- ' ■':; ~? VJ l'^f*f- mil life! <**$£ 4 (Oftbjoy* / FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D, BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY DiVbtai ^CJB> SretioM rO /to I T H E /O P S A L -^ AN. • Hymns, & Spiritual Songs, O F T H E Old and New Testament, Faithfully translated into Englijh Metre. sr " ■ ,-«....«=.*-.,.■«.. .- Being 'the New -En gland Pfalm Book Revifed and Improved ; By an Kndea- vonr after a yet nearer Approach to the infpired Original, as well as to the Rules of Poetry. With an Addition of / r //}y other Hymns on the moft important Subjects of Chriftianity ; with their Titles, placed z';r Order, from—The Ftf// a/* Angels and Men^o— Heaven after the General "Judgment. Col.iii. 1 6. Zw /£? Word of Christ dwell in you ricbk in all IV'tldom ; teaching and admokifbing one ano- ther in Pfalms, and Hymns, and fpiritual Songs ; finging with Grace in your Hearts to the Lord. Eph. v. 19. Jam. v. 13. B S T N : N. E. Printed, andSold byD.HENCHMAN',inCornhill, and S. Kneelakd in Qneeniheet. 1758. Correction a* 7$ > »-} I. i )-- 3. 2-- by 'nvers — 5. 4-- finners then appear. 2)-- 3. 2- -By ftreams IX.-- 12. 1. --For when He after blood enquires, Is). 5. The 2d Part fhould begin with ver.13. XV. 1)— a. 1.— Who walks in his Integrity. J 2— who acts in 3. 1-- will not backbite, ,*2-- nor do 3— neighbour will *$' 3" Who takes not 2). a.* 1-- Who walks in his integrity., 2-- who always acts in 3. 1— will not backbite, 2— nor do t 4. 3— Who fwares the truth, 5. 3-- Who takes not a tVL 6. 4- allotted to 9. i~rejoyces XVII. 5. 1— beaten * paths XIX. 6. 1-- he moves XXL 7. 1— King relies. LXXXV. 2) 7. 1- LORD ^C. 5. 3— Like- deep are they CXXII. 6. 1-- Jerufalem's firm peace : Mat. vi. 10. 4— heav'n N.B. The Sorg of the Heavenly Ho/Is at the Birth of Christ, Zai* ii. 14. was by Miftakeinferted in Com- man Metre 1 when the Long Metre fhould have been inferted — Thus— f> Lory be to 7 be txoft high GOD, KJ On, high the higheft Glory be ! And peace on all the earth abroad, Tq men his boundlefs favour fee I The P R E F ACE. Section!. Hi/lory of the New-England Pfahn-Book. THE Fir/I Seti/tn of theNEw-ENGLAND- Colonies who came to Plymouth in 1620 ; to Sahm t whh three Minijltrs for the Majfachujetts, and one for Plymouth in 1629 : and with the Mafachujetts Charter, Governour,Deputy-Governour,^fliftants./oar Minijiers, and 1500 People, toi?^* and the Neighbouring Towns in 1630 ; wereefteem'd in ENGLAND,asfomeof themoft eminent for Scripture-Knowledge, Piety and Ariel Ad- herence to the Word of GOD. as any in their Day. They wifely made the Divine Oracles the only Rule of their Religion : and their great and noble Defign was to fpread tne holy Kingdom of Christ in its Scripture- Purity, Light and Power in this NewWorld ; and tofet up Churches for their Matter, Form, Wormip, Liberty, Watch, Government and Difcipline, as near as poflible to what they were, under the Conduct of Infpiration, in the Apofiles Days. By 1636 there were come over hither near thirty pious and learned Minifters, educated in the Uniuerjities of England: and from the fame exalted Principle of Scripture Purity in Religions Worjbip, they fet themfelves to tranflate the Pfalms and other Scripture Songs into Ettg- iijb Mcfe, as near as poflible to the if/pird Original* They committed this Work efpecially to the Rev. Mr. .Richard Mather of Dorcbejler ; the Rev. Mr. Thomas Weld, and the Rev. Mr. John Elict of Roxbury ; well ac- quainted with the Hebnem), in which the Old Teftament, and with the Greek, in which the Neiv were originally written. They finiftied the Pfalm in 1640: which were firft Printed by Mr. Day, that Year, at our Cambridge ; and had the Honour of being the Firfi Book Printed in North America, and as far as I find, in This *whole Ngtv World. A 2 r ii The Preface. I have feen anotherEciition in 1647, (and I conclude 2\C' d as the Ground- work, and then into the 12 other Metrical Verftons in their Order : and comparing them ;--- in Honour to the Word of God which demands the Heft, I tho't it my Duty to afe the hef Wards or Lines in them fo far as they give the nearejt Senfe of ths Original, and are mofi mufical ; and where they fail in cither, to en- deavour a further Improvement:. And avoiding 'Additions which are not plainly im- plied in the Hebrew, on the one Hand, and Omiffons on the other; I keep as near as poffible to the Original: Only, whereas the Hebrew above all other Languages I know, is fo wondroufly full of Senfe, that Avenarius obferves, even the copious Greek muft in majiy Cafes ufe federal Words to exprefs the full Senje of a Jingle Word in Hibrew : Where the Original there- fore plainly fignifies or hints at Sentiments wh ; ch are notfcen in our Enghjb Bible, I venture to give, them, ci- ting my Authorities ; And tho* the Reader may be apt to think that in many Places I add to the Original ; yet if he duly fcarches into the Hebrew, He will doubtlefs fee, as 1 have often leen with furprife, the Sentiments. I have only endeavoured to rife into and give the grand, exalted and lively Sentiments and Hints of Infpi- ration. And this IMPROVEMENT differs from other Poetical Verfions in thefe Particulars --- I. Whereas in others, by the meer Reading, we can never tell where GOD or LORD is in the Original or not : For thej often, not only put One fcr the Other 9 butalfo infert them where they are not,and leave them out where they are : — In this Revifal (1) As J AH is a glorious Name peculiar to the Supreme Bdng, Pjal. Jxviit. 4 ; wherever it is in the Original I preferve it. (z) Wherever is the Word JEHOVARanother Name peculiar to Him, Pfal. lxxxhi. id t and founds with fur - paiTmg ^ Preface. v paffing Grandeur and Solemnity ; I always write either JEHOVAH, efpecially where his Greatnefs or Majefty is reprefented,or LORD in Capitals. (3.) Wherever i$ the Word Adonai, whofe natural Signification feems to be — Lord 1 there I infert Lord in Italick. (4) Where- ever is the Word JLlohim, which is a famous Name of GOD in the Plural Number, and the firji us'd \nScrip- ture, as in Gen. i. 1 ; tho' it fometi 'me $ figuratively Signi- fies Nighty Men and Angels ; There I always write GOD or Gods in Capitals. (5) For the other Names of GOD, as JEl and its Derivatives, I always write God in Roman Character, but not in Capitals, I think Divine Infpiration cannot be too exactly reprefented ; and where the W ifdom of Infpiration makes a Diffe- rence, we fhould do fo too. II. Wherever is the famous Word Hallelujah; whofe Signikation \s--Praife J ah ; as well as the Word Amen, while Signification is — So be it ; I carefully preferve them. Ill Wherever is the Name Messiah in Hebrew? which Signifies The Anointed; I either keep the Word Mess i ah, or mfert theName Christ, which is the Word in Gr t ek, Latin and Englifo, of the fame Signification. IV. Confident, as { apprehend, with the Latitude of the Hebrevj Language, thePaiTages which are exprefs'd by our Poets in the form of Curfes 3 or revengefulWiJbes 9 I always chufe s to exprefs, agreable to the Prophetick Spirit of Infpiration, and the Graces of the fame Spi- rit, not in the Form of Wijbes in the Singers,bat in the Form of AJfertions or Prophecies indited by the fore-fee- f ing Spirit of Infpiration. V. Ihftead of the diminutive Terms of Hills, Floods? Lands and Skies, commonly us'd by our brightefl Poets, I ufe wherever I can, the more grand and nobleWords --Mountains, Seas, Earth, and Heavens ; where thefe greater Ideas are exprefs'd in the Original. As the Pfalmifl paints the Works of GOD in Naturt in perfeft Purity, I try to keep as near as pojjihle to Nature* For grand Ideas, iYeek the moil majejiicki'Vords ; £>r tender Sentiments ; ikefofiefi Words ; fo: ajfetfing> the .moil vi The P R E F A C E. moft moling ; for *wondrous,the moil fir iking : and in all aiming at the clear ifi Simplicity of Style; where- in the Sentiments are more eafiiy feen, more di- rectly reach the Heart, and touch it with a fbonger Energy. I ufe no Words, Ellipfes, or Ttr mi nations, but what are us\l by the belt Poets of the prefent Age : and as for Epithets and Words of Explication, I raiely ufe them but where I think they are plainly implied in the exceeding full Original Some Notts I add for the Satisfaction of the Learned : the Rcfi, for the Inftruction of others ; that they may not fing in Uncertainty or meer Amufement, but with Undemanding. A Stor * fignifies---/' is fo in Hebrew according to all /£ He is to them a refuge fafe in feafons troublefome. TO And they who duly know thy name, in Thee their truft will place ; Becaufe Thou, LORD, haft never left the feekers of thy face. [ 2 Part. ] II O fing ye praifes to the LORD, who does in Zion dwell ; His wondrous doings all abroad (rr^^ among his people tell, " f2 /l> When He onquiroth after blood £*v^t^iA^ he minds them carefully : Of thofe who meek and humble are he ne'r forgets the cry. 13 LORD, pity me, and weigh my grief which I from foes fuftain ; And from the op'ning gates of death O raife me up again. 