by this token Know that your redemption's nigh, 2 See, on yonder distant mountain, Zion's standard wide imfurled ; Far above Missouri's fountam, Lo, it waves for all the world. 3 Freedom, peace and full salvation Are the blessings guaranteed— Jjiberty tp every iiat4on, 103 4 Come, ye Christiau sects, aud Pagan, Pope and Protestant and Priest ; Worshipers of God, or Dagon, Come ye to fair freedom's feast. 5 Come, ye sons of doubt and wonder, Indian, Moslem, Greek, or Jew ; All your shackles burst asunder— Freedom's banner waves for you. G Cease to butcher one another, Join the covenant of peace ; Be to all a friend, a brother ; This will bring the world release. 7 Lo! our King! the great Messiah, Prince of peace, shall come to reign ; Sound again, ye heavenly choir, Peace on earth, good will to men. HYMN 93. (8's&7's.) 1 As the dew, from heaven distilling, Gently on the grass descends, And revives it, thus fulfilling What thy providence intends. 2 Let thy doctrine. Lord, so gracious, Thus descending from above. Blest by thee, prove efficacious To fulfil thy work of love. 104 3 Lord, behold this congregation ; Precious promises fulfil ; From thy holy habitation Let the dews of life distil. 4 Let our cry come up before thee; Sweetest influence shed around So the people shall adore thee, And confess the joyful sound. HYMN 9i. (L.M.) 1 O Thou, at whose almighty word The glorious light from darkness si^rung, Thy quick'ning influence afford. And clothe with power the preacher's tongue. 2 As when of old the waters flowed Forth from the rock at thy command ; Moses in vain had waved his rod Without thy wonder-working hand, 3 As when the walls of Jericho Down to the earth at once were cast, It was thy power that brought them Ioav, And not the trumpet's feeble blast. 105 4 Thus we would in the means he found, And thus on thee alone depend : O make the Gospel's joyful sound Effectual to the promised end. HYMN 95. (CM.) 1 Once more we come before our God — Once more his hlessing ask : O may not duty seem a load, Nor worship prove a task ! 2 May we receive the word we hear. Each in an honest heart ; And keep the sacred treasure there, Nor ever with it part. 3 Awake, O heavenly wind, awake!— Refreshing breezes blow. Let everj'- plant thy power partake, And all the garden grow. 4 Revive the parched with soft'ning showers, The cold with warmth divine ; The benefit shall all be ours. Be all the glory thine. 106 HYMN 96. (CM.) 1 Witli joy we own thy servants, Lord, Thy muiisters below, Ordained to spread thy truth a1>road. That all thy name maj" Icnow. 2 O may they now, and ever, keep Their eye intent on Thee ! Do thou. Great Shepherd of the sheep. Their )>right example he. 3 With plenteous grace their hearts prepare. To execute Thy will; And give them patience, love and care. And faithfulness and skill. 4 Inspire their minds with ardent zeal Thy flock to feed and teach; And may they live, and may they feel. The truths they're called to preach. 5 As showers refresh the thirsty plain, So let their labors prove : By them extend Thy righteous reign — The reign of truth and love. 107 HYMN 97. (7's) 1 Hark ! the song of jubilee, Loud as mighty thunders roar; Or the fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore. 2 See! Jehovah's banner's furled. Sheathed his sword, He speaks, 'tis done! Now the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. 3 He shall reigTi from pole to pole, With supreme, unbounded sway •, He shall reign when, like a scroll. Yonder heavens have passed away. 4 Hallelujah ! for the Lord God omnipotent shall reign ; Hallelujah ! Let the word Echo round the earth and main. HYMN 98. (8's, 7's, 4.) 1 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing; Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace. O refresh us. Traveling through this wilderness. 108 Thanks we give, and adoration, For the Gospel's joyful sound : May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound. Ever faithful To the truth may we be found. HYMN 99. (CM.) 1 May we, who know the joyful sound, Still practice what we know; Not hearers of the word alone, But doers of it too. 2 By acts of mercy let us show We have not heard in vam. But kindly feel another's woe, And long to ease his pain. 3 The widow's heart shall share our joy, The orphan and oppressed Shall see we love the sweet employ To succor the distressed. 4 We'll teach the ignorant the Way True happiness to know, And how the vilest sinner may Escape eternal woe. 109 5 Thankful that we the Gospel hear, And love the joyful sound, O may the sacred fruits appear. And m our lives abound. HYMN 100. (L.M.) 1 Though now the nations sit beneath The darkness of o'ersiDreading death, God will arise with light divine. On Zion's holy towers to shine. 2 That light shall glance on distant lands; And heathen tribes, in joyful bands, Come with exulting haste to prove The power and greatness of his love. 3 Lord, spread the triumphs of thy grace; Let truth and righteousness and peace, In mild and lovely forms, display Tlie glories of the Latter-day. HYMN 101 (L. M.) 1 The rising sun has chased the night And brought again the cheering light: This mercy multiplies our days, And calls us to renew our praise. 110 2 We laid us clown and sweetly slept; The Lord our souls in safety kept: We wake his goodness to proclaim, And sing new honors to his name. 3 We know not what his will ordains, But 'tis our joy that Jesus reigns ; Though dangers, snares and foes abound, Th' eternal arms will us surround. 4 Teach us to walk with thee* to-day. Ever to keep thy holy way ; Ourselves to thee we would resign, Content to know that we are thine. HYMN 103. (7's & 6's, D.) 1 We'll sing the songs of Zion, Though now in distant lands ; Our harps shall not be lying Untouched by skilful hands; The winds in flitting breezes Will sweep the sounding string, And tune its lofty praises, If Saints neglect to sing. 2 O Zion ! long adored. By Seers and Saints of old, Thy blessings are restored. Thy beauties we behold ; Ill Thy walls are sure salvation, And all thy gates are praise, A peaceful habitation In these the Latter-days. 3 When Zion reached the mountains, They gave their golden store. And all the limpid fountains Did healing virtues pour. Where reigned but gloomy sadness, And earth seemed in repose, Resounds the song of gladness, And blossoms as the rose. 4 From Zion's favored valley, Shines Gospel light and grace. And millions soon veill rally Around her gath' ring-place, — Where every law of heaven, Its councils do design To save us, will be given Within her sacred shrine. 5 The wealth and scenes of splendor That worldly minds may prize, Are nothing to the grandeur Of Zion in our eyes. A domed with all the graces Of Him who called thee forth. We love thy chosen places Alone of all the earth. 112 6 Yes! Zion's theme and spirit Our bosoms will inspire, Until we shall inherit The land that we desire ; Where Saints from every nation WiU swell the strain anew, Ascribe the great salvation To Him who brought us through. in^MN 103. (CM.) 1 O God, thou great, thou good, thou wise, Eternal is thy name ; Thy power hath reared the lofty skies, And built creation's frame. 2 The universe thy praise declares ; Through all its vast desig-n, Thy glorious handiwork appears ; Thy power and wisdom shine. '6 And ere creation had its birth, Thou didst devise a plan Amidst thy glorious works on earth To form thy creature man. 113 4 Thou mad'st him monarch of the world, And didst his kindred OAvn, Until by sin down was he hurled, And forfeited his throne. 5 Then Satan seized the power of state, And did his sceptre sway ; [great, Brought down the strong, the wise, the To mingle with the clay. C Thus did the foe his malice glut, And all the world enslave. The spirit in the prison shut — The hody in the grave. Second Part. 1 But hai'k! how sweet the joyful sound! How grateful to the ear ! A ransom for the lost is found ; A Savior doth apj^car. i He meets Apollyou, lays hira low In every deadly strife. Becomes victorious o'er his foe. And reigns the Prince of Life. 3 The power of death and hell he shakes, His power and love to show ; The prison-doors asunder breaks, And Ictg the c».ptiYe go. 114 4 Then for this cause the body bends Beneath the liquid Trave, In favor of our kindred friends Who slumber in the grave ; 5 That through the law our God doth give All who obedient prove Together on the earth may live, When all is peace and love. 6 Thus, then, the dead we do baptize, That when Christ comes again, All Ziou from beneath may rise, And in his kingdom reign. 7 The Saints below and Saints above And Samts on earth agree To praise, in unison and love, Our God eternally. HYMN 104. (8's & 7's.) 1 See, the mighty angel flying ! See, he speeds his way to earth, To proclaim the blessed Gospel, And restore the ancient faith. 2 Hear, O men, the proclamation ! Cease from vanity and strife ; 115 Husten to receive the Gospel, Aud obey the words of life. 3 Soon the earth will hear the warning; Then the judgments will descend: Oh ! before those days of sorrow, Make the Lord of Hosts your friend. 4 Then, when dangers are around you, And the wicked are distressed ; You, with all the Saints in Ziou, Shall enjoy eternal rest. HYMN 105. (8's, 7's&4.) 1 On the mountain's top appearing, Lo ! the sacred herald stands ! Welcome news to Zion bearing — Zion long in hostile lands. Mourning captive ! God himself shall loose thy bands. 2 Lo ! thy sun is risen in glory! God himself appears thy friend ; All thy foes shall floe before thee; Here their boasted triumphs end. Great deliv'i'ancc Zion'e King vouchsafes to ?cnd^ 116 Enemies no more shall trouble ; All thy wrongs shall be redressed ; For thy shame thou shalt have double, In thy Maker's favor blest; All thy conflicts End m an eternal rest. HYMN 106. (S.M.) 1 And are we yet alive, And see each other's face ? Glory and praise to Jesus give For his redeeming grace. 3 Preserved by power divine, To full salvation here, Again in Jesus' praise we join. And in his sight appear. 3 What troubles have we seen, What conflicts have we past, Fightings without and fears within Since we assembled last! 4 But out of all, the Lord Hath brought us by his love •, And still he doth his help afford, And hides our life above. 117 5 Then let us iimkc our boast Of his redeeming power, Which saves us to tlic uttermost, Till we can sin no more. G Let us take up the cross, Till wc the crown obtain ; And gladly reckon all thmgs loss, So we may Jesus gaiu. HYMN 107. (C. M.) 1 All praise to our rcdeemmg Lord, Who joins us by his grace, And bids us, each to each restored. Together seek his face. 3 He bids us build each other up-, And, gathered into one, To our high calling's glorious hope We hand in hand go on. o The gift wliich he on one bestows. We all delight to prove-, The grace through every vessel flows In purest streams of love. •i E'en now we think and speak the same, And cordially agree. Concentrated, through Jesus' name, In perfect harmony. I 118 5 Wc all iiarttvke the joy of one, The common peace wc feel — A peace to sensual minds unknown, A joy unsiieakable. 6 And if our fellowship below In Jesus be so sweet, ^What heights of rai:)turc shall we kno'Y When round His throne we meet. HYMN 103. (S. M.) 1 How beauteous are their feet Wlio stand on Zion's hill! Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! 3 How charmhig is their voice ! How sweet their tidings arc ! "Zion, behold thy Savior King! He reigns tiiumi)hant here!" 3 How blessed are our ears That hear this joyful sound. Which kings and prophets wailed for, And sought, but never found ! 1 How blessed are our eyes That see this heavenly light I 119 Prophets and kings desired it louj. But died without the sight. The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ ; Jerusalem hreaks forth hi songs, And deserts learn the joy. The Lord makes hare his arm, Through all the earth abroad : Let every nation now behold Their Savior and their God. HYMN 109. (L. M.) 1 Praise ye the Lord! my heart shall join In work so pleasant, so divine, Now while the flesh is my abode, And when my soul ascends to God. 2 Praise shall employ my noblest powers While immortahty endures ; My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life and thought and being last. 3 Why should I make a man my trust ? Princes must die and turn to dust; Their breath departs, their pomp and power And thoughts all vanish in an hour. 120 4 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God ! He made the sky And earth and seas with all their train ; And none shall find his promise vain. 5 His truth for ever stands secure-, He saves th' oppressed, he feeds the poor: lie sends the lab'riug eonsciencc i^cace, And grants the pris'ner sweet release. 6 The Lord hath eyes to give the hlind ; The Lord supports the sinking mind; He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless. 7 He loves his Saints, he knows them well, But turns the wieked down to hell: Thy God, O Zion, ever reigns — Praise him in everlasting strains. HYMN 110. (L. M.) 1 Salvation ! sacred word of love, Of joy and peace, of truth and light, - First heard in holy courts ahove, Far from this fallen sphere of night. 2 Salvation ! thrilling, sweetest sound That can intelligences greet! Anthem of heaven ! from thence it found Its way through sj^ace to man's retreat. 121 ?> Salvation! precious, priceless boon! Gift of the Gods by God the Son ! Creation, shout ; for know that soon The heavens and earth will join in one. 4 Salvation, like a stream of life, Is rushing round our favored earth : The meek, illumed, emerged from strife, Are joyous in the heavenly birth. 5 Salvation! let the echo ring To every x^eople, kindred, tongue: Christ shall reign Idumea's Kmg; The "Golden Age" is e'en begun. Salvation brings a jubilee*, Anon the Saints shall toil no more: Rejoice! in triumph bend the knee; The crown put on, the Lord adore. HYMN 111. (C.M.D.) 1 To thee, O God, we do approach "With gratitude and praise, To know thy eliaracter is such As 'twas m former days; That thou hast made us in thy form, Though now we fallen be, Yet still in fashion though a worm, We'll rise to life with thee. 122 2 Thoii tlTrellcst in the purest lisjlit, Where truth autl glory shiuc; The l)rightest of perfected power And majesty is thuie. But man, alas ! how prone to sin, How subject to disease-. Deformed and fallen, touched with death. He hends to every breeze. 3 Yet thanks he to thy holy name For truth restored to earth, That man, though lost, can now regain A pure celestial birth; And be restored to thy bright form. Through constancy and love, To see thy face, and live with thee On earth or heaven above. 4 What honor, glory and renown. Await the pure in heart, When they, transformed to be like thee. Shall all thy light impart. And have Eternal Lives to give, Kingdoms and worlds to sWay ! And neither pain nor sorrow feel. Through all etcmitj'. HYMN 112. (L.M.) 1 Lord, thou hastscarched and seen me through; Thine eye commands with piercing view* 123 My rising and my restino; hours, My heart and flesh, with all then- powers ! 2 My thoughts, before they are my own, Are to my fTod distmctly known; He knows the words I mean to speak Ere from my oj^'ning l\i>s they l)reak. 3 Within thy eircling power I stand ; On ev'ry side I find thy hand : Awake, asleep, at home, abroad, I am surrounded still with God. 4 Amazhig knowledge, vast and great! What large extent, what lofty height! My soul, with all the powers I boast, Is in the boundless prospect lost. T) O may these thoughts possess vay breast. Where'er I rove, where'er I rest! Nor let my weaker passions dare Consent to sin, for God is there. HYMN 113 (3-8's & fi.) 1 Come, let us purpose with one heart To follow virtue, and impart The ]>liss of life lielow, — That we industriously may live. And 1)3' our labor have to give. As Gospel precepts show. 124 2 AVitli diligciice we'll still pursue Those acts of grace and mercj- due To toil-worn lab'ring man ! We'll aid the helpless, and secure The means of life to hless the poor, And help them all we can. 3 Neat in our dress, not sumjituous clad, Nor vain, nor soml)re — looking sad, In all our garments clean ! Fresh in our bodies, whole our clothes, And free from all the Spirit loathes, ■ Nor proud, nor lowl}' mean. 1 Still lah'ring with our head or hands. We may lay up for just demands. And honestly provide For heavenly light and earthly things. That we may have the joy that In-ings A heaven to each fireside. HYMN 114. (L.M.) With all my powers of heart and tongnio, I'll praise my Maker in my song; Angels shall hear the notes I raise, Approve the song, and join the x^'aisc. 125 3 I'll sinp; thy truth and mere}'-, Lord, I'll sing- the wonders of thy word ; Not all thy works and names helow So much thy power and glory show. 3 To God I cried when troubles rose; lie heard me and sul)dued my foes -, He did my rising fears control, And strength diftused through all my soul. 4 Amidst a thousand snares I stand, Upheld and giiided hy thy hand : Thy words my fainting soul revive, And keep my dying faith alive. HYMN 115. (L. M.) 1 How sweet communion is on earth With those who've realized the hirth Of water — ^who the Spirit's powers Receive, in genial quick'ning showers. 2 To such these sacred emblems prove Blest source of purity and love; They onward to perfection press. Observing laws of righteousness. 3 Each evil they are taught to shun, Rememb'rlng God's incarnate Son, Who suffered on th' accursed tree To set the contrite sinner free. 126 i Who would his sacred laws obey, Behig baptized without delay-, To such the promise still is given — This is the door that opeus heaven. 5 May we who have thus humbly fled To Jesus as our living Head, This day our solemn vo\vs record, And ever live to seiTe the Lord. 6 Till we around the sacred board. The marriage supper of our Lord, Behold him crowned, our vicfries bring, And own him as our sov'rcigii King. HYMN llfi. (CM.) 1 Ye sons of men, a feel>le race, Exi^osed to ev'ry snare. Come, make the I^ord j^our dwelling-place, And try and trust his care. 2 No ill shall enter whei'e you dwell ; Or, if the plague come nigh. And sweep the wicked down to hell, 'Twill raise the Saints on high. ?t He'll give his angels charge to keep Your feet in all your ways. To watch yoiir pillows while you sleep, And guard 3^our happy days. 127 4 Their hands shall bear j^ou, lest you fall And dash against the stones : Are they not servants at His call, And sent t' attend His sons ? 5 Because on me they set their love, I'll save them, saith the Lord ; I'll hear their joyful souls above Destruction and the sword. My grace shall ansM^er when they call, In trouble I'll be nigh ; My power shall help them when they fall. And raise them when they die. HYMN 117. (P. M.) 1 Up! arouse thee, O 1)cautiful Zion, Wake, awake, 'tis the warder's deep cry. For the season of slumber hath ended, And the spoiler is watchful and nigh. With courage elate, and heart to be gi'cat, All deadly incumbrance cast down, Gird on for the fight, your armor so bright. For the prize is a glorious crown. 2 Ux^! arouse thee, beautiful Zion, Give the mammon care-clouds to the wind, When the bugle's shrill summons is — Rally ! 'Tie but cowards would lina'cr 1)ehind. 