-•J >^v"V^.i^S^ , i^ iT J THE OL OGIC AL'S E MIN AR Y, | * Princeton, N.J/ ? ~ 3 S ^,3 3^^5H3 3«^^3> ':<^^5>9 -'^^'9®''^^® ^ Case, Division ...^?Cr:^^..-| ^^^^^^^ Sectiomi:^£:/-4l \ ^ » V/t4 %Ch^aAM~ ,.:..^:^-^- ■^^t-r- ;^'^;- '^^^...^. \ €^ y / -^ { \ riy HISTORICAL ACCOUNT O F T H E Incorporated Society FOR THE Propagation of the Gofpel I N Foreign Parts. Containing their Foundation, Proceedings, and the Suc- cefs of their Miflionaries in the IBritiJh Colonies, to the Year 1718. By DAFID HU M P H R E TS, D,D. Secretary to the Honourable Society. LONDON, Printed by Joseph Downing, in BarthoIome'W-CIofe^ near IFefi-Stnithfield. M. l>cc. xxk. THE PREFACE. Ill HB Defign of the following Treatife^ is to inform the Ttihlick of the Tranfa'clions of the Society for Propa- gating the Gofpel j their Bfiahliflment^ Lahours^ and Snccefs. This Account is compiled from Taper s^, tranfmitted to the Society^ hy Go'vernors of Colonies^ or Ter- fons of Note abroad j or from Congregations of Teople^ and the Miffionaries in the Plantations. Thefe are commonly re- ferred tO:, or cited in the "Body of the Treati/e^ and the original Tapers 7nay he fiill feen^ heing now in the Society s Cn- ftody i nor doth there appear any Reajon to qtiejiion their Veracity^ and fufficient Exa^nefs in all material Toints, Some A 2 fj^ort iv The Preface. JJoort Accounts of the Society's Troceedings^ have been Annually printed ^ hut as thefe could gi've the Keader hut a 'very imper- feB Idea of the 'whole Trogrefs in this JFork^ it hath heen 7tow thought com^e- nient to gi've a general View of the Soci- ety s Labours ; hecaufe fo great and fo religions a T)ejign^ feemed only to want its being better under floods in order to its be- ing more encouraged. T^he End propofed is of the higheji Importance ; the propagation of the Chri- Jiian Faith^ and the Sahation of Mens Souls. And the ferious Reader muji be much affeUed with the Endeavours of the Society^ towards planting Religion and Virtue^ and the due ordering the Life and Manners of a numerous Teople fpread over exceeding large Co^tntries : efpecially.^ when it is rememhred^ that the Princi- ples implanted in the prefent Teople^ will influence future Generations ,• and thd the prefent Age is greatly indebted to this So- ciety^ their Tojlerity will he exceedingly more fo. It is hoped the Reader^ upon pern- fing the following Tapers^ will find Canfe to be much pleafed with the tin- eX' The Preface. expeUed Succefs of fo great aWorh Ef- pecially if it is conjidered^ that this So- ciety hath no puhlick Income or Recenne. J^his good Work was at frft fitpported by the 'vohmtary Suhfcriptions of the Mem- hers of the Society^ and hath been C'Ver fince carried on by their Contributions^ and the cafiial Donations of many other worthy Terfons. The Support of this T^e- fign miifi therefore be afcribed wholly to that good TromdencCy which hath in- fiaenced fiich Religions and Honourable ^erfons to become unforefeen Patrons, and many of them {thro theit Concealment of their Names) unknown Benefactors to this Charity. I'he fame good TPromdence hath brought down upon it the pecttliar Fa^vour of our Princes, ^teen MARY by her bounty gave the chief Occajion to the Rife of this Society, King WILLIAM Eftablifloed it, Qiteen ANNE Encouraged it, and His late Majejiy King GEORGE fupported it : For when the Society's Fund was al- moji exhaujied, an humble Reprefentation. of this Matter, from the Society, was laid before His late Majefty, of happy Memory, by his Grace the prefent JrchbifJjcp of Canterbury 5 the moji worthy Trejident of A 3 this VI The Preface. this Society : and His Majefly was gra^ cioujly pleafed to grant his Royal Letters for a ptihlick CoUeUion^ to enable the So- ciety to carry on fo pious a Work. T'he Society have ftill increafing Views of Sue- cefs in their Labours^ thro' the Famtir and Trotection of His Majefly^ now hap- pily Reigning^ from his known Zeal for the Trotedant Religion^ and Royal Care for the Colonies^ fo conftderdble a branch of the Britifli Monarchy. It is necejfary to remark here^ T'hat no Notice is taken in the following Account of the late General CodringtonV Noble TBeqtieft to the Society^ of two Plantations in the Ifland of Barbadoes, producing a 'Very conftderable yearly Income : TBecaiife that Efiate is not applicable to the gene- ral U/es of the Society^ fuch as the fupport- ing of Miffionaries^ Catechifis^ and School- mafiers; kit is appropriated to particular TJfes^ mentioned in the late General Co- drington'j Will* The only Intent of the following Treat ife is to acquaint the Tub- lick with the Society s Endeamttrs to^ wards fettling Religion in the Colonies on the Continent of America. Whereas in the Management of the Plantations be- queathed The Contents. queathed ly General Codrington, they ati only as Trujiees ^ they have already wade a confiderahle Vrogrefs in the 2D^- fign direEied by the Qenerats Willy and hope in due T!ime to compleat it ; a^td it may then he proper to gim the Ttihlick a particular Account of it. Vll A4 The IX f-^i'-M, THE CONTENTS. H A P. I. ^e Occaftons of the firft Rife of this SO C I E r T, page I CHAP. n. Enquiries made into the Religious State of the Colonies, ^be particular State of each Colony defcrihed, p. 20 CHAP. III. ^he People in the Colonies very dejirous of Minifters of the Church of England : Requefts from Congregations of People in each Colony y p. 44 CHAP. IV. "ithe ^efiimonials required hy the Society from the MiJJionaries they fend iibroad, fhe Rules they give them for their Con- duSi, fhe Reverend Mr, Keith and Mr, Talbot fent Travelling Preachers thro' federal Coloniesy p ^^ CHAP> X The Contents. CHAR V. Mijfionaries fent to South-Caro- liua ; ^be Places to which they were appointed-, their Labours and Succefs . A War raifed h^ the Yammofees and other Indians, againft th Engliih. ^he tranquillity of this Province haf^ pilyreftored: thirteen Churches and four Ga- pels ofEafe Built : Salaries fettled on the Qleriy ' Schools openedy p, 8i CHAP. VI. MiJJionaries fent to North-Caro- lina. 27^^ Reverend Mr. Blair fent MiJJio- naryy undergoes great HardJJjipSy returns to England. Other Mifftonaries fent thither i they meet with many Difficulties^ return to England, fhe Tufcararo Indians form a Con- fpiracy againft the Englifh, ravage the Colony ; are at length defeated, Mr, Newnam fent Mif- fionary^ takes great Pains in his Mtffion^ dies, p. 128 CHAP. VII. Penfylvania fettled at fir ft hy Swedes and Dutch ; a very confiderahle Num^ her (?/ Quakers go over from England thither, q"he Reverend Mr. Evans fent to Philadelphia, hy BiJJjop Compton. A very large Congregation at Philadelphia. Several MJ/ionaries fent to Penfylvania. ^beir Labours and Succefs, Fifteen Churches built in this Colony by volun- tary Contributions, No Salaries fettled on the Minifters, but the People contribute liberally to- ward their Support^ p. 144 CHAE The Contents. xi CHAP. VIII. Mijfionaries fent to New-Jerfey. Several Congregations are gathered, Sthe Mif- fionaries Labours, ^be People become very zea- lous. Seven convenient Churches huilty by vo- luntary Contributions y p. i8o CHAP. IX. An A5f pajjed in the Tear i6g^, for Settling and Maintaining a Miniftry in New- York Government, Churches direffed to he built in i5p8. A Church built in the City 0/ New- York. Mijfionaries fent to the Colony y to Weft-Chefter County^ to Albany, to Statten- Ifland, to Long-Ifland, their Labours, Schoolman fters fupported here, fen Churches Built ; Seve- ral Donations made to theniy p. 200 CHAP. X. fhe Society very earneft to pro^ mote the InfiruSiion of the Negroes. 21?^ Negroes an exceeding great Number of Perfons, SThe So- ciety dire5i all their Mifftonaries to give their ^ befi affifiance. fhe Society fettle a School at New- York City for inftruSfing the Negroes. Mr, Neau Catechift therCy very induftriouSy in- ftruSis many, fhe Negroes confpire to defiroy the Englifh. ^e Plat proves unfuccefsfuly ma- ny of the Negroes taken and executed, ^e School is again encouraged for converting the Ne- groes. Mr, Neau dies, fhe Reverend Mr^ Colgan appoi?ited Catechifty P- ^3 ^ An AD DRESS to ferious Chriftians among cur jelvesy to aiTift the Society for Propagating the Gofpel^ xii The Contents. Gofpcl, in carrying on the Work of In ft ruling the i^Qgtots in our ^{^nt^tiovisahroady p. 250 LETTER I. ^heBiJhopofL 1^ don's Let- ter to the Mailers and Miftrefles of Families in the Englifh plantations abroad ; Exhorting them ^ to encourage and promote the Inftruffion of their ^cgtots in the Chriftian Faith ^ p. 257 LETTER IL ^he Biftjop of London's Letter to the Mi s s i o n a r i e s in the Englifh Plantations ; Exhorting them to give their Affiftance towards the Inftru5iion of the Ne- groes of their fever al PariJheSy in the Chriftian Faith^ p. 272 CHAP. XL ^he Iroquois border on New- York and New-England. 7'he Genius of the Nor- thern-Indians, and the Condition of their Coim- tries, fhe Earl of Bellamont, Governor of New- York, reprefents the IVant of Miffiofiaries for inftru^ing the Iroquois, j^n order of the ^ueen and Council for their Inftru5lion. ^he Society fend the Reverend Mr, Thoroughgood Moor MiJJionary to them. His Labours ; they prove fruitlefs ; He embarks for England ; he and all the Ship's Crew are loft at Sea. Four Sachems or Indian Kings arrive in England ; they defire a Miffionary to inftru5i them and their People: fbey return home, Mr. An- drews is fent Miffionary to the Mohocks. A Fort is built among them. They refufe to let their Children learn Engliih. Some Chap- ters The Contents xiii ters of the Bible ^ and fart of our Common-Frd" yery tran/lated into the Indian-Iroquois Lan- guage ; fojne few Indians are taught, ^he Mo- hocks will not fend their Children to School: refiife to come to be infrared. Mr. Andrews reprefents all his Labours prove ufelefs. Leaves this MiJTion, p. 276, 277 CHAP. Xn. A confiderable Number of the In- habitants o/Bofton petitioned King CHARLES the Second^ that a Church might he allowed in that Cityy which is granted. Soon after the Rife of this Society^ fever al other fcwns build Chur- ches y and defire Miffionaries might be fent to them, the "People 0/ Rhode-Ifland build a Churchy and have a Mtffionary fent them. 1'he People 0/ Pro- vidence, Narraganfett, Newbury, Marblehead, Briftol, Stratford, defire MiffionarieSy and build Churches ; Mifftonaries are fent to each fown, and the Church People tticreafe, Miffionaries fent to Fairfield and Braintree. A new Church is built at Bofton, Dr. Cutler appointed Minifter. fwo Schoolmafters fupported. twelve Churches built in this Government y ?• 3 ^ - CHAP. XIII. ^he Society's Method of Ma^ naging this ^ruft. fheir more fpecial Rules and OrderSy relating to thvnfelves and to their Officersy p. 343 WILLIAM XV xOIT ISOLOGIOS I L LI AM the Third, by the Grace of G O D, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, ^c. To all Chriftian People to whom thefe Prefcnts fhall come, Greeting. L Whereas We are credibly In- formed, That in many of Our Plan- tations, Colonies and Faftories be- yond the Seas, belonging to Our Kingdom of England, the Provifion for Minifters is very mean, and ma- ny others of our faid Plantations, Co- lonies and Fadories, are wholly De- ftitute and Unprovided of a Main- tenance xvi The Charter. tenance for Minifters, and the Publick Worfhip of God; and for lack of Sup- port and Maintenance for fuch, many of our Loving Subjedls do want the Adiuiniftration of God's Word and Sacraments, and feem to be abando- ned to Atheifm and InfideHty ; and alfo for want of Learned and Ortho- dox Minifters to inftrudl our faid Lov- ing Subjeds in the Principles of True Religion, divers Romifli Priefts and Jefuits are the more encouraged to pervert and draw over Our faid Loving Subjects to Popifh Superftiti- on and Idolatry. That a Main- ^^' And wlicrcas We think it our aroTtiiGd^x ^^ty' ^^ much as in Us lies, to pro- Clergy, and o- mote thc Glory of God, by the In- in.y be made ftruction of Our People in the Chrif- plgation of tian Religion : and that it will be high- tte^ptfrlti'Jy conducive for accomplifhing thofe nns beyond Ends, that a fufficient Maintenance be provided for an Orthodox Clergy to live amongft them,and that fuch other Provifion be made as may be necefla- ry for the Propagation of the Gofpel in thofe Parts. III. And T^he Charter. XVii III. And whereas we have been well affured, That if We would be gracioufly pleafed to ered and fettle a Corporation for the receiving, ma- naging and difpofing of the Charity of Our loving Subjeds, divers Perfons would be Induced to extend their Cha- rity to the Ufes and Purpofes aforefaid. IV. Know ye therefore, That We have, for the Confiderations aforefaid, incorporLI and for the better and more orderly car- J^^p ^^''^c'an- rying on the faid CharitablePurpofes,of '^'[^^^;/ '^^^^^93 Our fpecial Grace, certain Knowledge, Name of, ne and mere Motion, Willed, Ordained, Propagation of Conftituted and Appointed, and hyporeigfLrtu thefe Prefents, for Us, Our Heirs and SuccejSbrs, DoWill,Ordain, Conftitute, Declare and Grant, That the moft Re- verend Fathers in God, Thomas Lord Archbilhop o( Canterbury^ and John Lord Archbilhop of Jork^}, the Right Reve- rend Fathers inGody He?iry Lord Bifhop of London^ William Lord Bifhop oflVor- cefter^ Our Lord Almoner, Smon Lord Bifliop ofEljy Thomas Lord Bifhop of (^che/ler^ Dean oiWeftminfterj and the Lords Archbifhops of Canterbury and a Jork-i xviii The Charter. Yor{y the Bifliops of London and Ehj the Lord Ahnoner and Dean of Wejl- minfter for the time being; Edward ^^ Lord Bifhop of Gloucefter^ John Lord Bifhop of Chichefter^ Nicholas Lord Bi- fhop of Cheftevy ^chard Lord Bifhop of %ath and Wellsy Humphrey Lord Bi- fhop of l^angor^ John Montague Doftor of Divinity, Clerk of our Clofet, Wtlli- am SherlockT>oQiov of Divinity, Dean of St. ^auhy Wtlliam Stanley Dodor of Divinity, Arch-Deacon of London^ and the Clerk of the Clofet, of Us, Our Heirs and Succeffors ; the Dean of St. Raul's and Arch-Deacon of London for the time being ; the two Regius and two Margaret Profeffors of Divinity of both Our Univerfities, for the time being 5 Thomas E3.vl ofThanet^ Thomas Lord Vifcount Wepnouthy Francis Lord Guilfordy William Lord T>igby^ Sir Thomas Cooies oi ^entlfj Sir (^chard 'Bulkleyy Sir John ^hilippSy and Sir Arthur Owen^ Ba- ronets ; Sir Humphry Mackjt>orthy Sir WtU liam frichardy Sir Wtlliam ^jfel. Sir Ed-^ mund Turnery Sir Wtlliam HuJ tier y Sir John Chardiiiy and Sir ^chard ^iackruorCy Kts. John The Charter. xix ^ohn Hoo^Efqi Serjeant at Law, George Hooper Dodlor of Divinity, Dean of Canterbury^ George 'Booth Dodlor of Di- vinity, Arch-Deacon of Durhanty Sir George Wheeler^ Prebendary of Durham^ William BeVertdge Dodlor of Divinity, Arch-Deacon of Colchefter^ Sir William Dawes Baronet, Thomas Mannlngham^ Edward Gee, Thomas Lynford^ Nathaniel ^sbury^ Offspring Blackhall, George Stan- hope, William Hayley, and ^chard Willis, Dodors of Divinity, and Our Chap- lains in Ordinary 3 John Mapletoft, Za- cheus Ifham^ John VaVis, William Lancaf^ ter, Humphrey Hodey^ ^]^chard Lucas, John Evansy Thomas Uray^ John Gaf earth White I{ennetty Lilly Butler^ Joftah Wood- ivard^ Doctors in Divinity ; Gideon Har- y>eyy and Frederick^ Slare, Dodors of Phyfick; ^wland Cotton, Thomas Jer- Vois, Maynard Colchefter, James Vernon Junior, Jofeph Keal, Grey NeVil, Thomas Clerks, i^eter Kjng, (^ck^, John Co' minsy William Melmouth, 7 ho. !Brom fields John ^ynolds, Vutton Seaman, Whitlock^ Bulftrode, Samuel Brewfter, John Cham- ber lain, (I(ichard ^ng, and Daniel a % Kicoll XX The Charter. Nicolly Efqs; benjamin Lawdell^ John Trimmer^ Charles Toriano^ and John Hod- ges, Merchants ; WtUiam Fleetwood, Wtl- Ham Whitfield, and Samuel Bradford, Mafters of Arts, and Our Chaplains in Ordinary 3 Tho, Li^r/^^Batchelor in Di- vinity ; 77;o. Staino, Henry Altham, Willi' am Lloydj Henry Shute, Tho, Franks, and William Mecken, Clerks, and their Sue- ceffors ; to be Eleded in manner as hereafter direfted, be, and ihall for e- ver hereafter be, and by Virtue of thefe Prefents, ihall be one Body Po- litick and Corporate, in Deed, and in Name, by the Name of, The Society for the propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Tarts : And them and their Succeffors by the fame Name, We do by thefe Prefents, for Us, Our Heirs and Suc- ceffors, really and fully Make, Ordain, Conftitute and Declare One Body Po- litick and Corporate in Deed and in Name To hive per- V. And that by the fame Name, ^^etuaisucccf.^j^^y aud thcir Succcffors fhall and may have perpetual Succeffion, VL And that they and their Succef- fors, l^he Charter. Xxi fors, by that Name, fliall and may, for Z^Jl^'f^f"" ever hereafter, be Perfons Able and ^^'^- 1"^^"- Capable in the Law to Purchafe, ftatesVor Have, Take, Receive, and Enjoy to Goodman?"' them and tlieir Succeffors, Manors, f^^'yti^e!^ Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Advov^fons, Liberties, Privileges, Ju- rifdidions, Franchifes, and other He- reditaments whatfoever, of whatfoe- ver Nature, Kind and QuaHty they be, in Fee and in Perpetuity, not ex- ceeding the yearly Value of Two Thoufand Pounds, beyond Reprizals ; and alfo Eftates for Lives and for Years, and all other manner of Goods, Chattels, and Things whatfoever, of what Name, Nature, Quality, or Va- lue foever they be, for the better Sup- port and Maintenance of an Orthodox And to Grant Clergy in Foreign Parts, and other 3^, ^"^.'rs ^I'n the Ufes afore faid ; and to Give, fy°(|^^°^^^,"^^" Grant, Lett and Demife the faid Ma- J"^"^ '^'^'^ ^ X rr T 1 rr^ ^^^^ Rent, or nors, Meliuages, Lands, Tenements, with Fine at Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, andoAhefun^ things whatfoever aforeiaid, by I>eafe ^^^^"''" or Leafes, for Term of Years, in Pof- feffion at the time of Granting there- a } of. xxii The Charter, of, and not in Reverfion, not exceed- ing the Term of One and thirty Years, from the time of Granting thereof; on which, in Cafe no Fine be taken, fhall be Referved the full Value ; and in Cafe a Fine be taken, fhall be Referved at leaft a Moiety of the full Value, that the fame fhall ^^^^^>J^^^^^reafonably and (Bona fide be worth at Plead and be thc timc of fuch Demifc. i^i^p e^ e • Yj j^ j^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Name afore- faid, they fhall, and may be able to Plead and be Impleaded, Anfwer and be Anfwered unto. Defend and be Defended, in all Courts and Places whatfoever, and before whatfoever Judges, Juftices, or other OfHcers, of Vsy Our Heirs and Succeflbrs, in all and fingular Actions, Plaints, Pleas, Matters and Demands, of what Kind, Nature or Quality foever they be : And to A& and do all other Matters and Things, in as ample Manner ^ and Form as any other Our Leige Subjeds of this Our Realm of England yhcing Perfons able and capable in the Law, or any other Body Corporate or Poli- tick The Charter. xxiii tick within this our Realm of England^ can, or may have, purchafe, receive, poflefs, take, enjoy, grant, fet, let, de- mife, plead and be Impleaded, anfwer, and be anfwered unto, defend and be defended, do, permit, and execute, ^jf ^^^^ ^^« VIII. And that the faid Society for ^^ii w^a ever hereafter, fhall and may have a ''"'"'''''^^ ' common Seal, to ferve for the Caufes and Bulinefs of them and their Succef- fors : And that it fhall and may be law^ful for them and their SuccefTors to change, break, alter, and make Nev/ the.faid Seal from time to time, and at their Pleafure, as they fhall think beft. IX. And for the better Execution And VearV of the Purpofes aforefaid. We do giy^rtr^tity and grant to the faid Society for the i" ^'^^"^P' ^ ^ . •' between 8 and propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign ^^ ''^}^q Tarts ^ and their Succeffors, That they ToThoofe a and their Succeffors for ever, fhall, r;f^lT vice! upon the third Friday in Fehruary year- o^fot^ mor ly, meet at fome convenient Place, to Treafurers, be appointed by the faid Society, or Auditors, one the Major part of them, v^ho fhall be ot^i^er officers prefent at any General Meeting, be-f^lhgywL t ween the hours of Eight and Twelve ^"" ^^^^ a 4 in xxiv The Charter] Exe^cudof of 11^ the Morning ; and that they, or the Office. Major part of fuch of them that fhall then be prefent, fhall chufe one Preii- dent, one or more Vice-Prefident or Vice-Prefidents, one or more Trea- furer or Treafurers, two or more Au- ditors, one Secretary, and fuch other Officers, Minifters and Servants,as fhall be thought convenient to ferve in the faid Offices for the Year enfuing: And that the faid Preiident, and Vice-Prefidents, and all Officers then elefted, fhall, before they aft in their refpedive Offices, take an Oath, to be to them Adminiftred by the Prefi- dent, or in his Abfence, by one of the Vice-Prefidents of the Year preceed- ing, who are hereby Authorized to Adminifter the fame, for the Faithful and due Execution of their refpeftive Offices and Places during the faid Year. lorl .S- X. And Our furtherWill and Plea- fiiop of c^ fure is, That the firft Prefident of ter»uirf be the r • \ • n firiiPrerm'ent,the faid Socicty, fliall be Thomas^ by Bayj after the Divine Provideucc, Lord Arch-bi- ^MiSucfhop oi Canterbury^ Primate apd Me- tro- ^he Charter, XXV tropolitan of all England i And that f^l^J^^^j;^^ j;^^ the faid Prefident fhall, within Thirty ^f^hesockty r 1 n* r 1 • ,#^1 ^^ meet and e- Days alter the palling oi this Charter, lea vice-Prc- caufe Summons to be Iffiied to the fe-furers'' auS- veral Members of the faid Society ^^^^/X'r herein particularly mentioned, to^^S"^''* ^.?, r 1 rr\* 11 1 continue till meet at luch Time and Place as he ^^^ .t^ird Fri- fhall appoint : And that they, or thcr^i^oi! '^'''' major part of fuch of them as fhall then be prefent, fhall proceed to the Eledion of one or more Vice-Prefi- dent or Vice-Prefidents, one or niore Treafurer or Treafurers, two or more Auditors, one Secretary, and fuch other Officers, Miniflers, and Servants, as to them fhall feem meet ; which faid Officers, from the time of their Eleftion into their refpeftive Offices, fhall continue therein until the third Friday in February^ which fhall be in the Year of our Lord, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and One, and from thenceforwards until others fhall be chofen into their Places in manner aforefaid. XL XXVi The Charter. of^erdL'or ^L And that if it fliould happen, be r^moved,^ that any of the Perfons at any time oAne of the chofcn into any of the faid Offices dentt, may ihall Dicj or on any account be re- Me" of' moved from fuch Office at any time the Society to betwcen the faid yearly Days of Eiefti- jneet, and ' r ^ r ' r\ r choofe ano- on, that in fuch Cafe it fhall be lawful Place. for the furviving and continuing Pre- fident, or any one of the Vice-Prefi- dents, to Iffiie Summons to the feveral Members of the Body Corporate, to meet at the ufual Place of the Annu- al Meeting of the faid Society, at fuch Time as fhall be fpecified in the faid Summons ; and that fuch Members of the faid Body Corporate who fhall meet upon fuch Summons, or the Ma- jor part of them, fhall and may choofe an Officer or Officers into the room or place of fuch Perfon or Perfons, fo Dead or Removed, as to them fhall feem meet. And that the XII. Aud Wc do furthcr Grant un- meet to'tranf- to thc faid Sockty for the propagation of t^^M-the Go/pel in Foreign (parts, and their Month or'oft-^^^^^^^^^' ^^^ ^^J ^^^^ ^^^^^ SuCCef- nerif'needbe.fors fhall aud may, on the third Friday in TToe Charter. xxvii in every Month yearly, for ever here- ^""^ ^^ ^^^^^ alter, and ortner, it occalion requu'es, Meeting, may meet at fome convenient place to be Member's of appointed for that purpofe, to tranf-[|;'^^,Xy' aft theBufinefs of the faid Society ; ^'"^ ^'• and fhall and may at any Meeting on fuch third Friday in the Month, Elefl; fuch Perfons to be Members of the faid Corporation, as they or the major part of them then prefent, fhall think benej&cial to the Charitable De- figns of the faid Corporation. XIII. And Our Will and Pleafurefiirs'octef/' is. That no Ad done in any AfTembly ||;;;^^^^"^;;f ^' of the faid Society, jQiall be effeftual Piefident, or ToiriC V ice- and Valid, unlefs the Prefident, or Piefident, and fome one of the Vice-Prelidents, and Aiembers,^be feven other Members of the ^^id^^^^%V^' Company at the leaft, be prefent, and ||;'X°e[o?''* the Major part of them confenting thereunto. XIV. And We further Will, andj:it1ft.i by thefe Prefents for Us, Our Heirs {^"Tf^^ ■ •^ / the laid Soci- and Succeffors, do Ordain and Grant ety, and any 1 r • 1 o • / I /T^ • Meeting on unto the laid boctety for the Tropagatton the third fw- of the Go/pel in Foreign farts^ and their 'i/J./'^,^/JJJ^', Succeffors, That they, or their Sue- 5^' ^^f ^^^,; ceffors, XXViii T'he Charter. the major partcefTors, or thc Maior part of them prefent, may niii r i rn make By- WHO fhall be prcfent at the firft and ccute Leafes. fecond Meeting of the faid Society, or at any Meeting on the third Friday in the Months o( No^^ember ^February ^ May^ and Augufl^ yearly for ever, and at no other Meetings of the faid Society, jQiall, and may confult, determine, conftitute, ordain, and make any Conftitutions, Laws, Ordinances and Statutes whatfoever ; as alfo to Exe- cute Leafes for Years, as aforefaid, which to them, or the Major part of them then prefent, fhall feem reafon- able, profitable, or requifite, for, touching or concerning the Good Eftate, Rule, Order and Government of the faid Corporation, and the more effeftual promoting the faid Charita- ble Defign : All which Laws, Ordi- nances and Conftitutions, lo to be made. Ordained and eftablifhed, as aforefaid. We Will, Command and Ordain by thefe Prefents, for Us, Our Heirs and Succeffors, to be from time to time, and at all times hereafter, kept and performed in all things, as the The Charter. Xxix the fame ought to be, on the Penal- ties and Amerciaments in the fame to be impofed and Hmited, fo as the famx LawSjConftitutionsj Ordinances, Penalties, and Amerciaments, be rea- fonable, and not repugnant, or con- trary to the Laws and Statutes of this Our Realm oi England. XV. And We do likewife GrantA"4^^^^^^^ unto the faid Society for the Tropagationny Meeting of the Go/pel in Foreign ^arts, and their firperfXto SucceiTors, that they and their Succef-p'^j^'J^^^"^^^^ fors, or the Major part of fuch of them ^°"^*^ ^^^ as (hall be prefent at any Meeting of ^e^ ^oj the the faid Society, fhall have Power forXd.' from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to depute fuch Perfons as they fhall think fit to take Subfcrip- tions, and to gather and colled fuch Monies as fhall be by any Perfon or Perfons contributed for the purpofes aforefaid. XVI. And fhall and may remove And may and difplace fuch Deputies as often Notm^catioii as they fhall fee caufe fo to do, andl^'^^'^'"* to caufe publick Notification to be made of this Chartex, and the Pow- ers XXX The Charter. ers thereby granted, in fuch manner as they fhall think moft conducible to the furtherance of the faid Charity. And mall XVII. And Our further Will and y^^^^Jfj;;^ is, That the faid Society fhall Lord Chan- yearlv and every Year, give an Ac- cellor or -^ '^ • • z-x t 1 /^1 Keeper, and couut lu Wntiug to Our Lord Chan- juiiicesror ccUour, or Lord Keeper of the Great oraifMor;sSeal oi England for the time being, the received and L^^^ Chicf TufticC of thc Kiug's laid out. J 1 1 • r c\' r Bench, and the Lord Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas, or any two of them, of the feveral Sum or Sums of Money by them received and laid out by Virtue of thefe Prefents, or any Authority hereby given, and of the Management and Difpoiition of the Revenues and Charities afore- faid. And Laftly, Our Pleafure is. That thefe Our Letters Patents, or the Inrolment thereof, fhall be good, firm, vaUd, and effedual in the Law, according to Our Royal Intentions herein before declared. In Witnefs whereof, We have caufed thefe Our Letters The Charter, xxxi Letters to be made Patents. Witnefs Our Self at Weftminfter the Sixteenth Day of June^ in the Thirteenth Year of Our Reign. Ter 'BreVe de friVato Si^illo, £ c K.S. AN A N Hiftorical Account O F T H E Incorporated Society, S^cc. CHAP. I. The Occafions of the Jirfl Rife of this SOCIETT. ■or ^ir^^t ^: H E Britijh Colonies upon the The Caufes Continent of America^ were ^i^3^;^!^j^tj^g°^ >all fettled firift by private Clergy. I Adventurers, under Grants from the Crown, with fmall Numbers of Families. It was therefore not to be expeded that the proper Provifion, either in the Religious or Civil Concerns of B the The Occafwns of the the Inhabitants, could be at firft made. In- deed if a Colony had been planted imme- diately by the State here, it is not to be queftioned, but proper Care had been taken that both iliould have been duly regulated. But as the firft private Adventurers laboured under great Difficulties at their fettling, and under many Uncertainties, what the Event would be : This, tho' not a fufficient Reafon, may yet be an Excufe, for their not making the proper Provifion in this Cafe. A Tryal was firft to be made, of what Ad- vantage thefe Settlements would prove, either to the Adventurers, or Nation, before either would engage themfelves in farther Expence. Another Misfortune, which greatly hindred any uniform and publick Worfliip of God being fettled, was this: The Natives of this Kingdom of Great Britai7i^ who removed thither, were of many Kinds of Denominations % moft of them dilTenting from the Church of England^znd. difagreeing as much from each other, in their Senti- ments in Religion and Church Govern- ment, as from their Mother Nation and Church. Befides, a further difficulty arofe foon, from the Conflux of People of feveral Nations of Europe^ of various Seds and Di« Kife of this Society. Divifions, fettling in thefe Plantations ; which occafioned a ftill greater Diverfity of Opinions. It is therefore not to be won- dred, that the People were not earneft to fettle any Eftablifliment, when fo few agreed upon any particular Form. But in a fmall procefs of Time, when thefe Settlements were fixed, and the Colo- nies eflablifhed, beyond the fear of any or- dinary Force, which might deftroy them 5 they began not only to fee, but very fenfibly to feel their Wants. Indeed the fir ft Plan- ters, thofe of the Britijh Nation efpecially, as coming from a Countrey bleffed with the pureft Religion, and trueft Liberty, retained fome remembrance of both,andlit^ed through the force of that, in thofe wild Parts, among Savages and Woods, in human Civility and Decency, tho* I cannot fay, in Chriftian Order : But their Children (the Generation after them) who had not themfelves (t^n what their Fathers had, were but weakly affedted with what they might hear from their Parents, of the Primitive Chriftian Worfhip, and the Ordinances of the Gof- pel. Some whole Colonies lived without celebrating any Publick Worfliip of Al- mighty God, without the Ufe of the Sacra- ments^ without Teachers of any kind, and B a in ^ The Occajtons of the In a literal Senfe of the Phrafe, without G o D in the World. Severalemi- 2. In this dafk State of Things, the nent Perfons Providence of G o d raifed up feveral emi- Want of a iient Perfons, who obferving this great Clergy. Calamity, became zealous to redrefs it ; ftrove to awaken the People into a Senfe of their Wants, and contributed their Af- fiftance towards recovering their Country- men from this Irreligion and Darknefs. Among the firft we find the Honourable Sir Leolyne Jenkins^ in his laft Will and Teftament proved the gth of November^ 1685, thus declares ; that it was " too ob- " vious that the Perfons in Holy Orders, " employed in his Majefty's Fleets at Sea, " and Foreign Plantations, were too few " for the Charge and Cure of Souls arifing " in thofe Fleets and Plantations : And " therefore he provides, that two additional " Fellowfhipsbe new founded, and endow'd ** at his Coll and Charges, in J ejus College " Oxford^ on Condition that the faid two " Fellows, and their Succeflbrs for ever, ** may be under an indifpenfable Obliga- *' tion, to take upon them Holy Orders of *^ Priefthood — and afterwards that they " go out to Sea, in any of his Majefty*s " Fleets, when they or any of them are thereto Rife of this Society. " thereto Summoned, by the Lord High *' Admiral of Engla?2 d -^ -a-nd in cafe there *' be no Ue of their Service at Sea, to be " called by the Lord Bilhop of London, to " go out into any of his Majefty's Foreign " Plantations, there to take upon them the " Cure of Souls, and exercife their mini- " fterial Fundlion, referving to them their ** full Salaries, with the farther Encourage- " ment of twenty Pounds a Year a piece, " while they are adlually in either of the " Services aforefaid/* This was truly a very wife and good A£t ; but the Reader will prefently refledt, that two Perfons, though wholly employed in the Plantations, could not take a proper Care of a very fmall Part of a People difperfed over fo great a Continent. However, this worthy Perfon gave a noble Teftimony of the Piety and Neceffity of this Work, and his Example hath no doubt excited the Zeal of many others, to advance and carry on foChriftian an Undertaking. 3, Th E next great Patron and Promoter of this Defign was the Honourable Robert Boyky Efq; not more diftinguiihed for his Noble Extradlion than eminent Piety, and univerfal Learning ; He had been appointed by King CHARLES the Second, the firft B 3 Go-^ The Occafiom of the^ Governour of a Company Incorporated by His Majefty in the Year 1661, For the Pro- pagation of the Gofpel amongjl the Heathen Natives of New-England, and the Parts adjacent in America. But this Defign was too narrow, as confined to the Converfion oixSi^Tieathen Natives o/'New-England, and the Parts adjacent^ and could by no means anfwer the Wants of all the Foreign Plan- tations, and all the Heathen Nations ad- jacent. However, this gave that excellent Perfon an Occafion to fee the Defign in Ge- neral, was unqueftionably pious, charitable, and neceflary ; and agreeably hereto, he did by a Codicil to his laft Will, fettle an Annual Salary, for fome learned Divine or Preaching Minijier for ever^ to Preach Eight Sermons in the Tear^ for proviiig the Chrijlian Religion againjl iiotorious hifidels , and doth require that the faid Preachers, fiall be ajjifting to all Companies, and encou- raging them in any Widertakiiig for Pro- pagating the Chrijiian Religion in Foreign Parts. This Recommendation of the Defign toPofterity was a ftill nobler Le- gacy, being fuch furely, as cannot fail to procure it many more, from thofe who ihall be endued with the fame Chri- ftian Spirit, that noble Perfon was. 4. Some Rife of this Society. 7 4. Some few Years after thefe honour- ^r- ^r . , . Kmg Charks able Gentlemen, had given their Teftimony II. King /r//- to the Piety of this Defign, it received the ^^yiJ;/o"b^ greater Sanftion of Royal Favour from ^^^^'^ !^e want their late Majefties King CHARLES ^^^""^ ^''^'^'''' Second, King WILLIAM and Queen MART, About the Year 1679, the Biihop oi London^ (Dr. Compton) upon an Application to him from feveral of the Inhabitants of Bojlon in New-England^ petitioning that a Church {hould be allowed in that Town, for the Exercife of Religion according to the Church of England -y made a Reprefen- tation of this matter to His Majefty King CHARLES the Second, and a Church was allowed to be Erefted: And farther in Favour of this People, His late Majefty King WILLIAM was pleafed to fettle an Annual Bounty of One Hundred Pounds a Year upon that Church, which is ftili continued. The Reverend Mr. Harris is now fupported in it, as the Minifters Aflift- ant, by this Allowance, with the Addition of Sir Leoline 'Jenkins^ Fellowship in "Jefus College in Oxford. 5. But this Petition of many of the Inhabitants of Bojlon^ for a Church of England Minifter about the Year 1679, B 4 was 8 The Occajiom of the was attended prefently with greater Con- fequences. This, and the queftioning of the Charter of the Country which hppened about that Time, together withfome other Matters relating to the Colony, occafioned the re- ligious State of thofe Countries to be more ftriftly confidered , Very foon af- Bp.Comptontcv, Bifhop Comptou made Enquiry how th^'^ColoJes^''^^ Foreign Plantations were provided fupplied with with Clergymen, and found upon Search Minifters. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Minifters of the Church of England in that vaft Tradt of North America^ and only one or two of them, regularly fent over. To remedy this fad Defe£l, the Bifliop made Propofals to feveral of thofe Places to fupply them with Clergymen ; and had generally Encouragement to do fo. The Bifhop farther to promote this good be- ginning, obtained of his Majefty King CHARLES the Second, a Bounty of Twenty Pounds to each Minifter or School- mafter, for his Paflage to the Wejl-Indies ; and Inftrudions were given to the Gover- nours of the Provinces, to permit none Authoritatively to ferve any Cure of Souls, or to teach School, but fuch as were licenfed by the Biiliop of London. And as a farther great Favour it was ordered, chat from that Time every Minifter fliould be Kife of this Society, 5 be one, of the Veftry of his refpedive Pa- riih : This Provifion for a regular Clergy licenfed by the Biihop oi London, did con- fiderably forward the good Work; the People generally built Churches in all the Leeward IJlands, and in Jafnaicay that is, in thofe Settlements which were rich and able to make Provifion for the Support of their Minifters ; but this good Eflfed: did not extend to the poorer Plantations upon the Continent^ feveral of which remained in an utter State of Ignorance, and broke into various Divifions of all Seds and Denominations : 6. To remedy this Calamity another A Charter moft fignal Inftance of Royal Favour, wasf^'S^'ng and fhewn to the Plantations, by their Majefties endowing a King WILLIAM and Queen M ART ^^tlfnia!^ a very noble Defign was laid, of erefting and endowing a College in Virginia^ at Williamshurgy the Capital of that Country, for Profeffors and Students in Academical Arts and Sciences, for a continual Seminary of Learning and Religion j a ftately Fa- brick was intended, and partly raifed for that purpofe, a Royal Charter was given, with ample Immunities and Privileges, and a publick Fund was allotted for the En- dowment of it, and a Prefident appointed with I o ^he Occafions of the with an honourable Salary, and the Col- lege, in Honour of the Founders, called William and Mary College : But foon, after about half the intended Pile was raifed, before it was furnifhed with Pro- fefibrs and Students, or advanced it felf above a Grammar School \ all that was Built of the College was unfortunately deftroyed by Fire. Her late Majefty Queen MART^ of pious Memory, ihewed fo hearty a Zeal and Affedion in promoting this Work, it would be great Negligence or Ingratitude in a Writer, not to remark Bp. ^irmt> what a Bifhop of our Church juftly ob- ferves upon this Occafion. " Her Majefty " took particular Methods to he well /;z- ec fQyjjied of the State of our Plantations y and *' ofthofe Colonies that we have among the In- " fidels. But it was no fmall Grief to Her " to heary that they were but too generally ** a Reproach to the Religion by which they cc ^^^^ named {I do not fay which they " profejfedy for many of them feem fcarce *^ to profefs ity) She gave a willing Ear *' to a Propofition that was made for EreB- " ing Schools^ and the Founding of a College " among them. She conftdered the whole " Scheme of if, and the Endowment which ** was defired for it. It was a noble one, " and was to rife out of fome Branches of « the Rife of this Society. 1 1 ^''' the Revenue^ which made it liable to '' ObjeBions. But Jhe took care to conjider " the whole T'hing Jo well^ that Jhe her felf " anfwered all ObjeBions^ and efpoufed the " Matter with Jo affeBionate a Concern^ *' that Jhe prepared it for the King to fettle " ?V, at his coming over; She knew how *' heartily he concurred in all Dejigns of " that Nature ; nor indeed could any Taking " inflame her more than the ProfpeB of " fetting Religion forward^ efpecially where " there were Hopes of working upon Infi- '' deur 7. This Adl of Royal Favour made Bifhop Compton exert all his Power to promote the Work, and therefore, for the more orderly fettling all Church Affairs in Virginia^ he appointed the Reverend Mr. James Blair his Commiflary there; and foon after appointed the Reverend Dr. Bray his Commiifary in Maryland, Upon this Occafion, Queen MA R T again QHeen Mary, extended her Royal Bounty, and gave jn^^e of Den- 200 L a Year during her Life, ^^ fupport^j'^^^^^'.^^^ Miffionaries. Her Royal Highnefs thefupport Cler- Princefs Anne of Denmark, contributed ^^"^^"* liberally, feveral of the Nobility, and many others of the Clergy and Gentry, did make fuch 12 The Occafions of the fuch generous Contributions towards carry- ing on this Work, that feveral Miffionaries were fent and fupported in the Colonies. Dr. Bray efpecially, was enabled to do many publick Services in Maryland, to fettle and procure a Support for feveral new Minifters, to fix and furnifh fome Parochial Libraries, and to provide Schoolmafters, very much to the Advancement of Reli- gion in thofe Parts: The Particulars of which need not to be repeated here, fince the Reverend Doftor hath himfelf given the Publick a very fair and fatisfaftory Ac- count of his Proceedings. 8. While thus this good Work was juft kept alive by a few private Perfons, an Incident happened which occafioned a Charter to be obtained, and the Rife of this Society. Dr. Stanley, Archdeacon of London, now Dean of St. Afaph, who had been one of thofe who contributed, and ufually ftirred up others to promote this Defign, happening to recommend this Charity to a late great Prelate's Lady, as p. rne . ^Q^^xvm^ her Bounty for its Support 3 he was told by the Bifhop, that tho* his In- tentions were very commendable, and the Work worthy all Encouragement, yet the Me- Kife of this Society. 13 Methods he ufed to carry it on, were not in Law ftridly juftifiable, but that it was neceflary to have a Charter to render the Management of this Charity fafe and fe- cure. The Doftor faw prefently, upon refleding, the Objedion was very juft, but this Difficulty did not make him ceafe from any further Endeavours. He was very hearty in promoting this Work, and therefore refolved to make Application where he had Hopes to get the Difficulty removed: He 2iQ- quainted ArchbifliopT'^/^Z/ow and BifhopCiJi^- fton with theObjedion which had been dart- ed : Upon which the Archbifliop, moved to think fo Chriftian a Work {hould be flopped, replyed with more than ufual Earneftnefs, Then we mufi have a Ci^^^^^^ •>, j;?;J^3?| And foon after, he did fo effedually repre- to King /r///i- fent the Religious Wants of the Plantations ^f^^^^'^^^t to his Majefty, that a Royal Charter was ety, ^whick i. granted, and this Society erected. This truly was an Adtion fuitable to Archbiihop i'enifons Publick Spirit an4 honeft Zeal for the Proteftant Religion, and exceedingly becoming his high Station and Authority in the Church. The A- merican Colonies fure, can never without the greateft Veneration and Gratitude re- member him, when they fhall many Ages here- 14- The Occafions of the hereafter, feel the happy Eflfeds of having the Chriftian Religion planted among them, and refled:, how hearty and forward Arch- bifliop T^enijon appeared, to obtain that Charter which gave Life and Authority to fo glorious an Undertaking : Nay, that his Zeal and Spirit did not reft here ; He continued to promote and guide by his wife Counfels, the Affairs of the Society ; He paid them an Annual Bounty of Fifty Pounds during his Life, and at his Death Bequeathed them a Thoufand Pounds to- wards the Maintenance of the firft Bifhop that ftiould be fettled in America. 9. A Charter being thus obtained, the next Endeavour was to carry their worthy Defigns into Execution. Accordingly His Grace the Archbiiliop, as empowered by the Charter, caufed Summons to be iffued mee^ts.^^^^'^ for the Members of the Corporation, to meet within the Time limited 5 and feveral met at the Place appointed, on the 27^^ of "Jurie 170 1, and chofe proper Officers for tranfading their Bufinefs. At following Meetings they made divers Rules and Orders for their more regular Proceeding in the Ad- miniftration of their Truft, and fubfcribed among themfelves near 200 Pounds, for de-* Kife of this Society^ 1 5 defraying the Charges of paffing the Charter, making the common Seal, and other neceffary Expences. They alfo ordered 500 Copies of the Charter to be printed forthwith, and diftributed among the Members, to be fhewed by them to all proper Perfons, the farther to notifie the Defign they were engaged in, and to in- vite more Perfons of Ability and Piety to afTift in carrying it on. This Step was but an Opening of the Matter to the Publick: the Society were diligent to confider of farther and more effedual Ways and Means, to obtain Sub- fcriptions and Contributions, fufficient to enable them to bear the Expence of fend- ing many Miffionaries abroad. They im- mediately agreed that the beft Argument to Mankind was Example, and the moft effedual Means to engage others to contri- bute, v/as to lead the Way themfelves, by fubfcribing towards the Support of the Work. Accordingly Archbifhop ^^^^?