14 That I in Zion's daughter's gates may fhew forth all thy praife : And my triumphant fhouts of joy in thy falvation, raife. 15 Th« f Heb. — People— in the Plural Number : i.e. all Peopit. % Heb. —Uprigbtncjfes in ihcPlur*! Number, i.e.Perfeff Uprigbtnefs. P S A L M X. i| 15 The heathen people are funk, down into the pit they made ; Their foot is taken in the net which fecretly they laid. 16 By judgments which He executes more known JEHOVAH is ; 111 men are caught in their own fnares ; deeply confider this. || (Selab.) 17 Thofe who continue wicked, fhali be turned down to hell ; Where all the nations of the earth who GOD forget, ihall dwell. 18 Thy needy, tho' diftrefs'd a while, mall never be forgot ; The expectations of thy poor, defer'd, yet perifh not. 1 9 O let not wretched man * prevail ; but O JEHOVAH rife ; The heathen people in thy light let judged be likewife. 20 O thou JEHOVAH, ftrike them all with trembling fear ; and then Thou wilt the nations make to know, they are but wretched men. * (Selab.) P S A L M X. 1 TXTHercfore JEHOVAH ftandeft thou ^ * away from us fo far ? And wherefore hideft thou thy felf when times fo troublous are ? Z Becaufe the wicked in their pride the needy make a prey ; They mall be taken in the plots which they for others lay. 3 The 8 This Line is the meaning of the Word— Biggckn, 14 P S A L M X. 3 The wicked in their heart's defire do glory ; and they praife The worldly man as blelt ; but they JEKOVAH's anger raife. 4 The wicked thro' their lofty pride en God refufe to call j And in their multitude of thoughts there is no GOD at all. 5 Their ways at all times grievous are : thy judgments are on high Above their fight : at all their foes they blow dildainfully. 6 Within their heart they vainly fay, " we mov'd mail never be, " Nor yet in any time to come • « adverfity {hall fee." 7 His mouth with curfing filled is, with wiles * , deceit and wrong ; And mifchief and iniquity lie hid beneath his tongue. 8 In coverts near the villages they fit ; the harmlefs flay ; And for the poor who pafs along with hidden eyes they lay. o. As lions in their coverts watch, the feeble to furprize ; As fowlers draw* them in their net, and on a fudden feize. io As maim'd * and crouching they will feem *, that numbers of the poor At unawares may fall into their paws of cruel power. II In heart they fay, " God has forgot " thefe things eternally \ " He wholly hides his face away, 44 and them will never fee," 1 1 JE- PSALM XL i> [ 2 Part. ] 12 JEHOVAH rife thou up ; O God, lift up thine hand on high ; Caft not the meek, afflicted ones out of thy memory. 13 O why do wicked men provoke the mighty GOD, and fay Prefumptuoufly within their heart, ' Thou never wilt repay.' 14 But fpite and mifchief thou doft fee j thy hand will them reward : The poor commits himfelf to Thee ; Thou art the orphan's guard. 15 The wicked's arm wilt wholly breaks and of the evil one ; And fearch out his impieties until thou findeft none ; 16 JEHOVAH King of ages * is and of eternity : * Out of his land the heathen tribes are perilh'd utterly. 27 The meek, afflicted ones defire ^ JEHOVAH thou doft hear ; Thou doft prepare their heart, and then give thine attentive ear. 18 To judge and help the fatherlefs, the feeble and the poor ; That earthly men may not deftroy % nor vex them any more. PSALM XI. I Tin JEHOVAH place my truft : A why therefore fay do ye To my poor foul, " like frighted birds " to your high mountain flee." 2 For % So the Syriaek renders it ; the Chaldee — break ; the Englifh — opprefs ; Buxtorf-- violently uft :. a^jld the Hebrew may comprehend them all. 16 PSALM XII. 2 For lo, the wicked bend their bows, and on the firing prepare, Their arrows in the dark to (hoot at thofe who upright are. 3 But if the great foundations of our ftate they overthrow ; [ Which are thy facred laws and truths ; ] what (hall the righteous do ? 4 JEHOVAH's in his holy place, f and in the heav'ns * on high JEHOVAH's throne : his eyes obferve, men's fons his eye-lids try. 5 The men who truly righteous are JEHOVAH does approve : His foul the wicked hates, and them who violence do love. 6 Snares, fire and brimftone, dreadful ftorms,. on fmners He will rain : This is the portion of the cup He does for them ordain. 7 Becaufe the LORD, who righteous is, all right'oufnefs does love ; His countenance the upright one, beholding does approve. PSALM XII. A PJalm of David. 1 tlElp, O JEHOVAH now, becaufe ■■■"'' the godly man doth ceafe, And from among the fons of meu the faithful men decreafe. 2 The moft, now, to their neighbours fpeak deceitful vanities ; With fiatt'ring lips they fmoothly fpeak, with double hearts and lies. 3 But f Heb. Palace ; as in P/aL xlv. cj.cxliv. 12. Prov.xxx. 28. and by a Figure -~ Temple, both on Earth and in Heaven. * Heb,- --» to fee me wholly fail. 5 But as I fet my confidence upon thy bounteous grace ; My heart in thy falvation (hall rejoyce with thankful praife. 6 Yea to JEHOVAH fongs of praife I'll fing melodiouily ; Who in his kindnefs deals with me exceeding bounteoufly. PSALM XIV. APfalm ./David, 1 pOols in their hearts fay, there's no GOD? " and fo corrupt they grow, Abominable fins commit, and nothing good they do. 2 From heav'n JEHOVAFI looked down on fons of men, to fee If any who do underftand, or feek to GOD there be. 3 They altogether filthy are ; they all are backward * gone ; There are not any that do good, no verily, not one. 4 The workers of iniquity, do they not know at all ? That they my people eat as breads nor on the LORD will call. j Yet they (hall with a grievous fear appalled greatly be, When GOD among the righteous race they once fhall come to fee. 6 The * Hebrew and ChaMte. P S A L M XV. 19 6 The counfel of the poor opprefs'd, ye mock'd and try'd to fhame ; Becaufe the LORD their refuge || is, and they hope in his name. J Who will from Zion Ifr'el fave ? * when back the LORD mall bring His captives ; Jacob will rejoyce, and Ifr'el gladly fing. P S A L M XV. A Pfalm of David* 1 IT ORD, in thy tabernacle, who -^ a fojourner (hall be ? And who is he inhabit (hall * thy mount * of fanctity * ? 2 (The man, w.ho walketh uprightly,*^ leUaJ-fvs l. /..\ l who work'eth righteoufnefs ; And who the truth within his heart does uprightly exprefs* 3 Who with his tongue backb iteth not , uAU t^^^k nor does his neighbour hurt ; . Nor yet againft his neighbour doth u»Ui take up an ill report. 4 Whole eyes the vile, tho' great, contemn 3 but all the LORD who fear, He honours ; and he changes not, tho* to his hurt he [wear. 5 Who to oppreiTing ufury, his money hath not lent ; Nor taketh a reward or bribe usk* J-zUtcj againft the innocent. C 2 Who I Cocceihi, G^;>,ar.d the£*g/;y&,tranf!ate ItRiFUCE ; the Syriack with PifcatorSc Caftalio--- Trust ; all the o- ther ancient Verfions ,\\\(^Montanus and Muis --Hope-; and the Hebrew kerns to comprehend them all. so PSALM XIV. Who cohftantly obferves thefe things, is grac >ufly approved, He's fureJy in a happy ft ate, and never mall be mov'd. [ Long Metre. ] % 1 T ORD, in thy tabernacle who - L ' Wilt thou with welcome entertain ? Who on thy mount of fanclity, * A conftant dweller (hall remain ? 2 The man who^wajketh uprightly, ffiffi**^ That always workeTn right'eoufnefs, ^^7« And what is in his ho: -.eft- heart Does truly with his mouth cxprefs. 3 "Who with his tongue A backbltetl» #*©*, Nor do#» his neighbour any wrong, Nor takes up a reproach to hurt His neighbour from another's tongue. 4 Whofe eyes the vile, tho' great, contemn, But honours all ^hpfesr the LORD : Who twity fwears^tna to his hurt ; And changes not, but keeps his word. 5 Who to opprefling ufury ^/ii^2 r ^LJ/ )1 J2JS- k' s rnone y ^ ent > No^rtakSStta 1 reward or bribe To wrong a perfon innocent. Who conftantly obferves thefe things, And does all in fincerity ; Is iurely in a happy Mate, And he mall never moved be. PSALM XVI. Miclam, or a golden Pfalm of David. 1 jpv Mighty God, preferve thou me ; ^ for upon thee 1 reft. 2 " Thou art my Lord" thou O my foul, haft to the LORD profefs'd. 3 My X Chiefly from Dr. Ford: bat nearer the Original. PSALM XVI. zi 3 My goodnefs reaches not to thee ; but to the Taints, th' ftpright On earth, who are the excellent, in whom is my de light. 4. Who harVri a ftrange one * to adore, their forrows (hall abound ; Their blood-drink offerings I'll not pour, nor names my Jips (hall found. 5 The LORD the only portion is of mine inheritance ; And of my cup ; and of my lot fecures the maintenace, 6 The lines that fallen are to me, in pleafant places are ; And goodly is the heritage that fajjetk to my (hare. ^^wgc 7 I will JEHOVAH humbly blefs, who counfels me arighr, So that my reins do me instruct in feafons of the night. 