128 You've foes to overcome in each heart and home, Then fixed he your purpose, and high. With God at your head, O feel not dismaj^ed. But he forvvard to conquer or die. 3 O who would shrink from the glorious strife. With so dazzlinc: a prize in view? Who so hase as to herd with the traitor? It sparklctli not dastard for you. [feel Who with nerve like steel, and soul that can Por the good, for the pure and the In'ave, Will be foremost in right and trust God's might — The honor is thine— the heav'ns can save! 4 Destruction and gloom hang over the earth, Though unseen hy the worldly throng; And hark! there'll he death in the echoes Of the gathering, ominous storm; Then arouse thee, O heautiful Zion, Wake, awake, 'tis the warder's deep cry, For the season of slumher hath ended, And the spoiler is watchful and nigh. HYMN 118. (L. M.) 1 When God's own people stand in need. His goodness will provide supplies; Thus, when Elijah faints for hrcad, A raven to his succor flics. 129 3 At God's commaml, with speedy wings, Tlic hungry bird rcsigus its prey, And to tlic holy Propliet brings The needful portion day by day. 3 This method may be counted strange, But happy w-as Elijah's lot; For nature's course shall sooner change Than God's dear children be forgot. 1 This wonder has been oft renewed, And Saints by sweet exi)crience find Their evils overruled for good. Their foes to friendly deeds incUned. 5 Who shall distrust that mighty hand Which rules with universal sway. Which nature's laws can countermand, Or feed us by a bird of prey ? IIYMN 119. (L.M.) 1 O Lord, do thou in heaven seal The solemn pledge these two have n.iade. And may they still be blest to feel The obligations on them laid ! 3 O may their constancy of heart Be like the Master whom they serve ; Nor aught in life ill thoughts impart, To cause them from this bond to swei-vc, 130 3 Give tbciii intelligence and light To build their future bliss upon ; And may thy laAvs, by day and night, Unite their hearts, in thee, as one ! 4 And may this solemn rite inspire The flame of pure connubial love. And virtue prompt each pure desire In all the scenes of life to move. 5 As separate streams unite in one. And, floAvmg deep, their channels wear, May they in love glide smoothly on. Still gath'rmg as they onward bear. 6 And, like each tributary stream, Their loving oflspring still increase. Till generations countless, seem An ocean of their loveliness. 7 Give him the power to guard and shield This helpmate of his future life ; While she by softer passions yields The solace of a virtuous wife. 8 And when their mortal course is run. May still this bond of love endure, Till they, celestial honors won. Live with the loving and the pure. 131 HYMN 130. (L.M.) 1 HoAv great tlic joy, that promised day, When the disciples met to pray ; Through the whole house the Spirit came. And crowned their heads like tongues of flame. 3 The gifts dispensed that happy hour, Attended with convmcing power ; And every soul assembled there In his own tongue the trutli did hear. o Endowed thus with the power of God, The Savior's words they spread abroad — Go and declare the glorious scheme ; My Gospel shall mankmd redeem. 4 He that believes what you proclaim, And is baptized in Jesus' name. My pard'ning ordinance shall have, And feel the Gospel's power to save. 5 The honest soul, though learned or rude, Shall by these tidings be subdued, And shall receive the Comforter, That by your hands I will confer, 182 G Satan shall trcuil)le at Lis loss, And man cnraued defend liis cause ; But ye shall win j'oiir widening' way, Till nations shall the truth obey. HYMN 131. (L.M.) 1 Sweet is the work, my God, my Kino-, To praise thy name, give thanks, and suig, — To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truths at night. 3 Sweet is the day of sacred rest. No mortal care shall seize my breast; O maj'- my heart hi tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound. 3 'My heart shall triumph in mj' Lord, And bless his works, and l^lcss his word : Thy Avorks of grace how bright they shine— How deep thy councils — how divine ! J: But oh ! what triumph shall I raise To thy dear name, through endless days. When in the realms of joy 1 see Thj^ face m full felicity. 5 Sin, my worst enemy before. Shall vex my eyes and cars no more; My inward foes shall all be slain, Jifor Satan break my peace agahi. 133 6 Then shall 1 see ancl hear and know All I desired and wished below, And every power find sweet emiiloy In that eteiTwal world of joy. HYMN 133. (8's & Ts.) 1 O awake ! my slumh'rhig mhistrel — Let my harp forget its spell; Say, O say, in sweetest accents, Zion prospers ! All is well. 3 Strike a chord unknown to sadness. Strike, and let its numbers tell In celestial tones of gladness, Zion prospers ! All is well. 3 Zion's welfare is my portion. And I feel my bosom swell With a warm, divine emotion When she prospers : all is well. 4 Zion, lo! thy day is dawning. Though the darksome shadows swell •, Faith and hope prelude the morning,— Thou art prospering; all is well. 5 Thy swift mesBcngcrs arc treading Thy high courts where princes dwell; And thy glorious light is spreading,— 2ion prospers \ all is v/ell, K 134 HYMN 133. (1-0's & 3-8's.) 1 High on the mountain top A banner is unfarlcd, Ye nations now look up, It waves to all the world In Deserct's sweet, praceful land — On Zion's moimt behold it stand ! 2 For God remembers still His promise made of old, That he on Zion's hiU Truth's standard would uiifold •, Her light should there attract the gaz Of aU the world in latter days. 3 His house shall there be reared, His glory to display ; And people shall be heard In distant lands to say, We'll now go up and serve the Lord, Obey his truth, and learn his word; 4 For there we shall be taught The law that will go forth. With truth and wisdom fraught, To govern all the earth ; Forever there his ways we'll tread, And save ourselves with all our dead. 135 5 Then hail to Descrct, A refuge for the good, And safety for the great. If they hut understood That God with plagues will shake the world 'Till all its thrones shall down bo hurled. 6 In Dcserct doth truth Rear up its royal head ; Though nations may oppose, StiU wider it shall spread ; Yes, truth and justice, love and grace, In Dcserct liud ample place. liYMN 1^. (L. M.) 1 O ! fear not, brother, years of peace. Of joy celestial thhie shall be; Thy grievous trials then wiU cease, And thou shalt rest contentedly. 2 O ! care not, brother, let thy day Of fierce, contentious struggle come ; 'Twill serve to hasten thee away To Zion's consecrated home. 3 Hope — hope on, brother, happier times Await but now thine own command In Zion's pure and peaceful climes — In Ephraim's fair and goodly land. 136 4 O! weep not, f>istcr, dry thy tears! Thy Savior bids them cease to flow-, ITorejio thy griefs, forget thy fears, And hope for brighter days to know. 5 Cheer — cheer thee, sister, hcnvenl}' joy Shall fill thy soul— shall swell thy heart; Thy peace shall be without alloy ; — This is indeed the better part. 6 See, sec! mj'- brother, see! it breaks, The dawn of cai'th's Sabbatic day-, Its genial light prophetic speaks, — "Thy toils will soon have passed away." 7 Look ! look thou, sister, sec the Sun Of Zion's glory shines for thee -. Hark ! hear His voice — the Holy One — " Come all ye faithful, rcigii with inc." HYMN 125. (3-8's & (rs.) Except the Lord conduct the plan. The best concerted schemes arc vain, And never can succeed; We spend our wretched strength for naught; ^ut if our works in thee arc wrought, ^ They shall bo blest indeed. 137 3 Lord, if tlioii didst, tlij'self, inspire Our souls with tbis intense desire Thy g-oodncss to x>roclaim ; Thy glory if we now intend, O let our deeds liegin and end Complete in Jesus' name. 3 In Jesus' name, behold we meet, Far from an evil world retreat, And all its frantie ways ; One only thing resolved to know- To square our useful lives below. By reason and by grace. 4 Not in the tombs we pine to dwell. Nor in the dark monastie cell, By vows and grates eontined ; Freely to all ourselves we give, Constrained by Jesus' love to live The sen'ants of mankind. Now, Jesus, now thy love impart, To govern each devoted heart. And fit us for thy will; Deep founded in the truth of grace, Build up the rising church, and place The city on the hill. 138 6 O may onr love and faith abound, And may our lives to all around With purest lustre shhie, That all around our works may see. And give the glory, Lord, to thee, The heavenly light divine. HYMN 126. (3-8's&7.) .1 The trials of the present day Require the Saints to watch and pray, That they may keep the narrow way To the celestial glory. 2 For even Saints may turn aside. For fear of ills that may betide, Or else induced by worldly pride. And lose celestial glory. 3 O'er rugged cliffs and mountams high. Through sunless vales the path may lie. Our faith and confidence to try In the celestial glory. 4 Why should we fear, though coAvards say Old Auak's host in ambush lay, Or there's a lion in the way To the celestial glory. 139 5 "Fear not, tliougli life should be at stake ; But think how Jesus for our sake Endured, that we might yet partake Of the celestial glory. We here may sometimes suflfer wrong. But when we join with Enoch's throng, We'll loudly echo vict'ry's song In the celestial glory. 7 What though hy some who seem devout. Our names as evil are cast out, If honor clothe us round about In the celestial glory ! 8 Be steadfast, and with courage hold The key of God's eternal mould. That will the mysteries unfold Of the celestial glory. 9 O let your hearts and hands be pure, And faithful to the end endure, That you the blessing may secure Of the celestial glory. \ ' 10 With patience cultivate within Those principles averse to sin, And be prepared to enter in To the.celestial glory. 140 11 Then let the times and seasons fly, And hrinic the giorions period nigh When Zion will be raised on high In the eelestial glory. HYMN 127. (CM.) 1 God of all eonsolation, take The glory of thy grace; Thy gifts to thee we render back In ceaseless songs of pi'aisc. 2 Throngh thee we here together came, In singleness of heart; We met, O Jesus, in thy name, And in thy name we part, 3 We part in body, not in mind ; Onr minds continue one, And each to each in Jesus joined, We hand in hand go on. 4 Our souls are in thy mighty hand, Lord keep us faithful still! That we with all thy Saints may stand On Ziou's holv hill. 141 HYMN 13S. (S's&O's.) 1 Now, is the voice that Nature breathes To those her book who read -. The changeful cloud, the fleeting beam, The fading rose, th' unresting stream Confinn her warning creed. 2 Now, is the word that wisdom writes On palace, hall and bower : The buried past from hope is free; The future — what is that to thee ? Improve the i)resent hour. o Now, saitli the SiDirit from on high ; Now, saith a page sublime : To-morrow hath its load of cares — To-morrow's hand no promise liears Of the "accepted time." 4 Now, though another morn may rise In purple and in gold, Thme eye, made dim by failing breath And shrouded in the dust of death. May not its light bcliold. 5 Now, not to-morrow, oh, my soul, Obey thy Maker's call. Lest darkly on the scroll of fate Stand forth the fearful doom — too late, And thou be 'reft of all. 142 HYMN 129. (CM.) 1 Sing to the great Jehovah's praise; All praise to him helongs : Who kindly lengthens out our days Demands our choicest songs. 2 His providence has "brought us through Another various year; We all, with vows and anthems nevr, Before our God appear. 3 Father, thy mercies past we own, ^ Thy still contiaued care ; To thee presenting, through thy Son, Whate'er we have or are. 4 Our lips and lives shall gladly show The wonders of thy love, While on in Jesus' steps we go To seek thy face above. 5 Our residue of days or hours. Thine, wholly thine, shall he; And all our consecrated powers A sacrifice to thee, 6 Till Jesus in the clouds appear, To Saints on earth forgiven. And bring the grand Sabbatic year. The Jubilee of heaven. 143 HYMN 130. (8's&7's.) O my Father, thou that tlwellest In the high and glorious place ! When shall I regam thy presence, And again hehold thy face ? In thy holy hahitation, Did my spirit once reside ? In my first, primeval childhood, Was I nurtured near thy side? 2 For a wise and glorious purpose Thou hast placed me here on earth, And withheld the recollection Of my former friends and birth ; Yet oft-times a secret something Whispered, You're a stranger here; . And I felt that I had wandered From a more exalted sphere. I had learned to call thee Father, Through thy Spirit from on high -, But, until the Key of Knowledge Was restored, I knew not why. in the heavens are parents single ? No ; the thought makes reason stare ! Truth is reason ; truth eternal Tells me, I've a mother there. 144 4 When I leave this frail existence, When I lay this mortal 1 ty, Father, mother, maj'- 1 meet j'on In your royal court on high V Then, at length, when I've completed All you sent me forth to do, With your mutual approbation Let me come and dwell with you. HYMN 131. (C. M.) 1 Weep not for him tliat's dead and gone, Nor to despair lie driven; Your child is saved through Jesus Christ; He now has gone to heaven — 2 Gone far away from wicked men. To mingle with the good, [white Who washed their robes and made them In Christ's atoning blood. 3 'Tis true the trial was severe That tore him from j'our breast ; But oh! do not desire him now, For he has gone to rest. 4 When lying suflfrhig on your Icnce, Your heart was like to break. And oft you sighed and wept aloud, Oh! could my child but speak ! 145 5 And 8iill you iiioiirn his absence now, And thinlc you arc bereaved : Sister, look up; thy God is good ! Woman, thy child is saved ! 6 Shed not for him the bitter tear, Nor yield to sore regret, 'Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem is simrkling yet. HYMN 133. (8's&7'8.) 1 The night is wearing fast away, A stream of light is dawning ; Sweet harbinger of that briglit day, The fair Millennial morning. 2 Gloomy and dark the night has been. And long the way and dreary; And sad the weeping Saints are seen, And faint, and worn, and wear3-. 3 Ye mournful pilgrims, cease your tears, And hush each sigh of sorrow ; The light of that bright morn appears — The long Sabbatic morrow. 4 Lift lip your heads ! behold from far A flood of splendor streaming ! It is the bright and Morning Star, In living lustre beaming, 146 5 And see that star-like host aroiiiicl, Of angel bands attending; Hark! hark! the trumpet's glad'ning sound, 'Mid shouts of triumph blending. He comes, the Bridegroom promised long ; Go forth with joy to meet him, And raise the new and nuptial song, In ehecrful strains, to greet him. 7 Adorn thyself,the feast prepare, While bridal strains are swelling; He comes, with thee all joys to share. And make this earth his dwelling. HYMN 133. (L. M.) 1 Great God, attend while Zion sings The joy that from thy presence springs ; To spend one day with thee on earth Exceeds a thousand days of mirth. 3 Might I enjoy the meanest place Within thy house, O God of grace. Not tents of ease nor thrones of power Should tempt my feet to leave thy door. 147 3 God is our sun — be makes our day; God is our shield — he guards our way From all the assaults of hell and sin, From foes without and fears within. 4 All needful grace will God l)cstow, Aud erown that grace with glory too ; He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls. 5 Our God, our King, whose sov'reigii swa3''. The glorious hosts of heaven obej^, (And devils at thy i^resence flee,) — Blest is the man that trusts in thee. HYMN 134. (C. M.) 1 O God ! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Oar shelter from the stormy blast. And our eternal home. 2 Under the shadow of thy throne. Still may we dwell secure! Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defense is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same. 148 4 A thousand atrcs in thy sii;lit Arc like an evening gone, Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun. 5 The 1)US3^ tribes of flcsli and Mood, With all their cares and fears, Are hurried doAvnward by the flood, And lost in followuig years. G Time, like an evcr-rolUng stream, Bears all his sons away ; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the openhig day. 7 God! our help in ages past,* Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guide while life shall last, And our perpetual home. HYMN 13.5. (8'set. 7's.) I May the grace of Christ our Savior, And the Father's boundless love, With the holy Spirit's favor^ Rest npou ITS from ahove, 149 2 Thus may wc abide in union With each other and tlie Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth can not afford. HYMN 136. (L.M.) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Fi-aise him, all creatures here below ; Fraise him above, ye heavenly host ; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. HYMN 137. (3-6's 4 & 3-6's 4.) 1 Glory to God on high ; Let heaven and earth reply, Praise ye his name. His love and grace adore. Who all our sorrows bore ; Sing aloud evermore. Worthy the Lamb ! 8 Jesus, our Lord and God, Bore sin's tremendous load ; Praise ye his name ! li 150 Tell what his arm has done, * What spoils from death he won ; Sing his great name alone; Worthj^ the Lamb ! 3 Let all the hosts ahovc Join in one song of love, rraising his name. To him aBcril)cd be Honor and majesty, Through all eternity: Worthy the Lamb! HYMN 138. (CM.) 1 To Father, Son and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore, Be glory, as it was, is now. And shall be evermore. HYMN 139. (P.M.) 1 Your sweet little rose-bud has left you To bloom in a holier sx)here ; He that gave it, in wisdom l)ercf t you ; Then why should you cherish a tear ? 3 Your babe in the grave is not sleeping. She has joined her dear sisters above; Bright beings now have them in keeping, In a mansion of beauty and love. 151 3 They're treasures you've laid ui? iii heaven. For a season removed from your sight; To your hosom again they'll lie given. With fulness of joy and delight. 4: They've gone where life's ills cannot find them — They're secure from each danger and snare; O how cruel the love that would bind them To years of affliction and care. 5 Look np and you'll find consolation, Which God by his Spirit will give ; And through faith, the rich manifestation That those gems, your sweet children, yet live. HYMN 140. (L.M.) 1 'TAvas on that dark, that solemn night, Wlicn powers of earth and hell arose x\gainst the Son, e'en God's delight. And friends betrayed him to his foes. 2 Before the mournful scene began, He took the bread, and blessed, and brake What love through all his actions ran! What wondrous words of grace he spake! 152 8 "This is my body slain for sin ; Receive and eat the living food :" Then took the cup and blessed the wine, *"Tis the new cov'nant of my blood." 4 For us his precious blood was spilt, To purchase pardon for our guilt ; When for our sins he suff'riug dies, And gives his life a sacrifice. 5 "Do this," he cries, "till time shall end In mcm'ry of your dying friend; Meet at my table and record The love of your departed Lord." 6 Jesus, thy feast Ave celebrate. We show thy death, we sing thy name, Till thou return, and we shall cat The marriage supj)er of the Lamb. HYMN 141. (4-6's & 2'8's.) Arise, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fears ; The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears ; Before the throne my surety stands, My name is written on his hands. 153 He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all- re deeming love, His precious blood to plead : His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. Five bleeding wounds lie bears. Received on Calvary ; They pour effectual pi*ayers — They strongly speak for me : "Forgive him, oh! forgive!" they cry, "Nor let the ransomed sinner die !" The Father hears hhn pra}'-. His dear Anointed One; . He cannot turn away The presence of his Son ; His Spirit answers to the bloody And tells me I am bom of God. To God I'm reconciled ; His pard'ning voice I hear: He owns me for his child ♦, I can no longer fear; With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry. 154 HYMN U2. (8's, T's & 4.) 