/^^Th Me b — the Prefident, the Vice-prefidents, all the of the Society Bifhops and Members then prefent, did^S'sum fubfcribe a Yearly Sum to be paid to the ^° ^"PP°^^ ^^'^ realurer of the Society, for the Publick Ufes, according to a Form of Subfcription drawn 1 6 T'he Occafions of the drawn up for that purpofe. Having now made this Advance themfelves, they gave out Deputations under their common Seal, to feveral of their Members, and other Per- fons of Figure and Intereft in the Counties of E?2gland and fVales -, fignifying their being conftituted and appointed by the Corpora- tion to take Subfcriptions, and to receive all Sums of Money which fhould be fubfcribed or advanced for the Purpofes mentioned in the Charter. And here it is to be grate- fully acknowledged, that feveral worthy Perfons, did with a Publick Spirit, take thefe Deputations, to help on with a Work fo truly for the National Intereft, and the Honour of common Chriftianity ; and did by their Example and Inftances, fo influence feveral weil-difpofed Perfons, that conli- derable Remittances of Benefadtions to the Corporation were foon made, which en- abled them to enter on the Work with Succefs. lo. Particularly from the Gentle- men and Clergy of Lincoln/hire, thro' the Hands of the Reverend Mr. Ada?nfon^ Redior of Burton Cogksy and Mr. Evans^ Redtor of lJffingha?n -, from the Clergy of the Diocefe of I^orkyhy the Countenance pf the Archbifhopj and the Care of his Chap- Kife of this Society. 17 Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. Deering ; from the Clergy and others in Northampton/hire^ by the Hands of the Reverend Dr. Reynolds^ (now Lord Bifhop of Lincoln) Chancellor of the Diocefe of Peterborough ; from fe- veral Divines in Suffolk^ tranfmitted to the Reverend Mr. Shute-, from the Gentry and Clergy in Shropjhire^ returned by the Reverend Mr.^rc^, Warden of Manchejier College; from a Society of Clergy in Devo?iJhire ; and elpecially from the Gen- try and others in or near Exeter^ tranfmitted by the Reverend Mr. Richard King ; which worthy Gentleman, together with feveral of his Friends, hath been a conftant Bene- faftor to this Society, from its firft Rife^ and hath upon many Occafions very much promoted its Intereft. The Society re- ceived alfo feveral Sums of Money remitted P^'^^t^^'^^ , 1 r.« r-> 7 1 (rr* i r i brought to the by Sir hjdmund burner 5 and from other Society by fe- Perfons deputed by the Society in C^^r-^^^^^'^^^ marthenjhire and Pembrokejhire^ remitted by Sir John Philipps, of PiSlon Caftle in Pm- brokepire^ Baronet -, who hath not only zea- loufly promoted the Defign of this Corpora- tion, of which he was a Member appointed by Charter, but alfo very much affifted feveral other Religious SocietieSjWhereby the Honour and Intereft of Religion might be advanced, and the Publick Good promoted. C NoK l8 The Occajions of the Nor v/ere there only fuch Perfons of Piety and Honour who appeared openly in carrying on this great Work, but even at firfl, and ever fince, there have been feveral Benefaftors, who, with a too mo- deft Concealment of their Names, have made great Benefadions to the Society. I fhall remark only through whofe Hands, and .probably by whofe Influence, feveral Be- nefadtions iuft at the Rife of the So- ciety came. The chief of thefe were reported and paid to the Corporation by Dr. Beveridge, afterwards Biiliop of St. Afapby Dr. Burnet, Bifhop of Sarum, Dr. Sharpe, Archbifhop of ^Tork, Dr. W^ake, now Archbifhop of Canterbury, and Prefi- dent of this Society ; by the Reverend Mr. Gibfon, now Biiliop of London, the Reverend Mr. Waddington, now Bilhop of Chichefier^ the Honourable Colonel Colchejler, Sir JViL Ham Drake, Sir T'homas^rollop, Sir Edward Seeward, Mr. Meux, Mr. Torrlano, the Re- verend Mr. Stubs, now Archdeacon of St. Albans, the Reverend Mr. Shute, Mr. Brew- fier, Mr. Arthington, Mr. Hanky, Mr. Broughton. But the greateft Benefad:ion foon after the Eftablifliment of the Society, ~was in the Year 1702. Dr. Mapletoft reported to the Board, that a Perfon who defired to be un- Kife of this Society. i^ unknown, had fent him a Prefent of One Thoufand Pounds, and defired it might be laid out in Land or Rent Charges, or other- wife, for the Ufe of the Society and their Succeflors for ever, the Name of the ho- noured Perfon being, by ftrift Command, concealed till after the Demife : Dr. Mapktoft then declared it, and his Decla- ration is thus entered upon the Society's Books, Feb, i. 1705. " Whereas the Sum " of One Thoufand Pounds was fent as a £T^ >^^ \^ r n' 1 • /« Holman be- iJeneiaction to this Society, from an un- queaths a " known Perfon, by the Hands of the Reve- socfety.'" "^^ *' rend Dr. "john Mapktoft, the faid Dr. Ma-- *' pletoft doth now inform the Society, that " the faid unknownPerfon is lately deceafed; " and that therefore he is now at Liberty to " impart her Name and Quality, which were " before concealed by her own Command j '"' (he v/as Dame Jane Holman, the Relidt '' of Sir Joh7i Holman, of Wejion in North-' " amptonjhire^ a Lady of great Humility, " Piety, and Charity" ; this Donation, with an Addition of near 300/. was laid out by the Society, in Purchafe of Land in Ejfex^ now in the Society's PofTeffion. Ci CHAR go Enquiries into the Religious CHAP. 11. Enquiries made into the Kchgiotis State of the Colonies. The particular State of each Colony defer ibed. I^uife°tto ^- 1^ I ^ H E Society thought they had the particular I HOW made a promifing Entrance Colony.'''^ into the Difcharge of the Truft committed to them, and from the Zeal of their Members, and other Correfponding Gen- tlemen, hadHopes of gaining a Fundfuffici- ent to make a firft Step in fo great a Work. They were acquainted with the ge- neral Condition of the Colonies with re- gard to Religious Affairs, but thought this Knowledge not fufficient to proceed upon: They made Enquiries of all proper Perfcns, Merchants and others here, and wrote to Governcurs, Congregations of People, and other Ferfons of Diftindion in the Plan- tations, for a more particular Account of the State of Religion in iht American Colonies s that by fuch a diftindt Infor- mation, they might more fuitably apply their State of the Colonies. 2 1 their Help where it was moft wanted and moft delired. And they received indeed from thence a more melancholy Account than any their Fears could fuggeft, feveral Relations fetting forth, that the very Indian Darknefs was not more gloomy and horrid^ than that in which Jhne of the Englifh Inhabitants of the Colonies lived. Such as did truly verifie this Obfervation in the Charter : «' Some Colonies and Plantations wholly " deftitute and unprovided of a Mainte- " nance for Minifters, and the Publick " Worfliip of God, and for lack of fuch " Support and Maintenance, many of the " Subjefts of this Realm want the Admi- '' niftration of God's Word and Sacra- " ments, and feem to be abandoned to " Atheifm and Infidelity ^ and alfo for The Colonies " want of learned and orthodox Minifters^^^^^^ ^«> " to inftrud them in the Principles of truePoS^? '""^ " Religion, divers Romifb Priefts and Je- ^^ fiiits are more encouraged to pervert " and draw them over to Popijh Super- " ftition and Idolatry". Thefe Words of the Charter do truly exhibit the Reafon, and fet forth the Neceffity of the Elta- bliihment of this Society > Becaufe as to the firft Remark, that " great Numbers of C 3 '' the 22 Enciuiries into the Religious ^' the Inhabitants were abandoned to A- " theilm andlnfidellty", this will appear too plain from numerous Inftances in the fol- lowing Papers. How indeed could it be otherwife in thofe rude Countries, and in thefe latter Times, when it cannot with any degree of Modefty be denied, but that a prevailing Spirit of Deilm hath ap- peared, even here at Home, fetting at naught all Revelation, treating every Re- ligion as alike Impofture and Fraud, and all the Teachers of them as equally De- ceivers of Mankind. And with regard to the other Particular mentioned in the Charter, that Jefuits might fnore eafily fe- duce the People to Popifh SuperJlitio7i and Idolatry^ this is very evident ; For, inaf- much as the People, thro' the Want of Clergy, were abandoned to Atheifm and Infidelity^ it is an eafie Step from A- theifm into Popery ; becaufe whoever hath no inward Senfe nor Perfuafion of the Truth of any Revelation, is open to take upon him the outward Profeiiion of Po- pery at any time, as various Interefts and Inclinations may fway him. The Society, upon their firil engaging in this Work, prefently perceived it con- filled of three great Branches, the Care and In- State of the Colonies. 2^ Inftruftion of our own People, fettled in the Colonies; the Converfion of the In- dian Savages, and the Converfion of the Negroes. The Englijh Planters had the Title to their firft Care, as Brethren and Countrymen, as having been once Chri- ftians, at leaft their Parents. Eefides, it would be ineffectual to begin with an Attempt to convert the Indians and iV>- groes^ and to let our own People continue in their grofs Ignorance, or fupine Negli- gence of all the Duties of Chriftianity : For both the former Sorts of Men, would neceffarily take their firft Impreflions con- cerning Chriftianity, from the Englijh*^ and when they found them pay fo little Obe- dience to the Laws of the Gofpel, milft either negledt it as an unprofitable Labour^ or hate it as a heavy Impofition. 2. The Society began therefore with the Englip^ and foon found there was more to be done among them, than they had as yet, any Views of effedling. The Reader {hall here have a fmall Sketch of the State and Condition of each Colony, formed from Accounts, the Governors and Perfons of the beft Note, fent over to the Corporation: For furely, the mere Relation of the State of thefe Countries, muft raife a very affed:- C 4 ing 24 Enquiries into the Religious ing Refledtion in a Perfon of a ferious Spirit ; when he obierves fuch great Num- Thc Import- ^^^^ ^^ People in the Colonies, living with- ance of fettling out any Miniftration of the Gofpel in many Religion^ in Pl^ces. If he lliould only confider them America. as now, in their prefent Condition ; the People very numerous, the Countries ex- ceeding large, the Climates Healthy, the Soils very rich, the Rivers large and navigable hundreds of Miles up into the main Land, the Harbours many, capacious, and fafe : Thefe are great natural Ad- vantages, and capable of vaft Improvements by Induftry. But if the Reader fhould carry on his Thoughts farther, and con- fider them as a thriving People, Colonies which may grow up into powerful Nations, and that from thefe fmall Beginnings what a mi^iy Englip Empire may oneDayflourifli in thofe Parts, Can it feem an indifferent Thing, a fmall Matter^ to any true Believer^ whether fo great People ( for fuch they may one Day be) Ihouldbe Chriftians or not? 3, I fliall therefore give a Summary View of the particular State of each Co- lony, when the Society engaged in this _ ^ . Work, beginning with the moft Southern The State of _, , ' ,5, . rr^t • • o / ^outh Cami' Colony on the Comment: ihis is oout^^ '^'^ Carolina^ extending in Length on the Sea- Coaft, State of the Colonies. 25 Coaft, 300 Miles ^ and into the main Land near 200 Miles. It was granted by Pa- tent from the Crown, in the Year 1663, and fettled foon after, containing in the Year 170 1, above 7000 Perfons, befides Negroes and Indians^ and was divided into feveral Parifhes and Towns. Yet tho* peopled at its firft Settlement with the Natives of thefe Kingdoms, there was, until the Year 1701, no Minifter of the Church of England Refident in this Colony y tho' great Numbers of the In- habitants were very defirous of having Minifters of the Church of England i and with very few Teachers of any other Kind ; neither had they any Schools for the Education of their Children. The next Colony, North-Carolina^ ex- tending on the Sea-Coaft above 100 Miles, and into the Land about 100, was dividedin- to feveral To wnfhips, and peopled ivovaEn-- gland. It contained above 5000 Inhabitants, befides Negroes and Indians^ in the Year 170 1, all living without any Form of Divine Worfhip publickly performed, and without Schools for the Education of their Children in the Elements of Learning and Principles of Religion, In q6 Enquiries into the Religious In the Year 1703, Mr. He/iderjbn Walker.^ a Gentleman of that Country, defcribes the State of it thus to the Bifhop of Lo'ndc?i : We have been fettled near tbefe 50 Tears in this Place, and I may jitjily fay, mofl Part of 21 Tears on my oivn Knowledge, without any Minifier of the Church of En- gland, and before that T'ime, according to all that appears to me, much worfe -, George Fox feme Tears ago, came into thefc Parts, and by a flrange Infatuation did infife his Quaker Principles into fome f mall Number of People, Nay, in the Year 17 12, Mr. Gale, a Gentleman of Figure in that Countr}^, wrote to England to his Father, T'hat fnce he had been an J7ihabitant of that Country, which was about 8 Tears, Re- ligion co?itinued in a "-eery lo-w Ebb, and the little Stock the Settlers had carried over with them, was in Danger ofbei?2g totally loji^ without fpeedy Care of fending Minifiers, T^he Country had been ever fine e it was fettled by the Englifh, without a Minifier refiding^ and all the Children under 18 Tears of Age, (from the I'itne the laf Minifier was there) continued unbaptized, many of which had been cut off in a Majfacre committed by the Tuf- caro\v Indians. This Account was by that Gentleman's Father here delivered to the Archbifliop of Tork, (Dr, Sharpe.) 4. The State of the Colonies. 27 4. T H E next Colony, Firg-tJtia, the mofl ^^^^^ °^ ^^^' ancient oi all in America, was in a much better Condition j this had not only the Advantage of being planted firft, but alfo of being fettled by a Corporation or Com- pany of Noblemen and Merchants in Lon- don, who ad:ed with a more publick Spirit and Purfe, than the fev/ Proprietaries and Adventurers in the other Plantations could: The lirft Settlers here, were for the moil Part Members of the Church of England, and as foon as the Colony was eftablifhed beyond the Fear of common Calamities, they began to provide for their Souls as Chriflians, as well as to take Care of their temporal Concerns as Merchants y Accor- dingly in the Year 17 12, the whole Country was laid out into 49 Pariihes or Tov/nfhips, and an Adt of Affembly made, fixing a Sa- lary upon the Minifter of each Parifh. A Church v/as built of Timber, Brick, or Stone in each Parifh, and many other Chapels of Eafe, all decently adorned for the Celebration of Publick Divine Service. For fome Years at firft, they wanted a great many Minifters for vacant Places 5 but have fince Dr. Bray's being appointed Com- miifary there, had Church Matters put in a more orderly Method. A regular Clergy, with the Advantages of fome Pa- rochial Libraries, hath been eftablifhed, and many 28 Enquiries into the Religious many Schools have been eredled for the Education of their Children. The So- ciety therefore did maintain no Miniflers in Virgiiiiay as thinking the People able to make a fufhcient Provifion for their Sup- port themfelves, tho* they have on fome Occafions made Gratuities to Clergymen there. The State of T H E next Colony, Maryland^ a fpacious Maryland. Country, and like Virginia^ perhaps the beft Watered of any in the World, abounds v^dth numerous commodious Harbours. The iirft Settlement made here, was in the Year 1633. confining of about 200 EngUp:, the chief of which were Gentlemen of good Families. By the good Condu6t of the nrll Governors, the Colony grew up and flouriilied foon, and Religion now Is pretty well eftablifhed among them. Churches are built, and there is an Annual Stipend allowed each Minifter by a perpetual Law ; which is more or lels according to the Number of Taxables in each Parifh, and is levyed by the Sheriff among other pub- lick Revenues : Yet notwithftanding thefe Advantages, no where elfe to be found in the Englijh America^ except Virginia^ they wanted feveral more Clergymen for their Parifhesj but fmce the Beginning of the late State of the Colonies. 2^ late Governour Nicholfon's, Time, the Face of Affairs is much mended, and the Churches are now crowded with Perfons duly at- tending Divine Service, the Number of Papijls^ who went over there, hath decreafed, ^uakerifm hath loft Ground, and true Re- ligion made confiderable Advances. The Society have fent no Miffionaries hither, tho* this Colony required a larger Number of Clergymen 5 becaufe there hath hitherto, been a loud and urgent Call for all their Fund could give, by the following Colonies, which were, until fupplied by the Society, entirely deftitute of a Miniftry. 5. Penfylvania is the firft of thefe, a large The State of Country, extending above 120 Miles in ^^^^S'^^^^^"^- Length, and in fome Parts of a great Breadth ; fettled firft by fome Dutch and Swedes -, the Dutch Plantation fixed on the Frefhes of the River Delaware, The Fins or fome In- habitants of Fi?2land, compofed the Swedijh Colony ; the Swedes applied themfelves to Husbandry, the Dutch to Trade, the latter grew foon too powerful for the former ; and tho' the King of Sweden appointed formerly a Governour here to protedt his Subjeds, yet in the Year 1655, the Swedijh Governour John Rizeing^ made a formal Surrender of the Country to the Dutch Go- 30 Enquiries into the Keligious Governor. But the EnglipYX^tx. in the Year 1664, having obliged Nev^^ Amjlerdam^ now called New Tork^ to furrender, and the En- glifo alfo making themfelves Mafters of the adjoining Plantations on the Continent, both Parties in this Country, the Dutch and Sweeds, peaceably fubmitted to the Englip, Mr. Pcfiy the Proprietary, who had the Grant of this Country, called it from his own Name Fenfylvania. There were but few E?tglijh in this Colony, be- fore this Gentleman carried over a con- fiderable Body of Adventurers, about 2000 Perfons, all Quakers, who were more readily difpofed to venture with him, as being reputed the Head of that Sedl of People in Eiigland, This fpacious Country was thus fettled by People of feveral Nations, and of va- rious Opinions in Religion ; the Dutch were Cahinijls, the Swedes^ Luther ans^ the main Body of the Englifr, ^takers : But a few Years after the ^lakers fettled here, Per- fons of feveral other Perfuafions in Reli- gion came over, and fome Members of the Church of Englajid. The fakers alfo divided among themfelves, on Account of fome diiferent Sentiments in Religion, and fet up feparate Meetings. The other Inhabitants followed each what was good in State of the Colonies.^ 3 1 in his own Eyes. The Publick Worfliip of G o D was generally negledied, and the whole People lived without the inftituted Means of Grace and Salvation; tho* a great Body of Men, amounting now to near loooo Perfons ; fettled in feveral commo- dious Towns for Trade and Husbandry. But they have lince approved themfelves a worthy and induftrious People, and have of late Years, fince the Church of England Worfliip hath been fet up among them, by voluntary Contributions, built feveral Churches, eredled Schools, reformed their Lives and Manners, and made conliderable Improvements In Trade, Husbandry, and Induftry of all Kinds. 6. The next Colony is New l^ryJ Go-State ofiVksr- vernment, formerly called Nova Belgia, ov^'"^^' New Netherlands^ becaufe firft fettled by the Dutch -, the Soil is faid to be exceed- ing fruitful, and the Climate the mofl healthy of all the Britip America. The firft Bounds of this Country, when pofTefs'd by the Dutch ^ were Maryland on the Souths the main Land as far as it could be dif- covered Wejiward, the great River Canada^ Northward, and New England, Eafiward, The Eaji and Wefi Jerftes, were afterwards taken out of it, and given to Under Pro- prietaries, ■^- 32 Enquiries into the Religious prietaries, by the Duke of Tork, who had the Grant of the whole. The Jerjies were firft fettled by Sweeds and fome Dutch^ afterwards by Englijh Inhabitants ; However, as New Tork and the Jerfies are now under one Governor, the Reader may confider them as one Country, extending near 400 Miles in Length, on the Sea-Coaft, and in Breadth 120. A very fpacious Country, enriched with two noble Streams, the Hud-^ fon and Delaware Rivers, running feveral hundred Miles, and navigable up above a 100 into the main Land, by Ships of great Burthen, and both falling into the Sea with commodious Harbours. I muft not omit mentioning here, Long-IJland^ a confiderable Branch of this Government. It is fituate oppofite to the New Tork Coaft, an Ifland above 100 Miles long, and ^out 12 broad, fettled firft hy xht Dutch ^ and afterwards by fome EngliJJo from New England^ now a populous Country, exceed- ingly fruitful, having on the Eajt Part 10 Englijh Towns, who were computed to have above 800 Families in the Year 170 1, and on the JVeJi Part, 9 Dutch Towns, reckoned to contain above 500 Families. The People were of various Sedls and De- nominations, chiefly Independents and Qua- kers^ who had removed from New En- gland^ State of the Colonies. 33 gJand, together with many others not pro- feffing any Sort of Religion. The whole Body of this Governmentj hong-ljland^ Statten-IJlandy the Counties on the Continent, and both the JerJieSy had no Publick Worfhip duly fettled 5 a great Variety of Sentiments and Schemes in Re- ligion obtained every where, and the Dutch who remained there under the Englijh Government, lived in the moft orderly and Chriftian Manner: I fhall give aDefcription of the Religious State of this Country, in the Words of an excellent Perfon, Colonel Heathcote, a Gentleman who had a con- fiderable Fortune there. He wrote thus to the Society in 1704. " Being favoured " with this Opportunity, I cannot omit " giving you the State of this Country, " in relation to the Church, and fhall be- " gin theHiftory thereof, from the Time " I firft came among them, which was *' about 12 Years agoe. I found it the " moft rude and Heatheniih Country I " ever faw in my whole Life, which called " themfelves Chriftians, there being not fo " much as the leaft Marks or Footfteps " of Religion of any Sort. Sundays were " only Times fet apart by them for all ** manner of vain Sports and lewd Diver- D '' fions. 24 Enemies into the Religious " fions, and they were grown to fuch ^' a Degree of Rudenefs that it was in- " tolerable. I having then the Com- *^ mand of the Militia, fent an Order to " all the Captains, requiring them to call " their Men under Arms, and to acquaint •^^ them, that in Cafe they would not in *' every Town agree among themfelves ** to appoint Readers, and to pafs the Sab- " bath in the beft Manner they could, till *' fuch Times as they could be better pro- " vided ', that the Captains iTiould every Stin- ^' day call their Companies under Arms, and ^^ fpend the Day in Exercife ; whereupon *' it was unanimoufly agreed on thro' the «* County, to make Choice of Readers ; *' which they accordingly did, and con- " tinned in thofe Methods for fome Time". This Defcription given by that worthy Perfon, who proved afterwards highly in- ftrumental in fettling Religion, both here and in the Neighbouring Countries, was confirmed by many Accounts from other Hands. The Reader will, in the Sequel of this Piece, have the Pleafure to fee the Face of Things in this Colony exceedingly chang'd for the Better -y and that fince the Society have fent Miffionaries hither, the Inha^- bitants State of the Colonies. 35 bitants have thrown off all their former Rudenefs, and become a religious, fober, and polite People, and as Traders to New- Tork affure us, refemble the Englijh very much, in their open Behaviour, and frank Sincerity of Spirit. 7. T H E next Colony is New-England, r^^^ s^^^e of almoft deferving that noble Name, io New-England. mightily hath it encreafed, and, from a fmall Settlement at firft, is now become a very populous and flourifhing Govern- ment. The Capital City Bojlon, is a Place of great Trade and Wealth, and by much the largeft of any in the £?2^///7; Empire in America^ and not exceeded but by few Cities, perhaps two or three, in all the American World. It is foreign to the Purpofe of this Treatife to defcribe its ancient Divifion into four great Diftridts or Governments ^ the whole Country, NeW'E?igland, extends above 400 Miles on the Sea-Coaft, and near 200 Miles into the main Land Wejlward in fome Places. This Colony was firft fettled in the Year 1620, by Proteftant Diffenters of many Denominations, but chiefly hide- pe?idents, Browftijis, and Presbyteria?is, They did at their firft Settling contend with, and by their great Conftancy, at laft furmount D 2 ex- 36" Enquiries into the Religious exceeding Difficulties ; and have thro' their Induftry raifed a plentiful and delightful Country out of a barren and wafte Wil- dernefs : It ought to be owned to the juft Honour of this People, that the firft Set- tlers who left their Native Country Ejig- land, appear to have done it, out of a true Principle of Confcience, however erroneous. As foon as they had fixed the Civil Ma- giftracy, they did eftablifh a Publick Wor- ihip of God ; and fuitable to this prudent as well as Religious Procedure, the Co- lony throve apace, and hath now far out- ftripped all the others. But when the Li- dependents found themfelves fixed in Power, they began to exadt a rigid Conformity to their manner of Worfliip. Men of all Perfuafions but their own, were ftyled op- probrioufly Sectaries, and tho' they had de- clared at firft for Moderation, and a general Liberty of Confcience, they notwithftanding banifhed and drove out of the Country, the ^iakerSj the Ant in o mi a?2 dindFamiliJficalP^T'- ties. However, there are many Circumftan- ces which alleviate and foften fome Particu- lars, which might feem rigorous in their Ad- miniftration. New-E?2gland was at the Be- ginning harraflfed with various Sedaries, who, under the Umbrage of Liberty of Confcience, took a great Licentioufnefs in all State of the Colonies. 37 all Religious and Civil Matters. I fhall men- tion a few of the chief, from their own Hiftorians; " * The Antmomians, who deny " the Moral Law of G o d, to be the Rule " of Christ to walk by in the Obedi- '' ence of Faith. The Familijis, who re- " jed the fure written Word of God, " and teach Men to depend upon new and " rare Revelations for the Knowledge of '' God's eieding Love towards them. " The Conformitants or Formalijis^ who *' bring in a Form of Worfhip of their " own, and join it with the Worfliip God «' hath appointed in his Word. The See- " kers, who deny all manner of Worfliip " and all the Ordinances of Jesus Christ, '' affirming them to be quite loft, and not " to be attained till new Apoftles come ; " befides thefe, there were Arrians, Ar- '' minians^ ^takers ;" with thefe New- England fwarmed, and their own beft Wri- ters give us a very melancholy Account of their Enthufiaftick Behaviour. But the moft impudent Sedarifts, a Sed heard of in no other Part of the World, were the* Gortonijis, fo named from their vile Ringleader, one Gorton, who et up to live in a more brutal Manner than the wild Indian Savages \ in Defiance D 3 and * ma^ o/NezU'Knghndy printed 1654. p. M- * ^id, ib, p. 185. 38 Enquiries into the Religious and Contempt of any Means for inftruaing themfelves in the Knowledge of G o d, and without any Civil Government to reftrain them in common Humanity and Decency. This Blafphemous Fellow had his Followers, and was with Difficulty fupprelTed by the Civil Power, in Governor Dudlfs Time, in the Year 1643. Yet tho' the Civil Ma- gillrate could ftop the Progrefs of this Iniquity, fo far as to prevent its being an allowed and tolerated Faftion or Party ; yet ftill, down to this Day, there hath con- tinued a Succeffion of People, who have not been aftiamed to own and maintain his impious Tenets, commonly called now Gortonian Principles. 8. After thefe Seftaries had rofe and fallen, another Sort of People appeared, pro- feffing themfelves Members of the Church of England, Thefe too were looked up- on as Seftaries, with what Degree ofMo- defty or Truth the Reader muft judge. It is true indeed, at the fettling of the Country, as hath been before obferved, Jndependanfs were the firft Planters, who removed from England, from what they thought Perfecution -, but fince that Time, great Numbers of People, Members of the Church of England^ have at different Times fettled State of the Colonies. 39 fettled there, who thought themfelves furely entituled, by the very New-England Charter, to a Liberty of Confclence, in the worfhipping of God after their own Way, Yet the Independents (it feems) were not of this Sentiment, but aded as an Efta- blifliment. The Members of the Church of England met with Obftrudlions in fetting up that Form of Worfhip, and therefore a great Number of the Inhabitants of Bofion, got an humble Petition to be laid before His Majefty, King CHARLES the Second, by Dr. Compton, then Bifhop oi Lon- don-, praying that they might be allowed to build a Church at Bojlon, and to perform Divine Worfhip according to the Church of England, This Petition was granted, ^ a Church was foon after built, and fre- quented by a numerous Congregation ; upon this Occafion, the Members of the Church of England in many other Towns in New England, declared their Defire of the like Advantage of worfhipping God after that Way, wrote very zealous Letters to Bifhop Compton for Miniflers j and now it appeared they were a very confiderable Body of People. 9. Newfoundland, is the next and moft^^TKeJute Northern Colony of the Englifi, lying be-/^„^. D4 tweeji 4© Enquiries into the Religious tween 46 and 53 Degrees of Northern Latitude, it is a large Ifland, as big as Ire^ land. The firfh Settlement was made here in the Year 16 10. The Englijh frequent this Ifland chiefly for the Cod Fifliery on the Sand Banks, not for the Improvement of the Soil of the Country, which is faid to be worth little; and therefore they have not built any Towns, but made only Settle- ments, which they chofe to call Harbours. However, there is one Place which may deferve the Name of a Town, namely, St. Jghn's, fituate commodioufly within the Neck of an Harbour. The Houfes were built on the Northern Shore, and every Family had a Sort of Wharf to dry his Fifh on. There was a handfome Church built here, before the French in 1705, burntthis Town and the Church. After the Englijh had again drove out the French^ they built another fmall Church and Houfes for themfelves round the Fort, for their greater Security. Tho' the confl:ant Inhabiiants in this Place are but few, yet in Fifliing Seafcns great Number of En- glijh repair thither for catching Cod, fome Years there have been 500 Sail of Ships laden with Cod. There are computed to be here about 5 or 6 Settlements, con- taining in all, about 500 Families confl:antly re- State of the Colonies. 4 1 refiding on the Ifland. The People are poor, and unable to fupport a Minifter, and at the Time this Corporation was eilabliihed had none : Therefore that the whole Ifland, all the Settlers, and many Thou- fands of occafional Inhabitants, might not be deftitute of having the Publick Wor- fhip of God celebrated, the Society fent the Reverend Mr. Jack/on thither, allowed him an Annual Salary for feveral Years, and made him other Gratuities. 10. T H I s is the Defcription of the Religi- ous State of the Colonies. I (hall contrail the whole into a fliort View, as the Ho- nourable Governour Dudley^ Colonel Mor-- ris, and Colonel Heathcote^ have reprefented it in their Memorials. " In South-Carolina " there were computed 7000 Souls, befides '^ Negroes and Indians, living without any " Miniller of the Church ofE^igland, and but " few difienting Teachers of any Kind, above " half the People living regardlefs of anyRe- " ligion. In North-Carolina, above 5000 " Souls without any Minifter, any religious " Adminiftrations ufed^ no Publick Worlhip " Celebrated, neither the Children baptized, '' nor the Dead buried in any ChriftianForm. " Virginia contained above 40000 Souls, divi- " ded into 40 Parilhes,but wanting near half '' the 42 Enquiries into the Religious " the Number of Clergymen requlfite. " Maryland, contained above 25000, divided " into 26 Parifhes, but wanting alfo near " half the Number of Minifters requifite. " In Penfylvania (fays Colonel Heathcote) *^ there are at leaft 20000 Souls, of which, '' not above 700 frequent the Church, and " there are not more than 250 Commu- " nicants. The tv/o Jerjies contain about " 15000, of which, not above 600 fre- " quent the Church, nor have they more " than 250 Communicants. In New *' Tork Government we have 30000 Souls "' at leaft, of which about 1200 frequent ** the Church, and we have about 450 *^ Communicants. In ConneBiciit Colony *^ in Nev/ England y there are about 30000 *' Souls, of which, when they have a " Minifter among them, about 150 fre- " quent the Church, and there are 35 «^ Communicants, In Rhode-IJland and '* Naraganfett^ which is one Govern- " ment, there are about loooo Souls, of " which, about 150 frequent the Church, " and there are 30 Communicants. In *' Bojion and Fife at aw ay Government, there " are ^bout 80000 Souls, of which, about " 600 frequent the Church, and 120 the *' Sacrament. In Newfoundland^ there are '^ about 500 Families conftantly living in " the State of the Colonies. the Place, and many Thoufands of occa- fional Inhabitants, and no Sort of Pub- lick Chriftian Worfhip ufed. This is the true, tho' melancholy State of our Church in North America s and whoever fends any other Accounts more in her Favour, are certainly under Miftakes ; nor can I take them (if they do it knowingly) to be Friends to the Church 5 for if the Diftemper be not rightly known and un- derftood, proper Remedies can never be applied. 43 CHAP. 44 Kequejls for MiJJionaries CHAR III. T^be Teople in the Colonies *very defirous of Minijiers of the Church of England : Kequejis from Congregations of Teople in each Colony. ^ ThcDifpo- 1, rTpi H E Governors of feveral Co- Colonies. I lonies, and other Gentlemen of Charafter abroad, and Merchants here in London, having given fuch a par- ticular Defcription of the Religious State of the Plantations ; the Society found it was high Time, to enter upon the good Work. They were pleafed to fee, that as the People were plainly in great Want of a Chriftian Miniftry, (o they fliewed alfo a very earneft Defire of being affifted with fuch. For after it was known pub- lickly in the Plantations, that this Society was eredled, and that they intended to fend Minifters to fuch Places as fhould de- fire them; efpecially, after the Reverend Mr. Keith and Mr. T^albot, who had been fent Travelling Preachers thro' all the Co- lonies from the Colonies. 45 lonies of the Continent, had finiflied their Miffion ; the People feemed to awake from the Lethargy they had fo long laid under, great Numbers of the Inhabitants, of various Humours, and different Tenets in Religion, began to contend with great Zeal which fliould be firft fupplyed with Minifters of the Church of England^ and wrote very earned Letters to the Society. This was a Strife very agreeable to the Society, and now they promifed them- felves, their Labour would not be in vain, nor their honourable Benefaftors Charity, like Water fpilt upon the Ground. They thought any further Delay now would be inexcufable, after the People had preffed fo earneftly for their Affiftance. Indeed, The Society, thro' the whole The People Management of the Truft, have been chuThoffi;?- fo far from adting with an overbufy ZeaH^''''^^^"^' of obtruding the Church of England Worfliip upon any Sort of People abroad, that they have always this unpleafing Re- fleftion ; that they have not been able to give any Affiftance to great Numbers of People, who have in very moving Terms, with a true Chriftian Spirit requefted it . and whom they knew to ftand very much in Want of it. There remain upon their Books 4^ Kequefls for MiJJionaries Books Entries of numerous Petitions from Congregations of fober and well-difpofed People praying for Minifters, which to their own great Difcomfort, they have been forced to pafs by, on Account of the Smallnefs of their Fund ; and not one In- ftance of a Minifter fettled in any Place, where many of the Inhabitants did not ear- neftly defire it, and to the utmoft of their Power contribute towards his Sup- port. That the Publick may be fully ac- quainted with this Difpofition in the Co- lonies, it will be proper here, to give the Reader, the Peoples Requefts to the So- ciety in their own Words; to let the People fpeak for themfelves, that the World may judge, whether this Chriftian Work v/as nor as neceffary, as furely it is pious. The Memorials and Petitions of the Governors and Congregations of Peo- Kequeft^. ^or j^ fliall be laid down next, in the fame SK'th-Cc^ro/i-OrdQT^ the State of the Colonies was de- ^'^' fcribed, beginning with South-Carolinay the moft Souther?: Colony. 2. The iirft Memorial from Soiith-Caro- Una, was from the Governour and Council cf from the Colonies. 47 of Carolina^ dated at the Council-Board, at Charles-l'owny figned by the Governor Sir Nathaniel Johnfon, and the Members of the Council in 1702, it runs thus: '' We could " not omit this Opportunity of teftifying " the grateful Senfe we have of your " moft noble and Chriftian Charity to our " poor Infant Church in this Province, *' cxpreffed by the generous Encourage- " ment you have been pleafed to give to " thofe, who are now coming Miffionaries, *^ the Account of which we havejufl now " received, by the worthy Miffionary, and ** our deferving Friend and Minijfter, Mn " Thomas, who, to our great Satisfaction, " is now arrived. The extraordinary " Hurry we are in, occafioned by the late " Invafion, attempted by the French and *' Spamiards, from whom God hath mi- " raculoufly delivered us, hath prevented " our receiving a particular Account from " Mr. 'Thomas of your Bounty ; and alfo " hath not given us Leifure to view your " Miffionaries Inftrudions, either in re- " gard of what relates to them, or to our " felves: But we (hall take fpeedy Care " to give them all due Encouragement, and the Venerable Society the utmofl t[ Satisfaftion. There is nothing fo dear " to 48 Re^uejls for MiJJionaries " to us as our holy Religion, and the '' Intereft of the Eftablifli'd Church, in ^' which we have (we blefs God^ been " happily educated ; we therefore devoutly. " adore God*s Providence for bringing, " and heartily thank your Society for «^ encouraging, fo many Miffionaries to '* come among us. We promife your " Honourable Society, it fliall be our daily " Care and Study, to encourage their " pious Labours, to proted their Perfons, " to revere their Authority, to Improve " by their minifterial Inftrudions, and as " foon as poffible, to enlarge their Annual " Salaries, ■ ■ When we have placed " your Mifiionaries in their feveral Pa- " rifhes according to your Direftions, and ^^ received irom them an Account of your *' noble Benefadlion of Books for each «' Parifh, we fhall then write more par- " ticular and full: In the mean Time, " we beg of your Honourable Society to ^' accept of our hearty Gratitude, and to " be alTured of our fincere Endeavour, to " concur with them in their moft noble *' Defign of Propagating Chrift's holy *^ Religion." Mr. T'homas was obliged up- on neceffary Affairs to come to England in J 705, and foon after returned to Carolina, The from the Colonies. 4. j The Society received another Letter from the Governor and Council, dated Decern-- her 1706, acquainting them with the Reverend Mr. "thomas's Death, and defiring more Miflionaries might be fent. Their Words are thefe, « Mr. Samuel 'Hhomas^ " whom we defigned for Charles Town, " we were fo unhappy as to lofe, for he " died in fome few Days after his Arri- " val : His Death hath been a very great " Lofs to this Province, he being a Per- " fon of great Piety and Virtue, and by " his exemplary Life, diligent Preaching, " and obliging Carriage, had the good " Will of all Men. He not only brought " over feveral of the DifTenters, but alfo " prevail'd upon feveral who profefTed " themfelves Members of the Church of " England, to lead religious Lives, and " to become conftant Communicants, and " other confiderable Services he did for " the Church. We fliall now have Oc- " cafion for Four more Minifters in the " Country, befides one for Charles Towns " So we do moft humbly requeft your <* Honourable Society, to fend four more ** Minifters for the Country, and upon. «* your Recommendation we fhall have " them fix'd in the feveral Parifties there. E These ^o Re^uejls for Miffonaries These Letters are fufficient to fliew the Senfe of the Country, concerning re- ceiving Clergymen of the Church of En- gland^ upon the firft fending a Miffionary. I muft here, once for all, remark to the Reader, that upon the Death of a Miffio- nary, the fame earneft Deiire for a Succef- for hath been always continued. ^. The next Government, AV^Z;-C<^r(?- Reoucits for ■^ Miniiiersfrom//;2(3', was later fettled, had been harafled ^.r/^-Cr./i-^.^^ inteftine Feuds and Divifions, and al- moftdeftroy'd by an Indian War; the Soci- ety at firft fent hither only one Miffionary, the Reverend Mr. Ada?nSy and he was foon obliged, on Account of feveral diftreffing Cir- cumftances, to return to Etigland. Colonel G/o'u^'r then Governor of the Country, the Church-v/ardens and Veftry of Coratuck^ of Pafcotanky and Chowan Precinds, where he had chiefly employed his Labours -, wrote to the Society upon his Departure, in the Year 17 lo, and did with great Earneftnefs repre- fent their Want of Minifters. I fliall give the Reader here only one Letter, from the Church- wardens and Veftry of Cot^atuck^ becaufe the others are much of the fame Strain, conceived indeed in very plain, but ftrong and affeding Terms, ^' We the Church-wardens and « Veftry- from the Colonies. 51 « Veftry-Men as Reprefentatives, and at " the Requeft of the Precinca and Parifli " of Coratuck^ North-Carolina^ do defire to " offer our grateful Acknowledgments in *^ the moft humble and hearty Manner, " to the moft Reverend Father in God, *^ Thomas^ Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury^ " Prefident, and the reft of the Members " of the Society for the Propagation of " the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, for their " pious Care in fending the Reverend Mr, " Adams among us, v^ho hath, during his ^' Abode here, behaved himfelf in all re- " fpedts as a Minifter of Chrift, exem- " plary in his Life, and blamelefs in his " Converfation ; and now being bound for *' England^ we with forrowful Hearts, " and true Love and Affeftion, take our " Leave of him. We fhall ever blefs that ** Providence which placed him among " us, and ihould be very unjuft to his " Charadter, if we did not give him the " Teftimony of a pious and painful Pa- " ftor 'y whofe Sweetnefs of Temper, Dili- " gence in his Calling, and Soundnefs of " Dodtrine, hath fo much conduced to " promote the great End of his Million, *' that we hope the good Seed God hath " enabled him to fow, will bear Fruit *^ upwards: This hath in fome Meafure E 2 '' ap- 52 Kequejls for Mijfionaries ^« appeared already, for tho* the Sacra- " ment of the Lord's-Supper, was never " before his Arrival adminiftred in this " Precindt ; yet we have had more Com- " municants than moft of our neighbouring *' Parillies of Virginia^ who have had the " Advantage of a fettled Miniftry for " many Years. We have no more to add, " but beg the Honourable Society will be " pleafed to continue us ftill under their " charitable Care, for whatever our Merits " be, our Neceflities are great, and all " the Return we can make, is to praife *< G o D for raifmg up fo many truly good *^ Friends to our Souls ; and that Heaven " may profper you in fo pious and chari- " table a Defign, (hall be the Subjed of " our Prayers. Virginia and Marylajid are the next Colonies, both which were divided into Pariihes, and had a regular and licenfed Clergy, with Salaries fettled on them by Ads of AiTembly j yet neither of thefe Colonies had much above half the proper Number of Minifters for their Churches, However, by their officiating in two or more Places by Turns, the Publick Wor- ihip of G o D was decently fupported, and the minifterial Offices duly performed; for vania. from the Colonies. 53 for which Reafon, the Society did not fend any Miffionaries to thefe Colonies. 4. T H E laro;e adjoining Colony, Pen- ?,^.