8 Before me I the LORD have fet as prefent evermore : Becaufe he is at my right hand, I (hall not iLde therefore. 9 Therefore my heart rejoycetk much, my glory's glad withal j Moreover alfo dwell in hope || my flefh fecurely || (hall : 10 Becaufe thou v/iit rot leave my foul in death's efiate to be ; Nor fufFer wilt thine iicly One J corruption there to fee. 11 Thou *i.e. a (IrangeZW. \\TheHe^re-zv feems to {±gn\ly Both- % i. e. Christ x*as the Apoiiics Peter^m Paul ex- plain it, Afis'iu 31. xiii. 35-- 37. 22 PSALM XVXL ii Thou wilt me fhew the path of life, which to thy prefence goes ; Where joy in fulnefs is, and where pure- pleafure ever flows. PSALM XVII. APfalm of David. x TEHOVAH hearken to the right, J attend to my loud cry ; And hear my pray'r that cometh forth from lips that do not lie. 2 O from thy prefence let there come a juft decree to me : And let thy juft and holy eyes, things that are equal fee. My Heart thou fearched haft by day, and vifued by night : Thou haft me in a furnace try'd, and found my heart is right 3 As for my Mouth ; as I refolv'd my words ihould not tranfgrefs, Thy righteous laws which guide the tongue ; I kept my purpofes. 4 And as for Works of men ; thy word hath me directed fo, That I obferv'd and fhun'd the paths wherein deftroyers go. 5 My goings in thy narrow paths ee&~&* ^ do thou uphold and guide ; That fo my footfteps thus fecur'd may never turn afide. 6 On Thee I called have, O God, becaufe Thou wilt me hear ; O now incline thine ear to me, and hear my humble pray'r, [%PartA PSALM XVII. 23 r 2 Part. ] • 7 O (hew thy wondrous grace to them whofe truft on thee relies ; Who fav'ft by thy right hand from thofe who up againft them rife. 8 O keep me now as thou v wouldft keep the apple of thine eye ; Under the ihadow of thy wings hide me continually. .9 From all the threat'ning faces of the wicked who me wafte, And from my deadly enemies, who me around inveft. io In their grofs fat they are enclos'd, boaft with their mouths likewife 5 11 In all our fteps they compafs us ; to earth they bow their eyes, 12 They like a roaring lion are, who greedy is for prey ; Like a young lion watching irt his iecret place, are they. 13 But LORD arife, his face prevent ; O make him down to bow ; And from the wicked one, thy fword, my foul deliver thou. 14 From mortal % men, thy hand, O LORD 9 from mortal men % me fave, Who in this traniient time of life their only portion have. Thy hidden itores their bellies fill, and filled are their fons 5 And all the reft they fave and le ave to their young little ones. 15 But J The HebreiuWord being derived from another which tigmbcs Death, I apprehend it may imply Men who are not only mortal themfilves t b\it dltebringDeatb Qnotbsrs. *4 P'S ji L M XVIII. 15 But I in righteoufnefs thy face wich joy fhall clearly fee ; Ana wakjng with thine image, 1 ffeiil fatislied be. PSALM XVIII. ATfahn of David, the Servant of the Lord ; win Jpake to the Lord the Wotds of this Scrg in ike Day that the Lord delivered him from all his Ene- mies y and from the Hand of Saul : and he f aid ; 1 T ORD thee my iTrength I'll dearly love : -^ 2 7 heLORD's my rock f and refuge fure, My fortrefs, iaviour, God and fhield, My reck, J on wKi m I reft fecure ; My horn of fafety, || mv high tow'r : 5 JEHOVAH I will calf on Thee Whq worthy to be praifed art ; So from my foes fav'd I fhall be. 4 Amazing forrovvs feiz'd my foul, While death its cords * around me laid ; As when impetuous torrems roll Ungodly men my foul dlfmay'd. 5 Trie cords of hell encompafs'd me, And death it's fnares around me drew ; They feiz'd and caught me unawares, E'er I th' approaching dinger knew. * 6 DiftreiVd, I called on the LORD, Cry'd to my God, and He did hear ; Ke from Ins temple heard my voice, My cry receiv'd into his ear. 7 And then the earth affrighted (hook, The utmoft trembling on it feiz'd : The mountains their foundations mov'd, Becaufe they faw him high difplcas'd. 8 f i. e. my High Rock. J i.e. my Great & 'Fir //;Rock. || The Hebrew fignilies boLli Safety and Salvation. PSALM XVIII. 2 < 8 Smoke from his noftrjls there atofe ; And fire d vouring dreadfully Forth from his mouth there i filled ; Bright coals enkindled were thereby. 9 The heav'ns aioft He made to bow, Defceriding in a martial form ; And all beneath his feet appear'd, Thick darknefs, and a gathering ftorm. io He on a flying cherub rode, In his exalted majefty : And op the wings of fwifteft winds, He irrefiftibly did fly. ii He darknefs made his (ecref place : His awful covert round him were Darknefs of waters and thick clouds, Which overfpread the gloomy air. 12 But at the brightness flafiijng forth Before him, his thick clouds confpire To pafs along, and call abroad Hail-iiones, and burning coals of fire. [ 2 Part. ] 13 From heav'n JEHOVAH thundred loud; The higherr. gave his mighty voice ; Hail-flones, and glowing coals of fire He caft with dreadful pow'r and noife. 14 His arrows forth he fent abroad, Which made my foes difoerfe and fly ; lightnings ihot and multiply'd, * "Which them defeated utterly. 15 Then were the waters channels feen, The world's foundations op'ned were, At thy rebuke LORD, at the Waft Of thy difpleafure's breath, laid bare. 16 From 2 6 PSALM XVIII. j 6 From heav'n he fent and on me feiz'd, And from the mighty waters drew ; 17 He fav'd me from my mighty foes, Whofe pow'r too mighty for me grew. 18 In my dark day they melfurpriz'd ; Yet was the LORD a flay to me. 19 Becaufe in me He took delight, He hath enlarg'd and fet me free. 20 The LORD rewarded my pure hands, And recompenc'd my upright heart ; 21 For I did keep JEHOVAH's ways, Nor wickedly my God defert. 22 For all his laws before me were, His ftatutes from me put not I : 23 Yea I before him was upright, Anc? kept from mine iniquity. 24 According to my uprightnefs Therefore the LORD rewarded me ; And to the purenefs of my hands, Which his all-viewing eye did. fee. [ 3 P*r*- ] 25 Thou gracious to the gracious art, ' To upright ones wilt upright be ; 26 Pure to the pure ; but itrive with them Who froward are, and itrive with thee. 27 For thou wilt the afflicted fave, And high looks thou wilt bring down low : 28 But Thou wilt light my lamp ; the LORD My God, my darknefs mine into. 29 By thee with dauntlefs courage fir'd, Embattled troops I pierced thro' : And by my God amfting me, I fcal'd the ramparts of my foe. 30 The PSALM XVIII. 27 30 The way of God moll perfect is ; JEHOVAH's word is thro'ly try'd ; Kc is their thield, their fure defence, Who ftedfaftly in him confide. 31 For who is God except the LORD ? Or who a rock our God beiide ? 32 It's God who girdeth me with ftrength, And in a perfect way does guide : 33 He makes my feet fwift as the roe ; On my high places makes me ftand 5 34 Mine arms can break the brazen bow, f So well for war he taught my hand. 35 The fhield of thy falvation Thou Beftowed likewife haft on me ; And thy right hand hath me upheld ; Thy favour made me great to be. [ 4 Part. ] 36 My fteps Thou mad'ft both large and fure, As I my flying foes purfu'd : 37 I overtook them : nor did turn, Till I had wholly them fubdu'd. 38 So fatally I wounded them, • In vain they try'd their heads to rear ; And all bereav'd of ftrength they fell, Beneath my feet, and grovel'd there. 39 Thou girdeft me with fortitude To battle with my mighty foes ; And haft fubdued thern to me Who fiercely up againft me rofe. 40 The necks of ail mine enemies, By Thee to me fubjeited are ; That I might juftly cut them off* Who to me mortal hatred bear. 41 They •fHib.Septua^intySyrisickyArabickiMontanus^infzUQrtkkQ, 2 8 PSALM XVIII. 41 They cry'd and call'd out earnestly ; But there was none appear'd to fave : Yea even to the LORD himfelf ; But He to them no anfwer gave. 42 Then like the dull: driv'n all abroad, When boift'rous wines arife and blow, I beat them fmall ; 2nd as the dirt Into the ftre'c't, I them did throw. 43 From all the people's drivings Thou Haft me deliv'red this glad day, And of the nations made me head : People unknown (hall me obey. 44 At the rlrft hearing they'l jubmit : Strangers (hall bow themfelvis tome : 45 The Grangers ions ihall fade away, And from their coverts frighted be. [ 5 fan, ] 46 Live LORD, and let my rock be blefs'd ; My Saviour God f exalted be ; 47 God w r ho avenges me, and who brings down the people under me. 48 My iaviour * from mine enemies : Yea me thou haft advane'd indeed Above them that againft me rofe, And from the vi'lent man me freed. 