1 Israel, Israel, God is calling — Calliag thee from lands of woe : Babylon the great is falling; God shall all her towers o'erthrow. Come to Zion E'er his floods of anger flow. 2 Israel, Israel, God is spealdng; Hear your great Deliv'rer's voice ! Now a glorious mom is hrealdng For the pcoj)le of his choice. Come to Zion, And withiu her walls rejoice. 3 Israel, angels are descending From celestial worlds on high. And towards man their powers extend hi g, That the Saints may homeward fly. Come to Zion, For your coming Lord is nigh. 4 Israel! Israel! c an 'st thou linger Still in error's gloomy ways ? Mark how judgment's pomting finger * Justifies no vam delays. Come to Zion ! Zion's walls shall ring with praise. 155 HYMN 143. (L. M.) 1 ITe died ! llie Great Redeemer died, And Israel's daughters wept around; A solemn darkness veiled the sky; A sudden trcni1)lin The Spirit's heavenly flame. i Lord, accept our huiuble prayer, And all our sins forgive; New life impart from this good hoiir, And bid the sinner live, 178 5 Baptize us -with the Holy Ghost, And seal us as thme own, That in thy kingdom we may stand. And with thy Saints he one. HYMN 164. (L.M.) 1 How foolish to the carnal mind. The ord'nances of God appear ; Men count them as a puff of wind, And gaze with a contemptuous sneer. 2 What! buried now beneath the flood, To wash away our guilt and sin ; Are not some other means as good ? Nay, better ! why appear so mean ? 3 Thus they despise the proffered grace. And die and perish in their sins ; So the Assyrian leper thought — What ! wash in Jordan and be clean ? 4 Nay, in a rage he turned away. And would remain a leper still ; Bat Jo! his humble sei rant's sway Prevailed at last, and turned his wHl. 5 He washed in Jordan's rolling flood, And found the fouj disease I'cmoved; 179 The virtue of the word of God, Thus hy experience Naaman proved, 6 Poor sinners now would fain perform Some great and meritorious deed ; Bow to the systems mortals form, That from their sins they may he freed. 7 But why not yield to simple means ? The Gospel is the power of God ; 'Twill save the vilest from their sins, Who yield obedience to his word. HYMN 165. (CM.) 1 Lo! on the water's brink we stand. To do the father's will; To be baptized by his command, And thus the word fulfil. 3 O Lord, we've sinned, but we repent. And put our sins away, — With joy receive the message sent In this the latter day. 3 Thou wilt accept our humble prayer. And all our sins forgive; For Jesus is the sinner's friend; He died that we might live. 180 4 We lay our sinful bodies now, Beneath the op'ning wave ; Then rise to life divinely new, As from the bursting grave. 5 So when the trump of God shall blow, The Samts shall burst the tomb. Immortal beauty crown their brow, With an immortal bloom. HYMN 166. (P.M.) 1 Come all ye sons of God, who have received the Priesthood, Go spread the Gospel wide, and gather in his people ; The latter-day Work has begun, to gather scattered Israel in, And bring them back to Zion, to praise the Lamb. 2 Come all ye scattered sheei), and listen to your Shepherd ; While you the blessings reap, which long have been predicted ; By Prophets long it's been foretold, he'll gather you into his fold ; And brmg you home to Zjon, to praise tho Lamb, 181 3 Kcpcnt and be baptized, and have your sins remitted ; And get tlie Spirit's seal— O then you'll be united : Go, cast upon Him all your care, he will regard your humble prayer, And bring you home to Zlon, to praise the Lamb. i And when your grief is o'er, and you've ended your aflliction ; Your spirits then will soar to await the resurrection ; O, then His presence you'll enjoy, in heavenly bliss your time employ, A thousand years in Zion, to praise the Lamb. HYMN 167. (4-6's & 2-8's.) 1 Kepent ye Gentiles all, And come and be baptized; It is the Savior's call; He's spoken from the skies, And sent the message we declare, His second coming to prepare. 2 Be buried with your Lord, And rise divinely new, 'Tis his eternal word, — The ancient path pursue, N 182 The promised blessing now secure, The Spirit's seal, forever sure. Ye souls with sin distressed, Who fam would find relief; Come, on his promised rest, He will assuage your grief, He'll send his Spirit from on high. When with the Gospel you comply Come, be adopted in. With Israel's chosen race; And, cleansed from every sin, Enjoy the promised grace; The cov'nant stands for ever sure. To all who to the end endure. HYMN 1(58. (CM.) 1 Let those who Avould be Saints indeed, Eear not what others do ; But each to each one's self take heed, And righteousness pursue. 2 What though the storm-clouds gather dark,— Look up and trust in God : To keep your eye upon the mark, Hold fast the "iron rod." 183 3 Fear not the darkness of the night, But move with careful tread, Till morning breaks, and azure light The canopy o'erspreads. 4 Sell not your birth-right for a moss Of pottage, nor betray Your holy cov'nants for a kiss ; 'Tis now a proving day. 5 The wheat has cleared the threshing floor — The sieve is shaking now ; And when the sifting time is o'er. Will glory wreathe your brow. (i And Zion's furnace, too, will biini. That when the chaff shall fly. The dross will be consumed in turn. The gold to purify. 7 In his own time God will remove Whatever now oflends : When he chastises, 'tis in love, To all who prove his friends. 8 Maintain the freedom you have won — Virtue is liberty: Take not the yoke of bondage on — The pure in heart are free. 184 HYMN 169. (8's & T's.) 1 Sister, tliou wast mild and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze, Pleasant as the air of evening, When it floats among the trees. 2 Peaceful be thy silent slumber — Peaceful in the grave so low ; Thou no more wilt join our number ; Thou no more our songs shalt know. 3 Dearest sister, thou hast left us. Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'tis God that hath bereft us, — He can aU our sorrows heal. 4: Yet again we hope to meet thee, When death's glcomy night has fled; Then on earth with joy to greet thee, Where no bitter tears arc shed. HYMN 170. (CM.) 1 Think gently of the erring one! O, let us not forget, However darkly stained by sin, He is our brother yet ! 185 2 TTeir of the same inheritance, Child of the self-same God, He hath but stumbled in the path We have in weakness trod. 3 Speak gently to the erring ones ! We yet may lead them back. With holy words, and tones of love, From misery's thorny track. 4 Forget not, brother, thou hast smned, And sinful yet may'st be ; Deal gently with the erring heart, As God hath dealt with thee. HYMN 171. (L.M.) 1 Creation speaks with awful voice- Hark I 'tis a universal groan Re-echoes through the vast extent Of worlds unnumbered, called to mourn. 2 For sickness, sorrow, pain and death, With awful tyranny have reigned : While all eternity has shed Her tears of sorrow o'er the slain. 186 3 But hark ! again a voice is heard Eesoundiug through the solemn gloom — A mighty conqu'ror has appeared, In triumph rising from the tomb. 4 No longer let creation mourn ; Te sons of sorrow, dry your tears; Life — life — eternal life is ours, — Dismiss your doubts, dispel your fears. 5 The King shall soon in clouds descend. With all the heavenly host above; The dead shall rise and hail their friends, And always dwell with those thej^ love. 6 No tears, no sorrow, death, nor pain, Shall e'er be known to enter there ; But perfect peace, immortal bloom. Shall reign triumphant everywhere! HYMN 172. (L.M.) 1 The morning flowers display their sweets. And gay their silken leaves unfold, As careless of the noon-tide heats. As fearless of the evening cold. 187 2 Nipt by the wind's unkindly blast, Parched by the sun's director ray, The momentary glories waste. The short-lived beauties die away. 3 So blooms the human face divine. When youth its pride of beauty shows, Fairer than spring the colors shine. And sweeter than tlie virgin rose. 4 Or worn by slowly rolling years. Or broke by sickness in a day, The fading glory disappears. The short-hved beauties die away. 5 Yet these, new-rising from the tomb. With lustre brighter far shall shine! Revive with ever-during bloom, Safe from diseases and decline. 6 Let sickness blast, let death devour, If heaven but recompense our pains 5 Perish the grass and fade the flower. If firm the word of God remains.^ 18^ HYMN ITS. (L.M.) 1 Let earth's inhabitants rejoice, And gladly hail their gracious hour,- Again is heard a Prophet's voice, And all may feel the Gospel's power. 2 Soon will the blissful time arrive Which holy men of old foretold. When man no more with man would strive, But all in each a friend behold. 3 Oppression will no more be found. Nor tyrant hold relentless sway ; But love to God and man abound Throughout a long Millennial day. HYMN 174. (L.M.) 1 Ye differing, jarring sects attend. The voice of inspiration hear ; Now may your doubtings have an end, And unity and peace appear. 2 Break off your chains of slavish dread Let chilling unbelief give way; For Gospel light begins to spread And usher in eternal day. 189 S Soon will mankind behold aright The perfect "Law of liberty-," And every nation, with delight, Share in a glorious jubilee. HYMN 175. {Tb.) 1 Now we'll sing with one accord, For a Prophet of the Lord, Bringing forth his precious word, Cheering Saints as anciently. When the world in daikness lay, Lo ! he sought the better way, And he heard the Savior say, "Go and prune my vineyard, Son !' 3 And an angel, surely then, For a blessing unto men, Brought the Priesthood back again. In its ancient purity. 4 Even Joseph he inspired. Yea, his heart he truly fired. With the light that he desired. For the work of righteousness. 5 And the Book of Mormon, true. With its Covenant, ever new, 190 For the Gentile, and the Jevr, He translated sacredly. 6 God's commandments to manldnd, For believing Saints designed, And to bless the seeking mind, Came through him from Jesus Christ. 7 Precious are the years to come, While the righteous gather home, For the great Millennium, Where they'll rest in blessedness. 8 Prudent in this world of •woes, They will triumph o'er their foes, While the realm of Zion grows Purer for eternity. HYMN 176. (lJ3's & ll's.) 1 Awake! O ye people, the Savior is coming; He'll suddenly come to his temple, we hear ; Kepentance is needed of all that are living. To gain them a lot of inheritance near. 2 To-day will soon ]3ass and that unknown to- morrow May leave many souls in a more dreadful sorrow 191 Than came by the flood, or tliat fell on Go- morrah, — Tea, weeping and waiUng and gnashing of teeth. 3 Be ready, O islands, the Savior is coming; • He'll bring again Zion, the Prophets declare; Repent of your sins, and have faith in re- demption. To gain you a lot of mheritance there. 4 A voice to the nations in season is given, To show the return of the glories of Eden, And call the elect from the four winds of Heaven, Tor Jesus is coming to reign on the earth. HYMN 177. (P.M.) From the regions of glory an angel descended. And told the strange news how the babe was attended, — Go, shepherds, and visit this heavenly stranger. Beneath that bright star, there's your Lord in a manger! 193 Hallelujah to the Laml% Whom our souls may rely on ; We shall see him on earth, When he brings again Zion. 2 Glad tidings I hiing unto you and each nation — Glad tidings of joy, now behold your salva- tion ; Arise, all ye pilgrims, and lift up your voices, And shout, the Redeemer, while heaven re- joices. Hallelujah to the Lamb, &c. 3 Let gioiy to God in the highest be given, And glory to God 1x3 re-echoed in heaven I Around the whole world let us tell the glad story, And sing of his love, his salvation and glory. Hallelujah to the Lamb, &c. 4 The kingdom is yours by the will of the Father, For his word has gone forth that the righteous he'll gather ; Before all the wicked will perish by fire. The heavens shall shine with the coming Messiah. Hallelujah to the Lamb, &c. 193 HYMN 178. (3-8's&6.) Hark! from afar, a funeral knell Moves on the bicezc— its echoes swell The chorus for the dead ! A consort's moans are m the sound, And sobs of children weeping round A parent's dying bed ! 2 He's gone! his work on earth is done, His battle's fought, his race is run; Blest is the path he trod. For he espoused the glorious cause, In prompt obedience to the laws Of the eternal God. 3 He sleeps; his troubles here are o'er: He sleeps where earthly ills no more Will break the slumb'rer-s icot! His dust is laid beneath the sod ; His spirit has returned to God, To mi'igle with the blest. 4 Death sunders every tender tie — Pierced by his shaft, life's prospects lie Like masts by tempests cleft! 194 But hope points forward to a scene Where sorrow will not intervene, Nor friends of friends be 'reft. 5 The Savior conquered death, although It slays our friends, and lays them Ioav; Clothed in immortal bloom, When Jesus Christ shall come to reign. They'll burst their icy bands in twain, And triumph o'er the tomb. HYMN 179. (6's & T's D.) 1 Let us pray, gladly pray. In the house of Jehovah, Till the righteous can say, *'0, our warfare is over!" Then we'U dry up our tears, Sweetly praising together, Through the great thousand years, Face to face with the Savior. 2 What ft joy will be there. At the great resurrection. As the Saints meet in air, In their robes of jjerfection ; Then the Lamb, then the Lamb, With a God's mandatory, AS I AM, THAT I AM, Fills the world with his glory, 195 'S We then cai\ live in peace, With a joy on the mountains, As the earth doth increase, With a joy by the fountams ; For the world will be blest. With a joy to rely on, From the east to the west. Through the glory of Zion. HYMN 180. (C.M.D.) 1 Let Zion in her beauty rise ; Her light begins to shine : Ere long her King will rend the skies, Majestic and divine. The Gospel's spreading through the land, A people to prepare. To meet the Lord and Enoch's band, Triumphant in the air. 2 Ye heralds sound the Gospel trump. To earth's remotest bound ; Go, spread the news from pole to pole. In all the nations round, That Jesus in the clouds above, With hosts of angels too. Will soon appear, his Saints to save, His enemies subdue. 196 But ere that great and solemn day, The stars from heaven will fal\ The moon be turned mto blood, The waters into gall, The sun with blackness will be clothed. All nature look affi'ight ! While men — leboliious, wicked men, Gaze heedless on the sight. The earth shall reel, the heavens shake. The sea move to the no.'th, The earth roU up like as a scroll, When God's command goes forth; The mountains sink, the vaPeys lise, j^nd all become a plain; The islands aua the continents Will then unite again. 5 Alas ! the day Avill then arrive When rebels to God's grace Will call for rocks to fall on them And hide them from his face. Not so with those who keep his law, They'll joy to meet their Lord In clouds above, with those who slept In Christ, their sure reward. 197 That glorious rest will then commence. Which proj)het8 did foretell, When Christ will reign with Saints on earth, And in their presence dwell ; A thousand years-, O, glorious day! Dear Lord, preimre my heart To stand with thee on Zion's mount, And never more to part. 'i Then when the thousand years are past. And Satan is unbound, O Lord, preserve us from his grasi?, By fire from heaven sent down, Until our great last change shall come, T' immortalize this clay, Then wc in the celestial world AVill spend eternal day. HYMN 181. (L.M.) 1 My soul is full of peace and love; I soon shall see Christ from above ; And angels too, the hallowed throng, Shall jom with rac in holy song. 3 The Spirit's power has sealed my peace, And filled my soiil with heavenly grace ; Transported, I, with peace and love, Am waiting for the throne above. O 198 3 Prepare my heart, prepare my tougue, To join this glorious, heaveulj' throng, To hail the Bridegroom from above, And join the band in songs of love. 4 Let all my powers of soul combme To hail my Savior all divine ; To hear his voice, attend his call. And crown him Kmg and Lord of all. HYMN 182. (13's & ll's, D.) 1 Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation, No longer as strangers on earth need we roam ; Good tidings are sounding to us and each nation, [come : And shortly the hour of redemption will When all that was promised the Saints will be given, [even, And none will molest them from mom until And earth will appear as the garden of Eden, And Jesus will say to all Israel, Come home. 2 We'll love one another, and never dissemble, Bat cease to do evil, and ever be one; 199 And wliilc the ungodly arc fearing, and tremble, [wiUeome: We'll watcli for the da}^ when the Savior When all that was in-omiscd the Saints will be given, [even, And none will molest them from mom until And earth will appear as the garden of Eden, And Jesus will say to all Israel, Come home. 3 In faith we'll rely on the arm of Jehovah To guide through these last days of trouble and gloom ; And after the scourges and harvest are over. We'll rise with the just when the Savior doth come. Then all that was promised the Saints will be given, [heaven. And they will be crowned as the angels of And earth will appear as the garden of Eden, And Christ and his people will ever be one. HYMN 183. (CM.) The glorious day is rolling on,— All glory to the Lord! When fair as at creation's dawn. The earth will be restored. 200 3 A perfect bai-vcst thou will crown The renovated soil, And rich abundance drop around Without corroding toil. 3 For in its own primeval bloom Will nature smile again. And blossoms, fragrant with perfume, Adorn the verdant plain. i The Samts will then, with pure delight. Possess the holy land, And walk with Jesus Christ in white. And in his presence stand. 5 What glorious prospects ! Can we claim These hopes, and call them ours ? Yes, if, through faith in Jesus' name. We conquer Satan's x^owers; G If we, like Jesus, bear the cross. Like him despise the shame. And count all earthly things but dross. For his most holy name. 7 Then, whUe the powers of darkness rage, With glory in our view. In Jesus' strength let us engage, To press to Zion too. ■ 201 8 For Zion will like Eden bloom, And Jesus come to reign ; The Saints, immortal from the tonil), With angels meet again. HYMN 184. (L.M.) 1 Behold, the great Redeemer eomes To bring his ransomed peojile home ; He conies to save his scattered sheep ; He comes to comfort those who weep. 2 He comes all blessings to impart Unto the meek and contrite heart; He comes, he comes! his Saints admire! He comes to bum the proud by fire. 3 He comes to bless the huml)le poor; He comes creation to restore ; He comes the earth to purify; He comes, but not again to die. 4 He comes, he eomes unto his own ; He comes to reign on David's throne ; He comes to stand on Zion's hill ; He eomes the Scriptures to fulfil. 5 He comes to tread the wicked down ; He comes the martyrs soon to crown ; 202 He comes to diy the monrncrs' tears -, He comes to reign a thousaud 3'ears. 6 He comes on Olive's Mount to stand ; He comes all Israel to defend ; He comes to lay the smncr low; He comes that Judah may him know. 7 He comes to show his hands and side; He comes to wed his read3'- hride; He comes to rci;[;ii as King of kings ; He comes, and all creation shigs. HYMN 185. (S.M.) 1 Behold, the Savior comes! Ye Saints, your hearts jirepare; To Zion's mountain gather home. For soon you'll meet him there. 