^^^^' ^^^ Jyhania^ was in a very deltitute btate, fwrnPenf^l- wholly unprovided of any Minifter of the Church oi England, except only at one Place, Philadelphia. A confiderable Number of People here, Members of the Church oi En- gland, had formed themfelves into a gathered Chuxch, and chofe a Veftry, and tranfmitted to the Society a very zealous Letter in the Year 1704, wherem they fay, ** They can " never be fufficiently thankful to Divine " Providence, who hath raifed up this " Society, to maintain the Honour of " Religion, and to engage in the great " Work, the Salvation of Men: That ^' Gratitude, and an humble Acknowledg- " ment, of their noble and charitable Re- ** lolution of propagating the facred Gof- " pel, in thefe remote and dark Corners " of the Earth, is not only a Duty, but a " Debt, on all true Profeflbrs of Chri- " ftianity. At the fame Time the Society received a Letter from the Veftry of Chejier m Penfyhania, full of religious Sentiments, " that they did blefs God, who had put E 3 '' it 54 Kequejls for Mij^onaries " it into the Hearts of fo many charita- ** ble Perfons, to engage in the great " Work of promoting the Salvation of " fuch as were fo widely removed from «^ all Convenicncies of Divine Worfhip, *' as they were, till the Chriftian Charity *^ of this Society, not only procured a " Minifter for them, but alfo fupported " him. This truly was abfolutely ne- ** ceffary, for tho* in fome Parts of that " Province, and particularly in and about ** Philadelphia^ Abundance of Souls were ^' daily added to the Church, yet the " Number of this Parifh being fmall, and *' the Charge of building their Church ** (not then quite finiihed) together with '^^ the great Scarcity of Money among ** them fmce the War with Spain^ had " quite difenabled them from taking that " Weight from the Society, which other- *' wife they would have willingly done. *' They never before had Grounds even *^ to hope the Gofpel would be Propa- *' gated, in thofe, above all other Foreign ^' Parts, till they found themfelves the " Subjeds of the Society's Care. " The Society received alfo Letters and Pe- titions from the People of Dover Hun- dred, Oxford, and from the Welfi Peo- ple fettled at Radnor^ requefting the Cor- pora- from the Colonies. 55 poration with great Earneftnefs to fend them Miflionarles -, and expreffing the greateft Love and Efteem for the Do6trine and Difcipline of the Church of Englaiid. 5. AT^w-Tir/^ Government Is next; this Requefts from worthy People fl:iewed an early Zeal forvemment for having the Church of E;^^/^?;^^ Worfhip efta- Miffionaries. blifhed among them. In the Year 1693, an Ad: was paiTed for fettling the Church of Engla?id Service in fome Counties, and a Provifion appointed for 6 Minifters, one for the City of New-Tork, the Capital of the Country, and the reft for other principal Towns. But this Aft did not take Effed: till about the Year 1702, nor was the Provifion made thereby, a fufRcient Main- tenance for the Minifters in the Country Towns: Thefe applied to the Society for Help ', particularly the Inhabitants of Weji-Chejler\ were very prefTmg for a Minifter. Earneft Memorials were fent from the Inhabitants of New-Rochel, from thofe of Jamaica, and Hempjledy Towns in hong'Ijlaiid 'j from Statten-IJland, and from Rye-y and their Defires have been comply 'd with, and Miffionaries fent to ihofe Places. The chief Inhabitants of Buj^llngf on TheVeophm {hewed a very early Affedion for ^'^^^J^uini^Qvl E 4 Church 55 Kequejls for Miffonaries Church of England Worfliip, which they have continued down to the prefent Time inviolable. In 1704, they wrote to the Society, " That they had a very deep *^ Senfe of the Happinefs of having Re- " ligion fettled among them, tliey defired *' to adore the Goodnefs of G o d for mo- " ving the Hearts of the Lords Spiritual " and Temporal, the Nobles and Gentry, " to enter into a Society for Propagating '' the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, the Bene- " fit of which they had already experi- *' enced, and hoped further to enjoy. " They had joined in Subfcription to *' build a Church, which, tho' not yet " near finifhed, they had heard feveral '' Sermons in it ; but they were not able " to maintain a Minifter without the Af- " fiftance of the Society, whereon they '' begged God to fhower his Bleffings as '' a Reward for their great Charity and '' Care for the good of Souls." The Veftry wrote a Letter to the fame Effed to^ Bifhop Compton, intreating his Lord- fhip's Favour, and returning their hum- ble Thanks for his Care of them. Colonel ilf^rm, a Gentleman of Cha- rafter, and confiderable Interell in New-^ from the Colonies. 5(7 Jerfey^ did in aLetter, in the Year 1703, very earneftly foUicite Dr. Beveridge (late Bilhop of St. Afaph) 2. Member of this Society, to recommend it to the Society, to fend a Miffionary to Monmouth County in Ea/i Jerfey, where a confiderable Body of Peo- ple had formed themfelves into a ga- thered Church, and had promifed all the Help their narrow Circumflances could afford their Minifter. The Society were not then able to fupport a Miffionary there. But the Reverend Mr. Alexander Innis^ hap- pening to be in thofe Parts, took the Care of that People upon him. After a worthy Difcharge of his Fundlion for fome Years, he died -y upon which the Juflices of the Peace, the High-Sheriff, and Grand Jury of Monmouth County, did reprefent to the Society, in the Year 17 17. '' That the Worthy and Reverend " Mr. Alexander Innis^ by unwearied " Pains and Induflry, gathered three Con- " gregations in this County, tho' much " fcattered in their Habitations^ yet did " he vifit them, teach them, and inflrudt.^ " them all, once at leafl in three Weeks, " in order to their eternal Happinefs. ** But alas ! fmce his Death, we have been " without the Means of Grace, unhappy " in want of a Minifler of the Eflablifh'd II Church, to officiate in that OfBce, and " to ^8 Requefis for Mij^onaries *' to inftrufl: the Youth in the Church- ^' Catechifm. For Want of this, we find " that fome are tofled too and fro*, and " too many count that they are not bound by our holy Religion, but at full Li- berty to do what may feem good in their own Eyes, which hath a wretched In- " fluence on their Morals ; and we are " much afraid that if a narrow Search " were made, fuch would make up a " great Bulk, among near 400 Families " in this County therefore that the " Publick Worfhip of Almighty God, ^' may be maintained in that Order, and " according to thofe excellent Rules efta- '' bliihed in the Church of Englandy we " humbly pray that your Honourable " Body would think of us, and fend over " one to help us ( A6ls xvi. 9.) for fuch " are our Circumftances, that we cannot " in this Cafe help our felves. 6. T H E Society received the following very ferious and pathetick Letter from the Inhabitants of Salem in Weft New-Jerfeyy and the Parts adjacent, in the Year 1722, '* Very Venerable Gentlemen. A poor *^unhappy People fettled by G o d's Provi- " dence, to procure by laborious Induftry " a Subfiftance for our Families, make '' bold from the Colonies. 59 « bold to apply our felves to G o d, thro' ** that very pious and charitable Society, " his happy Inftruments to difperfe his " Bleffings in thefe remote Parts \ that as " his Goodnefs hath vouchfafed us a mo- " derate Support for our Bodies, his holy *' Spirit may influence you to provide us *' with Spiritual Food for our Souls : In " this Cafe our Indigence is exceffive, and " our Deftitution deplorable, having never " been fo blefs'd, as to have a Perfon *' fettled among us, to difpenfe the Au- " guft Ordinances of Religion \ infomuch " that even the Name of it is almoft loft '' among us; the Virtue and Energy of " it over Mens Lives, almoft expiring, v^e " won't fay forgotten, for that implies " previous Knowledge of it. But how *' {hould People know, having learned fo *' little of God, and his Worfliip ? And " how can they learn without a Teacher ? " Our Condition is truly lamentable, and " deferving Chriftian Compaflion. And *' to whom can we apply our felves, but '' to that venerable Corporation, whofe " Zeal for the Propagation of the Gof- " pel of Jesus Christ, hath preferved ** fo many in thefe Colonies, from Irre- " ligion, Profanenefs and Infidelity ? We \\ befeech you therefore, in the Name of our cc 60 Kequejls for MiJJionaries ^^ our common Lord and Mafter, and " gracious Redeemer, and for the Sake *' of the Gofpel (juft ready to die among " us) to make us Partakers of that Bounty to thefe Parts ; and according to the Motto engraven on your Seal, T'ran^ feiintes adjuvatCy nos [fene Infideles) Be pleafed to fend us fome Reverend Cler- *' gyman, according to your Wifdom, " who may inform our Judgments, by *^ preaching to us the Truths of the Gol- " pel ; and recover us all. Aged and *' Young, out of the miferable Corrup- " tions, confequent to a grofs Ignorance " of it ; to whom we promife all En- " couragement according to our Abilities, " and all due Refpedt and Obedience to " his Office, Inflrudtions and Perfon. " The Lord in Mercy look upon us, *' and excite you, according to your won- *' ted Piety, to have a compaiTionate Re- " gard of our Cafe, and we pray the Great " God to profper all yovir pious Under- *' takings, to promote his Glory and the " Good of his Church, efpecially in this " deftitute Place of the Pilgrimage of " your moft dutiful Servants, &c. The Society were moved by this plain and fincere Letter, and foon after fent, and from the Colonies. 6 1 and have continued ever fmce a Miffionary there. 7. T H E laft Government, New-England^ tho' as hath been remarked before, pro- vided with an Independent and Presbyterian Miniftry, yet had great Numbers of In- habitants, who could not follow that Perfuafion, but were exceeding defirous of worfhipping God after the Manner of the Church of England. I fhall give the Reader a few Petitions from Congre- gations of People in this Government, which (hew plainly the Society did not concern themfelves here, till they were loudly called upon ; and that the Inhabi- tants in many Places, did not only fend P^- titions for Minijiers, but alfo built Churches before they had any Minifters 3 which is an uncontroulable Evidence and Proof, that the People themfelves defired to have the Church of England Worfhip, with a hearty Zeal and true Sincerity. ^ In September 1702. the Church-war- dens of Rhode-IJland, wrote to the Society,' *' That they cannot forbear expreffing " their great Joy in being under the Pa- " tronage of fo honourable a Corporation, I' thro' whofe pious Endeavours, with '' God's 62 Kequejls for Miffionaries " God's Affiftance, the Church of Eng^ " land hath fo fair a Profpeft of flourifh- " ing in thofe remote Parts of the World, *• and among the reft of her fmall Branches, " theirs alfo in Rbode-I/Ia?id : That tho* " it is not four Years fmce they began " to aflemble themfelves together to wor- " ihip God after the Manner of the *' Church of Englandy yet have they built *^ them a Church, finifhed all on the Out- " lide, and the Infide is Pewed well, tho' *^ not beautiful ; and whatfoever Favours " the Society fhall beftow upon them to- " w'^ards the promoting of their Church, " fhall be be received with the humbleft *^ Gratitude, and feconded with the utmoil " of their Abilities. The Biihop of London (Dr. Compton) received at the fame Time Petitions for Minifters from Rhode-IJlandy from Naraganfetty from Newbury ^ a Church in New-Hafnppire^ from little Compton and *Tiverto:7, from Braintree near Bojion^ and from Stratford in Connebliciit. The Cafe of thefe two laft Towiis was alfo further reommended to the Society's Care, by Gentlemen of confiderable Figure and Intereft. Colonel Morris prefTed very ear- neftly for a Minifter for Braintree, and Co» from the Colonies. 6^ Colonel Heathcote^ for another, for the People of ConneBi cut Colony-y great Num- bers of whom, were very earneft to have a Minifter of the Church of England. Robert Hunter Efqj Governor of New- Tork^ in the Year 171 1, writes thus to the Society, concerning the People at Stratford : When I was at Connedicut, thoje of our Communion at the Church at Stratford, came to me in a Body-y and then^ as they have fnce by Letter ^ begged my In- tercejjion with the Veiierable Society ^ and the Right Reverend the Lord Bijhop of London, for a Mifjtonary j they appeared very much in earnefl^ and are the befi Sett of Men I met with in that Country. 8. The Inhabitants of Marbleheady in the Year 1714, fent the following Petition to the Society, which Ipeaks the hearty Difpofition of the People, when they fet up the Church of England Worfhip; And this, upon the Proof of many Years Experience, appears plainly to have been no fudden Heat or Start of Zeal, but a well-grounded Senfe of the Excellency of our Church, fince they have con- tinued in the fame Spirit ever fince. They exprefs themfelves thus to the Society : " Whereas your Petitioners, '' out ^4 Re^uefts for Mijfionaries " out of a juft Efteem for the excellent " Conftitution of the Church of England^ " both in its Doftrine and Difcipline, and '' Form of Government, have Subfcribed " fufficient Sums of Money, towards the " Ereding of a Building for the Service " of Almighty God, according to the *' Manner of Worfhip prefcribed in the " Church of England y Your Petitioners ^* humbly defire the Honourable Society's " Favour and Encouragement, in fending " a Minifter to them with all convenient " Speed, with the ufual Salary allowed «* their Miffionaries. Of what Confideration *' your Petitioners are, will be feen by the •* Number of their Names, and the Value *' of their Subfcriptions under-written j " we muft alfo add, that the Town of " Marblehead, (next Bojion) is the greateft " Place of Trade and Commerce within " this Province, daily adding to their Num- *' bers, Perfons chiefly of the Church of « Englandy and by the Bleffing of God, ** we have a certain Profpeft, that the " Church here, will be every Day increafed, '^ and flouri{h more and more. Upon thefe " Accounts, we hope the Venerable So- «' ciety will be pleafed to grant our Re- " quefts, and your Petitioners fhall always " pray from the Miffionaries. 6$ <^ pray for the Society's Profperity and " Succefs in all their great and glorious " Defigns. It muft be noted here, the People did fully perform what they promifed; and the Sum intimated in their Petition, for Building of a Church, was no lefs than 416 Pounds Subfcribed by 45 Perfons, and the People have continued conftant to this pre- fent Time, in their firm Adherence to the Church of England. CHAR 66 The I'ejlmomals required CHAP. IV. T'he 'Teftimonials required by the Society from the Miffionaries they fend abroad. T'he Rules they gi/V/6's Nar- rative > and from this, and the former Accounts tranlmitted by many other Hands, the Society thought they had fufficieiit Light given them where to fend Mifiio- naries, which they proceded to do, as from ihe following Sections will appear, CHAP. )i: 8i CHAP. V. Miffionaries fent to South-Carolina ; The Tlaces to which they were appointed ; their Labours andSuccefs. A War rai^ fedhy the Yammofees and other Indians, againji the Englifli. The Tranquillity of this Tro^ince happily reftored : Thir- teen Churches and Four Chapels of Eafe ^uilt : Salaries Jettled on the Clergy : Schools opened. TH E Province of South-Carolina flievved fo earneft a Defire of having Minifters of the Church of England^ upon the firft Information they received of this Corporation being ereded, that the Society refolved very early to fend Miffionaries to this Colony, that fo good a Difpofitic ^ of the People might be affifted as foon as ^ofuble. Ac- cordingly in fiine 1702, the Reverend Mr, rend Mr. 7"/^^- Samu,^!l'ho7nasv^2iS fent thither. The So-?'--' ^^^'^M^^'; X fionary,lettJcd ciety defigned he fliould have nrft attempted at Qoofcn^k the Converfion of the Tat7imofee Indians^ -riu. but the Governor Sir Nathaniel John/on, G and 82 Mijjionaries fent and feveral other Gentlemen there, judg- ing it not to be a proper Seafon to enter upon this Work, he did not engage in that Miffion ', but after fome fmall Continuance in the Governor's Family, he was ap- pointed by Sir Nathaniel ^ohnfon^ to the Cure of the People fettled on the three Branches of Cooper River, 15 Miles diftant from each other j but to make Goofcreek the chief Place of his Refidence. Goof- creek was one of the largeft and moft popu- lous Country Towns, and fettled by En- glifi Families entirely well affeded to the Church of England^ and w^ho formerly had for fome Time the Reverend Mr. Corbin for their Minifter. The Parlfli is 20 Miles in Length, and from 8 to 14 in Breadth ; Mr. I'homas difcharged his Mini- fterial Office w4th very good Succefs, he acquainted the Society, that tho' his Com- municants at firft were but 5, they foon increafed to 32 *, that he had taken much Fains alfo in inftrudting the Negroes^ and learned 20 of them to read. But in O^o- her 1706, this worthy Miffionary died, (as feveral Gentlemen of the Country wrote Word) very much lamented for his found Doftrine, exemplary Life, and Induftry ; after having laid a good Foundation for his to South Carolina, 83 his Succeflbrs, to carry on the Work he had begun. The Society appointed the Re verend He dies ,- Br. Dr. Le Jeau to fucceed him. Upon his^^ 7^^^ ^P* Arrival in the Country in 1706, he ac-r/lim!'"' quainted them, he had met with an ex- traordinary kind Reception from his Ex- cellency the Governour and the Chief Ju- ftice, and had received many Tokens of great Civility and Goodnels from feveral worthy Perfons. The People were then very bufie in providing all Materials for fitting up the Church and Parfonage Houfe, which they foon after compleated. He tranfmitted to the Society an Account of the State of his Pariih and other neigh- bouring Settlements, wherein he repre- fented very earneilly, that it was the greateft Pity imaginable, to fee how many various Opinions had been fpread there, by a Multitude of Teachers and Ex- pounders of all Sorts "and Perfwafions ; and yet he could find very few, that un- derftood Chriftianity, even as to rHefeffen- tial Parts of it -, yet the Parents and^lVfa- ^ ' fters were indued with much good^qn, and a ready Difpofition, to have their Children and Servants taught the Chri- ftian Religion. He was not only very G 2 ^ dili- 84 Miffionaries fent diligent in his proper Cure at Goo/creek^ but alfo affifted in other Places, where a Minifter was wanting ; the Church at Charles-T'own being fome time after his Arrival vacant, he ufed to preach once a Month there, where at Eafier he had but 24 Communicants, tho' there were above 500 Perfons of Age in the Place. He fometimes vifited the French Settlement in Orange Quarter, then entirely deftitute dothgreatSeTof a Miuiflcr, and adminiflred the Sacra- vice, preaches jy^ents among them. This Settlement con- jn feveral * 'i- , ^ ... rifhes. iilled then of about 32 Families, out of which there were 50 Perfons Communi- cants. His own Parifh had about 100 Families, making up 1000 Perfons, much the greater Number of which were Mem- bers of the Church of Eiigland. He per- formed all parts of his Minifterial Duty with great Diligence. The firft Year of his Miffion, he Baptized 2 1 Children, the fecond 19, and the Number of the Com- municants increafed to 35. He inftru6ted and baptized many Negroes and Indian Slaves y and whereas he found feveral Pa- rents had neglefted to have their Children Baptized, becaufe they paid fome Duties to the Minifter, he acquainted them he defired nothing, and prevailed upon a con- fiderable Number of them to bring their Chil- to South-Carolina. 8 5 Children for Baptifm ; and by his private as well as publick Difcourfes, perfwaded feve- ral Perfons of a grown Age, to attend him to be inftruded in the effential Do6lrines of Chriftianity, in order for receiving Baptifm. He ufed frequently on Week-days to Ca- techize the younger People at his Houfe, as finding nothing conduced more towards promoting the Gofpel, than this private Inftrudion of the Youth. The Dodtor was not only very laborious in his Fundtion, but by God's Bleffing very fuccefsful, and hap- py in gaining the Affections of his People. Soon after his being fixed among them, they made a voluntary Subfcription of 60/. a Year Carolina Money for him. The Church they firft built became too fmall for the v, Le Jeau ^n^d. -, very much lamented by his own Pariihioners, and regretted by every one, who knew how ufeful and induftrious he had been in pro- moting the Gofpel in thofe Parts. In the Year 1720, the Society fent the Reve- rend Mr. Merry a Miffionary into Caro- lina^ and the Church of Goofcreek being then vacant, the Parifliioners requefted him to come and refide among them, which he did for fome time, but flayed not long, and returned again to E?igla?id, The So- ciety, upon the Requeft of the Inhabitants of Goofcreeky foon after appointed another The Reve- Miflionary, the Reverend Mr. Ludlam ^ rend Mr. iW- j^^ arrived there in the Year 1724, and ed Miffiimary began his Mifiion With great Diligence. ^^'^' There were in his Parifh a large Number of Negroes, Natives of the Place, who underftood EngliJJ:} well, he took good Pains to inftrud feveral of thefe in the Principles of the Chriftian Religion, and after- to South-Carolina. 87 afterwards admitted them to Baptifm. He faid if the Matters of them would hear- tily concur to forward fo good a Work, all thofe who have been born in the Country, might without much Difficulty be in- ftruded and received into the Church. Mr. Ludlam continued his Labours among the Negroes, and every Year taught and baptized feveral of them ; in one Year, eleven, befides fome Midattoes. The Ejiglijh of his Parifli were a very fober and well- behaved People, and duly attended Divine Worfliip. Some few, who had been of loofer Principles, and negligent of the Or- dinances of the Gofpel, were perfuaded to a due Conformity to the Church, and feveral grown Perfons received Baptifm. The People continued regularly to bring their Children to Baptifm, and devoutly frequented the Sacrament. Mr. Ludlam per- fevered in a diligent Difcharge of all the Duties of his Fundlion s but in OBober 1728, he died 5 and in Teftimony of his He behaves Regard to the Society's good Defigns, and^^'^^^a' bt his Refpeft to the People of his Pariih, q^eaths all his bequeathed by his laft V/ill, all his Eftate^ sd'ool for ' real and perfonal, to the Society in truft, poo^^hildren, for EreBing ajtd Maintaining a School for the InftruBion of Poor Children of that Parijh, His whole Eftate is computed to G 4 amount 88 Miffionaries fent amount to about 2000/. Carolina Moneys after Payment of his Debts. ThcRcverend 2. The Society fent the Reverend Mr. ^^^^^^^flJ^lMaule, Mi^ion^iry to Carolina in 1707, he fionary to St. arrived there the fame Year; he was not jor^ns m '^pp^jj^^g^ ^.Q any particular Place, but it was left to the Governor and Council to fix him, where they {hould judge he could be moll ufeful. Upon his Arrival there, he met with a very favourable Reception at CbarleS'l'own^ from the Governor and other Gentlemen of the Province. He was foon after fixed in St. Johns Parifli, on the Wejiern Branch of Cooper River -, it is a pleafant and healthful part of the Country, and the Planters there, were ge- nerally good, fober, and teachable People ; but fettled at a great Diilance from each other, in fcattered Plantations. He was the firft Clergyman of the Church of En- gland, that refided there for any confi- derable Time. Upon his Preaching at his firft coming, to a good Number of Church- men, he had feveral Independents and Anabaptijis who came to hear him, and behaved themfelves very devoutly and at- tentively, during the whole Time of Di- vine Service. He took a great deal of Pains in the Difcharge of his Duty, and upon to South-Carolina. 89 upon Account of the Diftance between the Settlements, was obliged to ride very often, which was exceeding fatiguing (ef- pecially during the fultry Seafon in that Country) as well as expenfive to him. The good People were fenfible of this Diffi- culty he underwent in Travelling, and to eafe him as much as they could, did, without his Knowledge, raife among them- felves 2^ Pounds Carolina Mo?iey^ and bought a Horfe, and other Accoutrements, JatfifSs and made him a Prefent of them. Upon MiATion. his firft Settling here, the Eftglifi had no Church to perform Divine Worfhip in, but about 10 French Families had Built them a fmall Church, and their Minifter Mr. Tiiilliard oifered Mr. Maule the Ufe of his Church, which he accepted, and Preached often there; and fuch of the French as underftood Rjiglijl:)^ came to hear him. At other times, he Preached up and down among the Plantations, as the Houfes lay moft convenient for the People to meet at. In the Year 1706, an A61 of Ajflembly had paffed there for Building 8 Churches in 8 Parifhes, and 333 Pounds Carolina Money was allotted for each : At length, about the Year 17 10, the Englijh began to Build a Church, and this Sum was expended now in Building one in St. "John^ $0 . Mijfionaries fent Johri^ Parilli. All the Outfide was not finifhed till 171 1. However, Mr, Maule refolved to begin to make Ufe of it, tho' there was no Conveniency of Seats or Pulpit, or other Furniture. Soon after A Church is (7^/^;^^/ Broughton, a worthy Gentleman and ferious Chriflian, coming to refide in that Parifti, he very generoufly adorned the Church, made a Communion-Table, rail'd in the Chancel, made a Pulpit, Reading Desk, and fomc Pews j all with Cedar. This good Man's Labours were at- tended with Succefs, the People regu- larly came to Divine Service, and many frequented the Sacrament ; and the whole Body of them were influenced to lead more orderly and Chriftian Lives. Among other Caufes of their religious Improve- ment he mentions, that the Books which the Society diftributed among the People, by their Miffionaries, had a very good Effed:; and proved very inftrumental in removing a great many Prejudices out of the Minds of fome, and in making the whole People in general, more inquifitive about their Spiritual Concernment. Particularly, the Common-Prayer-Books which he had difperfed among the People, had influenced many to come to Church y and Dr. Beve- ridge's Sermon of the Excellency and Ufe- fulnefs to South-Garolina. 9 1 fulnefs of the Common-Prayer, which he diftributed with the Common-Prayer- Books, was of great Service. Thus he continued diligent in all Parts of his Duty, till the fatal Indian War broke out, in the Year 17 15, at which Time all his Parilhioners were driven The People from their Plantations. In this Calamity ^'"^^^^ /^°"^ he did not forfake them, but retired Wvi\ii\iQ Indiana them to a Garrifon, whither they fled for Safety ; and continued for above 4 Months to perform all the Offices of his Funftion ; He baptized their Children,vifited their Sick and Wounded, and buried their Dead, preached every Lord*s-Day, and read Prayers twice every Day in the Week. The Duty was much above his Strength, efpecially as performed in a numerous Croud, confined in a fmall Compafs of Ground, and in very fultry Weather too. However he underwent it with Chear- fulnefs, " Confidering (as he expreffes " himfelf) that having hitherto lived " among them in their Profperity, I could " not, in Confcience, defert them in Times " of Danger and Diftrefs, that fo I might *' learn them by Example as well as Do- " drine, to fubmit with Chearfulnefs to 1' the Will of God". Thus he pcrfe- vered ^2 Miffionaries fent vered till the War grew lefs dangerous, and the People returned to their Planta- Continues ^'^^^^' ^^^ ^^^^ Fatigue threw him into withthePeo- a Bloody Flux, thro' which, after many rifon, faDs Relapfes, he died 5 very much lamented fick, dies, |^y ^jj ^j^^ Country j and to exprefs his hearty Wifhes to the Society's Defigns, he made them, by his laft Will, refiduary Legatees, from which they received -above 600 pound Ca?'olina Money. The Reverend Mr. Mojh Clerk was appointed by the Society to fucceed Mr. Maule^ he arrived in Caroli?ta in 1720, but a few Months after, died. The Church-wardens and Veftry petitioned the Society for another Miffionary, and the Reverend Mr. Bryan Hunt was fent over, but he was not fuccefsful in his Miffion : his contentious Behaviour gave great Of- fence to many of the Parifhioners 5 and in the Year 1728, after many Differences and Contefts, he left his Pariih, and re- turned to England, The Society imme- diately after, in the Year 1729, appointed the Reverend Mr. Daniel Dwight Miffio- nary to this Parifh. rend^Mno!" 3' The Society received Rcqucfts from born fent toj;^^ people of *S>x., Bartholomew %Y2.x\{^ for mm'z Parifo! a Miffionary, and the Reverend Mr. Os- horn to South-Carolina. , 53 ^(j/72 was fent thither. He arrived in 1713, and was the firft Minifter of the Church of England, that had fettled there. His Cure proved very difficult, for the Parifli * j- was above 30 Miles long from North to Southy and 40 frc ti Eaji to Weji -, there were about 120 Fai... . '^. it, at his firft coming -, the People were rxiki at great Diftances, in fcattered Plantations, over all this large Tradt of Land ; which made the Fatigue and Labour of ferving his Cure very great. He was jliged, for the People's Conveniency, to officiate at 5 different Places, fome of them 20 Miles diftant from the Place of his Abode. He acquainted the Society, the People were very ready to be taught and inftrufted in the Chriftian Faith, that foon after his being fixed among them, he had baptized above 70, many of them grown Perfons^ at firft they had fome Scruples about Re- ceiving the Sacrament, but he began to remove them by private Conferences. He continued very diligent in his Duty, and was much refpedled by his Parifhioners. But in the Year 17 15, the unhappy* In- dia?i War broke out y the Savages de- ftroyed all the Plantations in his Parifh, ravage all his and alfo thofe o^ 'iuHelenWn Port -Roy al-^'''^' IJland. The People abandoned the Place en- ^4- ^ ' ^ijjionaries fent entirely ; their Houfes and Plantations were fpoiled and burnt. The Indians made fo fudden an Irruption into thefe Parts, that they were within lefs than three Miles of Mr. Osborne Houfe, before Helofesever^y^j^gy Were difcovered ^ he iuft had No- to 'chariei-\!\cQ to make a difficult efcape to Charles- 7,fvn, dies. ^^^^^^ abandoning all that he had to the Savages , where foon after he died, with the general Character of an honefl; and ufeful Man. This Parifli hath not yet recovered from the Ravages of the Indians, many of the People did not re- turn to their Settlements ; the Society therefore have not fixed a Miflionary here ; but fome of the Minifters of other Pa- riflies, have occafionally officiated among thofe who returned to their Plantations. TheReve- 4- T H E Parilli of St. HcUms in Port- xt\\diUr.Guy,RQyal^IJland, agreed in the Year 17 12, l!!'VhiW/-to have a Minifter refident among them. Roynl-lJJand. ^fj^^y ^ycrc acquainted with, and had a good Efteem for the Reverend Mr. Gz/j, then Afliftant to the Reverend Mr. John- Jon, the Recftor of Charles-^ oivn -, they pro- ceeded to eledt him for their Minifter, according to the Laws of this Province , after having firft obtained the Confent of the Reverend Mr. Johnjon, the Bifliop of hon- to South-Carolina. 95 London^ Commiffary, then at Charles-- ^own, Prefently after, they wrote to the Bifhop of London^ and to the Society, an Account of this Eledlion. They repre- fented in their Letters, that they were the moft remote Parifh in the Country, and not well fettled as yet; that fince their firft fixing there, they never had a Minifter refident ; and therefore prayed the Society, in Compafiion to their great Wants, to allow Mr. Guy a Salary. Mr. Guy was then in Deacon's Orders only; he returned to Engla?id in the Year 17 13, and received Prieft's Orders ; and the So- ciety appointed him Miffionary there* He arrived in Carolina foon after, and acquainted the Society, that he had entred upon his Cure. This Parifh was very large and extenfive, for the whole Nation of the Tammofee Indians was included in it. Mr. Guy was very diligent in the Difcharge of all Parts of his Minifterial Office ; he inftrufted and baptized feveral grown Perfons, befides the younger Children. Tho' there had been formerly fome Ana^ baptiji and Presbyteria?i Teachers here, yet at his Arrival, the People had no Teacher of any Perfuafion, and lived all without ufing any Kind of publick Di- vine Worfhip. Notwithftanding which, they 5 6 Mijjionaries fent they were very well dispofed ; and for their greater Conveniency, Mr. Guy per- Ver dilicrent^'^^"^^^ Divine Service in fome of the in his Cm-e. Parifhioners Houfes, fometimes in one part of the Pariili, fometimes in another, that all the People, at Times, might have an Opportunity of coming to Divine Worlliip. Mr. Guy wrote to the Society, that he met with many Favours from his Parifhioners, and that they behaved, both publickly and privately, very obligingly and kindly to him. But in the Year 17 15, both he and all his Pariih, narrowly and very providentially efcaped -, being cut oif by the Indians. The Yammofees inhabit- ing, part of that Parifli, rofe fuddenly and fell on the Englijh ; if there had not been a Ship lying in the River, on Board of which, the Englip got, and fo efcaped to Charles-'T'own j they would have been all ut- terly deftroyed by the Savages. Some few He and the . . - People fly to who did not make a timely Jblcape on charies-To^vn.^^^^^^ fell into the Indians Hands, and were malTacred. SomeAccoimt ^, Having mentioned before, this In^ War. dian War, and fince I fhall be obliged to take'' Notice of it again, as a Calamity, whicli not only very much ftopped the Progrefs of the Gofpel in thofe Parts, but to SouthCarolina. ^7 but very greatly threatened the Civil State of that Country -, I fliall give the Reader here fome fliort Account of it. In the Year 17 15, The Indians adjoining to this Colony, all round from the Borders of Fort St. Augujiino to Cape Fear, had formed a Confpiracy to extirpate the White Peo- ple. This War broke out the Week be- fore Eajier. The Pariih of St. Helen's had fome Apprehenfions of a rifmg among the adjoining Indians, called the Tammo- fees. On Wednefday before Eafier, Cap- tain Nairn, Agent among the Lidiansy went, with fome others, to them, defiring to know the Reafon of their Uneaiinefs, that if any Injury had been done them, they might have Satisfadlon made them. The Indians pretended to be well content, and not to have any Defigns againft the Englijh ^ Mr. Nairn therefore and the other Traders continued in the Pocotaligat-T own^ one of the Chief of the Tammofee Nations. At Night they went to Sleep in the Round- houfe, with the King, and chief War-Cap- tains, in feeming perfed: Friendiliip.i but next Morning, at Break of Day, they were all killed with a Volley of Shot, except- ing one Man and a Boy, who Providen- tially efcaped (the Man much wounded) to Port-Royal, and gave Notice of the rifing H of 5 8 Miffionaries fent of the Indians to the Inhabitants of St Helens, Upon this Ihort Warning, a Ship happening to be in the River^ a great Number of the Inhabitants, about 300 Souls, made their Efcape on Board her to Charles-'fown^ and among the reft, Mr. Guy^ the Society's Miffionaryj having aban- doned all their EfFefts to the Savages : fome few Families fell into their Hands, who were barbaroufly Tortured and Mur- dered. The Indians had divided themfelves in- to two Parties > one fell upon Port-Royal^ the other upon St. Bartholomew^ Parifli 3 about 100 Chriftians fell into their Hands, the reft fled, among which, the Reverend Mr. Ostomy the Society's Miffionary there. The Women and Children, with fome of the beft of their Eflfeds, were convey'd to Charles-I'own ; moft of the Houfes and heavy Goods in the Parifli were burnt or fpoil'd. The Tammofees gave the firft Stroke in this War, but were prefently joined by the Appellachee Indians. On the North Side of the Province, the Englijh had at firft, fome Hopes in the Faithfulnefs of the Calabaws and Creek Indians, but they foon after declared for the Tainmojees. Upon to South Carolina. ^^ %' Upon News of this rifing, the Governor (the Honourable Charles Craven^'Eic^,) with all Expedition, raifed the Forces in Colleton f^ \ County, and with what Affiftance more ^' could be got prefently, put himfelf at Governor their Head, and marched direftly to the Force""S Indians^ and the Week after Eajier came up ^^^^^^^ ^j}^- with them, and attacked them at the Head diam of the River Camhahee ; and after a fharp Engagement put them to Flight, and flopped all farther Incurfions on that Side. I N the mean Time, on the other Nor-- them Side, the Savages made an Inroad as far as a Plantation of Mr. John Herne^ diflant 30 Miles from GooJ creek ; and treacheroufly killed that Gentleman, af- ter he had (upon their pretending Peace) prefented them with Provifions. Upon News of this Difafter, a worthy Gentle- man, Captain T^hornas Barker^ was fent thither with 90 Men on Horfeback 5 but by the Treachery of an Indian whom he trufted, fell into an Ambufcade, in fome thick Woods, which they muft neceffarily pafs. The Indians fired upon them from behind Trees and Buflies. The E?2glip difmounted, and attacked the Savages, and H 2 re- 100 Miffionaries fent repulfed them ; but having loft their brave commanding Officer Mr. Barker^ and being bthemfelves in fome Diforder, made their ^_ Retreat. Upon this Advantage, the Indians, fl^ came farther on tov^ards Goofcreek, at Nev^s r^ of whichj the whole Parifli of Goofcreek • •• became deferred, except tv^o fortified Plan- ri tations ; and the Reverend Dr. Le Jeau^ J^ the Society's Miffionary there, fled to r ^ Charlcs-T'own. / ^ These Northern Indians being a Body ^ of near 400 Men, after attacking a fmall Hi Fort in vain, made Propofals of Peace^ \^ which the Garrifon unwarily hearken- ing to, admitted feveral of them into the Fort, which they furprized and cut to Pieces the Garrifon, confifting of 70 White People and 40 Blacks ; a very few efcaped. After this they advanced farther^ Captain Cy^/V- but on the 13^^ oi J line, Mr, Chicken, the if^// defeats the (^^p^ain of the Goofcreek Company, met Northern Indi' f tni ir lAr^- ii/!i~ and attacked them, and after a long Action, defeated them, and fecured the Province on that Side from farther Ravages. The Society received thefe calamitous Relations from Caroli?ia with much Concern, both on Account of the Diftrefs of the Inhabitants and of their Miffionaries. They to South-Carolina^ loi « They thought it incumbent on them to do fomething towards the Relief of the latter, who were fent by them to thofe Places. Accordingly a Letter was wrote to all the Miffionaries, acquainting them, how fenfible the Society was of the Hard- ihips they underwent, and that they had agreed to give half a Years Salary to each of them as a Gratuity, for their prefent Affiftance, That this Bounty might be paid them with all Speed, a Letter was wrote by the fame Conveyance to Colonel Rbef^ a worthy Gentleman in that Country, defiring him, on the Account of the Society, to pay each of their Miffionaries and School- mafters half a Year's Salary ; and in Cafe the other Clergy of the Colony, who were not Miffionaries, Ihould be in great Streights upon Account of this publick Calamity, he fliould alfo pay each of them a Sum, The Society not exceeding 30 Pounds Sterling ; which J^^^^j|^f^^^ the Society prefented them towards their the Clergy in Support; and that he might draw upon^ ^^ ^^ their Treafur^r for all fuch Sums paid. Colonel Rhef was pleafed very kindly, to pay all the Miffionaries who apply*d to him, the Money the Society had direfted j and alfo to the Reverend Mr. Lapierre and Mr. Richburgy two French Minifters, who were not employed by the Society, H 3 3Q 1 02 Mijjionaries fent 30 Pound each; they were both juft pre- paring to quit the Country, on Account of their great Want, but were prevented by f o feafonable a Relief thro' the Society's Bounty. 6. Having given the Reader this ihort Relation of the Indian War, which brought fo much Confufion on the Religious as well as Civil State of this growing Colony ; I fhall now refume the iirfl Subjed, and continue on the Account of the Labours of the Miffionaries in each Parifh. The Inhabitants of the Parifh of St. Helens in Port'Royal Ifland, before mentioned, had been all drove from their Settlements, by the Tammofees ; but upon the fuppreffing of the Indian Ravages, the People re- turned to their Plantations. They were encouraged to do fo, the fooner, becaufe Fort-Royal Ifland had a very capacious and fafe Harbour, and was likely to become a Place of great Trade, as being a commo- dious Station for Shipping, and the Coun- try around, affording Plenty of all Pro- vifions. Here are now computed to be above 70 Families. They obtained a con- fiderable Sum of Money from the Go- vernment there, towards Building a Churchy to which^ feveral worthy Gentlemen added Con- to South-Carolina. 103 Contributions, and In the Year 1724, built a fmall Church, a neat Brick Building, in Length, from the PFeJi-End to the Chan- cel, 40 Feet, and In Breadth 30 ; the Chan- cel is 10 Feet fquare : The Communion- Table, Pulpit, Desk, and fome Pews, are made of Cedar, There was a preffing Oc- cafion for having a Church here, becaufe the Inhabitants of this Parifli live at a great Diftance from each other, and the neareft of them at leaft 40 Miles diftant, from any other Parifh-Church. The People when they began to build their Church, requefted the Society to fend them a Mif- fionary. The Reverend Mr. Lewis Jones was appointed hither in the Year 1725. He hath behaved himfelf worthily in the Difcharge of all the Duties of his Miffion? and inftrud:ed feveral grown Perfons in the Chriftian Faith, and admitted them to Baptifm. He continues ftill here. 7. T H E Reverend Mr. Hafell was fent to j.end Mr. Ha- the Parifh of St. "Thojnas in 1709. He had./^^ ^^"Vpa-' been formerly employed by the Society, asriih. Catechift in Charles-l'o'wn', which Office he difcharged with Diligence: The firft Church Built here, (now ufed for a Chapel of Eafe) was called Pomkinhill Church, from a rifmg Hill of that Name, on which it was Built 1 H 4 it 104 Miffionaries fent It Is fituate near the River Side, made of Cyprefs Wood, 30 Foot Iquare, Eredted about the Year 1703, at the Charge of the Neighbourhood, and by the particular Affiftance of Sir Nathajiiel Johnjon. But the Parifh-Church of St. Thomas was Built of Brick, fituate on a Neck of Land, on the North'WeJi of Wandoe River, and SotitJofWeJi of Cooper River ; in Purfuance of an Act of Affembly made in 1706. The Foundation of this Church was laid in 1707, and the Building finiflied the next Year ; Mr. Hafell was the firft Minifter of this Church, eledled by Virtue of the above- mentioned A(ft. There are in this Parifh upwards of 600 Acres of Glebeh^nd, 200 of which adjoin to the Church 5 and 420 to the Chapel of Eafe. There is as yet no Parfonage-Houfe Built in this Parifh, but the Money allowed by the Aflembly for that Ufe, is laid out at Intereft, till it fhall arife to a fufficient Sum to Build one. There were, in the Year 1713, about 120 Families in this Parifh, including the Settle- ments in Orange Qu^ncv -, but now the In- habitants are computed to amount to 565 Whites, 950 Negroes, 60 hidian Slaves, and 20 Free Negroes , in all near 1600 Souls. Mr. Hafell had very good Succefs in his Jvliniftrv, was refpeded and loved by his Pa^ to South-Carolina. io$ Parifliioners, and a great many Perfons of unfettled Principles were induced to hold a firm Faith. A great many young Per- fons, defcended of Diflenters of various Tenets, conformed to the Church of En- gland, and feveral young Men of French Parentage in Orange Quarter, who under- ftood Efiglifii conftantly attended his Church. The Books the Society fent to be diftributed by him were of great Ufe, efpecially the Common-Prayer-Books, given to the younger People of the French^ and to Diflenters Children. Mr. Ha/ell conti- nues ftill in this Miffion, with a very ad- vantageous Charadler, The Diftridl of Orange Quarter is a French Settlement, but in the firft Divifion of the Country into Parifhes, was Part of St. Thomas'^ Parilh ; few of the People attended Service in the Englijh Church for Want of the Language. The major Part of them ufually met together in a fmall Church of their own, where they generally made a pretty full Congregation, when they had a French Minifler amongft them j they were poor, and unable to fupport their Minifler, and made Application to the Aflembly of the Province, to be made a Parilh, and to have fome publick Allowance for a Minifter Epifcopally Ordained, who ihould lo6 Mijfionaries fent fhould ufe the Liturgy of the Church of England, and Preach to them in }rench* Accordingly, they were incorporated by the Name of the Parifh of St. Dennis, till fuch Time as they fhould undeiftui. * En- gUjh. They have now a pretcy good Church Built about the Time St. 'T'homass was, and never had but one Minifter, Mr. Lapierre. Vt^^^i^^' 8. In the Year 170 c, the Reverend Mr. rend Mr. Dun ' ^ ' fent to ^ St Dun was fent to St. PauT% Parifli in CoU s an . y^^^^ County. A fmall but convenient Brick Church was Eredled, about the Year 1708, in Length 35, in Breadth 25 Feet, fituate on the Head of Stono River, about 20 Miles diftant from Charles-T'own to the Southward, It is built on a Piece of Land given by Mr. Edmund Bellinger, a Gen- tleman of that Parifh ; and a narrow Piece of Land near the Church, containing about 71 Acres, was laid out for a Glebe. A little, but commodious Dwelling-houfe of Brick, was Built for the Minifler, with an out-Kitchen, and fome neceffary Timber Buildings ; but this Houfe, and the other out-Buildings, were burnt in the Indian War. Mr. Dun wrote Word that he found the common People very ignorant^ and was obliged to ftay fome Time to in- ftrud to South'Carolina, 1 07 ftruft them before he could properly ad- ftlinifter the Sacraments. He did not coh- tmue loftg there^ and Mv.Muteiand fuc- ceeded him, about the Year 1708, but died not long after. The Reverend Mr. William T'redwel Bull was appointed Mif- iionary there in 17 12. He demeaned himfelf with Prudence and Civility, and was fo diligent in all Parts of his Paftoral Care, that the Church confiderably in- creafed ; and the flourifhing Condition of it at prefent is much owing to his Labours. In the Year 172 1, the Veftry laid a Pe- tition before the General Affembly, fetting forth, " That the Number of the Inhabi- ^, „ .