49 Therefore among the nations ,LORD, To Thee my thanks I will proclaim ; To Thee, victorious loudly will Sing forth the praifes of thy name. 50 He great deliv'rance gives his king, And boundleis favour has in ftore, For his Messiah, J David fure, And for kis Seed || for evermore. PSJL. ■f Heb.God of my Salvation. % Heb. Sept. Syr Arab. &c. I David was the'fiyptcal Messiah, and CnRrsT bis fromifed Seed the Real. PSALM XIX. 29 PSALM XIX. *~pHe heav'ns on high abroad declare ■*- the majefly of God ; And forth the firmament doth fhow, his handy work abroad. 2 Day fpeaks to day, and night to night, the knowledge hath declar'd. 3 There neither fpeech nor language is where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line thro' all the earth is gone ; and to the utmoft end Of all the world, their founding words, their clear inftruclion fend. 5 In them a vaft pavilion he hath fpread around the fun ; A bridegroom from his chamber goes, itrong, his glad race to run. 6 From the cad: end of heav'n he goes, >22£^1 afcends, and round he flies, To the weft end ; and from his heat there nothing hidden lies. [ 2 Part. ] 7 JEHOVAH's law moft perfect is,' and does the foul convert : JEHOVAH's testimony fure || makes wife the fimple heart. 8 The ftatutes of the LORD are right, and they rejoyce the heart ; The LORD's commands are clear; and they light to the eyes impart. 9 Both [| Or faithful : fa the Hebrew, Greek, Cbaldee, Syriack, Arabick, Montanus, Ainfiwortb, &C. j* PSALM XX. 9 Both pure and everlafting is JEHOVAH's facred fear : JEHOVAH's judgments are the truth, and wholly righteous are. 10 Than gold, than much refined gold, more to be prized far ; Sweeter than honey, or the juice in honey-combs they are. 11 By them thy fervant warned is, [bis heart and life to guard ;] In carefully obferving them, there is a great reward. 12 Who can his errors fully know ? from fecret faults cleanfe me ; And from prefumptuous fins do Thou : keep me thy fervant free. 13 O never fuffer them to have dominion over me ; Then I fhall rightly walk, and from great fin preferved be. 14 LORD let the fpeeches of my mouth., and thoughts within my heart, To Thee be pleafing ; who my rock and my redeemer art. PSALM XX. A Pjalm of David, . 1 TEHOVAH hear thee in the day J of thy calamity ; The name of Jacob's mighty God defend || and fet thee high : || 2 Help fend thee from his holy place, and ftrength from Zion give. 3 Remember all thy offerings, and facrifice receive. (Selah.) 4 Grant J! The Hebrew feems to comprehend thtm Both. See PeoL'sSynopfts, dwfwrtb, xteEngliJh Margin, kQ. PSALM XXI. 31 4 Grant thee according to thy heart ; thy counfel all fulfil : 5 In thy falvation granted, we rejoyce with fhouting will. And in the name of our own God our banners we will rear : Moft kindly hear thee may the LORD and anfwer all thy pray'r. 6 Now know I that JEHOVAH will fave his Messiah * dear, With his right hand of ftrength ; and froir. his holy heav'n he'll hear. 7 In chariots fome their confidence, and fome in horfes fet ; But of the LORD our God the name we never will forget. 8 So we (hall rife and ftand upright, while they bow down and fall. Save LORD, and hear us let the king, when we to him do call. PSALM XXI. A PJalm ofDmd. 1 TEHOVAH in thy ftrength J the king f (hall joyful be : In thy falvation, how exult exceedingly (hall he ! 2 Thou granted haft to him that which his heart would have ; Yea thou from him haft not with-held all that his lips did crave. (Selab.) 3 With * In Hebrew, Chaldee k Arabick, ti s — his Messiah "-> and in the Septuagint and ancient Latin — £mChr.ist : i.e. David his Typiaal,and Christ his#m/MEssiAH« ■\ The Cbaldee fays,; — The King Messiah . i.e. David the Typical ', & Ch rut the Real Messiah. See */. 4. 3#S P S A L M XXL 3 With bleflings very irrtat thou haft prevented him ; Or nneft gold, then on his head, ha;l jet a di idem. 4 Of Thee he sfci d h e ; to him Thou didft it give, Yea fuch a length of days, that he for evermore ihouid live, 5 In thy falvat'on is his glory very great, Honour and majefty thou haft dimnguifh'd on him let. 6 For thou tor evermore halt him moft blefled- made ; Thou ftiajc'jt Ivm with thy countenance- to be 'exceeding glad. 7 Becaufe the Kmg does truft xg^gy upon JEHOVAH j He, Thro' mercy of the higheft One $ (hall never moved be.. 8 Thy hand (hall 'find out all Who foes to thee ftil] are ; And thy right hand fhail find out them who hatred to thee bear. 9 Like as a h'ry -ov'n, thine an?er make them fhall : The LORD in v. rath wiJl them devour • and fire confume them all. 10 Thou wilt deftroy their fruit, from off the earth, their race ; So that among the fons of men their feed (hall have no place : ii Becaufe againft thee they a mifclv.ef did intend ; A wicked plot did they devife ; but cannot reach their end. 12 For PSALM XXII. 33 12 For thou wilt mr.ke them fly, whenever thou (halt place Thine arrows ready on tiie firing, and point them at their face. 13 Exalt thy felf, O LORD ! thy ftrength in glory raife ; So joyful pfalms we'll fing to Thee«j thy mighty pow'r we'll praife. PSALM XXII. A Pfalm of David. [The Su/fefings, Prayers, and Praifes ^Christ.] 1 ]V/J Y God, my God, wherefore haft thou *•*•* forfaken me ? || and why Art thou fo far from helping me, and from my earner!: cry ? 2 My God, I in the day-time cry, but me thou dolt, not hear ; And in the night-time, but to me no quiet reft is there. 3 Nevertheless* thou holy art, who conftantly doft dwell, Among the thankful praifes of thy people Ifrael. 4 Our fathers heretofore in Thee did put their confidence ; They trufted Thee, and Thou to them didft give deliverance. 5 To Thee they cry'd cut earneftly, and then falvation came ; They plac'd their truft in Thee alone, and were not put to fhame. 6 But as a worm, and not a man, I'm us'd as one forlorn ; I'm the reproach among the high, among the low the icorn. D 7 With H. So Jbsvs crted out on the Crcfs, Mat. xxvii, 46. 34 PSALM XXIL 7 With laughter all the gazing crowd my agonies furvey ; They (hoot the lip, they make the head, and thus deriding fay ; 8 < You on JEHOVAH caft your kit, 6 that He might you redeem ; * Let him now come and refcue you, 4 fince you delight in him.' 9 But thou art He who from the womb didft tenderly me take : When I was on my mother's breafts to hope Thou didft me make. 10 I even from the womb have been entirely caft on Thee ; And from my mother's bowels Thouy haft been a God to me, [ 2 Part, ] ir Be not Thou far away from me, now trouble is fo near ; For there is none to give me helpy unlefs Thou wilt appear. 12 My foes, as bulls on- ev'ry fide have me encompaffed ; Like mighty bulls of Bafhan have me round environed, 13 Their mouths they open upon me y yea open wide do they ; Like lions ravenous who roar when feizing on their prey. 14 Like water I am poured out ; my bones disjointed are ; My heart amidft my bowels melts, like wax amidft the fire. 15 My ftrength is like a potfherd dry'd, my parched tongue cleaves faft To my dry mouth, and to the duft of death, me brought Thou haft. PSALM XXII. ^ 26 Like furious dogs they me furround ; in crouds the wicked meet ; Their rude affembly me enclofe, and pierce my hands and feet. 17 Ev'n I may number all my bones ; on me they look and ftare : 18 For my whole vefture, lots they caft, and they my garments (hare. 19 But be not far, O LORD, my ftrength ; hafte Thou to fuccour me. 20 A4y precious foul, both from the fword 9 and pow'r of dogs fet free. 21 O fave me from the lion's mouth ; as Thou haft anfwer'd me, When on the horns of unicorns I cry'd aloud to Thee. 22 Then to my brethren I'll declare the glories of thy name j Amidft the congregation I thy praifes will proclaim. [ 3 P^U ] 23 All ye who fear the LORD, Him praife ; all Jacob's feed who are, Him glorify ; all Ifrael's feed, do ye Him greatly fear. 24 For He th' affliction of the poor, nor loaths, nor does defpife ; Nor hides his face from him, but hear© when loud to Him he cries. 25 Ev'n in the congregation great, my praife is of Thee (iill : Before them who Him reverence perform my vows I will. D 2 26 The 3 6 P S A L M XXIII. 26 The meek (hall feed, and be fuffie'd : and praife the LORD ihall ye Who feek his faee > your heart (hall live ev'n to eternity. 27 All ends of th' earth remember (hall, and turn all to the LORD : Thee all the heathen families to worihip (hall accord : 28 Becaufe to our JEHOVAH does the kingdom appertain ; And He among the nations is the ruler fovcre 29 Earth's rich ones cat, and worlhip (hall, all who to duft defcend (For none can keep alive their fouls) before his face (hall bend. 30 A feed for ever (hall Him ferve, which to the Lord alone A generation (hall he calfd which He will ever own. 31 They (hall come forth, and (hall declare his glorious righteoufnefs ; To generations yet unborn, that He hath done all this. PSALM XXIII. A Pfalm of David. 