2 The signs which he foretold Already do appear : Blood, smoke and fire, we oft hehold, And these bespeak him near. S Then let us lift our heads "With joy, and sing his praise ; The fig-tree putting forth its huds Bespeaks the latter days. 203 HYMN 180. (L.M.) 1 Earth is tbc place where Christ will reign With all his Saints a thousand years; He'll end their sorrows and their pahis, Dismiss their woes, and dry their tears. 3 "tic'll burst the portals of the tomh. And bring their sleeping dust to light; He'll clothe them with immortal bloom, Arrayed in garments clean and white. 3 Hem cleanse the earth from wicked men, And bind old Satan with a chain ; He'll raise the meek and humble, then, To thrones of power, and bid them reign. 4 Hosannah to the Son of God, Who soon will come to earth agam, To smite the wicked with his rod, And o'er the earth exalted reign ! HYMN 187. (L.M.) 1 Behold the Mount of Olives rend ! And on its top Messiah stand, His chosen Israel to defend. And save them with a mighty hand. 204 2 The mountains sink, the valleys rise, And all the land becomes a plain ; He lirinG;s deliverance to the Jews, While all their enemies are slain. 3 But lo ! what pen can paint the scene ! His wounded hands and side they see. Where once the nails and spear have been ! This our Messiah ! Can it be ? 4 Whence, then, these wounds? Ah! who has pierced Our great Deliv'rer's heart and hands? "These are the wounds I once received Amid my kindred and my friends." 5 Tims the Messiah stands revealed, And they their blest deliv'rcr own; They're humbled Avhen at last they find Jesus — Messiah — both are one. 6 Like Joseph's brethren, now they mourn. And humbly own a Savior slain ; They crown him king on David's throne. That o'er the nations he may reign. HYMN. 188 (L.M.) 1 Hosannah to the great Messiah, The long expected Savior King, 205 He'll come and cleanse the earth ])y fire, And gather scattered Israel in. 2 On Zion's mount his throne shall he, His sanctuary stand secure, His sceptre o'er the nations sway, And all creation him adore. 8 He'll judge with justice for the poor; He will with equity reprove; He'll smite the wicked with his power — Oi)pression from the earth remove. 4 Princes and kings, and dukes and lords. And mighty men of great renown, Shall pray, though not unto the Lord, But to the rocks and hills how down. 5 Ye rocks and mountams, on us fall, To hide us from the great Messiah ; For lo! the day of wrath has come. The Lord's great day of dreadful ire. C) The poor and meek shall then rejoice ; The Saints in peace possess the land ; The sheep shall hear the Shepherd's voice, And with him on Mount Zion stand. 206 HYMN 189. (7'e.) 1 Jesus, once of humble birtli, Now in glory comes to earth ; Onee he suffered grief and pain, Now he comes on earth to reign. 2 Once a meek and lowly Lamh, Now the Lord, the great I AM ; Once u^jon the cross he bowed. Now his chariot is the cloud. 3 Once he groaned in hlood and tears, Now in glory he appears ; Once rejected by his own, Now their King he shall be known. 4 Once forsaken, left alone. Now exalted to a throne ; Once all things he meekly bore. But he now will bear no more. HYMN 190. (P.M.) 1 This earth shall be a blessed place, To Saints celestial given. Where Christ again shall show liis face. With the redeemed of Adam's race, In clouds descend from heaven. 207 2 Yes, wlieu he comes on earth again, The wicked bum as stubble ; Thus all his enemies ai'e slain, And o'er the nations he shall reign, And end the scenes of trouble. 3 The trump of war is heard no more, Bxit all their strife is ended, While Jesus shall all things restore To order, as they were before, And peace o'er all extended. 4 Sing, O ye heavens ! let earth rejoice, While Saints shall flow to Zion, And rear the Temple of his choice. And in its courts unite their voice. In praise to Judah's Lion. 5 Hosanna to the reigii of peace. The day so long expected ; "When earth shall find a full release. The groanings of creation cease, The righteous well protected. 6 Come, sound his praise in joyful strains, Who dwell beneath his banner; He'll bind old Satan fast in chains. And wide o'er earth's extended plams The nations shout Hosanna, 208 HYMN 191. (7's & 6'8.) 1 At first, the 1)abc of Bethlehem, Of meek and humble mien ; But next, the Lord from heaven, In glory shall be seen. 2 The first, so meek and lowly, Upon au ass he rode ; The second, crowned with glory, Returned to his abode. 3 The first was persecuted, And into Egypt fled, A pilgrim and a stranger, — Not where to lay his head ; 4 The second, in his Temple All suddenly appears. And all his Saints come with him, To reign a thousand years. 5 The first, a man of sorrows. Rejected by his ovm ; And Israel left in blindness To wander forth forloni ; G The second brings deliv'rance; They crown him as their King ; 209 They own him as their SaTior, And johi liis x^raise to sing. 7 The first was all compassion, And healing his employ ; The second, clothed in vengeance, The wicked shall destroy. 8 The first claimed no proud kingdom Of this wide, wicked world ; The last,— all kmgs shall own him, Or from their thrones be hurled. 9 Let Jews and Gentiles mingle — Messiah, Jesus, own; His first and second coming Will show that both arc one. HYMN 192. (4-6's & 3-S's.) Come, O thou King of khigs ! We've waited long for thee ; With healing in thy wings. To set thy people free ; Come, thou desire of nations, come : Let Israel now be gathered home. Come, make an end of sin. And cleanse the earth by fire; 210 And riglitcousness bring in, Tliat Saints may tune the Ija-e, With songs of joy — a happier strain, To welcome in thy peaceful reign. Hosannas now shall sound From all the ransomed throng, And glory echo round, A new triumphal song The wide expanse of heaven fill, With anthems sweet from Zion's hill. Hail ! Prince of Life and Peace ! Thrice welcome to thy throne! While aU the chosen race ^ Their Lord and Savior own. The heathen nations how the knee, And every tongue sounds praise to thee. HYMN 193. (7's & G's, D.) FarcAvell, all earthly honors ; Ibidj'ou all adieu-. Farewell, all sinful pleasures ; I want no more of you. I want my habitation On that eternal soil, Bej'^ond the powers of Satan, "\Vtierc sin can ne'er defile. 211 3 1 waut my name cngrayen Among the righteous ones, Crymg, holy, holy Father, And wear a righteous crown. For such eternal riches, I'm wilUng to pass through All needful tribulations. And count them my just due. 3 I'm willing to he chastened. And bear my daily cross ; I'm willing to be cleansed From every kind of dross. I see a fiery furnace, I feel its piercing flames ; The fruits of it are holy, The gold will still remain. 4 All earthly tribulations Are but a moment here ; Then, oh ! if we prove faithful, A righteous crown we'll wear : We shall be counted holy. And feed on angels' food, llcjoicing in bright glory, Before the throne of God. 5 There Christ himself has promised A mansion to prepare ; 212 And all who serve him faithfully, The victor's wreath shall wear; Bright croAvns shall then he given To all the ransomed throng. And glory ! glory ! glory ! Shall he the conq'ror's song. HYMN 194. (P.M.) 1 Kedeemer of Israel, Our only delight, On whom for a blessmg we call ; Our shadow by day, And our pillar by night, Our King, our Deliv'rcr, our all ! 2 We know he is comuig To gather his sheep, And lead them to Zion m love ; For why in the valley Of death should they weep, Or in the lone wilderness rove ! 3 How long we have wandered As strangers in sin, And cried in the desert for thee! Our foes have rejoiced When our sorrows they've seen ; But Israel wiU shortly be free. 213 4 As cliildieu of Zion, Good tidings for us, The tokens already appear ; Tear not, and be just. For tlie kingdom is ours ; The hour of redemption is near. HYMN 195. (L.M.) 1 What wondrous things we now behold, By Prophets seen in days of old. In visions which th' Almighty Lord Confirmed by his unchanging word. 3 The second time he'd set his hand, To gather Israel to their land ; Fulfil the cov'nants he had made. And pour his blessings on their head. 3 Then Ephraim's sons, a warlike race. Shall seek their rest and dwell in peace ; And earth's remotest parts abound, With joys of everlasting sound. 4 Yes, Abra'm's children then shall be Like sands in number by the sea : While kindreds, tongues and nations all, Combine to make their numbers full. P 214 5 The dawnine; of that day has come, See! Abra'm's sons arc gath'rino; home; And daughters too, with joyful lays, Are hast'mng here to join in praise. 6 O God, our Father and our King, Inspire the theme our voices sing ; Let all our powers of soul combine. To smg thy praise in songs divine. HYMN 196. (7's.) 1 In the sun, and moon, and stars. Signs and wonders there shall be ; Earth shall quake with inward wars, Nations with pcrplelsity. 3 Soon shall ocean's hoary deep. Tossed with stronger tempests rise Wilder storms the moim tarns sweep ; Louder thunders shake the skies. 3 Dread alarms shall shake the proud. Pale amazement, restless fear-, Joy, ye samts, in yonder cloud See your Savior King appear! 215 HYMN 197. (J:-6's & 2-8' s.) Ye ransomed of our God, To Zion now return, And seek a safe attode, Before the wicked bum ; The year of Jubilee draws near ; Jesus on earth will soon appear. Let Israel now return Unto their ancient home, Possess the Holy Land, And build Jerusalem And there await the Jubilee ; They shall the King of glory sec. Let Gentiles throng the way To Zion's happy land ; Those who the truth obey Shall in his presence stand, Shall shine with the celestial light, And walk with Jesus Christ in wliite. Let Joseph's remnants come To Zion's sacred hill, And throng the house of God, And learn to do his will. That Zion may arise and shine With light celestial and divine. 216 Let Saints in every clime. Their waiting hearts prepare, Erom every tribe and tongue. To Zion's mount repair; The marriage of the Lamb is near; The great Bridegroom will soon appear. HYMN 198. (L.M.) 1 A holy angel from on high, The joyful message has made known, "Which brings our longing spirits nigh, To bow and worship near the throne. 2 Mercy and truth together meet. And joy and peace with fond embrace ; The earth and heaven each other greet. Their offspring, truth and righteousness. 3 Lo! from the heavens comes righteousness, And truth from earth exulting springs ; These joined in one shall Israel bless, Borne as it were on angels' wings. 4 Wide round the earth the echo flies, From their long sleep the nations wake ; The righteous shout with glad surprise, While the ungodly fear and quake. 217 5 Thus truth shall spread through every cluuc, And Israel's tribes be gathered home, And watch for the appomtcd time To see the great Messiah come. IIYMN 199. (L.M.) 1 What wondrous scenes mme eyes behold ! What glories burst upon my view ! When Ephraim's records I unfold, AU things appear divinely new. 2 Angels to earth good news have borne. Which fills our souls with joy and peace; Good news to comfort those who mourn And bring the captive fuU release. 3 Isi'ael, so long oppressed and grieved, In every land, in every clime, Shall hear the word of God, and live ! Tliis is the time, the chosen time. 4 The scattered sheep, who once were sold. In dai'kness o'er the mountains far, Shall now return unto their fold, And there their waiting hearts prepare. 5 When lo ! their Shepherd shall descend , With aU the glorious, heavenly throng*, 218 Destroy tlie wolves, the sheep defend, From every woe, from every "wrong. 6 Glory to God ! we tnne the lyre In loud hosannas to his name ; Let Jews and Gentiles join the choir, And round the earth the ncAvs x^roclaim. IIYMN 200. (4-C's ci^ 2-8's.) 1 An angel from on high, The long, long silence hrolce ; Descendhig from the sky. These gracious words he spoke — Lo ! in Cumorah's lonely hill, A sacred, record lies concealed. 2 Sealed by Moroni's hand. It has for ages lain. To wait the Lord's command, From di;st to speak again. It shall again to light come forth, To usher in Christ's reign on earth. ?j It speaks of Joseph's seed. And makes the remnant IcnoAvn Of nations long since dead. Who once had dwelt alone. 219 The fulness of the Gospel, too, Its pages will reveal to view. The time is now fulfilled — The long expected day -, Let earth obedient yield, And darkness flee away ! Open the seals, he wide unfurled Its light and glorj' to the world. Lo, Israel flUed with joy. Shall now be gathered home ; Their wealth and means emploj'' To build Jerusalem ; While Zion shall arise and shine, And fill the earth with truth divine. HYMN 201. (CM.) 1 Behold, the mountain of the Lofd In latter days shall rise, On mountain tops above the hills, And draw the wond'ring eyes. 3 To this the joyful nations round — All tribes and tongues shall flow Up to the hill of God, they'll say^ And to his house, we'll go. 2^0 3 The rays that shmc from Zion's hill Shall lighten every land ; The King who reigns in Salem's towers Shall all the world command. 4 Among the nations he shall judge; His judgments truth shall guide ; His sceptre shall protect the just, And quell the sinner's pride. 5 No strife shall rage, nor hostile feuds Disturb those peaceful years ; To plow-shares men shall beat their swords- To pmning-hooks their spears. 6 No longer host cncount'ring host Shall crowds of slain deplore ; They'll hang the trumpet in the hall, And study war no more. 7 Come then, O house of Jacob, come, To worship at His shrine : And walking in the light of God, With holy beauties shine. HYMN 202. (L.M.) 1 Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb ; Take this new treasure to thy trust! 221 And give these sacred relics room To slumlici- in tlie silent dust. 2 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear, Invade thy bounds ; no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch the soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept; God's dying Son Passed through the grave anjd blessed the bed! Rest here, blest Samt, till from his throne The morning breaks to pierce the shade. 4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn ! Attend, O earth, his sov'reign word ! Restore thy trust ; a glorious form Shall then arise to meet the Lord . IIYMN 203. (CM.) 1 Lord, when iniquities abound, And blasphemy grows bold, When faith is hardly to be found, And love is waxing cold, — 2 Is not thy chariot hastening on? Ilast thou not giv'n the sign ? 222 May we not tinist and live iii)on A promise so divine ? 3 "Tcs," saitli the Lord "now will I rise, And make oppressors flee ; I will appear to their snrprise, And set my servants free." 4 Thy word, like silver seven times tried, Through ages shall endure ; The men, that in Thy truth confidp, Shall find the promise sure. HYMN 204. (L.P.M.) 1 Judges, who mle the world hy laws. Will ye despise the righteous cause When the oppressed before you stand ? Dare ye condemn the righteous poor, And let rich sinners go secure, While gold and greatness hril)e 3'our hand? 2 Have ye forgot, or never Icnew, That God will judge the judges, too? High in the heavens His justice reigiis ; Yet you invade the rights of God, And send your l)old decrees abroad, To bind the conscience in your chains! 223 S Til' Almighty thunclers from the sl-cj — Their grandeur melts, their titles die; — They perish like dissolving frost ; As empty chaff, when whirlwinds rise, Before the sweeping tempest flies, So shall their hopes and names he lost. 4 Thus shall the vengeance of the Lord Safety and joy to Saints afl[brd ; And all that hear shall join and saj', — "Sure there's a God that rules on high, A God that hears his children cry, And will their sufTrings well repay." HYMN 205. (L.M.) 1 This child we dedicate to Thee, O God of grace and purity! Shield him from sin and threatening wrong, And let thy love his life prolong. 3 O may thy Spirit gently draw nis willing soul to keep thy law ; May virtue, piety and truth, Dawn even with his dawning j^outh. o Grant him a pure and steadfast heart, That from the truth will ne'er depart; Faithful to every law that's given, Oh ! may he share the joj's of heaven. 224 in^MN 206. (CM.) 1 Lord, let thy Holy Spirit now Shine forth in every heart, That, as to worship thee we've met, "We may rejoicing part. 2 Speak through thy servants, Lord, and may Thy truth each bosom swell, "Wliile every lip and every heart Unite thy love to tell. IIYMN 207. (CM.) 1 Once more, my soul, the rising day Salutes thy waking eyes ; Now let my heart its tribute paj' To Him who rules the skies. 2 Night unto night his name repeats, And day renews the sound; Wide as the heavens on which he sits. To turn the seasons round. 3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame ; My tongue shall sing his jiraise ; And I will glory m his name, While he extends my days. 225 i And when my mortal course is clouc, And I must jaeld my breath, O, may my soul, bright as the sun, Shiuc o'er the night of death. HYMN 308. (S.M.) 1 Sec how the morning sun Pursues his shining way, And wide proclaims his Maker's praise With every hright'ning ray. 2 Tluis would my rising soul Of heaven's Parent sing, And spread the truth, from i?olc to i)ole, Of Jesus, my great King. 3 In faith I laid me down Beneath his guardian care ; I slept, and I awoke and found That he was just as near. 4 O Lord, I want to live So humbly unto thee; That in thy presence I may spend A blest eternity. 226 Give mc thy Spirit, then, To guide me tlirough this day, That I may be upright and just, And always watch and pray. HYMN 309. (L.M.) 1 "Waked from my bed of slumber sweet. Refreshed in body and in mind, The morning light with joy I greet, And offer up a song divine. 2 Thy praise, O God, shall be my theme, "While day and night their course pursue, Till time shall end its transient dream — Through endless day the theme renew. 3 Thy mercy has presei-ved my soul. Through toils and dangers, griefs and fears ; And still upon this earthly ball Thou lengthen'st out my days and years. 4 O, grant me, then, thy Spirit's power To guide my feet in ways of peace ; Preserve me thine each day and hour. Till from a Avorld of sin released. 227 5 Then when ray mortal life is closed, Eternal glory mine shall be ; And, all arrayed in spotless white, I shall the King of Glory see. HYMN 310. (CM.) 1 Come, let us sing an evening hymn, To calm our minds for rest ; And each one try, with single eye, To praise the Savior best. 2 Yea, let us sing a sacred song. To close the passing day; With one accord call on the Lord, And ever watch and pray. 3 O, thank the Lord for grace and gifts Renewed in latter days — For truth and light to guide us right In wisdom's pleasant ways ; 4 For every line we have received. To turn our hearts above — For every word and every good That fill our souls with love. 228 5 O, let us raise a holier strain, For blessings great as ours ; And be prepared, while angels guard Us through our slumb'ring hours. 6 O, may we sleep and wake in joy, While life with us remains ; And then go home beyond the toml«, Where peace for ever reigns. HYMN 311. (L.M.) 1 Glory to thee, my God, this night. For all the blessmgs of the Ught; Keep me, O keep me, King of kuigs. Under the shadow of thy wings. 2 Forgive me. Lord, for thy dear Son, The sins that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself and thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Triumphant rise to endless day. 229 4 Oh ! may my soul on thee repose, And may sweet sleep mme eyelids close — Slaep that shall me more vig'rous make, To serve my God when I awake. 