^ - , , , The ranfh- " tants and of the Members of the Church Church is en- " of England was fo much increafed, that ^^^2^^* " their Parifh-Church was too little for " them, and that for Want of Room, " fome were forced to ftand without the " Door, and others hang at the Windows j " and that having agreed among them- " felves upon the neceffary Enlargement, " they found it would coft confiderably " more than 1000 Pound when compleated, " with fuch Decency as becomes the Houfe " of God: That they were willing to " contribute to their utmoft, tho' many of them had been great Sufferers in the Indian War, and fcarce able to Build " their •> r t 1 Schools. ing. Dr. Le Jean at Goojcreek, did very earneftly prefs the Society to allow a Sa- lary for a Schoolmafter in his Parifh, and they appointed Mr. Dennis Schoolmafter in the Year 17 lo; he had a good Num- ber of Scholars for feveral Years, till the Indian War broke out, which difperled the People and all his Scholars. The So- ciety appointed alfo the Reverend Mr. Guy to be Schoolmafter in Char les-T' own ^ in 171 1, and alfo Curate or Affiftant to the Minifter of Charles-T'o'wn^ becaufe that Cure feemed too laborious for one Perfon. There is now a handfome School-Houfe built byA6t of Affembly, and the School- mafter allowed a Salary of 100/. Procla- mation Money. Upon Mr. Giiy% being re- moved to the Cure of a Parifli, Mr. Mor- rit was fixed Schoolmafter here ; but be- ing lately chofe Minifter of a Pariih, and leaving the School, the Society have ap- pointed the Reverend Mr. Lambert School- mafter and Catechift or Afternoon Preacher there j and Accounts have been tranf- mitted to South-Carolina. 125 mitted to the Society, that he difcharges his Duty with Diligence, and hath been very ufeful in training up the Youth. The People of the whole Country are throughly fenfible of the Neceffity of Schools, for the Chriftian Education of their Children, and have, in feveral Places, taken Meafures for Founding of Schools. An Adt of AfTembly was paffed in the Year 1724, for eftablifliing of a Free- Endeavours School in the Town of Dorchejier^ in the for founding Parifh of St. George. Upon this Occafion fome of the moft confiderable Gentlemen of this Colony, wrote to the Society, The chief Source of Irreligion and Immorality herCy is the Want of Schools ^ and we 7nay jiijily he apprehenfive^ that if our Children continue longer to he deprived of Opportuni- ties of being injlruBed^ Chrifiianity will of Coiirfe decay infenftly^ and we Jhall have a Generation of our own^ as ignorant as the Native Indians. This Ad hath been tranfmitted to Great Britain for the Royal Affent. The People alfo of St. Paul's Parifh have lately raifed a Sum of Money by voluntary Subfcriptions, for Founding a Free-School ; and Mr. Whitmarjh of this Parifli, lately deceased, hath left 500/. for this Purpofe s they now have good hopes of raifing a fufRcient Fund for Buildiiig and En- 126 Miffionaries fent Endowing one. The Reverend Mr. Lud^ lam^ lately the Society's Miffionary at Goof- creek^ bequeathed all his Eftate, which hath been computed to be about 2000 A Carolina Mone)\ for Building and Endowing a School at Goofcreeh This Society, who are the Truftees appointed by his Will, hope to fettle this School in a little time. The late Richard Beresford Efq; of St. I'homai^ Parifli, in this Colony, has been a great Promoter of the founding of Schools. He died in March 1722, and by his Will bequeath'd the Annual Profits of his E- ftate, which was very confiderable, in truft, to be paid to the Veftry of that Parifli \ from the Time of his Deceafe, until his Son, who \vas at that Time about Eight Years of Age, (hould arrive at the Age of 21 Years: Dire£ling farther the Veftry to apply one Third, of the yearly Profits of his Eftate, for the Sup- port of one, or more Schoolmaflers^ who ihould teach Reading, Accounts, Mathe- maticks, and other liberal Learning; and jche remaining two Thirds, towards the Support and Maintenance of the Children of the Poor of that Parifli, who fliould be fent to this School. The Veftry of this Parifh have fince received from this Eftate 6500 Pounds Carolina Mone\\ and placed out 120Q to South-Carolina. 127 i200 Pounds of it, in Purchafe of a Planta- tion, about half a Mile diftant from the Church, containing 600 Acres of Land, with convenient Buildings upon it, for the Vk of the defigned School ; and placed out the remaining Money at Intereft upon Land Security. It is now to be hoped this neceffary Work, of the Education of the Youth, will be carried on with Succefs 3 which the Society have always ftrove to the utmoft of their Power to promote ; they have not only helped towards Maintenance of fome Schoolmafters, but have alfo, at Times, ^ , ,.^ . lent large Quantities of good Books, as buted in c*- Bibles, Commoif-Prayer-Books, Whole ''^''^''^ Duties of Man, Catechifms, and other De- votional Books. The Society have fent to this Province, above 2000 Volumes, and above 300/. Worth of fmall Tradls, not Bound. 16, I have now related the Endeavours of the Society, towards fettling Religion in this Colony; which, however fmall in Comparifon of the great End fought for, have, notwlthftanding, had important Con- fequences. The Zeal and Bounty of this Society, hath raifed a noble and truly Chrillian Emulation in the Inhabitants of this 1 28 Mijfionaries fent this Province, to carry on fo great and neceflary a Work. The Example fet by the Society, hath influenced the People to contribute very bountifully to their own Happinefs, hath induced them, with great Chearfulnefs, to build Churches, to allign Hated Salaries to the Clergy, by Ads of Af- fenibly, to allot Glebes to the Churches, to open and to endow Schools for the Educati- on of their Children. Soon after the Foun- dation of this Society, an Ad: of Affembly paffed in the Year 1706, for Ejlahlijhing Religious Worjhip according to the Church 0/* England; for dividing the whole Pro- vince into ten Pariflies, (to which three have been fmce added) for allowing a con- fiderable Sum for the Building each Church, and ordering , one to be built in each Pa- rifhs for Incorporating the Redors or Minifters; for allowing the Minifters of the Country Pariflies 100/. a Year, currant Money of that Province, each; and the Redor of Charles-T'own 150/. AH which Churches were foon after built, have been fupplyed with Minifters by this Society, and have been faithfully paid their fettled Salaries by the Country. And lately in the Year 1723, a farther Law was pafled for augmenting the Minifters Salaries, and appointing them to be paid in Proclama- tion to South-Carolina^ 127 tion Money, The Clergy were fo fenfible of this Liberality of the People, that they did ill the mod grateful Manner repre- fent to the Society, that confidering the Circumftances of the Colony, it was a very generous Settlement. Thus thro' the pious Liberality of the Country, tho' there was fcarce any Face of the Church o? England in this Province, when this Society was firft eftablifhed, there have been 13 Churches, and 4 Chapels of Eafe fmce built ; a Free-School hath been ereded at Charles-Toivn, The whole Body of the People, have had the Advantage of the Adminiflracion of God's Word and Sacraments, and fuch a Light fet up among ^ them, as, it is to be hoped, no Age {hall fee extinguiflied. K C H A P. 128 Mijjionaries fent CHAP. VI. Mijftonaries fent to North- Carolina. T*he Kcverend Mr. ^\^\r fent Mi(fionary:, tin- dergoes great HardJJoips^ returns to Eng- land. Other MiJJionaries fent thither 5 they meet with many Difficulties^ return to England. T'he Tufcararo Indians form a Confpiracy againfl the Englifli, ravage the Colony t, are at length defeated. Mr. Newnam fent Miffionaryy takes great Tains in his Miffion^ dies. I. f ■ 1 H E Society had a very early M Knowledge of the deftitute Condition of this Province : The Inhabitants, in the Year 1702, amounted to above 6000 Souls, chiefly Englifl:, befides Slaves s a great Number of the People were defirous of having the Church of England Worlhip fettled among them 9 there were fome Presbyteria?is, and fewer fakers here, but many Perfons carelefs of all Religion, and of a profane Mind. to North-Carolina. 12^ Mind. However, feme of the principal Inhabitants did, in a very ferious Man- ner, and with a true Chriftian Spirit, fet forth their Wants of a Miniftry to the Society. But the Society received the fulleft Information from the Reverend Mr. Blair^ ^^^ |^eve- who had been an itinerant Miffionary in^«"dMr.5/^/r that Country, fupported with the Bounty of 50/. from the Lord Weymouth, He ar- rived in North-Carolina in Jayiuary 1703, and entred upon the Duties of his Miffion with great Diligence and Pains. The People were fettled in fuch diflant Plan- tations on the feveral Rivers Sides, that he was obliged to be continually travelling from Place to Place, which could not pof- fibly be done without a Guide, both on Account of the Badnefs of the Roads, and Difficulty to find them if once loft, as alfo by reafon of the Defarts between feveral Plantations, fome extending 40 Miles in length, without any Inhabitant^ Befides, there was another exceeding In- convenience in travelling this County « it was watred with Seven great Rivers^ all without any Bridges over them ; Two only, which could be pafTed on Horfeback ; the others had Ferries over them, in fome K 2 Places, 130 MiJJionaries fent Places, and the Paflage there was charge- able. However, he exerted himfelf for fome Time, bought Horfes for himfelf and a Guide, travelled over ail the Country, and preached twice every Lord's Day, for above a Year j and fometimes on the Week-days, when the People could bring their Children for Baptifm. He baptized above 100 during his Continuance here. He was very ufeful to revive a Senfe of Religion among them; and the People, in Purfuance of an Aft of Affembly there, began to build Three fmall Churches. But he found the Labour of continual Travelling in exceffive Heats in Summer, and extream Colds in Winter, beyond his Strength of Body and Mind. He would have refided on one Precindt of the Coun- try, and officiated to all who could come to him y but the People were diiTatisiied with this, telling him, the Lord Weymouth'^ Charity was intended tor the Good of the whole Country. An Adt of Affembly had been paffed a little before, allowing 30/. a Year, of that Country Money ^ making about 10/. Sterlings for a Minifter in each Dlvifion ; but that Adt was not then con- firmed by the Proprietaries, fo that he had no Allowance from the Inhabitants. Thefe Hardihips rendred the Miffion fo diffi- to North-Carolina. 131 difficult, that fome Time after, he was forced to return to England^ quite funk with Poverty and Sicknefs. 2. This unprovided Condition of the People, engaged the Society to affift them. In 1707, they fent over the Reverend Mr. Adams and Mr. Gordon^ itinerant Miflio- naries, with a better Support than Mr. Blair had. They were both very fenfible they ihould meet with many Difcourage- ments in their Miffion, however, they en- tred on their Office with much Refolution. Upon their firft Arrival, they entertain'd Hopes of good Succefs in their Labours, from the Encouragement which they re- ceived from fome worthy Perfons in the Adminiftration of the Government at that Time. But foon after their Arrival, many ignorant and irreligious Perfons in the Co- lony, raifed fuch Fadions and Animofities, and above all, made fuch a blafphemous Ridicule of the moft facred Ordinances of the Gofpel, in a manner too profane to be mentioned, as occafioned long and pub- lick Diftradions, and mightily retarded the Progrefs of the Gofpel. Mr. Adams and Mr. Gordon perfevered, notwithftanding, in their Miffions. The whole Province was divided into four large Precinds, Chowan, K 3 Pa^ 132 MiJJionaries fent Paquiman^ Pafquefanck^ and Carotucky be- fides Bath County, or Pamlico Divifion. The Reve- M R. GordoH had the Care of Choivaji Ztiimomr'^^^ P^q^i^^^' Chowan is the Wejiermofi, m chotvan &the largell and thineft fettled; the Peo- cinftsT^'^^ ^^'ple had built a Church fome Time before his coming there, but it was fmall, and forrily put together, and therefore they then had Intentions to build another. There were very few ^lakers or Dif- /enters in this Pari£h. The People indeed were ignorant, few that could read, and fewer write, even of the better Sort ; yet the Body of them wxre very ferious and well-inclined, ready to embrace, both in publick and in private, all Opportunities of being inftrufted. Mr. Gordon fpent moft of his Labours in this Precinft, it is very large, and divided by the great Sound and feveral Rivers, which made his Cure very laborious; however, he vifited all Parts of it, and baptized above loo Chil- dren. Mr. Gordon had alfo the next PrecincS, Paqiiiman^ under his Care. There was a little compadt Church built here, with more Care and Expence, and better contrived than that in Chowan. The ^lakers here were very numerous. This Precinft is not fo large as the other, but to North Carolina, 133 but the Roads are worfe. The People were very ignorant, and loofe in their Lives, unconcerned as to Religion, thro* their Want of Minifters and good Books. Mr. Gordon was in hopes the Feuds and Animofities, among the People, would have abated in a little Time, but on the contrary, they grew higher, and the pub- lick Diftraftions increafed. He found him- felf therefore neceffitated to return to En- gland':, which he did, bringing with him Letters to the Lord Bifhop of London^ Returns to and to the Society, from the two Precindls ^^^ ^^ ' which he attended ; certifying that he had dlfcharged his Miffion with great Fidelity among them, and indefatigably employed his Time in promoting the Intereft of Re- ligion in thofe Parts. yi^. Adams had the Care oi Pafcotanck 2.\\diCa7^otuckYxtQmQi^. Pafcctanck Precindt then had no Church built in it. The Roads rend Mr. j^ here are the worft, but the Country is clofer f^^^^^^Jj;^;^ fettled, and better peopled than the othtx^^^Caromk, Precinds. In their Way of living, thefe Peo- ple have much the Advantage of the reft, be- ing more induftrious and careful. But they were above all, to be commended for their K 4 Order, 134 MiJJionaries fent Order, Serioufnefs, and Decency in at- tending Divine Worfhip. Carotuck is the Eajicrmojl Precinft, in- cluding the Sand Banks, and part of the South Part of the Sound ; a very incom- modious Place for damp Colds in Win- ter, and Mufchatoes in Summer ; they had no Church built here. Mr. Adajns behaved himfelf with unv^earied Appli- cation, the Extent of his Miffion was in fome Places above 70 Miles. There were 839 Souls in the Precindt of Carotuck ; he preached often, baptized here Num- bers of Children, and adminiftred the Sa- crament. But the principal Branch of his Cure was the Precind of Pafcotanck^ where he chiefly refided. It contained above 1300 Souls, 900 of which, profefTed themfelves Members of the Church of England, He baptized in the Parifhes of Pafcotank and Carotuck^ above 214 Chil- dren, befides grown Perfons, preached con- ilantly, and adminiftred the Sacrament in Pafcotank and in Carotuck. When Mr. Gordon returned to En- gland^ Mr. Jldams was much dejedtcd, but ■jefoived to make a farther Effort. He con- to North-Carolina. 135 continued very diligent in the Difcharge of his Duty. However, the publick Di- ftradions could not be compofed thro* the Perverfenefs of fome ^takers. Du- ring all thefe Broils, Mr. Adams behaved himfelf with fo much Moderation and Diligence, as gained the Favour and E- fteem of the moft fober People, and pre- ferved his Charadter unblemifhed, even by his Enemies. The Parties here grew of more imbittered Spirits, and Mr. Adaim was quite wearied out with the Hardfliips LaboursTnd he met with ; he intended to return to ^^^^'^'^^^* England in 17 10, upon which, the Veftry of Carotuck^ and Colonel Glover wrote thus to the Society: " Mr, Adams^ during " his Abode among us, hath behaved hini- " felf in all Refpedts, worthy the Cha- " rader of a Minifter, exemplary in his " Life, and blamelefs in his Converfation • " and now being bound for England^ we " with forrowful Hearts, and true Love " and Affedlion, take our Leave of him : " We iliall ever blefs that Providence that " placed him among us, and fhould be •' very unjuft to his Charadter, if we did ** not give him theTeftimony of a pious " and painful Pallor, whofe Sweetnefs of ** Temper, Diligence in his Calling, and '^* Soundnefs oi Dodtrine, hath fo much " con- 1 3^ Mijfonaries fent *' conduced to promote the great End ** of his Miffion, that we hope the good ** Seed God hath enabled him to low, " will bear Fruit upwards." The Veftry of Pafcotank write to the fame Effedt; and Colonel Glover, Prefident of the Coun- cil there, tranfmitted thefe Letters to the Society, and wrote thus with them : " The " inclofed Papers being put into my " Hand, I held my felf bound to prefent ** them to your Board, and to join with *' the Subfcribers in the Charadler they ** juftly give of the Reverend Mr. James " Adams^ and to which I am fure all " Perfons, who have any Refpedl to Re- " ligion, do heartily concur. As for the " Difficulties he met with, he hath waded " thro' them, under the vigilant Eyes of " the malicious Enemy, without commit- *' ting any Thing unbecoming a Minifter «' of Christ," But before Mr. Adams embarqued for E?zgland, he fell fick, and died in Carolina. 3. The Society refolved again to affiil: this People \ and appointed the Reverend Mr« Urmjione and Mr. Rainsford Miffio- naries there, about the Year 17 11. Mn Urmjlone took Care of the North Shore, at the lower End of Cbowan, with all Paf. to North-Carolina. 137 Pafcotank ; and Mr. Raimford, of the Wejl Shore. But they had not been long in the Country, before the Civil Feuds among that unhappy People were followed with an Indian War, which threatned the total Ruin of the Colony ; and had it not been for a very timely and powerful Affiftance, from their Neighbours, the South-Caro- liniansy it might have been effedled. The Corees o^ndT'uskararo Indians near Cape Fear,^^^'^^^^^'^^^^'' made a terrible Infurreftion, fell upon the Colony, the Inhabitants of Renoque^ killed 137 of them 5 moll of the Palatines^ with a Swifs Baron, periflied in the MalTacre. The In^ dians carried their Plot on with great Cunning and Secrefie, and put it thus in Execution, in a few Hours, in many Pla- ces. The Indians did not meet in one Body ; but in fmall Parties, of five or fix Men, waited as Friends, on thofe whom they purpofed to deflroy ; and killed them with fuch Weapons as they found in their Houfes, or near hand. The South-Caro- linians in this Diflrefs of theirs, advanced 4000/. and fent Colonel Barnwell with 600 Whites, and 600 India?ts to their AfTiftance 5 after a difficult March he met the Indians^ killed above 300, took 100 Prifoners, furrounded the refl, being about 600 in a Fort, and forced them to fue for Peace j which he granted, as not having Pro- 138 ziMiffionaries Jent^ Provifions for his own Men, if the Indians fhould have held out ; the other ftragling Parties of the Indians retreated into the Territories of Fort AuguJlinOy and lay there fccure, under the Spaniards Protection. Mr. Vrmftone^ no doubt, could not avoid bearing a Share in this general Calamity, however, he continued fome Years an itinerant Miffionary. He travelled as foon as the Heat of the Summer was over, through the whole Government 100 Miles Southwardy beyond Neuze River, 60 Miles Wejiward towards Virginia^ and as far North'EaJl, He baptized in one half Year 279, 12 whereof were grown Perfons; and had it not been for the Negledt of the Parents, and Want of convenient Paf- fage both by Land and Water, a great many more might have been baptized, Mr. Rainsford alfo continued fome Time preaching on the Weft Shore, and by his Labours kept alive, among a wild and fcattered People, fome Senfe of Religion s but at length was quite fatigued with the Hardships of the Miflion, and quitted it. Mr. Urmjlone continued longer, but was in Returns to fome Years wore out with the many Dif- ^ ^^ ' Acuities and Diftrefles he met with, and returned to England. Colonel to North-Carolina. 139 CoLQ'^-E'L Ederiy then Governor of the Country, wrote a very preffing Letter to the Society in behalf of the People : Some Time after, the Society appointed the Reverend Mr. Newnam Miflionary ^ he arrived in North-Carolina in 1722, and ^'^r.Kezcn^m tranfmitted to the Society an Account of ^oniry^.^ his Labours and Succefs in his Miflion. The Summary of v^hich is as follows : " After a long and fatiguing Voyage of *' above four Months, from December the " iji, to April xh.^ 10th, my felf and little " Family arrived at Carolina, The late " Governor Eden being dead, I waited " upon the Prefident, a worthy Gentle- *' man, delivered him my Credentials, *^ with which he declared himfelf fatis- ^^ fied, and received me with great Kind- " nefs and Refpeft. I hope I fliall do a " great deal of Good : The Veftry have " laid out my Journies where I am to " officiate. The lirft Sunday I go by ** Water, and fome few Miles by Land, ** and preach at Efquire Duckingfeild' % ** Houfe, (which is large enough to hold ** a good Congregation) till fuch Time as ** they build a Church, which is hereafter " to be called Society Church ; and in *' order to it, they are now making a Col- " leftion 1 4.0 Mijfionaries fent " lecSion thro' the whole Pariili. The " fecond Sunday I take a Journey up to " a Place called Maharim^ about 40 MileS " off, where there are abundance of In- *' habitants, who are alfo makmg a Col- " le(5tion to build a Church forthwith- " The third Sunday I perform Divine " Service at Efquire Duckingfeild's, The " fourth Sunday I go up to a Place called " IVicacoHy about 30 Miles Journey. The *' fifth Sunday I crofs the Sound to go to *' Eden Town, where the Veilrv have alfo " propofed to build a Church very foon. " The fixth Sunday I go up to a Chapel *' on the South Shore, about 12 Miles by " Water ; and the feventh Sunday begin " the fame Courfe again. But once every " Quarter I go up to a Place called Re^ " ?iQque, 80 Miles Journey; and the five " laft Sundays of the Year, the Veftry ** allow I may go my Rounds, and vifit *' the remote Parts of the Country, where '' fome Inhabitants live, 150 Miles off; ** People who will fcarce ever have the *' Opportunity of hearing me, or of hav- *' ing their Children baptized, unlefs I *' go among them. The Country is in ge- " neral very wxU pleafed with my coming " among them, but the People are for '* the moft part poor and very ignorant, '^ 1 to North-Carolina. 141 ''^ I have baptized 120 Boys and 91 Girls, " five Perfons above 20 Years of Age, and " tv^o married Women, this lail: Year. Upon bare reading of this Letter, the Reader v^ill immediately reflect, that he mull take indefatigable Pains in perform- ing fo much difficult Duty. However, he perfevered v^ith great Refolution: Some Time afterwards other Accounts came to the Society, that fincc his laft Letter, he had preached conftantly, had baptized 269 Children, one Woman, and three Men, who gave a very good Account of their Faith ; and two Negroes, who could fay the Creed, Lord's Prayer, and Ten Command- ments, and had good Sureties for their farther Information -, and tliat he defigned fhortly to go to Bath County, where he was greatly wanted, being informed there w^ere at leaft 300 Children, whole Parents defired his com- ing among them, to have them baptized. But having contradled frequent and fevere lUnefles by conflant travelling, he died in the Year 1723, very much to the Lofs of all this People. 5. In the Year lyz^, Sir Richard Everett, going then over Governorj the Reverend Mr, 1 42 Mijfionaries fent Mr. Blacknal applied to be fent Mlilio- nary, and was employed by the Society, but they have had no Accounts of his Pro- grefs, and it is believed he hath left that Country ; fo that this whole People, being now above loooo Souls, are without any Minifter. What Governor Eden remarked to the Society in Favour of this Colony, deferves to be taken Notice of here: '^ Tho' the State '' of this Government hath been for many *' Years very unfettled, chiefly fo by reafon " of inteftine Feuds ; yet the People have * * declared themfelves fmcere Members of *' the Church of England, by the Ad of Af- *' fembly pafled in 17 15, for eftablifliing the " Church, and appointing fele6t Veflries ; *' the Preamble to which is as follows." 'T'his Province of North-Carolina, beifig a Mem- ber of the Kingdom of Great Britain ; and the Church of England being appointed by the Charter from the Crown ^ to be the only EJiabliJhed Churchy to have publick En- couragement in it : We therefore to exprefs our Gratitude to the Right Honourable the Society for Pro?noting the Chrijiian Religion in Foreign Parts, and our Zeal for pro- moting our holy Religion, by 7naki7ig fuch Provifion for Building Churches and Chapels, and 7naintaining of the Clergy, as the Cir^ i'umfa?ices of this Government "will admit , to North-Carolina. 143 &c. And by this Ad:, they divide the whole Country into 9 Parifhes, name Ve- ftries, and fettle Salaries for the Minifters of each Parifti, not exceeding 50/. and provided, the whole Parifh Charges do not exceed five Shillings per pole, on all taxable Perfons. This fpeaks at leaft the good Difpo- fition of the People, tho' the 50/. fettled by the Ad, would amount to a very fmall Sum in Sterling Money. There are not above one or two Churches yet built in this Government; however, the Society have at feveral Times by their Miffiona- ries difperfed here above 300 Volumes of bound Books, befides about 100/. Worth of fmall Trads of Devotion and Inftrudion. CHAR 144 Mijfionaries fent CHAR VI. Penfylvania fettled at firji by Swedes and Dutch j a mry confiderabk Number of Quakers go over from England thither • The Reverend Mr. Evans feiit to Phila- dclphia, by ^ifloop Compton. A very large Cortgregation at Philadelphia. Se- veral Mijfionaries fent to Penfylvania^ Their Labours and Succefs. Fifteen Churches built in this Colony by voluntary Contributions. No Salaries fettled on * the Minijlers^ but the People contribute liberally toward their Support. I. "1 ^Enfyhania^ with the three lower W^ Counties, extends in length near 300 Miles, and in breadth above 200, watered with that noble Stream the Delaware, navigable 300 Miles at leaft, in fmall Veffels. It was fettled by People cf feveral Eiiropeaii Nations, by Swedes and {om^ Dutch firft, afterwards by the £;^^///^ ga'f?of tr ^^^ F'-''^'^' 'fhe firft Englijh Settlers here />.;?^/hither. y^^^Q Quakers, above 2000 of which, went over from England at once, with Mr Pen » ■IIIIIWM II .,r,"' .'11. ^u.i.jajixVT^ to Penfylvania. 145 Pen the Proprietary j but fince that time, great Numbers of Perfons of other Prin- ciples in Religion, have fettled themfelves there ^ not to avoid any Violence at home, but to improve their Fortunes in thofe Parts. The Englip were much the moft numerous Inhabitants, and ^akerijm the prevailing Opinion. Mr. George Keithy v^ho refided here, fays, according to the beft Computation he could make, above 1500 Men and Women ^lakers, uled to come to their yearly Meetings, at Philadel^ phia^ from the adjoining Country, and from Eajl and }FeJi Jerfies, in the Year 1689. But foon after, in the Year 169 1, there arofe a Breach betv^een a Party of ^^- kers who joined, with Mr. Keith, in oppo- fing fome of their Errors, (efpecially their Notion of the Sufficiency of the Light within every Man to Salvation, without any thing elfe,) and another Party that joined with Mr. Thomas Lloyd, then De- puty Governor of the Country, and a great Preacher among the ^takers. Upon this Breach, all the Meetings in thefe Pro- vinces were broken, and each Party fat up feparate Meetings, upon Account of fuch different Principles in Religion, and efpe- cially with regard to that Notion, of the L z Suf^ 14^ Mijjionaries fent Sufficiency of the Light within every Man. One Party, called the Keithian^ia- kers, judged this a tacit Rejedion of the written Word of God, and of the Sacra- ments, and tending, at leaft, to fet up Deifm, They divided therefore from the Foxtan ^akers^ and in the Year 1694, A Divifion a- there were 15 Meetings of thefe feparatift [hr^.2r.'!^^^^^'^^*^> in Penfyhania and the Jerfes. The Swedes and Dutch fettled in this Province, had fome Minifters among them, but the Englip had none, till the Year 1700 y when the Reverend Mr. Evans was A^^;|^^^^^;fent over mo Philadelphia by Bifliop Co?n- Phtladeipbia. pfon, But after the Church of Englajid Service began to be performed, a very nu- merous Congregation attended the Publick Worfhip, confifting chiefly of great Num- bers of Perfons, who a few Years before, had feparated from the Foxia?i ^iake7's^ and now joined entirely with the Church of England Members. They increafed fo faft, that in two Year's Time, there were above 500 Perfons who frequented the Church. They petitioned His late Majefty King WILLIAM, for fome Stipend for their Mlnifter 5 and His Majefty was plealed to allow 50/. Sterling, to their Mi- nifter, and \qI to a Schoolmafter at Fhi- to Penfylvania. 147 ladelphia. The People have feveral Times made Application for fome Salary to their Mlnifter from this Society ; but never had any : becaufe there w^ere many poorer Set- tlements in this Country, which claimed the Society's Help. 2. The Reverend Mr. £i;^?;2j being thus fupported by the Royal Bounty, and the liberal Contributions of his Hearers ; was very diligent in the Difcharge of his Duty, and thro* God's Bleffing very fuccefsful. A great Number of Perfons of various Opi- nions, not only in Philadelphia^ the Metropolis of this Country, but of the adjacent Parts, began to fee their Errors, and embraced the Church oi England^ ox^\v^. The frequent Refort of People of the better Condition^ from all the remote Parts of the Country, to that Capital Town, gave them an Oppor- tunity of hearing Mr. Evans and being in- formed in theDoftrinesof the Church of En» gland, A hearty J^ove and Zeal for Religion fpread fo wide, that there arofe foon, feveral Congregations, in other Parts of the Coun- try ; Mr. Evans was forced to divide his Labours among them, as often as he con- veniently could, till they might be foroied into proper Dillrids, and have Minifters fent over to them, L ^ He 1 48 Miffionaries fent He went frequently to Cbichejier^ Che/Iery and Concord, to Montgomery Sind Rad?2or, t^ich about 20 Miles di{):2intfromPhiladelfhta; and toMaidenhead mTVeJi-Jerfey, 40 Miles diftant. icveral Con- yj^j^ travelling; was both fatiguing and expen- rregations let- o . , led in diversfive, yet he frequently vifited thefe Places, lov.ns. being determined by all means, tolofenone of thofe he had gained. But Montgomery and Radnor^ next to Philadelphia, had the moft confiderable Share in his Labours. Mr. Evans ufed to preach two Evening Leftures at Philadelphia, one Preparatory to the holy Sacrament, on the laft Sun- day of the Month 5 the other to a Society of young Men, who met together every Lord's Day, after Evening Prayer, to read the Scripture, and fing Pfalms ; Mr. Evans was always prefent at thefe Meetings, unlefs hindred by fome publick Service, and ufed to read fome feled: Prayers out of the Church Liturgy, and preached upon Subjects fuitable to an Audience of young Men. There arofe an unforefeen Advan- tage from thefe Lectures, for not only the young Men who defignedly met, were im- proved ; but a great many young Perfons, who dared not appear in the Day time, at the publick Service of the Church, for Fear to Penfylvania. 149 Fearofdifobliging their Parents or Maflers, would ftand under the Church Windows at Night and hearken : At length, many of them took up a Refolution to leave the Seds they had followed, defired Baptifm, and became ftedfaft in the Communion of the Church, Several Accounts from Mr. Keith and Mr- Talbot acquaint that Mr. Evans baptized in Philadelphia, and the adjoining Parts, above 800 Perfons. The Weip People of Rad?2or and Montgomery ftirred up by his preaching, addreffed the Bifliop of Lon- den for a Minifter, who underftood their Language; reprefenting, that a very con- fiderable Number of IVelp People in thofe Towns, and neighbouring Parts, who had been bred up Members of the Church of England, were here unhappily fallen into ^lakerifm, for Want of a Minifter 3 as being difpofed to follow that, rather than to have no Form of Religion, and who were ready to return back to the Church of England. In the Year 1707, Mv, Evans came to Ei2gland upon private Concerns ; during his Abfence, the Reverend Mr. Rudman, a worthy Swedijh Clergyman, who had of- ficiated among his Countrymen in thofe Parts for feveral Years, took Care of his Cure at Philadelphia^ Mr. Evans returned L 4 to 1 50 Mijfionarks fent to Philadelphia^ and continued as before very diligent in his Duty. He ufed to preach fometimes at Hopewell in JVeJl- Jerfey^ forty Miles diftant from Phila- delphia, where the People were exceeding defirous of having the Church oi England Worflnp fettled 5 and only upon Hopes of obtaining a Miffionary from the So- ciety, had with confiderable Expence, built a Church. He vifited alfo Apoqiiinomy^ 65 Miles diftant from Philadelphia ; and a new Settlement called Parkeomen, litu- ate on the River Schoolkill -y he baptized many Perfons here, particularly a whole Family of ^akers^ to the Number of 15- He afterwards returned to England upon Account of fome Family Concerns. \iY Uz'nns rt- ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ 17^6, Mr. Eva725 rcfolvcd turns again to to go oncc morc abroad, and the Cure of dkfs/ ^^^^^"^^ Oxford and Radnor, JVelfi Settlements, be- ing then vacant, the Society appointed him Miffionary there. He undertook that Cure for two Years, and difcharged it with Diligence, to the great Advantage of the People, and much to his own Credit. He was afterwards invited 10 Maryland, to a Parifli there, but foon after died -, with this general Charafter, that he had be- haved himfelf as a faithful Miffionary, and had to Penfylvania. i$i had proved a great Inftrument towards fettling Religion and the Church of En- gland in thofe wild Countries. 3. T H E People of Chejier County {hewed a very early Zeal to have the Church ofcleprhlilL England Worfliip fettled among them.^^^^ch. This County is fo called, becaufe moft of the firft Inhabitants of it came from Chejhire in England. Chejier^ the Chief Town of the County, is finely fituate on the River De- laware^ at that Place, three Miles over j the Road for (hipping here is very com- modious and fafe, and fo large, that a Royal Navy might ride there. The Peo- ple here were ftirred up by Mr. Evans s Preaching, to engage in building a Church. They erefted a very good Brick Fabrick, one of the neateft on the Continent, and compleated it in July 1702, at the fole Expence of private Sublcriptions of the Church Members j it was opened on St. Paul's Day, and therefore called St. Paul's^ and Mr. George Keith preached the firft Sermon in it. The Society appointed the Reverend Mr. iV/VZ?^//f Miffionary in 1703, he acquainted the Society in 1704, that he found the People very well inclined to the Church of England^ and recommended them earneftly to the Society's CarC;, on Ac- 152 Miffionarm fent Account of their good Difpofition, tho' they had not any fixed Minifter, till now. The People made a Subfcription of 60/. a Year towards Mr. Nichol/s's Support, and became very regular and conftant at Di- vine Worftiip. Mr. Nicholh faid, he did not want a confiderable Congregation at his firft Arrival, notwithftanding his being feated in the midft of ^akers^ and afcribes this Advantage to the induftrious preach- ing, of the Society's itinerant Miffionaries, the Reverend Mr. Keith and Mr. "Talbot^ who had prepared the People very much, by their Labours. Mr. Jafper Yeates and Mr. James San-- delandsy two worthy Gentlemen of this Place, deferve particular mention here 5 they were the principal Promoters of the building this Church -, Mr. T'homas Powell gave alfo a valuable Piece of Ground for the Minifter's Garden, the Parlihioners contributed the reft ; and as loon as the Outfide was compleated, the Infide was beautified, moftly at the Expence of thofe who frequented it ; and adorned with decent Furniture, a handfome Pulpit and Pews. Mr. Nicholh continued here with good Succefs in his Labours, till about 1708, at which Time he removed to Maryland, The to Penfylvania* 153 The Reverend Mr. Rofs came from New^ cajile^ and officiated here upon the People's Defire. He was very induftrious in his Miniftry, and acceptable to the People. He moved the Society to lend fome good Books here, to prevent the Peoples con- tinuing in unfettled Notions of Religion ; and faid, he was much concerned, to ob- ferve in his Travels up and down the County, that there were Variety of Books fent and placed in almoft every ^aker Fa- mily, efpecially Barclay^ Apology, to for- tifie the People in their Errors, and furniih them with Arguments againft the Faith j whereas in the Houfes of the Church Peo- ple, few or no Books were to be feen. Upon which the Society have fmce fent Quantities of Bibles, Conamon-Prayers, and Devotional Trafts, to be difperfed among the People. However, the Society did not continue Mr. Rofi at Chejler^ tho' he be- haved himfelf entirely to their Satisfaftion, but direfted him to remove to Newcaftky where he was firft appointed ; and fent to Chepr, the Reverend Mr. Humphreys their ^j^^j^^^.^rend Miffionary. He ufed great Diligence in Mr. Hu?n- the lerving all Parts of his Cure, and gain'd^j^^^oj^ary to the Love and Efteem of his Pariililoners. ^^'fi''- There were at that Time but very few Miffionaries in that Province, and being obliged 1 54 Mijfionaries fejit obliged to divide themfelves among 1 1 or 12 Congregations, they had more than Employ fufficient. The Church at Che^ fter continued in a flourifhing Condition during Mr. Humphreys^ Refidence, He ufed to preach once a Month at Chichejler, a Town of Note, where the People had built a convenient Chapel, upon his Per- fuafion and Promife to attend them once a Month. It is diftant four Miles from Chefter^ and there is a Legacy left by Mr, Jeremiah Collett to the Minifter of Chejler^ to preach four Times a Year there. This Chapel is very convenient for Aged People, Youth, and Servants, (who cannot go fo far as to Cbejier^) to come to hear Divine Service. Mr. Humphreys had a Congregation, ge- nerally, of about 150 People. He ufed alfo once a Month to vifit the fmall neigh- bouring Town, Concord^ where he had a good Number of People for his Hearers ; who have fince, for the more decent per- forming Divine Woriliip, built a little Church. Mr. Humphreys continued very diligent in the Care of thefe three Places y but by reafon of the Fatigue of vifiting feveral Congregations, contracted many In- difpofitions and fevere Sickneffes, which engaged him in heavier Expences, than the Society's Salary and the Peoples Con- tri« to Penfylvania* 155 tributions would fupport ; He was invited to Maryland by fome Friends, where he could have a better Provifion, which he^^^^^^^^^^^^^ accepted , not only with the Society's Maryland, Leave, but alfo with an Allowance of a Gratuity of 30/. beyond his Salary s on Account of the Hardfhips he fuffered in his Miflion, and of his good Behaviour during his being employed. Thefe three Churches are now without a Minifter, but the Society have agreed to fend them a Miffionary as foon as conveniently may be. 4. Oxford and Radnor, two Welp Settle- ments, were firft vifited by Mr. Evam from J^^J^^d Philadelphia, and the People having ht&n Radnor build Members of the Church of E7igland, when they were tranfplanted from Wales hither, were defirous of having that Form of Wor- {hip fixed among them again. By his oc- caiional Sermons, and the Vifits of other Clergymen, the People of Oxjord were encouraged to build a neat and convenient Church. The Congregation confifted chiefly of the younger People, and the whole Town compofed about 20 Families ; they not only built a Church, but fub- fcribed alfo 20/. a Year to their Minifter, in Money and Country Produce. The Peo- 1 55 Miffionaries fent People of Radnor alfo petitioned for a Mr. c/^^fentMinifter : and the Society appointed the JlJ^^^^^yJ^everend Mr. Club Miffionary to Oxford and Radnor^ two Towns, being about 20 Miles diftant from each other. He arrived there in 17 14. The Inhabitants of both Towns received him with great Kindnefs, as being well known to them before ; du- ring his being Schoolmafter at Philadelphia • The People at Radnor^ efpecially, were very thankful to the Society for having been pleafed to confider their Wants, and re- newed their Promife of giving him their beft Affiftance, and prefently after his Ar- rival, heartily engaged to build a handfome Stone Church, which they have fmce per- formed. Mr. Club was very earneft in all Parts of his Minifterial Office, and very fuccefsful in his Labours, and happy in engaging the Love and Efteem of all his People. But the Cure of thefe two Churches engaged him in great Fatigue, ,.,. not only on Account of theDiftance between gent in his the Places, but becaufe of the Extremity ^ *^"° of the Weather, whether hot or cold. Mr. Club contrafted fo many Indifpofitions by his Labours, as put an End to his Life, '^^'"" in 1715. The People were fo fenfible of the Difficulties he underwent, that after his Death, the Church-Wardens of the Pa« ?o Penfylvania, 157 Parifli wrote thus to the Society : " Mr. ^^ Club our late Minifter was the firft that ** undertook the Cure of Oxford and Rad- " nor^ and he payed dear for it 5 for the " great Fatigue of riding between the two " Churches, in fuch difmal Ways and ^' Weather as we generally have for four " Months in the Winter, foon put a Pe- " riod to his Life. Both Towns wrote again to the So- ciety, requefting another Miffionary, the Society wrote a Letter, exhorting them to confider on fome proper means among themfelves for making fufficient Allowance for a Minifter to relide conftantly among them. In Anfwer to this they alTured the Society, " They were heartily difpofed to " do their beft ; but at prefent their Cir« " cumftances would not do great Things. " They were at prefent but poor Settlers, *^ who had newly fettled Land backwards *' in the Wildernefs, and had not yet fo " much as their own Habitations free " from Debts ; that indeed they had built *' Churches, in Hopes of having Minifters *' from the Society ; and had thereby fo " much incumbred themfelves, that it " would be fome Years, in all Probability, " before they could clear that Debt. The 158 MiJJionaries Jent TheReverend ThE SoClCty WCrC dcfirOUG thlS gOod r/nttoO'^n/Diipofi^io^^ of the People fliould not be iw^Radnor. difappoiiited; and in 1718,^ appointed jhe P^everend Mr. Wayman their Miffionary at Oxford and Radnor. He entred upon his Miniftry among them with Diligence, and the People continued their Zeal for the Church Service. The Inhabitants of Oat- ford purchafed a Houfe, Orchard, and 63 Acres of Land, for the Ufe and Habitation of the Minifter j and the People of Rad- nor have obliged themfelves to contribute 40/. Proclamation Money ^ of that Country, yearly, towards the Support of a Minifter to preach to them in JVelp^ their native Language ; becaufe many of them do not underftand Englijh, Several Accounts have been fent the Society, That Mr. Wayman is very careful in all Parts of his Duty s and that he extends his Labours to feveral other Places, on the Week-days, when he can be fpared from his own immediate Charge ; particularly that he hath often travelled to ConeJiegOy about 40 Miles be- yond Radnor^ and baptized there and elfe- where above 70 Children in one Year. Mr. lVay?nan hath acquainted the Society^ that the Members of -the Church increafe continually J that there is a Congregation at to Penfylvania. 159 at JVhitemarp^ about lo Miles diftant from Oxford, who are very defirous of a Minifter, and have for the decent per-j^ ^-^^^^^^^ -^^ formance of Divine Worfhip, ereded a his Duty, the .- ,. • -- jj^ Church in- goodly Stone Building. Mr. yvayman con-creafes. tinues in this Miflion, with good Succefs. 