1 '"pHe LORD himfelf my fhephcrd is, •*■ want therefore (hail not I : 2 He in tKe folds f of tender graft fort makes me down to lie : He leads me to the waters ftill : 3 Reftore my foul does He : In paths of righteoufnefs He will for his k name fake lead me. 4 Tho f i. e. End of ur a for Flocks ot Sheep, PSALM XXIV. 37 Tho' in death's gloomy vale I walk, yet I will fear no ill ; For Thou art with me ; and thy rod and ftafF me comfort will. Thou haft for me a table fpread in prefence of my foes : Thou doft my head with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. Goodnefs and mercy all my days {hall furely follow me ; And in the LORD's houfe I mall dwell as long as days * fhall be. PSALM XXIV. A Pfalm of David. npHe earth is all the LORD's, *■■ it's fulnefs all is his ; The world and all who dwell therein his own pofTeflion is. For its foundation He upon the feas hath laid ; And it on the unliable floods hath firm efhblifhed. But who jEHOVAH's hill (hall happily afcend ? And in his place of fanclity, who fhall oh Him attend ? . The man whGfe hands are clean, whofe heart is pure ; and he Who hath not lift his foul to liet, nor fworn deceitfully. ; The benediction he fhall from the LORD receive, And righteoufnefs fhall from the God of his falvation have. 6 Or * So the Hebrew and all the ancient Verfions. 3 8 PSALM XXV. b Of thofe who feek for Him, this is the blefTed race ; And they are Jacob's genuine feed who chiefly feek thy face. {Selah.) [ 2 Port- J II 7 Ye gates lift up your heads, eternal doors give way ; Lift up on high, that enter in the king of glory may. S Who is this glorious king ? we beg you now declare ! He is JEHOVAH great in pow'r, the mighty LORD of war. 9 Ye gates lift up your heads, eternal doors give way ; Lift up on high, that enter in the king of glory may. jo Who is this glorious king ? reveal and let us fee ! He's the triumphant LORD of hofts : this glorious king is He. (Selah.) PSALM XXV. J Pfilm of Dzvid. I >"pO Thee, O LORD, I lift my foul ; 1 2 My God, I truft in Thee : Let, me not be afham'd ; nor let my foes joy over me. 3 Yea, let not any be afham'd, who hope and wait on Thee : But all who are unjuft f and vain, % let them afhamed be. 4 Thy jj The following Vcrfes fecm to reprefent both the victorious Entrance of Christ by his Word & Spirit into thtHearts of the Children of Men on Earth, and his triumphant Entrance into Heaven. f Sept. Syr. Arab : % Cbaldee : and the Hebrew may include Both. PSALM XXV. 39 4 Thy ways, JEHOVAH, to me (how, thy paths make me difcern ; 5 O make me in thy truth to go, and eaufe Thou me to learn. For of my health Thou art the God, on Thee I wait all day : 6 Thy bowels LORD, and mercies mind ; for, ever more are they. 7 Remember not my faults of youth, ncr later fins record : In mercy, for thy goodnefs fake remember me, O LORD. 8 The LORD is good and juft ; therefore the way He'll finners ihow : 9 The meek He will in judgment guide, and make his way to know. ip JEHOVAH's paths all mercy are, and truth all of them too, To them who keep his covenant and teftimonies do. 1 1 JEHOVAH, for thy own name fake, I humbly Thee intreat To pardon mine iniquity, for it is very great. [ 2 Part. J f 2 Who fear the LORD, them He will teach, the way that they mould chufe ; 13 Their fouls mail dwell at eafe j their feed as heirs the earth fhall ufe. 14 With them who humbly fear the LORD, his fecret love doth dwell ; And his mod gracious covenant to them He will reveal. D 4 15 Mine 4» PSALM XXVI. 15 Mine earneft eyes continually rais'd to JEHOVAH are ; For He it is that can fet free my feet out of the fnare. 16 O turn Thou now to me thy face, and on me mercy (how ; For I am in a lonely cafe, afflicted, poor, and low. 17 The troubles of my heart are great ; bring me from my diftrefs, 18 My pain and my affliction fee, and all my fins releafe. 19 Confider Thou mine enemies .; for multiply'd they are, And it a cruel hatred is which they againft me bear. 20 O.do Thou fafely keep my foul, do Thou deliver me ; And let me never be alham'd, becaufe I truft in Thee. 21 Let foundnefs and let uprightnefs * keep me who wait * on Thee : 22 From all his troubles Ifrael O GOD, do Thou fet free. PSALM XXVI. A Pfdtm p/David. 1 TUdge me, O LORD, as I have waik'd J in mine inteerity : And as I on JEHOVAH truft, Aide therefore lhall not I. 2 O fearch and prove me LORD ; and try my reins, my heart likewife : 3 For in thy truth I walk, and fix thy grace f before mine eyes. 4 With f Hebrew— Loving-kindnefs or Benignity. PSALM XXVII, 41 4 With perfons vain 1 have not fat, nor with diflemblers gone : 5 All evil company I hate, and a ! l the wicked (hun. 6 In purenefs, LORD, I'll wafh my hands ; thine altar then furround, 7 With thankful voice that I may tell, and all thy wonders found. 8 The dwelling of thy houfe, O LORD moft clearly love do I ; The place and tabernacle where reiides thy majefty. 9 With bloody or with wicked men, O gather not my foul ; 10 Whole hands with fraud, & whofe right hands with bribery are full. 1 1 But I in my integrity will walk, fecur'd by Thee : O me redeem, and of thy grace be merciful to me. 12 Upon an even place my foot Hands firm in uprightnefs : In the afTemblies * therefore I the LORD will ever blefs. PSALM XXVII. J Pfilm of David. 1 npHe LORD my light and Safety % is : -*■ who (hall make me difmay'd ? The LORD is of my life the ftrength : who (hall make me afraid ? 2 For when my fpiteful enemies me to devour drew near ; To {tumble and fall down at once, by Him they forced were. 3 Againft X Safety oi-'Salvation, Heb; or Sav l ovR,^rabici : h comprehends them all. 42 PSALM XXVII. 3 Againft me tho' an hoft encamp, my heart undaunted is : If war againft me mould arife, I am fecure in this ; 4 One thing I afked of the LORD, which ftill I will requeft ; That in the LORD's houfc all my days I happily may reft ; That I the beauty of the LORD may view, and there admire ; And in his holy temple may continually enquire. 5 For He in his pavilion will me hide in evil days ; In fecret of his tent me hide, and on a rock me raife : 6 Moreover at this time my head on high mall lifted be, Above my num'rous enemies, who round encompafs me.; Therefore a facriflce of joy, and fhouting * I will bring Into his tent ; and fing aloud, praife to JEHOVAH fing. [ 2 Part. ] 7 While with my earned voice I cry, me O JEHOVAH hear ; O have Thou mercy upon me, and to me give thine ear. 8 When Thou to feek thy blefTed face, me kindly doft advife ; Thy blefTed face, LORD, I will feek, " my grateful heart replies." 9 o PSALM XXVIII. 43 q O hide not Thou thy countenance, an ay from me therefore ; Thy lervant put thou not avvny in thy difpleafure fore. My helper Thou haft ever been. do not from me depart ; Nor me forfake, for Thou the God of my falvation art. io My father and my mother both, tho' they from me remove ; Vet then the LORD will take me up, and a kind father prove. ii JEHOVAH teach Thou me thy way, and be a guide to me, In righteous paths, becaufe of thofe who watch my faults to fee. 12 O give me not up to their will, who are mine enemies : Agamft me rife faife witnefTes, who breath out cruelties. 13 I fhould have fainted, had not I beiiev'd that 1 fhouid fee, Ev'n in the land of living ones the LORD's benignity. 14 Wait on the LORD, couragious be -, and lie will ftrength afford To thy faint heart : I fay again, wait (till upon the LORD. P S A L M XXVIIL A PJalm */David. 1 C\ LORD, my rock, to Thee I cry ; ^f Be not Thou filent then to me j I ft by thy fiience, I like them Defending to the pit fhould be. 2 Of 44 P S A L M XXVIII. 2 Of my intreaties hear the voice, While to Thee loud for help I cry ; While I lift up my hands towards Thine oracle of fanctity. 3 With ill men draw me not away, With workers of unrighteoufnefs ; Who peace to all their neighbours fpeak, But in their heart is wickednefs. 4 Thou wilt reward them for their deeds, According to their ill intents ; According to their handy- works, Thou wilt them juftly recompence. 5 Since they JEHOVAH's, wonders flight, And working of his hand difdain ; He will them righteouily deftroy, And will not build them up again. 6 The LORD be blefs'd ; for He hatfc heard The voice of my imploring cry : The LORD my ftrength, my fhield ; on Him My heart rely'd, and help'd was I. Therefore my heart exults with joy, And with my foirg I'll Him confefs. 7 JEHOVAH is his people's ftrength, The flrength of his Messiah * is. 8 Salvation to thy people give ; And blefs Thou thine inheritance ; Yea even to eternity * Do Thou them feed and them advance. [ This * Of his Mess I ah ; HebretVyChaldee^Syriack, Arahick : of his Christ ; ihcSeptuagint and ancient Latin : i.e. both of David V\s Typical, and of the Man Christ Jesus his Prcmifed and Real Messiah. PSALM XXIX. 4j [ This Verfe in common Metre. ] ! Salvation to thy people give ; blefs thine inheritance j And even to eternity them feed and them advance. PSALM XXIX. JPfalmofDzv'id. i f\ Ye the Tons of mighty ones, f (f^Elim.) ^ give to the LORD on high ! All glory to JEHOVAH give, and boundlefs potency. i O to the LORD the glory give which to his name is due : In beauty of his holinefs, down to JEHOVAH bow. 5 The LORD's voice on the waters founds, the God of glory, hear, Thunders aloud : JEHOVAH fits, on many waters there. 