5 If in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply ; Let no ill dreams disturb my rest. Nor powers of darkness me molest. € Let my blest guardian, while I sleep, His watchful station near me keep ; My heart with love celestial fill, And guard me from th' approach of ill. 7 May he celestial joys rehearse, And thought in thought with me converse; Or, in my stead, all the night long. Sing to my God a grateful song. S Lord, let my soul forever share The bliss of thy paternal care ; 'Tis heaven on earth, 'tis heaven above To see thy face and sing thy love. 9 Oh, when shall I, in endless day. Forever chase dark sleep away; And hymns divine with angels sing, — Glory to thee, Eternal King! Q ^30 HYMN 212. (L.M.) 1 Haste glorious day when Christ shall come To reigii supreme o'er land and sea, When Saints shall aU be gathered home, And earth be ruled with equity. HYMN 213. (L.M.) 1 Great God ! to thee my evening song "With humble gratitude I raise; let thy mercy tune my tongue. And fill my heart with hvely praise. 2 My days, unclouded as they pass, And every onwardjrolling hour. Are monuments of wondrous grace, And witness to thy love and power. 3 And yet this thoughtless, wretched heart, Too oft regardless of thy love, Ungrateful can from thee depart And from the path of duty rove. 4 Seal my forgiveness in the blood Of Christ, my Lord ; his name alone 1 plead for pardon, gTacious God, And kind acceptance at thy throne. 231 5 With hope in him mhie eyelids close, "With sleep refresh my feeble frame ; Safe iu thy care may I repose, And wake with praises to thy name. HYMN 214. (CM.) 1 Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray! I am for erer thine ! I fear before thee all the day : Oh! may I never sin. 3 And while I rest my weary head, From cares and business free, 'Tis sweet conversing on my bed With my own heart and thee. 3 I pay this evening sacrifice ; And when my work is done. Great God, my faith, my hope relies Upon thy grace alone. 4 Thus, with my thoughts composed to peace, I'll give mine eyes to sleep ; Thy hand in safety keeps my days. And will my slumbers keep. 232 HYMN 215. (S.M.) The day is past and gone, The evenmg shades appear ; O, may we all remember well The night of death draws near. We lay our garments by. While we retire to rest ; So death will soon disrobe us all Of what we here possess. Lord, keep us safe this night Secure from all our fears ; May angels guard us while we sleep. Till morniag light appears. And when we early rise And view th' unwearied sun, May we set out to win the prize, And after glory run. And when our days are past, And we from time remove, O, may we in thy kingdom rest. Where all is peace and love. 233 HYMN 210. (8's.) 1 Adieu, my dear brethren, adieu ; Reluctant we give you the hand. No more to assemble with you, Till we on Mount Zion shall stand. 2 Your acts of benevolence past, Your gentle compassionate love. Henceforth in our mem'ry shall last, Though far from your sight we remove. o Our hearts swell with tender regret, And sigh at each parting embrace, While heaven our course must direct, And others succeed in our place. 4 When trav'ling the Gospel to preach, Our course among strangers we steer; Repentance and faith we will teach To all that are willing to hear. 5 O Shepherd of Israel, draw near ; Thy glorious presence display ; Our parting reflections to cheer, And help us thy voice to obey. 234 6 Help us to refrain from cacli ill ; Press forward for glory and peace ; Oar sacred engagements fulfil, Till thou shall command our release. 7 Then may we to Zion repair, And wait our blest Master to see, To spend the Millennium there, From sin and from sorrow set free. 8 How cheerful the thoughts of that rest. With Jesus our Savior to reign, Till we shall be changed with the blest, And glory celestial obtain. HYMN 317. (7's & 6's.) 1 Farewell, our friends and brethren Here take the parting hand ; We go to preach the Gospel In every foreign land. i Farewell our wives and children. Who render life so sweet ; Dry up your tears — be faithful Till we again shall meet. 23d 3 Farewell, ye scenes of cliildhood. And fancies of our youth ; We s:o to combat error With everlasting truth. 2 Farewell, all carnal pleasures, Which gild the scenes of mirth - Your days are surely numbered To trouble man on earth. 5 Farewell, farewell our country ; Our home is now abroad, To labor in the vineyard, In righteousness for God. 6 The gallant ships are readj-^ To bear us o'er the sea, To gather up the blessed, That Zion may be free. HYMN 218. (7's & 6's D. ) From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains, RoU do-vvn their golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, 236 They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain, 2 What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile; In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strewn. The heathen in his blindness Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high — Shall we, to men benighted, The lamp of life deny ? Salvation! oh, salvation The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learnt Messiah's name. i Waft, waft, ye winds, his story ; And you, ye waters, roll. Till, like a sea of glory. It spreads from pole to pole, — Till o'er our ransomed nature. The Lamb for sinners slain. Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. 237 HYMN 219. (ll's.) 1 How often in sweet meditation my mind, Where solitude reigned, and aside from mankind, Has dwelt on the hour when the Savior did deign To call me, his sen\ant, to publish his name. 2 To lift up my voice and proclaim the glad news, First unto the Gentiles, and then to the Jews, That Jesus, Messiah, in clouds will descend. Destroy the ungodly, the righteous defend. 3 How rich is the treasure, ye Priests of the Lord, Entrusted to us, as made known by his word, The plan of salvation, the Gospel of grace, To publish abroad unto Adam's lost race. 4 O, gladly we'll go to the isles and proclaim, And nations unknown then shall hear of His fame ; 238 Yea, kingdoms and countries, both Gentiles and Jews, Shall see us and he^ir us pr-x'laim the glad news. 5 And millions shall turn to the Lord, and re- joice That they have made Jesus, the Savior, their choice ; From north and the south, from the east and the west, We'll bring home our thousands in Zion to rest. As clouds see them fly to their glorioiis home — As doves to their windows in flocks see them come. While empires shall tremble, and kingdoms decay, As the visions of Daniel in plainness portray. 7 And Israel shall flourish and spread far abroad, Till earth shall be full of the knowledge of God; And thus shall the stone of the mountain roll forth. Extend its dominion, and fill the whole earth. 289 HYMN 220. (C.M.D.) 1 The gallant ship is under weigh To bear me off to sea. And yonder floats the streamer gay That says she waits for me. The seamen dip the ready oar, As rippled waves oft tell, They bear me swiftly from the shore ; My native land, farewell ! 3 I go, but not to plough the main To ease a restless mind ; Nor yet to toil on battle's plain, The victor's wreath to find. 'Tis not for treasures that are hid In mountain or in dell, — 'Tis not for joys like these I bid My native land farewell. 3 I go to break the fowler''s snare, To gather Israel home ; I go the name of Christ to bear In lands and isles unknoAvn ; And soon my pilgrim-feet shall tread On land where errors dwell. Whence light and truth have long since fled,— My native land farewell ! 240 I go, an erring child of dust, Ten thousand foes among; Yet on his mighty arm I trust, Who makes the feeble strong. My sun, my shield, forever nitrh, He will my fears dispel: This hope supports me Avhen I sigh. My native land, farewell! 5 I go devoted to his cause. And to his will resigned ; His presence will supply the loss Of all I leave behind : His promise cheers the sinking heart, And lights the darkest cell,— To exiled pilgrims grace imparts: My native land, farewell! 6 I go, — it is my Master's call; He's made m}' duty plain; No danger can the heart appal When Jesus stoops to reign. And now the vessel's side Ave've made, The sails their bosoms swell ; Thy beauties in the distance fade: My native land, farcAvell! 241 HYMN 231. (S's, 7's & i.) 1 Yes, my native land, I love thee. All thy scenes, I love them well: Friends, connections, happy country. Can I bid you all farewell ? Can I leave thee. Far in distant lands to dwell ? 2 Home! thy joys are passing lovely — Jo3's no stranger heart can tell : Happy home ! 'tis sure I love thee, Can I, can I say farewell ? Can I leave thee, Far in distant lands to dwell ? 3 Holy scenes of joy and gladness Every fond emotion swell ; Can I banish heartfelt sadness, While I bid my home farewell ? Can I leave thee, Far in distant lands to dwell ? 4 Yes, I hasten from you gladly, From the scenes I love so well: Far away, ye billows, bear me ; Lovely, native land, farewell ! Pleased I leave thee. Far in distant lands to dwell. 242 5 In the deserts let me labor, On the mountains let me tell How he died, the blessed Savior, To redeem a world from hell. Let me hasten Far in distant lands to d-well. 6 Bear me on, thou restless ocean ; Let the winds my canvass swell : Heaves my heart with warm emotion, While I go far hence to dwell. Glad I bid thee, Native land, farewell, farewell! HYMN 223. (L.M.) 1 Farewell, my kind and faithful friend — The partner of my early youth. While from my home my stops I bend, To warn mankind and teach the truth. 2 How oft, in silent evening mild, I to some lonely place repair! Thy love and kindness call to mind. And lift my voice in humble prayer. 3 O Lord, extend thine arms of love, Around the partner of my heart; For thou hast spoken from above. And called me from my all to part. 243 i Preserve her soul in i>erfect peace, From sickness, sorrow, grief and pain ; Until our pilo-rima^e shall cease. And we on Zion's hill shall reign. 5 How gladly would my soul retire AYith thee, to spend a peaceful life In some sequestered, humble vale, Far from the scenes of noise and strife, 6 TV^here men should grieve our souls no more, Nor rage of sin disturb our peace ; Our troubles, toils and suflTrmgs o'er. Their Ues and persecution cease. HYMN 223. (L.M.) 1 Behold ! the harvest wide extends, The fields are white o'er all the plam; The tares in bundles must be bound, Wuue we with care secure the grain. 2 Shall we repine when Jesus calls, Or count it sacrifice we make, To spend our lives as pilgrims here, Or lose them for the Gospel's sake ? 244 S When Jesus Christ has done the same, Without a place to lay his head, — A pilorim on the earth he came. Until for us his blood was shed. 4 Shall \re behold the nations doomed To sword and famine, blood and fire, Yet not the least exertion make, But from the scene in peace retire? 5 No ; while his love for me extends, The pattern makes my duty plain; I'll sound to earth's remotest ends, His Gospel to the sons of men ! 6 Farewell, my kind and faithful friend. Until we meet on earth again ; For soon our pili^rimage shall end, And the Messiah come to reign. HYMN 22i. (13's & ll's.) 1 Adieu to the city where long I have wandered To tell them of judgments and warn them to flee; How often in sorrow their woes I have pondered ! Perhaps in aflEiiction they'll think upon me. 245 2 With tears of compassion, in silence retiring. The last ray of hope for your safety expiring, A feeling of pity this bosom inspiring,— Sing this lamentation, and think upon me. 3 How often at evening your halls have re- sounded With th' pure testimony of Jesus so free ; While the meek were rejoicing, the proud were confounded, The poor had the Gospel : they'll think upon me. 4 W^hen empires shall tremble at Israel's re- turning, And earth shall be cleansed by the spirit of burning ; When proud men shall perish, and priests, with their learning, Sing this lamentation, and think upon me. 5 When th' Union is severed, and liberty's blessings Withheld from the sons of Columbia,once free; When bloodshed and war and famine distress them, Eemember the warning, and think upon me. 6 When this mighty city shall crumble to ruin. And sink as a millstone, the merchants un- doing, 246 The ransomed the hischway of Zion pursumg, -Sing this lamentation, and think upon me. HYMN 225. (8's7's&4.) 1 Come, thou glorious day of promise, Come and spread thj- cheerful ray, "When the scattered sheep of Israel Shall no longer go astray ; When hosannas. With united voice they'll cry. 2 Lord, how long wilt thou be angry? Shall thy wrath forever bum ? Else, redeem thine ancient people; Their transgressions from them turn. King of Israel, Come and set thy people free. 3 O, that soon thou wouldst to Jacob, Thy enlivening Spirit send ! Of their unbelief and mis'ry Make, O Lord, a speedy end. Lord, Messiah! Prince of Peace o'er Israel reigii. HYMN 226. (L.M.) 1 Farewell, ye servants of the Lord, To whom we oft have preached the word ; 247 May you improve the wisdom e:iveu, And lead ten thousand souls to heaven. 2 Farewell, ye Saints of latter days, With whom we've met in prayer and praise, In whose kind hearts the truth has shone. By which we're gathered all in one. 3 Farewell, kind friends, whose hearts are true. We can no longer stay with you ; Arise, the voice of truth obey, O, come and wash your sins away. 4 Farewell to all whose stubborn wiU Binds them in chains of darkness still ; Our voice no longer you shall hear, Till Jesus shall in clouds appear. 5 Then you shall see and hear and know What you rejected here below ; Though you may sink in endless pain, Yet truth eternal will remain. HYMN 227. (6-7's.) When shall we all meet again ? When shall we our rest obtain ? When our pilgrimage be o'er, Parting sighs be known no more. 248 When Mount Zion we regain, There may we all meet again. 2 We to foreign climes repair ; Truth's the message which we bear — Truth which angels oft have borne — Truth to comfort those who mourn : Truth eternal will remain ; On its rock we'll meet again. 8 Now the bright and morning star Spreads its glorious light afar — Kindles up the rising dawn Of that bright Millennial mom : When the Saints shall rise and reign, In the clouds we'll meet again. 4 When the sons of Israel come, When they buUd Jerusalem, When the House of God is reared, And Messiah's way prepared. When from heaven he comes to reign, There may we all meet again. 5 When the earth is cleansed by fire. When the wicked's hopes expire. When in cold oblivion's shade, Proud oppressors all are laid. Long will Zion's mount remain ; There may we all meet again. 249 HYMN 228. (ll's.) 1 To leave my dear friends, and from neighbors to part, And go from my home, give me sorrow of heart, With the thoughts of absenting myself far away From the House of my God where I've chosen to pray. 2 But Jesus now calls me a message to bear, To kingdoms and countries and islands afar; His presence will bless me and be with me there, His Spirit inspire me, in answer to prayer. 2 Then why should I linger with fondest de- sire. O'er home and the raptures its comforts in- spire ? For sweeter, oh, sweeter, the message I bear, To comfort the mourner, in answer to prayer. 4 Dear friends, I must leave you and bid you adieu. And pay my devotion in parts to me new ; But still I'll remember in pilgrimage there. The joys that we tasted in answer to prayer. 250 5 And oft when the day's busy bustle -vrill close. As nature lies sleeping in silent repose, To some lone retreat I will fondly repair. Remember my kindred, and pray for them there. HYMN 229. (4-6^s & 2-8's.) When time shall be no more. Its jOys and sorrows fled ; When all its cares are o'er, And numbered with the dead, Unveiled, eternal truth shall shine. In its own image, all divme. The Saints in robes of light Shall walk the golden street. Shall bow before His throne. Or worship at his feet, — Shall sit on thrones, exalted high. Enthroned in might and majesty. O, sinner, wouldst thou stand In that blest company ? Obey the Lord's command. And from thy sins be free ; I shall be there and look for thee ; Farewell! till then, remember me. 251 HYMN 230. (P.M.) An angel came do\vn from the mansions of glory, And told that a record was hid in Cumorah, Containuag the fullness of Jesus' Gospel, And also the cov'nant to gather his people. O Israel ! O Israel ! in all your abidings, Prepare for your Lord, when you hear these glad tidings. 3 A heavenly treasure, a book full of merit, It speaks from the dust by the power of the Spirit ; A voice from the Savior, that Samts can rely on, To watch for the day when he brings again Zion. O Israel! O Israel! &c. 3 O, listen, ye isles, and give ear every nation, For great things await you in this genera- tion ; The kingdom of Jesus in Zion shall flourish, The righteous will gather, the wicked must perish. O Israel! O Israel! &c. 2^2 HYMN 331. (7's&6'8.) 1 If you could hie to Kolob, In th' twinkling of an eye. And then continue onward. With that same speed to fly, 2 D'ye think that you could ever, Through all eternity, Find out the generation "Where Gods began to be ? 3 Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend ? Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end ? 4 Methinks the Spirit whispers — "No man has found 'pure space,* Nor seen the outside curtains Where nothmg has a place. 5 The works of Gods continue, And worlds and lives abound ; Improvement and progression Have one eternal round. 253 6 There is no end to matter ; There is no end to space ; Tliere is no end to spirit ; There is no end to race ; 7 There is no end to virtue ; There is no end to might ; There is no end to wisdom ; There is no end to light ; 8 There is no end to nnion ; There is no end to youth ; There is no end to priesthood -, There is no end to truth ; 9 There is no end to glory ; There is no end to love ; There is no end to being: — Grim Death sleeps not above. HYMN 232. (CM.) 1 To Him who reigns on high, Whom heavenly hosts adore, The sovereign Lord of earth and sky, Be glory evermore. 254 2 Let Saints their voices raise, His wond'rous love to sing; Conspire with one accord to praise Their Father and their King. 3 Extol the wisdom great That framed salvation's scheme, Which not alone could man create, But fallen man redeem. 4 Sing of the glorious time When all will own his sway, And sing his praise in songs sul)lime, In realms of endless day. HYMN 233. (S's.) 1 A poor wayfarmg man of grief Hath often crossed me on my way ; Who sued so humbly for relief, That I could never answer, Nay. 2 I had not power to ask his name, Whither he went or whence he came ; Yet there was something in his eye That won my love, I knew not why. 255 3 Once, when my scanty meal was spread, He entered — ^not a word he spake ! Just perishing for want of bread ; I gave him all; he blessed it, brake, •l And ate, but gave me part again ; Mine was an angel's portion then ; For while I fed with eager haste, The crust was manna to my taste. 5 I spied him where a fountain burst Clear from the rock ; his strength was gone — The heedless water mocked his thirst; He heard it, saw it hurrjang on — 6 I ran and raised the sufi'rer up ; Thrice from the stream he drained my cup, Dipped, and returned it running o'er ; I drank and never thirsted more. 7 'Twas night; the floods were out; it blew A winter-hurricane aloof; I heard his voice abroad, and flew To bid him welcome to my roof. 8 I warmed and clothed and cheered my guest ; I laid him on my couch to rest ; Then made the earth my bed, and seemed In Eden's garden while I dreamed. 256 9 Stript, wonnded, beaten nigh to death, I found him by the highway side ; I roused his pulse, brought back his breath, Revived his spirit, and supplied 10 Wine, oil, refreshment, — he was healed ; I had myself a wound concealed ; But from that hour forgot the smart. And peace bound up my broken heart. 