5. The Inhabitants of ^^y^//W;^^ were The People fo zealous as to build a convenient Church, f ^{"^^^4"'''^ about the Year 1705, iDng before they had Church. any fettled Minifter. They ufed to be fometimes vifited by the Reverend Mr. Sewell from Maryland, and by Mr. Craw- ford the Society's Miffionary in Dover Hundred. They applied to the Society for a Miflionary, and the Reverend Mr. rpj^^p^^^^^^^^^ "Jenkins was appointed to that Place ; upon^'^^^- J^^'^^^'^^^ his Arrival, he found the People much fcattered in their Settlements, and NenjO" caftle Town) which was then vacant, be- ing fettled clofer and more commodious, he officiated there for fome Time at firft ^ but foon after, by Direftions from the So- ciety, returned to his own Cure of Apo- quiminy. However, during his Stay at NewcajUe, he was not negledful of his Duty. At his Return to Apoquiminy^ in 1708. he foon drew together a large Con- gregation of about 200 Perfons, who were, M for I ^o Mijjionaries fent for the moft Part, very conftant Hearers, He had 13 Communicants the firft Time he adminiftred the Lord's-Supper. He wrote to the Society, " That the People grew fo earned in Religion, that above 20 Perfons had difcourfed with him, in order for their due Inftru([tion, and were preparing themfelves againft the next Ad- miniftration of the Lord's-Supper; and alfo, that a great many grown Perfons were preparing to receive holy Baptifm, and that he hoped foon to be able to fend over a joyful Account of his farther Succefs in his Labours/' But five Months after, he died; and was exceedingly re- aften gretted by all, who were acquainted with his Merit, and efpecially by his Parifhio- ners. The Veftry of his Parifh wrote thus concerning him to the Society, " He '^ died to our unfpeakable Grief and Lofsj •' and we muft do that Juftice to his Me- " mory, as to aflure the Honourable Sof- " ciety, that he behaved himfelf in all " RefpedtSjboth as to his Dodrineand Life, " as became the facred Charader he bore j *' and G o D did fo blefs his Labours here, '' that before he died, he faw our Church ** in a flourifhing Condition." They con- clude their Letter, praying the Society to fend them an Qther Miifionary. The He dies foon to Penfylvania. i^i The Society did not fend a Miffionary thither for a confiderable Time, on Account of being engaged to fupport other Miffions, to the Extent of their Fund : However, the People were not quite deftitute, they were occafionally vifited by the Reverend Mr. Byork, a Swedifi Minifler, who came from Chrijlina Creek on Delaware River, to perform Divine Service once a Month. They were vifited alfo by the Reverend Mr. Club^ but oftner by Mr. B.ofs from Newcajile, and by fome other Miffionaries. But the Clergy there, in the Year 17 15, with much Earneflnefs reprefented to the So- The Clergy n r r 1 Tki rcprelent the ciety, that the State of feveral Places Want of Mif- in that Province was deplorable. Many ^^°^^^'^^'- Churches, w^hich were once filled with confiderable Numbers of Communicants, whofe early Zeal had led them, tho' poor, to eredf thofe decent Strudures for the Service of God, and at fome of them to build commodious Houfes for the Recep- tion of their Minifters ; were, thro' a long Vacancy, by the Death or Removal of the Miffionaries, quite defolate 5 and great Opportunities were given, for the fincere Members of the Church, to be feduced to Errors ; efpecially the People of Apoqin- tniny^ and of all Bucks, Ke?it, and SulJcx M 2 Coun- 1 62 MiJJionaries fent Counties. They aflured they had 'done the utmoft they could, in their Cir- cumftances, to keep thofe Congregations together; by dividing the Care of them among themfelves, and vifiting them fome- times on Week-days, and baptizing their Children, and inftrudting their Youth; but the great Diftance from their fixed Cures, rendered the Service out of mcafure difficult. The Society, moved with this Repre- fentation, fent the Reverend Mr. Merry Miffionary to Apoqiiiminy ; but upon Ac- count of fome Difficulties in the Miffion, he did not fettle there, but after a fhort Stay in thofe Parts, returned to England^ The Reverend Mr. Campbell was after- wards fent Miffionary, but he is gone from this Miffion to Brookhaven. And the Society have, this laft Year, appointed the Reverend Mr. Hacket Miffionary hither, and conceive good Hopes, from the very ample Kr/r'^Teftimonials he brought them of his good itnttojpc Behaviour, that he will anfwer the Intent qu^m^^y, ^^ ^.^ Miffion. 6. Neivcajlky the Capital of the County x>f that Name, is finely feated, ftanding high, upon the Delaware ; this County is the uppermoft of the three lower. New- cajiks to Penfylvania. 1^3 cajiky Kenty and Sujfex, which run 120 Miles along the Coaft, and are about 30 Miles deep towards Maryland, Thefe Counties comprehend all the Marflies on the great Bay of the Delaware, as com- modious and fertile as any in the World. The Town was firft built and inhabited by the Dutch, and called Amjiel, from that River which gives a Name to Amfierdam in Holland. It is a large Place, contain^ ing above 2500 Souls. The Reverend Mr. George Rofs was appointed Miffionary jr^eReverend hither by the Society, in the Year 1705 j HcMiffion'ary to was received with great Kindnefs by the i^^^^'"^'''J^^'' habitants, and had a very regular Congre- gation : not only the People of the Town, but a confiderable Number of the Country People ; tho* they lived a good Way off the Town, fome above 12 Miles, yet they feldom miffed coming to Church, when there was no Sermon in the Country. The Congregation hath continued ftill increa- fmg through Mr. Rofs^ affiduous Care; he extended his Labours farther, to the Churches at Apoquiminy, and at Whiteclay Creek s the latter, indeed, is reckoned as a Chapel of Eafe to his own Church, the other a diftincft Cure. When Apoquimmy had no Miffionary, he ufed to preach on two Sundays at Newcajlle, once a Month at M 3 A- 1 64. Mijfionaries fent Apoquiminy^ and once at Whiteclay 'Creek. This truly was very painful Service, but he performed it with a willing Mind and good Succefs. Sometimes, however, he did reprefent to the Society, that the People at Newcajile^ feemed to lay Claim to all his Service, and to take it fomewhat amifs s very dili- when he was employed abroad on Sun- ;ent in his ^^ljs y and adds, / would not willingly dif- oblige them^ nor yet fee^ if I could help it^ the Church at Apoquiminy, which is as frequent as that at Newcaftle, quite de- Jlitute and forfaken. Indeed, the People at Newcafle have, from the Beginning, fhew- ed a due Regard to their worthy Minifter, and fubfcribed voluntarily to him, about 48 Pounds per Anminiy and fome other Be- nefadlions have been made to the Church. Particularly, Mr. Richard Halliwell^ a G^mtleman of Piety and Honour, made a Bequeft as follows : Item, / give and be- queath unto Emanuel Churchy Jlanding upon the Green^ in the Town of Newcaftle, the Sum of 60 Pounds^ it being due to me^ over and above my Subfcriptiony towards build- ing thereof. Item, / alfo give and bequeath ail my Marjh and Plantation^ ftuate near the broad Dyke of the Town of Burlington, containing and laid out for 67 Acres of Land and Marjlo^ together with all the Houfes to Penfylvania. 1^5 Houfes and Orchards^ and other Improve- me?its^ to the proper Ufe and Behoof of the Miftijler, that from T'ime to T^ime Jhall ferve the faid Emanuel^ Church for evei\ This fo fignal a Benefaftion, by a Gentle- man who had in his Life Time, fo gene- roufly contributed towards building this Church, deferves a grateful Record in thefe Papers. St. James s Church at Whiteclay Creek, is the other Branch of Mr. Rofs\ Cure. The Frame of this Church was^ .f Sl^"^ built at White- V2ii{cd in Decemi?er 17 16, fituate about io^% Creek. or 1 1 Miles from the Town of Newcaji/e, It is made of Wood, in length 32 Feet, in breadth 22, and ftands upon a rifing Ground not far from that Creek, whence the Hun- dred where the Church ftands, borrows its Name : It is as fair an Oratory as any not built of Brick, in that Government; but the Rife of this Church may more pe- culiarly be afcribed to a worthy Gentle- man, Mr. James Robinfon^ who lived there, and took great Pains to promote the Build- ing, contributed himfelf very handfomely, and afterwards endowed it with ten Acres of Glebe Land for ever. Mr. Rofs hath continued in this Miffion until the prefent Time, irreprovable in his Condud, and very diligent in his Labours ; which he hath not only employed in his own Parifli, but in M 4 feveral lS6 MiJJionarie^ fent feveral other Places occafionally, and very much to the Satisfaction of the People where he officiated. He hath been particularly ferviceable in vifiting the Congregations in the two lower Counties of Kent and SuJfeXy when they had no refident Miniflers. A little lower I fliall give fome Account of his Labours in thofe Places. 7. The two lower Counties oi Penjyl- vania, Kent and Sufex, had very early ThcReverend^^^^ taken of them by the Society. The Mr. Craw/cr^ Country is very fruitful, but not fo well ry'to Z)J°"^ planted as others. The Families are not fettled together in Towns, but live in fcat- tered Plantations. There are in thefe Counties many TracSs of excellent Land, which tempt the Inhabitants to fix in fuch feparate Dwellings. Dover is the Capital of Kent County y but very thin of Houies, containing not above 40 Families. The People fhewed a very earneft Defire of having the Church of England Worfliip fet up among them, and the Society ap- pointed the Reverend Mr. Crauford to be MiiTionary at Dover, in the Year 17043 he cntred upon his Miniftry with good Suc- cefs, and gained from Perfons of Repute, the Charader of an ingenious and accep- table Man. The People began foon to be zea- ro Penfylvania. l6^ zealous to build a Church for Divine Wor- The inhabi- fliip^ and in about three Years railed a very build a decent Fabrick. Soon after Mr. Cr^w-^^^^^* ford*s coming among them, not only the Mafters of Families brought their Chil- dren to be baptized, but many grow^n Perfons, who once had Prejudices to the Church, defired and received Baptifm^ in about tw^o Years time Mr. Crawford bap- tized above 230, young and old, in his own appointed Cure, befides many others in Places which were not within his Charge. He was very conftant in his Labours, and did not confine them to Dover Town, and the adjacent Parts, but preached up and down the County, which is above 50 Miles long, at feveral Places. His ge- neral Audience was from 50 to near 200 Perfons, and he ordinarily had between 30 and 40 Communicants. The People at his firft coming among them were very ignorant; infomuch that he informs, not one Man in the County underftood how the Common-Prayer-Book was to be read ; and he was forced to inftrudl them privately at home, in the Method of reading the Liturgy : for the more general Inftruftion of the People, he ufed to preach one Sun- day at the upper End of the County, an- other at Dover Church, and a third at the lower 1^8 Mifponanes fent lower End of the County. He ufed ro Catechife the Children all the Sumnr.er long, before Sermon, but not in the Win- ter. The People improved much, became ferious and grave in their Behaviour at Church, and brought their Children very regularly for Baptifm -, tho' a great many of them were fakers Children, or had been fakers themfelves. He was alfo in- vited by the People of Sujfex County, to come and preach among them, which he did, at Captain JZ/7/'s Houfe in Lewis Mr. CrazvfordTov^n, and at other Places. The People preaches^m k- ^£ ^j^jg County alfo. Were of a religious Difpofition. They foon after wrote a Let- ter to the Biihop of London^ defiring a Minifter, and promifed to allow him all their prefent Circumflances would permit j and farther, to fhew their hearty Zeal, they began to build a Church, which they have fince finifhed, and have, by many other Inftances, approved themfelves a worthy People. Mr. Crawford acquainted the Society, that Bibles, Common-Prayer- Books, and Books of Inftruftion and De- votion, were much wanted; for there were about 200 Perfons who attended the Pub- lick Worfliip, who had none, and made Application to him for fome ; becaufe there ^ were but few to be purchafed there, and tjiofe to Penfylvania. i c^ thofe which could be got, were too dear for them to purchafe. The Society fent a Qiiantity of Bibles and Common-Prayers ^^^ i-n •! li/r /^ t He returns to to be diftnbuted, but Mr. Crawford C2im^ England, to Engla7id foon after, upon fome Family Affairs, and continued here. Upon this Account the People of thefe two large Counties continued fome Years without a relident Minifter. However, in the mean Time, they had the Advantage of fome Vifits from the Society's MifTio- ThcReverend naries, efpecially from the Reverend Mr. chei in a:S/& Rofs, as I obferved above. In Augujl ijiy^SufexComty, Colonel William Keiths the Governor, re- folving to vifit the lower Counties, the Reverend Mr. Rofs, MifTionary at Newcajlle^ was invited by the Governor, to accom- pany him. Mr. Rofs very readily embraced this kind Invitation j hoping, by this Op- portunity, to make himfelf acquainted with the State of the Church there, and in fome Meafure, fupply its prefent Wants by his Miniftry. He embarqued with the Go- vernor and feveral other Gentlemen at Newcajlle^ and fet Sail for Lewis Town in Stijfex County, which lies upon one of the Capes of the River Delaware^ and in two Days arrived there. On the 7^^ of Augujl he preached before the Governor and 170 Miffionaries fent and Juftices of the County, in the Court- Houfe of the County, and had a very nu- merous Audience of the People, who ap- peared very ferious, and defirous of the Sacraments of the Church, and he bap- tized that Day 30 Children which were brought to him. On the 9*^ Day of the fame Month, Mr. Rofs preached again be- fore the Governor and other Gentlemen, had a large Audience of the People, and baptized 21 Children. On the lo^^, the Governor left this Place, in order to go to Kent County. Mr. Rofs fat out before him to a Place of Worfhip about 16 Miles from Lewis Town ; it is a fmall Buildings erefted by a few well-difpofed Perfons, in order to meet together there to worfhip God. Mr. Rofs preached once here, and baptized 25 Children, and feveral grown Perfons. On the Sunday following, Au- gujl the 11^^, he preached to a very large Congregation in the upper Parts of this Country, where the People had erefted a Fabrick for a Church, which was not quite finifhed. Here he baptized 26 Chil- dren ; fo that the whole Number of the Baptized in one Weeks Stay among this People, amounted to 102. Mr. Rofs ob- ferves thus to the Society; " By this " Behaviour of the People, it appears " plainly? fo Penfylvania^ 171 ^^ plainly, they are truly zealous for the " Church of England, tho' they have had " but few Inftrudions from fome Cler- '' gymen pafTing thro' thefe Parts, and " fome Vifits from the Reverend Mr. ^- ^* dams m Maryland.'' As the Governor returned home thro' Kent County, Mr* Rofs attended him, and preached before him and the Magiftrates, oil the 14^^ of Augufi ; he had a very full Congregation, and baptized 1 3 Children, and one grown Perfon. In April following, Mr. Rojs re- folved to make a fecond Vilit by himfelf, to the People of Suffex County ; he was fo much pleafed with his former Succefs among them, that he was defirous to im- prove farther the good Difpofition of the People. He went to Sujfex County > con- tinued there fix Days, preached on every one of them at different Places, and bap- tized above 100 Peffons, feven of whom were of an advanced Age. Laftly, he opened there a new Church which the poor People had built, notwithftanding fob^nt^in^^^^^^ great a Difcouragement as their having no^o^^^y- Minifter. Mr. Rofi fent this Account of his La- bours in thefe two Counties, to the So- ciety, in Form of a Journal, and the Mif- lionaries riGs 172 Miffionaries fent fionaries of this Colony, made a full Repre- fentation of the State of the Church m thofe Parts. The Governor was farther pleafed to write a Letter to the Society,and to tranfmit feveral Applications made to him by the Efq;X Go- Clergy, relating to the Church Affairs, and a ^kn^lic^'mt^^'^y ^^ ^^^ abovenamedjournalof Mr.i?(9/i. oF Mimona- His Letter runs thus: " According to my " Duty, I prefume to lay before you, the " Applications of your MilTionaries, the ^' Clergy of this Province, and Neigh- " bourhood, to me, relating to the Church " here ; as alfo a Copy of the Reverend " Mr. George Rof/s Journal of his Ser- *' vices done in the Counties of Kent and " SuJJex, It is great Satisfaction to me> " that I can affure this Venerable Board, *' of the great Pains and diligent Care, *' which the Reverend Gentlemen within " named, take, in all the Parts of their '* Minifterial Fundlion ; and herein I can- ^^ not, but in Juflice, particularly re- " commend Mr. RoJ'ss Capacity, pious '' and exemplary Life, a^id great Induftry, '* to your favourable Notice and Regard. " But I muft obferve, that the Duty here *' daily increafes at fuch a Rate, and the " Labourers are fo few, that without your ** pious and immediate Care, to relieve '' and lupply this languifliing, but valu- '' able to Penlylvania^ 173 *' able Branch of the Church, all our En- *^ deavours will be to no purpofe. The Society were very much afFefted with thefe Reprefentations of the Clergy, and efpecially with the Governor's Letter ; and refolved that a Miffionary fliould be fent to Siijfex County 3 and foon after ap- pointed the Reverend Mr. Becket Miffio- nary at Lewis Town. 8. Lewis, the Capital of Sujjex County, is a handfome large Town, landing on TheReverend the lovely Bank of a River, between the^^/^'^^f ^''"' J ' ioLezvis town. Town and the Sea, which makes the Har- bour ; about 140 Miles diftant from Phi- ladelphia. Mr. Beckett arrived here in 1721, and entred upon the Duties of his Miffion with great Diligence , he was obliged to divide his Labours between three Places. He refided at Lewis, but officiated alternately at one Place, 8 Miles diftant, and at another, 25 Miles diftant from Lewis, He had a confiderable Number of Inhabitants attending Divine Service at both Places ; and in half a Year after his Arrival, he baptized 55 Perfons, nine of which were of a grown Age. His private Admonitions and Preaching had foon a good EfFeft on many irregular Perfons, and 174 Mijjionaries fent and there appeared a manifeft Change iii the Manners of the People 3 fome alfo who were addided to feveral fenfual Vices, were reclaimed to a more orderly Way of Life. This Reformation was io confider* able, that the Gentlemen of the County took Notice of it, and Mr. Becket received upon this Account, the Thanks of the Magiflrates and Gentlemen in that County, for his great Pains and Labours. Upon Mr. Beckefs firft coming, there was no Church built at Lewis ; but the People pre- Hc is very di- fently made a Subfcription, and began to l^ffion!" ^^ build one with all Expedition. In the mean Time, Mr. Becket preached in the moft convenient Houfes he could have; his neceffary Labours were very great, for he was obliged to travel 70 or 80 Miles every Week, todifcharge the Duties of his Function, in feveral Places ; that large County, 50 Miles in length, and 20 in breadth; being all reckoned his Parifh. In the fecond Year after his Arrival^ he continued to have the fame good Suc- cefs, and in fix Months baptized 48 Chil- dren, five Perfons of advanced Years, two Mothers of feveral Children, one White Servant, and two Negroe Slaves, and in t%vo of the Churches he had 20 Commu- ni- to Penfylvania. 177 nicants each Time. There were above 140 Perfons, Mafters of Families, zealous Members of the Church of Engla?2d, be- fides many fmgle Perfons^ Servants, and Negroes, that conftantly attended Divine Service. But the Number of the native Indians did not exceed 120, v^ho had a fmall Settlement on the utmoft Border of the Parilh, w^here it adjoins to Maryland i they w^ere extreamly barbarous, and obfti- nately ignorant. The Inhabitants of Lewis raifed the Frame of a Church on a high Bank in the Center of the Town in OBober 1720, and diligently carried on the Building ; in the mean time, the People in the Country, af- fifted with iome Money gathered in Town, began to finiili and fit up the two Churches, ' v^hich had been raifed at diftant Places in the County. Mr. Beckett ufed much Di- ligence in all Parts of his Minifterial Of- fice, and in the following Year baptized 82, 12 of which were grown Perfons. As p, , he travelled this Year, thro' Kejit County, built in i:^^j? to go to a Meeting of the Society's Miflio- ^^'''''^' naries at Chichejier, he preached in that County to a good Body of People, who had built them a large Church, but had BoMiniiler, and on one Day baptized 21, N fix 178 Miffionaries fent fix of which were grown Perfons. He re- prefented to the Society, that he had a very numerous Congregation, and that there was great Want of a MiiTionary in the Country ; there being a confiderable Body of People here, who joined heartily with the Church of England -y and fome others, who had been of many religious Perfuafions, and now feemed to be of none at all 5 and therefore had ftill more need of an Inftruftor. Three ^^ the Year following, the Church at Churches ZjCWIs was fiuifhed, and Divine Service built in this 1 . . County. w^as performed ni it j and the two Churches in the Country were compleated. Mr. Beckett writes thus concerning the Peoples Zeal for Religion : " We have now three " Churches in this County, yet none of " them will contain the Hearers that would conftantly attend Divine Service: The People, at a good Time of the Year, make no Account of riding 20 Miles to Church; a Thing very common in this Part oi Ame- *' rica^, which is fufficient to fliew, that our " People have a great Value for the Favour *' of the Society, and that our Labour is not «* loft, in this diftant Part of the World. Mr. Beckett ftill continues in this Miffion with great Succefs. 9. As to Peniylvania. 179 9. A s the Adminiftration of this Govern-^ meiit is in the Hands oi fakers, no Ads of AlTembly have been made, either for building of Churches, or fettling any Sa- laries upon Miniftersj however, a great Part of the People being hearty Members of the Church o( England, hdiVe contributed, by private Subfcriptions, very liberally, and built 15 Churches, very decent Strudures fov^^^^^^^ Celebrating Publick Divine Worjfhip. Se- built in this veral valuable Bequefts have been made for ^°^'^""^^^^* the Ufe of the Church and Minifters, and Houfes have been built for them ; and the Congregations of each Minifter do volun- tarily contribute towards the Maintenance of their Minifter, as much, and in fome Pla- ces more, than any Law could reafonably demand of them. The Society have diftri- buted among the poorer People in this Pro- vince, above 2000 Volumes of bound Books^ and about 300 /. Worth of fmall Trafts. N z CHAP, 1 8 o Miffionaries fent CHAP. VIII. Mijfwnaries fent to New- Jerfey. Se'veral Congregations are gathered. The Mif- fionaries Labours. The Teopk become *very zealous. Se^en con anciently Part I ^^ koncd Part of Nova Behia, or oi Keza-York JL^,,. ^ j, r^ t Government. New-Tork Government 5 but the Duke of Torky to whom the whole Country was granted by King CHARLES tlie Second, gave this Part in the Year 1664, to JoJm Lord Berkeley^ and Sir George Carteret y the Province was by them divided into two Countries, and named Eaji and Wejt Jerftes, and governed by different Governors : But in the Year 1702, the Proprietaries furrendred their Rights to her late Majefty Queen ANNE^ and both Countries had one Name, New Jerfey, The firft European Inhabitants were the Swedes^ the Dutch from New- York to New-Jerfey. 1 8 1 Tbrk encroached on them, but the EiigliJJj having difpoffeffed the Dutch at New- Tork^ made themfelves Mafters of this Country alfo. This Province extends it felf in length on the Sea Coafts, and on HudJon\ Bay, about 120 Miles, and in the broadeft Part is near of the fame Extent. The firft Englijh Inhabitants of this Country, v^ere fakers and Anabaptijls^ and the firft Governor of Eajl l^ew-^er^^.^r^^v:^ fe)\ w^as Mr. Barclay the ^laker, famous ^^^^ ^^^^^ for his Writings, but not the Author of the Apology : For this Reafon the People here, ufed to repair to Philadelphia^ the principal Town of the ^akers^ at their Yearly Meetings. The Divifion among the ^lakerSy v^hich arole at Philadelphiay concerning the Sufficieitcy of the Light within every Man to Salvation without any 7'hing elje^ fpread alfo among this Peo- ple y and a confiderable Number of Perfons, of a more fober Underftanding, began to think, the v^ritten Word of G o d, and the inftituted means of Grace, ought to be more carefully attended to. In the Year 1702^ the Reverend Mr. Keith and Mr. Talbot v^ere travelling Preachers from this Sg- ciety in thofe Countries 3 and as the fober fakers of New-Jerfey agreed with many N 3 of 1 8 2 MiJJionaries fent of their Brethren at Philadelphia^ in op- pofing the Enthujiajiick Foxian ^akers^ they were induced, by hearing feme Ser- mons from Mr. Keith and Mr. Talbot, to enquire what was the Dodrine and Dif- ciphne of the Church of England. In a little Time, a confiderable Congregation gathered themfelves together at Burlington^ refolving to receive the Church of En- gland Worfliip. Burlington is fituate on the River Dela- ware, is the Capital Town of that Dlvifion, called Wefi-'Jerfey, containing above 200 Families; the Place was honoured with the Courts being kept here, the Houfes were neatly built of Brick, and the Mar- ket VvxU fupplied v/ith Provifions. As the People had agreed to conform with The People ox^^he Church of England^ their next Care Burlingto■nAz-^^J^7^<^ to s^^x. a Mlniftcr. They had heard fire a Church 7. ?. , ^77 r 1 of England Mr. Kcitb and Mr. Talbot often preach, Ainiicei. ^^j ^j^^ latter was particularly acceptable to many of them. Mr. T'albot alfo was dcfirous to employ his Labours in this Country, rather than in any other Place. They invited him to Hay with them, and kr^t over a Requeft to the Bifliop of Lon- don, and to the Society, defiring he might be fettled among them, which was granted. ^ ■ There to New-Jerfey. 183 There were feveral Gentlemen of confi- derable Intereft In this Country, who had been educated in the Church of Engla?2d -y particularly Colonel Cox^ then one of Her Majefty's Council there, Colonel ^iarry\ Colonel Morris^ and Mr. Jeremiah Bafs ; they all encouraged this Difpofition of the People, and Numbers fell oif from ^la- kerifm daily. The People began f oon to fet about a Church building a Church. The Church of St. built here. Mary had its Foundation Stone laid in the Year 1703, on the 25^^ oi March ^ and was therefore named St. Marys, The Build- ing was carried on with that Zeal and Vigour, that on Whitfunday in 1704, Di- vine Service was performed, and the Sa- crament adminlftred in it to a large Con- gregation. A burying Place of three Acres v/as purchafed foon after, and well fenced in : And the Lord Cornhury^ then Go- vernor of this Province and New-Tork^ upon Application made to him . by the Members of the Church, made them a Body incorporate, with all Powers and Privileges requifite. In the Year 1708, Queen AN N E fent this Church, and fe- veral others in this Province, Commu- nion-Table Cloths, Silver Chalices and N 4 ^ SaU 1 84. Miffionaries fent Salvers, and Pulpit Cloths. The Members of the Church increafed, and they began to think of purchafing a Glebe for their Minifter. Dr. Fra7nfton^ then Biiliop of Gloucejier^ dying about this Time, and leaving 100/. towards Propagating the Gofpel in America^ at the fole Direftion of Dr. Compton^ then Biihop oi Lofidon^ it was at the Inftance of Dame Katherine Bove)\ of Hackly in GloucejlerjJnre^ who had been a Benefad:refs before to this Church, laid out in the Purchafe ot a Benefaaions Convenient Houfe, and fix Acres of Land, Church. adjoining to the Church at Burlington i and about the Year 17 10, Mr. Thomas Leicejier gave, by his laft Will, 250 Acres of Land to this Church for ever. Mr. Talbot continued in his Miffion, very diligent, and with much Succefs ; and as there were many Congregations of People in that Country, which had no Mi- nifters refident among them, he fpared no Pains in going, and performing all the Minifterial Offices among them. He was a very zealous and induflrious Man. He came over to England^ about the Year 17 19, and returned afterwards to New- ye?Jey, But the Society received Advices, that he had fallen into an open DlfafFecSion to to New- Jerfey. 1 85 to the prefent happy Eftablifhment, and had neglefted to ufe the Prayers in the Liturgy for the King and Royal Family ; upon which he was immediately dlfcharg^d the Society's Miflion : He died there in the Year 1727. The Reverend Mi\ Hor- wood hath been fent lately to this City ; and Accounts have been fent, that he makes a Progrefs in his Miflion. New-Brijlol lies oppofite tq Burlington, ^f^^'^^^^^ on the other Side the Delaware 5 the Peo- y?^/. pie forfook ^akerijm much about the fame Time as the Inhabitants of Burling- ton did. A Church was foon eredled here thro' the Zeal of the People, efpecially thro' the Means of two worthy Gentle- men of this Place, Mr. John Rowland^ and Mr. Anthony Burton, who were chiefly infl:rumental in this Work. They had no Miflionary fent to refide among them con- fl:antly, but ufed to be vifited by the Mi- nifl:er of Burlington. The Reverend Mr. Talbot, who was fixed at Burlington, ufed frequently to crofs the Water to them, and preach and perform all other Mini- fl:erial Ofiices. Mr. Thorowgood Moor ufed alfo to fifit them when he was at Bur- lington^ in Mr. Talbof^ Abfence. The People were fenfible the Society were not able 1 8 ^ Mijfionaries fent able to eftablifh Miffionaries in every Place* and were therefore content to be aflifted by the Minifter of Biirlingtoji \ and the Society have always given Dlredions, that the Minifter of that Place, fliould take Brijiol into his Care. The Church here is named St. JameSy as being opened near that Day. Hopewell and Maidenhead are two neigh- 2im'/%uiidbouring Towns, containing a confiderable a Church. Number of Families. The People of Hope- well fhewed a very early Defire of having the Church of England Worfhip fettled among them; and in the Year 1704, built a Church, with voluntary Contributions, tho' they had no Profped then of having a Minifter. The Reverend Mr. May was there fome fliort Time, but Mr. T'albot from Burlington often vifited them ; they fent feveral Letters to the Society, defiring a Miffionary, but the Society could not then undertake a new Charge. This Church w^as for ten Years vacant ; which was a great Difappointment to the Peo- ple ', yet they continued all that Time in the fame Mind, and whenever any Mil- fionary, occafionally going that Way, gave them a Sermon, they conftantly came to the Church Service. However, in 1720, the to New-Jerfey. 187 the Reverend Mr, Harrifon was appointed Miflionary there, with the Care of Mai^ denhead. During his Continuance there, he was diligent in all Parts of his Duty, and the People were well fatisfied with ,his Labours s but he foon wrote the So- ciety Word, that he was not able to un- dergo the Fatigue of conftantly riding be- tween two Places ; and in 1723, he remo- ved to a Church in Statten Ijland^ in New- York Government, which the Governor of that Province appointed for him. The Inhabitants of talent wrote a very ^ MJiTionary earneft Letter to the Society, defiring they ^^^^^ ^^ 5^^^^'- might have a Miflionary fettled among them. The Reverend Mr. Holbrook was fent there in the Year 1722. As foon as he came among them, the People, tho' generally poor, contributed very freely to- wards raifmg a neat Brick Church ; ^hey^^^^^ j^^[^ made Application to the Church People at Philadelphia, for their Afliftance, and received confiderable Contributions from them. Mr. Holbrook, foon after, acquainted the Society, that many of the Inhabitants lead a more Chriftian Life, 8 grown Per- fons. Men and Women, had defired and received Baptifm, and a confiderable Number of Children had been baptized. That in the 1 8 8 Mijfionaries fmt the Difcharge of all Parts of his Mini- fterial Office, he had the Satisfaaion of finding the People ferioufly difpofed, and the Numbers of the Church Members daily increafing. He continues now there with good Succefs. A Miffpnary Elizabeth Town, is a very confiderable ^^b^th T^l^' Pl^c^^ exceeds any other in the Province of EaJi'Jerfeyy both for the Largenefs of its Buildings, and the Number of Inhabitants, eonfifting of 300 Families. It lies 3 Miles within a Creek, oppofite to the Weji-End of S taf fen-IH^nd. Here the Englijh fettled firft, and this Place thrived the moft.The Govern- ment of the Province is managed here, the AfTemblies are held, and the greateft Part of the Trade of the whole Colony car- ried on here. The Reverend Mr. Braok was fent Miffionary in the Year 17045 and by the Lord Cornhiiry\ Diredion, then Go- vernor of this Province, he officiated at Terth Amboy fometimes. The Number of People in both Places, was very confider« able, and their Ways of Worfhip various, they were chiefly Independents^ but many not profeffing any Religion. However, by diligent Application, he perfuaded the better difpofed of all Sorts, to confider and at- tend more, to their fpiritual Concernment. " He preached to Numbers of Independents and to New-Jerfey. i8^ and others , they began foon to approve of the Church of England Service. The wifer People refolved to fettle their Re- ligious Affairs, in a more orderly manner. When Mr. Brook came firft among them, they had no Place (tt apart for celebrating Divine Worfhip. How^ever, he had Leave at firft, to preach in Colonel T^ownlf^ Houfe \ that became too fmall for his grov^ing Congregation, in half a Year's Time \ the beft Place that could be got was a Barn, and that they were forced to relinquifh in Winter. The Members of our Communion, were now a large Body of People, they refolved to build a Church; and accordingly on St. "John the Baptift's Day, in the Year 1706, the Foundation of a Church was laid, whofe Name it there- A Church fore bears. The Church was foon after compleated 3 it is a ftrong and well com- pleated Brick Building, 50 Feet long, 30 broad, and 20 in height, very handfomely finifhed. Mr. Brook ufed exceeding Diligence in his Cure, and was pleafed to find the beft of all Sorts of People, coming over to the Church oi England. He exerted himfelf, and at Times ufed to perform Divine Ser- vice at feven Places, 50 Miles in extent; namely. 1 5 o Mifionaries fent namely, at Elizabeth Town, Rawway^ It^sZTst^^^^^ ^^h'^ Cheefequakes, Fife at away. Labours in (^- Rocky^HUl^ and in a Congregation at Page's. This Duty was very difficult and laborious. Befides preaching, he ufed to Catechife and expound 14 Times in a Month, this obliged him to be on Horleback, almoft every Day, which was expenfive, as well as very toilfome to him. However, this Diligence raifed a very zealous Spirit in many of the People. The Inhabitants of Perth Amboy prefently fat about getting Materials, for building a Stone Church, The Inhabitants of Pifcataway repaired an old diflenting Meeting-houfe for pre- fent Ufe, and collected among themfelves ico/. towards building a Stone Church While thefe Things were going on, Mr. He dies. Brooks A\ts^ in the Year 1707, very much lamented by the People then, and remem- bred, w^ith much Honour, feveral Years after his Death, in a Letter wrote by the Church Members there, to the Society, thanking them for fending another Miffio- nary to fucceed our worthy, and never to be forgotten Pajior, Mr, Brooks, whofe Labours afforded imiverfal Satisfaction to us. Tiie Reverend The Reverend Mr, Vaiighan was ap- fiKccedsfimf pointed Miffionary there \ he hath very luc- to New-Jerfey- 19 1 fuccefsfully carried on the Work of the MIniftry. At firft he met with many Dif- ficulties and Difcouragements, which by his v/ell-regulated Condvid, and difcreet Zeal, he peaceably overcame. The main Body of his Congregation were but juft brought over from various Ways, thefe he kept together without much Trouble. He vifited the remaining Diffenters of all Kinds, at their Houfes, and without ufing any angry Difputings, engaged many to a Conformity. In the Year 171 1, he ac- quainted the Society with the Progrefs he^^ .^^.^.^^^^ made. That he had a large Congregation i,, his Miffion. at Elizabeth Town conftantly, and had 30 Communicants monthly -, he had bap- tized 80 Children, and 12 grown Perfons, in the Space of two Years , that he kept conftantly a monthly Ledlure at Rawway, where he preached to a fmall Congrega- tion, and Catechifed their Children j that feveral Families of the neighbouring Town Woodbridge, had hereupon requefted him to make them a Vifit, which he gladly and prefently complied with, taking this to be a plain Demonftration of their good Difpofition to receive the Church Do- ftrines, inftead of various Opinions of ^lakerifm and A?iabaptifm. Wood- 1 1^2 Mijfionaries fent People of Wocdhridge is a good Town, fituate on Wosdbridge a Creek in the Soimd^ formed by Statten- Chlfrch. Ifland and the Jerfey, it contained 120 Families. The fmall Congregation which embraced the Church of Ejigland Wor- fliip, and came to hear Mr. Vaughaii:^ made a Subfcription of 100/. and raifed a Timber Frame, Clapboarded. Mr. Vaiighan ufed to officiate here once a Fortnight in the Afternoon. He reprefented to the Society the Want of large Bibles and Com- mon-Prayer-Books for the Churches \ and of Bibles and Common-Prayers, Expo- fitions on the Catechifm, and other de- votional and practical Tradls for the Peo- ple 'y that it would be a great Charity to Numbers of the Inhabitants, not only on Account of their Ignorance of the Do- drines of Chriftianity, but alfo of their Poverty, and the Difficulty of getting Books. The Society by the firft Convey- ance, fent him large Bibles and Common- Prayer-Books for the Churches, 100 Bibles and Common-Prayers, and five Pounds Worth of fmall Trafts, to be diftributed among the poorer People. The Society have been fmce informed, thefe Books proved very ufeful in leading many into to New-Jerfey. 153 a due Knowledge of the Duties of a Chri- ftian Life. Mr. Vaughan extended alfo his Labours Mr. Vaughan at Times to Ptfcataway, about 10 Miles ^.^.^^^^^^^^^^ diftant from Elizabeth Town, commo- dioufly fituate about 6 Miles up the River Raritariy and confifting of 80 Families. Much the greater Number of the People here were very well difpofed, and attend- ed the Publick Worlliip at ftated Times, with a great deal of Devotion. But feve- ral of the Inhabitants were Infefted with the Errors of the Anabaptijls and Sabba- tarians, the latter of which, did in a Sore Judaize in their manner of keeping Sa- turday, and refufed {hewing any Regard to the Lord's Day, by abftaining from any of their ordinary Callings. However, at length feveral came to hear the Prayers of the Church, and many young People, who had no inveterate Prejudices, were pretty conftant in their Attendance. As yet there was no Church built -, but Mr. John Bur- roughs, a ferious Chriftian, gave the Peo- ple the Ufe of his Houfe, which they fre- quented feveral Years, to attend Divine Worfliip. O Mr. I ^4 Mijfionaries Jent M R. Vaughan continued to difcharge the Duties of his Miffion with good Succefs» The Members of the Church of England wrote a Letter to the Society, in the Year 17 17, returning Thanks for the fettUng of Mr. Vaughan among them, expreffing themfelves farther thus : " We efteem The People '' otir fclvcs happy under his Paftoral give a good onations made to them. i^\it Butch i.'^^^E'W'Tork Government upon the btn'foflSs X^^ Continent, without computing ^'^^^^ntry. NeW'^erfey^ and the Illands be- longing to it, vix, that Tra(5t of Land be- tween New-England and Ne^w-Jerfey^ is not above 20 Miles broad, but extends near .200 Miles along Hudjon River into the niain Land. The Butch made the firfl Settlements here \ but in 1664, the Englijh reduced this Country, and mofl: of the Lihabitants fubmitted to the Crown of England^ and continued in their Settle- inents ; in a little Time great Numbers of EngUf};^ to New-York Government. 201 Englifi came to this Country. It was foon found to be the moft healthy of all North America^ and exceeding commodious for Trade. The Dutch had fome Teachers, before the Englip came ; but the Englijh were taken up at firft, in fettling their new Plantations , and fo much divided in their Sentiments in Religion, that there was no Face of the Church of Englaiid here, till about the Year 1693. Colonel Fletcher being then Governor of this ufed for fet- Province, an Ad of AfTembly was paffed ch^f ^^^ for Settling and Maintaining a Miniftry. £^^^^»^Wor- A confiderable Number of the Inha- ^' bitants of Ne^w-Tork City, the Capi- tal of the whole Province, and as it is faid, the pleafanteft City in all America % were very defirous of having the Church of England Worfhip fettled among them. However, it was near four Years after the paffing of this Adt, before any Thing was done in Purfuance of it. The Choice of a Minifter for each Church, was, by the Aft, lodged in the Veftry, and the Qioice of a Veftry in the People. It was fome Time before there was a Veftry compofed of Men of fuch Principles, as would choofe a Church of England Mi- ^he inhabi- nifter. About the Year 1697, there was fuch ^^"^l^?^^-^f[- a Veftry 5 their firft Endeavour was, to get a Church. ^ 202 Miffionaries fent a Church built : This was compaffed fooner than they could hope, much lefs expeft. The Zeal of the People was fuch, they made fo large Contributions, that a fuf- ficient Sum was raifed, to build and finifh, what was then faid to be, the fineft Church in North-A?7ierica, They now proceded to confider of a Minifter. Mr. Vefey was then in the Place, but not in holy Orders J a Gentleman highly approved of, and be- loved by every one. The Governor, Co- lonel Fletcher^ and Colonel Heathcote^ pro- pofed him to the Veftry, as a proper Per- fon to be chofen, as foon as he fliould ,be Ordained. The Veftry received this Mr. /^^y>y Mi- Motion with uncommon Satisfad:ion, and Church, ^^tinanimoufly chofe him to that Church, provided he went to England to receive Holy Orders. He came over here, and was Ordained, and upon his Return to New-Tork^ was indufted into this Church. This was the firft fetting up the Church Service in this Government, Some Years afterwards, when the Lord Cornbury was Governor, Orders were iflued out to the Magiftrates of feveral Towns, to build Churches, by Virtue of an Aft pafled in 1698, enabling feveral Towns to build publick Houfes for the JVorJhip of Gov* Nothing had been done in Purfuance of this Aft, to New-York Governments 203 Act, till the Lord Cornburfs Order gave Life to this Defign. Churches were foon after built in the refpeftive Towns, and the Expences levied on the Inhabitants by a public k Tax. The Members of the Church of En- gland began to increafe now in many Towns, but efpecially at New^Tork City, This was in a great meafure owing to the Reverend Mr. Vefeyy who, by his whole Conduft, had gained the Efteem of People, of many Sorts of Perfuafions. He was not a Miflionary from this Society, fo that but few, and imperfeft Accounts of his Labours, have been fent hither. How- ever, I cannot in Juftice to him, conclude this Paragraph, without giving . the Rea- der a few Lines, wrote to the Society con- cerning him, by a Gentleman, who him- felf deferved all Commendation, Caleb Heathcofe Efq; who, by his prudent Zeal, and wife Condjad:, was a chief Inftrument in fettling the Church of England^ in Neiv- York Government, in Connecticut Colony, and in New-Jerfey : His Letter to the Society in 17 14, runs thus: " Mr. T^^'^ ^^^^"^^ ,^ *' being fettled in our Church, hath ever charader of " fince continued with great Faithfulnefs^^^' ^'^* " in the Difcharge of his Duty. His Life '' and 204 Mijfionaries fent " and Converfation hath like wife been " very regular, and without the leaft Stain " or Blemiih, as to his Morals. He is not " only a very excellent Preacher, but was " always very careful never to mix in his " Sermons, any Thing improper to be de- " livered out of the Pulpit. It is the good *' Providence of God, he is continued fo *' long among us, for the thorough Settle- " ment of the Church in this Place, The *' Account 1 have given you of Mr. Vefeyy " is not grounded on Reports, having faid " nothing but what I very well know, and " have obferved from i6 or 17 Years Ac- " quaintance with, and Knowledge of him." Mr. Vefey is now living, and Reftor of that Church, the Chief in New-Tork, 2. Weji-Chejier County lies on the Sea- Coaft, to the Weft of Hudfon River. The People here, were more generally Englijh^ than in any County of the Government ; it contains a very great Trad of Land, and generally the beft of any in thofe Parts* There were computed to be in it, not above 2000 Souls in the Year 1702 j but the Goodnefs of the Soil feemed to promife, it would in Time be a very populous Place. The whole County is 16 Miles in Length, containing fix fmall Towns, Weft-Chefter^ Eap to New-York Government. 205 EaJi-CheJier,NeW'Rocbel, Rye, Marmaroneck^ and Bedford, befides two fmall Places, called lower Tonkers and Philipsburg. This was the State of the Place in 1702. The The People of Inhabitants of WeJiXheJier, the Chief^vf^-^^^A/" Town, were the firft who defired a Mif- Church. fionary in this Country. They built a Church in Purfuance of the Adl for build- ing five Churches, and 50./. a Year was fettled on the Minifter. The Society ap- pointed the Reverend Mr. Bartow Mif- fionary here, in the Year 1702. The Lord Cornbury, then Governor of the Province, fixed Mr. Bartow's chief Refidence at The Reverend Wefi'Chefier \ however, as there were fe- ^^t Mfffio^i^- veral other Places which wanted his Af- O' ^^^^^''• fiftance, he divided his Labours among them, according to the Society's Dire j^ ^^3 j^^^ y^^ floor'd. This moved the Inhabitants to compleat the Infide. A Subfcription was put about, and by the Liberality and Encouragement of the Governor (Robert Himter Efq;) a fufficient Sum was raised to finiili it. A handfome Altar-piece was made of Caro- Una Cedar^ rail'd in, and a decent Pulpit and Reading Desk, and other Neceflaries were made. Mr. Bridge behaved himfelf in all RefpecSs worthily, and the Members of the Church increafed at Rye y he had ,, yy ., for feveral Years but an indifferent State Mr. Bridge ^ics. of Health, and died in 17 19, much re- gretted by all who knew him. Upon an Account fent of his Death, the Society wrote to the neighbouring Clergy of New- Tork, to vifit by Turns Rye, as they could TheReverend^^^^^^^^^^^^y- The Reverend Mr. Jenney Mr. Jenney was appointed Miffionary there in 1722. Arcccedshim. ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^p^^^ ^j^ ^j^^^^ ^j^j^ 2eal, and his Congregation now amounted ge- nerally to about 300 Perfons ; he vifited at Times feveral other Townfhips, and diftindt Liberties, which were at too great a Di^ to New-York Government. 213 Diftance from the Church, for the People to attend Divine Service with any Conveni- ency. In about three Years time, he baptized 12 grown Perfons, 50 Children, and per- fuaded feveral to come to the Communion. In 1727, he removed from this Million to He?npjied; and the Reverend Mr. Wet- more^ who was then Catechift at New- York, requefted the Society that he might be fixed here. The Society appointed him there in 1727 j and he hath fince wrote, that his Congregation are of a very Chri- ftian Behaviour, that he hath baptized 40 Children; and feveral grown Perfons apply to him for Baptifm, two of which are Negroes; after due Inftrudion, he in- tends to baptize them; and that upon hisRequeft, the Town have chofen Tru- ftees, who are empowered to raife a Tax upon the Inhabitants, for the Repair of their Church. He continues there now, with Succefs. 3. Albany, fo called from the Duke of Tork's Scotch Title, as New-Tork ^NZsf^fP^^''^'' ^ derable Place, from his Englifi, is fituate on Hudfonthe, Reverend River: It was inhabited moftly by Dutch, qI^^^^^^^'^'^'^ It is confiderable, as being the chief Place ^^^^^• of Trade with the Indians^ and a Fron- tier both againft the Indians and the Fre7ich, P 3 who, 214 Miffionaries fent who, in Conjunfliion, have feveral Times invaded this Province on that Side. It is a very populous Place, faid to contain, in 1712, near 4000 Souls, of which 450 only were Negroes^ or Indian Slaves. For the Security of the Province, both againil the Indians and French^ it had a Garrifon of 200 Soldiers, and a ftrong Fort. The Reverend Mr. Barclay was Chaplain to this Fort in the Year 1709. The Inha- bitants being almoft all Dutch, had a Mi- nifter, Mr. Dellius j but he about this Time returned to Europe, and the So- ciety appointed the Reverend Mr. Bar- clay to be Miflionary and Catechift there ; becaufe the Society were defirous that he Ihould inftru6l fome of the great Num- ber of Slaves there, and Indians who oc- cafionally reforted to that Town. They come here to trade with the Englijh, and it was hoped he might meet with many fair Opportunities of inviting them to be- come Chriftians. Mr. Barclay was very induftrious in his Miffion, and acceptable to the People. Upon the Dutch Minifter, Mr. Dellius, being abfent, he perfuaded many People of the bell Note and Cha- rader there, to come to hear him. They attended him in their Church, where the Efjglijh Liturgy was read in Dutch, and he preached to New* York Govemmem. 215 preached to them in Dutch ; feveral of the principal Inhabitants conformed en- tirely to the Church of England, and Num- bers of the common People followed their Example. Mr. Barclay was very intent in teaching the younger People the Church- Catechifm in Englip, efpeclally the poorer Children 5 he Catechifed publickly in the Mr. sW^j? Church on Sundays in the Afternoon, and|^7;.>^^^^^^^^^ read an Explanation of fome Part of it ; he taught them alfo twice a Week, on Week-days : his Scholars were generally 70 Children, moft oi Dutch Extradion ^ and in lefs than three Years time he taught 160 the Catechifm, and otherwife inftru- ded them in the Principles of the Chri- ftian Religion. Mr. Barclay alio vifited a fmall Village, named Schene5tady, about 20 Miles above Albany^ towards the Mohock!^ Caftle -, this was the remoteft Settlement of the Englijh, The Indians came frequently to this Town to get Provifions, and to traffick ; he often preached to the People of this Place, and ufed to invite fuch of the Indiam as un- derftood any Englijh, to come to hear him ; En^l^^^onr^^^^ feveral came, at times, to Divine Service, ^?^7.. fuch as underftood any thing of Englijh ; and he tried all Methods he could think P 4 of, 21^ Miffionanes fent of, to engage them to be inftrudied in our Language and Religion, but with very fmall Succefs -, feveral indeed would feem for a time, to be converted ; but foon after they would return again, to their firft Sa- vage Life. He had more Succefs with the Negroes^ many of which he inftruded in the Chriftian Faith, and Baptized. Thus for near {t\^\\ Years he preached upon Sufferance, in a fmall Chapel be- longing to the Dutch Congregation. This Chapel being much decayed, he concerted with fome Members of the Church Com- munion, to try to get Subfcriptions for building a Church. He found the People very zealous to carry on this Defign. The Governor of theProvince,i?^^^r/i7L/;7/£'r Efq; contributed very generoully, and encouraged others to do lo ; befides his Subfcription- Contribntions Moncv, hc gavc all the Stone and Lime buS-^'' for building the Church. The Town of StoneChurch. ^//;^;;^? gavc prefentlv 200/. and every Inhabitant in the poor Village of Sche- neBady^ gave fomething, excepting only one very poor Man, w^hich, in the whole, amounted to 50/. iVVc£;-3^^r/^ Money; Ki?igs County, Long-Ifland^ and many other Places, contributed largely. Nay, the Sol- diers of the Garrifon at Albany w^re very zealous, to New-York Government. 217 zealous, and contributed almoft beyond Be- lief. The two Independent Companies of Colonel Richard Ingoldsby^ and Colonel Peter Matthews, gave loo/. every private Centinel gave fomething, fome ten Shil- lings, and others twenty; and their Offi- cers generoufly. Above 600/. was foon , Subfcribed, and in about a Year and an half, a very handfome Stone Building was raifed, 58 Feet in length, and 42 in breadth ; it was opened in November 17 16, and Di- vine Service performed in it; Mr. Bar- clay continued diligent in all the Duties of his Miffion. Some time afterwards, it was reprefented to the Society, that fmce Mr. Barclay had a Salary as Chaplain to the Garrifon at Albany, that, with the voluntary- Contributions of the People, who came to the New Church, would be a iufficientMain-^j^^j^jj-^^^ tenance ; the Society therefore withdrew his Church is Salary. But finding afterward, that for fome Years, that Church hath not been fup- plied ; they have lately appointed the Re- verend Mr. Miln to be Miffionary there. 6. Statten-IJland is a fmall Ifland about The Reverend JO Miles lonor, and C or 6 over, i:lt^J,zlcMv Mackenzie on the Weji End of Long-IJland, a Place ry to s'^tten- well peopled; the Reverend Mr. Afor-^^^'^^' kenzie was lent Miffionaiy here in the Year 2l8 Mijfionaries fent Year 1704, and met with a very kind Re-- ception from the People, tho* not above one third were Englijb^ the reft Dutch and French. The French had a Minifter of their own, and had built a Church. The Englijh had no Church, nor any Place convenient for Divine Worfhip» The French allowed Mr. Mackenzie to preach in their Church. The Englijh were chiefly ^takers and Anabaptijis^ the others. Church of England People. The Dutch were at firft fomewhat averfe to, and la- boured under Prejudices againft our Li- turgy. But it appeared foon, that this was occafioned by their not being ac- quainted with it ; for upon the Society's fending a good Number of our Common- Prayer-Books in Dutch^ to be diftributed among the People, they found no Fault with it, and began to have a juft Efteem for our Form of Worfhip. It was repre- fented by Mr. Mackenzie^ that the greateft Difadvantage to Religion, arofe from the Want of Englijh Schools in that Ifland. The Children had no Education but the little they received from their Parents, and that bound them up to their Parents Language and Principles. Befides, there was fuch a Diverfity of Tongues, as EfigUfi:, French^ and Dutch^ which made it necef- fary to New- York Government. 219 fary to fettle a School there, more than in any other Place, in order to unite the growing Generation in their Language, as well as in their religious Principles. The Society were fenfible nothing could J^K^^^'^^^y be more convenient than the opening ofSchooimaflers Schools in this Place. The whole Ifland^^ was divided into three Precinfts, they ap- pointed a Schoolmafter for each. Mr. Brown taught School in the South Pre- cin6t, Mr. Dupiiy in the North, and Mr. William/on in the Weji, Mr. Dupuy did not keep School long ; Mr. Potts fucceeded him. Afterwards in the Year 17 15, Mr. T^aylor was appointed, and continues ftill teaching School ; and feveral Accounts have been fent to the Society, that he teaches above 40 Scholars, without any Coniide- ration but the Society's Bounty ; that he inftrudls them in the Church-Catechifm, with the Explanation, teaches them to join in Publick Worfliip, and keeps alfo a Night School for the Inllrudion of the Negroes, and fvich as cannot be fpared from their Work in the Day time. Mr. Mackenzie was very fuccefsful m^ir.Macken- his Minirtry, united the People in their ^^f >,^^^^^;^X oentiments, and exceedingly improved fion. them 220 Mijfionaries fent them in their Manners. He was alfo happy in the Love and Efteem of his People. The Jujftices of Rich?nond County, in that Ifland, where his Abode was, wrote thus to the Society in the Year 1712 : " We, Her Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, " High Sheriff, Clerk, and Commander in " Chief, of Her Majefty's Militia, in the " County of Richmond^ as well for our ^' felves, as in the Name, and at the De- *^ fire of the other Inhabitants of the faid " County, Members of the Church of " England^ return our Thanks, for fup- '^ porting our worthy Paftor Mr. Mackenzie " among us ^ whofe unblameable Life af- *' fords no Occafion of Difparagcment to " his Fund;ion, nor Difcredit to his Do- " ftrine. Upon his firft Indudion to this " -Place, there were not above four or " five in the whole County, who ever " knew any Thing of our excellent Li- ** turgy and Form of Woriliip, and many " knew little more of any Religion, than " the common Notion of a Deity : And ^' as their Ignorance was great, io was " their Pradice irregular and barbarous. " But now, by the Bleffing of God at- " tending his Labours, our Church in- " creafes, a confiderable Reformation is " wrought, and fomething of the Face " of to New-York Government. 221 *' of Chriftianity is to be feen among us. " You have added to the former, a frefli *' and late Inftance of your Bounty, in " allov/ing a Support to a Schoolmafter, " for the Inftrudion of our Youth -, the " deplorable Want of which hath been " a great Affliftion to us. Soon after, the People began to think of building a Church. Mr. Mackenzie had for feven Years, ever fince his iirft Ar- rival, officiated in the French Church upon Sufferance. The People of the Ifland, and the neighbouring Counties of the Pro- vince, made liberal Contributions. New^ Jerfey and Penfyhania alfo gave gene- roullyj 700/. was collected, and a hand- fome Stone Church was ered:ed, a Par- ^ handfome fonage-houfe built, and 60 Acres of G/^^^ built here. Land purchafed. The Lime, Stone, and Timber, were given gratis, for the Church and Houfe, belides the Money mentioned. About this Time, fome Gentlemen of New-Torky Adolphiis Phillips Councellor, Captain La?icajler SyineSy Officer in Fort A7ine^ Mx,EbenezerWilfon, and Mv, Peter Faulconer Merchants, made a Deed of Gift, of 150 Acres of Land, for the Ufe of the Church. The Land lay at an incon- venient Diftance from the Church, fo that 222 Mijfionaries fent that the Truftees agreed to fell it, and buy a Piece of Ground nearer. Mr. Mackenzie went on with Diligence in all the Duties of his Office, and wrote Word in 171 8, that he had received feveral new Members into the Communion of the Church s that he had a large Congregation, who not only conftantly attended the Church Service, but were moft of them very regular in their Lives and Converfations j that he had baptized in the preceeding Year, 18 Chil- dren, one of which was a Negroe^ and alfo an Indian Man, 22 Years of Age, who coming accidentally into that Ifland, was induced to learn to read Englifi^ then grew defirous of being inftrudted in the Chri* ftian Faith, and afterwards defired Bap- tifm. In the Year 1722, Mr. Mackenzie ^^'di^miich^^^^'^^^^ regretted by his Parifhioners. The lamented. Reverend Mr. Harrifon fucceeded him by the Appointment of theGovernor,/^////^;;;jB2^r;^£'/ Efq; no Accounts have been received from him, asnot being the Society's Miffionary. 7. Long'IJland lies South-Eaji from New-- Torky and is a very confiderable Part of that Government ; it is divided from the Continent by a fmall Arm of the Sea ; is 100 Miles long, and about 12 broad: A very fruitful and pleafant Country, the Air is fliarp and ferene, not fubjedl to any thick to New- York Government. 223 thick Foggs. It hath, near Hempjiedy an even delightfome Plain, i6 Miles long, richly furniflied with Cattle and Fowl of all Sorts. The Reverend Mwl'homas was ^he Reverend fent Miffionary to Hempjied in the Year Mr. n.^^. 1704. This IS one or the cnier i o^n^ ^y to Hs^npjied in the Ifland; the People were generally i"^^^^-^^'''^- Independents, fome Presbyterians, but more negligent of all Religion. However, Mr. Thomas, upon his Arrival, was received with much Kindnefs, and he found the chief Difficulty was to remove the Preju- dices of Education. Mr. "Thomas had the Care of Oyjierbay too, 1 3 Miles diftant from Hempjiedy this made his Miffion laborious. However, in a little time he perfuaded many in both Places to conform to the Church of E7igland. The Society fent him a large Number of Common-Prayer-Books and Ca- techifms, which he diftributed among the People J and they began generally to improve in their Manners, and to think better of the Church Worftiip. He writes in 1709, tho' that Place had been fettled above 60 Years before his coming, and the People had fome Sort of diffenting Minifters y yet for above 55 Years, the Sacrament had never been adminiftred there s the oldeft there could not remember to have feen or heard of its being Celebrated. '' The People (fays 2 24- Miffionaries fent (fays he) " having lived fo long in a Dif- " ufe of it, I had great Difficulties to " bring them to a Senfe of the Neceffity *' and Obligation of it : but with God's " Bleffing upon my Endeavours, I have " brought 33 of them into full Commu- " nion with the Church, and who now " live very regularly, tho' at the iirfl Time ' '' of adminiftring it, I could perluade but '' three to receive." He wrote, that there was a great Want of Schools ; the younger People and Children were growing up in He is very di- a miferable Ignorance, for Want of being Mfffioir ^^^ taught to read j and he could not perform one Part of his Paftoral Office, Catechifing, for Want of a Schoolmafter to teach the Children to read. The Society appointed Mr. Gilderflieve Schoolmafter there, in the Year 17 13, and allowed him a Salary to teach the poorer Children Reading^ Writing, and the Rudiments of Arith- metick. The Veftry of this Parifh wrote the Society a Letter on this Occafion, wherein they fay : " Without your Bounty " and Charity, our poor Children would " undoubtedly want all Education ; our " People are poor, and fettled diftantly " from one another, and unable to board " out their Children." The Society fent Quantities of Paper for the Ufe of the School^ to New- York Government. 225 School, Catechifms, and large Numbers of Common-Prayer-Books, which proved of great Benefit to the younger People. The Youth was inftrudted, made their Re- fponfes regularly at Church, and Divine Worfhip was performed with more Know- ledge and Decency. Mr. T^homas perfevered with Diligence in his Duty, and by eafie Means of Per- fuafion in converfmg, drew many People to a Conformity. The Books he diftri- buted, had a very good Influence on the more fober and thinking Part of the In- habitants. About the Year 1720, he ac- quainted the Society, that his Congrega- tion increafed \ that within 1 8 Months paft, he had baptized above 160, many of which were grown Perfons ; that he en- deavoured, as much as in him lay, to in- culcate into the People a Senfe of the Benefit and Privilege of the Sacraments, and finds them in the main convinced of the Neceffity of thofe Ordinances. Mr. T'homas died in the Year 1724, after Mr Thomai having been very ufeful in fettling this Church. In the Year 1725, the Society removed the Reverend Mr. "Jenncy^ upon his Requeft, from Rye to this Place. Ac- counts have been fent from him, that his Q., Con- 226 MiJJionaries fent Consregation increafes ; that two grown Perfons had defired and received Baptifm, TheRcvcrend^^^ he had feveral new Communicants, Mr. jenncy all of them Perfons of known Honefty and iucceedshim. _. • i i at ni Piety j particularly one, a JSegroc blave, who had all along prelerved his Cha- racter unblemiflied, or rather made it re- markable for Honefty and Piety. M?. Jefifiey continues now there. The Reverend 8. "Jamaica IS 9 confiderable Town in \^.\^^r.^-l^ong--lllanL The Reverend Mx, Patrick ry ^ojamaicaQ^jT^^jj ^^..^s fent thither in 1702, but he died foon after his Arrival. Colonel Mor- m wrote of him to the Society, that his Abilities, Sobriety and Prudence had gain'd him the good Opinion of every Body ac- quainted with him, both of the Church and Diilenters, and he gave great Hopes, that a good Progrefs would be made in this Miffion; but he died foon, and was buried in a Meeting-houfe in Jamaica. The Reverend Mr. Urqiihart was after- ^vards fixed in this Place. It was inhabited chiefly by Jndepe?ide?its^ who came from He dies; the ■f^^'"^^-^ V^^^^^ • ^c was Very diligent in Reverend Mr. j^ig Million, and wcU rcfpeded by all ^wrAiceee s ^^^ Members of the Church, but died in about tv/o Years. The Reverend Mr. Foyer was fent there in 1709. He had a long to New- York Government. 227 a long and dangerous Voyage from £;?- srland, and at laft was Shipwrecked with He is fhip. ' "T . 1 .-. n r /f • wreck'donthe his Family, on the Coalt ot AmertcayQo^no'i Ame- above loo Miles diftant from his Parifli. '*^■^^• He got there, and was by the Governor's Order, indufted into that Church. But the Independents had got PoffelTion of the Parfonage-houfe, and would not furrender it. This occafioned long Feuds and Di- vifions in the Parifh, between the Church Party and them. At laft, after a long Broil, and tedious Courle of Law, for above feven Years s Mr. Foyer was put in PofTeffi- on of the Houfe. This Perverienefs of the Independents very much hindred the Succefs of his Miffion. However, Mr. Poyet^ was very diligent in his Duty ; he had a large Cure, three Towns, Jamaica, Newtown^ and Fluping, and he fpared no Charge nor Labour in ferving them. The Mem- bers of the Church of England wrote very refpedtfully of him to the Society, in thefe Words. " Notwithftanding the perverfe " Behaviour of our Enemies, we can with " Joy fay, our Church here hath increafed " confiderably, both in the Number of " Hearers and of Communicants, by the *^ fmgular Care, Pains and Induftry of our " prefent laborious Minifter Mr. Poyefy [\ who, notwithftanding the many Diffi- Q^ ^' culties 228 Mijjionaries fent " culties he hath ftruggled with, hath never " been in the leafl wanting in the due '' Execution of his Minifterial Function; " but rather, on the contrary, ftrained " himfelf beyond his Strength, in travel- I. very dili- " ^^"g ^^ro' the Parilh, and often to the gent in his " Prejudice of his Health, which is noto- " rious to all the Inhabitants." Mr. Foyer continues now there, and Accounts have been fent, that his Congregation is in- creafed : The Communicants are between 80 and 90, and 9 grown Perfons have been baptized within three Years Space. The Society 9. T H E Society have from their firft sYh^odmaflers^ft^blilliment, paid Salaries to fev^eral Here. Schoolmafters in this Government. Mr. Gilderjlieve at Hempjied in hong-ljlaiid^ and Mr. 'Taylor in Statten-IJlandy have been mentioned already. Mr. Huddlejlone was appointed Schoolmafter in Ne^w^Tork City, in the Year 1709; he taught 40 poor Chil- dren for the Society's Allowance only 3 he publickly Catechized in the Steeple of Trinity Church on Sunday in the After- noon, not only his own Scholars, but alfo the Children, Servants and Slaves of the Inhabitants, and above 100 Perfons ufually attended him ; Certificates attefted by the Mayor of Ncw-Torky were Annually fent to to New- York Government. ^29 to the Society, certifying his doing fuch Service. He died in the Year 1726 ; and his Son being defirous and capable of the Office, is appointed now in his Room. Mr. Glover was appointed Schoolmafter at WeJl'Chefier in the Year 17 14, and afterwards Mr. Forjler 5 he teaches between 30 and 40 Children, Catechifes on Sa- turday and Sunday, which is certifyed by the Minifter and chief Inhabitants of that Town. Mr. Cleator was fettled School- mafter at Rye^ in the Year 1704; he teaches about 50 Children to Read and Write, and inftruds them in the Cate- chifm. And Mr. Denton hath been lately appointed Schoolmafter at Oyjierbay in Long'IJland, The Society have paid Salaries to fix School mafters, befides a Catechift, for the Books fent to Slaves at Ne'w-Tork in this Government : ^^^' Govern* ' ment, and have fent Bibles, Common-Prayers, and other Books of Devotion or Inftru- dtion, to the Number of 2220 Volumes, befides Catechifms, and fmall Trads which have been difperfed among the People by the Miffionaries, or among the Children by the Schoolmafters. And tho' there was not above one Church, that at NeW'Tork City, opened before the 0^3 So. 230 Miffionaries fent, &C. 1 Society^s Foundation, there have been ten fince built, many Donations made Ten Church- ^^ them, the People fupplied with Mil- es built in this f^Qj^ar ies for them, and all the Congre- Government. . • • r • xt gations now contmue mcreanng, m JN um- ber of Perfons, and Regularity of Manners. CHAP. 231 CHAP. X, The Societ'^ r Negroes. Duties, and cannot attend them : Many Planters, in order to free themfelves from the Trouble and Charge of Feeding and Cloathing their Slaves, allow them one Day in a Week, to clear Ground and plant it, to fubfift themfelves and Families, Some allow all Saturday, fome half Satur- day and Sunday ^ others allow, only Sunday, How can the Negroe attend for Inftruftion, who on half Saturday and Sunday is to provide Food and Rayment for himlelf and Family for the Week following ? The Negroe will urge in his own Excufe, that the the Negroe Slaves. 235 the Support of himfelf, and all that is dear to him, doth abfolutely depend upon this, his neceflary Labour, on Saturday and Sun- day. If this be not ftridtly juftifiable, yet it is fure, the miferable Man's Plea, will engage the Reader's Compaffion. This is the Cafe in fome Colonies, in others it differs : In fome Places, the Slaves do the whole Labour of the Country, in the Field j in others, they are ufed only as Houfe Servants. Another Difficulty arifes from the Habitations and Settlements of the Matters, being at great Diftances from each other in moft Places in the Colonies . for which reafon, neither can aMinifter go to many Families, if the Negroes were allowed Time to attend him 5 nor can a proper Num- ber of them affemble together at one Place, without confiderable Lofs of Time to their Mailers. But the greateft Obftrudion is, the Mafters themfelves do not confider enough, the Oblieation which lies upon The Mailers 1 1 1 • 01 -no, oftheAV^^i them, to have their blaves niltruaed. do not cncou- Some have been fo weak as to argue, the^^^^^^^Q^^^^^^^" Negroes had no Souls ^ others, that they grew worfe by being taught, and made Chriilians : I would not mention thefe, if they were not popular Arguments now. 2^6 Endeavours to inJlruU becaufe they have no Foundation in Reafon or Tiruth. 3. A F T E R the Society had given the ge- neral Order mentioned before, to all their Miffionaries, for the Inftruftion of the Slaves, they agreed to ufe another Method^ which they believed would more fuccefsfully promote this Work. They opened a Cate- chifing School for the Slaves at New-Tork^ The Society in the Ycaf 1704, in which City there were open a School New-York ^om^^mt^L to be about 1500 Negroe and ^^^y }^^ ^^-^ Indian Slaves, and many of their Mailers Negroe.^^ Well difpofed to have them made Chri- ftians. The Society hoped this Example fet, might kindle a Zeal in fome other good People, to carry on this Work, which they were unable to effect ; and to eredt Schools for the Inftrudtion oi the Negroes, and employ Catechifts to teach them at appointed Times y and that the Legillature in the Colonies, would, by a Law, oblige all Slaves to attend for their Inilruftion. The Society found foon, it was not ealie to procure a Perfon proper to be a Ca~ techift. Mr. Elias Neau a Layman, then living in Ne^w-Tork City, as a Trader, was reprefented to be the propereft Perfon for that Office. He was by Nation a French- man, had made a Confefilon of the Pro- tefiant the Negroe Slaves. 237 fcflant Religion in France, for which he had been confined feveral Years in Prifon, and feven Years in the Gallies. When he got releafed, he went to New-Tork, and traded there, and had the Charader, from People of all Perfuafions, of a Man of Piety, of fober Deportment, and ferious Life. He accepted of the Oiffe-r of htingCsL-Mr. E/i^s^Wte techift; and his former Sufferings on thecaSftIo Account of his Religion, did, with great ^^^^ ^^^ ^'*^* Advantage, recommend him to be a Teacher' of the Chriftian Faith -, and his Humility enabled him to bear with the many Inconve- niencies in teaching thofe poor People. He entred upon his Office, in the Year 1704, with great Diligence. iVt firft he was obliged to go from Houfe to Houfe, to inftrudt the Negroes, this was out of Meafure la- borious ', afterwards he got Leave, that they {hould come to his Houfe 5 this was a confiderable Relief. There were two Obftruftions ftill 5 the Time was much too fhortj and the Place was inconvenient, for teaching the great Number of Negroes. A little Time in the Dusk of the Evening, after hard Labour all Day, was the whole Time allowed them for Learning, and for Relaxation, and to vifu theirWives and Chil- dren 3 238 Endeavours to inftruB dren ; which were generally in other Fa- milies, not in their Mafters. At this Time their Bodies were fo fatigued, that their Attention could not be great. They were dull and (leepy, and remembred they mull The AV^r^rife early the next Day, to their Labour. were lowed come- The Place alfo was incommodious, being beTnftriiaed.^ ^'^^ uppcrmoft Floor in Mr. Neaus Houfe, which, tho' very large for a private Houfe, yet was not able to hold conveniently, a fmall Part of the Slaves which might re- fort thither. Besides, the Negroes were much dif- couraged from embracing 'the Chriftian Religion, upon Account of the very little Regard iliewed them in any religious Re- fpedt. Their Marriages were performed by mutual Confent only, without the Blef- fing of the Church -, they were buried by thofe of their own Country or Complexion, in the common Field, without any Chri- ftian Office ; perhaps fomc ridiculous Hea- then Rites were performed at the Grave, by fome of their own People. No No- tice was given of their being fick, that they might be vifited; on the contrary, frequent Difcourfes were made in Con- verfation, that they had no Souls, and periihed as the Beafts. Mr. the Negroe Slaves. 239 Mr. Neai^ contended with thefe Diffi- Mt. Nr^u is cuties, and notwithftandins; all, proved an^^o^ ^^^^°"^ Inltrument oi bringing many to a Know- ledge of the Chriftian Faith. He took great Pains in reading to them, in making fhort CoUedions out of Books on the Ca- techifm, and in making an Abftrad: of the Hiftorical Part of the Scriptures s fo that many, who could not read, could yet by- Memory repeat the Hiftory of the Crea- tion of the World, the Flood, the giving of the Law, the Birth, Miracles, and Cru- cifixion of our Lord, and the chief Ar- ticles and Doftrines of Chriftianity. This was a Work of great Pains and Humility ; Mr. Neaii performed it dili- gently; difcourfing familiarly with thofe poor People, and labouring earneftly to accommodate his Difcourfe to their Ca- pacities. His Labours were very fuccefs- ful ; a confiderable Number of the Slaves, could give a fufficient Account of the j^^^^ ^.^^^^^^ Grounds of their Faith ; as feveral of the are inftruaed Clergy who examined them publickly, be- ^^ fore they gave them Baptifm, have ac- quainted the Society. 4. In 240 Endeavours to inJlruU 4, I N the mean Time, while the Society were thinking of farther Ways to advance this Work, a Calamity happened which mightily difcouraged this Country from promoting the Inftrudion of their Slaves. In the Year 1712, a confiderable Number TheAvxmvof Ncgroes of the Carmantee and Poppa f"^P";f'f^'' Nations, formed a Plot to deftroy all the ftroy all tlie ' ^ ^ ^ ^ Ejiglijf:*, Englip, in order to obtain their Liberty ; and kept their Confpiracy fo fecret, that there was no Sufpicion of it, till it came to the very Execution. However, the Plot was, by G o d's Providence, happily defeated. The Plot was this : The Negroes fat Fire to a Houfe in Tork City, on a Sunday Night, in Aprils about the going dow^n of the Moon. The Fire alarmed the Town, who from all Parts ran to it -, the Confpirators planted themfelves in feveral Streets and Lanes leading to the Fire, and fliot or ftabbed the People as they were running to it. Some of the Wounded efcaped, and acquainted the Government, and pre- {entlv, by the Signal of firing a great Gun from the Fort, the Inhabitants were called under Arms, and prevented from running Mcy is defiat- to the Fire.\ A Body of Men was foon ^^- raifed, w^hich eafily fcattered the Negroes y they had killed about eight Pcrfons, and wounded the Negroe Slaves. 241 wounded 12 more. In their Flight Ibme of them fhot themfelves, others their Wives, and then themfelves; fome ab- fconded a few Days, and then killed them- felves for Fear of being taken ; but a great many were taken, and 18 of them fuffe red Death. This wicked Confpiracy was at firft apprehended to be general among all the Negroes.^nd opened the Mouths of many, to fpeak againft giving the Negroes Inftrudion. Mr. Neau durft hardly appear abroad for fome Days, his School was blamed as the main Occafion of this barbarous Plot. But upon the Tryal of thefe Wretches, there were but two, of all his School, fo much as charged with the Plot ; and only one, was a baptized Man, and in the Peo- ples Heat, upon flender Evidence, per*- haps too haftily condemned ; for foon after he was acknowledged to be innocent by the common Voice. The other was not baptized ; it appeared plain that he was in the Confpiracy, but guiklefs of his Mafter's Murder, Mr. Hoogh/ands, an emi- nent Merchant. Upon full Tryal, the guilty Negroes, were found to be fuch as never came to Mr. Neaus School^ and what is very obfervable, the Perfons, whofe^^Ji taken and Negroes were found to be moft guilty, ^''^^'^^^^* R were 242 Endeavours to inJiruB were fuch as were the declared Oppofers oi making them Chriftians. However, a great Jealoulie was now raifed, and the common Cry was very Mr. Neaus Jq^j^ againft inftrudting the Negroes. The medTbut un- Common Council of New-Tork City made deiervediy. ^^^ Qrder, forbidding the Negroes to go about the Streets after Sun-fet, without Lanthorns and Candles y this was in EfFedt, forbidding them to go to Mv.Neau\ School, for none of them could get Lanthorns, or come to him before Sunfet. But fome Time after, the more ferious and moderate People, abated of this Violence. It appeared to be a Plot of a few only, not a general one of all the Negroes, no Confequence at- tended the Adtion, and People grew more compofed. Robert Hunt er^io^y then Governor of the Province, obferved their Fears were ill-grounded, and that Mr, Neaii^ Scholars were not the guilty Negroes, and therefore, in order to fupport the Defign of inftrud:- ing them, he was pleafed to viiit the School, attended by the Society's Miflionaries, and feveral Perfons of Note, and publickly de- clared his Approbation of the Defign -, and afterwards in a Proclamation put out againft Immorality and Vice, he recom- mended the Negroe Slaves. 243 mended it to the Clergy of the Country, ^^^? School is ^ . r / again encou- to exhort their Congregations from the raged, Pulpit, to promote the Inftruftlon of the Negroes. This gave new Life again to the Work, and the Negroes frequented Mr. Neaus School, feveral were inftru6ted, afterwards examined publickly in the Church, before the Congregation, by the Reverend Mr. Fefey, gave a very fatisfaftory Account of their Faith, and received Baptifm. The Society had Accounts from Time to Time, of Mr. Neaus Diligence and good Succefs ; particularly one very ample Teftimonial figned by the Governor of the Country {Robert Hunter Efqj) the Council, the Mayor, and Recorder of New-Tork^ and the two Chief Juftices j fetting forth, " That Mr. Neau had demeaned himfelf " in all Things, as a good Chriftian and *' a good Subje(ft \ that in his Station of Mr. Neau n ,, - 1 . n -1 1 1 1 A 1 commended, " Catechilt, he had, to the great Advance- *' ment of Religion in general, and the ** particular Benefit of the free IndiaJis^ " Negroe Slaves, and other Heathens in " thofe Parts, with indefatigable Zeal and " Application, performed that Service '* three Times a Week 5 and that they did *^ fmcerely believe, that as Catechiit, he R 2 ^ '' did 244 Endeavours to inJiruB *' did in a very eminent Degree, deferve " the Countenance, Favour, and Protedion *' of the Society. The Society were fully fatisfied with Mr. Neaiis Behaviour, and continued to fend him Numbers of Catechifms, and of fmall Tradts of Devotion and Inftrudtion, to give among the Slaves and Servants at his Difcretion. Mr. Neau perfevered with the fame Diligence, till the Year 1722, Mr.A'';.w^dies.in which he died, much regretted by all who knew his Labours. Mr. Hiiddlejione^ then Schoolmafter in New-Tork^ did for fome Time fupply his Place, and ufed to teach the Negroes, in the Church Steeple, every Sunday before Sermon, and at his own Houfe af- ter Sermon. In a little Time the Society fent the Reverend Mr. Wetmore to be Cate- Tiie Society chift there, and received Accounts of his tL^'' difcharging his Duty diligently. That he attended Catechifmg every Wednefday and Friday, and Sunday Evening, at his own Houfe \ and in the Church, every Sunday before Evening Service, where he had fome^ times near 200 Children, Servants and Ne- groes, He afterwards defired to be appointed Miffionary at Rye in that Government, and the Society complyed with his Requeft. Soon after his Removal, the Redtor, Church- WardenSj the Negroe Slaves. 245 Wardens, and Veilry of "Trinity Church hi New-Tork, made a Reprefentation to the Society, of the great Need of a Catechifl: in that City, there being about i40oWd'^r^^and Indian Slaves there, a confiderable Number of which, had been inftrudled in the Principles of Chriftianity, by the late Mr. Neau^ and had received Baptifm, and were Communicants in their Church. The So- ciety were very willing to comply with this Requeft, and fent the Reverend Mn Colgan in 1726, to be Catechifl: there; and here he begins his School with Succefs, ^^^^^ School is 11 AT r^' ftilliupported. hath 30, 40, or 50 Negroes at a T niie, attending Catechifm, and is preparing feveral for Baptifm. He continues now there. 5. In this manner, have the Society ex- erted themfelves, to promote the Infl:ru- ftion of the Negroes ; but they are fen- fible the Means ufed, are not propor- tionate to the End. One School only, opened, is but a fmall Matter ; becaufe the^s^^^^^^^^"^ •* , , , ^ ot manv more Miffionaries, in their large Pariflies, are Schools. fully employed, without this additional Labour. There ought to be a Catechifl: fupported, in every Colony, nay, every large Town, to carry on this Work ef- fedlually. But there remains one Obftru- R 3 ition. 2^6 Endeavours to inJlruB <5lion, which if not removed, will defeat all poffible Endeavours. The Maflers of the Slaves muft be perfuaded to allow them reafonable Time to be inftruded, and at leaft permit them to attend the Catechift. For if the Mafters command them not to attend, or will allow them no Time for that purpofe, this Work is impradicable. On the other hand, it hath appeared plain to the Society, that it might ealily be carried on, if the Maflers concurred. There are fome Inftances, where the Negroes have in a little Time, gained a fufficient Knowledge of our Faith, and been induced to lead fober Lives, when their Mafters favoured their Inftru- dion. The Reverend Mr. T^aylor, lately Millionary at St. A?idrew\ Farifli in South- Carolina^ wrote to the Society in 17 13, an Inftance of this Nature ; which for the juft Honour of the two religious Gentle- women mentioned, ought not to be paffed >, rr ..over here. " Mrs. Haig-e and Mrs. Ed- Airs, tidigc oc o Mrs. fi./jc.zrtV" ^.vards^ v/ho cam.e lately to this Planta- toW%hdr" tion, have taken extraordinary Pains to skves inflru- ,c inftrucl a confidcrable Number of Arr- eted. " groes, \n the Principles of the Chriftian '' Religion, and to reclaim and reform '' them. The wonderful Succefs they *' met with, in about half a Years Time, I en- the Negroe Slaves. 247 " encouraged me to go and exaniine " thofe NegroeSy about their Knowledge in *^ Chriftianity , they declared to me their " Faith in the chief Articles of our Re- " ligion, which they fufficiently explained ; " they rehearfed by Heart very diftindtly, " the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and Ten " Commandments -, fourteen of them gave " me fo great Satisfadtion, and were fo " very defirous to be baptized, that I '' thought it my Duty to do it on the '' laft Lord's Day. I doubt not but thele " Gentlewomen will prepare the reft of " them for Baptifm in a little Time j and ^' I hope the good Example of thefe two " Gentlewomen, will provoke at leaft fome " Matters and Miftrefles, to take the fame " Care and Pains with their poor Negroes. The Clergy of South-Carolina did, in a joint Letter to the Society, after a Re- prefentation made of the State of the_ ^-_ , 1 i . , 1 TV ^ Mimy of Mr. Church there, acquamt them, that Mr. ^v^i's Slaves Skeen, his Lady, and Mrs. Haige his ^^^^■"^^'^• Sifter , did ufe great Care to have their Negroes inftrudted and baptized. And the Reverend Mr. Varnod, Miffio- nary in that PariHi, did at the fame Time, write to the Society, that he had baptized in the foregoing Year, eight Negroe Chil- R 4 dren. 248 Endeavours to inJlruB dren, belonging to Mr. Skee?i and Mrs. Haige, who, he fays, " took great Pains " to have their Slaves inftrudted in our " Faith, and that, at once, he had 19 Ne- " g?'oes Communicants. The Society have been always fenfible, the mofl efFedual Way to convert the Negroes^ was by engaging their Mafters, The Bifliop , 1 . ^ of St. AfapJAo countenance and promote then* Con- (^r-^^^'^^T^^verfion. The late Bifliop of St. Afaph, writes a Ser- x J i > rnon on the Dr. Fkcfwoody preachcd a Sermon before ah^g °the AV ^his Society in the Year 17 11, fetting forth s^'^^^^' the Duty of inftrudting the Negroes in the Chriftian Religion. The Society thought this, fo ufeful a Difcourfe, that they printed and difperfed abroad- in the Plantations, great Numbers of that Sermon in the fame Year; and lately in the Year 1725, reprinted the fame, and difperfed again large Numbers. The prefent Bifliop of London (Dr. Gibfon) became a fecond Ad- vocate for the Converfion of the Negroes y TheBifnopand wrote two Letters on this Subjed: : ofW.;;(Dr.rj.j^ firft, Addreffed to the Mafters' and Gihjon] writes ,, ... . two Letters MiHreffes of Families in the Enp;lilh Plan- on the fame^ :• / ; j .- w . Subjed. tations abroad, exhorting them to encourage and promote the InJiruBion of their Ne- groes in the Chrijiian Faith. The Second^ to the Mifjionaries there \ direBing them to the Negroe Slaves. 249 to dijlribiife the /aid Letter, and exhorting them to give their Ajjijlance, towards the InJlruBion of the Negroes ^within their feveral Paripes, The Society were perfuaded, this was the true Method to remove the great Obftrudlion of their Converfion, and hoping fo particular an i\.pplication to the Mailers and Miftrefles, from the See of London, would have the ftrongeft Influence ; they printed ten Thoufand Copies of the Let- ter to the Majiers and Mijirejjes, which have been fent to all the Colonies on the Conti- nent, and to all our Iflands in the Wejt- Indies, to be diftributed among the Mafters of Families, and other Inhabitants. The Society have received Accounts, that thefe Letters have influenced many Mafters of Families to have their Negroes inftrud:ed; and hope they will have at length, the de- fired Effeft. The Biihop of London foon after wrote An Addrefs to Serious Chrijlians among our felves, to AJfiji the Society for Propagating the Gofpel in carrying on this Work \ a Number of Copies whereof, hath been printed and difperfed in feveral Places in England, The Addrefs and Letters follow next. An 250 ^?