4. The voice is full of pow'r, which founds forth from the LORD on high : JEHOVAH's mighty voice is full of glorious majefty. 5 See how JEHOVAH's voice at once the fhiv'ring cedars tares : See how the LORD the cedars breaks which Lebanon high rears. 6 Like calves He makes the mountains leap,* ev'n That great Lebanon ; And like a youthful unicorn, that mountain Syrion. 7 JEHOVAH's voice ftrikes flames of fire, and fcatters -them around : 8 JEHOVAH's voice the defart makes to tremble with the found. JEHOVAH 46 PSALM XXX. JEHOVAH makes the wildernefs of Kadefh (hake with fear : 9 TheLORD's voice makes the frighted Hinds to caft their young ones there. With glares of lightning thro' the dark He makes the forefts bare. But his full * glory He within his temple does declare. io The LORD fits on the floud as king ; the LORD's reign ne'r mall ceafe : II The LORD will give his people ftrength j the LORD them blefs with peace. PSALM XXX. A Pfalm&Song at the Dedication oftheHoufe cfDzxid. 1 T ORD, I will Thee extol on high ; "■^ for Thou haft made me rife ; And joyful haft not made to be o'er me mine enemies. 2 O LORD my God, I cry'd to Thee, and Thou haft made me whole. 3 JEHOVAH, Thou ev'n from the grave haft raifed up my foul : Thou from the pit haft quick'ned me : 4 O fing ye to the LORD, Ye faints of his, give thanks when ye his holinefs record. 5 For but a moment * is his wrath ; life in his love doth ftay : Tho' weeping laft thro' all the night, joy comes at break of day. 6 For in ray profp'rous ft ate I faid, " I ne'r mall moved be ; 7 " Since, LORD my mountain by thy grace " is made fo ftrong by Thee. 8 But PSALM XXXI. 47 8 But quickly Thou thy face didft hide ; I greatly was difmay'd : LORD then I cali'd aloud on Thee, and to the LORD thus pray'd ; 9 " What gain is in my blood when I " into the pit go down ? " Shall duft give glory then to Thee ? " Shall it thy truth make known ? io " Do Thou me, O JEHOVAH, hear ; " and on me mercy have : « To me, JEHOVAH, be Thou near, " an helper me to fave !" ii My mourning then into a dance for me Thou turned haft ; With gladnefs Thou haft girded me y and off my fackcloth caft. 12 So (hall my glory fing thy praife, and never filent be : O LORD my God, I will give thanks for evermore to Thee. PSALM XXXI. APfalm of David, i TN Thee, O LORD, I put my truft j -* afham'd ne'r let me be : According to thy righteoufnefs, do Thou deliver me. i Bow down thine ear to me : with fpeed give me deliverance. To fave me, be my rock of ftrength, and houfe of my defence. 3 Becaufe Thou art my rock and fort, in whom I will confide, Therefore for thy name fake do Thou me fafely, lead j| and guide. || 4 O } i. e. ehhcr t LeaJme by thy Hand, and guide me by tbn* Ep v or— Lead, yea lead me along continually. 48 P S A L M XXXI. 4 O pull me from the net which they, for me in fecret laid ; Becaufe Thou only art my ftrength, in whom I truft for aid. 5 Imo thy hands I fafe commit my foul ; for Thou art Pie, O Thou JEHOVAH, God of truth, who haft redeemed me. * 6 The men who lying vanities regard, I have abhor'd : Eut I have plae'd my confidence alone upon the LORD. 7 I in thy mercy will exult and will rejoyce ; for Thou Did'ft my affiiclion fee and weigh, my foul in trouble know ; 8 And didft not let my foe keep me 3 enclofed in his hand ; But in. the place of liberty haft made my feet to ftand* [ 2 Part. ] 9 O LORD, becaufe I am diftrefs'd, in mercy fend relief: My foul, my bowels, and mine eye, confumed are with grief. 10 Becaufe my life with trouble fails ; with groans my years decay ; And for my (ins my ftrength is fpent, my bones confume away. 11 To all my foes I am a fcorn, neighbours efpecially ; A fear to friends ; and thofe abroad who fee me from me fly. 12 Ev'n * Heb.Sipt. ancient Latin, Cbaldee, Syr. Arab, PSALM XXXI. 49 12 Ev'n like a dead man, out of mind, I quite forgotten lie ; And as a potter's veiTel broke, || fo much defpis'd am I. 13 For flanders I of many heard, I and fears around me lay, While they confulted and devis'd to take my life * away. 14 But all this while on Thee, O LORD, I trufted ftill for aid j " For Thou art my almighty God," my foul within me faid ; 15 My times are wholly in thy hand ; now therefore fet me free Far from the hand of all my foes, and thofe who trouble me. r 3 *«*' 3 16 The brightnefs of thy face to miae on me thy fervant make ; And thy falvation to me grant, for thy free mercy fake. 17 LORD, let me not afhamed be ; for call'd on Thee I have ; But wicked men (hall be aiham'd, till filent in the grave. 18 The lying lips (hall filenc'd be, which grievous things have faid; And hard reports in pride and fcorn againft the righteous fpread. E 19 How I Heh. Sept. and ancient Latin — a VefTel deftroy'd ; Arab, a VefTel broken ; Ckaidre, a Potter's Veflel broken to Plecesi jo P S A L M XXXII. 19 How great thy goodnefs in thy ftore, for thofe who fear Thee, then ! Yea wrought for them who truft in Thee, before the fons of men ! JO In fecret of thy prefence Thou wilt fcreen them from man's pride ; And fafely wilt from ftrife of tongues in thy pavilion hide. 21 O let JEHOVAH bleffed be, for wondrous kindnefs mown, When threatning dangers me enclos'd within a fenced town. || 22 For in my hafte I tho't and faid ; " I'm cut off from thine eyes," Yet when I cry'd to Thee, then Thou didfl kindly hear my cries. 23 O love the LORD, all ye his faints ! the LORD the faithful guards ; But thofe who live and act in pride, He dreadfully rewards. 24 Encourage then your felves in him, and he'll more ftrength afford To your enfeebled hearts, all ye whofe hope is in the LORD. PSALM XXXII. APfalm of David. BlefTed is the man to whom trefpafs is pardoned ; And he whofe faults of ev'ry kind are wholly covered ! O blefled is the man, to whom the LORD imputes not fin ; And he who fuch a fpirit hath, that guile is not therein. 3 For No doubt alluding to his being in Ktihb j iSato.xxil S—12, O PSALM XXXII. S i 3 For while I no confeflion made, but filent kept my tongue, My bones, as if with age, decay'd with groaning all day long. 4 For heavily thy hand did lie upon me day and night ; That into fummer's (torching drought my moifture turned quite. (Selab.) 5 At length my fin I did confefs, with humble fhame to Thee ; And hid not from Thee any part of mine iniquity. 6 Againft my felf, I nid, " my fins « I'll to the LORD confefs j" And then of mine iniquity Thou didit the guilt releafe. (Selab.) 7 For this each godly one to Thee in finding time ihall pray : Surely in floods of waters great, reach to * him (hall not they. Thou art my hiding place : thou wilt from trouble keep X me free ; With fongs of glad deliverance ; thou wilt encompafs me. (Selab.) 8 To me thou fayft, " I'll thee inftrucT:, " thee teach the way will I, cc Wherein 'tis beft for thee to go, " and guide thee with mine eye." 9 " Be neither like the korfe or mule, " who never underftand ; " Whofe mouths with bits and reins are held, " to keep them in command. £ 2 io To * Hebrew, "Mynfter, Montanus, &c. i. e. being plac'd as on the Top of a high Rock above theWaves i&jer. Hebrew, Cbaldee, Montanus, 5 t PSALM XXXIII. 10 " To ev'ry one who wicked is, " (hall many griefs abound : " But him who on the LORD relies, " (hall mercy compafs round.'' 11 Be glad, ye righteous, in the LORD, greatly in Him rejoyce ; And all who upright are in heart, fliout with a joyful voice. PSALM XXXIII. 1 \7E righteous, in the LorcU * exceedingly rejoyce ; For it is comely for th' upright* with praife to lift their voice, 2 With pfaltries, harps and hites, fing praifes to the LORD ; 3 A new fong loudly fing to Him, with fkill and iweet accord j 4 Becaufe JEHOVAH's word is altogether right ; And all his work is done in truth* and brings his truth to light, 5 He loves all righteoufnefs, judgment and equity : And all the earth is rilled with the LORD's benignity. 6 For by JEHOVAH's word the heav'ns had all their frame ; And by the fpirit of his mouth, all armies of the fame. 7 The waters of the fea he gathers as an heap ; In channels as in treafuries he lays up all the deep. PSALM XXXIII. yj 8 Let all throughout the earth, the great JEHOVAH fear, Let all the dwellers of the world to Him deep revVence bear : 9 Becaufe he did but fpeak the word ; and it was made ; He did but his commandment give, and it was firmly ftaid. io JEHOVAH brings to nought the fchemes of nations wife ; He renders all in vain the plots the fubt'left men devife. 