11 In prison I saw him next, — condemned To meet a traitor's doom at mom ; The tide of lying tongues I stemmed. And honored him 'mid shame and scorn. 12 My friendship's utmost zeal to try. He asked if I for him would die; The flesh was weak, my blood ran chill. But the free spirit cried, *'I will!" 13 Then in a moment to my view. The stranger darted from disguise ; The tokens in his hands I knew ; The Savior stood before mine eyes. 14 He spake, and my poor name he named — " Of me thou hast not been ashamed ; These deeds shall thy memorial be ; Fear not, thou didst them unto me." 257 HYMN 234. (6's & 7's, D.) 1 Come, all ye sons of Zion, And let us praise the Lord ; His ransomed are returning, According to his word ; In sacred songs and gladness They walk the narrow way, And thank the Lord who brought them To see the latter day. 3 Come, ye dispersed of Judah, Join in the theme and sing. With harmony unceasing, The praises of your King, Whose arm is now extended, On which the world may gaze, To gather up the righteous In these the latter days. 3 Rejoice, rejoice, O Israel! And let your joys abound ; The voice of God shall reach you Wherever you are found. And call you back from bondage, That you may sing his praise In Zion and Jerusalem, In these the latter days. '2d8 4 Then gather up for Zion, Ye Saints throughout the laud, And clear the way before you, As God shall give command. Though wicked men and devils Exert their power, 'tis vain, Since He who is eternal, lias said you shall obtain. HYMN 2S5. (6-7's.) 1 Earth, with her ten thousand flowers, Air, with all its beams and showers, Heaven's infinite expanse, Sea's resplendent countenance, All around and all above Bear this record — God is love. 2 Sounds among the vales and hills In the woods and by the rills, Of the breeze and of the bird. By the gentle murmur stirred ; Sacred songs, beneath, above, Have one chorus — God is love. 259 All the hopes that sweetly start From the fountain of the heart, All the bliss that ever comes To our earthly human homes AU the voices from above Sweetly whisper — God is love. HYMN 236. (8's, 7's, & 4.) 1 Guide us, O thou great Jehovah, Saints unto the promised land ! We are weak, but thou art able ; Hold us with thy powerful hand. Holy Spirit, Feed us till the Savior comes. 2 Open, Jesus, Zion's fountains, — Let her richest blessings come ; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Guard us to this holy home. Great Redeemer, Bring, O, bring the welcome day ! 8 When the earth begins to tremble. Bid our fearful thoughts be still ; When thy judgments spread destruction, Keep us safe on Zion's hill, Singing praises — Songs of glory unto thee. 260 HYMN 237. (ll's.) 1 How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent word ! What more can he say than to you he hath said — You who unto Jesus for refusie have fled 'f 2 In every condition, in sickness, in health, In poverty's vale or abounding in wealth. At home or abroad, on the land or the sea, As thy days may demand, so thy succor shall be. 3 Fear not, I am with thee; O, be not dismayed. Tor I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand. Upheld by my righteous omnipotent hand. 4 When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o'erflow, Tor I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless. And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. 261 5 When throiigli fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply, The flame shall not hurt thee ; I only design Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine. 6 E'en down to old age, all my people shall prove My sov'reign, eternal, unchangeable love; And then, when gray hairs shall their temples adorn, Like lambs shall they still in my bosom be borne. 7 The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose I will not, I cannot desert to his foes-, That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never, no never, no never forsake ! HYMN 338. (6,6,8,D.) 1 How pleasant 'tis to see Kindred and friends agree, Each in his proper station move, And each fulfil his part, With sympathizing heart. In all the cares of life and love. S 262 'Tis ftke the ointment shed On Aaron's sacred head, Divinely rich, divinely sweet : The oil through all the room Diffused a choice perfume, Ran through his robes and blest his feet. Like fruitful showers of rain That water all the plain, Descending from the neighb'ring hills. Such streams of pleasure roll Through every friendly soul. Where love like heavenly dew distils. HYMN 239. (6,6,8,D.) How pleased and blest was I To hear the people cr^^ "Come, let us seek our God to-day:" Yes, with a cheerful zeal. We'll haste to Zion's hill, And there our vows and honors pay. Zion, thrice happy place. Adorned with wondrous grace, And walls of strength embrace thee round In thee our tribes appear. To praise and pray and hear The sacred Gospel's joyful sound. 263 There, David's greater Son Has fixed his royal throne : He sits for grace and judgment there ; He bids the Saints be glad, He makes the sinners sad, And humble souls rejoice with fear. May peace attend thy gates. And joy within thee wait, To bless the soul of every guest ! The man that seeks thy peace, And wishes thine increase, A thousand blessmgs on him rest. My tongue repeats her vows, " Peace to this sacred house ! For here my friends and kindred dwell:" And since my glorious God Makes thee his blest abode. My soul shall ever love thee well. HYMN 240. (L.M.) Know this, that every soul is free. To choose his life and what he'll be ; For this eternal truth is given. That God will force no man to heaven. 264 2 He'll call, persuade, direct aright, — Bless him -svith wisdom, love, and light,- In nameless ways be erood and kind, But never force the human mind. 3 Freedom and reason make us men ; Take these away, what are we then ? Mere animals, and just as well The heasts may think of heaven or hell. 4 May we no more our powers abuse, But ways of truth and goodness choose ; Our God is pleased when we improve His grace, and seek his perfect love. 5 It is my free will to believe ; 'Tis Gbd's free will me to receive : To stubborn willers this I'll tell, 'Tis aU free grace and aU free will. 6 Those who despise grow harder stDl; Those who adhere, he turns their will : And thus despisers sink to heU, While those who heed in glory dwell. 7 But if we take the downward road. And make in hell our last abode, Our God is clear, and we shall know We've plunged ourselves in endless woe. 265 PIYMN 341. (L.M.) 1 The gi-eat and glorious Gospel ligiit Has ushered forth unto my sight, Which in my soul I have received, From bondasre and from death relieved. 2 With Saints below and Saints above I'll join to praise the God I love; Like Enoch too, I will proclaim A loud hosanna to his name. 8 Hosanna ! let the echo fly From pole to pole, from sky to sky ; And Saints and angels join to sing. Till all eternity shall ring. 4 Hosanna ! let the voice extend, Till time shall cease and have an end- Till all the thrones of heaven above Shall join the Saints in songs of love. 5 Hosanna ! let the trump of God Proclaim his wonders far abroad, And earth and air and skies and seas Conspire to sound aloud his praise. 266 HYMN 242. (L.M.) 1 The happy day has rolled on, The truth restored is now made known, The promised Angel's come again To introduce Messiah's reign. 2 The Gospel trump again is heard, The truth from darkness has appeared; The lands which long benighted lay, Have now beheld a glorious day — 3 The day by prophets long foretold, The day which Abra'ra did behold ; The day that Saints desired so long. When God his strange work would perform ; 4 The day when Saints again shall hear The voice of Jesus in their ear-. And angels, who above do reign, Come down to converse hold with men. HYMN 243. (CM.) 1 Come, listen to a Prophet's voice, And hear the word of God, And in the way of truth rejoice. And sing for joy aloud. 267 We've found the way the Prophets went, Who lived in days of yore ; Another Prophet now is sent, This knowledge to restore. 2 The gloom of sullen darkness, spread Through earth's extended s;iace, Is hanished by our living head, And God has shown his face. S Through erring schemes in days now past, The world has gone astray-, Yet Saints of God have found at last The strait and narrow way. 4 'Tis not in man they put their trust, Or on his arm rely ; Full well assured, all are accursed, Who Jesus Christ deny. 5 The Savior to his people said, Let all my words obey, And signs shall follow you on earth, Down to the latest day. 6 The sick, on whom the oil is poured And hands in meekness laid, Are by the power of God restored, Through faith, as Jesus said. 268 7 No more iu slavish fear we mourn, Nor yoke of bondag-e wear ; No more beneath delusion groan, Nor superstitious fear. 8 Of every dispensation past, Of every promise made ; The first be last, the last be first— The livmg and the dead. 9 Saviors shall to Mount Zion come — Their thousands brmg to rest; Throughout the great Millennium, Eternally be blest. HYMN 2W. (12's (fell's.) 1 The Spirit of God like a fire is burning ! The latter-day glory begms to come forth; The visions and blessmgs of old are return- ing, The angels are coming to visit the earth. We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven — Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb! Let glory to them in the highest be given, Henceforth and forever: Amen and Amen! 269 2 The Lord is extending tlie Saints' under- standing, Kestoring their judges and all as at first ; The knowledge and power of God are ex- panding ; The vail o'er the earth is beginning to burst. We'll sing and we'll shout, &c. 3 We'll call in our solemn assemblies in spirit, To spread forth the kingdom of heaven abroad, [inherit That we through our faith may begin to The visions and blessings and glories of God. We'll sing and we'll shout, &c. 4 We'll wash and be washed, and with oil be anointed, Withal not omitting the washing of feet; For he that receiveth his penny appointed Must surely be clean at the harvest of w^heat. We'll sing and we'll shout, &c. 5 Old Israel, that fled from the world for his freedom, [amain : Must eome with the cloud and the pillar A Moses and Aaron and Joshua lead him, And feed him on manna from heaven again. We'll sing and we'll shout, &c. 270. 5 How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion Shall lie down together without any ire, And Ephraim l:)e crowned with his blessing in Zion, As Jesus descends with his chariots of fire ! We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven — Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb! Let glory to them in the highest be given, Henceforth and forever; Amen and Amen! HYMN 345. (ll's.) 1 The sun that declines in the far western sky Has rolled o'er our heads till the summer's gone by, And hushed are the notes of the warblers of spring, That in the green bower did exultingly sing. 2 The changes for autumn already appear — A harvest of plenty has crowned the glad year. 271 While soft smiling zephyrs from orchards and bowers, Bring odors of joy from the fruit and the flowers. 3 As the summer of youth passes swiftly away, And the locks on our temples are silvered with grey, So the fair smiling landscape and flowery lawn. Though losing their ])eauty, their glory put on. 4 O, when the sweet summer of life shall have fled— Her joys and her sorrows entombed with the dead ; Then may we, by faith, arise, like good Enoch And be crowned with the just in the midst of the skies ; 5 Descend with the Savior in glory profound, And reign in perfection when Satan is bound ; "While love and sweet union together shall blend. And peace, gentle i^eace, like a river extend. 272 HYMN ^6. (L.M.) 1 The towers of Zion soon shall rise A bove the clouds and reach the skies — Attract the gaze and wond'ring eyes Of all that worship, gloriously. 2 The Saints shall see their cities stand Upon the consecrated land, And Israel, num'rous as the sand. Inherit them eternally. 3 Oh that the day would hasten on, When wickedness shall all be gone. And Saints and angels join in one, To praise the Man of Holiness. 4 Then will the vail of heaven rend, The Sou Ah-Man m power descend, A vast eternity to spend In perfect peace and righteousness. 5 Exalt the name of Zion's God; Praise ye his name in songs aloud ; Proclaim his majesty abroad, Ye banner-bearing messengers. 6 Cry to the nations far and near, To come and in the glories share Which on Mount Zion will appear, • When earth shall rest from wickedness. 273 HYMN ^47. (P.M.) 1 There's a feast of fat things for the righteous preparing, That the good of this world all the Saints may be sharing ; For the harvest is ripe, and the reapers have learned To gather the wheat that the tares may he humed. Come to the supper, come to the supper. Come to the supper of the great Bridegroom. 2 Go forth, all ye servants, unto every nation, And lift up your voices and make procla- mation — To cease from all evil and leave off all mirth, Tor the Savior is coming to reign on the earth. Come lo the supper, &c. 3 Go, set forth the judgments to come and the sorrow, For after to-day, oh! there cometh to- morrow, 274 When the vricked, ungodly, rebellious and proud, ShaE he humed up as stubble — oh cry it aloud. Come to the supper, &c. 4 Go, pass throughout Europe and Asia's dark regions, To China's far shores, and to Afric's black legions ; And proclaim to all people, as you're passing The fig trees are leafing, the summer is nigh. Come to the supper, &c. 5 Go, call on the great men of fame and of power, The king on his throne and the brave in his tower ; And inform them all kingdoms must fall but the one As clear as the moon and as fair as the sun. Come to the supper, &c. 6 Go, cry to all quarters, and then to the islands, To Gentiles and Jews, and proclaim to the heathens. 275 And exclaim to old Israel in every land, Repent ye! the kingdom of heaven's at hand. Come to the supj^er, &c. 7 Go, carry glad tidings, that none need donht whether The lamb and the lion shall lie do-^vn together. For the venom will cease when the devil is iDOund, [round. And peace, like a river, extend the world Come to the supper, &c. 8 Go, publish the Gospel, the truth of the Savior, [find favor That the poor and the meek may begin to And rejoice in their coming Redeemer and friend. And lo ! he is with yon henceforth to the end. Come to the supper, &c. 9 O go and invite them, regardless of trouble, The rich and the learned, the wise and the noble, That the guests may be ready when Jesus shall come, To welcome forever the holy Bridegroom, Come to the supper, &c. 276 10 Go, gather the willing, and push them together. Yea, push them to Ziou, (the Saints' rest forever, ) Where the best that the heavens and earth can afford Will grace the first marriage and feast of the Lord. 11 Go, welcome his people, let nothing pre- clude you — Come, Joseph and Simeon and Reuben and Judah ; Come, Napthali, Issachar, Levi and Dan, Gad, Zebulon, Asher, and come Benjamin. Come to the supper, &c, 12 Be faithful and just to the end of your calling, Till Babylon the great — she is fallen! is fallen! Then return, and receive the just servant's reward, And sit down to the feast of the house of the Lord, Come to the supper, come to the supper. Come to the supper with the great Bride- groom. 277 HYMN 24S. (P.M.) 1 This earth was once a garden jilace, With all her glories common ; And men did live a holy I'ace, And worship Jesus face to face, In Adam-ondi-Ahman. 3 We read that Enoch walked with God, Above the power of mammon ; While Zion spread herself abroad. And Saints and angels sang aloud, In Adam-ondi-Ahman. 3 Her land was good and greatly blest. Beyond old Israel's Canaan; Her fame was known from east to west ; Her peace was great, and pure the rest Of Adam-ondi-Ahman. 4 Hosanna to such days to come — The Savior's second coming. When all the earth in glorious bloom Aflbrds the Saints a holy home. Like Adam-ondi-Ahman. HYMN 249. (L.M. or 6-8's.) 1 Though in the outward Church below The wheat and tares together grow, T 278 Jesus, ere long, will weed the crop, And pluck the tares in anger up ; For soon the reapino; time will come, And angels shout the harvest home. 2 Will it relieve their horrors there To recollect their stations here — How much they heard, how much they knew, How much among the wheat they grew ? 3 No; this will aggravate their case; They perished under means of grace ; To them the word of life and faith Became an mstrument of death. 4 T\'e seem alike when thus we meet. Strangers might think we all were wheat ; But to the Lord's all-searching eyes, Each heart appears without disguise. 5 The tares are spared for ririous ends — Some for the sake of praying friends ; Others, the Lord, against their wiU, Employs his counsels to fulfil. 6 But though they grow so tall and strong, His plan will not require them long: In harvest, when he saves his own. The tares shall into hell be thrown. 279 7 Oh ! awful thought ! and is it so ? Must all mankind the harvest know Is ev'ry man a wheat or tare ? Me for that haiTcst, Lord, prepare. HYMN 250. (12's & ll's D.) 1 What fair one is this, from the wilderness trav'ling-, Looking for Christ, the beloved of her heart? O, this is the Church, the fair bride of the Savior, Which with every idol is willing to part. While men in contention are constantly howling, And Babylon's bells are continually tolling, As though all the craft of her merchants was failing. And Jesus was coming to reign on the earth. 2 There is a sweet sound in the Gospel of heaven. And people are joyful when they understand ; The Saints on their way home to glory are even Determined by goodness to reach the blest land. Old formal professors are crying "delusion," And high-mmded hypocrites say, "'tis con- fusion-." 280 While grace is poured out in a blessed effu- sion, And Saints are rejoiriug to see priestcraft faU. 3 A blessing! a blessing! the Savior is coming. As Prophets and pilgrims of old have de- clared ; And Israel, the favored of God, is beginning To come to the feast for the righteous pre- pared. In the desert are fountains continually springing. The heavenly music of Zion is ringing, The Saints all their tithes and their ofTrings are bringing, — They thus prove the Lord and his blessings receive, 1 The name of Jehovah is worthy of praising, — And so is the Savior an excellent theme, — The Elders of Israel a standard are raising, And calling all nations to come to the same : These Elders go forth and the good news are telling, Their vrords find a place in the hearts of the willing, And thus is the vision of Daniel fulfilling. The Stone of the mountain will soon fill the earth . 281 HYMN 251. (8's.) 1 When Joseph his brethren beheld Afflicted and trembling with fear, His heart with compassion was filled : From weeping he could not forbear, 2 A-while his behavior was rough, To bring their past sins to their mind ; But when they were humbled enough, He hastened to show himself kind. 3 How little they thought it was he, Whom they had ill treated and sold ! How great their confusion must be, As soon as his name he had told ! *'I am Joseph, your brother," he said, "And still to my heart you are dear; You sold me and thought I was dead, Bat God for your sakes sent me here." 5 Though greatly distressed before. When charged with purloining the cup. They now were confounded much more ; Not one of themdared to look up. 282 6 "Can Joseph, whom we would have slain, Forgive us the evil we did '? And will he our households maiutaui ? Oh, this is a brother indeed!" HYMN 252. (L.M.) 1 When restless on my bed I lie, Still courting sleep, which still will fly. Then shall reflection's brighter j)ower Illume the lone and midnight hour. 2 If hushed the breeze and calm the tide, Soft will the stream of mem'ry glide; And all the past, a gentle train Waked by remembrance, live again. 