- 9f LondonV Addrefs An JT>T>RESS to Serious Chrijiians among our [ekes ^ /(^AflTift the Society for Propagating the Gofpel^ in carry- ing on the Work of InJiruBing the Ne- groes in our Plantations abroad. TH E Defign of the two follow- ing Letters, which have been lately fent to our Plantations abroad, is, I. To convince the Mailers and Miftreffcs there, of the Obligation they are under, to inllrud their Negroes in the Chriftian Religion. II. To anfwer the Objedlions that are ufually made againft it : And III. To exhort the Minillers and Schoolmafters within the feveral Pa- riflies, to Affift in this good Work, as far as the proper Bufinefs of their Stations will permit. But the Negroes in feveral of the Plan- tations being vaftly numerous, and the Parilhes very large 5 the utmoft that Mi- nifters and Schoolmafters can do, will fall far fhort of the neceifary Attendance and Ap- to Serious Cbrifiians, &C. 251 Application which this Work requires. And it is too plain from Experience, that very many of the Mafters and Miftrefles are either unable or unwilling to provide for the Inftrudion of thofe poor Creatures, at leaft in fuch a Way as may effedlually attain the End j and wherever that is the Cafe, they are unavoidably condemned, in a Chriftian Country, to live and die in Heathen Idolatry, and in an utter Ig- norance of the the true God. T H I s is a very deplorable Sight in a Country where the Gofpel of Christ is profefs'd and publickly preached; and every Chriftian who believes the Pro- mifes of the Gofpel, and is concerned in earneft for the Honour of Christ, and the Salvation of Souls, muft be fenfibly affecfted with the Thought of it. Which will of Courfe lead and difpofe him to countenance and fupport any Meafures that fliall be entred into, for doing Juftice to our common Chriftianity, and deliver- ing the Protejlant Name from fo great a Reproach, For, to do Right to the Pa- fijis, both the Inhabitants of their Plan- tations abroad, and the feveral Countries in Europe to which they belong, have fhewn a laudable Care and Concern in this Mat- 252 'Bp.of London J Addrefi Matter. Only, it is to be wiih'd, that their Care to fee them InjiruBedy were equal to their Zeal to have them Baptized; and that greater Strefs were laid upon bringing them to a Knowledge of the Chri- ftian Faith, than upon barely giving them the Name of Chriftians. The Society for Propagating the Go/pel in Foreign Parts^ have this Affair much at Heart -, and, having lately had it under their Confideration, are unanimoufly of Opinion, That nothing would give fo quick and effedual a Progrefs to the Work, as the fending CatechiJU from hence : Whofe only Bufinefs it fliould be, to inftrud the Negroes, within particular Diftrids to be Affign'd to them, and who, having no Avocations of any Kind, would be at full Liberty to attend the moft proper Times and Seafons for Inftrudion, and employing their Thoughts wholly in that Way, would be far better acquainted with the proper Methods of proceeding in the Work, and alfo purfue thofe Methods more clofely, than any Occajional Inftrudtor can be fup- pos'd to do. But the prefent yearly Subfcriptions of the Society are employ'd and exhauftcd in toxSeriom Chrijltans^ &C. 253 in maintaining Minifters in the Plantations, 10 Officiate to our own People, in Places where they arc not able to Support the Charge themfelves, and where they would quickly fall into a State of Heathenifm, or fomething like it, if Provifion were not made for a ftanding Miniftry among them. So that the Society can be in no Con- dition to maintain Catechiits for the In- ftruftion of the Negroes, unlefs pious and well-difpofed Chriflians among our felves fliall luy this Matter to Heart, and enable them to proceed in it by Contributions given for that purpofe, and to be lolely appropriiittfd to that \}(t. The Piety, as well as the Neceflity and Importance, of promoting this Work, and entring into proper Methods for that End, are let forth in the following Letters, to which the Reader is referr'd. But leall this ihould feem to be only the Concern of the Planters abroad, I will add fome Confiderations which may induce all Chrijiians as fuch, to think it a Work worthy of their Regard, and incline them to further it according to tjieir Power and Ability. I. T H E Firft is. That as the Chriflian Church upon Earth is one^ being joined to- gether 254 'Bp. of London s Mrefs gether in the fame Faith, and in the com- mon Bond of Love and Unity, under Christ its Head ; fo the fupporting and enlarging of that Church, is juftly to be elleemed the Common Caufe of Chriftlanity, or, in other Words, the general Concern of Chriftians, all the World over. And if we do not dejire to fee it propagated throughout the World, it is a certain Sign, that w^e are not fufficiently concerned for the Honour of Christ, nor duly fenfible of the Greatnefs pf the Gofpel Promifes, and of the inefti- mable Value of a Soul. 11. Fro m hence it follows, that altho' our own Families, Relations, Neighbours, and Country, claim the firft Place in our Care and Concern for Religion, yet no Di- ftance of Place, how great foever it be, is a fufficient Excufe from Endeavouring to Pro- pagate the Gofpel, where we fee there is Need, and a fit Opportunity offers, and it is fairly in our Power. On the contrary, the more remote we are from the Country to which we do at any Time extend our Care and Affiftance, the greater Teftimony it is of our Zeal for the Glory of G o d, and the Salvation of Souls. IIL y^'4o. Serious Chrifiians^ &C. 25^ III. But, "Thirdly, The Souls for which I am now pleading, have a more particular Claim to our Regard, as they are truly a Part of our own Nation, and live under the fame Government with our felves, and, which is more, contribute much by their Labour to the Support of our Government, and the Increafe of the Trade and Wealth of this Kingdom. In the following Letter, the Mafters in the Plantations are put in Mind of the great Profit arifing to them from the Labour of the Negroes, as one Argument why they Ihould be willing to be at fome Expence in inftru6ting them. And the fame Argument extends, in Proportion to this Nation in general, which is greatly benefited by their Labour 5 and more par- ticularly does it extend to fuch among us, who either have Poffeffions in thofe Parts, or have been enrich'd by Trading to them. IV. As the Progrefs which one fniglc Cfftechill makes, may be very great, when it is his whole Employment > fo every Perfon who contributes to the Maintenance of that one, has the Satisfaction to think that he is an Inftrument under G o d, of Converting and Saving a proportionable Number of Souls. Some few Seeds call into this Ground, and 25^ %. of LondonV Addrefi^ &c. and watered by the Bleffing of G o d, may produce an Increafe exceeding great, and will be nofmall Addition to our Happinefs in Heaven. But whatever the Succefs be, fuch lincere Teftimonies of a Defire to fee the Gofpel propagated, and fuch Charitable Endeavours for the Salvation of our Fellow- Creatures, will moll affuredly find a very plentiful Reward from the Hands of G o d. And may it pleafe Him to open the Hearts of Chriftians, and to difpofe them, according to their feveral Abilities, to affifl: in carrying on this good Work, for the Glory of his Name, and the Eternal Wel- fare of fo many Thoufand Souls. LETTER 257 LETTER L ^he ^ijhop of Lo^ j> on' s Letter to the Matters and Miftrefles of Families in the Engliih Plantations abroad i Ex- horting them to encourage and promote the InJirtiZlion of their Negroes in the Chriftian Faith. TH,E Care of the Plantations abroad being committed to the Bifhop of London as to Religious Affairs ^ I have thought it my Duty to make par- ticular Enquiries into the State of Religion in thofe Parts, and to learn, among other Things, what Numbers of Slaves are em- ploy'd within the feveral Governments, and v/hat Means are ufed for their Inftru- that many vacant Hours may be fpared from the other Paftoral Duties, to be beftow'd on this; and I cannot doubt of the Readinefs of every Miflionary in his own Parifh, to promote and further a Work fo charitable to the Souls of Men, and fo agreeable to the great End and Defign of his Miffion. As to thofe Minifters who have Ne- groes of their own j I cannot but efteem it their indifpenfable Duty to ufe their beft Endeavours to inftruft them in the Chriftian Religion, in order to their being baptized i both becaufe fuch Negroes are their proper and imniediate Care, and becaufe it is in vain to hope that other Mafters and Miftreffes will exert theni- felves in this Work, if they fee it wholly T neg- 274 ^P* of London s Letter negleded, or but coldly purfued, in the Families of the Clergy. So that any De- gree of Negledt on your Part, in the In- ftrudion of your own Negroes, would not only be the with-holding from them the ineftimable Benefits of Chriftianity, but would evidently tend to the obftruding and defeating the ivbok DeJigJi in every other Family. I would alfo hope, that the School- majlers in the feveral Parifhes, part of whofe Bufmefs it is to inftruft Youth in the Principles of Chriftianity, might con- tribute fomewhat towards the carrying on this Work ^ by being ready to beftow iipon it fome of their Leifure Time, and efpecially on the Lord's-Day, w^hen both they and the Negroes are moft at Liberty, and the Clergy are taken up with the publick Duties of their Function. And tho' the Affiftance they give to this pious Defign, fliould not meet with any Re- ward from Men, yet their Comfort may be, that it is the Work of G o d, and will affuredly be rewarded by him, and the lefs they are obliged to this on Account of any Reward they receive from Men, the greater will their Reward be from the Hands of God. I muft therefore in- treat to the MijjionarieSy &C. 275 treat you to recommend it to them in my Name, and to difpofe them by all proper Arguments and Perfuafions to turn their Thought ferioufly to it, and to be always ready to offer and lend their Affifl- ance, at their Leifure Hours. And fo, not doubting of your ready and zealous Concurrence in promoting this important Work, and earneftly beg- ging a Bleffing from God upon this and all your other Paftoral Labours, I remain Your affedlionate Friend and Brother, May 19 Edm. London, T % CHAR 27^ Attempts to Convert CHAP. XI. The Iroquois horder on New- York and New-England. The Genius of the Northern Indians, and the Condition of their Countries. The Earl of Bellamont, Gcc'ernor of New- York, reprefents the Want of Miffwnaries for infinitiing the Iroquois. Jn Order of the j^ieen and Council for their Inflrutiion. The Society fend the Reverend Mr. Thoroughgood Moor Miffionary to them. His Labours ; they pro^e fruitlefs ; he embarks for Eng- land y he and all the Ship's Crew are loft at Sea. Tour Sachems or Indian Kings arri've in England ; they defire a Miffio- nary to i?i/Iru£i them and their people : They return home. Mr. Andrews is fent Mijftonary to the Mohocks. J Fort is built among them. They refufe to let their Children leUrn Englifli. Some Chapters of the ^ible^ and part of our Cofizmon-Trayer^ tranjlated into thelndi" an-IroquoisZ/^;ig^^^^ ; fo7ne few Indians are taught. The Mohocks will not fend their Children to School : refufe to come to the Iroquois Indians. 277 to he inflruBed. Mr. Andrews npre- fents all his Labours pro've tijelcfs. Leases this Mijfwn. TH E Indians bordering on the Co- The iro^mh lony of New^TorK are the Jro^^^^ qiwis, or five Nations, once a very Kcw-Engiand. numerous People s they deferved the firft Regard of the EngUJIj upon two Accounts ; they drove a confiderable Trade with the Englijh in Beaver at Albany^ and were the Frontier Nations againft the French Set- tlement at ^leiecky and the Canada Indians their Allies ; who in Conjundion have fe- veral Times ravaged the Frontiers of New- England and New-Tork, It was neceflary, upon a civil as well as religious Account, that the Society fhould employ their firft La- bours in endeavouring their Converfion> and accordingly they did fend the firft Mif- fionaries among thefe People. Before I give an Account of the Society's Endea- vours, it is neceflary to make fome Re- marks on the Genius of the Northern A- mericansy and on the Condition of the Countries they Inhabited. 2. It is firft tobe obferved, that the Genius TheGeniusfif and Temper of the Northern Americans {^^^^ iroqmis. T 3 very 278 Jt tempts to Cornier t very different from thofe of the Southern Continent. The once mighty Empires of T}\tNorth-j^- ^^^^^^^ ^^d Peru were filled with a Peo- meruan indi- pj^ civilized, which lived a fettled Life, iarians. " built ftately Cities and Towns, cultivated the Ground, had a Pagan Religion, ufed the Arts of Government, and Difcipline of War, and did certainly appear not only capable, but willing to receive all the more curious Arts the Europeans could teach them. But, on the contrary, the Northern Americans bordering on the Bri- tijh Colonies were utterly Barbarian^ nei- ther built Cities, nor cultivated the Ground, knew nothing of Morality or the common Decencies of human Life, were divided into numerous fmall Tribes, wandred na- ked in vaft Defarts and Woods, leading a Beftial Life, in perpetual Wars with each other, carried on with extream Cruelty, fuftaining themfelves with hunting, fiiliing, and the fpontaneous Produfts of the Earth. In ihort, as different from the Mexicans or Peruviafis^ as the Hords of Siberia and 'Tartary are i'*rom the Elegance and Ci- vility of the Southern Nations of Europe, 3. Besides, the Country was asrude as wX'mefs'' ^^^ Inhabitants. When the Englifi, per- without any haps prompted by the vaft Treafures the ^ Spaniards Ail their Towns, the Iroquois Indians. 279 Spaniards had got in Mexico and PerUy made their Settlements in North-America^ they were difappointed in their Hopes. They found no fuch Countries as the Spa- niards had, no Mines of Gold or Silver, no rich Cities like Mexico-^ but a naked and rude Country and People : The En^ glifi took nothing from the Natives but an uncultivated Soil : nay, that too they purchafed, tho' for a Trifle, yet that was a Price, fince the Natives would not turn it to its proper Ufe, and till it. All the Riches drawn from thefe Lands now by the Efiglijh^ is owing chiefly to their own honeft Labour, fcarce any Thing to that of the Natives ; whereas the Wealth of the Spajiiardsy is to this Day dug out of the Mines, at the Expence of the Sweat and Blood of the miferable Natives and Ne- groes. It is very probable, had the Providence of G o D diredled Columbus y and the Spanijh Fleet, to the Northern-America^ the Poverty of the Inhabitants would have fecured the Country. The Spaniards would not have thought it worth while to make any Settle- ments, where nothing was to be got without their own Labour \ but the immenfe Trea- fures of the Southern World did fo amaze them, that they refolved to get them^ (and T 4 they 28 o Attempts to Convert they did get them) at the Price of any Wickednefs, Several of 4. ANOTHER Matter to bc here remarked Self lay d^- IS, that many of thefe Countries, on which folate. the E?iglijh fettled, were not only unculti- vated, but almoft defolate, with very few Inhabitants, when the Englijh took Pof- feffion. Efpecially 'New-Rngland (now called) was almoft an abandoned Country. The New-England Hiftorian* writes thus : *^ T'he Summer after the Blazing Star " (whofe Motion in the Heavens was from •' Eaft to Weft, pointing out to the Sons of " Men^ the Progrefs of the glorious Gofpel '' of CHRIST') even about the Tear " 16 18, a little before the Removal of the ^* Church of CHRIST to New-England, " as the ancient Indians report^ there befel " a great Mortality among them^ the great eji Difeafes fall " that cver the Memory of Father to Son jdi before^he " took Noticc of \ chiefly defolating thofe Engiifb c^mt u places wheretheEn^Viih afterward planted there. c? w/ ^ " the County of Pockanochy Agiffawang, it was almoji wholly deferted, i?ifomuch that the Neighbour Indians did abandon thofe Places for Fear of Death, fleeing more Weft a?id by South, objervirig that the Eaft and by Northern Parts were " mofl it the Iroquois Indians. 281 " moji fmit with the Contagion. "The Abor- «^ ginny Men^ conjijiing of Mattachufetts, " WhippanapSj ^/2^ Tarratines, were greatly " weakened^ and more efpecially the three <* Kingdoms or Saggamore Ships of the " Mattachufetts, who were l^rfore this Mor- rj.^^j^^.^^^^^ " talify moll populous, having under the7n Netv-Enghnd ^ , , n (now called) '' Jeven Dukedoms, or petty Saggamores. f^ept away, " "fhe Nianticks and Narraganfetts, '^^^^^jtafk''''''''' *' before this l^ime were but of little Note, " yet were they now much increafed by fuch " as fled thither for Fear of Death, "The " Pecods (who retained the Name of a " Warlike People, till afterwards conquered ^^ by the Englifh) were alfo Jmitten at this " 'l^ime. I'heir Dijeafe being a fore Con- «' fumption, fweeping away whole Families^ " chiefly young Men and Children, the very '^ Seeds of Increafe, Their Powwowes, " which are their DoBors, working partly *' by Charm, partly by Medicine, were 7nuch <' amazed to fee their Wigwams (Houfes) lie " /w// of dead Corpfes, and now that nei^ " ther Squantam nor Abomocho could help, " which are fheir good and bad God, By " this Means, CHRIST not only ^' made Room for his People to plant, but ** alfo tamed the cruel Hearts of thefe bar^ ^^ barous Indians, infomuch that half an ^ Handful of his People^ landing not long '^ after 282 jittempts to Convert *^ after in Plymouth Plantation^ found little « Refjlance. The Indians T H E Indians of South and North-Caro- ^/r1ri"s^^X^^*^^> were fwept away by Difeafes and Carolina de- inteftinc Wars. Mr. Archdale^ 9l Perfon Wars^n/Dif- of Honour, who had been Governor of eafes. Carolina, and was a Proprietary, writes thus of them: " Providence was vifible " in thinning the Indians, to make Room " for the Englijh. There were two po- " tent Nations, the Wejioes and the Sa- *^ vannas, who broke out into an unufual *^ Civil War, before the Englijh arrived; *' and from many Thoufands, reduced " themfelves to a fmall Number. The " moft cruel of them, the Wejioes, were " driven out of the Province s and the " Savannas continued good Friends and " ufeful Neighbours to the Englijh. It " pleafedGoD alfo to fend unufual Sick« " nefles among them, as the Small Pox^ *' (^c, the Pemlico Indians in Norfh-Ca- *' rolina were lately fwept away by a Pe- " ftilence ; and xh^Coramifie hy a Wan Pe7ijyha7iia was fettled firft by the Swedes and Dutch, we know not in what Con- dition they found it, but when Mr, Pen came with the Englijli thicher, he purchafed of the Iroquois Indians. 283 of the Natives Ground, and they never had any Wars with them. Thefe Indians alfo fell into unufual Diftempers and died, perhaps it may be confidered as a Provi- dential Vifitation, at leaft a judicious Hi- ftorian tells us, an Indian War Captain,^ remarkable in his Sicknefs, made this ferious Expoftu- /S, as he lation with himfelf *, " What is the Mat-^'^ ^^''''^' " ter with Us Indians, that we are thus *^ Jck in our own Air^ arid thefe Strangers " well? 'I'is as if they were fent hither " to inherit our Lands in our Steads 5 but " the Reafon is plain y they love the Great " GO Dy and we do notr A Reflexion " very furprifing in a Barbarian ; but Mr. " Pen heard it, and attefted it to be Matter *^ of Fad to the Hiftorian. 5. T H I s was the Condition of the People and Country, when the Engljp made their firft Settlements in America : The Peo- ple were poor and wild, the Countries a meer Wildernefs, and almoft defolate, TheReafons ^ ' T^n I ^' n vvhv theSocie- The Society did, foon after their Eltablilh- ty endeavour- ment, endeavour the Converfion of the ^^^.^^^^^^ ^^''hJ Indians bordering on New-Tork. The Tro^^^^is firft. Frenchy and the adjoining Canada IndianSy had leveral Times, by various Artifices, fe- duced them to ravage the Frontier Settle- ments * Vid. Englifh Empire in Amer. p. i6z. 284 Attempts to Convert mcnts of New-England and New-Tork. The Earl of The Earl ofBellamont, in the Year 1700, Bellamont re- r >t -*/- 7 1 prefentsthe Govcmor of New-Torky made a Repre- fionariesto^ fentation to the Lords of Trade and Plan- convert tlie tations hcrc, *' That there was a great ^°^ °^^' ct ifr^^f oj- Jome Minijlers of the Church of «' England, to inflruB the five Nations of ** Indians, on the Frontiers y the third Day of April 1700. Prefent the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty in Council Upon the Iroquois InMans. 285 " upon reading this Day at the Boards a An Order " Reprejentation from the Lords CofumiJio-'o^^^J^^^ '' ners of "Trade and Plantations, dated Council con- ^ cernmg mftru- " the fecond of this Month, relating to Her edngt.\^zk In- " Majejlys Province of New-York in A- '^'''''' " nierica, fetting forth among other Things^ ^' that as to the five Nations bordering upon " New-York, leaft the Intrigues of the " French of Canada, and the Infiuence of *^ their Priefts, who frequently converjky ^' and fometimes inhabit with //^^t- Indians, *' Jhould debauch them from Her Majefifs " Allegiance, their Lordpips are humbly " of OpiJiion, that befides the ufual Method " of engaging the faid Indians by Prefents ; *' another Means to prevent the hifiuence of '' the French Miffionaries among them, {and " thereby more effectually to fecure their Fi- " delity) would be, that two Proteftant Mi- '' nifiers be appointed, with a coinpetent Al- '' low a nee, to dwell among thejn, in order to '^ infiruB them in the true Religio?!, and ■' co?ifir?n them in their Duty to Her Ma- '^'^ jefty. It is ordered by Her Majejiy in ^^ Council, that it be, and it is hereby ^^ referred to his Grace the Lord Arch- *^ bifiop of Canterbury, to take fuch Care " therein as ?nay mofl effediually anfwer *^ this Service. His 286 Attempts to Convert Archbifliop His Grace ^the Archbiihop, the Prefi- ^enifon orders Jeiit of this Socicty, communicated this to meet at iiioft gracious RefoKition to the Board. Lambeth. 'j-j^g Society agreed prefently to do their utmoft. A Miffion among the Indiatii they knew would be attended with many Difficukies, and therefore it was not an ealie Matter to procure a proper Perfon who would undertake it. The Inhabitants oi yllbanyy loo Miles {vomNew-Tork, and a Frontier to the Indians^ were chiefly The Society £)^^^/,^ ^nd had the chief Dealings with two MimoTa- the Indians \ Mr. Dellins a Minifter had rics to endea- ^^^-^^^ there; and was reprefented to the vour to con- ' t^ r vert the /r^- Socicty as a Very proper Perfon to at- ^'''''' tempt the Converfion of the Indians. The Society were alfo informed, that during his Refidence at Albany^ he had been ufeful in inftruding and converting fome of the Indians who ufed to refort to that Place, had baptized feveral, and had gained a tolerable Knowledge of their Language- The Society invited him to undertake this Miffion, he was then in Hollajid^ hav- ing returned to Europe upon his private Affairs, but he declined it. Mr. Freeman^ a Cal'vinifi Minifter at ScheneElady^ a little Village fituate on a River in a very plea- fant Vale, diftant 20 Miles from Albany^ and the Iroquois Indians. 287 and 24 from the firft Caftle of the Mo- hockSy a Nation of the Iroquois Indians^ was next pitched upon for this Work, but he alfo declined it. He had taken great Pains to inftruft fome of the Indians who came to ScheneSlady^ had gained a good Knowledge of their Language, and with the Help of fome Interpreters, had tranflated feveral Pfalms, the Ten Commandments, the Creed, fome Chap- ters of the Bible, into the Indian Language. Ux^shlrough- At laft, the Reverend Mr. Thorouzhzoods"''^^'''' }']'' dertakes this Moor undertook this Miffion, with great Miffion. Zeal and Refolution. He was direfted by the Society to refide in fome of the neareft Settlements of the Indians^ to learn their Language, and by all Ways of Condefcen- tion to endeavour to inftruft them in the Chriftian Religion. He arrived at New- Tork in 1704, and was received by the Lord Cornbiiryy the Governor, with all poffible Countenance and Favour. 6. Mr. Moor foon entred upon theBulinefs of his Miffion, and went up to Albany ; fome Indians being then in Town, and hearing of his Defign, feemed much pleafed with it, came to fee him, and fpoke to this EfFeft. " We are come to exprefs 1! ci^i" Joy at your fafe Arrival, and that !' you 288 Attempts to Convert ^^ you have efcaped the Dangers of a *' dreadful Sea, which you have croffed, ^^ I hear, to hiftruft us in Religion. It " only grieves us, that you are come in " Time of War, v^hen it is uncertain *' whether you will live or die with us'': And after this, a Sachem, or petty King, came to him, with fome other Indians ^ and addreffed him thus : '' We are come " to exprefs our great Satisfaction, that Zml^toZ'' God hath been fo propitious to us as to of being in- « f^nd you to opcu out Eycs, which have " been hitherto (hut." Thefe congratu- latory Expreffions were very plealing to " hn, he told them in Return, " that nothing '*- fliould be wanting on his Part, and that '^ he would devote himfelf to their Good, ** and that he only ftaid at Albany to learn ^^' their Language, in order to teach them. He did not then make any publick Pro- pofition to them, but intended to take (he firll: Opportunity of doing, it at their own Caftle, He was kept longer than he expected, from going tliither, by a great Fall of Snow. However, he fent a Meflage to them by three of their own Country- men, with a handfome Prefent to them (a Belt of Indian Money) promifmg to come himfelf very foon to fee them > w^hich Promife he performed with great Diffi- the Iroquois Indians. 28^ Difficulty. Being come to x.\iq Mohocks C2iQ\Q^ they received him courteouily, one of the 5^- che?ns told him, that they had received his Meflage, but it was lately ; and not having confulted with the other Caftle, (which was about 12 Miles diftant) they could give no Anfwer to it now, but they would confult with them on the firft Opportunity, and then fend their Anfwer. Mr. Moor thought himfelf fomew^hat difappointed, and was afraid their Delay in receiving him to re- fide with them, was an artificial Excufe y however, he told them with all Civility, The Indians that he would wait for their Anfwer, and £r with fri- fo returned to Albany, where, in a little ].'°^°^^ ^^'^^^ Time, one of thofe Mohocks came with this Anfwer : *' The Vifit you made us, *' and the Defign of it, was very welcome, ^* for which we return you our Thanks. " We have always lived in great Friend- " fliip with our Brethren of this Province • " but we have been all along in fuch Dark- " nefs, and our Eyes fo covered, that we " have not known what will become of " our Souls after Death. ■ We cannot " but rejoice that God ihould be fo good " to us, as to make us this Offer j but it <' grieves us, that the reft of our Brethren, ^ " the other four Nations, are like to have *' no fuch Bleffiing -, therefore it is necef- U [[ fary 2^0 Attempts to Convert " fary we firft acquaint them (for we are " all but one Houfe) and then we will " give you a pofitive Anfwer." Mr. Moor found himfelf again difappointed, and thought he had new Matter for Suf- picion, that they did not intend to receive him among them. However, he made this Return to the Sachem who brought him the Meffage : " I have confidered " your Anfwer, and am forry it is not " more full and fatisfadtory. As to what " you fay about the other Nations, I be- " lieve they will rather rejoice at your *^ Happinefs, than have any Sufpicions " about it. Efpecially, when they are told, " that there is another Minifter daily ex- ^' pedted for the Oncydes^ and one for " every other Nation, as foon as proper " and willing Perfons can be found ; but Mr. M?^ris" I will flay for your Anfwer with the difappointed, cc nrreateft Patience". He waited a lone the Indians p i i . quite negled Time at Albany . but could obtain no Anfwer at all ; he then returned to New- Tork^ and fent the Society his Reafons for defifting from this Work at prefent. " That he had been at Albany near a " Twelvemonth, and had ufed all the He returns to" Means he could think of, to get the New-Y^rk, c. g^^^ ^7111 of the Indians-, that their [^ unreafonable Delays and frivolous Ex- ^- cufes the Iroquois Indians. 29 1 *' cufes for not giving him a final An- " fwer, with fome other Circumftances, " were a fufficient Indication of their " Refolution never to accept him. And " therefore expeding either no Anfwer at '' all, or at laft a pofitlve Denial, he had " left them, and was come to New-TorL Some Time after, Mr. T'horoughgood Moorue embarks embarked for England-, but it was thought ^^^ ^'^^''"^^ the Ship founder'd at Sea; for neither he, He and the or any of the Crew, or any Wreck of the crew loft at Ship, were ever heard of after. ^^** 7. Thus was this Attempt fruftrated, but the Society did receive Accounts, that this ill Succefs was owing, not only to the A- verfion of the Indians to Chriftianity, but was very much occafioned by the Artifices of the French Jefuits, who induftrioufly obftrudl the Labours of the Englip Miffio- naries among them, and leave no Means untryed, to feduce them from their Fidelity to the Crown of England, and keep them in a continual War with the -E^^/^A some Reafons And indeed all the Evils that the Englip of Mr. Moor\ Colonies have undergone, during the laft^ War, have been occafioned by the 7;?^^/;^, that is, thofe Indians, which the Jefuits have by their Artifices corrupted. For among the five Nations there Is a great Number U 2 of 2^2 Jttempts to Convert of French Jefuits, who are incorporated by Adoption into their Tribes, and as fuch they oftentatiou fly afliime Jr^j^(?/i Names ; and the poor filly India?2s, confidering them as if Perfons of their own Blood, do entirely confide in them, and admit them into their Councils, from whence one may eafily imagine what Diforders the Jefuits make in their Affairs. Befides, the Indians bordering on New-England^ are the moft cruel and barbarous of all the Savage Nations, and have deftroyed all their innocent Neighbours. They are always unfixed, either rambling for fe- veral Months together, or hunting, or upon Warlike Expeditions; and at their Return to the Villages, have generally unlearned all their former Inftrud:ions; and it is impoffible for any Minifter to accompany them in their Ramble of 3 or 400 Leagues at a Time. New Hopes 3^ After this good Endeavour was or converting _ o th^Mians, defeated, the Indians remained without Inftrudlion, except that fome few were taught by the Dutch Minifter at Albatiy, But the Year 1709, produced an Event which the Society hoped might have had very happy Confequences, and fixed Chri- ftianity among the Iroquois. Four Sache?ns, or the Iroquois Indians. 2^3 or chief Perfons of four Nations of the^'o"^ Iroquois Iroquois^ came in the Nature of Embaf-petty-Kings,t fadors to England, confirming the Peace ""'^"JJ ^'"^^^f^^ made with the Governor of New-Tork^h^^^^md-tdi* and requefting Her Majefty would be pleafed to direft that their Subjefts might be inftrudted in Chriftianity, and Mini- fters might be fent to refide among them. The Archbifliop of Canterbury received the following Letter from the Earl of Sunderland, then one of Her Majefly*s Principal Secretaries of State. Whitehall, April 20. 1710. My Lord, THE Inclofed beijig a Copy of whatQnt&nANNE has been given to the ^UE E N by the ^m be^ Embajfadors lately arrived from //J^inftrudted. five Indian Nations, I am ordered by Her Majefiy to tranfmit it to your Grace, and to fignifie to you Her Pleafure, that you lay it before the Society for Propagating Religion, that they may confider what may . be the more proper Ways of cultivating that good Difpofition thefe Indians feem to be in for receiving the Chrifiian Faith, and for fending thither fit Perfons for that purpofe, and to report their Opinion without Lofs of 'Time, that the fame may be laid before Her Majefiy. I am, &c. Sunderland J &c. U 3 The 2^4 Attempts to Convert The Archbifliop was then much m- difpofed, and confined to his Houfe with the Gout, and therefore fignified to the Secretary of the Society, to call a Com- mittee to meet at Lambeth, A Committee The Society jj^^t, and it was agreed there, and aftev- Miffionariestoward by the Society at a general Meeting, tiiz Iroquois. ^-1^^^ ^^Q MilTionaries fhould be fent to the Mohock and Oncydes Indians -, with a Salary of 150 /. Sterling each, together with an Interpreter and Schoolmafter, to teach the young Indians, and this Opinion QxiemJNKE^^^ humbly laid before the Queen : Her orders a Fort Majefty was farther pleafed to diredl that the Mobocks^Foi't ihould be built among the Mohocks, Callle. ^^ i-}^^ Government's Expence, with a Chapel and a Manfion Houie for the Minifter, for his greater Conveniency and Security, and that the religious Offices might be per- formed with due Decency. A Fort was foon after built 150 Feet fquare, and garrifoned with 20 Soldiers and an Offi- cer, and a Houfe and Chapel compleated. The Reverend Mr. Andrews was appointed Miffionary, andMr. C/^///t';2, who had been feveral Years employed as Interpreter by the Government of New-Tork, in Tranf- adions with the Indians, was received as Interpreter to Mr. Jndrcws^ and Mr. Oli'ver was the Iroquois Indians. 295 was made Schoolmafter. Mr. Andrews was particularly diredled by the Society to ufe all poffible Means to perfuade the hidiajis to let their Children learn Ejiglijh^ and the Schoolmafter was to make it his whole Bufmefs to teach them. The Society were now in good Hopes this Attempt would prove fuccefsful, fmce Her Majefty was fo gracioufly pleafed to provide for the Security of the Miffionary by building a Fort juft by the Mohocks Caftle, to which the Men and Children might eafily refort to be inftrudled. And the Sachems^ theThe s-^^^^^f chief Perfons of thefe People, had been in ^^^^"J^" coun-^'"^ 'England^ received many Marks of Royal tries. Favour, had been Eye-witneffes of the Greatnefs of the Nation, had been nobly entertained here, and carried home to their own Countries fafely and honourably, and had themfelves alfo defired their People might be inftrudled in the Chrlftian Faith. 9. Mr. Andrews arrived at Albany in -^^^-'^^^^fj^^') "u ember 17 12. the Sachems who had been Miffionary to carried home before he went from En^'^^ ^'^''^'' gland^ were convened by Order of the Go- vernor of New-Tor k, to meet Mr. ^^^^ Arrives at .^Z- drews and the Commiflioners for Indian Aifairs, 2X Albany, in order to give a pub- lick Authority and Sanation to Mr. An^ U 4 drews's 2^6 Attempts to Convert drews*s Miffion, and that the Sachems might receive him their Minifter, with greater Solemnity. The Sachems came to Albany^ niet the Commifiioners for Indian Affairs, and Mr. Andrews ; the Commiffioners made a long Speech to the Sachems^ reminding them how graci- ous Her Majefty was in building a Fort, and fending a Minifter to them; put them in Mind how earneftly they had re- quelled it, and fet forth what Advan- tages they and their Children would reap, by being taught our Religion and Learn- ing. A Letter from the Archbiihop of Canterbury was delivered to them, and af- terwards read to them in Indian^ by Mr. Claujen^ the Interpreter of the Province. Some of the Sachems made Speeches, and returned Thanks to the Q^een, expreffed "VhtBachems^ great Satisfadlion in having a Minifter receive Mr fent them, and received Mr. Andrews 2.% their Miniiler. fuch, and promifed him all civil and kind Ufage y the whole Affair was tranfadted with much Ceremony. The Sachems re- turned home, Mr. Andrews ftaid fome Time at Albany to refrefh himfelf ; foon after he went up to the Fort, 200 Miles from New-Tark^ accompanied by Robert Levinjion Efq; the Mayor of Albany, Cap- f tain Matthews^ Mr. Strooman of ScheneBady^ the the Iroquois Indians^ 297 the Reverend Mr. Barclay^ and feveral other Gentlemen j he was prefently vifited by a great many India?is^ Men, Women, and Children, who fainted him with A- bundance of Joy, and bad him welcome to their County. The Caftle or chief Town of thefe A Dcfcri- Mohocks is neighbouring to the Queen's P^X.;^/ Ca' Fort, COnflfting of about 50 ^/^w^;;;^ ftle, & manner or Houfes. Thefe Wigwams are Hurts ^ ^^'^^' made of Matts and Bark of Trees put to- gether, with Poles about three or four Yards high. The Mohocks Cloathing is a fliort Coat like a Mantle, made of a Blan- kett or Bear's Skin, their Bed is a Matt or Skin laid on the Ground. They paint ^nd greafe themfelves very much with Bear's Fat clarified y they cut the Hair off from one Side of their Heads, and tye up fome of that on the other Side, in Knotts, on the Crown, with Feathers. The Men are very flothful, the Women very labo- rious, meer Servants to their Husbands; they carry all the Burthens, fetch the Ve- nifon home their Husbands kill, (the Men are too lazy to bring it,) get in the Wood to burn and drefs it, carry their Children on their Backs in their Rambles, of many hundreds of Miles, hoe the Ground, and plant 2^8 Attempts to Convert plant all the Indian Corn that is raifed. The Language of this People is very diffi- cult, their Idea s are very fev^, and their Words therefore not many, but as long as Sen- tences, expreffing by a long rumbling Sound, what we do in a fhort Word. There is here no manner of Conveniency of Life for a Miffionary. For four or five Months in the Year, there is fcarce any ftirring abroad, by Reafon of the extream Coldnefs of the Weather, and the deep Snows that fall; and in Summer-time, the Flies and Muf- cheto's are almoft intolerable, and the Rattlefnakes very dangerous. The nearefl Place of getting any Provifions, is at Sche- ncBady^ 24 Miles diftant, or from Albany 44 Miles off. The Road to thefe Places is for the moft Part only a fmall, rough lndian?2.\}a, thro' vaft Woods, where riding is very dangerous, by Reafon of the Road being in many Places flopped with fallen Trees, Roots, Stones and Holes, befides many high and fteep Hills, and deep Swamps or Boggs in the Way. There was nothing defirable to be feen, the Face of the Earth rude and uncultivated, like the wild Inha- bitants, no Pleafure to be got but that of doing Good to the miferable Natives. These the Iroquois Indians. 299 These were the Circumftances of the Place and People whither Mr. Andrews was appointed 5 and notwithftanding all thefe Inconveniencies, he refided there, and invited the Indians to come to him , many came, he ufed to difcourfe very much with them, in- ftrudling them in the chief Articles of Faith, and giving them fhort general Accounts of our Religion. This was done by the Help of Mr. Claufen, who always attended and interpreted to the Indians, Mr. Claufen had been formerly taken Prifoner by the Indians, lived long among them, and un- derflood their Language fufficiently. Mr. Andrews ufed to make fhort Accounts of the Chriftian Doftrines, and fome Hiftorical Parts of the Bible, particularly the Crea- tion of the World, and Miracles of our Lord : The Interpreter ufed to read them to the Indians -, and Divine Service ufed to be performed in E?iglifi to the Soldiers in the Garrifon. The Schoolmafter Mr. Oliver opened his School The Indians at firft fent many of their Children, he be- gun to teach them Englijh, the Parents obftinately refufed to have them taught Englip. All poflible Endeavours were ufed TJ^^ ^^'^^^ to perfuade them ; they ftill perfifted. Mr. their Children Ajidrews fent this Account to the Society, ^^'''' ^^g^^J^-i and rather than quite break with the Indians, the 300 Jttempts to Convert the Schoolmafter and Interpreter began to teach the Children a little in Indian, The Society were forced to comply with the Indians Obftinacy. They procured an Im- preflion of Hornbooks and Primmers in Indian for the Children, fent them great Numbers, as alfo Leathern Inkhorns, Pen- knives, a Quantity of Paper of feveral Sorts, and feveral other little Neceffaries. The Children were now taught in Indian^ and were treated with great Kindnefs-, no Correction dared to be ufed, for the Parents were fo fond of their Children, and valued Learning fo little, they thought it not worth gaining, at the leaft difpleafing of their Children. To engage them farther to learn, Mr. Andre^ws ufed to give the Children who came to School, Victuals, and fome fmall Utenfils for their Parents. The Children ufed often to come for the Sake of getting Vidluals ; for the Indiam are frequently drove to great Extremities, L^fug}ft'1> Account of their making little or no the Indian Provifion beforehand. The Children had a good natural Capacity, and an Aptnefs for Learning. Many of them begun to read, and fome to write. This Method of giving them Viftuals engaged the Parents to fend them, for fome Time, to School. In the Iroquois Indians, 301 I N the mean Time, Mr. Andre-ws pro- ceeded to inftrud the grown Indians by ^i^. M^rms Help of the Interpreter, in fome of the-nft^^^^! chief Articles of Faith and Rules of Life, by Help of an Divine Service was conftantly performed on I^^^"*?'^^^^- Sundays and Holidays in Englifi to the Soldiers j and fuch Indians as underftood any Englip, frequently attended in the Chapel. The Chapel was very decently adorned. Queen Anne had given a hand- fome Furniture for the Communion-Table. The Imperial Arms of England^ painted on Canvafs, were fixed up in the Chapel. Archbiihop T'enifon gave 12 large Bibles very finely bound for the Ufe of the Chapels j with painted Tables, containing the Creed, Lord's-Prayer, and Ten Com- mandments, Mr. Andrews was very civil to all the India?2s who came to hear him, ufed frequently to entertain them at his Houfe, and gave them Provifions home when they wanted very much, and that they often did. The Society, fince they could by no Means prevail on the Indi- ans to learn Eaglijh, neither young nor old, laboured to get fome good Tranflations made, of Parts of the Scripture at leaft, into the Indian Language ; tho' exceeding improper to convey a due Idea of the Chri. 302 Attempts to Convert Chriilian Dodtrines ; as being willing by all Methods of Compliance, to gain fomething upon them. The Society were very much aflifted in this, by Mr. Freeman, a very wor- thy Calvinift Minifter. He had been five Years Minifter ^t SchejieBady, to a Dutch Congregation, and had been employed by the Earl of Bellamont in the Year 1700, to convert the hidians. He had a good Know- ledge of tlie Dialedl of the Mohocks, which is underilood by all the Iroquois, who reach near 400 Miles beyond Albany, The So- ciety applied to him for any proper Papers wrote in that Language, which he might have. He acquainted the Society, that he had tranflated into Indian the Morning and Evening Prayer of our Liturgy, the whole g'^etfev^^^^^^ ^^^P^l ^f St. Matthew, the three firft Portions of Chapters of Genefis, feveral Chapters of frSedinto-E^^^^^j fcvcral Pfalms, many Portions of Lrnguje.'^ ^'"^ Scripture relating the Birth, Paffion, Reiurredion, and Afcenfion of our Lord ; and feveral Chapters of the ift Epiflle to the Corinthians, particularly the ic^th Chapter, proving the Refurreftion of the Dead. He very frankly gave the Society a Copy of thefe Tranflations, which were fent to Mr. Andrews for his Help, and they were a great Help to him. He ufed frequently to read fome of thefe to the Indians, and they could the Iroquois Indians. 303 could comprehend well enough by his read- ing. But the Society were delirous fome Part of the Scripture might be printed in Indian, and the Copies given to the hi- dians, and they taught at leaft to read that. , -Tyr . J T? • Mr. Andrews Accordingly the Mornmg and i^vening ^^^^^^3 ^,ny Prayer, the Litany, the Church-Catechifm, W/^^-^- Family-Prayers, and feveral Chapters of the Old and New Teftament, were printed at NeW'Tork -, the Copies were fent to Mr. Andrews, and he gave them to fuch of the Indians as kne\r any Thing of Letters. He had Hopes now of fome Succefs in his Miffion 5 feveral of the Women, and fome Men, began to lead more orderly Lives ; they were inftruded and retained well in their Memory, what the chief Articles of our Faith are, and Rules of Life; a good Number was baptized, and particular Accounts were fent regularly to the So- ciety. Mr. Andrews was willing to try what Good he could do among another Nation of the India?2S, he travelled to the Caftle of the Onydans, loo Miles diftant from the Mohocks, the Country all the Way was a vaft Wildernefs of Wood, and the Road thro' it a narrow Indian Path. ^^^^^^- ^^^^^^^^^^ He was forced to carry all Neceffaries \\ixhonydan Ira- him, and at Night to lie upon a Bear's^'''''' Skin. When he arrived at the Caftle, he was 304. Attempts to Convert was vilited by more than 100 People, who feemed all glad to fee him ; he read feveral Papers to them, ftaid fome Time with them, and after Inltru6tion baptized fe- veral, whofc Names have been tranfmitted to the Society. Mr. Andrews afterwards retm-ned to the Mohocks^ his Place of Re- fidence. The Indians In a fliort Time, the hidiajis grew weary fnftrudtioZ^ ^f Inftrudion, the Men grown,would go out in Bodies a hunting for feveral Months, and forget all they had been taught : and the young Boys when they grew up, were taken out by their Fathers to hunt, and fo loft all they had got. This roving Life ut- terly deftroyed all the Miflionary and Schoolmafter's Labours. But befides this Difficulty, and the natural Averfenefs of the Indians to Learning, two Misfortunes happened, which created a Jealoufie, and afterwards a Hatred in the Indiaris againft all the Ejiglifiy as well as againft their Re- Several Je.vli^lon. Some Tefuits, Emiflaries from %/f^- againft the'fit'^^^'^^ among the Canada Indians adjoining ^/(/?^bytheje-to the IroqiioiSy had infufed into the Minds (ararTlndkns.^^ thofe People, that the Englifi did not intend by building a Fort among the Iro-* qiwisy to teach them their Religion, but quots^ the Iroquois Indians. 305 to cut them all oiF, at a proper Jundure : And that a Box had been found acciden- tally, left by the Englijh, when they at- tempted ^ebeck^ containing Papers which difcovered this Intention of the Englijh. The Canada Indiam believed this idle Story, and fpread it among all the Iroquois. This ftirred up fome Jealoufie \ but a far- ther Misfortune did quite fet the Indiam againft the Englijh, Some of the Tufca- raro Indians^ who had fled from Norths Carolina after the War there with the En- glijh, came and fettled in the Country of the Onontages, one of the Iroquois Nations, bor- dering on the Mohocks, Thefe People be- ing enraged at the Englip, ftirred up the Onontages againft them, telling them they had been moft barbaroufly ufed, and drove out of their Country, and that the Englijh watched only for an Opportunity to ex- tirpate them too. The other Indians were too eafily perfuaded to believe every thing the T*uJcararo Indians told them \ fo that when any of thefe People came by the M?- hocks Caftle, and the Queen's Fort, in their Way to Albany, to trade and buy themfelves Neceffaries 5 they ufed only to mock at Mr, Andrews when he would offer to talk to them about Religions and when he proffered X to ^o6 Attempts to Convert to go to their Abode, they abfolutely forbad him. In a little Time the old Mohocks rT^ul-e cotng^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^S ^^ ^^e Chapel to Mr. An^ to be inilrua- ^r^^j, and the Children came no more to €0,. School. Mr. Andrews wrote the Society Word of the ill Succefs of his Miffion, " tho' " he had fpared no Pains, that the hopeful " Beginnings proved of no EflFed at laft, *' and that he began to defpair of convert- ^^ ing the Indians, The Society found now, from feveral fiid^^th^erLl^^^^^^^^^' that theMiflion among the /;/- boms fruitlefs. ^/^;25 proved fruitlefs ^ that it was not poffible to teach them the Chriftian Reli- gion, before they were in fome Degree ci- vilized 5 and they found the following Dif- ficulties did wholly hinder that. No Means could be found to engage the w^chMndlr--^^^^*^^^ ^^ 1^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ Life, to apply edtheConvcr-themfelves to cultivate the Ground, to roiiuou. build Towns, and to raife Cattle. They would ftill rove thro' their vaft Woods many Hundreds of Miles, depend for their Subfiftance upon the Game they could kill; they would eat all Sorts of Carrion, and in fome long Rambles, when by various Ac- cidents they could get no Game, would kill and the Iroquois Indians. 