11 The counfel of the LORD abide for ever (hall ; The cogitations of his heart., to generations all. [ 2 Part. ] 12 O blefTed nation they, whofeGod JEHOVAH is; That people, for an heritage He chofen hath as his. 13 The LORD from heav'n looks down, on all the humane race : 14 He all who dwell around the earth views from his dwelling place. 15 He fafhions at his will the hearts of all mankind ; And all their operations he attentively does mind. 16 By multitudes of hofts no king himfelf can fave, The mighty by their greateft ftrength, can not deliv'rance have, E 5 "7* 54 P S A L M XXXIV. 17 A horfe a vain thing is to fave one in' the light ; Neither can he deliv'rance give by greatnefs of his might. 18 But lo, who fear the LORD, on them, He fets his eye ; || On them who place their lively hope in his benignity. 19 To fave our fouls from death by war and famine, free ; 20 Our fouls will for JEHOVAH wait ; : our help and fhield is he. 21 We truft his holy name ; fo our hearts in Him joy. 22 LORD, let thy mercy be on us, as we on Thee rely. PSALM XXXIV. A Pfilm of David, when he changed his Behaviour before Abimelech ; who drove him away, 1 TN all the feafons of my life A JEHOVAH blefs will I, And in my mouth his praifes (hall abide continually. 2 My foul (hall glory in the LORD, and praife him with my voice ; And when the humble hear of this, they greatly will rejoyce. 2 With me together, O do ye JEHOVAH magnify j And let us all herein agree, to lift his name on high. 4 In my diftrefs I fought the LORD ; and He to me gave ear, And gracioudy deliver'd me from all that was my fear. 5 rne ?!i H i. e. with a fatherly Care and Watch fulnefs. P S A L M XXXIV. $$ 5 They look'd to him - 3 enlighten'd were ; no (hame did them appall : 6 This poor man cry'd ; the LORD did hear, and fave from troubles all. 7 The angels of the LORD encamp and round about them ftand, Who fear Him, to preferve them from all evil near at hand. 8 How bountiful JEHOVAH is, O tafte and lee likeWife ! t) great is that man's bleilednefs who firm on him relies ! 9 O ye JEHOVAH's holy ones, fee that ye Him revere j For there mall be no want to them who Him fincerely fear. io Young lions often fuffer want, 1 and hungry, pine for food ; But they who truly fear the LORD, (hall want no real good. [ 2 Part. ] ii O come ye children now to me, give ye attentive ear ; And I will you inftruct ho;v ye the LORD aright mall fear. 12 Who is the man that would have J life, and many days defires, That he may long enjoy the good to which his heart afpires. 13 Thy tongue from evil keep, thy lips from fpeaking guile keep thou : 14 Depart from evil and do good ; feek peace and it purfue. 15 Upon X So the Hebrew and all \he ancient Verfiom. 56 PSALM XXXV. 15 Upon the men who righteous are the LORD doth fet his eye ; And bows down his attentive ear, when e'er to Him they cry. 16 Againfl: thofe who do wickedly JEHOVAH fets his face ; That he may quite from off the earth their hateful mem'ry raze. 17 But when the righteous cry to Him, JEHOVAH hears their call ; And will deliv'rance give to them out of their troubles all. 18 To thofe who broken are in heart, the LORD is ever near ; And He will furely fave fuch as in fpirit contrite are. 19 Tho' the juft man has many griefs, the LORD from all will free : 20 And all his bones He keeps fecure, that none (ball broken be. 21 Evil (hall flay the wicked man ; and all whoever hate The righteous man, and ne'er repent, (hall fure be defolate. 22 But who JEHOVAH ferve, their fouls He freely will redeem : Nor utterly (hall any fail, who put their truft in Him. PSALM XXXV. JPfilmofDzvld. 1 T ORD ftrive with them who with me ftrivej ■■^ Againfl them fight who fight with me : % Ot fhield and buckler take thou hold j And O arife my help to be. 3 Draw PSALM XXXV. 57 3 Draw forth the fpear and (top the courfe Of my purfuers fpeedily ; And to my foul O do thou fay, " I will a faviour be to Thee." 4 With (hame (hall they confounded be, Who feek my harmlefs foul to feize ; And with difgrace be turned back, Who plot to do me injuries. 5 JEHOVAH's angel (hall them chafe As chaff before the driving wind : 6 Their way (hall dark and ilippery be, JEHOVAH's- angel drive behind ! 7 For eaufclefly within a pit They hid a net me to enfnare ; A pit which they without a caufe Did dig, and for my foul prepare. 8 But ruin on them unawares Shall corns ; and in their hidden net They fhall be caught, and ruin'd by The fnare their hand for me had kt. 9 My foul mall in the LORD rejoyce. In his falvation joyful te ; 10 And all my bones with joy (hall fing " JEHOVAH, who is like to Thee !" M Who fav'ft the poor and weak from thofe " Who for him are too great and ftrong ; " The poor and needy one from thofe " Who him opprefs with fpoil and wrong !" [ 2 Part. ] ir Falfe witneffes arofe ; and things I never knew, to me they laid * 12 1 o fpoil my foul, ungratefully they evil for my good repaid. i3 6ut 58 PSALM XXXV. 13 But as for me, when they were lick; I put on fackdoth, and I-mourn'd ; My foul with fatting griev'd ; my pray'r Within my bofom oft return'd. 14 As for my friend or brother dear j So tenderly behave did I ; As for a dying mother wept, And I bow'd downward heavily. 15 Yet they in my diftrefs rejoyce, And they agsintt me gathered are ; The bafeft meet unknown to me, And never ceafe my name to tear. * 16 With fcoffing hypocrites at feafts, Who get their bread with flatteries 5 They gnafh againft me with their teeth, and iland'rous jells on me devife. 17 O Lord how long wilt thou look on ? From their deftruclion refcue me ! My precious foul make hafte to fave, My deareft from young lions jree ! 18 So I to Thee will render thanks Within the congregation great ; And 1 will celebrate thy praife, Where multitudes to worihip meet. [ 3 P"t. ] 19 O let them not o'er me rejoyce, Who are my wrongful enemies ; Nor thofe who hate me caufelefly, Deride me with their fcornful eyes. 20 For they, nor fpeak, nor aim for peace j But they the words of fraud contrive, Againft thofe people in .the land Who love in quietnefs to live. 21 Yea 21 22 PSALM XXXVI. 59 Yea they with open mouths on me Laiigh out and 'fay, « Our eye it faw !" LORD,Thou haft ieen : hold not thy peace : Lord do not far from me withdraw. 23 O to my judgment and my caufe My God, my Lord; awake and rife : 2± LORD judge me in thy righteoufnefs, My God, left they o'er me rejoyce. 2 c O never let their hearts exult, " Ha ! ha 1 our fouls defire have we i Nor ever fuffer them to boaft, That they have wholly fwallow'd me. 2 6 Confounded and alham'd (hall be All thofe who at my hurt are glad ; And thofe who now againft me boaft, With (hame and with difgrace be clad. 27 Let thofe who love my righteous caufe, Reioyce and fhout ; and never ceafe To fay, " The LORD be magmfy'd, « Who loves to fee his fervants peace." 28 And fo, 'to fhout thy righteoufnefs, Shall be th' employment of my tongue And thy high praifes to fet forth, From day to day, and all day long. J PSALM XXXVI. APfahn of David, the Servant of the Lord. 1 fpHe trefpafs of the wicked man A fo plain and open lies ; My heart concludes, the fear of GOD is not before his eyes. 2 For in his o,vn deceitful view felf-natteries abound ; Till his iniquity breaks out, and odious is found. 3 l llc % TteHtbrew comprehends all this Line. 60 PSALM XXXVI. 3 The words that iflue from his mouth, are vain and guileful too ; He quite hath ceafed to be wife, and any good to do. 4 Yea, when he lies upon his bed, he mifchief meditates ; He fets himfelf in no good way, nor any evil hates. [ 2 Part. ] 5 Thy mercy O JEHOVAH is within * the heav'ns on high ; Thy faithfulnefs does alfo reach above the cloudy (ky. 6 Like mountains great % thy righteoufnefs ! thy judgments a great deep ! Both man and beaft, Thou kindly LORD doft condefcend to keep. % 7 O GOD, thy loving-kindnefs is of wondrous excellence : Therefore in fhadow of thy wings, men's fons put confidence. 8 Ev'n of the fatnefs of thy houfe, they to the full (hall take ; And of the ftream of thy delights, to drink Thou wilt them make. 9 Becaufe the flowing fpring of life, ever abides in thee -, And in thy light, the light of grace and glory we (hall fee. 10 O ftretch thy loving-kindnefs forth to all who Thee do know ; And to all thofe of upright heart thy righteoufnefs dill (how. n O % The Hebrew may be render'd either the Mount aim of God, or the great Mountains. % The Hebrew figni/ics— freferve and keep.^ PSALM XXXVII. 61 1 1 O fufter not the foot of pride to make approach to me ; Nor by the hand of wicked men let me removed be. 12 Lo There they all are fallen down, who work iniquities ; Down are they caft, and never (hall be able to arife. PSALM XXXVII. A PJalm */David. 1 Tj^Ret not thy felf at wicked men, * for their profperity j Nor be thou envious at the men, who work iniquity. 