3 If the loud wind, the tempest high And darlcncss wrap the sullen sky, I muse on life's tempestuous sea, And sigh, O Lord, to come to thee. 4 Tossed on the deep and swelling wave, Oh, mark my trembling soul and save! Give to my view that harbor near, Where thou wilt chase each 2:rief and fear. 283 HYMN 253. (CM.) 1 Hark ! listen to the trumpeters ! They sound for volunteers ; On Zion's bright and flowery mount Behold the officers. 2 Their horses white, their armor bright, With courage bold they stand, EnUsting soldiers for their King, To march to Zion's land. S It sets my heart all in a flame A soldier brave to be; I will enlist, gird on my arms. And fight for liberty. 4 We want no cowards in our bands. Who will our colors fly ; We call for valiant-hearted men, Who're not afraid to die. 5 To see our armies on parade. How martial they appear! All armed and drest in uniform, They look like men of war. 6 They follow their great General, The great Eternal Lamb — His garments stained in his own blood- King Jesus is his name. 284 7 The trumpets sound, the armies shout,- They drive the hosts of hell; How dreadful is our God t' adore — The great Emanuel. 8 Sinners, enlist "vrith Jesus Christ, Th' eternal Son of God, And march -with us to Zion's land, Beyond the swelling flood. 9 There on a green and flowery mount, Where fruits immortal grow ; With angels all arrayed in white. We'll our. Redeemer know. 10 We'll shout and sing forever more In that eternal world. While Satan and his army too Shall down to heU be hurled. 11 Lift up your heads, ye soldiers bold. Redemption's drawing nigh ; We soon shall hear the trumpet sound That shakes the earth and sky. 12 In fiery chariots we shall rise, And leave the world on fire; And all surround the throne of love, And join the heavenlj' choir. 285 HYMN 254. (P.M.) 1 The pure testimony poured forth iu the Spirit, Cuts like a keen two-edged sword ; And hj^pocrites now are most sorely tor- mented, Because they're condemned by the word. The pure testimony discovers the dross, While wicked professors make light of the cross: But Babylon trembles for fear of her loss. 2 Is not the time come for the Church to be gathered Into the one Spirit of God ? Baptized by one Spirit into the one Body, Partaking Christ's flesh and his blood ? They drink in one Spirit, which makes them all see They're one in Christ Jesus wherever they be, The Jew and the Gentile, the bond and the * free. 3 Then blow ye the trumpet in pure tsstimony, And let the world hear it again ! 286 O, come ye from Babylon, Egypt and Sodom, And make your way orcr the plain ; And gird on your armor, ye Saints of the Lord, For Christ vrill direct you hy his living word; The pure testimony will cut like a sword. 4 The great prince of darkness is must'ring his forces To make you his pris'ners again, By flatt'ries, reproaches and vile persecution, That you in his cause may remain ; But shun his temptations wherever they lay, And mind not his sei^vants whatever they say; The pure testimony will give you the day. 5 The world will not persecute those who are like them. But hold them the same as their own; The pure testimony cries out, separation. And calls you your lives to lay down. Come out from their spirit, and practices too. The track of your Savior keep still in your view; The pure testimony will cut the way through. 287 6 A battle is coming lictween the two king- cloms, The armies are gathering round ; The pure testimony and vile persecution, Will soon in close battle be found ; Then wash all your robes in the Lamb's cleansing blood, And keep, as did Jesus, the Spirit of God : Bj^ the pure testimony are all things subdued. HYMN 255. (LM.) 1 Afflicted Sahit, to Christ draw near-. Thy Savior's gracious promise hear : His faithful word declares to thee That "as thy day, thy strength shall be." 2 Let not thy heart despond and say, *' How shall I stand the trying day ?" He has engaged by firm decree That "as thy day, thy strength shall be." 3 Should persecution rage and flame. Still trust in thy Redeemer's name ; In fiery trials thou shalt see That "as thy day, thy strength shall be." 4 If faith be weak and foes be strong. And if the conflict should be long. 288 Thy Lord will make the tempter flee, For "as thy clay, thy strength shall be." 5 When called to bear the weighty cross Of sore affliction, pain or loss, Or deep distress, or poverty, Still, "as thy day, thy strength shall be." 6 When ghastly death appears in view, Christ's presence shall thy fears subdue; He comes thy spirit to set free, And "as thy day, thy strength shall be." HYMN 256. (6-7's.) 1 DanieFs wisdom may I know, Stephen's faith and patience show, John's divine compassion feel, Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal, Run like the ^^nwearied Paul, Win the prize and conquer all. Mary's love may I possess, Lydia's tender-heartedness ; Peter's ardent spirit feel, James' faith b}' works reveal ; Like young Timothy, may I Every sinful passion fly. 289 3 Job's suhmission let me show, David's true devotion know; Samuel's call, O may I hear, Lazarus' happy portion share ! Let Isaiah's hallowed fire All my new-born soul inspire. 4 Mine be Jacob's wrestling prayer, Gideon's valiant steadfast care, Joseph's purity impart, Isaac's meditative heart ; Abra'm's friendship let me prove, Faithful to the God of love. 5 Most of all, may I pursue That example Jesus drew ; In my life and conduct shoAV How he lived and walked below -, Day by day, through grace conferred Imitate my dearest Lord. 6 Then shall I these worthies meet, With them bow at Jesus' feet, "With them praise the God of love, "With them share the joys above, "With them range the blissful shore. Meet them all to part no more. 290 HYMN 257. (L.M.) 1 When Joseph saw his brethren moved With keenest sorrow and distress, He could no longer hide his love — No more his feelings could suppress. 2 The mj'stery he did unfold, Then fell upon their necks in tears, — I am your brother whom ye sold ; Dismiss your doubts, dispel 3^our fears 'Twas God that sent me by command To save you from the famine sore. To bring you into Eoypt's land. Where you shall never hunger more. 4 What mingled feelings seized their breasts! Sui-prise and grief, and joy and love, And shame and sorrow and distress, Alternate did their feelings move. 5 Lo ! this a lively type shall be Of Joseph's remnant long unknown; The gentiles shall their glory see. When to their brethren they're made known. 291 6 A curse, a liy-word long tbej^'ve been, Afflicted by the gentile race, Plundered and driven, sold and slain, Or brought to shame and deep disgrace. 7 But lo! their origin revealed Brings blessings on the gentile -vvoi'Id ; Their ancient records long concealed. Are like a banner now unfurled. HYMN 25S. (CM.) 1 Ye wond'ring nations, no"vv give ear Unto the angeFs cry, For lo! from heaven he has appeared, To brmg salvation nigh. 3 He's brought the ancient records forth, Unloosed the mighty seal ; His glory soon shall fill the earth. And wondrous things reveal. 3 The things of worth in ages gone. Its pages clear unfold ; And things to come, now rolling on, The wise may well behold. 4 Its opening wonders burst to view, All glorious and sublime; Point out the path that men pursue Down to the end of time. 292 5 The meek and humble shall rejoice, The "wise shall understand ; All Israel now shall know his yoice, And gather to their land. HYMN 259. (CM.) 1 I saw a mis^hty an2:el fly; To earth he bent his way, A messa2;e bearing from on high, To cheer the sons of day. 2 Truth is the tidings which he bears — The Gospel's joyful sound. To calm our doubts, to chase our fears, And make our joys abound. 3 He cries, and with a mighty Toice, Ye nations, lend an ear ; And isles and continents rejoice ; The great Redeemer's near. 4 He cries, let every tongue attend, And thrones and empires all, Fear God, and make the Lord your friend, The King, the Lord of all. 293 5 Fear God, and ^vorsh^p Him who made The heavens, earth and sea -, Fear him on whom your sins were laid- Who died to make you free. HYMN 260. (8's 7's & 4.) 1 Go, re messengers of glory ; Run, ye legates of the skies ; Go and tell the pleasing story, That a glorious angel flies. Great and mighty. With a message from the skies. 2 Go to every tribe and nation. Visit every land and clime, Sound to all the proclamation, Tell to all the truth sublime. That the Gospel Does in ancient glory shine. S Go ! to all the Gospel carry, Let the joyful news abound ; Go ! till every nation hear ye, Jew and Gentile hear the sound: Let the Gospel Echo all the earth around. V 294 Bearing seed of heavenly virtue, Scatter it o'er all the earth-. Go ! Jehovah will support you. Gather all the sheaves of worth ; Then, with Jesus, Reign m glory on the earth. HYMN 361. (4-6's&2-8's.) All hail the glorious day, By Prophets long foretold. When, with harmonious lay. The sheep of Israel's fold On Zion's hill his praise proclaim, And shout hosanna to his name. When Israel from afar And Judah scattered wide Shall to their land repair, And there in peace abide, — Directed by Jehovah's hand. Shall dwell in peace in Zion's land. From Zion's heavenly mount Shall healing waters flow, And near this holy fount Will trees immortal grow, Wliose heavenly balm the kuagdoms feel- Whose leaves will all the nations heal. 295 Jerusalem shall be Our great Redeemer's tliroue; O'er all the earth and sea, His glory be made known ; Nations and kings Messiah greet, And lay their honors at his feet. Strike, strike the golden lyre, And ye, his angels, sing: Let joy your bosoms fire. And heaven with glory ring ; From earth and air and sea and skies Let the Redeemer's praise arise. HYMN 262. (L.M.) 1 The glorious plan which God has given, To bring a ruined world to heaven, Was framed m Christ by the new birth. Was sealed in heaven, was sealed on earth. 2 As in the heavens they all agree, The record's given there by Three ; On earth three witnesses are given, To lead the sons of earth to heaven. 3 Jehovah, God the Father's one-, Another, His Eternal Son ; The Spirit does with them agree, — The witnesses in heaven are three. 296 4 Nor are we in the second birth, Left Avithout witnesses on earth, To grope, as in eternal night, About the way to endless light. 5 Buried beneath the liquid wave, To know the Spirit's power to save, And feel the virtue of His blood, Are witnesses ordained of God. In heaven they all agree in One, The Father, Spirit, and the Son ; On earth these witnesses agree. The water, blood, and Spirit, three. One great connectmg link is given Between the sons of earth and heaven: The Spirit seals us here on earth. In heaven records our second birth. 8 If we on earth possess those three. Mysterious, saving unity. The Book of Life will record bear, — Our names are surely written there. 29^: HYMN 263. (S's & 7's.) 1 Truth reflects upon our senses, Gospel light reveals to some : If there still should be oflenees, Woe to them by whom they come. 2 Judge not, that you be not judged. Was the counsel Jesus gave ; Measure given, large or grudged. Just the same you must receive. 3 Jesus said. Be meek and lowly, For 'tis high to be a judge: ' If I would be pure and holy, I must love without a grudge. 4 It requires a constant labor All his precepts to obey ; If I truly love my neighbor, I am in the narrow wa3^ 5 Once I said unto another. In thine eye there is a mote; If thou art a friendly brother. Hold, and let me pull it out. 298 6 But I could uot see it fairly. For my sight vras very dim ; AYhen I came to search more clearly, In mine eye there was a beam. 7 If I love my brother dearer, And his mote I would erase. Then the light should shine the clearer. For the eye's a tender place. 8 Others I have oft reproved, For an object like a mote ; Now I wish this beam removed. Oh! that tears would wash it out. 9 Charity and love are healing; These will give the clearest sight; When I saw my brother's failing, I was not exactly right. 10 Now I'll take no farther trouble, — Jesus' love is all my theme ; Little motes are but a bubble, When I thmk upon the beam. HYMN 2&4. (3-7's&4.) 1 Stars of morning, shout for jo}-; Sing redemption's mystery; Holy, Holy, Holy cry, And praise the Lamb ! 299 3 Ethiopia, stretch th}'- hand ; Come, ye tribes of ever}- land, Countless as the ocean's sand, To praise the Lamb. 3 Bend thy bow and come, good Lord ; Send thy Spirit with thy word -, Be thy saving work restored. Thou bleeding Lamb. 4 My believing spirit fill ; Faith demands — it is thy will ; All things now are possible — It shall be done. 5 Thus may we each moment feel ; Love him, serve him, praise him still. Till we meet on Zion's hill, To praise the Lamb. 6 Savior, let thy kingdom come. Now the man of sin consume ; Brmg the blest Millennium, Exalted Lamb. HYMN 265. (ll's&13's.) 1 Let Judah rejoice in this glorious ncAvs, For the sound of glad tidings will soon reach the Jcavs, 300 And gave them far, far from oppression and fear, And deliv'rance proclaim to their sons far and near. 2 Long, long thou hast -wandered an exile forlorn, And all that have seen thee have laughed thee to scorn ; Thou naught but affliction and sorrow hast seen; [has heen. Heart-rending and cheerless thy path^way 3 In vain 'midst the nations for friends didst thou seek; [cause thou wast weak; They have robbed thee and spoiled thee be- No bosom has pitied, no fnend has been near, Thy woe-stricken spirit to comfort and cheer. 4 But the days of thy mourning are near at an end, [and friend, When Messiah will come, thy Eedeemer To cheer thee, and bless thee, and dry up thy tears, [fears. And calm thy sad bosom, and chase all thy 5 Yes, Messiah, the hope of all Israel will come, [thee home ; And from islands and continents Leather 301 Whom thy fathers rejected, thy Savior shall be,— [^ree. He -will strike off thy fetters, and bid thee be 6 Thou shalt from affliction forever be free; The sons of oppressors shall bow down to thee ; [Jew, Ten men shall take hold of the skirt of the And say, "With you we'll go, for Jehovah's with you." 7 Old Israel shall come from his place of retreat; [feet; He shall worship Messiah, and bow at his And all Abra'am's seed from the nations shall come, [home. And shall find in the land of their fathers a 8 As the Red Sea once severed was by Moses' rod, So again thou shalt witness the power of thy God, [flow. Thy Moses shall speak, and the waters shall And thy tribes on dry land shall in glory pass through. 9 Thou shalt build, thou shalt plant, and in- habit and eat, [wheat; And thy soul shall be fed on the finest of 302 In the valley of Aehor thy herds shall lie down ; [renown. Thou Shalt be 'midst the nations a plant of 10 Thy olive shall flourish, thy fig-trees shall grow, [tains shall flow ; And with wine, milk and honey thy moun- 'Neath the fig-tree and vine, in their cool spreading shade. Thou Shalt worship thy God, and none make thee afraid. 11 Thy Messiah will come, and his right will maintain, Over thee and all nations in majesty reign*. Thou Shalt with his presence forever be blest. And from pain, grief and sorrow eternally rest. HYMN 266. (L.M.) 1 When earth in bondage long had lain, And darkness o'er the nations reigned, And all man's precepts proved in vain, A perfect system to obtain. 2 A voice commissioned from on high, Hark, hark! it is the angel's cry, 303 Descending from the throne of light, — His garments shining clear and -white. 3 He comes the Gospel to reveal In fulness to benighted man ; Lo! from Cumorah's lonely hill, There eomes a record of God's will. 4 Translated by the power of God, His voice bears record to his word ; Again an angel did appear. As witnesses do record bear-, 5 Restored the Priesthood, long since lost, In truth and power as at the first: Thus men commissioned from on high, Came forth and did repentance ciy, 6 Baptizing those who did believe, That they the Spirit might receive, In fulness, as in days of old. And have one Shepherd and one fold . HYMN 267. (L.M.) 1 Te Gentile nations, cease your strife, And listen to the words of life; Turn from yoar sins with one accord ; Prepare to meet your coming Lord. 304 2 Let Judah's remnants, far and near, The glorious proclamation hear ; For Israel and the Gentiles too The -vvay to Zion shall pursue. 3 Their voices and their tonnes employ In songs of everlasting joy; The mountains and the hills rejoice; Let all creation hear His voice. 4 From north to south, from east to Tvest, In thee all nations shall be blest, When Abra'm and his seed shall stand Unnumbered on the promised land. HYMN 2P>3. (L.M.) 1 The solid rocks were rent in twain, When Christ the Lamb of God was slain ; The sun in darkness veiled his face, The mountains moved, and left their place. 2 The whole creation groaned in pain, Till the Messiah rose again ! Then nature ceased her dreadful groan, The sun unveiled his face and shone. 305 3 The righteous that were spared alive, With joy and wonder did believe, And soon together they convened. Conversing on the things they'd seen, 4 Which had been given for a sign. When lo! they heard a voice divine; And as the heavenly voice they heard, The Lord of glory soon appeared. 5 With joy and wonder all amazed Upon their glorious Lord they gazed, And wist not what the vision meant. But thought it was an angel sent, 6 While in their midst he smiling stood. Proclaimed himself the Son of God, And said, "Come forth and feel and see, That you may witness bear of me." 7 And when they all had felt and seen Where once the nails and spear had been, Hosanna ! rose with loud acclaim, — They blessed and praised his holy name. S He then proceeded to make plain His Gospel to the sons of men ; The prophecies he did unfold, Yea, things that were in days of old. 306 9 And every thing: that should transpire, Till elements should melt with fire ; Gave them commandment to record The sayings of their risen Lord. 10 That generation should be blest, And with him in his kingdom rest ! But oh ! what scenes of sorrow rolled When he the future did unfold ! 11 Four generations should not pass. Until they'd turn from righteousness, The Nephite nation be destroyed, The Lamanites reject his word. 12 The Gospel taken from their midst, The record of their fathers hid ; They dwindle long in unbelief. And ages pass without relief, 13 Until the Gentiles from afar, Should smite them in a dreadful war. And take possession of their land. And they should have no power to stand. 14: But as their remnants wander far, In darkness, sorrow and despair, Lo ! from the earth their record comes To gather Israel to their homes. 307 15 First to the Gentile 'tis revealed ; The prophecy must be fulfilled, That they may know and understand, His Gospel, and no more contend. 16 Hear, O ye Gentiles ! and repent, To you is this salvation sent ; God to the Gentiles lifts his hand To oather Israel to their land. HYMN 369. (P.M.) 1 Oh, Avho that has searched in the records of old. And read o'er the last scenes of woe — Four-and-twenty with Mormon were left to behold Their nation lie mmild'ring below. 2 The Nephites destroyed, theLamanites dwelt For ages in sorrow unknovm ; [last, Generations have passed, till the Gentiles at Have divided their lands as their own. 3 O, who that has seen o'er the wide spread- ing plain, The Lamanites wander forlorn, While the Gentiles in pride and oppression divide The land they could once caU their own, — 80S 4 And who that believes does not lou^ for the hour When sin and oppression shall cease, And truth, like the rainbow, display through the shower, That bright written promise of peace ? 