307 and eat one another, even their Wives, and that without any Concern or Remorfe. Generally half of a Hord or Nation v^ent out a Hunting or a Warring upon a neigh- bouring Nation together, and in thefe Ex- peditions forgot all the little they had learned, and at their Return were as meer Savages as ever. They could not be dif- fuaded from taking Wives, and leaving them at their Pleafure j this not only hindred Religion from being fixed among them, but was the Caufe that a great many aged Men and Women perifhed miferably, as having no one to take any Care of them. They would in their Wars ufe the greatefl Barbarities, and deftroy all the Prifoners they could take by fuch extreme Tortures, it would move too much Horror in the Reader to have them related. It is true, they were very fond of their Children, but they perverted even fo good a Principle ; they would not oblige them to learn any manual Art, or our Language, but let them live a lazy, beftial Life. Nay, fome of the young Children, who have by Chance fallen into the Englif:> Hands, and lived in Families, been taught our Language, learnt a decent Behaviour, and known X 2 fome- 3o8 Jttempts to ConDert fomething of Tillage, or a Handycraft, when they have grown up, have run wild again, have thrown off their Cloaths, and chofe rather to ramble naked almoft in the Woods with their own People, than to live a Ibber and fettled Life. But the greateft Obftruftion to their being civilized, was their Greedinefs of ftrong Liquors, efpecially Rum, and the fatal Eifedt Drunkennefs hath upon them. When they drink, they will never leave off till they have gone to the greateft Excefs, and in this Condition, they are moft wretched Objedls : they grow quite mad, burn their own little Hutts, mur- der their Wives or Children, or one an- other : So that their Wives are forced to hide their Guns or Hatchets, and them- felves too, for Fear of Mifchief. And if the Men thro' this Excefs fall into any Sicknefs, they perifli miferably, as having no Methods of helping themfelves by Phy- fick or otherwife. It is indeed Matter of great Wonder, that thefe wretched People, who have lived joining to the Englifi Settlements fo ma- ny Years, and cannot but obferve that the the Iroquois Indians. 305 the Englifi^ by Agriculture, raife Pro- vilions out of a Imall Spot of Ground, to fupport in Plenty great Numbers of People; whereas they by their Hunting, cannot get a wretched Subfiftance out of all their Wilderneffes of feveral Hundred Leagues in Extent j fl:iould ftill refufe to till their Ground, or learn any manual Art ; (hould ftill live a beftial Life, infen- fible of Shame or Glory. It is true, the Englijh have taken from them exceeding large Countries, yet this, far from being a Prejudice, would be a vaft Advantage to them, if they would but learn the Englip^ Language, Arts, and Induftry. They have ftill an immenfe Extent of Land, part of which, if duly cultivated, is able to maintain many Millions of People more than they are. It might have been imagined the Sachems^ thofe petty Kings, who were in England in the late Queen's Time, fl^ould have been fo ftrongly affefted with feeing the Grandeur, Pleafure, and Plenty of this Nation, that when they came to their own Countries, they would have tried to reduce their Peo- ple to a polite Life ; would have employed their whole Power to expel that rude Bar- barifm, and introduce Arts, Manners, and Religion. But the contrary happened, they X 3 f^ink 3IO Jt tempts to Comer t funk themfelves into their old brutal Life, and tho' they had feen this great City, when they came to their own Woods, they were all Savages again. Mr. Andrews wrote feveral Accounts Mr. ^Wr^^d^^more in 171 8, that all his Labours proved counT of thefe ineffectual, the Indians would not fend their Difficulties &Q^jyj.^j^ to School, and no Body came to deiircs to be •' difmiiVd from the Chapel j that the four other Nations of the Iroquois^ as they came by the Mohocks Caftle, infulted and threatened him, that the Interpreter and Schoolmafter perceived all their Labour was loft, and that they were " frequently in Danger of their Lives if they went out of the Fort. The Society re- ceived thefe Accounts with much Diffatis- fadion, as being extre^mly contrary to what their good Defires had made them hope. However, they were fo unwilling to aban- The Society ^Qj^ ^]^js wrctclicd Pcoplc to thcmfclves, iTmor/^^;//.T,that they would not difmlfs Mr. Andrews To^^i^t"^^^^ his Miffion, upon his own Reprefen- to thisMatter. ^^^-JQn of his ill Succefs. They wrote to the Governor of New-Tork, Robert Hunter Efq; acquainted him with the Accounts they had received, and requefted the Fa- vour of his Excellency, to caufe an Inquiry to be made, whether Mr. Andrews Labours were the Iroquois Indians, were fo fruitlefs among the Indians, and fubmitted it to his Judgment to difmifs Mr. Andrews if they (hould be found fo. The Accounts tranfmitted hither were found true upon Examination, and Mr. Andrews left that mifcrable Race of Men. 311 X4 CHAP. 312 Miffionaries fent CHAP, XIL J confiderabk Number of the Inhabitants ^Bofton petition King CHJRLES the Second^ that a Church might he allowed in that City^ which is granted. Soon after the Rife of this Society, federal other Towns build Churches :, and dejire Miffionaries might be fent to them. The 9eopk of Rhode-Ifland build a Churchy, and ha've a Miffionary fent them. The People of Providence, Narraganfett, Newbury^Marblehead^Briftol^Stradford, defirc Miffionaries, and build Churches ; Miffionaries are fent to each Town, and the Church "People increafe. Miffionaries fent to Fairfield and Braintree. A new Church is built at Bofton, ©r. Cutler appointed Minifier. Two Schoolmafiers fiipported. Twelve Churches built in this Go'vernment. If A Confiderable Number of the Inha- J^"^^ bitants of Bcjion petitioned King CHARLES the Second about the Year 1679, "^'h^t a Church might be aU lowed in that City, for the Exercife of Re- ligion to New-England 313 ligion according to the Church of "EnzX^nA',^^^^^^^^^ which was accordingly granted, a nd>// petition ^. ^ 11 1 1 V^- . y^7 ^ / King Charles the Church called the Ktng s Lhapel. the Church This is the firft Place where the Church ^-v^^^^^^^^^ of England Worfliip was exercifed in New- Bojion. Eiigland. The Congregation increafed ve- ry confiderably, and His Majefty King WILLIAM was therefore pleafed to fettle a Salary of One Hundred Pounds a Year, for the Support of an Affiftant to the Minifter of that Church; which Royal Bounty is ftill continued. 2. But foon after the Eftabliihment ofThePeopleof this Society, when the Reverend Mr. Muir-\^ Netu-Eng- Jon was fent Miffionary to Rye in ^^^'^-'^ork^^^^^Jf'^^^ Government, the neighbouring People in Church-Wor^ Conne5iicut Colony in New-E7igla?id^ be- n^^^cr^thcm.^ came defirous of having the Church of England Worfhip fettled among them too. The People oi Stradford, about 60 Miles diftant from Rye^ were very zealous, and requefted Mr. Muirjon to vilit them. Mr. Mtiirjhn refolved to make them a Vifit, and Colonel Heathcote^ a worthy Gentle- man, (frequently mentioned in the fore- going Sheets) of a confiderable Intereft in WeJi-CheJ}er County, adjoining to ConneBi- cut Colony, was pleaied to honour him with his Company in this Progrefs ; and after- wards 314 Miffionaries feni wards wrote the Society the following Ac» count of their Reception there, " We " found that Colony much as we expeded, *^ very ignorant of the Conllitution of our " Church, and therefore Enemies to it. TheReverend » The Towns are furnifhed with Minifters, preaches at fe- " chiefly Independents^ denying Baptifm to ^J^iJS" " ^he Children of all fuch as are not in full " Communion with them, there are many " Thoufands in chat Government unbaptiz- ** ed. The Minifters were very uneafie at our " coming among them, and abundance of " Pains were taken to terrifie the People " from hearing Mr. Muirfon. But it avail'd ^' nothing, for notwithftanding all their ^ Endeavours, we had a very great Con- " gregation, and indeed infinitely beyond '' Expedation. The People were wonder- ^^ fully furprized at the Order of our " Church, expecting to have heard and " feen fome ftrange Thing, by the Accounts " and Reprefentation of it that their Teach- " ers had given them. Mr. Muirfon bap- " tized about 25, moft grown People, at '' StradfordJ' This was the firft Step that was made towards introducing the Church Worihip into this Colony. Mr. Muirfon gave the fame Account of his Journey, adding, that the People invited him to come again to them. Accordingly, in April 1707, he vilited to New-England. 315 vifited them, and Colonel Heathcote was pleafed to go again with him. They now found the People much more earneft ^j^^ ^^^^^^^^ to have the Church Worihip fettled, and ^^^^^ oppofe ^ , I • r J 1 Tv>r' the Church of xh^ Independents more mcenled j tne Mi-^y^^^^Wor- nifters and Magiftrates were remarkably in-^^^P being in- duftrious, going from Houfe toHoufe, bufy- ing themfelves, and perfuadlng the People from hearing Mr. Muirfon, and threaten- ing thofe with Punifhment andlmprifon- ment who would go to hear him preach. Mr. Muirfon defcribes their Oppofition in thefe Words. " One of their Magiftrates, "' with fome other Officers, came to my " Lodgings, and in the Hearing of Colonel " Heathcote and a great many People, read " a Paper ; the meaning of it was, to let '' me know, that I had done an illegal " thing, in coming among them to efta- *' blifh a new Way of Worj[hip_, and to " forewarn me from preaching any more. '' And this he did by Virtue of one of " their Laws, the Words of which, as he " exprefled them, were thefe. Be it en- '' afted, &c. That there Jhall be no Mi- " nifin or Church Adminijiration enter- " tained or attended by the Inhabitants of ^' any "Town or Plantation in this Colo7iy, " dijiin5l and fepar ate from, and in Oppofition '^ to^ that which is openly and publickly ob- ^^ ferved 3 1 tf ' Miffionaries fent ^^ ferved and difpenfed by the approved " Minijier of the Place\ Now, whatever «' Interpretation the Words of the faid " Law may admit of, yet we are to regard " the Senfe and Force they put upon them s " which is plainly this^ to exclude the " Church their Government, as appears by " their Proceedings with me. So that *^ hereby they deny a Liberty of Confcience '^ to the Church of England People, as well " as to all others that are not of their " Opinion ; which being repugnant to the " Laws oi England y is contrary to the Grant ** of their Charter. The Church BuT thefe Methods which the Indepen- more^zeaioTs ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ far from hiudring the through this People from reforting to the Church Ser- ^ ° vice, that ftill greater Numbers came ; and other Towns fent and invited Mn Miiirfon to vifit them. Particularly the People oi Fairfield^ requefted him to come, and he went to them. The Independents refufed him and the People the Ufe of the Meeting-houie, tho' on a Week-day. But a Gentleman, the chief Perfon in the Town, invited them to his Houle, a great Congregation met there, and he baptized a large "Number. Mr. Muirjon made fe« veral Journies up and down this Colony, and to New-England, 317 and was a kind of itinerant Miffionary. The Independents ufed all means to obftrudl him; Mr. Muirfon wrote to the Society, with much Concern, an Account of the Methods taken to hinder the People from hearing him. " The People were like- wife threatned with Imprifonment, and a Forfeiture of Five Pound for coming to hear me. It would require more Time than you would willingly beftow on thefe Lines, to exprefs how rigidly and feverely they treat our People, by taking their Eftates by Diftrefs when they do not willingly pay to fupport their Minifters j and tho' every Churchman in that Colony, pays his Rate for the build- ing and repairing their Meeting-houfes, yet they are fo fet againft us, that they deny us the Ufe of them tho' on Week- days. - All, the Churchmen in this Colony requeft, is, that they may not be opprefled and infulted over; that they may obtain a Liberty of Confci- ence, and call a Minifter of their own ; that they may be freed from paying to their Minifters, and thereby be enabled to maintain their own ; this is all, thefe good Men defire.*' This hath been the Grievance of the Church of England Peo- pie from the Beginning, and continues fo ftill, Mr. Muirfon however continued his La- 3 1 8 Mijjionaries fent Labours, and would in all Probability have brought great Numbers to entire Confor- Mr. Muirfon ^^^Y ^^^^ ^^^ Church, but he died foon dies, & leaves after in 1709. Colonel £r^^^/:?^^/^ gave this raOer behind CharacSer of him a little before he died. him. particularly Marblehead, the fecond Town in the whole Country, Braintree^ Newbury^ Naraganfetty and feveral others. 5.T H E Church- Wardens o? Rhode-IJland^ v/rote to the Bifhop of London^ and to the Society, in the Year 1702, declaring their early Zeal, that tho' they had not affem- bled themfelves, to worfliip God after the manner of the Church of England above four Years, they had built a hand- fome Churche The Society refolved to fend a Miffionary hither, both on Account of their being the firft, and alfo a nume- rous People, fettled on a flouriihing Ifland, The Reverend Mr. Honeyman was ap- pointed to New-England. 3 1 9 pointed in 1704. He difcharged the Du- 7>R«verend \ _ , . /^ ' . - -r^.,. Mr. Honeyman ties of his Million with great Dihgence.fent Miffiona- Tho' the Ifland was full of Perfons of many '^ '^^'^''• Perfuafions, efpecially ^lakers^ the Gover- nor himfelf being fuch, yet by his prudent Behaviour he gave Offence to none, and gained many to the Church. He continued there till the Year 1708, and then came to E?2gland upon his own private Affairs, but returned foon to his Cure again. There were three little Towns on the Continent, Freetown, T'iverton, and Little-Compton^ which had requefted a Miffionary of the Society; Mr. Honey77ian was diredled to vifit them by Turns on Week-days, till they could be fupplied with a Minifter. Mr. Honeyma?! frequently croffed over to them, and preached to them in a Meetino;- ^f P^^^Sjl^^ f. . r , . . ^ at ieveral Pk- houfe, which he obtained the Ufe of, and ces, which was commodioufly fituate in the Center of the three Towns. He faid, the People at firft, tho' very ignorant and rude in religious matters, were yet very grave and attentive at Divine Worlhip. He per- formed this laborious Duty feveral Years. In the Year 17 12, a Miffionary was fent to thefe three Towns : Mr. Honeyman be- gan to have a little more Leifure \ but he was zealous to prom^ote the Work he had engaged in, and fet up a Lefture, and preached 3 20 MiJJionaries fent preached once a Fortnight at Port/mouthy a Town at the fartheft End of the Ifland, and foon found very great Encouragement to continue it, not any Reward, but an un- expected and fuprifing large i\udience of People of many Perfuafions. .. „ About this Time he reprefented alfo I\lr. rione^tnan ^ reprefents the very earncftly to the Society, the Want of a fMiffiomiJy at Miffiouary at a Tov/n called Provi dene e,zbout Fraz'idence. jq Miles diftaut from Newport^ a Place very confiderable for the Number of its Inhabitants : Thro* the Want of Inftrudti- on, the People were become quite rude, and void of all Knowledge in Religion ; yet they were of a good and teachable Difpo- iition. He vifited this Place, and preached here to the greateft Number of People, that he ever had together fnice he came to America. He writes thus : " There is a " great Profpedt of fettling a Church here 5 '^ and if the Society will fend a Miffionary ^^ to a People fo much in Want, and yet "^^ fo defirous of receiving the Gofpel -, per- '* haps this might prove one of the greateft '^ Ads of Charity they have even done *' yet**e A little while after he writes thus: " I have preached there again, '' and the Number of People is fo in- II creafed, that no Houfe there could hold ^' them^ to New-England 321 " them, fo that I was obliged to preach " in the open Fields. The People are now " going about to get Subfcriptions to build " a Church. If the Society knew the Ne- " ceffity there is of a Miffionary here, they " would immediately fend one. In t\i^^"^pTJort " mean Time, I fhall give them all the ^^^^ Mimona- " Afliflance I can. The Society upon^^ this Letter, appointed in the next Year (1723,) the Reverend Mv. Pigot Miffionary there. Befides the faithful Difcharge of his Duty at his own Station, Mr. Honeyman hath been farther inftrumental in gathering feveral Congregations at Naraganfett, T'i- vertOTty Freetown, and at the abovementioned Place, Providence. In the Year 1724, Accounts came, that he had baptized 80 within the two paft Years, of which 19 were grown Perfons, three of them Negroes, two Indians, and two Midattoes ; and that there were properly belonging to his Church at Newport, above 50 Communicants, who live in that Place, exclufive of Strangers : The Church People grew now too nu- merous to be accommodated with Seats in the old Church, and many more offered to join themfelves to the Church Commu- ^, ^, - The Church nion. Mr. Honeyman propoled to the Members in- Church Members, the building of a new^o7v^toS Church, and fubfcribed himfelf 30/. The * ^"^^'^^^^c^- Y People 322 Mijfionaries fent People heartily concurred ; and he foon after obtamed a Thoufand Pounds Sub- ^^j^^^^j^ .^fcriptions for that purpofe j but it was built. eftimatcd the Building would coft twice as much, in that Countrey Money : How- ever, a fufficient Sum was raifed, and in the Year 1726, the Church was compleated^ and Mr. Ho?2eyma?i preached in it. The Body of the Church is 70 Feet long, and 46 Feet wide, it hath two Tiers of Win- dows, is full of Pews, and hath Galaries all round to the £^-End. It is owned by People there to be the moft beautiful Tim- ber Strudlure in America, The old Church is given the People of the neighbouring Town of Warwick^ who had no Church of their own. There are fakers and two Sorts oi Anabaptijis in Newport, yet the Members of the Church of England increafe daily: Andtho* there are not four alive of the firft Promoters of the ChurchWorihip in this Place, yet there is now above four times the Number of all the firft. This laft Church ,, ,, is eenerally full. Newport is the chief Mr. Honesnan ^ / m i.iV»i r T^ r i continues now Town m thelfland, IS the Place of Relidence Mimonary ^^ ^^^ Govcrnor, is a good compadt Town, large enough to make a confiderable Vil- lage in England, Mr. Honeyman continuCv^? now Miffionary here^ and hath under his Care to New-England. 323 Care alfo, Ffretown^ 'Tiverton^ and Little^ Compton. 4. Having iuft mentioned Pr^wV^^f^ Mr. P;;^^/'s Succefs at whtv^yiv. Honey ?n an had gathered 2i Con- Providence. gregation, and Mr. Pigot was appointed Miffionary j it may be proper to give next an Account of the Miffion there. The Peo- ple, as defcribed above, were negligent of all Religion till about the Year 1722 ; the very beft were fuch as called themfelves Baptijls^ or ^lakerSy but it was feared many were Gorton: ans or Deijls. This Town- A great Body fhip is 20 Miles fquare, and the prefent ^^is PanOi /^ Number of Inhabitants is about 4000. Out of all thefe, there was a fmall Number, who in the Year 1722, ferioufly refleding on that irreligious State wherein they lived i refolved to endeavour to build a Church, get a Minifler, and to live like Chriflians. They began to gather Contributions among themfelves; they got 250/. they foUicited their Friends about them i they got 200/. from Rhode-IJland, 100 L from Bojlon, and 20/. from other Places : With this Sum, and about 200/. more, which they b or- They get rowed, they raifed on St. Barnabas Day, "^l^M 1722, a Timber Building for a Church, ^ Church. being 62 Feet in Length, 41 in Breadth, and 26 high. The chief Contributor was Y 2 Colonel 324 MiJ^onaries fent Colonel Jofeph IVhittle^ who gave loo/. The Reverend Mr. Hofieyman gave lo/, and Mr. Mackfparra?i^ another of the Society's Miffionaries, gave 5 /. The Peo- ple live dilperfed over this large Tov^n- Ihip ; they are indullrious, employed chiefly in Husbandry, and Handy-crafts, tho' very lately they have begun to en- ter upon Foreign Trade and Navigati- on. Mr. Figot^ upon his firft coming here, had not much above 100 attending Divine Worfliip -, however, the Numbers The Church- incrcafed, and he baptized in lefs than two ^reariVere Years fix grown Perfons, and the Com- municants were feventeen. And in the Year 1727, he baptiz ^^^ ^^^^^^ kind to me, feveral ^' not belonging to my Church, contri- ^ " buting fomething to me > and tho* my " Place is reckoned the fmalleft, I mull " confefs, that the Love I have for the " People, and the truly good Will, and ^^ extraordinary Civility and Kindnefs I " receive from them, makes me to efteem " my Place as inferiour to none." Mr. He continues _, ^ . • i • Ti>r»rr in this ?hct Plant contmues now m this Million, his withSuccefs. Congregation now amounts to near 200. Some of his Hearers come from Towns 4, 5, or 6 Miles diftant j and their Num- ber is daily increafing. The People 7- Marbkhead is a Sea-port, the fecond atA/./r3AWTQ^^^ in all New-Eng-land. very confider- and deiire a able for its Number of Inhabitants, lor its Mmifier. Commerce, and efpecially for the Fifhery carried on there. A great Number of thefe People were defirous to have the Church of England Service fettled there. In the Year to New-England. 329 Year 1707, they made Subfcriptions for building a Church, amounting to 416/. they wrote Letters to the Biihop of Lo?i- doti, and to the Society, acquainting them with their Defires of having a Minifter of the Church of England, and declaring their Intentions of building a Church. A hand- fome Church was foon after built, and the TheReverena Reverend Mr. Shaw was fent Miffionary ^yj*,^^';^^'"^ there, but he did not continue long. He but^remov^s wrote Word, he had fallen into many In- difpofitions, by the Change of Climate, and the Severity of the Seafons fometimes there, and he removed. The Reverend Mr. ^,^^p,,.,,,„a David Mojom was fettled there m ^7^?-Mf-^#« He began his Miffion with much Dili- ^l^._ ' '" gence ; the Number of People attendmg Divine Worfliip was but fmall at firft: However, many more conformed daily, and in about two Years, the Number of Communicants was doubled, thirteen grown Perfons had been baptized, and near feventy Infams. The Church ^t Newbury being about this Time vacant by the Death of Mr. Lucas, Mr. Mojfom vifited that People alfo upon their earneft Requeft, preached and adminiftred the Sacrament to a Congregation of above 160 Perfons. He proceeded with great Diligence in all Parts 330 Miffionaries fent Parts of his Duty. In the three following Years, he perfuaded nine grown Perfons to receive Baptifm, and the Number of Com- municants in Marbleheady and from the neighbouring Towns, increafed to about 50. In the Year 1725, he acquainted the So- ciety, that in the foregoing Year, he had re- ceived into the Church five grown Perfons, two Men and three Women, and that fe- veral other grown Perfons were preparing for Baptifm. He had alfo baptized two Negroes^ a Man about 25 Years old, and a Girl about 12; and that a whole Family in Salent^ a neighbouring Town, had conform- ed to the Church ; fo that upon the whole fuccefsfui in HIS Congregation mcreafed confiderably, Mr. his Miffion. j^^j^j^ Mir^A to be removed on Account of fome of his Family Ajffairs, and Mr. Pigot was removed from Providence to this Place. He hath acquainted the Society, that fince his Appointment here, that Church hath confiderably increafed, he had baptized 23 grown Perfons, a great many had joined in Communion, and he had reduced many from a diforderly and loofe, to a more ftrid: and regular Behaviour, and by his inftruding the Youth in the Principles of Religion, and the Doftrines of the Church, he had gathered a large Number of Ga- te- ro New-England. 331 tcchumens. Mr. Pigot continues now here. 8. The chief Inhabitants of Brijlol, in ^j^ePeopicof the Year 1720, wrote very earneft Letters ^''^>^ "^^^""^ , xA./i ^ T J 1 1 o • aMinifter, & to the Bilhop or London and to the oociety,prefentiy build for aMinifter of the Church of England,^ '^^''''^' and promifed to build a Church. Before they had an Anfwer from the Society, they proceded to get Contributions to build one. Colonel Mackintop gave the Ground the Church ftands upon, and 200/. Several Gentlemen, 'Members of the Church at Bojion^ gave 100/. other Gentlemen at Newport on Rhode-IJlandy gave 100/. the neighbouring Towns to Brijlol gave a fmall Sum, and the remaining Sum, amount- ing to near 1000/. was contributed by the People of BriJtoL This Place is very pro- per for a Church, Brijiol being the County Town, and fituate in the Center of fix others, fo that the Inhabitants of thofe may refort hither to Divine Worfliip. The Reverend Mr. Orem was fent Miffionary^j^^^^^,^^^^^ herein 1722. When he arrived here, he Mr. Or^^ was found the Outfide of the Church and the ^^^^ ' ' Steeple only finifhed. The People re- ceived him with great Kindnefs, and there feemed to be a general Difpofition in the Inhabitants, to have the Church of England Wor- 332 Mijfionaries fent Worfhip cftablifhed here, Tho* the Church was not floor'd, nor the Walls plairtered, the People were zealous to have Divine' Service performed in it : Which was done, and Forms and Benches were laid in it on Saturday Night for the Auditory; and a large Congregation, between 2 and 300 Perfons, came there; not all Inhabitants of Briftol, but a great many from Swa?tfey, Tiverton, and other neighbouring Towns! In the mean time, Workmen were em- ployed continually upon the Church. Mr. Orem foon after acquainted the Society that It was finilhed, being a handfome Timber Building 60 Feet long, and 40 broad, that the Inhabitants had fpared no Pains in car- rying on the Work, and had expended above 1400/. that Country Money, in compleating It: That there was a very numerous Affembly that attended Divine Worlhip everv Lord's Day, and joined in the Service w^ith the greateft Gravity and Decency imaginable many ot which, before his Coming, were en- tire Strangers to the Liturgy of the Church itenri;?' t f/«.^/'^«'^- Mr. Orem gained theEfteem and Miflion. Affeftion of the People very much, and pro- ceded in his Miflion with Succefs. But about a Year after, the Governor of New-York who was acquainted with his Merit, in- vited him to come to Ncw-York, and offered him to New-England. 333 him a Commiffion of Chaplain to Ae ^^^he^ Cover- King's Forces there, which Mr. Orem ac- Chapkin to cepted of. The Society would not let '^^'^^^^^'^ this worthy People, who had expreffed fo hearty an Affeftion for the Church of £«- gl^nd, want a Minifies The Reverend Mr. ^he Reverend UJher was appointed Miffionary there in Mr. c//?^' one at jF^/r/?^/^, which is eight Miles ofF,)^^^^^^ none Eajiward within 100 Miles, and there is no Church at all. Northward, Stratford lies upon the Sea-Coafl, and diredtly over againft it to the Southward^ lies Brookhaven upon hong-Ifland^ about 20 Miles diflant from Stratford^ If there were no Miffionary here, a very great Body of People would be deftitute of the Means of Publick Worfliip. The Towns in this Country lie thick, fcarce any at above ten Miles Diftance, fome not five Miles off each other. Some of thefe Towns alfo, have feveral little Villages belonging to them. Moft of the Towns confift of 2, 3, or 400 Families. Tho' fcarce any of them live contiguous, yet the main Body of the People of a Town, live in near Z Neigh- 338 Miffionaries fent Neighbourhoods. The Roads are gene- rally well cleared, and much ufed. It is a fruitful and thriving Country. Mr. yoh?:- Ion continues now in this Miffion. Mn c'^r'^ 10. T H E Reverend Mr. Caner hath been Mifll ^nary to appointed lately Miffionary to Fairfield in a.rjic a. ComieElicut \ the Society have received Accounts from him, that the People of the Church Communion increafe confide- rably, and that he hath a Profpedl of good Succefs in his Miffion. The Reverend Mr. Miller was alfo appointed Miffionary at Braintree about the fame Time ; no particular Accounts of his Labours have yet been tranfmitted from him. II. The Members of the Church Com- munion at BofioJi, the Capital of this Country, and where the Church Service was firft fettled, were now very much increafed -, and in the Year 1722, a- greed to build another Church at Bofion. The Reverend Mr. Miles, Minifter of the Ki7ig s-Chapel there, having obferved his Church was much too fmall, called his Congregation together, and reprefented the Matter to them. They were all unani- mous of Opinion, the prefent Church was not to New-England. 339 not fufficienr, and that it was neceflary to build another. They prefently chofe a Committee to take in Sublcriptions, for the ^^ Bopnhmll carrying on of this Work. A handfomej;;^^^^ ^1 i 1 1 t ' I M 1 Tv/T Church, Church hath been unce built, and Mr. Cutler appointed Miflaonary there. Mr. Cutler ^di^ bred in the In dependent Way, became a noted Preacher, and was afterwards advanced to be Prefident of Tale-CoWtge in New-England -, a Station of Credit and Profit. He difcharged the Duties of his Place with Reputation to himfelf, and to the publick Satisfaftion. He continued feveral Years in this Poft ; but began, upon more mature Confidering, to think it his Duty to leave the Inde- pendents^ and join in Communion with the Church of England, Several other Independent Teachers, Men of allowed Characters for Virtue and Learning, were of the fame Sentiments. Particularly Mr. Brown, Tutor in jT^/^-College, Mr. yohnfon and Mr. Wet^nore. Mr, Cutler, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Jolmfon, refolved to conform to the Church of England, tho' at the Lofs of the Preferment they had in the Independent Way ; and accordingly in the Year 1722, at a pubUck Commence- ment at Tak-QoWcge in New-bave?!, they Z z de- 340 ' MiJJionaries fent declared their Conformity to the Church of England^ laid down their Preferments, and came to England for Epifcopal Or- ders. The new Church at Bojlon was now building, and all theMembers of the Church of England had a jufl Value for thefe Gen- tlemens Integrity; they thought Mr. Cut- ler had facrificed a very valuable Intereft, to a good Confcience, and agreed to chufe him Minifter of their new Church, when it fliould be built. They wrote very earneft Letters to the Bifhop of Lon- doUy and to the Society, requefting their Favour to Mr. Cutler, and praying the Biihop of London to licence him to the new Church at Bojion. The Society at this Time knew nothing of Mr. Cutler, or the other Gentlemen, but Letters came from the Members of the Church at Ne^iv- fort, and feveral of the Miflionaries, giving an Account of their leaving the Indepen- dents : They all three received holy Orders, but Mr. Brown died foon after ; Mr. Cutler and Mr. Jobnfon, by their Behaviour here, appeared to deferve the Charadter they brought from abroad. While they were in England, they vifited our Univerfities, and were received by the Vice-Chancel- lor to NewEngland. 341 lor of each, and the Heads of Houfes, with peculiar Marks of Regard and Efteem. Mr. Cutler^ the elder Gentleman, had the Degree of Doftor in Divinity, conferred upon him, and Mr. John/on that of Ma- iler of Arts, by both Univerfities. Dr. Cutler foon after went over ^ol^^'J^j;^^ New-Emland to his Church at BoJio?2. The tiedMifiionary _ .- , . ,. , 1 at the new Building was fimfhed in a little above ^chnvch^iBo- Year : It is a handfome Brick Church, yo/^on^ Feet long, and 50 wide, 35 high, the Walls 2 Feet and an half thick ; the Steeple's Area is 24 Feet fquare. As foon as it was fitted to have Divine Service performed in it, a \ numerous Congregation of People, both from Bojiony and the neighbouring Towns, attended the Publick Worfhip there, par- ticularly from Charlestowny which is fepa- rated from Bojion by a confiderable Riven At the opening of this Church, the ufual Audience was about 400 Perfons, but they A numerous , , J and ver\' reli- increafed continually, and now amount tOgi^^g congre- near 800 commonly. The Members of thiss^tion here. Church have, in many Refpefts, approved themfelves a worthy People, very devout in the publick Worihip, and confcientious in their Lives and Aftions ; their Children are brought regularly to Baptifm, and the Communicants have lately amounted to Z 3 about 342 Mijfionaries fent^ &c. about 80. Dr. Cutler hath alfo inftrufted feveral grown Perfons in the Duty and Be- nefit of Baptifm, and adminiftred it to them. He continues now in this Miffion. The Society have alfo maintained a Schoolmafter for feveral Years at BoJloUy to teach the poor Children to read, write, and cypher, and have lately appointed Mr. Del- pech to be Schoolmafter at Naraganfett. They have alfo by their Miffionaries diftri- buted above 1 100 Volumes of Books, befides large Numbers of fmall Trads, among the poorer People. The Members of our Com- Twelve munion have exprefled a hearty Zeal for it, buuHn this and have, by voluntary Contributions, built Gcyvernment. r^^^^^,^ Churches in this Government. CHAP. 343 CHAR XIII. Tthe Society's Method of Managing this ^Yuft. I'heir more [fecial Rules and Orders^ relating to themfekes and to their Officers. AFTER the foregoing Relation of the Endeavours of the Society to propagate theChriftian Religion by their Miffionaries abroad j there remains only one Thing more to be done j namely, to give the Reader an Account of the Society's Man- ner of tranfafting Bufmefs at home. This is a Piece of Juftice due to the Publick, they ought to have an authentick and fa- tisfaftory Account, how fo great a Truft is managed i thro' whofe Hands, and after what Manner, the Adminiftration of this Charity paffes 5 how open and unfufpicious the Method of doing Bufmefs is j and how difmterefted the Perfons are, who have the Direftion of it. The Perfons are^ The Z 4 BL 344 Special Rules and Orders Bifhops of England, feveral eminent Gen- tlemen and Merchants, and many of the Clergy. They are all fo far from hav- ing any private Intereft in it, that they are the only certain Benefadtors to it ; for no one is admitted to be a Member, w^ho hath not been a Benefaftor, or w^ho doth not become a Contributor of an Annual Sum, and their Subfcriptions are the chief certain Fund. At every Meeting of the Society, all the Members are Summoned to attend ; and the manner of tranfafting all Bufmefs is, by a Majority of Votes ; but upon any Debate arifmg, the Queftion is de- cided by Balloting. The Society have made feveral By-Lav^s or Rules for their ownCon- duft, that nothing might be done without mature Deliberation, to prevent any Mat- ter of Weight being paffed by themfelves fuddenly, and upon Surprife. I ihall give the Reader their moft material Rules in their own Words. The Principal Rules in the Charter re- lating to the Management of this Truft, are thefe : That the Society meet upon the third Friday in February yearly, between the Hours of eight and twelve in the Morning ; and of the Society. 345 and they, or the major Part of them that fhall then be prefent, (hall chofe one Pre- fident, one or more Vice-Prefidents, one or more Treafurers, two or more Auditors, one Secretary, and other Officers, for the Year enfuing, who fhall refpeftively take an Oath for the due Execution of their refpedtive Offices. That if any Officer die, or be removed, the Prefident, or one of the Vice-Prefidents, may Summon the Members to meet at the ufual Place of the Annual Meeting of the Society, and choofe another in his Place. That the Society meet on the third Friday in every Month, and oftner if Oc- cafion requires, to tranfadl the Bufinefs of the Society, and may at any fuch Meet- ing eled Perfons for Members. That no Aft of the Society be valid, unlefs the Prefident, or one of the Vice- Prefidents, and feven other Members, be prefent. That at any Meeting on the third Fr/- day in the Months of November^ February^ Mayy and Auguji^ yearly, and at no other Meetings, the Society, or the major Part then 34^ Special Rules and Orders then prefent, may make By-Laws, and exe- cute Leafes. That the Society may depute fuch Perfons as they {hall think fit, to take Sub- fcriptions, and colleft Monies contributed for the Purpofes of the Society. That the Society fhall yearly give an Account in writing, to the Chancellor, or Keeper of the great Seal, the Chief Juftices of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, or any two of them, of all the Monies re- ceived and laid out, and of the Management of the Charities. The principal By-Laws or Rules made by the Society are thefe. That the Form of the Oath to be ten- dered to all the Officers of the Society, be- fore they be admitted into their refpedtive Offices, be as follows : I A. B do Swear that I will faithfully and duly execute the Office of of the Society for the Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, according to the heft of my Judgment. So help me GOD. That of the Society. 347 That there be a Sermon preached be- fore the Society on the third Friday m every February, and that the Preacher and Place be appointed by the Prefident. That no Sum or Sums of Money ex- ceeding ten Pounds, (excepting yearly Sa- laries to Miffionaries, ^c) be difpofed of at any Meeting, unlefs fourteen Members of the Society be prefent. That proper and fignificant Heads of the feveral Orders and Refolutions of the Society, be taken by the Secretary. That the Minutes of the laft Day, and the Minutes of the intermediate Committees, be read before the Society enters upon new Bufmefs. That the Secretary do from time to time, lay before the Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury, and Lord Bifhop of London^ Copies of the Minutes taken at the Meet- ings of the Society. That a Committee of the Society be appointed to receive Propofals that may be offered 34^ Special Rules and Orders offered to them, for the promoting the De- figns of the Society, and to prepare Matters for the Confideration of the Society. That fuch Members of the Society as come, or any three of them, be the faid Committee: That the faid Committee meet at the Secretary's Houfe in Warwick- Court^ the Monday immediately preceding the General Meeting (and oftner if neceffa- ry) at Four in the Afternoon. That no Motion for Money or Books be originally made or received at the Com- mittee. That the Prefident, or ftanding Com- mittee, when five are prefent, may have Pov^er to appoint a Meeting of the So- ciety on extraordinary Occafions. That no Perfon be admitted a Mem- ber of the Society, till he be propofed at three general Meetings. That Eleftions of Members, and all other Matters that are put to the Queftion^ be determined by Balloting. That of the Society. 34^ That no Perfons be admitted Mem- bers of the Society, unlefs they confent to fubfcribe fomething Annually for promoting the Defigns of the Society, except fuch as have been Benefaftors. That when any Pcrfon is propofedfor a Member of the Society, the Name of the Perfon that propofed him, be entred in the Journal at the fame Time. T H AT at every Eledlion of Auditors, one of the former Year be always chofen, as an Auditor for the Year enfuing. That the Accounts of the Society be Audited Yearly in Ja7mary. That every Audit be fairly entred into a Book kept for that purpofe by the Se- cretary, and examined and fubfcribed by the refpedtive Auditors. T H AT the Auditors be fummoned within a Month after every Audit, to examine the Audit after it is entred into the Book of Audits, and to fign the fame. Thtat 350 Special Rules and Orders That the Auditors do yearly diredl an Account to be prepared of all Monies re- ceived and laid out, and of the Management and Difpofition thereof; and fee that Copies of fuch Account be yearly given, according to their Charter. And that fuch Account be entred into a Book to be kept for that Purpofe. That the Treafurer, or Treafurers, fliall be trufted v^ith the Monies of the Society, upon his or their giving fuch Se- curity as the Society {hall approve. That the Auditors fee the Treafurer feal his Bond. That the Auditors in their Reports, enter the Names of all fuch Subfcribers, as have not compleated their Payments to the Quarter-day before the Audit -, and that the Particulars of the faid Report do al- ways lie on the Table. That all Benefaftions and Entrance Money be regiftred in a Book kept for that purpofe j and that at every monthly Meet- ing of the Society, the Treafurer, if prefent, {hall of the Society. 3$ I fhall charge himlelf under his Hand, in the fame Book, with all fuch Receipts : which Book, at every Audit fhall be laid before the Auditors. That the Treafurer do always in his Accounts mention the Date of the Order upon which he adts. That as foon as the Treafurer's Ac- counts are audited, the feveral Receipts and Vouchers of Disburfements for the par- ticular Sums in the faid audited Accounts, be delivered up by the Treafurer, to be kept by the Society. That the State of the Society's Affairs with regard to their Expences and prefent Caih, be laid before the Society at every Quarterly Meeting. That the Secretary be always prefent at the Audit, That the Secretary keep a Regifler of all the Books allowed to MifTionaries or other Perfons; in which the MifTionary's or other Perfon's Name, Place of Abode, and 352 Special Rules and Orders and the Time when he received the faid Books, are to be entred ; excepting the So- ciety's Anniverfary Sermons, and other fmall Tradls and Papers which are to be given away abroad. That all Letters from Miffionaries or others, of Bufmefs that concerns the So- ciety, be diredted to the Secretary of the Society. That the Secretary do prepare an Ab- ftraft of the moil material Tranfadlions of every Year, which, after it hath been ap- proved cdF by the Society, fhall be pub- liflied at the End of the Anniverfary Ser- mon. That there be but one Meflenger, and that he be obliged to give fufficient Secu- rity for the Monies he (hall receive on the Society's Account, within one Month at fartheft after his Eleftion into the Office. That the Meflenger give Receipts in his own Name, for the Monies he fhall receive from the Members ^ and that he . pay the faid Monies to the Treafurer, ta- king his Receipt for the fame^ which ihall be of the Society. 353 be a fufficient Difcharge. That the Meflenger attend the Secre- tary Qvcvy Monday y Wednefday and Friday y and at fuch other Times, as the Bufinefs of the Society fhall require, and the Secre- tary fhall appoint. neCONCLVSIOK TH E three principal Articles pro- pofed to be treated of here, being now gone through j namely, the Occajion for Eftablifhing this Society, the Succefs of the Miffionaries abroad, and the Ma^ iiagement of this Truft at home : May we not upon the whole juftly think there hath appeared a peculiar Hand of Pro- vidence in guiding and profpering this good Work \ when we reflect, that this Society hath, by the Help of a meer Provide?itial Income^ arifmg from unfore-^ feen Donations and Legacies^ together with the Subfcriptions of their own Mem- bers, been able to carry on a Work which feems to require a certain publick Revenue A a for 554 ^^ Condufion. for its Support. The Succefs of the So- ciety's Labours hath exceeded their firft Hopes. The Church of England h^th been by Law eftablifhed in fome Colonies; in others, numerous Congregations of People have been gathered, who have had the Be- nefit of the Adminiftration of G o d's Word and Sacraments ; above Sixty Churches have been built, a very great Body of People have been inftrufted ; many Schools have been opened for the training up of Chil- dren and Youth in the Knowledge of the Chriftian Faith, and with convenient Learn- ing ; and above Eight T'houfand Volumes of Books, befides above One Hundred Thou- fund fmall Tra<5ts, of Devotion and In- ftrudtion, have been difperfed among the Inhabitants. - -^ - -urK .::: ?Jis^ ... In Juftice and Honouf^lo the Colonies it muft be remarked here, how much they dcferved this Help of their Countrymen. Great Numbers of the moft worthy Per- fons in the richer Colonies {hewed a very earnelt and fincere Zeal to have the Church of England fettled among them ; nay, in fome Colonies, during their unfettled State, many poor Inhabitants, who hadfcarce built themfelves Houfes, contributed towards build- The Conclujion. 35^ building Churches. They have been li- beral in their Poverty ; and that Providence which hath in fo early a Seafon difpofed them to be a Religious People, feems by that to defign them hereafter to be a great and flourifhing People. The Propagation of the Gofpel, the Ipreading of the Chriftian Faith, and fet- tling of the Church of England in the Co- lonies, containing now a great Body of People, is plainly a Work of fo great Ex- cellency, it needs no Words to recommend it to a Chriftian. Efpecially if it be far- ther confidered, that the numerous Pofte- rity of the prefent Inhabitants, will derive their Knowledge of the true Chriftian Faith, from the Labours of this Society ^ when thofe vaft Tradts in America, now waft Defarts and Wildernefles, may, Ages here- after, become cultivated and fruitful Coun- tries, covered with Cities and Towns, and filled with Nations of Chriftians. In Gratitude to the Memory of the Founder of this Society, King WILLIAM the Third, it may not be improper to conclude this Treatife, with remarking to the Reader, the Ercding of this Corpo- ration, 35^ ^^^ Condufion. ration, was among the laft Publick Aftlons of his Heroick Life. After having ref- cued the Proteftant Religion in Europe^ and faved the Church of England here, He did by this laft Adk, as it were, bequeath it to his American Subjefts, as the moft valuable Legacy, and greateft Bleffing. F J N J 5: i Date Due - ! f) PRINTED IN U. S. A. *1 / .1*. r "V^ 'V^".^ 0^ "tm i^iW-SBrfJ *■ ?^. M \ k '^^^ < I. '^^M K ' ff