2 For like the grafs that flourifhed, cut quickly down are they ; And like the green and tender herb, fhall wither foon away. 3 Upon JEHOVAH put thy truft, and be thou doing good ; So (halt thou dwell within the land, and truth || (hall be thy food. 4 See that thou fet thy heart's delight chiefly upon the LORD ; Then the juft wi(hes of thy heart to thee He will afford. 5 Upon the LORD devolve * thy way, by faith on Him depend ; And He will bring thy good defigns to a moll happy end. 6 Yea, like the mining iight will he thy righteoufnefs difplay ; And He thy judgment will bring forth clear-mining as noon-day. 7 Reft (j In the Hebrew tis — Feed en Truth , i. e. not thy ovun t nor theTruth ofMen,b\it ofv'OD. /)*«/. viii, 3. MtfMv.4. Ste Mont anus, dnjenarius, Bupctorf^ Schindler,Bytbner, 62 PSALM XXXVII. 7 Reft on the LORD, and patiently wait for Him ; fret not thou At him who profpers in his way in ill devices now. 8 All wrath relinquifh * utterly ; ceafe from rafh anger too : In no wife fret thy k\f 9 to move thee any ill to do. 9 For, thofe who evil doers are, fhall be cut off and fall ; But thofe who on JEHOVAH wait the earth inherit fhall. 10 For, yet a little while, and here the wicked fhall not be. Yea thou (halt look and view his place,, but him thou (halt not fee. 11 Whereas the meek and humble lhall the earth as heirs poffefs ; And thankfully delight themfelves in plenteou|nefs of peace. [ 2 Part. ] 12 The wicked plot againft the juft : they gnafh their teeth and foam ; 13 But them the Lord derides, and fees their fatal day will come. 14 The wicked forth their fword have drawn, and bent their bow have they ; To call: the poor and needy dow r n, and upright men to flay. if 5 But their ownfwords into their hearts fhall enter fuddenly ; Their bows which they have bent fhall all in pieces broken be. 16 The * So ihe Hebrew) Septvagint, and ancient Latin. P S A L M XXXVII. 63 16 The little that a righteous man enjoys, is better far, Than when to many wicked join'd their ftores of riches are. 17 For of ungodly men the arms mall wholly broken be ; But thofe who righteous are, the LORD will hold up carefully. 18 The LORD, the days of upright men exactly knows ; and fure Their promifed inheritance for ever mall endure. 19 In dangerous and evil times, from ihame they (hall be free ; And when the days of famine come, they fatisfy'd mail be. 20 But wicked men (hall perifh foon ; and who the LORD provoke, Shall like the fat of lambs confume, and vanifh into fmoke. [ 3 Part. ] 21 The man ungodly borrows much, and takes no care to pay ; Whereas the juft man mercy (hews, and freely gives away. 22 For fuch as biefled are by Him, |j the earth inherit fhall : But thofe who by Him curfed are, (hall be cut off and fall. 23 The fteps of good men by the LORD are ordered aright ; And in their good and righteous way, He takes a great delight. 24 Altho 8 I I. e, by the Lord, w, i 8—20. <5 4 PSALM KXXVII. 24 Altho' they fall, yet (hall they not be caft down utterly ; Becaufe JEHOVAH with his hand upholds them carefully. 25 Nor in my youth, nor in my age, ev'n to my hoary head ; Nor have I leen the juft forfook, nor their feed begging bread. || 26 He fhews his mercy ev'ry day, and lends to thofe who need ; And bleftings he behind him leaves, to all his godly feed. 27 Wherefore from evil far depart ; do good ; and then befure, Thou (halt have fuch a dwelling place as ever (hail endure. 28 Becaufe the LOR.D doth judgment love, his faints foriakes not He ; Kept ever are they ; but cut off, the finner's race (hall be. 29 The juft inherit fnall the land, and ever therein dwell. 30 The juft man's mouth does wifdom fpeak ; his tongue right judgment tell. 31 His God's pure law is in his heart ; none of his fteps (hall ftray. 32 The wicked watches for the juft, and feeks for him, to (lay. 33 But yet JEHOVAH will not leave, the juft man in his hands j Nor will the righteous man condemn, when He in judgment ftands. [ 4 Part-] I i. e. It was Then (0 rare in I/rael, that David in aU his Time had never feen it. PSALM XXXVII. 6s [ 4 Pert. ] 34 Wait on the LORD, and keep his way ; and Thee exalt will He, Th' earth || to inherit, when cut off the wicked thou flialt fee. 35 The wicked man I have beheld in dreadful pow'r and pride ; Ev'n like a laurel * flourifhing* and fpreading far and wide. 36 Nevertheiefs he pafs'd away, and, lo he quite was gone ; I fearched for him, but could find no glimpfe of fuch a one. 37 But mark the perfect, and obferve the man of uprightnefs ; And thou (halt fee, that of this man the latter end is peace. 38 Whereas thofe who tranfgreflbrs are 9 together perifh (hall ; To be cut off (hall be the end of men ungodly all. 39 But the falvation of the juft does 'from JEHOVAH come ; And he's their ftrength to whom they look in times mod troublefome. 40 Yea help and free them will the LORD j he will defend the juft From wicked men ; He will them fave, becaufe in Him they truft. F PSAL, I By Earth may pofiibly here be meant the New Earth after theConflagration of This ; I/ai.\xv,\xv\.Ma/. iv, 2 Pet. iii. &c, when this Vfalm and many ethers mav be ultimately and glorigufly fulfilled. 66 P S A L M XXXVIH. PSALM XXXVIII. A Pfihuf David, to bring to Remembrance* 1 T ORD m thy wrath rebuke me not, " Nor in thine anger me chaitife : 2 For nVd in me thine arrows are, And fore th»ne hand upon me lies. 3 No foundnefs is there m my fkfh, Becauie thy wrath on me doth, lie h Nor in my bones is any reit, Becaufe or" mine iniquity. 4 Becaufe my many trefpalTes Pafs'd o'er my head and palling are ; And as a mighty burden, they Too heavy prefs for me to bear. 5 My wounds are noifome and corrupt $ My fooiifhnefs has made them fo : 6 I'm bent and greatly bowed down., I ah day long a mourning go. j Fill'd are my lo.ns with loathfom forcs^ And in my fkJh. is no found part : 8 I weak and lorely broken am, I roar in anguilh of my hearts [ 2 Part. ] 9 Lord, with Thee is my whole defire, My groaning is not hid from Thee : 10 My heart pants hard, my itrength all fails,, And mine eve fight is gone from me. 11 My lovers and familiar friends Stand far off from my noifome fore : My neighbours and my kindred dear Aloof (land, nor come near me more. 12 Yea they who feek my life, lay fnares ; And they who with to do me wrong, Speak mifchief, and their hearts devife Deceits againlt me all day long. 13 But PSALM XXXIX. 07 13 But I, as deaf, feem'd not to bear ; And filent, as one dumb was I ; 14 Was like a man * that did not hear, And in whofe mouth is no reply. 15 For LORD, my hope againft my foes, Is fixed wholly upon Thee ; And Thou, O Lord my God, I truft Wilt kindly hear and anfwer me. 16 O hear Thoujne faid I, leaft they Should triumph over me with pride ; Themfelves againft me magnify, When they mall fee my feet to Aide. 17 For I am ready now to halt, Thro' grief continually with me ; 18 Wherefore my faults I will declare, And for my (ins will grieved be. 19 But lively are mine enemies, Their pow'r moft formidably grows ; They multiply with great encreafe, Who are without a caufe my foes. 20 Yea thofe who ill for good return, Are to me deadly enemies ; And thus malicious are, becaufe I what is s;ood purfue and prize. JEHOVAH, O forfake me not ! My God, be not far off from me ! 22 O Lard, who my falvation art, Make hafte to help and fet me free ! PSALM XXXIX. APfahncf David, 1 T Said, I to my ways will look, X left I fin with my tongue ; With curb I'll keep my mouth while I the wicked am among. F % PSALM XL. -ty 12 LORD hear my pray'r, regard my tears, give ear to my loud cry : For as my fathers all, with Thee, a fojourner am I. 13 O fpare me for a little fpace, and ftrength to me reftore, Before, by death, from hence I go ? and fhall be here no more. P S A L M XL. A PJalm of David, 1 Yylth expe&ation from the LORD, * v I waited patiently ; And He inclin'd to pity me, and heard my humble cry. He brought me from the dreadful pit 9 and from the miry clay ; And on a rock he fet my feet ; eftablifhed my way : ' 3 A new fong put He in my mouth, to praife our God on high ; 'Which many (hall behold, and fear 5 and on the LORD rely. 4. O greatly blefted are the men, who in the LORD confide ; Who value not the proud, nor fuch, as turn to lies afide. * [ 2 Part. ] 5 O LORD my God, how many are, the wonders thou haft wrought ; What multitudes of kindneues, towards us haft thou thought. Their fum, in order, never can be reckon'd up to thee : If I would count them they are more, than e'er can number'd be. P 3 7 Thou 70 P S A L M XL, 7 Thou doft no facrifice of beafts nor ofPring now defire ; Sin ofFrings thou required not, nor ofFrings made by fire : 8 But mine ear pierceft : * then faid I 5 ' Lo now I come to Thee ; 4 As in the volume of thy book 1 'tis written thus of me ;' * c To do thy will, is my delight, " O Thou my God who art \