5 O, thou sore afflicted and sorrowful race The days of thy sorrow shall end ! The Lord has pronounced you a remnant of his, Descended from Abra'm his friend. 6 Thy stones with fair colors most glorious shall stand, And sapphires all shining around, Thy windows of abates, in this glorious land, And thy gates with carbuncles abound. 7 With songs of rejoicing to Zion return, And sorrow and sighing shall flee! The powers of heaven among you come do^vn, And Christ in the centre will be. S And then all the watchmen shall see eye to eye, When the Lord shall bring Zion asain, 309 The wolf and the kid down together shall lie, And the lion shall dwell with the laml3. 9 The earth shall he filled with the knowledge of God, And nothing shall hurt nor destroy; And these are the tidings we have to pro- claim, Glad tidings abounding with joy. HYMN 270. (L.M.) 1 Hark! listen to the gentle breeze, O'er hill or valley, plain or grove; It whispers in the ears of man The voice of freedom, peace and love. 2 The flowers that bloom o'er aU the land In harmony and order stand ; Nor hatred, pride, nor envy know — In freedom, peace and love they grow. 3 The birds their numerous notes resound In songs of praise the earth around ; Their voices and their tongues employ In songs of freedom, love and joy. W 310 4 And then behold the crystal stream With multitudes of fishes teem ; In silent joy they live and move In freedom, union, peace and love. 5 The mountains hi^h, the rivers clear, Where heaven sheds the devry tear, In silence or with gentle roar, The God of love and peace adore. t) The earth and air, the sea and sky. The Holy Spirit from on high. And angels who above do reign. Cry "Peace on earth, good will to men.' 7 But most of all, a Savior's love Was manifested from above ; He died, and rose to life again, Our freedom, love and peace to gain. S But man, vile man, alone seems lost. With hatred, pride and envy tossed ! His hardened soul does seldom move In freedom, union, peace and love. 9 For him let all creation mourn ; O'er him did Enoch's bosom j'carn, Till he was promised from above A day of freedom, peace and love. 811 HYMN 271. (L.M.) 1 Another day has fled and gone, The sun declines m western skies, The l)irds retired have ceased their song, Let ours m pure devotion rise. 2 The moon her beauteous course resumes, And sheds her light o'er land and sea ; The gentle dews in soft perfumes Fall sweetly over herb and tree. 3 While here in meditation sweet Those happy hours I call to mind When with the Saints I oft have met, Our hearts in pure devotion joined. 4 Those friends afar I call to mind : When shall we meet again below ? Their hearts affectionate and kind, How did they soothe my grief and wee! 5 As flow' rets in their brightest bloom, Are withered by the chilling blast. So man's fond hopes are like a dream — His days how fleet, how swift they pass ! 6 But why this melancholy moan. Or sicrh for those who will not come ? Tor Israel surely will return To Zion and Jerusalem. 312 There is a source of pure delight, Which ever shall support my heart; In Zion's land revealed to sight, "Where Saints -will meet no more to part. HYMN 273. (L.M.) 1 How fleet the preciouB moments roll ! How soon the harrest will be o'er! The watchmen seek their final rest, And lift a warning roice no more ! 2 Another year has rolled away, And took its thousands to the tomb ; Its sorrows and its joys are fled. To hasten on the general doom. 3 The moments that we labor here Are passing swiftly on the wing. And soon the leaves and tendrils thrive — A token of returning sprmg. i The fullness of the Gospel shines With glorious and resplendent rays; The earth and heavens show forth their As tokens of the latter days. [signs 313 HYMN 2T3. (L.M.) 1 Ye chosen Twelve, to you are given The keys of this last ministry To every nation under heaven, From land to land, from sea to sea. 2 First to the Gentiles sound the news, Throughout Columbia's happy land; And then, before it reach the Jews, Prepare on Europe's shores to stand. 3 Let Europe's towns and cities hear The Gospel tidings angels bring ; Let Gentile nations far and near Prepare their hearts His praise to sing. 4 India and Afric's sultry plains Must hear the tidings as they roll, Where darkness, death and sorrow reigr^ And tyranny has held control. 5 Listen ye isles in every zone — For every land must hear the sound ! Nations and tongues before unknown, Though long since lost, shall soon be found, 6 And then again shall Asia hear. Where angels first the news revealed ; Eternity the record bear. And earth a joyful tribute yield. 314 7 The nations catch the pleasmg soun J, And Je";v and Gentile swell the strain Hosanna o'er the earth resound ; Messiah then will come to reiuii. HYMN 274. (CM.) 1 Lift up jour heads, ve scattered Saints, Redemption draweth nigh; Our Savior hears the orphan's plaints, . The widow's mournful cry. 2 The blood of those who have been slain For vengeance cries aloud -, Nor shall its cries ascend in vain For vengeance on the proud. 3 The signs in heaven and earth appear, And blood , and smoke, and fire ; Men's hearts are failing them for fear. Redemption's drawing nigher. 4 Earthquakes are bellowing 'neath the ground, And tempests through the air; The trumiDct's blast, with fearful sound, Proclaims th' alarm of war. 315 5 The Saints are scattered to and fro Through all the earth abroad ; The Gospel trump again to hlow, And then behold their God. 6 Rejoice, ye servants of our Lord, Who to the end endure ; Rejoice, for great is your reward, And your defence is sure. 7 Although this body should be slain, By cruel, wicked hands ; I'll praise my God in higher strams, And on Mount Zion stand. Glory to God! ye Saints rejoice! And sigh and groan no more ; But listen to the Spirit's voice- Redemption's at the door. HYMN 275. L.M.) Torn from our friends and captive led, 'Mid armed legions bound in chains. That peace for which our fathers bled Is gone, and dire confusion reigns. 316 Z Zion, our peaceful, happy home, "Where oft ttc joined m praise and prayer A desolation has become, And grief and sorrow linger there. 3 Her rirgins sigh, her widows mourn, Her children for then* parents weep ; In chains her Priests and Prophets groan, While some in death's embraces sleep. 4: Exultingly her savage foes Now ravage, steal and plunder, where A virgin's tears, a widow's woes. Became their song of triumph there. 5 How long, O Lord, wilt thou forsake The Saints who tremble at thy word ? Awake, O arm of God, awake. And teach the nations thou ai-t God, 6 Descend with all thy holy throng; The year of thy redeemed bring near; Haste, haste the day of vengeance on -, Bid Zion's children dry their tears. 7 Deliver, Lord, thy cajjtive Saints, And comfort those who long have mourned Bid Zion cease her dire complaints, And all creation cease to g-roan. 317 HYMN 276. (ll's) 1 This morning in silence I ponder and mourn O'er the scenes that have passed, no more to return : [fears, How vast are the labors, the troubles and Of eight hundred millions •who've toiled through the year. 2 "Row many ten thousands were slain by their foes, [their woes, "While widows and orphans have mourned o'er "While pestilence, famine and earthquakes appear, [past year ! And signs in the heavens throughout the 3 How many were murdered and plundered and robbed. How many oppressed and driven and mobbed! How oft have the heavens bedewed with their tears The earth o'er the scenes they beheld the past year. 4 But the day-star has dawned o'er the land of the blest, [rest, The first beams of morning, the morning of When, cleansed from pollution, the earth shall appear [year. As the garden of Eden, and peace crown the 318 5 Then welcome the new y(ar, I hail with delight [flight ! The season approaching with time's rapid "While each fleeting moment brmgs near and more near, The day long expected, the millennial year. 6 I praise and adore the eternal I AM : Hosanna, hosanna, to God and the Lamb! Who order the seasons that glide o'er the sphere, And crown with such blessings each happy new year. HYNM 2T7. (ll's.) 1 'Mid scenes of confusion and creature com plaints, How sweet to my soul is communion with Saints, — To find at the banquet of mercy there's room. And feel, in the presence of Jesus, at home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home ! Receive me, dear Savior, in glory, my home. 2 Sweet bonds, that unite all the children of peace, And thrice precious Jesus, whose love can- not cease. 319 Though oft from thy presence in sadness I roam, I long to hehold thee in glory at home. 3 I sigh from this body of sin to he fi'ce, "Which hinders my J03' and communion with thee; [maj^ foam, Though now my temptations like hillows All, all will he peace when I'm with thee at home. 4 While here in the valley of conflict I stay, O, give me submission and strength as my day; In all my afiiictions to thee would I come, Rejoicing in hope of my glorious home. 5 Whate'er thou deny, O give me thy grace. The Spirit's sure witness, and smiles of thy face; Indulge me with rtatience to wait at thy throne. And find, even now, a sweet foretaste of home. 6 I long dearest Lord, in thy beauties to shine, No more as an exile in sorrow to pine, And in thy fair image arise from the tomb, "With glorified millions to praise thee at home. 820 HYMN 278. (6-8's.) 1 Dovra by the river's verdant side, Low by the solitary tide, There, while the peaceful waters slept, We pensively sat down and wept, And on the bending willows hung Our silent harps, through grief unstrung. 2 For they who wasted Zion's bowers. And laid in dust her ruined towers, In scorn their weary slaves desire To strike the chords of Israel's lyre. And in their impious ears to sing The sacred songs of Zion's king. 3 How sh»U we tune those lofty strains On Babylon's polluted plams, When low in ruin on the earth Remains the place that gave us birth. And stem destruction's iron hand Still sways our desolated land ! 4 O, never shall our harps awake, Laid in the dust for Zion's sake ; Forever on the wiUows hung, Their music hushed, their chords unstrung, — Lost Zion ! city of our God, While groaning 'neath the tyrant's rod. 321 5 Still inoiild'rhig lie thy levelled walls, And ruin stalks along thy halls ; And brooding o'er thy ruined towers, Such desolation sternly lowers -, For when we muse upon thy woe, How fast the gushing sorrows flow ! 6 And while wc toil through wretched life. Drinking the bitter cup of strife. Until we yield our weary breath, And sleep released from woe, in death, Will Zion in our mem'ry stand— Our lost, our ruined native land. HYMN 279. (L.M.) 1 O Zion, when I think of thee, I long for pinions like the dove. And mourn to think that I should be So distant from the land I love. 2 A captive exile, far from home, For Zion's sacred walls I sigh ; With ransomed kindred there to come, And see Messiah eye to eye. 3 While here, I wftlk on hostile ground -, The few that I can call my friends Are, like myself in fetters bound. And weariness our steps attends. 322 4 But yet we hope to see the day When Zion's children shall return — When all our griefs shall flee away, And we again no more shall mourn. 5 The thought that such a day will come, Makes e'en the exile's portion sweet: Though now we wander far from home, In Zion soon we all shall meet. HYMN 2S0. (6-irs.) 1 Children of Zion, awake from your sadness, For soon all your foes shall oppress you no more ; [gladness ; Bright o'er your hills dawns the day-star of Arise! for the night of 3'our sorrow's near o'er. Children of Zion, awake from your sadness ; For soon all jonv foes will oppress you no more. 2 Strong are your foes, but his arm will subdue them And scatter their armies to regions afar: They'll flee like the chafi" from the scourge that pursues them ; Vain are their strength and their chariots of war. <23 Children of Zion, awake from your sadness, For soon all your foes shall oppress you no more. 3 Children of Zion, His power will save you; O, loudly extol it o'er land and o'er sea : Shout! for the foe'U be destroyed that en- slaved you, Th' oppressor will vanish, and Zion be free. Children of Zion, awake from your sadness, For soon all your foes shall oppress you no more: Shout! for the foe'll be destroyed that en- slaved you, Th' oppressor will vanish, and Zion be free. HYMN 281. (L.M.) 1 I have no home, where shall I go ? While I am left to weep below ; My heart is i>ained, my friends are gone, And here I'm left on earth to mourn. 2 I see my people lying round, All lifeless here upon the ground — Young men and maidens in their gore, "VVhich does increase my sorrows more. 324 3 My father looked upon this scene And in his -writings has made plain, How every Nephite's heart did fear, When he beheld his foe draw near. 4 TTith axe and bow they fell upon Our men and women, sparing none, And left them prostrate on the ground : Lo! here they now are bleeding round. 5 Ten thousand that were led by me Lie round this hill called Cumorah ; Their spirits from their bodies fled. And they are numbered with the dead. 6 Well might my father, in despair. Cry, All ye fair ones, once how fair, How is it that you've fallen "? oh ! My soul is tilled with pain for you. 7 My life is sought, where shall I flee ? Lord, take me home to dwell with thee, Where all my sorrows will be o'er, And I shall sigh and weep no more. 8 Thus sang the son of Mormon, when He gazed upon his Nephite men And women, too, who had been slain, And left to moulder on the plain ! 825 HYMN 282. (ll's & lO's.) 1 Praise to the man wlio commnnecl with Jehovah ; Jesus anointed "that Prophet and Seer," Blessed to open the last dispensation ; Eanirs shall extol him and nations revere. CHORUS. Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven ; Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain ; Minglino- with Gods, he can plan for his hrethren ; Death cannot conquer the hero again. 2 Praise to his mem'ry, he died as a martyr; Honored and blest he his ever great name ; Long shall his blood, which was shed by assassins, Stain Illmois, while the earth lauds his fame. Hail to the Prophet, &c. 3 Great is his glory, and endless his Priest- hold ; Ever and ever the keys he will hold : X 326 Faithful and true, he -will enter his kingdom. Crowned in the midst of the Prophets of old. Hail to the Prophet, dec. 4 Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven ; Earth must atone for the blood of that man: Wake up the world for the conflict of justice ; Millions shall know "brother Joseph" again. Hail to the Prophet, &c. HYMN 2S3. (12's.) 1 Come to me, will ye come to the Saints that have died, To the next better world, where the righteous reside, — TVhere the angels and spirits in harmony be, In the joys of a vast Paradise ? Come to me. 3 Come to me, where the truth and the virtues prevail, Where the union is one, and the years never fail. 327 Where the heart can't conceive, nor the natural eye see What the Lord has prepared for the jnst: Come to me. 3 Come to me vrhere there is no destruction nor war, [ajar ; Neither tyrants, nor mobhers, nor nations Where the system is perfect, and happiness free, [me. And the life is eternal with God : Come to 4 Come to me, will ye come to the mansions above. Where the bliss and the knowledge, the light and the love, And the glory of God shall eternally be ? Death, the wages of sin, is not here : Come to me. 5 Come to me; here are Adam and Eve at the head [the dead -, Of a multitude quickened and raised from Here's the knowledge that was, or that is, or will be, [to me. In the gen'ral assembly of worlds : Come 6 Come to me; here's the myst'ry that man hath n ot seen— [the Queen ; Here's our Father in heaven, and Mother, 328 Here are -worlds that have been, and the worlds yet to be; Here's eternity — endless: Amen. Come to me. 7 Come to me, all ye faithful and blest of Nauvoo ; Come, ye Twelve, and ye High Priests, and Seventies, too; Come, ye Elders, and all of the great com- pany, "When you've finished your work on the earth: Come to me. 8 Come to me; here's the future, the present and past; Here is Alpha, Omega, the first and the last ; Here's the "Fountain," the "River of Life," and the "Tree!" Here's your Prophet and Seer, Joseph Smith : Come to me. HYMN 284. (8's & 9's.) 1 The Lord imparted from above The "Word of "Wisdom" for our blessing ; But shall it unto many prove A gift that is not worth possessing ? 329 2 Have we not been divinely taught To heed its voice and highly prize it? Then who shall once indulge the thought It can be better to despise it ? 3 Has self-denial grovm a task ? Or has that word been vainly spoken ? Or why, I fain would humbly ask, "Why is that word so often broken ? 4 It is a strait and narrow way That leads to the celestial city ; That high-taught Saints should go astray, Through Gentile customs, is a pity. 5 O, that Saints would all regard Each gracious word that God has given, And prize the favor of the Lord Above all things beneath the heaven. HYMN 285. (L.M.) 1 Awake, ye Saints of God, awake ! Call on the Lord in mighty prayer. That he will Zion's bondage break. And bring to naught the fowler's snare. 2 He will regard his people's cry, The widow's tear, the orphan's moan ; The blood of those that slaughtered lie. Pleads not in vain before His throne! 330 3 Though Zion's foes have counseled deep, Although they hind with fetters strong, The God of Jacob does not sleep; His vengeance vrill not slumber long. i Then let your souls be stayed on God ; A glorious scene is drawing nigh ; Though tempests gather like a flood, The storm, though fierce, will soon pass by. 5 With constant faith and fervent prayer, With deep humility of soul, With steadfast mind and heart prepare, To see th' eternal purpose roll. 6 Oiir God in judgment will come near, His migh ty arm he will make bare ; For Zion's sake he will appear; Then O, ye Saints, awake, prepare ! Awik e to righteousness, be one, Or, saith the Lord, you are not mine ! Yea, like the Father and the Son, Let all the Saints in union join. HYMN 286. (CM.) The glorious Gospel light has shone In this the latter day With such intelligence, that none From truth need turn awav. 331 2 Among the things which have been sealed, And from the world kept hid, The Lord has to his Saints revealed As anciently he did ; — 3 And through the Priesthood now restored, Has e'en prepared the way Through which the dead may hear his word, And all its truths obey. 4 As Christ to spirits went to preach Who were in prison laid. So many Saints have gone to teach The Gospel to the dead. 5 And we for them can be baptized, Yes, for our friends most dear, That they ean with the just be raised, When GabrieFs trump they hear. 6 That they may come with Christ again When he to earth descends, A thousand years with him to reign. And with their earthly friends. 7 Now, O ye Saints, rejoice to-day That you can saviors b€, For all your dead who will obey The Gospel and be free. 332 Then let ns rise without restraint And act for those ■vve love ; For they are giving their consent, And wait for us to move. HYMN 287. (S's & 7's.) 1 Wake, O wake, the world from sleeping! Watchman, watchman, what's the hour ? Hark ye, only hear him saying, 'Tis the last, the eleventh hour! CHOPwUS. We're the true born sons of Zion, Who with us that can compare '? We're the royal branch of Joseph, The bright and glorious morning star. 2 Lo! the Lion'sleft his thicket; Up, ye watchmen, be in haste; The destroyer of the Gentiles Goes to lay their cities waste. We're the true bom sons,